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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CH/.°t No, 2) 1.0 I.I m 2.8 3.2 3,6 ^ III If m I. u 2.5 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ A PPLIED IKV1GE Inc =2 165,1 East Main Street r^ Rochester, Ne* York 14609 USA = (716) 'iB2 - 0300 - Phone == i716) 288 - 5989 - Fax .f . .t. jftrst iiiMtiOrt 1898 3anuarv 29tb jfeDruarv 5th 9 In '^ I Hit 5Loan Eibibition TORONTO CENTRA! VOUNO MENS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION BUILDINa r,ulvr the „us/,i,rs „f the Women s Auxiliarv oj he Y.M.C.A. FROM SATURDAY, JANUARY aoth TO SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 5«h. INCLUSIVE "GliiOcr tbe p?;tronaflc ot : ;iiul .Miss ih1 l.;iil\ '^"' ^Mow.,.^'""'"' '•''■"""■"" I'' ^'••'•'H>r of Ontarl... Slrtloor^e A. Klrkp.Urick .uul l..-,dv KirkpatnVk. i'''',^\';.,''- HowlanJ .„ul l.aJv Howland. i-ailv 1 honipsoii. Sir OueiiK-e \V. liiirton and I.ady Hiirloii, Sir \V. K. Merodilh and I.ady Meredith. The Monorahle Mr. Justice lioyd and Mrs. Wo. A Ihe Ili.norahle Mr. ji.stice Kose and Mr.s. Kv,se The llonorahle .Mr. J„stiec Rohertson and Mrs. I^.hertson he onorahle Mr. Justice Mac^rahon and Mrs. .MacMahon Ihe Honorable Mr. Justice Street and .Mrs. Street, riie Honorable .Mr. Justice .Meredith Hon. .\rthur S. Hardy and Mrs. Hardy. Hon. Ceo. \\. Koss and .Mrs. Koss ^^'>n. J. .M. Gibson and ..Irs. Gilwon. Hon. R. Harcourt and .\rrs. Harcourt. Hon. John Oryden and >rrs. Oryden. Hon. !•:. J. Oavis and Mrs. Havis. Wm-i. Wni. Harty. Hon. George \V. .Mian and Mrs. Allan. Hon. Georffe A. Cox and Mrs. Co.\. His Worship. Mayor Sha« and Mrs. Sha». Mr. Geortfe H. Hertram. M.l'.. and Mrs. Hertrant. Mt. E. F. Clarke, M.P., and Mrs. Clarke Mr. E. R. Osier, .M.P., and .Mrs. Osier. Professor James I.oudon and .^frs. Loudon. Chancellor O. C. S. Wallace and AFrs. Wallace. Rev. E. A. Welch and Mr.s. Welch I'r. George R. Parkin, .M.A. I.0I. Oelamere (Commanding Queen s Own Rilles). and Mrs l),I, V(\(iXV ■>ilS. I 't l.i- *""'■ ""navidson:'' ''''''" "■'""""■■""''■"^' ^«'l' Highlanders!, and .Mrs. 1^ '■a!f ' . ()/ / luui l-.\hihitiiiii. DAILY CALENDAR SATUKDAY KVENINO, JAN. aglh Pri\'atc' \iew. H to lo i).in. TiL-Uets. ^o i-cntN. lllioniia-.M.irsiiano Ori'hjslia. Ki'trtsliim'iU'' MONDAY. JAN, 31st l'>lH-n troni 10 a tii. to in | MusiiaU' truni \ tit .s p.m. .MtiTiii.iHi ti*a Iriiiii 4 to I). liI)\Miria-Marsii-aiiv> <.^ri"ht's.tra. M to uj p. 111. lUUSDAY, KEB. ist Opiii Irom III a.m. to 10 p.m. Musii-alo irom \ tit ,^ p.m. .Aftfriioim li'a trttnt | tit ti. Haiiil of Qiiivn's l,>w n RitU-.s. H to ut p.m. WEDNESUAV, FEB. and Opiii trom to .i.m. to m p.m. Miisii'.'tle iritm ^i to 5 p.m. .Vttt'rnoon li-a from 4 to ti. l.iliitnn:i-.Marsli;iiio t'iri'lu'stra. S lit 10 p.m. THURSDAY, FEB. 3rd Open Irom 1(1 a.m. to 10 p.m. .Miisii-;i!c' from i, to s p.m. .\ Itfiitoon ti'a from 4 tit 6 \'oi-aI arul Itistrtiiiii'iit.'il Pro^r'aniiiu' tVom S (o 10 p.m. FRIDAY. FEB. 4lh OpiMi from 10 .i.m. to 10 p.m. Miisit-.'ile from ,; tit .^ p.m. .\ftt*rnitoii tf.'t irom 4 tit (t n.iml of .(«th HiKlilanilcrs, « t. p.m. SATURDAY, FEB. 5th Oprn trom 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. MiisiiTiU' trom ^; to ,^ p m. .Vtternoon toa trom 4 to 6. M;ind of l\o\;il (.iriMiaiiii'rs. S to 10 p.m. ^ TICKETS : Private View, Saturday Eveninj;, Jan. apth, . 50 Cents Qeneral Admission for adults, on all other day.s, 25 " Children under 14 15 " Special Educational Ticket (in lor.ip.inus of .-s or over) 15 " Open to Colleges and Schools N. H. — 'I'hL'sc prices are iticlusi\e. I*iisili\el\ no extras fitr pro^framiiu's. refreslinients. etc. Tickets will lie on sale at the follotvinK' places of business : .\. S: .S. Nordlieimer ; tlourlav, Winter it LecminK' I W. Tvrrell iS; Co.. Hoitl<sellers : Don.ilil Hain S: Co., Booksellers; l?ain Hook & .Stationery Co. : .\. I'. W'elister ; Matliews Hros., anj l^ohcrts & Son. I,V /,,,,/;/ l:\hll<llli'ii. EXKCUnVB COMMITTEE KIlKour, Mrs. tM. Harris Miss tar.y, Mrs Ro^'cis Mrs. Frank YelKl>. Mrs. J. K. DiMulas. Mrs. \:. j. I),t;n,ini, Mrs. t.. A. '^'Z-fn-scnting .l./rn„ry lio.v.l .>l .Ir/i.fs : Mr. V. Maclill- livra\ Kiiowlcs. ULtUyMr. Harris M. Kud^fcr. Mr. O. Tower l'c-r«usson. Mr. H.u, VimkIi. an.l Mr. II H. (.■ordnn. iin. /\\ /■rru-ii/iiiir the W^iiu-n Diffiiam. li/vnory Hthxrd of Artists (."hairman. M ' " '^ " ./>-/ .Is<o,iii/ioii : Mrs. M. I'.. Mr. I''. Maillillivrav KnowU's. * i> .; 1 M.. I.' M l,(v,<on' Hoard of Art,sts ■• ,Mr,l'. ^l-"-,^" ''"/'^^''ST'm L-hairman. 'Mr. L. R. OHricn. Mr. Ucorse A. Reiil. Mi. K M IWllsmm;, ^ir. K. Wylv l.ri.r. Mr. CMManly, Mr. K. I'. Case, .Mr. I. \V. I.. Korster. Mr. Hamilton MaiLarlhv. I'UANK M. Pkait. fliiiinniry '/'n;t'inr> Kk.xnk Vkkim, Hoiioniry Si, relary. nts lor L'ss : rrell look ts& ART COLLECTION COHniTTEE Mrs. r. M. Harris, V Miss L'artv. I Mrs. J. S. l)i)<iiam Mrs. J. A. I'rotlor NIrs, Cleor^c A. Co\ .Mrs. Hci'rsi- H. lUrtram Mrs. T. K. IVasi-r joint Conveners. .Mrs. II. II. FiidKi'r Mrs. 1. \V. Klavolk' .Mrs. Itallaiilyntt Mrs. t". S. tizowski I'ailli l-'c'iitoii DECORATION COiniTTEE Mrs. Klias KogL-rs. Comciii-r Mrs. J. K. DiiiKlas Mrs. .1. R. Welling: 1)11 ^lrs. riinotln Katon ^'rs. Robert \V. Klliot Mrs. C'lforse C. Campbell Mrs. K. 0. VVilkie Mrs. II. E. Kalon Nlrs. Geo. Kenneilv Mrs. Muteli Miss Mary Roffers Nliss Kva l>imii Miss Lake REFRESHMENT COMMITTEE Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs Mrs. Cl. .\. W'X-se. Coim Walter S. Lee U. H. Williams li. E. Sbepparil Cliarles Nelsi>n James Wylie I'lieron tlibson G. W. Johnston John Maelvwen Zei^ler Mrs. John Uiiss Mrs. R. A. Donald ^Irs. Eleteher Snider Mrs. W. N. MeKaehren Mrs. Elias Clouse .\Iiss Kilbourne Aliss Kilpatriek Miss Walton Miss Tasker >Iiss Ozowski PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Mrs. E. J. niRniim, Convener Mrs. J. Nlurrav Hamilton Mrs. Wm. Campbell Mrs lohn Sleek- Mrs. V. MaeGillivray l<iu>\v' Mrs. Win. Revell Mrs. Wm. H. West PRINTING AND ADVERTISING .M,s. 1". M. Pratt .Mrs. I'raiikVeiKb. Convener .Mrs. W lUoiiifliby (.ummin^fs I in/ /// /.-.//; I; \hi/':l;'ii. CONTENTS Of ROOHS OKOUND PLUOR h'.nlraiHC Curr'hlor.-ValwW'm^s. S.iilptuu- ami l-lonil IKvoralloii^. I.owi-r J/iill. - Kxhihition of l*.iiiilin«> FIRST PLUOH /•^r/ur. Aitth/uc N.n.iii KurnisluJ In M. .\l. \ \. JiMkins of 4i.'-4J4 VoMKi' M.. with OnVnlal, Kll/abfllian, OUI Kmpiri'. CliippciKlaK-. I.oiils X\l., Slicralon, llippliwailc, Old Adaiiis, am! colonial ami habitant fiiriiitiirc, tahlos, iliairs, sofiis, cnbiiic-tN. seLTctarifs, mirrors, ftc, toKi-thcr with \ascs, broii/cs, iloiks. innili'labra, old armor and arms, harpsichords, cic. Kxhibition of I'aintinjfs. Miisii- A'»»w, Kxhibitidn of Old China, etc , viz. : How, I hclsca. Chclsca-Di-rhy. Derby, Hiistol, Wed^fwood, Sc\rcs, Uussinii. etc. Miniat>iri-s. fans, objects ot art in Cloisoinnc enamel, etc. kciulini; h'ouiii. ///, C\ui(iili,iii h'vuw. - Canadian historical pictures. Kxhibition of Canadian historical and Indian ctirios. early Canadian papers and docunienl.s, etc. h'c.f'Hiiii f 'i;/;/. — Pnrtr.iils and curios. Tapestries. cflii'ii C'llir/.' Te;i Kov*ni. ipanese /•'".;/</ A''ww. — ICxhihition of artists' proofs, enjfravinjfs. etchinjfs. and water colors. Glass cases tilled with Indian. Chinese. Japanese. Fffyptian and other ( uare and curios. Eiist I '.trior. Kxhibits ot ilip Women s Art Associ.ilion of Canada, I'.xhihit ot the Canadian Historical and Con\meniorati\e Dinner .Set ot seventeiri dozen pieces, no two alike ; the work beintr done by members ot the .\ssociation. The decorations are land- scapes, commemorative i>f noted historical events and places in the early history of Canada. C.inadian fisb. >f;ime. sons blnls : Can.ullan wild tlowors. ferns, fruit, etc. Exhibits of Ceramic .\rt, Oil l',iinliiif^s, W.iter (. .^lors, llUislra- lions. Poster .\rt, etc, SECOND FLOOR RiHJiii \ii. .,\ Kxhibition of .\mateur Hhotosraphv. Commi rrhi-: IN CilAKtiK : \V. H. Varley. W". 11. .Moss, llariv 1. tilover. /\',H'i>i .Wo. /. Dep.irlmerit of .American llluslralvirs. Kiftv cbarm- iiiK specimens of black and white work by the leadintf American illustrators, viz.: K. A. Abbey, Robert Mlum. Charles Dana Gibson. A. H. 1-rost. |{. West Clinedinst. Will II. Low. .Maud Cowles, Frank Fowler. W. Hamilton Gibson. Albert Lyitch. Howard Pyle. Frank O. .Small. \V. T. Smedlev . Alice IJarber Stephens. T, de Thuiistrup, C. I), Weldon. W. L. Taylor. ,ind Irvinjc R. Wiles. Mounted on lar^e hristol boaril. suitable for IVaminK. For sale at prices rauffinx from 40 to -,=, cents each, to be delivered at close of Exhibition. Leave orders at olViec. I Mrs. Mrs, Mrs. .Miss .Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. .Mrs. .Mrs. Mrs. Mr. .\ ■Mrs. .Mrs. .Mrs. .Mr. V Hon. Won. Mr. J Dr. 1' .Mr. L .Mr. I, .Mr. I Hon. Mr. I .Mr. .1 .Mr. {• Mr. \i Rev. Mr. 1 Mr. J Mr. i; Sir C; 'J^ '-A'iiJi.'i^fSH^f*..^^'-. "'i' lit/ ,'aii /•'( liihili '11 NAMES OF LENDbK.S OF MICTUHES: Mrs. S. i;. Hciitt> Mrs. Will. Djivii's Mrs. rimoth\ Kaimi .Miss Fitit^ililiiin .Mrs. I.. .M. I.|viii){sto .Mrs, .MorrtiH' Mrs. (Dr.) I'.ilmi.r Mrs, J, \. I'r.Klcr .Mrs. rnJliiiiitiT Mrs. James W'ylic Mr. .A.J. Somernlle Mrs. J. .\. .\lc.\iKlrctt .Mrs. II. II. Iliiniplircx .'IIS. II. II. iiunipnrcv .Mrs. J. I. Dciiison .Mr. \v. H. Hriil){iiiinn-Siinpsi.ii Hon. i;. \V. .Allan siilt' lion, S. II. Hl.iku .Mr. J. T. M. U,„M Dr. I'riie Hr.nvii .Mr. Cliarli's HuriKn .Mr. K K. HnrK'tss Mr. Donald llain lion. {.',. A. (.\>\ .Mr. Tlios. S. Cole .Mr. J. K. Cart\vri«li( .Mr. Hort D.nis Mr. K. V. Kills Ki'v. K. 1'. I-ov .Mr. II. II. I'lid^vr Mr. J. \V. I'lavelle .Mr. U. Towi'r I'crtfiisson .Sir Casiniir Ci/o\vski Mr. C. S. ll/ousUi. jr. .Mr. Ilarol.l \aii lUr I.imle .Mr. I.IomI Harris ^tr. .S. H. jams .Mr. !•;. I'. U. lohusion •Mr. W. U. Jolinslon •Mr. J K. Krrr Mr. Waltc, .S. ■Mr. W, i:. H. .\lassi> Mr. .\iiKiisiiis .Mmts ,Mi, Cliarlis Nelson Mr, llinr\ Ollara .Mr. .\. K. I'lnnimiT Mr. J. U l'crr\ .Mr. John l'a\ ne Hon. .\. .M. Uoss .Mr. John Koss Roherlson .Mr, (V F, Ui.v .Messrs, Kolurls iV .Son .Mr. tu'or^o I'-. Scars .Mr. James Spiumer .Mr. .\. I. Sonierville .Mr. I), i;. Thomson K'e\. \V. II. Withr.nv .Mr. J. \V. S. Williams .Mr. li. i:. Walker Mr. RliharJ Wiikens .Mr. .\ H Vonntf .Mr. U. II. HiirK-ess .Mr .A. H. MeCai.l Col. Swenv .Mr. Henry Oll.ira I NAMES OF LENDERS OF CHINA, BRONZES STATUARY, LACE, FANS, TAPESTRIES, CURIOS, ETC.: Her E.xielleney, the ConiUess of .\l>erileen .Mrs. Huikler Mrs. \\. Mcirlimer Cl.irk Mrs. .M. K. Dit^nani Mrs. Kohert W. I';ili,,l Mrs. James I'raser .Miss l'"it/.^ihbon Mrs. Wm. Clarside .Mrs. I. ti. Gihson -Mrs. "Ilald.ine Mrs. Ilemsieil Mrs. J. Mnrr.iv Hamilton Mrs K. I.eixh' Mrs. Lantfilon Mrs. J. K. Maeiionakl .Mrs. James .\. I'roetoi Mrs. Matthew RiJJell .Mrs. John Ross Mrs. Thos. Robinson Mrs. John Steel l.atl\ Thonipsim Mrs. Thomas riumipson .Mrs. James Wylie Mrs. Wells ' .Mrs. West .Mrs. Klet^-her Sniiler .Mrs. M. I'orsyth Cram .Miss Ivilpatriek .Mr. Ceor^^e .Andersiin Sir Ceorj^fe W. liiirlon Hon. S. II. Hlake -Mr. W. Bo^art Dr. Houlthee Mr. Allan Cassels Mr. Thos. S. Cole Dr. Cook. (1.21H ^'on)J:e Si.) Rev. Dr. Caven Mr. John Couinlock Mr. Klmes Henilerson Rev. lilmore Harris .Mr. S. H. lanes Mr. W. K.n. M.ssey Re\. Norman L. Rnssell Re\". Prot. Robinson .Mr. Sheril> Widililield Mr. e;. .A. Weese Mr. Wm v.. Wcllitiffton .Mr. Krank Veitfh .Mr. A. Millard Sir \V, P. Howland Koy McEacbran ■m!mmmii^^>w*mmmi < I *331' .//■/ f.iuiii r.xhil'itiiiii. MEMBERS OF ONTARIO SOCIETY OP ARTISTS WHO ARE LENDING PICTURES: i;. M.iy M.irllii G. I'!. iS|iiirr Mr. V. .M. IKll-Smill. ■ \y. I), m.itclily ti. UruiU'v li ■■ !•'. S. Ch,illi'ii>.r •• W. Cults • J. W. 1.. l-orslir ■ K. V. ll.-ifji-ii ■ K. Wvlv liriir 1'. MatC". KiunvU" •■ j. I). Krll.v Mr. C. M. Miinlv •' II. Martin " T. Minvcr Marlln ■• \V. Matthows •• L. v.. OUrliii • Will. Kivcll •■ G. A. Kcid ■• J. T. Kolph " \V. A. Sherwooil " O. r. Staples " Hamilton MaiL'artIr ^ THE MUSICAL PROCiRAMMES \\'\\\ liL' I'l'iiliilnitutl toby tlic tallin\ing k'.iJiiitc musical tir^ani- zations anil artists : Tlic L'Mi\LMsity lianjo, Guitar .uul .M.uulolin C'liih. niiiler U'aJcrsliip of Mr. ti. F. SnicMey. '1 lit- Ilariiiony .Mandolin and Quartettf, umiIlt K-adi'rsliip of Mr. ii. II. O/luirn. Male O'lartflte. undir IcidiMsliip y\\ Mr. .\. I,. 1-1. Davies. Mrs. Mis.s I-c lirand Uead W. IVntk-> Hall -V^^ncs l'"orbt's .Mary Waldrum Dinulas Perry Hamilton Edith Diekson Laii^iois Denovaii Hrereton FieliUiouse Wheeler Kileen Milletl Paul .Mrs. .\. Moir How Douglas " ^'oiintf Willstin Lawrenet.' Mvron Nicholson •• .Menoiisall .Miss Hlanehe Wellinf^-toii .Mr. \. M. Ciorrie " W. H. Kundle " John !•'. Uaee " Walter Sparks McLennan •• K. J. Dilworth " and Mrs. .\. 1". Jury V . 1 1. Torring'toii •S1> ,/>•/ / rilll /■.\/li/'lli"ll. EXHIBITORS IN CONNECTION WITH THE WOMAN'S ART ASSOCIATION OF CANADA The Historical and Commemorative Dinner Set .Miss Hiilliraitli. Hamilton Jiickl, Hamilton •■ P. Watson, (.lalt .MvL'liin>i-, St. Cathiirlrifs Kf<an. llalitax Kelly, \'.irmoiitli, \.S. M. Ir\ iiu', Toronto Miss l.o^can, Toronli .\ilanis Koborts IIarrisi>n J. Hcrtrani " Mrs. I'loctor Miss I.otjari, Toronto •' .\rchibald, Halifax Harrison, Toronto I'roctor " tiood " Exiiibitors in Ceramics M ** illianis, .\Jams Lennox .Mrs. Hoiiltbee " Stubbs Torotito lership ship of Paintings : My .Mrs. Julia Dillon, New \ork H.\ Miss Hoaxen, Toronto I-;. M. .Scott, C. H. C'o'van, Hnnlaiul " !•;. Collin, " M. 1'^. i)i}^nani .Miss Kla Mitc-bell.Califorin'a JudJ, Hamilton tialbrailb " Windeat, Toronto •• B. Williams. " Denison, " (.lornilex , I'itZfferald, IC. J. Henisletl.'Torvmto " .Miss .Ann.a Ciornile>", CI. l'^. Spiirr, Kn^land •• •• M. Mary McConnell, Toronto Carter, 'I\>ri>nto Loaned In Dr. Lehniann Mrs. H. H. HiMiiphrey L .S. Di^narn .Mr. E. K. C. Clarkson H> Miss v.. Hemming; Miniatures : By Mrs. van der Linde Drawings for lllu.straticns : Mrs. !•:. O. ICIliot Miss tirayson Smith Miss Sprin),'-er Miss Sidlivan CO.MMITTKKS tN ClI.ARtiK : Alt Coiiniii/t,-i\ ^-M.s., Miss .M. Carv McConnell. Mrs. j. ,\. I'nvtor, Mrs. lienisted. .Mrs. I. S. Willisoii, Mrs. (I'rot.l London, Mrs. Humphrey. MissCormle\. (:<-r<iiiiir C'oiiiDiit/i-r.—'SXrs. v.m der Linde. .Mrs. MaeL.-ichl.-ui, .Miss Williams. TH^S^iSt ,/;■/ loan Rxhihiltou. "announcements an? achnowleDflementa J- Any Silk's nl' ;irlii-|fs on i\liiliitiini made iliiriiisf, or In humus of llie L-xliiliilion. will Ih' suliRi-l to tin- usual iMinmission ol trii pficv'iU. Tin- l\-a siippliL-il al llu- Japaiu-sr tia room is Kiirma, doiiali\l 1)\ thi' Daviilson iV lla>. I.lmluil. Importirs aiul packers. The I'ianois loam-il 1>> Hourla\. \\ liili-i , & l.t't-mitit;, Tlif Di'ioralions ari- loaiu-J h> llu- T. I'lalon CoTiipain . I.iniiu-.l; IIk' Rohorl Simpson L'o . lamll^'il ; anil John Kay. Son .S: l.'o. TIk' l-'loral Di-iorallons arc Irom I'linlop s. TliK s. Llraint^cr Bros., fa\ >\: Son, .\Mi:rman llallani, ;muI ollurs, tuuvans, Kent \- L'o. haM' loaned the ollina used in tliu- rolri-shmon 1 depart mciil. ^ Z\iZ I'ounci mcn'e Cbrigtian "association The VoimK .Men's (.'hristlan .\ssoeiatioii is .in ortj-ani/ation ol yoiinff men lor nuitiial helplnlness. It sl.iiuls for a robust liodv. a eiiltiv.ited miml. and a Clirisllan eh.araeter I'or the yoniiK men ot onr city. Ii is not a charity Init a philanthropy. It has the same basis of appeal for the financial and active sympathy of Toronto's citizens as its churches and universities. It specially needs their co- operation at this lime. Its m/inaKemenl is in the hands ol a hoa'd of twenty business and professional men. "ho cordially solicit an inspection of its diversified activities. I'h- \\',.man s .\u\iliarv ol the ^■.M C'..\, invite additi.^ns to their mcmhei ship .\miuai lee. Si.o". .\dditionai names and information will he g:iven iti a later edition. lie 3ro '.n -Sear.e ^^ri^tiqg Comoar- ■ " Jordan Street