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Maps, plates, charts, etc., mey be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent 6tre filmte d des taux de rMuctlon difftronts. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichA, il est filmA A partir de Tangle supirieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nteessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 The Municipal Code of the Province of Quebec and the Pu- blic Health. The Provincial Board of Health has collected in the present })amphlet all the articles of the Municipal Code which define the powers of Municipal Ct)uncils on matters connected with Public Health. These articles are given under the same num- bers and in the same order as in the Code. Art. 38(J. T\\Q Inspector of roaih mu^t^ forthwith, or at the expiration of the delay granted in cases which come under the provisions of article 389, (d) cause the removal or suppression of all obs- tructions and nuisances from the muni- cipal roads, sidewalks, ferries and brid- ges, within the limits of his jurisdiction, by the persons who have occasioned them, or in the event of their refusal or neglect, by any other person whom he authorizes so to do, at the costs of the person in default. (a) The provisions of this article do not relate to public sanitation. — 2 — Such costs are recovered in the same manner as penalties imposed by the provisions of this code, and the local corporation is answerable therefore if the person in default is without means. If the person who occasioned such obstructions or nuisancrs is unknown, they must be removed at the expense of :he corporation of the local municipality. Art. 387. The following are deemed obstructions or nuisances : Filth, dead animals, or other objects placed or left on any municipal road or bridge, or in any water course or ditch connected with such road or bridge, (a) Art, 391. Whoever causes any obstruc- tion or nuisance on any municipal road, sidewalk, ferry or bridge, or renders the use thereof difificult or dangerous, incurs for each offence, over and above the damages occasioned thereby, a penalty of not less than two or more than ten dollars. Art, 406. Ruralinspedors are bound to do whatever is required of them, in virtue of the provisions of this code, respecting (a) Every thing in this article which does not relate to sanitary matters has been omitted. IN H public nuisances, clearances, boundary ditclies or boundary fences, (a) They are also bound within the limits of the division for which they have been appointed, to perform all the other duties which are imposed upon them by the provisions of this code or by manicipal by-laws. Art. 41ii. Whenever any filth or dead animal has been deposited upon any pro- perty whatever or in a water-course, stream or river, it is the duty of the rural ins- pector of the division, within twenty-four hours after he has received a special notice, either written or verbal, so to do, to have such filth or dead animal removed by the person who deposited it. If the person who has deposited such filth or dead anir 1 is unknown, it is the duty of the rural inspector, within the same delay, to cause the same to be removed at the expense of the corpora- tion Art. 416. Whoever deposits or causes to be deposited any filth or dead animal upon any of the localities mentioned in ((j) Evf^ry thing in this article wliich does not relate to sanitary matters has been omitted. — 4- the precediilg article, incurs over and above any damages occasioned thereby^ the penalties prescribed by article 301. Power : Art. 507. To authorise the officers of the council to visit and examine all property, whether moveable or immoveable, as well as the interior or exterior of every house, building or other edifice, to ascertain whether or not the by-laws of the council are carried out. To oblige owners or occupants of such properties, buildings and edifices to receive tbe officers of the council, and to answer truly all questions which are put to them relative to the carrying out of such municipal by-laws. Art. 508. To impose for each violation of any by-law of the council, a penalty, in the shape of a fine not exceeding twenty dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding thirty days. Penalties imposed for violation of mu- nicipal by-laws cannot be inflicted by the court, unless they are fully described and set forth in the by-laws respecting them. ' ■-, *^