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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre film6s d des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est film6 A partir de Tangle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 o o CO 1 P4 1 3 ^ m 1 C2 DE«n i ^ i O c s Si ^ < CO I— ( P5 O H O t— 1 > ^ ^ o tf S For Sa P5 o a 1*^ ..*.: ' ' *<■ tut * HERDER & HALLAREN, CARPENTERS, CONTRACTORS O O IS lid O c p P5 O H O o g o o THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC, FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD [UKINC. THE LATTEU PART OK THE KOIM'Y-VOI.IMU aM) TllK TIK- GINNING OK THE KOUTV-FIFTH YILVR OK THE l.'EIGX OK HEU >rA.U:STV tiUKEX VICKHIIA,] CONTAINING (^stranmmcal* Statistical; Bmnuuvvinl^ lA0cal; and &i3neral Int'artnulian; DERIVED FROM THE MOST AUTHENTIC SOTIJCKS: Al.St), CONTAINING AX ALrUAnKTICAI. MST OP JUK TOWNS, \ LI-- LAGES ANr> SKTThKMKNTS IN THE COLONY, AVnil THE POST TOWNS AND WAY OKIICI'-S. '' PRINTED AND PU1M-I8IIED KOU THE PROl'UIETOU BY WM. J. HERDER. Fov Sale at the Book Stores and at the Odice of Publication, 218 Duckworth Street, St. John's, Newt'ounillaud. 1 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND "TELEGRAM" PRINT. 1880. > ■ 1 '>5 O X H > 73 > 5? 'A <1 W H ^^ r- > C ..jj-M-*-**"*^ * aoixoN xsaxaoHs :>ihx a,v uaaao. ox :iavw aivV :'ii ■ s ^.^i% . 1^.',. EOUE IIAOTP ACTORE ! ! CHARLES FOX ItEHrECTVuiXY acknowledges the lncreas.e of patronage for his » ^-J. IMPROVED [T ri GLYCERINE I BLAGKINCT lTl Only $1.60 per Gross — Quantities less. . /~\ . PABAFINE'^DUBBING : 8^*" Warranted Waterproof. It is not a varnish, nor will it cause the leatlrtjr to become hard or crack. Of all the known materials, none excel Paraflne as a Waterproofer — and twenty years' exposure to the atmosphere does not alter its well-known qualities. Always works as soft as a glove on leather. Dirkctions i-on Usk : — Have the boots clean and dry ; apply heat to melt the Paraflne Dubbing ; hold the boot before the Are aiid well warm the leather ; rub with a rag a very small ([uantity of the melted Paraflne Dubbing, and toast it into the leather before the Are so as to soak it in the leather, but not too hot; and whilst wtirm, wipe oft" excess with a little paper; — Avill take the blacking at once. Only IG cents a pot, and one pot Avill be sufl3cicut for the season. To be had only at present of CHARLES FOX, Manufacturing Chemist, Springdale Street. FOX'S "PERFECT,", "ODOURLESS" COD-LIVER OIL I ! I No after-taste — no nausea! E(iual to the flnest Salad oil; very cleanly prepared; " Unrivalled." Sold in bottles at 2s. Qd. at D. SCLATER*Esqr.'s, 161 Water Street, And W. WATSON McNEIL & Co.'s Ncav Drug Store, 333 Water Street. ON THK PIJEMISKS OF THOMAS BURRIDGE, HOYLESTOWN, A Large Assortment of LUMBER, . Vi/ -.—CLAPBOARD, STUD- JOISTING & SHINGLES, DING, SCANTLING, Pine, Juniper and Birch Plank, SIIIl'S' KNEES & MAST PIECES, WHARF SHORES, &c. Also,— Plaster Paris, Plastering Hair and Laths, Bricks, Slates (assorted sizes"). >-^.K4.*- ■ -^t^Mv-'**-'- N [HKrl For THE NEWFOOILAI ALMANAC FOR THE YEAli OF (.)UK LOKD 1881^ [HKrN-o TUP. r,ATri-,K r.MjT or tiik roin Y-Fouunr and Tiir, hk- GIN\rN(f or TIIK FOnTY-FIinjI YKAr* 01' TltK IIKIGN OK IlKll JtA.IKSTV (ilKKX VICTOr.IA,] CONTAINING DiaUVEI) FROM THE MOST AUTHENTIC SOURCES: ALSO, CONTAINING AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE TOWNS, VIL- LAGEfS AND SETTLEMEN 1 S IN THE COLONY, WITH THE TOST TOWNS AN1> WAY" OFFICES. I'KINTED AND PUHLISHED KOli THE PROPRIETOR BY WM. J. HERDER. For Sale at the Book Stores and at the OfHce of PubUcation, 218 Duckworth Street, St. .Tohu's, Newfouudhuul. ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND "TELEGIiAM"' PHINT. 1880. ilil THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 3 Contents. Advei'tisoniouts i — xxiv Alpliabetical List ol'Towiis, Villages and Settlements 43 — 53 Appendix 88 Board of Works I)ei)ai'tment -'7 Hoards ol" Ivoad Coniiiiissioners, (Outports) 27 IJoards oI' IleaUii an I— (11 Lunatic Asylum [VA Lii,']it Dues 02 Latituds and Lonjiitudc of i)l!ices on tlic Coast of New- fouudlaud (] Medical Officer for Sick Scanion GS Newfoundland Methodist Academy (ID Notaries Public <;:, Newspapers pul)lish('d in the Colony 7!) Post Office Department .'W Parcel Post ;{(; Postal lioutes M Post Masters ;J;J Post Olllce Directory II Way Officers ;{4 "Way Offices (2 Inland Postai^i- ;{6 Money Orders 117 Kates of Postage 35 Registration 87 Poor Con\missioner 25 Public Officers, (Departmental) 25 Poor House 33 Queen's Printer 68 Royal Family of Great Britain •. . . . 21 Bcver.uc Departmojit 25 Board of Kevcnuc 25 Kevenuc Establishment 25 Otitport Sub-Collectors 25 Preventive Officers 2() Customs' Departinent 2('> Treasury Department , 2(5 Road Commissioners 27 Railway Commissioners 25 Surveyor General's Dcpartnioiiv 2(5 Superintendent of Mercantile Marine 20 St. John's Hospital 33 St. John's Poor House 33 St. John's Lunatic Asylum 33 Stipendiary Magistrates 65 St. John's Academy 08 Taritt'. 79 Vice-Admiralty Court 05 Weather Tabic , 7 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAO. 24 82 «:t •x\ (IH Od (M — Ha 2;'. r.l— (11 o*t 02 Xcw- (1 GS (l!) (;:> 7!) <>i) 'Mi 34 a;) H ;54 42 ;i6 ;!7 35 37 2.-) 25 33 68 21 25 25 25 25 2() 2(1 2(! 27 25 20 20 83 33 33 06 08 79 05 7 c • • ■ ■ Eclipses, 1881. Til tlic yoar ISfil, ilitrc will lie two Kcliiisos of tlif Sin ami two of llio Moon, hu(1 11 Ininslt of Mci-cnry iutosh tlic Sun's illsc. I.— A parti.il Kdipso of he Sun, May 27tli, iHMl, Invisible at Orct'iiwicli. Bt'iiiiKs on tlic E.irlli uciicrnlly, May 27. f'li. 45^. 2s., Mcftn Timu nt Grocnwicli, In I/tii!,Mtu(l<' li»P 2r"l':. of Grci'invicli, uud Lati- liidfnito HI ix. Groiitosi Klipsc, May 27, llli. 4sni. Hx., Ma^. (Sun's diam. = 1) 0-740. in r.onyitiiilc 1:5° 12' K. ofrjivcnwlrli, and LalilU(leO«'= I'.C N. Ends on tlie Eai'tli ^^^'iicrallv, Mav 27, I3]i. 61in. (».s., iu Longi- tude \n° ;Vt' W. of (Irc'.Miwicli, and Lalitnde 4r;<5 21' N. TI.— A Total Eclipse of tlic Moon, June Jl, IbHl, iuvLsiblc Orecnwicli. h. ni. s. First contact witli tlio Ponnmbra, June 11, 10 14 8" at 10 I". First- contact witli the Shadow.. ■Bcfjiniiinu- of Total Thasc Middle of tiic Eclii)sc End of Total Phase Last cont.act Avitli tli(> Snailow... Last contact with the Penumbra. At tiies(! times respectively, tlio Moon Avill l)e in tlio Zoulth at the places wliose positions are, o a u 18 1,". i, 18 .53 4 1!) 3:5 ;{ 20 iiO 1 21 IVJ 1 n / L ong tude 05 78 03 103 113 128 141 20 .53 55 30 2 4 27 w. 7 W. of Greenwich. 3 2 2 1 s. s. Latitude 23 83 83 83 23 23 69 82 58 III. — An Annular Eclipse of the Sun, Novem1)er 21, 1881, iuvisi- l)le at Greenwich. PiOfi-ins on the Earth Generally, Nov. 21, 21i. 12m. 8s., Moan Time at Groeiiwicii, in Loiiiiitnde 1,")7° 10' W. of Grecnwicli, and Latitude 2(]° tO' S. Central Eclii)se bei,'ins iionerailv, Nov. 21, 31i. 42m. 2s., in Lou- gitude 170° 35' W. of Greenwich, "and Latitude 51° 64' S. Centr.al Eclipse at Noon. Nov. 21, 4h. 42m. 3s., iu Longitude 74*^ 2' W. of Greenwich, and Latitude 84° 24' S. Central Eclipse ends ijenerally, Nov. 21, 51i. 19m. 3s., iu Longi- tude 50° 20' E. of Greenwich, and Latitude 02° 17' S, Ends on tlie Eartli licnerallv, Nov. 21, Oh. 48m. 7s., in Longitude 1° 32' E. of Greenwich, .and Latitude 30° 5' S. IV.— A Partial Eclipse of the Moon, December 6, 1881, partly visible at Greenwich. h. m. s. First contact witli the Penumbra, Dec. 6, First contact witli tiie Shadow. . . " Middle of the Eclipse " Last contact with tlie Sliadow... " Last contact witli the IVnumbra. " At these times respectively, tlie Moon will be In the Zeiiith the places whose positions are, 2 10 01 3 27 6 8 3 49 8 s til at mv Longitude 142 14 E 124 50 too 42 70 25 59 9 L Transit of Mercui isible at Greenwicl - of Greenwich. Latitude 82 7 N. 22 8 23 10 22 11 82 12 N. across the Sun's disc, November 7, 1881, m THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Latitude and Longitudt of plaoes on tli9 Ooast of HewfoimdlA&d. Lat. N. Cupellay Ciipe St. Gporgo Cow Ht'iul Polut niclile Point FtM'ollo Cape Nonimu Qulrpon IhIiuuI — ('upi> IJuiild OroalH Island-— North I'oint Cunada Hi'iid Cape St. John— Nortli Bill TwiUingivte Harbor— llarljor Hock. Cape Fojjo Ott'or Wadlmni Funk Inland Cape Frc('ls--.Soutli IMll Ort'onspond Islaml Otter Goo.st'borry Island Cape lionavlsla — (Jull Island Catalina Harbor— North Ilcail Ilorsechops Trinity Harbor — entrance Bonaventure Head Uaccalieu Island— North Point. . . . Cape St. Francis Cape Spear , Cape Broyle— Nortli I'oint Cape Bollard Cape Hace Virgin Hocks Cape Tine Cape St. Mary riacentiii Harbor Mortier Hocks — ni»d Cape Chapeaurougo Point May St. Peter's Ishuid Light House. . . . . Cape Miquelon ■ 47 48 49 .10 r>] ni r.i r>o r>o 49 49 41> 49 i;» l!» 4! I IS IS 4s •IS ■IH IS 4s 4 7 47 17 \l] 4(; ii; 4(i 4(; 47 47 40 40 4(1 47 'M fi.'i 41 I ;57 ;tK 59 41 r.9 .".9 40 37 11 IS .">S 4:.' I'l 21 i(i '.) 4s liU • > 4(; ;!'.) 2(; ;)7 49 IT) 2 .VI .-.4 4(J 8 ;{ 12 :u) 9 ;jo" 28 ;;o 40 30 ;;() 10 LfS :to :!o ;!U 4 it. I .">2 4(; H • >>» 14 2.") 11 19 52 11 Long. W. o / II 69 17 3 59 14 26 67 51 67 24 67 6 65 48 65 ao 56 27 5« 2 66 25 54 41 20 58 54 r,\'> 40 5;! 7 r,.i 24 53 31 .•.3 27 IG 47 20 59 20 .)_ .•)3 53 53 ii 30 8 10 60 1« 10 52 44 4f) .-.2 43 41 52 33 30 .".2 47 27 .-.2 63 .12 59 ."iU 5(1 53 54 53 54 30 8 20 10 35 4.1 3 5.1 20 ;!0 55 59 5(; 8 44 5(; 19 30 True, Latitude of Cluivch Hill 47° 34' North. Longitude ( West of Grccnwicli) 52° 42' West. Varittign of tliQ Compass .'52° 30' and in- creasing scccn .ieconds annually. NoTK. — Tlie Tide Tables in the Calendar pages may be rendered applicable to various other places on the coast, bj'- simply adding or subtraetiug, as the case nniy b(!, the ditferencc between the times of High Water on the full and change of the Moon at St. John's, and the time of the Full Tide at any other harbor; for ex- ample, to find the time of High Abator at any of the principal har- bors ol Couflpptiou Bay, add 45 minutes to the time at which it will be Higli Water at St. John's ; for Placentia Bay add 2 hours ; for St. Peter's, Ih. 50m. ; for FeroUe, on the North-west Coast, 4 hourii, Ac— See Table LVII. of Norie's Epitome. Soa9t o( Long. W. 1 II 60 17 2 5 ALMyVNAC A TM9 For tt'llimj the Wcathrr thmvijh nH the LiDuUiona of each Year, fui' ever. This tul)h» Is the result (»r many years' actual observation; tho till! wiiolo l)('lu;; couslructi'd ou a due consideration of the attrac- tion of the Sun and Moon, in their several positions respecting the Earth, and will, l)y simple ius|)eetion, show the. observer what kind of weather will most, prol)al)ly follow the entraueo of the Moon Into any of Its ipiarters, aud that so near the truth us to be sehloni or never fouiul to fail. tl as n> Q a o '^ a o § o p* ^ B « i. 2 t— i^' t:" - O p en O '/3 SB, o • \ii B H H C c*5 n o r/5 » o O t s s?* 13 O (t O t£ ^'^'^ BBC ^^ ^ •» B - S» 2 n —' 2 p p ^ •-« p P ^ 2 E o o O! 11, << B' ,- ^ ?7 !2 p p =; c r* S o -a J3"/- ft ►*. f' 2 ^ B 5 B "^ S o >-t ►-• - p A <"*■ B'B' O rt) B-i-* r+ B B"© (T O •^l B Bi« o 05 g^ = 1 c2 o J^ rt- •» r> 4- p p p p S B B B I—' H-" KS C' "JD c; B 3B B o c o o >-!>-! 1 •-« B E E E P zr w '^ -• p H. y s- :=• <75 H- 7-'B ^ ' B E E B ''T; a? gt; i7Q 2 £5 B S" 2 rt p P P B "^ O" & ^rt Hj I p rt rt- rt B rt rt _^ rt s 5b ,crt g eBE: 2 p BoT *" c" P" 32' p 2 5 to C © n w s or?' O o ^ rt rt P «-»■ w cr Q • Pw. pppp B Bo??-pB :r S!'^ ?r^Br*-ii ct- F * B ^ O O O E >-: a Wo rt p - O P tj" o 3 ® ^ 'A 7! f THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Calendar. Golden Number 1 Epact 30 Solar Cycle 11 Domluicul Letter B Kouuiii ludictiou 1) Juluiu Pcriud 6591 Fised and lAlovaUe Festivals, Anniversaries, Etc. Epiphauy Jau. 6 Septuagesiiua Sunday . . Fob. 13 Quinnuagesima— Shrove Sun- day 27 St. David March 1 Ash Wednesday. • 2 Quadragesima-lst Su. in Lent 6 St.Patrick 17 Annuuciation — Lady Day 25 Palm Sunday April 10 Good Friday 15 Birth of Colleen Victoria, May 21 Ascension Day — Holy Thurs- day 2G Pentecost — Whit Sun.. June 5 Trinity Suuday 12 Corpus Christi IG Aecession of (^uccn Victoria 20 Proclamation 21 St.John Ba|)t.— Midsum.Day 21 StMichafl-MicliMinasDay Sep 2'J Birth of Prince of Wales, Nov 'J Easter Sunday 17 1st Sunday in Advent 27 St. George 23 St. Andrew 30 Low Sunday 21 ; St. Thomas Dec. 21 Rogation Sunday May 22 ' Christmas Day 25 The Year 564- of the Jewish Era commences on September 2i, 1881. Ramadan (Mouth of Abstinence observed by the Turks) com- mences on July 28, 1881. The Year 12DU of the Mohammedan Era conuneuees on Novem- ber 23, 1881. A TMq, Shewiwj the difference of Time at varioua places on the Globe, as compared wUh tSt. John's, JSfewfoutuUaud. When it is Noon at St. John's, it is o S ■4-3 'So a o (B P o +» 18 minutes pa>t 11 o'clock, a.m. 17 13 50 17 46 34 30 23 21 14 30 20 26 52 50 8 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 7 i 3 4 5 it 8 11 do do do do do do do ilo do do do do do do do at Charlottetown, P. E. I. Halifax. St. John, N.B. Portland, Me. Boston, Mass. Quebec. New York. Philadelphia. Washington. Sau Francisco, California. St. Juai), Vancouvers I'd. Greenwich. Rome. Constantinople, .lenisaleui. Madras, E. 1. Canton. Calc Fiusx Full Last New ^ S Su. M T W Th. F S Su. M T B i) 6bdi les, Etc. •ill, May 24 f Thurs- 20 J.. Jimc 5 12 IG Victoria 20 21 iiin.Day 24 DaySop2'J lies, Nov [) t 27 30 .. Dec. 21 2j tcmbcr 24, irks) com- )u Nuvcm- irlobe, as v. E. I. 'aliluniia. uvL'rti I'd. THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. JANUARY, 1881. MOON'S PHASES. Calculated tor Mean Time at St. John's, Newfoundland. FiiJST QuAK TEK Otli day, llli, 39m, Eveuing. Full Moon 15tli day, iJh, 05m, Morning. Last Quakteh 23nl day, Oh, 18m, Morning. Nkw Moon 29tli day, 4h, 19m, Eveuing. ^ i Sun '^ rises gij a C) i St. Jo Sun ads ; t ! kn's. 1 1 G. app. i Hme. •~ b Equa :z^ of *^ t-i time. \ add, 1 ni. 8. High Sawn Decli- nation. Water at St. John's. h. ni. h. ra. 1 1 // s. a. m.p. m. s 1 7 55 4 13 S 22 58 27 71 12 95 3 59 45 1 180 7 67i 8 21 Su. 2 7 64 4 14 22 53 3 1114 09 4 27 61 1 166i 8 37' 9 01 M 3i 7 54 4 15 22 47 11 215 23 4 55 381 1481 9 1.3' 9 87 T 4 7 54 4 1(3 ' 22 40 62 2 10 35 5 22 73,1 130 9 54; 10 18 W 5' 7 54 4 17 22 34 6 317 47 5 49 G4'l 11110 34 10 58 Th. 6, 7 54 4 19 22 -l^'i 53 6 18 58, 6 16 031 09011 25 1149 F 7! 7 53 4 20 22 19 14 4 19 08' 6 41 98 1 069'.. .. 17 S 8 7 53 4 21 22 11 9 0'20 77! 7 7 37 1 046: 1 03 127 Su. 9 7 53 4 22 22 2 37 5:21 85 7 32 2. 1 023; 2 23 2 47 M 10 7 52 4 24 21 53 40 2I22 921 7 5G 47 098! 3 29 3 53 T 11: 7 52 4 25 21 44 17 4 ,23 98 8 20 13iO 073 ^ 4 26 4 50 W 12 7 51 4 26 21 34 29 3 j25 02 8 43 17:0 947: 5 15 6 39 Th. 13 7 51 4 27 21 24 10 3 :2G 06 5 580 920 5 54 6 18 F 14| 7 oO 4 29 21 13 38 5 127 08 9 27 34 892: 36 6 59 S 15: 7 no 4 30 21 2 36 4 28 09 9 48 42 864! 7 08; 7 32 Su.il6' 7 40 M 17' 7 48 4 31 20 51 10 1 29 09 10 8 82 8.35 7 42l 8 06 4 33 20 39 20 1 '.30 07 10 2S 51 iO 806 8 15| 8 30 T 18 7 47 4 34 20 :?7 6 6 31 05 10 47 49,0 776 8 42, 9 06 W 19 7 46 4 3C5 20 14 29 8 32 01 11 5 750 745j 9 10; 9 43 Th. 20 7 45 ! 4 37 20 1 30 3 32 05 11 23 27iO 714: 9 42il0 06 F '21' 7 44 j 4 38 19 48 8 2 '33 88 11 40 040 683 10 33il0 57 S 22 7 44 4 40 1 19 34 23 9 34 80 11 56 07 ,0 65211 24:11 48 Su. 23 7 43 4 42 19 20 17 8 35 70 12 11 33 6201 Hi 35 M ;24i 7 42 1 4 43 19 5 b\) 2 36 59 12 25 83 588 1 50| 2 14 T 25; 7 41 . 4 45 18 51 1 37 46 12 39 55 555, 3 23i 3 47 W 26, 7 40 1 4 40 18 35 52 3 38 31 12 52 49 523 4 36| 5 00 Th. 27 7 38 1 4 48 18 20 22 39 15 13 4 64 489! 6 26' 5 50 F 28; 7 37 4 49 18 4 33 1 89 97 13 15 98 456 6 13' 6 37 S 129, 7 36 4 51 17 48 24 2 140 77 13 26 52 422 7 07 , 7 31 Su. 30! 7 35 4 52 ' 17 31 56 241 55 13 30 23 387| 7 39 8 03 M 3li 7 33 4 54 S 17 16 642 32 13 45 11 353! 8 21 8 45 Memoranda, &c.— Jan. 3, Port lioyal, Jamaica, burnt, 1703. (i, Epiphany, s, Battle New Orleans, 1815. It, lioman Catholic CathedroJ 'i>,,ciuii, l.s,"in. Ki, Penny Tostai^c, Great Britain, 1840. 14, K. Bruce died, ICl I. !.";, -lames Watt^l)oru, 1736. 1(1, Battle ofCoruima, ISO!). 17, B. Franklin born, 170(5. 19, 1). Webster born, 1782. 22, Byron born, 1783. 2;j, Wm. Pitt died, 180(J. 24, Fox born, L7I9. 25, Conversion St. I'aul. 2(1, Dr. Jenuer died, l82o. 27, Mozart iUcd, 175(!. 28, (Jolonial Buildin'j vji>cned, 1850. 10 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. FEBRUARY, 1881. MOON'S PHASES, Calculated for Mean Time at St. John's, Newfoundland. FinsT QuAKTEU /itli day, 41i, 25m, Evening. Full Moon 13tli. day, 9h, 21m, Evening. Last QuAUTKU 21st day, llh, 01m, Morning. New Moon 2HtU day, 3ii, 03m, Morning. ^ N Sun Sun G. app. time. •~s* Equa Iligli "^ ^ rises sets Sun's Decli- .S-l of b 2 Water ai 1 1 at St. John's. nation. K.r-. t ime. add. ^^ St John's. h. m. h. m. / // " i m. s. s. a. m. p. m. T 1 7 32 4 56 S 16 58 4 9 43 OG 13 63 160 318 8 52 9 16 W 2 7 31 4 57 16 40 42 6 43 80 14 38 283 31 55 Th. 3 7 29 4 50 16 23 2 7 44 51 14 6 7G'0 248 9 64 10 18 F 4 7 28 5 16 5 6 45 21 14 12 30 214 10 54 11 18 S 5 7 27 5 2 15 40 62 7 46 8914 17 02 179 1147 • • 1 > Su. 6 7 25 6 3 . 15 28 23 4 40 5614 20 91 145 26 60 M 7 7 24 5 6 15 9 38 4 47 1914 23 98 111 142 2 06 T 8 7 22 5 7 14 50 38 2 47 82 14 20 24 077 2 57 3 21 W 9 7 20 5 8 14 31 23 2 48 43 14 27 70 044 3 68 4 22 Th. 10 7 19 6 10 14 11 53 7 49 02 14 28 36 Oil 4 48 5 12 F 11 7 17 5 11 13 52 10 1 49 60 14 28 22 022 5 30 5 64 S 12 7 16 5 12 13 32 13 50 16 14 27 31 054 6 06 6 30 Su. 1.3 7 14 5 13 13 12 2 50 70 14 25 65 085 G42 7 06 M 14 7 13 6 15 12 51 39 4 51 23 14 23 23,0 116 7 17 7 41 T Ifi 7 11 5 16 12 31 3 8 51 74 14 20 08,0 140 7 49 8 13 W 16 7 9 6 18 12 10 10 1 52 23 14 16 210 176 8 20 8 44 Th. 17 7 7 5 19 11 49 IG 8 52 71 14 11 64,0 205 8 62 9 16 F 18 7 6 5 21 11 28 6 2 63 17 14 6 38:0 233 J) .32 9 56 S 19 7 4 5 22 11 6 44 7 53 61 14 460 2G0 10 14 10 38 Su. 20 7 3 5 24 10 45 12 7 54 04 13 63 880 287 1106 1129 M 21 7 2 5 25 10 23 30 54 45,13 40 G80 313 • • • . 18 T 22 7 6 26 10 1 38 9 54 85 13 38 86,0 338 1 33 167 W 23 6 59 6 27 9 39 37 9 55 2313 .30 44 303 2 08 2 32 Th. 24 6 67 6 29 9 17 28 1 55 5913 21 44,0 387 4 22 4 46 F 25 6 55 6 30 8 65 9 8 55 93 T3 11 80 411 6 13 6 37 S 26 6 52 6 32 8 32 43 56 2513 1 72,0 434 5 54 6 18 Su. 27 6 51 6 34 8 10 9 8 56 56 12 61 03 460 7 16 7 40 M 28 6 49 6 36 S 7 47 28 9 m 84 12 39 81 478 7 22 7 46 Memoranda, &c.--Fel). 2, Candlemas Day. n, Sir R. Peel born, 1788. «>, Fish Convention laid hrforc Logislatm'c, 1857. 8, Mary Queen of Scots Ijolieaded, 1587. 10, Queen Victoria married, 1840. 13, Septuagesima Sunday. 14, St. Valentino'H Day. 16, Dr. Kane died, 1857. 17, BencmUnl Irish Society founded, 180G. 22, Wasliington born, 1732. 24, St. Matthias. 27, Longfellow born, 1807 ; Quinquagesima— Shrove Sunday. T W Th. F S Su. M T W Th. F S Su. M T W Th. F S Su. T W Th. F S Su. M T W Th.'31 toundland. n, Evening, n, Evening, n, Morning. M, Morning. I High \ Water at St John's. a. m. 8 52 9 31 B! 9 54 410 54 911 47 51 -JG li 1 42 2 57 3 58 4 48 5 30 6 06 6 42 7 17 7 49 8 20 8 52 .. 9 .32 Olio 14 7ill 05 3 8 3 1 33 2 08 4 22 5 13 5 54 7 16 7 22 |). m. 9 16 9 55 10 18 11 18 656 2 06 3 21 4 22 5 12 5 54 6 30 7 06 7 41 8 13 8 44 9 16 9 56 10 38 1129 18 157 2 32 4 46 5 37 6 18 7 40 7 46 Sir R. Peel iv, 1857. 8, oria married, s Day. 16, unded, 180G. Longfellow THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC, U MARCH, 1881. MOON'S PHASES, Calculated lor Mean Time at St. John's, Newfoundland, FiKST QuAiiTEK 7th day, lib, 31m, Morning. Full Moon 16th day, 2h, 08m, Evening. Last Quarter • 22nd day, 7h, 00m, Evening. New Moon 29th day, 2h, 02m, Evening. ^ 1 Sun rises c St. J Sun sets It ohn's. 0. app. time. Equa of time, add. Var in 1 hour. High Sun's Decli- nation. Water at St. John's, h. m. h. m / // II m. s. s. a. m. 1). m. T 1 6 40 5 30 S 7 24 41 3 57 11 12 28 07 500 7 55 8 19 W 2 6 41 5 41 7 1 47 5 57 36 12 15 82 521 8 31 8 55 Th. 3 6 42 5 42 6 38 47 8 57 60 12 3 08 641 9 05 9 29 F 4 6 40 5 44 6 15 42 6 57 82 11 40 87 560 9 44 10 08 S 5 6 38 6 45 5 52 32 3 58 02 11 36 21 57910 27 10 51 Su. 6 6 3«i 5 47 5 29 17 4 58 21 11 22 10 597111 20 1144 M 7 6 34 5 48 6 5 58 2 58 39 11 7 57 614 13 T 8 6 32 5 50 4 42 35 1 58 54 10 52 64 630 109 133 W 9 6 30 5 51 4 19 8 5 58 68 10 37 33 646 2 14 2 38 Th. 10 6 28 5 53 3 55 38 7 58 80 10 21 65 660 3 17 3 41 F 11 6 26 5 54 3 32 6 2 58 90 10 5 64 674 4 16 4 39 S 12 6 24 5 56 3 8 31 3 59 00 9 49 30 687 5 00 6 24 Su. 13 6 22 5 57 2 44 54 3 59 08 9 32 66 699 5.36 600 M 14 6 20 5 58 2 21 15 7 59 14 9 15 74 710 6 14 6 38 T 15 6 18 5 59 1 57 35 7 59 19 8 58 57 720 6 49 7 13 W 16 6 16 6 1 1 33 54 7 59 23 8 41 18 729 7 24 7 48 Th. 17 6 14 6 3 1 10 13 59 25 8 23 580 737 7 57 8 21 F 18. 6 12 G 4 46 31 59 25 8 5 80 744 8 36 9 00 S 19 6 10 6 6 S 22 49 59 25 7 47 86 750 9 12 9.36 Su. 20 6 8 6 7 N 52 7 59 23 7 29 80 755 10 00 10 24 M 21 6 6 6 8 24 33 7 59 19 7 11 64iO 759 10 54 11 18 T 22; 6 4 6 10 48 13 6 59 13 6 53 3010 762 . 06 W 23 6 2 6 11 1 11 52 1 59 07 6 35 07,0 764 115 139 Th. 24 6 6 13 1 35 28 58 99 6 16 720 765 2 61 3 16 F 25: 5 58 6 14 1 59 3 5 58 89 5 58 340 766 3 58 4 22 S 26 5 66 6 16 2 22 35 5 58 78 5 ;]9 950 766 4 49 5 13 Su. 27 6 54 6 17 2 46 4 7 58 65 5 21 58'0 765 5 29 5 63 M 28. 5 52 6 18 3 9 30 6 58 50 5 3 230 764 6 05 6 29 T 29! 5 50 6 20 3 32 52 8'68 34 4 44 920 761 7 13 7 37 W 30 5 48 6 21 3 56 10 9.')3 16 4 26 68'0 759 ' 7.38 8 02 Th. 31 5 46 6 23 N 4 19 24 6 57 97 4 8 510 755 8 06 ' 8 30 Memoranda, Sec. — March 1, St. David. 2, Ash Wednesday; J. Wesley died, 17!)1. 0, Quadragesima — 1st Sunday iu Lent. 8, William III. died, 1702. 10, I'rince of Wales uuirried, 1863. 15, Ca.'sar assassimi^^ed, B.C., 44. 17, St. Patrick's Day. 20, Sir Isaac Newton died, 1720. 21, Palm Suuday. Lady Day. 28, Raphael born, 1843. s Aunuuciation- Id THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. APRIIi, 1881. MOON'S PHASES, Calculated for Mean Time at St. John's, Newfoundland, First Quarter. Otli day, 71i, 24m, IMoruiug. Full Moon 14tli clay, .'3h, 21in, Morning, Last Quarter 21st day, lli, OOm, Morning. Nkw Moon 2StIi day, Hi, aani, Morning. ^ Sun rises Sun sets 0, app. time. Equa •S^ Tlicjh V Sun's Decli' ?f Water at 1 1 at St, John's. nation. '-^rH tune. I-*-,-* St. John^s, h. ni. h. m. / // II TTl. S. S a. m. p. m. F j 1 5 44 6 24 N 4 42 33 6 57 77 3 50 44 0'751 8 40 9 10 S i 2 5 42 6 25 5 5 37 5 57 55 3 32 47 746 9 22 9 46 SU.; 3 5 40 6 27 5 28 35 J) 57 31 3 14 03 74010 03110 27 M 4 5 38 6 28 5 51 28 6 57 00 2 50 93 734 10 48111 12 T 5 5 36 6 30 6 14 14 D 56 80 2 39 39 72711 27|ll 51 w ; 6 5 34 6 31 6 30 54 7 56 62 2 22 03 719 15 39 Th.j 7 5 32 6 32 6 59 27 7 50 23 2 4 86 711 1 24 ] 48 F ' 8 5 31 6 33 7 21 53 5 55 92 1 47 89 702 2 30 2 54 S i 9 5 28 6 35 7 44 11 7 55 00 1 31 150 692 3 32 3 50 Su.lO 5 26 6 36 8 6 22 1 55 26 1 14 65i0 682 4 1!) 4 43 M 11 5 24 6 38 8 28 24 3 54 91 58 42,0 070 5 06 5 30 T 12 5 22 6 39 8 50 18 54 65 42 47 :0 658 5 47 Oil W 13 5 20 6 41 9 12 2 8 54 18 20 83 645 25 49 Th.l4 5 18 6 42 9 33 38 5 53 70 11 510 631 7 05 7 29 F 15 5 16 6 44 9 55 4 8 53 39 3 47 617 7 40 8 04 S 16 5 15 6 45 10 16 21 3 52 m 18 09 601 8 10 8 43 Su.l7 5 13 6 46 10 37 27 7 52 55 32 -.Vl'd, 584 9 07 9 31 M 18 5 11 6 48 10 58 23 8 52 U 46 14 567 9 49 10 13 T 19 5 9 6 49 11 1!) 9 2 51 i'.e 59 55 550 10 26 10 50 W 20 5 7 6 50 11 39 43 5'51 19: 1 12 rj3 531 11 50 • ■ • • Th. 21 5 5 G52 12 5 50 71 1 25 Oo'o 512 47 1 11 F 22 5 4 6 53 12 20 17 7.50 22 1 37 1:? 49;i 2 13 2 37 S 23 5 2 fi 54 12 40 16 49 71 1 4S 72 473 3 25 3 49 Su. 24 5 6 56 13 3 7 49 18 1 59 8;J 453 4 21 4 45 M 25 4 58 6 57 13 19 37 7 48 04 2 10 45 432 5 03 5 27 T 26 4 56 6 5!) 13 .-^IS 58 6 48 09 2 20 56 411 5 43 6 07 W 27 4 55 7 13 58 6 1 47 52 2 30 17 390 18 42 Th. 28 4 53 7 2 14 16 59 8 40 94 2 30 27 368 7 07 7 31 F 29 4 51 7 3 14 35 39 4 40 34 2 47 85 346 7 47 8 11 S 30 4 50 7 4 N 14 54 4 6 45 74 2 55 90 .■i24 8 24' 8 48 Equati on of 1 time t be added to apparent time to tlie 14th, and to 1 30 .sub tracted tlie reaiaindc !r of the month, nith borji. 1774. Mei nora] ada, <&;c. — April <;, Goldsi 7, Words- wortli bo^-u. 1770. 10, Palm Sunday; Lord Bacon die^l , 1(120. 12, Lined 11 assa s sin at ed, l.sns. 1.'}. Catholic; Emaneipalion , 1S2!». 15, Goo dl Friday ; Fra nklin died, 1 7I> ( ). 1 r, . liattle o f Ciilloden. 174(;. 17, Easter Sunday; Shakespeare born, 1.5G4. li). Byron died, 1824. 23, St. George. 24, Low Sunday; Cromwell born, 1599. 25, St. Mark. 2G, Plague of London, 1055. 29, Joan of Arc en- tered Orleans, 1429. indland, ivroi •uiiig. Moruiiig, Moniiug. Morning. High Vater at t. John's, m. p, in. 40 9 10 1 22 46 )03 10 27 )48!11 12 27|11 51 1 15 39 24 ] 48 ! 30 2 54 132 3 50 [ 1!) 4 43 )06 5 30 i47| Oil 125 49 05 7 29 ■ 40 8 04 1 10 8 43 107 9 31 40 10 13 ' 26 10 50 50 • • « • 47 111 ];{ 2 37 ■2i) 3 49 21 4 45 03 5 27 43 6 07 18 6 42 07 7 31 47 811 24' 8 48 , and to , Words- 120. 12, ^•JU. ]5, n. 174(;. [)ii died. •11, 1599. A I c eu- THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 13 MAY, 1881. MOON'S PHASES, Calculated for Mean Time at St. John's, Newfoundland. FiKsT QcAKTicu Gtlidtiy, 2L, 11m, Morning. Full Moon 13th day, Ih, o5m, Evening. La8t QiTAiiTKn I'Otli day, (>h, 38ni, Morning. Nkw Moon 27tli day, 31i, 07m, Evening. Sun (5) (^ ; St. John's. at Sua ^- '^'^ ^^"< .s i isetn I ■- 5 Hun's Decli- ' i^ '^ nuttou. 2 3 4 .15; i\ 8! 9 Su. M T W Th. F S Su M T 10 W ,11 Th.il2 F S Su.lo xM 16 T 17 w :i8 Th.il9 F 120 S 21 Su.22 M 123 T 24 W 25 Th.26 F 127 S .28 Su.i29 M '30 T 31 Ih. 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 13 4 14 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ni. 48 47 4o 43 42 40 39 38 36 35 33 32 31 29 28 27 26 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 13 12 m.j ° ON 15 «i 10! Ill 12 14! I5I lo: 18| 19 20: 21 23 24 25 27 28' 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 40 41 41 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 42N21 12 30 47 6 22 39 55 12 28 43 59 14 29 43 57 11 25 38 51 4 16 28 39 50 1 12 22 31 41 60 58 If 15 10 50 45 12 44 49 43 84 14 6;43 18 22 8|42 50 14 7 41 81 40 0!41 11 8 52 18 26 2 40 40 2 30 68 38 94 38 20 37 44 Ktjua of time. f!iibt . •- b I Hif/h ,S ►< I Water at •-* i-H St. John's. m. s. 3 3 420 I 8. ;a. 15 4i36 07i 40 1|35 89 57 9|3o 091 50 6'34 20! 23 0i3a 481 37 5132 05 31 2^31 81 i 4 030 07 17 6j30 111 9 8129 24j 41 028 36| 50 927 47] 39 4|26 57! 6 1125 (;6 10 024 74 53 6 23 81 13 22 88| 11 721 93! 46 720 98 10 16 22 28 33 37 41 44 46 48 50 51 51 51 50 49 47 44 41 38 33 20 23 18 11 5 57 50 41 33 41 ;o 87 jo 78:0 160 oo'o 29i0 020 210 84 01,0 410 34 700 480 690 32 370 85 77:0 13|0 93'0 19!0 91 '0 11:0 81 :o 01 ;o 74 010 860 270 302 280 258 2.35 213 15X) 107 144 121 098 074 051 027 003 021 045 069 093 117 140 163 180 200 231 252 273' 293 312 33L 349; 360; 9 10 II 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 7 8 8 m. 01 40 21 04 u. m. ' 9 26 10 04 10 45 11 28 33 9>> 57 1 46 3 03 4 01 4 55 5 42 6 32 7 06 7 57 8 38 9 20 38 10 12 30 10 54 151139 11 35 ;}0 o»r • »< 31 18 08 42 33 14 56 35: 49 48 37 20i 56 10, 29' 04; 43 17 59 13 12 01 44 20 34 53 8 28 9 07 41 1 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 Memoranda, &c. — May 1, (xovcnior Mover tumrn into office, 187(5; S. S. Philip and James. 3, Oocenwr Darliny .sirorn into office, 1855. (), Peace proclaimed between the allied powers and liussia, 18.')f>. 11, Massacre at Delhi, 1857. 12, Goneral EleHion under nev Constitution, 185r>. i;>, Ftrxf. Lcijislatire General A)fsem- hhi ojie.ned ; Eiots in Water Street, 18l!l. 20, Foundation Stone B. Cf. Cathedral laid, ISiC. 22, Kogatioii Sunday. 24, Birth of Queen Victoria. 20, A."5ceasiou Day; Holy Thursday. 14 THE NEWFOUNDLAND AT,MANAC. JUNE, 1881. MOON'S PHASES, Calculated for Mean Time at St. John's, Newfoundland. FrusT QuAKTKU 4tli (liijs CA\, 50111, Kvi'ninN lltli (liiy, lOli, uTiii, Kvfiiiii;;. Last Qttaktkk isth diiy, oli. 4!Mii, Evening. Nkw Moon -''Uli il.'i.v, 51i, ',\')\n, Morning. •-• '^ o a '^r. mw. time.' e .. S ^ , Sun SvH I " , •= b >. Si rises sets i , , r/ ,. c J , Sim's Dcch- : >>• "^ (It \ , • . '^ r—t St. Jolins. Equa I "^ s of ! .S ^ time. : ^ '-' Ifiyh Water at St. Juhn\s. h. m. h. m. / '^ 1 ' m. 8. s. a. in. p. m. W 1 4 12 7 43 N2'^ 6 58 8 20 02 2 24 29 382 Ji 57 10 21 Th.i ^ 4 12 7 44 22 14 47 7 19 05 2 14 93 398 10 ;]L> 10 56 F 1 3 4 11 7 45 22 22 13 4 18 08 2 5 210 412 11 IL' 1 1 ;](5 S 1 4 4 10 7 45 22 29 15 (117 10 1 55 150 42011 ,5<.» .. .. Su.i 5 4 10 7 46 22 35 64 2 16 11 1 44 77 439' 20; 50 M ' 6 4 10 7 47 22 42 9 1 15 12, 1 34 OSO 451 1 31 1 55 T 1 7 4 9 7 48 22 48 1 14 12 1 23 IJO 463 -2 49 3 13 W • 8 4 9 7 48 22 53 27 13 12 1 U 87 473 4 00 4 24 Ti..: 9 4 9 7 49 22 58 29 9 12 12 1 39 483 5 01 5 25 F 10 4 8 7 50 23 3 8 6 11 1 1 48 07 493 5 52 6 16 S 11 4 8 7 51 23 23 10 09 .'JO 73 501 1 6 :'.l) 7 0.'{ Su.12 4 8 7 51 23 11 13 9 07 24 (iOO 509 7 24 7 48 M .13 4 7 7 52 23 14 38 5 8 05 12 2S0 516 8 05 8 29 T 14 4 7 7 52 23 17 39 5 7 03 li»0 523 8 42 9 0(5 W 15 4 6 7 53 23 20 15 9 6 00 12 810 528 L'2 9 46 Th. 16 4 6 7 53 23 22 27 6 4 }I7 25 55 533 10 08 10 32 F 17 4 6 7 54 23 24 14 b 3 94 38 400 537 10 59 11 23 S 18 4 5 7 54 23 25 36 6 2 90 51 33 54011 48.. .. Su. 19 4 6 7 00 23 26 33 9 1 87 1 4 32 542 48: 1 \-2 M 20 4 t 7 56 23 27 6 8 83 1 17 35 543 -2 (JS 2 32 T 21 4 7 55 23 27 13 9 20 1 30 39 543I ;j 18 3 42 W 22 4 8 7 56 23 20 56 7 1 :M 1 43 42 542 4 13i 4 37 Th. 23 4 8 7 56 23 26 14 6 2 27 1 56 4i:0 540 4 57' 5 21 F 24 4 9 7 56 23 25 7 7: 3 30 2 9 3410 537 5 421 6 06 S 25 4 9 7 56 23 23 36 1 ' 4 33 2 22 ISlO 532 () 18 () 42 Su, 26 4 10 7 56 23 21 39 7 5 30 2 34 8i)l0 527 7 09 7 33 M 27 4 10 7 56 23 19 18 8' 6 38 2 47 46,0 520^ 7 46 8 10 T 28 4 10 7 56 23 16 33 3 7 41 2 59 80:0 512 8 18 8 42 W 29 4 11 7 56 23 13 2;5 3' 8 43 3 12 03i0 503 8 53 17 Th. 30 4 11 7 56 N23 48 9 9 44' .", 23 99IO 493 9 27 9 51 Equation of time to l)o subtracted from apparent time to tlic 13th, and to be added the feniaindcr of the mouth. Memoranda, &c. — Jnne 3, Georjre 111. Ijorn, 1738. 4, Battle of Magenta, J8.')i). 5, Pentcccxst; VVliit Sunday. 9, Great Firi>, 184f); Governor Jiaimeriaaii stror)/ info office \2, Trinity Sunday. 13, Magna Charta signed, l^l'i. 10. Corpus Christi. 'l7, John Wesley born, 170;i. is, Battle of Waterloo, 181. >. 20, Accession Qneen Victoria. 21, rrochimation Queen Victoria, 18:57. 24, St. John Baptist; Midtsumincr Day. 3!> !)tk (rcivntl A^.«> 1 11' 1 1 ;!(? 1 T)'.) . . .. 2(5; oO 131 1 5.-) 2 ill 3 13 4 00 4 21 r> 01 r, 2o r,2 (i IH (i ;ii> 7 0.'{ 7 24 7 48 <^ 05 8 29 8 42 0(5 i'2 !»46 08 10 32 09 11 2:i 1 48.. .. 48! 1 12 2 OS 2 -.',2 ;; 18 .') 42 4 V6i 4 37 4 57' r, 21 5 42. (J 06 18 (5 42 7 00 7 33 7 46 8 10 S 18 8 42 ■<.V, 17 >27 9ol . _ 4, Battle reat Firf, Siiiiclay. 1 7, Johu Accession 24, St. ( lahhj of THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 15 JULY, 1881. MOON'S PHASES, Calculated for Mean Time at St. John's, Newfoundland. First Quautbu 4tli day, Full Moon 1 ] tli day. Last Quauteu 17tli day, Nkw Moon 25tli day, 81i, 47in, Moruing. 51i, 44iu, Morning. !»h, 04iu, Eveniug. 8li, 50iu, Eveuiug. !^ Sun ^ rises fSun sets gi at q St. John\9. I F S Su. M T W Th. F S Su.llO, M IlL T 12 W jl3' Th.:i4: F 15 S 16 Su. 171 M ,18 T 19, W 20 Th.21 ,22 h. 1 4 (f. app. time. ^ . Hun\th day, Oh, ;}8ni, Evcuiuij:. Last QiTAinri! lOth day, 8h, 28in, Morning. Nkw Moon 24f,h day. Oh, 1 Gin, Eveninj;-. a: ^ ^ Sun Sun ; seta \ (t. app. time. ^ar in hour. Kqua of -« 1 niqh •■^ VI rises | Sun's Decli' Wutev at ^ 1 1 1 St. John's. i h. tn. h. tn. nation. t ime. uld. i-^ f— 1 St. John' ft. / // m. s. s. a. in. p. m. M 11 4 42, 7 29 N17 56 4 238 05! 4 47 i54!i0 4iliior, T 2 4 44; 7 28 17 40 42 2 38 78i 6 45 18011 2511 49 W 3 4 4o 7 27 17 25 2 9 39 491 5 55 82,0 206l 04 28 Th. 4 4 46 7 25 17 9 8 40 18' 5 50 57 231 1 20 1 53 F 5l 4 48 7 24 16 52 54 140 87! 5 44 71j0 257 3 08 3,32 S 6' 4 49 7 22 16 36 25 1 41 54 5 38 23 283 4 27 4 51 Su. 7 4 50 7 21 16 19 40 1 42 20 5 31 14 308 5 33| 5 57 M 8 4 51 7 19 16 2 39 4,42 85 5 23 4(5 332 6 16 6 40 T 91 4 53 7 18 15 45 23 2 43 49 5 15 190 357 6 55 7 19 W 10 4 54 7 16 15 27 51 44 11 5 6 33 381 7 36' 8 00 Th. 11 4 55 7 15 15 10 5 7 44 7.'} 4 56 910 404 8 06 8 30 F 12 4 57 7 13 14 52 4 9 45 33 4 46 93 427 8 43 9 07 S 13: 4 58 7 11 14 33 49 7 45 92 4 36 41 449, 9 24 48 Su. 14 4 59 7 9 14 15 20 546 50 4 25 30 471 10 07 10 31 M 15i 5 1 7 8 13 56 37 647 07 4 13 80:0 492 11 01 1125 T 16 5 2 7 6 13 37 41 247 62 4 1 73'0 513 '.. .. 04 W 17 5 3 7 4 13 18 31 7 .48 16 3 49 170 534 52 1 16 Th. 18 5 5 7 3 12 59 9 5 '48 69 3 36 12 554 2 10 2 34 F 19 5 6 7 1 12 39 34 8 49 20 3 22 60 573 3 17 3 41 S 20 5 7 6 59 12 19 48 049 70 <> 8 610 592 4 10 4 34 Su. 21 5 9 6 57 11 59 49 4 .50 18 2 54 16 611 4 51 5 15 M 22 5 10 6 55 11 3f» 39 4 50 65 2 39 26,0 630 4 28 5 52 T 23 5 11 6 54 11 19 18 2 51 11 2 23 02 '0 648; 6 03 6 27 W 24 5 13 6 52 10 58 40 3 51 5") 2 8 IGO 605 7 08 7 32 Th. 25 5 14 6 50 10 38 4 051 97 1 51 980 082' 7 26 7 50 F 26 5 15 6 48 10 17 11 6'52 391 1 .^5 4u,0 699 8 02 8 26 S 27 5 17 6 46 9 56 9 4 52 79^ 1 18 42 715; 8 28. 8 5.') Su. 28 5 18 6 44 9 34 57 8 53 181 1 1 07 731 8 59j 9 23 U 29 5 19 6 42 9 13 37 53 55 43 350 740 9 38jl0 02 T 30 5 21 6 40 , 8 52 7 5 53 00' 25 28 70010 17:10 41 W 31 5 22 6 38 N 8 30 29 (5154 25! 87 77411 02 11 26 Memoranda, &c. — Aug. 1, Slavery abolished in lirilish Do- minions, 1834. 4, 1st Atlantic Tdeiimph (JnhJc JaiJ, ixm). (>, Dnke of Edinburgh boru, 1844. 8, Canning died, 1827. ;>, Prinrc lloinj of the Netherlands arrived in St. John's, 184."). 14, Printing invent- ed, 1437. 15, Gas first used in Loudon, 1807. 20. Canada discov- ered, 1508. 21, Foundation Stone Weslei/an Church Ixid, 1850. 24, St. Bartholomew's Day. 2(;, Birth of rduoe Consort, 18l 7 19 36 8 00 106 8 30 i43 9 07 f 24 S>48 1 07 10 31 01 112G 04 '52 1 16 10 2 34 17 3 41 10 4 34 r,l If) 28 5 52 03 6 27 08 7 32 26 7 r,o 02 8 26 28 8 53 oO 9 23 38 10 02 17 10 41 02 11 26 lish l)o- (1, Duke <•(' Uf'iii'n ii' inviMit- I (liscov- •<:)0. 24, 11!>. 28, U, Jollll \ THK NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 17 HEPTEMBEK, 1881. MOON'S PHASES, Calculated for Mean Time at St. John's, Newfoundland. Fru.sr QuAnTKU Ist day, 51i, 31m, Morning. Full Moon 7tli clay, FjAkt Quaimkk 14Uj day, N KW Moon 23rd day, FiKS'i QuAHTKR 30tli day, 8h, lOra, Evening. lib, 32n), Evening. 3b, 26iu, Morning. lb, 19m, Evening. o Hun rises Hun sets at. Ht. Jo/iu's. I h. 1 2 3! 4 5 6 7i Th. F Su. M T W Th. 8 F i 91 s lioj su.in; M '12 T 13 VV 114 Th.l5 F 16 S 17 Su.;18 M 119 T |2() 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 m, 23 25 20 27 5 29 W Th. F S Su. u T W Th. F 28 29 30 (f. app. time. Hun's JJedi- nation. •2 b 1 I Eqiia of time, subt. 5 30 31 33 34 5 35 5 37 5 38 39 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 5 49 5 51 5 52 5 54 5 oij 5 57 5 58 C. 6 1 6 2 h. m. 6 36 6 3.': 6 33 6 31 6 28 6 261 6 241 6 23 i 6 21! 6 18! 6 1G| 6 14! 6 12, 6 10' 6 81 G 4i 2: 0' 5 58 5 56 5 54 5 04 n 50 5 48 5 46 5 44 5 i2 5 40 6 38 N 8 8 43 7 46 40 7 24 48 7 2 40 6 40 25 6 18 3 56 35 33 5 5 5 4 4 4 1 10 22 47 37 24 47 1 53 3 38 54 3 15 51 2 52 44 2 29 34 43 19 654 8|54 6155 3 55 lj55 5,56 6 56 S'.W 4|5G 7'on 9,57 O Oi 3i57 3 57 5 57 2 1 1 S 21 5 47 26 }3 4 9 41 13 42 37 7 1 .-52 1 23 56 1 47 21 2 10 44 34 6 57 27 56 '^-.i 2 2 4;57 2i58 3i58 0'58 8'58 9 5s 758 458 11.58 58 7:58 05^' 4 58 45 5 58 30 058 31 58 90 20! 49 77 03 29 53 751 97^ 18 37 54 70 85 99 111 21 30 38 44 40 52 53: 53 52 49 m. s, 11 30 60 9 29 49 10 30 ijl 12 3 32 3 53 15 36 57 18 5 39 6 21 (5 42 7 3 7 24 7 45 H (] S 26 8 46 9 6 9 2(' 9 40 10 5 86 90 23 83 69 78 08 58 24 04 95,0 900 0310 16!o 31 jO 480 63& 76 High Water at St. John'a. 85 88 83 68 41 00 450 72|0 81 iO 69 350 76 8. 787 799 811 822 832 841 850 858 864 860 873 877 87910 88111 882 882| 1 8811 880 878 875 871 806' 801 855 848 841 833 824 814 804 ra. p. mi 02 2 3 4 4 5 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 11 59 41 10 13 03 39 05 43 23 06 50 34 38 08 24 49 32 18 56 36 08 08 30 11 33 19 58 49 61 1 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 23 05 34 37 27 03 29 07 8 47 9 20 10 14 10 68 1162 32 1 48 3 03 3 56 4 42 6 20 600 32 7 32 7 54 8 35 9 07 43 10 22 11 13 Memoranda, &c.— Sept. 2, Atlantic Cable of 186.5 grappled tnul sprured, 18(17. S, Great Eaatern arrived at Heart's Content with 186.') Cabh', 18(i7. 9, CathoJtc Cathedral consecrated, 1855. 11, First Exhibition held in Newfonndland, 1872. 10, Moscow burned, 1812. 21, Pr(>t.^:^:ant Cathedral consecrated, 1850. 22, 1st Session 11th (reneral Assembhi dissolred, 1874. 25, Paciflc Ocean discover- ed, 15i;i. 27, Strasbourg- falls, 1870. 29, St. Michael; Michael- mas Day. . 18 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. OCTOBER, 1881. MOON'S PHASES, Oalculated for Mean Time at St. John's, Newfoundland. Full Moon 7th day, r»lj, ;50ni, Morning. Laht QUAKTKK Utlidtiy, .'•li, 51ui, Evening''. Nbw Moon 2i2utUlay, Oh, 02nj, EviMiing. FlllST QUAKTEU 2!»th day, 8li, I8iii, Evening. s Su. M T W Th. F S Su. M T W Th. F S Su. M T W Th. F S Su. M T W Th. F S Su. M <=5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Sun rises at St. JoJni's. seta Sun's Dedi- nation. K ^ h. m. 6 4 6 6 6 6 6 11 6 12< 6 14 6 lo 6 17 6 18 6 20 6 21 6 22 6 24 6 2r) 6 27 6 28, h. m ' 6 36IS 5 33 5 31 5 21) 6 27 5 25 5 23 5 22 201 18 16 14 12 5 lOl 5 8 5 5 5 5 5 19, 6 30 20, 21, 221 23 24 6 31, 6 33 6 34 6 36 6 37 6 4 2 25 6 39 26' 27i 28l 29; 30] !3ll C 40 ()42 6 13 G45 6 46 6 48 58 4 57 4 55 4 53! 4 5l| 4 50 4 48 4 46 445! 4 43 441 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 t 8 8 y 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 4 40 S U 20 45 44 1 7 16 .30 26 53 33 16 3(5 39 36 2 31 25 22 •18 7 10 48 33 22 55 60 18 12 40 27 2 .35 24 36 46 20 8 10 29 44 51 9 12 25 33 30 54 25 15 9 '\o 41 60 2 16 11 36 7 55 50 16 19 J'Ajna time. •"■ suhf. •s i High Water at St. John's. 68 58 58 57 >7 57 67 67 67 66 56 56 66 )5 64 64 54 53 63 52 52 62 61 51 50 50 0!4i) 0'49 23 12 00 87 73 67 3!» 20 00 79 55 31 04 70 47 16 S3 48 12 74 36 93 60 06] 59! Hi Gil lOi 50 01 46 m. s. I 10 24 92 43 2 20 38 50 13 .'}0 46 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 10 16 16 16 16 17 32 46 13 26 38 40 10 20 29 37 44 61 57 2 7 10 13 16 81 !0 40;0 67 600 100 3310 OOiO 40J0 26 61,0 46,0 780 .56 76 .39,0 42 83|0 61() 74:0 210 010 120 54 24 23 40 02 U 810 860 130 s. 7931 781 768 764 739 724 i 707 G89| 670] 6601 029 608 585 602 638| 614i 488] 462' 436; 408 381 362 324' 204 264 234 204! 173 10 14211 111 079 I u. m.||i. u). 2 3 4 5 6 ^ i 8 8 10 11 11 1 •> 1 12 2 44 4 13 6 14 6 00 6 37 7 14 7 52 8 30 Oil 60 12] 10 .30 02:11 2G 60 .... 48; 20' 40 60: 36] 131 60: 281 06 47] 20 68 2 10 3 00 3 50 4 47 6 20 06 (5 46 7 36 8 1.3 8 6.3 33 50|10 14 40;11 04 34ill 68 241 48 46' 2 09 46 .36 32 23 02 41 22 12 40 29 09 Memoranda, &c.— Oct. l, First TeJetfraph messnf/c from Cape Breton, 1856. First Steamer on Kiver Hudson, 1807. " "., Battle Thames, 1813. 6, Jenny Liud born, 1820. 9, Great Fire in Chica- go, 1871. 12, America discovered, 1492. 14, Battle of Jenna, 1806. 16, Queen Marie Antoinette beheaded. 1793. 2], Battle of Trafelgar, 1805. 24, Webster died, 1850. L'5, Battle Balaldava, 1864. 28, Benevolent Irish Society Incorporated, 1839. ^^ b* !^' ^ S>i a- 4 13 no 5 14 m 6 00 i;{ G .'17 50 7 14 28 7 52 OG 8 30 47 Oil 20 50 12 10 ;jo 02 11 2G r,i) • • ■ • 05 4G 7 35 H 1.'5 8 5:5 >in Cape Battle 1 Chicii- Jeinm, ittlo of lakhiva, TIIK NKWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 19 NOVEMBER, 1881. MOON'S PHASES, Calculatod for Moan Time at St. John's, Newfoundland. FuM, Moon 5th diiy, fill, .lini, KvoninR. liAKi QcAKTKit i:Uli (lay, 21i, Slim, Kvcnlng. Ni;w Moo.N '2\si day, 71i, 62m, Morning. FiKHT QtiAKTKR 28th day, 'Ml, a2m. Morning. Vj rises i sets \ , of Q^ St. Jdhn's. T W Th. K S Su. M T W Th. F S Su. M T W Th F S Su. 19 20 M 121 ,h. 1; 6 2 G 3 (5 4: 6 o G H 6 7 G H' 7 9 7 2 Sim's Decli- ^«= nation. I Eqiia 'i/ time. Hiihf. ■2^ High ^tt-l Water at ^ r-i , St John's. 66 57 10 7 Hi 12 13 141 15 7 IB 7 17 7 is: 7 W Th. F S Su. M T W 30 22 7 23 7 24 7 25 7 261 7 27 7 28^ 7 20' 7 m. h. tn 49 4 .{8 S 14 51 4 30 14 53 4 35 54 4 33 t .52 4 ;iO 59 4 29 4 27 4 2G 3 4 25 5 4 24 6 4 22 8, 4 21 10 4 20 11 4 19 12 4 18 14 4 16 15 4 15 17 4 14 18 4 13 20 4 12 21 4 1] 23 4 n 24 4 10 4 26 27 28 30 31 32 4 4 4 4 4 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 2] 21 21 OS 21 :)4 5:i 12 30 49 t 24 42 59 16 'to 49 5 21 36 51 G 20 34 48 1 14 20 39 50 2 13 23 34 43 .35 30 23 55 12 13 58 2(5 37 31 8 26 25 6 27 29 10 31 31 10 27 22 55 5 52 15 15 50 2 48 447 947 9 40 t)46 5 45 444 144 4 43 742 7 41 041 140 7.39 3 38 6.37 2 .",7 7 36 635 6 34 3I.03 4 32 5,31 2 30 29 28 4i27 126 8:25 24 5 23 80 26 65 01 .3(5 70 02 33i 61, 88; 13: 371 69 70 98 15 30' 44 56 66 75 83 89 93 96 9S 99 98 95 92 n» s. 16 17 16 18 10 18 1(5 17 16 15 16 13 J) 5 (540 37 300 43 10 10 10 15 54 15 47 15 40 15 31 15 22 15 12 15 14 49 14 36 14 22 14 8 13 52 13 3(5 13 19 13 2 12 43 12 24 12 4 11 44 11 23 11 1 74 21 85 64 57 04:0 8510 20i0 680 300 050 95 000 19 54 06 77 08|0 80 15 76 (540 82|0 31i0 130 290 s. n. 047 3 014 4 0201 6 053 5 0881 1231 7 158 7 193! 8 229i 9 266 9 3OIIIO 337111 373 . . 40{)! m. 16 14 06 54 21 07 49 26 09 45 29 12 445i 1 4801 2 516 3 651 4 680 6 6201 G 6541 7 687! 7 7191 8 751 781 811 8 9 10 840|11 8691. . 896; 1 923! 2 36 46! 46| 441 35i osi 051 14| .35i 161 66 39 23 14 10 33 |). m. 3 29 4 38 6 30 18 6 46 7 31 8 13 8 60 9 33 10 09 10 63 1136 06 100 2 10 3 10 4 08 4 59 6 32 629 7 38 7 59 8 .".9 9 20 10 03 10 47 1138 21 134 2 67 Memoranda, &c.— Nov. 1, All Saints' Day. 2, All Souls' Day. 8, Free AV. Andrew's Church ojwnM, 1850. 5, Battle Inker- man. 1854. !), Prince Wales l)orn, 1841. 10. Nev\foun(tlanO and Ne.io York I'dcf/raph opem-d, 1856. 14, Mozart born, 1719. 17, Suez Canal opened, IRfJ'.t. L':', St, Cecelia. 27, First .steam print- ing, 1814 ; First Snml.iy ui Advent. .30, St. Andrew. to THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. DECEMBER, 1881. MOON'S PHASES, Calculated for Mean Time at St. John's, Newl'oundland. Fui.i. Moon ."itli day, 8li, 4oiii, Moniiii;;. Last (4u.\im'kr i;ith day, I 111, HOiii, Morning'. Nkw Moon i!Oth day, Hh, 38iii, Evening. FliisT (ii'AUTRU L'Ttli day, Oh, 12m, P^veiiiiia:. ^ ^ Sun Sun G. (ipp. time. ■£ b Kqilil 1 1 1 rinea nda at St. Ju/in's. Stui'n JJedi' nation. '^ ,-1 I line. .5 - S Water at :'^ St. John's. h. m. h. 1 ra. 1 II II in. s. 1 H. a. m.|p. ni. Th. 1 7 33 4 5 S 21 63 10 1 22 87 10 ;;8 82 94!» 3 46 4 10 F a 7 35 4 5 22 'i 4 21 81 10 16 7-1 974 4 42 5 6 8 3 7 36 4 4 22 10 .•J7 2 20 75 9 52 06 999 6 271 6 51 8u. 4 7 37 4 4 22 18 42 3 19 (57 9 27 78 1 02.3' (5 10' 6 34 M 5 7 38 4 3 22 20 21 4 18 68 9 2 951 04(5 (5 51 7 15 T 6 7 .'59 4 3 22 33 .'{4 2 17 48 8 .37 59 1 0(58 7 30| 7 54 W 7 7 40 4 ;j 22 40 20 US 38 8 11 71 I 089 8 08| 8 32 Th. 8 7 42 4 3 22 4(5 40 3 15 26 7 45 .34 I 10!)' 8 42 9 0(5 F 9 7 43 4 3 22 52 .33 ] 14 14 7 18 50 1 128 9 16 9 40 8 10 7 44 4 .'} 22 57 58 9 13 01 6 51 22 1 145 9 55 10 19 Su. 11 7 44 4 • 1 •> 2; J 2 57 4 11 8(5 (5 23 54 1 1(51 10 30 10 54 M 12 7 45 4 3 23 7 28 4 10 72 5 55 48 1 177 11 14 11 38 T 13 7 46 4 .•5 23 n 31 8 l> 56 5 27 0(5 1 191 .... 05 W 14 7 47 4 3 23 15 7 5 8 41 4 .)S 32 1 204 .30 1 03 Th. 15 7 48 4 .'} 23 18 15 3 7 24 4 29 28 L 215 151 2 15 F 16 7 49 4 3 23 20 56 ] 6 07 3 59 99 1 225 3 01 3 25 8 17 7 49 4 4 23 23 6 8 4 90 3 .30 47 1 234 4 0(5 4 30 8u. 18 7 50 4 4 23 24 50 4 .3 7.3 3 70 1 241 4 59 6 2.3 M 19 7 51 4 4 23 2U 5 7 2 55 2 30 89 1 247 6 51 6 15 T 20 7 51 4 6 23 2(5 52 8 1 37 2 911 251 7 15 7 39 W 21 7 52 4 5 23 27 11 5 19 1 30 8(51 25.') 7 27 7 61 Th. 22 7 52 4 23 27 2 09 1 78 1 25.". 8 0(5 8 30 F 23 7 53 4 6 23 2() 24 2 2 10 30 7o;i 252 8 4S 9 08 S 24 7 53 4 7 23 2b ]« ] 3 .34 67 1 249 9 20 9 50 Su. 25 7 53 4 7 23 23 43 7 4 51 29 27 1 24510 03 10 27 M 26 7 54 4 8 23 21 41 2 5 69 59 08 1 23910 5011 14 T 27 7 64 4 9 23 19 10 5 86 1 •2^ 73 1 23111 44 W 28 7 54 4 9 23 16 11 7i 8 03 1 58 19 1 2231 40 1 04 Th. 29 7 54 4 10 23 12 44 9| 20 2 27 43il 21;! 1 57, 2 21 P 30 7 55 4 11 23 8 50 2|10 36 2 5(5 41,1 201 3 14 3 .38 s 31 7 55 4 12 S 23 4 27 7ill 51 3 25 lOil 189! 4 19) 4 43 Equatiou of time to be subtracted from apparout tiiiie to the 24th, aud to be adiled the reiuaiuder of the mouth. Memoranda, &c. — Dec. I, Battle Austerlitz, l«05. '■^ySt.An- dreio's Kirk opened, IMS. (5. St. Nicholas. 8, Sons of Tcmpcrancr orijanized in NewfoundhUHl, 1850. 14, (leorgc Street, Wesleifau Church opened, 1873. 21, St. Thomas. 25, Ciikistmas Day. 26, St. Stephen. 27, St. Johu. I'S, luuoceut's Day. THE NKWFOUNIJLAN!) ALMANAC. 71 c:^ iV.^' ^--Jj.- The l^oyal Family of Q-reat Britftin. .\I,i;.\\\I)l{l A VI("l'nin.\. In 111.' ijviwii of (^o^\, oftlio rnilcl Kiiiiidoni ()l'(Jr(iil llritaiii atul Ircliuid, (incoii, only daii'^liti'i* mid iK'ir to the ItiU- I'riiu'c Kdwiird, Duke of Kent, fourth sou of Kinj; Gi'oi'yi! III. Ilcr Miijcsty was horn tit Kcnsin.nlon Palace on the 241h May. isli>: baptl/ed on tlie 'JHh .Inue, isl'.i; ascended (he tliroiic on ihe demist' of her nnch', Kinii' William IV., 20th .Tune, ls;',7: proilaimed L'Ist .June. 1h;]7; and d'owiicd at Westndnster on liie i-'sili .Iniic. ls;!,s. Ilcr Majesty was married at SI. .laniOs'H raliice. on (lie miji FchruMry. Islo. to jicr <'ousin. his late Hoyal lliiihness, Krancls-Albert-Aii.niistns-Chai-lcs-Knianuel, Duke of Saxi'. rrince of Cohuru' and (iotha, Mho died at Windsor Castle on the mil l)eccnd)cr. I.^f'-I. Childri-n :— Victoria-. \dclaid«-i\lary-Jjoui,se, J'rinicKK Jiinjul, horn 21st Nav.. Is Id; iiiai'i'ied i.'")lli January, is.'s, at the Chapel lioyal, to His IJoyal Highness, I'rince Frederick-William-Nieliola.'-Charles, of I'i'iissia. Allteit-Kdwanl, Prince of WdJcxdm^ EnrI of Dvhihi, Ijorn »th November, is II ; married lOtii March, isii;;, at Windsor, to I'rin- eess AU'xandra, dan.i^iliter of Prince Cliristian, of DeniHikrk. Alice-Maud'Mary, horn ^.'ith A|)ril, ls4;{; married Ist.Tnly, lHlil2, at Ushornc. to His lioyal lliiihness, Prince Krcderick-William- liouis, of Hesse-Darmstadt. Alfred-Kniest-Alhert, horn (1th Au.uusl, ls44; married SfitliFeb., tsTI, to her Imi»erial Hiulniess, Marie-. \le\androvna, daughter of the Czar of Russia. Helena-Aujiusta-N'ictoria, horn 2.'>th May, IsH); married 'ttll tluly, isiu;, to His Uoyal Highness, Pnncc Christian, of Scljleswlg- Holstein-Sonderbnrg-.Vu.uustenbury:. . i • Louisa-Caroline-.Mberta, hoi'u sth March, islS; married 2J)rd March. IsTI, to the Most .Noble the Marcpiis of l^oruei. Arthur- William-Patrick-AllH'rt, l)orn 1st ]\lay, 1S.")(). JA'opokl-Ceoriie-Duncan-Albert, l)ora 7th April, ls5.}. Beatrice-Mary- Victor! a-Fcodore, boru 14th April, 1857. "' 22 THE NEWFOtTNDLAXD ALMANAC Her lAajesty's Chief 0£S.cers of State. IIIK (!AlUNi:i. First Lord of the Troiisiirv and ChjiuccUcr ol" the Kxclictiuer— Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. Lord ChaneeUor — Lord Sell)(>nie. Lord President of the Council— Earl Spencer. Lord Priv}' Seal — Duke of Argyll. Secretary of State for Foreign Alfairs — Lord Granville. Secretary of State for India — Mar([uis of llartington. Secretary of State for the Home Department — Sir W. Harcourt. Secretary of State for the Colonies — Earl of Kimberley. Secretary of State for War — Hight Hon. Hugh C. E. Cliilders. First Lord of the Admiralty— -Earl of N'ortlibrook. Chief Secretary for Jreland— Right Hon. W. E. Forster. Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster — Right Hon. John Bright. President t he Local Government Hoard — Mr. Dodsou. President o. the Board of Trade — Mr. Chandierlain. NOT IX rni-; c.viu>n-yr. . , . ,, ,|,, Lord Chamberlain — Earl uf Keuniarc. Lord High Steward — Earl Sydney. . , MasteroftheBucklioiiuds— Earl of Cork. Master of tlie Horse— The Duke of Weslminster. Civil Lord of the Admiralty — Mr. T. Brassey. , ,,. Chief Commissioner of Works— Right Hon. W. P. Adam. Lords of the Treasury— Sir A. D, Havter, Mr. John Holms, Mr. C. C. Cotes. Vice-President of the Council— Mr. Mundella. . ' ' Financial Secretary to the Treasury— Lord F. Cavendish. Financial Secretary to the War-office— Mr. Canii)bell Bannerman- Secretary to the Admiralty— Mr. G. Shaw-Lefevre. Secretary to the Local Govevnmeni Board— Mr. Hihbert. tTtlder-Secretary for F(n-eign Affairs— Sir Charles Dilke. Under-Secretary for Hidia— The Mariiuis of Lansdowne. Under-Secretary for War— Earl of Mo vley. Under-Secretary, Home Department— Mr. Arthur Peel. Under-Secretary for the Cohuiies -:Mr. Grant Dull". , Attorney-General— Sir Henry James. Solicitor-GcneraI~Mr. F. Herschell. Judge-Advocate-General— Mr. Osborne Morgan. Postmaster-General— Mr. Fawcett. Governor-General of India— Marquis of Ripon. Ambassador at Constantinople— Lord Carlingford. SCOTI.AM), Lord Advocate— Mr, J. M'Lnren, Solicitor-General — Mr. Balfour. IKKLANO, Lord Lieutenant — Earl Covvper, K.G. Lord Chancellor— Lord O'Hagan. Attorney-General— Right Hon. Hugh l.^w. THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. S8 COLONY OF NEWFOUNDLAND. !■ ll I Governor, Comma mler-in- Chief, and Vice-Admiral, His ExciCLLKiNCV SIK JOILN HAWLEY GLOVER, G.C.M.G. Privi.ite Secretary, Lieut. Houatio Hoijai;!-, Mokgax, Royal Mariue Light Infantry. Coh.ininl At'iJ-de-C'Onp, Alexander Miri^ay, Esq., C.M.G. . 'i^ The Executive Council. The HouorabU; W. V. Whit'way, Premier. The Honorable James J. Rogergon. The Honorable Edward I) Shea. ' The Honorable W. J. 8. Donnelly. The Honorable James S. Winter. The Honorable John Rorke. Ch'-rl of the CoitnciI-~-llvn. Edward D. Shea. The Legislative Council. M The Honorable Edward Morris, President, The Honorable Edward White. The Honorable Peter G. Tessier. ' ' The Honoral)le John Winter. , , The Honorable Edwai-d D. Shea. The Honorable Augustus W. Harvey. The Honorable Robert Thorburn. . , .^^ , The Honorable Tliomas Talbot. The Honorable Stephen Rendell. '• The Honorable John H. Warren. The Honorable James Fox. The Honorable Chas. R. Ayre. AcMng Clerk — Hugh F. Carter. Acting 3Iri^ter-in-Ch'nireri/~T\ioma,H J. Kough. Usher of the liJnrk Rtion Baij. Sovtlirrn ])ivisio)i — Joseph 1. LilU(5 aud Patrick Nowlan, Escniiros. District of JHoHnk-irrctm — ls'Jlt;^^au! Korniaii, Esquire, District of Carhoncnr — John lvor]/.siWc'< q/" £((;■/»— Hon. James J. IJoaerson and Hon. James S. Winter. District of Fortniip lUoi — James (). Fraser, Esqvi re, -. ,1 District of Jturi/fo and LaPoiff — Alex. M; McKay, E.'^qnlre. District of To-iUinyatc and 7<'nj/ry— Alex. J. W. McXoily, Stanley B. Carter aud Richard P. Rice, Es(iuires, CVfrA—Jolin Stuart. ' •' ' Clerk Assistant — Richard B. Iloldv^n, '! ' ' . r ' Solicitor — John H. IJoone. ' '. Scnjeant-at-Arnis — John B. Bfcr('l<'.r>i— lion. YAUymxW). Hhva. • "'•■'- lieccirci' in-wnil — Uoii. Jaiuos ,1. Uogei'soii. iSi'.rr('!iiir (icnrniJ — Hon. W. J. S. Duniii-lly. f'hoirmnn liourd of Wdi-La — James (). Fiuser. ' ' • Colonial Secretary's 0£cd^ Colonial Secrctarij — Uoii. ICdwiml 1). Shea. Ch-rks-^lohn W. Witlji-rs and U. W. 15. Carter. : OlVu'c Krcjicr (iH(J Mex!'pn[i<'r — James Dimpliy. I,. Financial Secretary's Office. Finxmiid Secretarn — Eranoiw Wintou. C/c'/7,— Alexander S. lleid. Stipendiary Poor OoH3,mi5sioaex. C'otiDiiisift'in'.i' — Jolm Cusi'y. ClcH- — Joliu Dunph}'. l^Mlwi^y Oommissio^iers. Hon. Sir W. V. WJiitevvay, K.C.M.G. ; Hon, A. Slieu, Hou. E. Tlior1)urn, lion. C. K. Ayre, and A. M. McKay. Revenue Departmoiit. IJOAUl) OK j;i;VKM li. • ■ •■■' • ' ■ '■ Pi'('si(hii( — Hon. James J. Kogerson, lieceiver General; Edwin Duder, Hou. Uobert Tliorburn, Hou. btepheu lieudell, lion. 1\ G. Tessier, and AValter B. Grieve. i;r.\"HNri': r.sTAnrjsiiMi;xT. lieceiver Gener;;! — Hon. James J. liogerson. Assistant Collec- tor, James S. Haywurd. Landin,"' and Tide Surveyor, Jaines L. Noonan. Clerk, Pierce lU. Ikirrou. Lauding, Waiters, Janie.s Winter and W. 8. Canninii'. Tliird Landinj^- Waiter and Assistant Tide Survevor, W^illiam Wliite. First Clerl< and AVareliouse Keep- er, William" Doiitney. Second Clerk, William Gill. Tliird Clerk, l';'.lrick l^'nrlong. Fourth Clerk, John li. Noonan. Fifth Clerk, b'rancis Jicrteau. Lockers, Hichard Meagher and Philip Hally. Authorized Broker — Henry J, Stabb. orrroiM suiJ-ioLi-KCXOKS. .. i Fogo, John G. Lucas, (i)'eenspond, Wm. Lang. Trinity, Wm. S. Geeeii. Carbon^^ar. Felix J. Mct-arthy. Harbor Grace, Alex. ("lill; Clerk suul L;iudiug Waiter, Thos. \V. Gadeu. Brigus, Geo. Gii>liue. l>!!''lii. Tlio-. Winter. Lamalhie, Henry Benniug. Har- bor Breton, FJiiUp Hubert. I'ushthrough. (Fortune Bay) Heury Camp. English Harlior, St. Jacques and Bellorr.ni, Geo. T. Snel- grovc. Gaultois, Kicliard Bradshaw. LuPoile, Fraacii;* A. Keid* 2fi THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Twillingatc, Jcsepli J. Tearce. Oderiu, llicliard McGratli. Chau- uel, (Port-aux-lJasque) Nathan Smith (Actini,'). Bay 8t. Geor^'o, G. K. Lilly. Bay of Islands, Laurence Barron. Bonne Bay, H. IL Taylor. Koinui Harbor, Tilt Cove and Betfs Cove, John C. Diider. Flowers Cove, \Vm. P. Taylor. I'UKVKNTIV* Ol'l'IUUHW. Boua.vi.sta and Cataliua, John Mittlen. Bay Bulls, J, WillianiM. Holyrood, Philip Veiti^h. Ferryhuul, Wni. S. Carter. St. Mary's, Jaiues Harney, n^ittle Placentia, Tho.s. Freeman. Bay lioberts, G W. R. Hierlihy. Hants Harbor, Ro))ert Belbeu. Burgeo, F. A. Par.sons. Great Placenlia, Wu). (i. JJradsliaw. Grand Bank, (Fortune Bay) Geo. Siinms. Trepassey. Aujru.stus Simms. Rose Blanche, John Furncaux. St. Lawrence, lluiiij "Vavasor. Re- news, Michael Jackman. Fortune, James P. Snook. Western Bay, James Evans. Harbor Buil'ett, Wm. Haun. Portugal Cove, Wm. Tulk. Sahnonier, John Dakin. Pre.s(jue, Patrick Sullivan. CUSTOMS DEPAItrMKN'T. Comptroller of Customs and IJeglstrar of Shipping for New- foundland and its Depeud«nci('n>, lion. James J. Rogersou. Sur- veyors of Shipping, Wm. Whitt', St. John's. Alexander Clift, Harbor Grace. W. S. Vxvvrn, Trinity. G. '!'. Siielgrove, English Harbor. Daniel Murphy, Cape Bonavistato Salvage. AVm. Lang, Salvage to Cape Frcels. Geo. Sinim.s, Grand Bank. J. P. Snook, Fortune. John MitHrn, Cataliua to Jingged Hai'ljor. Joseph J. l*earce, Twillingale to Cliange Ishuids. John G. Lucas, Fogo. , Tilt Covo. John P'urneaux, Rose ]ilanche. Felix J. McCarthy, Carbonear. TliKA8Lll\ DKI'AUJ'.MENT. Receiver General, Hon. James J. Rogei'son. Clerk, George F. Hayward. Lmmiavou— Collection of dnH'-s under CvsoliddU'd Statutes. — Sub- Collector, John R. Kearney. S.ib-Collector, Blanc Sa])lon, Labra- dor, M. W. Stephenson. Superintendent of Mercauti- Marine, Robert Carter. Surveyor Gene .al's Dspartmsnt. Surveyor General, Hon. W. J. S. Donnelly. First Clerk and Draughtsman, AVni. M. IL Warren. Topographical Survej^or, Thomas Long. Clerk, Carteret Alsop. Assistant Clerk, Arthur White. Messenger, Wm. Briglit, DKIMIV srHX'KVOKS IN Ol'TPOJiTS. Northern Dislricf—GiUyvvi H. Cole, Trinity. Cii.is. E. Thomson, Bonavista. Daniel Murphy, Kinu's Cove. .John T. Oakley, Greenspoud. Henry MUes, Open Hall. Tiiomas Pevton, Twillin- gate. Robert Squarry, North Shore of Notre Dame Bay. Wm. Casey, Carbonear. G. W. U. Ilierlihv, Bav Roberts. John Mearn, Brigus. W. Christian, Trinity Bay South. Southern Z)/r?.s/o»— Jas. Harney, St. Mai'v's. Henry Camp, For- tune. Philip Hubert and H. J. Haddou, Fortune Bay. Thomas Driscbll, Bay Bulls. THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 27 1. Clum- Gcorgo, (av, H. II. John C. WilliamM. t. Mary's, Roberts, iirgeo, F. nd Bank, ns. Rose sor. Ro' Western ijal Cove, Sullivan. for Ncw- ju. Sur- lier Clift, k' m. LiUif,', r. Suook, Joseph J. as, Fogo. Felix J. "ieorge F. (^s.— Sub- >ii, Labra- riiomson, . Oakley, 1, TvviUin- ly. Wm. )hn Ilearn, Jamp, For- Thomas Board of Works Department, Having tlie niauiigeniont and superintendence of Government House, Colonial Buikliiig, Court Houses, (jaols. Custom Houses, Hospitals, Lunatic, Asyluui, and all other Buildings aud Property l)elonging to the Colony ; Light Houses, Buoys aud Beacons, erect- ed or to l)e erected, within tlie Colony and its Dependencies; su- pervision of Commissioners of Roads, Highways, Bridges, &c. n()AT?I> OK WORKS. ' Chairman, J. 0. Frasor; Hon. Jas. S. Winter, Wm. Boyd, Gil- bert Browning, and Capt. Philip Clcary. Secretary, .Jolin Stuart. ' , Accountant, M. T. Knight, ■ : Clerk, P. Hognn. Suporintendenl Pulilic Works snid Buildings, and Hispoctor of Light Houses, Jolin T. Xovill. Clerk, W. T. Salter. Road Surveyors and Lispeotors, T). Brien and J. Kavanagh. Municipal SuperAisor of the town of St. .lohn's, John Nicholl. OTT'ITOKT nOAKOS OK ItOAD <'0:\r:\IISSIOXERS. Harbor Grace proper — Robert AVnIsh, Chas, Ross, Patk. Deve- renx, Wm. Taj)]), ,Tohn I'attei-son, Mark Parsims, James Hippislcy, Thos. vStrnpp, .lames CallMhau. South-side Harl)or Grace, and Bryant's Cove — John Noel, Wm. Webber, Joim S. Stepiu'uson, (Bryant's Cove,) P. K. Norcott, N. I'arsons, Ed. Parsons. Spaniard's Bay — Moses Gosse, Wm. Baggs, Wm. H. Earle, R. Gossc, Thos. Whelau, Jolni Barrett. Upper Island Cove and Bishop's Cove — John Crane, L Gosse, Joshua Gosse, N. Biirrett, Joseph Di'()ver, Hliel Drover. Cnrl)onear — Niciiolas Nichole, Ben. T. H. Gould, Ambrose For- ward, Michael Goidd, Michael Dwyer, Felix J. McCarthy, Dr. J. RjmII, Nicholas Kennedy, (Crocker's Cove.) Bay Roberts — Isaa(; IJartlett, Stephen Parsons, Cha''les French, .Tames Culleton, Mark Delaney, sr., 10. Dawe. Brigus — John Wilcox, Moses Clarke, Munden Norman, John Smith, Nathaniel Rabbitts, (x. Jerrett, James Brophy, James Tara- han, John Xowlan. Cupids — James LeDrew, AKVed Smith, Thomas LeDrew, Geo. Smith, Patrick Delaney, Michael Power, Samuel Spracklin, Wm. Wakeham, John Bishop. I'ort-de-Gravc, Northern side of Northern Gut Bridge — Jonn M. Maddock, John Andrews, Isaac Richards, Thomas Butler, George F. Payne, George Butler, Wm. Brown, .James Butler, Daniel King, Patrick Kenny, Henry Dawe. Topsail to Indian Pond, inclusive — Geo. Carter, Patrick Dayly, .Fohn Haddon, R. Parmiter. Toad's Cove — Cornelius Driscoll, Michael Power, Michael Col- bert. Indian Pond, exclusive, to Turk's Gut, inclusive — Very Rev. J. O'Donnell, Charles Furey, M. Woodford, (Harbor IMain,) John Veitch, (Holyrood,) James Moore aud .lames Wade, (Cat's Cove.) sis TPIK NEWKOrNDLANl) ALMANAC. South Hhoro of Conception Hoy, fVoui IIoivso Cove to Iiulian I'oiul, inclusive — l'atrici< Diiyly, \Vin. 'I'ilK'V, .l;iiiu'S Moinan. lioii- ry HinoH, Job Cootes, Miittlicw Nuyont, Wni. Swiiiisl)oroUi[jfli. First Division, FroshAvater to Perry's ('o\ e. in('lnsi\i' — Joseph Joyce, John Swain, Josepii l^^>e, Ck-or^i' Kveiley, Francis J'ike, Sihis Moors, Wm. Davis. Second Division, Spout Cove to Oclirepit, inclusive — Jcjlm C. Moores, .fames Thistle, James Crowley. AltVe'.l Jiuies, James Crununy, Joliu l^iamond, Ai'eliehiiis llull'yaid. Third Division, Northern Bay to Capliu Cove, inclusive — John Lewis, Joseph Wiltsliear, Edwin Turnej', (Uioruc Cull, Cliarit's Weeks, (Jeoriic Cooper, (Island Cove.) Wiii. Wliitewav, (.Iob".N Cove.) Fourth ])ivisiou, Bay-de-Vei'ds and Low Point — IJev. (i. S. Chaml)erlain, Henry .Stevi-ns, Cliarles JJlundou, James Moores, Tliomas Neil. Wni. Lo(|uer, Wm. Noitli. liay-de-Verds. fr^ni (tuU Island to Smooth Cove, inclusive — Simeon Marcli, Jacob Moores, Mark Piidisler, John Ha.ii,a!i, (North- ern Bay,) Micliael Doyle, ((i-ull Island.) Grates Cove — Wm. Meadus, Josiuia lii iison, Elijah IJcnson, Wm. IL Meadus, Joseph Snelgi'ove. Old Terlicau— Joseph Boyd, Wm. Christian, Elias :\Iarcli, lOb. March, Gcorye Tuti', John Jh'own, (Laiici' Cove.) Hants Harbor — J. H. Watscni. .1. Slieehan. Richard I'elley, Ciias. Green, John Short, l{ol)ert I}ell)in. (Seal Cove,; Moses JJuLton. (Hussel's Cove.) Heart's Content— liev. F. .II. Murray, Kichaid I'inniy, (ieoj'iie Charlton, Alfred Ilo])kins, lienben Bemister, ^^Ne\v Ferlicrn,) J. Hiscock, John Antle, (Scilly Cove.) Wm. S(joley. Sumui-l Humitli- rles, (Heart's Deliinht,) Yi. Wecdon, Jo-eph iroi)kins. New Harbor — Hev. Arthur C. Wajihorne, Kdyar March, Moses Parsons, Thomas Newhook, Jacob Miller. Iviward IMoore,. Albert George, Charles Crocker. Rhndoni Sonnd, Shoal Harbor— Moses Tillev and Aaron Tillcy, (Shoal Harbor,) Charles Ansford, (Deep Tiiuiit',) Isaac Adev. ( Lw Bight,) Edn\und Pelley, (lieorges' Bi'ook.) Jost'i)h Tilley, "(I-Utle Shoal Harl)or,) AVjn. Cooper, (Magotty Coac.) Random Sound, Xorth-west .Vrm, iVom Cow Head to the Bar— Charles Heed, (Foster's Point,) Job Pelley, (Robinson's Biuht,) James Reed, (March's Point.) Wm. (iuHiv'er, (Bald Naj).) Moses Smith, (Elliott Cove.) Random Sound, South-west Arm, from llearfs Ease to Black Brook— >James Drover. (Hodge's Hole.) Ricliard Seward. (Goose- berry,) James Pond, (Fox Harbor.) (u'orge Vardy. (Clay Pits,) Isaac Bt'nsou, (Northern Bight.) David Spurrei, (iJutter Cove.) Random Sound, South-west .\i'm. from Black Brook to St. Joues — Wm. Blundell. He/.. Blnndell. (St. Jones.) David Benson, Matthew Martin, (Northern Bight.) Alfred Yi^y and Benjanun Prince, (Long Bight.) Random Sound, North-west Arm, from (Jonev Island to Cow Head— Hex. Blundell, Charles Bryant, Alfred Bluiidell, ( Mi'-kman's Harbor,) Benjamin Martin, James Vardy. Smith's Sound— James ". King, (Deer Harl)()r,) Thomas Mills, (English Thoroughfare.) James i\lills. (Tlioroniiiifare,) James Troope and Silaa Loader, (Ireland's Eye.) THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. '29 Mills, Juiiiesi Smith's Sound, North Side— .lames Pittmau, (Brickyard,) Johu Cooper, George Carbery, (Bergoync's Cove,) Thomas Pelley, (Broad Cove,) Robert Stone, (Rocky Brook.) Smith's Sound, South Side, from Lower Lance Cove to Bay — Pierce Currie, David Currie, (Britannia Cove,) Absalom C6opfer, (Bluff Point,) John Late, (Middle Lance Cove,) Joseph IMttman, (Skinner Cove.) Trinity — Rev. Benjamin Smith, G. II. Cole, Alexander Brcmuer, Robert White, Wm. Pittman, Benjamin Miller, Frederick Govcr, (Trouty,) George Fleet, (Cnckokv's Cove,) Arthur"Watts, (North Side,) John Randlc, (Ship Cove,) Robert Lawlor, (North Side,) W. S. Green. English Harbor and Salmon Cove— J. S. Collis, G. Barnes, Wm. Penny, John Batston, Wm. liugden, Spraguc Frcemian, John Gos.s, Jacob Pitcher, (Salmon Cove.) Bird Island Cove — Ai-thur Tilley, CliarlcK Trass, Abcducgo Ilobbw, Thomas Tilley, George Oldfbrd. Catalina and l{agged Harbor — Thomas Stone, iMexander Brcni- ner, S. Jeans, David Reniiie, Isaac Suclgrove, Thos. McCormack, Wm. Norman, Josiali Stone, (Littli; Catalhui,) Tiiomas Donovan, (Ragged Harbor,) Stephen Jeans, jr., W. Ashlbrd, Geo. Courage. New and Old Bonaveuture — Capt. Field, Moses King, John Ivamy, (Cats Cove,) Levi Short, (OldBonaventure,) Ed. Gardner, (British llarl)or.) Greenspond — Frederick White, John .1. Murphy, J. T. Oakleyi George Allen, Jr., J. Domiiiy, Robert Whitemarcli, John McDon- ald, M.D., Alexander McMillan, Pool's Ishind — Peter House, Job Davis, Wm. Knee, (Pool's Is- land,) John Hcfferton, (Swain's Island,) John Hawe, Ed. Bishop, (Pinchard's Island,) Jacob Ridout, (Cape Freels.) Brooklyn — M. D. Stares, Wm, Stares, sr., Matthew Waugh, Francis Stares, John Haudcock, jr., Wm. Blundon, Wm. Hand- cock, Jacob Taylor. Musgrave Town— Thomas Greening, Thomas Saint, Jas. Reader, sr., Joseph Greening, Thomas IloUoway, John Oldford, Gidbon Way, Wm, Greening, R. Pitt. Salvage— James Burden, Thomas Oldford, John Sampson, Jas. Pike, (Flat Island,) John Squires, James Brown, (Bi.shop's Har- bor.) James Burden, jr., Josei)h Brown. Bonavlsta — David Caudow, John G. Skoltou, M.D., Jabez Saint, Samuel Rowsell, Alfred Vincent, Wm. Brown, Thomas Harris, John Swyers, Dr. Forbes, James Milllin, -Joseph Rolls, fFosepli Brown. King's Cove— Rev. W. Kir))y, Rev, — Ilanley, James Bro^n, Daniel Murphy, Samuel Brown, James Sullivan, John Coffin, Johu Moak, Simon Tobin, Daniel A. Ryan. Open Hall and Tickle Cove— Frederick Shears, Heliry Mll«s, Wm. Barker, Wm. Quinton, Andrew Skifllngton, .Fohii Taylor, James Long. Keels— Robert Penny, James Penny, Samtiel Coffm, Jfti!*. Eagau. Gooseberry Island— Ambrose Jeans, Edwai-d Sweetapple, Wm. Jacobs, Simon Wells, Joseph House, John Turner, Joseph Hay- ward. ludiau Arm and Seal Cove— John Priuce, (^'al Covt^) EtlWtod M THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Humbey, Win. Greeniu);?, (luiliaii Ann,) R. Taylor, (Head of Bay,) Wni. Tilley, Joseph Brown, (Indian Arm,) Goorj^e Trlnco, (Seal Cove.) Twillingate— Tlionias Peyton, John Spcnce, Wni. Gnrtis, Wm. Lethbrldge, Francis Roberts, John Rol)crts, John E. Blandford, George Minty, Elias Roberts, Silas Burt. Fogo — Dr. II. Fiudlater, JUines Fitzgerald, Robert Scott, Thos. Drover, ThomaH Hodge, J. W. Hodge, Matthew Hnyward, II. J. Earle. Seldom-Come-By — Henry Tenney, I'atrick Foley, Jacob Rowe, Wm. Penney, Philip Newell. Cat Harbor, (Twillii.gate and Fogo) — Henry Robbins, M. Davles, George Parsons, Matthew Gibbons, John Gudger, Richard Parsons, James Lynch. Loon Bay— Joseph Roberts, Ebenezer Wheeler, Frederick Slade. Change Islands, (Fogo)— Alfred Pike, T. N. Taylor, John Pel- ley, Wm. LeDrew, Thomas Torraville, Heu'-y Scammcl, Edward Elliott. Indiau Islands — Samuel Penny, Wm. Collins, Wm. Perry, John Bartlett. Bar'd Islands and Joe Bat's Arm— James Rolls, Joseph Camden, James Primer, Miles Burke, Thomas Dealy, Thomas Brown, Joseph Jacobs. Herring Neck— Richard Philpots, Esau Blandford, Henry Miles, John Squires, Thomas Dayly, Wm. Richmond, Robert Lewis. , New Bouaveuture— Edward Gardner, James Toop, John Gard- ner, Joseph Miller, James Ivamy. Ward's Harbor to Jacket's Arm— J. Campbell, (Little Bay Is- lands,) John Russell, (Ward's Harbor,) James King, (King's Cove,) Wm. Marshall, (Little Bay Islands,) J. B. Wills, James Norris, (Three Arms.) North-west Arm to Shoe Cove — Frederick Thomas, Wm. Noble, Charles Collins, Joseph Mills, James Gray, Jacob Toms, James White. Tiltou Harbor — Rev. James Brown, Wm. Burke, J. Brine, John Dwyer, Wm. Green. Moreton's Harbor and Tizzard's Harbor, including Black Islands , — Mark Osmond, Wm. Taylor, Charles Brett, Thomas French, James Jones, Elijah Jennings, Wm. Osmond, Wm. Wheeler, (Tiz- zard's Harbor.) Burnt Island, (Exploits)— Edward Dowuton, Thomas Butt, A. Manuel, James Winsor, Thomas Wiusor, Matthew Dalton, Josiah Manuel. Fortune Harbor— Richard Hamilton, Michael Bryan, Michael Byrne, James Carroll, Samuel Gillespie, Wm. Carroll, (Indiau Cove,) James Lyver, (Waldron's Cove.) Jackson's Arm to Head of Green Bay— John Kuight, J. Camp- bell, John Rowsell, John Wills, Joseph Mills. Shoe Cove to Nipper's Harbor— James Gray, John Stark, Wm. Noble, John Walshman. Leading Tickle— Wm. Alcock, Uriah Martin, Noah Chippett, Henry Andrews, Benjamim Rowsell, THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 81 Cat Harbor to Hocky Buy— John Wheelor, Robert Wellon, John Bradley, Win. Tardy, (Musj^'ravo Harbor,) Matthew Gibbons, (Cat Harbor,) Robert Shelly, (Rocky Bay.) WitlcM.s Bay— James Murphy, (iregory Norris, Thomas Carow, James Shaiiahau, Dennis Tobiu, Jr., Thomas Driscoll, (Mobile.) Mobile— Thomas Driscoll, Daniel Fitzgerald, Francis Dillon. Bay Bulls— W. G. Williara.'4, R. Mockler, M. Brien. FoiTyland, Caplin Bay and Aquaforte— Rev. M. A. Clancey, Ed- ward Hanrahan, John White, James Carter, Michael Kelly, Martin Devereux, (Ferrylaud,) Patrick Power, Edward Rough, sr., Rob- ert Morey, (Caplin Bay,) Peter Winser, Michael Meagher, Henry Winser, (Aiiuaforte,) R. H. White. Renews and Fermeusc,— Rovds. John Walsh, M. A. Clancey, and Michael Jackman, Andrew Shallow, J. Bcrrigan, Richard Quinlan, (Renews,) Michael Lawlor, (Broad Cove,) W. Trainor, Thomas Fenuelly, (Fermeu«e. ) Cape Broyle Winser, M. Cashin, T. Carew, M. Green, N. Power, John Badcock, Wm. Gregory. Trepassey— Rev. T. Hennebury, Henry Curtis, James Waddle- ton, George Devereux, Tliomas Sutton, S. Kennedy. St. Kyran's— Rev. W. Doutney, Patrick Sullivan, Thomas Sulli- van, John Brown, John Hennessey. Harbor Bullet— Rev. John Kingwell, C. D. Chambers, James Miller, Edward Barten, Herbert Wiffln, John Hollett. Bean Harbor— Rev. John Kingwell, Richard Radway, Joseph Smith. Oderiu— Ri\ B. Thompson, E. C. Gallop. Rose Blanche— Thomas ]?uloiit, Jolin liolls, P. U. Sorsoliei, A. MuKei^xle, S. Booitiell. Bnrgeo— Rev. John Cunningham, Dr. Hunt, Capt. Small, — — FiUew, J. P. LeGros. LaPoile— F. A. Read, Wm. Stone, sr., Jolm Cox, S. Billard, H. Jeftl'iei^, J. C. LeSeeleur, John Cook. Burnt Island, (Burgeo and LaPoile)— J. ^, Pooko, Nathaniel Kir^g, ar.,, G^rgc fool, Robert Snuirridge, Jeremiah Fudge, J. Sm<^U. Channel— Frederick Cox, Wm. Bragg, Thomas Poole, M. H. Gengpi, Jai^e? Mockford, Reimie, (Cape Ray.) ^or^ Ijfipg b^tWPeP Cape Lalluuc and Bonne Bay, District of Burgeo and LaPoile— Rev. E. Colley, A. G. Skinner, Matthew Lee, E. ^ymes, J. R. Walkins. Petites— Jamesi A4"uold, S. Bonuell, George Ellisworth, Thomas Quad, John Rose. GAOLS. Si John's Penitentiary— Governor, John R. McCowau. First Turnkey, J. Martin. Second Turnkey, John Fleet. Third Turn- key and Ord^rley, W. Hammond. Fourth Turnkey or Gate Keeper, James Brine. Matron, Miss Keating. Surgeon, Charles Crowdy, M.D. Harbor Grace— Gaoler, David Rogers. Surgeon, W. Allan, M.D. Trt^itir—Gioler, Wm. Crocker. Ferrylaud— Gaoler, George Geary. Placetitia— Gaoler, S. CoUins. THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 68 M. H. brict of :\\ Lee, Gliomas First Turu- Keeper, Irowdy, 1, M.D. Buvlu— Gaoler, Jolm Murpliy. Bouavi.sta — Gaoler, M. Feuuel. Twilllugttte uml Fogo— Gaoler, John MeKay. Harbor Briton— Gaoler, Win. Lorenzeu. Brigus and I'ort -de-Grave— Gaoler, Thomas Butler. Grecnspoiid— Gaoler, Jolm Bridle. CCirilT 1IOU8F.S. St. John's— Keeper, Lionel T. Chancey. Harbor Grace— Keeper, David Rogers. Ferry land— Keeper, George Geary. ST. JOHN'S HOHMTAL. Medical Attendants— Charles Crowdy, M.D. ; Henry Shea, M.D. Matron, Miss Cowan. Keeper, John I'rowse. HT. .lOlIN'S rOOU lIOl'SK. Medical Attendant— Charles Crowdy, M.D. Keeper, Kdward Morris. ST. .iohn'h lunatic asylum. Resident Ph5'sician— Henry H. Stal)b, M.D. DISTUICT SUnOKON.S. St. John's— Eastern Ward, Wni. C. Slmms, M.D. ; Thomas Howley, M.D. Western Ward, Frederick Bunting, M.D. Conception Bay— Wm. Allan, M.D. COLONIAL BUILDING AND GROUNDS. Keeper — Mrs. Born. Post Office Department. Postmaster-General — John Delaney. First Clerk and General Accountant— George LeMessurier. Superintendent Money Order Offlce— Thomas S. Dwyer. Second Clerk and Assorter — John Freeman. Third Clerk antl Assorter— George Gaden. Fourth Clerk— John Higgins. Assistant Clerk and Mail Agent, Labrador— James Campbell. Assorter— Jolm Kelly. Letter Carriers and Messengers— Edward Devereux and John Kincella. Office hours— From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Sundays excepted. POST MASTERS. Harbor Grace, A. T. Drysdale ; Carbonear, Nicholas Nicholle ; Brigus, Sarah Stantaford, (Post Mistress;) Heart's Content, Geo. Moore; Trinity, Anne Cross, (Post Mistress;) Bonavista, James Miffleu ; Greenspond, Wm. Lang ; Fogo, James Fitzgerald ; Twil- liugate, J. J. Pearce ; Bett's Cove, J. Cunningham ; Little Bay, Richard Walsh ; Bay Bulls, W. G. Williams ; Bay of Islands, W. H. Bagg; Rose Blanche, Philip Sorsoliel; Ferrylaud, JolmMorryr I 34 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. I'laccutia, llaunali Bnulslmw, (I'osI, Mlstrchs.s ;) Biirlii, Tlioinim Winter; Harbor Briton, Trypbo-iia Ulrkctt, (I'osi, Mlsin-ss;) Hiir- geo, F. A. Parsons; Little I'lacrntia, Alexander Bnrke; New I'erllcan, Franein Howell; Lal'oile, Joseph LeSiillenr; Clianncl, Njithaulel Smith ; Bay Hohcrts, Wni. I'rasur; Cataliua, Tryphuttnu Juaus. WAY OI riCKI{H. Port-de-Gravo, Matthew O'Kielly ; Bliieklu'ad, John Moors; Klnn'8 Cove, Tatrlck Murpiiy; Old rerlican, (ieor^'e 'I'ufl'; Portu- ttal Cove, Mrs. Uooley, (Way Mistress;) Exploits, T. Winder; Grates Cove, Wni. Meadus; Brooklyn, (Goose Bay,) M. I). Stares; Hpauiurtl's Bay, Wni. Karle; St. Mary's, Patrick Walsh; Flarhor Main, Mrs. K/.ekiol; Oderin, K. Maddox ; Paradise, Patrick Healy; Httlmonler, Matthew Carew; Herniitaire, M. Frances; Garnish, Sablutt Graudy, (Way Mistress;) iiay-de-Viirds, Charles Blundon; Laniallue, Jamcv IMttnum; Grand Bank. Jonathan Hickman-, Fortuue, H. J. Haddon; llolyrood, John Vcitch ; Topsail, Mrs. Molsc, (Way Mistress ;) Hants Harbor, Cliarlos Green ; (.'ats Cove, T. O'Brien; Island Cove, John Crane ; Trepassey, 10. Devereiix; English Harbor, (Fortune Bay,) T. Moulton ; New Harbor, T. New- hook; Freshwater, (Bonavistu Bay,) J. Prltchett; Salvage, James Burden, jr. ; St. Lawrence, Hnjj;h Vavasor; Western Bay, Jas. Han- rahan; Colchester, Ed. Lawlor; Gr(;at LaPoile, F. A. Kead; Bare- need, G. F. Payne ; Belloram, W.H. Cluett ; Beanbois, George Dol)le ; Branch, Margt. English, (Way Mistress ;) AcpialorLe, Peter Winsor ; Tilt Cove, L. N. Gill ; Nipper's Harbor, W. J. Eaton ; Bonne Bay, J. 11. Koberts; Scllly Cove, Jacob Hiscock; Herring Neck, H(!nry Miles; Renews, Margaret Leary; Toads Cove, Mrs. Driscoll; Northern Bay, Mary Hogan, (Way Mistressi-s;) New Bonaven- ture, George Field; Shoal Harbor, (Random,) Aaron TiUey; George's Bay, J. LeGrandy; Gaultois, Richard Bradsliaw; Cat Harbor, Henry Robl)lns; Clarkes Beacii, Wm. Ne\v*dl; Codroy, James Ilutchlugs ; Fermeiise, Henry Council; Flat Islands, H. W. Crauu; Fortune Harbor, Richard llamilton; Freshwater, (Car- bouear,) W. Lamb; Great Codroy Rivei, .Michael Downey : Greens Harbor, Hezekiah Beach; Harbor Butl'i i , Ann Collett, (Way Mis- tress;) Indian Arm, Wm. Greenlnj. : Jackson's Cove, Henry Knight; KelligrewH, Wm. Tilley ; Leading Tickles, Wm. Alcock; Little Bay Islands, John Campbell; Lower Island Cove, George Cooper: Musgrave Harbor, J. B. Wheeler; Northern Biffht, James Frost; Pass Island, Elizabeth Strickland, (Way Mistress;) Perry's Cove, Rachel Kellaway, (Way Mistress;) Petty Harbor, Jacob Bishop ; Pouch Cove, John Easterbrooke ; Pushthrough, Henry Camp ; Rencontre, Joseph Earle ; Salmonier South, Bridget Cor- raack, (Way Mistress;) Sound Island, Philip Bi'own; South-side Harbor Grace, Jacob Noseworthy ; South-side St. John's, George Nixon; St. Jacques, George Snclgrove; Torbay, J Am Maguire; Trinity East, Reginald Mills ; Witless Bay, James Slianahan ; Cape Broyle, Martin Cashiu ; Burnt Islands, Thomas Pooke; Change Islands, Alfred Pike; Hickman's llarlior, Joseph Pilley; Sagona, Phcebc Aspound, (Way Mistress ;) St. Bride's, J. E. Conway ; St. Anthony, H. F. Moorcs. POSTAL ROUTES. Summer— Between St. John's and Portugal Cove, every clay, ex- cept Sunday, by wagon. Between Portugal Cove, Brigus, Harbor Grace, and Carbonear, by steamer, tri-weekly. Overland— Topsail, Holyrood and Harbor Main, weekly. TIIK NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 85 Wli\ti'r— (Kj'iliuid, hy \vuy;(»u, for Carhonriir, via Topsail, Kelll- {jn-ws, Holy '•<»(!, IliirlMir Mnin, Hri;xus. l'ort-(io-Grave, Bay Rob- erts, Kpaniiird >■ Hay, and Harhor (Iracc, Monday and Friday. On Wi'diicsday, \ i Cove, l)y st('an\('r, nlicii practlca1)lt'. Ik'twccii lit .irl's Cniilfut, (iratcs (love, Now I'crllcan, Hants Ilarlxir, aini old I'crllruii, weekly, Ity nu'^soiigcr. Hetweeii '';Ml)ouear, lUaeklicad and Baj-de-Verds, weekly, by inoHMonjior. c;! iiiii >v I'erllcan and 'I'rlnlly, weekly, by boat. Hetwoen Trinity and r.onavista, and l)etween Trinity and King'8 Covp, weekly, by nu'ssenijer. Hetwoen P^navista auil (iroenspond, fortnljrhtiy, by boat, touch- ing at Salva;; . Between SI. .fohn's, liay-de-Verds, Catalina, Kln;;'s Covo, Trini- ty, Bonavista, droenspond, Fojjo, TwUllnjfate, F.xplolts, Little Bay IsliiiuK, 'I'ilt, (jove, and N'ipper's Ilari)or, l)y coastal steamer, t'ortni;ilit ly, (ui tlie Monday alter arrival of the steamer from Llv- i!ri)ool and (iuecnstown ; and dnrln;; winter months, overland, via Harbor (irace, Spaniard's Bay, Now Harbor, Come-by-Chance, liandoni, and Fresh wal{fr, forlni^rhlly. Between St. .lolin's, Ferryland, Ueiiews, Trepassey, Burin, St. rierrc, IIarl)or Mrilon, Bur;;eo, Lal'oile, llose Blanche, and Chan- nel, by coastal steamer, tbrinijihtly, summer and winter; calling at Renews, St. Mary's and IMacentia every alternate trip. Between St. .lohn's, Bay Jiulls, Witless Bay, Toads Cove, Ferry- land, and Heuows, weekly, by wa,u;on, durini; summer months, and fortnightly in winier. Between St. .lolm's and I'lacentla, by wajfou, on Wednesday and Fritlay, from the lirst of April to the end of December : fortnightly during" .fanuary, February and March. Between JMacentia and St. .lohn's. by wiiuon, on Monday and Wednesday for nine months; fortnightly in winter. Between Salmoiner and St. Mary's, ))y Messenger, fortnightly. Botweeu Great and Little IMacentia, by Messenger. Between (ireat IMacentia, LaManche, Sound Island, Harbor Buf- fett, Ued Island, Merashecn, and Burgeo, by boat. Between Great IMacentia and Burin, l)y 1)oat, touching at Isle Valen, Paradise, Odorin, and Flat Islands. Between Burin and Garnish, by messenger, winter months only. Between Jilttle and Great St. Lawrence and Lamallue, by mes* senger. Between Garnish and Harl)or Breton, calling at English Harbor and St. .Jacques, by boat. Between St. ,Jac(|ue.s and Bay L'Argeut, calling at intermediate places, Ijy boat. Between Harbor Breton, IMishthrough, Keucontre, Rameo, Burnt Islands, and Pctites, ))y boat. [y, ex- mear, larbor UATK8 OF rOSTAGt-:. Postage on Letters addressed to the United States, the Dominion of Cana cents, and 5 cents for every additional 36 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Local NewspanerH to United States, tlie Dominiou aud West In- dies, 2 cents, and to Enij[land, 1 eent. Foreign Newspapers rc-mailed for trau.sniissioii to the Outports, are charged 1 cent each, prepaid by stamp ; 2 cents to other coun- tries. INLAND POSTAiiK. For Letters under 4 oz 3 cents. Under 1 oz (5 cents. 3 cents for every additional A oz., prepaid ))y stamps. For book packet*, pamphlets, ina;»azinos, and periodicals, not exceeding three pounds in weight, transmitted by post within the Island, tire charged 4 cents for every ((uartor pound of their weight, or fraction thereof. Postage on Letters for French Islands St. Pierre and Mi;a'/iinos for Great Britain, Do- minion of Canada, and UnitotI States, are charged the following rates when exceeding two ounces in weight: For a packet above l' o/,s. and not exceeding 4 ozs., + cents; not exceeding 8 ozs., 8 cents; over s ozs. and not exceeding 1 lb., IG cents; and so on, adding 4 cents for every additional 4 ozs., or fraction tliereof, when tlie packet cxccoils two ounces in weight. Commercial papers, invoices, &c., are chargeable witli .'i cents for the f. "st rate of two ounces or a fraction thereof, and four cents per four ounces or any fraction thereof over the first two ounces. Books, trade patterns or samples, and all printed papers, other than newspapers, not exceeding two ounces in weight, are for- Avarded to the Tuited Kingdom at the reduced rate of: For a packet not exceeding 2 (jz 2 cents. Unpaid books for the United Kingdom or other countries will not be forwarded. Letters for oftlcers serving in II. M. service abroad are charge- nl)Ie with the ordinary rates of postage. The attention of the public is called to the fact that the General Postal fnioii Treaty positively i)rohil)its the transmission in the Mails of gold or silver money, jewels or i)recious articles, or any other article whatever lial)le to Customs' duties. Tlierefore, cor- respondence origiiu\ting in Newfoundland, and addressed to any of tlie countries of the Postal Inion, whether ordinary or regis- tered, should not contain these interdicted articles. Jinle of llatiwj Letters hn British Packet. For all countries— under h oz., one? rate; under 1 oz., two rates; under U ozs., tliree rates; and so on, adding one rate for every 4 oz. Letters posted in Newfoundland for delivery at any place within the Island, are charged 3 cents for every h oz., if prepaid, and (> cents unpaid. KKGISTUATION. Any Letters found to contain coin, as well as any having the word' " Registered " written upon them, Avhich may be ])Osted in Newfoundland, will be forwarded to any part of the Colony, charged with a doul)le registration fee. For United Kingdom, foreign countries and Dominion of Canada, they will not be for- warded npon any terms. MONHV (>UJ)Ki: IJUANCIl. Thomas S. Dwyer. Superintendent, onice hours— From 'J a.m. to 4 p.m. Money (Jrdcrs arc now interchanged with the United liiugdolil, Dominion of Canada, P. E. Island, and United States, at the fol- lowing rates of commission : Scale for Inhi ml Orders. — Orders np to f;!! 10, 5 cents; from $10 to .$20,* 10 cents; from .$20 to 630, 15 cents; from $?,0 to ijiilO, 20 cents; from $40 to $'>0, 25 cents. Maximnm amonnt of Inland Order, .$50. Scale for United Khiqdom.. — Orders np to £2 si, a'., 'M\. stg. ; irom £2 to £5, Is. Hd. ; tron"i £5 to £7, 2s. ;5d. : from £7 to \£10, .^s. Maximnm amonnt of Order on United Kinirtloin, £10. Scale for Canada, Nava Scotia, Nmi BrnnsvirJ,; and Prince Ed- viard, Island. — Orders np to £5 stu,.. Is. stg. ; from £5 to £10, 2s. ; from £10 to £15, 3s.; from £15 to £20, 4s, Maximnm amonnt of Order on the Provinces, £20. Scale for United States. — Orders np to ."iiilO, 10 cents; from iijilO to .$20, 20 cents ; from .$20 to .$.30, 30 cents ; from $30 to .S40, 40 cents; from $40 to .S50, 50 cents. No half-pence to be introdnced in the Orders. Business of Money Order OUice closes one liour l)eforc closing the mails l)y stear.ier. SYSTIOI. 1. — Money Order.s are made out in forms supplied for the use of the Money Order Odiees. 2. — Persons applying I'or Money Orders arc recommended to use printed " Application Porms," printed for tliiil purpose. 3. — Place of payment of a Money Order may be clianged in ac- cordance witli instructions provided therefor. 4. — Alteraticm of payee's name may lie ellected i)y issue of a new Order ontl payment of commission thereon. 5. — Ai)plicants for Money Oi'ders are exjiected to observe due care in tlie examinatiou of tlie same, relative to lilliug and stamj)- ing ; defect in Orders, wlien presented for i)ayuient, may cause ditliculty and delay, for -wliicli the paying oltice is not to be held accountable. 6. — Postmasters should be particularly careful to obtain from the person who presents a Money Order, whether the rightful owner or not, full information as to the eliristiun name, surnanu' and address of the party Avho originally obtainctl it, unless such party 1)e a Arm, when the naine of tlie linn will sulhce. 71ie oiih/ excejttiitn t(> this rule is — When an Order is presentcil through the Bank, in which case it will snlliee that the Order, 1)eiug projiei'ly signed, be also crossed with the Banker's name. 7. — As however, after once iia>jin,[i a Mnn()j Order, hij vhomsoccer presented, the offiee irifi uot he liahle to aii;i fnvfht r rlaim, the public are strictly cautioned, — 1st — To take all means lo prevent the loss of the Money Order. 2nd — To be careful on taking out an (M-dcr, to state eorrectl\- tlie ehristiiin as well as the surname of the person in wliose favor it is drawn. ard — To see tluit the name of the person taking out tlic Mone\' Order is correctly known to the |)erson in whose favor it Is drawn. 8. — Payment of a Money ()rder must b(> obtained before the end of the sixth calendar month after that in which it was issued, otherwise a new Order will be necessary, for which a second com- the fol- •oni .$10 to ijjiW, 1' Inlaiul ;. ; li'Olu £10, 3s. iHcr Ed- ElO, L's. ; nouut of 'roiii 810 840, 40 ; closing lie use ol' 0(1 to use eorts should have the name of the district, the Post or Way Office, distinctly Avritteu as part of the address. For instance, letters for Bonne Bay, French Shore, are sometimes sent to Bonne Bay, Fortrue Bay District, being simply directed Bonne Bay. There are several settlements named Broad Cove, Little Bay, Phigiish Harbor, Blackhead, Balliue, Ca- l»lin Cove, Deer IshuKl, Flat Islaiuls, Fortune, Fox Cove, Fresh- water, Island Cove, Long Harbor, Burgeo, New Harbor, Salmon Cove, .Seal Cove, Ship Cove; and unless properly directed are liable to go to the wrong office for delivery. The loss and incon- venience arising from imperfect directions are caused by the care- lessness of the sender, and ao blame can attach to the Post Offlce. Other pku'cs besides those named have settlements with corres- ponding appellation ; hence the necessity of being particular in addressing all letters, &c. See that every letter, newspaper or other packet sent by post, is securely foldeil and sealed. Every such i)aeket iias to be several times handled: und even wlieii in the mail l)ag, is exposed to pressure and friction. L'nless, therefore, tlie article be light and pliant, it should be enclosed in strong paper, lineu, parchment, or some other material >vliich will uut readily tear or breaJw Fasteu the covers of newspapers lirinly, so as to prevout them from slipping out. When dropping a letter or newspaper into a letter-box, always see that the packet falls into the box, and does not stick in its pasaage. Never seal letters for the East and West Indies and other hot climutes with wax. Sncli a i)ractice is attended witli much incou- venieuce and frequently with serious injury, in consequence of the melting of the wax and the adhesion of the letters to each other. In all such cases use wafers or ii'uni, and advise your correspond- ents in the country referred to to do the same. Never send money or other articles of value through tlie Post Office, except either by means of a money order or in a registered letter. " Any person wlio sends money or Jewellery in an unregis- tered letter, not only runs the risk of losing his property, but exposes to temptation every one tlirough whose hands Ids letter passes, and may be the means of ultinmtely bringing some clerk or letter-carrier to moral ruin." Carcftilly secure every letter or packet containing money or value, tirst w itii gum and afterwards with good sealing-wax, on Miuch n\ark tlie clear impression of a geal. This only applies to Local correspondence, the forwarding of such articles to other countries 1)eing i)i'ohibited. On posting a registered letter or packet, alwayf! obtain a receipt for the same at the odice wliere posted. When letters or newspapers are delayed and missing, at once communicate the lact to the Postmaster of the Division in wliich Is situated the Post OtHce at whicli the delayed or missing letters were posted. In case of a missing letter, enclosing value, state the exact contents, the exact address, and the oillce at wiiich posted; the name of the person by whom ijosted, and the name of the person by whom received at tiie ollice. In the case of a de- layed letter or paper, send the cover or wrapper in an entire state, in order that the place of delay may ije ascertained by an exanuu- atiou of the post marks. Trouble and loss occasi .4 Fortune Bay . • North-west (. ..st Trinity Harbor Mali Fortune Bay Harbor Main Trinity Twillingate and Fogo.. Placentia and St. Mary' Trinity '. Harbor Grace Bonavista Twillingate aiul Fogo.. Bonavista Conception Bay Burin Twillingate and Fogo.. Twillingate and Fogo.. Bay-de-Verds Bonavista , Trinity Twillingate and Fogo.. Bay-de-Vords .",... Tr s. Jglish ^o" I'lnity Trinity j John Moors M. I). Stares Charles Blundou G.F.Payne \V. H. Cluett Geo. Dobie Margaret Eu^ ,1.11. lioI)erts Alfred Pike T. O'Brien Edward Lawlor Henry Bobbins Wm. Newell James Ilutchini Martin Cashin T. Winser T. Moultou H. J. Haddon J. Pritchett John Council II. W. Craun Richard Hamilton W. Land) Wm, Mead us Sabina Graudy Jonathan Hickman F. A. Read J. LcGrandy Richard Bradshaw Michael Downey Ile/ekiah Beach Mrs. Ezekicl M. Frances John Veitcli Charles Gj'cen Henry Miles Ann Collett Joseph Pillcy John Crane Wm. Greening Henry Knight Patrick Murphy Wm. Tillcy -James Pittmau Wm. Alcock John Campbell Geo. Cooper J. B. Wheeler T. Newhook W. J. Eaton M:iry Hogau Geo. Field imes Frost i I ill NA:«K ok OKl'lCF. THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC DISTUICT, 43 "I 01(1 IVrliciUi Trinity Otlorlii riivcoiitiii and .St. Mary's. rort-<1o-(ri'avo Tort-dc-Gravo rortusal Cove 'St. John's Kast Paradise Tlacontia and St. Mary's. Pass Island 'Fortune Bay Perry's Cove ' l?a v-do- Verds Pettv Havl)or St." .Tojin's AVest I'oueh Cove St. .Tolin'sEast Piishtliroujrh F'ortiine Hay Koncws Ferryliuid llcncontre Fortune Ray Spaniard's Bay llarhor Graee St. Ma.xy's Placentia and St. Mary's. Salmonier Plaeentia and St. Mary's. Salvage Bonavista St. Lawrenee Burin Seilly Cove Trinity Shoal liar., liandoni Trinity Salmonier South 'Plaeentia and St. Mary's. Sound Island Plaeentia and St. Mary's. St. Jacques Fortune Bav South-side St. Jolm's St. John's \Vest South-side Mr. Grace IIar1)()r Grace Sa^ifona Fortune Bav St. Brides Phicentia.. ." St. Antliony Xortii-east Coast Trei)assev Placentia and St. Mary's. Trinity Fast Trinity ". . . Topsail Harbor Main Toad's Cove P,av Bulls Torbay ISt. John's Fast Tilt Cove Fo.ii'o and T^villin,L^•^te.. . . Western Bay Bay-(h'- Verds Witless BaT 'Ferrvland OKKICK KKKI'KU. Geo. Tuff K. Maddox Matthew O'RioUy Mrs. Doolcy Patrick Ilealv Eliz'th Strickland Rachel Kellaway Jacob Bishop John Easterbrookc rienry Camp Margaret Leary Joseph Earlc Wm. Earlc Patrick Wal.sh Matthew Carew James Burden, jr. Hugh "Vavasor Jacob lliscock Aaron Tilley Bridget Corinack Philip Brown Geo. Snelgrove Geo. Nixon Jacob Noseworthj' Ph(el)c Aspound J. E. Couway H. F. Moore E. Devereux Reginald Mills Mrs. Moise Mrs. Driscoll John. Maguire L. N. Gill James Ilanrahan James Shauahan Alphalsetical List of Towns, Villages and Settlomonts. XAMK Ol" ri.ACHS. Adam's Cove jBay-de- Verds Andierst Cove (l'p'r)jBonavista Andierst Cove (Lo'r)' do .Vpsey Cove iFogo A(|uul()rte Ferrylan( A(lmiral's Cove St. Mary's and Placentia. Angel's Cove do do Arnold's ( 'ove do do Ann's Cove do do Belle Isle < St. John's East Balline ; do Broad Cove [ do Blackhead St. John's West Broad Cove iHarbor Main Bacon Cove do POST rowxs. Carboucar Trinity do Fogo Ferryland St. Mary's Placentia Little Placentia Great Placentia Portugal Cove do do St. John's jllarbor Main Brigu.s 44 TIIK NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. NAMK or I'LACKS. Burnt Head (Cupids) IJroiid Covf Bull Cove Blow-me-Dowu Barcneed Brlf^UH Bryant's Cove BiHhop's Cove Bcachy Cove Blo\v-mc-Dovvn Broad Cove (Nh. S.) Blackhead Bay-de-Verds liony Brook Bird Island (^ove.. .. Blrcliy Cove Barrow Harbor Back Harbor Broom Close Bonavista Bragg's Island Burnt Island Bennett's Island Bayly's Cove Bernioth Island Bloody Arm Beaver Covo Bar'd Islands Blackhead Cove Black Islauil Burnt Bay Bircliy Bay Betts Cove Bay Bulls Burnt Cove Bauline (South) Brlgus (South) Biscay Bay Barisway Bcckford (C. Shore) Branch Bordeaux Black Uiver Barren Island Betts Hole Burgeo Bona Burnt Islands Bane Harbor Beaubois Buriu Bruuetlslaud Bay-de-East Bay-de-North British Harbor Branch Black Duck Cove. . . . 1JISTUICT.>«. Brigds do do ' do do do Harbor Grace : t^ do Bay-dc-Verds (h) do do do Trinity Bonavista do Twillingate and Fogo. Trinity Bonavista do I do clo do I do Fogo do do do do do do do Ferrvland do do do Placeutia and St. Mary's, St. Mary's Placeutia and St. Mary's Placentia do do do do do do do do Buriu do Fortune Bay do do Trinity Placentia and St. Mary's, do do POST TOWNS. Brigus do do do do do Harbor Grace do do Carbon ear do do do do Bonavista do do Twillingate Trinity Bonavista iGrcenspond do do do do Foii'o Tilt Covo Fogo do Exploits do do Fogo B V Bulls "do do Ferryland Trepassey St. iMury's Placeutia do Little Placeutia do do do do Great Placeutia do do Buriu do Harbor Bretou English Harbor do Trinity English Harbor Trinity THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 45 NAMK OF PLACES. Bouu's Dear Cove. . . Broad Cove Barrow BttUovum Blue Piuioii Bay L' Argent Ball Bay Baniburgh'.s Cove Boxy Blauchett Bay de L'eau Brlniball's Head Boime Bay Brimbal'.s Storehouse Burgco (Upper) Bur^eo Burgeo (Lower) Brazils Baker's Tiekle Burut Islands Brent's Cove Bede Cove Bear Cove Cape Spear Chamberlain Chapel's Cove Cat's Cove Clarks Beaeh Cow Head Colliers Cupids Caplin Cove Clark's Beach Centre Harbor Coosh Colcy's Point Carbonear Cloun's Cove Caplin Cove Chapel Ann Chance Cove Cat Cove Cuckold's Cove Cataliua Careless Harbor Castle Cove Cottrell's Island Cobbler's Island Cape Island Cape Frecls Cat Harbor Can Island Cape Fogo Change Islands Caplin Cove Caplin Bay. Cape Broyle DIMTKICTS. POST TOWNS. Placentia and St. Mary's. do do Fortune Bay do do do do do ilo do do do do LaPoile do Placentia anil St. Mary's. Lapoile do do do do do do St. John's East Harbor Main do do Brigus Twillingate and Fogo Harbor Main Brigus do do Harl)or Grace do do Car])onear... Bay-de-Vcrds do Trinity do do do do do do Bouavista do do do Fogo do do tlo do Ferryland. do . »•>••• • •iiitiit*i>»* Trinity do English Harbor do do do do do Harbor Breton do do tlo do Burgeo do Little Placentia Burgeo Rose Blanche do do do do tlo St. John's do Harbor Main do Brigus Twilliugate Brigus do do do Harbor Grace do Brigus Carbonear do do Harbor Grace do Trinity do do do do Green.spoud do do do do Fogo do do Tilt Cove Ferryland Bay Bulls 4(i TITE ?7T.WF0TTNT)LAXD ALMANAC. NAMK or IM-At'KH, r.'iitc Hiicc Ciipi' I'iin: (V)llrifl (!ii|ic Doy r;u,si.t,i (:Ui\X\<)iiii (;ill((IU' Srrl' (.'li>ii Harbor, ) near IJeliorani t "' Kasteni I\>iiiL Flat Uoek, 'V'(>rbay.. Froshwatev '. ., Fox Trap Freshwa [fr Fox Ho rbor Friday's Cove Fool'.s- Island l-'iv.sy uvater Bay l-'l'it Island....' ^'l^-'^rter Island ^;t'.r Island F»''i;o Har. and Isi.and i^' on uuo Harbor i y lurry's Bite ...i 'Ferrvlaml DIHTKICT-S. Ht, Mary's and Plao<'nthi. do do do do do do do «lo do do I'lMi'in Fort II ni; Bay Lal'(iil<,'. ...■ .lo do do do do do do do Bnrf,'('o and LaVoilo Brians Harl)or (iraee Trinity do ■ Ronavista Fo^o and Tvvilliniralo do do .... do do .... riacentiii and St. Mary's, do do do do Biirln Fortune Bay do ' do Burjieo and LaPoile do do Trinity Twllllnpite and Fogo Fi>rtune Bay ." do Burjieo and I.aPoile .. St. .John's East k\o Harbor Main Bav-de-Verds Trinity k\o do Bouavista do do do TwUliuirate and Fogo. do do . do do . Ferrykiud POST TOWNS. Trepasscy do St. Mary's do Groat riacoutla do Burin Harl)or Breton Bose Blanche ICnglish IIarl)or Harbor Breton do do do do do Bnrgeo do Channel Brlgus Harl>or Grace Carbonear Harbor Grace Greenspond do do Twilllngatc Placeutia Little Placeutia do Burin Harbor Bretou do English Harbor Harbor Bretou Burgoo Trinity Exploits Harbor Breton English Harbor LaPoilc St. John's do St.John's& Topsail Carliouear Trinity do do Grecnspoud Bonayi>;ta Greouspoud do Fogo Exploits do Ferrvhiud THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 47 y 'a u'ontla Jrcton iiclic [l!ir])or Jroton I race 5 race :)iicl ate I aceutia Jroton larbor Jrcton 5reton larbor .<; Topsail r ud I ud 4 NAME OV PLACKS. I>IfiT«ICT«. ilo Ferraeuse Fox Harbor First Beach aiull Freshwater / Flat Island j Burin Fox Cove Fortune Forn Furby's Cove Fox Island Harbor. Francois Frenchniaii's Cove. Gullies (Upper).... Gullies (Lowttr).... Gasters Gullies anil Goulds . Grates Cove |Bay-de- V IJay narl)()r Island.. .. lldiTliit; Nt'i'k.... Hull's Hay Holyrooil Pond... Hurry Cove Harbor Butrctt... Huv Stack HurhorMllle Ilaio Harl)or HarI)or Breton... normituge Cove. . Harry's Covo.... Harbor GuUcy... Hatter's Point... Harbor LeCon... Hiscock's Point. . Island Covi! Island Cove (Lower) Island Cove Ireland's Eye Indian Arm Indian Bay Indian Islands .... Indian Cove Isle of Valen Isle of Glue Isle de Mort Juniper Stiunp .higgler's Cove Jol)'s Cove Joe Butt's Arm.... Jaekson's Arm. ... John's Pond Jigging Hole Jean de Bay Jack Fountaiu.... Jersey Harbor Kelligrcws Kerleys' Harbor. .. Knight's Cove.... King's Cove Keels King's Cove King's Harbor.... Logy Bay Long Pond Lance Cove Long Beach Lower Small Point Low Point Lance Cove Lower Amherst Cove Trinity do do do TwlUingate and Foiro.... do do .... do do .... do do Placentlu and St. Mary's, do do do do do do Fortune Bay do I'usr TOWNS. do do do do Carl)onear do do do Fogo do TwlUingate do Ht. Mary's Salmonier Little Placeutia do Harbor Breton do do do do do Bnrgco and LaPoile Burgco do do jHose Blanche do do ' do Harl)or (iracc Harbor Grace Biiv-de-Verds iCurbonear TriuUv do do ' 'Trinity Bonavista 'Bonavisla do do ■Fogo |Hx|)1oUs JGroaL Placcntia :Enu;lish Harbor Twillivigate and Fogo... do do ... Placeutia aud St. Mary'> Fortune Bay Burgco and LaPoile jHose Blauche Port-dc-Grave Brigus Harbor Grace Illarbor (Jrace Bay-de-Vords jCarl)ouear Twillingat(! and Fogo I Fogo do do ... .Nii)iit'r's Harbor Placcnliaand St. Mary's. |St. Mary's Trinity iTrinity Burin Burin" Fortune Bay Harbor Breton do ' do Conception Bay !St. John's, Topsail Trinity ITrinity do I do Bonavista living's Co\ e do , do Twillingate ami Fogo Tilt Cove Burgeo and LaPoile LaPoile St. John's East. Harbor Main... do Port-de-Grave. . Bay-de-Verds . • do Trinity Bonavista St. John's do do Brigus Carbonear do do Bonavista Topsail do THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 4» tia )Ol' l)or ?opsail do NAMK Ol' 1'1-A(!HS. Lion's Den liooii Umv Li'iulln^' Tickle LlUli'lliiy Isliind..., Little Isliuul Llttlo Salmonicr — Lear's Cove Little IMacentla LuManche Little Iltirlx)!' LltMe Hay Lawn Laniallni! Loiin;j:e de Sort*. . .. . Lobster Cove Lolly Cove Little Bay Little Bay lilttle Bay Islands.., Lambell's l'assaj;(;.. Little Hlver Little Bav, LaJ'olle Lal'oile LalMante INliuklox C'>'e Middle Bi, ; Mannel's Middle Arm Middle Cove Mercer's Cove Mos(ndto Marshall's Folly Mulley's Cove Mn(hl'y Hole Mcrriott's Harbor.. Moreton's Harbor., JMause I'oint do do do DISTItlCTM. TwIllinKiite and Fo«o do d(» do do do do St. Mary's do riaeentla and St. Mary's, do do do Burin do do Fortnne Bay do do do Twillingate and Fogo tlo do Fortune Bay do Bnrt^eo and LaPolle. do do do do SI. John's West Harl)or Main do do St. John's East Harbor Grace Carbouear Bay-de-Vcrds do Twillinnato and Fogo do do do do do do Mobile Ferrvhnul I POST T0WN8. JFogo ,: Exploits ,1 do . Nipper's Harbor Ast. Mary's .ISahnonler Great IMacentla Little riacontla do do Bnrln do LanuiUne Harbor Breton do Euj^llsU Harbor do Nipper's Harbor Little Bay Islands Harbor Breton do 'LaPolle do do St. John's Topsail do Harbor Main St. John's Harbor Grace Carbonear do do Fojjo Twillingate do . » • do Spaniard's Bay Harbor Grace Harbor Grace Salmon Cove Head... Bay-de-Verds ... . . . Carboncar Spout Cove do • . • do Scilly Cove Trinity • •• do Seal Cove do ... do Shoal Harbor do ... , ,, Trinity Still Down do . . • * ■ . do Selby's Cove I do ■ t . . . • do Spaniard's Bay do ... . . . do Ship Cove do ... • • t da Salmon Cove do ... • • . do Spillard's Cove ! do • . . • • • Bonavista Stock's Cove Bonavista ... • . . • • • do Sandy Cove i do • ( * * * ■ do Salvage do ... ... • •• do Shoe Cove Greeuspoud 1 J . *•• Greenspoud Swain's Island do ••• •• ' do Ship Island ! do •* • • ■ do Seldom-come-by . . Twilliugate and Fogo •■• Fogo Shoal Bay do do ... j do Seal Bay do do ... 'Seal Bay Stocking Harbor .. do do ... Nipper's Harbor Snook's Arm do do .. "^ilt Cove Shoe Cove do do ... ^ do St. Shott's Placeutia and St . Mary's. iTrepassey St. John's St. John's... ... , , , iSt. .lohu's Ship Cove Tlaceutia and St . Mary's. Great Placeutia 52 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 1 NAME OP PLACES. DISTRICTS. POST TOWNS. St. Lawrence (Great) Buvin Burin St. Lawreuce (Little) do do Spencer's Cove ...jPlacentia and St. Mary's. Little Placeutia Seeverley's Cove .. do do do Southern Harbor ... do do do Sound Island do do do St. Brides do do do Sandy Harbor. do do Great Placeutia St. Kyran's do do do South East Bite ... do do do Spanish Room Burin Burin Sagona Island Fortune Bay Harbor Breton Stone's Cove do do St. Jacques do do S. W. Baiusway do do Sam Hitches do do Southern Cove do English Harbor Swoir Harbor. Burgeo and LaPoile Burgeo Seal Island Harbor... do do LaPoilc Topsail Harbor Main St. John's, Topsail Turks Gut Port-de-Grave Brigus Turks Cove Trinity Cai-ljouear Tickle Harbor. do Harbor Grace Trinity do Trinity Trouty do do Thoroughfare. do do Tiltou Harbor. Twillingate and Fogo ... Fogo Three Arms do do Nipper's Harbor Twillingate do do Twillingate Tory Town do do do Tizzard's Harbor ... do do do Tilt Cove ... do do ... Tilt Cove Triton Islands do do Exploits Torbay St. John's East St. John's Trcpassey Placeutia and St. Mary's. Placeutia Tacks Beach do do Little Placeutia Tosselo do do Great Placeutia The Brook Fortune Bay English Harbor Turnip Cove do do The Reach do do Upper Small Point... Bay-do- Vcrds Carbouoar Upper Amherst Cove Bonavista Bouavista 1 Virgins Cove Placeutia and St. Mary's. Little Placeutia i Victoria Town Bouavista Bouavista Vitters Cove Trinity Triuity White Monday Hill.. Harl)or Grace Harbor Grace Western Bay Bay-de-Verds Car))ouear White Point Trinity Trinity Witless Bay do do Warren's Harljor ... Bouavista Bouavista W'st'rnArm,R'kyBay Twillingate and Fogo ... Fogo Western Bay do do ... Twilliugate • WildCove, S-comC'by do do b'ogo Ward's Harbor do do Exploits Waldrous Cove do do do Witless Bay Forrylaud Bay Bulls Woody Island. Placeutia and St. Mary's. . Little Placeutia ■ mp race THE NEWIHIUXDLAND ALMANAC. r>^^ VAMK OF ri.ACES. DISTHICTS. \ Wrofk Jsliuul Burs>co and Laroilc. . • Western Point do do Brien's Cove 'rwilliiiuiite and Fo!:;o.. Coaclnnau's Cove.. Flower de Louis . . . Ilawling Cove, or Bears Cove LaCrolx Lock Drawer Mings Pac(inet Seal Cove do do do do do do POST TOWNS. Burgeo LnPoile Tilt Cove do do do do do .... do do do .... do do do — do do do — do do do .... do Banks. vNiox iwsw OF >;Kwi'orxi)i-ANr). Dircctors—lLon. K. Th<)ri)nni, lion. A. W. Harvey, Walter B. Grieve, Hon. 11. Alexander, \V. P. Munn. James Goldie, Manager; C. S. Piu.sent, Aeeouutant; James T. Smith, Teller; Prescott N Bulley, Wm. H. Crowdy and Charles E. Mechan, Clerks. Discount Days — Mondays and Thur.sdnys, from 12i o'clock. Hours of Business — From 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. COMMKUCIAL HANK OF XEWFOITNDLAND. Directors — Hon. Stephen Eendell, Charles Bowring, James Gooc^ "■>'Vi0'',y, Edwiu Duder, Hon. John Winter. llol. ' rown. Manager; Henry Cooke, Accountant and Teller; Joh'i t i^iyward, Henry D. Carter and W. H. Duder, Clerks. Sir \\ . Whiteway, Q.C., K.C.M.G., standing Counsel and So- licitor. Discount Days — Tuesdays and Fridays, from 12.45 o'clock. Hours of Business — Prom 10 a.m. to o p.m. SAVINOS' nANK. Governors — Five members of the House of Assembly and three members of the Legislative Council, viz. : Hon. W. v. Whiteway, Hon. J. J. llogerson, Hon. A. Shea, Hon. James S. Winter, and the Hon. the Speaker of the House of Assembly. Hon'bles Kdward White, P. G. Tessier and James Fox, of the Council. Directors— Hon. W. V. Whiteway, Hon. A. Shea and Hon. P. G. Tessier. Cashier— Hon. Edward Morris. Accountant— Stephen Knight. The Bank is open every day, Ijetween the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock, for depositors' business. nilANGU UANK, lIAUBOn GRACE. Cashier and Clerk — Patrick Devereux. Queen's Printer, John Collier Withers, Esquh'e* u THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Li^lxt Houses, Beacons, etc. Lights in tin.' fbllowinu li>L arc oxliil)it(nl IVom .sun.sot to suuri.sc. Tlie diHtaiR'C's arc all in luuitical niilos. y^ 0.2 Oh] Name of riacc. L'^TC. Long Ton i in- line t. 1^74 Cann Is- land, Soldoni- Conic!-]}\ . lJ:i5Hl<)tl\'rWad- liain Jsiaiid. 18SU Cabot, (StinUinii Island,) Bonavista Hav. 1873: Pulliii Island, Gvcons- pond. 184.^ Cnpo Bonavista 185; ^.y. y^ O I II O I II 49.41.2;;. :. 1.17. ;i I lii..'ir).ur).".4.i(i.;{: 4!). Doscription of Light. 4!>. HI. L'c; :.;'.. L'l.'-'i I 4!».03.;^7 .;{2.2; 48.42.01 ,-.;?. 04.15 ■ Groen Island, i Catalina. ' 1874, Fort Point 4s Trinity. , 1859 Bacealicn 4S Island 1S..S0. IT) 53.02.20 ( 'ato-l)ioptric rt'volv i n g fhilc ; attains greatest bril- liancy every 30 .secoiuls. /■'iyrd ir/iiti, 8tli order Diop- tric. Fi.-(-howing two white flashes, fol- lowed by one red flash, each attaining its greatest brilliancy in 30 seconds. 85 100 74 85 150 92 75 443 195 151 siinnsc. -lit. volviufr (.■st bril- ls. ler Diop- lor Diop- 'llli ofdt'i' coinplc'to (\ appcar- )iuls li^lit or Diop- [. by E., by N. by ,i;- lisld, a ti-hltc. als of 00 lor Diop- W. to or Diop- ■olv i 11 jr a Hash lis light 'og \Aiieii island is or Diop- ir ligiit, dies, fol- h, each rilliancy rl THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 6fi Li^ht XZousos, Beacons, etc. Lights in the following list aro exhibited from sunset to sunrise. The distauees are all in nautical miles. a % js a> l -= 0) X5 .ri S3 Description of BuiUUug. ft. 40 miles. 7.i 123 ! lU 76i 174i 2G4 200 180 Argand 12 All 2 wick Seaward Concen- tric. 12 22 10 o 15 Argand gas. All Seaward o 1«0 No. 7 Argands .1 wick Concen- tric. No. ;> Argands Hexagonal Avhite wood tower. Buildings wood (painted white) ; roofs Hat. On the higher roof is the lantern, elevated above it on a siiUiire l)lock. The lower building is the Fog alarm house. For par- ticulars of alarm, sec list below. Buildings stone (whitewashed). On the roof is the lantern. For fog gun, see list below. This light is in a drum (painted white) on the roof of the Custom House. This light (400 yards in rear of the lower one) is in a small octa- gon tower (painted white), with conical roof, one side of which is painted white, as is also a disc that surmounts the roof. The drum on the mast and the disc on tower roof are intended as leading marks by day. AVood house, Ijanded red and white horizontally. The lantern rises from the centre. For fog alarms, sec list below. Kound red l)rick tower, 2h feet from keeper's house. Keeper's house wood, painted white, with red roof. Ikound iron liglit tower, 40 feet liigli, painted red and white in broad vertical stripes. The keep- er's house is feet distant, scpiare, painted white, red roof. The light tower is connected with Ithe Alarm house by a covered iway. For fog signal, see list be- low. 08 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Li^ht Houses, Beacons, etc. Lights In tlu' ruUuwUiy list aro (.'xluliiti'd fVom suiisct to siuirisc. The Uistuiict's arc all in nautical niiios. 4 1851 1I8GO 41879 Name of riacc. « « o V 9>: Description of Light, Cape Tine. 40. ;57. 04,53, 31. 45 Fixed Whik (Catoptric); visible between — l)y — ami : — . Cape FreoLs being low, ! the light can be seen over it. Cape 4G.49.34;54.11.;'.4 Kevolving Cato-Dioptric of St. Mary's Point Verde, Placentia. 1858; Dockling Head, ' Burin. 47.14.11 1st order, shewing alternately \'A red -MXiX v^hitc light at inter- vals ol' one minute. 54.00. 19] Fixed White, 5th order Diop- I trie. 21879 Allan Island, Lanialiue. Brunet Island, Mercer's Head, For- tune Bay, 18 75 1 Garnish, Fortune Bay. 1873 Bellorani, 47.29.00 Fortnne Bay. 1873 Kocky 47.27.30 Point, Iiar])or Breton, Fortune Bay. 47.00.2055.08.43 Second order rexoirimj white light, (silvei'cd rcfluctors and annular lenses;) attains great- jest l)rilliancy every miiuite. In consequence of the great height of thi- light it is often 'obscured wli .1 the coast is clear. 40 . 5 1 . 00 55 . 45 . 30 Fixed ifh i7 Mh order Diop- approxiinate. trie. 47.15.32 55.51.501 Powerfn! Cato-Dioptric, \jla!rilliancy every ten seconds, (obscured by the land from E.S.E. to S, 47.14,0055,24.00 Fixed ml light (metal rc- ipproxi mate. flector). This light is only in- tended for the lishing craft of |thc locality. 15: Fixed i':hHi', Sth order Diop- tric. 55,47.45 Eighth order Dioptric, fixed .ii-hitc, except in a line with .harbor rock, in wliich direc- jtion is shown a ray of red \U(jht. \ > c , ^ i. a > ■(J 04 408 20 35 08 Diop- pptric, icli at- Uiaiicy Iscui't-^d to S. Itixl vc- >nlv iu- •at't of Diop- Jlxed with direc- bf red THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 60 Light Bouses, Beacons, etc. Lights in the I'ollowiug list aro exhihitod tVoiii sunset to sunrise, 'rill- distanccN art' ail iu nautical nules. Description of Building. Ui^ Nt^. IT Ai'iiraiid No. 11' Argaiids No. 1 Argand. No. H Argauds 23 All Seaward .'0 !.. 35 No. 1 Argand. K'ound iron light towor, 50 feet high, |)ainled with red and white hori/,(jntal Ijantls. Keeper's dwel- ling wood, connected witli the tower by a covered way. Round l)rick tower, i)ainted red. There is a wooden Irnise 15 feet on each side of the tower, and con- nected therewith by a covered way. The houses are painted white, with red roofs. Wood light house, painted white, and Hat roofed. The light lower rises from the roof of the liouse. Square wood light liouse, paint- ed Avhite and roof reil. 'J'he lan- tern rises from the centre of the house. Wood, octagon tower, painted red and wlute on altenuite sides. o 7 1 270 (58 No. fSquare wood liouse, painted Argands. while, with rcil roof. The lantern rises IVom the centre of the roof. 1 .\rgand. A square l)eacon tower of wood, (standing on the end of the break- ;water,) carrying an octagon drum and lantern. 1 Argand.' .V wooden tower, i)ainted whito, Ion tlu' north point of the beach. 1 Argand. 8<|uare wood tower, (painted red and wliite,) carrying an octagon and lantern. m THK NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Ligpht Houses, Beacons, etc. Lights ill tli(! IV>ll(Mviiiy list iiro (.'xliiijitod from sunset to simriso. Till' liistauci's iU'c .'ill ill ii;iiiti('!il miles. u to a .3 o -a Name of riiice. 525 ^'^\ 3 1870 Pass Is- luucl, 011- traucc to llcriiiitage Bay. m Dcscriptiou of Light. 2 1874 2i 1874 ]?oar Islaiul, Bui'goo. I Beacon, ! Irclaiurs I Eye, cn- ; trance of LaPoile Bay. Rose Blanche Point. 47. 2ii. ir. .•)('.. li». 02 Fi\>->ft v'hit,', 4th order Diop- trie. A fij-ed nd liwht, Ctii or- der Dioptric, is i)Iaccd bciow the white li,i;ht to distinji;ui.s]i the roclxs and reefs exlt^ndiiif? i'vonx the Wolf llocivs, heariii;f (IVoiii the lijj:ht house) S. 74.47 W. to Basse Terre I'olnt S. 01.;!;^ E. The reef over tlie Wolf Hock is about 1^ miles from the island. At a distance of about 4 miles the two lights 'merge into one, 47..1(;.12r>7..".5.i;5 Fixed ml, (Jtli order Diop- tric. 47.35.4858.41.30 11875 Chamiel 47.33.49 Head, Port-aii- Basque. Fi'xpd v'hitc, 4th order Diop- tric, shewing from u bearing of W. by N. round by north to pvest. 59.07.09i FUed ml, (Jth order Diop- itric. Li ft. 281 2(!7 207 95 90 unrlso. lit. r Diop- (ith oi'- l below iinguisli tondinp; bciU'iuK S. 74.47 'oint S. )vev the [\ iiiik's tUstanrc vo lights ?!• Diop- !!• Diop- boaviug liiorth to r Diop- TlIE NEWFOUNDLAND AT-MANAG. 61 Lig^ht Houses, Beacons, etc. Lights in tlic Collowinin' list arc i'\liil)itu(l IVuia sunset to Minirlsc. Tiio (listaiu'os are all in nautical miles. •S — r 9J > I't. ;niiles. 281 i 10 207 I • ■ » t t • 207 95 90 11 11 a 2 3 P 1 S ;{(;o 2\viekCon- Description of lluiliUnj Wood liousc, (sides painted centric, wliite,) witli flat rooCs, on which l;U1.20 I Ai'.uand.the principal lantern stands. The 'one showing the red light i.s 14 I Feet lower und at the angle of the 270 l)uilding. 1 Argand. 108=1 2 wick Concen- tric. 7 All 1 Seaward Argand, linildings wood. Light tower rising from the gable of the house ; vertical parts painted white, roof reil. A square builiiiug of wood, painted white, with three black jbands. It is 75 feet high, support- ed bv four chains. liuildings granite, roofed with slate. Liuht tower at one corner. The square light tower and the keeper's dwelling are detached ; they arc of wood. fl2 TTTT: NTlWFOrNDLAXT) ALMANAC. TOff Signals. Tlictsi' will be somulod day mid iiiulii dtiiiii^' the coiitinimiico of thick wciitlicr or snow >lonns. X •§ ' Ni'iiK' ol" 1 1M77 C.i|.(« SI. Krancos. mix \HT. Foi't Aiii1h'1>I. Cape sponr. Capo Kaci!. DwxTipt idii <>r Siy-iiid. ImU'I'vmIs (if Sound. PowiTl'ill Siri 11 Sonndcil ihc seconds, silent Tninifiit. live >eeunds, >()iiiided live see- iindN and silent Ibrly-tlve sec- onds in eaeli niinnte. 'I'hree pound Dnrin^ dayliu'lil .ind when clniriie iVoiii a ."•'_' Capi' Spear is enveloped in I'oi;- ',l>onnder ;^nn. Iliis will he di^cliariicd every jhonr. ,\ Vessel's i;iin will hr 'answei'ed hy 1 w'o nuns. (joniju'cssril Air Sonnded iWr seven seconds Tru)iii>ti. in eiieli niinule. Ilonse OOO yard> N.N.K. ol'llie liiiht lionse. This alarm is seldom hoard to llie •«f>ulliw,'ird of its posilion. Powerlnl hi Sounded lor Leu seconds, inch Stidjii Il7/''.s- u ilh intervals of silence of llfly I tir. secon('> in ejieh minidts IS-SO, Powles Conrtenay An- nearinus I'rom the JJuoy — iHoad, W.finnaifc ]]'I)>s/J)ii;/V(^\\\vs Jlead, N.K. distant U Trepas^ey Jhim/. miie>: Cape I'iue, \V. i S. ; ) " ' Froiiwaler Point, S.K. ', 10. The attontion or Mariners is part ieidaiiy », ailed to the extreme HHCet'taiut)/ there is in the ravt/r of sounds. A signal that may not be licard nndcr certain conditions of the atmosi)liere more than 1 or 2 miles, will uiulcr otlier.s reach 20 or more ndles. J. T. Nkvili-, Inupcclor of Liijhl Houses. Light Duen — One shilliiia: per ton on all vessels entt'rin,s per ton on all vessels less than 40 tons. The tOtli of Victoria, Ca)). .">, See. ;"», enacts — " That no iireater sum thau £2.5 sterling shall be in any year levied for Light Dues on any steamer or vessel enterin.ii' any port of this Colony: and no steamer plying between Europe and any i)ort of \orth .Ameri- ca, and enterini; any port of this Colony as a port of call, shall be liable to pay any Liijlit Dues or other port char.ijes except, pi- lotajic."' GalUnUr;/ Ilrad, Tshnid of S/. /Hrr's.—A While Tlash Light. Elevation above high water, (It metres (l'04 Kuglisli feet). Dis- tance at which the light is visible — IS nnles. Tin; light is hidden at the northward by the ])ig]i land of St. Peter's. Light at thv if Dtn/s, calli'd Pin'nte a Li'rnntc. — Krom the 1st AujUfust, 1874, a liLcht has been exhibited on the South-west Point of the Island of Doys, at the place called point a Leconte, at 4()u lai-tres (4;ir Kn^H'^h Jeet) al)ove the level of the sea. It will be seen in I3TA BAY. Rev. Augustus E. C. Bayly, (Rural Dean,) Bouavista. Rev. Wm. How, Greenspond. Rev. Wm. Kirby, King's Cove. Rev. Theodore R. Nurse, King's Co \ Rev. Frederick J. J. Smith, Salvat •. DKANEKY OF NOTKE i>AME BAY. Rev. John Hewitt, Herring Neck. Rev. Henry C. H. Johnson, Exploits. Rev. Christopher Meek, Fogo. Rev. Robert Temple, (Rural Dean,) Twilliugate. Rev. J. W. Temple, White Bay. Rev. H. Higgiuson, Betts Cove. DEANERY OF PLACBNTIA BAY. Rev. Joslah Darrell, Lamaline. Rev. John Kiugwell, Har))or Buflctt. Rev. Alfted S. Winsor, Burin. DEANERY OF FORTUNE BAY. Rev. George Bishop, Hermitage. Rev. John Bishop, Belloram. Rev. John Cunningham, Burgeo. Rev. Thomas A. Gooile, Channel. Rev. Wra. A. Hayues, Burgeo. Rev. Thomas P. Massiah, Rose Blanche. Rev. Wm. K. White, (Rural Dcnii,) Harbor Briton. B«y* Cbarleb L. Payne, St. Peter's. THE NEWFOUNBLANT) ALMANAC. n 1>EANEKY OK STKAFT OV BKLIM I8LB. Rev. Joseph T. Curling, (Uiinil Deiiau.) Bay of Islands, llcv. Chiirlt'S .leH'cry, St. (k'orges Biaj. llev. Charles II. Foster Boimc Hay. THKoiiHlICAI. COl-LEGK. Visitor— The Lord Bishop. Council~'V\\c Lord B'shop, aud Rcvds. E. BoUvood, F. R. Mur- ray, J. F. IMielps. Vio'- Principal— \{ii\ Ainbi 'sc Ilcygato, M.A. JS'fMdfHtii—C W. lloHaiid.s, klwln VVt-ary, Frank Crocker, Geo. Crane, Frauds Charks Berry, Thomas V. Quliitou. DIOCK8AN SYNOD OK NRWKOUN'DLANI). President, J{i;;lit Rev. the Lord Bishop ; Clerical Secretary, Rev. .J.F. Phelps; Lay Secretary, G. T. Reudell; Treasurer, Henry Cooke; Auditors, Rev. A. C. F. Wood aud John Goodridge. Ej-rcHtive CommiUc.c — Tlie Lord Bishop, Rcvds. E. Botwood, E. CollcY, F. R. Murray, J. F. Phelps, W. Pilot, A. C. F. Wood, and Hon. A. W. Harvey, Hon. J. S. Wiutcu-, R. J. Pinsent, G. T. Reu- dell, E. Duder, C. Crowdy. Secretary, G. T. Rendell. liOMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. DIOCKSK OF ST. .IOIIN'H, NKWFOUNDLAND. [Subject iunnediately to the Holy See.] Former Prchites.—m. Rev. Dr. O'Donnkt.l, died 1811; Rt. Rev. Dr. Lamukut, died 1817; Rt. Rev. Dr. Scallan, died 1830; Rt. Rev. Dr. Flkmino, died IS.'jO; Rt. Rev. Dr. Mullock, died 186U. Present Jiixhop—Rt, Rev. Thomas Joseph Power, M.A., con- secrated in Rome, Trinity Sunday, 1870, by his Eminence Cardinal Culleu. Vicar-General — Very Rev. Arcluleacou O'Connok, P.P. DertM— Very Rev. Patuick Clk.\uv, P.P. ciruucHEs and ci-krgv. St. John's Cathedral, Very Rev. Wm. Forrlstal, Adraluistratoi! ; Rev. Patrick Delaney, Rev. Dr. Howley. St. Patrick's, Rev. Joliu Ryan. St. Peter's, Rev. John Scott. St. Joseph's, Petty Harl)or, Rev. John Walshe. Portugal Cove aud Torbay, Very Rev. T. O'Connor, P.P. ; Rev. M. J. Clarke. Belle Isle, Rev. L. Vereker. Topsail and Kelligrews, Rev. E. Martin. Witless Bay, Very Rev. P. Cleary, P.P. ; Rev. M. P. O'Driscoll. Bay Bulls, Rev. N. Roach, P.P. Ferryland, Rev. M. A. Clancy, P.P. Renews, Rev. John Walshe, P.l\ Trepassey, Rev. T. Ilenuebury, P.P. St. Mary's and Salmonier, Rev. U. O'Donucll, P.P. ; Rev. J. St. Joliu. r« THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Placontla nml St. Brlilo's, Kcv. Clmrlcs Irvine, I'.P. ; Uov. J. Whelan. Llttlo Placctitiiv, Rt'v. 11. nrennau, P.P. St, Kyran's, Uov. \V. DouMicy, P.P.; Rev. J. Wiilshc Burin und Oclcrln, llov. Wm. Born, P.P.; Kev. M. Morris. St. Lawrence, Rev, F. V. Roardon, Lamallue, Rev. R. Tlorncy. Harbor Briton and St. Jacques, Rev. F. MacCullow. INSTITUTIONM. St. Jinnarrnture's Collrifr—VrcsMoui, Vorv Rev, William Fltz- patrlck; Dean, Rev. M. j". Fit/,;,'erald; Prefect, Rev. 1). O'Brien. CONVKNTS. Presentation Order, ; Mercy Order, i. Schools under care of Christian Brothers, 4; schools under piitronage of the clergy, about 160; Female Orphanage, Belvidcre, mocKSE 01' iiAitnon ouace. Very Rev. Jeremiah O'Donnell, Vicar-General of the Diocese. Harbor Grace— Very Rev. D. Falconio, Administrator; Rev. D. Mclnucs, Carbouear— Rev. R. Walsh. Brigus— Rev. F. Walsh, P.P. Harbor Main and Holyrood— Very Rev. .T. O'Donnell, V.G., P,P, ; Rev. J. Donnelley. Conception Bay— Rev, P, O'Donnell, Northern Bay — Rev. M. Hanley, Bay-de-Verds — Rev. G, Battcock. Bonavista— Rev. J. Carolan. King's Cove— Rev, Wra. Veiteh, Rev, F. Rowc, Tilton Harbor— Rev. James Brown, P.P. Betts Cove — Rev. M. Slieehau, Fortune Harbor — Rev. S, Flinn. LaCouche — Rev, M. Gour, Labrador— Attended once a year by a Priest from Harbor Grace, Convents — Three of the Presentation Order, and two of the Or- der of Mercy. PnKFECTURE-APOSTOLIC OV ST, GKOKGF.'S, WKST NRWKOUNDLANI), By a Decree of the 17th September, 1871, the Western portion of the hland of Nenfoundland ims erected into a Preferture-Apostolic. CHURCHES ANP CT,KRGY, . St. Ann's, Great Codroy River— Very Rev. T, Soars, P. A. St. George's— Rev, M. Verrencau, Bay of Islands— Rev, P. Dochi. THE NKWFOT^NDLAND ALMANAC, METHODIST ciruuvir. ST. .IOIIN'M IHHIUICl'. Rer. Thomas Harris, I'li'^hlf^nt of Conlorcnrc. Rer. I'liarles Ladnor, S(( ictjuy. .St. Jolm's— Hcv. ,I()I) ShiMitoii, l{ov. Olmrhis Ljiilner, Ucv. Jiuuo.s Wilson, l{i;v. 'riioiuiis Fox, Siipcniiiiiicnuy ; Rov. 0. S. Millijjiui, M.A., SliltiTiiitciHU'iit of l);iy Schools, (l)y poi'inlssiou ol" Cou- fcreucc.) I'oufli Covc-Iiev. Williiun IvciiUall. Buiin — K(!V. Solomon MtiUhews. Graud Bunk— Ucv. Thontas Harris. Fortnnr— Rev. Rol)ert W. Frocman, Uurgeo — Rev. Charles Myers. Petltos — Rev. JimicH IMiKiock. Chaunol — Rev. .lossie noyfloM. St. Pierre— One want (m I. Flat Islands and Soiiuil Island— Rev. Samuel Suowdtm. Flower Cove — One to l)o sent. St. Anthony— Rev. William R. Tratl. Bonne Bay and Bay of rslan(ls--Rt!v. Wllllnm B. Seceombe. Labrador— Rev. .John r. Bowell. Rev. Thomas Hahriw. Chairman. Rkv. Ciiaklrs Ladnkr, Financial Secretartj. CARnOXEAIt DI.STRICT. Carbonear— Revds. Georft;e Boyd. James A. Jackson, J. S. PeftcU, Supernumerary. Harbor Grace — Rev. .Tolm Good! son. Brigus— Revtls. Joseph Pascoc, W. K. Shenstoue. Supernu- merary. Cupids— Rev. John Reay. Bay Roberts— Rev. F. CJ. Wille>-. Port-de-Grave— Rev. Edgar Tayloi-. Blackhead— Rev. James Dove. Western Bay— Rev. .Tolin Pratt. Island Cove — Rev. Thoma.s II. Jame.s. Old Perliian— Rev. William Swaiui. llanfs Harbor— Rev. G. P. Story. Heart's Content— Rev. (George J'aine. Trinity— Rev. George J. Bond, A.B. Random, north— Rev. Henry Lewis. Random, south— Kev. Thomas L. Elland. Greens Harbor— Rev. Henry C. Hatehei'. Rl•;^•. .Famks Done, Chnirman. Rkv. John Goodi«on, Financial i^wreiary. THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. HOXAVI8TA I>I8Tiac"r. Bonivvista — llev. Jeremiali Eiiibroo. Catulina — Hpv. .Tabez Hill. Greeuspoud — Ht'vds. Joscpli J^istcr, Gi'or,ij,o Vuter, TwilliuiLjate — Rev. Thoiuus W. Atkiu.sou. Exploits — Rev. Joseph Paikiuis. Musgrave Towu — Rev. Robert Brain Hit. Rev. James li. Heal. Rev. Anthouy Hill. l{ev. \V. H. Edyveaii. Moreton's Harbor — Rev. James Nurse. Little Bay Islands — Key. William Jennings. Bett's Cove and Tilt Cove— Revds. George Bnllen, John Peters. Rkv. JKinoiiAii Emukkk, Chairman. Rk\-. T. W. Atkinson, Financial Secretar>j. Musgrave Harbor Fogo Herriug Neck rnESBYTElilAN CHUT7Cir m CANADA. Rev. M. Harvey, St. John's. Rev. L. G. Macnelll, M.A., St. John's. Rev. A. Ross, Harbor Grace. Rev. C. Creelman, Bay of Islands. Rev. J. Scott Whittier, Little Bay and Betts Cove. CONGIi EG. 1 77 ONAL CllUlt CH. Bey. Thomas Hall, Queen's Road Chapel, St. John's. Rev. J. B. Saer, General Missionary. Rev. Alfred Johusou, Fortune Bay, Iter. George Whyte, Twiliingate. Rev. J. Squires, Rendell Harbor, Smith's Sound, Trinity Bay. Mr. J. B. Thompson, Student, Foreign Consulates. Portugal— C. F. Bennett, Consul-General ; T. R. Smith. Vice- Cousnl, St. Jolin's. "W. P. Muun, Yiee-CousTd, Harbor Grace. G H. Cole, Vice-Cousul, Trinity. J. Henry Clements, Vice-Consul LaPoile. H. J. Holman, Vice-Consul; F, A. Hatch. Consular Agent ; Harbor Briton. John W. Owen, Vice-Consul. T\villin"ate Richard Goodridge, \'ice-Cousul, Renews, Francis Berteau, Vice- Consul, Burin. Spain— Don Jose Frousky, Vice-Cousul, St. John's. Consular Ageuts-Fogo TTay Fiudlater. Trinity, G. H. Cole, Rose Blanche, PhUip Sorsohel, Harlu)!- Briton, riiilip Hubert. Twiliingate W Lctlibridge. Burin, Francis lierleau. Gaultuis, Edward'^C G'd- lop. Little Harl)or, .Toseph C. LeScolleur. Brazil-A. O. Hayuard, Vice-Consul, Co!isular AgeiUs-W. H. Ihompsou Conception Bay. Thomas Winter, Burin. Henry T. Holman, Harbor Bi-iton. ^ Is— W. Ik'ury THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 79 (termaii Emitirc — UolKat H. rrowso, Consul, St. .Jolin'r^. Tort of Naiii, Labrador, Mr. JIouiNiiiin. France- l-'niile Kr;u>t/A'r, Consul for Newfountllanil. Italy — A. M. K. (rianrili, Consul lor Nj'wfoundlaiid. Consular Ai,'ont, Henry .7. Stal)l). United States of America — Thomas N. Mulloy, Consul for New- foundland. Vicc-Consul, . Con.sular Agent, Harbor Oiace, P. Devercux. Sweden and Norway — Kobeit H. Prow.-e, N'ice-Cousul for New- foundland. Newspapers Fulslished in the Colony. Aerance Securd — Published every alternate Tucsdaj'. TvUliwjata Sun — Published every Thur>day. Weekly Chronicle — Published every Friday morning. il;TeT;7fo'u.ndland Tariff, Accord! n',/ (<> Iii^r, tnu Arl /latfued ISSO. rvm.K OK T>rriKs. Horses, Mare>, v^e., eucli S2 30 Pigs and Calves, each T.\ Ale, Porter, Cldev and Perry, the gallon 10 Apples, the barrel ;50 Apples (dried), the lb 01 Bacon, Hams, Tongues, Smoked Beef, and Sa.isages, thecwt 2 00 Beef, Pigs' Heads, Feet and Hocks, salted and cured, the brl. of 200 lbs CO Biscuit and Bread (not includinir sweet or fancy Biscuits), the cwt oh; Butter, the cwt I 12 Casks — empty, second-hand, under 15 galloiK>-, each 40 Casks — empty, second-hand, over 45 gallons, each 1 25 Second-hand Cask Staves, manufactured, capable of making Casks ol' !5 gallons and upwards, per KO 5 00 The same, capable oi" making Cask-; under b5 gallons, per 100 1 20 C'.ioc e, C,u r\v\- 1 60 Clu'colate and Cocoa, the lb 04 80 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Cigars, .J pel' cent, ad valort'iu, ami the M 2 CA Coffee, the H) 03 ('oal, iniixji'ted or brought into the port of St. John's, the ton 2.'> Couleetioiu'ry, the e\\ t S 5<» Feathers and I-eather Jk'd>, the II) Or» Flour, the brrrcl -'0 Fruit, dried (excepting dried apides), t lie lb 04 Indian Meal and Peas, the l)arrel ],") l.oatiier, tlu' sjoo 1 1 00 liUinber, one inch thiek, and so in iirojiurtion Cor any greater thickness, the M 1 00 Molasses, the gallon 0(1 I tatnical, the barrel oC two iiundred lbs L'o Kerosene Oil, tiie gallon 04 Tork, the barrel oi' 200 li.s 1 00 .Salt, the ton 20 Shingles, the M 40 Si>irits, viz. ;■— Brr'uly and other spirits, not herein ilelined (»)• eninner.'iti'd, and itol e.xci'cding the strength of proof l)y Sykes's Hydrometer, and so in ])roportion for any greater slreiiiiih t ban the strength of proof, the gallon 1 (50 All other Spu'its of greater strength than forty-three per eonl. over proof, sjudl be deemed U) be Lndelined Spir- its, and be subject to duty accordingly. Kuni, not exceeding the s( rengtli of proof by Sykes's llyilro- metcr, and so in proportion for any greater strength than the strength of proof, the gallon 1 00 Oin, not exceeding llie strength of i)roof by Sykes's Hydro- meter, and so in prt'portion for any greater strength tliau the strength of pfoof, tlie gallon 1 I'O Whiskey, not exeeetiimj tlie strength of i)roof by Sykes's Hydrometer, and so in lu'oportion for any greater strength than the strength ofpro(;f, the gallon 1 50 Coi\l:als, Shrnb, and other Spirits, l)eing sweeteneil or mix- ed so that the degree of strength cannot be ascertained, the gallon 80 Sugar — Loaf and Relined, the c^vt .S 50 •""' Unrefined, the cwt 2 00 '' Bastard, the cwt L' 50 Tea, the lb 05 Timber, the ton , ;iO Tobacco — Manufactured, Including leaf tobacco, stripped or [lartly mannfacturetl. the lb o 14 '• Leaf and Stems, the lb lO-i Vinegar, the gallon 10 Wines, vi/.. : — Champagne, the gallon L' 00 I'ort and Madeira, the gallon.. - 1 20 Claret, the gallon T oO Spanish Ked, Denia, Sicilian, Figucira, Ked Lisbon ami Cape, Lisbon Common, the gallon .10 Malaga and Montilla, costing at port of shipment under a gallon, the gallon , •. o ,",0 HoeI<, Ibirgmidy and l.igiit I{lieni>li Wine>, tlu' galhm 00 Malaga and Montilla, routing at itort of shipment so cents a gallon, and any over that price, and Man/.anilla ami Shei-ry. I-'.', iiei- cent, atl valorem, and the gallon !I0 All other Wines 12.'. |)er cent, ad vah>r((m, and the gallon.. .SO Fruit, othci' than aboxe euuunn'L/i:, Fiesli Meul and Toul- ■ ■■ try, ^.Lv.a and Cv'v Talluvv .• r J'.-.dm (Jil, ihc SIOO. .. 5 00 1 fio 1 00 1 -'0 1 50 80 3 50 2 00 '_' 50 05 m U lOi 10 L' 0y Sykes'.s Hydrometer, and so in proportion for any greater strength than the strength of proof, the gallon 1 20 Gin, not exceedinu- tlu; strength of proof l\v Sykcs's Hydro- meter, and so in proportion for any greater strength than the strength of [)roof, the gallon I 00 Whiskey, not exceeding 1 he strength of proof by Sykes's Hydrometer, and so in pro])ortion for any greater strength than the strength of proof, the gallon 1 00 Hum, not exceeding the strength of proof by Sykes's Hy- drometer, and so in i)roportion for any greater strength than the strength of proof, the gallon o 7.'* In addition to the foregoing Duties, there shall be paid Fifteen per Cent, ujxin the ainouni payable as such Duties in respect of the several Articles above enmnerated. wnhv. OF TAKMrnoNS. Agricultural Implements and Machinery, imported by Agricultural Societies for the promotion of Agriculture, Arms, Clothing and Provisions for ller Majesty's Laud aud Sea Forces, Articles imiiorted for Religious purposes. Paintings and Statuary not intended for sale, Articles of every description imported for the use of the Governor, Articles for the Otlicial use of foreign Consuls, Bait. Bark for tanning Leather. Boiler Plate, (.'oals, when not import I'd or brought iuto the Port of St. Johu*.«, Coin and Bullion, Coke, Cotton Yarn, Cotton — raw. Corn for the nnumfacture of Brooms, Crushing Mills for Mining purposes, Donations of CiothinL'. spfcialiy iinjjortod for distribution gratui- tously by any Charital/le Society, Dye StullV, Kggs, Hemp. Flax and Tow, Hides or pieces of H.des not tanned, curried or dressed, Juuk, old iron, old Coi>per aud Compositiou Metal, Live Shocp, I'lnu.'mul'actiired Wool, Manures of all kilul^, Mntcrials for slu'iithinir tlie bottom.-" (if vi----<>l^, such as Zinc, Co\>- pcr and Composition Metal. toLri^'tht;' with Nails unil l'ai)er, or Felt, -whifli may l)e used for or under .sncli shcathin,^', Music, written or pruiled, rassoncers' Baggaire, Ilouflchold Furniture and Workinin' Tools and Implements used and iu the use of j)erson> arriving; in this Colony, riiilosophieal Instrument^ and Apparatus, incliidinu' (.dolus, wiieu imported for the u>e of ColN'ncs. Scientilic or Literary So- eietio, rijr Iron. Plants, Trees and Shrubs. Printed matter, not intended to l)e writteu on. Printiui; Prcs-o>es, Specimens illustrative of Natural History, Sulphuric Acid, when u^ed for the manufacture of uiaiiurc Steam Euiriues. Boilers, l'ropeller>. Water Wheels and Saws, when used in the original con>tructioji of Steam Boats built in this Colony, and of Mills and ?'ac- torics. Twines to bo used iu manufacturinsr nets in this Colon\ , Wheat, Works of Art. viz. :— Kny:ravinirs, Paintiuiis and Statuary, not in- tended for sale. Woollen Yarn (Wlieelinu and .Vlloa'). for makiuu yarn lu.»se. Vcjjetables of all sort>. Fish of all kinds, anil Oil, the proiluce of li.sh. It shall . lot bo lawful for ;iny Importer of dried Fish U> Ware- house the same in any of the I'orts in tins Colony or its Dependen- cies, without the payment of the Duty hereinl)efoi-(> imposeil: and the provision of any Act of this Colony witli reiiard t(.) the Ware- housing' of Goods un the iir>t entry thereof, or tM the allo\\anre of drawbacks ui->on exportation, shall not in eitliei' ease ai>ply to or be construed to apply to such Fi>]i : I'rovidcd, tiiat tin.' -ertioii shall not apply to such Fish ^f Briii>h catch and cure, unless otherwise declared by Pro(.'l;iniaiioii of tiic (Tovernor. [>uldi>"hrd iu the Ri'ijal Giui'tfi'. All Yachts sailing under Wnnant of the Lords of tiie Admiralty, or beloni;in,:r to the Royal Yacht Club, shall be exemiited, on view of the said Warrant, from payment of all local Duties whatsoever. Bo^rd of Sxamiziers For (irantiii'i (Urtini'nt'-, f., Mn^tn's an'J Mn/is ;„ lUe Mtrchnvt Sorrier. — Staff Cumm.'inder Robinson, R.X., K\aininer-in-CInof. Assistant Examiner—Dunc'ni Baxiei-. late Mr.stcr in the Mercan- tile Marine. F. J. Doyle, Prei)arer of Candidate-. St. Jolm'.-. Haroor Master^ Staff ConimHuder G. Robinson. K.N. of a Cc Ma>ter ■stating the ca}; unless either i vessel the cap f< Hindi CO urn to he ; I'eyular THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 80 t Iciiiof. Icrciin- Harlsor Dues. 'Ihe followinii- aiuoimts, as IliiiUor Duos, sluiU be paid bj Ves- sels arriving;- ul the rorl of !St. .John's, ui the time of their being eutLTctl at the Custom House, e\cei)t Sliips of War ami Vessel* ei)i,'ciycil in the Coasting trade uud Fishing, viz. : Every vessel of Sixty tons and upwards, and not more than One Hundred tons, ■'s:.'. Every vessel of more than One Huiulred ton*;, and uot more thau Two Hundred tons, s;3. Every vessel of more than Two Hundred tous, aud uot more than Tiu'(.'e Hundred tons, Si. Every vessel (jf more than Three Huudred tous, aud not more than Four Hundred tons, .s.">. Every vessel of more than Four Huudred tous. .St5. Provided, that no \ essel shall be compelled to pay Harbor Due.s ra^re than once in every half-year, viz. : Once between the First day of January aud Thirtieth day of Juue, aud once between the Thirtieth day of Juue and First day of January. Biil@3 and Eegulations I^luih? hy tht (ini-erunr in CuuncU. foi' c(irr>/in(/ oi't An Act respecting CuNincat'-s to Meen accustomed to use, and will be allowed six hours to perform the work. At the expi- ration of the six hours, they will, if they have not finished, be declared to have failed, unless the Examiners see tit to extend it, 12, — Candidates will be expected to correct the Declination and other elements of the Nautical Almanac by the "hourly difler- ences," and will not be permitted to use Inspection Tables' for that purpose;. Every correction must appear on tlie paper of the Candidates. 13, — Candidates are expectetl to bring their answers to all prob- lems within or not to exceed a nuirgin of one mile from a correct result. 14. — In finding the longitude by Clironometer, the logarithms used in finding the hour angle slundd be taken out for seconds of arc, 15. — In all other problems the logarithms to the nearest minute will be sufHcieiitly correct for all grades except Master, 15 (a). In every case the Examination, wlicthor for Only Mate, First Mate, or Master, is to commence with the problems for Sec- ond Ifate. THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 85 not prob- ,0 use, expl- lied, be loud it. lou and difler- ["or that lates. |l i)rob- 'orrect Irithms leconds liuinute Mate, )!• Soc- 15 {h). lu all cases of failure the Candidate must be re-examined de. novo. If a Candidate fails in Seamanship he will not be re-ex- amined until after a lapse of Six Months, to «ive him time to gain experience. If he fails three times in Xavigation he will not be re-examined until after a lapse of Three Months from the date of the last failure. l."* ((■). If an applicant is examined for a hifjher rank, and fails, but passes an examination of a lower grade, he may receive a Cer- titicate aceordinsly, but no part of the fee will be returned. IJUAl-IKICATION.S von CEUTIKICArRS OF COMPETENCY FOR A FOR- EION-GOING SHIP. IG— A Second Mate must be seventeen years of age, and must have l)(;en four years at sea. In Navigation— Ue must write a legible hand and understand the first live rules of arithmetic and the use of logarithms. He must be able to work a day's work complete, including the bearings and distance of the port iie is bound to, by Mercator's method; to cor- rect the Sun's declination for longitude, and find his latitude by meridian altitude of the sun; and work such other easy problems of a like nature as may be pui. to him. He must understand the use of the sextant, and be able to observe with it and read off the arc. In SeamanKhij) — He must give satisfactory answers as to the rigginu and unrigging of ships, stowing of holds, &c. ; must un- derstand the nn-asurement of the log-line, glass and lead line; be conversant with the rule of the road, as regards both steamers and sailing vessels, and the lights and io;; signals carried by them. He must pass a satisfactory examination in the International Code of Signals. 17.-- -An Only Mate must be nineteen years of age and have been live years at sea. In Xariijation — In addition to the ijualifleation required for a Second Mate, an Only Mate must be able to observe and calculate the amplitude of the Sun, and deduce the variation of the compass tiierefroni, and be able to find the longitude by Chronometer by the usual methods. lie nmst know how to lay oflfthe place of the ship on the chart, lioth by l)e;!rings of known objects and by lati- tude and longitude. lie must be able to determine the error of a sextant and to adjust it; also to find the time of High Water from the kmnvn time of the full and change. In Scaniansliip — In addition to what is required for a Second Mate, he must know how to moor and unmoor, and to keep a clear anchor; to carry out an anchor; to stow a hold; and to make the requisite entries in Ship's Log. He will also be questioned as to ids knowledge of the use and management of the mortar and roekcL lines in the case of the stranding of a vessel. 18. — A First Mate must be nineteen years of age and have served live years at soa, of which one year must have been as either Sec- ond or Only l\late. (n Navitfation — In addition to the (lualifications required for an Only Mate, he must be able to observe azimuths and compute the variation; to compai-e chronometers and keep their rate^, and find the longitude l)y them from an observation of the sun; to work the latitude by single altitude of the sun ofl' the meridian; and be al)le to use and adjust the sextant by the sun. In Seamanship — In addition to the (lualifications riquirad for an Only Mate, a more extensive kuowiedjie of seamauship will be re- 86 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. quired as to shifting large spars atirl snils, iniina,«iiiji a ship iu stormy weather, taking in and makinir .sail, sliifling yards aud mnsts, and getting lieavy weights, ancliors. dCc, in and out ; cast- ing a ship on a lee shore ; securing tlu: masts in tiic event ol' acci- dent to the bowsprits. 19.— A. Master Ordinavv must be twenty-one years of age, and luive been six years at sea, of whicii at least one year imist have been as First or Only Mate, on Compass deviation contain- ed in Circular 517, issaed by the \iot\n] of 'i'railc, 1871. He will be examined in so much of tlie laws ol'tlie tides as is necessary to enable him to shape ii course and to compare his soundings willi tlie depth of water markotl on the charis. Ue will lie examined as to his competency to construct jury rudders and rafts; aud as to his resources for the preservation of the .slup's crew in the event of wreck. He must be able to heave a ship down to get lower masts in aud out, and to perform such otlier operations of like nature as the Examiner may consider necessary. He must possess a sufHcient knowledge of what lie is ro(|uired to do by law, as to entry and discharg(!, and the mnnagement of his crew, and as to penalties and entries to l)e made in tlie oilicial log; aud a knowledge of the measures for preventing and checking the outbreak of scurvy on board slup. He will be questioned as to his knowledge of iuvoices, charter- party, Lloyd's agent, and as to the nature of bottomry ; aud ho must be acquainted with the leading liglits of tlie channel or coast he has been accustomed to lun igate or which he is going to use. ship ill u'ds ami III; cast- or iicci- iigc, and 11 8 1 liave it bo able ) answer contain- Ho will _'ssar,v to iii^s Willi mined as Lid as to iio event jt lower of like roijuired .'Uient of e odlcial [cheeking clnirtcr- and 1)0 or coast to use. 88 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. I Appondiz. The following notilkation aiui !ii)i)()iiUiuent.s havi; boeii miide since the foregoiuy; shoots went to pri-'.ss :— Member returned to si-rve in tlie (Tciu'ral Asscinbly for tlic Dis- trict of Ferrylaml — Augustus Freilorick (.ioidridiic, lOsciuire. Mark Parsons, John Patterson, Kobcrt Walsh, C'harles Hoss, Patrick Devereux, Wni. Tapp, Thomas Strajip, James (^allaluiu, T. P. Quintou, Benjamin Parsons, and Patrick FarrcU, to bo a Board of Road Coujmissioners for Harbor Grace. James Anderson, (of Otter's Point.) to be a member of the lioad Board, LaPoile, in place of John Cox, deceased. Pierce Coady, (Jeorgc J)ob(r and Jame? J)ucey, to be a lioad Board for the South-side of Mortier Bay. James Beeves, jr., and John Fitzpatrick, to be members of the St. Lawrence Koad Board, in the place of James Reeves, sr., de- ceased, and Henry Fitzpatrick, left the district. Bertram Payne and John I'aul, to be members of the Burir Road Board, in the place of Francis JJorteau, left the district, and R. Marshall. Nathan Norman Taylor, to be Sub-Coll octor at Bonne Bay. Andrew J. Pearce, to be Sub-Collector at Twilliugate, in place of Joseph J. Pcarcc, resigned. Andrew J. Pearce, to be Surveyor of Shipping at Twilliugate, in place of Joscpli Pcarcc, resigned. 25 > n » « /, 1 ?1 * 1 1 1 1 II made ic Dis- i Hoss, lUaluiu, o be a c RoaU 2! V lioad 4 of the j V sr., de- < r Road 4 ^ ^ * and R. V. I place ?i • •1 1 1 juto, iu