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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. y errata id to ut le peiure, qon d 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1866, (BSIMO THB LATTBB part 0^ THE TWENTT-NDTtR AMD TSl Bl* QZMNIMO OF THB THIRTIETH TEAR OF THE BEIOlf OF HER MAJESTT QUEEN YICTORIA] CONTAININQ Astronomical, StatistieaU Commercial, Local AND OENE&AL INFORMATION* DERIVED FROM THE MOST AUTHENTIC SOURCES. VOliPlLBfi) PRINTED AND PUBLISHED Bt JOSEPH WOODS. Bold by Tboxas McConnan, 212 Watef Street, St. lohn'i. ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND : ikDCCCLxy. HARE Ay . THE NEWFOUNDLAND AliMANAC. Eclipspg, 13Go. a cd I c» In the year 18GG, I here will be fine Eclipses, TiiaEis of the Sun and TWO of the MooN, but of these, only TWO will be visible in this Island. The first — a partial Eclipae of lite S>un, March 16th, itivisible in this Islind, and will be s^en only beiween the parallelM of 44 nnd 82 North Latitude, and from V^O East to 77 West Longitude, that is, in the North Pacific Ocean, Siberi i, See. The spcond — a total Eclipse of the Moon, March the 30th and 3l8tt .visible in Newfoundland. iFirst contact with Penumbra, March ^Otb, at . 9h 57tn lis p.n(i. ' First contact with Shadow at lib Tmllsp.v). Beginnin;; of total Phase . t , Slst, at Uh 13a> 35s a.m. Middle of Eclipse at Ih 2m 203 a. m. End of total Phase at Ih dim 239 a.m. Last contact with Shadow ''^-Uifam m 2h57m478a.m. Last contact with Penumbra at 4h 7m 473 a.m. , As the Moon will rise about 6h. 21m. p.m. on the 30th, and set about 5b. 46m. a.m. on the Slat, she will consequently be on the Meridian, or due South, at midaight, and thus during the whole time of this Eclipse, the Moon can be seen with the greatest advantag*;, for althougnshe will be totally deprived of light both from the Sun and the Earth, yet she will show a faint, dull red light, caused by the Sun's rays refracted by ,tha Earth's atmosphere j so that ii the .weather be fine, and the atmosphere clear, this Eclipse will be an in- teresting phenomenon, especially to our hardy seal hunters. The third— a par'iaZ Eclipse of the Sun, April the Itth, not visi- ble in Newfpundland, and will be seen only in the Soiiithern Ocean and in a part of Australia- . The fourth—a total Eclipse of the Moon, September 23rd and 24th, invisible in Newloundland, as the Moon will be below our horizon during its continuance. The fifth — a partial Eclipse of the Sun, October 8th, partly visi- ble in Newfoundiund. Meun time of Sun and Moon's conjunction jt) Right Ascen*) S j» sii.ti, October 8th, at »h 29m 283 p.m. .' '■ I h^ Begins en the Earth genera. ly, Oct. Sih, at llh 21m Os a.m. ^ g^ Greatest Eclipse at Ih 13ija 26$ p.m. j g^^ Ends on the Earth general'y at 3h 5m 3^3 p.m. J g -g This Eclipse will be vi-^ible t)etwHen the parallels of 23.41 and 83.17 North Laiitmle, and from 14 East Longitude to 141.19 West of Uivpowich. St. Jobii's True L<«tilufle of Church Hill ^Longitude (West of Greenwich) 47.34.30 North. 62.44.0 West, THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. a Calendar. Golden Number Epact Solar " "jle 5 14 27 Dominical L'Uer Koman Indiotion Julian Period G. G579 v t f '— V'r.\i■< 29 5 50 6.20 3 23 4 53 6 48 6 25 Moon ri3e8l9miQut6s 30 5 48 6 21 3 46 4 34 7 25 7 8 past 5, evening. 31 5 46 6 23 N 4 9 4 16 7 59 7 41 30— Good Friday. March. — Marcn (Latin, Mariius) was so named by the Romans in honor of Mars, their god of war. in this month the Gothic tribes went out on warlike expeditions. It answers to Nisan, or ,Abib (Neh. ii. 1 ; Deut xvi. 1), the seventh of the civil, and the first of the fiacred year of the Jews. ^ By the Saxons it was Daibed ^Mlyd'fnonath, the loud or windy moiith. THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. AP] M< EtIL, 80 DATS. 30N'S PHASES. Last Quarteh.. ^.'9 - % ff . _ . 8th day, 5h, 11m, Mornlnff Nbw Moon First Quajiteh. Ifithday, 3h, SQm, Morning ^- Qta* /!.» TU A— t? 1_^ Full Moo >!•••• . . 20th dav Ah liOm PtfAntnM • • «9 41 9*42 9 19 w Th.ll 9 fi 9 6 49 11 10 fi4 10 30 10 6 • F 2( [) fi 7 6 fiO 11 31 1 7 11 11 10fi3 8<— Low Sunday S 2 I fi fi 6 fi2 11 fil 1 20 1143 Su.2! 2 fi 4 6,53 12 12 1 32 40 Oil M 2: ) fi 2 6 fi4 12 32 1 44 lfi2 1 14 St. George T 2< ( fi 6 fi6 12 fi2 1 fi6 3 12 2 32 #»' W 21 5 4 fi8 6 fi7 13;ll 2 7 4 27 3fi0 Th. 2( } 4 fi6 6 fi9 13 31 2 17 fi30 fi F 2* r 4 fifi 7 13 fiO 2 27 6 16 fifi6 S 21 } 4 fi3 7 2 14 9 2 37 6fi6 6 36 Moon risesl Iminutea 8u.2{ ) 4 fil 7 3 14 28 2 46 7 31 7 14 past 6, evening. M I3( > 4 fiO 7 4 C^ 14 46 2 fi4l 8 fil 7 47 ' ' Equation of time to be added to apparent time to the 14tht and to be sub tracted the remainder of the month. Apbil. — April (Latin AprUis) is so called from aperire, * to open' in allusion to the opening of the young buds of trees and flowers and the general development ot yegatation at this season' m( of I ni( th^ THE NEWFOUNDL. J ALMANAC. MAY, 31 DATS. MOON'S PHASES. Last Quarter 7th day, 6h, llm, Evening New Moon 14th day, lib, '21m, Morning First Quarter 21itday, 6h, 27in, Morning Full Moon 29thdav, 9h, 47m. Morning k • ;M Sun Sun 0. app. time. fe Eqna High V '^ rises seta Sun^s of Water at Memoranda. 1 §» 1 at Decli- time. St. John's. £ St. John*3. nation, aubt. h. m. h. m. m. m. a. m. T 1 4 48 7 0N15 4 3 2 8 38 8 21 Moon rises 2niinutei W 2 4 47 7 7 15 22 3 9 9 7 8 54 past 9, evening. Th. 3 4 45 7 8 15 40 3 16 9 40j 9 23 Moonri8es44 oainutPi F 4 4 43 7 10 15 58 3 23 10 11 9 56 past 10, evening. S 5 4 42 7 11 16 15 3 28 10 48 10 29 Su. 6 4 40 7 12 J6 32 3 33 113011 7 Moon rises lOminutPs M 7 4 39 7 14 16 49 3 38 11 63 past 0, morning. T 8 4 38 7 15 17 5 3 42 46 18 Moon rises 27minules W 9 4 36 7 16 17 21 3 45 1 57 1 19 past 1, morning. Th. 10 4 35 7 18 17 37 3 48 3 11 2 35 Moon rises 25minutcs F 11 4 33 7 19 17 53 3 60 4 23 3 48 past 2, morning. S 12 4 32 7 20 18 8 3 52 5 23 4 56 Moon rises 33minutei Su. 13 4 31 7 21 18 23 3 63 6 14 5 49 past 3, morning. M 14 4 29 7 23 18 38 3 63 7 5 6 39 Moon rises 61minutes T 16 4 28 7 24 18 52 3 63 7 51 7 26 past 4, morning. W 16 4 27 7 25 19 6 3 62 8 39 8 15 Moon rises 42minutei Th. 17 4 26 7 27 19 20 3 51 9 28 9 4 past 6, morning. F 18 4 24 7 28 19 33 3 49 10 14 9 61 S 19 4 23 7 29 19 46 3 47 11 3 10 38 Su. 20 4 22 7 30 19 59 3 44 11 56 1128 Pentecost. M 21 4 21 7 31 20 11 3 41 24 T 22 4 21 7 32 20 23 3 37 1 24 63 W 23| 4 19 7 33 20 35 3 32 2 37 1 69 Th. 24' 4 18 7 34 20 46 3 27 3 40 3 11 Q.Victoria born 1819. F 23 4 17 7 35 20 57 3 22 4 44 4 12 \ S 26 4 16 7 36 21 8 3 16 5 39 5 12 Su. 27 4 15 7 38 21 18 3 10 6 23 6 3 Moon rises 68mi'mte8 M 28 4 14 7 40 21 28 3 3 7 3 6 44 past 6, evening. T 29 4 13 7 41 21 37 2 56 7 38 7 21 Moon rises 62ininutes W 30 4 13 7 41 21 47 2 48 8 13 7 56 past 7, eveniir'. Th. 31 4 12 7 42: N21 55 2 39 8 48 8 30 Corpus Christi. May. — May (Latin Maius) is so denominated from Maia, the most beautiful of the constellation Pleiades, and the fabled mother of Mercury, one of the false deities. The corresponding Jewish month was Sivan (Esth. viii. 9), the ninth of the civil, and third uf the sacred year. 10 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. JUNE, 30 DAYS. MOON'S PHASES. Last Quaiiteii, 6th day, 3h, 42m, Morning New Moon 12th day, 6h, 36ra, Evening First Quarter 19th day, 8h, 14m, Evening Full Moon 28th day, Oh, 4m, Morning i: I.J C. app. time. _ ^ i^an Sun Kqua High '^ "^ rises \ sets 1 Sun's tion Water at Memoranda, r^ ^ at Decli- of St. John's. Sf. John's. ned lov. time. h, m. h. m. o m. s. p. m. a. m. F 1 4 12 7 43 N22 4 2 31 9 20 9 3 Moor rises 12 minutes S 2 4 12 7 44 22 12 2 22 9 55 9 36 past 10, evening. Su. 3 4 11 7 45 22 19 2 12 10 31 10 11 Moon rises 26 minutes M 4 4 10 7 45 22 26 2 2 11 13 10 50 past 11, evening. T 5 4 10 7 46 22 33 1 52 1136 W 6 4 10 7 47 22 40 1 42 27 1 Moon rises 27 minutes Th. 7 4 9 7 48 22 46 I 31 1 27 55 past 0, morning. F 8 4 9 7 48 22 51 1 19 2 38 2 1 Moon rises 29 minutes S 9 4 9 7 49 22 57 1 8 3 41 3 10 past 1, morning Su. 10 4 8 7 50 23 1 56 4 48 4 17 Moon rises 43 minutes M 11 4 8 7 51 23 6 44 5 50 5 19 past 2, morning. T 12 4 8 7 51 23 10 32 6 44 6 18 Moon rises 19 minutes W 13 4 7 7r)2 23 14 19 7 36 7 11 past 4, morning. Th. 14 4 7 7 52 23 17 7 8 26 8 3 Moon rises 16 minutes F 15 4 6 7 53 23 20 6 9 15 8 53 past 5, morning. S 16 4 6 7 53 23 22 19 10 1 9 38 Su. 17 4 6 7 54 23 24 a 32 10 48 10 25 M 18 4 5 7 54 23 25 45 11 33 11 10 T 19 4 7 55 23 27 58 11 57 AV 20 4 7 7 55 23 27 1 11 47 23 Accession Q. Victoria. Th. 21 4 7 7 55 23 28 1 24 1 43 1 15 Proclamation. F 22 4 S 7 56 23 27 1 36 2 46 2 15 S 23 4 8 7 56 23 27 1 49 3 51 3 19 I Su. 24 4 9 7 56 23 26 2 2 4 55 4 23 St. John Baptist. M 25 4 9 7 56 23 25 2 15 5 50 5 25 T 26 4 10 7 56 23 23 "^ 27 6 35 6 12 Moon rises 39 minutes W 27 4 10 7 56 23 21 2 40 7 27 6 57 past 6, evening. Th. 28 4 10 7 56 23 18 2 52 7 53 7 35 Moon rises 12 minutes F 29 4 11 7 56 23 15 3 4 8 29 8 11 past 8, evening. S 130 4 11 7 56 N23 12 3 16 9 3 8 46 Equation of time to be subtracted from apparent time to the 14th and to be added the remainder of the month. June. — Juns, (Latin, Junius), was so named from Juno, one of the fabled Goddesses of the Romans. It answers to the Jewish Tam- Muz, the tenth of their civil, and fourth of their sacred year. THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 11 JULY, 31 DAYS. MOON'S PHASES. Last Quarter , SthMuy, lOli, 33in, Morning New Moon ,,r 12th'day, 2h, 4m, Morning First Quarter li)th day, 0h,^13m, Evenin^^ Full Moon 27tb day, Oh, 42m, Evenincj I .1 Sun rises Sun sets at St. John's. Su. M T W Th. F S Su. M T W Th. F S Su. M T W Th. F S '21 Su.22 M |23 24 25 Th.26 h. m 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 T W F S Su. M 27 28 29 30 T 31 ■• 111. 4 12 4 13 4 13 4 14 4 15 4 15 4 16 4 17 4 18 4 19 4 19 4 21 4 21 4 22 4 23 4 24 4 25 4 26 4 27 4 28 4 29 4 30 4 32 4 33 4 34 4 35 4 36 4 37 4 38 4 39 4 41 h. m. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 (r. app. time. Equa time, add. Suit's JJecli- natiou. N 6o 55 54 54 54 63 53 53 52 51 51 50 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 32 3irN o 23 8 23 4 22 59 22 54 22 49 22 43 22 37 22 30 22 23 22 16 22 8 22 21 52 21 43 21 33 21 24 21 14 21 3 20 53 20 42! 20 30; 20 19 20 7 19 5i 19 41 19 28 19 15 19 1 18 47 18 33 18 18 Hiijh Water at St. John's, m s. 3 28 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 39 50 1 12 22 32 42 51 8 16 24 31 37 p. m. 9 39 10 16 10 59 11 42 6 1 2 5 3 16 4 26 5 32 6 32 7 2J 8 15 9 4 9 45 43 10 26110 4911 8110 54H50;il 58' 1l| 2| 54 1 49 2 oo a. 9 9 10 11 Memoranda 5. S' 10 12; 13' 13 13i 12 10' 8! 6 4 5 6 6 7 8 9: ^1 49 30: 8i 8 45 921 9^3 m. 20 58 36 20 33 31 431 61j 59 3I 59: 50 40 25 6 48 ,29 43 19 25 28 3ii 39i 27: 9' 4^; '!^ 40| Moon rises 32 minutes past 10, evening. Moon rises 32 miriutes past 11, eveninj". Mooti rises 5 minutes past 0, morning. Moon rises 19 minutes past 1, morning. Moon rises minutes past 3, morning. Moon rises 7 minutes past.5, morning. Princii Wales, arrives al St. John's, 1860. Moon rises 48 minutes j)ast 6, evening. Moon rises 5 minutes past 8, evening. Moon rises 7 minutes past 9, eveiiing. July.— July {L&iin, Julius), was ori^^ina ly oiUed Qiii.itllis, being the fifth month of the Roman cuknd&r. Marc Antony aesignated it Julius, in honor of Caiua Julius Caesar. dicttitOj- of iionie, who was born in it, and who reformed the calendar. r. -v rs 10 Ab, the eleventh mouth of the Tewish civil yeur, a;id U.v uUl; 01 iheir sacred year. 12 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. AUGUS T, 31 DAYS. MOON'S PHASES. Last Quarter 3rd day, ,3h, 45m, New NJoon 10th day, 11 h, 5tn, First Quarter 18th day, 5h, 45m, Full Moon 26th day, Oh, 3m, Evening Morning Morning Morning 1. • k» G. apjj. *Ame. 1 ^ ^ Sun Sun Equa High '^ '^ rises sets Sun'a of Water at Memoranda. g* §^ at Decli- time. St. John's, St. John's. nation. add. - 1 . h. m. h. m. m. s. p. m. a. m. W 1 4 42 7 29 N18 3 6 2 10 3910 17 Moon rises 8 minutes Th. 2 4 44 7 28 17 48 5 69 11 21 10 58 past 10, evening. F 3 4 45 7 27 17 32 5 54 11 44 Moon rises 18 minutes S 4 4 46 7 25 17 17 5 49 36 9 past 11, evening. Su. 5 4 48 7 24 17 1 5 44 1 37 1 4 Moon rises 4 minutes M 6 4 49 7 22 16 44 5 38 2 51 2 13 past 0, morning. T 7 4 50 7 21 16 28 5 31 4 11 3 31 M oon rises 49 minutes W 8 4 51 7 19 16 11 6 24 5 24 4 48 past 1, morning. Th. 9 4 53 7 18 15 53 5 16 6 26 5 57 Moon rises niinutes F 10 4 54 7 16 15 36 5 7 7 19 6 54 past 4, morning. S 11 4 55 7 15 15 18 4 58 8 4 7 41 Moon rises 11 minutes Su. 12 4 57 7 13 15 4 49 8 45 8 25 past 6, morning. M 13 4 58 7 11 14 42 4 39 9 21 9 3 T 14 4 59 7 9 14 24 4 28 10 9 42 ■; t. W 15 5 1 7 8 14 5 4 17 10 34 10 17 Th. 16 5 2 7 6 13 46 4 5 11 10 10 51 F 17 5 3 7 4 13 27 3 53 11 47 11 29 S 18 5 5 7 3 13 8 3 40 7 26— Birth Prince Con- Su. 19 5 6 7 1 12 48 3 26 54 29 sort, 1819. M 20 5 7 6 59 12 29 3 13 1 58 1 21 T 21 5 9 6 57 12 9 2 58 3 11 2 33 W 22 5 10 6 55 11 49 2 43 4 28 3 48 *■ Th. 23 5 11 6 54 11 29 2 28 5 34 5 3 F 24 5 13 6 52 11 8 2 12 6 22 5 59 Moon rises 1 minute S 25 5 14 6 50 10 48 1 56 7 6 6 45 past 6, evening. Su. 26 6 15 6 48 10 27 1 40 7 44 7 26 Moon rises 6 minutes M 27 5 17 6 46 10 6 1 23 8 22 8 4 past 7, evening. T 28 5 18 6 44 9 45 1 5 9 1 8 41 Moon rises 13 minutes W 29 5 19 6 42 9 23 48 9 39 9 19 past 8, evening. Th. 80 5 21 6 40 9 2 30 10 18 6 59 Moon rises 21 minutes F 31 5 22 6 38 N 8 40 11 11 10 39 past 9, evening. August. — August was originally called by the Bomans Sextilis, or the sixth month, whioh was afterwards, by the senate changed to Augustus, in honor of the Emperor. It corresponds to th* Jewish Elvl (Neh. vi. 15), their twelfth civil, or sixth sacred month. THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. IS SEPTEMBER. 30 DAYd. ing ing liog ling MOON'S PHASES. Last QUABTER 1st day, 8h, 38m, New Moon 8th day, lOh, 44a), First Quarter 16th day, llh, 57m^ Full Moon 24th day, lOh, 35m, Evening Evening Evening Morning • • N Sun Sun 0. app. time. HigTi b Equa ^ '^ rises sets Sun's of Water at Memoranda, s» g» at Decli- time St. John's. q St. JohrCs. nation. subt. h. m. h. m. m. 8. p. m. a. m. s 1 5 23 6 36 N 8 19 7 1147 1123 Moon rises 48 minutes Su. 2 5 25 6 35 7 57 26 13 past 10> evening. M 3 5 26 6 33 7 35 45 1 14 42 T 4 6 27 6 31 7 13 1 5 2 36 1&3 Moon rises 39 minutes W 5 5 29 6 28 6 50 1 24 4 1 3 19 " past 0, morning. Th. 6 5 30 6 26 6 28 1 44 5 16 4 42 Moon rises 52 minutes F 7 5 31 6 24 6 6 2 4 6 15 6 47 past 2, morning. S 8 6 33 6 23 5 43 2 25 7 6 6 41 Moon rises 7 minutes Su. 9 5 34 6 21 6 20 2 45 7 46 7 26 past 5, morning. M 10 5 35 6 18 4 58 3 5 8 23 8 6 T 11 5 37 6 16 4 35 3 26 8 56 8 40 W 12 5 38 6 14 4 12 3 47 9 31 9 13 Th. 13 5 39 6 Vi 3 49 4 810 2 9 46 9—11. C. Cathedral F 14 5 41 6 10 3 26 4 29 10 34 10 17 oonseoratedi 1855. S 15 5 42 6 8 3 3 4 50 11 9 10 51 Su. 16 5 43 6 6 2 40 5 11 11 48 11 28 ._ M 17 5 45 6 4 2 17 5 32 10 ■- T 18 5 46 6 2 1 53 5 5;i 1 5 35 • W 19 6 47 6 1 30 6 Jo 2 21 140 . ' '. ^ 'f<- ■ ■ ■ . ^"-'^ :' Th. 20 5 49 5 58 1 7 6 36 ri 42 3 1 F 21 5 50 5 56 43 6 57 4 30 4 20 St. John's Cathedral S 22 5 51 5 54 N 20 7 18 6 52 5 26 consecrated, 1850. Su. 23 5 52 5 53 S 3 7 39 6 36 6 14 Moon rises 37 minutes M 24 5 54 5 50 27 7 59 7 19 6 58 past 5, eveniqg. T 25 5 56 5 48 50 8 20 7 55 7 36 Moon rises 42 minutes W 26 6 57 5 46 1 14 8 41 8 34 8 15 past 6, evening. Th. 27 5 52 5 44 1 37 9 1 9 16 8 55 Moon i-ises 12 minutes F 28 6 5 42 2 9 21 9 67 9 36 past 8, evening. S 29 6 1 5 40 2 24 9 41 10 42 10 20 Moon rises 40 minutes Su. 30 6 2 5 38 S 2 47 10 11 29 11 5 past 9, evening. September. — September, now the ninth, was anciently the sev- enth month, as 's indicated by its name, which is derived from sep- tema, signifying " sbven ;" ember, or imber, is from the Latin, and •ignifies <* showers," as frequently the rainy season begins this month. I 1^^ 14 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. OCTOBE R, 31 DAYS. MOON'S PHASES. Last Quarter Ist day, 2h, SSm, Moining New Moon 8th day, Ih, 27in, Evening First Quarter 16th day, 5h, 53m, Evening Full Moon 23rd day, 8h, 42m, Evening Last Quarter 30th day, llh, 14ra, Morning M T W Th. F S Su. M T W Th. F S Su. M T W Th. F S Su. M T W Th. F S Su. M T W 0. app. time. 1 Sun Sun Equa. High rises sets Sun's of Water at Memoranda. ^ at Decli- time. St, John's. Cl St. John^s. nation. suht. h. m. h. m. m. 8. p. m. a. m. 1 6 4 5 36 S 3 11 10 19 11 57 Moon rises 39 minutes 2 6 6 5 39 3 34 10 38 1 2 28 past 11, evening. 3 6 6 5 31 3 57 10 57 2 25 1 41 Moon rises 43 minutes 4 6 8 5 29 4 20 11 15 3 60 3 8 past 0, morning. 5 6 9 5 27 4 43 11 33 6 5 4 31 Moon rises 53 miimtes 6 6 11 5 25 5 7 11 51 5 69 5 34 past 2, morning. 7 6 12 5 23 5 30 12 8 6 43 6 23 Moon rises 2 minutes 8 6 14 5 22 6 53 12 25 7 21 7 3 past 5, morning. 9 6 15 5 20 6 1612 41 7 57 7 40 10 6 17 5 18 6 38 12 57 8 30 .8 13 11 6 18 5 16 7 1 13 12 9 2 8 46 Steam communication 12 6 20 5 14 7 24 13 27 9 34 9 17 established in Con- 13 6 21 5 12 7 46 13 41 10 5 9 48 ception Bay, 1852. 14 6 22 5 10 8 9 13 55 10 39 10 22 15 6 24 5 8 8 31 14 9 11 16 10 56 16 6 25 5 6 8 53 14 21 11 38 17 6 27 5 1 9 15 14 34 26 Q 1 18 6 28 5 2 9 37 14 45 1 35 59 3— Arrival of His Ex- 19 6 30 5 9 69 14 56 2 55 2 15 cellency Governor 20 6 31 4 68 10 21 15 7 4 13 3 35 Musgrave. 21 6 33 4 57 10 42 15 17 6 15 4 46 22 6 34 4 55 11 3 15 26 6 3 6 30 23 6 36 4 53 11 25 15 34 6 47 6 26 24 6 87 4 51 11 46 15 42 7 30 7 8 Moon rises 63 minutes 25 6 39 4 50 12 6 15 49 8 13 7 51 past 6, evening. 26 6 40 4 48 12 27 15 66 8 56 8 34 Moon rises 28 minutes 27 6 42 4 46 12 47 16 1 9 39 9 18 past 7, evening. 28 6 43 4 45 13 8 16 6 10 26 10 3 Moon rises 31 minutes 29 6 45 4 43 13 28 16 10 11 18 10 52 past 9, evening. 30 6 46 4 41 13 48 16 14 11 45 Moon rises 42 minutes 31 6 48 4 40 S14 7 16 16 48 14 past 11, evening. October. — October derives its name from the Latin woid octo, " eight." indicating the place it held in the Boman calendar, and imber% or " shower." To the Jews it was known as Bul, signifying decay, as in the fall of the leaf (1 Kings, vi. 38), or Marchesvan, as it was called after the captivity. Th. F S Su, M T \V Th. F S Su. M T W Th. F S Su. M T W Th. F S Su. M T W Th. F THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 15 NOVEMBER, 30 DATS. MOON'S PHASES. New Moon 7th duy, 6h, 64m, Morning First Quarter loth day, lOh, 36in, Morning Full Moon 2l8tu ■.WM»-^i^~»»iN Tlie Legisliilivc CounciL Hon. Laurence O'Brien, President. Hon. Edward Morris, Hon. Nicholas Stabb, Hon. Robert J. Pinsent, U.C. Hon. Robert Kent, Hon. James S. Clift, Hon. Richard O'Dwyer, Hon. Edward White, Hon. Peter G. Tessier, Hon. James Cormack, Hon. James O. Fraser, Hon. John Winter, Master 'in Chancer}/ and Clerk— Hon. George H; Emerson, hold- ing by her Majesty's patent, the rank and precedence of an Execu- tive C'onncillor j Unher of the Black JSoi— William F. Rennie^ Door Keeper— James Walsh ; Assistant Door Keepers and Jlitf«€«« y«r«— James Corcoran and Ambrose Ronayae, 1. "' 20 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. House of Assembly. [Elected November, 1865.] District of St. John's East—John Kavaoagh, Esquire, Hon. John Kent, and llobert John Parsons, Esquire. District of St. John's PFe*/— John Casey, Thomas Talbot, and Henry llenouf. Ksquires. District of Harbor Orace— John Hayward, and William S. Green, Esquires. District of Car&onear— John Rorke, Esquire. District of ifar&orilfatne— George J. Hogsett, and Charles Furejr, £«quires. District of Port-de-Orave-^ John Leamon, Esquire. District of Bay-de-Vdrds—Hon. John Bemister. District of IVtnt/j/— Stephen Rendell, Frederick J. Wyatt, and Stephen March, Esquires. District of Bonavista— John H. Warren, John T. Oakley, and John T. Burton, Esquires. District of TwilUngatt and i^o^o— Thomas Knight, and William V. Whiteway, Esquires. District of Ferryland—HhomM Glen, and Michael Kearney, Esquires. District of Placentia and St. Mar^s-'Kon, Ambrose Shea, Pieroa M. Barron, and Thomas O'liielley, Esquires. District of £un'n— Edward Evans, Esquire, and Hon. Frederick B. T. Carter. District of Fortune ^ay— Thomas B. Bennett. Enquire. District of Burgeo and La Poile — Daniel Woodley Prowse, Esq. Public OfBcers (Departmental.) Attorney Qeneral—Kon. Frederick B. T. Carter, Colonial Secretary-'tion. John Bemister. Seeeiver General -^Ilon. John Kent. Solicitor General— John Hayward, Esquire. Surveyor General — John H. Warren, Esquire. Financial Secretary — ^Edward D«%Shea, Esquire. Colouial Secretary's Department. Colonial Secretary-^Hon. John Bemister. First Clerk — Joseph Crowdy. Second Clerk— John W. Withers. Office Keeper and Me8senger<-^amei Dunphy. THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 91 Itcvcnue Department. BOARD OF REVENUE. PreBident — Hon. John Kent, Receiver General ; Hon. Liurenee O'Brien, Stephen Rendell, Esq., Hon. Nicholas Stobb, Hon. R. Kent, and Ewen St.tbb, E»«ck, John Andrews, Ikuhc Richards. Bay Boberts — W. S. Green, Richard Curmack, Isaac Bartlett, Joha McSlrf.vic, Robert l)aw. Upper Island Cove, Bishop's Gove, and BryanVs Gove — James Cr.iue, Joseph DroV'^r jr., James Drover, (Island Cove) John Bar- rett, Israel Gosse, (Bishop's Cove) Thomas Stephenson, (Bryant's Cove.) THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 2S Carbonear -John Korke, John M MtCaithy, Michiel B )lpor. Mioba.l Nioliiille, lJ««nii nin T. UouM. Gould, John F. Apney, Nicholas iSiouoiie, ij<>nj Bay dc'Verds (Upper Dioi^ion) J'ro'ii Fnsh Wafer to Nortlcrii Bay, «ec/u«tV0— Bw. John Wafrtiruite, VVm. Jolcv.% Win. Uuit, Miiurioe WuUh. Bay-de-Verd». (Lower Division) /rom Norfheith Day (mcluaive) io\ Grates *'vve — Jol;n Lewis, Hev. Bjru^id Dutf), ll«v. iiliver Kouae, and Josialv Oarlttnd. Trinity (North Side) to IxCjffed //S^rAT— Benjamin Sweetland, Eobert Bayly, Aleiiauiiei: W. bi^mner, (jiibert H. Cile, Patrick h\ urphy. Trinity (South Side) from (iratea Cove to UanVa Harbor -James L. Mewb, John Bheehan, Tbomaa Cooper, Jubez Tilluy, William Meadows, William March. New Harbor— Churhi Newhook, MMIIium Miller, Joseph Pretty, Edgar March, Smi:h, (Chance «yove ) Hanfs Harbor (to the Head of the J9f/,y^— Hev. George Gdrdner, Reuben Bemisttr, Michael Uowley, William Sooley, ani Elia» Warren. Bagged Harbor to Bird Inland— Alfxamler Bremner, William Ashford, Williaiu WaUii, Koberl Tiliey, John Cameron, Joha Jeynes, Benjamin Snelgrove. Bona^ncia — Alexander Breroner, John O. Skelton, James Saint, Peter Wai:^. John Lawrence, Fatiiok Kough, and William Brown* King's Core— Michael Murphy, David Candow, jr,, George Brown, Rev. M. Scanlan, and James Brown, sr. Keels and Tickle Cooe— David Candow, James Eagan, (Keels) Andrew Vlullowney, William Penny. Salvage— E. Kelligrew, Thomas Oldford, Henry Wills, (Salvage) James Bendon, James Pike, ^Flai Island.) Oreenspond—Qcorge Skelton, M.D., James L. Noonan, John T. Oakley, William Lang, Michael Cuiran, William Tough, (Finchard'ft Island) and Jarius Blandford. TwilUngate— John Peyton, Joseph J. Pearce, Charles Edmond, Joseph Minty, Thomas ManueL JPa^o— Hay Findlater, M.D., Richard Power, Thomas Humphrey, John Banks, and Walter Williams. Tilton Harbor— "Rey. Patrick Ward, William Burke, John Brine, John Dwyer, William Greene. MoreCon*» Harbor and Tixzard'a -&ar6or— William Osmond, Joha Forward, (Tizzard's Harbor,) Henry . Kuight, John Taylor, John Cantwell, ^Moreton's Harbor.) Burntisland, ^xpZoi^*— William Menchinton, Edward Dowt-n, Thomas Butt, William Sevin, Andrew Pcarcj, and Jo -.iaii Manual. Fortune Hirbor — Jav:i«3 Harailion, 'ichtiel B.y.i,. - vi\\u*:\ Byrne, xiatthiH-H Gl-ivean, t-atri'.k. (^avnll. WiUijru Core,) James L)VM,(Waldrou'G Cov«i,) 24 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. JacketVa Arm, to Head of the Bay ^'5 ohn Knight, J. CdQi]>bell, and John Kowsell., Shoe Cove to JS^ipper^s jFardor— James Gray, John Starki William Noble, end John U alsliman. Leading 7iclde— 3 amcB A Icock, Edward Butler, William Rowsell. Feirylandand Ftrmews-'ReV' 3&vne9 Murphy, Edmund Hcnrp,- hnn, William Carter, (Ferryianf),) Richard Cashin, (Cape Broyle,) Willidm Johnston, I Renews.) j. Bay Bulls to the Goulds — Martin Williams, Martin Driscoll, Thumas Mockler, Cornelius O'Biien, Dr. McKie, and Very Rev. P. Cleary. Placetitia and St. Mary^s— Francis L Bradshaw, Rev. Edward Condon. Thomas Freeman, and Thomas Keites. Sound Island (Placenlia Bay)— James HoUett, Philip Brown. St. Mary*s—3 ames Murphy, John " Walsh, John Whelan, John Grace, James WaLh, Patrick v\ alsh, James Whelun. ^MrtM— Francis Berteeu, Owen Pine, Georjje Bishop, Michael Gorman, James Galton, Patrick Morris, John O'Neill. Lamaline— Robert Bonnell, John Pitman, John Collins, George Cake, Gf>orge Butt. Orand ^anA;— Edward Erans, Jonathan Snook, George Lake, and William Butfitt. Harbor J?/c/o7i— Samuel Howe, Clement Mallet, Thomas Birkett, Philip Huhert, James Hardy. Belloram—'Rev. John Marshall, John Cluelt, John Grandy,FatrIck Rose, Thomas Rose. English Harbor— T. R. Bennett, —Hall, Fiander,T. Evans. Qaultois—'Rew. £. Colley, John Lee, Richard Bradshaw, H. Shephard, William T. Gallop. Eose Blanche and Harbor LeCou—VhiWp Sorsoliel, John Hanhan,, Meshech Parsons, Thomas Ridout, sr., George Thomas. Burgeo — Rev. John Cunningham, William Anderson, Stephen Vatcher, Walter Ford, and George Hunt, M.D. La Poi7c— Thomas Read, Rev. G. Hooper, Philip Clfmeuts, Wil- liam Thomas, Frederic Cox. Channel (Fort aux Basque)— "Rav-Vf. W. LtGallais, Rev. Isaac Howie, John Oilman, John Bragg, William Oilman, John G. Brock., GAOLS. St. Johns ( Penitentiary)— Keeper, Richard Brace; Turnkey,^ Samuel Shaw; i^urgeon, Charles Crowdy, M.D. Harbour Grace— Gaoler, David Rqgers ; Surgeon, WiUiaxo^ Allan, M.D. Trinity — Gaoler, Charles Granger. Ferryland — Gaoler, Francis Gaary. ^ • JPiace»^o— Gaoler, James Rice, Marhor Breton — Gaoler, John Garvev. Brifflis and Fort-de-Qrave — Gaoler, Thomas Butler.. (?recn9pon(2—Gaoler». George Bridle.. COURT HOUSES. St. JoJlnV— Keeper, John R. Jeans. Harbor Grac«—]^ee per, David Rogers. Ferrylandr~ Keeper, Francis Geary. ST. JOHN'S HOSPITA;.. Medical Attendant — Thomas McKen, M.D. { Matron— Miss Cowan ; i^eeper— John Prowse. ST. JOHN'S POOR BOUSE. Medical Attendants — Hospital Doctors ; Keeper— John Downey ; Assistant Keeper — Joseph Score. LUNATIC ASYLUM (ST. JOHN*S.) Resident Physician — Henry H. Stabb, M.D. PISTRICT SURGEONS. BU JoTvrCs, (Eastern Ward)— Cha. les Crowdy, M.D., Charles H. Renouf, M.D. (Western Ward)— Frederick Bunting, M.D., James N. Fraser, M.D. Conception Bay — William Allan, M.D. COLONIAL BUILDING AND GROUNDS. Keeper^Mrs. Bom. COafMISSIONGRS FOR ERECTION OF PUBLIC WHARF. CaiaUna — William Walsh, James Murphy, John Diamond, John Jeynes. COMMISSIONERS FOR EBECTIoy OF BREAKWATERS. Fortune-'Ofioxge Lake, sr., Elias M jor, John Lake, John Spence, ■r., Thomas Roi^ers, sr.j John Forse\ , sr;, and Edward Bennett. G'rawt? 5an&— Robert Forsey, Wiilum Burfitt, Henry Hickman, Wilson Lovell, Henry Nicholle, Ge. is produced by a treble argaud burner placed in the focus of an annular lens of the fourth order, and in favorable weather can be seen 16 nautical miles. When Gape Spear is enveloped in fog a heavy piece of ordnance is also discharged ut this Fort every^hour during day light, to assist vessels in making the haibor. It is situated in lat. 47.33.54 N., and long. ^2.40. 18 VV^. JobD Sheppard, Keeper I Austin Sheppard, Assistant. ,J ' 26 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Cape Spear Light — Tbia Light was first exhibited on the 1st September, 1835 ; it is produced by seven arg&nd burners and sil-^ tered reflectors burning at an elevation of 264 feet — it revolves, shewing a bright Light, every minute, and in favourable weather can be seen 26 nautical miles. It is situated in 47.81.11 N. lat., and 52.36.59 W. longitude^ James Cautwell, Keeper j Denis Cant- well, Assistant. Earbor Grace Island Light — First exhibited on the 21st Novem* her, 1836 ; it is a fixed Light, has fifteen argand burners and reflec- tors, shewing a steady bright light from N. to S. W. and by W. seaward, elevated above the level of the sea 151 fnet, and can be seen in fair weather in rounding Cape St. Francis or crossing Con- ception Bay, on the intervening space between N. and S.W. and by W. 20 nautical mile.^ ; on the land side the light is more feeble. It is situated in lat. 47.42.45 N., and long. 53.8.i5. Samuel Austin, Keeper ; Charles Snow, Assistant. Cape Bonavista i^i^A<— Situated in lat.- 48.4 L. 56 N., long. 53.5. 20> W. ; is a Revolving Light, shewing alternately every 90 seconds a white and red Light. Ii is produced by sixteen argand burners- and reflectors, burns at an elevatitm above the sea of 150 feet, and in favorable wesbher can be seen 18 nautical miles.. By keeping this Light open with Cape Largent, it will carry you clear of the Flower Rocks; first exiiibiled 11th September,. 1843. Jereouah White, Keeper ; Nicholas Whiie, Assistant. Cape Pine Light— 1\iU tower is of iron, built by the Imperial Government in 1 849- 50, and first put in requisition un the 1st Jan- uary, 1851. It is revolving, and shews a brisk flash every thirty seconds — has 12 argand burners and leflvctors — elevated above the level of the sea 314 feet — situated in lat. 46.37.4 N., and in long.. 53.31.45 W. in a favourable state of the atmosphere it^an be seen 26 nautical ^m^iles. sistant. Henry Herder, Keeper; Thomas Doran, As- Harbor Grace Btach Beacon and Light — First exhibited 11th September, 1850; stands on the Point ot Beach at the entrance of Harbour Grace. It is a doul>le Light, as a distinction from Harbor Grace Island^Light, one being placed above the other,^ preserving that appearance for six miles ; exceeding this distance up to ten miles- the two Lights appear blended into one. In sailing into Harbour Grace witb a lair or leading wind, bring the Beach Beacon to beu W. or W. by S., ai.d by keeping the Light or building a little oa the starboard^bow it will carry you clear of the Bar, an which at low water there ifr not more than 8 feet of water. It is situated in lat. 47.41.28 N., and in long. 53. 1 2.33 W.; elevation above the sea lev«:l 40 feet ; in clear weather it may be seen at a distance of II nautical miles. George Brown, Keep»r. ; Gre&% Island Lights at the entrance of Catalina Harbor ^ Trinity .fia^— Situated in lat. 48.30.16 N-, long. 53.2.40 W. This a fixed white LigUt, burni^at an elevation of 92 teet abuve high waier, and in favourable weather will be seen from E.N.E., seaward, to S. W., 15 nautical miles. Vessels bound Northward by keeping this Light open with the North Head of Catalina until Bonavista Light opena. THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 27 we with Cape LeJean, will f^ive the Flowers Rocks an ample berth --or when coming from th(> Northward and hound for Catalin-doptric Light of the first order, producing alternately every minute a brilliant red and a white L.ght, burning at an elevation of 300 feet above the level of the sea, and will be seen in a favuurable state ol the atmosphere 26 nautical miles from a vessel's deck ; situated in 46.49.30 N. lat., 54. 14.34 Weit long. The tower is of brick, and on each tide of »s THE NKW^OITJIDLA^J'D ALTVTAl^AC. ivliich Kinndti th« dwRllings of the Keeper nnd ARaintHnt^ the (tides of witinhnre pninteil white, loofs red. John Reiley, Keeper} William J. ColliitN, A^tistanr. St. J')hn^s-~Two red Hj^ht^ are fxhihited every nij»ht fronn sunset until s nri-^e, intended m lending? marks for vessrtis ent»rin? th* NirroWH. The lower light on the roof of the Custom House— the other 400 ynrds in the renr, on a white pn*t, within a few yards of the X.E a'«Klu of the Ci- liufhts in tlie town t and keeping them in a line bearing N W. I W. will lead in »he largest vessi'l clear of ali danger. To sorve MS h-sdingmarka also during the div, the pediment of the Cus- tom Kouse has been painted white; this is to be kept'ie with th(> upper lantern, also paintad white. Exhibited Ist beptember^ 16G3. Bmnet Inland Light, Mircer's Head, Fortune 5ay— First exhibit- ed 27th June, 1865. It is a powerful, flashing white Light and afe^ tains \i% greatest brilliancy every ten seconds. It burns at an ele^ ration of 408 feet above the level of the sea, and in clear weather may be seen at a distsnoe of 35 miles, and be visible in every direc« tion from North, round East and S>uth, to W.N.NV. Mercer's Uead is a bold headland, and situated in long. 55.59.30 VV., and lat. 47.16 N. Martin Sparrow, Keeper ; James Gaulton, Assistants. Oalantry Head, Island of St Peter's.— The Fixed Light on Gal^ entry Head, (Island of St. Peter's,) since the 10th Augast, 1862, has been replaced by a Flash Light, with intervals of twenty se- Bonds, and by one red flash after two white flashes $ situated in latv 46.45.30 N., long. 58.27.0 W. Elevation above high witer 64 metres^ Distnnf'e at which the Light is visible 18 miles. The Light is hidden at the Noithward by the highland of St. Peter's. Light at the Sotdh entrance St. Prfer'a.— Since 1st October, 1862^ the entrance of the harbor of St. P»ter*s, called South Cbinnel, h^^s been marked by two small Fixed Lightss, one of which is a white Light illuminating three-fourths ol xhe horizon, and placed on lh« l^Utery— and the other a rei Light, on the plain at the North of the town. The white Light has an elevation of 11 metres, and is visiblf six miles. The red Light is el<*vaied 19 metres, visibie ^ miles distance. The line connecting these two lights indicates the Middle Channel, The position of the red L'ght has also been so determined that as so'>n as it is seen on th? Wfi of Caue E igl*, vessels coming froa Columbier in boalii^g into the X.E. entraace will have nothing t© from the shout* of C^pe R.mge. Uv^bert Oke, Inspector of Light Houses. Liiihl Dues — One Shilling per ton on ali vessels entering any oort or harbor of the Colury, except coastin;:, se.)UnCt or flshi-ig vessels ( but not to be levied m.ire thau oac:* iu any one year. S»«liag aad cosst'ng vcssch — Sixpence per < 6 cents. not exceeding 8 ozs 12 cents. over 8 ozs. and not exceeding 1 lb.. 24 cents. And so on, adding 12 cents for every additional 8 ozs., or fraction thereof. Table of Postage Rates on Letters posted in Newfoundland for the following countries, viz .•— Africa, Ascension, Australia, Brazil, Buenos Ayres, Belize, (Hon- duras), Ceylon, China. Costa Rica, Cuba, Cape of Good Hope, Gray- town, Guatemala, Hayli, Labuan, Mexico, Montevideo, Natal, New South Wales, New Zealand, New Granada, Penang, Porto Kico, St. Helena, Surinam, Sinf^apnre, Sweden, Tasmania, Turkey in Europe, except places specified, 34 cents per h oz. Aden, Austria, Baden, Bavaria, Belgium, Belgrade, Bremen, Bor- neo, Bourbon (Isle of,) Brunswick, Egypt, Falkland Islands, Fer- nando Po, Frankfort, Gambia, Gibraltar, Gold Coast, Hamburg, Hanover, Hesse, Liberia, Lubeck, Mauritius, Mecklinburg, Olden- burg, Prussia, Saxony, Sierra Leone, per i.oz. 22 cents. Azores, Canary Islands, Italy, except Papal States, Malta, Naples, Portugul, Sardinia, k'jily, Smyrna, Spain, Switzerland, per i oz. 22 cents. France, Algeria, Madeira, Cape-de-Verds, per i oz. 16 cents. Bolivia, Chili, Ecuador, Pern, and places on the West Coast of America, per h oz. 58 cents. Lanarca, Seres, Tehesme, Tenedos via England, South America (East and West coast of) via Bermuda, per i oz. 32 cents. Constantinople, Dardanelles, Galatz, Gallipoli, Moldavia, Myte- lene, Rhodes, Samsonn, Salonica, Scutari, Syria, Trebizond, Tulcha,. Tunis, Varna, per J oz. 20 cents. Greece and Papal States, per J oz. 28 cents. Denmark and Jassy, per h oz. 28 cents. India and the Ionian Islands, per ^ oz. 30 cents. Helligoland and Holland, per h ^z. 26 cents. Norway, per i oz. 38 cents . Launberg, per i oz. 24 cents. Poland and Russia, per h oz. 30 cents. United Kingdom, 12 cents, single rate. Canada, 20 cents, single rate. THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 33 Cape Breton, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, United States, Bermuda, West Indies, thirteen cents per ^ oz. Vancouver's Island and British Colunabia, via Bermuda, 48 cents per i oz. Buh of Rating Letters by Britiali Packet. All Letters for the United Kingdom, United States, British Pro- vinces and Possessions, and West Indies, are to be charged with a single rate of Postage, if not exceeding the weii^ht of 4 an oz. ; double rate if exceeding i but not over 1 oz. ; quadruple rate if exceeding 1 but not over 2 ozs. ; and so on charging 2 rates for every oz., or fractional part of an oz., over the first oz. Letters posted in Newfoundland for delivery at any place within the Island, are charged 5 cents for every h oz. By the Act 28 Vic, Cap. 2, all letters sent from this Colony, and all local letters deposited in any Post Office in the Colony for deliv- ery or transmission within it, shall be prepaid by Stamps, or other- ivise such letters shall be chargeable with double postage to the re- ceiver. Parties desirous of vending Newfoundland postage stamps, will be allowed a commission of five per cent. Stamps, in all cases, to be paid for in advance. MONEY ORDER BRANCH. James Healy, Superintendent. Office hours from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Money Orders are now interchanged with the United Kingdom and Canada, at the following rates of Commission :— Scale Jor United Kingdom — Orders up to £2 stg., Is. stg. ; from £2, up to £5, 2s.; from £5, up to £7, 3. ; fiom £7 up to jlIO, 43. Scale for Canada-— Orders up to £5, Is. ; from £5 to £ LO 23. No single Order can be granted for more ih\n £10. No halfpence to be introduced in the orders. SYSTErvT. 1 — Money Orders are made out in forms supplied for the uso of the Money Order Offices. 2 — Persons applying for Money Orders are recommended to use printed " Application Forms" printed for that purpose. 3 — Place of payment of a Money Order may be changed in ac- cordance with instructions provided therefor. 4 — Alteration of payee's name may be effected, by issue of a new order and payment of commission ther eon. 5 — Applicants for Money Orders are expected to observe due care in the examination of the same, relative to filling and slamp- ing; defect in Orders, when presented for payment, may cause difficulty and delay, for which the paying Office is not to be held accountable. 3"! THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 6 — Postmasters should be particularly careful to obtain from the person who presents a Money Order, whether the rightful owner or not, full information a« to the Christian name, surname and address, of the party who originally obtained it, unless suchj party be a firm,, when the name uf the &im will suffice. The only exception to this rule is — When an (3rder is presented through |a],Bank, ^in which case it will suffice that the order, being properly ^signed, be al«0' crossed with the Banker's name. 7 — As, however, after once paying a Money Order ^ by whomsoever presented, the Office will not be liable to anyjurther claim, the public are otrictly cautioned, — Ist — To take all means to prevent the loss of the Money Order. 2nd — To be careful, on taking out an Order, to state correctly the Christian as) well as the surname of the person iu whose favor it is to be drawn. 3rd— to see thut the name of the person taking out the Money Order is correctly known to the person in whose favor it is drawn. 8— Payment of a Money Order must be obtained before the end of the sixth calendar month after that in wiiich it was Issued, other- wise a new order will be necessary, for which a sec jnd commission will be charged ; and if the order be not paid before the twelfth < calendar month after that in which it was issued, all claims to the money will be lobt. Neglect of the foregoing instructions will risk the loss of the money, besides leading to delay and trouble in obtaining payment. The Money Order Offices in Newfoundland, at present, are: Gene- ral Post Office, St. John's ; Post O/fices at Bay Bulls, Bona.\jta, Brigus, Burgeo, Burin, Uarbonear, Fenyland, Fogo, Greenspondj Harbor Breton, Harbor Grace, Placeutia, Trepassey, Trinity, Twillingate. 9 — Postmasters should recommend the use of Money Orders for the transmission of money, in preference to such transmission- otherwise. Post tffico Directory for Newfoumllnttd. Contftining an AlphobeficalLUt of all th** Towns, Villaijes nnd 9"^ ments in the Colony^ with the Post Towns and Way Officei. te- POST TOWNS —Those m'lrkod thus* are MoneyOrder Oflftcea Nnme of Otfice. * Brigus * Bonavleta * Burin * Burgeo •Bay Bulls * Carbonear...... * Fogo.« Ferryland * Oreenspond... . * Hnrbor Grace*. . * Harbor Breton. Little Flacentia. . . * Placentia * Twillingate * Trepassey * Trinity.... New Perlican.... La Poile District. Port d»> Grave Bonavista Burin Burgeo and LaPoile.... Ferryland Carbonear Fogo and Twillingate... Ferryland Bonavista..., Harbor Grace Fortune Bay Placeniia and St. Mary's Placentia and St. MaryV Fogo and Twillingate. . . St. Mary's and Placentia Trinity irini'y Burgeo and LaPoile.... Niime of Postmaster. Mm. Stantaford John Liwrence Thomas Winter Francis A. Parsons Mart'n Williams Nicholas Nioholl .lames Fitzgerald John Morry ^^ illiam Lang Andrew Drysdale Thomas Birkett Alexander Burke iVliss Morris Joseph J. Pearce John Oevereux Anne Cross Francis Howell Thomas Head WAY OFFICES. Name of Office. Bay Roberts Blackhead Bay de Verds.... Oatalina Cats Cove ChanneL Fortune . , Grand Bank Harbor Mala Hermitage Hants Harbor. .. Holyrood Island Cove Kings Cove Lamaline Oderin Old Perlican. . ••. Paradise Port de Grave.... Portugal Cove . . . . Salmonier St. Mary's Topsail * 'Qaruish* District. Port de Grave Bay de Verds Bay de Verds Trinity Harbor Main Burgeo and La Poile. . . Burin Burin Harbor Main Fortune Bay Trinity Harbor Main Harbor Grace Bonavista Burin Placentia and St. Mary's Trinity Placentia and St. Mary's Port de Grave St. lohn's East St. Mary's and Placentia Placentia and St. Mary's Harbor Main Buria t.« •• Way Office Keeper James Fitzgerald William Butt Elias Picco John Jeans Timothy O'Brien John Hooper Dr. Haddock Jonathan Hickman Mrs. Brick Martin Frances Thomas Smith John Veitch John Crane Michael Murphy James Pitman. James Murphy VV illiam Christian John Power Matthew O'Riley Margaret Dooley John Hurley James Murphy James Moyse George Snelgrove ;l i: 86 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Alphabetical List of Towns, Villagos, and Settlements. Nam'-B of PIuchb. Arlnm's Cove Atnhprat Cove, upper Amherst Cove, lower A|)«ey Cove Aqua Forte Admiral's Beach Angel's Cove Arnold's Cove Amos Covo Belle Isle Balline Broad Cove Blaokhead Broad Cove Baccc Cove Burnt Head, (Cupids) Broad Cove Bull Cove Blow-me-Dowa Bareneed Brigus Bryant's Cove Bishop's Cove Beacby Cove Blovv-me-i)own Broad Cove, (No. S.) Blackhead Bay de Verds Boney Brook Bird Island Cove Bircbey Cove Barrow Harbor Back Harbor Broom Close Bloody Bay Bonavidta Bragg's Island Burnt Island Batterton's Island Bayly's Cove Bloody Arm Beaver Cove Bard Islands Blackhead Gove Black Island Burnt Bay Birchy Bay Bel's Cove Dintricts. Bay de Verds Uonavista Bonavista Fogo Ferryland St. Mary's and Plaoentia do do do do do do St. John's East do do St. John's West Harbor Main do Brigus do do do do do Harbor Grace do do Bay de Verds do do do do Trinity do do Fogo and Twillingate Trinity do Bonavista do do do do Fogo do do Twillingate do do do Fogo Post Towns. ("arbonear Trinity Trinity Fogo Ferryland St. Mary's Placentia Little Plaoentia Great Placentia Portugal Cnvo do do St. John's Harbor Main do Brigus do do do do do Harbor Grace do do Carbonear do do do do Trinity Bonavista Trinity Twillingato Trinity do Bonavista do do do do Fogo d? do do do do do do thp: iVir>vi'OTiNnLANr) alvtan'.vcj. 8t NliUU'H of PIUCCS. J)iHtti( ts. Post r. wni. Boy lixllii Ft'uvland liay iJulls Buiiit CuTO *do (lo Ooliine dj do Bri;{iis do Ferry land Biscay Bay IMaconv'a and St. Mary's IVepaHsey Buriuriay St. Mai/fl St. Murv'i Buckford C. Shore Placenlia and St. Mary's Piucenlia Branch Piucenlia do Bordeaux do Little FlacoDtia Black River do do Barren Island do do Britt's Hole do do Burgtio do 1 do Bona do Great Placentia Burnt Islands do do Bane Harbor do do Beau Bois do do Burin Burin Bu'in Biuoet Island Fortune Bay Hatbor Breton Bay de East do do Bay do North do do Bock Side Cove Trinity Trinity British Harbor do do Black Duck Cove do do Bonn's Doar Harbor do do Broad Cove do do Barrow Fortune Bay Harbor Breton Belloram do do Boxy do do Blanchett do do Bay de Teau do do Brimbali's Head do do Bonne Biy do do Brimbali's Store House La Poile Burgeo Burgeo (Upper) do do Burgeo (Lower) do do Brazils do ■a Poile Baker's Tickle do do Burnt Island* do do Brent's Cove do do Bede Cove do do Bear Cove do do Cape Spear St Cohn's £)a3t St. Joha^s Chamberlain Harbor Hain Sc. John's Chapel's Cove do Harbor Main Cat's Cove do Brigus Colliers do do Cupids Brigus do Cap' in Cove do do Clark's Beach do do Centre Harbor Harbor Grace Harbor Qraoo 38 THE NEWFOUNDLAND AL^UNAC. I - 'T, ■ ■:■■ ' 1 ■■::.' ,"r-::.-.; Name* < f Place*. Districts. Post Towns. Coosh Harbor Grace Harbor Grace Coley's Point do do Carbon ear Carbonpar Carbonear Cloun's Cove Bay de Verds do Caplin Cove do do Chapel Arm Trinity Harboi- Grace Chance Cove do do Cat Cove do do Cuckold's Cove do Trinity Catalina do do Careless Harbor do do Castle Gove do do Cotterell'.^ Island Bonavista do Cobbler's Is^land do Bonavista Cape Island do do Cape Freels do do Cat Harbor Fogo Fogo Cann Island do do Cape Fogo do do Change Islands Twillingate Twillingate Caplin Cove Fogo Fogo Caplin Bay Fcrryland Ferryland Cape Broyle do dD Cape Race St. Mary's and Placentia Trepnssey Cape Pine do do do Colinet do do St. Mary's Cape Dog do do do Cuslett do do Great Placentia Clattice Harbor do do do Corbin Burin Burin Conn Fortune Bay Harbor Breton Con Harbor do do Corbon do do Coomb's Cove do do Connaigre Bay do do Cul de Sac do do Cnpe La Have do do Coppett do do Cotteau do do Cinqua Serf do do Channel Burgeo and La Poile La Poile Dock-port de Grace Brigus Brigus Dock-Point Harbor Grace Harbor Grace Daniel's Cove Trinity Carbonear Dildo Cove do Harbor Grace Deer Island Bonavista Bonavista Dead Man's Bay Fogo and Tffilllngate Fogo Doting Cove do do Greenspond Dog Bay do 'do Tw illingale Distress Placentia and St. Mary's Placentia Dog Harbor do ( io Little Placentia * THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 39 Names of Places. Davis's Cove Duriell Dawson's Cove Despair Bay Dragnn Bay Deer Island English Harbor Lxploits Burnt Island English Harbor English Harbor, near ) Belloram ^ Eastern Point Flat Rock, (Torbay) Freshwater Fox Trap Freshwater Fox Harbor Friday's Cove Fool's Island Freshwater Bay Flat Island Flower Island Fair Island Fogo Har. and Islands Fortune Harbor Flurry's Bite Ferryland Fermeuse Fox Harbor First Beach & l^Veshwlr Flat Island Fox Cove Fortune Forn Furby's Cove Fox Island Harbor Francois Frenchman's Cove Gullies Upper Gullies Lower Gasters Gullies and Goulds Grate's Cove Green's Harbor Gooseberry Cove Ganny Cove Green Bay Green Inland Cove Gooseberry Island Greenspond and Tickle Grant's Island Districts. Pest Towns. Placentia and St. Mary's Burin Fortune Bay do Burgeo and La Poile do do Trinity Fogo and Twillingate Fortune Bay do Burgeo and La Poile St. John's, East do do Harbor Main Bay de Vevds Trinity do do Bonavista do do do Fogo and Twillingate do do do do FeiTyland do Placentia and St. Mary's do do Buiin do do Fortune Bay do do Burgeo and La Poile do do Harbor Main do do Brigus Bay de Verds Trinity do do do do Bonavista do do Little Placentia Burin Harbor Breton do Burgeo do Trinity Twillingate Harbor Bretoa do La Poile St. John's do do Topsail Carbonear Trinity do^ do do do Bonavista Greenspond Fogo Twillingate do Ferryland do Little Placentia Great Placentia Burin do do Harbor Breton do do La Poile do Topsail do do Brigus Carbonear do Hirbor Grace do Trinity do Bonavista Gioenspond do M 40 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Names of Places. Districts. Post Towns. Gjnder Bay Fogc and Twi! Ungate Fogo Grapes Cove do do do Goulds Bay Bulls St. .''ohn's, West St. John's Gaskier St. vlary's and Plncentla St. Mary's Gull Cove Placenii'a and St. Mary's Placentia Golden Bay do do do Gooseberry do do do Grfiiidy's Point do do do Gallows Haibur do do Great Placentia Golds Covo Burin Burin Gvaiid Bank do do Grand Beach do do Garnish Fortune Bay do Grand John do Harbor Breton, Grant's Cove do do Great Harbor do do Grole do do Gripe Island do do Gaultois do do Great Jervois do do Grondy's Broo^i do Burgeo Gana ' Burgeo and La Poile La Poile Horse Cove Conception Bay Portugal Cova Holyrood, Nor. &Sou. Harbor Main St. John's Harbor Main do Harbor Main Hall's Town Port de Grave Brigus Hibb's Hole do do Harbor Grac; Harbor Grace Harbor Grace Hani's Harbor Trinity <'arbonear Heart's Desire do Haibor Grace Heart's Delight do do Heart's Coniont do Carbonear Heart's Ease do Harbor Grace Hare Bay Fogo and Twillingate Fogo Harbor Islnnd do do du Herring Neck do do Twillingate Hall's Bay do do do Holyrood, Rood-pond St. Mary's and Placentia St. M ary's Horry Cove do do do Harbor Huffelt do do Little Placentia. Hay Stack do do do Harbor Mdle Fortune Bay Harbor Breton Hare Harbor do do llarbor Breton do do Hermitage Cove -do do Harry's Cove do do Harbor Gulley do do Halter's Puint Burgee and La Poile Burgeo Harbor Le Cou do " do La Poile Hiscock'a Point do do do I^lana Cov« Harbor Gracie Harbor Grncii A THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 41 Names of I'lacps. Disirict 9. Post Towns. Island Cove, Lower Bay de Verds Curbonear Island Gove Tiinity Hurbor Grace Irehnd's Eye do do Indian Ann Bonavista Bonavista Indian Bay do do Indian [slands Fcgo and Twill ingate Fosfo Indian (>ove do do Twillingate Isle of Vp.ien Placentia and St. Vfary's Great Placentia Isle de Mort Burgeo and La Poile La Puflo Juniper ^iianip Port de Grave Brigus Juggler's Cove Harbor Grac«j Harbor Grace Job's Cove Bay de Verds tarbonear Joe Bail's Arm Fogaand Twill ingate Fogo Jackson's Arm do do do John's Pond St. Mary's and Placentia St. Mary's J^ggi"? Hole Trinity Trinity Jean de Bay Burin Bui in Jack. Fouataia Fortune Bay Harbor Breton Jessey Harbor do do Kelligrews Conception Bay St. John's, Top'l Ker ley's Harbor Trinity Trinity Knight's Cove do do King's Cove do King's Cove Keel's do do King's Cove Fogo and Twill ingate Fogo King's Harbor Burgeo and La Puile Li Poile Logy Bay St. John's East St. John's Long Pond- Harbor Main do Topsail Lance Cove do do do Long Beach Port de Grave Brigus Lower Small Point Bay de Verds Carbonear Low Point do do Lance Cove Trinity do Lower Amherst Cove Bonavista Bonavista Lion's Den. Fogo and Twil. "ngate F'ogo Loom Bay do do Twillingate do Leading Tickles do. do Little Bfiy Island do do do Little Island St. Mary's St. Mary's do Litile Salmonier do Lear's Cove Placentia and St. Mary's Great Placentia Littlt) Placentia. do do Little Placentia La Manohe do do do Little Uarb3r do do do Little Bay Burin Burin Lawn do do Lamaline do Lamaline Longue de Serf Fortune Bay Harbor Breton Lubater Cove do do Lolly Cove do do I^ittle Bay do» Co 42 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Names of Places. Lambell's Passage Little River Little Bay— La Poile La Poile La Plante Maddox Cove Middle Bight Manuels Middle Arm Middle Cove Mercer's Cove Mosquito Marshall's Folly MuUey's Cove Muddy Hole Merrioit's Harbor Moreton's Harbor Mausd Point Mobile Mosquito Island Mall Bay Mother Ixx's Middle House Muzzel Pond Marguise Mussel Harbor Mprasheen Mahoney's Cove Murphy's Cove Morlier Bay Molyers and Barrisway Mose Ambrose Miller's Passage Mosquito Moon's Face Margaree Northern Gut New Perlican New Harbor New Bonaventure Norman's Cove New Harbor Newell's Island Newman's Cove Noggin Cove New Bay Nimrod Nipper's Harbor North Harbor North Harbor New Harbor Districts; Fortune Bay do Burgeo and La Poile do do do do St. John's West Harbor Main do do St. John's East Harbor Grace Carbonear Bay de Verds do Fogo and Twillingate do do do do do do Ferryland !St. Mary's and Placentia do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Burin do Fortune Bay do Burgeo and La Poile do do do do Port de Grave Trinity do do do do do Bonavista Fogo and Twillingate do do do do do do St. Mary's and Placontia do do Fortune Bay Post Towns; Harbor Breton do La Poila do do St. John's Topsail do Harbor Main St. John's Harbor Grace Carbonear do do Fogo Twillingate do do Bay Bulls St. Mary's do do ^i St. John's t St. Mary's Little Placentia do do Great Placentia do Burin do Harbor Breton do Burgeo La Poile do Brigus Carbonear Harbor Grace Trinity do do do Bonavista F(go Twillingate do do St. Mary's Little Placentia Harbor Breton THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 43 Names of Pl.ices ■ 'III -II ■ ■■■ ■■^■ U MIII New Harbor Outer Cov8 Otterbury Ochre Pit Cove Old Perlican Old Shjp Old Boimventure Open Hall Oliver's Cove Oiierin Old Man's Bay Pouch Cove Portugal Cove Petty Harbor Port de Grave Perry's Cove Plate Cove Pouch Cove Pool's Island Pinchard's Island Pig Island Pond Head Portugal Cove Point Lallaye ; Patrick's Cove Point Verd ' Placentia (Great) Placeniia ^Little) Point Mall Presque Paradise (Great) Paradise (Little) Paradise Sound Petit Fort Pickaree Petites Quidi Vidi Kip Rap Bed Cliff Cove Handom Sound Rider's Harbor Bagged Harbor Bagged Harbor Bed Cliff Island BounJ Harbor Benews Bpuis Islands Bed Island Bagged Islands Bushoon Harbor Bed Harbor Districts. f Fortune Bay St. John's East Bay de Verds do Trinity do do Bonavista Placentia and St. Mary's do do Burgeo and La Poile St. John's East St. John's East do West Port de Grave Bay de Verds Bonavista do do i do do do St. Mary's and Placentia do do do do do do Placentia and St. Mary's do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Fortune Bay Burgeo and La Poile St. J'-hn's East Port de Grave Bay de Verds Trinity do Fngo and Twillingate Trinity Bonavista Fogo and Twillingate Ferryland Placentia and St do do do Burin Mary's do do do Post Towns. Burgeo St. John's Carbonear do do Harbor Grace Trinity do Placentia do Burgeo St. John's doPor'lCove do Brigus Carbonear Irinity Bonavista do do do Green spond Trepassey St. Mary's Great Placentia do do Little Placentia do Great Placentia do do do do Harbor Breton La PoUe St. John's Brigus Carbonear Trinity do Fogo Trinity do Fogo Ferryland Little Placentia do do do Burin ■:\ 44 TilK NRWt^OtJXDrAXT) ALMVNAO. 1; Nuncs of Places. Distiioifl . ' 1 ,'■ Post Towna. Rick Ilarh^r nnlii Huriii Rmiic ritro F;,r'.ijne B ay Harbor Breton II irict, John Stephenson. Masters-in-Chancery — Hon. Georgo U. Emerson, Thomas J. Kougb, Hon. Robert J. Pin»ent, William V. Whiteway, M. W. Walbank- Vice-Admiralty Court—Judge, the Chief Justice for the time being. Registrar, Peter W. Carter. Marshal, James Bayly. Sur- rogates, RoDeitR. W.Lilly, D. W. Prowse and Henry T. B. Wood, bt. John's. Lewis W. Emerson, Harbor Grace. TERMS OF COUttTS. Ceiitral Circuit Court — Spring Terra commences 20th April, and to continue three weeks. Autumn Term, 20th October, and to con- tinue three weeks, with power to the presiding Judge to prolong the term from day to day, not exceeding six days in all. Sessions after Teim — Tlie stccnd Montlay in February^ March^ acd July, and to cuntir.ue for a period not exceeding six days*. Supreme Court — Spring Term commences 20th May, to continue three weeks. Autumn Term, 20lh November, and to continue three weeks, with power to the Judges to prolong the term from day to day, nut exceeding six days in all. Sessions aftev Term — Thtj first Monday in February, March, April, and July, and to continue for a perio d not exceeding six dayi. Commissioners for Issuing Mesne and Final Process and Subpcenaa returnable into the Snprefr,^ nnd Circuit Courts, for taking A ffida- viiSf and Mecognizance of Bail in any Suit depending in said Coui ts. Central District— Mdilthew W. Walbank and Henry T. B. Wood, St. JohuV. THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 49 Northern District — Lewis W. Emerson, Joh'i Fitzgerald, Hurbor Grace. Israel McNeil, Carbonear. John C. Nullull, John Wilcox, Brigtis. John Lewis, Lower Iilancl Cuve. Oeoigo W. K. tlierlihy, Bay Roberts. William Holden, Harbor Maine. J.tincs L. Alewa, Hani's tlitrbor. William Uhrititian, OlJ Perl'can. Michael llotv- ley,Nf\v Ferlican. Benjumin Sweetland andltobert Bayly, Trinity, Alexaiidur Bremuer and John Lawrencu, iionavista. Joha l'. 0.ik- ley, Oieeuaponci. James Fiizgendl, Fogo. John I'eyton, Tvviiiia> gate. Charles Newhook, New iLitbor. Thomii Huicuing^, Bayr- deoVerds. Michael Murphy, King's Cove. Jobti M. M.iddjcic, Fort-deGrave. John Kyall, Ueari's Content. Southern District — Luke Brown, Ferrylund. Francis L. Brdd« thaw, Placentia. Thomas E. CollcMt, Harbor John Hooper, Port-aux-Busque. William Pitman, Lamaline, Josiali Blackburn, Grand Bank. Francis A. Parsons, BurgHD. Thomas Head, La Poile. Jumes Murphy, St. Mary's. Horatio II. Ke;id, Channel, (Port-aux-Basque.) George Si.nnn, Trepassey. Tnomaa Birkett, Harbor Breton. James Munin, Ed'.Vdrd Murrisi Burin. NeUon Brtili«, Oderin. ^ STIPENDIARY MAGISTIUTES. St. John's— Peter W. Carter, and Thomas Bennett. Conception Bay— Joseph Peters, Harbor Gtace. Israel McNeil, Carbonear. John Wilcox, Brigus. Trinity Bay — Benjami.. ciweetland, Trinity. James L. Mews, Old Perlican. Bonavista — David Candow. Twillingate— »• obn Peyton. Ferryland — Martin Williams, Bay Bulls. Edmund Hanrahan, Ferryland. Flaceutia and St. Mary's— Francis L. Bradshaw, Flacentia. James Murphy, St. Mary's. Burin — James Moran, M.D., Bjiio. Josiah Blackburn, Grand Bank. Fortune Bay— Thomas Birkett, Ku i«'>r Breton. La Poile— Thomas Read. { JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. I For the Island of Newfoundland— 'Vhe Judges of the Supreme Court, the Members of ttie Executive Counoil, and Peter W. Carter, Thomas Bennett, Charles Fox Bennett, Hon. John Kent, Hon. Ambrose Shea, Thomas Glen, Edmund Hanrahai, Edward D. ibhea, James J. Rogerson. Central District — Stephen Rendell, Hon. John Winter, Hon. James Cormick, John OWlara, Patrick Sirapp, Joseph Putiirs. Northern District — Patriok Strapp, Beiijanin;tla:i;!, John Peyton, William Kelson, John T. Oikley, Jjhii Tilly, Sixnvn L. Mews, Robert Oilerhead, Alexmvler Brenan", Johi G. SkeUon, Thomas Hutchings, John Munn, Williim W. UiJley, David Cauljw, William S.Green, John Rjrke, Jamas L. Proniergwt, Joha Wiloxc I so THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. JiimeH Keppiiig, Charles NH^y'hook, John Leacnon, Philip Lovetconte, Juines FiizjfcralJ, Joseph Peters, Lewis W. Eniurton, Uiohatd lierney, M.l)., Israel McNeil, John LmwIs. lleuben Homisle'', Onor^e bkeltoii, John McCarthy, Michael Uuwley, Michael Murphy, Jiitnus t^ainr, Peter Ward, James Aloock, William Stirlinj^^, Joseph J. Pearce. Charles Edmonds, Nathan Norman, VVillium Ling, William Holden, Uichard CormaoK, Uay Finill,tter, John Shuehan, William P, Taylor, Gilbert U. Cole, John W. Owen, George W. 11. Ilierlihy, James N. Leamou, Edward T. Pike, James N. Noonan, Alexandur W. Bremner, George C. Rutherford, Patrick Nowlan, James Tara- han, John M. Muddock, Benjamin T. U. Gould, Michael Dwyer, William J. S. Donnelly. Southern District— John L. McKie, Francis L. Bradahaw, Thomas £. Gaden, Jobiah Hluckburn, George >iuam8, James Murphy, Thomas Heed, Thomas Kenouf, Edward Evans, Thomas £. Collt^tt, Francis BertedU, Robert U. Dawe, John Walsh, John O'Neil, Owen Pine, Richard Marshall, Ijuke Brown, Clement Malleit, Samuel Howe, William F. Gallop, Patrick Furlong, Thomas Winter Philip Sorsoliei, Martin Williams, John W. English, Thomas Birkca, John Jordan, Richard McGratb. St. Qeorge'a Bay — Horatio H. Forrest, Elwin Alexander. Xa&rarfor— Nathan Norman, Thomas R. Urockwell, Donald A Smith, William B. Bcndall, Sampson Daw, Thomas G. Lsirmour, George Goodridge. Labrador CovRi—Undtr Act 26 Vic, Cap 2. Ju''ge— Benjamin Sweetland, J. P., Esq. Bailiff— Jonas Purchase. CLERKS OF THE PEACE. St. John's, {for Central District)— Robert R. W. Lilly. Harbour Grace— John Fennell. Carbonear — John Mackay. Brigus — Jolm 0. Nuttall. Trinity — Robert Bayly, Bonavista — John Lawrence. Twillingaie— Aaron A. Pearoe. Burin— Edward Morris. Harbour Breton— Samuel Howe. CORONERS. St. John's — Joseph Shea, M.D. Harboui Grace — Joseph Pefer*. Bayde-Verds — John Lewis. Trinity— Benjamin Sweelland. Greens- poiid — Dr. Skelton. Ferryland — John Stephenscm. B^y Hulls — Manin Williams. Trinity Bay (South Side)— Micha«l Howiey. Bonavista — John Lawrence. Haroor Maine — Patrick Strapp. POLICE. General Superintendent of Police Constabulary lor Newfound- land — Timothy Mitchell. St. John's— Sergeants, James Kenna and John Nicol. Harbor Grace — High Constable, Luke Fallon. Carbonear — High Const? ble, Peter McBaie. INSPECTORS OP WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Thomas S. Dwyer, St. John's. William Meagher, Harbor Grace. Peter McBaie, Carbonear. Nicholas Jeyues, Brigus. John Miffl^u, Ragged U^rbor to Spiller's Cove inclusive, (District of Triiuvy.) Wiiiiam Harding, District of Burin. w THK NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 61 Educationiil Institutions. IT. JOHN'S ACADEMY. njrectoM — Church of England Board — Hii^ht Rhv. tht Lord Bishop, Thomas Bennett, Hun. HobHrt ('arier, Hon. the Chief Jus* ticu, Hon. Judge Kobitmon. Head Master— .liev. Joseph Phelps | Second Master — Elias Marett. Hotnan Catholic Bnnrd — Right R>v. Dr. Mullock, Hon. John Kent, Hon. Liurence O'Brien, Hon. Judf^e Little. Mnflters— Retr. M. WaUh, Rev. Dr. Howley, T. Talhot, M. Fenlon, E. Bennett. General Protectant Board — Walter Grieve, Thomas MoMurdo, John B. Bullev, Hon. James O. Eraser, Hon. Peter Q.Teasier, Wil- liatn Boyd. Master — Adam Scott. NEWFOUNDLAND WE8LEYAN ACADEMY. Directors — Rev. John S. Peach, James J Rogorson, Hon. Nicho* las Stabb, Hon. John Heminter, Josejjh Woods. Head Master — Alexander Simpson Roid, M.A Aisistant '.Vcachers— Corlett W. Shensione and Charles R. Shenstone. GRAMMAR SCHOOLS. Directors — Harbour Grace — John Munn, William H. Ridley, John Hayward, Hugh W. Trapnell, John Ryan, D.Greene, W. J. S. Donnelly. Master— John I. Roddick. Corbonear — Richard Berney, John McCarlhy, Edward T. Pike. Michael Bolger, Moses Wiltshire, Israel McNeil, William Hawker, Master — COMMERCLVL SCHOOLS. Commissioners — Bri^us — James N. Leamon, John C. Nuttall, Thomas Kelly, Rev. R. H. Taylor, James Tarahan. Teacher — William Greene. Broad Cove (Bay-de-Verds)— Rev. John Waterhouse, Rev. Thomas Fox, John Lewis, William Butt, jr. Teacher— Alexander M'Kay. Trinify— Benjanrtin Sweetland, A. W. Bremner. (No School.) Old Perlican—Rev. Thomas Harris, Jabez Tilley, and Stephen K. March. Teacher — William Christian. Bonavista — Peter Ward, James Saint, John Lawrence. Teacher — Samuel RowseU. King's Cove— Rev. M. Scanlan, Michael Murphy. Teacher — Hartery. Ferryland — Rev. James Murphy, Robert Carter, Luke Brown, Michael Devereux. Teacher — Patrick Flannery. Burin — Episcopal Branch, Miss Hooper, Teacher; Roman Catho- lic, Michael O'Donnell, Teacher ; Wesleyan, — — , Teacher. Harbor Breton— Rev. W. K. White, Rev. Edward CoUey, Cle* Qient Mallelt, Samuel Howe. Teacher — Rev. W. Shannon. Twillingate — Rev. Thomas Boone, Rev. James A. Duke and John W« Owens, John Roberts, William Lethbridge. 52 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL CllURCil SOCIETY.— [Incorporated 1862.] Patron — Her Most Gracious Majesty ihe Queen. Vice-Patrons— His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, His Grac^ the Archbishop of York, His Grace the Archbishop of Armagh. President — The Most Hon. the Marquis of Choltnondeley, aud 72 Vice^Presidrnts, consisting of Peers of the United Kingdom. English and Colonial liishops, Colonial Governors, (including the Governor of Newfound- land) Members of Parliament, &c., &c. Corresponding Committee in Newfoundland — President, — — ; Vice-President, Hon. Dr. Winter; Treasurer, E. L. Jarvis; Inspector and Organizing Master, J. W. IVIarriott ; Secretary, James Bayly; Rev. T. M. Wood, Hon. F. B. T. Carter, Hon. R. J. Pin- eent, Hon. J. S. Clift, John Bowring, D. W, Prowse, Theodora Clift. Bankers, Union Bank. School Teaches— St. John's, Mr. Marriott and Mr. John Bishop, Boys School; Mrs. Burke, Girls School ; Training Pupil Teachers of the Society, Missei Winter and Saunders ; Infants' Schoo', Misses Anderson and Marett. Bellorani, Rev, J and Mrs. Marshall. Petty Harbor, Mr. and Mrs. Bishop. Portugal Cove, ]^Ir. Ward. Brij?us, Mr. and Mrs. Mills. Port-de-Grave, Mr. and Mrs. Mad- d ck and Miss Collier. Spaniard's Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Earle. Bishop's Cove, Mr. S. Earle. Harbor Grace, Mr. and Mrs. Girdner. Heart's Content, Mr. Thompson. Trinity, Mr. Collis and Mis? Lockyer. Bonavista, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence. Salvage, Mr. and Mrs. Kelliirrews. Greenspond, Mr. Edwards. Swain's Island, Mr. Edward Bishop. Twillingate, Mr. Crosby. Fogo, Mrs. Plomer. •WESLEYAN SCHOOL AND AGENCY SOCIETY. Committee— Rev. J. S. Peach, Chairman and Treasurer; Rev. J. Dove, Secretary ; the Ministers of the Newfoundland District, and John Munn, James J. Rogerson, John BuUey, sr., Joseph WoodSi Israel McNeil, James N. Leamon. Teachers — Pouch Cave, Joseph Baggs. Carbonear, James Kad- don. Cupids, Francis Skeans. Port-de-Grave, John Brown. Broad Cove, Joseph Thistle. Old Perlican, William Christian. Catalina, iMiss Snelgrove. Flatlslands, Joseph R. Parsons. Sound Island, Charles Downs. Green's Harbor, Simeon Rsed. Westera Point, Hen:y Garland. PEESBYTERIAN (ST. ANDREW'S) SCHOOL, ST. JOHN'S. Committee— John Boyd, Secretary ; Gilbert Browning, John B. McLea, Alexander McKay, Andrew Thompson. Teacher — Robert Stutt, M.A. BOARDS UNDER EDUCATION ACT. St. John's- Rev. George M. Johnson, Rev. P. Prestwood, Rev» Moses Harvey, Rev. Thomas M. Wood, Rev. D. McKae, Hon. Nicholas Stahb, William H. Mare, Hon. James S. Clift, Hon. John Winter, M.D., and W. V. Whiteway, Harbor Grace— Rev. Bertram Jones, Rev. James Dove, and John Munn, William H. Ridley, John Hayward, Rev. William Meek, (Island Cove), and Johnstone F. Burrows. THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. S3 f Carhonear — Rev. John 8. Peach, Rev. William J. Hoylea, and John Rork?, Edward Pike, Jatnes Forwarder., Isnel McNeil, and Benjamin Gould. Bay Roberts— Rev. Martin Blackmore, William S. Gre«n, Rf»v. James i). Harvey, and Thomas Marcen, jr., Isaac Bartlett, Jolin M; Maddock, William Brown. Brigus— Rev. William E. Shenstone, Rev. Robert H. Tavlor, and Christopher Norman, James Wilcox, Jonathan Percsy, John Bartlett, James N. Leamon. Bayde-Verds— Rev. John Waterhouse, Rev. Oliver Rouse, Rev. T. Fox, and John Lewis. Trinity Bay North— R9V. Benjimin Smith, and William Kelson, Benjamin Sw^etland, Rjbert B.iyly, Alexander Brernaer, jr., and- Gilbert H. Cole. Trinity Bay West— Rev. George Gu'dner, and Robert OUerhead, James Moore, Robert R)ckwoo(J, Heart's Content ; Cliarles N^iw- hook. New Harlur; James Wiseman, Heart's D;'libjrt; Tilley, jr., and Bjnjimia Snelgrove. Binavista Biy North — Rev. William J. Milner, and John T. Oakley, George L'kelton, M D., James Noonan, Darius Blandford, Charles Edwards. Bonavista Bay South — Rev. A. E. C. Bayly, Rev. C. Comben, and Jimes Saint, John G. Skellon. William Brown, Siephen Abbou, David Candow. Bonavi^ta Bay West — Rev. William Kirby, John Shrara, Oj)en Hall; and Samuel Coltin, William Hancock, jr., and Duvid Candow, jr. Fo»o— Rev. Reginald M. Johnson, Rev. Charles Ladner, and Hiy Findlater, P^-ter Carter, Charles Willis, Henry Simons, — Wiiliams, (Bar'd Island Harbjr.) Twillin^ate — Rev. Thomas Boone, R)v. James A. Dak"?, and Jihn Feyton, Charles Elmonds, William L.'thbridge, a-.ul Rjv. Josiah, Darrell, Herring Neck. Moreton's Harbir — Rev. G. S. Gliamberliin, Rev. Jabez Rigors, and Robert SmtU, Joaiah Manuel, E:i[)loit3; Job Siucklesj, and William Barnes Ferryland— Rev. John M. Noel, RobertJCirter, James H. Carter, James Carter, John Morry, Peter Winser, Daniel H. Wiiisar, Wil- liam T. S. Carter. Placentia— Rev. John Kingwell, Jamee Bathr, Thomas E. Collett > Gearge H. Bennett, Thomas Collins, (Odeiin), James Hollett, ani James Chalmers, I M TUB NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAG. Burin — Rev. S. T. Teed, Rpv. William Rozier, Francis Berteau» Owen P1n«, Kichaid Willie, George Goddard, atid William Paul. Lanrialine— Kev. A. B. Gabriel, George U. Bvans» George Cak«, James Pitman, Georgo Bust, and Thomas Laskey. Grand Bank— K'^v. John S. Phinney, Edward Rvans, JoslaJk Blaci> St. John's— Right Rev. John T. Mullock, D.D. ; Hon. John Kent» Hon. Laurencd O'Brien, and Richard liowley. Harbor Grace, Carbonear, Bay-deVerds, and Trinity South and West — Right Rev, Dr. Dalton, John McCarthy, Patrick Devereux, James L. Prendergast, Michael Bolger, W. J. S. Donnelly, and Thomas Greene. Brigus— Rev. £. O'Keefe, Patrick Nowlan, and Richard Cormack. Harbor Maine — Very Rev. Kyran Walsh, V. G., and Patrick Strapp, William Holden, Richard Woodford, Charles Furey, and William Woodford. Trinity Bay North — Right Rev. Dr. Dalton, Rev. J. Sct^nlan,and John xMurphy, P. Murphy, Robert Lawler. Bonavista Bay South — Right Rev. Dr. Dalton, Rev. M. Soanlau, and William Hartery, James Connors, Michael Muiphy, John Ryan, and John Murphy. Fugo— Right llev. Dr. Dalton, Kev. Jameii Brown, and J. Fiftz- Rerald, Mil..'!j Burke, (Joo Ual's Arm,) William Green, Daniel Bryan, (Tillcn Harbor.) Ferrylnnd — Rov. James Murphy, Rev. William Foiristal, and Henry O'Neil, Paiiip Jackniau, Nicholas Powoi',^ Richard Cashin, Gerald Jackmon. B.iy Bulls -Rev. P. Cleary, and Martin Williams, Martin Driscoll, Michael Driscoli, J. Biackler, Michael C^rey, (Witless Bay) and Thomas GaUieraU. (Balliae), . THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 55 Great Placentia — Bev. E. Condon, F. L. Bradshaw, M4urio8 Power, Thomas Rielley, Michael SInnott, and John Sinaott. Little Placentia — ReV. PeUgiiis Nowlan, and Thomas Freeman, Alexander Burke, John Rielley, and Tnomas Keils. • Placentia West — Rev. James Walsh, and Thomas Sullivan, Tim- othy Conn ir.s Daniel Ryan, and Denis Ryan. St. Mary's— Rev. J. Ryan, and J. Wahh, John Grace, William Burke, Michael Fagan. James Murphy, and Juhn Whelan. Trepassey— Rev. John Rya;), and James Waddleton, John Tobia, James Devereux, John Neill, jr., and John Hewott. Burin — Rev. John Cullen, Patrick Morris, Richard Marshall, John Power, Matthew Maishall, Edward Monis, and Williiui Fitzpatiick, Fortune Bay— Rev. E. Br«nnan, Rev. John C'lllen, and P. Burke, W. Burke, P. Burke, jr., T. Kinsuella, and T. Heariie. Roman Catholic Inspector of Schools — Michael J. K/lly. Ecclesiastical Dcpartuiciit. CHURCH OF ENGLAND. The Right Rev. Edward Feild, D.D., Lord Bishop of Neflr- foundland. Rev. J. B. Kell}<, M.A., Ecclesiastical Commissary. Deanery of Avalon — Rev. J. B. Kelly, M.A., Cathedral ; Rev. G. M. J'>l)t> an, Cathedral; Rev. T. M. Wood. Rural Dean, St. Thomas's. John's; Rev. C. S. Medley, B.A., St. Miry'a, St. John's. .. John M, Noel, Ferryland. — — , St. John's Oulharbors. R^v. Benjimin Fleet, Foxtrap. Rev. G. Palairet, M.A„ Topsail, Rev. F. C. Jagg, Portugal Cove. Deanery of Conception Bay — Rev. M. Blackmore, (Rural Dean) Rev. W. C. Shears. Bay Roberts. R'iv. James C Hirvey, Port-de* Grave. Rev. W. J. Hoyles, Carbonear. Rev. Bertram Jonei*, Har- bor Grace. Rev. Oliver Rcuss B»y-de-Verd. Riv. K, H. Taylor, Brigus. Rev. William F. Meek, Island Cove. Deanery of Trinity Bay — Rev. H. Potley, M. A., New Harbor. Rev. George Gardner, Heart's Content. Rev. W. Kirby, King's Cove. Rev. W. J. Milner, Greenspond Rev. William Neiten, Catalina. Rev. A. E. C. Bayly, Bonavista. Rev. Benjjimin Smith. (Rural Dean) Trinity. Rev. Charles K. v\ est, Salva^je. Rev. John U. Cragg, Pinchard's Island. Deanery of Notre Dame Bay — Rev. Thomas Boone, (Rural Dean) Twiilir.gate. Rev. Josiah D.irrell, Herring Neck. Rev. R. M. Johnson, Fogo. Rev. George S. Uham)tirlaui, Moreton's Haibor. Rev. R. Temple, White Bay. Deanery of Placentia Bay— Rev. William Rozier, Burin. Rev. J. Kingwell, Harbor Buffett. Rev. A. E. Gabriel, Lnuiaiitie. Dranery of Fortune Bay--UHv. GtO!f,'e U Hooper, La Poile. Rov. Henry Liiid, S.. Georgt-'s Baj. Kjv. Edwarc. UuUoy. lit*ii« 1- a^e Bay. Rev. Joiui Cuumnjlmoi, Buigco. Kov. W. W. L«*jai- 56 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. lais, Channel. Kev John Marshall, Belleoram. Rev. William K. White, (Rural Dean) Harbor Breton. Rev. Uirio Rule, Bay of Islands. Labrador—Rev. R. Dobie, Forteau. Rev. George Hutchinson, B.A., Battle Harbor. Theological Institution — Principal — Rev. J. B. Kelly, M.A. Students — VV. Oakley, Epiphanius Wilson, Theophilus Netten, Henry M. Skinner, John Lockward, ^\ alter bmiih, Chriiitopher Meek. Newfoundland Church Society— Patron — His Excellency the Go- rernor. President — TheRii;ht Rev. the Lord Bishop. Vice-Piefei- dents— The Rural Deans. Treasurer — William H. Mare. Secretary — Rev. George M. Johnson. Commillee— John Tunbridge, J. C. AViihers, VI. V. Whiteway, aC, Hon. F B. 'J.Carter, Q.C., C Crowdy, M.D., G. T. Rendell, Hon. the Chief Justice, H. JjeMes- surier, tlon. John Wiiitb3rt R» Vv\ Lilly, Hun. Ed- ward Morris, George J. Hogsett, William H. Mare, Matthew VV. Wttlbank, Thooiaa J. Kouj^h, Wi'liAoi \'. VVUiteway. tlon. Nioho'as Stabb, Matthew H. Warren, Hon. Ribert J. Piniteiit, D. W. Prowse, Richard B. Hoiden, Sanuel 0. Archibald, John B. BuUey, Augustus O. Uayward, Henry K. Dickinson. Harbor Grace — John Uayward, Andrew Drysdale, Henry A. Clift, Lewis W. Emerson. Carl)onear — Uenrv C. Watts. Twil* lingate — John Peyton. Brigus — William •'<^. MilU. Bay Roberts- George \\ . R. JUierlihy. Burin— Francis Berteau. Ferryland — John Stephenson. Foreign Consulates. Kingdom of Portugal — Charles F. Bennett, Consul General for Newfoundland. Vice-Consuls— Thomas R. Smith, St. John's ; John Munn, Harbor Grace; VVilUam Junuit, Burin; Charles Bdmondsi Twillingaie and Fog > ; T. Howe, Harbor Breton and Qaultois. Kingdom of Sp't in — Dun Hipolito de Uriarte, Consul of New foundland. Vice-ConsuU — Cnar es ^ Ancell, St. John's; T. Harri- fion Ridley, Harbor Grace. Consular Agents — John Peyton, Twil- Hngate; James L. Noonan, Greenspoad ; Dr, Hay b'indlater, Fogo ; Gilbert Humphrey Cole, Trinity; Philip Sursoliel, Hose Biauciie; Philip Hubeit, Harbor Breton; Fhilip J. Gnichy, LiPoite; Cie- mem Ma let, Jersey Harbor ; Charles Middleton, Burgeo. Kingdom of Prussia — Robert Prowse, Consul for St. John's; D. Wt Pi owse. Consular Agent. Hamburgh — Robert Prowse, Consul; D. W. Prowse, Consular Agent. £ npire of France — J. C. Toussaint, Vice-Consul for N^w- iouudland. Kingdom of Denmark— John Kent, Consul for Newfoundland. Kingdom of Italy — James Bayly, Consukr Agent for New foundland. United States of America— Thomas N. MoUoy, Cjnsular Agent for Newfoundland. f Kevenue and Kxpendilure Of the Government nf Newfoundland from 1835 to 18G4. 1855 1856 1857 185t 186& Revenue. 126,448 12 L18.831 149,32^ 141,128 124,799 15 9 4 2 4 8 11 6 Expenditure. 120,926 3 8 105.845 IB 5 116,748 13 173,965 8 9 114,599 1 2 I8()0 1861 1862 1863 1864 Revenue. 13a .608 1 90.043 10 116,929 17 1 13,034 1 125,158 19 Expenditure, 120,728 4 2 126,753 5 9 138,058 17 115,225 4 6 125,159 6 60 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Mililary Establishmint. Head Quarters, } St. John's, Ne'^fouiidland. \ Commanding the Troops— Colonel Fitz William Walker, Royal Canadian Rifles. Qarrison S/o/f— Fort Afjjutant,Lietit. W.0111mor,Royal Canadian Rifles. Aciing Garrison Chaplains— Rev. T. M. Wood, Church of Kngland; Rev. J. O'Donneli, Rotrau Cath"Ho ; Rev. j). McRae, Fresh} terian. Garrison Sergt. Mnjor and Military Staff Clerk, M. Gillif^an. Royal Engineer Department —QommVinAxn^ Riyal Engineer, Copt. T. A. L. Murray. Clerk of Works. W. Pearse. Clerk, (tem- porary) L. Hanmer. Office Messenger, Pensioner G. Clarke. Commissariat Department— Asihiant Commissary General, H, Moore. A non-commissioned ofiiucr acting as Issuer. Clerk (tem- porary,) C. F. Withell. Military Store and Barrack Departments -^ABs'is^ant Superinten- dent of Stores and Acting Barrack Master, J. Tiinbridge. Deputy Assistant Superintendent of Stores, X. Hanmer. Barrack Serjeants, 1\. Hawkins, P. O'Connor. S orehou«e man. F. Scott. Warder, W. Hammond. Wharfinger, (Queen's Wharf,) Pensioner W. Francis. Office Messenger, Pfnsioner A. lievanna. jRoyal Artillery, 8th Battery, lOth Brigade— Brnvet Major C, WrightjCommanding. Lieutenants, D. N. Taylor, C. J. M. Pr.ither. Assistant Surgeon, A. K. Rickards. Dlstricc Clerk, G. Scarlet. Detachment Royal Canadian Rifles — Colonel F. Walker, Com- manding. Cap!ains, £. U tyie, A. B. Mitchell. Li*'Utenants, J. T. L. (.Vbhani, W. Gillraor, W. Cavanngh. Knsign, W. K. Hnrness. As5i«t)«nt Surgeon, L O. Paiter>on, in medical ihargeuf Troops. Acting Pay Musttr, W. Cuvanagh. Corps of Armourers, Sergt. F. W. Kilpatrick. Army Hosp tul Corps, Sergr. J. Ansell. Posti and Workn—SK John's, (North Side)— Forts Townshend and William. Signal Hill, (including Barracks at these Posto) Store, houses, Magnzine, and Armoury ; Q'leen'SjWaldegravf, Chain Rock, and Qjidi Vidi Balterien ; Miiiiary Hospiial; Engineer House, Ortice, Workshops aid Yard, L'ommi.^siri.t House, Otiice, Fuel Yird, and Ganison B.kery, Military Store Houses, Yard, and (){fic-8 ; Queen'i* Wharf, Kngincer, Cuinmissaiiat,and Milituiy Store Dtpdts; South SiJe, St. Jjhn's— Fort Amherst and Magazine. A G'ln is fired daily fri>m t'le Q leen'* B ittery as follows : — At 12 o'clock noon, throughout the year. From the Isl of May, to the 30th Se|)te»iher, at 9 p.m. From the Ist of October, to the 30il) Apiii, a*. 8.30 p.m. Fort Atnhersl tires a Fog Gun every hour, frrnn Sun rise to Suti set, during foggy weatiier. Likewise, two Guns for Vessels whea ia d.Atress at S^i. When Practice is carried on by the Royal Artillery, a Flag is hoisted as a signal ai Fort Amherst. Tue Block^house, at Signal Hill, ia the Station from which ftU yei* tela entering the port of St. John's are ligaalied* L X I I TUr-: NliWlOU'.N'Di.ANU ALMA.V.VCJ. 01 lal kn (of VI. H. m- NcwIoundLaiid FiiHc luluiikYrs. ■ Ccmiiianda-in-adef— IHs Exctilcncy AMHC. 2nY ^jU£GEAVE, E&QUluii:, Oovcinor, &c., &c. Dcjpniy'AdjulanUGcnaal — Mrjor Chorles McBhom, late 62d Regiratnt. ST. JOHN'Ft VOLUNTEER BIFLE BATTALION. Major — Henry Renouf. ' Adjutant-^-'^ohexl Dicks (Captain.) No. 1 {" Prince of Wales") Company— Captain, H. K. Dickinson. Lieutenant, R. J. Parsons, jr. Ensign, Uenry Dryer. No. 2 (•' Queen's") Company— Captain, Matthew W. Walbank. Lieutenant, Thomas R. Smiih. Ensign, John 13. iVIcLei. No. 3 ("Victoria") Company — Captain, William B. Bowring. Lieutenant, Thomas W. Stabb. Ensign, E. M. J. Delaney. No. 4 ("Terra Nova") Company — Captain, Thomas R. Job, Lieutenant, Henry Stabb. Ensign, Niohohs S. Stabb. iCur^eo/w— James N. Eraser, M.D. ; William C. Simms, M.D. CONCEPTION BAY. No. 1 (Harbor Grace) Volunteer Riflo Company — Captain, John Hayward. Licutf'nant, Henry T. Moore. Ensign, Ujbort S. Munn, Naval. Commander-in-Chief on the West India and North American Station — Vice-Admiral Sir James Hope, K.C.B. Ships Owned and Registered in Ninylbundlimd. Number of Vessels Tonnage 1,417 85,738 Table Shewing the Quantity and Value of Cod Fish (dried) exported from Newfoundland for the years J8il to 1861, inclusioe. Yrs. QUg. Value. Yrs. Qth. Value. 1841 1,009,725 £6)5,014 1853 922,713 601,100 1842 l,0^7,yS!J 561.950 1851 774,118 617,818 1843 .938,202 532.101 1855 1,107,388 080,283 1814 852,162 482,480 1856 1,-:G3,331 769,124 1845 l,O00,33:i 636,994 1857 1,392,322 1,006,129 1846 879,005 1S58 1,038,039 765,101 1847 837,973 489,910 1 1859 1,105,793 894.966 1848 920,363 491,924 1860 1,138,044 846,238 1849 1,175.167 588,728 1861 l,021,7:iO 663,263 1850 1,089,182 5)2,969 1862 1,074;289 752,002 1831 1,017,674 493,011 j 1863 811,777 761,275 1852 973,731 463,711 ; 1861 849,339 798,460 «2 THE NEWFOUM)! AND AEIVIAXAC. ThI)!c of Customs liulios, According to Bevcnut Act iicused 7th April, 186d. Articlen Ale, Porter, Cider, and Prrry, \\t : — In DoUl«ii the dozen of 2 gallons In Cn«kp, the kdIIod Cflcon, Ham, Smokud Beef and SauRn^es. the owt Jieif, salted and cured, the bariol of 200 lbs BiHCHtt or nrcn^J, the cwt Butter, the cwt Cheese, tlio cwt Chocolnie nnd CocoQ, the lb Cigars, tho M. ColFee, the lb Conlfl — imported or hronjjht info the Port of St. John's, n)id oilier thiin such a* co ne niuler the provisions of the Rf'ciprncity Trertty, the ton Feathers and Fealhei* Beds, the lb Flour, the brl Fruit, dried, the lb Fru'ts, other dp';cription8, the $106 Confectionary, the cwt Packa!i,'e.s in which Dry Goods are imported, 11 per cent nd valorem Molasses, the gallon Oatmeal nnd ludiaij Meal, the barrel Pork, the barrel of iiOO lbs Salt, ihe ton Shooks and Staves, manufactured or dressed, the $100, 11 per cent Spirirs, viz:— Brandy, Gin, Whiskey, or other Spirits not herein dc tined or •'numerated, and not exceeding the htreugth of proof by Sykes'n Hydrometer, and 6o in proportion fov any greater stiengih than the fitreoi^l!' •*; proof, tire gallon All 8j)iriis of giOJter 9tr>>np;th ihan forty-thrt>e over proof shall In; demieu to be Undefined SitiritS', and (!ii^j"C't. to duty accurdiugly. Cor(iial;^, Shiub and oilier Spiilts being Sweetened or niixvd so lliat the degree of strength cannot be as- certained an aforeanid, the gal on Iluni nui ixofcUi! g ilie stren^jth of ])roof by Sykes's liydioinetfV, and so in proportion for any greater Riitiigth than the sircngm of proof, the gallon Supur, viz.. Li>af and KoSntd, the cwt \].\v: fined, th" '.'wt BciStard, the C'At Souchong, (Joiipou and Hohea Tea, the lb Ali oihei Tta, the lb "■tobacco, Manuf.tctufpd and I-eaf, the lb t tttr. 34 08 1 as /5r» 06 72 1 32 03 2 64 02 24 02 36 03 11 00 3 30 05 12 72 12 11 00 1 20 72 60 3 20 J 98 2 40 O'OS 10 OW THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALNfAN'AC. 6;i $ elf. ao 0(J 21 1 u 1 20 7i: CO 5 ao 11 1 00 32 Tobacco Stems, the cwt Vint'gar, tho gnlbn Wines, viz.: — Spanish Red, Sicirun, Ft^ucira Riid, Li*- hun C)mmon, Manzanilla, Cui)o, SwbL't Mulaj^a and Claret, in wood or botlles, thu gnllon Wines of all olher kinds, in bollles, ihegiUon Port, Aladeira, Hock, Bui^^'undy, (in wood or other ves- sels, not being bottlcj,) ihegillon Sherry, 121 per cenr. nd valorem, an I th(; gallon All other V\ ines, 12jJ ])urcent. ad valorem, and tliog.vlhjti Ancliora, Barley and Oats, Canvass, Cordage u'hI Cables, Copper and Composition Metrtl for Shiiis, viz. : — Sheathing, IJur, Bolt, and Nails; Coika and Cor'.i- wood, Fishing Tackle, Indian Corn; Iron. vi/. : — Bar, Bolt, Sheathing and Sheet; Wrought, Nail,i, Medicines, Oakum, Pease, Pitch, Tar, Turpenlinu nnd Uosin. Poultry and Fresh Meat, the $10U Goods, Wares nnd Merchandize, not otherwise err.imera* ted, described or charged with duty in this Act, and not otherwise exempt, tho $1U0 Fiih, baited, dried or pickled, for every cwt. imported, LOCAL IMS 1 ILLATION. Hum, not exceeding the strength of proof by Sykes's liydromel»'r, and so in proporfciofi fov any greater strength than the strength of | toof, the gallon Brondy, Gin, or other Spints, not herein definod or enumerated, nut exceeding the strength of proof by Sykes's Hydrometer, and so in proporiion for any gteator strength tlian the strength of proof, the gal. TABLE OF EXEMPTIONS. Printing Presses, Priuting Paper, (Royal and Demy) Types and uli other Printing materials Printed Books, Pamphlets, Maps and Charts Coiu and Bui ion ; Hemp, F|ax, Tow Plants, Trees and Shrubs Specimens illustrative of Natural History VVorks of Art, via. : — Engravin:T8, Paintings, Statuary, and all othtr Articles imported for Religious purposes and nut intended for sale Manures of all kinds Arras, Clothi.ig, and Provisions for H-r Majesty's Land and St>a Forces Pdssengera' Hag^, Houstihold Furniture, and Working To^ls and Implemenu, used uud in ilie use of Pt^r^ons urriviag in this Island Ktifuse of Rice; Seeds for Agrici'.'.Uiral purfioies Vegetables of all , Animals (^f all kinds Ariieles of every desciIpLion iiuported fur lliu use of tiie Go^rerncr DinatijiiS of Clothing specially imported foi uistiibatio.i gram.-. ously by any ChuritabUj Sochty Cotlun Yarn, Pig Iron, Coke 40 48 64 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Sulphuric Acid when u»c(\ for the Manufacture of Manure Materials for Sheathing the bottoms of Vessels, such as Zinc, Cop- per nnd Metal, together with Nails, Poper or Felt, which may be used under the same, shall bo free and exempt from duty, when imported in the Vessel on which they ore intended to ho used, and entered asShip'A Stores ; such Sh»>nthing and Matrrlnln to be so used before tho Ship ognin leaves Fort, or the sanr. ; to be en- tered for duty in the ordinary way TABLE OF EXEMPTIONS UNDER IIECIPROCITY TIIEATY WITU TCB UNITED STATES. Groin, Flour ond BreadstufTs, of all kinds Aniniuls of all kinds Fresh, smoked and salted Meats Cotton Wool, Seeds and Vfgttablea Ur.dried Fruits, Dried Fruits Fifih of nil hinds Products of Fish, and oil other crcotures living in the water Poultry, Eggs Hides, Furs, Skins or Tails — undressed Stone or Murble, in its crude or unwrought state; Slate Butter, Cheese, Tollow, Lard Horns, Manures Ores of Metnls of all kinds ; Coals - If'itch, Tar, Turpentine ; Ashes Timber and Lumber of all kinds, round, hewed ond sawed— un- manufactured in M'holo or in part Firewood, PlanlP, Shrubs and Irees Pelts, Wool ; Fish Oil ; Rice, Broom Cork and Bark Gypsum— ground or unground Hewn or wrought or unwrought Burr or Grindstones Dye Stuffs ; Flax, Hemp, Tow — unmanufactured Unmanufactured Tobacco ; Rags So long ns tho said Treaty between Great Britain and the United States of America shall romain in force in this Island. And similar articles, (txcept Coals) being the growth, produce and manufacture of the United Kingdom, British North American Provinces, or of the Island of Prince Edward, or the Channel Is- lands, shall be admitted Duty Free, notwithstanding any law to the contrary. It shall not be lawful for any Importer of Fish, salted, dried, or pickled, noi exempted from duty by any of the provisit-ns of this Act, to Warehouse the same in any of the Ports of this Colony or i'.s Dependencies, without the payment of the Duty hereinbefure im« posed J and the provisions of any Act of this Colony with regard to the warehousing of Goods on the first Fnt.ry thereof, or to the al- lowance of Drawbacks upon Exporlaiion, shall not in either case ap- ply, cr be construed to apply, to such Fish. All Yachts sailing under Warrant of the Lords of the Admiralty, or bdciying to the Royal "Xocht Club, shall be exempted, on view of the said Warrant, from payment of all local duties whatsoever. V--^ THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC, e5 80 much of tho 31st Sec. of An Aci passed ia the 27(h year of the relpfa of Her present Majesty, entitled " An Act to nrnend and Coniclidate tlie Laws of the Customs," ns permits a Bond to bo given for tho payment of duties on Wines, Spirits, Unrefined Sugar and Tobacco, shall ba and the same is hereby repealed. Total Value In SUrling, offht Impoiis and Export ^^ oftliA Colony of Newfound - landj'from and to each Country, in the Year 1804. Countries. Imports therefrom. Exports thereto. United Kingdom .... £455,308 £283,123 Jersey .... 14,208 3,329 Canada .... 45,250 12,721 Nova Scotia ... 101,859 21,721 New Urunswick .... 2,641 1,079 Prince Edward [sland 8,850 1,277 British West Indies .... 15,302 81/»33 Malta 1,086 Hamburg .... 40,979 Spain .... 6,833 242,804 . Portugal .... 7,434 182,607 Italian States . . # . 38,801 Sicily .... 690 Sardinia .... 90 Greece 1,600 United States 806,861 41,774 Foreign West Indies .... 60,153 41,622 Brazil • . • . 165,269 St. Peter's .... 1,624 ?<) Total £l,OG7.()U2 £1,111,330 Valuo of Imports tered and Empowered under Act of Parliament 7 and 8 Vic. Cap. 110. Capital, £jOO,OaO. St. John's Branch, Hon L. O'Brien, \S . II. Mire, A. W. Harvay, Directors ; Agent and Secretary, Frejerick J. Wyatl. Alliance British and Foreign Life and Fire Assurance Company, London. Cap tal, JCo.OJO.OOO steiiiug. Brooidog & Co., Ageuw (or Ney^foundland. THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 67 'Yhi^ Royal L'lsui-iinop Cnmiinny, for Fin*, Lifo aiul Aniiiiido'. — Hoval Insurance Bu Miiifrs, liiveipo '1 ; and 29 Lon!)anl Stre t, Lon'lon. '"iipitil, £'2,000,0^1) sterling. Job, IJioihtfi's & Co., Agents NewfoundlrtnU Drancli. Liverpool and London Fire nnd Life Iifuranco Company — Estab- lished 1830. Capital. £2.000,000 sterling. Invested Fund, £1,- 417 8l)8. Income, £670,000. Bowt irg, Brothers, Agents for New- fuundland. Britannia Life Assurance Office, London~St. John's Branch, D. W. Prowse, Agent. Queen Insurance Company of Liverpool and London, for Fire and Life. Capital, £2,0^10,000 sterling. General Agent tor Newfound- Jand, D. W. Prowse. Sub-Agenl for Concejilion Bay, John liayward. International Life Asstirance Society, of London. Capital, £500,- 000 sterlinpf, in addiiiftn to about £100,' 00 currency, of reserved profits. Directors — Chrules F. Bennett, Ewen Stabb, Hon. Ambrose ahea. Hon. Nicholas Stabb^ General Agent for Newfoundiind. Imperial Fire Insurance Company of London — Established 1803. Capital subscribed and invested, £1,600,000. Agent for St. John's, Thomas G. Morry. Star Life Assurance Society, Chief Office, 48, Moorgate Street, London. St. John's — W.C. Simms, M.D., Medical Referee. Agent lor Newfoundland, Joseph Woods. Baltimore Underwriters, Boston Underwriters, TMrelvo Offices. Boards of Underwriters of the Cities ot New York and Philadelphia. Lamar Insurance Company, New York. Capital, $300,000. Continental Insurance Company. Capital, $500,000— Surplus $610,674. Market Insurance Company, New York. Capital and Assets, $283,260. Howard Insurance Company, New York. American Lloyds. Attorney and Agent for Newfoundland, W. H. Nevman. Represented by C. T. Ryland. Liverpbol Underwriterij' Association— Ridley & Sons, Harbour Grace, Agents. Life Association of Srotland. Local Directors — H. K. Dickinson, Hon. James Cormack, Robert Giieve. Dr. W . C. Simms, Medical Officer. E. L. Jarvis, Secretary and Agent. Northern Assurance Company of London.— Established in 1836. Capita], £2,000,000 sterling; accumulated Funds, upwards of £700,000 ; annual Revenue, over £230,00V. Agent for Newfound- land, Augustus O. Hayward. North British and Mercantile Insurance Company. — Established 1809. Incorporated by Royal Charter and Special Acts of Parlia- ment. Agent for Newfoundland, Hon. Ambrose Shea. Canada Life Assurance Company. — Established 184T. Capital, $1,000,000. Dr. J. N. Eraser, Medical A dviser. Agent at St. John'* Newfoundland, James Bayly. ;8 Trfr NRWFOTJXDLAXD ALM VNAC. M;irini» f'o!»:::viC!';il Uiiimi A^-suiotico S^'cit'tv, 10. (Oniliill, L'lirlon. Hi-.nia!), - b Itojal l-:\'!i.»ng; Avuriiio. C.ipital, £2,300,030. Ai;cii;. St. Joliti'a, K-.vt'u Stabl). The L'.ncas!!i!« Itisuranco <.'om;)-\ny, (Firo and Lif?,) — Capital, jL'2,Oi)0,00()i slurli:)g. Agent fur St. John's, NewfjuudlanJ, E. L. Jarv's. . Mutual Life Assurance— Scottish Piovjden*. Instiiution, instituted 1S37. Medical OtKcer, J. N. Fraser, M.D. Agent for Newfound' land, Hjn. J. O. Fraser. Home und Colonial Assurance Company, (Limited.) Capital, 12,000,000 Sterling. Cliief Offices, 69, Conihill LDndon. Agent for Newioundland, llobert J. Kent. Albert Medical & Family Endowment Life Assurance Company, with which is combined tho KiMit Mutual Assurance Society, London. Estublishiul 183S. Bankers, Commercial Bank of Newfound Ian J. Mutual Marine Lisuranca Club of Conception Bay — John Fitjs- gerald Sccietsiry and Treasurer. Mutual Insurance Society- of Brigus, Conception Bay — Jonathan Percey, Treasurer and Secretary. Joint Stock Companies, Public Societies, &c. New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph Company — Di- rectors in New York, Peter Cooper, Moses Taylor, Cyras W". Field, Warshal O. Roberts, Wilson G. Hunt. Peter Cooper President. Cyrus VV. Field, Vice-President.— Moses Taylor, Treasurer. David D. Field, Counsel. Alexander M. McKay, Local Manager, St. John's and Superintendent. St. John's Gas Light Company — Directors, Stephen Rendell, President; Hon. R. O'Dwyer, J. Bowring, Vice-Presidents; J. B. Wood, Hon. Laurence O'Brien, David Sclater, Robert H. Prowae. William F. Rennie, Sscretary. General Water Company, St. John's. — Incorporated 1859. Direc- tors — Hon. Ambrose Shea, President ; Hon. Laurence O'Brien, and Ewen Stabb, (Government Dircclors.) Hon. F. B. T. Corter, Q.C., Solicitor. Pierce AJ. Barron, Secretary. John T. Nevill, Assessor of Property. Uobert J. Pinsent, Collector of Rates and Assessments. Harbor Grace Water Company. — William H. Ridley, President • Henry T. Moore, Secretary; R. VValih, John Munn, John Hay- \Yard, and G. RatherlorJ, Direct ri. St. John's Athenreiim — Hon. Nichaols Stabb, President- Hon. R. J. Pinsent, and Hon. R. Kent, Vice-l'residents. E. L. Monro, F. J. WyatI, Curators. D. W. Prowsp, Secretary. Committee — C. T. Rylacd, James BairJ, John Bowrin;<, John Meehan, James Fox, George Lash, Wiliam Boyd, Henry Bcvins, D. Sclater. Calholiclnstitute — Right Rev. Dr. Mullock, Patron. Rev. R. Howley, D.D., Pre8idnt. William Coady, Vice-President. Patrick Uyan, Assistant Vici-Pre- sidenr. Jamtrs McLaughlin, Treasurer. Thomas Jackman, Second Treasurer. Thojaa^ Duff, Third Treasurer. L.)uren:o Barron, Sic< retary. Thomas Mullins, Assistant Secretary. Fishermen's Society, Hoart'i Content — Rev. G. Gard'ior, Presi- dent. Richard Penny and J. Hopkins, VicJ-Presidenta. W, H. Thompson, Treasurer. William Swanshorong'i, Secretary. R. Rockwood, Ass'stant Treasurer. Jamas H. Moure, Assistant Secre- tary. John Ryall, Medical Adviser. Floating Dry Dock Company— S, Rindell, President. L. Tessier, P. Feehan, J. Goodfellow, J. SlcLoughlan. U. Grieve, W. Bowring, Directors. Vrtil's Joint Stock Company for Ship Biscuit Baking— S. Rendell, President. J. Bowring, R. Thorburn, E. Duder, A. W. Harvey, Directors. William Wheatley, Manager. St. John'* Phoenix Volunteer Fire Company— Francis Bnggin, First Director. William Mullowney, Second Director. Patrick Reardon, Treasurer. Philip Hally, Secretary. Cathedral Fire Brigade— William McOrath, First Director. Thomas Brine, Second Director. William Row, Treasurer. George Tbomai, Secretary. Harbor Qraoe Volunteer Fira Company— Michael Hartery, First 70 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. Director. John Strathio, Senorid Director. Patrick Wulsh, Trea- BUTfT: H. J. Fitzgerald, Secretary. WnnnfactoripP, Mills, &n.. St. John's— 2 Corn Mills, 2 Saw Mills, 1 Bone Mill, 1 Cias M.niufactoi y, 2 Iron Fomulrie^, 2 Disrill^riei, 1 IBt«fwr;7, 1 Water Woilcs, 4 I>;\k..rie3, (by >(ac!nnery) 1 P.i'ent Slip, 1 rioaiinf^ Doc]<, 1 Oil ]\Iinufacr->>-y, 1 Fish Manurfl Alaiin- f^ctory, 1 Tannery, iiri^jiis- 1 Corn Mil'. Ifarbor Grace— 1 Corn Mill, 1 fin<^ Manufactory, 1 Water Works. Exploits Bay— 2 Saw Mill*. Mi Idle Arm of Green Biy—l Saw Mill. Exploita (Burnt IohoaL Church of EnK^and Asylum for Widow* and Orphans— His Ex- ccllencv the Governor, Patron. Tlie R ghl R-jv. IJi-. Fi'ild, Visitor and Presidt-nt. Tbe Rev. J. B. Kelly, M. A , and Rev. T. M. Wood, Vice-Presidents. The Ri^ht Rev. the Visitor and President (ex officio), Henry K. Dicki'oon, lion. John Winter, M.D., Trustees. Hon. Jamts S. Clift Treasurer. Rov. G. M. Johnaon, Honorary .Secretary. Charles Crow Jy, M. D., IMiysician. Commiitee— H^n. Judge Robinson, Hon. the Chief Jusiice, W. H. Mare, John Bow- ring, John Tunbiidge, Rev. V. Medley, EJwia Duder, Philip Hut- chins, J. II. Wane n, A. W. Harney. St. John's Industrial Society — Miss Musgrave, Patroness." Mrt, Jarvis, President. :^'. rs. llayward, Treasurer. Mr«. M. Harvey, hrcretary. Committee— Mr-*. Hoyles Mrs, Mudge, Mrs. McMuido, Mrs. iMuir, -Vlrs. J. B. Wood, Mrs. l^-rMi-ssurier, Mn. Goodridge, Mrs. lloklen, M's. Slabb, Mrs. Laiii, Mrs. J. Prowse, Airs. McLea, Miss McL?a, Mrs. GouUfellow, Misj Carter, Mrs. Walbank,|>Mr8. Boyd, >:r^, G. Rob-nson, Miss Moore Religious Truct and Book Society— Hon. P. G. Tessier, President. R. Hrowii, Treasurer, J. W. Muiriott, Secretaiy. Comuiitiee,— Rev. M. ilaivey. Rev. 1). McRae, Rev. P. Prestwood, Rev. J, Miize, Ut)n. Chit^r Justice lloyles, J. B. Bulley, S. Rendell. J. Sea- ton, W. Boyd, J. Bayly, Hon. J. Bemister, C. Brown, A. Goodridge, A. VVhitelord. St. George's Society— lion. James S. Clift, President. John Bowring atid Augustus O. Haywaid, Vice-Presidentn. Henry T. Wood, Treasurer. Joseph «. rowdy, Secretary. Committee of Chaiily— Tl e oboveniimed oIKcers, ex officio, and the Revs. T. M, Wood, P. Presiwood, G. M. Johnaop, ana Charles Medley ; Thomti R, Smith, John C. Wilhets, Charles R. Ayre, Qecrge F. Bown« THE NEWFOUNDLANl!) ALMANAC. n Frederick J. Wyatt, George T. Rendell, and Henry K. Dldunsotu Physician— Dr. Jl. H. Stabb. St. Andrew's Society— liobert Grieve, President. John 1). McLea, Vice-President. James Baird, Treasurer. 11. Stott, M. A., Secretary. Coinmiuee of Charity— Chirles Uankio, llobect BlackwooJ, and Gilbert Browning. Medical Advisors, Drs. McKea and Frajcr. Newfoundland British Society— Samuel Carnell, President. Charles B. Rankin, Vice-President. Benry W. Seymour, Treasurer. Willium H. Charles, Secretary. British Society of Conception Bay— George C. Rutherford, Presi- dent. G. H jwed, Vice Pre»ident. Jatnes llip^jesley, Treasurer. W. Fold, Secretary. Society of St. Vincent de Paul — Vilentine Morchant, President. lomas S. Dwyer. Vice-President. James Furlong, Assiant Vici- W. Kilchin, Treasurer. Th Preiiident. Wiiiiain Doutnev, .otary. Grand Division of Sons of Temperance — L. T. Chincey, GW.P. Dr. Haddock, (Fortune) G.W.A. E. Brace, G. Scribe. EJgir Stirling, G. Treasurer. A, Blackwood, G. Chapl.iiu. J. R. Ha^Uea, O. Con. J. N. Carter, G. Sen. Deputy Grand Worthy Patriarrhs in the Outports :— Eiiwari Genge, Port-aux -Basque, Division No. US. Georg« RoMnsoi), Pe- titcs. Division No. 39, and Rose Bianche, Division No. 40. Dr. Haddock, Fortune, Division No. 19, C. V. Wood, Grand iiunU, Division No. 9. Dr. Robert White, Trini'y, DIsision No. 8. John Weare. Olive Branch Division (Burin) No. 1. C Ililiett, Riy of Hope Division (Burin) No. 12. William Hardinjj, Stai of the Jiist Division (Burin) No. 7. J. T. W. Crosby, Nunh Star ])!vi5ion, Twillingiie, No. 15. Edward Coltoii, for Greou'iS Pond Divisiou, No. 14. Free St. Andrew's Total Abstinence Association— President, Rev. M. Harvey. Total Abstinence and Benefit Society — William McGrath, Presi- dent. John WaUh, Vice-Prt'sirlent. Stephen CoaJy, First Assis- tant. J. Kavanagh, Second Assistant. Patrick Cuonan, First Treasurer. Piiilip ll«lly Second Treasurer. Patrick Reardon, Secretary. H. Shea, M.D., Medical Adviser. Mechanics' Society — John Miher, President. John Power, Vice. President. Wiiliam L. Mullowney, First Assistant. Richard Han- ley, Second Assistant. William AlcGratii, First Treasurer. John Muckler, Second Treasurer. VV illiam Kelly, Tnird Truisurer. Joha Tieiegan, Secretary. Henry Saea, M.D., Piiy»ician. Shipwrights' Benefit Society— Garrett Dooley, President. Thoi. Sopt-r, 1st VicC'President. Joseph Ruined, 2ijd Vice-President. Edward Knigitt, Trtiusurer, Jereniiah ilickuy, Sucretury. Dorcas Society, St. Joliu's — Mrs- Finlay, i're>*ideiit. Mrs. Beniis- ter, Treasurer. Mrs. (Jf.risDphr Broun, Stcre.ary. MiS. I'l. Smith, Mrii. J. J. R'>geisun, Mr^. C. Brown, Mrs. R.iJ, Col.tcioj.-. .Mis. bemist-rf, Mrs. J. \V. tr^JiiL;!, .Mra. (J Bi\ wn, Di^peoMrs. Djrcaa Society, Harbor Grace— Mrs. Dxysdaie, Pitsldeut ond Trtiaturer- 72 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. II i' I Dorcas Societ)', Carboneor— , Prp« '' jUt and Treasurer. Benevolent Lish Society, Conception Dhj — FcunuVd in 1814.— The Right Rev. Dr. Dalion, Patron. John Fitzpcrald, President. Patn'ck Devereux, Vice-Preeidenr. Padick Walsh, Firft Assis- tant. Maurice Connell, Second Assistant. Robert Walsh, Trea- surer. James TJolger, S^rretary. John Byrne, Chairman of Charity. R. Walsh. Chairman of Review and Correspondence. Trinity Benefit Club— Instituted 1838.— Patrick Murphy, Presi- dent. Dr. White, Vice-President. W. D. Cros.';, Treasurer. James Collis, Secretary. Appendix. made The following notifications and appointments have been since tho foregoing sheets went to press : — Thomas Corbin, to be member of the Road Board at Port-de-Orave, in ruom of Samuel Dawe, left the District. Thomas Winter, to hfi member of tho Road Board at Burin, in room of James Gallon, left the District. John WilN, to be member of the Road Board from Jacketl's Arm to Head of Green Bay. David Candow, to bs member of the Road Board at Bonavista, in room of Alexander Bremner, removed. John Skifiirgton, to be member of the Road Board at Keels end Tickle Cove, in room of David Candonr, removed. John Hooper (of Channel) to bo a Justice cf the Peace for tho Southern District. Rev. Henry L. Cranford, to be member of Beard of Education for Trinity Bay South. Henry Camp, to be Assayer of Weights and Measures, from Pass Island to Cape Le Hune, (District of Burgeo.) Thomas N. .MoUoy, to be Vice Consul for the United States, at 8t. John's, Newfoundland. Rev. James Brown, to be member of the Road Board at Tiltoo Harbor, in room of Rev. Patrick Ward, deceased; Philip Oruchy, to be member of Board of Education at La Poile. James Fitzgerald, to be Coroner for the District of Twillingate and Fogo. Hon. James Cormack, Hon. Robert Kent, and Edward St. John» to be members of Roman Catholic Board ot Education for District of St. John's. Hon. James Cormack, to be member of Roman Catholis Board of Directors of St. Juhn's Academy. Mark Osmond and Samuel Britt, to be members of Protestant Board of Education at Moieton's Harbor, in room of late Robert Small and William Barnes, dece.lsed. John Jordan, to be member of Board of Road Commissioners fit Burgeo. Tftte NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. 7S er. Ecclesiastical. Reir. Jameii B. Kelly, M.A., appointed Archdeacon of Newfound- land and Labrador. In list of Roman Catholic Clerey, page 56, Diocf>8e of St. John's, for •• St. Mary's, Rev. John Kyan"— read— Rev. John Ryan and Rev. J. Ryan. Rev. Alfred VV. Oakley, (Church of Ergland) St. John's Out* harbors. Rev. O. U. Hooper, removed fron> Li Poilu to Mnreton's Harbor; and Rev. 0. S. Chamberlain, from Morelon^s Harbor to La Poile. Errata. Page 61, in list of Officers of Newfoundland Rifle Volunteers, (Companies 1, 3 and 4) several errors have accidentally occurred ; the following are correct lists : — No. 1 (" Prince of NVales") C( mpnny— Capcain, H. J. Stabb. Lieutenant, E. M. J. Delaney. Ensign, C. S. Pinseiit. No. 3 (** Victoria") Company — Captain, Wil'lam B. Bowring. Lieutenant, Thomas W. Stubb. Ensign, Nicholas S. Stabb. No. 4 (•' Terra Nova") Company — Captain, — — . Lieuten- •nt, R. J. Parsons, jr. Ensign, H. Dryer. : 1 .j'i I ,, 1,1 A Table Sieieinff the difference of Time at various places on the Globe, as compared with St, John's, Newfoundland, W'hen it U Noon at St. John's it is ' 18 minutes past 11 o'clock a. m. at Charlottetown, P.E.L 'a a ■a B O 1-^ m 17 do- 11 (io 13 do 11 do 50 do 10 du 47 do 10 do 46 do 10 dd 34 do 10 do 30 do 10 do 23 do 10 do 21 do 7 do M do 1 do (ZO do 3 P.M. 20 do 4 di 20 do 5 do 53 do 5 do 50 do 8 do . 8 do 11 do Halifax. St. John, N.B. Portland, Me. Boston, Mass Quebec. New York. Philadelphia Washiiij^ion St. Francisco, Californis. St. Juan, Vancouvei's lu Greenwich. Romn. Constantinople. J«*ru<>ai«m. Madras, E.L Canton. 74 THE NEWFOUNDLAND ALMANAC. ill 'J c 'S 8U0I)1)UIUI0Ud(J *• 9-4 «-g> ;i:i «ino I •v)«!|e »o cvi w e* '^ ^ r> 1 et c^ o •-* «-i 1 < 1 -uoptSajiluoQ c< ^ 1 OO eo«-i»-HVOJi'- O CO , • s a. n^IH 33JJ »* ^ « puqioog 00 Ci .>! »-l e^ ^ iH C4 C 00 s JO ^JJM c^ CO ps. oi^r-i-i — »oo«oooe«3 S»-ieooo $ 3 c to 9 SU«.{d|83^V. eoo t-i — oo — '^oo cioo w ^ ^ S U oeo»oeoOiQOoo»oco'vai«o>(3^oo O" > to CO o ^ CO g •r •ojioqitJO lo 00 i-tOTj1i-lCC© t-< r^ »c » 1 co(MCOc^«ooT^cNl-o;oI^^^ oe ) 1 t>* e o i •puojSua O5CO«OO00r' eo c^i rH (N lib «3 lo o «-i w eo (O 1 S < JO ipanqj •r >0??r^C.'3 'tf' 'O oe c r4 :3 1 "c 1 1— «-< O Ci 'O "O ^ 00 >0 *^ to ^ 'O ^ »-^ icooofooi^i^ — ooi-eocosto > 1 OO a> i« ^ H ^ «9I«K JO 'ON l-l^t-WS^OCMOl-r-l-^OOSOS oo«oc^w«oc^eo»o^»oc^^w»-ir-i 53 •* to W'^«oo;r-w^oci--oCTrOJe^>o * 1 ^ 5s •siuBjiqtjquj »ocMoooo;owc^w«o«cMWCMOS'V eo»-'0^»»co(S > ss c JO aaquinx r- CO o to o ooooocoxdcoeo rH .-< «H wm d 1 » rH 0^ »H 1 tC4 »r» B < Pi P3 •< Q .•^•s 2 2 ? >» « S « "« •s i .a SQ 5 •g a -*jJ2o«3esSo»oi2oc3 c Z cocoS(iHXoccHPQcHpEquirp,) in 1856 and 1857, but it is not sufficiently cornet or full to form a part of the foregoing Returns. The number of permanent residents, as given by that gentleman, from L'Anse Sthlon to Sandwich Bay* both inclusive, iucludiiig Belle Isle, ia 1C60, of whom IJi 1 ar« Pro- teitaats an i 319 CacUoIics. Cfntciits. CO s o 00 to 00 I*" o o a t as AdTerlisem^nfd Abstract, ft-om Newfoundlanrl Censua of 1Sj7 74 Appendix 72 Board of ^Vorku Department 22 3dard oF Road Commissiuners (OutporU) 22 Doord of M«alth 47 Bankfl — Savinf^H* Dank 40 Union Dank of Newfoundland A3 Comm»rcial Bank of Newfoundland 69 Benevolent Instilntiona, Charitable Societies, &s • 70 C-ilendar, Chronological Eras, &c. 3 Cttlendar P.t};es — Moon's Pn;iiea, Sun'f Iltsins; and Sotting at St. John's every diy in tli« year, Smi** D^'cli uli >n, Kqtiatinn of Time, High VVaier af, St. J.jhn'i every Morniital>l)<«l)tneiit .... GO Nfwloiindlnnrl K fle Vnlunteort .... 01 Naval EHlnliliHlmi'v'itt .... CI Nolnv!t?n Pub'-ic .... 60 Nrwrpapers pulilifthcJ in llie Colony .... 66 Piivaie SecrtMiuy to ihe ivernnr .... 19 1*081 Olfico 1J« pnriinertt, inclu 'in;; Postnl Routed, Rale* of Po4tu!:>'f Hod l*o(>t OtIicH Direciury fur Newtouiidland 29-45 Queen's IMnter .... 66 ](evenue K»'al>lishmpnt, &-C., &c. .... 21 Revenue und Expcndituru, Irom 1863 to 18Gi .... 59 Royul Family ut' England .... 17 Survfyoi Ger.erul's JJepnitment .... 20 St. John's Mospitul — S . John's Poor House .... 23 tSt. John's LunniicAftytum .... 25 St. J« h'l's and Newfoundland Biblo Society .... 06 Ships Owned and Regisiere.t ill Newfoundland ...» 01 Sterling vulue of Imports und Exports from and to each Country in 1864 .... , Q5 Supcvintcni.'ent of Mercantile Marine ..• . 21 'U'Hble of Customs Duties, .... 02 Toble Bhe>vinK Qtiantity and Value of Fish Exported from 1841 to 1864 .... 01 'Value ol Imports and Exports from 1863 to ISOi .... Qd t • » » * ■ . 4 4 « . To the Public. The undersigned submits to the public, with much pleasuri»i the Almanac for 1866; and expresses a hopo it will be regarded with aimilor favor as previous publications of the same work. The Compiler has agiin to acknowledge the kindness of the able Principal of the St. John's Nautical Academy,', James Campbell, Esq., in furnishing the Astronomical and Scieniifio information for the present Manual ; to the Heads of Departmenia, and others, he has also to express his thanks for much of the information contained jin preceding pages. ' St. John's, November, 1866. JOSEPH WOODS. 4 GO 61 01 59 66 Id )-45 65 21 50 17 20 23 25 06 01 05 21 02 01 05 , the with I able >BELL| in for ri, h« ;Bined 3.