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DEPAATXEITT OP AORZCULTURE OFFICE OF THE DAIRY AND TOLD STORAGE COMMISSIONER. THE DAIRY INDUSTRY ACT, 1914, AND REGOIATIONS. EXPLANATORY. The Dairy Industry Act. 1914, is lar^elv a revision of Part VIII of The Inspect.on and Sale Act (Chnpter K>, Revised Statutes) whieh Part s now repealed Defimt.ons have been added for the terms "dairy product." " homogenized mk"' homoprenized cream," " packaRc " and " whey butter." ' n„, 7''%^''^'." - relating to the supplying of milk to chot^se factories, creameries and condensed m- . have 1k>c.. broadened to include n.ilk ponder and Loin factories, milk bottling or milk or cream shipping stations The sections relating to an excess of water in butter have been redrafted to bring them into line with new practices and to simplify the administration of the fl,« ^^^P':°^•'''if". in t^e oW law for re^i^ering cheese factories a^id creameries with whichhal-e bin ! fT'' ''""" """■■ *"'^"" advantage of it. and many of those Tb. « r ''^'''""^ ^"r T" """^^ ""-^ "^'' "^ *^« """^b*''-^ "Hotted to them wh; V^- r !) P'""^''*'*'^^^ t^^ delivery at cheese factories and creameries of S wh ch KS iarnted or partly .our has also been omitted as useless legislation Ths" a matter which comes entirely within the judgment ..f the cheesemaker or butternaker nut t ''"''r^'"" '" The Dairy Industry Act deals with the weight of buUer a-i shor w>"jr" r "!:.'''"'''^f; -^^V' '"'^ ^''"' -nsiderable complaint respecting W short^^ve.ght of ou ter sold in this form, hence the nc-essity for «ome regulati J The classification and branding of dairy produ.-ts are dealt with by reguTation This will permit of the necessary changes being easily to mee new condftl' "witrcLr oTi-^-toiig! '^- •^^"'^"^^^-'"^ ''' '- - ^-> — --^'^ The power to confiscate any illegal product, or any apparatus or materials u cd If tt: ,r "'"" "' ""' ^■■°'"^^' ^^""'^ «^^^'^* very mat'^rially in tliT enfTrcemrnt the h?nirtrader''X*Tl''l' V^l' ^!^^*'°" '^ P-^^^tion t. he consumer and tne nonest trader. The whole object of the law is to prevent m .-nre.<-ntation and fraud. No legitimate practice is interfered with ro iniposed for nf ac- tions of the last-mentioned sections. imrai. A sufficient number of inspectors will be employed to keep clo«e watch on the dairy produce trade in all parts of the country. 3103—1 J. A. EUDDICK. Dairy and Cold Storage Commii^sioner. THE DAIRY WDUSTRY Aa, 1914. (Chaftxr 7.) An Act to Regulate the Manufacture and Sale of Dairy Product$ and to Prohibit tk9 Manufacture or 8aie of Butter Subatitutea. Hi8 Majeety, by' and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follow* : — 1. This Act may be cited as The Dairy Industry Act, 101 J,. 2. Part VIII of The Inapeetion and Sale Act as amended by chapter 85 of the statutes of 1908 is hereby repealed. 3. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires:— (o) " butter " means the food product commonly known as butter, which is manu- factured exclusively from milk or cream or both, with or without the addition of colouring matter, common salt, or other harmless preservatives; (i) " creamery " means a place where the milk or cream of not loss than fifty cows is manufactured i-nto butter; (c) " creamery butter " means butter which is manufactured in a creamery ; (d) " dairy " means a place where the milk or cream of less than fifty cows is manufactured iiito butter; (e) " dairy butter " means butter which is manufactured in a dairy ; (/) "dairy product" or "dairy products" means any milk, cream, condensed milk, milk powder, butter, or chjese, or any other article manufactured from milk, and all imitations thereof; (g) " foreign substance " means any substance not necessary to the manufacture of the cheese into which it is introduced; (A) "homogenized milk" or "homogenized cream" is milk or cream which has been passed through a special apparatus under high pressure, generally known as a Homogenizer, or otherwise treated, so as to give such milk or cream an increased viscosity without adding to the percentage of fat therein; (t) "Minister" means the Minister of Agriculture; (;■) "package" means a'.iy box, tub, crock, tin, crate, case, paper wrapper or auy other receptacle or covering used for the packing of butter; {k) " renovated butter " or " procees butter " means any butter which has been melted, ckrified, roCiied or rechurned; (Z) " whey butter " means butter which ie manufactured from whey. MILK. 4. No person shall sell, supply or send to any cheese or butter or condensed milk or milk powder or casein manufactory, or "o a milk or cream shipping station, or to a milk bottliTig establishment or other premises where milk or cream is collected for sale or shipment, or to the owner or manager thereof, or to any maker of butter, cheese, condensed milk or milk powder or casein to be manufactured : — (o) Milk diluted with water, or in any way adulterated, or milk from which any cream has been taken, or milk commonly known as skim milk, or any milk to which has been added any cream or foreign fat or a-ay colouring matter, preservative or other chemical substance of any kind; (h) milk from which any portion of that part of the milk known as strippings has been retained; (c) any milk taken or drawn from a cow that he knows to be diseased at the time the milk is so taken or drawn from her. BUTTW. 6. No person shall :— "^ (a) marjufncture. import into Cnnnda, or offer. «ell or hare in his poMcssion for sale, any oleomargarine, margarine, butterinc. or other substitute for butter. manufactured wholly or in part from any fnt other than tha of milk or cream ; [8uh,eetion (a) of Section 6 of The Dairy Industty Act i. ,u,pended bi, The Oleomarganne Act, 1010, and Amendment of 1020.^ <* "V ^ne (6) mix with or incorporate with butter, by any process of heating, soaking, rechuraing. reworking, or otherwise, any cream, milk, skim-milk, buttermilk, or water to cause such butter when so treated to contain over sixteen per centum of water; *^ . (c) melt, clarify, refine, rechurn, or otherwise treat butter to produce what ia generally known as "process" or "renovated" butter, nor add any milk or cream to butter. for «!ie^ ^^'*'" '^"" ''"^*"* ""*" ^'*""'^"' **' °^^'"' **" ''' ^"^^ ■" ^'^ possession (o) any butter contai-aing over sixteen per centum of water; or ^^^ added"""*" " ''"°''"*^ ^""^'' °' *»""«"• to "'l^ich milk or cream has been watel" ^° ^''°° *^"" manufacture any butter containing over sixteen per centum of 8. No person shall sell, offer or have in his possession for sale:— (a) any butter moulded or cut into prints, blocks, squares or pats, unless such prmte. blocks squares or pats are of the full net weight of one-quarter pound, one-half pound one pound or two pounds at the time they are moulded or cut. Nothing ,n this paragraph shall be held to apply to butter in rolls or lumps, of indiscriminate weight, as sold by farmers; or (6) any butter pc-ked in tins or other packages allegeplied or brought to a cheese or butter or condensed milk r>r milk powder or casein manufactory or to a milk or cream shipping slatioa or to a milk bottling establishment for any of t*"* purposes aforesaid, shall be prima facie liable fur the violation of any of the fore going provisions of this Act. 12. The person on whose behalf any cheese, butter or other dairy product is manufactured, sold, offered, exposed or had in posst-sitiou for sale contrary to the provisions of any of the foregoing sections of this Act, shall be prima facie liable for the violation of any of the said provisions. 13. Every person who obstructs aray person charged with the enforoement of this Act in entering any premises to make examination of dairy produett« us provided by this Act, or who refuses to permit the making of any such examination, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding five hundred dollars and not less than twenty dollars, together with costs of prosecution, a-nd in default of payment of such penalty and costs, shall be liable to imprisonment, with • without hard labour, for a term not ex jeding six months, unless such penalty and costs, and the costs of enforcing the same, are sooner paid. 14. The Minister of Agriculture may make appointments of inspectors aiid other persons for tlie enforcement of this Act. 15. Any person charged with the enforcement of this Act may enter the premises of any person 8U8peeted of violating the provisions of this Act, for the purpose of making an examination of dairy products therein; and may enter any premises to make an exanii-aation of dairy products and the marking thereof, whether such dairy products are on the premises of the manufacturer or owner, or on otlier premises, or in tlie possession of a railway or steamship company or elsewhere. 16. The Governor in Council may make such regulations as he deems necessary for, — (o) the classification, marking, and branding of butter, cheese and other dairy products; ( the taking of samples of butter, cheese and other dairy products and imita- tions thereof; (c) the seizure and confiscation of apparatus and materials used in the manu- facture of any butter, cheese or other dairy product or imitations thereof in contravention of any of the provisions of this Act or of any regulation made thereunder ; (d) the seizure a-nd confiscation of any apparatus used in the treatment of milk, butter, cheese or other dairy product, when such treatment causes the said milk, butter, cheese or other dairy product to conrtravene any of the pro- visions of this Act or of any of the regulations made thereunder; (e) the seizure and confiscation of any illegal dairy product as defined in this Act; (/) the efficient enforcement and operation of this Act; (g) the imposition upon summary conviction of penalties not exceeding thirty dollars and .'osts upon any person violating any regulation made under the provisions of tiiis Act. S. All rofubtioni aiwle under the provi«ioiu of tbti Act •ball b* publith«d iv Tkt CtmaJm Ooitth and tliaU cume into fun's upon »od after the date of tuc-h publi- cttiun or upon and after Much duti ua may lie nunted for that purpuM> in aucb retulation*. Prttilur*. 2. For tbe purposes of jurisdiction under Part XV of The Criminal Code, in any complaint, infonnction or oonvii-tion for a violation of any of the provisions of this Act, the matter complained of may t>e alleged, and shall be held to have arisen at the place where the cheese, butter or other dairy product was nutuufactured, packed, sold, offered, expoaed or hud in pos«ies»ion for aale. IB. In any complaint or information mw ov laid wider tbe foregoing sections of this Act relating to the sale or supply of milk, and in ony conviction tliereon, the mjlk compUined of may be described as deteriorated milk, without specifying the cause of deterioration, and thereupon proof of any of the causes or modes of deterioration hereinbefore niciitioned sliall be sufficient to sustain a conviction. 2. For the purpose of jurisdiction under Part XV of .The Criminal Code, in any complaint, information or conviction, the matter complained of may be alleged and shall be deemed to have arisen at the place where the milk conipluined of was manufactured, or otherwise treated, notwithstanding that the deterioration thereof was effected elsewhere. 19. For the purpose of establishing the guilt of any person charged with the violation of any of the provisions of this Act relating to the sale or supply of milk, It shall be sufficient primo facie evidence on which to found a conviction to show that milk sent, sold, supplied or brought to a manufactory as aforesaid to be manu- factured mto butter or cheese or condensed milk or milk powder, or milk sent, aold, supplied or brought to a milk or cream shipping station or to a milk bottling estab- lishment, IB substantially inferior in .,uality to pure milk, if the test is made by means of a lactometer or Babcock milk tester or some other proper and adequate test, and 18 made by a person holding a Dairy School diploma or certificate or by a graduate of any rocognized Agricultural College or by any other competent person. to. No appeal shall lie from n conviction u-ader this Act except to a superior, unty. circuit or district cou' r the court of the sessions of the peace, having jurisdiction where the eonvict. was had; and such appeal shall be brought, notice of appeal in writing given, recognizance entered into or deposit made, within ten days after the date of conviction. 2. The trial on any such appeal shall be heard, had, adjudicated upon and decided, without the intervention of a jury, at such time and place as the court or julge hear- ing the trial appoints, and within thirty days from the date of the convictio: , unless the said court or judge extends the time for hearing and decision beyond such thirty , 1' ^^ ^1. 'expects not provided for in this Act, the procedure under Part XV wder^thisXt **"""' "^ ^" "° "PP^'*'"^^*'' "Pl'^y *« "" prosecutions brought Application of ^ines. 21. Any pecuniary penalty imposed under the foregoing sections of this Act rdating to the «■ a or supply of milk shall, wht«:i recovered, be payable one-half to the informant or complainant and the other half to the owner, treasurer or president of the manufactory to which the milk was sent, sold or supplied for any of the purposes aforesaid in violation of any of thp provisions of this Act, to be distributed among the patrons thereof in proportion to their respective interests i-ri the product thereof. I S. Any pecuninrjr penalty impocMl under any of th« othw M«tions of tkU Act ■hall, when nsfovered, be payable one-half to the informant or compkiinaiit, and the other half to HU Majmty. Bioimnon. DcrunrioNi. 1. In those regulation!, ualeas the context otherwise requires:— (a) "Act" moans "The Dairy Industry Act, ISM"; (b) "Minister" means the Minister of Agriculture; (c) " brand " means any mark, stencil, sUmp, label or writing placed on cheese, or on any package containing cheese, butter or ether dairy product, for the purpose of designating a particular grade or clauifioation. the place of manufacture or the country of origin ; (« PHOHIBITEi." I liANDIKO. or„ .hiVhTnS, „, 'h™'. „" b«Lr"u"„,' °''°" ^'V^"" " ">"° »"' •»« produced in Cnada. ' ""'"' '"^ '"■«*> or butter ha., been "• "bSerrantrr'tb".! itr •'" t,"" '7 ""*■"' '■•°"'»-' -•'■"■• or provinee of orWu »».,,. T '"'? '°'"™"'«» •• 'o .''e eounlr, n.n.e, u„,e« /ul ^ r^rjltllLTt tt r^ ■.■ t 'n Y- '"""■- THE HALE OF DAIRY PROtUTClo. ,.1.:- "" ■"""" """ '■"""'""^ ""• »«"• «"«■« «' l-ve in hi, p„»„ („ ' '"' '7h ^Ll'^'^htbu'tt'^f "'" ™""'"'"' '""■ *'■ '""" " ^'"-J'O (6) Any butler which consiets of a mixture of whey butter and creamer, h,,.,., "'.ht° Ut*^';'"' '""" """" ""''" """ ""«-" ofbutre'rTbrSS ''' tandS^riitaS"'''"''' "^ ■^°"" *""" "-"» '"k ■»-'■■"> " '■'^ *t!I *■"?' ■»•""'■«"'«' from • n-izture of oniinary cream a, .eparated brerrL'3^^rth*'2'.?,^hX''^ '"" »'- -"•- -k ^i il (/) Any dairy butter packed, moulded or cut into Mocks, sqaarefl or prints and wrapped in parchment paper unless such parchment paper is branded " dairy butter"; (g) Any «kim-milk cheese unless the words "skim-milk cheese" are branded upon the side of every cheese and also upon the outside of erery box or package which contains such cheese; and unless a placard bearing the words "skim- milk cheese " in letters at least three-quarters of an inch square is displayed on the cheese in such a manner as to he clearly visible to purchasers; (h) Any butter branded as creamery butter or any combination of words whicfh includes the word creamery unless such butter is creamery butter according to the definition in the Act, and in these regulations; (t) Any cheese upon which the word "Canadian," " Canadien " or "Canada" is branded, or any cheese or butter contained in any package upoa which the word " Canadian," " Canadien " or " Canada " is branded as a descriptive term, UTiless such cheese or butter has been produced in Canada; (;■) Any cheese whijh ie branded or any cheese or butter which is contained in a package vvhich is branded in such a manner as to give false information as to the country or province of origin or as to the cheese factory or creamery in which it was manufactured; (k) Any butter contained i'n a package which is branded with any fictitious creamery name or with any wor^i which might be construed as a creamery name unless such name or word is followed by the word "brand"; (0 Any whey butter, or any butter which coneists of a mixture of whey butter and creamery butter or a mixture of whey butter and dairy butter, or any butter manufactured from a mixture of ordinary cream as separated from milk, and cream which has been separated from whey, UTiless a placard bearing the words " whey butter " in letters at least three-quarters of an inch square is displayed on the butter in such a manner as to foe clearly visible to purchasers except in cases where such butter is packed or cut in prints, blocks, squares or pats and wrapped in parchment paper which paper is printed or branded with the words "whey butter"; (ot) Any dairy butter or any butter which consists of a mixture of dairy butter and creamery butter, packed in boxes similar to those used for the packing of creamery butter, or which has been turned out of such boxes, unless a placard bearing the words " dairy butter " in letters at least three-quarters of an inch square is displayed on the butter in such a manner as to be clearly visible to purchasers. 15. No person, except the final purchaser or consumer, shall remove, obliterate or erase or cause to be removed, obliterated or erased, any bra-nd placed Upon any cheese, or upon any package containing cheese or butter as required by these regu- lations. 16. Any person charged with the enforcement of this Act may with the consent of the Minister, — (a) Seize and confiscate any apparatus or materials used or intended to be used in the ma-aufacture of any butter, cheese, or other dairy product or imitations thereof in contravention of any of the provisions of this Act or of any regu- lations made thereunder; (6) Seize and confiscate any apparatus used in the treatment of milk, butter, cheese or other dairy product when such treatment causes the said milk, butter, cheeee or other dairy product to contravene any of the provisions oi this Act or of any of the regulations made theteunder; (c) Seize and confiscate any illegal dairy product as defined in this Act. 17. When any apparatus or materials or illegal dairy product is seized and confis- cated under authority of this Act and of thc«e regulations, such apparatus or materials or illegal dairy product may be — (o) Sealed by any person charged with the enforcement of the Act and allowed to remain in the building or premiaes where found; (6) Sealed by any person charged with the enforcement of the Act and removed to a public warehouse or some other suitable building. 18. No person except a person charged with the enforcement of the Act shall remove any seal from any apparatus, materials, or illegal dairy product which has iHHjn seized, comfiscated and sealed under authority of this Act and these regulations. 19. Any apparatue, materials, or illegal products seized and confiscated under autlionty of this Act and these regulations may be sold or otherwise disposed of and niiy moneys derived therefrom shall bi- payable to His Majesty, 20 Any person who violates any regulations made under the authority of the Act shall for each offenee. on summary conviction, be" liable to a fine of -not lesd than ten dollars nor more tnan thirty dollars together with the costs of prosecution. 31. Any pecuniary penalty imposed niul.r these regulations shall, when recovered, bo payable and appropriated in the manner provided by section 21 of the Act. 22. These regulatioTis shall come into force on the first day of September, 1918 superseding regulations which came into force on the first day of September, 1914. 3103—2 i! OTHER PXJBLICATIONS OP THE DAIRY BRANCH RELATING TO DAIRYING. H ^ DftMlMuaO. No. 1909 •ss 1910 95 1911 MB 1911 SO 1918 37 1914 41 1915 45 1915 46 1917 49 1917 53 1918 54 19S0 65 1920 56 1920 •57 1914 10 1014 12 1915 •14 1916 1916 1917 18 19 21 1917 22 1917 23 1018 •25 1910 •26 1919 27 1907 1011 1018 Buixarnia. Tma. Tk* OmUsc 9t MUk t9T OkMsamaUBC OsaloauBlw OkMs*. lorn* Hotaa om ita Maavf aetvn. Tk« Dalrylas Imdmsiry, am KIrtorlMa smd ]>«s«rlp«tv« Aa«e«mt. OvMUi OkMM. (SMomd XdltioB.) ^ Tli« IsUwd of Orloaao Okooso. Cliooso Factory sad Creamery Plaas. Tko Taatias of Milk, Orean smd Dairy Prodaets by Meaaa of tko Babeoek Test. Determlaatioa of tke Bpeolflo Gravity of Milk; tbe Pereeat- aso of Aeid aad Caaela ia Milk; tke Adalteratioa of MUk by ■kimmiac aad IXrateriaK; tke Pereeatace of Water aad Salt ia Batter; tke Pereeatace of Fat aad Water ia Okeoae. Baiall Cold Storasee aad Dairy Baildiac^ BattormakiaK oa tke Farm. List of Okooso Factories, Creameries, SUmmiac Statioas. also Coadeased MUk Maaafaetarers, City Milk Teadors. aad Ice Cream Maaafaetarers, etc., la Oaaada. Tke Fiaek Dairy Statioa, Report of Procress. Report of tke Domiaioa Edveatioaal Batter Seoriav Ooatest. 1010. Simple Metkods for tke Storase of lee. CmOITLABS. Motes oa Cow Testiac. Tke Braadiac of Dairy Batter. Canses of Variatioa ia tke Peroeataf e of Fat ia Raad Separator Cream. Tke Use of Pepsia as Snbstitate or partial Sabstitate for Reaaet ia tbe Maaaf aetare of Ckeese. Direetioas for Usiac Solable Powdered Pepsia as a Sabsti- tate for Reaaet. Fartker Notes oa tke Use of Pepsia aad Otker Sabstitates for Reaaet la tke Maaafaotare of Ckeese. Tke Maaafaotare of Cottage aad Battenailk Ckeese. Tke Maaafaotare of Battenailk from Skimmed Milk. Keepiag Dairy Records. Tke Care of Cream for Battermakiac. Tield aad Relative Valae of Some Dairy Prodacts. SPECIAI. PUBLICATIONS. Blap Skowiac tke Looatioa of Ckeese Factories aad Creaai- eries ia Caaada. Report of tke Tkird Domiaioa Coafereace of Dairy Experts, December 6 aad 7, 1011. Report of tke Proeeediacs of a Domiaioa Dairy Coafereace, NoTcmber 25, 26, 27 aad 28, 1918. Aay of tkese pablieatioas wiU be seat free of ekarce oa appUcatloa to tke Dairy aad Cold Storafe Coauaissioaer, or to Tke Pablieatioas Braaok, Depart- meat of Asriealtare, Ottawa, Oat. * A saSleieat aamber of balletias 22 aad 57, aad eircalars 14, 25 aad 26 will ke seat to tko auusaser of aay ekoese factory or ereamery to sapply eaok patron wltk eae. y