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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 32X RO.' r ■^HWjLJMp*. [COPYRIGHT RESERVED, 'Iton Public Librarv ^' '^M**'^ ^'^^^^^ 'Booki Hamilton Public Libra-,r "'LTON, ONTARIO ' HAMILTON, ONTARIO, * Hami ^ HAMILTON, "'ONTARIO t^® Reveffes of Satict Seor^e AND ya Sotiites of Aierrte Engronde^ Whylke doth descrive ye dyvers doings of ye Dames of High Degree, Damzells, Fayre Maydes, Swains of Hardie- hood. King's Fooles, Clowns, and Merrie Men all for ye pleasaunce of ye people comyng to ye Revelles. Ye Lyttle Booke and ye Glee of ye Legende of Sanct George, and ye story of what ye Guild of thys grete ©Itiijf of ^amUton hathe done, hathe been put together by ye 'BStoman ScviWjeuet 0t tje ffittU4, DAME MARY ROSE-HOLDEN. lis « © « Mark Well.- V^ Story and >« Programme hathe beene put in y« new fangled tongue for y« bcnefytte of ye to Come. imprinted bye ye Tyints Pryntynt; Coin|i.iiue, Haiiiillon. Hamillon Public Librarv, HAMILTON, ONTARIO, 1 ^ " y The best, the cleniiett, the iiio<« S3: "to I 5» Q ^ c/) o 01 00 Q Z < l'^''/^ X «>^ H J.Li til h c/) (/5 ' ' I— I Q ^ CO Q Z < o GO ST. GEORGE'S BENEVOLENT SOCIETY, HAMIlxTON. J<^ // l^u•^•|>^:l. tS4..) '^.'''' j\^' ' President, - . . . - - H. X. Kittson. "H^. '• Ok,^ ^fJhf^ ^^t Vice-Presidetit, E. Pinch. S. J. Whitehead. C. D. Blachford. X\'' Rev. E. M Bland. Henry Ridley, M. D. J. Linger. F. Walter, 2nd " Secretary -Treasurer^ Chaplains. Rev, C. E. Whitcombe. Rev. Geo. Forneret. Rev. W. H. Wade. Hon. and Rev. R. Moreton. Physicians. James Baugh, M. D. C. A. Caviller, M. D. L. W. Cockburn, M. D. Board of Management. T. M. Davis. W. Stroud. G. G. Hacker. Geo. T. Tuckett. A. T. Hazell. H. Mason. R. Harper. Auditors. J. Pearson. J. B. Buckingham. Trustee. F. Walter. 44 ff Sanct (BcorQC for Serine i£ngloitt>c. Yt Revelles of Sanct George and ye Seniles of Merrie Englonde, holden bye ITc ituntttnt antf g^onouraiblc &miti of Sanct (!iiCorsr, of ye Famoi s and Grete Cytec of Hamilton, Situate in y^ lovelyest Garden of ([^anaUilt whilke is ye Gn:test and Biggest d^oUwit of y^ ^omnmtn of ^e rno-d>f Mlgftf^ ani. poooerji'uf Queen ^^icfD^*ia, To be held on y^ XI Daie and ye Daies ensuing of y^ month oi April, MDCCCXCIII. ^mmt r^' ff e B»ve|le5 Will be holden Slnbcr ijc -fttost EBorBhjjvfullc jpiitroutijigc of Ifjio ^^onouv ijc |Corb ^oubcrucur of ijc $3robincc, anb gc 3§iglic l^a'Oijc furhpntrich, \\\s S]|)ousc. Ye Revelles wyll be held atte y« Place where y^ Knights and Doughete Men of War doe holde theyr Tourney, on y^ Wynde hight James, running fro' y^ Mountayne to y^ Baie, and y« Lyghtenyng Coaches do flytte past y* Doren, and there do stoppe to let alyghte y« Peoples Comyng to y^ Revelles. Day by Day y^ Bell Man wyll proclayme y^ houre to Ope ye Show, and y^ Towne Bell will sound y^ Time to go Home. molr for Bc]^olti;^ns i>c 3clcl)eUc0. Old Folke, after Mid-daie, Lyttle OneS; after Mid-daie, Seven Pence, 2 Farthings. — Vulgo, 15c. Five Pence. — " roc. Ye same Dole atte y^ Eventyde wyll be charged. X o D o K S h O O O O u da CO > Q o n % H H Pi H J3 -0 (1) a (U d) C I o :^ e) »-H > Q I SI E Co I dicmmabU ^miUmm ami '^<\mm o|'fc fjc r^doi^onj ^hanl < < < O W. H. Gillard. l*". W. Fcarman. Geo. Roach. Geo. S. Papps. J. M. Lottridge. Thos. Mason. R. A. Lucas B. K. Cliarltun. J, J. i\Iasoii. Frank Mackclcan, O. C. W. Hancock. o ^ommMi ^ame«y offe ^Cfj^k ^ccfiee, ^aiiommm offe f}c ^Ihrnlk), Dame R. A. Lucas. " Frank Mackelcan. " W. H. Gillard. E, A. Gaviller. " John Billings. Dame Geo. S. Papps. " A. Woolverton. B. E. Charlton. G. E. Husband. " Herbert Morton. Dame P. D. Crerar. Mrs. Hugh C. Baker. J, J. Mason. H. N. Kittson. H. H. Fuller. Dame Mary Rose-Holdkn, Scrivener. Y^ G^^j^pi^iyi^te of s^n^t G^^>i'^^« ^V, 2D. ji^E>CC!C3CC;lll. rKOLOGUK. Go little liook, thyself present, As child whose parent is unkcnt ; Come tell ino, what was saitl of nv, And 1 will send more after thee ! in ye j'e?trc of grace nynety-thrcc Sanct George was bent on charytie ; " I must fj'U uppe my purse," (juoth he. In wynters colde he tyncd his gold To feed and clothe the youngc and old. Though wj'ntry day has sped away, And spryngc ys here wyth hopcfulle cheere, Ye wyntcre cometli bade agaj'tie. With pangs of hunger, cold and payne ; And so the saynte doth make complaynte. " To you, my purse, and to none other wight. " Complain I, for ye be my lady dear ! " I am sorry now that ye be so light, " For certes yc now make me heavy cheere ; " Me were as lief be laid upon my bier. " For which unto your m.ercy thus I cry, " ]?c heavy again, or elles must I die ! " Now vouchcsafe ihis day, cro it be nipht, "Tluit I of you tlic blissful sound may hear, "That of yellowness hadde never peer ; " Ye be my life I Yo be my heartc's steer ! "Qiiccii of comfort and of ^;ood companic, " Be heavy again, or cllcs must I die ! " Now purse, that art to me my life's light " And savour, as dounc in this worldc here, "Out of this Townc help me through your might " Since ♦hat you will not be my treasuren-, " For I am shave as nigh as any frere ; " Rut now I pray untf) your courtcsie, " Be heavy again, or elles must I die !" EPILOGUE. O, open-fisted Hamilton ! Ye woldc not say me naj'c ; My empty wallet fillc yc uppe Agaynst ye rayny daye. Ambytyous Cytee ! To you this song I send — To you who may my harm amende ; Ye wolde not shame Your Mountayne greene, Your Paxfulle bay — The lovclyest scene — To saye me naye and turn away 'I t/5 53 3 5 rt „ ~ i-y. i 5 = - ?5 c Q-o --J c - -J S : a r; c 6>1% iH* Ji-i^- ■Ssi ca ca lU -Vu t/> Di: ,« Gt. bf 13. O Vj-5 ts X CT! UJ I/) < CO fj ^'CB.: B« ^ -o -/■ ive (/) ^:? ^ CO I/) l^5b- is ^>:|f as o •-. ^l-a CO V- "-2 G ty <; " a >. -v; ^ =?«-■:;; m ^< i m I O' CO CO O o ?/: M o C/5 o ^ cs CJ M CLJ id .^^ ?^ C/J 4-* ;3 J/) -^ Pi o r c3 22 ^ t/3 O in (J § «l^ til < 10 CD -0 Q) CB s. £ • © 0) (D h U % T5 » i re id c p} W §« c (D 73 C IS w o o ^ <2 M I o UJ CO CO CO ca CO * 'Vf^; Ye Playe House. Be sure ye pass not ye Playe House of ye Blacke Freyers — William Siiakkspeare, Owner. Hercyn ye wyll fynde that whilke maketh much rycher and no poorer, therefore - Come One ! Come All ! Behoide. Heare. Learne. ^|c 2i^[ of ffcii^o^; I Playe. Ei)e Seacon, Players.— A. W. Barnard, C. W. Rickett.s, Allan Marks, Mrs. A. VVoolverton, Miss N. Hamilton. II. Playe. ^^ HatTj? ?^Clp. Players. — R. B. Morris, Mrs. Morris, J. II. Young. III. Playe. UtttlC ^OfimcltmS. Players.— S. F. Washington, W. A. Bcddoe, H. H. Robertson, F. H. Mills, Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. Simonds. IV. Playe. ^i^e Kriui^ STutor. Players. — H. H. Robertson, C. W. Ricketts, J. M. Davidson, M. Hamilton, Mrs. Simonds, Miss Saunders, Mirk ye alle. ye followiits Leafe for Pliiys l'., VI., VII. V. Playe. ^cacf at anj) |3ricr. Players. — R. Moreton, Miss M. Mills. VI. Playe. ^ ^OCttC PtOpOSal. Players. — F. B. Greening, J. H. Young, H. C. Baker, Miss Baker, Miss A. Maclnnes. VII. Playe. ^ ^atr of Hunatifs. Players. — R. Moreton, Miss Dunlop. SI Theatre Committee. Mrs. A. Woolverton, Mrs. R. T. Steele, Mrs. Simonds, Mrs. H. H. Robertson, Mrs. R. B. Morris, Miss M. Mills, Miss Katie Mills, Miss Dunlop, Miss Baker, Mr. H. C. Baker. Wi^'iY^,WzQi\stnv\, Lady Treasurer of Play House, I Y- Cloake and Bundel Room. r. Mills, Neare by _yc Fronte Doren of ye entrance, ye beholders of yc Revelles may putte yn safe keepyng, by payment of ye Dole of III. Pens, vulgo 5 cents, Wrappes, Cloakes, Doublets, Coates, Mantuas, Clogs and Out Dore Shoen, and alle other kyndes offe Fardels. Go Ben ! Behold ye Revelles. Drynk Tea. Eat ^nd be merrie atte M' Lorde's Larder. Take your ease in ye Garden, and rejoice thy harte at all ye Spectackils gotten ready for ye plcasaunceof ye people. Come Ben ! Come Ben, and Rejoice ! > (J) t^ tr* t>« ax cy P4 Pi o W t« «4 o :3 (U ^-^^ P 3 rt >> CO «J-i -c O Vh .S 4-1 1) J H -S O I rt C/2 C (U i-^ >■» w 0. 3 ,. CO ,. > tJC < ' CQ 3 OJ > C 1) C/5 ^ - O a. o CO •- "^ W Co "^ <« >^ . ^ o o ^ -S Oh O ^ s •—I u c jo ^^ CO ^ o c ^ ^ r> ^ oi -^ .0 > > w 4-) 13 4) ^ b ?. O -a a u J o >^ o W W Oh Oh Oh Oh O O X X m CO V < -Q CO u ^ fe ;=3 rt 13 OJ o c 0) CQ s o U !« Sh o O o c i ^ i Qh U cs §5 2 II @ @5 (J5 03S C^ 3^ o o ^ o.i2 >>9 Li ■r,a) C Ci ,_ ^D-• >'2'i■ C8 3 > ;u CB * 3 ♦J 013 2 CO St3 . 3Ct3 Sj C8 D « - s 3x: Si -^ 0) 3 > 52 ■3>'0h CP <« COS w d) ^ ^"^ «2 m 3 ">■' C — t. aO 0)H o a In sweet music is such art, Killing care and grief of heart Fall asleepe, or, hearing, die. Ye grete gatherynge of all ye Sports, Dandyes and Wagges, Synging men and women, wyll be helde at Ye Lodge of Diana, In ye Greenwoode, at \e sygne of ye Bent Bow and Arrow. Dame Mackelcan, Holpen by Dames R. S. Morris and M. H. Fuller, Upholden by ye Maistresses Jean Hobson, Agnes Hobson, Mary Gartshore, Bella Roach, Margaret Dunlop, Marian McKeand, Annie Hendrie, Emma Fuller, Adelaide Dev/ar, Gertrude Tiffany. Coffee and Cigarettes, we understande, Are a " chefe " servyce in thys lande, Loke, wherever they be founde, Sen'ite Cum Cantico ! Coffee and Cigarettes in hand we bring. With garlands gay and rosemary : We pray you alle syng inerrillie — Qui Estis in Convivio. Atte ye Sygne of ye Bigge BuUe's Eye will be found Ye Sweetie Shoppe, Where maydens all, Both grete and small, Now her — now ther — Now everywhcr, Wyll cry aloude theyr ware. They love to raungc, Ther' myiidcs do chaunge, They laugh — they smylle, They do begyle. And chaunge lyke to ye Moone ! <» (fi s ^ C .S ^ d) ^ stS 0) C !> @J > 0! Cfi (9 »^8 J2H k© •'- ti ^Q a) CO b u w < (0 u CO n a .S CQ •a v o J3 I- -u Ot a; flj -4 1-1 n s -0 c oe fl J -0 G! J « rt u in s M M s ee O x: QC Q_ o a. • 1—1 1) u a; > • I— I d C/5 O ct3 O 2; CO c a) g ro . "-I Q) crt c! oX3 tQ » CO CO g m^ .. ^ •d 0) CLJ o CO >> ^ w Q o < PS 9 H H % g Cov DC UJ a < z < z" o (A UJ rerr ^ / > § hH , 8 d: 9S 9 Q ^ M ■ ^ z g Qj Ul c/i "1 < z < K S ^ z" o CO -I tt i < ui " And for our sweet refreshments The earth affords us Bowers," Whylke ye sail fynde atte ye sygne offe ye Bower offe ye Redde Rose, where Flora and her fayre Floure Maydens yn rich aray, wyll selle Nosegays for ye Gallants and Poseys for ye Wayfaryng D ~> ; and Damzells, who do stoppe atte the Bower. Ye Posies and Nosegays wyli ^e made uppe offe ye olde tyme fioures. Cowslips and Dayeseyes, Butter-cups and Lilacs, Corownatioiis and Honeysuckles, Paunce and Gilly-floures, Daffodown-dillies and Love Lyllies, Sweet Wyllyam and Roses. Flour de lis and Prettie Nancy's tyed uppe wyth ye sweete smelling sprigges of Lavender, Rosemary, Ladies' Garters, Old Honesty, Old Man and Tansy. N'ota Bene. — Yf some offe these floures do not appear to ye eyen offe ye beholders, yt ys that Jack P>ost dyd remayne soe longe tyme yn ye countrie. Dame Billings, Holpcn by Dame Gow, Upholdcii by Maistresscs Natalie Hamilton, Bella Kerr, Flossy Meakins, Aleda Burns, Jessie Russell, Millie Scadding, Laura Belt, M. McQuesten, Marie Hood. Atte ye Sygne offe ye Golden Butterflyes, PAPER PHANSIES, FOLDEROLLES AND FALLALLES Maye be founde, and alle sortes of softe delicates offe light and shade for ye Ladyes Bowers and ye makyng beautyfulle offe ye Hoste's Boarde. Ye sail be sure to fynde here what cannot be founde yn ye shoppes, or elsewhere yn ye towne. Manie devyces, cunnyngly wrought in styles and tyntes. Come See ! Come Buie these Curious Wares ! Dame B. E. Charlton, Holpen by Dame R. D. Farmer and Dames Simonds and Logie. Upholden by Maistresses Evans, Bella Bruce, Doolittle and Bristol. d yc makyng hoppes, Ye Pleasaunte Garden, or Rosomondes Bower, Vnto whilke ye can all entre bye yc Wicket Gate. It fell upon an April day, In this merrie month of play ! Sitting in a pleasant shade, Which a grove of palms had made. I came to cate farthyng cheese cakes and crceme, and here I foundc, strange to sayc. Jack l'"roslc, before me with I en Wandc had frozen yc ■ reeme. To get over ye frighi, ye must drinke offe chrystal stream, plea.saunt yii tastyng that flcwes from ye fouiitaynes set yn that greene shade, served by svveete Phyllis and Prue ! Dame Hu.shand and Kittson, Holpen by Dame Gerrie Smith, Upholden by Maistresses Barker, Hutchinson, Somerville, Fleming, Tinling, Insole, Ethel Hamilton, Hemming, Taylor, Findlay," Burns, Stewart, Ktefer. Clark, Squire Humphrey. .# H U < (ii H 'A UJ (D O u u n.) (ii J ^ < o u^ u O) U CO Q X < i ;d Q 3i a; f ? ^ ;:j ^ < 'Si ^-> ! - > c/) • f— t si 5 O C/) o Oh '4. • I— H w ^ < .^ [-1 < a: H CO 0) (53 OS O O cS eg Q) c c (U C o o o CQ CO < X o o o o o O o '©(I sa o O ca Sta^e Sftowes> All ye Dames, Damzelles, Maistresses, Stal Ladyes, sail be dyghted in riche array, and yn ye laste style. MaisTRESSE Hilxt, Queene offe ye Pantomyme Gourte, Sail swaye, wyth her Fairie Wande, her gentil Maydes of Honour, so that they sail shewe forthc bye Motyons and Attytudes alle stronge and powerfulle emotyons of ye Humane Mynde. Ye Normans doe calle thyskyndeofactyng "Pose Plastyques." Miss Fairgrieve, Miss Orr, Miss Mason, Miss McKinnon, Miss Mofrec Hood, Miss Barton, Miss Hogan, Miss Bessie Clark, Miss A. Burns, Miss Bowditch, Miss Whately, Miss Troupe, Miss McKcan. \e Grete Romany Tnjste wyll be helde atte ye righte haiide sydc off^ ye dorcii. Yt moighte dysplaye Wisdom on yc part offe ye SIGHT Seeres, yffe thcye dyde goe ben, and here what ye Onceiics caniie telle ye. It may so hap that Philters may be boughtcn, whylkc may make goode again ye Fears, Wonder ana Astonyshment whylke ys sure to overtake ye Beholders offe ye Revellcs. Swains nnd Jaydens fayrc, Ho ! Hither ! GVPSIES. Queen — Dame Hi rbert Morton, upholden by Dames Ambcry, I'-enwick, Herring, Leach, McArthur, Vallance, MadeTine Boil, Ida Bi'U, Bessie Clark, Lizzie Danlop, Flo. Findlay, Maud Findlay, Colina Ferric, Mabel Fairgricve, Ella Harvey, Edith Hood, E. Luxton, Livingston, Helen Moore, Aurora Mills. Moreton, I'oussett, Maude Stewart, Maggie Vallance, Annie Vallance, Zealand. Upholden by ye GvrsiF. Men — J. Ambery, F. Carpenter, Ross Clark, Sanford Evans, Grassett, F. O. Hyde, Herbert Heming, Stuart Livingston, J. Laidlaw, A. McLaren, H. Moreton, E. T. Macoomb, J. Mason, E. G. Payne, C. A. P. Powis, E. Pierce, G. Robinson, Smit!\ Taylcr, H. Bull, F. Hcaley. Thys Band of Gypsies beyng true followers of St. George, wyll syng joyfullie to yo sounde offe theyr Tambourines, Castinettes and Guitars ye Glee offe Saint Georcu-: a?,'D VE Dragon. Sunge for ye fyrste tyme in ye greate Dcmynyon of Canada. St. Geopge ai)d Ye Oragoq. offe ye Sight that Philters re to overtake rthur, Vallaiice, ihel Fairgricve, Maude Stewart, ;t, F. O. Hyde, 1, E. G. Payne, yr Tambourines, e tyme George lie was for England, St. Dennis was for Why doe you boast of Artluir and his knightes, Knowing well how many men have endured fightes ? For basidcs King .Arthur and Lanccl./l du 1-akc, Or Sir Tristram dc Lionel that Anight for ladies' sake Read in old histories, and there you .shall see How St. George, St. George the dragon made to (Ice St ^ Fraunce Sing " Honi soit qui initl y pense." Henry the Fifth, he cor.quercd all France, And quartered their arms, his honour to advance ; He their cities razed and threw their castles downe. And his head he; honoured with a double ; He thumped the Frenchmen, and after home he came. But St. George, St. George he did the dragon tame. St. George he was for luiglauf', St. Dennis was for Fraunce, Sing " H'Vii soit qui )iial y />eiisc." Richard Coeur de lion, erst King of this londe. He the lion gored with his naked hand ; The false Duke of Austri.i, nothing did lie feare. Hut his .son he killed with a box on the care ; Besides his famous acts done in the Holj- Londe, But St. George, St. Giorgc the dragon did withstandc. St. George he was for England, St. Dennis w.s for l-'raunce. Sing " /foiii soit qui inal y pensc" Noble Earl of Warwick that was call'd Sir Guy, The infidels and pagans stoutlie did dcfie ; He slew the J^randimore, and after was the death Of that most ghastly dun Cowc, the de'il of Dunsmorc heath. Besides his noble deeds all done beyond the seas. Jkit St. George, St. George the dragon did appease. St. George he was for I'^ngiand, St. Dennis was for Fraunce, ':i\\Y^" Honi soit qui iiial y poise." St. David of Wales, the Welshmen muc'n advance, St. Andrew of Scotland, that never yet broke lance, St. Patricke of Ireland, which was St. George's boy. Seven years he kept his horse, and then stole him awaj-. For which knavish act, as slaves they doe remain, I'ut bt. George, St. George the diagon he hath slain. St. George he was for England, St. Dennis was for F'launcc ; Sing " rioni soit qui iiial y />cusc." ;! ^ U ^ ,;; *^ 0) O £ V t) no 3 (£1 5 t-l S 4 > lo «t- 5 H 5 = 0. 8. u s I (J o t/5 U o o « 3 E O ca 3: r5 C3 >s c « ££ ug « « u *i « a o (• 3 5a/7fl^ Programme. By permission of Lt.-Col. the Hon. J. M. Gibson, Commanding, and Officers of the XI 11. Batt. A. M., the Band of the Battalion will contribute the following Programme. Graxd Fantasia on Old Ditties, by Van Maancn. Synopsis.— Begone Dull Care — Barbara Allan— Sally in Our Alley— Oh the Oak and the Ash — The Vicar ol Bray — Cease your Funning — Tom Bowling — Old Towler — Black Eyed Susan — Come Lasses and Lads — To the May-pol" Haste Away — Once I Loved a Maiden Fair — The Bailiffs Daughter of Islington — The British Grenadiers. The Upper Canada College Musical Society, (Toronto.) (Composed of the following Members, will, by the kind permission of Principal Dickson, perform Musical Selections on the afternoon and evening of Friday 14th. BANJO AND GUITAR CLUB. James Hoblet and F. A. Smith, Banjeaiirine ; J. C. Campbell, Piccolo-Banjo ; A. Ivcy, ist Banjo ; F. F. Hunter, 2nd Banjo ; R. A. Rumsey, ist Guitar ; H, Putnam, 2nd Giiitar ; Mr. G. F. Smedley, Conductor, Banjeaiirine. rr r ! SINGERS OF THE UPPER CANADA COLLEGE MUSICAL SOCIETY. Tenoki.— F. A. Smith. J. L. Macvicar. F. S. Philbrick, R. E. Jones, II. D. Eby, A. E. Todd, C. A. Page, D. E. VVrighr, H. VV. Niven, G. B. :\Iackay. A. J. G. IMacdou-all, H. B. Barr, E. II. Ridgley, J. B. Caldwell. Mr. Walter IL Roiun.SON, Musical Director and Conductor. Rev. F. VV. Terry, Accompanist. Bassi. — F. J. Upper, A. Ivey, A. F. Macner, R. Holcombc, J. R. Falconer, Shortrecd, P. Bucke, H. Boultbee. Macgachen, H. F. C. Kelso, Lediay, Tvncr. IL G^oderham, I. H. Rnss, Capt. F. F. Hunter, J. Macdonell, R. C. Wilson, C. Labatt, C. D. Creic;hton, Ed^vards, J. L. Todd, J. Christie, E. M. Meredith, Montizambert, R. Rumsey, H. Robertson, R. H. Holmes, W. Allan and Neiison. Upper Canada College Rifles. Fancy Drill Corps. Lieut. F. F. Hunter, 31st Batt., Acting Captain and Adjutant; F. Jos. Upper, ist Lieutenant; F. N. Waldie, 2nd Lieutenant ; D. Ernest Wright, Col. -Sergeant ; J. Hugo Ross, Sergeant. DRUM AND BUGLE BAND. BAND^L^STER, R. Lediay. Bass Drufiwier. — R. C. Holcombe. Simrc Drummers. — W. C. Smith, A. F. Macnce, J. C. Palmer, R. M. Edgar. Buglers. — R. Lediay, R. C. Wilson, Gillespie, Watson, Meredith, Beers, Niven. Company. — J. T. M. Burnside, A. H. Campbell, Creighton, J, R. Falconer, Fitzgibbons, H. F. Gooderham, Hewiston, J. E. Hoblit, A. T. G. Johnson, Lazier, H. Macbcan, A. A. Macdonald, H. S. Macgachen, J. C. Maclean, D. Macpherson, H. M. Putnam, H. Robertson, D. A. Ross, E. Ryerson, A. V. Smith, Taylor, R. Temple, J. M. Thompson, A. E. Todd, J. L. Todd, Watson, R. W>.od. x\d, C. A. Page, ,-, J. B. Caldwell. t. eke, H. Boultbee. cr, J. Macdonell, th,' Montizambert, nt ; F. N. Waldie, ilmer, R. M. Edgar, n. oderham, Hcwiston, (. C. Maclean, Smith, id. Ye Famou'je Vale Brothers, (GrCOKCK AM) V'lLL), During ye Revellcs wyjl cxiiibit woiiderfullc Arniba'ic Fcatcs, and as Merric Ciovncs, Gestourcs, \v)tii Gambols, Mummcn' an.] Saucy Jcsliiii;, make Tastimc Air xc I'cojilc. Prof. Hutton's Oelebrated Marionettes Wyll D,;nce and transform them.sclvcs into allc manner of Grotesque Figures. Ye Younge Mynstrels of Ye Queen. Baton VVielder, Damk Pepvs, Oueene of Mynstrelsyc, wyl! perform a Selection from Romberg's Celebkatkd Toy Sv^^^IIONV. Wyth Ribible, Crouth and Gitterne, Cymbal, Rebec, Rote and Cistole, ]?umbards, Horns and Lutes. Trompcs, wj'th Clarion clere, And Dulcet I'ipcs of many cords, Sweete sounds wyll make with SYMPHONIE, In which Cuckoo Calls, and Nightingale Dothc make her sweete complaynte. Ye new kynde offe Spittnet, yclept Piano, wyll be plaied upon by ye Plaiers Minnie^jRidley and Marie Wylie. I'll ' > i w H ® -a o o ■73 0) a u ■^^■^ O > '^ ^ *^ S- ^ « — rt C ° c S ■" •TO •? •_ «^ 5 ^ '5 T3 - ftf c 3 b. O £ X ^ ^ r; 3 ra u tr. E £ 3 3 4^.^ w. P O 4-- T-i •'• C rt ^ .5 E o ^ ^ a! •73 C u O ■M a »- u >\ to C r- — ■J) - 3 til's c o o > !^ ^ S ^ •? ? o ^ -e t r. ^ - g ^ ° c o u ■M ,i; '^ ^ .ii' '^ 3 C -7 'O ^ I- ^ w •^ X 5: y E .5 S -o i-^t j_j -r • — ' ^ o ^ *i ^ ;=; 3 £ u o o o S E i Q -^ ^ rA +j r- ^ -J: y O 4j 4-1 I- X •- - f^ o ^ -5 cT -^ — 3 3 H c W ^ -a >, - O "> o 3 -^ O rt JS «J -C 3 I- O *J _ iS 4-' c rt TO y , J rt 3 ■'-''- 3 ,3 c W C w (£ .- y ^ t/". ■'1 3 D Tl ^ J^ O ^ -.r. O > 3 ^ ^ ii Q o 5 ^ -M « •5 .5 •£ ^ •5 3 X -H. ■> >*" .y 5 o > 4J O 4-' o o 3 ^ 4-' .„ !n rt 4J •4 e '^ .S S o cu s ^:ex ;/3 X a W - E ^ o •- y .^ t/1 o 3 o 4-' > Q Q UJ -a: CJ) CO o UJ s UJ ^ X .♦ i ; , •'#-■ > Q Q lU CQ CO 02 O 1- RibU'lc, Rebec and Crotith — Minstrelles Sophie Ridley, Lilian Ottawiiy, Florence Littlehales, Louise O'Reilly, Yonker Cecil Littlehales. Cuckoo — Mynstrellcs Daisy Gillies, Ethel Hriggs, Lillie Brown. Nightingales — Mynstrelles Gracie Bull, Josie I'ilkic, Marguerite Papps. ■ T'r/V^w^/f— Mynstrellcs Belle IMacdduald, Jessie Gartshore. Dulcet /^jT^.'i-— Mynstrellcs Kthcl Kittson," :\Iiiriel Steel. Dulcimer — Mynstrelles I^dith Barker, O'd Martin. Cistole — Mynstrel Archie McLaren. Tronipcttes — Mj'nstrels Harry Evans, Gcorf,re Husband, Percy Papps. Ye Synip/ionie (an instrument of nuisycke made of an hollowc tree, clo.syd in lether in eyther syde, and mynstrels betyth it wyth styckes), sail be plaied upon by Mynstrels Wentworth McKenzie and Harry ?vIoore. " Ye Sleighing Party " VVyll be performed by yc Mynstrels and Mynstrellcs. .S'Av;^//.^-— Mynstrelles Muriel Steele, Ethel Kittson, Mabel Milb. iSt'/Zi-— Mynstrelles O'd Martin, Marguerite Papps. Whips — Mynstrelles ICdith Barker, Lillie Brown, Mynstrel Archie McLaren. Triangles — I\Iynstrelles Ottawaj', Belle Macdonald, Jessie Gartshore. Castanets — Mynstrelles Ethel Brings, Daisy Gillies, josie Piikie, Florence Littlehales, Grace Bull. Tronipettes — INIynstrels George Husband, Harry Evans, Percy Papps. Symphonic — Mynstrels Wentworth McKenzie, ILarry Moore. Committee of Toy Symphonie : Dame Pepys, holpen by Maislresses Minnie Ridley and Baker. Nota Bene. — Ye Minstrelsic ofife ye Revelles wyll consyste offe musyckes smoothe melodyes, made delitcfulle by Singers, Fidlers, Tabretters, Symphonies v'Drums), Tronipettes and sundrie other kyndes of Instruments, I'leasant Roundelayes, Merrie Catches and Glees shall be Sunge and Played by yc Entyre Companie. f jtetns* © © Ye Ben of ye Halle of ye DOUGHETE Men of War of thys fayre Cytee OF HAMILTON, wyll looke some- what lyke unto a Wynde yn ye olde Countree of Englonde. Nota Bene. ¥' IB^cntf of portraiture wyll be much frequented. Ye workman wyth hys Lens, awayteth to cacchc yc SONNE and hire His Visage. By payment of Dole Port:raitures may be boughten from ye Lymnour (Cochran Phc tographer) of ye Guild of St. George. Nota Bene, ir« Sfjootgns ^allertc at ye 5>ygne of ye Cross Bowe ys found neare bye ye Stockes and Cage. Ye Sports and Bucks here make merrie shootyng atte e targets. Jesse Linger, ye Robin Hood of ye countrie, will take Dole of ye frequenters. wyll looke some- Nota Bene. 1§>* ffilou((0ter Ila00, who ys sometymes knowne as ye "WhystlyngMayde" of thys countrie, and HAL BRYANT, ye famous horseman, wyll attend ye Revelles. Ye mayde cometh pyllyoned on a prancyng stede, sellyng Rybbons, Laces and Fairings. Ye horse and donkey wyll be led bye Hal Bryant, so that no danger to life or limb may happen. Yonker Long wyll ryde ye donkey, Thys " Whystlyng Mayde," (to make pastime) cometh ryding into ye halle I'ke unto ye Syngyng Woman, who dyd enter Westminister Halle yn yt year of grace 1316, when Edward H., seten royallie atte ye Board wyth hysDousse- Peers about him, dyd yn that place holde a grete feaste. hire His Visage, r) of ye Guild of ; here make merrie lenters. Nota Bene. Ye grande courte dance of France wyll be danced by : Dame Beddoe, led to ye dance by gentleman R. Moreton. Maistress Dunlop, " E. O'Reilly, " E. Briggs, " K. Mills, B. P, Dewar. A. Gartshore. Gates. W. F. Burton. CO o 5^ @ © g o 0^ © @ (?5 @ & O O QQ Q OO o 00 << X CD 00 00 LlJ Q= a X H o: O z I- UJ u ft t- (0 CO u < 00 < •^-H s ^ o ^, ^ ^ ^ 8 CO 01 rs: -=^' < (D Si <; -?: <; :^ ^ > O) ^ > ■' i> --• • '• I ^ < ' * I ^ ^ ) ^ ( s CO ^ -J to CO CCi CO o U IS CO ai V -a «s tl "SP e ^ **m4 5 '^ ■^ ^^ ■5J ■^ > C K <; «a CO CO :i ^ o c 00 •: o 1^ "^ .5 3 2 ^ ^ "^ ■ ^ k. . aj ^ t^ •A^ >. O '^ 5 CO '*5 ^ , '^ ^ 00 :< tt, -a ^ <. .o "^ s^ ^ « Nofa Bene. Ye fayrc and far-famed Mynstrelle, Maistress Schumacher, wyll synge everriche eventyde in ye Bower of Queene Diana. At ye sygne of ye Bent Bow and Arrow ye men syngers, J. Stuart and Mr. Spratt wyll alsoe here doe theyre diligens to delite alle ye folke. Nota Bene. Swifte attenshion muste atte all tymes be gyven to ye summons of ye bell manne, Squire A. D. Stewart, of these Revelles, otherwise ye moste famouse dogge to be founde yn ye countree, yclept " My Fellow," mightc barke and snappe and make much noise. Also, thys grete manne hath bene chosen frome oute of ye companie of ye witans of ye cytee, soe that he male see that quiet be maintained and no churls let loose. For alle these reasons gyven, see alle ye people ye attend well to ye voice of ye belle manne. A^ota Bene. ¥^ Sssncs, ^ Ye sygnes of ye Revelles are ye handiworke of ye Woman Lymnour of ye cytee. Dame F. H. Birely, and do dysplaie much curiositie and skyil. Also ye letteryng hath bene done by ye same hande. Nota Bene, ¥• Bicvtle an» ^antfoUn Clut). Guy Judd, Harr>' Judd, W. W. Stuart, A. Goering, Fred Carpenter, R. B. Griffith, W. S, Hemphill, C. W. Powis, of yc Hamilton Bicycle and Mandolin club will =ynge Glees, Ballads and Catches to ye playing of theyre Mandolins, atte ye Boothe of Queene Diana. Nota Bene. ^* i^ance Orcss Ball. " These are your mimics, O ye fallen great !" Atte noine of ye clocke on ye night of Mondaie ye XVH. dale of ye month of April, ye gorgeous compai.'e and galaxie of beauties of ye first dystinctyon of ye cytee, attended by sprigs of fashion, gallants and swains, alio to be dyghted in splendyd array, wyll holde a grand Rout in ye Halle of ye men of war. Tickets canne be boughten from Squire C. D. Blachford. Eke it mattereth not that ye have no golde or argente withalle for to buie ye ticket if haplie ye canne holde foorthe youre billes, otherwise a slippe of emblasoned paper (best), whilke shall surelie bringe ye ticket to hande. Hemphill, C. W. playing' of theyre [eous compai.'e and i swains, alle to be le be boughten from • to buie ye ticket if shall surelie bringe O 9 < <: Q W ID H I o ■ 2 o ^ i^ o ui O c u o o cr tn 1) u ■= , 1) > 1) c C 1 a, o c c o >^ . c cj C rt = o^q ^ ^^ •n'3-- O 1 '—I O 1) >^HJ I/) 4J ^ C ^ Co '-^ C O 4) (4 Qh U U V "^ "(ii 6i S2 O o o o fo a, 1) rt T-t Oh ^ <: Q w z w 1 r^ ■I"** *^ '•s* <§ffi s tt4 « o o o o 1) J= S 4) t/1 H— o o ■n 'o c u •J 3 S^ u O = 9 8^ O = » 3 1) a, u 3 c Que Mar Min 3 ui Ch rt 4; u u C/5 ^O >>,>>, i •c Is •Si S o o a; OS 'a 1) B o U c/) 03 CD S bp d •^r; 03 h i IT3 o 0/ a I o: Oi Xll ai .^ CD .Z^ o3 (^ o3 D V ^ ^ S2 ^ >. " 03 1^ > C "^ 03 O c/) 03 b/D S > 03 -^ o ,_ :3 a; bp 2 "o £ a; ^ c c^ iS o3 ^ in C o o OJ CJ ^ o o 03 03 b^ s o cj b/) ^^ -r O 0) c 03 u ^B O o "o bp o o *C c^ lis C CTJ <: ^■^ « IS Q t^ 1) U) k2-^ C -3 Dd D a: Lorde ' Highe •T. h ^^ g .^. "^ •0) 1^ « !^ « o 1) w O CJ C o o c w 1) >, Ui U a a, 3 '75 g 1^ a! • « -4-1 "^ a, = .h X »^ >,-n E c >v «J o o O c u. (J u ■4-) o u acT •a o c u ,-t o u oi a 3 ' o -a 2 '■/; -C t- CJ 5r +-» "i *^ t; -C ^ CJ S 2 = f ^ b i >, u -13 c C S y -1 4-1 u rt r- c o >% 71 J3 ^ O ^-« X r^ ^ •— ^ -a c ^ rt o M X 4-> y •4-« X CQ c 7i _J a 'O X o ■M X ii> a _Q OJ X O ^« ^ rt ^. o c o >, !£ ii O 71 ;/! y 'A >^ o o e I. G y >, '^J' Q E <3 S 1^ U c .■fl I y "2 5 ^ -*• ->* *-» "* y y y u > y >, = ' S, g W r- y y a, s o o y -^ — y rl y O rt y- ~ y • ~j '7. .y tjo "S ^O -u '^' ^. •/) S u S3 y rt „' Oh yii tn.Sro °- > tn ^ ^ "^ o X "! ^ y P^ ° ^ -g ^ S ^. Q 3 g 9 e fa a^ y o y y > c o b/5 y >> ^3 C .•« y b^ O y 'Sl O y c biO u y 4-> y a, cu s 7) 'I >^ .; -r, Sir. C tfl rt 3 la a. ^ u , b3 C'^' J- <« M O .i.' 6 c/i - "^ ^ rt O ^ 5! O W 2 = .a> 3 ^Q'^ 5- u "! "1 4-1 7; rt (13 '5 C C J2 '^ n! rt 4-> l> U ^ 71 U O ■— c a. a, t« >, a, &,> s*^ c IS o ^ s to c I—] •" C O a, o o ^o , t) O 1> o in u ■* O •IT S 5 -^ ii I?" < 1 £0 < Q p h !s is S « u S cu o i - V t o tx u o y O P. ^. .He/. -! .; -rr r. c rt « Co C '^^ fa *; -J u rt t^ 3 8 §15 ^ u o 4) c u 3 7) 9 9 C g 4J 0) u u u c a a. a 3 u ■a rt E x: ^^ 'O -M e o O tJO o (U u ii ^ 3 «^ a, 5 o ^o I" -, C/5 -O ■^" lU ,9 C 13 J3 w ^ o ^ o S *^ O « • = ft n -> »- 3 O •O "" 3-^ 08 •^ c o o.y c '5 .U > ^ C U XCU 3 - S o ■" o ^ c «•£ 1^1 9 — ^ *j u 3 C "ii E cT u -o rt E « 1) _ „ tl* 3 O o 2 a V H r^"^ cart n p dj 2 (u c/) -a O ^ ►" '-' O 4-. U O C u o rt -a X a 3 - P o b« 1) tn „ C ■" O _ > C U -C o c S^ > or ST. QEOBSE'S BENEVOLENT S0CIET7, EAUILTON, 1893. The Jubilee Report of St. George's Benevolent Society forms a pivotal epoch in the historical records of the Society, and calls for brief Retrospect. On the i8th April, 1843, the St. George's Benevolent Society of the Town of Hamilton was orcfanized, and embodies in Constitution and By-laws two of the noblest and highest sentiments of the human mind — Loyr / to Queen and Country and Love and Charity to the Brotherhood of Suffering Humanity. The Society has passed through seasons of cloud and depression, as well as times of sunshine and success, but on the whole, recorded minutes tell of a long career of prosperity. The Roll of Past Presidents, Office Bearers and Members, so many of whom have passed on to the silent land, bears names which are interwoven in the professional, mercantile, commercial, educational and philantliropic rise and "growth of the City of Hamilton. Settled by J. E. Loyalists and British Colonists, Hamilton soon, under the plucts., energy and determination of her sterling founders, became distinguished as the Gore District. The feeble hamlet spread soon into a village, the village into a thriving town, and now in this year of Grace, 1893, ranks as a Royal Princess City in the great Dominion of Canada. • Irf J Oil the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Society, honourable remembrance is due to the memory of one of its most venerated members, the late Captain Zealand, who served under the immortal Nelson at the taking of Copenhagen, and on duty under Sir John Moore at Corunna. In 1812 he again upheld the honor of the flag he loved so well in repelling the attacks of the invaders of Canada at Oswego, Sackett's Harbor and Ogdensburg. Again in 1837, when rebellion stalked through the land, he was one of tho.'-. who sent to swift destruction the piratical steamer Caroline over the Falls of Niagara. Again in 1866, when in hii 74th year, we find \i[— standing watch and guard in this city against Fenian incursion. ^i From its inception, St. George's Society "rejoiced" as well as "wept," with the sister societies of St. Patrick and St. /vndrew, and enjoyed fraternal celebrations at different periods with the Sons of St. George of Philadelphia, Petersburg, Virginia, United States, Toronto, Guclph, Barrie, King.ston, St. Catharines, London and Brantford. The same spirit of unity and brotherly love towards suffering humanity identifies the St. George's Benevolent Society of to-diiy with the a.ssociated charities of our city, though as far back as 1848 recorded minutes register of a "desire on the part of the Council to relieve distress in Ireland and the Highlands of Scotland and also the propriety of contributing ^o the undies' Benevolent Society of the town." The Guerdon of the benediction of the stranger within our gates, the ^irk the poor, the widow and the orphan has been gained durinc; the past fifty years by the Society, which has thus crystallizi . into living action the type set forth in the legend of the Patron Saint of England and her .sons, wherever hey may be found, as slaying the great Dragon of Evil, with its pestiferous influences of sin, sorrow, sickness, poverty, hunj^er and distress, through the might and power of Christian Armour of Light Truth and Love. What nation has .so well embodied into daily life, individually and nationally, the virtues and examples of her patron saints as the great empire of Britain ? England shines on the page of history as the righter of grievous wrongs, emancipator of shackled slavery and the peace-maker of an angry world. to the memory of ider the immortal ^orunna. In 1812 of the invaders of through the land, he Niagara. Again in ncursion. 3cieties of St. Patrici< orge of Philadelphia, and Brantford. The enevolcnt Society of gistcr of a " desire on ^Iso the propriety of of the stranger within years by the Society, aint of England and rous influences of sin, an Armour of Light and examples of her 2 righter of grievous Wherever floats the Union Jack, emblem of the trinity of her three patron saints, George, Andrew and Patrick, floats the signal of Greatness, Virtue, Prowess and Power. Under such inspiration the true sons of England, Scotland and Ireland still slay the dragons of slavery, injustice and wrongs. " Know and do; victory or death," the battle cries. Action swift on the heels of words. Where such patron Saints ? Where such mistress and followers ? " By this sign I conquer," saith the saint, and still by virtue of the Christain cross, the dragons of cold, disease vice, and intemperance, wherever met, arc not only slain, but Christian burial given the victims. Yet not without cost is all this done. It is for the sake of " sweete charitic" that the St. George's Benevolent Society of this city, in the first bi-centennial year of its existence, asks for generous assistance and support. For alas ! " How scanty the healing leaves !" r lif E».A.S'r-I>I5ESII3:ElTTS. fit Dr. W. G. Dickinson, Esq., served in 1843 VV. L. Distin, " " " 1844 John O. Hatt, " " " 1845-1846 D. C. Gunn, " " " 1847 W. L. Distin, " " " 1848 Richard P. Street, " " " 1849 Nehemiah Ford, " " " 1850 John R. Holden, 1851 Benjamin Milner, " " " 1853 Mr. Justice Hurton, " " " 1853 VVm. Belihoiise, " " " 1854 Thomas H. Harris, " " " 1855 Thomas N. Best, 1856 Daniel C. Gunn, ' 1857 C. J. Brydf^es, " " " 1858 Alfred Booker, 1859 Thomas C. Dixon, " " " i860 K J. Rastrick, " " " 1861-1862 Wm. Birkett, ' 1 863 George Roach, Esq., served F. VV. Fearman, G. J. Forster, B. E. Charlton, Geo. S. Papps, " I. C. Chilman, R. C. Cooper, VVm. Bowman, R. A. Lucas, C. E. Pierce, Alfred Green, " M. Howies, J. J. Ma.son, Thomas VVavell, " B. B. O.sler, Q. C, " F. Mackclcan, W. Hancock, VV. H. Giilard, Thomas Mason, " H. N. Kittson, in 1 864 " 1865 " 1866-1867 " 1868 " 1869 " 1870 " 1871-1872 ' 1873 " 1874 " 1875-1876 " 1877 " 1878 " 1879-1880 •' 1881 " 1882 •• 1883-1884 " 1 885- 1 886 " 1887-1888 " i88r-i890 " . . . .1891-1892-1893 i864 1865 .. . 1866-1867 1868 1869 1870 ... 1871-1872 1873 1874 1875-1876 1877 1878 . . . , 1879-1880 1881 1882 . 1883-1884 1885-1886 . ... 1887-1888 . . . . 188' -1890 1891-1892-1893 O H W > o o < H H < < < • 5 >«" 1? ■ 1 H ke c olou of oure 0') 4 — 3 (U --; i^ s, yn FELT, ES. for t clothe w d sundrie e — some offe alle c +-» u u >< T3 \ ■71 c ji: c rt ;i: S s r> 4 Cappe TOFF u ye fin verse such n Hos 3 rs ^^^ s^ es offe of dy and Silke 4-* "c5 ts to B (0 e ye wyil fynde H TRAW and FY] en •4-1 c 1, Ruffes a,.d Cuff ivhere. Skarffcs , Saten, Taffetie ; also, Woolc and w tJC ■yi C n! Uh ■r, 3 u X J _k- w C^ < < CO J3 '3 K u 0^ da LU LU QC 1 — •3 'a. 2 •^H ih u] CO >t <0 [I] d: 8^. 4-» 4-d > ?5 ^ Q ® =3 C ^ ^ Q cfl CjJ [l ^ < •< >-* zog CQ CJ J Q, u < ^ < {h t/3 Z Z • WE INVITE D a. X J >" J > • LkJ Z oc 8 From a Son of S(. Andrew at Pittsburgh, Pa., to His Cousins, the Sons of St. George, with Kindly Greetings, and let ■'The words be cousin to the deed." Chaucku. Saii^t George apd tl^e Di'a^op. A HALLADE. ii I. Pestilent Dragon, maiden forlorne ; To the rescue, Saint George ; breast-plate and greaves Lance-thrust and sword-stroke, wounded and worn ; But, ah ! how scanty the healing leaves ! The pause from tlie combat only reprieves ; No conquest final, we cannot know why ; There no garlands the victor receives ; Naked we came, and naked ue die ! II. Dreams ever flit through the " Gates of horn ;" Judge not a brother, for what he conceives May be truth, and thy error his scorn ; But, ah ! how scanty the healing leaves ! . Dreamer of dreams, the foul dragon heaves His poisonous bulk ! Shout the battle cry — God and Saint Georg_ ! who shirks disbelieves ! Naked we came, and naked we die ! III. Glory of evening, freshness of morn. Shuttle of seasons, that ceaselessly weaves Airs that are ripening the golden corn ; But, ah ! how scanty the healing leaves ! Turn the kaleidoscope, cold earth grieves An empty bin and a cruse run dry ; And grim death garners the surplus sheaves- Naked we came, and naked we die ! ENVOY. Knights, gent'c ladies — lowly and high — Naked we came, and naked we die ! Work while 'tis day, and garner the sheaves, How scanty soever the healing leaves ! Finis. th Kindly eaves res 'es leaves- 1 — leaves, I