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Un das symbolas suivants apparaitra sur la darniira imaga da chaqua microficha, salon la eas: la symbols -^>signifia "A SUIVRE", la symboia V signifia "FIN". Mapa, plataa, charts, ate. may ba fiimad at diffarant reduction ratioa. Thoaa too larga to ba antiraly included in ona axpoaura ara fiimad baginning in tha upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, aa many frames aa required, llie following diagrama illurtrata the method: Lea cartea, planches, tableaux, ate, pauvent dtra filmto i dee taux da rMuction diff^rants. Lorsque le document ast trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, it ast filmd A partir da i'angle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en baa, an pranant la nombra d'images n^cassaira. Las diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thoda. ita ura. ] 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 /^ 1 "^/'^ ^ .>^^< ^< ' ( '-' «' ^mimm^ ~W^<-'/'^. •^©Tsme" £tiST - OF THE IN THE County of Middlesex, FOR THE YEAR 1882. MMBM f aTv'i''-"^ frt*' i i iiiiiiii'"''tf a # LIST OF VOTERS OF THE VILLAGE of WARDSViLLE, S-OS S'Sl -flAS 1882. •S.III LJJ.PiiiiaLHI,! '"Mmm _ ■S^BHHH HART I.-List of persons «ntitltd to vote at both Municipal Electio.s aod Elec- tioni to th« Lej;;slative Assembly. No. ON Uc LL. J 31 .1 41 N.\ME. Aitcliii«n, Ebeiezer, Archer, Henr; R. .. Archer, Robert .1 104 Adair, Joseph S. J 48 75 J 9 11 17 J 47 J 54 J 58 J 4 8 120 88 J 66 J 51 J 105 115 116 72 87 98 111 84 Brawn, Samuel, Bole, David W . Corntiil, Adam.. . . , Cuthbjrt, Alexaodcr. Coates, Orpheiia A ., Ctyoe, John W , Campbtll, Dougald ., Crawford. Alexander. Davis, Elijak Dykes, Williaiu Dykes, Jaiaen M... Duft«n, Edmund T. Tfcpca jyetcr- English, Thomas.. . Freckalton, James E . P e ulei i uiij ' A fe hi ib uld . , Ff«!«M|M, ]^>¥f^ Fitzpatrick, Jamei... Lot. Con. or Street. 3, 4, 5 and pt 6 Corner of llajj 122. 123 124, \V. Hagarty pt 18 and 19 S. Main E. Queen arty and Main Right. e e 15 17 *i 2, 3, 4, 5 wJ13 e|6 14 e |16 51, 52, 53 pt 15, 1st R., pt 16 Dt 15 * 11 N. Main S. Main N. M.iin N. Main N. Main N. Main S. Main W. Hagarty ^. L. W. R. S, Main S, Main N. Main //« nrtaA * Owner Owner Owner Occupant Owner OwBor Owner Tenant remint Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Occupant Owner 10, E Hagarty & 8 S. Hacnah Gordtn, George Gibb, Singleton Gillies, Zachariah Gage, Cfcarlec Glendenning, John H ... Gibb, David | ptH, B.F e pt 17 *0 a ii u 1 9 pt 17 w it 18 and 19 w Js^ 15 20, 21, pt 22 7 » pt 29. 30 N. Main ■ft— M-Jtttr ft-€ViMar» B. F. N. Main N. Main S. Main S. Ward E. Davis S. Main. ^ Owo er Owner Occnpaat ■^ Owner Own«r Owner^ Owner Tenaat Owner Owner 2 voters' tiiC, 1882, No. ON Roll. 21 22 45 G2 86 61 107 106 108 109 118 Name. Harold, Thomas Heath, J«hD Howta, Robert R Hale, Thomas Uowse, Jacob B Henderson William H. J 100 153 J 52 Henderion, Henry H8BU8P''*Uj J'inHPi Henderson, Frank Harper. ^^ iUiam G^.. . Jell, H JacKSOB, Arthur J 102 J 5 J J71 J 10 46 J 49 J GO J 63 K«rby, Edwin. Keys, Jawea.. Linfott, William. Loxley Charles.. Lilley Edward.... Mills, Sidney Monroe, Malcolm G. . ,Mimna, William 'Munroe, Archibald A. 'Merrison, Robert J 80 Mulligan, Thomas. 14 J 30 J 50 55 J <;4 67 Lot. Co.N. or i^TBEET. Mclntyre, Alexander.... McLachlan, Hugh McCowan, Altxauder... Mclnttsh, George McLean, James McLachlan, William G, • ilO 9 and 10 2 1, 2 and 3 52 and 53 24 and 25 44^ Hud4^1 pt 17 ii^und U T'^iLU 41 e i 10 Iti 8 a8d 9 33 1 and 2 6 and 7 pt e i 15 1 and pt 2 55, 56 and 42, 43 pt 16 14 w pt 15 10 and 11 1 , 2 aad 3 18 and 19 2 and 3 pt s ^ 16 ,0 McPherson, William McPhail; James McRae, Alexander... McRae,John J 79 112 113 1 2 J 76 77 Neil. Richard.. . N«il, Thom-^s New8on, William. Neii. William..... S. Main N. Main E. Haparty E. O'Mura N. Amy S. Main W. Hu - ait y IS. Main W. Hu ii uit T S. Main . , E. Haj;arty N. HauBth N. Amy N. Church SlOMT. R( ^ Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Tenant Owner C^ ' Tenuat -■ £%^ *© Tetfanl Owner OwBcr Tenant ^ J J I 16 e h 16 8, 9 and 10 90 andyi •i 18 wi 17 12 and 13 12 and 18 1st R. N. N. Main W, Hagarty S. Hannah B. F. N. Main N. Main N. Main O'Mara S. Main S. Grant lstR.,N. N. Main S. Main E. Hagarty In ccme W. Hagarty N. Main S. Main 8. Main pt 15 192, 193,194 wi 17 24 and 25 S. Main W. Hagarty S. Main S. Main Owner Owner Owner Occupant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owiier Owner Tenant Owner Tenant Owner Ow»er Owner Owner VILLAOB OP VTAIMVILL*. -2?- .^ art**"' V if- \ Mo. ON Roll. 101 35 Name. ycHy Wilbirt C . O'Dounell, Diivid »t? Parker, lluben 25 Piper, W illiam J 53 Puicell, Archibald... I'oluy, Edward Potts, Henry 9* J 95 99 IleiU.j; Francis B,. 19 25 28 ar^ 59 J 70 .J 78 J 92 J 114 J 15 44 J 57 J oo 110 Stewart, G3orgc Stevetj, William StocUton, David J.. . Samson, Geor;j;e Smith, Donald Smith, James 8hep?ard, William. Sparling, WilUimi H Small, Francis. Tuke, John W Thomas, Amos W . Thomas, Amasa.... Theiaas, Enos.... Tweedic, Georg« S . 89 Upper, Jacob S . i 18 74 90 91 93 90 88 Waril, W. Alexaniler. Ward, Alexander Wibon, Andrevr Wilson, Jacob Wilson, Andrew Wilson, Henry A.. . Wnrd, Edward Ward, Joseph M hot. Con. ok jjlTREBT. 2, 3 and 4 E.- WflU«g««» W. Queen wi 17 35 12 8 and 9 7 and 8 2 5 . 5 3 and 4 44 and 45 20, 27, 28, 29 1, 2 and 3 s pt 18 and 19 3 and 4 87, 88, 89 pt 53 pt 17 pt 18 23 RlOMT. O e ewpaoi »^^ Owner W. Ontario W. Quetjn N Main N. Hannah N. Main ! Tenant Owner Tenant Tenant Owner W . Wellini,t«n S. Main E. Queen W . Queen W, Wellinston N. Main S. Hannah S. Main. N. Hannah S. Main W. Ontario W. Hagarty W. Hatiarty S. Ariy S. Main S. Main w ^s^ 15 W 7 5 and 39 and 40 1, 2 and 3 s pt 18 and 19 -9 »4 N, Main N. Main N. Main W. Hiigarty N. Hannah S. Main &; Ha^iTjah Nr-fttM»Q»h Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owaer Owier Owner Occupant Ten ant Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owser 0¥wer ©^ voTfRs' ».!8r. 1 882, "pARtTT- Persons entitle^ to v.U »t Muuicipal EUc»ion» o«ly. »3 •J O 3B O Naue. Lot. Con. or SxRMi' Description « 1 NON E. p1i^ lll.-Ver.ou. elllla to vote .1 Ekcl^-ns to the U.i.lutive »»^J- , Con. ok Striet. Other Description I WuiUM HakpeR, Clerk of tho Municipality of Wardsville, io the Gour- .y ,^ Middlesos, do ho.eby conify thai P..t. 1 :..d 111 .f the n>^o,.,g L.t constitutes a correct Li.t ior the ye.r 188-> »f all pcM.o,.s npp..nnp b> th 1 st Revi«ed Asscsineut. Roll cf cU- M««i<ipulity to be c.tuled to Vote . Elec- tions^ for Members of th. U^^.^la live As..B.bly , .ndthat Parts I a,d 11 t^..- stitutes u covroct List f^r year of all per^^..s nppoanng by the sa.d Roll to be entitled to vot.- at Muuicipal Election, in Wunicpahty , a«.l 1 hereby clUpou all EUctor. to .xai.i«e the said List, and if a«y ouusmop. or other errors arc perceived thereua, to take itui^odiate prcceuling. to hare the sutd errors corrccteil acc^rdiii- to hiw. 77M. HAEPE2. Ct.DRK OF THE Village of Wardsville. Dated this 8th day of Aajiust, A D., 1882. Q Vi II r- >< kJ z-> w ■V,