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A, I ..I ill- I'.v ' en ►ft'.utjilt .r .It- t 'tipii^ 1 ■■! • I ^lit liu.i*lri;i( iH II |i.,M!ii»-j< il A^riculliir-' ■I K ASSKSSMKNI S\>>TKM • THK BIST IK\II:K\AL KINKUT SdCIKTV IN THI- WORLD. yj NO ^i ASSICSS- -^^ MKNIS -71 AT '5'/ UKATH LIBERAL POLICY ZQUITABLE SYSTEM CAPABLE MANAGEMENT i> ^ PROMPT SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS Membership, . . . Assurance Carried, . Henetits Paid, . . . Surplus Accumulated, 150,000 >*iH5,ooo,ooo >'7,iu(),ooo ,^'^,Soo,ooo Table oJPrfmium Rates CAR fc. FULLY GRADED and VERY MUCH LOWER than those of Old Line Companirs. hut M ATH KM ATIC ALLY SAKE For Fiitlher Info'tnation Respecting the l.O F apply to any Officer or Member. I-XKCUTIVR COUNCIL. R, ORONH\ All KHA, M.H, SCR. loionio Jj, HON MIX. I W WEPUKKIUKN ".SCR.. Han^ptoi'. N.H Vl( lOk MOKIN, .MA I .IB , S V.C.R . Mont red. (}a*. loHN A MMill.. IVRAY, g.C, S.S., I otonlo Canada 11 A. COI.l INS. S 1 . I. »on«o, Canada I. Ml!, I. MAN, M l>, M K C.S.. Lngl.-,.!', ■< Pby , Tor nin, Candida. K. <■<. SIKVKNSON, S( , I)Mroil. Mich MKAOOIUCi: The Tcmplc[;Buildinji>;. [Cur. Kichmond and Ray Streets, Toronto, Canada 2- C~72L t>FFICt^FOR EUROPE L'4 Chui Ipk Cross LONDON ENCI.ANO ~ "oTFirE FOR UNITED STATES 6436 KImbark Ave . CHICAGO ILL OFFICE FOR THE PACIFIC COAST Phelan BulldlriK 806 Market St . SAN FRANCISCO r.Ai, TNI BIMNM NEINTZIIAII % I^IANO HAS NO EQUAL Whfn you consider the tone, touch, durability, appearance, ac- tion, and slayinK powers. These instruments are built to sui. every- body's taste, and last a lifetime. Many <>f the World's Greatest Artists who have used, tested, and endorsed these famous Pianos, are: AuKUSt Hyilested. Madame Alhani, Pol. Plancon, Madame Van De Veer Gieen, SiRnor NutJni, Hubert DeBlank. Wm. Lavin. David Bispham, Plunket Green. Schalchi, Durward Leiy. Ben Davies. Harold Jarvis, Katherine Blood((ood. Watkin Mills, Mdlle. Antoinette Trebelli, With hundreds of others, including all the Musical Colleges, Conservatories, Convents, etc.. all over the entire Dominion. HEINTZMAN & CO. Head Olftec ■«< Warcroemt : ■ IS. iiS'i, 117 Kinc St. WMt, ToroHto Factory: Toronto Junction London Branch ; Dundat St., London ^ifntllton Branch : Janaa and King William Sta . Hamilton fleneely Bell Company TROY, N.Y. 177 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY ...manufacture Superior Church Bells... Plia«« Ritntion " Catholic Almanac uf Ontario.' —I- Largest flanufacturera of Children's Vehicles and Reed Furniture in the Dominion SOMETHING THAT WILL PLEASE YOU. . . . SOMETHING TO PLEASE THE CHILDREN If you are a Dealer, Cafulogues and Discounts will be mailed on application. If you are a Consumer, insist on buying: Goods bearing our name. ^ ^ COPIED BY MANY EQUALLED BY NONE The Qendron rVg. Co-* Llmiled Cor. Duchess and Ontario Sis. TOKONTO, CANADA IS Pleue nientiuii " L'lttnolic Almanac of Uniarin.' -2- r' Summer Economy CONVENIBNCB AND LUXURY IS lbs. pure Lake Simcoe Ice cost only 6 cents per d«y ao lbs. 7 ctB. per day SO lbs. lo cts. per day We handle Lake Simcoe Ice onlv. and the source of our supply is cerlitied by the Medi- cal Health Oflicer to be absolutely pure. Our drivers are courteous. obliRing arJ prompt. Call, write or phune for full particulars BELLE EWART IGE GO. TBI.KI'HONKs : O'KEEFE'S Liquid Extract of Malt . . . Ih made from the best Can- (uliiiii Bnrlcy Mnlt. Is richer in Diaatatie an ill i6-outice lK>ttles to retail at '51'. .V^- I'*^'' do/cii lieiuK alh)we>icberi, Schools and Convenls. Calaluguei and lertm miil]« on application. llMful Books for Teachers *' Repertoire noderne," $1.00 •• Pianist's Album." 1.00 •• nodern Piaalst," 75c. AcompldcMock ofihecelehialed Peter* ami LItolH Kdition«, alto of compsnittoni - of /Ime. ChaKilnadc, alwayii on hand. ^"e (TatboUc IRegfstev N the leading exponrnt of Catholic opinion in Canada. Suhscripiion Pricr, Office Address, $2 00 Per Annum 40 Lombard St. 5Le riDonbe 3Uu8tve Puhli^hed Weekly BERTHI.XU.ME «: S.XBOURIN Jaa>|u>s Cariier Sq , .... .Montrkai. Yearly .Stil»criplinii, $,'< IMI Four Month-, $1 m Payalile in mlvance. C. JEROMFi'S COLLECE IIERMN. ONT. THOROUOH CLASSICAL, PHILOSOPHICAL AND COnnBRCIAL COURSB5 T«nn»— JMt.tXl p«f annum, cover all necetvry tapanaei except book>. KEV. THOMAS SPKTX, Kecior. The Nap and School Supply Co. UMirBD Manufaclurtrt of all kind> of SCHOOL MAPS, (ILOHES AND SCHOOL SUIMM, IKS QK EVERY DESCRIPIION, Chemical ami Phy>ical Apparalai. Map Mouniini a »pecl liy. RIaclilHMtiU, Blackboard Liquid, Slating and Pointers. Numeral Kramr*, Blickhoard Compattet, Eraaeri and Crayon lloldera. No. ji KINQ ST. BAST. TORONTO URSULINE ACADEMY •• THB PINBS," ChathaM, Onl. Kducalional »y«tem tborough and emhracei Academic, Teichorn and C'ommeicia' Cournid to nodern Languaces, Klne Art*, Plain and Fancy Naedle-Work. Pupils on completing the Musical Course and pa'sinc a >ucr>!«slul Bgamlnatlon, lunducted liy professors, arc awarded Tea> hns' Certificates and Diplomas. In this Department pupilsare prepared for the Degree of Bachelor of Music of Toronto University. The 5tudlo is afTilialed with the government Art School, and awards Teacheis' Certificntes. In the Collegiate Oeparlment pnpils are prepared for (he Unive'siiy, also f.r Senior and Junior Leaving, Primary and Commercial Certificalfs. Diplomas awardid for proficiency in Phonography and Ty|)ewriting. Kor Prospectus, add' ess .MOTHER SUPKRIOR. gNIKKTAINER .\ MAR(;iKRrr», I)i;nn El.OCUTloNJsr Pupils Received. .'W!! Wilton Avenue, Toronto M RS. C.KO. (1. Md'HKRSON riAKlST DIKICrOR S. MARVS CHOIR, TllKU^tilulions in CiiniMla and ihv Unilnl Suiiv Took Iwuliold MedaU al ilio ColumbUn K«liil>iliun, ChicnKu, ami »at rKiimmcnded liy ilie l4idir«' llurMii. I'rev>!nl» ami Allavf Contaiioj* and (ierm DiMaMt, Typhoid Ftvn, Choltia, Small I'ox, Scarlet Kcver, Malaiia, hiphlheria, etc. Cheap. DrvgKtllt all lell If nol, >eny the llaMliiin Kathero. FULL OLASSIOAL, SOIENTIFIO AND OOMIMERCIAL OOUR8KS. Special Ce> lor StiidentM prcparii)^ far Univ^-riity Matriculation and Non-rrofcssionHl CcrlificalL's. Tkkm> lulicn paid in advance): Bixird and Tuition, il^o per year; Day i'lipiN, $28. Fur fintlici patiiculars, apply i" REV. J. R. TEEFY. C.S.B., President THE CATHOLIC RECORD LONDON, CINT. Tbii weekly CalLolic Family Pa|ier h now rrcognitrd to be the leading journal of its kind in the Dominion. It ha» lieen approved and rerommendeu by the Arclilii>bo|H of KingiVjn, Ottawa and St. Honiface, by the Bishops of Hamilton and I'eierlmro, .ind by the Clergy ibroiighoiil the I >oniiiii ,n. RBV. O. R. NORTHORAVes. Editor. THOS. COFFEY, PnblUhar. (Tlet» TScrft ^'w^man's 3ournaf anb ^t^oftc QRestsfcr REV. I,. A. I.A.MBERT. UI..IJ., Kditorir. Chiel I'ubliihed every Saturday al No. I'i I'aik Place, New York. P.O. Box jmiT. SlJiiscRli'TioN RAirs— By mail in the Uniteil St«ies, Canada and Mexico: One year, $2. jll ; six months, SI 2A ; three months, 6,'ic. Tu all foreign countries in the Postal Union $1.00 extra for postage. Payable in advance. C9e Catrmefite QRtetnetv The only Catholic MonthI/ .Magarine published in Canada in the I'.nglish language. I: it published at Falls View, Ont., by the Carmelite Kathen in honor of Uur Blested Lady of Mount Carmel, and in the interest of the Brown Scapular. Approved by Hit Grace the Archbishop of Toronto, and the Bishops of Canada, by His Emmence Cardinal Gibbons, Most Rev. Mons. Satolli,and many Bishops of the U. S. A special blessing is accorded all subiciibers by His Holi- neta Pope Leo XIII. Subscription twr year$l. Sample copies free. Address " Carmelite Review, Falls View, Ont. Z^ Canabtdn ;Srceman U published every Wednesday hv Patrick j. Daley, at hi« Steam Printing and Publishing OiTice, Clarence .Street. Kingston, $1.<)0 per year, strictly payable in advance, otherwise $2.00 will be charged. PATRICK J DALEY, Publisher and Proprietor, To whom all communications and letters ar« to b« ad- dressed. Issued Monthly. Official Organ of the Catholic Summer School of America and Residing Circle Union. WARREN E. MOSHER, A.M., Editor. Voiingstown, Ohio. Single Numbers, 20c Yearly Subscription $2.00 Please mention " Catholic Almanac of Onlaria" -5- 4^bucationaf Catholic University of Ottawa, Can ESTABLISHED 1848 »TATt3, UNIVBHSITY, i8W». Created a Catholic University by Pope Leo xiii., 1889 TERMS: $160 PER YEAR. Degrees in Arts, Philosophy iiiid Theology. Preparatory Classical Course for Junior Students. Comploti- ( "omnuTcial (bourse. rrivuti' Rmoiiin for Senior StuiU'iits. I'nictical Itusineos Depnrttneiit, l-'ully l-;qiiipi)eoio Teltphoo. ftJTI Kdwinl J. Hnin. John l.amonl, B.A HBARN A LAM ONT I KM'KisiKks. soi.iciroks ' NOTARIKS VVWUC, COM MISSION KRS, Ku. , ^'"wl"., T°"'"'',^"""''»'"«"«'il'li"«.«« King Sum Horn) > Block, Totlenlum. Oni. Toronto 'Phone lOtll J. T LOFTUS Montv In Loan lelcphun* 24 lU Lctal O. J. MURPHY Unwln. pMUr. rXmrptty A Eaton ( CilaU IKV) KANJ) SLRVIiVOR, Etc. .Survey. m«dt in ci>r and couniiy Ui«pulcd tK,undari<;> adjuiicd PUin and «k-iche» of pcopr.iiet for tale and in >uii» and arlHiraiioni MARKISIF", SOIICnOK NOTARW '"'"iir'Tw"""-^' '■■""''" '•''' ""• '"'«• <««» "imi »ir««i wctt, Turoulu. rdephime 1336 Office Phonr 1>K is: BAV ST , coe. Richmond Si., ioaoNTo Rcaidenc* 'Phone 4452 I.. V : j W O'Cnnor MoBRADV A O'CONNOR MARRI.STI':K.S..S(>l.lCirC)R.S,Ktc. TROCrORS IN ADMIRAI/rV. KoomtiT .>n>l fW Life Buildins, III Kin- Sireal Wc»l, I oronin J elephonc iftfci Ke»iden-e Phon* ."MM ANGLIN & MAIaLON ^falll. A. .^oglio, Coramiuioner f,.r Ouebec Nova Sco«M and New Brun.wick. James W. Malloo, M. A., Ll„lt BARRIJ^TKR.S, SOLICITORS, Etc. OrricM-Und Security Chamber.. 31 Victoria .Sireei. raroaio. Can. W. T. J., B.C.L. THOMAS MULVEY MARRISIICR, .SOIJCITOR, PROCTOR IN ADMIRALTY 1 1 Quebec Chambers, ■> Toronto Slreu, Toronto, lelephune 328(1 D. (>. Cameron, B..\. CAMERON & LEE HARRIS lERS. SOLICITORS. NOIARIIvS, Etc. Land Security C'lamben. 34 Victoria Si., Toronto, Onl phone I.VKI ; Kcudeucc a07.i. Orricis-Oakvillc, Ont. ; Bolton, Oni _^ Telt phone DR. A F. WEBSTER DENTAL S'JRCKON fiold Medalist in Practical Denti tiy, K.C. I).S. Ofkick-.'K Bloor Street West, Toronto. THE BRYANT PRESS Printing. Publishing and Binding 44-46 RICHMOND STREET WEST, 'Phone 2377 TO HON TO M«a»c mention " Catholic Almanac of Ontario.' TELCPHONC 8077 ostumSmis: Parlors ooo 108 Yongre Street TORONTO — Mrs. Joan Bishop .„d Miss E. B. Alexander MODISTB MILLINER Walkinj^ Costumes, Evening Gowns, Wedding Trousseaux, Etc. nOURNINQ ORDERS PROHPTLY EXECUTED THOMAS FROGLEY BREAD, CAKB AND PASTRY A choice assortment of Confectionery always in stock .... v^^ AKER Ice Cream Supplied for Balls, P&rties, Picnics, and Social Functions. Telephone 4323 1152 YONGE STREET, TORONTO W. T. TIDY, Floral Designs, Choice Cut Roses, and other Seasonable Flowers always on hand, and can be expressed safely to any part of the Dominion. Bed- ding and Decorative Plants of all kinds. ^ ^ .,3flori9t. 223 WEUESLEY ST., TORONTO CUT FLOWERS Telephone 3785 ,THF, r^VA COAL A- WOOD 90A1-. '^ HE/VD OFF\Ct . 20KlNGSTV^^^ All Grades, all Colors, Plain and Decorated SYRACUSE, N.Y . U S A Pleake mention " Citholic Almanac of Ontaiio." -U- The E. Harris Gompan; of Toronto, Limited DEALERS IN % PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES ARTISTS' MATERIALS WINDOW 6LASS, Etc. 44 King St. E., = Toronto JOHN.L.bLAIKIE Esa Pres A. 5I5ORDIN Sanitary Plumber ST. HYACINTHE, QUE. HOT WATER AND STBAN FURNACES GAS, BATHS, WATER CLOSETS, etc SPECIAL— Churches, Presbyteries, College.. Convenln, Monasteries. .Mi. Blondiii has supplied heatiitti apparatus in nine churches, thirty-seven presbyteries, thirteen con- vents, seven colleges, and in mure than SOU public buildings. EW.RATHBUN Esq. »,. Vice. Pres. nlBn were CONSUUTIN5 ENGINEERS J;S'sS"" HEAD OFFICE TORONTO THE NEW Coleman Restaarant ALBERT WILLIAMS, Prop. Leadinor Down-Town Cateringr Establishment Private Rooms for Dinner and Sni)per Parties. The Tables supplied with all Seasonable Delicacies. Confectionery. I'rozen Dainties, Pastry, to suit all Functions. Estimates Furnished on .-Vpplication. Tcleephone 247 1 13 I<)ing 3t Ci^est mention "Catholic Almanac of Ontario.' -12- t able ;t ^"^ ABERDEEN -For Coal and Wood The Victorian For Wood Only COPPS' RANGES Are Good Ranges They bear the "ear marks" that constitute perfection in construction at every point — wonderful draught — fuel economy — faultless veniiiation — sure cookers- rapid l>akers — and they are right handsome in appearance, heavily and artistically mnunted. Write for Descriptive Booklet The COPP BROS. CO.. Hamilton Branches: TORONTO and WINNIPEG The Best Coal <^ Wood HARKET RATES OFFICES : 6 King Street Bast, ,143 VonKe Street, 790 Yonge Street, aoo Wellesley Street, Corner Spadlna Avenue and College Street, S68 Queen Street|We4t. DOCKS : Foot of Church Street. YARDS : Bathurst and Dupont Streets, Toronto Junction, Subway Queen Street West. ■ CONGER COAL CO., Limued Please mention "Catholic Almnnnc of Ontario." -13- Confeberation Life Association. PRtSIDtNT, HON. SIR W. P HOWLANO, K.C.M.G., C.B., VICE-PRCSIOCNTS, E. HOOPER, W. h. BEATTY, THE UNCONDITIONAL ACCUMULATIVE POLICY !S ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM CONDITIONS FROM DATE OF ISSUE AND GUARANTEES EXTENDED INSURANCE OR A PAID-UP POLICY AFTER TWO YEARS OR A CASH VALUE AFTER FIVE YEARS THE ASSOCIATION PUBLISHES AN INTERESTING SET OF PAMPHLETS, GIVING FULL PARTICULARS WITH REGARP TO ITS DIFFERENT PLANS OF INSURANCE, AND WILL BE PLEAStD TO SEND THEM ON APPLICATION TO THE HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO, OR TO ANY OF THE ASSOCIATION'S AGENTS. C. MACDONALD, J. K. MACDONALD, ACTUARY. MANAGING DIRECTOR. HEAD OFFICE. - TORONTO. THE %^t^l j!^M!I^ WE HAVE THEM FOR . *** . FOR HOTELKEEPERS BUTCHERS, GROCERS t see or send • AND OR FAMILY USE. * """talocue • sukher COTTAGES. ^j,pK(iPPel^ri.^|o(,.^ i MANirpACTURERS OP THE VAN K&NNEL . . REVOLVING DOOR *?T*v Q John Hillock & Co. <0C^t'5 165 Queen St. East Telephone 478 TORONTO Please mention "Catholic Almanac of Ontario," -U- Christ our King " 'Ik ^'^ 1900 ouvenir OF xttt ClK Roly Vear /«V- lOOR Cbe CatDoiic Jllmanac of Oiitdrio AND Clergy Ci$l .^o. ►NTO app^ovc^ b\> the Hrcbhisbops an& Bishops of Ontario Morfts of Encouraoemeiit "I send yr a my special blessing for yourself and for the good work which von ar. .loi at the same time wishing you every success." worK wnich >ou are .loing, t D. Palconio, Archbishop of Larissa, Apost. Deleg. tion. ..J-'^u"' ^^''"'''f ALMANAC is a publicatio,, of varied interest and of valuable infonnati, especially as regards „.atters, both civil and ecclesiastical, pertaining to Tu ow™ ....It ought to have a place in all Catholic Homes." our own proMnce. t John Wai„sh, late Archbishop of Toronto. YFA« T^, 1 ''"7t''"t you mtend issuing a ' Souvknir Almanac' <,k thk Hoiv Ykar. The ulea .s really a good one, and I do hope it will ,neet with the '.onroval «n. i of the Bishops but also of the priests." >'^" ^*'"' the appro\al not only t J. Thomas. Archbishop of Ottawa. I will recommend your work, and wish you .success. ■• t Dknls O'Connor, Archbishop of Toronto. I .io„ i„',:;:';,;i:;i'""'"-'^- ,^—' "->■ — ■ ™" '.»i» ^ -■■ i.»- „ u„. crcu,,. t Thomas Joski-h Dowunc, Bishop of Hamilton. "A SoiTVKNiR Catholic Almwac ok thk Hnrvv.-,,. . • • + R. A. O'Connor, Bishoj) of Peterborough. project.' The project you have in view with regard to Thk C\Thoi w Ar mama,- and deserving of encouratrement " fe " '■o ^ "h (.ArnoLic Almanac ing of encouragement IS praiseworthy t Alk.vandivR Macdonkll. Bishop of Alexandrii, na. " I highly approve the project you have in view of i.s^ the Holv Ykar.' " i.ssmng a ' Souvenir Almanac of t N. Z. Lorrain, Bi.shopof Pembroke. " The history of Catholicity in Ontario is a grand historv. and Catholic parents co.,ld Zi^' "'''' ''''-'" '-''' '■''^' -'-''^ ^"^"--'- by ;ubscribingtoTrcT:Hor'c t F. P. McKvAV, Bishop of I^ndon. —1(1- prefatory A c:ompIete picture of Catholicity in Ontario to , lav seen, to ,l,c ■•-d.tor a („t,Mg a,-,o„,paninu.nt to any souvenir of the Holy Near puLIishc.! ;" t- P-n... Th. Cmi-ulties ,n the wav of sn-.-ess. however, have '-n „,an>, and not the least of them to ,ive to noble effort an.l to susta,ned good work htting acknowUigenK.nt in the spa.e at ( on,pre.s.s,on has been the stern rule, and so the reader is warned n,' advance .at a showin, only is given of the .suits of the progress of the Church, and the prosperuy achieved in this remote corner of the glohe Some excusable pride n,ay be pardoned at the attention drawn to the account of the Otchipwe Missions of the I.ocese of Peterborou^/ ^ ^rge of the J.uit ..athers. the great vanguard of Catholic civiliL o hc.orldover. It .s wntten by a member of the Society of |esus that devot^ body of Christian soldiers, so perseveringly labcLng wherev ^ eld offers for the spread of the great truths of Catholici.v. ,t fo J up he h.story which began with the heroic deeds of the noble mart 7 , first planted the seeds of C'hristianity in this Canada of ours . 7 ■ndeed. the very latest chapter of the - Jesuit Relations." ' -n- article upon the Fathers of the Resurrection ,s the second of the ser,es that deals in detail with the different Orders of the Church m Ontano, and the good work carried on by each. Kor the Liturgical Calendar lor .,00, the Aln,anac is indebte.l to the Reverend comp.ler of the Ordo for the Ecclesiast.c, P..,,.-.., '' . oronto and Ku,gston-the Rev. .,. M. t >.,... .,.. constant fnend of t, Almanac since lis first a|)|.earaiicf. V>-i.l, .ralcful .Hanks r„r ihc wa„„ cncoi.ascmcn. received frr„„ ,|,c h.e,arc,„. an. c,e.g,v. and ,V„„, i„. di.ccnl ,e„„„.s 0„,e„ i„ ^ wnliou. which die c,„„in„a,i„„ „, ,„. „„„„„„„„ '-"- -possih,e-d,c prcsen, s„„ve n„„„ i, p„,„, „^,„^. ,„^, ;;*;'' "^ '-^IMA O'.SUI.I IVAN 5'o Oueen St. W., ^'iivan. Toronto, Oct. aSth. iSgg. Proclamation ©rtbc xnntvcrsnl 3ubUce of tbc t>oh? Jj)car, 1^111010011 t)un^rc^. ♦« LEO. BISHOP, SERVANT OF THE SERVANTS OF GOD ♦ ♦ J Tti nil Ihf I'ailhfiit iit Christ ;i'ho slinll irtui llirsr lithrs, hraltli t\nd .l/>ii
  • !i( Urnrdiction. B!llv cfiiliiry, which l)y thi- j^'mci- of Citxl \vi- havi- oiirsflvcs sri-n ahiKist from its coiniiH'iu'i-iiitiil, draws r:ij)i(llv to its iIdm-. W'illiii^ly have wi- followiil thf iiistituliiiiis of our pridii-i-xsors in so orik'riii)^ things '.hal thvy may reiloimd to tlu';,'0()(l of all Christian ])ro|)k-s. and which mas- bt- jK-rliajjs for llii-in tlu- last |>roof of our care in the jfoviriinicnt of tlu- SoviTC'i),'ii Poiitificalf. We sjieak of llie ),'reat Jiihili-e introduced in ani-ient times amonj^ Christian customs and ohserved hy our ])n-decessors, who hestowed iijjon lhe\ears of j,'eneral jubilee the title of the Holy Year, because it was usual for such a year to be bli-ssi-d by a j^'reater number of liolv ceremonies, as these furnish tin- most co])i<)Us means of help for the correction of morals and the leailin^' of souls to sanctitv. We have ourselvis seen wi'.h our own eyes the fruitfid residt of the last solenni celebra- tion of the Holy Year. It was in the I'oiitilicate of I,eo XII., and we were as yet in the years of our youth. It was truly a jjrand si).;ht to s;'e then the manifestations f)f relij^dcjus fervor in Rome. We can remember, as if tlie scene were still befori- our eyes, the immense concourse of ]iil>,'rims, tin.' multitudes which (locked jirocessionally to one or other of the j.;reat basilicas, the sacred orators who ]>reached in the public strei-ts, .-ind the most fre<|Uinted quarters of the city resoundint; with the Divine praiso. The Hovereij^u I'ontitT himself, with a numerous suite of Canlinals and in the sii^ht of all the j)eo]ile, K^ive a noble example of i)iely and charity. I'Yom such thoughts ;is these we turn with renewef the ch.iM,i,'ed condition of Rome, it is impo.ssible to renew tliem, for in oriler to do so in any measuri- we must depend upon tin- arbitration of others. liut, how- ever that may be. Cod, who i-ver blesses salutary counsels, will concede such is our ho])e — success to this, our lUsijiU, undertaken solely for Him and for His j;lory. .M what do we aim or what do we wish ? Notliiu).; else truly th;in to render more easy the way i>f eternal salvation to till- souls conrKlid to us, and for this end to administer to the infirm of spirit those renieilies wliich it ])leaseil our I.ord Jesus Christ to jilace in our hands. This admiiMstr.'itiou seems to ns not alone a duty of our apostolic oflice, but a cluty whii'h is ]RCuliarly neci-s>ary to our times. The present aije. however, cannot be s,-iid to be sterile, either in reif.-ird to i;,„„i works or to Christian virtues. Thanks lieto (lod, we have exani])les of both in abund.iiice, nor is there am- virtue, however lofty and arduous its attainment and ])ractice, in which mauv are not lound to si).;nali/e themselves, bec.-iuse it is a power pro])er to the nliiiion, Disinely-fonuded, inexh.iustible and ])eri)etual, to .i^eiierati- and nourish virtue. \'et, cistint; our eyes arounil, we see, on tlu- other hand, with what blind- ness, with what i)ersislent error, whole ])eoples are hurryin<,' to elirual ruin. .And this thouylit strikes bitterly to our lu-art how maux Christians, led away by the license of hearing; and of thoULjhl, absorbinjf with avidilv tlu- intoxicating ern*rs of false doctrine, jj;o on
  • imt iipin'iir In iiiiliiclc tlic I'lriuli .MLvsiini^ t l'>Miy> on llu' cliunli in Ciiniiilii. by li. A. ( iSnIliviiM. -5H- CATHOI.ICnV IN ONTARIO 1 •y «:■•-.' r 'I * w o 'J a X o K a H -=H- CATHOLICITY IN ONTARIO o H o '-J a z X Till' riiivcrsily, otliiwa— ('lm|icl. X o o o K S H 1 4* H tn OS '•si Degrees in every department of learning, which are officially recognized in the Dominion and in all other British posses- sions. The Basilians, in the meantime, at the invitation of Bishop de Charbonnel, a for- mer pupil of the Order in I'rance, had opened their College for the Toronto Diocese in 1852, in Toronto, the corner stone of the present college having been laid in 1S55. The parish of S. Basil was placed in their charge and a novitiate was opened on S. Clair Ave. in the northern part of the city of Toronto, and the surrounding Catholics tended from the Chapel of the Holy Rosary. In the Diocese of London a College was opened at Sandwich and the parishes of Andierstburg (London) and Owen Sound (Hamilton) taken charge of. Basilians are also in charge of Ridgetown. The Christian Brothers came to Toronto in 1 85 1 and began their work immediately in the Separate School recenth- opened. • ':M In tiie Diocese of J Hamilton (1856) a / l)ranch of the Sisters of S. Joseph of Toronto, ottuwii riiivorsity— Ki'iidiiiK Kimhii. Kpv. II. .\. Constantlneau, O.M.T.. .'iup. Ottawa University. CATHOLICITY IN ONTARIO MiirvV Aciiilciiiv. Wiiiilxii-. were already established and the Jesuits had been in charge of the parish of (Uielph from 1S53. Hisho]) I'"arrell introduced the leathers of tlie Resurrt'Clion, whose College 1 1857) has supplied so many ])rii'sts to Western Canada. In London Diocese 1 1856 1 the vSisters of the Sacred Heart had been teaching since 1S52 ; the I'rsulines, the oldest teaching order in America, founded a house in Chat- ham in 1.S60, and the Sisters of the Holy (iiiivi'iil Si>lfi'> mnip|iiiii ('(illc'-^'. Siiinhvii'li. (1S9S) the Gre\- nuns and the Oblate Fathers had for nianj- years been doing most success- ful work, and the Sisters of Miry had also been coiuhicting an Academy at Vankleek Hill. The next care of the Church was for God's poor, the sick and the unfortunate, for the dispen- sation of the charity that wars against hunger and pain, that is an eye to the blind ami a foot to the lame, that brings to sorrowful and suffering hearts the priceless sense of being loved and cared for. In 1845, we find the Religious Hospitalers of S. Joseph estab- lished in Kingston ; they have SancUmvy, Clmrcli iil/IIdtcl liicu. sisters in llii> Sliill>' Holy 'riuirsiliiy. isixi. -50- riciiit view 111' lliili.'l l>ii'U Ildspital. Kiiiv'sluii. since founded hospitals in Windsor (1888) and in Cornwall (1897). In Ottawa from 1845 we find the Grey Nuns of the Cross laboring zealously in hous- ing the ])oor, the orphan, the friendless, caring for the sick, and teaching. To-day they con- duct the General Hospitals at (Ottawa and Mattawa, and hos- ])itals at Pembroke, Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie ; S. Joseph's Orphanage and S. Patrick's .\sylum, S. Charles' Home and the Bethlohem Poundling Asy- lum in Ottawa ; while boarding schools and select day schools are carried on at the Mother House, Ottawa ; at Pembroke, ICganville, Hawkesbury, Matt- awa, Enibrun, and Rockland, CATHOLICITY IN ONTARIO i4 besides other jiarts of the Dioceses of Ottawa and renibroke lyiiiK i" the Province of Quebec. In tlie Diocese of Toronto, the arrival of the Sisters of S.Joseph (1851) followed closely on that of the Christian Hrothers of the same year. But an iin- jierfect iilea of the works of these devoted Si.sters of Charity can be obtained without a personal visitation. Not only do tliey conduct on a ^reat scale the charity in Toronto Diocese, bnt independent centres also, with branches throuj^h each diocese have been formed from Toronto, in the Dioceses of Hamil- ton (iHlliiw:i. ratrirk',» lluiiic iHi'ry N'liiis). oiliwwi. House of l'ri»vi(U'n<.r, Tower Street, Tconto (.Sisters of .S. Joseph. -60- CATHOUCITV IN ONTARIO Intoriiir olThaiK'l, s, Josi'iili's Cinivuut. S. Alliiin St., Toronto. crcd Heart Orphaiiaj^e (Sutinyside) in Parkdale, next struggled on painfully to it.s present perfection. The S. Nicholas Hotne was established in 1.S69 for the protection and care of working-boj-s, and a branch convent was opened in the western part of the city for the suj)erinlend- ence of parochial and select .schools. S. Michael's Hospital with training school attached was opened in 1892. Other founda- tions front Toronto where the Sisters teach the Separate Schools and conduct .select ,Iost'|>lrs Convoiit. Acmloniy iiml t'lm]K'l Willis (Ki'st Vit'W). -61- CATIIOMCITY IN ONTARIO SI. .IllvphV ( nll\(lll, 'rilldllld — Stllilii llousi- of I'rovidfiice. They provide teachers for the Separate Schools ill the city of Lon- don ; l>ranch houses are also in ( toderich 1H73, Inj{ersoIl 1879, S. Thomas 1.S79, Ilt-llf River 18X9, Walkerville 1.S94, where the Sei>- arate Schools are taught ; and in Chathatn 1891, S. Joseph's Hospital is in their charge. In IVterborouf^h Diocese S. Joseph's Hos- pital and the new House of Providence are supervised l)y the Sisters and they also assist ill the teacliiiij; of the schools ; a hospital in Port Arthur is conducted hy them, while hranch houses are at Lindsay where a l)i>ard- iiiK school is ojjcned, Cohourg and Fort William — schools heiujjtaujjht in each jilace. Tin- Sisters of Charity (Providence I were founded in 1860 by Itishop Horau at King- ston, and the House of Providence and the ( Irphaii Asylum tliire are conducted hy tlu-iii. Branch houses of the order comluct the S. schools are S. Catharines 1856, IJarrie 1858, Oshawa 1858, Thorold 1875, Port Arthur 1881, Cobourg 1883 — the two latter now in Peterborough diocese — and Lafontaine in lSq6. The same comnuiiiity exhibits similar growth in the Dioceses of Hamilton, London and Peterborough. In Hamilton S. Mary's Orphan Asylum and S. Joseph's IIos])ital are in their charge, tliC' Sisters teaching also ill the ,Sc])ar,'ite Schools ; a House of Provi- dence and Orphan Asylum for boys is under their supervision in Dundas, and in (Vuelph a hospital and ll.)use of Providence ; branch houses are also in Urantford, Arthur, Paris and Owen vSouiid, where the Sisters teach in the schools. In London Diocese the Sisters of S. Joseph have the Orphan Asylum and Refuge, also S. Joseph s hospital and have ])urchase(l the Henmuth Ladies College property for a '■"^ .Music Iliill— St. .l(iH'ph'> ( iiiivi'iii. 'I'DrDiilo. X'incent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, a'fc'l teach the parochial schools in Perth. In 1862 the Sisters of Our Lady of Cha? of the Refuge, opened their first houst ; Ontario in Ottawa. That the noble charily of these tUvoted sisters is appreciated, the building they have been enabled to erect proves. It was not till 1875 that the Order was established in Toronto, and the good work performed by them is being (lone (|uietly and unostentatiously, while the fine building erected in such a short time is a monument of the Sisters' /.eal and unwearied labor. In addition to caring for unfortunate women an asylum for children exposed to a life of sin is carried on by them. The Sistersof Mercy followed (1879) in the establishment of their meritorious work of mercy, from its very nature so silently done that few realize its extent and the world of S.Jost'phs Kecoptioii Room good accomplished. -62- If ttaihirs ty of I,on- (lodfrich 1S79, Hclle re the Sep- I Chathniii eir charge, eph's llos- i(Vnce are ,' also assist hospital ill lein, while re a hoard- aiul I'ort each place, k'licel were II at Kiiig- :e and the lmI by them, duct the S. ■^ 'ri>i'iiiui>. kville. "T th. of Ch, t hoiisi ble chanlv ciatcd, the I to erect the Order I the good eing (lone le the fine t time is a unwearied nifortunate posed to a 879) in the us work of eiitly done e world of Moiiii>tt rvj)i' (iiir Laily of clmrity, I iillic ilr,;l. 'I'liMiiitii— Kictnr, Itcv, I'. Ilyaii. atha Asylum, all cottiniunity ier Ven. Sister ssistant Sister, orphans and ken in charge libers had in- two orphans, d and twenty rlin 1874, S. »iia «»:^Ttv5.i.hmif)jfl yi iMi; (MiiTO!ir I'CDiiiior, l>.I)., f Toronto. rsci^s S. Mary's rliiirc'li, Tnronto— I'listor, V. "Hi'v. .1. .1. McCiiiiii. \'.ii S. PatrlokV riHinli,Nia>,'iirii T'alls— Pastor, KfV. .1. C. I'Vcliaii, O.C.I '. 65- CATHoijcrrv in Ontario II(i>|iiiT Mt. (iiniicl, Niiiuiini I'lill-— I'lills View. I'.o. i Ciinni'litL' .Monastorj i. Till' Uiisilicii.Oliiiwii— KiMliir, HI. Hvw Mirr. .1 () lU; HdUllikT. V.i;. I'lif .Mi).-t Hov. .1. '1'. l/iilmiiu'l, |i.l>.. .\I•(•ll^i^ll()IMpf (ittiiMi I I % CATIIOMCITV 1\ ONTAR'o S. I'l'lii '.- ( ;Ulu iluil. I.ciiidii II. Uiiliir. l!iv. .1. 'I'. Aylwiinl. ,!()M'iiir>iiriiciiil llii>|iiiiil,rlmtlmiii. .\I■('lllli^llO]>(lf ()tta\« Clemens 1.S76, W'alkerton iS7g, Deemcrton US79, IMilihnay 1.SS2, New Cjennany 1.S.S2, Waterloo 1.S91, are fomiilalioiis since; the Sisters leaeliinij the schools in these ])laces and conducting a hoardinj,' school at Walker- ton. In 1869 the Sisters of the Precious Ulood, at the nr(rent solicitation of the Archhisho]) of Toronto, the Most Rev. J. J. Lynch, came to Toronto in the words of the Archbishop, "to help him to hrinjj; down the blessings of fiod upon those souls which were the oi)ject of his solicitude." Later, in 1S87, a house was opened in Ottawa and many foundations have since been made. (See rel. order.s women, pages 11 4- 116.) -CT CATHOLICITV IN ONTARIO The other relij^ious orders devoted to the care of souls, the preachinjj of Retreats, and ill charjj;e of jiarishes are the Carmelites, in J. .li'iiniH'lli'V (rci-k. l'a>lor,l!rv. ('. A. raiviit. < iiiiiiril Kivcr I'lt'sliytrry. ScIkkiI IlniiM' ami (onvi'iil. \; Ut. l!fV. V. W MiKvay. D.H.. Hislio:} (It' I.ciikIku. .'^. John till' IlHi'ti-t ( liiiuli. Aiiiliir-il iiij. I'a-ti r. lUv. I'. Kviiii. C.S.Ii. lifr' 'toi i>tor.l!iV. ('. A. McKviiy. 1>.I>.. Hislio:; 111' 1,1 mi 111] I, ; CATHOLICITY IN ONTARIO l'rliT>(iitlii'i|r:il, l'rliTlii.rnui.'li. Urcliir, \'cii. 1 1. .1. ( ■iif (if rroviili'iK'e. riterlKildiinli parish ; the Capuchins, in Ottawa, in 1890, ill charge of S. Francois d' Assise, Ilinton- burg, near Ottawa ; tlie Company of Mary, in the Diocese of Ottawa and Kingston. In Ottawa Diocese orphanages are comhicted hv the Fathers of the Company of Mary at Notre Dame de Montfort and at Hnl)erde:in (Arun- del), also a Novitiate for Coadjutor Hrotliers at Montfort, a Juniorate for hovs studying with a view of heconiing missionary priests of the Company, and a Scholasticate at !!.('. ^L'l iir.itc ScliiKil. IN'lcrl (pnnii;.'!!. ]U. Hcv. K. A. O'CdiiMor, D.I)., Bi. of ri'tt'rlioroiij;!!. Scliolasticiitf of tile Kuv. Kiilhors iil" tlic ('(iiii|iiiii.v of Mary (ynillo. Ottawa. -70— CATHOI.ICITV I\ ONTARIO (irplmiiiiirc 1)1' N". l),ili' MdiitlVjit— Sniitli View i Coinpiiiiy of M ;i;> . Miillinvii lln.piinl — niurcvc of IVniliniki'. Ilrv. I'li'.luT ArTimiiil liouclu't, CM., Siii). Coiiipany ol' Miuy. Iiitt'riorof ()url,n(ly of I.oiinles' Sliriiii>.('iimiiiiiiu>' Hiiclfif. Ill iliarKi' of 1'atlit.Ts of Miiiy, (ili'iiiicvis Cliurtli.'riislor, lUv. 1). C. McRiiv. —71— CATHOIJCITV IN ONTARIO ~1 S. I''innan'h:Catiii:i)uai„ Alkxandkia. CATHOMCITV IN ONTARIO "n 'Vhv M(i>t Kcv. Cliiii'lo II. tiiti. I!l. Krv. N. /.. Z.iri;iiii. |i,h.. lii>li(ip m' I'nnl.loUc. A : ^ ./■ (lloniiovis I'lvsliyliiy. Ilutcl Hicu lln>|iitiil. < (iniuiill,'M' i.i' AlcxiUKliui I iU'lij-'iims H(i>|iiliik'r.-i. -73- J CATIIOI.lCirv IN ONTARIO CoI.rMHAN'S ClIlKClI, CoKNWAI.I, (RICAK VIlAVl rASTOK, V. RlvV. GlCO. CoRHIvTT, V.O Cvrville. near ( )lta\va. A miiiiher of Missions arc attended from Railton ( I.ougliborongh ) in the Diocese of Kingston. Associated in tlie good work of the leathers of the Com- pany of Mary are the Sisters of Wisdom, who con(hict the Separate Schools in these difTer- ent Missions. In the e.vtreme west of Ontario, at Rat Portage and Keewatin, in the Diocese of S. Uoniface, we have the Sisters I'aithfnl Com- panions of Jesus teaching the schools and conducting an orphanage. During all these years the pioneer orders in education had not been idle and we find the Sisters of the Congregation de Notre Dame, in addition to their establishment at Kingston, possessing to-day a boarding school and academy attended by ;^oo puj)ils at Otta- wa (iS6S) and schools at Brockville, I'eter- boro, Cornwall, Westport, Trenton, S. An- drew's West. The LorettoNuns (Nuns of the Institute of the lUessed Virgin) have, in Toronto, besides the large boarding school at Loretto Abbey, the Mother House, schools at Bond street and Wellesley Place and conduct the Separate Schools of Winchester street, De la Salle, Brockton and Toronto Junction. Other foundations frotn the Mother House in Toronto are (Uielph 1856, Belleville 1857, Niagara Falls 1.S61, Hamilton 1865, Stratford 1878, Joliet, 111., 1880, Chicago 1892, Sault -74- CATIlMl.klTV I\ oNTAkIO CATIIUIJCITV IN ONTARIO 7(5— CATlKiI.KI 1 N' IN oNTAKlo ■'mm ^1 Mii-i'iMl. I I in 111 I. II II' I llr-iil, iici' I il hit,' I'll 1 1 II ■ I -. \illc Millie < |iiiii'i-c nf I'l'iiil.niKi' i .ln-c|iir> Acnufiiiv . Kill I'liiliii Niiliv' rdiiii'-'iv Hill T'orliiifO. Cluircli mill rri'^livti'iv. IvraiivilU' i l>ioctM.' of ri'inlmiki' CATHOI.ICITV IX OXTARIO ConpreKatidii dc Notiv Dmiu', ii (Ic Notn' Haiiii'. (iloiKr-tiT Stri'ct, (IlliiWii - ( ;i;iilii;; \\:i\. Ste. Marie, Mich., 1895, where boarding schools are conducted and in addition the Separate Scliools taujjht. The Siisters of the Holj* Names, wliose first coming to Windsor in 1864 we have men- tioned, have houses in Ainhersthurf;, Saniia and Canard River, where successful scliools are canied on. The growth and increase of jiarishes and the consequent multiplication of the clergy and the erection of churches (hiring these seventj'-five years of the life of the Church in Ontario, are best shown by a glance at the portion of this book entitled The Church in Ontario, where an accurate directory is given of Parishes and Missions, and also at the Clergy on pages 121-126. Inirther jxirticu- lars relating to ilie work of the Religions Orders are also supplie'.l in pages 1 13-1 16. In this article, to give an idea only of the libnst life of the Church in Ontario has been aimed at ; the illustrations accompany- ing s]>eak more eloquently than words. In future numbers of the Ahnanac details of the work in each locality, and of the labors of different orders will form separate articles. ll()>liiliil. I'i'iiilinikr NlMl> 79- f.\ Skctcb of ibe Diocese of l)aiitilton ■• ■ 111. Iti'V. 'I'..!, linwliii'.', II. |)., Hi-hniMii' llainil'Dii. Haiiiiiloii was erected into a diocese by a decree of His Holiness, Pope Pius IX, dated I'ehrnarv lytli, 1856, with Ri<;ht Rev. Joliii I'arrell, I). I)., as first Hishop, who was conse- crated on the 1 ith of May following;, and died "September 26tli, 187;^. In the early jiart of his adtninistration the sejiarate school system was introduced into the city of Hamilton, and two substantial brick school buildinj,'s, viz.: S. Mary'.s and vS. Patrick's, were erected. In the month of Au)rust, iS,sq, the frame structure that served as a cathedral was burned, and in the sjirinj,' of 1S60, the new S. Mary's Cathedral was erected. It was dnrinfj; hishoji I'arrell's administration also that the I.oretto Convents and Academies for the hijjher education of younjf ladies wert.' establislietl in Haiiiilton and (iueliih, and S. Jerome's Collej^e, Heilin, for the educa- tion of boys for the ])riesthood and learnid professions. A new coiivint .-md cha])el and orphauaj,'e were also erected for the Sisters of S. Jose])li, and the Hasilian P'athers were place roiivcnt, llii'iiilloii. niOCESK Ol- HAMILTON S. I.iiurcin'c < liiinli Hiicl lYosliylriy IhiiiiiKdii. !?.'pli Chiircli and rroliyteiy. HHiiiiltdli. inpr. and iwn lmvi> u'diic to tlirii- icuiird : ~ixty->cviMi mciiitn'i's wiTi' Hdiiiilli'il to tlif CoiiirmiMity of St. ,I(.sfjpli, iiiid 111.717 inr-.-on.^i rcifivcil lliu .■iutTiiim.'lit of coiidnnatioii. "Our lluiiiks arc dill' lo voii for liaviiip iiIkclmI the Kc<'1i'siasti('Hl Kduralioii Kiiml. and tlu' Inlirin lYiot.-' Kiiial. on a i:U. .\> a ri'.-idl of tlu> fornuT tlK'ri' is now for tlir lirsl time in tlic history of till' iliocc'su a sniticicnt niinilxT of nrii'Sts to carry on sliccc.ssftilly ill! of till' dloi'i'san work. And liv na'an> of tlu' latli'V. aiiiiili' provision i~ iiiiidc for the I'roifc- lion and proin'r siijiiKirt of sui li of tlic i-liTixy as may liy iullnnily or olil au'i' lircoiiu' incainii'itati'd fortlii' Work of llu' iiiinislry." Extract from address of the laitv, read bv E. Furlong, IJ..D. : " Vet \vi' lio|io that wo may he H'rinltti'd to rcrull till' '..'rcat iidvancc's iiuidi' liy the rlmn li in this city diirinv Your l^iidslii|is adniiiiislration. " .\ niortmiry ilia|n'l lias U'cii Imili at the I'l-iiii'tcry of the IIol.v Si'piili liri'. Tlu' iliurch of >t. Lawrcnri'. in till' iiortlK'rn part of tin' city, and St. .lo.scph's iliiircli i:i I he .soii(hv\cstciii ilistrict. have hccii cn-ct id and arc t'.lU-l li> contircKiitlons of (,'ri'ai zeal ami piety, and served liy devoted priests. \i liile a -plendid -ite'liHs iK'cn iHireliiiM'd In the iiorlliea«terii imrtion of the city for the creelion of a new church in the near future.' • The older ehnrehes have likewise aiUaiU'i'il and pri)s|i<.'reil. The Cathedral has had itse.xterior ri'iiov- aled. a winter ehaiH'l. hall anil lilirary iirovided. and He may. we lio|ii'. (Kiiiit with ^justitial'ile (iride to the maixniliceiit windows which HisUrace the .\rcli bishop has'.ssi'd to-day. • This latter work is not altofrether to lie attrilnited to the Cathedral iiarisli, Imt to the contriliulioiis of Your I,iiur l.ordship's predecessors. We think we can fairly claim we have now a cathedral which does credit as an ornament to the whole as well as the ciiv of Hamilton. The handsome and new prcsl'Vlcries of SI. Mary's and of St. Lawrence afford ample accom- modation to the resident and visiting cler^ry. "As is well known. Catholic education is ilear to Your l.ordshili's heart, and hi'iice we note witli (ilea- siiretlu'trrcal improvement manifest in all the schools, and the erect ion of the three new schools of St. Marys, St. Thomas and St. Anne, and the extension of the Convent of horctto. which have lirout;lit our cdiicn- tioiial facilities ahreast of tlic times and provided means for the leaching' and trainiiif; of our Catholic childri'n. nnsiirpassed in the Dominion. " Yonr Lordship >rave up your lieanliful home for tile foiindins-'of SI. .lo.-eph's hospital. II uascnlarL'cd li\ one \erv dear to yiai. and with this iiolile inslilu- ti'oii and llie extension of St. .loscph's Convent and Orphan .\sylum and other cliarilalile instilulions. the dioi esc has now a very complete system of carina for the orphan, the njicd, the sick, the indriii and those incaiuilile of providiiiL' for themselves, which calls for the admiration of all who know them." -82- : DIOCESE OF HAMILTON ""*4J1<««, S. .Iiisf|iirs Ilospiliil. Iliiiniltiiii. One of the best known institutions of Ham- ilton is S. Josej)irs Hospital, conducted hj- the Sisters of S. Joseph. The huildinj^ is of historic interest, for it was the headquarters of the Prince of Wales on the occasion of his visit to the city in i860, and the "Prince's room" is still pointed out. The property was acquired by the episcopal corporation in 1887 for the purpose of a residence for Rishop Carbery. When transferred to Hamilton, in 1S89, Bishop Dowlinj( lived at "ruder- mount," as it was then called, for a short time, but .seeing the urgent need for a Catholic hospital and judging the site to be admirably adapted for the purpo,se, the Rishop trans- ferred the property to the Sisters for the pur- pose of a hospital at a reduction of $5,000 on the cost price. This amount was supplement- ed on the death of the Bishop's mother by the addition of S. Ann's wing, at a cost of i(io,ooo. The site is one of rare Vtz, C.i;., l),|i.. I'ir,iil,iil. Ki'V . \V. Kl( rpicr. iM;., |).|i., I'niv iiiciiil ni' ilii' (inliT. ^5 l;cv. W. V. KliPuplVi', C. K. lirv. A. Wcilcr. (• K.. I'll. I). Ki-v. A. WiUMlilcr, <-.!; I!i\ . I. I'lTiiis. c.i; Kov. S, Kiii;iilslci.c.K. liiv. .1. Scliwcitzor, C.K., 1!.A. -S7- Kl'V. H. 1,'limaiui THK UKSURRl'X'TIONISTS tny grfiduatinK class of tliirtei-ii ineiiibi'rs ; one is dead, and, save iiivself, the survivors are all I'riesls of Holy Church. ?.Iany of the j,'raduates have joiued the various Orders of the Church, though the greater nuiuher are in the ranks of the secular clergy, filling ])arislieH all over Ontario and scattered throughout the States; Hamilton diocese natur- ally having the most. It would be imj)ossil)le to give the list ot all, hut the names of Rev. J. Wey, Oehl — hut the list wotdd soon grow too large, and London, Toronto and I'c'er- horo' dioceses all have their (H'.ota. ' he records include all profc ioiis ; lawyers like Rx-judge ilrick of Minnesota ; many prominent doctors like Dr. A. Kaiser, De- troit ; Roth, Svracuse ; Kleefus, Detroit; C. H. V.owlhy, Herlin ; I''it/.gerald, Brooklyn ; I'isher, Minnesota ; Kiefer, Rochester ; editors, every profession and every i)usiness. Nor do these Key. .1. .1. lliiichcy. I'. 1'.. .-; .IdM'pll'S rlllJITll. Illllllillllll. IIi'v. (it'o. l!i'(p1nmiM. Rev. riiilipIT. IlHiicl; Uuv. .1. .1. Cnivcii. (iiilt. r1aM« .Iiinu P. Holden, Chancellor ; J. Ma- honey, Rector of the Cathedral ; and Dr. Walter, IJishoji's .Secre- tarj', all of Hamilton, and Hx- chancellor Craven of Gait sug- gest themselves at once ; while most of the pa.stors who are in charge of tlie more German parishes, look to S. Jerome's as their alma mater. leathers Haley, C»nam, Hinchey, Kelly ( Wal- kerton), Doyle, Cumniings, Donovan, Keough (Drayton), Hrohnian, Wadel, Ki'v. .los. I'". Wi'v. Rev. Jol .Mr. .1. Itettiiiger. (i, IUtIioi-i I,.K.('.I'.. 1.1 Kii!j:.,K.\.I'iv: M. Kitzu'cnilil, .M.I), lirooklvn. forget their ahna mater, as the very flourishing alumni associ- ation shows. For many years this association has had its meetings. At the last, on 27th Septenii)er, 1899, it was my pri- vilege to meet among my former fellow students " old boys " from Brooklyn, Michigan, Ken- tucky and Arkansas, from far away North Dakota and South Texas, proving by their long journeys their attachment to their old .school, lir. G. M. 88- Howlliv, M.l). m. ; .M'.H.C.S.. s. Ahmuii .\s.-ii Till'; RI',SrKRi;CTI<)NISTS Kettingor. I'itzxerald is the present Presiileiit of the aliinini association, and aniung those who have lieen its I'residents are Kev. ( r. Uroh- nian ; J. A. Rittin^er, Ivlitor of the Walker- ton Clorkc; Dr. (',. Herbert Howlhy iM.R. C.S., Khk-), Herlin ; and Conrad Hit/er, Harrister, of HerUn. Mr. \V. J. Motz, B.A., lulitor of the Herlin. /(7«^//(7/, has proved a very efficient Secretary ; and Rev. l''athers P. (jninlan and Gnani, I '> /a o M Photographic Sdences Corporation ,\ pri>vcr has lu- lifen. Till' M-t'il has ^niwii CfmiI has tiK-ss- f(l ilicir work anil xivtMi il sncci-ss ; tlu' ri'wanl of Ihf !•" iIIhts is in thi-ir knowk-ilK*' of lliis. in the position arcorilni tlu-ni in tht- Conncils of thf ■lioi-fsf, ainl in tlu- ]>r'K)f so fri'i'ly \i\\vu thi-ni of )io\v tlirv art- r»-narilril in the Ik-arl.s of thi-ir stuiU-nts hw\ theii people. ,?..■ ._ .-.^- f- ;■ -^ 1 • if». -■ .«.,:*1»..- w ^*U\Yfnrk nnl Chica|'> VV irlil » K.tir. NATURAL EFFECT. SUPERIOR QUALITY. DURABILITY AND MODERATE PRICES Armanil'« Perfect l.«(l)e%' Wigt, ■< Natural at Nalurr (l.iuhl .inil Perfect Kit (luaranteeil ) Arininil\ Lailies' Waves, with or wiilnMii trant price>. Armanil'* Perfect (Jeiits' Wig* ami Toupeet, a« Natural a> Nature. Armani's tlead-Cov- erings for ladies with thin hair. ^ < (^«TELEPMONH 3498 in the pl.i' < to gel the l>e«t >aiincerts, Weldings, etc. Ileni appointed I'arlirs in Canada. Premature grey hair Ireiied andreitjred lllrai:lied, faileil, dry or colorlr«s li.\ir tre.iteil. Hair colored in the lateM Parisian tini;s. t.adiei' Ftce Ma>f i Intaiio. ' Cbe Cburcb In Ontario tANAI'A l« dlvlil<'nl(Bc<-. uf thesw tlir<— art- In Ontario : Torunto, erected March J8th, W70. comprli- iiiK lliF lJlix.tin'1 «i Toronto (Mutro- pollian t«c< ^. Hamilton aU'l Umdon: Ottawa, •rcttt-tl May lUIh, lUT, comprlalnc tlia UloceaeH of Ottawa < Mt'tiopolltan Svv). iind rvmlimki- , Kiniraton. "r.-ctcolltan Soe), I'etor- l>oi(U(ti uikI Alexandria. UIOCEBK 0|- TOKONTO. iMvlroiKilllan Bee.) Thin IMoorae •inliracea Ilu' Countleii of '"ard well, Lincoln, Ontario, I'eel. Ulmtioe, Wclland. York. Krectrd Dec. 17th. 1841. Croati'd un Arthhiihiiprlu March Uth, ISiTO. Ar<'hlp Th«- Miwt Uev. 1>. Oi'onnor. D.U. Vlnir-Oen- eral— V. Uev. J. J. McCann, U.«n»— V, Itcv, W, It. llarrU. St. <°atharlnp»; V. Uev. J. J, KKan. liarrl--. Catholic ixipulatlon. Sfl.Ono ; CIitio, aocular, U; recular, 31; (.'ollt'Ke, 1; .Monnmerlva or <'onv-d Heart. S. I'etcr, t<. JoKv|>h, ^. llclon, and thu Church l<'r Syrian Cutholl' h. ri. Vincent Hull, tihuter Htrcct. In the aul>urbi<. ti. John, H. Ce- cilia, Chapi'l Mf the Holy UoHuty. Kinc Separate BchooU. well viiulppcd, tuuKht by the 8li>ter> oi S Jo»-ph. l^ri it.. .Nuns and Cliria- tlan lliolhcra. are In every purliih. 8. Micliael ■ Collect-, 8. Joacpli 8t., under the direction u( the UaalUan Kalhera; rrovlnclal, Su- perior o( the Uenldcncf. Very Itcv. V. .Murljon, Superior of the Collcgv, I'rol. ..r rhIloKoiihy, Uev. J. U. Teefy, M.A., LL,U. ; Troaaurcr, iJIreclor of Btudlea, Uev, M. Mun(ovaii; I'rof of Theuluvy Uev. K. Krachon; I'roi. ui Uhelorlc, H.v. It. UcUrady. Prof, liellea Lettrea. Uev. N. Uoche; First I.rfitln, Mr. Carr; Hecoiid Latin, Uev. J. A. Kulllvan, KUnuntary Latin. Itev. A. ,Montreull; FIrat Commercial. Uev. Mr. I'aK'au; Kucond Com- mercial, Mr. Torpey; Third Commercial, Mr. Kennedy; I'rof. of Natural rhlloaophy and Chemliitry, Ue\. A. Martin. Prof. Fr.rii.h. Ue\ . F. VValHh: I'rof. UuBlo. Bev. B. Murray; Stu,i> Master. Uev. Father Howard; Uecreatlon MaatPr; Rev. Mr. Cusi' k. In charge of H. HaHlla I'ariiih — U^v. L. Ilrennan. aKslnted by Uev. y. Frat-hon. Chaplain Monantery of tho P. Itlood. V. Ilev. V. Marljon. Pn'Vln-lal: f'hapliiln, S. Josephu Con- vent, Rev. F. Frachon : Chaplain Mnnaitery of Our Lady of Charity. Uev. A. Martin; Chaploln ftacred Heart Orphanane, Uev. J. Sullivan; Chap- lain Central Prison and Merer Reformatory, Rev. F. Walsh; Rasllian Novitiate and Bcholaa- tlcate. S. Clair A^e. Tonmlo. I )e,.r Park !'.'>.. R«r. A. Aboulln. Superior and Prof, .Moral Theo- Itmr: H'v. K. f. ONelll. T.eas. and Prnf. Dor- matle Theoloity; n^-v. A. Aboulln In charge of the I'arlsh .f The Holy ll.ii.ary; Soho antics. Mmsrs. Ryan. T. Roach. W. Roach. A. .Slaley. Foster, Banot and Powell-the latter residing at the college. The Christian Brothera have throe housop In Toronto. I>e Im Pallp Institute. Duke St.. urnther C>do Baldwin, Olrectot; S. Maryx. McDonnell tru Park, i::aat Toronto, Brother Orbaiius, I'Irector. and are in ctiaige of the roiluwiny Separate ScliuoU. lie U, bulle Inmltutu (Hoys' High Hchool;. a. Michael ». ti. Paul ». ti. Mary a, .S. Francis, and h. Helena; aloo of «. John'i Industrial Hcluol. lllantyre Park, East Toronto. Visitor. Rev, llro, M. Kdward, De La UAlle Insti- tute, Duke Ht., Turoniu. The l.uretto Nuns have U'ardliig and select • lay ►cluMiU at Lureito Abb^y, WellinKlun Place Superior. Uev, Mother M. Ignatla, also aeleoi hchools ut the Convent of ti. Ignatius, Uund St Supady of I,..urde8, 8 Helen s and S. Cecilia are taught by the Loretto .Nuns, the 8rs. of 8. Jo8<'ph ).u>e buuidliiK and »e|,,oi Kiliools Ml s. Alban St.. Sup.. Uev. Mother M hucharla. Select 8..hooi ui b. Mury » Convent" llitthurst !Si., Sui/erior. Mother de Chanlat; :-ia"'te .Scli.„,|» II, III,; parishes of 8. Uusll s' Patrick. 8. Mary. ti. Paul. «. ivier, and s' JoKcph are taught by the Msters of S. Joseoh TiM. House of P.ovldenc... Power St., Superior! M..ilier L.jui.«. Cliaplaln. Uev, 1'. j. K.une m' liini, 8. .Nicholas Institute, Superior. Mothc- M .-■Ittl.lsluuH, bunnysldc Orphana*.-, Sup., Mother .M. Ueniuid, and 8. Michaels Hospital. Uond St .-up.. Mother Ajieunipllon. are In charge of the ."■IB, ol S. Jooeph. Monastery of Our Lady ol Charity (Good Sbep- heiu;, I'arhdttic, ITIoress. Very Hoi.uicl .MoUier .iliiigaiit Mury. .Monastery ol the I'revloua Ulood, 8up Itov .Volher S. Joseph. J». .UU-litu-l'a (iitlieUrul Uond St. -Hector, lici. F. Ryan; Chancellor, Rev. f. i.. Uohledor; Uev. T. P. treacy. D.D,. Uev. T. Healy, ass' to. Aluhs-Sunduyi, ., a and lu.ju; v espere, . I'aily Mass. t Holy Days ol ubll- Kution Muss G, ; and k a.i'i. Special Devutluna: I'liBi Frida>s. Majut-;.* a.m. Kxposltlon U. .-^iicranieni all day. llenedlctlon. 7.iy p.m. May. J', October and Lenten Duvotlnna. I^reiio Convent. Bond St., 8. Michael's Huapllal, lioiiil St.. 8, .Nicholas Home, Lombard St.; De 1j4 Sulle Institute. Duke St., attended. 877 families In this parish; b Separate Schuula. with 056 pupils taught by Christian Urothers and Uudlea of Loretto, the lu parish «o a.m. of otdlgatinn Maaa, ::'.Vi, •. T. 9 and f : Veepers, 7.S0 p.m. Litany, B. 'V, M. nnd Benediction B Sacrament every Saturday, 7.30 p.m. Dally Ma»« « SO. 7 and 8 a.m. Pevo- 93 TM1-: CHlkCII IN ONTARIO lli'tiH III I^-iil. AJvriil. Jimr iiikI < hlolu-r. \Vi-; fviry •■vi'iiliiK nl 7.1" III May, Kirnt KrliUy nf tlw liioiith th' Ih lt<-n<-i<'k Man*. AImxii Id" )'nlh<>||r Umlllfs. two Sit-li. )<<)iIk kIDi :^•.^ |>ii|>l1>< urr tnuKhl l>y Hrn. i.r H. .Iiw*-|>li Hm>'ii III :i ;i<> pin. Th>' I^-iik'i*- <■' • !<■ >tni'rfi ■ lh<- flrKl Frlilny nl * \m. v.ltli Il.-n.i«. I' Mil. A.. TiU'H'lioi". Til'- S-»liiK Sc« l.'lv iiii'l Allnr H'ii ihi' n<'Kl to Hp'nliiia .\\<'. nml iioiilh nt CJiH'fii SI. I" I'l'I'T SI. "n tin- ••iiBt- i'r<-nllv MacK al 7 3« am. Holylayn of oMIiiallon, .MaKK K, l.Vi ami !• a.m. Vi-kimtx. ".VI p. Ill, FlrKl FrMay ManK. 6 ami 7.1" a.m. E»iMi!4|i|..n It. Sai lanii'iil all ilay, I'.ini'iliiiion 7.S'i p.m.'ni. I."ni. May n.I ii.IoImt iL-voilon-" W'llni' and FrldayH. 7.:t"i pin S. Mary • Pi'p. S<'lii>i|. ilM* piiplln. lit taiiKhl Py lln- IlndlK-rK. :.!.•. hy tif HlKl.Ti of S. .h'f-.ih: S. Fran.lx' Pcliool, -JSii piiplln. o: laiiKlii I'V lh<- Itrolli'TK. |i;i l.y 111.- SlKl.TH of S. Joi'.-i.h. v>;i piipllr In all. ItroilnTn of till- I'hrlKllan S' hi">lM have a n-Bl- ilfiH •■ in Maiclon.ll S<|iiar<': SIkI'Tk of S .loocpli. S Mary « i"onMnl ItaihiirKi SI . " ■oniiniinlly of I.ori'llo Niini'. I^.r.'lto .VliU.y. Wi-IIinclon I'la.-e.'il.-ii S'Klallly of lli<- It, V. M nii'.-lH ?., Sunday, Saircd llt-arl I^faKui' S. Vlmt-nl df I'aiil iiif.'l'. Mai'clon>dl Sip, •■.:i'i Siimlay, iNin- finifiiliy of Kxplalion. tni m»*i*li* on lh#* ImI Sunday of ••vi-ry month i-xicplInK .Inly and Aimniit. Tin- YoiiMK Mini I.lli'iary and .Xihli'lU- AfHix-latlon. Our I.4mIv «»f LoniHloa ■■orni-r Shi-rlKnime and Karl .ally Majif » a.m. KM»nlnK di'Voi|on» 7.31'. Holy Hour. Saturday 7 p.m, II" famlliPK. The Si'p. 8ihoy Ihn Ijnllfx of Ijin-llo. Mtar 8.Tcli>tjr and 1-esTue of S. Tli-nrl, A iii-w pnlpit plai-i-d In Iho i Inirch In iVioIkt. a htalui- of .<, .Xntlion.v in Ma.v. «. Pnlrlrk'a William si.- In charirp of th.- ni-diinplorlsl Falhi-ri". V|.i.-ProvlnrlaI. Vorv Uf\. -lolin l^.w.-ki-mp; V. Hcv. Pi-l,-r I. Ward.; Iti-v", F, X. Mllli-r. AiiB. Sliihl. •'. HiKlKuorlh. .1, Ilaydon and S, J, Oroitan. drdi-r of Si-rvln-n In S, Patrick!" f'hiir<-h: Snn- dnyK,- I.OW MaHvi-H al 7. S and !> o'cloik. Hlith .Mans an.I .''••rmon at 11,3"; • 'nK-rhi-H.-al tnKlniillon In I'huroli al 3 o rli rk p m,. Vc.«i>.-rH. Pfrmon ami Iti-nwllrtion al 7.30. H.dydayi" of iI.llKallon. I^.iv MaH-.-s al ."..3V|.H-k n m. Wi-ik I lay!" MaMPH at «. «.3n. 7.30. «.V. am. (chll.lnn'K Manx). Spi-i-lnl meftlnKi" of Sk-IpIIpk -Sodality of Thlld- r>n of Mary Kv.-rv Sunilnv nl 3.30 jim. In the S.hool: Allar S^>' Kv.-rv third Thursday of the n. 'nth nl >• p ni In the •"'hiiroh: r-nnfraternlty of the Hol> Family; li>t. for Married Men : Fvcry flrtu Monday of ihe month al S p.m. In III- <-hiirrli. Sml tor .MmiU'l Wonun : K»«-r> w- I'und TuPMluy ol thi- nioiilh at t p.m. In lb* • 'hunh; third for rnmnrrlud Wonnn. Kvery thini Tueiulay of the month at k p.m. In thr I'hurt-h. Six-. Uil HeM'tlonn -K\i-ry Saliiplay nl 7 !•( p.m.; r\i-ty e\<-nliiK In Mu.\ I'.ti'l <>,t.,|..-r al T.3i': fvery We.lni-nday an.I Friday i-venInK In I..ent at 7,»: ••\; Ihilly Maui, at 7 ami s o'l-lfK'k. Venp.-rn, Sunday at 7 p,m, <'alt- a.m. •e,,-, ••ailioli,- famllP-H: tin- S-p, Si ho.'l wiili 7""> liiipll* !■• lanirlit l.v the I'lirlvilnii Itroiherx and ar«. of S Joseph, Boc(eii.-(. s Vlnn-ni .I.- Paul iiie.-l)i ev.ry Sun- day after HiKh Mann; KiKlullly of the R V. M. meetn nl \ p.m. SundayH; t'onfrnlernliy of the Holy Family I.a. Ilex' IHvlxlon nn-i'lH Ihi Sunday f.f i-ni'li nio!illi al :i p.m.; .M.-n m dlvlnton meet* 3ri| Hiindii> of •mli month al ;i p,m. ; ly-airi-e of the S, H.-arl Ih" lanl Sunday o' the month al 3 p.m.. I^-aiciii' of Ih.- I'rcisM every .Sun'lay In f .\nneii Hall at 3.30 p.m. H, P«"t«"r'a ''"rner Italhiirfl ainl IlL-'r St*.— It' V I. Mliiehan. Mann Sumln\n. S.3" ami lO.JO a.m \if.|M-rK 7. 1', p.m. ••ntmhlim 2,30 p.m. ItapllMiiip "J p.m. l»allv Mnsi" S from ricto- her I«| io KiiHler. 7,3" a,m. from Kani.-r to riiiolw-r. Holy fommiinlon before Ma«f" on tlrfl Frlilay fr'>m r..3(i a.m. Io « am, S. \'ln' eni lie Paul Solely meeiM everv Sunday nfler lacl Mnnn; Altar Soilely tirnl .Tui-xilny : Sarreil Heart nioiern meet 3 p.m. lam Sunday dallly I'hII.Iren of Mary inei-in 3 p m. exiepi Ihe thiril Si;nday: i'r*mt» iiui-lx III ilii- .^.-hool 3 pni. Sini'lavK. I.lliTary ami mi-i'lH < p.m l.*'nKiie prt>- of month: S»o- •y Sirid.iy Ix-nmie of the 1, (Irxi an.I third HM«>rFil Heart «20 kihk si. K.— Rev. P. iji- mar.lie; the Kn-mh I'ltlzenx of Toronto. Mann- Siimlayii ^ ami Irt.jn a.m.: Iially Ma««. 7 3" a.m. Vexpern. 7 p.m. Sunday S. hord ;.J0 H. .loaeph'a l.-sll. St. -Rev. .1. .1. Mr- Hnlee. r.P.. Rpv. .1. .1. Kelly, amt. Manx Sundays at 7. " pii.I II. r'ale.hlxm at " pin.; Ve«p.-rx and Henedlellnn at 7 p.m.: T'ally Max!" 7 and <> a.m.; Holydnyn of cI.llBallon Maxx. ".30 ami '.> a.m.: devotions In I.enl. Ad- v»-ni. May nn.l twice a week. 7.4*. p.m. Soi-ieilex- Leapue ..f Ihe r'roxx meets .very Pun- day al 3 p m. : I.eaKue of Ihe Sai-red Heart meets Sun. lav iM-fori- th.- tlrxl Friday; S. Vincent de I'niil .Soilety. Sundnyx after HiKh Mass. Alx.iit ;:.-. families ; 2 Sep. Schools. 220 pnplla tauKhl hy Srx. of S. Joseph. 8. ni>lrn's inriK-klon). Rev. .Inn.e? Walnh P.P . Itev <"h. Ulchnrdsnn nsxl Maxs — Sundays. 7. •• nn.l l".3ii a.m.. Vexp«-rs. 7 I'.in.: Pally Mass 7 and s a.m. Aliont 420 rathollc families; Sep. Sch<->I. with 40" pupllx. tniiehl hy rhrlsiian Rrothers and l.ndii-s of Loreiio Sacre.I Heart '^rphanaire an.I M.'naxlery of r,ur Ktiflv of I'harlty rrood Phepherd>. in this parish. Societies: S. Vinc-nt de Paul. Poilallty P.V.M.. Ante's' So.lal- Ify. S, H, I^aeue. P, Anthony's Soc. 8. John'*- Kingston Road iRast Toronto). Pev. r, r>o- wrok. MiiHH on MiimliiVH iit y.3 <>n th<- flri-l Krdliiy ill V ii in, Alicnil .'iti riiinllIcK: H John'* Inilimlrlnl Hi-Mool, Illiinlyn- i'nik. In thin parlih. Hix'ifty: I,>-iikiii- ..f H, II. N. r<>i«l||i»*a (TMriinli. .Innr ), u..v V ••rKin •phIbImI. MnnH HnmliiyK S iind 11 Vi>in>rrii 7 V pm.: Imlly Miibm 7.3" n m . llolxinyH .,f '>Mlirnll(in. Mnm r. iin'» ..r I,..ii|iii. Soi-lfllMi tjMtKw "f H. IlPort nml .Mlnr HorlPly, I'.M.H A. WMton anrnded fviTy Siin nnil 11311 nni.; VfH|Mf». :i pm Sjrrliin rathnllpK idr.-.k M.'l.hli.). P Vln- '•"nf" Ilnll. PliiilfM- Si l(i.v. F.iill.T Mii.nrlii- Nn»r. It.'nlili'in-.. ^1 Hliiili-r St MiiKH Siin.liiyx li.n'i a.m.: Vi'Bprrx. 7 p.m. Aphill 8. Miiry>. iiltcmlcil i-vprv Hiimlny fmrn .\i1)nlii. MnnB SiimliivK 11 n ni. i-xfcpi lh<- ''■iitili Siiniliiv ..r llii. ini.ntli wlii-n It N nl r» nn n.m. Ad.lnin (r,.lifaii VCi a S .InmcK'. n«v .1 Klli-iillon. liov. .1. Mi-Knrlii>rM. nnnt. Mnnn-Riin- dnyp 11 n.m. i-xr«>pt third Stimlny whi»n It In iii !• n.m. VcHppri" r. p.m. I>allv Miihh 7.»i nnd « -i.m IWnt|..n« III l.pnl I pill Alioiit p-vi riimllli'H; n- Rpp. Hrlii«.l. W piip||>< tiiiiirlit liv Mr. F. II. O' t>»nry. c'aili<,llr I'liMl,- Silii".|!. nl I^ir'llo CO niipllii) nnd ArlilM iW pupils), an- laiiBliI liy Mr. T .T. Ilvnn and Misn It.ivlnn. I.r-nKiic of R. I|r-art. 4:r. m<rH. Slniri- from Toltonliam on ilic II A N. W Ilv .\ililll and T.itliiiliaiii iiti.-nd.d Alhlon S .l.i'.in lln. KvanK'dlwI. all.'n.' 'd frnni ''ali'il-» Sno|p||o« • C. M. n, A ; SniTf.l Ili-iirt l.nnirii.v Mas- P'-ndnvH. !> nnd in.M a.m.. altirnnl'dy: Hallv Vnm s n.m. North Adjnia attrndi'il cvprv Sun- day. nnrrir s V.i\ Ponn .1 Mr'F Siimlay p m. ; Hnlly ' , fonyiTI M'l!"" Map* < iiBd m n. V. M M. nn.l ntti>nd<>d Mary of tho Snrr.'.l Mi-arl V .1. Kiran: Hoy. II. Swpi-ni>y. nunl aiitl 1" :i« am.; \'..Hi«>ni. 7 aKP. ciininn'r 7.nii. wint.'r *< a in. fit', n.m Ilolydays of otilicntlnn n.m. 2V-, fntholl,- fnmlil.'n: S.-ji Pohool with four roonin. P-ft piipllx. IniiRht l.y Srii of S. .loB.'ph. Siirlctli's : S. VInront •!<• Paul r M r.. A.. I,"a(rii.- of s. II., Sodnllly, Hr<-nl\yood Axxiimptlon of th<» 11. V. Belle l"\ynrt Holy name of .loxim. are from Harrh'. nllernnte Piindnyn. Belle Kwnrt Hoiy Nami" nf .Tpbub. nt- fended from TInrrl.' nllernnte SiindnVB. Mass K<.?(i n.m. Black Creeh s.m- Npw nermanv llnnlford- MartyrB. ntti ndert from NewmnrlO't every Myo weekB. Bmmtiton Apr -Is liianllan. nll'ided from '>rnnKev|Il.. every Uvo weekB MnsB at in.4S nnd « >i n.m. n1l»'rnnt*dy. VepperB 7 p.m. Brefllln S Andrews nev. K. .1. iJellne M.TBB- SiinilnvB. Sep Ist ti Mny iBt. S Sn nml 11 ■■« n.m.. Mny Ist to Sept. Ist. » nnd in n.m.: VeBperw 7 p m. : Pnlly MnvB S n.m. StafionB of th>' r-roBF twiee a wei'k In .\ilyenl I'ld I."" Set,. Sihool ir, ptiidN tniiKht by Mr. 11. I. Hniiehnn nnd MIbk M. Mornn. Ahniit isr. r-athnlli- families S'M'letleB • I^airiie of the S Heart JTiO memberB: Sodnllty nf Imm. <'nnreptli.n. Altar Porlety: f'.M.II.A. Pnrnehlnl T.lbrnry In eonner- tl« > a m. too famir.m. Thorah and r«li»a t\<-n\rA »v«-r>- lr>l Pimday. Hrorktaa- »«-» .ily farlBhps. t'Mldwrll ••'-' 1'aled.m. <'Mlev. M Wl-'jn i«in»««e four miles from the Btntlon ..f ih<- T <; A II By. About IK. ••atlmllc fnmlllca. Maw-IMiBiUy*. II a.m . I>ally MnsB, 7.3i> a.m. All.t"^ aivl fhurrh » Falls attended. .\itMKl»«il from Oranirevllle every Mio- at 1" 41 and S.J" n.m. nlter- FranrlB Xuvler'B. al- the Hey. S. I'llfleBlie, I lev i: .1 IV Klernnn. yle. nBBt II am Uev. e\ fpl Isl Cataract In., n— k" nntel} Chrlatlaa l>laBd i* rendet<4Uill> by S J Charvb'a Falla Our Ijidy and S. I'alrltk'H, .itt>'nd"l tfm ('ale-kin on.e a month. <'lirioa .%lt>^nde.l friifii NIaKarn Fall.' dally. ( olexn **" Jk<<>ji>a folllacatooH .« Jlatys On th.. M A N.W Ry. DIsie r- I'atri. » • Hey .1 OiliI»«i« M«»» -Sunday Sunday of \H- month trhen II In at !• ii in. Iinlly Man*. « and «.»• a.m IST. families. Fifth line of KtnMeok^. UamM-in. Port <"re.lll. StreeiByllle, attend e.l DaMla'a Creek ifiikerlng roi S Finn.ia lie .«».ile, n--. »:. F. OallaKher. lllKliliind I 'r>*-W .iri»-n.Ie4. Kalla View- '^r Lad> nf IVa'-. Hitendid by VatherB i.f iKe i\t»t-r. Prior. Itev. Tlii-o. Mr- Ii-nalil FalbeT»: Itev. Pbillp A. Il-st. IHon F. Iiesi. A-ertanuB I>. nrennari, Frnnrls KreliB. See "lteUKi..i» <^»rder« In oritarlo' iMiiii. .No. «. This old .hureh ma" «Te. t.-.| into a pllKrlniaBe by Pope Itu» IX. The I.jidleB of l..oretto hiive II Ibanlina S*!*"-! In ti.eir iM-nutlful Convent .••\erln.ikin« th- PaM' Pirib Mae of KtoMroke s {lenn of jesiiB. .\lt.nde.l fr.m I>;Kii lie- fl.-st Sundny of every month. II a.m Flo* il'helpwfm P. 0.»-S. Pnlrlrkn, 'lev. M. J Oeartn. P.P. llev. J. Sherldnn. asst. Mass SiindayB. !••.!» am. VeB|ierB 7.:tii p.m. ■ •ally Mas* 7 aivl 7.>< a.m Ilolydnys of obll- Katlon. Maaa > a.m. Itevotlons In Lent. Advent. \Vii|n-*lay» and KrIdayB at 7 »■ p.m. The ilninh has been rettmatMl. new preabytery built. Kfl Catholle famlllea. PorleileB: I>^aue nf the .i am. Fort RHe 8 *«e|>h» Rer . p .i. MeroU. Mn.BB— PiindavB V a.m. Mass Ib said in 111" ohl ■ biiri h at th» QtiJirT-v for th.- benetlt of th' s • %v..rk- Ipk In Its vb Inltjr ev«T .sunday mnnilnit nt «. C4eord»» S .\nth«, attindxl from Bronk .•\ery third Su-vdav !<• v. GoreofTomato sper» 7 pm I>allv Mhbb. 7 am Holydnyfl of obll»alloo Mao !'• a m. Kevntlons In I.ent and .\dvent. May and June, tn Cathnllr fnmllleB; Separate S<-h"d. with V) ptipllB taiiKht by MlBii I'aBBlnn. Altar ^«'<^«^y. OrIntal»' Paffma*- of s. Jo»eph'ii. attended from leinnvtlle llamilton I>loe<-Be. M.iBb. 1" SO am. HlKhlan attended from PI. kerinc erery I^nday. KIbk S Mary* atte.ided from SehomberK every IndPinaay. II a-m. Lafontaloe s»* s frolx. lAmbton S. Jli'a. attended fmm Dixie th* three last Pii-idar» '-f every month. Mass, 9 a.m. -rs- Till-; CIMkCH IN ONTARIO I.. Mrrrltltin Vc*pvn>. ~, of oftimil T.4& lUaiSllI by L«al|«> S'- cUy pariahea. Mara (Tptrrsrow t'.u.i—i*. Culumkni'a, ]t«r. r. Whitnrv Maaa, Huinlaxa. Iv.M) B.m. Veap«rii. 7 p.m ImWy M>M. i a.m. Itnnia attend"-! •trcrr t*u wr«li« In aumnier anj unc« a inuntli In winiT IC fanilllea, m iiouli. MMrktanni .■> ratri< k a. uttvna««lnnt<> r<. I^iiih . uttvinliil from |'liflt>Ht<>n '■•Ltry H'ln.lH). a.m. I'utrli k B, llov. 1'. Smyth. > and lu u.iii. L'atvclilHiii. 'i p.m. l>aily MuHD. 7..>J u.iii. liolyduyH Mau. y a.m. Sprclal tlevutlonx ' Catli' Ho fatiilllfii. Separata School l»t. ►il»t"I»« v pupllH. Sucletira Laacue u( tbi- t>. Heart; Hodallty ur lliu II. V. M.. Il<.:) I(>*ai>. C.M.It..\. uiid A.O.II. .\ tinir nv*. ctiur.l. haa bevn buUi. Ml«ll«utt S. Martarct !•. Hev. L.. A. llarcclo. U.U. )laaa-Suii8. illKl> Muxa, IV.M u.m. V>rapri>. . <.'at>'i'lit'> ^^r^.• -V-w (li'tniuny. Sfw .l.r r. <>.)• S. .I'ii.i-|.h >. •ticnjed evtry week by rarmillle Kutliei-¥. This pariah tncludt-s the vlllaiti'H uf Stovcnavllli-. IHati t.'rt-«k and Nftlu-rby. Sooh-tles ; 8. H. !.-. Scapular and Altar; i°. M. U. A. Fifty t-'athulK famlllea. *(»«! iiiarkft S John ChryBuHtom'H, Kev. D. M.TTif or. th.- North. rn Hallway. Urudford rttt- l.d. J >iinK<(r)fnn-tlie-ljikf' S. Vincent dcpaul'a, Att.ii.l'-<1 by Carnn-litc Kullii th. Abuut 62 • ath'li' famlllea. SocictbH ; Almr Swicty. L>>>acuv of S. Heart an>l C. M. II. A. >ina:am Knlla S. Tatruk x, Itpv. J. r. ►'••♦•han. (>. <■. C. MnKx Sunilaya, s and 10.30 a.m.; Vrtipera. 7.3" p.m. Sunday School, oxocpt In aumni<-r montha. :i p.m. Imlly Maaa. ".so a.m. Holy days ..< obllicatliiii Muxs. Z.'M and 9; Veo- pera. 7.Ju p.m. Catholic ramllles, JM. A S.-pn- rate Schcol of 120 puplla la taUKht by LAdies of Ixirrllo. S-'d.-tlcs: Koagiie ol P. Heart . Children i-voiliins in Advent. L«: Altar Soclrty and C. M. B. A.. Pn-r.. I). J. Miinitovan. (Irillln Rev. M. Moyna. Maxa— Sundaya. I.JO and 10 30 a.m. Veapcra, 7 p.m. Dally Maaa. 7.>> a m. |i !T. l|olyila>!< nf »>bll|tat|..n Maaa. d ami 9, Devolionii on Wednoa- day and Friday In I>'nt and Advent and durlne the TO. .nth rf May, 7,30. 2S0 Catholic famlllea. Th<> Separat'- with fi>nr has 21" puplla. la tauKht by lay t.-aih<'n<. So.l.>i|.'a l*ajrij.' of the S. Heart: Altar Scxioty; S. VIn f*nt de Paul: S. Aloyalua. Warmlnater la at- tended the fourth Sunday and the a'i>cnnd M'.nday of the month. Oahawn S Oreuory'a. Uov. M. Jeffcott. Masa-Sunday 9 and lo a.m. alt^rnat.-ly. Vea- pers, 7 p.m. Dally Maaa. 7.30 a.m. IWntlona twice a week In I^ent and Advent. 110 famine*. Sei«r>tr S- hwA. !•» poptla. taught by Hra. of 8. Joaeph. ^arlTtie* iiudahtr of the B. V. M.; league of S Hf«rt. .%ltar »«-lety. C. M II. A. and S, •;r»«urya Oul>. Whltby-8. John the K\an«rll»ta— aileod*.! rrery Sunday at » and 11 a.m. altemalely. PvnatancalalivB* « Anne a. Hev. T. F. ■..^tiourea'j •« tlM NortiMrra ilallaray. Memo- rial C&urcb to Breboeuf. Liallrmant and other Marty ra. Th^re are alwut iS, Umlllea. Public tkh.*ol U Catholic. «• puplla. 4 teacbera. Socle- tiea. C. M. U. A. Mmaa-SuiHlaya. ».JU and lU.M. Vesprra, 7.U p.n>. In aumnwrr, >.!' p.m In winter. I>ally Maaa, IJ* a.m. I'ort Severn— Attended every Inl fclinlar of the month. Slatlona held at Wyvale and Mttaa.Aa Mllla. Prrkpinllalil tftation« held every aeaaad Sunday. I>brl|Mrtei> Se« nc«. IMi-kerinff S. Kraiuu de Halea', Kev. tl. F. (.iallasber. Oa the Grand Trunk lUllway. MlShlan.1 Creek attended. Port ColbonM 5- l-atnck .. Uev. Jaa. A. Trayltnc lla»»— Sundaya at t and IV.M a.m. allertuiely. Vesper*. : y.tu. Dally Maaa, 7.J(I a m. .\a«eDt, Umi. May at>d (J<.tober devutlona. VVednea.iay at I >v p.m. Sw.lellea. The Altar Society and the L.«acuc of the Sacred Heart. There are abuut a^ catix.>li' famlllea In the parishes of IVrt iSoihvtnr and Weiland. WellanJ Is at 'ended e\ery Sunday. Ma» at » and M.Ui a.m. alt>-rnairly. UexoUona are held Fridaya at ',.iu p.m. iu M^y. October, l a-m. Port Ualbonair i»tar of the Sea, attended from Ft. Cathariaea eiery Sunday. Hurt Herr> .v.irtided liom L'xbrldse. Mas* 10. c a.m. I'orl Koblnaou Attended tn-m Thorold. Port Kevrm S. Frate la'. attended from IVnetancuUhene ever^' Jrd Sunday mt the month. .u Cattc^lK fAXujlle«. Qurrnatoo & Patrick a. attended monthly by Carmelite Fathers. Kama S. J>.«e|>h >. attende^l fr<.im Mara every tW'. «eek« in auiumer and once a month In wiuur. HIrlllMOniJ Hill ■-^. Mary a. attended from TlernhiU e.e.-y Sunday. 8. CatliarlB«* S. catharlnea. Very Kev. \\ . R. Hirri?. D.D.. Dean, Hev. K'wter Canning, uxat. Mas»-SutHlays. > and 11 a.m. ; Veapera, 7; Daily Mass. rba|«-l i>f s. Catharlnea, S a.m.; Convent Chapel. 6.30 am.; Holydaya of obligation Maaa, ^M and * a.m. Special devo- tions. First Frkliy. and in the inontha ..( May, June and Octol>er. Alxnit 2s^ Catholic families; lUi) Separate Scho^>U with tSl pupMa, taught by the Sra. -rt S. Joaeph and three lay teachers. Societies; LeMgue of the S. Heart, c. M. B. A. and l^t Salle Liit. and Athletic Aaso< iatlon. The I.yi..iim. ur Catb-.-lic Clul< for Toung Men. coat- ing »!>.•■••. was openel during the past year. 8. Joxeph > Church— In the northern part of 8. Catharines, attended. S. Mary'a-S. Catharine's, Uev. L. A. H. Allain. Port Dalhouale attended. S. t'roix iL4tfontaine P.O.)— Kxaltatlon of 111- Holy Croe*. Rev. J. E. Beaudoin: by stage Penetangulabene '-n the Midland. .>, i lays of I iivVO- ■ i May. kanilUes: luKht by B. A. an. The [■n. co«t- r. «. of 8. ■ha Fine's, fended. kllon of hy itase !.'<<' pa rate |rs of P- I>*a(rue Mai>»— lly MaM. Ite about Iwl with InK train linday at nally lattendtd cvffry FIrat fr..i •llematf t«iin>lm>-» at IJ, •'hiin h In rurh plu--- . A»>"Ut r." fKniMii-K araliftcl over a »l'l- ur«>B Altiir So lety m ••iiih I'lne*. Bmlthvlll* Aii>'ii'.| frMni l>imn\lll<-. Ham- Ili.M I M »•'. MiiM«. li>,3" a.m. Snyder .'*•••■ N'<-« i'».rniunv. M«yn«r— f. I'litruk b, iii-v. F. \v. iniffy. On III.- .\Mrthfrn llHllHiiy. altout 7u <'alhulli- famllli'ii. Aliiir Kiilly MiiKR. T.Hm a.m. Hlevena%'llle~S<'>- N>-w 'rmany. Mtr«<>ta«lllv- AltPii.l.-.l I>lxl<- Siin.lay. .Mitri-. :• urwl II a.m. altemalely. KrIilavK Miii>i>. v Tvcainaetta s. .Miirican't. ntL-ndfl S«-h. itnLtrn <\ury. Itev. T. J. I:arate Bchoula are taught by four SlKlHru u( .•<. JoH<-i>h. and numlx-r IIu puplli. tkH-l>-tl<-H: U-nKiii- of the Sacn-d Heart. Holy AnKelK ».).li-ly. 8..dallly ..f thr II. V. M.. C. M. II. A. Till r>' lire about Iw '"alhidli: famllle*. Maas-Sundaya. s and lu a m. ; Veapera, T.30 p.iii.; Pnlly Maaa, s' Port Kobinaoii at- lend'-d twic.. u nionlli. Toronto •! n notion - s<-i' Tott<*nhniii .'^ KntiuiH from Adjula e\iTy Sumliiy cept third Sunday of nii>ntli. <.°at<-('lili. >.l.-, a.m. .'<|..-.lal I)«!.. In .May and UtloU-r <-vtry ilay. In Advi-ni nnd l.«nt twlie u Wt^Hk: :,•. ranilll.!<. r..rt IVrry and Markhain atiMn.icI Mnvn. ln.t,'. a.m. t|»tericro»-«'-- Uev. v. Whitney. .See -Mara. Victoria HnrlNtr— ■'^ .Mary ». aM<-ndfd fmrn .Mi>ll;iri.! .Ma-.< ;. a.m. Vl^o ''ill 1ji.I> ..f Purity, attrndt-d rhelpatun e''ery two wceki. Vrooiiianton s.-e HrcKk. Waobuusbvne •'<. John'*, atti'nded MiJIiiil .Mafs 10.3" a.m. Wariiiinstor-'S.i.nd Ihart of Jexua, ailend- "rillia r..urili Sunday of the month. Ma.Kv ai s.jii. and Re<-und Monday of the month. Ma."s at S a.m. Wellnnd— Att.Mii.d fr vx- when It la II a.m.: p.m.; Devotion* In Jeaua. Key. A^ .m. , Ve^jiera, from from *d Port folbome every AM\.iit a-i.i |.,.-nt, Weaton Att<'d Juni'tli n evfry Sumlay Srh.M.l Willi :i( pupiiK. Wbltltt Alten.l.d dn.v at v and II a.m. S<-|ariit. S. hool 'aufrlit oltornatfly. :'." Ill May. IVv. * H*lob..r. Toronto pnral.. Willi HpIiI S... i-.or.' of Not.- Til.- IVvoiion of th.> In the uifterent parl^ih.'S in ronto UKuully durInK LK-ni. from S. r. Walter. I'utliollr i-ipulalloo. lo.'OO. prteala, secular. .W; regular. I«. <'oll«««, 1 . Monasteries i* t.'oiivenle. li. Hospital*. Or- phanag**. atr., t, PARISIIKH Hnmllton—The I'lty of Hamlltoa mntalns (h« imn-l..- -I S Mary. S. Patrlik. S. Uiwrenr.- ami H. Joe.|.h The Loretto Nun* have iHiordlliK an«l da> seh-Hd*. Mother F.u.harla. rtup.-rU>r S|«leni of S. Joaeph. Molh-r house on Park St.. Superior. K.-\ . Mother Antoinette, eondiici an tirplianoge ■ Inmates IJui and Hospital -Sup.. Mother f.-les- lln.v The Sister* of S. Joseph and the Ijidles of U ret to have ihargv of th.- S.-parttte Sch-iols. B. Mary's C«ttacdnU ite. tor, Maliony . <'lwiiii • il.T Ri-v. J P. Reva. I>r. Walter illlshop'a S.-. Lhinovan. Societies l^eague Rev. Iloldell. r.-tttry). of the IVal J M. .\HKtS.. Father Su> re«l mem- Heart. Pri'a.. Mlaa C. Iiastlen. b.-r*. Altar S<«leiy. Pres . Mrs Wm. Jf- sop. Ponfraternlty of tha Holy Rosary; S. Vin- cent de Paul Society; I.eo Literary Society; 8. John Rerehman's Sanctuary Hoys' Society; CM. B. A.: I. r. II. I".; K. B. A.; .\. f> I! ; rertlarleg of S. Franrl*; I.adm' Aid Sm-lety; YounB I.adles' S<»lallly; Holy Angels S.Mlallty; Youtha* Ilranrh of S Heart. Mase- Sundays. 7. I.J« an«l 10.3" -vm.; Vi-»p.>ni au'l ll<'n<'dli'tlon. 7 p.m. I>aily Mass. 7.3ii a.m. Rn»ory every evening at 7.S0. Mm fnmlliea, S S<-p. Sehool*. 7T1 pupils taught by Sr*. of H. Joseph 8. Patrick's-- corn<-r King and Victoria .\ve. - R.-etor. Itev. J. H. <'oty; Rev. K. A. 1 >oyle, asst. Mass— Sunday. 1.3". 9 lo.jn a.m.; Ves|»'n«. 7 p.m.; I^tilly Mass. <> a.m. Two Separntr S- p.m ; Ss> inerts alternatt- Sundavs nt 1 S'l p.m. .Mtar fvM-lety me<.|!< flrsi Pun.lay at 4.:i" p.m. In tilt, ehaixd S VInc.nt de Poul's rnnrei-..|ii-» met'ts e\ery Sunday B. Lawrence'* lt-« R. F. M. Hrady. .Mnaa StindtiM" » am High Mass. M.Vi a.m.; Sim- day S.h'"'l. 2 3" p ni : S.«lahty. 3.3ii p.m ; Vea- wr». 7 p.m.; Baptisms. 4 p.m.: Dally Masa, 7.30 a.m.; Holydays of obllgatl'm Mass. .^.:W an. I 9.3I>: Vesp«'rs. 7 p.m. S .\nihony nn.l Holy Hour. S. t.arat.- Sehi"'l. taught by ixltli jno pupils. .«<>rlell"H Sp«Mlal lh-vot|ona. :7.-. <>lholir fnmlliea: SIst.-rs of s. .fiii-eph. S. Vlncnt lie Paul. Altar S.«-b-t>. Young ..ndles' So.lalltv. Holv Angels' S. dallly C. M. B. A. Th ■ scho.,| lin°B Iteen lmprnveally Mass. s am ; Devotions first FrI.lav ainl. during May ond October. Arton The Holy Rosary. Rev. P. Hal'y ; <'!eonret.,wn and Eramosa attended. Arteiiilsis Station hell here from Markdafr* once a m.-nth. Arthnr S. John the F.-angellst's. Re\.«. J. P. Iioherty and J. .«. O'Learr. Mass— Sunday-* anil Holydays of obligation. ? and 10 a.m.: Vespern. 7 p.m.. Iially Mass. 7 and 7 30. Devotion* l». -97- Tin-: cuiRcn in ontakio l*m, Advfiii. Mhv ami (i.ImIht. !«.". fiiiiilll.". 2 H<-i'nr>ti- HiIhhpIk. 12.'. iIU (aiiglit l>y Hliilors of s Jiim-pli mi. I m'.-iilar. Alliir H<.tli'ty. HmToil II.. II' nn.l LIvliiK It.iniiry. Ayr-Aiii>nil.-.l fr..iii I'nrlH 3 fiitnlllxK. A.VtOII H. IVlft M. Urv. V. B. nwcna. hiiiMaVB. 10,:to Hill.. Vi-KiMrc. I pin.; MiiHf 7.3" •111. Twii Hi>iiliiti- Hilin.lii. Ik. liiiiKlit l.y Mr. J, .1. I.yiii'li iiikI MIhk H. niilaii fuiiilllvx. "'. M. M. A. Iiriuuh. Tlii- liitiTlur Mhm - I Hilly |iu|i|Ik. S« • •f till- till- ohurili wiiH imliili'il itml ilci-orotiMl iliirlnic yuft nuiiiitii-.i'. Ilcvi'riy Adi'ii.h'il fri.iii liutulim. lUrllll "111 i.r llip S.'MMi I ml.. I" V n..\ \Siii. K|.if|.t.i. I'll., |.n^l■.l. l(.\. W. \'. KI.M'iifor, ncHl.. iiHiiliili^rl by Key. Kutliorx i.l H. Ji'i..|in.H roll. MacK SiimliDP. 7. s. '" a.m.. Willi fm.i hilical limliiHll.iii, I till 1«.3U a.m.. \ vkimth. 7 |..iii.; liall> MiiKK. 7 nml s a.m.; IIm-iiIiik Hit- «lii'. 7.3U. AlHiiit .'i).! laiiilh.'H. 8>-|>ai.ii>' HrliiH.I inimlit by H<'li..i.| Hlci.-rM .if Nuiri' I'liiif, iilii.- (•'a. liPi'H, 3611 |iu|.llh S... I.'IIih: Hicliillly ..f i Hit l.aily of Miiiinl I'aiiiii'l an. I III.' Iniiii. ■'•.ii''- II. .ii: I.nilb-' ll.'iu V'.li'iit Scili'ly. H. Mary h Yi'iinir I.adlii.' S..'l>'ly. S. Mary'H V'.iiiiK Miir!< I.lli'rar.\ an. I l>iaiiiall. Hi.ol.'ty; H. Il..iilfii.-f Slik ll.Ii'llt S.Hli.|y |..r Mi'ii; r. M. II. A.: ralli.-ll.- iiiil.i- ..f l'"..ri'Hi.i.«. l.i'iiKii" ..f Sairi'il ll'iiri. S. J''r..nn')( t'lilli.K... uinlii III.' illt.'.lliin nf Kalln'm 111 III.' H<"Binr.'.il..ii, V II. -v. Win. MiM'i.f.'r. I'.K. ; I'ruy. V. Ili'V. I' l'"i'iiiii'Biiy, '".H.. iiniil. ili'ii. Iti'V. T. Spilz. I'.U.. I'ri'H. ; K.v. .\. W.'ll.T. <'.Il.. VI o 1'rciilil.vit ; Ilt'v. Ji.H. 8cliwilt/:.r. C. IC. TroiiK. : K.'V. W. V. KLirpfor. i '. U. ; ll.-v. A. Va.'.litor. I Ml.: Ili-v. S. HoKiilKkl, I'.H. ; U<-y. I(. I.ilitnann; lb v Itr. A. Zlntrrr. r. It.; Ui>\ . Ilr. A. Kl^-lipr. I'. It.; Ili'V. Hr. fliaii. l\|i-f Croker S. J..sppiri<. altfn.b'il by K.v. fi. I .iifr.'.''ni'. .S..I, 4'nrlaralie S. TrancLs Xayl.-r'M. Hey. .I.,y. i;. ■W. .\ AI...111 :i.'. I'allioll.- famill.'S. S.iclollcs: S. .\mi..'s .\ltar S.M-l.'ty and i". M. It. A. Han..\.'r nn.l NouHtaill attpn.led. ManH— Sun.layc, in a.m.; I iail\' MiiHH. s a.m. <'n.VU|fn S Si.iilii'n'H. Vcnorablp !■:.'. HIkIi Mass. I" 'tii II. 111. : Vispors. 7 p.m.; faL^clilsm. 12; lijl.l.. • lass. 3 p.m.; Pally Mans, siimmiT. 7 a.m.; viiil.i. 7.;'.ii ; lifvnilnns in May. ri,.tol..M- nml rentoooHt. twirf n \yeek In I.ent an.l .Advrnt. Callii'lic famlllen, Wt. Josoph, VInrent . J. P. .:!n a.m.: s a.m.: Scpara;.' M.'- CliiilHWOrtli •" Hianinlau* . altcnd-.l 1 .\v . n h.'Uiid. ChopatOW H. John th* Hai>tl«l'«, Itnv. H. E. \\ I. Mm«» Hundnya an.) Iiolyduyii, 10 a. m. I'uii' lii^iii. 2.S0 p.m.. Vraprr* and llvnrdb'tlon, 3 p.m. St.4'< lal l>rvotl(.nt In May, .liini' aiul •>>■■ li'lMT. I'ally Mniia, ^ a.m. It.'. ramlll<>«: S'parati) SrIiiN.l i;.'. pupils. Iniiiilii by lay leai Ipr. Altar H.ib'U. ITrs., Midi II I'liPlan; Ibwarv Ho<-li«hrlng. r.M.IIA.. Pr«a.. Mr. J'.bn I'litiK-y K<.iiihampton atti-ndod. Chralcy •■\riy !«.. .\nn"'», all-nib"! frt.iii \Valki>rlnn kK Mas* II am. Siitiilays and a.m.; Vcspcra, ('iMrc Atl.'n.I .1 fr..m Moint ForMil, 10 a.m. C'ii|H'l<>Mll Miifi.lnl fn ni PundOR. I>rrr> niiiir \itl from Mount F<.rMt, lli'fiiiprloii s iKnnliiis'. Itcv. J. Wojr. S.I I .-.^i^i.ii- ..f Ni.tro I>«me Rup. Vvn. Sr. M. .Vinalllis l.'ii. Il S paral*- K< ho.l tniiichi by lay trai'linr. S.H-l.-ti.s I..<-uK>i<' •>( H. II.; «"..iifral<'rnlty of the lb ly H..fury niid Allar Hoclrly. Pwl and I'alm- • rn..i, alien.]. . I. Damlnik iby K iv Slav. 11. .ly. lays ..f obllicallon Mass. 11 ; . I'liily Mass. ^ am.. First Friday Masd, s a.m. ll.'ni'.'v..||..ns In Ma'/ Oi't.'lHT. Alx.ut l.Vi familb's. S.'paral.' S.'huul. .... P iplls. lauKbt by Ml"s T-rcsa I'll. Ian. Altar Hi"l.iy. Mdancthon and Proton attended. Dlinila* S. AuEustlncs. Th.- KiKlit Il-'V. Mgr. • ■•■•'iian: Assi.. llfv. «!••<>. Cl-ary. .Niass— Sun- .lays, s nn.l pi 3n. 7.30 p.m.; Pally Mas*. 7.3i> a.m. S.-paiat.' S.h..ol, 120 I iipils. Is tauicht by i!i» Sisters of S. .loseph. The II.Hise of Pr.'Vlden.e. sh.'lterlnK !•" orphan boys ami p«i old men an.! woni'-n. Is led by 111.' Slt^lem of S. Jo».'i>h. SM|.erl..r. It. -v. Sr. .M Ir.-n.-. S<^K'bib.s The c.nfer.n.'.' of S Vln- ntt.nded. About la ("nthollo fanilll'-s. S»<'* J.wephs. :.". families. All"iii'ed from Markdab'. Mass, in.jn a.m. Elom The Immai-ulate <'..ii.-ei.i|..n. Hev. I' I •. • Fenrus an.l Nb-liol att.' Klililrit Attend.-d from S. Clemenla. Kraiiioaii Attend«tl from Arton. KoriCU* Tb.. H..iv Family, atl.n.l.-.l from Flora KorillOMk - The Imma.iilat.- < ■oniepii..n. Rev. I 1 I bill. asst. n>v. flenient W. Ilrohmant. Ml-- Suiiilays. ^ a.m.; High Mass. pi a.m.; ''Iirlsttan I>">>trin.- I. Si p.m.; V.spers. 3 ■ m. ; Pnlly Mass, S a.m.; Ilolydays ..f obliBatlon, Mass. * an.l p. a.m.; pi-votions In May 7 p.m.. Ill rvii.tx.r. I p m. ^^ famllbs. '2 S.'parate S.hi~.|s. with JOO pupllB, ore taii(rht by Sehool Sisters of Notre Dame and lay teachers. Soeletles: llosary S<«'lety; Sodality P.. V. M.. I' : Sa.'re.i Heart; P Joseph Pbk B.'neflt. r..nsldor- able Iniprovements were ma.lp to |>oth rhurch and ronvent durlnjr the year. KrePlton — The Immaiulai. Key. Geo. Murphy. Morrison and Walerdown attend.!d. Pi. Mi Hal: of .^ of . I'l a Iti \ '1. Mo Mo X l; at p.m. HItli A). 11 I:.. SI. ehap. Perr\ a. in -»- THK ClURCH IN ONTARIO I from II. V. Iiaiii. Iii.'.n. : m. ; ktton, j|..m.. laratp ihool 111. A.: Ulilor- 1) nnd Ilov. 0«ll I* l*«lrlck •. H«v. J. J. •.•r«\rn. aMt.. Ilrv Wm. r. o«bl. M«w— Sunday*. Ui and Ird Kiii>aa>> « >• am IikI an'a. 10.J>J • III. Il<>l)■( obllcatlun. %.*i m m. I>ally Haa«. > am lvvi>ti<-i<>Imt. flrai Friday. T '«rlM'n iiorlctira : b»acur uf tlir H. lit-art. MMallly of Ih- li V M. . I'.M.II.A. Itcllrf F"<-lrt>. Aliar th'. Martha an>t Mary t<<>cl<'ty. Il< »l! HexptUr i'<- eonnectod by Hr^ Gi-orselawn fr. n A ! • Ol0lM>l( f John*, altvndcd from Markdalr. Ma-- I' >• a m ur l.'idy Immaculate— In eharce of 11- J- -lit Kath<-ni. Hui-Tlor. Wry H-\- 'l^j«n<-. II. J. Ki.- ai ash an-l X: iMntnan. Th<- flatira of H. Jov-'ph r< i.r*tt-|atai>- f«eh<»'l» and l-^rdlnK mln-il. Ilok- ». ■-! »(t>'n.l<^l llaiio«pr .\tt»nd»I fn-m Oal:. Mn.'ui-Sun- dav > ir> I Ui.>. a.m. altfrnalfly. iIol\ro'nd*-Bwatfr. Mnrlon ?. Jo»ej>h'». Kev. }•. IlnN'y. .MarltdaIr ■< J-wph ». l{>-v. r>. If. Iliiurk. Miu> ^^uaa}a. 14.30 a.m.: l>ally Manx, s n ni. exi'i't wh«-n (unvralK and H)-<|Ul<-iiiii arc held at oih-r >-hurche» of th-' pa-lfh. I>iirham. OUnelK aDn> attrtided. 45 *'alhii)l(- famiUt^. Two S>'|tfiralrt>tlo Traynor and Mai> S'lllHan Altar S<><.-lfly an. I 8u. r.-.| H.'art. Meaford— ■*' Vlni'-nfa. attrnd*.! from Owen S'liii-l .Melanethan >> l..awrence'a. attended from l>i, Mlldniay— >-a.'r<-d Il>-art of Jesua. Hev. M. >IhI:ii. <'aih. Two S>-|'arate H<'h<<.|9>. with y*.' puplla. are taught by 4 H. Pistera of X.>tr«- l>aro«- aii.l I lay t«athera Maan-Kundays. S.SU and |a a.m.. Vm;».r», ; |>. m ; Dally MaHn. 8 a.m. Milton — Th>- il-'ly HuKury. all.ndol from <>ak- \ i;. —• - ; Sun-n of th<- l>urin<-atlon. \' |{.-\ r. J. sff.r8. 7 p.m.. I>allv Maae. 8 a.m. Two Sviuirale Schools with 7" irtiplli". tauRht l.y two lay tfaohers. Al'Ut l.'»' <"athoii.- families s- ol the CrrwF. .\ new winter eha|.-l and Pacrlaty have been built. •'hire. Perrynane ane>.<.tk in May. tVtol>er. Lent an.l .\d- Seualadt— .\ttende''». Rev. S. F..<'r- ater .-s. h..| Sii>ter» of Notre r>ame. Sup.. Sr. M. John-K\an8eli«te. teach Sep. School; pupils. K.O. Now Ilanibnrfc-Tli.. ir.iy Kamlly. aiii'ndtd from H.-rlln by Rev. A. Waei-hler, i».. »..k». Mnxii. II am Onitvlilt«-S. Andr>'w'«. Rev. R. T Rurk*. Mum rirM. thir.l. fourth an.l fifth HuTi.lava, !>■?■" an.l II a.m . Dally Mumk. K a.m liurllnKt.m. M>lt..n. TrafnUar atti'ti.b'd. The Al(ar.< ha\e been deiv.ratetl and two new Klatue* placed In H. Andrewn. Oakvllle, and one matue In Tra- falKar duilnii tin- pa»l Peparatv Hrt<> .Ml. t> Mill.!! Suiidaya. 8 an.l \n.Jii am.; V>»|iiilliniii|>loii — S .\KneR', ailenile.l fmrn \\alk.'rl..n every two weeks. Masa, 10.30 a.m. N> Alfatllll S. ABatlin. under Uinurr .;- Ilii.l.-t l"atlii-ri!. Rev. Hubert Aeyman», I'.R.. Pantor. Hev. F. Breltkopf. C.R.. asa't. Masu— ."un.lay. 10 a.m.; Dally, s a.m.. Special Devo- tl..n»: wei-kly adorat|.>n. Two Separate Schools, with ;oo pupils, taught l.y 3 .School Sisters of Notre Dame. The Orphan Asylum with about TO oiphnnx Ik under the of the School Siflen. .if .N..|ie Danie i:i SiKters. Societies : Sacn^d Heart; Young I..adles' Soi...laUiy. with IRo members. I'.M.H.A., .■<. ni.'mliers. Mass .'Sun. lavs a' S an.l I" a.m.; V'-s|sTs. 3 p.m.: Dally .Mass. 8 a.m. KImira atlen.l>~l. Tc«>Hmiiti-r Sa. re.l Il.'arl. Hev. J. Corcoran. HolyrrHHl. KIncar.lln. . Luckn.iw and Rlversdale attm.l.d. Th<»rnl>iir.v — .Mten.le.l from Owen S..U11.I. Tr.'ifiilKiir Attended fn.m Ookvlllc second Sun. lay ..f every month at S.30 a.m. \Vallt«Tl«n-.''«arate S<-ho<.l8. 2o;. pupils, taucht by School 99- Till-; CHURCH IN ONTARIO Hii>l<'rp i>r Niiirr l>nin<-. Hii|<. V<-ii. Ht M. lliiRulln* Hoiillimnliton, North llruni •»■! I'hrah-y miriKli-l »vfry twi) w**kit. Itulliiii llrwrvi- iitioiKltMl uci'anliiimlly Ann*'*, kllvntlvd (rtiin Cal«- •tUndMl from III. iii'v. FtTKiiH r. |IIkIi<.|. i.f I-<.iHl"n. t'oiimll- V.T) U>-v. K. It. Kllroy, I>I>. Il<>v. J•, \Viil<-r«li)Wii H. Thoinaa.' KtMllull. Willi-rloii-H. I^.ul. . V. H-v. I>r H|-l» fU.. rificliiiir 111 Vrrllii. Uatn Huniliiyi. « w mi'l In ; BnliiriJay ii"'' MchhIuv. * »i « m . V. "("T*. 7 p.m.; Hiiniluv Hiim<<. Huii.. V.-n Hr, M Alilli-limi. H.HI.II.-H H.»liillly <>f Ih- II %' M ..Mini, l.<'HKii>- "' H 11 . """' '' *• " '^ Wlartuil Alt. na.'O friiin On.-M H..>in.> Not.. l> ..f 111.- Flirty ILniri'. Thin ilfvu- lliin In Iwlil III 111"' illfTiTiMil .liiirilii-" In lln' I'llv vi llumlltiiii cvury yiir iliirlnii llu- llunli-r Hfnirnn. DKtfKHI-; OK UJNlMlN. Till* KliK-rM iiiin|irl»<'H Ihp rminllf* i.f Until- Will Klirln, Kkhi'X. lliinm. K<-kii. I^imlitnin.'ll.Hii. Nnrf.ilk. IVrlli. Kr-i t-.! Ki'li 21. IWifi. H.'iil IrnnnfirriMl l<> Hiin.lwli-ti. Ki'li. J, Is.Mi. triiniffrr.Ml buck tn liondon, «««!• I'llri.n of till' l>li«'''"i' "iir lll<'"Bii| !.it 111 III'- M>.'li'rv of Iht Inimu.uliit.' fuiiri-i.tUin. IllHh(i|> -Tlir MrKvay. I>. P.. riiniM'iriili'il .\1IK tilll. I'W lll»lli.|i » .1. Miiriiliy. IXMin. V. H.-v. V. It.v 1>. i"iiir l.'i . <"i'lli'K'- 1. MonaaliTif* or Cunvent*. 12; llomiltal*. AHylumii. 4; riirlnliiH. 4D. Sf|.iiriit<' HttiiKilK. r.l. uml il falliollc. ttioUBli iiul)lli-. PAIUHIIKH. ntv of LiMHlon K I'iK-r » rmli.ilrnl. U-i • tor. ll«v. J. T. Ay:«ard; 1'. J. M.Kfon. I'lmn- 11. Mill. Ki'M', 1' I. lliiiriMix anil K l.iii!iiiii'«-iir. lloiirH iif S.MVIi-.- MiiKK, HiiniliiyM T, lo.Sft a.m., liiilly .Miicb. 7. K ii.iii.. V.-fiH-m. 7 | IliilviliiyH of olillKiiUnii. Miiiih. 7. y.W iinil 1"; VcniiiTH 7.;tii 11.111 ; IX'ViitlonH In Miiy. Mi-IoIht. I.ihl anil Ailviiil. Atimit ir." faiiilllii". HU »t-l>. PiIiooIk wUli ^<*> IMipllH taiiKlil l.y Src of 8. JomMili »nil liy Ml ulaiiiiH ot S. Il'-nrt. ri.tiviMU ami .\i lulriin of tin' Ijiillr* of ili.» Hiiiriil IliMirl. Mailaini' Slinrlilan. Sii|»'r|..r. 8. JoFoiiliH I'onvfiii ami Novltlali'. f)r|.li»ii Asy- lum ami Iti'fiiKi'. Molliir iKnnlla. 8n|i«'rlor. Tho SlHlfrs iif 8. .lomiili liiivi' inirrlmnoil thi' iimiicrly kmiwii an ■■lli-lliimlli l^iill''»' "•olU-Ki'." wlili-ti tliiv piiri.iiHi' .iiiivfrilm; Into n Hon»p of I'rovl- ilnncf for 111* Ak.mI ami Innnn. S.~li-l|.-i<: C.M.Il.A.. r.d.F.. So.|.illiy ll.V.M.. riillilri-n of Marv. 8. Annn. fomioU'rH if Mary. S. Vlnii'iil ill- Piliil anil Aliiir .Xmli'ly. AlvlnHt.m alti'mlcl. 8. Miiry'M rliiinli. Illll 8t.. nlti'nili'.l Ironi I'alln- (Iral. MaHB SiiinlayB. s.;i"i anJ l".:'." a.m.; Veapera, 7 p.m. ,\lT'iiiMt<>ii AltiMiili'il frmn I^'mlon. .ViiilicrMlliiii'K 8. .Ii'liii till' UHptlNt. In . Iiiiiwi' of llir lI.'iHllliin Fatlii'rB. U<'\ . I'. Itvan. I'.H.Il.. IM'.; 11. v. I'alliii < 'oli" nBBl. .Muhb 8i'liilayN ami IIol.Mlayi' of .'lillKHtlon. *• a.i:il I" a.m.; V i' M II .V.. Iloh lloBiirv anil Hiapiilar HiH-iKilra. Linknow nlliii.l.'l llrllr lllvvr H8 Hlin.'n ami JihIk. It<-v. J. i: M.'iinirr IVtaBB 8iin.hiVN an.l llolMlay* of olillKalli.n. 7.:vi anil In a.m.. I>itlly. 7 am. Ar.h- loiifrati'rnlty of 8 Anm-. W. i-alh.illi- famlll.-". Thri-i- H«-parali- 8rlio.i|ii 4r.11 piiplH, liiiiahl l.y 111.- 8iBl>.>> of 8 ,li.ii.'|ih who all... i-omliirt inunlr .Moilinr MaRilalnn il.iii-nn 1". o.i-llrv. T. Nimniin. ii-v. A. J. l/oln*!!"". •Micnil'-il from f'hnlliam. 8 Aii((iHllni-. Ma«'. 7 p.m. rlarK.'H. Hup. Illililiillth lllic I'oli I lll«||| .villi, h'll from 1" :'.ii a 111 anil Iirvollona,\. 111. .My I; FrlilavK. 18 Ili-arl.l. lll.-iil'.lni iiiiili-.l i-M'ry w.'i'k at l".:i'i a in. l'"li\.-iil l'hiip..| liiilll ('olf'hi'Ntcr All.-ml.-il oni-c n ni' nih .SnihiTBiliiirK. C'llntnii Atl.-mlfil from Oo.lcrl.-h rvi-ry .«iimlny Manx. 1" 3ii 11. ni.; Vi'Bpi rw, 7 p.m. ('oriltlllll 8. .loB.-phi'. Ili'V. .1. piipU.s. I'.M.ll.A. Mi-arl, 11. .11 fii 8iiff.-rlnK onri- month. .MaMi. m iarvi..l IIiKh Altar phi I 'ourlrlKlil alli-mlo.l. 4'oiirtriirht s. rhnrh-H. I'liniiina. .MaHB, in.M a,m.: |:i n...|l.iloti an.l HoBary. 7.3ii UiihImvoimI 8.-.- Xiirli'h. IKiVer Noiitll 8ei. Talnrourl. Ni-w hanili-omi'ly 1 In 8. .loBoph a <'liufi.'h. Alii-ml.' 'nti-rhlBin. p m. froni p.m.; Ka.-i ori-i ol.l l.y Wll H Ml V- li 2.:!i. ION ficilll ililnl Mm-'nn. ii.lnyii, !■ m.; Il..|y- 111 iiixt S. Iiiiol, ■iitlfii; • ..ini'ly livii-i'li. from p.m. ; TIIH CIILRCII rS ONfARIO DrfMlcil Allen. frmn Wnlliii'rhiirg. Ill > wliilf H^v Krrnrh BrttUmcnl. Dlllillli <*•■■ liUhliiwi). UlDiMlrli AiiiriOi'il (nun Wi-nt U>rn><. KaM-\ Alt4iiiJ<'ii ii( i month. Ma**, t.lii u in . I'Hli'c'hiMn i i.tii. k Klftclirr r< I'nirl'k*. l-'ort'al \lii'iii|vni Hurnlit. Frciii-b Hflll «r>x'lal<' I', o.) Itfv. J i; ' ..iiii.'i> ,Miii>« Hiiii'lion. lliuii MiiKH. I'l.ju u.iii , \ •'•III IK. .1 I' III . Imily MiiHK. 7 iiikI 7.:tii i.lii.: HiHM'lul iH'Votlnna. nmt Trliluy Mar and Jiiiir. v.i rmnllli'ii. nil h'ri'iK'li-i'iiiiiiiJIuM. H>'i>iirii(i- Hi'hiH>l with ■: |iii|i|li<, liiiiiilit hy J. Itcilnnl. iliM'l< ilcH 1.4-uKui- iir till' H Henri, 'j«ii infiiiiM-rii. Altiir SiH'li'ty, 7.1 iiii'Milii'm. I'hiirili hun b««n I'MiiiKi'l iiiol iiri'utly iiii|\<-"> (iiMlfrlcIl S I'i'li'i N. Iti-v. T. \V<-Nl. MnH- i*i.ii
  • .i><. 7.1" iiiiil I". ail II. Ill . ViniM-r*. 7 (MM. In wlni'T uMil 7.:iii |i. III. In iiuiiinii-r, Imlly Muu, 1.3U n ni. \V> fiiiiilllrr Two H<'|>iirnl<- HrliiMiU. tS |IU||||M, IIIIIKllI liy HlNtelil u( H. .ImHvIiIi iinil lay tfuuhcr. Hli, Huii., imI. if »■ . t'llnliin .1 .Si'r /.urli'li. Miiiy M. U"V. J. J. nimm. Vi-xiM-in, t ii.iii.; Iitiillrii' Miilhur Id'li hlllllllK lleniMill llt>N«oii Miiiy H. I(>'V. J. J, nimm. MiihH' SiimliiVH In .i a.m., Vi-xim-ih, t |i.m.; Huniliiy Hi'lii»'l. :i p.iii , llulyilayn nf olillRiillnn. Milan. 10 II 111.. lli'VnlliillK, 4 |i m. Hi till ilfViillnnil durinK Ai|vi-ni. l^>n(, Mny, Oi'IhIkt. iiIk.i Kurty lliiiir" li<-V'itli>ii iiiiiiiiiilly. Dally Miikh, ■< a. in. &t I'litlmlli ramllli'*, Oerniiiii anil Irliili. Hc|>-irat« Hi'lioiil Klih IS |>ii|illH. tiiiik'lit l>y Mr. r. Miillnnla. 8'H Alliir H'irli'iy. l,l\lnK Ituh.iry, I.hiikik- nf llii- .^iii rill ll.iirt, (■.,M.I1.A. 'I'lii' fliii' liirKr trl< k I'liiiri'li iif llilH MiiiuinhlnK imrlHli. ■■n-rii-il 111 IV'S Ik liiinilMiiini'lv friMiiHil iiml i miiiiLii' In evriy way, Hi-p. 8<1iimi| uml iiiirinhlul rfHldi'nrc rftiiiMl>-lli' out of (It-Ill IllKt'i'ooll -Iti'V. Jiiliti Ciinnnlly. Maia- Hun- <'rK, 7| Inilly .Miih" 7 !i III S| Iiil .l-v.itl.iiii. ilrsi I'riilay. i2U riinillli'H. Hi'|>iiriili> Si'lioii: with lim |iii|iIIh. taiiitht l.> siHiiTM .if .v*. .liiKi-|>li, Mother Akhok, Bup, ■ .•III;".- •■! till- Uai-ri-il Ili-nrt. IrUlitown iimiiiin r. o.> - - H. i'hIiiiiiIhi'h. V>ry H«-v. J, Miir|ihy. DeaiK Rev. W, l-'i'Knrtv, avHlMtaiil. Hi'parali' Srln-nl. U> |iii|n'i-ie.l In IMiJ. rather Man-hanil. I'. 1'. The old i-hiiri-h ileHtmyeil liy lire In ivj.',, wan re|ilii'-i'il !>y a hrli-K ehiinh In Ivm:. a l.rli-k iireHh.; rv W»H lailli III Is'.M. Mai<>< SiinilayH and llulyilayn •>( nlillKalldn, Vi a.m. In mimmer. |ii.3a In winter: I'aiii-hlmii. 2.^11 |i.m.; VeKiiom, 3.;iii p. in.: Imlly MaHH, HiimintT ".'". and w-lnl>T » n.m. KIiikhIii'IiIkv Si'e Atthflidd. Kliikorn ii<'v .1. ONeiii. Ki|>|M'll See Kiirlrh. 1.41 Siilftti" Hev. r. Porooran, P.P. ido falli.ill. lainlll.-K. i >ne .'« : l,.-nK f H. n.-ait. Altar H-i.-lPly; CMIA.. CclK Kaanx alt. ii.l.-.l .Mflillllvriiy Ati'-ndpd ft-- Mmmt i'aim»l. .Mftirt'Kor Iti'V A. lie.-' ail. Maaa Hiii-.dayi, <. all. I III am.. Inilly Man* 6 In a.m. In aumm.'r, K am. Ill winter. H|m<. < drxiiil- i<^ In May Mn*. lorpua I'hrlatI, am . iivemhar. JiKI ath.ille laiiilllea. Hepnrnte H.-ie ol. with 46 P i .In, IniiKhl I..X Ml»i4 l-;».i It.-, nil.- Altar K-lt-ty. Merlin H.e itnli-iih. .%t t'U'Ml fa* Ati.nd.-d 'i II Strattiroy. .Mltt'hfll H Villi lit d< rniil'a. Atlnndrd from l,iitiiiii. M'laa. s M luid hi.30 a m niter- iiali-l.\ .\l".iit :iii rnnilllea. A i' Ho.-lety. and l.i-aci I III.' Ha.-r.'.l H.-nrt. .Mount 4'lirni<>l lte\. II. Trnher. MciillU- \ra.\ all. lid. -. I Mount llr)'il(firt llnrwfll Atii-inl.-d from Sim I'oi't Uiivi-r Ailend.'d from Slmi-m i'ort ijimliton Itw. I,. K. ih.irl.r. f.S II. Miis^ .--i :i and In.:'." Mll.-riiiii.-ly ; Hally Ma...\.itlona: Kli- t l-'r|.|iiv. S. .Xntliony'H Ili-.-a.!: S. Ann. Soil. -ilea. i*. ,M. H. A.. I.eiiKUi- of S. H.. .Mtar Soi-leiv; lU famlllen. Separali- Si hool. .v, piipllH. laiiKht hy .Mr. W, lU'l.i S.'iiil.ra attend. 'd. I*n I'lilleKe, fiillllileil IvTn, in churK"' cif the BaslUan Futhers. Very Kev. li. CushinK. Su- perlur: U,v. Fiilhev 1 >uM..iiihel. Mir.; Uev. Father <'i)lllna, Treiis. Uevs. M. Feritnson. Vas- chalde. Kelly. ShiiiiKlinessy. I'.iilnane Heath. Flnnetcan, Hurley, V. neath, P. Shaui^liTiessy. Siirilili Hevs. .(. Ki-nnedy and .1. Hocnn. Separate Hrhool taiiRlit by Sisters of the Holy Names c.f JesMs iiiid M.iry. Sup.. Si. M. Irene, and one l.-iy tea< her. ;:'ii pupils. The s.itiie Sisters conduct tiearillnK anil selert day seho'ils. There are I'.lii Catholic families. The Apostleshlp of Prayer, and the S..dality of the IJ. V. M. are established. Fiirest attended. Mass Sunday.s, ,s.;iii mul lii.:tM a.m.; Vespers, 7 p.m. In summer and 4 p.m. In winter. H(>n forth tended. Uev. I'. M.Cabe. Hrussels at- SlllHbnrff — See Logan. Slnif»(> S. Marvs. Hev, D. Forster. 60 Cath.dic families. Societies: Mass Sundays, ll am: Vp.spers, 7 p.m.; Dally Mas.s. 7.30 a.m. J'ort fiover attended twiie a month. Soinbrn- Attended irum Port Lambten eveiy alternate Sunday at 10.311 a.m. S. AaffmtliU'— I Wawanosh)— Hev. I), p. Mc- Menandn. Mass— Stmuays. a.m.; Beads. 7 p.m.; Dally Mass. S a.m.; Holydays of obliga- tion. 9.3(1 a.m. 1 athollr families; Separate School, 3(1 pupils. Societies: C. M. B. A.. League of the S. Heart. WlnRham and Blyth attended. New Cemetery has been purchased. S. .Vui-.v'H-Hev. P. Brennnn. 140 Catholic fandlles. Two Separate Sihuols with HMi pupils tauKht by Misses McOrath and Clirford. Societies' Altar Society, C. M. H. A. and A. O. H. Mass —Sundays, N and Id. 30 a.m.; Vespers 7 pm- Dally Mass, 7.30 a.m. S. 'I'hoiliim Holy Angels, Hev. J. Bavanl V.G. Mass— Sunday. S.30 and 10.30 a.m. Vespers. 7.30 p.m.; Dally Mass, 7.30 a.m.; Holydays of obligation. Mass, 7 ;!ii and !V3o a.m., In Lent and May. 3(K> families. Separate School, 160 i.iiplls. taught by Srs. S. Joseph. Sup.. Mc.lher M. SeniphlTie. Suchlies: S. Heart, Sodalltv li. V. M.; S. \-|iicent de Paul: Altar Socletv: Cat'holle Truth (branch); Catholic Club, with librarv. reading .iml reereatlon rooms. Port Staidev at- tended nuinthlj'. Stoiie.v Point — Hev. N. D. St. Cyr. Stratfora -V. Hev. v.. H. Kllroy, D.D. ; Hevs. J, Cook. K. Ci.stello. 370 families. Sep. School, 205 iiuplls, taugm by L,idles of I>iretto. Loretio Convent (21 nuns), with select sclUHit of SO pupils. Societies: c. M. B. A.. A. n. H.. Ladies" Au.kU- lary. A. ( ). H.; Ladles' Benevolent Society, S. Vincent de Paul. Voung Ladles' Sodalitv, LeaRUe of S. Heart. Mass- Sundays and Holydays of obligation, S.30 iind 11 a.m.; Sunday School, 3 p.m.; Vi spers. 7 p.m.: Daily Mass, 7.30 and S a.m. Strath ro J— Hev. A. McKeon. Metcalfe. Mount Brydges, Waiwick and Watford attended. T«'«'UillK«'h — S. Anne's, Rev. A. P. Villeneuvc. Thi.tnCNVllli- Attended from Bothwdl. Tllgoilliurf;— Attended from La Salcttc. Tlllmr.V— Hev. p. Langlols. 300 families ; Separate School, with 13o pupils taught by frsu- Une Nuns. Vienna— Attended from La Salette. Wnlkorvillc Our Lady of the Lake Hev. U A. Beaiidoln. Mass- Sundays, s iiml 1 a.m.; cati'chlsm. 1.3(i p.m.; Vesi»rs. 2.30 |i.n). Dally Mass. 7 a.m.; Special Devotions: First Friday of the month: llrsi Stinday of 'he month, r^x- |M*ilion H. Sacrament, second Sunday, Kxposl- ■iiyer and Altar Society. WaUaoohursf— Hev. J. Honan. Dresden at- tetided. Wai- Altendeil from Bothwdl. Warwick - Attended from Strathroy. Watford — Attended from Strathroy. WawanoHh - See S. Augustine. Wllllaina— Attended from Parkhill. five and a half miles distant, every Sunday and Holyday of obligation. Mass. 9 and 11 a.m. alternately. ti(i families; Sep. School with ;iO pupils, taught by Mr. D. J. Cameron. Altar Society and League of S. Heart. WIlMlHor V. Hev. Dean Flannery, D.D., P.P.; Assts., Hevs. .1. Sianlan, M. J. Hrady. Mass- Sundays, 7.:!o and 9 a.m.; High Ma;-s. in.30 a.m.; Vespers, 7.1.". p.m.; Dally Mass. 7.3o a.m.; Spe- cial Devotions: Rosary In May and October, Forty Hours In December. 00(1 Catholic families. Two large schools with 7,'iO Catholic children attending, are taught by 12 lay teachers. Sisters of the Holy Names of .lesus .and Mary conduct select school, with 48 boarders, 7."i day pupils. Heligloiis Hospitalers of S. Joseph conduct the Hospital and Orphanage. Societies: C. M. B. A.. C. <). F., S. John the Baptist. Knights of s. John and S. Vincent de Paul. New parochial residence In course of erection. WlnKhaiii— .\tteniled from S. Augustine. Mass. 10.30 ,; Devotions. 7 p.m. Went Lome— Rev. P. Quinlan. Dunwich at- tended. Wooe S. John the Evangelist's. Rev. B. J. Hodgklnson. Situate one mile I'lOm Mich. Cen. Hy. Staticpii. Separate School, 70 pupils, taught by Miss Clara O'Connor. Ntimber of Catholic families, li"i. Societies: C. M. Tl. A.. Pres., Jas. Murphy; Sec. John Fitzgerald. Mass— Sundays, 10 a. ill.; Dully Mass. 7.30 a.m. Leamington Is attended once a month. WoodNtook Hev. M. Mci^ormack. Norwich and Princeton attended. Wyomliijr The Huly Rosary. Hei-. P. dnam. Mass— Sundays. S. l."> and l().3o alternately; Ves- pers, 7.30 p.m. every second Sunday: Dally Mass. 7.30 October, May.^Ii-nt and ,\rlvent Devotions. Forty Hours annually. About 125 Catholic families In the parish. Including mis- sions. Societies: Altar Society. League of the S. Heart. Petrolea and Oil Springs conn"Cted with Wyoming by G. T. H. and Mbh. Central, attended. /.uricll S. Bm-iface's, Rev. T. J. Valentin. Mass— Sundays. 10 a.m.; Vespers, summer. 7 p.m.; winter. 4 p.m.; Dally Mass, summer. 7.30 am; winter, S a.m.; Holy days of obligation. Mass at 10 a.m; Vespers. 7.30 summer. 4 p.m. In winter: Special Devotions, First Friday, Mass, f a.m. sumnier, 9 winter. Wednesday and Fri- day in Lent anil .\dvent. devotions. 7.30 p.m.; Holy Hour. Saturday, 7 p.m.; Devotion to Infant of Prague: S. Anthony's Bread. Catechism class every Sunday at U'. IjO Catholic fiimllles. Societies: T.eag'.ie of the S. Heart: S. Boniface Sanctuary Society ; OEuvre Explatolre. Catho- lics living In the villages of Hensall. Kipiien and Dashwood, and also the Germans of S. Joseph attend the chun h at Zurich. The parochial residence, costing $1,800, was erected during the year. -102- Till-: CHURCH IN ONTARIO DincKSK OF" OTTAWA (Mflnipolltan Sw). This I >li .. i-se. crcctiMl 1847, wus niuili- tin- .Mttm- poUluii .if tin- I'liAiiicP of Ottawa May lntli. ls>7. it tiiiljiaii-s tlu- Ciiimtli'M lit <'arli'liiii. |iait nf I.nnaik. I'n' ainl Kii"SpI1 In ntnaiin. wiin ArKi iitiiill. (iiiawa, Ti'iri'lmmii' atul Minilialiii In (.!ii<-\«i\ Aphbishi.p— Till' Mo!-!, ll-v. Mki. Jiisi'|i|i Tlmmas I Miluinit'l. li.D.. ap|ii'. .1. <'■ ■\V. li.-Kuli-.-. HaMlli.'a fhaptir ItiKhl It.-v. Mdr. J. < >. Iti.iithUi-. All lipri.'st: \.'iii-nilili- I.. N. C'ainpcau. Archil>'aiiin: Viry llcv. ('., linuillnii. Prlniiri'iiiiK. i 'anims— Vimv Ilfvs. J. Mlrtii'l. H Philip. J. I'. liclnnKir. F. I'. r..l.y. .1. A. I'iaii- tin. V. Mifarthy. I". Hianrliamp. l)r. .1. i '. \V. l>PKUln>. c'alliiillr iicipulatinn. r.N.iKiii. cliMny. secular. 9S; ri'^jiilar. ;••"■; fnlyiTsity. 1: <'iillt'KHS. Mona.stLTli'S m- t'unvpnt.s. 1'.': I'luiiolies. I'liapflw. 112; Hoepttals, A."yUim.'<. eti\, 11. rAIlISHHS IN ONTAllIO. 4' Ilip pailslu-s iif S. .luscpli. S. I'alrlik. t^. .\nn<'. S. .Iian Itapllst'-. .'^. Fran ■ coIh (i'Assisr. Siirri-.l Heart. S. liricltrcl and our Lady of ficiuil ('otinsd, alsn many chapi'lH attach- ed tn the different rellKlinis hmisps In the city. The I'nlvi'rslty i.f Ottawa in cliarBP of the Ohlnte Kather."— IteiKir. V. Hev. H. A. Constan- tlnean. O.M.I.. H. Ii. ; Vlce-Itoctnr, Hev. N. N'llles, O.M.I.. D.T>. : Sec. and F'refect of Studies. Rev. W. J. Murphy. CM. I., M.A. ; Director of ThenloRlans. Uev. T. .\. Poll. o.M.I. feet of Ulsnipline Uev. T. Treas*.. Hev. .\. Martin, f). M. 'i( the fnlversitv staff are: O. M. I.. 1>. [). : .1. M. Lacoste. O.M.I.. I'll. V.IK: Pre- (,'attipeau. O.M.I.. I. Other nieinbcrrt llevs. M. Kroc. I>u\lc. O.M.I. 1>.1J. : H. A. Antnlne. O.M.I.: D.l). : A.; O. •"lauvreau. ). M I.. M.A.; \V. i.M.I.. o. hamh'.-t. A. Henatilt. O.M.I. Perdereaii. O.M.T.. H. Gervals. o. M. I.. M. O. M. I., M. A.; v.. David. Patton, o.JI.i . \\ . Ml" ■ O.M.I.. A. I.ajeiine «■■ I i.M.l. L. Perulspet. o.M 1.. F. I.. C. J. Fanre, o.M.I.. F. Hlanchln. O.M.I.. K. i^or- nell, O.M.I.. J. niiffy. O.M.I.. K. Pepin. o.M.I.. E. Umizeau. O.M.I., It. MiK'enna, o.,M.I.. .1. Schanp, O.M.I.. \v. Klrwln. o.M.I.. ,1. Fortler. O.M.I., C. McOiirty. O.M.I., J. M. A. Bcnolt, o.M.I.. F. Xaj.itte. O.M.I.. A. B. Roy. O.M.I.. R. I.eK.iidt. O.M.I.: Messrs. ,1. .1. Ollellly, K. OalhiKher. V. dalvln. T. Sf.i.irt .Mhln. M.I).. T. E. nay, Iinn. McTUhe. A. Iinnnelly, ,Iohn Ciin- rLlntiliMin. II. m. i;i/..iir F.'reau. I,I,.I>.. Su- preine I'lUirt ..f ('ana. la is Dean ..i the I'a.ulty <;l Law; Hon. ,I.J. •■iirran, tJ.C., LL.D., YU'e-Dean; N. A, Belcourt, I.L.D., M. P.. Sec. an. I Il.m. R. W. Scott. Q. ('.. l.L.D. Oth.T i>( the Olilate Fathers in Ottawa are. .Innlnrai.- ..I' the Sacri'd Heart. Rev. M. Ilarn.ds, Dlre.'; li.'vs. L. I.eliine. I". Chahorel. .\. M.ti.iwan: and the Schulasll.ate. Fast Ottiiwa. U-v. ,1. M. Duvi.'. P.D.. Sui.ericir; Revs. O. Vali'n ■•>. O. ('liarlilim-. L. Perulssei i;. Faure. E. Hlan.ldn. Separate are estahlish.' 1 in .•v.'ry t.arish. Moth, r H.'usi' of the Or.'y Nuns of tlu' I'ross — Superior Oeneral. R.v. M.ilher D. Klrhv. .MI the pnro.'hial scho..Is in the cl'.v ar.' suppll.'.l with teachers from this hotise: nnniher of pupils. 4.500. Superinten.lent of Frcn.h srho.ils. Sist.-r E. Rocque; Superintendent oT EnKllsh Schools, Sister S. Aftatiia. The Sacre.l H.-art; School. Sup.. SlstiT Theresa of .lesus: Numli.'r of _rellslous. :.'.; pupils, .IT:'. I!.'thlelii>ni .\s.vl im for Foundliniis. Siip.'rlor. SistiT S. 01i\i.i'; li.'n- eral Hospital. Sui..'ri..r Sister Mary ..f the Ue demptlon; S. Jos.'ph's Orph.inat,'.'. Siip.'rli.r. Sis- ter S. ("ecifla: S. Patrick's Hum". Sujierlor. Sister M. Howley; S. ("harles' Home, for th>' poor nn 1 Infirm. Supi'rlor. Rev. Sr. S. Joseph. The Sisters .if Our Lady of Pharity of the RefiiRc (fiood Shepherd). Priorpss. Veiy Honor. '.1 Mothci Mary of S. Bernard, carry on hui- CPssfuUy their R.iod work. Thi- SIstiMS of Mercy conduct a LylnR-ln-Hos- lital. Sup. It.-v. Slater S. I'lair. The Sisters of the ConKregatiiii of Noire Dam* I'lov. Sup. Kev. Mother S. Beatrice, have board- I14K an.l select s<'hoolB, Till- Sisters ..f the Precious Bloo.l, Sup. Rev. .M.ilhiM Aurelie, liav.- a monastery In Ottawa. Til.' I'apu.hin Fathers, (iuardian, \'. Key. Father Leonard. ii.M.C, have charK'.- "t the parish of S. Francois d' Thi' Dominican I'athcrs, Uev. IJ. Jacques, Su- p.Ml..r. have charKe of th'- parish of S. Jean I'.aptlste. t'alha-ili-nl, >otr«- ■•iiiiif - I'mler the iiatrunage of the Immaculate Conception of the B. V. M.— Baslllca-By a special favor of Leo -XIII. the Basilica of tiltawa Is adiliated to thai of S- Mary MaJ.jr of I'.oine, with . of in- .iultii-niies. spiritual fa\ an.l privii.'Res Kianted by the SoverelRri Pontiffs t.i the Very Holy Patri- archal LIberlan Basilica, Rector, RlRht Uev. Mgr. J, U. Uouthier, V.Cl., Uev. fanons L. N. I'ainpeau. cietles; Men's ConKrcRatloii of U. V. M., LeaKue of S, Heart, with a chapel where olHce B. V. M. Is recited; S. Vln- lent de Paul. Ladles of S. Ann. <'hil.lren of Mary an.l S. Fllzab.'ths S.wlnK S.iciety; l.rjS families; f. Separate Schools. 1.2i>.'. pupils. tauKht by 21 Grey Nuns of the Cross, 8 Cliristiau Brothers, ;i lay teachers. Mother house of thi> fircy Nuns. Uoman Catholu' Hospital. S, Charles Honi.' I'.>r tin- .\Ke.l, S. Josephs . )r- phan's Home. In this parish. La Salle School I Christian Br..thers) has !."en renovate.l and lniiir..\cil. M. .Aiiiie'H— li.jvs. A. Benusoleil— I. 11, Hazinet. «..l«i««'l»li*»i— IncharBeof the Oblate Fathers. Hev. M. F. Falh.n, O..M.1., li.D.. parish ; Itev. \\ . Howe, o.M.I.. asst. Mass— Sun. lays, i., ^ anil 10.30 a.m.; Vespers, 7.30 p.m.: Dally Masses, 6. 7 an.l s a.m. Societies: .s. Vincent >li' i'aul. Living Uo.sary. League ..f the Sa.r.-.i II. art. Catholic Truth Society. Fatnilies. i;!0. Separate Srhools tauKht by three C.rey .Nuns an.l three lay t.'ach.TS. lias 32.J pupils. M. .1. lltiitllMl <•'«-! II CharKe Fathers: Uev. D. Jacques, .\ rcau. .V. Ben. lit. Th. Couei. T Sunday. CI.'., v an.l 10 a.m.. of tlic Cote. cm. \'espe four .Separate Ml Diiniiulcan 1;. liauv- .M asses- - ■s. 7 Il.m. tamiht by stabllsh.'.l. So- MiO famlll" ■irey .Nuns. Sisters of ■lality of U.i.-^ary. N. Ilriiln«'f«i- V. Kev. Canon .McCarthy, P.P., -Ssst., Uev. .\. .N.wmati. .Miiss Sun. lavs. g a.m. and 10 a.m.; Vespers, 7.15 p.n;.: Daily Mass. 7 and 7.30 a.m. i.".ii families. Thrc rate Schools are tauRht by live Grey .Nuns antl four seculars: pii|.lls. l"o. i;iKht societies pros- per In the parish. X. l»«trl«-k'n-Hevs. M. D.D.. .1. Iir.iwnrlgg. MtK'ra-tl llrHrl — Uev. [laiisli ..riest: Vezlna. assta. Vespers, 7 p. r I*'\enlnR Pra\ Sacred Heart families, J. Wheliin, J. T. McNally, X. Porlelaiice, O. .M. L, Kev. A. McCeiwan Mini .1. \V, Mass— Sun. lays, 6.1.'. s. M a.m.; Dally Mass, C.l.". and 7.:f.. a.m.; .. 7.1."i p.m.: ,<>«Ml 4'«>iiiiM«-l-niiiluiiburg^ Rev. T. Cola. -Kfl- THK CHURCH IN ONTARIO N. ri-HiifolM «r .%Ml>ir-iIlutiir I.ady yii.'.-n of »I.-arm. Holy l!..Haiy an. I Family. I'liiin-li lian 1 n i-nlam-i-.l .liirint; lli.- y.-ar. Alinoiilr~s. Mury'H. Very HfV. K. Ii. Foloy. Can.. 11 Mans .>>-v..ti..ns. I.cajjn.- of s. 11. -art. '.iiT i'ath..|i.- faniilli-s In Ihi' parish an.l Th.- s.-h..|ast|. at- ..f thi' .i. KujilK'niie's. licv. )i. Tourhclti'. A. iliiKii.'n. .1. I., l-'r.iii. iir iri'tu.-U. S.iiitli lnili;iii S. .1.- l,.-mi>'ux alt.-n.lf.l. 4'liiilrn Hloiitlfiiii .><. Joarhiin'M. Kcr.J. T.ecUTc. Mitss .'^uii.l;i.\ s an-i Ii.>lj.|a\-s ..f ..l.llKali'.n, i.' a.m.. Vi sp.-rs. :; |.in.. I'aily Mass. 7 .-i.iii. i;'.' fnmllli's; i«.. S-paral.. p.'.'. pupils laiuihi liy sirnlai-s. 1,, ami.. ..f S. M.-arl. an.l <'..nfra- trrnlty Maiy liiioi'n of Hearts. Fin.- pn-shyi.-r.v and W.....I .•hnr-h. t'lO x .'."i. <'liirfiH-<- ^'rrj-k S. Feliclto'.s. Hov. T. II. <'ai-..n; 11. -v II. I,.-v.-o-. .urat.'; \lf\. .\. il.-lalii.-.-i . I'liiiiiiiiiiK'M Itrlilxc X. It. di' I.oiirdr..<. Iti'V. ,.. I'm. -an. .'..\I. Mass . lioai-'liiiK an.l si'l.-.-t .lay s.-lioois. I'il(.Mini;ii,'i. i- N. I), ih' L,oiii-di>.s for thi' I'lorpsic. S.M-ii.tlf.s : Confiati't-nlty of Mary IJui'i-n of H.-nrts. II. .|y Family an.l S. Ilt-art. th.- I'ath.ili.- < 'rd.-r of Foi-i-s>.-rs. Ini.-r'iir ..f .-Inin-P r'-sl...-. .1 <'inTnii— >i. T.iikf's. Ilfv. J. Pllcn. >!af)i«-Siiii days. 1" a.m. winter. !'.;ta a.m. siinimt-r; X't'sp.-rs. 3 p.m.; I'aily .Mas.s. 7 am.; pray.-r. 7, p. in Tw.. mills rr.'iii th.' inanst station. .ii^s familh-s. four S.'paiat.- taiiKliI hy lay t.-a.-liiTs. Soi'l.'ii.'s l,..a(.'u.' of S. II.. II. .ly Family Mar;. Qin'i-n of II. -arts. *'>rvlll«- iiiir I.ady "' l.otirdi'.'*— Uev. IlcnrI llhhai-.l. CM.. IM'.. Il.v. K. M. I..-Calr. CM.. <'iirati<. Mass- Siimlays. 7 a.m.. Iliirh Mass p. a.m.. Vfsp'-is. 7 i..m. In sumtm-r. at i; p m. In wltit'T; l»all.\- Mass. ''. a.m. siinimt'r. 7 a.m. •wlnliT ; I'aily Mass at :..n« a.m. Prholastiial.' ..f th.' U.'\ . F.Uh.-rs .if th.' I'.jn- pany ..f Mary; lt"V. U. Hlihar.l. Sup an.l Prof. Wori.i Th."'|; Hoy. Frs. I', Xa.pi.'. Prof, '.' mntii-al Th.'.'; U. M. I,.-kf>r. Prof Mtitri-'v nn.l l-;iu;lisli: Marin.iny.-t. Pr..f. Holy S.-.-l i- Itii-i' aiul t'aiioii I,a\v: .1. Kiizl.-n. .1. M. ''ast.-x. .•..nv.'Mt of of \Vlsd..iii. U-v- Moll'>-i- S; S..ulaiiK.'. Sup. Ii«i famlll.s; .s-paral.- .- h.iol ^ i.iiiills taiiKhi I'V Slst.-rs of WIs.loin. fw-l-tlca; [i:Cn- o" th" Sa",".i ll"..rt. S li.y "f th.- Holy Family. Confial.-inlty Mary "JU'-n .f Il-arta. I»i«rlliiB--Attcnd«a from Almontt monthly. ItiittMMi s. John tin- KviinK>'li»l. l;<-v. W. Macati- ley. Manotic attcndid. KiiHliiinn'M M|>i-liiKH->. I,a\vn-nc<', I wolvc itiil<'.s 11.. Ill Ottawa ..11 CP.Il. Atli'ndcd from Hillings' Iti-ldKf. Mass i-yry s.-ciiii.l Sun.luy at 1" a.m.; V-spt-rs. 1.30 p.m. Si-paiatt.- School; '!'." pui.llg. laiiKlii liy Hi'i'Ular. Kinliruii s. Jacijtii'it. Hev. J. P. ForK^tcure Ma-s ;-!\ s. li an.l In a.m.; V.'sp.Ts. I p.m.; lially Mass. li an.l 7 a.m. K''ai-lu!.l i.y stai?e from South Indhm. Five S'-paralo :!S0 pupils, laiichi liy Ori'y Nuns; Sup.. 11. -v. Sr. S. I'oiiatius. and Sfculars. About 4iil I'athollc famili.s.'tli'S : Lt'iiKUi' of th.- Sacrod II. art. S. Franils of Salt's, S. Anno, i"lilldi.'n of .Mar>. FmIIomIIcI. ■ n till- CPU. l''! rainlll.'s; S.-parat.- S. I1..0I, 60 pupils tauKliI l.y Miss .\nii|.' Walla.-.'. S..i-i.'tli'»: S. Franils .h- .Salos. I.i'iiKui' of S. ll-art. the i'aih..lh- urdi-r of ForcHtors- Fallowh'-M I'ourt, N'... i;.'.4. .\ iK-w pii'shyl.'ry Imilt durlni; th.' yiir. Mai-.h all. -ml. -.1. l-'ilxro.i s. Michacl'H. atti'tidril from Pnkfnhain. fr'oiii'iiifi- > llt'riianr.s, it. K. Daiii'irr <«l»iir<-«fi-r (Soiitln— Visllntioii ol tin II. V M., U.-\ . .1. I'uiin. 4><>iilli»iii'ii— S. .Sylvi'Hti-r. atti'iidi'il from liich- 111. .11-1 >\>-i\ s.-c'.n.l S'lnday, I'l a.m. ■law k)-Hl>iii-v milo s. .MphoiMiis IdKUori. \.-iy U.-v. S. Philip. It.'V. ,1. 11. F. .\il;ir.|. droy .Nuns of iittawa ti-a.-h S.-paiat.' S'h'.ols; 123 pupils; 7 r.-llKi.iis; Sup. It.-v. Sr. S. .Phii. Hiii(»tilMir|{ Si'c S. Fraiiriiis d'AsHiKi'. Ottaw.-k an.l .i;n .,1" li I r.nins.-l. nti.iwa. ■.<-riilt ■■<■ S. Thomas, Ifiv. P. Itcilur'l, P. P. There ;ii.' J.'.; I ';iil..ili.- faiiilli.'s in this parish. l-"i\e S. par. It- Silio.'ls. with p'.'. pupils, an- taimlil l.y lay icai Sorli'i lis ; ,S. Ann. riilhlr'-n of Mar\. Mas^; Snii.lays. HiKh Mass, I',;'" a.m.; l'aii,\ M;tss, 7 il.ln. ■.'al ^. .li-nn lta|>tlnli''N Ui-v. n. Itmibe. Mass- Suinlays and days. I'l a.m; V.-spers. :' |i.m.; I'aily Mass. 7 a.m. I.oukiH' ..f .■<. Ili'art. Livini: It.saiy. CM.I'...\. an.l S. .L.s.'ph. ;'.il famlll.'s; Hire.' Sepaiat" S.-l Is. Ijr. pupils, tlii.'e sei-ular t.-n.-heis. naii»ll<'k S. Ilrliluet'.s, alti-iidod from Mnwsoii. Mnri'li >. Isi.loie. .Mtemled fioiii Fallowliild. Mas.- S'lii.l.t.v . P'.:'.'. a.m.; .liiiiiiK w.-.-k. '- a.n;. Iffloilf s (■Htliaritii''!<, llev. W. K. < avannxh. llrlciiiiK > Joseph's. I,. A. Idivoie; firey Xttii* t'-a.-h S.-par;ii.- I'nkfiiliiiiii s Peter I'll Htilie's. Pev. I) l.aviu. FIIZI...V all.'tul.-.l. l*lHiiliiu:<-n<'i s. Paul's. liev. I-', i' ('lotpati Mass— Sunday, Hlch Mass, 9.30 a.m.; Holy Com- miinlon, 7.:'.ii a.m.; I'at.'c-liism aiil \''>sprrs. I p.m.; I'aily Mass. 7 ,i.i„. 'J.V! fainlli'.s. Sep.i- rnte Seliool with 2"n pupils, taimht by s.-veii lay ti'a.h.-rs. S.i.-ieib's; S. .\iin.-. Li-aKue ,s, H.-ari. S|..-.-ial 1'. \..ii..ii: 'I'll.' II. .Iv ,\n>rels. .\ |.r.-ily .-in. I I .■inpl.-i.- ihnr.-li Willi tin.''ry. KIrliiiKMiil S. IMillip's. Uc-v. F, J. Mctiovcrn. Till' ehureh at niidimon.l Is seven miles from til.' slati.'n. Mass Sun. lays. 10 a.m.; Ve.spors, 7 pin.; I>ailv Mass. 7."." a.m. Ooulbourn at- t.n.l..!. I'.ii faiiini''S. Hix-klniKl The Holy Trinity. Kev. s. Hiidiin, P.P. Mass Sundays. '.i.Sn a.m.; V.spers at 2.:i« p.m.; I'aily Mass. 7 a.m. in sumtni-r. 7.30 n.m. In Willi. 'r; Sp'-i-lal I ii'v..ti..ns in th.- m.-nths ..f -llM- THI". CIHRCH IN ONTARIO .Mnv. of .«. S. Jusvpli iin.l Orti.ti.-r. \V. liinilllfi". S.pimiti- Sclu'iil, tiiiiKlii by Orcy Nmm of thf CroHS, SupiTlor. ll.-v. Sr. S. I'laililm; > rcllKlonK: 45" |mi|.11b. SocIpiIph; P. J-miii lini'iliitp. 8. JnHi'pli!' Inl..'i luid CatlMll'- oiilir "f K'Ti-h- ters.. L<-iici f S. II'Miri. S. Aim ami i 'lillilnn tif Mary. A laik'<- (In.- Htciii.- church. S. AIImtI— Hev.O. I.yciiiiiiils. I>». Knit«'iie--S. KiiK aKi;.' "f tlw Sa'P'.l ll.'art; H.iiy Uosary: Huly Kniiilly; S. Vraiirlf. .If Sal.'s. 2S0 fnmllli'B. MasM Sundays. 7.30 nml 10 a.m.; Vi PP'TH, 3 IMii.: pallN Mass. >'• ami T a.m. M. .liiiic v lay ii'a(|ii>rs. Siirl.Mhs : S Ann: 'Jiianllaii .XiiKi'ls. Holy Fatnlly. IlandHnnu' lit;- chnnh i'.impli't''il. .S. .loH<>|)li Can. A. R. Separate, Select nil. I'cIlm; .■'rhii.ds tatiKlii hy th'- Slst.-rs nf Mary. Sciili-ll.s : Th" S. H. TfmpiTunce Snili^ty; th.' t'athollf f)rili'r »( Kmi'sti-rs. Mass Sutnlays. 10,; X't'Spcrs, 3 p.m.; I»all> Mass. 7 a.m. WeiMlover -s. Ilenolt'H Kev. 1". Cliatllltin. Mant — Snmlay. In a.m.; V''si»rs. :! p.m.; Spci lal i|<- vntlons. llrst Krliiay <•( month; Infant .Ifsiis nf I'rnmii-. i:'..'. I'amill.s.'S . Chllilr.Mi f.f Mnr\'; S. .\nn. W'vitt lluiilli'j- s. Mlclincr» Hov. I>. Ciirkery. Thi'ri' ari' ah"iit |ii" <'athi>ll>' famlllfs, Thi''.' (Mminiin Si hmpls an- tniiKht hy thn-i' faihnllc t.-ailiiMs. Siirli'tli'.": «'. M. n. A.. Pres.. J. H. Ki'iin.ily : S.-i.. p. i'.,st.'r: Ki'aKUi' of tin- S. Ill-art. Mass Siinilays. t*.:io a.m. In siiimrii-r. In.;'." a.m. In othto- Reasons; Paily Mass. 7 a.m. !>A1USIIK> IX giEKEC. Alilliclfl lii'v. II. Dnoliarini'. AnifiTH "Hov. .1. n. Lanu'laln. .\ riiii°»tri> Dhiiii' a|tliirMiivni«--Kev. K Muiicliui. rellclPr -K Cliarlevola. IVrkiiiK MIIIh Kev. II. UelanKer. ItiiHMi ll-v J. (iiiay. N, .tiloliilK-dr lliiuHi-tl'Kev. P. Filloii. S. .\k<*IIi>* ill'" ^loxl" "ev. A. I orliell. .s. Aii lie .MiiHliniii- KevN. P. Curoii, P llert- rami treilreili. .s. i»»iiMtraril ilf Moiitnrvilli- Kev. M. iKiiKi'f <■<■ ^'oiiiliiliKiii*'— UevH. ,1. Cottut, CH.I.t.: V. Kpliianl, t . K. 1. C ; J. A. Jlontet, t .Kit . »». JiivlU'-Hev. s. tniiiiiet. M. riilII|i|M- l -Kev. o. l.eaniy. M. KiiHc III- l.liiia- Kev M. ( humlierluuil. in. *l»u>-Kev. A. Forgel. Mllirillk -Kev. p. Piloll. Tliiirao- Kev. J. Cliatelalii. DIOt'KSI-: OF PliMimOKE. Tills lilni-ene. eslaliltshiMl. Sent. 21»t. I89S, coin- I isi-s l'..nila.- "'..limy In I li.- I'r-.vln.-e of tiuehfe, K.-nlr.-w I'.iiiniv an.; ii..riliiv-n parts ..( the f..uiilii's 1.1 I-'n.nt.'nai-. HastliiKs and Haliliiirlon. an. I ..f the .listrlrts i.r ^■|pl:■.^.lnK and I'.-irry .Soiin.l. In till' Pi-i.\ iii.-e of oniarlii; tin- t-rrltury l.i-tw.-i-n ill .l.-K. .I.inii's Itay West an. I 7;; des. l-'.asi, th.- Il.-iirlii ..I at the S.mth. the Ilu.lsi.ii \\:\\ . th'- ( Whnle Klver nn.l .\p|o- kai-ninist l.ak.- at th.- N.irth. HIsh.ip - Thi' Itt. IW\. S. '/,. I.orraln. |i.l>.. InsluMi-d first Ulshop of l'.-ml> Sept. :':n.l. 'Us. I'aiholii- p..pulatl..n ;lil.(;:ii;; I'rh-sts. riii; < 'liuri-hes, 3.1; I'hapi-ls. ;'S: Convents, t; I|..spltals, 3; ParlHhea. 24. pAi;isiii;s i.v (iNT.Miio. l*«-iiil>r«k<- — S. I olunil.a. Hivs. K. .V. li|..-,, 1' I'., aii.l 1 .\. Kr.-iK-li. I'lirate. n2ft iiimllles. Two .'> and l.^ : V.-sp rs. 7.1.'. pm.; I'ally M.-iss. HI.', and 7 a.m. In siimmi-r. i' and 7.30 In winti-r; Sperlal di-votlons. first Friday, Tiii's.lay. S. .\ntli..ny. als.. In May. .Inn.' and Ui'tohi-r. .%i-ii|ii*lor- s. ( hrysosiom's. Ki-v. .v. ( liuiiii! Mass Sundays, '\ an. I 10 a.m.; Cat.-ehlsin. 2.30 p.m.; \'.-s|..-rs. 3.;!" i..m. in wlni.-r. 7 p.m. in siimnii'i-; Imlly Mass. 7 a.m. l> In May. l-'irsi Friday. Forty Hours. Novenas of thi' IIol.v • ill. .St. ..r till' S ll.'art nn.l ..f S. Anne. 3(K) families. Si-p. S.-hoiil. ;Wii pupils, tnucht hy Srs. ..f ciiaiity ..f Halifax and seriilar. Con\-'nf of the Sisters of Charity. Siieletli-s: S. ,I..H.'ph"s; C.M.H.A.; Calholl- rirder of Forestfrs; l.a.lle» of S. .\nn; I-.-aci f S. Heart; I >e la Salh- So- rlety; I.lttl'- Inlaiil .li-siis; S, .Vloyslus; Cliil.lren of Marr. San.lpolnt atti'ndi-d. Hanri-ori-Attciiilfil from Mayntxith. -1114- . Tin; CmRCII IN ONTARIO Hnrr>'* ltn> -Alt< iiMi'i! (niiii llniiU'iiFll ami IljiK.iii.. N' « c hurclj liullt. lilMrk l»iiii»l uiir Laily <>t llii' Hay. Att<'UllrMHli M'tlll-lllllll ((iri'Ut llvMlTt I'. O. S. ll.rirv. .\lt. ii.I.m) fi..iii II..|||I>'|.| 1 ll.>' .11k- liint. ji: riiiiilli.f. S>'|.aiiit>' Sell.... I 111 II. iKliln.r- h. l..n(i : I^.vv^.nicvlll.-, S. Tli..nin.«. l'>i faiiilllix: (•(.rt...|l SMIntr. Sii!< in I'tirlsli Ini'lii.lliiK nilsK|..nKi ai.. at'i'ii.W-.l a mi.Mlli ..II »i'..k .lays. KlBht St-imrat.. S.Ii.h.Ih. in-.. <.|»-ii. 3'." |.uf«llc. S.--1.-11.-P : l.,-nfsiu- i.f 111.' Sacn-.l Il.-arl. Faiiillv. H<.|v K.isary. .«. Amii.'s S...lalltv an.l fhn.|r.-n i.f Mary l(rii(lrnrll-.ii|ii.niiiiKi> Iluail s, Mary'x of »tlie Pnows. u.-v. K. Fn-n.ti. IM'. , H.v. .1. J. Mc- In.-m.-y. assl. ;«.-, Callioll.- famlll.-.«. S..rl..tiPs CM HA . IT.-f... fJ|.-ph«n liyan. Ma>> Suniluyx. I" a.m.: Henodlotlon. r. p.m.: I'aily Mayj-. V an.l 7.30 a.m. Mlcflons alt>-nilFa(itopol--S. Anns, pvery 2niJ and 4tli Sundays: Harrys Hay S. Uawr.-n.-t- OT.ioI<> »vpry 3rO Sunday. 4-alHlMtKl|. Till- >roiil ITecloiM Blood. AlteniUd from I{»-nfrew. Mass. '>.?.{) a.m.: H.-nodlrtlon 7.1.". I. ni. I'liiilk Itlvrr Atlindi-il fri.tii Pi-niliroki' Man-. — S'lndayp, 10 a.m. <'lil.wi.-k.-(T|i. rlilsholnii. s. r.i.iii.s, Kiuir of Fran.-p Atiendfd fr..iii ll..ntl.-l.l AI1..111 fj. famlli.■^ .«..,,. soh.i.l iiv.:.i. site of oliapel markf-d. ISM. SchnnI to 1..- niBain/....l. 4'iilMiiii-?iaor('il Ill-art of J..«ti». Attended from Osiw.Ia fviTy p.., on. I Pun. lay. Mass, s 3fi a.m. ('oiiiltt-riiicrf- Atti'iidfil from Mayiioolli. <«rln-li HiiliiiK .,-|'|,. Fi-rris., on tin- c.IMf.— Sarrod Uf-art. Ali.ti.|..l fr..m H.,nn.>l.l. S»parat." Prh.^.l. Pit,, of rliii|,..i ,li..spn not. €«»rry Sa-tllfiiifiit Altendid from .Mount - Patrick. !».■« .lo«rliliii«-Att - .Micliair,- H«v. H. s. Marion. ,*'■?.'**"'"'' ^- •'•I'lK'"'. ll'v. 1' ~. Dowilall, K€'V. J. h..'K.-i S!i.r..l II.-iiM,.i,t. ili.-v Viins; of .^itiawa. s.i|.iTi..r, Ic.-v. Sistir Marv li.inzaen. 5 rplljrions and IM pupils. Hound T„ik.' .■.it.>nd.>lili-ii l.iik.' All.n.l. d from Maltawa. «.»ui'r ■>v T Nap I..M.nn<>. Mass- Pun.lays lo a.m.: Vrspprs. 7 p.m.: Hally Mass. 7 a.m.: SiK.ial ilovotions. first FrMav of the rnnntli. I'll' fnnilllrs. Mlssl.ns in sliantipo on Blnik an.l rnulon^e Rlvprs. F.iif roiilonBP iQ.) and Holsfinnrs iQ.) attnnd(-d. «>rfHi ■><••■<•■•• .Tp. lionilol.l.. s. Ilonry. AlMiiit flvf- miles from Kuili.rKli.n station. «'. P. R. Alton. I...I from H..nfldd. iPoo Holssnnp.iult.) t^rinilh -Our I.ail.r of the Holy Ito-iry, at t. »tniilftlau», Kev. H. Jankrwski. P.P. Harrv's Hay at'-nd..l. Klllnl»<''». Andrew, attended from Itnidc- iipll first Sun. lav ..f every month. N-n- church (42 X »<; ft.) completed. KI»rk'H milR -Atteiidrit from Mnttawn. I^a »:ri«lil.'« Attended rnini Mulluwa. l.rti'M|ii*<%lllr .T|i KerrlM. s. Thoiiia... on M, I It l!.-illi s NiiitHsiiiK aiel N.isbolising 1; K .\l-.'it l'«i famllleH. S.-|.anUe S.hotil. [•res.-Iit site of rliai».l marked In l^M!. Hulldlng ..f a n-w eliai.el under r.insi.l.Tation. Attended H..iinel.l. .'NnUM%%ii -. Amies. oni. of tin- llni»t oliur.lie* ill the pr..Mnce. House ..f the oblate Father*. Superior. Uev. N. S. Ko/.ids. O.M.I. . P.P.. Hevii. Frs. Therlt-n. O.M.I., <". (.•harlebols, (1..M.I.. nssts. .;i.. i-alholi.- famllleH. Tw.. S. hools in the county taiiKht bv se.ulars. S. Anns S.le.ol. 'i'"' pu|ill». laiinht by I Mlitlloii Atleiiihd from Mattavva. llM«uoulli >. U'natlus. Uev. Joseph Itarette. i-..nil.'.rmere. Han. n ft an.l Wbttiiey attende.l. Nnul n. Pulrlvk-Kev. U. J. McKailion. PP Hev. .1. <■. I'aKenals. curate, Mu»»— bun- .lavs an.l H..lvdays of ol.lHtatL.n. 1" m. : Hen.- .liction. 7 | Kally .Mass. 7 ni 7.;t... !..> families. F..ur Separate I.." pupil". tauKht hv secularn. Societies : Children of Mary: I.eaKue ('.f S. Heart. New presbytery built at Orimth mission, "•.riltltli. Corry Settlement, Hlack l...ii:il.t ""reek, att.n.le.l. !«»«lMiii»liiK l-nkc > a.m.: 7 P ni- Kallv Mass. 7 and 7.:t'i a.m. Two S.'parate Schools. I". laiplls, taught l>y seculars. I,.aKue ,,f S, H'-arl. .V.bden attended every se,.iiid Sun. lav *> :i" J' m Pfliiuii\Mi .Mien. led from Pembroke. r.iiiit.\Ie\«IMl«T Hev. A. Hen:iu.l. Mass- Sun.lavs an.l ..f obliKatl.m. 1" 3.' am.; an.l Sa.ratnent. 4 p.m.: Iiaily .Mass, 7 am. n' families. Des ,I..achlms and I'halk l:i\.r :iit.n.l..l. .Mass, 1" a.m, KriifrrH S. Francis .\avler's. Kev. P. T. K>an. P.P. Sisters of the Holy Cross established. Mass Sun. lays an.l ll.ily.lays of obllBation. S.IJ an.l 1" a.m.; 1 ate. Iilsni. - p.iii.; IJ.-n.-.ll. tion. 7.1'. i..m.: Iially Mass. 7 am., an.l from Ni.v.-m- iH-r 1 to Faster. 7.:!" am.: S| lal .lev.itions : First Friday: Tuesday S. Anthony: Asso.iatlon ..f Weekly Way of th.. I'lovs. 4117 families. T«.. Separal.- ::i"i i.uplls. tautrht by Srs. .r II. .|y i" and :I s.-.-ulars. S."let|es: S. Anns: fhlMr-n of Mary: S, .T.ihn H.r, hman's: "VM H.A.: r.o.r.: LeoBue of P. H.-art SprlnK- town. 1; miles ilistant. ..n lh.> .Madawaska River, Is attended from Henfr.w fhlnl Sunday of every month. rnlaboKie VlllaKe. on I.ak.- <'nlnh..Kle, exp,insl..n ..f ihe Ma.lawaska I{lv.-r. an.ither Misslrn. H mlbs from Henfrew, Is attended from Renfrew first Sunday of every month, Kciiliin-Attenileil from Mattaua. llaH'kllrrr— Attende.l from M.ittawn. Kaiiiiial l.nke— Attende.l from F.panvllle. Mnntl l*i>iiit s. .Mevanil.r's, alteiule.l from .\rnprior every fourth Sunday Mass.. 11 a.m.; I'at.-.hlsni after Mass. Sl>rlii(!lonii-Attiiiiled from Keiifrew. Mass I.', am,, n.-n'-dl.tinii 7 If. p.m. S4-l>»sl<»iKiI-.\ttenileil from Hrudeliell. WliHin-y .\tlemled from Maynooth. Wlliiat— Itev. II. JankoHHki. -106- THR CHfRCH IN ONTARIO Wyiiiontiirliinff f' l!..!. nn ih,- Muni. Itlvcr. Wa^'WarilM MiklKkan. OirinJ baki', I^k'' Barrlrre- Indian MlfBlons iitti-nded by U.vii. J. P. Ou«>it\i<>n. O.M.I.. Sup., anil A. Lunlfl. O.M.I., of Mnnlnakl. I'.\niKHK8 IN QtTKIlEC. Alluiny ' lliid.-'.n F« Il.iyi S. Slmrinx. J'llii it'' on Jann'f' Hay. riirli-li In ' of niilnto Kniti.Tf: IlHv K. X. Fiifiir.l. Sup., Hbv. J. Oiiljr^iiird and twi. lay brotli»TK. Alf.iinclli' I. H'v 1 1. I,-diii-. IIrriiliCH \tt»'nile. . On» Separate School. 32 pupils timcht by Jllxfi I. M Malono. Mni"!"- Sundays. « and lilKb Mass 1ft am.; I'ally Mass. 7 ond 7.3n a.m. Ton mlsfl'in!' ar<- atliiidcd fr^m this point. I»ortiiK«' till Fort It.-v. .\. Ilrunc't. (|a> ••■I !;• • !'• KM-rnan. Sh«-flilMiro H«v. .1. I». Kli-rnnn. Vlll*- .Marif Hev. H. p.rr-ault. o M. I.; \V. O.M.I. Vinton It-v. V K-rrt-rl. niOCRSK OF KINOSTON iMi'tropulltan Sec.) This Ploo.-»<>. PstaHlshpd January 27. IWii. ron- itltutcd a M.'troiM.lltan S.-.- 1 '.iiMnber 2S, 1SS9, comprls«>s th.- territory from th.' wcslPrn iKiiind- ary of Stormunt on thf east !•' thi- westfrn bound- ary of HastlnKB County. This includes the Counties of l-onnox and -VddlnKton. Piindas. Frontenao. Or.'nvllb>. llasllnKs. part of I.anark. I^cilii and I'rlnrc Kdward, .Vnlil'lMhop -Thf Mi'«t rifV. I'harles H. i',i,utlil«'r. ronsfcriitivl .\rih- biohoj. of Klnicst'in. CHtr.b.-r IMh. iviis. S.'C, Ui-v. M. Mi-aeher. Cnthollr popiilatl.m. 2,-..i»»i; I'rb'KiH. 41: ConvHnts. IS; Hospitals and OrphaiiasiM, I; Chun lips or Chari»ds. W : Parishes. 3". PAHISHKS. tlty of KIllRnton -''iithfilral- S. Mary Im- nui. uUii- l£.-\ .l.IV K.Ikmv Tt.loi: Ili»vs. M. Mi-atth'T. I'lia.". J. M>a and Ml lia-d i 'rawlry. Hours of service— Sundays. In summer. Muss at 7.30. 9.1."> 'children's), and 11 a.m.: Vespers, at 7.30 p.m. In winter. Mass at S. 9.30 (children's). and II a.m.: dally Mass at 7.3i> a.m. I !.■.. Catholi,. famlllcM: f..ur Scparal-' Schools lauirht by th.- Sisters ..f I'liarlty ; Provldenif) and Sisters of the ConirnKatliiii di' N'otrc Pann' and lay teachers. H'-Klopolls i"iil|i.i;e 1 >>an. li'V. ('has. Mea. T1.A.. under th" direction of a board of Trustees. Chairman. The Archbishop of Klnitston. The Sisters of the i .mirreKatloti dc X.itrc r>anie. Rev. Sister S. M. Jane. .'Jiip.. teach boardinK and select scM^miIs. Itcltetous Hospi- talers of S. Joseph have charge of Hospital ami Female Orphanaec. Sup.. Rev. Sister AValsh. Sisters of Charity (Providence) coniluct the House of PrnvliTence for the glck and Infirm, also a male orphanaite. Sup. Oen.. Rev. Mother M. Schoias- llca Societies- The .-Xrch Confraternity of the Holy Family, comprised of Male Branch and Female Branch, the former numberinc 300 and the latter l.OOO members: the Sodality of the children of Mary. 3i"i mi-mbf-rs. The I^eairue of tli.. Sacrerl Heart. Contlirtious to the Cathedral Is the Chapel of P. James, other chapels are In the Hos'pltal 'Hotel Ideil). and the II. .use iif Ppivl.lence chapi'ls for Catholic worship exclusively are in the P.'nl- tentlary ami In Rockwood Asylum. Portsmouth 'Church of the flood ThlefV n suburb of KinRS- t.-vn Is attend...! by Rev. M. J. Mn.donald. Aiiili«TNt loland-^s. Karthoioniew's. attended from Railton every secund Sunday. from Slnn- alternately. Al^lfM'll r^. Klllan s. attende.1 from Itallton. Atli€'ni|-S. iM-nIs' attended from Y..m«; .Tr.- velyaii P.O.). alternate Simdays at 9 a.m. liatllurHt S \ iment s attended byvill.- every Sim.lay. i and 11 a.m.. liutli s Mnus'. atten.le.l fr..m Uallt.>n every s nl Sunday. IliMlfonl iC,(«lfrey P (».)-Sncre.l ILart. of Jesus, attendeil by the Father* of the Company of Marv fr..m Itallton i I^.uKhborouRli i l''^- .in. UrUb.nneau. ''.M.. Revs. C.renot and Pupuy. M:iss Sun. lavs. leS"!. Pally 7 a.m. So.|etles; S. Ibail. R..sary, Our Lady ..f Hearts. !>o families. iiolli-vlll«- S Mi. haels. Rt. Rev MKr Juin.s Farellv. Rev. J. J. Conn..lly. Indies ..f I..uelto .■onduct H.iardliiK an'. S.-.- Stanleyville. (aiiiilfii EaHt-S Anth..ny ..f Pa.hia. Rev. P. T ITartlKan. Mass-Sundays. s.3o and 10.30 a.m.; Pallv Mass, S a.m.: Holy .lays of obllRatlon, Mass, 10 a.m. IS.' Catholic families. Societies: c. M. H. A.: Confraternity .>f the Holy Family aiid of Mount Carmel. Chippewa an.l New- burKh attended. Cardinal Sacre.l Heart of Jesus, attemleil from Prescott. Carlrtoil I'lai-f S Mary de Meree.les. Rev. M. O'Rourke. Mass— Sundays. 8 and 10.30 a.m.. alternate Sundays : I'ally Mass. 7 a.m. 120 Catholl.- families. Altar Sf<-lety an.l c. M. R. FerEuson's Falls attended. rili>Ht<-rvlll<- S. Mary's. ■O' att.n.led. <'hl|>|M-\va Siin.l.i* 'r. .ni cnniden K. l)i!ti«>roiito-S. Vincent .le P.iul atten.le.l fr..m from N.ipaneee. F.llCln "^ ('..luinbaiius. R.v. M. .1 Spr.itt. Mass Sun. lays, S.Sn an.l II am alternat.'ly. 90 ramllles. This n.-w parish, erecte.l In January, 1V.9. was part .-viitli>n» In May. Lvnt an.l Flrxi Friday. IS" fani!lle»; C M. H. A., Altar Siiileiy ami KlvInK H"!'ary CM) nn-mlKTH). Si.uth M'Mintaln atti-mli'il. KliiKKtoil .MIIIh <'liurili •>( th*- Holy Nam., of J'fii-'. Ui-v. Kathf-r f'olllnK. Mans— Siinilay. 1U.:W» a.m.; Ve»|>«TM, 7.3« p.m.; Dally Mass. 7.3" a.m.: Iit-votlnns KIpkI Frlilay. 7" fanilli.s; S.'ii. Siml>a'cly ati.n.l-.l l S. ratriiks. atti-ml •.! fr< ni San- I..OIII hardy .Vii-mlcl from Klt|.-y. I»ll(;lilioroii|;li S. I'alrick'.i. Sfc Railton. Maiiltiiiald'HC'oriierH S.. fiuimihaniis. at- t.ri.|-.| ricrn Haillon i l^.^lKht>ll^^•lllKll^ JMailoc .-'ill r.-.l H.-arl <.f Mary. Rev. I>. c. oUrl.n. Ma.iic— Siimlays. 9..Vi a.m.: Dally Mas?. i: a.m. ill -iinnmi.r. 7..''" a.m. In winter. Ifi.'. fatholl.- famill.s Qu'' attt-mliil pvery Siinilay. .Marmora Sa.rcl Ht-art ..f .Ii-siis. Ui-v. Tli..!i. Murtat'i: Mar.VHVillf Il..|y Nann- i.f Mary, Itpv. .T S. O'Ci.nn'.r. Ma.^s— Piimlays. 10 a.m.; Iially Ma.i.s. 7.3fp a.m. I.-aBUP of s. Hi-ari ami Itnsary. R. V. M. 110 ranilliP!!. Sf-paratp S.hool. S" pupils. taiiKhi hy Miss ri'CallaBlinn : threp public'f.N an- taupht by fathnllr tearhi-rs. Matilila •■=. .\nni'. attpmli-il from Morrlsburn. Mf'rrick villc .-'. .\nni'"s. Rev. .\ farsnri. Mass Sun. lays. <• ami in.nfi a.m.: Daily Mass. '.'(' a.m. JI..|y family ami -Mtar .«<.i-ii>tl>.s. Mfirrl«.l>«rjj .-= Mary immaiiilatf. Hey. .1. I". Fl.niliiL' lr...|iio|s ami MatlMa attemleil. >'apaiU'«» S. I'atrirks. Ri.\. .I..liri T. H..e,in. I(«.s.r"n?'. atti-niU'.I. N<-%tliiirir'.l I'vi-ry tw.j in tliri-i- Sim- ila>s < 'ani'li-n Fast. Odt'NMH S Mri.lci'l's. atten.lfil from Rai|i..n rv.ry sei. m.l Pimilay. New ehiirch built iliirli.e the y.-ar. Olll|Mlll See I'almersti.n. PalllKTHton lOmpahi S I.e.. the dreat. at- teii.le,! ironi Itallti.n i l.iiiii;hb— ■••ipanese Martyrs, all-ndeil fr..m KIkIi . Mass- Sundays. S.Sii ami 11. alternately. Plot«H-^- '".r.-uory the Great. Rev. P. A. Tw..h'-y. \V..|llnKton attendeil. Portsllioiltll - 'hureh of the rjoo.l Thief. Rev. Ml .M^i. .I'liahl '.11 fatholle famllhs. ( Seoa- rate Seh.".|. tauRht by Miss M. War.I. Societies: Altar S..eleiy. which meets first Sunday nf every month. 5iaiii>- Sundays. IIiKh Mass. 11 a.m.; V»»- 7.3» p.m.; fatei-hlsni. :i p.m.: Dally Mas* S a.m. KlnK»ton Penitentiary ii\nn convict*)— HIrh Ma.'s. Sundays. 9 a.m.; Vespem and Sermon. I.». p.m. RockwoiMl .Vsyluni .'.n" Insane patlenta a'ti-nded. Pr«'«oott S. Mark the Kvanifellsfs. Rev. >!»-!. I -i. II. Iie\ W .\ .McDiiiiaKh I anttnal at- t.-iel.-l Qu«'«'iial»ora'— t*. Henrys, attenlc.l from Madoc every Sunday. Ralltoii .I.ouehborouKhl-In charge of th* Fathers of th.. <'..m|iany of Mary. Sup.. Kev. J. R. Hrl.lonneau. r.M.; Rev. ,1. M. £>.CIech. CM., .\. rrc/.eaii. 1' M.. I", (iienot. f'.M.. .1. Duptiy, <'.M. Mass Sumlays. l".*i a.m.; Dally Maaa. n.Sit a.m.: I./eaRu.. of s. Heart. Mans, at 9 a.m.. first Friday of the month: '.m families. Two Se[«. rate Si'hiHils. with 1" pupils, taught by Mlsiun Rose tiRellly ami Kate Sullivan. I..arKe new pr.sbytery built Odessa. Hath and .Vmherst. Ri-dford lOodfreyi. Sharbot I,ake. .\rdoch. Fal- merst'iM lompah). McDonald'.^ rorners. attended. Ilt-ail Illesslngton. Kicliiiiont Lake S. .Tames Major, attende.1 from Railt'.n •I..ou(rhboroUKh). SliiitirH FhIIh-S. Francis de Sal>-s. Rev. Faih.i- K.lly Sp«'llft'rvllll' - S. Lawrence's. Rev. r. .\. M. •Williams. .Mass Sun. lays 'J.S" an. I II. '.o a.m. alternately: H..|y .lays of Mass >; a.m.: .S[.eilal Devotions In Lent, .\dvent and M.->y: Daily Mass. 7.,'!cl a.m. ISO families. The Separate School, with ir. pupils, l.s taiiRht by Mlsa farr..|l South Moiinliiln— S. .lanlel's. attended from Keiii|itville every third Siiiiday. 11 a.m. Stanley vllio-s. liriduei's. Rev. ,Ido. D'Brien. Mas< Sim. lavs ;. .. ■ ;] a.m.. alternately. 123 fatholl.- families, rwo Separate Sch.ols. tauicht by lay t-a.-hers. S. Vincent's. Ba:hur9t. attend- ed ev.'ry .Siiii.lay. • Stirllmr S. .1. .Tames thi' Ivcss. attended fr.-)»n Frankf.ird. Tr«-"«o> -<5. p,.,,.r In Thalns. R. v C. B. Mur- ray. Mass-Sundays. ipecjal Iieiotlons First Frii'av -.paniie Sc'e.i.I Jiui i,ii|.i|s laiiL'ht l.v -IS. of \otre Dame (Jonif" (ration anil seculars. Sinielies- s VinceDt lie Paul, ''athoii,- •(• Miciety ami (■\. '•'iiIt>(|o S.-.- Kitley. Trt'vvlyaii— See Vopge. "■ Throiipt«»\v 1 S. Mi.haels. attende.1 frim S|..ii. .1 \ ill- .very Sunday. Mass. ri.W an. I 119) a. III., all.riiately, Twj'MI S. I'aithaKh's. Re Huni:.rf..r.| alien. led. 1 1. Tw.ail>' .Mass. 7.:io a.m.: Devotions In Lent. A.lvent. an.I .luriTii; the m.mths of .May. .Tune and rxtob^r als.i on first Fri.lays. 2'*' families; Ave Separate SchOf.Is in the parish, with 24a pupils. The West- |...rt Separate S.hool, with X. pupils. Is tauirht by Sisters of Notr.. Dame (l'nngi>>Kation). Sup., .'•r. S. .li.seph nf Jesui.. \Vlnch«>«t«T-S. ''oluinba's. atten.Ie.I I' ill... Wolfe Heart of Marv J{ev T. J .-^1 ratt. — lOS- THE CIHRCH IN ONTARIO -1 Vonn** iTn'Vi'lyan 1'. r). )- S. Jamt-x Maj-r, Rev. FatluT Ixiyli-. MiiKc-Sunilnyn. !• ntui 11 a.m.; KvinltiK I>i-viitliinn. Tun; linlly Mai's. ■* a.m.: SiM-ilal 1 >i-viil|i.iis: K..,istH c.r S. I'atrl'k. •*. Ariiif. S. jHtnc's till' <'>riat, S. ISrimlaii, f. t>>Tils. al^o thi- nlni- FrldayB. 92 fnmllli-s. S»-parat«- Schiiiil halt 30 |>tipll)>. taiiKlit liy Mr. Jamps Trott>fr. Socli'tleB: Arclicnnfratiinlly <•( ttii' H"ly Family mei'lH first Siimlay ot each mniiih. an^l .Mtar Society. Rookiiort and AthenH attpnd>-j alt<>mat» SiindayH. Nott — TllKrlniaBf in S, Aniip annual pllgrlniaKi' iimliT thi- ausplies nf Hi^i Oraii- tin- Ari'lililslmp of KlnRstnn. will !>»> run to.S. Anne ile Hinii|.if In tin- month of July durliiK VMm. I'artl.iilarN can In- otitaircl fr..m Rey. M. J. Stanton. lirockvllle. DIOr-KSK OF PETF.ItnOllO". This nini'osi''S the Cciuntlcii of Durham. Northuinhcrlanil. rctirlioro', Victoria, and the nistrlcts of AlK'omn, Miiskuka. Pairy Sound and the wi'Hicni [Mirtloii of XIplssInK: creited a lHoccsP July nth. l^*-:. HlHhop~<3), Th.- Rlgh: Hey. H. A. (iCoiinor nsccrated Hishop of Ppterhnro' May lot. 1hs!>. Vlcar-Ocnerals Rlsht Hey. Ml?r. J'. I). Laurent. Very Ri'v. J. Urowne; Sec. Rev. T. F. Scanlan. Catholic jKipulatlon. 36.r.n.| on Murray SI. hy seculars. Mr. K. Jones, prln- c-ipal. Sisters of S. Joseph. Sup. Mother ciothil.l«>. have a fine liospital In the jirljacent villaire t.f Ashhurnham, Rev. P. O'Conneil, I'haplaln. Mount S. Joseph. Sup. Rev. Mother Austin. Mother House of .Sisters of S. Jose|,h. .StX'leties: S. Vitlient .I- I'auh C.M.n.A.; K.H..\.; Catholic Order of For- esters; Vouni; Min's Catholic .Vssocl.-ition ; .\ltar Society and LeaifUe of the Sacn-d Heart. The new House of Providence in charKe of the Sisters of S. Joseph erected. 1 iowiuan ville and Keane attended. AUBwa— Attended from Fort Willi.ini Indlin Mission by Rev. N". PuRas, S. J. .\Iksey station. HIrrli IxIniHl — .Vttein'ed from Wlkweniikoiii; 3 families. ItlNt'MtlHliiK -.Mti'iiilcii from Sndlairy. niiiKl Itlvi-r-Attcnded l)y |{ev. F. tote. S.J., Sault S. Marie, ••v.ry month. Popul.iti..n 14". IIoIm-m.vkoiii— S. Joseph's, attended from Fene. Ion Fails. -s. Joseph's, fourth Sunday ■ >. JOHTIlll'S, attended frolll Mass. II a.m. Rev. T. < (dllrs. B««» ■■■••* illr I'-^t^rt- • ••\.-r> Hrar«-kr«4sr -. *iT:t .'-z.I. tTf* attended. Hrichlwu — HoJjr Aiiutds. .Vltendeil from Wuider. ■rwre ■inra— Attended from Saul I s Marie. H»r»le>-« Peteri-. Rev T. H. u'Connell. H,»r^.--! i:jd \\ark»urlh atiemleil. Hyac lairl-The Holy Family, Rev. P. Hani<-1. S J. ♦" Catholic families. Two public scbo"U. one UiUKht by a Catholic teacher. Mass - -HiaulMyr. k and lu a.m.; Ves|KT». 7 p.m.; Pally ila*a. '. a-m. Indian Missions attended monthly f''.m lhi» |«.|nt by Rev. s. Pufr.'sne. S. ,1.; Shawaca. with > <'athcdic families, 4.' souls ; Parry Island. 12 families. f>9 souls; lleau Solell Island. Iv families. 'i7 souls; ll.N'nR Itdet, 3 :amlli>-«. U souls; Henry Inlet, S families, 46 souls. Kitrhi KitiBaniinir. 7 families with .;i souls. [.rukes ll*»er\e. XipissinK, 11 famili.'S with Of. s• a.m.. Vespers. 7 p.m. Holydays •■f oMiication. Mass. s and 1" a.m.; Paily .M.iss » a.m.. Si»-i-ial devotions In Advent. I.eiu, M.iy. June and f»f-tol<-r. 16" families. So.inllties of R.V.M. and of Holy Angels. •'■rtl^r— .%lteiideault Me. .Marii'. iif the Most Holy t;os:iry. f '•4rtiirt»ii . at .V -< liurch W.oler. 4'»|iprr 4 MIT— S. >taiiislaii8. Xew church liitllt. 4'atlrr 1' ( Olc 13. Ir. (oil Sudbury. .tllendeal fr Sault Ste. .Mari Vz . •- -. ;. pii!;;ti..n. 1". Dayloa-AlteDdet) hy lie Sa;!- ?'.- Marl-; pfipulatlon Uraa |jikr-.\tteiiili d l>y H Sr- .M.-.r.- K/pulatlon. 44. Drotearaf* -Attended from n- Fr •' *.e: ix..piilation. I'j. I><>n Hpy t ille— See Kmily. Doar* — Joseph's. Rev. Wni. J Mass — Sun.iai!- and Holydays of ohliKaii a.m.; Paily Mass. 7 a.m. Over 2oO familie! sis i-ubllc f<-hf«.ls are taught Fine new stone church Kev S.J sault Sault ste. .Marie. Keilly .n, I'l . The y Calholii- t.'achers. erected In l'*93. Parish I" jerenty yearn In existence. -V»- THK CHIRCH IN ONTARIO ItHck lalaiiil Altcliilcil fniiii WlkwuinlkoiiK. t:iuil> .Dowueyvillr i' • l.uki'- IJiv. T K. »c»,>loii in thargv of tin- piiii»li durliiK thp abwnrr on »lck Ic-avf of tln' puslor. Ilcv. ('. K. Ureth^rton. AtK)l! taurlit II< Mel oil MaHH siiuilay» KirHi Siiinliiy of ilw it.Mi.: I!i'n<-tll('tlon and Mush. 7 »i a.m.: l'''. pupil.-, 111.' H. \Vik»i iiiikiinL' Kr. Coll-, S.J .\ltend- -Il.v. W. J iM.i" a.n».; 8 and \>).3n Z p ni. : I'uily Five F'-ho-ds ipiiblK) with i!.'.'.i hv Catholic ti-aohfr!". I.t*r*. rrnt-liin rull»— .•«. AloyBliii.' llfv. P. J.ol.iary Ma.«.'- :runda>ir. lv.y.> a.m.; Vinpi-rs. T p.m.; I>ally Ma>c. 7.3" summer. !> winter; S| lal I>f- voti. n!« in May and TK-t .her. Ahoiil liK) fumlli.s. Ik>bcaygrun and Galway attended alternate Sim- day«. fori IVlillnm S. Tatriek. liev. I., .\rpln. .-:. J. M: - .-..:. lays. >.;;" iiMd lM.:!Ma.m.; Vi-Mpers. 7 p.iii I 'ally Man). 7.30 a.m.; Special I>evo- tl.T'.- '.::-' Kndiiy; neinths of May and June. Cathoh '.iniille«. i3S, Soiletl.-o: League of the Sa.fd II.. in .• M 1!. A." r»ri MllliaiM %%>*l-linniacii'ulo I'tiuceptloii llev. A. Ilaiidin, S.J.. Hev. L. N. Uuifas. .S.J.. a»»"t. Ma*: Sundays an.l II. dy. lays of ol.ll«a- tlon. 9.30 a.m.; Vesperp. 6.afi p.m. in hot ueaiher. 2 p.m. in winter, oth.-r time.s ;! p.m.; Dally Mann, C a.m. l>-aKii<- of S. 11. art on llrst Kri.layp. :•<> families; one Sefdirat.' (Jehool. fl" pupil- tauRht l.y Sr». of S. I'onvent of Si of S. J.rseph: resl.lenee of J.sult Falh.'r.'. I.eairiie of S. Heart. S<«lality H. V. M. Mlssi.inn all 1 north shore of Lake Superior atl.'nd..! fr«^im this i int. Frrnrli Kl%t-r— .Vttended (roni 'Ji faiiiiliei- 4>nmt- Hii> — .\ltenilrd by liev Pauh .-t. . Marie, |«jpulntlon. 40. <>ali«n>— The luiinai'iilate ( oiK-eptioii. ed from Fenelon FalU. (•ardrn Itay— .\llended by Hev. I'r. Cole. Saillt Ste. Man-. |.opulalion, S. (•nrdrn Kivrr— The Ininiaciilate Heart o! Mary. Kev I", l^niarohe, S.J.. It. v. J. .\. I>i..- let. S.J. All Indian Ueservi', luntalninK alj.nit 120 Catholic families. Catholic School, with 1:1" children, is tauKht by tv%'o teachers. So.i.'li.s; The I>.'ague of the Siion-d Hi art and the Altar S«>'ieiy. Mass— Sun.lays. lii a.m.; \"espers. o p.m.; Daily Ma?!'. 7 and 7.3" a.m. All Catli.ili.- Indians west of Sault St.. .Marl., t.. Mamains.' and iioiilais Itay. an.l all white and Indian I'alli..- 11.' centres east to Cnik's Mills an.l .Tolin's I. are atten.ied fr..m Garden Uiver. Hat.hewana. Ooii- lais Hay Or.'S-Cap, Mamalnse and Paymentvill... .Mi *i. C.^^.X..! ar- atten.le.I every s nd m.uuli. <«oal»i« B«j— *=. I'-t.r's. ait.' from nard"i. l:!v.r. ^Jrnflon— s >lary".«. Hev. >l. I.arkm. <>r»teiiliiir»l- Atlen.leii friiTii Uracelirldtie. 4;r»> * «!» -.Ml.nd'.l from iiKas, S.J. HIKoii -~t. J.iseph's. atten.ied by Kev. Fr. Cote Sa'i!' S'- .Marie; population, &3. Hnnlitilllp — (jur lj»dy ol the As.sumplion. New church built: attended from Purry Kritrnrt '• Hart" r Mrpup— S. JubD !..».-rlM-r" »-v-r:- a.m. Kirkllplil-Ncw charcli t» be dMileated in •• i.;r. by |{» Ijev lr A. < i "Jonnor. tend.-.l rr. m Victoria Hita. KiHurnry-s. JoMpli •. Attrudr D Mar7'i>. Id. Hev. M»-r. P. D. Uiureni. V.<;.. I'.K. Rev. c. J. Phelan. asst. Mass- Sun. lays and Holy day» of obligation, i a.m. ; HiKh Jla.<«. p>.>» a.m. ; Vespers. 7 p.m. ; I'aily Mass. S. J.^^ph's Convent 7 a.m. ; Church, S a.m. : Sp«s:ial DerotlODS. first Friday. VM fami- lies. The Separate School, with »* iniplls. la taiiKht igirls) by isiri^rs of s. Jr«epb and (boys) by lay tearhers. TJf SiMers of S. Jr«eph ccn- dii.t Ib^rdinc and S«-le. t I^y S<-h'>ols. S.x-1- eties : S Vincrnt de Paul ; Catholic Literary ; K R A S.-lalify of B V M. ; C.M.n.A. I.llllr ( ••rrp|if->. ViDct-m de Paul's. Attended li.n. \Vi««.mik.jn«. Kev. E. Couture; 40 latlo Lainc ljakp-Altend-«l ■ lla:, .\l .- Rev. X. .If mil It III «r .Harkola.t ■la popu- frr.m Fort William (In- I>URa» S J. .Vttend"! fn^n 'larden River. .\tten.le-l from Sudbury. .Wni»>r> Mtaiinn— Tlie Iiiiiiiaciilate Conreption Lev J K Ur-t\T^ S J I'.^v. J K. Cham- b'.n. S. J. Mass—SuTi.lays. Id a.m. ; Sunday Seh<».l. i p.m. ; Ve»i--rs. 7 p.m. ; Daily Mass, 7.3i> a.m. winter. 7 a.m. sutjun^r ; t.^ane. S.J . al»-. neighb.'.rine missions. Savanne. > famili-s ; Bonheur. 4 families : Gun- flint. Silver M. iirttain. Stanley. Gravel River. Xeplsea-AlteDdeU from Fort William. Revs. I.. Uitortune and N. Injeas. S J. Nei -hlKirinR mi.-si..ns R.«s^t>.rt an.J Pearl River, in all 11 famili-s. five .r six tim-s a v.-ar. NrnrstKllr- f.-urtii S .Vllendi-d Imni Ma-s^— > a.m. Pelerlwro' every IlipUoliis Lake-AltrDdeol. Xnrthltay S. Uary on the Lake. Rev. D. J. S...|liii.|. Ma.-s-Siindays and Holy days of obll- cati.n. > a.m.; Hieh lla.«,«. !...» a.m.; Vespers an.l Serm..n. 7 p.m.: r>aily Ma.«s * a.m.: Special .|ev<.ti..ns Wedn-s-lay and Fridays of I«"nt. every ••venins in May and Oct..ber. 1«> Catholic families. Tw.. S-parate .Sch.-.Is. with »■ pupils, tauirht by sei-uiars. S.e|.ties: Cnfratemity ..f the M.>st H.dy R<3<«a.-y. Sodality of rt. V. M. Norw«H»«l-s. Pi>ii|-». Hev. P. I oiiway. Mass .ailr Mass. ' a.m. «.. families. S.-parat- S.-h.>il. K pupils, taiieht by Miss Bnean. c..nfratemi»y of Jll. <'armel and League of s. H. art. Havelo.k atten.ied every second Sunday. Parry Harltar— s. Peter's. Hev Kfnmey and Huntsville attended. T. F. Fleming. 110 Tin: CHIRCM IN ONTARIO lli>lyli«y!' of <.MI- |..m., I 'ally Mif-- Altar Society an-l 'Iriiiii (■rM>k. miri- OM Fori -A"' '"'••'' 'f'"" *"""" ^- M""^ l»i»«iiii% -AH'-nrt.-.l fr..iM Wlkw.-nilkouR .-very month. 211 famlllfn. 12 .hlMren r n,..-.liiii{ ».hfw.i. I'«>» I'lut-Atli'iiilt'il tri>iii Ki rt William. Itev. N PuKac, S.J. Vtr Ulv«T-S KralK." Xaxl.-ri'. iitl.-iid«-'l frcin Kurt Wlllliiin. I'€»liil A MX €Jron. AmlrrwH. lli-v. <>. Xraiill B J. ll-v. Haxi. r. S.J.. l.*f.>rtuiie. S.J. Mas.«-Suiiil.iyH nn.l< ot obllBatWin. T.S" HiwI l".?.'i am.; Vini-rv. 7 |i.iii.; Pally Masi". 7S".nni. '.<■: famlU'-.-'. S.'r.arat'- S. li'"'l lanBlii liy till.- Slst'TK of S. Jofifph. 12S ruptl^. Til- Ili.ii|.ltiil If <'.inlmt-y Ui«> SlIlt«•r^ "f S. J'.Kel.ti. Motli-r Vlm-ni. Sii|i»'ri"r. Purl Hopr (Jiir I.aily "I »!• ny. I(<>y M. I.ymli. Ma! an.l jtatlnn. 10 a.m.; V-si.-r>. 7 6.3" a.m. Thirty ffimili-!-. l..faru- of S. H-art. I'ouiioKiiii— AtleiHli'il Iriiiii a nirinth, 2tii1 Sunday. KlclinnlS l.nii.llii« -Atti mUil hy l!ev. K. r.t- S.J.. Sault S .Marie, population l*.. sauiiiiiok AUeiiil. •! fr.mi Wik" n(r<'il Heart of JemiR. Revs. A. Prini-ati. S..I.. .1. A. MaoloiialJ. S.J.. U < 'ot-. S.J. !•"• Catholir famlll-^', S.-parat- S<'hooif'.i-s: Ai"'Stl-.-ihiii of IVayr; t'.o.F.; Altar S-x-l.-ty. t'hildr-Ti of Miirx. Mass'— Sundays, s and P'.n':; V-.' a.m. Missions att-nd-d. eawt of th- S.'iult to fJai- €)• R Itiy-r on th- north .•-nls..n. nr-mn-r. Moniizamh-rt. Il-ron Hay. Jaikll.«h in all 27 famili-s. yisitid .'. or >: tiir.-s a v-a'-. Sliirill.. ritt-nd.-.l. MliPKnMlMiiiliili -Atti-iiiii'il friim Wiku-mikonc. NhlKlilxnitnliia; — Atti'nileil from Wikwemi kom; .-v-ry iw.i months. T\ famlli.s 1< -hildr-n ati.-ii.line sihr«-il. MlillialiiiiKliiic-.Mt-nil-d from Wikwc-mikuni: ab-ui -y-ry t\y > month.s. 11 families. Woiir Itn.v— Altendril from Saiill sti . Man-. Rev. Fr Tot-. S.J.. population .".. Mniiih Itny .\tti'iid-d friini Wikwiniikiin)!. S^ fafii!i-s 2-'. att.-ndiiiic s-hool. S. ••i»>c|>ira lolaiMl Hilton' ^ Jn.M'ph's' at- tend.- i fr..m S;iult S, Mari-. MiHiniah HI<«T— .Vttenilid from Wikxviiiiikoni; MpfiiKK*- -.\tt-nd-il hv Hi-v. S. « ote, Sault Ste M:irl-. |.o|,ii|iitl..n if). MiHrsfon FiiIIm— Sacrt il Heart ..f Ji !.iis. li-v J. .1. ') Kii.n. S'lO Catholic famlll-s. Two Sepa- rat. S. liools. yvith 17,". pupils. t.iUKhl hy Miss.s Mtiri.hy anil Tariyi-r-. So,.i..ti-s : ••.M.I!..\.. Mass-Sunilays. «. and Hidh p. :i. m.: Vesper.". < p.m.: Daily Mass. 7 and ?.*>. Missions att-n.l.^d-r.adK-r.w an.l Fl-ld att-nded on.'» a month. Muilliiiry— St. .\nn-'s. Uevs. H. Hii'lsun. s. J T. I,ussi-r S.J.. Jas, Hrault. S.J,. E. FrouLx. S.J. Mass- Sundays. S an.l li) a.m.; V-spers. T, p.m.; Pally Mass. 7.30 a.m.; Spcciul devotion : Sacre.1 li-art of Jeiiuii. v> fatnilll-H. one Separate Hcliool, 101 pupiU taUBht hy tour drey Nunn. The Orey .Nuns t S. Jos-ph's i5-n-ral U""!'""', *'>'l'.. H-v. 8r. S. lUpha-l. S-K-l-th-H: I,.-ai(u.. ..f S. Heart. I,.iidle» of S. Ann;'n .if Mary. ■ 'artier. < °hupl-au. Wahnaplta.-. IIIsialiisliiK. i'.>P|H-r I'llfT. Markstay. all mlssh.ns up t.i I'haii- i.-au att-n.l-d. mnittliH hj 12 rainllle.s. F (lite. S. J., ThraoKloN-.ltteiiileil I vi ry two l;.y. Fr. I'ot-, S.J.. Satilt 8to. Marl'. 12 .hiMr.-M ati..|i.llni: s.-h.».l Trnbj Bm.« -Atlend-il hy Key Sault St- .Mali.- |».p.ilatlon I'^i. Tronl 4'rrrk-SMrreil H. p -.ills, all' tauuni l.y lay t-aeher>. S.>rl-ti.s ; l.-aKue ..f the ,s II. 'art; ■». MaM-Sundays. 10 a.m.; V..s|.tTs, 7.;:i> i..i'i l>aiK .Mass. Huinm-r. 7 a.m.. «tnt-r, s a.m. Missions aitend.'fl -ITiWassan ami .Msa.- ..n— a m.'ntli .Ml and 2n.| S.imlays, Turkrr (rrrk— Altt'iideil from \\ ik» iiiilkoiiu. t fal;llll-^. Vrriirr— >. John lla|ill».l'» llev. c. I.aiixloi*. Mas.«;..- HiBh, ID a.m.; Pally .Mass, 7.:v. a.m. I»l families, s. .Xtui's So.lidy. War- r-n an.l .Viil-t.n atten l-.l. Vlrtnrln Katad— llev. . J. >weeuey. MttMH— Sund.o.- an! ll'iylays of ..l.ll>:atl...i. l".3rt a.m.; Ves|»-rs. 7 pin.; I>aily S a.m. |ihi fainllleil in this scattered mission. Ij-aeu- of Sai r.-d !l-art, i-.M-H.-V.; K.H.A.; Altar an.l Scapular S<<-lety. Th- S-parate situate In the township of I'ard.'n has .I" pui.ils. Tlu' verj- prvtty church <.f r;..thlc d.slKii. 7- x 3.1 ft. has |."..n lat-ly .•ompl.'tel.v ov-rhaiil.'.l Int-rlor and -xt-rlor. Kirkfi-ld, wh.'re a new cliur. h. Bift of Mrs. Wni. Mackenzh- lT..roiito), Is being built, att-nd-d Wnprrn— S. Th..mas' from V-rner Mass. I', am 72 famili-s. S.-parat- S.hool. with I'il .1- .TioL-hi r.v Miss .M. .1. Pul.-an. %t ]iir»i-il _.\tt-nil-d from Mass-y Station, U iii-ktt ftrlli— s. Jemme's. attended from Burn. ley %t>l>lii«aMMl — .Attend.-)] from Mas.s-y Station. W>«t Buy— Th- Immaculate ('onc.'ptl..n. al- i-n.b-! fr.m \Vikw.'inik..nB every niotilh. fi.'i famili-s ».. .hillr.n att-n.linK sib.iol. t«'lill<- KUrr Att.n.l-.l fr..m I'.ut .\rtliiir. • famili.'s. als. n.'it:hl...rinB missi..ns. I'ar.lec, Wind, rm.r- I'alton. Mis.snnabie. Ott.'r. (irasHel. .\my..t— in all ?' famili-s visited .'. ..r fi times a y-ar. niillr kons. Ulllle l-ioli k"IiK -v>r> two Ulillf-««tp . hur.-h liiiiit. W Iku eiiiikoiiK ..f th- H:y .'r..^^. pri-si a^sista;its J. Rl. tiarl. S.J.. T. "■••iitur.-. S.J., l">p>ilatl..n ar- att rloll KIter months I.iki' Muskoka .Vtliiidcil fi..iii Wikw-mi- \tteiideil Ir.iiii VVikwcmi. .\nne New S.J. Number of .'p;irai.* S.' Manitoulin Island. Invention U-\. .\. .\rlils. S.l.. j.arish U-vs. P. I 'iii;iiii.|ii..t. S.l., H. t'aron. V. K-imu.I, S.J., J. Si»'.ht. S.J. Th.. white -11. l-.l usually by ll.-vs. H. • 'aron. S.J.. and V. Renaud, ■ ■ath.,Ii. famili-s 21';. Th . with 1^' pupils, ar.' tauBht ; b.iys by two laynvn. and Birls by of th.- Imma. ulal.' II. -art ..f Mary. S.Klality B.V.M.; In.luslrial School for Ih.vs t-onducte.1 by Hi.- Jesuit I'.r.ith.'rs, ami for Blrls. c..n.|u.t".| by Pist-rs ..f I. II. ..f .Mary. Mass— Sun.lays an.l Holy. lays of obiiKation. 7 :in.l 1" a.m. •"aL-.-hlsm, l.;'..i |> ni. : V.sp.'is. :! p |.i. ; l>ally Mass. •! a.m. In summer and 7 i-i wint.'r. Hesiile? th- I'atholics in Manlloiilm Isian.l all the In.lian Missions from Nit.issliic to Th.'ssah.n ■ .n th- n.irth sliore of Lake Hur..>n an.l O-orRian Bay. als.. Klllarn-y an.l Littl.- I'urrent in all ?S. stations vislte.1 acc..rdlnK to th-lr ini|.ortance .1. «. 12 an.l 21 times a year. Ifi cluirches or -111- Till-; CIlLkClI IN (.(NTARIO 1.|U1|>1'N, 111 ri HiImh'Ih, tttii lUlllllo HflnMilH titllKllI liy t'aiti.i|lrj<, ^||l liiinlllii-. tl7 .<-ii iitti'iiu mliiii'l. A IM'W ultiii liiiK lii'cii liiillt 111 llic rliun h at Wlkwi'inlkniiu iIiiiImk iIk- .M'UI iiikI tli-' inwi'i I.I llli' rl.urih I ii|M|i|>'l>'ii. U'lkfiulkitHKlilil ' Atti'liilril (ruin Wlkuiiiil koiiK I'Vfiy iiiiiiiUi. ;)u iiiiiilll<'i<. :'i( chlMrin uMi-ikIIiik hcI I. Ituolcr S. All>li', Iti'V. M J. McCiiIrr Mii.-i* SMiiil:i>f- anil II..I.Mla.\ ■■. It am.. I'aili .MiiKh. > a.m. i'l rainllli'i". Sf|i. Sihi».l laUKlii liy MlHH .Mar\ AinlmiHi-. l.inKUf uf S. lliMirl lli'luliiiin all. I I 'uilt'liiuli'n aiii'iiili'il. IViiililK'n Poliil our I,al liiioil ( iiiiiihI'I, Iti'V* 1'. I'llzpalili k. i.ak.lliM aial " iiainli.!. ut • ttiukil. IJIUCKSK uK ALKXAM'lUA. 'riilH I'liK'i'Hc, eriMteil Jiuuiiiry 23iil, IV"'. I'lii- bjuci'H llii' t'uiiiitlt'H uf tjlni'inciiit uiul (iliiiKuriy. UlHtu>|>— Tliu KiKlit Iti'V. Alfxuiiili'i' Mai ijiiiivll. I'.I)., coiiHiM-riiti'il 111 Ali'xaiulrla. ( iiIhImt ZSHi, IMiU. Catliullr i.i.iiiilatlii" l>..%i"i; |iii>'Kt8. lii; cliiiiclii'H Willi II HiJi'iii inii'otH. 11^ wltlnait d, Acadi'niy, 1; ('niisrnlti, :i; lIuMiiilal. 1. 1!I»Ik>p'h Coiinrll -V. Ui'V. . riinian. Kl. Ul'V Ali'xainli'i Mai'ilniii'll. |i.l>.. liiv. linnalil I >. MiMlllan, ami llm. J. A. MaJ.-au. Ma.»-' Siiiiilays. (> a. III.. Willi Mlmrl iMHli'iirtloii ; '.< fur 111'- Kriiuli |.fo|.li- «uli an lii.xuiii Umi In KriMulK IllKli Maws, l".:." a.m., Viwiifrn. 7.;i" |>.iii.: I>ally MiiH.'^. il.:ia ami 7 a.m. Iiln raiiillli's; 2 Sciinnili' SiIumiIh with 3lKi luiplls. buys taiiKtit liy Mr. A. !•'. liwyiT ami Miss .Iissli- K"rr. Blrls by SIsii-rs 111 ihi' Jluly Crnss. S, .M.uKiiri'i's Coiiviiil. I'liniliicti'il by Slsti-rs uT llii' Iluly I'ross. SupiTlor. Upv. MutliiT ilc S. C'hrlBtlmi. Smli'tl.s Tiilal AtiMllni'ini'. I.fnKii'' uf S. •■utii'ill." Tiiitli. i'..M.H..\.. ami r.D.K. I li (.iariy a'l- tended. Cornwall >. ('ulmiiluiii >. V. Kiv. (iio. < or bell,, iiasliir; Itiv. Albert .\. MiKa.', assl.-'laiil. Mass -Siiiiilay. > and lu.lln a.m.; Itell- gluus In.struelliin. L'.;iii p.m. ; Vespers ntul Meiii'- dlellnn. 7 p.m.; Hulyilaya uf ulillgalion. Mass. 6 ami II (; Vespirs ami Hem dlrllnn. 7.3" p.m.; lially Ma.s. G. t.'. ami 7.1.'. a.m.; Spi'iial d"v ulluns. Flrsi I'riilay. Mass li and 7 a.m.; Hiin ilUlinn. Bends, l.W p.m. I'urty hmirs. l.enteii. May and Hetiilier ili'ViitliiMs,.".'iii lamllles; :; S.-parate Si-linuls. !iii(i pupils. taUKliI li.\ 7 Sr.-i. ••( i ' d.' Null-.- I'ani.' and n s.mhImis. Ni-w Ipisi ;ial H.i'.'l Mill. .^iivlelii's: .\|ii.slli-slilp I'f I'ra.M-r; T..t:il Al.slineiii-i.; (•.M.|(..\.: c.k.K.. Ci.uri JLV; Ladles- Auxiliary and riilldien i.f Mary. il 111. 1!. \-.M., Itev. IV.Vbl.e Coriiwiill KiiNt 'I'lii- -Nailvliy . ^^ Ut-\ . I'aiil 1 leyaiinliac. pustiir I M-si,-irdins. assistant. Cr.VHll'r '"'I' '-ladj- Hi ilii- lluly Itusary, Itev-. Li. 11. .Maidmiald. < iii tin- New \i.ik and i "ttawa R.It. Mass- Sundays. 9 and'll a.m. alti-rnately ; Cateclilsni.; Vespers, 7 p.m.: 1 tally Mass. 7 a.m.; Huly days of obllgallun. Mass. '.< a.m. Spei-ial deviiliiiMs: Kiirty Imiii-s. i'Ih families 'I'liree .--iipai-ale Sehnnls, L'lm pupils, lamrlil by seeiilai-s. Sm-letles: l.eaguv.- of the Saeied Heart. l-'llli-ll alli-nd.-d. Dic'kiiiNon'H l.aiiiltiit; < »n- l.ady uf (ira.-e, I!i-v. 11. A. i.'ampbell Ih-sl resident pastor. Mas.s - Smidav. Ie.:lii a.m.- Vesjiers. 7 p.m.: leiily Mass. 7 a.m.; Ilulydays uf obligation, Mass. !• a.m.. Vespers. V.W p.m. Separate P-hool laimht by Miss f,. Cl.-ary and Miss Murray. Altar Soelety and Tienpiie of P. Heart. Presby- ti-i-y In eoiii-se of erection. I-'arran's ruiiit aii 1 Milles Hiiebes altendeil. Koiury, ry niter- Klirriiu'o Tiilill -^'»r Ljidy ■•! the .\i|i-nil.-.| triiiii I'll klni-.m H L>an'llnB eve iiate tjiinday. Man-, ».3" a.m. ■''Inch f* r--rii.iid .\iii-iide'l ii-oni <'ry»li'r. .Ml.-- Sunday., :■ and II u Mi. alternately. (ill'linvt In ^' Margaret ». Kev. Ii. Mi-ltae. Mans Sundayit. lu.J" a.m., VeBpurn. t In winter. 7 p.m. In «uiiinier. I'ally Ma»«. 7 a.m. In Hummer ^ III winter. I>evoti..nii. tlrnt h'riday. 2*0 rutliollo laniili'-H. Si hcilH tuuKhi by Catliiillc tuarlierH. Si.i-ii-ti's : (.••an .f till- S Heart; Altar Sui-lety and I' I > K 4'lii{arr> S. Stephen's, attended ;in.',rla •■vvclal devotions : First Sunday in October: 17th .VuKiist. I2o families. l.*-ague of The n-ame church Is cmplete In bavint; ?, altars and lielng well ' rnaiiH-nts. The presbytery U of properly is free of debt. Murtllltoun -S. Ita s altenib-d from Williams- iiiwn. .Mass -Sunday, S a.m. MIIU- Ho<'llf*-< 'ur Liidy uf th,- Sai-ri-d l|.-art. .\it.ii.|.-.i fr..m Dli-klnson'B landing every aller- •lai- .~iHi.l;i\. Mass. b.:'ii a.m. .^Iiinklaiiil - "or LbIi1> I.f -XnKels. attended from S. .Vndrew's. Mass— Sundays, ^ a.m.: <"ai.-. lii-m. J pni. .^lonr'<> .>IIIIm from S. Raphael's siimni»-r, ^..:i' Mmomc C'rt'ck ' 'ur I-joly ..f Angel .1. l..,ili,\. .Mass — Sundays. I'l.Su a.m.; :.:>' p.m.. I'aily Mass. 7 a.m. LM" iaiiiill"s. :; Separate Sk'hools. lV.i pupils ..liimbkill's. Mass— Sundays. in winter. I mr I-idy aH' a.m. Ill Itev. M, Vespers, Catliiillo taiiKlu Ml, F, ; I'ourt of ( nir Coiitraternlty of the by .s'.i ulars. Societies : i l.ady I.f Annels, Nu. 3»6: ll.-ly Family. S. Allilri'W'H It-*. Will. .\. Macluiu-ll. .M.iss — Sundais and H.-lydays oi obligutiun, sunimi-r, I'.i a.m.. wint'-r P-.S"; Vi-spers. C p.m., slimmer; 1 p. Ill,, winter; Calei-hisni. 12. Ually Mass, 7. lifvi.tions every evening in May and October, 4 pin; l.i-ague >.f the Sacr>-d lb-art. first Friday; Flirty Iti.urs. :U" faniill'-s: 2 Separate Schools, lol pupils, taught by Sisters of CungieKatiun il-j Notre Panie. Sup.. Sr. S. M. Francis, ana I seculars. Societies : League of S. Heart; Con- fraterniiy ..f Holy Rosary and Scapular. Monk- land- att'-n-l-nl. 8. H»l|>iiii«'rM-Rev. Terence Fltzpatrlck. —Sun. lays. lii.:iii a.m.; Daily Mass. I. a.m.. nier; 7 a.m.. wintT, Si^-dal .li-\ ..i|..ns : S.-;i- pular. .Inly 16th,: ,'i2; famlil-s: 3 Separate Schools, with 175 pupils, taught by secilars, Leairue uf S. aii.l i'..nrrat.'rnity of Ml. (Jarni.-l. .Munrm's Mills attended. Will iiiniMt own The Nativity ..f the l!.\-..M.. V. Hev. ,1., Dean. Mass— Sundays, 10.30 \''-spei-s. 7 : Dally Mass, 7 a.m, "p.-cial .IfViitiuns : Month of May and Forty families. I>-ague of S. Heart. I.aii- iMass siini- H. iast..r and Martintown attended. Till-: CIURCII IN nNTARIO I>l<>rrJ«K OF S IV>MK.\<"K Th» follomins parlahi-o ix-l'itiRltiir tn i)i>- l>|.K'Hit^ • " S Ib^nlfarr. «r»- rliiiat.' in > Bat Portac*— ^o 1^ I>hiiii- rlHiti' I'ev. J IT. Pmtnu. O.M.I. : R«n. O Allnnl. VO. <>M.I. aiul J'|i<>i|i> with ZiO I'UpU*. BIT tauKht |.> ih.- Kiilihfiil (''.riipanlon* • f Jt«uii. "f i<. J.^M-pli n A<-ii.|<-nu .>i.H|..||i-ii •IfcU.A. <•<»>'. l^airi.- t,f •%. Hi-iirt. A n-w pmbyXrry liaa ln-^n hull! f >>■ an.l I" :]•> „ m. V.-ii|>.tii. : p.m.. Il<.|y.|«y* ..f ..MillBtl'in. Mnni-. « am.. J» .n.«a.\ !»rli,-.| :; p m. : Pally Mans. T.jii a.m. Keewatin " fftiiilli>'>. i. i.t • n lul t-vi-rx .^iiinliiy MaXM. Mil t|l>- nionlh. I>l I S. I>i'.'<'i AnNiinii k'kai. , m. ; WnptTK Ih- «M' 1 P m. U Ni:\V llainlll. alli-ni|v ■;*. Hovrral F.nn Airalha. H. ARntha an.l II.'lyri««) !«• iif ivicrhi'i'i I Mir l.«'ly •Inn. lliintxvlllv. S. Aiini- Whitml.l f SlanliilaiiH. Cmiiikt I'llff III. «■>••» ..f r.nihr.'K.- Illai-k <'l...p«'/iu Alluiiwlt.' I», I llniry • hai«''). nti-rhir Hnl.Hhi-.l. l>|.H-p«t> iif KinKBt.m .'hurch lx>inbar(ly. liny. Hay •ml). ma •i nit III Mill - .f t'l. f iMua Kiihre, .|'..ll-h Iti-urt. Rdigiotts Ordm in Ontario- men. : .<'>«-lKTy OF JKHrS «8.J.I. Foun.J.^! In 1S35 »>y s. Isnatlux ..t l^.v.Ia •'»n«ral ; Wry He* L,.uiii Martin. KMl.len. •• R..m*. 8iip <;^n. In < 'ana. la Vimv Key T nUatranlt. .<. Mary x <„1|.^h Montreal. In Ontart.> th» Jmuli I-'alh<>r» have a n-ntdeni-e at Quelph r»-,.-s aitnrhe.1. There are In.lian Mi«.«i..n« at \\ ik». itiik..nn anl the ne<.rKlan l!av. .itt.n.llnjr U' the oirhii.we lOiibwavi trl»>e«. Th-r- are .-ha- peN ..n the In.Kan I!.-erv.s at l'av» IMat H.-nm Bay. Whit.- Ki»h Lak. I>,r,K Lake. Atawa Mirhipiri.ien. Veplcn. < mler. i ^ip.. croker. «iaii ree»). Sa«am'>k. Nipirxine I.jik<-. I'ufl-r Shllialan- • 'K. . •''"P Oeneral. the H.^n.r- r^Jl J'"'"''" ''"f"-'-' Marie. The l!r..lh.rM hav.. rmkT 9,""^ '".J' "'J^lr ^ '--• •''»"•• In.-tlt,.te. I mk- St. Brother Od-. Baldwin. Director P Marys. M.M|,.nnel| s.,.. Hr .n,..r Mi-hael nir ^ R J.^hnx Rl.nt^-re Tark. Fast Tnronf. nr..the; rr.ltowlnif s/-hr>r.I.s in the citv: I-e la Salle Insti- l-^/V^iK'- ^r i'"^'" " Francis-. P. tM^nK '-^^XHRKOATinx OF P RAPIT- (n.a.n,-, FtiundKl In I*S i,r Up. ■!• t.-i.n >f .• TT ^...A -. • • •- ^» *tKT. (1 .wian. Mother R;rA.'"FaVTe"'"'' '^™"'" ""^ "'"'"' ' ^• ^1^« \- ^^^ "*• Toronto. Provincial: »«nr Ker. \. MariJ. n. Superior of the Residence: Rev. J. 1( T.M.fy, M.A., M.l- .Superior of tli* <'o!l««-: Itev Father MiinKovan, Treaaurer. Pro- f. iis.vrH l{f\. Fr. Fraohnti: Hhetcirlc. R. V K. Mcllr.i.l.N . llell.-H L.tir.'s. It.-v .N Roohe; l.aihi. .Mr. "arr. .'^e.'.in.l Latin. Rev. Father Sullivan: Klemeiilary l„illn. 1!.'V Father M.iii Ir.'Uil. l••ir^l I '. •niiiM-r. .al .Mi l-aK-Mu. S." •• i I "-'.iiimerclal. Mr. Tnrpey; Thlr.l i -iiiinierrlal. Mr.; .N'atiiral Philosophy. . Iienilmry, Rev. Father .Martin; Fr^ Rev. i'.ither Walsh , .MuhIc. R.'V. F.iiher Mirrin . Ma-ier. Rev. Fatli.-r H..«iii.l: R...reatl..ii .Master, R.-v Father <'UHi.U. I'arish S. llasirs, Rev. I.. Hrennan. IM". : Rev. F R. Fra. hon. .-iiiHt.'. M IVrry. Sai'rlH'aii. .V. vlliale ai'il"tl.ate ..n S. rinlr Ave.. Peer I'ark P i >. .suliiirl. .f 'r..r.-Im lastl. » i-hapel of the n.ily R.isnry at the .Vovltlate. Rev. Fr. O-Nelll. I "yen ScMin.l cHani.i. .l...n.). P.. t I..inlit..n .l...n (. .111.1 Ri.l>r..t.i\vii are in . ii.irKc of til.. HaslllanH. S.-. Han. III. .n ami Ixin.loi Hhicesi-si. .\ssiiiiipl|..n I'.. U.K.-, ."San.lw lih. is .-..ii- .lucted hy the Raslllnr!" Sup, V.-rv Rev P. I'lishlnK; I'lr.. R.-v. Fiithe.- I .iiM..u.hel; Treas., Rev. Father I'lillinf.. R.v. Fathers .1 <'..lllni<. A. n IiiiMii.ich.l. M. Feiifii«"n. Vns- .•| K.'llv. Iluih".. FlTui.'u^in. "'.ulriane. \ R.'atli. P. .Shauirhn. ssy. .Me*-ars. St-arpe. Mc- .Viiliy. Murphy, M.i'ahe, Karlley. The Parish .'I'.iir.-h ..1 III.' .\-.^iiiiiiiii..v, It.-v F.'. P.P., Rev. filenac. .Xsst . in their charfe: and S. .Nnre's I' T> Rev. Fr-. Oran.!. R.-naud ;in.| I'hiist'a':. S Misi's i -itll..|;i>. Wac... T.'xas. is r..ti.liict.-.| l.y t'l- Raslllans Rev. Father lla.\'es. Sui.. ; l-'all'er!» I'-'iiiielly an.t t-ha^. .-..Ilins. 1 CONCRIOCATKIN i>F THK RKSIl!- I!i:<"|-lON .(-It.). F.'iin.le.l i;:ist.'r Sun. lay, 1«I2. at Rome M.'ther ll.'iis.' Ill Rome. Superior V Rev. I'aul Sni.ilikowskl. The Fathers .-ame to untario if. l^.'.T. an.l have charire .if s. .Teronie'.x .'■.H.-ire. Rerlin, Very Rev. Wm. Kloepfer, r-.R.. Pr.'Vin- lial : Rev. Pavid F.-nnessy i ■. R. ; Rev. Theo. Spetz. <".R.. Pr.-si.l.-nt; R.-v. A Weiler, (".R.. Vice-Presld.-nt : Rev. .Ins Schweitzer. 'M!.. Trea- surer: Rev, Wm. V Kl . ; .er, i - R. : Rev. A. T\'a.chtcr. C.R.: Rev. S R..i,-alKki. '" R . Rev. R. T...hmann: R.-v. Rrs. A. Fincer. .\. Fischer <'. Kiefer. The chiinhes of lierlln. Waterl.M.. S. Agatha, and New IlamhurK are In charce of the Fathers. 5— OHT,ATi:s OF MAItY IMMMTl.ATn lO. M.T.I. F..iindei-i'»i- iif I'l-iiilipki'l. I'ImI" III" ><> Ill-lull- l'°iillii-iH 111 iinliirlii Willi '• < Irhulaatlcs, K lay brutlii'm iiiiil lln |iifili>rii. I, iii;iii:i: III' iiiK i'Ai,i-i-:ii i'.\iiMi;i.iTi-:s. m.iM'.). Vui-y It. A li. AniiKliii'lUh .1. Kii-I'll. ri"vlii.iul ((if llii' Niirlli Aiiii'ili-aii I'r.nltii- "I tlic • 'm ■ iiii'llli 'i. Id-i-l'li-iir. . ll.'S'li ' -Ml '■(iriii.l, .MiiKiii'M KiiIIh, (Mil. lI'.Hpli'i- iif Ml. I'liniii-I III XhiKiir.i l-'iilin il'ii. Kallh \li-H. oiili. I'il"i. lt.-\. Tl I"H- Mil H'liiilil. Kallii TH, ll.-v I'hiUi. A. Il.-i . IC.-s. i ih-ii I-' lli»t. Hi-\. .Vvi-rliiiiilH 1 1, lliriiMiiii. Ili'V Knimli- Kri'lm AIh'i di'Vi-nil lil^ I'li'llii-IK iiii'l li-rlliiim iiIIiicIihiI to III* nii'niiili'ry. Hill nil- i.f I'm- l.inly "( I'l-iii.- ui.'iir ll.irHi-Hlii.i- Kiilli iilli-ii'l.-il \>\ Kiillii-i!" "I Ilii- ll'iKI'll.' S. I'lilrlrkK Iti-il'Ty. MiiKiini l•■|lll^. ii'liflnm. Oiil. Mccliir. lli'V. Cyril .1. Kpi-Iiiih. M.-w O.-iiimny iHiiyiU'i- I'.o, i. S. .t.>Hi-|ih'ii f'liiirrli. iilli'iiili-'l i-M-ry w.-i-k liy I'lirnu'llli- l-'llllll-l-H. Till' ('armi'llli' l-"iilhi'ri< nf tlii- Aincrlcan ami I'liiiiiilliin l'iiivl!ii-.-H ari' imw |iii-|iai-.'(| In kIvi- lii'lrialN anil MImkIuiin iIii'iiiikIiihiI I'linmln aii'l till- I iilli'il Slali'N. .Xilili'i'KM I 'iliiiniiiili'iitliiiiH I" 111.- \'.-IV U.'\ .VlUIHlllMlllH .1 Ki-'lilt (»(•.!■.. N'laKnia I'liils, (iiii 7 (i|tlii:it dl-' S. KKANCIH ((t.H.K.). Knimili-il III U'lia fiy .'<. Krarirls iif .VhhIkI. Hra'irh i>r tin- Onli-r In Oiitarl" at I'lialliaiii. Sup.: V. K'-v. I-". S. Scha.-fTi-r. KHtalillnli'-l In 1K7K liy ihi- Clnrlimati I'p.nIii' f Ui-fnniiall. T'ntnili iif ri'Uliu-i-. S. .lolin llii- IlaiitlKl. M.-tliir IloiiKc, .'I. l-'nini In' Ciiiivi-iit. I'lii.-lnnail. ■ Mil". I'n-Hi-nl l"in\liii-|al : V. lt-\ . Itapli.u-I H.-hk.-. NiiinliiT iif I'lli'HlH upli-il ulili parish wTk. elKlity-tlvt- III iHi-lvi- Iiliirt-Ki'K. rri-paniim y ('"1- IrKi- fill- lri..\M Ilit.-liillllK til Jiilll till- ( al I'liii liiMUtl. i-^^i-'- l.ciinl.'ii D.ii-t'He.i 8--()ltliK|{ III-' MINiiIt i-.MTi'lllNS Ki.M.i'.i. 'I'll!- iirilcr ul Mliinr i ■apin-liliis in n liramli .-f till- mi'iit I'"iaiiri»i-aii I'r. I'iiiii.|i-i| li,\ Mnttlili-ii .1. llaiKM til I-'iL'.'.. Til" .Mliiisiur Ct-iieral. till- \'<-i,\ Ui-v. l-'aili.-r Hiriianl -I .VinL-niiali. H'hI.Ip.s at i;--iiii-. Tin- i >ri|i i Jolim I-- Iin- s.-M-rlty (if tilt- Mi'iiaBtir life tin- exi-irlHi- .if th.- holy iiilnifltry. pri-ai-liliii? tlin Ki-spi'l am. inn thi- I'lvl- ll/.i'il aK »i-ll as till' iiiii-ivllUi-'l. Tlip rapn.-lilnB tiiiMilii-r li.uiiil. Ill I'ntarUi. at llip "f III.- M"Ht K.-v. J. T. iMiliaini-l, .\i-('lil.l»liiii. ..f iiitiiwa. tln-y estn- l.Ushi'il a .Mi'iiasl.-ry at llint.inl'Uri; ni-iir Ottawa. IMio. Tli.-v Imv.- Ill I liarB-- tli.- parlsli of S. Kiamls of .\».s|sl In (iitawn. (iiiar.liaii : \'. l{.-v Kalhfr I^'.iiiard: Vicar. Hev. KatliiM- Mcilsi-. l-".itln-r \ li-tnr. rriif.-ssnr .if llnly .•^irlpturi-: Katli.-r Mniirl.-.-: Kathi-r Sebas- tian, I'nif 1,1 Tliciil.'C.v. l-'.-itli.-r .Mi-xlH, Kattwr Candid.-, Knttn-r I-'i-rdlnaii,|. I-"aIlir-r Isl.lur.-. h'athi-r Sti-plii'ii.'. .,f l'lill"S"|.ti\ . Kath.-r ll"ranl. T-"atlii-r Ilnn.iratiis. l'r,,r. ..f Srleiin-s; l-'atli.-r ^■|tal. Fallif-r J'atrlcp. TIiitp arc thlrtet-n »ili.ila.'<- tip«. «lx la.v l',i,,tlii»r» and thrc- nr.vlc.-s. ■I i'(iMiiii-;iiA Tiii.v dl-' Till-: Miinr ikii.v iii;iii:i:.Mi:ii n- ,.<.•< it i l-..iin^("i III I7:j ijy H. .vlpliiiiiiiiii' ii.- i.igii.-rl I II, lilt .Minsl'.iiH .M',llii-i lli'iisi- In Ui,Mi'-. Hup. (|i-iii-nil ami It.-. I"r MnJ.>r tin- Muni tl.-v. I' Miilllila^ KaiiK. \rry Hi'V. .li.lin l."<'Wi'kaiiip. \ 1.-.- I"i..\ lin-liil, \i-r> Itcv. ivti'r Wan), ll" i.r S l-alrlrk'H. Till' III, use ,' Tiir.iiilii In imw I lie r.-Klili-iii't. itt till- \l I'l-iivliii'lMl uml ..f III.' M»vcn ll.aiM-H 1. Ti'iiiiilii. :■. H. .Marys. IliitTaln, N.Y., :\. K. .l.iH.-i'hs. Itii. Iii-sti-r. NY: 4. Ili'l> Iti-.l. I'liicr. Iiiii-.ll. Mlili.. ',. S I'atrli'k's. (jii li.. . (I. K I'.'lirs. H. .Iiilin. N.ll ; 7. S. Alplnnsiin'. Oraml Itapl'ls. Mh li. TliH Ki.ili'inpt.'rist l''iilli>-rH liaM- Ihi. I I'liarKi- nf H. I' I'arlsli. T-ir,,nl,i. si l^v|. iHii- Tiiriintii liliircsc I I" iii.Ml'ANY III-' MAUV (C.W i l-'.'iiii'|. ,1 In I7II-. I.y lll.'SM.-il l^iiilsMail.. (iriKii.ili -1.- M.'iiii-'ii Mi.llii-r ll.iiisi- tii-ar tin- v.-n.-rai"'l ri-iiialiis ,.r III. Ill.'ssi'.l at S. I.iiiir>'iil-»iir-s an IuiikIiI liy lUi sscil ilc ilmilfiu't. Si'li.ilasllc at I'yryllli'. in-ar cttawa. Sup.; iP-v II. Itlitiar.l. li.-vs. I- Va.|ii'- CM.. It. M. 1." Ker. C.M.. Z. Marin,. iiyi't. CM. T«i, ( irpliaii iiKi-s f.,r liiiys In tli.- lUmi'Si' .if iiltawii at N'.itri- liaiiK- .le Montfnrt Iliilii-rdPtn i.Vrundel), I". '.J.. Sup, H"V. A. Il,,ii,'li. '. I'.M,. lilr,, It.-v. A (.'e»liron. CM., lt.'V». J. -M. i aetPX, CM., '/ DrousHcl, I'.M. Nnvlllate for i-ii-iiiljulnr Urntln-rs at Mniilfnri .liiiilnriite tnr l.,,ys d.-slrlnK to 1..- iiilsslnnar|i-i« In 111.' i',.iii|.anv. Sup IP-v .\. H'lm-hct Ulr.. U"V. Til. llmiBln. CM.; Rev. .1. M. Cinnay. CM The Hev. l-'atliers hav.- a resldi-n.-i- "f inlisPmarl. » al llalltnn i l„,iiiElih.M.iUKlii In lh>- IiI.m'.s.' .' KiTiKSlnn. Su|,.. U(-v. .7. n. Hrldnnneaii, C.M.. .iiid attiMi'l III.' fnll, Willi,' Mlssl.'iis: lUdfnril. Ar- . I, 'I'll. I'alinirsti n. i Miipali. Slmrlml Lake. Mr 1 1, maid's Curn.-rs. .Vinln-rst Islainl. llalli aiil I i,|i-ssa. iS(-e KliH'.'se .If KlnKstnn> II IKIMI.MCA.V KATIIKltS. Th.' 1 i,,niliili'ati l-'atlu-rs an- in iliai parish "I S .I'-aii liaptlst.'. Ottawa .l,ii'UU(-s, Supi-rior. lli-vi. .\. cti, K. Th Cou.-t, Th Ulll .\ ni-w ... anl tlir ■•' la inadt.-rv Is buildliii; a,IJa'. ..... ... ,.ftiieil the Sliidlum chiin-h It will I alle.l the Sliidlum fur th.- l-'l.-ll.ll hlalii'll nf the 1 >"llillil.ali Canada ami I he I'liit.-.l Stat.'s. II will ,|ati- li.-tween -Ml ami i'.ii sluih-nlM. iinvh- or.h-r. r({,- .,f 111? u.-v. n C.mivri-aii, Hr'ithem. lit to the (leni-iale I ir-ler In .'l-ntnmn- s ,,f the Th.- linniiiihan ITathers I'harKi- nf III.- parl.- the N'encrahl'- M,'t!i.-r Marguerite llnurp. -">■?. Mnth(»r llnii.-^.- at M.,ntr.-nl. S. .lean Raptlst.. St Blip. .TeiH'ial. U.-v. M.ither S. Salilna. I'rnvimial SuperiiT r,,r ontari" with i-.-sideii it Ottawa T^ev Mnlh.-r S li.-.-itric-i>, Ohtfrt Kdiifniinn I' m.-nls in Ontarlri — KlnKslnii. I'niin.led l->t1. Sup Sr. S. M Jan-. 1." Rl- i-aii. tllHIK. i-THll- 1.1 ill iiim"- tli'- I'lf llii> . Ill li. .•>- .-rl'ir ;' ui:Miii<>t> liOBi'iTAmitii Ml Tin: iili-r ul Dip UiIIkIi'II" ll'«|'i(ulfi'ii nr tli<- lluti-l lih'ii ••( ri. .loiH'i'h uim liriiiiili'it III tin- >)-Hr I03(i, In l.ii Kh'clii', Kiiithi', liy ,li roiiit* l.ii Mivui Im I'i'ltl'. Ill \lHi, Mlllll'lllulMI'lll' .\lllll<>' "|i>'l|f' iii.|>'i III .Mi'iili'i'iil. 'I'Ih' < )r- • li'l Ih i'IoInIi'IimI. IIh' flllllro lii'lliu rilli' of lll>' Hlrk iiiiil iliiil iiiHt • ii |rliiiiiaK<' i'' KHiKDl'ii. I|..ii|iiiul iiii'l I )i I'liunnii* at V\ Itnlitiii • H'l ll'iHtillal at <''jii*f, tli'i'iiiir> OIIUMll. Sill fi'c.iid ii'llKI urlilal Hrliiii'lH tiiiiliHih fimu Hii|»Ttiil)'nil<-iit SlIIKTlllllllilllll HHillll ll.-.llt 'HtulillH*in I il'tl. ItiV ■UN. isr.. Nin. » III the illi thin lllillHi'. Krrni'li SrhiM.lii, Hr. !•:. I:iikIIkIi SiliinilB. Sr. f' ri'iinlliill mill Si'liM I |iii> 8. John, I lihll S.Ik til. Ml.tlK'l i.>. 1 1. Klrli>. I' .. i;iu. All till- I'lir arc liirnlitliiMl with IHIIiIIm nutnlMT l.fiOO. Ili.ri|llir, Aliathii Sl.'llIHll, Kidi-HU St . Dttuwii. tint)., Uev. Sr. Thari-Mi i>( JfHiii; n rcllKl'HiK. S7.'. pupi.M. I'onvnnt of M lin IiiHiulul... I'l.iiilip.Ki- Sup . Iti'V. Sr. S. MiTllillili., ptipllH, 7.'.; I'liMioliliil iiiiili'i' laiiii.. I:: n'llKUniH. iHi pu|ill*. I'liineiit uii.l rmii lilal Si liuul, MKanvllle, Bii|. , Hi'v . Sr M <>uii/.uKa r IIkIiiiii. I-'." piipiU. I'uru. hlal Si li.i. I. Iliiu kCHliiii y, Sii|i., Sr ' ri'llitliiu.H, 4i . j.iiiiilH S AtiM'i I'ari. ...I .M.illMU.i SlHli-r M. .Ml t..|nelti., 4 icIIkI u*. -'"" |.ii|iIIh. I'minhlal SrIiiH.I. i:iMl)riiti. itiit. Sup.. Uiv. Sr. S. I "i.iuitliiii. :i i<- IIkIoiih. v::, p ipIIh I'linxlilal Sell. ml, Kurklainl Sii|i.. Hf\. Sr. S. riiiclilla. >> rt'llKloiiR, t.iii iniplN. t'lit'ial liiiH|iltiil. (lltawa. Sli|. . Iti'V . St Itfilfiiiiilliiii. U' I'i'llKliaiK. .Vvi-raci' iiuiii iif [iiitli'iitM, l.l.'ii', TialiiUiu Si'lii...! f..i' .N'lirHi'n. Miiiisi' .viirK<' ri'llKli'iiK. imi IluHiillal. I'ciii S. .Villi. '. ri'llKloiiH. ;tlKi. Sii.l- :. ri'llKli.iis, l.'.o Sup., Itfv. Sr. S. Mar.\, .'. rollKlmiB. T.", piilliiits. ,S, .I..Hf-|iiri< < >ililianui.'r, .\i-\\ l-:.lliiliiirKli. i 'ttnwii. Sup., |{«'\ . Sr. S. 1 ..lilla. II" i.riiliaiiH S. I'atrlrk'H lliiiin>. Ottiiwa Sup.. llt'V. Sr. M. llnwli.y, ukciI InmatfR. lOO. iirpliann, s.'.. S. Cliurlci Ilntiii.. ilttawa. Sup.. Ilfv. Sr. S .Ill^|«'|'ll, iiKPd iiiiniiiis, '.m. Hi-llilcln'ni I'l. uiiilMnn Asylum. New lOillril.iirKli. < Ulawa. Sup.. llcy. Sr. S. OllM'r. Iiifaiiis i.m'i.Ivi'iI. 2iiii. 4-T,AI'IKS III- I.OHKTTO. Kiiiin.lf'il In Miinlrli. Unvarln. In U'l.Mi MlIIut IldUMf ill .Vinerlcn, l.iirtlt.i .M.lnv. WillliiKlnti I'lafP. Tnriiut... Sup. Hpnoral, Uiv. Mmlicr M. J. Iiinatla I.yiiii Srli. I lioarilluK aii.l .lay siIhm.I. Si'lci t Srliiinls iirp tauk'lit at S iKnatlus i '.mvi'iit. nmiii St.. S,i|... M..I11IT H..iir.||.lu. an. I S, .lulitrs f.inv«nt. Wi'lli-slpy I'lan-, Sup. Mnllii-i- M Mm,'- ilnli'ii, Si.parato Srlii.i.l. HIkii Silin..! ami KltnliM- carti'M. taiiKht at S. iKiintlim I'l-.nvi'iil. I' SI. Hiianllni; .inil St'Ii-i't ilay silimils arr tiiiielil liv tlif T,..rftln Nuns at Nlapnrn Fnll^. Sup , Mnthcr M. i:iiiliaria ; llapillli.ii. Sup., Mi.ihiT M. |.:uiliarla . 'Jiiclpli. Sup.. Miitlifr M. hiMitt... Stratli.i.I. Sup., Mntli.-f M. Stanislaus. lii-lW'Vlll.-. Sup. Miitlior M. Catlifrlnf , Sault S. Mnrii'. Sup. Miitlu-r M. SlanlKlniis. Si-paraiP ari' .'.ui iliirti'il hIfii liy tlip Nuns In thcsf. plino-. r.-roN<5Rr:nATiON of thk sistf;ks of s. JOSKPJI. FoiinilPrt nt T.<> Puy. Frani-o. hy Mgr. ^f Maii- pns. niHlinp iif fiiy, and Uev. .loan Paul MimIbIIIi'. Til.- l\ !"• II stiidcntK „. Maltawa. Out Sup.. Iti'V Sr. Avi'iaRf niiniliiM' nf patli-nts. I'liiki.. "Int. Sup. lti-\. Sr. AvpriiKi' niiintier nf patli-nid. liiiry. Sup.. Uev. Sr. S. Itnpliiiil. palli-nts. MiiHpltal, Sault Sir-. Marli S..I. l(i-i.i>iHiiUiMl afl'-r III'. siiiipri.i.»l.iii. iii', tht ralnl yi'iir ..f tin- < ■"iiiniiiin- !•> It-'* MmIIi'T H .liiliii Kt'iillioliiii- iMip. at lln' ll'i"' "' •'"• "*»l' pri-Hnl.iii 111 Ly..!!" J-O-o. Tin Mi-t r "f » .liisi'pli an I .III.. iHiiii 1 ..iiiiiiunlty, 'In' .lifTfimt li..ii»t.H III .11.11 1 1|. ...•«• I.iing |«.iv»r I i.> 111* Miillii'i Uuuav lil lit* Uluci'sP. Wlorrax or Toriiiilii— l:*llll>tl^h...l In IkM «l r..riiiilij. I.) Ii.-.ii.|. I''. I'liiirlHinni'l. Mothtr ImuM. ,V. \ Itiiili'. \..iiiiK ImiiIIi'H \iai|ini.\ an. I S. I . '. Iiiiy Hi-hiHil, nil S. Alliii4r» St.. Sup.. U<-v. Mothar M. Kiii'tiarla. Tli". HIki.ih iIk.. ink- i Imrf e uf inu'iy uf 111". . Il> Si-p.iiiil'- S. hiiiii Ii..uin. ..f I'ru- >|.li.iii-i-. I'.»..r St., fi.r tin- uK'-il. III! iir»lil«« una iiilaiiln, i;.. Inniiili.",'i .dillni Lmils*. Siirifil IK-arl orplianuBi'. SunnysMi-, S"« Innintc* Sup. 1I..I .Maln'r .M. Ii.iiiai.l S M. Ii.ilati lliinu'. Liiiiilanl SI , f.r >..iiiiK Imy*. Siip'-rl'ii MlIIiit M. SlaliUlaiiii. S Mlir> m I'linvi-tit. .\''» ■li'iiiy anil Si.pnrttlH Sol I. Hailiurni St . Siipfrlnr. Mi.tiii'r l>'. I'lianlal S Ml. Iinfl.! Huspllal. St.. Supi-rl'ir, Mi.tlii'i .\H«iiiiiptl. Si-piiiati. Si'li.iiilH and niiisir rimrdlil. Sii I I 111. r. Mi.tlii.r lli.rriinii... S..paiii,. Silumls an.l .1 iiiiiKli . liiHia. S. ' alliarltii.H. Su|.«-r|.ir, M..llu.r KMiiiKi-llHiii. S..|i..l lloar.lliiK. nay mi'l Siparnl.' Si li.M.N'. Supcrli.r. M. iliPr M \i:np», aui-uiatu iiulii/uU and iimiilr ■•lomr of Hamilton Ksiablislipd. at llinn ill. II. 1^.:' M.ih.i n.iiiH.. N,.vltlHtf anil S Mary'* iiiphaii Ssiliiiu I.'i b. i nnvi-nt and sill. 11.1. Ilrantf..rd, Superior, Mnllipr Kinerenf la, llvi- Sisters. i'nnv..|il and, Arthur, Siip.Tliir. Miilli.T M. Xavlir. fiv..; i'..nvpnt and s.-IiiidI. I'arls, Supi-iliii. .M.itlier M iKiiatliis ilirp» i'..nv.-iil .-lUil si'l 1. owpii SnpiT l.ii. Mutlici M. .MpiiL-is'is, Hire.. SIbi.tb. Olorewof I.oihIoii -Wother Houw. Ij.iilon. .NullKil.- iil|ihall .\svluili ami It.-fuR... HP\ M.itli.-r iKua ' I. Sup. S. .loseph's. Hii»pilal. Miilhi-r Clar... Sup. Srhiiol» In iltv tauKlii^.y ."^Is- ii-rs 111-..; S. I'pli-rH. S. Mary's. S .I..s..pli s. S .Viitii.las' and Unly AnKi-ls'. Tlie f..ll.i«inif Pram li ar.. pRtal.llshe.l lliriiuKliniit th.> wli.-r.. till- SIstPrs'li lunsli- ..lasBeii and 111,-.- ..f si-li.Mils C.i.lprlili. f .umlfd I'^T3. li-ritinians. Sup.: IniCPrii.ill. f..und..d '79. .\i;n..s. Sup.. St. Til. nuns. fi.uni| 1*79. S.rii|.liliii, Sup.. I'.i.|l.- Itlv..r ipiisu MnKdali^rip. Sup., Walkervill.- ilS94i \uK'»t'tp. Sip.; f'liatham, S. .P.s.-ph'B f jiilid .1 1>1II. Mother Xaviir. Sup -h. I'l laki- M..ther .M.illi.r .M.iili..| Ml it her Mothi-r Ilo-plt;.!. I J Olori-KP or I'l'tt-rltnrouKli— FHlahllshed as a Ti|orp( fnmniunlty In I'^'jii. nunilier .'.4 lYnfi-sseil S|i|.-rB an.l 13 .\'..v|. .-s. M..tli-r IPmHi' and N'ovl- liati- at .Miiiini .s. .In»i-ph, Pft.-rh. .n .ucli M.ither Superior. Upv. Mother M. Auntln. S. Joseph'n Hospital. Petprhoriuilth, Superior. Mothpr M. Clo- tlldp. 12 SlBtem. Aiadeniy, High riasii. nnii'li' — U5 THK CHURCH IN ONTARIO 17 Coll. 11 Su|.., Hull. Ill mil and I ■.•(-■ Ill, dri-n Moll c.HSD 111 Lliidauy, tiui>. , Muthrr M. Aiiiiiinclatiun. It^liTH; ti'jioli ulsi) Klrls" Stuiirali- Stlmol. HUB. ti'ucli iniisU' I'liiMS and Sfpariili" Scliiml , MiittiiT M. Tlu'odiiHia, Ti SistcrH; I'mt Ar- ti-arli iiuisir rlasH. aiTiininiodalH a Uniited IT ol' liiianliliK |iU|iils liMi li Si-|iaial.- Sin i il (inc'iu't the Hosijilal. Suii., Mnlhir M. Vln- IL' SlHtera; Kmt Williiiin. tlic Indian clill- uri; laiiKlU and lari'd fni- by I Slslui's, Sup., 11- M. AliliKiindf. i; lliSlI.l.Ni-; NIXS. i:sialilislii-ii at I'lualiaiii, IMi'i. t'ondilct UoardlnK and .SeUfc'. l>.Ty Suhuols, and Si'iiarate Schools. Su|i.. Key. Mother M. HantLste. 7 KKI.KMOUS UK THIO SACUKU lllJAUT. I'"iuindud by Venerable Mother liaiat, Nov. Sisi, 180U. at I'aris. Mother House, IViris. France. Uoardlns and Select Vuy School, London, Ont. Madam Sheridan, Sup. !> ^:|S•1•1•:KS OK TilK HOLV CKO.-iS AND OF THF Si:\HN DOI-DltS. Mother Iliiiise. SI. Laurent, near Nbmtreal. The I'oiiKietMiK n of tin Sisli-r Maiiaiiiies of Iloli Cross was founde.i In Franii- in IMJT, by the Reverend liasil Morcau, C.S.C. The aim of the conKregalli'ii Is to Imnur Hie siilTerings of the moat lilessed \'irgln, by the praetUi nl the vows of religion. Vhe end 111' the Institution is the education "t youn... girls in boarding schools and in day schools and to visit the sicli in their homes. The MlBsion of St. Laurent, established in 1M7. was separated I'roni the Mother in Fratu-e in iN^L'. and Hie religious remaining In (.'anada took the title of Sisters nt Holy i'rie\, and o:" the Si-ven Dolors. The Commiinit>' '.- under the direction of a Superior General, elected for a term ol .s.\ yi.ii.^. ., iiM\iliai.. .1 .1 aii.lii; .-cciol, aiiil a day school are annexed to the Mother House. The congregation has Hi houses in the .N'ew llngland States and Ifi in the Dominion of Canada. Xuniber of pri'tess'd Sist"is. 302; novices. M; postulants, 3ii. S. Margaret's Convent, Alex- aiidriii. I'.iiiii;..! ^^--i i . i-- ti-i" .s, jot. r M. of S. Antoninus. Sup. S. Ann's Convent. Uenfrew, founded 1SS5. Sisters, ti; pupils, H5. Sr. M. of S. Fusebia, Sup. 9-3ISTi;i{S in-' CHARITY. ( I'ro\ idence.t Founded in IMIU, by Rish.op Horan. at Kiiigs- slon. Sisters of Charity conduct the House of l^ro- vidence for the cged and inlirm; also ni.ile and female orphai, asylum. Kingston, Rev. Motln-r .M. Schdlastica, Sup. Cieiieral. Tn professe.l and :'" novices. iu-anch llouses-S. \iiicent d.' Paul llos|.ital, nrockvllle, Sr. M. clement. Sup.; S. .Tohn's C( nveni, I'ertli, paio.lual schools. Sr. S. Fran 'is de Sales. 10— OCR LADY OF CHARITY OF THIO RIO- PUC.F (Good Shepherd). Founded in l:'.4l at Caen. I'rance, by the Yen. Pete .lean E>ides. Object— The reclamation of fall. . Women and the protection of little girls. Ottawa- -Mon.nstery of Oiu- T.ady of Charitv of the Refupe. Prioress. \','ry Honored Mother M. of tie Hood Shei>he d. Toronto— Prioress, Very Honor.!d Mother Margan'* Mary. 11 - SISTRRS OF THIO HOI,Y NAMKS OF .TESTS AND MARY. Founded ui 18i;t. Object— Education. Mother House at I'lochelagra, Montreal. Sup. c.eueral. Rev. Mother M. Oliver. ^Yindsor, founded I'^M. Provincial Sup.. Rev. Mother M. .Mexander, 20 55isterH. Amherstburg. founded lS(i:.. Sup., Rev. Sister M. Dolores. 10 Sisters. Sarnia. foimded IMo. Sup.. R..V. Sr. M. Iren ., in Sist.Ts. f. .Tnseph'n. C.annrd River. Sup.. Rev. Slater M. Con- stance. I Sisters. 15 SISTERS ADORERS OF THK PRECIOFS BLOOD. Found»d nt S. Hyacinihe (P.Q.) in 1Sfil. Oh.tect -Contemplative lif. Foundress and Mother Sup. Oeiierai, Rev. M. Catherine .\urelie. S. Ilyucinthe, i'.i-t., rminded l^til: professed, liu; lay Sistem, 12; out Sisters. Ci'ourieres;, 4; novices, 4; [lostuiants, .; Sup., Rev. M. \eroniiiue de la I'asslon. Tor- ..niii. Im;'."; pioies.seil, ;J7 ; novices, 4: Sup., Re\'. M. S. Josei h. .Notr* Danie de 'Jriue, near .Montreal, I'. IJ., 1H74; iirofesaed, Xi; novices, 1; postulants, 7. Sup.. Rev. .M. du l'recieu.\ Sang. Ottawa, 1SS7; prof, choir, Ij; lay. 4; touricres, 1; novices, 4; pustulaiits, :!; Suii., Rev. M. Aurelie de .lesiis. ■|'hr..e Rivers, 1'. (.;.. lS!i8; prof., 17; novices. :i; postulants. 2; Sup., Rev. M. Serapliine de .lesus. Uri oklyn, N.Y,, ISSO; prof.. IS; novices, :i; postu- lants, .",; Sup., Re\. M. Catherine de Rlicl. Sherliiooke. I'.y., isa.-,; prof.. i;t; novices, 1; postu- lants, l;Rev. M.S. Fisule. Montavilla, Portland, Oregon, IVH prof., 14; n: Lay .Sister prof. I; touri.'res prof.. 2; novice, 1; posliilatits. .'.; Sup.. Rev. .M. S. Stanislaus. .Man- . liesler. Mass,, founded 1S3S; Sup., Rev. M. S. • lertrude; 7 jirofessed Sisters. 1 novice. I pos- tulants. IMM.\CFL.\T'E r.S..\. Urauch .It Wikwemikong, established in .'"hool. Sup., Miss K. .Miller. engaged in the work; .'iS .School. In the Day School are Hi - i)Ar(HiT'.;Rs Ol.' Till.; IKART OF MARY •Mother Hoiisi at New York. House ill Ontarii 1>-Ii2. Imlustrial Eleven religious purdls attend the ■ K pupils. 14-SCHOOL SlSTl'lRS OF NOTRE DAMI-;. Mother House, Milwaukee. First esiabllsliment in Canada S. Agatha, 1S71, oriihanage and s. hool. Sup., Yen. Sister M. Joachim. Sisters, 12; irphans. tl2. S. .Agatha Schoc' pupils, 120. I'.i-rlin. S. Mary's School, Sup.. -able Sister .M. Clotilde; Sisters. 11; pupils. :l.-il. St. Clements, liirectress, \'enerable Sister .M. Reginald; Sis- ters, 5; pupils, MO. .New Germany, suii., Yenernble Sister M. .lohn Evangelista; Sisters, ,1; pupils. l.'O. Waterloo. Sup., Venerable Sister M. Anthel- lua; Sisters. 0; pupils. 120. Formosa. Sup.. \'en- erable Sister M. Caja; Sisters. 7; pupils, l!!."). Ualkerton. Sup., Venerable Sister M. Hugoline; Sisters, G; puiiils, 175. Mildniay, Sup.. Vener.ible Sister Onesima. Sisters. .^; iiupils. ISO. Deemer- ton, Suii.. N'enerable Sister .-\mabilis; Sisters 5; pu|iils, 10.-,. 1,'^^-SISTHRS OF MERCY. Fouinieil at .Montreal. .Tanuary. IMS, by Mgr. l!iiurg.-t. Mother House at Montreal. Sup. ( ien- '■ral. Rev. Mother Mary. Ottawa. Is70, House of Men.y Lying-in ll.ispital. Sup.. Rev. Sr. S. Claire d' Assise. PnifessHil Sisters. 12; Magdaleiis. I.-; Consecrated, 1.".; Ni rses, .'i; I'ortresses. 2. During the year. 225 patients hav« been received, of these some remain under the protection of the Sisters, otiiers are placed in respectable Id- SISTERS OF WISDOM. comnuinity was founded in 1703. by Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort. House. S. Laurent-sur-Sevres, Vendee, in the Diocese of Ottawa. <'um- Cyrville in Ontario; .Notre Dame Arundel. S. Jovite. S. .Agatha, in homes. This lilessed Mother France, ming's Rridg lie Montfort. '..>ueb50. 17 SISTERS OF MARY. Mother House. S. .Joseph's Academy, Lockport, N.Y. Sun., Rev. Mother .Anastasla. Vankleek Hill- Academy of the S. Heart. Sup., Rev. Sr. Camllle; boarding and select day school. The Sis- ters also teach the Sep.arate Schools. 22ii pupils. 1S-SOCIETY OF THE SISTERS FAITHFFL (COMPANIONS OF ,TKSt'S Founded nt .Amiens. 1S20. by Madame de Ron- nault d'Hoift. Mother House at Paris, France. .Suji. General, Madame tJlrod. Object, education. Rat Portage. S. .loseph's .Academy, founded, ISM. Hoarding School. 1!) .sisters In community, some of whom leave the Academy every momlnjf to teach In the Separate Schools .at Hat Portage. and Keewatin, 2.10 pupil.". Sup.. Madame Greene. -115- COR. KING AND VICTORIA STREETS, TORONTO HON. GEO. A. COX, President DEPOSITS Received of $1.00 and upwards, subject to Cheque withdrawal. I f: PER CENT. DEBENTURES Issued for 1, 2 or 3 years, for sums of $100 and upwards, with half yearly Interest Coupons. PER CENT. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE POLICIES, BONDS, STOCKS, ETC. QIIDDI IIQ of: ASSETS OVER TOTAL UUIirLUU LIABILITIES TO THE PUBLIC $2,900,000 F. W. BAILLIE, SECRETARY E. R. WOOD, MANAGING DIRECTOR l'le.ise mention "Catholic Almanac of Ontario.' -117- ARCH. CAMPBELL, M.P.. PRESIDENT THOS. CRAWFORD, M.P.P., VICE-PRESIDENl Capital Authorized, Assets, $1,000,000 520,000 THE EQUITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY TORONTO, CANADA 24 KING STREET WEST WM. GREENWOOD BROWN, General Manager. TELEPHONE 2413 This Cotnpaiiy makes a sjiecialty of dwelling house, church and school risks and mercantile risks of noii-ha/ardous character, at Equitable Rates — Independent of insur- ance combines. CAPITAL, $500,000 THE BERLIN Tr"""^ RE INSURANCE COMPANY BERLIN, ONTARIO Insurance effected on either Cash or Mutual plan. Has the strength of both a Stock and a Mutual Company. F. CLEMENT BROWN, Managing Director Please mention " Catholic Almanac of Ontario." — Il«- €dtbolic Societies in Oniario THK SOCIRTY OF S. VINCENT \>K I'AUL. The Criunclls and Cuiifcicncps of the Hdiiety In Ontailu, with I'reHi'lents, urr- as foUoHs; Toronto-The Ci'ntral Ciiuncil nf Toronto. In- slitiiteil L'Cth July, Iv.iT. Prisiilent : J. J. Murphy. I'.t lluzlftun Avi-.. Tn- rirtitip. Vlri--l'r.'.>Jlil»Mit.«: Ah'x. Mai'ili nell. Tonmto. Juhn Honan, Hamilton. Secretary: .1. I'. McCarthy, Toronto. Treasurer: Hush T. Kelly, Toronto. Councillors: O. I.ahelle, London. J. M. Kerry. Londnn. A. Tlnette, I'eterhoroUKli. .1. K. McKlderry, Ouelph. Kemy Elmsley. Toronto. J. .1. Seitz. Toronto. Tarticular Council: I'rea., J. J. Murj.liy. Conference of Our Lady: Pres., M. Keilly. Conference of P. Taul: Pres., Maurice Devane. Conference of S. Mary: I're.s., Martin J. Hums. Conference of S. Hasil: Pres., 11. T. Kelly. Conference of S. Patrick: Pres.. Wni. Iturns. Conference of S. Peter: Pres.. John llodgers. Conference of the Sacred Heart: Pres., L. V. Dusseati. ConfereiK-e of Our I.,ady of I.P. Kennecly. Conference of S. Patrick (.\s|iiru.nt): Pres.. K. L. Sanders. Particular Council of S. Louis: I'res., F. R. F,. Campeau. Conference of Notre Dame: Pres., A. Dostaler. Conference of S. Anne: Pres,. ,1, P, M. Le- court. Conference of S. Jean Paptiste: Pres.. K. La- fnntalne. Conference of Sacre Coeur: Pres., A. Potvln. Conference of La Salle School: Pres., Joseph PInard. Almonte— Conference of 8. Mary: Prei., Jolm OHeilly. Pembrok —Conference of S. Patrick: Pres . Michael Tfowe. THK S. VINI'KNT I)K PAIL CIIILDKENS' Ml> SOCIKTY OF TORONTO. The Society was oreanlzed in l.vHt with the ap- probation of Ills Cirace the Arclibisbop ot To- ronto, and. bavins received authority from the I'rovlnclal c.nvernment under The Children's I'rotection Act of lMi:i, commenced operations Iti M.iy, lh;i.'.. Tlis object of the Society is to pro- te«-t8 in St. Vltucnls Hall. Shiiter and Vic- toria, l-'ii'l anil 4ili Su.iuluys In >'a
  • i:i;y. Nil. n.:. Meets ::nd ami llli Siiiitlay.". corner IJueen and Miiaul Streets. J.ihn J. oliellly. I'leHl.lent. James Nolan. KiS McCaiil Street. Toronto, Sec- retary. S. MAUYS I'uMMAMilOHY, Nt >. .'hi. Meets -'nd and 4tli Thur.silays in. Cameron Hall. Toronto. W. Uoland, I'rcsident. <"has. O Hrien. llo Henison Ave., Toronto, Sec- retary. COLfMBlS <'OMMANUEaY. .S'O. :'1J. Meets 1st and 3rd Thursdays In Stationary En- gineer.'^ Hall. \ icloria Street. J. N. Itijuey, I'residiMit. Chas. J. Hegan. UEHY, NU. 31". Meets 2nd and 4th Sundays'. Sheridan Hall. Sheri- dan Ave. and liuiidas Sts., Toronto. Thos. Morton. President. S. «'haJ. Graham. 62 Itolilnson Street, Toronto. Secretary. (•i>MM.\NI'KI{Y. in Foresters' I.M.M.\<-ri,ATE CUNCEI'TION No. :!ii. Meets I'nd and 4th Wednesdays Ha'.l. Woodstock, Ont. fi«j. H. Stacey, President. J. H. Frank, Woodstock, Ont.. Secretary. EAUIKS' ATXIMAKIES. S. l'.\Tl{l<-K'S, NO. s. I'resident. Miss MarKaret o'Ueilly. Secretary, M. A. Sexton, 210 John St. Meetmt-'s 2nd and 4th Thursdays in each month, corner Mc<'aul and Queen Streets. S. PAPKS. .NO. 42. President. Miss Kmilie Oiroux. Secretary. Miss Tillie 1 luftie, Ml) lierkeley Street. Meets 1st ami onl Sunday.-J. Ui-ets 1st ami :!rd Suiiilaxs ha.-'ement of S. Haslls i-luinli. S. MAUYf NO. President. Miss I'renderjiast. Secretary. Miss I.i/.zie O'I.eaiy. Ill Farley .Ave. Meets in fameron Hall. 2nd and 4tli Mondays. Provincial ('onventlon of Commanderifs in On- tario is held the 1st Wednesday in May of each .Supn-me I'onvention will he li.ld in I'hlladel- jdila in June. 1!)00. Assessment System. THE I'ATHOMC MITl'Al. 11I:N1:F1T .\SSo- ClATlo.N OF fA.\AI)A. lirand <'u|H)nt }lehert, Tiuee Rivers. t-Jue. Supervising Medical Examiner. Edward K.\an. M.I).. Kingston. Ont.: Solicitor. F. It. Lat. Ij- ■icheriau. and the .\rchlilshops and Hishops of Canada. The names of the foTlotving Archblsht)ps and Bishops, with those of nearly all the Parish I'riesis and Curates in Canada, wlierever branches are established, adorn or have adorned the CM. P. A. roll r.f membership: The late Rev. John Walsh. Archbishop of Toronto; the Most Rev. «'. O'Hrien. Archbishop of Halifax: the Right Rev. H. .\. O'Connor. Hishiip at Peter- horoMfh; the Right Rev. T. .1. Iiowling. Hishop of Hamilton; the Right Rev. M. Iiecelles. Itlshop of S. Hyaclnthe; the Right Rev. J. M. Emanl. P.ishop .if Valleyfield: the Right R,v A. Pa.scal. Hishop of Prince ..Mberl ; the Right Rev. E. J. Lethal. llish..p of S. Albert; the Most Rev. C. H. Cauthler. .Archbishop of Kingston; Right Rev. F. H. Cbnuliier. Hishop of Ttiree Rivers; Rt. Rev. F. P. McEvay. Hishop of I,ondon. Who May Hecome Mr .Tibers. -.Xpplicants fir membership must be ninctlcal ''atledics. males not under IN years of age. nor over .'.'i at date .'f initiation, must pass a medicMl ••xaminatii:n. be approved by the Supervising Sledical Examiner, the Hranch Hof>nl of Trustees, ami elected liv ballot of the brand) to wliich application is ma.le before tht»\- can be .'idmitted to membership. Three grades of policies are issued, viz. a »:.fcio, H $l,fKiO and »r.')0. -120-- >llpb4betical Ci$t of the Jlrcbbi$bop$, m%hm and Priesrs in Ontario iTh» date of ordlnatkm is placed arter i-aih name. I Note :-Abbreviati.)n^. „( I{,,|Ik1,.iih Orders : C ., • .* ""f'-^ation <.f the Uesui lerliun. Itesurrec- Uonst Jatherr,; C.S.H., . -MnKreBallon of S. Haall, Haaili.n Fathers: C.SS.IJ.. Congregatk.n ..f the ,.«,. .*'. '<''—. "peTeX J.'^ "'*^'" ""• "■ '^- '^•^••- -"■"■n-. PRIESTS. Aboulin A., C.S.H. (Tor.i», Sup Xoviti-.t.. ,.r th,. Basillans. S. Clair Ave." T,',ron,:,:";';.!;/'i.i;!j: Ak-xis. O.M c. ,Ott.). July 1st. M, S. Fnui.ols d' A.ssise, Kintonburg Allain L.A.H.. ,Tor.), Sept. TS, S. Ma-ys Church, S. Catharines Am7n"' !'•■ "-""•'• -'='' '"''■■ '^''- ""^•'^'- '^^"th. OUawa.-'- "•"■'• '^"' '"•'■■• ■'*-,y, "^Kart^" ^'^' "''"'■'• '^"''- •"'■ ■'■'*• *'"'"' ^^'I'l'^"" ^rtus .;. A., S.J. .ivt... Aug. 10th, 'KK Wlk- wt-niikong. Aylward J. T., a^n.), ISth Dec, '86. He.-tor S Peters Cathe.lral. London. Aymans Hubert. C.U.. .Ham.). 2tth On., ST S. Agatha. "t.TJ^','" i"- ^"hur, D.D. ,Tor.), Aup. iL'th, SS, Midland. Parrette Jo... O.. .Pern.). March llth. sr, Mav- nooth. ' ' Haudin A.. S. J. .Pet.). June 30th, (i? |-,„t Ull- liam (In.lian Mis.^ioni u.', St. Thomas. Baxter P.. S.J. iPet.). Port Arthur Bazlnet J. R .ott.). ST. as.^t. S. Ann's, Ottawa. Beaudoln J. E. (Tor.). May 3Ist. W, Lafontalne. Beaudoln L. A. iLon.). Dec. Stli. 1,5, Walkervllle. •The name of the dl.nese is bracketed and abbreviated-(Ott.). Ottawa: (Al.), Alexandria; (Ham.). Hamilton: ttawa. Beiliani A. iLon.i. June 16th. 'hi. Mc(iregor Heilard 1'. lOtl. I. May 2(;ih. 'M. Lefaivre. Helanger A. (Ott.,>, Clarence ("reek. J., O.M. I.. (Ott.), fniversltv. Ottawa. Henoit A., o.p. (t)tt.), July 31st. li;. S. Jean Haiitlste, f)ttawa. Renard. o.M.C. lott.). s. Francois d'Assise, liintonburg. Uergin V. Hev. \Vm.. (Tor). July !ith. 'TO. S. Ceillia's, Torontrp Junction. Renieche O., O.M.I. (Ott.), Oblate Scholastlcate! Ottawa. Rerube O.. (Ott.), May 21sl. 'T.',. I/Orlgnal. Rest P. A.. O.c.C. (Tor.i, Mt. Carmel Hospk* I Niagara Falls), Falls View. Rest I>. F.. O.C.C. (Tor.), I3th March !>9, Mt. Carmel Hospice (.Niagara Falls). Falls View. Rlanchi.i K.. O.M.I. (Ott.). Oblate Scholastic- ate, Ottawa. Rr.israme P., O.M.I. Ott.), Dec. 2l8t, M. fniv., Ottawa. Roulet O. (Ott.), Juzie kith. '89, S. Isidore de i'rescott. Rouillon y. Hev. O. (Ott.), June 25th, '74, Cathe- dral, Ottawa. Rrady H. K iHam.). May 27th, '88, S. Law- rence's. Hamilton. Rrady M. J. (Lon.), Dec. 8th, '^2, Windsor. Rrault Job.. S.J. (let.). May "Ih. M, Sudbury. Rrennar, Avertanus D., O.C.C. H.wpke of Mt. (^armel (Niagara Falls). Fails View. Rrennan I". (Lon.i. May Joth. iW. S. Mary's. Rrennan L., C.S.R. (Tor.), .May 1st, '72, Rector S. Rasils, S. .Mlrhaels c.dlege Toronto. Rretherton C. K. cl'et.). Aiiril 15tn. 'SS. Downey- viUe, Rrldonneau J. R.. CM. Sup. c.M. iK.), Nov. Sth, Til) (Loughboniiichi. Rallton. Rrohnianr cknunt. illam.). 'H9. asst. Formosa. Rrohmann fk-o. cHani.i. Aug. sth. '77, S. Cle- ment s. Rr()wne V, 2nd. ■('.3. Rev. J.. V.O. (Pet.i. (retired). Feb. Cathedral. Peterboro'. Rniwnrigg J. lOtt). S. Patrick's, Ottawa. Ruckk Sound. RurUe R. T. C.S.R. (Hani. I. Se]). 22nd, SS, Owen (Ham.). Aug. l«th, 'S6, Oakville. Canipeau T.. O.M.I. (Ott.). Fniv., Ottawa. Canipeau Ven. L. X., .Archdeacon (Ott.). Sep. 3rd. '71. Cathedral. Ottawa. cauipkll 1). ,\. (.\l.). July 2nd, '93. Dickin.'ion'H Lainllng. Caiiilide. o.M.C. (Ott.), S. Francois d'Assise. Hintonburg. Ca.niiinK F. iTor.), .Aug 30th, '96. asst. S. Cath- arines. I'antillon C (Tor.), Jan. 25th, '92. (Brock) Vroo- nianton. Carkerry Jas. (Tor.). July Sth. '93. Schnmberg. Carey Thos. (K.). Dec. ISth. '86. Brewer's Mills. Caron H.. S.J. (Pel.). April 15th, 'S4. V\'lkwemi- konn. Caron T. II. (Ott.), June 6th. '6<. Clarence Creek, ('allien- .). .\. (Ott.). '96. S. Flugene. Carson A. iK.l. Dec. 22nd. '«. Merrickville. Casey Ven. D. J.. .Archdeacon (Pet.). May 2'ith. '72. Cathedral, r'eterboro'. Cassien. O.M.C. (Ott.). Sep. 17th. '!<2. S. Frandis d'.Vssi.-^e. Hintonburg.'x .1. M.. CM. (Ott.), Notre Dame de T.Murdes. Cav;inai:li AV. K. lOtt). '97, Metcalf. Chaliorel p.. (I. .M.I. lOtt.). Nov. 17th, '67, Oblatr Junlorate, Cumberland St.. Ottawa. ciialne A. M. (Pern). June Sth. 'CO. Arnprior. -m- AKCMKISHOI'S, lUSIIOl'S AND PRIKSTS I.N ONTARIO May Mth, !>!>, riljlatc L'lst, '72. •"hflms- Tl'. Wendover. Manli J.'.th, C . I'liuls, Toronto, 'w. S. ..Vnne ;. Mas».-y Station. <'harl«-lioiH tt.). rniversity. Ottawa. f'osBrove 1*. illam.t. I x-c. liitli. '7.'i. I'.lnra. Coty J. H. illam.). Dec. 22nd. 'SS. S. I'atrlok'fc, Hamilton, rote A.. O.P.. lOtt.). Auk. 20111. ■>2. S. .T. Haj. tlstc. Ottawa. Cote A. J.. C.S.H. (Lon.). .lune 'SI, .Vmh.^rpt- liurK. •""ote L.. S.J. (Pet.). May 2(;th. ' (Viuet Thus., ftp. (Oil.). S Ottawa. Courtols J. C. (Ixin.), Aij^. 2.'ith. Cou.slneau O. (Ott.), IJfC. 'Joth. Couture T.. S.J. (Pet.). Auk. konK. f'oyle P. (Tor. I. March 14th ">1. Dixie. C'rav.'n J. J. iHani). .lime jgih. 'SO. Gait. Crawley M. (K.). KlnKston. I'rinlun J. F. (Ham.). June 3"th. ''■1. Dimnville. (.'roteaii E. C. lOtt.). .\uk. 27th, '7.".. Plant.iKenet. "'nil.-;e .r. M. (Tor.). Nov. 2iith. '!i7. Our Lady of Lourdf.s. ShiTlpiiiirnc St. Toronto. (-'umminBs J. P. iHam.). ':i;i, S. Mary's, nrantford. Cushlns D.. V. Hev.. C.S.H. iLon.). May 26th. '77. Sup. .\ssiiniption C'ollt'Ke. Sandwich. »'uslik, C.S.I!.. .«. Mli'hael's ('.iIIck'', Toronto. 'lacier E. lOtt.l. June 7th. 'I'J, Fournier. KaKcnais c. J. ilVm.). a.sst.. Mt. S. I'atrii k. David C. O.M.I. dUt.). Aug. 21st. ''.12, Lniv.. Ottawa. Davis Tho.s. iK.i. .loly 2(;th, '6S, Perth. Deirulre V. ){i'V. Dr. J. c. W. (Ott). F'-l). 'Sv. Secretar.v and Cannn. f .ithedral. Ottawa. DeSaunhac P.. V. I{i-v. (.Al.). ("ornwall DesJardIn- P .At.iie (AI /. Cornwall East. Devip , nM. Dec. 17th. '*■!. Osceola. Dl.-:f , I - th. 'v:!. KinKsbridBe. V' ■' ■!*•'., -' (for.). S. Patrick's. Tor- ( »ct. 2!!th, '»7. Uyn« 2iltli July. M, Fort June I7th. 'a3. Sault S. Marie. Jean ISaptist.-. 'S9, Drysdale. •'..■.. SarsHeld. ■i;;>. Wikweml- •Sth, '77, Arthur, •ec. mth. '%. a.sst. S. Do) . :.i IV.ll . ' . Mar.v'.i, .' Donovii:? Vj . .;. ' ■'! , . Ouelph. P. J. (Ham.). W. Cathedral. Hamilton. Dowdall P. S. I Pom.), July 1st '8.3, a.sst. EKan- villM. D, V ..,.y ri. J. (I^m.). Dec. 26th. '[9. Univ.. Ottawa, riibbons J. (Tor.), Jum- 29th. 'M, asst.. Dixie. Oibnoy H. J. (Tor. i. .\ug. 2nd. '72. .\lliston. Oignac T.. C.S.B. (Lon.), '98, Assumption Chur- h. Sandwich. r,n\ Th.. O.P. (Ot,t.). Feb. 12th. '93. S. Jean Haiitiste. Ottawa, c.nam P. (Lon.). March loth. 'S4. Wyoming. (!nam J. .T. (Lon.). Doo. 21st. '92, Hesson. (irannotior F.. C.S.H. (Ham.>, Sep. 11th. ■«". Owen Sound. Orogan S., C.SS.H. (Tor.). Sep. .'.ti.', '>.8. S. Pat- rick's, Toronto. Groulx E. (Ott.). May .■,th. '93. Cathtiral. Ot- tawa. -122- ARCHHISHOI'S, BISHOPS AND PRIESTS IX ONTARIO '«. iJiiiimni- .1. .1.. c'.S.H. i|...n.). July i:!th. V-t, A»- Kumiitldii Ciilli-Ki'. Siinilwlch. Unify I'. (Iliini.i, Sep. Jncl. 'I"i. Maitoii. Ilalrii AI. I Ham. I, .Inly Jml. M. Jlllrlnmy. Iliiriifl I'.. S.,r. il'i.t.i. .Inly :i(ith, li.'.. ItyriK Inl^t. Iliiiicl .1. I,. iTiir. I, N.>v. 1st. 's:'. .-;, PhuIh. "..- riiiitii. Ilarnois M., O..M.1. lOlt.j, IVIi. lltli. 'Ti. Oblate .lunlipratc, Ottawa, llanl.s. \-. K,-v. \V. I!.. Hcmii iT..r.). .Inn,. ! Ith, ■:<■. S. I'athailnea. HartlKan I'. J. iK.i. .Inly i'4th. 'SI. Cannlen Ka.'t. Hanrk I'. H. (Ham.i. .luly L'nd. '»."., Mark>lal>'. Hay.lcn .1.. I'.SS.U. (T..i-.». S. I'atrick's. TiirontD. llayijiMi T.. I'.S.n. (Hani.i. Ovvi-n Sininil. Ilfnaiilt A.. (I. .M.I. (Ott i, I'niv.. Ottawa. Heenan. Ki. Utv . .Mm. v.. |. illani.i. Auk. 4th. '(11, Diimlas. Ht-rnicncKilcl o.|.-..M. i|,,,n,i, i.'liatliani. Honuiatus. m.m.c. d itt.;, S. Krani-uis ■!' .\..<-l.'!.'. Ulnchey .1. ,1. (Ham. I, Him. L'L'ml. vs. S, Joseph's Hamilton. Hcclukinsc.n I-,". .1. il.nn.i. .Marcli ^th, '>:'. Wofxls- It.M.. Hottan .r. il.on.l, ''.i7. Saniia. JIoKari John T. iK.i, Dim. Sinl. '1<\. Napuiiee. Ilfilil-n .1. I', illani.). i 'hani-t'llcir. Oit. 2"th. 'S.'. S. Mary'H I'athc-.lral. llanilltnn. Howard. C.S.Il.. S. .Michael's r.ilWKc Howf \V., O.M.I. KJtt.), S. Josfph's, Ottawa. liudon lly.. S..I. rl'et.), Sep. !ith. '77. Hiidon r. S. i<^)tt.), May Idth, ■S7. Hocklanrl. Hnrley, (".S.H. il^nn.). Assiirnptlmi ('.illfR.-. Sand- wich. l«ldoiv. O.M.C. (Ott.), S. I'-ianoois ■!• Assise. Hiii- tnnlmitf. Jafiiiii'S I).. O.r. lOtt.). .Iiine 2utli, S.'., S, Haptistes. Ottawa, .lanknwski li. il'tni.), Wllno. .JefTcott M. ,1. lOtt.l. .Inly !itli. 'sj. o.i|e.i5e. Sandwieli. Kennedy Jos. il.on.i. Seo. l'JikI, 'M. Sarnia. Kenny. V. Ue\ . (;., S. .1. illam.i. .Iiine L'lUh, '74. ' Juelph. KeoUKh, Very llev. .I.ihii. \'.c,. I Hani. 1. uri. iln'l. '71. Paris. Klernaii K. J. ( I. Maroh Iftth. '7-.. c,,iUnB- Wood. Kiernan P. I'lor.i, .\uk. l.Mli, '7:;, (■riir..iitM <;.irep. WildH..l,i. Kileullen .1. iTor. I. May :;(itli, 'i;;i. Colnan. Killeen c. .1. (K.I, (Kitleyi, ToU-do.' Kilrcy. \'. Hev. It. K. P. (I,.in.i, .Vov. iSth. '.-,4. Stratford. Kloepfer. V. Hev. Or. Win.. C. R. (Ham.). Mareli Kith. '7S. S. Jerome's College. Merlin. Kloe|ifer Wni.. (Wl. i Ham.). S. .leronv's C..I- lefe. Uerlin. Krelis Maurice. O.C.c. (Tor.). Mt. Carmel Hos- pice (XlaKara Falls), Falls View. Kreldt, Very Rev. A. .T., O.C.C.. Xov. 19th, '7«, Provincial N.A. Province Carmelite Order 'Tor,), Mt. Carmel Hospice (Niagara Falls). Falls View. Laboureau Th. F. (Toi-.), Jan. Mtli, 'i;i; Venr- tanKuishene. Lacoste II., O.M.I. (Ott.). .\pril 1st. ■\7 Iniv Ottawa, I^j«ft.i. Jnh Jfit'i, 'M Port Arthur. I^marrtw f . s J. (Pet.), 27th Jitly. ';i.i. Cnrden ftiv^-r. I-iman-hf I' S. 'Tor. t. May IHIh. Isx;;. s. Heart chun-h. 43(1 KIne Street West. Toront'p. I^mbcTt O.. O.M.I. (Ott.">. Pnlv.. Ottawa. I^rtKlois <■. (l>t.). 2Cth May. 'yi. N'erner. l^ngUAa P. iLon.). June •.•9lli. 'Si'. Tllhury. I^rkin it. tpet.l. July 22nd. ■-:,, Oraftoii. I^HoM' C. . I^>i»ip. Ven. Archdeac'di F. (Hain.i, Nov. Ist, '•■'. fa>-uira. I^vin I>. 'OtJ.i. June lOth. '(i.-., Pakenhatn. I^voie U. A. 'Ott.). Dec. 21st. 'fi7. Orleans. I>'ahy M. J. x'air. •VM. 'Ott.), Cyrville. I^flerc J. <<'»tt.(. March 'ii2. Chute n lllon- ■l^au. I>^-Iefh J. M.. c.M. (K.). (LoDghboro'i. Halltoii. r>'fel,vr» K.. S.J. (pet.). March liith. 'SS. .Massey ii>-ry. .s. Francois d'.'.ssise. Hln- tonbur^. I.' HeMFKnix P. 'I»n.), Hi«liop*s Secretary, '9ti, >'atbemAarn.). lec. 17th. '92. HiK Point. L>n A. 'I>in. ». .Auk. ^th. '7;!. Kuscctn River. Lutz FraiclB 4" Paul. o.F.M. d-on.). Chatham. LuwiT T.. S-J. «P>-i.). May Jlst, 'So, Sudhury. Uuyttrn J.. ••.M -Ott i. Cyvllle. Lyonnai.* '!. -nch L.M. -Ham.). .Xutf. 24th. 's... Caledonia. I-ynch M. Pet.i. Ilan h r.ith. '.'.4, Port Hope. Ma.?aijley W. tOtt.). May U'tfi. ';(|. Dawson. MaddiKan P. J. 'Ham.), July lUth. '73, aa»t. Imn-la»- Mahony F. M. 'Ham.i. .\ub. .'ilti. ';<4. Hector S. Mary's Cath^^lral. Hamilton. Majea-i J. A. 'A).), (^athedral. Alexatidrla. .Manj. n V. Hev. V.. C S. U. (Tor.) Sep. 19th. 74 Prr.vineial 'Superior ot the Itesidcnce), S. ML ha(tr5 <^*Cllegf. Tjionto. Mari-.n. H.S. nfle|<]. .Martin A.. C.JJ.H. (Tor). Au)f. 21st. '91, S, Mirha<»r» ColIeKe. Toronto. Martin A. nburK. MaclonaM r>onaM H. (Al), July l()tli. '92, Cry- yler. MartlonaM fi'in<-an i.\l.). Dec. 22nd. '94. Cleii Rfif.*rtwn. M.-i«loraM J. A.. S J. (Peti. Dec. 21st. '72. Sault S. Marie. MacIonaM R. A. 'Al.). Julv Ifith. '91 Oreen- fleM. Maf-.lonaM M. J. (K.). Church of the C.ood Thief, Port«m«-^'jth. Ma.,i.-,naM T.. 0.<\c. (Tor.). Mt. (^'armel Hospice, ' N'iaeara Fallxi. Falls View. MacloneH W. A. r-«lleite. Toronto. McCah*. p. .ixm.). AuK. 'SD. Seaforth. Mr<'ann. V. Rev. J. J., v. G. (Tor.), July 21st, '«7, ■•-. Mar>->, Toronto. -I2»- ARCHBISHOl'S, BISHOPS AND I'RIESTS IX ONTARIO 4IcCa-..i \V. A. iTor.). July lllli, v.. Mar>"*»t. Titronto. M'arthj- J. iK.i. Frankfurd. McH'arthy V. Ui-v. I'., ••niinii. CnthiMliiil June ITth. '77, S. BrUlKet'i. Ottawa. .M.farthy iK.i, June L'4th, 'VS. I{>>a<]. .M.fl.«key Wni. J. iivt i. F.-l.. ITt l«-IIf"r<1. .M.-t'olI V. J. «T..r.), May ll'Ili, 7 M<<-i-. :.tii. '9:. I't-netatiRu'.ihene. iTi.r.). iM'i-. .'.th '.I'.. i.sst. S. H)lt.i. I l!li-ssli)Rtiini Nt. ''aiiii'- . Fnrt Kri.'. Knnlsniore. asKt. Adjsla. J. (Pt-m.), Dec. Ititli, '91. Mount Tor). Oct. ISth. ■ <-i-. .'.tli. '9:., ('huplnln nf Uef..rmatnrv. McKarher.i I". McEachern K. S. Patrick. McEnlee J. J. I>-8lieville. McKvoy J. J. . June 24th, ^s. Thornhlll. D. P. (Liin.t. July sth. '83. S. AURUS- Second St.. Maidsl(m». Juniciriite. Rlchinond. "U'ooler. Iliisting's. '9."i. Brude- Cathedral, McKeon A. McNallv J. McMah.m P Mi-Menamin tine. McMillan D. anJrIa. McKae D. « McHae McRae .McHae wall. .McKae J. E. .Al.>. Canadian College. Home McWUllams C. A. .M. iK.1. SpenciTville. Mea <"ha-s. F. iK.i. Cathc.lral, KlnRst.m. Meagher M. iK.). 'M. Cathedral, Kingston. Meapher J. J., B.A. (K.). asst. Meunler J. E. B. (I,on.), Dec. River. Miller F. X., c. SS. n. (Tor.). Toronto. Minehan J. S. iTor.). Dec. 21; t. MInehan L. cTor. (. Dec. 2'ith, Toronto. Moi.-e. O.M.C. lOtt.K Sept. 20th. 84. d'AssL-ie. Hintonburg. Montreull A.. C.s.B. (Tor. 1. July Michaels College. Toronto. Morris D. iTor.>. June 24tli. SI. Newmarket Moyna M. iTor. I. July 27th. '94. Orillia. Mugan J. a. iI,on.\ .iuly 1st. '"Js, Corunna. D.. M.A. lAl.l. ''.tij. Cathedral. Alex- lAl.t. May 24th, '8.5, Glennevls. n. 'Lon.). Dec. 21st. 'S2, Parkhlll. K. J. (Tor.). Dec. loth, '86, Brechin. Albert A. (.\1.), S. (Jolumban's. Corn- Krockvtlle. 23r.l, '84, Belle Patrick' s. '94. Orangeville. ■84. S. I'eter's. Francois '94. Mung-.van M.. C.S.B. iT..r. ), Michael's College, Toronto. Murphy O. iHam.). Freelton. Fell, l.'.th. O.M. .). Murphy V. Rev. J. J ■ Irishtonn). Dublin Murphy W. J., M Ottawa. Murray E.. c.S.R. iT.. Michael's CoIIeee. Toronto. Murray E. H. (Ivt.K I>ec. 30th. Murray. c.B. (K.). Dec. 8th. T Murtach T. i K. i. Marmora. Myrand J. A. lOtt.). July 3rd. '82. .Vajotte c.. O.M.I. lOtt.i. I'niv.. >ean cLon.). July 4tli. '.^8. I'nlv.. May 1st. ■e.C. Cobourb'. Trenton. Nasr Macarius. Syrian Ton-into. Voaijit O.. S.J. Arthur. Newman J. U,-n. I. June Srd. '»«, h> ). S. Jtweph'B HonpUal. SKI, Stanleyville. 17th. 'S*-, Sturgeon N.ilin N'-'iuin T I.ucan. Northgrave* «!. R. Windnor. 0'Bri«n J. 'K... Jon« Ztlh. o Urien J. J. iPet.). D^-. Fall.«. O Brien M dral. Petertoro'. (iHrlen P. C. Juiie 29th. '74. Mount Forest. 0'C..nnelI 1>. . Dec. S«th. «. S. J.«epli * Hospital. Petertoro". (I'Connell T. B. iPet.). April 15th. '83. Burnley. n'Connor J. S. (K.). Dee. 17th. '53. MarysvlUe. ocnnor T. P. (K.). Dec. ISth. '«. Kemptvillt o'l'onah'* P.. C.S.B. il»n. ». Ridgetown. o'Dorman J. D. iK.). Uananoque. J.. D.D. 'Pet.), June »th, ■!>7. Cathe- '»!. Madoc. J. (Ham.> I »■ I.*ary J. <>'I.eary I Falls. i>'I.oan»- J (I'Malley .' O'Neill. • Clair Av -. iHam.). Macton. J- «Pet.>. Dec. Stnh. '94. Fenelon S.J .Ham. I. July »th. 'SS. C.uelph • T.-r.i. July Jth. "Si. Vxhridge. 5.B. •T'T.), Ba^lllan Novitiate. S. . T.-r->nt.->. Iw-«-r Park P.O. (I'Ne'll J. "Lon-i. Jun- Slh. 'M. Klnkora. O'Reilly F. (Ham.- Sept. l»i. •7> S. Brant f'Fd. iK.). Carieton Place J. ec. Srd. '7«. d' -Assise. Hintonburs. I'atton F.. O.M.I. . Univ., Ottawa. I'lrniiss^t T. . ■•MI. "Ott.i. Oblate Scholasti ■.I'.'- Ott.-iwa. Phelan c. J. .Pet.i. Feb. l«th. '»«. Lindsay. Philip V. Rev S. tt. >. De<^. l*ih. '«. Curran. Pineau J. 'Ott.). Jui;e a^h. ■>>7. Notre I'anie de Lounles. •'ummings Bridge. Plantin V. Rev. J. A. 'Ott.). June 31«t. '74. Canon. < 'athednU, Ottawa. P.ltras I. .\.. Di.:«>ese S. B..niface. Rat Portage. l'..ll J. .\ . I'.I'. O.M.I lOtt ). Jun^ 9th. "■». I'niv.. <.»itawa. Porte'ance X.. CM J .'On.). June 15th. "'S. Sacred Heart I'Ti'irch. Ottawa, Pr»-z»-:iu .A . ''.M 'K.i, iLongborough) Hailtipn. I'rimeau \.. S.J. -Pet.*. .April 19th. ''S. Sault S. Marie. Proulx Ed.. .~.J. ijuinlan P. •L.-n. > n.). 'i*. -As-sumption ('oUege. '94. Point -Alex- •Pem.>. June Sth. S.J- .Pet.>. July Mth. '96. Wikwemi- S.J. 'Pet-1. -Aug. '8«. AVlkn"mi- Superlcv. CM. .Ott.l. June 2?th. •«. 4th. '9^. a-«st. S. Michael's C^ I'.eg". t «■- iTor.). June Helen's. Bn^cktc-n. Roche N.. C.S-B- (Tor.t. S. Toronto. Rocheleau S- iLon-). Dec. R. paiski S.. c.R. .Ham.) Berlin. Rohleder F. ■T-.r.». June Z>th. I'athe'lral. Toronto. Ronan J. rl.*'n. ». May Irt, ISid- '94. Bothwell. S. Jerome's College. '73. Chancellor Wallaceburg. -124- AKCHHISIIOI'S. RISHdPS AND PRII-STS IX ONTARIO It'.ilthler. ItlBlit H.v. MfcT .r. i.. V r, ,ott » X"V. 2l8l. lie. (•(itli.'.lral. Ottawa. liVi.n K .T..r.). S.-pt. I'.th. •". Hector. Cath^- • Iral. Toronto. I'.V,,,, I'., .-.s.!!. ,1^,,,.,. Muy l-t. 7;, Amh.-nH- I'lirtt. l:.Min I'. T. (IVm.). Deo. 21st. »;. Ft.-nfrow. S. aiilaii .(. il.on. I, Aug. liUh, «, Winds-. r. t-anlan T. K. ilvt.). Mart-li 2iUh. K. C«the. Chatham. Schwoitzer .1..... M.A . . ■. It. ,liam... I.,-,-. iMh. so. S. .Ifr.ini.-s Coll..);... |{..rlCi S'-ollanl I>. .1 ilvt.i. Ji..,.. ;i,t|,. •.^,, xorth I!av .«^bastian. O.Mr. ,. „t.). .s. Fran h .fAsBls^, Hintonburg. S.Ruin A. iiitt. I. (.•alh.'.lral. Ottawa '^'iw.T''* '"" '''^'" '''""■'• •'""'■ "^^•'' '''• -'^'>n'- Sheri,l.y, .r K, ,Tor,. .n,„. I'lth. !... asst. .-^. Mary k. Toronto. Sb^ri.lan .1. ,T..r.,. .lun • .'lih. '.s. a-'.-.t .-< Tatrlcks, r'help.«ton. 'I.on.). .\!<.n ""ol- Ifi. '7>. Unndalk. ^'th. Nl. Fal|..wii.-l.l. Ian. r.'ih. 'v^. .M.-rrltt..n. l''-t.i. .M.iy T^rtil. Ml, Wikwenii- PhauKhncssy P., (-..vs.!;. leR.'. SatidwU-h. Siav.-n K. illam.). Pei.t Skan..l. A. (Utt.), o.t Smyth K. iTor. i Sj'eiht Jos.. ,><..|. kong. Sl^lK y. i:,.v. T.. I).I>. ,Ham.,. S..,, ->nd 77 fresid-Mit S. .leromes College. Herlin Si rati .M. J. iK.). Klgin ?1 ratt T. .1. (K.I. Wolfe Island .-te,.h.:, o.Al.c. ,ott.). s. Pran.-..!.. d \..sNe Hinlonbiirg. .»■ si. e. «^ J^T •""'• "• "'""■>• ■'""">• '•••'"'• ^Mh n'^V '\-'''^"- '■^"'■•»- ^- I'afirks. Toronto. ^'IC'to;:.,,:"'"- '-"'-'■ -'-■ « ^"'■"-'•'■ Sweeney J. .Pet.,, Jan. 1st.' ^0.' Victoria Road. Tangnay. Itlght Uev. Aigr. . •. .Ott.). May 14th 43. Chiirih .«t. Ottawa "^'-'uh ■-.":;■ •''■;'■ •-''•"• ^■^■»- 'T"--'- J"ne .. ■■ ■^•, ^"l*'-'"'- of the c..|iege. s. Michael.; ' ollegp. Toronto. -"Kna. is Therien F o.M.I. ,Pem... .Mattawa. T.mner F. .Ott.), May, -7". .*. Kugen- rraher H -Lon.). Sept. 19th. s;. Mt. ?armel Mi . ', ■ ' '• •T^^ry June 11th. •?; s Michael .« <-ath..dial. Toronto. Tw..hey P^ A. . Nov. ^h.'-el, Wniia„,s- Va.iue p .-.M. ,Ot,... j„n.. -.,h. v7 V..tre ram,^ de I,o„rdes. .Mmming... PridKe " ^alentin T. .r.on.1. May 16th. vi Zurich X an der Staap F OCC iT.,t-\ \t. ,'. Hospice -Xla'iara- Fal^^f F^i^iJ'vie;'- ' "^"'*" "^:^^\r:^^i "'■""•'• -'"■ -— '-" ^"■- ^'ot'tawa"' '''•• ''"•'• "^"•'' '^'"»" J-niorate. Victor. O.M.C. .ott.). May 31st. 'SO. .« Francois d .\.«sise. Illntonhurg nan. oi.s MI'-Tro M c "^/nllT^ '"^^ ■'**'■ •'^- Tecumseth. Wadel S. IHam.), Chepstow ■W-aechter Anthony. C.R. (Ham.). June Kith -It .=. Jeromes College. Berlin. ' " ' ■W-alsh F., c.s.n. (Tor.). Oct. 2nth. 'C, Chaplain Central Priso.n and Mercer Reformatorv S Michael's College. Toronto. Walsh J. .Tor.). March llth. 'M ? Helen's Brockton. WalBhe W. E. (K.). July 9th. 'gj. Westport. Walter .\ . l..|.. .Ham. I. :.:.. l!iHh,,p-N Secretary. f«. Mary'H Cathedral. Hamlitor Ward. V Kev. peier. O.SS.R. .T..r.i, Rector S. I'atri.kH. Toronto. Weller. A. Ph I... c.H. (Hum.i. i 29th Ai .>. J-r..mes c,,ii,.k,. Herlin v\^r' 7 J'""!.'- ••'">■ '"''■ ■"«■ "-■•1-rl.h. ,. • 'Ham.). -iiT, carlsruh.-. . Uey J,..«eph .Ham. I. Iieemert.iP ."."idwelf •' '■'""■■'• •""•■ '""■ '"■•■ "•'"•••'■") Whelan J. .Kit. I. ivt. .-ilsf :■ c ,....., ..^ Ottawa. " "■ ^Kr!.v7 ^ ''^"'"■'- '^'' ^'■''- ■'-• <"">•''> '■"■"•>- Zettler Francis .Ham.,, asst. \V»lk.rt..n. I'I;||;.-;t.< of THK hiocksi: ..c . n r wi- \ I.I..MI>i;.\.-K.S AKF |.\ ijriOHKC. .Vllar.l J. n. f. orth Temls.aming. Belanger I., .o,,.,. Perkin'.s Mills v!i--^..^A.'\.;;,.i'-i.-'\;;i,r- -■'■••■ -•- i^|;;jn,i^P."';;^;:.;-.-'";,-:,-.. ~ini;: ;o^::..-;:;-im;air ■'-- "•• ^'— I.,-.i!.soneaMli C. O .M I. ,ott. i H.ui Brunette F. lOtii. May... cesbron A.. CM. .Ott.,. Anindel. < hamU-rlaml M. .Ott.,. s. H,,se de rim,. K. .o,,.,. Pei,,.,^;' ' "^ '•'""'■ Chartrand H. .Ott). Aylmer. Chatelain J. (Ott.). Thurso Chevri.-r o.. o.M.I. .Oi,.,. Manlwaki sr,?.f.s,.;;i';2i-.rir:;; r.rni.sset J.. CM. ,Ott.). Arun.iel I'u.harm" B. .Peni). Kpinar.1 V .-.H.I.C .Ott.). Xr,mini.,ue citing; ^•"•'- "'•""■'• "-' '" I--^ Teniis. Fafar.l F. X., O.M.I. .Peni... \|i„n„v HP Ferreri \. (Pem... Vint.,n »iiaii.\. n.i.. Filion P. ,On.^. .^. .x.lolphe ,Ie Howard Foley J. .Ott.). Farrelton. F.-.rget A. (Ott.). S. Sixte. " 1. .Ott.). Bouchette '.a.-c.n J. .Ott. I. Grenville Oauthier A. rott.). s. Faustin Oay c. (Ott). Gracefield. Oenier A. lOtt.l. Cracefield C.eorget F.. O.M.I. (Ott.). Hull Oui^i-ird J.. O.M.I. .Pern.). Albanv, H <.uav J. lOtt.i. Ripon Hueg-ien j^ P.. O.M.I. .Pem). Maniwaki Ouilla.ime A. (Ott.). Chenevillc. Kieman B. (Pem.). Quyon Kiernan .T. P. (Pem.).' Sheenboro'. I^ib-IIe A. A. .Ott.). Aylmer. I«aflamnie T. ,A. .Ott.>. Crenvllle I-anglais J. B. (Ott.). .\ngers I-iniel A.. O.M.I. (Ott.). Maniwaki. r-ap..rte C. .^„n. o.M.I. .Ott.). Maniwaki. I.#.1uc P. .Pem.). Alliimette Island Lefebvre J. (Ott.). Hull. T.e Gendre F. (Ott.). (Conception T^may o. (Ott.). P. RemI d'Amherst. I^irtie J. (Ott.). X. n. de t^Salett.. ft. -125- AUCmUSHOrS. lUSIlOl-S .\NI> I-RIKSTS in nNTVklo M,,j.,, I, II Mill I S. liMiiiil •!'• Mniilialin. MiitiKiti I.. A II lit. I. .ti'iinii-' .lAi. I via AyliniTi. Mi.licl !•'. II III. I, UMikliik'liiiiii. Monl.l .1. A.. iMi.l.i'. iiiti I. NninlliliiU''. Mriliiril A. lOlt.). <"anllry, Miilitiiiii' 1.. lOtl.). S. I'lillll|i|'. .1 XiB.'TiI.Mll. I luliiul S. I' III. I. S. .luvlli'. I'laii i:.. D.M.I lOit.). Mniilwakl. rii'iilti' '■ A ilVin.i. .Mliitiii'tli- Isliinil. I'llmi v. loii I SiilTiiik I'l'lli'lliT .\. Hilt. I, Kurilli-v. i'lTniiill II, I'M I. il'.'mi. Villi' .Marli'. I'mi """n. r.iuUn t'. HHi.i. iil.l Oh«-l»HU. I'lmilii f. <<>tl.). l^ljellf. ITnvi.Kt M.. ii.M.I KMt.i. Hull. I'liJi.K II. ilVin I lAhinnfit.- I- I ''haiii-aii. Kaymi.mi 1.. i. •!•■ I.iin"- V:ili.|i>.-tlf A. T.. O.M.I. lOn.t. Hull. \-iialll.-t I.. M.. . Diocese of Hamilton : \--^ \Ks. Walii-r, K.\ .i Iv • l;. •. «... i '..;I.I. ' . .' ' .rnlniiinin Diocese of Loudon : I;, v I. l.i..|i.uii iir Diocese of Peterboro : '>' ^ ,'„'." '>''"' inlaiiiiii im. ITili. '.■-. Diocese i.f Alexandria : l:.*. AlUit Al. \ Mi l;a. Diocese of Kuitrston . Ui'\ . Mii'liiirl crawlrv nl All ll.illnw-'. .Iiimv Iv'^. II -r R. T. P. \ l;.\ >. .1. i;i.iia. V.ii. (IhiM..). Vpril ■'.'■.•. l;.'\ , .In.. i,iii-rii-(ri-l.), .Inly Ji.tli. '•."■>. \U\ M. I iiiiiiiiin-. (Lull. I l;, v. .1 II. M. 11.111, i-li . K (^atbolic Separate Schools in Ontario. 1 1 MitarUi. l^^T 1M<7 2L'9 3*0 i-lHTS 191 ... '.1.1.37:! 41,62" ItVSCli 24.996 ... $112.29;! 1S8.800 f6.9.-. 7.22 ThP l'ollii«itig limui's all' laliLMi Hum tlif Dlliolal I (-ports : S*'pnrat(" Sdiui'ls ii NitmbtT in i intiirin Tiital imiiilii'i' "I ti'i N'.iinlii'r III' iniplls , .^vc■l'a^Jl■ :iit('iiil.'ini't» Palarii's I'dSt piT pupil Thf last repoit of tlip Mini.'itiM' ul' I'Miicatinii shiiw.« an iMcrcasp in Itii' attpmlanoi' at ''atliolic Scpai'ate Srhoiils nf 774. wliili' tlir iniTfa.Sf in altfiidancf at the rnlilic Srhoiils is :.:,. the aver- nui' I'ost of a impll in the Separate Sehnols is $7.21. wliili' in llie riilili<' School the averaRe I. .St is $S.S7. Helow will li.' f..iiii.l a list .if the I'alholic Separate in milurio. arranged iii'.'..r.linK 1.1 Dioceses; — niDi'Hsi'; or TontiNTO. Sepaiati- Sell. ..lis are estalilishe.l at .\lliston. Bairie, .N'ewmarket. Niagara Falls. Orillia. fishawa. Th., Whitliy. M.rritt.m. I'.irt I'.'l- l...rne. Pert I )alh..iisie. Weston. reiietanRiii- fhene Piililic School is Catli.ilic, St. Catliarlnes iS schools). Toronto (IS schools). And in Srh.i..l Sections : .Xiljala. I..; Mara. ;i; Stanifor.l. 7; Tiny. :': T..i'.)nt.i 'lore, i;: \'esi.ra. 7: York. 1. MOCKSK OK KlNUSTliN. Separate Schi«ils are established al i4 scli.H.lsi. lip" kville. Kingston .4 rerth. ricton. r..rtsinouth. l'res.', Twied. An.l in School Sections: Ni.rth. 2. 4 and «; i 'ro.shy war.lsl.iirii. 2; Hi.we I.-'lan.l s; KItley. 7; Marmora ami 2 and I<.: I.inish»H->ro. 1": ll.'lleii >cll....l: Trent. llnig-'i's 17; Augusta, 1 North. 4 ajid 7; I- 1, 2 and 3; KliiKsi. Lake. 1; LoUBhh.n I'.tehmond, l.i an.l Sli.'rtiel.l. :.: Tyendlnatra. 1^. 2... 24. 2S and :i.i: Win.'hester. 12 with 1 Itussell; Wolfe Island. 1. 2 and 4: Y.inKe an.l Kseott H.. 4. 1>I. 22, •■-.and 2.;; Hawkesl.ury Kast. 2. 4. r.. 7. i". II. 12, 1.-. and 1>-.; Hawkeshury West. 4; 1-onKueuil A\ est. -12fi ■.I ><. ;ind ■liW- ■lar- a: 7. 7. 'J 4 7', I. CATHOMC SEl'AKATK SCHOOLS IN ONTARIO 2. 4a, 4h, and 7; March, 3; Nepcaii. 7 and 15; OiJBoode, 1, 2, ID, 3 with 1, Olourcster; Russell, 1, 4, 6, 7 and 8; Wlnnhostor, 12, with 1 Ruisell. BIOCKSE OF LONDON'. Sppnrate Schools are estahllshed at Amherst- burp (2 schools), Chatham, Ooderich, InKersoU, l4ondon (5 schools), ParlUiIll, .-^arnla, St. Mary's, St. Thomaa, Stratford, Tllhary Centre, Wallace- biirB. And In School Sections : Andcnlon, 2, 3, 4, r. and 8; Ashneld,2: Hi.liluliih, 6, 9 with 1, Mo- fiilUvray; I'ownle, 9; Ellice,7; Harwich, 3; Hay. 1; llil.bert, 1, 3: Hullet, 2; Malilstuno, 1; Maid- stone 4 With 2, RoclieFter; Maiden, 3n, 3b; Moore, 3, 4 and 5. Mnrnl;iBton, 4; McCllllvray, 1 with 9, BUUUilph; MrKlUop. 1; Raleigh, 4. 5. and 6; RochCHtPr. 2 with 4, Maidstone; Sandwich Kast. 1 and 2; Sandwich West. " and 9: Pombra, .^i; Stephen, 6; Wawanosh AVest, 1; Westminster, 13; Williams West, 10; Windham, 8. DIOCESK OF HAMILTON'. Separate Schools are established at Art'i ir, Rerlln, rtnmtford i2 schools), Dundas. F.Iora. FepKiis, Gait, Ouelph (3 schoiils), Hamilton 18 schools), OakvlUe, Owen Sound, Paris, Preston, Wallterton, Waterloo. .•\nd In School Sections Artlnir. n rick, No, M'pst, No. Anderdon. 3. 4, Nos. (! and If; Tlrant, No 2. with 3 Carrlck X'. No. 1; Cnr- " ■ '; Carrlck. ^ . , ,,,,„. , „.... mboro.iKh Greenock, No. 3, with 2, Brant; rtlnir. Nos. (i and 1"; urant, .no ;. Irecnock; Carrlck, No. 1; Carrlck X'. No Ick, No. 2; Carrlck T. Nos. 2 and 4; Jo. U; Ciilross T, Nos. 1 and 2: Flan Vest, No. 2; Greenock, No. 3, with 2 OlenelK, Nos. B and 7; Holland, No. 3; Nlchol, No. 1; Normandy, Nos. 5 and 10; Peel Nos. 8 und 12; Proton, No. 6; Sydenham, No. 7; Water- loo, No. 13; AVeliBley, Nos. ,1, 9, 10, 11 and 12; Wllmot, No. 15 1'2, Woolwich, No 10. mOCHSE OF I'ETEHnOROl'OH. Separate Schools are established at CobourK. HastlnRs, Lindsay (2 schools), Pelerboro\iKh i3 schof.n). Port Arthur, North Ray 12 schools). Rat I'ortage (2 schools), Sault Ste. Marie, Sud- bury, SturKcon Falls. And In School Sections : .\sp'iodel, 4; I'irlBhton, 1, Ifi; Jlaldiniand, 2, 14 and 21; Kecwatln. 1; McKim, 1; I'crcy, 5; Percy 12, with 12, Seymcuir; Seymiair, 12, with 12, Percy; Springer, 1 and 2; Wlddllield, £. There are also eighteen Catholic Schools for Indians on their respective reserves. niOCICSE OF ALEXANDRIA. Separate Schools are established at Alexandria (2 schools). Cornwall (3 schools), Crysler (2 schools), Glen Robertson (2 schools), Moose Creek i2 schools), S. Raphael's |2 schools). DIOCESE OF PEMBROKE. Separate Schools are established at Arnprlor (J schools'!. ERanvllle, Mattawa, Pembroke, Ren- frew 1 2 schools). And In School Sections : Admaston. 4; , nfleld, \A, IB, 2, 4; Bromley, 4. fi; Brougham. 1; Ferris. I. 4; Hagarty, 4; Matawachan, 3; Papincau, 1. 2b; Stafford, 2. National Trust Company LIMITED HEAD OFFICE : 24 King street East. - TORONTO MONTREAL OFFICE: Canada Life Building CAPITAL SUBSCRIBED - $1,000,000 CAPr L PAID UP - - - $800,000 RESEl' VE FUND ... - $200,000 directors: President, ,■■ , r. W. FLAVKI.LE, E .j., Manacir.R Director The William Davies Company, Limited ; Oirector Canadian Hank of Commerce. Vice.President, A I.. AMKS, K-.i., 01 M's<;rs A. K Ames & Co. ; Second Vice-President Imperial Life Assurance Cc; Vice-President Tor nto Board o( Trade. Hum. Mr. IusTICK MacMaUHN, K. W. Gatf.s. K-t] , B. M BHirroN, E-ti , Q.C., M.P., V Nk:h ].i s, t'-^q., Wii.i.iAM Mackenzie, E q Hon. Ckii. A. Cox RoBKRT Kii.<;ouR, Esq., W. E. H. Masskv, Eq., A. E. Kbmt, Esq, E. W. Cox, Esq., a. H. Wats-n. Esq, Q.C, Z. A. Lash, Esq., Q.C. El IAS PoGERS, E«q., H. H Fjdger, E q., E. R. Wood, Esq TRANSACTS A GENERAL TRUST BUSINESS Acis .IS Pxecutor, Trustee. Admlnlstator Guardian, Committee, Receiver, Asslxnce, Liquidator, Tru.'tee for Bond IsiUfi, Stock Transfer Agent, Qeneral A«em. „„„:.;„„ it, .-rvices and The-ppointmentof the C mpa .y d ,es not iiile.rupt relations existing between persons requiring its services anu their regul r Silicitors. Money to Lend on improved Farms and Cny Properties at lowest cunent rates. . ,.■ , W. T. WHITE, Manager Conferences invited. Coirespondence solicited. -130- • • ' ■ ' s. Teachers . . and Trustees will do well to consult us before purchasing MAPS, GLOBES, CHARTS and General Supplies Our lines are the best and our prices the low- est. MOYER'S S"u7e Bo£ L AST IFORBVER lao Victoria St., Torontu. E. N. MOVER & CO. Buffalo, NY Cable of Contents Words of KiicouraKi'niont Profiv'.ory Frocliimiitiou of tlie I'liivcrsul Juliilei' of the Holy Year l.iviiij: Wiitors— I'ootry— CaroIiiR' S. S|ii'1icit Astroiiniiiicii' ('ah'uliitioiis — Ilolyiiavs of olili- i;atioii, Kastlnt; Days, Soji'innizatioii of Marriasjcs. etc Massrost Kev. Diomodc Fal- conio, Apostolic lielegate to Canada— Por- trait . Ifi 17 Is 21 ■2\ ■III Catholicity in Ontario— illustrated Sketch of the liioi'cse of Hamilton illiistralcil. 'I'lie (■onf;re,L'alion of the KesniTection— illn.- irated Till' I luiri'h in Ontario.— hioceseof Toronto '• •■ liniiilton " '■ London " Ottawa ■ I'eniliroke •■ Kini;>ton ■ relerlK)roiinh •■ Alexandria ■ St. IJonifacc. Parishes in Oni;irio. |{eli,i,'i..M> I irder> in Ontario, Men.. '• WoMlCll Ciilholie Societies hi iintario Alphahi'tical List o' \rchl]ishop>. ISishojis and Priests in Ontario, svilh dalcof iirdiiiation.. Newly Ordain-d Priests, K.I.P ("alholic Separate Seli(H)ls in Ontario PAGR I'.l IlKI In:; ].!.-. le: lO'.i iii; II:; II:; III ll'.l I J I IJti IJ'l -131- ASSESSMENT SYSTEH. ARE YOU INSURED ? If not, you should be, and you cannot do better than join the . . . C. M. B. A. OF CANADA The Leading: Assessment Association Registered in the Dominion This Associatian collects only what is required, but has wi-.ely made provision for enabling it to collect a sum sufficient for all time, taking the exprrience of the past elglity years for our guide. lt« prin iplcs are sound and its rates just, giving in- surance at actual cost f'oui ye^r to year. When it requires more it has po*er to collect more, and therefore can iiev.r fail to fuliil all its oliligations to each and every one of its members. By this system Ben fits are assured to CM B.A. members «t a figure not exceeding the actual cost thereof. The CM. B.A. has been twenty-three years in existence and has sufficiently demonstrated the soundness of its system. Every claim has been paid without any litigation whit- ever on the part of the As-ti>ciation. Is there a life insurance company pnywhere that does more than tbisV Not one, but I ere .\RE companies that have done a good deal le-s and collected from their policy- holders about three times as much annually. The importance ot providing ineans of S'jpport for one's family or dependents, afte- the death of the bread-winner, needs no argum-nt. It is that for which we labor and economize, plan and hope ; and death comes to us with ad'led terror when it calls us before that p-ovi^ionis made. The (luestion, then, is :— How can this provision be best and most easily made? By becoming a member of tiie Ca hoiic riutual Benefit Association. For Catholic men this Ass iciation is undciibledly the Cheapest, Safest and Best. No uncertainty as to whetlier the Church wiii continue to aiiow Catholics to join It or remain members of it- No Confiictinit Interests. No Hx- travagant Expenditure. No Enormous Surpluses. No Whims of Officials. No Fluctuation of Value of Policies No Miliion'Dollar Clfices. No High- Salaried Officers. Na Mpeculation in Investments with Members Money, in the C.,1 B.A. Kor the amount of business done, the cos' of manage- ment of the C..M,B.-\, is infinitely lower thin any other assessment asso iation or life insurance organization on th : continent of America. AMOUNT RECEIVED ON ASSESSMENTS Table shewing the amount received ot .\ssessments from the Branches of the CM. B.. A. of Ci'iada from date o or- ganization of Grand Council, in 1^80, to January 1st, 1899: In im\ $ :{21!t(iO " 1881 4,171 111 '■ 188-.' !t;ilH 17 " 1HS;{ 11.31m ■>'.) " I.S8I 21.1-';t 21 " 18S,i •_'!.;«) 5!» " l,S,Sli .■J-'.:J88 17 " 1887 4rt,7.'iil 2 ( including Reserve " 18S? 5.1 f07 70 " 188!) t!!)9l9 11 " 18!M KMt.liiS 21 •' 1891 122.2iL' 9.5 •• 1812 112 ' 'i t« " 1S9H ini),.;i9 4.1 '• " ■' 1894 125.11)2 'J6 " 189,i 15:4.9as ti3 " 189o 17.1.1198 (19 ■' 1897 198 IH9 21 " 1898 2l0..i94 31 Total Sl,(iOti867 77 Total Reserve Kund i. now $91, (HK) 0(1 PRO'-RESS IN MEMBERSHIP Membership in 1880 1882, 1881 1^86. 1888. 220 5»iO 1,275 1,900 3 120 1890 5,R50 1892 8 039 1893 8,605 1891 10 051 189;j 10103 1896 11,116 1897 11.848 1898 12 145 1899 13,000 WHAT IT WILL COST TO BECOMB A MEMBER To become a member of \h'. C.M.B..A, of Canada will require the payment of the tollowing fees : Application Fee $3 00 Supervising .Medical Examiner's lee 50 Medical Kx iminaticn Fee 150 One Assessment for $1 ,0(10 at age 21 50 Oje Month's Dues. 25 Total $5 75 Rejected applicants have the $3.00 of app'ication fee returned to them. TABLE OF RATES For a $.')00 Policr, Members' Ages. Am't. of Assessments. From 18 and not over 25 25c. " 25 " 31) 28c. " 30 '■ .35 30c. " rV) " 40 3.5c. " 10 " 45 lOc. " 4.5 " 50.. 15c. For a $1,000 Policy. From 18 and not over 25 .tOc. " 25 " 30 55 . 35 60c. 10 6.5c. 45 75c. 50. 85c, For a $2,000 Policy. From 18 and not over 25 $1 00 ' 25 " ,30 I 10 " .TO ■ 35 1 20 " 35 " 40 1 30 " 40 " 45 1 45 " 15 " M 1 65 THE PROBABLE YEARLY COST ON $1,000 BENEFIT For a jMeinb r at Age of 21. Eighteen Assessments, at ,50 cen s each $9 00 Twelve M.>ntbs' Dues, at 25 cents 3 00 Total $12 00 The Constitution provides for fixed assessments, and also for special assessm. nts in c se the fixed assessments be not sufficient ; bu: the to al .issessments can never, accord- ing to the laws, exceed twent) four in any one year ; as, should it be necessary, ilirougD .my ciuse to require more money than said number of as^essmenls would bring, ihe Reserve Fund is drawn upon. Eighteen assessments is the greatest number we have bad. The rate fixed for the age at which an applicant becomes a member remains the same throughout. :«) 35 40 45 I 01 ( i^ l^ Please mention ' Catholic Almanac of Ontario." -132- Rugs HADE FKOM OLD CARPETS Undertakers Thick ill Pile Soft in Texture Oriental in Appearance TORONTO RUG WORKS 08TER BROS., PROPS. 92 QUEEN ST. EAST Work done by capable and practical men under my personal supervision. Cliarges are below my competitors, witli a Kiiarantee of perfect satisfaction! AA FAWKES & CO. 347 Yonge Street, - Toronto EMBALMING Telephone The Ontario HutuamfeAsIuTanceCo HEAD OFFICE, WATERLOO, ONT. C«r?neonl"e.'?5S|"'*""*''^ '''• ^^^^~^- $23,703,979 Ass!fts, December 3ls(, 1898 ^^H"^*' Reserve for SecupJty of Policy Holdeps, 1 898 '.'.'. i'l^t iff Surplus overall,' Ljablililes, December 31st 1898 Actuaries' ^'^^^'^'^ Surplus on Government Standard, 4;i per eent. . . .' 440000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ROBERIMKLVIN, Prhsidknt ALFRED HOSKI V n r wv ., HoM. F. W. Bo«DBN, M.D., Minis er^fM.miaTnd'Defiace. ^Zj.h'^n^^":'' ' am. WEQENAST. Man.ser. T. k. EARL. sfpt^o"fer,cle.. C. S. FJRRESP 1 o^n In.„- . OR- J- "• VVBBB. ne4. Director. W. H. RIDDELL Secretary ' ■"•""'"• ASSESSMENT SYSTEM Knlglhts of The only Caiholic Uniformed i?»clety In Canada. SICK BENEFITS LIFE INSURANCE AND MILITARY INITIATION FEE, $2.00. DUES, 50c. PEK MON TH Sick Benefits, $4.00 per week and free medical attendance Funeral Benefits, $50.00. Insurance, from $500 to $2,000. For full Information, write Provincial Organlier. C. FARLEY loa Parliament Street, Toronto PS.— See il5t of Commandcriea, •tc, page 119. Please mention " Catholic Almanac of Ontario ' -133- •;; I - The- ^i (w'^BARTLETXlfoRONIO, S o (8 o •d < ICENSINQTON ' DAIRY CO. united 453H Yonge Street (Opposite oil ege St.) a E o ha 13 Speclaltien U/I.ii. CltKAM liKVOXSItlRE CUE AN ICE CREAM AANUFACTUnCR 0« WINDOW SHADES (Blinds) in Opaque or Linen Tents, Awnings and Flags VENETIAN BLINDS, foldins or slidinK FLY SCREENS, WHITE ENAMEL and FLEXIBLE aOLD LETIERS for Signs. High Cla'S Work at Moderate Prices. Tlie only Dairy in Toronto with a complete plant for sterilizing bottles and cans, thus renderinj,' them free from disease germs; and a regular monthly veterinary inspection of cows T«.j dcliviries daily. Telephone o. drjp a po>tt:ard a id driver v. ,11 call. KENSINGTON DAIRY CO., Limited PHONK 2828 453^. YONQE ST. (Opposite College St.), TORONTO Fireproof With Combination Lock FROM $12.00 Up Send for Latest Catalogrue W. H. SCOTX, ,.— 103 Church St., Toronto scription Bnio . . Store oX tbc lAortb W^M. H. COX, Dispensing Chemist WE GUARANTEE A CUR^TENESS, ABSOLUTE PURITY OF INGREDIE.MTS. Reasonable Prices Prompt Delivery. Dav and Night .Attendance for Dispensing I'rescriptions. .^peaking Tube and Night Hell. 780 Yonge Street. 4 Doors South of Bloor Street mention "Catholic Almanac of Ontario." -131- f I t ;i "i LONDON GUARANTEE and ACCIDENT CO. mm, Assets, $2,000,000.00 Fidelity (luarantec for all pur- sons in positions of trust . . Accident Insurance on the most approved plans iDformatioD and Bates on Application CAPITAL Is the result of SAVINC.S and INDUSTRY. l^orh Count? Xoan anb Saviuijs Co, Has the best system for the regular accumulation of money. Particulars apply Head Office for Canada : TORONTO D. W. Alexander, ManaKer for Canada (ronfe^cration %\tc BuilMno Toronto The Home Savings and Loan Co. LIMITED ESTABLISriED UNDER LEGISLATIVE AUTIIORITV Capital, $2,000,000 DIRECTORS: WON. SIR FR \NK SMITH, Senator, PreMdent EUGENK O'KEKFK. Vice President JOHNFOY, HOWARD STOCK, JOHN RVAN. JAMES J. FOV, (J.C, ML. A., SJicitor. Deposits received from 20 cents upwards, anu interest at current rates allowed thereon. Money loaned in smill and large sunns at reasonable rates of interest, and on easy terms of re- payment on Morgiges on Real Estate, and on the collateral security of Bink and other Stocks, and Government and Municipal Debentures. Mortgages 01 Real Estate and Government and Municipal Debentures pmchased. No valuation fee charged for inspecting property. OFFICE IIOUR3-9 a.m. to 4 p.m. ; Saturdays, a.m. to i p.m., and from 7 to 9 p.m. Office : 78 Church Street Toronto. JAMES MASON, Manager. mention " Catholic Alman.ic of Ontaii It is Strange . . . i'ut it is ncverthdcss true, that men generally f il to recognize the most important considerations which should he taken into account when insuring their lives. The Temperance and General Life Assurance Company publishes a paper for the sole purpose of giving those who read it rehahle .formation with regard to life insurance. It is called " Our -AbvocATK,' .Mid is sent free to all who ask for it. The 7 '.nd s the Best Company for the Best Risks. Hon. G. W. Ross, President. H. Sutherland, Managing-Director. Head Office, Globe Building, Toronto. h?^ BEFORE YOU BUY (Jl^^ ^t^ Jriano ^ w Write us for our Lowest Prices and Terms Never since the commencement of our business, in ,871. has the demand f<. the Newcomhe Pianos been so great. It s an ideal instrument for the home, the college, or the'con.ert hall Ca I loguea d booklet " ! he Influence of Music," mailed on apj.lication. O. NEWCOHBE & CO. 107-109 Church Street, - Toronto # ^ N.H.--' How to earn an Organ or Piano," with list of second- /^' ^ hand instruments, from $,5 upwards, if specially incjuired for J^ ^ Please mention " Caitolic Almanac of Ontario." -13«- (: cognize the to account "iho read it led "Our director. m # ^ ^ l: The Gift Book of the 189Q Season + + «■ + + * » n {-+ t^ , r + + + + + + + + + + + + Chri$ritia$ iit«« * f rencb Canada + + + + + ++ + + + +14. + + + +4 1^ + + + + + + +t.4. + + +^. + ^. + ^.^ * Bv LOUIS FRECHEITE, CHQ. IH'.AtTIl-l I.l.V lIJ.f.-,TK \T[:r. h\- FrcJcrick Simpson Coburn Haiiiisoiticly huiiml in Cli>tli : <',•.]: •.■■: PRICE, $2.00 At all '^.ok-vlit-r. .,r ;...