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Torn' Committee desire to report : l.—That they obtained estimates for vhe enlargement of the Horticultural Pavilion, as also for the erection of a temporary structure capable of meeting the anticipated wants of the celebration, it being thought desirable, if possible, to give greater accommodatioji for the Musical features of the celebration especially. They found, however, that the cost was so great as to preclude anything being done in this direction. They therefore recommended that the Corporation of the City of Toronto be petitioned to grant the use of the Exhi- bition Buildings and Grounds during the 8emi-Centennial week to yinir Com- mittee ; and that the Horticultural Gardens and Pavilion be similarly engaged, and that thv. refusal of the several rinks of the City be obtained for the same period. 2.— The Committee further recommend, on the advice of the Ball Com- mittee, that a temporary supper-room be constructed on the north of the Hor- ticultural Pavilion, aJt a cost of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars. All of which is respectfully snbmitted, ROBT. BELL, Ohaii'Diait. •#■- 'm KB • RKPORT No. 2 OF COMMITTED ON MEMORIAL VOLUME. Yonr Coiumifctee, finding that the Corporation of the City of Toronto would not accept either of the propositions contained in their first report, namely, to undertake tlie cost of the publication, or guarantee the publishers against loss, resolved to reconimeiid that the ofter of the Rose Publishing Company to pub- lish the proposed Memorial Vt)lume, as a private enterprise, be accepted, on the understauding that the Chairman of the General Committee, and vlie Chairman (if this Committee, sliould have a supervision over the text of such volume, and the illustration to be inserted. Respectfully submitted. HENRY SC ADDING, Chairman te- I I REPORT NO. 2 OF THE COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS. The Committco on Arrangements beg to present the following Report : 1. — That in accordance with the imtructions of the General Conunitteo, they made the neces.sary arrangements for the due observance of the Anniversary Day, the (5th of March, iii terms of their Report No, 1, adt»pted. They regret that tlu! ringing of the City bells was not as general as tliey anticipated, arrange- ments having been made for their being rung between the hours of li a.m. and noon. Their thanks are due to those in charge of the various Churches, as also to the Public School Board, and other corporations, for their willingness in meeting the wishes of the Committee. The salute f)f 50 guns was fired by Major Gray's Battery in the Queen's Park. In tlio afternoon the opening of the Free Library was a i)rominent featui-e of the Day's celebration, and in the evening the proceedings were happily ended by the very successful reception given by His Worship the Mayor at the City Hall, to the surviving Mayors and Members of the former City Councils, and other municipal ofticials. His Worship the Mayor did all in hi.s poAver to iiid the Committee in arranging the day's proceedings, and contributed largely to its success. To mark the HistoricaV feature of the occasion, your Committee, with the concurrence of the Executive Conunittee, resolved to present a suitalde address to His Worship the Mayor at the reception given by him. The execution of the same was entrusted to Mr. Allen, whose worknum- ship gave every satisfacti(m. His Worsliip, on the presentation, replied in suitable terms. The expenses attending the day's celebration have been for- warded to the Executive, duly v<mched for by your Committee. 2. — In connection with the Municipal and Historical Day, your Committee have much pleasure in recommending that the orators on that occasion be the Hon. Mr. Justice M. C. Cameron, and Dr. Daniel. Wilson, President of Uni- versity College. Both of these gentlemen were uiade acquainted with the decision of the Committee, and have kindly consented to undertake the task laid upon rluMii. 3. — -The Committee appointed sub-Committees to take charge of the Com- memoration Hall, with power to add to their mmiber. Mr. Pellatt was chosen Chairman of tin; Committee, and arrangements for the Ball are well advanced. The estimateil expenditure for th esame is Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars. The tickets have been fixed at $3.00 for gentlemen and ^2.00 for ladies, and provision made for an estimated attendance of 1,500. It is confidently anti- cipated that the Ball will be self-supporting. P«Bin6')Cr'^<9!0!I 6 .1 i; il ! I I 1 4. -In view of tho fact tliat His Excollency tliu GovoriiMr-Otnuinil, with luucli rogrot, finds tliat it will bo inipossiblo for him to bo present iu Toronto during tho week of tho Sonii-Centennial Colobration, your Coniniittoe would suggest that the Commomoration Dinner to di.stinijjuiahcd visitors bo dispensed with, and tho evening fixed for that event Vje otherwise filled. 5. -It being anticipated that large numbers of strangers will visit our city during tho week of the celebration, your Committee thought it desirable to provide a Sub-Comniittoe to have cluirge of arranging such accommodation as c :>uld not be sujijiliod liy tlio various hotels in tlie city. It is their aim to collect statistics of accouunodation and prices, k>jeping tho register open before and during the week of the celebration for the information of our visitors, wh>. will tUus have an opportunity of selecting where they will stay. 0. — A Sub- Committee has also boon appointed to attend to tho wants of the l)ress representatives, composed of a certain number of your Committee and a r >presentative from each of tho city papers. It is hoped in tliis way that every facility will be given to every visiting member of the pi'oss to be present at every event to take place during the celebraticn. 7. — Your Committee having taken into consideration the military movements during tho month of June, ivs also the contemplated arrangements to be made with the various Railway Companies, would reconnnend that tho week of the celebration be changed to that commencing Monday, 30th June. The two prominent holidays in July, namely, the 1st July — Dominion Day — as also the 4th July, the holiday in tho United States, will thus be brought into play, and give gi-eater facility to your Committee in the carrying out of the programme adopted, 8 — Your Committee have received from Prof. Hand a tender for the fire- works to be used in the night ])ar ule on tliu harbour, amounting to tho sum of $l,()()(). The specifications and design ior the same are herewith submitted. This leading feature has been considered, and your (Committee feel that the display promised by Prof. Hand will be quite an event of the week, and some- thing unique in its way. Nothing of the kind has heretofore been attempted (m this continent. Tliey recf)nnuend tlio adojition of the tender submitted. I All of which is respectfully submitted. GEORGE VVRIGHT, Cfmirinan, 1, with much ronto during ould suggest ponaed with, isit our city desirable to miodiition as aim to collect I before and ora, wlu. will rvants of the nittee and a ,y that every a present at T movements to be made week of the e. The two — as also the to play, and programme for the fire- the sum of I submitted, eel that the . and some- a attempted bmitted. 3tHT, Chairman, REPORT NO. .'} OF THE EXKCUTIVE COMMITTEE. To the Semi-Centennial Celebratiiui. (Jomraittee. Your Committee beg to report that they Jiave had before them the following Reports of CommitteuH, ami sulnuit tlie same for your consideration. Report No. 2 of the Counuittee on Arrangeniencs (adopted with the exception of the reconniieiidation for Fireworks disphiy, which was referred back for further informationj. Report No. 1 of the Counuittee on Grounds. Report No. 2 of the Counuittee on Memorial Volume. Report No. 1 of the Counuittee on Music. Report No. 1 of the Committee on Finance. Report No. 1 of the Committee on Military Disi)lay. Repoi-t No. 1 of the Connnittci- on Decorations. Report No. 1 of the Counuittee on Tableaux. Report No. 2 of the Connnittee on Printing and Invitations. In accordance with the rules adopted by the General Committee for the guid- ance or your Connnittee, the following accounts have been paid by your Treasurer, and charged to the various Committees as under : COMMITTEE ON ARKANGEMENTS. J. G. Owen, Ulumiiiiited Adchess ^s^, (X) Queens Own lliliea' Baud, at reception 50 00 Toronto Field Battery, liriug salute 78 28 Taldes, etc 63 CO (jllobe, Advertising 15 OO Mail, " 15 00 World, " 10 00 News, " 10 00 Telegram, " 10 00 Canadian, " 10 00 t2d6 98 TABLEAUX. E. C . McLean, Printing .$21 50 .James Grand & Co., Envelopes 11 oO Stamps 40 00 ."^72 50 8 HTREKT I'AItADKS. biulley & BurnH, Printing MIUTAKV UlSl'LAV. Roddy & Nurse, Printing ffXKOUTIVE. Hunter, Hoae & Co., Printing $17 Tf) Winnifrith HroH., Oflice Suppliea 14 80 Ujjjter Can.aila Ftirnituro Company, OtHco Chairs «» (50 R. G. McLean, Printing 12 00 James Grand & (Jo., Envelopes 10 no Uolph Smith & Co. , Stationery, Ac 24 00 Brown Broa., Envelopes 11 00 Roddy & Nurse, Printing 50 Otlicc Services 1 2 50 Stamps 74 50 14 25 2 50 $1<U) 15 $582 28 In addition to the above, your Connnittee estimate the accounts outstanding at three hundred dollars, and as one thousand dollars was place'l at their disposal by the City Council for preliminary expenses, a balance of somewhat more than one hundred dollars is still on hand. Since the meeting; of the General Committte a large mimber of names of repre- sentatives (rom City orsiaiiizations has been received, and also, for various reasons, some of your members have resigned, and changes from one Committee to another having taken place, your Committee herewith submit complete lists of the several Committees. (jhairnmn General Committee — VV. Baroiay McMuruich, ) : EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Vhairmaib— His Worship the Mayor, Dr. Geo. Wright, Geo. M. Roso, A. McCormack, James Rose, Wm. Badeuach, Samuel Trees, Lieut. -Col. Grasett, John Kent, Charles March, R. B. Hamilton. 9 14 25 •i m ' 7r. [ 80 ; (io ! 00 ; 50 [ 00 00 ; 50 ! 50 I 50 $1% 15 .$582 28 tstanding at leir disposal t more than lies of repre- )us reasons, Hnmittee to lote lists of RE(!KPTI<)N COMM 11 TEE. Chairman — Hw Wokmhii' thk Mayor. Hon. ICdwjml IMako, Hon. Senator Muopherson, Aid. Hrandon, M. Cromhio, H. ('unilx'rland, Honicr Dixon, Col. C. S. Gzowaki, Hon. (Hivcr Mowat, Thomas Moor, Aid. Moore, \\. J. Macdonoll, Hon. Alex. Mackon/ie, iSohort Pearson, His linrdsliip IWsliop Sweatnian, John Small, M.I',, J. F. Smith, Hun. Senator Smith, Dr. D. Wihion, Chief Justico Wilson. P. G. Close. COMMITTEE ON ARRAN(iKMENTS, Chairman- Du. Ceo. Wruiht. Jno. .Armstrong, \V. S. Haines, Kev. C. VV. E. Body, D. Blain, Jno. Baillie, Wm. Burns, W. Gibson Cassels, J. Cosgrave, E. F. Blake, Geo. A. Chapman, Dr. C. W. Covernton, Geo. T. Dnncan, R. Ealey, A. Fleming, J. J. Foy, Wm. Oooderham, Rev. John Hogg, Jno. Harper, J. B. Henderson, W. B. Hamilton, Geo. Hardy, James Herson, John T. 'lurnibrook. Rev. Septimus Jonea Samuel Keith, James Leslie, M. McCahe, Hon. Wm. Mc Master, Hon. Alex. Morris, ^ Jno. Macdonald, J. J. Murphy, H. Norwich, E. B. Osier L. Ogden. F. Plumb, H. Pellatt, Jno. S. Plairfair, Vicar General Rooney, Francis Rush, R. Myles. J. J. Withrow, J. P. Wagner, J. H. Venables. A. G. Hodge, rt/'--^'-?>-^' 10 DECORA'i'lONS Chairman- -L. Mi J. Aldridge, R. W. Abel\ A^. G. Allison, R. Binning, Wi... Bell, Geo. Beals, Hugh Blain, Geo. E, Bedson, H. P. Boulton, Wni. Carlyle, Charles Chase, Jas. R. Gibson, Jno. Giblin, Hon. Senator O'Donohoe, Abram Henderson, John S. Johnston, G. Harris, Jno. Kennedy, Edward Louis, coMMrr^rEK. J- CosaitAVE. J. Lewis, i>.'ichael McCurdy, Andrew McLitosh, Thos. McQueen, Alex. McGregor, John MoGlue, R. VV. Meldrum, ' H. J. iviurphy, Alex. Manning, Charles March, James Ross, Francis Richardson, Wm. Rennie, Aid. Sheppard, J. B. Tremane, Frank Taylor, Janies Wright, Robert Walker, Dr. J. E. White. PllTNTING AND INVITATIONS. Chairman — Samuel Trkes. James Bain, Aid. Blevins, P. Boyle, E. H. Duggan, A. T. Fulton, Robert Hay, M.P., Aid. Hunter, Jno. H. Lumsden, James ?i!ason. Wm. Nurse, Daniel Rose, Wm. Ramsay, Thos. Wilson, J. S. Williams, Frederick Wyld, Goo. H. Wilkes, Aid. Woods. . .• ^"^ ' 11 MEMORIAL VOLUME COMMITTEE. Chaiitr.an~REY. Canon Scadding Samuel Alcorn, y ^ ^^ ' J. C. Dent, Dr. W. B. Goikie, Rev. L. Prenan, Dr. Wm. Canniff, Dr. J. J. Cassidy, C. J. Campbell, Rev. Dr. Caven, W. Mortimer Clark, Rev. Dr. Castle, llios. C. Irving, Geo. Mi:rray, Gf. M. Pvose, Dr. James Rosa. Robert Spratt, Vv^m. Wedd, M.A., MUSIC COMMITTEE. Chairman~~jAH. B. Boustead S. B. Brush, r. TT • , Marceilus Cro.nbie, h'' ^^"ll''^^'*''"' . Allan Cassels, Henry OBnen, John Kent, ' f^'^^ ^"^^^^^' Father Laurent, V.G., Ald^ Sterner, Aid. Love Prof. Ran.say Wright, Geo. PI Mitchell, ^^ ^^^'^-^ersmissen. MILITARY DISPLAY. Ohairman--LjJSVT.-GoL. G. T. Denison Mj jor Allan, t • . ^ , Lient Pni n • T^ . ^ Ljeut.-Col. Grasett, iiicut.-col. Demson, D.A G n„^4. • ht Major Dawson, ' Captain Mason, y Captain Delamere, t ^^^1' ,. Ald.Denison, Vxn. Macdonald, Major Gray, '!; f ;i ^-'' Captain Gibson ^'^'""'' ^''S^^^*^ M*i"r. / 12 STREET PARADE COMMITTEE. Chairman — Lionel Wm. Adamson, Aid. Barton, J. M. Buchan, Chas. Burns, Jno. Booth, Jno. Brooks, Wm. Copland, S. W. Downey. Jno. A.. DonaMson, Thos. Dulan, Geo. Evans, Alex. Edgar, E. Galley, Jno. C. Glen, Wni. Gee, Jos. Garden, A. W. Godson, G. A. Garratt, G. Groves, J. Hughes, John Haye, Jno. Hallam, W. J. Hambly, iORKE. John Hanrahan, W. B. Harvey, Aid. Irwin, Fred. Jenkins, Robert Kerr, Thos. Lane, N. J. Lalor, W. J. Milling, W. Mansell, Jno. Mills, Dr. C. E. Martin, G. McMurrich, A. McMurchy, J. VV. O'Hara, ^ Aid. Piper, Wm. Petley, Alex. Patterson, James Rose, W. H. Rodden, A. W. Smith, James E. Smith, David Williams. 1 ABLEAUX COMMITTEE Chaimian — Dr. J, S. Kino. D. Breckin, C. H. Bishop, J, Booth, J. W. Carter, W. J. Chick, H. E. Clarke, M.P.P., J. H. Dance, W. H. Doel, Aid. Defoe, R. Emmett, W. Lea, T. J. Macdonnell, O. Morphy, J. H. Mead, A. McConuack, R. McCord, W. B. Phipps, J. R. Robertson, F. Sheppard, F. Somers, 13 TABLRAUX COMMITTKE-Continned. A. Farrence, J. Fawcett, D. Harnett, A. Henderson, J. Kelso, A. A. Slader, T. R. Wood, W. Walsh, a. F. Frankland. James Austin, Win. Badernach, James Beaty, Jr , M.P., John Burns, W. H. Beatty, John L. Blaikie, Ewin Buchin, W. W. Gopp, W. A. Douglas, Win. Elliott, Geo. Gooderham, Ed. Gurney, Jr., FINANCE COMMITTEE. CAairman— Walter S. Ijee. James Graham, S. B. Harman, J. B. King, Hugh Miller, David Miller, Wm. Mulook, M.P., Matthew O'Connor, M. E. Snider, Andrew Smith, V.S., A. Thornton Todd, Aid. Turner, Henry Wade. Hon. Geo. Allan, Wm. Armstrong. Major James Bennett, Hector Cameron, John W. Collins, Jno. Fawcett, Samuel Felcher, Jno. Graham, R. Glockling, R. B. Hamilton, Respectfully submitted. CoMMiTn'K Room, Toronto, April 19tu, I884. COMMJTTTEE ON GROUNDS. Chairman — Robert Bkll. Peter Kearney, James Lennox, James McMillan, Aid. Maughan, \V^. C. Mathews, Henry Norris, Thomas Pitts, Aid. Pape, J. L. Rawbone, Fred. W. Smith. Chairman. 15 REPORT NO. 1. OF THE COMMITTEE ON TABLEAUX. Your Committee beg to report that, they have received from Mr J W n.n gough, skctch.s ol a number of Hiunri,.ni t m ' "^^"" 1. Indian Wigwam. 2. Occupation by the British. S. Early Settlers. 4. The Landing of (Governor Simcoe. 5. York. 6. Meeting of First Parliament. 7. Naming of Vork Harbor. 8. Incorporation of Toronto. 9. Toronto an Agiicultural Centre. 10. Toronto an Educational Centre. 11. Toronto a Centre of Science & Arts. 12. Toronto Welcomes All. Your Committee called for tenders Inr the construction of the above Tableaux by advertisements in the Daily Paners but in r«,.i .i . 'abieaux Uender, that of Mr S. H. G. PeLeT; logoff.; if.,":;',:'?;;'!""'" °"'^ ""' . Of ,he whole 10. i. reoo„,„,e„dc.d (or ,our aJpLnL*^' "' "" "°""'~""'" In addition to the work to be done bv Mr Ppn«„r. , Hespectfully submitted, J^O. S. KING, M.D., Chairman, 17 REPORT NO. I.— COMMITTEE ON MUSIC. 1. — Your Committee bog to report thut in accordance with the instructions re- ceived by tbeni, they arrarped with the Philarmonic and Choral Societies for two Grand Oratorios, and for a Miscellaneous Concert on a third evening, in which the children of the Public Schools will take part. " The Redemption " will be the Oratorio performed by the Philarmonic Society, and " Creation," that by the Choral Society. 2. — It is recommended that the proceeds of the said Concerts be placed to the credit of the Committee to defray the expenses in cormection therewith, and after so doing, the balance, if any, be handed over to the General Committee. .3.— Your Committee recommend that the Orchestra in connection with the Oratorios, be as far as possible made up of local musicians, but that your Com- mittee be empowered to employ whatever outside talent ihey may think necessary to ensure the success of the entertainment. 4. — They fuither recommend that the Concert be placed under the auspices of the Committee appointed by the Public School Board to arrange for the Children's iDay. 5. — The "Oral rios " and ''Concert" to be given at the Horticultural Pavili n- t). — The estimated expenditures for the Oratorios are as follows : Practice Halls, Piano and Pianist $3'20 00 Conductors, $250 each 500 00 Music 200 00 Royalty on " Jledemption " 200 00 Orchestra 1.500 00 Soloists 1,000 00 Organ 100 00 Organist 30 00 Platform 150 00 $4,000 00 ''hich it is expected will be nearly covered by the sale of tickets, &c. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. B. BOUSTEAD, ^_ - . ' Chairman, 3 'Si m I ! Sin ! li: 19 REPORT No. 1, OF THE COMMITTEE ON MILITARY DISPLAY. Your Oommittoe beg to report that in accordance with instructions received they issued invitations to a number of Military Corps to attend the yrand review to bo held on Wednesday, 18th June, in connection with the Senii-Centennial Celebration, and that in reply thereto, several corps have stated that it will be inipoasible for theuj to be present on the day mentioned, but have intimated that if the review were to take place i a general holiday, they in all probability would attend. Your Committee having had their attention called to the proposal made by the Committee on Arrangements to change the date of the Celebration to the week beginning 30th June, would strongly urge that should such change occur, Military Day be placed on Tuesday, 1st July, as by so doing a far more successful review would be the result. ReapectfuUy submitted, GEO. T. DENISON, Lt.-Col., Chairman. Ifl' .^^l|^j:*;;«*4jte*Jtl!-!<«»^55«'<if{;;Sjf I! "V 21 REPORT N ). 1 OF THE OOMMITTEE ON FINANCE. Your Coinmittoe beg to report that thoy have had under consideration tho probable coat attendant upon tlio proper carrying out of tho programme in con- nection with the Senu-l!entennial Celebration, and estimate the same at $21,000. Your Committee would reconuuend that the ('ity Council be petitionetl to grant the sum of $10,000, and that the balance be raised by subscription. Your Connuittee have had considerable correspondence with the Railways, as to the amount to be contributed by them towards defraying tho cost of the Celebration, and herewith submit the proposition made by them for your consideration. Respectfully submitted, WALTER S. LEE, Chairman, f -it \ .% i.-r.-rT.v^-. ; ill I I i n 'h. T.r" ■■" 23 REPORT NO. 2.— PRINTING AND INVITATION COMMITTEE. Your Committoe beg to report 1. That they arranged with Messrs. Mexandur, Clare & Vn., for the prepnrntion of n steel engraved card, on the back of which should be printed 'he programme for the week. As also lor the printing of 1000 copies of same for the sum of $170.00. The steel plate to bo the property of theCoti.mittce, with a view of presentiiij; the same to the University of Toronto Musenirt, to ^^e presented as a Memento of the event. 2. These cards your Counnittee have had issued to Members of Parliament, of the Dominion and Local Legislatures, Mayors of (cities, Towns, etc., throughout Canada and the United States, and the prominent newspapers. Already of the cards have in this way been distributed, thus giving wide circulation fto the Celebration. The Committee pay $o().0(' for every extra 1000 cards issued. 3. Your Committee have also to report that they have had printed from time ko time all necessarj circulars required by the various Committees, on the order |0f the Executive. 4. Your Committee would further recommend that the large posters now neces- sary to be issued be given as follows, tenders having been received in every case by the Committee: , 2,000 H-sheet posters, in 5 colors. The Mail Pirnting Company, at $216. 4,00o '2-sheet posters, in colors. The Cfrip Printing Company, at $275. 12,000 SOx 10 posters, plain, The Mail Printing Company, at $1 14-. 5. Your Committee recommend that a suitable wood cut be obtained for the ills so to be issued. S. TREES, Chairman, mmai I i I sill .1 i I I I REPORT NO. l.-COMMITT'.E ON DECORATIONS. Your committee beg to report — 1.— That they have issued a special circular calling on all the citizens, especially on our mam streets, to decorate their houses and places of business during the Semi-(;entennial vveek. 2. -That with a view of securing to those who wish a cheap and yet effective _method oi decoration, they have, after tenders received, arranged with Messrs pelson & Sons to have manufactured a special flag for the occasion, 10,000 to be pupphed mounted. The City arms with wreath and 1834-1884, in white, on a red I ground, to be printed on the same. Messrs. Nelson & Sons order and get in the flags, the Committee agreeing to assume a joint risk, and sharing a joint profit ihe flags 10 be sold at such price as may be fixed by this Committee. :i- These flags will be 20 x 27, and the intention is that one or more should be [shown on every window sill of the house facing the thoroughfare. 4.— Your Committee have also f^ppoitited deputations to specially wait upon the J merchants, and others in the leading thoroughfares. All of which is respectfully submitted. S. J. COSGRAVE,' Chairman.