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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre fiimte d des taux de reduction diffArents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clichA, il est filmA A partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en has, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ,r!^ ,; • ^1 \f i > ^% i TT ^ *^. ^' :^ E 1) "!*?•■ BETWEEN THE UNriED STATES OF AMERICA Ain> THE DOMINION OF CANADA. 18 74. -Hf' n 5j f. GTTAW^i: «ii»EB PRESS" PEnraiwa HOlfsi^ BtiOIir ^'Vt'' V IJ'-*?*! :*i. ,■ sS*.' ■' . j<:,r K' i i f I- ■ 1 ■ •' 1 1 1 1 1 s#/ ■ * : 1 1 ■ > ■'■' f 1 « **;• :,3 . w ' '» •••■,,1 I'/ Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain, and the United States of America, being desirous of impioving the Commerce and Navigation between their respective Territories and People, and more esjiecially between Her Majesty's possessions in North Amei-ica and the United States, in such manner as to render the same reciprocally bei^eficial, have respectively named Plenipotentaries to confer and agree thereupon, that is to say : Her INIajesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. ARTICLE I. It is agreed by the high contracting parties, that in addition to the liberty secured to the United States fishermen by the convention between Great Britain and the United States, signed at London, on the 20th day of October, 1818, of taking, curing and drying fish, on certain coasts of tlie British North American Colonies therein defined, the inhabitants of the United States shall have, in common with the subjects of Her Britannic Majesty, the liberty, for the term of years mentioned in Article XIII. of this Treaty, to take fish of every kind, except shell fish on the sea coast and shores, an i in the bays, harbours, and creeks of the Provinces of Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and3s>Prince Edward's Island, and of the several islands thereunto adjacent, without being restricted to any distance from the shore, with permission to land upon tho said coasts and shores, and islands, for the purpose of drying their nets and curing their fish j prodded that in so doing they do not interfere with the rights of private prr perty,or with the British fisherman in the peaceable use of any part of the paid coasts in their occupancy for the same purpose. But it is 4 V. solely to tl^«««*^'^''^' and mouths ot u ' 'f ° . M. ,«.■■»■'-'"" *° " V r i.«n«« ^'' '"-^"l !fe". with the riSht, tor iishevmen ot the U ARTICLE ^^J; ...,^iuted . •nvitedbytheComm^ss^*^ a the United *'"*• Tlhrtited states ^^ H« B ,^,i„g under that T-aJ,^^^.^^ r", t'md from the oe-»» ^^, ,„^ the co--- >«^,, ,,tween '•' iXd .. to >*« ""T lTc« any q""*"!' *° o„ited States, a. *» ^-'^'-r'^tS Hshius » t"*-- *:,„ diig^te such ^a^. ,ud shall he constttute ^^^»n appe ^»''nit;:T«at,oithe5tho.^»et85*. A.rtic\e of tue ^ ARTICLE iV. Qvafced in ► It is agreed *»' *;\, growth, produce, hereunto anne:.e<>, be-8 shall ior tisli )f the andr baySt States, ■ om tilt! States? curing e rights e peace- lie same all other Lclusively appoiuted the United upon the minions, &^ L-eaty, shall tof iishing :i8e between 3d States, as i reserved, it such vla«<^s, lame powers, the said tivst , A. B. a nd C facture of the Dominion of Canada, or of the United States, shall, on their importation from the one country into the other, from the first day of July 1875, to tlie 30t!i day of June 187*3 (t)oth inchided) pay only two-tliirds of the duties payable at the date of this Treaty, on the importation into such country, of such articles respectively; and from the first day of July 187G, to the 30th day of June 1877, (both included) shall pay only one-third of such duties ; and on and after the first clay of July 1877 for the period of yeai-s mentioned in Article XIII of tliis Treaty,' shall be admitted free of duty into each country respectively For the term mentioned in Article XIII no other or higher duty shall be imposed in the United States upon other articles not enumerated in said the Schedules, growth, produce or manufacture of Canada ; or in Cana- da upon such other articles the growth, produce or manafocture of the United States, than are re8i)ectively imposed upon like articles the giowtb, produce or manufactuie of Great Britain or of any other country. SCHEDULE "A," consisting of the following natural ))roducts ; — Animals of all kinds. Ashes, Pot, Pearl and Soda. . Bark. " \ . Bark, extract for Tanning purposes. Bath Bricks. Breadstuffs of all kinds. Bricks for building and Fire bricks. Broom-Corn. Burr or grindstones, hewn, wrought or unwrought Butter. Cheese. • - Coal and Coke. Cotton-wool. Cotton-waste. Dye stuffs. Earths, clays, ochres, and sand, ground, or ungi'ound. Eggs. Fish of all kinds. Fish, products of, and of all other creatures living in the ^vater, except fish preserved in oil. Firewood. Flax, unmanufactured. Flour and meals of all kinds. Fruits, green, or dried. Furs, undressed. Grain of all kinds. Gypsum, ground, ungi'ound, or calcined. Hay. Hemp, immanufactui'ocl. Hides, Horns. Lard. Lime. . • Malt. Manures. Marble, stone, slate, or granite, wrought or nnwrought. Meats, fresL, smoked, or salted. Ores of all kinds of metals. Peas, whole, or split. Pelts. Petroleum oil, urude, refined, or Benzole. Pitch. Plants. Poultry, and birds of all kinds. Rags of all kinds. Rice. Salt. Seeds. ■ • Shrubs. Skins. .. .11*. ... Sti'aw. Tails. Tallow. Tar. Timber, and lumber of all kinds, round, hewed and sawed, unmanu- factured in whole or in j)art. Tobacco, unmanufactured. Tow, unmanufactured. Trees. > Turpentine. Vegetables. Wool. SCHEDULE B, consisting of the following Agricultural Implements :— Axes. Bag-holders. Bee hives. Bone crushers, and parts thereof. Cultirators, or parts thereof. , Chaff-cutters, or parts thereof. Com-huskers, or parts thereof. Clioeau-vats. Clieeiso factory heaters. ClieeHe presses, or ])arts thereof. Churns, or parts tliereof. CattUf feud l)oiUn-s, and steamers, and parts thereof. Ditchers, or parts thereof. Fi(!M rollers, o: parts thereof. Fanning mills, or jtarta thereof. Feed choppers, or parts thereof. Foi'ks for hay and manure, hand or horse. Grain Drills, or parts thereof. Giain Broad-cast Sowei-s, or parts thereof. Grain Crushers, or parts thereof Harrows. Hoes, hand or horse. , Hoiso Rakes. ' Horse-i)ower Machines, or parts thereof. Hay Tedders, or parts thereof Liquid Manure Carts, or parts thereof Manure Sowers, or partb thereof. Mowers, or parts thereof Oil and Oil-Cake Crushers, or parts thereof Ploughs, or parts thereof Root and Seed-planters, or parts thereof. Root-Cutters, Pulpers and Washers, or parts thereof Rakes. Reapers, or ])arts thereof Reapers and Mowers combined, or parts thereof Spades. Shovels. Scythes. Snaiths. Threshing Machines, or parts thereof SCHEDULE C, consisting of the following manufactures Axles of all kinds. Boots and Shoes, of leather. Boot and Shoe-making machines, Buffalo Robes, dressed and trimmed. Cotton Grain Bags. Cotton Denims. Cotton Jeans, unbleached. Cotton Drillings, unbleached. Cotton Plaids. 8 ' Cott[arble. Stone, Slate, or Granite. Manufactures of Wood solely, or of wood nailed, bound, hinged, or backed with metal materials. Mangles, Washing Machines, Wringing Machines, and Drying Machines, or pai'ts thereof Printing Paper for newspapers. Paper-making ISIachines, or parts thereof. Printing Type, Presses and Folders, Paper Cuttei-s, Ruling Machines Page-numbering Machines, iind Stereotyping and Ellectrotyping aj)paratus, or parts thereof. Refrigerators, or parts thereof. Railroad Cars, Carriages and Trucks, or parts thereof. Sattinetts of Wool and Cotton. Steam Engines, or parts thereof. Bteel, wrought or cast, and Steel Plates and Rails. Tin Tubes and Piping. Tweeds, of wool solely. Watei'-wheel Machines and apparatus, or parts thereof. ARTICLE V. It is agreed that the Canadian Canals, on the main I'oute from Lake Erie to Montreal, shall be enlarged forthwith, at the expense of the Dominion of Canada, so as to admit the passage of vessels drawing twelve feet of water ; and the Locks on the said Canals shall be made of not less than 270 feet in length, 45 feet in width, and not less than 12 feet in ■ 9 depth on tlie initio ailla ; and that the cliannel of the St. Ijawrcnce River ahall lu) docpiMU'd in tiie .scvmul rnidieH between the Canalh wherever tho same may \ki uoeiiSHary, ho as to allow the free pasHajj;o of vewHelH drawiuj^ twidve feet of water. And the work eni^af,'ed to lie dune in this Article «hall bo comploted by the lirst day of Jaunury, 1 6S0. ^''■ ARTICLE Vr- It iH agreed lliat the (Jovernnient of Canada shall conntrnct on or before the day of January, ISSO, a Canal to connect tlm St. Lawrence River at some convenient point, at or near Cauglmawaga, with Lake Chaniplain. Tho dimensions of said Canal shall be such as to admit the passage of vessels drawing twelve feet of water, and tiio Locks shall be of not less dimensions than those named in the /n-eding Article. And the L^nited States engage to urge upon the (lovernm at of the State of New York to cause the existing Canal from Whitolall on Lake Chamidaiu to Albany, to be enlarged, and if necessary f c ;nded, or ano*L jr Canal, or C'aiials to be constructed, of equal capacity with t]lain to the lower waters of tho Hudson Rivur, of vessels drawing twelve foot of water ''L ' ARTICLE Vir- Citizens of the United States may during the ten a of years men tioucd in Article XIII, of this Treaty carry in their vessels cargo and passengers from one Canadian port to another ou the gr.;at Lakes or river St. Lawrence. Reciprocally, — Inhabitants of Canada, subjects of Her Britannic Majesty, may during the like period carry in their vessels cargo and pas- Bongars from one port to another, of the United States, ou tho great lakes or river St. Lawrence. Citizens of the United States, in their vesseh , and inhabitants of Canada subjects of Her Britannic Majesty in their vessels, may during the like term carry cargo and passengers from any port of the United States or of Canada, ou the Red River or the waters connecting therewith, to any other port on the said river or waters con- uejting therewith. ARTICLE VIII" It is agreed that, for the term of years mentioned in Article XIII. of this Treaty, the citizens of the United States shall enjoy the use of the Welland, the St, Lawrence, and other Canals in the Dominion of Canada, rwi 10 (including the proposed Caughnawaga Canal,) on terms of equality with the inhabitants of the Dominion of Canada ; and that witliout interfering with the rights of theOovcmment of Canada, to impose such tolls on the afore- said Canadian Canal ; respectively, as it may think tit. The tolls shdU be levied in relation, to the number of locks in each canal, without any draw- back or discrimination, -vhatever the destination of the vessel, or whether one or more canal or canals, or part of a canal be passed. And it is also agreed, that for the like temi of years, the inhabitants of Canada shall enjoy the use of the St. Clair Flats Canal, on terms of equality with tlie inhabitants of the United States ; and that the naviga- tion of Lake Champlain, and of Lake Michigan, shall be free and open for the purpose of Commerce to the inhabitants of Canada, subject to any laws and regulations of the United States, or of the States bordering thereon respectively, not inconsistent with such privileges of fiee navigation. And the United States further engage to urge tipon the Governments of the States of New York and of Michigan, resjiectively, to secure to the inhabitants of Canada the use of the Erie, the Whitehall, the Sault St . Marie Canals, and of any enlarged or extended, or new Canal, or other improvement connecting Lake Champlain with the lower waters of the 'Hudson lliver, which may be niiule, as contemplated in Article VI , on terms of equality with the inhabitants of the United States. And it is mutually agreed that full power shall be given and allowed to tranship cargo from vessels into Canal boats, and from Canal boats into vessels, at either terminus of every Canal. And further, that if the use of the Erie, Whitehall, or other Canal , connecting Lake Champlain with the low^er waters of the Hudson Iliver and of tho Sault St. Marie Canal be not granted to the inhabitants of Canada on terms of equality with the citizens of the United States as con- templated in this Article, then the use of the proposed Caughnawaga Canal by citizens of the United States, as above contemplated, shall be suspend- ed and cease, until the use of the said Canals in the United States shall be secured to the inhabitants of Canada as above contemplated. ARTICLE IX. y/ For the term of yeai*s mentioned in Article XI 11 of this Treaty, ves- sels of all kinds built in the United States may be purchased by inhabitants of Canada, subjects of Great Britain, and registered in Canada as Canadian vessels ; and reciprocally, vessels of all kinds built in Canada may be pur- chased by citizens of the United Statos, and Registered in the United States as United States vessels. Ill n ARTICLE X. A joint Commission sli.ill be ostabb'tihcd and maintained nt joint ex- pense during the operation ot this Trcnty, for advisinji; the erection and proper regulation of all Liglithousps on the great lakes common to both conntiies, necessary to the security of tlie shipping thereon. ARTICLE XL A joint Commission sliall bo estaVjlished at joint exnenso, and maintained during the continuance of the Treaty, to promote the propaga- tion of fisli in the inland watera eonnuon to both conntrles, and to enforce the laws enacted for tlie protection of the fish and fishing grounds. ARTICLE Xn. It is further agreed, that the provisions anJ stipulations of this Treaty shall extend to the Colony of Ne-wfouiidhind so far as they are applicable. But if the Imperu\l Parliament, the Legislature of Newfoundland, or the Congress of the United States, shall not embrace the Colony of New,- foundland in their laws enacted for carrying tlie fore2;oing Articles into eflect, then this Article shall be of ii« effect ; but the omission to make provision by law, to give it effect, by oitlier of the Legislative bodies afore- said, shall not in any way impair any otlier Article of this l^reaty. ARTICLE XIII. This Treaty shall take effect as soon as the laws required to carry it into operation shall have been passed by the Imperial Parliament of Great Britain, and by the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada, on the one hand, and the Congress of the TJiiited States on the other. If such Legis- lative assent shall not have been given within mon hs from the date hereof, then this Treaty shall be null and void. But such Legislative assent having been given, this Ti- aty shall remain in force for the {)eriod of twenty-one years from the date at which it shall come into operation ; and further, until the expiration of three years, after each of the high con- tracting parties shall liave given notice to the other of its wish to terminate the same, each of the high contracting parties being at liberty to give such notice to the other at the end of the said period of twenty-one years, or at any time afterwards. ARTICLE XIV. When the ratification of this Treaty shall have been exchanged, an I f ''W:i4^ ,v •>* "^'^T'TAJ .• • l^ ■'*%. the IllWs i^QpIl to cattj it into operation shall have been paaM^iiy the lliptperial Parlianleni diOreat Britain anj by the Farliauient of @^i»da} on tltfi^tme hand,^«n(l' bmhe Congress of the United, States, on the othcir, then aSw^I^^XII, XXIH; XXIV airftXXV, of the Treaty of May 8th, IsW, >M»lr«ri^ and the United States, shall become iivll ■ ::$ and void. ARTICLE XV. \% This Treaty ahalU be duly ratified by Her Britannic Majesty an4(|iiy iSie Presididfhtfof the United States ; and the ratification shtd) be exchanged either at W«hington or London l . ^^months from the date hereof, or earlier, ij possible. 1 p-'4. :*& S^-tTiStK"^ "«■**«»«■ ' i n I I I . I III «, ■-X, ■-4jiii»fc„ '"*« ■<|! lill|ii| l i| l g^(< l ' ll l>l| '( l|i H ll H j>ili ii l' i iilll t x m. '***'"''''WMWW>%Wt^ '-"■^^'"'■-^TiriiiiMium > y [ i . ,i ), |i. - „ , ,, i ..iiii m „ it *~|4*-. ^--w-1 - ^M I the ged Jof. •,^i>i»*,f'-. «^^* 4 ^•f^, rf "