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NICHOLAS STREET AHGUCAN CHURCH OF CA1MADA % ■ 4 ^ i 1 i 1 1 1 I LXL/J Y IBRAR OF THE i J ARCHIVES 1 1 ♦ 1 1 DIOCESE OF 1 MONTREAL i i i i THE FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THB INCORPORATED CHURCH SOCIETY OF TUB SS ]]; g IS S 12 OW (Si HT IB IS 3B 9 « '4 I 1846. ifnontrral : TRINTEI) BY LOVELL AND GIB80K, ST. NICHOLAS STREET. ■J THE INCORPORATED CHURCH SOCIETY OF TUB IBfoceise of €tttrl»rr. patron. i. Illt EXCKLLUNCT TUU RiGUT HoNOUUABLB THE EjLBL CATUCA.nT, K.C.B. Governor Gknbbal of ^>i itisu North Aubrica. l^ttiOStttU Tub Right Rbvbbend the Lord Bishop of MoMTBEAr. Vitt'^Ktil^tnti, i \ Hon. Chief Justice Reid, " Mr. Justice Bowen, >' Mr. Justice Day, " Mr. Justice Gale. ** Mr. Justice Pyke, " B. C. Chandler, • " A. W. Cochmn, " W. H. Draper, » S. Gerrard, " Ed. Hale, 8enr. " Ed. Hale, Junr. " B. U. Harwood, " P. H. Knoulton, Hun. Baron de Longueuil " Geo. Moffatt, " John Molson, " J. Pangman, " Geo. Pemberton " W. Sheppard, " J. Stewart, " R. A. Tucker, " W.Walker, Colonel Wilgress, Rov. Official Mackie, Rev. Dr. Bethune, Rev. S. S. Wood. She eentrai Uoartf, For tb« jut 1846-7. The President, and Vice President*. Chairmen of the District of Associations. < > Bev. W. A Adamson, " Wm. Anderson, •• C.Bancroft, •• W. B. Bond, *' F. Broome, *• Wm. Dawes, *• C. L. F. Haensel, " Wm. Leach, " A. W. Mountain, •* D. B. Fanither, " J. Bamsay, " E. W. Sewell, " J. E. F. Simpson, ** Wm. Thompson, " J. Torrance, Bev. M. Willoughlv, F. Badgely, Esq. M. D. J. CrAwford, Esq. M. D. N. Freer, Esq. C. Qeddes, Esq. A. Gillespie, Esq. A. F. Holmes, Esq. M. D. H. Jessopp, Esq. J. Leaycraft, Esq. Mr. Justice J. S. McCord, Capt J. H. Maitland. W.McTavish, Esq. E. Montizambert, Esq. and The Treasurers of the Society. Has (Erommfttre. Hon. A. W. Cochran, Chairman, T. B. Anderson, Esq. H. Davidson, Esq. Rivldre du Loup en bas. F. Delesderniers, Esq. Vaudreuit. J. B. Forsyth, Esq. F. Orifiin, Esq. H. Oowen, Esq. Hon. Ed. Hale, Junr. H. Jessopp, Esq. ——Jones, Esq. Baron de Longueiul, W. Macrae, Esq. Mr. Justice J. S. McCord, Lieut CoL McDonell, ArgenteuU. Hon. Geo. Mofiatt, Colonel Morris, Lennoxville. A. Boss, Esq. J. Thornton, Esq. T. Trigge, Esq. J. Wainwright, Esq. St. Anar«ws. T. B. Anderson, Esq. Montreal; T. Trigge, Esq., Quebec, Vtananvp Counsel. . Honourable A. W. Cochran. Bev. William Dawes. Bev. D. B. Parnthcr. 1^ THE < > i- i i"^ ANNUAL GENERAL MEETLXG or THE INCORPORATED WAS IIBLU OM WEDNESDAY, Isx JULY, 1846, IN THE National School Home, Montreal. Tub Lord Bishop of Montbeal, President, in the Chair. Divine Service had been previously held at the Parish Church, when the Annual Sermon was preached by the Rev. M. Towmsend, Hector of St. George and St. Thomas, Clarenoeville. The Key. W. Dawes, Secretary of the Society, read the Report for the past year. It was then \st. Moved by Mr. Justice Badoley, and seconded by the Rev. W. A. Adahson, and Resolved, That the Report just read be received and adopted, and printed under the direction of the Central Board. 2nd, Moved by E. Montizambert, Esq. seconded by the Rev. Charles Bancroft, and Resolved, • That this Meeting, devoutly acknowledging the continuance of the Divine Blessing upon the labours of this Society, regard it as an incentive to rie- newed and increased exertion. 3rdk Moved by Mr. Jdstice McCord, seconded by Rev. S. S. Wood, and Resolved, That this meeting tenders an expression of its sympathy to the Church Societies in the neighbouring Dioceses of Nova Scotia, Toronto, Newfound- land and Frederioton. 4tk. Moved by Hok. George Moffatt, seconded by Ret. W. Ain>BB- BON, and Resolved, That there is need of more sustained and systematic exertion on the part f>f this Society, tu provide fur the tuitmbl* education of the pooror mcinbert of the Church, within the liiuitH of thin Diuctfue. Hh. Moved by Dm. Holmkh, keoondcd by Kuv. Wm. TuuHfaoN, and Ru- ■olved, Thttt this Meeting oonimenda to the Prayers and Chrintian liberality of the Churchmen in the Diocese, the claims of the aborigines of this Conti- nent, and especially of those now receiving instruction in the Missionary Stations in Trince Rupert's Land. 6th. Moved by the Rev. R. Amdubsom, seconded by Rev. W. T. Leach, and Resolved, That the thanks of tho meeting be given to His Excellency the Governor General, for havin/; consented to become the Futron of thu Society. 7th. Moved by the Rev. J. Nioollb, seconded by R. MauKav, Esq. and Resolved, That tho following Gentlemen be requested to accept oiBce fur the ensu- ing year, as Members of the Central Board — and that the Hon. John Mul- lON be added to the list of Vice-Presidents — Vide page 4. 8th, Moved by F. Quiffin, Esq., seconded by Rev. Jab. Ramsat, and Resolved, That the thanks of this Meeting bo given to those Gentlemen who held office during the past year, for their efficient services. 9th. Moved by Rev. Official Mackie, seconded by Rev. Geo. Slack, and Resolved. That the 8th Section of the 13th Article of the By-Laws of the Corpo- ration be amended, by striking out the words " a corresponding amount of," and substituting in place of them the words, "an amount not exceed- ing." The Meeting was closed with the Apostolical Benediction. Ur^ GENERAL BY-LAWS or THE CORPORATIOM or Till CHURCH SOCIETY OF THE DIOCESE OF QUEBEC. ARTICLE I, TiiE objects of the Society shall bo comprehended in the following diatinet departments of Christian exertion, viz : First — Missionary labour, including the creation of a fund towards the augmentation of the stipends of poor Clergymen — towards making a pro- vision, for those who may be incapacitated uy age or infirmity, and for the widows and orphans of the Clergy. Second — Education, Day and Sunday Schools. Third — Assistance, where it may be necessary, to those who may be under preparation fcr the ministry of the Gospel. /^our/A— Circulation of the Holy Scriptures, the Book of Common Prayer, and such other Books and Tracts as shall be approved by the Central Board, hereinafter to be provided for. Fifth — Aid towards the erection of Churches, &c.. Parsonage Houses, and the management of all matters relating to the endowment of the same. Uri ARTICLE IL His Excellency the Governor General, if a member nf the Church England, shall be requested to become the Patron of the Society. ARTICLE lit of The President of the Society shall be the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, or Bishop administering the Diocese— nnd the Vice Presidents shall consist of the Chairmen of the different District Associations, hereinafter provided for, and such other persons as shall be nominated at the General Annual Meet- ings of the Society. ARTICLE IV. The Treasurer or Joint Treasurers, the Secretary, Auditors and other necessary Officers of the Society, shall be appointed by the Central Board. The ^'ecretary shall be allowed a salary and travelling expenses, under the direction of the Central Board, and may appoint an Assistant Secretary, 8u*^ject to the approval of the Central Board, provided that such appoint- ment shall entad no additional burden upon the Societpr. The appointments of Treasurer and Secretary shall not be for any specified period, but they may be removed at the pleasure of the Central Board. ,. ARTICLE V. The Treasurer or joint Treasurers shall collect all subscriptions, dona- tions, rents, issues, and profits, payable to the Society, for which purpose a paid Collector, or Collectors, may be employed. Such monies shall be de- Sosited in the Bank of Quebec, and Bank of Montreal, and an account shall e opened in such Banks, in the name of the Society. No mone^ shall be paid without the authority of a resolution of the Cen- tral Board, certified by the Secretary, and upon checks signed by the Secre- tary, and countersigned by the Treasurer, expressing the name of the per- son to whom, and the purpose for which, the money is to be paid. The Treasurer or Treasurers shall also have the custody of all deeds, bonds, and other property of the Society, and shall submit his or their ac- counts at the stated periodical meetings of the Centr^ Board. ARTICLE VL The Secretary shall keep the Minutes of all the proceedings of the Society, as well as of the Central Board, and shall have the custody of, and be ac- countable for, the safe keeping of the same, and he shall be subject to the direction and control of the Central Board in all his duties and proceedings. ARTICLE VIL The Society shall meet annually on the first Wednesday in July, alter- nately at Montreal and Quebec, whereof not less than fiiteen days notice shall be given by the Secretary, in at least one of the leading Newspapers in Quebec and Montreal. A Special Meeting of the Society may be called at any time by the President, or in his absence from the Diocese, by two of the Vice Presidents, and four other members of the Society, by a written order to the Secretary, who shall notify the same in the manner hereinbefore pro- vided in respect of the Annual Meetings. Such Special Meetings shall be held at such places as the President shall fix, if called by his order; or other- wise at the place where the next stated meeting of the Central Board is to be held. ARTICLE VIIL Persons subscribing 25s. per annum, or giving a contribution once for all of £12 10s. shall be capable of being elected Members of the Corporation, (in the latter case for life,) at any meeting of the Society or of the Central Board ; Contributors may limit and direct way portion, not exceeding one half of their contributions, to be applied to special objcuts within the designs and purposes of the Society. Lists of the persons so subscribing or contributing, shall be furnished by the Treasurers of the District Associations, or by the Treasurer or Trea- surers of the Society where there shall be no District Association, to the Secretary of the Society, to be laid before the noxt meeting of the Society or of the Central Board at which an election may take place. 9 ARTICLE IX. Of the Central Board. Thpre shall be a Central Board for the management of the eeneral busi- ness of the Society, consisting of the President, the Vice Presidents, and the other Officers of the Society, and a Committee of not less than twelve Cler- gymen, and not less than twelve Laymen, who shall be chosen annually at the General Meeting of the Society, from among the Members of the Coi'poration. The Board tihallmeet four times ayear, alternately at Quebec and Montreal^ on the Wednesday nearest to the 21 at January, 15th May, and 10th Octo- ber; and on the Friday next after the Annual Meeting. The first meeting thereof shall be held on the 23d day of October, in the present year, at Que- bec. Special Meetings may be called by the President, or in his absence from the Diocese, by two of the Vice Presidents, and four Members of the Board: and not less than seven Members present at any meeting shall form a quorum. ' When a sufficient number of members to foma a quorum shall not assemble on the regular day of the meeting, the members present shall have power to adjourn to another day, and so on toties quotiea, until a quorum shall be found ; and business shall and may then be proceeded in. At all meetings of the Central Board the Chairman, in case of an equality of votes, shall have a double or casting vote. The Central Board shall have authority to make such rules as may be necessary for the Government of its own affairs, provided tha'j none of them be contrary to« or inconsistent with, the spirit of the Constitution or By* Laws of the Society. ARTICLE X. Of District Associations, In connexion and correspondence with the Central Board, there shall be formed District Associations (except in the cities of Quebec and Montreal, and the Banlieues thereof); to be composed of the Clergy, and all othei* Members of the Society resident within the bounds of such Di8tricts,-^a contribution of 5s. per annum, constituting membership of such District As- sociations. The District Associations(except as hereinbefore excepted) shall continue as heretofore settled by the Central Board of the Society, before its Incorporation, until otherwise hereafter determined by the Central Board. Ihe senior Clergyman holding a Pastoral Charge within such bounds shall he,ex officio, Chairr-an of such Association — they may have aSecretarjr and Treasurer, and shall meet at such places as they may themselves deter- mine; at one of which meetings the officers shall be appointed and a report of the proceedings for the year read. The District Associations shall have authority to make rules for the government of their own affairs, provided such rules be not contrary to, or inconsistent with, the Constitution or By- Laws of the Society. They shall report annually to the Central Board, flt least one month before the Annual General Meeting of the Society, (and at such other times as the Secretary, on behalf of the Board, shall require) a statement of their proceeding, and a detailed account of all the monies received and expended by them during the year. It is nevertheless provided that the Chairmen of the District Associations of Quebec and Montreal, heretofore existing, shall continue to be Vice Pre- sidents of the Society during the current year until the Annual Meeting m July next. B . ' % 10 ARTICLE XI. Of the Sub- Committees of the Society. For the more effectually carrying out the designs of this Society, the Clergymen and Church Wardens in every Parish and Missionary Station, and the Ministers and Wardens of every Chapelry within the Diocese, shall be a Sub-Committee of the Society, in correspondence with the District As- sociation, within whose bounds such Parish or Missionary Station is situa- ted, or in the Cities of Quebec and Montreal, with the Central Board, through the Secretary of the Society. This Committee shall meet as often, and at such periods, as they therast-lves shall decide to be most convenient, inviting the co-opcrati(m of all the Parishioners, in their deliberations and designs. They shall collect subscriptions and donations from the members of tho Church, in such manner as they shall deem most effective, and endeavour, by every means in their power, to augment the resources of the Society. ()ne sermon at least shall be preached during the year within the limits of each Parish, Station, or Chapelry, on such Sunday as the Bishop shall ap- point, in favour of some one or more of the ol^ects of the Society ; and a collection shall then be taken up in aid thereof the proceeds of which shall forthwith be remitted to the Treasurer or Treasurers of the Society ; any Parish, Station, or Chapelry, in which such sermon shall not have been preached, shall not be considered entitled to any grant or benefit from the Society, until a sermon shall have been so preached. All other monies raised by such Sub-Committees, shall be remitted to the Treasurer of the District Association; or to the Treasurer or Treasurers of the Society, where such monies shall have been raised within the Cities and Banlieues of Quebec and Montreal. ARTICLE Xn. One-half of all monies paid into the hands of the Treasurers of the Dis- trict Associations, respectively, and not specially appropriated by the con- tributors, shall be transmitted to the Treasurer of the Society, to be at the disposal of the Central Board, and the remaining half of all such collections shall, when required, be expended within the Parish or District in which they have been made, for such objects only as are specified in the Constitu- tion of this Society — the allotment to be made by the Committee of the District Association. All monies remaining unappropriated at the General Annual Meeting of the District Association, shall be forthwith transmitted to the Treasurer or Treasurers of the Society to be at the disposal of the Central Board; it being understood that nothing contained in this Article shall interfere with any existing arrangement or agreement between any Clergyman and his floclc. ARTICLE Xm. Of the Lay Committee of the Church Society. This Committee shall consist of the twenty-five Members appointed before the Incorporation of the Society, and shall be governed by the Constitu- tion, Rules and Regulations, adopted and in force before that period, until the same shall be altered l}y the Committee or by the Society at the Gene- ral Meeting. The proceedings of the Lay Committee shall be subject to the sanction of the Bishop of the Diocese. The clerical and other members of the Central Board, may attend at any of the General Meetings of the Committee, and may propose and discuss matters therein, but shall have no vote: and the Crtmnittee shall report their proceedings to the Central Board at their sta- ted meetings. The objects of this Committee shall be : ^ * ^ . ' \ * u First, — The placing the Clergymen, now resident i^nd 4o>>ig duty in the Province, upon a just footing as regards the sufficiency and permanency of their incomes. Secondly — The providing for a permanent and adequate support of ftn increased number of Clergymen, so that, with the least possible delay, the members of the Church in every portion of the Diocese, may have the means uf access to a Church within a praticable distance. Thirdly — The building in every place where it may be required a Church of stone or brick, upon a well considered plan, as to dimensions, external form, and internal arrangement, keeping in view the probability of its re- quiring enlargement. . Fourthly — The building, in a good situation, convenient to the Church, a cumfurtabia Parsonage of brick or stone, upon an uniform plan, which should be carefully considered, with reference to size and internal arrange- ment, and should admit of additions being made, with the sanction of the Bishop. Fi^hly~The insuring such Churches or Parsonages against losses by fire. Sixthly — The procuring an adequate and permanent support for all the Institutions, authorities, and fimctionaries, suitable and appertaining to the Establishment of the Church of England in this Diocese. Seventhly- -The investing all life subscriptions (unless so far as the appli» cation of these may be otherwise limited by the contributors) in a perma- nent and accumulating Fund, of which the interest only shall be applied to the general purposes of the Society. Eighthly — The encouraging the formation of a local Endowment Fund, at every station or place having a Church or Clergyman, by special contribu- tions, c <* bj' setting apart a portion of the Pew rents, to form an accumula- ting fund until the net income shall in each case amount to £50 per aiiimm; for the more effectual promotion of which object the Society will engage, whenever such fund shall be formed and shall amount to £100, invested in Bank stock, or other public securities, to add thereto an amount not exceed' ing £100; provided always, that such investment shall stand in the name of the President of the Society. ARTICLE XIV. All Meetings of the Society and of the Committees shall be opened and closed with the Prayers used by the two S icieties in England, adapted ta our situation, under the direction of the Bishop. No alteration or amendment in the Constitution or By-Laws of the So< ciety shall bo made, unless such alteration or amendment shall first be com- municated to the Secretary, to be submitted for examination and considera- tion to a Special Meeting of the Society, at least one month before a Gene- ral Annual Meeting, and adopted at such General Annual Meeting. Pro- vided that the rejection or adoption of any such alteration or amendment, by such Special Meeting, shall no wise bind or restrain the General An- nual Meeting, in considering and disposing of the same. ARTICLE XV. Whereas some members of the Church, who are not unmindful of the great Spiritual wants of their own neighbourhood, still feel constrained, in pious gratitude for the blessings they enjoy, to allot something, however small, from the means with which a Gracious Providence has blessed theni, towards the spread of the Glorious Gospel among the nations which still sic in darkness; the Society will gladly receive and forward to the Society fur the Propagation of the Gospel, the Church Llissionary Society, or the Lou- don Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews, whatever sums may be given for the conversion and instruction of the Heathen or the .lows. 12 Eraser to te unttiut all illert(ns0o( tftrAocCrts, ANP OF ITS SEVERAL ASSOCIATIONS. Prevent us, O Lord, in all our doings, with thy most Gracious favour, and further us with thy continual help ; that in all our works, begun, continued, and ended in Thee, we may glorify Thy Holy Name, and fi,nally, by thy mercy, obtain everlasting life; through Jesus Cl^rist our Lord. Amen, O merciful God, who hast made all men, and hatest nothing that Thou hast made, nor wouldest the death of a sinner, but ra- ther that he should be converted and live; Have mercy upon all Jews, Turks, Infidels, and Hereticks,and take from them all ignorance, hardness of heart, and contempt of Thy Word; and so fetch them home, blessed Lord, to thy flock, that they may be saved among the remnant of the true Israelites, and be made one fold under one Shepherd: Prosper, O Lord, the labors of those Societies of the Church in the land of our Fathers, which Thou hast deigned to use in the promotion of this object, and which have nourished the Church, in the Colonies: and bless in like mauner with Thy Holy Spirit and Providen- tial succour, the Society in whose cause we are now met, and the undertakings which we have now in hand. *' Prosper Thou the work of our hands upon us ; O, prosper thou our handy work," for the sake, and through the merits of the same Thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen, Our Father, which art in Heaven, Hallowed by thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, As it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And Forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them th^t trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation: But deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, The power and the glory. For ever and ever. Amen. •< . > •\ y V t^^Ml^ti^^ ' FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT. -< > •\ y " To do good, and to distribute, forget not ; for with sucb sacrifices God is well pleased. " This Apostolic injunction, addressed to th? whole Christian family, should be received by every Member of the Church in this Diocese, both as a command and an encouragement to active benevolence. The Church Society, whose Fourth Anniversary we are this day met to celebrate, is constituted in strict conformity with this Divine sentence. Our richer and poorer Members are here united in doing good, — in distributing of their worldly substance, to send forth the Minister of Christ to those destitute of the means of Grace, to assist in the erection of Churches, and in other ways to pro- mote the Glory of God and the spiritual good of men ; and the more our individual efforts have the nature of "sacrifices", may we not expect from the encouraging declaration of St. Paul, a larger blessing from on High upon our Society, and upon our Diocese. In detailing the proceedings of the past year, the Central Board would renew their expression of devout acknowledgment to God, for the measiu'e of success which has heretofore attended the Society's ope- rations. Deeply conscious that He alone giveth the increase, we would ask the prayers, as well as the strenuous exertions, of the members and friends of the S<$ciety, that a double blessing may rest upon it, during the ensuing year. There is a great work to be done, and the Society has fairly entered upon it; may its own prayer, offered in the Psalmist's words, be graciously answered, " Prosper, O Lord, the work of our hands upon us ; O prosper thou our handy work." ^tatt of ffyt dPuntrtf. Balance in Bank of Montreal, 1st July, 1845 £334 13 4 Do in Quebec Bank " " 269 12 2^ Received by Treasurer at Montreal since Ist July, 1845, Received by Treasurer at Quebec " " 604 5 6^ , 788 9 10^ 515 7 10 ^1908 3 3 L4 Expenditure, consisting of Grants made by the Central Board, Salaries of Travelling Missionaries, &c 898 12 4 Invested in Bank Stock ( Montreal ) on account of Widows' and Orphans' Fund 277 10 O Invested in Quebec Bank Stock 307 Balance in Bank 425 11 £1908 3 3 This account exhibits an increase of receipts by the Treasurer in Montreal, over those of last year, of £203 Is. S^d.^ and in Quebec of £260 Os. 2d. On the departure of Lord Metcalfe from Canada, in the autumn of last year, under the unhappy circumstances which rendered it necessary for him to leave the Government of this Province, the Society lost a munificent Patron. By bis donation to the Society, his honoured name will, however, stand in the list of Life Members. But we have much satisfaction in announcing, that His Excellency the Earl Cathcart, has signified his consent to become Patron of the Society. CUksb Vititrbtit. The Provincial Legislature has been again appealed to, to interpose with Her Mtyesty's Government at home to obtain an alteration in the Imperial Statute 3 and 4 Vict. ch. 78, to the efiect that a portion of the Clergy Reserves, equivalent to the amount of the proceeds of their sale awarded to the Church of England by the Imperial Act, might be vested in the Church Society, to be managed for the best interests of the Church, Petitions were presented, as on the previous Session of Parliament, from almost every Parish and Mission in the Diocese, numerously signed, but we regret to have to add, that this very reasonable request was not acceded to by our Representatives. The Petitions to the Legislative Council, and the Legislative Assembly, were referred to Select Committees of either House respectively, and favourable reports were made, but on an adverse proposition being .jitroduced by a Member of the Iiegislative Assembly, involving the rejection of the prayer of the Petition, it was adopted by a considerable majority. But the subject is one of paramount importance to the future interests of the Church; and a great responsibility devolves on us to see that this property should not only, not be sacrificed, but should be rendered as productive as possible, towards the endowment of the Parishes and Missions in the Dioceee. V > m / \ > It is presumed that no person desire* to lay sacrilegious hands on this property, dedicated to the service of Almighty God, and devote it to secular purposes ; neither that any wo''ld do indirectly or partially whnt honour and a regard to public opinion, if not Christian principle, forbid them attempting directly and wholly. It is therefore assumed that it cannot be the desire of the majority in the Legislative Assembly, vho voted on the occasion referred to, (which majority consisted almost entirely of gentlemen who are members of other Christian Com- munions, unconnected with the Church of England,) but that this pro- perty should be made to yield all, that by judicious management, it may be calculated to aiTurd, for the permanent maintenance of the Ministry of our Church in the Diocese. With due respect and deference, therefore to the decision of one branch of the local Legislating, which refused to interpose with the Imperial Authorities in England to pro- cure an alteration in the Imperial Statute, particularly remarking the circumstances under which that decision was made, it must, we ap- prehend, be regarded as perfectly open to the Members of the Church, to exercise their sacred privilege of addressing Petitions immediately to the Queen in Council, or to the Imperial Legislature, in order to obtain an alteration in the Act referred to, C!St9d&}ii' unit idqf^Kni' (CIrrsi;) ^utilr. A distinct Fund has been commenced for this interesting object of the Society. In the autumn of last year. Sermons were preached in the Churches of the Diocese, and collections made for this purpose^ The amount paid into the hands of the Treasurers of the Society, consequent upon these appeals, is £28 1 7s. Od. The money collected has been invested for the present, in Montreal Bank Stock, and the Dividends accruing therefrom, are to be expended, this year, in providing for the education of the orphan children of a deceased Clergyman. A Committee of the Central Board was appointed in January last to consider and report upon the best means of investing or applying this fund. They have sought information from the different Life Insurance Companies; and have received data and calculations fi-om persons well informed on the subject. It is hoped that they will be enabled to elaborate some scheme of Life Insurance, or mode of iuvestment, which may be satisfactory and profitable to adopt. The Board has received from its Committee a preliminary report, in which it was recommended as a necessary part of any plan that may be devised, that an annual collection after Sermons should be made in the Dio(;ese. 1.6 inbtitmtnti. During the past year, an additional sum of £307 fVom the Society's General Fund, has been invested in Quebec Bank Stock. The whole sum invested in that Stock, for the general purposes of the Society, is now £700. The sum of £277 IDs. Od., has been employed in the purchase of £250 Stock of the Montreal Bank, specially for the Orphans' and Widows' Fund. There is also invested in Quebec Bank Stock, in the name of the President of the Society, for the special Endowment Fund of Nicolet Church, the sum of £225. £100 of this money was paid by the Society, in accordance with its pledge, contained in the 8th Clause of the 1 3th Article of the general By 'Laws, as referred to in the last year's Report. A Special Meeting of the Society, under the Article 14, was held on the 29th May, at the instance of the Central Board, with a view to obtain an alteration in the 8th Clause of the 13th Article. As that clause now stands, the Society is under obligation to allot the sum of £100 to any Parish which raises a similar sum towards the endowment ' of their Church. It is thought better to leave the amount to be granted to the discretion of the Board; limiting it in the maximum tu £100. The Board would explain, that the suggested alteration is not to be tonstrued into any reluctance on their part to aid in the endowment of existing Churches. On the contrary, their desire and purpose has been, as they trust it will be that of their successors in office, to en- courage and forward the endowment of our Churches, by voluntary contributions ; but inasmuch as the clause, as it now stands, might, under peculiar circumstances, occasion much embarrassment to the Society's operations, it is thought preferable to leave the amount to be granted, optional with the Executive Board of the Society. It is with regret we have to announce that the Society has not at present any Travelling Missionary engaged. The Rev. E. G. Sutton, who was appointed by the Lord Bishop in July last, visited many destitute settlements on the Ottawa River, and proceeded as far as Clarendon, officiating as opportunity was afforded him. He also visited the Eastern Townships. His strength proving insufficient for the arduous but grateful duties of a Travelling Mis- sionary, he retired in January to become the Assistant Minister at Grenville. The Rev. C. RoUit, whoso duties lay in the Districts of 1.7 Quebec, Megantic, and St. Francis, was actively engaged in visiting destitute settlements of our people, until the breaking up of the winter roads. His labours appear to have been very acceptable, and we trust much blessed of Him who **8endeth forth laborers into his harvest." In the course of his duties he assisted occasionally in the formation of small District Branches of the Society, and in the promotion of sub- scription lists. His connection with the Society ceased in May last, and he has received the appointment of Misnonary at Rawdou. Tlie Journals of the Travelling Missionaries are in the hands of the Se- cretary, who will be glad at any time to fiimisfa extracts, or to transmit them to any member of the Society who may desire to peruse them. It is trusted that the Lord Bishop will be soon enabled to supply the place of the retired Missionaries with well qualified, earnest, and single- hearted laborers, and that this interesting and needful part of the Society's operations, may yet be more abundantly blessed. The Missionary at Russclltown, the Rev. R. 6. Flees, may also be regarded as connected with the Society, in the capacity of Travelling Missionary. His Mission embracing a large portion of the country that was formerly under the charge of the Missionary of the Montreal Society, that body continued to pay the half of Mr. Flees' income, until it merged in the Church Society ; since that time the Church Society has made quarterly grants to Mr. Flees, equal to what he had previously received. His Mission is extensive. H;; has eight Stations, which he regularly visits, and where he officiates. One Church has been erected through his exertions since his appointment to the Mission, and a second is drawing near its completion. As might have been expected from the detail of works in progress in all parts of the Diocese, furnished in the previous Annual Reports of the Society, the applications for aid during the past year have been numerous and urgent ; and the Central Board, with the valuable assis- tance of the Finance Committee Reports, have endeavoured to exercise a wise and kind discretion, in meeting the several cases, and making grants in proportion to their relative claims, to the utmost extent which th« resources of the Society would admit. The grants have been twenty-o' e in number, amounting to £266 168. lOd. Cy: of these grants, ten have been made to assist in the erec- tion or completion of Churches in the Diocese — three towards the erection of Farsonage-houses — four to Clergymen (the Rev. Messrs. Flees and Rollit, TravelUng Missionaries)— one to the Widow of a de- ceased Clergyman of the Diocese — one to aid in the purchase of a site c for a Parsonage — and one nnaU grant for the purchase of Sundaj School Library Books. There was also another grant made, at the May meeting of the Board, to purchase a lot of land on which a Par- sonage-house had been inadvertently built, without previously securing a deed of the site, the amount to be determined by the Lay Com- mittee, to whom it was referred to effect the purchase of the laud. That these Grants have been beneficial it is unnecessary to say ; thn circumstances of the cases, as recited in the letters of application, and the grateful acknowledgments of the parties assisted, strongly attest it. Neither will it be doubted that they will have proved encouraging to the Parishes and Missions assisted, both in leading them to renewed and increased exertions to accomplish the good works in hand, and in inducing the determination, that, when their local pressing necessities shall have been supplied, they will labour in the support and ilir- therance of the Society which remembered them in their time of need. The District Associations are eight in number, which cover the entire Diocese : The Ottawa, The St. Francis, The Beauhamois, The Three Rivers, The Richelieu, The Megantic, The Missisquoi, The Gaspg. In the City or Qckbsc, the contributions to the Society for the past year, are as follow : — Annual Subscriptions, ;ei48 9 4 Life ditto, 50 (► Donations, 15 Parochial Asisociation, Annual Subseriptions and Do- nations 14 7 6 ;e227 13 10 Collections in the Churches of the City after Sermons, on behalf of the Widows* and Orphans' Fund, and on Quinquagesima Sunday : Widows' and Quinquagetlma Orph. Fund. Sunday. Cathedral, 50 6 2 ... ^40 1 8 Trinity Chapel, 11 1 1 ... 5 1 Si St. Paul's, 4 ... 3 5 7 All Saints, 13 0... 3 7 2 £55 9 2 ... £51 16 H Total in Quebec, £334 19 1^ ^ - f '^' Uf^J^x'-lfi^-y > ^ ^ / 19 In the CiTT OP Montbial, the contributions to the Society are u follow : Annual Subscriptions, £150 2 6 Life ditto, 12 10 Donations, 26 5 £188 17 6 Collections after Sermons on behalf of the Widows* and Orphans' Fund, and on Quinquagesima Sunday : Widowi'md Orph. Fund. Christ Church, £64 5 10 Trinity Chapel, 35 16 3 St. Thomas do, 13 1 6 St. George's do, 10 Quinquaaesiim Sunday, £43 12 25 12 2 21 11 10 £123 3 7 £100 15 2 Total in Montreal, £412 16 3 The amount received in St. Thomas Chapel after Sermon on Quin> quagesima Sunday has been retained towards the expences of the Chapel, the Incumbent having previously solicited and obtained the Bishop's consent to have it so appropriated. d^e QttotDa SMtrUt flMociation. The Annual Meeting of this Association was held at St. Andrews on the 27th May. It was preceded by Divine Service, when a Sermon was preached by its Secretary, the Rev. James Pyke ; the collection after Sermon amounting to £2 2s. 6d., has been remitted to the Treasurer of the Society. The Annual Subscription List is greater than reported last year, but the collections after Sermons on Quinquagesima Sunday not so great The following are the sums contributed in the several Parishes and Missions of the District during the past year : St. Andrews, 8 16 The Gore, 10 10 Hull and Ayhner, 1 12 Clarendon, 4 12 Vaudreuil, 13 10 Grenville, 6 5 Annual Subscriptioni. 3 6 6 9i Wldoiw' and Orph. Fund. 2 1 10 10 3 13 Quinquagesima Sunday. 4 1 2 8 3 3 10 1 6 15 1 8 12 10^ 9 4i £45 7 Oi ... £10 17 11 £7 12 At^VAiwBaDii. many additional lubMriben ware enrolled during the'paat year. The Church in this Miuion, though ttill unflnishcd« has been painted, and otherwise improved from local Aindi. At St. Ardbiws, also, several new subscribers have been obtained. The sum of £100 has been raised by subscription to defray the cost of an Organ fbr the Church ; and they are about to erect side Galleries to their Church, the accommodation being insufficient for the Congre- gation. At GBaiiviLui the sum of £JB>t 10s., has been subscribed, for pro- curing aq Organ. At Atuuk, upwards of£i 00 has been collected during the year for the purpose of completing this Church. The Church at Clarendon is still unfinished, and the Grave>yard unenclosed. The people are desirous of early accomplishing these necessary objects ; hence the smaller amount of subscriptions to the Society for this year. Amount contributed for the Church Society, £63 16 11^ ** ** fbr local Church objects, wholly appropriated by the donors, ,. 2/S7 10 X321 6 \\\ StsutunmoU BdMrict %Ufit\»X\axi. The amounts reported, as contributed within the limits of this As- *|K>ciation for the past year, are as follow : Annual Widows' and QoinqnagasimA Babaoriptiont. Orpb. Fund. Sunday. Huntingdon and the Gore fi 12 6 ... 1 ... 10 Durham, 4 18 9 ... 1 10 ... 1 fi Lachine, 2 15 ... 11 2 9 ... 12 10 St. Martin, ... 2 10 ... 2 11 8 Rawdon and Kildare, ... 1 12 6 ... 5 15 Mascouche, ... ... 10 Coteau du Lac, ... 1 5 ... 3 1 10^ £18 6 8 £19 3 £26 8 1^ At Rawdom the sum of £17 3s. 1\ has been raised during the year, and devoted by the subscribers toward the completion of the Parsonage House. The Church at Kiu>abb still remains in au imflnisbed state. At DuBHAM the amount of £25 14s. 3d., has been raised for local Church purposes, and appropriated by the contributors. From Huntingdon, the Rev. Mr. Morris writes that two subscnp' 1 > ^ Y > X. y ^ r > SI tion UsU hit recently been commenced, with a view to the erection of two Churchee sbout eight milee distant fVom Huntingdon, under a promiee fh>m the Lord Riihop of auiHtance, and of a reaident Clergy- man. On one list wae lubacribed £80 and on the other £120. He aluo state! : "We have succeeded in raising, during the year, sufficient ftinds to fence in the Burial-ground and to paint the Church both inside and outside. A small lot of land has been given as an addition to the Church-yard ; — and a three acre lot to be used for Church pur- poses." He remarks, what it is believed many c'her Clergymen in the Diocese have equally to lament, and what it is trusted the Society will soon be in a situation, through its Book Depositories, the better to meet, ** The want of Sunday School Books and religious tracts is a great drawback on the prosperity of our Sunday Schools." Amount contributed for the Chiurch Society, £56 14 7^ " " for local objects 42 17 10^ £101 12 6 Two Subscription lists additional, £200. Three acre lot of land, and another small parcel at Huntingdon. m^tlitu maUM HHMcistion. The Annual Meeting of this Association was held at St. Johns, on 12th February. It was preceded by Divine Service, when an appro- priate Sermon was preached by the Rev, W. Thompson. The contributions from the several Parishes and Missions within the bounds of this District are as follow: Annual ^dowi'and QninqnacMinia Bubiorlptioni. Orph. Fund. Buadaj. St. Johns, including a donation £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. of£2 108, 49 I 7 ... 6 16 ... 8 6 11 Chambly, 14 10 ... 6 10 .. 5 6 Laprairie, 2 10 ... 5 ... Lacolle, 1 10 ... 1 1 S ... 3 3 6 ClarenceviUe, 13 2 6 ... 15 ... 2 7 6^ ChristieviUe, 14 2 7 ... 2 15 ... 3 8 1^ L'Acadie, 1 14 7 ... 13 4 ... 11 7 Sherrington and Hemmiiigford, 1 10 ... 6 3 ... St. Remi and Russelltown,.... 6 2 6 ... 1 ... 2 10 £104 3 9 £24 16 10 £25 8 2 The Saint Johns subscription list has received a few additional names during the past year; and the Ladies* collections which will appear in the Appendix, are satisfactory. It were much to be desired 22 tliat the practice, which has subsisted in St. Johns from the beginning of the Society, of engaging the assistance of the Ladies to go among the mothers and younger Members of families to receive their contri- butions to the Society, had been generally pursued. The Central Board would take this occasion to commend the great objects of the Church Society to the Christian sympathies and kind co-operation of the Ladies. Let every Parish and Mission henceforth see its Lady Collectors ; a little done, a little given in love to the Saviour, wiU ba blessed to the giver, and prove helpful to the Society. The Church at St. Johns sustained recently much injury from lightning ; the sum of £90 has been raised in the Parish to repair the damage and improve the Church. At Chamblt, the Parsonage is nearly completed. An additional sum of jE82 15s., had been contributed in the early part of the year for that work, and within a few days past, a further liberal sum of £101 5b. Also an Organ has been placed in the Church, for which the sum of £65 has been raised in the Parish. The Church Society granted £10 towards the erection of the Parsonage, which has been gratefully acknowledged. The CiiARENCEviLLE subscriptiou list has been much augmented during the past year. A small sum, £4 58. 9d., has been raised for local Church purposes. The Church buildiug at HenryviUe in this Parish, is progressing but slowly. A further subscription of £29 5s. has been made, to carry forward this work, towards which the Central Board and the Richelieu District Committee have made grants. The new Church at Russelltown is drawing towards completion, a further sum of £32 has been contributed for it during the past year. In acknowledging grants made to aid in this work, the Missionary writes, " I gladly embrace the opportunity to acknowledge the liberality with which the Church Society, and its Richelieu Branch, have res- ponded to our request for aid to the Russelltown Church Building Fund. The Church is greatly needed, yet the hope of that need being supplied must have been abandoned had not the Society ' come over and helped us.' " The new Church at Hemmingford is also advancing ; a further sum of £25 has been contributed towards it. It is hoped it will be capable of being used by the next winter, though far from complete. It is expected that three new Churches within this District wiU be consecrated by the Lord Bishop, on his approaching Visitation, being now completed, and sufficiently furnished, viz : the Churches at LacoUe, Sherrington, and St. Remi. V 28 The amount contributed to the Church Society, £154 8 9 " " for local Church purposes, and wholly appropriated by the donors 429 10 9 Total £583 19 6 €tit MiMiiquai Biitxitt ^iiatiatUtn^ This Association continues to be actively engaged in the cause of the Society. The following contributions for the past year are reported : Annual Widows' and Quinquagetim* Subscriptions. Orph. Fund. Sunday. £ 8. St Armand East, 14 8 9 St. Armand West, 16 1 9 Stanbridge 3 5 SheflTord, 7 15 Brome and Sutton, Dunham, 23 11 Granby and Milton, Abbottsfbrd and Rougemont,. 4 U Orph. Fund. £ S. d. 18 17 6 13 10^ 5 9 2 1 10 1 10 7 11 15 7 4 7 d, 6 4 6 9 1 14 II 15 3 £69 1 6 £7 15 2^ £17 3 4 At Gbanbt and MiiiTON the annual subscription lists amount to j£lO Os. 5d., which sum has, again this year, been appropriated for the payment of debts incurred in the erection of the two new Churches. The Missionary writes, " The two new Churches erected respectively at Granby and Milton since 1843, are now completed and ready for con- secration, which ceremony the Lord Bishop has signified his intention of performing in August next. A subscription has been set on foot for the painting of the Church at Milton, which it is expected will be done before the time of consecration." The new Church at Philipshuko though still incomplete,, has been opened for Divine Service. The Rector asks the Central Board for the whole amount raised in the Parish during the past year for the Church. He expects it will be consecrated on the approaching visit of the Lord Bishop. At St. Abmand East a substantial shed has been built near the Church at the expence of £64. The fund for the repair of the Church, is year by year augmenting. At Bedfobd the Church-yard has been well fenced, and a valuable addition made to it, by a donation from the Honble. R. Jones. At Fabnhaic West in the Mission of Stanbridge, about sixteen 24 milei from the nearest Church, the people hare subscribed £180 towards the erection of a Church. The timber is now upon the ground, and contracts have been entered into, that the building may be pro- ceeded with at once. The Church at Dunham being so much decayed as not to admit of repairs, it is intended to erect a new one next summex. The sum of JE400 has been subscribed among the Parishioners for this purpose. Through the exertions of the Assistant Minister, who is also the Mis- sionary at Brome, a considerable amount of annual subscriptions has been obtained for the first time in this Parish. Attached to the Mission of Brome is Sutton, where a substantial stone Church is in course of erection. At RocGBMONT the new Church is advancing. A contract for JCIOO has been entered into, for finishing the inside. The Society has made a grant for this Church, to be paid when it shall be prepared for con- secration. At Shbffosd the sum of £8 13s. 9d., has been appropriated by the subscribers toward the completion of Waterloo Church, and the repairs of West Church. Amount contributed for the Church Society, £d4 0^ " ** fat local objects and wholly appro- priated by the donors 82 18 9^ Total, £176 18 9^ Subscriptions for works in contemplation £580. C^e At. Jftmtii BUtrict SMoHatOm. The amoimts contributed during the past year in the several Parishes and Missicms of this District are as follow : Annual Widows' Mid Qoinquagesima Subscriptions. Orph. Fund. SundBy. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 3 11 3 ... 4 11 10^ .300 10 1 6 ... 1 2 Sherbr.)oke, 16 15 ... Lennoxville, 30 10 ... 3 5 3 Hatley, 14 ... 2 5 Kingsey and Durham, 6 2 6 Eaton, 5 Compton, 1 10 ... ... 15 Melbourne, ... 1 5 ... 1 2 6 Bury, ... ... 5 Danville, 10 ... ... 6 10 ... 15 £74 7 6 £12 1 6 £12 11 lOj 25 At Lbnnoxvillb the sum «.f £10 has been contributed toward the Church. It is expected that this Church will be completed and ready for consecration in the autumn. The new Church at Watebville, in the Mission of Compton, is ad- vancing. The Central Board made a grant for this object, which has been thankfully acknowledged. The people have contributed lately an additional £25 towards the completion of the building. From Durham the Missionary writes — " The Congregation is in- debted to the Society for the improved appearance of their Church, as it has been by the aid of a grant of <£5 that the Tower has been so far completed." Amount contributed for the Church Society, £99 lOj " " for the local Church purposes, and specially appropriated by the donors,. 35 Total in the St. Francis District Association £134 10^ f!!::^vtt ^ibtvS Biitvitt ^iiaciatian. The sums contributed during the past year are as follow : Annual Widows' and Quinquug>esinui Subscriptions. Orph: Fund, Sunday. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Three Rivers, 18 8 9 ... 2 2 6 ... 4 10. 6 Nicolet, ... 1 5 ... 1 5 Riviere du Loup, 4 17 ... 2 3 11 ... 1 6 9 Sorel, 12 10 ... 5 10 ... 8 5 Drummondville, ... 1 ... I Lower Durham, 3 10 ... ... Fortneuf, ... ... 18 1^ £30 5 9 £12 1 5 £17 5 4^ At Nicolet the annual siibscriptions, together with a donation amounting to £15 Is. 9d., have been wholly appropriated toward the Nicolet Church Endowment Fund. The Central Board would direct the attention of the Members of the Church to the 2d clause of the 8th Article of the General By-Laws, con- ceiving that in many instances, persons desirous of contributing to the Church Society, yet wishing to favour some particular object, might apply the whole of their subscription to such object without being aware that according to this By-Law their subscription cannot be recognized, as made to the Church Society. The clause referred to is this : " Contributors may limit and direct any portion notexceeding 26 oneAaZ/'of their contributions to be applied to special objects within the designs and purposes of this Society." Amount contributed to the Church Society, £68 12 6^ " " for local Church purposes, and wholly appropriated by the donors, 15 l 90 Total, Three Rivers District Association, £83 14 3i fUtsmtU mattitt ^iiatiatian. This Association held its anniversary in March. The amounts reported, as contributed in the several Missions of the District, are as follow: Annual Widows' and Qulnqaagesima Subscriptions. Orpli. Fund, Sunday. frampton,StandonandCranbome, 611 9...0 0...3 1 li New Liverpool, ) 9 16 3 ... 3 5 8 ... 2 5 Pointe Levi, | ... 3 I 10 ... 3 10 Upper Ireland, 8 2 6 ... 9 3 ... 1 3 First Inverness Church, 5 12 6 ... ... Second do, do, 7 18 6 ... ... St. Giles, viz : St. Georges, £5 ^ ... ... 2 10 Si^^^\xl"l ['"' «-0 0...0 St.Sylvestre, I '^ *^ " ) ...0 ... 17 9 Leeds, 1 15 ... 10 ... Valcartier and Stoneham, 0..0 0... Riviere du Loup (en bas,) ... ... £61 9 £7 6 9 £13 6 lOj A donation from Edward Harbottle, Esq. of 200 acres of land at Frampton; and the sum of £50 has been contributed towards the erection of a new Church in the vicinity. The Missionary at Frampton has received from a personal friend in England, the munificent sum of £200 Stg., towards assisting him in providing the salary of a Catechist, to labour in destitute portions of his extensive Mission.' The Amount contributed for the Church Society, £82 2 7i " " . for local Church purposes, wholly appropriated, 50 Total in the Megantic District, £132 2 74 Two hundred acres of Land, and £200 Stg. from England. .We 27 From this distant section of the Diocese, in which there are but three Clergymen labouring, we have the following, reported : Annual Sub8criptionB. Widows' and Quinquagesima Gaspe Basin, 5 14 Sandy Beach 2 Buy of Chaleurs' Mission, Paspebiac, New Carlisle, Hopetown School House,., j _ _ P:>rt Daniel do. do,... | » « Perc6, 6 3 Orpb. Fund. 14 1^ 4 9 Sunday. 1 4 2 1 7 5 1 5 2 1 1 16 5 4i 65 7 8 £7 14 9 £4 11 4^ £6 7 2^ For the completion of St. Paul's Church, Gaspe Basin, the sum of £47 18s. has been raised during the year. A subscription has been entered into on behalf of the Church in the South West Bay, which as yet is only roofed in, amounting to £30., and the frame work of a new Church was put up last autumn at little Gaspe at a cost thus fur, of £25 to the people. From the Bay Chaleurs Mission, the Clergyman writes ; '.' It is in contemplation to do something toward finishing New Carlisle Church, during the present season, which is deemed very necessary. Messrs. Chs. Robin and Co. have presented a Bell with the necessary fittings to the Church at Paspebiac : and Mr. John Gallic, one of the Congrega- tion, has presented a service of Communion plate to the same Church. The amount contributed to the Church Society, £18 13 3^ " " for local objects, applied by donors, 143 3 6 Total. £161 16 94 The result of the lengthened statement now made to you may be thus briefly given : Contributions to the Church Society from the Cities of Quebec and Montreal ; and in the several District Associations, £1,387 5 1 Amount contributed within the District Associa- tions, and wholly applied by the Donors to Church purposes in the Diocese, 1,056 2 7^ In England : Annual subscriptions, £7 10 Donation, (special) 200 £207 1 Stg. 251 18 2^ Also subscriptions entered into, for the erection of Churches which are not yet commenced, Je2,695 5 11 £780 28 Donations of Land, — ^203 acres, with two other small portions. By comparing this result with the previous year, it will be seen that in the item of Contributions to the Society and Associations, we have an increase of £180 2s. Ud. ; and on the total amount subscribed during the past year for Church purposes contemplated by the Society and wholly appropriated by the donors, a decrease of j£18 16s. 6d : there is also the further sum of JETSO subscribed for the erection of Churches, to be i. mmenced in the course of the ensuiug year. It will be perceived by the foregoing statement that we have followed the method of last year's Report, and classed the Contributions to the District Associations, payable in the first instance to the District Trea- surers, with the collections iu the Cities, which are wholly paid to the Society's Treasurers ; and this has been done, we believe, in confor- mity with the Constitution of the Society. The By-Laws which have been legally enacted and approved, provide for the establishment and governance of the District Parochial Branches, which being thus a part and parcel of the Incorporated Society, so long as they coufo;m to the Act, and regulate themselves by the general By- Laws, they are referred to, and their proceedings noticed, as an integral part of the Church Society. We trust that as the Society becomes better understood, in its Act of Incorporation, and its gene- ral By-Laws, its operations, especially as it concerns the District and Parochial Associations, will be more uniform. We would commend to the kind consideration of the Officers of the District Branches, whether, if they proceeded in strict conformity with the 10th, llthand 12th Articles of the By-Laws, always remarking the privilege given to individual subscribers by the 8th Article, they would not find the management of their respective Associations, simplified; and that they could thereby better promote the interests of the Society. Allusion might here be made to two interesting and important objects, also contemplated by the Society, — Scriptural education on lh-» prin- ciples of the Church of England, as it respects our Dioccbc, and Mis- sions to the Heathen, especially the aborigines of this country, had the Report not been so much extended ; and this may be regarded the less needful, as the Resolutions about to be proposed have particular reference to these subjects. On reviewing the whole proceedings for the past year, there is we believe much to encourage the friends of the Society, in the hope that it will yet attain to its full stature ; and like the majestic tree receiv- ing its nourishment from the soil on which it grows, and its health and vigour from the sunshine and the rain from heaven, will over- shadow the whole Diocese with its protecting and fruitful branches. ^ > ^ / K J~ 29 Let all, according to their means, be kindly active in this sacred cause,— and they will find, we trust, its labour gratefbl to them,— and the benefits which they seek to impart to others, for the Lord's sake, returned ten-fold into their own bosom. k > m. C|)e IntavpavHtttl C^iircl) Jbocieti; IN ACCOUNT Carried forward, £11123 3 25 M'lTii C. U. TLntittittn, tfilq. €rttiiuttt at iMontreal. Cr. 184fi. July Aug. Sept. Oct. 31 15 it 7 16 21 22 Dec. 30 EXPENDITUBH. To ^aid the Widow of the late Rev. H Lvans this sum, granted by the Central Board on the recommendation of the Missisquoi District Association, To paid J. G. Kennedy this sum, erro- neously placed to the credit of the late Montreal District Association, and ac- counted for to it by the City Bank, To paid Rev. Jos. Scott, towards the com- pletion of the Parsonage at Brome, To paid Rev. H. Hazard, towards the erection of Church at Hemmingford, being part of the Rev. Mr. Dawes' salary as Secretary, appropriated by him for that object, To paid Rev. H. Hazard, towards erection of Church at Hemmingford, amount ofj grant for that object by the Central Board, { To paid for advertising in Montreal Herald; up to 7th February last, To paid Rev. E. G. Sutton a quarter's al- lowance, up to 1st October, as Travel- ling Missionary, To paid Rev. Mr. Parnther, on account of his stipend as Assistant Secretary, To paid Rev. R. G. Plees, amount of the late Major Christie's special donation,.. To paid Rev. Mr. Hazard, amount of sub scription towards the Church being erected at Hemmingford, To paid Rev. Mr. Dawes, amount of dis- bursements for stationery, &c., To paid Rev. Jas. Reid, toward the pur- chase of books for Sunday Schools, To paid a quarter's stipend to Rev. Dr Falloon, up to 1st instant, To a quarter s stipend to ditto, paid 24th May last, being in advance to 1st July,.. To paid Rev. Mr. Townsend towards com- pleting the new Church at Henryville,... To paid Rev. R. Whitwell, toward com pleting the new Church at Philipsburg,. To paid Rev. R. G. Plees, being part of the Rev. Mr. Dawes' stipend as Secre tary, appropriated by him towards the completion of the Church at Russel town, Cariied forward, £\ 2G0 12 16 20 15 15 2 31 10 25 1 2 1 37 37 12 10 10 8. 10 9 2 5 5 14 16 10 10 10 13 d. 2 6 11 10 Sr. Ot inorryorsWi C(urc^ itatitts iir Aoooump BICEIPT8 DVBIMO THB TEAB. Brought fbrwardv 1 1123 Carried forward, £1 8. I d. 1123 2i ' WITH c ]}. fldittemon Cilq. Crrxtfurcr at iHontrMl. Cr. 1846. KXPBMDITVRR. £ B. d. Brouffht forward ' 260 13 5 Jan. 16 To paid Messrs. Bowman and McGinnis, Churchwardens of Christieville, this sum received from the Wardens of Trinity Chapel, Montreal, the 15th April, 1845 ' 50 «t 24 26 119 17 22 28 LovcU & Gibson, printing, £25 10 Rev. E. G. Sutton, on account ot his stipend as Travelling Mis- sionary 10 171 12 5 6 10 It It (t Feb. 44 Estate late Robt. Weir, printing, &c 2 18 4 Rev. Mr. Parnther, incidental charges, 3 18 Rev. Mr. Dawes, do. do. 1 14 Rev. D. Falloon, a quarter's sti- pend, to 1st ultimo, 37 10 Rev. Mr. Flees, on account of his services as Travelling Mis- sionary 12 10 <4 tl Marc) April Advertisements in Courier, 2 7 8 C. Bryson, for stationery, 135 Rev. H. Hazard, being a portion of the salary of Rev Mr.Dawes, as Secretary, given by him to- wards completing the new Church at Ilemmingford, 12 10 Rev. Mr. Sutton, balance of sa- lary to 31st Dec. last, as Tra- velling Missionary, 21 5 Rev. D. B, Parnther, on account of his salary as Assistant Se- cretary, due last October, 30 Rev. Mr. VVhitc, towards erection of Parsonage House at Cham- bly 10 5 May June 15 10 To paid Rev. R. G. Plees amount of grant to him as Travelling Missionary at St. Remi, To paid Rev.W. Anderson, amount granted towards the improvement of the Church at Sorel, A Carried forward, £ 499 Q 1A £ mt. Zf^t SnroriiaratrV C^tuvt^-^atittn in account BICIIPT8 DURING Till TRAB. Drought forward, £ 112.1 1123 n. d. H 3 I 2i • WITH C. D. aittrertfon, eifq- erf«4urtr «t iMflntrcal. Cr. 1846. June 30 KXI>GNUITUBB. Uruuslit forward, To amount iuvestcu on account of Widows' and Orplmn'M Fund, To balance curried to ucw account, JL ■. d. 400 10 277 10 346 3 4i 1123 3 ai T. B. ANDERSON, Treasurer. Examined and vouchers for payment found correct, C. H. CASTLE, AvdiUtr. ^» \. -< i 9r. QTije Snrtfriporatetr C^ttrcl^ ifutittQ in account RECEIPTS CUBING THE TEAR. Annual Subscriptions, Life do. Donations, Collections on Quinquagesima Sunday,. Remittances from District Associations,. Parochial Subscriptions and Donations,. Received from England, Dividends, Balance in hand 1st July, 184J,. 147 50 15 98 41 15 113 34 515 269 785 s. 17 5 4 7 2 10 7 12 d. 6 11 3 6 8 10 We the undersigned have examined this account, and found the same to be correct. Quebec, 27th June, 1846. H. JESSOPP, ) . ,., J. BELL FORSYTH, J ^««'itors. -< WIDOWS' AND ORPHANS' (CLERGY) FUND. Amount collected for Widows' and Orphans' Fund, £89 11 4 Amount paid to T. B. Anderson, Treasurer at Montreal, per resolution of Central Board, 87 8 4 Balance to the credit of the Fund, 2 3 8 WITH C- €visst, (Si(i. €xttii\xvtv at (Suefiec. ce. 1845. July 3 " 4 Aug. 4 " 18 20 Sept. Oct. 18 10 (( 17 (t 22 Nov. 12 Dec. 31 1846. Jan. 10 " 12 Feb. 4 " 12 March 13 May 14 It (( " 30 June 3 EXPENDITUBE. ary lo "I Paid Secretary's Order in favour of Rev. C' Rollit, being the half of the Point Levi. and Megantic District Subscription, Paid do. in favour of Rev. J. Flanagan, for Parsonage at Leeds Paid do. to Rev. R. Knight, Church at Frampton, Paid do. to Rev. R. Anderson his propor- tion of Subscription, I Paid do. Endowment Fund, Nicolet Church,] Paid for four Shares of Quebec Bank Stock,! Paid A. Mountain, Esq., amount of Collec-! tions in England, apportioned to Len-' noxville College, Stg. £25 1 G Paid Rev. C. Rollit a quarter's Salary to 12th instant, £31 5 Paid do. on account of the Megantic Dist. Ass., 19 6 10^ Paid for two Shares Quebec Bank Stock, Paid Rev. R. R. Burrage on account of the Secretary's Allowance, to 2l8t Oct., ' Paid for engrossing Petition respecting Clergy Reserves, : Paid Mr. Neilson's account for Advertising, Paid Rev. C. Rollit a quarter's Salary, to 12th Nov., 1845, I Paid Mr. J. B. Forsyth for payment of a Seal at New York, I Paid Rev. R. Anderson, in aid of the' Churches in his Mission, { Paid Overill, fitting National School for' Annual Meeting, | Paid for six Shares Quebec Bank Stock,... Paid Mr. Stanley for Printing Receipts,.... Paid Rev. C. Rollit Salary to this date,.... Paid Secretary's Draft in favour of Mr. Ward of Inverness, Paid Rev. C. Rollit, per order of Central Board, £25 Paid do. a quarter's Salary to 12th instant, 31 Paid Rev. C. L. F. Haensel, per order, Paid Rev. J. Flanagan Society's Grant for Chiurch at St. Giles, Postage from 1st July, 1845, to this date,.. OV 5 oj Balance in the Quebec Bank,. 15 8 100 102 30 50 51 10 1 31 12 153 31 12 56 15 1 706 78 78? 13 10 1 10 16 11 10 9 6 5 15 10 12 7 5 10 5 11 13 2 17 d. H 10 2 6 6 3 1 6 6i Oi / Quebec, 25th June, 1846. T. TRIGGE, Treasurer. 88 Cfturri) M>ot\tt^* LIFE MEMBERS. £ s. d. Tho Lord Bishop of Montreal, annual, 25 Uudgley, W., 12 10 Bonner, J., 12 10 Bowen, Hon. Mr. Justice 12 10 Black, Hon. H., 12 10 Caldwell, Sir H. Bart 12 10 Chandler, K. C, towards endowment of Nicolet Church, 26 Chapman, W., 12 10 Christie, Mrs., 25 Cochran, Hon. A. W. 12 10 Estcourt, Lt. Col., H. M., Boundary Commissioner, 12 10 Finlayson, Duncan, 12 10 Gale, Hon. Mr. Justice, 12 10 Gerrard, Hon. S., 50 Griffin, F., 12 10 Heath, James, 12 10 Holmes, A. F., M. D., 12 10 Hunt, James 12 10 Jessopp, H., 12 10 LeMesrrier, H., 12 10 Metcalfe, Rt. Hon. Lord, 25 Macrae, Wm. Esq 25 Mountain, Lt. Col. C.B.Comg. 26th Kegt.(Stg.) 15 Mackie, Rev. Official 12 10 Marler, G.S 15 Moffiitt, Hon. Geo 12 10 Molson, Hon. John ,• 12 10 NicoUs, Rev. J. H 12 10 Patterson, P., 12 10 Pyke, Hon. Mr. Justice 12 10 Pemberton, Hon. G., 12 10 Price, Wm., 12 10 Racej', J 12 10 Sewoll, Rev. E. W., 12 10 Sewell Rev. H. D 12 10 Stayner, T. A., 12 10 Stewart, Hon. J., 12 10 Stuart, Henry 12 10 O Stuart, Bart., Hon. Sir Jas. Chief. .Tustice, 12 10 Trigge, T., endowment of Nicolet Church, 12 10 Walker, Hon. W 12 10 Wait, Rev. W. W., annual, 25 Watts, R.N 20 Willoughby, Rev. M., 12 10 Wood, Rev. S.S 12 10 Wood, Robert, 12 10 Wilbraham, P. Esq., Rode Hull, Cheshire, England, 12 10 Mrs. Brook, Hemel Hemstead, England, 12 10 V l> LIST OF CONTRIBUTIONS. QUEBKC. Life Subscriptions: £ s. d. Bonner, J 12 10 Bowen, Hon. E 12 10 NicoUs, Rev. J 12 10 Stuart, Sir Jas. Bart 12 10 XSO Donations. Fraser, J. M 2 10 Noad, H. J 2 10 Parke, G. H : 5 Todd, Jas 5 n £15 MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH SOCIETY BEING ANNUAL SUBSCRIBERS OF jEl 5s. AND UPAVARDS. Montreal, Lord Bishop of, ^23 Andrew, Wm 15 Atkins, T 1 5 Bell, A. D 1 6 Bennett, W 1 6 Bonner, J 16 Boxer, Capt. R. N 1 5 Burnet, D 1 5 Caldwell, 8ir H. Bart 1 6 Campbell, A. R 2 10 Carey, Thos 2 10 Chapman, W 15 Codman, 8 15 DavieSjW. H. A 16 Dunn, C. K 16 Eckhart, J. R 1 6 U Exter, J. V 16 Fletcher, J 16 Fisher, J. C, L. L. D 15 Forsyth, J. B 1 6 Fraser, J 16 Freer, N 15 FinUy, Miss 1 5 Gillespie, A 1 6 Gowen, H 16 Gortley, C.W 1 6 George, Miss 15 Haensel, Rev. C. L. F 1 S HaU, Geo 15 Hammond. M 15 Heath, J. G 1 6 Henry, W 1 5 Hunt, J ISO Jessopp, H ISO Leaycraft, J. W 1 5 Leaycraft, Jer 15 LeMesurier, 11 15 Lowndes, J. S 15 Macauley S 15 Maclaren, J 16 Muckie, Rev. Official 5 Mountain, Rev. A. W 2 MacTavish, Wm 15 Newton, S 15 Noad, J. H 1 5 Parke, G. H 16 Patton, Wm 1 6 Patterson, P 16 Pemberton, H 15 Pemberton, G 16 Penn, R 16 Poston, Ths 15 Price, Wm 15 Primrose, Hon. F. W ... 15 Rcbertson, Rev. J. C 15 Scott, H. 8 1 5 Scott, Stuart 15 Scott, Jliss 15 Sheppard, Max 15 Sbeppard, Wm 15 Simpson, Rev. J. E. F 15 Stewart, Hon. J 15 Stott, Mrs 6 Stuart, G. 16 Todd, Mrs 5 Walker, W 1 6 Wait, Rev. W. W 25 Wood, R 15 Wright, S 1 5 40 QUEBEC PAROCHIAL ASSOCIATION. Annual Subscriptions : Andrew*, T 6 BUght, J 6 Bradford, J 10 Bradghaw, J 10 Cole, Mrs 5 Dyke, J 6 GUe8, — 6 GUeB, Mrs 6 Harrison, Mrs 6 Hawkina, E 5 Howard, Mrs 6 Hunt, Mrs 6 Jenkins, W 6 Knight, Captain 6 Maxtaam, A.J 12 6 Niles, Miss 6 Parker, J 5 Penney, W 5 Poole, J Rich, A Samson, R Senkler, Rev. E. 8 Sewell, J Sheppard, F Stanley, G Thomas, A.F Vanavous, Mrs Wadman, Mr Wheatley, J Wiggs, C WUson, J. T Wolsey, J.N Wright, H „.... Wyse, W Subscriptions under 6s 6 6 5 « 10 5 5 6 12 6 6 5 5 6 12 6 6 6 6 6 Donations. A Friend £0 b Juvenis Academicus, 5 A Friend, per Rev. A. W. Mountain, 2 lU MONTREAL Donations: A Friend 26 5 Annual Subsaiptions: Adamson, Rev. W. A jfl 6 Anderson, T. B 5 Andrews, H.O I S Bagg, 8 16 Badgley, Frs. M. D 1 5 Bancroft, Rev. C 1 5 Bethune, Rev. Dr. J 1 6 Bethune, 8 6 Bourne, E 1 6 Brent, C I Bridge, T. 8 10 Bryson, C 10 Castle, C. H i "i Cary, Jos 1 6 Cary, Thos 5 Gbuniers, '— 6 Chapman, H 1 5 Clamp, B 10 Crawford, J. M. D 1 5 Crawford, W. N 5 Crisps, John 6 Day, Mr. Justice 1 6 Davidson, D 2 Darf, D 1 5 Denison, — I Dyde, John 1 6 Punscomb, J. W 1 6 Easton, R 1 5 Evans, Wm 1 Ferris, W Footner, W Forsyth, J. B 6 Gale, Mr. Justice 5 Geddes, C 1 Gorrard, S 6 Gerrard, R I Glass, J GlennonJ 1 Grasset, W Griffin, F 1 Hall, Geo 1 Hamilton, Mrs 1 Hepburn, W 1 ilolmes, A. F.,M.D 2 Tolmes, Mrs liolloway. Col , 5 I bney, J Iraaoson, J. P I Klnnear, D 1 Liach, Rev. W 1 Lew, Mr Lightfoot, Miss I Lindsay, Chs 1 Lindsay, R 1 Lindsay, D 1 Lindsay, W 10 10 6 6 10 6 5 5 6 6 6 10 10 10 5 10 10 6 6 41 Lovell, J 1 5 Ludlain, Wm 15 Lundy, Rev. J. P„ D. C. L 16 MoCord, Mr. Justice J. S 2 10 Macrae, G 6 Major, J. E , 10 Meredith, W. C 10 Maitland, Ciipt 15 Millar, Miss 5 Moffatt, Hon. Geo 12 10 MoflFatt, 16 Mussen, Ths 16 Niokless, J 10 Farnther, Eev. D. B 16 Piatt, Geo 10 Pounden, J. W 16 Pyke, Geo 5 Prentiss, E 10 Ramsay, Rev. Jas 15 Ready, Mrs 15 Reid, Ch, Justice 5 Ricliardson, Mrs 10 Robertson, Rev. D 15 Roe, ThB 6 Ross, Mrs. J 1 6 Ross, Mrs. R.0 1 riuth, H. L 1 6 well, C. S., M. D I 5 oewell, Mrs U 15 Scott, Mrs 16 Shuter, Thos 15 Simpson, Rev, J 16 Skalrel, A., L. L. D 10 Stayner, T. A 16 Tait, Th 1 6 Talt, Mrs ■, 16 Taylor, H 1 6 Taylor,— 10 Taylor, Mrs 10 Townsond, W. C 16 Tliornton, S 16 Tylee, R. 8 7 8 Tucker, Hon. R. A 1 Wain, J. H 1 Wickstead, G 2 10 Willoughby, Rev. M 2 10 Yarwood, — 1 6 ANNUAL SUBSCRIBERS IN ENGLAND. Brooke, Mrs. Blonham, Bedfordshire, 10 Gronow, 'M.isa, Brompton, 10 Mills, Mrs. and Miss, ^a/se Vicarage, Somerset, 1 G Mountain, Miss C, Blonham, ,., 10 Mountain, J. G. Esq., Cameronians, , I 10 "Rohettaon, "Rev. 3. C. Dalkeith, 110 Simcoe, Miss S., Wolford Lodge, 10 Sterling £1 1 BEAUHARNOIS DISTRICT ASSOCIATION. HUNTINGDON. Annual Subscriptions. Botham,J 6 Bowron, W 5 Cunningham, A 6 Cunningham, A... 6 Murray, R Morrison, J Morris. Rev, W.. 6 6 16 GORE. Coulter, H Foster, J Kidd, W 6 I McCay, Geo 6 Subscriptions under &s.. 6 Ol 5 1 17 6 lACHINE. Annual Subscriptions i Bond, Rev. W. B 16 1 Wilgress, Col., McDonald, Wm 6 0| ISO 43 DURHAM. Annual Subscriptions: Brethour, Rev W Brethour, Mr* CaTerhill, W. C. F. ... CaTerhiU, Mrs. W. C. F Fee, Tfas Montgoraery, A Needier, W. 10 10 10 6 5 10 6 Needier, Min 6 Porter, Ths 6 Tate, J 6 Tate, Ths Willlanw,Th« 6 6 Sub8orlptioiM under 5s.„ 18 » OTTAWA DISTRICT ASSOCIATION. VAUDREUIL. Annual Subscriptions. One half appropriated to the Church at VaudrenU. Aude, Geo Cameron, Paul Clark, A Delesderniers, P. H. ... Delesderniers, Mrs. A... Delesderniers, W. O. ... Griffin, H. T Hodgson, John, Hodgson, J. Junr Halero, Au Mathison, Bar Fyke, Mr. Justice Fyke, Rev. Jas Thomson, John, Cash Donations under 6s. ... .£0 6 . 6 . 6 . 10 . 6 . . . . . . 1 10 \ 5 Fyke, Miss 6 Fyke, Miss M 6 Robinson Chr 6 Robinson, Mrs. C 6 Robins, 8. R 6 Robins, Mrs 6 Schneider, Ch 6 Schneider, Atkinson 7 6 Schneider, John 6 Schneider, VTm 6 Thompson, John 6 Teasdale, .lohn 6 Subscriptions under 6s 6 Donations. 6 6 1 3 ■-< Abbott, Rev. W. ... Abbott, Mrs. Vf. ... Albright, M Burwaih,J Burwaah, John, Jun Bnrwaah, 8. J Burwaah, N Burwash,M Burwash, Jaa Cunnynghame, F. T. Cannynghame, Mrs. SAINT ANDREWS. Annual Subscriptions: Davis, A Dodd, Th Parish, F Fletcher, Tho Jefferson, Thos Jones, E Jones, E., Jr McNaughton, Mrs Whitney, F. A Subscriptions under 5s., I 6 5 6 6 16 6 6 6 6 15 10 GRENVILLE. Annual Subscriptions : One half appropriated toward finishing the Church. Foreman, Thos ^o 5 o Billiard, John 6 Kains, George o 16 Kains, Thos 160 Mountstevens, Jaa lo Owens, Owen . . . Fridham, Edwin . Ree ves, Daniel. . . Sutton, Rev. E. G,. We^eHtThoa.. . I 6 6 6 6 6 10 9 6 6 3 5 1 6 6 1 6 6 43 HULL AMD AYLHER. Donations and Annual Subscriptions: Brighkin, C. E ^0 5 JohnttoD, Rev. J 5 Suma under S«. V. 1 S « THK GORE. Annual Subscriptions: Bennett, James £0 Boyd, Hugh o Boyd, James Boyd, Jos Boyd, N Boyd, 8 Brien, J Byrd, C. P Byrne, W Craig, W Dawson, Ed Dawson, Ed, Juur Dawson, Mrs ElUot, A Graham, John Gain, J Hammond, W Hiclcs, H Kerr, J 5 6 6 5 9 6 6 5 a 5 5 6 5 5 6 5 S 6 5 Kilfoil, James 6 McDonald, H 6 MoMaster, Kev, John 16 Moffatt, J 6 Moore, J 6 Moore, C 6 Niuholson, M 6 Parlier, D 050 Parlcor, E 6 Paricer, J 6 Hoger, K 6 U Roger, 6 Roger, 8 6 Slienet, G 5 » Smith, 8 6 Strong, W 6 Timon8,D 6 Watchorn.W 5 Westgate, Thos 6 ■'{ RICHELIEU DISTRICT ASSOCIATION. ST. JOHNS, C. E. PAROCHIAL ASSOCIATION. Annual Subcriptions Allen, Mrs Bate Thomas Bissett, James Bi8sett,Mrs Clarlte W. G Colston, Jas Coote, Isaac Dawes Rev. Wm De Longueuil Baron ... De Longueuil, Baroness Esinhart, Godfrey Leggett, Wm Lewis, D. L Lindsay, W. D Lister, Assist. Com. Gen. Macdonald, Edward ... Macrae, W McGinnis, Mrs. Senr. ... McOinnis, Miss 1 6 McGinnis, Miss Eliza ... 1 1 5 McGinnis, R. B 1 1 Mott, Ephraim 1 10 Moct, Nelson 1 6 S Pattee, Curtis 1 6 6 Peirce, Jason C 1 6 10 Peirce, Chs. 8 1 6 5 Thompson, Ab 1 5 1 5 Titus, Herman 1 6 1 5 Titus, Virgil 1 6 6 Towner, Thomas 6 10 Vaughan, Ben.i 1 6 5 Vaughan, Mr.; .1 1 1 5 Wheeler, Chs. 10 I 5 Wight, Dr 16 1 6 1 6 Donation : 2 Mrs. McOinnis Senr. ... 2 10 1 Ladies* Lists. Collected by Miss Macrae: Adams, Mrs. ... Bate, Mrs Cowen, Mrs. ... Darling, Mr. ... Everard, Capt... Lindsay, W.Junr. ..£0 . . . ,. . 6 1 6 Lindsay, Miss Macrae, Miss Macrae, Mrs Prlng, Mrs Thompson, Dep. Com. Gen. Subsoriptions under 6s. 13 9) 44 Mrs. Pattee's List. PktUe, Mrt. Cuh >•• ••• ••• ■•• ..£1 I Tltui, Mri. V. ..060 ••• ••• ••• •11 10 Miss. Peirce's List. Esinhart, Schuyler ...0 6 Friend, A ...0 6 Gray, Miss ...060 Gray, Mis* A ...060 MacKenzio, Mrs. Capt. ...0 6 Morehouse, O ...060 Felrce, Mra 10 Fnirce, Migg 6 Peirce, MiHses Margaret and Mary 6 Vondell, Mrs 6 Wheeler, Mrs 6 Sub8crit>tiong nnder 6g. 1 2 7i CLAKENCEVILLK. PABISH OF ST. OEOROE. Annual Subscriptions : Barber, J. P., M. D 6 Sails, Gen 6 Barber, Mra. ... ... ... ... ... 6 Sails, Mrs. L 6 Bullock, J. ... ... ... ... ... 6 Sails, Miss E 6 Chapman, A. ... ... ... ... ... 7 6 RcottE 6 Chapman, Mr*. ... ... ... ... 6 Sawyer, D 6 Covey, Sam. ... •'. ... ... ... 5 Sawyer, Mrs 5 Derick, D, ... ... ... ... 6 Steward, Capt. Ch. ... 6 Derick Mra. ... 6 Smith, D. .., 6 Flagg, O. ... ... ... ... 6 Smith, Mrs. L 6 Flagg, Mrs. ..» ... ... ... * ... 6 Town8end,Rev. M 6 Havley, Feter ... ... ... ... ... 5 Townsend, Mrs 6 Hunt, John ... ... ... ... ... 6 Townsend, M. M 6 Hunt, Mrs. 6 Young, Ch 6 Johnson, Mrs.... ... ... ... ... 5 Young, Jno. Jun 6 Lafleur, A. ... ... ... ... 5 Wheeler, J 6 Longeway, N. ... ... ... ... ... 6 Wilkinson, B 6 Marcow, Mrs . . . . ... ... ... 6 PABISH OV ST. THOMAS. Breroort, Hiram ... Derick, P. Calrin ... Derick, John P. ... Derick, Christopher Derick, John Jun.... Derick, Fred Derick, Mrs Cath.... Derick, Charles Derick, Mrs. Marg. Flagg, Mrs. Ira ... Flagg, Isaac Gllman, Jonathan ... Gilman, Mrs. Marg. Oilman, Miss Mary Struthers, Mrs. Robt. Townsend, Rer. M. Truscott, John Vaughan, Amoa H. Young, Jacob A ST. EISMI AND BU8SELT0WN. Annual Subscriptions : Barrett, W 6 Dunn, J 10 Dunn, W 1 Ehridge, W 10 Huntingdon, Sam ,080 Linn, Robt 060 Flees, Rev. R. G 16 Row, C 6 Row, Bei\] 060 Row, Joseph^ 060 Thompson, C 060 Subscriptions under 5s 2 6 45 CUAMBLY. Annual Subscriptions. One half appropriated toward* the completion of the Parsonage. Boyd, W » Bralthwalte, Rev. J Bunker, J * Buckley, F. H Dunn, Capt Glen, Capt. E Glen, MUs ? Hatt, H. B i „ Hatt, T. C ? 15 Klrby, H » » MUlB, Robt 16 Mills, Mr» 1 McDonald, A I Smith, Mrs Yule, J. 1 Yule, Mr 1 Yule, Miss Wntt»,J White, Hev. J. P I Wilson, Lady 1 Subscriptions under 5s 5 6 6 5 5 12 6 6 6 2 6 I/ACADIE. Annual Subscriptions : Whitten, Rev. T. A 1 5 I Collected in subscription of a Id. a week 97 LAPRAIBIE. ^ • ■'< A Annual Subscriptions: Bourne, W. I 5 I Broome, Rev. P 1 5 LACOLLE. * 5 Annual Subscriptions: Morice,Rev.C 16 | Morice, Mrs SHERRINGTON. Annual Subscriptions : Ha«ard,Rev.H. .. ' 16 | Hazard, Mrs 5 CHRISTIEVILLE. Annual Subscriptions. Bower, John J * 6 Bowman, Wm ^ ° Christie, Mrs » ^ Cooke, Wm » !« Forest, Chs » j" Jones, Hon. Robt 2 10 Jones, Thos » » Jones, E. H 6 Le Marchand,Mr 10 McGinnis, Wm 1" Megg8,Mr8. 5 Miller, Daniel 5 MUler, James 6 1 Miller, Jesse 5 Miller, Sophrona 5 Pullman, Hannah 10 Pullman, John, Jun 6 Ryan, James M 6 Ryan, Alphonso 06 Ryan, Thomas 10 Thompson, Rev. W 16 White, tfilas H 10 Collected by penny subscriptions in Sunday School, and in sums under 5s 2 7 7 46 MISSISQUOI DISTRICT ASSOCIATION. ST. ARMAND EAST. Annual Subscriptions: One half applied toward the repairs of the Church. Baker, Capt. Henry ... .£0 10 Reld, Rev. Jas Baker, Mra 5 Held, Mrs Baker, A. L 6 Keid, James S Baker, Mrs 6 n Keid,Jane Hurlbut,Abel 10 Held, Nancy Reynolds, Stewart... Hurlbut, Mr* 5 Hurlbut, MarU 6 Reynolds, Thomas... Kemp, Anion fi Richard, Mrs Kemp, Mra 5 Stantland, Elizabeth Knap, A 5 Stickney, J Toof, Wellington ... Knap, Mrs. M 6 Knap, Mosei 6 Westover, Emily ... Kemp, Capt. J 1 6 Westover, Margaret Kemp, Mrs 6 Westover, D Kemp, Maria 6 WestoTer, Asa Iiagrange, Jacob ... „. 6 Whitman, Rodman. . . Lee, James, 15 Collections under 6b. ST. ARMAND WEST. Annual Subscriptions: One half applied toward the completion of the new Church. 1 5 n 5 O 5 (► ft O 6 *» 6 5 A 5 6 6 6 o ft 1 ft 6 6 I 18 Albee, Jas 5 Russell, P. P 10 Adams, George ... . ft Roberts, C U ft Burley, Luther ... . ft Rosenberger, Mrs Smith, Abel ft Best, Jno ft 10 Bockus, Daniel ... . 6 Smith, C. P ft » Cheeseman, C. R ft Swasey, B. C ft Denel, Jno 5 Smith, Joseph ft Dyer, Lt. Col 12 4 Smith, Joseph C fi Durrel, Joseph N... . 10 Smitli, Petor fi » Fellers, Wm 5 Smith, John fi » Hungerford, Taber .. . Hubbard, Eraatus... . 8 Taylor, Jos 10 12 6 Taylor, R. Junr 6 Holt, Jno. S 6 Titemore, Jacob S A Holsapple, Jno B Throop, H. 8 fi Hinckley, L 6 ft Whitwell, Rev. R 1 10 Jones, Mrs. D ft WhitweU,Mrs ft Keans, Garner ft Whitney,? . ... 10 Kimmell, Baltus ... . fi Woodbury, P ....0 6 Moore, Hon. P. H 10 Woodbury, Alvin 6 Moore, Mrs. P. H... . 5 Woodbury, P. H 6 Nye, D. T. R 6 Young, Alex S Prinurman, F 5 A Friend, 6 Pells, David 6 Collections under Ss... . 1 G 9 SHKFFORD. Annual Subscriptions: Ashton, Robert ... . £0 5 Ssvage, Capt. B . ... 10 Balfour, Rev. A 1 Savage, Mrs. A ....0 6 Balfour, Mrs 10 Savage, Miss . ... 10 Barton, Miss Ann... . 6 Savage, John. Sen . ... 10 Foster, H. S 10 9 Savage, Mrs ....06 Foster, Mrs fi Spencer, Mrs Williams, Jno ....05 Galbraith, Alex fi . ... 10 Gorton, Mrs 6 3 Wood, Samuel ....05 H\ingerford,Jnc ... . fi Sums under 5s . ... 18 Nash, Miss A 5 laJinam 47 Ailamn, N Urown, N. S Chandler, John Daviei, WiUUm . Freligh, Galloway.. Bonele, Charles Bradfurd, Richard.. Bradford, William., Crossfleld, OiiYus . Dwyer, Col. John.. Drake, Joseph Fisk, Mr*. M 8TANUKIDUB. Annual Subscriptions: .XU & . 15 U .060 .050 .060 Jones, Rev. Wm 10 Mills, B. H 5 Roberts, Chester 6 Sutus under 6s 10 ABBOTTSFOBD. Annual Subscriptions. ,.jf0 .. ,.. ... ... ... ... Flsk, Ebeneier UUniour, Ed. ... Johnson, Rev. T. Roach, Joseph... Tenny, Isaac B... Whitney, Jno. B. Sums under 5s. 5 6 12 6 a 5 6 7 6 DUNHAM. Annual Subscriptions. One half appropriated for Sunday School Library, &c. Baker, Stevens Baker, WUliam ... Baker, Wm. S. ... Baker, Joseph Baker, Edward Baker, Chs. 8. ... Baker, Joel C Baker, Geo. B Baker, Lavinia Baker, Harriet Baker, Harriet E. ... Baker, Lucy S... ... Brown, Eugene ... Brown, Lydia Brown, Catherine 8. Beach, WiUUm ... Barns, Dorothy ... Clement, Sarah Ghamberlln, Diantha Dorman, Samuel W. Doncaster, George . . Dunning, Eliza Oaler, Mary A . . . . Ouy, Lydia B.. .. Gear, Mary . . . . Hope, Abigail . . . . £1 5 2 10 10 10 10 6 6 6 10 . 1 5 . 10 . 6 . 10 . 6 . 6 . 5 . 6 . 6 . S . 5 5 10 5 6 6 5 Johnson, John Kemp,G.L Keyes, Ruth Laraway, Mary Lee, John Maynard, Samuel 1 Marshall, Samuel . . . . A . . Miller, Sarah Pell, Anne Paige, Mary A Rykerd, Elizabeth Rykerd,J. E Rykerd, Laura Hykerd,Phillp Stevens, Levi 1 Selby, Jonathan o Selby, A. H Stevens, Mary Smith, Abraham Traver, Jeremiah Truax, Elizabeth Tree, Stephen Worden, Catherine Worden, John Wood, Elizabeth Sams under 6b 2 5 6 5 6 10 (1 5 5 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 15 6 5 5 7 6 5 6 5 5 4 4H ST. FRANCIS DISTRICT ASSOCIATION. SniSRBROOKB. Annual Subscriptions : Barber, Horace • *• ... 10 Becket, Henrjr • •• ...0 6 Beckft, Mri • •• ... S 13eoket,Mi« • *• ...0 6 Beoket, Jane ■ It ...0 6 Bowen, 0. T • •• ...16 Bowen, Mra ■ •• ...16 Clark, E «•• ...0 6 Clark, Mri • •• ...0 6 Gockburn, Mrs • ft ...0 6 Cookline, J Felton, John ...0 6 ...16 Fletcher, Miu fi ...0 6 Hale, Kdward ... X 10 Johnston, James ...0 6 Johnatou,J. B.,M. D.... • •• ...16 Lloyd, Wm., B. N. ... 1 6 9 I.oinai, Adam 10 I.onia*, Mrs 6 MorklU, R. D U 6 OsKOud, Ales 6 Osgood, Mrs 6 Osgood, Miss Short, Mrs, E 6 6 Stafford, Irwin, Smith, HolUs 10 10 Smith, Mrs 6 Thomson, Daniel 10 Terrlll, Hazard 6 Walker, Wm 3 Walker, Mrs 6 Woodward, A. O 10 Cashing, J. P. Uoolittle, Rev. L. .. UooUttle, Mrs. Edgar, J Edgell, Mrs Elliott, Eiekiel .. Poller, Lewis Fnller, Mrs Jackson, Mrs Morris, Lieut. Col. Morris, .Mrs. .» ., Morris, Benjaimn ,. Morris, Livingston LENNOXVILLE. Annual Subscriptions: ...da 10 ... 2 10 ... 1 6 ... 1 10 ... 10 ... 10 ... 10 ... 6 .. 1 ... 1 10 ... 1 6 ... 7 ... 7 Morris, Miss Morris, Elizabeth Morris, Mary Ann Morris, Jane Mowle, Miss Wole, Mrs. C Weston, George Miles, H. Esq. Prof. Math, in Bishop's CoUeg', Hellmuth, Rev. J., P of. Heb. do Nicolls, Rev., J. H., Principal of Bishop's Colle ,o IV HATLET. Annual Subscriptions: Bacon, E. ... Bachelor, J. Bowen, F ... Cook, W. O. Cook, W. P. Dawson, L. Earl, P. ... Fletcher, W. Gunning, B. Gilbert, Dr. Harding J. Hall, Levi ... Hodges, E. 10 16 10 1 10 10 6 6 6 16 1 10 6 6 Jackson, Rev. C SOD Jones, J 10 Jones, B 6 King, J 10 Mears,H.C 16 Malony, P 60 Pool, H. L 10 Sweeny, D 6 Taylor, M 060 Weston, Mrs lo o Walker, J. D 6 » Walker, J 060 COMPTON. Annual Subscriptions : Held, Rev. C. P 1 6 | Reid, Mrs. DANAMLLE. Annual Subscriptions. Haddock, Jacob 0&0| Lonsdell, Sev. R. 6 5 40 KINOSKY. Annual Subscriptions : ArnnttroniT) J OS Iirowii,0. H. J. Butlor, Her, J, )» Cux, C»pt. U 1 Lodge, B 10 Longtnore, K(f 10 Whrtnejr.P 5 Wllaon, MiOor Jut Oft DURHAM. Annual Subscriptions : HarrllLWin ]tarrill,Mrs UaU,John Herriman, Wm Lytter, Chriitopher Ljiter, Solomon ft Ly«ter, WUliMn 6 Lyiter, Richard A S(ephoni,J 6 EATON. Annual Subscriptions: Andrews, Dr 6 Clevolutid, 060 Mclver, 050 Moore, H. F 5 Mowle, Wm lU Pope, John 1 Taylor, Her. J 10 T«ylor, Mrs 10 Taylor, Eira 10 Taylor, J. F u 5 VrQfred,B 5 THREE RIVERS DISTRICT ASSOCIATION. TUREE RIVEB8. Annual Subscriptions '. Bell, Uon. M ;£1 Brook, Mrs 10 Friend, A 600 Fearon, H. 10 Hughes, H.F , .. 1 Hughes, Mrs 10 Hughes, Miss 050 Hughes,MisgM 5 Manners, Oraco 10 Ogden, Sheriff 2 10 Rlokaby.Thos 1 ' Bitter, J. A 1 Wood,Bev. 8. 8 1 Wood, Mrs 1 Wood, 8. O. E. M. M. 8. & Q. . . RIVIERE DU LOUP EN HAUT. Annual Subscriptions. Ouerout, Rev. N 10 Ouerout, Mrs. N 1 Guerout, Miss L 5 Henderson, Mr 5 Henderson, Mr. Junr 5 SOREL. Annual ' Subscriptions Hartie, Mr 6 Hartio, Mr. Junr 5 Reiifenstein, Mr 6 Reiifenstein, Mrs 6 CoUecUon at Whitsuntide, . . . . 17 Anderson, Rev. Wm jCI 10 Anderson, Mrs. Wm 10 Cuthbert, Mrs. Ross 10 NICOLET ENDOWMENT FUND. R. C. Chandler, (Annual 8ub.).£l 5 T, Trigge, do. ..150 O. C. Hale, do. .500 J. RonBl(L do. . . 10 U. W.Triggo, 10 J. Phillpotts, ..056 W. Forsyth Grant, Donation, • . 6 S 6 One of the Congregation 3 Dividends on Quebec Bank Stock, 13 Q 50 DBUMMONUVILLE MISSION. IX>MrBR DUBIIAH. Annual Subscriptions : Atkinson, George . . Briokley, Joshua . . Brickley, Benjamin Brickley, Thomas . . Graham, Thomas . . Mountain, James . . 7 6 6 5 6 6 5 Montgomery, William 5 Pioken, Robert 5 rioyart, Major 12 Wright, Henry 5 Yate, Theopliuus 5 Yate, James 050 MEGANTIC DISTRICT ASSOCIATION. LEEDS. Annual Subscriptions Clinrch, Wm ..j£0 6 Church, J 050 Church, A 050 Stinger, J 5 Thompson, J 50 Watson, 10 FRAMPTON AND STANDON. Annual Subscriptions : Baxter, D ^15 Bradley, H 5 Dickson, W 10 Dickson, H 050 Dillon, J 6 H«y, J 6 Henderson, Wm 1 5 Henderson, Gilbert 15 McNeaUe,J 6 Moyles, Daniel 6 Smyth, John 6 bums under 53 1 1* ST. Giles' mission ST. oeobgb's. Annual Subscriptions i Catlicart,A ..rfO 6 Harbottle, Ed 5 liarbottle, Mrs 5 Harvey, Mrs 10 Lawrence, B 6 Millar, W 060 Millar, W. Juur 6 Harbottle, Ed. Esqr.— Donation in land, 200 acres. Towards building a Church, £60. BROnOHTOK. Annual Subscriptions: Munkel, Dr 6 Munkel, E 6 Poser, Wm 10 Poser, Mrs ..010 Sample, 6 Sums under 6s 1 & Eraser, A ^0 6 Oillanders, D 5 " 7 6 6 Oillanders, J Gray, O « Hall,Wm 1 Letters, 8 10 Letters, Ann 5 RayiJ»rd,J 10 Raynard, J. Junr 6 Kaynard, N 10 Stevens, D. 6 Sterens, B 10 Spupper, W 10 Watson, W 10 Sums under 5s 7 51 ST. PATRICK AND ST. SYLVESTHE. Annual Subscriptions: Arthur, W jCO 10 Cinnamon, W .... 12 ColdouKh, V 1 Edwards, H 10 Gallagher, T 5 Hicks, Ellen 6 Hicks, R 10 Mckee, A 7 6 Mackie, J 10 Mackie, T Maning, Rev. P. J McCnuly, F Neil, R Pocoke, S Raney, J Tavlor, W Wilson, W Sums under 5b. . 10 1 6 10 10 7 KEW LIVERPOOL AND POINT LKVI. Annuui Subscriptions: Breakcy, H £0 6 Patton, Mrs. ... Campbell, R 5 Pntton, W. ... Davis, MissH 6 riaraodon, H. ... Davey, Mrs Prepoint, W. ... Dawson, W 10 Ray, \V Haughton, E ■... 6 Sample, R Lacking, Capt 5 Steers, Mrs. ... I.ongmuir, R. W 1 Tibbets, James, Norton, J 6 Tilley, J Patton, U. N 2 Sums under 5s 10 10 5 5 5 10 1 3 rPPEB IRELAND. Annual Subscriptions: And«rson, Rev. Richard .. . ...^1 s Hall, Jarod Anderson, Richard, Jun. . . ... 5 Hall, Mrs Annesley, Michael . ... 5 Kelly, WUliam Bennett, Daniel . ... 6 Mnckav, John... Bennett, John . ... 5 MacNally, John Bennett, Robert ... . . . . ... 5 McLean, Donald Bills, Erastus . ... 6 Nugent, Robert Cross, Henry . ... 5 Porter, R. C. ... Cross, John . ... 5 Ready, James.. Cross, Marlborough ... . . ... 5 Stewart, Joseph Donaghy, John . ... 5 Wilson, John ... Hall, Amos . ... 10 Wood, Thos. ... Hall, Ira . ... 6 6 5 5 1) 10 5 7 6 5 10 6 5 6 5 « FIRST IKVERNESS CHURCH. Annual Subscriptions. Aldrlch, Arnold ;£1 Johnston, James, Junr ..,.0 7 6 Bennett, Wm 10 Johnston, Samuel . ... 6 Bridge, James 6 Kerr, Gabriel ...06 Ellis, James 6 U Kerr, George ....06 Forbes, Isaiah 7 6 Lee, Miss ....0 6 Fulton, Andrew 5 Marshall, John 5 Henderson, Wilson 5 Marshall, William ....0 5 Hogg, H 5 Marshall, Robert ....0 5 Johnston, James 10 Ward, Robert Grant . ... 12 6 52 SECOND DfTEBXESS CHUltCn. Annual Subscriptions: >!••• ••• CnHenr, Samnel., Currfe, Oege Eul, Philip Ewrl, WilUam Dougherty, Charles Oramm, Robert ... BMlcet, John Hord. Robert Leadbeater, Jouph Z GASP^ DISTRICT ASSOCIATION. GASP£ BASIN. Annual Subscriptions, Arnold, Rev. Wm ,. ... Amoldl, Mm 1 5 Coffin, B. Jun 6 5 O'Hara, H 5 Coffin, B 10 Suddard, Thos 5 Coffin, Jas 7 6 Suddnrd, T 5 Coffin, Miss S 5 Subscriptions under 5s. 2 2 '> Aioar, Geo. .„ Camming, Michael Appfoprlated by Allen, Sam. Wm ,. Almond, Jas Arthur, J Bebee, Amo^ ... ... ... Bebee,Jashua Byers, Thos Caldwell, M ... Carter, Wm. Day, Jaa. ... ... ... ••• Da U Perrelle, Eliaa ... De la Perrelle, Miss ... DnvaliPh Fitton, R. W OUker, Geo Ball, Pan M al l , B. G... ... ... ... Hamilton, Mrs. ... ... Eardeley, J Jenne, Geo Le Gallais, Fh Macdonald,Wm MoClel\an, John McDonald, Wm McDonald, Geo. ... ... 4foOie,Bar McLeod, Wm McPherson, Wm McPberson, Jas McPherson, John McRa^, Pancan 8ANDT BEACH. Annual Subscriptions. 6 I Subscriptions under 5s 5 0| THE BAT OF CHALEURS. the Subtcribers for the support of the Missionary. I 10 3 •»• •■• 5 & 10 6 10 6 10 2 10 2 10 2 6 10 10 10 5 Q 10 Millar, Wm. ... Mourant, Ph 0'Shea,Jer Philan, Wm '. Ramicr, Mrs Rankin, P Robin, Ch. & Co 4 Robinson, Geo Robinson, Thos Robs, Dan Ross, Hector Ross, Walter Ross, Wm Sheppard, M Shene, Oct I Smith, Dav Smith, Jas Smith, Capt. R 1 Skeen, Wm Thompson, Hon, J. G 5 Thompson, Jos Traver9, John Vieg, Joshua a Walker, Robt Whittom, John Whittom, Wm Wilkie, John Young, A Donation for CarlUle CJiureh Sheppard, Martin, ,.. 1 Q A 6 10 6 10 5 7 8 6 10 10 10 6 V y ( M jTormsi of Bequesstd mti 'BtWt^ ^ WiHh V > V 4 < \* I. A Bequest of a sum of Money, or of Shares of Stock, or Public Dehenhires for the general Purposes of the Society. I give and bequeath to the "Church Society of the Diocese of Quebec," incorporated by a Statute of the Province of Canada, passed in the seventh year of the Beign of Her Majesty, Qdeeit Victobia, the sum of pounds, Currency, for Shares of Stock in the Bank of , standing in my name in the books of the said Bank, or, (if Debentures, describe them briefly,) upon trust, to be by the said Church Society applied to and for the uses and purposes of the said Society, as specified in the said Act of Incor> poration, and none other. II. A Bequest of a sum of Monet/, or Shares of Stock, or Deben- tures for one or more of the specific purposes of the Society/. (Same as the foregoing, only instead of the words in italics, say) for and towards the encouragement and support of Missionaries and Clergymen of the United Church of England and Ireland, within the said Diocese of Que- bec, — the creating a fund towards the augmentation of the stipends of poor Clergymen of the said United Church within the said Diocese, — and making provision for those who may be incapacitated by age or infirmity, and for the widows and orphans of the Clergy of the said Church in the said Diocese. Or, For and towards the encouragement of education and the support of Day Schools and Sunday Schools in the said Diocese of Quebec, in conformity vvith the principles of the United Church of England and Ireland. Or, For and towards a Fund for assisting persons preparing for the Ministry of the Gospel in the United Church of England and Ireland, within' the said Diocese of Quebec. Or, For and towards a Fund for circulating, in the said Diocese of Quebec, the Holy Scriptures, the Book of Common Prayer of the United Church of England and Ireland, and the Books and Tracts approved by the said Church Society, for circulation within the said Diocese of Quebec. Or, As an aid towards the erection, endowment and maintenance of Churches, • according to the Establishment of the United Church of England and Ireland Si within the Diocese of Quebec, — the erection and maintenance of Parsonage Houses, — the setting apart of Burial Grounds and Churcb-yards, — and the Endowment and support of Parsonages and Rectories, according to the said Establishment within the said Diocese. III. A Devise of Real Estate for the general purposes of the Society. I giro and devise unto the " Church Society of the Diocese of Quebec," incorporated by a Statute of the Province of Canada, passed in the seventh year of the Reign of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, all and singular, &c. (Describe the Real Estate clearly.) To have and to hold the said, &c. unto the said Church Society of the Diocese of Quebec, and their successors, for ever : upon trust to hold and apply the same, and the rents, issues and pro- fits thereof, to and for the uses and purposes of the said Church Society, as specified in the said Act of Incorporation, and mme other, and under the provisions of the aforesaid Act of Incorporation of the said Church Society. IV. A Devise of Real Estate for any one or more of the specific purposes of the Society. Same as in No. 3 — only instead of the words in italics, insert the specific purpose, as in No. 2. V. A Devise to ike Society of a Site for a Church, Sfc. Same as No. 3, down to the words " for ever"— then go on as follows : — to th9 uses and upon the irusts following, that is to say ; Upon trust to hold the same for ever hereafter, as and for the place and Site of a Church and Church-yard, and Burial Ground, for the sole use and benefit of mem- bers of the United Church of England and Ireland, residing in places 8.'^ja- cent to the said site and premises within the said Diocese of Quebec, beiii^ in full communion with the same, according to the doctrines and discipline of the said United Church of England and Ireland, and for no other pur- pose, and under the provisions of the aforesaid Act of Incorporation of the said Church Society.