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Uic (lidrrcticc m w Imli is m |,.„ki |i,,y |,,., c,,,,,^ Viilir {•.iifti)iiil(<- Imur alsi,.,,,,,,,;,,.,! |,„„ ,(„. 4!<>iiirasl III tlio i IIccin |ir(M.'ii( pnxlurnl iVoiii llic (•(irisiriii-SMn i,|' tlm Ui,|, • liicli lm»i' li.'il lo micli iiii i-Mr HT liiiiirv iin.l \ Yniir Coimji llei- iil».> I Kl, lll'lll i;i|irici ■Iciitid rrsull \ ill bi- ■M 11. iTii .lly |ir,.vi.|ilud, l-i.rwar,|liiig (;, iiii.anies'reiidoi Vommillrr-JlMm, fluii.ir nf .Isï, mfi/y, 2'id Ajinl, IfM. ! Btflirrd - '\''\\a<. lliU IlniHe itd depp rrgrol llmt to noble a work li« ihe Itidcuu Cunnl «liuii)d, Iniin Wiiiit ol duo precauiion or propor niniin;;i'ifii'nt, Um'u » iciidijn- cy ralher lo pinbarriiDj timij prutiiutu ilie (,i i.iiinrt « ol IhiK l'riiviiicp, j ' , ' Rrinked — Tliiil iVom llio cvi.lonrc iiîiliincil, dv n Coinmillcporiliis lliiusp, il ii|>(Mnis ilni, iii--iiaJ (if,||. freighU or lran!<|>oruii(in of lln- iiroilints anil murc.h iii- di2r, Ihoprdwih Hnd.«(i«suinpll(in ci( ilm lilnibiiaiiu ol' Ihi» l'roviiicp, hiiving Ci'fii nduci-d m priiT, il hna uc- lually incrraspd iVom lifly lo oiiu IiuikJpmI pcrroiil.' Heto/ffU — That in lh« .opinion «f ilii-i iliiw.ùlu cauwswHirh havo.prodm-.i'd lliis'iiiipric(;ilrii;(d icmiiIi ■rise :— lui. Froiii llio uliHlriiblioii ol' iliu iiaxigalion. contequrnt upun thu oiily Lotk at Viiiidroiiil, bt Miji undnr the conirol of ono Uoiiipan) ; and, 'ij. l'roin ;Iil '.y^ inv.rlli.(.-^S ihe vcrv alrikma r.-.L'lii-. <«,Uw itl».v,. Caiink, cciuipar.-.) wilh l'he r«i.ull« I lyiir Loniiinllcc tu cxaiiiiiiu iiniiiu'.fly into lliecausea .Tw ., ,, ,. , • ,. ■ '. Il'" ■ — "■ - ".• iii-j ^-111 ji ii'inTciicr, iiircci lo Aliinlrca . and m ly ll.e (.anal |„ K„,,,-|„„. «|,,,. , „ „„w „„;„,.,.„.„|,|,, „r ,„ pa„ ai. noi limilins thl !.,w,„k. a„d ,h,.,eb» lli • I, .tl.ii.r Cai.al. | hc r,.si , | ,|„.l.rM „„,,r„v, iiu-nl «.«iM l.ardiv exc.ed ihe «uinJr Jt- r,Ol" it'iuiii liy llie ('anal l< prcvi'iil sioilN \>( l'.ir tlif piiri liii».' ni' ili' I. _ 'l'Iif Cd-.! ol'S.nii .SicaiiRis Tlir |.rn.tM-al n,...r,.Hoii ..l' il,:, |,|.,„ w,:| U. i;r,, ,„ r,.,:,,,.,. ilr^-Ti.iïht. I,. at Ifast, on- N'rnncI !.< I liali.r ilif (';r;a's,l"r. .11 zi-a lii:,',-fii(,iui,., " ( hIiicIi is fini al iHi>- l.iin' t\!irl-.; m <-ui:-ii!i-i:ilii.|i i.||ii piirlallcin mat. r. illy Ipy iliv>'iliii;i :l>i' ir i.J.. rr„in li,.. i;ii.- Ciii ,1. » '.,i.-li iv trnnspnrtaliiiii on llir Sum l.a» rinr». 'J'Inr i al i:d::i;;:^::^\:;;;;;i :;';::::;'n;:;;;:':^ T:::r ■ '^^""- "-'^-"^ "■-• - -^^^ i--o..Vi.o ca„^. ■(i,-nrral ,l.ssat,.|'ui,.,.i !,,.,, n.v,.,|..,l .„ aH ,.,r»- .::|!>.. l'rnvirKe for il.,, lasi Iwo vo,r, an,nn«« ail cIr^p, oril.el,ndin^-oM,„„iMmy. I„.m, l,a„n« Ut ,.,,..,|„.an inrr.aso of fr,.|«l.t in.leod of a re.lu.îi. n which hnd iK-en .tioi,.al.Mi ..,,l„. a,.-, ,i.,i, ..MM,. KkI..,,, r,,,.!, I„.l n,. n,.a„. orr..,lrP>s l,as l.crp.oi;.re o ^rPrun.il th. npp..inl.m.nl of a ( o,.n,-.l m, l.,.„..r C.na.l.,. V„uf Ci ,|,..,.,'orP. (w.,1. a v,.* „f aflcclinu Ihe " lèu Xïlouse '"'"' -■-"""^V'' ""-■ "'^^-l-'>-:5 i;.i.ol..,oi,», for .1.0 couMJcra.ioa of y2 UoDor' AU wliicli U ri>peclfully siibniiltul. ' ni) . 4,(MII) If ilie prpupnl pricp». îhr- i;r.,»fr I,. i, f. ninl.l.d to (>ny loll bii il.iwnward frcight laoïl n- > ..ir.r.li-.l on riturii cari., li,.] and iiirrvase llin trans- ""' ' '•' ci/f T'iln'-ing ihp pricB o( I' w'V^ »►'•'*» O. II. DKTf-OK, ' Vhairthan. Ilw.lgp» ovpr the Canal being condl riiftled wilh ait;h«* nsuad .if S*ing« or Slide<. 3rd. The enliro conirol an I p .wcr ol, ciinvcying boals, bfiiig In the povaeifiuii ..| a l'rivalo Company. /<V,v../r../— Tlliil an A.l.lress bo presontrd lo (lis Ex- .!i'lli'n'..v th.. I.K'ulpnaiit tî.iviriicir, rcqucstinj; b« wiH bo l.ltaMd Kl liniiKinlta copy of iIik Ucporl of u Coiimiilleo if tins II (HP, to llls kxc«llcncy Sir John tVln^mp, i(f|'|pstlnj{ (iiin lo rpcommpnd the passiiig of an Oïdi- , mince, lo the followlng elRjcl : i Isl. Anihorlzini; the p-rrchase of Ihe Lock now heli| liv n privalu C</lHpany at Vaudreuil, or the conslruction if nnnili'Ti ^ 2d. 'l'hc removal of ail arched Bridgps, ovcr the L^• luc anJ Rideau Cannls, and subsiiiuting Swing or /; ll*?*^;tj. in: '•-f \f •"V ', , / ' 7 .' hrp 1 '*:• V !#^ ■,' ■./ ■ / 2 Sliilo llritl({c» In llieir ilraiH «Kich fruni an c*:iniat& jitUl W)t iMiiKiWy fxiotd H-iM». . ;irrt. Ti) ri'i'oininriiil ilie 4 iitvernmrBt or llAnn 'in clinrij.- iiCihi! liiiJrou (-'«liai, ta pince a MiiHicifiil iiitiii- bp( of SU'HiiilHjitl^ 1)11 itic luulr, ta )■nlallll^ll « diuly jiiju ficiii Moiilrciil lu Kii();»l()n iii°|il.rci) </( a lowiiig |intli, iir iiihirwiiia tu |iM4a Lnw CHiiipi'Iling aiiy Cciiii|iiiiiy, wlm liiiiy i'slubli>li u lliiu of Stejinitoat* ml lin- riiiiir, i» luw WiTy cruft, ihul niov «ff'-'f in llioir n'^ulnr lurii, al a givrii prici-.'iioi exccrdiii); tlip «uni of iWflvo puuiitls Irii kIiiIIiiik^ rcraiiy Itoat wiih nul (•xci'uiIiiik Iuii inpn, ^ tnd oiic patfnd per Ion l'or s«ary lun o( MufcliaiiJiJut e». evedioK leo tons by wiyght in ail com*. Hrinfrfd — Tliat the impoi tance ot ihe lati pmvliioni pannot bn tuo ilrnnaly prratcd, on ihe ^niiiteralinn of tu* Kxccllency andCouncil. Fur in tlm event uf iho iwo former obitructiuua being rvmoved', tbe aanie rounu- poly, wilt alill otm!; and ihe enlire Oann) n(ay a* wplt b.! I lac.d undrr tlt^i <».,i;o| uf ihi» CmUin. ai lli<i Hlvuin ix.wrr by wliiob ih.' Ci.iml al„„u c.iiiL. ii^. J ,„„| ,,truiM Ih» vrry ii.iliiri- „( ili» »awjj.Ui..,i u„\Ln iIih m.w '•' ',- -"il'l'''"'' 1».v •' ii«K' t-i ..f (•.ii,../,>r r.KMliilrd by Ijiiw, iii.iiMipuliiii iiiiiHt ('(iiiliiiiii! irt fJisi i„ ihii (lit- a.l»uiiln(;.;,ir II..- public, iiIiIi.mi^Ii C..liipi-||L„ ,„„y („, , liiiR- cxi.i, y»!t II ia l'VhIrnt ijmi i|,y inu./..ii „f ihi- f.,r, warJitrt will iiiiluco ilinii from Inmi lu/|,ino lo ,„„i« uR.iiiisi ihu public Uli/Tia* ihe lail-r L.,i, w,ll .ii|« r- cde Ihu iii'c.-»iiy i,f „„y |„r*iii,l.,i^' ('/,iii|iai.» »«wb.|. oyt>r. And an Itum lliç.tudim .• d a imrlii. r, In a ri!-* •p^clHble Hrm in Ihia C«f. it ap,H*i/ih,t ih..y b«»e puid an iiior<!BiHi, of fr. lyl.i in un* yiar, riilnn JE«(H). I>"ii% on a« «wiRo ab'.ul UO pi-,' /.«i. up,„r,.rHH.; ralei-iho a.K>ner iho wrvicca of Ihia/Compao» ai« di*. r ■ H 7 • ^ ^m ^^H ^^w . ^ . - -...^^.-^ ■ ■ V --- '■ ^ ' V ■ *" ^'. ^ ■ W-: ""■■•• "'"" " ( ■ * ■ >- - V - V ■ 1 f : ' ^' ' .:.,-. 1 (■ ■ ■ V ■ \ . 4 «. ' .'v ^' ■ ' ■ ^ ■ . - i 4-, / . ' . ■ ( -■- *■ __ _ . ■ ^ , ■ " . , . -•- -j ■'" t *• . \ 1 M * '■ /. % j v^--' ( , : , \ ^^I-T"»-\, f — ■ .L •* -'- ■ .■■ *- ^ff/U^âàt . : / 1 . ' . n