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Bloor, Ueorge Comeili, Adam Cutbbert, Alexander Charteris, William. . . Crawford, Alexander Coyne, John W Campbell, Archibald Lot 122, 123ft 124 6.aod.6.. . . 3 and 4. . . .#taJalf 17 Shiklf 16.. Part 18 ft 19 34 Campbell, Peter C Part 1 and 9 DaTii, Elijah Dixon, Hugh Ditfton, Edmund T. Dykea, Jamea Dykes, William. . . . . Depew, Joel O...... Part IS. . 90 and 91. Eastman, William. English, Thomas. . , Pt3«,3rft«JtN" 10 Friokelton, James, Oilles, Zaohariah Oibb, David Harold, Thomas . . . . Henderson, Henry.. Henderson, William. Henderson, Walter., Hall, Thomas Jackson, Arthur J. Jell, Horatio Kerby, Edwin C. Keese, James 3 and 4.... W half 13. .. 4 and 6. . . . . SO,01,S2ftpS3 Blk A, S ft 6 1, 2andS. Con. or Street. SMain .... W Hagerty. E Queen... . K Queen.... 1 B North. . Other Description. N Main. . SMain.... N Hannah Partis..... Whalf 17.. 2 1. Pt E half 17. 20, 21 and 22 Part 17... l4>NM W Hagerty W Hagerty W Hagerty BQftptMoRaeblk N Hannah N Main EHag^erty N7MMn.........,*.A Owner. do do Tenaat. Owner. Owner. do Tenant. Owner. Tenant. Owner. do Tenant. Owner. do Owner. do do Tenant. Owner. do Tenant. Owner. Owner. Owner, do Owner, do Occupant. do Tenant. Owner. Tenant. Income. ^Bsiumt. N Main. . , .... 'Owner. at List of Votert for the MunmptUity of WardsvUU. i i_ 93 U 58 102' 114 49 b\ 76 106 109 NAMB. Lilley, Edward. Monroe, Malcolm O. Ma»U«/rJohn , Monro*. Archilwld . Morrison, Robert... Mulligvi, ThMBas,. . M MoCreary. ^Samuel . . 110 Moln^rn. Alexander . 124 Mofiae, Alexander ... 29 31 38 46 47 48 99 194 112 MoCowan, Alexander . MeUan, James ^, 9andm M ... Ei^lS M7... Ptiof 18 & 19 MoKelvjr, Robert MoPhail, Jamee Lot 40 ft 41 ft I. E half 17.. . Gbtifoa...; 10 and iU.. 4. a 4 6. . . , Part 18 ft. 19 B half 16.. Con. or.Street < Other DeeoripUon. Hannah ft Davis. N-MaJn SMain.. BlkH, NMain.. E'Uagerty EUAgerty ft W Neil, Riohard.'sr.. Neil. Thunuw. Neil, Biohard. jr... Neil, William. NewBoUr William . Nixon. Alexander. , Niger, Benjamin . , . t^'Donaeltiiavid. Otton. Dennis. . . 4 Parker, Jhoma*.. 79 Ptftknr,. JohofM . 115 115 3 24 45 67 91 95 106 14 73 122 15 62 69 «0 90 94 96 116 12.3 17 •?r Rieley. Francis B. Rieley, Iiaao R. . Pt of 18 ft 19 8 Main U. Par«15. 192, 193, -UMlW 24ud'25. I«nd2... W 4.iaft 19iN Main PtfiFW BlkA2,3ft4 31 and .32.. 16 2Mo4M i 56.8ft9.. 11 N Main... E Hagerty. Ha|{erty... N Main... 8 Main.... S.Main. SMain..... iUgartr.. E Queen . . . , S Main Amy. lU South. Wj< N Hannah. Snyder, Enoch Stevely, William . . . Sampson, Qeorge.... Smith, Donald Smith, James Sparling, William U. Sheppard, William . . Tuke, John . Thomas, Amos W. Trawley, Arthur. . . Ward, Alexander. . , Wilson, Andrew .... Ward. James T . . . . Ward, John Ward, Joseph Wilson, Jacob. Ward. William G. . . Ward, Alexander D. Ward, Sheldon, jr. SptE i 15 E i 13 and 2 6 Sand