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Tous laa autras axamplairaa originaux sont fiimte an commandant par la pramlAra paga qui comporta una amprainta d'impraaaion ou d'iliustration at an tarminant par la darniira paga qui comporta una talla amprainta. Un daa symboiaa suivants apparattra sur la darniAra imaga tli» chaqua microficha, salon la caa: la symbolo -^> signifia "A SUIVRE", la symbola ▼ signifia "FIN". Laa cartas, pianchas, tabiaaux. ate, pauvant Atra filmte i daa taux da raduction diffirants. Lorsqua la documant ast trop grand pour Atra raproduit an un saul clichA, 11 aat fiimi A partir da i'angia supAriaur gaucha, da gaucha A droita, at da haut an baa, an pranant la nombrs d'imagaa nicaasaira. Las diagrammes suivants iliustrant la mithoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 m^^m t.i ] CATALOGUE OF THK LIBRARY OF THE LATE HON. MR. JUSTICE RAMSAY TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION ON JUNE 27th AND 28th AT TWO O'CLOCK. EACH DAY AT THE SALE BOOMS OP W L SHAW, Auctioneer, No. 322 ST. JAMES STRFET. MONTREAL. 1^ Orders to buy will be executed by the Auctioneer. A -^ II.- i I I.:' 1 ii CATALOGUE OF TKK LIBRARY OF THE LATE HON. MR. JUSTICE RAMSAY TO BK SOLD BY AUCTION I ! l{ *■ ON JUNE 27th AND 28th AT TWO O'CLOCK EACH DAY AT THE SALE ROOMS OK W L SHAW, ONEER, No. 322 ST, JAMES STREET, MONTREAL. Orders to buy will be executed by the Auctioneer. _ I K II u I I The Library of the lato Honble. Mr. Justice Eamsay, which is now offered for sale, is the most complete working collection of Books which has for a long time been offered in this city. It was formed during a busy life by a man actively engaged in the discussion of all questions which agitated the community in which he lived, and consists of useful books in all departments of Literature and Law. In Literature it is unusually complete in the departments of History, Biography and Politics. There are very few works of any value which it does not contain. The library was selected for use by a man who knew how to use books for writing and speaking. The Law Library is very full in its collection of Eeports. All the old scarce Keports are there as was necessary ; for the Digests published by the late owner required him to possess them all. In Eoman Law and the French Civil Law it is also very complete. Indeed the whole collection is remarkable for its wide range ; the learned Judge prepared his decisions, for the most part, at his country home and the resources of his own library were sufficient. The collection of Factums is invaluable to lawyers. It illustrates the careful manner in which the late Judge prepared his decisions. The references and notes in manuscript upon almost every page throw light upon every case of importance and every principle of Law which f or twenty years has come before the Courts over which the late Justice Kamsay presided. / • h CATALOGUE, / • GENERAL LITERATURE. HISTORY. 1 IJOSSUET— DiHCours sur I'liistoire universelle. Paris, 1843. 2 HEEREN, DR. A. H.— HiHtorical Works. G vols. London, 1854. Viz. : Mamial of Ancient History, History of the Asiatic Nations (2 vols), History of the African Nations, European States and Colonies, Ancient Greece. 3 ROBIIRTSON, DR. WILLIAM— Historical disquisition concerning Ancient India. 4 JOSEPHUS— The works of Flavius Joaephus, to which are added three dis- sertations concerning Jesus Ciuist, John the Baptist, James the Just, God's command to Abraliam. Translated by Wm. Whiston. London, 1847. o ROLLIN— Ancient History. 12 vols. London, 1817. (5 NEVIUS, D R— China and the Chinese. New York, 1869. 7 BURDER- Josephus, the Jewish Historian. 2 vols. London, 1811. 8 HERODOTUS— Translated by Canon Rawlinson. 4 vols. New York, 1880. !) SCUDDER, REV. G.— 36 years missionary in India. By Rev. J. B. Water- bury. New York, 1870. 10 MITFORD, DR.— History of Greece. 10 vols. London, 1835. 11 ROBERTSON, WM.— History of Ancient Greece. Edinburgh, 1821. 12 THIRLWALL, BISHOP— History of Greeee. 2 vols. New York, 1855. 13 CtROTE, GEORGE— History of Greece. 12 vols. New York, 1856. 14 FERGUSON, ADAM— History of the Roman Republic. 3 vols. Lon- don, 1783. 15 GIBBON, EDWARD— History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 12 vols., 8vo. London, 1818. B rS 16 ARNOLD, DR. THOS.-HiHtory of Rome. New York, IS54. 17 MOMMSKN, TMKODOR-HiHtory of Rome. TranhlaUd jy the Rev. Wui. r. DickHon. 2 vols. London, 18(»2, 18 NAPOLEON Ill-Vie de Ct<8ar. 1 vol. PariH, 1W51. 19 GILLIES, DR.— History of Ancient (ireece. 4 vols. London, 1742. 20 ALISON, ARCIIIBALD-HiHtory of Europe. 4 vols. New York, 1853. 21 SEELEY, J. R.— Roman Imperialinni. Boston, 1871. 22 PARSONS, COL.— Chronological Tables of Europe from the Nativity of Our Saviour, to the year 1714. London, 1714. 23 HUME, DAVID-History of England. 8 vols. London, 1703, with contin- uation by Smollett. 5 vols. London, 1820 ; and by Jones. 3 vols. London, 1825. In all, 10 vols. 24 HUME, DAVID— History of England. The continuation by Smollett and Miller. 3 vols. London, 1834. 2.1 MACAULAY, T. B.— History of England, from the accession of James 11. 4 vols. New York, 1849-1850. 26 STANHOPE, EARL— History of the reign of Queen Anne. London, 1870. 27 CLARENDON, LORD— History of the Revolution. 6 vols. Boston, 1827. 28 CAMPBELL, LORD— Lives of the Lord Chancellors and keepers of the Great Seal of England. 10 vols. London, 1856. 29 ST. LEONARDS, LORD— On Lord Campbell's allusion to him in the Live* of the Chavicellors. 1 vol. London, 1809. 30 CAMPBELL, LORD— Lives of the Chief Justices. 2 vols. London, 18r.O. 31 CAMPBELL, JOHN— Lives of the Admirals. 8 vols. London, 1817. 32 BROUGHAM, LORD— Statesmen of the time of George III. 3 vols. London, 1845. 33 GLEIG, REV. G. R.— Life of Lord Clive. London, 1848. 34 WRIGHT, ROBERT— Life of General Wolfe. London, 1864. 35 NAPIER, SIR WM.— History of the Peninsular War. New York, 1844. 36 MACDOUGALL, MAJOR GENERAL— Life of General Sir Wm. Napier. Edited by H. A. Bruce, M.P. 2 vols. London, 18U4. 37 KAYE, J. W.— Life of Lord Metcalfe. 2 vols. London, 1858. 38 DUNDONALD— The Autobiography of a Seaman. By Thomas, lOth Earl of Dundonald. Loudon, 1801. im"- 8 »> LEVIN(;K, -ilR U. (}. A.-HlHtorical reoordu of the 4M\ Regt. London, IftfiH. 40 KINCJLAK/^:, A. W.-Tli.^ InvaMion of the Crinioa. New York, IWiJJ. 41 STUB15S, PHOF.-Constitutional History of KiiKhmd. 3 voIh. London, 1871. 42 STUIUiS, TKOF.— Select Charters, ilhiHtnitiveof the Condtitutionul Ifihtory of England. London, 1874. 43 GREEN, PROF.-The making of England. New York, 1882. 44 BURNET, BISHOP— History of his own time. London, 1375. 45 DIXON, HEPVVORTH-Her Majesty'H Tower. Now York, I8fii). 46 DRINKWATER, (i.— History of the Siege of Gibraltar. London, 1801. 47 TYTLER, PATRICK-Life of King .lAwy the VIII. Edinburgh, 1837. 48 BUCHANAN, GEORGE— History of Scotland. 2 vols. London, 1733. 49 ROBERTSON, DR. WM.-The history of Scotland during the reigns of Queen Mary and James VI. 2 vols., 175!). 50 MARY STUART— Lettres de Marie Stuart par le Prince Alexandre Lobanoff. 7 vols. London, 1844. 51 McCRIE, REV. DR.— Life of John Knox. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1814. .52 BURTv")N, JOHN HILL -History of Scotland. 2 vols, London, 1853. 53 CHAMBERS, R()BP]RT— Domestic Annals of Scotland, abridged edition. 1 vol. Edinburgh, 1885. 54 COCKBURN, LORD— Letters on the affairs of Scotland. London, 1874. 55 TURGOT, BISHOP— Life of St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1884. 56 SMITH, GOLDWIN— Irish History and Irish Character. London, 1868. .57 FALLOON, REIV. DR.— History of Ireland. Montreal, 1863. 58 MOTLEY, JOHN LOTHROP— The Rise of the Dutch Republic. London, 1863. 59 THE DUTCH REPUBLIC— Histoire de la vie et de la mort des deux illustres frferes Corneille et Jean de Witt. 2 vols. Utrecht, 1709. 60 THE DUTCH REPUBLIC— Momnires de Jean de Witt, Grand Pension- naire de Hollande, traduits de I'original en francais pu,r Mons. de * * Ratisbonne, 1709. 61 GEDDES— History of the administration of Jolin de Witt, 1623—1654. New York, 1880. 62 THE DUTCiI RET^ti BLIC— YinKt ann^ee de Republique Parlementaire. Jean de Witt, par A. Letfebre Pontalid. 2 vdls. Paris, 1884. (53 SINDING, PROF.— History of Scandinavia. Pittsburgh, :!864. f)': VOLTAIRE— Histoire de Charles XII. Paris. (Relie avec la Pucelle d'Orleans.) Cfi ROSCOE, WM.- Life of Lorenzo de Medici. London, 184G. 66 ROSCOE, WM.- Jiife and Pontificate of Leo the X. 2 vols. liondon, 184G. 67 GRETTON, A. L.— The Vicissitudes of Italy sinie thi Congresi of Vienna. London, 1859. 68 SFORZOSI, L.— Compendio della Storia ri'Italia. Paris, 1832 69 BRYCE, J.— The Holy Roman Empire. Oxford, 1864, 70 SHAW, A.— History of Russia. Boston, 1877. 71 IRVING WASHINGTON- History of the Conquest of Grenada. Lon- don, 18o0. 72 IRVITTG, WASHINGTON— Life . ' Columbus. London, 1850. 73 IRVING, WASHINGTON— Lives of the Companions of Columbus and Tales of the Alhambra. London, 1850. 74 ROBERTSON, DR. WM.— History of the Reign of Charles V. 3 vols. London, 1769. 75 HELPS, SIR ARTHUR — The Spanish Conquest in America. New York, 1808. 76 ABBOTT, J. S. C. — The Romance of Spanish History. Illustrated. New York, 1809. 77 GUIZOT— Essais sur I'Histoire de France. Paris, 1847. 78 BROWNING, W. S.— History of the Huguenots. London, 1842. 79 DE STAEL, MADAME— La Revolution Fran^aise. 3 vols. Paris, 1820, 80 AilGNET, F, A.— Histoire de la Re volution Frangaise. 2 vols. Bruxelle.*, 1840. 81 THIERS, A.— Histoire de la Revolution Fiangaise. 10 vols. Paris, 1846. 82 THIERS, A.— Histoire du Consulat et de I'Empire. 12 vols. Paris, 1845-55. 83 NAPOLEON I— Memorial de Ste. Helene, par le Conite de Las Cases. 5 vols. Paris, 1840. 34 MEMOIRES Ivdatifs a I'Histoire de France, par Barriere. 12 voLs, Paris, 1833. », f < >, f < L 85 DE R^MUSAT, MME. — Memoires de Madame de Reinusat. 3 voIh. Paris, 1880. 86 TALLEYRAND— Correspondence entre Talleyrand et Louis XVIII. Paris, 1881. 87 BOWLES— The Defence of Paris. London, 1871. 88 DAILY NEWS, War Correspondence, France and Germany. 2 vols. London, 1871. 89 BONN^.MiiRE— Histoire de la Jacquerie. Paris. 1)0 CARLYLE, THOMAS — History of the Vvench Revolution. 3 vols. London, 1871. 91 BLOCUS de Frigolet, par les redacteurs de la ('our d'Honneur de Marie. 1880. 92 VAN LAUN — History of the French Revolution Epoch. 2 vols. New- York, 1879. 93 HISTORICAL collection of the most memorable Accidents and tracrical Massacres of France under the reigns of Henry II., Francis II., Charles IX., Henry III. and Honry IV. Loudon, 1.598. 94 WAR OF 1871— Who is Responsible for the War? London, 1871. 95 ROBERTSON, DR. WILLIAM-History of America. 2 vols. London, 1808. 96 MORGAN, C— Documentary History of New York. 3 vols. Albany, 1849. 97 FOREIGN Relations of the United States. Washington, 1876. CANADIAN BOOKS. 98 GARNEAU, F. X.— Histoire du Canada. 4 vols. Quebec, 1845. 99 BRASSEITR DE BOtJRBOURG, L'ABB^-Histoire du Canada. 2 vols. Paris, 1852, 100 McMULLEN, JOHN— History of Canada. Brockville, 1855. 101 FERLAND, L'ABB^— Cours d'Histoire du Canada. 2 vols. (Quebec, 1861 andll8(55. 102 MILES, DR.— School History of Canada. Montreal, 1870. 103 MILP^S, DR. — History of Canada under the French regime. Montreal, 1872. 104 CAVENDISH- The Debates on the (Quebec Act in 1774. L(mdon, 1839. 6 105 CIVIL GOVERNMENT— Report fr )m the Select Committee on the Civil Government of Canada, ordered to be printed by the House of CommonH 22nd July, 1827. Quebec, 1829. 106 REVIEW of the proceedings of the Legislature of Lower Canada in the Session of 1831. Montreal, 1832. 107 DURHAM, LORD~The Report and Despatches of the Earl of Durham. London, 1830, 108 HEAD, SIR F. B.— A Narrative of the Rebellion of 1837. London, 1839. 109 MOUNTAIN, REV. ARMINE— Memoir of George J. Mountain, D. D., D. C. L., late Bishop of Quebec. Montreal and London, 18G6. 110 COLLECTION de Di)cuments relatifs Ji la Nouvelle France. Publication du Gouvernement Provinciale. 4 vols, 4to. Quebec, 1883-85. 111 RELATIONS des Jesuites. 3 vols. Quebec, 1858. 112 THOMPSON'S Mirror of Parliament, 3rd Session of 6th Parliament. 1 vol. Quebec, 1859 and '60. 113 CONFEDERATION— Proposed Union of the British N. A. Provinces, Debates on the Resolutions, 1864 and '65. 1 vol. Quebec. 114 BOUCHETTE, .IOSEPH-De.scription Topographique de la Province du Bas Canada. Londres, 1815. 115 MILES, DR.— The Child's History of Canada. Montreal, 1870. 116 BOUCHETTE, JOSEPH— British Dominions in North America. 2 vols, 4to. London, 1831. 117 BOUCHETTE, JOSEPH -Tt^pographical Dictionary of Lower Canada. London, 1831. I 118 BOUNDARIES between Ontario and the unorganized Territories of the Dominion. 1 vol, Ottawa, 1880. 119 BOUNDARIES — Statutes, Documents and papers on the northern and west- ern boundaries of Ontario. 2 vols. Ottawa. 120 CANADA GAZETTE. 1 vol. Montreal, 1850. 121 MASERES, BARON— The Canadian Freeholder. 3 vols. London, 1777. 122 HOCi^AN, J. S.— Canada, an Essay. Montreal, 1855. 123 JOURNAL of Education of Lower Canada. 1 vol. (the first) Montreal, 1857. 124 RECUEIL des chansons Canadiennea Frangaiaes. Montreal, 1859. 125 HEAVYSEGE, CHARLES— Saul, a Drama in 3 parts. 2nd ed. Montreal, 1859. •^ 126 ANOTHER Edition. Boston, 1869. 127 HEAVYSEGE, CHARLES— Count Filippo, or the unequal marriage, a drama in 5 acta. Montreal, 1860. 128 HEAVYSEGE, CHARLES - The Advocate, a novel. Montreal, 1865. 129 HEAVYSEGE, CHARLES— Jephthah's Daughter. Montreal, 1865. 130 SOMERVILLE, ALEX.— A Diligent Life, Montreal, 1860. 131 TOUR of H. R. H. The Prince of Wales. By a British Canadian. Montreal, 1860. 132 MACDONALD— Address of the Hon. J. A. Macdonald to the electors of Kingston, with extracts of his speeches in 1860-'61. (Compiled by H. Bernard.) 133 BUCHANAN, HON. ISAAC— The Industries of Canada, Montreal, 1864. 134 REVUE CANADIENNE. 2 vols. 1864-1865. 135 McGEE— Speeches and Addresses by the Hon. T. d'Arcy McGee. London, 1865. 136 CATALOGUE de la Bibliot'ifeque du Parlement du Canada. 1 vol. Toron- to, 1858. 137 MORGAN, HENRY J.— Sketches of celebrated Canadians and persons con- nected with Canada. Quebec, 1862. 138 MORGAN, HENRY J.— Bibliotheca Canadensis. Ottawa, 1867. 139 PORTRAITS of British Americans. By W. Notman. 11 numbers. Montreal, 1865-1867. 140 DAWSON, S. E.— Hand-book of Montreal. 1 vol. Montreal, 1885. 141 DAWSON, S. E.— Study of The Princess, 1st ed. 1 vol. Montreal, 1882. 142 DO., 2nd edition. 1884. 143 CREMAZIE— (Euvres completes de O. Cremazie. Montreal, 1883. 144 LA REBELLION de 1837. Quebec, 1883. 145 GAGNON, E.— Chansons populaires. Qu^^bec, 1880. 146 ANDERSON, DR. W. G.— Life of the Duke of Kent. Ottawa, 1870. 147 PARKMAN, F. —Montcalm and Wolfe. 2 vols. Boston, 1884. 148 LELAND, C. G.— Algonquin Legends. Boston, 1884. 149 CHINESE QUESTION— Report and Evidence of the Royal Commission on Chinese immigration. Ottawa, 1885. 150 LE MAY, P.— L' Affaire Sougraine. ' ^^ebec, 1884. 151 NOCES D'OR de la St. Jean Baptiste (1884). Par Charette. Montreal, 1884. 152 CANADIAN Parliamentary Companion. By H. J. Morgan. Ottawa, 1873. 153 McLENNAN, WM.— Songs of Old Canada. Montreal, 1886. 154 ROUTHIER, A. B.-A travers I'Europe. Quebec, 1881. 155 COLBY, C. C— Parliamentary Government in Canada. Montreal, 1886. 156 PAROCHIAL and Township Subdivisions of Lower Canada. Quebec, 1853. 157 DUNKIN, CHRISTOPHER— Address at the Bar of the Legislative As- sembly of Canada, 11th and 14th March, 1853, against the second reading of the Seigniorial Act. Quebec, 1853. 158 DUNKIN, CHRISTOPHER— Discours sur la question Seigneurial. 2 copies. 1 paper and 1 bound. 159 REPORT on Education, Province of Quebec. 2 vol s. 1863-1870-71. 160 CENSUS of Canada, 1851-52. 1 vol. 161 " " " 1860-61. 2 vols. 162 THE HARP of Canaan. By the Rev. J. Douglas Borthwick. Montreal, 18t;. 163 HINCKS, SIR FRANCIS— Religious Endowments in Canada. London, 1859. 164 DURHAM, LORD— Report of Earl Durham on British North America. London, 1839. 165 REPORT on the Railway Statistics of Canada. Ottawa, 1880-81. 166 CANADIAN Parliamentary Companion. Montreal, 1809. 167 CANADA Directory, 1857-58. Montreal. 168 RECIPROCITY — Report on tha Recii)rocitry Treaty with the United States. Quebec, 1862. 169 NOVA SCOTIA — Correspondence and Negotiations connected with the Affairs of Nova Scotia. Ottawa, 1869. 170 EDUCATION— Journal de I'lnstraction Publique. 1 vol. Montreal, 1857. 171 TACH]fc— Union Federal. Quebec, 1858. 172 DAOUST, CHARLES— Cent- Vingt jours de Service Actif. Montreal, 18^'6. 173 COFFIN, \V. F,— War of 1812. Montreal, 1864. 9 FRENCH BOOKS. 174 RABELAIS— CEuvres de Rabelais, 3 vols. Paris, 1820. 175 MONTAIGNE— Essais de Michel de Montaigne. 4 vols. Paris, an IV,. (179G.) 176 SEVIGN6— Lettres de Mine, de Sevigne', avec portrait. Paris, 1853. 177 BOILEAU- (Euvres de Boileau Despreaux. Paris, 1840. 178 LA FONTAINE— Fables de La Fontaine. Paris, 1819. 179 ROUSSEAU— Collection complete des (Euvres de J. J. Rousseau. 23 vols. Neuchatel, 1775. 180 CHATEAUBRIAND— (Euvres romantiques de M.LeVicomte de Chateau- briand. 5 vols. Paris, 1831. 181 CHATEAUBRIxVND-Les Martyrs. Paris, 1844. 182 HUGO, VICTOR— Les Miserables. New York, 1SG2. 183 BRILLAT SAVxVRIN-Physiologie du Gout. 1 vol. Paris, 1860. 184 -DE TOCl^UEVILLE- La Democratie en Ame'rique. 2 vols. Paris, 1850. 185 HUGO, VICTOR-Quatre vingt treize. 2 vols. Paris, 1874. 186 MONTESQUIEU— Esprit des Lois. 5 vols. Paris, 1819. 187 PASCAL— Lettres et Penst^es. 2 vols. Paris, 1845. 188 CORNEILLE— Theatre ^ de Corneire avec portrait, notes et commentaires. 2 vols. Paris, 1840. 189 ST. PIERRE— (Euvres de Bernardin de St. Pierre avec Portrait. 2 vols. Paris, 1843. 190 DE STAEL, MADAME— Corinne ou Tltiilie, avec Portr.ait. Paris, 1853. 191 DEJSTAEL, MME— de I'AUeniagne, avec Portrait. Paris, 1856. 192 BERAN(tER —(Euvres completes de P. J. de Beranger, avec Portrait. 2 vols. Paris, 18o0. 193 DE MAISTRE, XAVIER— Voyage autour de ma clianibre. Pari?, 1802. 194 HUGO, VICTOR— Le dernier jour d'un coiidainne. Bruxelles, 1837. 195 MICHELET— Le Peuple. Paris, 1846. 196 NEUVILLE, J. L.— Les ports niilit:\ires iv 'n France. Paris, 1854. 197 GRANDFORT—L 'Autre monde, par Mme. de Grandfort. Paris, 1851. 198 DAUDET, ALPH.— Le Nabab. Paris, 1878. 10 199 VEUILLOT, LOUIS-gK and LK. 2 vols. Paris, 1883. 200 HEINE, H.—De I'Angleterre. Paris, 1877. 201 OHNET, GEORGES-La Comtesse Sarah. Paris, 1883. 202 RACINE— (Euvres de Racine. Paris, 1842. 203 RAMEAU, M.— Une Colonie feodale en Anierique. Paris, 1877. 204 MEMOIRES de Beaumarchais, 5 vols. Paris, 1882. 205 CHEFS D'CEUVRES des auteura comiques. 8 vols. Paris, 1845. 206 G:6RUZEZ— Histoire de la Litteraturo Fraugaise. Paris, 1864. 207 VEUILLOT, LOUIS— LesOdeursde Paris. Paris, 18G7. 208 CLARETIE, JULES- Monsieur le Ministre. Paris, 1881. 209 rifeN^LON— Les Aventures de Teleniaque, illustre, ed. faite an nioyen de matrices mobiles en cuivre d'aprfes le procede d'Herhan. 2 vols. Paris, 1825. 210 VOLTAIRE-Sifecle de Louis XIV. Paris, 1849. 211 BOSSUET- Oraisons funfebres. Paris, 1842. 2114 ANNUAIRE des Cours and Tribuneaux Fran9ais. 1 vol. Paris. 1885. 212 VERNE, JULES— Around the moon. Translated by Mercier and King. London, 1876. 213 \^ERNE, JULES— From the Earth to the Moon. Translated by Mercier and King. London, 1876. 214 HUGO, VICTOR— The man who laughs. Translated by W. Young. New York, 1869. 215 VICTOR HUGO— Les Travailleurs de la Mer. New York, 1866. CLASS BOOKS. 216 L'HOMOND-De Viris Illustribus. Paris, 1837. 217 NEPOS— Cornelii Nepotis Opera, Turnibe. Paris, 1837. 218 TASSO— La Guerusalemme Liberata di T. Tasso. 2 vols. Glasgow, 1 7()3. 219 LIVY— Livius Drakenborchii cum notis variorum. 4 vols. Oxford, 1840. 220 CICERO— Ciceronis Opera, Typis Stoer. 1546. 221 VIRGIL -Virgilii Maronis Opera. By J. Hunter. Edinburgh, 1845. 11 222 HORACE— Hunter's Horace. 1 vol. Edinburgh, 1846. 223 CICERO-Select Orations of Cicero, by C. Anthon. London, 1847. 224 C^SAR — Ceesaris Opera omnia. By Dymock. Edinburgli, 1840. 225 OVID— Electa ex Ovidio and Tibullo. Londini, 1833. 226 SALLUST- Caii Sallustii Crispi quae extant. Londini, 1832. 227 PLAUTUS— Accii Plauti Opera by Valpy. London, 1815. 228 LIVY— Livii Opera. Lib. 6-10. Oxford, 1846. 229 REGOLE ed Osservazioni. 1 vol. Bologna, 1827. f 23C KIRKWOOD, REV. O. -Troon and Dundonald. 2nded. 1vol. 1876. 231 CHAMBERS, ROBT- Walks in Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1825. 232 CHAMBERS, ROBT— Fires in Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1824. 233 HOLYROOD— History of Holyrood. Edinburgh. 233i NEW YORK, Illustrated. 234 IRVING, WASHINGTON— Knickerbocker's History of New York and Sterne's Tristram Shandy. 1 vol. 235 ILIAD of Homer translated into English Blank verse. By Wm. Cowper. London, 1820. 236 POPE, ALEX.-Homer's Iliad. London, 1845. 237 POPE, ALEX.— Homer's Odyssey. London, 1837. 238 HOMER, translated by the Earl of Derby. 2 vols. New York, 1866. 239 HORACE literally translated. By C. Smart. London, 1853. 240 HORACE — The Odes and Epoded. Translated by Lord Lytton. Nev/ York, 1870. 241 HORACE — (Envres d'Horace en Latin et en Fran9ais. Par Dacier. Vol. 8 only. Paris, 1709. 242 HORACE — Les Odes d'Horace traduites en vers. Par Ch. Vanderbourg. 3 vols. Paris, 1812. 243 TASSO— The Recovery of Jerusalem. Translated by Edward Fairfax. 2 vols. London, 1844. 244 VIRGIL, ^neid Books IX and X. Translated into verse by W. D. Brown. Montreal, 1874. 12 245 BANTE— Inferno. Translated by Longfellow. Boston, 1867. 246 DANTE—" De Monarchia." Translated by F. J. Church. London, 187i>. 247 DRYDEN— Translation of Virgil. 2 vols. London, 1820. 248 TASSO— Jerusalem Delivered. Translated by Wiffen. With a life of the' author. New York, 1869. 249 DANTE-The Vision of Dante. Translated by Gary. New York, 1869. MILITARY BOOKS. 2.50 THE QUEEN'S Orders and Regulations for the Army. London, 1859. 251 KENNEDY, SIR .TAMES SHAW— Notes on the Defences of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 18o9. 252 RUSSELL, W. H.— (Jeneral Todleben's Defence of Sabastopol, 1854-'5. A review by Wm. Howard Russell. New York, 1805. 253 WALTON— Illustrated Drill. London, 1865. 254 BLACK— Cavalerie Legfere. Par F. de Black. 1 vol. Paris, 1844. 255 EXERCISES and Evolutions de la Cavalrie. 3 vols. Paris, 1854. 256 PIPON, COL.— Manual of Military Law. London, 1863. 257 FIELD EXERCISES and Evolutions of Infantry. London, 1862. The same Ed. 1807. 258 WOLSELEY, LORD— Field Pocket Book for the Auxilliary Forces. London, 1873. 259 PRL^SSIAN ARMY — Analysis of the organization of the Prussian Army. By Lt. Gerald F. Talbot, 2nd Prussian Dragoon Guards. 1 vol. Lon- don, 1871. 260 MUTINY ACT and Articles of War. 2 vols. London, 1865. 261 DRAPER, J. W.— The Civil War in America. 3rd vol. New York, 1870. 262 CAVALRY — An abridgment of the Regulations of the Cavalry-Yeomanry Corps. London, 1833. 263 SUZOR, COL.— Exercises d'Infanterie. Quebec, 1863. 264 GUIDE for promotion of Regimental OflBcers in the Infantry. Glasgow, 1865. 265 CAVALRY— Regulations and Movements of Cavalry. London, 1851. 266 INSTRUCTION for Musketry. London, 1864. 267 CAVALRY— The North Somerset Yeomanry Cavalry. Bath, 1850. 4 4 13 TRAVELS. .208 DE BODE, BARON-Travel in Bokhara. London, 1845. 269 KEPPEL, CAPT.-Voyage to Borneo in H. M. S. Dido. New York, 1846. 270 LEPSIUS, DR.— Discoveries in Egypt. London, 1853. 271 FORSYTH, W.-Ro»»e and its ruins. London. 272 DISCOVERY and Adventure in the Polar Sea. Edinburgh, 1835. 273 MACKENZIE, SIR ALEX. -Voyages in the North-West of America. Pliiladelphia, 1802. 574 ROSo, CAPT.— Second voyage in nearch of a North-West Passage. Philadel- piiiii, 1835. 275 THE GRINNELL E.Kpedition in search of Sir John Franklin. New York, 1854, 276 McCLLTRE, CAPT.— The Discovery of the North-West Passage by H. M. S. Iiivestiijator. London, 1856. 277 McCLINTOCK, CAPT. -A Narrative of the Discovery of the fate of Sir John Franklin and his companions. London, 1859. 278 MARKHAM, C. R.— The Threshold of the Unknown Region. London, 1873. 279 MURRAY, HON. A. M.— Letters from the United States, Cuba and Canada. New York, 1856. 280 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY- North America. New York, 1802. 281 BURNABY, CAPT.— Ride to Khiva. New York, 1877. 282 ARNOLD— Through Persia by caravan. New York, 1877. .283 DILKE, SIR CHARLES— Greater Britain. Travels in 1866-67. New York, 1869. 284 TOUSEY, S,— Series of letters from Europe. New York, 1869. 285 LEACH, H. H. — Letters of a sentimental idler from Egypt, Greece, Turkey and Holy Land. New York, 1869. 286 WALLACE, A. R— The Malay Archipelago and the Land of Orang-Utan, illustrated. New York, 1869. u BIOQRAPHY. 287 IRVING, WASHINGTON-Lifo of Mahomet and his sticceHsors. London, ia50. 288 AUTOBIOGRAPHY of John Stuart Mill. New York, 1873. 289 HELPS, SIR ARTHUR-Queen Victoria. Life in the Highlands. New York, 1868. 290 BRADLEY, DEAN— Recollections of Dean Stanley. New York, 1883. 291 MOZLEY, REV. DR.— Reminificences. 2 vols. Boston, 1882. 292 CARLYLE THOMAS— Reminiscence. New York, 1881. 293 COCKBURN, LORD-Life of Lord Jeffrey. Edinburgh, 1874. 294 EVELYNS DIARY. London. 295 PEPYS' DIARY. London. 296 MACAULAY, T. B.— Life and Letters. By Trevelyan. 2 vols. New Yorfc^ 1870. 297 COCKBURN LORD — Letters on the affairs of Scotland from Lord Cockburn to T. Kennedy. London, 1874. 298 COCKBURN, LORD— Memorials of his time. By Lord Cockburn. 1 vol. New York, 1856. 299 RALEIGH— Life of Sir W. Raleigh. By E. Edwards. 2 vols. London, 1868. 300 OLIVER CROMWELL, LIFE OF. New York, 1879. 301 GASPARD DE COLIGNY, LIFE OF. 1 vol. New York, 1879. .S02 BISHOP WILBERFORCE, THE LIFE OF. New York, 1883. 303 BURKE, SIR BERNARD- Romance of Family History. 3rd. ed. London. 304 PALGRAVE, REGINALD— The House of Commons. London, 1869. .305 TRIALS— r^otable Scottish Trials. By A. F. Millar, 1884. 306 IRVING— The Book of eminent Scotsmen. 1882. 307 MARTIN, THEO.— Life of the Prince Consort. London, 1882. 308 DALRYMPLE— Memoirs, 3 vols. London, 1790 309 CARLYLE— Thomas Carlyle's Life in London. By J. A. Froude. Njw York, 1884. 310 PALMERSTON, LORD— Life and Correspondence. By Hon. E. Ashley. 2 vols. London, 1879. 311 GUICCIOLI-My RecdlectionB of Lord Kyron. New York, IWiO. 312 MEN OF THE TIME. London, 18(58. 313 MAHON, LORD— Life of the great Cond»5. London, 1845. 314 SMITH, SIDNEY— EsHay 8. Philadelphia, 1846. 315 MURRAY, LADY— Life and Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1824. 316 CAMPBELL, CLAN— The Marquis of Lome and the Clan CanipbelU An Epitome of the Story of the Houwe of Argyle. L<*don. 317 CARLYLE, THOS— History of Frederic the (ireat. 3 voIh. London, 1872» 318 CARLYLE, THOS— Life of Schiller. London, 1873. 319 CARLYLE, THOS— Life of John Sterling. London, 1871. 320 GLEIG, G. R.— Life of Sir Walter Scott. Edinburgh, 1871. 321 FORSYTH— Life of Cicero. New York, 1877. 322 PEERAGE— The Shilling Peerage. By Walford. London 1802 and 1869^ 2 vols. 323 BARONETAGE— The Shilling Baronetage. By Walford. London, 1862. 324 LONDON Calendar of the Peerage, etc. 1 vol. London, 1811. 325 MALMESBURY, LORD— Memoirs of an Ex -Minister. By the Earl of Malmesbury. London, 1885. 226 GORDON— Charles George Gordon, A Sketch. London, 1885. 227 JOHN WICLIFF— A volume of the Centenary series. London, 1884. 328 DUNDONALD— Life of Admiral Lord Dundonald. By his son. 2 vols. London, 1869. 329 ARTHUR H. HALLAM— Arthur H. Hallam. By John Brown. Edinburgh. 1862. 3.30 CHARLES DARWIN. By Grant Allen. London, 1885. 331 NELSON— Southey's Life of Nelson. London. 332 MARLBOROUGH, LIFE OF- By xVndrew Lang. London, 1885. 333 STANLEY, DEAN— Life and Letters of Thomas Arnold. New York, 1884. 334 ADMIRAL BLAKE, LIFE OF-By D. Hannay. New York, 1880. 335 PLUTARCH'S LIVES-Translated by A. H. Clough. 1 vol. London, 1876. 330 DEBRETT— House of Connnons and the Judicial Bench. London, 1884. 16 J37 lUHMAHCK, THK LIFE OF-By.J.H. L. Hesekiel. IlluHtrated. New York, 1870. 3W M K MO I US of Kiiroliii.' Hauer. HoHton, 1885. am CHKSTKIlKIELD-LotttTH of Earl of ChoHterfi.ia to hiH son. 4 vols. London, ITTr). '.m KNKiHT, CHAS.-Willinm Caxton, the tint EngliHh printer. London, 1877. 341 SYMONDS.^T. A.-Ben Jonnon. New York, 1880. 342 LIFE and Adventure of Hiuion Heek, by Maple Knot. Montreal, ISoS. 343 BURKE,SIRBKHNAK1)— Royal FiiniilieH, with portraits. 2 vols. London, 1848. 344 MOORE— Memoirs of ThoinaM Moore. By the Right Hon. Lord John Russell. New York, 1864. 345 FRANKLIN LI l?R ARY. 2 vols. Containing a selection of tho best works jmblished in this series. 34(5 THE UNKIND WORD and other stories. 1 vol. New York, 1870. 347 ROBERTSON, DR. WILLIAM-Works. 10 vols. Chiswick, 1824. 348 HARLEIAN MISCELLANY of Tracts wliich principally regard English History. By Hume. 1 vol. Limdon, 17!*3. 349 CALLOWAY -The Hereditary Sheriffs of Galloway. By Sir A. Agnew. Edinburgh, 1804. 350 KENNEDY, LADY— Letters from the Lady Marg. Kennedy, wife of Bishop liurnet, to tho Duke of Lauderdale. Edinburgh, 1828. 351 LICHTENSTEIN— THE PRINCESS. Holland House. Ltmdon, 1875. ( POLITICAL. 352 HOLLAND, LORD— Memoirs of the Whig Party during my time. By H. Richard, Lord Holland. 2 vols. London, 1852. 353 COX, H. — Antient Parliamentary Elections. By Homersham Cox. Lon- ■ don, 1866. 354 COX, H.— Whig and Tory Administrations, 1855 to 1808, By Homersham Cox. London, 1800. 355 GREY, EARL— Parliamentary Govern iioi.; aad Reform. London, 1804. 350 MILL, JOHN STUART— Considerat-rss . ■ itupresentative Government. New York, 1802. ) I I y I 17 357 MILL, JOHN STUART-Lilwrty. By J. S. Mill. London, IPSO. 358 MILL, .lOI'N STUART-Suhjnction of Women. Hy J. S. Mill. Now York, 1809. 359 HARK, THOH.— On tho Roprt'Hentaticm of Minoriti«H. London. 18<il. 300 MAY, SIR KIlSKINK-ConHtitutii.nal 11 tory of Kngland, 1700 to IHOO, 2vo1h. London, 1801—03. 301 TODD, ALPH KITH— riirliamentary (iovernment of England. 2 voIh. Lon- don, 1807-09. 303 COBDKN, RICHARD— The Three Panics. London, 1802. 304 NORTilOOTK, SIR STAl-'FOKD- Twenty Years of Financial Policy between 1842 and 18»il. London, J802. 305 (JLADSTONK, WM. K.— Financial Statements. A Series of "Budgets," London, 1H6'.\. 300 BAXTER, R. D., M.P.— The Taxation of the United Kingdom. London, 1809. 307 PRICE, BONAMY— The Principles of Currency. London, 1809. 308 JEVONS, \V. STANLEY— Theory of Political Economy. London, 1871. 309 U.4E, .JOHN -Some new Principles on the Subject of Political Economy. Boston, 1834. 370 FIT/PATRICK, W. J.— The Sham S(iuire. Dublin, 1800. 371 ADDERLHY, RT. HON. C. B.-Reviewof the Colonial Policy of Lord J. Russell's Administration by Earl Grey, 1853, and of subsequent Colonial History. London, 1809. 372 THE CHARTERS of the British Colonies in America. London. 373 ADAMS, JOHN— Defence of the Constitution of the United States. 3 vol. Philadelphia, 1797. 374 MILL, JOHN STUART -Principles of Political Economy. London, 1883. 375 THE IRISH PROBLEM and how to solve it. London, 1880. 370 MACHIAVELLI— The Prince. London, 1883. 377 McCarthy, JUSTIN, M. P.-History of our own Times. 2 vols. New York, 1881. 378 :METTERNICH— Memoirs oi Prince Metternich, 1773 to 18.S5, by his son 3 vols. New York, 1881. 379 GUSHING, CALEB-The Treaty of Washington. New York, 1873. ^ 18 380 TODD, ALrHEUS— Parliamentary Government in the British Colonies. Boston, ±880. 381 BOURINOT, J. GEORGE— rarliamentary Trocedure and Practice. Montreal, 1884. 382 GLADSTONE & CO.— Edinburgh and London. 383 MILTON, JOHN— Areoijagitica. London, 1868. 384 AMERICAN Constitutions. 1 vol. Philadelphia, 1834. 385 COMTE DE PARIS— Les Trades Unions. London, 18(J9. 386 CARPENTER, MARY— Juvenile Delinquents, London, 1853. 387 KEMBLE, FANNY— Residence on a Southern Plantation. New York,. 1863. 388 THE DERBY MINISTRY— A series of cabinet pictures. By Rochester. 1 vol. London, 1858. 389 TARIFF— The United States Tariff. By Ogden. New York, 1835. 390 WHATELEY, ARCHBP.— Lectures on Political Economy. London, 1855. 391 AYRSHIRE— North American Ayrshire Register. South Framingham^ Mass., 1875. 392 RODENBOUGH, T. F.— Affghanistan and Anglo-Russian dispute, with maps. New York and London, 1885. 393 LOCKE, JOHN, on Civil Government. London, 1884. 394 BRAITHWAITE, J. W.— Six Clerks in Chancery. London, 1879. 395 SPENCER HERBERT— Essays : Moral, Political and Esthetic. NewYork^ 1865. 396 ESSAYS— Liberty or Slavery. Boston, 1857. 397 ADAMS, REV, DR.— A South Side view of Slavery. Boston, 1860. 398 TIMBS, JOHN— Clubs and Club Life in London. London, 1872. 399 SMITH, W. L. G,— " Uncle Tom's Cabin" As it is. Buffalo, 1852. 400 DORAN, DR.— London in Jacobite Times. 2 vols, London, 1877, 401 LORIMER, JAMES— Constitutionalism of the Future, Edinburgh, 1865. 402 HATS ELL— Precedents of the House of Commons. 4 vols, in 2, London. 1796. 403 DIPLOMATIC Correspondence of the United States, 1865. 4 vols. Wash- ington. iM j! 19 404 BECCARIA-Des Delits. 1 vol. Paris, 1797. 405 WURTELE, J. S, C— Manuel de I'Assemblee Legislative de Quebec par Wurtele. 1 vol. 1885. 406 FENIANS— Correspondence on Fenian Aggression upon Canada. London, 1867. 407 BUXTON, C, M.P.— The Ideas of the Day on Policy. London, 1886. 408 GILBERT, J. VV.— History and Principles of Bankirg. London, 1837. 4084 TATE— Modern Cambist. London, 1852. 40'J MULLER, MAX— India, What can it teach us. New York, 1882. 410 NICHOLSON, C— The Work and Workers of the British Association, 1831 to 1884. London, 1884. 411 HARDCASTLE— The Law and Practice of Election Petitions. London, 1874. 412 POORE, BEN. PERLEY— Third Session of the fortieth Congress of the United States. Washington, 1869. 413 DICKENS, CHARLES— Dombey & Son. 2 vols. New York, 1848. 414 PATRONAGE is Power. Montreal, 1886. 41.5 GILLAT, R. H.— Democracy in the United States. New York, 1868. SPEECHES. 416 O'CONNELL— The Select Speeches of Daniel O'Connell. Edited by his son. 2 vols. Dublin, 1860. 417 PLUNKETT— Lord Plunkett's Speeches. Edited by J. C. Hoey. Dublin, 1859. 418 SHIEL— Speeches of R. Lalor Shiel. Edited by Thomas Macnevin. 2nd edition. Dublin, 1861. 419 GRATTAN— Speeches of Henry Grattan. Edited by D. O. Madden. 2nd edition. Dublin, 1859. 420 SHERIDAN— Speeches of R. B. Sheridan. 3 vols. London, 1842. 421 CURRAN— Speeches c" J. P. Curran. 3 vols. London, 1847. 422 CARLYLE, THOS.— Speeches and Letters of Cromwell. 5 vols. London, 1871. 20 MISCELLANEOUS. 423 BACON— The Works of Lord Bacon. 2 vols. London, 1853. 424 GIBBON— The miscellaneous works of Edward Gibbon. Edited by Lord Sheffield. .5 vols. London, 1814. 425 BURKE— The works of Edmund Burke. G vols. London, 1854. 426 LECKY, W. K. H.— History of European Morals from Augustus to Char- lemagne. By \V. E. H. Lecky. 2 vols. New York, ISGO. 427 BUCKLE, H. T.— History of Civilization in England. By H. T. Buckle. 3 vols. London, 1867. 428 UPHAM, T. C— Mental Philosophy. 2 vols. New York, 1869. 42!) WIGHT— Maxims of Public Health. New York, 1884. 4.30 GILBART, J. W.— Logic for the Million. London, 1852. 431 GARDNER, DR.— The Steam Engine. London, 1851. 432 HULLAH, JOHN— The Speaking Voice. By John Hullah. Oxford, 1870. 433 DALTON, J. C— A Treatise on Philosophy and Hygiene. London, 1868. 434 CURIOUS— The Mystery of Husbandry. By J. W. A curious old treatise. 1668. 435 PRICE, L.— Manual of Photographic Manipulation. London, 1858. 436 A MANUAL of Illumination. By Bradley & Goodwin. London, 1860. 437 SLATER— Telegraphic Code. London, 1870. 438 EXHIBITION OF 1851— Illustrated Catalogue of the Great Exhibition in 1851. 5 vols. London, 1860. 439 EXHIBITION OF 1862— History of the International Exhibitiim of 1862. L(mdon, 1862. 440 G ALTON, F.— The Art of Travel. London, 1860. 441 CLARK, HUGH— An Introduction to Heraldry. London, 1840. 442 ALMANACK DE GOTHA, 1871 and 1869. 443 PUNCH. 6 vols. London, 1860 and following years. 444 CARTOONS from Punch, illustrating the caree's of Bright, Gladstone and Beaconsfield. 1 vol. 445 DURER, A.— The humiliation and exaltation of our Redeemer, by Albert Durer. Ed. by J. Allen. London, 1856. 446 CONVICT LIFE. London, 1880. 21 447 CRIMINxVLS— Five years penal servitude. 1 vol. London, 1878. 448 ENGLISH Lessons for English people. Boston, 1872. 449 BOURNE, R. FOX— Famous London merchants, with 25 illustrations. New York, 1869. 450 TRENCH, ARCHBP.— Gustavus Adolphus. London, 1865. 451 DARLING, C, E.— Scintilse juris. London, 1879. 452 GLADSTONE, W. E.— Homer and the Homeric a^e. Lond(m, 1878. 453 REJECTED ADDRESSES, By James and Horace Smith. London, 1873. 454 MARCEL— The study of languages. New York, 1869. 455 PLIMSOLL, S.— Our Seamen. London, 1873. 456 VORS, F.— Bibelots and curios. New York, 1879. 457 CARLYLE, THOMAS— Sartor Resartus. 1 vol. London, 1871. 458 CARLYLE, THOMAS— Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. 7 vols. Lon- don, 1872. 459 CARLYLE, THOMAS— Heroes and Hero-Worship. London, 1872. 460 CASSELL'S Penny Readings. 2 vols. London. 461 FROUDE, J. A.— Short studies on great subjects. 2nd series. New York 1863. 462 SCHWEGLER— History of Philosophy. Translated by Seelye. New York, 1872. 463 HEGEL— Philosophy of History. Translated by Sibree. London, 1861. 464 WATERSTON— Cyclopisdia of Commerce. Edinburgh, 1813. 465 TOOKE— History of prices, 1793 to 1847. 4 vols. London, 1838-'48. 466 TYNDALL, JOHN— Faraday as a discoverer. New York, 1S68. 467 BELLOWS, H. W.— The old world and its new face. 2 vols. New York, 1868. 46S BAIN, PROF.— :Moral Science. New York, 1869. 469 ESSAYS— Obiter Dicta. London, 1885. 470 BROWN, BALDWIN— Buying, Selling and Getting Gain. London, 1871. 471 PRINTING.— Every man his own Printer. London, 1851. 472 ANNUAL Report of the Sniithsouian Institute for the year 1857. 1 vol. Washington, 1858. I 90 473 ILLUSTRATED London News. 4 vols., 1860—1863. 474 TIMES' Articles— Historical Documents. London. 1 vol. 475 STEWART, DUftALD-Outlines of Moral Philosophy. Edited by Dr. McCosh. London, 1871. 476 ADAM SMITH'S Works. 2nd vol. only. London, 1825. 477 BROWNE, J. R.— Resources of the Pacific Slope. New York, 1809. 478 OLMSTEAD, F. LAW-Monnt Royal, wish Map. New York, 1881. 479 SANDS, M.— The Philosophy of Teachinjr- New York, 1869. 480 WALTON, ISAAK-The Complete Angler. Fac simile of the first edition in 1()5,3. London. 481 REPORT of the American Bar Association. 1 vol. Philadelphia, 1880. 482 McCOSH, REV. DR.-Development, it can do and What it cannot do. New York, 1883. 483 WHEATLEY, H. B.— What is an Index? London, 1878. 484 BENEATH the Wheels. Chicago, 1870. 485 MACKA^ , CHAS.— Medora Leigh. New York, 1870. 486 JERROLD, DOUflLAS.-A Man Made of Money. Philadelphia, 1849. 487 READE, CHARLES.— Peg Woffington and Christie Johnstone. New York, 1869. 488 THACKERAY, W. M.— Henry Esmond and Lovel the Widower. New York, 1869. 489 THE SACRISTAN'S Household. New York, 1869. 490 THACKERAY, W. M.— The Ycllowplush Papers. New York, 1869. 491 THACKERAY, W. ISl.— The Book of Snobs. New York, 1870. 492 THACKERAY, W. M.— The Virginians. Illustrated. New York, 1863. 4"3 THACKERAY, W. M.— Vanity F.air. Now York, 1849. 4!)4 (IREENWOOl), .F. -The Seven Curses of London. New York, 1869. 4;)5 DASH— I'ifty Millions. P.y the Countess Dash. New York, 1809. 4'>6 A BEfi'^IAR on Horseback. New York, 1869. 497 INCHBALD— A Simple Story. By Mrs. Inchbald. New York, 1847. 498 HUMOUR— Dashes of American Humour. New York, 1S53. 23 499 MAPLETON— rrevention better than Punishment. By P. Church, Montreal, 1853. 500 CHAMBERS, W.— Things in America. London, 1854. 501 A BRAVE LADY. New York, 1870. 502 BEAUMARCHAIS— A historical novel. By A. E. Brachvogel. New "N" rk, 18(58. 503 FREEMANTLE, COL.— Three months in the Southern States. Edinburgh, 1863. 504 HETTY. New York, 1869. 505 NORTH BRITISH REVIEW. 4 vols. No. 3,1 4, 5 and 7. Edinburgh, 1845. 50G THE NxVTIONAL REVIEW. January. 1885. London. 507 TEN VOLUMES of Scrap Books. Containing important law reports, political articles and articles of permanent value. 508 FOUR MANUSCRIPT VOLUMES. Title III. Code Obligations. Coutume de Paris. Coditication. 509 THE KORAN, translated by George Sale. 2 vols. London, 1825. .510 BEZA'S Latin Version— Novum Testarnentum. 1 vol. Edinburgh. 511 LIMITATION de Jesus-Christ. Par le Sieur de Beuil. 1 vol. 17G7. 512 BUTLER, BISHOP— Complete works. 2 vols. Oxford, 1849. ,513 McCOSH, REV. DR. — Christianity and Positivism. By James McCosh. New York, 1871. 514 ECCE HOMO. London, 1867. 515 ECCE HOMO. A review by the Rt, Hon. W. E. Gladstone. London, 1869. 510 FELIX— Why I left the Communion of the Clmrch of Rome. By Father Felix. London, 18{)8. 517 JANUS— The Pope and the Council. By Janus. Boston, 1870. 518 BARING-GOULD REV. S. -Curious Myths of the Middle Ages . London, 1869 519 DOLLINGER, Dr.— Fables respecting the Popes of the Middle Ages. Trans- lated by Alfred Plummer, 1871. 520 DOLLINGER, DR.— Lectures on the Reunion^of the Churches. By Dr. Dollinger. 1 vol. New York, 1872. 521 SOMKRSET, DUKE OF -Christian Theology and Modern Skepticism. New York, 1872. 24 522 BROOKE, REV. STOPFORD-Freedom in the Church of England. Lon- don, 1871. 523 MULLER, MAX— On Missions. New York, 1874. 524 STANLEY, DEAN-Lectures on the L'Istory of the Church of Scotland. London, 1872. 525 RENAN, ERNEST— Les Ap6tre8. Paris, 188(5. 526 MILL, JOHN STUART— Three Essays on Religion. New York, 1874. 527 ERSKINE, on Revealed Religion. Edinburgh, 1820. 528 McCOSH, REV. DR.— The Emotions. By James McCosh. New York, 1880. 529 FISKE, JOHN— The Destiny of Man. London, 1846. 530 HATCH, REV. E.— Organization of early Christian Church. Banipton Lec- tures, 1880. London, 1881. 531 LITURGY of the English Church. London, 1878. 532 CLASSON— Sermons. 1vol. Edinburgh, 1843. 533 HEDGE, REV. DR.— Recent Inquiries in Theology, Boston, 1860. 534 CLARK— Primary Truth of Religion. New York, 1869. 535 MANSEL, DEAN— Limits of Religious Thought. Boston, 1859. 536 MODERN CHRISTIANITY— A Civilized Heathenism. 1 vol. London, 1874. 537 COCKER, B. F.— Christianity and Greek Philosophy. New York, 1870. 538 MASKEL, W.— The present Position of the High Church Party. London, 1869. 539 LAWSON, REV. R.—Crossragual Abbey. 1883. 540 CRUDEN— Concordance to the Old and New Testament. 1 vol. London, 1866. 541 "THE VICTORY WON"— A brief Memorial of the last days of G. R. London, 1872. 542 DENOMINATIONAL Reason Why? London, 1860. 543 HOLY BIBLE-Oxford. 544 THE APOCRYPHA. 545 NEW TEST AMENT-Re vised Version. Oxford, 1881 546 BIBLE-1 vol. 26 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 55G 557 558 559 oGO 561 562 563 564 565 560 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 XEWMAN, J. H,— Extracts fn.m Dr. Newman's works. By Wm. S. Lilly- New York, 1880. FOULKES, E. S.— Sermons. Tho Difficultiea of the Day. London, 1871. JESSICA'S First Prayer. London. GENERAL CATECHISM. Montreal, 1853. DOLLINGER, DR — Proiiheciea and Prophetic Spirit in Christian Era.. London, 1873. CHAMBERS.— The Scottish Church. Edinburgh, 1881. CO]\IMON PRAYER. Oxford, 1842. NOVUM TESTAMENTUM. Brioci, 1813. COLEMAN'S Historical Text Book and Atlas of Biblical Geography. Lon- don, 1854. CATECHISM on the Principles and Constitution of the Church of Scotland. Ediiiburgli, 1845. THE CHURCH and the World— A Review. Vol. I., No. 1. New York, 1872. LE NOUVEAU-TESTAMENT d'Aprfes ,T. F. Ostervald. Londres, 1837. STARKE'S Almanack. Montreal, 1870 to 188(5. 1(! vols. THE CULTIVATOR, 1867 to 1881. Bound in 3 vols. Albany. WHITTAKERS Almanack, 1869-1880. 18 vols. London. YEAR-BOOK of Canada, 1867—1873. 7 vols. Montreal. YEAR-BOOK of Canada, 1S{)7-1870. Bound in one volume. Montreal. ALMANACK du Jardiiiior. Paris, 1884. ALMANACH do la Cuisine. 1 vol. Paris, 1885. BRITISH ALMANACK and Companion. 1 vol. London, 18G8. THE FINANCIAL Reform Almanack. 2 vols. London, 1882 and 1886. BOW BELLS'jAlmanack. 1 vol. London, 1874. YEAR-BOOK of Canada, 1870 and 1874. 2 vols. Montreal. F. EARLIE -English Almanack. 1885. 1 vol. THE ILLUSTRATED Queen Almanack. London, 1882. LIDDELL & SCOTT-Greek and English Lexicon. New York, 1801. AINSWORTH— Latin Dictionary. Limdon, 1773. 26 574 SMITH, WM.— Latin-English Dictionary. London, 1855. 675 WALKER— Pronouncing Dictionary. London, 1840. 570 WALKER— Pronouncing Dictionary. By Nuttall. London, 1803. 577 CRABB— English Synonyinoa. London, 1844. 578 JAMESON, REV. DR.— Scottish Dictionary. Edinburgli, 1818. 579 FLEMMING & TIBBINS-French and English Dictionary. 2 vols. Paris, 18.54. 580 BESCHERELLE— Dictionnaire National. 2 vols. Paris, 18r.3. 681 ADLER, DR.— r4ennan and English Dictionary. New York, 1852. 582 GRAGLIA— Italian Dictionary. London, 1854. 683 SMITH WILLIAM— Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. 3 vols. Boston, 1849. 584 SMITH, WILLIAAE— Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. 1 vol. 2nd Ed. Boston, 1854. 585 BROWNE, DR.— A Classical Dictionary. London, 1834. 586 THE PENNY CYCLOPEDIA. By the Society for tlie diffusion of useful knowledge. 14 vols, and 2 supplements. London, 183.S. 587 THE BIO(iRAPHICAL Dictionary. By the Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge. 7 vols. Londcm, 1842-'44. 588 ANTHON— Latin-English Dictionary. New York, 1860. 689 ENGLISH AXD GERMAN and German and English Dictionary. 1 vol. Leipsic, 1838. 590 DICKENS— Dictionary of London. 1 vol. London, 1879. 591 YONGE— English-Greek Lexicon. New York, 1870. 592 ACHAINTRE— Synonymes Latins. Paris, 1821. 593 WEBSTER'S Dictionary. Si)ringfield, Mass., 1859. LITERATURE. 594 MACAULAY— The lays of ancient Rome. London, 184."i. 505 BARHAM, REV. DR.— The Ingoldsby Legends. London, 1860. 596 TENNYSON— Poetical works. Boston, 1802. 597 TENNYSON— Enoch Arden. Boston, 1805. • 27 598 SHAKSrEKE'S WORKS— Lansdowne edition. London, 1858. 509 SHAKSPERE— Sonnets, etc. Fac simile of edition of IGOO. London, 1862. COO THE COLLECTION OF BRITISH I'OETS-By Rev. (Jeorge (lilfillan. Cliurchill, Thomson, Shenstone and Yonng. 1 vol. IH");}. Shakspeare and Surrey. 1 vol. 1850. Johnson, rarnell, (Iray and Smollett. 1 vol. 18.f)5. Goldsmith, Collins and Wliartdn. 1 vol. 1851. Beatie, Blair and Falconer. 1 vol. 1854. H. K. White and Grahame. 1 vol. 1850. Herbert. 1 vol. 18.53. Butler. 2 vols. 1854. Tope. 2 vols. 1850. Burns. 2 vols. 1850. Milton. 2 vols. 1853. Cowper. 2 vols. 1854. Dryden. 2 vols. 1855. Bowles. 2 vols. 1855. €01 BYRON— The works of Lord Byron. 4 vols. London, 1828. 602 BYRON— Don Juan. 2 vols. London, 1828, €03 BURNS— Works of Burns, with essay by Wilsca. 2 vols. Illustrated. 1840. €04 SHAKSPERE— Knight's cabinet edition. 12 vols. London, 1843. 605 DICKENS, CHARLES— David Copperfield. 2 vols. New York, 18.50. 600 LAMB, CHARLES— The works of Charles Lamb. 4 vols. London, 18.55. 007 RICHARDSON, S.— Sir Charles Grandison. 2 vols. London, 1795. 608 THE TATLER— Three vols. Edinburgh, 1845. 609 THE SPECTATOR— Six vols. Edinburgh, 1845. €10 THE ARABIAN NIGHTS Entertainments. A new edition, London, 1865. €11 BUNYA'W— The Pilgrim's Progress. Illustrated. London. €12 THIL . "V, or Rose Garden of Saadi. Translated by F. Gladwin, V R. W. E !ierson. 1 vol. Boston, 1865. Joa Quixote. Illustrated by Gustave Dor^. witi. f 613 CERVAN'l €14 BOSWELL— Life of Johnson. Edited by the Rt. Hon. J. Wilson Croker. 1 vol. London, 1853. €15 THOMSON -The Seasons. Edinburgh, 1804. €16 LONGFELLOW— Poetical Works. 1 vol. London, 1858. €17 BULWER, SIR E.— Not so bad as we seem, or many sides to a character. A comedy in five acts. New York, 1851. €18 ROBERTSON, F. W.— Life and Letters of Rev. Frederick W. Robertson. By Stopford A. 13rooke. New York, 1871. €19 BROWN, JOHN— Rab and His Friends. Edinburgh, 1882. 28 C20 HAWTHORNE, N.-House of the Seven Gables. Edinbmgli, 1883. C21 FARRAR, ARCHDKACON-With the Poets. New York, 1883. 622 MALLOCK, W. H.-Is Life Wortli Living. 1 vol. Chicago, 1879. 623 RANKINE, W. M.-Songs and Fables, tllaagow, 1874. 024 CHAUCER— Poetical Works. 1 vol. London. (525 MOORE— Poetical WoikH. By D. Rossetti. 1 vol. London. 626 KIRKE WHITE— Poetical Works. New York, 186'J. 627 CAMPBELL-Poenis. New York, 1808. 628 TALES from Shakespeare — Comedies. iJo. do. Tragedies. 2 vols. Now York, 1877. 029 HELEN'S BABIES. 1 vol. Toronto, 1877. 030 SKINNER— Songs and I'oems. 1 vol. Edinburgh, 1859. 031 AYTOUN, W. E.— Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers. Boston, 1877. 633 CARLISLE, A.— Cumberland Ballads, with a Life of the Author. 633 CAPES, W. W.— University Life in Ancient Athens. New York, 1877.^ 634 TENNYSON, A.— Queen Mary. Toronto, 1875. 035 ELIOT, GEORGE-Adam Bede. Boston, 1809. 030 ELIOT, GEORGE— Romola. Now York, 1869. 037 GOLD ELSIE— By Mrs. Wister. Phikidelphia, 1809. 03S SHELLEY, MRS.— Frankenstein. New York, 1882. 639 O'DONOVAN— The Story of Merv. New York, 1884. 640 GODWIN, W.— Caleb Williams. New York, 1870. Complete. 641 MORTE D' ARTHUR. Edited by Sir T. Mallory. London. 042 SCOTT, SIR WALTER— The Waverley Novels. 19 vols. Edinburgh, 1842. 043 ALCOTT, MISS— Little Women. Boston, 1809. 044 DICKENS works. 2 vols. New York, 1808. 6-15 VOLUME Containing Gulliver's Travels : White's Natural History of Sol- bourne. A voyage in tlio Sunbeam. Wandering in South America. Life of Cobden. By J. Morley. 646 KING, T. D. — Bacon and Shakspere, A plea for the Defendant. ^Montreal, 1875. L t2. el- ife al. t 29 (547 SCOTT, HI II WALTKR-Po«m8 complete in 1 vol. Ediiibvirpfli, 1844. (i48 BYRON. LORD— Popms completo in 1 vol. London, 1845. <)4{) SHAKSI'HKK—Dick'H Edition. London. (mO ALVRLOW -Fiiustus ; a"d()octlic's Kivust, by J. Anster. 1 vol. London, 1S83. (Ml SCOTT, SIR WALTKR-DenionoloRy and Witchcraft. London, 1884. <i52 TENNYSON, TiORD— Tiresiaa and other Vocxm. New York, 1885. ♦553 SCOTTISH REVIEW, April No. 1885. Arts, on : Canada, American Loy- alittts. <154 MACAULAY, T. B.— EssayH and Lays of Ancient Rome. 1 vol. London, 1885. <555 MORLEY, HENRY— Enplinh Literattim in the reign of (^loon \'ictc.ria. London, 1881. (5.56 HOGO, .FAMES— Poetical WorkH. London, 1886. (557 PITCAIRN'S ISLAND and The Mntiny of the Bounty. 1 vol. Loi don, 1854. (558 SCOTT, SIR WALTER— A Legend of Montrose. Edinburgh, IH.IO. 6.59 COLLINS, WILKIE— The Moonstone. Now York, 18(58. (560 GEERSTACKER, F.— How a bride was won. New York, 1809. 661 THE CHAPLET OF PEARLS. New York, 1809. <562 RING, MAX— .Tolm Milton and liia times. New York, 1808. 663 MISS VAN KORTLAND. New York, 1870. 664 RUSSELL, W. H.— My Diary North and South. New York, 18(53. €65 READE, CHARLES-A Hero and a Martyr. New York, 1875. 666 TROLLOPE, A.— Phineas ]• ii, the Irish member. New York, 1808, 667 TROLLOPE, A.-The Vicar of Bullhampton. New York, 1870. 668 HALPINE— Poetical Works. New York, 1869. •669 CARLYLE, THOMAS-Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. Philadeliihia 1850. 670 TENNYSON, A. -Poetical works. New York, 1870. ^71 ST. JAMES BUDGET-Four vols. 1884 to 1887. €72 BALDWIN, J. D.—Pre-historic Nations or Inquiries concerning some of the great peoples and civilizations of antiquity. 1 vol. New York, 1869. 80 673 COLLINS, WILKIE-A ShockinK Story. New York. 674 Ht)()K, THKODOHK— TheRaniHbottom letterB. London, 1872. 675 LESA(;K-GilBla8of Hftntillane. a voIh. Hartford, 1H44. 670 HALLKCK, FITZ (iREKNJ^-PooniH. New York, 1869. 677 SAKCJKNT, E.— The woman who dared. lUmton, 1870. 678 THE THREE CHANCES— London, 1877. 679 COLLINS, WILKIE-The Black Robe. New edition. London. 680 COLLINS, WILKIE-The Queen of Heartn. New edition. London, 1872. 681 VERONICA. Now edition. 1 vol. London. 682 BALLANTYNE, R. M. -Fighting the Flanies. 1 vol. London, 1867. 683 BEACONSFIELD, LORD-Lothair. By the Right Hon. B. Disraeli. New York, 1370. 084 SCOTT, C— The Green Room. London. 685 CURLING, H.— The Soldier of Fortune. London, 18.52. 686 BYRON, LORD-Poetical Works. IlluHtrated. 17 vols. London, 1832. 687 MILTON-Paradise Lost, with notes by Prof. Boyd. New York, 1850. 688 POPE, ALEX.— Works. Philad-ilphia, 1847. 689 FIELDING, HENRY-Works. Illustrated by Cruikshank. 1 vol. New edition. London, 1849. <;90 SHERIDAN, R. B.— Plays. London, 1885. 691 TIMES-A reprint from the London Times. The annual sununaries for a quarter of a century. 1 vol. London, 187(5. J. SCHOOL BOOKS. 692 CURTIUS' Smaller Greek Grammar. London, 1863. 693 PARSING Lessons. First Book of .Eneid. London, 1840. 694 PRINCIPLES of Latin and English Grammar. Edinburgh, 1832. fl;»5 LATIN (irammar. By Donaldson. London, 1800. 696 ETON Latin Grammar. 1866. 697 NOEL & CHAPSALS-French Grammar. 2 vols. PhiladJphia, 1«43. i. 31 603 OLLKNDOKF'S new nietlxid of leurning (Jcrman. New York, 18«W. 61)0 NOTA Comniodio. Torino, 183<J. 700 MOIIAND'H iJiuloguoa Francaitj and Itulieus. Lyon, 18i54. 701 GRAMMAIUK Italienne. 702 GRAMMAIKK dea (iranunairoH. Par A. Baron. 2 vols. Bruxelles, 18;}7. 703 GRAMMAR of EngliHh (Jraninmra. Hy (Joold Brown. New York, 1857. 704 SMART'S Manual of Ciranuuar. London, 184'J. 705 SMART'S Manual of Rhetoric. London, 1848. 700 GRAMMAR of Anglo-Saxon Language. By A. March. Now York, 1870. 707 YON( J K— Introduction to the Latin tongue. London, 1804. 708 LATIN.-E GranimaticiB rudiinenta. Londini, 1841. 709 LATIN— Johannes Kennedy Syntax Grit'co Latinti. 1 vol. 1G88. 710 HILEY'S English Grammar, 1 vol. London, 184(i. 711 MARCH— Parsing and Analyser. 1 vol. New York, IHtii). 712 MUSA GriBCa. 1 vol. Oxonii, 1833. COLLKCTION OF VARIOUS MAPS, Viz : — Collins' Railway Map of Ireland, in case. Loudon. Map and view of Sabastopol and its environs, in case. Reynold's colored map of London, with visitor's (iuide, in case. Map of London, colored, to ahow the New Postal Districts. Map of Eastern Townships of Canada, in case. Philip's Authentic Map of Turkey in Asia, in case. Diverses cartes de la Province de lintshec, 1881, in case. 713 UNIVERSAL Geography founded on the works of Malte-Brun & Balbi. 1 vol. Edinburgh, 1844. 714 ATLAS de chaque comte du Canada sous I'Union . 1 vol. 715 BLACK'S General Atlas. 1 vol. Edinburgh, 1844. 716 CLASSICAL xVTLAS. Edinburgh. 717 ATLAS pour les dernieres guerres, nctammeut pour la vie de Napoleon I. 1 vol. Paris. 718 HISTOIRE pour servir a I'atlas des dernifere guerres, notamnient jjour la vie de Napoleon I. 1 vol. Paris. 719 WAR MAP of Lower Egypt. Edinburgh, 1882. 32 720 GRAY, PROF. ASA-Le.sons in Botany, with a Glossary. New York, 187(i. 721 GRAY, PROF. ASA-Field, Forest and Garden Botany. New York, 1809. 722 gray', prof. ASA-New Manual of Botany. New York, 1880. 723 DAWSON, SIR J. W.-Hand book of Zoology. Montreal, 1880. 724 GARDNER, DR.-Hand book of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy. 2 vols. London, 1853. 725 FOWNES- Manual of Chemistry. London, 1852. 720 HARDWICH-Manual of Photographic Chemistry. New York, 1857. 727 CAZIN-Phenomena and Laws of Heat. New York, 1809. 728 TURNER— Chemistry. London, 1842. 729 DOLBEAR, PROF. -The Telephone and how to make it. London, 1878. 730 WHITE, A. D.-Warfare of Science. New York, 1870. 731 CAPE-Mathematics. 2nd vol. and 2nd edition. London, 1844. 732 PLAYF AIR— Geometry. Edinburgh, 1837. 733 GREGORY- Organic Chemistry. London, 1845. .734 WONDERS of the Tel.;scupe. Study of Astronomy. London, 1809, with 14 plates. AGRICULTURE AND GARDENING. 735 PAUL, WILLIAM- Villa Gardening. London. 730 CHARLTON-Grape-grower's guide. New York. 737 BUIST-Family Kitchen Gardener. New York, 1805. 738 BALDWIN-Introduction to practical farming. London, 1875. 739 BOUSSINGAULT-Rural Economy. New York, 1850. 740 DANA-^Iuck Manual. New York, 1855. 741 EVERY WOMAN her own flower gardener. New York 1874. 742 LOUDON— Gardning for Ladies. London, 1843. 743 CRAIG, E. T.— History of Rahi>line, London, 1882. 744 WARNER, C. D.-My summer in a Garden. London, 1871. 7/<5 FLAGG, W. J.-European Vine Yards. New York, 1809 'i I 33 i 74a GASPARIN— Fermage. Paris. 747 GASP AKIN— Metayage. Paris. 748 VILLEROY— Laitifere, beurre at fromage. Paris. 74!) DAWSON, J. W.— Scientific Agriculture. Montreal, 1870, 750 ROOSEVELT— Five acres too much. New York, 1869. 751 BURN, SCOTT— Landed estates. London, 1877. 752 STEPHENS, H.— The Farmer's Guide. 2 vols. New York, 1866, 753 LOW— Practical Agriculture. London, 1843. 754 HIBBERD, S.— The Fern Garden. London, 1875. 755 REPORT of the Department of Agriculture. Washington, 1863-1866. 756 REPORT of the Department of Agriculture. Ottawa, 1881, and Appendix, 1881. 757 FLOWERS of the Forest. London. 758 FARMING by Inches or " With Brains, Sir." 1 vol. Boston. 75!) FLAGG, W. J.— Hand-book of the Sulphur Cure as applicable to the Vine Disease. New York, 1870. 76) LOUDON— Encyclopedia of Cottage Farm and Villa Architecture. London, 186!). 761 WHEELER, G.— Rural Homes. New York, 1854. 762 RICHARDSON, J. C— The Englishman's House. London, 1870. 763 WHITE, CAPT.—Archajological Sketches Knapdale and Gigha. Edinburgh, 1875. 761 OLD CHURCH Architecture of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1861. 765 PUGIN, A. WELBY— Details of Ancient Timber Houses. 1836. 766 PALEY— Manual of Gothic Architecture. London, 1846. 767 DAVIDSON, ELLIS— Linear Drawing. London. 768 MASURY, J. W.— House Pti inting. Plain and Decorative. New York, 1868. 76i) BEETON, MRS.— Book of Household Management. London, 1869, 770 MEG DOD'S COOKERY. Edinburgh. 771 CUISINIERE Modele. Par Mme. E. H. Gabrielle. Paris. Nouv Ed. 772 FRENCH COOKERY— Mrs. Toogood. London, 1866. 34 773 COOKERY School Text-book. By J. Corson. New York, 1879. 774 ROAD-MAKING-London, 1868. 775 WELL SINKING, Digging and Boring, by J. G. Swindell. London. 776 HERBERT, H. W.— Hints to Horsekeepers. New York, 1859. 777 RICHARDSON, H. D.— Horses. London. 778 WRIGHT, L.— Practical Poultry-Keeper. 1 vol. Coloured. London, 1867. 779 LANGSTROTH— The Honey-bee. Philadelphia, 1865. 780 RABBITS AND SQUIRRELS— London. 781 YOU ATT— On the Sheep. Illustrated. New York. 782 COLLECTION of Parliamentary Documents. 135 vols, of Blue Books. Unbound. Published from 1851 to 1884. 13 vols. Sessional Papers and Journals — Dominion of Canada. Bound. 1878 12 vols. " " " " " " 1879 27 vols. " " " " " " 1880-81 10 vols. " " " " " " 1882 8 vols. " " " " " " 1883 15 vols. " " " " " " 1884 17 vols. Journals and Sessional Papers — Province of Quebec. Bonnd. 783 TWO BOXES— Containing The Evenitvi Telegraph file, 1868, May, June, July, November and December ; 1869, January, February, March, April, May, Jime, July, August, September, October, November and December ; 1870, January, February, March and April. Twenty numbers of Diogenes and some other papers. 784 LORD BYRON'S Works and Life, by Moore. 17 vols. London, 1833. 785 MILTON'S Poetical Works. Notes by Boyd. New York, 18 6. 786 FISKE, JOHN— American Political Ideas. New York, 1885, 787 POPE'S Poetical Works. Philadelphia, 1847. 788 DICKENS— Pickwick Papers. 2 vols. Paris, 1839. 789 LAMBERT— Notos on Ingersoll. Buffalo, 1883. 790 TWENTY copies Correspondence, Documents, Evidence and Proceedings in the Inquiry into the Office of Clerk of the Crown and Clerk of the Peace, with the Remarks of Messrs. Delisle and Schiller. ,¥ 35 (K \ LAW. of a Traveller. By a Barrister-at- CANADIAN 900 ANONYMOUS— Wrongs and Rights Law. 8v(). Toronto, 1875. 901 RULES AND ORDERS OF PRACTICE for the Court of King's Bench, 1811-1823. 8vo. Montreal, 1823. 902 MUNICIPAL and Road Act, 1855. 903 JUSTICE of the Peace Act. 2 Vic, ch. 20 ; 14 and 15 Vic, ch. 54, 93 and 95. Quebec, 1853. 904 SEIGNIORIAL ACT, 1854 905 TODD— Private Bill Practice. 906 RULES of the Legislative Assembly. 907 DOUTRE ET LAREAU-Le Droit Civil Canadien. Tome le (all pub- Ushed). Histoire Generale du Droit Canadian, 1492-1791. 8vo. Mont- real, 1872. 908 CORRESPONDENCE, Documents, Evidence and Proceedings in the Inquiry of Mr srs. Lafrenaye and D..herty, Commissioners, into the Office of Clerk of the Crown and Clerk of the Peace, with remarks of Messrs. Delisle, Schiller and Breluvnt. Montreal, 1804. 2 copies 909 HART-On Mining Rights and Privileges in Canada. 8vo. Montreal, 18()7. 910 PERRAULT-Extraits ou Precedents des Arrests tires des R^gistres du C.nseil Superieur de Ciuebec, 1727-59. 8vo. Quebec, 1824. 911 PERRAULT, Prevoste de Quebec, Extraits ou Precedents, tiros des Registres, 172G-59. (Quebec, 1829. Svo. 912 SEIGNIORIAL Tenure. Titles and Documents. English. Svo. 913 SEIGNIORIAL Tenure. Do. French. 913^ QUESTIONS Seigneuriales. Documents and Debates. 8vo. Quebec, 1853. 914 ANGERS, L. C. R. -Questions Seigneuriales. Vols. A and B. 2 vols. 8vo. Quebec and Montreal, 1856. 915 ANGERS, L. C. R.— Questions Seigneuriales, in English. 2 vols. 916 CUGNET-Traites de la Loi des Eiefs, des Anciennes Lois de Propriety et de la Police en Canada. 8vo. Quebec, 1775. 917 DeMONTIGNY— Des Arrestations. Svo. Montreal, 1882. 917^ Do. Histoire du Droi' "anadien. Svo. Montreal, 1869. 918 BEAUDRY-Codes des Cures, MarguiUiers, etc. Svo. Montreal, 1870. / 36 919 LAFONTAINE -Djh Bureaux d'EniH^gistrement. Montreal, 1842. 920 HERVIEU— Analyse des Lois d'Enri'gistrement. 12nio, Montreal, 18G4. 921 TAYLOR— The Magistrates' Manual. Montreal, 1843. 922 HERVIEU— Couimcntaire sur les Titres, 17 ot 18 du Code Civil. Montreal, 1870. 92.3 DU15REUIL— Index to tlie Statutes affecting the Province of Quebec, from 1859 ()7 ; and of all Acts passed by the Parlianjent of the Dominion and by the Legislature of the Province of C^U'ebec, up to 1879. 8vo. Montreal, 1879. 924 SANBORN— Handy Books for Sheriffs and Bailiffs of the Province of (Quebec. 12mo. Montreal, 1870. 92.5 MUNICIPAL CODE. English. 92G MUNICIPAL CODE. French. 927 GLACKMEYER— The Charter and By-Laws of the City of Montreal. 2 vols. Bvo. Montreal, 1865. 928 BERRIAT, SAINT-PRIX— Le Jury en Matibre Criminelle. 8vo. Paris, . 1867. 929 PAGNUELO— Lettres sur la Reforme Jndiciaire. 8vo. Montreal, 1880. 930 CHOUINARD— Code de I'lnstruction Publique dans la Province de Quebec. 8vo. Qrebec, 1882. 931 WURTELE— Manual of the Legislative Assembly of Quebec. Quebec, 1385. 932 DESAUTELS— Manuel des Cure's. 12mo. Montreal, 1SG4. 933 PROCiCS de Provencher-Boisclair, pour Meurtre. 8vo. Sorel, 1807. 934 AN ACT to Revise and Consolidate the Cliarter of the City of Montreal, 1874. I CONSTITUTIONAL. 935 LAELAMME— Reforme Judiciaii-e. Montreal, 1882. 930 LAREAU— Reforme Judiciaire. Montreal, 1882. 937 TRAVIS— On the Constitutional Powers of Parliament. Pamphlet. St. .John, N. B., 1884. 938 CARTWRIGHT— Cases decided on the British North America Act, 1807. 2 vols. 8vo. Toronto, 1882-1883. \ 37 939 WATSON— I'l ers of Canadian Parliament. 940 DOUTRE— Constitution of Canada. 8vo. Montreal, 1880. 941 LORANCiER— Lettrea sur I'lnterpretation de la Constitution Federalo de la Puissance. 2 pamphlets. Quebec et Montreal, 1883-1884. 941i GOOCH— Constitution of Canada. STATUTES. 942 STATUTES of Canada, 4 and 5 Vict., (1841)— to 29 and 30 Vict., (186G). 26 vols. 4 to and 8vo. Kingston, Toronto, etc. 942i Do. do., in French. 23 vols, 943 STATUTES— (Consolidated) of Canada. Svo. Toronto, 1859. 943i Do. do, French. 944 STATUTES— (Consolidated) of Upper Canada. Svo. Toronto, 1859. 945 STATUTP^S— (Consolidated) of Lower Canada. Svo. Quebec, 1861. 946 Do. do., French. 947 STATUTES of the Dominion of Canada, 31 Vic. (1867)— to 49 Vic. (1886.) 20 vols. Svo. Ottawa, 1867-86. 948 IMPERIAL ACTS, 1851 54. Merchant Shipping and Fishery Acts. Quebec. 1854. 949 IMPERIAL ACTS, 1851-54. Merchant Shipi)ing and Fishery Acts. Quebec, 1854. French. 950 ACTES et Ordonnances revises du Bas Canada. Svo. Montreal, 1845. 950i Do. do. English. 951 TABLES RELATIVES aux Actes et Ordonnances du Bas-Canada. Svo. Kingston, 1843. 951 J Do. do. English. 952 STATUTS du Canada depuis la Confedl-ration, 1866 h, 1886. 18 vols. 953 CRIMINAL STATUTES of Canada, 4th to 5th Vic, with notes. King- ston, 1843. 954 CRIMINAL STATUTES of Canada extracted from the Consolidated Statutes. 955 WICKSTE ED— Table of Statutes— Upper Canada. Toronto, 1856. ^c^J^- 38 95G WICKSTP^KD— Table of Statutes— Lower Canada. Toronto, 1857. 966i Do. do. " " French " 957 Do. Index to Statutes in force in Upper Canada. *' 1856. 958 Do. " " of Canada. Quebec, 1854. 958^ STEVENS— Index to the Statutes of Canada, Proclamations, Orders, etc. St. Stephens, N.B., 1875. 959 WICKSTEED- -Index to the Statutes of Lower Canada, at the end of tV : Session of 185G. 8vo. Toronto, 1857. 959^ Do. do. French. 9G0 WICKSTEED -Table of the Statute.^ of the Dominion of Canada. 8vo. Toronto, 1874. 9(51 LOIS sur I'lnstruction Publique. 962 AN ACT respecting Indictable Offences. 1844. 903 MASSIAH— The Quebec Railway Statutes. 8vo. Quebec, 1883. 964 REVISING, Consolidating and Amending Acts of 1874. 965 REPORT OF THE COMMISSION for the Revision and Codification of the Statutes of Quebec. 2 vols. 906 EXAMEN of the Report of the Committee of Revision. 967 JUDICIAL REFORMS proposed by the Committee for Revision. First Report. Quebec, 1882. Three copies. <-^ 908 ORDINANCES made for the Province of Quebec, by the Governor (Murray) and Council, since the establishment of the Civil Government. Fol. Quebec, 1767. 909 EDITS, Ordonnances Royaux concernant le Canada, 1540—1753. 2 vols. 4to. Quebec, 180G-G. 909^ EDITS, Ordonnances Royaux concernant le Canada, 1540—1753. 3 vols. 8vo. Qui5bec, 1854-6. 970 PROVINCIAL STATUTES of Lower Canada, .33 Geo. III. (1793) to 6 Will. IV. (1836). 15 vols in 13. 4to. Quebec, 1830-6. 971 ORDINANCES of the Si)ecial Council of Lower Canada. 1 Vic. (1838)— 4 Vic. (1841). 3 vols. 4to. Quebec, 1838-40. 972 CRIMINAL LAW— Imperial and Canada Statutes, bound up in 1868 for the use of Commission for Revising tlie Laws. 973 DOMINION ELECTION ACT, 1874— English and French. 3 copies. I 1 I i • 39 974 ABBOTT— Insolvent Act for Upper and Lower Canada, of 1864. 975 POPHAM— Insolvent Act of 1869. 976 WOTHERSPOON— Insolvent Act of 1875. 977 KERR— The Magistrates' Acts of 1869. 978 STATUTES of Ontario, 1867-8. 8vo. Toronto, 1868-81. 979 STATUTS DE QUlfcBEC, 31 Vic. {1868)-49 and 50 Vic. (1886). 21 vols. 8vo. Quebec, 1868 to 86. 980 Do. do., English. 20 vols. 981 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS appointed to Revise the Statutes of Canada. 2 vols. Ottawa, 1884-5. REPORTS. 982 PIKE— Cases in the Court of King's Bench of Lower Canada, 50 Geo. IIL (1810). 8vo. 983 STUART— Reports of Cases in the Courts of King's Bench, and in the Court of Appeals of Lower Canada. 8vo. Quebec, 1834. 984 LETOURNEUX, et a1. Revue de Legislation et de Jurisprudence, 1845-8. 3 vols 8vo. Montreal et Quebec, 1845-8. 985 RAMSAY ET MORIN— Law Reporter ou .Journal de Jurisprudence, 1853-4. 8vo, Montreal, 1854. 986 REPRINT of do. Montreal Condensed Reports, 1884. 988 LORRAIN— Code des Locateurs et Locataires. 8vo. Montreal, 1885. Do. do. Reprint. 8vo. Montreal, 1884. 989 LEFEBVRE ET ANGERS et al. Lower Canada Reports, 1850-67. 17 vols. 8vo. Quebec, 1851-67. 990 THE LOWER CANADA JURIST, 1856-82. 26 vols. 8vo. Montreal, 1857-82. 991 KIRBY— The Lower Canada Law Journal, 1865-68. 4 vols. 8vo. Montreal, 1866-68. 992 MATHIEU— La R'jvue T/.gale, 1869-85. 13 vols. 8vo. Montreal. 11 vols. bound ; 2 vol*:, unbound, and vol. 12 incomplete. 993 REVUE CRITIQUE DU CANADA, 1871-75. 3 vols. 8vo. Montreal. 994 DORION— Decisions de la Cour d'Appel. 4 vols. 8vo. Montreal, 1880.84. CIVIL CODE. 1111 DEBELLEFEUILLa— Code Civil du Bas Canada. 12mo. Montreal, 1866. 1112 DeBELLEFEUILLE— Code Civil Annote. 8vo. Montreal, 1879. 1113 McCORD— The Civil Code of Lower Canada. 12mo. Montreal, 1867. 40 995 THE LEGAL NEWS-Conducted by J. Kirby, 1878-86. 9 vole. Svo. Montreal. 8 vols, bound and one vol. unbound. 996 REPORTS OF THE SUPREME COURT OF CANADA, 1876-86 11 vols. 8vo. Ottawa, 1878-86. 10 vols, bound and one vol. unbound. 997 THE QUEBEC LAW REPORTS, 1875-86. 12 vols. 8vo. Quebec. 11 vols, bound and one vol. unbound. 998 REPORTS OF THE STATE TRIALS before a General Court Martial held at Montreal in 1838-39. 2 vols. 8vo. Montreal, 1839. 999 TRIAL OF ALEX. McLEOD for Murder of Amos Durfea and the Burning of the Steamer Caroline, 1837. New York, 1841. 1000 BENJAMIN, L. N.-The St. Albans Raid. Report of the Trial of Bennett H. Young et at, 1001 REPORT of the Railway Commissioners of the Province of Quebec, 1881-2. 1002 CHARTERS and Documents relating to the South Eastern Railway, 1881. 1002J McGIBBON— A Synopsis of the Great Pew Case. Svo, Montreal, 1877. 1003 RAPPORT des Commissaires pour la Codification des Lois Civiles du Bas Canada. 4 vols. 4to, Quebec et Ottawa, 1865-6. Code Civil. 3 vols. De Procedure Civil. 1vol. 1004 THE TAX CASES-Montreal, 1885. 1005 PATRICK— Canadian Precedents of Decisions by Parliamentary Commit- tees in Election Cases. Toronto, 1851. 1006 RAMSAY— Notes sur la Coutume de Paris. 12mo. Montreal, 1863. Two copies. 1007 MORGAN— Canadian Legal Directory, 1878. 1008 REPORT on Capital Punishment. 1009 JUGEMENTS et Deliberations du Conseil Souverain de la Nouvelle France. Vols. 1 and 2. Quebec, 1885. 1110 KIRBY— The Montreal Law Reports :— Superior Court, Court of Queen's Bench. 2 vols. 8vo. Montreal, 1885. And 2 vols, incomplete. r t" ■ • r 41 1114 McCORD— The Civil Code of Lower Canada. 12 mo. Montreal, 1870. 1115 LORANGER— Comn.entaire Hur le Code Civil, ler vol. 8vo. Montn-al, 1873. 1116 CODE CIVIL DU BAS CANADA. 8vo. Ottawa, 1866. English and French. 1117 LAREAU— Le Code Civil du Bas Canada. 8vo, Montreal, 1885. 1118 MATHIEU— Code Municipal de la Province de Quebec. 12mo. Mont- re'al, 1886. 1119 DKBl-lLLEFEUILLE-Code Municipal de la Province de Quebec. 12nio. Montreal, 187!). PROCEDURE. 1120 CODE DE PROCEDURE Civile du Bas Canada. 8vo. Ottawa, 1867. 1121 DOU'^RE— Les Lois de la Procedure Civile de la Province de tiut^bec. 2 vols. 8vo. Montreal, 1867-69. 1122 WOTHERSPOON— A Manual of the Practice and Procedure in the Prov- ince of tiuebec. 12mo. Montreal, 1870. 1123 TASCHEREAU— Le Code Procedure Civile du Bas Canada Aunot-J. 8vo. Quebec, 1876. 1124 LORRAIN— Code de Procedure Civile. 12mo. Montreal, 1886. 1125 CASSELS -The Procedure in the Supreme and Exchequer Courts of Canada. 12mo. Toronto, 1877. DIGESTS. 1126 RAMSAY— A Digested Index to the Reported Cases in Lower Canada, 1727—1864. 8v(). Ciuebec, 1865. 1127 ROBERTSON— A Digest of all the Reports published in Lower Canada, 8vo. Montreal, 1864. 1128 STEVENS— Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of Judicature of New Brunswick, 1825-79. 1129 STEPHENS— The Quebec Law Digest, 1877. 8vo. Montreal, 1878. 1130 CASSELS— Digest of Cases Decided by the Supreme Court of Canada, 1886. 8vo. Toronto, 1886. ■UBMgii^'^^'^ 42 INDEXES. 1131 LUSIGNAN-Index Aiialytiqiie cle.s Decisions Judiciairea du Bas-Canada, 1804.71. 8vo. Montreal, 1872. 1132 DUBRETJIL— Index to the Criminal and Ponal Statutes of Canada. 12ino. Montreal, 1877. 1133 IRVIN(t'S Index bound up witii Gorrie on LeaHe. 1134 FRIGON— Rt^glements de la Cite de Trois Riviferes, 1871. f I i [i DROIT FRANOAIS ANOIBN. 1135 BOURDOT DE RICHEB0UR(4 -Nouveau Coutumior Geno'ral. 4 vols. bound in 8 vols. fol. Paris, 1724. 1136 DELAMARRE— Traite de la Police. 2 vols. fol. Paris, 1710. 1137 FI^RRIERE — Corps et Compilation de tons les commentateurs sur la coutume de Paris. 4 voIh. fol. Paris 1714. 1138 BASNAGE— Oeuvres ; Coutume de Normandie. 2 vols. fol. Rouen, 1G94. 1139 COQUILLE— Oeuvres. 2 vols. fol. Bordeaux, 1703. 1140 BOUCHEL-Bibli()th{?que du Droit rran9ais. 3 vols. fol. Paris, 1667. 1141 DESPEISSES-Oeuvres. 3 vols. fol. Lyon, 1600. 1143 BACQUET— Oeuvres. 3 vols, bound in 1. fol. Paris, 1607. 1144 HENRI— Oeuvres, avec les observations de Bretonnier. 4 vols. fol. Paris 1772. 1145 BOURJON— Le Droit Commun de la I'Vance. 2 vols. fol. Paris, 1770. 1146 LEBRUN— Des Successions, fol. Paris, 1775. 1147 LEBRUN— De la Communaute. fol. Paris, 1754. 1148 RENUSSON-Oeuvres. fol. Paris, 1700. 1149 AUZANET— Oeuvres. fol. Paris, 1708. 1150 LOYSEAIT-Oeuvres. fol. Paris, 1006. 1151 RICARD— Des Donations Entre-vifs et Testamentaires. 2 vols Fol Paris, 1730-4. 1152 N^RON ET GIRAT^D-R^cueil d'Edits et d'Ordonances Royaux, 1332- 1719. 2 vols. Eol. Paris, 1720. 1153 DUFRESNE— Journal des Audiences du Parliament de Paris, 1622— 172'> 7 vols. Fol. 1757. > r > 48 1154 AU(}ftARD— ArrestH d«is ditferens Tribunaux du Royauine. 2 voLj. Fol. raris, I7r.0. 11544 ANNE-ROBERT— Qiiatre Livres de ChoHes JuRtJes par le Court. 4to. Taria, 1G22. 1155 DOM AT— Lois Civiles, Fol. Taria, 1777. 1156 DE FERRlfeRE— Dictionnaire des Termes de Pratique. 2 voIh. 4to. Paris, 1734. 1157 DENISART-Collection de Ducinion-s. 4 vols. 4to, Paris, 1771. Known as " Ancion Denisart Ed. par Camus, Bayard et al. 1157i DENISART-Collection de Decisions. 13 vols. 4to, Paris, 1783-1807. 1158 FRfiMINVILLE— Pratique Universelle pour la Renovation des Terriers, &c. G vols. 4 to. 1159 GUYOT— Droit des Patrons et des Seigneurs des Paroisses. 4to. Paris, 1758. 1160 POCQUET DE LIVONlfeRE— Des Fiefs. 4to. Paris, 1756. 1161 HENRION DE PANSEY— Traits des Fiefs de Dumoulin. 4to. Paris, 1773. 1162 BOUTARIC— Des Droits Seigneurieux. 4to. Nismes, 1781. 1163 GUYOT— Repertoire de Jurisprudence. 17 vols. 4to. Paris, 1784-5. 1104 GUYOT— Des Fiefs. 6 vols. 4to. Paris, 1751. 1165 FREMINVILLE— Du Gouvernement des Biens et des Communautes d'habitants. 4t(>. Paris, 1760. 1166 FONMAUR— Des Droits de lots et ventes. 4to. Lyon, 1783. 1167 FURGOLE— Commentaire de I'ordonnance de 1747 sur les Substitutions. 4to. Paris, 1767. 1168 DUNOD DE CHARNAGE— Des Pr.^scriptions. 4to. Paris, 1786. 1169 COCHIN— Oeuvres. 6 vols. 4to. Palis, 1771. 1170 POTHIER. Oeuvres. 8 vols. 4to. Paris et Orleans, 1781. 1171 SALLE— L'Esprit des Ordonnances de 1667 et 1669. 4to. Paris, 1771. 1172 PRUDHOM ME -Droits des Seigneurs. 4to. Paris, 1781. 1173 US ET COUTUMES de la Mer. 4to. Rouen, 1671. 1174 LALAURE-Recueil dea Arrets du Parlement. Fol. Avignon, 1773. 44 1175 ANONYME-ProcbH verbal dcH C«nft!ronc<'H do rOrdounaiici' de ]«07-70l 4t(>. PariH, 177(). 1170 SERPILLON— Code Civil ou Cumineiitaire sur rOrdoniiance de 10«)7. 4t(). Paris, 177(5. 1177 BONNIE R-Conft'rencoH des Ordonnanct'H. 2 vols, 4to, Pam, 1755. 1178 DANTY— De la Preuve par TeiiioiuH. 4t(). Paris, 1709. 1179 PRACTICIEN du Clmtelot. 4t(). Paris, 1773. 1180 HERICOURT— De la vente des Iininoubles par secret. 4to. Paris, 1752. 1181 PKJEAU— La Procedure Civile du Chiitelotde Paris. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1789, 1182 RAVAUT— Cours de Pratique Civile, 4to, Paris, 1788. 1183 DENISART— Actes de Notoriett^. 4to, Paris, 1709. 1184 SERPILLON— Code du Faux. 4to. Lyon, 1774. 1185 ANONYME— Maxinies du Droit Public Franvais, 2 vols, in 12. 1772. 1180 BOUTARIC— Explication de I'Ordonnance de 1731 concernant les Do- nations, Avignon, 1744, 1187 ARGOU— Institution du Droit Fran^ais. 2 vols, in 12, Paris, 1702. 1188 MONTHIEL— Instruction Facile sur les Conventions. 12mo. Paris, 1779. 1189 POCQUET DE LIVONlfeRE-Rfegles du Droit Fran9ais. 12mo, Paris, 1744, 1190 DAREAU— Des Injures, 2 vols, 12ino, Paris, 1785. 1191 JOUSSE— Nouveau Coninientaire sur les Ordonnancea de 1009, 1073 et 1' Edit de Mars de 1073, 12mo, Paris, 170L 1192 JOUSSE — De Jurisdiction Volontaiie et Contentieuse des Officiaux. 12mo. Paris, 1709, 1193 PREVOT DE LA JANNilS— Les Principes de la Jurisprudence Fran^aise. 2 vols, 12rno, Paris, 1780, 1194 BOUCHER n'ARGIS-De la Crue des Meubles. 12mo, Paris, 1708. 1195 JOUSSE— Nouveau Commentaire sur I'Ordonnance Civile de 1007. 2 vols. 12mo, Paris, 1707. 1190 DUMONT— Commentaire sur I'Ordonnance Civile de 1009. 12mo. Paris, 1783. 1197 FERRlfeRE— Connnentaire sur la Coutume de Paris, 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1783. f f 45 lilts IJRKTONXIKU K.'ouoil AlpliiiW-Hqiie do QuoHtlonH do Droit. 2 vols 12ino. I'uiis, 17")l>. 11!)'.) DE JANY—Principort ot Lrnagort citncorimnt It'H Diiuea, 12ino. riui», 177"). 1200 OHKUNK denLoix. 12ino, 1201 SAl '..S MOIULTAIHKS. I'uris, 1732. 1202 TKXTK deH CoutiiineB do k Prevonte et Vicompto de Paris. PtiiiH, 1740. 1203 BECCAllIA-DeH Delitn ot do8 PeincH. Parin, 1773. 1204 LA COUTUME do PariM iniHe on vers aveo texte a cot^. 1708. 1205 LALAURE— DeH ServitudoH Ileellos. 4t<). I'aiis, 1777. 120t» DE.S(!()DETS— Lois des BatinientH, Muivaiit la Coutuino do Paris. Svo. PariH, 1777. 1207 HERICOURT— Les Loi^ Ecclesiastiques de France. Vol. Parin, 1771. 1208 lyACiUE.SSEAU-lEuvresCompll'tes. 13 vols. 4to. Pari-*, 17r>9-84. 1201) MOLINA EUS—Oi)era que extant Omnia. 5 vols. fol. Pariniis, 1781. 1210 rOURNET— Arrets. 4to. PariH, 1022. 1211 DE LA ROQUE— De la Noblesse. Rouen, 1710. 1212 OUENOIS— La C<»nft'rence des Ordonnances et Edicts Royaux jusquen a 1051). 12i:> LOXET — Ai'rt'ts des Parlonient di? Paris. Ed. par Guy dn Rousseau de Laconibe. 2 vols. fol. Paris, 1742. 1214 MUYART de Vouylans, Les Lola Criminelles de Franco. 1 vol. fol. Paris, 1783. 1215 BARUEL— Recuoil d' Arrets du Parlenient de Paris. Notes de Berroyer, Avec des Additions, par La Laure. Fol. Avignon, 1773. 1216 BOUTARIC -Explication de TOrdonnance de Louis XV., (1731), Concer- nant los Donations. 4to. Avignon, 1744. 1217 FERRlfcRE-Nouv<"lle Introduction a la Pr.atique. 4 vols. 12nio. Paris, 1745. 1218 COQUILLE— Questions sur different*! points de Coutumes. 12mo. Paris, 1634. 1219 BLANCHARD— Compilation Chronologique des Ordonnances des Rois de France. 2 vols. Fol. Paris. m 46 FRENCH LAW, PREPARATORY. 1221 L0CR6— Procfes Verbaux du Conseil d'Etat. 5 vols. 4to. 1224 JOUANNEAU ET SOLON— Discussions dii Code Napoleon dans le Con- seil d'Etat. •^ vols. 8vo. Paris, 1808. 1225 FAVARD DE LANGLADE— Motifs et Discours lors de la Presentation du Code Civil au Conseil d'Etat. 2 vols, Paris, 1855. 1226 PONCELET— Journal des Codes Publics. Paris, 1820. 1227 TENET— Travaux Pr^parataires du Code Civil. 15 vols. 8v(). Pans, 1836. 1228 LOCR]£-La Legislation Civile, Commerciale et Criminelle de la France. 16 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1827-29. Les 16 vols, ci-dessus ne comprennent que le Code Civil. 122y LOCR^-Esprit du Code Napoleon. 7 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1807-14. 12^0 LOCR^-Esprit du Code Napoleon de Commerce. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1829. 1231 DEMALEVILLE-Analyse de la discussion du Code Civil. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1807. 1232 ANTHOINE DE SAINT JOSEPH— Concordance entve les Codes Civiles strangers et le Code Nai)oleon. 4 vols. Gr. 8vo. Paris, 185(1. ^ 1233 PIGEAU— La Procedure Civile du Chatelet de Paris. 2 v.ds. 4to. Paris. 1811. FRENCH LAW, MODERN. 1234 PELLAT— Textes sur la Dot. Paris, 1847. 1235 CELLIER— Formules des Actes et Contracts. Paris, 1844. 1236 OLIVIER- Observations sur le Code Civile. 1807. 1237 EXTRAIT du Registre de Deliberations du Conseil d'Etat. 1238 dePEYRONNY ET DELAMARRE-Commentaire sur 1' Expropriation. 8vo. Paris, 1860. 1239 DESQUIRON. De la Mort Civile en France. 8vo. Paris, 1822. 1240 BELLOT DES MINIERES-Commentaire sur I'Arbitrage. 3 vols. 8vo, La Reole, 1838. 1241 HORSON-Questions sur le Code de Commerce. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1830. \ 1242 LEIMONNIER— Commentaire sur 1' Assurance Maritime. 2 vols. 8vo. \ Paris, 1843. ,. 47 t / 1243 GRUN ET JOLIAT— Des Assurancoa Terrestres et de 1' Assurance snr la Vie. 8vo. Paris, 1828. 1244 RENOUARD— Des Faillitds et Banqueroiit^a, 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1842. 1245 PARUESSUS— Cours de Droit Commercial. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1821. 1246 EMERIGON— Essay on Maritime Laws. Baltimore. 1247 DUPIN— Profession d'Avocat. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1832. 1247^ le rinfluence du Droit Canoniqne sur la Legislation Frangaise. Toulouse, 1856. 1248 TOULLIER— Le Droit Civil Fran9ais. 15 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1830. 1249 MERLIN— Repertoire de Jurisprudence. 12 vols. 4to. Paris. 1250 MERLIN— Recueil Alphabetique des Questions de Droit. 8 vols. 4to. Paris. 1251 RONDONNEAU— Table du Repertoire de Jurisprudence et des Questions de Droit du Merlin. 4to. Paris, 1829. 27 vols, en tout. 1252 SIREY— Les Codes Annotes. Edition refondue par Gilbert. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1882-5. 1253 SOURDAT— De la Responsabilitt^. 2 vols, 8vo. Paris, 1876. 1254 CARR]&— Les Lois de la Proct^dure Civile. 3 vols. 4to. Paris, 1829. 1255 LE MONNIER — Commentaire sur les Principales Polices d'Assurances Maritiines. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1843. 1256 BERRIAT, SAINT-PRIX— Le Jury en Matibre Criminelle. Brochure. Paris, 1867. 1257 SIREY ET GILBERT— Les Codes Annotes. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1882-5. 1258 LES CINQ CODES de I'Empire Fran^ais. 18ni\ Amsterdam. 1259 LES SEIZE CODES des Frangais avec Indication de leurs Articles Cor- relatifs. 7 vols. Paris, 1835. ENGLISH LAW. 1260 LILLY- Modern Entries : Being a Collection of Pleadings in K. B. C. P. and Exchequer. Fol. 1758. 1262 FORSYTH— History of Trial by -Jury. 8vo. 187.5. 1263 LORD KxVINE'S Law Tracts. Edinburgh, 1776. \r nl 48 1264 TAYLOR-Medical Jurisprudence. Philadelphia, 1861. 1265 BROWN AND STEWART-Trials for Murder by Poisoning. London. 1883. 1266 JACOBS-Common Law. Folio. 1723, 1267 PALEY-OnSu,nn.ary Convictions by Justices of thePeace. 2vols. 8vo. London, 1821. 1268 PRIZE LAW. London, 1800. Juries Defended. S.o, London, 1792. 1270 GILBERT-Treatise on the Court otE.ehe,„er. 8v„. 1758. a„l and r™.tice ot the High Co.„t of Oh-noe... In the Savoy, 1758. 12:2 LOKD KAWES-Con.ide».ions on C™in.. Law. London, 1,72. 1273 COKE— Institutes. 7 vols. . -u 1 of Entries- of Declarations and Other Pleadmg.. 1274 HANSARD-A Book of J.ntries , oi Fol. London, 1685. 1277 CHITTY-On Bills. 8vo. Springfield. 1849. 12774 BYLES-On Bills. Philadelphia, 1848. 1278 BURGE-Law of Suretyship. 8vo. Boston, 1847. 1279 WATSON-On Partnership. 8vo. London, 1807. 12791 BAYLEY-On Bills. London, 1813. IPSOTOLLER-The Law of Executors and Administrators. 1827. 1281 CRUISE-Treatise on the Origin and Nature of Dignities, or Titles of Honor. London, 182.^. 1282 H ARGRAVE-A Collection of Tracts relative to the Law of England. 1787. 1283 TOMLINS-Law Dictionary. 2 vols. 4to. 1835. l..S4H^LE-The History of Common Law of England. 2 vols. 8vo. 1794. 1285 BLACKSTONE-Commentaries on the Laws of England. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1800. 1286 STARKIE-On the Law of Slander and Libel. 8vo. Albany, 1843. 1287 HANSARD-On Aliens. 8vo. London, 1844. 1288 HIGH-On Extraordinary Legal R^nedies. embracing Mandamus, Quo Warranto, &c. 8vo. Chicago, 1874. • vl 49 1289 STORY— Commentaries on the Conflict of Laws. 8vo. Boston, 1846. 1290 CALDWELL— Treatise on the Law of Arbitration. 8vo. Burlington, 1853. 1291 KYD— Treatise on the Law of Awards. London, 1799. 1292 D'AGUILAR— Courts Martial and Courts of Inquiry. Dublin, 1865. 1293 FALL— Employer's Liability for Personal Injuries. Boston, 1883. uo STATUTES. 1294 BARRINGTON— Observations upon the Statutes, chiefly the more Ancient^ from Magna Charta to 2l8t James I. London, 1796. 1295 ADDINGTON— Abridgment of the Penal Statutes. London, 1795. 1296 BARRINGTON— Observations on the more Ancient Statutes from Magna Charta to James I. Loudon, 1796. 1297 THE STATUTES at large from Magna Charta to A. D. 1822. 19 vols. 4to. Rathby's Index (Ed. by Tomlins and Rathby). 1298 CAY— Abridgment of Public Statutes from M. C. 9, Henry III (1225) to 1 George III (1760). 2 vols. fol. London. 1299 BUSHBY— Practice of Elections for the United Kingdom, 4th Ed. by Hardcastle. 8vo. London, 1874. 1300 ROUSE— The Copyhold Enfranchisement Manual. 12 mo. London, 1841. 1301 AMENDED Act for the Commutation of Copyholds. 6 and 7 Vic. Cap. 23. London, 1844. 1302 PUBLIC Acts for the Regulation of Railways. London, 1852. 1303 THE Terms of the Law expounded by Justice Rastell (temp. Philip and Mary) London, Circa. 1687. (title page wanting). 1304 BIGGS-Criminal Law Amendment Acts, 1861-1868. London, 1868. 1305 A FOLIO Volume, Annotated, of Bills, Reports, Questions and other Documents relative to the Abolition of Seigniorial Tenure m Canada. (It would be impossible to get together such a volume again). 1306 RULES, Orders and Notices in the Court of King's Bench. Loudon, 1747. 1307 BIRD-The New Pocket Conveyancer. London, 1816. Vol. 2 only. 50 I 1308 THE English Law Reports by the Council of Law Reporting, full calf binding, 1866 to 1875, London. Admiralty and E( clesiastical. 4 vols. Public General Statutes, 10 vols. English and Irish Appeals. 7 vols. Scotch and Divorce Appeals. 3 vols. Privy Council Appeals. G vols. Digest of Oases in all the Courts. 2 vols. Chancery Appeals. 10 vols. Weekly Notes, half calf. 16 vols. Queen's Bench. 10 vols. Common Pleas. 10 vols. Probate, Matrimonial and Divorce. 3 vols. Crown Cases Reserved. 2 vols. Exchequer Court. 10 vols. Equity Cases. 20 vols. 1309 VESEY'S Chancery Reports. Vols. 1, 2 and 4. Philadelphia, 1821. 1309i ANONYMOUS— A Digested Index to the Modern Reports in Chancery, 1609-1805. London, 1807. 1310 RAYMOND— Reports of Cases, King's Bench and Common Pleas. 3 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1792. 1311 STRANGE— Reports Chancery, King's Bench, 1716-1735. 2 vols. fol. London, 1795 1312 ROBINSON'S Admiralty Reports. 2 vols. London, 1801. 1313 GOW— Reports at Nisi Prius, Common Pleas, 1818-20. 8vo. London, 1828. 1314 COWPER'S Reports. King's Bench, 1774-8. Dublin, 1794. 1315 BLACKSTONE (W.)— Reports Court of Westminster, 1746-79. 2 vols. fol. London, 1781. 1316 ANSTRUTHER— Reports Exchequer, 1792-7. 8vo, Dublin, 1796. 1317 REPORT of the Impeachment and Trial of Viscount Melville. London, 1806. 1318 BRODERICK & EREEMANTLE— Ecclesiastical Judgments of the Privy Council, London, 1865. 1319 ATKYNS— Reports, Chancery, 1736-54. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1794. 13191 MODERN REPORTS by F. Beach ; King's Bench, Chancery, Common '^ Pleas and Exchequer, 1663-1755. 12 vols. fol. London, 1793-96. 1320 EAST-Reports, King's Bench, 1800-1810. 12 vols. 8vo. London. 1321 BOSANQUET AND PULLER-Reports, Common Pleas, etc. 2 vols. London, 1806. . 61 1322 SALKELD-Roport., King's Bench, 1689-1712. 3 vols. fol. 1795. 1823 KNAPP AND AMBLER-Cases of Controverted Elections in the Parlia n.ent of the United Kingdom, 1834. 8vo. London, 1837. 1324 PEERE WILLIAMS-Reports, Chancery, 1695-1735. 3 vols. fol. London. 1787. 1325 DOUGLAS-King's Bench Reports. 2 vols. London, 1790. 1326 BLACKSTONE (H.)-Reports, Court of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber, 1788-96. 2 vols. fol. 1801. 1327 TOMLINS-A Digested Index to the Term Reports, 1788-1810, 8vo. London, 1812. 1328 HAMMOND-Terms Index, H.B., C.P. and Exchequer. 2 vols. 8vo. 1329 HARGRAVE-State Trials. Complete Collection from 11 Richard II. to 16 George III. 11 vols in 6. Lcmdon, 1776. 1330 TOMLINS— RepertoriumJuridicum. London, 1786. 1331 PLOWDEN— Reports, King s Bench, 1550-80. fol. 1571. 1332 BROWN-Reports, Chancery, 1778-94. 4 voL. 8vo. London, 1785. 1333 THE TRIALS of Dr. Sacheverell, for High Crimes, 1709-10. Fol. Lon- don, 1710. 1334 TRIALS FOR HIGH TREASON in Scotland by Special Commission. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1823. 1.335 SAUNDERS— King's Bench Reports. 3 vols. Fol. London, 1722. 1336 LEVINZ-Reports, King's Bench, 1660-97. 2 vols. Fol. 1722. 1337 BURROWS-Reports, King's Bench, 1656-72. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1771-76. 1333 ATKINS— Reports. 1 vol. Fol. Dublin, 1765. 1330 ESPINASSE— Trials at Nisi Prius. Walpole, N. H. 3 vols. 1801. 1340 LEACH-Crr.wn Cases, 1730— 1800. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1800. Vol. I is missing. 1341 HAWKINS— Pleas of the Crown. 4 vols. London, 1795. 1342 ELLIOTT— The Newspaper Libel and Registration Act. London, 1884. 1342^ HARGRAVE AND BUTLER— Coke upon Littleton. Fol. London, 1789. i I 52 1343 COMMON LAW REPORTS— Containing a full Reprint of all the Cases decided in the Court of King's Bench, Common Pleas and Niai Prius, 1813-65. Reported by Adolphus, Ellis, Ellis and Blackburn, Scott, Barns- wall and Alderson, Bingham, Broderip and Bingliam, Carrington and Payne, Manning and Granger, Holt, Starkie, Taunton, and numerous others. Volumes after 06 containing Notes and References to American Decisions by Sharsvvood, Wharton and Parsons. 118 vols. 8vo. Phila- delphia. 1343i COMMON LAW REPORTS— Index. 2 vols. 8vo. 1344 FOSTER AND FINL AISON— Reports at Nisi Prius, etc., 1856-07. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1860-7. 1345 THE LAW TIMES— Reports. Vols, for 1854-6. 3 vols. Fol. London,. 1856. 1346 MOORE— Reports, Privy Council, 1836-45. 4 vols. 8vo. London. 1347 FOSTER— Crown Law. 8vo. London, 1776. 1348 EAST— Pleas of the Crown. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1806. 1349 PHILLI MORE— Judgment in the Case of Sheppard vs. Bennett. Lon- don, 1871. 1350 FINLAISON— Judgment iu the Folkestone Ritual Case. London, 1877 1351 HUME— Commentaries on the Law of Scotland respecting the descriptions and Punishment of Crimes. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1819. 1352 HALE— The History of the Pleas of the Crown. 2 vols. 8vo. 1736. 13.53 WOOD— An Institute of the Laws of England. London, 1772. INSURANCE. 1354 MARSHALL— On Insurance. 2nd Am. Ed. from 2nd Eng. Ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1810. 1355 DUER— On Marine Insurance. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1845. 1356 STEVENS AND BENECKE— On Average and Adjustments of Losses in. Marine Insurance. 8vo. Boston, 1838. 1357 PARK— On Marine Insurance. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1842. 13.58 ELLIS— On Fire and Life Insurance. Svo. Burlington, 18.54. 53 TREATISES. 1359 HARDCASTLE— On the Construction and Effect of Statutory Law. 8vo. London, 1879. 1360 KYD— On the Law of Bills of Exchange. 8vo. London, 1793. 1361 SHAND— Practice of the Court of Session. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1848. 1362 MONTAGU— The Opinions of different Authors upon the Punishment of Death. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1810. 1363 JERVIS— On the Office and Duties of Coroners. 8vo. London, 1866. l.%4 COMYNS— Digest of the Laws of England. 6 vols. 8vo. 1792. 1365 GREENLEAF— On Evidence. 3 vols. 8vo. Beaton, 1840. 1366 STEPHEN— A Digest of the Law of Evidence. 8vo. London, 1877. 1367 LEVEK SON— Copyright and Patents. London, 1854. 1368 GUY— Forensic Medicine. London, 1844. 1369 CHITTY— On Pleading. 3 vols. Springfield, 1851. 1370 STEPHEN— On Pleading. Philadelphia, 1851. 1371 WENTWORTH— A system of Pleading. 10 vols. 8vo. London, 1797. 1372 LUSHINGTON— Manual of Naval Prize Law. 8vo. London, 1866. 1373 INGRAM— On the Law of Compensation for Interest in Lands, &c., payable by Public Companies. 12mo. London, 1804. 1373i ENDLE— On Courts Martial. Dublin, 1865. 1374 GUY'S Principles of Forensic Medicine. 12mo. London, 1844. n COMMERCIAL. 1375 PALEY— On Principal and Agent. Additions by Dunlap et al. 8vo. New York, 1847. 1376 .JONES- An Essay on the Law of Bailments. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1836. 1377 STORY— On the Law of Bailments. 8vo. Boston, 1851. 1378 STORY— On the Law of Agency. 8vo. Boston, 185L 1379 WATSON— Oi. the Law of Partnership. 8vo. London, 1807. 1380 COLLYER— On Partnership. 8vo. Boston, 1848. 1^ 54 1381 ABBOTT— On Shippinf?. 8vo. Boston, 1850. 1382 CURTIS— Law of Patents. 8vo. Boston, 1873. 1383 SMITH-Compendium of Mercantile Law. 8vo. New York, 1855. |i ■^'^: ROMAN LAW. 1384 CUJACIUS-Opera Omnia. 13 vols. fol. Naples, 1758. With an Index and Promptuarium. 1385 MORNACCIUS-Observations in Pandectas. 4 vols. Fol. Paris, 1721. 1386 TERRASSON-Histoire de la Jurisprudence Romaine. Fol. Paris, 1750. 1387 POTHIEi;.-Pandectffi Justinianse in novum ordinem digestse 3 vols. Fol. 1782. 1388 BRfiARD, NEUVILLE-Pandectes de Justinian par Pothier, Traduites en rran9ais,avecle Text on regard. 24 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1818-24. 1389 MOREAU DE MONTALIN-Analyse des Pandectes de Pothier. en Fran- 9ais. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1824. 1390 HACNEL-Codices Theodosianus Gregorianus Hermogenianus. Bonn. 1842. 1391 CORPUS Juris Civilis. 4to. Paris, 1356. 1392 HULOT ET BERTHELOT-Les Cinquante Livres du Digeste, on des Pandectes de Justinien, Traduits en Fran9ais. 7 vols. 4to. Metz. An XII, (1803.) 1393 VINNII-Commentarios in IV Libros Institutionum, Cum Notis Hein- eccii. 4to. Lug. Bat., 1726. i 1394 DANTOINE— Les Rfegles du Droit Civil. 4to. Lifege, 1782. 1395 GOUILLART-Expositiondes Rfegles du Droit Anciensuivantl'ordre oh elles se trouvent placees au Digeste. 8vo. Pans au VIII (1798. ) 1396 STRUVIUS— Syntagma Jurisprudentifc. Jena, 1702. 1397 HEINEOCIUS-Recitationes in Elementis, Juris Oivilis, Secundum Ordi- nem Institutionum. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1810. 1398 LEENWEN-De I'Origine et Progressione, Juris Civilis Romani. Cum Notes Vinnii. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1771. 1399 GRILLET DU MAZEAU-Le Barreau Romain. 8vo. Paris, 1858. 14(. BOURDET— Doctrine Romaine sur le Regime Dotal. Grenoble, 1857. 1401 PONCELET— Cours du Droit Romain. Paris, 1820. 55 k 1, 1402 PELLAT— Textes 8ur la Dot. Paris, 1847. 1403 GIRAUD— Du Droit de Propri«5tt5 chez Ics Romains. 8vo. Paris, 1838. 1404 GIRAUD— Histoire du Droit Roiuain. 8vo. Paris, 1847. 1405 BON.TEAN— Des Actions ou de I'Organisation Jndiciaire ciiez les Romains. 2 vols. 8v(). Paris, 1838. 140(5 BOX.TEAN— Trait*5 dos Actions. 2 vols. Paris, 1845. 1407 PELLAT— Droit-Prive des Romains. Paris;, 1852. 1408 ISAMBERT— Histoire de Justinien. 3 vols. Paris, 1856. 1409 BLONDEAU— Chrestomathie, on choix de Textes pour un Cours du Droit Prive Romain. 8vo. Paris, 1830. 1410 BLONDEAU— Tableaux Synoptiques du Droit Romain. 8vo. Paris, "^^^'^^^^L-J (/} 1411 BLONDEAU— Essais sur quelques points de Li^gislation, &c. 8vo. Pa. Is, / 1860. 1412 BLONDEAU— Theses du Droit Fran5ais et de Droit Romain, sur la Vente. Paris, 1819. 1413 BLONDEAU — Institutes de Justinien : Traduites en Fran^ais, avoc le Texte en regard. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1839. 1414 DU COURROY— Institutes de Justinien Expliques. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1846, ^ l/w-C' "y\i. I u 1415 ORTOLAN— Explications Historiques des Institutes de Justinien. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1863. 1416 ETIENNE— Explications et Traduction des Institutes de Justinien. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1846. 1417 PICOT— Commentaire des Institutes de Justinien. 8vo. 1418 KELLER — De la Procedure Civile et des Actions chez les Romains. Traduit par Capmas. 8vo. Paris, 1870. 1419 WALTER- Histoire de la Procedure Civile chez les Romains. Traduit par Laboulaye. 8vo. Paris, 1841. 1420 LABOULAYE— Essai sur les Lois Criminelles des Romains. 8vo. Pans, 1845. 1421 EXAMEN sur le Droit Romain selon les Instituts de Justinien par un^ Avocat. Paris, 1825. 1422 MAIUS— Vaticana Fragmenta Juris Romani. Paris, 1823. 1423 ARNOLD— Elementa Juris Civilis. ^edi 66 1424 I)E MAGISTRATIBUS ROMANORUM. Lausanne, 1678. 1425 DUPIN— Bibliothequo Choiaie h V usage des Etudicnts on Droit. Paris. 1426 PELLAT— Mamiale Juris Synopticum in quo continentur JuHtiniani In- stitutioneB cum (Jaii InstitutionibuH. 18mo. 1802. 1427 ABDY— HiHtorical Sketch of Civil Proceedings among the Romans. Cam- bridge, 1857. 1428 GUSHING— Introduction to tho Study of Roman Law. Boston, 1854. 1429 CLARK— Early Roman Law. The Regal Period. London, 1872, 1430 DESQUIRON—L'Espritdes Institutes de.TuHtinien. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1807. 1431 MAYNTZ— Elements du Droit Bomain. Vol. 2. Paris, ISriO. 1432 TOMKINS— Institutes of the Roman Law. Part T. L<mdon, 18(17. 1433 MACKELDEY— Manuel de Droit Romain. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1846. 1434 CAQUERAY — Passages du Droit Privo Bomain contenus dans les (Euvres de Cicer<m. Paris, 1857. 1435 COOPER— Institutes of Justinian. New York, 1852. 1430 BOWYER-Introduction to the Study and Use of the Roman Law. Lon- don, 1874. 1437 BROWN-Epitome and Analysis of Savigny's Treatise on Obligations. London, 1872. 1438 SAVIGNY — On Private International Law. Translated, with Notes, by Guthrie. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1809. 1439 MACKENZIE'S Roman Law. 8vo. Edinburgh, 18()2. 1440 PHILLIMORE— Private Law among the Romans. 8vo. London, 1863. 1441 POSTE— The Elements of Roman Law of Gains. Oxford, 1871. 1442 FREGIER— Paraphrase Grecque des Institutes de Ju^^tinien par Theophile, ' Traduite en Fran^-ais. 8vo. Paris, 1847. 1443 FLACK— Bonorum Possessio. Paris, 1870 1444 BRACHYLOGUS— Corpus Legimi, Sive Brachylogus Juris Civilis. 8vo. Berolini, 1829. 1445 PERROT— Essai Sur le Droit Publique d'Athenes. Paris, 1869. 1446 AMOS— The Science of Law. 8vo. New York, 1874. 1447 AUSTIN-Lectures on Jurisprudence, or the Philosophy of Positive Law. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1869. y 57 1447i BROWN— The PhiloMophy of Law. Ii(>nd<in, 1878. 1448 MAINE— Ancient Law. 8vo. London, 18(13. 1449 MAINE— Village-Comraunitios in tlio Eawt and West. 8v<». London, 1871. ]'l.50 MAINE— Lectures on the Early History of Institutions. 8vo. New York, 1875. 1451 HOSACK— The Rise and Growth of the Law of NationH. 8vo. London^ 1882. 1452 CODICIH Legum Wisigothoruni, Libii VII Isidori Hispaniensis Episcopi. Folio, Paris, 167'.). 1453 MENOCHIIJS— De Pr8e8umi>tionibus, Conjecturis, Signis, &c. Folio. Cologne, 11)15. 1454 BRISSONIUS— De Verborum «iu8b ad Jus Civile pertinent significatioiie pluriniiB Accossionibus, ObHervationibus, &c. Folio. Halae Magde- burgicie, 1743. 1455 THfcVENOT D'ESSAULE DE SAVIGNY— Dictionnaire du Digest 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1808. 4.56 CFMIN— Manual of Civil Law. 8vo. London, 1865. '•^"■y i-i. M 1457 MEERMAN — Novus Thesaurus Juris Civilis et Oanonici. 7 vols. foL Hagie Coraituni, 1751. 1458 HUSCHKE— Jurisprudentiffi Ante-Justinianse. Leipsic, 18(51. IV. INTERNATIONAL. LAW. 1459 GROTIUS— De Jure Belli ac Pacis, cum Notis, Gronovii et Barbeyracii^ 8vo. Auist., 1689. 14C0 PUFFENDORF — Le Droit de la Nature et des Gens. Traduit par Barbeyrac. 2 vols. 4to. Bale, 1731. 1461 VATTEL— Le Droit des Gens. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris et Lyon, 1820. 1462 BURLAMAC^UI— Principes du Droit Naturel. (^enfeve, 1748. 1463 CHITTY -Law of Nations. 8vo. London, 1812. 1464 HARRISON— The Practiser in the High Court of Chancery. 2 vols. 8vo. 1745. 1465 BLANCHARD— Compilation Chronologique des Ordonnanc^s des Rois de France. 2 vols. fol. Paris. 68 14<M; HlSTORlCUS-LettetH on International Law. Lond..n, 18fi3. 1467 HISTORICUH— Additional LettorH. London, 1803. 1469 VICET- -Vocftbularimn. 2 vols. NapleH, 17«0. 1470 ABSTRACT of StatiHtical RetmnH in 1882. Quebec. Judicial MivttorH, 1860 to 18(U and FAOTUMS FROM 1873 TO 1886. 1471 BOUND VOLUMES -Court ..f Queon'H Bench-Cmt.^ining the l^.ctu.ns 1471 «<->^^^' I , . the lato Mr. JuKtico Kauisuy. K.vch \ oh. me :!ntaL :tor.r i/volumeK are substantially bound in half leatlan- and are annotated throuKliout. Montreal Cases, .56 vols. Besr;::^r ;;^"^-d volun.. containing tl.e Eactun. of the last term, and one vohnue containing an Index to the h 1472 THE Law Quarterly Review. 2 vols. London, 1886. V 1473 ANTONII AUGUSTINI-De Legibus et Senatus Consultis Liber. Fol. Parisiia. 1474 ANTONII CACC.E-Expositiones Locorun^ Obscuriorum et Paratitulorum in Pandectis. Lugdununi, 1554. 1475 AMENDMENTS du Code de Procedure Civile jusqu'au ler Sept., 1878. 1476 OBSERVATIONS des Tribunaux d'Appel sur le Projet du Code Civile. 2 vols. 4to. Paris. An. IX. 1477 ANONYME-Conference des Observations des Tribunaux d'Appol sur le Projet du Code Civile. 4to. Paris. An. IX. I 1 le i I *