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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MKMCOPV MSOUITION TIST CHART (ANSI ond ISO TEST CHART No 2) ^ /APPLIED IIVHGE Inc " '653 East Mom Street Rochester. New York 14^09 USA (716) 482 - 0300 -Phone (716) 2B8- 5989 - Fo« *«w GRlllyirER WINNIPEG '^ WATER DISTRICT f M Aipeduct Construction Scheme ^hatltls What It Means IhumI by authority of tho Adminittratioti Board ^ 1^^. M «■•*** !?-VCl»>- ■'!'*»*' 'i->'\f. Greater Winnipeg Water District AQUEDUCT CONSTRUCTION SCHEME WHAT IT IS WHAT IT MEANS ,<S-I' -% M':-- O;-- .. ^•/^;.'= Issued by authority of the Administration Board 1%5 1918 ^CCESSIOH Hiit^k' A m *^>«%. 31 ORGANIZATION GVUTU WlSIMIPBa Wateb Diituct The affairi of the Diitrict «re conducted bjr an Adminittrktion Board oontiiting of the Mayor of the City of Winnipeg, aa Ch*iramn, the niem- bera of the BoArd of Control, the Mayor and one member of the St. Boniface Council, the Mayor of Tranacooa and the Rcevea of the Muni- cipalities of St. ViUI, Fort Oarr}', Aaainiboia, Eaat and Wett Kildonan. AOMIltlBTBATIOIf BOAW>, 1918 F. H. Davidaon (Mayor) Winnipeg, Chairman J. W. cockbum (Controller), Winnipeg. C. F. Oray (Controller), Wimiipeg. A. W. Puttee (Controller), Winnipeg J. J. Wallace (Controller), Winnipeg H. Beliveau ( Mayor )v St. Boniface. J. A. CuasoB (Alderman), St Boniface. O. C. Jones (Mayor), Tranacona. Alex. Tod (Reeve), Mun. of St. Vital. J. F. Feilde ( Reeve )^ Mun. of Fort Oarry. C. L. Richardson (Reeve), Mun. of Assiniboia. E. Partridge (Reeve), Mun. of West Kildonan. S. R. Henderson (Reeve), Mun. of East Kildonan. Clerk of the Corporation — M. Peterson BOABD or COIflilSaiONIBS R. D. Waugh (Chairman) J. H. Ashdown Chief Engineer — W. O. Chace Solicitor— J. O. Harvey, K.C. Accountant — H. Russell Cashier — J. R. Richardson Purchasing Agent — R. Dotiglas Waugh Railway Superintendent — J. A. Nels<»i Auditors — Ronald, Griggs & Co. Fiscal Agents and Bankers — The Bank of Montreal I CHAPTER I. I Hiitozy of Winnipeg's WaUr Supply Th« evolution in ■ few yean of Winnipeg's w«t«r tupply lyttem from • few Weill whoee combined eapftcity wat mcMured by barrel*, t« tiM ren beet and moet roodrrn lyatem available, capable of delivering 88,000,000 gallon* per day of the Hneat *oft water, i* another indication <rf the rapid growth of the City of Winnipeg and dietrict, and an evidence of the faith which our peopb have in the future. In the early day* In Winnipeg the eitiaen* obUined water from men who made d«liverie» from square tank* mounted on wheeU or in the winter *ea*on from large barrel* drawn on *leigh*. The » int4»r waa taken from well*. There were teveral of the*e well* throughout the town, but two of the best known were the one* located on Water Street and on Logan Avenue. Dellverie* were made in thi* manner even after the Inatallation of a lyitematiud aupply and were continued until a eufficient number of houee* were fitted with piping a* to make thia form of delivery un- profitable. Rome of the watermen obtained their aupply from the Red River at the foot of Lombard Street, but by-law* prohibiting the dis- tribution of thi* water a* a supply for human consumption were eventu- ally enacted. WINNIPEO WATn WOIKS CO. The flr»t water aupply *y*tem wa* installed by a private corporation known a* the Winnipes Water Work* Company. In 1880 thev were given an excluaive franchiae for the supply of water, covering a 'twenty year period, but did not commence commercial operation* until 1882. The A**iniboine Hiver wa* the eouree of eupplv and the intake and pumping aUtion wwre located on ArmstronR'* Point, a few hundred feet downetream from the *ite of the present Maryland bridge. Operation of this system remained in the hand* of the Watt-r Companv until April, 1899, when the City purchaaed their plant and distributliiii system for the sum of $237,650.00 Immediately upon taking over this *y*tem the City decided to change the eource of supply and the present artesian well system was placed in operation in October, 1900. lliia avstem haa been gradually developed as neceasity required until the pumping capacity i* now about 14,000,000 gallons in 24 hours, and the combined capacity of the three reservoirs is about 24,000,000 gallons. The average daily consumption of water at the present time (1918) is about 9,000,000 gallons. PriMANENT VISIBLK SUPPLY OF SOFT WATEB The question of a papmanent visible supply of soft water for the City of Winnipeg has been agitated with more or less vigor for many years, it having been realized that, if Winnipeg continued to grow as rapidly in manufacturing and commercial importance asi it had done in tlie past ten years, it would not be long before the present well supply would be insufficient for the City's needs. The present supply, although pure and palatable, is very hard, ruinous to boilers, plumbing and heating apparatus, costly in soap and washing compounds, injurious to fabric§ and unmiitable for many manufacturing induatriet which might be attracted to Winnipeg by the cheap hydro-ekctric power and a plenti- ful supply of loft water. With tliese and other conditions in mind, the City Council in July, 1906, created, w'^.h the authority of the Legislature, The Water Supply Commission, of which Mr. J. H. Ashdown was chairman. This com- mission made an exhaustive report to the City Council in October, 1907, Lut as the City y,»» then about to undertake the hydro-electric devel- opment, which has been such a boon to Winnipeg, the solution of the water problem was deferred. The conclusions of the 1907 report were, however, valuable in determining the permanent source of water supply and are quoted herein. The Hydro-Electric plant being finished in 1911 and in operation, in 1912 the question of water supply became an urgent problem which could not be delayed ; the issue then being to either extend and further develop, as an additional temporary necessity, the nearest local sources of supply at Poplar and Crystal Springs, or at once launch out on the larger project lo go to the Winnipeg River or to Shoal Lake. The City Council were relurtant to undertake the larger scheme and passed, al- most unanimously, a by-law to spend $1,800,000.00 on a development of the Poplar and Crystal Springs project. POPLAR BPRINOS BEJECTED This project contemplated the operation and development of Poplar Springs (the waters of which are much softer than our present supply) to mtOEe available as a further temporary measure an estimated supply of 20,000,000 gallons per day from this and other then existing sources. This by-law was submitted to the qualified ratepayers on September 13th, 1912, and was defeated by a vote as follows: For the by-law Ajainst 1,020 1.131 The majority of the ratepayers thus declared that they did not want any further temporizing. SHOAL LAKE PROJECT The Council had previously decided to ask Judge Robson, then Public Utilities Commissioner, to report on the question of water supply, which he did on September 6th, 1912. In his report Judge Robson says: "The object of the investigation was that there be laid before the ratepayers the facts in connection with the water supply, and the opinion of a qualified expert tliereon. The facts have been fully elicited and made public. I urge that Professor Schlichter's recommendation be adopted and that the greater project be taken up immediately." (Professor Schlichter having recommended Shoal Lake as the source of supply). The conclusions and recommendations of Professor C. S. Schlichter, the expert rctaint I by the Public Utility Commission, are quoted herein. By the Act incorporating the Greater Winnipeg Water District, passed by the Legislature of the Province of Manitoba, the construction of the aqueduct and the expenditure incurred thereby was continf^nt upon the scheme being approved by the electors of the City of Winnipeg qualified to vote on money by-laws. The scheme itself was voted on by the electors on May 1st, 1913, with the following results: In favor of the scheme Against the scheme .... 2,226 369 I - ■ u t msT nrowi On May 20th, 1913, the Council of the City of WinniiM^ puMd the following resolution: "That the Board of Consulting Engineer* be in- structed to submit a report on the best meant of supplying the Greater Winnipeg Water District with water from Shoal Lake, together with es- timate of cost and general plan of the work." The Board of Consulting Engineers referred to were appointed by resolution of the Council on April 7th, 1913, and consisted of Rudolph Hering and James H. Fuertes, of New York, and Frederic P. Stearns, of Boston, all eminent water supply engineers. Their report, which was submitted on August 20th, 1913, brieflT summarized its recommendations as follows: "To bring the water through a concrete aqueduct, approximately 85 miles in length, laid with a continuous down grade to a point about ten miles east of Winnipeg; and then in a five-foot steel pipe to the Red River and a flve-foot pipe in tunnel to convey water under the Red River, thence by a four-foot cast iron pipe through the streets to McPhillips Street reservoir." Subsequently, for economic reasons, the decision was made to use reinforced concrete pipe instead of the steel and the cast iron pipe, the substitution having been approved by the Board of Consulting Engineers. The estimated total cost, not including the cost of the lands for right-of-way or the branch pipes for the different connections, and not including any allowance for water damages or for interest charges upon money obtained from the sale of bonds or otherwise for the construction of the works, was $13,046,600.00. On the other hand the Engineers made no deduction from the estimate for the value of the railroad at the completion of the work or for any other equipment, buildings, plant, rolling stock or other as- sets remaining after the completion of construction. The report of the Consulting Engineers was adopted by the Adminis- tration Board of the Greater Winnipeg Water District' on September 6th, 1913, and on the same date a by-law was passed by the Administra- tion Board to incur and create a debt of $13,600,000.00, by borrowing money and issuing debentures for the waterworks system. On October 1st, 1913, the by-law creating the debt of thirteen and a half millions was also submitted to the vote of the legally qualified ratepayers of the City, with the following results: — In favor of the by-law Against the by-law .... 2,961 90 The first considerations of the various reports on Winnipeg's future water supply were of course quality and quantity. The Consulting Engineers of the 1907 Water Supply Commission, namely, Messrs. James H. Fuertes, R. S. Lea, J. E. Schwitier and George C. Whipple, state of the present city well supply: "Chemically, the water is decidedly unsatisfactory. It is very hard and very saline, properties which make it unpleasant and expensive for domestic use, and unsuitable for use in boilers and many industrial processes. "The use of hard water is not only a great inconvenience in the house- hold> but is also expensive, as it necessitates the use of large quantities of soap and washing powders, with the consequent destruction of fabrics washed in the laundry. The same Engineers say of Shoal Lake^ "Shoal I^ake, in the north-west angle of the Lake of the Woods, has a drainage area of about 360 square miles, with a water surface of 107 square miles, and is connected with the main lake at Ash Rapids. The Lake of the Woods has a drainage area of about 27,700 square miles, and a water surface of about 1,500 square miles. "The water is very soft in comparison with the water at present supplied to Winnipeg. The water, in the absence of unusual conditions may, therefore, be termed an excellent one for domestic, boilPT and general manufacturing purposes. "The water of Shoal Lake at Indian Bay is soft. Its chlorin. ib a negligible quantity. It is practically uncontaminated, as the entire region for miles around is uninhabitated. From the sanitary stand- point filtration is not now required, as the natural water is reasonably safe and wholesome. "Considered from the standpoint of the quality of the water in its natural condition and taking into account the use of the water for all purposes, the Shoal Lake water is unquestionably the best source of supply. SECOND BEPOBT Of the present supply Professor Schlichter said: "The present water supply of the City of Winnipeg from the well system is so highly undesirable and expensive, on ateuunt of its high mineral content, tKat it should be abandoned at the earliest possible date. The water is excessively hard and incrusting, and is corrosive and destructive to an unusual degree. The expense that this water now causes the citizens of Winnipeg by its destructive influence on plumbing, boilers, heating plants, etc., and increased cost of fuel, soap, compounds, and the destruction of woollens and other laundered articles, would well pay the interest on $15,000,000 to $20,000,000 as the City Engineer has tersely remarked in his printed report — 'The water in its natural condition is much too hard for general domestic, and boiler use.' The water is expensive to soften and after treatment it is still hard water, and more than that, still retains all nf its corrosive qualities. The water is not only destructive of wealth, it is a handicap and a serious drawback to the proper operations of many Industries, and a hindrance to the introduction of new industries The following typical industries would be seriously handicapped by the present supply : meat-packing industries, canning industries, woollen mills, starch and kindred potato product industries, and industries, of which there are many, which require the use of live steam, or drying processes, or dis- tillation, oi' kiln-dried material, or the application of heat for digesting or liquifying or combining a variety of commercial substances. There is no industry that would not be favorably affected by an abundance of pure soft water, and to many it is an absolute essential." Of the Shoal U )ly he said: "I visited Shoal l^fc.. ii August 24th, 1912, and inspected the various points in which intakes have been proposed. I also made comparative tests of the color and turbidity of the water at various points by sinking a white disk to invisibility ; I also determined the temperature of the water at various places and at various depths, and took samples of water from tliese various zones. The date of my inspection was es- pecially favorable, as I undoubtedly saw the lake at th" time when the growth of algne, etc., is at the maximum. The amount of suspended matter in the water was sur|)risingly small. The amount of pelagic life in Shoal Ijike is verj- small, due" in part to the clean, rocky char- acter of its shore, and of" its water-shed. The clean Laurentian granite and schists have collected together a body of water of exceptional fw>ftne=s and purity. 8 "The water from Shoal Lake would roquire no treatment. No fear need ever be in mind that the sanitary quality of the water would be poor at any time in the future. The shores of the lake are hard rocks of the Laurentian series, entirely unfitted for aj^riculture, and the country thereabouts must remain in ita present wild state indefinitely. Tliere need be no fear of the growth of cities or towns upon the shore of Shoal Lake. The Lake of the Woods constitutes an enormous reservoir of clear, pure and soft water, situated 300 feet above the City of Winnipeg, within 100 miles of the city. "As previously stated, the water of Shoal Laki^ would never require sanitary treatment. "I would recommend that the water supply for the City of Winnipeg be taken from Shnal Lake, basing this judgment upon the fact that this is the very best supply available, and as near ideal as anv citv can expect to find. "I recommend the Shoal Lake Supply solely for the reason that it is best. It is not the cheapest. I do not believe that it is necessary at this time to weigh too nicely the cost of such a project. "The City of Winnipeg is no longer merely the supply point of the north-west prairies or merely the capital of a province. It has entered the class of world cities and has begun to direct the commerce and in- dustries of a vast territory. Within the small group of cities of this class, pride as well as self-interest may well be appealed to. The city cannot afford to be committ<>d to a temporizing or inadequate policy, or to permit further postponement of the settlement of the matter on a large and adequate basis." THIBD BEPOBT The report of Messrs. Rudolph Hering, Frederic Stearns and James H. Fuertes said of the Shoal Lake supply: "The water of Shoal Lake was, when we examined it, of excellent quality for domestic and manufacturing purposes, being soft, practically free from contamination, without noticeable color, free from odors, and of an agKeable taste. The results of recent examinations of the Shoal Lake water, and all of the local conditions, indicate that the occurrence of bad tastes and odors in the water, from growths therein, should be infrequent, and may never occur at all. Should such trouble occur in the future the opportunity to correct them by suitable treatment may be availed of when necessarv without interrupting the supply of water to the city or making expensive changes in the works a'i built." The report on the laboratory investigations made by Mr. A. lilarkic, city analyst, says: "Shoal Lake water contains three parts of chlorine per million. The city's present supply and all water from well sources in the neighborhood of Winnipeg is very high in chlorine, the city wells giving about 250 parts and other wells running up as high as 500 parts per million. It is this chlorine in the water that causes the corrosion of steam fittings, etc. It s not possible by any known process to remove chlorine from water." Thus Winnipeg secured the favorable opinion, contained in three reports, of no less than seven of the most eminent water supply engineers on the American continent, before undertaking the present Greater Winnipeg Water Supply scheme. The Poplar Springs project having been defeated by the ratepayers' vote, and the Shoal Lake scheme having been approvi-d by the vote of the ratepayers on two separate by-laws, and the quantity and quality of the water at Shoal Lake having been determined, it now only remained for the Water Beard to proceed with the work. The Administration Board, under the ohainnanihip of E^-Mayor T. R. Deacon, who had been throughout an ardent advocate of Shoal Iiijce, proceeded with active construction vigorously. The work was commenced on March 1st, 1914, and during that year the railway, with 105 miles of track, a telephone line, the clearing of the right-of-way, the construction of a dyke across Indian Bay, and the dredging of a channe' for the diversion of water from the Falcon River, and the fencing of tht right-of-way was carried out Just prior to the outbreak of the war tenders were invited for the construction of approximately 86 miles of the aqueduct from Shoal Lake to Deacon (about ten miles east of Winnipeg), and on September 25th, 1914, the contracts were let, on a unit price basis, amounting to approximately $6,200,000.00. The work was all allotted to Winnipeg contractors. Work on the construction of the aqueduct was commenced on May 15th, 1915, and has been carried on continuously and vigorously during the summer working seasons up to the present time. According to the terms of the contract, 85 per cent, of the work between Shoal Lake and Deacon had to be completed at the end of 1917: 83 per cent, has been completed. Under terms of all the contracts, the entire work must be co.npleted before the end of 1918. The system of works at present under construction follows the general plan for the undertaking outlined in the report of August 20th, 1913, by a Hoard of Consulting Engineers consisting of Messrs. Rudolph Hering, Frederic Stearns and James H. Fuertes. General Fentnres of Design The complete designs for all the structures comprising tlie aqueduct are being made in headquarters office in Wini.-peg. This work, which is being carried out by a staff of from five to ten men, involves the drawing up of general and detailed plans and specifications, the analysis and application of the results of all field tests made on structures and soils, and the laboratory work appertaining to the analysis and testing of cen'ent, aggregate, concrete, ete. The following is a brief description of the main features of the aqua- duct and appurtenart structures as designed and as being built: OBAVITY FLOW AQUEDUCT The cut-and-cover section of the aqueduct, extending from Indian Bay to Deacon, a distance of 85 miles, is so designed that the water will flow the whole distance by gravity without quite filling the structure to the roof. This whole section of the aqueduct is arch shaped, resting on a floor or invert built as a flat inverted arch, both arch and invert being constructed of concrete. Where the foundation is yielding the invert is reinforced with steel. As the aqueduct follows in general the slope of the country traversed, the water will flow faster on the steeper slopes and slower on the flatter slopes. For this reason the aqueduct sections vary from a minimum section 6 ft. 4i ins. wide by 5 ft. 4} ins. high on the steepest slopes (between miles 23 and 32}) to a maximum of 10ft. 9 ins. by 9 ft. high where the slope is flattest (between mile 89 and Indian Bay, mile 98). In all there are eleven different gravity sec- tions vaiying in size between the above mentioned limits. A crimped copper water stop is provided at contraction joints at 45-feet intervals. 10 I -= riHiilInK <itt-lnih Kf^lnfiin'ril <'»nrret(* TIih* fnr I'ontrHff >'«». .V% 'I'lu- pipe tn loiisiru" tf<l iit tnaiiiif'tftiirliiK \arilii hH-att-tl hi l!i»- inwn of Ti Miifiruna. )(ii<) Ih nnult in tier it on n • IkIh r< • t lonu ; ■ ii* li h> rtlon w fluhlni; ii|>i'ioxli'iaii-Iv ft«ht ii»ns. Tmn (KirtiiiM: » Strilon of AK-in<>li dlamfter Kt^lnforfcil <'iini'rpte !'ri*»istiri* l*i(U' into plarr in the trrnrh This pi ■il nn>|tr "iork joini plpf' in s-ti)ot I'liKths. ;iIhI Is MliKl- ManholM and air vents have been provided at approximately one mile intervals throughout the length of the gravity lection. The atruetur* is heavily reinKtreed at all aurveyed road croaiings. ■IVEB CB088IN08 Where the aqueduct croaaei the various rivers the structure is made circular in shape and depressed under the bed of streams, riling on each side in smooth curves to meet the gravity sections. These under-river siphons are made up of reinforced concrete pressure pipes approximately eight feet in diameter. The aqueduct section from mile 17 to Deacon, mile 13, is also circular reinforced concrete, being part of the sixteen mile inverted siphon crossing the Ked River valley. Copper contraction joints are located at 30-feet intervals in this section. OVXBTLOWB AND BLOW-OITS At points where the aqueduct crosses under the rivers overflow structures are being provided just at the point where the line begins to dip under the stream. These overflow structures, built of reinforced concrete, are provided with adjustable overflow weirs leading through a gathering chamber to a well at one side of the aqueduct whence the water can be discharged through a covered concrete flume to the adjacent river. A concrete superstructure is placed above the overflow and a large opening is left in the floor through which a boat can be entered or withdrawn for the purpose of examining the condition of the aqueduct during operation. Bronze chains hung from this opening will permit access and egress. The purpose of the overflow stmctures which are provided with cross stop logs is to regulate the flew through the aqueduct and to permit emptyincr it in sections for the purpose of cleaning. The superstructures have all been designed of sufficient strength to permit baclcfiliing with earth to a height of four feet above the roof in case it is found necessary on account of the action of frost. From observations made to date it is not anticipated that this baclcfilling will be required. CULViXTS For the purpose of furnishing free passage for country surface drain- age from one side of the aqueduct to the other numerous rectangular culverts made of reinforced concrete are being provided. These culverts vary in size from a B\Dpia 3 ft. by 4 ft. section to triple 6 ft. by 6 ft. 9 in. section, the latter being near mile 22 and discharging the water from a large government drainage ditch in that vicinity. The culverts are horizontal below the floor of the aqueduct, rising at each end on slopes of 45 degrees to the level of the drainage ditches. They are completely backfilled except for the entrances and exits, which are provided with stop plank grooves to permit the blocking off of water for the purpose of cleaning. PBE88UBE LINE, DEACON TO BED BIVEB From Deacon to the Red River crossing the water will flow under pres- sure in a 6 ft. 6 in. diameter lock-joint reinforced concrete pipe line, now under construction. This pipe will be duplicated when the demand for water requires it, but in connection with a booster pumping station at the Red River tunnel it will suffice for a supply of 50,000,000 gallons per day. The pipe is being built in pre-moiUded sections eight feet in length at yards in Transcona and from there hauled to place and laid in the trench on a gravel bed. After laying to line and grade, a continuous concrete saddle is placed along the pipe and the whole structure is backfilled with six feet of earth. The pipe dips under the Seine River in an inverted siphon and en account of the treacherous nature of the banks a heavy reinforced cou- n ercU mattrcM supported on piles driTsn to rock is bsing proridtd to carry tiie pipe line through the vallev. In order to prerent « decrcMe in the flow due to the sceumuUtion of air in the upper ends of the Seine siphon, air valves are being provided in small covered concrete chambers which will permit air to escaoe from the pipe without loss of any water. Manhole eastings are being provided at approximately 1,000 feet inter- vals and these are completely baclcfllled, as it is not anticipated that access to the pipe will be required except at very rare intervals. The pipe passes under several railroads in its course and at these points it is especially reinforced against the heavy loads which will come upon it. KEO ■IVn TUNNEL AND SUaOK TANK The line will cross the Red River in a tunnel cut through the rock about 20 feet below the bed of the river and rising at each end in vertical shafts. The water will be conveved through a 60-ineh diameter east iron pipe concreted solidly into the rook in the tunnel section. The shafts will be formed by sinking to rock reinforced concrete wells, 16 feet in diameter. Valv«s will be provided at the upper end of each shaft to allow for future outlet supply line and for controlling the flow. In St. Boniface property has been requisitioned adjacent to the east shaft for the erection of a future booster pumping station and also for a surge tank. This surge tank, which will bo a circular reinforced con- crete structure supported on concrete caissons carried to rock and pro- vided with an outer masonry shell to serve as frost protection, is pro- vided for the purpose of permitting regulation in the flow of the 5 ft. 6 in. pipe line, required on account of the varying; demand for water. It will act as a storage supply while the velocity of water in the pipe line is accelerating to a required demand, or as a relief when the demand is reduced, excess water being discharged through an over- flow to the Red River. The dimensions of the tank have been so figured that waste of water will be reduced to a minimum. rOBTY-EIOHT-ISCH SUPPLY LISE IN WINNIPEG From the west shaft of the tunnel to the McPhillips Street reservoir i.'i Winnipeg the water will be conveyed through a reinforced concrete lock joint pipe, 48 inches in diameter, built in pre-moulded sections and laid in trench in the streets. The construction will be of a type similar to that of the 5 ft. 6 ins. pipe line between Deacon and the Red River, except that the pipe will be cast in lengths of ten feet instead of eight feet. For supplying water to the various municipalities comprising the Greater Winnipeg Water District outlets have been provided as follows: A 30-inch outlet for Transcona from the S ft. 6 in. pipe at Plessis Road; A 36-inch outlet for the City of St. Boniface and St Vital from the 5 ft. 6 in. pipe where it passes through tlie pumping station yards of St. Boniface; A 24-inch outlet for the Elmwood district and East Kildonan from the 5 ft. 6 in. pipe at Archibald Street; 36-inch and 24-inch outlets for the hipli pressure pumping station and for Fort Garry at west shaft of the Red River tunnel; A 24-inch outlet for Kildonan from 48-inch pipe at King St'Oet; A 24-inch outlet for Assiniboia from 4S-inch pipe at Arlington Street. 12 CHAPTER II. 0«n«rtl Dismrr itheut a coimAcroa In order to supply aggregate for the manufacture of concrete the Water Oiitrict hai opened up two gravel depoaita, a fine land pit and a rock quarry. At Hret a gravel cruahing, icraening and mixing plant was erected at Mile 31 to supply the aggregate required for the manu- facture of concrete. As the demand increased, gravel and flni> sand pits were opened up at Mile 80, and a rock plant at Mile 05} was built to add to the supply of the required material. Th« aggregate from the plant at Mile 31 is a feature of the work carried out by the District forces, being scientifically graded. This aggregate effected considerable economy in the cement quantities required for the manufacture of an impermeable concrete, and waa easier for the contractors to handle tlnui the separated materials. The Portland cement for all the contracts waa purchased by the District and furnished the contractors at cost. The District, under Contracts \oa. 30 to 35 and 55, 56, 60 and 05, is under obligation to the contractors for a continuous supply of tested and approved *' ^tland cement. In obtaining supply for service to these contracto .nust have from the cement uanufacturers: (a) such formal and rea. ncial protection (in shape of a satisfavtory bond) as would protect ii gainst loss in the event of break in the continuity of that supply; ( b) and must have from manufacturer, dealer or by the District itself such Winnipeg storafie of manufactured and approved cement aa would implement the unavoidable irregularities in manufacture, shipment and u,.liverie8; (c) as well as from the manufacturer such mill storage as would ensure th« continuous flow of shipments of tested and approved cement, even should occasional products of manufacture fail to pass the tests. The cement used during the seasons of 1015, 1016 and 1017 was de- livered from the Winnipeg mill of the Canada Cement Company. It was sampled by resident District inspectors, tested at engineering head- quarters, and shipped upon approval had from the Chief Engineer. An important feature of this contract was the manufacture by the manufac- turers of a forty or more days' supply in storage at all times. That company will also furnish the requirements of the District during 1918 under Contract No. 71. There are only four other communities in the world that have trone a greater distance to secure their water supply than the Greater Win- nipeg Water District. That the Greater Winnipeg Water supply ranks as a major undertaking is shown by the following tabulation: Preliminary estimate of cost of undertaking, ex- clusive of land and interest during construc- tion $13,045,600 Source of supply Shoal Lake, Ont. Area of Shoal Lake 107 square miles Area of Lake of the Woods, including Shoal Lake.. ..1500 square miles Drainage bas'n of Shoal Lake 360 square miles Drainage basin of Laice of tlie Woods 27700 square miles 13 ToUl Unfth «< eonduit »«.» mllet Dlfferene* In elevatlim batWMn 8ho*l Uka and the City of Winnlptg't r«*nrclr aurfMC 2ft4 »wt Mathod of dflivarlng auppljr - ^Jltl"' Af«a of OrcaUr WlwilpNi WaUr Diatrkt M.03 aquam mlka IHmulatioii of Qraatcr Wlimipcg Water Diatriet .280,000 InbabiUnta Area of Oraater WiBBlpef Water DUtriet In 1B13 91.87 aquare mile* Population of Greater Winuipeg Water Dlatrlct in J013 ....2U,6«1 InhabiUnte Leasth of eut-and-eover concrete aqueduct with capacity of 85,000,000 imperial galfoni per day .77.S mile* Length of river aiphona and preaaure lection of concrete aqueduct with capacity of 88,000,000 imperial gallon* par day 7.1 mile* Length of reinforced eoncreto pre**ure pipe ( lock joint type) with capacity of 80,000,000 imperial gallon* per day »•* »"•• Length of Red River Tunnel with Bfoot caat iron pfpe lining O.i mile. Length of 48-inoh eonerete pipe, through (trecte of Winnipeg 2.3 mile* Date work commenoed on underUklng _....October l»t, 1913 Date *et for completion ^if^^J, '"^ "'" Length of DUtrlct railway. Including aiding* 110 mllea Maximum *lze of concrete out-andcover aqueduct. 10'0x9 Minimum »Im of concrete cut-and-corer aqueduct.O 4| x5 41 Maximum grade of concrete cut-and-oover aque- duct l"*' P*' '•''''" Minimum grade of concrete cut-and-cover aque- ^^^ duct - T-^ _....0.110' per 1000" Average grade for whole conduit 0.67' per 1000" The following memoranda will give the citizen* an Idea of the magnitude of the work* which the Water DUtrlct have in hand In their preiiaration of atructure* for the furniahtng of 85 million gallona of »ofi water per 24 hour* to tlie population of the Greater Winnipeg Water DUtrlct Elghty-nve million gallon* of water would fill Portege Avenue between the building line* from Main 8treet to Sherbrook Street to a depth of 20 feetj the contente of tlie reservoir which will be built at Deacon, ten mile* eaat of the City of Winnipeg, combined with the content* of the reaervolr* now owned by the City of Winnipeg, would All thU *ame area to a depth of 62 feet, or to ♦he height of the fourth atory window*. The quantltle* of earth handled by the contractor* and paid for by the District during the three season* of aqueduct construction work would be sufficient to fill tht Red River to the top of the banka lor one and a third mile*. The quantities of concrete poured In the aqueduct structure and Ite appurtenance* during the aame period would provide 24 feet of pavement ■uc inches thick over 134 miles of streets, or would provide a concrete walk «lx feet wide wherever there Is now In Winnipeg a sidewalk ol plank or of concrete. The rein'irclng ateel as»d In the construction of aqueduct to date. If all ToV.yd into roda five-eighths of an Inch In diameter, would atretch from Montreal to Regina. H <i.H'.W.I>. Kraiilar MIxrii I'rulii alitmliiiK »l lli-iMiin Mimlnn Watrr Tank, Machlni- Hhop anil KniinilliniiM-, Kimliirrriiix unil Kall- wAy Kiii|(lf»>f4^ llvlntc 4|(iartfn< at m>ii<>iin Til.- ni.Mhn.l ,,f siil'-siirf:ii'M i-; 'oiiriiiK lni>>crl I*u<Im nii <'niitrii<*i Nii. :{0 M iliU III- ir.-fMlh- I furr iiiiiii IH foi tir -.1 l.^f.,,-.' ^ Nfl |iK E'IhE.'^ k 1 W^r^ ^ E ^ ^;PP i ruiiriiiK Hii Arrli In kIimIIuh (iiI on (iintrui-t Ni . '.W The Portland cement consumed during the same period would fill a train of freight car* 18i miles long and would weigh 4J times as much as the entire population of the Water District. DISTRIBUTION Under the present scheme the Greater Winnipeg Water District will sell and deliver the water wholesale, and at the same price to all the municipalities, the price being based as near as possible on the cost of maintenance, operation and management of the main aqueduct. Each municipality will fix and collect its own water rates and have full con-j trol of the distribution within its boundaries. BIGHTS SECUBED In order to make the District perfectly secure in its right to take water from the Lake of the Woods, which is partly in Manitoba, partly in Ontario and partly m the United States, an order of tlie Internation- al Joint CommisHion was secured in January, 1914. An act was also passed in June, 1913, by the Dominion Government and an Act passed by the Province of Ontario in 1916, oonflrming an order-in-council of the Ontario Government of October, 1913, enabling the City of Winnipeg to get water outside of the Province of Manitoba. In order that there may be no contamination of the water the Water District has purchased from the Dominion Government for a nominal sum the water area and a large portion of the land area surrounding the intake for the water supply. BIOHT-OF-WAY The Water District Corporation owns a right-of-way 300 feet wide for its railway, pipe line, and the necessary land for any future pipe line which may be required, from the lake to Deacon, eight miles east of the city. From Deacon to Winnipeg the right-of-way is one hundred feet wide. FAIB WAGES The specifications for all contracts contained the Fair Wage Schedule of the Province of Manitoba and wages paid for all classes of labor on the aqueduct construction are in accordance with the provisions of the Act. The District employs W. H. Lovatt as Fair Wage Officer, whose duty it is to see that the contractors satisfactorily carry out this part of their agreement. The speciflcations also require that good board and lodging be furnished to workmen at the rate of $6.00 per week. CONTRA CTOBS The contractors have all been anxious and have taken especial care to produce work of the best quality. The peroonell of the companies is as follows: — The Tremblay McDiarmid Company — J. P. Tremblay, J. H. Tremblay, Jas. McDiarmid, Ed. Cass. Thos. Kelly & Sons, Ltd.— L. C. Kelly, C. B. Kelly. Winnipeg Aqueduct Construction Company — Archi- bald Mackenzie, William H. Carter, A. H. Aldinger, Frank E. Halls, J. B. McLean. DISTRICT RAILWAY OPEBATION The operation of the District railway is carried out by the District's own forces with headquarters at Deacon. Running rights obtained from the C.N.R. enables the District trains to operate over the Canadian Nor- thern tracks from Paddington to the C.N.R. St. Boniface station. The use of the Union Stock Yards transfer tracks is arranged for on the basis common to the other railways. 15 A reguUr train lervice given by the District consists of a way freiglit mixed train, which leaves the C.N.R. St. Boniface station every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and returns every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. This train carries passengers, supplies for the contractors and cement. Gravel trains are operated so that a >apply of aggregate for con- crete is delivered each day to tiie contractors from the District gravel plant. The following is a list of the District's rolling stock as at December 31st. 1917: 1 65-ton locomotive $13,000.00 1 40-ton locomotive _... 1,600.00 4 62-ton locomotives - 42,000.00 1 Dinky _ 3,200.00 40 20-cubic-yard air dump cars 68,000.00 26 16-cubic-yard hand dump oars 30,250.00 20 60,000-lbe. flat cars 10,600.00 JO 60,000-lbs. box cars 4,200.00 4 Cabouses _ 2,500.00 I Combination coach 2,600.00 3 Coaches _ 6,165.60 12 6-cubic-yard hand dump cars 2,370.00 The Railway has opened up a large area of wooded country from which Winnipeg can receive oordwood for years to come and already large quantities of cordwood and poles are being shipped. An extensive deposit of granite has also been discovered close to the railway and is being worked. Experts state that this is equal in quality to any found in .^nerica and compares favorably with the granite of Scotland. It is the intention of the Administration Board to operate the Rail- way after the completion of the aqueduct. Settlers have located along the route and the produce from their farms will provide a considerable amount of freight. The cordwood camps are producing from 7,000 to 10,000 cords annually and the amount of granite to be carried will be fairly large. In addition the railway will aid the patroling of the aque- duct, and should repairs ever be necessary the material for these can be transported quickly by raiL Recently rich deposits of molybdenite and rich veins of sheelite ( tungsten ) ore have been discovered at Falcon Lake in Eastern Manitoba, near the Lake of the Woods. This is in close proximity to the Greater Winnipeg Water District Railway, and if subsequent explorations being carried on by the Dominion Government eatablish the original pros- pection reports as correct, the District Railway will undoubtedly be- come an important ore transporting vehicle. EXCURSIONS During the past two years the Administration Board has run excur- Bion trains over the District Railway on holidays to enable the public to see the construction of the aqueduct and the country through which the railway passes. Thousands of citizens have availed themselves of these cheap excursions, the round trip ticket costing $1.00 for a 200 mile trip. Excursions will be run during the coming summer, the first be- ing on the 24th of May. COLONnSATION AND DEVELOPMENT In co-operation with the Dominion Government the Greater Winnipeg Water Dis'rict has a colonization scheme well in hand. Nine town- ships of land traversed by the District have been reserved for coloniza- 16 tion and development. Free homesteads of approximately forty acres each can be obtained along the Birch River and close to the railroad, on application to the Water District office. The land along the rivers is exceptionally rich and is being settled rapidly. In most cases the value of the wood cut more than pays for the clearing of the land. Many settlers are being attracted to this locality, partly because of the prominence given to the scheme and partly because the drainage done by the District is reclaiming large areas of land. Nor is the education of tbe settlers' children being neglected; already three schools have been opened and others will be erected as occasion arises. For small farming, gardening, bee-keeping, poultry raising and other kindred occupations, the land along the river banks cannot be surpassed. Ready sale is found now on the construction work for all vegetables and produce, and later Winnipeg will supply an unfailing market at pro- fitable prices. A highly commendable exhibit of grains, grasses and vegetables grown along the Water District Railway was made at the exhibition of the Winnipeg Garden Show last year. MODEL FABM ON THE BIBCH BIVEB The Government of Manitoba and the Welfare Commission have unanimously decided to establish a model industrial farm of approx- imately 2,200 acres almost in the centre of the Wa'-'-r District coloniza- tion reserve. The soil has been carefully tested I, experts, who state that it is particularly well adapted for the purpost }f growing grains, small fruits, vegetables, and in fact everything which can be successfully grown in the Province of Manitoba. The location has been selected after a great deal of investigation. It is naturally beautiful, l- ? traversed and drained by the Birch River. The Water District R. ay croaaes the farm and sidings will be located on it. The development of this district will proceed rapidly following the action of the Provincial Government. IT CHAPTER III. Progress in 1913 Immediately following the approval of the project by the citizens, in October, 1D13, the Water Board appointed Samuel H. Reynolds as chair- man of the C'ommitgion and James H. Aslidown, who since the inception of tlie scheme has given, as commissioner without remuneration, his valuable business expcrieuce; James H. Fuertes was appointed Consulting Engineer, and \V, G. Chace Chief Engineer. Administration and engin- eering forces were at once organized and active work was commenced on the undertaking. Five ileld survey parties were placed in the field to complete the location of the aqueduct line. Progress in 1914 In 1014 the progress made consisted in the completion of such works as were necessary to prepare the way for the construction of the 85 miles of concrete aqueduct. These works consisted in the completion of the location surveys, the clearing of the right-of-way, the construction of the telephone line, the putting up of the buildings for accommodating the staff, the purchase by the District of materials required to build tho railway, the building of 105 miles of standard guage railway, yards and sidings, the construction of the Falcon River dyke and ca ;al, the news- sary preliminary work for the aqueduct contracts and the letting of these contracts. LOC.^TIO."* 8UBVETS The aqueduct location was chosen bv March 1st, with the exception of certain short portions which were revised before the end of May. The general location is shown on page No. 35. Five field parties were en- gaged on this location survey. CLEARING BIQHT-Or-WAT The contract for the clearing of the right-of-way was awarded to E. J. Bawlf, of Winnipeg. This work ..ummenced in March, 1914, and was practically all completed in three months time. The standard width cleared was 300 feet. Considerable quantities of cord wood, posts and poles were salvaged in this work. CONSTBCCTION OF TELEPHONE SYSTEM The construction "f the telephone system was carried out by the Water District forces under the direction of the Chief Engineer, with C. J. Bruce as Superintendent. This work wag commenced May 6th, 1914, and communication with Waugh was completed Oct. 22nd, 1914. In all 91 miles of line was put up, using No. 14 B. t S. copper wire. The total cost of the system to June 30th, 1916, was $32,606.23. This included the cost of building and removing neceesary temporary stretches. 18 CONSTBUCTION OF THE WATEB 0I8TBICT RAILWAY In order to transport the luppliea, machinery and construction mater- ials required to build the 85 miles of concrete aqueduct from Deacon to the intake on Indian Bay, the Water District built, in 1914, a stan- dard guage railway on the aque<luct right-of-way. Sixty-pound rails were used, and a well-ballasted roadbed was provided. The maximum grade is five-tenths of one per cent, and the standard curvature is four degrees. The railway was located parallel to the aqueduct centre line and at a distance therefrom of 1 10 feet. The contract for the construction of the railway was awarded to the Northern Construction Company, of Winnipeg, at an estimated tender price of $666,974.50. The actual amount expended on this contract was $689,107.57. Work was commenced on this contract in March, 1914, and the last spike was driven by Mayor T. R. Deacon at 10.30 a.m. Thursday, the tenth day of December, 1914. CONSTBUCnON OF TIIK FALCO.N BIVEB DTKE The construction of the Falcon Kiver dyke was carried out in order that the water near the intake might have an opportunity to become as clear as the waters of the main lake. Tliis could only take place when opportunity was given to the natural agencies (sun, waves and wind) to act on the water near the intaKe, without allowing this water to be mixed with additional dark water from the Falcon River. The contract for the construction of the dyke was awardeil to Messrs. Tomlinson 4 Fleming, of Toronto. The actual cost of construction was $87,327.02. CONTBACTS FOB THE CONSTBUCTION OF THE 85 MILES COSCBETE AQUEDUCT The preparation of the drawings and specifications required for the aqueduct contracts was undertaken during the winter and spring of 1913- 1914. The work was divided into five contracts and tenders were called requesting bids on each, any one or all of the five sertions. The date of receiving tenders was September 19, 1914, and the contracts were awarded in October as follows: Originally estimated value .... $ 945,945.00 .... 1,301,485.00 .... 1,268.680.00 .... 1,137,010.00 .... 1,489,620.00 Con- tract Mile to Mile 30 12.473 32.637 31 32.537 50.302 32 50.302 68.603 33 68.603 84.692 34 84.502 97.11 Successful firm J. M. Tremblay * Co Thos. Kelly jc'hons _... Wpg. Aqueduct Con. Co Wpg. Aqueduct Con. Co Wpg. Aqueduct Con. Co $ 6,142,040.00 By awarding these contracts in the fall of 1914 opportunity was given to the contractors to perfect their organization, to order material and forms, and during the winter season to thoroughly lay out their plans for the carrying out of tlie construction work du Ing'the whole of the working season of 1915. Progress in 1915 The work in 1915 consisted principally of that done by the contractors and by the Water District's forces c^'the construction of the 85-miIe concrete aqueduct section. The progress made by the contractors was as follows: 19 Contract Camp Length of contract Ft. of arch built Per cent. 30 .... 2 .... .... 6,626. 3 .... 104,060 ft 7,406.8 Total „ „.... 13,030.8 ft 13.4 31 .... 1 .... .... 6,026. 2 ... 1 800 3 .... 03,798 ft. 6,066! Total 12780. ft 13.6 32 .... 1 .... .... 4,996. 2 .... .... 8 926 3 .... 96,102 ft 9]40l!6 Total 23,321.6 ft 24.3 33 .... 4 .... .... 6,060. 6 .... 84,950 ft 4,033. Total 10,093. ft 11.9 34 .... 6 .... 68,210 ft 5,260.9 Total 6,260.9 ft 7.7 Grand totals 447,110 ft 65,386.2 ft 14.62 84.7 miles 12.4 miles BETTLElfENT CBACKS At the close of the construction season of 1916, a number of settlement craclcs occurred in certain sections of the aqueduct. A Board of Con- sulting Engineers consisting of Messrs. J. O. Sullivan, R. 8. Lea and Brigadier-General R. N. Ruttan, was appointed to mal<e a special report to the Administration Board. After a careful investigation these gen- tlemen reported in September, 1916, and their conclusions were summar- ized: "The practical questions to be answered in connection with the pro- ject are: "1. When the aqueduct and its accessories are completed will the work be of such a character that they will satisfactorily perform the service for which they have been designed, namely: the delivery of Shoal Lake water to the City of Winnipeg and the surrounding municipalities in the quantities specified and without pollution on the way? "2. Will the work as projected be of such a substantial and per- manent character as to require only a reasonable charge for maintenance? "3. Will the cost of the completed work be fair and reasonable? "Subject to the careful carrj-ing out of the work on the linos indicated in this report all the questions may be answered in the affirmative." These cracks varied in width from 5-16 of an inch to hair- line cracks only, and were caused by the settlement of the sub- soil as it becomes adjusted to the imposed load. Tlie results of this settlement were such that restoration of the surface was possible at a rcliitively small cost, and it is not anticipated that the utility of the aqueduct o: the permanence of the structure will be affected. Hydro- static tests Wtie L-arrii-d on at diiTcrcnt points where the cracks had 20 developed and had been repaired, and the leakage from theM sections was earefullv obaerred. The length of obeerTation depended upon the observed leakage and in some cases extended over a period of several months. The greatest leakage was 10,200 gallons per mile per day, and the least 376 gallons per mile per day. If, when the aqueduct is completed, the total average leakage from ^he structure when filled to the 85,000,000 gallons line should be equal to that from the portion in which the largest cracks had developed, the amount would be about seven-tenths of one per cent, of the water carried in the aqueduct. This is considerably lower than the quantity originally estimated as likely to be lost by seepage, etc. The loss when the aqueduct is delivering water will likely be much less than 6,000 gallons per mile per day. If a standard section of aqueduct 8'9"x7'4|'' and 6,280 feet long, or a distance equal to that between the Assiniboine River and the City Hall, is considered as filled to the 85,000,000 gallons line, or to a depth of 6.14 feet, it would contain approximately 30,000 barrels of water of 60 gallons capacity each. From the above, the leakage would be found to be 210 barrel)), or if considered on the basis of the minimum leakage, then only eight barrels out of 30,000. In this connection a letter from R. S. Lea, of Montreal, Consulting Engineer, is quoted: — R. S. A W. 8. LEA Contultinc Engineers Montreal. P.Q., June 2(th. 1917. R. D. Waufh, Esq., Chairman ot Commlaaloners, Greater Winnipeg Water District, Winnipeg. Manitoba. Dear Sir, — Early In 19K, as you are aware, I was appointed a member ot the Special Board ot Coniulting Engineers to examine and report upon the general question ot the deaign and conetructlon of the Shoal Lake Aqueduct. This was In conaequence of certain detect* which had developed In the previous (and first) season's work. In thia matter I was aiaoclated with Brlgadler-Oencral H. N. Ruttan, late City Engineer of Winnipeg, and Mr. J. O. Sullivan, Chief Engineer ot the Canadian Pacific Railway. As a result of our Inveetlgatlon, covering a period of about 6 months, we reported that the material* and workmanship employed In the conitructlon of the concrete aqueduct were of the higheit quality, that the work If carried out along line* Indicated In the report would, when completed, sattatactorlly fulfil the purpose for which they were designed, would be of a substantial and permanent character, and would coat a sum which would compare advantag- soualy with that of almllar work* el*«whcre. The experience gained In connection with the 1916 and the preaent season'* work, together with the lapee of a winter seaaon, ha* served to confirm theee conclu*lon* and to Indicate that the defect* referred to In the fir*t year'* work can be effectively repaired at a comparatively small cost. So tar as my personal opinion I* concerned I can *ay that I have never seen a better example of concrete construction, both as regards workmanship and material*. Very truly your*, R. 8. L£A. Progress in 1916 The progress made by the contractor on the aqueduct contract during 1916 is shown in the following table: Porcentage Con- tract 30 Camp .... 1 . .... 2 . .... 3 .. Total Contract length Feet of arch built 1916 tottodate 9,295 9,295. 14,298.5 .... 20,825. 14,610.7 .... 22,016.5 104,050 ft 38,204.5 21 5-2,1 35.0 completed 50.1 Perwntajie Con- tract 31 Camp .... 1 ... .... 2 ... .. 3 . Total .... ... 1 ... 2 . 3 . Total .. ... 4 ... ... 5 .... Total ... .. ... ... 7 ... ... 8 ... Total .. Total ... Contract length 93,798 ft. 96,102 ft. 84,950 ft. 68,310 ft. 447,110 ft. 84.7 miles Feet of arch built of length IftlO tot. to (lat« completed ... 4,171.2 .... 10,090.2 .... 4,560 6,360 ... 6,870.5 ... 11,925.5 .... 32 ... 15,601.7 . 10,335. . 8,040. . 11,312. .... 30,287. ... 11,393.9 ... 5,155. ... 28,381.7 ... 16,330. 17,505. ... 20,713.5 ... S0.2 33 ... 63,608.5 ... 17.453.9 !t,188. ... 26,641.9 14,033.8 6.420. 4,785.8 ... 65.8 34 ... 16,548.9 ... 8,772.9 ... 6,420. ... 4,785.8 ... 19,978.7 . 31.4 .. 25,239.6 37.0 Grunc ... 120,020.5 22.8 miles ... 186,006.7 35.2 miles .. 41.6 Progress in 1917 On all aqueduct contracts th« progress made during 1917 exceeded that of any of the previous years. On Contracts 31, 33 and 34 the work completed during 1917 was in e.xoess of that done in the two previous years. This improvement in the progress resulted from more efficient organization of the contractors' forces; a better knowledge of how to prosecute the work and lastly to the increase of plant in the form of new camps and added machinery, Tlie latter followed as the result of orders issued to tlie contractors in January, 1917, by the Administra- tion Board of the District on recommendation of the Commissioners and the Hiief Engineer; that unless the organization on certain contracts was improved and additional camps and equipment provided it was quite probable that these contracts would not be completed according to scbed'jle. Accordingly two additional camps were established on Contract 31 and worn out equipment was replaced by new plant. On Contract 33 one new camp was opened at the .beginning of the season and one late in the month of May, and on Contract 34 additions were made to the existing plant. The following table shows the progress made on the aqueduct section during 1917 and also the total completed aqueduct on a percentage basis. Py way of comparison the percentage r>f completed aqueduct for the period previous to 1917 is also given. 22 % riirl>-lltp y*»ut "I'lniit^r" Anii oil I'ltntlniHMi** lntt*rt ■r t.ti 111- ;<iiM III |ii.i< • .\iiti III. riimi'-.I . ..('p' I ■■\iMiit»i. ' ll'- .11 ' !l .1 ihI I hf \l I St Tip W nl'l --l.i|. Ml 11m- |1i\ < I I . THik f'T '.ini.iL; f.u' iHM\iiiu luii-i l..i!iif« Mltn I'tl*'- .I'l. .1 riiitrhiv. IniiTt "riniifrr'* Vml^ im fontr^ft S*». 'M Not.' th.' iikiIiimI 1.1" ir;iiiti|ii'ri;i t i..ii ;tii<! iti.- iy|>-* .1' ihiit.- us*-!! f..r |'..minu' I In ■ "ii< i.-r- . A <<«-tl»n of AqwniiH-t runiplrtnl rii4-r|it fair Bwk-flllinK Tlili" i" ii Ti ilrf.- ■ n. fii. ali"Ul ;".' iiiUc» ••■.<K "f Wliiiilpt A Typli'sl Ciinlrai'lnr'H 4'iiini> Th.' FuliHiii l!lv.T is shown tn the fori-Krmin growths In thp rlvpr. Not-- ih'- mHrsh-likt Con- tract M St 32 33 M Conpletcd orevioua to Camp* 1917 3 SO.1% S2,13S ft. S 30.2% 28,382 ft. rerc«nta||(B of length completed 1017 •2 t3 6S.8% S3,608 ft. 31.4% 26,841 ft. 3 37.0% 2S,240 ft. 3 eampa after Sept. ToUl complrt4^ aqueduct 87.13% 90,664.7 ft. 81.9 % 76,870.6 ft. 00.9 % 87,349.4 ft. 77.9 % 65,142.9 ft. 77.1 % 52,666.4 ft. 37.03% 38,529.7 ft. 51.7 % 48,403.6 ft. 35.11% 37,741.4 ft 46.3 % 39,501.9 ft. 40.1 % 27,415.4 ft. t 4 campa after Sept. Required 89% 88,442.5 85% 70,728.3 ft. ft. 85% 81,686.7 85% 70,220.7 85% 58,120.2 ft. ft. ft. 84.7 miles 42.0% 83.3% Total length of aqueduct eait of main reservoir site 447,277.0 ft. ToUi length com|)lited in 1917 187,682.0 ft. ToUl lengtli completed to date 372,688.0 ft. CONTEACT !»0. 55 Tliis contract waa awarded on December 20tli, 1918, to the Winnipeg Aqueduct Construction Company, who are working in conjunction with the Canada Locic Joint Pip« Ltd., and calls for the construction of a reinforced concrete pressure pipe line 5 feet and 6 inches in diameter, extending from Deacon to the Red River, approximately 9.3 miles. The joining of this line at ita easterly end to the westerly end of the aqueduct section will be done by the contractor for Contract 30, while the westerly end will be joined to the Red River crossing works by the contractor for that contract. Good progress was made with the manufacturing and fair progress with the laying of the pipe. The trench work, such as the excavation, the placing of foundation, of pipe and the jointing and backfllling, was done at two points on thie contract, at Camps 55 and 66. During the season approximately 3.2 miles of pipe was laid, backfilled and jointed. Enough pipe was manufactured for four miles of the line. The contractors built a standard guage tramway along the right-of- way of the pipe line and convenient to the centre line. The pipe '-as loaded on cars at the manufacturing plant and transported over the tramway to a point close to that to which the laying had progressed, it was there unloaded and lowered into the trench with a crane and carried into position by means of specially designed carriers running on a track laid in the trench. 23 CHAPTER IV. A Study of th« ApproKlmaU Saving to Rooldonto of tho Orootor WInnlpog Wator Olotrlct by Uaing Shoal Lako Wator Inatoad of tho Proaont Supply, Baaod on Prooont Conditlona A itudy of the iaving to b* effwttd by iubitltutlng •• »•««"?{ w.t*r Vupply. .o<t Uk. wlur for ground water which »• •«««';'>Z ^.j^^ will naturally follow along the linei of the taving on the itemi »ff«et~. TamaW- M tenert require* to wften tha hard water, the reduction in ?he m^aint^nanc. andVpital coeU on .uch 't^?* " w'.Ur Unk*: «d water coiU. water heater., boiler.. c.»ternii_and w(t ''•'f ' »";• '^ Mftoning plant; the wvlng In fuel due to abaence of «ale »■>»»''"•. '^ Mvlng fn clothing now fnjured by nece«ary proce..e.. and the im- provement in private and public health. Tb3 Quantity of wap., water wftener. and water treatmenU will »>« greatly ?edu«7.nd U l5 ;e.««able to expect that »»«'«»'"« "^ P^'°« f J 'team and hot water pipe, and fitting, and of nower taller, w ill ta practically eliminated and thu. a fwving effected diie to the greatly decreaMd maintenance and re; ement coat*. Ci.tern. are uaed in thi. locality for the purpoM of »tor'ng rain water for d^tic u«. other than hjman con.umption. A. Shoal I^kl water iTMOellent for dome.tic purpoae. .uch a. laundering, etc., ^'^eZTtoVthe^naUlUtion of ci.ternS wiT^aje t" «i-t •n^,''^""^ already in uw become worn out it 1* not, likely tb«ttb«v will M re- placed; and a .aving may alw be expecUd under tU.. lU.. ' The .ofteninu planU In vtte In Winnipeg do not reduce the hard water to a dearerS liardneM lower than Shoal Lake water and con.equently ♦S.?r cont?nued uie i. not anticipated. There will therefore likely not ^tt„v further ca^iUl expenditure in connection with water «. SaUrinBtaVutionWd thS pre«nt operating coat, can be u«=d a. a ba.i. of the saving under this item. The number of part, of hardne.. per million gallon, in the prewnt eround waTer .upply average, about 476, wherea. Shoal Lakf water SnUk.. on the aS^rage le«. than one-tenth of thi., or about 45 part. ^? mniion of "temporal V" hardne,. only. The pre«nt population of the Greater Winnipeg Water District i. 250,000 and the water con.umption. incluL*^ that used in power ?»»»»«', 'rter'TuV^vhlve ig 11 000 000 itallon.. Authorities on the .ubject of water .upply have totally softened, or 260.000 daily. As stated above this quan/jty wi\l incl.!de w^te'r supplied to the Industrie, as well as the houwho Iders. Tn" there ore in addition to soap, such softeners as boiler compounds, washingpowdeis, washing fluids and the like will be used as the^ft^n- r;'n::^iiL. Theprice^f these '^;;^^r^^^;^^^^^-,.J^^^^^^ &ttadnf\'^aK";^wder.^:r:\a^^ at ten cents per pound. 24 For purpoM* o( calculation and batatl on eonflrmatlon from authcntla ■ourcM th« avtrkgt ;'iic« of water •ofteneri may b« plaoad at 15 otata p«r pouBii. lUrUnMS In watar it not noticeable until tb* defCTM of hardncia reaobrt 80 parta par million, and from expcrimant it hat been proven that for each additional part of hardnri* per million parti of waUr the iottoninK will reouir* 240 pounds of aoap per million gallona aoftened, worth 240 x |0.16, or $3«.00. Tha well waUr now Uied ii, on the aTcra^e, 4.10 parta per million harder than Shoal Lake water, to that every million Ralloni softened costs 430 x I3H00 — $16,48000 for the extra degrees of hardnesa. Thus, bv the use of Hhoal Lake water the saving will \m the present cost of softening 250,000 gallons, or $3,870.00 daily, amounting approximately to $1,101,000.00 annually. WATU flOSTa *!«D WATEB COILB (roi HEA^iNO DOMEaTIC WATM) There are in Winnipeg and the surrounding municipalities nearly 46,000 of these in use in the following proportions: Water fronts Water coils in furnaces.. 30,000 15,000 Owing to the corroding and incrusting elements in the water as at preaent supplied the average length of service is five years and the cost of renewal $8.00, which inclu*-s the cost of the installation. The annual outlay In the District for mew water fronts is thus approximately $30,000.00 To this sum add $10,000, which is the amount expended an- nually on repairs to water fronts, such as removal and cleaning, new lengths of pipe, etc., making a total annual expenditure of $40,000.00. The length of service of a water heating coil is not more t: an one year and the average cost of renewal is $6.00; thv cost for renewal of 16,000 water heating coils is thus »7S,000. With the use of Shoal Lake water the duration of service of water fronts and colls should be extended almost indefinitely, and tlierefore the annual saving on tliese two items would be approximately $118,000.00 In addition to the above roent !'-"<■'' devices for heating wuter there are 8,000 water heaters with wliicli gas is used aa the fuel. These are divided into two claaaes: (a) Automatic or instantaneous heater. (b) Circulating heaters. There are 1,000 automatic heaters in use. The lower portions of these need to be replaced annually because they become clog^d by in- crustants. As the cost of renewal is $13.00 the annual maintenance charge is $13,000.00. The length of service of the 7,000 circulating water heaters is about three years. Therefore, at $13.00, less $1.00 for each old coil returned, the cost of maintenance of these is 927,600.00 annually, or the combined annual cost amounts to $40,600 00. As far as the use of Shoal Lake water is concerned the length of service of these beaters should be indefinite, tlioir life depending almost solely upon the ability of the metal of which the heaters are constructed to with- stand the ordinary wear and tear to which tliey are subjected. CISTERNS AND BOfT WATER TANKS The sire of the average soft water container in this dist''ct is about six feet in diameter and six feet high, having a capacity oJ .; ;>rox- imately 30 barrels. In this locality rain water is stored fo; , . ndry and ablution purposes only, and wlien the water from Shoai ^i<e is obtainable their usefulness will cease, apd tlierefore any monies' which 26 would be Bpont on the maintenance or replacing of those already in service may be Het down as a direct saving. It is estimated that there are about 10^0 of these in use. The average life is ten years and accordingly there would be /•^"^/f"" renewals annually. The cost at the present time for cisterns of thia size is $43.00. and therefore the cost for renewals a""^"y '» $43,000.00; to this add repairs $5,000.00 and cleaning «t «1.00 each $10 000.00. making a total present annual expenditure of $o8,000.oo, or, as is stated above, this may be set down as an annual saving of $58,000.00. The estimates in connection with soft water containers are very conservative and although it is not unreasonable to «"PP°?« t''»*„Jl certain sum will be spent annually on maintenance even after Shoal Lake water is in use, it is not likely that many renewals will be made The pre.*nt annual expenditure under this head is Pr^ba^-'y ""^^ greater than the sum set down and therefore, a saving of $58,000 may be considered as quite conservative. BOILEBS According to records of inspections made by the Bureau of Labor for the Province of Manitoba there are 398 high pr.>8sure boilers n use iu the Greater Winnipeg Water District. Ti;ese differ in cajpM.ty but the average is about 100 h.p. The average sue and number of tubes in these boilers is 3i in. by 16 ft. and 70 tubes per boiler. Owine to the excessive hardness of the present water supply the life of the tubes in boilers in this district is very short, and on the average a total renewal of tubes is necessary every five years. The price of boiler tubing is advancing rapidly, having increased °^«'- 25 Per cent between December. 1916. and October, 1917. The present price of 31 inch tubes is $0.57 per foot. At the present time there is about 16 x 70 x 398=445.000 lineal feet of boiler tubing in use in this district and one-flfth, or 68.000 feet o tl^s s renevfed annually, the cost being $51,000.00. Water which is not hard.r than 70 parts per million gallons is classed as good for povr-^r boilers, therefore Shoal Lake water, which is not much more than half as hard, or 45 parts per million gallons, is exceptionally pood ter- tainlv it would be safe to assume that when the using of SI-'-' I^ke water in boilers is begun the length of service of boiler tubes w..l lie at U-as fiv^timesas long-, and therefore, fig"""? ""t^e present basis, the annual renewal costs^ould be not more than $10,000,00, and there- fore there will be an immediate saving of $41,000 annually. softe:«ing plakts There are at present in operation in the District, privately owned softening plants for treating water, either from the municipal supply or f ron7prWat« wells, the water from either one of T' is s.m.h.r in mialitv The amount of capital invested is approximately $60,000.00. C annual cost of chemical^ and operation is al«ut $7 200.00. and the interest and depreciation is 15 per cent, of the capital invested, or $9.000.0C annually. When tl« lake water is in use it will not be necessary to operate these plants, as in few instances do they reduce the hardness so as to Lake the supply as soft as the lake water. The direct sa- will be tlu. operation cost of $7,200 annually, as it can be assum •^lat the in-»t Old depreciatioTv will be charged until the capi' ^'^t Is can- celled and need not be included as they woul. occur rcsp«Ctl^e of the water supply oute the plant has been installed. 26 Ml. .1 ami ..|..i;ii..l hy *;.\\ W .!•, <-.tis .lUMi|. ni. . li;i ni. ,i 1 1\ Silttml tTi*ftiMl f«r .\fi*«mmmla!l»n «f "iftUiT*.' • hllilr«n Til. r. .u- III!.' s. ! Is within i It. I»i« l.;in.| i;'S'r\. vhiminK II"- lonKtriKlliin <>l IIk" (iriiilar Kr-lnfi.rrMi <iiniTelP, ilcim-xiMl xwtiiin, wlnTf llii- AinHMliHl HiiiiDUK'hrK Ihf Ki-wriuir *«ltf at Ikt-anin \l(l|Hlllll'l UillllillH MlllIlT II KUtT ,, ',.f^ ,.1 ;,i.l;ll 8ATI50 OF IXm, Another item to be dealt with is the saving of fuel w., ^h will be effected by the use of Shoal Lake water. With but few exceptions, in all steam power plants, trouble is experienced with scale in the boiler. Scale is the name given to the incrustants which form upon the tubes in boilers and is the result of precipitation of the carbonates and sulphates in the water when it is heated to above boiling point. This scale adheres to the tubes in layers, the thickness of which depends upon the nature of the water used, the treatment given to the water before it is used and the length of time between consecutive cleanings of the boiler. In any event even a slight scale upon the tubes acts as an insulator against the transmission of hep.t from the fuel to the water and a portion of the heat generated by the combustion of the coal is wasted in heating up and overcoming the effect of this insulating coat. Onoe this scale is formed its removal is very difficult, as in many instances it withstands the action of strong chen.ieals. It can, how- ever be removed by means of specially designed hammers operated by means of steam or compressed air, but this is a very slow and expensive process. Shoal Lake water is graded as excellent for boiler purposes and contains no elements which would form hard boiler scale, and when this water is used in power plants throughout the district trouble from scale should disappear. The loss of heat due to presence of scale is a real loss and amounts to from one per cent, to more than 45 per cent, of the total heat in the coal, depending upon the thickness of the scale. Every citizen of Winnipeg who has had experience with scale in boiler and hot water tubes will realize how much h..-at, and consequently fuel, is now and has been wasted by the excessive corrosion in water heating, from the tea kettle up to the largest plant. The figures presented below are a close approximatir f thu amount expended annually for fuel in the industrial plants id for domestic heating in the Greater Winnipeg Water District: 10,000 cords of wood - $ 75,000.00 140,000 tons of anthracite coal 1,750,000.00 50,000 tons Western bituminous coal 625, JO.OO 115,000 tons of bituminous coal 1,2«6,000.00 Total value $3,615,000.00 Assuming that $1,115,000.00 is expended for fuel used in hot air furnaces, self-feeding coal stoves and similar heating apparatus, there would remain $2,500,000.00 as representing the amount expended for industrial power and beating plants and for residences heated either by steam or hot water systems. Elwood Hendrick, an eminent analyst and chemical authority, says, in a recent publication: "We need not enter into a discussion of the nuisance that hard water is to boilers. The scale ruins the tubes and it is such a poor conductor of heat that it runs the coal consumption away up — one-sixteenth of on inch of aoole on boiler tubes doubles the consumption of fuel." If, on the average, the scale in the tubes of boilers for power and heating throughout the Greater Winnipeg Water District was only thick enough to cause such a loss of heat as to increase the con- sumption 20 per cent., this would represent an over expenditure of $600,000.00. With the advent of Shoal I,ak€ water certainly no further formation of scale will occur, and the action of such water should remove a con- siderable portion of that already formed. If proper care is taken to remove such scale as exists when Sho«l I^ke water is first used, a con- 27 'r-" ,»,/) A^'''' ' Biderable sum will be saved, as the heat hitherto wasted to overcome the insulating effect of the scale will be directly t'»n»Jerred to the water. The amount saved annually will probably exceed $800,000.00. AN.NUAL DIBECT SAVING By summing up the above considerations the result obtained shows the annual direct saving. Against this, however, must be set the cost of the undertaking to the people of the Water District, the cost being made up of interest and sinking fund charges and the cost of the water to the consumer. Approximate Saving on Approximate Cost Soaps, boiler com- Sinking fund $ 153.»on.OO pounds, washing Interest ^ S?,^ftXX fluids, etc $1,161,000.00 Operating charges 313.000.00 Water fronts (in aiomnonnn stoves) 40,000.00 « 1,291,000.00 Wate,- coils (in fur- naces 75,000.00 Automatic wator heaters 13,000.00 Circulating water heaters 27,600.00 Soft water containers (cisterns) 58,000.00 Boilers (power) 41,000.00 Softening plants (chemicals) 7.200.00 Fuel - 500,000.00 $ 1.922.800.00 Abstract $1,922,800.00 ^*'*"^*"* 1.291,000.00 Apparent immediate annual net saving $ 631,800.00 SAVINGS Wn.L IXCBEASE WITH POPULATION It must be understood that the above figures are based on present conditions and that as the population increases t^e relative saving on the articles and commodities will increase, whereas 'he sinking fund and interest charges will remain practically the same. The operating cost mav grow slightly greater owing to the increased amount of water used, but this growth w-iU not be sufficient to offset the saving, which should be an increasing amount from year to year. In any event the annual saving effected by the citizens, eUhmigh not perhaps a great amount individually, will collectively be sufficient to more than meet the annual indebtedness due to the construction of the aqueduct and in addition the residents of the District will have the benefit of the use of an inexhaustible supply of pure soft water. The use of excessivelv hard water in the household is attended by real inconveniences. The thick unsightly scum formed on '■eceptacles and the difficulty of obtaining a rich lather are due to """l^'ble com- pounds which have a deleterious effort on fabrics, reducing their strength and rendering them uncomfortable to wear. The -roeesaes of dveing of cloth and the tanning of leatlier require immense' quantities of soft water and both are earned «" J'^h "|"^^ success and finer resulu wlieu soft water is obtainable. Sugar refining 28 requires pure soft water, and the manufacture of paper is impracticable, if not impossible, except where soft water is plentiful. Those mentioned above are only a few of the industries which require soft water throughout the different processes of manufacture and which are likely to locate in the District when an abundant supply of soft water is available, 8H0AL LAKE WATEB FOB HIGH PBESSUBE PLANT The High Pressure Fire System is located in the wholesale and business section of the City and th« hydrants are so placed that if a fire has not gained too much headway before discovery the amount of water that can be thrown into it will prevent a spreading of the conflagra- tion. Unfortunately, however, this water is pumped from the Red River which carries large deposits of sand and silt in suspension in its waters. This i:^ deposited on merchandise and that portion not actually destroyed by fire is often rendered useless because of the layer of mud upon' it, the cost of removing which would be greater than the amount of salva^ie, and all foodstufTs which have been expooed to this water must be destroyed as unflt for human consumption. It is the intention to use water from Shoal Lake for fire purposes and a branch connection is being built to the high pressure plant. The same water will then be used for fire fighting purposes as is used in the domestic mains, and then all foodstuffs not actually destroyed by water and all other articles such as clothing, leather, etc., can l>e nalvaged profitably. CLEAN STREETS AND HEWEBS In Winnipeg at present the cleaning of the streets by flushing with water is practically impossible because the supply of domestic water is not sufficient to permit this and the water from the high pressure system is not available because the health authorities will not allow it to be used for this purpose. The sewers also cannot be flushed often enough because of lack of water. When Shoal Lake water i« available there will be plenty of pure lake water for washing tlie streets and enough water at all time" in every district in the city for systematic flushing of the sewers. EXPEBT TESTS AND EXPEBIENCE In connection with the above study, the following letters and extracts from letters are quoted, giving the opinion of thoae who, from the nature of their business, are able to set out the benefits to the citizens of the Greater Winnipeg Water District of water from Shoal Lake. THE C.P.B. LAUNDBT The following is quoted from a letter written to the Water District on January Uth by Mr. A. L. Scott, president of the C.P.R. Laundry, Ltd. — "The life of all goods washed in this Shoal Lake water will be lengthened to an incalculable extent. This also applies to all wi>ter heating and steam producing appliances. We can say most sincerely that we will welcome the advent of Shoal Lake water, both for our own sakes and that of our customers." THE MODEBN LAUNDBT In a letter addressed to the District and dated April 27th, 1018. E. Edwards, Esq., managing director of the Modern laundry 4 Dye Works Co.. states: — "We find that it (Shoal Lake water) reduces the washing materials such as soap and soda just about 50 per cent." 29 RUM FORD SANITARY LJIUNDRT LIMITED Wlnnlptr February 11th, IIH. Mr R. D. W»u«h. CommlMloner. Qrtater Winnipeg Water Dlitrlct, tOl Tribuna Bulldtnf, City. My Dear Mr. Waugh,— It afforda me great plaaaure to report to you tha retulta of the aample of water which you lent ui. ^h" "■""*'" "L** Kodiend to the people of WInnlpag, If for ro other reaaon than for waahing cloihea. ai they come out ao much iofter and better than It I* poealblo with *''*AVto*"he"MVl*i*'n coat of auppllei. the aample which you lent u» ihowed ua a aavlng of exactly 60 per cent., but a* I elated before. It la not altogether the eavlng In money aa It la the reiulti. The laving which we ehowed waa agalnat our own well aupply, which la ao much aofter than the c"V ."»'•';. ^ If we can be of any further aervlce to you, at any time, we would be glad to have you call upon ui. Touri truly, RL'MFORD SANITARY LAUNDRY LTD., L. J. Rumford, Vlce-Prei. and Man. DIr. THE NORTH WEST LAUNDRY, LIMITED Winnipeg, February 6th, 1»H. Mr R. D. Waugh, Commiaaloner. Greater Winnipeg Water Dlitrlct, 601 Tribune Building, City Dear Sir,— Replying to your favor of J9th of January we duly received the lample of Shoal I^ke water referred to. and have completed a laundering te»t with thli water and with the lame quantity of city water We made the teit with twenty-four loldlen' pure woollen underihlrti, all of the lame Quality and manufacture, with the reiult that a lavIng of lomewhere around 40 per cent. In loap waa made with the uie of Shoal Lake water compared with the City water. In addition to thli the waihing condition! were much better with the loft water than with the City hard water. Ai already relcr"? to In a prevloui letter, li. addition to the economy In waihin* materlali which would reeult from the uie of the aoft water, there would alio be a very con- ■Iderable Indirect advantauc In the lavIng to machinery, particularly boiler nuei. We think the teit given wai a fair one and are qulto latuiled with the reaulti. We hope, ai itated In your letter, the loft water will be In com- mlislon by the end of the preient year. Youri truly, THE NORTH WEST LAUNDRY, LIMITED, Per A. Davldion. VATERSON & WAUQH Acijuiiterl of Fire Loliei 301 Carry Building, Winnipeg, Man., Dec. 7th, 191T. R. D. Waugh, Esq.. Chairman of Commliiloneri, Greater Winnipeg Water Dlitrlct. Winnipeg. Dear Sir,— We are In receipt of your favor of the 5th Init., aiklng ai to the loll to property cauied by the uee of the water from the Red River In the high preiiure lyitem In fighting Brei. While, of courie. It li Impoiilble to give comparative Hgurei, there li no doubt thai the damage In many in- a'ancea hai been heavily Increaied by thli filthy water which an aiiftlyit haa termed "Merely diluted lewage." Pood atocka, except hermetically ic»'«d good!, are almoit Itivariably condemned by the Health Department, while many other clauei of property are lo italned aa to be practically commercially valueleii, and even where a salvage la made the extra cost of handling, cleaning, relabelling an 1 packing cauied by the mud makei a heavy additional Bulldlngi, flxturei and furniture alio luffer from he heavy depoilt of what can only be deicrlbed ai putrid mud, which cauiei extra expense In cleaning and ; emoval of debrla. ^ . . .. .i It may alio be pointed out that on leveral occasloni depoilti of mud and pebblei In the malm have clogged the hose and noiilei lo that the Fire De- partment were delayed In their work with the natural reiulti that the fire gained headway until thli wai remedied. There li no queitlon that the uie of clean water In the high preiiure ler- vlce would much Increaie the lalvage on all clasiei of property where It U used anu In these times when the coniervatloa of food products li of the grtilril Importanc* this might mean a heavy saving. Yours very truly. PATER80N * WAUGH. 80 'lilt' KiH*k-4'riif«binK IMunt »\\M.-.! ,1.1.1 .►|l.-t;il.-'i b\ 1|H •; \\\V.I>. H.W i)4 .|ll,ll Lh'l) II. 11. I.mU. MlM-h I ii!*l]. "I iiii<) Kfit'l' 't for iiii HI jM.r;i I ii.ii in rh. . ..ti. r- !• iti;;.'i' n.ti- ..f ■ . t i;i SM< r i..M« ..r ih< .\.|ii. -III. t l;i|.i;i|. r-ii ,ill pmi-Mn.s in jus.. <■!'!. lin.. I ';■!.- l-:iiKint*vrinK ll«'H«lf|nurt**r»., IHvUhin \». ;w future to !'•' tiiiMipi-'t ''>■ p.llinl 111.11. CHAPTER V. Financial By •grwrnpiit dated November 7th, 1013, the Bank of Montreal was appointed bankers and flical agents ifor the Greater Winnipeg Water District, for financing its undertaking during the period of construction. The original scheme of financing for the water project was by the sale on the British market of inscribed stock, forty yj-ar terra, bearing *i per cent, interest. A small amount of this long term stock was sold in the fall of 1914, prior to the war. The British market has been closed since the outbreak of the war, and our long term stock could not be sold. The Water District, on the advice of its fiscal agents, the Bank of Montreal, decided that the only available course was to issue short date debentures and sell them in the United States and Canada. This arrangement was of course necessitated by war conditions and will cause no additional obligation or expense to the Water District, except such as has been occasioned by war time financing. Up to the present the District has issued securities as follows: 40-ypar stflcM sold in London before the war $1,283,112.00 Syear 6% debentures sold in U.S. and Canada.. 9,500,000.00 A total of $10,782,112.00 Up to December 3l8t, 1017, the total amount expended for all pur- poses on thj aqueduct project was $11,275,587.06. As previously stated, the estimated cost of the whole work (not including interest during con- struction nor the cost of lands for right-of-way) was $13,045,000.00 Not- withstanding unestimated and wholly unforeseen war conditions tending to increase the cost of the work, the actual construction will be com- pleted very ctosc to the original estimate and the only extra coHt will be the e.\»';i cost of the land and the extra cost of monev, borrowed on temporajy debentures. COST OF MONEY The average cost of borrowed capital — funded and temporary — includ- ing all expenses, for the two years ended December Slst, 1015, was 51 per cent but for the next two years it had risen to slightly over per cent. The average for the four years ended at December 3l8t last was a fraction under per cent., but with present authorized and future anticipated borrowings at tlie prevailing higher rates, an increase in the average cost is inevitable. 8ISKIN0 FUND The sum to pay interest and the sinking f\ind charges necessary to flnAlly retire the debt will be levied in annual installments during a period of 36 years. The tax tcill be on the land tcithin the District and tcill be on n» aanessed i-alue of the land only, excluding buildings and improvements. The assessment will be equalized by a board of experi- enced valuators appointed by the Public Utilities bommissioner. The sinking fund to redeem the outstanding debentures will be de- posited In a chartered bank, to be dcsignattS by the Board, to be called "The Sinking Fund Account of the Greater Winnipeg Water Dia- 31 triet," and the Mine will be invested by three truateea, two of whom •ball be appointed by the chief juitiee or any judoe of the Court of King'* Bench on application by the Board, and the third by the Board ; from one of their number. Inveetmente will be made in bondi, mort- gagee, or (uoh other good safe eeeuritiea a* the truateea may think beat The corporation it required by law 'a tuhmit annually to the Public Utilities Commiiaioner and to each of tl municipalities a statement of the affairs of the corporation. Oondenied Statement of Expenditures to Desember 31st. 1*17 Aqueduct construction • Falcon River Dyke and Diversion Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe Line Preliminary Expenditure on Future Construction — InUke » 2,182.88 Red River Tunnel _ 6,669.06 Concrete Mains, Red River to Reservoir 3,787.70 Constructions! ilailway _ Constructioi.;^'. Railway Equipment ..$ 1,430,901.25 187,260.54 7,220,633.80 143,302.«2 791,206.40 12,639.60 Constructional Teleplione System Screening Plant (Gravel Pit No. 1) Government Pit (Gravel Pit No. 2) Rock Crushing Plant Buildings _ Lands (for allocation in 1918) Materials, Supplies and Equipment on hand Charter and Organization Expenses Field Organization and Preliminary Survey Discount on Funded Debt and other Finan- cial Charges Colonization Expenditures _... Lett — Departmental Operating Accounts in Suspense — 1,618,221.79 32,750.58 67,533.52 4,596.69 16,279.22 81,283.44 12,547.06 71,086.77 16.502.60 09,069.43 479,900.48 3,342.31 $ 10,670,896.37 Constructional Railway Credit Gravel Pit No. 1 Credit Gravel Pit No. 2 Credit Buildings Credit Cement Handling Credit 47,851.54 0,443.85 12,949.91 7,752.50 11,229.41 Rook Crushing Plant Debit 89,227.21 44,273.86 44,953.35 $ 10,625,943.02 32 LUblUtiM At at December 3Ut, 1917 4)% Inieribcd Stock (£263,692 Oi. Od.) | 6% Fl»e-Ye«r Debcnturei 1,283,112.83 7.900,000.00 Interest on mbore, accrned, not due Bank of Montreal — Bills Pa Overdra: 8,783,112.83 44,246.69 Bills Pavable, secured by Treaburj Rills $ Sundry Creditor*^ Accounts Payable | December Payroll Contractors' Holdbacks $996,838.48 Contractors' Damages 66,780.00 Contractors' Tender Deposits Unpresented Interest Coupons DeduetioBt — Bank of Montreal, Coupon Account $ Commissioners' Trust rund Sundry Petty Cash Funds Sundiy Accounts Receivable ToUl Liabilities Item for Allocation — Winnipeg Aqueduct Construction Co. Bond Consideration (for allocation on Compietion of Contracts 32-33-34) -4 8,827,399.92 840,000.00 202,999.41 1,042,999.41 34,892.28 10,680.98 063,618.48 709,160.74 30,090.00 138,979.00 « 10,748,180.67 138,979.00 900.00 320.00 7,842.69 147,237.69 $ 10,600,943.08 29,000.00 $ 10,629,043.02 33 34 pi.. 40 90 -ItMB m Hum ■ ORawTHTH Powunoii or Vmaa Onro • ."*(■.•* Vf^ ^,' r* ki ^•"'' -s;>^ i- ^^. M, r--"Ti"- ci ■■4'W- f " 1 im^ ^!te ''';; prof/'r .'"jtj -v '.3pe etoi^traled ZOOtimti TYPKAL OPtnriMT ARCH TYPE AQUeOUCT. 5.J# '^ .< « Dl»TAM( 'akt Contractu. 'naian Bay J i, OpmtrtMrr AMCM Trwm Afc 1 ~ I i_ Contract 32 5'J« ^ ii . t If *T mvtK OtOMMTMSS I Contract 33 — X/l •..<■«/■— ^"tr 7 '.. . • */ — . I \v d-r-r*f Contract 3^ DiATAMCC m Milk* TJ