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Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre film^s d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est film6 A partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 No. 6.) A Farmer's Open Letter to Farmers. I. 1 « Fellow Faumlrs, — In common with all intelligent yeomen I am a rcailiT of the press, but perhaps I am a little excejjtional in that I r .ii"! both sides of the press. 1 take one side and 1 find one set of facts and li<^ares, and I take the other side and I find another set, until 8i>nietimes luy mind is so confused between them that I cannot believe uiiber. I. have given up paying much attention to these evolved figures becjiusi'. men specially hired for the work handle them for their own particular parties, put in what suits them and leave out what don't. But I do know this, and so do all farmers, from experience, tliat no matter who is in or out the expenses go on. Nor can I say that this is unnatural. Public ahairs, like private, must be carried on at an expense, and in a new country like this the expense is great, because we need so many new public works. Both parties have given us 8onu> great and useful public works, without which the new parts of the country could not have been developed, so I iind no great fault with either party upon that score. What we have to consider is where the money to pay for the^ie works is (o come from. Some say abolish the taritT and let goods in fi ee from the United States and elsewhere, and let ua raise the money by direct taxaticm. Xhat means to put all the taxes on the hind, to which 1 object Mr. Blake said in a speech in West Durham, which I read in the Globe, that luost of the tarld* wouM have to stay, because we need jjo much monoy to condiict public aft'airs, but that he WOUld takt- the dutj' off coul and br^adsliiffs. If vro take the duty otY of coal we wili have to put it on tea and coflfee, aud aa tea and collo.e are of more use to me as a fai-iiier I wouid sooner have them Li-re aud a duty upon coal, of which I have little need. Then the «Juty upon bt 4 udstnffs is tlie only (liinj* in the tiiriff Hiat i'avois larniers at all. If Mr. Blake tak** that off, while he loaves the present protection to nmnufaoturers, as he proniisns to do, we shall bo the losers for the benefit of the Inrtje cities Hnd*t(jwn8. Now, fellow -farmers, this is the M'ay I look at the matter: As Mr. lllakc says we must liavc the taiitf, h't u*» hjive Ihe ^vhole tariff, and tiot put all the taxes npen the land, neither tah<> tlie dujy off ♦irain, in wliich >ve ar<' Interi'^ted, and leave it on those things in which cities and t<3v,'ns are interested. It is for this reason that I shall coniinue to support the Nati(n'ial Policy, not for pai'ty, but because it is the best thing oderod us .so far by either party. We must consider our own interests, as otlier people do. A FARMER. T'libliflhed by the Industrial League, fur gratuitnua distriliution. — Fredkrio w