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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 -v «' WINN IPEC J MANITOBA HISTORICAL AND ^cic II lific i^ocichj, A Ul-iL A D H DAD /V>i the Yair 7rinu;ini? to lij,'ht I lie facets concerning the widi tielcl or oiir operations— "tlie reKiotis lying north and west of Lake .Superior." Mi:.Mni:iinmunicu- tion related to the occurrence of coal and iron atl Kdmonton, and described the manner in which these deposits are found. The coal is a lignite, hard and dark, docs not seem so subject to the disinteH[rating influence of the air as that fn>m the Soiiris. It is estinuite.77 Tesquioxide of iron 12.:iti Phosphoric acid (l.tW Sulphuric a<'id 0.41 i'ombiiied water 2.14 Hygroscopic water 0.7:i insoluble argillaceous matter 17.'-';{ Total 'MM Metallic iron, :ii>.7l per cent. This is a better variety of ii'onstonc than that worked as the Scotch block band and in Staf- fordshire, Kngland. The only (|Ucstion need- ing solution is whether, the amount of phos- phorus in the ore is great enough to make the iron cold-short or of sulphur to make it red- short. Mr. Haird was tendered the thanks of Uic Society for his jiaper and specimens I'ltOKFXHOR li.MKn, OK W.VSII I .VCJTON. In the Autumn of 1882, Mr. Strong, a resirlciit ot Winnipeg. otTercd to make a collection of tlsh to be sent to the Smithsonian rnstitution. The otter was accepted, and a small appropri- ation made to assist in curing the specimens. The Kxpress Companies carric'l them free to Washington, for which our b -si thanks are due. The contribution was duly acknowle^\ Moniorial of Joseph Henry : 3()0, Palafittes or Lacustrian Con- struction ; ;i67, Flora of Alaska ; 372, Drilling in Stone without Metal ; 367, Chemistry of ilie Earth ; 284, Circular of Shipping" Fresh Fish ; 394, Stoiu' Age in New .lersey ; 415, Savage Weapons ; 437, Check List of Publications ; Suiithsonian ^ Report, 1879, Do., 1880, Do., 1879, Do., ' 1880 (.second cO])ies) ; Euology on Alex. I) Bache ; First Annual Reiiort Bureau I Ethntdogy (2 copies). Total— 37 Publi- ! cations' Boston. — Willianii*' Lecture Magazine, 1882 to 1883. Mitsovri Historical Society, St, Louis. — Amended Charter and By-Laws ; Cam- paign in Mis80iui and the Battle of Wil- .son'i Creek, 1861 ; Recollections of x Se|»i tionl ArclF />! live '''I DcmL eralj V.dil TrVl "c-ci-t.lHrjr Sfptuagenarian ; Air.lia.'t>li»j'ical Exitloia- fioiis in Cole Co., M", ; Sainunl Gafy ; Anhfuology of Missouri. Total, 7. Pepnrtvimt of State, Minnemtii — Exeiu- tive Documents. Total — 10 Vohinjes. Ciinnda. — Dejmrtment of Stnti., Ottiiva. — I)i'Mri]»tive Catalogue of Economic Min- t'laU of Canada ; Do., Compilwl liy tlu- (Jcological Corps of Canada. Total — "J V'olumes. (ifohufiail Hurvei) of i'aiiiuhi . — I'li-liminary Note, Bow and Beflv Rivcr'> Districts. Nm\t Scotia. — Collections of tlu; Histori- cal Society. Till' Royal Swiety «/ i'anmhi .Minutes of Proceedings, 18h:i. Montreal. — The N nviiiiniiitic uml .Aiiti- i/nariaii Society — .Journal for .lanuary, A]>ril and July. Total — 3 VoIuhks. S. Weil', Esq., I, 3, 4 and 6tli lle]»orts, .Mon- treal Horticultural Society. Toronto. — Proceedings of the (.'anadian Institute, Vol. 1. Nidudas Flood Davin, Esq.. Album verses and other Poeuis ; Remarks suggested liy President (lar- tield's Death ; On the Secretary of the Iltiyal Society of Canada. Total — 'A. 11 'mniftij. — Provincial IliYrirn nietit — Con- salidated Statutes of Manilolta, 1N80 ; Statutes of Manitoba (44th year of the Reign of Queen Viitoria) ; I>e]iorts, Minister of Agriculture and Statistio (two copies I88(» and Do., ISM). Tutal— H Viilumes. IVInnifeq. — MUcelUineoux — Baker. Esq., C.r.R.,_A Coijper Arrow Hea.i. R. H. H tinter, Esq., — Statistics of Railroads, iScc. ; Life History of Birds (2 cojiies). Mr. .Fame> Henderson. — Manitoba and North- Westein Directoiy ; Directtny of City of Winnijieg, July, ISh-i. Provincial l-ibrury Books returned by A. H. Whit- 1 her, Esq. — Land Laws, Regulations f,nd Decisions, No. 1 and No.!'. Mr. R. E. W. (ioodridge 12 Nos. Popular Science Monthly; Binding i'unch Vtdunie. Mr. \Vm. Battye.— Reprint, 'Times." Oct. :5, 17'.»:}. R. Gerald R. Eden, Es(i.— Loan of One Year'.s Scientitic American as ]iub- lislied. Mr. Beattie — Esquamault Kayak. A. F. Inkson. — 10 old coin.s. PROVINtlAI, NIOWSI-.M-KKS. 'I'lie reading ro^l!l has b«'en well sui)plied Willi newspapers and the t)tsl niaga/incs. 'I'be newspapers are carefully filed, and dnririK tlie past year, thougli the ardiives of this depart- ment only extend back tlirce years, tlieap- plieations for leave to consul! the tiles hv tlie iKiirts, by lawyers, reporters and others have lieen continuous. The Society desi'-es to iieknowledKe its sense of the generous ron- ir'hution free of eharge of tlie Provincial news- jiapero from tbeirpubllshers. Tliese papers iiavc been received, a number of them since their tirst issue, and are carefully filed away, and form most valuable niateriul for history and evidence. The following is the list : — Tln> Hrandon Mail Daily. ISranJon Sun, WftMy. Edmonton Bvlletiii, ,. Emeimn Ivtirnational,... , „ Herald (H'iiniipeii), „ Le Manitoba (St. lioni/ace) „ Manitoba (Jazette, ,, Manitohi Mountaineer,.... „ Ma rqvette lieview, Sem i- li 'eekhj. Morri.i Herald, Weekly. I 'rngre.i.i (Ra t Fait age) „ Kajiid City Standard ,, Jfock f Mice Herald, , Saitkatchevan Herald, „ Selkirk Herald. , Stonenvll News, , H'est Lynne and Sout' .rn Manifolxi Tiniea, „ U'innijieii Free I're.ta, Daily. Do., WeAty. // '/ /' 11 ifiiy Sun, Daily. Il'iniiiyeij Times, ,, I'.^l'KHS UK.AO. 'riiere have been nine original papers read during the year, several of them of irnporianue. being fresh InveHtigalions and liavinga per- manent value. The Society is glad to r(>eeive from it.-i members well prepared papers on any stibjeel. even though they may be outsidt; the scope of the Society. Such pa^lOl•s stimulate tlioilghl anil keep up interest ni Mie Society. The name.x are given first of the papers on general topics witli their dates of delivery. OKNKIt.\l. I'ACKKS. I. Oh Knergy. bv ,1. II. Kowan. Ks(|.. on Keb. jrird. IS,*.'. ■_'. <'riti(|tie on Caroline Ko.x's "Memoirs of Old Kfiends." by A. Maearthur. Ksq., on March •.>:n the special work of the Soiiely ha\ e iieen of a bigji order of merit. Those read after the restiiiip- fion of work succeeding the Summer vacation have all been pnlilisheil at the exi»ense of the Society. Three hundred coiiies of each are oh- laiiKMl. As lias licen stated, a numi)er laboiit eighty! are sent to our exi'lianges. The re- mainder are (lisiio-ed of at a small iirice. The following are the papers : 1. .lournal of Ifobcrl Campbell, Ks«(.. reail by Consul Tayhn-, .Aiirll .Uh, 1H><2. Mr. Campbell is a retired Chief Kact.nr cr is written by one who passed through the Hed Itiver troubles. .\t the c. ose of flic pajier an animated discussion took place as to the; atti- tude taken by the various classes of the Hed lliver commi'inity. .'1. tF^tiblisbedi. I.ecturi! on "Arctic Uegions and Hudson's Hay." by Dr. Rae, London, Eng., delivered October Uth. The lecturer gave an account of his personal experiences in search- ing for Sir .John Franklin. For his success in tIndiiiK III'**! ti'iii'i's iif l''niiikliii In- iiiiil hin coiii- puiiioiis rt'<'i'ivc'.\ Kev. I'rof. Hi'yce, ( 'orrcspoiiilin« ."^ee- j retary, .liiniiary J'llli. The obieei of this pupur | was loshiiw llie part taken Tiy N'erandrie in diseo\ciiiiK ihe l.aWe Winnipeg rcKion and the iiilliienee iliis nail in stirring <>P KnK'i'^li iner- I'haiiis, the Ihnlsoiis Hay < onipany, the .Mon- treal rnerehants and the Norwesiirs lo ai livil) in exploration. The ilo.^e of Ihe paper Kave a nuinhcr of dediiilions as to the lonrse of trade, favoriiiK the city of W'innipetj asllie probable Kri'at business center of the .\'ort ii-\S'i st. Ill)': i.iiiic.MCY. The Library has been hirKel.\ made use of dnriKK the past year. .Many lioolis of the cir- eillaling lil'i'ary are in conslant use, while the refereiiee librar.\ of Hu' .-'ocieiy is contiiiinilly liein« consulted. Tne honks taken out by read- ers were •-'. Kki volumes diiriiiK Ihe year, aKaiiisI '2..'i2't for the |ii'e\ ioiis year. The KNcciitive Council have lia^l a very earnest desiri' lo in- crease tlie Library by the addilioii of new books and ihe impnrianl worksof refer- undertake a tree ibrary in NVinnipeR. .•ommittee was c,.rdially received by the «,^v, :..cil, anil the I'ity Kiiiaiice ('ommittee was aiipointeri ti; confer with 1 he committee of ihe tSoeiety. Tliis conference took place, and tlie Kinaiico CommiHee recommended (lie matter t^i llic I'ouncil The end of the civic year hav- ing come, tli-j matter v\as left over for ihe new City Council to deal with. 'I'niM-onfu.sion cuii- iiec'ted with tucir entry to ottiee, und the alteii lion since necessary t > ilic tinancial all'airsof the city, have presented the completion of the scheme for the library. It is to be bopeti that the matter may soon lake dellniti! form, and that by Ihe midille of the year su much needed and Useful an a^jency may be in active oiiera- tion in our city. .No more useful ihinx for our- selves than a collei'tion of lO.IKK) kooiI hooks i-ould be undertaken, and the elfeet of such an instil ution m drawing attention to our ad van lages as a city for intelliitent and cultivated iiersons to lintl a home in uiu.st he great indeed. The .Society oU'ered the Council the use of its (Jeneral and Heierence Ldirary, of some ;t,(i()0 volumes, under certain conditions, thus form- inga good nucleu.4 for the colleetion. ihe K.\eeutive Council recomiiiuiids that the new Kxeeutive Council continue to keep the nutter before the Ah! ■rmeii and citizens, as a thing most deserving of present attention. OHITUARY. During the year we liave had the misfortune to lose two of our members, viz, Hi.s Lordship, Chief Justice Wood, and Mr. David Cowan. We .join in the universal sorrow, which was so generally expressed when C!hief Justice Wood was removeo from our midst. His Lordship look an acli\e |iarl in Ihe formalion nii . We had the hono.- of hav- ing him as our ti'-i rresident. Previi us to his election as ('resident, he was CbaM'iiian over Ihe preliminary meetings, which esentuatcd in the organization anil establishmi'iit of our Siiiicl>. Ills Lordship also faMired u^ wiih several papers; his Inaugural address as rres- ident. ill which he sketched the growth of Irii" histiii'>. am! ileliiicaied the rise of intellectual aclivii \ and ilbi rty of thought among the chief nalion.s of l lie earlh. This is the aiini\ev-ary of Ihe ilav. on whicli lie dclivei'i'd that address i:tth h' b., l.SM). I TheCliic' .luslicc also read bcfoie the .Sociely a iiapcr mi ( 'iisniogoiiy and Chronology. .Ml of which is respcrl I'lilly submitted. .\. II. Wiiiiiiii'.i!, (ii;i)ii(;i: Mi:\i i;. Vice President. (.'or.-Secretarv. ■ri{|-;Astui;Ks .staticmkvt. Tlie follow iii)4 sliiteiueiit l)y tiie Treas- urer, Air. H. II. Hunter, of tlie receipts iiiid expeinlil tires for llie year, was rend by .Vfr. L. .\L Lewis; -balance to credit in Itnperial Uaiik Tel). 1st, IS.s-J, .S|:iL22; in- surance coiiipatiy for losses liy lire, 8ilHliiiu'iit III (iiir fllNdlcd II, Willi mldresH a.-> I'icm- (• >,'i'(nvrli of li-i|.. H'of iiif('||(.(.|im| iilnoiiK till' ilii,.!" n' aiiiiiv fi-.iiry of '^m.-22; in- ''.V lire, ffUKi; rniiifiii ^'r,•lIlt, ctiiro, s !);{..")( I; rary. .':^ 1.")! ).!).-) • I'e -I'.iid (Jfo. i''). Isl, .'?:)()(); salary. s(m; y fittings and isunuice. !:!()■(»; I: iiKifrazinc's •■).I«; in-iiitiiig ir'.s lectures, look-biiidiujr, li'y priiiiiiiu;, iiue at baiik- i'