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J J2X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 lt**l«. t.^V'*" -=^^Mi^|0>iiiHgi L Through tlr.e Maritime Provinces (New Bruns-wicK and Nova Scotia) Including the Gaspe Coast, Cape Breton, Prince Edward Island and a portion of the Province of Quebec BY J. WESLEY SW«\N MONTREAL •• *» Fc ':Xo;iS a ■^ THrough the Maritime Provinces !h. P %;^:H-i rv |HK wonderful charm of a cool summer climate, the magnificent scenery and historic associations, the endless variety of touri. t routes, the unexcelled wealth of river and forest for the sportsman and angler are yearly attracting to Canada an ever increasing number of summer tourists and travellers, and of these welcome visitors, a goodly number wend their way to the Province of Quebec and the Maritime Provinces. The natural Canadian gateways for travellers to this portion of the Dominion are Montreal, Quebec, St. John, Halifax, and the Sydneys, and it is as a souvenir for visitors arriving at any of these places, as well as for the residents of the different cities, towns and villages situated on the route of the famous "Maritime Express" of the Intercolonial Railway, that this handsome illustrated book has been published. The views shown are reproductions from direct photographs made by the publisher and are only available through this channel. The City of Montreal being the Metropolitan City of Canada and the western terminus of this great railway system, it has been considered desirable in the arrangement of the illustrations to commence at that city and to include a few of the best views en route from Montreal to the sea. It is manifestly impossible in a production of thi>, nature to do justice to the country traversed, but the publication will give an insight to the many beautiful localities and the picturesque beauties that are to be found in this section of the British Empire. The engravings illus'. ate the City of Quebec, stretches along the Lower St. Lawrence, and on through the picturesque Metapedia Valley. It also portrays the shore of the famed Bale de Chaleur and gives pretty vistas through New Brunswick and Nova Scotia to the historic city of Halifax, including the most important points in the Maritime Provinces, the City of St. John, the Sydneys, that summer paradise Cape Breton, and Prince Edward Island — the Garden of the Gulf. Embraced in this territory is such a variety of ictions that the requirements of all travellers may be met, and once here what more suitable souvenir can be secured than the booklet entitled "Through the Maritime Provinces"? r CiTv OK Quebec, from Levis Murray Bay, Quebec -^6 t Manoir Richbliku, Murray Bay, Quebec » TADOUS4C, Showing Sagubnay River RivikKE DV Loup, Province or Qubbbc If' Bathing Beach, Cacouna, Quebei- Sand Peeps, Cacouna, Quebec ^y PiCTUKESUUE VlSTA FROM Bit THE BliAUTIH I., giKBEl .1 h Summer Homes at Bic the Beautiful, Quebec ® f f' Grand River, Little Metis, Quebec "Wl o» o *-«»&*-«., 0» ^ Golf Links, Little Metis, Quebec Salmon Stream, Metapedia Valley (■; Through the Metapedia Vallev ts.i Through the Metapedia Valley Cil Trout Stream, Tributary to the Metapedia 1i^.., Trout Fidhing, Metai «o(r Salmon Fishing, Metapedia River The Meeting of the Waters, Restigouche and Metapedia Rivers • ■«5 . • •i I ■ ■ BQ ■r. o u n a. w y, u O > O (D< 9 Port Daniels, Gaspr Coast • Perci5 Rock, Gaspe Coast «< * I « Perik Rock, Gaspe Coast ja^-aas c< • Gaspe Basin, Province of Queuec » -*Sfc,. Petitcooiac River at Low Tide, Moncton, N.B. f'* CO y, o H Li y. o < u ie u U u S u b O X < :< u o Hampton Valley, near St. John, N.B. c» f ■ .* ■: Reversing Falls (Tide going out), St. John, N.B. o f . .» . Maktkllo Tower, St. John, N.B. RocKWooD Park, St. John, N.B. faiiaC Hafe ^g^ Surf Bathing, St. John, N.B. .•«« .. . ■^liilP A^'^^Vtlv^i SlRK SlliXE AT HaI.IIAX, N.S. • Pimi.ii- Pakk, Halifax, N.S. • f. .) In Point Pleasant Pauk, Hai.ii ax, N.S. t Regatta, Halifax, N.S. I • I e Joe Howe Fai.i.s, Triko, N.S. ■*• ■f . 1 . ) FoLLEiGH Lake, near Truro, N.S ' wmm o « • \ ^ Maritime Express, Wentworth Valley, N.S. t , ^^" siiJSKs,. ,^ **-<. Along the Beach, near Pictou, N.S. O 'Trrnrni — ia; & Surf, at Pictou, N.S. '.fM. ® I Entrance to Pictou Harbor, N.S. © • . . ') ' Near A\tigonish» N.S. Mrt>M*|-| ^lilii* I Whvcocomagh, Cape Breton, N.S, %" §- Grand Narrows, Cape Breton, N.S. l-^ Baddeck, Cape Breton, N.S. O ■ y D O i Bras d'Or Lakes, Cape Breton, M.S. ♦ • Yacht Race, Svdnfv, Cape Breton, N.S. i o d ' f i Sydney, Cape Breton, N.S. ■t1 i LOUISBOIIKG, NEAR SyDNEV, CAPE BrETON, N.S. V Steamer "Northumberland" leaving Summerside, P.E.I. MoRRELL River, P. E.i. I RusTico Beach, P.E.I. ^ Trout Fishing, P.E.I. .{» A Quiet Nook, P.E.I. k « 't . A Country Drive, P.K.I. •% ilHi' ^ 4 *f ** PowNALL Bay, P.E.I. \:i\ *i, () # G (If f%-