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(Wfe^ is simA kiiving logersdll) to en CaUiarliie Strc OIsTS The whole of his New Household Furniture, consistiiig of Drav id ^'^ ZfiOilTAd. illitrUOtlOIUI fiPOBl ogersoll) to m/tkr, tov sale ^ hte Besidenee; ^iiv ^ ^. (treetfe ttiiig of DrawingRoom, Diiimg-Room, and BedRoom Fiiniitiire, New ■ 1 i 1 I The whole of his New Household Furniture, consisting of Drawi Brussels and Tapestry Carpets, New Stein way Piano, large s( Furniture, Stoves, Cornices, Curtains^|rl|assware, &c.. Carriage, The Furn)M;ure is of poli^hedlindliaid Walnut/ Auk nearly n good as new. » The above ftirnltnire, ^ will ]fe.ion inspection on T A Luueheoii will be provided. jd_ Catalogipes coiitaiiiiiig all to tbe Auctioneer. i ^ Byerythiiig will poeitiTely bej , Nov. 12, 1880. JAS. BR i ^^^j,.^^^^-, i 1^ MW TmM 0^01«00M« iiig of Drawiiig-Room, Diiiiug-Room, and Bed-Room Fiiriiitiire, New iano, large square ; Wardrobe, Beds, Bedding and Pillows, Kitchen c, Carriage, Dog-Cart 81|igh, Wolf Skin j^obes, Harness, Saddle, &c. and nearly new. The Cirpets, Brussels, l^pestry and 3-ply, are as §ipectiou pi^TThiursd^y, 1|«, fie |ay J>^^ the sale. r^?:,-«i^ *A^>.. mfm containing all information will be sent to afiy address on application poBitiTely be|k>ld without reserve. f ; \ . BRADY, A UCTIONEER . TribuneiPpwer Pretoses, Ingersoll.