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Loraque le document est trop grand pour itra reproduit en un seul cllchA. 11 eat film* A partir de Tangle sup4rieur gauche, de gaucfie A droite. at de haut en baa. an pranant le nombra d'imagea nAcaaaaira. Laa diagrammea suivants lllustrsnt la mAthode. 1 2 3 12 3 4 5 6 " Riprhitiil I'lom till ('iiitdil'iiii I^imnl (if Sritiio , A/>ril, 189-. Recent Auroral Displays. By Prof. C". II. M( Leod, of Me'iill ColIeKe. The auroral display of the m;;lit of Fobnuir}' l.'illi was obaerved throughout the iiorthtM-ii portion ot Nortli .\mc- ricti, ill Britain, and probably throui^hout northern Europe. It waw without doubt, tlio niont bi'illiaiit of the auroras observed hero Hince 1870. In Montreal it bocamo vi>ii>le shortly aftei' sunset, and increa-ini^ in splend jr attained its greatest brilliancy at between 7 and "..'it' p.m. Thereafter, gradually fading, it appeared as a uniform haze at 8.;50, and the sky became completely overciist shortly after 9 o'clock. The most m, irked feature of thi'- aurora was the bright rod cone of liglit having its base between \. and N. IJO'^ \\ ., and extending to the zenith. The cone main- tained an ap])ro.\imately constant position, and was of a uniform bright red colour, changing in tint only as it increased to a maximum and tiided away. In front of this bright I'ed screen there were slowly moving streamers of brilliant reds and greenish tints, and these also extended at times throughout the whole northern nuartei' of the sky. Low down in the north there was an arch of white light, and at one or two points in the X. E. there were columnar patches of coloured aurora which also maintained a fairly 132 Canailiiiii Rrcord of Srienre. (•ori>tuiit |i<i-iliiiii rill' ii\i)\ irnu'ht^ wrw nt' lli<' -lnw ami ^l!lU'!y omIi'I" I'SttlM'i' tlijin il^it^i« <>l ilu- '■ tiu'ny (liitucis." Siiicf lliis iiuroia llieii' have Iu-cm ,si«\ ci al iiiinor ones, ami <tn Muicli tlth tliorc was a liisplay. wliidi, llioii^^li only t'aiiitl}- C'llouicd, wa- c|iiiU' a> ln'autiriil a- tlial of llic l.'llli. ll wan maiUe<l Ijy a licaiu itiilly (wlilt'd curtaiii liki* aurora •standin;; above a vciy dai !; cloud. Tlio cliangiM in tho curtain wi'ie vorv rapid, and at titnc-' >hovvcd ii,i,'l»t tints ot' pink and j^roon. Tho slfcaincrs wore numerous, but wore li'jt coloure<l, no far as oliseived. It irt jiorhaps woi'tliy of reniaik in connection witli tlioso two auroras thiit tlio 'lays on uliicli they occur aif included in a list of -ix da\s on which luii^ht auroras aro supposed to return |)eriodically. Iho days aro Fel». .'!. Fob. 4. Fob. 13, March <i, Sept. '.•, and Sept. ■_".'. The aurora of March Ilith, thouf^h not o<jual to tliosc described, is also worthy of record. Like thai of 1 ob. loth it faded into a uniformly hazy sky. The aurora of Feb. l.'lth marked one of the most v.olont maj^netic Htorms on rc-oril. At the Kew obsoivatoiy the '■ magnetomo'ers were not able to recoid the complete '' extent of tho vibrations to which free noedlcrt were sub- " jectod, nor couhi the ontiio change of force be wecured in •• the field of the instrument. The limits, however, clearly " recorded, were "J" of declination, fi'om .1T»>0 to .1830 of " horizontal force, and troin . b!;")!) to .UliO unitw of vertical "force expressed in < '. <■. 8. measure in absolute f()rce."t At Toronto, ' during the early morning h(Uirs the declina- •' tion magnet was considerably west of its mean position. " and east of it during the afternoon. Tho vibrations were '' exceedingly rapid, notably so in the morning when the '" range of declination was over 2° 37' The '■ horizontal component was very much affected. Some •■ of tho vibrations wore so rapid that they were barely "recorded. The disturl)anco started with a sharp increase " of the force. In tho nnrning tho foice was considerably t Letter to \atvr< by Mr. G. M. Wbijjple, Feb. Kstli, 189.'. Rea'nl Auroral Dirt/'hii/^ isn " bolnw itrt !i\t'aii valtif, and iliiiiiii; llic atforiioun a lapid " rtnovciv totiitnctn til lu'twi-cn Oli. .JS' ji.m, and \ p ni. " (Ka^li'iii lirno), an iiicioa.-o of .OO'.Mi C. (i. S. took |ilaco ; "till' total cliaii^t) of lionzoiital foici* during,' tlio disturb '• aiR't! was over .01 IS ('. (i. S. Motwoen ♦! and '• tho '• vilpiati<»iis woie vory Hwift. Tlio chaiigos in tiio vorlioul " component wer»> aluo rotiMidoiahle "* This magnetic storm was procodfd \>y a most unusual outbfoak of f-un spots i'lio group of spots wliifh bocamo visible by rotation on Feb. r»tli was, on the morning of tho Hth, and for some days thoreufter, easily viNibio to the naked eye. The area of the group, as measured here on the Stli, amoiinti'd in area to aliout |l„th of the sun's visible heinisphero, the length ot the disturbed area being about il'l.OOO and the breadth about !(»(», 000 miles On Feb. l.'Jth there was also another very lar^'e grouji of s|)ots, then about making good its position on the eastern limit, whicii ad<led very materially to the total spotted area on this day. This latter is probably the same group of spots which, after making one rotation, is now (.March 14th) nearly central on tho sun. From a statement kindly t'urnished by Mr. C. C'arpmael.