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Xord Biabop ol Cheatwr. • ••'••• •■•••• FMlaw •«••••••■•• RpflfTfrlji ... 8Q0UiB8 Ilia EDITOR. / VUT Rot. G. H. a JOHNSON, li;A..DaaQOl WallB. •{ Tha BDrrOR. Rav. C I. BLLIOrr.lLAl.yieMr , otWialUMd. i R«nr, E. H. PLIWPTRB, M.A., < Raator ot Hodda^ and Pra- ( bandacyof St. Frara. J RaT. W.T BULLOCK. M. A., Sao> \ n«MrytotlM8.P. Q. 6mmm •# (U1mM<<«i i *•»• T- KINGSBURY, IL A., BO&g n B O ifl P MP-^ TMa^r OoUata, Ctamidga. SECTION IV. THE FOUR GRaT PROPHETS: Bar. W. KAYi D.l>.. W PrtaMP pal of BtaliQi>*aOolHfe,CaI«it- iii, Raetorof Gnat LalglMi, and Byamlnhig Chaplain (o tba BWmp ol BooiMatAr. RaVi R. PAYNB SMITH, D.D., Refioa P wliaBor of DlvinftjV, ana Gaaioii a( Christ t burai, Oxfoi d. - Bar. O. CUBBY, D.I>., fnmtmt at tha CSMftar BflOM. It UTL CrWti rfM^i ** GhdnUmi. ( Bar. B. H. GIFPORD.D.D., Hon. Oanon of Woraaatar, Bxamln- inf Chaphdn to tha Bbihopot London, au^ R«etor ql wtl- gnva. ^ Rar. T. EVANS, M. A.. Guwn off Durham, and Pt a t wmm of Oreak, In Durham UntTMrity. Rar. J WAITE. M.A., Maataroff V. Uniranltjr Oonana. uuiham. Van Rav. J. 8. HOWSON, D.D., Daan off Chaatar, and Examin» rhapiain to tha BUiop off Zttiali BiaUl SUUfpius ^ia^^f T!lMiHl]&> iiIaB%aaftI'hn- fmj Bar. J. A. JEREMIB, D.D.> Daan of Ltnooln, RaglusPror f wao r nf Divinity, Ounhridga- ritov. JL^. LIGHTPOOT, D.D., HuIaHm Profeiior off IXv^itor, naij Urtha Quaan , and Eiam' ,*•••••••••••■••• ' Van; H. J. B0a.'B.D., «■«! BMIwa, and Bartnraf HoukMoii OMMUMi. SECTION V. THE TWELVE UlNOR PROPHETS ; Bicbi B«r. OONNOP THIBLWiJX, D.D., . LMd Biabop off S t. Davi d'a. *- m m ± i Bar. B. BUXTABLE. M.Ay Pra- iBmik aad ima^X handarr «(Wal]a, and Vfaar off i Waiton KogrkML Amoi aaft at]Mi>lBar. b. oandell, m.a.,pio- Bilvvwi OMnbridca, ti&fiMbi / to tha Quaan , ao Inl^g Cluk^n to tha Andi- biriwpoff CantflthniT. Rar. Ctaon WESflCOTT, BD. Bar. E. W. BRN80N, D.D., Haad Maatar of WaUnti^ OoUen, BnmtntDjr Chaplain to tha Bifhop off linoobt B%bt Bav. JOHN JACKSON, D.D., Lord BUi^ off Londmi. 9m. W. KAY, D. D. SECTION Vni. TheCatMie Epistles & Revelations / Bi^ Bav. W. ALEXANDEB, lBiilllil«f8tfth&{ ^Id., Loid Bidiop800Tr.D.D.,D«p« St ;•(« nd St. «wW..- vQhB *** of Bod>aat e r. TbaBDITQB. Van. W. LB^ p.D., AnliAiaadn off DnhUn, and Biaiwlnl i n ObapWn to tha Lord Anh- hbhopoff DoUbi. ■i-'-S^^.- Lendet : JehB Mttfray. AHtewarie-St Tofi^te ; Adam, Stewtiseii k Co.. Book Importers. S«E PAGE fi OF qOVBA. .■Jit ■ ■■*«. 4.- ■■^>- V'~'^^'n^pw*r_''^ *^ »»^^ ^^1^-; ,,i '. ■ _«" J ■ Adam, Stevenson & , Co. 's * I ^-; . , *s\J:Jt-.' • < 1 Pre .^ 1 S 0) •^ t» » c P^ 3 £ O h (4 2i. ■s ■k* ^ c i ^ ^ 2 S Tj 2 £ 0) ^3 •S u O 3k THEOLOGICAbGATALOGUE 1870-71 t^'?' •■■. • SI < ' '1. • sL s • 8. s ft Pi Sm oiM" eabdpgun in^^^^ MidieiiM, Educ^kMi, and Gentral Uterilvrt. ,■:■>"- ■ *\" •"' '-"..-■ ..;.;. '^^H ^^^^V^ .. ■^/>. i ¥ " ; ;11.-, -, ." ._ . , .;' ' J^ ^F ,• -\ ~ - ■ t ,''■■.■■•- '- ■^ -'J- '■■'■[■'".'■ ■':"'--■ ■^^ F - J ^ ^ •' ■ >'■ i- ',■''■' "'- t ; : " ■ .' ■ • ' «• ■•! \ ".-■'■ ".■ ' . t ■ .' ■ ■■"■ ■■■»■■■ ■■■■.■ ■ * ....■■ - % / -■" ^ ■'". .. ,,^ , . ■*: - " - #■ ;.-. ■T 'b ■ ' , • '■'"'■; ♦ • ■ ' > 1. ■'..'■ ■ - ■ ■ '' * • ■; ; •'■< ■ ■ V" m^' ■^ I * i :;-.,v^-;:-> -■::•.. ■-■,. .--.f---. *" - . ^^:-: . _i-Xi-4^ a SB^SifibASBr I 1 ■»- ^'fl ■ ■il^ -^ - ^,^^_ w . '^^ (?