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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour <^tre reproduit en un seul clichi. il est filrn^ A tir de Tangle sup4rieur gauche, de gauche '' ite. et de haut en bes. en prenant le nombri d'images nicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants lilustrent la m^thotio. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 '.WCi"'' THE B THE HAM By order ■.■ -■<**■ ' STATUTES, -•■ SPECIAL AND GENERAL, KELATINd TO THE HAMILTON AND NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY, WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED THE HAMILTON' AND LAKE ERIE RAILWAY COMPANY; TOGETHER WITH ALL AGREEMENTS AFFECTING THE COMPANY, COLLECTED AND ANNOTATED WITH A FULL INDEX, BY TEEYELYAK RIDOUT, LL.B., OF OSaOODE HALL, BARRI3TER-AT-i,AW. Bj/ order 0/ the Executive Committee 0/ the Northern and North-Western Bailvoay$. I \ P I'l', \ 'I y J HUNTER, ROSE AND COMPANY. 1882. m Ifyt:: VfV .A ■ '^jf -s't-V •jf A. CJ^. %ici y? V I During tb and North-\' mcnt of the Various u work. I ha> relating to tl niitting tlie .■> ^luch inco quontly to cc the different iVoni the faci many ycai-s, i object has he ference, all h together witl jiarty. No pains h a thoroughly officers ; and The book 1 Part I. con! ■ Erie Railway Western Rail Part II. coi Western Rail Part in. i Statutes of C second, those way of the Cc Part IV. in« First- Second ^'x^Wl VaI Bompas, Bisc?.'- f-^ Oc^ it *. . •;«--. . . '*-*«C't '■'■■M PREFACE. During the winter of 1881, the Executive Committee of the Northern and North-Western Railways entrusted to me the collection and arranco- mcnt of the Statutes and Agreements of the two Companies. Various unavoidable delays have occurred in the publication of the work. I have now, however, much pleasure, having completed the volume relating to the Hamilton and North-Western Railway Company, in sub- mitting the same to the Committee. ^luch inconvenience has been felt by those who have had occasion fre- quently to consult the various enactments respecting the Company, and the different agreements into which it has from time to time, entered, from the fact that the first were scattered through the Statute Books of many ycai-s, and that many of the latter existed only in manuscript. My object has been to remedy this by collecting, in a form convenient for re- ference, all legislation as well public as private, affecting the Company, together with every agreement of importance to which it has been a party. No pains have been spared in endeavouring to make the compilation a thoroughly reliable handbook for the use of the Companies and their officers ; and I venture to hope that it may prove of service to them. The book has been divided, for convenience, into four parts. Part I. consists of all the Statutes relating to the Harailton and Lake ■ Erie Railway Company, now amalgamated with the Hamilton and North- Western Railway Company. Part II. comprises all the Statutes relating to the Hamilton and North- Western Railway Company. Part III. is subdivided into two divisions. The first embraces the Statutes of Ontario, of a public nature relatir.g to Railways ; and the second, those Statutes of the Dominion of Canada which affect the rail- way of the Company, although a Provincial line. Part IV. includes — First— The Bonus By-laws and Agreements affecting the Company. Second — The Orders-in-Council of Ontario granting aid. h 8 %^ II ,i4t4i(l.JJt^.WW((lf»!V.ip(|,*8iW,(«f^l^^^ lUv, I, iV PREFACE. Thir.l-7^1innteof Railway Conunitt.e of Privy Councl of Canada, with regard to l.ri.l-e over a navigable water. Fou .th-A.M-cenients with other Railway Companies ; ar <1 ■ Lastly-Agreeuients other than vhose with Municipahties respect- ing bonuses, or Railway Companies. , p ,, ^ The side notes to the Acts have been made, in many cases, xnuch fuller than those in the original Statute Books, and a pr^m of every Agree- ment, etc., has been made on the margin thereof. The anUtions are numerous, and point out the changes tha have been made in the law afieeting the Company by the vanous enactments of the Legislature ; and the Index, upon which much attention has been tto;ed,\nd which is a very copious «- ^viU I t^st en^ having occasion to refer to any particular portion of a Statute oi A^iee ment to find it with readiness. ,j,^ ^ TouoNTO, March 22ni), 1882. ,.,«;,j«S(PM"- '■--^'^'^■.Vi..«...,«^,fl^:^^iy,U./^i^_, J^V ■ ^r t- C *'■• TABLE OF CONTENTS. 3r c- ve its en )S0 }e- PART I. ^STATUTES RELATING TO THE HAMILTON AND LAKE ERIE llAILWAY ' COMPANY. 1. 33 Vict. Cap. 48. a. d. 18U9. PAGE '^" iH.uiuT,f to' rZ/'l ^""«*'-"^*'"» «f '^ f^^^^y from some poi„t in tho City of cxtt o^ 50^ M v''~^''^'!*r-^ *" H" «-'«^>.0"<^; power to ia.suo bonds to exttnt ot .?150,00()-Mnnicii)iilitiea aiitliorizecl to aid by way of bonus «tP lWu„.;.u as to (Jenenvl Meetings, Election of Directors, 1 L Li Notes ot7 ani gorrS'^SKv r' *" ""^"";?^ 'V""'"^" ""' I'^^^P-^^ ^^ the liln/ilto u .Ij, ; i*5%^o^^'j:,i^'"lw'>-^y Company— To liavo power to make a-'reenients with other Railway Companies for working tlieir Lines .....!"!;.„. ,,, 3 34 Vict. Cap. 4L D. 1871. '^" Companr^""^ ^^''^ ^''^ incorporating tho Hamilton and Lake Erie Railway Company may extend Line from Caledonia to Cayuga or Port Dover or some other p„ .t on Lake Erie, in Comity of Norfolk-Provision for aid f Company by p,,rtion of Municipality-Municipalities may exempt romtaxes- Ran w^v r,'"'""' V"" ^'''^"•^'"^° '""^ P'-'^l'^^^y "f H'^»»lton and Pot Dover Railway Company-Provision as to extension and priority of Ronds therXr 3. 36 Vict. Cap. 85. a. d. 1873. ^" 'wavSn"* **' •'"''?.'^ *''^^*=* incorporating the Hamilton and Lake Erie Rail- liondon and New " ' 4. 37 Vict. Cap. 45. A. D. 1874. Company, 12 16 I 23 II IfW^. •VI TAULK OF CONTENTS. ^PAUT II. n,„t^ irAMITTON AND NORTH-WESTERN STATUTES RELATINC. TO Tm.^-'AM;;;[™,:^ An 1 35 VioT. Cap. 55. a. i>. tH72. .a . i„o„.p»..c «,c ; .n. ..a N»*^:;:;:: ;:::;r„.";;rc..H^^ -Power to c.ntinuo it t.. Lake Nil"«f' «• f'^ j;^" J;oo ,)00-rrc,viHi..u aB to ^SCr Canada [^-''^^'S S"^^; luSlt^:.,; and election of Directors, Annual an.l «r^^lf ^■"\!^l?tfi' {^ ^y .f bonus- I'rovisions as to -^r.uri.s ;»-;?;. La„,.„a ,-,x„a 2 30 VioT. Cap. 84. a. u. 1873. and naiMO Directors 3 37 VioT. Cap. 44. a. ». 1874. lingwood confirmed '2t> 41 44 4. 38 Vkt. Cap. 48. a. d 1874. ■^^'03 wTSUd. (rep. -.y ™ Vict e.p. T2, »c. 4, p. 54), and form of- granting aid by way of bonus 5. 39VIOT. Cap. 72. a. d. 1876. ,„ Act ..,*« t. a.c„d tHe Act. ..ati„« to the Ha.Uton and K„rtK.Wo.t.n> '^SSnS-.alga-ion with «,. Ha,„ilto„ a.d Lake E„e Radway Jed\°y 4I ?rX "». M=^** ^r,"^ cia„.c. .t deed of .^ "fiti bond, in ,e.pect ..portion „. M-;;,,^^':;^;™^!^^^^^^ An Ai A S ai b] An Ac of b( to An Ac inj An Act Ka wH ste Pre An Act ] to I Ha] PUBLIC The Rail An Act P '% TAIiLK OF CONTENTS. AGK 2t> 41 rn ili- an ol- ... 44 cm vu I'AtiE Pciwors of Company as to Toloijraphs -Agroonionts l)otwoon Company ami iJIunicipahtkos ^nuitin;,' boniisos contirmod. I'rovisions with regard to the County of Simcoo bonus . . . : 52 C. 40 Vict. Oai-. 70. a. n. 1877. An Act relating to the Hamilton and North- WeBtorn Railway Comp.-ny. Agroomont between Company and TownHhip of InnisHl legalized. 1 roviHions as to bonus of County of Sinieoe— Division of county into two sections, VIZ. : Mainline section— Collingwood Branch sccti(m— Township of Adjala to belong to both .sections— rrovisions with reference to Trustee of himcoe bonus— Company entitled to receive .«i| 70 ,F CANADA. STATUTES OF ONTARIO. 1 . Revi.seb Statutes of Ontario, Cap. 165. a. d. 1877. The Railway Act of Ontario 83 2. Revised Staiutes of Ontakio, Cap. 16G. a. d. 1877. An Act respecting aid to Railways. ^^q TAHI.K OF COSTKNTS. vlii 3. REv,.i:n Statute, or Ontahio. C a.-. 174. ad. 1877. '- « An Act rcBpcctu.g Mimicvval Insiitution. •••••* 4 RKVSKn STATUTES OK 0NTAH.O,CA.M80. A....l'^7.. ^_^ AuActrc-i-tingthoAsBc— >t.frropcrty 5 41 Vict. Cap. Ki. a. l. 1878. Western Kftilway Oomimuy) 0. 41V1CT. Cap. 11. a. u. l.'*78. An Act respccti„« the registration of Railway AiO Scrip .•.•■. ' ' .. 7. 42V10T.CAP. 27. a. u. 1879. m A„ Act to amend the Railway Act of Ontario 8 42 Vict. Cap. 28. A. u. 1879. 9. 43V.L'T. Cap. 27. a. d. 1H80. An Act respecting Municipal Assessment and Exeu.ptions - '''' 10 44 Vkt. Cap. 22. a. n. 1881. of Railway Employees and the 1 i»blic STATUTKS OF CANADA. 11 38 Vior. f^AP. 42. a. u. 1875.^^^^^ ^ of conveyance within the Dominion of Can.ul. 12 42 Vict. Cap. 9. a.». 1879. ingit PART IV. AGREEMENTS, ETC BONUS BYLAWS AND AGREEMENTS. I'A(iE, X. By-law or county ot ^'^i;J^^JiZ;^S.^^^^ \ Sr '™o;"S"o .WoCnTS. Railway and 0.;>.d.B,-„„, ^^^ Railway running powers A 5(i 5!) \m 1(11 lO'J 1(14 . 171 TAULK OF CONTENTS. IX 2. Agrooment with tho '".,wn8h;i) "f Imiisfil, 2ard J&nuary, 187.1, under Hy-law' *"'*' Kruntmj,' ^•J(»,()<)0 t-. Hmuilton mul North-WcHtori Kmlway CMiipimy. Cmiany undfitiiko togot Act to imtablish Hy-luw, to got Agreemoiit mid Moml lugiilizfd. Momir, to 1)0 rofiindod unless Siiuc(»t) givo8%i;((K),()0(). Com- j.Hiiy to orect stiitions at Cookstowii, Thornton ; iit intorsoction of sido-lino l)etwcon 20 and 21 Kssa, atid koop and maintain aamo ; t. liavo regular trains running from Haniilton to llarrio within five yoars f'- .ni By-luw. or to iiiiy iuteroat at (J por cent, untd completion of Uailwiiy I87 y. Agrcomont with tho Townsliii, of Nottawasaga, iOth May, 187;i. ^i:!0,(M)<) to bo siiont on Hrancli Ilailway to Coilingwood- Hy what points road to pahrt-Comiany to erect Stations at Avcning, ("reumoro, sido-lino .xtwoen lots ii, and 17, ;tii C'jucession, Lhintroon Jid Nottawa-To keen a:: I niuintuui same for 7 ytars j H<> 'i. Agreon.ont witli tho Townsliii) ol Essa, .Dlh May, 187;!. Coi-.pauy to oi-oct Stations at— 1. Cokstown— 2. Thornton—;] Inter- section sido-hno between 20 and 21, Essa jir 5. AgrcpiiuMit witli the Township of Tossorontio, l!)th May, 187;;. o V,'i""!''"'m/" '"''■''''^ '"^'fitions on certain sido-lines, and at— 1. Tottenham— -. Clarksvillo— J. Alliston, and to maintain Siuuo 102 <». Agreement with tho Township of Mulmur, l!)th May, 187;5. Company to erect Stations at certain sido-lines and t, (jilencairn 1!»:] 7. Agreement with the Tcjwn of h.irrie, 10th May, 187;j. Main lino of Ilailway to pass through iiarrie— Pussonger and freight sta- tions to bo located hero-- Workshops, ongino shops, etc., on lino n:>rth of lecumsoth and south of Medonto, to bo located at l5arriu-Council to |)ass resolution giving liailway right to run on streets other than High or Small stroets-Condition on which right to bo grantcd-Company to keep tlioir portion of road in repair t;nd ht for traflic, except when trains pa-s- ing— Ji-ngines cars, etc., not to be k'jpt long on streets— Barrio not to share in any bonus for extending line beyond Harric ]<)4 8. Agreement with tho Township of Adjala, IDtli May, 1873. Company to erect Station at Ballycroy-Engiiiuor U, make survey to bo approved by Vdjala-Company to place Hag st.-ition at intersection of 7th Concession, 1 ocumsoth ,nr 9. Agreement with the Township 01 Tecumseth, I'lthMr.v. IS?.*} Liito *" 1 " 1--1A ' '^< ■ '-•■ •" ttfi 197 10. Agreement with tho Township of Sunnidale, 19th May. IBTS Coini any to erect stations at Gloncairn, and at Creemore-Company to maintain Stations for seven years after trains comme.xco to run... . .. .f.. . 198 11. By-law of tho City of Hamilton, 9th June, 1873. Kate at which cordwood and greenwood to bo carried 193 12. Agreement witli the City of Hamilton, 3rd January, 1874 Itoad not to bo transferred to control of another company 195 13. Agreement with tho Township of Calodon, 8th October, 1873 Company to erect stations at Caledon East, at Sligo or 3rd line in Caledon 199 14. Agreement with Township of Albion, 8th October, 1873 7fil'ri'."'T-T *" li^''''f ,^*'^^i""8 '^t <=ertain places at 4th line of Township, at 7th Ime below Buckstrom, and Caledon East "..... 200 H T>^LE OF CONTENTS. Ungton -^-s;;^rS:^clS^^»Sn -- ,0. Agreement w.h the T^^^^^^^^^ Milton to close ^^^ strerSfenng with same or sidings - t ^Uh the Village of Georgetown, March, 1874. oos 21 By-law of City of Hamilton grantingWOO^^^^^^ ^^- ^^ Mayor to^e ex-offido 'if '^f '^^ ,^^^7 fSht-shecls and elevators to _-Smstruction and manufacturing shops, *;^^ 0O_F,,i ut for Lake On- he at Hamilton and ^-^^J^/^^S Jp^, jl.otTo^uiW wharf, timber-boom, tario to be transhipped tbera-^ompa y ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^000 per elevator, etc. , thereon except m city '^^t J ^ ^^ ^,6 an independent road Sle to be pi'i-^^hased by ^""jP'^^^^^^rKS in H amilton-Not ^ run _To form i^nction wi^h Gr at Western^^^^^.^^^^^ ^^^^ ,,, beach on ^rTor^Sith^T^m^trlss same except by necessity... • ^^^^ 22. By-lawof T^.ship.Mulmn.3C^-^^^^ ^ ,. .greenient^.hPecemb^lS7.J^-> -^^^ S^;??S2'S:^-^--^™^-^ - erect SUtu. at 10th Co., ^^^ Innianl North- near Hurontario Street ORDERS IN COUNCIL GRANTING AID. . '■ ^^^ISSed't^'S^H'S.KRaiW^ 215 at rite of $2,000 per mile Order in Council, 19th Ma,rch, 187^ ^^^^^^ Hamilton and Barrie, lieu of annual payment 3. i 4. J 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS. XI )2 [)2 102 >os 203 MINUTE OF RAILWAY COMMITTEE. 203 205 207 207 207 20S 2oa PAGE. 210 na 215 rie, for D8t. nay 3 in .... 215 Minute of Railway Committeo cf Privy Council as to Swinjr Bridge over Bur- hngton Canal, 8th June, 1876. Permission given to Hamilton and North-Western to construct— Not to in- terfere With road ai)i)roaches— Centre pier to bo clear of protection pier of CJinal— Inclmo to be made up to it if level of Railway track higher than side of protection pier— Bridge to move in one and a half minutes after end ad just- ments slackened, and alt(jgether in three minutes-To be open excei>t when tram passing— Never closed when vessels within mile— No fixed li-dits except range lights to be on— Switch points to close main line when opcTn— I ^^ "••'^"f. Pfn-! *"« ^^ furnished to Dept. P. W-(;„m. P. C. to approve of plans- Liabihtyof Company for damages— Bridges to be subject to all con- (U ions for safety made or to be made— Regulations as to ferry slips on west side of canal, and new slips and road approaches 210 AGREEMENTS OF THE COMPANY WITH OTHER RAILWAY COMPANIES. 1. Agreement between Hamilton and North-Western, and Hamilton and Lake Jirie Railway Companies for their amalgamation . w^n'^'n ^•■^T-''''^'^?- ^"^^ ^' ^- ^^y- ^"^-^ amalgamated as H. and N.- W. Jty. Co.— (shareholders of each Company to be entitled to receive shares in united Company. To be entitled to one vote for each share in United Company— Board of Directors to consist of nine members and ej-. offido Directors— Quorum- First Directors of United Company— Term of ortice— What statutory pro- visions to regulate the United Company— By-laws applicable to the United Company ^^ 225. 2. Agreement between Great Western and Hamilton and North-Western RaU- ways, as to crossing near Wellington Scpiare, 16th November, 1870 fnr swu? ?"'" ^vv ''I"'^*°u '-V"* North- Western Railway Company'granted for5fl,043— Great Western Railway to construct crossings of steel— to erect two crossings andfoijr distant semaphores-Construct notice boards, watch- men s houses, etc.--To keep in repair and control works-Great Western Railway signals to be used-Great Western Railway to work semaphores- Hamilton and North-Western to pay monthly cost of maintenance - To construct and maintain notice boards, fences, cattle guards, and culverts "'^'t?''.u w '•!*'"\^'"'^?yT,^^'''^*''* ^^^••''*'^"> l^-'^l^'-^y »W re-'^*"^'^ OO pres.len brulgos {I), tenets (^mj, u)us '^ -'' ^ . , . ^ (,.) ^iiares and an.l .Erectors their ^"^^'^^u.n a a dutit^^ ( >;, ca u; ^.^^, their transfer (r). niunieirahties O"' ' ^^jr mosoeut^^^^ (<0. ^>y- tJZ^o tlt'clauscs of the Railway Act so incorporated with this Act. CoiiK. llailway Act anil uiiMiiilmeuts to Hpply. Powers. a. Tl>e said Conn.any hereby incorporated, their -vante r^nd Ac! (a) See R. S ('') do ir) .lo {<() do ie) do (0 . 8(J. Hs. 2, 3, 1». 84. 8. 8, p. 87. 8. (t, p. 87. s. 10, p. ttO ; ss. 11.12.P. 1«. S3. 11-20 ; p. t»3, s. 9, 8ub-s. 3, p. 87. s. 21, p. 101. 8. 22, p. 102. 8. 23, p. 104. BS. 24, 25, p. 106 B.2t>,p. 100:8. 2.5 p. 100 ; 8. 30, Bub-8.4,p.l20. (q) See R. S, {■■<) (t) (u) do do do do do <>o do 0.,c. 105, 88. 27, 28, p. 109, B. 20, sul)-8. 17- 18, 19, p. 109. H. 29, p. 112. H. 31, p. 114. B.30, p. 114;s. 29 8\ll)-88. 0, 7, p. 113. 88.34,35, p._ 118. Hs. 84, 85, C S. C, p. 137. 8. 32, p. 116. 8. 33, p. 110. B. 30. p. 120, 8. 29. huli-s. 5, p 113, B. 10,8ubss.l3, 14, ]). 89, B. 23, Hiil)-s. Il,p.l05 B. 30, Kub-8. 2, 1.. 114, H. 33, 8ub-s. 12, 13, p. 118. do do do do do do do Jap. 3G. •roviiice Winer, , Adam Gurncy, \ Copp, es, and or shall shall be or[)orate nd Lake Oonsoli- ct t(! the axth (/■) with re- (0, plans vays and president lares and letion for leral pro- led to he y and the X as they leof ; and L)e un, sul)-8. 17- K, I'J, V. 109. 9, p. 112. 11, p. 114. 0, p. 114; s. 29 ul)-88. (i, 7, p. .i:i. ■M, wr^, p. 118. IS. 84, 85, C. ?. C, p. 137. VI, p. 116. W, p. 110. id. p. 120, s. 29. ^u1p-s. 5, p ll;5, .. 10,8ubss.l3, 14, J). 89, B. 23, Hlll>-H. Il,p.l0.'> B. 30, Hub-8. 2, p. 114, H. 33, suVi-n. 12, 13, p. 118. C.VP. 3G. HAMILTON AND LAKK KUIE UV. CO. 33 VlC. | agents, shall have full power under this Act to construct a rail way ron. any point in the City of Hanwit.n to tl o ' la. c o? posts or tins Act may ho made in the form .set out in thp ""J'^t^tr^ tlVercoi:* ' ""^^ ^''^••t'hcates endors.Hron the .luplicate -MeKeM/io .J M VVi 1 ^ ^ ' aT \^''^^'> J<^J"» «t"art, John r'«•^<=t<•"• WincT Wiili'.n ' r ■'•''' "^^ T '" ^^^''^' ^^''^^■^"•'l «'»-"^^v, John Jy luut of which o'' "^^^^V^' »'»•;' ^'f »" '''^'' railway or works of tho sai.l Co.npany shall pass c.r bo situate.!, or which nmy bo benefited thereby, to ai«l and assist the sai.l ConM.anv. by loanin-, or ^Miaraiiteeinj?, or giving money by wav of bom.; or other means, to tho Company or issuing municipal bonds to or in aid of tl.e Company, and otherwise in such man- ner and to siuh extent as such municipalities, or any ot them, shall think expedient, an.l subject to such restrictmns ami con- ditions as may be mutually agree.l on between such mumei- pdity and the directors of the railway, such . irect ns and the council of such municipality being respective y auth.n-i/ed to make such ag.eements as may be necessary tor the purpose ; Provided always, that no such aid, loan bonus or guarantee shall be given except after the passing of by-laws f.>r the pm- <'A1', , , .,: nose and the adoption of such by-laws by the rate payers, as by-lawfl ai.Uns r"^^. "" » u-ulvav Act" Provided a so, that any such to receive ctm- proviueu 111 tue It.lUV, a} iVLi/ , iiuviii-ii , J ' ''■ by-law to be valid shall 1)0 made m conformity with the la\Ns of this Province respecting municipal institutions. Hent of rate- payer First general meetiiif,' ti) l>e called by di- rccton". On their de- fault, to be »;alled by KtockliolderM. Notice of meeting. Election of directors. Tho soctions of tho ILunilton and North Wo8t«rn 11 uhv.iy Company's Act with c^vrd t< a d froui municipalities apply to the United (Company ^.rmcMl by aaialK.un.ti..n of this Company with See Agroo.neur, sec. 8, subs, d, page li'-^T. 8 As soon as shares to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars of the capital stock of the said Company shall have been subscribed, and ten per centum thereof paul into some chartered bank, and which shall not be withdrawn evcept lor the purposes of this Act, the provisional directors shall call a general meeting of the subscribers for the sai.l capital stock who shall have s.> pai.l up ten per centum thereof, for the puri.ose of electing directors of the said Company. The above section is repealed by 3t Vict., cap. 41, sec. 2, p. 13, and other provisions enacted in lieu Uiereof. O In case the provisional directors neglect to call a meeting for the space of three months ..fter such aiiDunt ol the capital stock shall have been subscribed and ten per centum thcreot so paid up, the same may be called by any five of the subscribers who shall have so paid up ten per centum, and wlio are sub- scril-ers among them for not less than one thousand dollars ot the said capital stock; in either case notice of the time ami place of holding such general xr ^^ing shall be given by publi- cation in one newspaper in the of Hamilton once in each week for the si)ace of at least t -eeks ; and such meeting shall be held in the said City of H^ .Iton, at such place therein, and on such day as may be named oy such notice. aO At such general meeting, the subscribers for the capital stock assembled, who shall have so paid up ten per centum thereof, with such proxies as may be present, shall choose seven person* <'AP. 30. IIAMII.TOX AND LAKE KUIK UY. CO. 3:i Vic. )U |.ersoiiM to 1)0 diivctors of the said Company, and may also iimko or pass rules. ie,i,'idations and l.y-laws as may be d.M'ined oxpcdiont, piovidcd they l.c not inconsistent with' thin "^■"'*^''* Act. ]{y :it! V let. cap. Ho, hoc 2, (hi-o paj^o 18), Companios havinjr running powfi-H oviT Imo w..n. to l.u .■i.titli^d t... i .'prfHoiitiitivt's on Jx.iir.i • l.ut .18 Hpi-fHiH l.y tu. recital of ;J7 \'ict. cap. 4r,, p««o '2W, tho (Jra.ul Trunk and (.loat WcHtirn Hmlway ConiimnicH, witli wJ; the aKiccnioht for niniim-; powers wan to have been nia.lo, did not carry it out, and con- seaid in) uJi calls thereon, {n) ^ l«. Tlierenfter the ^.eneral annual meotinrr of the sliarc- AnuuaU'e.H.r. ho ders of the said Comi.any shall he held in such place in the »' >'-ti"K": City of Hannlto.i on the third Wednes.lay in June in each Srai year or on such days, and at such hours, as n,ay be direct.Ml by the by-laws of the .said Company ; and public notice ther.Mif shall be given at least thirty days j.reviuusly in one or more newspapers published in the counties throu-di which the .said road may is Suil'for thinl ''w "^' """i ' • ?'• '"^t' *^'° '^""^ "^ *'>° '-^"""'^l ^'""'-''•''I "^««t"'g 13 nxud tor third Weimeaday in May. The proviHions of the Hamilton and Nortli Western RaiUvay Comi.anv Act regarding general annual meetings, p. [», are made appl.cvible to tho I lilted company by Agreement, sec. 8, subaec. /., p. 227. 13. S|.ecial general meetings of the shareholder,s of the .said Spedalgeneral company may be held at such places in the .sai.l City of Ilamil- "'-tS. ton, and at sujh times, an.l in such manner, and foV such i.ur- poses as may be provided by the by-laws of the said complmy, and after due notice shall be given as aforesaid. The provisions of the Hamilton rnd North Western Railway Company's ActB regarding special meetings, p. 153, are made applicable to the U ?ted cjmpany by Agreement, sec. 8, subsec. c, p. 227. 14. The directors of the said comjjany shall have power to is- n „ i . sue bond,s made and signed by the president or viclpm^l^rJts -a^^etc ot the said company, and countersigned by the secretary and treasurer, and under the seal of the .said comi)any for the pur- pose of raising money for prosecuting the said undertak.n<. ; ^ (> HP'! iiuMiiuhraiUN'r />)•<) viilti witli IwiiUh, ,ill tlu! otlu'i- holders tlu-ifiif upon tlin iindcitakiiit,' and tln' proiH'ity (if tho t'oiiipaiiy as aforesaid : ^Provided, liowcvtT, that thr \vh(il(! amount of such issue of Itoiids shall not cxcri-d in r.ll tho sum of om^ hundivil and fifty thousand dollars, nor sliall the amount of such hoiids issui'd at any one tiuw; iu- iu excess of the amount of the actiuil [»aid up casli instalments on Wlipnlmnd. '^s siiurc capital, to; H, shall 1' uiiidin',' (j.i tho said company; and over J .ikh pruiuisso.y note or bill of exchange so made, .sliall bo presumed to have been made with proper authoritv, until the conti-ary be shown; and in no case shiiU it be neces- .sary to have the seal of the said company atKxe< to such pro- missory note or bill of exchange; nor shall the i)resident or ' vice-president or the secretary and treasurer be individually responsible for tho same, unless the said promissory notes or bills of exchange have been issued without tho sanction and authority of the board of director.s as herein provided and en- acted : Provided, howov(!r, that nothing in this section shall bo construed to authorize the said company to issue any note or bill of exchange payable to bearer, or intended to be circu- lated as money, or as the notes or bills of a bank. Tliig clause is amended by 30 Vict., cap. 8.5, section 0, page 20, wliicli provides that it should not be necessary for the Secretary and Treasurer to countersiyn tlie promissory notes herein pro%'ided for, but the signature of either should be sutticient. 17. • This lirst proviso is repealed by 34 Vict , cap. 41, section 4, and another cue substituted. See page 13. (Jai'. :J(J. ll.\Mir,T()N AND I.AKi; KUIli UV. CO. :v.i ViJ. ow Tho Hoetion 28 of ihv Ilinniltnn ruid Noith WosttMii k ijiwiiy Cr»mpftiii '« Act, ;}.") Vift., Clip. iM, |). li(», jVDVoriis tlm I'liitod (Jntiipany as to tlioir [tovxT to miiko hills ami iiotes. (loc Ayrcuiiiuiit, p. .,"27, seo 8, stibsic. c. IT. Kvory sliai'i'lioMer of one or iiKtro slinv^ of fho naifl ^''to^nn iiytitiil stock, and homlholdi-rs, ps provid.-d iji sectim fourtt'on "''"'''■"*■ of tills Aft, ill tlio saiiio ratio us sharclioMcrs, slinll, at an\ ;(c- lU'ial iiu'ctin^' of tlm sliaiuhoMers, ))l) i-ntitlod to ouc vutu for cvory sliaio licld l>y him. IN. Tht! soveral iiiunicipalitics wlio may pass Uv-laws for Mundpalltii'^ such donations or aid as is licndnhoforo mcntionod, by wav of •'^''{"w "eitl"-''' homis, shall not ho entitk'd to claim any interest in tho iail- o«Vanmi"'*''"* way as shareholih-rs, nor ho liahle as such for any debt obli- }"'':!^i;'*' '""" '" gation or contract of the company. ' Inch. '*" 10. Any meeting of tho directors of the said company regn- tM,„umof larly summoned, at which not less than four directors s'hall l)e ••'••«'-torH. present, shall l)o competent to exercise and all and every of the powers hereby vested in tho said directors. 30. No call sliall exceed twenty per cent, upon tho amount falls, h subscribed for by the respective shareholdersiu the said com- l"*y"''''' pany, nor at .shorter intervals than two months. Hy sec. 8, snlisec. a, of Agreeiiioiit, p. '227, the proviaioiis of tho Ham- ilton and North Western llailwiiy Company's Act, as to calls, are appli- cable to the United tomjjany, 31. And wiiereas the construction of a railway from the H.amilton and City of Hamilton to the said Village of Caledonia was com- }.'"V' ^->'"«'' mence«l several years since by the Hamilton and Port Dover visi-.r!; to" Railway Comi)any, but by reason of financial enduarrassments «"'« thfiuof. the .said company, after expending a large amount of money thereon, were unable to complete tho same, and tho charter of the said company has expired ; and whereas th»! .said company, in pursuance of its powers, did grant a mortgage over the said railway to secure the bonds issued for its construction, but the trustees named in the said mortgage are both dead, and did also grant a mortgage for the purchase money of certain lands in Hamilton as station grounds for the .said railway, and doubts have arisen as to the priority of the claims of "a registered Judgment creditor and tho holders of such bonds as between each other; and whereas the said undertaking is at present valueless, and it is expedient to provide some means of i-ender- ing the same available to the creditors having liens tljoi'eon, and useful to the })ublic, be it therefore enactetl : That all and' .singular tho estate, title and interest which the .said mortgao'c^s and judgment creditor had in the said railway, its lands amfap- purtenaiices, shall, from and after tlie passing of this Act, become vested in A(l;un Hope, John Brown and William MeGi\eren, Trustees for as trustees for sale, and they are hereby empowered to sell the '■ '. ?''; ■^ ^ pointed. said i.ti ']i 10^ 18G9. HAMILTON AND LAKE ERIE RY. CO. Cap. 3G. i ! said undertaking, and all other tlie mortgaged premises, or any part thereof, eitlier by public auction or private contract, as hereinafter provided ; but no such sale shall be made except with the assent of the holders of a majority in value of the said bonds, secured by the said mortgage, and of the said mort- gagees of the said station grounds, and the said registered judgment creditor.* Hamilton and '^3. The company hereby incorporated shall have poNver to v. D. Railway purchase all and singular the said railway, its lands, privileges to'tlie G?^^' and appurtenances so comprised in the said mortgages, upon such terms as may be agreed on between them and the said trustees, with such consent as aforesaid, and either for casli or deferred bonds of the company, or in shares of the cajutal stock of the company, or partly in one or other of such modes of pay- ment ; Provided always that if no such agreement shall be ef- fected within three months after the passing of this Act, it shall be competent for the company to acquire the lands so held un- der the said mortgage, or any portion thereof, comi)ulsorily, in the same manner as they are authorized to ac(piire other lands paying the purchase money to the said trustees, or allowing the said mortgagees or judgment creditor the amount due to them i-espectively as paid up stock in the company, at the option of the said mortgagees and judgment creditor respectively ."f^ Powers of this 23. The company hereby created shall, upon the transfer Co. on inir- to them of the said railway and works, as authorized by the ntm?ant{ l"l)." preceding section, possess and enjoy the same, and tlie same Railway. .sliall tlieucefovth rest in and absolutely belong to the company, freed and discharged from all claims under the said mortgages or judgment, and from any claims by the shareholders in the said railway, and the conipany shall and may enjoy, exercise and enforce all the rights, po' ers, claims, benefits, franchises ami privileges grantetl or conferred on, or held, possessed and enjoyed by the Hamiltir.i and Port Dover railway, or the said mortgagees or any of them ; Provided that, except as aforesaid, nothing herein contained shall be held or construed to make the company hereby incorporated liable for any mortgage given by the said Hamilton and Port Dover Railway Company on any lands for the purchase nu)ney thereof, but they shall and may ac([uire any lands so remaining unpaid foi-, or sueli portion as they may require, in the same manner us they can acquire other lands required for the said railway under this Act. "35. Hamilton ami 24. Nothing herein contained shall affect or impair the val- r. U. Kail- j^ij^ q£ ^|-^g ijgj^,, ^jf ^|j^ yg^jj bondholders and registered judg- way, pio- ^ ».,„„♦ ment ■♦ By 3^ Vict., cap. 41, sec. .5, p. 13, certain powers are given to the City nf Haniiltoii nmler this section. t I'rovisicms with reference to this agreement are made by 31 Vict. cap. 41, sec. It, p. 15. Cap. 3G. HAMILTOX AND LAKE ERIE IIY. CO. 33 Vic. 11 ment creditor respectively, or their ])riority, as between each viNiona as to othi'r, but tlie same shall remain and continuo as if this Act ^''''"* ^'^^'■'■'**"- had not been passed ; and in the event of the said claimants failing to agree among themselves, it shall be lawful for the company to pay tlie purchase money into the Court of Chancery, and for the said Court, or any Judge thereof, to decide upon (5uch claims en petition, and to make such oiders for the i)ay- ment thereof to the several claimants as shall ap[)ear just and cipiitable. 25. Upon completing such ])urchase, the company hereby <^» completion created shall liavu power, through their directors, to issue their tla- Co.'ray bonds under the seal of the Company for a sum not exceedin" issue bonds, one hundred thousand dollars, in addition to the bonds herein" before authorized to be issued, and such bonds shall take pri- ority immediately after such other bimds, and shall be a lienor hyp(jthec upon the said railway, not reiiuiring any niort"-a<^e or registration. T.y ;34 Vic. cap. 41, sc. 13, p. Ifi, certain l)ond.s authorized to be issued uiulof the authority of sec. 12 of that Act, arc given priiirity over the b'nuls in this clause mentioned. •20. The company incorporated by this Act may enter into The Co. nuiy any arrangement with any other railway company, for the ^Kree with woi'king of the said railway, on such terms and conditions as :;?;t,'woIS' the directors of the two companies may agreee on, or the com- pany may lease the saicrson whomay he a ixiriy) in consider- ation of dolhuN paid to me (a.any are incorpoiated with that Act, and the powers given by that Act shall be taken, lield and construed to apply to the exten- sions hereby authorized to be constructed, as fully and effectu- ally as if the said extensions had been originally authoiized by the said last mentioned Act. _ a The eighth section of the said Act is hereby repealed, and :w v., c. ;w, in heu thereot it is enacted, that as soon as the sum of fifty "• ^' V- *h thousand dollars shall have been subscribed, either in municipal otKer pivi- debentures granted by way of bonus or otherwise, or in ordi- "l"'^'* »" ''^'» nary subscriptions by individuals to the capital stock, or partly °^' m such municipal debentures and partly in such subscriptions and such municipal debentures shall have been deposited in one of the chartered banks of the Province, or with the Pro- vincial Treasurer, as hereinafter provided, and ten per centum shall have been paid upon the shares so subscribed for into some oljartered bank, there to remain until required for the purposes ol t ns Act, the provisional directors, or a majority of them, shall call a general meeting of the subscribers to the said capi- tal for the i)uipose of electing directors of *he company. 3. The said last named directors are hereby authorized to Powers as to take all necessary steps for procuring subscriptions for shares ^"i^criptioiis in the stock books of the company from parties desirous of be- Iwt'"^" coming shareholders in the said company, until the whole of the capital stock authorized by the said Act shall have been taken up, and to issue the necessary sciip therefor. _ 4. The first proviso to the fourteenth clause of the said Act s^^V., c. .so, s, is hereby repealed, and the following substituted therefor: Pro- JJ',j;;a5i VKled always, that the whole issue of such bonds .shall not ex- ceed two hundred thousand dollars, nor shall the same at any time be in excess of the amount actually expended in works of construction upon the said line. .T It .shall be lawful for the City of Hamilton, which is a f -ity of Hamii- creditor and holder of bonds referred to in the twenty-first sec- *""- i"'^ver.H tion of the said Act, through its mayor or chief officer, to assent o'S's" y*;, to the sale authorized by that section, and to accept from the '•• ' ' " ' ' trustees deferred bonds and paid up stock in .satisfaction of its claims, in the same way as other creditors, and such .sale made with such assent as therein and herein provided, shall be valid and binding upon all parties. O. Incase the majority of the persons rated on the last as- if a portion ..f sessment roll as freeholders, who may be qualified voters under "■ n'."»icipality Mi 1 1 the ilt.iire to aid. f 14 tlic 1871. HAMILTON AND LAKE ERIK IIY. CO. Cap. 41. Council to the Municipjil Act in any portion of the municipiility, detiue the metes and ])oun(ls of the section of the muiiieipality within which the property ()f the petitioners is situated, or in the case of a county munici- pality the majority of the reeves and deputy reeves for those townships, towns or incorporated villaj^es, that may be asked to <,'rant a bonus, do petition the council of such county muni- (•ipality to pass a b^'-law as hereinafter set otit, and in such 3)etition do define the municipalities for which they are ivspec- tively the reeves and deputy reeves, and expressing the desire of the said petitioners to aid in the construction of the said rail- way by i^franting a bonus to the said company for this purpose, an.'i(», under this Act, the trustees named ^in the said Act shall and LTto;''""^ may transfer to the company' hereby incorporated the whole of the ju-operty vested in them under the last mentioned Act upon the trusts followini,', that is to say : That the same and the injprovementsto be made thereon, and their appurtenances and all other property to be acquired by the said company, an b of Agrounient, p. 227. w ANXO TllICESIMO SEXTO VICTORL'E REGLN.E. (36 Vict.) ji-i CAP. LXXXV. An Act further to amend the Act incorporating the Hamilton and Lake Erie liailway Company, and to confirm certain Agreements for granting running powers to other Companies over their hue of KaiF- way, and for other purposes. [Assented Cap. 85. HAMILTON AND LAKE ERIE RY. CO. 3G Vie. 17 [As.^ented to 2dth March, 1873.] AT/'HEREAS by an Act of the Parliament of tliis Province rreambk. \\ passed in the thirty-tliinl year of Her Majesty's rei;;n intituled " An Act to authorize the construction of a railway from some point in the Oity of Hamilton to Caledonia," certain persons therein named were incorporated under the name of '• 'Die Hamilton and Lake Erie Railway Con)pany," and therehy authorized to construct a railway to Caledonia, and it was in ami liy the said Act recitetl that a railway had several years previously been connnenced between the same points by the Hamilton and Port Dover Railway Company ; but by reason of financial embarrassments, the com[)any, after ex|)endin^ a laij^'e amount of money, were unable to complete tlie same, and that the said company, in pursuance of its powers, had granted a mortgage over the railway, to secure the bonds issued for its construction, ]>ut that the ti-ustees named therein were both dead, and the saiijch terms as Uiight he agreed on between them and the said trustees, and cither for cash or in deferretl bonds of the com- pany, or in shares of the capital stock of the comjtany, or jiartly in one or other of such modes of payment ; and that the said Hamilton rnd Lake Erie Railway Company should, upon the tiansfer to them of the said railway and works, possess atul enjoy the same, and the same should thereupon vest in and absolutely belong to the company, freed and dischai-ged from all claims under the said mortgage or the said judgment, and from any claim by the shareholders of the said railway ; and the company shoidd thereafter possess all the rights, powers, claims, benefits, franchises, and privileges granted to, conferred on, or held and possessed by the said Hamilton and Port Dover Railway Company, or the said mortgagees, or any of them : And whereas, in pursuance of the powers and authorities so granted to the said company, and to the said trustees, by the Act now in recital, the said Hamilton and Lake Erie Railway Company did purchase from the said trustees certain of the lands of the said railway, its privileges, and apjiurtenances, at or for a certain sum, payable partly in deferred bonds, and partly in I i •^1 18 1873. HAMILTON AND LAKK ERIE RY. CO. Cap. 85. in .stock of the cninpanv; and tlioivupon tlio saiy Kailwav confirmed to, ami absolutely vested in, tho Hamilton and Lake vested m Lake n . -r, -i /-< Erie llailway, Erie Radway Company. Ce-tain aKiee- 9. The said agreements for granting rmming powers to tho "^h'*"]-^'*'' said other comj^anies are hereby (;ontirmcd and extended for confiniie.i and the term of nine hundred and niuety-nine years ; and it shall authorized. ^ud may be lawful for the Hamilton and Lake Erie Railway Company, her. inafter called "The Company," to grant similar powers to an}' other railway companies that may from ',ime to tinie apply therefor, or. such or similar conditions, as may then exist with the said dreat Western, Grand Trunk, or Canada Southern Railway Coinpanies, or either of them, as provided for in clause eighteen of said agreement. As appears by the recital of 37 Vict. cap. 4,'), p. 23, the agreement witli tlie CJraiid Trunk and Great Western Railway Companies was never car- ried out. Authority to issue deben- tures. 3. In lieu of the borrowing powers in the saiTeemonf,s nr whinl. c.l,„il i 4. • . "^ r'" ''^^'^ Compames nvpr th« ca; ° ] • ? ■ '^"^'^ oU^m ninmng powers maki„-.agree- ovei the saiu road, as is herein provided, shall have the privil- 'n*^"*^ '"^^7 ot Ihe Hamilton and Lake Erie Railway Company, with simi- kr powers, nghts and privileges as the other directors, except that such grantees directors shall not be eligible as president Sr It pSnf ' ' '^'' '^""""" '^ ^"^'^ ^'^''^ ^^^^>» '^^^ Orind STan.! rl^^\%" "^'^''^^Z^, ""^ ^^^vin. been carried out, by the .\-"! i "ym i I 20 1873. HAMILTON AND LAKK KIUK UV. CO. Cap. 85. ('i>iii|innu>H havjiiu' run- ning iMiwcru over the lino Ddt to liiihl Mtock. lint'tinL'H. 6. Neither of the companies which have or shall obt.iin run- ning powers over the said lino sliall directly or indirectly ac- (luire, hold or possess any shares in tho capital stock of The Hanulton and Lake p:rie Railway, hut any sucli transfer shall be null and void to all intents and p\u-poses \>hatsoever, and with a view to prevent any sueh dealing; with the said shares, no transfer shall he valid until approved of by the directors, and if the directors sliall have any reason to suspect that such transfer is being made in violation of this enactment they may in tlieir discretion rei'\ia'."^**^"'' renuired for the construction or maintenance of said rai'wav or any part the'-eoi, tl)e company may, m case they cannoi agree with the owner of the lands on which the same art- situate for tlie purchase thereof, cause a ])rovincial surveyor to make a map and description of the property so re({uircd, and they shall serve a eojiy thereof with their notice of arbitration as in case of acquiring the roadway, and the notice of arbitra- tion, the award, and the tender of the compensation shall have the same effect as in the case of arbitration for the roadway ; and all the pi'ovisions of the Railway Act, as varied and modi- fied by the special Acts relating to the said company, as to the service of the said notice, arbitration, comi)ensation, deeds. Kiiilvvay Act to apply. payment of money into court, the right to sell, the right to convey, 'ym Cap. «.">. HAMILTON AND LAKK KRIK HY. CO. no Vic. 21 convoy, and tlu; partios from whom lands may l»o taken, or who may sell, shiill apply o the .siil.joct matter of this .section, and to tli -sixth year of Prer»mble. Her Majesty's reijrn, intituled "An Act further to amend the Act incorporating the Hamilton and Lake Erie Railway Company, and to confirm certain a«,'reeinents for granting running powers to other companies over their 'ine of railway, and for other i)urp()ses," it is amongst other pro- vided that it shall he lawful for the direetoi.s to issue terininable bonds, or perpetual debenture stock, bearijig seven per cent, in- to be applied ;— first to replace certain deferred bonds granted in payment of the bonded debt and judgment debt of the Hamilton and Port Do\'er Kailway ; and then to the con- struction and ecjuipment of tlie said Hamilton and Lake Erie Railway : And whereas the Great Western and Grand Trunk Had way Companies have omitted to procure the confirmation of the agreement in the .said in part recited Act referref landu of lands which they may sell or dispose of, to any company pL*y tcrotlKT established or to be established for the purpose of erecting companies, warehouses or elevators thereon, paid up stock in such company, and may subscril)e for shares in any such company, or in any company which may be established for building, purchasing, chartering, or owning steam or other vessels to ply in connection with the said railway ; Provided that any such arrangement shall be submitted to and approved of by the shareholders of the Hamilton and Lake Erie Railway Company in manner aforesaid. n ,^. SI IIA^ PART TI. STATUTES OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTxVRIO RELATING TO THE HAMILTON AND NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. . 'i mi 1 • m. . "^m X '■! STATUTES OF THB PROVINCE OF ONTARIO RELATING TO THR HAMILTON AND NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. ANNO 7 aCF'^ .MO QUINTO VICTORTiE REGIN.E. (35 Viot.) CAP. LV. An Act to incorporate the Hamilton and North-West- ern Railway Company.* [Assented to 2nd March, 1872.] V 7" HERE AS Anthony Copp, James Turner, William E. I'leamble. , Sanford, P. W. Dayfoot, Thomas Saunders, Dennis Moore, Adam Hope, A. F. Skinner, George H. Gillespie, Alex- ander Harvey, William McGiverin, C. Gurney, Jacob Hespeler, A. T. Wood, D. B. Chisholm, J). Mclnnes, Edward Jackson, Tristram Bickle, K. Fitzpatrick, Adam Brown, Thomas Fergu- son, M.P.P., and others have petitioned the Legislature of this Province for an Act of Incorporation to construct a railway from some point in or near the City of Hamilton through the Counties of Wentworth, Halton, Peel and Simcoe, or some of them to a point in or near to Barrie, and thence to a point on Hogg's, Sturgeon or Matchedash Bay, with power to extend the same so as to form a junction with the proposed Canada Cen- tral Railway or the Canada Pacific Railway or one or both of them, which would develop the resources of that part of the country and open up for settlement a large tract of (!ountry at l)resent unimproved and lying waste, and it is expedient to grant the prayer of such petition : Therefore Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : Under the provisions of 38 Vict., cap. 48, p. 47, this line was given power to amalgamate with the Hamilton and Lake Erie Railway Company, and such amal- fc'amatiou was carried out and confirmed by 39 Vicl., cap. 72, p. 53. I 30 Cap. .55. Hamilton and nouth-wkstkrn uy. co. 35 Vie. Incoriwration. 1. Till! said parties aliove named together with such persons and coiporations as shall in pui'suance of this Ac;t become share- holders in the said company herfhy incorporated shall hecomo and are herehv declared to be a body corporate and politic }>y Name the name of "The Hamilton and North-Western Railway Coni- mv. Certainclauses jj. The several clauses of the Railway Act of the Consoli- AcUo^^ailpl'7 <^''^<^i^'), third (r), fourth ((/), fifth (^0 and_ sixth (/) clauses thereof, and also the .several clauses thereof with respect to " interpretation " (g), " incoi-jwration " (A), " powers " (i), "plans and surveys" (j), "lands and their valuation" (k), " highways and bridges " (/,), " fences " (m), " tolls " (n), " gene- ral meetings " (o), " president and directors, their election and duties" (p), "calls" (([), "shares and their transfer" (r), "mu- nicipalities " («), " shareholders " (t), " actions for indemnity, and fines and penalties and their prosecution " (u), " by-laws, — notices, &c." (y), " working of the railway " (;iv), and " general provisions " (.<;), shall be incorporated with and be deemed to be part of this Act, and shall apj)ly to the said company and to the railway to be constructed by them except so far as they may be inconsistent with the enactments hereof; and the ex- pression " this Act," when used herein shall be understood to include the clauses of the said Railway Act so incorporated with this Act as aforesaid. Location of railway. 3. The company hereby incorporated and their agents or servants shall have full power and authority under this Act to lay out, construct and finish an iron i-ailway from such point near or within the limits of the City of Hamilton on the shore of Burlington Bay or as near thereto as may be deemed desir- able and continuing the same through the Counties of Went- worth. la) See R. S. 0. , c. 165 , p. 83. (9) Sec. 27, p. 109, 528, p. 112, 8. 20, e-) do do p. 84. 88. 17, 18, 19, (f) do do p. 84. p. 100. U do do p. 85. (»■) do do s. 29, p. 112. (c) do do p. 86. {«) do do H. 31, p. 114. (/) do do p. 86. t) do do 8. 30, p. 114, s. {[>) do do 88 2, 3, p. 84. 29, subsecs. 6, CO do do 8. 8, p. 87. 7, p. 113. (0 do do 8. 9, p. 87. (u) do do s. 34, p. 118, 8.3"), /) do do 8. 10, p. 90, 88. 11, 12, p. 93. p. 119, 88. 84, 85, c. s. <;. (i) do do 88. 11-20, pp. 93- p. 137. 101,8. 9, 8uba. {v) do do s. 32, p. 110. 3, p. 87. M do do 8. 33, p. 116. )l) do do B. 21, p. 101. (X) do do 8. 36, p. 120, 8. 2:t, (m do do 8. 22, p. 102. subsec. 5, i>. (n) (o) do do H. 23, p. 104. 113, sec. .30, do do s. 24, 25, p. 106. 8ubHec.2, p. 114 (P) do do 8. 26, p. 106 ; 8. 25, p. 106, 8. 36, subsec. 4, p. 120; 8.27, p. 109, 8. 28, p. 112. 8. 8. 10, subsecs. 13, 14, pp. 92, 93, 8. 23, Bub. sec. 11, p. 105, 8. 33, subsecs - 12, 13, p. lis. J s72. HAMILTOV AND NORTH-WESTKllN IIY. CO. CaP. 55 31 worth, Halton, Peel and Siincoe to a })oint on one of the hay-s liorderin}]; on the Township of Tay, and with power to continue the same to Lake Nipis.siny, or to form a junction with the piop(jsed Canada (Jentral or the Canada Pacific Railway, or lioth of them, and Avitli power to construct the same in sec- tions and wit', prnver to extend tlie same to tlie waters of Lake Simcoe at or near to Barrie ; and it sliall and may be hiwful for the saifl Company to take and appropriate for the use of said railway and the works coiuiccted therewitli so nnicli of tlie land as may be necessary for the works of the said rail- way, but not to alienate the same. By 30 Vict. , cap.|84, p. 42, power is given to tlie H. and N. W. Railway to extend its line of railway to CoUingwood. 4. The capital of the company hereby incorporated shall be t apital stock, .six hundred thousand dollars with power to increase the same in the manner provided by the Railway Act, to be divided into six thousand shares of one hundred dollars each ; and shall be laised by the persons and corporations who may become share- holders in such company; and the money so raised shall be ap- plied in the first place to the payment of all expenses for pro- curing the passing of this Act and for making the surveys, plans and estimates connected with the works hereby autho- lized ; and the remainder of such money shall be applied to the making, equipment, completion and working of the said rail- Avay and the purposes of this Act. See the provisions for the increase of the capital stock upon the amal- Ijaniation of the Company v/ith the Hamilton and Lake Erie Railway Company, 38 Vict., cap. 48, sec. 11, p. 51. 5. The said Anthony Copp, Thonnis Saunders, P. W. Day- rrovisional foot, John Young, W. E. Sanford, James Turner, William Mc- '^'r^ctow. (Uverin, lidward Gurney, D. B. Chishol;<-., James M. Williams, Jacob Hespeler, Simon Plewis, Frederick Haines, Thomas Bowles, John White, James Barber, John Buck, T. D. McCon- key, George Davis, John Kidd and Alfred A. Thomson shall be and are hereb- constituted a board of provisional directors of the said couipany, and shall hold office as such until other directors shall be appointed under the provisions of this Act by the sliareholders ; and it shall be lawful for the provisional di- rectors for the time being of the said compan}^ or a majority of the directors present at a meeting called for the purpose to supply the [)lace or places of any of their number from time to time (lying or eclining or becoming incai)able to act as such provisional directors, and to associate with themselves at a meeting of directors called for the purpose of deciding thereon not more than five other directors, who .shall thereupon become and be directors of the company equally with themselves ; which appointments whether by reason of death or resignation or the association of not more than five other directors shall be made from the several subscribers for stock in the said railway 32 Cap. o.y. HAMILTON AND NOUTH-WESTERN RY. CO, W) ViC. railway company to the amount of five hundred dollars each during the period of tlicMr continuance in office, and on which ten per centum shall have been paid. I'liwt'i's I if pr viniy 'a^, deben- the purpose of introducing such by-law and submittin.. ^^^ tures t« Usue. same to the ratepayers ; and within one month after the psTssinL' of such by-law the said council and the warden, mayor reeve or other head thereof and the other ofHcers thereof shall issue tlie debentures for the bonus thereby granted, and deliver the sTiine to the trustees appointed or to be appointed under this Jl fX'""^' <=• *^' i^'^- 3' P'^Se 45, the time referred to in tliis section is L take'eflict'.'"' "'" "^'^ """'"^ '" '^'' '^J"''^^ ^"^ '^'^ «^«S .JI{nU.1rr ^"^ ''°.""' ^'^ '°. ='i^"^'^'^ ^'y ^ 1'°^'*^°" Of ^ local AH..e««menton municipality or county municipality, the rate to be levied for i"""*'"" "^ » payment of the debentures issued therefor and the interest '"""'" P''^''*y- thereon, shall be assessed and levied upon such portion only of the municipality or county municipality. IN. The provisions of the Municipal Acts so far as the same Tir • • . arc not inconsistent with this Act slmll apply to an^bHaw o ^"t^'SLl. passed by or for a portion of a municipality or county munici- pality to the same extent as if the same had been passed by or tor the whole municipality or county municipality: 19. All by-laws to be submitted to such vote for granting Assessment bonuses to the said company not requiring the levyhic of a -t t^ eSd greater annual rate than three cents in the dollar of the Tatable J^'^t^?"*' *''* property effected thereby shall be valid. '^' '''^"'^•■• (o) See as to mumcipahties aiding railways, 3G Vict., cap. 84, page 42 39 Vict. , cap. 72, pages 53-5G et seq, 40 Vict. , cap. 76, pages 58 e?S 41 Vict., cap. 48, sec. 7, page 72, 43 Vict., cap. 27, sec. IG page 1G3 rehires majority o. ratepayers, entitled to vote, to vote for any CusbyTwTn order to carry same ; but see Act of 45 Vict, as to this. ^ nl,vllt^L^/i?"T'rT.f *° '''^ ^'T "'""icipalities are expressly made ap- pl cable to the United company formed by amalgamation with th« U.^Fi. page'227 ''"*' ^'^""^^ Company, by Agre^ement ; sec.8, subTecVd, ^ ao. 1 t 'I Ill 86 Tower to fxtinjit from taxutiiin. Municipal direct*) iH. Municipal ilebeiitures, delivery to trustees. Trusts of debentures. Cap. 55. Hamilton and uy. co. 35 Vic. •10 It shall 1.C lawful for tho corporation of any municipality tl.rou^rh any of which the railway ot the saul cn.pany passcH or is-sitiuite, by l.y-law cspoc .y ]nxH.M for that purpose, the .same company an.l its proi)erty within such municipality either in whole or in from municipal assess- ment or taxation, or to af,'ree to a certain sum per annum or otherwise in gross or byway of commutation or composition for ..aynient or in lieu of all or any municipal rates or assess- ments to be imposed by such municipal coiporat •,.:., and tor such term of years as to such municipal corporation may .seem expedient not exceeding twenty-one years. 2i. Any county municipality which shall grant a bonus of not less than five thousand dol'lars per mile for the line of the railway within the said county in aid of the .said company shall be entitled through its council to nrine its warden as director in the said company as the representative of such muiucipality ; and such director shall be a director in addition to all .share- holders directors in the said company, and shall not retiuire to be a .shareholder in the said company and shall continue m office as director in the .said comi)any until his successor shall be appointed by the municipalivy which he represents. See as to County Simcoe's ri> 3(5 Viet., cui.. 84, sec. 8, im-o 43 so as t.. pruvHlo tlmt tho rospectiv., aepusus therei.l r.h'vrod u, IhM spLcSy tho Pjuticnlar n.un.cpahfy fn„n wl.ich tlio s.u.o were denvcd, and a.aK ut her provisions reyarding thuni. «, 'wm uiuk-» 1 U^t '^'"•r.^l "**.f "^' l''"? ""^ ""''t ^''''^''''^ ^^ ^^ as ^-aliJ and Tuo truHtees binding as if the three liud a<,'reed. hind the three. % 40 \-ict cap 7(J, .soc. 14, pa,:;o (54, it'is provided tliat this section SS r:^it \^^ '''"^"•^ '^"""^' ^"* ^^'•''"" "^'- l-visions arc mad!; 3.1 Any county in which i.s or are situate a township or t «, v ownships or ^jortion of a township that shall grant a bomfs or l^^^SZS^ bouuses in aul of the said company shall be at liberty to take ^l'\ '"1"'*^ the debentures issued by such township or townshi.Is or nor- '^■'"*""- tion of a township, and in exchange therefor to hand over to the trustees under this Act the debentures of the county on H being passed to that t-ffect by a majority of the county council. j j iS^: ^^^^Vl"'^'^^^"^ "f the said company, after the sanction of to i«,ue the shareholders shall have been first obtained at any special bondTprefT general meeting to be called, from time to time, for such pur- '^""'■^'• pose, shall have power to issue bonds, made and signed by the president and vice-president of the said company, and counter- signed by the secrot:uy and under the seal of the said com- pany, tm- the purposes of raising money for prosecuting the said undertaking ; and sucli bond.s shall, without registratfon or torinal conveyance, be taken and considered to be the first and preferential claims and charges upon the undertakincr and the property of the company, real personal, then existing and at any time thereafter aciuired ; and each holder of tht" .said bonds shall be deemed to be a mortgagee and incumbrancer pro ntta with all the other holders thereof upon the undertakinmmence- oompleted to the waters of the bays aforesaid within live years, completion nnd finally completed within seven years after the passing of this Act. By aC Vict., c. 84, sec. G, page 43, the time for coinmencing the rail- way is extended to two years from the passing of tliat Act. ai. The said railway company shall at all times receive and Rates for car- carry cordwood or any wood or fuel at a rate not to exceed, foi- ""y^'s wood. ar of dower, respectively, of all persons executing the same ; and such conveyances .shall be registered in the same manner and upon such proof of execution as is required under the registry laws of Ontario ; and no registrar shall be entitled to demand more than seventy -five cents for registering the same, includ- ing all entries and certificates thereof, and certificates endorsed on the duplicate thereof. SCHEDULE "A." Know all men by these presents, that I, (or we,) [insevt tJn- name or names of the vendors] in consideration of dollars paid to me (or us) by the Hamilton and North-Western Railway Company, the receipt wdiereof is hereby acknowledged, do grant and convey, and I, (or Vie,) [insert the names of any other imrty or 'part'ies'] in consideration of dollars, paid to me (or us) by the said company, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do grant and release all that certain parcel (or those certain ^xtj'ce/s, as the case may be,) of land situate (describe the land) the same having been selected and laid out by the said company for the purposes of this railway^ to hold with the appurtenances unto the said the Hamilton and North-Western Railway Company, their successors and assigns (here insert any other clanses, covenants or conditions required), and I, (or we) the wife (or wives) of the saiil do hereby bar my (or our' dower in the said lands. As witness my (or our) liand and seal (or hands and seals) this day of one thousand eight hundred and seventy Signed, .sealed and delivered ) in the presence of j [L..S.] SCHEDULK 1ST3. HAMILTON AND NORTH-WESTERN RY. CO. CaP. 84. SCHEDULE " B." CJiief Ewjhieer'' 8 Certificate, The Hamilton and North-Western Railway Company's Office, Engineer's Department, No. A. D. 187 . Certificate to be attached to cheques drawn on the Hamilton and North-Western Railway Municipal Trust Account, and ifivcn under section of chapter thirty-fifth Victoria. I, Chief Engineer of the Hamdton and North-Western Railway Company, do hereby certify that there has been expended in the construc- tion of mile No. (the said mileage being nun)bered consecutively from the City of Hamilton,) the sum of dollars to date, and that the total i^ro rata amount due for the same from the said munici- pal trust account amounts to the sum of dollars, which said sum of dollars is now due and payable as provided under said Act. 41 ANNO TRICESLMO SEXTO VICTORIiE REGINvE. (36 Vict.) CAP LXXXIV. An Act to amend tlio Act incorporating the Hamil- ton and North-Western Railway Company, and to enable them to extend their hne to Collingwood. {Assented to 2dth March, 1873]. WHEREAS the Hamilton and North-Western Railway Preamble Company have prayed for certain amendments to their cliarter and for power to extend their line of railway from some point on the main line to the Town of Collingwood, and it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition : Therefore Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent <•[■ the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts iis follows : — I I lit: W 42 Cap. 84. Hamilton and nor-^h-western ry. co. 36 Vic. Branch line to 1. The Said Company may construct a branch from any point Collingwood. of its main line within the County of Simcoe to the watc. s edge of Lake Huron in tlie Town of Collingwood ; and the se- veral clauses of the Act respecting railways which are referred to in the Act incorporating the .said The Hamilton and North- Western Railway, and all the powers conferred by such last mentioned Act, shall be taken, held and construed to apply to the said branch line as fully and effectually as if such brunch line had been specially authorized in and by such last-men- tioned Act : Provided the construction thereof be commenced within two years, and completed within five years from the passing of this Act. By 37 Vict., cap. 44, see. 4. page 45, it is provided that notwithstanding anything in this section contained it shall be lawful for the company to extend their line into tho waters of the (Georgian B.ay at Collingwood, and to erect all necessary wiiarves, buildings, stations, etc. Municipalities aiding may de- clare the trusts upon which the deb'iitures are to be held. 2. It shall and may be lawful for any municipality or por- tion of a municipality, whether the same shall be a township or a county nmnicipality, that may pass a by-law to aid the said The Hamilton and North Western Railway Company to declare in the by-law that the debentures shall be delivered to the trustees, in the manner and upon the trusts provided for and declared in the twenty-second and twenty-third clauses of the said Act, or to vary the said trusts in and b}' the said by- law in such a manner as may be agreed on ])et\veen the coun- cil and the company, or to do so by a separate agreement spe- cifying the terms on Avhich the same may be converted into money or delivered to the company, and generally to make such arrangements respecting the conditions or disposition of such bonus as may be found advisable ; which agreements the said municipal councils and the directors of the company are hereby respectively authorized to make; and it is hereby declared thata by-IaAV pa.ssed by the Township of IrinisHl, granting aid to the said railway company, to the extent of twenty thousand dol- lars, and the agreements entered into between the railway com- pany and the corporation of the said township, and a bond given by the said company for the due performance of the terms of the said agreement shall be good, valid, and effectual and binding upon the cor|)oration and company respectively.* Certain agree- 3. It shall further be lawful for the said company to enter Hi'jnts maybe •„. i •,! . . ,., ,.,■'*' made with ^"^0 an agreement with any municipality which may grant a manicipalities bonus, or which may form a portion of a county municipality, M lufa'. or section of a municipality, granting a bonus in aid of the said railway, defining the location of the said line, and the time within which the road shall be completed, and the portions of the railway or branch upon which the bonus shall be ex- pended, the places where stations are to be erected, or sucli other matters of detail as may be agreed on between the com- pany * See page 187 Innisfil by- law, &c., con- firmed. ^feftag^ t 1873. HAMILTON AND NORTH-WESTERN RY. CO. Ca1>. 84. 43 pnny and such municipality, and such agreement shall be good and valid in law. 4. The council of any municipality which has aided or as- Municipalities sisted, or may aid or assist the said company, may, upon the '^''^'"y ""^v application of the company, in its discretion, grant such exton- time"?or*«,.n. sion of time, as they may think fit, for the f)erformance or ful- pl«ti»ff certain tilment by the company of any works or conditions stipulated '""'''"* for in respect of such aid or assistance. 5. The fifteenth section of the said Act is hereby amended, 35 v., c. 55, s. so as to extend its provisions to a municipality, as-well as to a ^•'' ''• ,H portion of a municipality ; and such by-laws as are therein re- *""""'"''• ferred to, shall be submitted to the ratepayers within six weeks after the warden, mayor, reeve or other head of such municipa- lity shall receive such petition as is therein referred to, signed by at least fifty ratepayers who are qualified voters, residinf' within such municipality, and the said fifteenth section is to be read as varied by the provisions herein contained. 6. The said railwrj shall be commenced within two years Time for cm- from the passing of this Act, instead of at the period men- ""'"cement of tioned in the second recited Act, or, in default, the charter of tendifjr "'" the company shall be forfeited, and the powers hereby con- ferred upon them shall cease and determine. r In any by-law which has been, or may be, submitted for Requisite, of grantmg aid to the said railway, it shall not be necessary to ''yl^ws with raise an equal annual special rate in the dollar for paying the "^^^'"'^^'"'''^''^ interest and creating an equal yearly sinking fund for payinc/ the principal, but it shall be sufiicient to state a rate which shall be sufiicient to pay the interest and the principal of the debentures at the time or times that the same shall be made payable. 8. The twenty-third section of the said Act is hereby am- 35 v , cap. 55, ended, so that the respective deposits therein referred to shall ^'^ ^^> i'-,-**^ specify the particular municipality from which the same was de- '''"'"'^'■''• lived, and the money shall, in each case, be carried to a separate account, to be called the Hamilton and North Western Railway Municipal Trust Account for the county or township, or other municipality (as the case may he), specifying the particular municipality from the proceeds of whose debentures the funds were derived, and the same shall be paid out on the certificate of the engineer, and upon such other terms as may be men- tioned in the agreement delivered to the trustees at the time the said debentures shall be deposited with them. 9. The tenth section of the said Act is hereby amended, by S«c lo, p. 33 striking out so much thereof as renders it necessary to publish ''™^»<^ed. a notice \ c ii 1 tf ■ 44 Cap. 4*. Hamilton and north-western ry. co. 37 Vic. ton a notice of the meeting in some one newspaper in each of the counties which have granted bonnscs to the said railway. Ai.Hrointlu- '<>• Tlie corporation of the City of Hamilton may and is CityofHaniii- hereby empowered to grant by way of gift to the said company, in addition to any other bonus, any shares, bonds or debentures which it may hold in any other company, and to grant any lands belonging to the nmnicipality which may be required for right of way or station grounds or other purposes connected with the operating of the said railway ; ami the said company shall have power to accept the said gifts or grants; but the by-law malting any such grant shall be approved of by the ratepayers in manner p"ovided by the Municipal Institutions Act, in respect of by-laws for the creation of debts. County of Simcoe may yrant boims and name a director II. The County of Simcoe, in the event of its granting a bonus of not less than three hundred thousand dollars in aid of the said railway, or in the event of such grant being made by any section or sections of the county shall be entitled through its council to name a director in the company as its representative who shall not re([uire to be a shareholder in the said compan3\ ANNO TRICESIMO SEPTIMO VICTOIU/K REGIN/E. (37 Vict) CAP. XLIV. !| An Act further to amend tiie Act incorporating the Hamilton and North Western Eailway Company. [Assented to 2iih March, 1874.] Preamble. \ T 7HEREAS The Hamilton and North Western Railway VV Company have petitioned for certain amendments to their charter, more especially as regards their borrowing powers, and it is expedient to grant tin) same : Therefore Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts, as follows : .35 Vic. c. 5.'), (a) [1. The twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh sections of the pp^iVss ^/e- ^^^> P^^s^^ ^" the thirty-tifth year of Her Majesty's reign, inti- pealed'. ' , tuk'il (a) These Sections, in brackets, are repealtd by 38 Vict. cap. -18, sec. 1. See page 4". MABUMMIMNaWU 1874, HAMILTON AND NORTH-WESTERN UY. CO. CAP. 44. 45 tuled " An Act to incorporate the Hamilton and North West- ern Railway Company," are lieroby repealed. [*2. All bonds, debentures, and other securities, and coupons. Bonds, Ac. and niterest warrants thereon, respectively may be made pay- '""^ '"^ "'"^''■' able to bearer or order, and transferable by endorsement orlXn''" delivery, and any holder of such securities may sue thereon in his or her own name ; and may be so issued under the provi- sions of the Railway Act.] a. The periods referred to in the sixteenth (a) and twenty- Ti.,.o f..r second clauses (b) of the said Act, shall be one month and six l«««in« of weeks respectively, after the day named in the by-laws for the Ij^ivery "'f'' same to take effect and come into ojieration, instead of from the tune of the passing of the by-laws, as therein provided, and the iT'SZi said clauses shall be read as varied by this Act. e-^te«Hiea. 4. Notwitlistanding anything in the first section of the Act, Extension of passed in the thirty-sixth year of Her Majesty's reign chap- li"f toCollin- tered eighty-four, it shall be lawful for the c(.m])any to extend "■°"''- their line into the waters of the Georgian Bay at the Town of ( ollingwood, and there to erect and maintaiirall necessary and e..nvenient buildings, stations, wharves, and other conven- :J;.^i't"4'o'^' leiices for the use and accommodation of the passengers, frei-dit oxpi.-vined."' and business of the railway, subject to the provisions oi^the Kailway Act. 5. And it shall be lawful for the directors to accept payment P"^vei- to in tu 1 tor stock from any of the subscribers thereof at the time "'''PlPfYn f of subscription, or at any time before the making of a final call stock !u any thereon, and to allow such percentage or discount thereon, as *',',""' T^ . they may deein expedient and reasonable, and thereupon to S'rln"""""' issue to each of such subscribers, scrip to the full amount of such stock subscribed. 6 It shall be lawful for the directors to enter into a con- Power to oon- tract or contracts with any individual or association of indi- ?.'"";' "'^'^M"ii' viduals for the construction or equipment of the line or any S'^''""" portion thereof, including or excluding the purchase of the right ot way, and to pay therefor either in cash or bonds or in paid up stock, notwithstanding that one or more of such con- tiactors may be shareholders or directors in the company : I rovided that no such contract shall be of any force or validity till approved of by two-thirds of the shareholders present iii person or by proxy at a meeting specially convened for consid - enng the same. 7. Section number nine of the first recited Act, is amended ^'•'5 Vic, c. r.5, by striking out the words « as provided in section seven," and '^.Sm' substituting in lieu thereof, " in the 0§icml Gazette of Ontario " ' (a J iiiigc ;?5. fitj page .'W. Il ' I I Jill 46 Cap. 44. Hamilton and north-westkrn ry. co. 37 Vic. S. 23, n. 37, ivmenaed. Oo\mcilH of aiding munici palitie8 may consent to vary agree - inenta aH to route, &c. 8. Section tvventy-threo is arneiuit,! V^^ the su>)stitution of schedule B for schedule A, and the said section shall be read as varied by this Act. 9. The council of any municipality or of any minor munici- pality, comprised in a section of a county municipality, which has aided or may aid the said railway, by granting a bonus thereto, may on the application of the company from time to time, consent to the ccmditions of the agreements made with such municipality, as to the route of the railway mentioned therein, being varied to such extent and in such manner as an actual survey of the line may render necessary or expedient and to the extent of such alterations tlie original agreement may be varied accordingly : Provided always that nothing here- in contained shall be con.strued as authorizing the council to sanction any deviation from the line originally agreed on, be- yond what may be found necessary or expedient from natural or engineering difficulties ; and provided also that it shall be lawful for the company in any such case to ent(>r into an agreement with such municipality for the gravelling or maca- damizing any road leading to the said Railway. In case the council of a municipality or minor r nicipality cannot agree with the said Railway Company as to what deviation should be made owing to such natural or engineering difficulties, the said council and said railway company respectively shall each ap- point an arbitrator, and such two arbitrators and the County Judge, or some person appointed by him to act as arbitrator in his stead, shall finally determine the matter. Bj 39 Vict. cap. 72, sec. 11, p. 5(5, this Section is amended by adding the following words, " and in case of any such deviation being sanctioned oi' determined upon by the said arbitrators, such compensation shall bo awarded to any such municipality or minor municipality, as the said arbi- trators shall deem reasonable and proper, and such compensation shall bo paid over by the said Company to such Municipality or minor Municipal- ity before the said Company shall proceed, or be permitted to proceed, with the construction of any portion of such deviation." Certain muni- 10. The By-laws passed by the County of Peel, (a) the City confirmed?^'* of Hamilton (b), and the Town of CoUingwood, granting aid to the said railway, and all debentures issued thereunder, are and the same are hereby declared to be valid and binding. (a) page 199. (b) page 198. ANNO its': 1874. HAMILTON AND NOUTH-WI-^iTF.RN IIY. CO. CaP. 48. 47 ANNO TRICESIMO-OCTAVO VICTORIiE REGINiE. (38 Vict.) CAP. XLVIII. An Act further to amend tlie Act incorporating the Hamilton and North Western Railway Company. [Assented to 21.s< December, 1874.] TTTHEREAS the Hamilton and North Western Railway Preamble. V V Company have petitioned for an amendment of the pro- visions relatin!> to their borrowing powers, and for power for that compai.y and the Hamilton and Lake Erie Railway Com- })any to unite together as one company, or for one of such com- panies to purchase and acquire the property and rights of the other, and for certain other amendments to their charter and it is expedient to grant the same : Therefore Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : 1. The first and second sections of the Act passed in the ;?7 V. c. 44, s.s. thirty -seventh year of Her Majesty's reign, intituled "An Act 1 ^'j'li^ '"*^'44 further to amend the Act incorporating the Hamilton and North ' Western Railway Company " are hereby repealed. [2. The directors of the said company, after the sanction of Power to issiu- the shareholdei's shall have been first obtained at any special '^o"*^" for the general meeting, to be called from time to time for such purpose Wrowhig shall have power to issue bonds of the said company for the money, purpose of raising money for prosecuting the said undertaking ; and such bonds shall, without registration or formal conveyance, be taken and considered to be the first and preferential claim ?°"'H*° '^"^ * and charge upon the undertaking, and the property of the com- '^ ^ '"^^^' pany, real and personal, then existing and at any time there- after acquired and each holder of the .said bonds shall be deemed to be a mortgagee and incumbrancer j^ro rata with all the other holders thereof, upon the undertaking and the property of the company as aforesaid: Pi'ovided however,that the whole amount Proviso, of such issue of bonds shall not exceed in all the sum of twenty- five thousand dollars per mile,nor .shall the amount of such bonds Issued at any one time be in excess of the amount actually ex- pended in surveys, purchase of right of way, and works of con- struction and equipment upon the line of the said railway, or material actually purchased, paid for and delivered to the com- pany within the Provinces of or Quebec, and that the rate w 48 Cap. 48, Hamilton and noutii-westkun iiy. en. .'W Vic. Ibsuc of ner- iniuient bonds or ])i!rnmnunt debenturu stock. Charge. i{iKl>t«of rate of interest thoreon sliall not exceed .six per centum per l-ondhoMcrH if ,„j^m„ . n,n(l providod also further, that in the event at any j>ftid. time of tlie interest ot the .said bonds remainin<,' unpaid and owing tlien at the next ensuing general annual meeting of the said company all holders of bomls shall have and possess tluj same rights and privileges and (pialitieations for directors and for voting as are attached to shareholders, provided that the bonds and any transfers thereof shall have been first registered in the .same manner as is provided for the legistration of shares, and it shall be the duty of the secretary of tlu; company to register the same on being reijuircd to do so by any holder thereof.] [3. In case th» said company shall enter into any ai-range- ment, or lease, with any other railway company or com])anie.s, for the leasing or working of the said railway, the directors may, with the like sanction in the last .section mentioned, issue permanent bonds, or permanent debenture stock of the said comi)any, or bonds or debenture stock payable at the time of the expiration of such lease or arrangement, for the purpose of raising money for prosecuting the said undortaking ; and such bonds or debenture stock ;diall, without registration or formal conveyance, be and be taken and considered to be a first and preferential claim and charge upon the rent, or money in the nature of rent, or any other moneys which may be payable to the said company, under any such lease or arrangement for securing the payment of the interest on such bonds or deben- ture stock during the term of such lease or arrangement, or during the currency of such bonds or debenture stock ; and from and after the expiration or determination of such lease or arrangement, such bonds or debenture stock .shall, without for- mal conveyance or registration, be and be taken and consitlered to be, first and preferential claims and charges U[)on the under- taking and property of the company, in the same manner and to the like extent as the bonds in the last section mentioned ; and the several provisoes in the last section contained, as to the amount of such bond issue and the interest thereon and otherwise, shall extend and ajiply to the said bonds and de- benture stock hereby authorized, in the same manner and to the like extent as if they had been re-enacted herein : Provided always that the powers as to the issue of bonds by this and the preceding section conferred shall not be exercised concurrently, but the powers conferred imder the one of such sections shall only be exercised in the event of those conferred under thtj other of such sections not having been exercised.] Proviso. These sections in brackets aie repeal<3d by 39 See page 54. "*• cap. 72, sec. 4. Form of bonds ^- The bouds or debenture stock hereinbefore authorized or debenture shall be made and signed by the president v . the vice-presi- ^^'^''^- dent, and countersigned by the secretary, and under the sen! of 1874. s 187-t. HAMILTON AND NORTM-WESTKUN UY. €0. CaP. 48. 49 of the said company, and may bo expressed to be payable in sterlin;,' mont-y of (}ioat Britain ; or in current money of C'ana- iHl . V J After ratifioii' tion of union, I'oniimnieH ^<> liecome ont. llights, Iial>ili' tit'H, &c. Provided claim of per- son having Hliecial lien on either com- pany not im- paired. Properties, rights and lia- bilities after purchase. 9. From and after the time when any such ratified agree- ment for the union of the said companies .shall take effect, the said companies shall become one company and one corporation by the corporati; name assigned to it in such agreement, and .shall be invested with and have all the rights and j)roperty and be responsible for all the liabilities of tlie said respective companies, anil sliall f»e held to be the same corporation with each of them ,so that any right or claim which could be enforced by or against either of them may, after such union, be enforced by or against the company formed l)y their union : and any .suit, action or proceeding pending at the time of such union by or against either of such companies may be continued and com- [tleted by or against the company formed by their union by the corporate name assigned to it by the agreement : Provided al- w} ys, that the rights of any person, or party having any special lit 1, charge or pri^'ileged claim u[;on the lands and buildings, tolls, revenues or other properly real or pfersonal of either of such companies or upon any part thereof, shall not be impaired by sucli union. 10 From and after the time when any such ratified agree- ment for the p-fii-chase by the one company as aforesaid of the railway property and rights of the other company shall take effect, such railway property and rights shall become vested in and shall be exercised by the company purchasing the same by the corporate name assigned to it in such agreement ; and such last-mentioned company shall be responsible for all the liabili- ties of the Cou^pany whose railway property and rights shall have been 1S74. IlAMir/roN AND NoKTII WKSTKUN KV. tX* Cap. 48 1 II tran>*fiMreo fully complete and the said tw^ companies shall thereafter be deemed to be one corporation, under the name in such agreement mentioned ; and such filing and the publication of such notice shall have the .same force and effect as an Act of tlie Legislature confirming such agree- ment would have. A|ii'ruvid of Lt-Go\ eriior in Council. ,1" ;; 1 illi W Existing Hgreenients between Ha- milton .niul N.W. R. ( !oy. and iiiunii ipa- H*ies wliiiih lia •(' gianted lioiiiises not iiflc.tedliy this Aft. IS. Nothing in this Act contained .shall alter or contravene the force and effect of any agreement heretofore made or en- tered into and now existing between the said Hamilton and North Western Railway Company and p y of the municipalitie>. which have contributed byway (»f Itoiais towards the construc- tion of said railway ; but said agreements .shall continue in all respects to be and arc herel>y de(;lared binding upon said Hamilton and North Western Railway Compan}', and u[)oii any new company formed under this Act, by union, puichase of property and rights, or otherwise, and which shall become entitled to any advantage from or under any such agreement. ANNO TRICESIMO NONO VICTORIyE RE- GINyE. (39 Vict.) i> i' ij-i III iifflf CAP. LXXII. An Act further to amend the Acts relating to the Hamilton and North Western Railway Company. [Assented w 1870. HAMILTON' AND NORTH -WISTKHN KV. CO. C\p. 72. 53 [Assented to lO/A Fchniari/, 187G.] \\rHKREAS u.Kli'ifclu; provisions contained in tlie Act of Preamble. T tlie Pai-hainent ot tliis Piovinco, passed in the thirty- eiglith year of Her Majesty's reign, chaptered forty-eight, the Hamilton and North Westein Raiiwav (\)nipany and the Hamilton and Lake Erie Railway ( 'oinpany have' united to- gether as one company, under the name of 'the Hamilton an.l .North Western Ri.ilway Company, and that company have petitioned that such union amalgamation may be continued • that by-hiw number eighty-wen of the City of Hamilton may 1)0 legalized, and t]io provisions thereof confirmed ; that th"!) provisions relating to the borrowing powers of the company may be further amended, and that certain other amendments may be made b- the Acts relating to the company, and it is expedient to grant the same : Therefore Her Majestv, b^ and witli the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts 3° lollows : I The amalgamatirm of the Hamilton and North Western Conarmation Railway Company and the Hamilton and Lake Erie Raiiwav of amalgama- Company, under the agreement between those two companies Sn.'w.^iJ. datey. der confirimd- ]j^^v contained, and all debentures issued or to be issued there- under, are hereby declared to be legal and v'alid. M.ij'or of Hainiltou to hf ce-officio director. 3. In consideration of the said bj^-law number eighty-seven, and of by-law number fifty-five passed by the said City of Hamil- ton, granting aid to the said railway company', the Ma^or of the City of Hamilton shall be ('x,-o(ficio a directoi- of the said com- pany for all time to come, whether the City of Hamilton shall hold stock in the said company or not. m 38y.,c. -jy, 4 The second and thiixl sections of tlie Act passed in the pi'.*47,'4m", rt- thirty-eighth year of Her Majesty's reign, chaptered forty-eight, pealed. are hereby repealed, and it is heroliy declared that the pruvi- sions of the fourth section of that Act shall apply to the bonds authorized to be issued under the next three succeeding sections of this Act. Power to issue bonds. Eights of bondholder ■when interest in arrear. 5. The directors of the said company, after the sanction of the shareholders shall have been first obtained at any annual general meeting or at any special general meeting to "be called from time to time for such purpose, shall have power to issue bonds of the said company for the purpose of raising money for prosecuting the said und^-. '"'ing, and such bonds sliall, without registration or LM-mal conveyance, be taken and considered to be the hrst and preferential claim and cluirge upf)n tlie iinder- taking and property of the company, real and personal, then existing, and at any time thereafter ac(iuired, and each lioh'^r of the said bonds shall bo deemed to be a mortgagee and encum- brancer 'pro rata with all the other holders thereof upon the undertaking and the property of the rompany as aforesaid ; and the company may by by-law fix and define the amount or de- nomination of such bonds, the time or times, and the place or places for payment of the principal moneys thereof nd the interest thereon and other particulars in reference thereto: Provided, however, that the whole amount of such issue of bon"iati<)n?p.' oeeds thei'eof, and of the other assets of this company cannot be --''' '■•^'I'^^^-iled. conveniently worked out, be it therefore enacted tli."it the sixth and seventh clauses of tlie saiil deed be and they hei-eby are repealed and declared to be of no force Or e fleet : Provided Proviso, always that nothing herein contained shall aH'ect the res^.onsi- l)ility of this company for all the liabilities of the two I'espec- tive companies as provided for in the ninth section of the said Act passed^ in the thirty -eighth year of Her Majesty's reign, chaptered forty-eight, (page 50). 7. And whereas it is necessary to limit and define the amount of lionds to bo i.ssued in respect of tliat portion of the railway extending from Jarvis to Georgetown, and the use and appli- cation which may be made thereof; Be it therefoiv enacteil, that the comj)any be and they hereby Tssuf of bonds ai\' authorized to issue, in respect of the portion of their rail- UHl'^'lrtif, *", way from Jarvis to Georgetown, ])onds to tla' ainount of one m'iKvay be" '"' million one hundred and iive thousand dollars, which shall be t"-."n Jarvis and be deemed and taken to be a portion of the bonds at the t'w.I."'"'"^'*" rate of seventeen thousand dollars per mile, authorized to be issued under tlie fifth section ; and that such bonds to the amount of one million one hundred and five thousand dollars may be issued forthwith, witliout the sanction of the share- holders or the other requisites in the fifth section mentioned ; and of such amount bonds to the amount of eight hundred and' five thousand dollars shall, so far as they may l7e requited tliore for, be used and applied in the first place" for the purnoy of redemption of, or substitution for the b(mds of the Ila.v.liton and I.ake Erie Railway Com|)any, to the amount of one hundred and seventy thousand pounds sterling heretofore issued, and then, in or towards the payment of the indebtedness of the Hamilton and Lake Krie Railway Company to certain other pei-sons in said deed of amalgamation mentioned ; and that the residue of such bonds being to the amount of three hundred thousand dollars shall be used and applied in or towards the construction * In lieu of the power to issue bonds conferred by this section, provi- sion 13 made by 41 Vict.., cap. 48, sec. 1, for the issue of other'bonds. !5ee page 05. See also as to bonds, 42 Vict., cap. (50, pa<'e 74, and 44 Vicf.., cap. 06, page 75. 56 Cap. 72. hamiltox and Nouni-WKSTKUN ky. co. 39 Vic. construction of tlie line of tlic saiil railwa}^ from tlic City of Hamilton to Georgetown aforesaid, and for no other purpose, ratably as the woik thereon progresses. Muiiiiipalitits ^ ^^y municipality through which the said railway may lands for ii!,'lit ]>ass IS cmj)owere(i to grant by way or gift to tlu^ said company ofway, stii- any lands belonging to such naniicipality which may be re- qun-ed tor right oi way, ^statlon grounds or other ])ur])oses con- nected with the running or traffic of the said railway, and the said railway company shall have power to aceei)t gifts of land from any CJovcrnnient or any person or any body politic or corporate, and shall have power to sell or otherwise disjtose of the same for the benefit of the said cnmpanv. , ! : I ; m m '■■'■W-VW. Layiiifjrail 9. It .shall and may be lawful for any municipality through higLvTys7 "" which the said railway passes, and having juiisdiction in the premises, to pass a by-law or by-laws empowering the .said company to make their roads and lay their rails along any of the highways within such municipality, and whether or no. the same be in the possession or under the control of any joint stock company ; and if such be either in the or under the control of any joint stock company, then with the assent of such company, and it shall and may be lawful for the .said company to enter into and perform any such agreement as they may from time to time deem expedient with any munici- jiality, corporation or person for the construction or for the maintenance and repair of gravel or other public roads leading to the said Railway. Telcgrai)li lines. •Al v., c. 44, p. 9, p 4(). amended. 10. For the purpose of constructing, working and protecting the telegraph lines to be constructed by the said company on their line of railway, the powers conferred on Telegraph Com- panies by the Act respecting Electric Telegraiih Companies are hereby conferred upon the said company, and the other pro- visions of the .said Act for the working and protection of tele- graph lines shall apply to any such telegraph lines constructed l>y the sai(^ compaii}'. 11. The ninth section of the Act passed in the thirty -seventh year of Her Majesty's reign, chaptered forty-four, intituled " An Act further to amend the Act inco^Dorating the Hamilton and North Western Raihvay Company," shall be and the same is hereby amended by adding the following words : " and incase of any such deviation being sanctioned or determined upon by the said arbitrators, such compensation shall be awarded to any such municipality or minor municipality as the said arbitrators shall deem reasonable and proper, and such compensation .shall be paid over by the said company to such municipality or minor municipality before the said company shall proceed, or be per- mitted to proceed, with the construction of any portion of i,uch devintinn " la. ISTG. HAMIi.TON AND NORTH VVESTKUN UY M). CaP. 72. 57 13, Notwithstanding anythinjr eontiiined in tlii.s or any other Agieements Alt relating to the said company, all agroennints licretofore |\«tween the iiiaile or entered into between the Hamilton and North West- and'mumci- ,rii Ilailway Company and any municipality which has granted i>i*litie« grant- a lionus or which forms a portion of a county munici[»ality, or confinnedr -L'ction of a municipality which has granted a bonus to aid the -aid railway or the con ^truction thereof, shall be and are here- by declared to be legal and binding, and the terms, condi- tions, sti|)ulations and provisions thereof shall not be in any svay altered or effected by tbi«5 or any other such Act, except -0 iar as the same may be affected by the ninth section* of the -aid Act passed in the thirty-seventh yeai' of Her Majesty's reign, .liaptered forty-four, as amended by the eleventh section of tlii'< Act. Itt. The trustees holding the debentures of the comity of Tnisttos to Siiiicoe be (sif) ami they hereby are authorized and reouired, out ""■'^'^ certain if the interest on such debentures, come, or whii^'h may come into Cwnty «!f " their hands, to pay to the Corporation of the (Jounty of Simcoe ^»mcoe. a sum of money at the rate of eighteen thousand dollars per aniuuu, from the first day of January, one thousand eifrht hun- Ired and seventy -six, up to the time at which the works of con- struction of the said railway shall have been continued up to and within the confines of the County of Simcoe, and thence- forward canied on witliin the said county continuously ; and ' further, that if the contintious prosecution of the work within the County of Simcoe be not hnwi fide carried on, that a sum of money to be computed at a like rate of eighteen thousand dollars per annum for the i)eriod during which the said work is not continuously prosecuted, shall be paid by the trustees to the Corporation of the County of Simcoe, and any sum or sums of money which may be paid by the said trustees to the Corpo- ration of the County of Simcoe under the provisions of this M'Ction, shall be paid over by the said county to the several municipalities forming the group in the County of Simcoe granting such bonus in the proportion that they respectively nmtribute to such bonus: in case of difference between the company and the Municipal Council of the County of Simcoe ;is to the question of bona fide commencement or continuance if the works of the said railway within the County of Simcoe, tlie representatives in the County Council of Simcoe of the seve- ral municipalities forming the group and the railway company respectively shall each appoint an arbitrator, and such two arbitrators and some third person whom they may appoint, or a majority of them, shall finally determine the matter ; in the event of default in the appointment of an arbitrator by either of such parties after two weeks' written notice by the other party to make such appointment, then such other party may apply to the Judge of the County Court of the County of Sim- coe, who shall appoint an arbitrator on the part of the party _____ '^ * Page 4G. r %'. ' \ .. r . 58 ' \ i ■ ' ! > . !■■: Cap. 72, hamiltox and nortii-westkrx ry. co. 40 \'u\ in (lefiuilt, and the person so appointed sliall liave the same rights and poweis as if lit' liad l^een ai)pointed by tlie p.rty so in default : and it is liereby 3. The_ municipalities forming the group or portion of tho f;,ou,.e.i nm- ( 'ounty of .^imcoe, mentioned in the by-law of the County of iji'-'i'iiHtiM of Simcoe, number two hundred and tweilty, granting aid to the r„'~ctiS'* said company to the extent of three hundred thousand dollars, shall for the purposes of the said by-law, and for the rate levied or inipos(>d thereby, and of the rate by this Act imposed, be divided into two sections, one section to "be comi)osed of the Townships of West Gwillimbury, Tecumseth, and Vespra, and that portion of the Township of Essa lying east of the sixth coiiression of the said township, and of the Town of Barrie, which is liereinafter called the " Main Line Section," and the . The taxes heretofore collected, paid or payable upon the Taxes &c to sections respectively, together with the assessnients and rates '"^ kept in" by the said by-law imposed and hereafter to be levied and col- colmtstrench lected by virtue thereof, or of this Act, shall be carried to the secti.,n. credit of two separate accounts, to be opened and kept by the Treasurer of the County of Simcoe, to be called respectively " The Hamilton and North Western Railway Sinking- Fund A.ccount for the Main Line Section" and " The Hamifton and North-Western Railway Sinking Fund Account for the Col- lingwood Branch Section" according as the same have been or may hereafter be c< Hceted or levied from the muiiici[)alties or portions of munici iities forming "The Main Line Section," or from those forming " The Collingwood Branch Section ;" and for i ] ! ■ if • ^1 60 Cap. 7G. Hamilton and xouth-wkstkun lui. co. 40 Vic. for the purpose cf the sai.l accountM, the sai.l treasurer is, in respect of the moneys heretofore collected from the saul 1 own- ships of Adiala and" Kssa, to credit tlie said account tor ii.e Main Line Section," with one half of the moneys received from the said Township of Adjala, and two-thirds ot the mo- neys received from the said Township of Essa, and the residue ot the moneys received from the said townships res[.ectively, to the account of the Collingwood branch section. TniHtees t<. «. The trustees for the time being, of the said bonus shall, kuep Hej.arato jj^ respect of the moneys already received by them in payment accounts. ^^ liquidation of the dcbentui-es of the said county, issued under the said by-hnv, and of the interest th(,'reon, open and keep two aceoiuits under the like or similar designations and uixju the certificate under the hands of the warden and trea- surer of the said county, of ^he amount or proportion of the money which has been so received by them applicable to the said accounts res])ectively they shall credit each of the said ac- counts with the appropriate amounts so certified to them under the hands of the said warden and treasurer, and the said trus- tees shall thereupon make up an aci-ount of the moneys so credited in the main line section account, which have been re- ceived in payment or i>art payment of the principal of (deben- tures, and siiall deduct such amount from the said sum of one hundred and seventy thousand dollars, and shall make up a like account of the moneys so credited in the Collingwood branch section acc(>';nt wliich have been received in i)ayment or part payment ot the principal of debentures, and shall de- duct such amount from the said sum of one hundred and thirty thousand dollars, and the respective balances thus shown shall be and are hereby declared to be the amounts of the debentures issued under the said by-law yet remaining to be p;ud by " The Main Line Section " aiid " The Collingwood Branch Section " respectively. LS77. Trustees to reserve deben- tures to ail iimount sufficient to make up the unpaid princi }.nvl of tlie jonus to main line. 7. The said trustees and the Treasurer of the said County of Simcoe shall thereupon select from the said debentures yet to mature, a sufficient number and amount thereof computed at their principal amounts to make up the jirincipal sum so found to be remaining unpaid of the said sum of one hundied and seventy thousand dollars, and the debentures so selected shall be taken from the debentures falling due in each and every year under the said by-law as nearly as may be in the same proportion as the debentures issued under the said by-law would mature accoi-ding to the terms thereof, and such deben- tures and the coupons thereto attached, shall,' as between the several municipalities cotnjirised in the said group be charge- able against and be payable out of the rate imposed and to be levied by the said by-law on the municipalities or portions of municipalities composing the main line section, and not on any other HI 1>S77. HAMILTON AND NORTH-WKSTKUN UY. CO. CaP. 7G. 61 to otlitT ])art or ])()ition of tlic said <,n-oup cxcopt as respects the Townsliip of A"w P'^va'-'^'. -tahnents at such times and in such amounts as mav be agreed upon and determined by the said trustees and the said^trea- suivr, but so that the equal special rate hereinafter imposed, shall be sufKcient accoirling to the assessment I'oU of the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven to meet and ]<;\y such debentures, with the interest tliereon, at the rate of MX per cent, per annum, but the tirst matuiing of such deben- tures shall be payable on the first day of January one thousand »)ght hundred and eighty, and not before, and the other deben- tures shall be payable on the tirst day of January in the then next succeeding years, and no interest shall be computed upon, or be made payable with, the said debentures, except from the tirst day of January one thousand eight hundred and seventy- eight, and thereafter the interest shall be payable on the first day of January and July in each year, at the office of the Bank of Toronto aforesaid. 10. For the purpose of forming a fund for the payment of Payment of the interest on the said new debentures, to fall due in the year '^n^^^^^^"' one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, a sufficient rate m addition to all other rates, shall in that year t.e raised, levied, and collected, upon all the rateable property within the'section of the said county above defined, and called the Collingwood Branch Section, if the company shall have bona fiAe commenced and carried on the construction of the branch 'line to Colling- wood before the first day of June, one thousand eight hundred ami seventy-eight, but if the said company shall not have bona Jide commenced and carried on the constr'uction of such branch before such last-mentioned day, then no rate shall be raised, •nor shall any interest on such debentmes be paid for the year \v .apiilietl. 12. It is hereby declared that the rate to be levied hence- forth on the Township of Adjala, under the said by-law num- ber two hundred and twenty, is and shall be one-ludf of the rate imposed by the said by-law; and the amount so levieil shall be carried to the credit of the main line secti(m account; and the rate to be levied on the said Township of Adjala umler this Act is and shall be mie-half of the rate imposed by this Act; and the amount .•-o levied under this Act shall 1)0 carried to the credit of the Collinjiwood branch section account. Simcoe bonus. Company to HI. Notwitlistamling the terms and conditions of the said leceh?'^'^ *" ^y-la^^' luimber two hundred and twenty of the County of 8im- s]70,ooo of coe, or anything herein contained, the said comjjany are hereby *'''^*'""V*^."^ dt",lared to be entitled to demand and receive one hundred and seventy thousand dollars of the said bonus, given i»y the said by-law, being the proportion thereof applicable to tlie portion of the company's line from the point at which it will enter the County of Simcoe to the Town of Barrie, herein called the main line, and the trustees thereof are authorized and required to pay the same on the terms and in the same manner men- tioned in said by-law, and any agreements relating thereto, Imt subject to the variations thereof herein containeil, that is to say, the proportion aforesaid may and .shall be paid over by the said trustees to the said company in respect to the main line, for work actually done, and materials therefor provided within the County of Simcoe, in the proportion that such proi)ortion of the bonus bears to the contract price for construction and completion 18:7. HAMILTON AND NOUTH-WKSTEllN UY. CO. CaI'. 70. 68 tifi c'oiiii)letion of tlic main line, and such piiynients kIiuU Ik- niiide from time to time, on the monthly certificate of the ene relies ed and discharged fnau all trusts in respect of such |iortion f)f the bonus: Provided ahva} -, that said com]»any rrovW shall not be entitled to re([uire payment of the unexpended poition of such bonus on the arrival of such rails and fasten- ings, unless the work of giading on the said main line shall have been carried on up to that time to the satisfaetion of the County Council of the County of Simcoe, nor until the said county council in council duly assembled agrees thereto, who it is understood are to have and exercise a fret> discretion in the said matter ; And provided further, tliat if the said company shall not be entitled under the preceding pioviso to the then unexpended portion of such bonus, or shall not reipiire or re- ceive the same, they shall nevertheless c^.itinue to receive the same in the pro[)ortion hereinbefoie mentioned, on the certifi- cate of the engineer from time to time, and shall receive the balance thereof on the n^ain line being inspected and passed by the government engineer, as entitled to the aid granted by the Government of the Province of Ontario : And further, tliat Proviso, the residue of !such bonus, being the amount of one hundred and thirty thousand dollars, applicable to the branch of the company's line from a point on the main line in the Township of Tecumseth, to the Town of Collingwood, herein called the branch line, shall be paid over by the said trustees to the said comi)any in respect of such branch line, for work actually done, and matarials therefor provided within the County of 8imcoe, in the proportion that the boiuis of one Imndred and thirty thousand dollar's bears to the contract ])rice for the construction and completion of such branch line and that such ])aynients be made from time to time on the monthly certificate of the engineer showing the value of sucii work and materials done and provided during the preceding month, and the proportion the same bears to the whole of such contract price with the right to the company, on the arrival at i-4 64 (.'AP. 7U. HAM[(;n».N and NORTH-WKSTKHN HV. CO. 41) Vrc the Siliifoi' Diffi'reiicesl)f • tween trUHtei'o. at Montreal of a siitticu'iit i|naiitity of rails and fastenings le- quisiti' and necessary for the oonipl<'tion of .such Itraneli line to re(|uire and receive so much ot" such bonus as sha.i he then unexpended on the delivery of tl'(> liills of ladinjif for such rails and fastenings to the trustees, in iikt; manner as hero- inliefore provided in respect of the main line; antl the like tejins, conditions and provisres as hereiid)efore cop Ined in respect of the m:iin line, shall api)ly to such hranch line ana the portion of the honus tlierefor, and the rails and fastenings for the same, as fully as if they were repeated lienin with, such alterations as to make them iipplicaltle to sueli branch line. :;.j V. o. ')'>,>'. 14. The provisions of the twenty-fourth .section of th(; Act •JJ, p. ;<7, iK.t passed in the thirty-tifth year of Her Majesty's reiyn, chaptered tlletnistei'H of Hfty-five, shall not apply to the trustees for the time being of the honus ^ranted l»y the (.'ounty of Simcoe under the said by- law ; but if the three trustees shall fail to concur in any ae^ within the scope of the powers vested in tliem, then and .so of- ten as they sliall so fail to concui-, the point or matter iiv differ- ence between the three trustees shall be .,'ibmitted to and be determined by the Judi,'e or Junior Judge of the County Court of the County of Simcoe, who, consenting thereto, is hereby appointed arbitrator to adjudge and determine .such point oi matter in difference, and his award or certificate on the point or matter submitted if made within twenty days from the time of the same being .so s- bmitted, shall be binding u[ion all parties, and all three trustees shall concur in any and every act necessary to carry the same into effect ; but unless such Judge or Junior Judge shall make such award or certificate within the time aforesaid, then the act of any two of such trustees shall be as valid and binding as if the three had agieed : Provided always, that the Judge may, if in his opinion neces- sary, from time to time further enlarge the time for making his award or certificate in respect of such matter or matters. 3!t\.c. 72. .'.. is. Nothing lierein contained shall affect the provisions of affectell!' ^'^'^ thirteenth section of the Act relating to the said company- passed in the thirty-ninth year of Her Majesty's reign, chaptered seventy-two, except that the amount which shall be payable by the trustees to the Corporation of the County of Simcoe, in- stead of being at the rate of eighteen thousand dollars per an- num shall be imived at as follows: — As to the main line sec- tion and the proportion of the said bonus applicable thereto — the amount which shall be payable shall be at the rate of an amount equal to six per centum per annum on the sum of one hundred and seventy thousand dollars, or on so much of such bonus of one hundred and seventy thousand dollars as shall be unexpended at the time such amount shall be payable, and any ■sums which may be paid by the said trustees to the Corpora- tion of the County of Simcoe in respect thereof sliall be paid over inl 1>U I. HAMII.IOM AN1> N()UTH-\VI:HTKHN UY. CO, ('ai». 70. Or» o'or liy till! sni.l comity to tlif sovcnil nmnicipalitios formlnir Ml. iiiain lint! section inJiniin^f the Townsliip >*' Adjaiii. in thii proportions tb.ot tlicy r'-spoctively contriSuto to tlie bonus of ■ me lnHnlrt!(l and seventy tliousainl tlollai's ; nwd as to Miti Col- liiifjwood braiijli section, and the |>roporti( n ottlio bonii" appii- cnble tlicreto, the unK)unt whicli shall be payalile shall be at the rate of an amount (Mpial to six per centnii per ainuini on tlu! Sinn oi' one hundred and thirty th' which interest oi t.he debentures to he issued for the Collinj^fwood branch section becomes payablo under this Act. 10. The trustees lioldinj;' the debentures of the Town of ('ol- TrusU-es to i.»y wood issued under the by 'aw in aid cf the saul company he, ^,*^'"^[^'|*^j|^. (sic) and they hereby are authorized and required out of the to tioney at the rate of six hundred and ninety dollars ', V'i''""*'i per annum trom tiie day or January one thousand eij^ht hundreM,ooo stg. inrr interest at six per cent, per annum, or to issue debenture stock of tlie said company to the amount hereinafter men- tioned in respect of the portions of their railway in the pre- amble 1878 IIAMILTOX AND NORTH-WESTERN RY. CO. CaP. 4-8. m iimble mentioncil, being from Port Dover to Bayfield Street, in the Town of Barrie, and to Collingwood; and such bonds to the fiinount aforesaid may be issued forthwith, without the sanc- tion of the shareholders or any other requisite beyond a by- law of the directors, which they are hereby autiiori/.ed to pass, or such debenture stock may be issued after the sanction of the shareholders shall have been tirst obtained at any annual gen- eral meeting, or at any special general meeting, to be called for «uch purpose ; and such bonds or debenture stock as the case jj„,^ (.„ ],g may be shall be used and applied in the first place for the pur- applied, pose of redeiji{)tion of, or substitution for, the bonds of said company so heretofore issued or issuable as aforesaid, in man- ner hereinafter provided, and then towards the purposes of the said company generally ; and such bonds or debenture stock sliall, without registration or formal conveyance, be and be taken and considered to be, the tirst and preferential claim and To be first charge upon the undertaking and real property of the com- dg^fking of' pany comprised within those portions of tlie line of railway of Company, the said company, in this section mentioned, and upon all" the lands and tenements belonging to the said company which now are, or henceforth may bo, used, occupied and enjoyed in con- neelion with such portions, or in or about the working thereof, and also upon all the personal property of the said company ex- isting at the time of their issue and at an}' time thereafter ac- ipiired, wherever such personal property may be, or be used; and each holder of the said bonds or debenture stock sliall be deemed to be a moi'tgagee and encumbrancer 'pro rata with all the other holders thereof upon all the ])ortion,s of the said rail- way, and the lands and tenements in this section mentioned, as well as upon all such personal property of the company as af 'resaiil ; and the directors may, by such by-laws, tix and de- tine the amount and denomination of such bonds or debenture stock, the rate of interest thereon, the time or times, the place or places, for payment (^f the principal money thereof and tiie interest theri'on and all other particulars in reference rowers of thereto : Provided, however, that in the event at any time, of ji"i'l«rs if the interest of the said bonds remaining unpaid and oy ing, aneai\* *" then at the next ensuing general annual meeting oi- any special Uoneral meeting of the said company all holders of such bonds sliall have and possess the same rights and privileges and quali- fications for directors and for voting as are attached to share- holders, provided the bonds anl any transfers thereof shall have been first registered in the same manner as is provided for the Provided same registration of shares, and it shall be the duty of the secretary registered. <»f the company to register such bonds, or any of them, at any time on being required to do so by any holder thereof : Provided Debenture further that if the directors shall decide to issue debenture stock, "^".'^'^ ™=*y ^^ wliich they are hereby authorized to do after the sanction of petual or'^in- the shareholders has been obtained as aforesaid, then they may <^<-'i'minable. make such stock either perpetual or terminable, at such tune as they may by by-law ap|)oiufc, and that the whole amount of such ;.i .' J c {. (58 Not to exceed £()60,000 stg. nor leBH than £550,000. Holders en- titled to vote OH Hhare- holder." and be directors, Proviso as to reservation of bonds or de- benture stock for completion of ("ollingwood section. Cap. 48. iiAMiLToy and north-wdstern ry. co. 41 Vic. such debenture stock sliallnot exceed six liundivd and sixty thou- sand pounds stptling, nor be less thnn five lumdred and fifty thousand pounds sterling,and the total amount of the annual in- terest thereon shall not exceed thirty-three thousand pounds sterling, and the rate of such interest shall not be less than five per cent, per fa^num : Provided further that the holders of de- bf^nture stock shall have and possess the same rights and privileges and qualificiitions for directors, and for voting as are attached or belong to shareholders, but shall not be entitled tt. receive any dividend ujjon such debenture stock beyond the interest, which may be stipulated for in the scrip ssued for such stock : Provided further that if bonds be issued under tlu' first and thiru sections of this Act, sixty-five thousand pounds sterling of the first mortgage bonds, and eight thousand five hundred pounds sterling of the second mortgage bonds, shall be reserved for the completion of the Collingwood section ; and that if sueh debenture stock be issued then stock to an amount bearing the annual interest of four thousand pounds sterling shall be reserved for the completion of such section, and such bonds or debenture stock, as the case may be, shall only be is- sued and paid out by the company to the contractors pro rata as the work of construction upon that section shall be proceeded with, and ujum the certificate of the company's engineer to be from time to time granted in terms of the contract. Certain provisions with rej,'ard to ycvieronce stock and bonds arc made by 42 Vict., cap. 00. See pai,'o 74. See also 44 Vict. caii. (HI. pai^e 7.5, as to issue uf joint equipment bonds with the Northern ilail- way Company. .Stock and 2. The bonds or debenture stock which may be issued under bonds to lie ^ the last jireceding section shall on their face be declared to be first mortgage. ^^_^^ mortgage bou'ls or debenture stock (as the case may be) issued under the ])rovisions of such section, and such bonds oi- debenture stock (as the case maybe) are hereby lieclared to be, and at all times hereafter shall continue to be, a first and pre- ferential claim and chaige u|>on so much of the undertaking, line of railway and nropeity of the company as is mentioned in such section, in pri/iity to any other bonds or debenture >.tock, which the said Com|)any are by this Act authorized to issu*. //r which they may at any time hereafter be authorized to iasui, Power to fur- ther issue bonds to the amount of £70,000. i ^i J?. Further, in lieu of the power to issue bonds .so hereto i ore possessed by the said company, it shall, and may be, lawful for the directors of said company to issue bonds of the said company to the amount of seventy thousand pounds sterling, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed six percent, perannu.n, in respect of the portions of their railway, in the first section RLay be issued mentioned; and such bonds tothe amount aforesaid may be issued by bylaw of forth \\ith, without the sanction of the shareholders or any other requisite beyond a by-law of the directors, which they are hereby authorized to pass, and by which they may fix and «n' sidored to be, a claim and charge upon the un(Jertaking and leal property of the company comprised within those por'ions of the line of the railway of the said company and upon the real and personal pi-ojierty of the said company upon which the bonds authorized to be issued by the first section hereof are by such section declared to be the first and [referential claim and chai'ge, but next after and subject only to the claim and chiirge of the bonds authorized to be. issued under tlie fiist section of this Act : Provided always, that if debenture stock Troviso. Ite issued under the provisions of the first section, then the mortgage bonds authorized by this section shall not be issued. This section is repealed by 42 Vict. cap. GO, sec. 5, page 75. 4. The bonds authorized to be issued rader 'he first and When boml^ third sections hereof, if the company shall decide upon the '"" '1''"^^,"""''''' issue 01 bonds, or the debenture stock, horeinbetore ar. tiorized, issue— notice if the con>pi,ny shall decide to issue such stock, shall be issued ^^^^^°i- within one year from the passing of this Act f-nd up)n such bonds or stock as the case may be being iss led, notice thereof shall be published in one issue of the Oiddrio Gaze'',, and in six successive issues of a daily newsmper pi.l^' hod at the 'Jity of Hamilton, and on such bonds or debe'J .v stock b^lng so issued and such notice published, the same shall be dealt with as follows : Firstly, First mortgage bonus authorized under section one Application fo the amount of fifteen thousand pounds sterling, if such ° "° • bonds be issued, or if d(.>benture stock be issued, then .such stock to an amount yielding interest v> the amour t of nine hundred pounds s^erMng per annum :ihaU be delivei'ed to the perrons or corporations who a /e or ma^ be the holders of the kM'^?.?: "*,",: *** kionds 01 the said railway compaiiy, o) o^ the Hanilton and payment of H. hake Erie Railway Company haretofor 'sued in respect of f ^^'i^- ^'""^ ill 11 •! ,ll,c,iTr 1-r. '^ Tx issued HI FC' tlie bonded or judgment debt oi the Han -n and Port Dover sneet of H.& itailway Company, and the same sh-ll be taken and received ^' ^- ^^yC). by such holders in pro[)Ci ';ion to the amount of such bonds held \Wi V -'- E-^S'ity .^ '^f P>^^7v /4#,^? 70 Contractors. Present lioiidholilors binmd to re- (•"i\e now Ijonds. Suits on lioinl; afti " issue of new Viomls ami stock not to be inaiutained. Cap. 48. Hamilton and north-westkun ky. co. 41 Vir. hclil by th'^m respectively, and in cxtinfjuislnnent of any lien or charrre which the holders of such bonds or any of them may now have upon any property of the said company or any pro- perty heretofore acquired for or belonging to the Hamilton an. Port Dover Railway Company ; and all such property .shall fr^m and after the issue and delivery of such bonds or debe^i- ture stock, as the case may be, become and be vested in the said railway company without any formal conveyance thereot; and interest on such bonds or debenture stock at the rate ot nine hundred pounds sterling per annum shall be paid from the first day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight ; and if the company under the proviso here- inafter contained, do not exercise the power given by this Act for the issue of bonds or debenture stock, the holders ot the bonds in this clause mentioned shall be entitled and bound to receive bonds of the company as now authorized to be issued to the amount of fifteen thousand pounds sterling, and bearing interest from the first day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and .seventy-eight, on the same terms as the bonds of that amount, or the debenture stock hereinljefore m this clause mentioned : Secondly, The contractors shall be entitled to receive the residue of such ' -ids or debenture stock, subject to the terms of their contrp o \ the company, and also subject to the pro- viso to the fir. on as to the amount of bonds or stock to be reserved fo. .ompletion of the Collingwood section, and subject to the riglits of any persons or cor])orations holding existing bonds as collateral sccuiity, but any such persons or corporal-ions .shall be entitle.l and bound to r(!ceive in substitu- tion for the bonds they may hold, bonds authorized to be issued by section one of a like amount, and bearing interest from the same date as the bonds they may liold, or if deben- ture stock be issued, then such stock to sncli an amount as will yield the same amount of annual interest as tlie bonds to be given up therefor : And it is hereby declared that from and after the issue of the lionds or debent ..e stock authorized to be issued und^ the first and third sections of this Act, and notice thereof pui> lished as aforesaid, no action, .suit, of other proceeuing .shall bo maintained by or un l)ehalf oi any holder of any bond hereto- fore issued or to be issu'.';! by the said company, or of any coupon to any such bond, ami it .shall be a sufficient defence and absolute bar to any action, suit or proceeding on any such bond, to state that the bonds or debi-nture stock_ hereinbefore authorized had been issued, and notice thereof given as afore- said : Provided always that the bond;; of the said company heretofore authorized to be issued .shall be and remain in full force and etiect until such new bonds or debenture stock au- thorized by this Act shall be issued, and notice of such issue published ■1 :!,'|i 1878. HAMILTON AND XOIITK-WESTERX IIY. CO. CaP. 48. i puMished as aforesaid ; provided further, that the directors may within said period of one year pass a by-huv declaring'' that tlio powei's to issue bonds and debenture stock autliorizeil by tliis Act sliall not be exercised ; and u]ion such by-law being passed and notice thei-eof published in two consecutive issues of the Oitl ir'io Gazcffc, the powers of the said company as to the issue i)f bonds shall be as if this Act had not been passed. •T. Tt further shall and maybe lawful for the directors of rtnth.>v power the said company to issue b(mds of the said comnanv for tJic r" '"'"'■'''"""''* pin-pose ot raisuig money lor prosecuting the said undertaking ti..i i.^vond beyond Bayfield Street in the Town of Barri", in res])ect of ^^i'"'^'- the portions of their line of railway which may hercifter be constructed to the north of or beyond that point; and sucli bonds shall, without registration or formal conveyance, be, and be taken and considered to be, the first and preferential claim To be first and charge upon that part of the undertaking and those por- t'lii"'-;e on lino tions of the line of railway of the said company which may '^*^-^'"'"'^^'''*'"** hereafter be constructed to the north of or beyond Bayfield Street in the Town of Barrie, and ujjon all the lands and tene- ments of the said company to the north of or beyond such street which may be used, occupied or enjoyed in connection with such porti(m, or in or about the working thereof ; and each holder of the said bonds shall be deemed to be a mortgagee and fiicumbrancer pro rat completion of the section to Collingwood, which must V)e finished within the time and in tlie manner already jirovided. ANNO QUADRAGESIMO SFX'UNDO VICTdRLE llEGINyE. (42 Vict.) Preamble. CAP. LX. An Act relating to the Hamilton and North Western Kaihvay Company. [Assented to llth March, 1870.] WHEREAS under the provisions contained hi the Act passed in the forty-first year of Her Majesty's reign, chaptered forty-eight, the Hamilton and North Western Rail- way Company did, within the period of one year from the pass- ing of that Act, decide u])on tlie issue of the bonds authorized by the first and third sections of that Act, and did pass a by-law forthei.ssue of the bonds for livo hundred and lifty thousand pounds sterling money of Great Britain, authorized by such first section, and did pul)lish notice thereof as required by ihe fourtii section of that Act, but only four thou.sand five hundred of such bonds numbered from one to four thousand five hundred both inclusive pnd amounting to four hundred and tifty tliou.sand pounds sterling have been duly i.ssued, and the I'est remain un- is.sued ; And whereas no bji-'law has yet been passed for the issue of the bonds authorized by such third section, nor have such bonds or any of tl.'eni lieen issued ; uud whereas the said com- pany have now completed the whole of the Collingwood sec- tion of their railway ; and whereas the .shareholders at a meeting duly W9. HAMILTON AND NOllTH-WESTEllN IIY. CO. CaP. CO. 73 iluly called, ami held on the twentieth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine, adopted a basis of M'ttleuientof all matters connected with the construction of tlie said railway under the contracts in that behalf enteix-d into 1 pt 'tween the conii)any and the contractors, bearing date respec- tively the twenty-sevent' Novenilter, one thousand eight hun- dred and seventy-five, and eleventh February, one thousancuck of the said com[)any of the amount of one hundred and seventy thousand poumls sterling upon the issue thereof being authoiized should be issued in lieu of one hundied thousand ])oiuids sterling of the company's bonds, being the bonds authorized under the first section of the said Act whieli remain unissued as aforesaid to the amount of one hundied tliousand ])ounds sterling money of (Jreat Brit- iiin, and of the whole of the honds for seventy thousand i)ound.s sterling authorised under the third section of the said Act ; and whereas the company have petitioned for a confirm- ation of such agreement and for other powers and purposes ; and whereas it is expedient to grant such petition ; Therefore Her Majesty, by and with tiie advice and consent of the Legislative AssemlJy of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : — 1. The contracts in tlie preamble mentioned or referred to < 'nutiacts con- for the construction of the said railway are hereby declared to *''''"*^'^ have been ])roperiy entered into, and to have been and to l)e legal and valid, ami the same are herel>y in all respects con- liiined, and the said meeting of the shareholders of the said company and their action and resolutions then'at and the agree- ment in the preamble mentioned, are hereby csiie such stock as* they think iit. 3. The directors may ci'eate and issue the preference stock for sixty thousand pounds in the first section mentioned in such amounts and subject to the jiayment of such calls of such amounts and at such times and at such disc<}unt as they may tliink fit, or they may agree for the sale thereof or of any part thereof at such price as they may think fit, and may stipulate for the payment of the piu'cluise money by instalments, and the amount of every such instalment as and when payable sliall bo deemed to be money due in respect of a call iluly made in ac- cordance with the provisions contained in section twenty-seven* of the Railway Act of Ontario, which, so far as applicable, is incorporated herewith, and the amount of every such instalment may be sued for and lecovered as if it were a call due on a shaie within the meaning of the said Act, and the non-payment of any .such instalment .shall carry with it all the rights, incidents and consequences as mentioned in the said Act (including for- feiture of the stock in respect of which such instalment is due) as in the case of a call due by a shareholder on a .share. lSe?to°"''' 4- ^^^^ amount of first mortgage bonds of the said company «tg. which may be issued under the first S'jction of the said recite'l Act is hereby limited to four hundred and fifty thousand pounds sterling * Pa-'e 109. issi. HAMILTOX AND NORTH-WKSTERN UY. CO. CaP, CO. 75 stilling bein<^ the amount of the four thousaml fivo hnndrcid bonds ahcady issuod and numbered as in tlie preamhle men- tinned. a. The third section of the said recited Act is hereby re- «l Vi.:.,c. 4s, pi'aled. ' 6. The word "contractors," wherever used in this Act, shall int»n.T.ta- lie taken to mean the several pi^rsons who were or are the con- *■'•'• tractors with the company for the construction and etiuipment of portions of their railway under the two contracts hereinl»e- tore mentioned. ANNO QUADRAGESIMO QUARTO VICTORLE REGINiE. (44 Vict,) CAP. Lxvr. An Act further to amend the Acts relating to the Hamilton and North-Western Railway Company. [Assented to 4th March, 1881.] WHEREAS the Hamilton and North-Western Railway Preamble. Company (hereinafter called the North-Western) and the Northern Railway Company of Canada (hereinafter called the Northern) entered into an agreement bearing date the sixth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine, for the joint working of their railways, and such railways have been worked under such agreement since the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventy -nine ; and whereas the North-Western have by their petition represented, that for the more efficient and economical working of the said railways, it has become necessary to raise additional capital, and the di- rectors of the said two corapanie.s have entered into an agree- ment bearing date the twenty -first day of February one thou- sand eight hundred and eighty-one, for the issue of joint work- ing and equipment bonds of the Northern to the amount of one hundred and thirty-four thousand pounds sterling and of joint working and equipment bonds of the North-Western to^ the amount of sixty -six thousand pounds sterling, and for the sale and disposal and application thereof ; and the North-Wes- tern have prayed for authority to issue such bonds, and it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition ; Therefore * Pago 68. A \m Tmhuo of "joint working,' and ('i|iiii)uit'ut 1)011(1.1 " by North- WeMtern (»u- thori/.cJ (iOO, WOO stg. cacli. 76 Cap. GO. Hamilton and nouth-westeun rv. co. 44 Vic, Therefore Hor Ma, ■ ty by and with the advice and consent of the Le;,'islativo Asstjibly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : — I. It sliall and may l)e lawful for the directors of the Nortli- Wcstern to issue .six hundred and sixty bonds of that conipany each of the amount of one hundred pounds sterlin*,', to be cni- led and known as "Joint Working and J](iuij)mctit Bonds." The i)rincii>al of such bonds .shall bo made payable on the first day of June, one thou.sand ci ht hundred and ninety-ei«rht, and the interest thereon half-\ early on the first day of June and December in each year/und the principal and interest shall be payable at such place and the interest shall be at sucli rate, not exceeding ,«ix per cent, per annum, as tho directors of the said company may determine ; and such joint working ami equipment bonds shall form a claim and charge upon tlie un- dertjiking and real and personal property of tlie said comimny, •subject, however, to the claim and chai-go thereon of tlie exist- ing first mortgage bonds of the company, and the interest thereon shall be payable next after the payment of the interest on +he said first mortgage bonds. In the event at any time of the interest on such joint working and equipment bonds re- maining unpaid and owing, then the holders of such bonds shall have and possess the same rights and pxivileges and (juali- fications for directors and foi- voting, as are attached to share- holders: Provided the said bonds and any transfers tliere(jf .shall have been first registered, as ])rovided for the registration of shares, and it shall be tho duty of the secretary to make such registration on request. soidorplXd! ^- !^^^^ ^^""'^■'^ hereinbefore authorized to be issued shaU and may oe sold, jiledgcd or hypothecated, and the proceeds thereof used and ajiplied as provided in such agreement of the twenty- first day of February, one thousand eight hundred and ei o ^ % 6^ % # 23 V^EST .M.AIK STRUT WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 'C,^ ..;*--'^ I 76 Issue of "joint working and equipment bonds " by North- Western au- thorized OGO, t'JOO Htg. each. If interest not })aid, right of lolders to vote and act as directors. Bonds may be sold orpleugad. When bonds may be issued. Cap. G6. Hamilton and nokth-western ry. co. 44 Vic, Therefore Her Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : — 1. It shall and may be lawful for the directors of the North- western to issue six hundred and sixty bonds of that company each of the amount of one nundred pounds sterling, to be cal- led and known as " Joint Working and Equipment Bonds." The principal of such bonds shall be made payable on the first day of June, one thousand eight hundrod and ninety-eight, and the interest thereon half-yearly on the first day of June and December in each year, and the principal and interest shall be payable at such place and the interest shall be at sucli rate, not exceeding six per cent, per annum, as the directors of the said company may determine ; and such joint working and equipment bonds shall form a claim and charge upon the un- dertaking and real and personal property of the said compan\', subject, however, to the claim and charge thereon of the exist- ing first mortgage bonds of the company, and the interest thereon shall be payable next after the payment of the interest on the said first mortgage bonds. In the event at any time of the intei'est on such joint working and equipment bonds re- maining unpaid and owing, then the holdei-s of such bonds shall have and possess the same rights and privileges and quali- fications for directors and for voting, as are attached to share- holders: Provided the said bonds and ary transfers thereof shall have been first registered, as jirovided for the registration of shares, and it shall be the duty of the secretary to make such registration on request. 2. The bonds hereinbefore authorized to be issued shall and may be sold, pledged or hypothecated, and the proceeds thereof used and applied as provided in such agreement of the twenty- first day of February, one thousand eight hundred and eighty- one. 3. The bonds by this Act authorized shall not be issued by the directors of the said company, unless and until such issue be approved by a two-thirds majority in value of the holders of the preference and ordinary stock of the North- Western, present in person or represented by proxy, at a meeting of the holders of such preference and ordinary stock spucially called for that purpose, nor unless the Northern shall have obtained the necessary authority and consent to issue the joint working and equipment bonds of that company, as likewise provided for in such agreement. The issue of the Joint Working Bonda in the above Ac'., ra entioned was duly approved of by the requisite m nber of ahareholderb. The Northern Railway obtained the necessary authority to issue their quota (see next Act), and such bonds have been issued. 1881. 1881. NORTHERN RAILWAY CO. OF CANADA. 44) Vic. 77 Preamble. Recital lease between Northern and H. and N.W: Ry, Cth June, 1879. ANNO QUADRAGESIMO QUARTO VICTORIiE REGINiE. (44 VIOT., CANADA.) CAP. XXXVIII. .\n Act respecting the Northern Railway Company of Canada. A'ssented to 21st March, 1881. WHEREAS The Northern Railway Company of Canada (hereinafter called " The Company ") and the Hamilton and North -West eni Railway Company (hereinafter called " The North-Western ") entered into an agreement bearing date the sixth day of June, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, hereunto attached (a) as Schedule A, for the joint working of their railways for the term of twenty-one years from the first day of July then next, which said agreement came into force on the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine, since which time the said railways have been worked there- under ; and whereas the Company have by their petition re- presented, amongst other things that for the more efficient and economical working of the said railways, it has become neces- sary to raise additional capital, and the Directors of the two Companies have entered into an agreement bearing date the twenty-first day of February, in the year of Our Lord one fl- >usand eight hundred and eighty-one, hereunto attached as hchedule B, (6) for the iss' j by the Company of bonds to the amount of one hundred and thiroy-four thousand pounds ster- ling, and by the North-Western of bonds to the amount of sixty- six thousand pounds sterling, the proceeds thereof to be applied in the manner and for the purposes stated in the said last men- tioned agreement ; and whereas the Company have by their said petition prayed for authority to issue such bonds, and it is expedient to grant the prayer of such petition : Therefore Her Majesty, by and withUhe advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows : — 1. Subject to the provisions of this Act, it shall be lawful S^^t E.jdp! for the Directors of the Company and they are hereby author- ment Rond^ ized to issue from *ime to time, and as may be required, "joint ^or t^l-^4,000 working and equipment bonds " of the amount of one hundred pounds sterling each, bearing interest at a rate not exceeding jnt"^eHUio\v'^ six per cent, per annum, as the Directors of the Company may and when pay- determine, such issue not to exceed in the whole the sum of ^^^^' one Rerital il;at additional ,p- ital neces' Recita? agreemen . with H- and N.W. Ry. 21 Feb 81. Northern to issue £134,000 stg. N. W. £06,000 stg. 8ee p. 232. 6 See p. 240. fjiw-tm if 78 Cap. 38. NORTHERN RAILWAY CO. OF CANADA. 44 Vic. one hundred and thirty-four thousand pounds sterling ; and the principal and interest of such bonds shall be payable in such manner and at sucli times and places as provided for in the said aj,.eemeni, of the twenty-first day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one. p,„n(lH to r.wk 2. The bonds to bo issued under this Act shall constitute a aftertolPref. ijgjj oj. gha^j.g(3 ^,.,on the real and personal property, tolls and ulX'ai'vict. revenues of the Company next after the third preference, "If ^*>' class " B," issued under the authority of an Act respecting the Company, passed in the thirty-first year of Her Majesty's reign, chaptered eighty-six ; (a) and the holders of such joint working and equipment bonds shall have the same rights, incidents and privileges as are possessed by the holders of the existing bonds of the Company. Interest to be 3. The interest on the bonds hereby authorized ^/^ be issued tere3t''in''Ruch ^^^^^' ^^ provided for in the said agreement of the twenty-first ifrdPrel^'B day ot February, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight Bond. hundred and eighty-one, be paid by the Company, next after the payment of the interest on the aforesaid third preference BoiidH may be bonds, cldss " B " ; and the said bonds shall and may be sold, ^"Itl' etc. pledged or hypothecated, and the proceeds thereof used and applied as provided in the last mentioned agreement. Bonds not to issued till ap- proved of by inaj. of ordny. and pref.stock- holders at spl. meeting. nor till H; and X. W; obtain consent to issue their Bonds, 4. The bonds by this Act authorized shall not be issued by the Directors of the Company, unless and until the issue there- of shall have been approved by a vote of a majority of the ordinary and preference stockholders present in person or re- presented by proxy and voting together, at a special general meeting of the Company specially called for that purpose, nor unless the North Western shall have obtained the necessary authority and consent to issue the bonds of that Compau}', as provided for in the agreement in the next preceding section mentioned. 5. This Act may be cited as " The Northern Railway Com- pany Act, 1881." For Schedule A, Agreement Gth June, 1879, see page 232. For Schedule B, Agreement 2ist February, 1881, see page 249. (a) Page q6, in Volume of Northern Railway Company Statutes. ' ) PART III. PUBLIC GENERAL STATUTES OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, AND OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA, AFFECTING THE HAMILTON AND NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. M 11 M 11 ■ S 1 I PR( STATUTES OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. ■ ■^ NOTE. It is to be observed that the same Sections of the Railway Act of Ontario which are incorporated in the Hamilton and North- Western Railway Act, are also incorporated with the original Acts of the Flos Tramway Com- pany and the North Simcoe Railway Company under lease to the Northern and North-Western Railway, and contained in the volume of Statutes lelating to the Northern Railway Company and Extensions. in PUBLIC GENERAL STATUTES OF THE PEOYINCE OF ONTAEIO, RELATING TO RAILWAYS. REVISED STATUTES OF ONTARIO, CAP. CLXV. An Act respecting Railways, Part First. Short Title, s. I Interpretation, s. 2, 3. Application of Act, ss. 4-7. Incorporation of Companies, s. 8. Powers, s. 9. Plans and Surveys, s. 10. Taking of Lands and tlieir Valua- tion, 88. 11-20. Highways and Bridges, s. 21. Fences, s. 22. Tolls, 8. 23. General Meetings, ss. 24, 25. President and Directors — their Election and Duties, s. 20. Calls on Stock, s. 27. Dividends, s. 28. Shares and their Transfer, s. 29. Shareholders, s. 30. Municipalities taking Stock, s. 31. By-laws, Notices, s. 32. Working of the Railway, s. 33. Actions for Indemnity ; and Fines, and Penalties, ss. 34, 35. General Provisions, s. 36. Part Second. Application of Sections, ss, 37, 38 Proceedings where additional space required, ss. 39-4li. Inspection of Railways, &c., ss. 43-07. Railway Inspection Fund, s. 08. Traffic Arrangements, as. 09-72. Appointment of Constables, ss, 73-78. General Provisions, ss. 79-100. Interest or Rent, when deemed working expenses, s. 101. Penal Clauses, p. 137 HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario enacts as follows : ' SHORT TITLE (a). 1. This Act may be cited as " T/te Raihvay Act of Ontario." Short title. /«/» Incorporated into the Hainilton and North- Western E.-!lway Act. 35 V, c Q I 84 R. S 0. ij I I THE RAHAVAY ACT OF ONTARIO. INTEIll'RKl'ATION (tt). Cap. 10.'). Interpretation ^ !•' the con.struction of this Act the following wonls an.l of wordB. t'X))ies.sionH shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them, unless there is something in tl»e subject or context repugnant to such construction that is to say ; — "The Speclul (1) " '^J»e Special Act " shall he construed to mean any Act Act."" authorizing the construction of a railway, and with which this Act is incorporated ; 'Prescribed.' "The Lands. "The ITnder- takinK." (2) " Prescribed," used in this Act in reference to any matter herein stated, shall be construed to refer to such matter as the same is prescribed or provided for in the Special Act ; and the sentence in which such word occurs shall bo construed as if, instead of the word " prescribed," the expression " prescribed for that in the Special Act " had been used ; ■ (3) " Tlij Lands " shall mean the lands which by the Special Act are authorized to be taken or used for the purpose thereof ; (4) " The Undertaking" .shall mean the railway and works of whatever description, by the Special Act authorized to be executed. C. S. C. c. G5, s. 7 (1-4) Interpretation SI. The following words and expressions, both in this and the "f words in Special Act, shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them, t IS c an ^jijjg^g there is something in the subject or context repugnant to such construction, that is to say : in Special Acts, " Lands." " Lease." " Toll." " Goods." County." "Highways." (1) " Lands " shall include all real estate, messuages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments of any tenure ; (2) " Lease " shall include any agreement for a lease ; (3) " Toll " shall include any rate or charge or other payment payable under this Act or tlie Special Act for any passenger, animal, carriage, goods, merchandize, articles, matters, or things conveyed on the Railway ; (4) " Goods " shall include things of every kind conveyeil upon the Railway, or upon steam or other vessels connected therewith ; (5) " County " shall include nny union of bounties. County, Riding, or like division of a County in the Province ; (0) "Highways" shall mean all public roads, streets, lanes> and other public ways and communications ; . (7) (o) Incoriiorated into the Hamilton and North-Westem Kailway Act. 35 V. c. 55, s. 2, p. 30. II, S. 0, (7) "i compete lands is Peace, tl the Peac or Clerk or place «|UeHtion; situate n place, th Sherirt" ( Riding, ; situate ; (8) "J District, matter rt not inter!t o sitiiate m City, or ] for the 1 any part ^iuch mail ^ (9) "0 •Special A any land; art of the section was under " 19. General Provisions." C. S. C. e. 00, s. 12;J. R. S. O. TIIK llAlf-WAV ACT OF ONTARIO. Cap. 1G.'), b\ iNCORPORAI'ION (a). 8. Every company cstublishod under any Special Act, uliali ''""ii-'H'i"" he a body corj)orate ur-der the name .leclared in the Special Art, ;';''"'r'''s"''' and sliall be invested with all such powers, i)riviK'ges, and' AaH,''.l'Jiarea iminnnities as are ncc<'nary to ea ry into ofi'ect the intentions '" ''" '""""2 and objects of this Act and of the Special Act therefor, and aie ''"''''"■"'*'• *'''* incident to such corporation, or are expressed or included in u.,v «4f„f i • The InterprHalioii Act." (b) C. S. C. c. (Hi, s. 8, " 8 (24) ' "' ' » POWKHS (c). le (.V'liipany shall have power a;ia'"l-^. lands vested in the Province, without the consent of the Lieu- '""*^*'*''' *'-'- teiiant-Crovernor in Council ; but with such consent any .such com])any may take and appropriate for the use of th(;if rail- way and works, but not alienate, so much of the wild lands of till' Crown lyin^' on the route of the railway as have not been granted or sold, as may be necessary for such railway, as also so much of the public beach or of the land covered vvith the ■>vaters of any lake, rivei-, stream, or canal, or of their re- spective leds, as is neces -ary for making and completing and using their said railway and v/orks, but nothing In this sub- section containeil shall apply to or attect the thirty-firot para- graph of the el(!venth section of chapter sixty-six of +i^o Coj- - solidated Statutes of Canada ; C. S. C. c. (iO, s. 9 (3) & aS (d). [C. S. a c. 00, s. 11 (31), is asfollorvs : (31.) Whenever ifc ia necessary for the Company to occupy any part of As to lurposo to execcise all the poweis, privileges and authorities necessary therefor, in as full and ample a manner as for the railwav ; C, S.C.c. GG, s. 9 (8). ^ All other mat- 9. To construcc, ei-ect, and make all other matters and things ters and neccssary and convenient for the making, extending and using of the railway, in pursuance of and according to the meaning and intent of this Act, and of the Special Act ; C. S. C. c. GG. s.9(9). ^__ 10. (a) In C. S. C. this section was under " 6. Lands and their Valuation." C. S. C. c. C6, s. llj jub-H. m. things neces- sary for rail- way. . m R. S. 0. THE RAILWAY ACT OF ONTAUIO. Cap. 165. 89 10. To take, transport, carrj-- and convey persons and ^oods Convey iht- on the railway, to regulate the time and manner in which tlie ''""^•'^"^l fe'oods same shall be transported, and the tolls and compensation to °" '■'"'''''y ' he paid therefor, and to receive such tolls and compensation : C. S. C. c. G6, s. 9 (10). 11. To borrow, from time to time, either in this Province or Bonow m». elsewhere, such sums of money as may be expedient for com- "''^'' '^*^' pleting, maintaining, and working the railwa\ ,and at a rate of interest authorized by the laws of Canada, but not exceeding eight per cent, per annum, and to make the bonds, debentures', or other securities granted for the sums so borrowed, payable either in currency or in sterling, and at such place or places within this Province or without as may be deeined advisable, and to sell the same at such prices or discount as may be deemed expedient, or be necessary, and ti' hypothecate, mort- gage, or pledge the lands, tolls, revenues, and other property of the company for the due payment of the said sums and the in- terest thereon, but no such debenture shall be for a less sum than one hundred dollars ; C. S. C. c. GG, s. 9 (11). 12. To property of ^^ into and upon the lands of any corporation or person whatso- ever lying in the intended rJute or line of the railway : C S C c. GG, s. 9 (12.) ^ ■m enter into and upon any lands of Her Majesty, the Enter upon of this Province, without previous license therefor, or uZl'^lT^^''^ „r,^v, +V,^ 1 1„ „e . I- , .' lands, &c. 13. To make surveys, examinations, or other necessary ar- Make surveys rangements on such lands necessary for fixing the site of the "^ ^*°^^ ' lailway, and to set out and ascertain such parts of the lands as are necessary and proper for the railway ; C. S. C. c. GG. s. 9 (13.) 14. To fell or remove any trees standing in any woods, lands, Remove trees or forests, where the railway passes, to the distance of six rods from either side thereof ; C. S. C. c. GG, s. 9 (14.) 15. To cross, intersect, join, and unite the railway with any Tlnitewith other railway at any point in its route, and upon the lands of ot^*^'' ™l- such other railway, with the necessary conveniences for the '^^^^' purposes of such connection ; and the owners of both railways may unite in forming such intersection, and grant the facilities therefor ; and in case of disagreement upon the amount of com- |)ensation (a) to be made therefor, or upon the point or manner of such crossing and connection, the same shall be determined by arbitrators to be appointed by a Judge of one of the Supe- jior Courts of this Province ; C. S. C. c. GG, s. 9 (15.) 16. {a) The provisions for the ascertainment of compensation shall net extend to ap- ply to any railway incorporated under an Act of the Legislature of Ontario in any case in whicn it is proposed that such railwav shall cross, intersect, join or unite w ith, or be crossed, intersected, joined or united with a railway under the letfisla- tive control of Canada. See 42 V. c. 27, s. 1, p. 100, and 42 V. (Can.), c. 9, s. 7, ss. 15, 16, p. 174. > /I 1 > I m 90 R. S. 0. THE RAILAVAY ACT OF ONTARIO. Cap. 105. 11 t :Hfc» 1 But not With- 16. No railway company sliall avail itself of any of the out applica- powers contained in the last snb-.section without application to cZraissioner the commissioner of public works, of which application notioo ofTublic in writing shall be given to any other railway atiectcd, by ^^°''''' sending the same by mail, or otherwise, to the address of the prcsidwit, superintendent, managing director or secretary of any such railway company, for approval of the mode of cross- ing, union or intersection proposed ; and when such approval has been obtained, it shall be lawful for either railway, in case of disagreement as to the amount to be paid for conipensatioii, (a) to proceed for such com])ensation as provided in the said sub-section ; but this sub-section shall not apply to anythins,' done before the thirtieth of June, 18JS : C. S. C. c. GO, ss. 180, 132; 37 V. c. 36,s. 1 {h). Any railway 17. Any railway company heretofore or hereafter incorpor- conipanymay g^^^^ may construct a branch or branches not exceeding six branch'rail- milcs in length from any terminus or station of the railway cf ways, on cer- gych company, whenever a by-law sanctioning the same has Uons!""'"" been passed by the municipal council of the municipality within the limits of which such propo.sed branch is situate, and no such branch shall, as to the quality and construction of tlie road, he subject to any of the restrictions contained in the Special Act of incorporation of such company or in this Act, nor shall' anything in either of the said Acts authorize an}- company to take for such, branch any lands belonging to an>- party without the consent of such i)arty first obtained ; C S. ( '. c. 6(J, s. 128 (f). 18. Any railway company heretofore or hereafter incorpor- ated, which desires at any time to change the location of its line of railway in any particular })ai't for the purpose of lessen- ing a curve, reducing a gradient, or otherwise benefitting such line of railway, or for any other purpose of public advantage, may make such change ; and all the clauses of this Act shall refer as fully to the part of any such line of lailway so at k .y time changed or proposed to be changed as to the original line ; but no railway company shall have any right to extend its line of railway beyond the termini mentioned in the Act incorpor- ating such company ; but this sub-section shall not apply to anything done before the 30th of June, 1858 : C. S. C. c. GO, ss. 129 and 132 ((/). PLANS AND SURVEYS (c). Provision re- 10. Plans and surveys shall be made and corrected as fol- spt'cting 8ur- !„,„„ 1 veys & levels. lo^S : '■ (a) See note (a) to sub-s. 15, p. 89. (6) In C. S. y. tluH and the two following Hub-sections were contained undiT "General proviHiuns for all railways." " 20. Powers." See C. S. C. c. GG, ss. 1:50, 128, 129, 132. ((•) See last note. ((/) See note (6) to subs. IT), itvprn, ([) Incorporated into the Hamilton and North-Western Railway Act, 35 V. <:. 55, 8. 2, p. 30. Changes may be made in the line of a railw.ay at any time for certain pur- poses. .5. R. S.O. THE RAILWAY ACT OF ONTARIO. Cap. J 65. 91 1. Surveys and levels shall be tjiken and made of the lands Suweys and through which the railway is to pass, together with a map or [ake'a.*^ '^"^ iilan thereof, and of its course and direction, and of the lands intended to l)e passed over and taken therefor, so far as then ascertained, and also a book of reference for the railway, in Boo'c of refe- which shall be set forth : '^*^"'-'''- (a) A general description of the said lands ; (h) The names of the owners and occupiers thereof, so far as they can be ascertained ; and ((■) Eveiything necessary for the right understanding of such map or plan ; C S. C. c. GG, s. 10 (1). 2. The map or plan and book of reference shall be examined Ky whom cer- and certified by the commissioner of crown lands or his depu- t'*'*-^- tics, who shall deposit copies thereof in the oHice of the clerks ■of tlie peace in tlic districts or counties. through which the rail- way passes, and also in the oHice of the provincial secretary, and shall also deliver one co|)y thereof to the said company ; C S. C. c. GG, s. 10 (2) ; 23 V. c 2, s. 4. *>. Any person may resort to such copies, and make extracts Copies, or copies thereof, as occasion reciuires, paying to the provincial secretary, or to the clerks of the peace, at the rate of ten cents for every hundred words ; C S. U. c. GG, s. 10 (3). 4. The triplicates of such map or plan and book of reference Evidence, so certitied, or a true copy thereof certified by the provincial secretary, . Any omission, mis-statement, or erroneous description of OmisHions iiow such lands or of the owners or occupiers thereof, in any map or '"'''"'^'^•ed. book of reference, may, after giving ten days' notice to the owners of such lands, be corrected by two justices on applica- tion made to them for that purpose, and if it a])pcars to them that such omission, mis-statement, or erroneous description arose from mistake, the justices shall certify the same accord- ingly ; C. S. C. c. 6G, s. 10 (5). 6. The ccrtiticate shall state the particulars of any such omis- Content:* of sion, and the manner thereof, and shall be deposited with the clerks <="'"*'»'^'^'''^'^- of the peace of the districts or counties respectively in which such lands are s:tuate. and be kept by them along with the other documents to which they relate ; and thereupon, such map or plan or book of reference shall be deemed to be corrected ac- cording to such certificate ; and the company may make the railway in accordance with the certificate : C. S. C. c. GG, s. 10(6). I M 11 if ii 1 ■' 1 ' i ::if i i : : 1 1 1 ' w ll; 92 1\. S. 0, THE RAILWAY ACT OF ONTARIO. Cap. IGj. &c, Alterations 7. If any alterations from the original plan or survey are iii- fn.m oriRinal ^QJ^^\Q^[ ^q \,c made in the line or course of the i-ailway, a plm suivey. ^^^^ section in triplicate of such alterations as have been ap- proved of by the Legislature, on the same scale and containinj^- the same particulars as the original plan and survey, shall be deposited in the same manner as the original plan, and copies or extracts of such i)lan and section, so far as relate to the seve- ral districts or counties in or through which such alteratiniis have been authorized to be made, shall iie deposited witli_ tl\e clerks of such districts and counties ; C. S. C. c. (i(i, s. 10 (7;. itailwaynotto 8. Until such original map or plan and book of reference, or w ti'Tntn'''' ^^^ plans and sections of the alterations, have been so de]K'^it- "lap, &c., lie- ed, the execution of the railway, or of the part thereof affected posited. \yy ^}jg alterations, as the case may be, shall not be proceeiled with ; C. S. C. c. CO, s. 10 (8). Clerks of the 9. The clerks of the peace shall receive and retain the copies cewTe*u,[e8 of ^i the Original plans and stu'veys, and copies of the plans and ri^inal plan, sections 01 alterations, and copies and extracts thereof respec- tively, and shall permit ail persons interested to inspect any cf the documents aforesaid, and to make copies and extracts of and from the same, under penalty for default of four dollars . C. S. C. c. (JG, s. 10 (9). 10. The copies of maps, plans, and books of reference, or of Hed by c.erk ^j^y alteration or correction thereof, or extracts therefrom, cer- tified by the clerk of the peace, shall be received in all courts of justice or elsewhere, as good evidence of the contents there- of, and the clerk of the peace shall give such certificate to all parties interested when required ; C. fe. C. c. GO, s. 10 (10.) 11. No deviation of more than one mile from the line of tho railway or from the places assigned thereto in the said map or plan and book of reference, or plans or sections, shall be made into, through, across, under or over any part of the lands not shewn in such map or plan and book of reference or plans or sections, cr within one mile of the said line and place, save in sach instances as are provie>- ^^.j^],o„t such award or a«freemeiit, on atHdavit to his satistaetioii Ee"awlmr that the i'.nme.hate possession of the hinds or of the power to do the thing mentioned in tne notice, is neces,siiry to carry on some part of the said railway with which the said con;i)any are ready forthwith to proceed ; and upon the .said comjjany giving secur- ity to his .satisfaction, and in a sum winch shall be not less than ilouble the amount mentioned in the notice, to pay or deposit the compensation to be awarded within one montli atter the making of the a^ "ud, with interest from the time at which posHcssion is givei and with such costs as may be lawfully payable by the company. ('. S. C. c. G(), s. 11 (21). 24. The compensation for any lands whicli might be taken without the consent of tlic proprietor, shall stand in the stead of such lands; and any claim to or incumbrance upon the said lands, or an., portion thereof, shall, as against the com[)any, lie converted into claim to the compensation, or to a like propor- tion thereof, and they shall be responsible accordingly whenever they have paid such compensation, or any part thereof, to n party not entitled to receive the same, saving always their recourse against such party. C. S. C. c. GO, s. 11 (22). As to incum- 25. If the company has reason to fear any claims or incum- brancLs, &c. brauces, or if any party to whom the compensation or annual rent, or any part thereof is payable, refuses to execute the proper Seciiri*'' Vwiii, firnt j,.ven ti> Mtand in tlif (ilai 3 of the land. li'iJiyi* - i;. s. o. TIIK IIAIIWAY Acr OK oNlAltlO. Car Id'. 10! l.iv.jHT ctmvoyjinco an.l ;,niariint.'.', or if the party eiitltl.).! to "i"'» lamU -. otiicr r.'as..ii tin- i-oniiHiny (ictMii.s it advi-,- al.lo, tho (•.)ni|.any may pay mucIi coiiii.i.nsatil.n into tlio otlico of (inv of (h,- ^np.-nor courts, u I 1, tlio interest tlieroon for six may cK-livor to tlio cii-rl< of tlic coint an autli.>ntic ;{). I'll. A notice, in sikj. form and for sii;-li timi; as tlio said ^^''"'* '""■'"• ^■'..ut «i.|.omts sl.all l.e inserted in some n.v.vspaper if there is 'ir"'- a.iv, pul.hshe.l M. the county in which the lands are situate, an.l n> the eity ot loronto, which shall state that the title of the company, that is. the conveyanc... aj,'reement or awanl is inuler this Act, and shall call upon all persons entith^.l t.. tho .'nil or to any part thoreof. or representing' or I.ein- tlu; hus- l^andsot any parties so entitled, to tile th.- -laims to tho com- pensation ot ai.y part thereof, and all ....Ji claims shall he received an, a.ijud-.-d upon hy the court, and the said .ition, and tor the securing of the ri^rhts of nil parties intei- este.l, as to ri^dit and justice, an.l accor.lin^r to the provisions ..t this Act, an.l tho special Act, an.l to law. appertain. C S C 0. 00, s. 1 1 (24). ■ ■ -7. The costs of the procedin^'s, or anv part thereof, shalPV'T" ■■ W' pai.l by the company, or l,y any other party, as the court " """'• -leeiiis It e.piital)le to order. C. S. L\ c. (iO, s. 11 (i>.-).) 2S If such or.ler of .listrihiition as aforesaid is o '.ained in Wiun inu-rcHt I'-'ss tlian si.K months from the payment of the compensation f,'; '^V''""i"r'^ ...0 court, the court shall .lire^t a proportM.nate palt oi Z tt' c.^n';^ !'u ir'n . ? T 'f "^n"^ '" ^''" company, and if from any error, ■, 01 neorloct of the company, it is not obtained until after 110 SIX months have exi)ire.l, the court shall order the company t" pay to the pr.)per claimants the interest for such furthJi- p "nod as may be ri^dit. 0. S. C. c. G6, s. 11 (2(i) (a). «l. HIGHWAYS AM) HRIDGILS (b). The lilglnvays and bridges shall be regulated as follows "!'.'. i'^'SS.™""' '°'° ""» "«»"'<"> »i North W..tern lUilmy Aot, 35 V. c. 102 R. S. 0. THE RAILWAY ACT OF ONTARIO. Cap. IGo. 1 "terii i I Railway not 1. The railway shall not he carried along an existing higli- to be carried ^^y (^/)^ but merely cross the same in the line of the railway, highway with- unless leave has been obtained from the proper municipal out leave from authority therefor; and no obstruction of such highway with Sor/ties the works shall he made without turning the highway so as to leave an opf^n and good passage for carriages, and, on comple- tion of the works, replacing the highway, under a penalty of not less than forty dollars for any contravention ; but, in either case, the rail itself, provided it does not rise above or sink be- low the surface of the road more than one inch, shall not be deemed an obstruction. Railways not 2. No part of the railway which crosses any highway with- tha'i'on'^Tnch out being carried over by a bridge, or under by a tunnel, shall above level of nge above or sink below the level of the highway more than wff crossins 0"^ inch ; and the railway may be carried aci-oss or above any the same. highway within the limits aforesaid. Height and breadth of bridge over highways. Ascent of bridges. 3. The space of the arch of any bridge erected for carrying the railway over or across any highway shall at all times be, and be continued of the open and clear breadth and space, under such arch, of not less than twenty feet, and of a height from the surface of such highway to the centre of such arch of not less than twelve feet ; and the descent under any such bridge shall not exceed one foot in twenty feet. 4. The ascent of all bridges erected to carry any highway over any railway .ihall not be more than one foot in twenty feet increase over the natural ascent of the highway ; and a good and sufficient fence shall be made on each side of every bridge, which fence shall not be less than four feet above the surface of the bridge. Precautions 5, Signboards stretching across the highway crossed at a ciosses'li higli- It^vel by any railway, shall be erected and kept up at each way. crossing at such height as to leave sixteen feet from the high- way to the lower edge of the signboard, and having the words " Railway Crossing " painted on each side of the sign board, and in letters not less than six inches in length ; and for every neglect to comply with the requirements of this clause, a penalty not exceeding forty dollars shall be incurred. C. S. C. c. GG,s. 12. FENCES (b). Fences to be 22. Fences shall be erected and maintained on each side of each^sfdeof ^^^ railway, of the height and strength of an ordinary division railway. fence, with opening, or gates, or bars therein at farm crossings of the road, for the use of the proprietors of the lands adjoin- (o) See K. S. O. c. 174, s. 561, p. 154. (6) Incorporated into the HamiJto.i and North- Western Railway Act, 35. V. c. 55, 8. 2, p. 30. R. S. 0. THE RAILWAY ACT OF ONTARIO. Cap. 1G5. 103 ing the railway ; and also cattle guards at all road crossings, suitable and sufficient to prevent cattle and animals from (rat- ting on the railway. C. S. C. c. 66, s. 13. 2. The said words " openings, gates, or bars," shall be held Meaning of to mean, and shall in all cases imply sliding gates, commonly '^^'"'''^'" ^^'°'''^''* called hurdle gates, with proper fastenings ; but this shall not be interpreted to the profit of those proprietors and tenants of land crossed by railways who had received compensation from the railway companies, for having omitted the erection of such gates before the tenth of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, nor shall it in any way affect or apply to any railway constructed or in part constructed, on the tenth of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, but the same shall apply only to railways constructed or commenced after that day. C. S. C, c. G6, s. 14. 3. Until such fences and cattle guards are duly made, the Liability of company shall be liable for all damages that may be done by company until tlieir trains or engines to cattle, horses, or other animals on the J^recter'""^'' railway. C. S. 0. c. 66, s. 15. 4. After the fences or guards have been duly made, andWientobe wliile they are duly maintained, no such liability shall accrue ^^'-'"i'*^"'- for any such damages, unless negligently or wilfully done. (', S. C. c. GO, s. 10. » = ^ J. .'. If any person rides, leads, or drives any horse or other Persons pro- animal upon such railway, and within the fences and guards, J'iWted going other than the farm crossings, without the consent of the com- Tc^^th"^' pany, he shall for every such oflenc i forfeit a sum not exceed- cattle, &c. ing forty dollars, and shall also pay to the party aggrieved all damages sustained thereby. C. S. C. c. 60, s. 17. 0. No person other than those connected with, or employed Or walking by, the railway, shall walk along the track thereof, except **'^''^''"' wliere the same is laid across or along a highway. C. S. C. c. 00, s. 18. 7. Within six months after any lands have been taken for Dividing and the use of the railway, and if '' reunto icquired by the pro- separating of ^ prietors of the adjoining lands i >pectively, but not otherwise, way*from '"'" tlie company shall, at their own costs and charges, set and make neigl'bouring on the lands so taken, and from time to time maintain, support, ^ and keep in repair, a sufficient post or rail, hedge, ditch, bank, or other fence sufficient to keep off hogs, sheep, and cattle, and thereby divide and separate keep constantly divided and sepa- rated such lands from the lands or grounds adjoining thereto. C.S.C.c. 00, S.19. TOLLS » 1^1 1 I 1 1. i }! 104 R S. 0. THE RAILWAY ACT OF ONTARIO. Cap. ir,.v TOLLS (a). Tolls to l>e fixed by by- laws OlMltlltT- wise. 23. Tolls shall be from time to time fixed and regulated liy the by-laws of the comi)any, or by the directors, if thereunto authorized by the by-laws or by the shareholders at any gen- eral meeting, and may be demanded and received for all pas- sengers and goods transjiorted upon the ra'lway or in the steam vessels to the undertaking belonging, and shall be paid to such persons and at such places near to the railway, in such manner and under such regulations as the by-laws direct. C. S. V. c. 60, s. 20. How payment 9. In case of denial or neglect of payment on demand of any forced!^"' such tolls, or any part thereof to such persons, the same may be sued for and recovered in any competent court, or the agents or servants of the company may seize the goods for or in lo- spect whereof such tolls ought to be paid, and detain the same until payment thereof ; and in the meantime the said goods shall be at the risk of the owners thereof. C S. C. c. GO, s. 21. When if tolls 3_ jf the tolls are not paid within six weeks, the company di>trainef may niay sell the whole or any part of such goods, and out of the besold.j money arising from such sale retain the tolls payable, and all charges and expenses of such detention and sale ; rendering the surplus, if any, or such of the goods as remain unsold, to the person entitled thereto. C. S. C. c. GO, s. 22. Wlien goods distrained or detained may be sold. 4. If any goods remain in the possession of the company unclaimed for the space of twelve months, the company may thereafter, and on giving public notice thereof by advertisement for six weeks in the Ontario Gazette, and in such other papers as they deem necessary, sell such good'> by public auction at a time and place to be mentioned in sucu advertisement, and out of the proceeds thereof, pay such tolls and all reasonable charges for storing, advertising, and selling such goods; and the balance of the proceeds, if any, shall be kept by the comjiany for a fur- ther period of three months, to be paid over to any party enti- tled thei-eto. C. S. C. c. (JG, s. 23. Howb.alance 5. In default of such balance being claimed before the expi- j jecisposei y^^^^^^^ ^f ^|jg period last aforesaid, the same shall be paid over to the provincial treasurer to be api)lied to the general purposes of the province, until claimed by the party entitled thereto. C. S. C. c. 6G, s. 24. Tolls— how raised — or reduced. G. All or any of the tolls may, by any by-law, be reduced and again raised as often as deemed necessary for the interests of the undertaking ; but the same tolls shall be payable at the same time and under the same circumstances upon all goods and [n) Incorporated into the Hamilton and North-Western Railway Act, 35 V. c. 55, 8. 2, p. 30. ir,: and II. S. 0. THE RAILWAY ACT OF O^^TARIO. Cap. 1G5. 10.-) and by all persons, so that no undtio advanta;^e, privilege or monopoly, may be afforded to any pennon or class of persons by any by-laws relating to the tolls. C. S. C. c, GG, s. 25. 7. In all cases, a fraction in the distance over which goods or Fraction of a passengers are tratisporterl on the railway shall be considered J."''^'"t!'!'.j • iis a whole mile ; and for a fraction of a ton in the weight of 'chargiuj tolls, any goods, a proportion of the tolls shall be demanded and taken, according to the number of ([uarters of a ton contained therein, and a fraction of a ([iiarter of a ton shall be deemed Fraction ..f a and considered as a whole ([uarter of a ton. C. S. C. c. GG, s. 2G. *^""- S. The directors shall, from time to time, print and stick up. Tabic of tnii.s or cause to be printed and stuck up, in the office, and in all and ^" l^e stuck up every of the places where the tolls are to be collected, and in cai>i. '^*''' *"' every passenger car, in some conspicuous place there, a printed Itoard or paper exhibiting all the tolls payable, and particula- lizing the price or sum of money to be charged or taken for the carriage of any matter or thing. C. S. C. c. GG, s. 27. !). No tolls shall bo levied or taken until approval of by the Tolls to be the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, nor until after two weekly approveaof by publications in the Oiittwio Guzette of the by-law establishing Governor.' such tolls, and of the order in council approving thereof. C. S. C. c. GG, s. 2^. 10. Every by-law fixing and regulating tolls shall be subject The Lieut.- to revision by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council from time J?'"*™".""]'"*^ to time, after approval thereof as aforesaid ; and after an order fi.xing tolls. in Council, reducing the tolls fixed and regulated by any by- law, has been twice published in the Ontario Gazette, the tolls mentioned in such order in council shall be substituted for those mentioned in the by-law so long as the order in council remains unrevoked, C. S. C. c. GG, s. 29. 11. The Legislature may, from time to time, reduce the tolls AVhentheie- upon the railway, but not without the consent of the company ^e^J^'J'g"'l^,ll)f^ or so as to produce loss thaii fifteen per cent, per annum profit railways. on the capital actually expended in its construction ; nor unless on an examination made by the commissioner o*" public works of the amount received and expended by the compaiiy, the net income from all sources for the year then last past is found to iiave exceeded fifteen per cent, upon the capital so actually ex- pended. C.8.C. c. GG, s. 118. ((t) 12. The by-laws of every railway company heretofore or By-laws im- hereafter incorporated regulating the tolls to be taken on such V'^'^^^^'i tolls to 1 . , , o • 1 » , . • 1-1 • • 1 1 "'^ aptjroveil road, \n the Special Act respectmg which a provision has been by thcLieut.- inserted that such railway should be subject to the provisions ^ou*^'".'*!"' '" of wK^^^M % ' H • • Qf \ rtv Mf" 'ilii (a) In C. S. C. this sub-section was uiuler " 10 General Provisions." C. S. C. c. W; 8 11«. 106 R. S. O. THE RAILWAY ACT OF ONTARIO. Cap. 105. ilfil , ! ■ : 1 i : ''^ i ! I 1 ;; i t ■ '' 4; of any general Act jeluting to railways shall be subject to the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, and no by-law of any railway company in this province by which any tolls are to be imposed or altered, or by which any party other than the members, officers, and servants of the company are intended to be bound, shall have any force or effect until the same has been approved and sanctioned by the Lieutenant-Governor in Coun- cil. C S. C. c. (iG, s. 15L (a) GENERAL MEETINOS (/.•). Shareholders 24. The shareholders may assemble togetherat general meet- mayh>l(l(,'ene--j^ £ . puj-poses connected with or belonging to the under- ral meeting. &. t f ,■ ^ ili- takmg, and at any annual general meeting, and may elect di- rectors in the manner provided by section twenty-six. C. S. C. c. OG, s. 30, Callintr <'f 25. The method of calling general meetings, and the tinu; meetintrs, Ac. and ))lace of the first meeting of shareholders for the appoint- ment of directors, shall be determined and settled in the Spe- cial Act. C. S. C. c. GO, s. 35 (c). PRESIDENT AND DIRECTORS (d). r BoAtd of Di- *}0. A board of directors of the undertaking, to manage its affairs, the number whereof shall be stated in the Special Act (('), shall be chosen annually by a majority of the shareholders voting at such election at a general meeting, the time and place for which shall be appointed by the Special Act (/') ; and if such election is not held on the day so appointed, the directois shall notify .and cause such election to be held within thirty days after the day appointed. C. S. C. c. G6, s. 3L win. entitled 2. On the day so notified, no person shall be admitted to vote to vote. except those who would have been entitled to vote had the election been held on the day when it ought to have been held. C. S. C. c. 60, s. 32. Vacancies how 3. Vacancies in the board of directors shall be filled in the to be filled up. „,anner prescribed by the by-laws. C. S. C. c. GO, s. 33. Who (lualified 4. No person shall be a directoi- unless he is a slnreholdiT, to be a direo- OWnill"' tor. (a) In C'onsol. Stat, ('anada, this sub-section was under " (leneral Provisions foi all nailways." " 24 By-laws re>;ulating tolls." V. S. C. c. «(!, s. 1.51 {b) Incoriior.ated into the Hamilton and North-Western Railway Act, 35 V. e. 55, 8. 2, p. ;w. (c) This section in C. S. C. wjis under " 11. President and Directors, their Elec- tion and Duties." C. S. C. c. (ili, s. 3.'). ((/) Incor])ovated into the Hamilton and North-Western Railway Act, 35 V. c. 55, 8. 2, p. 30. (c) See 35 V. c. tiii, s. 7, j). 32. (0 See 35 V. c. 55, b. 10, p. 3;i rii*. R. S. 0. THE RAILWAY ACT OF ONTARIO. Cap. 165. 107 owning stock absolutely in his own right (a), and qualified to vote for directors at the election at which he is chosen. C. 8. C. c. 00, s. 34 (6). '). The number of votes to which each shareholder shall be Votes to be in entitled on every occasion when the votes of the members are ij^oportion to to be given, shall be in the proportion to the number of shares held by him, unless otherwise provided by the Special Act. C. S. C. c. CO, s. 30. 0, All shareholders, whetlier resident in this province or else- shareholdenj Avhere, may vote by proxy, if they see fit, provided such proxy may vote by produces from his constituent an appointment in writing, in the i"""^^' words or to the effect following, that is to say : I, of , one of the shareholders of the , do hereby appoint , of , to be my proxy, and in my absence to vote or give my assent to any busi- ness, matter or thing relating to the said undertaking, that may be men- tinned or proposed at any meeting of the shareholders of the said com- pany, or any of them, in such manner as he the said tliinks projier. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the d:iy of , in the year . C. S. C. c. GO, s, 37. 7. The vote by proxy shall be as valid as if the principals Votos by h'ld voted in })erson ; and every matter or thing proposed or 1""".^ *" ^^ considered in any public meetings of the shareholders shall be "^ determined by the majority of votes and proxies then present and given, and all decisions and acts of any such majority shall bind the company, and be deemed the decisions and acts of the company. (,'. S. C. c. 60, s. 3S. ^. The directors first appointed, or those appointed in their Term of office «tead, in case of vacancy, shall remain in office until the next °^ '^^''^ctors. annual election of directors at the time appointed therefor, at which time an annual general meeting of the shareholders shall be held to choose directors for the ensuing year, and generally to transact the business of the company. C. S. C. c. 00, s. 39." .'). In case of the death, absence or resignation of any of the Vacancies directors, otliers may be appointed in their stead by the surviv- ^'°" supplied, ing directors ; but if such appointment is not made, such death, absence or resignation shall not invalidate the acts of the re- maining directors. C. S. C. 0. 60, s 40. ' i'-s 10. The directors shall, at their first, or at some other meet- Pr ing after the inder " 12, Calls." V.. S. C. c. 66, s. 62. (/) Incori)orated into the Hamilton and North- Western Railwiiv Act, :tt V oo, s. 2, p. 30. c. ^1^ 1 l! \m a. I' 1 «''1 110 R. S. O. THE RAILWAY ACT OF ONTARIO, Cap. 105. Notice of a greater amount be called in, in any one year, than the amount prescribed in the special Act. C. S. C. c. 00, s. 48. 2. All notices of meetings or of calls upon the sharohold- ImbSd.^'''^ ers of the company shall be published weekly, in the 0>itarlo Gazette, and the said Gazette shall, on production thereof, be con- clusive evidence of the sufficiency of such notices. C S. C. c. 60, s. 49. Pa>'ment of 3. Every shareholder shall be liable to pay the amount of lifmadT ^ t^ie call so made in respect of the shares held by him to the persons and at the times and places from time to time appoint- ed by the company or the directors. C. S. C. c. 00, s. 50. Tiitt'rest to be (•tiiirj,'e!ible on »iiii)iiicl calls. Amount of cull may be locovereJ by suit. 4. If, before, or on the day appointed for payment, any shareholder does not pay the amount of the call, he sluiU be liable to pay interest Tor tlie same, at the legal rate for the time being, from the day appointed for the payment thereof to the time of the actual payment. C. S. C. c. GO, s. 51. 5. If at the time appointed for the payment of any call, any shareholder fails to pay the amount of the call, he may be sued for the same in any court of law or etpiity having competent jurisdiction, and the same may bo recovered with lawful in- terest from the day on which the call became payable. C. S. C. c. 00, .s. 52. What formal- G. In any action or suit to recover any money due upon any ina^ctio'uTfor^^''*^^'' ^'' ^^^'^ '^°^ ^^^ necessary to .set forth the special matter, calls. but it shall be sufficient to declare that the defendant is the holder of one share or more, stating the number of shares, and is indebted in the sum of money to which the calls in arrear amount in respect of one call or more upon one share or more, stating the number and amount of each of such calls, where])y an action has accrued to the company by virtue of the .special Act. C. S. C. c. GO, s. 53. Certificate of 7. The certificate of proprietorship of any share .shall be ad- ^pHmajade *^* iTt^itted in all courts as prima facie evidence of the title of any evidence. shareholder, his executors, administrators, successors, or assigns, to the share therein specified. C. S. C. c. GO, s. 54. Want of certi- S. But the want of such certificate shall not prevent the prevent dis-* bolder of any share from disposing thereof. C. S. C. c. GO, j)osing of S. oi3. shares. Penalty for 9. Any persons neglecting or refusing to pay a ratable share calk'^^ *" ''*'^ ^f ^^6 ^^^^^ ^^ aforesaid, for the space of two months after the time appointed for the payment thereof, shall forfeit theiv re- spective shares in the undertaking, and all the profit and bene- fit thereof; all which forfeitures shall go to the company for the benefit thereof. C. S. C. c. 6G, s. 56. 1.^^^ iim [I. S. (). THE RAILWAY ACT OF ONTAIUO. Cap. IGo. Ill Forfeiture of «luirt' to In- taken udvan- tiigo of only at a general nieetiiij,'. Effect of for- feiture aH to HabiiitieH. 10. No a(lvanta<,'e shall be taken of the forfeiture, unless the same is declared to be forfeited at a <;eneral uieetinj.; of the company, assembled at any time after such forfeiture incurred. 11. Every such forfeiture shall be an indemnification to and for every sliareholder so forfeiting against all actions, suits, or prosecutions whatever, commence(i or prosecuted for any breach of contract or other agreement between such shareholder and the other shareholders with regard to carrying on the under- taking. C. S. C. c. G6, s. 58, 12. The directors may sell, either by public auction or Directors may private sale, and in such mannor and on such terms as to ''^" forfelteil^^ them seem meet, any shares so declared to be forfeited, and tion? also any shares remaining unsubscribed for in th'j capital stock of the company, or pledge such forfeited or unsub- scribed shares for the payment of loans or advances made or to be made thereon, or of any sums of money borrowed or advanced by or to the company, C. S. C c. GO, s. 59. 13. A certificate from the treasurer of the company that the Certificate of forfeiture of the shares was declared, and of their purchase by treasurer to the purchaser, .shall be sufficient evidence of tlie facts, and fo^rfeiture anct such certificate, with the receipt of the treasurer for the price ^f *'*■'»'■ of such .shares, shall constitute a. good title to the shares and the furtifieate shall be by the said treasurer enregistered in the name and with the place of abode "nd occupation of the purchasers, and shall be entered into the books required to be kept by the by-laws of the company, and such purchaser shall thereupon be deemed the holder of such shares, and shall not be bound to see to the application of the purchase money, nor shall his title to such shares be aflfected by any irregularity in the proceedings in reference to such sale, and any .shareholder may purchase any shares so sold. C. S. C, c. GG, s. GO. li i < 14. Shareholders willing to advance the amount of their interest may shares, or any part of the moni._ c!'» adv_ance on thereof as from time to time exceeds the amount of the calls ^"^* '"^*^*' made upon the shares in respect to which such advance is made, the company may pay interest at the legal rate of interest for the time being, as the shareholders paying such sum in advance and the company agree upon, but such interest shall not be paid out of the capital sub,scribed. C. S, C. c. 66, s. 61 (a). • DIVIDENDS (a) C, S. C. c. 6(), 8, 62, is now s. 20, sub-s. 20. p. 109. t-'^Fflgi I 112 R. S. ( ). TlIK ItAII. VAY A( T OK ONTAHIO. Cap. 10.-). ««! DIVIDENDS (a). Dcclnration of HH. At the ffcenil nicptiiifjs of tiio sliarolioldcr.s of the >in- tUvulciul. (liM'takiiij,', from time time holdcn a iliviMeiid shall he ma A. B. (a) Incorporated into the Han>iltouand Nortli-Wewtern Railway Act, HoV. c. ."i, 8. 2, p. 30. ThiH suljdivision of "Dividends" in C. S. C. was under "12 Calls." C. S. 0. c. 60, 88. t).l-(i7. (6) (!. S. U. c. Uti, 88. 68, 69, 70, are now 8. 26, 8ub-_8S. 17, 1>^, vJ, p. 10!). (r) Incorporated into the llauiiltou and North- Wetiteru llailway Act, o7) V. Ci 55, s. 2, p. 30. iMbi in: u. s. o. TIIK UAILWAV ACT i)V ONTAUIO. Cap. l(i.> un I, A. H. , in cr>nsidui'atii)n of thu huiii of pai'l III 1110 by C. 1)., lioruby do Hull and trunsfur tu him (diiiio (or Hhart's) of tlio Htock of the , to liold to liim thu sitid C. D., luH liuira, uxuciitom, ivdminintratorB ntid uftgi^iiH, Hiibjoct to the ' lino rnloH niid orders, and on tho sainu conditioiis that I htld tlio uuniu iiiinii'diatuly huforo tliu uxocution tliurouf. And 1 thu naid 0. D. du horo- liy iii,'it;u to acci'pt the said sliaro {or Bhares) hiilij.'i^t to tliu sanio rnloB, orders, and eonditioiia. Witnuss our hands this diy uf in the year 18 . C. S. (J. c. GO, s. 72. 3. The stock of tho company .shall be dcemetl personal estate, sharex to i>b \>\\l no shares shall lie transferable nntil all previous calls there- i"'r"","' ***■ (111 have been fully ])ai(l in, or the .said hares have been f.r of. (k'cliirt'd forfeited for the non-payment of calls thereon, and no tiiiiisfcr of less than a whole .share shall be valid. C JS. C. c. cii, N. 7.S. 4. If any share in the company is transmitted by the death, 'l'raii, bankiuntev, or will, donation or testament, or by the iiites- "f "hiireH otlur .1 - ' 1,1 1 1 !• 1 1 1 tliuii l)y tnius- tacy ol any shareholder, or by any lawtul means other than h-v, provided the tran.sfer hereinbefore mentioned, the party to whom such ^"'■* share is so transmitted shall deposit in the otflce of the C mu- p.any a statement in writing, signed by him, declaring the manner of such transmission, together with a duly certified copy or probate of such will, donation, or testament, or sutti- tii'nt extracts therefrom, and such other documents or proof as may be necessary, and without which such party shall not be entitled to receive any share of the profits of the company, or to vote in res[)ect of any such .share as the holder thereof. C. S. C. c. G(J, s. 74. .'. The company .shall not be bound to see to the execution (Company not of any trust, whether express, implied, or constructive, to which to'execution any of the .shares may be subject ; and the receipt of the party of trusts in whose name any share stands in the books of the com})any, or if it stands in the name of more parties than one, the receipt of one of the parties named in the register of shareholders, shall from time to time be a sufticient discharge to the company for any dividend or other sum of money payable in respect of the share, notwithstanding any trust to which the share may then bi' subject, and whether or not the company have had notice of the trusts, and the company shall not be bound to see to the application of the money paid upon such receipts. C.S.C.c. GO, s. 108 (ct). G. The original capital stock may be increased from time to sto.k may l c time to any amount, but such increase must be sanctioned by ini^reased. a vote in person or by proxy, of at least two-thirds in amount of all the shareholders, at a meeting of them cxpressely called by the directors for that purpose, by a notice in writing to each shareholder, ((() III C. S. C. this acctiuu wad tllKk-r " li>. General Provisions," C. S. C. c. Go, s. 108. I )«l ) i 114 R. S. (). TIIK llAir-WAY ACT OF ONTARIO. Cap. K;.'). shari'lioMer, Nerved on liiiii personally, or propcily directed to liini, and dcpo.sited intlie post olHcte to hi- place of itHi- t or cni^aj^oineiit ho contractt'«'«!iitmvn Itf valid, and hijidin^ upon tlu! municipal corporation itVsij^netl }, J,',',,' t., V. or cntlorsiMl, and countersi^fnttd l)y the oHicer or person, and in l»iiiiUii;,'. sui'ii manner and tVrm as directed by any by-law of the cor- poration, and the seal of the corporation thereto shall not Ix; necessary, nor the observance of any other form with regard to the debentures than as directed in the by-law. C'. S. C. c. <>G, H, Hi, !), No municipal corporation shall subseiibe I'or stock orNottosuli- incur any debt or liability under this Act or the S[)f,cial -^.ct, JJ''"'"')'" ^'^'^'^^^^^^^ uiilesM and until a bydaw to that ett'ect has been duly made, by-iawK aiis and adopte'. (((). Inoor|)orated into the Hamilton and North-Western Railv, ay Act, 3.5 V. c. 5.'), H. 2, p. :«), (h) Inuori»)ra'ied int i the Hamilton and North-Western Railway Act, 35 V. c. 35, 8. 2, p. 30, I * m. R. S. 0. THE RAILWAY ACT OF ONTARIO. Cap. 165. li; railways, and at usual stopping places, established for receiving and discharging way-passengers and goods from the trains. C. S. C. c. m, s. 90. I]. Such passengers and goods shall be taken, transported and ^'T^"^?''", •(lischai'ged, at, from, and to such places, on the due payment of be can-ieil < the toll, freight, or fare legally authorized therefor. C. S. C. c. py""^' I,,. nrj 'i'lre or i>h, s. yy. freight, to on 4. (a) The party aggrieved by any neglect or refusal in the T'^e comi)any premises, shall have an action therefor against the company, flfsai'or'' "' from which action the company shall not be relieved by any neglect, notice, condition, or declaration if the damage arises from any negligence, omission, or misconduct of the company or of its servants. C. S. C. c. GG, s. 98 ; 39 V. c. 11, s. 1. 5. Checks shall be affixed by an agent or servant to every Checks to i)e parcel of baggage having a handle, loop, or fixtuie of any kind ^^Ys!* °" '"" thereupon, and a duplicate of such check shall be given to the passenger delivering the parcel. C. S. C. c. GG, s, 99. G. If such check is refused on demand, the company shall pay Penalty for to such passsenger the sum of eight dollars, to be recovered in ''^f"'^"»o to a civil action ; and further, nc fare or toll shall l)e collected or received from such passenger, and if he has paid his fare, the same shall be refunded by the conductor in charge of the train. C S. (J. c. GG, s. 100 {b). 7. The baggage, freight, merchandise, or lumber cars shall l^'vifgage cars not be placed in rear of the passenger cars, and no officer or "ear* of 'passs- agent shall direct or knowingly sutler such arrangement. C. engercars. 8. C. c. GG, s. 102. . [Section 102 of C. S. C. c. GG, adds :— And if any such be so pli'ced, the oHicer or agent directing or know- ingly snfforin.,' such arrangement, and the conductor of tlie train, sliall .severally be guilty of a niiadeineanor, and be punished accordingly.] 8. Every locomotive engine shall be furni.shed with a bell of Locomotives at least thirty pounds weight, or with a steam whistle. C. S. orstelm''^'' (J. C. GG, S. 103. whistles. m 9. The bell shall be runsf, or the tance of at least eighty rods from way crosses any highway, and be at short intervals, until the engine under a penalty of eight dollars to be paid l)y the company, who damages sustained by any person whistle sounded, at the dis- To be nuis or every place where the rail- every cro«- kept ringing or be sounded ing, &c. has crossed such highway, for every neglect thereof, * shall also be liable for all liy reason of such neglect, one-half M» (a) This sub-section is applicable to all railways in Ontario. See see. 37, p. 121. (l)) C. S. U. c. 60, s. 101 is superseded by later Evidence Actsi ^Il 118 R. S. 0. THE RAILWAY ACT OF ONTARIO. Cap. 16.' one-half of which penalty and damages shall be chargeable to and collected by the company from the engineer having charge of such engine and neglecting to sound the whistle or ring the bell as aforesaid. C. S. C. c. CG, s. 104. [C. S. C. c. G6, s. 105, is as folloios :— Intoxication 105. All persons in charge of a locomotive engine, or acting as the c). 35. No punishment for a contravention of this Act or of the Punishment Special Act, by the company shall exempt the company from [j'y^f"*'^'*.^'^"' the forfeiture by this Act and the Special Act, of the pi-ivileges Act, &c., not conferred on them by the said Acts, if by the provisions there- p^^pa^'y from of or by law, the same be forfeited by such contravention. C. forfeiture. S. C. c. GG, s. 90 (c). GENERAL (a) V. S. C. c. CO, 88. 84, 8.".. See r. 101, p. 137. (6) C. S. G. c. 06, 8. 89, superseded by 38 V. c. 4, «. 5. (c) A portion of O. S. C. c. 06, s. 90, makes contraventions of this Act or of the Special Act, by the company, or by any otlier party, for which no punishment or Eenalty is lierein provided, a misdemeanor, and is under the jurisdiction of th« >omiuion Parliament. C ( 120 R. S. 0. THE RAILWAY ACT OF ONTARIO. Cap. 105 fii GENERAL PROVISIONS (a). Pioviskmas ;J6. Her Majesty's Mail, Her Majesty's Naval or Military of Her Majes- J orces ov Militia, and all artillery, ainjiiunition, provisions, or ty"» mail, &c. other stores, for their use, and all policemen, constables and others travelling on Her Majesty's service, shall at all times, when thereunto required by Her Majesty's Postmaster-General, the commander of the forces, or any person having the super- intendence or command of any police force, and with the whole resources of the company if re([uired, be cairied on the rail- way, on such terms and conditions, and under such regulations as may be made by the Governor-General in Council, or Lie* tenant-Governor in Council as the case recjuires. C. .S. C. . s. 109 (b) Goveninient 2. The Governor-Gcneral or Lieutenant-Governor, as the v.. siveu^eof'"' "^'V ^^^' °*" ^^Y pcrson thereunto autliorized by them, may re- telegniiili. quire the company to place any electric telegraph, and the ap- paratus and operators they may have, at thu exclusive use tA' the Government, receiving thereafter reasonable compensation for such service. C. S. C. c. GU, s. 1 10. I'urtheren- ^ .3. Any further enactments which the Parliament of Canada ije madtC ""^^' '^^' ^^^*^ Legislature of this Province may make, for the carriage of the mail or Her Majesty's forces, and other persons and arti- cles as aforesaid, or the tolls therefor, or in any way respecting the use of any electric telegraph or other service to be rendered to the Government, shall not be deemed an in. "ngement of the privileges intended to be conferred by this Act or the Spe- cial Act. C. S. C. c. GG, s. Ill (c) Tenders must be advertised for Ten per cent to be jiaid within three years from jjassing of Special Act. 4. No contracts for works' of construction or maintenance of railways, except works of ordinary repair, or of immediate necessity, shall be entered into until after tenders for such work respectively have been invited by ])ublic notice therefor, given for at least four weeks in some newspaper |niblished in the place nearest to the work required to be done ; but no com- pany .shall be compelled to accept any such tender, C. S. ( '. c. GG, s. 4G, 2)art (d) 5. If the construction of the i-ailway is not commenced, and ten per cent, on the amount of tlie capital is not expended there- on within three years after the passing of the Special Act, or if the [o) Incorporated into the Hamilton and North- Western Railway Act 3,5 V c 55, s. '2, p. 30. . . • • (h) C. S. C. 0. m, s. 108, is now s. 20, sul;s. 5, p. U.S. (c) C. S. C. c. «(), H. 112, is now s. 30, sub-s. 2, p. C. S. 0. o. (Jfi, m. 113 114 are now s. 10. sub-8s. 13, 14. pp. 93, 94. For U. S. C. c. (56, ss. 115, 116, see sub-sees. 0, 7, of this section p. 121. ('() In C. S. C. this sub-section was under " 11, President and Directors. Their election and duties," C. S. C. c. 66, a. 46, n If ■. R. S. 0. THE RAILWAY ACT OF ONTAllIO. Cap. 165. 121 tlio lailway is not finished and put in operation in ten years from the pissing of such Special Act, tlie corporate existence und power of the company shall cense. (J. S. C c. 00, s. 1 17. (a) 0. After the opening of the railway or any part thereof to Account to be the public, and within the first fifteen days after the opening t>^ the"lSndui each session of the Legislature, an account shall be ainmally Secretary, transmitted to the provincial secretary containing a detiiiled and particular account, attested upon oath of the president, or in his al)sence of the vice-president, of the moneys received and expended by the company, and a classified statement of the passengers and goods transported by them with an attested copv of the last annual statement. C. 8. C. c. 00, s. 115; 37 V. c. :50,s. 2. 7. No further provisions which the Legislature may hereafter Vaiiation in make with regard to the form or details of such account, or the ,nay be n'liidel'* mode of attesting or rendering the same, shall be deemed an iiilringement of the privileges hereby granted to the company. C.S.C. c. 00,s. 110. N. The Legislature may at any time annul or dissolve any And may dis- corporation formed under this Act, l)ut_such dissolution ■'^hall ^;;J^)'^«f^y ''''''• not take away or impair any remedy given against any such tonued under coiporation, its shareholdeis, o,1icers or seivants, for any liabi- '^•"» ^'^^• lity wdiich has been previously incurred. C.S.C.c. 00, s. 124< (6) !). Nothing herein contained shall attect in any manner the Raving of Her rights of Her Majesty, or of any person, or of any body politic, i.ijht8,*&c. cornorate or collegiate, such only exce])ted as are herein men- tioned. C. S. C. c. 00, s. 125. 10. No amenilment or alteration in this Act shall be held to bo an infringement of the rights of any company authorized to construct a railway by any Act passed on or since the thirtieth of August, 1851, or by any Act passed with which this Act is or may be incorporated. C. S. C. c. GO, s. 126. PART SECOND. APPLICATION OF SECTIONS. 37. Unless otherwise provided, the following sections und Interpretation the fourth sub-section of section thirty- three shall apply to every (fl) C. S. C. c. 60, s. 118, is now b. 23, sub-s. 11, p. 105. C. S. C. o. 66, 88. 119, 120, i..3 now 8. 33, sub-s-i. 12, 13, p. 118. (b) C. S. C. c. 06, 8. 121, makes the forging or uttering debentures or coupons a felony, and relates to matters within the jurisdiction of the Dominion Parliament. .See 32 & 33 V. c. 10, s. 10, D. C. S. C. o. 66, h. 122, relates only to the Province of i^uebec. (J. S. C.c. 66, s. 123, is no\.- incorporated into sec. 5, p. 86. !i-.4*V: « :• 122 R. S. 0. THE RAILWAY ACT OF ONTARIO. Cap. 1G: 11 li IJ Hiiii \Vliat tlio ■wciiils "L'ail- vay Com- Vany " Hliall mchitlp. every raihva}' subject to the legislative authority of the Legi:s- lature of this province, made or to be made in this ])rovin(t'. C. S. C. c. GO, s,s. V27 ^ 132. See also 2S V. c. 2!), s. 11 ; 24 V. c. 17, s. 7 ; 39 V. c. 21, s. 2. JIH. In the construction of the forty-third to sixty-eightli sections inclusive, the seventy-ninth, the eighty-seventh to ninety-eighth sections inclusive of this Act, the expression " Railway ( 'ompany " shall include any person being the owm r or lessee of or contractor working any railway subject to the legislative authority of the Legislature of this province, and constructed or carried on under the powers of an Act of the Parliament of the late province of Canada or Upper Canada or of the Legislature of this province. C. S. C. c. 00, s. 192. PROCEEDINGS WHERE ADDITIONAL SPACE REQUIRED. Proceedings 39. Wherever any railway company which has been hereto- spacVis re-''' ^"^■^' ^^' ^^ hereafter incorporated by, or which is subject to the fjuired for the authority of the Legislature of Ontario recpures at any station """' " j^jj. pippg Qjj ^Ijp ][jr^Q ,,f such railway, more ample space for the convenient accommodation of the public and of the traffic on the railway than they then possess, or can take without the consent of the proprietors thereof, the company may cause a plan to be made of the additional grouTid re(|uired at such station or place for the purposes aforesaid, not b-ing in actual use for similar purposes by any other railway lompany (and for the purpose of making such plan shall have the powers granted to railway companies for making suiveys by the ninth section of this Act), and may transmit such plan to the commis- sioner of public works, with an application (supported by affidavit) on behalf of the company, referring to such plan and stating that certain ground shown thereon is necessary for the purposes afo:-esaid, and that no other ground suital)le for the purpose can be ac(piired at such ])lace on reasonable terms and with less injury to private rights, and requesting the commissioner to authorize the taking thereof for such purpo'^ , under this Act ; of which application ten days' notice shaii be given to the owner or possessor of such property and the cor- rectness of the plan and the truth of the allegations in such application shall be certified by the piesident or one of the directors of the company, and by their engineer; and such plan and statement shall be made and transmitted to the commis- sioner in duplicate. 35 V. c. 25, ss. 1 &; 0. accomiii: la- tion of the truftic at any station or place. Certificate of com.iiiHsioner of jniblic works re- quired. 40. The commissioner of public works shall enquire into the correctness of the plan and the truth of the allegations of the application aforesaid, and being satisfied thereof, shall grant a certificate to that effect, and declaring it to be necessary in the public interest, that the ground shown on such plan, or any less quantity, should be acquired by the company; and such R. S. 0. THE RAILWAY ACT OF ONTARIO. Cap. 105. 123 sucli cortificnte shnll be annexed to one of the duplicates of the said plan and statement, and the other duplicate shall remain ill the ortice of the commissioner. 35 V. c. 25, s. ± I'^ffect of siu'h ct'rtiticftte, ami a]ii)litii- tion of cfitiiiu provinions of tliirt Act to the land certi- fied as neces- wary. 41. Upon the granting of such certificate as aforesaid by the (•('iiiinissioner of jiuhlic works, and by virtue thereof, the com- pany .shall li.ave power to take the ground .shown on the said plan as recpiired for the aforesaid, without the consent of the proprietors ; and the company and all corporations or parties wlio could not otherwise convey the same to the com- pany, shall have, with respect to any such ground all the powers granted by the thirteenth to twentieth sections inclu- sive of this Act, to railway companies, corporations and parties who could not otherwise convey tlie same, with respect to lands which may be taken without the consent of the proprie- tors thereof ; and the enactment and provisions of the said .sections, except such as refer to the ma]) or plan, and book of reference the'"^in mentioned, or as limit the extent of land to be taken, shall apply and are hereby extended to the ground mentioned in the said certificate of the commissioner of public Avorks, and to all the proceedings connected with or consec^uent upon the acquiring or taking of sucli ground or any part there- of, with or without the consent of the proprietors ; and if at any time thereafter the company do not reciuire the whole or any portion of the land accjuired under this Act for railway purposes, then such land as is not so required shall be sold by auction after thirty days' notice thereof in any local newspaper. To V. c. 25, s. 3. 42. Any such certificate as aforesaid purporting to be signed !"»■""[ "f Lt^rti- by the said commissioner shall be received as authentic in all courts of law or eciuity, without proof of such signature or other evidence, unless its authenticity is called in question on behalf of the Crown. 35 V. c. 25, s. 4. Sale of lanti taken ami not afterwards re(iuir«d. 'i A INSrECTION OF RAILWAYS. 4JI. The Lieutenant-Governor in council may appoint and au- Railway in- thorize any proper person or persons, not exceeding three in num- «P«ctors. ber, whose duty it shall be from time to time to inspect aj^ rail- D^ti^s of. ways constructed or in course of construction, and every person so authorized may at all reasonable times, upon producing his authority if required, enter upon and examine the said railway and the stations, fences or gates, road crossings, cattle gu^-us, works and buildings, and the engines, cars and carriages be- longing thereto. C S. C. c. CC, s. 180. 44. No railway or portion of any railway shall be opened J^fD^ope^n till for the public conveyance of passengers until one month after after one notice in writing of the intention to open the same has been month's notice given 124 R. S. 0. THE RAILWAY ACT OP ONTARIO. Cap. 105. of intention t«. given by the company to whom the railway Itolonirs to the commissioner ot pubhc works, and until ten days after notice in writing lias been given l)y the sai'' "^' *^'"^ insufficiency of the establishment foi- working such )"wti.(iiiement I'ailway, together with the i,'rounds of such opinion, the com- nf o|,enini,' of missi()ner, with tlie sanct-Mi of the Lieutenant-CJovernor in council, and .so from time to time, ,so often as such inspec- tor or inspectors after further inspection thereof so re- port, may order and direct the company to whom the railway belongs to postpone such opening for a period not exccdingone month at any one time, until it appears to the said coinmis- sioner that such opening may take place without danger to the public. C. S. C. c. GG, s. 1G7; 37 V. c. 3G, s. 1. Ponalty for opening,' con- trary to the order of the connnissioner 47. If any such railway, or any portion thereof, is oj)ened contrary to such order or direction of the .said commissioner, the company to whom the railway belongs shall forfeit to Her Majesty the sum of two hundred dollars for every day during which the same continues open contrary to such order or di- rection. C. 8. C. c. GG, s. 1G8 ; 37 V. c. 3G, s. 1. Wlien only 48. No such Order shall be binding upon any railway com- be bi.Sg on ^^^y "^'css therewith is delivered to the company a copy of the company, the report of the inspector or inspectors on which the order is founded. C. S. C. c. GG, s. 1G9. When .any 49. When any bridge, culvert, viaduct, tunnel, fence, road, coEnedbT^''°^^'"?'°''^^¥^-g"^^*^ any other portion of any railway tor8, wliat to be dou«. commissioner Constructed or in of construction, or any locomotive, car andinspec- ^j. carriage used or for on any railway, has been con- demned, on the report of an inspector or inspectors, by the commissioner of public works, with the approval of the Lieu- tenant-Governor in council, or when any change or alteration therein R.S.O. THK RAILWAY ACT OF ONTARIO. Cap. 1G5. 125 tluroiii or in any part thereof, or tlie substitution of any new liii(l"o, culvert, viaduct, or tunnel, or of any material for the .sai iiuvy use telo- . , ■, '' . i i • • ii n- e 1,1 -riiiili wires, tele<.,n'aph Wiles and maciunery in tlie ornces ot or umler the for «liiit pur- control of any such railway company, feu- the purpose of coin- l"'«*-«- niunieating witli any of the otticers of the said company, nr transmitting^ anv Older of any sucli inspector rchiting to such railway. C. S. C. c. GO, s. 1S2. iiiHja'ctors. IXZf'loXi 'y*'* T'^c operators or otHcers employed in the telegrapli orfieiH of offices of or under the control of tlic said company, shall, with- out unnecessary delay, obey all orders of any such inspector foi- efiectin<' such communications and transmittiii;: niessatres fur the purpose aforesaid, and any such operator or officer refusiuff or neglectin*^ so to do, shall forfeit for every such offence the sum of forty dollars. (J. IS. C c. Oil, s. 183. Authority of inspectors, how proved. ♦JO. The autliority of any such inspector sliall he sufficiently evidenced by a pai)er in writin;if nominating him an inspector of railways, or of any railway in particular, signed by the com- missioner of public works. C. S. C!. c. 00, s. 184; 37. V. c. 30, s. 1. mirinlyonier '^^' '^^'^ Lieutenant-Governor in council, upon the report of perniiinent the commissioner of public works, may authorize or recpiire lublititutod'*' ^^^^' I'ailway company to construct fixed anil permanent bridges for iiiovablf 01" to substitute such bridges in the place of the swing, draw or bridgiw. movable bridges on the lim of such rail'vay, within such time as the Lieutenant-Govern( • in council directs ; and for every day after the period so fixcv during which the company uses such swing, draw or movable bridges, the company shall for- feit and pay to Her Majesty the sum of two hundred dollars ; and it shall not be lawful for any railway company to substi- tute any swing, draw, or other movable bridge in the place or stead of any fixed or permanent bridge already buili and con- structed without the consent of the Lieutenant-Governor in council previously had and obtained. C. S. 0. c. GO, s. 140: 37 V. c. 30, s. 1. powers vested '^^' ^^ ^^^ '^^^ where a railway commenced after the 27th m commis- day of May, 1857, is constructed or authorized to be constructed, res^ect^to** ^^^^^^ ^^Y tumpike road, street, or other public highway, on crossing public the level, the commissioner of public works, if it appears to him necessary for the public safety, mav, with the sanction of the H. S. O. THE RAILWAY ACT OF ONTAIIU). Cap. 103. im tlie Lioutonant-Governor in council, authorize h\,.\ reriuiro the hi«hwayH. -n coiniiany to whom such railway l.elonj^s, within such tiino as" ^■'^' ' tho cuiiunissloiRT .lirects, to carry kucIi road, street, or hi^'h- wav oitlu-r ^ iver or under the said railway Ity means of a hridgo orarch, instead of crossing the same on tho level or to exe- cute such other works its undei" tlie circumstances of the case inav appear to him hest adapted for removing or diminishing the dan n- arising from such level crossing, and ml the pro- visions of law at any such time applicable ttj the taking of land by railway companies and its valuation and conveyance to the'm and to the compensatioii therefor, shall apply to the case of any land required ft)r the c.mstruction of any works tor etiecting the alteration of such level crossing. C, S. C. c. 00, s. 141 ; :}7 V. c. :}(), 3. 1. y Wherever any level crossing on any railway is out of J'^Jlj^j^.y^J'/^y r the warden, mayor, reeve, or other chief otHcer ot the to n^pair any .10. r.pair the warden, mayor, reeve, or other chief otticer ot the t„ repair any municipality within whose jurisdiction such crossing is «>t»»te, ^v.l c^^^^^^^^ may serve a notice upon the company in the usual manner, re- (luiring the repair to be forthwith made ; and if the company does not forthwith make the same, such otticer may transmit a copy of the notice so served to the inspector of railways ; and thereupon it shall be the duty of said inspector, with all possx- l)le despatch, to appoint a day when he will examine into the matter ; and he shall by mail give notice to such warden, mayor, reeve, or other chief otHcer, and to the company, of the day he .so tixes ; and upon the day so named he shall examine such in,,,^.ctor's crossinor; and any certiticate under his hard shall be final on certiHcate to the subject so in dispute between the parities ; and if the said "^^ '^on.iyx.ivo inspector determines that any repairs are required, he shall spe- ci fy the nature thereof in his said certificate, and direct the coui- i)any to make the same ; and the company shall thereupon, with all possible despatch, comply with the requirements of such certificate ; and in case of default, the municipality, with- in whose jurisdiction the said crossing is situate, may make .such repairs, and may recover all costs, expenses, and outlays in the premises by action against the company in any court ot competent jurisdiction, as money paid to the company's use. 2. Neither this section nor any proceeding had thereunder. Proviso, shail at all efi'ect any liability otherwise attaching to such com- pany in the premises. 23 V. c. 29, s. 9. «0. No inspection had under this Act, nor anything in this Act ln«P«««:;j'^^,^. contained or done or ordered, or omitteu to be done or ordered, company under or by virtue of the provisions of this Act, shall relieve or from liability. be construed to relieve any railway company of or from any liiibility or responsibility resting upon it by law either towards Her Majesty or towards any person, or the wife or husband, parent or child, executor or administrator, tutor or curator, heir or other personal representative of any person for anything done . 'Ill 4 128 H. S. 0. TFfK riAFLWAY ACT OF ONTARIO. Cap. iGi i Coiniinny to notify DrdiTH of ;!(iiiiriiiH- Miouer to itM office rH, fm. Wlmt to 1)." iIi'OIilimI HUtfi- I'ii'iit iiiitico thereof. Notice of nc- I'icieiitH to lie Hivfii to the coiiiiuiHHioiier of pulilie works. Ili'tiirn of (ic- oidentH to be iiiadf Heiiii- aununlly. (lone or oinitte«l to he done by sucli ooinpiiny, or for any wrcn;,'rnl ai ie<,'lect, orv;« r tioiis for the iiianaf,'(Mnont of tlu; coiupnny ami of tlicir railway. ('. S. C. c. no.H. 174; .'{7 V. c. .%, .s. I. ilii. 'I'lio couiiiUH.sioner of pulilie works may onler ami direct, f'"""i t" '«> from time to time, the form in which such retur »s shall bo thTcoumiil-^ iiiiule up, and may order and direct any railway i ■ ipany to nidner. make up and ileliver to him from time to time, in i ilition to the said periodical returns, returns of 8(!rioiis accidt .is occur- rinj,' in the courso of the {)uhlic traffic upon the railway Itelonj,'- inf:f to such .ompany, whether attended with personal injury (ir not, in such form and manner as .he coir.missioner deems necessary and re(piires for his information with a view to tho puhlic safely. C. S. ('. c. GO, s. 17') ; :i7 V. c. 3(i, s. 1. 00. If Huch returns .so verified arc not delivered witliin the Penalty for res[)cetivo times herein prescribed, or within fourtc<'n days after '^^'^^°^^- the .same have been so rerpiired by the conuni.ssioner, every company makinj,' (h^fault shall forfeit to Her Majesty the sunx of one hundred dollars for every day , S 1 , l^irt. be adminis- tereJ. 74. 'II ii I I I ; II 132 R. S. O. THE RAILWAY ACT OF ONTARIO. Cap. IG.j. Powers of 74. Every constable so appointed, and having taken such Huch consta- ^^^^ ^^. j^g^^j^. j^^g|j declaration as aforesaid, shall have full power wlmVTooalitic.s to act SIS a constable for the pi'oservation of the peace and for they Hhall ex- ^j^^ security of persons and property against felonies and other unlawful acts on such railway, and on any of the works be- longing thereto, and on and about any trains, roads, wharves, qua>s, landing-places, wharehouses, lands, and premises, be- longing to such company, whether the same be in the cour^-, city, dtstrict, or other local jurisdiction within which hp .•» api)ointe(l, or in any other place through which such railway passes, or in which the same terminates, or through or to which any railway passes which is wcjrked or leased by such railway company, and in all places not more than one ((uarter of a mile distant from such railway or railways ; and shall have all the powers, protections, and privileges lor the apprehending of of- feudei's, as well by night as by day, and for (loing all things for the prevention, discovery, and prosecution of felonies and other offences, and for keeping the peace, which any constable duly appointed has within his constablewick. -Zli \. c. •it), s. 1, 2)art. Duties of such l.';. It shall be lawful fur any such constable to take such coiistablos. persons as may be punishable by summary conviction for any ortence against the provisions of this Act, or of an}^ of the Acts or by-laws artecting any such railway, before any justice or justices ai)pointed for any county, city, district, or other local jurisdiction within which any sMch railway passes ; and every such justice shall have authority to deal with all such cases, as tiiough the offence had been connuitted and the person ta- ken "within the limits of his own local jurisdiction. 2:) V. o. 29, s. 1. any sucli ■stable. of 10. Any two justices of the peace may dismiss any sucli *-'""■ constable who may be acting within their .several jurisdictions; and the l)oard of directors of such railway company, or any clerk or agent of such company thereto authorized by such board, may dismiss any such constable who may be ac<-ing on such railway ; and upon every such dismissal, all powers, pro- tections, and privileges belonging to any such person, by rea- son of such appointment, shall wholly cease ; and no person so dismissed shall be again ai>pointeil or act asa constfible forsuoh railway without the consent of the authority by which he Wii-< dismissed. 2:i V. c. 2!), s. '2. Record of ail IT. Every such railway company shall cause to be recordeil iMiintinentof j^ ^j^^, ^^^^^,^ ^f ^]^^, Q\^,^.\^ of the peace for every county, or other sMcli consta- ,,..,.. , . 1 •! •! il, l.le to he keiit. local jurisdiction whereni such railway or railways pass, tiic name' and designation of every constable so appointe(l at their instance, the date of his appointment, and the authority mak- ing it, and also the fact of every dismissal of any such con- stable, the date thereof and the authority making the same, within R. S. 0. THE RAILWA \' ACT OF ONTARIO. Cap. 1G5. 133 within one week after the date of appointment or dismis- sal, as the case may be ; and every such clerk of tlie peace shall keep sucli record in a book to be open to public inspection, chai-ging such fee or fees only as the Lieutenant-Governor in Fees, council from time to time authorizes, and in such form as the Lieutenant-Governor in council from time to time directs. 23 V. c. 21), S.3. 78. Every such constable, who is guilty of any neglect or runishment of broach of duty in his office of constable, shall bo liable, on sum- ^"?,'**^f'''^'\ ^ iiiary conviction thereof within any county, city, district or, tect of duty! other local jurisdiction wherein such I'adway passes, to a pen- alty of not more than eighty dollai's, the amount of which ]icuulty may be deducted from any salary due to such oliender, if such constable is in receipt of a salary from the railway com- I)any, or to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, "for not more than two months, in the gaol of such count}', city, district, (ir other local jurisdiction. 23 V. c. 29, s. 4. [Section 5 of 23 V. e. 29, enacts as folio ivs : — ri. Every person who shall assault or resist any constable appointoil as And of pei- afiiiesiiid, in the execution of his duty, or who shall incite any person so sons resisting,' to assault or resist, shall for every such offence, be liable, on like svnn- them, inary conviction, to a penalty of not more than ei;^hty dollars, or to iuipri- sonincnt, with or witliont hai'd labour for not more than two months, in such gaol as aforesaid.] km GENERAL PROVISIONS. 79. Every railway company shall make such by-laws, rules Companies to and regulations, to be observed by the conductors, engine dri- '""'ke l)y-laws I ii if 1 ■ .. i' ii 11 for reL'ulation vers, and Other otticers and servants or tiie company, and by „f comluetors all other companies and persons using the railway of such com- ''"'il other ofti- pany, and such regulations with regard to the construction of '^*^"*'' ''' the carriages and other vehicles to be used iti such trains on the I'ailway of the company, as are recpiisite for in- suring the em])lo}uicnt and proper use of the aforesaid means of comnuinioation, application and disconnection. C. S. C. c. GO, s. 17-'. HO. Any railway company may by a by-law impose upon Company way any oHico)-, servant or person who before the contravention of hupose penal- such by-law has had notice thereof and is employed by the ventiou'o" by- company, !i forfeiture to the company of not more than l"w.s. thirty days' j)ay of such otiicer or servant, for any contraven- tion of such bydaw, and may retain any such forfeiture out of tlie salary or wages of the otienuer. C. S. C. c. GO, s. 1G2. 81. The notice of the by-law, or of any order or notice of How notice the commissioner of public works maybe proved by provinof "^ }'y^'^'"^'" °,'' ■ 111. ,. ^ , 1' T If ^ ortlers may be the delivery or a copy thereoi to the oiticer, servant, or person, proved. or ! II ■ill ifci- i' I 134 K. S. 0. THE RAILWAY ACT OF ONTARIO. Cap. 105. or that he signed a copy t^.^reof, or tliat a copy thereof was posted in some pUice where his work or his duties,^ or soiiiu of them, were to he performed. 0. S. C. c. GG, s. 163 ; 37 ^ . c. 30, s. 1. When such 8a. Such proof, with a proof of the contravention, sliall l,e i.roof, &c., to g^ f„ii answer and defence for tlie company fh any suit tor the ttlicom' recovery from it of the amount so retained, and such forfeiture pany. shall be over and above any jienalty under the sections nimi- V. S. C. <•. Of., bered one hun«hcd and fifty eight, to one hundred and sixty- s.s'. ihs-'wi. ' one of chapter sixty-six of the Consolidated Statutes ot Can- ada («)• C.S. C. c. (!6, s. I(i4. Not to inipe.le H:{. No such company shall cause any obstruction in or navigation. imj cde the free navigati'm of sny liver, stream, or canal to or across or along which their railw ay is carried. C. S. C. c. (i(J, s. 13G. Railway cmssinK ers, itc. hiteil. s liv- re'-u- Plans to he submitted to I^ieiitenant- (Jovernorin council. 84. If the railway is carried across any navigable river ;.^t'' railway for' the conveyance; of passengers, sluiU provide and ,,,,,,,j,,,^t,„ f,,,. cause to 1)0 used in and upon such trains such known apparatus ;:;;»™-^ and arriin'-'oinents as best atlbrd good and sufHcient means ot ^.,,„,i„ctoivs immediatcr communication between the conductors and the ;Y;;|.^'»'";;';^ cn-'-ine-di-ivers of such ti'ains while the trams are \n nioUon, j^,,. .toppi,,,. iuid fv- Act shall forfeit to Her Majesty a sum not exceeding twohun- section 88. (Ired dollars for every day during which such default continues. C. S. C. c. 00, s. 173. 00. Every railway comjiany shall station an officer at every J-^^^l^r^tl'^^n'^i^e- point on their lino crossed on a level by any other railway, f;^"^,i'^"',;'i„.,. and no train shall proceed over such crossing until signal has been made to the conductor thereof that the way is clear. C. S. C. c. GO, s. 142. 91 Every locomotive or railway engine or train of cars, on Further pro- any railway, shall, before it crosses the track of any other rail- Z^;;^;^^''' way on a level, be stopped for at least the space of three crosses an- minutes. (1 S. C. c. 00, s. 14.3. level; 92. No locomotive or railway engine shall pass in or through "r nms ^ any thickly peopled portion of any city, town or village at a city, town, speed irreater than six miles per hour, unless the track is pro- &«• perly fenced. C. S. C. c. 00, s. 144. 93. Whenever any train of cars is .noving reversely in any O™^^''^- city, town or village, the locomuoive being in the rear, the com- pany shall station on the last car in the train a person who shall warn parties, standing on or crossing the track of such railway, of the approach of such train, under a penalty of one hundred dollars for any contravention of the above provisions. G. S. C.c. 00, s. 115. f. o I. iilii .1 1 t ■ It 1 136 R. S. 0. THE RAILWAY ACT OF ONTARIO. Cap. 105. Foot passen- gers to iiao f()iitl)riilj;e if ]ii(ivi(k'(l for t)mt |)nriioHe at level crostt- illL'S. 04. if the commissioner of public works orders any railway company to erect at or near or in lieu of any level crossing of a turnpike road, or any other public highway, a foot-bridrre, or foot-bridges, over their railway for the purpose of enabling persons passing on foot along such turnjnke road or public highway to cross the railway l)y means of such bridge or bi'idges, then, from and after the completion of such foot- bridge or foot bridges so required to be erected, and while the company keeps the same in go;/d and sulKcient repair, such level crossing shall not be used by foot passengers on the said turnpike road or public highway, except during the time when the same is used lor the ])assage of carriages, caits, horses oi cattle along the said road. C. S. C. e. (ilJ, s. 140 ; 37 V. c. 3 ;. s. 1. 9«i. No horses, .sheep, swine, or other cattle shall be pci-- mitted to be at large upon any highway within a half mile of the intersection of such highway with any railway on grade, unless such cattle are in charge of some person or persons to prevent their loitering or stop]»ing on such highway at sucli intersection. C. S. C. c. GO, s. 147. 96. All cattle found at large in contravention of the last preceding section may, by any person finding the same at large, be impounded in the nearest pound to the place where the same are so found, and the pound-keeper with whom the same are so impounded .shall detain the same in like manner, and subject to the like regulations as to the care nnd dispo.sal thereof, as in the case of cattle im]K)unded for trespass on pri- vate property. 0. S. C. c. 00, s. 148. not entit'lelTtu ^^' ^^ pei'sou, any of whose cattle being at large, contrary any action. " to the provLsions of the section aforesaid, are killed by any train at such point of intersection, shall have any action against any railway company in respect to the same bein<>- so killed. C. S. C. c. 60, s. 149. No cattle to be allowed to be at larfje on hi;,'liwav within lialf a mile 01 any railway. Such cattle may be ini- liovuiiled. C'rcjssing.s to bo fenced. Ground ad- joininj,' any railway and belonging to the company to be laid down with grass and cleared of weeds, &c. 98. At every road and farm crossing on the grade of the railways in this province, the crossing shall be suliiciently fenced on both sides of such i)oints, so as to allow the safe passage of the trains. C. S. C. c. 0(i, ^. loO. 99. Every railway company, whether any of the clauses or provisions of this Act are or are not incorporated with the Act incorporating such comi)any, shall all cleared land or ground adjoining their railway and belonging to such company to be sown or laid down with grass or turf, and cause the same so far as may be in their power to be covered with grass or turf, if not already so covered, and cause all thistles and other noxious weeds growing on sueh land or ground, to be cut down and kept constantly cut down or to be rooted out of the same. C. S. C. c. 00, s. 134. 100. R. S. 0. THE RAILWAY ACT OF ONTAHIO. Cap. 1G5. 137 100 It" any railway company fails to comply with the re- ConHe.,ueiKTs nuiroments of the last precedin- section within twenty days ;|[/™;"'"" t" aft.rthey have heen rctpiired to comply with the same, by no- tice froui the mayor, reeve or chief officer of the naunicii>ality of the township or county in wliich the land or ground lies, Mich company shall therel)V incur a piMialty of two dollars to the use of the nnmicipality for each day during which they ne^dect to do anything which they are lawfully required to do by su'cli notice, and the said mayor, reeve or chief officer may cause all thing's to be done which the said company were lawtuUy iv(iuiied to do hv such notice, and for that purpose may enter l,v himself and his assistants or workmen upon such lands or „r..unds,and such municipality may recover the expenses and eliai^es incurred in so doing and the said penalty, with costs ot suit,'"in any court having jurisdiction in civil cases to the iuuo'unt sought to be recovei .)d. C. S. C. c. 00, s. 135. IXTKREST Oil IIHST, WHKN TO 15K DKEMED WOUKING EXPENEES. 101. The interest of the purchase money or rent of a,ny real ["'Xs?^ iii-oiierty acquired or leased by any railway company and neces- ,„„n(.y„r rent iarv to the efficient working of such railway, and the price .)r ;;[, i-i-:;:ty _ DUiVhase monev of any real property or thing without wlucli „.,„.ki„g-,^,.,iii. [he railway could not be efficiently worked shall be considered -v. t;>|-.^ to be i)art of the expenses of working such railway, and shall „f ^^ workin- he paid as such out of the earnings of the railway, 'li V. c. expenses. 17, «. 8. PENAL CLAUSES. [Sections 84 and 85 of C. S. G. c. 00 are as follows ;— 84 Every person who, Vy any means or in any manner or way wliatso- Tonalty u\\ ever, obstructs or interrupts tlie free use of the railway, or the carriages I'~h ;>lv voss:-l8, engines or other works incidental or relative thereto, or connected ^^JJ^f ^"^"./;^« therewith, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof y« shall be punished by imprisonment in the common gaol of the district or county where tlie conviction takes place, or in the i.rovincial penitentiary, for a term not to exceed five years. 14, 15 V. c. 51, s. 20. 85 vU persons wilfully and maliciously, and to the prejudice of the Penalty on railway, breaking, throwing down, damaging or destroying the same or any persons da- part thereof, or any of the buildings, stations, dep.its, wharves, vessels, "aging r.ul- lixtures, machinery, or other works or devices incidental and relative >• thereto, or connected Uierewith, or doing any other wilful hurt or mis- chief or wilfully or maliciously obstructing or interrupting the free use of the railway, vessels or works, or obstructing, hindering, or preventing the carrying on, completing, supporting and maintaining the railway, vessels or works shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, unless the ottence committed amounts under some other Act or law, to a felony , in which case such per- 8,m shall be guilty of a felony, and the court by and before whom the person is tried and convicted, may cause such person to be punished in like manner as persons guilty of misdemeanor or felony (as the case may be), are directed to be punished by the laws in force in this Province. 14, 15 V. c. 51, 8. 20.] ^„ ,. , {Sections \ II ■ a» H. '4\i 138 R. S. 0. Tllb; RAILWAY ACT OK ONTAUIO. mi V. I I ' il lil I i il Cap. 111.-). I'niiiHliment iif j)frs(iiis (1(1- [Sections 152-155 of C. S. C. c. GO, are as follows :— If any person wilfully and nialiciously diHiilaccH or roniovcH IIIIV |)T'ci|icity. iif'-iiivthiii" '■'"•^^•'^y switch or ruil of any railroad, or liroaks down, rij.s up, injiiri'.s oV tn railway wTtl. 'It'stroys any radroad track or railroad l.ridgc or fence of any railroad, or intent to'injure ''">' l'"rti(.n thereof, or places any (d).striiction whatsoever on any such rail persoHMor or railroad track, or bridge, with intent thereby to injure any person or property passing over or along such railroad, or to endanger human life, such person shallbe guilty of misdemeanor and punished by imprisoiniicnt with hard lab^mr in the connnon gaol of the territorial division in whiili such oli'ence i.s connnitted or tried, for any juriod not exceeding one year from the conviction thereof ; and if in conserpience of such act done with the intent aforesaid, any person .so passing ovur and along such railroad actually .sutlers any bodily harm, or if any property ]iassiiig over and a long such railroad be injuied, such sutt'ering or injury shall be r.n agirravation of the oti'enco, and shall render tlio ofience a'felony, and shall Subject the offender to puni.slunent by imprisonment in the peintcntiary for t\vi> years or in any other prison or jdace of c(mtinemeut for any period exceedin" one year and less than two years. l(i \ , c. Kill, a. 1. ° And if .■m.a-e &c '"^"yict whatever whereby any building, fence, con.struction, or work of liow punished.' '"'y railroad, or any engine, machine, or structure of any nulroad, or any matter or thing appertaining to the same is stopped, obstructed, impaired, weakened, uijured or destroyed, the person so offending shall be guilty o"^ a nusdenieanor, and shall be punished by imprisonment with lianl labour, not exceeding one year in tlie common gacd of the territorial divi- sion 111 which the ofience was committed or has been tried. 10 X c 10!) s. 3. ' runishment 155. Every person wilfully obstructing any railway inspector in the swtinrin execution of his duty shall, on conviction before a justice of the peace spectors in the having jurisdiction in the place where the offence has been committed, for- execution of '^" ".""^ P*y ^^^ every such ofience any sum not exceeding forty dcdlars, their duty. ^^}\}^ default of payment of any penalty so adjudged immediately, or within such time as the said justice of the peace appoints, the same justice, or any other justice having jurisdiction in the place where the offender resides, may commit the offender to prison for any period not exceediiv three months : but such commitment shall be determined on payment of the amount of the penalty ; and every such penalty shall be returned to the next ensuing Court of Quarter Sessions in the usual manner CSC c. 00, 8. 155.] Punishment of persons [Sections G of 23 V. c. 29, is as follows :— C. Every person who shall bore, pierce, cut, open, or otherwise injure any cask, box, or package containing wine, spirits or other liquors, or any case. II. S. 0. T»K RAILWAY ACT OF ONTARIO. ijAp. k;,"). 139 ,, or ciit- Mwks or llh'OS (JU cdsi), box, sack, wraj)por, jiackivijo, or roll of ^oods, in, on, or abovit any liorinff cur, wa^j^'oii, lio;it, vessel, warclioiiHo, statioii-lioimu, wharf, quay, or jiru- tixK''"-" iiiist's of ov helonj^ing to any stich railway coiiiiiaiiy, with iiittuit fulonioiiHly l"^';'^j^^^''•'' Id steal, or otherwiso unlawfully to obtain or to injnro tlio coiitunts or any ji.u't thereof, or who shall iiiilawfiiliy drink, or wilfully si)iU or allow to nui to waste any such li(iuora or any part thereof, shall, for every such iilt'cnce, he liable, on like summary conviction, to a penalty of not nioro tliaii twenty dollars ovi'r and above the value of the i^'oods or li((uors so taktn or destroyed, or to imprisonment, with or without hard laboiu', for iioi more than one montli, in such gaol as aforesaid.] [Sec'icni^ l.nS-lOO of C. S. C, c. (iG. y fine or imprisonment or both, so as no such tine exceeds four Imndred dollars, nor any such imprisonment the term of five years ; and such imprison- ment, if for two j'ears or upwards, shall be in the provincial peniten- tiary. 11), 20 V. c. 11, 8. 1. !.")!>. If such contravention does not cause injury to any property or Penalty, person nor ex[)ose any person or property to the risk of injury nor make such risk greater than it woukl have been withcnit such contravention, then the otlicer, servant, or person guilty thereof shall thereby iiic\ir a penalty not exceeding the amount of thirty days' pay, nor less than fif- teen days' pay of the oU'ender from the company, in the discretion of the justice of the peace before whom the conviction is had ; and such penalty shall be recoverable with costs before any one justice of the peace having j\irisdiction where the offence has been committed, or where the offender is found, on the oath of one creditable witness other than the informer. 19, 20 V. c. 11, s. 1. 100. One moiety of such penalty shall belong to Her Majesty for the Application public uses of the Province, and the other moiety to the informer, unless of. he be an oflicer or servant of, or person in the employ of the company, in wliich case he shall be a competent witness, and the whole penalty sliall belong to Her Majesty for the uses aforesaid. 19, 20 V. c. 11, s. l.J xn- 102. The company may in all rases under this Act, or un- The company iler chapter sixty -six of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada, "J^y '''Y F' pay the amount of any penalty and costs imposed upon anoffi- duct 'from**" cer, servant, or person in the employ of the company, and re- wages. cover the same from the offender, or deduct it from his salary or pay. C. S. C. c. GO, s. IGl. 103. r? (tt) The commissioner of piiblic works now perforiin the duties of the former board of railway coaniiissioners. See 37 V. c. 30, and Kev. Htat. c. 1G5, ss- -14, tt scq. lii 140 How penaltioH rt'covorod and applied. R. S. 0. ACT RKSPECTINO All) TO RAILWAYS. Cap. l(jG. lOJI. All penalties incurretl under any of tlio .sections of this Act in the thirty-('i<,'lith section referred to nuiy ho recovered in the name of Her Majesty, hy Ifcr Majesty's Attorney- General for Ontario, in any court liaviii;,' eonipctcnt juri.sdictioii thereover ; and all penalties recovered under the other sections of this Act shall, unless otherwise hennn expressly provided, ho paid to the treasurer of the province to the credit of " The Kail- way Inspection Fund." C. S. C. c. GG, s. 193. IIEVISED STATUTES OF OJSTAIUO. CAP. CLXVI. An Act respectiii*^' Aid to Kuilways, The Railway Fmul, a. 1. Tlio Railway Subsidy Fund, 8. 2. Payrnout from sueii Funds : From Railway Fund, s. 3. From Railway Subsidy Fund, 8. 4. Proof re(juired, s. 5. Railways n(jt to be aided out of both Funds, s. (i. Orders in Council to be submitted to Lcyislaturo, s. 7. Orders in Council to be published in Ga:-.ette, a. 8. When payiiionts may bo made and mode of jiayment, ss. !>-U5. Annnllins{ Order, s. 14. The Railwiiy Land Subsidy Fund, 88. 15-21. Aid to certain Railways, ss. 2l?-24. Conditions on which aid granted, s. 22. Aid to Railways extending from Muskoka to Canadian Pacilic Railway, s. 25. Mode of (iroui)inLf Municipalities in obtaining municipal bonuses, 8. 20. Preamble, TTI WHEREAS it has been deemed exi)edient to give aid to- V V wards the construction of raihvay.s leading to or through sections of the country remote from existing thoroughfares, or passing through thinly settled tiacts, or leading to the free grant territory, or to the inland waters; Therefore Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : — THE RAILWAY FUND. " Railway 1. Whereas for the purposes in the preamble mentioned the fronfconsX'^ sum of one - lillion nine hundred thousand dollars has hereto- dated Pvevenue fore been set apart from and out of tho consolidated revenue Fund. fund R. S. 0. ACT UESPKCTINfJ All) TO UAILWAYS. (Jap. IGO. 141 ftiiiii of this province, to form t]u3 fund dosif^'iiated and known as " the railway fund," the said fund .shall continue to be .so (lisiynated and known. See :ii \. c. 2, s. i ; 35 V. c. 24, s. 1. •J. In addition to the sum of one hundred thousand dollars " Railway set apart yearly, - A- II ,. funds siihsidy fmid III rospoct or siioh luiitioii. .».» c. 1'4, s. (>. ( (rdiTM in I'imni'M uppro |ii luting' tail- wiiy fiiMiU til l»* Hiibn'ittid to till' li':,'iNiii- turt'. OlcIciM til lio puIiIiKlu'il. I'ftymi'iitH wln'Il til 111' niado. I. Kvoiy Old T in oouncil iiiado aftor tho sovontli (hiy of DccoiiditT, ill tln' ycaroiK! tliousand oi<,'lit liimdrcd and st'vciity- oiic, Of after tliiH Act takos oHoct, aiitliori/inj;' payiiiont to ;iny . railway cotiiitaii}' of any part of tlio said funds shall, as soon as convfuicntly iniiy he aftor tho niakiii;; of suoli ordor, Iw laid hofoiv tho lA'j;'islativo Asscudily for its ratiticatioii orrojootinii ; and no .iicli ordur shall In- oporativo unlossaml until the same has hoon ratifitMl l>v a rosolution of tho Lo<,'is!ativo As.sonililv. .So V. c. 2li, s. 1. 8. Evory ordor in council inn-lo under tho provisions of this Act shall ho jtuhlished in tlio noxt following issue of tho Oiititriu Ga:cCi: .'Jo V. c. 28, s. 2. 1>. Payiiionts may he made out of either of the said funds aftor tho commissioner of pulilio works has ro]iortod, for tlio information of the Lioutenant-Ciovernor in council, that tho company has completed tho portion of its road in respect of which payment is to ho made, incluiiynii'nt at tlit; yt'iirly rate of out; luinilrccl „Hnt ii lui'ii.l and ninety-four dollars forty cfuts per mile of railway, payal)lc liiilf vuarly for tho full period of tvvt^nty years, com|)uted '■:^m the first day of .liinuary, one thousand ei;,'lit hundieo .'id sfveuty-two, such yearly payment shall he de(!uuHl ami taken as eijuivalent to the payment in han. T.nd dollars perndle of railway, and virc. rvrxn, and in tho like proportion where the <,'rant in aid per mile is ^^'rea-ter or K->s than at the sais2)ect of said incompleted railway or portion or portions thereof shall be annulled and avoided accordingly. 37 V. c. 37, s. 3. RAILWAY LAND SUBSIDY FUND. ' Land set apart tH. Wherea.s tlie construction of colonization railways will to rewnip 'tho pi'oniote the Settlement, and increase the value, of certain un- piovince for settled lands in the Free Grant Teiritory of the Province; ami of "aihrays!' whereas it is desii-able that a portion of the said lands should be set ap->rt and sold for the pur[)ose of formin<; a fund to re- coup the province in respect of moneys expended in aidi^io- rrilways — there is hereby set apart for the purpose of being sold and the proceeds a])plied to form the fund aforesaid, a tract of land at least ten miles in width on each side of the pii-scnt projected line of the Victoria Railway, or on each side of tlio line of the said railway as the sanT^ may hereafter be tinaliv located and established, which tract shall extend froni the northern boundary of the townships of Ayr and Clyde to tlit> river Ottawa at or near the mouth of the A'attawan river, 40 V. c. 14, s. 5. Term.sof sale 16. "he Said lands so set apart as aforesai av from time to time determine. 40 V. c. 14, s. (J. I 1 ! ■'ii: ■r. !! ;l 1" i ^l.'j"eyt''t'"rm 17. Tl^e moneys arising from the sale of the land so set Mlbskly fund, apai't, ouall constitute a fund to be called " The Railway Land Subsidy Fund," and a separate account of the same shall bi- kept by the Treasurer of the Province. 40 V. c. 14, s. 7. Aiij)lic'iition of fllllll. Pine trees reserved. IS. The said Railway Land Subsidy Fund .shall be appliurl as follows : (a) The cost and expenses of the collection of the said fund shall form and be the tirst charge thereon. (h) The remainder of the .said fuml shall be applied in or towards payment of the moneys by this Act granted, or which may hereafter be granted in aid of railways. 40 V. c. 14, s. b. 19. All pine trees upon the said lands shall be reserved from .sale, and the proceeds of the sale of the said trees shall form no part of the said Railway Land Subsitly Fund. 40 \'. c. 14, s. !». Reduction V. c. 22,s. L * Secondly. — And whereas, subject to the conditions herein- Railway com- after mentioned, increased aid has hei'etofore been granted out j^''^!"J!j]J'J"jJi*^^^^^^ of the Consolidated Revenue Fund to the following railway conq)anies to ensure the con)pletion of the portions of railway hereinafter mentioned, that is to say : — (!■) i ' ( l^'lli m 146 R. S. 0. ACT RESPECTING AID TO RAILWAYS. CAP. l(J(i. ii ii i 1 (1.) The Victoria Railway Company, from the town of Lindsay to Kinmount, a distance of about tliirty-three mil at the rate of one thousand dollars per mile ; '-'S, Aid to certain othur railways (2.) The IVFontreal and City of Ottawa Junction Railway Company, from the boundaiy line between Ontario and Que- bec, to or near the city of Ottawa a distance of about sixty-six miles, at the rate of one thousand dollars per mile. (S.) The Midland Railway Company, from Waubashene to Midland Bay, a distance of about thirteen miles, at the rate of one thousand seven hmdred and lifty dollars per mile; (4.) The Grand Junction Railway Company, from the point of present com|)Ietion, near Stirling, to Peterborough, a distance of about forty-tive miles, at the rate of one thousand dollais per mile ; (5.) The Kingston and Pembroke Railway Comjiany, for the distance of about sixteen miles, between Sharbot Lake and tho River Mississippi, at the rate of three thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars per mile ; :3!J V. c. 22, s. 2. Thlrdlij.— Am] whereas, subject to the conditions hereinaftei' mentioned, aid has hei'etofore been gi-anted out of the Consoli- dated Revenue Fund to the undermentioned railway companies for the construction of the portions of railway hereinafter mentioned, that is to say : — (1.) The Victoria Railway Company, from Kinmount Village to Haliburton, a distance of about twenty-two miles, at the rate of six hundred and ninety-two dollars and sixteen ceiit:^; per mile, per annum, payable half-yearly for twenty years. (2.) The Whitby and Port Perry Railway C(jmpanv, ivoin Port Perry to Lindsay, dstance of about twenty-seven miles, at the rate of one iiundrod and seventy-three dollars and four cents per mile, per annum, payable half-yearly for twenty years. (3) The Prince Arthur's Landing and Kaministiciuia Rivei' Railway Company, fiom Piince Arthur's Landing to Fort William, a distance of about six miles, at the rate of one hund- red and seventy-three dollars and four cents per mile, per annum, payable half-yearly for twenty years. (4.) The Kingston and Pend.roke Railway Company, from the Mississip{)i River to the Madawaska River, a distance of about thirty miles, at the rate of six hundred and ninety-two dollars and sixteen cents per mile, per annum, payable half- yearly for twenty years. (5.) The Credit Valley Railway Company, from Toronto to IntrersoU, the Li V. c. 1 I'llii R. S. 0. ACT RESPECTING AID TO RAILWAYS. Cat ku;. 147 Iiigersoll, and its branches from Streetsville to Alton, and from Oataiact to Elora, ])eing in all a distance of about one hundred and fifty-two and a half miles, at the rate of eighty-six dollarb and fifty-two cents per mile per annum, payable half-yearly for twenty years ; such last mentioned aid being in addition to former grants to this company. (0.) The Montreal and City of Ottawa Junction Railway ( 'onipany, from the boundary line between Ontario and Quebec, to or near the city of Ottawa, a distance of about sixty-six miles, at the rate of eighty-six dollars and fifty-two cents per mile, per annum, payable half-yearly for twenty years; such last mentioned i,id being in addition to former grants to this company ; -tO V. c. 1 i, s. 1. Therefore it is her. l)y enacted as follows :— All of the said grants of aid are respectively subject to the following conditions : — 1. The Lieutenant-Governor in council may require any . onditi«.ns radway comjjany so aided to enter into an agreement or 'nee- upon which iiients with any other railway comi)any or companies contain- Ire'Salfted'^ uig such terms and details ns the Lieutenant-Governor in council may approve of, in order to secure running powers or rights of user to such company or companies over the line or portion of line of railway of the company aided under this Act, or under former Acts, in the discretion of the Lieutenant-Governor in council, for tiie haulage thereover of the cars and trafiic of such other company or companies, upon such terms as, in default of agreenient between the respective companies, may be settled by the Lieutenant-Governor in councd. 39 V. c 22 s 3 (!)■ 40 V. c. l-i, 8. 3(1). ' • W. 2. No payment shall be uiade to any of the above named companies in respect of the said grants of aid for any portion ot their railway until the commissioner of public works has leported to the Lieutenant-Governor in council that such com- pany has completed su'J portion of its road in respect of which payment is to be made (including such sidings and station houses as the commisf;'*oner may think necessary for the accom- modation of the public,) within the period for completing the railway or portion thereof named in the Acts relating to the company, or by this Act or within such other period as may by this Act be fixed for such purpose, 3!) V. c. 22 s T (2) ■ 40 V c. 14, s. 3 (2). 3. Payments may be made as portions of the railway, not less than ten continuous miles, are completed, as aforesaid, and in cases where the whole distance aided is less than ten nules then for such distance. 39 V. c. 21, s. 3 (3) ; 40 V. c. 14, s. 3 (3) & s. 4, part. 111 148 R. S. O. ACT RESPECTING AID TO RAILWAYS, CaP. IGG' 4. The increased grants of aid to tlie Grand Junction Kail- way Company, and Kingston and Pembroke Railway Com- pany respectively are to be p.iid out of the appropriations heretofore made (nit of the Railway Fund by orders in council in favour of said com[)anies respectively, so far as the respective amounts may be sutticient, and are payable for portions of the respective i-nilways not yet completed and which extended beyond the portions for which increased aid is granted umler this Act. 30 V. c. 22. s. 3. I ; 3 1 ;; ill ili 1 ili Statistical information. c'Tt'fi't'H ^' ^^^^^' ^ company nas complied with the conditions neces- c'jr 1 ca es. .sary,andthe commissioner has reported as aforesaid, scrip or certificates may be issued for and in i-espect of the said grant, which scrip or certificates may be in the form of Schedule B to this Act, or to the like effect; and when signed by the treasurer of tliis province and the accountant in his department, and courtersigned by the auditor, every such certificate shall be valid and binding on the province, according to its tenor and effect; and it sliall not be necessary for any transferee, in good faith, of such certificate to enquire into, or obtain proof of, any facts stated therein, all of which shall be deemed conclusive as against the province, in favour of such transferee. 40 V. c. 14, s. 3 (4). G. Each of the said companie? sliall furnish such informaticu of the progress of the works on the railway of the company as may from time to time be required by the commissioner of public works, and also such statistical or other details, accounts and information as from time to time may be retjuired from them by the commissioner after completion of the railwav. 40 V. c. 14, s. 3 (G). 7. The location, grades, the widths and slopes of cuttings an|H: 150 CJrou))In;j; of minor immi- cipalitieii.^ rroceedintrs R. S. 0. ACT RESPECTING AID TO RAILWAYS. CaP. KIO. 2. Where a porticM of tlio county municipnlity i^titions to aid the raihvjiy, it shall be such portion only as consists of two or more minor municipalities or sections tli'-reof, through which the line of railway is to be constructed, or which will -be bene- fited thereby, and such minor municipality and section thereof shall lif contiguous ; but no minor uuinicipality or section thereof, which is subject to a county or other by-law in aid of the same railway, shall be thus grouped without the eoiisnit of the majority of the duly (pi.^liHed v.tcrs therein expressed to that end, when voting upon the proposed by-law. 3. In cases of aid from a county numicipality, or from a ill oi.i>osinf,'_ rrrouped itoi'tion thereof, tweiit ■ resident freeholders oi tliu of by-lii^s. county or portion comprised lu the proposed Ity law (as tlie case may be) may petition the county council against submit- ting the said by-law, upon the ground that certahi mi'^or muni- cipalities or portions thereof comprised in the id by-hiw would be injuriously atiected thereby, or upon any other around ou<^ht not to be included therein, the said council shall forthwith refer the said petition to thiee arbitrators, one being the judge of the county court, one bting the registrar of the county or of the riding in which the county town is situate, and one })eing an engineer appointed by the commissioner of public works, who shall have power to contirm or amend the said by-law by excluding any minor munieipality or any sec- tion thereof therefrom ; and the deeision of any two of them shall be final ; and the by-law so confirmed or amended shall thereupon, at the option of the railway company, be submit^;.; by the council to the duly iiualiiied voters ; and the expense of the reference shall be borne by the railway company or the county, as the arbitrators may order. Arbitr;(tors. ) Costs No. i t Ratetoi.e 4. In the case of a portion of the county municipality being levied oulv on^ fQj.,j^g J into a group, the by-law to be submitted shall be that mumeii.aiity'^ of the county, but the rate to be levied for payment of the ■,'rantins debentures issued thereunder, and the interest thereon shall be ^'""^*" assessed and levied upon such portions only of the county munieipality, and the voting thereon shall be limited to the duly (qualified voters in such portions only. Interpreta- 5. The term " minor municipality '" shall be construed to tion ()f worils mean any town not separated from the munici[)al county town- uicipalit}""' ship or incorporated village situate in the e junty municipality. Deposit by G- Beforc any such by-law is submitted, the railway corn- company to pany shall deposit with the treasurer of the municipality a ser* ^'''^'^"' sum sufficient to pay the expenses to bo incurred in submit- ting the by-law. 1. 'Wi' On rejection 7. In case the by-law submitted is not approved of, no iicr of by-law by-law which is in substance the same shall be submitted to none other to +y,n fi 9 5 \ 13' " ' m ttfl R. S. 0. ACT rksi'p:cting aid to railways. Cap. IGG. 151 the voters of tlie saino immicipality or portions of the county liesubinitted municipality until after the ex[)iration of six months from such f"r«»xiiinutha rejection. iS. Tlio foregoing provisions of this section sliall not api)ly to This section nv attV'ct any luunicipalhy-law respecting grouped portions of {';;M«*;^;;;y;;r; uiunicipalites which had before the tenth day of February, c.wh. 187(), been duly passed, or was at the said date being submit- ted to the vote of th(i ratepayers. 39 V. c. 22. s. (J ; 40 V. c. 14, s. 3 (5). No. SCHEDULE "A." (Section 11.) FORM OF CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. CANADA. Bailwaij Subsidy Fund. Certificate of Payment. 9 Tliis is to certify that under and by virtue of certain Orders made by the Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Ontario in council, and dated respectively the passed and duly ratified by the Legislative Assembly, under the provisions of an Act of the said Province, intituled " A)i. Act respecting Aid to Itaihmys," being chapter one hundred and sixty-six of " The Revised Statutes of Ontai',\" the railway company is entitled to receive from the Province of Ontario a semi-annual subsidy of dollars, payable on the thirtieth day of June and the thirty-first day of December in each and every year, until and inclusive of the thirty-first day o" December, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one ; anl it is hereby further certified that the Province of Ontario will, upon the (lay of one thousand eight hundred and and upon the delivery of this certificate to the treasurer of the said Province^ at Toronto, pay to the said railway company or its assigns the sum of dollars and cents, being the amount of subsidy payable to the said company upon such day. This certificate and any interest on the sum mentioned therein shall not pass or be transferable, except by transfer made by special endorse- ment hereon. Issued by the Treasurer of Ontario, this day of A. D. 18 , in accordance with the order in council dated day of A. D. 18 Countersigned by Treasurer, A ccountant. I^h Atulitor. 152 R. S. 0. AID TO RAILWAYS. Cap. IGG. SCHEDULE " B." (Section 22, sit6-«ec*tock in a railway company under s<'(.'tion five Imridred and t.c- fifty-nine ,to tlie amount of twenty thousand dollars or up- wards, the head of the council shall bo c\v-(>[jlicl(> one of the directors of the company, in addition U) the liumbcr of direc- tors autliorized by tlie sju'cial Act, and shall have the same rights, powers and duties as the other directors of the company 30 V. c. 48, s. 47'). {See also Rev. Stat. c. 105, s. 31) ^4). IV ilirector. By-lawH au- thori/.iiiK branch rail- ways, tram and other rail- •wavH aloiit; higiiwayn. •161. The council of every township may pass by-laws for authorizing any railway comi)any, in case such authority is neces.sary, to make a branch railway on property of the cor- poration, or on highways, under such conditions as the council sees fit, and subject to the restrictions contained in " The Rail- ^vay Act of Ontario" (h); and any other Acts aflecting such railway ; and may also pass by-laws to authorize companies or individuals to construct tramways and other railways along any highway on such terms and conditions as the council sees fit. 30 V. c. 48, s. 470. REVISED STATUTES OF ONTARIO. CAP. CLXXX. An Act rerpecting the Assessment of Property. HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontarlu, enacts as follows : — * ♦ » « » Heal estate of 4. The real estate of all railway companies shall be con- P*anieR^&c.'"" s^ered as lands of residents, although the company has not an office in the munieipality ; except in cases where a company cease* (a) R. S. O. c. 174, s. 286 et seq. See also 4:; Vict. c. 27. >sh. 16. 17. p. 163. (fc) See R. S. U. c. 165, s. 21, p. 101. R. S, 0. ASSESSMKNT OF PROPERTY. Cap. 180. 155 ccaHcs to cxerciHo its c«)r)>oriite poworH, througl? insolvency or utlior cause. 'S'2 V. c. yG, s. 7. 6. All lands and porsonnl proporty in this Piovince Nhall bo liiililo to taxation subject to tbo following,' exceptions [inter iil'id) : (bS) The stock held by any person in any railroad company, llailinad ami tlu' shan"< in building socictieH, and so much of the personal J.'iety "Jl^ek'. property of any pernor as is invested in any company incor- porated for the purpose of lenm- b'jfore the first day of February, to the clerk of every munici- }JfJh'certain'" pality in which any part of the roadway or other real property Btat.nients to of the company is situated, a statement showing: — clerks of mu nicipalitii'M. 1. The ([uantity of land occupied by the roadway, and the actual value thereof, according to the average value of land in the locality, as rated on the assessment roll of the previous year; 2. The real property, other than the roadway in actual use and occupation by the company, and its value ; and .S. The vacant land not in actual use by the company, and the value thereof, as if held for farming or gardening purposes ; And the clerk of the municipality shall communicate such Duties of statement to the assessor, who shall deliver at, or transmit by tiferenn. post to, any station or office of the company a notice addressed to the company of the total amount at which he has assessed the real property of the company in his municipality or ward, showing the amount for each description of property mentioned in the above statement of the company ; and such statement", and notice respectively shall be held to ije the statement and notice required bv the thirty-seventh and forty-first sections (a) of this Act. 32 V. c. 36, s. 33. ANNO (o) R. S. O. c. 180, 8. S7, enacts tliat it shall be the duty of every person assess- able for real or personal property in any local municipality to give all necessary information to the assessors, and if reijuired by the assessor or by one of the asses- sors if there is more than one, he shall deliver to him a statement in writing signed by sujh person (or by his agent if the person himself is absent) containing all the particulars res|«!Cting tlie real or peisoual property assessabie against such person which are required in the assessment roll ; and if any reasonable doubt Is enter- 156 Cap. 10 AID TO CERTAIN 1 AILWAr^ 41 Vic. ; ! ; I ANNO QUADRAGESIMO PRIMO Vh lORI/E REGIN.K. (41VIOT> CAP. XVI. xin Act respecting Aid to certain Railways, [Aasentb'l to 1th March, LS7.S.1 HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Le;^fi.slative AsseinVily of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : — ;i ■' -li. I il. II Short title t. This Act niav he cited and known as " The Railway Aid Act, 1878," Aid to certain 3. Subject to the conditions of this Act, aid shall be grantcMl nuwaya. ^^^^ ^j ^^j^,^ Consolidated Revenue Fund to the undermentioned railway companies for the construction of the pintions of rail- way hereinafter mentioneil, that is to say : — Ha' 'iton and (1) The Hamilton and North Western Railway Comppny ern! ° ''^ from Jarvis to Dover, a distance of about ten miles, at the rate of one hundred and seventy-three dollars and four cents per mile per annum, jtayable half-yt irly, for twenty years. Port Stanley and Port Franks. (2) The Port Stanley, Strathroy and Port Franks Railway, from Strathroy to the intersection of its line with the Ca. ada Southern Railway, in the Township of Ekfrid, a distance of about ten miles, at the rate of one hundred and seventy-three dollars and four cents per mile per annum, payable half-yearly for twenty years. North Simcoe. (3) The North Simcoc Railway Company from Penetan- guishene to its point of junction with the Northern Railway, a distance of about thirty-three miles, at the rate of two hun- dred and sixteen dollars and thirty cents per mile per annum, payable half-yearly for twenty years. 3. tained by the assessor of the correctness of any information given by the party applied to, the assessor shall require from him such written statement. Section 41 enacts that every assessor before the conii'letion of his roll shall leave for every party named thereon, resident or domiciled or having a place of business within tne municipality, and shall transmit by post to every non-resident who has re or certificate, spt,.;ifying the date of such registration and the folio wherein the same appears of record. How scrip to Jl. No such scrip or certificate, after a certificate of owner- jiftcr'^'cert!"-'^^' ^^'^P •'^'o"*^'^l ^y the provincial treasurer or his deputy has bei'u cate (if owner- endorsed thereon, shall be transferable, except by entry and ship. registration of the name of the transferee in the book requii ei 1 to be kept under the first section of this Act, and the endorse- ment upon the said scrip or certificate, such entry and menun- andum of registration, to be signed by the [)roviucial treasurer or his deputy. Kegistry and entry not to lie made cxct'pt on iiutliority of last regis- tered owner. Preamble. 4. ]So such entry and registration of any transfer of scrip or certificate shall be made in th.^ said book of registry, except upon the written authority of the person last entered in such book as the owner of such scrip or certificate, or of his execu- tors or administrators, or of his or their lawful attorney, whii-li authority shall be >.it of the Consulidated RaihVay Fund by way of n. 3',"'!';,lr payment per mile liy virtue of the provisions of the Act mial^aymentt passeu in the tliirty- ninth year of Her Majesty's reign, ntitled ye^!!, i^'dieirf.f "All Act respecting aid to certain Railways, and for other pur- oneg- issmu. poses," or of the provisions of the Act passed in the fortieth y) If the portion for which the payment is made has been completed between the first day of July, and the thirty-first day of December, the payment shall be computed as commenc- ing on the first day of July, of the preceding year. J; bTiid '■' * '"^^'''P "'■ certificates similar in form to the form of tin.' certificate given in " Schedule A,' of the said Act, passed in the forty-first year of Her Majesty's reign, entitled, "An Act respecting aid to certain railways," may, l)y ilirection of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, be issued for such semi-annual payments, and the provisions of the foui'th sub-section of the fourth section of the said last mentioned Act, shall apply to scrip or certificates issued under this Act. ANNO QUADRAGESIMO TERTJO VICTORLE REGIN/E. (43 VICT.) CAP. XXVII. An Act respcctino' Municipal Assessments and Exemjitiuns. [Ati.sentcd to btk March, 1880.] HER MAJESTY, by and with the ad\ice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : — for sueli semi-annual l)!i,yinents. I^Bk; Cap. -ll. MUNICIPAL assessments and exemptions. Vic. 43. 163 I. The personal property of an incorporated company, other Assessment of tlitiii tlie companies mentioned in the second sub-section of this {Iroi^ty of section, shall be assessed against the company in the same uomiiau'ies. manner as if the company were an unincorporated company or juirtnership ; (2) The personal property of a bank, or of a company which invests the whole or the principal part of its means in gas woi'k,>, plank or gravel road, railway and tram-roads, harliours, or other works requiring the investment of the whole or prin- cipal part of its means in real estate, shall, as hitherto, be exempt from assessment ; but the .shareholders shall be assessed on the income derived from such companies ; [oj The twenty-ninth section of the As.sessment Act is here- by repealed. ****** 10. To render valid a by-law of any nmnicipality for grant- Provisions as in^,' a bonus in aid of a railway or for promoting any manufac- *" ^onwi^ by- ture, the assent shall be necessary of the majority of all rate- payers who were entitled to vote on the by-law ; such assent to be ascertained as hitherto ; and, in addition to the certificate required by the three hundred and tenth section of the Muni- cipal Act, the clerk, in case of the majority of votes being in favour of the by-law, shall further certify 'lether or not, so far as shewn by the voters' list and assessment roll, such ma- jovity appears to be a majority of all the voters who were entitled to vote on the by-law ; and, in case of dispute as to tlie result of the vote, the judge shall have the same powers fur determining the question as he has in any case of a scrutiny uf the votes ; {;!, The petition to the judge may be by any elector, or by the council ; and the proceedings for obtaining the judge's de- eisidu shall be the same, as nearly as may be, as in the case of a scrutiny ; 3; This section shall go into force on the thii ty-first day of December next, and shall apply to all Acts passecJ during the present session of the Legislature, and to by-laws thereby authorized, for any of the said purposes, as well as to other Aets and any by-laws which may be hereafter passed there- under. 17. So much of any enactment in private and other Acts GronplnK heretofore passed, or passed at the present session of the Legis- clauses in lature, as authorizes or provl^lJS tor the groupmg or joining repealed, together of municipalities or a municipality or part of any municipalities or municipality with part of another munici- pality or parts of other municipalities for the purpose of grant- ing municipal aid to any railway or railway company, is hereby repealed and declared to be inoperative. This section shall go into etiect forthwith. ^iH ANNO 104 1881. SAFETY OF RAILWAY KMPLOYKES, ETC. i4 Vic. ANNO (iUADIlAGESniO (iUAllTO VICTOR!. E REGINyE. ' (44 VICT.) ^i;ii , : 'Hi 'i CAP. XXII. An Act to make provision for the safety of Eailway lLnil)loyec.s and the Pultlic. [Ansentcil to itii Ma, -eh, iSf^l.] IVciimlilc. VITIIP^REAS i'u'(Hient accidents to liiihvay sc-rviiuts and VV others are oceasioned by tlu; neylect of railway coiu- panies to provide a fair and rcasonalile nieasme of prt)tecti()u aj^'ainst tlieir occurrence ; and whereas a proper construction ot railway bridges aiid certain precautions in the construction and maintenance of railway frogs, wing-rails, guard-rails, and freight cars would greatly lessen, if not entirely prevent, the happen- ing of such accidents. Therefore Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consfiU of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : — .Short title, 1. This Act may be cited a:^ " The Railway Accidents Act, 1881." AiJiuication of 2. This Act and the respective provisions thereof apply to •^®** every railway and railway company in respect of which the LcLdslatiu'e of Ontario has authoritv to enact such provisions respectively; and, in this Act, the expression "railway com- pany" includes the owner or lessee of any such railway, and the contractor working or operating the same. " I'ackin,!;." lueanin'/ of. II. In this Act the word " packing" shall mean a packing of wood or metal, or some other equally substantial and solid ma- terial, of not less than two inches in thickness, and which, where by this Act re([uired to be filled in, shall extend to within om- and a-half inches of the crown of the rails in use on any such railway, shall be neatly fitted so as so come against the web r;l such rails, and shall be well and solidly fastened to the ties on which such rails are laid. Existing 4. Every highway or other overhead In-idge, or other erec- bridgeji to Ije ^j^^j^ qj. structure over any railway, existing at the time of the iiave a spixce pas.^ing of this Act, of which the lower beams or membci's of seven feet f^f i]^q superstructure arc not of a sufficient height from the surface ■LiMi Cap 00 .s'Al'KTV (IF ItAIlAV.AY KMl'I.OYHKS. ETC. •14 Vu- l«i' siii'fjico of tlic rails to admit of nn ripen and dcav headway 'ntwoen such lit' at least seven feet lictween the top of the highest freight t'i'„,'t"nps'( if ears then vunninj:;' on siieli railway, and fho hottom of such fmLrht cum. lower hoams or niendiers, shall, within twelve months from that (late, he ro-constructeil to that etiect, with snitalile apjiroaches thereto, if a hridLje, hy and at the cost of the railway com- pany, munieipality or other ownei- thereof, and sliall, at all times thereafter he maintained at such heii,d)t; and oveiy such railway comjiany hefore nsitii;- hiyher freiyht cars than those rnnninj4' on their I'ailway at the time of the passing' of this Act, or of tlie re-construction as aforesaid of any such hridge or other erection or struettno, as the case may ho, shall, after having first obtained tlu' consent of the munieipality, or of the owners of such hridge or other erection or structure, I'aiso every such hridge or other erection or structure over their railway ant ruction of, or large repairs to, such bridge or other erection ir structure, shall, after havin;^ first obtainetl the consent of the inunicipalit}', or of the owners of such highway bridge, or other erection or structure, raise the said bridge or other erection or structure and the approaches thereto, if necessary, at the cost and charges of the railway company, so as \ ) admit, as aforesaid, an open and clear headway of not less than seven feet over the top of the highest Ireight car then about to be used on. the railway. O. To make further provision against accidents, it is hereby "^ fecial provf- further enacted, that (I) sions .-vgainst ."weideut. mi I ! ' m \,\ « 1<5<) 8|)ac(' lietwecu railH in fm^s to lio tillfil in with ituokiny. Ketfiilations as sjiace between wiuj,'-r.iils ami frogs dnrinK certain uiontlu . 1N81. SAFETY (JF RAILWAY EMl'IXA'KKS, KTC. CAI'. 21 Ivtgiilations an to running boards. Eailway com- pany neglect- ing provisions of the preced- ing sections to be liable for injury occa- sioned by sucli neglect. By reason of bridges not being 7 feet above cars. (1) On every railway aforesaid, and at all times after tliu lapse of three months fioni the passing' of this Act, the space between the rails in each railway froj,' ex- tending; from the point thereof baekward to where the heads of such rails are not less tlian tive inches apart, shall he tilled in with paekinj,' ; (2) On every such railway, and at all times diu-inj,^ every month of April, May, June, July, Auii:ust, Sej)teml)er and October, after tlie passing.; of this Act (but n(jt including the months of April and May next, after the passing hereof), the space between any stich wing-rail and railway frog, and between any such guard-rail any the railway company witli the duty of seeinLf that such default, matter or lliini: liul not exceed such sum as may he found eiiuivaleiit to the esti mated carnini^^s, during the three years preceding the injury o a person in the same gral'i- ' tlu' railway c( nuiaiiy with K'h (It'fault, iiuittcr oi- lliiii^' jxist ; way servant knew of the nc'u vvliii'li caused tlio injur\ . lalih' time to give, or aii-c licrci)f to the railway coiii- rior to himself in thcservico unless 111! was aware thai ^ueli superior aliiiuly knew t or in'gligeiice ; itter, default or neL;ii,i,\ncc n act, omission or negiigeiitv. recovernhlo uiuh'r this Act )■ servant as aforesaid, >li!ill jund eiiuivalcnt to tlie 1 •^ti- ears preeeding the injury ef ed (hiriiii,' those years in tlu' .'rovince. under tliis Act, of compensa ,intainalile unless the action from the; occurrence of tlir Liase of ileatli, M'ithin twelve i ') STATUTES or THE DOMINION OF CANADA. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) Y// mj.i T & V A r^ Q. £?.^ i^^ (/. 1.0 I.I i^ illU t 1^ 2.5 2.2 M I.S 1.25 1.4 1.6 .< 6" — ► # V] /a i^ ■=# -f^ "^ '^> /^ Tf ^f> J §^ "? Photographic Sciences Corporation Wk^ ^ S y V \\ ^9> V «> <« o^ ^ /x% <^5^ % V ^^ WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 Vj^'b" ,.v L.P ^"^^/^ <$> o^ ^ ill r ' 1 m§ Tha following Enactments of the Dominion Parliament are applicable to the Hamilton and North-Westem Railway Company, and to the North Simcoe Railway Company, and the Flos Tramway Company, under lease to the Northern and North-Westem Railways. II ! 4 1875. CRUELTY TO ANIMALS WHILE IN TRANSIT. 38 ViC. 171 STAT UTES or THE DOMINION OF CANADA, AFFEUTINO KAILWAY.S IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. ANNO TRICESIMO OCfAVO VICTORIiE REGIN/E, (38 VIOT., CANADA.) CAP. XLII. An Act to prevent Cruelty to animals while in transit by Railway or other means of conveyance within the Dominion of Canada. [Assented to 8th April, 187").] WHEREAS the transportation of cattle, by railway or Preamble, vessels for long distances without rest, food or water is liable to cause suffering from hunger thirst and fatigue, and whereas it is expedient to make provi .ons for the regulation of the transportation or conveyance of live stock over the lines of railway, and by vessels, within the Dominion of Canada : Therefore Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows : — 1. In this Act the term " Cattle " .shall include any horse, interpieta- mule, ass, swine, sheep, or goat, as well as any neat cattle or !^.'"V'Tj „ animal of the bovine species, and whatever be the age or sex of the animal, and by whatever technical or trivial name it may be known, and .shall apply to one animal as well as many. 3. No railway company within the Dominion of Canada, (^-.^m^ j^;,^ whose railway forms any part of a line of road over which on KiviUvay-^ cattle are conveyed from one Province to another Province, or not t^'il'e'^' from the United States to or through any Province or from kei>t nioit- any part of a Province to another part of the same, nor the wuiiotit'i'in-" owner or master of any vessel, carrying or transporting cattle, loacUn;,' them from one Province to another Province, or within any ProN 'ice, |^'^' ^""''' '■'^"''• or ' " I I'l IvMrptil'l I Jll.r. Ill ll'i kiillfd Cat. 4;]. ( i;ri:F;iv ANIMALS WIIIM; IX TltANSIT. ;>,S \'!i or iViiiii the L'liittd States tlinni^li oi- to nny J'l'oviiico, A\i\\\ coiiliiic tlio sniiH' in any car, hed, and .shall not be liable for any detention of .•. Any railway company, owner, or mustei' of a \essel. having cattle in transit as aforesaid, wlio shall knowingly and wilfully fail to comply with the provisions contained in the second section of this Act, shall for eaeli and eveiy such failure to comply with its ]irovisions, forfeit and [wiy as "a pen alty a sum not exceeding (>ne liundred dollars for eacii case in which such jirovi.sioiis are disreganled ; Piovidel however, that when cattle are caiiied in any car or vessel, in winch fur. they can and do have proper .space and opportunity for rest and proiier food and water, the foivgoing provisions in the second section contained in regard to their being unladen shall not apply. i\. Any ]>cace ofhcer or constable may at all times eider on premises where he has reasonable groiinds for supposing that any car, truck, or vehicle in ri'spect whereof any company or per.son has failed to comply with the reouirements of this Act. i> l.s?'). (UUK'.TV T(i ANIMALS WJlll.I-: IN TKANslT. CAP. 4:). / o i> v< lie I'mind, nv outer cii linard any ve>scl in I'cspcct wlicivnf 111' lias ivasuiuiljli' j^'ruunds tor su]i|iosi)ii4' that any company or |ii iMin lias on any Dccasioii so iailiMl ; and ii" any person rc- \'\\-i- admission lo such pi'ace nfliccr or constaiilc actin.Lj under till- section, such per.son shall l.>c deemed i;"uilty of an (itleuce a-ainst this Act. ». If any pei^on is .guilty of any offence n-ainst this Act, I'.ii.iliy fc.r a- in the last pieeedin^' section mentione(l, ho shall, fi>i' every ['.''''■''V^'","; -licli otfenee, fovl'eit and pay sucli a sum of money not oxceediiiL^' twenty dollars, nor less tlian Jive dollars, with costs, as to any line Justice of the Peace, for the district, county or place in which the oii'ence lias hoeii coinniitted, may si'oni meet. > 'J'lio oflender shall in default of payment ho committed liuinisimiiRiit to the comm(»n jail or other i)lace of confinement for the dis- '" '''^'^"■"l' "' trict. county or place m Avluch tlie otionc-e was comnntti'd, there to oe iniprisoiieil for anytime not exeoediiicr thirty days. 1>. Xothiiii;- in tliis Act contained shall prevent or ahridj^'o j; nf suit any remeily by action against the oti'emler or his employer f'"' y he prosecutoil in the manner directed hy the "Ad vr.s- V. c. .31 v> lircf'iiuj the duties of Ju.stice'i of tlie Peace out of Sei^sions in'^^'^'^' ■rdd.iioiK to svmmaru <-'onvtd'ions and orderly .so far as no pro- vision is hcrehy made for an}- matter or thing A\hich may lio reipured to he done with res2)ect to such prosecution ; and all the provisions contained in the said Act sliall he applicahlo to such prosecutions in the same nianner as if they were in- coiporated in iiii> Act. '■ H ? ".I 174 1871). CONSOLIDATED RAILWAY ACT 42 Vic. ANNO QUADRAGESIMO SECUNDO VICTORLE REGIN.E. (42 VICT.) CANADA. CAP. IX. An Act to amend and consolidate " The Kailway Act of 1868," and the Acts amending it. [Assevted to lofh May, 1879.] HER Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts a^ follows : — POWERS. To cross or unite with other rail- ways. ? 7. The company shall have power and authority, — lo. To cross, intersect, join, and unite the railway with any other railway at any point on its route, and upon the lands of such other railwi with the necessary conveniences for the purposes of such connection ; and the owners of both railways may unite in forming such intersection, and grant the facilities therefor ; and in case of disagreement upon the amount of com- pensation to be made therefor, or upon the point or manner of such crossing and connection, the same shall be determined by arbitrators to be appointed by a judge of one of the superior courts in the province in which the point of junction or inter- section is situated : I'.nt not with- IG. But no railway company shall avail itself of any of tlio tioV^to'thT" powers contained in the next ])receding sub-section without iLaiiway Com- application to the railway committee constituted under the "S.""'^" thirty-fifth section of this Act (a), for approval of the mode of crossing, union or intersection proposed ; of which application, notice in writing shall be given to any other railway affected, by sending the same by mail or otherwise, to the address of the president, superintendent, managing director, or secretary of any such railway company, and when such approval has been obtained, it shall be lawful for either railway, in case of disagreement as to the amount to be paid for compensation, to proceed (a) The Governor-General may appoint such lUiember.s of the Privy Council, tNS(iMl).\l'i;f) ItAll.W.Y ACT. ueli tine not to exceed two Immh-ed and fifty dollars. '2. All penalties imposed hy this or the two next preceilini; .secti()ns siiall be recoverable by tlie person suin^- for the same for his own use and benefit in any Court haviiiu' jurisdiction in civil cases to tlie amount. ijiiidit to as. The niinistei- of pulilic works shall lay liefore both 'itihiuiu-iit. Houses of Parliament within twenty-one days Vroiii the eoni- meiicement of each session, the returns made and renuered to liiin in i)ursuanee of section thirty of this Act. '■■turns to he "ivile^cil. 114. All returns made in pursuance of any of the provisions of this Act, shall be privileged communieations, and shall not be e\ idence in an\ court whatsoevei'. Xiittoiniptde 00, No such [railway] company shall cause any obstruction navi.^'atinn. j,^ ^r impede the fVee navigation of any river streani or canal to or across, or along Avhich their railway is carried. Jv lihvay.s>iiij,' river-i, &r. iv^'ulat'-'il. 07. If the railway be cari'ied across any navigable river or canal, the conii)any shall leave openings lietween the abutments 01' piers of tlie bridge or viaduct over the same, and siiall make the same of such clear height above the surface of the Avater, or shall construct such draw-bridge or swing-knlge over the channel CM'. !-). (•<>NS()l,I|)ATi:i) !'.AII,\VAY ACT. i-2 Vl. 177 I'linniK'l of" tin- viviT, or over tin- wliolc \siiltli nf ♦lu> v\u;\\, anil ■^Ili^ll 111' siiliji'Ct to sucli i'0i;-iil;itions as to tli'- o])i'iiin'_;' oF sncli -.uiiiLf-liridife or draw-brMge as tho (Governor in couiu'il From liiiH' to tiini' makes : ± No railway coinmny sliall, from and afti'i' tin.' lirst day As t.i inil.'o- of Atiu'nst, liS70, l»e fil!owL'ti('h canal or cliannel, as shall lie deemed hy tlie Minister nt'l'iililic Works sulHcient to prevent aiiytlniiL;' failing' trom the railway into such canal or river, or ii|ii)n the Imats (»r vessels, or cratr, or persons iiaviyatinL;' such canal oi' rivei'. (is. It shall not he lawful for any such company to cmis'i'uct ri.uis t., Ih any wharf, hriil^a;, pier, or other work upon or over any iiavin'- ijl,'."',';"^i',|.',','„, ahle river, lake or canal, or upon the heech or lied or lands in inmicil. eovorc'l with, the waters thereof, until they have tirst sulmiitted the plan and proposed site of works as the llailway Committee ('(), and the same has lieon approved of, and no deviation from such approved site or [Ann shall be m;ido without the consent of the committee. SI S I a. 70. In all eases where a railway pass(^-, any draw or when a rail- <\viiiu-lirid to li. section shall y any 1 !• 1 1 1 ■ f 1 1 1 ii 1 snch c:om- pei's published nearest the site ot the proposed work, tliat the (,any. plan (n) Sec note Ui). p. 174. IP' 178 187!>. CO.VSOLIDATKI) UAH.WAY ACT. ("aI'. !1. jduii iind proposed site lins lieen sultinitted to tlie Iviiihviu Coiniiiittee of tlie Privy Council under the sixty-ei^ditli sectioi'i, and tliiit it is intended to iipply to the Governor in council to autlioiize the work : llnw imly till' riiilwHy may l)i' con- stnu'tuil in HtU'll |llucL'H, Proviso. Act respect- iny bridges, X> V. c. 25, to iijiply. I'ower re- .-crveil to I'.arlianient. 3. Subject to the provisions of the sai N i:. (Ih;:,.) JiKTiuN ill |iiirniiiiii(H (pf tlie ('i.iiHr)liilatiil Iliiilwiiy Aot, liy the idilwiiv I'lPiiipiuiy, r tin' nitc per cent, of the ilividiMidH Uy the officer, or officers of the coin pany responsible for its correctness. *This should include all capital authorized to be raised by Acts of Parliaineiii or Provincial T-eKislatures, but should not include capital authorized only for purpoBes which have lapsed liy abandonment or otherwise. t In cases where a subscription is authorized o.n; of MfV^H,'/ capital, no addition should lie madt- in respect of it to the sum entered in this column, but onlj' to the sum entered in the last column. + i-" shouM betaken not to confound debenture stock with ordinary debenture loan-, and not to enter the same under both liead.s. I lllHi ISO CONSOI.IDATKI) RAILWAY ACT. !iili im sc II K I) VI. i: TWO. (is7r,.) liailicnij of Cm adu. liETL'iix iif Tnillic for wfck I'luliii;,' corrt'spomliii;,' wi-ck, IS W , Bllil till' Date. 18 . IH . ruHsengtTH, Frt'iglit and live Htiuk. MailM and Siindrii's. Total. Mill" OlM'Il. 1 Increase. Decrease ■A'J'Ji'^J(i^^ Trajjl: froui, 18 Date. .I'asBengera. Freight and live stock. MaiJH and H'lndrieH. Total. Miles open. IS « 18 . 1 PART I\^. !l! BY-LAWS OF MUNICIPALITIES (IllANTINC AIJ). BY V;AY of bonus, to THK lIAMU.roN AND ^'0RTH-^VESTEK^ JIAILWAY COMPANY (with which is AMA1,UAMATE1> THK HAMILTON AND LAKE ERIE llAILWAY COMI'AXY), AGREEMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE SAME ORDERS IN COUNCIL CRANTINC AID, AM) AGREEMENTS, BY-LAWS, ETC., ((•rilKU TIIA.V TIIOSK l{KrATIN(; lO ISONUSESj AFFKCTJNC! TIIi; WUlUvINU «iF THIO LINKS OK THK COMPANY. I I i m * r>0:^US BY-LAWS, AND AGREEMENTS THEREUNDEK. I 11' BY-LAWS or MUNICIPALITIES GRANTING AID TO THE COMPANY, AXI> A(!IIEE]MENTS MADE IX CONNECTION THEREWITH. Hii-Iaixv of tlie County of ll(ddimand,fjrantin(j aid hy v'ay i>l bdiiHs, to the Hamilton and Lake Eric Railvxty Company. The By-law granting sixty-five thousand dollars passed 12th .liinuivry, 1873, contains cei'tain provisions with reference to the lianding over of the bonds Avhich have all been fulfilled, and the lionds delivered to the Railway Company, and also the fol- lowing provisions ; Provided further, that the said debentures shall not be issued P^ov. H. anise at oril ],ine of Seueea. Coin))any to grant I J. W. K., (J- T, K., a-i(l C. S. K. eise at 3rd line, Seneca. COUNTV OF IIAI.DI.MANI), 1!V-L.UV AND iiONl). Sufilef tlie said Coini)any uikUt the liand of tlu- l^esidont and Secretary thereof. Dated tliis Seventli day of February, in tlie year of our Lonl, 1872. Whereas in and by a certain By-law of the County of Hald- iiiiand to ;iid the Hamilton and Lake Erie Railway Companv by a fret' ;,^rant or donation of J)ebentn)'cs by way of bonus, to the extent of Sixty-five Thousand Dollars, subject to certain terms, restrictions and conditions, duly passed accoitlini; to law, the Warilen of the said County was authorized ''ami required to issue Debentui'es for the said purpose to the extent of Sixty -five Thousand Dollars, but it was, among other things, provided that the said Debentures should not be issued 'f}i' delivei-ed to the Trustees to be appointed undei' the said By- law, until the said Hamilton and Lake Erie Railway Company should have executed to the iMunicii)al Council of the County of Haldimand a Bond under the seal of said Company, condi- tioned to grant the Great Western Railway Company, the Grand Trunk Railway Conijmny and the Canada Southern Railway Company eipial privileges in regard to working a^id use of the said Hamilton and Lake Erie Railway, which should always be open tc the said Com])anies on the said terms, and also that the said Hamilton and Lake Erie Railway Company would have a siding or flag station at or near to Balls^'ille or Hullsville, and would cause and procure the (Jrand Trunk Railway Com])any to erect a Station-house at or near its intei- seetion with the Third Line of Seneca. And whereas the Company have applied for the said Deben- tures, and the Warden hath agreed to deposit them with the Trustees, as provided for in said By-laws, on being furnished with this bond. Now the conditions of this obligation are such, tliat if the said the Hamilton and Lake Erie Railway Company do grant the Great Western Railway Company, the Grand Trunk Rail- way Company, and the Canada Southern Railway Compan}-, equal privileges in regi.rd to working and use of the said Ha- nalton and Lake P^iie ilailway, and continue the same open to the said Companies on the same terms, and do also construct a siding and flag station on the .said Hamilton and Lake Erie Railway, at oi' near to Ballsvilie and Hullsville, and do cause and procure the Grand Trunk Railway Company to erect a Station house at or near its intersection with the third line of Seneca, then this obligation shall be void otherwise shall and remain in full force and effect. )e JAS. TURNER, [L.S.] President M. H. BROWN, Secretary. le liand (jf ar of our r of Hald- Compatiy of bonus, to certain oi'ding to rized and iho extent I or tliinfrs, issued 01- said By- Conipany 10 County ly, condi- pany, tlic Southern •king a^id ich should srms, and Company llsville or id Trunk • its inter- id Deben- i with tlie furnished hat if the r do grant unk Rail- Company, i said Ha- le open to onstruct a Lake Erie do cause to erect a ird line of D shah )e [L.S.] lent ary. A(ii;KKMi;.NT WITH THK TOWNSHIP OF INXISl"! I,. 18'! AOKEEMKNT WITH THE TOWNSHIP OF IXNISFIL. A By-law wa^ passed l)y the Townsliip of Innisfil, granting S20.000 to the Haiiiiltoii and Nortli-Wcsteni Railway Com- pany, in connection with which and in compliance with a pro- visidu therein the foUoving agreement was made : — This Ixdentuhk made the 23rd January, 187.*3, Between The Hamilton and North-Western Railway Company, here- L'SnlJun., iiiafter called the Company of the first part, and the ^lunicipal ^**"''- Coriioration of the Township of Innisfil, in the County of Sim- ■coe. hereinafter called the Township of the second part : Whereas, the Council of the said Township, at the re([uest of the >aid (,'ompany, inti'oduced a certain proposed by-law, to take ert'ect, and come into operation, if sanctioned by the Rate- i>^.^,it;.i] t|,at pavers of the said Township (pialified to vote thereon, or by a C'Duncil maji.rity of said Ratepayers, on 31st December, 1«7:3, to grant j'^'J^Jt^^'^fv^ a bonus to the extent of !?2(),()0(), to aid the said Company in §20,000. the eonstruction of a certain proposed railway, and to issue debentures therefor, subject to certain terms, restrictions, and cuiiditicjns ill the said proposed by-law embodied, and to cer- tain other conditions, and on certain other terms, as hereinafter expressed ; And whereas, doubts are entertained as to the legality of some Douhts entur- of the terms and conditions on which alone the said Council ['""!'•) ^"^ ^" agreed to submit the said by-law, and to grant the said bonus ; And whereas, some of the said terms and conditions could not, without affecting the negotiability and market value of the said proposed debentures, to be issued under and in pur- suance of the said by-law, be emViodied therein, and the said Council of the said Corporation agreed to accept the agreement and undertaking of the said Railway Company, for the due performance of the said conditions, in lieu and instead of hav- ing the same embodied in the said by-law, and thereby injuri- ously affecting the said del)entures, therefore it has been ar- ranged that the said Company should enter into the agreement hereinafter contained, and should give their bond for the due and faithful performance and fulfi'ment of the same : Now THIS JxDKNTruK wiTNESSKTH that, ill coiisideratio*^ of the premises, and of the passing of the said by-law, granting the lionus of .Sil(),0()0 in aid of the said Railway Company, the jiartics hereto of the first part. They, th(r said Company, do hereby, for themselves, their successors, and assigns, covenant, promise, and agree to and with the said Township, their suc- cessors, and assigns, in manner following, that is to say : — 1. That they, the said Company, their successors, and assigns, c,,. mi'ler. shall and will, at the pro])er costs and charges of the said Com- ^(\'\''t,',' f^^j^i,. pany, at the present session of the Legislature of the Province ii>ii i)j--la\v. of Ontario, use tJieir best exertions to obtain an Act to legalize m -'■\ li the 188 AGREEMENT WITU TUK TOWNSHIP (JF INNISFIL. the said by-law, and tlie terms and conditions cndjodied tlitiv- in, and every clause, section, and part tliereof, and especiallv the terms on which the ])ro|iosed debentm-es are to be issur.'j, and transferred, and held, and the appointment of the Trusttes therein niinuMl, and the trusts on which the debentures arc to be held : f*f! m Will get 2. And further, at their own proper costs and chara'f-s, will agreement and i.i ■ i - i , i ^ . i' • , T , bond legalized "^i' thcu' best eiideavours to have tins agreement and the bond of the said Company, bearing even date herewith, to be givrn to the said Township, as hereinbefore in part recited, legalize' I. and made of binding force and etl'ect on the said Company, aiiil of the same validity as if the said Company had clear and un- doubted power and authority to enter into this agreement, ,iiiil to execute the said bond, and to make it etleetually binding nn the successors and assigns of the said Comi>aiiy : (a) Refunded ^^ ^- ^^^^ whercas, it being the intention of the said Conipany unless Sinieoe to submit to other municipalities in the Couiitv of Simcoe other gives 8300,000. l,y-law, or by daws, for grants in aid of the'said railway, tlie said Company hath agreed, and doth herel)y agree, with the said Township that urdess aid (>y bonuses, "to tlie amount at least of i:*:JO(),()00, shall be legally gianted to the said Companv by the saul municipalities, or portions of municipalities, within tlie said County of Simcoe, prior to Lst July, bS74, that the said bonus, or such portion or part thereof (if any) as may have been paid over to or received by the said Company, shall, on the demand of the Council, be at once refunded, with interest thereon from the time of payment thereof, to the said Conipany, and in case no part of the said bonus hits been paid to or received by the said Company, that they shall consent to the cancella- tion of the said debentui-es, the refunding of any money paid on account of the same or any of them, and the repeal of the said by-law, if demanded "n like manner: 4. And the said Company do further agree that, in case such further aid as in the last clause mentitmed is obtained, thev, the said Company, their successors, and assigns, shall aiid will, on or before the 1st July, 1S7G, erect, build, and complete good, sutHcient, and suitable station buildings for passengers and freight on the line of the said railway, at or neariho Village of Cookstown, to the north of the loibh concession line in the Township of Tecumseth.and to the east of the 11th con- cession line in the Township of Essa : A second at or near tlu^ At Thornton. Village of Thornton, and not further at the most than three- fourths of a mile distant from the town line, on or adjacent to ^t">*eraec- the side line between lots 15 and 10 in the Township of Es>a. line between ^'^^^ ^ ^^^""^1 ^^ ^^0 intersection of the side lines between lot> iO 20and2l,E.s.«a and 21 in the said Township of Essa; and shall and will estal>- lish at each of the places hereinafter mentioned, regular and permant/nt (a) Tins By-law was legalized by 86 Vict- cap. 84, sec. 2, p. 42. ( 'o. to erect station at Cookstown. AfiKEE.MENT WITH THE TOWNSHIP OF NOTIAWASAOA. 189 iiermanent way stations, and will well and sutficioiitly keep and Will k.op iiuiintain the same, and all such suitable, necessary, and proper "am"!'"' biilKlings as the business done, or capable of being done, there- at may require : .111(1 5. And also that they, the said Company, tlieir successors, or assiyns, shall and will, in the event in the last clause referred to, complete the said line of railway, and have regular passenger and freight trains running from the City of Hamilton to the Town of Barrie, within live years from the time the said by- law is to take efi'ect, and it is hereby agreed and declared that, ill the event of the said Company, their successors, or assigns, failing to complete and finish the said line of railway, and fail- ing to have regular passenger and freiglit trains running there- on, within sucli period between the places aforesaid, the said Company, their successors, or assigns, shall pay unto the said Township, their successors, or assigns, interest on the said sum of 8-0,000, so to be granted by way of boiuis, as aforesaid, after the rate of six per cent, per annum, from the expiration of the sail] live years until the completion of the said railway, and the establishment of regular passenger and freight trains between the City of Hamilton and the Town of Barrie, such interest be- ing hereby mutually agreed b}' and between tlie jiarties hereto, to be by way of litpudated damages, and not to be considered or treated as a penalty : Provided always that, if the Company fail to obtain an Act to legalise the said by-law, the same may be repealed. In witness whereof, the said parties hereto have hereunto set tlieir corporate seals. Co. to have regular tniins ruuning from Hamilton to Barrie within live years from hy-law. Otherwise to pay interest at tj p. I', until completion o£ railway. COUNTY OF SIMCOE BY-LAW AND AGREEMENTS THEREUNDER. A By-law of the County of Simcoe, was passed 1 3th May, 1873, Bylaw. CV>. granting ii530(),00(), by way of bonus to the Hamilton amrNorth- .^"oolooo. Western Railway Company, on certain conditions which have been fulfilled, and the debentures transferred to the Company. In connection therewith the followinir a<'reeme)its were made: Agreement betiveen the Hamilton (inciyortk Western Railwuy ir. &. x.w, Company and the Township of Nottawasaya, Idth May, 1873, ''*!|''..*^.""'''" in connection tvitJt the ohovc By-laiv. Articles of Agreement made, entered into, and concluded the nineteenth day of May, A. 1). 1873, by and between The Hamilton and North-Western Railway Company, hereinaf- ter 100 Ar.UEEMENT WITH TIIK TOWNSHIP OK XOTTAWASA(JA. ter callcil tlie ( 'ompany of the first part, and the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Nottawasaga in the t bounty of Sinicoe, hereinafter called the Township, of tlie second part. J: Hi Kucitals. Co. empiiw. trt'fl til con- struct line to Collingwooil. rreaiiiblc. WllEUEAS the County Council of tlie County of Hinicoe, inidcr and by virtue of tlie power given to tlie said Council hy tlio charter of the said Company, did on the petition of certain freeholders qualified to vote witliin tlie portion of the county affected, read a certain By-law a first and second time whicli had been introduced in the interest of the said petitioners who prayed that tlie same might be pas-sed, and which is intended to take effect and come into operation on the first day of Jul\ next if sanctioned by the rate-payers qualified to vote thereon, or a majority of such rate-payerH, and whereby it is proposed that the portion of the .said County being conijiosed of the Townships of West Gwillimbury, Tecumseth, Adjal.i, Mulniur, Tosorontio, Essa, A'espra, Sunnidah; and Nottawasaga, and the Towns of Barrie and Collingwood, should grant a bonus of !i?30(),00() to aid and assist the .said Company in the construc- tion of their line of Railway and branch line within the said County of Simcoe. ^nd whereas by an Act of the Ontario Legislature made and passed in the thirty-sixth year of the reign of Her present Majesty Queen Victoria, entitled, " An Act to amend an Act incorpoi'uting the Hamilton and North -Western Railway Com- pany and to enable them to extend their line to Collingwood," it was amongst other things enacted, that the said Company might and the .said Company was thereby empowered to con- struct a branch line of Railway running from its main line within the County of Simcoe to the water's edge of Lake Huron, in the Town of Collingwood. And whereas it was declared lawful by the said above in part recited Act, for the said Company to enter into an agree- ment with any Municipality which may form a portion of a County Municipality, or section of a Municipality, granting a bonus to said Railway in aid thereof. And whereas it has been agreed by the said Company and the said Township that a,s a matter of justice to the inhabitants of the said Township +hat the agi'eement hereinafter expressed should be made and entered into by and between the Company and the Town,ship. Now these presents witness that in consideration of the pro- mises and of the sum of one dollar of lawful money of Canada to the f^aid Company paid by the said Township, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, they the said Company do for themselves, their successors and assigns, covenant, promise and agree to and with the said Town.ship, their successors and assigns, in manner following — that is to say : $130,000 to be Firstly, That, in the event of the said By-law being sanc- i-pent on tioneJ Co. may enter into agree- ment with jnunicipalities \A kkss \SA(IA. ' Municipal tlu' (!ounty the second ncoo, under icil by tlu' of certain the county time wliicii iioners who is intcndod lay of July >tc thereon, is proposed sed of the I.I, Mulmur, asaya, and fit a bonus le construc- witliin the e made and ier present end an Act ilway Com- llingwood," I Company •ed to con- main line lake Huron, 3 above in 3 an agree- ortion of a granting a inpany and inhabitants r expressed e Company of the pro- ^ of Canada the receipt !ompany do nt, promise cessors and ueing sanc- tioned ilfil AOREKMKNT WITH THH TOWNSHII' OF KSSA. IW tioned by the ratepayers, or a majority of them, and the said I'linnli I'^'l- Ikjuus being granted in aid of the said Coiupany, the said ('om- *^"*' i)any will construct, make and maintain a hue or branch lino of railway from the Township of Tecumseth to tlie Town of (.'()llin"w'ood, and tliat out of such bonus or of .*?.'}()( ),()()0 the sum of at least Sl.SO,0()0 shall and will be expended in the construction of the said branch line of Railway. Sf'coiulhi, That the line of road running tin'. )ugh the said ''•*').^' ''^'.I'-r;', Township shall pass witlini lialt a mue oi tlie V ulage or Avon- uear^'iee- ill" and to the wx^ of the second coavcHslon line; then at or »""''• thruugli and not farther distant from thu v'^illage of Ciremore than Jialf (I mile to the cd'it of the fourth concession line; thence to cross the side line between lots jifteoi and f^irteero in the seventh concession ; thonce to the east of Hui'ontario Street as near to the Village of Duntroon as the engineering ditiicul- ".""u 'nuou-h ties will permit, but not farther from said village than one N.itunva. mile ; thence through or within lialf a mile of tlie Village of Nottawa to the east of Hurontario Street. Thirdli/, That they the said Company, their successors and *taUun"uf assigns, shall and will erect, build, and complete good and sutH- Aveuin^'. cient and suitalile station buildings for passengers and fi't-'ig^it '^'i'^^"|;|'^''f,^. on the line of the said Railway at the several places following tween l — that is to say :— /'Yrs^ at or as near to the said Village of if' '^"'' [;- "''* Avenmg as possdjle to tlie east ot the road ; Ndcondlif, at or as near to the said Village of C'reemore as possiljle ; tliinlli/ at or ;is near as possible to the siide line between said lot^^fiftecn and sijieen in the mventh concession ; fourthly at or as near to the j),,,,^^,,,,^ said Village of Duntroon as jiossible ; tiin\,fiftld;/, at or as near >;,,^jj„.,^ to the said Village of Nottawa as possible ; and shall and will " establish at each of the places hereinbefore nientiouetl regular way stations ; and Fourthlii, That they the said Company, their successors and Co. to keep 1 11 1 Ml ij 1 iu • ii 1 1 • i. • ami nuuiitaiu assigns, shall and will well and suthciently keep and maintain f„r7 years. the said /ii'c stations above mentioned with all such suitable, necessary and proper building as the business done or capable of being done at the said stations respectively may ie(piire for seven years after the trains .shall have commenced to run on the said road, and shall and will undertake to do the passenger and freight business of the country at the said stations. In Witness whereof, etc. Agreement between the Toivnship of Essa and the Hamilton and North- Western Raihoay Company, 19th May, IH72, under Uy-lavj of County of Simcoe, ISth May, 1873, Same as Agreement with Township of Nottawasaga, page 189. mutatis 1 i !*! H»l> AGREKMENT WITIf THE TOWXSIIII' f)K TOSSOROXTl ". viutaftH vivtarulls down to l-iuI of Kocital ClauHo. ■s uiitl L'ovi'iiaiit UlLT Then Covenants : Vl-in'ocoV;;'"' , ^V""'- 'P'"t "' t''^' ^^-ent of the said By-law bein- .sancti-.u..! ^^,l•il,«^^,MMl 'V the mte-pnyci.s, or u niaj(.iity of them, and the said bonus I""'-''- b(.,nj,Mnanted m of tlie said Haihvay. that tlir sai.l ('..nn.niv will tH)n,stniet, make and maintain a line or bianeh line of K-,il way from the Townsldp of Teeun.seth to tlie Town of ( "olli'n.r. ■WTod and that ont of said bomis or snni of SSOOOOO *lie sun, of at leasi 81 ;|(),()0() shall an^ tlu. said Railway, at oP near to the'ViiJI.^i :!:'*' '"'.in'"-- , T '''T Vli^' ^^'« "<.'»'^J' "^' tJ'<' fifteenth eoneession line of the •'l;K:»f ""' J o^vn,s}np of J eeun.seth, and to the east of the eleventh conces- sion line of tlie 1 ownslnp of Essa ; a second at or near the Vill- age ot Ihointon and not further at the most than ot a mile from the town line, on or adjacent to the side line be- tween lots hiteen or sixteen in tlie Township of Essa, and a third at the intersection of tlie side line between lots twenty and twenty-one in the said Townsldp of Essa (an.l not fui^ ther than ^ of a mile east of the Joy line, there being no en- gineering difhciilties in the way) ; an.l keep an.l maintain the said stations with all .ai.l suitable necessary and pio])er build- ings as tlie business done at the said stations respeetively may require. ' •' *' In Witness whereof, etc. 'J't'Sfurcrtio. Co. to erect ftations on certain side lines. Side line be- tween 10th and lltli lots in 4th con. Tossorontio, Township OF Tos.soK(>NTio.-yl,yrm**c7j/ v.-ifh the 11 am ilton mid jovtk ^^eHU■vn Maduay Company, mh May, 1873, under Uy-hnr 0/ Covvty oj Simeoe, Uih May, 1873, Same as Agreement with Townsldp of Nottawasaga, page 1 Sf), muhitis mutandis down to tlie end of Recitals and Covenanting Clause. ° The Covenants are as follows,— First, Same as first, page 190, in Is . asaga agreement . Secondly That the sai.l Company, t. r successor.s or as- signs shal and will erect, build, and complete good, sufficient an.l .suitable station buildings for passengers and freight at the several staion.s following, that is to .say ; on the side line l,e- ween the tenth and eleventh lots in tlie fourth concession of the said lown.ship of lossorontio; on the side line between lots 'Ill AdHEKMKNT WITH TMK ToWNS'lIP OF MUI.Ml II. 103 |nt> t\\riitv-ti\ I' iiii'l twfiity-six, witliin tliice-iiuarters of a inilo Hu\e litw iw^ ,,t' tlio ccntro of the tliinl i-um-ossion of the Mii(l T<)\vnsliii) •i^' ^«Y" ''''Vf' I, iit'iir TM->c)iniitio at or lU'ar tlif Villiv;,'c of lili'Mcairn m tin; .same (Jluncairn. Tiiwiisliii", ami Th'u't^li/, 'I'liat tlit'V tlic sail! rV)tii])ativ (In-ir siiccM'ssors oras-c,.. to erect ,i-iissliail anil will \-ivt, l.uiM aii-l cmuplH." ^'.;o.l ■^"'Hu-it-nt ;t^\~*^^^^ aiiil suitabl'.' station l)uii(liii;4:s for |)ass»'iii,'i'is ami fifi^lit at tho •/ ciHrkHvillc'. >cvt'ral stations in the Town lii|. of Tccnmsctli following', that •'• AllU-m. is to say; oithcr at the Villa*,,; of Tuttunliam, or as near thereto as till' said line will ^'o, at tin; Villaj^'O of Clarksville, and at or as near to the Villain; of Alliston as possible; ami shall and will keeji ami maintain the said several ahove mentiond sta- ')'„ „mjntaiu tions in tlie several Townsliipsof Tossorontio and Tecumsetli, smi.e. with all said suitable necessary and proper buildin<,'s as the Inisiness done or caj)abl(' of bein;,^ done at tin- said stations re- sjieciively may require, anj, 1H73, under B>j-law of County of S'lmcoe, Itith Mai/, ]H7S, Same as Agreement witli Township of Nottawasaga, page !«!•, mutatis hiutandis to the end of ilecital^; and Covenant- ing Clause. Covenants as follows : — Fh'M, Same as First in Nottawasaga Agreer.ient, page lf)0; SccomUy, That tliey, the said Company, their successors and us>igns, shall and will erect, build and complete good, suHicient aiKrsuital)le station buildings for i»assengers and freight at the several places following, that is to say : On the side line UtweeJi the tenth and tdeventh lots in the fourth concession of the Township of Tossorontio ; on the side line between lots twenty-five and twenty-six within thrce-ciuarters of a mile of the centre of the third concession of the said Township of Tossorontio and at or near to the Village of Glencairn, in the >aid Townshi[) of Tossorontio, and shall and will keep and maintain the said stations, with all suitable, necessary and l>roper buildings as the business done or capable of being done at the said stations, respectively, may retjuire, and will under- take to do the passenger and freight business of the country at the said stations. y'n, to orect stations at certain side lines. ] Jet ween lOtli and 11th lot^ in 4th Con. between lots 2,j and 2tj I mile from centre of 3ril con. Glencairn. Will do busi- ness of coun- try tliereat. In Witness whereof, etc. Town 194 Itth May, «7.t. Itecitat. ('i>, finiHJWeifil til iimkf iiKi't'c- iiieiitM with iuutiic:i|iiilitii'H L'raiitiii}^ IjOUIlSl'.S. Ki'cital Unit liarrit! foriiiM a IMlltioll of KCC- tioii lit' C .of Siinriic ^tiiiiit- iiiL; ii Imiiius, .Main line of railway to |iasM tliioiiuli liariii.'. Passfnyer ami freight KtatioiiH to he located there. X. BiibKt. 10. Fraiicej< st. W. Duckworth St., H. VVel- .. lingto 1 St. Workshopi;, frli!,'iiie )-);iiii.s, etc., o:, line mirth of 'i'ecunii^eth, and south of Medonte, to lie located at IJarrie. A< mh f Jij-lai'.' oj Voantu o/Siiavue.lM Mof/,m:i 'J'his Aj,rreoint'iit niado in duplicftte the lUth May, l>7;i, he- twui'U tht! Hamilton and North-We.steni Kiillway Conipniiy and tlu" ( 'uiporation of tlio Town of Banic, witnesisetli :— WliumiH l.y tin Act of tlie Lt';.;i.s;ature of tlio I'loviiu't' of Ontario entitled "An Act to amend the Aet incorpointini,' the Hamilton and Noith-Westeni Railway Company and to euaMt' them to extend their line to (.'olliniVwood, the .said Kjuiway Company are empowered to enter into an a;4ieement with any muiueipality whidi may i^rant a I'onus or which may foi-ni part of a county municipality, or sec. .on of a muiueipality ^ilantin" a lionus in aid of the said Railway, detinini,' tlie locauo"i of tli" line of the .said Railway, and the time within which the said Railway shall l»e completed, the places where stations aie to ho erected, or such ()ther matter.s of detail as may he aniocd on between the Railway Company and the nuinicipality so yiant- injr aid ; '"* And whereas the Corporation of the Town of Barrie forms a portion of a section of the County of Simcoo -,a'antir.<,' a huiius in aid of the said Railway ; ^ And wlieieas, pursuant to the said Act, the said Railway Company and the Coi-jjoration of the Town of Barrie having entered into the foUowiii^f agreement; Now this Agreement witnes,seth tliat tlie saW. Hamilton and North-Western Railwa} ''ompany do herel-y covenant, pn.niis>> and agree to and with the said Corporation of the Town of Barric', as folljv ; That the main line of the :jaid Rnilwav, from the City of Hanulton to JI.'l.' >. bt .geor or iMatchedash Day, or to' tlie proposed Canada Central Railway or the (Canada Pacilie llail- way, or one or both of them, shall be locateaneutly ke])t and established at or near the Barrie AflRRKMENl- W'TH THE TOWNSHIP OF AD.IALA. 195 Iknie Station of tlio said Ilailway, nii'l to tlu> iiorili of HdI. N" -h.-n^.tc, Stioot, ani of the said Town of Hamo and north of Boh Street. jTA/n/,— And tliis a^mnMnont further witnesscth, that tlio < ""ndl t. sail! (Corporation of the Town of Harrie, in consideration of the {j?^;'/';' ','!"; covenants and ajrreenients entered into as aforesaid by the said rH'nwrri':i"ht Railway ( ' lierel.y covenant, proinise iindujirree to and 'l' "'""", with tlK.said llaihvay Company, that the said Ilailway (.'oini.anv IhiTllSC'v faithfidly and tndy keeping,' and peiforniinnr the covenants and ''''"■■'" "^ir'tU. ii<,'reenients heiein contained on their part, and to he kept and performed, tliey, the said C\ rporation of the Town of Barrie, will duly pass a resolution allowin^i,' tlio said Ilailway Companv the ri|,'^t and privile<,'e to lun their said Ilailway on any .streets of tlie Town of Barrie on a level with the rest of the streets, except Hi«,di Street and Small Street, free of charye ; hut suh- ji'ct to tlie restrictions as to lieight of rails ahove" and helow , . ,.f tlio surface of the streets contained in the Ilailway Act: such which .'{"to rii^lit or i)rivile<,^e sliall lie exercised in such a way as to occa- ''" k""'"''"''- sion the least possilile Inconvenience or damaj^e to the streets 01- the tratHe thereon, and to he snhject to the said Ilailway (Jompany keepinfj; such portion of tli'e said streets as may be (''>■ t.. ket-p within the rails of their f rack and within one foot on either ''/*;.''','',"•''''"" side thereof in proper order ami repair, and fit at all times roiluir;'" (except (111 riii;jf the actual passin<,'and repassin;,^ of trains or en- And fit for Jellies) for the usual and ordinary traHie and travel of such tnittic exrepfc streets and sul.j(M't also to the said Ilailway Company not al- "^!,'''",''"'""' li»wiri,i,s perniittiii-''« "'t t.. not be expected or called upon or forced to contribute any 'S'lVi;,;!''^' turther bonus to the said Ilailway eitluu- under a separate liy- oxtemli..- line law of the said Town of Barrie or under a By-law grouping the y^^rrk'' said Town of Barrie Avitli other portions of the County of Simcoe. In Witness whereof, etc. Township of Adjxlx.— A jreancnt ivlih the Ilaiallfon «,?,/ if'f' M'O'. AnrfA-Wedern li'dbvay, VMj, May, 1«73, under Voitntij of'^^- huncoe By-law, VStk May, kS7:3. The I i it 1: ^ v; r.-i": Ijll: : 196 AGREEMENT WITH THE TOWNSHIP OF ADJALA. The same as the'Nottawasaga agreement, mutatis, mutandis, page 189, down to the following recital : — And whereas it was agreed by the said (Company nnd tho said Township that as a matter of justice to the inhabitants of the said Township, the agreement hereinafter expressed should be made and entered into by and between the said Companj- and the said Township in manner following that is to say: — Firstly, Same as clause one of Nottawasaga agreement — patre 190. *■ ° SXwn" ^" , Secondly, Tliat the said line of Railway should enter the Township of Tecumseth at or near the line between lots foui' and five in the first concession, and at all events not further to the east than one-quarter of a mile from the said line, but sub- ject to a proviso : That if at a cost not exceeding Si 0,000 in the construction of the sai<^^^<^d Oth June, 1873. Hamilton By- law. §100,000. Rate at which cord wood iin I greenwood to be carried By-law grants bonus to the extent of 8100,000, to the Hamil ton and North-Western Railway Company Debentures were to be deposited with Trustees within six weeks after the passing By-law, and to be paid over upon cer- tain conditions that have been fulfilled, and upon the followini'* condition :— And it is hereby further provided that this B^^-law is passed upon the following condition, that is to say : That the said Railway Company shall at all times receive and carry cordwooci, or * 1. AfiREKMENTS UNDER PEEL BY-LA.W. 199 ■)0 CtH, uiuler or any wood or fuel, at a rate not to exceed for dry wood f'f>rJwood 3c. tluee cents per mile per cord from all stations, exceeding tifty i'utilms, 7\^ miles, and at a rate not exceeding three and-a-half cents per ofudiiit,' r.n cord per mile from all stations under fifty miles, in full car- Jler^iniij loads ; and for green wood at the rate of two and a-half cents r>o miles, iier ton per mile, and that the Company shall further, at all «reen wood 2.\ ti-nes, furnish every facility for the free aiid unrestrained tratiic ''''"'^ pwnnle. in cordwood to the City of Hamilton, to as largo an extent as in the case of other freight carrieil over the said Railway. Aijneme)it w'th the Manklpil Council of the C'lttj of Haviil- tail, dated iini January, IST-t, made ui connection ivith By- law pasHcd \)tk June, liS73. Certain conditions made with reference to the lianding over of the debentures, viz. : that communication should be estab- lished between Hamilton and Grand Trunk Railway. These conditions have been ful tilled, and the debentures delivered to the Company. The following stipulation also occurs : — It is further agreed that, under no circumst'^nces shall the Uoad not to said Railway be tnmsferred or placed under the control of any t.'^coXou'f other Railway Company, but on the contrary in any arrange- another Com- inent that shall bo nxade with any other Railway Company or i'*"^- with the Great Western Company, for running powers into the City of Hamilton, ade(![uate provision shall be made for secur- ing running powers or traffic arrangements with all other Com- panies which shall or may intersect or forni a junction, or be in a position and desire to use the said railway so as to secure the most ample facilities for the interchange of traffic, from or over such connecting or other roads to and from the City of Hamil- ton. AGREEMENTS UNDER PEEL BY-LAW. The County of Peel passed, October l7th, 1873, By-law granting S30,000 to aid the Hamilton and North- Western Railway Company, in connection wherew'th the following agreement was made : — Township of Caledon. — Agreement luithHamilton andNorth- 8ii» Oct,, 1873. Western Raihuay Company, under By-law comi ng into oper- ation Slst day of December, 1873, d>th October, 1873. Recital that County Council of Peel have passed second read- Kenital that ing of By-law, to take effect if sanctioned by ratepayers P"""*"""^ °* whereby M i , 1 BH f iffl 1 '- iSn ! 1 200 % ill ) , it,, < ■ ' a ( i i i 1 ■ ' ! ' ' ; 1 \hv ■t m ^1 AGREEMENTS UNDER PEEL B\'-LAW. Co, to erect Ktations. SoutCrit whereby proposed, that the portion of the said County beinff lx.nuB. composed of a portion of the Township of Caledon, a portion of « A n •^"^'^'P ^^ Chinguacousy, and a portion of the Townshin of Albion, should grant a bonus of $80,000, to aid and assist Company in constructing their line in Peel. Recital as in Esquesing agreement, 7nutatls mutandis, p. 201 Usual covenant clause. Covenants : That in the event of the said By-law being sanctioned by the Katepayers or a majority of them, and the said bonus beiny tl)e said Company their successors and assigns, shall and will erect, b,.ild and complete good and sufficient, and suitable station buildint of Feel. '' '' Co. to place 8tation». 4th line Town- ship Albion 7th line below Buckstroni, Caledon, E. The several clauses of this agreement same as in preceding agreement with the Township of Caledon, page 199, down to clause describing stations to be placed. _ At the several places following, that is to say: at the cross- ing of the Hamilton and North-Western Railway, on the fourth line of the Township of Albion ; at the crossing of the Hamil- ton and North-Western Railway on the seventh line of the lownship of Albion below Buckstrora ; and at the Villacre of Caledon East. *= In Witness whereof, etc. 8th Oct.. 1873. Township of CumGVM:ov^\.~ Agreement ivith the Hamilton and Aorth-Western Maihvay, bth October, 1873, under B,j. laio of County oj Feel, Co. to place Btations. SalmonviHe. Cheltenham. The several clauses of this agreement the same as in preced- ing agreements with Townships of Caledon page 189 and Albion down to clause describing where stations to be placed^ At the several places following, that is to say : at the Village of Salmonvillc and at the Village of Cheltenham, in the said lownship. In Witness whereof, etc. 'IMJa AGREEMENTS UNDER HALTON BY-LAW. AGREEMENTS UNDER HALTON BY-LAW. The County of Halton, by a By-law ])assed 13th March, 1874, granted a bonus of !i?8.3,00() to the Hamilton and Noith- Wc-stera Railway Company. The following agreements were made in connection therewith : — Township of Esquesing. — Agreement with the Hamilton and Nortk-WesUni Railway Company, iUh March, 1874. Recital that County Council of Halton al)0ut to pass a By- law that a portion of County, Ijcnng composed of a portion of Township of Estjuesing, a portion of the Township of Trnfalgar, a portion of the Townsliip of Nelson, and the Village of George- town and the Town of Milton, should grant a bonus of ^505,000 to aid and assist the sai I Com|)any in the consti iction of tlu'ir line of Railway within the said County of Halton ; And whereas, by an Act of the Ontario Legislature made and passed in the thirty-sixth year of the reign of Her present Majesty Queen Vietoi-ia, entitled an Act to amend the Act incorporating the Hamilton and North-Westurn Railsvay Com- pany and to enable them to extend their line to Collingwood, it was declared lawful for th(i said Comitany to enter into an agreement with any municipality which may form a portion of a County nmnicipality granting a bonus in aid of the said Railway ; And Avhereas, the said Township of Esquesing forms a portion of the section of the municipality of the County of Halton granting or proposing to grant a bonus to the said Railway in aid thereof ; And wbereas, it hath been agreed by the said Company and the said Township that as a n>atter of justice to the inhabi- tants of the said Township that the agreement hereafter expressed and contained shall be made and entered into by and between the said Company and the said Townshii). Company covenants in usual form. That in the event of the said By-law being sanctioned by the ratepayers or a majority of tliem, and the said bonus being granted in aid of the said Company, they, the said Company, their successoi's and assigns, shall and will erect, build and complete good and sutticient and suitable station buildings for pa.ssengers and freight on the line of said Railway at the several places following, that is to say : On lot 22 in the lUth con. of Esquesing, to be called the Glen Williams Station, if upon the final survey of tb.e line and the selection of the route which shall be found, in the judgment of the Chief Engineer of the Company, to be the most suitable and advantageous route it shall be found practicable to diverge the line so as to place the station at that point at any expense not greater than $7,500 beyond the sum it would take if such selected 201 11th Oct., 1873 Kt'oital, tiortioa of Halton about to pass l)v-law for .?(i.".,l)0O. Co. authorized to enter into a}&, Ifirthei.ii. EsfiueHiiif;, HteilDHtdll Htatioii. AOREEMENTS UNDER IIALTON HY-LAW. selected lino had been adopted, but in estimating .such incrensed expense no portion of the line shall bo computed east of the north-oast side of Kennedy's Creek, from which point the expense of such divergence is to be calculated; and also on tl ■> cross road between lots 15 and 10 in the 7th concession of the said lownslup of Esquesing, to be called and known as the fetennaton Station. In Witness whereof, etc. C'o. to erect stations huildinyg. Mur. lo, 18<.,. JowxsHip OF ^v.Lsos.-Arjrennent vUh the JIamlUon ami Aorth-Wcstern Cowjxiny, March LV/^ 1«74, inconncdion I'dk By-law of County ufHalton,\mk March, \ii7i. The preamble clauses the same as in preceding agreement with the Township of Esquesing, page 201. Covenanting clause in usual foini." Covenants : That in the event of the said By-law l)eing sanctioned by the ratepayers or a majority of them, and the said bonus bein.r granted in aid of the said Company, they the said Company their successors and assigns, shall and will ereit and comi)lete good and suitable and sufficient station buildings for passen.rers and freight, on tlie lino of the said Kailway. at the several places tollowing, that is to say :— ' One at or near the point when^ the lino of the said Railway will cross Dun.his Street, near to Nelson or Hannawalla. to bo called and known as the Nelson Station ; one at or near Zimmerman's Mills, to be called and known as the Zimmerman Station ; and one at a point on the lino of the Railway most convenient of any to the people of Palermo and Trafdh^ar to bo called and known as Palermo Station ; and one at or near the Village of Burlington, not further distant from the Lake Shore than one-half mile. In witness whereof, etc. Nelson statin ZininuTnian station. Palermo station. Burlinston. Co. to erect and complete station at Burlinffton. Maich, 18.4. \ UA.XV.F. OF ^^muAJsGio^.— Agreement loith the Hamilton and ^orth-M Cistern Railway, March, 1874, in connection with By-law 0/ County of Ha.lton, ISth March, 1874. Covenanting clause in usual form. That in the event of the By-law being sanctioned by the ratepayers, or a majority of them, and the said bonus beino- granted in aid of the said Railway, the said Company, their successors or assigns, .shall and will erect, build and completo good, sufhcient and suitable station buildings at the st/ition tollowing, that is to .say : at or near the Village of Burlinrr on not more distant from the present post-office than one-half a mile. In Witness whereof, etc. Town BY-LAW OF CITY OF HAMILTON. 203 T(i\v\ <>i'" MiLTOK. — Agreement vuth, JIamiffon and iN'oj'^/t- ^^*™''' ^'^"■* W('sf('r)i Ihdhray, March, 1874, under liy-lair of Count)/ of llaltun, VMh March, 1874. Same recitals as in Es(iucsing agreement, page 201. Usual covenant clause. Covenants — To erect station buildings at the station follow- Oo. toeroct iiiLT, iliat is to say: Within the limits of the said cor])orati(in of ^niton. the Town of Milton, the corporation of the said Town of Mil- ton agreeing on their part to grant permission to tlie Company Corporation of to pass over and along any streets that may be required in ap- i^tre't" inter-^'^ proachiug the said station, and to close any streets within the ferinj,' with limits of the said station grounds, or that may interfere with ^'^™'""''l'"o'' the sidings therewith connected. Ill Witness whereof, etc. A'iLLA(iK OF Gkorgetown. — Agreement rmth the Hamilton "Maich, laii. (lud North-WcKtern Railway Company. By-latv VHh March, '[H7^,u}idcr By-law of County of Halton,l7th October, }H7'i. Piccitals as in Esquesing agreement, page 201. Usual covenant clauses. Covenant — That the Company shall and will erect, build and Co. to erect coniplet ! good, sufficient and suitable station buildings for pas- (jtwl'etown. Ki'iigers and freight on the line of said Railway at the several 70 roil.^, fnmi jilaces following, that is to say: A station within the distance (J."t!"k.' of seventy rods of the point at which the line of the Railway shall cross the Grand Trunk Railway. In Witness whereof, etc. ^ITY OF HAMILTON. B;j-law (f City of Hamilton, granting $100,000 to the Hamil- ton and A' orth-Westeroi Malkvay Company. Adopted by vote of ratepayers 80th August, 1875, and be- .soth August, coming operative 1st October, 1875. 1W5. After certain clauses referring to the issue of the debentures, etc., which are now of no importance, the same having long- since been iianded over to the Company , and disposed of, it j>ruceeds as follows: 10. That the Mayor of the said city, in consideration of the Mayor to be bonus heretofore granted by the said city, and of the proposed «•<•/#'<■'" subscription of Stuck shall be ex officio a Director of the said ajwlyg"'^ Company ■M\ l;l |:^^t. 204 BY-LAW OF CITY OF HAMILTON. Company for all time to come, whether the said city shall hoU btocK in the said Company or not. 11 That the head offices and Board of Directors or manacrn. ment of the said Company shall be permanently locate.ll,, xlannlton. 12. That all the construction and manufacturing shops of the said Railway and their principal repairin^r shoos, and all treight sheds, store-houses, elevators and other builditiirs um\ oi- re(|uired for carrying on the business of the said Railway at Hami ton, shall be erected within the limits of the said City of Mann ton, and remain and be worked there permanently and tliat the cost of such shops, and other erections in this para- graph mentioned, shall not be less than one hundred thousand dollars, .such sHim to be expended thereon within five years from .he passing of this By-law, and that all freight can-ied by t'^e said Company to be forwarded byway of Lake Ontariosball be transhipped at the City of Hamilton, and the Company shall not, build or make, for the purp(jse of traffic, any Wharf store-house, elevator, or tindjer boom upon Lake Ontario or Burlington Bay, except on the south side of the bay, within thu limits of the City of Hamilton. ^ rrfite"?S I?-. Tl>at the Rolling Stock of the said Company f"r Mio |;urdiVV^' "^M 1^^ ^•^^^"'^ ^^ f^"'* thousand dollars per Ijompuro-. ■' f"^l^,' ■'^V'','^ ''" ^'"^ construction of the said Railway, be purchased by the Company, and not merely leased by them. Head ofticeo at Uaiiiilton. Construction and nianufac- turin^r uliops, etc, fiei<,'lit Hheds, etc, and elevators to be at Hamilton and there re- )nain. To coMt !?1(K),000. Freiffht for T/ake Ontario tran.sliiiii)od there. Co. not to build wharf, timber boom, elevator, etc, thereon except in liniitH. f 'o. to be an independent road. U. That the said Railway Company, except to the extent of Its amaJgamation with the Hamilton and Lake Erie Railway tionwuV""''"^""'^'''"^'' '^'^^!^ be an independent road; that the same shall (i.W.K. n • *o"" ^ connection or junction with the Great Western Railway Hamilton. Company within the limits of the City of Hamilton, and shall not torm any connection or junction with any Railway Com- pany to the east of the present city limits. Not to run line on west or Houth Hide of road on Bur- lington beach, nor use beach on north or south of same, or cross same except by necessity. Id. That in crossing Burlington Beach, in the Township / fealttleet, the .said Railway sliall run their track on the west or south side of the present travelled road over said beach, and shall not enter upon, use, oi take for any of the purposes of the said Railway any portion of the beach lying east or north of the said travelled road, nrr .shall they run their track on the said travelled road except in crossing the same where necessary ' This section wa.s annulled by 40 Vict. cap. ^8, sec. 17, pa.ije 05 n m ■jyifif*' tli'l BY-LAW OF TOWNSHIP OF MULMLR. 205 y shall hold or manage- located in ng shops of 'ps, and all ldinjr,s used Railwa}' at mid City of nently, and \ this para- 1 thousand ! years from I'ied l.y the titario shall ipany shall iiny wharf, Ontario or within tli(3 y, for the lollars per i purchased e extent of e Railway same shall 11 Railway , and shall vay Com- )wnship -f he west or aeach, and )ses of the ' noith of ick on the necessary. e05 Bij-law of Township of Mulmur, ZOth June, 1877, and agree- iiothJum-, ment thereunder. ^"''• The Township of Mulmur by By-law which passed the third reading' in the Township Council on the ;50th June, 1H77, hav- in<^ heen previously aj^reetl to by the electors, on the 2(ith May of the saiiie year, granted S>-'),()()() to assist the Hamilton and North-western Railway Company to build their branch to Collingwood. The Hy-law contained the following provision (together with others relating to the issue of debentures which are now of no importance) : — 4. (/>) That the said Company shall, before the final passage of this By-law, have delivered to the Municipal Council of the said Township an agreement under their corporate seal, agree- in" that such grading sh.dl be completed on or before the first day of November next (1H77), and that such portion uf the branch line shall be completed so as to admit of the passage of trains n the delivery oi the whole oi such debentures, tlie Compan}', niain line be- tlieir successors and assigns, shall and will transact the business tween ('lark* of such jjortion, so as to accommodate the tralKc of the country Hanie. served thereby as efficiently as on the main line between Clarksville and Barrie. The following Agreement was given by the Company in pur- suance of this provision :— Articles of Agrkement made, entered into, and concluded this day of , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven. By and between the Hamilton and North-Western Railway, H.AN.W. •'. hereinafter called " The Company," of the first part, and the J^P 'iii';^^"'' Municipal Corporation of the Township of Mulmur, in the County of Simcoe, hereinafter called '' The Township," of the second part. Whereas the Municipal Council of the said Township, under Kecital that and Viy virtue of the power given to the said Council by the t^e'Ry.'"re^i Charter of the said Company did, on the petition of certain 2nd and'.kd freeholders (qualified to vote within the portion of the Town- t'l^^s. ship affected, read a ceitain By-law a first and second time, which had been introduced in the interest of the said petition- ers, who prayed that the same might be passed, and which is intended I ^06 AQRE^MENT WITIf TOWNHHII' OF Mrf.MUH. Recital ;tl) Vio. cap. 84, ](. 41. intended to take eH'ect, and cotno into operation, on the day of no.\t, if siinetioned l.y tlio latopayers i|imlitie.l to vote thereon, or a niajoiity of such nitepayerH, mid whei.jl.v It i.i proposed tliat the portion of the Township defii h1 shuiiM gjant a l.onus of ^loHars to aii, as that with Miilmur, was executed by the Company in pursuance thereof. Ihl-law and Agreement of thi Vllldyc of AUi>iton. Tlie Village of Alliston V>y By-law, which jmssed the third l^nth .Tune, reading on tlie oOth June, r«77! having been previously voted ^"• on and ai,aced to by the electors on the 22nd May of same year, granting ^^10,000 to assist the Ifamiltonand Xorth-West- ern Railway "(Jompany to build their branch line to CoUing- wood. This By-law contained the same jjrovision as section 4 (/»), of SameasMul- By-law of Township of Muhaur, page 20'}, and an agreement, "'"■■' ^'- " '' the same, mnfafis inutdndis, as that with Mulmur, was exe- cuted by the Company in pursuance thereof. Bij-loiv and Agreement of Township of Adjala. The Townshiiiof Adjala, Ly By-law which passed the third JJ^'T^'y. reading on the 'Ah of July, 1«77, "having been previously voted ' * on antf agreed to by the electors on the 2Gth April of same year, granted $2,500 to assist the Hamilton and North-"\Vestern Railway Company to build their branch line to CoUingwood. This By-law contained tlie same provision as section 4 (/>), SameasMul- of Bv-law (jf Township of Mulmur, page 20.5, and an agreement °'"'"' I'- "• the same, mu/'(/<'.s 7n(//a«()() toansist the Hamilton an.l North-Wt ,ter . Kailway Company to l)uil(l their lijie to CollinKwood. J his %-law containcl the saini; provision as sccti.m 4 (h, ot J.y-hi\-of lownshipof Mnhnur,pa. 4(i. immM ii.* AORKKMKNT TOWNSHIP OF INNlSKIf,. •209 1 tlie tliird >u.sly voted '!•' of Mil rue th-\Vt.,tt'ni f Iiinisfil, wnship of about the ii'lred and valid and ng thirty- ui Act to 1- Western L'ir line to :;tively, it riy should -buildin<(, ly, at the I twenty- maintain Idings for orty-four atin:,' the t was by lor muni- iection of the said applica- the con- ty, as to ■aried to tlie line ' of such nlingly : And And whorens in consequenco of natur"! and enf^inoering m,,,it,ii ,,f dithcnlties, it has been found necessary and expedient to vary in'i«HMity ..f the route of tlie sai- covenants and agreements herein contain('(l on the part of the oovenuutHUiat sai.l Company, and agree with the said Company, and ti^eiUo r"" admit that the said Company are entitleil to receive from the cdve said Town.ship, and from the trustees in whoso hands the .same '^'"'^'*- are or may be, the debentures to the amount of twenty thousand dollars granted by the said Township by way ol" bonus to the said 210 BY-LAW OF TOWNSHIP OF NOTTAWASAGA. HJ titioa ill route. Nothing hert.' to prejudice agret'iiieiit 28tli Nov. 1H7(J. said Coiiipany, and all pu.» able tliereon accordinn; to the terms (;f the aj^. cement between the said parties, but sulyect to the right of 'the said Township to pay or redeem such deben- ture.^ to the extent aforesaid before the close of the present year. TownHhip And the said Township do hereby con.sent to, and sanction S i^route." f.''^ J^'viation from the route of the' Railway agreed on, to the Inie in which the same has been constructed. And it is hereby further agreed antl declared by and between the said parties hereto, that nothing herein contained shall vitiate or prejudice or affect the said hereinljef(n-e in part re- cited agreement or the further agreement between the said parties dated the twenty-eighth day of November, one thou- sand eight hundred and seventy-six, but that the .same shall ro- niain, continue and be binding and valid in all respects other- wise than a,s the same are altered or varied by these a'-'ret^- ments. ° In witness whereof tlie said Comi)any have caused their coi- porate seal under the hands of the President, to be hereunto af- Hxed, and the .said Township have caused their corporate seal to be affixed under the hand of the Reeve. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of (Signed) Wm. Boys. W. J. LiTTT.E, [L.S.] Reeve. B}i-l(m of Township of Noltawasaqa c/mntbu/ aid to Hamil- ton and North Western Rai'way Co. The Township of Noitawasaga, by By-law which passed the third reading on the day of Lsjs having been previously voted on and agreed to bv the electors' on the Cth June, of same year, granted !?20,000 to "the Hamilton and N(3rth ♦Vestern Railway Company, to build their branch line to Collingwood, _ This By-law contained provisions with reference to the i.ssueof Debentures thereunder, wldch are now of no : uportance the same having long since been di.sposed of, and the following' provision : — ° erections A\ ^'^^^ ^^'\''^'^ Company shall, before the final pas.sage .-xt certain ^^ "^s ±5y-law, enter into an agreement with the said Townsh'ip Suiga !r T^'S ^'^f ""'"'} ''""^'^'^" -'°^^ ^"^^ ^"^^•''^'"t and suitable "^^-^sa. station buildings for passengers an.l freight on the line of said LotRSorfiin i^'^'way, at the several places following, that is to .say : First 2n,lr,r:inlcon. "n otsfiveorsix m the second or third concessions ; second Lots 8 or u ill on Iocs eight or nine in the fourth, on lot nine in the fifth, con- cession I I'.v-i.Aw 01' Towxsinr oi- nottawasaga. 211 ci.'ssioii ; tliii'il, at or near the side line between luts fifteen and fth, Lotiiin sixteen in tlie seventli eoneossion and as far west as possible ; sidViinVbe- t'ourth on li>t twenty-four or twenty-five in the eighth conces- tween lnts_i.-> sion, and not furtlier than three-quarters of a milefron\ Huron- 1"*|^. jotV/or tario Street ; fifth, within lialf a mile of the Village of Nottawa, '-'.■^iu 8th con. and to estal ilish at eacli of such places regular way-stations. ^^ X(!ttiuva.''^ Tlif following agreement was executed in puivsuance of this provision by the C'omi)any and the Township : — Articles of agreement made this Twenty-fifth day of May, i'.tli May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundrrd and ^'^''^■ seventy-eight, Between The Hamilton and Xorth-Western Railway Company, here- inafter called the Company of the First Part, And The Municipal ( 'orporation of tlu' Township of Nottawasaga, lieicinafter called the Township of the Second Part. Whereas the Municipal Council of the said Townshii) re- p^gj^.ijj^ifi,.^j oently introduced, and read a first and second time, a By-law Council about granting aid, by way of lionus, to the .said Company, to the t'>^- 1!^^^!"]""^^/,^^';!" tent of twenty thousand dollais, to assist the said Company in ,aid.° the construction of a portion of the Collingwood .section of tlieir Railway, ami the .said By-law is to be submitted to the electors to be voted on according to law, and it is a condition of such P)y-law that the said Company should, before the final passage thereof, enter into an agreement with the .said Township, in the the terms and to the effect lierein contained and agreed to. Now these ju'esents witness, that in consideration of the premises, and of the sum of one dollar, of lawful money of Canada to the said Company paid l>y the .said Township, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, they the .saif the ('ollingwood si'ction of the Company's line, extending from the point to which the .-^ame has been constructed at or near the Village of Glencairn, to the Town of Collingwood, they shall and will erect, build, and complete, good and sufiicient ,. .,, 1 .11 , ■ 1 -1 !• !• 1 • • 1 , Cniiipany will juid suitalile station i>uildHigs tor passengers and freight on erect .itatious the line of the .said Raihvav, at the .>;everal places following in '»•* .«-'eitiun 1 • 1 , 1 • 1 i • i T-i- r .> • • I'oiuts in tiie said townslup, that is to say : I'irst, on Lots hve or six m Xuttiuva-siwi. the .second or third concessions; Second, on lots eight or nine ),ots .i or r. in in the fourth, or lot nine in the fifth concession : Thinl, at or 2"'|<'i;''Wcom. near the side line between lots fifteen and sixteen in the 4tii oi- !i in .'itli seventh concession, and as far west as pcssiltle ; Fourth, on lot ^i'le lino l)e•_ twenty-f''ur or twenty-five in the eighth concession, and not "ui'ni; ilinii finther than three-([uarters of a mile from Hurontario Street ; ton., lot -.M or Fifth, within half a mile of the Village of Nottawa, and either 7u'ar Huron-'* on O ^ t J 5 212 BY-LAW OF TOWNSHIP OF NOTTAWASAGA. tario St., with Oil the wcst 01' east side of Hurontiirio Street, and shall and will Hurwtario. establish at each of such places regular way stations. Route defined ^^ '^^ l.ereby agreed by and between the said Company and >n agj-ewnent the said Townshij), that the route of the line of the said Rail- 1873, miy be ^'''^Y througli the said Township, as mentioned and defined in varied from, and by a certain agreement made between the said Company and the said Township, bearing date the nineteenth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three, may h: deviated from to such an extent, as to admit of the stations on such portions of tlie line of said Railway being placed and lo- cated at the point.- hereinbefore mentioned, and it is admitted and agreed that such deviation has been found necessary and expedient from natural and engineering difficulties ; and it is further agreed that it shall not be incumbent on the said Com- pany to erect stations at the places mentioned in such formed agreement; but that the places hei-ein defined for stations shall be taken to be in substitution for the places mentioned in such formal agree lont. In witness whereof, the said Company have hereto affixed their corporate seal under the hand of their vice-i»resident, and the said Township have hereto affixed their corporate seal under the hands of their reeve, the day and year first above Avritten. E. GURXEY, [L. S.] Ad'uKj Fretan>j, approved of by Leijishdive A ' 'v. !f 1S73. Till' Coimiiittee "t' ( '< ' A\ liavc had iimk'V couskleration tlio application of the .' ' • von ami Lako Erie Railway Company for aie autho- rized to be made out of the I^ailway Funtl to the said Com- pany, on the fulfilment of the conditions of the said Act, of a ayable as aforesaid, and for the full period of twenty years as aforesaid, and that such gi-ant of aid be under and sub- ject to the requirements of the Raihvay Act, and also to the following further conditions, that is to say : First, on condition that tlie (^ompany do, on or before f he first thn/ of Drcemhrr vexf, furnish jn-oof to the satisfaction of His Ilonoi "n Council of a bona fide and sufficient contract for the completion of the works of the railway (exclusive of track-laying), for the said portions of their line of railway. Second, on condition that His Honor in Council may dii ect that payment be made to the said Company out of the Railway Fund (should the same becoiiu applicable thereto) at the rate of two thousand five hundred dollars per mile of the said ))ortionsof railway with the in- creased grant in respect of the said forty -four miles at the rate of five hundred dollars per mile instead of the said annual mile- age rates at the option of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. Third, on condition that the said Company agrees to enter into an arrangement at any time hereafter with any other Railway Company for the haulage of the passengers and freight cars for the thro'.igh business of such last mentioned Company upon terms to bj fixed by arbitrators to be appointed by the Lieu- tenant-Governor in Council in case the said Companies fail to agree thereupon. Payment to And the Committee further advise, that the payment hereby '•■Vi"20^^T« authorized be made in respect of each twenty miles of the said mies, j.j^jj^3^y ^vhen fully completed and ready for the conveyance of traffic. 'f2\'.> \n-v can- nmii i>i'rniile for line lie- twcL'ii Haniil- tiiii and Riirric 1111(1 ('laiks- villu and ( 'ol- liiij^wodd. ■_'0 years from Ist'.Ian, 187L'. TncrciKed in I'esiiect of 44 miles l)y .*!4S tlOc.onaeciiiint of increased cost. 1. <'on. Comp.any must agree with other ( Jompariies as to the haulage of through business. Sec 4] Vict,, cap. 10, page 150, i;ranting aid to the Company. I i A III ? MINUTE OF THE RAILWAY COMMITTEE OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL OF CANADA, AS TO RAILWAY CANAL SWING BRIDGE AT BURLINGTON. BURLINUTON UV. mUD(iE, MIN. HY. COM. I'. C. 210 MINUTES OF RAILWAY COMMITTEE AS TO SWING 13UU3GE AT BTJKLINGTON . Copy of minute tninsmitted by secretary of Railway Coimnittee of Privy Council, 8th June, 187C, in reference to the Rail- way Canal Swing Bridge at Burlington. June 5th, 187G. Adjourned meeting of the Railway Committee of the Trivy Council held in the otiice of the Minister of Public Works. Present. The Hon. A. Mackenzie, Minister of PiLhllc Works. The Hon. A. J. Smith, Minister of Marine and Fishenet<. The Hon. R. W. Scott, Secretary of State. The evidence contained in the minutes of the meeting of the •2nd instant, and the report of Mr. Bell, engineer of the De- j, ailment of Public Works, upon the several reports ot Me.ssrs. Mulesworth, Leather and Biggar, Civil Engineers, (which are appended to these minutes) as to the mode and cost ot the en- trance of the Hamilton and North Western Railroad into the City of Hamilton, were fully considered, together with tlie statement of Mr. John Page, chief engineer of the Department of Public Works. The documents and the evidence generallv lead to the con- clusion that permission should be given to the Haiuilton and North Western Railwav Company, to cross the Burhn-ton Bay Canal at or near the point indicated in their proposal, subject however to a certain modification in the plans which have been submitted, and to the other conditions which are hereto annexed. , , i i. i 1st The swing bridge must be arranged and constructed so as not in any way to interfere with the road approaches to the ferry across the Channel. ,.,,,., . *. 2nd. The centre pier or pier on which the bridge rests must be placed so as to be entirely dear of the north side of the north protection pier of the Canal or Channel through the ^3ni That in case the level of the railway track is higher than IVnnissioii to be givpii to crosH ]iui'- linuton Canal toH. &N.W. K'y. Swiii;,' briJtitt not to inter- fere with roail approaches to canal. I 'entre pier to be clear of pro- tection pier of canal. If level of H'y track higher : ,1 1 M 1 ! tl t 11 M lllll Uli. 220 timn niili' |iru- ti'ctinii |iicr, iiulitic til lie IMUlIc up tl) it. SwiiiLT liriilK't' must Miiive in l.t mill, after "•nd iiilJMst- IMfllts Hljlfkl'Il- I'll, aiiil aitii- Ki'tlii'r iijit'iieil ill •iiuiiiM.froiii start. 'I"i> lie (> I ( X- cept wlii'n train cnisHinf,'. Xiittobt'cjweil ulien ve.s,' tlie swing bridiro must be sudi that it can be opened in (me minute and a Iialf alter the adjustments at tlie end are slackened and tliat the wliole oi)eration from the connneneeiuent until the bridire is fully open shall not occupy over three miinites. " ath. That the s\vin<,' brid£r,. shall at all times be kept open tor iiavigaticm except when a train is crossinjjf. Gth. That the bridge .shall not at any time be closed when an approaching ve.s.sel is within one mile of the entrance to thr Canal. 7th. That there .shall bo no fi.ved light whatever on the )ridge,or within one mile on either side of it excejit the ranf^o lights for the guidance of vessels entering the Canal. ° 8th. That instead of semaphore signals, an arrangement of switch points at a suitabl(> distance on both sides of The bridf--,^ should be made ,so that the main line will close as the brid" > IS opened for navigation. 9th. That the company nuist submit to the MinistiM- of Pub- lic Works further full and complete woi-king plans of all woi-ks connected with the crossing of the Canal in accordance with the changes indicated in the for'^going conditions before the o]ierations are commenced. Subject to the above modifications the members of the Rail- Avay Committee of the Privy Council, in pursuance of the authority vested in them by, statute do approve of the plan^ sulimitted by the said Railway Company and of their mode of crossing the Burlington Bay Canal. The company .shall however be held strictly and le<^allv re- sponsible for any damages that may arise or be caused to vessels from any obstiuction of the Canal by the brid-^e or anv of the works connected with it, whethei' tins mav result from inattention orneglecton thepartof the company or theirservants the w ^ of jn-oper maintenance of the works, accidents or any othe. . whatsoever and be subject to all other conditions that hav been made for the public safety in connection with swing bridges over navigable channels, or that in future mav be considered by the Minister of Pulilic Works, or the Govern- nrient, necessary for the protection of the public or the naviga- tion. It Avas also resolved— that a copy of this minute should b3 transmitted to the Hamilton and North Western Railway Company with a request to them to furnish a plan of th'e ground with plans of the bridge corrected as indicated and to intorm them that the necessary order will issue so soon a.s sucli plan ot site and corrected plans of structure are submitted to the Railway Committee and are finally approved of. c, T 1- . , Ottawa, Sept. 20th, 1876. feiK,— 1 beg to inform you that the plans of the proposed a swing nnol .Mil in- ix lioiizon- lull widtli inf; liridiff and a liulf 1 that the ! l»ri(lgu is kept oiion osed wlicii nee to the cr on tlio the ranijc sifement ot" tlie Iji'idiro he hridj^'o M- of Puh- all work-i anc(! witli •eforo the the Rail- ce of thi- the plans ■ nioflo of 3gallv re- jaused to ,'0 or any suit from servants, ts 01' any onditions ion with ture may Govern- ! naviga- e should Railway 1 of the d and to I as such litted to 187G. )ropose(I swing ■■ HWing across the nn tions coll I'.l-HMMiTON nV. HRIl.... MIN'. HV. COM. P. C liridge of tlie Hamilton and North Western Railway the I'uirlington i5av Canal, sul.mitted here for approval :inl of Julv.are hereby approve.l, subject to the condi- tainetl in the report of the Railway ( 'onunittee of tin ma mm ^ Piivv Council, a n.j.y of which has already "heen furnished you I suliieet further to the following additional conditioTis, vi/. iUK That the ferry slip on tin; north-west side of tl > ( anal and loail .,i)i'.ioaeh thereto be altered in the manner shown on the plans •icroiupanving vour petition of the 10th ultimo, that the slips 01, 1.0th si.les are made at right angles with the line of the channel with a depth of water in them at least equal to that ill the present slips, that all works connected with the sides hottom, and other parts of the new slips he executed, the road api.roaches formed and proteet<-d, in tine that the whole be completed to the entire satisfaction of the Department ot 1 ubhe Works, before the Railway interferes in any way whatever with the existing road slips or any of the canal works, also that the above works of alteration be executed at the expense of the Railway. I have the honour to be, sir, Vour obedient servant, .1. Hrown-, Maiti.and Youno. Esq., Serrelurn. Secretary H. i: N. W. R. Co. I'eriy ^lip •>» iiortli-wt'stHiili' of ciiiial t(» 111' iilti'it'd ami iniulf ivt ritjlit uncles to xiik' I if channel with (Ifpth >f water e(iual t" exUting HlijiH. \\'orkH eiiu- iiecteil with sidex, liottoni, etc. , of new hUjih to lie exeeiiteil. lliiad ap- proachei! to l>e t'orinetl, i>io- tecteil, ete. I !' AGREEMENTS OE THE COMPANY WITH oTliEK RAILWAY COMPANIES. 'ft: ■-¥' 1 i) m AGUEEMKNT BETWEEN H. & N. W. UY. CO. & H. & L. E. UY. CO. 225 AGREEMSNTS OF THE COMPANY WITH OTHER RAILWAY COMPANIES Memorandum of Ai/ivwment hetomen The Hamilton and Xo Ah- Western and Hamilton and Lake Erie Railway Coynpanies for their Amahjamation. Mcinoi-andum of Agreement made the eleventh day of August A^«««^enU^^- in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ^y.^„d-H. & ,sfventy-five, between the Hamilton and Lake Erie Railway L E August Company, hereinafter called " The Lake Erie Company," of "^ ^^'■'^ the tirst part ; and the Hamilton anrf.ach «l>iive lield by liini in the capital stock of the "rnitedCoiu- slmre in Tnit- i)any," 'mI < onumny. • !eX;ltoI'm. ^•. The hoard of directors of the '■ United Con.pany " .hall -istof nine Consist ot nnie nienil)eis, tooether with anv cr-offu-'to directors ;':';Sinw. ';"*f''' ^^^F«^''^'"''^ "f t'-^' Railway Aet^.nd .if the special I,,,,;. Acts relating to the two Companies respectivelv, ami too'etluT also with the Mayor of the ("ity of Hamilton. At all t.'u,,nini. meetinn-s five directors shall form a (luoniiii for thr transacti-m of hnsiness. SoM-nlt..,! , ^nT'^T^''"^ ^'"'"'^ ^^ -lirectors of the "United Uoiupanv ' ('(iiniiany. sliallhe John Stuart, John Field, Matthew Leyo'at, Philo \V Dayfoot, William Hendrie, James Turner, E(hvar(i Gnrnev James M.W illiams, and William J. Copp, all of the ( "itv of Haiii- T.nnofi.Hic,.. 'Iton, wlio shall hold office until the first Tuesday of May next, heinn- the day appointed for the annual election of directors under the Acts relatiiiy to " The North WcNtern '" and tli laws of that Company. lie hv tu liollil it I,. K. Ci.. s..f H. Kv. (.. And^liereiis.the '• Lakf Erie '' linve uiuler the provisions of their Special Act.s, is.sued lionds of ihiit Company to tlio amount of one hundred and Steven ty tlion.sand sterling, of which bonds nw hundred and hfty-eight thousand pounds .sterlini,' are held by the Haidv of Montreal! as .security for a debt ..f hundred and fifty-live thousand dollars ,',.• thereabout.s duo by that (\)mpany to the bank, and the " Lake Erie ' uv also indebted to various other persons in the sum of one hundred thousan-l dollars or thereabouts, and it is desirable ti L. E. UV. CO. •227 is lioivby agreed that in the cases of the inconsistent provi- twi. (..m- sions in the cliarters of the two Companies herein mentioned, ^|:J^',^'^^|)^ "'" or in respect of the mutters herein referred to, the following sliall continue to and be possessed by the " Uniteil Company," uaniely : II. & N. W. ActM. CiiilstmSliare hiildfis. Gl'ii. Xv.n. Spei'iul (ieii. liioi'tin','s. Aid fmm iim- niuiiiiUitiL's. The provisions con<^iined in the Acts cjf the " North Westei'n." (a) As to making ds on shareholders, p. 83. (b) As to general annual meetings and the mode of calling the same, p. .'53 (c") As to special general meetings, p. 33. ((/) As to aid fi'om municipalities, the by-laws in respect thereof, the issue and delivery of the debentures, and generally all other enactments relating thereto, pp. 34, 3.3, and statutes referred to therein. {(') As to ('ompany becoming parties to promissory notes and bills of exchange, p. 3.S. f /') As to (pialitication of directors ; a shareholdei- to be en- titled to be elected a director shall be the holder and owner of shares in the " United Company" to the amount of one thou- sand dollars upon which all calls shall have been paid up. And the provisions contained in the Acts of "The Lake Erie," iud.) In section twenty-six, p. 11, of the Act thirty-third Victoria, chapter thirty -six, as amentled by section three of the Act thirty-seventh Victoria, chapter forty-five, p. 24. (bb) Tn section lifteen of the xVct thirty-fourth Victoria, chapter forty-one, p. 10. (ir) In section four of the Act thirty-third Victoria, chapter thirty-six, p. 5. 9. The following by-laws shall apply to the "United Com- B,v hwsayi.ii- ,, 1 i <■ .^ Cillllo to I lllt- pany, namely : ed Cnnipany. No. 1. The general annual meeting of the shareholders of t^^en._ Annual the Company shall be held at the offices of the Company, in ""''•''"=• the City of Hamilton, on the first Tuesday of May in each year, at the hour of twelve o'clock, noon. No. 2. Special general meetings of shareholders of the Com- JJj^Xi.'''''"" pany shall be called at any time when the Board of Directors may so re(iuire, or when the president may deem it advisable or necessary, or when five or more shareholders who are holders of stock to the amount of five thousand dollars or upwards so require, by sei'ving a notice in writing making such recpiest ujion the president or secretary and specifying the object of calling such meeting. All such special meetings shallbe called and held at the Company's office in the City of Hamilton. 10. This agreement shall come into effect from and after When A^pt- the day on which the approval of this agreement by the Lieu- ,";;'" ttf;!.ct."""' tenant-Governor in Council shall be published in the Official Gazette. Company W- coniin;,' iiartio.'- to Hills, ftc. (^naliticiition of Direutor. H. it L. K. Acts, SCO. 20, 3;{ \\c. c. .S(i s. 'id, ].. 11, amended by sec. •'! .'17 Vic. c. 45, i>. 24. 34 Vic. c. 41, 8tC. 1.-), |). 11). .S:i Vic. c. :;(i, Bee. 4, p. 5. ■t ' k^ -111 !lll^ l\ 228 AORKEMKNT nKTU'EKX fi. V/. HV. & H. & N. W. RY. ('(». Siii'cial meet- iiit( to 1)6 call- 11. Tlio two Cuiupanies, partii's hereto, sliall call sj li'i'Uu 1^; til lie vail- ^ ,• i',!- ,• i iii <• ,'. lte liereto atiixed under the hands of tl cir v'spective presidents. V ■ i HJI': Kith Nov., isro. T'ic'twt'ciiC.W. i!v iinil U. & A. W. IV y. H.-fit, that J I. it N. W. will criiss Tiir- mitohraiifli G. W. i;. east of \\'fl!iiii,'toii S(|iiaiv. R'v Com. !•.(•. ami roiii. I'. W. .'qiiiroved of crossiiiLr. Recitil - Oznwski, Kiikpatrick anil ]{eyii()lils aj)])((inteil ar- hltratnrstode tciniiiic con;- Iifiisatioii, Ailiitrators si'ttleil same. a. w. R. ;,'i tits Huht to 1 1 . & N. W. to line. Acjvcemcnt Jiefvem Grcnf W'rsferv ami Hn <(■ North- Westani Railvjai/s, as fo Cmsslvi/ nnir ]ViUt ixjton Knnare. This Indknturk made tliis sixteentli (hiy of Novendier, in the year of our I.oiil one thousand eioht liundred and seventy- six, between tlie CJreat Western Railway Company, hereinafter called " The Creat Western," of the tirstV-'trt, and tlie Hamilton and North \\ estern Railway Company, hereinafter called The Haniilton and North Western, of the second part. Whereas it^is intended that the Railway of tlie Hamilton and North Western runnino. northerly from Hamilton ;hall cross tlie Toronto Branch of the Railwfiy of the Great Westein to the East of the Wellington S(iuare .Station of the said To- ronto Branch : And Whereas the Railway Committee of the Privy Council of Canada and the Commissioner of Public Works of Ontario have respectively approved of the cojistruction of The Hamil- ton and North Westein Railway across the said Toronto Branch on the level of the said Tonmto Branch and at tlie said intended point : An(_l Whereas the Hon.Joliu Godfrey Sprayue, Chancellor of Ontario, did by virtue of the provisions of chajiter sixty->i\ of the (Amsolidated Statutes of Canada nominate and appoint Casimir Stanislaus ( Szowski, of the City of Toronto, Es(|uire (ieorge Airey Kiikpatriek, of the City of Kinoston, Esimire and Thomas Reynolds, of the City of Ottawa, Esipiire, as arldtrators, to determine the eompensation to be paid for the said crossin--, with the lu^cessary conveniences therefor, and the manner of such cios.sin<4', and tlie necessary conveniences theivfor, ami th<' said Arbitrators have, as a part of the said refereiiee, and of tlieir determination settled and determined upon the arrange- ment for the working' of said crossings and the necessary con- veniences therefor, in manner and form liereinafter set' forth, and it has been agreed that as a matter of convenience these' presents shall be executed by the parties: Now tliis Indenture witnesseth That the Great Western in consideration of the premises and of the covenants hereinafter contained on the part of the Hamilton and Noi-tli Western their successors and assigns, to be done, observed and performec'' and of tlie payment to be by them hereafter made as herein- after provided for, and also in consideration of the sum of on.^ Llioiisaiid Y. (-'<». a(;rki;mknt iiktwekk g. w. iiy. k u. k n. w. rv. co. •229 call spoclH'. )r the ratiti- ausod tliriv ids of tl;t'it.' I <(■ Xorth- 1)1 >SV/('(oy'. )veinlM'r, in 111 sevciity- hereinat'ter L> Hamilton callod The Hani il ton lilton .hall \t Western le said To- vy (Council (if Ontario 'he Haiiiil- ito Blanch 1 intended anccllur ai • sixty-six id appoint ), Es(|uii'e, iijiiire. and rldtiators, 1 cr(.ssini;', manner of )!', and the ce, and of 5 anaiine- ^sary ('(.in- set forth, •nee the-e 'esterit in ereinaftcr Western, erforme(', IS herein- uii of OIK^ thousand thousand and forty-three dollars and thiity-four cents, as awarded hy said Arbitrators as compensation to the Great Western, now paid, the receipt whereof from the Hamilton and Noith Western is hereby acknowledged, they, the Great Western, do hereby yrant and confirm unto the Hamilton and North Western and their successors forever the easement and privi- le"e of crossini;' on a level the Toronto Branch of the Great Western Railway at the |ioint where the said Hamilton and North Westei'ii ll.iilway is shown and designated as crossinj^- tlie said Toronto Branch on the plan of such crossing- hereunto niniexed, marked "A" and sii^ned by Joseph Hobson and John Mc- Keown, but subject and upon the terms, covenants, restrictions and conditions hereinafter mentioned, and by the Hamilton and North WesttM'ii to be performed, observed, and kept: And the Great Western and the Hamilton and North West- on covenant each with tlie other as follows, that is to s;.y : The tJreat Western shall and Avill, within ten days from the foiuteenth day of November, A.D.,one thousand eight hundreil and seventy-six, construct and put in at the said crossings of (lie tracks of the said Toronto Branch proper diamond cross- ings of the l)est construction, made of steel and similar to those wliich are at present in use on the Railway t)f the Great West- ern, and within the said ten days shall and will erect at the said level cross^ing two crossing semaphores and four distant semaphores of the like kind and (|uality as those in use upon the tJreat Western Railway, with all necessary and usual iittings, lamps, levers, wires and aptpliances ; the two crossing sema- phores to be placed at the point of crossing, and each of the distant semaphores to be placed six hundred feet from the point of crossing, two thereof upon the Toronto Branch Railway, one oil either side of the crossing and the other two in like manner 111)011 the Railway of the Hamilton and North Western, and they shall and will (-(instruct two notice boards of the ordinary kind on the said Toronto Branch Railway, each at the distance of half a mile from the said crossing and at the ciossing a pro- per house for the use, occupation and accommodation of the watchman, such house to be reasonably fit and suitable for the purpose and not less than ten feet by fourteen feet in size : The said diamond crossings and semaphores, with the fittings, lamps, levers, wires, signals and appliances, and the house and notice boards aforesaid shall be kept in order and repair and be maintained and renewed by the Great Western by whom the lamps shall be supplied with oil or other means of lighting, and with other requisites and shall be lit and extinguished: The wokingandmanagement of all such semaphores, signals and conveniences shall be under the exclusive regulation and control of the Great Western who may from time to time ap- pfiint, emphjy and remove such watchman, switchman and other persons as may be necessary for the prevention of danger to or interfeience with the trattic at or near the said crossing : The Hamilton and North Western shall not nor will use the said Cciiifiiileratiiin, 81,04:*. C. W. 1!. to (.■(Histnu't fl'llSsiULtS (if Stl-l'l, And will erect 2 enissiiii,' aim 4iUst:iiit sema- IlllOI«.'>^. Locaticiu (if ciMssiiii,' and distant scnia- lllldlVS. Tli coustnu't nutice Ixiards and watch- man's liciuse. {',. W. 11. to keeji said works in re- pair, to supiily oil, etc. G.W. control said work 111 ii .t X. w, t to use 1 4 m 230 agrkmei;nt uetwep:n a. \v. itv. k n. & x. \v. ry. co. «iiik.s until fully iDiu- likti'd. or ^-i4. a. \v. ■R. '.it nals to 111' used. to pav evory luiintli cost of iiiiiiiitenaucf. H. & N. W. to ^instruct notice boards, femes ami eat- tle-LTUards oil tlifir Hue near crossiii' To construct and maintain c^d^■el•ts on tiacl{ near G. w. u. G. W. R. to work sema- phores, etc. G. W. R.,in lien of jiay- .saiil crossiiiif, or move or .sfiid any locomotives, cars, trains o otliur tliinqs wliatevor u|)on oi- across the siuuu until the sail. • liamoixl crossin;,', st'iiiapliorcs, tittini^s, lamps, lever.s, wires, aj)- l>liances, notice hoards and house shall have been fully com- pleted and put in and erected I'eady for workinir, nor until they shall have jjaid to the Great Western the cost and expense of constructing, putting in, ami erecting tlie .same, wlucli they covenant to pay : The .system of signals to be observed and acted upon at the said cro.ssing by the Hamilton and Noith Western shall be the same as those in use for the time bcitig on the llailway of the (Jreat Western, and the Familton and North Western shall aiid will duly observe and ai,-t upon the siuuc, and shall and will duly observe, perform and keep on their part all the pro- visions of this Indenture : The Hamilton and North Western .shall pay to the Great ^\ estei'ii on the first day of each anarties hereto have hereunto «et Mjn.:,i toi,,-^ ,eir respective corporate seals the day and year first above .v„,i constna- their respec written Sealcil and delivered by the"! (ireat Western in presence V of 3 CiiAs. Percy. Sealed and delivered by the \ Hamilton and North West- |- erii in presence of j tinn tniin^. F. Brouomtox, (jvneral Manaycr. Aareeinent beticeen Ilamilton and Xorth-Wcsfcrn Ralhmy 'Companij and The Grand Trunk Rallmoj Vompoivj, ax to crossing at Geur(jdoxvn. ^leinorandum of Agreement made this twenty-first day of AKm;;-;;-;*^.,. November, in the year of our Lord one thousand e.ght hun- H. & N w. ' ,lred and seventy-six, by and between The Hamilton and -kI u. 1. 1. North Western Railway Company and the Cnaiid irunk Railway Company of Canada whereby it is agreed— 1. That the Hamilton and North Western Comr^iiy shall |n,..u make the connection of their line with the Crand iiunk at '^ j_, ,,^^.„^_ the point marked " B." on the sketch attached to this memo- randum. S 1 o 32 ]( &x. \V tc. I'fty I 'St. AOIIKEMENT IJETWKEN N. RY. CO. A II. & N. W. Ry. co. 2. That tlie whole cost of niiikin<,' the connection, erectitiLr signals, and maintaining tlio .same .shall he borne by the Haiiiif- ton and North Western Comiianv. S'in'ilvt'n'^.i ^' '^'"'^ ^^'^ ^^'"^ of putting in tlio switch at ])oint "R." shall lucT c.'t. i{. ho performed hy the engineer of the (irand Trunk Oomj,.f H. tht it N. \V. le cost of the "Hamilton and North Western Company pany nt It is further agreed That the crossing of the Northern extension of the Hamilton and North Western line over the Grand Trunk shall be uv.u\r ]>y an overhead bridge to the satisfaction of tlie engineer of tlif Grand Truidc Company. (Signed) John Stuart. J. HlCKSoX. l-r Agreement between the Korthern liailu'dy Companij uiul /A IlaniUtoit and Korth-Wcstevn Railivay Company, s / worklmj their Raihmys. A;,nnt.G. Tune, Agreement made the sixth day of June, one thousmid eio-ht J'li'Kbod and seventy-nim^ between THE NURTHEUN RAILWAY COMPANY OF CANADA (hereinafter cal- led the Northei'u Company) of the one iiart, and THE HAMILTON AND NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY (hereinafter called the North- Western Com- pany) of the other part, Northern Ey. 1st, jiart. H. & X. W. Uy, l.'i.(l i.ait. Xiirthern ,iiul Xorth-Wfst- crii Kuihvays to be L'■ to iuul ciolit ITHEliN liifter Ciil- siiid THE (VILWAV ern Com- al poweis ern Coui- L' (.subject 1 that be- to say : — Company irt of the n connee- )rth Sini- Jonipany h of Jan- shall for jne years .11 be un- to oi)era- and con- inder the Coumiit- reinafter solutions Commit- tee AOUKKM KNT ISKTWKEN N. RY. CO. & H. & N, W. UY. CO. 233 tro ana su 1 shall be ontirme.l by the Bounls ..f Diivotors ..f both Companies, or not .lisullowe-l by the Unar. ot Dnvrtors ot cither Company, or in case ..f aisallowaner by th.- hoard <.t Directors of oiie only of the Companies, shall be conhrmed ..n jeference to a Referee as hereinafter provided. - For the purposes of such workin- as aforesaid, all the lo- I;;--;';;-:^ coinotives and other rolling stoek, vessels, ,.aidterm such, if any, of the same things as shall exist in specie shall be restored to the Company to which the same be- long, and a new appraisement and valuation shall be made of the things so restored, and a new inventory divided as far as may be into similar classes an|iMiiitci at 'I'lii, tn I ll. HiiildiiiK^, siiiiiif,"-, iiiiicliinery, etc., tl) 111' lit fiispiisitiiin iif till- twii ('(ini- lanics, Anil iiiiiliT riiiitrnl of K.\i> rutivu ("iiin. I'nivtMi foi'e the expiration of the said term. appoint in writing a vahier, an.l the two vahiers so a])[.oint(.>(i ■ shall, on eju'h occasion, lieforo they enter upon the a[)praiso- nient ami valuation, appoint in writini^a third viducr, to win. m shiill 1.0 referred for final appraisement and valuation aiiv item or items as to tlie .alue of which the two vahiers so appointeil hy the Companies as aforesaid cannot a,i;ree. If th<' P.oard of JJirectors of eitlier of the t'oiupanies shall not, within ten davs after notice in Avritin^r of the appointment of a vahier hy the other Company, appoint a valuer on their hehalf, then tlie v;i|- uer so appointed shall enter upon and make such appraiseun'tit and valuation, and his valuation shall have the same force imi etiect as if the two valuers had heen appointed. 4. In order to render moi'e effectual and protitahh- tin- working of the railways under this agreement, as well the radways of or connected with tlie Connianies respectivelv, as also all stations, sidings, huildings, works, wai'ehous(.> elevatons, stationary engines, fixed ^uadiincry and cijuip- ment, with the appliances and conveniences l.elonging thereto respectively, ami any other real or immoveable "pitTperty ot' either of the t'omj)anies, including lands leased to or Jield hy either of the Companies shall, so far as mav he necessarv or desirable for tlie working of the railwavs (luring the said term, or the then remainder tliereof, be placed at the disposi- tion of the two Companies, and subject, as herein provided, to the control of the Kxecutive Committee, who shall provide out of the gross earnings produced by the working arranged for by this agreement, for all out-goings in respect thereof, an. mil cijiiip- ing thei'eti) ii'o|)eity ot' to or hell I i necessary II,' the saiil lie disposi- I'ovideil, to irovide mit i^ed for ly , and shall tlievefi'oni. shall arise suhji'et t<< Ted to tile no lieloniT, Terence to the Board also, that losed of as ? railways, tive Coni- o Referei'. Hamilton becomes Anur.KMKNT ItKTWKKN N. KY. CO. & H. * N. W. IIY. (.0. •>'?'» ^•>i r liceiniies the property of the Noith-Westem Company or ar- c'.mmiitt.i' UMIMII*'^ I'll' |'l''j,i 'J viiv. *i.jiv>> 'T^Kwaik V i^ia-i'oia^r "» •• • « « Ull II 1 1 1 k<'< ' ruii"enients are made by the North-Western Company at their ""* '"'""'• '" nun se|>arate expense for its use by the Hxeeiltive CiMumittee, ijal.ilitv i>,.,„.,,,,,i, ,,f tieated as t)art of tlie said gross earnings, but shall be paid to lmi.l'<«iilihint and received or retauied by tlie Company to which such laml " belongs. ."). Out of tlie gross earnings to be jn'oduced by the working Woikiim' .x- of the railways, and from all other the iiroiiertv moveable or l"'. 'J'" '" ':'' 111 1 ii !• -i- !• 1 i' /I ■ paiil mil "I iiiimoveable, ]tlaced at the (hsposition or the two ( om panics, ^,,.,,^^i.iiiiiiiii,'-. shall be jiaiil all working expensi's as hereinafter detined, and the net surplus, after providing for such payment, hereinafter called net earnings, from time to time shall be divided between the Companies in manner liereinafter provided. (i. Cnder tlie expression working expenses, shall lie included ^^''|^'^'^^^^;;^"''^"'^ the following exi)enses and charges, that is to say — (ii) All expenses of the maintenance of the railways, sta- tions, sidings, buildings, works, warehouses, elevators, appliances,coiivcniences, real and immoveable property, tlio subject of the management and working arranged for by this agreement, and of the rolling and other stock, machinery, erpii[)nieiit, i)lant and moveable property used in the working of the railways or any of them. (h) All rents or annual sums payable in respeet of any railways, warehouses, wharves or other property, in- eludiny- land leased to or held by either of the Com- Maiiiti'iiaiu'i- of iiiilways. siiliiit,'s, tmilil- in^,'s, rc'llini,' ptiick. 111 u'liiti- fry, etc. panics, which, under the provisions of this agreement, shall be subjected to the ccmtrol of the Executive Com- mittee, and including such rent or annual sum as may from time to time lie payalile under any lease or agree- iiKiut to or with the Northern Company, of or in re- sjject to the said railway of the North Simcoe Rail- way Company, not exceeding eighteen thousand dol- lars per annum, but exclusive oi' any rent royalty or other payments in respect of the user of the Hamilton Klevator unless and until the same shall be subject to the provisions relating to other like property of the Xorth-Western Company. ((•) All expenses of anil incident to the working- of the railways and the trathc thereon, including stores or consumable articles. id) Rent!', etc., fur railwuys. l)uil(liii!,'s, wliaivcs, etc. Iiichulin-r rent fur North Sim- coe l{y. Not tn exceeil .*ilS,00O. Not Ilamikoii elev.ato! i.iitil same suliject to provisions of otlier jiro- Tiertv of H . & !V. W, of workiiiL,' rail- way stores.f to. Ii' liis! B III luiifri, iiimir- aiict'.daliiaKt'x, vtc. Halarie*. com- liyiwutioim.etc, KxpI'llHOH K.\- Ciiiii., Audi. tiiiN, Joint IlOll. Clllll. 1-ival, I'arliii. iiii'iitury <^\' IieliJ^fN, tti'. SiHTetiiria! ami cstatiiifili. iiii'iit f.\|i('nsfM of Xiirtlifrn aiid Xortli- Mfsteni IJiiil. way«. AGItKKMKNT IlKrWKKX N. ItV. C( -. A II. & N. W. IIY, CO. ('0 All rates, tn.xi's, insuniiicc nml coinpfiisjitio'i for awi- (It'iits, losst's aiul aym('nt of the st^paratc sucrutarial and cstaiilish nt cxpi'UscH and Directors' fees of the North- \Ve.stern and Northern ( 'ompanies respectively, Hiut without preju- dice to the amount which either of the said Companic-i may expend on this account) and all other sinii> whatsoever which arc, by any clause of this a^'ree- ment, expressly authorized to he paid out of yroxs eariMnijs. wXiS' . "• ^'^'^."«t eariiinus in each year of the sai.l term sliall from time to time he divided between the Companies in manner fol- lowing, that is to say — !\''rtiu.rr"C V^* ^" ^''*' ^""' "^ ^'"^'*^^ thousajid p.mnds sterling in eacli year, the same shall he appropriated and paid as to sixty-six and a (piarter ut cent, tlu'reof to the Northern Company and as to thirty-three and three-fourths per cent, thereof to th_, North-Western (.'ompany. After eighty thousand i)oiin.Is shaft have been so appro- priated in anyoneyear, any additional net earnings of the year Next fio,0(JO « to the next ten thousand pounds (between the sums of Northern iJy. eighty thousand pounds ami ninety thousand poiuids) be apprc- Next 4'i(),0(io pi'iatod and paid to the Northern Com[)auv, and as to the next rer'"c't''x.Sij **^'" thousand pounds (betwecji the sums of ninety thousand A\\.st."rn ,io '" l>o"n:{7 t''i for acei- ('iisatiuns lit' work in;,' of I uses of the an and See- •int London i<^i'\\i, to l,c I l"j,'(il, par- i;,' <'Xi)ons(>, mco of two owards tlic alili.slniii>iit resteru and Iwnit pi't'jii- ( 'onipanif> )tli('r .suin> this a^Tct.'- it of '•TOSS shall froiM lannur fnl- iterlinrf in )ailiall be appointed Viy tlie Directors of tlu' said respective Com- jianies within fointeen days after the confirmation of this agree- ment, and the membeis appointed by the Directors of either Company shall fiom time to tinte contituie in oitice until the appointment of their succes.sor.s. lu. In th.- event of the d» Ji or resignation of any of the y;;;^',\";y,!;.>" ci'dit appointed members of tlie Kxecntive Connnittee, or of his ,iii,.,n.v i:vu. ci'ising to be a Director of the ( '..mpany by whose J)iivctors he ;;'f;;«/'""'- wa> appointed, the remanung meml)ers ot ti" hxecutixei om- |,„^^._ mittee, Directors of the same Company, shall appoint another Director of the same Company to fill .luring the remainder of tlic current year tlie vacancy so occasioned, la.t the proceedings of the Executive Committee sha'.; not be stayed or invalidated by reas( n of the hai)pcning or continuing of any vacancy, .so j(in"' as a (lU'jrum of mendiers remain. 11. The Mana;^ "-''""'• nut, unless he be an appointed member, have any casting vote or other vote on any question sulanitted to the Executive Committee, and if he be an appointed member shall vote c.ily ,,,„ ^,,i,. „„,,., as the othev members vot" and .shall not have a casting vote, ifanai.i.ointe.l In the event of the absence of tha ex-oMrio chairman from any l^i;-;";;^'';^^^,, meeting of the Committee, the members present thereat shall ,.iis,i„g \„t.'. appoint one of their number to act as chairman /))'0 tcin. who Appointin.-Mt shall vote only as the other members vote and sha'' not have a ;;;.,;^;^^,;["""' casting vote. T2. Each of the eight appointed members of the Executive J/;;n:|;;.';:'f Committee niav, by writing under his hand, apjMjint any other (;;„„,„itt,M. appointed ineiuber of the C.)mmittee, being a Director oi the ...ay airoi.a .same Company, to be his proxy to vote for him m hiS absence, i ' • at the meetings of the Committee. -■ Wj^-^m 111'' h II ^i 238 AfiUEEMKNT BETWEEN N. RV. CO. & H. & N. W. «Y, CO. ExrciitivoiMiiy iiiiikf liy-liiws fill- rcj^uliitidii nf Imsiiu'ss, vU: Kixiiij,' iiiiD- I'uni. Oiviii;,' iKitice, etc. By-laws til lie (-•oiiHiiirmI ]i\ VI Tlu; Kxotnitive Committee for the time being i,liiill have ])o\ver to whkc liy-laws not inconsistent with tlie provisions of this aj^rieemynt for tl.'e regulation of tJieir meetings and husi- ness, including the appointment of sub-conuaittees, the li.\inv enabling- regulations y them the ions of thi< agreement AGKKKMEXT BETWEEN N. IIY. CO. & H. & K. W. RY. CO. a-a-eonient to tlieir control, and for the purposes aforesaid shall he eni.itled, and are hereby authorized, to acb as agents for and in the name of the Companies, respectively ; a»id niay, as occasion reipiires, or as may l)e expedient, treat the said rail- wavs and properties as being worked or used by either or both of Ihe said Companies. Pi'ovided aU^^'ays, that no rule, regulation or resolution of the JvKecutive Connnitt(!e shall be deen\ed to 1)0 of any valiilitv or shall be acted upon, unless and until the same shall b'e confirmed by the B' d of J)irectors of each of the (.'oiupanies, or unless an. (lis- apiu'dve Itef- erce tii decide aa to coiitii'iua- tiou. Rules, etc. , not disallowed to have effect ot rules of Ijotli Comiianies. Uates, etc.,^ not to disei-iin- inate against Hamilton or Toronto. I'roviso. Hn-;ii:,'t'nients of I'^xeculive ( 'oiiiiiiittee liiiidiu,' on hotli t. onipan- ies. W 1 t m 240 AGREEMENT liETWEKN N. RV. f'O. & II. & X. W. ry. CO ..leemo(l and taken to bo joint en^ra-onients and liabilities of On,. (Vn.pany >ot » Companies for the performance and satisfaction of whifl, ;;;:ei:S';:/"'' ''^^^ ^ (-onipames shall be cjually nnswerable ; hut save as afo.v- tutun- euKa«e- «iiul notliiHo- m tins agreement shall extend to make either of .....Its of other, the Companies responsible or liable for nnv ..f the pres.Mit or tuture debts or liabilities of the other of them • Provid.^d Kx. however, that the Executive Committee shall, in th.> excrcis,^ I'ilsti;^";;!-'" •'* ^'^"^"" P'^^^'r- ^*^''^ '"^"^''^ **> '^" ^^'^tlng contracts an tr..ct. of either agreements made by either Company for services siipnli.-. ,, < 'oinpaiiy. r, ^, . .' ,- Pfi'i.v lor services, supplies ur )ther matters coming under the head of working expeus,.. and .shall not cause or do anything inconsistent therewith. 20. The Executive Committee shall direct and conti ■•'1 al I'^xecutive < 'oinniittee to . i i- i ' -.wv^u .imi i,_(iiimi a r-mtrolre- receipts and disbursements in respect of the workin... aiTaii..,,, ,..,,ts_a,ui,hs. tor by tins agreement, ami shall .an.- prop.r books of aceounl to he kept ot all such receipts an.i lisbursenuMits and ,,f .(U otlier matters ot account connected an th the said working- an,| shall, as .soon as practicable after tlu expiration of each'^ue- ce.ssive period of six m.mths from the date fixed for the coming- into operation of this agreement, state in writin-^ a just .ind true account or statement of tlieir recei[,ts and disbursem..nt. credits and liabilities in respect of the previ^.us six months' working; aii.l copies thereof shall be forthwith o-iven ,,r for- warded to the Northern Company and to the Xorth-Wesfin Railway Company for the us of the Companies respectively Imi'seinoiits. to cause proper ae- coiiiits to he kept. ITalf yearly statMiients to ei'ch v'om- pany. l)a(]i ( Oni- ]iaiiy to ap- point aiiilitors 21 The Directors of the Northern Comi^any shall, within fourteen days after the confirmation of this Agreement and thereafter ill the event of the ofiie,' being vacant'.'from time to cime appjint one auditor, and tin? Directors of the North-Wes tern ( 'ompany shall, within the like time and in the like event appo.nt another auditor of the accounts of tlie Executive Com- mittee ; and withm fourteen days after ihe appointment of the audi .,r, who shall be secomlly appointed after the date fixed or the coming into operation of this Agreement, and with ,i fourteen days alter every succeeding app.)intment, the two ilm.,lan,ht,,r auditors for the time being shall appoint a thinl auditor, who pointell. '•'^ t^' ^^'^ '^« umpire between such auditors in the event of dis agivement between them ; and if within such resi)ective periods ot tourteen_ days a tliird auditor be not appointed as aforesaid the Executive Conimittee shall appoint such thir.l auditor ; an.i tlie said auditors shall at all reasonable times and under such reasonable regulations as the Executive Committee shall fr.Ma l^^Z::^'''^"''''^''^^^"^''^''-^'^ ^'"' ^^^^^'^ t^ '-^'1 >^o<'ks and ac- ,to. counts ot tlie Executive Committee, with power to take ex- tracts therefrom and copies thereof for the use of tlie Comwi- nies respectively. In the event of one au.litor only bein- L- pomted m accordance with the foregoing provisions, the Dir.-c- tors ot the Company who appointed such auditor may re.iuire the other Con.puny 1^^ notice in writing, to appoint another auditor on their behalf, and if they shall fail to make such an appointment If only (ino auditor np- poiiited. V. CO, iabilitifs of n of wliich VQ as .'it'oiv- :e fither of present or Provi.lcil^ lie exercise- itmets and supplies ur pensi'^.aii.l con t I'd 1 all ;• aiTani^vil )i: account and ,,f all ikini;-, aiiij each siiL'- he coming I just and irseincnts. X months' ■en or fur- i-West.-in ipoctiw'ly. vlJ, witiiin ini-nt, and \n time to irtli-Wes- ike evt-nt, tive (.'dih- 'ut of the late fixed id with u the two itor, who it of dis- "0 pei'iods xfon^'said, itor; aii(l uler siich hall from s and ac- ta ke ex- ' (\)in[ia- leing ap- he Direc- y reciuiro another J such an ointment ACHKE MKNT I'.ETWEKN N. UY. CO. & H. k N. W. RY. CO. '241 W ai.iiointment, then at or after tlie expiration of ten days from till' service of such notice, tlie one auditor so appointed shall act for hoth Companies; Provided always that the Directors of I'ivinIm). the Company in default may afterwards appoint an auditor on tlx'ir behalf" hut to act only in rei^ard to the audit of accounts suliseipient to such appointment. i'l. The Executive Committee may appoint and may from k^. (■„,„. m.^y tin'e to time remove and replace a joint a,-vnt to act for both 'j^l^'i^fi^^Jjj^;^. Coinpanies in London. Eni^land, for all matters relating to the a7„i. liiisiness entrusted to the Executive Committee. ■2'.]. At the re([uest of the Executive Committee the Directors Kv.n.tiw f'tl'ie Northern Company an.l the Directors of ihe ^'^''tli- ^'v'"','''^|;.';,, A'estern Company respectively may, trom time to time, ap- ,.,.,,r,-enta- an eciual nu'mber of representatives in London, Eii'^laud, tives in Lon- 1 . . , ,• , 1 r 1 it 'Li. A" , '.;«<-.^ (It'll r^Xt'i'lltlV *' being respectively members ot the London tomnutteo ot ^ '^ec- (^.„„^„,i^^.,. tors of the Company making the a])pointmi'nt, ami shaP de- le"-ate to such representatives such jiowersaiid functions as the Kxecutive Committee shall recommend ; and the representa- tives so appointed shall act as a joint London Committee cor- responding to the Executive Committee. •24. With a view to tlie settlement of any ditferences or di.s- Pu.f.-ivo to iv putes that may arise between the Companies, and to provide a "i'i"'i"te.l. tribunal by which shall be decided any matters referred by the Hoard of Directors of eitlu-r of the Companies, as herein pro- vided, there shall bt- a Referee, as hereinafter provided. •^.-) Charles John Brvdg.'S of the citv of Montival, shall be r. .i. l',.y,k'o. and he is herebv appointed to be the first Kefere.'. and shall '^'-t Pu-f.-.v-. hold the office 'of Kef -ree until the thirty-first day of -^jHy, ,. ,_. ^^.j,,^^^;,,,, ,,ne thousand ei^ht hundred and eighty, and afterwards, from ;,,,,„.iuUMi year to year, until he shall die or resign, or become incapable to act, or be replaced afti^r notice as hereinafter provided. i(\. Anv four nu-mbersof the E.xecutive Committee, of whoii, x,,tKvf, .-mw the Chairman mav be one, mavat anv time, being not less than K-feiw. throe calen.lar numths before the thirty-first day of Mav ri an} ^^«emb^^^^ year, give notice in writing of their desire that a new Let. fee e-o.^nitt,.,- shall be appointed for the next ensuing year ; and thereupon may siw. the Referee in office shall cease to be U.-feree on the thirty-first JJ^^^tof day of May next ensuing. •>7 The Executive ( 'ommittee shall, in the event oE any va- K^ecutivo cancy occurring in the olHce of Referee, or of any such "otice tV''^nuau;o tu as aforesaid being given of a desire that a new Referee be ap- Kef^.,.ee i.y pointed, proceed to^ippoint by tlie unanimous vote of all the ';>;;;;;""'»'^ members voting personally or by proxy (except the Chairman, in case he be not an appointed member), and at a meeting sum- moned for the purpose, after not less than one week's notice ,)„,> „.ook'.^ to 111 C; iiii •.)tM M 242 AGREEMENT BETWEEN N. RY. CO. & H. & N. W. RY. C(). If Executive <'ciminltteenot atjreed as to IJeferee, Each Com- l>iinj' to aj)- Iioint arbitra- tor. Third arbitra- tor how ap- pointed. Arbitrators to name lleferee. Referee to set tie dispute be- tween Compa- nies. If by-law etc. be disallowed by one Co. i;"''r::uir^d: ^"^ ""^ the member.s of the Committee,, a Referee to fill the va- " • cancy, or to succeed as Referee for the following year ; an.l such 'ivnureofoffloe -Keteree sliall hold ofhce from year to yeai- until he shall die or ofnewReferee. resign, or l,ecome incapable to act, or bcrenlaccl at the en-l of any year after notice as hereinbefore provided. 28. In the event of the members of the Executive Commit- nl-r'T". ' ^ \' '^^''".^*' "" ^^'^'''' ^''""^ ""^We to agree in then selection, the members appointed by the Northern Com- pany shall nominate one arbitrator, and those appointed by the Nor h-Western Company shall nominate anothVr, an.l the cwo arbitrators so nominated shall nominate a third arbitrator • an.l if within fourteen days from the nomination of such one of tl,c arbitrators as shall be secondly or last nominate a third arbi- nlt ?■ n ' n ^Tt'''''}'''^ ^^ aforesaid, either (^ompany may ap- ly to the Clue Justice of the CJourt of Appeal if Ontario fir the appointment by himof a third arbitrator. An.l the major- ,v^ /l .K " V'^'n ^^■^'t'.-^t"^^ rfter consulting with and hear- ing the third shall appomt a Referee, and the Referee so ap- j.-^nited shalMiold ofHce .subject to the same provisions as Z herein contained with reference to a Referee appointed by the -bixecutive Committee. ■^ 29. Es^ery difference or dispute arising between the Com- panies touching the construction of this Agreement, or any Z 'nfTl = ^f i"g out of; or connected with the same, shall, at the request of the Board of Directors of either Com- nthl: f- T^ **" the Referee for the time being; and among er things, If any by-law of the Executive Committee shaH ^ul to be conhrmed, or if any rule, regulation or resolution of the Executive Committee, with reference to the working of the said railways and properties, .shall be disallowed by the B.,ar.l sncb t; 1^"' 1 ''"f r?^^^ '^ ^l'^ Companies, the question whether such by-law should be confirmed, or sucli rule, regulation or reso utK,n shall or .sliall not be confirmed, shall, at the request tot-Rf f ^ri^"'"'^ °^ '^'' ''^^''' Company, be referrld to such Referee for the time beino- ^^.''''■^ The decision of the Referee for the time being on the n atter or matters from time to time referred to him. shall in all cases be hnal and conclusive upon the Companies and the Executive Committee. i cv m uic u.:i^to"ret o, J!.;;!!KH«?f ^''^^f^^Sroomoirtconi^in^ shall limit, restrict Company's «! piejudiciahy affect the rights of any holders of bonds chaiv^eil wihoiders- Kfs^r^rn:;: ''- ^-^^^^^^^-^^ ^-^-^^^ ^'^ ^^ To decide whether same be confirmed or not. .V..eenu.nt. 32^ Special ineetings of the Northern Company and of tl of. b> boards -"^ortli- Western Comnanv sliall iwwi,.!,, ^ !.. /^ ,, confirmation Nr.vfli AA;-^c* /'i o- -- — ^ -^^ wi tjiLm v.oiin)any an.l Noith-Western Company shall be duly convened for tl le l,r^c■^ .4- li • ''","'' """■" "^ ^uuy coiivenea lor the nw- pose of conhriiung and ratifying this Agreement, and i./ tl.e event Y. C( ). fill the va- :•; and such ihall (lie, or the eiKl of e Commit- to agree in hern Coiii- ited by the id the owe rator ; and one of the third arbi- y may ap- )ntario for the niajor- and hear- iree so ap- oias as are ied by the the Com- it, or any the same, iher Coin- nd anion<>' ittee shall olution of ing of the :he Board 1 whether ilation or le request eferi'ed to ig on the 1, shall in s and the t, resti'ict s chai'ji'ed to be af- v\ of tlie the pu'-- id in the event A(!iti;i:Mi:N'T isktweex <;. t. ry. co. & ii. & n. w. ry. co. 243 bei ifii d bv the ovent of the same not being eontirmed as rennn-ed statutes in that behalf ma,,^.it.,i near (Jeoruetown on the line of the Grand Trunk Railway of lin*-^ iinss at Canada, the said two Companies at tlie point have formed a ^"'''"'■■^'■*"'^'"v junction and have erected teniporary accommodation for passen- gers at said point, partly on the premises or lands of each, and for the maintenance of said accommodation and the continu- ance thereof, have each agreed with the other as follows, that is to say : That upon the terms and subject to the agreement herein- Waitin- mom, after contained the waiting-room, platforms, and P^'^'^enger ;-^|^|jj^^J.'j|' j'",^^ accommodation now existing upon the lands shown in red on j„ii,t exiuMi^e the plan annexed hereto, and which are described as follows, "f that is to say,— situate, lying and being in tln' Township of Ksquesing, in the County of Halton, and Province of Ontario, being composed of part of lot number nineteen in tlie eighth concession )f t\V(l I'o^. il ^!l; ill •J44 Twii I'o.'s to be joint ciwii- ers. Co. re(|niriii:-' reiUDVitl or re- ei'fctioii to ) loar costs. If Co.s a;,'ree as to cliange to bear ex- pense e(|uany. Either Co. may discon- tinue use on nionths'notice. How material to be disposed of. Each Co. to pay half taxes, etc. Works to be und"!' control of (J. T. 11. as to signals, etc. AfiHKKMENT I!P:T\VKEX G. T. MY. CO. & H. & N. W. RV. CO. concession of said townsliip and dt'sciihed tlins : Itoing a strip of land lyinfj south of and adjoining,' the niain track of tlif Grand Ti'unk Railway, at the (Jeoryetown junction of tho llaniilton and North Western Railway, as slunvn on the located plan attached heivto, coloured red, and accorilino; to the several dinu'usions marked thereon, shall I'eniain and he contimied aivl maintained at the joint ex|)ense of the said two Companies for their nnitual service and acconnnodation. That the two Companies shall be joint owneis of said l)uild- ing and platforms and appliances connected therewith now on said lands, and that the same shall be used only for the inter- change of ti'athc between their respective roads, and that the costs of maintenance of said buildings, platforms, ice, cvC, shall be borne equally by the said two Companies. That should at any time cither Com[)any, for the purpose of putting in additional tracks, recjuire the removal of said erec- tions, or any part of them, the Company lequiring said removal shall bear all the costs of such removal and re-erection and fitting in all respects for the purpose aforesaid, and all expenses caused to the other by such change, the mode of removal and re-erection to be agreed upon by the two Companies before tho work is commenced. If, however, the two Companies, for their nmtual advantage agree on the removal of the buildings and platforms, or any part of them, for their respective convenience, then, and in such case, the change shall be made as the parties shall first agree upon, and the costs and expenses shall in that case be borne equally by the said parties hereto ; but in all cases of change the new arrangement or site and mattei's connected therewith shall, before any change is conunenced, be agreed upon l)y the parties hereto. That, if either of the said parties hereto at any time desire to discontinue the use of the said erections, platforms, and ap- pliances connected therewith, either Company so desiring shall have power to so discontinue upon giving to the other six months' notice of such desire and their intention to so discon- tinue, and in that case the materials used in the construction of said waiting-room and platforms shall be disposed of as the parties may agree, or, failing agreement, by public auction, for cash, and the proceeds, after deducting costs of sale, &c., in case of sale, shall be etpially divided between the parties hereto, and in either case, this agreement and everything contained therein shall fronr thenceforth be at an end, and each party shall be an' I stand in the ; ame position as regards the lands above described that they resi)ectively held before the erection of said waiting-room, platforms, kc, (Jirc, above mentioned. That in the uattter of taxes, anything assessed upon said premises shall be paid by said Companies, each paying one- half. That the said platforms, the waiting-room, and all switches, siiinals, and audi like matters, sliull lie u]idir tlic cuntrol of the Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada, and their superin- tendent :^f . UV. CO. lieing a strip track of tlic ,'tion of till' II tile located tilt', .several •ntimieil aivl ompanies for )f said biiild- with now on or the int«'r- iiid tliat the cc, vcc, .sliall e purpose of of said erec- said removal erection and all expenscN removal and es before the xl advantage latforms, or :e, then, and es shall first that case be L all cases of •s connected 1, be agreed r time desire rms, and ap- iesiring shall le other six to so discon- construction ied of as the 1 auction, for 3, &c., in case rties hereto, ig contained I each party ds the lands the erection ntioned. d upon said paying one- all switches, uiilrul of the heir superin- tendent A(iI!EEMENT HETWKEN II. k In. W. HV. < O. .»c U. T. UY. '-I45 [indent shall in all matters relating to the woiking thereof lia\'' ab.solutc power and authority. Eiicli of the above nan»ed (jomj)anies hereby covenant with J'""''i,-';r?J;".'"''' the other to abi Trunk RviL^^'"''"-' GfORGE WeHH. ) WAY CnMPANY OF (LVNADA, jiJC I\. AVrIOHT. J. HlCKSON, General Manager. [Seal.] AV (;. T. liV. licrcto sliotild execute to tlie otluT of them a of, the possession of each for the purpose of retaining the said ownership to he taken as the occupution and j^ ossession of their respective parts so owned by thorn as afi^resaid : Mow therefore this Indenture witnesseth that, in oonsid- .'• eration of the premises and of the sum of one dollar of law- rst ful money of Canada now paid by the parties of the second •*'•• part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged they tlie parties of the first part, do hereby grant and convey unto the parties of the second part their succ'.\ssoi-s and assigns, one un- divided lialf of the station, buildings, platforms, and erections appurtenant to the said station all of which are situate on that part of the lands shown on the diagram annexed hereto in yel- low, and which were .'vected and are used by the parties liereto for and in connection with the Union station above mentioned at Caledonia aforesaid and which said lands so shown in yellow on said diagram, are part of lot numbei' eleven on the west side of the Hamilton and Port Dover i)lank road, in the Township of Seneca, in the County of Haldimand. «;.;r. iJ.^Ki-ai.t And this Indenture furthei- witnesseth that in considei-ation " " " aI\ °^. ^'/^' pi-eniises and of the sum of one dollar of lawful money stii- of Canada, now paid by the parties of the first [lart to the par- ties of the second pai't the reeeii)t wliereof is hereby bv them acknowledged they the parties of the seconil part do grant and convey unto the parties of the first part their successors an«l assigns one undivided half of the station buildings, platforms, and erections appertaining to the said station, all of which are situate on that part of the lands shown on the said diagram annexed hereto in yellow and which were erected and are^'used l)y the parties hereto for and in connection with the Union station above mentioned at Caledonia, aforesaid and which said lands st) shown in yellow on said diagram are part of lot eleven last above mentioned. To have and to hold the said one half of said station build- ings, erections and appurtenances aforesaid unto and to the use of the parties of the first and of the second parts respectively as above mentioned, their successors and assiH'Ct niattei oi this conveyance are situate ; each party durint; the eontinuance of the sai'il Union station shall he; taken as in occupation of tliciriespeclive parts of tlu- lands used for said purposes. And the parties hereto do herehy nnitually for th' mselves, Cuvtiiants. tlu'ir successors and assigns, covenant and agree to and with each other as follows : That the said buildings :md their appurtenances shall he hel.l J;;Sd",'';|'- ' and engaged in conuuon hy them for the purposes of a Union coimnou. station at Caledonia aforesaid. That they shall each execute to the other f'ii't1>*^i- as- J';;^;;'^;';'*^^^ surances of the said buildings, erections and apinirtenances as ancoH, if re- may be reciuisite. ''""'='*• That they each shall have peaceable possession of the said f|^'i,^i;,|^"',^, buildings and erections with the other of them for the purposes «es^ion and to the intent above mentioned. In witness whereof the said parties hereto have hereunto caused their respective seals to be affixed on the day and year tirst above written. Signed, sealed, and delivereil \ in presence of ( George Weijb. { John St l' art, President. ill Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada. J. HlCKSDN, Witness : General Manager. R. Wright. Agreement betvecn Noiihern and Hamilton & Novth-Western and Credit Valle'j Raihmy Companies, as to Station at S[i(jo. This Agreement, made the tenth day '.f November, one A^'j-t^ment _, 1 1 I'll. lUtU *N0\ . looU. thousand eight hundred and eighty, Between he Northern Railway Company o; Canada an Htation at \ ,lla-o of Sligo, OH tl»e line of the Hamilton and Noith-West.Mn uailway ; Hn;-n^;.r"'' An.lVheims the parties of the secon.l imrt l.ave api.lied to the parties of tlie hrst part to ^Lrrant them, for the nurimses nf business, tlie joi»it use of the said station, whicli the said parties ot the Hi-st part have a<,rreed to do upon the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned ; Now it is hereby a<,n'eed as follows : — Co.s ti) use station jdiiitly <*. V. H. to I lay S-'i'.i a yt-ar ill inontlily in- stalini'iits. Station agent of thi-N. &N, W. to have control. In event of nonp.aynu'iit of rent, right tlit'd trt of d\ the saiil terms ami ACUKEMKNT IWITWEKN N. UY. CO. * II. fc N. W. RY.. ro. (L.S. C!. LAID LAW, C'vo.Ut PreHiibnt. ValU'V Raihvay Oiitario.] (Si-MKMl) HENRY E.SI'CKLINC;, Witness : R. A. llUTTAN. 240 to the sail! ISO, for tho Eii^, ax to ws>ie of Jonit Worh-inu ami Kifuipinient bonds. This Agreement, made the twenty-first .lay of Fel.ruary,2iHtFei,..i88i. A.I)., 18«1, Bftween the Northern Railway ('onipany of Canada (here- Xorthorn Kail- intSrcTlh I the Northern C.nfpany), of the first part and w^y M , .art the Hamilto.1 and North-Western Railway Company (here- H.u,nlt,m ami pany), of the second ^,.,, j{,^,,,,.^y iiiafter called the North-Western Comp part. 'Jnd i>art. Whereas the said two Companies entered into an agreement ^^I'^^.l.i.f'^^- ].earin- date the sixth day of June. A.D. 1879 for the jonit ,une, 1S70. working of their railways, including any and every rail- way in connection therewith, an|iiii>ini'iit linlll'i for fl.U.IWA) htfilinx^, iii.i'i I'st lit (j ptr fi'iit. I'liiK ijiiil iif ■ i)er Cfnt. Principal (hif 1st June, IS'JK Tiiterewt when and where l)a;. ab'e. Such Inmils to rank after ex- isting,' lionils of coniiiany. ACRKEMKXT BKTWKKN N. IIY. CO. k II. .^ N. w. UY. CO, uutl.u.ity to issiio sudi lH.n.l,slM-i.i--mnte.l l,v tlir I»arliau...nt> ot the Donmunn ot Caiuula an.l of tli,- I'luvincc of O- taii.. respectively, as hereinafter also proviileil. Now this A-,n-eeinont witnosseth tliai the saiHl~-Thp North-Westei-n shall, under and subject to thr authority hereinafter meniioned, issue from time to time and a^ may be required, "joint working and e.pii])ment bonds'" of the amount ot one hundreu • I the prin- iJul tlio in- (jornpany, • leteiDiiue. luill consti- perty, tolK g hoiid.s of next after 'ject to till' » time, and bonds " of •earinfif in- niim, such id pounds le payalilc Jreon lialf- oacli yoai', uich place, ■oi's of tlie )rkinyand upon the f tlie said thereon of I'est tliere- st on such ;ained fen' t workinj4 irectors of mts above eet to the iuch chai- tercd A'.REEMKNT llETWEEN N. ilV. (.<», .V: 11. .V N. W. UY. I'n. 251 I d Bank within tho Provlnct- of Ontario, as thi' said Kxecu- Committee may I)'- ninatt and dirt'ct. ,viid the said Kxe'.utive < 'omndttet; sliall have power to raise KAe.MitiM' 1 iiey, from time to time, by tlic sale, j)!ed;,'e, or hypotheeatimi |,'|','"'"l!i'|*^'''' «uch Itonds oi' of any part or parts thereof, ami in such i,i,.rl-f, .'ti,, maimer as tliey may deem meet : provided alwnys, that in any '"'"''*• jiartial issue, sali', pledge, or h'pothccation oi' application of Any imvtiul fhf said bonds by the said Kxeeutive Committee to th(' pm- j|j|y|';;,j:'','''^, poses aforesaid, sucli partial issue, sale, pledge, hypothecation ivhiviiIs Nnrtl,. oi' application shall be in a rateable proportion of the bonds of ','';j| * ^^■'"\\,'. riich Company as aforenamed, tliat. is to say, as one luuidred Wrwtrrnc.f and ihirty-fo'ur poumls of the Northern issue is to sixty-six !•" t"''''- pounds of the North-Western issue: and provided "•'*<^ ^^''^^ ''^'^^'''!'r'';'f 'il^^,. tin- exeicise of the powds and authorities licreliy conferred |',','tivi.('niii'- upon the said Executive Comnuttee, shall 1)e subjeet to coidir- }^',''^;,';|^'",', 'l^'' ' luation by the Directors of the two Companies respectively, o»' u.mllf n'ii'f- in case of their disagreement, by tlie Referee, as provided f<>i' '■''■'J ;\'' ';/;['''' '' in the said agreement of the sixth day of June, A.D. 1.S7U : and ',',!|,'„'t tiu.'Ii'tl, provided further, that none of the said bo;, i liereby autlior- .luno, l»"'.'. i/ed shall be sold, pledged or hypothecated, unless and until N..l)on.l-.s..M. the same shall have been hrst countersigned by the Cliairmaii t,.,si.„'m'.l i-y and Secretary respectively for the time being of the said Exe- ciiairinan ami cutive Committee. And the moneys arising ()ut of any s'^'h Jr^'^*'^\''^'^" sale, pledge, or hypothec 'ion shall be- received by the .said Executive Committee, and .shall be used and applied l)y them for the purjioses aforesaid, and in the manner, and to the extent as follows, that is tg .s-iy : out of the proceeds of the sale, pledge, or hypothecation of the aggregate issue of one hundred and .*i(io,0()o ..f thirty-four thousand pounds .stei-ling, to be made by the North- ii;;^"'!,,,,,!, ein Company as aforesaid, the said executive Committee shall to lit- wt apart reserve and apportion one liundred thousand dollars, part there- ^^^JJ^^'hZI. 0,fKK) ut gate i.ssue ot sixty-six thousand pounds sterling, to iKMuade hy jr,j;„iH,m & X.he North-Western Company as aforesaid, the said Plxecutivi- Xi.rth- West- Committee shall reserve and api)orti()n sixty thousand 'l"llars, ^;™J;;''.;'|,';^J;' part thereof, to the sejiarate use and lienetit of the North- for «. ;^4;^,;J)oXn'...f to the North-Western Company on its demand, and from time N,,t to bepaia to time, as the said Executive i'ommittee maycleem meet and j;^;;',',^;.' ";\'',',;. convenient : provided always, that in respect of forty thousand Western tui dollars, imrt of the sum to be reserved and apportioned to the Jl;;;;;!'/}"^;'''-- North-Western Company as aforesaid, the same .shall net l)e ,,r„,,erty ami transferred and paid over, unless and until tho Hamilton Ele- ;;'"l,r^^:;:;;[^;;;' vator .shall have acquired by, and become the proi>erty (>f the After this ir- North-Western Company, and shall have been placed at the servationj-al- dispo.sal of the said two Companies, and suVjject to the control ;",",,'iie,'i of the said Executive Committee as liereinafter provided ; and to joint imi flip I" •--•■< "\ ^ ^ cuinpanie.s. t !/il w li 252 < 'liiiii),'ini,' guusf, etc., Hurcluisiiii,' new niUing stock, etc. J'JxteiKliiii^.'iid- iiig Htationn. ( "instructing junct'Di. l)e- tween niiiiii lines at Allandiile. Dc' iatiim lint? in Colling- %V>)(h1. I'ayment nf lialiilities in snsiiense capi- tiil stock. (Jenerally in iniprovinj,' the working iiower of railways. Any such nioveiihle pro- perty, &c., ileenietl adili- tions to that of two rompa- nie .. To be apprais- ed on termina- tion of agree- ment of 187!l. AGRKP^MKNT BETWEEN N RY. CO. & II. k X, W. RY. CO. tlie balance of the said proceeds shall be apiilied to the joint purpo.-es of the (*oaipaiiies, in changing the i;'au_r;e of tlir tracks, and of the locomotives, and cairia^ies, and rolling stock of the Northern Railway, in the purchase of snoh new loco- motive eno'ines, carriages, rolling stock, and other equipments of the railway.s, in extending the sidings and improving the station accommodation thereof, in constrticting a junction line between the main lines of <^he i';iilways at xvliandule,— in constructing a deviation line of laihv.iy in the town of ( 'ollingwood as already in progress, — in the payment of the liabilities on " suspense capital acount " already incurred, in the provision of various works and ecpiipments of the railways, by order of the said Executive Committee, and properly chargeable to capital account — and generally to such other purposes in adding to, impr jving, and extending the facilities, an 1 the transport, and the earning power of the railways, arid such othei- expenditure on capital account, as the said Executive C'onmiittee may, from time to time, deem meet and proper. And any .such moveal)lo property, as shall be hereafter purchased mider this Agi'eement, as well as that already }»urchased, and included in the " Suspense Capital Account" aforenamed, shall be considered additions to the moveable j)ro])ei'ty of the said two Conn»anies, and at the ex['i- ration of the term in the said Agreement of the sixth day uf June, A. D. 1879 mentioned, the provisions in the said Agree- ment, as to the appraisement and division of moveable pro- perty shall apply thereto, s fully and etie'.'tually as if the same liad been incorporate'" ' ,.'rein. Leaseof North Fourth. — The lease of the North Simcr.c Riiilway to the way, iinh Jan. l>oi'ti>ern Company, dated the nmeteentJi day ol January, 18bl, issi, confirm- is hereby confirmed, and the ai.unuvl payment or rental to lio sis,ooo,"reco.r- P'^^i^^ ^'^ res])ect there»)f, »iot exceeding eighteen thousand dollas nisedasp.'irtof per aununi, is hereby recognised and contirmed as a charge N'rorkingex-^ "l'*^'i ^^""^^ P'^i"t of the annual joint working expenses as detincil pense.s under in the Agreement of the sixth day of June, A. D. 1879, afoie- agreen.entof mentioned. Xorth-West- ern agi'ees to jmrchase ifanulton Klevator. Same to be placed unlhvN us a chaige < as defined 1879, afoie- agrees niid 'Xpense the to procure iaid iS'orth- I place the •md subject in the said s provided ny therein ioon as the s aforesaid under the ative Com- mittee AfiREEMENT BETWEEN N. RY. CO. & II. ^t N. W. RY. CO. 2r>3 Xothinir here- in ti) alter provisions of ai,'roenient of 187i', except asi same added ti> hereby. Provisions of such aijree- ment incorpor- ated withthi.'- inittee shall transfer and pay over to the Nortli-Western i^'je||ti|'"p^ Company the sum of forty thousand dollars as hereinbefore' provided. ,s',>/A. — This Agreement is to be understood and accepted by At,'reenient the said respective Companies, and shall operate as a full, final ',';;"£'^^^ i,,.. and complete setc,lement, and a fall and suHicient I'elease in re- tween compa- speet of all ditlerences, disputes and claims h^tween them, re- 'j'J^''j^^,^,,,^j,^,j.^ latin"- to or in any way connected with the matters referred to bar to claims, in, oHo the meaning or intent of, the said Agreement of the sixtli day of June, A. 1). 1879, by or between the respective Companies, and its execution shall operate as a bar and estoppel to all such claims, and a settlement of every difference and dis- ))ute arising out of or in any way connected with the said Agreement up to the date hereof. Snrnfh. — Nothing herein contained shall in any way affect, ivnpaii' or alter the provisions contained in the said Agreement (,f the sixth day of June, A. D. 1879, except so far as the same ;nv added to or extended hereby, and all the provisions and stipulations of the r^aid Agreement, in so far as the same are applicable to the subject matter of this Agreement, shall l>e in- eorporateuch meeting shall be conclusive evhlence thereof; and until evid. thereof, such confinnation and approval shall be first had, the bonds agreed tol)e issued under the second clause lieroof shall not bo issued. fcnth.—The provisions herein contained for the issue of such J|th«. ofsaid joint workinjT and equipment bonds bv either of the said Com- companies not panics shall not take efiect, unless and until the necessary con- ^^^'^^'^^ tii'mation ami approval for the issue of such additional bonds by ,,,,,ve. the other Ccmpanv shall have been obtained; and the rate of j;:;*''^';,";,; interest shall be aUke in the bonds to be issued by the two .^uia.. Companies under this Agreement. J'Jlccenth —T\\o Directors of the said two Companies may Directors may hereafter 'liter a'.'iee- Si 11 % -•54 ACillEKMKXT liKTWEKN X. RY. CO. & H. k N. W. RY. CO. I^lrm with' the ^^crcaftcr iimkc sueli amendments hereto as may be necessary proi.ose.i to make tlie s."mic conform to tlio result of tlie proposed lc"i^. Jegislatiuii. lation. " In Witness wliei'eof tlie said i)artics hereto have caused their Coi'i)orate Seals to ho hereto affixed. JOHN STUART, [L.S.] President, 11. \: N. W. R. MAITLAND YOUNG, Secretary. FRANK SMITH, [LS] Piesident. WALTER TOWNSEND, Secrotarv. BY-LAWS, ETC., AND AGREEMENTS AFFECTING THE COMPANY it i (NOT RRTXO BONUS liY-L.VWS, .VND AOREHME .NTS, OR AGREEMENTS WITH OTHER RAILWAY COMPANIES). "■Wl II 1 Ipl AdRl-.KMENT Wini lIAMlI/mN AS To liUUMNGTON r.KACH. JJV-LAWS, ETC., AND AGREEMENTS, AtFECTlN(J THE COMPANY (S„T liElNG IIONUS BY-LAWS ANl. A.iKEKMENTS, OK AdUEKMKNTS WITH OTllKK KAILWAY COMPANIES). 257 ;i()U toil Resolution of Hamilton Cltu Council, mh Fthvwir>j, 1S72. Moved l)y Al.l. Charlton, seconded by Aid. Fitzpatrick, and \^^^ y^8o/f^'^— That permission be and it is hereby given to the Council. TTauulton'and Lake Erie Railway, to carry the line ot ^^^^^^ H. & I. K. r. ■,l.,7i.r the whole or such portion as they may see tit, ot all or aiiow.,it.. : y V Sthei oi the streets in this Gty lying between Emerald ^^^^.n ifrPPf on the oast Fennison Avenue, Nelson Street and Cherry Kmerakist.ou S :i "^t^o west, i^luding the said streets named and t^ ^....H^:- streets lying between the northern and southern boundanes o ..„.,i.'h.ny e C ty, ami extending to the westward from Ememld Street bts. o. .e„t. a oresaid within said limits, and that a copy o this Resolution auly certified be delivered by the Clerk to the said Railway "^'T' Daniel Black Chishohn, Es(,uire. Mayor of the City of Hamilton, do hereby certify that the fore.^omg is ^ tnie copy „f a resolution pass-.d by the City Council on tne 12th day of ^ti'^&et; whe^"l have hereunto set my hand ami a^xed the corporate seal of the said City of Hamilton, this 14th day of February, A. D. 1872. ^^^^ ^^ ^ i:,,^noL.^, ^ ° Mayor. S I (i pfi n Ureemmt hetwcen Hamilton and IS' orth- Western Railway Company and Corporation of Hamilton, as to Barlmyton Beach. This Agreement made this «^^^ty-ninth day of Jamiary^ in A^^^^.^ the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundied antl sev- enty seven, ^' 'C^milton and North Western Railway ^on^p^ny, here- TL^N.av.^^ inafter called The Company of the I irst Part, and Ihe . n poi - ,,• „ ation of the ('ity of Hamilton, her.miatter called, the City ot the Second Part Whlueas, m I.V'iitiil that I !'y have taken AG ({Ki: mi: NT WITH iiamii.tox as t O nrT{I.I.V(.Tr»N' I'.KAfK w KitKAs, tlie Company liave constiuctecl a port iMiltiondf line of Railway ovcm' tl portidn of t! Iiilllill;^t(iii J'H'at'h li'asi'd 'i.v city frmii '^ueen. ' 'i>. have Uifrced tn pay lat part of Burlinntoii IJcacli wl I'-'ir *.".,000t())if piiiil by Co. < »ii ]'.y-hi\v S7 lieiiig coiitiiiii- Ci). to erect iMiai'd fence on eneli side of line thrini,i,'li ~iicii liuid, ex- rt-pt at mad < Tussings, 'I'd priivide and maintain I)ri)|)er road iTossings ,sr)(l feet apart. ( 'oinpany may letaiu certain jiortion 40 feet in width. ' II l.> lu. ( ity un.k-r a lease from Her Majostv, The QM,..n • M n "l\l f n ^ *'"■ *''^ 7"«truction of sucli "portion, it was i^neecl hat the (.mpany, thoir suecessons and assigns, on the one hand, and the Cit3, tor themselves, then- successors and assigns, ,m the other hand, do mutiuilLv covenant and agree together as follows: Jn.,st,thesuni of hve thousand dollars shall he i.aid l.y the Company to the (Ity as compensati(m for the l,e"ld I,y the Uty un.ler such lease which have l.een taken liy the said ( ompany, and upon which the line of their Railway has Keen constnic^ted. as n.oie particularly shewn up-m the plan now in .he othc of the City Clerk of the said City, which was mclosedinthe Company's letter of the twenty-fifth day of ■such pa. n.ent shall be made to the said City by the Company lortliwith on the jn-ovisions of a Bill relating to the said ( 'om'- pan r now being promoted before the Legislatiye Assembly of the Province ol Ontario, so far as the same refer to Bv-law ^u.mber eig^aty-seven of the said City l,ecoming law. ' And uch sum of hve thousan.l dollars shall be taken and received ;Ven ' . 1 ^J '"ii 1 ' ^'""l"^nsation to them for the lands so taktn, ami for all damages which the ( "ity has suffered or b.,n u <> or may sutler .,r be put to by the construction of the line >J tile ( ompany s Railway over the said lands. Second : The ^">">pany shall and will at their expense, cost and charge, erert a hoar, fence on each side of the portion of their line ;,f Kail- way which passes through the lands hehl by the City un.ler suchlease except at the road-crossings ; an.l the CompauN- shall 1 'ovide an.l maintain proper and suitable road'at the distance of eight hun.liv.l an.l Hfty feet apart, on suclf portion M "o • tl ^' .»^^^''7.V'"-V^'^.'^"^'^' ^""'"''^^ the Committe.. on cX "Ai T ^;;""7 5--1 <^''ty ior the time being may Ccitu Ihi.l: Ihe City do hereby eonsent and agree to the and retention by the ( "ompany for the j.urpo^es of their Kailway of the portion of land colouie.I re.l in the sai.l pk^n to he wHlth of i;„-ty feet, at an.l for the consideratlln! th^U. y^^'''""-: ^^^'•^'•■'■"Mhe parties of the first part have caused tie corp.>rate seal to be hereunto affixed un.ler the hand of tncii Rresi.lent: And the parties of the secon.l part haso cause.l their corpo..ate seal t.. be hereunto affixed un.le. clu' hand oi the Mayor, the day and year first above written. Signed, seale.l ami .lelivered | in the presence of j MKAflf. '>n of t!i>ir 'h wliich is 'he Qui 111 ; ion, it was or the sum ent lieivin ,nce of t!ie Aia] Cuveii- ipaiiv, foi- hand, ainl IS, on tlu> as f'olldws: <1 liv the s lie"l(i I,v y tile saiil has Keen I)hin iiow ■hich was h (lay of red ; and (A)nipaiiy ^aid < 'din- ■(einbly of By-lau- iw. Anc done tl>rou<^'h tlieir contractors, the whole to bo completed to the satisfaction of this Council. (Signed) Jamks ALDiunoK, Clerk. (Signed) John Scott, lii'cve. Passetl 4th October, 1«72. A B>/-hrw fo pyorhJc for the carri/ivg of fitc Ildmilfon ojul Ltikr. A'ric lidila-mj (doitg orfaut streets ii) the VUlarie of Caledonid, and for other varposes connected therewith' IJi'ciliil expe- flit'iit til pio- vi.lf f(.r Ji. & Ji. K. jiii.ssiiig tlii-oii^^li I'iik'- iliiiiia. J!f cital tliat liiiu (if Kuilw'y to 1)1! canitd aldiif,' Merritt tStieet. Recital, R'y Ci)iii|)aiiy have agreed to open street in lieu of Merritt. H.&LE. may carry line to jiasH over Park Street and along Merritt Street. Certain i)or- tioii of xaid RtreetM to lie cloned uji. Whereas, it is expedient to make provision for oariA-inrr tlu^ Hamilton and J.ake Erie Railway through the Villaj^c'of t'ule- dojiia by and with the consent of the proper niunieipal authority in tliat behalf; And whereas, the Hamilton and Lake Erie Railway Compuny have applied to this muuieipality for permission to carrv tli'e line of their said Railway alon^' ^h'n-itt Street ; and in [mlvY to cross the Grand River it will be necessary, in makiiii; the approaches to the biidaiiy and its property within such Municipality, either in whole or in ])art from Mu- nicipal Assessment or taxation, or to agree to a cei'tain sun» ])er annum, or otherwise in gross, or by way of commutation or composition for payment, or in lieu of all or any Municipal Rates or Assessments to be imposed by such Municipal Corpor- ations, and for such term of years, not exceeding twenty-one years, as such Municipal Corporation may deen> expedient. And whereas the Rail way autliorized to be built by the .said Hamilton and Lake Erie Railway Company has been located in the Municipality known as the Township of Walpole, and the average value of the land in the locality where the said Railway passes through the said Municipality as rated on the Assessment Roll of the present year is sixteen dollars per acre. Be it therefore enacted : \. That for any the Roadway or other than the Roadway in vacant land not in actual use by the r'ompany, .shall be rated on the Assessment Roll of the said Corporation at the value of ten dollars per acre for every acre of land owned or in the occupation of the .said Company for the period of twenty one ye.irs from the time of this By-law coming into operation, and that the .said valuation shall be held and talen to be the assessed value for which during the period J^';\,;;'t:7i^^,f aforesaid, th i said Roadway and other property shall bu entered i,„t ni)-m that upon the A.ssessinent RoUfor the purpose of taxation and the valuation. levying ami collecting of Rates, and it .shall be the duty of the Assessors from time to time to assess the same in accordance with the valuation fixed by this By-law, and for no other or greater sum. 2. That no other sum shall be demanded of the said Railway n,, alditional Company for Municipal Rates, Assessments, or Statute Labour, ^;|J"^*;;|;^^ than the rate annually authorized by the saii.1 Municipal i.^ij,',u;._ ^tc Corporation to be levied and collected upon by the above valuation. 3. That this By-law is declared to contain the terms of the Ry-law tie- couunutation or composition for payment in lieu of all :\luniei- Sl'i^l'^^^'f" pal Rates or Assessments to be imposed by the aforesaid Muni- com mutation. cipal Corporation by virtue of the above recitxl statute. 4. That this By-law shall take etiect and come into opera- p,y-ia\v to take 4-;,-.n ^ff''<'t 1st April ^^*-'" 1873. •! 'it m AQRKEMKM' I;E'1\VK: V HALDIMAM) VAV. CO. A H. & L. K. RY. CO tion on tlio first day of April, in the yenr of our Lord one thou- sand ei^dit hiHKhfd nnd Heventy-thiee. Passed tliis twenty-ninth day of Marcli, A. 1). 1873. ,,.. „ , „ («ij,med) John Caldwell, Jiccir. (.Signed) John Hkasmax, Tovn.hq, Clerk. I certify thut the above is a true copy of a By-law r»assed bv the Munic' Council of Walpol.., this 2<)tli day of March 1^~^- Jul N ilEASMAy, TouutHkip vied'. BY-LAW No. 247, OF THE TOWN OF CoLLLNGWOoD. Whereas the Hamilton and North-Westorn Railway Com- pany linvc applied to the Municipal Corjioration of the Town of CoUingwood for leave to carry tlieir Railway along one ui th.,ir existing streets or highways of the town, to the water- edge of the Georgian Bay, at the said town. And Whereas it is expedient to grant the said Right of way subject to the conditions hereafter contained. Company may Be IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Corporatio)! [lU.iig Walnut <_'i the lown ot Colhngwood, that it shall and may be hiwful street tor the said Railway Company, and tliey are hereby em- l)Owertd to carry their railway along Walnut Street, in the sjiid town, this leave being granted under and subject to the pro- visions of the Railway Act of Ontario, section twenty-one and subsection one, («) and subject to all other .sections of said Ac-t relative thereto, and subject, so far as the roadway and ditch- ing is concerned, to the ai)proval of the Town Engineer, the said right of way given under this By-law being granted in lieu of any further assistance to the said railway Agreement hetu'cen the Ilaldimand Kavhjat'ion Comimny and the Hamilton tC- Lake Erie Hallway Company. 2S,Juiy, 1S73. This INDENTURE, made the twenty-eighth day of Julv in iSe^H & ^1''' >'^'^'" ^^ ^'"' -"""'"'^ '^'^*-' thousand eight hundred and seventv- I,. E. Ry and tluoe. By and between the Haldimand Navigation Company Haidiniand (Limited), of the first part, and Hamilton and Lake Erie Rail- way Company, of the second part : Whereas the parties of the second part are desirous of supplying a tank for the waterin-- of their locomotives and other pur|)oses connected with the operating of their railway, and propose to do so by means of a ram to be worked by the waters of the Grand River, and have made application to the Haldimand Navigation Company for ^ the (aj See paje 102, "" Navigation Co. Recital that Company desirous of supplying tauk. n • K. RY. CO. one tlwjti- I, , liccve. I» l)v of Mjirdi, > Clerk. AdRKKMKNT HETWKFN HALDIMAND NAV. CO, & II. & L. E. RY. CO. L>«)3 A'uy ( 'uiii- tlie Town )ll^' Olio of hu wator- 1 Riglit of (I'poratioii bo lawful src'by eiii- et, in the 'O the pro- ^-one and t" said Act md ditch- ineiT, tlie ranted in oayvj and U- f July, in seventy- Conijian}' :^]ric Rall- ies of the waterini;- with the leans of a and have ipany for the the i'if liiyinj.,' their nipes therefrom throiij^h their property an indieated in red upon the ilia'^ram or plan hereunto annexed : And whereas the said jiarties of the fh-st part have agreecl ihereiinto in consideration of a reiital of forty dollars ]>or annum, payable as hereinafter mentioned : \ow this Indenture witnesseth that in considernt )n of the i)reniises and of the rent so to be [laid as Inn-einafter inentioneil they the saierty of the said jinrties of the Hrst part, at tlie point indi- [,"l"','.*".i'iti.p catrd upon the sai>^ V ■Iff W Phpto^phic Sciences Corporation is. .^ k V s ,v ^\ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WfeBSTEK.W.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ^9) V "A o^ <^ > x "^^ I 264 and J. E EaL'er. AGREEMENT WITH J. E. EAGER. Signed, scaled, and delivered "^ in jirescncc of / T). Thomi'SON, Adam A. Davis. CPnsldenf^ H. N. Cc, Limited. Kenneth Mackenzie. ; James Turner, President. M. \V. Browne, Secrcta ry. 18"!]"^"°"**' -^5",''^^"^^"' hettveen Hamilton and North Western Railvjay h'& n W Company and James E. Eager. This Inoknture, made this eleventh day of August, in the year of our Lord one thou.sand eight hundred and seventy-fnx. between the Hamilton and North-Western Railway Company, of the first part, and James E. Eager, of the Village of Bur- lington, in the County of Halton, gentleman, of the .second part : — Whereas, the said party of the secoiid part by deed bearing even date herewith granted and conveyed to the said parties, of the first part, certain lands in Benjamin Eager'.s survey of part of parcel A. in Block One of the; Brant Farm, and situate on the .sandy beach between the watei's of Lake Ontario and Bur- lington Bay, in the Township of Nelson, in the County of Halton, and extending from lot number .sixty-seven in the said survey to the public road leading from the Village of Bur- lington to the City of Hamilton, which said parcels of land are more particularly shown on the plan hereto annexed and thereon coloured respectively red and green ; And whereas, on the execution of the said conveyance it was agreed l)y and between the said parties that they, the said parties of the first part, should grant to the said party of the second part the right to construct through and r cross tlie said lands a water course not exceeding twenty feet in width ; And whereas, the .said party of the second pnrt hath in pur- suance )f such agreement constructed such water course across said lands ; Now this Indenture witnesseth that the said parties of the first part, in consideration of the premises and of the sum of structed across One Dollar in hand paid, do for themselves and their successors certain ams. covenant and agree to and with the said party of tlie second part, his heirs and a.ssigns, that they will not at any time fill up or obstruct the said ditch or water course constructed by the said party of the second part over and across the said lands and that the .said party of tl o second party may at all times keep and mainta'n the same ; Provided always and 'l;his grant is made upon the express conditions that the said wat.r course shall not at any time be of a Comjiany vi'll not ob.'itruct ditch Provided ditch not t be wider than 20 AGREEMENT WITH J. E. EAGER. 265 ursoN, :., Limited. RNER, resident. OWNE, ecretu ry. I Railway [list, in tlie eventy-fnx. Company, ge of Bur- tlie second ed l>earin ' 'Ha'inilton awl North-Wcstcrn Railway Companii. ,,,,,. , ,, , „„f,v„ ^f Township of, to be both in main line section, and Colhngwood Branch section ot. County Simcoc, 40 Vict. c. 70, s. 3 ^-^ Aijneiiiciits with. ... , „ ^ t o- t> ^ . io"i \greement of, Township of, under County of Simcoe By-law ^j ■> Where line to enter Township of Tecumseth ijj" ; To ascertain expense, lines to be run at Adjala's request |-'o Adjala to approve of, engineer |j ' ( Jonipanv to erect Station at Ballycroy |-'" Engineer to make survey, to be approved by Adjala . • • ^-'^ Company to i)lace Flag Stations at intersection of, 7th Con. Tecumseth IJi^ By-law of, and agreement thereunder -"' Admimstratoks. Ruiliraii Act, Ont. „ -.n Q-'> May convey land to Company, s, l.i "" Aid to Company, See Municipal BonvoES— Municipal Coupor.vtions. Albion, Township of. Agreement with. , ^ , t, i onn Agreement w ith, under County of Peel By-law -"^ Company to i lace Station at 4th line Township -"^' At 7th line below Buckstrom ""^ Allanoale Junction Line. Aoreement with Northern Railwaii Compauii. ,■,-,. i -d i ow To be constructed with proceeds of Joint Working and L-iuipment Bonds 2o2 Alliston. AgrecmoU with Tecumseth. ... if>7 Stations to be erected and maintained, at or near >•"" Ai/recmcnt with To.isorontw. _ ,,... Company to erect and maintain Station at Township of, , , ., i -m? By-law of ;{0th June, 1877, and agreement thereunder -"' Amalgamation. Sec Hamilton and Lake Euie Railway Company. Ammunition. Bail way Act, Ont. _ -j^.^^ Carriage of, s. 30 • Animals. See Cattle.~-Cuu£Lty to Animals. Annual Accounts. Railway Act, Ont. ir.ri Directors to cause to be kept, s. 20, s.s. .iO Annual Ge.meral Meetings, UamiWin and Lake Eric Railway Company. _ When and where to be helil, 33 V.,c. 30, s. II ' Notice requisite for, same sec I •ill 208 INDliX. it Annual Gknfral Meetings— Con^'nuft/. JIuinillon (Vid yorth-Wenkrn liaihcaii Cumpanii. p.voR Whi'n and where to lie hulil, 'Mj Vict. c. 55, h, 10 ;i:{ Notice retiuiiiite for, siiuie wee ;B See Meetings. Appkal in Aubituations. See Lands and their Valcation. Al'PLIC'ATION OF K ah, WAY ilCT, 8. 4 S") " '■ M. ;j7 rji A(iUA Foktis. llailwaii Act, Out. Ciirriiige of, h. ;!.'i, ss. 12 118 Akiiitration and AwAiU/. See Lands and thkih Valuation. Ahtii.lkuv. Ilailimii Alt, Out. Carriage of , h. .'{C 120 Assessment. Act respecting . l.")4 Keal Estate of Railway Companies, etc., 8. 4 154 lliiilroatl Stock, s. (J, hs. 18 155 Eiiihvay Coiiiiianies to furnish certain .statements to Clerics of Municipalities, s. 2t), , 1,55 Duties of ( 'lerks theieon, s. 20 1.55 Act resjiecting Assessments anil K.\emptions lti:{ Personal property of railway exempt, s. 1 lii:{ Auction. Railwaij Act, Out. Hale of forfeited shares by, s. 27, .sb. 12 Ill Auditor.s. A'jrcvmcnt with Northern llailwin Cumpanii. Expenses of, of Xortharn an(l North-Western, to be working expenses 2.'i(i Northern and North-Western each to appoint 240 Third Auditor, l)ow appointed 24(1 To have access to all books, etc 242 If only one Auditor aijpointed 24i) AVENINO. Agreement with Nottawasaya. Line to pass near I'.'l B. Badges. llaibmiy Act, Ont. Servants of Company to, s. .'i;? lir> Baggage Cars, Hailwaii Act, Ont. Not to be in rear of jiassenpers cars, s. .'W, sh. 7 117 Passengers to have no claim for damages when injured on, s, 'A'.\, ss. 11 IIS liALLSVILLE. hy-hiw of Hnldimnnd. Company to have Flag Station at 185, 1S(> Bai.lvckoy. Ayreeinent with Adjala. Company to erect Station at VM\ Barrie. Hamilton and North-Western Raihrati Comfmnii. Power to i.ssue Bonds for construction beyond, 41 Vict. cap. 48, sec. 5 71 See Bonds and Debenture Stock. Agreement with. Agreement of, with Company under By law of County of Siincoe 104 llecital that Company empowered to make agreements with Municipalities granting bonuses 194 Main line of railway to pass through 194 Passenger and freight Stations to be located there 194 North Bob Street, East Frances St., West Duckworth St., South Wellington st. 194 Workshops, Engineshops, etc., on line North of Tecumseth, South of Medoute, to be located at Barrie 1 94 No shops, etc., to be Nortli of Barrie and South of Medonte Wft Council to pass resolutions giving railway right to run (jn streets, other than High or Small streets 19.5 Conditions on which right to be granted 195 (.Nmipany to keej) their portion of road in repair 195 And fit for traffic, except wlien trains pa.ssing 19.5 Engines, cars, etc., not to be k-^Dt long on streets 195 Not to snare in any bonus for extending line beyond 195 Line between, and Hamilton Order in Council, granting aid as to 21(> Beaches. llaiUmii Act, Ont, Company may occupv, h. 9, ss. 3 87 E.v.tenl of, that mav Le taken, s. 12 'Si Bf T.i INDEX. 2G[V r.Ki.1.. P.VOF. .... Si . . ;« .... 85 .... rji .... IIH .... 120 .... 1.-.4 .... IM .... 155 155 1.55 lti:{ lii:{ Ill •2m; IMO 240 242 240 I'.'l lit; 117 lis 185, ISO I'.V. 71 194 ies granting 194 194 194 Mlingt(in St. 194 f MfdoMte, 194 195 lan High or 195 195 195 195 195 195 21(> 87 V.\r,\'. 117 117 117 8 20 lluilwai/ All, Out. _ Each IdL-onidtive engine to have, s. .«, hs. S To he rung at every crossing, h. :):{, hs. 9. . Penalty for negk'ct to do so, h. :W, ss. 9 r.IIl.SOFKxcHANOK AND PhoMIM.SOUY NoTKH. hainiltiin and Lake E"ir Hailwiiii Comixiiiy. power of Coniimny to make, 3;{ Vict. caj). .«), mc V) Not to he circulate.] aH money, kcc. Ki. •.••.•• • •;., •.•|.y ,; ' ;.' L.V ' ' '.V Kot necessary for hoth Secretary anil Treasurer to countersign, -I. » tU. u »•>. s. .». HitmiltoH and North ^yc!ftirll liaihrnii C'omiiaitii. ^^ I'ower to C'omiiany to hecome jiarties to, ;!■> Vict. cai). uo, sec. -« • ^ Not to he circulated as money, name sec United Con.i.any parties to, regulated hy Ham-.lton and ^y'*''-^^^;';'';'" 07 Acts 1} ,.M) Dkbt. See Pjonds i^Nl) Dkbentluk Stock. lioNDHOl.DEUS. Sn: J50NI)S AND DeBENTUKK STOCK. HoMi.s AND ])EiiENTi!HK Stock. Hamiltun and Lake Krie ItitHway Coinpani/. 35 Vict. c. :«). _ ; Directors may issue Bonds, s. 14 j; Issue not to exceed S150,()00, s. 14 . . ■ ^ Boiidh(dders may vote when interest in arrear, s. 14 ^^ To .,e »-l«.I-y^^,^;^"--'i'i,^^it,;„ ,,;a p;,rtD;n'er iuilway, further Bonds for i?l()0,000 may he issued, s. 25. On comi)letioii of I 34 Vii-t. 1: 41, ,t. 14. .33 V. c. 3(i, as to amended, s. 4 • Issue of B.imls not to exceed .?200,()00, s. 4. .... . • • ]>ower of Company to issue Bonds for extension to Port Dover, s.l... ._ • . . • To take i)riority over Bonds mentioned m .« Vicl. c. 3b, «. Zo, p. 11, s. i.> . . Comiiany may mortgage Bonds, s. 15 3lJ i'irt. c. 85. 13 13 1(> 1»> 10 In lieu of former l.o^^■erH, Directors may issu' terrainahle bonds or perpetual Dehen- ^^ tures Stock, b. 3 ' j^g Interest at seven per cent. , s. 3 y\ Li:!:lS" vote To he transferrahle hy delivery, s. 27. Company to have power to pledge, s. 37 Vict. c. 44, sees. 20 and 27. 44 35 Vint. c. 55 re])ealed, s. 1 (rep.) ■•••••••; " ' '.; ;;„V, \ ■.■.".". 45 Bonds, etc. , may be made payable to bearer, s. 2 (rep.) 38 Vict. c. 48. . o / \ 47 Direct..rH may issue for purpose of t>orrowing money, s. - (rep.) .....■■• To be a first charge on undertaking of t,()mi>any, s. 2 (rep.) ^. Issue limited to §25,000 per mile, s. 2 (lep.) ..... . . :^- • ; • • - • • • ■^■{■:;{ ;;;;'.; 47 Not to be in excess of amount actually expended on KaihN ay, s. - (rep. ) ^^ llight of Bondholders to^vote if i>'t«'^»VlV.'i!!!' I.":. «.!!.'(.- '.' S iv^uX. '. '. '. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'■ 48 lUgni OI lionuiioiucio v<> v^ii.- "»'■"■■-"- "■■I-— ' ^ •,; .J (i-Pii \ ... ^f* Issue of permanent Bonds or permanent Debenture Stock s 3 (i ep. ) ^^ In event of line being leased to another Company, s. 3 (rep. ) ^^ To be first charge upon rent, s.3 (rej;.) ; • • • • ■ • • V,: ' ' ■itv; ';' VlVeii V" 48 To be issue in lieu oi Bonds in sec. 2, and not m conjunction therewith, s. 3 (rep.) . . h^ What form to he in, s. 4 ' ' 41^ Eof tlXaCS;;;i^mation witi^ Hamilton-andLakeEria-Eaiiw.y Company, ^^ 1 s. 39 Vict. 72, 54 Sees. 2 and 3 of "30 V. cap. 48, as to issue of Bonds, repealed, s. 4 :.:;::::;; 54 Directors may issue Bonds, s 5 • ' " ,4 To be first charge on all property of company, s. & ^^ Issue not to exceed .?17,000, per mile s. 5 '.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.. .'.\ 54 Interest six per cent. , s. 5 Ill I 't 270 INDEX. BONHH AND PEnKNTIHK BroVK—CunlillUeil Jlumiltiin and Korth-Wtntern Itailiviii/ Coiii/iniiij—{'ontin\iL-(]. v.Vit; Holderw nf, wht'ti interest in iitreiir may vote anil ac*, an Directors, h, "i ' ;',4 Ihxuc of Bondx in reHpect of portion of railway between Jarv'.s ami (ieort'etown, f. 7 ',"1 To anionnt of .•? 1,105,000, «. 7 ....;'. -,:, To be included in amount of ISonds iHsued under sec. 5, h 7 rio Sancti'-n of Kliareliolder« not reiiuinite for kcc. 7 ,' Tio How to bt^ ajipUed .$80") ,000 to redeem Hamilton and Lake Krie Bononds not to lie maintained, s. 4 70 Direct! IS may issue Bonds for construction beyond Barrie, s. 5 71 To be first cliarge on line beyond Barrie, 8. 5 71 Sliareholders' s.inction reipiisite, s. 3 71 Limit to issue t'3,000 sterling i)er mile, s. 5 ' 71 Sec. 4, 38 Vic. c. 48, ]). 48, to apply to Bonds and Debenture Stock issued under tliis .Statute, H. 71 42 Vict. r. 00. Issue of under 1st. s. 41 Vict. c. 48, limited to t'4.50,000 sterling, s. 4 7t 41 Vict. c. 4S, s. 3, sa. 0, 8, as to issue of t'70,000 of Bonds repealed, s.5 75 4'» Vict. c. ()(') Issue of ()(;o Joint Working and Equipment Bonds by Hamilton and North- West- ern, authorized, .s. 1 7 -, €100 each, s. 1..- '. .'.'.' '."..'. '..'.'.'.'.'.".'.'. '.'.'. 75 If interest not paid right of holders to vote and act as Directors, s. 1 ...... 7i; Bonds may be sold or pledged, s. 2 71; Not to be ist id til) approveil of by two thirds of .Shareholders, s. 3 7i; Nor until Northern Railway Company obtains necessary authority and con.sent 8-3 : 7,i 44 Vict. c. 38 (Canada). Issue of Northern Railway Company Bonds, for £134,000 sterling, jointly with Com- pany, s. 1 77 Bonds to rank after third preference class B, issued under 31 Vict. c. Si>, s. 2 78 Interest to be paid after interest on such third i)reference B. Bonds, s. 3. '. 7s Bonds may be sold, etc ' 7,s Bonds not to be issued till approved of by majority of ordinary and preference Sliare- holders at special meeting, s. 4 7,s Nor till Handlton and North-Western obtain consent to issue their Bonds, s. 4... . .. 78 Amalgamation Aijncmcnt. Provision as to Bonds of Hamilton and Lake Erie Company (Repealed by 39 V.c. 73 s. C) ' 22(1 To be applied first to ))ayment of Bank of Montreal (Repealed by 39 Y. c.'72,'s. 7). '. 'j;M Agreement icith Northern Haihrai/ Cumpani/. To issue joint Working and E(iuipment Bonds for Jb'OOjOOO with interest at (! per cent. 2.50 Principal due 1st June, 1898 250 Interest, when and where p.ayable .....'. 250 Such bonds to rank after existing bonds of Company .....". 250 Where same to be deposited '..'.'..... 250 Directors to execute 250 Executive Committees may sell, pledge, etc 251 Not to be issued until ccmtirmed by Special Meeting of Company 253 Partial sale of, how regulated 251 (See farther as to under NouTHKiiN Railway Comx'any of Ca.vada,. ....... .... " ^ .« INDKX. 271 rA'iK ".4 ■toun, H. 7., ri") ")") r,,i 'lO .'li .">.") H. 1 ci; m •:' U7 (17 t>7 (17 (;h (is 1 of Colliiij,'- CK (IS OS (iS C.) tl'.t Wl i;;! i,'.\ >•,«.•» ';'•' 7(1 70 70 71 71 71 71 (1 umliT tliin 71 7> 5 7'i S^) 7 "i 7") 7il 7ip t 7'; xnd'iit, 7ii y with Colli. 77 B..2 7S 7s "S fence Sliaru- 7S Is, H. 4 78 r 39 V.c. :;{, L'L>(1 c. 72, H. 7) . . L'-.'ii it ('( per cent. 2.")() 2r>i) 2.-.0 2:>() 2.".() 2r.() 2r,i 25:< 251 Ro.Niis ANO 1>fiiknti;kk Hriiitinue(l. i v> • *''^'^^' No BoikIh to lie Hold, etc, , till ci)UiiteiHij,'iie(l liy Chairiiiiin mid Secretary of Kxecutivf _ < 'oniiiiittoe ,"'., ,nny -•.',* JliiW Ixiliince to lie (lisjiorti'd of -"" WoNfS. A'tC Ml'NIClPAI. lloNfSKS. JlOliK (IF RKFKltKNl'K. lldihndii Act, (hit. ,.- To lie iimile liy ronniiiny, h. 10, hm. 1 •'' By whom cei titied, k. 10, ss. 2 • J ( 'opieH of, s. 10, HH. ;i "I lOvidelice of, h. 10, hs. 4 . ^ • | Onii:tsi(iiiH in, h/ Ctmpaini. C'onipany may construct to CoUingwood, ;-!(i. V. e. 84, s. 1 '•* liiiilicdi/ Act, Utit. f^ Power of (.'onipany to construct, h. !», hh. «, 17 "' Alunici{)(tl Act. ... Councils may authorize, along highways, h. .itil ^■'* Hriiioks. Hailwaii Art, Out. , . , , , ... ^ i r Lieutenant-Governor may order permanent bridges to be subHtituted for swing bridgeH, h. 57 ,.■:.' Over navigable rivers or canals, s. 84. |* Company to make openings between piers, s. 84 '^^ Lieutenant-Governor to approve of plans, s. 85 _. • • V,, Proviso where special powers given liy Aet of Incorporation, h. 8)>.. . i-" Trains to stop three minutes Lefoie cros.Miig draw or awing bridges, s. 87 w* Railwaii Acciihntu Act, 1881. , , . , ► ir.-i To have a span of seven feet between top of freight cars, h. 5 i«'' Cunn. liailwaii Act, D. ,-- Over navigable rivers and canals, s. 07, ss. 2. •■■••• • • ■ • • ■ • • ■ ■ ■ •.; ■•■••• • • • • • ■ ' .• ■ ' \'l Plans to be submitted to Governor General m C.iuncil, t ons. Railway Act U., h. ti8. ■ W;. Trains to stop three minutes before crossing (haw or swing bridges, s. ,U ........ . Hi Notice to be given by t;ompany constructing swing bridges over navigable waters, ^^^ S. 71, ss. 2 • ; • • • ■ • ,■, ,-« How only the railway may lie constructed in such places, 8. <1, as. .i uj> Apiili'^ation of the " Act l{e.-pectiiig Bridges," s. 71, ss. 4 ji^ Powers of Parliament reserved, s 71, ss. 5 ._. ^V ' ' ' " ;. .V-n Enactment not to apply to lliver St. Lawrence or lliver St. John, s. 71, ss. (i 1.8 BUYDGES, C J. Ajrcement with Northern linilwarj Company. „, ^ _ ., 041 To be first Referee of Northern and North-Western Railways -41 Bl'CKSTRiiM. Ayreement with Alhiim, .,(%« Company to place station at seventh line below « -"^' Bun DINGS. HamiltonandNorth-Wcatern Railway Company. (Company may erect at CoUingwood, 37 V. c. 44, s. 4 ■»• Railway Act, Ont. „ - 88 Power of Company to erect, s. 0, ss. 7 Ayreement with Nortliern Railway Company. To be at disposition of Northern and North-Western Railways --H Executive Committee to control • • • • ■ • •.• ■ ■ • ; ,■ ; • ■ "•'' ^laintenance of, cost 4 'j'li) lil'llI.lNOTON CaNAI, SwiNIi HlllDHH. Minute of Itailwiiy ( 'onitnittee of I'rivy Couiu'il ftn to '.Ml> I'ermiMxion to lie ^,'iven to Company ttnrof;ht on lirid;,'e, except ran^,'e litjhti •J'.'O Wlien open, switch ]ioiuts to close main line 'J'jO Working' plans to he fiirnislieil to I )epartMient of I'lddic Works '."JO Kailway ( 'ounidttec to approve A'jrevment vitk (•'. T It. Agreement between Grand Trunk Railway and Hamilton and North-We.steni as to Station at '24.5 Station at, erected at joint expense of (Nimpwuios 24.5 Kecital that aj;reed Companies shotdil deed to each o-her undivided lialf interent in Station 245 Hamilton and North-Western grant to (irand Trunk Kailway half undivided interest Station, etc 245 Grand Trunk ;,'rant to Hamilton and North- Western half of undivided interest in Station, etc 24('i Neither Company granted land of other on which bnildinRs situate 247 Buildin^r.s etc., to be held in common 247 To execute further assurances if re(juired 247 Each to have peaceable posses.sion 247 } INDKX. 273 I'AiiB il, except nt 'M W« '.TiK 'jr.',* '-'".!) •.'!!> L'1',1 '.'lit '.'lit (Ic iiDtd it.. 'J'.'O tN Hlui'keiu'il 'J'JO '.".'() •.".'(! '.".'(» •-••JO 'J'.'O '.".'() '.'•.'() •J-J) iiiiulw 'J'.'ll' 221 mil t» exiHt- '2->\ I 'J:'! •-••.'1 lOS s. !l l(i:, Hi; lie. l:i:! ia:i I. 4 1.".;! '-'L'T ■-'•j; •-"-'; 2;is 200 lO'.t L'OO 'JdO 200 200 r» l:{ /'t'Hteni as to 24.5 24.5 If interest in 245 ided 245 d interest in 240 247 247 247 247 CAirAwsw—Coiitlniifil. Aiinriiitm iritli tl.T.ll. Continued. l■A';^' J{y-liivrt of , . 4 . , -•''•• (Jniile c.f Kront sticvt, uitered !iW I'lxiifiiMf of uniilinK' to lie liorne liy liikiuilton and Lake Krie Hallway Co. . '-'W llaHiiiton iiml lukf I'.ric Itiiilwi'.y <'oiiiiiany may ruriy linu to |>aK« over I'ark Mtri'ft and iilouft Menit* !ealile on iin|iaid, «. 27, hh. 4 IJO Aiiiouiitof, may lie recovered liy suit, s. 27, ss. 5 110 What foi-nialilicrt iieceMsarv in actions for, ». 27, hn, (J 110 I'.naUy for rcfu^in;,' to pay, s. 2/, ss. • ll<> iMiifciture .if Hhare to lie taken advanta:,'o of, only at |,'eneral meetini^H, h. ii , mh. 10. . Ill I'ltfect of foifcitllie lis to lialiilities, s. 27, ss. 11 Ill Diieetois mav sell forfeited shares liy auction, s. 27, ss. 12 Ill Certiticate of 'I'veasur-er to lie eviiliMicc of fnrfeiture and of title, s. 27, hh \:\ Ill interest mav he alhuved to shareholders [i^yint,' money in advance on their shares, H. •.;/. Hs, 14 Ill Sir .SH.MlhM ''IH .aUSKKll. ('.\N.\ii.\ ('■•unt:: Hitmiltdii u 1 cm Raihciii; Compiniii. Line i with, 35 V. c. 5.5, h. ."i <*!. C.VNMIA I'.VCIF . Jliiinih.n (I Hiulvmii Compii))!/. I^iue Hii it'll, ;<5 V. c. 55, s. 3 '1 Itnilirt.ii Aid .. . , Aid to roa.;. , s. 25 14.> C'anaha Sihthkrn Ka. . .mi'anv. HaliliiiKiiid Jlii-litir , . Company to t,rant to equal privilegOH with Great Western Kailway and urand Inink Kailwav ^^ HarniUonitnd Lake Erie Rnilwii.if Compiiiiii. „„,-.. ,,. o iu Agreement, granting nmning powers to, liy C ompany conhrnied, ,iO V ict. c. »:>, «... i » Canals. HaHiL-aii Art, ())}!. ^ ^ ( 'omiiany may cross, s. i», ss. 5 /^^ Itex'ulation of railways crossing, s. H4 l'»'* Conx. Jta'hraii Aft (I)). _ ._ . KegulatKui of railways crossing, i<. C7 : 'Ij; Kailway not to olistruet navigation on, fl. GO !<" I'Ai'iTAi. Stock. Homillmi and Lake Erif Railifaii Companih ^ Of Comiiaiiv, to lie ^2(10,000, :« Vict. c. 30, s. (I -_) Divided into 40,000 shares of s.-,0 each, :« Vict. c. HO, «. AV Com.ianv mav inc-ease for Hxteii-ioii to Port Dover to .sl(l(),0(10, :i4 Met. e. 41 s. 11 It. C'omiianies having running pl Issue of preference stock to amount of t'170.000 Ht..;., 42 Vict. c. 00, s. 2 < 4 See. IMiKFEKENCK Stock Rail wail Aft, Out. .,.,„ Power of, Company to increase, s. 20, ss. ■ ■ y ' V i":,-!':' \""'t Directors may make regulations for the management of, and facilitate transfers, s. 20, S.S. i(i ]^r. Not to be impaired by dividends, s. 28, .ss. 3 | ' - May be increa-sed, s. 2!», s.s. .' " ' Vi, ■' Ci' l' ' ' Ten per cent, to be paid on stock within three years from passing of Special Act, s. 3(; gg 5 1-" Company not to iiurchase their own or the stock of any other company, s. 29, ss. 7. . . 121 .Sec Cai.i.h on Stock— Sharks and thkih Iiianhfeb. I •il f| r-'^ i\ INhKX. ■'"'};.„/»■.,,,/ ..1.7. o,.^ , I . » «« '"Vr ( '(iiiiiiMiiih'utKin iiftwt'i'n «iiKiiH> (liiMT luiil comlui'tiir nf, h. «H l.i.) .Vir hAMiAtiK Cahm -l''itt;niiir ( 'aus -I'ah.skn(,kh (ahm Woou Cahh— Tuainh. ('A>Tl..ii ViiTK. llililiriiii All, Out. ino Clmiiiimii to linvc, H. '.*•>, MM. 13 ■•'« Anririiiiiit inlh Jfurtlirni liiulvnii CoiuiHinii, ' Cliiiiiiimn ipf Kxfcutivu ('..iiiiiiitUe of ^forthem ami Noit'i-WoMt' ni HiiilwiiyM not to li.ive '— Catti.k. L'liilira/i Acl, (hit. ... IVrMoiiM jiroliiliiti'il from ^'oiii^' on truck with, m. •_"J, sm, j MU « niMpaiiv to I'ri'i't tfiice I to ki'f]. cattlf oti line, h. '21, k .7 ; ' ' ' ., "*'' Not to \>v ii'ilowii' at hwav on liiK'liway wuliin hull e nile of iiitiTMection of rail- way witli lii;;li.viiy, m. it"> _ VX Siuli nirtv I'o ini|«iuiiil»»(l, m. iMi VM If killi'ili owner to have no liylit to action a>;aiiist ( ini|>an.>, n. l»" l:!(i .S(( Cm KI.TV TO Animalm. I'AI". l.K (ilAHll-*. Hdili'dii A -I, Out, , , „ n 1, , liial)ility of C'oniimny until «'reotfil, m. 22, hm. .t Hl.i li/mmiiil Willi Hviiil Wtatini Itailintii Ciim/mnii. ' Hiiniilton ami North >VeHt«ni Kailway (.^oinimny to oonMtnict ut iiroMMinK of (Jri'at Wt'storn Railway, near Wi'l'liiixtoi' MMwan- .• -•>(' (*AYl\iA, Ji(tmillii» (iiid Liikf Eric llailiraii Coiiiiiitii/i. I'o^er t«) builil lino from Mamilton to viilivue of, ;13 Vict. e. :t(i, s. ;{ ."> Power to extend line from, to Port Dover, ;U V'^i't. c. 41, m. 1 13 C'EKTUICATKS. Haihraii Art, Out. ,^ , , , Ai to nia|)^ or jilauH ami liook of relerence, h. 10, hm. 'J '1 (if oniii.niruM in, h. 10, mm. (i "1 Of Proiiru-torMhip }r,-iiim fia-k evidence of title of nliarehrlder, h. 27, hs. 7 IH* VVant tlienof not to jirt'Vent dlMiMiHal of Mliarew, h. 'Jit, mm. 8 llli Of ConimiMHioner of Pnhlic WorkM aM to additional n>iace rei|iiired, m. 40 ll!'-' I'roof of, s. 4'_' I-'' Railwnii Aid All, Out. Form of ( 'ertiHci\ti' of Payment mider Railway Snl>Midy h'und, Scliednle A 1-d I'nder railway land sidmidy fund, .Sclied\de 15 1">- Chaiuman. Hiiiln-mi Art, Out. 1 >.. President to l)e of Hoard of I>irectorH, s. '2(5, mm. 10 W, In luM absence Vice-President, n. 'M lO'* To iiave casting vote, h. 2(1, mm. Ki lOK Agreement irilk Northern Jiitilmii/ CnmpiDui. ' ' Gen. Manager of Northern Kailway to he always Ohairinan of Ex. t!om '2.'."_ To vote only if an appointed member '-'37 Not to have caMting vote 2.'<7 Appointment of Chairman pro tern '-•'" Chaiks. Itailwaii Art, Out. ,. To be fixed Mecurely in Cars, ». 88 1 >•' Chancks in link ok Kailway. Railwaij Art, Out. Company may make, s. 0, ss. iS .'0 Chartku. Railwaii Act, Out. Forfeiture of, unless 10 percent, paid on capital within three years from granting, H. ;{li, H.S. .'> ;■■■ 1-" Punishment for contravuntion of Itailway or Special Acts, not to exempt Com- pany from forfeiture of, a. 35 lH' Checks. Hail a-aii Art, Ont. .... „, - ,,- To be tixrid on all parcels having loop, etc., s. .«. mb. o 1 w Penalty for refusing to give, s. ;i;j, as. 117 Cheltenham. Aijrecment with Chinguacousi/. Company to place Station at Village of 200 Chief Engineer's Certificate. Hamilton and North- Western Railwai/ Compani/. Form, schedule, B. , ;W Vict. c. 55 41 Chinguacousy, Township of. Agreement with, under County of Peel By-law 200 ( !nni!).inv to j.'lace Stations at Sftlmonvill« . . , , , '200 At Chelteuhaui; 200 Ci.l Ci. Co (•(' Ci Ci VMir, l.T) I'llAINH. ins {ivilwiiyn licit KK! Kc; tiiiii of rail- 1:ki l;«, v" i:n; lo:; liiiK of (Jrt'iit S\[\ !'l Ill H8. 7 ni» 11(1 4(» ll.".' !•-':! lulu A l.M l.VJ 107 ION lOK ^!om 2:;" 'SM L'a; •-»:!: 1!.". 110 jtu granting, I'.'o xeinpt Com- ll'.t 117 117 200 41 200 , 'iOO 20(» •>V'i INDEX. -''^ n.AltKHVII.I.r. . , ,„ , P.UiK, Aiirftmiii' iritL roHHovuiiho. . , „ . . m\ ( !(iiii)>iiii.V ti) Tfct anil inai'itain Htatloii at ......■•• Aiin'in'iil irith Tiriimmtli. y)~ Lim- to run iifiir ;• ■,•■■;•• i«j7 Station to 111' tTf.tiHl and iiiiuntaint.'d. at or near .,. . I.iii.- iM.two.n and IJarrif. < Ink-iH in Count il grunliii« aid as t« -* Cl I liK OK I'KACK. lUiiliMil Art, Out. _ g5 Meaning' of, h. ;(, sh. 7 •.•••,•;••■.;;■■••,•,;■ ■ ■.. 1)1 (•„|,yo.- I kH of IvtiT.'n.'f, .:>h<' l.'ft with, K, 10, HH. -' j^, To rVemvf i Alt, Out. . 1 I'l 1 '.i .Ml ^u !•> »H 1 i,.|.oHitioiiH, exIiil.itK, <'tr., in arliitratloiiH to U- UU\ with, s. 20, hh. 12 ClKllKS Ol MiNlCM'Al.rriKN. An'iiiiKiiinit Art. . . .. ^ . » .i,- . IW Uailway ( 'oiiiiianifM to fiinii>li ccrtuin Htatfiii-nt i to, >*. -d • • • • .^gjj Dutil'H of, thlMfOll, .H. 2ii fill MMlWOOK. Uumilt'miiud North-)Vi»tnn Ihiil 111(11 r KixMiiil. j., Coiniiany IP ly construct llraiic) ' i- t , •«; Vict, f-^-*- "•/•_•;;••.■ jV V j 4.-| Company inav extend lin- into ..■■, .th oi (Jcorinaii Itay at .)7 \ . i. 44, h. •» ^^. liy-law of Town of. ^'laiitov,' aii. coiihn. -il. :t7 \ nt. c. -IJ, s. lo . ;■ •:■,;■■,■,•;,•(_■ ', TrustccH to pay at rat- of SiiilO ,iMn,ially to, until the con.inenceinent of the ( oiling- .^^ wood Hraiich, 10 Vict. c. 70, s. •_'-... ■ ■ •■ • • ■ • • ■ • • ■ ■ _ ;, .y To 1.0 one division of Conntv i i Sinicoe for l.onus i.uri.oseH, 40 \ ut. o. M., s. - Line l.etween and Clark.^ville, Onler in (.Jonncil ^'rantlns; aid an to -*._, By-law No. 1'47 of ;;, ',■ " J iiV ' * 2(52 Coi. lany, may carry line alon« VValnv.t Wtteet * ""•■'"^:'i;; iSS witluiroceeds of .loint Working and K.pdpiu. nt Bonds 252 CmlME.NrKMKNT Ol' KaII.WAV. numiltimuDU Nurth Wviuri, ruiihciiii Comixthij. _ ;;,, To he within two years from Act, ."I." _v ict. c. ...>, ». .10 ►• • ^^ Time fill- extended', M Vict. c. ^4, s. C Rdihi-aii Ait, Out. X20 s. ;{(), «H. 5 ( iiM MISSION. ^•^'•'^v'S-SfploSd^^Son^^ CoMMISSIONKI' OF CllOWN LaNDH. Itailintii Act. Out. .,,,<. r io u.. •* "I Duties of, in connection ivith.hooks of reference, s. 10, ss. CiiMNHSHlONKROF I'lHI.R' WOUKS. '""iZ^'to h^'olitained from, before cro^sinp. uniting, etc., with other railways .. 0. ^^^ BH. 1(> •• \Y>. Maps, etc., to he tiled with, s. 10, ss. I.? ui '^'\\ " 93 T , llesi^'nate scale and paper on which niaps slmil Ue drawn, ..10, ss. 14 ^^ May grant certiHcate of request of land for additional si-ace, s. 40 ^^^^ Ktfecl of, s. 41 '.".'.'...'.......■■■ 'l'-'^ Ma/i'Ilii-i oiSiing of 'road; with aiipmval of' Liei.tenant-tiovernor, si -.0 124 Tenalty for opening road contiary to_ order of, s. 4< .."....... 12.5 May niodify report of inspectors, s. ol • ■ ^.25 May regulate speed, s. ri2 . ; ' ' y^r, "enidtv for non-compliance, s. i>- ..... ■ ,>'„' l.'.:',,",, k,.,m„..u « -,7 120 May report to Li^utenuuMJovernor to substitute p. ''uanen for ^wMnr-blulgts, s. .... J-o Certain powers vested in with respe.'t to crossing pulmc highways s. ..8 1-^ Company to notify orders of, to its othcers, s. t.l. . ..... ...■_■ ^.,^ What deemed suthcient notice there..., to t oinpanj , s. w. ^,^^ Notice of accidents to be -iven to, ,t. OH • • • • ^j^ Ueturnof accidents to be sent to, sjmi-annually, a. m • • y,,^ Form to be appointed by, s. 05 , .. .. 120 Penalty for neglect, s. (Ki ■_ j.m) Such returns to be privileged, s. (., ........ . j.,.. Notice of orders of, or notices of, how proveil, s. .M ....... ,-^ ^.j^ When such proof, ttc, to be a defence for companv , s. p- Communication hktween t^AUs. '"" Onn^nr io'use the best apparatus for communication betw-en conductor .uid engb.e ^^. drivers, s. f^H l:;r) Penalty for contravention, s. S'.t CoMI'KNHATTON. I aid liv Northern and Ni.rth-Wf.stom r,.ulways, to be w,-.ikin;, . vp.n FoK Lani.s Da.maoki>. Hit I-ani.s ank thkih V au'atiun. « 270 INDEX. Completion ok Kailway. Lake Erie liaiiwa;/ Compnn>i. 'J"o be within two yearo, ;<:? Vict. c. 30, s. 27 Exteniiou ol time for. to Caledonia or C-'ayuga, M Vict. c. 41, s. 14 . Ilaniiltun and North- Western JiailMvi Comixiii/i. To be within s /en yearH from Act, .S5 Vict. c. 55, h. 30 Time for, extended, 41 Vict. c. 48, s. 8 Co.vnrcTon«. liaihiHiij Art, Ont. Intoxication of, niiademeanor, C. S. C, c. OlJ, s. 105 (,'oinpaiiy may make regulations, etc., lor, s. 7!> .Sec Badcks. CONNEOTIO.NS WITH OTHEU RAILWAYS. Railway Aet., Ont\yM\y may make, s. 0, ss. l.") Ai)i)li<';ition to Commissiiiner of Public Works neces;-arj', s. li, ss. Consolidated Jvaii.wav Act (Can.) Hamilton and Lake Eric Jiaihraii Compamj. Certain sections of. to ai)i)ly, .3:' Vict. e. 3(i, s. 2 Hamilton and North-Weittern Jldilicai/ Comiianii. Certain sections of, to ajiply to, 35 Vict. c. .55, s. 2 Consolidated Railway Act (D. Can.) 187'J Consolidated Railway Fund. See Railway Fund. Constables. Raihcaii Art, Ont. Appointment of, s. 73 Oath of office, s. 73 Ry wliom to be uihuinistered, s. 73, ss. 2 P(>wers of, and to what localities they shall extend, s. 7 I Duties of, s. 75 Dismissal of, s. 70 Record of a))pointment of, to be ke])t, s. 77 Punishment of, for nejjlect of duty, s. 78 Persons resistint;, s. 5, 23 Vict. c. 29 Sec CllUELTY TO Ani.mals. Construction Shops. By-Ian- of Hamilton. To be maintained at Hamilton CONTRACTOHS. Hamilton and North-WeMern Itaihrai/ Com)ian>i. Entitled to receive Bonds, 41 \'ict. c 48, s, 4 Contracts with, confirmation of, 42 Vict. c. 00, s. 1 Conveyances, t Company. Hamilton and Lake Erie Jiaihraif Com jinn ii. AVliat form to be in, 33 Vict. c. 30, s. 4 Hamilton and J\'ortli-Wes(eni Jlaihcaii. In what form to be made to Company, .'!5 Vict. c. 55, s. 34 COOKSTOWN. Jjreemcnt vitli Inni.itil. Company to erect and maintain station at CORDWOOTl. Hamilton and North-Western liailva;/ Companii. Rates for carrying, 35 V. c. 55, s. 31 liatcs at which to be carried by agreement with Hamilton Colil'OUATIONS. Jiatlif 11/ Art, Ont. Company may cross land of, s. 9, ss. 4 May convey land to Company, s. 13 . Unable to sell, may agree on fixed rent tor land, s. 17. See Mu.NR'iPAL Coupokatki.ns. Costs uv Arhituations. Jiailwa^, Art, Ont., s. 20, ss. 7 &'e Lands and theiu valuation. Credit Valley Railway. Agreement with as to Sligo Station CUEE^iORE. Agreement n-i! Nottawasaaa. Ijine to 1 lass near Agreement with Hunninnle. Company to erect station at To maintain same for seven years after trains commenced to run. . Crossinc; Railways. Hcc Intfr.sectkjn of Kailwavs. Crossin(;s. Jiailuai/ Art, Cut. Power to cross highways, railways, water courses, etc., s. 9, ss. 5. . Signboards to be erected at, s. 21. ss. 5 11 It) 3!1 118 133 Kit 90 30 179 131 131 131 1,7J i;;2 132 i:;2 13:; l;i3 204 70 73 4(1 188 3! I 19:i as 93 94 97 247 191 198 198 88 102 J INDKX. :ayment, s. 8 ji;; Itight of suit for damage not atfecte 1, a. 9 Y-\ Api)lication of penalty and limitation of suits, s. 10 i' -^ I'll.VKliTH. A'ircctiicnt vitk Great WcKtcm naihraii Cdinitaii!/. _ , . . x,- . Hamilton and North-Western Company to mamtam on truck, near(.reat Western Kailway, at Wellington square -'" Ci liATOU.S. lluilicaii Act, Out. ^^ ,(., Conveyance of lands by, to Company, a. l.> ' D. Damages. Jtailwnii Aci, Out. j.jj^ Limitation of action for, s. .'54 Hiiihra;/ Accidents Act, lf81. ,..i. Time within which action must be brought, a. .)............ • Liability of Company to, for neglect of provisions of Act, s. 7 . |J;|J Extent of 1 iiability, s. 9 Daxckkol's Fhkight. Ua'dmiy Act, Out. -j^i" Carriage of, a. .3.'?, s. 12 • ■ ^-^^ Companv may refuse to carry, a. .w, ss, l.i Debentuhks. ' Hcc Bonds and DiaiUNTiuE brocK. DKPOSII'IONS. Jtuihriiii Act, Out. _ . (|o In Arbitrations to be in writing, s. 20 ss. IZ . . . • ; To be filed, with Clerk of Records and \V rits, s. JO, ss. 12 '■> Depots. lidihraij Act, Out. gg C(uupany may erect, s. 9, ss. 7 Devi.uion oi' IjINE. llaitmni Act, Out, 9,-) s. 9, ss. 18 ;,:> S. 10, ss. 11 " DiRECTOU.S. liy-liiw of HnmiHon. _ 204 Board of, to be located iit Hamilton • »f I'UESIDENT AND DniECTOUS-l'UOVlSlONAI. UlUECTOKS. Disconnection ok Caus. Eailwdi/ Act, Ont. . <■ 00 l.'i.5 C!ompany to use best apparatus tor, s. ^^ j^.^,. Penalty, a. 89 DisTitEss. Sec Tolls. Ditches. Railwaij Act, Ont. no 7 103 Company to construct, for tencea, a. ZS, as. t Dividenu. Itailwaij Act, Ont. , , , , , „ .,« 112 Declaration of, by shareholdera, a. J8 ^^,j. At BO much per share, s. 28, sa. 2 li I 278 INDEX. DiWDKVn-OintinucJ. Jiailwai/ Act, Out. — Continued. Not to impair tlte capital, h. 28, as. 3 DirectorH may pay interent on .-urns called uji in respect of shares, s. 28, No interest on sliares in arrear, e 28, ss. 5 Division of Pkofits, Aimemcnt with Northern Railway Company. of Northern & North-Western Hallways i>ce Net Kakmnos. Docks. Hamilton and Lake Erie liaihvaii Compaiiii. Company to have power to erect, 'M> Vict. Dkaw-Hhidgks. Sec Bkidijes. DUNTROON. Aiirtiiiieut with Essa. l/ine to pass nijar p.i f H. 4 . . . S-., R. li B. E.^ciEii, J. E, A^'reement of Comp.any with Company not to obstruct ditch constructed across certain lands Provided ditch not to be wider than twenty feet Kager to maintain same and i>rot('ct end)aiii, s. 12 Bji laii- of Hamilton. 'I'o lie inaintaine 21 204 2:14 2.! 4 2X< 2;!:. 2.')2 2.'i2 lis i:!:{ 2;<;i 2;iS 23."> 201 201 201 201 201 201 202 101 102 102 102 102 2 PAOE 112 FH. 4 ll'i 11^' •r.iw •21 T.a . 204 . 2(14 . 204 . 2or. . 20.". . 21 . 204 . 2(': . 2:14 2;i4 2:-i."> 2;!.i 2:^2 2:i2 lis i:!:{ 2;« 2n;i 2;iS igexpenses. 23."> 201 201 g bonuses. 201 201 201 201 202 I'.tl 102 102 102 102 20H '2M 9t 27, Bs. 7.. 110 etc., 8. H2, Uti KXFXUTIVE COMMITTP.E. „ „ ^ T.UiE Aareemcntwith Northern Ruilvaii Company. . ■M-,,rthem '^ To superinten.l and to make rules, and regulations ns to working lines of .Northim _^_^^ and North- Western Railways : ' ' ' ' ; 1 ; ■.„;': 23;i To control locomotives, vessels, plant, stores, etc., ol two companus .^.^^ To control buildings, sidings, machinery, etc ,,.^^ Not to be sold without consent of • ■ • • : ' ' W '.itV. W^JtV-W '':U Not boimd to work elevator at Hamilton, until same property of North-Weste.n. . .. -•« Expenses of, to be working expenses 2;U» Api)ointment of -3*> JSS'lMrLtor'NorU^^ Wen if not appointe.l member • ||7 Four api»iinti!d by Northern Board 237 Four by North-Westeni o;^j When first members to be appointed 237 Vnfincv bv death to be tilled and how • ;,■•■'■'■■■ 937 MaSi lS.>r. or General Manager of Northern, always ( 'im.rman W7 To vote only, if an appointed member 237 Not to have casting vote ' 237- Appointment of Chairman, pro tan, 237 Members of, may appoint proxies .......•; • 2;iS May make by laws foi regulation of business, etc V.V.'^'.'.'. .. ■ ■ 23S Fixing (luoruni . . 238 lli^^Kf to t-coniirmed by Bo^vrd of eacli Company,- ;;r by Tleferee- V. 23H Four members of, to be (luorum •••••••. L';:L;Vi; 238 Meetings of, to be held at Toronto, twice each month ^^^ Chairman may call at Hamilton or elsewhere 238 Notice to mei'nbers to be posted two days before meetmg ,,.^^ Secretary of N.u-thern to be Secretary of .^.jj^ ^'"c5i::f ^:,;:. 'tf be- forwlirded t;; VVm-eciive CompaWies' ■■■■■■■■■'■''■'■■ y_ f^^ Powers of in working railways _ 230 Sl^f alld S^tSnf mX Cto- 1^" colifirmed by both' C.mpanies- :::::: ^ Not to hx rate's to discrindnate against Hamilton or 'J oronto -:|;; p;ngagements of, binding on both Companies .,^.^ To control receipts and disbursements 240 To cause proper accounts to be kei)t. . . . . . • 240 To furnish half-yearly statements to each Company ^41 SS Soint S;^S^?ieir£5.aon Ei^utivecommittee; i :::::: ^ -^ ^ :: ^ ^ •• - J^l Four members of, may give notice for new Referee ^41 To name new Referee by unanimous vote 241 One week's notice of meeting re(iuired. 242- If not a"reed as to Referee, what to be ilone. .• V ' ' il "")1 May sell pleJjje, etc., joint, working, and e.,n.pmentAbonds • - ^ KxKdTOUrt. liailu-ai/ AH, Ont. OS May convey land to company, s. 16 KxEMi'TioNS. Sec Assessment. Kx'l'FNSION OF TjINE. ' j'lamiiton ami Luke Erie Kaihra>/Compan,f. j.. Power of company to make, 34 V'^t. ^ fi ^-i, ■ • • • • ; 1.-, , To Port Dover— when to be made, 34 V let. c. 41, ^. i. m '''""'''l^s^t be carried on payment of, s. 33, ss^ \\t^ Cm ^/liable for refusal to carry on l'ay">en of, s 3.< ss 4 :•;.;;:; y.;; I's Passenger refusing to pay may be put out of cai .^, s. 33, ss. iU Fap.m Crossinos. JiailuMtir Act, Ont. 1 „i. „ 00 If"'- (M'enings, gates, and bars to be made at, s. iJ Femes Covert. - • liailwa II Act, Ont. , , , ,. „ 1 •« ^'^ Conveyance of lands of, to companj , s. 1.1 Fences. llailwaii Act, Ont. .„ 102 To be erected on each side of railway, s. 22 . ... . . .^ ^^y^ Meaning o. " openings, gates, and bai-s, s. -.-, ss. - Iv II 14 'IS' * 280 INDEX. VEyvF.H—C()ufiiii(r/l. Jiuilwni/ Art, (>i)t.~- (' Hamilton and Lake Eric Railvai/ Cnmpnmi. Form of c-nveyance of land to compa'ny, 3.S Vict. c. 30, sched. A ] •> iinmiltuaand J^orth-Weatcm Itailwan Comi)anii. Form of cnu ey.ance of lan.l to cmnpany, .i') Vict. c. m, s. 34, sched. A 40 1< orm Chief Kngineer's certiticate, sched. 35 Vict. c. 55 41 bale of shares, s. 20, sa. 2 -.l, Ilailwaii Art, Ont. "^'^ Oath of office of consta!)le.s, a, 73 ■,.,, Ji'aiiu-ai/ Aid Art. ' Certificate for payment under l^iihvav Siilisidv Fund sched A l.-,i Certificate for payment under Kailway Land Subsidy K„n,l, "sch'.-d.']}' I'v) Cons. Had wall Art, 18711, D. Can. , v.11 ,1. j> i,,_ Iteturns under Consolidatetl liaihvay Act, sched. 1 and 2 179 ij^(, Freight. • ... , Jlailway Act, Ont. Power to convey goods over railway,'s. !t, as. 10 -ia,. Goods to be carried on payment of,' s. 33, ss. 3. . . . . '. . , 1V7 Liability of company for refusing to carry, s. .S.i, ss. 4 ...,,, 117 FuEKiHT Cars. ' lUiihrati Art, Ont. Not to be in of passenger cars, s. .t!, ss. 7 ■,-,■• Pas.-Hiigcis injured on, no claim to dama;!,'es for injuries, .s. 33, ss. ll" .'.'.! ! 118 FuEiiurr Sin-ns. hail trail Art, Ont, To be maintained at Hamilton ,,/^ , Frogs. Itaihcaii ArriilentH Art, 1881, Space between to lie filled with packing, a. ,,.- ' "' lui) G. (rAi;(;K. A(jrccmcnt vith Northern Raihm>i Compnni/. "^^ E,"'uiireiSondL^''!'.T?!': .*.". ]'". '!'.'T'* '""' '"'*"'"'" "^ •^"'"* ^^^"'■'^"'^' ■■^"'^ 252 I INDEX. 281 I'ACK 1(W 105 lo;{ mi w. 7 Ka ■ni Railway 2;!i) iin ii'.i ii'.i 11:! c — s. 71, i:i() s. 80, l:j:i 220 2:!l 'SM ss , .. l:i(i .... Ill .... 112 .... 12 . . . . 40 .... 41 .... Ill) . ... i;il . ... 151 . ... 152 179, 180 ... 10!» . .. 117 ... 117 ... 11/ . .. 118 . .. 204 . .. 105 urkiiig and 252 (iFVKiiAi. Mana(;ku of NouTiiKRN Railway. j,^^^,^ ■inrficmeiit with Northern H a 7 55 J.ine betwton Jarvi.i und-issue of lioiuls m resnect thereto, .W Vict. c. <-, s. < . . . . J.) (,U:i>iuiKTo\v.N'. "■^'''Agreement" between Grand Trunk Railway and Hamilton and North-Wcstern Rail- _^^^ way as to station at i>4;{ Recital that lines cross at Georgetown. ■ :"'■'' "xiw Waiting-room, etc. , t.. be maintained at joint expense of two comi-anies ^4-^ Two companies to be joint owners • 244 Company recpiiring removal or re-erection to bear costs ,,^^ If companies agree as to change to bear expense etnially " Either company may discontinue use on six months notice • ^^^^ How material to l)e disposed of 7,^^ ^^V^VaJ^^!^ of G^knd TnmkRaiiway '^ to signal;, etc! : ! ! ! ! ^ ! 1 ! ! 1 : 244 S:^^-tSr'Gr.u:dTik^dHamiltona.;dN^^^^ crossing at o;{] Where connection to be made 2;{1 Sr;!:r\.SS;^Ser^f^i^:;rTruukRaiu;^ Noith-Weslern • • • • ■ ■ • • ■ • •, ■ • • • •; 20:< Village of, agieement with, under ( ounty of Hiilton i^> lii^v Coilipany to erect station at 70 rods from rear of Grand Irunk LaiUay -«'i liKoiuiiAN Bay. „.,,-, Hamm>n, and North-WeHern lUiilvmii Ommn,i. 4. May extend line into waters of, at Colhngwood, il Vict. c. «, ». •*. (il.rNCAIUN. AyrcciiHiit nith Mnhmn: UK} ("ompany to erect station near Ai/rccmeiit with .Stinniddlc. ^ IIW V "ompany to erect station at ......... ;'VmV, . 198 To niaintain same for seven years after trains commence to lun • ■ • ■ '""'^'iiEiS'tfrt'^^-Lot 22, lOth ConcesBion station to be called ^01 Goons. Stv Fhkicht. GoVKUNOU-GkNKRAL in COUN'CIL. VonHolidated liiiilwaii Aii, Can. .„i„.,Uf,„l t,, OS H" I'lana of bridges over navigable waters to be subn.itted to, s. 08 GiiANn RivKii. . ^ Aamnunt with Haldimand Kan;ialion Compan.n. o,;:j Navigation of, not to be interfered witli by Kam (iUANM) Tur.NK l:.^ll.WAV CoMTANY. """tr::::^:il^i Sldn^ ;^;::::::'to ..y company confirmed, 30 Vict. c. 85, s. 2. . . 18 '^^'coia^vt'g;^ to enual privileges with Great Western Railway and Canada ^^^. AgrSSltwiilr&ion'andNortli-WeJtern a; t;; crossing at Georgetown 2;U Agr^mS:^;wi;h Hamilton and Nortli-Westeru as to station at Georgetown 24:J Agr^,Sof:^;h Hamilton and as to station at Caledonia 245 Sa' Ck"ClK)NlA. iluAXT OF Lands. Had wail Act, Ont. 87 Company may receive, s. 9, ss. 1 (lUASS. Hadwaij Act, Ont. , , n 1. v, . i.,i.i ,i,.i.rn wlHi s 'V.) 136 Land adjacent to line owned by Company to l)e laid down witli, s. .>.» GliAVKL i'lTS. Hamilton and Lake Eric Ilailwaii Company. 20 Power t.) accpiire lands for, liO Vict. c. 80, s. lu 20 Railway Act to apjily, s. 10. .'f '.■.'.^' il .....'. 21 Company may lay down tracks to lands used toi, s. 11 21 Railway Act to ai)ply, s. 11 ' ' " (.JiiFAT Wkstkkn Railway Co.mi'anv. Hanulion and Lake Uric Hail way Company. confirmed 30 Vict. c. 85, s. 2. . 18 Agreement granting running powers to by Company connrmeu, .>o 1 t 282 INDEX. (JitKAT Wkstern Railway Compm^y Continnetl. . By-hni} iif Couiiti/ Uahliintuiit. p^nf. C'onipiiny ti> K'nviit eriuiil privileges to with (Jiand Trunk Railway and Canada Sontli- era Railway !><(; Hamilton Jii/'law, Company to forin junction with, in Ilaniiltou •_>(]( Agreement witii Hamilton and Xorth-Western, an to crosninj,' near SVellington S(|uare. •.".'."i Hec Wki.linhton S^iakk. CI KEEN WOOD. At/reimrnts, etc. Rate at which to be carried by agreement with Hamilton I'.i'.i (JnOS.S KARNISCiS. AijrtemiiU with Iforthern liaihmii Com /la nil. Proceeds of lands sold, not to be ..,..' -jlVi Working; expenses to be paid out of -'X, fiROl'PINO (.'l.AtsKS. Repeal of, 4;> Vict. c. 27, s. 17 10;j (JrARDlANH. Hail im II Art, Ont, Miiy convey land to company, s. l.T 0:5 GUNPOWDKR. liniliraii Act. (Jarria^'e of, s. ;i;i, ss. 12 Us H i il IT H. llALDIXlANl). hii-hufs, etc. 15y-law of, granting aid to Hamilton and Lake Erie Railway Companv, ><(ir>,000. . . . IS.". < >n certain conditions !<<."> Rond given by company . . . . . l!>.") J'enalty ...............'.!.'.'."..'.'.".',',.. IsH Company to erect Flag Stations at Rallsvillc or Hullsville, and procure Grand Trunk Comiiany to eieet Station-house at lird line, Seneca ISil Company to grant (ireat Western Railway, Grand Trunk itailwuy, and Canada .Southern Railway, running powers '. . isd IIai.diman-I) Navication Co.Mi'ANV. •■■ Aijrci incut with. Agreement, Hamilton .and I,ake Erie Railway Companv, and 2iV2 Grant to com])any, right to use water for ram '. 20;! Power to dig trenches, etc 2(i:! Eor twenty-one years ...... -^^ _ Yearly rent, .*40 half yearly , '.'.'.['.I'.'... .................. . 2(J;! Covenant to grant another lease .at expiration of term, containing like words 2t>;i Navigation on Grand River not to be interfered with -'(i;! Hai.ton. Hamilton and Northern Railwaii Com/Hinii. Line to be constructed through County of, .S.5 Vict. c. '>'>, s. :! ;!0l Aijrcements, etc. By-law of. County of, granding aid to compar.y 201 Agreement of Township of Esipiesing thereunder 201 Agreement of Town.-hip of Nelson tiiere\uuler , , 202 Agreement of Village of Burlington thereunder 202 , Agreement of Town of Milton thereunder 20:{ Agreement of Village of Georgetown thereunder '. 20;> Hamilton. Hcniilton and Lake Eric Railwnii Companii. Power to build line from, to C.'dedoni'a or (\ayuga, ;« Vict. c. .'{(i, s. .'? ."J City of, ;)owera of as to Bonds of Hamilton and Port Dover Railway Qo\ 34 Vict. c. 41, s. ") ; i;. Hamilton and North- H'e.', ,i. 3 30 City of, may aid Comi)any by gift of Bonds and' StocK in addition to B(mus, Vg Vict. c. 44, s. 10 44 By-law of City of, granting aid contirmed, .'i7 \"ict. c. 44, s. i() ..'.'...... 4Ci City of. By-law of..aiding ( 'ompany and Delientures issued thereunder continued, s. 2. o:} Mayor of, to be ex-nfficio Director, s. JH 5 By-law of City of, cl.ause 15 of no. S7 of, repe.aled, 40 Vict. c. 7t), s. 17^ 05 By-law of City of, granting .'rSlOO.OOO, '.Itli .lune, 1S7;< 1<»8 Rate at which cordwood .and green wood to be carried , , . , i;),s Cordwood J cents per mile for all stations exceeding 50 mUes, ;o e.r ojfficio director ahvay.-i ■ 203 I'AilK nadnSontli- Lsr, •-'(It ?toiiS(|uaie. •.'■.'."i l!i;i •J3.'. lo;j 0:5 lis ii(ir),ooo. . . . IS.-. is:. is:. is:. cure Gninil isr, mil t'aiiada ISC. L'lVi L'O;! •_'(;;! u't;:; m:', •lis L't>;i . , I'd;! :!0t -JOl L'Ol 202 202 20:{ 20;{ ft o, 34 Vict. 1:5 30 IS, 3(> Vict. 44 4(; iniieil, .s. 2. 'I'.i ."( .17 ().") li»8 Ills nile iimler '.'.'.''.'.'.'.'.'. 109 l!l!) l!l!» 203 203 INDEX. •283 K;;lJthm 'i 'u>SaSHn«- ^^, ' .^c' ire^iM Hhed-" .nS elevati..; li. l,e at ^^^ Hamilton, anil there remain 204 T.) cost « 100,000 ,•••/•■■;•.■■••,•■; ! 204 Frei'ht for l-ake Ontario, to be trantilui.ped at. . ..... . . . • ■ • • • ••■•••••■■■ v ' |:' , :,, ._.04 r.m pvnv not to buiM wharf, boom elevator, etc thereon excei.t m hn>it, .. -U^ Kollin" Stock at rate of .«4.00() i-er mile, to be i.urchaHcil by con-i-any .....•• -J^ I 'n-iii>iviiv to be an inileiieuilent mail ■ • • • • • ■ • ikvi To fi m^u t'tion with ircat Western Itailway in Hamilton. •■••••■ f^. Not o r. n ■ n west or south «i.le of roa;l, on liurlinKton Heaeh ("'l'.)^ •_ ^. ■_ • ■ -J Nl.r list beacii on north or Houth of same, nor cross same, except by necessity U « !'• ) • • -"« ""'■''T inetetween, and Jarvis-Order in Council granting aid. as to 215 iJHe between, and liarrie. Order in (Council granting aid as to ^1» Anrccment villi JNorthern Railway Cowixmi/. ,238 " ( 'hairman mav call Executive Committee to meet at Elevator at, Sec Elkvatous. Agreement with (.'ompany as to Jiurlmgton Beacli - Hcc Bum.iNUToN Bk.\ch. H \MILVON AND LaKK ElUK KaII.WAV CoMl-ANY. ., ^„ ._,- Statutes relating to, Power of Hlimilton and North -Western to amalgamate with, s. 6 jO Directors mav arrange terms of union, s. < ^,j TfmSoS^of'ZSholdl'favinu-a.d^^^^^^ ;;; ^ If not, further meeting may be called after one month, s. 8 ^^^ rrovidld rights ;.f parties having special lieu ..ot impaired, s. 10 ....■■•■■ ;,;J ( lon.pany imrchased to exist to ratify agreement, etc ■ _ -^ SSV^^.Ie:vtm;i;^-formedby=ui.^^^^^^^ ;:::;; g E^^t;i^':?U=S^SK — n'b;^!ui^Iton and Nin^i^Western ^^ N?,*Honds tobe i;;uedon' property "except ifor redemption of former Bonds, s. 13. ol " grantii'g bonuses not affected, s. lo '"" rt'amuS and'NorthAVestern and Hamilton and Lake Erie amalgamated as Hamil- thiorum, s. 4 ■ ■ • : 220 First Directors of United Company, s. j '.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. ^26 ■„i.",." vJio'linilurav (!omi)anv (Repealed by 22(> 22(i What statutory pr"ovTsions to regulate the two companies wnen unueu. ». o 227 Hamilton and North-Western Railway Acts. 227 Calls on sharehohlers. 227 General Annual Meetings 227 Special General Meetings 227 Aid from municipahties 227 SSiioHfW^i^'rJ^Ke hoWing;;f eiOOOsi^ares'o^^ calls paid 227 «^1i^Virl'^I^t^S--endedby37Vict.c.45.B.3.p.24 --■y,^ 34 Vict. c. 41, s. 15, p. 16 227 33 Vict. c. 36, 8. 4, p. 5 i I I 284 INDEX. m m. ! Hamilton A\r> Lakk Ehik Haii.way Com'\iix—Cu-tliniic'i- Special met'tiiiK'H to l)t' culled to ratify "i^ IfAMILTdN AND XoIITH-WkjsTKUN JUiI-WAY CoMI'ANV. ""' Statuti'H relating to, oH *,, -^ JfAMILTON AND I'oIlT J)()VKlt HaII.WAV COMPANY. " " ' HumilUni and Luke Eiiv Hnilwuy Cumpuiiu, •M Virt. i: -M. I'l'ovisionn as to sale of, s. 21 , ,, Trustees for sale, aiipoiiited, s. ^'J '....'............'...... "i May lit' sold to e,; .j() Vict. c. 85, .s. 1 ."] Head Offick. " Jill-law of Hamilton. To be located at Hamilton OD I Hk;ii Stkeet (Bauuii:). " Agreement iritli Harric. Conipanj- not authorized to run on in- Hk;hways. '■' Hamilton and North- Western liailwau Comtiami. 3!t I ict. r. 72. Municipalities may grant company right to lay on, s. !) m; Railwai! Art, (hit. ' ' -Meaning of, s. .'?, ss. ,^ Certain powers vested in Commissioner of Puiilic Work's 'with regard to crossiniron level, s. .(8 *' ...,, ( jarrying railway along highways, s. 21, ss. 1 ■■■■■'■■■.....................'. lu"' Railways not to rise more than an inch above when crossing, s. 21, ss 2 lO'" iice Bui DOES, Cuossi.S(i.s. Houses. See Cattle. HULLSVILLE. At/reement with Halilimaml. Company to have Hag station at jg5 js;,; I Idiots. Jiailiraij Art, Out. (.'onveyaiice of lands of to Company, s. 13 n.) Incohpohation. ' Hamilton and Lake Eric liaihcau Comnanv, ■M Vict. c. m. s. 1 ...:.... 4 Hamilton and North- Western Railway Company. 35 Vici. c. 55, s. 1 .^f. Incumbkance.s. See Lands and their Valuation. Infants. Conveyance of lands of, to Company, s, 13 g^ INDEX. 285 I'AiiE .... 227 L'L'7 .. .. liis '»l t.. 7s !» H 1(1 ll» m . :i"> 11 14 visii, s, 9;{ 4 m 9i INNIHKII-. „ , ^ ''^'''' Hdiiiili'Vi ami Nnrth-Weflrrti Rnihraii Cnmpani/. , ,r. -. , i-a AKreeintuit l)etwutii ( 'oiimany uiiil Tuwii«liip of, l0),'ali/e(l, 40 \ let. e. ((>, !<. 1 •>» AuTfeiiifut with, iinilcT Hy-rivw \*^ Kffital that ( 'ii\iiicil intends to i)aN8 By-law to ^ive !?20,0()0 l";f llimlit.i I'litertaiiifil as to it.s Icgiility |'^' ('(irii|iany unilfrtako to ^et Act to establiHh By-law 1»7 Will get aKreeiuent anil liimit IcKalized J^ Bonus to lie rcfundi'd inilenH Siincoe Kivew !?;teO,000 1«» t'oinpanv to erect xtation at (,'o(/kHtowii 1[*^ At Tliornton ■ . • • . • J^" At internection of nide line between 20 and 21 hnna '"J* Will keep and maintain same loJ Company to have ri„Milar trains runiiini,' from Hamilton to Barno within five years from by-law • ^rj Otherwise to pay interest at « per cent, nntil completion of railway !«« At,'reement witli ; . ■. ■; •••■.•• Tina Itecital of necessity of varying route on account of enKineerin-t dithcnlties.. -<>.» (Nimpmy covenants to erect a Haj,' station at 10th con. Township of Tnnishl -»■ Company covenants that Township may redeem )!I20,000 of d.bentnres within year. . 2 . Company covenants that they are entitled to receive debentures J-'M Township sanctions deviation in route '-^^ Tssi'K.nioN 01' Haii.wayh. JiailwKii Art, Out. -™ Ixiiil way I ns] lectora, s. 43 |;^'.1 ]>nti(s of, s. 4:< •. .• • • • ; ■. *"' Kailwiiy not to be oi)ened till after one month's notice of intention to open same, s. 44 l..i i'eiiaity for contravention, s. 4.") • • ^-^ Commissioner of Public Works on report of Iiiispector may order postponement ot opening' of road, s. 4(1 ^y^ Penalty for openim: contrary to onler of CommissiouiT, s. li j--* When only such order to lie'bindin;^' on < 'ompany, s. 4H 1-4 When any Railway brid-e condemiUMl by Commissiimer and Inspector, what to be dime," H. 40. . . .' ' ■-* When Insi)eetor may forbid runnint,' of trains, s. ;)0_ l--.» ( 'omuiissioiie.' may modify report of Inspector, ». .%l j-'j When ( 'omi'iissioner may re^ulate spei-d, etc., s. .52 1-y Penalty for non-con\pliance, s. 52 ^ |;^'j Companiesto atford infoiin tion to Inspectors, a. 5;! |-j> Inspf-ctors m;iy use tele ira; ih wires, s. .">4 |-'; For what purpose, s. .")4 ^- ! Operators, and others to ..bey order.s of Inspectors, s. o:> i - ; Authority of Insj.ectors, how proved, s. .5(1 . l-i" Lieuteiiant-tJovernor may order permanent bridges to be substituted for movalile bridges, s. 57 • :•••;•.•; i' " " 'i' Certain powers vested in Commissioner, with respect to crossing higliways on level, „ r.\i !-(> Eailways niav be re([uired to repair any b^-el crossing, p. 50 127 Inspector's certificate to be conrhisive, s. oO i--! Inspection not to relieve company from liability, s. (10 . |-' Company to notify orders of Commissioner to its otHeers, s. (11 1-^ What to be deemed suttii'ient notice thereof, « (12 ._ !-'[; Notice of accidents to be given to Comuiissioner of Public Works, a. tj,> l-i> Keturns of accidents to be made semi-annually, s. 114 j-J' Form to be appointed by Commissioner, s. (lo -;^ Penalty for neglect, s. ersons obstructing Inspectors in the execution of their duty, s. 155 138 In.spkction Fund. Jtaitivii/ Act, Ont. .,,,., , „„ iof> Hate to be contributed by railways for, s, (>8 '■-'' Inhuranck. Aareement with Nuvthevn liiii'wan Compmiii. ■ . ^ , , . oxa Paitl by Northern and North- Western Railway Companies, to be working c.\ 2,5(> Intkuest. Haihrnij Art, Ont. -,-,(. On unpaid calls, s. 27, ss. 4 _ ....•■ :,' •.■■'■, '' \i~ May be allowed to shareholders pa;>ing money in advance on their shares, s, .,, ^^^ Directors to nay on sums called up m respect of shares, s, 2,s, ss. 4 ii- When to be' deemed working expenses, s. 101 i-'' HcC BoHIW AND DKBENnUE bTOCK. Intekpuktation or Words, Haitiraii Act, Ont. ' .,f,.> " Bars," meaning of, s. 22, ss, 2 J-""* I S86 INDKX, Intkki'ivptation op Wokds -Ciiiitiiiiicd, Ci'iitilv to Animal) Act. PAOK " < 'attlo," liifiiiiiii;,' iif, H. 1, 171 Uni'iriii/ Art, (Jut. " ( 'Icrk of iViicfi," nicHiiing of, x, ;), hs. 7 STi " ( 'liiuMi'," iiii'iiniiiK of, H. ;t, KM. I'J H,'i " ( 'iptiijiiiiiy, TIr'," inuiiiiiiiK of, h. .'!, H^. 10 K"i Onm. Uinliraii AH, i'<:'>, " ( liinipuiiy," ineuiiing of, h. '21) 175 Uitilimi; Act, Out. " ( 'oiiiity," iiu'iiniii',' of, H. f , HA. ') 81 " (iiitt'H," iiii'iiuiriK of, M. '22, HH. 2 i'H " (t in," meaning of, h. ',i, hh. 4 ' " Hi;{hwiiy.i," iiifaiiiiiK of, h. ;<, h*. It )<. " .IiiNtici'," iiiiNiiiintj . f, H. 3, Hs. H 85 " LiitulH," iiit'aiiiiiK' of, H. ;{, HM. 1 84 " lianilx. The," iiieaniiiK of, h. 'J, nm. .S H4 " liuasu," ineaniii^' of, h, :i, hh 3 Hi Kdilmtfi Aid Act. ' ' Minor Mimicipality," muaniiig of, h. 'JfJ, «s. ."> 150 liai/iriii) Act, Ont, " OpeiiiiiKH," meaiiint,' of, s. li'J, hh. U 10:i " Owner," ineaiiiiiK oif «. 3, mm. 'J M"i Kdilmiii Accidents Act, 1881. " I'aukins," nieuninj,' of, h. 3 Kit CotM. Jtdilmty Act (D) " I'ersoim," what to include, s. liH 17"' Haibcitji Act, Ont. " PreicribuJ," nioaninyf of, ». 2, 8«. 2 S4 " Railway," iiieaniii;; of, h. 72 131 " Railway, The," . .min',' of, «. 3, hm. 11, 85 " Railway Uompii y," what to incluile, s. 38 122 " Railway C"oinp.*tiy," nieaiiitii; of, s. 72 131 " Shareholder," meaning,' of, h. 4, ss. 13 85 "Sheriff," meaning' of, h. 4, hs. 7 85 ■' Special Act, The," meuniii;; of, s. 2, sh. 1 84 '■ Toll," meaninj; of, h. 3, as. 3 84 " 'IVattic," ineaiiiiij,' of, «. 72 131 " irndertakin.', the," meaning of, s. 2, ss. 4 81 A'jreeinent with Northern RitHumii Cumpantj. Workinj,' expenses. What to be of Northern ard N'orth- Western Railways 235 Intkkskction ok Railways. Kailicay Act, Ont. Rower of Company to cross other Railways, s. It, hh. 15 8!l Application to Commissioner of I'uhlic Works reipiisite, s. 9, ss. IG !M) Oon» tiiitlwai/ Act (1>). Provision as to Provincial Itailvays crossin;,' Dominion Railways, s. 7. ss. 15, l(i. 174 Ai>i)lication to Railway Committee nece>*Hai'y, s, 7, ss. 10 171 Jnventoiu'. Aijrrcmcnt with Northern Railivnii '/omjhinii. 'i"o lie made of property, locomotives, plant, tools, etc., of Northern and North- western Railways 233 Things not consumed to be kept in repair 233 At end of term to be rentored to each company 233 Inventory to be made of new property 234 Valuers when and how to be appointed 234 IssuK Unboun. Hdi/wa," Act, Ont. Conveyance ot lands of to Company, a. 13 'Ji I jARVIh. /' 'li (inijt Niirtli Western llnilwail Coiiii>rinil. between and (xeorgetown issue of bon;i (. , «r. 84 H4 Hi l.JO 10:i h:, lt!t I-.-. 84 lai «r. 121.' i;ii Ko «.*) HI Hi i.n 81 re 2;r. 8!l IM) H3. 15, 1(1. 174 171 nd Nortli- 2;?;i 2:w 2;tt '2:u 234 Lake Ontario. JJi/-liiii' III' Ifnmiltiin Frei^'lit for t > '>« tr;m-.) 215 95 16 (;.) uiiaiiy not to build wliuif, tiial...! Imoiu. tic, oil exi'i-pt within limits ol Hamilton. -IH Lakkh. Ihiilii'iiii Act, Out. .... ,, u- MVt VViiarvi'H on plan of, to lie Hubmittud to l,ic\iti'ii;int(iovernur, h. ».> »*' Lands anh Tiikiii V'Ai.nnTioN. JInmiltoii (tail Luke h.riv lliiifirmi Cdhiikiiiii. ,'tO I'll/. Ill/I. H."l. M Power to aci|iiii'i' jaiidn lor k'i'avol pi's, I'lo., h. 10 ... ('oiiipaiiy iiiav lay down tiai'ks on inu-rvi-itiim laii.lH, «. '.'■•■•,■•■.>.,••■■•■.;•, V .,- Hale to other (■oiii|ianien naiiclioni'.l of poi tions not reiiuired, M V ict.,uar. t-h «. •<■ -• Utmillnii tniil Siii-tli-W'iMfVil llnlii'nil I'liniimiiil. ,,„■., .-■ » , r.-. ., o*l 9« I'ower of coiupany to uciniie whole lot.-* though lesw would Hullicf, .(■» V lut. « . o.), h. «.i qo Jiililiriiii Alt, Out. ^ " Land," what it ini'ludi'H, h. .'I, hs. 4 g, I'onipany n.ay rBCcivc Krauts of, h, i'. ss. 1 • j._ Uompany may puniliam', ftc., and sell thu mime, s. '.I, hh. 2 •■• ^^ Coiiipjiiiy may inaU'^ surveys of, s. '.•, m. Lt. . . ... . . . i,' ' ' ' ' i 88 (Jonipany may carry railway across lauds on the hue of rauwai', s. .i, ss. •» Occup.ition of w.ld land, s. it, ss. ;{ ^,| (If Crown l/inds, s. 't, hs. 1,'{ ; • ■ ■; g)) <'onipensatinii to be made for lands dama','c(i, s. i ^., llow delertiiilied, s. 7, ss. 2 im Aciiniriii),' churi)eal, s. '20, ss. 20 • • Existing practice as to netting aside award, s. 20, s;,. -1 •.■■•• • • • • -^ • ■ ■ ■ Posse.ssion may be taken on payment or tender, etc., ot sum awarded s. 20, ss. ... 100 When warrant of possession mav be given before award, s. 20, ss. _.* i"" Security to be given by the Company, ». '20, ss. 2.'i. i"" Coinpensition given to .stanil in place of land, s. 20, ss. 24 . .•■••: |"" As to incumbrances, etc., in land purchased or taken, s. 20, ss. Ju i"" What notice to be ])ublished as to encumbrances, s. 20, ss. 2b i"' Bv whom costs to be paid, s. '20, ss. 27 ■ • ■ • ■ • • , , \Vheu interest to be returned to or paid by Con-.pany s. 20, ss. 2H ui Adjacent land to railwtiy, belonging to Company, to he laid dov.n with grass, s. .»,). 13b Tu i 3 kept clear of weeds, s. 00 ..'-_ Conseottence of ninittiiii,' to do so, s. 100 ■ • "' ace Additional Space -Assii.ssMKST- Railway Land hi bsidy J^ und. 11 288 INDEX. Aiji-tfinntt with Sorlhtrn Ruilway dmpany, r .«, J*'"' '"'" "' ^'"'■'''«''" '"'^' Niirth-\Vi»tLTH Uailwnya to la- wi.rkln« t-xponnes . . . , Aijrrrmrnt wth Northtrn Ititilmiu Coniiuimi, i'loccfdH „t, of NuiihtTi. amr\.ntli'-\Vt'«t.Tii HailwnvH not to b« ^roxH vnniinu* , 1(KASK (IF liAI'.WAY. Uumiltnii <■ ,,l l.nkr Erif Ititiliiny Ciiiii/uiin/. ( '"iiip ,iiy may make (pf line to annthtT railway, Xi Vict. c. Mt, h. 20 CoiiijJiitiy iiiav iiiak«' to utlur ruilwiiy or railwayH, ;i7 Viit. c. i'), h. iV. ".!.'.."!!! ! I'd lie ^aIl(■lillnl•ll liy hjuircliolileiit, ;I7 N'ict. e. X), h, 3 Jlntviltoii. ■mil \i>rth- tyrMirn /{ Viet. c. rifi, h. ;tL'. ." AN.seiit of two-thii'il* of Bhnri'holcJerH iiefenmiry, Itii Vict. c. rih. m. 3*2 liKU.\I, Kxi'KN.SKS. ' Mot 235 ti 24 '.'4 .. 3!) Aon leiit with Xoytlin-)! Itnitwdii Comfmnii. Of Nurtlieni and North-Wusteni to l)») " workiiiu exi)en»e», ",. J.KVKI. CllOHM.VOM ' Hiiitwiiii Art, Out. I'recautiiiiis to li>' taken at, h. 90 LiEi ri:NANi-(;(ivKiiNoii. AVi ('o.M.MiNHm.NKK or Pun"Mo'W(')HKH~i.NiipKtViiiN OK K,u'l^^^^ J, MITATION OK Aciln.N. I'Vr claiiiiiKeft miiler Mailway Act, h. %i ^ I'mier KaiUvay Aiciileuts Act. IHMt, h. 10 ...."..."."... Loan Cai'hai.. .Ve Uund.i Dkiikntiiii; .Sto(;k. Location ok Hailwav. tliUHi/tuii tun/ iS'iirth-M'enftni Jtuiliriii/ Comuanu. What to he, Xi Vict. c. .%, s 3." Jlail 11111/ Ai-I, Old. < httiijfe ill cotjipaiiy, may make. s. lf», sh, H LoriiMdrivK.-f. Itailinii/ Art, Out. Coin|)any iiiiy acipiire, r. 0, sh. 7 'J'o lie fiiniiwlieil with liellM or whistles, h. 3;t, ss. 8. AijrnntiiU villi Nurl/ieni /{ailiri,// /'iiw/hiiiij. To lie at dis|i(isitioii of Northern and No.-th-Westem KailwavH L.xecutive Committee to control Lo.N I ION. Huiiiiltnn nnil Lnkr Erie llnilmvj Cnmpaiiii. lOstaliliMhiiient of otlii'es in, \w, Vict. e. sri, h. 4 Aijnriiinit irii/i j\, ■ilirrii Haihriiii Ciiiji/hIiiii. Joint a-ent in, of Northern and North-WeMterii Kailway.s, Kxeentiw Committee may appoint ]Jepie.s,iit,itives in, Hxecutive Coiiimiltee mav anpnint to act witli tiiem T ■•,.,„... VJ''''""'^ "^' *" ''*' working expeiiHe.s of Nurthcru and North- Western Kailways.' . . .' JjUMDI-U C AILS. ■' J-'liliniii Aii^ (hit Not to lie in rear of pa.sHeiiger cars, g. ,"?.? ss 7 J.t'.V.\TIC. ' Uilihriiii Art, Out. Conveyance of land.s of to company, a. L'J 23(i 13.1 118 1G8 30 00 88 117 233 233 19 ■-'11 •-'U 117 93 ayn to l)e working m Macminkht. Aijrceiiieiit with Northcyn Rnihrtii: Comjmjiij. Maintenance of — coat of, Northern 'and North-Western lUilw; exuenscs Mail. Jiiilhriii/ Art, Out. ( 'ariia'-,'e of, s. 3' M,MN LiN i: .Skctuin. hniin/tiiii iiti'l Aiirth-n'cxtrrn /fnitirnil Cnmpani/. To lie one divi.sioii of ( onnty .if '.Simcoe for bonus purposes, 40 Vict c. l(i s MaNA(;I.NG DlUKTOH or NoHTHKK.N Iv'aii.WAY. il.1.. I.. 1", s ■'^'f '!i NEKAL Mana(;ku of Noktheh.v Railway. MANrFArTi;iifN(! Siioi'.s. b)i-l((ir of Hamiltixi. To he maintained at Hamilton Map of Suuvev.s and Levklb. ite Plans and ScuveVs'. Mayoh. Hamilton and North-Wealtrn Railwnv Company. I he Mayor of Hamilton to be«x officio Director for all time. 39 Vict c 72 s Huuiiini An . Out. . . ' I Of A'linidpalities taking stock, to be fr officio directors, s. 31, ss. 4 Not .0 vote for diiector of companies incorporated before 14th June,' 1853^ b! 235 120 59 204 3. .. .. 54 \\,' ..*115 31, m. 5 ll.> mi INDEX. •28!) w» ag* 235 11 24 'ii : ^'"V/'m^/'^'i "'"' ^"*« ''?:'« Z^" ''"''».." Oompnni/. V\nt (iciuTu' M.'«t)ni;. when "to l)e cuILmI 1,y Pn.viHi.mal DiroctoM, ». 8 (rep.) . ""''""'. r ,,, . 1 11.11... i..i,..i.i...-u .. '1 t lil'lUTU' ->l>-tiniii;, niTii i . ..V ., -v • ••— - ■ ■ ... . On tlieir iltfiult, 1(1 lif called by BtockholiUrH, *. J ^ N,)tiri' 'if 111", lin^' ... ; \ \'i,'\» 7 Anmiiil «ieii. lal M..tii»,'<, wluTe niid wlieii held, ». U •• ^ Notice to !«• ;.iv.'ii of, s. 12 ,■,•■■ V 'li I " ii 7 ^peiiivl ( Jeueral M»-itii., ', where and when hehl, h. 13 '..'.'.'.'.'.',,.'. 7 NotiUHof. M Vnt. c 41. a S "UJ Viet. u. »'>, V pealed r.- to firHt K'eiieral meeting', t». 2. Wheii "iiiuy !'»• eall.d l.y I'rovl.sioiial DirectoiH, h. 2 ;l»i Vi'-t. <■. 8i>. , , , , T Annual Meetillk'", wh.u and where to lie li.M, h. 7. Notice to he ;,'!» ell of, n. 7 Siieciul Kenw:il uiceliiif^H, whmi ami where to be hehl, ». 8 Notice toll- '11 "f. «• **,;■•,•■■■;; ' \.\ 20 20 20 20 ;{.-> 1/(7. c ori. , 1 1 1 T v When firHt iii.-eliii:,' of HliareliolderH^to be helil, *. 1 '.j- Notice of, liow to be ^;iven, n._7 ' '.^.^ DireiloiM to be elected at, H. 7 . . . . • • ■ • • • • ■••• • • ■ ■ „.. (ienenil Auiiuul .Me.tirKH, when and where to Iw hehl, b. 10 -J Notice .if. how to be ^'iveli. h. 7 .......... ••• o-j Special Meetin^rx, when and where to be held, h. 11 Sec. 10. 3.-." Viet.' e. n."., iVpeale 1, an to notic- ..f ( Jeneral MeetiuK, h. .''. Jjj SSl'«^."i'?>(-t^"« t'i»»^ ciui ;,o„Hider-an;al«.»mtUo„withFan.ilt^n and ^ .'54 106 106 Lake Kiie I tail way, h. 8 Special (li'n'ralMeetins,' to be called to sanction i.-*sue of bond-*, a. r> ''''''sillnViohler''nmv hold i,'eneral n.eetin«s, h. 24 ^•-r;i:!.;tnS'^i:cU;d^'t^.SS;;;::^ -^ Tuesday in May. in „^^ liSM^CnU Me:Un;f r::;;;£e; ' nnd Acts 227 Aiirt, limit mill Aortlurr limla-"!' r'nnr""."- , , .13s ■ Of K.xeculive Conuiiittee, when and where to be ..eld Ui"ht of Holldholders to vote .,t • .See Bunds and Ukiikntihk Stoik. 6',r I'KKSIDKNr AND DuUXiOHS. M11.ITAIIV FoiuKS. Uuihm/i Act, Out. _ 120 l'arriat;« of. **. ■'*'"• ^^'■'■■^'^"^■^-^^"'•ca.f-. c.r,.;,s.iU3i). . , , ^7 Coun.any n.ay, occnvy '-n license of C.overnor-G...eral Mii.rriA. Haitivnii AH, Out. _ 120 Carriage of, s. 3(> ^^"'■''""'•AKreenient with Town. und,.r County of H.alton bylaw '^■^ S;5Sr Xt S;^!' I'ts int;;feri,,V withsan^e or" hidings V.:. .203 vfiAOE Bonds. Her Bonds and Dkukntikk hruCK. MORTl ^''Z^^.^::'^'^o>-tliern Rinh.ay Cumpanij. Inventory of, to be taken . beatdisp. Execiitiv MULMLB. A'-;reement w Company to erev;t Stations ._ 23.? t:;;:: .a SiislihlnTSoithen. andXo.^l.VVestern Railways ••■;••••;;;;::;;::;: ^ Executive Committee to control ith Township of, under County of Siracoe by-law j ! ] [ ! iS Betw near (ilencairn Will do business of country ttiereat 193 . ... 205 Bylaw of, K'-rtxti"^' ai'\ »'' ''''''''.'•'•■'y- ^ jj^ " •;„ tiy ' as on maiA'iine beVwecu'ciarkBvilie /-- - .' to .accommodate nattic as emcieunj' » ^qj I Company and Barrie ;■ - f « i. 290 INDEX. MuLMi p, -Cnntin'icil. PAiiR Agri'tTiii'iit under l>ylaw 205 ])el)etituios ti) bi! handed to tiustceH on certain trusts 2(M1 (iradiny to be completed before 1st October. 1877 2011 t-'oniimiiy to accommodate traffic as efficiently as on main line between ( .'larksville .and Barrie 207 Municipal Act. Aiiplication of to bonu.sea and by-laws V''.\ fir. Municipal CoupIiuation.s. Mi'NKirAi, EoMSKs.l Jlami'tv.i iind Lake Eric Jiailuaii Companii. .•{.{ Vict. rri)i. 'Ml Power of municijialities to aid comi)any by bonus, s. 7 •! By-law urantiuf,' to receive cou-ent of ratepayers, .s. 7 fi Municipalities aidinj,' neither to claim interest as shareholders nor to be liable as such, s. 18 9 'M Virr. Clip. 41. If jtortion of a municipality desire to aid the Council to pass a by-law, s. 1:1 For raising amount jietitioned for by the issue of Debentures s. 0, ss. (1) 14 For assessing; and levying an annual special rate, s, (1, ss. (2) 14 Debentures in aid of the lailway how to be dealt with, s. 8 14 ;<() Virt. I'd)). .'•">. Mode of submitting by-laws to ratepayers, s. I'l 22 Hamilton unci Aiiyth-M'iKlirn Uuilmiii Cumjiani/. li.'i \'irt. c. 55. When council may submit by-law granting aid, .s. 15 .vl After passing by-law, debentures to issue, s. KJ 35 Assessment of ii portion of municipality for, s. 17 .'55 Munici|)al Acts applicable to by-laws granting, ». 18 ;{5 Assessment f(U'. not to make rate greater than .'{ cts. on dollar, s. 11) a.") County municipality granting not less than .'?5,(j0() per mile within same, may name Warden as Director, .s. 21 'M'l Delivery of ilcl)ent\.res for, to trustees, s. 22 ' ;i(; Trust-i on which debentures to be held, s. 23 Kll Two Trustees may bind the three, s. 24 37 Township mav be exchanged for county debentures, s. 25 37 3t) 'I7,/. i\ 84. Municipalities aiding may declare the trusts upon which debentures are to be held, s. 2 42 Tnni ifil By-law, etc., confirmed, s. 2 42 Certain agreements may be made with municipalities aiding, s. 3 42 Municipalities aiding may extend the time for completing certain works, s. 4 43 By-laws granting to 1)6 .subuiitted within six weeks for petition, s. 5 43 Keijuisites of by-laws, with respect to rates, s. 7 43 Deposits by Trustees to state iiartieular Municiiiality from wliieh derived, s. 8 43 Ivot necessarv to publish notice of meeting in c(. unties granting bonuses, s. !) 43 Citv of Hamilton may grant aid by gift of shares, bonds, etc., of company in addition " to other aid, s. li) 44 'Jounty of Sitiicoe granting .?300,000, mav name a Director, s. 11 4(J 37 I'ivt. <: 44. Time for passing of by-laws, and delivery of Delieiitures to Trustees, extended, s. 3. 45 Councils of aiding Muncipalities may consent to varv agreement as to route, etc. , 8. !> 4ti Bylaws of Peel, Hamilton, Collingwood, granting aid, cimfirmed, s. 10 Hi 38 Viit. r. 48. Agreement between Hamilton and North- Western .and Muuiciiialitie.s granting bonuses U't affected by amalgamation with Hatnilton and Lake Erie llailway, s. 15 52 3'. I Virt. r. 72. Handlton by laws ai(■) 8(1 .•<7 ;)7 42 42 42 4 43 43 43 ;. 8 43 I _. . 43 addition 44 4(1 ;led, H. 3. 4.'"( lite, etc. , 4(1 Hi 54 5(1 57 57 57 57 58 5!t 69 59 59 59 60 MUNICIPAL liosv^KH—Contuuieil. , p^Qg TriLstecs to reserve debentmes to an amount suth.ieiit to in.ikt up Hit uni am ^ principal of bonus main line, s. 7 _ g^ Isiflue of new debentures, s. S ' ' ' "' ,31 AVhen and how payable, s. 9 _' qi I'avinent of interest for 1878, s. U)... ; •■ •■ • •■ ^y V.yhiw, No. 220 of Sinicoe, le-alized m certain particulars, s. U ^^ Hate to be levied in AUjala, h. U ^2 Co.rS^'^^S'in^tM to m.eive S170:000 of' tlieSimcoe bonus, b.' 13 ! ! '■y-y--y---- ^ Vroviso as t>> liaviuent of such portion, ^. !•>. .•••■■••• ■; : -, pi 35 Victc. K s 24; p. 37, not to a,'.ply toTrustees of the ^uncoe bonus, s. 14 04 l>ifferences between Trustees, how : X'/V >nuier K S O,' V. ioo' (Raiiu^'y Aid Act). ^^^ Aid from portions of, s. 2(. . . ., ■ • • -^ • • ; 1,50 Grouping of Minor Municipalities, s. /!<>. «^;J ■ • - / -; " 3 " ' ' 150 Proceedings in oppo.sing .submission of «y-law, s. JO, ss. .> ^^ Arbitrators, s. 20, .ss. ;i ' ' 150 150 150 150 150 Aid to Railn->im hii, anuer 1 nv luiui.^w" ^-^ -- - - - 153 'i;:^-:'; ny'^wf fort^kl^-gitock in certain 'railways,- \. gmu-anteeing deben- ^^^ tnres s. 559 (s. 1) ■.■.;i' ,' ' ' ,')\ ' ' ... 153 Tor guar;u.teeing\.ay,nent of l)el,entures, s. .>.9 (s. 2) l! l!'. l ! .... 153 For issuing Debeii es, s. .5o9, (ss 3) ^53 For granting bonu.- . ». •"'•">'.». («'*• ■*) 153 Form of nebenture., s. 5o9, '^^;^ •\^-;^;,,,^,, ;,;;,• i,Va;se;;t of' electors, s. 559. ss. 4.. 153 tt::^^^:^^^^^^^ r,.,- ,#W<; director, s. 5.30 ...•.■ g MuniaiKd Ad, .s. 5(11. Like autl^.nty given Amsfusmiiit Act, s. ixi. 155 Statement to be furnished to clerks of ^^"''//a\'';)/Jo!?«'>'rVo^ ^""'/warden as Director 35 Vict. c. 55. h. 21. 30 Mayor of Hamilton to°be ex officio Director, .'.9 \ ict. c. ,2, «. 3 Hee Municipal Bonuses. 292 INDEX. ifi| N. Namk op Company. HamiUon and Lake Erie Railway Oympnny. VAf.i. What to be 4 Hamilton and NorthWeMei-n Eailivaii Company. What to be, '.iH Vict. c. 55, s. i ;}o NaVAI, FdllCE. Railiray AH, Ont (Carriage of, s. 36 120 Naval Lands. C. S. C. c. r,(], 8. 11 (31K ronii)aiiy may occupy on License of Governor-General 8? Navigation. Mdilmiy Act Ont. Company not to impede, s. 8.S I'M Exceptidn, 8. 86 134 Nelson Township. 4 Company to erect station near 202 Agreement with, under County of Halton By-law 202 Com|)any to erect N'elson Htation 202 Station 202 Palermo Station 202 Burlington Station 202 Net Earnin(!s. A'jrccmcnt with Xovthern Hai'way Companii. Of Northern ,".nd Nortli- Western, how divided 2.3(i Up to £80,000, Nortliern (;(;.t p. c, North-Western ;;;i,' ji. c 230 Next £10,000, Northern Kailway 2.S(> Next i'10,000. Northern 70 |). c. North- We.stern 30 j). c 230 Over £100,000, l)et\veen Companies efpi.tlly 23(> Each Company to apjily its sih.are of, in payment of intere.^t ou bonds 23(1 New York. Hamilton and Lake Eric Raihcay Qompany. Estal)lishuient uf ottice in, 30 S'ict. c. 85, s, 4 ]'.) NiPi.- 2:50 2;i0 2;{(i ]'.) ;!i c. 41, s. 1 i:; oxjicnses 2.'{5 252 252 Z.i- 232 232 2.'i2 2;!2 .2 2;;:! '2Xi vtc, s. 3. 233 233 233 233 233 233 23J I's, s. 4... 234 234 234 234 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 '>35 INDEX. 293 ■VnnTHFRN TIailww f'o.irPANT of Canada— Cu?i;{(; ,Toint lioniion Committee .rju Legal, Parliamentary expenses, etc ^. Vivr^r/v,' UWpm' Railwavs " ' 230 Secretarial and establishment expenses, ^o^thern and ^o^th-Wostern Railways .... _-^^. Net earning.^, how divided, s. 7 - o^O Up to £'S0,000, Northern, fifi.i, per cent., s. t ,,3,; North-Western, 333, s. 7 o;{(; Kx^^lo;S:S;;;£rn,te;:t.!North:w.^^^^^ ^' ^"■^■Kllrl^rS^i^i/^to-applv iirst in payment'of interest on b;mds;H:7: ! . • 230 lJi;;^ui:;:;.S:liS5DK^i-tLrn;chairn^ ,3, tier, s. 9 • , 'i\ 237 Four appointed 1)V Northern Board, w. ".». . . ^.j- Four appointed by North- Western Boanl, a. .).... . . • „.,_ When first members of c(mimittce to b:- appointcU, s ,1. . . •,••••; ■■ • • ■ ^37 V^.eancv bv death to be filled by Kxecutue Conmiittee, and m^. K 1. .. ... - - Manaldn,' I )ireetor or ( ^ia.K.:.rer of Northern, always s. 11 . . . -..- To vote only if an appointed niendier. s. 11 ._,..- Appointment of chairiiuui, pra tern., s. 11. ; • ^ ....y Members of Executive Committee may appoint proxie.s, «• 1- ■••• .^..^g Executive may make by-laws for regulatKm of business, etc., a. 1.* ; ;■.;•'.•.; '. 23S Fixing tpionim, s. 13 o;iS J^idrfi^daw^o'be eoSrmed by 'Boanls' of' eacii' Company or i.y Keferee,' s! '13 . . 23S Four Members of Executive rpiorum, s. 14 . ^ .2:{!i Meetings at Toronto twice each month, s. lo • 238 Chairman i.>ay call at Hamilton or elsewhere, s. Jj' • • ; • ; • - V.; '.■.'.. 238 i)anies, s. 18 • ; -i ' " li ^ 10 ... 238 Executive C.immittee, powers of, m working railways, s. i.' .^.^.^ To act as A"eiits of the Coin)nu\ies :■. 1.) ..... . ■ •. • ■ .,.^(, Rules and Regulations to be coi.lirn.ed by both C-uupames, s. 10 :^ If not disalli.wi'd in seven day.s, c iitinned, s. l.l. o.,,. If one Company di^aj^l-rove, R-f '■'^«i'\:-'^;^>'l^;' ,,!• .'( LA ( 'nnin^mi^s.' s! l;t 230 230 230 210 10 240 I be 240 kept, s. 20 ■ ■ -JIO Half-vearly statements to each company, s. _0 ... 2 10 EacirCompanv to app lilt Auditors, s. _1 .j,q Third Auditor, how appointed, s. 21. _ .,W To have access to all books, etc. , s. -1 . . 240 If only one Auditor appointed, s. 21._. . . -^ • ■ • • • y' ' ; i • / ,: ' o'.; ; 241 Executive Coiniuittee mav ai.pomt joint Agent m l.omlon, s. --■■;.;■ ; .,.. .,^-^ Executive Coum.ittee may api-oint representatives in Lond.m, Ex. Com., ......... -H- Referee to be aiipointed, s. 24 . .^ 041 C. .1. Rrydges liist Referee, s. 2 1 .j j1 For what time appointed, s. 2.J .jd S" imb"-l'£-'"tt;.'c.;mn,iU.: -imu: giW and 'effect of notice' s. 20 241 E^^cu^Re Smiitlee to name new Referee by nnaniinons vote, s. ■< • -jl One week's notice of meeting rwiuireO, 8. -/ . . 242 Tenure of office of new Keforee. s. -7 ..... ■ . ■ • • ■ ; ■ .242 If Executive ( 'omiuittee not a-reed as to Referee, ^. -» _ .^^^ Each Companv to iipjMiint Arbitrator, s. _8 ._,.,2 Third Arbitrator, bow appointe.I. s. LH ._,42 Arbitrators to name Referee, s. .8 . .■■,"••;,■,, 242 Referee to settle .lisputes between ( '^m^^'^^' «-;,' ; ; ; ' ; 242 To decide whether by-law be confarnied or not, s. ...t ■ ^42 Referee's decisiiui final, .s. 30 ;••,•■■ Vi ' ', V ' '." ' '{.Wit^ ' V 31 ' '^^'^ A"reement not to affect Company's bonilhohlers lights, s. .U ^^^ Agreement, confirmation <,f Hoards re.piisite, s. 3- '.'.".'.'.'..'.'. 243 Effect of non-confirmation, s. 3'- 243 When to become operative, s. 3L i 29i INDEX. NoHTHKRN n.MLWAY f'OMI'ANV OF C\:; ADA— Culltiliued. Ayreeinvnt 'iUt Feh., ]S81. p^^, AKreeirient of Hamilton ami North- Western with •)4i) Northern Ruil'viiy Company tir^-t part, Hamilton and Nortli-Western'sea.n.l'pal t LMi* liei-ital Agreement, fith June, ]K7!> -^i) Kecital, necesHity of chanue of tjauge on Nortliern 'M<"> 1' urther roiling stoelt recpiisite 541) Ac(niisition of certain lands 'My Jieiital, Director.s .Tgreeil, it-rtain cai)ital iici'e^siry ! ....... W^ . ..... LMi» Northern to issue joint e(|iiipn](iit homN for L'I;;1,('miO st-., intereHt at i^i'x per tent, ! 'Jr.0 i^nn(ii)alof such liomls due 1st .hiiv, I'.KIL', intere.>t lialf-vearlv ".")0 VV lien payable ' "^ .v^j^ Such bonds to rank after e.xistin^' Ixuids i,f tiin ( Vmpaiiy . . . ..^. .............. '^ . . iiiiO North- Western to i.^^sne joint workin- and e.iuipni.Mit'l.iinds'f(ir i(i(i,bo() VtL'".,' with " interest at six psr cent or^(^ Interest wlien and where jiayalile .....'...'.'.'....'.'.'. •"•"(> Such bonds to rank a.'i-er existing bonds of ( 'oni-.any ~£a) \\hen necessary authority obtained, Directors of each V'ompany to'execute bonds.' .' '■m \y here same to be deposited •),-,() Kxccutive ( 'ommittee may sell, l«lcdge, etc., bonds. .'.'.'...'..'. '. ..".'. 251 Any partial sale to be in projuirtion as regards Northern ami Hamiito'n ami North- ~ Western of l;i4 to (id o,")! p:xercis_e of power <)f Executive Committee subject to' confirmation of 'i^'iiectors or "' Jieteree under Agreenii'Ut tith .June, 1,H7!) 9;-,i ^/^'.T;^** ^'V'"" "?''' "".*'^ tonntersigned by Chai'rlnuii' aliii Se'c'retai-y'of ' k'xecutVv'e' .' ' 251 *, i ',n "f^ '";*•"•'"' ^"'J"'»y I'oiids to be set apart /„)• ,.tr/«.s,V,- use of sunie I'ol *(,(),UO(l of Hamilton and ^ortll-Western bonds to be set apartfor ixdnme use of .«anie 251 Alter the reservation, balance to be applied to joint pui po-es of Northern and North- NX esteiii l-(ailways 051 Changing gauge, etc '.'.'...........'.. '"52 Purcha-sing new rolling stock, etc 252 Extending sidings— improving stations 2iV2 Constructing junctions between main lines at Alianilale ''52 Deviation line in ColHngwood '.'..'..'.'".'.'.'. .' .' 252 I'ayment of liabilities in su.~pense ca|)ital stock ....'...............'... .. .. 252 Generally in improving working power of railways .... 2.5'' Any such movable property, etc., as deemed addition ' to t'liat "of'two'conipaiiies '. ! 252 10 Deaiipraised on termination of agreement of lh7H . 25" Lease of North Simcoe Kailway, 19th January, lt<81, confirnied' '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 2.52 Jiental ot !151S,()tJ0 to l)e woiking expenses under agreement of 1«7<) 252 ^sortli-Western agrees to jnirchase Haniilt Same to be placed under control of Executive 252 When so placed, Hamilton and North-Western" entitled to $40 ftoi) "52 Agreement— complete .settlement between two companies ' 2.5;{ Its execution a bar to claims 053 Nothing to alter— Agreement of 1879, excei'it 'as acicled' to. ' ! 25» Jiondsof ^orthe^n not to be issued until agreement, confirmed liy special general "iL'eting -^ ' •= .,5j ]5onds of Hamilton and North- Western not to lie "i'ssueil 'untir'Agre'ement'con- " hrmed by Bjieiial general meeting of Company 2,53 Bonds of either Coiniiany not to be issued till other Conipanyapprove i^\\ Directors may alter agreement to conform with the proix.sed legislation .'."... 253 Notice l?OAnr)s. Hamilton and North-Western to construct at crossing of Great Western Eailwav near W elhngton s(iuare '. ' o^q N-OTKK.«. 3;? Virt. r. 30. Bdtiiiltini and Luke Erie Faihrni/ Commmii. ^^;hat to be given of, first General Aleetiiig, s. 9 , . , g ^^hat to be given of. General Annual iMeeting, .s. 12 . . W hat to be given of, Siiecial (Jeneral Meeting, s. 13 7 3() Vict. f. 85. ' Notice to be given of Annual and Special Meetings, s. 10 o/» Hamilton and Aorth- K'e.itrrn /ailinii/ Cnmpavv. ' How to be given, of Eirst General Meeting. .S5 Vict. c. 55 s 7 w Of General Annual Meetings and Special General Mtetinc's. ss K) ij V{ ;W VfX. c. 48. • ^M ii )■> Sec. 10, 35 N'ict. c. 55, repealed as to notice of General Meetinsr s 5 4<) Notice now requisite j„ 41 Vict. r. 48. *•' if«tvSv J,5" be^published in Ontario Gazette of issue of Bonds under tnis Statute, s. 4 69 Of^C^lh^ ^''cretary to be notices of Directors and Company, s. ,32, ss. 4 IKJ To be gWen to officers of" ■Company' of' ■.I'rd'crs' of' 'the ■Commissioner' 'of Publ'ie ^^^ W 01 its. Hi 01 ^ (JO 1 INDEX. 2'J5 PAOl 241> !conii pint L'4i> LMi) 24!> 24S) 249 241t per cent. . '2M 2M 2h{) .... 250 stf,'., with 2r)0 2"i() 2M ;e bonds . . 2."iO 2.-.0 ^ 2.')1 11(1 North- 2r,i iiectois or 201 fcutivH . , 2,')1 iiie 2.M sp of .eanie 2t>] ik1 North- 2,')1 2.V2 2.')2 2o2 2.V2 2."i2 ......... 252 2.5" iilianies . . 252 252 2.52 252 2.52 .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 252 252 2.5;{ 2.5;$ 253 al general 25J Tieut con- 2.53 25,S 253 Railway 230 6 I 7 20 IVi )() 4!) 4'J itute, s. 4 69 11(> 109 if Public 12& \ oTicen— Continued. page ^^" 'vns^ is^:;i: virs-£:;:r" '*""" NOTTAWA. 191 Line to pass throuf,'n .... • • ■ ■ ■ • • • ■ • ■ • ■ ; ■ ; ; V,:.' ,.,.„ 189 ABreement with 'I'ownship of, under County of f '''l^' ', f;™ I'K) Coniimnv empowered to instruct branch line to L ,. hn^uood Coni'-auy may ent.-r into agreement.s with Municipaluie. ,,j, §130,000 to be spent on Branch Railway Koad to pass -»"!■ Near Avening I'^l Near Creeniore I'-^l Near Duntroon .... 191 Throuudi Nottawa ■.•■•;•: '. 191 Coinpany to keep an.l niaintam for seven years .... 191 Company to erect stations at Avening '.'....'..'. 191 Creeniore ,' ■,'- ' t1i l'**^ Side line between lots 15 and 1( , 7tli con '.'.'....!'. 191 iJuntioon 191 lots 15 and 10 in 7th con. ; lot 24 or 2.) m bth con .^,j, SXti;ie!r[n"S^;ment 10th 'Mayi 1873; ma^ be •va;ied from ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 1 ! ! : ^^1^ O. Oath. Jiailwau Act, Ont. . „ on „„ q ^' Power of arbitrators to examine upon, s. JO, as. » See CoN.STABLES. OfhiuKHS OF Company. Hnilwai/ Act, Out. 108 Not to h". directors, s. 26, ss. 15 loy ¥i^bf n^mld'lly iXaS ot, o^er of Commissioner of "P^blic wArksi ^'^y----^^ Company may make rules for, s. 19 C.S. C. c. 66. . „ .,„„ 139 Punishment of for certain offences, s. i.J8 Officks. Railway Act, Ont. .,r Viof n s^ « 1" '^ ( 'ompany to have power to erect, .W Vict. c. «.), s. i- Ihi-law of Hamilton. „ ..^ -04 ' Head Otliue to be at Hamilton ONl'AUlO (Jazettk. Notki'mpiilJd to be juiblish^d in; of issue'of Bondsunder 41 Vict. .. 48, . 4 00 (...KMNO OF EAn,WA^"^1^i^CXU,N OF RAaWAXS-CoMM.SS.O.KH OF PVBUC WOUK. Opkuatohs. ,,, HiiihraiiAct,Ont. . -,- 120 Of Telegraph lines, to oliey railway inspectors, s. .>■> oiinKUrt IN Council Gkantinc! Aid. ilamilton and Lake Eric /{ailwaii. 215 SS t'lTmade? KS Sd Lake' Erie of S2:000- per mile, for line Wtween ^^^ Hamilton and Jarvis Hamilton ami XortI, Western Umlwaii. 215 S',iSnnm\Si;J!£iSLtweenHan.ii.:n.;dBarrie;amH"larksvil.ea.d^^^ InciSKictofforty^fourmilesby-$48.60,onaJcountof increased cost 216 Conditions. , 210 2- P^-m:Jtf;;"$;So"per mik,-and increasV of ^rioO for^.tyfour milesin shares ^^^ 3. Conwn-t'S-withothercompa^iiesia.tothel.udageof ^^^ ness ; J ■ ■ ■ '•! -1*> Payment to be made for each twenty miles INDEX. P. Tacific llAir.wAT, (Canadian). MuUu-an Ai'l, Art. Aiil to londa extending from Muskoka to, ». 2.">. . , . Taid DiKEcroii. HamHttm and North- Western Unilwai/. One Director may be, 35 Vict. c. 55, s. 14 Palermo. Aijreemcnt with Nelson. Company to erect station to be called .... Parcels. Uailway Act Ovf. Checks to 1 ■• fixed on, having loops or handles, s. :W, ks. 5. Penalty for refnsal to give checks, ». 3;{, lis. li Parliamkntauy Expenses. Ayrinncnt with Northern Bail way Company. Of Northern and North-Western to be working expenses. Passe.vgek Cars. Kagf,'age, freight, or lumber cars, to be in front of, s. .!;>. s^ Passenceks. MOB . 149 Peel. KaUuiiii Act, Out. Power to convey, a. 9, ss. 10 To be carried on payment of fares. Company 'liaYjl'i-' 'fi)r refusaL s'. 'ai'ss.'s! liefusing to pay fare ni.iy be jiut off trains, s. .•!.{. ss. 10, lo have no claim for damages if injured oi ;i3, hs. 11 injured on platform, baggage, wood, or freight car. 202 117 U7 23() 117 8n 117 118 118 Line to be constructed through County of I'eel, .')7 Vict. c. 55. s. 3. By-law of County of, granting aid couliinied, o'? Vitt.T. 44,V 10. By-law of County of iitting casks or jiackages on railways, s. 0. , Insptctors in the e.\i>c;itioii of their dutv. 158. 102. Agreement of 'rownship of Caledon under Agreement of Township of Albion under Agrei-meut of Township of Ciiingua cousev Penal Clauses. C. A. V. c. ij(i. Penalty for person obstructing free use of Itailway, s. 84 Persons damaging Kailway, s. 85 ..'......'...' .V. Punishment of i)ersons doing anything to Kailway,' with "intent ti) injure per.sons or property, s. 152 . . If such damage actually .'..".'........... ! If any jjcrson killed, or life lost, the offence manslaughter, s. 153. . . .! Punislimeiit, s. 15;i I'unishment for committing any injury, causing stoppage, etc. , s. 1.54 . '. . '......."' •'!3. Vin. r. 211. Of persons boring or c Of persons obstructiuL C. S. C. c.iW,. Of officers etc., contravening bv-1 liailwaii AH, Ont. Penalty, s. 1,59 Application of, s. ItiO ..'■.......................... Company may jiay jienalty imposed on officers, etc., and deduct from wag's How penalties recovered, and applied, s. 103 .,, ,*'«■ < 'iu:ei.ty to A.mmals - Fi.nes and Penalties! lENALTv. See Lines and Penalties— 1'enal Claise.s. Permanent Bonds. Sie Bonds and Debenture Stock. PEU.MANENT liUIDliE.S. lUlibcaii Art, Uiit. Lieutenaiit-Coveriior may order substitution of, for swiuu bi-id'^es s. 57 J KRMANENT !)i:i!ENTriiH Stock. ,sVr Bonds and Dehentlre Stock ° lERi'ETUAL I)ei!knti;ke Stock. Hec Bonds and Debenture Stock. Personal Instate. Jiuilirail Art, Out. Shares to be, s. 29, ss. 3 . Piers. Com])any to have power to erect, etc., 3G Vict. c. 85, s. 12 Plans and Sirvevs. llaihani Art, Ont. Company may make, s. 9, ss. 13 Provisions respecting surveys and levels, .s. 19 Books of references, ». 10, ss. 1 .'■■'...'.'.'...... By whom certified, s. 10, ss. 2 '. Copies, s. 10, m. 2 Evidence, s. 10, ss. 4 '..................... Omissions, how remedied, s. 10, ss. 5 Contents of certificates, s. 10, ss. C , ..........'!!!!!!]..! Alterations from original survey, s. 10, ss. 7 4t'> 199 19!) 20O 200 137 137 138 13,S 138 1.S8 i;{.s 138 13K 19 139 i;t9 139 140 120 113 21 89 90 91 91 01 91 91 91 92 INDEX. 207 PAllK 149 34 202 117 U7 23(i 117 89 Hs. 3 117 118 )r freight car, ns 31 4() l;i!) 1!)!) L'0(» 200 137 ; 137 ijiue pei'sous 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 liW 130 13',t a?';s.H. 102.. 13!) 140 120 113 21 80 !)() 01 01 01 91 91 91 92 I'l VNS AND SURtF.TS— ConflHI/cd. PAOF. 1, r»l t Jeriat. m..™ ll.«n ml. (.■..!.. pl.n. ..10 ... " ;, ' j.y ' ' ; ; ; V, ; 92 k;:l'i"'.r,:?i:sr ssi \:'5;?,Sr!rrii:;i.:i;,r i i. «..., ^ On whlt'Bcale andparer' to'be drawn b 10 ss. 14 ! ! ; ; ". ] ! ". ! ". '. ! '. '. . ". ! ! '. '• i " ' '• 9* SS^^aJion'rf bruliJt^^^Jr ^ tint^rte „K.nU,. notice of depos. of ^^ map, etc., s. 19 ''■'""'tr/:! S1!:S': .Kar .SfWi-wct.™ «.,,«„,., ...-.;:■;::;:::;: ^ S Executive tJomiiiittee to control '..,..., '^^'^ Inventory to be taken ' Pl.ATFOKM OF ('Alls. '^"''S^Sri'l^'have no claim for damages when iniured on, h. 33. sb. 11 1^ roHT BrawKix ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^,^^„^ 37 y,,,, e. 45, B. 2 ^^ ^"•^ ^""w;r to extend line to, from Cayuga or Caledonia, 34 Vict. c. 41, «. 1 1^ ^'""' ^''i![,t^ maybe extended to. 34 Vict. c. 41, B. 11 P0SSEHS.ON oM^AN.,.^ ^^^ ^^^^__^ Valuation. rREFEUENCE STOCK. 42 ViH, c. *)0. 74 To nmimnt of £170,000 stg. to bo isBued, h. - •••••• 74 f) p.'r cent, interest, b. 2 ....•• ■ • •.,■. ' ■,: 1 ',i,i ' .'.J "u"2 " " It Holders to le entitled to privileges of ^haiehol.ciB, b. ^ ... 7.^ £110,000 thereof to be given t.; t oi.tnietors s. 1 7.^ J^lance to be at disposal of ">npa,.y. si.. •■•••••• 7,, Diivetor.s may issue same as they think lit.,s. .>... P,lKFEHST;Ari^.N.>I ... HoX,,. ^;^^^^'^^:^ ^':^,,,, S....CK. Pkekkiikntiai. Dkiik.stiue Stock, itc Bonus anu uuii.>i rUKSlUKNT AND 1 ): HKCTdliH. llamihon and Lake Erie Bmlvny. Election o ''.ven Ub-ectors by Bhareliolders at fir.t meeting, s. 10 •■••;;;;;;;;;:;;;; j C,)ualitier.tionof, B. 11. ■:■■ ■ -(i - Eoiiv to beiniorum of ibre-t(Pi-s, B. i.i , 11;:^ ■::;: K£/'(li!u ^r^oioO-on- ..nuisition .. H^oiUon ..l l'ort_l)..ver ^^ Kailway, s. 2o ^ (.■,1, :•>.") ^ let. c. -w, s. 7 -^^ ;;;!;;'!i! 33 . . 33 !'.'..'.... 33 Aliens eligible to othce as, .... > K:y - •;-. ^- -■ • ■ • \\\ , , .W:::::.'.'.'.'.':. i|4 (Quorum at meetings of. .io \ let. c. .jj, b. H ji Warden as I liiector. 3.-. Vict, e o^', s Ji . _. . . . • ■ • • • :.■ ■ ■ •.; • ^7 To have power to issue J^-f'--^^;^, -' ;: ii^^^'^i^let,!;, 3(1 Viet. e. SI. b. 11.. .. 44 S;;y'Sc:l.t pav-;^ bl'lli of ^::n: ^^^^l; time a,.a aU,,.. no discount tl.en.or._.>7 ^^ Power o^t,nsi'^^ - eHnipliiiVbycmitract,' 37 Vict. c. 44. b. 4o May arrS Si^f^-i-n between Hamilton and Lake Krie & Haniilton aiid North- ^^ Western, s. 7 WW Vict. ,:7'I. „ . ^. . ^ .y •''■* Mayorof Hamilton to be f.e-oi^Cio Directors. .1 54 Power of to issue Ronds. s. ;. . ■ • • ; ' .54 Not to excee.l .51 7,000 per. mile, b. 5 298 INDKX. TllKSIDBNT iVn DlUECTORH— Con<(HHC(/. Bamilton ami A'lirlh-Wi'nlrrn Railway Cnmpanii—Coni\i\mA. 41 ViH. r. 18. To havt! piiwer tn iH»ue Bonds or Debenture Stoikf, s. 1 liailiraii Art (hit. linaril (if I )in'ctorn to lie clioseii, s. 2(i \y'lio entitk'ii to Vote at election of l)ireetois, h, '2ti. hh. 2. .... . !................ Votes for 1 irectors to lie in |iro|i.,i tion to xliares, h. 'M, hs. 5.. ..!.... Sli:iieliolilerH luiiy vote liy proxy for i )ireutorM, s. 2(i, hs. .".' lertii of (Mlice of Direetor.s, s. L'ti, s.s. iS ^':lo,■lIleie^^ in the Hoard, how tilled, s. lid, hh. ;J s. •_'!), .MS. !) : '...'.'.'.'.'. I'resident, how elected, s. 2(i, hh. 10, .... 1 . . ..'.'..'. . . . . . . . . . , . '....'.].'....... Vice- ['resident to act in alisence of I'rcHident, s. '_*(>, h.s. IH. . . . . . . . . . . '. , . , . ',..', Such ;di.>.cnee to he entered in ininutes iind certified ! . ..'........'' t^Moruni at ineetinj,'s, h. lMi, sh. 11 Acts of a majority of (inoruni of inemljerH to hind, h. 2»i, hh. i2. MS < astm^c vote, s. 2(1, ss. l;! ' iau ....!..... . ." .' '. . .' .' ." .' '.'.'.. lOS I'Ai;k . CC , 10(1 lor, Hi7 . 107 . 107 IOC, , 107 , 107 . 10!» . 10!» 108 Directors to he sidiject to ShareholderH .and Bylaws... OHicers of Coniliaiiy not to he Directors, «. 2(1, ss. V>.... May appoint otticer.s, s. 2(1, ss. 17 To make Hydaws for niaiia>,'einent of Stock, s*. 2(1, ss.Ki. ...... ... ro cause annual uceountH to he k.'pt, s. 2(1, hh. 20 , May make calls on Stock, s. 27, ss. 1 May sell forfeited shares hy auction, s. 27, Hs. Hi. ...'..'..'......... ,, May pay intercHt on sums called up in respect of shares, h. 28 hh 4 AgreimnU with Hamilton ami Lake Erie Jiailirai, Company. Hoard of, in Ifnited iUmipany to consiHt of nine nieniherH, C^Morum and tx officio directors .... Qualitication of director in United CoinpaiiyVto 'be'tlie'hoidii'iL'of .fV.OOO s'tock.'on winch calls paid lOS 10!) 108 10f> 109 111 112 22(1 V.» Aiireement with Northern Railway Company. Directors of C(.iiipany to execute joiii't workinj,' and equipment honds i>ec liu.Nu.s ANU Dkijkniihk Stock- -M|.;ctin(;.h-1'uovisi(>.\ai, DiKE(.r()Us T, , ILVKCITIVK ('o.M.MiTTKK. I'luii'iTs, Division op. Aiireement with Northern Railway Compamt. Of Northern and North-Western Kailways ■>ic, AVe Nkt Kah.ninoh. Pkomtssoky Notes. Het Bills of Exciia.nob. J'UOVINCIA;, SECitETAUY. tlamitton ami North-Westcrn Railway Coiii))a:iii. KatiHcation of union to he filed with, ;W V'ict. c. 4S, s. 11 V> Railway Act. Unt " (."opy of hook of reference to he left with, s. 10, hs. 2 Annual accounts to lie transmitted, h. .'iO, rUd VISIONAL DlllECTOHS. 91 8M. () 121 Hamilton ami Lake Erie Railway Compami. Who to he, ;<;{ Vict. e. ;W, .s. 5.. Ti liave iiower to 109 Ill \V> lirectors .... 'J2l> 220 X)0 Btock, on 227 2,VJ (I us — 2oi; 52 91 121 s. i) .» .") ;") tj k'lH by, re- l;? l.S 1.1 31 32 32 107 237 87 ii> AlinCATION KOK DlUKCTOKH-Cod/liil/rfl. PAOE ' UamiKon and ^orlh■ WfxUrn lutihn,!, Comimvj. -^ ■Ah Vict. c. .")".,«. 12 !"..'.".'.'.'..'. -'-^^ Uiiiteil Viimjinnn ,. ^'^'' lidihraii Aft, «. 20, »«. 4 ....•■ Fom-t"lH-, 33 Vict. <;. 30, s. 1!> ■■•• Uam'hoH awl .\orth- Wrxtern IimUr'•>, H. 11 nailiriiii Ai-t, Out. 180 4,n-i^,^h Ti'Jh'jlLmon mid iMhv Evie Uaiiwa], Company. ,^^. • \)u.,n.n. ..f Diroct-rs uf Uuite.l ("oini.a.iy Anrrenma villi S„>ihev„ Itaihmn C;mi„u,;i 238 ^ (iuoru.i. four to l.M of Kxecutivo (Committee Kmiway AiciDKNTs Act, 1881. j \M Short titlf, H. 1 W4 Apiiliciitidii of, H. 2 104 "rackion,"in*• •> " / 1(15 ^t^::Z;:::ylS^^^^ ••« '^^^ fori„i«ry oeca.u.,....l ..y ^^^,^ Buch nc^'li'ft, s. 7 ..•■••• •. ; • -.v ' • 'A l''» Wh.n railway not liable for (Mault, s. 8 KiS I.iiiiit of couiioMisatioii for injury, h. J ■•■■ i,i8 Limitation of actions, .-i. 10 Power t,.^tt^u't lAilway to be exercised «,n.ject to provi.ionH thereof, h. ...... 80 ^llai'S'ient'to i.u^inun'ate with Special Acti «' ^ •;;;;;;:::;:;; [i] l!! i! l! i! i! loS Act to auienil _ K.viuvAY All. Act, 187S li.6 Ai.l to certain Railways, s. 2 ..■•••• m, Hamilton and North-We^uT.., r. 2, ss. 1 jr.^ Port St.mlev an.l I'ort Kranks, s. 2, ss. 2 -,5,; North .-^inicoe, h. 2, ss. 3. • ' 1.57 Mode of j.ayment of tyrants, ». 3 ^"'"S:.-"^'"^' "^1'" '''^''■"'''-' '" ''^"'" ''• *'"'" '""'"'" '"'"^":"" "':: "" v.: PavmS not' toi.en;adetiir report ;;f- ciimmissioneVof l^...Uc Works, ^ ■ pletion of line anle.l • • • ■ 1.57 Tayinents as portions are comidetecl ['.'.'.'..'.'.'. ^l Si'i-ii) certificates • ; 1''8 ( 'onl itnms in U. S. ()., c. 110, to apply ; ■ ' • ' ; 1.58 ^■^!B:ii^!B^rT..^.. - ^'"A^^.ic'^m'lls^ecessarv when Provincial crosses Donauion Eailway, s. 7, ss. lo . . . 1.4 P. MI.WAY t 'oNSTAIiLIiS. -SW' CONSTAULKS. lUlI-WAY FlNl.>. . .„ Hailirail A id Art. I'W SSnt:l;ovJ;nor in Council inaVgrantjai.l to certain Railway., s 3 •••••;;;;;; J^} i^ oof to be furnished by Ha.lwavasdcn^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^::^C^X:^ni:^!^^^^^^ ^° be subiniUed to U.e Le...ature ^^^ ' • • • -t 4»> Ordei-H to be published, »• »• ■ • '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. l**- Paynients when to be made, a. J 142 Proviso, s. !> '."..'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Jl^ cjnfiii « 10 >.' ' ' W ' 142 Porm' "f" certificate for payment out of , s. 11 • ; ; ; ; ; 151 0.f f Sieii of- Conditions-of Order- in' liouncii; - payment may be directed, s. 12 . . 142 300 INDEX. lUll.WAY Fl.NI) Cniitilllicil. Jiaihni/iAi'l Aft -{'i>utiuutn\. PAilR Kiiuivitlt'iit lif yearly pHyinent, to payramit in hu ", h I'i \^;l niri'ctiori t > pay, ». l.i " j^., CliarKc iTcatiil l)y Oiili^r, 8.13 .................."."..,'.".."....'.".".. \.{l AiiiiiilliiiK the Ordei, H. 14 ......'..'.'....'....'.'.'... 14;{ l{ail\va\s jjianti'il aid, m. L'2 ] ■•■'.•••!. 1 ...!.!!!!!!!!!.!.. uk «'(>ii(liii(irH iipnii which KraiitH of M are iimdw, h. U-', bh. l ..... ..... .... ....'.,'. . 147 S <<'rtitic,iti'N, h. 22, hh. i> j _ ' jj Stai iHtical iiifiiiiiuitiini, h. L'2, ms. « ..■■■■'■'■■.■.........'..'......'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.... I4J liiii'atiiiii, Kniili'M, etc., Hulij.'ct to iiiMpfctiiiti liv (JnvcrnPMcnt KiiKincVr, i. I'I'/mh*. 8. ! 148 KaiJH iM.t ti lie iiKivcd witlii.iit cim.^ent «( Liciilfiiatit ( iiiv.iiior, h. 22. hm. S 14s Minle of I'ayiiiciit of (,'iaiits, s. L'.t ' \.^t^ Aid to railways cxtcndiuj,' from Miinkokn, h. '2i\ .................'.......'.... W.) Haiiway I, and Siiisidv 1''i,\i). Jiai/ It'll II A ill Alt. Land H.t apart to fonu a fuiul to reoon; "-v.iiin. for ijratit In nid of rallwavH, s. 15. . 144 I cilIH of s;\\t\ H. 1(1 ' 111 Mi>iicy aritiiiL,' froiii Hale land to form iuilwuy l^and SnliMitly Funil, h. 17 .'.'.'." 144 Applii alion of fund, m. 1H J^^ I'ini' ticcs ri'Mi'ivt'd, h. 1!( ] c 1 Hfiliictinii of pii,>( of lands not worth *_' per acic, h. 20 '..'.'.'.'.'.'. 1 14 Lands .so set apart may hu disposed of l)y way of Free (Jrants for rigiit of' way, .s. 2i! 14.'> JvAlLWAY SCHII'. 41 firt. r. 1!). Act respeotini,' the rej,'istrati(m of Railway Aid Scrip l.V,» licLristry of, s. I ' .'......'.'.'. 1;"!) La^t reL,'isterfd liolder ferred alter ( ertitic.ite of ownert-hip, h .'{ '.'.'..'..'. l(i(t ,« .'''-■"'^•■'T iiii'l entry not to be made except on authority of last registered owner, s. 4. 100 42 Vict. 1: 2H. Aid to liailw.iys may be made by anntial i)ayments for term of yearn in lieu of one t;ross sum, s. 1 ' ],;| Time of semi annual iiaynieiits s. 2. . !(;•_> Form of scrip to be used for such send animal paynients, s. ;( pi'.' Kaii.way- Sihsidy Kind. Kstabli N'ict. c. S4, s. 7 . 4;{ Real F.statk. Assessment of Railway t'ompanies, R. .S, ()., c. IHI), s. 4 ITu Hl'C LaND.S and THEIH VALUATION. Keevks. J.iiihnni Ai't, Out. Not to vote Directors of Ci jnpanies incorporated before llth Jime, 1S5;J, s. .31, !<•■<• i'' 115 liEKFl:^ R. Ai/,"(<'i>i> lit iritli .y'ifthirn Hailiraii Onm/iini;/, Must contirm My-law of lOxecutive Committee, disallowed by Board of one Comp- any to make same valid o.'iS Appointment of. for Northrrn and North-Western Railways '. 241 C J. Hryd^'es, first Referee 241 For what time appointed 241 Notice for new Referee 2^1 Four mend)ers of Executive may give 241 Kifect of, notice ^ 241 l',xeculive ( "(jmniittee to name new Referee by unanimous vote 241 'I'enure of olHce of new Referee 241 If Executive (.'omndttee U'.t agreed as to 242 Each company to appoint arbitrator 242 Third arbitrator, how appointed 242 Arbitr.ators to name a Referee : 242 To settle disputes between the ( dmp.iniea 242 To decide whether by-law be contirmed or not !.....!.. 242 L'ecision to be final 242 llEFERENCE, BoOKS OF. See BoOK OF Rkfeuence. JA.'i^K^ii&^^i'ii^^^a^^ INDEX. 301 rAUH U;» U:i lU 14.{ ur. 147 1^. 14u . '."-', HH. 8.. 148 HM. S 14S 14!> 14l> .•ayn, s. 15.. 144 144 17 14^ 144 141 1 14 u.iy, .H. "Ji. 14.'> l.V.> liV.t 1V.» ItlO ii;(t iwiier, .4. 4. liiO lien of one nil Id-' !(;■.' 141 ,' exiK'n.He". "J.!.") iiii,' e.xpeii- •_'.•{.". •.'.!(; 4:{ \rn sr.;!, R. 31, 115 ne C'omp- 2:!S 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 241 242 242 242 242 242 242 242 llKtllHTIl.VTtON. „ „ , r, . I'AdK Ui,mnnn>l Lnkf KntlhuIu-niiCnrnfMiny. Fee for, of ei)iivfViiiii'i's tn, H-' Vict. e. .«i, g, 4 •• fTitnii/tiin aii'l North- WcHtirii Jidihviiii ('omhitiiil. .i \ri » ., .in of li'.mt nocenmiry to entitle Uol.lerH to vote, etc., If interest In amar. 41 Viet. c. 4H, ^,, Ot .loint WoVkhiK atwi F,.n.j|Vn'ient'lii.n'.i« rtMi'uiHite Vo eat'iiie hol.ier. to vote if intercKt ^^. in urreiir, 44 Vict, e. OCi, ». If Kknt. Hail n-nii Aft, Out. yj~ When to tie deenie.l wnrkinj? expetiHOR, H. 101 Aiirn mfiil irith S'i)rt)ii'i')i lUtilivmi ('iiiiii'inijl . t-« n l ' i.";, r'tilw iVH, Imil.linK, v'luwveH. etc., of H.v.uilton an-l North-WeHten. Railways, to ^^^ InchidiiiK' rent tor Nortli Simcou Hallway, not to exceed .»li>.0(W ^'^ liKI'AlKlNii SlUll'S. ..,.,, -i. . 204 I'liiiiipal to lie uiaintaineil at Ilaniilton ItKTIIlNS TO (loVKHNMKNT. Hct STATIMTIUM. Kidirr OK Way. ,. , „ llamiU,m nn,l SnrlUWe^tfni Kaituyti (Mmrnni,. ^ .Mmiicipalitie:* nmv Kiunt land for, .i'.t V ict. c. (2, h. « (ireut We.tem Itailway Trains to have crosHing near Wellington s.iuare -U 111 V Kit-*. Uailmni Art, Srr MiuDiiK.s Sic BiunfiKH, ('u(issiN(is, HiciiwAVs. UoLi.iNn Stock H,n,nlloii „wl N<'Vth-\Vf»liiiii(iiiii, 'I'll lii^ Sfcrt'tttry of Kxcciitive ( 'omiiiittue SKMArilDUKH. Aijnfmriit irilli Omit ]Vi:nlrni Rdihnin. ". . ;t8 Vivt. r. 48. Assent of majority of, reiniisite to anial^'aniation agreement with Hamilton and Lake Erie Ilailwav Compiuiv, s. 8 ;iH Viit. ',: 7-'. Assent of. re<|nisite to sanction issue of Bonds, s. 5 51 41 Viit. <•. 48. Sanction of, reipiisite to isHUe of ]5onds for constructioii lieyonJ Barrie, h. 5 71 44 Virt. c. (it;. To approve of issue of Joint Working and K(piipment lionds, s. 3 70 Haihviiii Art, Out. Sciilu of votes, s. 2('i, ss. 5 107 " Sliarehol ler," nieaiiili;,' of, h. ."•, ss. 13 ; 85 May hold (Jeneral ,Meetint,'s, s. 21 l(Mi 1 >irectors to lie suhject to, s. "Jti. ss. 14 108 Interest may lie allowed to, on |i,iyi..,,' money in advance on shares, s. 27, ss. H 108 Individually liable until shares paid up, s. 30 114 Kecord of names and residence of, to he kept. s. 30, ss. 2 114 Ainiilijiiiniitiiin Aiiiri'imnt ifitli llnniilfoii iiwl Lukt Krir llnitiniii (.'(inipniiii. Uf llandlton and North-Western & Hamilton and Lake Erie entitled to receive shares in Li nited Company •2'25 Entitled to one vote for each share in Uniteil Company '221} Calls on .Shareholders :m <|nare . . . lltl l.CJ 6 ti 7 lldt'I'H, H. 10 .H.7 7 1.-. Ciiiupany n and Iinkt 5(1 .'•) .5 71 70 107 Hr> lOCi Nf<. 11 108 KIS 114 m five Hliarea iJiirtli-Wes- •->2r> •-'20 o->7 .ru ami North- W.'xtt'rnltailwft>» •••^ ,^.^^ Kxceiitlvi- ( oiiiiiiilUM' to control... ■•, ■ • ■. v Vi' ' V ...«it«nu'avM"to lie' workinu Maintaii.anc! of, of, of Northern an.l North-Ue».tern Kailwayn to }m >»|«'«'"» ._,.,. To l^Txten-iea ■ with i.roc^edn' of' joint workintf'an.i Vci'tilpuu-nt l.on.l. -'W Amwnent with Ofott Wv^lfn, Rnilwit,, l'„mjm»ii.^ LV.,ili„.,hm Koiiire '^:«> Of (Ireat WoNtcrn Railway to he tinf.l at cro-sin« near Wellington K-iuaie - .SliiNPO.MlliS. Jliiilirit!/ Art, Out. 102 'JVi Iw erecti'tl at llaihvay CroH.sinKH, h. 21 , sh. .) Mill' to U' (• nstructcd throu-h County "f, X> Vict. c. ."i';.. «• •' ■• • • : j ' • • 44 (Cntv of, may name 1 )iiect, . if it grants .^;tiH).(X.O, M \ let. c. 44, h. U • • • ProviitionH a» to Monim ;;rantc(l hy ■See MllNUIC.M. HoNI >*K!<. , ,„ ,r- , ra More ,,articulaily uii.ler :«t 17.7 ,1.. o2, and 40 I -r, 1\''7 .■;.; V,;/,'. ',.',. ;,•,! , . . . 188 If l,o„ 1. ..f ^:!(HI,(MM) not ^'ranted hy <'"n.ity of ' ' ' * J, ,', ,, . j^^^^ IHlt Kylaw of » 'onnty of graiiting *i00,000 to company an.l a^jreement tlKiumUer •SLIOO, Vll.L.\(iK OK. Aiircciiient with Culcdniiiit. 200 Comiianv to erect at ^^'Xr^eiSt uS^en U,uiS;:;:;:d North.We.tern Tlailvay. and C-re.Ut Valley Hail- ^^^ K..cir:dr ll^unn'mS N^.rth:VV^ten; iuilway. have erectedHtation at -^ ( Vc.lit Valley llailway wai;tK uh.; • . . ■ ; •.■;,•••,; / _\['\ '^'48 ( •re.lit V.vllcy Kail way to im> -s^:* a yt-%;/^'"''''J'''y . '' ,\'^^^'^ V^^^^^^^ .... 24H Station A«ent of N..rthen> an.l North- Western t.. hav i.mtiul ._,^^ S,^;:;i^ v^;::i' ia;:^;"ui::^s^;-i.- h;;di.mi.sed i;y.N;.rth and No.-th. ^^^ WeHteni. if dmrye well fonnde.l Small Stukkt (Baukik). 111.") Hallway not to run on .Special Act. . . t. -i , \ f «,u», « -> *'*' What Hutficicnt to incorp.iratt Kadway Act witn, «••>•••• 87 Cmpanies in.Narorate.l nn.ler t.. be '''•'l'«;.^'"[l"'^''\^;,?- "'(j .:;:;:;; 80 I'ower to c.nstmcl railway hy subject t.) jUdway Act, «. _ ^j,, ^::;i^Z:l}£\!i^ "ZiZti^^^^r^y^^^ fro™« of.-H:30: «.-5: l! ... 120 ^*'^"^''^S';;^;dv'-"'Ueheid,.5yict..55,H.ii :::::::•;::::: iS Notice reiiuisitc ror, lio Vict. c. .io, h. 11 Sec Meetings. Speeii ^[.^^jjJ*^;^;^^^ jjgj pf p„yic Works may regidate, s.r>2 .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 125 Tenalty for non-comi>liani'e, 8. !">2 • _• i;{.-, Of enginea pa-s.^ing Uir.)Ugh cities or towns, s. JJ St.\tement.s. ^^'^C^lSn lo be furnishe.1 to Clerk .,f Mnnicipalities, s. 20 ■■■■■/^ Duties of Municipal Clerks, «. 20 yXi Conn)any authorized to run on «TAT.ONA.|V^ EN..NES. ^.^. ^^ of Northern and North-Western Railways :;;:;;::;;:: |!1 Executive Committee to control ^^'''^Hamiltou nml Lake Erie Rnhva;/ C ,, 21 t.'ompany t.> have powv. to erect, JO Vict c. -i , s. 1- Hamilton and XorthWe: tern /^n''™.'' ComfHtmi. 45 May erect at CJ.dlingwood, 37 Vict, c- «;/• ^- -.•,•„• .% Municipalities may grant lands for, -.!) \ ict. c. < -, s. » Rnihnoi Act, Ont. _ HS Company may ^rect, s. 1», ss. . Agreement irith Northern Railu-ai, ^"'"''{"i^" .,, .^Vestern Eailways '-':« Tobeatdisp'witionof Northern and North-western ivauwHj . ^^.^^ S^iLS""" c^ c!^: T Northern- and •n;;hK Western' Hallways to be working ^^^_ ToS;Z.dwitM-cee;;V.;rJointW,.rking'anyi^ 252 liTATiSTirs^^^^^ the C..ns.^lMat \ Hallway Act, s. 2 9 ■.■.'.; V. 175 Word, " Company" .vhat t.) mean, ». 29 ','.'.'.'..'.'..'. 175 Person what to include, .s. 2D 304 INDEX. Statistics— Con^nwaZ. r, Comiianifcs to furnish yearly returns to Government, and in what form, and with what details, s. 30 Penalty for not niakinj,' returns, r. ;<0 Weekly returns of traffic for publication to be furnished by Comi)anies, and copies to be posted uj) in Head Othce, s. 31 , ' Penalty for default, s. 31 Penalty for false return, s. 32 Keport to Parliament, s. 33 Returns to 1 e privileged, s. 34 Steam Vessels. Hamilton and Lake Eric Buihvoii Cnmpnni/. Company to have power to purchase etc., 30 Viet. c. 8."), s. 14 Steam Whistle. Railway Act Out. Each locomotive engine to have, s. I?.'?, ss. 8 To be sounded at every crossing, a. 33, ss. 9 Penalty for neglect to do so, s. 33, ss. 9 Stennaton. Agreement with Esquesing. Company to erect at cross-roads, between lots 15 and 16, station to be called Stock, Hamilton and Lake Erie Railuaij Companii. Provisional Directors may receive subscriptions for, 33 Vict. c. 3(), s. 5 Hamilton and North-Western liaihmii Company. Provisional Directors may receive subscriptions for, 35 Vict. c. 55, s. 6 Railway Act, Ont. Company may not purchase their own stock, or the stock of any other Company, 8. 29, ss. 7 See Capital Stock, Shakes and their Transfeii, Stockholders. Stone. Hamilton and Lahc Eric Railway Company. Power to ac(|uire land for, 3u Vict. c. 85, s. 10 Stoppage of Trains. Railway Act, Ont. Company •to use best apparatus for, s. SS Before crossing another Railway for three minutes, s. 91 Passing swing bridges for three minutes, s. 87 Cons. Railway Act (D.). Passing Swing Bridges for three minutes, s. 70 ^laliciously stoppping trains, C S. C 154 Storehouses, By-law of Hamilton, To be maintained at Hamilton « Stores. Agreement vnth Xorthern Railway Company. Inventory of, to lie taken To be at disposition of Northern and Xorth-Western Railways Executive Committee to control Cost of, of Northern and North- Western Railways, to be working expense Streams. Hamilton and Luke Erie Railway Compuny. Company to have power to use, 30 Vict. c. 85, s. 12 Railicay Act, Ont. Company crossing, s. 0, ss. 5 i'fc Bridges - River.s. SVBPffiNAS. Railway Act, Ont. Parties to arbitration may obtain, s, 20, ss. 10 Disobedience .. ' .ereto to be contempt of Court, s. 20, ss. 10 Fees and conduct money payable with, s. 20, ss. 11 Suit.'?. Hamilton and North-Western Railway Company. On bonds, after issue of bonds, under 41 Vict. c. 48, not to be maintained, s. 4 SUNNIDALE. Agreement with township of, under County of Simcoe By-law Company to erect station at Clencairn At Creemore To maintain same for seven years after trains commence to run Surveys See I'lan.s and Surveys. Suspense Capital Account. Agreement with Xorthern Railway Company. Proceeds of j(jiiit working and ecpiipment bonds, to be ai)j)lied in paying Swing Bridges. See Bridges. Burlington Canal Swing Bridge. AGE 175 175 175 175 170 17tl 170 21 202 .5 32 114 20 135 135 l.U 177 IMS 204 2.3:5 23.-^ 233 235 21 88 97 9H 98 70 198 198 198 198 252 INDEX. 305 PAGE il with what 175 175 ,nil copies to 175 175 17ti 17tl 17t> 21 11" 117 117 illed 202 .5 :)2 ■r Comiiany, 114 20 i;i5 1.^) l.U 177 IMS 204 2;« 2:« 23:5 se 2;!5 21 SS !)7 !)H 'M il, s. 4 70 liW 1!KS I'.tS IStS 252 Hamihon and Novlh-Westcrn Railway Compaq,. ta , Municipal corporations may exempt railway from, 35 Vict. c. 5j, 8. ^0 Hee AssESf MENT. T WEH ' ■ A,'irccmeiit with Northern Railwaii rompanp. , „ , . „ ..og I'lii.l by Northern and North- Western to be " working expenses -J'<*> ''''^^' Line to extend from Hamilton to some Bay in Township of, 35 Vict. c. 55, s, 3 . . . . 30 Tecvmseth. ^^'m^shS.'tn^n; shops, etc., north of and south of Medonte to be located at ^^^^ Barrie Agreement with TecM^u^ _, ....„.„..,„,.*:„„ .,f 7.1, Pn..,w«in„ ,.f VM ■ Townshi ,ilt from t to run ne !, 15 Cone Company to erect and maintain stations at,— ^ ^ ^ j,,^ Clarksville _"' \\\j AUiston 1()7 7th line Tecumseth Teleouaph Lines. llnmilton ami Norlh-}\ estern Jlatlway. . .^■, i.\ ia\T:„t- ^ 70 ^ ^n 5(1 Company to have powers of telegraph companies with respect to, 39 Vict, c. 7-, s. 10 M. Government may have exclusive use of, s .{1., ss. .5 ^^r,,; Inspectors may have exclusive use of, 8. .)i ".""".'. 12(i For what purposes, s. 54 _._. I2(j Operators to obey Inspectors, s. oo Tenants in Common. Railwan Act, Ont. .. , ,, « <. t . ia •'"' Company ac,.„„. 120 To be always advertised for contracts, s. ,J0, ss. 4 Term of Ofeick. milmni Act, Ont. .... 107 Of Directors, s. 20, ss. 8. • See Bonds and Debentuhe Stock. Teuminable BoNDS-Sfe Bonds and Debentvue Stock. Thounton. , . ., Aartemcnt7viih Tnnix.m. , . , . ,,^ ^. . 188 (Company to erect and maintain|htation at Agreement with S'Atammnin. ir\-y Company to erect Station at Timber Boom. ""'co^Im build on Lake Ontario otherwhere than at Hamilton 204 Tolls. Railway Act, Ont. .,.,., 84 " Toll," meaning of, s..i, ss. .5 -^^^ How fixed, H. 23. . . ...■■■■ ■_• • • ■• ■ ■ ' _ , , 104 Payment of, how enforced, s, l.\ ss. ^ . . . . • j^^ It rot paid, goods distrained may be sold, s^ -i, ss. ^ ^^^^ ■ How ijalance to be di.-posed of,_s. 23, ss. .) • ^^^^ How raised or reihiced, s, 23, ss. (i ......... ._ • ■ ■ . • ;. jq- Fracti(m of a mile, \w\'J considered in charging, s. ^i. ss. < ^^^^ Fraction of a ton, how ciuisidered in cliarging, s. -..5, ss. ^ .j^^. Table of, to be posted up in ottices and oars, s. -'.1, fw. ». . . • j„. When Legislature may reduce tolls on Kaihyay, s. 23, ss. 11 ^^^ Lieutenant-tiovernor may revise By-law hxing, s. -.1 ss. lu .. . • • . ■ • • •_• • • • By-Laws imposing tolls to be approved by Lieutenant Governor in council, s. 23, ss. 12. 1^, Publication of By-laws regulating, s. 23, ss. J TocLS Anreement with Sorthern Rdilicay Company. o^fi •^ IV, be at .lisposition of Northern and North- Western Railways ■.■.:::;■.■.: 233 Inventory of to be taken Tor.ONTO. „ ., _ Aiireement vith Xorthern Itailicay Company. n.^o ^Meeting <.f Kxe.Mitive Committee at Toronto, twice each month ^-^^ Tossorontio 'I'ownshu'. , , ^ ,1 1 „ .207 By-law 2tith Mav, 1877, and Agreement ll.ereiinder ^„._, Agreement with,' unF. Railway Act, (hit. Carriage of, s. 33, ss. 12 110 INDKX. 307 rA(;H lUii l!t:{ VXi I'.Ki VS.; 1!);5 l'.»7 2, H. 56 S8 10:{ !(« las i;i8 13'J 129 Girding, without 130 l.-W (1, s. 71 130 131 Hiy," etc., 8. 72. 132 110 12") 135 154 3FEK. 89 iiul, s. 15 114 93 i9, 88. 5 113 100-107 21 233 233 233 108 109 no w Amrfmeni with N'irth,ni Raihmn Cnmirtnu. '''\''''; Of employees of Nortliern ami North- Western Kailvays, to be woikint,' expenseH. . . . -Ah Wai.i'oi.e. . .)(•() 15v-l;iw of, as to taxation ■ • • .*; ("I.nii'anieH' lands in 'I'ownship to he vahied at SilO per acre for twenty-one years. . . . J.l No other tax to lie leviid but upon that valuation -^| No additional sum to lie addfd for Ktatute labour, etc -"j By-law declared to contain terms of commutation -"i Waiiden. Ituilwuii -Ic^, Out. .11 1 ii'i Of' Municipality taking stock to be tf o^cio a Dn'ector, h jl, «a. 4 . . .... . . . ^ . . . . ■ ■ j !•> Not to vote for directors if company incorporated before 14th dune, 18o.i, s. .U, ^s. n ii.) Wabehouskh. Hamiltim and Lake Eric aihiyi/l Compaiiii. I'ompany to have p ver to elect, 3(1 Vict. c. 80, ». II -^ Aiireemeni with i\ortlifrii Ritihnvi Goiiipan/i. ' To be at disiiosition of Northern and Morth-Western Railways -;»■* K.xecutive Coinmitte to control ^ • •.■ ■ • • : ,• : • • "•* Maintenance of, cost 130 Lands adjacent to hue to bo kept clear of, s. 99 ^^'''■'■'''^' Agr^eemenVbetween Great Western Railway and Hamilton and North-Western Rail- way Companies, as to crossing near ■ ■ ■ • • • • • • ■ • ■ ■ • • • • Recital that Hamilton and North- Western will cross Toronto Branch, trreat Western Railway, east of Wellington S(iuare ■•••■. ; ' Ti." " ^ ' ' Recital that (Jzowski, Kirkpatrick and Reynolds, appointed arbitrators to determine ^^ compensation 228 Arbitrators have settled same ; „v ' ■,' Wr 1 i- "•?« Great Wester. Railway grants right to Hamilton and North- Western to cross line. . . ^^/e Consideration, 81,043 _ ;••■■, 9911 Great Western Railway to construct crossings of steel f^^;' To erect two crossing, and four distant semai.hores --■ Location of crossing ami distant semaphores *^ To construct notice board;; and watchman's house \'-V\ 090 (ireat Western Railway to keep said w.irks in repair, to supply oil, etc ^fJ Great Western Railway to control said works . . --• Hamilton and North-Western not to use works until fully completed -•*" (ireat Western Railway signals to be used ; • ■ ' : • : om Hamilton and Noith-Western to pay every mouth cost of maintenance. . . ■ ^J" Hamilt ■ n and North-Western to con.struct notice boards, fences and cattle-guards on ^^^ tliei line 11-oar cros!" 1 ' ' ' tj' -i o\n To construct r.nd maintain culverts on tracks near Great Western Railway ^;W Great Western Railway to work semaphores, etc . . . _ ■••■■•• • • ■ • • • • :,■ ^^ ' Great Western Railway in lieu of iiayment by Hamilton and North-Western Kail- way fi 'r working, may re(|uire latter to work ^^ Great-Western JJailway trains to have first right of way ^''j- Passenger trains to take precedence ; ^.,.. Mixed to be before freight and construction trains "• Wentwouth. Hamilton and Novth-Westcrn Railway Compaiiii. „ Line to be constructed through County of, 35 Vict. c. ,55, s. 3 ^" Whakveh. Hamiltim and Lake Eric Raihcaii Cmnpanii. , Comiiany to liave power to erect, etc. , 36 Vict. c. 80, s. 12 Hamilton and Xorth-Wriffcrn Railnaii Compani/. _ Company may erect at Collingwood, 37 Vict. c. 44, s. 4 Railwa/i Act, Ont. gg Ctc.. .... 235 Rents, etc., for railways buildings, wharves, etc .... 235 Including rent for North Siuicoe Railway 2.35 Not to exceed .^18,000 \\\\ ,.......! 235 Not Hamilton Elevator, until same subject to provisions of other property of Ha- milton and North-Western 235 Expenses of working railway stores, etc 235 Rates insurance, damages, etc 230 Salaries, compensation, etc 230 Expenses, Executive ( 'ommittee and Auditors 230 Joint London Committee 230 Legal Parliamentary expenses, etc 230 Secretarial and establishment expenses of Northern and North-Western Railways 236 Working Railways. Agreement with Northern Railwity Company. Cost of, Northern and North-Western to be working expenses 235 Workshops. Hamilton and Lake Erie Railway Comynny. Company to have power to erect, 30 Vict. c. 85, s. 112 21 Works. Agreement 7oith Northern Raihray Company. To be at disposition of iS orthern and North-Western Rail ys 234 Executive ( 'ommittee to control 234 Maintainance of cost of Northern and North-Western Railways to be working ex- penses ' 235 Zimmerman Mills. Agreement with Nelson. Company to erect station r\t . 202 PAOK lui; S'J lis 11 137 235 235 . ... 230 ir (>tc. 235 . 235 235 235 »r property of Ha- 235 235 230 230 230 230 230 tern Railways 236 235 21 234 234 to be working ex- 235 202