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ViNxliST, Esy., Deputy Minister of InlJind Hevenu. , •Sir, — The iiceompan_ving report deds with two hundred and twenty-seven (227) samples purchased as Jam by our inspectors in Septeuber, October and NoveciWr of last year. Those samples are sold, for the most part, simply as Jam or Marmalade; but a con siderable number are labelled "coiiipounds" or "mixtures,." This is the case with one hundred and three (103) of the samples now reported. Some ambiguity attaches to the use of the words Compouiid or Mixture in tlie case of Jam. Section 24 of the Adulteration Act provides that adulteration cannot be charged " Where any articles of foo<l not injurious to the health are mixed together as a compound, and sold or offered for sale as such, with each package, roll, parcel or vessel containing such articles distinctly labelled as a mixture in conspicuous characters form- ing an inseparable part of a general label l)earing the name and address of the manu- facturer." This would apparently cover tiie case where sugar is in whole or part replaced by glucose; oi where harmless dyes or preservatives are added to the jam. By ail Order in Council of 17th October, 1912 (published as Circular G. 1044) jam, or marmalade is defined as, "The sound pnxluct made from clean, sound, properly matured and prepared fresh fruit, or fruit pulp, and sugar, with or without spices or vinegar, by boiling ■ a semi solid consistence; and conforms in name to the fruit used in jts preparation." There can be, of course, no reasonable objection to the use of two or more species of fruit in the preparation of jam; and a jam made from two or niore sorts of fruit is recognized as legal, so long as the iiarao under which such a jam is offered for sale dis- tinctly announces the fact of compound character, as to the fruit used. Section 10 of the Order in Council above quoted, is as follows: — " When Jam, Maiuialade, Fruit But *er or Jelly contains other fruit or fruit juice than that which gives its special name to till! article, the fact of the presence of such other fruit shall Iw stated upon the label, in lettei iiij; uH lar>{c and aH distinct as that UMd in nHinin)( the fiuit principally present. 'i I i^ rciiuirement dues not howevt-r apply to the use of fruit juice, 'ip to the amouut of ttn I 111) |>er cent of the weight of the jam, etc., uted instead of water in the luanufaetare «i I lie jam, etc." This Department has Ix-en given to understand that, in the cooking of >ruit, it is u«iml to adil a certain proportion (not large) of water. The sulwtitution of a fruit juice (.wiet cider, •"' sh curriint, i-tc, juice) for this water is incontestably an ifnproveraent iml I'nlmnce. the value of the jam. For this reason, the manufacturer is liil required 111 leclare such additi<in; hut as a matter of hu.-iinoss, he will natur.illy do so. Certain other additions, or substitutions, in jam-making are not so generally I<x>ked u|«in with approval by the public. Thus, substitution of glucose (corn syrup) for sugar; ii- lilt) adilition of small amounts of saccharin or other sweetening substances, in order t.i e(oii<)nii/.e sugar, are practices which only become legitimate when the fact is stated ujoii the label. S«!ctiou 1 1 of the Order in" Council aliove referred to, reads: — "When till' sugar in preserve, jam, niarnmlnde, fruit-butter or jelly is wholly or partially replaced by ({liicose or by any other substitute for sugar, the fact of such substitution shall be ■•lated upon the laliel in plain lettering." Later than the date of the above Order in Council, it came to the knowledge of the I'l-fiarlinent that advantage waa l)eing taken of permission given to manufacture jams tVoiii two or more kinds of fruit, on condition that both sorts of fruits should be named nn the laliel. Applq pulp being so much cheaper than the pulp of strawberries, rasp- lierries, currants, etc., jai. -t made from apples and strawberries, apples and rasplterries, ami other combinatiims came upon the market; and inspection showed that, in many of those, the apple prcdominate<l to such an extent that it Ijecame necessary to add a colour- ing matter to the jam, if it was to have the appearance of raspberry, or strawljerry — and even to add a synthetic (artificial) flavour, in order to give it something of the taste of tiie smaller fruit. Yet, these jams, although they might contain 80 or 90 per cent of thfir fruit as apple pulp were labelled in such a way as to claim the sti-»wberry rather than the apple, as a basis In onjer to put a stop to this species of sharp practice, amounting to fraud, an Order in Council was passed in August 1913, adding a twelfth section to the Order of Octoljer, 1!>|--'. »s follows: (Circular G. 1080.) "When Jam, Jelly, Marmalade, t u:., are prepared from two or more Bort<4 of fruitsi " the first named fruit on the label shall be that which is present in largest amount: thus "a jam made from Strawber-ies anH "npUi or Apple Pulp or Apple Jelly, shall be '• labelled as Strawberry and App • • if the weight of Strawberries used exceeds "the weight of Apples or Apple 1 . ■ i Jelly in the product; where the weight 'of Apples or Apple Pulp or Ap, ' ...eeds the weight of Strawl)erries used, the '• label shall rsad, ' Apple and 3t>av, .y Jura' or ' Apple Jam flavoured with Straw- '■ iH-rries or otherwise, in such a .. -v ^s to make clear the fact that Strawberries are not ■ the chief constituent." The questiim has l)een raised: May an article of jam, containing more or less straw l.eiries, raspljerries, etc., but largely composed of apple pulp (or the other cheap fruit pulp) be sold as compound strawberry, or compound raspberry jam, under Section 24 (d) lit' the Act— without specific statement of the different fruits present, as required by flection 10 of the Order in Council of 17th October, 1912? I am inclined to think that, as the Order in Council derives its authority from the .\rt (Sec. 26), it is reasonable to give priority of force to the requirements of the Act; illliough a final decision in this rej^anl, can only emanate from the courts. A jam may therefore lie compouiul, either as containing other fruit than that which uives its name to the jam: or, as containing substitutes for ^ugar or the natural colouring matter of the fruit — the artificial colouring matters Ix-ing, of :ourse, of such a character :i< to be harmless to health. 79315— 2 till .11 n If Colouring matt-rH. — \n Or«l»T in t'ountil of 9th Janunry 19ir> (puWishwl an Cinula (i. 1 1'W ) r)'i|uiroM that— with cortBin .specillc Hxcrptioiis, ni«t inclusive of Jnm the prBx.n h of aitifii-i»l roiourin>{ nmtttTs must Ik- (Ifi'lareii ujion tlip lal»'l, in eauily, legible t)[*. Hi're tho (incstion iirispN: I»ih's the iiw iif th« word coiiipountl or mixture up<in the lBt»'l, I'uiiiftitutc n ili'cliinition of th)> kiiul i'<'<|uiri'cl! It has iH'fii the |ifiu tie.' of this Department to iir.ij>t the employniciit of the woril compound or niixtiin', us covt'iiiiy tlie presence of hinniiss colouring matteri, as well us of peniiissiihle amounts of pre-erviitive.». '1 lipse laHt are mon- espt-cialljr defined l)y Order in Council of tth April, 1!'14 J; ,,l)lishpd nt Circular 0. 1111), and with exception nf Common Halt, i^ugar, Siilt|ietre, WikmI Hmoke, Vinegar, Acetic Acid, Spice« and Alclml, are nM|uire<l to ho named uimiii the label, when they are present. (llHcime. (Corn Syrup. ) It is i'laime<l by many manufacturers that the addition of small amounts of glucose (not excei-ding 10 p<T cent) is actuidiv an improx.inent in tlie manufacture of jiiins. If this l>e the case, the addition of a vmall ainrunt of glucose to jau' would Ix- of siinilfir nature to the additi<m of fruit juice used instead nt' water : a practice which is spccilically permitted by t)ider in Council of 17th OctobiT. 1!>12. If the claim alxivi! referred t > is established, it might ba proper to jH-rmit tlif addition of glucose to jam, without statement of the fact, and within a sjieeitje<l limit, as to the amount. This is a matter to be further studied. Quantity nj f'rnil in Mixnl ,h.iit.<. — Ueferenee has already Iieen made to ( )rder in Council of 'Joth August, li'l:!, which reipiires that, in these jams, fruit which is present in largest amount shall give its nann' tothejum. The (u.intitutive determination of fruits in admixture is often a matter of great ditliculty. I have referrecl to this in liulletin No. ll'J, p. .I — . Fortunatrl)' the cases in which this determination has to be made, are essentially mixtures of apple with strawberries, rasplierries currants. In strawbeiries and rasplwrries the number of achenia found serve to fix, with tolerable exactness, the proportion of these fruits present ; and the numl)er of seeds in tlie currant serve the same purpose. It only remains to ascertain within what degree nf uceurHey the method is applicable to jams ; and this will be investigated during the coming fruit season. It is, however, very nuestiunable whether the yiublic is effectively informetl as tu the comjiosition of a jam by tli • oitler of statement of its component fiuits on the label. The designation Slriurlifrri/ nnd Aj'pln Jam, means that, of the total fruit used in manufacture of the jam strawlierrv predominates ; while a label reading Apph- aii'l Strairl'-rry Jiiiii, means thai a larger amount of ajiple pulp than of strawljerry pulp, been used. But in neither cise is any information of a detinilc kind furnished. Thu?, the first laliel may mean that ^o per cent of tlii' fruit is strawlierry ; while the secoiul case may mean that hO (>er cent of the fruit is apple. We have indeed, seen jams label- led A/ip/e iinii Straii liiTry, m which much doubt existe<l asto whether as much as 10 per cent of the fruit was strawberry. Many complaints have been made by reputable jam makers, to the ell'ect that existing; uncertainty as to what coastitntes legal jam, and the willingness of unscriipulous manufacturers to put on the market such gisxls as tlic present standards permit, lia.s done serious injury to the business. Certain inferences which may be drawn from the present n'port appear to justify the complaints referred to Thus, of the total nundier of jams {'22') herein reported, IOC are sold as compouml, in the sense that apple constitutes a part and usually the predominant part of the fruit used in their manufacture. In the inspection of 1912 (Bulletin 24t), out of 15' samples, only 3 were lalielled compound and sold as such. In that of 1909 (Bulletin 194) of I K) samples, only 22 wt re sold as comj>ound. ft is open to question whether the public tJiste demands a mixed fruit jam to the extent these numbers indicate. Jam has usually been understoisl to be made essentially of one fruit, and has been sold under the specific name of such fruit. This report shows that jams consisting of a single fruit, and sugar atid free from preservatives or colouring, form only 93 samples out of a collection of 227 samples. Of this numlier 38 are impoited jams, only 55 being of domestic manufacture. Even this statement does not correctly indicate the facts, as h,r 1 iiiit " flint IIIIM' iMirk' of th. ,.f 'h. 5 Is m.iik.'t H«mpl"», for t*n (10) sampleH were HU|.|.lie I, ii..t (mm tli.' retail market. ,v ilie iim.iutactiir«r , so tliat an wtor.U tin- reUil market, tliw report iihowH that, r s;i samples of nriclly gfiiuinp jai . in the seiiw of l«iii(5 niadc with one fruit and ..iilv, ■>■* «ri' impoi-tfil and only 45 are Canadian made. riii, is not »H-.ause Canada in unable to .up|.ly glrawU-rric'i ..r raspl«rrie«, hrothei -iiitHhle for jam manufacture ; and can only »>e .-xplaim-d iii the assumption that I j;iniM, in which apple jmlp play, a conspjcuoi.!. part, have largely usurpei the ,.( It is impossible I.. Hav whether or not this usurpiitioti is due U> the free choice ,■ .onsumer, who is incorrectly, or at leant, imletinitely info. mod us to the character .• artii ie ofTerwl. Ilie r. lilts of the pr^Hcnt inspection may b<> Mummarized thus : - ,s ,/,/ rts ./(I'll. Ft)und genuine, an consigtinj} of one fruit and su«ar only — Iiiil>oited ''^ pomestic manufacture and found on retail market 45 and furnislnMl by manufacturer 10 93 P'ounil ;{enuiiie, as alwve but with added colour or preser- vative ,■>..'</"•<''<""/""'"' — Aiiiilvfcil '' Not aimlvsed • • • • -"' 106 Collected liy error, Ix-inj,' jelly or h )nip-m;idi' and not on the oj)en market Total 227 1 \«-^ to rccoiiiniend nub'iciitiou of this repost as Bulletin No. ."iOD. I have the honour to lie, Sir, Your ol)edient servant, A. McGILL, Chie/' Analyst. '.•315— JA UULLKTIN N". .W9_ t'.i.t. i M;.m.f.ftiii-. I ..r Kiiriii-h.T •8 I of Sample. Niiiiif 1111** AiMr ..I Z 3 i Miuitif.tctnrtT. Kurni«ii*r K.-t«'rt, (In iiftt fin iif <>|-tnt<'ti.i. V. IHSTKKT OF NOVA Sl'OTl \- 19U, 31: .T&iii , 47131 Cnw-" i: !>'• NVi'lf". I K-lltville, N.S. I 47432|Caiii l!ro». . N iir i iiiuiitli, N.S. 31 21 28 29 Ci>ni|>>'><><l .lam. . ^•o^•. 2i 471M 47131 4n:c 4713t 47137 4713H 4713(1 471 4<> Kirk r.r.rt., Yiir- mniilli, N'-S. W.Mitw.Ttli Stnre«, Wiiul-x.r, N.rt. f'luiiula FiKxi I'l'., Wiii<1«ir. N.S. \VVnt/,pll'» I. til,, IIiilifHx. N.S. A.ft NV.Siiiilli*Co., Halifax, N.S, .1. L, Wilaim & Cii,, Halifax. N,S. U. Il.f«M«pll,Hali fax, N, S, C. McNrtti ft Cm. Durtiiumth, N,S. 3 jar<. 3 i. 3 M 3 ,. 45 Can, C a n II f f » rav.«iiiii 4!Stra«l.iry lli.miltoii Out. King. lUli j & .Xppl". fax , Cliiv.r* fi S.,n^ r"ililin,(t"n Daiii-. n CanibriilK'.i Wilmorf. I'Imiii ,.,„, I St.^.I,.hn.! Kiirniv.ill. NVnr Mfri. . Ulaik Ciir Hamilton, Out : nmt Cull Cunnern fnkiH'wn,. Lt'I, i Can. V'xxi Co., Hali- fax, X. H. Mfri. Ranpl'i rrT A A|.|.N' IVacli Ikiiii. Canntr'" ..,! < >nt I K. II. Sihitli.Win-! .' ona. (.lilt, 1 Til" T, Kl pti.n t'nknown,,, C..., Hamilton. (lilt. I^yii V;\llfV Brail' 1 (ItHwfln. ri y Straw 1 "Try I'eai'h, Aiiplv and Ka.|,lKrr> DISTUICT tIK CAl'K BRKTtlX- Oct. l!t Si raw-lurry ,lalii. 23!l'luin,Ap|l I ,laiii, 2:i|lilk, Currant A|>plt'.'a>» 23ilUi-lilifrry j ,-\ppl<i.lam KWlvrl--, ft .1. M.irlfy.Syl-^Ja"- '» ; M ;1" *<'',. ''f' i iii-v, i-'.r.. ■ I'fi^"". f-"K- V'. Mill.. Svan<'y,l3 c. v.. G3sa". ii;iso7 3 .Sn ;Can. Cj n n.iTn, i Hamilton. <»nt. 3i IMSTKICT tiK ri;lNl K KDWARI) ISLAXD- Oet. 14iK:i*i'lM'rry ! ,\ppli-.Tani „ 141 .. (KllW IJilUf) Btcr ft ^iolf, Char l.ittitown, r.K.l. 3 pk».i 30 C'aii. CannTit Ltd , Hamilton Coffin .*i Co., Char 3 litti-town, I'. K. I. j 41) !Caii. l'fi.«'rvin(j' i C....I,t.l.,llalii I I llt..ll. I I A\I> .\NI> C<»Mlf)USD JAM8. R...ult«Mf \niil)«i«.. N ',.1' |i* r it-nt. 1 1 rtiUri>a>i<'ii I'tiUriiiaiK'n •! ( Holiiti.'ii.) I Jit h II !l IS " 1 III K«ui*rk>, aiid Dpinion I u( th.' 1 C'hi.l Aimlv«t. l; I w \i liH, IXHl'KCTOK. |.. f. I I«. c. I l^c i 1 'I 'X< liT. s'.' ;u 11* J -; i;:l L'T! 'i"; 0!i :w 111 II .-.: !ti; 71 :<■■ 2« 1'.^ ,, > III; IM oil (■! I |1. c. i ! t-ariPi -22 II ^^^■•• so o 1M\ 44 M 27 32 .•) II; -31) !ii l.'< '■> I 119 j 55lHi »•« -61 5 -MM - IK (I ! I , I,-.' '.i^i 64 37 Xi iXV rKl •> ' i i .' Ill' .-Hi' 1)3 51' ^■i>*\ Kl a ; i I I .' i: lij '.i-.'i iKiKlj 34 111 i ■ 731; +lil 2 .; ;,. i;i L-.-.: lU UK] :vii"-V • 20 7I 214 ' ■ i ; 1 ir (y lis lU iKii :«i Wl -ID". 20!t .' i>l 77 r.i;ii!<. Xi M -l5-7i-232; I 1. MAI KK.K.N, INSl-KdoU. jr. li »J au 1 l.-i I 24 ;i IM 2 u ■< H it 12 1 31 il 30 A 27 5 tWUTi SIK B.n- XlltC auid N*im. I'rr 47131 Hfllt. I Ntnn'. 47i:b Slllrt aH C<IMI1«M1II'I. (Jfiniim-. Iiiii«jrt».<L 38 lU 47 W 44 25 53 «? 2!l IW 3ii IB 13 Oil ll.n- xiiii' acid X.ii 471.1;)' .. Ii.mititic. 47I34IS<>lil tt»r. 111. |» .mill. I 471:b 471.»i »ent. Xiiiif.! 47137 IV- 4713»< wnt.l i Xuiie.; 471311 471411 Ci>nlain« gluoo«-. (•emiiiii', l.iit t'l.Ioured- lirnuliif. iKjiiiistic SiiUl UK co»ii|«>nnJ. 1 1., .;i 411; IWWi! :u l4!-l6OJ-20-3' 3«-3 27 3 -. .- ilii ss; Ii7-7iii 3i 24'-^ :. 4' -24-i;' 3'rO j 22-5 i , I ; i 1 > Urioj li.-. .ss, a4 12 - 7 3 -23 2j 3<l-fl i 22-9 1 ", .-li H i;7-27^ 3J'7a -rU '.ll-2»li| :W!I ! 2'J-2 I ! ! i I 41. TO 44 3;< 411« 37 03 Nonti. lien Znic* aciil. Ninii'. None. i>:t*W I'r.- j B3.H05 ^fiit. i Son.-. I cwie ta«iJ7 (Icniiine. ' i«irted. Sold ancoi.. ■ J. V.M \ WKKKS, INSl-Kl'TOR. ■J .-.■i 111 7i-:» ■I 71 71^ 72-34 28-»! +l-5i-27'4j 2!t-!t j 21-i; | 47'.^ 27i;tl! -C ;i|-l(l7| 13-5 I lol 6rii2 B.n zoic acid. Pr. sent, 60113 60116 Sold *t* coiiiiMiund. BULLETIN No. 309- t ■»: Nature of Sainplf- Cost. Nam*' aiul AcUlre«» of Vendor. y. Name ami .VdilresM of Maniifuctiiter or Kuniislier an nivell liy the \ enilur. Mamifailiiier. I Furnialier. Insiiec tor's Report. (Is not an expression of ipini()nj. DISTRICT OK TRINCK KDW.\KI) ISLANU- 1""- ill Oct. 14,RaKplorryj tiOnH;Cofti.i & C., Char- W I .Ta,„l lottetown, r.K.I. 14 \ tjHUStl-I. C. Cralilie, Clmr l..ttet<i»li. I*. K. I. l>l'g. 3 I I I lottetowii. t . Ti. 1. 14 Blk. Currant; tWl-JOiW. W . Walker,:! j ia,„ 17 Raspberry (»121 Stewart * ^"".*;i^ '; laV, ' iCh,->rlotteto»n.Rh.Il 17:StravvlK-rry: Wl'iJj f ITi.Tam'lStraw! 110123 F..f. H"'"'*" *,^""'r' 'j l*rry). | j Ltd. Cl,ar!otte.| , ! town. P.fc. 1. 1.) lit; 60124 lei.Taui (I'each Wli" i CouiiKiundl \. IVtera, Charlotte- 3 town. I'.K.l. 1'. A. Smith, (^harul lottetown, I'.K.l. Chiver»& Son Cambridge,! EnK. . 1 Can. I're.ser' ingj ' o.. Hamilion 73 IWaRstatfes 1-td., Hamilton. Crow & lilackwell liondon, Kng Cairns, I'ais ley, Scot. .1. A. Charwood & Co., St. Ueo.j WiKid, Ijondon. Kng. I The Canada Pre-i serving Co., Hamilton. Cana<la Cauners,' Ltd.. Hamilton (W 36 DISTRICT OF NEW BRINSWICK- it II 11 Oct. 7j,Tam I.Apple andStra»-I U-rry). I sLiam iRaap I l)erry). 23' Jam I lilack I Currant). 27;.Iam (Comp.; I Peach). ; 27 .'an I (Ra.sp I U'rrv and I AppUi. 27 .lam (Cim.p. I Straw- U-rry). 27 -'am ( Kng-; I lish .\pri-| '■ IH.t). j U-rryi. 2H.lam I.Vpple I an.l Heivch) 28i.lam (.Straw lurry .'ind I Applet. ."i»."i.%4\V. k. Simonds, St.!3 jars.j j .l,,hn, N I'.. \ .V.).-.,Vv Walter <;iil>ert. St. jo .. i I .mViH' Indies & (;rinimer,|3 ., ] St. Stephen, 1 ."ilffiav'.M. K. Doohan, Fred-j3 •■ 1 ericton, .■>95(iii H. C. Jewe'.t, Fred- 3 .. j ericton, N,H. i 1 .Witn Parent, llird & Co.,i3 .. Freilericton, N.B. i .•)!t."i«-.!|ti. T. Whelpley K»-!3 .. i tate, Kredencton,! I ! N.B. I I .V.WW 1". Bradley. W.Kjd i stock, N.l;. j .-iHotili Watson & True. 13 : Wooilstmk, N.B. ! ,■)!),"■»)."). Verxa (irmery Co.,j3 ! Wood»tiK-k, N.B. 3H lilt 1 0.-I 311 '3 M TheT. lptonCo.,1 Hamiltim, Ont.l Ik'tty's Saratoga! Chips, Toronto. K D. Smith, Winona, Ont. Canada Caimers, I.t I., Hamilton, Ont. OitlCrosse A Black-| well, London,! Kiig. I 7,"i Hollmxik 4 Co.,!. I..,„,l„„, Fug. j ;>tTheT. I ptonCo.,|. Hamilton. Ont. I .WILinders Ltd.,To-|. j ront<), Ont. ILvn Vallny. Red Seal ISrand. Lvn Valley. I English. S B. S ii Brand Banner Brmnd. AMS AND COMPOUND JAMS. ^1,. ix'i cent. r. I E- Results of Analysin. P(»Iari/.iiti(>n. (Xormal M.ilution.l '=■ & 2 % i ^J^ 1 Remarks and Opinion of the Chief Analyst. ,'„..r,../„;. i-. !■. f. I 1'. c. p. c. . .,.> 71 S2 74 44' 25 •>!) I i I r, lir. 711 70 '.111 29 09 :, I" (l.S(»(,! 71 40; 28-6 -!- 6 - 3-6 T 3 > .a 93I B6 71 33 291+ 33 -23 Hi 30 5 2111 17 5 -23 2 21 2 71 82' 73'.IO2610 1+ 9 l| - 23-2 1 i I 1 i;ii 2<i f.9 77; 3» 23 ^295 -21 2 p. c. p. c. ■M; 77 lifl .'2 32! -17 -3 -20 1 26 9 24 5 32-3 50 7 37 4 23 1 13 ti 20 2 18 5 48-72 6;V7t>| 47-80 None. None. 60118 Genuine. Imported. Pre- 60119 Genuine. With colour »ent. added. None. (i0120 (ienuine. Domestic. 24-1 47- 378 ! 28-40 46 6(i W121 60122 (!0X23 Pre- 60124 sent 60125 In.iKirted. Genuine. With colour added. Sold ax compound. .h.llN C KKRf.rSON, INSPECTOR. i'.2 91 64 76^ 35 24 +31 4 I i 59 26' (■kV92' 36 08 v.i r,2' 64 41: :i5 59 I 1 i 111 7"> 63 4B; 36 55|-^77'5 -19 I-,.-, 71' 66 90! 33 10 64 77 «■> 69 33-31 .17-4, ia-3 + 23 41-20-3 + 61 2 -26 + 62 3 -r 4 -88-3 "1 ii;l 27'; 64 29. 3,V71 r34 2';-21 2 1 ■;' I. |. 70 31; 72 34| 2766 116 471 67 77 1 3-i 2.^ ii7 70 68 16; 31-84 *3li 1 -23 4 *30 3, -23 2 1-28-6-21-7 50 4 35 7 43 7 16 3 30 2t) 55 4 53 B 53 5 BO 3 37 6 26 6 32 8 12 2 25 31 None 32-61 .. 3159, " None 49 5<i Ben- I zoic I acid 22 B I 43 16 „ 59554|SoH a» comiiound. B9555 595B8 695.'>9 Genuine. ItomeRtic. 19 5 j 45 22| M I I 41-3 I 21 92iNone 39 9 30 39, . 40 2 26 2b| ■■ 38 8 28 90! .. None Pre- I B9.J60 sent 59i)61 59562 59563 ! 59564 Solilascomiound. Con- tains gluw»e. Sold as compound. Soldascomiwund. Con- tains glucose. Genuine. ImjKJrted. Pre- sent Sold A<* cnnitKnmd. I B9B65 ■^ 10 BULLETIN No. 309- Nature Sample. Name and Address ; iif Vendiir. 1 i ! Owt. Nft and Address iif Manufacturer ur Furnislier as irivtii by tlie Vendnr. M.aiiiifacMnr. Fnniisher. [lisjiectiir ;f Keixirt. (Ik not an expression' if tipininn. ; DISTRICT OK QUK.HEC CITV- 1914 Sept. 2H .. 2X ., 2H .• '£< M 2H „ 2)i[ : 2s| ! „ 2S Tarn (Pure). (Pun-).. {Ciinip. ) 5ti2S9'p. LalsrtJf, 41:5 Rm i St. VranutMs, '7ue-> U-c. ;(\inip.) Sr.J-.Kl'x. („V.te, 7'.t Kvif St.!;! .\nihrnise, t^iU'Wc. 1 5i;2'.ll;.(. 15. LaiKiinte, .'iT;;! j Rue St. .Vniltiuis*', j j tiuelsc. I r)(i2".y:\'. liiaiiprt's. ill RuejS ] CarillMn, t^l■•ls■c. 1 (Pure), i .Vi-r.Wi.Jos, V.v.iun, 'iH l!>ie ;! ! I St. Vali.r. i.'u.-li-c.l >(i2fUIJ. P.|iin. l;t2 Kuia ! Miinie, <iiuU-c. j It jars. .. (Ciiuip.): .Mii.MtJi.r. A.l!idaiil,72.slCue:i 1 Manir, 'Quebec. ' .. (Pure).! 5(i2'.t(>|Aithni- Diulet. "14 H I i Km.' St. Vali.T. ; ' IIU'l"f. ! I .'■i(;2!i7'i " " .. ;t 5l>2!l.'< .i 30 jCan.ada Canners.jWhi teliead Hamiltmi. & Turner. 3ii ]X. TurcDtte. ; H" Tli.T. Upt<inC(i.,lBi>i vin * j I Haniiltim. 1 Urenier. ',M> St. La«TenceCo.,|Mfrs I ! Ltd. : 7."' 'St.-wart. Ltd., St. LiiiiKloi^ A 1 *.'lair \'allfV. Paradis. I XII ^Canada < 'amiers. Tnrcotte & I Mamiltdu. I Kpti'. i ' i 'Ml Sinietw CanninffjWhi tehead i ■ (•„.. Ontario. A Turner. . !M> Holl.nii.k .t (\i.,:.Ll!.Renaud j i Lou'lnn. Kntr. I & Cie. 1 '.«) Wagstaffe, Ham iTurCTPlti' & ; ' iltcin. Krtre. <K) HulhnK.k & Co.,!.I.B. Hcnaud I London. Knjr. i & Cie. DI.STKK T OK (jrKliF.C PliOVIN'CK - Sept Oct. 2«:Conlitiire (Kaspberry) 'Mil ,. . - SOCoiititure (Prune). :«)|Confituri- 1 (Krai:^e). 7!.Iell,V j Poiiitnes SContitun i Krai»»'. j WjCtmtiture I j Kawplterry. I 255!l,Cleo|ilia.' l'.<; .13 Kts 2.5fil .\d.-lanl Larocliell.-. 3 ibs St. .Matrloin. i 2."itl3.I. o. i'"ourni..r. St. I bt.180 The Mc-Cormit'k .MlV. Co., Lon I don. Out. J L. Ii4-toiir!ieau, 3.*> Smitl] St.,(JiiH. Ix-e. .\vlmtr Can. and Pros. Co., II am ilton. :i lbs. I tlO iL. Litonniiau.:Ci I ! Smitli St.,l2ue ! I \H-e. 25lMiI.Kiui.. Corriioau, St.lSverr.i 7."> JAvbuer Can. Co.,jTureolt .Micliel. i 1 llariidton. Krere. Spots.; 75 illauMlloii, Can.j .^ ad a. >)lll;.\d.lurd Lai-oebille, I St. .M.iKloiro, 25<i; 2.~)6;^Xazair[.- M-n ricy, St.:l I Charl.s. 2.-.7ol .. M , . i: ») .\v'.li:fr'':tli, Co., Ltd., Hamilton. 11 JAMS AND COMPOUND JAMS. KeKult« of Analycis. > i)M- 1»T Cl'Ilt. I*olai-i/,atinn (Xorinal Solution). fc. •X. rl iT. a a ^ V ■~ « O a 3 i i- ii X ■/: S- ReinarkK ami Opinion of the Thief Analyst. I, \, \V. K. IsfiL.VNl), IXSrECTOK. p. C. , |). 0. 1 ":i 70 08 l:; .■.:; .-,3 CQ 71 1; 67 15 ;; ,c •;.-. 7."' ii»l2 ■J :'i' r,.-) (m! i\» m I- i;r7oi (;71ii ^M (il (»! (Ml Wi .,.1 ."I'lWi' ()<i-9ti p. c. 28«3 32 a^ »• S8 m 3C 21-7 -•Jtl 7i 25 7 1 32 W) .s;c2() :« 10 -.•« (i -21 5 5(i I 47 1 f2!»n| 17-3 3 i;-2ii n -26 !t!-21-4 1« !l 48 3 - i:v-]ii 2: 17 !• p. V. 18 21 .-. 41-8 12!i 12 7 36 3 13-5 p. c. 51 48 32 13 None . I'le- Xone, iS ;iii Xont. 42 75 Bin- zoic acid 4!l 00 27 70 45-80 None . None None I 562811 .-)(;290 M291 5ii'»2 562113 I'r.-. .56294 sent None . I're- W'!lt .■i62il5 5621MI 562117 5«i21»8i .S>Id a>4 coniiKiUnd. I (ifiuiin*-. l)oint-7*tie. Sold as coniponnd, CliicoM' jam. Sold as coniitomul. (!cnuini>. TmiKirted. .. Doiut'stic. witii added colour. I.II'iCHr, TKMroUAKY INSI'KCTOR. 115 ."ill; 70-71: 2!f21ti -21) 1 !■ :;, III (Ki| 70:i4 2tl(lGi-54-8 yt ,•■> m\ 65 .''ill i -: il7il7| (;!t84 I V M ml 63 48 i" 5l'20j 5!)-30 ■•■i :.i; s'.i .M)-4o i i :' '■'_' 22i 67 !>'' - 13 3; 15 S, 11 8i 5;!-76 34 .Vl I - 7-6 30 16 i -18 7 36 -.52 + 18-4 40-70 15 6 40 60 ■ 4!) 4 -11 1 43 -15-1 7 - 22 1* -20 3 -21 4 41-6 32 61 31-40 5 6 31 38 -7i 28 8 i 5 81 4-4 32 7! I6-7; 12-4 .32 02 lt-3;-20 3l 2!l-6i 22 1 I :f6 112 30 81 54-80 44 45 40- 12 I None. Ben- zoic acid. None. Vto- Kvnt. None . 2.551) Sold as conjpound. Contains prlncode. 2-561 jConlains jtliu-ose. Sold I a-s cunt|Knin<l. 2563 None Pre 2.")64 seat. None. 2.5(!5 .. 2."i67 Pre- 2ri6!t sent. *J570 (JenuiiU'. I><'int'htii.-. I. witli iuldt!''! c<»lour. tJeiniine. ]>o!iiettic. If* apple jeily. CoiitaiiiK gluciwe, pre- f-.r\.itivr and colour. Sold an cniniH)un(l. ileiiuim'. Donif^lic. :'.):!15— 3 Naturf of Samplf. iyi4, St'pt. 23 .. 23 Oct. 1 1 1 Strawlnrry.. (loMen Pluiii .lam. Kriut Jiiiii . Strawberry., Pure Peach , 1 KasiilxT'y tlaDi 12 BULLETIN No. 301)- ipf Vtiiilor. Cost. Name and .\ddrt^8B(»f Manufacture or Furnisher a« (fiven iiy the Vendor. Manufacturer. Furni"her I InKpector'i I Keport. (Is not an lexpreHHio'i of I otiinion). DISTRICT OF IH'EBEC PROVINCE- 2:W<'.\. Lavisne, St. i Schola8ti(|Ue. 23»ii\Vni. Sauve, St. I Schola.stiinie. iXn: 15. .Millar, St. I .Teronu*. 23!i3!.f. N Dexjardine, St. .Teroine. Mde W. Defjardine, St. .fen»n»e. 2394 23ir) Leandre P.^juin, St. Jenuiie. 3 botH. m ( 3 verr. 75 ( 3 ., .. 30 ' ,3 .. . . (*> 3 .. .. r>(i 3 .. T"i OwhawaCan. Co., Oshawa, Out. Chivers & Svjns, Ltd. Th(^ T. Upum Co., Ltd. Hudon. Hel»Tt& Cie, Montreal. WagstaHe Ltd . . . Hudon. Hebert & (^■•■, Montreal. DISTRICT F QUEBEC PROVINCK- Oct. 23 Contitiiie FrainU>iw' and Pont-| met*. 2720 K. L' Esperanie, 3verr. 45 Montniat-'ny. i I Lindners Ltd DISTRICT OF THREE RIVERS If It II •J' ll Sept. I'.l „ 11) „ IS Confiture Co. Confiture. Confiture Co. M 25 .. 1« .. 17 .. 17 .. 25 Cttnfiture. Confiture Co. 2ti42Siiuii)ii, Hetii 3bots. ! 2I152|T. li., St .Sul- 3 • pice. 2(K)3l"lrie Taillon, St. 3 Roche. 2ti54 2fM5 %56 26,57 2ii.V< 2lk">!l \V. f;endrea\i, St. R<x;li. 3k1*8 weft. .\. .Amirault, I.'F.pi- 3 phanie. I C. Barretti', Joliette.j3 I .(. A. H<>isvert, Fi-9. Forext, St. .facques. !3 boo*. !'■■ I «e8. 75 C a n. CannerH. Lt).. Hiunil tun, Unt. John (I ray Jk. T'o. Ciin.CannersCo. Ltd., Haiiiil- tuii, CiXMWf k Black well, London, C h i V e f H Sons* Ltd., Cam bridtf)*, Kn^r. L. N.hI & S.n^ litd.. London, Kr.jT K. I). Smith, Winona, Ont. U i> t o n t''>., Hamilton, Ont. Lin ner-* Ltd.. Toronto. Hudon Hrh eri, Mont real. Chaput till*, Muntrfal. Chevalier Vou I iot, Juliette. 13 A MS AND COMPOUND JAMS. ResultB of Analynis. I'olarization (Xorinal Solution). 1 t. Remarks and Opinion 1 1 8 g § 1 1? = a > -r e •7 of the Chief .Analyst. /. A III 1 3 I 1- 1" \. 1 AltlprX, TENtP()R.\RY INSPECTOR. L. 11. C. |1. c. p. c. p. c. p. c. 1 :•.' -js in 32 H2 Ii7 18 4 7 - .^•4 7 5 27 6 None , Xiinr 23,S8 Canned, fruit. In not .i . j.i r,,s no 74 30 S,"-)*! - » 3 -20!. 111! 8 7 .^9 ;«i " . 23!K) (!enuin'> Imported. " -t.; 72 :f2 72 75 27- 2-. r25-8 -25 1 .50 9 380 34 ;« " ■• 2392 Sold a^ compound. 11 711 ili; 7(1 72 1I5 ti7 4n 27 1)5 32 (!0 ^18 5 -10 Ci -20 6 -214 3<.l 1 314 2'.t 2 2:»f> 41 40 43 in So>i- cy.jlic Pre- sent. None. 2393 2394 Genuine, with added wlour. • ienuine, with preser- vative. '. 17 i-'t "5 i)!rr>2 30 4« + 83 -20 •> 28-9 21-9 4115 acid. N\tne 2396 Genuine. IKimeMtic. I. ';km)KK.\i", tempok.ary inspector. 2"2<.t Sold aw hi; \. I'. I.AV.VLLEE, INSPECTOR. 34 M -3 11 -lis 1 -20 3 -20 -20 4 -20 1 1 ! 2<H-: i'.o .•..» I'm 47 12 5 32n 41 3 52 7 32 (1 9 3 24 (« 31(1 3<.t 3 24 1 51 22 40 40 35 20 27-50 40 20 None None . None . None. 2ti.%2 2li.->3 2ti54 2Im(! 2657 2IJ5^ 2lW IJeiiuine. Imported. Sold as eommund. I'.l 1" I'.ll so lili 20 7I> 2(1 70 43 I'm 711 33 80 23 80 29 57 34 30 rir7 -1^21 3 -32 3 + 12 Cienuint. lin|Hjrted. -1 Domehtic. Sold an cotnp'.'Und. riLiLj—aj u ^ I Nature of .Sani|)U'. I BULLETIN NO. 309- Cost. Xaiiii- and AildrcM nf V.lllllir. is 1 il 5 d Xaiiii- an.l Ailr .i-^s iot Mniiiifiii-turt T (ir KurnishiT ^ lis i'ivt« Ijy til.' Vcinlcir. Maniif:icluri r. Kiirnislitr. Inrtjipctcr"* Kfi«irt. {la not an expr*'!*ftion of opinioD.} DISTlilf'T OK THKKK RIVKK.S- ISIl .St-pt. *■ ! 2.'i|C>.iiHtMriv 1 IHiContitiiri' Co. 18 ().t. 2* ■M Coiititurt- ii'Confit\ire Co. (■) Coiit'ituie. '! I 2t«ll.r. K. l!o\tlar(l, St •2M2 ■JlWt 2(165 2lit>7 2l»iS .liU-fJUfH. \. .\inira\ilt, L'Kpi jiimnif. Viaii. LKpiplianie. L«<in Uniiio, St. Kclix Val..i». .\. Caisse, IW'rtliitT ville. :t Imts. 3 .. '^ tins. 3 t?la». 3 H I Cliiva'.itr Slagni n, 3 loliitti". 2<>lj'.i K. iJuinioi.* Mf, j .foliettft. 2fi7r.Io<.pl[ Korcsi, St. 1 (ialtrifl, Hrandon. 2(i72;l'anl CUrrnont, St. i (iaWrit-l. Brandon. 2ti7S.f. n. Malo. .loliette. 3 M 3 IIm. 3 iihlH- 3 ,. 35 i.I. K. Bonl^ml. ' St. .TacqvH'^. 3() j Can. Canner-^C'i. Chapiit til», Haniil'on. 75 I WintwoitliPri'ii.j ■ Ci)., liainilton.; 75 I Dom. CuiiiiT*, , Co., lianidtoii. 75 i I>. Xo.-l & Son-., Ijtd., London. : Kng. 55 ! .X.vlniii- Can Co ■ Ltd., Avlniir, i Dnt. 75 i Wfutwortli Trt's. , I Co., Hamilton. 45 ! Vnndor . • ■ 3" ' C;in CanneisCo. . ! Hamilton. Ont.^ 30 i I' p t o M » Co..!. 1 Hamilton.l Int. 75 A yl uifT <'ai . I ninjf Co.,Maiii ton DI.STRICT OK KASTKitX TOWXSHU'S- 31 Oct. 2<III'rnn..- and Komin»'8. 20 l-'raist'S 20jl'eaclK-9 and 1 ]'omm«^s. SOiKid Currant and Hasp iMTiy. 21 Straw!. cny and .lpplf^ 21 22 .StrawU-rry ComiKiund .Apricot . li!7nll'. .1. <;iranl Kitli- 3 jars. '■ mond. I 1671 I). W. StinMin. Sl,.r hrook.-. 1672 1673 1674 1B75 Girard & Toiiqiii't, Slii-rliriKikc. Bray Bros, Slier- hro«)kt'. H. Chamlierlain, .MaRoj;. N. }la..M 1. Maeoff. . . 3 M 3 .. 3 tins 3 .. 107l'>|I^a"''O' & B(anch«'.!3 j niin, (iranliy. I .30 inVntwortli I'rf.i. MTling Co.. Hamilton. j 75 jl,. Xofl & Sons, Ltd., Lonilon.. I Kni?. .30 iLind.'rs. Lt d.. ! Tor..nto. (;il IK. I). .Smitli, . j Winona, dnt 75 JThf McCormick . .Mf^. (/o , I,on-' ! .io:i, Of.t. .30 jCan. CanniTs, 1 Ltd. .Hamilton, ! Ont. < 60 .lolm (irayS Co... , Ltd.. dla.sKow.; .31 15 JAMS AND COMPOUND JAMS. S, ("T edit. Resiilta of An»ly»i». I'lilarizatioii (Niiniuil SolutiDii.; 1 =3 : - = ^ A \ 1." il, = RcumrkM hiicI Upiniun of tht! C lief Analyst. s ■ Iml.d. \' ^■■ , p C. 1) c. p.c. p.c. p.c. 1 *' 1 .'iT'fS" (15 4<i 31 t«i i-iy3j -15 7 35M 2li-3 31-50 Non« . None . 26<>1 2Ct;2 2G<14 ien.iiiie. Hume made. Sulci an comiiouiKl. 1 n u .) ■ i 1,1', 111 t!« 3;< :n lit + U-7 -22 33 7 25 1 40 !!.-. None. None . (ieniiine. Domentic. 4 ■- t i;r. 2« 70 45 StCiM + 15 il -22 3 38-2 28-5 37 72 „ . 2fi<W ImiKirted. :'■: 1 IVA 0."i (i.-i 3C 34 Cht + 18-3 20-6 3« !l 2y 34-02 M 2<M>7 Domentic. ■'■: J i;.-i 11 «.•> IW 34 .S7 -10 -23 2 22 2 IC t) 4HM " ■ Pre sent. 2Citi» 2li»i!l Si lid ai comixmnd. 1 ' :i 7:i4t 1 US -11 •;■» 4.- ...3t: 30- 5.-) 4 63 ti + 35-3 -21 3 283 41 2 a -2 30 7 .-,2-25 37 74 None. None. 2t)71 21172 Cm- tains glucose. Sitld as cumpoui.^-!. :; i;h liii 2* Gil W 30 2" ^14 -170 18-4 13-7 52 51 " • " -"-.73 ( 1 i-nuine. Pomefitic. .1 I l;()i:i.KAl-, INSl'KCTOK. 1 (1 J i-.iso' ti4-S-T ,3-, IH - t> 7 -19 '.1 13 2 9S 51-95 Xime. I'ink. 1670 Sold as cinipound. 1 : • il-.' .-lO 07 'JO •Vi 80 i2!lfi -200 49-!> 37 3 25 20 •■ None lli71 (ieiiuiiif. Importeil *i ■- ^ 711,111 70 y- 20 42 + li, 1 -22 2 41 3 30-8 39-51 Ben zoic ■• 1672 Sold lis comi>oiind. 1 1 • .v.i-7<il (l:! 711 3li .3" - 2 3 -14 3 11! G 12-5 47 20 a«-i:i. None . " 1673 „ C : - i-.l .-.r. tit; !H 33 fHl •-50 1 -24 2 25 9 19-3 45 26 ' Pre-, ent. 1674 i«7r> .1 I : II IW .')! lis- 11 31 :-,i -17-( 1 19 8 1 37 4 28-2 .38 -30 None None. 1676 (Jeniiine. lm|i<iried. 16 BULLETIN No. 309- I ■3 u •8 i Nfttllrt* of Saiiiplf. 3 NaiiiM jiiiil Aiiili-fnrt oi V.'ii(l..r. I Nam*' Jiinl A<l»ir»'Hrt CoKt. of Mamifiictiirfr or Kuminlifr' M given l)y the vetiilor. In«|jectot'« Rei«irt. I I Ih nut »n exprertsi'in ,- , ■ 1. ■ 1 of Olilllinli.l Maiiufai-tiirer. r iiriinilier. , DlSTKICroF MONTRKAI. I J 19M )ct. 15 Tom fii'iOl K. L. rnver H'wl 1 Nl)tlf' l>;(hlf St., 3 jara. 30 .Vl|>hoti!>e Kay- nioi"l, Mont- Uasplieiry . \ Ka»t, .M..ntrial. real. „ ir> i;2.-.<ei.i. H. ("aiii.-. i;t.s(ist. ; (Jatheriiie St., i K., .Montreal. i ,. 60 St. lyiuTs I'reserv. ing Co , Mont real. Strawlieriy.. ,. 2i> " ■ ■ ■ ■ r.2.M):vti. CniU.ri, .^S5 I Cran.l Trunk St., .1 .. :!6 Vendor Plum Montreal. .. 20 (•.•iVU .F. .\. l>or.-, 12Sli Notre I tame St., 3 .. 4."> BlackUrrv ; \V„ .Montreal. „ K1 ., f;2rO."> I. K. .\Iuiit|»tit, 04 St. AnRu-'ttin St., ! Muntre.'*!. 3 „ 30 Lindners, I.til., Toronto, StrawUtrv.. ,. 21 (>2.'i0tiiA. Blai», !"2 I)e«-rv 1 St., Montreal. 1 3 .. :tu .St.LouiH I'reserv. injj Co., Mont- re;il. .\pple atpl Straw liei 1 y „ 21 ti25<17'\V. l)enii.ntiftnv, l.")2 :( .. 75 I..el»ree(iue & IVl lerin.Montreal. Stra»l»rry.. Deserv St., .Slont real. „ 21 " ly^O-^'A. l,annnile,-m, liii ; St. I'anlSt., -Mont- . real. 3 ., 30 L. Senieteys Montreal. Kaapl)erry Cotlipouilii. ., 21 " ()2."i('!l|.'. 1). Koilean. !'>o.i.<-. j Lours vt .St. l.,ouit4 i St».. .M.witreal. 3 „ 75 Hnili.u i Stra»Urrv.. Helj.rt &■ Co.. Mont- real. 1 .StrawVrrv .. 21 i!2."il()iE. Lawne, I'.i? Vitn 3 „ 3tl Can. CannerH. ! .St., Montreal. 1 r.til.,HanultoM. ami .Apple. DISTincT OF OITAWA- Sept. 12 ., 19 , lit i ,. 19: .Tani 1 1 i>31.")2 I)enu«v & f:o.,i3 j.-ir». »i 1 1 Can Canners.lMfrM iStrawlierrv Ketlfrew. 1,1.1.. Ilaiiiiituu. j an.i .-\pi'U-. tm.Ti .T. H. KclwanlK.Carli- 3 .. 75 i;la»»co's I, til , IRaspljerrv.. ton l*ljice. Hamiltot). _^ (i3454:.T. H. (iariline & 3 „ .30 Linders L id.. H a n n e r .Son-*, Carletttii' I'l..,.. ! 1 Toront.1. H r a n .1. Ila.'^phirrv and.-\pple. " laj.V) Haird & Kiildell. 3 .. ( 'arlettin I'lai-e. 35 Can. IVerterv ing C<>., Mairilton. " ■ • ■ Lily r.rauil. < lOoselwi ty iind .\plJi-. 1 t>34r><; \V. \Ve>t. Almonte. .3 „ 30 TheT.lptonCo., Ltd., Hamilton „ Ra.splierry and apple. I 17 JA.M> AND COMPOUND JAMS. Rpaultx of Anttlyii". S i!i 1" |wr ('"nt. (2 i g Polarization (Normal Solution). i a J 1 If •ii ^ 3 %i % •2. I •3 i. St \ 7> RfDiarka and Opinion of the Chief Analyat. |. I KKAKNKV, INSPECTOR. |. .-. p. '•. I l>. c II i;ii. H'.iMti' 70-*> p.c. I artjii +98'6 -»B II .. .1, y.- wi :oi»j: K» OTii-s-lK c. - iiL' (>j 90; 67 !••-' 32 OmI - 14 3 47 lii; IW .%: 3'.t l!4!+ !• 2 -18-3 -18 3 -15 5 ■J.i i;7 ifi' «7 4'.': ;e 51 I ^ 20 Oi-22 I: 1 I'l i;2 411. i;3 50! 3ti'.">0 +74 1;- (ifi 9 ; i : •J -' f.,-. ,Tii, Ii7 50* 32 r>(,!+37 •"■> -15 I :<■ •;:. 17 i'>4 22: 35 7S - 772 +549 3 ti 3f> 9 4 24 7 43 5 7 2 1 .•>3 p. c. 27 7 3 57 '.•2;N'on(< I IH 4 I 29-21 .. 32 7 1 34 58 5-4 p. c. 67 tW Suli. Pre- 1 yclic nent. t acid. 43 2" .. None Hent. 22-3 1 .(. i;:v 7.^ 67 3"i: 'il Cw +19 0;-22 3; 41 3 i "1 ii4 ly 65 ti4 34 36;+ 41 , i I -I -25-7 2!»-8 I 39 5 16 7 62501 62602 62503 625o4 62505 625*lli ContainH gluooae, pre- i*ervative and (dolour. .Sold oit coni|iound. (xenuine with pri^M«rva- tive. Ornuine. Home made. Sold aM coi)i|>oiitid . ,57 IHtj Sali- ' acid. ; i | 25 tiSiNone.iNom- I 62507 (Jinuine. Homemade. ■Sold an com|)Ouiid. Contains ulutHise. 46 42 30 8 i 34 '.HI 22 4 Pre- sent. 42-19iBin None 1 acid. ; 62508 .Sold as comiiotind. CoTitains Klnctwe. 62509 62510 (feniiine, with colour. Sold Oil ct>miK>und. • IIKKKV. INSPKCTOR. ! ii:< lis 1.17 70 oti 1 i'> <;i 51 6:i 49 i .■)0 im 36 n - 5 2 + 26 2 -26-7 -1*2 '3 31-9 48 5 23 8 36-7 1 46 17 24 81 Ben- zoic atid. None Pre- sent. None. 634.-)2 634.-.:< 63454 63405 •3456 Sold a.-* coiniKiund. (Jenuine. Domestic. Sold a« comiwund. j i 1 \ 18 IIULLETIN No. 309- 3 S Xatiirr of Sum I lie. N»iiii' unl Aildri-» .,f V.iidor. Co»t. \ : t N.iinr and .V<Mrfii'* j of MAnufiicMti«T (ir Ktirnitther! HM Ki\fn by the Wmlnr* MiinnfattunT, Ini'|>t*ctnr''* I Keimrt. i\n nut nil Knn,i.h.T. "'"I'i"i""'- t"-!' KI.STHirT OK OTT.WVA- mu S..|,t. 24 .lai I134.-.: A. r. .Ii.lm*,n. lin.n sun iivi'., OttiMii. :t jars '.-) Kuntiviill New, I.til., Ilaiiiiltiiii Mfr Hlurk cur- riint;ifii»r- anttHHl to contain no gltlCOIH-. .. 24 IW4.W " " :< ., ;«> Can. I'Kservinft Cii.. I.tcl..llani iltiin. " Com j)o;intl RaspU'rry, Lily lirand. ,. 24 " fUI4.'iti Niitii.tiiil Kiiilwiiy.\n- wic'iatiitn, Sdiiitx- »ft St., I<tta»a. 3 ,. 7.-I .TolintiravA Cn., I.ti)., (ilus^ow, Srutlalirl. Ranplieiry .. M 21 KlJIiil Miijcr * llurt.wi, Somerset si re ft. ()tt.i":i. :t „ (JO !l> (.'aimers. 1 Lt'l., liaiiiiltoli Raspberry . ., 24 IVMUl K. A. .Sioti k S<ms, W'eltinKton street, (Ittauii. ■A ., »t The T. A. Lvtle Co., I,t<l., To- rontii. " Comiiiiu-.'l Strawlxriy ., 2!l I»4r3 A. K. Kelly, Fli.rence strett, Ottawa. 3 „ "> E. 1). .Smith, Winona, Ont. TheK.J.Caa tleCc.Ot- tUWft. Strawljt-rry.. ,. 2!l ' imM " 3 „ 60 iMiller & (■„ , ; Lt<l., IWIfHHt, 1 IrelatKl. „ .. Ranpljerry DISTUICT OK VAIXEYKIKLU ,S.'pt. aij.Tam. „ 21 .. M 21 ., ! ,. 2!' „ 2!l Oct. 2 C „ i:< ., 13 „ 13 (12770 (o-orifelSoiiKie, Alex- andria. ( >nt. Alei. Davis, Alex andria, Or*. 62771 (;2772 J. A. I,alonile, Alex- andria, Ont. r.2773 i:. Honnie. \'allcy- fiel.l. fi-.'774 R. Uiron, ValleyHeld H277-"i L. Moreaii,St..T.ihn.s, K.I'. 3 ja 3 6277(> 11. -MotKosit, Masson,i3 62777 K. 1). r.ienvenue.'S ! Fanih:iii.,IVI>. (i277f|.I. Daeenais A Cie.jS i Karnliani. j i I «277«lN"ation»l Railway As-!3 siK-iatioii,,1 ' I'arnliani, I'.tj. I Lindners, Ltd., Toronto. Can. ^'anners, Ltd. 30 Lindners, T<til. . 45 !t1iv Upt4,n Co. ' Ltd. 7."> i:. I). Smith ! . \Vin.-.r,,t, lltit. ! 7.-. ' ! 7."' (■ lassco, Ltd. j 1 llamdton. .Straw he rrv and apple Black cur- rant and ai'ple. Raspberry and ajiple. Raspberry com|Mnm(l. Straw berry and apple. Apple and sirawlerry. Hlack cur- rant coin |K)und, Pre- mium (>rand Strawlierry . Rasjiberry, (la x e 1 1 e brand. Straw l)erry.. 19 JAMS AND COMPOUND JAMS. lii-wiltn of Analyr.ii. _ - roUri/atioii. V >..l .!», l«r (Ndriiiiil Solution). 1 "^fi R'limrka and 0|iinion 1 J if J -^ of th.' Chief Analvnt. I 1 •3 H rt 3 -r 1 1 i ^ ^ •6 ij f t 5 - /. ? a: /. - y. C ... 'r.'^'lf. ,..c.:,..c. 1 i; 111 w, HI ! |). c. 72 H' 1>. C. 27 ".Ki -11 7 -2rfi Oil p. c. 7 .% |i. c. 5S-50 Xontj JIM c; .tt i fi!) 37 31) HS f.^7 4 + 24 (I .S2 5 24 2 43 Hi " 1 rmi I'iT 74 71 K< 2S 17 - 3 6 23 18-4 139 ia-82 ■■ •. LT,': ti2-8i •M'ii«) 31 U4 -. 2H -200 22H 17 4,'J-79 ■• .1 r,:' tw-% til) (a 30 37 + 445 4 20 3 24 2 1« 50 mi •• :{ %i ."i4 17 W 10 41 !» -15 6 -20 t< 6-2 4 (1 .W 17 " .!.V.' (U^.-! ! 1 (MINI 3200 - 4 3 -205 24 6 18 4 41! 07 " Niini? I'rt- "•■nt. Xone . H^nt. None. fiSl," *l»*nuin**. l)onM*i»tic. n;i4.'>l<i*ilda»coiii|xnm(l. Con- (134 JO (>3t*IO iiS4(;i •13473 t>:U74 <t+nuint'. Iiii|>orted. •< Dom«*i»tic. SoM»<c<iniiKiumI. Con- tain* Kl'icoKe. (Ifnuine. Domestic. H ImiKirtt-d. I. I. COSTKi.W, ACTIXd INSI'KCTDR. 1 ' i 1 31 72C7i 74 21 :i o2i tiSloj (is 12 2."> 79 31 88 +10 + 53 4 -267 +3i-5 3«7 14 9 27 4 11 1 45 47 ■)3 '.W None. Pre- wnt. None. (12770 (12771 ■S<.ld iiH coni|>ound. „ Con- tainK gliico!i<>. 1 ■•' (i8»i 31 7" - 14 -27 5 26 1 21 (! 45 2."i B.-n- zoic acid. Pri' sent. (!2272 0277:^ Sold an coiiiiiound. : "ii lii ^5i (io-w 31 K. -19(1 -2r)3 44 3 3;vo 31 ."MiN'oni'. " 62774 ., I 77; i;7s:. CO il-i 30 SS r.11-5 -22 4 :\S 9 402 27 (i."- " None. «277r> (i2776 M :; 117 tiii'tt:; 70 C" 30 00 + 2.^. -7 -22 47 7 .V> (i 31 3S None. Xonf . 62777 ( ieiiuine. Domestic. ; 7", ^'>-l :i3 (ill (■« 3(137 + (i 3 -203 2«'C 20 1 42 -S"! " " (i277C :f -io (•..".»;; Ii'.l47 3<) r>.i -^1.^-4 -l!)f, i .35 (1 2li 1 .39 57 .Sali, cvlic 1 acid. (12779 M with |)rc«ervativp » BL'LLETIN No. 309- Ntttiirt* of ,.f V.-n.lur. NaiiM' ami .\iWrr« i>( I t'iMt. MaiiufiU'tiiriT ur Kiirnialier , at* (ji\»*ii liy thf WnHor. 1 IniiI>«K'tur''< Ki-ixrt { (Ik not an ♦•xpr* wiiini -.1 ., , , .. 1 Diiinioti. ! >laniifiictiir>T. F iirniahrr. ' DISTKl'T i>K KINiiHTON- ' .i: f * 1914. Oct. 28 2".t ai 2!t 2!) Currant and Apptf'laiii. 2- rtwl Kii»ii- U'lry .lam. \)>plH audi .Strawl»crry .lain. { StriwlM'irv I Jam. ' ' KaHjiUirrv »n<l .\p|>li' .lam. AppI*' and .Strawlnrry .lam. Kanplierrv * .\pplf .lam StiawUiry uitd Apple .lam. .3 .StrawWTi-y .lam. », lla»pl"'rry I .lam. «15»5|J. K. IS. lian.. Kiiig^ '3| I Ntttll. >kK> ftl»IK!.l. 'rimmoiiH, KinX" tun. (il.M* Cm. tiilmjii. Kings. t'lii. tll.')49 J. (iillMTt. Kinft>t<m.l3 C. K. MiI,.,k1. KniKJa Httin. i •H.-kViH. M. Mtoi.r, King-Is ; I t>l,V)i;\V. .1. Arni.l, Kiiiif|:t .^tiin. fil.V)2iW .1. I , KlnK»tun|3 I ! r,i-«ui. \v. K.ii.>. N.ipi;! :illf.'. «15.-M.l..liii I'ai'l'V. Xap^U I alMf. j Oakvill.' rrt"*rv , i ing t'o.. Oak-| ' vin.'. :t;laKmi>., Ltd.. j Hamilton. | ]T. I'pton Co., I I Hamilton. I ;T. I'pton Co.,! j HamilNni. iLimlners Ltd., Tcironto. I i , I |T. Vpton Co.. j Hamilton. I ; liindneri*. Ltd. I Toronto. IWag-taffc DISTRICT l)F TOROXTO- .Sept. 2L'I'Inm and i fttHM l.ind.T... Ltd., ;f4oi:Uum. '.\pplc .I.i'n. i l)utfi-rin «t., Toi-i ont<j. 2H Stra\vl»rrv ! ti.310i I!ii.-l)frry (iliKirv.iS and Ai.iil.' j iW Uu|«,nt «t .lam. } Ti>ronto. InllWJH. K. Vinct. :«l'.t;:i BriK-k aw., Tonm j to. i (13101.1. .\. YnrnT, HX]S Kayi'r».t., Toronto, j 2K Clack Cnr-| ai«5:K. A. Kniton, •/;^■^ ,. rant .lani| } Honcej^viiU- avc.^ I witliAppli': 1 Tor<int4). | i .l.ily. : i 2n H.i-plH-rry | iainf.ilJum;in * l!ro\ni,;:t jars, ,1am. ' j ' 1<'»."> l>anfortli a\e ,1 ; Toronto. I 2;) Kasplxrry 631ori.I. H. IVrkin^ tj."i<l|:! turn, i and Applti j I'aiit' ave.. Toron-j i .lam. I ' to. I :w iV.iidon. 30 JC .1 n . Cannurs, Ltd., Hamilton :«) W.ntwrth I'ri MTvinR Co., Hainiltrm. 'Mi i(>ak\ill>' r r !■» Co., Ilakiill.. 3>* |.Mr- L. K., T.. I 'into. liii K. Ii. Smith Winona. 311 r a n . ; Ltd.. Hamiltoi 1 ! 1 ' ' " Banner Brand. n. R.h1 Seal 1 >rchard liiand. KoyalBr.wi •1 Home mr'il.- Blk. Cmr .lan- uitli •Lily. i "i Red Sea! SI I. VMS AND COMPOUND .lAMM RniiU> u{ Analy>i>. S,.h, •< IK- r CT-nt. i 1 1 I'lilitri/atiiin (NiiriiinlA.liitiiin.) ' i i i 1 2 - '£, '■ 1 1 1 k 11 i 1 1 4 1 Rriiiarku and Opinion <>» llix Clii. f Aii«lv«t. .' \> HiMJAX. I.Nr (FECTOK. 1 <■■ |.. c. p. c. P e- 1 I PC. P-c. It 7'i .; ii:i il."i .'.( tHi 24 111 lT^ til ;» i 33 7« 3ft 70 • 27 f> 1 -22 II, 1 -2<t 3 4!) (> 31* 2 37 a 2S5 2N 2» IVn 1 zoic ji''i(l. 32 77,Nonp i*rnt. XlllM- . MI545S.itil a. c(.iii|.niii<I. 1 1' t: (M 27 «■'> 74 :.4-2.iU.K,^ .'4 «; i 42 2 31 7 33 57 ■■ •11547 !<oId Hii <(iiii|Hjunil. .. ,!.! ftt 2": <>*l •',(> 1 : 33 40 +12 o: 1 -20 U 32 9 240 38 70 .. 1. 8l54KiOiniiiii.-. l)..m>->tio. 1 I'l m; si; lis 2ti ;l! 74 --Sii II 1 1 2U 3 1 403 ;«» 3 3ii rx> •• Pr«- inr>4!iS<)M ii« cviiiiiKiMml, " '** i;j ii; 05 w m 34 r IS 9 -22 3I 1 •12 309 ■MiV ■■ Noiif 61580 1 1 :.i. ii'.i .;:i' 70 ta 2!l ;<6 » 111 III ; 33-»4|-24-0^ 1 1 -257; 20 3 3S 7 44 3 21! 8 33 3 42 ft4 32 62 ■' wnt. B15S1 01552 li iJ4 i;:t SI 1)7 4t* 32 S2 + 4 7 1 ' 1 21 7 20 4 l!t S 44 01 Non*. i 015&3 1 •-';( ii."i 4(1 ty (i; I 3<r37i- 2 3 1 1 1 -21 4 1 23 7 17* 47 IH) ' Pre- i«tut. 01554 i H. .1. UAtJER, I> fSPKl'TOK. •> 73 4.' 73 68; 20 32 -32 HI : : i i ''."> 711 07; 71 U2j 2S '.IS - 2 d) i ' ' ! I ; I i "I ftii 20' 07 :)1: 32 7!i, 5 '41 I'M "■• fi7 32; '^f 3.>: ;:!B.S - 24-3j T'.' 71 l."> 73 lit' 20 O0I-I3 fli !t\) 42-4| 311!, 41 7? Nunc; Pre- IWlOl Si.ld a> coiiiiHmiid. ! 1 I i I sent.' '.1: W 70i 70-73' 20-27 •*'' 72 0.">' 73-00 27-00 + 14 + 25 4 -2H 1] 30 9 2:l 47 07! n.n ill: zi'ic III: ai-id. 20 1; 14 7i 11 II .W 2<- .Sail- j I I I i-yclic! -22 5 Hi 8 34 '.I 32 42 lieii I ! I I z"';- I ; 1 I nciil. -17-3' 4 31 32; 1)7 '.MiNonc. -2II 3; 34 -3| 'S> 6! 41 10^ .. 63102 03103 63104' 031051 I - 24 ,s| 50 2| 37 5, 34 ■ N")! Sali- i 1 1 j cyclic I I I I acid. I Noni'. ! 631%'Oenniue. l>oiiieBtic. Pre- 63107:SoM &•> cniiioiind. wnt. I ii'i nULLETIN No. 309- S Ntttur*' of Samiile. I Xiinif nnd AddrMi* Co«t. of Miinufactiirir (ir FiirniKlier, a^niveii by till' Wmltir. ,)( VtlUl'T. i Mnn\if:ictm>r. I -: Kuntirthfr. InHlx'ftur'h i Ki-in.rt. [ (Ik not an pxprfHHiun of <i|iinioii). KISTRICT OF TOKOXTO- 1!IH. Oct. ' Sept. 22 2!> Oct. 1 R«l RaK). iMTry.Tani. StrawU'rry .laiii. .StrawU'rry .laui Cum IKjuud. 22 .\l>|>le an. I i StrawlH-rry 1 Jan.. i >ll51k.Ci.nant! .Tani Com I ]M)und. j RH*\l)erry .Tain C'niU'i Striiivb»-rry .lam CiMti IHiund. Rfts|(l»erry Jam Conii (ai0.s!C.H. MiU.ii, Orillia. :! jar liSUOA. Hiyntr, Ilairi.-. 3 I Will U'l.i. H.M^i.y C.,., 1H,:! can r.ritaiii ...t., T..i..n t.j. 75 (ilas«CM Ltd., j Oakville. fiO ITIlh Tpton Co., j Ltd., Haniilti'n ..*! 4."i Vendor^ TRfd Currant .Jam < -onip. siRa.»|>l»ny I ,Iani Conip lailL'Tli-T. .V. Lytl.Cn.,;3 jars. lot", Stt-rlni^ rd.,j T'Ti.nt'.. Ii:ili;i K. -M. CautivM, 4ii2j:! .. Roncf^vill.' avi-.,j T<.ront... I (i:!114 r. li. -Vltlini.', Iii2(i|3 " (itrraril Kt. K. j IBll.'iC. S. ■■ I N./wniark'-t, Ont. j 631. .1. .\. Rice, ManaK r 3 tinis. National ilrociiy Stiir*'^, Ui2S i^fae^-nj ^t. K., T'lifhto. I311.H Stewart 15ro«.. T.i2.jj3 jars-. i "Jiieen >trei.t K., ! Toronto. I tUir.i r. r.. Cvanu., * Irillia,i3 .. Ont. 1 1 j <ai20.l«nie< C!iet-..'man,j3 „ i I'.arri-', <liit. I 25 :W T. I'pt.ui 30 Ham- ilton. 30 iCan. Prewrvinx I C'..., Ltil.,Ham ilt«in. 45 \Vm. Uea^liyCo., Toionto. 30 :<o ( JIaKscip's I'nre Sc- otch .Tarn. ContJiins ci'rn synii' anilinecol o n r a n<l lWnz<iatf ttf S<j<la. riieT. I'l'tonC. Ltd., Hamilton Can. Preserving Co. Ltd., llamiltt-»n. li'i iTlieCan. Cannen! Ltd., Hamilton (iraliam's Lily Brand Contains- corn »ytup. Aniline colour and IJenzoate ..'f floda. i;ralian\'s Lily I'raiul Red Seal . . DISTRICT OF HAMILTON- I'.i'stniwU-i rv ' ii314!< l!en-o.i I'.rotli. rs", 2."' :f jam. I:l,„. ■ I WiMdl.alil streMt.l liuelpll. 1 CiKweberry ' H314!l ll...d ,t Ilena!liK.);,.")0|;) turn, ami Apple ; Market .S.iuare. { ■''*"'■ fi31.Vl(;. R. Ml, lard, UrVS jars. i .>« :B. I >. Smith, ; Colb.,rii--t.,Drant. | j Winona. I 1 f.,rl. ' I 1 lit 20!RaBpl»rry j .lam. 75 ^Miller .t Co. 1 i'nlfast. Ire. W iTIie Call. Cannerr i Ltd., Hamilton Re<l .S«iil ■■ 23 JAMS AND COMPOUND JAMS. Ki'KultK iif Aiiaty»i». 'II >..ll !■< iwr cent. (Nnriiii'.! Siiluti.iii) 'H _5 • s 1 — _* fcl J « ?- 3 -r - ^ •/ 3 H 1 i :2 ^^ = lieiiiArks and OpiiUMii of tllH Chief Aii.ily^t. hM. I'.c. i I..C. I l).c. p c. :i Id I'll 451 64-47| 35 53 i :i 'XV 4'.l-83 53 TO 4<i 24 1 (7 7! 7(i 7;i'23 1 .-.7 '7 W 2() 77 IW S7i 31- in ■2(i-4i-22-;ij 4.S7 - 2U;-17 llj 15 + 52 u t.'')2-4 27 2 fSS n 1).C. I'.C. II! I ■ 1 I . . ■ , . 3ti !'i 24 r>5 N'nii.. I'rt- \ (iSllJKjOemiine, with riil"iu. 1 J .-♦eiit. U 1 24 H IS -5 :W 73 .S.ili- Nuiif. faiUiUenninf, with iirnsir- cyclic, aciil. fi3111 ! vative. .S(jld as conii«mn(l. .53 2tiNiiii,-.:l'r'- (i31I2 , 1 M-nt.' I. 'l' I 63113 13-,s 10 :ii .5li '.I'.i N'om-. Nom. j r.311 1 Ceil- tains ghicow." Sold as coni|K)un'I. tains ffliicost'. Sold an coni|»>und. C'.ii- ran; csus 63 i 111 ! r.3120 II. .1. U.UiKR, ACTlXi; IXSl'KCTOli. i; L'l i'.7 45' r,!i W'll .•<ir3l ' I ! 1 SN i;i SHi CS 7t>' 311 24 t «L'. tUJ 43i 71 25 i 2S-75 18-2 ' 4'II - 3 2<l 3l 38 5 I 1 "S 2:ti I -27 St"! 22 '.I 28 » 17 4 40 71 Nutu'. Noll'-.! i!3148 1 44 52 IJon- ; j acid. 17-2I 54(«>oni>. i!314!l (■.31,50 (ieniiine. IniiKjited. Sold aw coiii|Mmnd. BULLETIN No. 309- Nature c,f Sample. of and .\(iiir.-»a Vendor. Coot. Nam*' ami .\(]<Ire(*s of Mdiiiifacturt-r or FumitiliPr, n» given liy the Vendor. •S In«|>«'Ctf>r's Rejiort (In not an exjtfensicmi'f 3 £ •1 d y. I 1 Manufacturer. Kurni-^lier. opinion* DISTRICT OF HAMILTON- TJ14. Oct. 19 Ra-pUrry j -Tarn Conip ■ . lS;Plum .Tain 1 .Tarn Com p. .. 20:Kasptierry i .lamConip. .. 23|Stra\vb«rry .lam with i iooselierrv Jelly. 26 Rawpljerry •lam. 271BlackCur- I rant a n d 2l!.'>tra\v berry .lamCump. Zi Rasplterry .lamComp. 6;U5S;C'i-ojH'rativ-eA.-><»cia-l.'? turn. J tioii. ;«i i^dicbee-t.i i Ciielph. l'>31.V.(i,T. M. l)iMiley, iL'ijars. I Wilson st..Ouelph.i KUCiiltieo. Ki"ter .t Son«!;*tuni, I Ltd., ('..llKinie »t.,j ' ISianiiord. j *i;il.*)li\Vilson vt Sway/.ier,|y in)ts i .Main »t., Weiland. 6:fl.52 H. .1. WflK .'■|4 KinKjStnm. St., St. Catlierine»*. ! lU! m; RcKldy * Walker, i:Ci :( „ i t^ueenaton i*t., .St. I ! Catliarmei*. «31iU;l). Mackav, I>iinn:3 iar». I ville. ■ I 631li2jL. Blanc^ard. Mainls ,. St., Welland. i 3ty I'l'eniiuni Prener ; vinK Co., j H.'imitton. 3(> INational Cannerc 1 Ltd., Hamilton 25 'The Can. (.'aimers I Ltd.. Hamilton 15 Clark, N'icholl»A CoumLr., L<»ndon, Kn^. 45 Limiteil, Sarnia. M [TheT. I'j.tonCo. I Ltd., H.amilton I ;^0 iTlie Can. Cannery j Ltd., Hamilton 30 l)om. Canners I Ltd., Hamilton 'Premium j Hrand. jX. C. Brand Ihed Seal . . . Lynn Valley Canada First DISTRICT OF WINDSOR •11 .H i i ■ I Oct. SjRanplierry I .Tarn. ■I 5 Fruit Jam. Strawberry <Tam. Raoplierry ,fam. j.Stravvlierry .lain. iV Fruit Jani. (i3913 (Jiil Bros., Strathroyp j»r«. 63915'Mikel&(;ill, Str,ith'3 ,. : ri>v. i tB916 J. C. liest, Strathi-oy,,^ .. i ti3!il7 W. <;. Meeki9011,;3 .. j Slratiiruv. InWI'.iIW. H. Tricker, Sar'S .. j nia. I 03!»21;Jamep (ial brai th.i;! ■. .Sarnia. i ta923!R. Wanless & <'..,i8 .. I Sarnia. 0;i924;.Ia». FraM-r, Sarnia . .3 - 68'J27 Peter Clark. Sarnia.. K3928 ..!3 .. ]E. D. Smith, } Winona. iThe T. I'pKm Co. I Lt<l., Hamilton iWentworth Pre». ] Co., Hamilton. I IT. .V. Lytle Co., I Tiftonto. !W«(f»tatfe Ltd., ! Hatnlltun. |Stewart Ltd., j Sarnia. .M a t- () n <j c h ie. I London, Kng. The Lvtle Co., Toronto. Can, PreM. Co. Hamilton. Strawlterry and apple. Red Rasp I terry and apple. Cum poun d I teach jelly iiind Lily Brand Red Currant .lam (.' .«„ ily Peach and Apple. Lilv Brrtini, lilk. Cur rent and Applf. tJ V'P T ■.JVIJM 25 I .VMS AND COMPOUND JAMS. f{e«ultii of Analysii). >!* |ifr cent. l\)lari/.;iti(m (Xiinual Solution.) S H Remarks, and Opinion ofllieClii.t ' 9 a s 12 > S -•VnalyBt. - X — IJ '' t 1 1 1? 4 > !^ •c - i ••^- '^^ < Dir Iiiv 2 1 1 ^ e (■.M,./.„M. p. c 5!l "3 .WOO tio 18 i.. .-. I p. c. 1 XV 5.S 2IJ L' IS 5r. S2 ! 71, ti3 47 ] ■J ;■* 74 10 76-45 ; r^l Cti 43 6!) !« ; I 64 75 p. e. 40 2 42110 t5H f. +32 3 r«3 li-46 1 .W 63- 42 I .•<7: iai7 J i.H'> (i6 24 65 04 68 -24 1 34 »2 -r48 8 ^26 3 23 5.-> -22 4 -24 7 30 07 + 36 6 -22 35 25 -17 it -21 7 34 % + K1U + 580 31 76 + 88 + (i8 6 p. c. 25-3 19 1" 2 12 2 22 5 16 9 47 1 35 2 59-6 44.1 p. c. 39 18 43 (U 46 57 Ben- zoic nciil. None'. Ben- zoic acid. 3^'J2'N'one. None None. Pre- tjent. 23 19 4 17 3 14 6 25 83 33 67 45-8: 61 64 63158i.SoWai!Conn)Ound. Con- tains glucose. 631.59! C3160 (ai61 63152 6:!153 ben- I Pre- 63161 zoic Hent. acid. I NonelNone. 63162 Sold as eoniiiof.nd. (lenuine. Domestic. Sold Ks compound. tarns glucose. Con- inllX T.\LHOT, INS^KCT<^R. .-. 22; 65 11 '1 m| (W'4t 70 33 69 26 29 67 30-75 -75 ^22 5 -20 3 -223 12 8 44-8 90 33-4 56 11 a5 01 None Pre- sent. None. 63913 63915 Genuine, with colour Sold aa comtx>und. " 82j 70-311 i 71 12 28 88 + 2 2 -23 4 -220 25-6 19-1 61' 16 Ben- zoic acid. Pre- sent. 63916 63917 f^l9 . ., :V48i 65-50 (•*-98 3102 -1-24 3 46 3 34-6 30 90 None Pre- sent. None. Genuine, with cJour. ■J -.1 (i3-75 6(!a6 33 74 + 30 8 -21 1 61 9 387 25 06 " 63921 (Jenuine. Domestic. 2 70; 66 (« 68-70 64 44 31 30 86 56 -12 7 -14 7 -20-8 8-1 6 1 59 90 " " 6.^923 63924 63927 Genuine. lnil>orted. Sold as compound. 1 ;i lUi (»-78 -20-6 .^5 3 26-4 34 42 None . Pre- sent II (1 -J 29 72-87 J i 76 16 24 84 + 3 6 -24 2 278 20-8 50-09 " None. 63928 " " 26 lU'LLKTIN No. 309- Xatiirt- of HampU-. Nam'' .111(1 .Vil»lrf*s (ifV.-ntt..r. ClIHt. Xanip anil .\i!'lr<»s nf MaiiiifacturiT it Fnriiinher, as ^ivt-ii hy tilt' Ven(ttr. Vurnihhrr. Iii-<|i«'tiir'- lis ni>t an ■siirHssiim nf ul'iiiion. I liISTHICT or M.VMTUl'.A- t!tn S..,,t. •21 21 •M .tain ,. 2i Oct. S H IIH'.I .\. M.'rnl)ius,gr.«.'ir,;3 pkjTH Mtirdeii. (illtiL'.l. T. .\clM...iiiiS.,ii,!3 ., 1 CillliSiW. 1". M tViriiiiik :Uiii». ! ('.)., KiiiiwiKxi. r.o., \Va«statfi', Ltil..| iKa»|ilii'rr.v I -lain. 75 iSt.Williamal'niit Caiiiii lif 1 1 ."strawliiTi y i I'reservi's. Nor-; liros., Wil-; .lam Iinfi4! I (H16,%;i,. KhmI. CirvilonjS j ,\\»'.. Winniii*'^. lillOfilLanii.- IiiiH._. (.'uiy-jS 'l')navp.. Winuiiit'gj GllliTI .. .• :< (ill(W:,I. .M. Mi.Millan, ! IVtrtagi' ave., Win^ ! nil»'(f' CllIWi fiUTOl H cans f.ilk. son, \\ ni|ieir. in- "•*' FurnivolH New, I,t<l., Hamilton " 7.'> Cairns, Vaisli-v, Sent. " ; Krct/.,I,til., Ham! Raspberry .lam. IVath Jam. 75 ikon. 1 Til'klirs, London, 1 Kng. 1 Strawberry .Tain. 7."i .lolin liiiclianan- Bros., Ltd..: Raspberry .lam. „_ <ilasgiiw, .Scot.j ■lames Koliertsonj & Sons. Lm 7<i lion. ; .Tohn Ituclianani^i Bros., Ltd.,' 7,5 London. Chivers k Sonii,i Ltd. i Str»wt.err\ .lam. DISTRICT OF .S.VSKATGHKW.VN- Sept. 24IKriut 24 24 ■ lani. (!4ii;tii The .\. .M. MeDon 3 jarsi liO j .-dl Co.. Ltd.,! MisiseJaw. I ii»ifl7iCi«lville Co., Ltd., 1:1 . I Mo4)3*? .law. 1 ii4ias Crawford & Co.,;:! .Moose .law. l>4ti;t!l!Cnrry (irocerv Co.. 3 I M.Hise.Iaw.' I (iliULTlie InnisCo.,Mi«,se:! .1 aw. 1 li4tl43;King (Jeorge Cnivi ' cerv. .law. (_'liivers & .Sons.l . Histon, KfMitenav Col.i I'res. C'o., Nel-1 son, li.C. I .lames Kob'rtstjnl . ftSons, Faislev, i Seot. " i Black Cur- rant. Redl'InmK. C. Brand. Strawberry (ioldeil S li r e .1 Brand. Strawberry Wni. P. H.->ttlev.| Liver,. «,1. • ; i .1. A. Me Donald,;. Moose .law i. XeU.n, B.C. I llrceryCo.,1 i ^f.H»se.^ftw. ; Lindners. T,td.,:A. McDon- Compound, Toronto. aid. Co., .\pple and Moose.l:iw 'uHispberry I r. a n n e r I Brand. 27 .VMS AND COMPOUND JAMS. Kesulti of AiialyniH. IN ilarizat Ion t. |.el-i lilt. (Niirinal Sulutioii) 3 !i i i- = t£ '2 4 i s i Z •B 1 II 1 •/. r- f z >s — X 1." R.-marki< and Opinion of tl,.- C'liiif Analyst. , . I.VKIVIKIiK, IXSl'KCTOR. p. 1-. 1..C. ! I'.u. ' p. u. p. f. p. c. :, :\-l (13 sT tiT lH; 32 81 + 15 7 ~2o y 30- 1! 27 3 3tl 57 Nunc . Noni'. CUfil •enuint'. l)oiiK«lic. 1 ■.:, 1W21 711 Hi 1 2a m -42- 11 -22 yl ti.-. 5 48 y lit 31 ■■ " tillf.2 " c; o'.i .>i 111 .■,7-i"' 4300 + i!i y -ly 8 .3y 7 2y c 21 31 ■' (ilKiS „ : -;. i;s ;vj 71-2!' 2!<-79 ^20 ti -22 1', 42 fi 31 8 31! -52 .. «ll«4 1. Iiniiort*Hl. 1 |.. i;r4o; tlS'<o 31-20 + 33 8 -lyo 528 3y 7 24 "i> " «Uti5 ., Di»nif«tic. 1 'ii i;ii i"! (woi 1 ■!'• lu 27; 71- 47 31 y« 2S .'•)3 >3I y -21 f. - 7 4 -21-7 3y3 43 3 2y 3 32 3 .% 7tl 34 'J2 .. Tre. Bent fillfiO 111 HIT With ailde<l i-iil[iur. 1 :; 11 i'.7'.t7: 7111 1 28 s; ,+24- 3 -22 (i 411 y 35 5 32-45 " •• (jllt;8 „ .; -1 r.7^i' 71 ^i 28 ;«i ! + 12 1 1 215 3;vr. 25 1 42- 78 •■ l!ll«y „ i ■•■ 71 71 ; 7ii 11 1 23 8! 1 -29-8 1 i -210 M 8 37 !» 33-81 None . in 171 liinuini-. Iniixjitid. I. II HALL. INSrK.CTOR. :, mi. If, 7cl! 70-701 29 30 ' 1 I lo 1-.5 '.hi: 70 (I0I 30-110 1 I 1 7i; 1-7 '.I0| 70-61; 29-34 i;i! 21. iiy-oi ■:; .■)( 7'> til (Ki 7" 111 7307 .30 99 ;i8 37 - 1 + 31 y r27-7 - 5 2 -.28-4 21; 93 1 Itl 20 y 20-8 -20 3 52 2 -20 8 48 -11 8 -19-9 13 17 48 3 14 6 15 ti TK) 111 None. N'one. .39 2 2ti 7" ■• 3(i 2 31-7" I'rt- ^nt 12-8 .53 45 1. Non*' 3ti I8-711 ■• ■■ III 9 59 20 " " N'one. 64031) lifnuint'. Inii»irt<tl. 64037 B4ii;t8 (►41139 ti4041 64043 .4 UoiiU'Htif. WithoAmr. .. Imported. ,, l>oiii«stic. Sold a» comi«'Und. 28 BULLETIN No. 309- a NatiiFH NaiiiH ^ Sample, i. ■3 = U ■f. - •^ 2 'A i.f VfHri.-r. r.»Ht. N%in»' and AiidrpM nf Mimufdftiirfr or FurninhtT. as p;i\eii hv ilic Vt'iiiinr. MuiiufiK'tiirtT. Furnihlifr. IiiMjiector ■« Report (Ia nut ail exprefwitm nf i|Miiiuni insTKirT OK SASKATCHKWAN- WII . St-iit. 25 •• a^ .. 2."> " 26 Fruit .tHiii. '■ (;4iM4 Tli.- Kcl Store, .1. K. t jars. ' Krlly, inifr.. Mcioitri Jaw. j t>4"4:) Kent & HruHii Co., 3 .■ I.til., Mi«i«'jaw. j 6VH(> .Vllaii ''mnniinK Ci).,lH .. . . 1 M("t>i-jaw. 1 i r>4i>47,Moi»>' tinnt-ry Co., 3 Mo«»sejaw. 7."> \Vaf!»tatff, LtJ.,|Uiii){well & ' KasplHTry A Hamilton. | Stewart,! Apiile. \Viniii(»*-K. 1 2f>J'acitic Coa^t iTea (laniiii .Sv r II p Co. ,' I Braiiil. Settle l-.S..\. 75iila«.ios \.U\..' R.'dCurMrit lliunilti>n. I Wi K. I). Smith,! illrevn (iuK'-. ; Wiiiuiia. i I DISTKICT OK ALHKKT.V I t. 2S;.Iam ., . 2S % 28 28 3(1 . ;» ■M .. 32001 R. J. Maidoiiald, !3 jan». Stratlicoiia. 1 .V.>uo2 „ ;3 .. hVW. MaiiloiiaMs, Ltil., iS > I Strathcona. i 52(»i4.T, H. M,.rri» * Co.,i3 Kiiinontfm. ! iVJflO,") Huci«oiiV Hay Co., |H K(imont"ii. ] .")20<J«I.,. T. M»'wlmrM'*3 ; Co., Ltd., CalKMry. I o2007Campliell, Wilson 4 3 Honii-, Caljfary. 5201 K 52<J()9<iHO. .1. W.kkI, Cal- : gary. 521)10: 3 „ 3 .. 90'\V»g«taffi-, Lt<l. . Haiiiiltifii. 75jKooteuav Ct»l.. . j I'rea. \Vk». Nel Mill. i ■lames Kob«*rt.'H>ni . 4 SoHN Lon- . don, ¥.n^. \ Cbiverj* & Sms,i. I Hintou, Kn({- I 7'i.'. .V Sliarw.««l4'. I Co., Ltd., Lon- ! I don. Nil. jKi«.t<-nav Col.. j j Pr<'9.\Vk9..N"eli i wn. i 1 7.^! Win. P. Hartley, ' LoiiduM. Kng. 7.").Holbr.».ks. Ltd., . I L<mrloii. V.wg. { 3<l Kootenay Col..;. j Pre*. \Vk8.,NeI aon. i SolWaifgtaffe. Ltd.,i. \ Hamilti'ii. I Strawberrv K«»i)l>errv. K.C. Briii.l II Raauberrv. li old Shred. Strawberry Black Ciir rant, exti i choice. Strawlicrrv. K.C. Brand Ra»i)b«'rry. addition < >f other fruit juiceH. StrawlxTry, addition <'t other fniit jnicex. Cioonebem. K.C. Brainl Str»wl*riy.. 29 .1 A MS AND COMPOUN'D JAMH. 111.- |»r c'Kiit. Hi-ult» I if Aualy-w. f'liUri/JitionlNiiriiml Solution). t 1 A k . 1 i i i a i t Si ■^ 1 3/ ^ 3| 1 i r a. i is Kvmark', ami Opiniim of the Chief Aiiiil.V«t. "./../. ]: c, t'->-'- ; V'-' ! !'■''• I •,.. f,l IK) tvS .M) 31 50 >;I7 « -19K 11. c. I p. c. •^7 4 43 li i: 90 None. Ni-ne, I M .» t!0, (U 7»l .v. .W - l-i r' - lit •"' <i '*• S I; •'•>•'<> I ' ' I i ! m i;.-. no 71140 2;» tm . 74-21121 27 l> 211 >: 44 2tv t>4i>44|.Sol>l HI i"iii.|Hiiin.l. i mm't tleiiniiie. Iiiijifirtfil. (MO47I DolllCStiC. A W. !;. M.\RKLKV, INSPECTOR. ' . - 114 (is! B7 35! 32 65 -;» 6 -21 7; 57 3 43 1; 21 Gl' ! ' : ' I 1 .. i: iw «r 71-H41 2MlHji- 16 4-22-3 3-,-7j 2'.t 1 3>.t 55 .. i , I j ! ' I 2 VI liM 52! 71 4li 2« 50;-ll 3:-2i)i»j 32 2 24 2; 44 321 .. ; I ! I i I I 1 T'l 70 2.'. 72 04 27!«j -17 4 -22 II 40 0] 3o 2; 40 «7 ' I j ; I i i ;«i II'.' t;2 71 521 28 4.s; -12 31-22 3, M (i, 2»i ti: 43 62 ; 3J ii!t 17 71-4il! 2« 51:-44 Ji;-21 71 liO SJ 50 o' H» 17 None. J 7" <;:• i!!i: iw 4!ii 31 .")2 -15 4-20 n ■-' ;iT 117 22: 69-59 30 41-34 3 j;i 67 -(W 70 76 70 91 29 24 a»-09 - 6 4 -25 2 36 3: 27 3 38 37 22 3 5<i 6 41 8 25 42 -21-8 15-2: 11 5; 57 33i -22 6 47 81 36 9 3173 Pre- sent. I 52U)1 tJen 52002: 520^! 52004 52003 52'W6 52007 520IX* .lint*. Domestic. lnn)orti'<l. Domestic. Sold »H couiiH'Unti. 5200!t,t;fnuine. Doiiifstic. ! 52010j ,. With colour- ing. 30 lULI-ETIN No. 309- Niitnr.' I : x,,,,,,, „„,| \,|,|,.,.,„ ^ "', ... 5 „t V-n.lor. V NiiiM'' nil I Aililri'Ksiif Muiiiifiicturir or Fur!ii*hrr lis jiivi'ii !•>■ thf \'iiidiir. 1 i tl.-iHirt. I (la not an i exi'ri'sniuntjf ., , I- 1 uiiiiiioii. I Maniifivitiir T. ^llrnll<lll■r. : l>l<|-KKTUK iI()i;rY MOINTAIXS Oct 4. I l.'dStrittlivrry i tUi'.TT.I. A. M', .Iiiiii. N-l-'iii. '.Ml Plum .1.1111. .'' liUi'x I I ■■ 20 Ki>»|>UTry ' lildT!); I .IllUl. i Llilltliii'k Cnr- ' tilCi*", ] rant -I.tlii. ■ aiJAiiriiot HlfiHlj • lain. lit jam. 3 „ . , ■3 m . 1 3 ., . 3 .. . 2(1 Jii'. nMwelifrry ! •lain. •."iiiKaxi.liiriy I ■Tain. 20;Stra\vli.'irv .lam ill rinni .r.iiii. Ult'iS-J K'o 'ii'iMV •'■•1. rrt"<. 3 " \Vkr..,Nii-"n. iJ.r.; liliWt; .. :3 .. must 3 .. (ili;V> K'»'t.iiav ('"'Mliiliia'3 • I'r.-. Wks., .\.l-i -111, i;.i'. i;it;.'> ■• ... ,3 ri(i|V.inl'ir MO Ciilj fill' 311 \-, :!0i 311 .3(1 V i tiO i n.l.'i-. KISIKICT OF VANCIUVKi;-- .S--|it. i'.i'Kruit .lam . Oct. 3(1 3(1; 3(i' .'mO'iT i;:iili.'ii Milhu- L':>33 3 jai>. 7'' _.raiii.- KmIi, rt^-un , .M.iiii .-^t.. \',ini;Mii-' i ' \ S.111, l',iisl>-y, Scutlanil. 3(1 ""iiiiciK- Can. C'ii.,| I'a sl.-y, .Soit. I \*r. .Viil.'iS .S.( ;.iiaii-<ni.32'>lIast-]3 ■■ inB-.'^t. Kii't, V in-j (■on\i,T. [ .ViO.">!i M. .Sviiions He Cu..\3 ■• ■2im 3ril Av.'. \V'.,j X'aiioiuvr. I •ViOiii 11. K. Hi.lisnn, ciir.|3 .. Ith .\\''. and Y*-wi j ."^t.. N'aiiciiiuHi-. . I 5."ii(ll l'..-.iiin A: l)ick*.n; I •J'J'Ki VinfSt.,\an- ' c>niv r. .[ .Vidi'.-J .\lurn.wi li.-an. •.'2'K': 7th A VI. W.'Kt, Vanc"'i\*r. ."iTjmiS B. C. Market ('u.,i3 1131". (_'>_iinn<>ri.'iali j l)riv(', \':uic'm\'r. I I I 2."i ;Ki«it<nav ('iil.| I'res \V,,rk»,! NVlMin. I 7,-i Iv 1). -<mitli.!. WiiiMiia. 3„ ., 10."i 1'. Ilu.rr * Sim- M a nc li f » t (■ 1 , 3 .. . . i Kii).'. 7."i Knii.r.— Mf);.C... Vancuii\*-r. 3 m . . 7.-) ll-. N"il X Snns ! r.til.. I.iinilun. i K.iiK'. .Stra wlierrv .S li r e .1 1'. lu n il . Plum Itaspberrv K.e.Braipl. ■Hla.'k Cur- I rant. ; ( I reengage . . liawiilieriv Knipres" Hnind. StrawWrry . 31 I WIS AND COMPOUND JAMS. KiMiIti* of AnilvniH. I'nUri/atinn ^ U. |i«T C»*Ht. {N'lniml Moltitioii)' Pr ^ u 3 7- 1 1 4 [ "ii i ^ -i rt I — 1 i: fcl ^ - 1 t ■7 - k. i "B 7 !^ 1 ? ^ - 1 - 1 ^ 1 •i" iE > I ^ /T Keniarkx nn<l i)|>ii>ii>n nf th.- Cliief Aiialyat. TlhiMAS I'AKKKK, INSt'l'.rn n;. ... „.,J ].. C. 1 p. c. "l i \ 1 p. I'. p. C-. [ 1 ic (;■.! :.". ;:i su' ill !H| • i;i 7^ 2:i 4 4:11 : :«4 37 :i7N -. Nt lit. Hl()77 ii'imini'. Ooiti^ttic. 7 z; w.VM 70 »:l 2U 07 - 2 (1 -20 II 1 18 II 12 s 5((SJ, „ ' r>i(i7>i . ih lit .s:V 71 «• 2s 71 •2"> 4 -22 47 4 35 fi 29 231 .. 1 1 1 illii7it „ L' 4:: ijl (Jui (J9iO »l '.17 4- (ill -111 2<i 1 I'.l 3 47:10; ., , i IJIHC'I ,. 1 N i;i ." W 44 S3 -SB • 3!»3 -21 4 f.0 7 45 6 IS '.«•: M , 1 filfWl ,. 1 Si; w 3'.' (12 IK 37 'sa 4-42,-. -20 t!2 .•) 411 (1 13ti7i M . 1 (l!fi«2 „ ■_' yi iBl'i (S n.-> 34 Ho -2!):i -21 7 42 ti 32 ;!3 (HI; M . ! 61 (M „ ,•. n.i «4 H2 (!1» K4 30 IB ~ 2J 3 -212 40 5 34 9 34 >:i\ ,. . 1 (11084 „ L' y.. mil.-. 71-41 2S -.9 , 43 -IH 9 02 5 47 24 41 :?one. i i (11(W5 „ II v< (IT "4 ! tW (-.2 31 :VH + 25 4 -22-3 47-7 35 rt 31-94 .. 1 filfiSti i ,. .». .M(iU(;.\X, INSI'KCTOK. 1 7.--, OS Wil 70-5H 1 711 .r> 90 1 1 1; -^h BO 71 74-fiO 07-00 '. .">ii .I'.lliii 04-Bo i 1 'HI ii3-;io| 04-30 I ■ 1" .-.fT-70' lit 80 1 M 1.0 4.-1 i 24 42 2.-) 40 33 00 .S5-40 35 70 .15 20 + 10 -3 -229 3 41-18 7 1 + 19 !> 8-9 + 13 3 4 79 -19 8 -18 9 -20-2 39 2 15 3 39 7 10-0 33 5 i 29 7 n-f 290 75 2.-| 2 llS-5 1 ! 39 . 10 Nom- . None . j 551)57 Ueniiinii. Iiniiorted. j M 40 ,. .SI 11 " j 51-00 • m 10 ,. 08-29 31-71; r30 3 ■22 3: .58 -0 ; 4.". -7 ' 22 7u I .550."O i I 5iy)59 I I 55060 1 .">5061 j : 55062 •>5iHi3 Domejtic. Dmner'tic. ItniKn^.'"'. 3:; HULLKTIN N... WJ - ..f tniii|>i f.»t. n. ami \iMn'>» iif VmuIit. i,( MHiinfiuliir. r "r t'nrni^liiTJ ,1- sin •■II i.y l.y tin- iiliilor. Maiiiif.u'liirii. -h.r. {\» ni't nil i»f i.pIlll'.M I T 1 1. t. DIsTKK'T t>K VANTorvKK rtMii .1,1 ,VV"1| \immi lUl CiIm r,N»ir>C. A. Wnl-h, I.til,.':l , tlwl (•..luuiliM Si.., N. W. ^tiiiiH'i»r ,V,(»,i; |M\iil Si»iKvr, :t i Vamiiuver, l!.''. Knit. I.t l..ll.ii>iilt<f ■ftM.' KiiK. I!.i»pl,>-| rv nwii "inr.iTif I III |ir"' '1 w nil ii-iij tli proiinrii II ,,f Kruii .I.Ik. ,1!..<I Cun 111' I ('(>iii|M>nt] I. 1 K.m1 s,..,1 I Hrarxl. . (Jii«ig#'li».rr\.. DISTKKT OK VICTORIA s,.i,t -'StriwtH.rrv ell'.".-' Th. \Vin.l*.r (IroSj.u-. ..' Kiii|irc*» .Mfi.'.'.' ■ '■— |,„„; o.iy !■ ,., ,M:(;,,st., , , \ aiicinfr. St.. Vn'toria. i ' . , i:« „ .J 7."i iW:.^;>ti^tf.■. Llil j \ HiiiiiiltMii. hms. 1S4I-J3 tiii» «."> iW. I>. l'...n;.«.k 4 (m.m. Si..Vuturi« I ''".• '-•''. "" I 1 liiit,Ta.».ii;uim. 24 l;a-!ilitiiv r.l:i.-i(i rill. \V -t Kml r.rii-:3 jan-. i 7.'> i.Iuii"-' Knillfr *, I tn'.w,'.! ■■ 2;i.iaiiMriuiiii. K. r.. .l.iMi.; c-ryC... l(.<--.";uM.i St , Vicliiri.i. I ■15.1am (A|.ri.! i.liKl Ailmi lir.»., 1317 :t cut.. ' ; D-.iitriuH St . Vicj Oct. 3 .. (Ku-1> ill'.w>< |)l>i II. l{ii-» * Cc..l3 .. iH-rryi. \ 1317 (J.ivt. St., VIo-i i tona. ' {A|iri-j lll'.ni-.'f 'oiws * YiniiiK, fi3i;3 ., c,t). i Km-t St., Victoria.] "I I ■ ' 3i .. ( i;i'.>!l3^ ■■ ■ (i'K-TicU'irv' J ^: .. ((ir.-li tir.tiM II. W. IHiv...'. H.')(.3 ,,r,.l Yat..* St. \ i(ti>ri.«. (I'.lack: '-'W.-ZDixi H. Ki'*-, 1317:'. Currant}. . j <i">t. St. Victuriu. «»!."• 1. S.ii«. Dni'ili [,iii'l 7.-1 '[,. Ni»l * -S.nK. ; Loii'li.n, K.iiif. 4.-. ti. it K. Norton, Ltindoii, Kiijf. Cliivcrs ft Sin», i I Cimit'ritt^ti- , i 1 KiiK- I'rfl I Win I'. Hartley j ! Liv>-riK«.l.Knif. j 7.''i Kinj r<-^s Mf^'.Co. j 1 Vaiuiiiivt'r. ; 7.-1 Ticltlfr'i", IaiikIoii 1 i K"K- •s': 3.T .1 \\l' AND COMPOUND JAMS ■« I- |«r n'lit. I!r-ulti4 of Aii.ilyxiH. INilnrtriitt'in I ^ (X..rici.ilS.iliitiiiiii. I 5f - .' ? ^ ? - u 4'= f i- Ki'iuarkn mid ( >[>jnitm • >f tli<' C'liiff Aii»ly«t. 4 B i ■T i?. ,.., ,,-.c. |,..e. 1 I j I i I I 1'.:) 1^1 fitiTifi' 33 "lOI - <i « 3>'J| 13 ti .WDM JO 2 r>3 4» " .Viota'i; .ViOtKiilJMiiiini'. Iini«irtecl. -1 I.I.IVAN, IXSTKCTUU. I.I iji ';; 1,1 :i'j ;iti +■£> ,h ii ii Sii.m j a7!» ■ I i r.j :i: (iH :t.t ;iiti7 ^21 l'-iho, t:i 2 '• ;« 3 ! ;w ((7, ' i ■ i i I i;7 1"! 71 '.«': 28 111 1(1 H! •.'0 1! !l 2 1 11 a 1 fil IK); i i I ^ ! I I 7' 2J Oi l'.< 3 : 14 ti i .%2 S'li ill! 2« 70i\'..iie.,No>ie, '■: r.l 711 IM 29 i«i - 2 7 i M 1 I tii 40 I'.i oo! :«■> im; • 17 2i \'.> :>i ») i;t .Ml 73 HI] 2i> iW: -U 7! - 22 3 34 111 r,ii !Hi. tWOOl .32 tlO i I I W -Hi' 7'-' -80! 2U 2<J 1 I :<:,:*>■ «i jhiI :wio f '.»■;< ^ iH 3 - 1 4| 21 i; - l)'2!-l.">ti 28 ; 27 3 ' 34 1(1 2"i I! 21 2 43 (K) .3!l 7lli 211 2 1 l."> 2 I .")1 iJlii Pn. ttent. None Iiii|i..rti..l. '■|7 !>tl' 71 701 2S .'«i' • 12 21 - ;il)i 21 2 ' ; i i II 4 i 4-8 1 50 701 „ ' 1 V> '.> I ."il !ll; .-^ali- j iiyi'lie. j Cl!)ri8i<;».|iiiin('. DoiiifHtic. tUiMi'.); I!l'.l7."i lil'.l.'tO Bl!»Kl lil!tS< til!»!t2 BlfllM Itfiiuinf with luMed colour. lii'iiiiine. Im|»irtw). DoiiKMtic. (Uy.t.'iiGfcimine with ajdtid i pr. ferv«ti\e. u