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! I 
 2n|> matt. UOVAI, can a MIAN KKOT 
 \ 1 O ^ 
 Kiilcr«-(1 itctoriliiiu lo X.i ,,f ii,,. 11...1; . . , ,. 
yi-;ii- KuKr liy 
 jif ■ i- ■ 
 I ANY books have already been written on the 
 Boer war in South Africa and manv more 
 vv.ll be sure to follow ; but, to Canadians, no descrip 
 tion „f the war will appeal more stron^rlv than such 
 reminiscent sketches as are contained in this booklet 
 These pen pictures trive the best possible idea n\ 
 the imi)ressions made on tlir minds of the men in 
 the ranks, and faithfully portrav the life of the 
 soldier, with its lij^hts and shadows, durintr a cam 
 miSn m many respects uni.aralleled in the historv 
 of (mr (Jreat Empire. 
 Tlr. writer of the sketches has carefully kept 
 vv.thm the ranjre of his own experience ; and what 
 .1 thrlhnjr experienci. it was throuu-h which he in 
 common with his comrades, passed, durin^r the year 
 of service. They fouj^ht : they endured the fati«-ue 
 of lonK dreary marches over barren hujr, 
 l<opje.s-throujrh mud pans and rivers ; they felt the 
 panjrs of hun«-er and the indescribable horrors of 
 thirst m a waterle.s.s land. They did it all .so bravelv 
 so uniinchin,dy, that their Bri^^adier in wishin-^ 
 them bon voya.^e in a tele,.ram to Col. Otter added '^ 
 Tell the men 1 feel that any credit I mav have 
 trained in this T shall owe Kiru-ely to the splendid 
 way the Koyal Canadians served ine. " 
 I bespeak for this booklet a uide readin-, and I 
 leel sure, from my perusal of the sketches, in which 
 scenes familiar to myself are described, that the 
 i-eader will come away understandin^r somethin^r of 
 the life of ••T(,mmy Atkins" actually enya^-ed hi a 
 J-^reat campaio-n. The pen pictures are alike in- 
 structive and entertaininjr. 
 T. F. FI'LT.ERT(^N. 
 I ! 
e splendid 
 niX, ;uid I 
 in which 
 that the 
 ethin<!f of 
 f^ed in a 
 alike in- 
 " Walk ! you beggars ! walk ! " 
 ri?[X(; the last twelve months the })nvs wh,, 
 went from this Island to serve in South Africa 
 have passed throuj^rh-as the old sayin^r is -many and 
 varied experiences. Commencino- at Belmont, where 
 they learned what onti)ost dnty means, and endino- at 
 Pretoria, when their work was crowned by success. 
 there was crowded into this short space of time, days 
 of sutferinn- and hardship such, that who have 
 not experienced it could scarcely l)elieve possible. We 
 have yone into action, on the now famous field of 
 Paardel)erir, sinniny. whistlin,tr, and even doinjr the 
 cake-walk, not throun-h bravery, but rather throusrh 
 sheer i-norance of dan-.r. It was no uncommon 
 thino- to see a man jret up and walk two or three 
 hundred yards under fire to liu-ht a pipe or cijrarette. 
 or toofather the water bottles from his chums and jr,. 
 down to the river to fill them. 
 We have jrone out at nio-ht to brino- in the dead 
 and wounded, and in many cases have made poor 
 fellows mcn-e comfortable in their last moments. Often 
 nie,ssao-es for home and mother were spoken from lips 
 fast becominjr silent, Closing eyes looked lovinylv on 
 photofrraphs of a mother, sister or ..weetheart"^, "and 
 hands lony u.sed to holdin- a rifle were clasi.e.l in 
 We have forded rivers where men and horses were 
 carried away by the rushin<»" swirl of waters, some to 
 find safety further down, others to meet their death, 
 if not nobly on the field, at least in the honest en- 
 dCfivor to perform their duty. 
 We have lived on one and a quarter biscuit per 
 day—lived, but in a state of such weakness that 1 
 have seen two formerly strong" men restinjjf every few 
 yards when carrying a forty pound box of biscuit. 
 Our clothing- hung in rags. The legfs were cut ofi' 
 our trousers to make patches for other parts. I^uttons 
 were gone, and in many cases men were without coats 
 at all. 
 Night after nig^ht we .slept in six inches of mud. in 
 the pouring rain, with absolutely no protection. A 
 thunder storm was always welcomed, for the flashes 
 of lightning- seemed to vary the monotony of the inky 
 darkness, and the light was cheerful. Nor was this 
 only for a night or two, but for weeks at a time. We 
 never could get our clothing" or blankets dry between 
 the rain storms, and the condition of the g-round 
 made us feel so sick of life that an oft-heard expres- 
 sion was. "Cheer up, boys, you'll soon be dead!" 
 Of course at times we had our little fun. It was 
 interesting' to walk among the Highland reg^iments 
 and hear stories of former campaigns. When the rain 
 was not too bad, and there was any wood to be had, 
 we used to g-ather round the cook fires and singf songs 
 of a more or less cheerful character. But the pleasure 
 was so little and the sufl'eringf so g^i'eat, that nothing 
 ■seemed to break the monotonv of misery. It was 
) were 
 i, some to 
 iir death, 
 onest en- 
 scuit per 
 is that ] 
 J very few 
 e cut oti' 
 3ut coats 
 mud. in 
 tion. A 
 e flashes 
 the inky 
 vas this 
 ne. We 
 It was 
 he rain 
 be had, 
 r song-s 
 It was 
 rather annoying to clean our rifles and find them half 
 an hour afterwards knocked out o^ action by mud and 
 water. Annoyin^r, too, when our one solitary biscuit 
 accidentally fell into the mud and had to be scraped 
 clean, thereby decreasing- its .size. 
 But all these thing's could not compare with the 
 horrors of that awful march from Jacobsdal to Bloem- 
 tontem. The scenes of sufferin^r witnessed on that 
 seeming-ly endless tramp are .so imprinted on the minds 
 «.f everyone who took part in it that they will .stand 
 out clearly when all else is forjrotten. 
 The grreatest hardship of all was, of, scarcity 
 of water. I have .seen men stumbling- alongr with heav- 
 in,^ breasts and blood-shot eyes, oyer rock, sand and 
 sagre brush, mile after mile, beg^gnng., praying., yes 
 even cursingr for water. Poor fellows with "lips 
 cracked and bleeding-, would hold the water bottles to 
 their lips vainly endeavoringr to find a last drop in 
 them. Some wiped with their hands the prespiration 
 trom their foreheads and then rubbed the moisture 
 <>n their parched lips. Others, pale ami weak from 
 hungrer and rush to a dirty pool on the 
 i-oad. and. pushing, aside the grreen slime and filth 
 suck up a few drops of liquid poison. When any kind 
 ot water was to be had we were joyful, and even 
 thoug.h a rag- had to be put over the mouth of the 
 water bottle to keep back the hundreds of little ani- 
 mals we thanked God. In our worst times a mud 
 puddle was always welcome, for a few handfuls put in 
 a handkerchief and .squeezed would furnish, sufficient 
 water to moisten the lips and throats of three or four 
 I > 
 I I 
 men. No talking- was done on that inarch, for we 
 needed all our spare wind, and besides, breathinp^ was 
 painful enoug-h without making our throats more 
 parched by unnecessary conversation. Blistered feet 
 were plentiful ; veldt sores, those terrible ulcers, were 
 common, and the way those boys from comfortable 
 Canadian homes strug-gled along when every stej) 
 must have been a hell is deserving of the g^reatest 
 In times such as those our officers would often pass 
 down the Imes, usually with a word or two to cheer 
 us up and help the weaker ones along". Only four 
 more miles, boys," "Try to hang" on," "It won't be 
 over two hours till we halt," etc. And the tired soldier 
 would grasp his rifle more firmly, the poor fellow with 
 soleless boots move with a quicker step, and the man 
 almost crazy for water would straighten up, each with 
 the look in his eyes that showed he would "stick it 
 out" for that day's march at least. 
 And when the long-looked for pond ""ime in sight, 
 with what joy we hastened to the halting--place, piled 
 arms, threw off our equipment, and hurried down to 
 drink cup after cup of water, —.sometimes slimy, it is 
 true, .sometimes dipping- it up from between the horses 
 and mules that needed it as badly as we did, but still 
 water. Then on returning to the lines we heard orders 
 read: "Reveille at 2 a. m., blankets in waggrons at 
 2.30, breakfast at 3, march off at 3.30 a. m " The 
 orderly men brought supper from the cook "house, 
 blankets were spread, darkness beg-an to settle, and 
 we lay down to sleep, — our day's work done. 
:h, for we 
 ithinjT was 
 *oats more 
 iterert feet 
 leers, were 
 every step 
 e j,'-reatest 
 often pass 
 I to cheer 
 Only four 
 ; wont be 
 red soldier 
 ellow with 
 I the man 
 each with 
 "stick it 
 ; in siiiht, 
 lace, piled 
 down to 
 limy, it is 
 the horses 
 I, but still 
 ird orders 
 jrfTons at 
 m.' The 
 )l\ "house, 
 !ttle, and 
 •"Some men live to eat. others eat to live, but we did 
 neither.' " 
 WE were at Belmont, a half homesick and wholly 
 discontented crowd, anxious to do somethin^^ 
 more than ^rarrison duty and lon^injr for a move. Our 
 idea-perhaps a somewhat mistaken one-was that we 
 had come out to Africa to fight and not to spend our 
 year m seeminq-ly useless outpost duty on the line of 
 communication. This anxiety of ours to get into a 
 hffht was a great source of amusement to the Imperial 
 troops, but although they smiled at our wild talk they 
 always gave the same piece of advice, "Dout hurt 
 yourselves in looking for a scrap, for after you have 
 been in one you won't like it so well." We di.scovered 
 the truth of this statement later on. 
 However, Christmas was drawing near and grad- 
 ually from war our conversation flowed into the 
 channel of what we were mi.ssing by not being at 
 home. We knew of course that presents had been 
 •sent to us, but as many other things had gone astray 
 we did not anticipate very much from that source 
 Our hopes were based chiefly on what the Army Serv- 
 ice Corps would issue and our Colonel buy In fact 
 our Captain had told us that there was to be a plum 
 i • 
 puddintj for each man, lots of chicken, etc., and more 
 fruit than we could eat. The puddinjrs we knew were 
 canned goods, probably partially dried, and would 
 need steam inj^ to brinjf them to proper condition. 
 In anticipation of this many of the boys made 
 from old biscuit boxes a curious style of steamer. 
 They bent the tin in a circle, nailed the edfi^es tog^ether, 
 put a bottom on in the same way, and punched holes 
 through it with their bay<mets. One tent, we knew, 
 had no less than eleven of these utensils for sixteen 
 men. It was truly a case of labor lost, for all the 
 puddings they received might be served in an ordinary 
 flower pot. 
 The wished-for fruit arrived in due course but to 
 those of us who were at the Quartermaster "s stores 
 at the time it did not smell very fresh, to say the least, 
 and when we shoved our fingers through the cases 
 there was a sort of soft, mushy feeling that was not 
 altogether satisfactory. But the fruit would be good, 
 for had we not been told so, and there was plenty of 
 it — but it did not arrive while we were there. 
 Christmas Day came and each man woke in the 
 morning with such a hungry look in his eyes that he 
 was at once handed a piece of biscuit. We did not 
 hang up our stockings the night before but one man 
 had pinned a pair of trousers on the outside of the 
 tent to dry, and found them minus the buttons -an 
 ostrich had been on the warpath. 
 For breakfast we had the usual bread and coffee, 
 although we did not call them by those names. Bread 
• , and more 
 : knew were 
 and would 
 boys made 
 s tog-ether, 
 iched holes 
 , vve knew, 
 or sixteen 
 or all the 
 n ordinary 
 rse but to 
 Ts stores 
 the least, 
 the cases 
 t was not 
 I be good, 
 plenty of 
 ce in the 
 i that he 
 ! did not 
 one man 
 e of the 
 ;tons - an 
 id coffee, 
 is kno^Ti as ' rooti, " tea or coffee as ' hot stuff ' any 
 thick kind of food like porridg-e or boiled mealies is 
 called 'burg-oo,' a thinner mixture such as soup goes 
 by the name of 'skilly,' potatoes, of course, are 
 •Murphys,' pre.served beef 'buUy,' and the making 
 and eatingr of any food is ' having a drum-up. ' But 
 this is by the way. 
 For breakfast, then, we had rooti and hot stuff- 
 not exactly what we mi^ht be eating at home where 
 the breakfast hour is usually spent in cracking- nuts 
 for the children,-but we were quite .satisfied with 
 what there was, for had we not been told that there 
 would be lots of everything nice for dinner. 
 At nine o'clock the ration bug-le sounded and our 
 orderly men went to the Q. M. stores to draw the 
 luxuries. We even sent a few extra men to help with 
 the loads and the rest of us lay in the tents anxiously 
 awaitingr their return. In due time they appeared, 
 but with a sad report. Nothing had been issued but 
 the regular quantity of bread, beef and vegetables 
 Strangle to say, this did not trouble us in the least for 
 we had been told that the dinner on that day was to 
 be a f^rand one. Ah ! Here was the explanation. A 
 serg-eant pushed aside the tent door and jerked out 
 his head moving- from side to side as if keeping- time 
 to his words : "The Colonel as hordered that hall the 
 men ave dinner hat the usual hour. Hextras will be 
 hi.s.sued hat three ho'clock.- His head waggled some 
 more and finally disappeared. Of course the ' hextran 
 1 '', 
 would be hissued' for we had been told so, and knew 
 we would not be deceived. 
 Dinner was cooked at twelve o'clock but the cooks 
 must have been greatly worried, or busy preparing; 
 for the sumptuous repast that was to follow, for the 
 stuff they sent into us was not fit for dogs. We left 
 it in the pot untouched, as no one cared about pai*- 
 boiled beef when in a few hours chickens and plum 
 puddings would be common. The dinner was thrown 
 out, the pot nicely cleaned with sand and water, and 
 taken back to the cook-house, bright enough to re- 
 ceive any chickens that ever laid eggs. 
 About two o clock a call was heard " No. 1 Section 
 turn out for your puddings, " " and everyone rushed to 
 the door. In an instant twenty-six men were gathered 
 round the spot whei^e, on a blanket lay packed in 
 pretty tins, our puddings. It was a time we had long 
 wished for and now right in front of us was the reality. 
 Hut as we gazed on the big heap before us something 
 seemed astray. We could not count the whole twenty- 
 six. Then the corporal spoke. "You see boys, there 
 is a pudding for each man but we are a few short — 
 twenty-three short in fact — so number two tent with 
 fourteen men will take two tins and out of them will 
 give one-third of a pudding to number one. This 
 makes an average of about eight men to each pudding, 
 and the Colonel hopes you will enjoy them."' 
 Were we worried ? not a bit for we had been told 
 that there was lots of pudding and such being the case 
 any more would not be good for us. We did not use 
i, and knew 
 t the cooks 
 ow, for the 
 s. We left 
 about par- 
 and plum 
 ^as thrown 
 water, and 
 igh to re- 
 '. 1 Section 
 rushed to 
 e g-athered 
 packed in 
 e had loiifr 
 he reality, 
 ie twenty- 
 3ys, there 
 w short — 
 tent with 
 them will 
 ne. This 
 I pudding, 
 been told 
 r the case 
 i not use 
 •nil': KAMors christmas dinnkr ]-, 
 the steamer previously made, but divided the '> plenty" 
 into twelve parts and received our shares on spoons. 
 Then mifi-ht have been seen an exhibition of true 
 c.mrapre, for every man opened his mourh and actually 
 swallowed plenty plum puddinjr, in fac; all he could 
 eat. at one mouthful. xNo one thoufrht ot indifrestion ; 
 the chan«-e to .such a rich diet never bothered an> 
 person, but strange to say, after having all the plum 
 pudding we could eat we did not experience that full 
 teeling. One fellow in an ashamed sort of way mur- 
 mured that he would not object to .some more, but he 
 was a glutton and did not know when to stop eating. 
 -Who is orderly man here?' The corporal was 
 .speaking. -Gone out.' -Well anyone will d,>. 1 
 want a man from each tent to draw chickens • (Gen- 
 eral chorus :" 111 go. • "You come Silver.- "Wait 
 tilllwa.shmy hands.- '-You are a chump. I don t 
 want you t(, draw the chickens in that way but just 
 to draw them from stores. " Silver went-but never 
 Three oclock came, four, half-past four, and no 
 chickens. Suddenly a faint voice was heard- -You 
 fellows ! Will you give your rations of chicken to the 
 man m hospital who has fever ? The other companies 
 are domg so and we expect to have plenty to give him 
 a feed. You know a fever patient does not eat much 
 We looked at the big pile of chicken-two wings and a 
 thread of meat--enough f<,r twelve men, and c<,n- 
 ■sidered. Here we were with a splendid dinner before 
 us and actually asked to give it awav when we had 
 eaten nothing all clay. Ah! Hadn't we? We were 
 nearly forjrettinfr the puddinjj. But we looked ajjain 
 at the two wind's etc., and thoujfht that all that, to 
 be eaten by only twelve men, mijfht hurt us, so the 
 verdict was in favor of the fever patient. When it 
 had f^'one, the pflutton who wanted more pudding 
 annoyed us still more by sayinj^ that he miy^ht have 
 had a yood square meal for his pet tarantula if we ha«l 
 not been so quick in giving the grub away. 
 They told us that the sick man had a splendid feed 
 —we doubt it. 
 At five o'clock we were ordered to fall in and when 
 the regiment formed up on parade the six barrels of 
 beer were opened — all but Ave of them which were kept 
 for future use. The company orderlies brought pots 
 t'lnd each mess received its share. Then (mr senior 
 major made a short speech in which he thanked the 
 regiment for its good conduct up to the present time 
 and said that in return for our excellent behaviour 
 we were to receive a plentiful supply of fruit to make 
 the day seem more like Christmas. In addition to this, 
 if none of the men got drunk on the most generous 
 share of English beer already issued we would be given 
 an extra ration of rum — two brimming spoonfuls. 
 Regiment was dismissed and we returned to our 
 tents with the intention of doing our best to keep sober 
 after drinking a whole pint of beer. On reaching our 
 tents what should we find but the non-coms, dividing 
 the issue of fruit into equal shares. We stared in 
 wonder at the big basketful before us and almost 
 ' We were 
 H)ked .'i^ain 
 all that, to 
 : us, so the 
 . When it 
 *e puddinjif 
 fni^rht havt- 
 ta if we had 
 lendid feed 
 n and when 
 barrels of 
 I were kept 
 mjrht pots 
 our senior 
 lanked the 
 •esent time 
 it to make 
 ion to this. 
 : generous 
 Id be |,^iven 
 ed to our 
 keep sober 
 iching- our 
 s. dividinjT 
 stared in 
 id almost 
 wished it had been kept in stores for a few days, for 
 how could we manajre to do it justice after all the plum 
 l)uddin«- and other luxuries which had jrone before ? 
 However here it was. three black bananas, one oraufre. 
 four plums, eleven K'rapes, and two maufrroves ;- and 
 we had to eat it. Even the jrlutton had hard work to 
 swallow the last of his two frrapes and such bein^r the 
 case it is easy to ima^nne how the rest of us felt. 
 We dreaded cramps and lay down in the tents to 
 rest our overloaded .stomachs. It had been a si)Ien(li(l 
 dinner, we were told so at least, but the beer must 
 have made a jtckI many of the men drunk, for the rum 
 was never i.ssued. 
 " The Canadians hastened the inevitable." 
 |UCH has been said and written of this our first 
 enjrag-ement, but as it comes home to the 
 people of Canada more than any other fi^ht in which 
 our rejriment took part, it may be classed as one of 
 those events which are always new. At other times 
 in the campaign we have endured for a .short time 
 much greater hardships, but never were there four 
 weeks of misery such as those from February 17th to 
 March 15th, 1900. We had left Graspan on the morn- 
 ing of Tuesday, Feby. 13th, and reached Klip Drift 
 early the following Saturday. Fully expected to have 
 a day's rest there, but about sundown orders came to 
 pack up and be ready to move at a moment's notice. 
 We started at seven in the evening and marched until 
 ten, when a halt of an hour or so was called that the 
 mules and oxen might be watered at the river. Dur- 
 ing this hour we slept. Then it began again and we 
 went along, mile after mile, hour after hour, not 
 knowing where we were going or what was ahead of us. 
 One misery we were spared on that march— the heat- 
 but the night was fairly warm and we were in a very 
 sandy part of the country, so that the dust bothered 
 us almost as much as the sun would have done. We 
 were short of water, for the supply at Klip Drift was 
 limited and many of the boys had found it impossible 
 to fill their bottles ; but our captain-a man in every 
 sense of the word-did everythin^r in his power to mak'e 
 it easier for us. He, in some way, manajred to obtain 
 about half a bucket of water ami served it out with 
 his own hands-one cuj^ful for ten men-and the last 
 person in the company to wet his lips was the captain 
 himself. We were hun^rry too, but hun^rer is for^^otten 
 in the lonj^injir for water. 
 Towards morninjr j^runs were heard in advance and 
 we quickened our pace, not knowing- what was poin^r 
 on but wishinjr to jret there before the finish. As 
 liRlit be«-an to break over the hills and we could see 
 the road, numbers of scraps of me.on and citron riml 
 were found .scattered alon^r our line of march where 
 they had been thrown by the Kaffirs accompanyinjr 
 our advance yuard. These were ea^rerly picked up 
 sciaped, and eaten by our men, as they were both 
 juicy and cool. The last few hours were terrible, but 
 everything must have an end and shortly before six 
 o'clock we halted in a grove near the bank of the Mod- 
 der. Rations were at once issued-one and a quarter 
 biscuit per man, tea was made-the ration of tea at 
 that time being one twenty-fourth of an ounce and 
 sugar one quarter ounce-and we tried to eat a morsel 
 before going into action. It was useless, for before the 
 tea was cool enough to sip we were given the usual 
 ration of rum-one half gill-and ordered to fall in. 
 We went first at the double to the slope of a rising 
 ground on the top of which our guns were in position, 
 but after stayin^r there a short time were ordered 
 back and proceeded to cross the river. 
 At the point of crossing— Troop's Drift— the cur- 
 rent was very swift and the water varied in depth 
 from two to six feet. From our place on the bank we 
 saw the Gordons wading- across, three or four of them 
 C9r0^m»„A Omit; '■ 
 joining- arms and thus supporting- each other, but when 
 our fellows started they carried ropes over and by a 
 number pulling on each end we were enabled to cross 
 in single file more easily than the others had done. 
 Our haversacks, containing the fragment of biscuit 
 supposed to represent a day's food, were tied around 
 our necks, rifles slung as high as possible, and watches 
 or other articles liable to be damaged by water were 
 placed in the helmets. In this way we forded the 
im^ > ^- /■■^i»w^,%rt ■ /,■ 
 Modeler, and althoujrh many of our men were thrown 
 off their feet by the rushinjr river none were lost. On 
 reachin},^ the farther bank we had a good wash and 
 filled our water bottles, after drinking as much as we 
 could hold, and then formed up to begin our first fight. 
 As one of the boys remarked, "We were up against 
 the real thing then. ■' 
 The general plan of attack is so well known that a 
 description of it would only be a repetition of what 
 everyone already understands. Enough to say that 
 we were extended to ten paces and advanced. Our 
 company was held in reserve during the greater part 
 of the fight, but on this day, on account of the ground 
 sloping towards the Boer position the casualty list 
 among the reserves was larger than is usually the case. 
 We had, of course, got wringing wet when crossing 
 the river, but the sun came out about nine o'clock and 
 in a few hours our clothing was almost dry. Then a 
 most unusual thing happened. Our men, lying under 
 fire, but not actually engaged, one by one fell asleep 
 and enjoyed the best rest they had had for some days. 
 While sleeping, a heavy thunder storm came on and in 
 a few moments we were as wet as ever. As it was now 
 late in the afternoon there was not enough sun to dry 
 our clothes and consequently the same old, miserable 
 feeling tackled us again. 
 It was about this time that Father O'Leary walked 
 along the lines, stopping to speak to each man, espec- 
 ially the French Canadians, and doing his best to cheer 
 them up. A plucky action on his part, but very foolish 
 for he was making- a tarjret of himself and drawing fire 
 on each man he spoke to. During all this time the 
 usual quiet excitement of a fig-ht was keeping- up our 
 interest. Every now and then a cry would come for 
 stretcher-bearers, and by and by some poor fellow was 
 carried past moaning^, often with blood trickling- down 
 trom his wounds. One of our own boys, who has not 
 come home, walked alongr the line, under fire, 
 .i^^athered the water bottles from his chums, w( nt to 
 the river and filled them, and then came back and 
 deliberately carried each (me to its owner. And in 
 our reg-iment dozens of brave deeds were performed, 
 any one of which was worthy of the Victoria Cross 
 had the proper report been sent in. It is a very 
 strangre thing- that in the Royal Canadian Keg-iment, 
 which did its part so well and received such praise, 
 uot one man ever received the V. C. This was not 
 because no one had earned it. but rather that the 
 deeds of valor performed in our numerous engtig^- 
 uients were never reported, and no effort was made 
 to reward any of the boys for their heroism. About 
 four or five o'clock on Sunday afternoon as we were 
 beg-inning- to tire of the thing-, the Cornwalls were seen 
 commgr up from the rear, and we found that they 
 were to do a bayonet chargre. Before making- the 
 final they lay down with us for a few minutes' 
 rest, and it was then that the mistake occurred which 
 gave us such a name for bravery, but which was paid 
 tor with the blood of many of our brave fellows. 
 When the Cornwalls halted, preparatory to charg-ingr 
 a and H Companies of their corp.. were ri^ht beside 
 G and H of the Canadians, and when, in a minute 
 or two the order was passed alonjr for G and H Com- 
 panies to fix bayonets, we naturally understood it to 
 refer to ourselves and acted according-ly. Almost in- 
 stantly the bucrles sounded the charge and we started. 
 When our other companies saw G and H rushinjr 
 alon^, they fixed bayonets and did the same, so that 
 the work which was intended to be done by the Corn- 
 walls became a combined rush by both battalions. 
 The charg-e failed. No men who ever lived could have 
 made a success of it, but the jrrandeur of that wild 
 rush must have ^aven the Boers a much hijrher opinion 
 of British courajre. 
 The Colonel of the Cornwalls, who ordered the 
 charjre, and who held in his hand five pounds for the 
 first man to reach the Boer trenches, fell at the first 
 volley, when leading: his men, and was buried by them 
 next day. 
 This piece of work practically ended the davs fi^rht- 
 injr but firing- was continued until lonjr after .sundown, 
 when all our men who could be found, .rathered 
 tog-ether to march back to where we were encamped 
 for the night. When we had walked about a mile 
 our junior major appeared, and, after giving us orders 
 for the nijrht, asked for a volunteer search party 
 togfoout for dead and wounded. In the whole cam" 
 paigrn there is nothing- more creditable to Prince 
 Edward Island than the fact that all the men who 
 formed that party were from her shores. And it i^ 
 the more worthy of praise, as all our own wounded 
 had previously been brouffht in. 
 The scenes witnessed on that field where so manv 
 heroes lay dyinjr, are beyond description. It was sad 
 in the extreme, but amid the was a feelinjr of 
 pride— that we were permitted to form part of an 
 army which held such men in its ranks. One poor 
 chap shot throufrh the throat told us that he was not 
 badly hurt but dreaded lyin^r on the field all nifrht. 
 His wound, he said, was not painful, but interfered 
 mth his breathing. We g-ave him more clothinjr and 
 promised to send a stretcher out for him. "No," 
 was his answer, " Dont say that. So many have 
 promised a stretcher and I have waited hours for it. 
 Let it come as a surprise." We found him in the 
 For the remainder of that ni^rht we slept, in spite 
 of the cold and huno-er. It had been found impossible 
 to brinjr our wag-ons over the river and food and 
 blankets were not ready for us. On an average five 
 men tried to find shelter under one rubber sheet. 
 Next day, Monday, we rested after burying- the 
 dead, and in the evening- marched out to a rising- 
 ground a few miles from the bivouac, where our Brigr- 
 adier made a short address of cong-ratulation and 
 thanked the battallion for its conduct on the previous 
 Tuesday morningr we moved out to take our place in 
 the cordon formed around the enemy. All day we lay 
 on the field doings some fine shooting with almost no 
■ ^•WSiHi " /, 
 danger to ourselves, and at sundown retired to the 
 hills where we were to do outpost duty. Here we re- 
 mained until about noon on Friday, starving-, shiverinjr 
 with the cold, and wrinfriny wet all the time from the 
 continuous rain. While on these hills some of our 
 men mana^-ed to capture a nice heifer which was killed 
 and eaten in double time, the meat beinjr put on to 
 fry almost before it was cold. 
 On Friday our company moved back near Troops 
 Brift to a hill we afterwards named Starvation Kopje, 
 and on it passed three more days of misery. Rain 
 every nijrht, no firewood, wet clothin;,r and blankets, 
 outpost duty and a two mile walk for water. 
 From this position we had a splendid view of the 
 .surrounding- country and could see all that was yoinjr 
 on in the plain below us. Here we first saw a larj>e 
 army, fifty thousand men, and could watch all 
 their movements. The boys would sit for hours enjoy- 
 injr the spectacle and observing the effect of the 
 shrapnel and lyddite which poured unceasino-lv into 
 the Boer trenches. Rut even this little excitement 
 yrew monotonous and on the third day our only topic 
 of conversation was about when we were likelv to ^o 
 home. Poor boys ! None of them dreamed how soon 
 some were jjroinjr home. 
 On Monday afternoon we came down from the hill 
 and marched up the river to the British trenches 
 whither the rest of our battalion had preceeded us. I„ 
 passinjr over the position first held bv Cronje we 
 actually had to break ranks to avoid the" carcasses of 
 mules, horses and bullocks with which the frround was 
 almost covered. The stench was sick'eninfr ; so bad 
 indeed that in our regiment the name Paardeberg was 
 seldom heard. We used a more vulgar but certainly a 
 more expressive word and called the place Stinkfontein. 
 In the evening- tea was made and served on the bank of 
 the river and when the nijrht jrrew sufficiently dark we 
 moved in silence to the trenches and took up our posi- 
 tion in readiness for the advance. Our orders were 
 that we were to move out at 2 a. m. in two ranks, the 
 front rank with fixed bayonets, fifteen paces in advance 
 of the others, who were to sling their rifles and carry 
 picks and shovels to assist the Royal Engineers in 
 digging the new trench. Front rrnk of course to act 
 as a guard in case of an attack. The new trench to be 
 two hundred yards nearer the Boer position than we 
 then were. We lay down in the trenches to get a few 
 hours sleep and at two o'clock were awakened and got 
 ready for the advance. Orders were passed along in 
 a whisper and we started. We knew that the Boers 
 were about six hundred yards away but never imagined 
 that we were to get any nearer to them than the 
 distance ordered. So when, the word to halt was 
 passed along we lay down, thinking the worst was over 
 and that we only had to keep quiet until the new 
 trench was made. But in a very few moments, to the 
 surprise of everyone, word came to advance again. On 
 and on we moved, scarcely daring to think what the 
 result might be but hoping that our leaders knew what 
 they were doing. For the last minute or two the 
4**^" - V>;'-^» I 
 nervous strain was intense. We knew how far our 
 trench was from the Boers, and could judjre fairly well 
 the distance we had come, so expected every second 
 to be ris-ht on top of the enemy. This mijrht have 
 happened, but one of our feUows kicked a tin can, 
 probably there for that very purpase, and then came a 
 •single shot from the Boer sentry, followed by a volley 
 that almost took our breath away. The flashes from 
 the rifles made a continuous blaze of lijrht rifrht in 
 front and we could almost imajrine we felt the heat 
 from them. Men dropped on all sides and in a few 
 seconds the air was filled with cries and groans from 
 the wounded. Those who were hit in that first volley 
 and did not manage to get back almost at once were 
 afterwards killed, for. being disabled, they could not 
 throw up any protection for themselves. The rest of 
 us, using our bayonets as picks, and canteen covers or 
 hands for shovels, quickly dug small holes and piled the 
 clay in front as a covering for our heads. The hardest 
 part of the whole thing was to he there being shot at 
 without returning the enemy's fire. The Boers knew 
 we were .somewhere in front of them but could not tell 
 exactly where and were firing at random. Conse^ 
 quently had any one of our men discharged his rifle the 
 flash from it would have betrayed our position and the 
 probable result would have been that not a single man 
 of F or G companies would have come out alive. 
 Then the thought struck us that we were in a 
 delicate position should morning break and show us to 
 the enemy. But before this happened the fire gradually 
 slackened and we crawled back one at a time to the 
 trench which had been built. However, another un- 
 comfortable feeling- arose from this cause— that here 
 were F, G and H Companies of the Canadians forty 
 yards from five thousand Dutchmen and nearly six- 
 hundred yards from any of our own men. Our only 
 plan therefore was to scare the life out of the enemy 
 and keep down their fire. This was done to perfection, 
 for all the men g-athered in the trenches with rifles 
 cocked and ready for anythiufr that mijrht turn up. 
 We thoug-ht the Boers would be anxious to see what 
 had occurred in the nigfht, and just as day was break- 
 ing our suppositions were shown to be correct. One 
 man, more ea/^er than his fellows, slowly raised his 
 head over the trench. We just had time to observe 
 the look of surpiise on his face and then there was not 
 much face left to look at, for nearly all our fellows fired 
 to^rether, and over a hundred rifles aimed at one small 
 tar^ret less than fifty yards away made that Boer look 
 surprised. In fact he lost his head entirely. 
 From that time until the sun was up they were 
 continually jumpinjr around their trenches wavino- 
 white flajfs. but everyone who showed himself was shot. 
 About seven o'clock the matter seemed settled, for a 
 veldt-cornet of theirs came {rallopinfr over the field 
 with a lar^re white flajr on a statt'. The Boers laid 
 down their arms and came troopinjr out of the 
 trenches; the ten days" fijrht at Paardeberjr Drift 
 was over : the Canadians had hastened the inevitable : 
 Majuba was avenged, for Cronje had surrendered. 
 "Bless thee, Bully Doctor." 
 WE was a F-enchman, with all the peculiar char- 
 acteristics of his race ; short and slijrht, but 
 well put tojrether ; a thorough athlete and quick as a 
 steel trap. When he joined us first, his knowledjre of 
 the Enjrlish lanf^uajre was somewhat hazy, but {gradu- 
 ally improved as time passed. On the steamer from 
 Quebec to Capetown we befran to discover that in the 
 little doctor we had a bit of a curiosity, but not until 
 we reached Belmont did we find out just what he was. 
 The task of drillinfr the stretcher bearers fell to him 
 as junior surjreon, and the way he handled them was 
 somethinjT marvellous. In the forenoon we always 
 manaired to jrather around, at a respectable distance 
 of course, and watch the fun. No sio-n of a smile ever 
 appeared on the faces of the onlookers, but when the 
 show was over and the " little doctor " jrone, we {rave 
 our feelings full play, and lau<rhed until we were sore. 
 As a rule the men underjjfoing- the operation fell in 
 before him properly. Then he would number them, 
 and proceed to {jfive a few orders,—" Stretcher bears, 
 move to the rifrht in file ! Form fours ! Left ! Go on ! 
 Move ! Quick march ! Rijrht form ! Stop ! Halt ! ! 
 Whoa ! ! ! Oh, Damn de Engrlish ! ! ! !"' 
 .*_-*- r->* 
 orK DonoR 
 HLs usual method of treatinjr anyone who reporteff 
 sick was-lookinjr at the sick report-" Jenkin«, Wen- 
 kins. Henkins. Oh, 1 don't know, but come on anyhow, 
 whatever your name is. Well, my boy, what is the 
 matter?- " Cramps. Eh ? What! You will have 
 cramps? Well T will jrive you three pills, you under- 
 stand : you take one pill now. one piR at dinner time, 
 one pill to-ni-ht. and the other in the morning-. You 
 understand ? And if you not well next week come 
 back a^-ain, eh ?" 
 He was always (juick in his movements, and ex- 
 pected every(me else to be the .same. Woe betide the 
 man who was slow in answering- to his name when 
 called from the sick report. Nothinjr was too bad for 
 him. '-My boy, you think I am .sit here all day to wait 
 for you ? Why you not come when I call, eh ? You 
 ever come to me this way agrain. I will g-ive you some 
 thmjrs that make you move more quick, eh ? You 
 understand? Now. what is the matter ?" 
 In the medicine panniers the pills always went by 
 numbers instead of names, and his favorite seemed to 
 be number nine. No matter whether the man for 
 treatment was sufferingf from a touch of sunstroke or 
 a blistered foot, it was all the same. On one occasion, 
 when the victim was. by his own account, feelinjr 
 pretty the doctor called for number nine 
 The orderly replied that there were no number nines in 
 stock. Quick as a flash came the request, " Well then 
 g-ive me a six and a three. • Talk about Yankees bein^r 
 equal to any emerg-ency : with our doctor necessity was 
■^'%.'«> (r 
 • >rK DOCTOR 
 certainly the mother of invention, and he always rose 
 to the occasion. 
 While he was on duty at Klip River, the Sjrt. Major 
 of the Royal Irish Rifles reported sick with a veldt sore 
 on his hand. Lookinjr him over carefully, the doctor 
 broke out : " My boy, you are Serjreant Major you have 
 one sore hand, eh >. Well, my boy, you eat too much. I 
 will «-ive you two ,)ill,s, eh ; you will take one pill every 
 two hours, you understand ; the last one not .so soon "' 
 Rut when a man was really sick no one could be more 
 attentive than he. We all liked him. althoujrh bis 
 manner was, to say the least, verv peculiar. In cases 
 where his knowledjre of sury-ery was required, he 
 always did his best and treated the different wounds or 
 sores with all the of a woman. One of our 
 boys received a nasty cut, and the doctor was as 
 attentive as thouyh the wounded man were his own 
 brother. He came into our car on the armoured train 
 one eveninjr with a pillow in his hand, and jroinjr over to 
 the sick man asked : - Well, my boy, how your head is 
 this evening- ?■• - Pretty .sore, doctor. • " Is it one 
 jump, jump pain?- -No." -A pain that stands 
 .still all the time?- ^Ye.s.- -And sore, .sore like 
 blazes ? - - Yes. doctor. " •' Well, my boy. I will o-ive 
 you one pillow for put under your head, eh ? You will 
 put the pillow down and your head on the pillow you 
 understand, eh ? .And two little pills v<m will 
 take, now one of them if your head is .sore, and the 
 other one I will wrap in a piece of paper, eh. and it 
 you will take in the ni^rht if your head is a<.-iin 
I . 
 you understand?' The piece ..f paper in which the 
 I'ill was vvrajjped was fully as lar«-e as a juistaire 
 He was certainly peculiar, a thorou^-h Frenchman, 
 but with a very soft heart, and. am<.n«- the few 
 pleasin^r recollections „f a hard campaign, one fijrure 
 will be remembered when most others are for^rotten 
 —that of (mr little French Doctor. 
^i'^^i^ A 
 "Now good digestion wait on cippetite. dnd 
 health on both." 
 mFIEY weie first heard of at Belmont, when some 
 1 of the boys received letters sayiny- that the 
 IH'ople at home were sendinjr „ut a number of boxes 
 containinfr puddinys. cake of all kinds, chocolates, 
 cigarettes, and in fact lots of evervthiuo- o-enerally 
 supposed to make Christmas what it ouj^ht to be, 
 After that, in almost every letter we received there 
 would be the expre.ssion: " ] hope the Christmas boxes 
 reached you all rifrht," and we invariably answered 
 that they had not exactly arrived but that we had 
 heard they were on the \vay. Then one dav we were 
 told that the cases were in Cape Town, and our officer 
 had wired to have them forwarded at once to Belmont. 
 Naturally that jrood news raised our hopes, and. as the 
 day on which they should arrive drew near, a few of 
 the boys always happened to be at the station. But 
 they did not come, and we be^-an to ima<rine all sorts of 
 thinirs. Perhaps they had u-one the wrony" road. An 
 accident mi^rht have happened to the train. l>er- 
 chance .some hospital men had commandeered them 
 for the sick. Anythinjr mijjfht have occurred, and we 
 jrrew pale and hafrjjfard-lookinjr from the terrible strain 
 ; II 
 -tr«L- r-s» 
 I^fT)IOESTlON r'lr.LS 
 on our nerves. But after a time the exh^e was worn 
 off our suffering- and we were able to think of the mat- 
 ter with a cahiier mind. In fact the non-arrival of 
 the ^oods formed a common topic of conversation and 
 we were never tired of <j^uessin<f what would be sent to 
 each fellow. It fjfot to be a standinjjf joke in the com- 
 pany for someone to remark, whenever a train was 
 heard, "there come our Christmas boxes, boys, "but 
 Christmas came and went and we enjoyed the presents 
 in imajifination only. We lay on our backs in the tents 
 thoroughly ajjpreciatinjr' the plentiful supply of imajjf- 
 inary chocolates, raisins, and almond nuts with which 
 we ended our spiritual banquet. It was a time when 
 the xihilosophy of Christian Science would have been 
 very comforting'', but none of us were well read in that 
 subject and thus were not ible to properly enjoy the 
 ima<ifinary viands. A ci<ifar with even a faintly percep- 
 tible flavor, and any smoke at all, would have been 
 relished more than the ones we had, and even army 
 biscuit satisfied our appetites in a far g^reater de^a-ee 
 than the visionary plum puddinys and cake could ever 
 have done. It was a Barmecides feast all rijjfht. but 
 only as rejL>"irds the first part. The second half was 
 still to come and sometimes we re<rretted that imlike 
 Schacabac we had no one to strike for causing the 
 delay in furnishinir it. 
 Time passed, and gradually we ijfrew to think less of 
 our Christmas boxes until one day, after Paardeberj^-, 
 word was received that they had been sent to Kimber- 
 ley, and miyht come across to us by tran>p )rt. At 
 that .statre of the (fame we were in a state „f semi- 
 »tarvati.,„ and had the presents reached us then thev 
 would have been appreciated as perhaps nothing, was 
 «-er appreciated before. But the, did not come and 
 after a da, or two we became quite resi^^ned to our 
 ate never expecting, to .see the cakes or puddings 
 untd we started for home. 
 A short time after this we marched into Bloeuifon- 
 tern and very soon g^ot better food and far more of it 
 than we had received since leavinjr Grn.s Pan 
 While quartered at Bioemfontein our re^nraent .vent 
 ■mt several times on reconnais,sance and when the 
 -hsaster at Sannahs Post occurred we were hurried out 
 t" reinforce or tr, to mend matters. It was a fast 
 march and fair,, ,on,. ^^■, were not in ,„,k, condition 
 or here had been rain nearl, ever, „i,,ht since we 
 eached the town and our tents had not arrived A 
 tew da,s later ue marched back to the city and there 
 u-e few m G Company who will for,.et the surprise 
 t^t awa.ted us. Our tents were all pitched and readv 
 tor us to occupy, and the Christmas boxes had arrived 
 fecarcel, had we piled arms and taken off our 
 e.,u>pme„t when the order was heard G Companv fall 
 ." for ,our Christmas presents.- And we fellin so 
 <l".ckly that our non-coms, almost wished that there 
 >vere presents to be is.sued at every parade. We fairlv 
 ran to the Quartermasters stores and there la, three 
 an,e boxe.s-T,,K boxes-containinjr the ^ood thin.,s 
 that we had been thinkiu,. about for months 
 >«r the New Brunswick b„,s there was a lar^e case 
 with a small box in it for each man. From Charlotte- 
 town three boxes had been sent — one larj^^^e one from 
 the ladies of the city with a present for each of 
 us, the other two containinj^ private shifts. By 
 chance, one plum pudding-,* which should have been 
 in the larji^e box was packed in one of the others, 
 and it is the only thinjif we ever received from the 
 people at home. The principal box for the Island 
 boys had jifone to G Co. of the Butt's. 
 But although the puddings, etc. had failed to 
 materialize we still had our private presents to fall 
 back upon, and they were well worth receivin<r. Sev- 
 eral of the boys g^ot larj^e fruit cakes, tins of milk, 
 oysters, jam, salmon, etc. It was amusinj^- to hear the 
 remarks as each name was called, and the man stepped 
 forward to receive his box: "Is that frcmi her, 
 Bobby?" ''Now remember your failiny. Shaky, and 
 don't eat too much." "Come to dinner with me 
 to-morrow, will you — and bring" a few doug^hnuts 
 along-, " etc., etc. When the cases were empty and 
 there was no chance of receiving any more, we hurried 
 back to our tents and beg^an opening the different 
 packagfes. "Oh ! what nice red and blue ribbon — and 
 I need a bootlace." " Say. boys, homemade candy in a 
 tin box — just what I wanted to hold my towel and soay) 
 — have a piece." "Here, darling-, try this — well 111 
 be blowed. If there ain't some of Jack Joy's oysters. 
 Open them quick. "' " You fellows just keep your hair 
 ♦From Mrs. (Capt.) Bartlett. 
 on for a few minutes. First thin? vou know every- 
 thmcr will be eaten and you will have nothing- for to- 
 morrow. • "I say, old man, here is a package of Sweet 
 Caporals for you-came in my box. " ' " G ive me a taste 
 of that cake, Silver. " •' Boys, look here ; a whole bi.. 
 truit cake-but there s citron in it; what a pity ^' 
 " What s this? A tin of condensed milk-Oak brand 
 That must be from the new factory at home. We'll 
 try it in the tea this eveninfr.' " Pay attention. y(m 
 fellows. Here is a box of ci^rars for the crowd, with the 
 compliments of the barbers of Charlottetown. They 
 will just ^ro two apiece. Pass them round. •" "Some 
 one go for the tea, ifs ready. " - Whos orderlv man"'- 
 "Ah ! here it comes. Dish it out • Now. let us 
 have a proper supper. Say ^race, Silver." "All 
 rif^ht. Shut up fellows. Oh Lord, thanks awfully. Eat!"- 
 Then we started, and for the next half hour every- 
 one was too busy to talk. Scotch cake, fruit cake 
 doughnuts, tarts, canned meats and fish, bon-bons and 
 ra,sms vanished as if by magic, and it was not until 
 one ot the boys looked up, and uttered along-drawn 
 A-h-h-h ! that we understood how much we had 
 eaten. Had the people at home onlv seen us then 
 they would not only have considered themselves 
 well repaid for their trouble, but would have wished 
 -as we did-that they had sent more 
 Our company was the only one in the regiment 
 which received anything like this, and we found great 
 pleasure in inviting members of other companies to 
 oome and see what the little Provinces had sent to their 
 boys. Some of the others were well supplied with 
 ^I'fferent articles of underclothinjr, had received plenty 
 money from their own towns and been well treated 
 m many ways, but when it came to a ffood biy- feed of 
 the thinjrs they used to eat at home, the underclothes 
 and money were all forjrotten and the one thought in 
 their minds was "why didnt our people send some 
 «Tub mstead of those blooming- socks. " 
 We enjoyed watchinjr the hunjrrv look in their eyes 
 as they walked up and down our lines, vainly wishin.r 
 for an m^itation to come in and have a taste, and the 
 enjoyment was increased by the knowledjre that while 
 we had rao-g-ed clothes they had jrood (mes and would 
 not ffive us any. 
 The presents as a whole lasted for two davs, and 
 after that, for about a week, we had at every meal a 
 small piece of cake from some which had been held 
 m reserve. Gradually, however, everythiufr disap- 
 peared, and in a few days the only .sij^s of the pres- 
 ents that remained were the boxes they had come in 
 Hut every now and then at supper one of the boys 
 with that hm^nnjr io„k in his eyes would remark : -'j; we had some more of that fruit cake."" 
 " His army is a ragged multitude 
 Of hinds and peasants, rude and merciless." 
 mnK Boer is a coward. No one who ha.s ever bee,, 
 1 in action him can reasonably think- 
 otherwise. In the mornin,r ,^hen he ,roes out to fi.-ht 
 hus one prayer to Heaven is that he mav be shown how 
 he can most treacherously murder our men With a 
 bandolier, bible, and white fla«-. he takes his position 
 amonj, the rocks, leavin^r his horse at the foot of the 
 lull furthest from the British. A Dutchman can hide 
 himself and find almost ab.solute protection, where a 
 tSntish soldier would expose his whole body 
 In person the Boer is-to use a common slan.- ex- 
 I>re,s.sion-not much to look at. The men, althc.u.^h 
 tanned by exposure, are usually of a fair complexion 
 ^vith mouse-colored hair and watery blue eyes These 
 eyes are a distino-uishin,. characteristic of the people 
 <>rn.ore than any other race, they have the sneaky." 
 treacherous expression always .seen on the face of 'a 
 coward. In most cases he dre.sses in a suit of ...ey 
 homespun, often just as useful as our khaki for aMv 
 'lenn,. himself invisible in the sunburned ,a-ass of the 
 veldt. A lijrht slouch hat with a handkerchief wound 
 round in the form of a pu^aree covers his head, and 
 his les^s are g-enerally protected by leather le'i'jring's. 
 Picture to yourself a filthy, ifrnorant-lookinj]^ fellow in 
 a costume like this, wearinjr over his shoulder the in- 
 evitable bandolier full of ammunition, in his hand a 
 Mauser rifle and you will see the Boer as we saw him, 
 a cowardly cur, belonj^in^ to a civilization of three 
 hunc^r. \ rs ago, and a cancer on the face of the 
 As a fiij^hter the Dutchman most certainly is a suc- 
 cess in his own way. He knows his country perfectly, 
 is a g-ood ri''-r- ,]Aes not object to filth, eats any old 
 thinjj. ana vr's ''■';>. s' when there is the least sifjfu of 
 daufi^er. Th , ruL i.' -ay kind of warfare is, ''Injure 
 the . neniy ?.' ■ iruoh o • ssible, with the least loss to 
 yourself," anJ il pr.^, [i mv« the maxim certainly, 
 but before it always piace.-^ another, older than the 
 hills, to the effect that "he who fijfhts and runs away 
 may live to fljifht another day. ' 
 In practically all the enji^auements in which our 
 rejjfiment took part, the firins»- was at long" ranj^e, sel- 
 dom becomin}>- less than three or four hundred yards. 
 Whenever our firinjif line g'ot to within any decent 
 ran<re, the main body of Boers fled down the far side of 
 the hills, mounted their horses, and rode oft' as quickly 
 as possible to the next suitable position, leaving a few 
 men ajjainst us to keep up a pretence of firinjif and 
 cover the retreat of the others. In several cases our 
 fellows, workin<r towards the position in the ordinary 
 form of attack, rushed the kopjes with fixed bayo- 
 nets, only to see on reachinj^ the top the main 
vm^«» 7. 
 b-Kly „f Boer« a ,„i,e a.ay an,l still ,,„i„. s,„„e- 
 left behmd, e,ther intentionally <,r by their horses 
 ™nn,„,, away, but in most cases they entirely escaped 
 us and our only satisfaction ,vas in hearin./fron, the 
 natives, who saw the enemy in retreat, that they were 
 carrying, away with them a certain number of killed 
 and wounded. We have never had a decent chance at 
 them w,th the bayonet, but have seen others catch 
 hem^for .nstance, the famous charjre of the Gordons 
 at Hout Nek. Here we heard the Hi,d,land cheer and 
 »m,led kno^vinp that althou«h we were not lucky 
 enough to be in it, the ,.allant Go,-d„„s .ere harin.". 
 their reven,.e for Ma,rersfontein, To our straining 
 ears came the shrieks and ,.roans of wounded ..nd 
 dym,. Dutchmen, and we fairly huf,(,ed ourselves with 
 dehjrht, each man picturing to hi,n.self the worried look 
 "n h faces of the Boers as they saw the relentless 
 tee, draw nearer and nearer. Our greatest hope was 
 to engage them at close quarters, but the op,x, tunity 
 never came, for every ti,ne we made a rush they ZZ 
 J-'one, but we knew that in many cases other regm.el 
 have got mto the.n, and while we regret our own j." 
 fortune ,„ this respect, we rejoice th.t the ™rk would have giy.n us so much satisfaction ": 
 done, and well done, by others 
 In the battle of Poplar firoye, as an mstance of l,o„. 
 the Boers ,nanaged to get away, three or four ,ne„ 
 -re left to handle a forty pound gun ,n„unted ol™ 
 l.'rge kopje. com,nandi„g our lin, „f advance. The 
 H '' 
 firing" from this gun delayed our column for four hours, 
 during which time Kruger and Steyn who were 
 present, were able to flee. In Roman history we read 
 about Horatius and two companions holding the 
 bridge against Lars Porsena and his army, but who 
 can say that the few men who worked that gun on the 
 big hill might not become just as famous were there a 
 Macaulay to put in verse the story of their exploit ? 
 In this particular case our brigade could not march 
 past that kopje when the shells were dropping all 
 around, and for all we knew it might have been a trap : 
 but after a time another battalion of ours — the Shrop- 
 shires I think,— worked round to the rear, climbed the 
 hill, and captured the gun. But the damage had been 
 done. The delay enabled the Boer army to get away, 
 and for the remainder of the march into Bloemfontein 
 we fought a continuous rear guard action. 
 And thus it has been all along: cowardly, tricky and 
 treacherous, the Boer is not worthy of the British 
 soldier's steel. A disgrace to Christianity and modern 
 civilization, he has put up a good fight simply because 
 he knows the country perfectly, has at his command 
 any number of natural fortresses, and is a good hand 
 at retreating. There is no doubt but that, as the 
 Boers have for years been preparing for this war. 
 enonnovis quantities both of food and ammunition are 
 buried throughout the country, and are being drawn 
 upon from time to time, as occasion requires. But it 
 cannot last forever, and in a very short time we 
 may hope to see our army, under the Generalship 
-> 'in^ 
 '^'^'mm (M 
 •^'f Lord Kitchener, thorouo-hlv fitted -mrl • , 
 ior the species of .nierill. u-.rf-n ''''''''"'' 
 The extreme mobility of the enemv i ■ f i, 
 .,,„,,. . -^ '^"'^ enemy is the cause of the 
 ..PIMrent s„cc.»s „f his mov™,e„t,s, but >vith „e„ 
 Wses .n„ p,ent.v „f the„, there is „„ ..aso Z 
 ™. ...valr, could „.,t e„„a,i.e matter, and the fi„er 
 he .cu,u „f the earth, the thorn in the si„e „f e1 ' 
 l.'n,l. be settle,] once ami forever 
 "For spangled nighf does not always spread its 
 shade for mortals." 
 /JVN Ntn. Ye.-,i-, nijjht G Company was ,ktaile<l f,„- 
 uTll , ! '■'™" '" "''"™'" «'•■"■"" ""<' -em 
 up the hne shortly after five o'clock. The evening, 
 was clear an,, cool, though not at all unco.n 
 ftrtable and we anticipated a „uiet ni,*ts duty. 
 At that of the year the ,,r„„„d became very 
 hot dunn,. the day, and towards ni,.ht sent up 
 waves of heat throu,* which the stars seemed 
 to waver to and fro. The ser<r.-,„t ,•„ ,, ' 
 ,. ^"e sergfeant m charije of 
 us-the same who shook his head so much on Christ- 
 mas da.y-was of a very nervous disposition, and 
 ..bout e,,,ht o'clock, as a particularly bri.^ht sta 
 -meup, we noticed his eyes fixed very intently upon 
 t- «oys, m a hoarse whisper, "the Boers are 
 sendmg up fire balloons from Ma,.ersfontein. Lo„k !'' 
 Ihat s a star, sergeant." 
 eyesr'"' °°"'' '"" "™'' ' "'" "^''-'^ "-V o"" 
 ^ The man from the permanent corps broke in. 
 Perhaps one of the angels is smokiuff a ci,.arette or 
 lighting a match on his hob-nailed boots ' 
 •«IMK.M»- u 
 Show t . """"' "' "'"•""« "" ^' '-« '>»ll-«- 
 billow them where it Is." 
 The man went, an,l ,-etnrne<l with o„)er.s for the 
 3'! t„ .H np and watch that the bahoon die, 
 burn an,- ,„«ulati„n ,.,r the wirele.,« tele..n,„h line. 
 * * 
 We were at Paardeberfr when Ladysmith wa^ 
 eheved and were f.elin, pretty miserable. Su,: 
 P he. were .short and the n,en were almost «tarvi„ , 
 wa form"," '"■" '■"'" ""^ """™"- '-^ ''='«^""'" 
 was formed up on parade. Naturally we thon^^ht that 
 "ur v,ctory was to be celebrated in some a^.eeabl 
 ~. Perha,. they were ,„in. to give u.s an eTtt 
 b.scu,t perhaps only half of one ; but every man felt 
 I that something, pleasant would happen. When 
 tered 1 -.7 !^ composite regiment had en- 
 tered I.adysm,th. ■ We were told not to cheer or 
 make any demonstration- no one knew why-b^ th" 
 ng What d„, we care about Ladysmith or Buller s 
 cavalry when we were starving? Why didn^ r 
 1,'ive us something to eat' Th„ k .. , ^'^ 
 a„,i «, ., ""^ battalion was dismissed 
 and then the men gave vent to their nent „„ t , 
 While »!,« , P°°t up feelings. 
 While the people at home were wavin,. fl-„r« fl • 
 each othe.. we cursed Ladysmith and the Boers, 
 anatheinized the Army Service Corps for not furnish - 
 injr more food, abused our officers, and went away to 
 drink cup after cup of Modder River water with the 
 enerj^y of despair. And that is how the Royal Cana- 
 dians celei)rated the relief of Ladvsmith. 
 When the disaster at Sannah's Post occurred, our 
 brififade was hurried out from Bloemf(mtein, but at 
 Sprinjrfield, about ei^'^ht miles from the city, quite a 
 number of the men fell out. Amonjjf these were three 
 who had been out in that direction before without 
 haviufjf any fij^htin','" to do, and not expectinjj^ any on 
 this trip thouirht it quite an unnecessary march. 
 These three came back to Sprinfjftield camp where some 
 Life Guards were doinjjf some {garrison duty, and in 
 order that they mijjht receive }J"ood treatment one of 
 them pretended that he was suft'erin}.^ from a touch of 
 sunstroke, and the other two that they were escortinjjf 
 him back to Bloemfontein. The Guards made a nice 
 bed of straw in the loft of a barn, loaned the three 
 Canadians some of their blankets and greatcoats and 
 shared supper with them. The night was passed very 
 comfortably, and in the morning the supposed sick man 
 bluffed the doctor and was ordered into hospital at 
 Bloemfontein. All were to be sent in on a Red Cross 
 wagon which was leaving Springfield at nine o'clock. 
 When the Canadians saw the Kaffirs inspanning the 
 mules they went down to the spring for the purpose of 
 tilling their water bottles and forgot to coine back. By 
 the Hide of the stream was a nice yrove in which thev 
 lay hidden and fr,„n whence they could watch tlie 
 (iuards searching- the house and barn for them. After 
 a time the wau-on started and when it was \vell out <.f 
 sijrht the three made dinner. Rice had beLMi bou«-ht 
 the day before, each man had lots of biscuit, tea and 
 su^rar, and they had a fine meal. After dirin^r. s(,me- 
 one suyjrested a bath, and as such thinj^rs were rare in days it was thoroujrhly enjoyed. They dre.ssed 
 and rambled around amon^r the trees f<,r a few hours 
 and towards eveniufr strolled back to Jiloemfontein. 
 Reached camj) alxmt .seven o'clock but could not find a 
 place to sleep as all their blankets had o-„„e „ut ,.u the wajron with the battali ui. However, the 
 town was still open, so with a .sovereiyn borrowed from 
 one of the officers they went in. One of them had 
 previously spent a ni-ht in the city, .so led the way at 
 once to a private house wh. . e «-increr beer and cakes 
 could be bouu-ht and a bed supplied if nece.s.sarv. They 
 afterwards told that between the three thev" ate twn 
 dozen cakes and drank nine bottles of beer." Candles 
 and writing paper were furnished bv the lad- of the 
 house and the three retired to a room in one" of the 
 adjoining- buildino-.s. Each man sat up two and a half 
 hours to keep watch -the time beinjr told bv the length 
 ot candle consumed -and made the hours seem less 
 lonff by writinjr letters. At five o'clock next moru- 
 m^r they left the house and reached camp before 
 reveille, perfectly satisfied with the knowledge that 
 they had passed two days and ni«hts in as pleasant 
 and comfortable a manner as any of the army haci 
 ever done. 
 * * 
 Towards the end of Aujrust, DeWet was hoverin>>' 
 around the railway line in the vicinity of Klip River, 
 and in consequence of this, we, on the armoured ti-ain. 
 Were kept Ccmtinually on the move, patrollinjjf the line 
 from Vereenij^injj to Elandsfontein. The <»-an"isons at 
 the different stations were weak, and every nifjht we 
 were sent to some place to assist in case of an attack. 
 But on Friday, Auj^. 81st, General Chermside found it 
 necessary to make an inspection of the line from 
 Elandsfontein Junction to Pretoria, and it was our 
 duty to escort him. We left Pretoria on the return 
 journey Friday afternoon and reached Elandsfontein 
 about 7 p. in. Orders were that our enjjcine was to be 
 sent to Johannesburjif for repairs, so we were side- 
 tracked for the niiifht and the eng-ine detached. 
 As everyone expected, DeWet, knowinjr that we 
 Were well out of the way for that niy^ht at least, held 
 lip a train, and early next morninjif we were hurried 
 down to the scene of action, — about four miles south 
 of Klip River. Of course we were too late. The Roers 
 had taken all the stuff they wanted, set fire to the 
 train and hurried off to the hills on either side of the 
 line. When we arrived the whole was a mass of 
 Haraes but throujrh the smoke we saw that .several 
 Carloads of food were still almost uninjured. Immed- 
 iately after our train stopped most of our men were 
 sent awav on observation duty to jruard afjainst an 
m»^ '^-^^^ A 
 *■ spasms' 
 attack, and the remainder put on Fatijrue uorU on the 
 burning- train. After haulino- off the cars all the stutr 
 they could jret at, our men decided that some of it 
 would be far safer if stowed away in our own cars and 
 at once proceeded to dispose of it in this way. Here- 
 upon a .sentry was placed over the yoods with orders 
 that no unbroken cases were to be touched, but in the 
 smoke it was almost impossible for the sentry to see 
 what was beni-r done, even had he wished to do so. 
 and thus the accidental fallinjr and consequent break- 
 injr of a case was never noticed. 
 In our car, which carried the rations, only one man 
 had been left, and he was not of much account as a 
 forajrer, but manay-ed to jrather in a little. Abcmt an 
 hour after the fun be^an he came out to where we 
 were on duty and made us almost wild by the stories 
 he told of the jrreat quantities of jam, mutton chop.s, 
 etc., which were bein<r acquired by the other cars. 
 We abused him for not layino- in a supply for us, and 
 his answer was that he was only one man, and could 
 not be expected to do much, but that he had carried 
 down a few tins of jam-four or five hundred-and two 
 or three cases of mutton chops. This made us feel a 
 little better, and when in a few hours we were re- 
 called, and each man brouoht down about a hundred 
 tins more we were quite satisfied. 
 Our train pulled out shortly afterwards and for the 
 next three weeks we remained on it doing- grarri.son 
 duty at Klip River. From Sept. 1st Jam Saturdav- 
 until we were well out to sea on our wav home, there 
 was lots of jam. Every evening when the Johannes- 
 burfr Exprsss came past our men were carryinjj out 
 armfuls of it for the troops g-oinf*- down the line. At 
 each meal a pile of tins were put on the floor of the car 
 for g-eneral use and in a few days everythin{jf was 
 covered with jam. The sides of the cars were so 
 smeared that a loaf of bread fluno- against them would 
 almost stick there. This state of affairs attracted flies 
 and at times we almost regretted that the stuff had 
 ever been brought in. Our feelings were well des- 
 cribed by the immortal Peterson in the following lines: 
 " Flies in the butter. 
 Flies on the ham, 
 Flies on Bobby Graham s face 
 Walking in the jam, 
 Flies buzzing round your ears 
 And in your nose and eyes. 
 But we're having such a jolly time 
 We don't mind flies." 
 But we were glad of it afterwards, for when we started 
 down the line we carried with us several hundred tins, 
 and succeeded in getting one lai-ge box on board the 
 ship. Tins of it adorned our mess table, the envy of 
 other companies, and while they were eating soggy 
 bread without anything to make it more palatable, we 
 spread on it the strawberry, gooseberry and apricot, 
 and ble.ssed DeWet, the armoured train and Jam 
.^^%?«l* (, 
 •' Brief life is here our portion." 
 @UR train was not of the regulation pattern, but 
 as a proper one was not available, it had been 
 built by General Chermside to i)atrol his section of 
 the line -from Kronstadt to Pretoria. It was com- 
 posed of an armoured en<rine, officers' coach, jruards 
 van, three low-sided box cars,-one for the pom-pom 
 or Vickers-Maxim, the others each carryinjr two 
 Ross-Maxims.— three box-cars for the rifle- 
 men, a van for the tele<rraph corps of engineers, and 
 a small flat-car with tank containinjr our emerjrency 
 supply of water. The armour with which all the 
 cars, excepting enj^ineers' and water tank, were pro- 
 tected, consisted of heavy sheets of steel plate backed 
 by six inches of oak,— perfect protection from bul- 
 lets, but of course useless ajrainst shell tire. Throujrh 
 this armour port holes were cut in the sides and 
 ends of the box cars, and it was only by the entrance 
 of a bullet throujrh these that a man could be hit, 
 unless indeed, we happened to come under fire at 
 the foot of a hill, where the Boers mijrht be able 
 to drop their lead in the top of the car. 
 The e.scort to the train was : five men and an 
 officer for the machine <run, fourteen Ross Maxim. 
 squad and officer for the (juick-firinjr jruns; and sixty 
 men with officer, of the Royal Canadians, as riflemen. 
 Our party was divided as follows : No. 1 Car, thir- 
 teen men. one corporal, one serj>eant and one color- 
 serjjfeant ; No. 2, twenty men. (me corporal, one 
 ser^reant ; No. a. twenty-one men and one cor])orai. 
 No. 1 Car carried the stores a-, well as men. and ir; 
 it we lived, moved and had our heinj.r, from July 20th 
 until September 25th. It was an job-we used 
 to say the snap of the whole war,— and while there 
 the men refrained all the flesh they had lost on the 
 march to Pretoria. In the evcninjr.s we u.sually 
 gathered in the car to talk about the war, and what 
 we would like to eat; and were a stranjrer to drop 
 in suddenly he mijrht have found the conversation, 
 if not very instructive, at least amusinir. 
 •' Weary, let s challenjre them to a ^arne of whist." 
 "All ri^rht. come on, you fellows." 
 "Oh, no you dont. Go and <ret some marbles 
 or .some easy, little y-ame. and we will play you. 
 There is no use in beating- you all the time." 
 " it, for Heaven's sake! You know quite 
 well we have Avon every frame this week." 
 "You have won? Why, last nijrht our little man 
 and I had six points before you <»-ot— " 
 "Some son of a jrun has swiped my canteen. 
 Which of you fellows took it? Dont all speak at 
 (mce. If I catch the man who took it. Ill— " 
 " I saw a canteen drop over the side just as we 
 pulled out of Vereenijriny. What was yours like ? " 
.■^"%w*i (. 
 '■ Had two dents on the side and my name cut 
 in the bottom. Some of you fellows lend me one 
 for a few minutes." 
 "Fweddy, jro on and make a little drop of tea. 
 Sandy will jrive you .some sa.y-ar. "" 
 " Make it yourself. " 
 •■Til ^ro for the water if you make the tea: 
 come on now, and 111 never forjret your kindness— 
 not for a lonjr time anyway." 
 " Pass the jam I 
 "Hand me s(mie of that hot stuH'. Silver. i)lease. ' 
 ''Ccmie and <jfet it yourself. I'm not working- to- 
 *' Pass the jam I ! '" 
 ''Well, let me pass then. You don't mind if 1 
 step on you. father, do you ? Gosh ! There jroes 
 Silver's tea ! That's what little boys jret for not 
 being- obliy-ing-. ' ' 
 "Oh! There comes Trouble a^'-ain : every time 
 we sit down he bejjfins wanderinfr round like a lost 
 sheep. Why in—?" 
 "Pass the jam! !! " 
 "Say, someone, kindly hand our little boy some 
 jam. Here, darlin<r, have a whole tin for yourself. 
 Have two tins. Catch !"-^Bitn Splash! and another 
 canteen of cort'ee runs over the floor. 
 "Well, of all the clumsy brutes ever I saw you 
 take the cake ! " 
 "But supposing- Ruller does o-et to Lydenbury. 
 he will lose half his men with fever and--" 
 '^ J ^5^ 
 "For {Toodness sake stop talkin{r war, and jrive 
 us something- to eat. Heavens! My bread is ffone. 
 Sandy, ^nve me to-morrow's rations, like a g-ood boy; 
 oh, please do. and 111 never ask you ag-ain." 
 Another man conies climbin<r into the car with: 
 "Look out for me, Fm a coming- g-eneration. Did 
 you fellows hear the news?" 
 "Yes, we heard it longr ajro, what is it ?" 
 "The Royal Irish say that Ladysmith is relieved." 
 " Very likely, isn't it? Just about as true as the 
 yarn those Northumberlands were frivinfr us at 
 Vereenig-ing-— that Cronje had surrendered." 
 "Well! anyway, DeWet is .surrounded below Rhe- 
 noster. and can't escape." 
 "Sandy, will you please count marks on 
 the side of the car just over your head, and tell 
 us how many times DeWet has been captured?" 
 "But you knew her, didn't you? Thev lived on 
 Pownal Street, between Grafton and Richmond. Her 
 sister worked in—" 
 "As u.sual. Talking about g-irls. " 
 "Say, Fweddy, what is your idea of Heaven?" 
 "Haven't g-ot any." 
 "Oh ! Fweddy ! That is too bad. You should g-et 
 an idea at once. No family should be without one. 
 What's yours, Silver ? " 
 " Eh ! Oh ! Mechanics Hall, — at the piano, 
 and HER. ' ' 
 "Well an.swered. my boy, but change the 
 name of her, and you come about rigrht." 
 **What would you jrive for a ^-ood feed of oysters 
 now ? ' ' 
 "Shut up! don't talk about oysters to me. My 
 little man, please pass the pressed chicken, and if 
 you have any lemon pie left — ah, none left: well 
 then, another hard tack will do." 
 "What's the latest about going- home. Gadg-et ? " 
 "Come on, now, tell us the latest telegram." 
 "I'll watch it. Last time I told you the news 
 vou would not believe it and it came straight, too. 
 I'll carefully watch telling you any more news." 
 A loud shout from outside : ' ' Fweddy ! Fweddy ! 
 Here is the Johannesburg express, and there are 
 girls on it too. Hurry up!" 
 A wild rush over the sides of the car ; the train 
 pulls up, stops for a moment or two, and then steams 
 off. The boys scatter over the veldt; some to play 
 quoits: others to talk to the Royal Irish; the cars 
 are deserted, and the excitement of the dav is over. 
 " Scots wha" hae wi' Wallace bled." 
 TN the British army there are five re-iments u-hich 
 1 wear kilts, the Camerons. (Jordons, Seaforths 
 Forty-Second or Royal Hio-hlanders, and the Arjryle 
 and Sutherlands. 
 Another corps, the Hiu-hland Liyht Infantry, wore 
 the kilt at one time but lost it at Waterloo. ' There 
 are different stories current in the army re-ardinn- 
 this event, but no one seems to know the true 
 reason. One story is that, beinjr in a tijrht corner, 
 they dropped the kilts in order that they mijrht be 
 freer to fijrht. But some say that it wa.s that thev 
 mio-ht run away the more easily. This last is not .so 
 likely to be true as the first, because the Highland 
 Reo-iments are not as a rule trained to run away. 
 However, the rhyme common in the army is : 
 " The H. L. I., the crazy crew. 
 They lost their kilts at Waterloo"" 
 The Hi.irhland Brijrade, which was formerly com- 
 tnanded by General Wauchope. but now by Hector 
 MacDonald, is formed of the H. L. I., the Seaforths. 
 Ar^ryle and Sutherlands, and the 42nd-the famous 
 Black Watch. In the South African campaiy-n the 
 Cameron Hifjfhlanders were attached to the Bri- 
 j^-ade with the Sussex, Derbys and ('. 1. Vs., and 
 the Gordons or "Gay Gordons,' as they are sar- 
 castically called, were with us.* 
 We saw them fii'st at Oranjjfe River when we 
 wei"e buildinjr railroads. They marched from their 
 camp to entrain for M odder Kiver. and as we stood 
 and wzitched them \>o past with their lonjr. loose 
 stride we thoujrht what tine-looking'' men they were 
 and tried to imaj^ine how they would look in a fijjfht. 
 After that we never met them ajruin until the IHth 
 of February, when we were brijraded. and started 
 from Graspan on the march to Bloemfontein. In 
 line of column the reifiments form from rijjfht to 
 left in order of seniority, so that our briy-ade marched 
 and camped with the Shi'opshires on the rij^ht, then 
 Corn walls, Gordons and cmrs. This fcn^maticm made 
 us far more friendly with the "Jocks" than we 
 might otherwise have become, but another reason for 
 the stranjre friendship was that the Gordons have 
 no sister refij^iment in the army. Of course they are 
 the wives of the Scots Greys, but the Greys are a 
 mounted corps, and were not in our division, so the 
 (rordons were all alone. The fact that we were in 
 the same state formed a bond between us and it is 
 seldom that two bodies of men from different parts 
 of the world become such true friends as the "Jocks" 
 and " Canucks." 
 *'rhis article only tak^.•^, into account liic- l)atlaliuii> with which we came in 
 (ll'll CIllMS — rilK (i(HU>0.\S 
 On the march to Pannleberfj they were at first 
 both anjjfry and anuised at the way wc acted. 
 While actually on the road oiir fellows moved alon^r 
 with such a lon<ji stride that the other re<ifiments 
 found it very hard to Ut-e)) up. and. in fact, (m the 
 morninjr oi the fourth day. instead of allowinj^- our 
 battalion to set the pace. Smith- Dcn-rien called out : 
 '"The Brigade will advance in line of column, the 
 rioRDoN Hi(iiii,A.\i)i:!is directiny." And then they had 
 tlieir revenjiv. for towards evening' when we were 
 iifettiny pretty well used u]). what slKUiId we hear 
 but the whole bunch of pii)ers startinjr the '" White 
 Cockade." The step (piickened in time to the music, 
 but if the (lordons thoujjht we were H'oinjjf to be 
 left they were much mistaken, for our men went 
 akm^" as thoujjh it were only the beyinnin}>- of the 
 walk instead of the end. We finished in fine style 
 and came in to the haltinjjf-place witliout a sij^n of 
 fatiyue. althoutrh we were all feelinj.>- played out. 
 Then to g"et square with the others who were just as 
 tired as we were, our boys .started sinj>-in<»" and danc- 
 ing while supper was beintj cooked. That settled the 
 lousiness, for the Gordons thouoht that men who could 
 march as we had done and seem so fji^ay afterwards 
 were all rijrht and would make g^ood companions. 
 Fi-om that time until the end of the job one could 
 scarcely tell when in bivouac which was our rejjfi- 
 ment and which the Gordons for they were always 
 over talkinjif to us, and our men of course returned 
 the calls. Thinj^s went on in this pleasant way until 
OIH (III MS— ■'UK (i(»RI)()NS 
 after tht^ first day's (ij^ht at Paardeberfr, when their 
 jrotKl ()i)ini()ii of lis was increased if jxissible by the 
 way our boys acted under fire. The feeling- thev held 
 for the '-Indians ■' is well sh')wn in a story told of 
 a Cornwall and Gordon. In the fi<rht of February 
 IHth, the Cornwalls were held in reserve until the 
 middle of the afternoon while we were in the firin»- 
 line all day, and the Cornwalls accounted for this 
 by sayinjr that they were kept back in the 
 Canadians miy-ht run away. "What?" was the 
 (Gordon's answer. '• You keep the Canadians from 
 running- away, why man it would take more than 
 sixteen of your bloomin/jf lot to keep the Canadians 
 from y-oinm- back a step. 
 On our side as well as likinu- the (Jordons l)()th 
 personally and as a battalion, we admired them. In 
 an army like the British, where every man is a 
 hero, it is ahnost foolish to say that any one rej,nment 
 is braver than another but there are different styles 
 of bravery. The ordinary British soldier will face 
 death as calmly as thou;jfh he were >»'oin<»- to dinner, 
 but the Gordons were always happy as well as calm 
 and never kxst their heads. On one occasion when 
 they made a bayonet charoe at Doom Ko]> the 
 Dutchmen lay behind rocks waitinjr for them and 
 calling- (mt all kinds of abuse. An officer of theirs 
 tells that in the charge he saw a biy sergeaut finishing 
 a man with a Ixiyonet and heard the Boers shout- 
 ing to him "Come on, you gfi-eat big- woman, come 
 (m, we wait for you."' And the .serg-eant answered. 
 <»l K (111 .MS TIIK (i(»HlioXH 
 "Hoot, mon I Dinna fear. Til be there a lot too soon 
 for you. " He was shot throuirh the head a few 
 seconds later. 
 In rej,''ard to former campaijifns they have very 
 little to say. Any one will tell you what sort of 
 a country Ejrypt or India is. but when it comes to 
 an account of any of their entjatifements they ;ire 
 silent. They alway say that too much was 
 jjfiven to them for the charijfe at Darjjfai, and state 
 that the other battalions did all the hard tijji'htinjjf 
 i>efore they took any ])art in it. 
 But even a sim])le statement like this cannot V)e 
 yot out of them easily. They are not boasters by 
 any means and look u])on others as just as ^innl 
 men as themselves. One evening"", on the march to 
 Pretoria, after we had finished a fairly stiff enjj^aj^'e- 
 inent in which the brunt of the work fell to the 
 (Gordons, we were lyinjjf in bivouac when they came 
 marchinjif back to take their place in column. They 
 looked worn out. tired after the d.ay .s work, and 
 were not in the best of spirits as they had lost a 
 jrood many men. biit as the first of their line 
 reached us our men burst into one loud, rinjrinjjf 
 cheer. At first the "Kilties" did not seem to under- 
 stand what it meant, but when they saw that it 
 was they we were cheerinjr a remarkable chanj^e 
 came over them. Rifles went up to the .slope, their 
 step quickened, chests were thrown out and the 
 battalion went past as if on review before the Queen. 
 Then as the other re.sjfiments in our brifjfade noticed 
oni Clir.MS TIIK (KtltltOXS 
 vvh;it was jr„injr „„ they took up the cheerin^r and 
 wild "Hurrahs- ran down the line. It was as ^rreat 
 an honor as could be paid to any corps— to be cheered 
 by their own companions, and they well deserved it. 
 One of them speakin^^ about it afterwards said that 
 it was the happiest moment of his life and that if 
 the Canadians only knew how much trood it had 
 done they would always feel pleased with themselves. 
 When we left them there were tears in many 
 eyes and .sadness was felt on both .sides, but throujrh 
 it all we were proud that it had been our privilej^e 
 to march and fiyht beside such men. Expre.s.sions 
 of rejrret were heard on all sides and more than 
 once has one of them told us that he felt far 
 worse at partinj^ from the Canadians than he did from 
 his own folks at home. We felt the .same. 
 As tijrhters they are perfect. As men the whole 
 Firitish army should be proud of them and as friends 
 n(me could be truer or more kind hearted. 
 (~)ur battalion has been di.sbanded. and as a fij^ht- 
 inir unit we will never more meet the Hi^rhhinders. 
 They may forget us— I think nt)t -but one thin^^ 
 sure is, that no man of the Royal Canadian Rejri- 
 ment will ever fory-et or fail to admire-not the 
 (iay, but the '>rand Gordons. 
 We've wandered mony a wearv fit 
 Frae morninfr sun till dine ; 
 But seas between us braid hae roard 
 Sin' auld lan},>- syne. 
 •'A perfect creature, nobly planned." 
 p was at Wo.vehoek in the Oran^re River Colony 
 I that we first saw the bird, and surelv ''never 
 iM^hlea on this orb a more celestial vision. - We 
 had just co„.e in iron. Heilbron, and were feelin.r 
 quite happy after a severe enjra,.ement with a herd 
 ot sprin,rbok which resulted in a complete victorv 
 1 heSouth Wales Borderers were doin^ .arrison dutv 
 at Wolvehoelc. and in some manner best known to 
 himself one of them had commandeered or otherwise 
 acquu-ed a fine lar«-e turkey. At any time in the 
 campai,rn turkeys were a rare sio-ht, but to our 
 astonished eyes here appeared a regular beautv-for 
 that ountry to produce -wei,.hino- at least twelve 
 ,,, ""^' ^^'"'"^ '''' t'^ ^^^t possession of the fowl v 
 that was the point that troubled us. and for a time 
 •^) 'nnuls were concentrated on the all-important 
 subject. As the affair turned out we need not have 
 troubled ourselves about it, for the S. W. B's con- 
 sidered a turkey supper far beyond their wildest 
 dreams, and .such extrava^^ance could not be thou-^ht 
 ot for a moment. Under circum.stances the 
 ••"'y thin.r for them to <lo u-as to dispose of the 
bird by auction ,„■ otherwise. S„ ,vheu we arrived 
 they were Ixoldinj, an ar,.ume„t a.s t., the respectivj 
 i|dva„ta«e» of .-,„ auction or hrttery. The latter 
 ncthod wa. decided upon, and they i.nmediatelv 
 »t,u-te<. .elhn. at .sixpence each-twentv-flve 
 t.Jcets to be „„!<,. which wonhl ^.ive then, b;tter 
 returns than a strai,.ht .sale. Our fellows, with a 
 y recollection of „,„-ti„,e Christmas dinners, all 
 hat hey d,d not decide to buy the whole t,ve„tv- 
 hve, but before this could be done our little man 
 had clo.sed with the owner of the turic an,l secured 
 for ten or twelve shillings. It was borne in 
 mp to the car and hun. .p on a pe. in one 
 ■-nd, wlule the crowd sat round and o,,.„l open- 
 '""uthed at such a vision. ' 
 w.:\o"r"f "" •" """' "'*' "■ ^•"""■""- "■'-' 
 v>as to be ,l,me, and we appointed three men a 
 c,.mm,ttee of ways and n.eans. who were to treat 
 '"' .•■'■;■"""' ""■"'■■'-' ^'" <"™» at any station where 
 :::;7"' ^""' '"■• •' f«» "ours. ,.■„,. ,„.o .,avs ti, 
 b huu, .,,teinthe end of our car, arnon, 
 b es of b,.scu.t, bully.beef and .Maconochies rations 
 uutU ,u .son,e came the fear that we 
 n foun a chance for cooldn,. it n,i,ht liKe riches, 
 take to ,tselt wi„,,s. for at that tin.e of vear tl,; 
 2 "•- 'varraer than is absolutely neces'sarv for 
 the preservafon of food. fJut jus, as though our 
 . eral Knew what was passin, ,„. „,„.„;„,„,,, 
 came tor us to nn>,-..M/i ♦ i"i- 
 puK.vd to \il,„en.s Orift on the 

 J' 1 
 .'t 1 
 h } 
 banks of the Vaal — the one place on the whole line 
 which we would have chosen had such been our privi- 
 lej^e. In Viljoen's was a military bake shop, in 
 which worked some very decent fellows belonjjfing' to 
 the 5th Northumberland. They, we knew, would 
 consider it no trouble to roast the turkey for us, 
 but would rather feel pleased with the thouj^ht 
 that while they were livin<jf on beef, another part 
 of the army could indulge in turkey. Suddenly in 
 the midst of our rejoicinjr an awful thin},'" happened. 
 Someone — it is better not to mention names — .suj,*"- 
 •rested that it mififht be an improvement on the 
 supper if the bird were drawn and dressed. Let 
 a veil be drawn over the first part of the opera- 
 tion. Our next consideration was what we were to 
 use for dressinjif. Many su^jfjcestions were offered, but 
 the mixture decided upon, and which any one of 
 the boys can heartily recommend to persons desiriny 
 a recipe for dressinfj, was as follows : — Two army 
 biscuits, finely powdered with a pom-pom shell, one 
 loaf of bread crumbled as well as possible with the 
 hands (our bread was too fresh and turned out 
 lumpy), one packet of mixed spice, half pound of 
 breakfast bacon partially fried, as much lard or any 
 old sort of <,'"rease you can raise, two tins of Mac- 
 onochie rations No. 4, with meat extracted, salt, 
 pepper, etc. to ta.ste. This must be well mixed in 
 a bucket, moistened with one half pint of water 
 and f(mr rations of rum, and used as soon as pos- 
 sible. Our little man held the fowl between his 
 II' >W WK ANMim.ATKI. TlIK TIMK (jf, 
 knees, the corporal inserted handfuls of the mixture 
 and the strono- man-who has been used to artillery 
 work-rammed home with the handle of a bavonet. 
 The cavity was closed by punching, holes in each 
 side with the marlinspike on our ammunition knives 
 and sewin,r up with a strand of twine, taken from 
 the su,rar ba,r. While this was .oin,. on, our commit- 
 ee previously appointed had paid a visit t(, the 
 '>ake shop and on returnin«- reported that cmr sup- 
 positions were correct, the bakers bein<, quite wiUin.- 
 o undertake the task. So, with an oat ba. wrapped 
 ound him as a protection from the .sand storm 
 then ra^nn,r. we carried all that remained of the 
 once proud cobbler to the shop, and with u.anv 
 instructions as to turnin. etc., handed him <n-er to 
 the cooks, not without mis,nvin<.s as to his safety 
 but hopm,. for the best. We were told to ccnne 
 back at seven o'clock and take delivery of the bird 
 The hours pas.sed .slowly. I cant remember ever 
 spendin,. such a Ion,, evenin,.. and one woul.l have 
 hou,.ht that .some of the men had lost their best 
 trends. On most faces was that hungry look usually 
 betokenino- a lon.nn,. for the indefinite. ()„e nr,u 
 m particular .sat with open mouth and wide staring- 
 eves, ^^ at vacancy, till son.e person inserted 
 •between his teeth a piece of biscuit. Then the 
 laws came toirpfht.,. ,„;+i, .. , . 
 on his face was like that of 
 a pleasant dream, and 
 dream true. But in 
 i>ne who has been h: 
 ■sudden 1 
 y awakes to find the 
 an instant the ex 
 now \\K Awmii.A ii.() iiiK 11 i: 
 cliaii<^"e(l : the bisouit (ln>])|»e(l on tlu' (ioor. :[\u] witli 
 a >m(>theiv(l " Damn !" tin' poor soldier cliinbjd out 
 ol tlu" oar and wt-iit to soothe tiis injured t\'elinL!> 
 with a ciii';irette. 
 I>nt no two lionrs can last forever, and >^"ra(hiallv 
 the hands of tlie coriyoral s w.'tcli approaclied the 
 appointed time We (."aUed upon all the hoys to foi'ui 
 lip. and with a (piiids. firm stt.']) walked over to the 
 oake snoi) 
 lav the turkev. on tlu 
 COVi^'l" ol 
 a diekshee. a lovely brown eolor and sendinii" out a 
 p 'rtunie far njire i)L'asinn- tlian aiiy atlai' ol' looses 
 could havi' been. The Color isloke raided aloft over 
 his lu\ad the cover coidainnii;- our darlini^-, aud we 
 formed in line. In front marched the i)and an 
 accordeoii ])laved i)V — . next. ( 'oloi-> with tin.' 
 i»ird. and then thirteen of us headi'd by tlu' c<ir])oral. 
 The Dead .Nhirch is not allowed to l)e ])laved on serv- 
 ice, and at anv rate we woidd lia\e found it too 
 mourn ful foi" >uch a hap]iy occasion. !)ut we had the 
 '■ CoiKpierinL;' Hero. ' ■■.Ma])le l^eaf. and " Ihatish 
 I i i-enadiei"s, " In triuini)h we marched to the cai" 
 and climlied over tin.' side. I>v mutual consent the 
 ciirp(>i-al was chosen to do the carvinjj. and it was done 
 in a manner onlv ac(piired bv loiii;" experience'. Then 
 of course, our little man, as owner i»f the bird, was 
 called upon to >erve it. It was an e.vcitiuL:' nioiu.-nt. 
 for after evi.'ry one had receivei a sliare. w.' waited 
 ai sirspeuse to heai" what name would follow the 
 inevitable '" \nu oidv L:(»t .1 small share, iiaxe some 
 more . 
 ""^^ ^^l-: AXMUM.ArK/. ■ 
 I'liK rruK 
 ^ '"' '»^"^-'«si,.n lor „,,,,.), . 
 ui (lo not su])|)(,se th-if- if f I 
 .ninut..s to ,at our ' '" ^'''''^' 
 '"■^■'•O'. and not to l,e nrul '^^ ^■''-' " " 
 -as,i.,.n tu-oi.,-. ,■ ' --•" -^ so each 
 the ,>an.,L ,: '^: "^^^ ^' "-'"• -^<^ '" this ..v 
 ">vr to „ur litH. tlH- m,„„.v „,!» |,,-„,.|,,| 
 .U,tv „ ' , Z '^ "'" "■•■ '■ '"-■•"' "•"■ 
 ... , . ' "^^'^ '"■■'"^ to n.:.k-.. •. ,> 
 ^iK'x'ch in ,-(M,|v t,> , . ~ ^" ■""'''■ •' ^'i<"-t 
 '""■ "tte^an^t^ oou,^, 
 '■ ""^^' '^ ^^-^'^ "-arlv |,,,,tin,.. s 
 spivad in tht 
 <| ')laiil\\'t> 
 also ontside 
 i^r Wf 
 ^■■'••""Hl to a hard \\ 
 l>v th 
 av d 
 ''ours tht 
 own t( 
 •'"'y sound to Iv I 
 ' slt't-|). an 
 '■"ow u-onid t 
 ''-■ard \va> 
 <i in a 
 ( )nt 
 r t^ w 
 o\vr in hi 
 old man. if y 
 \ou can snai- 
 "■■'vni- another juece of th 
 e it. I 
 •tud remark. 
 \\onld not mind 
 t" oreast. 
 "Everything is mere opinion." 
 as an experience, Yes. As a year pleasantly 
 spent, most emphatically. No ! There was not 
 much to like about the trip and few of our men 
 would care for the experience a seccmd time. None 
 of us would willin^rly have missed it, but havinjr seen 
 practically all there is to be .seen in a war we are 
 «iuite content now to let others try it. We have 
 fcujrht, marched, and starved ; have seen battle's- - 
 lots of them-in .so far as one really in action can see 
 .1 battle ; have performed the sad duty of buryinj." 
 our comrades : have been witnesses of brilliant bayo- 
 net charjres and have attempted the same thiny- 
 ourselves. We know what it is to stay awake on 
 outpost duty with nerves strained to the ten- 
 sion thnmo-h the " lonely watches of the ni«-ht ■ 
 hstenino- to every sound no matter how faint and 
 searching- the darkness for any sicrn of a treacherous 
 We have worn clothinjr in such a tattered state 
 that it could not be said that we were dressed, but 
 only pai-tially covered. 
 The filth was abominable, and water to wash even 
 our hands and faces was rarely seen on the march. 
 I>ID WK LIKK IT ? gjj 
 Many of our men suffered from fever, few have 
 escaped sickness in some form or other, and is it 
 stranjre that we did not see much fun in this '? One 
 experience we were denied, and happily so-we were 
 never defeated in action, so cannot tell what it feels 
 The o.mntry throuj,* which we marched was raon- 
 "tonous. In the Oranfre River Colony the soil is dry 
 and sandy with plenty of rock mixed amon^r it A 
 ™nburned .rass intermin^.led with stunted Karroo 
 bushes forms a coatin^r over the veldt, and kopjes, 
 heaps of round iron-stones, piled one upon another 
 as over Giants' ..raves,' abruptly from the 
 but althou,.h we spent a g-ood part of our time in 
 that country we saw nothino- but mealies and citron 
 Of course around the farm-houses where there is 
 any attempt at irri,.ation, we found small vegetable 
 srardens, but none of any account. 
 Wood is almost unknown, and all the houses are 
 bmlt of mud or c„rru,.ated iron. The homesteads 
 themselves nestle in the valley between two kopjes 
 t.r»t the .stone walls forming, kralls for sheep or oxen' 
 then the farmhouse, a square, one-storied buildin. 
 usually of white-washed mud, with rou^h thatched 
 root and at a short distance a number of Kaffir huts 
 Over ,such a country as this we tramped for weeks' 
 footsore and weary, bothered by flies, short of water' 
 and hun,.ry. We suffered both from the direct rays 
 ■>f the sun and the heat radiated from the earth 
 1 1 W K 
 aj.';tinst wliii-li latter 
 protci-tioi). ()iii- t'l'c't 
 otii" lii'lniets w 
 i'i\' () 
 Course riip 
 ^"i-c froin rluniiuat 
 fivd. limits stiff ai](( 
 111' ufiwht of ,,1 
 sin. and our -shoulders chaft 
 niucli pleasure in this a? 
 "■ •'Miiipiiient. Theie was not 
 in a little summer stroll at 
 W'v Would also I 
 lave greatly preferred a clean bed 
 m Canada to some of ilu. spots on which 
 uir few short lion 
 l"s of |-est. In t 
 inr,' of war. 
 acconmiodations ai' 
 Usual plan was to 
 i- very primitive, and tl 
 around on tlu 
 ■>eai-i-|i of 
 some htti 
 space les- 
 avinsj' found what wa,- 
 yround m 
 ii'n])y than the rest. 
 cotisidei-ed a suita 
 we s])re;id our blankets an 
 ay down I'ntil tht 
 we had 
 '<>'" each man 
 i-a.i,'yvd blaida-t and a ^1 
 while in 15! 
 lari- oi a laibber 
 oemlontein n 
 the remaind 
 I'w ones were i.ssued. and for 
 er ol 
 .||>l> we enjoyed comparative 
 Our company, with tli 
 " in tents at Hloemlont 
 e e.\ 
 ceptioii of a nio-lit 
 s. were ue\er un 
 in houses at S])rinn 
 •lannary L'2nd until October 1; 
 we had the oitportnnity of test 
 oni. and about tw 
 o wee 
 • liffcrent kinds of 
 der cover from 
 t. f)urin<)- this time 
 in«^- the (|ualities of 
 sou 111 r 
 ard to their abilitv t 
 ii-nish conilort at ninht. and tl 
 le unaniiiuui 
 s decision 
 "iir iiu'ii IS that 
 far the best. On 
 a .li'ood bin- p 
 )ne ot rctcks is bv 
 nd which, by the wav. 
 IS usnallv 
 and the who! 
 xinipy on,, is compelled to lie straight 
 e weiiiht of 
 y C(unes on the 

 ••sIlOllM.M-s .111(1 hip. iJut (. 
 ■^i<iliriil iiaiidlirin- ,,1' t 
 Itracticc. to work- t 
 ♦^^•tM-v jiart tak.-s ii 
 tlli^ way romlurt i> i 
 " •' '"'Mvi'-. it is ..a,,v. I)v 
 i>* nu-ks. only ai-(|iiir 
 •I'lwii aiiioiiu- th, 
 If lto(|\- 
 <■<! iiy lonj.'- 
 Ill so t hat 
 "'\vii •^han- of il 
 u- WfiLiiit. 1 1 
 '|"<I a suit, 
 ">iii\'(|. and if th 
 tl'lt-' stollf f 
 L-'Tfatlv ill 
 "I" a pillow 1 
 ori'ast'd !)v 
 f sift'|)cr can 
 It' roiiifoi-t i< 
 planiin his an 
 i'I>"ii it and thii- t 
 " ill a hriit posit 
 '"■"•"in- a iv>t lor tl 
 '^vfii this luaniur ,,r 
 ;i-^ plt-asant as in a " 
 "■ lu-ad. |5iiv 
 p''iid,iin- a njuht 
 is not (jiiite 
 • HKi iH'd at 
 !'!■ \va.- 
 'I'litf trill' that 
 a coininn- to him " 
 I'lil t)! 
 "■'h'ii Toiiiiii 
 y .yi't,- 
 it i- 
 all that'. 
 t roni) 
 11*' has niori' t 
 't' IS that 
 lan rnou;j-h. Put t 
 lu- dot 
 not n-ft it 
 nil (lav 
 '•••itioii consists of .Mtlu-r I 
 w^yy ol'tiMi. T 
 ''• l>iilly. or i tin M 
 iiH'at (»r 
 iCdiiochif rat 
 ll)s fiv.l, 
 ions with 
 I 11). Vfyetal 
 !>• nix-ad or 
 'h-'^ is issut.'d : | 
 t wii 
 f a ut'tdx 
 ■uit. usually the latter 
 .i^'iii laiin ditto. 
 <>Z. C( 
 <'>^- suyar a IK 
 addition to th 
 I II' jam 
 pt-i' day. 
 I'i^'iit.v pepper and salt. 
 "/. tea 
 IS. ch 
 eese or haeoii 
 <■' a Week, tw 
 "lay l)e dra.\vn 
 f<|i''il to a 
 " -^<>H-(^s of either beiiiu- eoiisideivd 
 IJiit it \va> 
 "Illy uhij,. on tl 
 \V(.' n-, ,t thi- 
 ll' aniKuired tr; 
 I in 
 ol loo(| 
 is wer 
 At other 1 
 •' y^-yy short 
 aiis for I 
 <'iii<l we had to tr 
 y all sort? 
 )Urn- We n-ot on 
 ^''t'pinn- up ,,„,. streii-ih. \Vh 
 e (, 
 ^•om p,^r day, and found it 
 "' ""'HI- <'f half erushed 
 almost inii 
 "'^itt^''- of fact I mvself I 
 • ■>SSll)|f t 
 !a\'e L:(>lle to t 
 DM) WK 1,1 KK IT : 
 refuse pits and after (11<,''.i,'"iti^'' up sheepskins have 
 piclted from them the little lumps of fat which had 
 come away from the bodies durinjj the skinninjf 
 process, and used that fat to fry tlie cakes made 
 from the mealies. 
 Often on the march we came across patches of 
 citron, half ripe, and filled up on them. But they 
 were .sickening" thinjrs, and we jjfrew to hate the 
 sijjfht of the stuff even in fruit cakes. This food 
 was not equal to what we mij^ht be ealinj,'" at home. 
 Very few Chinese laundries accompany tlie British 
 army, and consequently we found it ditlicult to keep 
 clean. Often the boys who had any underclothes 
 would take them off and wash them in a river or 
 pool, only to find on returninjr to bivouac that we 
 were j'l'ettinf,'' ready to move ajjain. Then the wet 
 clothes were put on, and after a few hours' marcliiny 
 through became as dirty as ever. 
 But in spite of all these discomforts there is a 
 strong- attraction in the life of a soldier. Where 
 can one meet a finer class of men than in the 
 British army, or where find more excitement than in 
 battle ? The very worst hai'dships only served to 
 teach us how to appreciate comfort when we aj^ain 
 found it. Many times throu<rhout the campaicfn did 
 we wish ourselves back in Canada, but never was 
 anyone sorry for havinfj come to Africa. We all 
 knew that the experience was worth the hardship. 
 Among our men now, however, the general opinion 
 is that one campaign is enough for any ordinary 
 '»ll' WK UKK IT ? 
 '"•I" : and that, althoujrh the fi.rhtin.r • •. • 
 ^^tn-n,. within us. the next tim T ' " '''' 
 Canada for F.rek.n s ^' ''""""" '^''^^'^'^ 
 fied to t u '' ''' ^"•" ^^^ 'l"'te satis- 
 ^-' to stam, w,th the ..nall lx,v on the street 
 -rners and shout mth all our .ni.^ht : 
 0<»i. .Savk Thk Kin,,, 