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Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Stre filmds d des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour §tre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est film6 d partir de I'angle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant !e nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 22X 1 2 3 4 5 6 rtv wi^vt^y '//(^r^ NAilONAl. LIBRARY CANADA BIBLiOTUEQUE NAUONALG K A i i i i ( . 1 f i i 1 J 1. t ■ > 1 ft i 1 n • c Wim TEE COMPLIMENTS OF TEE Ibonorar? Secretary OF THE 1Ro?aI Cana&ian J^acbt (Tlub I' „ '■ I. BY-LAWS Regulations and List of Members OK THE STATION : TORONTO, CANADA. Established r852. Incorporated march 4Jh, 1868 Date of /Idmiraltv Warrant, 3uly lOih, 1878. CORRECTKJ) TO JULY, .898. TORONTO : Wm. Tyrrell & Co. 1898. <^\l 835 A 5 V 5 !?7? it- I^N^ J d^^ F" I^ A. O « OF THE Burgee. ^6 "6 Emsigm. ©COMMODOPE lVice-Commodope OEAPjCortMODORE See No. i8, Flag and Signal Rules. T HIS EX Wice-Comi J. H. I'LU c. K c. f V. J F. C G. h C, F G. F J. S. $)atrons H.U.H. THE PKINCE OK WAI.RS. H.R.H. THE DUKE OF YORK. M.R.H. THE DUKE OF CONNAUGHT. THki; RIGHT HONORABLE THE EARL OF DERHY. HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF CANADA. ODff Iters, 1898. (lommobore -KMILIUS JARVIS lt)ice-Coinmot)oi-c J. H. I'LUMMER 1Rcar-Comino&ore GEO. H. GOODERHAM C. E. c. A. F. J- F, 0. G, R. "toon-Secretary F. J. RICARDE-SEAVER Committee of /iDanagement ARCHBAI.D G. T. McMURRICH H. BkOWN A. G. I'EUCHEN CAMPBELL H. E. RIDLEY CAYLEY JAS. E. ROBERTSON HARGRAFT ROBT. WATSON Sailing Committee C. E. ARCHBALD G. E. MACRAE J. S. MCMURRAY E. K. M. W. H. PARSONS F. A. TURNER J. H. WATSON WEDD Hon. Measurei— (;. TEMPLE MCMURRICH BsBistant Sccrctarie JEFFERY FOOT, Town Club House. R. C. V. C. act of Jncoiporation. An Act to Incorporate The Royal Canadian Yacht Club, March 4th, J868 7lTnRREAs the persons hereinafter named, with a large num- vA^ her of others in Toronto, and elsewhere in the Donminion of Canada, have associated themselves for the establish- ment of a Clul) for the purpose of encouraging Yacht Building and Sailing in Canadian waters, and have prayed to be incor- porated by the name of "The Royal Canadian Yacht Club," having been permitted by Her Most Gracious Majesty to assume the style of " Royal," and it is expedient to grant their prayer : Therefore Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, enacts as follows : — I. Edwin M. Hodder, George H. Wyatt, B. R. Clarkson, H. L. Hime and William Armstrong, Esquires, the officers and such other persons as now are or hereafter shall become mem- bers of the said Association, shall be and are hereby declared to be a body politic and corporate, in deed and in name, by the name of " The Royal Canadian Yacht Club," and by that name shall have perpetual succession, and a common seal, and shall have power, from time to time, to alter, renew, or change such common seal, at their pleasure, and shall by the same name, from time to time and at all times hereafter, be able and cap- 8 able to purchase, accjuire, hold possess, and enjoy, and to have, take and receive to them and their successors, such lancis, ten- ements, and hereditaments, and real and immovable property and estate, situate, lyinij and being within the City of Toronto, as may l)e necessary for the actual use or occupation of the Corporation as a Club- 1 louse and dependencies; and the same to sell, alienate, and dispose of whensoever the said Corporation may deem it proper so to do ; and by the same name shall and may be able and capable in law to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto and in any manner whatsoever ; and the constitution, rules and regulations now in force, touching the admission and expulsion of members, and the management and conduct generally of the affairs and concerns of the said Association, in so lar as they may not be inconsistent with the laws of this Province, shall be the constitution, rules and regulations of the said Corporation, provided always that the said Corporation may from time to time alter, repeal and change such Constitution, Rules and Regulations of the said Corporation. 2. All property and effects now owned by or held in trust for the said Association are hereby vested in the said Corporation and shall be applied solely to the maintenance of the said Cor- poration. 3. No member of the Corporation shall be liable for any of the debts thereof beyond a sum which shall be to the amount of the original entrance fee, and the annual subscriptions which may remain unpaid by such member ; and any member of the Club, not being in arrears, may retire therefrom and shall cease to be such member on giving notice to that effect in such form as may be required by the by-laws thereof and thereafter shall be wholly free from liability for any debt or engagements to the Club. 4- It shall 1)6 lawful far the said Corporation to issue stock to such extent as they may deem necessary, not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of thirty thousand dollars, in shares of fifty dollars each ; such stock to he subscribed for in a book to be opened for that purpose by a committee of the said Club, and to be paid up in such manner and within such time as may be determined by the said Committee. 5. The funds arising from such stock shall be applied exelu- fively to the purchase of lands or buildings, for or to the erection of a clubhouse and dependencies, and of furnishing the sanio. 6. The shares of such stock shall be assignable by delivery and surrender of the certificates to l)e issued to the holders of such shares respectively, and by assignment on the books of the Corporation. 7. The holder of such stock, duly paid up, shall be a pro- prietor of an undivided share of the real estate of the Corporation and of the buildings thereon to be erected and shall be exempt from all liability beyond the extent of the stock he shall actually hold. 8. It shall be competent to the said Coiporation to pay off so much of the said stock from time to time as the committee may deem desirable ; the share or shares so to be paid off to be selected Ijy the said Committee by ballot. 9. The said Corporation shall make and furnish to the Lieu- tenant Governor and to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario during the first fifteen days of the first Session thereof, in each and every year, a full and unreserved statement of the affairs of the said Corporation, and of its funds, property and securities. IRopal Warrant. (iOVKRNMENT IIOUSE, Quebec, August 4th, 1S54. Sir,— I am commanded by the Governor-General to inform you that His Excellency has received a dispatch from Her Majesty's Secretary of State for the Colonies, s'.ating that he has laid before the Queen the Petition of the members of the Canadian Yacht Club, praying that Her Majesty would be pleased to permit them to assume the style of " Royal " ; and that Her Majesty was graciously pleased to comply with their prayer. I have the honor to be, Sir, Your most obedient servant, [Signed] AUG. T. HAMTLTON, Mil, Secy. John Ettrick, Esq., Secretaty, C. V. C. Toronto, C. W. at)miralt^ Marrant By the Commissioners for Executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, etc. Whereas we deem it expedient that vessels belonging to the Royal Canadian Yacht Club shall be permitted to wear the I'.lue Ensign of Her Majesty's fleet with a Crown in the fly. We do, by virtue of the power and authority vested in us, hereby warrant and authorize the Blue Ensign of Her Majesty's fleet, with a Crown in the fly, to be worn on board the respec- tive vessels belonging to the Royal Canadian Yacht Club accordingly. Given under our hands and the seal of the office of Admir- alty, this tenth day of July, 1878. (Signed), A. W. A. HoOD. Gilford. By command of their Lordships, (Signed), Thos. W^olley. NEW ADMIRALTY WARRANT. By the Commissioners for Executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, etc. Whereas we deem it expedient that the members of the Royal Canadian Yacht Club, being natural born or naturalized British subjects, should be permitted to wear on board their respective vessels the Blue Ensign of Her Majesty's Fleet, with 12 the (iistinctive marks of the Club on the tly ihercof, a C>07v„, on the followinj; conditions :— We do therefore, by virtue of the power and authority vested in us, under the i)rovisions of the 105th section of the Merchant Shippinjj Act, 1854, hereby Warrant and autliorize the Hhie Knsi^rn of Her Majesty's Fleet, with the distinctive marks of the Royal Canadian Vacht CIul) thereon as aforesaid, to be worn on board the respective vessels belonging to the Royal Canadian Yacht Club and to members of such Yacht Club, being natural born or naturalized British subjects accordingly, subject to the following conditions : — 1. Every vessel belonging to the Royal Canadian Yacht Club in order to be eligible to wear the Knsign authorized by this Warrant shall have been registered as a British vessel in accord- ance with the Merchant Shipping Act, 1854. 2. The Knsign shall not, witi nit our authority in writing, be worn on board any vessel belonging to the Royal Canadian \achl Club while such vessel is lent, on hire or otherwise, to any person not being a member of the Club, or w!;o, being a a member of the Club is not a natural born or naturalized British subject. Given under our hands and seal of the office of Admiralty this fifteenth day of May, 1894. (Signed), By command of their Lordships. (Signed), Walter T. Kf.rr. G. II. Noel. EwAN MacGregor. »3 ADMIRALTY REGULATIONS AS TO WARRANTS. Admirai.iy, 3 1 St lanuary, 1891. Sir, — With reference to your letter of the l6th instant, le- questinjf to he informed whether a separate -ivarraut is necessary to enalile yachts 'oelonging to ihe Royal Canadian Yacht Chd» to fly the Bhie Ensign of the Koyal Navy, I am commanded by my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to accjuaint you that not only is a separate Warrant necessary for each vessel hut each Warrant must he issued by the Admiralty, to whom application should in each case be made through the Colonial office, si)eci- fying the following particulars : Name of Yacht ; name of owner ; net registered tonnage ; length ; breadth ; port of registry. I am. Sir, Your obedient servant, (Signed), EwAN MacGregor. L.M.M. Admiralty, 1st August, 1878. 1. As there appears to be a want of knowledge on the part of Secretaries of Yacht Clubs of the conditions under which the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty grant Warrants for own- ers of Yachts belonging to the several clubs to fly particular flags, My Lords hnve caused the following circular letter to be drawn up and copies to be sent to the Secretary of each Club holding a Warrant from the Admiralty. 2. Clause 19 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1854, sets forth that " Every British ship must be registered in manner herein- after mentioned, except, 14 (r.) Ships duly registered l^efore this act comes into oner- ation ; ' (2.) Ships nut exctedin^r fifteen tons l.urden employed solely in navigation o,i the rivers or coasts of the United Aiinr. dam, or on the rivers or coasts of some Ihitish possessions ■within which the nianagini; oioiiers of such ships are resident : (3-) Ships not exceedinj; thirty tons burden, and not having a whole or fixed .leek, and employed solely in fishing or trading coastwise on the shores „f Newfoundland or parts adjacent thereto, or in the (adf of St. Lawrence, or on such portion of the coasts of Canada, Nova Scotia or New Brunswick as lie bordering on such gulf ; And no ship hereby recp.ired to be registered shall, unless registered, he recognized as a British ship ; and no officer of customs shall grant a clearance or transire to any ship hereby required to be registered for the purpose of enabling her to pro- ceed to sea as a British ship, unless the master of such ship, upon bemg required to do so, produce to him such certificate of regis- try as is hereinafter mentioned ; and if such ship attempts to proceed to sea as a British ship without a clearance or transire such ofi,cer may detain such ship until such certificate is pro' duce ' to him." 3- Clause 105 sets forth that: '«Ifan^ colours usually worn by Her Majesty's ships, or any colours resembling those of ; I . , Majesty, or any distinctive national colours, except fhe Red Ensign usually worn by merchant ves.sels, or except the Union Jack with X white border, or if the pendant usually carried by Her Majesty ships or any pendant in anywise resembling such pendant, a:e . . : , ,ste.: -n board any ship or boat belonging to any subjecr oi . • «,- M^.jesty. without warrant for so doing from '5 Her Mnjesty or from the Admiralty, the Master of such ship or boat or the owner thereof, if on hoard the same, and every other l»erson hoisting,' or joining or assisting in hoisting the same shall foi e -ery such offence incur a penahy not exceeding five hundred pounds, and it shall be lawful for any officer on full pay in the military or naval service of Her Majesty, or any British officer of the customs, or any British consular officer, to board any ship or boat, and to take away any such jack, colours, or pemlant ; and such jack, colours or pendant shall be forfeited to Her Majesty." 4. In all applications for Warrants lor \'essels required by the Act to be registered, it is essential that the following par- ticulars be stated : Name of Vessel ; Rig ; Length, per register ; Breadth, per register ; Tonnage, per register (to decimals) ; Port of Registry ; Name of Owner. Applications for warrants for vessels not required by the Act to be registered, should, in addi- tion to the dimensions, etc., of the vessel, be accompanied by a statement of the name of the former owner, in order that the vessel may be identified. 5. Warrants are granted to the Secretaries of Clubs, and My Lords consider the clubs responsible for the return o( the War- rants. They would, therefore, suggest that a rule should exist in the Club requiring the return of the Warrant wherever it be- comes obsolete. Whenever a Warrant ceases to be in operation, either by the sale of the vessel, or from any other cause whatsoever, it is the duty of the Secretary of the Club to return it to this office, so soon as possible, in order that it may be cancelled, and each Warrant should be arrnmpanied by a statement of the reason for its return. In the event of a Warrant being lost, the Secretary must acquaint the Secretary of the Admiralty of the same, and the ]6 letter should be accompanied by a statement from the owner of the circumstances under which the Warrant has been lost. Until Warrants are returned, or a satisfactory explanation of their non-return is afforded, fresh Warrants will not be issued. It is requested that copies of the lists of vessels of the Clubs may be sent to the Admiralty once a year. By command of their Lordships, (Signed) \ RoKERT Hall, From Dixon Kemp's '* Manual of Yachting/' Admiralty Warrants.— Warrants granted to Clubs and the members thereof, granting permission to fly the White En- sign, or the Blue Ensign, or the Red Ensign with device on it. An Admiralty Warrant also enables the owner to ship excisable goods, such as wines, spirits, tobacco, tea, etc., direct from bond without payment of duty ; and to enter ports without paying harbor dues (this does not include dock charges) and to make fast to mooring buoys laid down by the Admiralty, if such buoys be not required by ships of H.M. fleet. An Admiralty Warrant is also useful in foreign ports as it at once establishes the nation- alty of a yacht ; and the port authorities usually show greater civility to yachts carrying an Admiralty Warrant, securely berth- ing them, and frequently foregoing harbor dues (not dock charges.) IV/ten a yacht changes hands her Wart ant must he returned through the Club Secretarv to the Adtnirally. It is compulsory that every yacht of and above fifteen tons internal capacity shall be registered. Yachts smaller than fifteen tons *7 must also be registered before application for an Admiralty Warrant can be made on their behalf. RoYAF. Yacht Club. -A club that has obtained permission from the Home Ofifice to use the prefix " Roval." An Admiralty Warrant obtained from the Admiralty does not confer the title, but a Royal Vacht CUib that has not also the Admiralty War- rant can only fly the Red Ensign, and this can have no device. A club with an Admiralty Warrant takes precedence of a club that has only a Royal Warrant. s^ Burgee. Ensign. Commodore Vice-Com- modore. Rear Com- modore. Club Jflao0. Club Yachts, when authorized by Admiralty War- rants, may wear the following flags : The Club Flag (I^urgee) to be a navy blue pennant with a white cross ; in the upper canton of the hoist a Royal crown, yellow, with red cap, and m the lower canton a bea- ver, also yellow ; the hoist to be two thirds of the length ; the burgee shall be carried at the mast-head. The Blue Ensign of Her Majesty's Fleet, with a Royal crown, yellow with red cap, in the fly. The Commodore's flag shall be a white burgee with swallow-tails, the device to be the same as for club flag bearing a cross of navy blue, with a crown and beaver in red. The hoist to be two thirds and swallow tails one third of the length. The Vice-Commodore's flag to be of the same shape and dimensions, navy blue with yellow cross, and yellow crown and beaver. The Rear-Commodore's flag to be the same, red with white cross and crown and beaver also in yellow. ^1 Club 'Ulniforme. Service Dress.~K double breasted ship-jacket of Service navy blue material with falling collar ; five large club '^''"'" buttons on each side in front, four on each side to show and one to be under the collar ; lining black ; cuffs to be 4 inches in length encircled with three club buttons in front ; centres 2 inches apart also to have a loop of yi inch black silk braid zi/^ inches in length from centre of each l)Utton to within ^ of an inch of edge of cufif. Waistcoat of navy blue material or white duck, single breasted with six small club buttons in front. Trousers of navy blue material or white duck. Cap of navy blue cloth and same pattern as worn by the Royal Yacht Squadron ; black mohair band of maple leaf pattern, buttons at sides with chin cord of black silk and club badge in front. Necktie to be a sailor's knot of black silk. The belt to be of black leather, one inch and a- half in width with clasp in gilt and of same device as club button, surrountled by wreath of laurels. Full Dress.— A navy blue cloth coat with tails, Full dress, double breasted, falling collar, pointed lapels faced with white silk ; nine button holes on each side and six club buttons, centres 2 inches apart to show in each row ; lining white ; pointed flaps of navy blue 20 cloth on skirt and three cluh buttons half under points of same : a loop of },i inch gold lace, 2)4 inches in length, from seam to within ^ of an incli of point over each button ; sleeve ornaments to be the same as for service coat, sul)stituting }i inch gold lace for black silk biaid. Waistcoat to be white, small club buttons in front. Trousers of navy blue cloth. Necktie, a bow of black silk. Mess jacket Mess facket.~K navy blue cloth, double-breasted Eton Jacket ; length about 2 j^ inches ])elow natural waist ; bottom turned up and slightly curved at centre of bark, not peaked ; no seam in centre of back ; lapels faced with white silk and lining white ; two pockets with welts at sides and inside breast pocket ; edges to lie held together by link of Chib buttons at second button hole from bottom ; Imttons and sleeve ornaments as for full dress. ^^^xon'xi' ^''^'^^•^s ^''hall wear on full dress coat and mess f\^\)ad^e*,t jacket a badge on each shoulder as follows : a shoulder . f y knot 5 inches in length composed of gold cord in 3 V- -^L ^wist^3 ])raids in each with crowfoot; a small club e^O^ ^(i^ ^ button to be in centre of upper twist. In addition '^ ,<'C*' \ ^\c* »^ above the Commodore to have a crown and anchor embroidered in silver on crowfoot ; the Vice-Com- modore a crown on ditto, and the Rear Commodore an anchor. Dfficers sleeve or- naments. Sleeve ornaments — Commodore • Four rows: of ^ inch gold navy distinction lace round sleeves, }( of an inch apart above a 3 inch cuff; upper row to form an oval loop i}4 inches in length by i inch in width 21 in centre of sleeve ; three club bultons, centres 2 inches apart around front of sleeves ;4 an inch below top of cuff. Vice-Commodore to have three rows of Yz inch distinction lace similarly arranged ; the Ke . Cotnmodore two rows and the H ^ ^m i j iiiimui'ui)> one row. Officers undress sleeve ornaments shall be the same as for full dress, only substittitiuo black stlk braid for fiold lace. The Club Badge shall be an anchor encircled with ciub badge, a garter outlined in bullion bearing R.C.Y.C. in block letters, surmounted with a Royal Crown embroidered in gold and silver, with a red velvet cap and sur- rounded by a wreath of maple leaves in gold bullion. The Club Button shall be of raised gilt indented Qui, button with a round rim and within the letters "K.C.llJ.C. in old English over a fouled anchor and surmounted by a Royal Crown. The buttons used on both liody and sleeves of coa to be 3^ of an inch in size, and on waistcoat ^ an inch ; one inch buttons may be worn on body of "reefers." The Club Colotirs %\\q\\ be navy blue and old gold, ciubcolours The Club Ribbon to be of corded silk, 2 inches in width. AzZ/^rw— Diagonal bars of old gold, % of an ^'"^ "bbon. inch wide and i inch apart across the full width of ribbon, on ground of navy blue. Information as to where Club Uniforms, Badges, Ribl)on, etc. may be obtained, will be furnished on application to the Secretary. r ' fl'^ Objects of Club. Rules and manage- ment of Races. BY-LAWS. As amended at the Annual General Meeting of the Club, April 23rd, J898. 1. All former By-laws are hereby rescinded. 2. The objects of this Club being : first, to en- courage members to become proficient in the personal management, control and handling of their yachts, in navigation and in all matters pertaining to seaman- ship ; secondly, to promote yacht architecture, build- ing and sailing in Canadian waters : // is exacted, that the funds of the Club (after paying the necessary current expenses) be appropriated by the Executive to prizes of money or trophies to be sailed for as may be decided by the Sailing Committee. 3. The Club, through the Committee of Manage- ment, may allow races, open to all comers, to be sailed under the Club patronage and management. In Club races, ami all races under Club management, the rules and time allowance of the Lake Yacht Racing Associa- tion shall be used, subject to such variations or altera- tions in Club races as the Sailing Committee shall think fit. «3 MEETINGS. 4. Politics and relif^ious cjuestions of every kind shall he absolutely excluded from open discussion in the Club. 5. The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall Annual r.en- , '^ eial Meet- take place on the fourth Saturday in April in each year, ing. at the Town Club House, at eight o'clock p.m. Nine members shall form a quorum. The Commodore, or in his absence the Vice-Commodore or Rear Com- modore shall take the chair at all the Club meetings ; in the absence of these ofticers the meml)ers present at such meeting shall elect a chairman. 6. The Secretary shall summon a Special General Special Cien- Meeting of the Club at any time on receiving direc- X\\^. ^'"^^^ tions from the Committee of Management ; or on a requisition signed by not less than five members of the Club. In all such cases there must be at least seven days notice of meeting, posted in the Town Club House (and in the Island Club House and Club Launch between the 1st of June and the ist of Octo- l)er), which notice shall state the object of the meeting. All notices thus posted shall be considered sufficient as regards meetings of the Club. 7. When any General or Special Meeting of the Closing of ai • 1 1 , . 1 , , . „ Card rooms ub is about to be held the card rooms m the Club House shall be closed at least a quarter of an hour before the time and remain closed during the meeting. OFi-ICERS, ETC. 8. The officers of the Club shall consist of a Com- Officers of modore, Vice-Commodore, Rear Commodore, Hon. Nomination and Elec- 24 Stforutnry-Treasurer. The oflicers and a Committee of Management shall be elected at the general meet- ing m April, and shall take office forthwith ; the officers shall be ex-officio members of all committees and with tlie exception of the Hon. Sd^^iwy- Trea- surer they shall be owners of yachts, or joint owners of yachts of which all owners are members of the Club. 9. The Comniodore, Vice-Commodore, Rear Com- mittee ana Klec- 1 it , - — "- ^^^^^, ixcai tionofOffi.modore, Hon. Jjasffltsnyf-Treasurer, and a Com..uuc, Committee f ^^^"'''ge'nent shall be elected by ballot, as follows : aee^ment' '^'"^ '^''^' "^' ^"^^ ^' ^"^ ''"^^ thereafter up • to one week ot the general meeting in April, or any special general meeting called for that purpose, any meml)er may, in writing, communicated to the Secre- tary, nominate one person for each office, including ten members for the Committee of Management, and the Secretary shall from day to day, as received, post up in the Club the names of all persons so nominated with the names of the respective nominators sub- scribed thereto ; and the election shall take place at the general meeting. In the event of no nominations being made as aforesaid or no elections taking place at such general meeting, the elections shall take place at a special general meeting called for that purpose in the manner provided by Rule 6, but no such election shall take place until nominations have been made as beiore provided. New nominations may be made at such general or special meeting, but persons so nomi- nated must receive a two-thirds vote of those present. The Officers and the Committee of Management shall hold office until their successors are appointed. New nomi nations. Term of office. c ^ 6 X \ *5 OUTIES OF OFFICICRS, ETC. dH '°\ ^ n'^A" !'" '^' ^"'^ "^ '^^'^ Commodore to pre- Commodore, side at all (Jul, meetings, to lake command of the -squadron, to enforce the Constitution, By-laws and Saihng Regulations, to affix the Club Seal to all neces- sary docmnents and generally to supervise the affairs ol the Club. n. It shall be the duty of the Vice-Commodore Vice-Com- to officiate in the absence of the Commodore and to """^'''^^ assist that officer in the discharge of his duties. to offidaLtnM;: 'r'^^^V': ^^^^ ^—^- to otticiate m the absence of the Commodore and "'o^lore. \ ice-Commodore, to superintend all regattas and races and endeavour to promote the best interests of the Club in sailing matters generally. 3. The Hon. Secretary-Treasurer shall perform Hon S such >kmes as generally pertain to the office. He shall ha\^,e custody of the Club Seal, of all the books and re^rcls connected with the business of the <-lub. He shalKprepare an Annual Report on the general state of tl\Club together with a correct account of the receiptXmi expenditure for the year expinng on the 31st of M^When last, and he shall furnish a statement showing th^Wunt of the assets and liabilities of the Club on that^W^and cause the same to be audited. He shall calllllSi>«^ings and conduct all correspondence of the Club Executive. shall be the^ty OiUy of the Assistant Secretary,,, . g, i, a\^ a correct roll bt4^^JGf^b ~ / > V 1/ 26 y t^ V b^' / \ U membership and the minutes of nil meetings. He sha+L^ischarge all duties assigned to him ])y the Hon. Secretai'y^reasurer and act under his supervision. lie shall as^H^l the Hon. Measurer in measuring the yachts of the CluK^eet and shall assist the ollicer of the day in taking char^»«of all Club races and regattas. He shall see that the CliilN^ervants properly perform their duties; shall see thai theRvading Rooms are sup- plied with the proper papers Jvml periodicals as directed by the Executive and shall etKkavour to pro- vide generally for the comfort and coHvenience of members. The Assistant Secretary shall ftold ofilice during the pleasure of the Committee of Manatement and shall be paid such salary as the CommitleeXhall decide. Auditor. 15- At the Annual General Meeting an Auditor shall be appointed who shall hold office for the ensu- ing year and receive such remuneration as the Com- mittee of Management shall decide. The accounts of the Club shall be examined annually by the Auditor who shall certify to the accuracy of the Financial Statement and account of Assets and Liabilities and report thereon to the Committee of Management for the information ot the members in general meet'^q;. Committee i6. The Committee of Management shall consist ^ niem?"^^*^ of ten members, in addition to the ex-offi,cio members^ It shall appoint all sub-commitlees. ¥s's*i.4tant secre- taries and bankers and shall have all the powers of the Clul) except as to recission or alterations of by- laws, or additions thereto, expulsion of members, and Quorum. annual election of officers. Four shall form a quorum. y -# M' ■ A. s> ■ . He : Hon. vision, ng the leer of ijatlas. erform re sup- als as ;o pro- dce of office ;ement •\hall uditor ensu- Com- ints of uditor lancial es and jnt for :onsist nbers,. secre- ers of of by- s, and orum. (P .^ .y ^H V 27 17. The Committee of Management shall have the Powers of entire control of the Imsiness affairs of the Club, with <^-*'n""ttiet full power to take whatever steps they may deem S"''*^" a.Ivisai)le -n its mterests, and to pass, amend «r repeal such by-laws as from time to lime they may consider necessary, provided that in so doing they lo not in any way infringe any <,f the ,.f this Constitution. They shall report such action to the first meeting of the Club for general Imsiness when the said by-laws shall then be confirmed or otherwise cease to be in force. They shall enforce the obser- vance of all by-laws as well as of the provisions of /-'^ > I \ ^ -? <■/. oO e ents 18. The Committee of Management shall appoint a ^ ■ ' a House Committee, a Launch and Grounds Com- ^^t^Z niittee and such other committees as it may deem """""• iec( f necessary. - ^ 0^''^.^oOr;. 19- The Committee of Management shall have Assessm power to levy an assessment of not more than $10 in any year upon every member of the Club, incluJing life members, but not honorary life members, subject to the approval of two-thirds of those present at the annual general meeting of the Club, or at a special general meeting of the Club, called for the purpose of considering the same, 20. The Committee of Management, at a special Killing of nieetmg of that body to be called for that purpose, of vacancies, which meeting at least i/iree clear days notice shall' be given, are empowered to fill up any vacancies that may occur during the year in their own number or that of the officers of the Club. 28 ^ ( Voting. Absentee metiibers shall coase tu hold ofTice. Election of Saiiinj; Committee. Powers of Sailing Committee ^ "^Jk ^ ^A\ Klection of ^ JC^ Hon. Mea. surer. Duties of Hon. Mea- surer. V ^ Election of Hon. Mem- bers. 21. No meuihcr shall vot'" upon any (|uesli()n in which he is personally intercsietl. 22. Should any member of the Committee of Man- ajjemcnt be absent from all m-jclings held in any two consecutive ntonths without a satisfactory excuse to the other memi)ers, he shall cease to hold office, and his j)lace be filled according; to Uy-law No. 20. 23. A fjeneral meeting; of the Club shall be held on t]ie-4sl .Saturtlay in Noveniber, in the Town Club ouse, at 8 p.m. for the purpose of electing seven members to form a Sailing CommiUee. The election shall be conducted under the rules of By-law No. 8, 24. The Sailing Committee shall have entire con- trol of all sailing matters of the Club ; they shall take charge of all Club races and regattas and shall enforce the ob.servance of the sailing regulations generally. Three shall form a (piorum. 25. The Sailing Committee shall have jjower to elect a member of the Club to the office ot Honorary Measurer, who shall hold oftice during the term of the committee nominating him. 26. The Hon. Measurer shall be ex-officio a mem- ber o( the Sailing Committee. It shall be his duty to measure all yachts belonging to the Club fleet ; to keep correct returns of the rig, dimensions, name and ownership of the same in a register which shall be kept at the Club House, and keep a copy thereof posted in one of the Club rooms. 27. The Committee of Management shall have power to elect for the current year as honorary mem- lion in • 89 hers sucli ofiu'crs or rcprcsentalive meinl)ers of other cluhs of special dislinction as may seem to them tlesirahle. 28. An Honorary Life Member shall he one to whom the freedom of the Club has been presented for important services rendered the Club or its represen- tatives. He shall be exempt from the payment of any fees or assessments and shall be entitled for life to all the privileges of the Club, 29. Honorary Life iMembers may only be elected at a general meeting of the Club by a unanimous vote of the meml)ers j)resent. 30. Life and ordinary members shall be entitled to all the privileges of the Club. 31. P'ach candidate for admission as an ordinary member shall be proposed by one member and sec- secondf d by another by a proposal in writing stating the candidate's name, residence, rank, profession or other description which shall be entered in a book of candirlates for that purpose provided, and signed by both proposer and seconder, which nomination shall be posted on the notice board of the Town Club House. The Secretary shall submit the application to the Executive at their first meeting after the expira- tion of five days from the date of posting, and if no ballot shall have been demanded the Executive may either direct the name to be held over for a subsequent meeting or declare the candidate elected. Anv mem- ber may demand a ballot by notifying the Secretary that such is his wish, when the Secretary shall at once inform the candidate's proposer and seconder of the Hon. Life Metnhers, Election of Hon. Life Men>))ers. M embers privileges. Election of Ordin.iry Members. Ballot. 30 \ toting. L, <'t /^ Irregular ballot. Limit as to age. fact and if the name be not withdrawn, shall post a notice in the Club Room, including the application, and stating that a ballot has been demanded, and the date that the same will be held. In case a ballot shall be demanded the ballot shall take place between the hours of two and six p.m. of the first Saturday after a clear week's notice has been posted that a a ballot has been demanded. Each member voting shall write his name on a card to be provided for that purpose, which card shall be placed by such member in a box with a white or black _ ball and the. Mmm. Secretary, or by his direction, the Assistant Secretary, in the presence of a member of the Committee of Management, shall open the ballot box and declare the result to the Committee of Manage- ment ; a separate ballot shall be taken for each can- didate ; voting by proxy shall not he alloived. In the event of any irregularity in the ballot affect- ing the result another ballot shall be held at such time and on such notice as the Executive may think fit, but no ballot shall be declared void for any irregularity not affecting the result. 32. No ballot shall be valid unless twelve mem- bers actually ballot, and one black ball in seven shall exclude. No candidate who shall have been rejected shall be eligible to be proposed again within six months. No person shall be admitted a member un- less of the full age of sixteen years, except officers of Her Majesty's Service, provided that no member shall have the right to vole or take part in Club meetings until he attains the age of twenty-one years. IT ' v^, 33- Junior resident members may be admitted be- junior mem- tween the ages of i6 and 24 without payment of the ^"■''• entrance fee on payment of $10 annually. J 34- On the election of ea6h new member the Notificatioti " Aw iri a nt -Secretary shall notify the same to him, and I _ to ne>v. furnish him with a printed copy of the rules and refTu- r(T^^"V ^ \j' V lations, and request him to remit the amount of his entran ce fee and subscription to the I4Mh Secretary- Tiejfeurw and until the same be paid he shall not he entitled to the privileges of the Club, and if the same shall remain unpaid for one month after such ttoti/i. cation, his election shall be null and void, unless such default shall be explained to the satisfaction of the Committee of Management. 35- No member shall be allowed to take part in Du^s any proceedings of the Club, or vote on any subject be paid'be- connected therewith, or use the Ck,b House, until he to pHv.llgS shall fiave paid all arrears and subscriptions, as also any assessment 7vJiich may be due by /lim, togetfier ivith rents of boat fiouses and racks, and all accounts due t/ie Ste^mrd jvJiich fiave remained unpaid one weefi after presentation. 36. Any member wishing to withdraw from the Club must give notice in writing to that effect to the Secretary not later than the 31st day of March, he shall then be allowed to withdraw on payment of all arrears for subscriptions, assessments, rents and un- paid accounts. 37. Should the conduct of any member, either in Expulsion, or out of the Club House, be in the opinion of the -111*'' Resignation 32 Committee of Management, and of which the Com- mittee shall he the judge (or of any ten meml)er.s of the Club who shall certify the same to the Committee in writing) injurious to the character and interest of the Club ; or should any member persistently refuse to conform to any rule of the Club, or to any regula- tion which may from time to time be made by the Committee ; the Committee may request such mem- ber to resign ; should he not resign within fourteen days of the mailing to him of a prepaid registered letter containing such request, the Committee (of whom not less than seven must be present) shall be empowered to erase his name from the list of mem- bers. Notification of the member's expulsion shall be forwarded to him, but he shall have the right of appeal to a general meeting of the Club. Notice of such appeal must be delivered to the Secretary within fourteen days from the date of the mailing of the noti- fication of expulsion, and the Secretary shall forth- with call a general meeting in accordance with By- law No. 6. 38. If the conduct of any Temporary Member or Expulsion of Visitor shall be similarly called in question, the Com- l,UmhlrU '^''^^^^ o^ Management may erase the name of such Temporary Member or Visitor from the Club list, and he shall forthwith cease to be entitled to enter the Club premises, or to avail himself of any of the privi- leges of the Club ; he shall moreover be ineligible for future nomination and the attciUiori of his proposer be drawn to the fact. There shall in this case be no appeal from the decision of the Committee. excluded from Club entertain- ments. 53 39- Any member who shall withdraw, resign, or Expelled be expelled, shall forfeit all right or claim in or to the "'^'"'^^'■•'* Club property or funds ; and any member who shall be expelled shall forever thereafter be ineligible to be re-admitted a member, and no pel-son who has been expelled or struck oft as a defaulter, and not restored, shall be admitted to the Club or any of its entertain- ments. PRIVILEGED MEMHERS. 40. All members of Royal Yacht Clubs outside the Privileged Province of Ontario, and of recognized Yacht CIuIjs '"^'"^"'s- of Foreign Nations at peace with Great lir-'tain, shall be admissable as privileged members during a period not exceeding one month, on being introduced by a member, and any such member so introduced being an owner of a yacht shall be entitled to take part with his yacht in any race of the Club, excepting those for the Club Cups, provided that the Club to which such member belongs extends the same privilege to the yacht-owning members of this Club, 41- Any ordinary memberfl^^have the privilege Visiting of introducing a friend resident at a distance of thirty miles from Toronto for a period not exceeding two weeks pi»«tfer^4-Ue.jiamfi--ef »i+eb p«r«oa.. bc-^b- <^n e m smher oLU;e. CouwjHttee of Management and his name l>e entered on the Visitors' Book. The person so admitted shall thereafter he- a -privileged mcuibex -ef the Club for- Hvf) week*, but no person, shall be so admitted more than once in the same year on the introduction of any one member, ami not more than three times in the same year under any circumstances. "-^ .^,,6 et;n previously entered in th e visi- \ 48. Guests who are nun-resident of Toronto shall ^ S t efh^^'^^^^rf ''^ ^'•"" ^- ^he ay, pro Heside.u vKledthey have lunched at the C!ul>, and while'^the ''"''""• "^ member mtroducing them is present with them. ^^ -^ of tte Cir'^rt"' """'"'•■\^^^>' h-'e all the privileges Guesu of^^^S^V of the CIuI, after seven o'clock in the evening, pro- Members. V Cfc^ VKled they have dined at the Club, and whUe the \ ^ .nember mtroducing them is present with them. ^ FEES. 50. The entrance fee shall be $,5. The annual Fees subscnp.on for res.dent n.embers, which shall be held to mclude persons residing in the city of Toronto and wuhm five miles thereof, $15 ; for nonresident mem- bers m the Domionion of Canada. $^; and for mem- ' bers residmg out of the Dommion of Canada. $2. All owners and part owners of yachts shall be entitlecT^'" to admission in the manner provided by By-law ^i without payi^ent of an entrance fee ; and in the case ^/ of those under 21 years of age, at an annual subscrip- / tion of $5, until they attain the age of 21 The ' Annual Fees shall be payable i.i advance on the first Monday in April in each year, but whenever any member shall have been elected on or after the firs^ day of September in any year, he shall pay a fee nt the rate ol ten per cent, of his annual fee per month up to the end of t!i. then current fiscal year, \ the fiscal year to end on the last day of March in each ■ year. All entrance fees, annual subscriptions and V V 'f ci'f (lOV- 36 be paid to the ij^. Secretary- Temporary Members. Names of defaulting Members to be posted. Absentee ]\Iembers. assessments shall Ti'w iiircr. 51. All officers of the Army and Navy and officers of the permanent forces of the Dominion of Canada, on actual service, and meml)ers of Royal Yacht Clubs beyond the Dominion of Canada, and gentlemen not permanently residing in Canada, may be elected members for the period of six months or less, on pay- ment of $1 a month ; but they shall have no vote nor voice in the management of the afiairs of the Club. This rule shall also apply to gentlemen from the other Provinces or Territories in Canada. 52. The name of every member failing to pay his annual subscription by the first Monday in July in each year, shall be exhibited in the Club Room, pro- vided he shall have been previously notified If not then paid he shall be liable to pay an ; >ditional sum of $1 for each month, or portion thereof, he is so in default ; and if the subscription, with all fines, be not paid on or before the first day of August following, he shall then cease to be a member, and his name be erased from the books of the Club, unless otherwise ordered by the Committee of Man- agement. 53. Members leaving the Dominion of Canada, on application to the Committee of Management, may become absentee members on payment in advance of $2 per annum, commencing from May 1st follow- ing their departure. Should an absentee again be- come a resident member he shall pay ^i per month between the months of August and November. ,/'«"*- I 37 54. Each member already elected and every fiUitre Member, member from the time of his election shall be held to •"'"•enable have notice of and to be absolutely bound, and by '" ^''■''"'' becoming such member, bind himself to conform to these several Rules and iiy-Laws made or hereafter to he made by the Club and the Committee of Manage- ment. AMENDMENTS, ETC. All members having any new Hy-law to nro- ^"'«^"''- . „_ .• . . "^ " ments. s 55 pose, or any suggestion to make for the alteration of existing By-laws, must forward the same in writing to tH^ H*«-Secretary at least eleven days previous to the Annual General Meeting, or any Special General Meet- mg, and such communication, or a copy thereof, shall he posted by the Secretary in some conspicuous place m the Club for at least sev.n days next preceding such •neetmg. At such meeting the same shall be discuss- ed, and i approved of then adopted. 56. No addition, alteration or amendment shall l-e made to these By-laws unless notice thereof in writing shall be given as provided in By-law No 55 nor without the consent f two-thirds of the members present at such meeting. (general Ibouse IRulee. Hours for Club to remain open. Settlement of accounts Complaints. Reprimand- ing of Servants. 1. The Club shall be open every clay for the recep- tion of members at eight o'clock in the forenoon, and shall be closed and the lights extinguished at such hours as may be ordered by the Committee of Man- agement ; and no member shall be admitted into or remain in the Club after these hours on any pretence whatever, unless specially authorize d by the Committee. A servant of the Club shall give notice in the card and reading rooms half an hour before the time of dosing. 2. All members are to pay their bills for every expense they may incur in the Club before leaving the house. 3. Any cause of complaint that may arise is to be communicated in writing to the Uau. Secretary by the member so complaining, which complaint must be specially noticed by the Committee o( Manage- ment at their next meeting ; and any overcharge, inattention, or improper conduct on the part of a ser- vant, is to be stated by letter, over the signature of such member, which being addressed to the Secretary must be laid before the Committee at their next meeting. 4. The conduct <>( any servant of the Club shall in no case be made the subject of personal reprimand by any member. t recep- n, and t such Man- into or etence mittee. e card ime of • every leaving is to be lary by it must lanage- charge, f a ser- xture of icretary ir next U) shall irimanil t ,4 .( ,0^ 39 5- No game shall, on any account, be played for Games, money, except whist, ecarte, picquet, euchre, billiards and pool ; nor dice used, except at back-gammon. 6. No higher stakes than ten cent points shall be Stakes, played for at whist, nor shall any bot exceed one dollar. 7- The games of ecarte. picquet, euchre, billiards. Limit of and pool, may be played for limited stakes, the limits ^''''**^- to be fixed by the Committee, and the Committee shall have power to fix a limit to the hours during which cards shall be played in the Club, and to make such regulations in respect thereof as circumstances may hereafter call for. 8. No person shall, on any pretence whatever. Removal remove from the rooms of the Club House to which of'ciub they belong any furniture, newspaper, pamphlet, or P'^P^''^' other article : nor shall any books, models, charts or pictures be removed from the Club House. 9. Any member damaging or destroying property Damage belonging to the Club shall pay such sum as the Com- '» Club mittee of Management may think proper to charge. P''ope'"'"=''- 10. No dogs shall be allowed in the Club Houses. Dogs. 11. Ladies, when introduced by members, may „ • ., be invited to make use of the verandas at the Town to ladies. Club House on all Saturdays and race days during the season and also the upper verandas at the Island Club House on every afternoon and evening. 12. Members may entertain ladies at the Island visitors Club House in the Visitor's Dining Room, and arrange- Joining ments may be made with the Club Steward for the '^°'""" accommodation of special dinner parties on due notice being given. Qnalifica- tions for Club yachts. Chartered yachts. Sailing Regula- tions. Manage- ment of Races. Special iRuIee fov l^acbt 1. A yacht in order to 1)e entered on the list of the Ckib Fleet or considered a club Yacht or be entitled to wear the club flag, must be exclusively, oi in the case of yach'is owned beyond the Dominion of Canada at least one-half owned by a member or m='nibers of the Club, and such owner or owners shall be entitled to a certificate of measurement to be obtained on ap- plication to the Secretary. 2. Any yacht chartered for the season by a mem- ber or members of the Club and entered on the Club 1 1st can enter and sail in any race, and shall be deemed, for Club purposes, the property of the mem- ber or members in whose name she is entered. 3. The sailing regulations shall be those of the L.Y. R.A. with such alterations or additions as the Sailing Committee may from year to year deem ex- pedient and of which they shall give notice in the annual club programme. 4. All races, and all yachts sailing therein, shall be under the direction of the Sailing Committee of the Club. All matters shall l^e subject to their ap- proval and control, and all doubts, questions and disputes which may arise shall be subject to their decision. Their decision shall be based upon these V ■* 4» rules so far as they will apply, bi.t as no rules can be devised capable of meeting every incident and acci- dent of sailing, the Sailing Committee should keep in view the ordinary customs of the sea, and discourage all attempts to win a race by other means than fair sail- ing and superior speed and skill. The decision of the Sailing Committee shall be tinal. No member of the Sailing Committee shall lake part in the discussion upon any disputed question in which he is directly interested The Sailing Committee shall award the prizes. If any yacht be disqualified, the next in order shall be awarded the prize. 5. Her Majesty the Queen having graciously pre- sented a valuable Challenge Cup on the petition of Cup.*" the Royal Canadian Vacht Club, and of which the said Club are custodians, the same shall be competed for annually by yachts belonging to Canadian clubs. Such competition shall take place on the Canadian waters of Lake Ontario, subject to the terms and con- ditions as amended and approved from time to time by His Excellency the Governor General. 6. The race for the Prince of Wales Cup shall be prince of sailed for annually on the first Monday in September, Wales' in commemoration of the visit of HisRoyal Highness "''' to Toronto, on September 7th, i860. The winner of the said Cup, before taking possession of the same for the current year, shall give security to the satisfac- tion of the Executive Commitiee, fcjr its due and safe return to the Club by the ist September following, and the winner shall receive a medal to represent the Cup. I Other Club Cups. Conditions re Club Cups, The "Cana- da's" In- ternational Challenge Cup. Models to be presented to Club. 42 7. The Cups presenied to the Club by the Marquis of Lome and the Maiquis of Lansdowne while Gov- ernors General of Canada, as also the Murray, Cos- grave, McGaw and Ilarman Cujis shall be sailed for annually under such condition as the Sailing Com- mittee shall from year to year tlirect. 8. The races for Club Cups are exclusively con- fined to yachts belonging to the R.C.V.C. all owners of which ate British subjects and permanent re>idents of Canada. 9. The owners of the yacht "Canada," with a view to encourage the building of larger fleets by fos- tering class racing, have donated a valuable silver trophy known as the " Canada's Cup," and of which ♦he Royal Canadian Yacht Club are trustees, as a perpetual International Challenge Cup for friendly competition between sailing yachts, representatives of yacht clubs of the two nations bordering on the Great Lakes, and subject to the rules and conditions of the Deed of Gilt, January i6th, 1897. 10. The owner or owners of the y icht makinjr the best average lor the season, in each class, shall pres- ent to the Club a model of such yacht. 'f ^ } m w ir of (c c b, th Ik re in m 01 se to of W flc m .>v .c A' t^^ Jflag an& Signal IRulcs. 1. Yacht owners desirous to wear the Cliih Ensign ^m II St be provided with Admiralty Warrants. These win tie obtained by the Htm-Sccretary on the following information l)eing furnished ; Name of Yacht ; Name of owner ; Rig ; Net registered ttmnage ; Length (extreme) ; Breadth (extreme) ; Tort of registry. Certificates of holding the Admiralty Warrants will be furnished on application. 2. Admiralty Warrants are in force only during the time the yacht remains th- , ty of the mem- ber in whose name the wan ,. is issued, or whilst he remains a member of tin Club and any member part- ing with or letting his yacht, or resigning mendiership must return the ol)so]ele Warrant to the .Secretary at once. Yacht ownt is are earnestly requested to ob- .serve the Admiralty regulations on this suliject. 3. When a yacht is Itt or lent she is vol entitled to hoist the Blue Ensign or Club Burgee unless the person to whom she is let or lent shall be a member of the R.C.Y.C. (See regulations as to Admiralty Warrants, Clause 105, Merchant Shipping Act, page NOTES RE ENSIGN AND BURGEE FROM " ROYAL CITJRS." 4. Tc'w.f/X'^;/,— If an Ensign other than the Red be flown by any vessel without a warrant from the Ad- miralty, a penalty of ;^500 stg. may be inflicted, and Conditions of wearing KiisIkh. Diiratidn of Admiralty Warrant. Restriction as to use of Club Flags. Penalty for wearing flags with- out War- rant. Separate Warrants necessny. Visiting yachts to hoist Foreign Club's Burgee on arrival in port. Seniority of Officers and C uIjs. 44 any Custom House or Consular Officer or other officer in H.M. Service on full pay may board ihe vessel and seize the flag. Alihough the Red Ensign has been assigned to the mercantile marine, no device can be put in it other than the Jack without the permission of the Admiralty. The jurisdiction of the Admiralty only extends to flags flown afloat, and any Ensign can be hoisted on fiagstaffs on shore. When a war- rant 's granted to a Club to fly the White, Blue or the Red Ensign with a device, this warrant does not of itself entitle a member of the Club to fly either Ensign on board his yacht ; before he can legally do so he must also obtain a warrant from the Admiralty through the Club Secretary. As many warrants must be ob- tained as he belongs to clul)s if he desires to fly the flpg of each club. When the yacht is disposed of the warrants must be returned through the Club Secretary to the Admiralty, and if the owner obtains a new yacht he must get fresh warrants. 5. Edqtiette of Bin gee. — It is considered etiquette if a yacht is on a ^tation where there is a club t-stab- lished and her owner is a member of the club, that the flag of that particular club should be hoisted as the yacht arrives on the station, although the owner may be the Commodore, or Vice or Rear-Commodore of another club. I( his yacht is a schooner he can fly his pennant at the main and the club Burgee at the fore. If several yachts are lying at an anchorage where there is no c!u!) the yachts will fly the Burgee of the senior officer present, but if there be two offi- cers of equal rank present then the flag ol the one whose club is senior by virtue of the date of its Ad 45 niirally Warrant will be flown. The senior officer means the one of highest rank, and where the rank is equal, the seniority depends upon the date of the Admiralty Warrant of the clu' which conferred the rank and not upon the length < ' ervice of the officer ; but a Vice-Commodore of a sen.w/- club does not take precedence of a Commodore of a junior club. ]iy the same rule when several yachts are present behmging to clubs that have no Admiralty Warrants, the date of the establishment of the several clubs would decide the seniority of officers of equal rank, but clubs with Admiralty Warrants always rank before those without. 6. The Lake Yacht Racing Association Code of Signal Code. .Signals has been adopted by the Clul). 7. Colours to be hoisted at 8 a.m. from April ist, Time of to September 30th, inclusive, and at 9 a.m. from a°d s",fk. October 1st to March 31st, inclusive. In Toronto ing colors. Harbour the time will be taken Irom the R.C.V.C. Club Houses, and in other ports from the .Senior Flag Officer's Yacht should any such be lying there. 8. Absence Flags and Meal Pennants shall not be Exceptions, considered colours. 9. The Club Burgee shall be carried at the main Club Flag- on schooners and steamers. car^Hed 10. Mast-head flags, except when a Royal Yacht is Burgees, or passing, are never to be dipped under any circum- mast-head 1 . flags, not Stances whatsoever. dipped. ir. On special occa'^ions such as dressing ship in Foreign a foreign port, the national ensign of that country ensigns- , , J , . " J where car- should always be hoisted at the fore ; single- masted "ed. vessels may hoist to the fore-stay. Flags at half-mast. Saluting at half-mast. General bignale. Absence Flags and Meal Pen nants. Winning Flag. 46 12. In the event of colours being carried at half- mast the Ensign only, and not the Hurgee will he low- ered, except in the event of the death of a yacht owner, when both Ensign and Hurgee will be half- masted until sundown of that day, when they will be lowered for good. 13. Saluting with the Ensign at half-mast should be done by mast-heading at first ; this rule applies to yachts both at anchor and under way. 14. Should one of the flag officers make any gen- eral signals owners of yachts should pay immediate attention, hoist their answering pennants the moment the signal is understood and keep them flying until the signal is lowered. The same rule applies to any signal made from the Club House. 15. Yachts, when the owner is not on board, may fly at the main starboard spreader, during daylight, a blue flag, rectangular in shape ; a white flag of simi- lar shape may be hoisted at the main starboard spreader during the meal hours of the owner, and a red pennant at the main port spreader during the meal hours of the crew. These flags should never be carried when under way. 16. — The racing flag which is hoisted immediately after a race, to denote that a yacht has won a prize, is hoisted immediately below on the same halyard as the Burgee. When the yacht has sailed her last match she hoists as many prize flags as she has won races during the season. If a yacht has won more races than she has prize flags it is usual to make up the deficiency with code signal flags or Burgees. \ at half- 1 be lovv- a yacht be half- y will be jt should pplies to any gen- nmediate moment ing until s to any 47 17. In addition to the Club Ensign, Flag Officers, Boat Flags, when in their boats, may fly on a jack staff, their official flag, and owners their private signal, or the Club Burgee. 18. A general rule for the measurement of flags is Rules for as follows : Owners' private signals or racing flags to be half an inch in length. Burgees and code signal flags, three quarters of an inch, and Ensigns one inch in length for every foot in height of mast, from deck to truck. T'-.- hoist of flags in each case to be two- thirds of tJ:; .cr.gth. Flag mea- surements. ard, may lylight, a I of simi- starboard er, and a uring the never be mediately a prize, is ird as the natch she :es during than she deficiency 1 ^i i I Salutce. Ordinary salutes. Saluting War Ships and Flag Officers. Mast-head Ensigns ^nd flags. Yachts en- tering port Salute to Foreign Club. 1. All salutes should be returned in kind. 2. The following rules do not apply to yachts leaving for or returning from a days' sail. 3. Yachts passing one another may exchange salutes by dipping the Ensign once, or by firing a gun followed by dipping the Ensign ; steam whistles should not be used in making salutes. 4. When passing Royal Yachts, men of war and the yachts of Flag Officers Ensigns (only) should be dipped once, juniors and small yachts saluting first (see L'v.le 5, Flag Rules). The Blue Ensign should dip to the White and the Red to the Blue and White. A Royal Yacht never answers a salute by dipping the Ensign. 5. Masthead flags to be d^iped '^' 21 guns. Regulation naval salutes. Admiral of the (leet 17 Admiral Vice Admiral Rear Admiral Commodore 13 II 9 A captain or other officer's salute is returned w-'th 7 guns. officer on 3n at the t down at Commo- ,nd seven y. It is rn a cluh salute of returns a guns each FLxKElT OF The Roval Canadian ^acht Club. v\ ' \i Name of Vessel. Owner. Rig. Aggie Marlatt & Armstrong Cutter. Aileen R. Myles Cutter. Alba < Lord de Blaquiere Schooner. Aloha R. A. L. Gray et al Yawl. Ariadne W. Fitz EuUen Yawl. Bat C. E. Archbald Bat Wing. Bazo J. R. McCaffry Sloop. Beatrice E. Spragge Lugger. Bonshaw ^E. Jarvis Sloop. Brenda A. A. Allan ... Sloop. Canada G. H. Gooderham Cutter. Cinderella Frank E. Woodworth Cutter. Cricket J. A. Thompson Cutter. Eleanor J. B. Holland Sloop. Frou Frou Baker & Capon Sloop. Glencairn II Jas. Ross Sloop. Gwendoline McDougall and McMurrich Sloop. Hilda B. Jennings Sloop. Ina C. Marriott Sloop. Java J. Croft Cutter. Kittilou Lockhart & Macrea- Sloop. Kittiwake H. L. Chisholm Sloop. Lady Adeline . . . . B. Jarvis Sloop. Lady Evelyn .... Sir Roderick Cameron Schooner. 53 Name of Vessel. Owner. r,g Lenore J. H. Plummer Vaw'l J;^^';!^ "• ^Vey ."S^hociner. Merlin A. J. Hubbard sioop Merry Thought . . .-E. larvis Cutter ^."■""^^ F. Strange .'!.'.* i! Cutter". Oj>scla R. Watson gi ^'!7^^ J-^- Si"S .'.*::."." Sloop! ^""•'^ G. Gooderham Schooner. *>oose J. T. Molt Cutter fy^^'''-^ T.Lyon, etal i!."." Cutter! Upstart [. D. McMurricti sloop ^^^«"« Carl Reed and F. M. Gray Lugger. '^'^ G, H. Gooderham Cutter ^'■^e^la A. G, Peuchen '.!cutte Wawa S. H. Townsend Wave Crest R. K. Dryer ! ^Vhisper B. C. Williamson V.V. . ^V""a J. H. Watson and W. P. Eby Xania G. H. Duggan Zelma ... R. A, Lucas Q er. .Cutter. . Schooner. .Yawl. .Cutter. Sloop. utter. STEAM YACH'I"S. Name of Vessel. Owner. ^'^e°"a A. E. Gooderham. A^l'^elexa ...Jas. Scott. ^^^>^^ndra A. E. Macdonald. Calumet Mossom Boyd. ^^y^^'^ A. E. Gooderham & G. T. Plackstock ^-'■"•'^er F. Poison, etal. ^•^■■'ha G. T. Fulford. E'eclric J. J. vVright. Name of Vkssei l''lori.s.snnt Hiawatha Katie .... Minola. . . Restless . SonntiJg (Auxiliary) Viola 54 Owner. . .C. K. (juatl. ..R. c. V. r. . .C. p. Chitiholm. . . R. Iv. Dryer. . .11. W. Sibley. ..G. Boyd. ..J. T. Matthews. RACING SKIFFS. Name of Skiff. ; Owner. Driftwood Francis Bros, and Thorne. Gracie R. Apted. No. 5 C. Walker. Queen Jess IlayU'r iV McMurrich. Sigma Thomas Cuff. Tortoise II W. IIerl)ert Parson-;. Two-Step E. K. M. Wedd. < o N 4 «« O lil c -2 <« 11 " s 3 o c 3 "3 C5 CJ 3 o a: 5 o u -H .y U J3 J3 Q Q s s t: ti - ;:5 o o «■ ^ -C ^ TJ w .h c c c ^ z: rt rt rt o y X c/2 :55 U C:i . ^ z aj = &5 2i il 3 c rt .U "35 3 O C U u •-< 3 5J O 3 C ha U Q ;; _a o i^ ■■ " i^ d- ^ £ 2 E d c 8 ^ ^ t/3 So a Si's ^ j^ 2 J5 is g ^ 4; o g- ^ ~ O .« 1^ 25 32 ^ ;5 w w w w o c3 rt C V V • o — _:: ^ rt 0| 5 S — .^ r'^ > (J Cj W 'J K- r;' .-vj '^ u r: ^ . . u ;2 ^ ^" d ^ _« _ra y JJ ^ '^ = : •- Jrt T "T -"r 1^ O. ZL.'Ti JT ■■?.-— -. .— t) I . 1) >-> « .2 V o ^ {J ^= ■ • > u ^ 1/) u ^.rf 3 3 O O -^ o J. : ; : M i. rt rt cj ^ *j *j *j I* ^ i) O ^ J ^ K H-l, rA »-A < rt ^ Q- - O rt Cm ^ <« i« V t« o o > I o > O s m - rt (« rt 4>^ a; s rt x: Urn .00 OnO ►"■ N rn rt ir^ \0 t^oO 0\0 « N 'r>T^ St>.rN.tN.OOQO0O00C/DOO0O0O0OO0 C\OsONO^a\ JJOOQCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOjOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 57 ^ u s n 4) = J3 8 S X ■^ m 2 rt ^1 1/1 — s , -" c •*8 ^' ^'2 *^ /^ 4^ ■E in ^ 3 f * « T v'-^- i ^ = a 3 as 8 iSy- E ^ at . S .0 • B , , c . g c ■£ ■* 2 c S c c o c d = •■= c c .-^ C C c < .2 • O P o c ? H S h H - 2 2 2 ^ • , ] 3 u td , c •% ' tA • c/) »— » ' k. < M Z > 73 c o 3 c C S M ^ t- ■5) S w k. a; O ^ < « S M =<■ -£ <-^^ rt >> rt rt ti a ^. ■^. 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H.--,3i ss c c< . : ; . - rt . t: 7: '- k- . , u u . r" r" ~ -J ^ -^ .^ f r . , -: ~ ~ -i 1 1 s '^ ~ ~ - = 6 o O — . u • 1^- ; £ E E £ : • rt c3 c3 rt "^ ■ " ^ ^ ^ o 4) 1) i> II ^":;; 13 -n "3 "3 — " u: c 6 ■j; tr. ■/; "^ "O '- - >,>,^oooo_ . . ' . . . 'O OooOOOOtr CO u o O : 2 o -Si- s S i ■: p o o o i:sxK V II E £ E £ 3 3 ^ ►" 25 ;i "■"' :i a. Oh ^ lU II c^ r- ^ w C O O h r- i- ^ .u 11 ai a) 11 T". O ^ 1> a: ^^ 00 00 = o 55 :55" 'O < < < - ~ CJ ^ CJ > 6 d 6 6 c 1' in o o a: a: ^ u u u . ? i S is iJ o o o o o cc 33 a; 33 03 S re ■r * O X ^•e r~. tvOT cooocooooocooooo CO oo CO Otl 00 00 00 CO 00 CO On oo o- 00 CO o 0-- o a- c^ On ON r> OOODCOOOCOOOCOCO Is! Xt0t of fiDembers « 1888-89 s 1852 Armstrong, Wm. 1854 Heath, C. W. Ibon. ILifc Members. 1862 liarman, S. Hruce. %iU jflBembers. 1864 Baines, C. C. ' 1866 Barwick, F. D. 1882 Blake, Hume. 1 89 1 Beatty, H. W. 1889 Beatty, C. W. 1882 Bolte, Augusie. 1S60 Boswell, A. R. 1896 Brouse, W. H. 1 888 Brown, C. A. B. 1S82 Burns, P. 1887 Burritt, A. P. 1891 Burritt, W. E. 1890 Campbell, F. J. 1891 Capon, F. ]. 1888 Cawthra, W. H. 1884 Clark, P. M. 1883 Clarkson, E. R. C. 1872 Cochran, Robt. 1885 Cockshutt, Cha.->. 1888 Cox, E. W. 1892 Cox, F. G. 1889 Crowther, W. C. 1865 Eccles, F. H. 1889 Falconbridge, Hon. Mr. Justice. 1895 Fetherstonhaugh, F.B 1872 Furniss, A. H. 1890 Goad, C. E. 1882 Gooderham, Alford. 1882 Gooderham, Albert E. 1887 Gray, Frank M. 1869 Gzowski, C. S.,jr. 1886 Gooderham, Geo. H. i860 Hawke, G. M. 1862 Hime, H. L. 1885 Jarvis, /Emilius. 1888 Macdonald, J. G. 1892 Macrae, Norman. 1881 Magann, George P. 1884 Matthews, W. D. 1888 Miller, Chas. 1866 Moffatt, L. H. 1880 Morse, J. Wilton. 1867 Mulock, Wm. 1 88 1 McGaw, Thos. 1890 McGee, T. C 1892 McKenzie, Wm. 6i Life Members— Coftdnuet/. 1880 Parsons, W. H. 1874 Pen-am, W. H. 1890 Plummer, Thos. H. 1873 Postlethwaite, C. W. 1895 Ramsay, J. Fred. 1883 I^eid, G. P. 1868 Robertson, Jas. E. 1868 Robertson, A. J. 1892 Sampson, W. E. 1888 Saunders, B. 1854 ShortiRs, Thos. 1870 Spragge, Dr. E. W. 1866 Stephens, R. P. 1880 Townsend, S. H. 1886 Walker, flarton. 1892 Watson, R. 1894 Waison, Thos. 1888 Winnett, H. /Dbembers. 1881 1893 1898 1897 1895 1897 1888 1897 1898 1898 1898 1896 1895 1896 1887 1874 1897 1883 1888 Non.Resident Members. f Junior Members. Allan, A. A. tAllan, A. Arthur. tAllan, Jas. C. Alexander, W. M. *Ambrose. E. H. Ames, A. E. *Anderson, A. C. Anderson, H. B. Anderson, Chas. II. Anderson, E. H. tAnderson, W. J. Apted, E. Archbald, C. E. Archbold, J. H. *Armsirong, Chris. Armstrong, H. D. P. Armstrong, F. C. Arnoldi, Fulford. Arnoldi, Chas. 1000 uaticnach, E. 1893 *Backus, F. 1874 Baines, Dr. A. M. 1888 Baker, R. L. 1890 tBaker, G. A. » 1896 Barber, H. 1896 Barclay, D. S. 1898 Bath, Percy, A. 1898 Bayly, E. 1887 Beardmore, W. D. 1879 Beardmore, G. W. 1889 *Beardmore, F. 189.^ Beardmore, A. O. l88f Beatty, J. W. 1882 Beatty, W. H. 1885 Beii, George. 1896 tBender, W. G. 1897 tBickford, O. L. 1894 Bicknell, Jas. 1885 *Biggar, W. H. 1897 *Birge, H. M. 1881 Blackstock, Thos. ( 1894 Blaikie, G. W. 1882 ^Bloodgood, H. K. 1897 Boeckh, Chas, jr. 1896 Boisseau, E. 1877 Boomer, J. B. 1897 Boomer, Jas. 62 Members- 1897 Booner, II. C. 189S I'ongnnl, R. R. 1S85 *I5oyd, Mossom. 1885 *lJoy(l, W. T. C. 1889 I'oyil, A. ]. 1897 *Boy(l, Ross B. 1890 Branchaud, A. L. 1897 *Bray, Dr. 1891 Bristol, E. J. 1891 BroacUield, G. E. 1895 tBrodie, [. K. 1898 tBrodie, W. M. i860 Brooke, I). O; 1888 Brooke, G. H. C. 1896 *Brown, T. Ilillhouse. I8q8 Brown, E. Betley. 1887 Bruce, John. 1896 lirush, S. B. 1893 *Buclian, Lt,-G.l. L. 1897 Buchanan, f. O. 1896 *Bullen,\V. Fitzherherc 1886 Burnham, Dr. G. H. 1896 Burnett, G. G. 1896 f Burns, Douglas. 1897 tBurnside, Anson J. 1897 tButnside, Thrilt. 1896 Burrows, Acton. 18S9 *Cameron, Sir R. 1893 Campbell, J. H. M. 1893 Campbell, |. Lome. 1897 Campi)ell, L. A. 1897 Candee, C. N. 1S93 *Cane, Dr. Fred. 1S98 Carlisle, L. 1S89 *Carruthers, J, B. 1894 tCarrulhers, G. A. 1895 Carter, E. T. .1895 tCarter, Harry. - Continued. 1893 Cartwright, Henry. 1896 Cartwright, A. D. 1896 *Cassatl, A. J. 1896 Caulfield, J. 15. 1885 Cawthra, Henr.y. 1888 Cay ley, F. O. 1881 Chadwick, E. M. 1888 *Chisholm, (;. H. 1891 *Chish(ilm, A. S. *Chisholm, II. L. \\ 1891 1898 1890 1885 1890 1892 1884 1898 1884 18JJ1 1889 1891 1897 1882 1898 1883 *Chisholm, C. Chrisie, R. O.C. Mil. *Clark, B. W. Clark, L. H. Clarke, C. E Clarke, f. B., *Clayes F. E. ""Coate, F. S. Cockburn, G. \ Cockburn, Chii Coffee, |. L. Connelf, R. K. C(jsgrave, L. J. Cottle, Fitzroy. Coulson, I). 1898 tCoulson, Duncan, 1 89 1 Coulson, F. L. Coulthard, I. B. ''Cowan, II. S. Cowan, R. L. Cox, E. S. C^ffiggj Fi'^d. H. Craig, J as. .S. tCrawford, A. Gordon Creaii, G. C. Crean, R. 1894 tCreelman, A. 1874 *Crickmore, S 1897 tCroft, lohn. jr. 1897 1888 1889 1895 1898 1898 1898 1889 1896 R, nry. .C. ^hiU. p, jr. rdon. 1896 Carrie, E. 63 18.S5 Darling. Frank. 1887 Darling, A. 1887 'M)arling, II. \V. 188.? Darlino, Rolit. 1898 tDarreli, N. B. 1895 *Dartnell, Judge. 1891 ^Davidson, A. L. 1S95 ^Hiividson, W. E. 18S8 Davison, W. F. 1892 *Davies, F. A. 1890 Davies, K()I)t. 1867 Defoe, D. 1894 Defries, K. A. L. 1897 Delasco, I'ierre. 1896 *de Hiaquiere, Kt. Hon. H. 1884 Denny, ja.s. 1897 De\vart,"ll. II. 1896 Dick, W. 1897 Doane, Ja.s. 1 888 Donald, R. C. 1898 Douglas, Wm. 1898 Drummond, Robt. 1894 * Dryer, R. 1894 Drynan, J. W. 1894 *du Cros, H. 1894 *i^uggan, G. II. 1867 *Eadie, G. W. 1894 tEI)y, H. D. 1894 tEhy, VV. p. 1896 Edwards, D. C. 1897 Eldreci, Byrcn. 1880 Ellis, T. E. 1887 Ellis, [. F. 1897 *EIlis, Alf. II. 1897 tEllis, Allan N. 1898 Elliott, R. \V. Evans, G. E. t Evans, F. P. t Evans, V. L. Evans, W. Sanford. * Everett, II. A. 1882 1S95 1895 1897 1S92 1897 18S7 1S94 1S98 1897 1890 1893 X897 1893 1895 1897 1896 1896 1897 Farrer. II. E. ^Faurjuier, E, Ferguson, W. R. Finucane, A. E. tFitzgil)I)on, R. (J. Fiynn, Thos. Forlong, II. [. * Fowler, Chas. Foy, John. tFrancis, Gwyn. *Francis, B. Eraser, A. *Fraser, R. II. *Fulford, G. F. 1S97 Gagen, R. F. 1895 tGale, G. C. 1895 Gale, J. W. 1872 Gamble, A. \V. 1S73 Gamble, R. D. 1893 Garratt, Dr. A. II. 1888 Garrett, Bruff. 1897 Garvey, W. H. 1897 *Gil!ard, J. H. 1 88 1 ^Gill, Robt. 1896 Glacknieyer, F. I. i8q6 (ioldman, Leo. 1S97 tGoldman; C. E. A. 1875 Gooderham, (;eorge, i88r Gooderham, \V. G. 1895 tGooderhani, \V. II. i ' 64 -Membeks- 1896 tGooderhani, Ross. 1892 tGordon, II. D. L. 1S93 Gordon, W. II. L. 1898 Gouinlock, Geo. W. 1S75 Grasett.Lt. -Col, H.J. 1876 Grnst'tt, Dr. F. L, 1888 *Gray, C C. 1889 *Gray, >. H. 1S98 tGrav, R. A. L. 1896 Greig, E. R. 1897 Gunn, J-. / . 1 89 1 Haas, S. 1S77 Hagarty, G. F. 1894 Ilagarty, H.J. 1879 *Hamdton, Tohn. 1894 *H.imilton, W. A. C. 1S82 Hainmond, H. C. 1888 Harcourt, F. W. 1890 Hargralt, G. R. 1897 Hargraft, jolin. 1897 Hargraft, W. H. 1898 Harley, Adam. 1864 Ilarman, G. F. 1898 Harmer, J. 1896 Harris, A. D. 1897 Harvey, J. G. 1879 Ilawke, Widnier. 1890 Hay, E. 1894 *Hay, D. 1896 tHayter, H. R. 1888 *Hees, W. R. 1896 tllees, liariy. 1877 Henderson, John. 1 88 1 Henderson, D. 1S98 Henderson, E. J. 1898 Henry, W. F. 1885 Higinbotham, C M. 1894 *Hillyard, A. E. -Continued, 1894 ]fo,Kl, J. D. 1896 ilioUand, J. B. 1898 Hopkins, J. CastelL 1892 Hoj-^ey, j. H. 1698 t Howard," F. S. 1 88 1 Howland, 0. A. 1895 Hubbard, A. f.. jr. 1896 *Hubbard, A. J., sr. 1895 *Hughes, V. J. 1896 Hunter, W. A. 1891 Hyslop, G. 1893 Irish, M. H. 1898 Irving, I no. 1886 Janes, S. H. 1897 Jarvis, E. Beauiisont. 1898 Jarvis. Irving. 1898 "jemmett, H. 1881 Jennings, 15, 1887 Jennings, W. T. • 1893 Johnson, Dr. A. J. 1893 Johnston, Alf. 1894 tjohnston, G. E. 1897 Johnston, J. I. i860 Jones, Ciarkson. 1S76 Jones, Beverley. 1894 Jones, Hon. Lyman. 1SS8 Kappele, Geo. 1897 . Kearney, W. P, 1S89 Kenny, J. J. 1887 Kerr, J. K., Q.C. 1807 Kerr, (ieo. 1S98 Kesson, R. B. 1896 Kiigour, Jos. 1888 *King, J. S. 1896 King, S 1896 King, li. A Mkmhk 1.S96 Kingsmill, G. K. 1N97 Kiiklaiul, A. lXf>S tKiikpatrick, W. M. 1X97 Kirkwuod, Tlios lcS97 Kiicley, H. iScSS *K night, U. V. 1897 *[.a lieroe, A. 1885 laidlaw, Wni. 1897 Laiiig, ). 1;. 1896 Lake, K. M. 1897 Lake, Siracey. 1898 +Lash, Z. fi. 1889 *La Venture, 1889 Laws, II. ]. L. 189S tLaw.son, O 1893 Lawsoii, J.'d. 1895 Lawyer, R 1S87 1874 1 88 1 1897 1894 1897 1880 1895 1897 1895 189S Leacock, W. II. Lee, Arihiir h. Lee, A. Biirdett. Lee, W. LL Lef'roy, IL 13. Leonard, C. J. Lesslie, Dr. J. W. Lewis, C. Evans. Littlejohn, Wni. Lock hart. Reg. Logan, G. 1897 tLoiidon, H. S. 1896 Lough, Thos. S. 1893 Lowndes, C. 1!. 1897 tLuhhock, A. J5. 1895 *Lucas, R. A. 1898 tLynian, Frank. 1894 Lyon, Theo. A. 1894 *Macaiilay, W. B. T. 1878 Macdonald, Dr. A.A. 1887 * Macdonald, A. E. 65 1894 xMacdonell, A. McL. 1896 Macdonald, f. A. 1896 Macdonahl, J. Eraser. 1896 Macdonald, Dr. O.E 1881 *MacKellar, J. A. 1888 *MacKendrick, VV. G. 1892 ALacKenzie, E. C. 1894 ALackintosh, E. (',. 1886 Maclean, W. E. 1882 .^U^cnanlara, M. [. 1897 MacPiiedran, Dr. A. 1883 *Mrici)herst)n, A. E. 1898 IVLacpherson, Alex. 1887 Macrae, IL 1 1. 1895 . Macrae, G. E. 1896 Mahony, R. J. 1898 Malone, E. T. 1881 Manning, Alex. 1S88 Manning, P. A. 1888 *.Marlatt, VV. T. 1888 ^Marlalt, C. G. 1880 Marriott, C. 1893 Marshall, N. G. 1876 *Martin, E., Q.C. 1898 Massey, A. Lyman. 1897 tMatthews, F. B. 1898 Maule, P. S. 1886 May, S. 1S91 Medland, W. A. 1898 Meharg, fno. 1896 Merritt, thos. 1887 Miller, f. B. 1895 Minly, 1 1. L 1886 Minty, E. C. 1895 Mitchell, T. IL 1897 Mitchell, "W. J. 1898 tMitchell. G. G. 1S81 *Monck, J. E. 1889 Montgomery, J. D. 66 MEMHIiRS- 1898 Moran, J. S. 1897 Morang, G, N. 1893 Morrice, G. S. 1893 Morrison, Jas. 1898 tMorrison, W. H. 1863 Moss, Chas., Q.C. 1896 tMoss, C. A. 1897 +Moss, W. P. 1883 *Moit, J T. 1893 Mowat, II. M. 1888 Muir, J. K. 1896 Mulock, W., Jr. 1874 Murray, AV.T. 1882 Myles, Kobt. 1897 tMcArthur, Ci. 1897 tMcArlhur, C. M. 1897 McCaffry, J. R. 1892 McCallum, Ur. J. M. 1896 MrCausland, F. 11. 1889 McClain, R. 1891 McCrimmon, N. 1887 McDonagh, Dr. G.R. 1898 +McDougall, D. 1889 *McGaw, T. D. 1892 *McMarrie, R. C. 1891 Mclntosli, I. A. 1896 McKenzie, Dr. Th( s. 1896 McKinnon, S. F. 1898 tT-lcLachlan, J. P. 1896 McLean, H. C. 188S McMillan, H. 1888 McMurray, L. L. 1889 McMurray, L. S. 1892 tMcMurray, J. S. 1874 McMurrich,"Geo. iS88 *McMurrich, J. H. i8q2 tMcMurrich, G. T. 1896 tMcMurrich, J. D. 1898 tMcMurrich, A. R. - Colli iniieit 1885 McNal), A. 1896 McPhersun, C. E. 1887 Nairn, A. 1896 tNasmith, F. F. 1891 Neville. K. S. 1891 Neviit, Dr. R. B. 1896 Nichol, W. J. 1889 *Nicholson, Capt. Jos. 1885 Northcotfc, Reg'd. 1894 O'llara, II. R. . 1879 O'Keefe, K. 1879 O'Reilly, Dr. Chas. 1894 O'Reilly, II. R. 1897 Orr, G. H. 1893 Osborne, J. K. 1877 Osier, E. B. 1887 Osier, B. B., Q.C. 1892 tOsler, F. B. 1898 tOsler, E. G. 1895 1888 1880 1897 1881 1895 1891 1898 1896 1882 1893 •1893 1889 1S94 1896 1893 1898 Palmer, J. J, Parsons, Dr. li. C. Patterson, f. H. Paterson, T. C. *Paton, H. Patterson, R. L. Patullo, J. B. Peacock, E. R. Pearson, W. H., jr. Pellatt, H. Peters, Dr. G. A. ~ Peuchen, A. G. *Phiilips, W. Q. Phillips, F. J. tPhiilips, n. B. *Playfair, J. S. tPlayfair, Stuart. 67 B. Memrrrs- 1898 Playter, E. M. 1890 Plummer, J. H. 1897 tPlunimer, C. 11. F. 1886 I'olson, F. B. 1897 Porler, (. II. 1 89 1 *PowelI,"VV. B. 1892 Primrose, Dr. A. 1897 Pringle, A. D. 1885 I'yne, Dr. R. A. 1892 Ramsden, F. G. 1889 Reed. I. Car!. 1891 Kcid, jos. B. 1891 +Keed, Le G. 1896 Reed, Chas. 1893 Reid, J. v., Jr. 1896 tReinhardt, L. 1895 Riddel 1, W. R. 1889 Ridley, H. E. 1 88 1 Ridout, P. F. 1888 Riordon, Dr. B. L. 1888 Roberts, G. II. 1889 Roberts, D. 1894 t Roberts, Wm. 189 1 *Roberlhon, Percy. 1896 t Rogers, A. S. 1896 Rogers, Elias. 1896 Rose, Hon. J. E. 1885 Ross, Dr. J. F. W. '894 Ross, C. C. 1895 +Ross, F. J. 1896 Ross, Jas. 1897 Ross, C. A. 1898 tRoss, Hugo. 1898 Rovvbotham, S. A. 1889 'Rowland, F. 1898 Ruiiy, F. 1897 Rudolf, Lr ;v. D. 1897 Rundle, W. E. -Continued. 1896 1898 1897 1884 1891 1897 1881 1892 Russell, Dr. J. p. Rust, C. H- Ruth, Rudolf. Rutherford, J. W. Rutherford, A. Rutter, A F. Ryerson, Dr. G. S. Ryckman, E. B. 1896 1873 1897 1893 1895 1888 1896 1895 1897 1886 1894 1890 1886 1896 1875 1887 1886 1884 1887 1888 1893 1896 1896 1897 1898 1898 1896 1898 1874 1883 Sowdon, A. F. *Scarth, VV, B. Scheak, F. I. Scott, VV. I. Scott, Jas. Seaver, F. [. R. *Secretan, J. II. E. Sheppard, O. H. Sherwood, W. A. SInitileworth, Prof.E. *SibIey, H. Simpson, Jos. Sinclair, A. *Sing, J. G. Small, J. T. Small, Sidney. Smith, L. W. Smith, W. H. Smith, G. P. Smith, Alf. W. *Smith, A. W. Smith, J. F. tSmith, Drew. Smith, R. A. Smith, Goldwin L. tSomerville, C. F. Southam, W. J. Southey, E. C. Sproule, C. H. Sproule, G. F. *c 68 1S89 Sproiilc, R. K. 1898 Sproule, Dr. G. 1889 Staik, A. 1897 Starr F. N. G. 1892 1- Lcvens, D. B. 1892 Si .v/art, L. A. 1888 Stiuson, G A. 1895 ^Stovel, K. D. 1878 --.tupart, R. F. 1897 tSvan, H. H. 1886 Svveatman, Right Rev. A. 1890 *Syer, R. W. ' 1897 Sylvester, Dr. G. P. 1883 Tassie, W. T. 189; Taylor, M J. 1896 Taylor, C. W. 1894 Temple, Dr. J. A. 1896 Thomas, E. R. l886 Thompson, \V. S. 1886 ^Thompson, W. D. 1892 ^Thompson, J. A. 1897 Thomjison, J. K. 1896 Thorinirn, Dr. 1 1892 Thorburn, Dr. j. i). 1 88 1 Thoriie, Horace. 1897 tThorne. Harold. 1891 Thornton, W. O. 1891 Threlkeld, I. J. 1896 Tilley. II. R. 1896 *TisdaIe, W. E. 1879 Todd, P. 1896 Todhvmfer, Jas. 1885 'Torrnace, li. P. 1879 Totten. II. i>r',o Townsend, C. J. 1889 Townseml, J. T. -Continued. iS '' ,. ■ ,;i, Lieut. -rol. F. I'. 1885 Turner, F. A. 1898 tUssher, J. F. II. 1884 *Vickers, J. A. D. 1 88 1 Wade, Henry. 1898 tWade, II. (;. 1894 *\Vadsworth, Chas. 1887 Walker, P. K. 1888 * Walker, F. II. l88(; Walker, D. 1891 * Walker, A. II. 1896 tWnlker, C. C. 1890 Warren, II. D. 1896 Warwick, (J. R. 1896 Warwick, (iuy F. 1896 Watkins, V.. |. 1888 Wa;soM, I. 1'. 1881 Watson, "J. H. i8')4 *Watsi)n, (. S. 1886 Watson, G. F. 1896 Webster A. T. 1898 Wfbsier, P. 1802 tWedd, E. K. M. 1897 Wedd, L. K. l8q2 -Veir. A. 1895 fWelliuyton, E. S. 1889 *W>.y, H. I. G. iS-)7 'i^'liite, E. F. S \\ ickham, II. j. ./ .'iikie, D. R. )8 'ilkinson, P. C. 1898 W illinms, S. 1892 tWilson, T. M. i8q8 Wilson, C. H. 1898 tWinans, Perl ram G. I' 69 M KM HERS— CV/////«/tf^/, 1S98 +\\isncr, Chas. L. 1804 Writrht, T. T. icS94 tWo.,.l, R. ,S95 -■- -^^ • 189s Wood, S. C, jr. iSS? 189S +\V()(hI, Thos. 11. ,884 1S95 +\V()oi]l)ii(l^c, IM. 1898 Wofxiworlli, F. !•:. 1897 \nt\i, Wm. WrJL^lit, Dr. VVyait, II. Wyl.I, Fred. Adam. ADDENIhA. 18S9 Ilartsliurn, Hugh. INDEX \ I PAGE. Act of Incorporation • 7 Admiralty Warrant 1 1 Hy-Laws 22 fi^x-Officeis , 58 Fees ^ ,. FlaRs(Club) ,8 Flag and Signal Rules 43 I louse Rules ^g Members, List of 60 Prince of Wales' Cup Winners 55 Privileged Members 33 Royal Warrant lO Queen's Cup Winners t-j Salutes 48 Special Rules for Yacht Owners 40 Uniforms (Club) m Visitors 74 Warrants, Regulations as to 13 Yachts, List ctf qa I'AOE, .. 7 .. II .. 22 .. 58 • 35 .. 18 .■ 43 .. 38 . . 60 •• 55 •• 33 . . 10 •• 57 .. 48 , . 40 •• 19 •• 34 •• 13 ■• 52