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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. irrata CO peiure. 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 "5 7 THE DESCRIPTIVE OF THE EVENTFUL SCENES Tuesday the 8th of Aug^u; A Day never to he forgotten by the Inhabitants of the C By GEORGE BOND But tbe dny of the Lord will cometas a thief in the nipht ; in the which the heave: ■hall melt with fervent heat ; the earth also and the works that are therein shall be diHolved, what manner of persons ought ye to he in all holy conversation and godlines Behold I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth. Rev. xvi. 15. What solemn scenes attract our wond'ring eyes t What melancholy news salute our ears I The lofty fabric, tow'rin^ to the skies^ Rear'd for the use of man in future years, Fell in a moment in the wat'ry deep. The sound thereof spread terror all around, — ,In wild coufusion some were seen to weep, And crowds of mourners in the streets were found. Soon, soon, alas ! the Widows' cries were heard, While weeping Mothers joined in their train. The tender Father and the Son are dead. Forever gone, ne'er to return again. Quick as the shock, the fair intended bride, Whose troubled bosom heav'd the mournful sigh, Was seen to cust a look on yonder tide, But all in vain, — her lover was not nigh. Amidst the gen'ral wreck appear'd the dead, — Some maim'd and dying, too, were brought on shore, And some lay silent in a wat'ry bed. While friends and kindred their sad loss deplore. Lo ! in the mourning multitude appear'd The poor, forlorn, afflicted orphan race ; Their piercing lamentations loud were heard ; No more they'll feel their fatheis' fond embrac*. Mysterious Providence ! who can explain The myst'ries thar, unfathom'd, in thee lie, Too deep for human wisdom to attain ? To solve the doubts proud man in vain may try. Here, pause, my soul ! my roving thoughts, be still. Nor diye with curiosity to pry Into the secrets of His sov'reign will, Wjio governs all beneath the vaulted skr ; Who in th' immensity of boundless space. Hath fix'd in order all the orbs that be ; Who with one glance beholds creulioii'si face. And rulos entire ;he wide expansive sea ; Who out of nothing made this rolling world. With all the varied scenery of clime ; In all His works what myst'ries lie untold, That ne'er can be explor'd by man in time. THE EVENTFUL SCENES WHICH OCCURRED ON the 8th of Aug^ust, 1837, y the Inhabitants of the City and County of Saint John, By GEORGE BOND. i nipht ; in the which the heavens shall pass away wllh n great noise, unci tbs element! Hrori<8 that are therein shall be burned up. Seeing then that all these things iball b* 1 holy conversation and godliness. 2 Peter iii. JO, 11. leth. Rev. xvi. 15. #^ yetl found, ard, ligh. n shore, ore. [e«. >e ttili* --4 And then proclaim'd VictORU Queen of all Old England's vast dominions ; by whose aon« The orb of day around this floating ball Is always seen, in his perpetual rounds. Hail I happy Queen of that illustrious race, Who on the happy times they liv'd, have shed A lustre bright, that none could e'er efface, Whose fame unsullied through the world has tprMd. Undaunted, faithful, generous, and wise, For England's rights they stood from age to age; Not all the tyrant tribes beneath the skies. Could e'er their thirst for liberty assuage. In this precarious state, where Monarchs lay Their sceptres down, and empires rise and fall, Both rich and poor have but a space to stay. Then sink into the grave, the lot of all. To-day, the ship, blown by a prosp'rous gale. Glides o'er the tossing trackless wat'ry main ; To-morrow, sinks **'b« left a wifr and Hiree children. George Biukley, a widower, who has left three children. Daniel Lvhay, single man, a native of Ireland. David Mailman, ol Carleton, a young man, who was on the eve of marriage with n young woman of excellent qualities. Henry Lord, of Carleton, who has left a wife and four children. John Karris, a native of England, who ha« left a family. John Maberry. . , . , QThe bodies of the four last have not been found.] While such universal sympathy is so justly excited for the widows, children and r friends by this melancholy catastrophe, no enlightened and feeling mind can avoid taking, and at the same time lamenting the heavy loss to which the publi.! spirited s About the same hour at which the above accident occurred, the Common Counc Her Most Gracious Majesty, Qui^en Victoria, that day hiiving been ofEcinlly api seats, they wei-e informed of the occurrence, and requested that some placa might be wounded. This was promptly attended to,— and while the unfortunate sufferers we Medical gentlemen. Minute Guns commenced firing, commemoralive of (he death c on the telegraph stations and the different vessels in port were waving hiU mast hi City has ever witnessed. The Supreme Court was sitting at the time, and tlis Honoi At two o'clock, agreeably to the arrangements made by th-i Common Douncil, tl of Council and Assainbly, Magistrates, Sheriff and Coroner, Members of the Bar, 1 bled at the Court House and its vicinity, where the Proclamation of Her Msijcsty's pose. It was again read in King's, Queen's, and the Market Squares on .>olh sides Majesty's Reign over the vast dominions of the British Empire, be as beujficial to t Price 4J The profits arising from the sale of the Poem shall be faitlfuUy distr phans by the awful catastrophe which it commemorates. Saint John, New-Brunswick, \7th August, 1837. iwill»:«yil«lhlil«|il'l Win lie cr aimtf : Jo I ell. t; m ooJ. ground : Redeem'd by Jesus' b'uod from &in and wratb, And from the curses of the fiery law. The bridge o'er which they cross shall ne'er give way^ The ransomM throng shall all in safety pass, Till all arrive in bless'd eternity, To share the joy of that bright world at last. Jehovah's cov'nant love will ne'er abate; Eternal life He gives to all His sheep ; Upon His throne He sits in Royal state ; His saints He doth amidst all dangers ke«p. No night, nor cloud, to vail the blissful sun That shines in his meridian glory, there. Cheering his bride, while age on age rolls on. Who crown'd before him stands, all white and fair. The dazzling glories of this world will fade. Sceptres and crowns and thrones must sink to dust ; Let saints who now through tribulation wade. Hail that 'oright day that will exalt the Just. Oh may we stand among them there at last, When sun and moon and stars shall pass away, And hear with joy the final sentence pass'd; Then dwell forever in the tealms of day. Lj i » J l * M r r « vf i f i T i f f - - - ■ I Almighty ; ju»t and