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The Voters' List Act Ooutains the Following : The Sheriff shall, im>.iediately upou the receipt of his copies, cause one of them tu be nosted ut) in a conspicuous piace in the Court House ; the Clerk of the Peace, upon receipt of his c )pio8, shall cause ov)e of them to be posted up in a conspicuous tl ,ee i» his <.ftice ; every Public or Separate Sch(M.l Head Master or Mistress shah, in like manner, post up one of his or her copies on Ihe door ol the School House, 'Mul cvtry Postinafiter shall post i:p one of his copies in his Post Ottice. ::mimmMu ^j^jL/UL^fWit^ U>iyL&^^ Pf"«"*" VOTERS^ LIST, 188T. TOWN OF PARKHILL SCHEDULE OF POST OFFICES: 'I— Pakkhi ' 4- Stratford. 7— St. Marys. 10~Strathroy, 2— Poplar Iuli,. 5— Theupord. 8- Sable. 11— Siddalsvillb, ;j--F0EB.ST. «— GranbBbnd. 9 -London. 12— Pt. Edward, 13 — Toronto, WARD No. 1, To consist of all that portion of the Town of Parkhill lying South of the Grand Trunk Railway track and West of Main Street. PART 1. S'KRSONS ENTITLEB TO VOTE AT BOTH MUNICIPAL BLECTIONS AND ELECTIONS TO THJB LEOLSLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Xo. on j\ssesHmeiiit NAMEJ. Roai. Lot. Concession or Street. Owner.Tenant 5 or Landown- er'a Son, loj 166 Atinore, VVilliaui 2 Queen e . .Tenant 7 89 -I 66 142 J 143 ,j109 34 9 45 62 J 67 .)162 104 117 J 169 4 J 41 J 57 .f 58 106 63 138 Barclay, Eh R 3 Main w^and others. . .Owner Barclay, George E 1 and rear Broadway s Teiiant Boyce, William part 6 King, and others Owner Burns, Robert 15 Ann w Tenant Bums, John P 15 Ann w Owner Bremner, John 13 John a Owner Corcoran, James e part 1 King Owner Caw, William part 1. . . Main, and others Owner Corcoran, Rev. P part 3 King Owner Cameron, Malcolm part 10. , King Owner Cameron, John 14 King, and others Owner Cluness. John 7, 8 & pt 9 Queen e, and others. .Owner Clement, James 3 & 4 John s Owner Campbell, Rev. J 6 &7 Johnn Tenant Cunningham, W. A 4, 6 & 6 Queen e Tenant Downey, Peter part 2 Main w Tenant Dickson, William part 2 King, and others .... Owner Donley, Frank part 6 .King Tenant Donley, John part 5 King Tenant Donley, Patrick 6 to 10 John s Tenant Downing, M. M 10 King, and others Owner Donley, Thomas..*. 1 «fe 2 Ann, and others Tenant 2 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 So. on Assessment Roll. NAME. Lot. Concession or Street. Owner, Tenant q or Landown- er's aon. a* J 74 Ellio*,, Andrew 19 Queen vr Owner 48 Fletcher, VVilliani part a King Owner 99 Fountain, Robert 13 & 14 Broadway n Tenant 1 1 J 18 Gray, James s. pt. 7,8,9,10 Main w Owner 1 J 55 Gauld, William 5 King, and others. . ..Tenant 1 141 Gilchrist, Peter 12 Ann w Owner 1 167 Grant, James 2 Quoen w Owner 9" Jl79 Graham, Duncan 2 «fe .3 Prince n Owner 1 84 Gillia, Donald 8 Broadway s Owner 1 159 Grimwood, Edward 4 Pri«co s Tenant 1 J 38 J 70 J 79 24 121 122 140 163 Harrison, John part 1 King CHvL-.'^ Howley, John part 6,7,8 King Owner Hutchins, William H . .Grain Store King Ovntr Hendra, Thomas 15 Main w Owner Heaton, John . .9 & 10 John n Teiiar*^ Hall, Jonathan 9 & 10 John n O^ner Henderson, John 12 Ann w Toniuit Hayes, George 14 A; 15 Queen w Owno: i 1 1 137 Jackson, Robert 10. . Ann e Owner J 39 Long, Edward part 2 King tenant J 40 Long, Frederick part 2 King , Tenant j180 Leonard, Hugh 6 Prince, and others . . . Owner 7 7 1 J 10 Mott, John 2 Main w Owner 1 11 Meredith, Edward 3 Main w Tenant 1 19 Mayburry, Thos. A 11 Main w Owner 1 J 29 Munro, Dugald G 31,32,33 & rear Main w Owner 1 .T 44 Mulvaney, Terrance part 3 King Tenant 1 j1]3 Morris, John 17 Johns Owner 7 j146 May, W. F 5 Queen w Tenant 1 22 Mitchel, John 14 Main w Tenant 1 J 1 McPhee, Neil part 2 Main w, and others . . .Owner 1 12 McKinnon, John 3 Main w Owner 1 iT 15 Mclnnis, Dugald 6 Main w Owner 1 I 25 McDonald, Donald 16 Main w Owner 8 J 28 McLeodjSimon 18 Main w, and others. . .Owner 1 J 31 McLeod, Donald 34,36,36 Main w .Owner 1 J 32 McKinnon, Neil .38,39,40 Main w Owner 1 36 McTaggart, Alex part 31 King, and others Owner 9 J 46 McAuiiffe, John part 3 King Tenant 1 521 MacTavish, A. A 11 Broadway s Tenant 1 j168 McDonald, Archy A 19 — Queen w .Tenant % 3 No. on Assessment Roll. NAME. Lot. Concession or Street. Owner.Tenant ^ or Landown- er's Soa, (i, 112 49 86 120 171 172 180 102 118 McLachlan, John 8 Centre, and others. . .Owner 1 McKenna, Christopher, .part 4 King Tenant 1 McMillan, Angus 14 Broadway s Owner 1 McEachran, J(.a»»ph 8 John s Owner 10 McK< nzie, John 7 Queen e Owner 1 Mclsaac, John 8 & 9 . Queen e Owner 1 McGiath, Thomas 6 Prince n Owner 1 Mclntyre, Michael 1 John a, and . .thers . . . Owner 1 Mcintosh, Dugald 6 & 7 John n Owner 1 J 43 Noble, John part 2 King Owner 1 J 3 J 59 184 186 IS8 Phalen, James part 2 Main w Tenant Powell, Thomas w part 14 King, and others Owner Peck, Richard 2 «& 3 Prince *, and others. .Owner Plewes, James 4 Prince s Owner Paxton, Wm. G. H 1,2,3 Duke s Owner 1 1 1 1 2 D Ryan, Edward n. pf;. 2 Main w, and others . . Tenant 1 J 69 Ross, John 1,2,3 King Owner 1 J 6 Sweeney, James 16 Main w, and others. .Tenant 1 J 50 Stephenson, E. F part 4 King Tenant 1 J 64 Soady, James part 10 King Tenant 1 J 85 Saynor, William 9 Broad way8,and others Ownar 1 J 94 Smith, W.N 15 & 16 McTaggart survey Tenant 1 j152 Smith, E. G 10 Queen w, and others. Owner 1 81 Shields, John 12 Broadways,andothers.Owner 1 83 Skippen, Alfred 8 Broadway s Tenant 1 60 Sytz, George 14 Broadway s Tenant 1 108 Smith, Farquar 11 & 12 John 8 Owner 1 124 Steel, Roderick 12 John s, and others Own«>r 1 j170 Pjiddal, Joseph 4,5,6 Queen e Owner 11 J 33 Thompson, Charles e. pt. 1 King Tenant 1 119 Tucker, John 8 John n Tenant 1 178 Thompson, William 2 & 3 Prince n Tenant 1 148 Turney, Hugh 6 Queen w Tenant 1 75 Urquhart, John 6,7,8 . .King Tenant 1 J 16 Vanalstine, William n. pt. 7 Main w Owner 1 17 Vanalstine, Bernard n. pt. 7 Main w Owner 1 j149 Vanwyck, A. K 5 Queen w,and others. ..Owner 1 54 Willard, John B part 4 . Jl39 Walsh, T.G 10... . King Tenant 1 ■ Queen w,and others. .Tenant. ^ Na on Aaseasment HoU. N 4MK. Lot. roncesBion or Street. Owner.Tenant or Landown- er's Son. ,1^ wn'''/!":*'" 1^ * i« Q"«'» * Owner j167 Willard, John sr 20 OM^..,n «t. ..„ 4 Vu )^*'"«» 163 wuii.u,«„., William t [ ; i ; ; ; : : : : :*;::i; v."."" •"; Zz 1 1 1 192 Y(.rk, Peter. . 197 York, John . . . .6&C. .1 &2. •^i'kon Owner i ■Centre s Owner 1 No. on Assessment Roll. PART 2. ^EBHONS^NTITLEl) To VOTE^ MUXICJPAL KIECTION8 ONLY. NAME. Lot. Concession orStrcet Owner or Tenant. 160 37 47 187 71 21 147 107 73 127 193 Br„ht,^rh-'..::;;;.vS- ,:;. f^r ?-" ?:-f f bSr p- 3 . . . . : : ; : : fi . : ; : : : : : : : : : : ; ;?= x>egg, isaDeua. 1 Queen w Ownir Cameron Martha 1,2,3 Duke s . OwneJ Downey Rpsanna part 7 19 con. W. W. . . . " ' ' Owner Fraaer, Margaret 13 Main w J^wner ftiipsf Mrr " wiain w Owner truest, Mrc. o Queen w Owner McKinnon, Mrs. C 6 to 10 Lhn s, and others" .' Owner Ross, Mrs. James 13,14 . . Brotdwav ,. v^wner Shears, Cvtherine 14 15. ^^nn ^ ^*""' PART 3. PERSONS ENTITtED TO VOTE AT ELECTIONS TO THE LEGISLATIVE ksSEMBLY ONLY. No. on Assessment Roll. NAME, Lot. Concession or Street. Owner, Tenant or Wage Earner. iS Aiken, Johnson........ 4 Duke n Owner 133 Boyd, Gavin 7 !„„ e )rr^\ 115 Darrah, James 3 Johns • • • • i-«nanfc 126 Dunn, James , is..::: John n n""*'" 154 Finnigan, James 16 Oueen w J:jwner 72 Geoghan, Joseph 4... K ^"'\ 165 Garvpv Lihi. 1 ^^ Tenant fftK yarvey, Joh 1 Quey„ Owner 195 Johnson, Wilham 8 Duke n Ow"er 198 Johnson, Alex 6,7 Centre n ' Tra„t 151 Kerbyson, A onzo 9 Queen n Owner 201 Munro, Donald 8 Centre n Tenant 30 McGregor, John 31,32,33 Main w f w!" 82 McNeil, John 6,7 Broadwav s nZ 128 McKinnon, Colin 16 John ,7 S""""*" 188 McDonald, John 6 e.'.' Duke s n^"*"* 27 McArthur John I7. Mai„ ^' ^"""^^ 36 McEachran, Abram j^rt 1 Kine tI"^*". 70 Mclnnis, Angus .2 Ki»? ?^"*"^ 182 McKenzie, Lau.hHn 7: . - i i .' ." .' .' .' '. .Sen". :::;:; ; [ [ \ IZZv o o nt c5 1- fu r 1 r 1 r 1 r 1 r 1 d oi N«. em AsBossmcnt Roll. NAME. L*t. 'ConcesfdoR or Street. bwn«r, tenant g or Wage Earn r. a« 125 FU>b80M, B«nj 13 Johns Tenant 168 Rya«, Thoniaa 21 Quoen w OwMtr 91 Snowden, Richard 2 Broadway n Tenant 9(5 Siuait, Henry 9 Broadwav n Teuant 174 Siddal, H«niy park lot 3 Queen e' Owner 123 T:ick, Jaiaes 11 John fl .'." .Owner 177 Tucker, Frank 1 Prince n Owner JjO Tedder, Fred 12 Main w Owner 106 Vanalstine, (Jeorge 5 John n Tenant 130 Vanalstiue, David L 17 John n Tenant 26 Winn, Anthony 17 Main w Tenant 129 Williams, William 16 John n Owner 150 Waun, Robert 9,., Queen w Tenant Y. O 0^ "WARD No. 2, To consist of all that portion of the Town of Parkhill lying North of *he Grand Trunk Railwav tirack and \Ve»t of Main Street. PART 1, PERSONS ENTITLED TO- VOTE. AT BOTH MUNICIPAL ELECTION!* MTHV ELECTIONS TO THK LEOLSLATIVE ASSEMBLY. No. on AnseBsmsnt NAME, Hell. ^M. CcHiceseion cw Street, f'wner.Tenant © or Landown- er'» Son. fi^ 235 Applcton, John T i'4 Main w Owner 1 j322 Aitkens, Andrew 23,24 Station #♦ Owner 1 .^208 Bishop, Harry part 9 Mill n, and others. . . . Owner 1 j227 Baird, William 13 Main w, and others . . Owner 1 j201 Baird,H. C 13,14,15 Mill n Owner 1 j262 Baird, Oliver 13,14,15 Mill n Owner 1 j313 Beaubier, Thomas 15 to 19 .Station w Tenant 1 .t221 Chamberlain, E. G 5 Main vr Owner j225 Cornell, Archibald part 6 Main w, and othcra . . Tenant J 8 Crawford, Alexander. .4&w.^3 Mill s Owner 291 Ciuney, Michael 7,8,9 Emily s Tenant 292 Curts, John 7,8,9 Emily a ...Owner 324 Ourrie, John 32,34 Station e, and others.. Tenant 162 dunesa, John 15,16 Mill, and others Owner 254 C ELECTIONS TO THE LEGISLA-TIVE ASSIuMBSLY. No. on Assessment NAME.- Roll. Lot. Conceaaioii erStreet.^ ©•wner.TeiMint © or Landown- er's- Son. &« 41(> Anderson, William 22 Tain n Owner 1 part 1 n Mam e i enant i 1 to 6 Delaware e. .Uwnur 1 William a .Owner 1 j423 Andrews, Charles j485 Arnold, John 61» Aitkens, Janiea ........ 25,26 j518 517 .j:h72 j375 *447 460 461 500 Burley, Jamea 25,26 Wilham a Tenant Burley,Ira 82,83,84' ■•' ,.Will.amn Owner Bouch;;,Dan 23 8 Maine Owner Bigg, E. M 31,32 «JI*1"^ ?.^''^l Baynton, William... 24 nMam e Owner Burley, Reuben 11 ,..Pearie Owner Bradt, Jonah .12 Pearl e Owner Burr, Dan 29,30,31 Ann n Owner 1 1 1 1 .A, 1 1 1 1 J 9 410 4(37 474 J4.88 . ""^ 609 i 34 Caw, William 8 & pt. 7 n Main e, ..nd others . Owner Cameron, George 27,28 Ardross n Owner Camercn. John G n. pt. 11 n Main e • / •i*"*"^ Couch, Thomas 19,18 Pearl w Tenant Clark, William 7,8,9 Delaware w . ... . . .Owner Clark, James 20,21,22 Delaware w,& others. Owner Campbell, D.P U&V ^^l^"" *^''"^' Corcoran, James n. pt. 4 n Main e . Owner 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 j399 .1 41 ,1422 469 508 Dickson, John H 17,18 E en n Owner Dickson, William 21,22 Ellen s -Owner Dutton, John V^rt \ n Mam e, and others . Owner Dickison, Thomas 20,21 Pearl e Owner Down, George P&Q Anne Owner 1 13 1 1 J 74 .1266 .1451 497 Elliott, Andrew 7B s Mam e Owner Elliott, Thomas 8,9 .Ellen s .Owner East, Thomas 30,31 n Mam c,and others. Owner Eynouf, Andrew w. pt. 6 Elk w Owner 1 1 1 1 j231 459 .1472 473 Fussell, Frank 22 n Main o, and others. Owner Forrest, James 5,6 Pearl e, and .)thers. .Owner Fairbank, Charles .... w. pt. 20,21 Pearl w . . . . Fairbank, Robert. . . .w. pt. 20,21 r'earl w. . . . Fullerton, James, . = .,.. ,38,39,40. . . . = . Main Own .L.O. . and othora . Owner 1 1 1 1 13 11 No. on Assessment Roll. NAMK. Lot. Concession or Street. Owner, Tenant or Landown- er's Son. J.390 j401 J425 J429 205 j204 Goodman, Ketmeth 20 Ellen n Owner Graham, Wallace 26, 27 Ellen s Owner Garden, Alexander n. pt. 2 n Maine, and others. Owner Grundy, Thomas part 4 n Main e, and others. Tenant Green, John W w. pt. 5,6 Elk w Tenant Gibbs, Johr M park lot 3 Hastings n Owner j161 Houston, John part 1 s Main e Owner J 79 Hutchins, \V. H 39,40 Catherine e Owner 379 Hutchins, Frank M 39,40 Catherine e L.O.S. j404 Hau.iltop, John 8,9 Ellen s Tenant J 38 Harrison, John 10 h Main e Owner Jl22 Hall, Jonathan e.pt. 12,13 n Main e Owner j457 Hagerman, Henry 3,4 .Pearl e Owner 458 Hagerman, Frank 3,4 Pearl e L.O.S. j432 Hastings, William 7 to 13 Hastings n,& others . Owner 438 Hodgins, A. C s. pt. 13 nMaia e Tenant j388 Jackson, Wilham 39 40 Catherine w Owner 470 Johnson, Peter 22. .Pearl w, and others. ..Tenant J390 400 439 j440 j223 Kirkpatrick, William 7,8 Mulcraig, and others. Owner Kenny, William 16 Ellen n, and others. ..Owner Knapton, John w. ^14,15 n Main e Tenant Knaptcm, James w. 1 14,15 n Main e, and others. Owner Kinnisten, James 9, 10 Pearl e, and others. . .Owner j362 Lake, W. H 7 D s Main Tenant .t427 Levett, Henry n. pt. 3 n Main e, and others . Owner j210 Lindsay, Peter e. pt. 5, ^ Delaware w Owner .1489 Laughton, J. H w. pt. 7,8,9 Delaware w Tenant 377 Lochead, Rev. J. S. . . .38,39,40 s Main e Tenant j426 Levett, William part 3 , n Main e Tenant 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 13 j340 Meggs, Geo. C 7 C sMain e Tenant .1370 Marrin, VV. O 19,20 s Maine Owner .T 19 Mulvaney, Terrence 41 .Catherine e Owner j382 Morson, Charles 43 Catherine e,and others . Tenant .;385 Munro, William 67,68 Catherine e Owner j398 Munro, Charles 18,17 Eilen n Tenf-.t 442 Medcf)if, Albert 21 n Main e Tenant 444 Munr Andrew 23 n Main e Tenant 445 Mathei.i, Harvey 23 r. Main e Owner 468 Medcoff, William 20,21 Pearl e Owner j479 Manes, Edward e.pt.13,12 Pearl w Owner 480 Manes, E. F e.pt.13,12 Pearl w L.O.S. 492 Mathers, Charles 18, 19 Delaware w Owner .t430 Magladery, Thomas G.H.I Hasting's Survey Owner j230 Miller, A.M.. s. pt. 12 nMain e, and others . . . Owner 12 No. on Assessment Roll. NAME. Lot. Concession or Street. Owner.Tenant or Landown- er's Son. j351 j354 j358 j369 j374 381 383 403 412 J 28 35 j431 466 J467 j499 82 477 McLeod, D. N n. pt.l s Main e Owner McLeod, Donald pt. 1 s Main e, and .thers . .Owner Macalpine, R. S 4 sMain Owner Mclnnea, James 18 s Mam, and otners Owner McLellan, William 25,26 s Main Tenant Macdonald, Donald.. ... .42 Catherine c Owner McPhail, D. J • 43 Catherine e Owner McVeigh, Francis 23 Ellen s Ownt-r McArthur, Ninian 29 Ardross n L.O.S. McLeod, Simon pt. 5 19 con., and others Owner McEachran, Alvin s. pt. 3 n Main e Tenant McKinnon, Neil A 6 n Main, and others Tenant McLeod, Hugh 1,2 Pearl e ...Owner McDonald, John A 16tol9 Pearl e Owner McGillivray, Finlay. . .25to20 n Ann Owner McNeil, John n. pt. 12 n Main e Owner Mclnnes, John e. pt. 14 Pearl, and others Owner 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j392 Niblock, Joseph, sr pt.5 Con. 19, and others. . .Owner 1 J435 Nichols, Anson B 10 n Main e Tenant 1 393 Niblock, Joseph, jr pi.5 Con. 19, and others. . .L.O.b. 1 j367 O'Brien, Thomas U 8 Main e Owner 1 a420 623 j278 j212 Phippen; JE, J s p>- 1 n Main e, and others. .Owner Palmer, Thos Rae a pt 3 n Mam e Tenant P.irte, Robert n pt 9 n Main e Owner Phippen, Robert ept 7,8,9 Delaware w Tenant 1 1 1 1 j380 . Quarry, H. B. .42. .Catherine e Tenant ID 'I, 482 j359 j202 j368 j395 j397 J 97 j247 Raid, JoTin n pt 12,13 Pearl w Tenant Rubinson, Edward.. ....15,10 s Mam e, and otheis. .Owner Robinson, Alby 12 a Mam e, and others. .Owner Robinson, Thomas 15,16 s Main e Tenant Roirers, Joseph W 37,38 Ellen a Tenant Ross, John 19 Ellen n Tenant Rogers, Thos. L 7 n Main e Owner Ross, William pt 1 a^&in e Tenant 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f j384 249 j413 J414 j428 443 j446 Smith, Albert 63 Catherine e Tenant Shoebottom, Ooortre 36 Ellen n .....Owner Stewart, George 25 Ardroaa s Tenant Stewart, Peter 25 Ardross s Owner Scoon, John s pt 4 n Main e Owner Smith, J. C ....spt6 n Maine Tenant Smith, Nelscm 21 n Mam e Owner Schram, William 24 n Main e Tenant 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 Xo. on Aseessnient Koll. NAME. Lot. jr.jo Concession or Street. Owner.Tenant or Landown- er's Son. 9-i\ e, and others. Owiur ^oi f^toneliuuse, Victor 25.. n MnJn ^ „^j tu t r^ c. ±un «........„..„ /< V- V " Mam e, and others. L. O.K. 498 bummers, George 25, 2(>.. „ Main e Owner o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 » i j;j5fi J 78 394 J 20 .7430 490 j;!oO J352 .»521 .T3t 8.:::;;:;::::^^ ^.^^^^^^^rir;; ^!^,*«""' •/"'"' 7 F & pt8 Maia e .i Owner Wdson James 23 « Main e .... Tenant Wu.n, G.. M 2(i Ardrofls s ... Owner White, Robert AB Elk e ........Owner « Tenant Wilson, Angus n pt 12. . Main No. on Assessment Uoll. PART 2. J-KltgoNS_ENTll-LEn TO VOT ^ MUNICIPAL ELECT IONS ONLY. NAME. ~~ Lot. Concession or Street Owner or Tenant. 510 511 449 484 147 411 349 49«} 494 421 495 405 Bowes Elizabeth. 28,29 William n Tonant Bl.K.mfaeld, Ruth Ann..28,29 William n Ow «" Fyke, Elizabeth 27 n Main e J-^vvner Graham, Alice 10..... .' pJS w T . «««8t, Mrs 37,38... ..■■■ Ellen n n'"*"^ McArthur, Elizabeth 29...... Ardrossn n'""* McKinnon, Mary s pt A . . irMain e t"''"\ O'Donnell, Sarah 3,4 ::....;. Elk w n Rumohr, Mary 1,2 "iZ-Elk wiili^l^^iliiy.l^yTra'nt bhinner.Emma pt 1 „ Main e . . Te an WJlace, Isabella 1,2 Elk w i^iiant 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o a; 14 PARTS. PERSONS ENTITLilD TO VOTE AT ELECTIONS TO THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY ONIY^ No. on ABsessment Roll. NAME. Lot. Concession or Street. Owner, Tenant ^ or Wage Earner. On 475 513 105 386 325 441 471 224 424 503 418 406 229 366 387 520 466 389 360 365 402 361 478 502 452 Baxter, John 17 Pearl w Tenant Burley, Waters 35,36 VViHiam n Wnt Barret, John 73 Tain a. Owner Campbell, Dan 69,70 CaUierine w Tenant Cornell, Stephen e h^ U,i5 n Mam e Ow er Cox, George. 18,19&U7 n Main e Owner Cobleigh,Jonathan......ept 21,22 Pear w Owner Dignan, Thomas .22 It^ -ZZZ^^Zt Green, Jas. W... pt J « main e Own^r Giilis, James 34 Ann n Ow net- Jones, George 73......... Tain « ••S*' Mathers, Barney pt 29,30 Roskeen Ow or Mathers, Stephen 36to40 Maine Owner McKenzie, W. R 10.11 b Mam e Own^r McKinnon, Roderick. . .69,70 ?**^«""^ ^^ n!.npr McLeod,Aiex 36 '^^rT:::::::::::^Zt Mclnnes, John 13 .reari e n»««r Pope, Frank 75,76 Catherine w Owner Robinson, Fred •;••.• 'r««a,.» Scott, William 10,11 « Mam e ronau Simpson, Robert 25 Ellen s l^engit ?^=fTSv;::::;'^u:;:::::::::::::pea;iw Varley, George 34 Arn n Tenant Whiling, Joseph 30,31 .n Main e Owner I T Alex. Mayburry, Clerk i.f the Municipality of the Town of Parkhill, m the County o Middlesex, do hereby certify that Parts One and Three ol the within List^atitute a correct List for the year 1887, <>f all persons appearing by the ast Revised Assessment Roll, of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote at Elec- Uonifor Members <.f the Legislative Assembly, and that P*^^%«"«J;"^*^;;i". ^ «titute a ct>rrect List for said year of all persons appearing by the sam Roll to he Jn Sd to vote at M'anicip.1 Elections in said Municipality; ^and I do also certify that the aggregate number of names of persons upon the sau. list who arc qualified to serve oKies is one hundred and ninctyfive (195) ; and I hereby call up^m all Bloct«>r8 to examine the said List, and if any omissions or .>thor errors are per- ceived therein, to t,ak9 immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. ^ ^ ^^^^ MAYBURRY, *■ " Clerk of the said Municipality (»f ParkhiU. Dated this 13th day of August, 1887. 11^ ^ ' — \ /^^ ^ ^ /if ^^t^} -y^^/"7t-.^:c^