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 1. A Drop Kick or Drop is made by letting the ball fall 
 from the hands, and kicking it the very instant it rises. 
 2. A Place Kick or Place is made by kicking the ball after 
 it has been placed in a nick made in the ground for the purpose 
 of keeping it at rest. 
 3. A Punt is made by letting the ball fall from the hands 
 and kicking it be/ore it touches the ground. 
 4. Each Goal shall be composed of two upright posts, ex- 
 ceeding II feet in height from the ground, and placed i8 feet 6 
 indies apar^ with a cross-bar 10 feet from the ground. 
 5. A Goal can only be obtained by kicking the ball from 
 the field of play direct (/. e., without touching the ground, or the 
 dress or person of any player of either side) over the cross-bar 
 of the opponent's goal, whether it touch such cross-bar, or the 
 posts, or not; but if the ball goes directly over either of the goal 
 posts, it is called ^poster, and is not a goal. 
 6. A Goal may be obtained by any kind of kicu except a 
 7. A Match shall be decided by a majority of goals only. 
 8. The ball is dead when it rests absolutely motionless on 
 the ground. 
g. A Touch Down is when a player, pulling his hands upon 
 the ball on the ground in touch or in goal, stops it so that it 
 remains dead, or fairly so. 
 10. A Tackle is when the holder of the ball is held by one 
 or mere player? of the opposite side. 
 11. A Scrummage takes place, when the hoMer of the ball, 
 being in the field of play, puts it down on the ground in front of 
 him, and all who have closed round on iheir respective sides 
 endeavour lo push their opponents back, and by kicking the 
 ball, to drive it in the direction of the o] posite goal line. 
 12. A player may iaX:e up the ball wherever it is rolling or 
 bounding, except in a scrummage. 
 13. It is not lawful to take up the ball when dead (except in 
 order to bring it out after it has been touched down in louch or 
 in goal) for any purpose whatever ; whenever the ball shall have 
 been so unlawfully taken up, it shall at once be brought back to 
 where it was so taken up, and there put down. 
 14. In a scrummage it is not lawful to touch the ball with 
 the hand under any circumstances whatever. 
 15. It is lawful for any player who has the ball to run with 
 it, and if he does so, it is called a Rim. If a player rims with 
 the ball until he gets behind his opponent's goal line, and there 
 touches it down, it is called a Run in. 
 16. It is lawful to RUN IN anywhere across the goal line. 
 17. The goal line is in goal, and the touch line is in touch. 
 iS. In the event of any player holding or running with the 
 ball being tackled, and the ball fairly held, he must at once cry 
 dowMy and there put it down. 
 19. A Maul in Goal is when the holder of the ball is tackled 
 inside goal line, or being tackled immediately outside, is carried 
 or pushed across it, and he, or the opposite side, or both endeav- 
 our to touch the ball down. In all cases, when so touched down, 
 the ball shall belong to the players of the side who first had 
 possession of it before the maul commenced, unless the opposite 
 side have gained the entire possession of it. 
 20. In case of a maul in goal, those players only w)>o are 
 touching the ball with their hands, when it crosses the goal line, 
 may continue the maul in goal, and when a player has once 
 released his hold of the ball after it is inside the goal line, he 
 may not again join in the maul, and if he attempts to do so, may 
 be dragged out by the opposite side. 
 But, if a player when rnnnins: in is tackled inside the goal 
 line, then only the player who first tackled him, or if two or more 
 tackle simultaneously, they only may join in the maul. 
 21. Touch in Goal. Immediately ths ball, whether in the 
 hands of a player (except for the purpose of a ptint out— see 
 Rule 29) or not, goes into touch in goal, it is at once dead and 
 out of the game, and must be brought out as provided by Rules 
 41 and 42. 
 22. Every player is on side, but is put offside if he enters a 
 scrummage from his opponent's side, or being in a scrummage, 
 gets in front of the ball, or when the ball has been kicked, 
 touched, or is being run with by any of his own side behind him 
 (/. e., between himself and his goal line). No player can be off 
 side in his own goal. 
 23. Every player when offside, is out of the game, and shall 
 not touch the ball in any case whatever, either in or out of touch 
 or goal, or in any way interrupt or obstruct any player, until he 
 is again on side. 
 24. A player being offside is put on side when the ball has 
 been run five yards with, or kicked by, or has touched the dress 
 or person of any player of the opposite side, or when one of his 
 own side ha.s run in front of him, either with the ball or having 
 kicked it when behind him. 
 25. When a player has the ball, none of his opponents, who 
 at the time are off aide, may commence or attempt to run, tackle, 
 or otherwise interrupt such player, until he lias run five yards. 
 2^1. 'J'lirowinjr Hack. It is lawful for fny player who has 
 the ball to throw it back toward- his own goal, or to jiass it back 
 to any player of his own side .vho is at the time behind him, in 
 accordance wiih the rules of c;/ side. 
 27 Knockinp; on, i.e., deliberat'.'Iy hitting the ball with the 
 hand, and 'I'luowinp; Forward, i. e., throwing the ball in the 
 di'"ection of the opponent's goal line, are not lawful. If the ball 
 be either knocked on or thrown Jor7vnrd, the Captain of the 
 opp{>site side may (unless a fair catch has been made, as pro- 
 vided by the next Rule) require to have it brought back to the 
 spot where it was knocked or thrown on. and there put dovNn. 
 2S. A Fair Catch is a catch made direct frcim a kick, or a 
 throw forward, or a knock en by one of the opposite side, or 
 from a pnnt out or a f.vnt on. (see Rules 29 and 30) provided the 
 catcher makes a mark with his heel at the spot where he has 
 made the catch, and no other of his own side touch the ball 
 (see Rules 43 and 44.) 
 2c). A Punt out is a punt made after a touch down by a 
 player from behind his opponent's coal line, and from touch in 
 goal if necessary, towards his own side, who must stand outside 
 the gcil line and endeavour to make a fair catch, or to get the 
 ball and run in or drop a goal (see Ru!es 49 and 51.) 
 30. A Punt on is a /««^ made in a manner similar to a 
 punt ouf^ and from a tohch if necessary, by a player who has 
 made a fair catch from a punt out or another /««/ on, 
 31. Touch. If the ball goes into touchy the first player 
 on his side who touches it down must bring it to the .'-pot where 
 it crossed the touch line ; or if a player, when running with the 
 ball, cross or put any part of either foot across the touch line, he 
 must return with the ball to the spot where the line was so 
 crossed, and thence return it into tlie fie'd of plav in one of the 
 modes provided by the following Rules :— 
 33- He must then himself or by one of his own side, either 
 (i.) bound the ball in the field of play, and then run with it, kick 
 If, or throw it back to liis own side : or (ii.) throw it out at rij;ht 
 angles to the touch line ; or (iii.) walk out with it at right angles 
 to the touch line, any distance not less than /ive nor mora than 
 Ji/tcen vards, and there put it down, first declaring how far he 
 intends to walk out. 
 33. If two or more players holding the ball are pushed into 
 touch, the ball shall belong in touch to the player who first had 
 hold of it in the field of play, and has not released his hold of it. 
 34- If the ball when thrown out oUoucli be not thrown out 
 at right angles to the touch line, the Captain of either side may 
 at once claim to have it thrown out again. 
 35- A catch made when the ball is thrown out of touch is 
 T^ol -A fair catch. 
 36. Kick off is a place kick from the centre of the field of 
 play, and cannot count as a goal. ']"he opposite side must sta-id 
 at least ten yards in front of the ball until it has been kicked. 
 37. The ball shall \i^ kickrd off (y.) at the commencement 
 of the game ; (ii.) after a goal has been obtained. 
 38. The Mdes shall change goals as often a«, and whenever 
 a goal is obtained, unless it has been otherwise agreed by the 
 Captains before the commencement of the match. 
 39. The Captains of the respective sides shall toss up before 
 commencement of the Match ; the winner of the loss shall have 
 the option of the choice of Goal", or of lick off. 
 40. Whenev»r a Goal shall have been obtained, the side 
 which has lost the Goal shall then kick off. 
 41 . Kick out is a drop kick by one of the players of the side 
 which has had to touch the ball down in tlietr own poai, or into 
 whose touch in gual the baP has pone (Rule 21), and is the mode 
 of bringing the ball again into play, and cannot count as goal. 
 42. Kick Old must be a drop kick, and from not more than 
 tiveniy-fire yards outside rhe kicker's goal-line ; if ihe ball, 
 when kicked out, pitcli in touch, it must be taken back and 
 kicked out again. The kicker's side must be behind the ball 
 when kicked out. 
 43. A player who has made and claimed 7^ fair catch shall 
 therefore either take a drop kick ox d. punt ^ or place the ball for 
 a place kick. 
 44. After a/T/> catch has been mide, the opposite side may 
 come up to the catcher's mark, and (except in cases under Rule 
 so) the catcher's side retiring, the ball shall be kicked from such 
 mark, or from a spot any distance behir.d it. 
 45. A player may touch the ball down in his own Goal at 
 any time. 
 46. A side having touched the ball down in their opponent's 
 Goal, shall try at Goaf either by a place kick or punt out. 
 47. If a try at Goal be made by a phice kick, a player of the 
 side which has touched the ball down shall bring it up to the 
 Goal-line (subject to Rule 48) in a straight line from and opposite 
 to the spot where the ball was touched down, and there make a 
 mark on the Goal-line, and thence walk straight out with it at 
 right angles to the Goal-line, to such distance as he thinks proper, 
 and there place it for another of his side to kick. The kicker's 
 side must be behind the ball wh,en it is kicked, and the opposite 
 side must remain behind their Goal-line until the ball has been 
 placed on the ground. (See Rules 54 and 55). 
 48. If the ball has been touched down between the Goal- 
 posts, it may be brought out in a straight line from either of 
 such posts : but if brought out from between them, the opposite 
 side may charge at once. (See Rule 54). 
49- If the try at Goal be by a punt out (see Rule 29) a 
 player of the side which has touched the ball down shall bring it 
 straij;ht up to the Goal-line opposite to the spot where it was 
 touched down, and there make a mark on the Goal-line, and 
 then////// out from touch in Goal, if necessary, or from any part 
 behind the Goal-line not nearer to the Goal-post than such 
 mark, beyond which mark it is not lawful for the opposite side 
 (who must keep behind their Goal-line) to pass until the ball 
 has been kicked. (See Rules 54 and 55). 
 50. It a/(tir catc/t be made from a^jtht out, or a ///«/ on, 
 the catcher n ay either | roceed as provided by Rules 43 and 44, 
 or himself take a /;/;/' o>2. in which case the mark made on 
 making the /air catch shall be regarded (for the jnirpose of 
 determining as well the position of the player who makes the 
 punt on as of the other players of both sides) as the mark made 
 on the Goal-line in the cai-e oi^ punt ottt. 
 51 . A catch made in touch from a punt ouf, or a />vnt on, is 
 not a fair catch ; the ball must then be taken or thrown out of 
 touch as provided by Rule 32 ; but if the catch be made in touch 
 in Goal, the ball is at once dead, anJ must be kicked out, as 
 provided by Rules 41 and 42, 
 52. When the ball has been touched down in the opponent's 
 Goal, none of ihe side in whose Goal it has been so touched 
 down shall touch it, or in any way displace It, or interfere with 
 the player of the other side who may be taking it up or out. 
 53. The ball is dead whenever a Goal has been obtained ; 
 but if a tfy at Goal be not successful, the kick shall be con- 
 sidered as only an ordinary kick in the course of the game« 
 54. Charging, /. e., rushing forward to kick the ball, or 
 tackle a player, is lawful for the opposite side in all cases of a 
 place kick after a /at*- catch, or upon a tty at Goal, immedi- 
 ately the ball touches, or is placed on the ground ; and in cases 
 of a drop kick or punt after ?Lfair catch, as soon as the player 
 having the ball commences to run or offers to kick, or the ball 
 has touched the ground ; but he may always draw back, and 
 unless he has dropped the ball, or actually touched it with his 
 foot, they must again retire to his mark (see Rule 56.) The 
 opposite side in the caic of a punt out or a f.u)it on, and the 
 kicker's side in a/i cases may not charge until the ball has been 
 55 . If a player having a ball, when about \.opunt it out^ goes 
 outside the goal line, or when about io />unt on, advances nearer 
 to his own goal line ihan his mark, made on making the fair 
 catch, or if, after the ball has been touched down in the oppo- 
 nent's goal, or u fair catch has been made, more than one player 
 of the side which has so touched it down or made the fair catch, 
 touch the ball before it is aj^ain kicked, the 01 posite side may 
 charge at once. 
 56. In cases oiz/air catch, the opposite side may come up 
 to and charge from anywhere on or behind a line drawn through 
 the mark made by the player who has made the catch, and 
 parallel to their own goal line ; but in the case of a /air catch 
 from a pU7U out or a punt on, they may not advance further in 
 the direction of the touch line nearest to such mark than a line 
 drawn through such mark to their goal line, and parallel to such 
 touch line. In all cases (except a punt out and a punt on) the 
 kicker's side must be behind the ball when it is kicked, but may 
 not charge until it has been kicked. 
 57. No Hacking, or Hacking over, or tripping up, 
 shall be allowed under any circumstances. 
 58. No one wearing projecting nails, iron p'ates, or gutta 
 percha, on any part of his boots or shoes, shall be allowed to 
 play in a match. 
 59. The Captains of the respeciive sides shall be sole 
 Arbiters of all disputes. 