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 1836 Jan JlJFeb kL^, ..xunv;;-^ 
 A u 
X 4 ) 
 TABLE of FEASTS, &c. throitghout 
 the Year. 
 KB. Those of Obligation are tn Capitals. 
 January. 26 St. Ann. 
 ON to St. Lawrence. 
 Febriiaru. ^^•. . 
 8 Natmty B. V. 
 21 St. Matthew. 
 2^ St. Michuel. 
 28 SS. Simon and 
 ^O St. Andi-ew. 
 8 Conception. 
 21 St. 1>K>mtts. 
 25 CHIM^^TM AS- 
 2 Purification. 
 S4 St. Matthias, 
 i^5 In Leap Years. 
 ID St. Joseph. 
 TION. ^ 
 Si6' St. George. 
 I SS. Philip and 
 W Finding of the 
 Holy Cross. 
 2< Nativity of St. 
 John Baptist. 25 St. Stephen, 
 '^DSS.PSTERand 27 St. John. 
 PAUL. S^B H. Innocents. 
 July.^- " '1^9 St. Thomas of 
 i Canterbury. 
 ^^ Rt- J lT/*S. 
( s ') 
 * Ecastcr Sunday and Monday. 
 Eadv7 Tuesday^ a Day ofjbevoiion, 
 Ascension-day, ' 
 Whit" Sunday and Monday, 
 WhiUTu€Hday, a Bgy of DevoUm. 
 Corpus-t^hristi, ThWsday after Trinity 
 '^ • FAStmo DAYS. 
 All the week days of Lent ; all 
 Wednesdays and Fridays in Advent : 
 finiber-days, Wednesday, Friday, and 
 Saturday ; ] st, in the first week of 
 Lent ; 2d, in Whitsuti week ; 3d, after 
 September 14; 4th, after Decoiber 15. 
 If Monday is a holiday, Saturday is 
 fast. '■ ' • \ ■ 
 All Fridays and Saturdays; all Sun- 
 days in Lent ; Rogation-days, beiiig 
 Mofiday, TueAduy, and Wednesday 
 before the Ascension ; St. Mfu-k's day 
 out of Eatiter-week^ and the Diocese of 
 The solemnization of marriage is 
 forbidden from the first Sunday of Ad* 
 vent till after E]>iphany, and from 
 Ash Wednesday till Low Simdav. • 
 4A4I fZCW3A 
C 6 )- 
 The eight JSeatitudes. Matt. y. % 
 1*. T3LESSED are the poor in spiriti 
 ^ for theiw J^ the kingopm of 
 heaven. " ^ , 
 2. Blessed arc tba meek : for they 
 ^ihall possess the laivl. 
 5. Blessed are they that mourn : tor 
 they shall b^ camforte4- 
 4. Blessed are they that hmiccr M^d 
 tJiirst ailer^^iccr: for they shall be 
 filled, .^ . ^ 
 5. Blessed are the mcraful : tor 
 they shall obtain mercy. . 
 6. Blessed are the clean ot hcarti: 
 fw they shall sec Gad. 
 7. Blessed are the p^-makcrs ^ 
 for th<^ shall ^ called the chddren of 
 God. , ^ 
 8. Blessed ore tl^ey that buffer per- 
 f ccution for justice sakcj ; for thoirs ^ 
 the kingdom of. be?^%'>6n[i. 
 Blessed are ye when m^n shall re- 
 sile you, tnd persecute ytiu, and 
 apealc all that is evil against you, un- 
 truly, for my sake : rejoice and Ije 
 flad, for your reward is very gneat in; 
 of kii 
 iiren, ( 
 j^re of 
 15 cont 
 im cas^ 
 tisni a 
 l^nts c 
 5. \ 
 n of 
 i: for 
 r a«^il 
 i\\ be 
 : for 
 kcrs :* 
 ren of 
 r per- 
 all re- 
 a, im* 
 nd be 
 eat in 
 Zmpadimenk ip Motrimaf^. -T" 
 f^he^IiBpedioients to Matrimony are . 
 of two kinds. 
 /pHE firU kind is what renders It, 
 '^ null and void in the sight of 
 God and his Church ; and those are« 
 1, Vows of chastity, such as religiotn 
 persons take when they consecrate 
 tbemsfihxs to the service of Almighty 
 Cod, and those who are entered into 
 Holy Orders. 
 2. Gomangtdnky ; or a contract 
 within the four prohibited degree!^ 
 of kindred ; of which the first are 
 brothers and sisters. 5. Their chil- 
 iiren, or cpusia-germans. 4. The chil- 
 dren of cpusio-gennans. 5. And 
 lastly, the children of those which ' 
 i^*e of the fourth decree or remove of 
 kindred ; likewise wliere such affinity 
 19 contracted by lawlful marriage. Alsa 
 in cases of adultery and fornication^ 
 which create an affinity to the second 
 degree, and in the sacrament of bap^ 
 tisni and confirmation, whereby the 
 godfather and godmother are pro^ 
 habited marriage with either thie pa* 
 l^nts or the child. 
 5. Wh^n p^arried pertcois eotim^ \ 
 IwpedmenU to^ ^c. 
 adultery, and make promises of fu«> 
 ture marriage ^t the death of the in- 
 nocent party, in which case they are 
 not only nvill and void^ but highly 
 censured by the Church as productive 
 of many evils. 
 The se,cqnd\Cmi is what doth not an- 
 nul or hinder the sacrement from being 
 true and ya}id, yet m^kes it a very great 
 crime to transgress in it. 1. Such as 
 where mutual promises h^ye been made 
 %y either Of die parties to any other 
 person. 2. When the simple vow of . 
 chastity has been made by either con- 
 tracting party. 3. WHen the marriage 
 is solemnized within the fprbiddtjii 
 times; m. from the first Sunday of. 
 Advent to Twelfth-day ; and from 
 Ash-Wednesday to Low-Sunday, ii>. 
 eluding these mentioned days. 
 The Manner of Lay Persons baptizing 
 an Infant in t>an^r of Death. 
 nnAKE covmoii water, pour it an tJw 
 ^ head or face qf the child, and whilst, 
 pouring it, say the following words : 
 "I ^ptize thee in the Name of the 
 '* Father, and of the Son, and of tho 
 ** HoLr. Ghost, 4mei\. 4 
of fu« 
 he in- 
 y are 
 ich as 
 ow of. 
 r con- 
 ay of 
 y, in- 
 on the 
 )f the> 
 f 9 ) . 
 At ttp-rising in the Mprjilng. 
 In the Kavw of the Father ^ and of the 
 SoHy and of the Uoly Ghost, 
 ■ + •• ■ •• 
 TN the name of our Lord Jesus CJirist 
 ^ eruciaed, I arise; bless me, Lord, 
 protect and' defend me; and after 
 this shore and miserable pilgrimage^ 
 bring me to everlasting happiness' 
 *men, ' "' ' • < 
 Holy Trinity, one God, unto thy 
 . rotection I recommend my soul a'lid 
 body ; deliver me this day from all 
 in, and preserve mq from sudden anif 
 mprovideddeatT^- './Imrw. ^' . 
 O merciful JcsuH, I beseech thee, 
 hro' thy most sacred death and pas- 
 ion, to grant me pardon and ftill re- 
 nission of all my sins. ^4m<^/ii 
 O angel of God; fo whose holy 
 are I am committed Ivv' the Supreme 
 leuieucy, defend me f/om all danger, 
 ^men. ' ' ^ ^ . . 
 Holy Mothei- of Cod, protect me 
 ;h!s da^y from all evil; but especially 
 M&fning Praysfiih, 
 at the hour of my death, assist mi^ by 
 thy pawertbl intercessioiL Armn. 
 ren, n^ 
 ndin J 
 ^d, wl 
 host, I 
 ercd urn 
 ed, dtn 
 ,nto hell, 
 rom the 
 Prayers for Morning* 
 TN the name of the Father, + and of 
 ^ tb^ Son, ^A of the Iioly Ghost. 
 Blesssd be the Holy and undivided 
 , ncrw «tid for even Anmi. 
 /\UR Father, who art in heaven^ 
 y hallowed be thy name : thy If opd 
 fcir^dom come ^ thy will be done oa hence fa 
 earth, as it is in heaven : give us thi^ ^ving am 
 day our daijy Jjread : and forgive qi j^jy q 
 CjfiT trespaaeef, m We forgive them th^ Ihurch j 
 trespass against us : ana I^d us not \^q fomii 
 iflfp te^iiptation ; but deliver us from jp^n of «! 
 mih A^ien. 
 The 4n^(fiiceil Salatathn,^ « ^ 
 TLTAIL, Miiry ! full of gnice, our 
 -*"•* Lprd is with thee; Uei»sed art 
 tkou ano^^st women, and blessed % 
 the fruit of thy womb JESUS. Holy 
 Mai^, Mother or God, pray for uji 
 tinners^ now,, m^ at the ho^M of oift 
 nAct of 
 ven the 
 cl^th^ Avwn^ 
 loly pras 
 ten offimc 
Jifiirning Prayem 
 me by 
 and of 
 "I ■ 
 ^ The Apostle^^ Creed. 
 BEMEVE in God, the Father A^^ 
 mighty, Creator of heaven and earth, 
 nd in Jesus Christ, his only Sonj, oiu? 
 <jrd, who was conceived by the Holy 
 rhost, born of the Vlrgio Mary^ sut- 
 pred und^r Pontius Pilate, was cruci- 
 ed, di^ad, and buried; he descended 
 nto hell, the third day he rose agf^ 
 rom the deac}; h^ ascended into hea-* 
 ren, ai^^d ^tteth at tho right-hand 
 % rf' Ogd thci Fathe;* AUniflity : froai 
 ne on henec he «hall coajQ tQ judge th« 
 18 tm Jving and the dead, I beiieyc in the 
 loly Ghosti the holy Catholic 
 Church j th<^. qonpijiiinion of saiiits j| 
 he foi^iveaess of sim ; the restHree^ 
 ion of the body ; %m life everfetpjj^ 
 men, *^ 
 nAct of f^hth in the presence <^ God^ 
 MY Ood, I firmly b?liev« thoiv art 
 here, and perfectly obeierveat aU 
 ly actiorfs, all my thotiglitNi, nify^ 
 ven the most se6i<et motb..^ of my 
 ;*><£*»• ^mii. i %>«kii«7V i»*jr^ii »»li«»vJ «•• »»♦«▼. 
 loly prasence a sinner who hast so o^ 
 m oficnded thee I Yei, U^y gO(Hltic»« 
 ;ft4^1jberafity not onUr invVe, bu|iei'oji 
 ive qi 
 IS not 
fft ! 
 Afofiiifig Prayer^, 
 cdmmand me to approach thee. Graiit 'c«eejnc( 
 \ne therefore thd grace to pray to th6( ►anctifiec 
 aslought - Spirit, pr 
 Gome, t) Holy Spirit, fill the he^i ^ers, an( 
 of tky ikithful, and enkindle wifliit ^n?have 
 ihem the fii-e of thy loye, * hou kno 
 * V. Seni forth thy Spirit, and om ^"d unpr 
 hedfts shall be regenerated. ' hou hasi 
 ^^^ Aiid'thou wilt renew the fec#heamen 
 of the ea^ih. '" ^■ 
 '^ Let us pray, 
 GOD, who by the light of th 
 Holy Ghost didst instruct th 
 hearts of the faithful, grant us, thro' 
 the jsame Holy ■ Spirit, a love am 
 teMi of what is just and right, and th 
 6on$tant enjoyment of his comforts, 
 Thro' Jesus Christ our Lord>^ wh 
 with thee, in the unity of the same 
 &c» 'Amen. 
 An Act of Adoration and Thanksguiitg, 
 "^ ADORE thee, O my Ood, as mf 
 Creator and -sovereign Lord ; and 
 — — ^ ^ <i*-r^- -w^ w -VHP- V -^^A ■^i^«.taiha« ««h^ Vf A ^« 1 •ib*#^4 v*' 
 with all jk^ssibje thanks acknowledge ^^^^^ ^^f 
 the many corporal and spiritual bene 
 -ii;.. iiiwii iic*^»i, %.%/iiAVA4CLi Upon lUC 
 Thoii hast created me, and out of no- 
 thm5gi\en mc a being. Tliou hjist 
 mrpose 1 
 he dan^ 
 ight lat 
 ence thi 
 btain tl 
 hich th; 
 lie. O t 
 ►vards mc 
 ake for 
 will pra 
 Uid am 
 nore fide 
 :nv life. 
 if our lij 
 posed t: 
Mopmng Prayersl 
 Qra^jjedeemcd me by the death of thy Son, 
 to th^Jh"^^^^^^ ^^ ^y ^^® grace of thy Holy 
 . " Spirit, preserved me from infinite dan-, 
 3 heart! 5^^^> and froni hell fire, which my 
 wifliit ^P? '^^^^ ?*^ often diese)rved. Although 
 ;hou kno^ye?it me to be an ungr^tefiil 
 md om ^"^ unprofitable servant, nevertheless 
 - hon hast hitherto patiently expected 
 he fact ^^ amendment of my life, and lor this 
 mrpose thou hast preseiTcd me from 
 ' he dangers of the past night, and 
 of th^ jranted me tThe present day, that I 
 ict the ^^^^ labour with rabre care and dili- 
 tj^PO^ence than I have hitherto doqe, to 
 btain that crown of eternal glovy 
 hich thy goodness hast prcpr. cd fur 
 lie. O the goodness of my God to- 
 yards me ! Alas t what return can I 
 ake for such innumerable bcnefitti? 
 will praise thy holy name, Lord, 
 ^oicinsM^^^ am resolved to serve thee with 
 *as m\#"^^^ fidelity during the i*^i^ainder of 
 1; anllfcylife.; ' 
 lerc recall k> mind the cJiwf sins qt' 
 your life paMy and Jtrmlt^- resolve to 
 occasions to which you may A? aviv 
 posed in ilw course oj tJicpreseiii dai^. 
 t^e an 
 K wh 
 : same 
 of ni 
 u hpist 
TJOW ill, O my God, have I % 
 -*•* Iherto lived I Ah ! how Httfi 
 KaYe I done for thy sake. I am h^a*^ 
 tiljr sorry fot havinj^ squandered aw^l 
 that tmie in offemhiig thee, ^hich thyl 
 infinite goodness gave me io be eiftJ 
 ployed in promoting the welHire 6\ 
 tny soul, and in purchasing eVerhistin' 
 Kfe. I detest, O Lcwrd, all the dm 
 have C(Mnmitted against thy cUnne Ma- 
 jesty ; I am sorry that I have offended 
 thee, who art infinitely good^ and t6\ 
 whom sin is infinitely displeasing. 1 
 tel^ thee with my whole heart and 
 *>al, and am firmly resolved, by thief 
 help of thy grace, to serve thee with! 
 more fidelity, for the time to comfe;! 
 Receive, I beseech thee, the remdin- 
 der of my life. I afg^n sfhew the pro- 
 mise i made by mc in bapti,sm, to re- 
 nounce the devil, his works and al) 
 his fKJmps. I am resolved, with th#j 
 assistance of thy grace, to «pcnd this 
 4ay according to thy holy will, 
 both as to the nature and ^ircum-.- 
 stances of my ac^ns„ by performing r 
 ^ff%arv% 1»« a««ni<k m »«.->jW«fcfc^ j»^ ^^ -_ 1U..£=. — _ - ..- -? ^T 
 plewing to tb«^ I irili t»ke pirtic^^ 
 €vxt to atoid those faflings ti 
 ich I am Jnost subject, an4 to exer- 
 CISC the virtues which are most agree*^ 
 able to my state and condition of* life. 
 It OFPER thee, my God I together^ 
 I"*- wiih the Kfe, passion, and death 
 Irfthy only Sony all my affectibns, re- 
 solutions, thoughts, inrords deeds, 
 tend suflfe^ngs of this day, and my 
 ^ho!e life, in honour of thy adorable 
 lajesty; in thanksgiving for all 4hy 
 penefits ; in satisfactiofi for my sins ; 
 "— ^ to obtain the assistance <rf thy 
 5 ; that persevering to the end in 
 le perfqrmance of thy holy will, I 
 m love and enjoy thee iof ever in 
 I A Petition. 
 KTHOU khowest, O God, h&w m* 
 \ able I am of myself to do the 
 feast good. Abandon me not, th^e- 
 [pre, but tjake me under thy proteo* 
 Kon, and grant me the grace faithfully 
 b comply with these holy resolutions. 
 inhghtcn my understanding with the 
 i^*** of a liv#»li/ l*oi*k . ^».^:a^ 1^ 
 I Jlj/Iorning Pray^ 
 inflame it with the .fire of an arcienti 
 love of thy infinite goodness. ^^ 
 Strengt^^n^ my weakness, I beseechl 
 thee; heal the corruption of my heart; 
 j^^t thaft. overcoming all my enemiesJ 
 yisible and invisible, I may make the 
 f)e^ i^se of thy grace; and vouchsafe 
 io add to these fiivours the inestimable | 
 gift of final perseverance. 
 V. To thee, Lord, I have raised 
 my voice. , . 
 R. And early in die mdrning myl 
 prayer shall come before thee. 
 V. Let my mouth be eVer filled with 
 ^^y praise. , 
 R. Then I will publish thy glory, 
 and all the day thy greatness. 
 V. Turn thy face, O Lord, away| 
 from my sins. 
 R. And blot out all my iniquities, 
 V. Create iii me a clean heart, 0| 
 R. And renew an. upright spirit] 
 M^ithin me. 
 " V. Cast me not out of thy sight. 
 R. Nor tike thy holy spirit from] 
• ^^Tfmg Pftqferr. l^ 
 R. And strengthen me wiA thv 
 «over^n ttiWt. ^ ^ ^ 
 JLoTd ^ *** i« in tlie ofunc of the 
 R. Wm made bortfa heaven ani 
 V. Voqch^Q Lot* this dar, 
 g- i<*P''e«»«:<^ fr<iia aU sin: 
 V. Have mercy ipon u^ O LortL 
 K. Have merely tip^n us. 
 V. Let % mercy; O Urd, be 
 poured forth upon us. "» •» 
 V. O Lord, hear my prayer. 
 J^AM let my suppfication co»e 
 A Lmighty Lord, «nd most merdfiil 
 I Ood, who hast brought us safe 
 *o the begmning of this <fcy, let thy 
 lOwcrUU grace so conduct os thro' iL 
 that we may not fail into any sin ; 
 Hit that all our thoushta. wraX .»j 
 jictions, niav be regufited acci^injti 
 he wlesrf ^ heavenly justic?, m 
 %l* Morning Freyef't' ^ 
 tend to the observance of AyJ«V 
 Sw; thro» the merits of Jesul Chnst 
 our Lwd. Amen- 
 > tttiupray. 
 LORD God, the kin§ of heaven and 
 earth, voWhsafe Ws. day to rule 
 and sanctify, to direct and govern our 
 souls Mid bodies, our senses, words, 
 and actipns, in conformity to thy law, 
 and itt pbeaienceW thy commands I 
 that by , the help ot^ thy. grac«. ^ bavj- 
 our of the world, we may be fenced 
 • and freed frflm aU evil, both now ani| 
 forever. Atmu ^.< . , -ui-. 
 OCOD, who out of thy unspeakable 
 providence art pleased to appoint 
 tfcy holy angels for our ^ardians and 
 protectors, \6arken tq the supplida- 
 tJons we make for a contmwnce of 
 their protection, and grant that we 
 may be united to their happy society 
 *for all eternity. Amm. , 
 ■ MaytheB.V. Mary, St. Joseph, and 
 all the saints, b^me our iptercessors 
 with the t^rd, that we may be sue 
 cpured and defended by bim .thjs day,; 
 wd live and i«gn ■with him toi evcWi 
 > ^ 
 , . ie Lord i)Icss us, and preserve 
 ps froiif all evil, and conduct us to I^^ i 
 everh^ing; ancEiiiaytJie souls of tlife^ 1 
 faitnful departed, thro? the nierey uj^ I 
 Ood, rest in pea<!e. Aju^ih^ * 
 4cU of Faith, Hope, and Chafdv, re- 
 tommaided to the dailt; mtf of tiB 
 Faithful, by which may be gained ^ 
 ' Aprii 5, 1772. ^ 
 QUR most holy Fatiier Pope Cle- 
 ment XIV. embracing with po^ 
 ternal chaiity all the faithlul who 
 clweli auiongst unbelievers and infi- 
 aaL, and intending to promote 
 apiongst them the pious and whole- 
 some u^e of making frequent mts 
 ot the theclogicai virtues of frM, 
 liope, sixid charity, has been piease4 
 to grioit an indulgence of seven years, 
 and of a3 many quadragcna:, or fmtu 
 d^y*, to every pnc of the faith fclW 
 Lhnst above mentioned, for eyei^ 
 tiiiie when, Dei^ disposed at least iw 
 poutntion of he^ot, shaU attcntivei 
 >■■ I' 
 '■ t 
 iH^' gently recite the said ^^to-;^ 
 Which pmnt is to stand good to all 
 ftiturc tiiuca. N. B; Thiu indulgence 
 jBity' be applied by way of sufirage te 
 iM^jCftithiul depiitted, 
 ^ Stephen Borgia, Secretary to 
 < the Society ion promoting, 
 Chriaitiiitt Kipwialge* 
 JL irrvparatory pn^i/er iM the follom»g 
 . f.^< :■ Acts,; -^ '' 
 ^ Lniitthtv Riul eternal God^ grarit 
 #^ i^an increase oi')fmth, hope^ ainl 
 Sdri^i^: and that we may de^erre ta 
 i9i)tai9 what thoiv promisest, n)al^.e u» 
 €*%>ve what thou coiium^idest. Tlira 
 tlhrist our Lord. Amoil 
 -^^f^ An At'l of Faith. ^ 
 1^ tirn:lv believe there is one God^ 
 •and that in tins one God thei-e are 
 fiiree persons, tiie Fathpr^ the Son, and 
 iht Holy Ghost ;— that th^ Son took 
 io Wmiclf tlie nature of man from the 
 Vi^itt Marj'ji womb, by tlie opera- 
 ti^ of the power of the Holy GhoKt, — 
 mA drnt in this our human nature h<5 
 * t?i^ ct^cified and dkd for us 5— -that 
 ifljfWwards he rose again, and ascend^ 
 ti into heaven, frDi^l w4*etic(r he sNU 
 5»>mfe to repay the jiist with vmAnafr 
 ing gloiy, and punish the ikvitkea ^iflbf 
 everlastiiig torments : moreover, I 
 believe whatsoever: ehc tke Cat!u>Sc 
 Church proposes to tnv belief, \^ 
 caute God, thd sovereign Truth, vrk^ 
 can neither deceive nor be deceiviefl, 
 ha5 F€frealed them to his churcju 
 vi^ An, Act (if Hope, 
 MY Ood, rdying en thy aJmi^ 
 power, infinite mercy aod goojf- 
 ncss, and becai&e thou aii faith^il m^ 
 fhy promises, I hope ihou wilt ppem 
 me torgiveaeA of my sifts, diro? tks' 
 meTils of Jesiis Christ thy S^n; ttif 
 that thou >8t ;a$!aut me by fliy g^ 
 ^ persevere to the rtid of rov life m Htm 
 diligent eXdrdsc.of |ro6d workt^ t«pi 
 thereby deserve to ©btalii the gk^ 
 thou hast pro)Bnised in hc^ en. 
 An Act of Cknmtyf, 
 Q LORD rny God! I lorefheewfA 
 ^^ my whole heart, above idl Mmk,^ 
 because tb<m art the sovereign G<^ 
 todj an Account trf thy uifimte iww 
 teotions. art moit wmfthg ntf aH h^-^ 
 amf, for thy sdte, I ilso lOTe^ii* 
 ' '•' ' ■■ ' ' '• V-'- -■ ' 1 ^ 
 ^38 AcitcfConfrkiony^o. 
 An Act af Contrition. . 
 MY GodI,. whom I love aboVe all 
 thift€P^, on account of thy sove^ 
 ,1r<s|^goo<lBess ajid infinite pertectionfs, 
 I w> 8CM?iy from the bottom of ray 
 imsrt for having .offended thee by my 
 ifoi, und am firmly resolved, thro* the 
 iMfifelaiice of thy grace, carefully^ to 
 'kiroid all occasions of sin for the time 
 Aft Aci <jf CinrUy tbwardji G6S. , , 
 Jtfy Go<V because thou aft the 
 vSi^reme jGood, infinitely sood in 
 f^iq^l^ and infinitely bountiful and 
 gO^bA to me, I therefore love thee 
 kbove all things ; with all my heart, 
 moi^ mindj and strength; and for 
 ^jf love I am willing to part with 
 ct^'* thing rather than be by rfii se- 
 IpordLed from thee. / , 
 jlct ef Chanty totixtrds otir Xeighhouk 
 OMY God, the lover of mankind, 
 because my neighbour is created 
 Jto d^ image, is beloved by thee, 
 ^vriMm 1 love above all things, and is 
 .^^^ -1 %^s. 
 Intl ^%.^^Jm 
 j^ » Sj«« I 
 t4 I thcTfe^ru desire to love 
 >f my 
 >y niy 
 0* the 
 llj^ to 
 i time 
 ....'. . » 
 t the 
 >od in 
 I md 
 d for 
 m se- 
 ^d is 
 Ads of Tlmnksgiving, ^c. '2S 
 J^cay neighbour as; mjrself for thy 
 i^ake, as thdu hi^st comitiai^ded me : I 
 hjeartUy fqf^e dl £b&t;1i^V^eve|^ of- 
 fended me, as I expeci fcp be ftbrnrcii 
 by tPe, 44 hee^Tt)^ 
 'md s5^iv^ti6ii for tbem, and ror dl 
 j ,5'-l --, 
 An .Act tff tTmriiltsgmiii^. 
 r\ MY tJoxl, tl^e auih<3^<muritahi 
 r^ of all gdoii, f hiintl^ a(^ow- 
 jiedge that eyeiy .|poci tlnia I ei^q^v 
 $6ra f6|r %o\i\ aod bo<J(^, ^omes Iro^ 
 thy iipuntifill prctvidencc ahd fatl^^ 
 loye./ i therefore th^nk andi |li^^ 
 ineinable favors I hav^ rl^^d^cM 
 thee. MSy «tt thy holy angels andi 
 saints pffi^ ioxid than|;1mee^^f^ 
 and I oesire icsi<i hd^e m thy inef^ 
 thrdug^ the merits ol'Jesui C|u'k^^ ta 
 join with them iii praising th^^ fox* 4^ 
 - An Act of Rfiignation. 
 f\ MY 6od, the soierii^Locil and 
 y Puler of afl things, if &% ^ 
 li^ve tEa^t nothing bietals, nctt* caii ^i^ 
 r^; I m mfe, tut ly thy divine appoiiit- 
 «l^ AcU of Ad^natien, i^ 
 isient or perniai»siQii, who Icndw^^ tha 
 fmsiber of the haiw of our hesad ; I 
 ther^oi^ iwtei myself entirety to thy 
 will, cheerfully to rcvi^ive from thy fa- 
 therly hatiui whatever tboii ple^sest, 
 fam or ea»e, mkness or health, life 
 •r death : thy holy wijl be done, 
 Ood, and not mme, in me and in alt 
 iky creatures, for tnne and eternity. 
 An Act if Adoration. 
 Infinite and eternal Lord God, 
 ever existing of thyself, the inex- 
 haaiCible source of all being, I himrbly 
 eanfiMs thy supreme dommion over 
 aO ^Ings, our own nothingness bdTore 
 thee, and our perpetuai d<^ndence 
 on thee. With the most prokiund hu- 
 mility I adrt-e and worship thee, ^% 
 my first beginning and last end, my 
 God, and my sil Give me grace, I 
 beseech thee, never to be separated 
 horn thee, my supreme good, my eWef 
 and only hapjmess. ♦ . v 
 * Jin ^^ct of Oblm&on. 
 My God, the Author of my being;, 
 I wn^ Jhine. ^ Whatever I airf, 
 I kivir^ I rpceivipd ail from 
A PfiiUim. 
 leoi Bhd to thee alote I j^iift}y be^ 
 [oQg by creation aiul r^dcmptjotu t 
 therefore oBkr up my!ielF entirely to 
 ly ^lary f my tout and body, my 
 illy ..^inory, and imderstanding ; 
 iy &er>se6^ thoughts, words^ and aU 
 ly actions. MerafiiUy aQcept ot^ 
 them, O sovca'eign Lord^ for the love 
 )f Jesui Christ, and give me grace, for 
 lis sake, to employ them all in thy 
 lice, and for thy gloiy. 
 ai Petition. 
 MY most merciful and bountifilL 
 God, I firmly be|»Te that every 
 (ood and perfd^ gift comes down 
 torn thee, O Father of mercies, amt 
 that without thee and thy help I can 
 [k) nothing. I therefore prostrate mv*« 
 lelf before thuc, and cry to thee for 
 mercy. Give me graoe, I beseech 
 thee, thai I may never ofltend thee r 
 mabie me to please thee in all things i- 
 strengthen me to resist and overcome 
 ill temptations; grant me grace to die 
 in peace with thee^ O my God ; and 
 bring me at kist to thy eternal glory? 
 fhro" jesus Christ thy bon, our l^)rg 
 "id mJy Sa\ioti». Jitficsc, 
 I 26 ) 
 Tke Liimy of mir Lord Je^u$ Ch^ 
 J ORI?> have mercy upoi^ us. Chris, 
 have mercy upon us. Lord, Havl 
 ^erey ugon u?. Christ hc^r u^ ^ 
 Christ, gracioudy hear is. 
 Qod, the Fajher of l^eaven, . 
 God, the So^, Redeemqr bf th 
 V world, , ^ 
 pod, the Holjf Ghost,, 
 Holy Trinity, bne #oa, , 
 Jesus, SonofthebVingGpci 
 Jesus, splendor of tj\e f atha*! 
 Jesus, brightness of qt^aia Mii, 
 Jesus, King of glorj', 
 Jesus, the siin of justicei 
 Jesus, Son of the yirgin JVfery, ' 3 
 Jesus, whose nameisc^Ie^ Woa-'l 
 derful, M 
 Jesus, the mighty Cod, J\ 
 Jesus, tl^e Father qf the world to 
 Jesus, the angel df the gre^ cpun--^ 
 oil, ' 
 Jesus, mo^ powerful, 
 ;Je8ui, most initient, 
 JesUs, most obcdi^nti 
I. Clms 
 ^f ih 
 The tMany crfjesm sf 
 'eiiis, meek and humble of hearty 
 esus, lover of chastity, 
 ^€sus, lov^rof tts, 
 esus, the d^od of peace, 
 psiis, the author of life, 
 esus, the ex:ample of all virtutf^ 
 esus, zealous lover of souls^ 
 esus, our GoiSi^ 
 esus, the Father of the poor, 
 esus, the treasure of the faitbful, iaij 
 esus, the good shepherd, § 
 esus, me true light, ; 2 
 esus, tii& ^tcmal wisdom, :^ 
 esufl, mfimte goodness, ^JJ 
 esus, the ^ay, the tniti, and the»g 
 yesus, tlie ]6y of angels; , j| 
 f Jesus, the king of patriarclif?, '^ 
 Jesus, the inspirer of the prophets, 
 iJesus, the master of the apostles, 
 Jesug, the teacher df the evanspeliiit% 
 Jesus, the strength bf martyrs^ 
 Jesus, the light of confessors^ 
 Jesus, the spouse of virgins, 
 Jesus, the erown of all saints, , , 
 4.»C II 
 Tciwiiui uuto m, cipare iw, U j^^om 
 Be merciful unto us, Hear us, T^&fik 
 |roin i41 eva, Lo^ Jesm dekver 
 *roin thy wrath. 
 From the snarcb of the devii, 
 from the spirit of uncleanneML 
 *rQm evedastiag death, 
 spirations, •' Tl 
 •TW the mystery of th>- most hok 
 locaroetion, "^^ 
 3Jro' thy nativftv, 
 |nro* thy divine "infimcr/ 
 TW thy laered life. 
 Thro* thy loboiirg and travails, 
 TK . S^ '^'^y ""^ Woody swat. 
 Thro' thy cross and pmhi ^^ 
 ij~ *f >" P*j«w and toriienti, 
 ^ro thy deatli and burial, 
 itZ lu^ ^y^^ wairrectioiv 
 Tl ro thy admtable aacensiox^ 
 T!W thy joys and gloiy, 
 I» the 4ay of judgment, 
 ^b of 0od j.ho tafc«t awiy. thi 
 •n-jf the .orld. ifc«. «^ 0% 
 Iwwb of God, wbp tiOccst awagr 
of riie world, Ha^ mercy f/pon v^. 
 Lord Jesus-. 
 Chxi&t Je^s Irear t», Chrls't J«n^ 
 [aciously hetfr tis. . 
 Lei tts^ pray. 
 GCft), wlio Imst appointtd thy 
 only begotten Sou the Saviour 
 mankind, and hast commaixied 
 at he should be called Jesus : mer- 
 fully ^rant tlmt we uiay enjoy ^is 
 ippy vision jn heftven, wfiose |ioiy 
 ane \yq \'«n<iratc upon eiirth. Who* 
 m II i»>w 
 m n m v . f 
 1i It- I 
 Mien ybu enter into the Ckta-i'/i, satf, 
 " LORD, in the muldtuik- of tliy 
 ir.erciesi I will eMer thy house. 
 Id adore thee in th> holy" temple, 
 m praise thy gloricxw na:n«. 
 Sprinkle me," O Lord, with hy9s«m, 
 11 *,",''*'**'^e cleansed J wash me, and 
 mm become whiter than snow. 
 hObifition of Uie Mom, acrtn-dinff to 
 the four Emh of L'ik **«r ariiikin 
 ottrrifire. ~ -\ ' 
 ..*) f'^^^^'^ merciful Father, who hiwt 
 «™jf tll#r lo%td tlitf woi'd t* stfch n iigf^ 
30^ Prayers before Man. 
 ^1° '^fUver up thy beloved Son % 
 suffer the cruel death of the cross ft 
 A '■^*™Ption of us poor sinners 
 and woultlst, moreover, have the sami 
 oblation daily renewed in the ]$lass, i 
 order that we might apply the fruits ( 
 Ills sacred passion to our souls : jrrani 
 we humbly beseech thee, that we mai 
 assist thereat with such respect; atten 
 ton, and devotion, as to become par. 
 takers of the fruits and virtues of th 
 bloody sacrifice of the cross : and 
 this our christian oblatkm coigns ii 
 a more excellent degree, aTtKe virtu 
 jind perfection of the sacramcats of th 
 oid law, so we offer it up to thee i 
 the inanner of the four loU oblation! 
 w humble and sincerp "hcknowledgo 
 ment of that supreme iwwer and do 
 raimon thou hast over us and all crea. 
 tures; to which we cheeriuUv submit 
 m^nff 'n ?^'^%tion and atun. 
 ment tor all the sins we have com 
 jmtted against thy infinite Maiesn- 
 t^trdhf, m thanksgiving for di tt 
 fovom ar«l blcs.i„|s b6stov.x-d :,■ .: 
 ♦"Seuvfal or particular ,• and to/^ th 
 and mo 
 dfare o 
 ant for < 
 J^ad.] \' 
 ay to th; 
 (1 mere 
 pply vd 
 g our di 
 nly Son, 
 hristr " 
 the PH 
 ^ the £ 
 wcnu . 
 I wiif dj 
 od, to gj 
 niv woul 
 0111 tluiK^J 
 iistiii thi 
JPrc^rsi at Ma$s, 
 «/ * 
 jmay mercifully obtain of thy di\iji^ 
 G^dness, wliatever thou knowcst we 
 tand most ih need of, either for the 
 l^elfare of our goul or body. [Herenwy^ 
 t added in pdftmlar^ what each most 
 mntfor themselves, or others^ limtg an, 
 \cad:\ With these dispositions and in- 
 fentioris, we approiich, O Cod, this 
 ay to thy altary relying on thy power 
 nd mercy to grant our petitions, and 
 jpply us wijh crace for the perform- 
 ig our dil^rttro'the divine meritj^ 
 p the fito*r# death gnd passion of thy 
 fnly Son, im ImA and iSaviour Jes 1*$ 
 Christ, r^;- ^^ ^ ■ ■ • • 
 kn ^cellent llethod of hearing Mass. 
 W(^efhQS^ of the Cross, and whilst 
 the Pfim says the Psa 
 say as foUoivs* 
 I N the name of the Father, and _ 
 ^ the Son, and of the Holy Gliost; 
 I wilf draw near to thy altar, O my 
 rod, to gain new strength and vigour 
 > my woul. Scj}arat^ mq by thy gnafee 
 ^salik Judica, 
 ^ tha»iist in thee; 
 i»«w^av» w^w •# iXv iiiiVV 4iV/ 
 PrihferM ei Uaa. 
 Thrt grace, which comforts ...^ 
 when the rccolh^crion of my «h] 
 ^ict$ and casts me down. 
 That grace, which, lets me knoi„ 
 4.hei'e is an everlasting refuge in thj 
 goodnass : and that, whenever wt 
 jjincereiy repent, thou art ready to for] 
 {rive <*ven our greatest sins. 
 CHoriaiti txceWs, and the Creed, ai 
 not said in Masses for the Dead: am 
 ett other times you mmj^s either oj 
 them over, ivhen ^oti^m them oniU 
 ted by the Friesi, . 
 Sffytlic ConRteor trfierih Priest 
 T CONFESS u> Almigl^y God,.lathi 
 -* blessed Virgin Mary, HHlie liesjiei 
 iVIiciiBcl tlie Arehangei, to #e bloeeed 
 John I^iijptist, $p the holy apostia 
 E^ter and P«ui, to all the saints, an 
 to yotu y Pather, that I have excetj 
 in^y Tinned in thou^t, \\oi\t, aN 
 ifeed, through m^ fault, thrmjf m 
 ^dt, fkrovifk w^ moxt grievous fault] 
 Tfimd'crci beseech the blessed Virgil 
 Mfi^, blessed Michael the archangel 
 Betor and Fir6^'t4l the saints, and |«i, 
Prayers €a mass. 
 gtve ear to the prayers of thy Bcrvam, 
 which he now crffers thee in the name 
 of thy Church, andin behalf of ut thy 
 people : Accept them to the Hoftiour 
 of thy t ^ le, and the gooiof our souh; 
 ^nd m - us all those blessings which 
 inayS^ wajs ctotrflbute to our tai^ 
 valion. Thro', &c. Amen. « 
 , , Jt the £pill<^ soff, 
 A^ li^T* thou, O Lord, be ctcr^. 
 Vi:^*^ F^s^ for having com. 
 ♦numcli jii thy divine Sj^t to the 
 My prophets and apostles, disclosiiir 
 to them adroimble setrets, redou^dii:;^ 
 to % glory, and our salvation. Wp 
 firmly believe thek doctrine, because 
 It is thine. Grt^ i^s, we iiiei^ 
 thee, the ltti|>pii?»'^s& to und^^d 
 fi'om the Chuav.^ "^gL^^ ij^. 
 sfriicdons, ii^et ic "^^^i ^^#1^% 
 ^d the graie to jpravt^ce ^^e ^inm 
 the pd of our lii^ ^ ff^^ 
 JJMW wonderful, O Lord, i$ fm- 
 *:^ne th^yghout the «*©k 
 ^arm f I ^lU hIacc *i»a t^-j ^^ .=01 
 ^0* ; te pmise shaii be ever in jz^ 
 tou^^ Be th^tl my God md mg 
 Praters at Mass. 
 protector: in thee alone will I put 
 my trust, O let me nathe confounded 
 forever. % V ^ 
 ^ At the Gospel, rise up an4 sm/y 
 T>E thou for ever adcf^ and 
 -^ praised, O Lord, wijl "^i- 
 r ,. Cf ntent to instruct us by the pl|i|>liets 
 1^ 9rui jostles, hast even vouchsafed to 
 qpcak to us by. thy only Son, our 8a- 
 tioiu^ Jesus Christ, command^ us by 
 « voice from heaven M hkmjiim : 
 Grant us, mercifol God, the pkcc tx^ 
 profit by his divine and heavenly A^ 
 triae. All that is written concerniiig 
 j^ice, drend Jesus, in thy gospel, is 
 truth itself; nothing but wisdom in 
 t^ B§Aoti% power and goodnes:; in 
 &t iftlf^acles/ light and instruction i» 
 f*>y vmA. Whh th^e, ^cred \Iq^ 
 dean^, fire ^e words of eternal liie : 
 fe^whom sh«li we cotWe but to thee, Q 
 eternal fouiitiiin of truth :. Grant rn^, 
 O Cod, the jrrace to practice wi at 
 thou commandc*st, and ccgpEJa 
 ■what thou plcasest. 
 At fA<? Credo, or Nicene Creed^ %|. 
 taJ^ght uie by tty Ho^ Chun^ 1 ^j.^ ^^ 
Prayers at Mass. 
 In tlJs faith, through the assistance of 
 thy grace, I desire to live and die^ 
 J am convinced of the sincerity and 
 wisdom of those who have delivered 
 these sacred truths to us. I'heir miA- 
 culcus success in the propagation lof 
 thy doctrine, is to me a jUiflicient proof 
 of its veracity. Whether, O Lord 1 
 shall I go. Thou hast the words «f 
 eternal life. Or thy tmth thus deli- 
 vered, my reason and will shall nevor 
 idoubt, though my senses and vain, 
 imagination should. , I believe^ 
 Lord, help my belief^ 
 At the Offertory, say, 
 ACCEPT, O 1 oly Father, Almigh^ ' 
 '^^ and eternal God, this ua^ott^ 
 host, which I thy unworthy «ari^«t ^ 
 oftr tlice, the livinf and imk Goj, ^ 
 for my mnum^able sins, d^mm$v^ % 
 negi'|;enc6cJ, and&r all pr^<|^^ pp ^ 
 ^^4i^, :aith{ul GbniNaii^ 1M% ^^ 
 ^^ ^0^ diat it may )j^ lii^ ai^aii^M 
 Xim^'hj life evferla^itg. jhmmu 
 Wr Ir^c Oihrivg 6fit/w CliaH<^si^ : 
 IJV i oifer ^thee, 01^4 the ji^ 
 ^^ lioj of solvation, tei^^«M^ 
 fcy clcaRaenc} , that H may aii^u# 
 Praters at Jifasr'r* 
 fore thy divine Majesty, as a sv/ect 
 perfume, as well for our salvation as 
 fcff that of the whole world. 
 Accept us, O Lord, who approach 
 thee in the spirit of humility, and 
 mth contrite neiMrts : and may the 
 sacrifice we <fffer this day in thy sight 
 |m pleasing to th^e, G Lord God^ 
 W%en the Prieft washes his Fingers^ 
 fT'HpU, O Lord, who once vouch- 
 ^ fsSt^ to wash th^ disciples feet| 
 ^O&ife l^eir invitation to thy holy 
 table ; wash us also, we beseech thee> 
 Q Lord, and w;ash us again.; not onljr 
 mxt feet and hands, but also our 
 ]bea^ mu* desires, and our souls, that 
 ;we mxy become ^ajteogether pure and 
 Proceed and say, 
 TDECEIVE, O holy trinity, this ob- 
 j*' lation we now make to thee, 
 in memory pf the passion, resiu'rec- 
 tion ^nd ascension of ^ur Lord Jesub 
 Christ: and in honoiir of the ever 
 biased V- MjiTv, of Me^^ John B^- 
 llsiL of tivf! holy onn«t:l©fi ^#*l'«*i* «?%/1 
 |?j^ul, and of aft Se Saints, that fe 

 ■MmWit " >• - 'ISKri^?*! 
 ion as 
 , and 
 Y the 
 ; onljr 
 9 that 
 e and 
 is ob- 
 * ttYxA 
 Prayers at Mass* a»9 
 i«iay avail^p their honour and our 
 salvation. And may they vouchsafe 
 to intercede for us in heaven, whose 
 memory we celebrate on earth. Tliro* 
 At the Orate Fratres, say, 
 Tl/TAY our Lord receive this sacri* 
 -^'^^ fice from thy hands, to the 
 praise and glory of his name, for out 
 good, and the benefit of his whole 
 Church. ' f^ 
 Atihe Secret Prayer, saj/, 
 TyfERCIFULLY hear our prayers^ 
 -*^ *• t^rd, and graciously ac^i^t 
 this oblation, which \ire thy servints 
 now offer to the honcmr of thv nanu^ 
 that it may obtain thv grace kmt us in 
 this life, aad evcs'lastn^g hj|{)^iiisi \^ 
 the next. Anien. 
 iftWib Preface, say^ 
 TT is truly meet and Just» righi and 
 -'' available to salvation^ 1^ UNp 
 jihould always, and in v& ^ac^ jnNi 
 thanks to thee, O holy Lord, fmtm 
 AhnightVj, eternal God, thrsr ^Jhifet; 
 our Lord : by whmn the ange|^ j^(^i^ 
 thv \f»iiotftV f4|j| ri/\yrtmftt4rwefc6 ifcj fetfMi It- 
 tlie powers tremble before it, the bel» 
 C 4 
40 Prayen at MoM' 
 vom and the heavenly virtue^, and 
 blessed seraphims with CQmnipu jubi- 
 leeiglority it ; together with whom we 
 beseech thee, that we may be admitr 
 ted tQ join our- voices, btiyiug in an 
 humble manner, 
 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of 
 Sahbaoth, the heavens and earth are 
 full of t'ly glary. Hosanjta in the* 
 highest. Blessed is he that cometh 
 in the name of the Lord, HosannX 
 in the highest. 
 4t the Beginning of thf Catton^ say^ 
 ^ *^OST merciful Father, who haslj 
 given th^' only Son' to becomtj, 
 oiur daily sacrifice, favoucably incline 
 Ihy ear to our praj»ers, and grant our 
 ?equestSw Protect, unite, ai\d govern 
 thy holy Clmroh througbc^t the whde 
 world. Pour fourth lljy bless!ngt>n Jiiii 
 E resent Holiness ; on tJie Prehite who 
 as a particulii charge over us ; on 
 ^ir king, and o% fJl true professors of 
 the catholic faith. 
 At the Meniento A»'Mc£#iri;/g5 irf^. 
 1 OFFER thee, O'etcmal Ptlher, wit!*, 
 mini&ter at th 
 altar, \\\ 
 lation of tl»e body wid Wood of tW 
 Ipnly Sou, to t! y hopour and glory, iq 
 rememl)ran<;e of my Saviour's passion, 
 jia thanksgiving for all thy benefits, %* 
 iatisfaction for all my sim„aptlfor the 
 )btaining thy grac^, whereby 1^ muy 
 )e enabled to liye virtuously and die 
 happily. " I desire thee* Hk^jvise to ac- 
 zepi it, P Godi, for my parents, fif 
 tUveJ friendi^ and benefaptors ; grant 
 th<em all blessings corporal and spi- 
 ritual. I offer it up 'Aso f Here name 
 \e particular tntention yon movild 
 \ffcr, a up for ^ (w for ihc obtaining tf^ 
 pirtuey overcoming that viecy for tii^ 
 Messmgs of healthy S^c) llkeivise for all 
 that are in misery ; for those I have 
 my ways injured in word or decil ; fiw 
 ill my f?neini^; for tlie conversion of 
 Snners, and enlightnlng dl that sit 
 p darkness. Pour foi-tii thy b^e^si^^f? 
 >ii all, according to their , rt^spective 
 lecessities, through th« iBeiits of th^- 
 niy San Christ 3zhu^ onf LmA. - 
 Proceed (^^ ^j^i 
 ^ TVR t*ar Jhr€i \\t»<ig*Btr>h fl^me ^rk 4-Lm 
 pn)v;crs pf thy > #;af»fii ^ylipl^ 
 [hon haf?t appointefl to uuike this ob- 
 tioii in our behalf^ and grant it m^ 
42 Prayers at Mass. 
 be effectual for obtai»g all the 
 Wesangs he asks for us. Behdd^^ 
 Lord, all here, present to thee lo th 
 Ifead and wine, the syjnbpU of oi 
 perfect wpofl. Orant tfeat they ma; 
 SveSd Wtp the real body an. 
 blood of thy dear Son, that being co« 
 S^ted to'theel^y the hdy 
 we may live ia thy service, and depa 
 this life in thy j^race. _ 
 Jt the Eleva^on ^the Host, sau 
 TV/lOgT adorable body, I adore the 
 iVl%ith all the powers of my soul 
 © Lord, since tiiou hast given thyse 
 wholly to us, granr we «^ay 'je^ 
 entirely thine. I believe, O Lord 
 help my unbelief. Most merqful b 
 vioir. be thou my protector ; strength 
 en and defend me, I beseech thee, w 
 thy heavenly grace, now, and especi 
 W at the hour of my death, sweet J. 
 M the Elevation of the Chalice, tm 
 OST adorable blood, that was* 
 ttwity all our sins, I ado 
 if we fcan retura p 
 thiiie. Cleanse 
 JwusrauHCtify, anil preservi ©ur 6< 
 lo eternal 
 e in the< 
 E no 
 ly resurr 
 thy bod 
 jy blood 
 hich the 
 igiire, ai 
 [hee, I 
 im whid 
 int us, 
 ifiees V 
 M the 
 Ihine an! 
 mlsQf I 
 r»f their 
Prayers at Ma$s. 
 \o eternani# Live Jesus in us, and 
 rein thee. 
 Jfter the Elevatioft^^^ry, 
 lTITE now, 6 L0rdy with gratefid 
 ^^ hearts call to mind the sacred 
 iiy^ries of thy passion and death ; 
 ly resurrection and ascension. Here 
 thy body that was broken ; hei?e i^ 
 .ly Wool that was shed for us, erf 
 /hich these exterior si^m are but th^ 
 ^giu-e, and yet m reality contain the 
 lubs mce. It is now we truly oflfer 
 Ihee, O Lor4, that pure and h<?ly Yie- 
 "im which tl^u hipst been pleasM to 
 pant us, of whid> aM the ancient sa- 
 rifiees were but so many types ami 
 [ures. ' : ^ 
 At the Memema/or the Dead, 9( 
 OFFER thise again, O Lqn^ thishj 
 , sacrifice of the My and blood ot 
 Ihine only Son, in behalf of the fai*- 
 l1 departed, and m narticnlar for 1*^ 
 mis pf (fiere napte tho^eform^kmn ^ 
 miflii p^rp<mM fto^) my p^irejits, 
 hfS<^) relgtiom, benefactors, neigh- 
 Jours, &c, l^wise ot «uch as I huv(? 
 1 */'l 
 ,»f their 
 of such w hwe injured 
 P payers at ^a^ 
 jne, or been my enemies : pf such 
 die in war, or have none to pray fij 
 them, &c. To these^^ Lord, and \\ 
 all tliat rest in Cliiist, grant, we bi 
 seech thee, ft phice of r^jfrefihrne] 
 liglit and peace. 
 j^t the Npbis quoque pcccatoribus, sal 
 \/' PUCHSAI^E to grant tiie same ^ 
 y JUS, poor miserable sinners. Jury 
 us not accprding to our demerits ; bd 
 throiigh'the infinite multityde of thj 
 pfieit*ies, liberally ext^'^d to us thj 
 grace and piirdon. , , 
 We ask it of the^ ip the naihe 
 thy dear Sen, who liveth and reighet|| 
 eternally wdth thee, and in that' fori 
 9^ prayer which he himself hath taugl 
 Satf the Pat^r nostei*, and then prqced 
 "I ^ELIVER us from thpseevils, wli^< 
 •*-" WH) labour under at present; fr^ 
 past evils, which can be nothing bii 
 aur manifcild sins;;^ ^id from thi; evii 
 to comc^ which will be tiit just linahl'tl 
 nients of our offer^ces, if <ii4i;^pri;}\n .y u j 
 who intercede ior lis, interc€pt;^i u>\ 
 justice, or excite not thy bounty. 
 raycn at Mas^. 
 Aithe Breaking of the Hc^^K say^ 
 pHY body ^& prokefi, O Lord^ 
 and tTiy Wood Wjas shed for us t 
 rant th^t the commemofation of this 
 oly mystery may procure foi* its peace : 
 Ind that those who receive it may ob* 
 in everlasting rest; 
 Jit Agnus Dei, say with the Priest ^ 
 AMB df Opd, who takest away 
 ^ the sins 6f tfee worlds haVe iner- 
 J Upon us. , . . 
 Lamb of God, who takest away the 
 ns of the WorW, have n^eVcy upe^i un. 
 Lamb of God, who takest away the 
 s of the world, ^rant us peace. 
 B fore ComiAUnion, say, 
 N saying to £hy flpostle^, my jyeaee 
 Ileaxie if&a^ imf peace I give you4, 
 ou h^st promised, O Lord, to thrf^ 
 hole Churchfj that peace whkh the 
 rid cannof gi^e : peace witif thee, 
 lid peace with otfl%«Blves. 
 Let urothing, O hori^ ever interr«i«j 
 > separate ul frdap itol^, td whi>«i we 
 drti^ dedl^to M^ ilil^i diiii^.h 
 e h#iteti sacrawteni irf pmce and 
 coJfitaiMjft. Let this food of angeh 
 Prayers at Ma&&.' 
 lengthen us in eveiry Ghristiqu^ 
 ty, so m never more to yield iin<l( 
 temptation, or fall inlp our comra< 
 At the Domine non sum dignus, Icfoi 
 ) Communion, say three TL 
 LORD, I:^-am not worthy thoij 
 shoiildst enter under my ro( 
 f?ay only the wordi and my soul s^h; 
 be healed. 
 A SpmtualCo'^imunion. 
 jV/rOST loving Jesuf, who art pr< 
 f^^-*' s^ in this sacrament, by vh 
 tue of thy infinite powef, wisdom anj 
 j^odness, I adijwre thee with the mo 
 iivd^ faith : but Csons^i^^us of my ii 
 fetnrties and sin^, I dare not at pr 
 ^nt receive th w iwraaptentally. ^ 
 hope \m l^ntirely placed m thee, a \o\ 
 #iee, O Lord, with my whole !i< 
 who littst so excesdively k)ved me ; aii 
 tiierefore I now deweto receive thee] 
 eome therefore!, Q Lord, spiritaall 
 into my sinAd wmA^ and hem it fn 
 ail its iiifinnlti^ Feed me, that 
 _^ _i*, _ , 
 enliven and sancjtifv ^e ii^ idiy 
 creel bod} and blo(>d ; cwver ti 
 fr6m all 
 mfier me 
 ly Savio 
 3 holy 
 me God, 
 land pass 
 ^hich we 
 who sit a! 
 bread of 
 thee. I ( 
 Jesus. J 
 My sm 
 [desire of 
 pur Lord 
 juitli my ^ 
 |i|wa\'8 er 
 [able bod^ 
 return th 
 Lord, ib] 
Prayers at Mass, 
 ^ ctoKr6m all sin, and make me 
 un<lJbbedient to thy cdmmands; and^never 
 ommcAufi'er me to be separated ivom tTiee, 
 y Saviour, who, \vith the Father and 
 ;h3 holy Ohost, livest' and reignest, 
 ne God, for ev^r and ever. Jmen, 
 Jt the Wiping of the Chalice^ say^ 
 RANT, Lord, we may par-^ 
 talce of the fruit of thy death \ 
 and passion, the sacred mei^iory iyi 
 hich we have cortimemorated iu this 
 jsacrifice. Happy, thrice happy those, 
 who sit at thy table to partake of the 
 bread of life. My soul sighs after 
 tliee. I desire with the apostle, to be 
 Unsolved, and to be with ithe<^ O 
 Jesus. My heart and soul, V/ilii 
 transports of joy, seek thee^ J^^trbg 
 Gad. ■ ' ■ . r-.: . n/ 
 My soul langtushcs with an ardent 
 desire of enteriE^ into the housf of 
 our Lord. I love thee, my God, 
 iridi my whole heart^I OlbatJ coujil 
 Hwaj-s enjoy the presence of tiijm^r* 
 able body, tlie pledj^ ^ otir lieriKi^ 
 Boppiiiitii I i Buuro liiy gm^ni's^ ailMr 
 return thee infinite tbank*^ O grtK^ious 
 rer naLord, for thy inrstimable favour and 
 Pi'aj/ers at Mass, 
 '1 '.. 
 mercy, in permitting me to be presetil 
 t{|i(^ d$y sit the august sacrifice, Wheri 
 ti|#u 0iyseif filrt bdth Pri^t and Victimj 
 Mkke me always sensible,. O Lore 
 itf sd great it favour, and sutFer hot mj 
 iln worthiness to put it stbp to tlx 
 effects of thy infiiiite mercy aiid ^oodj 
 ness. . 
 When the Priest r^ads the Cdmiriunionj 
 T ETit now be, O Lord, the effec 
 ^ of thy mercy, that we wh 
 haij^e been present at this holy mysteryj 
 iiiay And the benefit of it in our soul 
 M ^A^ Postf-Communion, say, . 
 TITE if ive thee thanks, O^God, fo 
 ■ thy mercy in adnriittin|; us tr 
 ha\^ n pai^ in offering this sacrific 
 to^ tfj^ holy liame ; ac^^^pt it now t 
 thy^jp^ and bfe ever mindful of o 
 firicced ts follows : 
 /^RACIOUS God, and most merd 
 ." fill Faitiher* gfanti I beseech thee 
 that thigadomUe sacrifice of the ble 
 «Bd to% and blood of thy Sop, c 
 I JLord Jesus Christ, m^y obtmu for i 
 vrion 4^*^H) 4)«ir sins. A-'kita 
Prayers at Man. 
 WIie7i the Priest blesses the Peopb>, 
 +^I^HE blessing of Almighty God, 
 -*■ Father, Son^ and Molv Ghost, 
 desceiid upon us, and dwell ijn our 
 hearts (cfr ever. Amen. 
 ^erCf whilst the Priest concludes with 
 ^ ^ St. John's Gospel, say^ 
 f\ Eternal Word ! speak to my 
 ^^ |oul, which adores thee in 
 profoiind silence. Thou who art the 
 suprenie <^reatpr of all things, aban« 
 don not, I beseech thee, thy creature; 
 be thou my Hfe, my light, and my all. 
 light 'Eternal, enlighten me, as 
 well in this' life, as i^ the life to 
 come. * V 
 Reign in me, as in il^ine own in» 
 heritance: for ap thou, O Lor^hast 
 created me, and redeemed mi^ ilf fe 
 but just thai I shouJtd remain for enta: 
 thine. 5 
 1 have sinned e$eee<ftng!y against 
 heaven, and b<^fore thiee, aw am un- 
 worthy to be called thy Son. 
 But thou, God ii^camatbi have pity 
 Ion nxy fniil and mortal iesh» «ad grant 
 I**, jiiuv .t/tJt: V. 
 A% fXU If 
50 Probers for the Bead. 
 A Prayer after Mass. 
 I RETURN thee infinite thanks, 
 bountiful Creator, for the favour I 
 liavo this day received, and of which 
 many better deserving Christians are 
 deprived. Receive, O Lord, my un- 
 worthy pravers, supply my defects ,• 
 pardon aU "^niy distractions and itide- 
 votions ; and «rant, that by the strength 
 and virtue of those divine mysteries J 
 I may proceed cheerfully in the path 
 of thy commandments, amidst all the! 
 temptations, troubles, and dangers ofl 
 my lifii's pilgrimage, till at length I 
 hanpily arrive at thy heavenly kmg. 
 dom, where, widi thy blessed imgtis 
 and saints, I shall more clearly con^ 
 temj)late thy infinite perfections, ant' 
 <HJlebrate thy boundless goodness am 
 mercy, with uninterrupted canticles d 
 eternal prdse, ^niiution, and gratij 
 tudc. si men. •; * 
 Prayers to be scud at Mass, at the Col 
 lect?- or Po^t-communion. 
 For the Psalm Miserere, Have me 
 crn me. God, &c. and the Psalt 
Praytrsfqr the Bead. ^ 
 De Profundis, out of the depths, 
 &e. see the Seven i'enitential Psalms. 
 At the end of each^ instead of Glory- 
 be to the Father, &c. scy^ Eternal 
 rest give to them, O Lord. Ani let 
 perpetual light shine upon tk i-i. 
 A Grayer for all the Faithfid dej..>rted. 
 ^\ GOD, the Creator and Reac- rier 
 ^^ of all the faithful, grant to ±c:; 
 souls of thy servants depaittu, t^.,: r3^ 
 mission of all tlieir siud; thai tiirouph 
 pious applications they mvy c Win 
 that pardon which they hav 
 desued : who livest and reuv 
 God the Father, hi .ne uu 
 Holy Gho.t, one God, woku v 
 end. Amen. 
 A Prayer upon the hay of a_P 
 JJewase or j^uriaL 
 r\ GOD, whobC proper- '.. ] . 
 ^^ to have nierc^ aaJ ... 
 hun;biy besei2ck tuce, ft" * 
 th^seJvant^. which tar 
 day called our a* ihe w*:^l 
 wouldst not ueiiv^i* 4' 
 hands of the enaiiy, ii 
 to the end ; but €t»i!iii* ; 
 ried to i ju-adi^e, it 
 . *• H 
 fc» ; J u^*~> 
 ll u 
 Prayers for 
 jis in thee it had faith and hope, it may 
 not suffer the pains of hell, but may 
 take possession of everlasting joys: 
 thft)* our Lord Jesus Christ Jui^n. 
 TE beseech thee, O Lord, admit 
 the soul of thy servant N. 
 which this day has departed out of this 
 world into the fellowship of the saints, 
 find i)our forth upon it the dew of thy 
 t^ternal mercy ; tin o' our Lord, &c. 
 On the /innivermfy Day. 
 LORD, the God ©f mercy aiid 
 pardon, grant to the soul of thy 
 servant N. whose anniversary we com- 
 memorate, the seat of relreshnient, 
 the hap{>mess of rest, and the bright- 
 ness oSi light : tt n/ our Lord, &c^ 
 A Prayer for one lately deceased. 
 , BSOLVE, we beseech thee, O 
 ^ Lord, riic soul of thy servant N. 
 that being dead to the world he (or 
 hhe) may live to thee ; and whatever 
 lie (or she) hm conanitted in this life 
 tlirough human fraiity, do thou of thy 
 most merciful goodness forgive : thro* 
 our LorM« Six. 

 the Dead. 53^ 
 A Prhi^erfor & Bishop or Pru'nt. 
 GOD, who amongst the Apostolic 
 Priests hast raised thy servant N, 
 to the dignity of a Bishop/(or a Priest) 
 grant, we beseech thee, that he may 
 also be admitted m heaven td their 
 everlasting fellowship : thro\ &c. 
 For Father and Mother. 
 GOD, Who hast commanded us to 
 honour mxr father and mother, 
 have mercy on the souls of my father 
 and mother, ^nd grant that I may see 
 them in the glory of eternity : thro^ &c 
 For Bretkreny Relutiom^ and Bene-' 
 tJOD, the giver of pardon, and 
 lover of the salvation of man- 
 kind, we beseech thy clemency iu be- 
 half of our brethren; kindred and l)e- 
 nefactors, who are departed this life, 
 that by the intercession of the blessetl 
 Virgin Mary, aud of all thy saints, 
 thou would^t receive them into the 
 ioys of thy eternal kingdom r thro', &e. 
 For all that Ikmtkt Chmch or 
 Church Tm'd. 
 GOD, b^ whode mmy the souls 
 of the faithfid find rest, grant ta 
 all thy serv. nts here and elsewhere, 
 that have slept in Christ, the full p^r- 
 doii of tlieir sins : that hemg dis- 
 charged from all guilt, they may re- 
 joicfe %vdth thee for all eternity : thro • 
 For a '^ an deceased. ^ 
 TTEAR, we beseech thee, O Lord, 
 Jtt ^ur pravers, which we humbly 
 rddress to thV mercy, that the soul ot 
 thy servant, which thou hast called 
 but of thi§ world, may be received into 
 the rei?ioii 6f light and peace, and be 
 ' numbered among the bleased : thro . 
 For a Wonian deceased. . 
 WE beseech thee, O Lord, ac- 
 cording to thy great goodness, 
 |0 shew mercy to the soul of thy ser- 
 Vant ; that being now delivered trom 
 the corruption of this mortiil hfe, sae 
 may be received into the Inheritance 
 of eternal life : thro' our Lord, &c. 
 Fo2' many deceased. -r 
 OGOD, whose property it i^ alv^ays 
 to have mercy and to spare, be 
 fevonrahlv propitious to the souls of 
 thy servants, and grant them tlie re 
 mission of all their sins; that bemi 
 ielivcred from the bonds of this mor 
the Dead* 
 -^ [ ■ - ■ ■ 
 |al life, they maj^ be admitted to life 
 everlasting : throVoiir Lorit, &c. 
 4 Prayer after Biurial. . 
 Lord, we coi^imend to th©e, and 
 tp thy clemency, the soiil of thy 
 scin^ant N,: lately departed this life, 
 .^cording to thy mercy, parckwi, we 
 beseech thee, those sins which he has 
 iiommitted through human frailty ; 
 ihat he may live, vith thee in flie king- 
 dom of evetlasting bliss. Amen. 
 A Prayer for such as are jiresent at 
 either Death or Burial, 
 lyfOST wise and merciful Lord, 
 IVl ^yj^Q j^j^g^ ordained this life a^ 
 ^ passage to the future, coiifinrng onr 
 repentance to tlie time of our pii- 
 grimagc here, arid reserving for here- 
 after the ^tate of punishu^ent or re* 
 ward, Vouchsafe us thy grace, who 
 arc yet alive, and s^till have opportu- 
 nity of reconciliation \\rith thee, so to 
 wateh'oyerall our actions, and correct 
 every the least deviation from the true 
 way to heajen, that we»mj|y be nei- 
 ther surprised with our sitts juncan- 
 celled, nor with our duties imperfect : 
 90 thai when our bodies go down 
 Pi^yi/s, 4^<r. 
 into the grave, our souls nity ds- 
 cend and dwell in the mansions ot 
 enterHiiI rest : thro*, &c. ^men. 
 j1 Prayer to obtain a happy Death, 
 Blessed Jesus ! the Fountain of 
 mercy ! I hnmbly crave thy 
 grace so effectually to spend this my 
 transitory life hi virtuous , and holy 
 exereises, that when the aa^ of my 
 death shall arrive, thou^ I should 
 feel pain in my body, grant I may 
 find comfort in my soul, and with a 
 lively hope in thy mercy, a sincere 
 love of tnee, and in perfect charity 
 with the v/hole worlds depart out of 
 this vale of misery, and be received 
 into the mansions of everlasting glory 
 and happiness. Ame^t, 
 Jl Prayer before our ordinary Actions^ 
 PREVENT, we beseech thee, 6 
 •*• Lord our actions by thy holy 
 in!ipiratio«is, and carry them on by thy 
 grack>us assistance ; that every prayer 
 from thee, and by thee be happuy 
 ended ; thro', &e. Jvien. 
'JyolomonV Prayetk 
 frayer to obtain the Sjdrit of iVUaoin:* 
 GOD of iny fathers, and Lord o^ 
 mercy, Vho hast made all things 
 y thy word, and by thy wisddm hast 
 ppointed man to i^erve thee, give me 
 hy heavenly wisdom, that sitteth by 
 y thrdne, and bast ifle not cut frond 
 mong thy children ; for lam thy ser- 
 ant, yidf the son of thy handmaid^ 
 weak, mi&n and df short titae, and 
 wapable to do ihy tuill^ or iaalk in 
 way of thy commoiuimentsy wU/iout 
 \hj/ grace id guide and assist me : for, 
 owever perfect one be before the 
 hildren of men| yet if thy wisdom 
 not yith him, he shall be nothing 
 egar(fed in thy sight Send therefore 
 he spirit of wiiclorii 6ui 6f thy holy 
 leaven, and from the throne 6f thy 
 iiajcsty, that he may be with me, and 
 bout with mc, that I may tnow 
 hfftt is acceptable with thee : for he 
 ooweth and understandeth aU things, 
 lid sh^l lead me soberly in ray work, 
 nd shall preserve me by his power t 
 .^ .1 
 -l_ „ 1^ 
 Wui Ka Dc av 
 ght, mtd ivy ioid be agreeUble t6 th^^ 
 ivhkh is t/te only t/dng wy hetrt dtsirai 
 \n tiim and in eternity : t/irQ\ AmeJh 

 rVESPERS ^m Sundays;. 
 bur Father, &c. Hail Mary, &c. 
 V*. Att^d to ray aid, Q God. 
 R. O Lord, make haste to help m 
 y , Glory be to the Father, &c. 
 , ^R.* As it was in the beginning, &€,! 
 4Uelma. AntL The Lord said, |L^€.j 
 r Psalm cix, pixit Dorainusi 
 npHE Lord sai| to my Lord, ^ 
 •^ thqu at my right hand. . 
 V. Until I make tliy enemies thy f^ 
 stooL .'..:. 
 i The Lord will send forth tlie see] 
 ire of div power out of Sipn : rulj 
 thou in me midst of thy enemies. 
 , With thee is the principality in th| 
 day of thy strength : in the brightnes 
 of the saiiits : from the womb bet< 
 the day star I begat thee, i ' 
 i The Lord hath sworn, ^nd he 
 not repent : Thou ait a priest for cy 
 jiccording to the order of Melchisij 
 The Lord, at tliy right-hand, hati 
 brok^m king? in tlie day of his wratl] 
 V Ht shall judge among nations, ' 
 5b h1 J fill ruins, he shall crush thehcac 
 in tfjfe land of.numy. . i . | 
 J k Hhall drink oi' the torrent in t]\ 
Vespers for Sundays* 
 iv : therefore shall he lift up the 
 [ad. "';',• 
 Glory be to the Father, &c. ' . \ 
 M^nf/^. The Lard said to my Lord, 
 |t thou at my right hand. 
 Anih. Faithful. : ; 
 Psalm ex. Confitebor tibi. 
 Will praise thee, OLord, with my 
 whole heart, in the council of the 
 |st, aiid in the congregation, ^ 
 I Great are the works of the Lord : 
 [ught out according, to all his wills* - 
 His work is praise and maipificence: 
 id his justice continueth for ever and 
 He hath mad^ a remembrance ot 
 IS wonderful works, being a merci- 
 and gracious Lord. : he hath given 
 ^od to them that ftmr him. 
 He will be niindful for ever of his 
 jveaant : he will shew forth to his 
 leople the pgwer of his works. * 
 ' That he mbjr give them the inheri^ 
 ance of the Gentiles : the works of 
 p hands are truth ahd judgment. , ^^ 
 Mifirmed for ever and ever ; made in 
 ith and equity. . f 
 He hath sent redemption to las pco- 
'^d Vespers for Simdaj^. 
 jble; he hath C0mi];iande;4 his covens 
 ^ Holy and terrible is his name : rf 
 fear or the Lord is the beginning 
 A good upderstancfing to all thj 
 do it : his praise eoniintietb fijr ev| 
 ^d evelr. . , 
 Glory lie ti mk Father, &t^ 
 ^/f ntf/. Faitiiful are all his commad 
 inents, cotiijhned iVt *6Veh 
 Jfi^. AttKistJomttiriikdmehts, 
 Pid^m "txi* Beatbd vir. 
 T:>te^d fc%he tnaA that feareth .. 
 "— Lord I he $k M delight exi:ee( 
 ifi^y in his^ommaAdments. 
 His *^ded shall be mighty tipc 
 tiarth : the generation of the righteoi 
 shall be hle^^. 
 Glory aud VealA shall be in .. 
 house : and his justice remaineth ft 
 ever and ever. 
 ,^ To the righteous a light is risen 
 Xn darkness : he is merciful, aiad coj 
 passionate, and just 
 ii^vc^tmile is the man that shewei 
 mercy and tendeth : he shall order 
 words with judgment ; because 
 A)^x i\Qt b« iiiovc4 for ey^. 
Vespen for Sundays. $\ 
 .Th6 Just shall be in cveslastJng re* 
 [embrance; hef shall not fear th^ evil 
 His heart is ready to hope in the 
 ^rd : his heart is strengthened, he 
 iali not be moved until he look ddwn 
 hi^ enemies. 
 He hath distributed, he hath given 
 the jKior ; hi^ justice remaineUi for 
 rer and ever : bis horn shall beexalt* 
 in glory. 
 The wicked sliall see, and shall be 
 igry : he shall gnash with his teeth, 
 id pine away : the dedre of the 
 [icked »hali perishf ^ 
 Glory l)e to the father, &c. 
 Jnth. In his commandments he 
 lall take great delight. . 
 \^nth. May tiie namipsf the Lord, 
 Pmlm t'xii. .Laudate pneri. 
 PRAISE the Lord, ye cliildrcn : 
 praise ye the name of the Lord. 
 Blessed be the name of the i^rd, 
 >m henceforth now and for ever. 
 From the rising of the sun to the 
 jc Lord iii worthy of {Mai^. 
 The Lord is highnbuve all natrons: 
 id his glory nbove the heavens. 
 Vespen for Stindays^ 
 Who is is the Lord our God, 
 dwelleth on high : arfd Iboketh d( 
 on the low things in heaven and 
 eanh. ^ ^ 
 Raising up the needy from 
 earth, and lifting up the poor out 
 the dunghill. 
 That he may ^l^ce him 
 princes, with thef |xrincej5 of 
 Who maketh a barren woman 
 dwell iq a house, a joyful mptherj 
 Glojty be to the Father, &c. 
 An:tk^ ilay lji€f tiaine of the Lorfl 
 blessed for ever. 
 ■ Anth. W6 that live. 
 Piolm cxSi. In exitu Israel. 
 T17 HEN I^lel went out of Egji 
 ^^ the hoiis^ of Jacob frouil 
 barbarbus people. 
 Judea was laade his sanctuary, Is 
 \m dominion. 
 The sea saw, and fled : Jordan 
 turned l^ck, 
 ny\^^ i-?„^ _l^»^ 1 !•!_ _ ^. 
 and the hills like the lambs of 
fhspers for Sundays^ g^ 
 bs of t They 
 What ailed the^, O thou sea, tha^ 
 ihou didst flee : and thou, O Jordaif, 
 hat thou wast turned bdck ? : « 
 Ye mountains 'that ye skipped like 
 ams : and ye hills^ as lanibs of thq 
 oek ? ' . • ' ■ . • 
 At the presence of the Lord, the 
 arth Was moved : at the presence of 
 he God of Jacob I '■ * 
 Who turned the rock into pools of 
 ater, and the stony hills into foun^ 
 ains of water. - - 
 Not to us, O |L.ord, nof to us : but 
 thy name give glory.* " ' ' 
 For thy mercy,, and for thy truth's 
 ake 2 lest The Gentiles should say : 
 fVhere is their God ? 
 But our God is in heaven : he hath 
 one whatsoever he Would. 
 The idols of the Gentiles are silver 
 ml gold, the works of the hands of 
 len. ' 
 They have mouths, and speak not ; 
 hey h;:ye eyes, and see not. 
 They have ears, and hear not : th^y 
 Vu uOSeS, and Kiiiuil nvu - « ' 
 ave hands, and feci not t 

 ^ Verpers for Sufidnyi. 
 they have feet, and walk not : neith( 
 shall they cry out through theij 
 Let them that make the^lbecoJ 
 like unto them : and all suph as ti 
 hi them. 
 The hjouse of Israel hath hoped li 
 the Lord : he is dieir helper and the! 
 The hpuse of Aaron h^th hoped li 
 the Lprd : he is theh- heljJer andthej 
 They tJmt fear the Lord, have ho[ 
 ed in the Lord ;^ he is thehr helpc 
 (ind their'protecti(Mi. 
 The Lord hath been mindful of uj 
 aad ^)lcsiKed us. 
 He hath blessed the house of Israel 
 he hath blessed^He house of Aaron. 
 He hath blessed all, that fear tl 
 Lprd, botli little and ^reat. 
 May the Lonl add blessings up( 
 you I upon you and upon j^ur din 
 Blessed be vou of the Lprd,^ wM 
 niade heaven and earth* i 
 The heaven of heaven is the Lord's] 
y^spers for Smidaj/i^ 
 biit th^ isaith he hm given to the chil- 
 dren of men. 
 The deud shall not pndse thee, O 
 ^tiOrd, nor any of them that go down 
 But we that HVe bless the LoM : 
 from thi3 time now and for ever. 
 Gk>ry be to the Father, &c. 
 j^nth. We that live bless the Lordt 
 7Vie little Ch^tevy 2 Cor. i.^. 
 T>LESaED be Uod the Father of 
 ^ our Lord Jesus Christ, the Fa- 
 ther of merdes and God of ali con- 
 sdation, who coiiifortetb us in all 
 our tribulations. R. Thanks be to 
 Go<l. * :^ y 
 Thd Hymn. Lnm Creator opthme* 
 n R £ ATpR of the radiant light, 
 ^ Dividing day fr^A sable night. 
 Who with the light's bright origin 
 The world's creation ditist be^n. 
 Who from the morn andev'ning ray 
 Didst measui'e li^t and call it day 2 
 Dark night begins to cloud the spheric 
 Vouohbafe to hear our sigtes and 
 ^ J, •' 
 Whil^ with our sin^i we t^pdei;^ 
 ^ ^ Vespers fbr ^undd^h 
 A^d victims ea%ht in Satan^s snare : 
 While fading pleasinrcs Us deceive/ 
 Let ibt our souls our bodies leave. 
 X'.et us at heaven for ihercjr knoclcy 
 And ihgM the ^ates of life UAldtk > 
 Whatever ib evii let us fly, * 
 And punish past iniquity. 
 Most clement JPather bend thln^^&IV 
 Co-equal Son, receive our prayer;' 
 hply Spirit, hear o«r cry, 
 Whd reign all three eternally. Amen. 
 V. Let my prayer ascend, O Lord, 
 R. Likenncense in thy sight* 
 AniL This man went home. 
 The Ifagmficat Luke i. 46, 
 MY soul ao5i magnify the Lord. 
 And my spirit hath rejoiced in 
 J©0d my Saviour, 
 Because he ha|h regarded the hu- 
 iiity of his handmaid : for behold 
 henceforth all generations shall 
 ^cail me blessed. 
 *^ For he that is mighty hath done 
 jgreat tidies to me, and holy is his 
 e. : 
 And ys mercy is from generation 
 iraMua pj kt'ifxfy rM f}np>rn tl*af. fVuir Ktnn_ 
 pe Italh sh^i^ed might in his ana; 
 Ijt ' I 
 Ve9p^^f;>r Sunday. . fif 
 Ihe hath scattered the proud in the con-^' 
 Keit of their hearts. 
 He hath put the mighty fro!W theif^ 
 seats : and hath exalted the humtte/ 
 He hath filled the hungiy-with good 
 *ings, and the rich he hath sent 
 npty a\vay. 
 Be hath received Isi^i hi3k servant. 
 3eiug ininUiiii' ct Hfe m^cy; ^' ^ ^ 
 As he spoke to ouii»Fjith^' t0 ^Irae. 
 lani, :ahd to his seed fc* ever. 
 Gldry Uto th^ MtUr, ^■ 
 Anth. This man went home justiiQecr 
 ptlier than the ot'her; for every one' 
 [hat exalteeh himself sli^lt be hum J 
 Wed ; and he that humblcth hi^iseif^ 
 'iiall be exalted. i 
 Lei as pray, 
 f OOK dpwn, we bes^cdi ^thi 
 O Lordi upon this thy faiflily 
 )r which our.Lord Jesus Christ M' 
 pt hesitate to be delivered into the 
 puis of sinners^ dnci to nndti-r^^he 
 ™ents of the cross : Who live^,^c 
 ^ommeniotaikhji^m Messed n^^ 
 /nffi O holy ^ Mary, FuccSfiur the 
 i^^able, hulp the dejected, coir.lbr^ 
 E « 
ea MVcspers for Smdaiii, 
 fi^ afflicted, pray ibr the people, in- 
 t^eede for the clergy, .suppli^te for 
 ige devout female sex : let all wh(> 
 cdebrate tby holy ^jiemory, be sensi- 
 V. Pxiy for us, O holy Mother of 
 Ood. 11. That we may be made wor- 
 tby of t^^e proiuiseR. of Christ. 
 Let vi pyui/^ 
 CI RANT, we besOech thee, O Ldrd^ 
 ^ God, that we . thy servants may 
 ^joy perpetual he^th of mind and j 
 body : and through tlie glorious inter-j 
 eession of blessed Mary, ever a Vergm,i 
 be delivci-ed from present sorrows, andj 
 ^ssess enternal joys : thro.\ &c. 
 - OjiiS. Fetitr and Paul. 
 Anih. 'The apostle Peter, and Paul] 
 the doctor of the Geatileb, have taught 
 lis thy law, O Lord. 
 V. Thou wilt establish them rukrs| 
 Ovei- §11 the earth* ll« They :>haU rc^ 
 nicm|)cr thy nuiuc, O Lord. 
 Let ui prmj. 
 r\ God, whose ^^ ^^^ 
 upbles>ed Peter walking up()n| Q 
 flie wuve.4, that he nught not bil V 
 <ULWiicd, and dcii'.ci'cd Jiis fcilo^'^ 
Vespers for Sundays 
 apostle Paul, when a third time dqp- 
 WjMcked, from the bottom of the m^ 
 rop^ifuliyliear us, and grant, thallgr 
 tl4ir merits, we may obtain €tenyl 
 lAiith^ Let hirri that woiil^ 
 lifter me, c^ny ^ himself^ tfike v^ 
 cross, and follow roa 
 V. The just man"* shall flouriiih Hfce 
 a palm-tree. II, |Ie shall thrive 13se 
 the ceda;: of Ifibsinus^ 
 l/ei n$ pTOj^t 
 r\ God, who by the merks and mr' 
 ^ tercessioH ot blessed George %r 
 martyr, rejoieest the hearts of ilie 
 faithful, mercifully grant that iJiBt 
 we ask in his name, we may ot^aiii 
 through the gih of thy grace* 
 JPVr Peace. 
 Anih. Give peace, O Lord, m <iiar 
 days ; for there is no other to^Jbr 
 us but thou our God, 
 V. Let peace be on thy raitpails. 
 R. And plenty within thy waUft. 
 God, from whom areanhorf1i|t. 
 sum^ righteous counscif, and Jni^ 
 Salv^ ftegbut. 
 works, grant thy servants that p^y^. 
 ?ivhiGh the world cannot give; thatdurl 
 .hearts being disposed to keep thy comJ 
 mandments^ and the fear of * enemies! 
 taken away, th6 ' times; through th yj 
 ji^^ection, maybe peaceable: thro'i 
 ^qur Lord, &c. R. 4tnen. 
 . V, The Lord be with you. R. And 
 with thy spirit.. * V. Let us bless the; 
 Lord. R. Thanks be to God. V. May 
 the sduls of the faithful departed, thijciV 
 the mercy of God, r«st in peace. R. 
 Amen. Our Father, &c.-' ^ 
 V. May the Lord grant us his peace. 
 II, Andlife everlasting. ^47»4?^i. 
 J^ien is said or sung an 4nthem to the 
 Blessed Virgin. 
 3alv£ Regina. 
 HAIL, h^ppy Queen, thou mercy's 
 p{u*ent, hail ! 
 J^ife, hope, and comfort of this earthly 
 vale ; 
 To titte we Hna*s wretched children 
 cry : 
 In siishs and tears,, to thee we sunn^T- 
 ILise, glorious Advocate, exert thy 
 * ' love, , 
 Salve Scgina, 
 yAnd Irt ptir vows thine eyes jof pity 
 ' move. . 
 ^O sweet, O pious maid J for jas ob- 
 F^xus, who loog bave in our exile 
 To see thy jhfant Jesus, and With him 
 reign, \ 
 V. Pray (op us, Q holy Mother of 
 R. Thatinr^ maybe made worthy 
 ^of the prcjmkes of Christ 
 Let m fratf^ 
 r\ Amighty and eternal God, who 
 ^ ^ % th^ co-operation of the Holy 
 ,Gho8t, didst prepare the body and soul 
 pi the glorious V. Mary, that she 
 might become a habitation worthv 6f 
 thy Son ; grant, tliat as we joyiully 
 celebrate her memory, so we may, 
 through her pious intercession, be de* • 
 livered fro^ii present evik and f y<ir- 
 lasting death \ thro', &<?, J/neti, ' 
 V. May the divine assistance, &c. 
 /*liu tnay tne souls of tiie iaithmi 
 departed, thro* themeiU3yofOpd,rQ5t 
 in peace. Amen. 
 1 '■ 
( 72) 
 Sung at Vespjsfs en the Festival of 
 'Blessed Virgin. 
 ' Ai)e Mam tStelh^ 
 TT AIL, thou resplendent stftr 
 ilx Which ^iiieth d-er the muiU^ 
 Plcst mother of our God, 
 A«d ever virgin Quelin, 
 Hail happy gate of bliss, 
 Greeted by Gabrters longn^ 
 Negociato our peace, 
 Aiid cancel MemC^ "wrong. 
 Loosen the sitiiiet'i bands : 
 All eyils drive avt^ay : , 
 Bring li^jlit unto the Wind, . 
 And for jkII graces prsy^ 
 Exert the mo' her*s care, . 
 And us thy children own ^ 
 To him convey our prayer. 
 Who chose to be thy Son. 
 O pure, G spotless Maid, 
 Whose rieekncsL all excel, 
 O make us chaste and mild, 
 Anxl all our passions quelf. 
 Preserve our lives unstain'd, 
 kkiiu gumu U> ill uuf way. 
 Until we eome with thee. 
 To joj'8 that ne'er dti^afi 
Prdyctsfor the King, %c. 1P3f 
 HPraise to the Father bo, 
 Widi Glmst, his only Son, 
 I And to the li(% Ghosty 
 Thrice blessed three in one, Amen^ 
 V- VouiJtisafe, sacred Virgin, to 
 I accept my prwses. 
 R. Give me strength against my 
 ^et US pmy. 
 C^ RANT, we beseeph thee, O Lord 
 ^ God, that we thy servants may 
 Crijoy continual health af soul an^ 
 Body : and throuf^h the glorious inter- 
 cession of blessed Mary, eyera Vkgixi, 
 be delivered tfoni present sorrowf, and 
 brought to the possession of eternal 
 joys : thro*, &c. Arneii. 
 P$. xix. Bxaiidiat/or the Kinp. 
 MAY the Lord hear thee in the 
 dSay of tri^ «htion : may the 
 j\ame of the God of Jacob protect 
 (hee. ** 
 May he send thep help fmra the 
 sanctuary : and defend • thee out of 
 Sion. * 
 % r» 1 t* ti« . 1_ 
 May he be raitiiiiru v\ i%ii mjr Btttii- 
 Jlces ; and may thy wivok burnt-p^g^r 
 h% be made ta>. 
74 Prai/ersfor the Kingy ^c. 
 May he give thee according to 
 own heartj ^d confirm all thy coi 
 ,seR '''-■■!"-'''■ [c:- , 
 We will rejoice in tf^y salvation] 
 and in. the name of our GocJ we shs 
 be exalted. ' 
 ^he Lord fulfil all thy petitions! 
 now have I Imown that the Lord hat 
 saved hiB anointed 
 He will hear him frgm his holy hej 
 ven : the saltation oiliis right-hand J 
 in powers:' ' 't 
 Some trust in chariots, and somei? 
 horses : but we will call upon t\i 
 jinme of the Lord our G<^. 
 They are boujrid, and have fallen 
 but we are riseli^ apd are set upright 
 O Lord, save the king : and hei 
 us in tlie day that tve call upon thee] 
 Glory be to the Father, A:c. 
 ¥• Lord, spe George our Kin|| 
 R. And hear iis in the day that 
 call upon thee. " 
 Let lis pray. 
 God, that thy se i^ant Georg 
 pur King, who, througli thy merc^, 
 h^% received the govcrnmepit of th* 
At the Senedietion. 
 langaom, may also receive the in* 
 crease of all virtXies, ivhercwith being 
 adorneci, he may both avoid evary 
 ^^norra|ty of sih, vanquish his enemies ; 
 |«nd being tqcidered pleasing in thy 
 pight, may with Charlotte pur Queen, 
 and all tlje' .Royal^ Family, come a2 
 I length to Aee, 'Who ^^t the way, the 
 bruth, and the life : .thr^% ^c. Amen. 
 \M the Benediciim o/iAeJB, jSacranient. 
 I The Hymn. PcTtge lingua. 
 C ING, O my tongue, adore and praise 
 ^ Jhe dc^th of God's itiysterioui 
 ways: . 
 [How Christ, «ke world's great King 
 bertowM '^ ' 
 His flesh concealM IP human food ; 
 And left mankind die blood that paid 
 The ransom for the souls he made. 
 Civ'n from above^ and bom for man, 
 I From yirgin*8 womb his life b^an ; 
 I He liy'd on earth, and preachM to sqw 
 The seedfil of heav:'nly truth bel^w ; ' 
 jThen sealM his mission from above^ 
 'Twas on that evening when the las^ 
 ^ u| most mysterious simper past, 
 n^B Christ with his disciples sat. 
 To close the law with l^tl meat :f 
 4t Benediction^ 
 Then to the twelve himself bcstowM] 
 With his own hatitb to be their fooc 
 The Word made^iesh for love of inai 
 %fs word tiu-n^ bread to flesh ^aii\,j 
 And wine to bl^, unseen by senr 
 Pj^ virtue of omnipotence : 
 And hare the faithftil rest secure, 
 While God can volich^ and faith insui 
 •TJ^O this mysterious table now 
 Our knees, gur hearts, and sens 
 we bow J 
 et ancient rites^ resign tjieir plac^ 
 _ o nobler elcm^ts of grace ; 
 And faitfi for all defects supply, ^ 
 lyhilst <^nse is lost in mystery. 
 To God the Father, born ofnon^ 
 To Christ Ws co-ctemal Son, 
 And Holy Ghost, who«e equal raysl 
 From both proceed, be equal praif' 
 One honour, jubifee, and fame. 
 For ever bles3 Ms ^GrjfiouR name. 
 V. Thou hast ^ven them 
 from heaven. AUehm, 
 R. Replenished with all ^eetni 
 ^nd delig^ht. dUeluid, 
 ¥• JrruY lUA us, \J iivijr i.*»vr viiw* 
 Jl. Ttet we may be made lycwrAy 
 t|jo proniiser frf Chi^^. ' 
 r»»rki"»-» vtrl 
At JbeneJ&ciion^ 
 Lel'Tis pray. 
 Godi w^io in this wonckrlUl sa^ 
 orauient hast left us a pei*petuat 
 [tiemoriBl of thy pasaion^ grant us, we 
 )eseech thee, so to reverence the sa- 
 :red mysteries of thy body and blood, 
 lat we may coatmually find. in our 
 yuls thje fruit of thy rc4esBptioii : whti 
 [ivest, &ۥ 
 Defend, ^g beseecli thee, O Lord, 
 through the intercession of blessed 
 fclary, ever a virgin, thii thy family 
 |rora all adversity ; and being pros- 
 trate before thee with our whole 
 learts, protect us iti.. Ay inei'cy (rom 
 the snares of our exicmies : tliro' Jesus 
 2hnst our Lord. 
 \When tke ^riM gims the Senedictkn 
 with the JS* Smrament^ profound^ 
 adore your Saviour therein, present y 
 HAIL, true body; borri of the B. V* 
 [Jiary, which truly su&rcd, and . was 
 imuiolsted upon the ,jfross for man I 
 |tme blood ; grant that I may wortMy 
 receive thee at the hour of my death. 
 [0 most cleme^li O lufst gracious, O 
 '^0 I 
 most sweet Saviour Jesus, Son af the 
 eternal God, and of the ever-blessed 
 Virgin Mary, have inercy .;^ ^ ts, 
 gOMPLIN. , 
 Reader. PraV, Father, give m#j 
 your blessing. The Blemng. May tl.^^ 
 Almighty Lord grant us a quiet night 
 and a happy end. Ameii; 
 The short Lesnon^ 1 Pet- v. 8 
 TJRethren, be ye sober, and. watch; 
 -^^ for ^om adversary the devil goeth 
 about like a roaiing Hon, seeking 
 whom he may devour : being strong 
 in faith, do ye resist him. But thou, 
 O Iiord^ have mercy upon us. 
 R. Thanks be to. God. V, Our help 
 is in the name of the Lord. 
 ft. Who made heaven and earth- 
 Our Father^ &c. • I coiifess, &c. 
 ,May Aknighty God have mercy 
 upon us, and tbrgiving us our sins, n^ay 
 he bring us to eternal life. R. Amen. 
 M«y the dmighty and merciful Lord 
 gvmi us pardoip, and remissiGn o( 
 dursins. R. Aiibcn! J - 
 ^ W CdRveit \i&; 6 ^d our S^viorir. 
 It And turn away thy anger from lis. 
Complin^ 7^ 
 f. Come unto my iid, O God/ R. 
 ^Lbrd, make haste to help me. 
 Glory be to the Father, &c. 
 AntAf Have mercy. 
 Psalm f iv. Cum invocave*'em. < 
 "HEN I called tfpon hiih, the God 
 of my justice heard me; when I 
 m distressythoii hast enlarged me. 
 Have merdyon me, and hear my 
 raver. : '^ -" "^ 
 jo ye sons of m©i4, How long will 
 fi be dull ofheart ? Why do you love ' 
 Hity, and seek after a lie ? 
 ^^now ye also that the Lord hath 
 fe his holy one wonderful: the 
 kd will hear me when I shall cry 
 ^ unto him. 
 Je ye angry, and sin not : the 
 Jgs you my m youf hearts, be sorry 
 them upon your beds. 
 Om/up the sacrifice ofjustice, and 
 5t intlie Lord. Many say, who 
 i^eth us good things ? 
 ^hejight of thy cc^^htenance, J 
 % IS signed upon us : thou hast 
 1 gladness in my heart. 
 p the fruit Qi* their corn, their wine^C 
 oJ, they are multiplied. 
 jjO Complin* 
 In peace> in the seifeame wiU 
 deep and take my rest.; ^ 
 For thou, O Lord, Imt smgwlarl 
 settled mc in hope, ^ 
 Glory biC to thjo Father,* &c. 
 Psalm XJiX. InteDomme. 
 N thee O Lord, have I hoped, 
 menev^be canfouuded : adjv< 
 zne in thy justice. 
 Bend down thy ear to me ; ms 
 haste to deliver me. 
 Be uiito me si God, a prOtcptof | 
 and a house of refuge, to save me. 
 Foe thou artmj strength and i 
 reftige : and for thy name sake tb< 
 ^ilt lead me, and nourish me, 
 Thaa Ainflt bring me out of 
 snure whiab they have hid* fpr mej 
 for thou art my protectcr. 
 'into thy hands I commend my 
 rk : thou hasf redeemed me, 0L< 
 theGodoftrtrth, ^ 
 Glory be to the Father, &c. 
 F^^nu xc. Qui habitat. 
 tJE that d^elleth in the aid of n 
 protection of the God of Jacob* 
 He shall say to the Lord: Thou 
 Complin, ^1 
 , my protector and my refuge : piy God, 
 m hiiri will I trust. 
 For he has delivered me froin the 
 «nare of the hunters : and from the 
 feharp word. ^ 
 He will overshadow thee with \ds 
 shoulders : and under his wings thou 
 shalt trust. 
 His truth shaft encoirip^ss thee with 
 a shield : thou shall not be afraid of 
 the terror of the night. 
 pf the arrow that flieth in the day: 
 of the business that walketh about iii 
 the dark; of iftyasion, or of th^nooxih 
 day dsemon. ' • ' 
 A thousand shall fall at thy Idl side, 
 and ten thousand at thy right-hand : 
 but it shall not come nigh tht^. 
 But thou shalt consider v/ith thy 
 eyes : and shalt see the reward of the 
 Because thou, 6 Lord, art my hope: 
 thoii hast made the. Most Hij;h thy 
 retuge. " • ' 
 There shall no evil come tO thee; 
 nor shall the scoiu^ge cofme near Ihv 
 dweliiug. ^ ^ 
 For he hath given his aiigeU charge 
 of tb^e: to keep thee in all thy ways. 
 In their hands they shall bear thee 
 up : lest thou da?h thy foot against a 
 stoue. ^ 
 Thou shalt walk upon the asp and 
 th« basilisk : . thou shalt trample under 
 foot the lion and the dragon* 
 Because he hath hoped in me, I wiH 
 d^ver hixn ; I will protect hini> be* 
 cause he hath known my name. 
 . He shall cry to me, and I will hear 
 him \ I am with him in his trouble ; 
 J will deliver him, and will glorify 
 him. . ^'*,:- ^ .*■• ■ 
 4; I will fill him, with length of days : 
 Ind I will shew him my salvation* 
 Glory . be to the Father, &c^ 
 .» iPsdm cxxxm. £cce nunc. - 
 Tp l^HOLD now bless ye the Lord, 
 -" |di ye servants of the Lord. 
 , J!i^o $tand in the house of the Lord, 
 • ill tiiet courts of the bouse ^ *our 
 In the nights lift up yeur hands -to 
 ti^t holy places and bless yc. the 
 Lord. ^ * * 
, Cbmplin, m 
 May the Lord out of Sion bless thee :.v 
 be that made heaven and earth. 
 Glory be to the Father, &c. 
 AntL H^^ mercy upon roe, O 
 Lord, and hear my prayer. 
 The Hymn. Te luck ante. 
 C\ God, before the close of day, 
 77 We beg thy wonted mercies Inay 
 wect us with thy purer light, 
 Thro* all the dangers of the night. 
 Suppress our foes infernal arts 
 test sensual dreams defile our hearts 
 With vain deluding thoughts that creep 
 On heedless minds disarui'd with sleep, 
 Tir ^ *J^u^ ^ * ^^^ racious F^her, hear. 
 With Chnst, thy equal Son, our prayV. 
 Who with the Holy Ghost and thee. 
 Resides and reigns tjternallyi Atimu 
 The Hltle Chapter, Jercm, t^. 
 TDUT thou art amidst us, O Lor4 
 -^ and thy holy name is invoked 
 upon us : forsake us not, O Lord our 
 jVv Thanks be to God. R. ^^!^ 
 thy hands, O Lord, I comraen<I niy 
 q>irit. Into thy, &c. R. Thoti hj3f 
 redeemed lis, O Lord God of truth. 
 V. I commend my spirit. R. Glory 
 fee to, &c. V. Into thy hands, &c. 
 K. Keep lis, O Lord, as the apple of 
 tliy eye. V. Protect txs under the 
 «^iadow of thy wings. * 
 Jhth, Save us. 
 :^/ie Song of Simeon. Luke 1 
 )W dost thou dismiss thy 'ser* 
 ' vant, O Lord, in peaee, accord- 
 ing to thy words. • 
 Because my eyes have seen thy sal- 
 Vatioa: "' ' 
 Which thou hast prepared before 
 the face oT i^ll the people. 
 ; A light to ilhunmate the Gentiles, 
 9^ the glory of thy people Israel. 
 "^^ Glory be to the Father, &c. 
 4iUk Save us, O Lord,, whilst f- 
 pd^e,fnd preserve us whilst we sleep : 
 irtiatwe may watch with Christ, wd 
 febt in peace. ., 
 V. Lord, Iiave mercy upon us. R* 
 Christ, httve mercy upon us. V. Lord* 
 have mercy upon us, R» Our rathtff, 
 ^c; V,: 4iid fcad us twit into ti^ipt'Or^. 

 tion. R. But g^iver us from evil. 1 
 |)elieve in God, &^c. V. I'he resurrec- 
 tion of the body. R. And life ev^T- 
 lasting. Amen. V. Blessed art tliibjn, 
 Lord, the .God of our fathers. R; 
 And praise-tvorthy and glorious f6t 
 ever. V. Let us bless the Father, 
 and the San, and the Holy Ghost! 
 R. Let us praise and mi^nify him for 
 ever. V. fhou art blessed, Lord,^ 
 in the firmameiU of heaven. R. And 
 pi^aise-worthy, and glorious, and nui£* 
 mfied for eter. V. May the dmightv 
 and merciful Lord bless and keep u^ 
 R. Amen. V. V^uj^hsafe, O Lord, tU$ 
 night. R, To teep us without siti. 
 y. Have mercy upon us, O Lord M. 
 Have mercy upon ua. V Let thy. 
 mercy be upon us, 1.ord. K. As wt 
 have hoped in thee. V. O Lord, tear 
 my^rayer. R, And let mv mipplif»a^ 
 tim come unto thee. V. llie Imd W 
 witli you. R. And with thy .^irit. ' 
 Let ns prai/. 
 y ISIT, we beseech thei?, NR l^md^, 
 r^ ^}^ habitation, and cb^ive fajt ^ 
 if^ Tt all sfiarcs of the e^jtimv : le^ 
 % holy si^golB dweli tht^r^in, to pr^ 
 ^ F 3 
AS Pr(3ti/cfs for Nigkk 
 sarve tis in peace; And may thy blca* 
 sing b6 upon us t thro', &c. /Imen. 
 V. The Lord be with you, R. And 
 iirith thv SDUrit. V. Let us hless the 
 Lord. R/ Thanks be to God, 7%^ 
 ^kssing^ May the almighty and mer- 
 'dful Lord, Fatixer, Sod, and Holy 
 Ghost, bless and preserve us. R. 
 Arnen, And may thfe souls of the 
 fdithful departed, thr6' the mercy of 
 'God, rest jja peace. Amen. 
 JfVr the Ant. Salve Regina, see jp. 7CK 
 MVi file name of the Father^ &d. 
 '^ pQiiaii be the holy »ad undivided 
 fPraiity, nom and for ever. Am^, 
 ©ur Fidbur, ^c. Hail Majryt Hil. 
 t beli^are in God, kt. 
 ^mUlt the (umtunc€ of the Uol^ Ghc^^ 
 ful, a 
 shall 1 
 the e£ 
 ^^ a 
 and e,\ 
 hiy h( 
 and p 
 all dl 
 inle c 
 Ittrly t 
 ^ to 
prayers for Night, 
 ful, and kmdle "Within them the f^ 
 of thy love. v- 
 V. Send forth tiby Spirit, and they 
 shall be created. . ^ 
 R. AnC thou mlt renew the face of 
 the earth. 
 J^lcbdngyounelf in ike presence of Cfod^ 
 return him thanks for all the benefiti 
 you have ever received from him^ par^ 
 ticidarly tfiis day. . 
 f\ My God, I firmly believe thou 
 ^^ art here present, and perfectly 
 Obscrvest all my actions, my tkou^i% 
 and even the most 3tcret motions of 
 my heart Thdij watd|e^ ov6r me 
 ^very moment with lncow|iart^. 
 love, conferring thy i&t^iri OD m^p 
 and preserving mi from evii« Mw 
 all creatures unite with me ij% «^ol|. 
 ing thy goodness for atl the lii^i^ts | 
 bavc ever received from^i^, jp^ficd^. 
 fafly this dayi and may the ^air^ts Bf0' 
 m^h supply my deficieocy m if'^f^er- 
 iii^ thee due *har^!v|,. |^#vw ,-#"^'- 
 me, Lord, to be so base afid x^ckef 
 ^ to rcp^y thy' bounty "wUh i^' 
 *■■■ .■■ 
 P^W^^f^^ ^k^t. 
 I^i^ and thy blessings with oflfencoi 
 an' i inclines. 
 Prater for the grace to discover the 
 ! jfott have cpnmiited this dm/ y an 
 tnm sorrow for them. 
 f\ My Lord Jesus Christ, Judge of 
 ^ the li^ring and the dead, before 
 l^h<mi I must one day appear^ to give 
 ^1 exact account of my whoie life ; 
 enlighten my diiderhtanding, I be- 
 feedi theci and gra»t me an humble! 
 fndcontrite heart, that I may discover 
 wbtsrda ,1 Kave oflfeiided thy inPnite 
 |Iajesty, and judge myself with such 
 fast s«rar^ty fioiv^ as may induce thee 
 ^" ^^® *«? Wth merdy and clemency 
 ■ . i 
 fefif^^miffr whether i/orj have e0in^ 
 i ifii^ iatiy dns this d^y/by thought^ 
 ^lardy £^||| ^r &vimwnj cmd if none 
 0ecm to your recollection, fefig^ 
 n^mn mi ike chief sins of your /|f# 
 l^srf, mid say, 
 iT 9.#^^^^* w|;ere% I have ofendej 
 WV Ignite Alm^KtV frnrn t^ 
 of my hi 
 by the { 
 them, tc 
 J to avoid 
 offend tl 
 me, O G 
 to me, a 
 ble sinnei 
 of thy S( 
 entirely c 
 same c\ 
 10 My G 
 4iich I ( 
 ind as a 
 ny, a 
 )f my dc 
 >ean8 of 
 thei^vin t 
 t fipnily 
 iigiit by 
 tuse thoi 
Prayers /bir 2fmi 
 of my heart, and am firmly resolved, 
 By the aid of thy grace, to c<^fes5 
 them, to make satisfaction for therrji 
 to avoid all occasions of sin, and never 
 ofTend thee more. Have mercy oj^ 
 me, O God, grant niercy and pardoii 
 to me, a most wret^iied and misera* 
 ble sinner: that my soul being so ef. 
 fectually washed in the precious blood 
 of thy Son, every stain of sin may {>€ 
 entirely obliterated. ' 
 Endeavour to place yours^/ in the 
 same condition in pkich you wouij 
 desire iq be found at the km: tg 
 - Deathy say^ ^ \ ' '' 
 ^^^ ^^^' ' ^^^p^ ^ ^«*^ ^ a 
 tribute of hoifii^e ^d i|cforatioi| 
 hich I owe tp thy dhrin^ MlLJ€«$j^ 
 ind a!^^ a just puni^^ient, due 
 ly sim, and I unite it with Ihi " 
 i my dear Redeemer, as thl «««^^ 
 neans of coming to the m^^i^moi 
 ^le^i in ike mansions of evcrloKtini? 
 fimily believe ad tfie sjicrtd ^^]^ 
 Wn^ l>y the Catholic Cb«^^ 
 me thou hast revealed |^i j 
 t •". ? 
 -%0 Prqjfers for Night 
 hy the assistaince df thy holf grace, ahl^j 
 tc^Ivcd to live and die iii the commu^ 
 pian X)f this thy Church. 
 Relyitig, O Lord, on thy gOoincsg, 
 ^owei*, and^t^oifiis^s, I hope to obtakij 
 pardon of my sins, and life everiasting^ 
 through the merits of Jesus Christ, %! 
 Son, my only Redeemer, and by thcl 
 mtarcession of his blessed Mother antfl 
 iill the saints. 
 I desire to love thee, O Lord, wity 
 tismtith fetVQuras the blessed do in 
 h^i^i^isij L adore all the designs of thvl 
 JBvineproiddence, and resign mysell] 
 entirely tp; thy will. 
 i i^i^my ^s3te lore my nm^ 
 llottr i^ mwt^i: ami dncerely for^yt 
 ^jdiat hiiFe injured me, and ask pstt* 
 of all that I bavi* injured. 
 I jrjwioiuice the devil, with all; hit 
 the world, with all its pos^^^ 
 l^d ifa$ ft^b« vt,ith all its t^s^t^f 
 . I dewe to be diusol vtd mwi be 
 Christ Into thy han43, O L^^ 
 ^^mmi my ^irtt, hmd, Jcpa* 
 JKj^ tbe a. V. Mary^ hi. Jot 
 a all^ 
 [Lord, thi 
 jht froi 
 of ba 
 litt'the drc 
 " ited u 
 protect, < 
 jht, an( 
 May ah 
 to life eve 
 Mcjy tl 
 ^ord ijran 
 ^' m 
re, am 
 ^^^^y^e saints, pray for us to out 
 ord, that we may be protected thjfs 
 ^Jt from sin and all other evUs. 
 Blessed Michaiel defend ils in the 
 jy of battle, that w6 Tiay tot be bit 
 « the dreadfiil day t)f judgment, 
 p good angel, whom God haA ap^ 
 . ^^®« to be my guardian, enlightea; 
 protect, direct, and gov^n me thii 
 ught, and at the hour of my death. 
 r almighty God have tnerey up^ 
 forgive us oinr sms, gnd bmgiii 
 > We ey^sting, Amen, 
 my the alnSffhty and tntrciful 
 wd l^f^f^pMtf^ 
 Voucimfe, O i^r4 Wpim^^m 
 us night Without »a. 
 Ib0& m^r^y upon ii% O 
 >h us. 
 iE^ercy, O LoNI ib|M>ui^ 
 , Wbcommg lo^tibt ^pei wi 
 rMaaed in tfacii^ 
 ►I iord, hear my j»^^. Ai^^ 
 si^Ucation f«»f to 
V ' '. 
 92 f^t/ers for Jii^. 
 ^' ^^^ ^ pray. ^ , 
 TT'lSIT, we beseech thee, C) LordJ 
 7 this habJtAtion, and expel from il 
 aB the ,aiia.*es of our enemy : let thj 
 hofy angels dwell therein, to preservi 
 lis in peace, and may thy blessing bi 
 ^w^ upon us: thro* our Lord Jesuj 
 Christ. Anien. 
 May the Lord bless us, and preserve 
 Uf from all eiSl, and bring us to lif^ 
 everlastmg: and may the souls of thi 
 Sthful departed, thrg' the mercy ,o1 
 God^ rest in peace 
 'h^r^r of Jf/. BemWd, Mtrmorarkl 
 ^mm^^ o ^0^ jboijT viig^ 
 3^£#|tl: that m> 01)0 ever had re 
 ^urse to thy prat^ctlon, implo?e( 
 *^b% or soijght thy medi ' 
 wpmut obtaining jreUeC Cohi^^ 
 ^xif^of^^ in day goodlness, l^|!oi4%i4 
 % pmitmkmm^p^ ^hing out iny^ 
 before tJM|e, l^8«ecbing tli^t0 adoj 
 lae fiwr thy son, mi tske upon 
 #f *^f^ ^^^y et^nal salvation, 
 ^ct not, the^ore, O Moth^ 
 i> tte petition of thy bundle S 
 6nt« hlAt Hp> ay unrl ri>i?A«%f 
 ««A«* «4aa<>>« J.aKa^" 
 > ■»• •&*«••>■> ••« 
 / r'**iiH^ 
The I tarn/ of our Lady of loreti^ 
 sacred Mother of ©oci! 
 lespise not our prayers in t or necessi- 
 Kes, but deliver us fmi alT dangers, 
 ^ ever glorious and blessed Virgin. 
 Lord, have mercy upon m. Chi it. 
 hve mercy upon us/ Lord, have 
 DC rcy upca us. 
 I Christ, hfearlis. Christ, graciously 
 tous.v «^^^^ -^ 
 lod, the Father of heateH," ffdi^e 
 vicrc^ upon ns. 
 rod the S^n, Redeemtir of the world 
 Liifor^ 7nercy upon us, "^ ' ^* 
 %d the Woly Ghost, Ifir^wi^^j/^^^ 
 loly Trinity, onfe Go^ Mm mercti. 
 upon us. • ',_.'■ '' 
 loly Mary, Pr/j/forus^^' 
 ioly Mother of God, 
 loly Virgin of vii^ns^ " 
 fo^er orChiist, 
 fother c^divine gnacc; '^ 
 fother mcfet pure} ' 
 fottier most chaste, ' 
 fcther un violated, ^ ' 
 11:25 i 1.4 
 (716) d72-4S03 
 .S-, ^A^s 
 '^" .A '•*>" 
II m-'^jti 5 
 "'■VI X. 
 l^ost amkbte mother, 
 adoica|)le mot^r» 
 toihar of our Creator^ 
 >thi^ of our Redeem^^ 
 Sfost ftf^ent vtr^n^ 
 Most venerable vir^i 
 Most raiKiwned virgin* 
 Mo^ powerAit vii^n, 
 Afostjtnerdiul virgui^ ; > 
 M0st &itb6i) vii]pn^ 
 J^tor of^^u^ce^ 
 Seat ofW^dma, 
 Mm vesp^ 
 (^ honour^ 
 V^ Mlis^fiim devpaoiiir 
 •1* ■*•.>. :,,«^ 
 »»• > 
 of die &ffiltt«ii^ 
 of aD||tti^ 
 I „. .. .. , ..*,..'. 
 k- s„« 

 Queen of patriarchs, 
 Queen of prophets, v 
 Queen of apostles. 
 Queen of martyrs, 
 ^^ucen of confesses*, 
 jueen of virgins. 
 Queen of all si^ts^ 
 Lamb of God, who takest away thc$ 
 sins of the worl4 &mre ui, O Lbrd. 
 Lamb of God, who takest away thq 
 $m of the worlds Hear us, O I^rd. 
 • Lamb of Go<t who takest awaj^thq 
 sins of ^he world, BmetnenyvjpmuB. 
 Anth. We fly to thy patronise, &c« 
 V, Pray fbr us, fioly Mother%f 
 R, That we may be isaade wbithy ^ 
 the promises irf Uiriife , ; 
 pOUR forth, we beseoi^ ?^^ <> 
 * Lord, thy grttE^e istlo Q# tim 
 tm wf, to whom' lif h)^ig^itsdiai 
 Christ th|rSon wfis npia<hQ lp|^|^^!^ 
 tbe ii«s$#i of f«ai^l, iiitite% i^ 
 ■»" .«* *'« 
 r*A^ - t 
KJ|W.<. iMi>'J-'V'''W<<l!ll!i 
 .■■i->''^ -;' PSALMS. '■ 
 ATiiipk. Remember not, O I^d^ 
 dir oflfenbes, nor thpse of bur parents^ 
 Neither take tUou vengeance pf o^ 
 ■ I. Psdtttyu 
 ; r^ digiiatioh, nor cbastise me in thy 
 '^ Hafp merpjan nie, O Lord, fori 
 * 9^ y^j^i fae^ me, (> Lord, for my 
 ^ &oriei i^ trt^ijM^ 
 ^ ^ "And iny sbctFts doubled excee^ng- 
 > ly 2 bijrt; tnoii; Q Lq^how long. 
 Tnm ^ ine, O Bord, aiid ddivet 
 w scpli O save m6 for thj^ mercy^s 
 ^ i^'or there is iio pne in death that is 
 ftttttSW of the^: knd wh6 shall coa* 
 I iMivt labonred in lii^ grp^^rtibg, 
 fvay^nioht IwiB^ wash my lid: t 
 ^#18 irat^ my couch with lAy teafSi 
 tMy eye k troi^ed throng iiw%- 
 imtioil:, I havegro\*rn oM ai!&riffi;$i all 
 iriy-^neriiiesi^:, ^\\^--^, -^^^ '■ . .^, ;;^i/ 
 > Depart Irom me all^ ye w^lMof 
 feiiqility : for the tord h^h l^^<f fee 
 voicfe of i|ry we4»4t%^ \. 
 .^ The t6r4 hath he^d my nmMl^B^ 
 iion: die lidrd hfith received iny 
 ; Let all m j; w^mies be ashtoei 
 and be very mjich tmiirt^ : Kt tl^^ 
 be turned back, mi\k0siimmifers 
 . Glpi^ be to tjie Fatite, indtofee 
 Sonj and to the Etoly C^oii. 
 . As it was iii the 1)^1^ k,iiA^ 
 Mien.- A . ^.. 
 t>IiES§Et> IUI& th# iwr^i^e^^^^ 
 f-f are fiM||vei^ a^ wKo«^ ^&i8 
 tovfafeda/ :' ^ * .' i '^ ^" • '■■ 
 ^ Bfeasecf k thfe lii#fc rt«> 3ii^ ^e 
 :^ h^ pot^ il^t^t siii, lac^ Jte 
 swci^ I wM-jilejit,; my Is 
 ^Of dagr wd i^gHt iky jbipd ww 

 ^.^ iPhes^n 
 hl&yy upon me : I am turned ifa m y 
 «3^^ #hilsi th^ thorfl is fiisten^I 
 I^TOve acknowledgfjd iiJj? sin to the^, 
 md my ittjustatfi I Haire'hot coiicealed* 
 I said I ^ilt^cofifess against myself 
 iniy mjustice to the L#d t aUd thou" 
 hast lorgiveii the wickednesiJ of 1^^ 
 sin^. ,- ,^ ■/.>'.;,):■ ■■' i ''^^ : 
 For tWit shffll eVei^ kiiqly' 
 ■ 4^y ^ ti*ee, iln a sealoi&ble time. 
 '; . And yet in a flood of many waters, 
 dli^ shiodl liof come m 
 ; . ihdfi art ipfiy refuse from the trou- 
 ; tie which hath encompassed me : my 
 : Jd|> deiiv^ me frbar^ ihem that sm*-' 
 iomdrn^ . ■' '^;; '. .^, 
 ^ ^^iret thoe tm^&ristmiding/ and' 
 i' ^11 ittstrttct . thee in this way, in 
 m^hith didu shah «b : I will fix my 
 ]^jbu ghalt go 
 9 not i^cd^e ISi tire horse and 
 ^j^ ll^^ ;h^ no undersuirtd: 
 itfrl^Wii bridle Whd fest theii' 
 ^0^ <^e not/nfi'f dnto th©^, 
 Mlf rfe^e pcmt^ of the ^ 
 ;li« timty dial! ^ «coiR^a& 
ipi|p)^.jy^^^i^^pii^ \ .^imm 
 '\s holy 
 \ trou- 
 i; my 
 t sur-' 
 f, find 
 ay, in 
 &x my 
 le and 
 Glory be to the Father, &c.- 
 fi^VK? me not, L6rd, ih thy 
 mdKnattoa ; nor chastise lae m 
 , wrath. , 
 JJ^ % hand terth befen strong upo» 
 mwe d-thy wrath : there is no n^ 
 for liiy. bones, beii^me of my sinsf 
 for my ,B^,|itie» a^ over my 
 head : and as » heavy burden are.wi 
 go^e l»ea%3r;u|)on" ml, ^^ 
 My sores^are putrifJed and xibtjupi-' 
 cd because of my fijolishness. = ^ ^ 
 r am become miserably, and 
 f 'w^eddowoevoiiktotHf.e^^r 
 sorrowful a« the 4y loh^^ " - 
 For my Joins arem^m^^i^.^ 
 Wd theise&iio'he^iiliti^ % ftwfcfw 
 1^ afflicted and: hiiinb^ ^ceati^ 
 '3W-^ •:'' --fi 
 ^^ ttf^ grctouM^ fe n^ Hid froirf 
 ■^ My heart fotiroubled, my strength 
 ^as feft liie, and the ligh| <>f my eyes 
 teidf ^ not with Ai^i " ^ ^^^^^ 
 \ My friehds an3 my iil^ighbouf s have 
 ^liravti near, axid s^ood against me. ; 
 And they thirt were ne^ me st6(S>d 
 t&r off : and they that songht my 
 " used violence; ' / 
 d they that smight evil tb me 
 :e vain things^ and sttidJed deceiti 
 thfj day long. 
 %it I, * as a <teaf mai>, hfciard not :• 
 %aS HI a duinb^ mian ndt opening 
 An^ I l^etame as a man that heareth 
 : jmd that hath no reproof irfhia: 
 ^Itiir iarthi^ O Lordi h^ I hoped: 
 tt ^itet^ar M6, O L<^iny €od. 
 ^1 sai(^ lest at iifay ti]tee^nty ene- 
 "xr^ice ovef me :^iid whi^t my 
 ife moteiijt they sperit gircat thin^ 
 )ijit"=i!ie; ' * '. " ' 
 c^ jt am reader for scoiirget: and 
 iqirdw ii^ C0nt|ntia% i>|^p me^ 
 , ^mm\^ i.,iHjj^|ii4.i '-m^ ^jMms^mh^h'^- 
 Pcmtentktl Psalms. 
 ¥-' .„ 
 For I will 4eclara my iniquity; «i|rf 
 I will think for ky sim - 
 But iny cncaues^. live, .and idrt 
 stronger than I r and they that lurte 
 ;ine wrongiuity are multiplied. ' - 
 They that render evil lor good, ^i:i 
 detracted me, because I followed soo(i^ 
 Forsake me not, O Lord ii^ CJoji 
 do not thbu depait from me* 
 Attend iinto my' help, O Lord^ livij 
 God of my^ salvatiog. 
 ' ©lory be to the f ath(^, Ac. 
 tit AVE mer^jt^dn m% O feo^ ae^ 
 -^^ cording to thy great morcy. * '^'^ 
 And aecordinjj t0 the mtiltitaite 
 thy teikier mercies, bh^ outmy ixi^nii^ 
 ty, ; ■■•'. ^^^^ 
 Wash me ypt moro^ from n)|^i^ 
 ty, and cleitnsie itie fi^^^t^^^ 
 For I know Biy iniqJaltjTi^M^^^ 
 ji always b)rf&^ me, / / 
 /,; To^thei bidy haired J r^ii^^i^ 
 liwe doM evil biHRw Aifj^ 
 iriayest be justified in t%imrd^ 
 ^*y^ overcome wb^ thoa 
w^PIPff-fPfp^A'^^ '.^^^■^r^-^^yfpp^- ^-^ifippiMiP 
 For |)ehoId I w^ conceived , in iiu^ 
 pities ; and.^ nns did my mothcjj 
 :;t conceive mii* -.- 
 Kor behold thou hast loved triSith. i 
 the imcurtian md hidden thing^x>f t^ 
 wfedom thou hast made. maniJTest to 
 2ne* V- ^; .■ -,,-■- 
 Thoushalt sprinkle niit^ Vttjbi %»• 
 $op, and I shall be ckansed: thou shaJt 
 w&sh me, and I shall be in^de whlt^ 
 ifefan snow,^ 
 , ; To my l^earing thou sha^ give joy 
 m^d gindnessr; land the bones that have 
 feeen humbled shall^diee.e 
 i'lup^ at^ my sinj, 
 €1^ lifct <|t^^^l i^^^^ 
 Create a clean h^it in ^ O God : 
 i0i renew a right spiiit within my 
 CJftst ma jhot away from thy face : 
 4 tcdce |ui>t thj^ ttoly Spkrit from me* 
 ^ K^toreiintdme tbejoyoFthy^^ 
 |*ilia% ^ sfrfr^he^ me ymhn per^ 
 ^IBct spirit. V .' ' 
 I will leach the unjust thy ways : 
 ^^t^ the wlc^ked shall he couTefted to 
 Deliver me frojtn, blood, God, 

 ;tho\i i}od of my iaiyatioh : and my 
 toimie shrfl extol thy jdstice, 
 O Lord, jthou wUt opeti my jt«M<- 
 ^nd my mouth shoH decSare thy praise. 
 For if thou hadst desired mMc^, 
 I ^ould indeed have ^iyeri it : ^ntV* 
 ^fiurnt-offerings tjiou wilt nqt be de- 
 JiightcA f - ^ } / 
 ^^ #eiffice to <^ an afflicted 
 si5mt : k coiitrit(5 and himiWed heiirL 
 God, thou wilt not despjsij. 
 Deal fa;irourably, O Lord, in thy 
 good-will with Sion : that the walls W 
 , Jerusalem miry be buUt up: * 
 Then shalt Vhou aeteent th^ §^<*Kgc!5 
 ^f justice, oWatib whole bHrnt^- 
 ofRirings |€len sh^ they lay odrcs 
 ypon thy altar. 
 Glpry be to ,th^ Father, Sea. 
 V. I^sialm ci. 
 T|^R, O Loiy, my ri^er : ah^ 
 *^ ^ tet my cry dome to th^e. 
 Turn not aw^y 4ih)^lace from mi^ 
 in the day when I an) in troiible, in- 
 cline thy ear to me, ^ * 
 U whal day soever I shall Mt upon . 
 ibce, l^stt me sneeday. ^ ^^^ 
 ffom wW^ as ^rassy .^na my nearc 
 U ^ther^d : bediuse 1 iWgot to %tk 
 Hu^ugh tfie voice of my ^paning^ 
 liiy^ boniB BatH cleaved 10 iiiy'iiesh. y 
 ' I * aril become lik6 to a pelican of 
 tbe wUdeFi^ess : f im like a night ra« 
 yfea in tlie hoiisef^ ' 
 I haveT ws^cbc^ and am become a$ 
 ^ i^aiTow aU al0i^0 oiftho house to^! 
 aU the ^ long in^^ r^ 
 jpiiMMih' nie ; and : they tliat pt^ed 
 "* -Fbr I ttid f it yhes likeyijMread ; an4 
 jDsffi^led tny drink with weepii^. ^ 
 '" £iecause of thy aiiger and indigna* 
 i^m^ for having lifted me up thou 
 l^^iip'n me ^^ 
 •My days teTe decKned Jikeashar 
 i^iW, mi lejtL withered like grass. 
 mt tho«, O Lord, cndurest for 
 m&t : and thy memori^ to all geuera- 
 Thou shait arise ^i hi^ xa&r^ 
 ; 'Am 
 ^e ea 
 and hi 
 the iu 
 their ] 
 ' iet 
 ther g 
 shall ] 
 his hi^ 
 ' Wl 
 |her, I 
 to ^ 
 lesh. > 
 can of 
 fht ra* 
 se topi 
 ies r^r 
 [; an4 
 jr thou 
 a shar 
 «t for 
 thy servants : and tlicy shall havc^ity 
 :^ the learth* thereof ' ' ' 
 'And the Gentiles shall fear thy. 
 name, O Lord : and all the kings tif 
 ^e earth thy ^^ory. ' " 
 For the Lord bath built up Sion : 
 and he shall be seen in hisgloiy: 
 '' ' He hath had regard to the prayer of 
 the hjtimble ::and be |iadi apt des^pised 
 their petition. * ^ ^ • * i ' , * i' 
 ' • JfCt these thin^ be written tb^ ^n6« 
 ther generation : and the people tljat, 
 shall be created shdl praise theXord, 
 ^^jdcause he hath looked forth froaii 
 his high sanctuary ; fr^iti heaven ^p 
 t(^d hath looked iipon the earth. ' 
 That hemi^t hear the groans of 
 them that are in fetters ; that he iaigbt 
 rdease the children of tKe slapi. 
 That they may cleclare the laame la^ 
 the Lord in Siohi aiid \m {>raise'in 
 ^ Whcp thepeoj^e a^^MinMed togc?- 
 flier, and Jk^^ to serve the Lo^. 
 Ue angered him in t|ie wa^ of |i|f 
 K-i * 
 Tfie scacn 
 ^m^i declare imto irfe the 
 >f my da^5. 
 §|ill me not away in the midst q 
 iny d^s : thy yem ar% unto 
 tidfi and generation. - ^ 
 In the Sjeginkkig, © Lordj V. 
 roundest the earth : a^4tfee heav 
 are the icrofS:g,of rfiy lif^nds. 
 They shall perish, but thou remain- 
 ed?* : mA md tNn ^hall gr^w old 
 like a garment,: ' ■ 'k'.' i.:.';- •:?] 
 And f^% •'estiire thou^rft <Mi^ 
 t^sm, and ]*^sha!l be changed 5 but 
 thou art a^ays th^ m^i'^waStQ, ind t&}l 
 j^ears shall not ft|l. ^ ^ 
 The cMI^eti <£ fliy servants shall 
 ^eeitinue : and 4h<^' seed shaU hp 
 Jtt^ctedibrerer^ *f ' 
 Gicwy be t^ ^8 Fatfiier, ^c. 
 Vl f^sdrn CKxix^ 
 (^tTT of the depths I have cried to 
 >f thi», O Lord; Lord, hear riif 
 Let Ay ears be attentive t6 tli 
 srcroe of Tmr 8ttpn!i<5ation. 
 Ai^iua, \j M^uLy wUrmarK imqui- 
 4i!!JS f Lord, who t^hall stand it. 
 ffst 4vith iirec tilers is meriifujfofc- 
ei«?^s^ arid by T€k»fm 
 1 ' : f<\ 
 ■ ■ ■ , ■- * . ~ 
 i^te waited for thee, Lor% 
 midst q{§J^»^^^ relied otiiw^^N|ji|r 
 > sGhQr^my Aoul hath hoped in the L<«% S^ 
 From the mortjiing wateh evejft tintJH 
 d, thdi^gfat, let Israel hope in theX^i 
 heava]^! B<?cause with ttie Lord Aere ifi 
 crcy : and with hua ^niifiil ro- 
 And he shall redeem brael fhom a?l 
 5 iniquities. 
 G1<M7 hf to the Fti^ftii^, i^ 
 VII^ Psffijfntxtm 
 EAR, O Lofd, sjy prayer: give 
 car to niy ftupp^^loii in thy 
 : hear me in t!^ jiisid^^ 
 And enter notinlp judgment ^tk 
 y scrv-ant : for in' thy sight no man 
 iving shdl be juitifiedi - - 
 For the eatfmy h|i h perseciited m^ 
 uH he hath brot^lpt down my Ite 
 ear itff^ ^he earth* > ^) 
 ' I He hath made me W j^ell in di^ 
 to the! nefes, as those that have %eeh dead of 
 old : and my spirit i^ in angui^ with*- 
 in|qui- \n ine : my ^»ait witiun me is Wt*^ 
 fujilbiy i |cmemb#ed ^^ <^^y» of oid, | 
 edj but 
 ts shall 
 haU hp 
 mc J to 
 0^9ev^f^ ^A 
 'jxpm %}\e works <)f thy featids. *" ' 
 *- I sta?etch6d|ftnth i«y bands to th^iE 
 ]^ soul k a$ e^rth without water unt 
 thee. ■-.■', ■' V 
 Miear me speedily, O Lord: 
 epirit hath feinted awf^y. 
 Turn not away thy face from mJ 
 lest 1 be like unto them that go dow] 
 into the pit: 
 Cause me to hear thy mercy in t\ 
 morning f for in thee h^vp I hoped, 
 ' Make the way knowii to me whe 
 in I /should walk j for I have lifted 
 .lay soul tdfthee, * 
 Deliver irjie tvfm my enemies, 
 tord, to thee have I iSed ; teaqh i 
 ^do tlyrwill, ^or tJbau art my God. 
 '^^y good spirit shall lead me infe 
 the right land : for my name!s sak^, 
 Lord, thou will q^cken me, in tl 
 Justice-' ■ ■ .' ' ■ ^•./-^•y, 
 Thou wilt pring my soul out c 
 jM'o^le : and in tliy mercy Aou " 
 4ny enemies. 
 And tlioiL wilt: rii4 rtlP-iLll fWm flii 
 l^ict my soul ; for I am thy senri 
 ptorj' J)f to the |atheri &c. 
( ,' 
 5.""*-**^ '' 
 s to tbei 
 ^j^0^i4^ losf 
 f^ 13 EMEMbEK ftiot, OXor^oju^ 
 *^^ ofleneps ; nor tbose jdf di|| 
 irents ; neither take* thou veng^ce 
 "oiir siiis. 1 . ; . 
 ^ord, //aa;e mercy upon ais. 
 itist, Aa^^ merxA) upcfn us* 
 Jyd, Aavi^ ifnercy upon us. 
 ;hrist, fear w^. , , .,, 
 ijirist, gracio2<t5^ A^wrr.i^/! 
 rbdj the Father of hemtsayhaiw mercy: 
 upon tlS. , •.. ^V;^:^-•':-^:.. ' • ■'■ . ; 
 )4, the Son» Bedeemer of tke worl<^l 
 have rhercy vpoktis. \ . 
 iod| the Holy Ghofit, iiai?e uicrey 
 upon us. 4* 
 tejy Trinity, oiie G^d> ^ot^ m&te^ 
 upon us. 
 loly Mary, 
 Idly Mother of Gocl^; 
 loiy Virgin of virgins/ IJl 
 t. Michael, ', <! 
 it. Raphael, ^ - V 
 R.11 ye holy Angjdf ^-Arch^iipels, '^:: 
 t John Baptist 
 Ail ye holy V^mtth% and I^f hm 
 St. Paul, 
 St. JameS) 
 St. Joh|i# 
 St. J^esy 
 St. Barihalonieii^^ 
 St. Matthi^w, 
 St. Simon, 
 St^Tbadcbe, . 
 St. MalhiaSi 
 St Barimba^ 
 St. Lufce, 
 Si. Mark, 
 All ye holy Ajk«ffles and Bvahgefis 
 JtSi ye holy Disciples of our Lord, 
 All ye hofy Innoc«?nt8> 
 St. Stephenv 
 St* Lawreirce, 
 St. Vincent, 
 S8* Fabian and SebastiiH^ 
 $S. Johft and Paid, 
 S& eebmar attd 0id]itan, 
 m rrcKase, 
 tmt^ <rfi^. 
 6t» Silvester, 
•f s 
 ^^St. Augustinef, * 
 t. Jerom, 
 f. Martin, 
 t. Nichdliis^ 
 il ye holy BisHops and Coiil'^ 
 "1 ye holy Doctors/ 
 t Anthony^' ^, 
 t. Bennet, 
 Jt. Bernard,- 
 t. DominiCy 
 t Francis, 
 I ye holy Priests and L#vite^; 
 ye holy M6nks and H^mils^ 
 Mary Magdalen, 
 11. Agatha; 
 *^t. Agnes, 
 t. Cecily, 
 t. Catharine^ 
 it. Anastasia, . , >,, ^ 
 II ye holy Virgins aUrf Wijowi, 
 1 ye holy mp and women, Bmnts of 
 God, Maine intercession Jor m^ . , 
 e merciful to us^ s^kNI^ 
 «f«v«v*««.«» fV! %*Mpt iar«r iM»««i'M«fy 
 ^12 %ie Litany^ 
 Fromjarfsfe, ^ ^ v 
 ^jTOcat^ wrath, - t^ 1 i v. 
 J^r^ silddeti and nnprovi4e4 death^; 
 FrbiH thi deceits of the M^ c :^ 
 From S^fer^ hatred; attdadlijl-^ 
 *Vom tlfie spirit of fbrnioatfion, 
 i^n lightning^ ^r4 ^^P^sti^ ^ . . 
 .roltigeverlasting ^eath> * 01 
 Biro' the rtiVsteiy of thy I^c^ljck S 
 Thro* thy cpniingi^ ^ 
 ^rd' thy r^ivitjr^ ^ ^ • . | 
 Thro* thy baptism and |iolj: fest^tg, f 
 Thro*" thy cross Mi passipn/ * ^ 
 Thro* % death and buiial,i ^ jr 
 Thro* thy Itoiy resurrectiori, 
 ITiro* thy fi|nir|tble ascension, ^; 
 Thro* the coming of the Holjr 
 the Gomforter, , • 
 ih tl^ day of ji]ui|^^ v, 
 We sinners, btsi^ck Hee hear «it. . 
 tliat thou spare u$, n§ beseech ikn 
 ■ fear 10. • . ^ 
 t thou pardon m, We bcieech tke^ 
 hear m. lJi._._ 
 hi* f}#i :woiiJd bring us t4 
 3[^anc2, WV beseech tfiee he 
 ■■V • t* 
 the SmtUif 
 . ,.*■ 
 ^ Wit, 
 eech th(^\ 
 teech ihet 
 er M^ 
 That 4hou wouldst govern and pre- 
 serve thy ho^ Churcb, 
 Thit ih0U wouldst preserve our 
 M^ Prelate ^d all eccl^ 
 pl$%al pf^ers in bpfy ret%ia% 
 T^^ li#u wi&uMst gfant paice 4|a4 
 %ue eoncoa taChfi^i^ 
 Tiiit thi^Wouidst grant pfa<^ an^s 
 ^Ifcat tfipu wotiMst eomlbit ands 
 Vlfeepiatfe thy holy s^h;^ 
 ithitt tb^ wcHili^ift up ^ mi^ *- 
 i-l^; thw wp^lrt a^^ e^ttalal^ 
 |iJ<>od Ijilrigs t0,(9^^^ i 
 TKftt thou woid^deliirer our sqiAi ^ 
 ^ those pft M IiiiSren, rcte- f 
 > ml dantnat^Oi Tt 
 That them wouid^fgire and pB^^ 
 ^^Jl^"^ tie fruits df iie eartl^ 
 ^That thou jwould^ j^l^ eteri^ 
 reit to aiP^e iaif^ni i^paitfd, 
 Jh^ thou wouid^ TOiiehsafd pn^ 
 ciously to hear us, v 
 •> .-, 

 Lamb Hf God, that takest awfy^-^^? 
 $in* of tKe wOfM, ^r<? i»» OtMoO. 
 Xarab ^ tJod, that ttikest fW j«f 
 sins of the world, fli^ar «». « ^^ 
 littib of Go4 tljat takest away the 
 sins of the Viforid, How vicJ-^y «?«* 
 ' ■ ■ '■ . •■ ■■•.'■ ■ ■ ■ ■ M. 4* .■ 
 Ghiist, Aear ««• 
 Ixjrfl, Mve meraj upon U9- ' 
 Christy kave m«^ Mf^o* «*•" 
 toird, hiyfc lijere^ V^ott «b. 
 AAd Ie«i i» riot iAto' t«n|?tatM)% 
 m Ixix. 
 M tfl^a; n«&e biiste td'heM me. 
 ' tetthirib*!«onfoui»acd iftdasbaffi' 
 I>i*4lieto be- turned bftckward, and 
 )^i» ftj* ihaine that dteire evils to 
 f' tet tb«R IWMestiy be lunicu »^y 
 tk»hingSPtMf'«W^- th« »ay *o ™«'* 
 'Tis w^, 'tis well. :i 
' «?' 
 Ae Bainiik 
 I^tall that secic thee rejo^ Mtd 
 be glad in thee; and )et weh a&Iovc^ 
 thy falvatian say aiw^si lie Lord 
 beiila^ified. ^ ' ' 
 But I am needy" and poor s O God 
 help me* . 
 Thou ait my helper and my dcli^ 
 yerer : O Lord, make iia^efoy* 
 Glory be to the^ather, &g. ^ ^ 
 As it was in the. beginning, &<fi 
 V. Save thy servants^ 
 J?. Trusting in thee^ O my Gpd. . 
 K Be unto us, O Lord^ a f^wer of 
 strength. - ;- • '^ '--^-^ ■' -? ':-- .; '*'---.:^ . .;: , : ■:: - • ■ 
 R. From the face of the caiany* 
 K Let npt the enemy prevail a- 
 gauistus. 4. - 
 i?. Nor the sop pf iniquity have any 
 power to hurt us.- ' ■ ••■''/-•. i^-..^ %/ 
 r. O lx)rd, deal aot with tts acclld- 
 uigtooursim. i. v . ; 
 ii. Nor reward qs according to o^r 
 tmquities. ^^ ,7^ . 
 ^ F: Let us pray for oia* i^irf BJ- 
 sixop N. 
 ^^. May the Lorn ppiH^rf«M^ 
 p^^t him iiie; fihd itoake Mm bles«^ 
 ♦■ '"-'♦5 
 the will of hi* f^^*®^' "i,>.ilA.v>»rtii 
 If. Vovchsafe, O Lord, for W 
 fame's s:ite.ta render fernalj^e^g 
 aS those 6|b.?i whom vre haveT^|<| 
 .^"i^^ Litf us: praj^ for the feithful dj?- 
 •):.ofd; and let perpetual light sbwe 
 ixnon them. . 
 ' K.Fop..0ur absent brethren. _ 
 , k O my Gqd,, Siive tay senrMts 
 ^ holv place. . . , 
 il. i'^ivm Sion protect them. 
 r h LorX, hear my prayer. . 
 £ hx^\^m supi'li^'tion come 
 unto thee. :\- /^^ ^ . 
 i?.An4 vvith thy spirit. 
 » J'-. 
 J.^ U« p^'^J)' 
 ^QD, xvivpse property 
 it isviil- 
 to ht3tv«* ittcroy and to 
 or 1% 
 iful dp" 
 est, <) 
 it sbi^e 
 d, from 
 m co^e 
 it i&M' 
 and to I 
 Mf^e, receive aulr jpelition 
 juid iJl thy jsefFiftitt^^ i*lib ai^ %diiiii 
 t^ die chwn of ili^ ttityj by the cfnif 
 pi^sibn of thy goodn^:^ tB«reifully be 
 absolved. ■' 
 tlEAR, Vrebe^teh thise, ©Lord^ 
 *^ the Jitmf #i i>f thv ii^ 
 and jntrdock ttie sins of uietn ihat eim^ 
 fe$s to thee^ thai bf thy bounQr tibott 
 Inaye^t ^ve tis {lafddto aijud peace . 
 OUT of thy iiemeMV, Q JLor4 
 shew m ^^^etkMe m^, 
 ^9^ so thoU M^&k b^fh^ifto^k ite H5f 
 our sihi; |h<l d^it^ br fi<S0iii^^ 
 nfehment ife <bd^o^ lU^ - - 
 OGOD, who by sin aft c^E^»;#i 
 and b]^ peti^iiil |ia«ifiedi imfk- 
 fully re^a^ the mt^tM§( thy peo|ill^ 
 who midce ^up|i»iitD^^^ to Ihee >-lm^ 
 turn awajf the scoui^l^ of thjr ai|p^ 
 which we deserve for onr sini r 
 (^ Alnughty and eternal <it>4 hftv* 
 ^^ mercy; on Ay admiit U mk 
 chief Bish<^; aii4 diifept ll^ aeec^ 
 Ing' to thy clemency lia^ ih^ vp^ay M 
 Weriasting satvatiqo^ thi^ by &^ 
 j|tace, he may desire s^h things as a^ 
 H 3 
 figrc^e to tbjjr will, and 
 GOOD, fW^in whpm proceeds ^ 
 h% iemm jrigbt^# counsel^ 
 and jusi w<rflts, give to thy servant^ 
 Ihil ^jBacc S^i^^i ^^^^^^^ cannot 
 gi^ thai our hearts bding dispo$cd m 
 WW tfey commandments/ and the 
 Bm of demies ttl^n away, the 
 times,^ thr^il^ J*^ ^^y 
 TNFJLAIOI, I^oirdi ourmns toS 
 -^ Ae»tt«^ yiM^ tlW5 #« of thy holjf 
 bWli that We inr^, serve thee with a 
 chLte bp#| 1^4 i^ease^ tl^QC with a 
 wop, th^ Crcatoi' itod Kedecm^ 
 . ^«}l tbe^l^ «pve to the 
 mmM^mHm^ departed, remi| 
 ^Hfcof IS thdr smK that through 
 |lie help : df pioiis supplications, they 
 n^y i*tiiiii th.^ pkrcfon which they 
 bave^^wap d^ir^ ^ 
 jpSfeVEN'E, wf beseech the«» <^ 
 W\ Sord, ^r ^tions,, by thy h# 
 ^imtic^s^ 81^4 ^ ^^"i^ ^^§^. ^^^ 
 iv2 *, 
 ,nif!.cu--: ui<iM/ vrisyf 
 d the 
 r, the 
 , may 
 il djid 
 with a 
 with la 
 to the 
 s, they 
 k they 
 oil \y 
 ,^« UnU>malrrm€p. lift 
 aiw^s firora theei andby tlie^fee hij[>- 
 ry Abnighty and !pt<^l God, wj^ft 
 ^ iiaat dpcamlort o^^r ^^ tty|»g 
 ^d. t^e Aeadi ^d art^^^l^^ 
 ^ tibse. whom iKci ft^r$|i)0^s| j 
 1^1 l^e thinaby iatifc W^^ | 
 wev humbly be<eeclA |Kee;,that th^ 
 )(^ >rhpsrii!W^ iifti^^rty^ 
 l^ofld retjaih^th^ intbe;l|e^h, ^^ 
 pert jyorid JfiM iwed^ pu|.i^ 
 their bodie$, may, l^ tl^ i#:erces^ii 
 l^thiy saiiits>.aiHl ti^ (*^^^ 
 good^jBssa;* obtf^S^don atid np^ % 
 |.ard jes^s G^ J5<mi i??hd m^ 
 ^ii*j uvi'i^ f*iv j»*i*.'*-^ «»^*"'-r I. '--' ..■«^'-'— 
 Jtecure ti^em* JJave Bee with my ,, 
 %h(rfe fteart; ^k ifteti IpwtiwH 
l^ ; AnrVmvertdt Pray&^. 
 tlMit I have ofifenaed thee ; do thba 
 ' I ftdore thee as iny first beginnJ 
 gid^mjpire to tb^e as riiy hist endJ ^ 
 g^ t^w^ tfiaiikt as my constwat "b^iiBfr 
 l^cr, ahd call on thee as my sim>- 
 te^ protectoTr 
 Toueh'safe, 6 my Godj to conduiit 
 m§ by thy wisdoin ; to restrain me 
 l^ tny justice J to cbmfbrt mt by 
 ^ itijrari^ ; and Ae^tid me by Ay 
 ' Td tbcc I dftsire to coilsccrate all 
 m^*^ thoughts, words, actions, and 
 sufferings J that henceforward I may 
 ^|ik of thee» speak of thee, willin^^y 
 refer all my mttiibm to tliy greater 
 J^My ; and siiflfer chfeerfiilly whatever 
 thou shalt appoint; ^ 
 Xord, I df^ire that thy will may be 
 done in all things, and in the manner 
 ti^at ftori wiliest I because it is thy 
 1 heg of thee to enligliten my nnder- 
 st^i^ii^ J to Inflate my will'; to pu- 
 tSfy mjr body^ and sanctify ray soul, t 
 Give mc strength, O my God, to 
 of the 
 by m 
 liiy ul 
.... » ■ ■ , 
 jndJ I 
 im me 
 mi by < 
 by rfty 
 ate ail 
 s» and 
 I may 
 may be 
 is thy 
 r tinder- 
 ; topu- 
 goul. t 
 jod, to 
 An Jilm&m^ Prayed 12* 
 i^tl»atB my ofenijcs; to overcome #^ 
 ti^i^i^ns 5 to subdue my pampnr, 
 ai?d a^cpiire the virtues proper &l^ my 
 states " "■ ', i > .' .»'^ ■" ■■■; 
 yiU my heart witji a tender affeclioa 
 for thy goodness; almtrecl of my faults; 
 la love of my neighbeur; and Wotempt 
 ^ the World* ^. .■:%':■■::,..., k^- 
 t§t me ^ver rememoer to be piS^ 
 mmiirt to my sugworSf condescend 
 iiigj to itty inferiors ; faith&I to my 
 friends I and chaiitftUe to my enc*- 
 Assist me tq lw€flreome sMsumty 
 by mortification ; avarice by alms;* 
 deeds ; anger by meekness : aiid te^ 
 pidity by itevotinn* 
 my God, rodkf me prudeiA wi 
 riiy undertafdngi { courageow in dag- 
 gers ; patient in affiicticai ; and huBf 
 ble in prospmty. 
 Grant that I may be ever attenu^ 
 at my prayiNf^ temperrte at my niealsi 
 diligent in my employments j and coflr 
 stant in my resolutions. 
 tet my conscience S^ ever upr%h|; 
 and pure i my exterior modest ; njy 
 0- ■ 
 t^ov^rsation edifying, and my i| 
 ■■;p0iftnieht reguMr^M^: - .■•/ X-/,;-;: pi^i! 
 A$^ W6, ^at I iSay cpntiniijill 
 kbpiur td oterifdme iiature ; .tq ,^^^ 
 respond with thy grace i to kjeepl)|]( 
 <^omi|idiid^elltS^9 and w^fIc dut ffli| 
 Discover id ihe, O. toy God, th^ lio^ 
 Ihuigness of this World ; thi^ greatries^ 
 of heaveii; the shortness l)f|ime, and 
 the length df et^rit^iv, i;^; £ 
 Grant that I <inajr prepare fdr death,) 
 tiiat I #ay fellr It^^^ ; that \ 
 may escapie hell, and in the end obtf^ 
 heaven, thro* fte merits of dur toard 
 * Jesiis Cliri^ti -!*«»«. - 
 JEjaciilAttohs fbf invoking the A^ 
 mtance of the HiAif Gft6d. 
 pOME, Holy GhoHt^ repleliitsh the 
 ^^ hearts of the faithful.: dttd kindte 
 lit them the flte of thy divine love: 
 ^ O divine S{Mrit, incUne unto tny aidk| 
 O Lord; make h^it t^»^help roe. 
 Conduit ii%0 LoJrd; in tny justice; 
 lind because bf the ehehiies of nijr 
 ioiii, direct my ivttj in thy siitht: . 
 ^* Obririd^Til^hete mei,OX v^ 
 jHever s 
 my jiio 
 will wii 
 ling mi 
 love, € 
 1 off 
 holy w 
 ihe wh 
 . 1 
 Ta he 3 
 ^'^ RE 
 ' *.'.» 
 but ffl"! 
 tae, and 
 that I xnaj^ 
 r C^djl 
 ; tb^l 
 ur Ikjf^ 
 e A^ 
 IHh the 
 I kliidte 
 i«. . ^ 
 of my 
 It: . . 
 ord VD^ 
 feod ^ enlijghten my e^ 
 Hevcr silecp in death. 
 r O divine Spirit, ipnake the Way 
 khown to me wherein I should walk ; 
 for I haVe lifted up my son! lo thee. 
 Teach ihe t<> do thy will, i6i ihou art 
 my €fod, y , «^ ; 
 Oive iiie grace, , O Cod, \o do thv 
 will Avith a grateful heart aiidawi^ 
 ling ixiiud; i ' * . « * 
 Inebriate my soiil '^ith thy holy 
 love, O thoii sovjereign beauty. ! 
 O uncreated TSre; when w«t thoii 
 oohsume whatever % imperfect in my 
 \ offer up myficif as & vtctiin to thlr 
 holy will, O my God ; do thbu with 
 jiic whatevfer thou pleascsti 
 TAe HyiJik: Vcni Creator 
 ^v€ recited 6e/ore re^etnnfi the &- 
 cravientofCofffirmation^piom Read* 
 ijigySr Hi^ other sp^tuat uhdertt^ 
 ■' king. ''''[ :''\-- . . . ■"■ ■ -' ■'-■ 
 j^^ REA'l'iNG Spirit c^!i6 nf^$Q$^ > 
 '^ Our souls, and \iifh ihif^pM^tii 
 "bless : 
 OUT hearts, frainM by tliy fcand^ 
 Let thy celestial gra^e coiximaDd; 
 ^OU, v^Q art icatir<i the PafaclctCj 
 _ Ji^jt&^:a^ Fat!ier*a gift complete 
 Inhe Imi^ fountaih, Are 
 And $acr^d unction frotti above. ^ r^ 
 ThoU finger of the Father*s ha»4 v 
 Who dd^ It seven-fold grace coifr- 
 Inanid: ^ h 
 ICliou prbmise from the Highest sent, 
 III vanoiis Ito^uage eloquent. 
 Piu"!^ with tl^y l^jt OTir eiathly 
 ;.,:;f'^:.. parts, ■ '"'\,^ .-[j- ' 
 jtedld vi4th thy love inflame riur ftwts; 
 TI|Us human weakness fortify , 
 Witli everlststihg constantly. ' 
 Fa!* froni us drive tiie infernal foe. 
 And peace, the fruit of love bestows 
 Thus having thee our safest guide, 
 Let BfOt oui*^€«t to evil slide. 
 Let us, by thee, the Father own, 
 Alid to us let the Son be known. 
 i^et us believe in thee, who dost 
 From bolfi prol^eed, the Holy Ghosts 
 To God the Fadier, and the Son, 
 U H 
 ~f -- o — J 
 Thiljprniie for ever let's repeat, 
 To God the holy Pai-aclete. Amm. 
 the, dir 
 we ma' 
 Jesus < 
 From I 
 Tlie p 
 And c 
 O piei 
 *st sent, 
 [lal ^j; 
 p own, 
 e Son, 
 The Prayer. 
 God, whQ> Iv ^e l^t of Ih^ 
 Holy Ghoit, di^st instmet the 
 h«ii*ts of the feithfi4 5 grant that by 
 the, directions of the same Holy Spirit^ 
 we may relish what is right, and al- 
 Wi^s rejoice in his cp.nsofittion : thro* 
 Jesus CImst our I^rd, ^w^. 
 The 8;EaTONCE. 
 Vent Sancte Spiritus. 
 COME, Holy Ghost, send down 
 those beams * 
 Which sweetly flow in silent itream%^ 
 From thy bright throne above s ^ 
 come, thou Father of the poor, 
 Thou bounteous jjource oi all our 
 Come fue our hearts with love. 
 Come, thou of comftwptors the best^ 
 Come, thou the soui's delicious guest, 
 Tlie pilgrim's sweet relief : 
 Thou urtour resti in toil and swcUf, 
 Reireihm^t in exc<36sive heat, , 
 And comfort in our grielV - 
 O sacredliglit, shoot hbmethyd^f* 
 O pierce tUc'ceatre' of those lieftft^ 
 Wi*DS<J taith asjiitcs to th^e : 
 Tlic Sequrnc(^^ 
 vm0t thy Godhead nothing can 
 t^li^kny worth,*br price in mm y 
 Nothing' ^n Harniless be. 
 Lor<C wasli our sinful st^ns aw?^^ j 
 Water from heayen o^r bfr^en c% ; 
 bur wounds and ])rmses heal : [bow j 
 iTo thy pefet yoke, our stifl* necks 
 Warm' widi thy fire our hearts <rf 
 €Nar wandering feet . repeal, [snow ; 
 O grafit thy l^ii:^ deiiiest Lo 
 Whose <Hity hop^ h 1*i^ sure wo^^ 
 ITic ^§«n pfe «iiilj^ 5i|4rit : 
 Gilmtlp* in life fieWey thy grace ; 
 Grant us in death to see thy fa«if 
 fm^ eij.dlcss jcyi inherit. Amen. 
 OCod, to whom every heart i^ 
 open, evciry will speaks its d« 
 Mre^ and fropi w^hom no secret is c(^ 
 ccmled, purHy Ihe thoughts of o 
 hearts by ^he inspiration gf the Wd 
 QhDst, in order thiit we may pcrfcctl 
 Uive thee a»d worthilf ppise thei 
 Thro* oijar l»^|df^us Christ thy S(» 
 who, with mfe and th^same Holyj 
 '<i 'M 
 A P« 
 N|h a 
 ly UK 
 ^ < 
 itc \ 
 ive al 
5 can 
 IS aw?^y 5 
 m dagr ; 
 : [bow J 
 iff necks 
 learts of 
 [snow ; 
 58t Lord 
 ace ; 
 eart l^^^ 
 % iti (t( 
 €t is ceil 
 $ of 
 tbe Htrfj 
 ise the 
 thy Som 
 me Ho(: 
 4 player, before the B^ef^en ijf Con* 
 ' science 
 0Go<i, haye mcr^r on mo, a mosj 
 ./teiserable' sinner. Alsis ! ' I M^ 
 iii,the miBfortime to offeud tliee^ 
 i|L^I|yds, 'ever^^ntive to my whole 
 e^chpld all fti^|paq|i^ ^rant, 
 l44f d, tbs^t I ioaipfaidw tltife Wmber 
 di ^oi^ily jifiny «ins3^ t^ order th4 
 jaiiay* heaVtily detoii iMid confest^^ 
 l^lffin.' Inspire nie, I t>cisee9li tlie^ 
 ^ a lively ^horrepce of them : an^ 
 jS^in purpo^ nev^f^ to commit theiii 
 ly more. Soften my obdiir»^e heart : 
 afi^ the 8«dut|iry' tears pf true co44 
 litibii tjp^Jpw frpminy eyes, and 
 ite thena ifctith the tli:rs, end lig 
 ecious bh^, sh^ li|l^ E^decm^ 
 r my salvation. iftiiipifc> ci^ine 
 edeemor, m »w heart jfolure ot* thy* 
I i 
 199 Preperation, 
 ^ agaknMlG^m M»tter9 qf Pakh^^ 
 AVE yot^teen guilty of heresy, 
 or di*eiief of aaoy article of 
 faith, or of voluntarily doubting of anj 
 article of faith ?— Have you ra,§hly exJ 
 posed yourself to the danger of in- 
 ^litji^by reaiBng bad books, keejH 
 ing widked company, going int( 
 places of worship belonging to atha 
 ^^JE^WBillipns d||du% the time o^tfe"' 
 servient an4 join|i| with them m ^< 
 worship ?-^Hav^ yc^ hy word w dm^ 
 denied your fakh, or railed at, oj 
 despised holy things ?— Have ypr^ 
 been ignorant of the articles of yoii 
 Imth and the duties of your ]re%oii 
 or have you been negligent in in 
 ttrueting or procuring tbi^ necessarj 
 instructions for those utt4«f your cared 
 *-Havc you^ven cr^#tto chreunisj 
 ^aken notice Mometts^ or nw^e m 
 other «ipii*6tSu^ oteervati<>ns ?• 
 H^e yo^^d eharmtor spells, 
 use ©f ^ <^her superstitious pr 
for ednfeisMk 
 . \- ., 
 tices to find out things to cbme, ifeco* 
 ver thiings lo^tj &c.— How often^ and 
 with what scandal or iH example to 
 Have yon d^jpairted of solvation, t^t 
 the fejrgrveness of j'our ^s P-^Hav^ 
 yoa rashly presui^ed 'i^on O^od^s 
 |oQj^ness, eontiidtuing to o^d Mia 
 becjiuse iie is mercifol ; eoin^ p# in 
 your. sins. ^m^:mi$ ai^^ll^te 6i 
 ^-^- idmeart/dejwjii^g 
 repentance ?^«^ave yoll rdied 
 mon youiielf ra^ than up^ Diviii^ 
 <^ace, ojr neglected for a Ib'n^ time to 
 return to God by repeatam^e, ^cf 
 i^l!hg iritd mortal sill ? 
 Of Charity. 
 Haveybu loved an^jr creatiire m touch, 
 or nioi'^, th^ " - ^ t'—Have you mujr- 
 feiuredl^n^t v ^^ovid6nce of Gdd, 
 resisted*!j!S ms^. /ns^ refused le D^b- 
 ix^ to Us ffivxfce will, not prevented 
 evil wheii^U iki^ld atui ougfa^ or 
 cotamp*cl i^fi thrd^ Mmm respeei? 
 1^ Preparation 
 received, the sacrament of CoRfirma-. 
 tion or Matrimony in the state of 
 mortal sin? — Have jou abused the 
 holy scriptures, or prophaned holy 
 places or sacred things ?-— Have you 
 Wasphemed God or his saints ?-r Jlave 
 you been ne^Igent in the divine 
 v^orsliip, seldom, or never adgring 
 or joraising God, or giving him 
 thm^ for bis benefits ?— Have you 
 pray^sd but seldoia^ ^ith little at^ 
 tention, or oniit^ to jiiake acts of 
 Faith, Itope, anct Piarlty ?— IJavo 
 you behaved with irreverence in the 
 House of God, or broken any vow or 
 solemn promise made to him ?— - 
 Have you neglected to hear mass on^ 
 Sundays or Holy Days of Obligation ? 
 or have you heard it with wilful.. 
 disUactions ? or not taken care that 
 your chdl(hfen or servants should hear 
 It ?-^Have ypu n^let^ed confession 
 or communion at East^pr omitted 
 the penance enjoined ifoihm acquUt^d 
 yourself of th^e rel^ous duti^ oajfCNr 
 kssly ?-— Have^ yoii sworn Jalselj^ of 
 ysh^ van did not certainlv kiiaWa^ 
 whcth^ it WW trw or i^se ?--i^^ 
 a- :or 
 » «%* 
 .•.'■■ ■' '.■ ' 
 y^i ilH^keii J your lawifiil oaths, <*; 
 sworn to do iay thing thkt was mdc- 
 fed or iuilaw{ul^~Have you had a cus- 
 tom of swearing rashly or ineonsido. 
 rately bjf the name of God, by youf!, 
 soul, or l^jr way of iinprecatiort upoii 
 yourself or;^thi#rs ?~Have yo^ sworo.. 
 by the blocs^ or wounds of God, o^, 
 jmy other blasph^inous oath,» or heeu 
 a^essary to pthers swearing, cul*i%^ 
 or 1)}asphemiiigl^.^ave :ydu45)€nt^^^^ 
 Sundays, erHolidaiys of Ob%^dit, ii^ 
 Idleness or sii,^i^ the ol^ion ^ 
 others so iRendii% them ?^ 
 dolae any mtml^ yrOtk without nee^r 
 sity upon those c^^a P^^jf^vp ^^ 
 broke the days of abstinence^ or <|ateA 
 more than one meal cft lasting dtiys^ <*^* 
 been accessaiy toothers in so doi%? 
 —How ofen, &c. ^ 
 Sins agairist our Keigfd^^ur. 
 lu Thoug^,^ itsh Judgniehfc,-. 
 *^ contempt,-^envy,**- 
 liab^^aymion—dedres of revenge ; 
 whieh sins vary in their malidie,^ 
 ^ wording to the leng^ of tinie we 
 steim in to the difierent persons in ^ 
 restion : or act^or^ng to ^c great<5^ 
 • -ik ITbrrfif.— Cy. fealttiimiatiiig, or 
 jhtraeHAg • fp ^y listening to calumny 
 or 4etraclio^,' >iirhen we can j^^v^nt 
 i)dk^ ^Bseo^ (N. B. The motive 
 : |d(r #(M&iii% .thus,— -the numher of 
 "^t^ooi jpre«e«\ and tb« subject of 
 ^itiis MK^arits^l^ ienguage, must be 
 gpi^^edt a$ we fuNs to repair 
 ^ ip^iy tothe h^ of our power,) 
 Ife also sin iyjr i^^ reports or 
 |i»ifttatioii9, maKcious en^fesaona, 
 ^wlMelb«r true or false ; % giving bad 
 fisonv } hy diseov^ing tTbe secret*, or 
 liieiattlts<>if others; ty abusive wofds^ 
 reproaches* bad wishes, or impr^6a- 
 tions, ««*,. ^ ; 
 iirt -4c^n^.--Bjr ifceiiling, Seating, 
 laiHt^ extoftions, or any way wron^^ 
 i»| f»^^ in teiying, selKng, oir any 
 immm I or u&ig felse weights ,and 
 * iiiB^ liiiM »■■■ '■ ■ m' ^ ■ *T^^ ^ Z^ M.'a* « (« S XT' B »« ' a^ ai-'!* ' TTm « M m.m^mtl 
■-:.> *l\A -r., %'r 
 tg, or 
 )er df 
 ect of 
 list be 
 >rt5s or 
 »g bad 
 or up* 
 J tes^- 
 ^te, or 
 or any 
 without design of piQiog t^^ei^: 1^ 
 wrbnging o^;^ cvedit^s^^ $ijr ^im 
 family by pro%al ^?c^ei3ieiQsi%,rffti^ pay our just^djtji; ^i^f^m nfelfi; 
 or by cmlpable ^fjrtraVagaifi^ renderiiig 
 0ur8elv6s niM^le to pajr'jyf^^ « j^ 
 fiegjecting ihe Vorfc <» Jbii^ittefea for 
 which we were iur^daqd obli|^||r^ 
 contract to p^rtwa. |p fiw : Jflr 
 unjustly taking or ke^jg af^l" t)^ 
 jpf value belonging to wo^Jbor/ i^ 
 which m0 k ir%pos^ tf §imm 
 forgiveness, without mi^i^ mmm 
 lion to tfie best of our p^w^r. M^A 
 hcr^ it i^ to be observ^ |lW whiifi 
 ^Wo or «tore joint^jr iiQi|r€i ^»^*lliiV 
 Either in goo^s qt r^putatioii, t% ine 
 jointly md s^yer^Uy oW%e4 t^^Pi ml|- 
 tation J that is tp s^y, th^jr ^ IH^^ 
 to contribute tji^ir resp^||i«| wog^ 
 tions towards repiiinug 1;W m^^ 
 and every imiividuaj j^ answeyawfe b#^ 
 fote> God for the whole iiyHi|r, when 
 either or my of theji<?eoi«pS^^ ji^^^ 
 to repair tlK»rportipiti^fo£; |; ,,J 
 toias iUtgatteii goods, or repair if* 
 *[ured charect^s. By refusing ^ b| 
 J ? 
i ia 
 TeconGiled to an enemy, or to perfopn 
 * AitWs of obligiation, such as respect 
 andjove towards parents, obedien<;e 
 ^iiipenorst &C. '' 
 ^^jpi^,TN having too great p,n p^ 
 r^ '^^ h 
 vdcsj^ising others ; in being too apt t9 
 spe^ '^f our own affairs, or in our own 
 . fftn^is^i in iispiriil^. to Jpionours aM 
 ^ef^ment through vajiity ; in affect- 
 IMt0 be humble^ or in deceiving others 
 ity%pocrky, : ^ :: 
 ' j6itJvarice.--4n Mot giving alms 6e- 
 ifiording to our ability. In not only re- 
 fusing films which we can afford, imt 
 111 refusing it; witdh bitterness, re- 
 poaches, "imperious ill-inatur^d lan- 
 toag^, or with an insulting air, In bfe- 
 mg toQiWiich attached to the goods of 
 4l^I$ li|B, wticre it ix^ik ever be remerfi- 
 feered, that iv^utev^'er is really superflu- 
 ous to p, belong of right to the poof: 
 that wli^re there is much, much should 
 ■ "^^ ^9 ' wv^ M' -— '•: ^••^-f- 
 . « » %*%#• ■mr' 
 Jy^a liltt^, even «9me irf that little 
 ^hcMiid ^ cheei'fuliy given, for *" <}0(| 
 loves the cheerful ^er/* ^ 
 res ; iri 
 apt t9 
 )ur owa 
 S others 
 ilms ac- 
 only re- 
 ►rd, imt 
 &SS, re- 
 ^d Ian- 
 joods of 
 ) shduld 
 • ■ ■• 
 at little 
 Jhr Cdnfemon, 
 By Envy. — In being sorry for the 
 ;prosperi y of others; in rejoicing ^lit 
 their misfortunes ; in wishing, wilh 
 jealousy, for what belongs to thetn, ' 
 ' By Impurity.— In wiUiilly 4welli% 
 upon, or taking pleasure ia unchaste 
 ^thoughts. N. B. The penitent HtUst hel-e 
 mention whether these Imd thoughts 
 were entertained fhmng a considl^hMe 
 iime, and hdw Jpn^'j whether they 
 were accompanied with desires of c<>ai- 
 mitting the evil 5 whether they' mis- 
 led irregular motions; whether th a 
 holy place. And finally, whethc?r ^e 
 object of their sinful dcidretj were sin- 
 gle or married, kindred or rcldtimis^^ 
 pr persons consecrated to Gdd, ' '*^' 
 Bw iVords. — In speaking obscenely, 
 pr with a double meaning, which is as 
 bad, if not Worse ; m listetiing with 
 pleasure to suqiN vile language. N^ E. 
 Thift $ort of discourse is stili more <:ri- 
 minal when it passes between two 
 jper^ons of a diflircn t sex. We aJso sin 
 grievously this waj, hy singing un- 
 chaste songs, by flviiig toasts or sen* 
 timents contrary to modesty, or by 
 I I permitting the^a to be ^ven vriiXiH we 
 em ,pJtey«nt themj or, hy nojt retiriiiig 
 ^ufi i^€h. o(?casion8. ; ' vf 
 .pjf Looks,— In ^ viewing immodest 
 objeqt$ J ^in rea^ng ^d >ooks ; in 
 keipjrig ijridecent pictures ; in fre* 
 qu^tiUng phys and public assemblies; 
 wliich are Init too ofteji the schoc^g 
 pf we, where dangerous objects are 
 held up to view, and where vice is r.e- 
 l^ff^^t^, aot in its pative hprriWe 
 cololars or oMist^uetoeea, but as a mere 
 g^ty. Cbmedl^ ^|H> ar^ often so 
 fiiH of indecent ^afttimenti and.pde- 
 licat^ allusions fs t^nttpt but oifend a 
 ^odest ear, and hftve m iftiftioral ten- 
 deftcy. ITieyate ftot^ly poM^erfuJ 
 iricentives to this, vice, but besides evi- 
 dently unlawful, for the folldwi^g rea-* 
 sotii,Aiz. Beaause w^ jjartnot assist at 
 them, wiriiOut contribut^g by our 
 purse and our extopfc, to Tnaihtaii) a 
 $et of|)ei(^Ie in a profe^^sion or way of 
 life wbich was alwajrs Settled m&^ 
 HKm> by the Catholic Cjburch. Under 
 this head mny l^kewi;:^ be classed, the 
 idling VI otutrs tv siii by uissoiuto 
 5 lances ^nd gesttires, or immodc^y m 
 ress or belmvii^ir, ' ' 
 tr^y t 
 Hlg ou 
 jn pen 
 taken ^ 
 to exf 
 may ii 
 with j 
 and alis 
 aot SrO« 
 one 0i 
 the fen 
 habit d 
 in§ the 
 ks; in 
 in fre* 
 iits are 
 e is re- 
 a mer^ 
 \^n so 
 id teis 
 les aii* 
 ig reaf 
 >8ist at 
 y oui* 
 I ia&h 
 d, thC: 
 for Cpr^ssion. w i^j 
 % 4cilom.— In abusing and defij- 
 ^jf^g the sanctity of marriage, % such 
 liberties and irregularities as are con- 
 tr^y to the order of nature ; in tbuch- 
 Hlg ourselves ol* others immodestly ; 
 jn permitting indecent Rbeirties' to be 
 taken ii^ith us, ahd what their consf?- 
 qu^iici6« were.— N.' B- It k necessary 
 to explain every thifig, in order ti> 
 piake knowil such circumstances ii 
 hiity increase dr din^iiifch the guiltj 
 with as much mooesty as possible ; 
 and also to dlecl^e whether we have 
 employed or n^ected to employ tjbe 
 necessary mt^m of overcomNag this 
 vile passion. We should carefully dis- 
 tingnish what is wilful^ from what is 
 Bot sro. An effiect of delibci^tion, froih 
 one 0f mfrfe'ttegligenct. H AlsoV the 
 number of tb6^ bad actions, ©r at least; 
 the length of time wc continued in the 
 habit of committing them r with what 
 sort ^f persmis w-c have smiled, or c^- 
 rired to sin ; but this without mentio^i- 
 in§ their name*. And, m it too often 
 h^ppiais with yoiwig persons wIk) have 
 misa'ab V frilen into a certain ^n of t^ 
 lowy ajgid abominable nature, ^tber 
 PreparaHotty S^c* 
 k) conceal this crime, or not faithful 
 .confess how often they have beeii g 
 ty of it, we therefore earnestly bes^ 
 ^uch to reflect seriously upon the./fatfi 
 jevU^ in which tiiey involve them 
 Selves. Let them consider that * 
 those confessions,' awd the c^ominurii 
 'oris which follow them, are onjy s 
 ihiany s^cfrii^es, re^ionUg them sti 
 fiirther from God^ and proVokingJbi 
 just itidigijation against thein: thatth 
 longer they contmijie In this state 
 hypocrisy, th^ more difficult it mi 
 be to ove^rcome their bashfiilness„«^ 
 the more enguisli they must feel i 
 their own intenor. That no pra^ticje 
 moite dfestriictive of health, beauty^ 
 SeaiuA, than this ; that it deforms 5Uii 
 ebilitates the wretched perpetrator 
 that it must, not orily m a moral, bi 
 also in a phydool sense, degraaph' 
 beneath the rank of the brute m 
 tion^ aad render him ccotemplible 
 inankitti ;* 
 . J5j^ GlMmy^Vi eating or drinki 
 to excess; in excitinff oth^ to d 
 in »ot observing the dayd of fftstin^ 
 il|3tt$^iaeiice «injoine 
^ Vray^T ttfier ike Examen. IZ9 
 By Anger.T-In abusing, quarreling, 
 feilang, or wisHiHg evil to others; la 
 l^rftvoking others to quarrel or fight : 
 (%hich sihs ^re ^ijyi more heinous, 
 .When parents 0r superiors are the ol>- 
 jecttJ thereof. ' '- * 
 ' B^ £/oif^.— In neglecting our celigi- 
 otts or moind duties ; in performing 
 them carelessly? in posing our time 
 1% or anprafitaWy, '^vhen our state of 
 life calls us to lalK>ur. We are afeo 
 guilty by studyi^it tdo mujph ouir owii 
 pase, and by igi to^ sreat remissness iii 
 ^ inortifying oujr f^sionis or seAis^ * 
 A Prayer ofl€t the iSlrini^^i 
 f Humbly tha^k thee, O^Lor^for 
 * having mM^ why sins kirowfit^li^ 
 tee. Glory, ^stice, aili ili^rcy^ IBf^ 
 jdiine, ^whereas I deserve i^othing \mi 
 confusicm t^iid pumsbtdentt f^^ having 
 oiTendect thy unmense tottttty^ and 
 disobeyed thy boly edmDpiiuicli.' But» 
 alas*^! ' v^at will it avail vkti W Im^w 
 my iniquities, if Ido notamtiidthan?^ 
 And how shall I ^itt^nd tkes&'iirithdlit 
 thjj' gracious airsfetance? Vouohsafe^ 
 tterefore, Lordi to i^iibcit tln^wprl^ 
 iftQU htst hemtt. CwHiic^ of my 
 own mkery apd thy goodness, | 
 turn to tfcee, O nay ^rB»tbr, aiid mt 
 Ipvkig Father, p^A ^nwdering thee i 
 ibWpa-sohof thy |BinUt€r> I will pi^ 
 tr^rte niyself at %hy feet, and $av* " Fj 
 ther, I nave sinned against h^¥ ^ ^ ^i 
 befer^ thee, ajadt I »ra no more ^qt\ 
 to be called thy &m :" treat me mm 
 jOff tiiy i^eiiraiite, to^^ pardon all |bj 
 Riniiy thEo^h the^ ^erits' of Je§] 
 Pmst thy Son, • r *' -u 
 TI AVING di8coyere<i the difierppj 
 7^ sonts of n'm of wfeich you ^{ 
 liee^ fuHty, together ^with their riun 
 ^, enitpinity, or such aggravating (?ir| 
 ^pni^anijef ' ^s^ may cofjsiderably ixk 
 urease their joQ^llcp or change thfij 
 imture» your next endeavour ^hoi^^ 
 be> tp eatcitc in your br^a^t ^n he^vtrfel 
 f arrow fm: bavin|!; committed them^ ai)< 
 ft sincere delectation dfth^iD. Thisbc 
 ix^ the most es^ei^ili, m well as tl 
 most dtf&imlt' of all the di^osition; 
 reqni«ite t0 Ja ipod contession, witl 
 Vihm huniUity, fervour, and p< 
 ver^c^ A^d not you i9iiK;^.^nej 
 HIM, %ho hM$ the heaitf i^ttk^^ ^ ' 
 |jis |)([in^, to ^ranf »t yo\u 
 less ol 
 16 still 
 mce ( 
 ^ in, 
 /oil int 
j%r Confessim, 
 rig th»eU 
 ^- ■: • \ mi 
 re wQri 
 »n all iBj 
 of Je§) 
 ! diiferpd 
 you ^F< 
 beir riun 
 i?Htii>g cir| 
 qge thfii 
 oil as ti 
 ion, wui 
 Ip the m^an time, seriously medi- 
 [te on tho3e powerful motives for 
 ijtciting contrition, which the CJliurch: 
 toM« forth to her children : an:d, in 
 WdPtofeel their force the more ei- 
 !ettuaMy, endeavour to enlifrhten your 
 aithv to streh^hen your liope, and 
 ifttfame your (!harity, by ^^voiitly re- 
 tin^ the acts of these thr^etheojogl- 
 1 virtues* f In the ne^jt pla^e^ reflect 
 ti those itjlrtues whiCh are most capa-, 
 lie of alarming, and, at the same 
 ime of in'elting your heart into cora- 
 itmction: sucli: as, the ^y^lasting 
 loriftetits of hell— tte etern^ loss of 
 9^ and of the joykcf heaven^— the 
 mrJdt of iiltbintes of sin— the good-: 
 less of Ood in atl ht has <fewic, in al( 
 i6 still does» and m all he will do foi^ 
 # t^e (Continue to liiye arid serve 
 xia r particulai'lytilal astonishing ^- 
 tance of his love and und^lfyry^il iner- 
 ^^j in forbearing to cut jour slen-, 
 !§r thread of lifd, ahd to ^|arecipitate 
 oii into etern^tl^ tdtnagiits iiif, the ver^ 
 3 c6hsi^erQt\on jailone must ncces- 
 S^y ei^age you ta cry ou4 with ext^ 
142 Pritparatvim for CoryeuiioH. 
 tic surprise^ and astonishment, Hcfif^i 
 goofd must God be in himself ^ who k^} 
 b^enso good to rm^ His faithless and li*- 
 grateful child/ He saw nothing in yoa| 
 deserving of his mercy : he saw everj( 
 thing in you tiisrt merited his wrath 
 andi^gnatiom , * |j 
 This last refle<?tibn on the infinite 
 goodneiss of Ood^ if dwelt on #ith diw^. 
 attention, cannot fail to inflame yoi» 
 heart with an unfeigned love of hiiii 
 for his own sake, ihe purest mid best 
 of all motwes. Whilst the heart is thus 
 softened by divine love into compuo. 
 tion for your sinsi^ form an unshaken 
 resolution of never more oflendiilg 
 him-— of dcnng jrmir yimost to ameitd 
 your life— of satirfyinr for yoiu: siuS^*' 
 and of repairing any injury you may 
 havedone your a^ghbour, either in 
 his.cbar^ter or jNTop^rty. 
 If with these seattments gbwing in 
 ymur breas#^*you cast yoursdf at thei 
 fqet of yoip* eosiiessor, and revival to^^ 
 teai^ o^jtmnprnid^ md a truly peiJi^ 
 t^^ jq^flt^ her a^^i^ you shaU ih 
, A Prayer before Confession. 1 43 
 fession, canPying back th^ precious 
 ik^' of God*!* unbounded mercy. 
 flui semincmi in lachrymisy in exulta" 
 ^ione metenL They who sow m tears, 
 |;tiaU reap with joy. Ps, cxxv. 
 A Prayer before Confession^ 
 Almighty and eternal God, to 
 whom is due all honiaiiF and 
 jlpry, behold I, a miserable and un- 
 rorthy sinner, who have hitherto 
 lived in rebenion aiid ingratitude, 
 tome ta^thee, my Creator, my God, 
 Redeemer, my merciful Judge, and 
 )y Saviour, accusing mysetf, and lay- 
 l .Itefore thee all t|ie abominations 
 l^eby I have blaspliemfd thy sa-i 
 " name, tran^ressed thy pi*ecepts, 
 ^spised thy ^iu« and ddiled both 
 )^ soul and body. G<)d, when I 
 lold my misery, and consider how 
 lien I have abused thj; gilts, despbed 
 ly goodness, neglected t|y service. 
 Old preferred myself niy; pmbns, imd 
 >tlier creatureb, to m^j aiity, and to' 
 [liy cpminands, I caunc^t but consllcr 
 pelif as , unworthy ta lift up jay ej^ 
 PI j^piiy ^, oif a|Mp$wr lif wf ^t^Sv^ 
 lul v)riiitbcr mu 1 &^3m tbo% u 
 f 44 trayer hefi^e emfeision. 
 Lord, where M I hide jnys^jf fr*« 
 thy anger ? Is there any one that #n 
 mike niy peace for me? Ah ! it'B 
 tjhly from m goodness I can expec{ 
 this blesHna! for art not thott my 
 Father, v hose-: mercies are Inftmtft 
 ajid compas^on know? no boun^i? 
 m I, although unwo»tiiy of th? 
 i^e of;rthy child, acknowledge no 
 eSier Fpther but thfie. my <3od, 
 i;v1w»efore J MsteA to the thronS .oi 
 thy ^?rf y, ai>d there prpsteftte *& 
 «w:h t3iee, by thy almightj? bower, 
 Wisdom, M fioodne^s, to P^,f»' 
 purify, »n4 .acqiiit nje frpin the « ot 
 my »n8. 'deceive ftle, OKnr^^agran 
 iuto thy fUvpw, and, by t^ p&ce, 
 cdi#mjnc iii ajl s<»a. that ,niy i»«J 
 b^g entirely pds?0saed by thfc, m^ 
 be prep»r«!d %. ^ory. And th^t^ 
 i)eiWn n<^y#5iccept^^ce, I 9P^^ 
 fp m^, svriet Jcsiis, son of the iv/m 
 God, who Wfts pleaged tb bJ^we m^ 
 Father, hwWy hejseecfeing thee, by 
 tW iiifliiite chmty which btought thee 
 dqwnlcoro heaven to the ignowiny "* 
 fe cross, |ijd ' tfejrou^ thy prseiff 
 ^\( fipcwn 
 b! iti3 
 I expec? 
 hatt iny 
 of th^ 
 edge no 
 [y -God, 
 hronfii of 
 ^te iK> 
 fa, ifcgwu 
 iy Igracei 
 hee, itw^ 
 t«o|ne tSt0 
 jr eternal 
 thee, by 
 y^ht thee 
 Ejacul^ions^ S^c^ 
 ypod shed thereon, that I majr now 
 Ij^rtSfce (^ Sie benefit of thy sufft lags, 
 be cleansed ftbm all my offences, and 
 sincerely repent and avoid all sin : 
 that dying to the worl4 Imay live 
 o<dy to thiee, and never suffer either 
 passion or pleasure to divide iiie from 
 thee any more, Grant this my jpetitjion, 
 I beseech the^, through the infinite 
 merits of thy most biiter passion and 
 defih, andjbr Ae sfOtq of thy globus 
 name Ji^s^i^s. J^m/^* - 
 JrES0Sj, redtice into my mind the 
 Untunber and th^ enormity ofth« 
 ans whereby lh^% ofl^i^d ^ce. 
 J Jfesij^, grtMpit ine the spirit of per- 
 fed r^eSteuc^ : tjiat by cqint&itiafii, 
 co^essi&n, and satisf^tion, I may 
 reooyei thj^ giraice, and ^<:ft'ou^ly 
 ^leansi^ jny conscience. "^^ 
 Jesu% h*ve mercy ilpon me, the 
 ^most wretched qi sinners^ wham thou 
 b^ redeemed with ^jf precio^ blood, 
 Jl^us, Son bt DMp, fcave naercy 
 upon me, Entef not intbpdgera«nt 
 Wltll tliy &<;4f «tUl«, vr i/v*^ • iv* A« Mv 
 lil^t no man shall be justified. 
 t ( H6 ) 
 Th* penitent iaving Muly prepared 
 kljnsHj'by pr(tyery by a serious €xam4 
 imtion of his compi^nce, ani a li^rij^ 
 cpntritionjhr kh, sinSy knee^h down ai^ 
 ike confessiim^hmr on one side qf tH, 
 jme^f and making the dgn ofthecrosS' 
 tmm kinutetf^ ^ash the priesi^^ Mesmgr 
 ♦nyifig, ** pray, father, ,giy^ me, yow. 
 blessing.'^ 2%cn itbe priest, Messes^ 
 pivi in the follfltvihg. wordv "Jfe^. 
 Lord be in thy hear:t, and. in thy lip% 
 that tiou jWrmyest .truljt. and btwbly^ 
 confess all thy sin% ip^v tb«5 name xA 
 tb^ father, apd of th^ ,Son, and # 
 the Hpty Ghgi^i. JhmJ^\ Afif^r M^ick 
 th^ pmUent Says the * C^H^f t» ^ 
 ftn or EngUsh^^asfar 4i« f* M^ ciilpo^ 
 &€.•* and^ then accuses himse)^ pf al{ 
 Ms sin»^^ as . to their ^kind, nwmber^ , and 
 aggravating cinmmiiances^ fwd. con-^. 
 4ude§ mth't^u or ike Ulmform' ^pf 
 ih^$€ mi. sSM%ermm of my whole 
 l|^e, r Imnib^' l^Dcii^ myscWv ^^ 
 heaiiiiy tmt^ fof them, and beg 
 v^Tikm of G^.; at# ipi^ance and ri^ 
 i*, ^1^ ..^ f*. 
 urn ai^ 
 of % 
 ? crosk^ 
 me ot 
 an4 # 
 m ht^ 
 r|, , and 
 I ccmr 
 d beg 
 A Prayer after Confession. I47 
 aymgy "Theferpre I beseech tbe^ 
 &tJ* he t/ien dPtetidir tb tk& iristrticfhms 
 gh^en hy tlie pties^^'a^ld hihnbiy acc^^ 
 ^ Fraylr ctftet Confesswn.- 
 f\ Most loving Fatlieiv I ireturti thee 
 ^^ all possible tiiaiiks for hkving 
 achftittda me to this sacrairiiir|ti letliiig 
 thy tnercy take pijKfe of thy juitkc, 
 toll hast east all my liuis out of thy 
 l%ht. Grant me now thy gilftce, O 
 Et^d, that friy * offences being i*c- 
 raittedf, \ry a mrfcere and perfect coii- 
 tritibtt like tliafof Bavia and Fetcr^ I 
 iiuy%rever l^imtiimelidthfidnn^i^^ 
 krvfee But thft liiust 1 «ip* d6ii<| by thy 
 cfi^iwe as#t|niet& : ibr withoiir the aici 
 of thy ^ce my soul will renliiiu^ai:- 
 tt!h, h^g, ind dry, hkecJarth with^p^ 
 ii^ter. I am truly sensiWe- of my 
 cnvn wt*nkne^a? ahd inabilk)^ to per- 
 form riier leilst good ac^bn "thai c;sDi 
 ai^ wjiys iia aede|r£l&)ie lb ^eeV th# 
 mky coiui^rt ^d%i0ifiij6mrli^ have is 
 wlo^ up Id my Recifjii^ aind to 
 d^r tttcje^ ihy ti»ad^ hirteari and sirf^ 
 1^ this obialiun^ thoil iniyeit opc^ 
lig A Prayer affcr €oiifemon. 
 to me ihe g. tes of mercy, amj receive 
 m agsdti Mto thy fevour. Loofc ou 
 . file, O meek and aiercuul Lord, ^itu 
 the eveij of pUv^and have compass,ioa 
 m niv mberi^i': strike njy ston/ neart^ 
 that U iwntain of healing walers, the 
 Waters of true contritlan, may issue 
 th^iram, wherewith my soul may be 
 c' nmsed and pm-ified. Perfect the work 
 ll^ou begun m nie,lbr I ap W 
 fi^cature, and grant that lily contessioa 
 lliav i:nd acceptance in thy sight, and 
 that whatever is wanting thereto thro 
 itiy natural weakneis, may be sup^ 
 phed by thy roodnehs' and mercy, 
 which I earnc ♦> implore, for thep?ir- 
 don of all my tins, firmly purposing 
 in t% presc;nce to avoid m tutm-e all 
 -thdxs to thee, and diii- 
 sirently. apply my^tirto the practice ot 
 ^'virtue, ^iinee thoujiast promised, 
 ^) Lord, never to Ibi'sake tliose that 
 jrface th-ir tra^t in thee, permit me no 
 longer to be seized, and blindiv car- 
 ried mwav bv ihe vanities ot this lite : 
 permit me liomore to expenpnce my 
 -^wn w*!akne»s m iuy wanted rchipscs, 
 fam%giv.tit Imay ttow be effectuaily 
A Prt^ei'W'^'^^ 'Co-k%umW. 
 i oa 
 , the 
 ^y be 
 1 tky 
 rce of 
 3 that 
 ne no 
 ' car- 
 i life : 
 ce my 
 I ail 
 converted from my evO. ways, Jor«^e 
 toy errors, and amend my ftybipju 
 Comtatod, G Sovereign. Lord, my 
 Pebeliious heart, and toroe. U to a 
 compKance with thy hcfly^iU. #eak 
 ill my passions, Irule my .effe'qtJ"'« 
 direa my desires, strengthen my i 
 endcsavours, >d give ear, to the ^^X;' 
 er o^ thy unworthy serf alit. Let not 
 \xy wickedness lorgct thy 
 ,eot>dne88 : for th6»igh my sms ca^i 
 aloud for justlfte, yeJ: thou hast^^itfy 
 Lord and my Ck>d, meriey, hy^ *fhich 
 thou canst once mor? redeiye me mt| 
 thy faVqur : who Uvest and reign£st ftf 
 tver. Am%n. , ■- ,. . -%* !••; "'' 
 ,. A Rraj/er htfoYe Commiion.^ v 
 t T it with fear and tremblmg thfttj 
 * approach thy banquet, O .^tesW* , 
 haviJiJ w>th% to trust inj«^m^ 
 toodmws and me^cy. bemg^ of myself * 
 SrinBeP, destitute of all virtue; *^ 
 filed with many crii»\»> ^y %"^? 
 and tongue in disortter, aftdftoiafcr^ 
 controulMThusstraitwied, Otoercflitt 
 hastej^ta aiee tliat I ihaj-be^_h«alea « 
 tifio thy 4»itot«ction 
m ■ 
 A Pr&^er before Vominunidtt. 
 Jkn)3i htuxte the6a» my s^d^. ^ 
 fitec ! la^-'^pyr all rifsy :immck: ^ 
 thee^ discQiw* nil my sbima vl^lje 
 >&ttba^ and mcmky ^^ tny simpit 
 Weal which niEeai tilfe -fekr ^ My 
 fibpij in;ttiy tin^lii^v ^JNW «re to& 
 xiitei^ liddk ti^on W(^ lliite?0^e^ jatft 
 ftfe%^ df c^HipaiadtiiJ) Ldrd Jte^ 
 iJ^t/^crn^a JTi^i^ and m^, 
 meik Cive eaJ* to fe€| ^ho place all 
 lay trust In rfiefet :haTb mercy tiport 
 ttie, for I am full ^f rakery an* sin, 
 liou fountdn of iAfcxhaustlble gdO*. 
 mi. im,^m$VifM for 
 nie and all monldhd ^^i^ €0^^^^ 
 ^croiif Hail gehef6u» and preci- 
 ^ my cmcift^* I-ord, aiid* i^iwWiA 
 away tlie nn$ of I*i6 ;WdrIdl^ 'Rfr 
 member hy creature, Oatj, ^hoih 
 |ttia| fcist redeemed iwftfi> <Jqi^ Mbod^ 
 ii^-rf^ away itt my rftie, and bl^ 
 liut air %1iiiqiii^ thiit bring puri. 
 led, I may i(itortl% ap|«rod^ tte 
 -| I 111 I I i II I I illili I ^igkmUklMi^ 
 . PrdueriOfier Communion. , l|t 
 -koly bf hoHw t and gAttt tM^tl 
 <faFedou3 body and blood, wKi^h . ,, 
 Ihotffih niftwiwthf, nov design-to rt* 
 iSvenes of &y ««si ft*l <i»««W|* 
 lom the gOilt of all mjr cnM«»t» 
 Victory ovrf u^ evil thoit^ts i the 
 If «nil'»iidbo4j agaift^t # the mam 
 <rf loy 0ne»il<»^Arong*» Jesus Christ 
 d G6d* fee feirtiiful ^o m* a sinner, 
 » J«8u»; Son of ©avid, have mercy 
 » ^04 ■whd sufferedst for me, have 
 !^,J^.^' ndt worthy tbptt 
 %houldWt AStir under «»y/o?' |, »*{ 
 W tlfe >vord, and my soul shaU be 
 fraverta/ter Commnim. * _• 
 t Iteltirn thee th««k«i Oeterwl »■- 
 :A ther, because out of W ^»» 
 ifterfcy, vithditt ^fJiff^ ^"^^ 
 l«%» •'«■' 
 tliou'hast Been Fi^««« - , ,^ ., „p 
 with the saared body ^ and ^^^ 
 thy ohJy Son our^ Lord JcsusChnrt. 
 l|g Fi^yem filter "Commumoitt 
 l^tttkot tiis ho^ ccmmimfon, I Bi^ 
 %eeeh tHee, bfe t<cx my candeamatic^ 
 but aii ^dfecA^ remksicm of dl n|r 
 rins. Miigr k streagthen my fiuW^ 
 coumg^ me m all goodj iteHv^ j# 
 from n^ idciois cti^cS^mi; Remove wl 
 concupisence ; 'Perfect me in charitj^^ 
 patiteac^; Imnrnity, Qbedietac^e^ imd 
 in 1^ ot^ir Tirtues, Mw U s«cni*e im 
 ^ftiii$t tril the finar^es ?1» w|r eneipi^ 
 vmUe ftiid foTia%;nS^ kprudent)y 
 moderate inv indinatioKi^ both carao} 
 mA sjartiMl* May it dosely unite 
 ipe to thee, the oRty true God, and 
 liappily settle me m unchangeably 
 hbp. And l^now iiyJie it mv earnest 
 re^st, tl at thou wilt one day admit. 
 me, though an u»wort|iy dnner, as a 
 vguest at ihy^diidne Nmquet, where 
 thou, wth thy Son, and the Holy 
 Ghost, art the iru^ light, eternal fu^ 
 ncss, everlasting joy, and perfect 
 ji^^iness of all the saints: thro* the 
 swpe Jesus Christ our Lord. 
 !| Wai iove 'thee, my I»ord, my 
 * strength; the Lwd is iny suppprti 
 my refine, and my deUvereK 
 What is man that thou art mindful 
 , How [ 
 those thi 
 ^Ip^ise h 
 soul Jbi 
 It is 
 jLord^ 1 
 sides tl 
 my sp 
 i iriiiiiiitiiifciliailMiMMIMilliMMII 
 , and 
 » as a 
 ^ the 
 1, my 
 of Wm, or diie son of *nan that ihou . 
 lose that^we of «« Hi^P^ *»<*^ ,. 
 " > &e Lord,' 6^«e m^ 
 and bis mercy ^iaadureth for 
 , Pttdse ye«tlW Lorj, aS^ye iltatilntf, 
 ' Wuse his jnew?y ^ »»• ^<»nfi«n«5 
 upon;u8, and tte ^th of theLord 
 remamethibr e^^, . u- i. :Li.k- 
 the fountains rf ■waters, » doth ifly 
 sold loiig for thee, O my-Gpd. ^ ^^^ 
 tord^ai^a to plfkcemy ho^e m4ht 
 Lord.OwL-' ■'.; V ■■ > , •.,. • ■•>' 
 For what i^ thwe for mj^in h^yg, 
 'vbA what woidd I have ijp<» earth !>•• 
 ^des thee ? ■ - ■ >■ ' , 'w • • j 
 My sold magnifielih thfe Lard, and 
 my spirit r^cefli in God my Sar 
 - thu$ fevcMd. **> 
 JfeyT cometh to >I^ 
 toame of W Lo™* 
 h V^ 
 » ■ • !«. 
 A Prayer p9yipef^ 
 ^ >0 KSiig <)f fiiBav€*i^itndi ©arthj rij 
 in mei^V'tehold I am iieedjr H 
 ^Qor I thou biow^t what 1 ^tamAM 
 iB^st need df : tlitjd intone canst ear 
 yd:hdp me. ; As^st me, O Godb^i 
 flPotti thfe freasUffel cff thj^ gooda^ 
 mf^y tte wants of my sonL . 
 A de6(mi fruyerfatlthe whole Statie. 
 it 1^ 
 mctify 1 
 iV tltrbl 
 blJ'iA^ Ihteniiom of gaining im 
 dul^nce. /\ ^^'' ;*''' •*^i'*^'-::Hf^{ 
 C\ Etertml Falh^ iiif 6Ur : & 
 ^Jern^ CHr^n; Creator oftrj 
 things Yil^li ht i itmsiWe, sotiroii 
 lOlour |oo4, inlinitety good itt tB 
 self, una in&^tely bouiftSnl, m^^ 
 and good to usls behpkl wet%|^ 
 servants, the W<Mt \of ; thy" . han 
 redeemed by the W^id of thirte o 
 Son^ Come»/u aitswejD • t6 his s 
 imxi^ by hii Vice^gerent, to jwc 
 »uri*t*lves;' as Hnitible p^tioi3t«r»> 
 fomthe tl^rone of thy mercy : we cort^faum, a 
 &U in ^body at this tidie', teyetrall thylto thin 
 pec^le i^on e^rthland W0 ecwnfe jplind blc 
 »0!iiniitnipn \with Ay ,whole Ghnrcitjiinottg! 
 ik htavcn. hoping to be assisted by thdrl%hicU 

 hr Jmidgencet 
 ,eii9 and merits; atod with Jedi 
 ■istlat out liiea^ ou» Hi^ Ene»t 
 AhrMediator, in wfctose j^recKwiS 
 s«^ W8 (dace ail oitf-*t«^- W« 
 os«Kii« oursdves h«e befirfe jthcej 
 id' niost hunibly ^eech ,thee tsi 
 nctify thin* own most holy jiamej 
 i sanctifying vM eicaltihg thy holy 
 j^dKe cJhiffdv .rii*puglM)ut the 
 hdle »o<rfa; Cl-eten^l King, who 
 atsbiit thine, biily ISbB^down mm 
 ly thrt)V .'. above, to this cttrth ilfouts, 
 ^1>ti$h a feJiigdoih awdn^t itj, 
 lA whenee *we n«ght hereaftei- be 
 dated W^ thy etenipl kmgdoHi: 
 '-dawii, we ■ bfesee^ thee, <^ 
 '^'■igdom of tlnr bdjivfetl Son, and 
 ,«aifte it thKfefhojlt all m»»0W» 
 y all beam. Sanctifyit ii» «•«* : 
 Ma k m pea<*, jinity, m Koto- 
 ,»»r. Oiwit Mfl^s foP Uinrfers, its 
 Shi<jr pastor, aBd&UKoA<sr prelat^: 
 mg& Ae»» *ith heavdnlj jjl^ 
 Jftm, ^ttd niake them iiWft fcccordulg 
 to thiitfe own hestrt, Grntit thy gate 
 «id blessing to ail tiie cJergy. • 9^^}- 
 tmongst *li««n that heavenly 
 ibytheirlvhicirtby Sdn cathe to cast «i 
Ibni «(hich' he sd earniestly dc^ 
 S&oiilcll&jaitth^/ A'sml and •' 
 misriiitjkaries, -tl 
 £^ i^ i^otis^oijH eftectualljr pi^ 
 mc^e ^ glory, mid the s^vation 
 souls redeemed by the hlc)od of t 
 iSoii. Sanctify all relie^ous men 
 Cornell ctf every dtS^r, and^gnint th 
 ^#16 l^a^e to serve i^e wi^ affl;,: 
 "£^tid^^ accontiwg tbJkbe/6birit of t 
 iBsifittUe,^!^ th^ nwiy 4^e tike 
 inil^ iiglits to thfe resi<)f the faitkiu 
 iHave Hiercy on ill ChJ4ltiaii pri 
 j|re li^s^y^^lSir^^^^ A^^ dischiuq 
 \6f ^^ duj^ to th©a ib^ to their #u 
 y^ts i dmi't^^ trde servMtsrtlaereis^ 
 •me,1hdia% of iiigs, triie fethers tpl^reatun 
 &w,pecMife/itid; hui'd^^^ 
 Ctewcb. mv0 toerey oil all irif^strati 
 ind toen in |%er, thAt ihey may fearlbi^^d a 
 thefc, lotetbee, wid serve thee, anttl^^d ap 
 ever retoelnber tl^t they^e ihy dc*|tbc san 
 ^pttties^andtheMmistisrs^^ ^^^ 
 iiave mercy on aU thy tieople thro«gh« jn^ni^^? J 
 to thme iribeiitimce: retnember thjl^wS" 
 ixMdjp^^ation^ wl^ thou hR}^ —" 
fdr I)ylid^ccf' l^t^' 
 U^grace to 41 thy cM^reri & 
 X that tbcy m«y fo J^hy Jog 
 heavea^ ' . ,, ' * 
 Extend thy mercy 48o to aU po?^ 
 InMeU, that sit io dSiiffcneas and in the 
 Se» of death: to 4V sbch nutiow, 
 wlteiow the« not, orliavft -Wt^as y^ 
 leoeived th^ faitU and law «?f thy |on 
 ieir. Savipur ; to all ?««|ns. Mar 
 Sietaiw, «v4 Jws. Remember, 
 JUrd, that 41 these pqor soul* 
 wwade aftey tliiae o^'l^'filt*"! 
 Confess, and redeemed by «iie blood 
 5Sybon. Olat not Sataii any longer 
 fcse Im \'«'W. over these^^^^^^ 
 eroaturcs, to the {great d»?hP"o^;;°j 
 Lname. X,a not the precwus blood 
 U^hy Son be shed fo? them, ift vau^. 
 & among them ^«a«^"JEjtSh 
 land apostolic labourers* endued witn 
 ithe same graces and gifts f thy up^-. 
 itlcs werera«d for the ^oi^v Qt thy 
 ;rni^.bl4s tlicin «ith the Uk«J|J. 
 4L tha^ all these Door sowls may be 
 ;ouglit to kpow, i6ve, and sene tnce 
 ,?1^^ ■ flAfcC 

 Pratj/jfiTS propen. 
 \i0^ ki t|ij< Church, and bless ihcfj 
 lietifeafter for all ef ^ty^^ *' ' ' 
 ^ JM>ak*down a^ an eye oi 
 imd^<pKpadioi(ir on lilt those dfeli 
 l^b who^uK^er flie name of €M*i 
 l42i&% kave^aiuiered^^ tfal^JjailiS «f 
 tmtht^asid ntdtv^ andfrom the one feltf 
 013^ ^ne SH^l^pd,^ Ay only Sm 
 Jewis CW^ iiAo t*» fejwe-paths oie^ 
 rbr aiid schism* O^^lijftfeear *^" ^ ' 
 ^lieeand td thy C^tiM^ ®fcp 
 da^plme^ l^ &y he^?ir<^ tighl 
 jaMMre Itee tri^from hefor^ thetf 
 1iii4erewilh tl^ c^mi^ enemy — 
 bfiiid^dedliieinv and let theih^ m 
 tiow tiit^' bate ta6(g|i'iDBecl by n*fa|^ 
 |leffiota^llte frojudk^ss tO^ the^i»fe&-^ 
 <^tbti| ts^e awf^. fetJi© tliem the spU 
 lit of obstioiM^i ,i)iMe, aM scli-eon* 
 ceit. Giir4 lb<^ laft hUfi^le and do- 
 cile heart f inspiap theiii witlr til at 
 dent desire of fimling out the ix'ath^ 
 mi a slt^tg grace 4^ toable thc^ntit^ 
 cutibraee it^ m 8pite of all o|jpOsiti«*li ^ 
 6igi the world, ttie fieiih a#^ (M \ 
 t#ilbr^bf ^uld tt«>se creaMrct^^ 
 a Fa 
 truths p 
 ^nror», ; 
 ired> € 
 ^Ue w 
 I with 

 rcrish, for •whom Christ died, or -why. 
 Hotaa Satan any longer possess the^ 
 spsOs, which, by their , bai^ism, wwc 
 AMgcated to<*n4l temple. ^ 
 6 Father, of Ughts arf^ God of all 
 iiuth» pjii^o the vhple world fron« all 
 i error*, abuses, corruptions, 8na.vice8j 
 '^Beat down the^iidard ot S^an, and^ 
 erect QV.cry where, the staaaard ot. 
 Christ. Abolish „tlie reign oMm* and 
 Btabfeh tlie kingdom «t gwee^ v^m 
 \^^tt^ .Let humility .txiunipb oveft 
 pri4e and ambition; charity oyer bnj 
 Ittdi envy,, md malice; purity aad 
 temperance over; lust ami exassi 
 roeekiiesj. pva.passi&P'i «na dinnter-r 
 «5tedi!t>ess ajid poverty of spint overxo^ . 
 vett)U»nes8 a}Kl the k)v« of th»s perish^. 
 i>bie world ;. in a, word, let the gosptl 
 of Jesus Christ, hoik iaita belief and 
 practice, prtfV8iitbroi#Oi»t the ijkliol^ 
 Grant us thy peace, O Lord, in t\\f 
 days of our «ionality, eVcU th^ pea*-? 
 which thy Son bequeathed as a les 
 gaoy to his disciples ; a .per|K:tual 
 '^MViK ^•^ 
 lemwith each other; and a pcrpei 
 \ *: 
 M»ce wthm ^urwives. urag^ ^^ 
 Id**, cterisH, iqjd tswrntsm an innob- 
 «^p.ea»wo«g thenMMJr«. i^ 
 2K«i* a *?^ seowof tlitt«»«-wW. 
 evfls thtt attend on -iffar^ »n<>:'«»^ 
 AeL de*»8t»tioiiiand nun of so rtany 
 X{ the eternal loss of wroany t^u- 
 wnd sou^ taf a^c^the dismal c^ 
 qtoces of war. O turn Uieir hcartt, 
 3* another' kind of war%e-^h 
 tkem to figbt' fo«t * heavenly fang- 
 ^fteraovei,^ Lord^ thy wrath, «Wch 
 we have reason tBi. mwehend is bow 
 actoallv hanring ovS'our heads tor 
 ^& lSS?«t '^ ChTi,tian pctv 
 pte from the ^a<^ evil, of mortal. 
 tim and make tf? signers sensWe 
 of their misery.* GiiiJtf tliem ti»e 
 enice of a penitential spint, and »m- 
 ^cGnrwsbn, and ^schaige them 
 ftom all their bonds:- Preserve all 
 fTmrteadom. and in particular mm 
 Haiftoti, from all the evfl* fliat tbreaten 
 impenkiw* «iia«?5, such as ptegues. 
Bs msy 
 r hettrts 
 ly Mrhkh 
 sadb for 
 • inort4 
 rem' wfe 
 and ism- 
 |e them 
 erve all 
 ohur iAi^ 
 for Indulgence^* 1 6 1 
 4anine, earthquakesj, fire, inwda-t 
 tipns, mortality of cattle, auddeiiand 
 liflprovided death, with thy ^any 
 othar judgments here, and eternal 
 damnation hereafter. Ccwnfort aU 
 thf^ are under any affliction, sick- 
 ness, pr violence of pmn. Support 
 all that are under temptation. H^on- 
 cile all th^it are at variance* Deliver, 
 all that are in slavery or c^ptivitya 
 S^nd all that are in danger. Grant 
 ! i^iief to all in their respective necessi- 
 e^, -auda happy passage to all that 
 f0& m their agony. Gr«nt thy Uessr 
 ing, O Lord, to our. friends, our be^ 
 Hdactors, and to all those tbic whonv 
 ^m are particularly bound to pray ; 
 ind have merey on ail our enemies. 
 <>ivef eternal' rest to the faithful de-, 
 parted, and bring us all tocverlast* 
 iBg Hfe : thn?, ftc. Amen. 
 jJSesides ihe abox^ pratfer, we may re^ 
 cite the iTitanies, Penitential Psalms, 
 » jilosary, &c. or hear one or mre 
 Mmmy or mtkout any setj^d,^ 
 ' ffiorrf«, prat/ vtentaily^ taki^ ca^. 
 to direct cwr prut/vr^ wufi »/i^ vme^ 
 go.'' of0ii'mg the indutgencci 

 US.2 Jesu Dtdeis Memotia* 
 AeU of the Love of God. ^ 
 lEAR Jesus, I desire no other in- 
 F-* heritaiice butthcc: O Supreme 
 (i»ood, permit me "ot/o love any 
 thing ^ove thee, and aU other thmgs 
 ©nly for thy sake. . 
 6 mcrcit'ul Lord, take powession of 
 mv heart, which was created for thee, 
 and wowid it with love, that I may 
 ever languish after thee, oa whom 
 depends . its whole happiness. 
 pear Jesus, to thee I consecrate my 
 heart; O may I rejoice only W the 
 love of thy infinite Majesty ! 
 O life of my soul, more attracUng 
 tban all beauties ! inllanjc it with an 
 au-dent desire 6f beholding thy hea- 
 vealy beauty throughout an tndles* 
 dunition of ages. ._^ 
 To thee, O infinite God, I resign 
 vhatei«sr-;thy fJberality has bestowed 
 onui*; to thee I ofler myself m sacrw 
 iicc on the altar ot mv heart, tliat 
 therefore I way please "f^e- .^ 
 't'/i^ fhimi .f csu Dtilcis Memoria, 
 *'Zbri^t:dfrom St. Bernard, t. 1 1. 
 lESUS, the only thought of thee»- 
 J With sweetness fills my trcast ; 
her ihr* 
 ire any 
 ' things 
 mon of 
 jr thee, 
 I may 
 rate my 
 iu tbj^ 
 with an 
 hy hea- 
 I resign 
 in sacri- 
 art, tliat 
 t. lU 
 f thee, ' 
 rcatit ; 
 Jem DutcU Memoriae y^ 
 But sweeter for it is to see. 
 And oti thy beauty feast. 
 >[o sound, or harmony «o ^y^ 
 Can art or eim^ic frame. 
 No thought can reach, nor words ea^ 
 The Sweets of thy blest name^ 
 Jesus, our h<^e, when we repenti* 
 Sweet source of all oiur grace ; 
 Sole comlbrt in our banishmenty 
 O ! what ! wheni face to face \ 
 Jesus ! thy name inspires my mind 
 With springs of life and light; 
 More than I ask in thee I find, 
 And lavish in delight. 
 No art nor eloquence of mai\ 
 Caj[i tell the joys of love ; 
 Only tlie saints can imderstand 
 What they in Jesus prove. 
 Thee then FU seek retired apart, 
 prom world and business free ; 
 When these shall knock, I'll shut my 
 And keep it all tor thee. 
 Pcfore the morning light Til come, 
 With Magdalen, to ftnd, 
* > 
 \ f*. 
 fe'sighs and tears, my Jesus' tomb, 
 -~-Aj^ tijerc "refresh my nund. 
 Uy tears upon his otvvc shaU flow. 
 My sighs the garden fiW 5 
 Then at his feet mysrft 1 U tn'O^' 
 And there I'll seek his will. 
 J«sus in thy blest steps I'll tread. 
 And waUk in all thy ways ; ^ 
 I'll never ceade »o weep and pleaa. 
 Till Vm restored to grace. 
 O King of love, thy blessed fire, 
 Do^ sodh sweet flames excite. 
 That first it raises the dwire, 
 Then fills it with delight. 
 thy lov^y p^es6nce shines so clear 
 Tliro' ev'ry sense arid way. 
 That souls, which once have seen 
 thee near. 
 See all things else decay. 
 G<>me then, dear Lord, possess my 
 Chace thence the shades of night, 
 Come, pierce it with thy flaming dart. 
 J» 1. „ - — -y 2 Lk««%«»«i* 111 
 rU for ever 
 id with the saints 
 .1 A> 
 Jesus ^Sigy 
TJi^Jcsus PsdUer, 
 And both my heart and toiigue i^ 
 bnng ^ 
 Their tribute to my deircst Kki^ 
 in never-en<Jitig joys. Am<n 
 Tticre is no other name tm(kr heaev€n> 
 giten to men, whereby we mvM be 
 saved. Ads i\. 19* .' * / 
 ^HE Psalters now in tise amongtf 
 J- devoid Christians are of three $crm. 
 The first u David's, which con^mf 
 thrice fifty psalms ; the second is thai 
 of our Blessed L(w/y, commwily called 
 the Rosary, or the Beads, competed of 
 thrice fifty Aves ; the third is the Psatf 
 ier, or Invocation of Jesus, lAick «m- 
 sisting of fifteen petitions, ftnd the gl<h 
 rious name of Jesus being t^ ie rtpeid'- 
 rd ten times before each of then, there* 
 petition i^ likewise made thrice fifty 
 times. It may be said as the Rosary^ 
 either nil at once, or at ihrke^ f which 
 will perhaps be better) cccordittg to thv 
 pefsmls devowm and leisure / /«>/»«- 
 much as this sacred name is not to % 
 repeated over hastily, bvt with grc^ 
 uv$Tcncc and attention, * |^ ^ 
ySj^^ 'Tilt Jesus PtalteB. 
 ^ .. 
 PAit 1.— Few mu^t begin with a devoid 
 fenitflecMm or bowing at the adora^ 
 le'name of Jesus, sayingi 
 Fthe name of Jesus let every knee 
 bow, of things in heaven, of 
 lUngs itt- e^th, and of things uncjer 
 the earth : and }et every tongue con* 
 i^t that our Lord Jesus Christ is \n 
 the Glory of God the Fatk^, Phil- u. 
 10, IK 
 Pird Petition. 
 Jesm, Jesus, Jesus. > ^^^^ ^^^^ 
 Jesus, Jesus, J^us, > ^^ ^^^ 
 Jesms, Jesus, Jesus, ) 
 ¥ESUS, have mercj on me, Go^ 
 H of compassion, an<! for^ve the 
 «iany wd gr^at offences I have com* 
 Haitted m thy s%ht. 
 Wfeiny have been the folUes of my 
 Kfe, and great are the miseries I have 
 idteseived for my ingratitude. 
 Bave ipercy on me, dear Jesus, for 
 I am veak ^0 Lord, he^ me, who 
 urn wiable to help myself^ 
 li^Uver me from setting my heart 
 tm^n ^i» €^ *hv cf eatureSj whicli may 
 ^ vert xif ejres from a continual lo^ 
 un to the^f 
TheJestis Psaker:-> t^ r 
 Grant me grace henceforth, for .the, 
 love of thee, to hate sin ; and, out ot 
 a just esteem of thee, to despise all , 
 •worWly vanities. _ 
 * Have mercy on all smnws, jesusj 
 I beseech thee ! turn their vices mttf . 
 virtues, and, making them trpe ob-. 
 servers of thy la%v, and sincere love^. 
 of thee, bring them to bUss m ever* , 
 lasting glory. , 
 Have mercy aisa en the S0id< in 
 purgatory, for the sake oi thybftter 
 passion, -I -beseech thee, and for thy 
 ijlorious name Jesus. , /-a^' 
 ' O blessed Trinity, one etenmt GdA, 
 have mercy on mc. ^ 
 Our Father, Sic. Hail Mar>', &c. 
 Second Pedfion. 
 Jesus, Jesus Je«"s» ) V ^ 
 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, > .tielpma 
 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, ) 
 lESUS, help mc to overcome all 
 •J tcniDtations to sin, and the mauc* 
 of my ghostly enemy. . 
 Help mc to spend my time m virtu- 
 otis actions, and in such labovirs a» 
 To rei>ist and repress th« motiofii 
 HWr*.--^- "w. ■• 
 >.it%> .>^&<w4»«oAi*>UiK<je 
 r - i 
 16S The' Jesus Psalier.' ^ m 
 of my flesh, in sloth, gluttony, ancf 
 ,w;,To render my heart enamoured of 
 yirtue, and inflamed with desires of 
 lorious presence. 
 Help me to deserve and Jceep a good 
 name, by a peaceful iand pious life, 
 to .thy hoiioMT/ Jesus, my own com^ 
 fort^ and the benefit of others. * 
 r ^#ljave raer^y cii all sinners, &c. 
 Our Fatherj &c. Hail Mar\\ &c. 
 Third Petition^ 
 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, ) 
 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, > Strengtiien me- 
 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, f) 'v.V- Vy r>^^? V 
 TESUS^ strdhgthen mt^ in soul and 
 ^ body, to please th^e in executing 
 such works^ of virtue a$ may bring me 
 to thy everlasting joy and felicity. 
 Grant me a firin purpose, most 
 merciful Sarioijr^ tb amend my lifd 
 and recompence for the years past. 
 Those ' yedrs which I have mispent 
 to thy displecwre, ih vain or wick* 
 t:ust<>pis, - 
 • Make my heart obedient to thy 
 ill the 
 to thj 
 ^ gr: 
 joy ai 
 of th 
s » 
 The Jesus Pidter. \Gq 
 ifl, and ready for thy love to pcrfonn 
 1 the works of mercv. „ 
 Grant me the gift of the Holy Ghost, 
 which, through a virtuous hfe, and a 
 devoM frequenting of thy most holy 
 sacraments, may at length brmgme 
 to thy heavenly kingdonu 
 * Have mercv on m smners, &c. 
 pur Father, '&b. Hail Mary, &c. 
 ui'pourth Petition. . 
 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,- ) "^ , ^ ^ 
 Jesus, JesHs-, Jesus, > Comtort mc. 
 Jesus, Jesusj Jesus, 3 ^ . 
 lESUS, comfort me, and give me 
 •^ grace to' place my chief, my only 
 joy and felicity in thee. ; ; 
 Send me heavenly meditations, spi- 
 ritual sweetnesses;' and fervent desires 
 of thy glory- ; ravish my soul with the 
 contemplation of heaven, where I shall 
 everlastingly dwell with thee. 
 Bring often to my tememln-ance thy 
 unspeakable goodness, thy gifts, and 
 the great kuidness which thou hast 
 fhewn to me. ' _ ' 
 mind the sad remembrance of my 
 to thy,. I 9jns, whereby J hav? so unkindlv <|: 
 \l i 
 The Jesus Fsatterl 
 fended thee, comfort me with the as^j 
 suranee of obtaining thy grace, by th< 
 spirit of perfect p#nance, which may! 
 purge away my guilt, and prepare md 
 for thy kingdom, 
 * Have mercy on all sinners, &c. 
 Our Esther, &c, Hail Mary, &c, 
 Make me coM 
 Fmh Petition. 
 JTesus, Jesus, jesus, 
 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, 
 Jesus, JesuSj, Jesiis, ^ 
 tESUS, make ipe constant in faith, 
 Y hope, an)4 charity; grant me] 
 perseverance in all virtue, and a reson 
 hitiori never to offend thee. 
 Let the memory of thy passion, 
 ^nd of those bitter pains thou suffer-^ 
 edst for me, strengthen ray patience,^ 
 and recreate me in lUl tr^ulation and, 
 Let me always hold fast the doc« 
 trine of thy Catholic Churca, and' 
 render me a diligent frequenter of all 
 holy duties. 
 Let no false delight of this dcceitfiU 
3%e 'Jetvs Psai'tcr. 
 U or fraud of the devfl shake my 
 My Heart which has for ever set vp 
 s rest in thee, and resolved to under- 
 lias all for thy eternal reward. 
 Have mercy on all sinners Jesus, 
 I beseech thee ; turn their vices mto 
 btues ; and making them true ob, 
 rvers of thy law, and sincere love«« 
 thee, bring them to bliss m eve»- 
 wting gl«y. , . 
 Have mercy also on the souls m 
 u-satory, for the sake of thy hitter 
 jtslon, I beseech thee, and for thy 
 Horious name Jesus. t « 4 
 O Messed Trinity, one eternal Go<», 
 tave mercy on me, ,, j » •„ 
 Our LoriJemChria htmUtdJmu. 
 «lf, fmng made obedient unto deat/k, 
 \Zn the death of the cro».. PhU. «• 8.^ 
 Hear these my petitions, u my 
 lost mercifM Saviour, and grant me 
 iv fiTOce so frequently to r^eat wul 
 t^nsider them, that they may prd^e 
 -easy steps, whereby my soul may 
 fclimb up to the knowledge, love, and 
Si 1 
 The Jesus Psalter, 
 jbiy neighbour, through the \vh< 
 course of my life. 
 ^ Our Father, &r. iiail Mary, 
 I believe ill God j ^c. 
 Part II. — Begin gs hefore^ samng^ 
 In the name Of Jesus, iftt ev( 
 knee bow, &c. * • ► 
 , -• . ' 'Sixth Petition, 
 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Enlighten 
 Jesiis, Jesiis, Jesus, > with spirituj 
 Jesu$, Jesus, Jesus, .) wisdom. 
 TESUS, enlighten me with spiriti 
 ^ wisdom to know thy gocdiniesj 
 and dll those things which are iho| 
 acceptable to thee. • 
 Gvant mfe a clear apprehension 
 my only 50od, and a discretion to oi 
 der my ifife according to it. 
 " Grant that I may wisely proce< 
 from virtue ' to virtue, till at length 
 arrive unto the clear vbion pf thj 
 glorious Majesty. 
 Pertnit me not, dear Lord, ton 
 turn to those Am for whicli I havi 
 borrowed, and of which I have purgt 
 myself by confession. 
 ^ Grant me grace to benefit the ggiii^ 
T' ■■ 
 7^^)Jes%is Psalter^ l*t^ 
 others by my good example, and 
 reduce those by good counsel, who 
 [iibehave themselves towards me. 
 * Have mercy on all sinners, ^c. 
 Our Father, &c. HaUMary^c^c. 
 Seventh Petition. 
 •sus, Jesvis, Jesus, y (jjant me grace 
 wus, Jesus, Jesus, > to fear thee. 
 ;sus,Jp8U% Jesus, V ,. ,, . ^ 
 [ESUS, granjt me grac? inwardly to. 
 fear thee, and to avoid all occasions 
 offending' thee, f , » 
 , Let thy threats of the torments 
 ihich are to fill on sinners, the d-ead 
 f losing thy love and thy heavenly 
 'iheritance, alVfajs keep me in awe. , 
 I Let me not dal-? to /einain m sm, 
 Ittt return soon to /(?pentance lest 
 iro' thy anger, the dreadful sentenc^ 
 \i endless death and damnation fa.l 
 ipon me. ,. .,, , € ^1 ' 
 L Let the poWerfulinterccssion ot thy_ 
 |)le9sed mother, aritl all thy saints, but 
 ibovc all, thy ov^ .1 mepts ana m^rcy, 
 I) my Sjivimir, ever be between^ thy 
 ivcnring justice and my poor soul. 
 . Enabfe me, O my God, to wofk oat 
 u- alvation with fear and trcmUUng, 
 i^kc Sesus Pi 
 ancMet the apprehensions of thy seci 
 judgments render me a more bumbll 
 and diligent suitor at the throne of tr 
 * Have mercy on all sinners, &c. 
 Our Father, &c; Hail Mary, &c. 
 Eight Petition, 
 Jesus, Jesus,,^ tolovetRee. 
 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, } 
 lESUSr grant me grace truly to lovi 
 ^ thee for thy iafinite goodness, an 
 those excessive bounties I have, au 
 hope for ever to receive from thee. 
 Let the remembrance of thy kin 
 ness and patience conquer the malic 
 and wrelehed inclinations of my.p 
 verse nature. 
 Let the consideration of thy man#^y 8* 
 deliverances, thy frequent calls, ^"4^^^-^ 
 coiUinual assistance in the ways of Wej^^'J^^ 
 make me ashamed of my ingratitude. """"'' 
 And what dost thou require of m 
 for aU thy mercies, or by them, b 
 to love thee ? And winy dost thou re 
 §oul b 
 . i. 1^ 
 Gpod? I 
 P my dear Lord ! my whole life rilall 
 face \ 
;^, nothing but a desire of thee ; and 
 )ecause I indeed love thee, I will most 
 iligently keep thy commandments. 
 * Have ?nercy on all sinners, &c. 
 Our Fatlier, iJj-c. Hail Mary, SfC. 
 Ninth I'etition. 
 5SUS, Jesus, Jesus, y Grant me grace 
 Us, Jesus, Jesus,> to remember 
 fesus, Jesus, Jesus, > my death. 
 £SUS, grant me graee always to re- 
 ' member my death, and tlie great 
 Kiccount I am then to give; that so my 
 koul being always well disposed, it may 
 Idcpart out of this world in thy grace. 
 I Then by the holy intercession ot thy^ 
 blessed Motbr, and the assistance ot 
 the glorious St. Michael, deUver me 
 from the enemy of my soul > and thou,^ 
 [my good angel, I beseech thee to help 
 jme at that most important hour. 
 Ther^, do^x Jesus, remember thy 
 mercv, and turn not thy most amiable 
 fkce away from mc, because of my of- 
 [fences. Secure luc against the terrors of 
 [that day, ^y caubing me upw to die 
 ! daflv to all authly thiiigs, and to have 
 y conversation continually in heaven. 
 MX %. r^cijubriuicg pf tliy^ea* 
II i 
 t -•■' 
 ]; i 
 176 T]ie Jesus Ftsttef, 
 teach me how to esteem msrlue, ant 
 .he memory of thy resurrection encouJ 
 rage me to descend cheerfully into the 
 grave.-- * « 
 * Have mercy on all sinners, c^c. 
 Our Father, <!i-c. Hail Mary, ^c 
 , , Tenth Petiiion. . 
 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, ;> Send me hen 
 Jesus, JesuV Jesvis, V m^ purga-] 
 Jesus, jesus, Jesus, ) *°''y- ; , 
 rTESUS, send me here ray purgatory 
 *^ and so prevent the torments ot ttiat 
 Cleansing fire >vhich attend* those soulj 
 m the ne?t world, that have not been| 
 sufficiently , purged in this. , -. 
 .;,Vouchsafp,tq grant me those mcr. 
 cifui' crosses an<i ailBictions which thou 
 seest necessary for th^.taking oft ti'y 
 uftections from all things here bdow. 
 - Since none can see thc^ that toyesl 
 dnv thing which is not for % sake, 
 suffer not my hpftrt to find any rest 
 here but in sighing after thee. 
 Too bitter, alas ! will be the anguish 
 of a soul which is separated from thee; 
 which desires, but cannot come m 
 thee, being clogged with the heavyj 
 chains of siiit 
3llfeif^w4r Pjrflen 
 I. .jm, wm ^ 
 Here, then; Saviouir, keep me 
 oon^nuaUy Bftortified in Ms vfodd; 
 tiiat bmg p^rged thoroiigWy wWi t^e 
 fire oi thy ioire, I may mame^fiy 
 pass from b©8#e into thy ^^ttestmg 
 posse^om^ , . -. - 
 ^ Have mftrcyon aUtaimers, O Jesus, 
 1 beseech thee; turn their vices mto 
 vutues, wd makiDg them true oo- 
 aenrers of % law, and aiucere layers 
 of thee, Wng tj^W to bliss m^^ver- 
 liauitkig glory/* 
 " Hav^ mercy sl?o on the souls m 
 purgatory, for die sake of thy bitter 
 passion, I beseech thee, wd for thy 
 glorious nsane Jesus, ,^ j 
 O blessed Trinity, oneet^rnsaGw,* 
 have mercy on me. ' ',,,,. 
 OurJjyrd J^sus Christ humbudmm" 
 $dfy bebig made ohedkni wito death 
 even the deaih of the cro^. Phil. ii. 8. 
 * Hear these my petitions, &c. 
 Our Father, &c. Hail Mary, &c. 
 I believe m God, &c* 
 Part IIL— i?^iim cm before, m^^S^ 
 In the name of Jesus let every knee 
 bpWj &c 
 MfH i 
 I IS Tkc Jesus J^sidm^^ 
 Eleventh Petition. 
 Jesns, Jesus, Jcsiis, 
 Jesiis, Jesus, Jesus, 
 to avoid, 
 jeSUS, jesus, ow'"". ? "•„,': J :n 
 lESirS, cfrant me grace to avow us 
 J compafy s or if I chance to co»>e 
 among such, I b«»«e«=h ^thee, by h^. 
 merits of thy "^»«^<^" '•"P* *^°f ,f;„f r. 
 a*,ong sinners, pie^rve me kom b^ 
 ing ovorcomc by any temptations to 
 ""caui'mc, blessed Xor4, to ^- 
 „,ember always wiih dread that Uvo", 
 who art present andhearcst, wilt tak^e 
 Tn account of all our words and ac- 
 tS4: and wilt judge m according .^o 
 ''' Sw dare I then qonverac with slan- 
 derers, liar*, drunkards, or s>*eaxers, 
 pwi& such whose discourse IS alhcr 
 .aiarrclsoroe. dissolute, or vain r 
 ^ Cress in me, O Jesus all inordi- 
 nafe Actions to carnal i>lc-^»";^' «^;^ 
 to the deUght of taste; grunt me the 
 Sace to avoid such company as 
 Sd Wow the fire of those unruly 
 appetites. J j„f„„,i fWwkdom' 
T^ Jesus Psalter. 
 le grace 
 oid, ^ 
 avowi ill 
 to come 
 by th€ 
 froni be* 
 iitions to 
 I, to Ire- 
 ;liat thou 
 ; and ac- 
 with slaxy 
 e i« cither 
 all inordi- 
 asiu-e, ard 
 tit me tHc 
 mpany as 
 )se uuruly 
 Viv wisdom 
 direct, thy fetherly pjty chajjtise ine, 
 and make nie live so here among men, 
 that I nray be fit for the conversation 
 of an^^els hereafter. , 
 * Have mercy on all sianers, «xx 
 Our Father, <S:c. Hail Mary, &e. 
 Twelfth jfcUtion. 
 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, 1 Grant me grace 
 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, > to cdl on thee 
 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, ) lor help. 
 l£S(JS, grant me grace in all niy no- 
 •^ ceshities to call on thee fc>r help, 
 faithiully remembering thy death and 
 resurrection lor my sutvation. 
 ' Wilt thou be deaf to my cries, tliat 
 wduldst lay d(Avn thy lifb for my raiv* 
 fiom ? Or canst thf>u not save me, 
 * that couldst take it up ti^jaiii for my 
 crovvn ? 
 ' Whom have I in heaven buf thee, 
 O my Jesus, whobc blesbed mouth has 
 proiiounced, CiM 07i me in the (iay of. 
 in>uUc^ and I wiU dcllvvr thee. 
 Thou art nvj sure rock of defence 
 agamct all sor.ts ot enemies ; thou art 
 my icady grate, able to strcngtlicn me 
 to every good work. 
 ■tv «» c 
 • iff/ 
 1 r\ 
 •-■ •• »•• • Hr ■« •• •* - 
 a 2 
all my weaknesses and teinptations, I 
 will conSdci^tly call on thee : he^.ipc, 
 O Jesus, uud when thou bearest iPaQ, 
 haTemercj% ^ . 
 * Hai^e mercv on all sinners, occ. 
 Our Father,' &c. Hail Mary, &c. 
 Thirteefitb Petition 
 Je?5MS, Jesus, Jesus, i Make mo per- 
 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, > severe m Wr 
 Jcsus, Je^us, Jesusj J tue. ^ 
 lESlKS, iniikc me persevere m avir- 
 ^^ tucus andgood lite, and xi%\&' ps^ 
 over thv service, till thoU bringestme 
 to ni V reward in thy kingdom- ..v 
 In' all pious customs and holy du- 
 ties, in iTV honest and necessary em- 
 ployments, confirm and strengths* 
 O ix)rd, both my soul and body. ^ 
 Is my Ufe any thing but a palgnpir 
 2120 on eaitb towards the New. Jerusa- 
 lem, to which be that sits down or 
 mrnsout of ifehe way can never ar- 
 rive ? , . t^ 
 O Jesus, m^e mc always consiaer 
 thv bie-^cd example ; through ho^^ 
 niVh i)ain and hew little pleasure 
 thou 1 ^sciit m towards a^ bitter 
 U^v .^.».t.' tin a. 0l''^?lQUS 
 ^'.,.Al.^^-.,>, y\.:-.j 
Tii^iksus F Salter. 
 ions, I 
 est x»e^ 
 ry, &c. 
 in vk- 
 m aw- 
 ver givie 
 loly du* 
 down or 
 icvcr ar- 
 u^ bitter 
 M?Ae me, O my Redeemer^ seri^ 
 dtisly weigh those severe words of 
 thme, that M mXj that periicvete% ib 
 the end shall bi mved. 
 * Have mercy bti all sinners, &c. 
 Our Father, &Ci Hail Marj^, &t. 
 Fourteenth Petition. 
 Jc^Jr, JeStb; Jem^, ) Grant me grace 
 Jrims, Je^s, Je^s,> to fix my mmd 
 JesuSj Jiasai^ ' Je^tf, ) oti thee. 
 JESUS, grant me grace to fix my 
 iiAid on thee, Specially in time 
 of prayer, when i (&ectly convert 
 Stop theitwrtknis of rby wandering 
 head, the desires of tny unstable 
 heart, ahd suppress the power of mf 
 spiritual enemies; who endeavo* ur 
 that time to drLW my inind from hea- 
 venly thoii^s tom^fxy vaiti im^'a^ 
 tlons* * ' . , 
 So shdl I, t^ith joy and gratitude^ 
 look on thee as my deliverer iwm all 
 t^ evils 1 had escaped ; and as my* 
 betiefactot ^or aU- m gooi' "^mv^ 
 ever received, or can hope io:^. 
 I shall see that thor. ilipelf ^t iii| 
 5^ gs**^*** 
 . „ i««rt tVif"' more ana more* 
 make me love tnc mv . .„rn8lly 
 and by lotiP? taec. to be eternm y 
 ^TbeloTcd of my soal, take up all 
 n,V tSS her.: that n^y eye.,^ 
 s'»Ht^ may become worthy -^^'TL 
 ^ fec/to face, m Om^ gto^ *^ 
 ^^# W^ivp mercy ori all ^fnticr^ ifec- 
 -oS^Fai-.^^. ,H.U Mary, &C. ^ 
 ' 'Fifteenth Petition. 
 •^ Grant rtie grace 
 tP<m Jcstl^, Jesus,'? todrdermrjft; 
 J<pus, jesuN, o . / Reference 
 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, ^ wua 
 ^Jfc.«s, Jesus, Jesus, ^tojj^^tarn^ 
 J life with reterenco to my esernai 
 welfare heartily intending ahd w.*e!y 
 SS.g all the operations of my bo- 
 TmAlovA for the obtammg the r^ 
 ■^of thy infinite bfes, and eternal 
 ^^i'' what else is this world,_butn 
 1e©l to breed np souls, ana m luv,.. 
lec, to 
 ee; to 
 up all 
 t>iy for 
 fte grace 
 f t^^rntH 
 of xt\y bo- 
 tg the rp- 
 S eternal 
 rid, but a 
 A PmiS^ A^ociaiian. ^^ 
 for the other?. And hoy arr they 
 me^, but>by an eager desire oienpi- 
 ing «od, theii Oaly fodr ^ ,^^ 
 make it hamHle and obedieilt, Ora^t; 
 we grace tp depart hence w J^ a con- 
 tempt of tWsworid, and.a heart filled 
 wfeh joy at my^pxng to tj*^^^^^*^ 
 f. JMthememory ot.thypassion maKB 
 trcbeerfullj uadergoalf temptajog 
 pTsufierings here, fof thy loye wh Ut 
 Sv seuV breathesaiterthst WmtulWe, 
 prepared in heaveu-for, tW servante. 
 : O Jesus; let me frequently and at^ 
 WtivSy. Consider, that .^^^^ 
 -ain, if I li»c thee, «dl is. l««tr «"J 
 Whatsoever 1 lose, if I gam th«|, »» 
 is gained !. , ■ _*;. :|L, 
 * Have mercy .on aW^«?}"!^»J^l-j, 
 I believe ia God, &c. 
 . ^TnoWf'^^^r;^^ the 
 For u .perpetual .(rlo/W,"^. J^^^ 
 mtutno/our messed R^ff""Z,f;^^ 
 yiM^^he Approbathm ^Christoph^: 
 Bf8ismdiit» iate Lmd AtMiihap^f' 
 jhmii ^nd ea^rmtdfy a Decree #/i 
 JtoS^ H^msBlfimNl^ whb^ in 
 6M0r mprmn^andextemd tiie^mmep 
 t0s piemed tomramt tm Indukener^i 
 Mi MaCUsy m^Rmk^wAdm ^^ 
 JFi^M tkrougfmniike WmUi to** 
 mii^r&n^ to the Intent^ of his Hxm 
 rt>l®EEr p^ns<>nd, who ar^ tiiiStdl 
 ^ m oilr Lord b}> the bands of mu^ 
 tiiexmehrei; tb<»^ wthoiit any obli-^ 
 ^tion of ^OBKience, to |«»ctise aif 
 ejcerds* aS v4^guM^ iR*ich conrista 
 m di^tmtg the Thre« Omne Persons 
 ' three tiiaes a <ky, vk. in the iawH'* 
 ing, «t noon, aiKl at ta^^ recjtiaig 
 eadi time aev en Qlofia Patttn^ S^c. 
 or Ghjy be to the F^uhier^Sfc, mA one 
 Ami Of Hml Maty^ %c. to adore Ae 
 ioc^PHiion of *e Itemal Word, and 
 hodoif ifac mo^Hh^lj^ Vii#i Moriicr 
 of©^ I%e^ prayers m^ be said 
 iff* #(>miiimi, or sepiT^tei mtmMi^ 
 v*j MHn» a w^ i *****<«* v»* '"'4 
 ^t0^^9» » 
 :*■ i( 
 L fjersoM asflociated t and to the^ 
 \hatriii59e ttOiofiB mtiy be pcrpetimtei^ 
 ^i^ necessary thi^ the j«8o^ 
 EHf m^. either tqr^t^ ^^ 
 Sberwisc,lhi^ may reptir the loss, 1^ 
 that irtfai* JMthoA;^« J^^'/*^. 
 .tyWhe p€«peti«l%^ the taid of 
 of mu-^ 
 sy obli-i 
 !^e a^ 
 [i«d one 
 bre die 
 Krd, and 
 TH the ^«^e 0^ attend 
 . the praises of God to aU n»: 
 juadiyin the hearts of afl th« fatb- 
 mil, Mid iBcrease their ftaidfic •nd 1»- 
 ous sentiments towards the mort hoiy 
 Lord J««ls Christ,, >«hxch »r« theyniH 
 our most holy *«$«■ ^J^;^* 
 Li^ires of laany laoos penons, iws 
 tec^ gracionsly l-S^e^^ r™* £ 
\^ the Decree of Piun ^*^- 
 dT«Jry <tey of the wetk, und f«r^ 
 Sundays, seven years and ««ven timrt 
 forty •day* of indulgence, to all and 
 Sone of the f"*^^' ^^ .S'!!- fSJj 
 who. animated by the spint ot tatM 
 tod charity, Aall ^th the«r, own M 
 rtdod will form f^My society of thre. 
 Sns in honour «f the mort tet 
 trinity-, and who, iri fexerence of-th 
 mysteiry, at three several time, oft^ 
 diiv, viz. in the morning, fit noon 
 and at night,- shall aevouri.v, and 
 a contrite heart, repeat, eithe«-^"/< 
 ftron oi- al<nie, seven times the GM^ 
 mionctAvei or tlHiHaiiMar;/,m 
 Moreover, W» Holiness tt^gmcioosl^ 
 pleased *o gr^rit a Plenary Indulgence 
 Uich-the assbciattts may ^in tvm« 
 every moiith. on. any twrt bunday 
 they choofid, who «h^ll adopt the am- 
 tort of saying daily .the. ^bove^mc^ 
 tioned^ prayers, and after^ having con- 
 f?8sedahd eommiiniciited.^h».l praj 
 ifuring a simdi space of time Tor^hn 
 Wolinegs's intcntloa; And m <"»;;« 
 'i»ne ^ the sttsofiiates - should tail, i>J 
i:he Deem of Flui VII. iJ« 
 ^ust be careful to replace W-n or heir 
 Z choosing ..noth«r as spee; > as P^ 
 %\g iu order that tke m .l er ot Jwee 
 tvbe always complete H» HoU- 
 2 mo3 eL^ly *hurts m or^^ 
 Sd Xthe Wul net to neglect 
 t '^eTt advantage wlnck thj^ay 
 ^ Obtain, by thej)amcuI^JJo- 
 ^on of the Blessed Vurg^i^^^ot^ 
 Gad such succours ot divine grac^ 
 U^^ them tathe<^nt«mpla«. 
 Liead an umtornvtnt y ^ ^^ 
 advancing fr«n< >^rtue to wtu , 
 Uai ensure to them the finj( ) aie 
 Uema h=»Pl^>"^;..„e89 wilU that tlvi* 
 L.ln-fine, his i-^^^^fZ^Jany other 
 ^ict; notwHhstamhng any thing 
 "^ off*, holy €ongr^g'<>^^ 

 If 1^ 1^ 
 ■i> m g: 
 Shu "• 
 £ tis. 
 U ill 1.6 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
 (716) 873-4503 

 Inf^ace + oftheSerf. aic i 
 * - Jtife C. d^8m»^ Sec. to the 
 C. Indidg^ 
 JJ tofcir P«h«r, hjW% ara most 
 tendw oareat, 8ettl*M Kinrilk aiHltMsi 
 ^eathfed td his bd<n^e^ cflfeifll^ ths* 
 ^bodrand. Wood ; haVhia IsaC 
 ^Jltt to©6d the Fafh<*, he Went ottt 
 *<»n»wftit tfv«ii onto d»alh."» 
 _BijjM)Id, O Christfenj, the unspeaJ^ 
 ftteyeft M, for oar iiinmn»able sins 
 jerwhehned with sorrow, even tb 
 «««. Ah ! WB have offended by our 
 sins < 
 and ; 
 us cc 
 otU", ; 
 this < 
p Pretet^i 
 ^c. iaih^ 
 0e Pa^sioT^ofour. Saviour, l^ 
 ut of thii^ 
 iples i^ 
 ft l^ 
 used to 
 wal it 
 e sinS) 
 by our 
 $afes to expiate them by torments. He 
 took as much affliction and wmivf 
 upon himself^ as xni^lxt balance the 
 sins of the whole worW. O my soul, 
 and all you that love God, come,, let 
 us contemplate our dearSjiviour in his 
 agony. Xet "4S cqasdder how he hath 
 borne iojyuriniguiti^^ and been affliptedb 
 for our fins. Let us npt. then be un- 
 grateful tp, hisa, who hath suffered so 
 much in acc^pUshiig the worJ^ of 
 otor, salvation,. WiUch, with the fojen 
 sight of all those other tovments* he 
 was shortly to sniffer, was tlie cause of 
 hiished4ing sudi torre^tS!^* hlp[^ jp^ 
 this exci^uciatipg agony. ;: •- V- - 
 . Judas bctmy^ Cjtmtjiriili a Km^,'^ 
 TESUS, laxowing that Jud^vs wa^ f|«*: 
 *^ proaching with a great mi|lfcit^p|^ 
 to apprebeiul liim? ^vith w^uderf " 
 meekness goes forward to meet 
 And forthwitii Judas coming forw9r4 
 to Jesns* said, Hail, Kabbi, uudki§sed 
 him. Jesus tarns not his face .away, 
 whilst be dauapis the kiss of. his ^a^ 
 crcd n^oii^i, but meekly re|ilieii^ 
 Frw)}d^ mherejbrt' art thou come f Aj^ft 
 iHic should say, Have I dc5trve4.thfa; 
 Meditations on 
 of thee, O Judas ! • Have I ofiend^ 
 thee by washing thy feet ? Friend, ti^ 
 iivhat art thou come ? Such was ^ 
 kindness of Christ towards the wdtbi 
 "that betrayed him. * " ' 
 * After such an instate of bouildl^ 
 ^lemehcy^ who diife despair of tto 
 mercy, O Jesus ? If to a tiaitor th^ 
 hast been so friendly, what wilt thob 
 be to those who sigh «ifter thee, ji^ 
 desire to love thee with thcfir Whofc 
 hearts ? Let us l^arti then, fmtiftlie 
 example of Christ, Aot to seek ii%- 
 Venge, but to behave ourselves wi 
 mildness towards those that injui*e 
 Chrhi k bound and ledtoAtmtis^^^ 
 rr iiE^;d'a%' high-piiest Annas ill- 
 ^ ceitfully questions Jesus cwjcerti- 
 ing Ws dibciples and his doctrine, 'Si 
 drdcrthat he might, out ofhfs oMi 
 words, lay hold of some oecasion to_ 
 tondemn him. But the Seai-cher d 
 Hearts, perceiving Lis tiaudulcntf ffc 
 tentions, said nothing of his disciples ; 
 but, as to that which concerned his 
 doctrine, he prudently replied, '* 1 
 have spoken openly to the world r I 
 hare always taught ir, the sjnci^oguf, 
 or c 
 us le 
' riend; 1^ 
 i was ^ 
 he wreJllh 
 ir of tte 
 aitor th.^ 
 wilt ihxk 
 tkee, jifi^ 
 Efir Whofc 
 ' piC Tai^n^^ pur Saviour. |^| 
 [w:licre all the Jews do meet. . Why 
 4©8| thou ask me /f^ Ask those whp 
 jhtavc heai\l what I have spokqii tp 
 theni« BeUQld thes^ know wixat I 
 have said.'! And Vihw he had said 
 .these words, ppepf the servants, who 
 ^tpod by, gp^Y^ Je^jis a blow on the 
 &ce, sajing : *f ©piit thpu answer the 
 ,jtigh*pmst fiot?": Jehus received the 
 (|yU)w^ith une^i^ampled inildncss, and 
 |m4» ** It! J have hjxaken *evii, give te"s»- 
 fi*<Wif HHel ^f^^way ^f the evil j but if v^eil, why 
 seek i^ 4p^^ thou strike nie ?*? 
 Ives with! ijP ipvely.Jesijs, thou most ifeeek 
 l^lb of Gcd> with what, y^m- 
 iSerful patience ,h^st thou pernutte4 
 %\\y beautiful fac^, the .deJigfat and 
 f4inj;;;^tioa of angeis^ to b^ cruelly 
 beateii by a vile slave ?. Let us, then, 
 proud aad impatient Christians^ wIk> 
 are disturbed at every trifling v.ord 
 pr contradiction, w^akc our ssufiering 
 $aviour the pattern of our lives. Let 
 us learn of him, liorhe ismeek and 
 humble of heart. Let n^ contemplate 
 him throughout his passion, and we 
 &haU |iot discover bun once moved 
 )vith indignutipn agaau;t Lij enemies 
 Lnnas dl- 
 ^ctrine, % 
 fhfs oMi 
 ai-cher pi 
 lulcntf ffc 
 disciples ; 
 .Tncd his 

 Meditations tm. 
 >ut, on the contrary, returning thrir 
 insults with sw€eti3[^ in every word 
 and action. 
 Christ is sent' to Cmphas. 
 ^TNNAS sent Jeims bound to . Cai- 
 -f^ phas, who was high-priest for 
 that year, at who«e house the chief 
 priests, scribes, and ancients of the 
 Jews, were assembled for the purpose 
 of contriving how to ^eliiver Christ i^ 
 to death. This widc€Ni high-priest 
 haying heard the false witnesses which 
 summed apinst him, yet could ^ t6at 
 no cause pfdieath in, our Lord. 
 ^ yied at this disappointment) and 
 bemg in a great ivsty, he said unto 
 Jesusj t adjure thee, by the living 
 God, tliat thou tell us if tho?; beest 
 Christ the Son of God ? Our Saviour 
 hearing the ^nvocat^lon f God*s holy 
 name, thro' reverence to his Father, 
 answered, " Thou ha$t said it : never 
 thelcss I say unto you, here' fcr yei 
 shall see the Son of Man sitting on 
 ^he right-hand of the power of God, 
 and coming in the clouds of heaven." 
 Then the high^priest rent his gar* 
 mmif^ saying, He hath blasphemed 
 if est 
f .WM-< ^^ii.4' 
 ery word 
 1 toCai*' 
 priest for 
 the chiei 
 ts of the 
 le purpose 
 Christ If 
 yet could 
 our Lord, 
 nenl^ and 
 md unto 
 he living 
 101 ; beest 
 r Saviour 
 iod*s holy 
 s Father, 
 t: never- 
 e ' r* er ye 
 itting on 
 of God, 
 his gar* 
 phcmed :^ 
 r -■.!% 
 :c rasston, ^^ j95 
 what noed^ We any more wltn^sifs ? 
 Then the standers^y cried out, He is 
 guilty of deatji. And faffing upon Him, 
 they instantly Mtve veftt , to all their 
 malice agaipst lifah. One'spu on fc&n ; 
 % second^ buffeted, him oi{ th0 face ; 
 tbis pulled hiia down ; the Other drag- 
 ged him Ky tljie ^[air of his beard* and 
 hfiad : verifying what^the prophet had 
 S|id in hi$ p^on, " I ; iiave given my 
 eneeks to iW&se that t^ar them, I jbtavo 
 Abt turned aw^ynijrfacd from fhosq 
 that rebuked and ^it upon mel** 
 ' ^hristis ledfrdm eaiphds to PileOe^ 
 t if^^o sent Mm hound to Herod. 
 ■jp^ARLY the next m^ the jews 
 ^^ asseipbled together^ and leading 
 Jesiis into their council, ejtmhined 
 him over again; and putting a mali- 
 cious consf ruction iinon his words, 
 uvjheh they had Ijeafd him say, Hewasi 
 the Son of God, they exclaimed^ We 
 h^ve h^rU him blaspheme. Then 
 they led him bound to Pilate, that he 
 might be condemned to death; After 
 Pilate had heard the false accusations 
 of the Jews, as soon as he understood 
 that he was a Galilean, he s^nj Mm 
 3i(ediiation^ on 
 bound to Herod; who then ruled Iil 
 Galilee, and he hearing much <rf the 
 miracles of Ghrist, was curious to see 
 hiin. Hoping that he A«)uld- work on^ 
 in his presenfee. But Jesus, seeing that 
 curiosity and vanity were the motives 
 of his dttires, thought him unworthy 
 cither of a word, or of a tairade. He- ^ 
 rod being thu* disappointed, m^derisi- 
 on cloathedhim with a white aiAlmot- 
 Icy garraenti artd withindlgiiation sent 
 him B^k to Mate. 
 Thus ^aa Christ our Lord piiarnntted 
 himself ti> be dragged from ju(^* to 
 judge : tlhrs does he suffer m aU> 
 places, and from ail pdrsohs, affront^: 
 and persefculaoirt: thus did he become, 
 as the prophet foiretoia, the reproach 
 of men, arid tlie oUtfcast of iHe peop e./ 
 But let us consider -for whom does he 
 snffcr : for mm, lost sinlul'^ttan; Let; 
 us reflect 6ii the odgftct of hii suffer-^ 
 ings : love ! The love and desire ot 
 our eternal salvation obliged^ hini to 
 assume our nature ; and by his suffer- 
 ings and death hiake satisfaction tor 
 die ^ of thtt wfetjle world. 
 f the' 
 to see 
 k on^^ 
 g that 
 derid- ' 
 n sent 
 Ige to 
 in alt 
 kres he 
 * Let 
 gire of 
 bim to ' 
 on. tor 
 Iif,r^d. send;^ Christ back again to Pir-, 
 late. He is scourged at the P^or^- 
 and crowned mth Thorns. , 
 n HE Jews having birough^ Ghris* 
 -*" back to Pilate^ renewed their adi. 
 cusatiofis agaiq^t tiim, in&rier to put 
 Hiin to deadi ;'Wt Pilate seeing th^^^^ 
 envy and meiicc alone had'"trans|wrtedt ■ 
 the Jews, anifindirig no cause otdea^^it' 
 in Jesus, hf tried^all mcaiis to ddiv^ 
 him out of tkeir liands; Fojf thk )p^ 
 pose he took advantage of the; custom 
 of setting i ^prisoner free at the feasi 
 b|C the pasisoycr, iii hopes of liberating 
 ^|sus, but the Jews were rather for 
 lib^ratingt Bai'abl)as, a • thief and a 
 Ihurderer.' In fine, with a view to 
 Content them, without putting Jesujf 
 to death, he caused hu^i to be sco^|f- 
 ed, then left him to his soldiere, Jfho 
 put a erb^n of thcipis on, hiff head, 
 covered hBn with an ol4 purbl#<dIoak, 
 and, in ^t^ision, put a reM into hfs 
 hand ins^d of,a sceptrie : in this 
 jfhjmner^fifey saluted hirii khig, bunt- 
 ing him, anAspittingiri' his face/ 
 Comenowi O Christian soitfs/ ilail 
 w^ Ajlcfial, hearts HjiJhold^ jour 
 Jl^t^taHoHS m ' 
 oKMise Jesus Cbnst, the gwry m 
 ^emvn, bouwl %o a pillar, and ^ deli. 
 rcK^ mi to whips andsconrges, in the 
 -h^iMb of iiis merdless executioners. 
 SeeirithHAatabafbafoiis liberty they 
 winind'sBd tortufeK* delicate antf 
 tdider body ^th stnp0. t'oiisMer , 
 vriiat e»feeisive torments our dfear Ke- 
 deetter 1611st have suffered when that , 
 Aori^ crttwh ^^as ptess^J 06^ his sa- 
 ctied head. Behold, youihat love Jesus, , 
 h6w your beloved i* afflicted. We have 
 ttnoed, bat' Christ has suffered the pu^ 
 i^hnieot We have followed the Msts 
 of the flfesh, and Christ hath deUvcred' 
 up to body and blood for'the" exp:a- 
 don «f our sini. .. 
 ' ehriit condemned and erttctfied. 
 tJILATE caused. Christ to appear ^ 
 ^ t^ofeihe Jewis iifa purjjltf g^r- 
 tnenl^ wkh i'cro^n of tfiorhs onlus 
 hfad, «»yin^^ J?M«/i (he mmu But 
 tW, far JFrmHnddng compassion cir 
 bim, vocifcrou5.i demand^ tohave 
 iim crucified, tlireatening Pdatc Nvith 
 , the emperor*s displeasure, if he sufier^ 
 " ^ n ^m to five who styled himscU 
 feb^ Pilate at length complied with 
 [ that 
 (is sa- 
 Fesus, ■ 
 I have . 
 j Msts 
 ippear ^ 
 t gar-' 
 on his 
 . But 
 on on" 
 id wit^b 
 tJtelr deniauds ; Tint, washing' 
 ^ hands, pretexted he wafHnnoceiJt 
 '>iis death. The Jews ntade answ^): 
 •' Let bis blood faU upon ui, wii iqi* 
 on our children." Jesua, bearing m 
 ' cross, was then led to a place nc»r je^ 
 'tusalem, called G^gdiJia, cyr Cahrar^ 
 -and there, having his.h^dsjilMl fi^ 
 pierced Witt gross naif s, jyi as'4Viicifi€|^ 
 between two thieves. Gall and vine- 
 gar were' given Jii^n to quendi \m^ 
 thirst, as had been foretold hy David 
 and Isaiah : m^ when the prof^edes 
 concerning jus sufferings were M^l» 
 ed, he s^d, vi// ii ^»i&&eirf| ^anil gaf^ 
 lip the Ghost. " • - " - ^ 
 Bclidid, thetl, idearX^hrist%i%.l^ 
 our Lord haib shewed jis, as in a 
 glass or mirror, ^the form and paltcM 
 of Christian prefectiqn. Whoever, 
 therefore, aspjii'es to a truly wtnoas 
 life, itisnece^iy ^ey tbke up tliaii^ 
 eross, and, with Christ, dfeto ^tii 
 vices : die t9 their passions: die t4 
 their lij^sts 2 die k) seltlovc, self-wiB, 
 and to all tilings but him. HearkeH 
 to iit. Paul : ** I axn festenad^vrit^ 
 Christ to the cross* Iliye ndw, jnij^ 
 Meditafions m 
 I, but Christ liveth in me. TSie 
 %drki is crucified to me, and I to tlie 
 " lj*t m, therefore, with the same 
 ^p6stl€, know nothing but Jesus Christ, 
 %fia him crucified. But, alas ! how 
 ^ttle do #e imitate his example ! 
 «oiy impcpfectlj do we copy this 
 itivine model ! How peevish iXi sick- 
 : "Jiess i How enxjous after ri^medies ! 
 4low indulgent to our passiiwis I How 
 ' 4dlidtdus in the fconcems of this short 
 Wei >Hciw^ttg<er in our pursuits after 
 Ccrisli^le riches ! how vain wd 
 ' ■pf^i^, in cloathing «nd decora^g 
 : our persons ! How much concern for 
 ^'^at is temporary and tr^^usitory, how 
 -a-^artttess of oi|r spiritual and eternal 
 -^<»a'i 'Approach, then, O Christains, 
 fb^Jhrist ^eSttS, hangii^ on the cross ! 
 «Lre we #iWew ? \sre have here a pro- 
 pitiation for ^In. Our nature, before 
 ^ected by the poison ctf the serpent, 
 S bdwhMed by the balsam of our 
 Cord's ^ecious blooa, *nd rendered 
 prety and fruitful Ky thfe Infeaion and 
 / ^ctfficatiou of the Holy Ghost. Bo 
 §i£li»^ pppress lis, let itsgo wf^CQt^r 
 ,,%_il:.i«,f ,I«!I5I^*'.M".'' ^f^> 
 to the 
 ! how 
 nple ! 
 >y this 
 te sick- 
 ledies ! 
 I How 
 is short 
 t$ after 
 1 md 
 ern for 
 I cross 
 J a jjro- 
 ion and 
 It. Bo 
 the Passiotiy ^c. 
 ^dence to our crucified Redeemer : 
 detest our crimes ;]repent of our feulU; 
 bewail our sias ; and with an hiunWe 
 and contrite heart implore his mercy, 
 'saying from the bottom of our souk, 
 O Jesus,' be to us a Saviour. Let n0t 
 thy prc^ciousWpod shed 4vith so mi^qh 
 love, beipilt for us in vdm. ThHic 
 yie ai-e, ^nd tothee we have recourse. 
 Thou h^st purchased us; thou ha»t 
 tede^ed u^ Hide us within thy 
 wounds, wash us in the laver of thy 
 >iodd, and ^be .mc;rcifiil $o us ^?aor 
 ini^rabl^ sinm^-s. By persevering thi» 
 jp the foot of the jcross ^e inay ^^^ 
 gently rdy on it, , that our grac^ 
 />us Lord x$ not ;onlv willing |m 
 .ready to seal our parcion, but over- 
 joyed when we ask him forgiyene$$. 
 Do wc desire Jo become tme lover? 
 ;of God ? Heboid oi*r Saviour, thp 
 Xountwn of aU ^odness, na^ed to t^ 
 cross for ihe love .of us. BehoJldMs 
 loving arms extended to embrace us j 
 see his head inclined to seal our p^- 
 don with tlje kiss of peace. Attend 
 'how his heart languishes and panft 
 N 4 
 i^^^isditatiom on the Pafdon, ^^, 
 Xvith love. O what arguments, whiit 
 demonstrations are these of his bouna- 
 less love towards us ! WJiat blandish- 
 inentf;, what ElluiSbments, what irrd- 
 jsistiblc attractions do they afford us 
 of love towards him ! Let us, like 
 industrious Dees, ^0 from flower to 
 jflower, growing on mount Caharj^, 
 irom wound to wound, from mystery 
 to mystery, exhibited' on the cros?, 
 from whence we inay plentifully 
 toVtfti the honey of love. Let xit 
 lieheoforth desist from inurmurings, 
 tomplaints, and discouragements, it 
 whal-evef wantt or miseries may her6«» 
 Bft<3r befal us : seeing the King ^ 
 glory, tbie Son of Justice, lie who 
 adbros the skicJs, and beautified the 
 heavens, the Lord df lords; the mirror 
 of purity, became pocir, naked, foiw 
 lorn, and lifeless for okr instruction. 
 Let us theiij immediately abandon the 
 plea^ures^ contemn the honours and 
 foolenes of this short uncertain world. 
 tiiid fcfipire to that bliss prbrtiscd by 
 tlie words and shininirin the life of oifr 
 tivine Seviow ^ " Btessed arc the poo? 
 • • »*■ 
 Reflections on Deaiit. 
 in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom ^f 
 A short Prayer in honour of our 
 Savionr^k Passion. 
 f\ Most sweet Lord I my R edecmef 
 ^ Jesus Christ, v ho WaS sent down 
 hy thy heavenly Father, and of thy 
 own jtccord didst suffer the moj^t cruel 
 and bitter patns of' the cross, by firit 
 carrying it dn' thy blessed shoulders^ 
 and" afterwjlrds dying thereon,' that 
 th<m mightest'not only ' purchase rc-# 
 f'cmption for Us, but hlso leave us pk 
 most perfect example of patience *t 
 thro* all thy sufferance, and the eiTu- 
 siohs of thv'precioiis blood, I, a misen 
 rable sinner,, humbly beseech thy in- 
 finite Majesty 'to deliver me from the 
 dangers of this life, and from ever- 
 Jiisting deatfi. ^i^ijVrw, 
 ' Brjflcctiohs on Death. 
 T\EATFI will quickly overtake 
 ^ us ; and thercfbrc it behoves us 
 to be on our ghard. To-day a ma^ 
 is livhig, and to-morrow he disap- 
 pears; and bems: once out of siglit, 
 he is also quickly out of mind. Out 
 bodies will soon become the food 'Jt 
 m- 1 
 i! ' 
 M f :■ 
 $0^ Reflections on DeatTu 
 worms ; and why then should ^e 
 pamper them ? The ho^ir will soon 
 come, wherein we must take a long 
 farewel of all things in this life ; why 
 then do we set our affections so much 
 on thern? We must bid adieu to 
 wife, husband, children, friends, 
 plentifulest^es, and t^ke our flight 
 foto anpther ^untry, ' where all we 
 ^t such a value on here will appear 
 as vanity. Many die suddenly. Let 
 us do p^^ utmost, therefore, now 
 whilst weTiave time to accumulate 
 together etOTial riches in Tieayen. JUet 
 us labour to live in such a * inani|€r, 
 that at the hpuK of de^^th we may 'ra* 
 ther have ca^ise to rejoice than fear. 
 I/et us learn .betimes how to di<5 to 
 the world,' that we may hereafter 
 tve with Christ, let us endeavour 
 to contemn ' all ^ earthly things, that 
 our souls may be thought worthy to 
 meet with h6 obstacle in their flight 
 to our Lord apd S^\iour after death. 
 Let us examine ourselves lietimes, and 
 only evil which makes death terrible. 
 %^ US |rfacQ dciith always before our 
 hoiild niQ 
 will soon 
 ke a long 
 life; why 
 s so much 
 adieu to 
 our flight 
 ire all we 
 ill appear 
 nly. Let 
 are, now 
 ayen. Xt€t 
 ; may ra* 
 han fean 
 :o di<5 to 
 ngs,' that 
 worthy tQ 
 leir fiight 
 ;er death, 
 inies, and 
 I teiriblc. 
 cfore our 
 cye^, and be as cireuDi ^act over all 
 our thoughts, worJs> and actions, as 
 if we knew them to be the last of our 
 lives. " Remember, man, thou art 
 but dust, and to dust thou must re- 
 Reflections on the Love of God. 
 WE are Indispensably obliged ta 
 fove God above all things : it 
 *is our duty to love him more than 
 !frien4s, company, riches, pibiisures, or 
 even our yery seiveb : What Ahull iepa^ 
 rate me from the lave of God? (says the 
 japostle.] Shall trUmlation, distress, or 
 famine ? Shall danger, 'pej^scnition, or 
 'the tword f Neither life nor death, fwr 
 ^ny things $hall diminish the love' J 
 iear to Jesus Christ. Rom. viii. Arc 
 w^ df this resolute disposition ? Cah 
 '"^e say it, since we have tnown the 
 weakest temptation of the devil, the 
 J>ase^t suggestions of the flesh, the vil- 
 est pleasures of a viiiri woviii) gaia 
 upon our heartfi, and wholly^ sii>aratiE^ 
 |h<?i»fr9m the lov^ pf Oo4 " 
 A, i 
 r ■ '•, .. 
 Rp^tciimifiy S^c. 
 IVi^hout the love of God, ^ui 
 [uage ( 
 %vords lire dcaiL Do we believe iiiP^^^J^' 
 'Jesus Christ ? Do we cheerful ij relieve ^^".^ . 
 jthe poor ? Have we courage t^ de- ^^V 
 liver our bodies up to the ftiUi cs ? St W ^ 
 Paul assures us all this avails Tiolhin^ *^ 
 \vithout the love of .GotL Do we ut^ 
 feet regularity in our lives ? po w 
 pray, or undertake voluntary morlifi 
 .catk)ns ? ^ We (He btiil nothing v.ithoil 
 ,th-e love of Go^. ' 
 Let us thcrclbre ?o\?€ him with our] 
 ^vhole hearts. '" Love," says St. Au-| 
 ^ustme,!!** and 46 what thou wHt/^ 
 Nothing is'' hard to hiu\ thi^t truly] 
 5oves; the saic[ts found it fo by cxpe-| 
 rience ; for^ tiiaiigh their torinchts 
 *%vere in theiriselves cruel, luvc trans- 
 formed therii iiwO roses ; though tlieir 
 \erc II 
 ry ou 
 he sai 
 lit in( 
 ifn al 
 ihi SI 
 te w 
 at her 
 God i 
 inade than the i}istrur4ents of th^ir ff*;f^:^"' 
 future ddrv. •• • - ¥^ ! , 
 ExAniiae yourselves, and see iftheff ;\ 
 InVf* fii' ClnA line ffin ri-rt-itr.tit^A r^C tr/^iir ■JrCuK.I 
 : s*;-t.s:il;r ~^, 
 thoughts; seeii'it directs your daily 
 ;actions ; implore* this graee lu icr- 
 'Vtiit pravcr, suying often, in the lau* 
 liy relieve 
 ae T^ de 
 Marks of the Lom of God. 20S 
 uage of the Church, " Come, Holy 
 [(fhost, replenish our hearts, and en- 
 kindle in them the fire of thy love " 
 On the Marks of the i^ove o) 
 TE often say we love God, and . 
 are, alas fas afteti mfstj^^'^'n : 
 >^\vo .>? tl\ere is scarcely a diiy passes over our. 
 , jT)^ ^^,lieads, wherein we do not trequently 
 V n^orl3fl*'*y ^^^» OLord, /love thee; whilst at 
 ^ withoV J*^^ *'^"^^ time otir a^ffections to sin,| 
 ^ *^ "ipiir indulged passions, our cherished 
 with ourr"P^^^^^^^^"^' ^^ aWbst our daily 
 ,_ qx ATrPCtionsr, give the ifetbour words. ^. 
 ; "^ -u n! To lolT^^ God^ trtih^ we must love 
 ^ " *^ifn above all tfiings/:^ fe onr fove of. 
 ifti such ? bo not the things of thi» 
 rdrld stand irf competition with it ? 
 ite we prepHred ta lose all thmgSj,^; 
 ather Chaft his love? .The love of 
 God is disinterested : it seeks not it- 
 hi^t truly 
 fcif expe- 
 JVC trans- 
 ai^h tiieir 
 love diii- 
 . 4^».^.X»elf, but what belongs to God. Such 
 , tnougnr__._' . i..:., . r.- ^^ i...;^ !.;,« 
 iUH, love 
 . of th^ir 
 ice if the 
 )ur daily 
 ; m ier- 
 the lao* 
 bu>t be our love : we must love him 
 )ecause he b infinitely good in him- 
 serf, rhe love of God is active : it not , 
 mly hes burning iii the breast, but 
 )reaks fot^thjabd r Hpcars ' in tdl the 
 Sot Mflfii of the Love (jT Gotf* - 
 ■ ( 
 dcticms of the lover. Does our lovc^ 
 do so ? Are our thoughts sweetened' 
 ^ith l<)ve? Do ciur words breathe 
 fprth Ibve? Are our actioifts erfibel- 
 lished with love ? 
 The love of God is undauked : it 
 regards not what the world can say: 
 no affections to creatures is capable of 
 shaking it: it fears riot the malicioui 
 suggestions of Satan : it bids defiance 
 to the alluring charms of the flesh : it 
 dreads not the sckndalous reproaches 
 oT the envious, nor even death itself. 
 Is our love so victorious ? The l^ve of 
 God is patient, humble^ chaste, re* 
 signed: ala^ ! we cahnot say cmrs i^'; 
 such, since the least contradiction 
 puts us in a ferment, since the small- 
 est disappointment rendJers us so imf 
 (i^tient, since we magnify ourselves 
 upon every occasion, and pamper our 
 bodies so delicately in diet and ap- 
 parel. . ', ^ . 
 Examine yourselves, arid resolve to 
 dispel whatever may overcibud your, 
 love of Oodr When you find it ac-* 
 jarued with these niarks, ycu iuHjr 
 tlie sa 
 have { 
 it to J 
 : men 
►ur love 
 ted : it 
 ;an say : 
 pable of 
 lesh : it 
 Ji itself. 
 iste, re* 
 ours i^'; 
 e smali* 
 i so im* 
 ip'er our 
 and ap- 
 !Solve ta 
 lid your, 
 d it ac-* 
 Morning Pmj^rSy ^c^ ^bt 
 issure yourselves it cannot be coun- 
 terfeit. Divide not your hearts be- . 
 tvvoen God and the world ; look upon 
 the saints, there you will see they 
 loved God with their whole heart. 
 -•«*■* -• * - ■ y 
 Blessing your '\' self , saj// 
 OMy God, accept of my niiost 
 humble thanks for having pre- 
 served me tiiis night from sudden and 
 [unprovided death : and that as you 
 have given me this day, so by the as- 
 sistance of your grace, I may employ- 
 it to your honour and glory. Amen. 
 A Morning Hymn. 
 REfrcsh'd with sleep, I gladly rise 
 I To pay my morning sacrifice ; 
 dbeg, kmd Father, thou wouldst 
 ritli wonted love my earnest pray'r. ' 
 N the naiT>e of the Father,' and of 
 the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. 
 orning PrUj/eri 
 BLessett be the holy and undmd^<t 
 . Trinity, now, and for evermore. 
 ^men. > . , . ^. ., i 
 Then say,^ Our Father, Hail Mary, and 
 J believe in God, as in pp. 8 and 9, 
 and afterivardSf 
 ^ Confess to Almiglity God, to 
 ,. blessedi Mar^ e^er a^ Virgin, to 
 t)fesf;ed Michael the .Archangel, to 
 blessed John the Baiitist,^ to theholy^ 
 apostles. Peter and Panj, and to ali 
 tbe saints, that I have f i'nrned exceed- 
 ingly in thmight, word, ai^d deed, 
 through my fault, through my fault, 
 through my, most grievous fault. 
 Therefore I beseech the blessed Mar^V 
 ever a Virgin, the blessed Michael the 
 j^rchangel, the blessed John the Bap- 
 tist, the holy apostles Peter and Paul, 
 and all the saints, to pray to the Lord 
 our God for me. * 
 May Almighty, Goclhave mercy on 
 me, forgive me my sins, and bring me 
 to everlasting life. Anien^, . ■ . , ; 
 May the almigl^ty %nd merciful 
 Lord grmil me pardon, absorution, and 
 icmiisslon of £iirii>y riiis. Amc?^, 
 H ' 
 for ChUA'cn, 
 ^f ary, ana 
 • 8 and 9, 
 God, to 
 rirgin, to 
 ai^l, to 
 the :holy. 
 id to aU 
 d exceed- 
 i^d deed,* 
 my fault, 
 ms fault, 
 sed Mar^V 
 Lchael the 
 r the Lord 
 mercy on 
 I bring me 
 A Morning frayer, 
 ALMIGHTY Lord God, who hast 
 brought me to the b€^iiuing of 
 tRis day by ycrur powerful grace, so 
 conduct me through it, that I may 
 not fall into arty sin, but rather die 
 than offend thee. To yqu, O my God, 
 I offer up all my thoi^htg, words, ac- 
 tions, and sufferings; begging they 
 may be united ^ and sanctified by thfe 
 passion and dearfi of my dear Redeem- 
 er, tq youf honour and glory, in satis- 
 faction ftiir my sins. And teach me, 
 sweet Jesus, to be m^ek ^nd humble 
 ofh^l. Amen. 
 Jfer mridren und^r tHeir Parents^ COre. 
 O^'tffiAVENLY Father, who com- 
 maitdest us to love, obey, re- 
 spect, and honour our parents, grant 
 that I jnay always comply with this 
 thy command, by being very faithful 
 in ^e performance of all it enjoins, 
 and in never doing any thing ^pntrary 
 thereunto, - 
 5Iuy I ever deny mj^elf in ^ law* 
 fui tiings, to please my paJreutsf andf 
 obey them in whatever thejf canju^y 
 fC'iuixc or expect from m^ Le^ ubit 
 ^- A tJkitf* 

 SlO Morning Frayerii 
 jjcvCT contradict them, nor so dispute 
 *agaiiist theii- proposals as to make 
 them uneasy. May t always consult 
 theiii in all that concerns them or my- 
 self. May I ever l>e deaf to those who 
 suggest the desni^ing or neglecting ot 
 my parents* advice- JVlay 1 never afflict 
 them by ibllow ingl)ad Counsel, wicked 
 company, or any evil ways. ^ May I al- 
 ways study to b^ their coiiifort, in rer 
 eoiupense lor all the care,'troiible, and 
 love they have had for ine^ May I never 
 shew any impatience at their infinni-r 
 tfci, much let>s mock at any .y^faknes^' 
 t y which they are subject. 
 Direct me, O uiy God, in pery 
 thing relating tQ my duty, and «itter 
 n;> change of circumstance to withi* 
 draw ine Iroih it. ^May I, in no luw- 
 ftil cpfaccrh whatever, offend |ny pa- 
 rents oh etu-tk, nor displease thee, my 
 Father, wlio art in heaven. 
 J iraytf to th^ Saints and Angels. 
 ALL you holy saints of God, par- 
 ticularly you whose name 1 bear, 
 wrd all ye holy angels of Qod, espe- 
 cially you whom God has appointe4 
 to be my guardiuxi^ [uuerccdu for 
^ Children, 
 )r my- 
 e who 
 ing 6t 
 ly I al- 
 in rer 
 c, and 
 I witter 
 I withi: 
 lO law- 
 my pa- 
 ce, my 
 i, par- 
 1 bear, 
 , espe- 
 J _ 1*- = 
 mc, and defend me from all daifj^r 
 A Prayer 
 ■\/OUCHSAFE . ^ 
 •'^ thy grace, niei-cy, and life ever- 
 lasting to me, to my parents, to my 
 brothers and sistets, as also to all my 
 friends and relations and all for whom 
 I xun any ways bound to pray* And 
 may the souls of the faithful depaited 
 through the mercy of God, rest ia 
 peace. Amen^ 
 fy OD the father bless me y Jesus 
 ^^ Chriit defend me ; the virtue o: 
 the Holy Ghost culightea and sanc^ 
 tity me, now, and for evermore. 
 Mmem ^ 
 LIVE, Jesus, live, and let it be 
 My life to die for love of thee ; 
 And grant tliat I may one day see. 
 The sweet reward of love In thee. 
 An Act of Faith. 
 O my Gpd, I believe in thee ; do 
 thou strengthen my laitli. 
 An Act of Hope. 
 O my Cod, all my hopes af€ ia 
 thee ; dp jJiflu secure them. 
 ' Wl' 
 V ^ 
 X \ i 
 aJ2 Jl^orning Frajfcrs, <|^t 
 ilB i<<-< of <Ae Love of God. 
 O itiv God, i love tifee with m 
 whole heart ; teath me to I6ve thee 
 (^aily tnore and more. 
 jfn Act of Coniriii&n. 
 O njv God, I am sorry that I have 
 gfiendcTa thcfe ; lio thou incrca^ xny 
 Acts of Adora^mi* 
 O mv God, r adore the^ il my &^^ 
 lu^gmning, I aspire f ^^,,^^^^,"2 
 ionbtant benefactor, I call upi>p thee 
 as my sovereign protector. 
 C) my Ciod, teach me to love tb% 
 O mv Ciod, teach me to pray. x 
 m (lod, keep roe from sirt. 
 U mv God, what A^quldst thou have 
 me do? *' , 
 <) mx Ciod, I give thee rnv heart. ^ 
 1 loly Blm-T, Motbcv of God, be s sno- 
 tlier to lue. ' .- ' •-. 
 IMotlicr of Christ, I talcc you for my 
 i./i.. ..f .4kmft ^ace. mal;e me yoiir 
 ^*^ ^r ■< 4 
 u» iiiy 
 |i thee 
 for my 
 ne yoi 
 PrayeriPr S'igfd. 2i5 
 parents should instruct their chUdreii. 
 to (^er up the holj/mcrifice for the 
 JJead^ by saving aft^ r Muss the Fs. 
 Oiit af.Ae dcptl»a,p: ipG. 
 ^ Grace hfom Mmt. 
 T>LESS tis, OXoyd»' and these thy 
 J3 .ift^, which of thy bounty we 
 kreaboat to receive: ihrough ChnsA 
 our Lord. > Aw^n, . 
 .^ Uriee aft^r Meat. 
 Wjt me thee thaik?, Almighty^ 
 ^^ i!^M,7or all thy benefits : whiDi 
 iivest fefi^ragnest, world without end: 
 t^ the name of Ae Father, lind <^ 
 * the S^n, ana tX the Holy Ghost. 
 BLESSEO be the holy and imdi^ 
 yided Trinity^ now id|»d four eveN 
 rnore^ Anmi. ■ '^ < .» 
 Our Father, &c. Hail Mary *c. ; f 
 believe in God, &c. pp. 8, 9. J^ 
 confess, &C p. 208. JM»y Ainngn- 
 iy God, SiO. ibid 
■ . ■ V 
 ^14 Praijen pr Night i 
 A Prayer. 
 \7ISIT, we beseech thee, O Lord^ 
 " this habitation, and dri\e far 
 iVom it all snares of the enemy : let 
 tfiy holy angels dwell therfein, to pre- 
 ^ne us in peace, and may thy bles- 
 ling be upon us for ever : thro' Jesus 
 Christ our Lord. AmM. 
 v^v ;4 liyywn for ilte Nighf. 
 TO me the praises of thy name 
 Are morning song and evening 
 theme. v 
 6 may I find mpelf at rest, 
 iCli^t the music of the blest. 
 J Prayer to the Saints nnd Angels. 
 LL you hply^ paints of God, par- 
 Ikularly yoii whose name 1 bear, 
 and ttU 3«>a holy angets cVi* God, 
 4^>ecuilly y€U whom GckI . hfks ap- 
 tointed to be my guardians, intercede 
 w me, and dcfe^ me if6m all dun* 
 Mr. Amen. 
 A yratjer. 
 OUCHSAFE, Lord, to grant m 
 thy grace, mercy 
 and life ever- 
 llitit^ : ^ t^^ 1^ Jl my friends^ jrc^ 
e far 
 r • 
 r • 
 3 pre- 
 ' bles- 
 I par- 
 iS ap- 
 [ dan* 
 Prayers for Night. ^\i» 
 iatibns. and all for ^hom I toi ai^ 
 way bound to pray. And may the 
 3s of all the fkhfal departed, thro 
 the mercy of God, rest m peac«. 
 r-i OD ihe Father bless mo ; Jesus^ 
 VT Christ defend me; the virtue ot 
 the Holy Ghost enlighten and sancti- 
 fy me, now arid forever A.nat, 
 f IVE, Jesus, live, andlet It be 
 -L' Us life to die for love of thc^f 
 And grant my eyes one day tP/ee- 
 Thfe lifrect reward of love m thee. 
 . Going io Bed. .''.. 
 INTO thy hands, O Lord, I coss- 
 ;A mend fny spirit: Lord JesOs re«. 
 iceive my *o«l. ^ , • - 
 Latftng down tii Ke^t.^ . 
 N the name of our Lord Jesas 
 - Christ crucified I la^ mc do-vn to 
 jrest : bl6ss. defend, and prescr^cnMi 
 O Lord, from sudden and unprovid«<J 
 death and dangers; and bring me.W 
 everlasting life with thee. Amen. : 
 iTii mc 
 : ever- 
 ux'STs^Si m staviNG at Mas^. 
 The Clcrky kneeling at the Left Hani 
 of tfte f^fiestj must answer him cs 
 Priest T ^ '^^^^^ Patris + et Filii, 
 * * et Spiritm Sweti» Amen. 
 Introibo j|d s|ltare Pei. 
 CI. A4 Deum, qui hetific^t juv^n* 
 Pr. Judaea me, Deus, ^t discerne 
 causam me^m de gente non sanct^ : 
 uh homine iniquo et dolose erne me. 
 CI. Quia tu es Deiis fortitudo mea : 
 quare raie repulisti, et quare txi^ irt- 
 cedo, dn.ra affligit me iniimcus. * 
 Pr. Emitte lucem tuam et veritatcm 
 tuam : ipsa me deduxeniut et addux- 
 erutit in mouteiri sanctam tuam, et in 
 tabernacula toa. 
 CI. Et introibo ad altare Dei : ad 
 JPeUm, qui laetificat juventutem meam. 
 Pr. Confitebor tibi, in cithma Deus, 
 t)cus mens, quare tristis es anima 
 - p_- J _-- -|--rr-._— I -_--:: i^= i_-i=r,- -T-^-z 
 CI. Spera in Deo, quoniam adhu^ 
J Hand 
 him 4is 
 ?t Filii, 
 sanct^ : 
 ic me. 
 [p mea : 
 fetfe iit- 
 ft, ct in 
 )ci: ad 
 I meain, 
 a Deus, 
 I adhud 
 feonfitcDor illi, salutare vtiltus mei; ct 
 Beus meus; 
 Pr. Glorik Patri, 0t FUip, et Spirt*' 
 tui Sancto, 
 CI. Sicut erat in pripcipio, ^t nun<^ 
 et semper, et in ^cula s^gculori^n 
 Anwiu v ^ 
 Pr. Introibo ^4 altar6 Dd. 
 Ci. Ad Deuro» qui Isetificat jny^in'* 
 tutem meam. j 
 P/. Adjutoriiim rtostrum m nomiri?. 
 pontine. , , 
 CI. Qui fecit cdelum et terratti. 
 Pr. CJonfiteoif Deo, 9cc, 
 CI . Misereatur tui omnigotens Dc« 
 us, €t dimissis peccati« tiii^, perducat 
 fc ad vitam asternam. 
 Pr. Amen. 
 C\: Confiteolf t)eo omnipotent:, 
 beatie Marife semper Virgini, beata' 
 Micbaeli Arcbangelo, beato Joaftni 
 Baptist®, Sanctis apostolis Petro st 
 j Paulo, omnibus Sanctis, et tibi Pa- 
 ter: (Here inrti your head towards 
 \the priest y arid then ^o on) quia peiS 
 iking your breast thricCj say^J 
 luiea culpa, mea oufpa, mea ina^iml 
 1 *-i 
 I f«(ki<« •« • 
* ' - V 
 *^18 Tfie Method of 
 Wlpa : ideo precor bcatarrt marian 
 Icniper Virgiriem, beotuni Michaelein 
 iirchangeliim, beatum Joannein Bab- 
 tistam, sanctcifii apostblos Petmm et 
 Paulum, omnes-sarictos, et te Pater, 
 /Here turn again ^ towards the Frusij 
 crare pro mc ad Dmiunuih Deum no& 
 Pr. Misereatur vestn, &t: 
 CI. Amen, . ^ ^ v -t ^ 
 Pr. Indulgentiam^abs0lutionctn,& 
 ^ CI. Amen. . - , "^ : " . 
 Bow your head tintJl you cmne to*. 
 Pr. Deus tu convefsusif iviikab^ 
 fioi;. • , . . - 
 CI. Et plebfi tuR laetabitur ni to. 
 Pr. Ostende nobis, Doaiine, mis 
 tieordiam huiihi . . 
 CI. Et sahitare tuutn da nobis. 
 Pr. Domine, cxaudi oratione 
 meain. , , , - ... 
 CI. Et clamor mens ad te vemat. 
 *Pr. Doiwinus vobisciim. 
 . CI. Et cum spirttu tuo. 
 fiiay m 
 $tep of 
 is here 
 the pri 
 W hile the prie&t is Hsccxiuiui^ 
 VUar, take care the alb or cassock do 
 ^ot La't under liis feet ; and here yoilmove 
- ■if *■«■ 
 icrvittg at Midss. 
 te Pater, 
 >eum nos- 
 >fne to*, 
 i*r in tc. 
 line, mis 
 te veniat. 
 ■**'-■ - . 
 ( marian tiiay rise to kneel, on the lowermost 
 lichaelein $tep of the altan 
 lem Bab- N. K In solemn masses the priest 
 etnim et|is here sei-ved with the censer, and the 
 assistant holds the bdok 6ff the altar^ 
 whilst he incenses it ; aild then the 
 deacon receiving the censer, incehse§ 
 the priest. 
 Pr. Kyrie eleison. 
 CI. Kyrie eleison. 
 Pr. Kyr^ eleison. 
 CI. dhfiste eleison. 
 Pr. Christe eleison. 
 Cl <piriy»te eleison. 
 Pr, Kyrie eleison. 
 CI. Kyrie eleison. 
 Pr. Kyrie eleison. 
 Pr. Dominus vobiscum 
 tamus genua. 
 CI. Et cwtn spirit u tub : or^ LeJ 
 Pr, Per omnia ssDcula sacculorum* 
 CI. Amen. 
 At the end of the Ephfle, $fiy, J)eo 
 atiax : una ; 
 or, FleCi* 
 i! i.^ *-U 
 Lssock do 
 ^1- ^ 
 J here yoilniove the book to the gospel side of 
 \tii^ altar, and at your return tt> )'out 
 t »! 
 itdtion on the opposite side of 
 |)obk, make a lo>v reverence es yol 
 |iis8 the middle of the alt^r, and thdj ^^ 
 $tand jjp in your place whijsi th( ^ 
 pr. Dbjniaus vobiscum: p^ 
 Cl Et cum. fpijitu tuo. , 
 f r, Sequehtia saRCti fyajrigeiii, *c 
 : fii?re uioAe /Ae sign ^ the crw 
 1. Upon your f^relwrn. t. Uponyoui 
 htouth. 3. Upon y()ur brfiCit : arid -an 
 mer, Gloria tibi, Pomiip^ 
 At the end^f the OQSpet, say, 
 CI: Laus tibi^ Clixistet 
 At the words in the Crefll St i 
 f^armttt^y &c. kneel, ajid hold W^jfl^ 
 testmcnt, to prevent its getting fitde 
 the feet of the priest. 
 Pr. Dominus vpbiscuHJ. 
 Cl. Et cum spiritu tup. 
 Heri^ give the wine and wc^i'ct, fi 
 prepare the bason and tawel for t 
 prwsk When he has washi^d hu hands^ 
 return and kneel in your former pluce 
 and after he has said Orat<5 Fratres, m 
 Cl. Suscipiat Dominus sacrilici 
 ^e manJbus tuis ad laudcm et gloria 
»(ircing ai Man, 
 and th<^ 
 rhilsi th( 
 e of thi ^^fwni, 1»itiusc(ue eccte^ su« 
 Per emnit mula la^l^orUm 
 Bomihus vobkcum. 
 It cum spirittt ^iBO. 
 Surstxm cordtf. 
 Hsibemui ad Ddminum. 
 Gratiiss agiioliifS Dotnino Ge< 
 he cro$s 
 Jpon you 
 i and -an 
 J^r. Gratis! 
 ei. Bijnuic et ju5 turn est* 
 ttmg the b^U mctitlnut the priest pr^ 
 iduiwca ike fmrd Sanctus, dnd w/icn 
 u see him spread his htind otfr the 
 . «. tj^halice ring it again, and then proceed 
 aA itm ^^^ <^^^^^^ <l/ ^^'^' altar, where, knecU 
 . ^^pf?g «NJt/Af the .pried eUvates the hgst 
 ® \:id chalice, ring fJi4: bill with ifonr 
 i^/it hand, and hold up the vestment 
 nth your lift : and as 0/ten as you pas^ 
 libre the blessed sacrament, ddore 011 
 mtr knees. 
 Pr. Per oinaia ssecula sgeculoruiK. 
 CI. Amen, 
 Pr. Et Hi: noz iuduois m tenta* 
 CI, Sed libera uos a mdo. 
 Pi'. Per onuii'^ ::;v^cul:i aa-^'ulorum. 
 el for t 
 ' kts hands 
 mer pluct 
 ratres, rr« 
 et gloriai 
222 T^he Method ofy 8fC. 
 Amen, ^ hicc^ i? 
 Pa^Poiiiini sit semper vobi$* ^^^' t/n 
 CI. Et cum spiritu tuo. 
 Ring the bell at each time the priest 
 pronounces iJiewdrds Dgmiue Hon sum 
 <iignus : aiid i^be^i h has received the 
 chalice^ if there be any communicants 
 mve them the cloihy and rctutning ^o|Evang( 
 ^our place^ say the Confiteor, &c. 
 Mj'ter Communion serve the priest 
 with wine and water for the Ablution : 
 and then remove the book to the Epistle 
 dde of the altar, and return again t(3^^P ^^r^ 
 i/our former place. 
 Pr. Dominus vobiscum. 
 Et cum spiritu tuo. 
 Per omnia saecuiu saec 
 Domimis vobiscum. 
 Et cum spiritu tuo. 
 Ite miisa est j or Benedicamu3 
 CI. Deo gratias. 
 Note- In Masses for the dead^ the 
 prlrst sai/Sy Kequicscunt m pace. 
 CI. Amen. 
 Remove the back, if bfl ppcn, then 
 ^ord^ I 
 D Got 
 ^oly ( 

 he prieH 
 Hon sum 
 ?eived the 
 *fhe L Uavy of St Joseph. 223. 
 inccl in the center before Vie altar, ancl 
 cr vobi$* ^^^* the priest:! blcasing. ^ 
 'Pi\ Pater, ct jtilius, et Spiritu^ 
 Sane t us. 
 C,l. Amc7u Then rif^f*. 
 Pr. Cominus vobiscuiii. 
 CI. Et cum spiritu tuo. 
 Pi\ Initium : or Sei|ijcntia sancti 
 itnvifi ^ojEvangelii secundum, &|?, 
 2or, &c. 
 w priest 
 iblutlon : 
 again to (p carefuiiy. 
 CI. Glpriu tibi Dotuiiic. 
 At the end of the Gospel y say, 
 Deo gratias, 
 Ed'iinguish Hie candles, and lay all. 
 ■> m\ 
 Tk% Litany of St. Joscpii. 
 iculormttM O^^J^i have mercy on us. 
 *"-^ Christ, have mercy on us. 
 ord^ havu mef cy oii us. * 
 X'ive our prayers. 
 dead, the 
 pen, then 
 ord -, grant our petition. 
 ) Gou the Father, Creator of the 
 orld, Have mercy on m. ' '" 
 ) God the Son, llcdecmcr of 
 kind, Have nicr^y on us. ' 
 loly Ghost, periect'*3r^cl thd elect, 
 liuiC liicrcy Ua 2is\^ ' ' 
|3^ The lAtany of St. Joseph. 
 JJoIy Trinity, one God, ITave mert^ 
 ' on fis* ' " '.• 
 Holy Mary, spouse of St. Joseph, 
 ^. Joseph, advocate of the humHe^ 
 It. Joseph ^ blciised amongst men, 
 St; Joseph defender of the mc^eJc, 
 ft Joseph Qxiled with Christ into 
 St. Joseph fairouritc of the King of 
 • beaven^ ^ - 
 St. Joseph guardian of the Word 
 ' incarnate. , \j^ 
 Si. Joseph honoured ainot#t men, i^ 
 St. Joseph pattern of humfflty and^ 
 " obedience,^ ^ ^ ^ 
 ^t. Jo^epl^ Itind int^ree.ssor tbr the^ 
 afflicted.* ' - * g 
 ^t. Joseph lHy of ch^sdty md tern-' 
 ; pcirance, ' * .^ , 
 |t. Joseph exan^plc of silence and 
 rca]j,nation. , o 
 St. Joseph nursing fjjther to the bon 
 of God,' cw^ I — 
 St Joseph t!ie just and pfcrf?etrtiw I ^^^^ 
 ^'t. Joseph pdttcrn of the m'hinnbu^ | ^^^ 
 myd innocent. 
 iSf. Jos 
 St. Joi 
 *k. Jo 
 St. Jot 
 St. Jos 
 b u 
 on 1 
 the pi 
 ' ( 
 St. Joseph endoweiJ with all virfue,, j 
 2"e. Joseph ruler of the family of Jesii^ 
 A Prayer to St. Jcseph. S?2 
 en, ' 
 Jig of 
 y andS 
 [ tern-- 
 :e and , 
 be Son 
 ^tuc,. j 
 of Jesu4 
 iSf. Joseph spouse of the ever-blessed 
 St. Joseph possessed of all gldrioiis !^ 
 privileges, ^ 
 St. Joseph union of ill Christian^ 
 perfections, . ^ 
 St. Joseph protector of the dying, S 
 St. Joseph oUr degtf pattern and de- 
 fendei*, *^ 
 Lamb of God, ttSt takest away 
 the sins of the world. Spare us, O 
 Lamb of God, that t^est away 
 the sim of the world. Hear us, O 
 b Lamb of God, that takest away 
 the siiis of ine world. Have mercy 
 on us. * 
 V: Pray for lis, O holy Joseph. 
 R. That we may be made worthy b( 
 the promises of Christ. 
 Let us pray. 
 f\ GOD, who didst ni<*ike choice of, 
 ^^ holy Joseph, to be the spouse^ 
 of the blessed Virgin Mary, the nurse 
 and guardian of thy beloved Son Jesus, 
 through lus intercession, purity both 
 1^ Litani/for a happy Deat^. 
 of Foul and body, that being free from 
 all sin, and adoi-ned with the weddinjj^ 
 eannent, we n;ay be admitted to tiiej 
 miptials of tbe Lamb in eternal gloryfi 
 th' ough the sarae Lord Jesus Chriut^i 
 thv Son, who liveth and. reignethj 
 With thee inthe unity of the Holy 
 Ghoct, worid. witknit end. ^ meru 
 Litmy Jor a happy Death, ? 
 Corupou'd hy a young Lady J a cmiverU 
 « bftiw Catholic Faith, tv/io died at the 
 age of eighteen in the ^our o/! 
 sanctify. • '■ • ^ " [. 
 { vLOUD Jesus, God of goodti€ssaiw» 
 N ^ Father of mercies, 1 apptoach 
 to thife with a contrite and humble 
 heart : to thee I recommend the last 
 hour ot my HiCj and the decision oi 
 my cternd doom. , • i' 
 When' my feet bemuubetl with 
 death, Aall admonish me that my 
 mortal courisc is drawing to an end* 
 ^ercrfui JcSns, hnve mercy vpon mc. ^ 
 When my ey-es, dim and troubled 
 ac tiie appioui^u ox 
 thi^^lves on thcc, my last and oialy 
 i.?.rxw me- 
 »• it . 
 I glory^ 
 B ;Holy 
 men, . . 
 d at the 
 iour of 
 the last 
 ision of 
 d with 
 hat my 
 an end* 
 mi TuC, 
 ind Giiily 
 JJiany for a happy Death . 3a^< 
 srWhen my face, pale 4nd livid, 
 a|all inspire the beholders wiOi 
 paty and dismay ; when my hair^ 
 bathed in the sweat of death, and 
 stiffening on my head, shall fore- 
 bode jny approaching eiA^ 
 When my ears, soon l» be for ^ 
 ever shut to tte^seoafifof men,|^ 
 iihall be open tfl^-^ ft^revocable^ 
 decree, which is to cut me off Irom g^ 
 the number of the living, <^ 
 When my imagination, agitated g 
 by dreadftU spectres, shall be sunk5 
 in an abyss of anguish; when my|* 
 «iul, affiighted with the sight ot^ 
 my iniquities and the terrors of thy | 
 jti^ments, shall have to fight ^ 
 I against the angel of darkness, who^ 
 will endeavour to conceal thy mer-| 
 cies from my eyes, and to plunge ^ 
 me into despair, , ^ | 
 When my poor heart, yieldtng- 
 to the pi'cssure, and exhausted by 
 its frequent stru^les against the 
 enemies of its salvation, shall feel 
 iJ\A nROf^c of death*. •> i _ ^^r 
 '^When thelast tear, the forerunni^ 
 of my dissolution 
 1^ Litat^m a happy Deatn; 
 iny.eye$, reftllve it as a sacrifice c|C. - 
 expiation fc|,my sins J grant that J ^ 
 «iay expire the victim of penance; * 
 in that dreadful nioment, 
 4, When my friends and relations, 
 encircling nw bed, shall shed the 
 tear of pity per me, and invoke thy ^ 
 clemency i^aiy behalf; | 
 When I ^pl to^e lost the use otVg^ 
 ray senses^ wfetS tte world shall S. 
 have vanisHed from my sight, when ^ 
 my agonizing soul shall feel the g 
 «>rrows of death, ^ 
 "When my last sigh shall sUmmon § 
 *imy soul to bm:st froia the embraces^ 
 of the body, and to spring to thee | 
 on the wings of impatience md^ 
 desire s 
 When my soul trembling on myf 
 lips, shall bid adieu to the world, ^ 
 and leave my body lifeless, pale,?? 
 an4 cold, receive this separation 
 lis ati homage, which I wHlingly 
 pa^ to thy divine Miijesty, m 
 that last moment of my mortal 
 When at length my soul, admit- 
 ted to thy presence, shall firet be- 
 h^d tl 
 reject i 
 the ho 
 may f 
 Cff a g< 
 hat I 
 ancei * 
 t the 
 e thy ^ 
 ise 6f^ 
 shall S^ 
 when ^ 
 I tliC ? 
 thee I 
 m my § 
 vorld, ^ 
 pale, ?s 
 •ation ' 
 y, m 
 >t be- 
 '*M of the Lovf dfGad^ 
 hkd the splendour of %y Majestyj 
 reject me not. but recei#me into thy 
 bosom, where I may for ever sing thy 
 praises, and in that moment, when 
 eternity shall l)egin to me, MercifiH 
 JemSy have m^rcy vpm^^ 
 Let «^y«M 
 GOD, whahasi do|^ all mmi to 
 die, but ha4 J^pP^d fr^"^ ^J 
 the hour of their IRh, grant tjiat I 
 may pass my days iji the practice or 
 holiness and jubtice, 'and that I may 
 Reserve to quit this world in the peaee 
 Qf a good conscience, and in the em- 
 braces tof thy love, through Cbriat out 
 Lord. Amen. 
 5y St, Francis J^avter. 
 Oficta / Ego tc amo, 4r, 
 OGOD, the only object of my love? 
 A^V/»J iV/* %.A*V* **«^|j.'w« 
 * ♦ 
250 4ct of the Love of God, 
 ^or for the j^ar of endless pains bcloii!, 
 Whkh thd§ liiio love thee not, must 
 :d Tesi 
 If or tne, and sueh as me, thou on|e 
 didst heaf 
 Jhe ignomi^tis cross, the nails, the 
 • L^ • 
 yti thorny p^tei tri:nspierc*d thy iSifr^ 
 brow '^"w^ 
 ^hat bloody s^t firom ev'ry n^m 
 ber fio^ ! ' ^ 
 For Trie, in tortured, thou r^^'M tli^^ 
 breath, ' 
 'jJiird to the cross; atid sav'a;niel)y 
 thy death. ^ 
 Say, C5tn these sufferings fail my heart 
 to move ? 
 *1Vhat but thyself can now deserve my 
 love ? 
 }■: r- 
 Such as then was, and is thy love to 
 me, r 
 Such is, and shall be stiTl, my 
 'thee: ^ 
 . Thv love, O Jesus, may l ever sing, 
 1* Parent, dearer^t 
 5 Gad of 
 A bo- 
 Mr ormt 
 . lat 
 I r 
 my sii 
 , I pi 
 tiiv ei 
 ,. "lb 
 ilnd • 
 is thi 
 -*! mtiu 
 >t, must 
 ii bnfce 
 ils, tHc 
 y mem-* 
 ;h'd thjf 
 1 me by 
 ly heart 
 crve my 
 love lo 
 love to 
 •cr sing, 
 ( 231 ) 
 , >r a good Christian eee^ JJ<^y- 
 . /« «o»w«e I?o««m. :-Anien. -^ 
 t BEQUEATH iny 8ou| to God. my 
 1 body to the earth, rpttenness, and 
 ^TSandon freely ai^oral goods, 
 Vhich are but «»^ J'^^V^ u„art ot 
 I repeat me ««h^™y "f ''^ ? 
 mjsmland that l#*a love of God, 
 I pardon with my heart and soul al* 
 knd three in person, Father, feon, 
 tnd hSv Ghost .Creator. Conservj- 
 Sr R^deen;er. and Remuneratgr, aU 
 wise ; that the second person, who 
 il the Son of God, became man, aqd 
 died upon the Cross to save me ; and 
 Stso'ever the holy Cfthohc Apo- 
 tohc and Roman Clvurch doth prOi>ose 
 TbTpc'bfSbountvof God. 
 throu?thc n\c.its of mjrc(ear.av,oj« 
 t..,,.;r,, the rcmi»ston of »U JnJ 
 and lite tiverhistiog. 
■■J fi: 
 A T^^^ejd of the Soul. 
 I love G^ for his own sake aloiwB, 
 with all niy^ l)eait, with all my soui, 
 and with all my strength, 
 I resign myself purely, entirely, and 
 absolutely, toMhe disposition of his 
 most holy, ap| always adorable will, 
 beina: readmo do and suffer, to be 
 sick, to live and dif , 
 t^ what iiianper he 
 be done, A cn^ 
 healtliy a 
 ^^hen, m 
 pleases> liis 
 Amen, . . • 
 I recomm^ nd my soul ax^d all that 
 I am to the intercession of the glorious 
 V'irgin Mary% my good mother and 
 Hdvocate, to St. Joseph, rnd py an- 
 gel juardian, and to all the angels,an4 
 saints in fceaven, whom I niost hum- 
 bly beseech to assist me at the houij 
 of my death. 
 For my last words I say in profound 
 humility and contrition of heat-t, Jcbus, 
 Maria, desiring to die in their blessed 
 arms. And when my tongue cannot 
 pronounce these holy names, I desire 
 to do it with my heart. 
 py judgment^ I say them now fc^; 
 Thy bl 
 1 * ■ »» 
 y soui, 
 ly, and 
 of his 
 le will, 
 to b^ 
 id dif, 
 ler he 
 W that 
 ^r and 
 my an- 
 e houf 
 A Testament oftXe SoiiL 
 ,^en, with all affection, ;lind possible 
 iubinis&ion, /c5WA-, Marid^ 
 : yfos cum prole pid 
 Bencdicat VirgQ Maria. 
 Virgin Mother, I humlMkrrave 
 Thy blessing and thy SfW to hayej 
 rl '" 
 s and Days of 
 £ Devotion ^ . t * 
 >Ioveable Feasts ; \ • 
 tastin^y Days * ^ 
 pays of Abstinence 
 The eight Beatitudes 
 Impediments to Matrimony 
 Xay Baptism 
 MoRNiNii Prayers . / 
 Acts of Faith, Hoj^e, and Charity 
 Litany of Jesus 
 Prayers before Ma?.s 
 Method of hicaring Mass 
 Prayers after Jtlass • * 
 ^.^ fortheDend .. i 
 ,. — to obtain a liappy Death 
 -,. ^ Kf»f/)r|» cycx ?^?ditiarv Ac- 
 Praj^er to obtain thej^l^irit c 
 Wisdom . . % . 
 Vespers FOR Sundays 
 Salve Rc^nia. 
 Ave Mans wStelia .. 
 Psabn for the King . 
 Prayers tor the King 
 <^^3*5NE^iCTioN or Tits 
 GoAtPLIN. ^ 
 vNiGHT Prayers 
 Prayer of St. Berrmrd 
 Litany of Loretto 
 $cven Penitential Psalms 
 iLitany of the Saint: 
 Tsalm. and Prayers after ditto . 
 i-^Ur. verbal Prayer 
 Ejaciilcitlons for invoking the As- 
 sistance of the Holy Ghost 1 22 
 .Vcni Creator . . * 
 . Veni S;incte Splritus . . 
 Preparation for Cokfession 
 Prayer befl)rc the Exanien 
 •Exarnen of Conscience 
 Pray(?r after the Examcn • 
 — ' — before Confession 
 1^. ^»- 
 I.-: 119 
 stter Coniessiou . 
 k ,-., — before Communion 
 i ** 1' 
 Prayer aftei'Commiinioii . . I SI 
 — for the whole State of 
 Christ's Church upon Earth, 
 and all the Intentions of gain- 
 ing an Indulgence . 
 The HymnJlpbis Memoria . 
 The Jesu^jH^ • 
 A pious As^^i(p for a perpc-^ 
 * I ^bkmw.*«'-jl*'. ■' 1* ri- 
 tual P^pB||^ron of the 
 most holy^mnitj^', and the 
 Incarnation of pur Blessscd 
 Redeemer . 
 Meditations on the iPassion 
 . '■ — on Death 
 Heflectionsonlthe Love of God . 
 M:^rks of the Love of God 
 Morning Prayers for Children . 
 Ni^ht Prayers for ditto • , 
 •Grace beiorc and after Meat . 
 planner of serving at Mass 
 IChc Litany Of St. Joseph . . 
 Litariy for a happy Deuth 
 ^etpf the Love of God, by^t, Fr. 
 Xavicr . . • . 
 "'^'Tpstmn^jit of the SoiiU &Cv . 
 4 ,"■'''■ 
 1 ,^ 
 to W{ 
 ■■* ■ % 
 , ■' -■. 
Prayer.— M^d^^on 
 . 151 
 .f '^ 
 . 154 
 . 162 
 . 165 
 . 1S3 
 ., 188 
 . 201 
 . 20^ 
 . 205 
 . 207 
 • 213 
 , 216 
 . 223 
 . 2M 
 I . ^ • * . 
 *f he following in o2mo.fM7J a Catholic 
 Miniature Library of a uniform Size; 
 particiilarly conven^Ufor travel-^ 
 ting J and for YotdhfFSctwoL 
 tie Pocket 
 Manual. ^^^ 
 Daily Exercise /dr ChildreUy con- 
 sisting of "a variety of devotions,^ 
 adapted to a capacity of children. 
 To which is added, ah abridgment of 
 Christian Doctrine, or the first Caie- 
 The Pious Christian instructed how 
 to walk in tlie Presence of God, from 
 the French of M, Courbon, D. D. with 
 additions, by the Red. H. Ratter. Se- 
 cond edition. 
 Stations^ or Devotions 6n the Passion 
 Of our Lord J. C. crucified,.as madeufc 
 Jerusalem. To which are annexed tl^ 
 Prayer of St. 
 tions on the same subject. > 
 ^^ Ijfevotion^ the three HcHirs of the 
 Agony ot our Redeemer, as practised 
 fevery* year on Good-Friday, in the 
 Church del Gm$i\ at Rome, from the 
 18th to the ^i«; Hour, viz. froVn Y2 
 oyed by his Holi- 
 1789. Originally* 
 ^Pertt, in the Si>a- 
 W. V. Alphon^a 
 till 5 o'cloc 
 qess Pius 
 compiled at 
 Yiish languag 
 essia, h. J. ^ i 
 J)e Imitalione Ckristi Lihri QztatHur.^ 
 The foUcming of Chmt^ from the 
 above, by the E. |lev. and Ven. R. 
 Challoner. ^ t: 
 The Spiritual ConMt To which is 
 added, the Peace of the Soul, ' c.': c 
 Bona Mors, or the Art of dying 
 biippily ; with the Rosary. To which 
 are amxcxed, Acts proper to be saidb^' 
 devout Christians when they visit th€ 
 B. f^crai»e»ti'-*^Acts, ek c. recommend-^ 
 ed by Clement XiV.— an Account of 
 ihe Devotion tp the Sacred Heart of 
 Jem^-i-50 Days Prayer. 
 'h I 
Cpntroveny. — Cu^hm/i, 
 ^ 4 F reparation for Vead, trauslatc«J 
 from the Fi eiicli. 
 ' Pather Lewis of GraB*da's Exhor, 
 l^ation tQ Ahuifrdocds. ;! 
 ' Meditations oh the/tmlaH Thi^S^r 
 {pr every Day in ttML"»*J^.\.3 
 Directicms Ho«.^;^§» » f dap ed 
 for such, a* iMi^P' '^1' VI' 
 nortant affair of solvation, a.^^^ to 
 Lhristian perfection, tran.V^-ed ircm 
 tBc Itidian of the R. J. , FiVnanionti. 
 ^ ** ■« » 
 ^ JVci /or the Fi«h&-ii -p/ /.-Aw •.: 
 wherein the points ccatircwerte^ -■be- 
 twixt Catholics and secturics jire b'-Jeftjf 
 vindicatesi, ^c.- 
 Some few of the many Reasons 
 which must for ca er att*t:h* a Kaftan 
 Ciatiiolic to his religion, {Jiibhshe.'Eby 
 the Prelates of Mun»tcr, iaGeiy<a;iiy, 
 ■• • ♦ 
 U^nt^ or first Catechism. 
^ , ■ 
 ifn ■ 
 the Douay^ or SecofiA 
 first Catechism bound 
 «, in French anil 
 CcUechisniy l^' 
 Do: with 
 , . 0?J5ecAii^ form Jirst ComunicarU^ 
 To^hich is added, an Exhortation to 
 freijiitjnt Commnmoii, hf St Franks 
 bV Sales, and Instructions ibr Indul* 
 geaces^ by^v« lai^ R. R. Dr. WsyUues* 
 .»'6oJ*erV J^trudians for Conj/kmc'- 
 N* E Se^er^. of the above may veiy 
 '^^H^ementi^^ be bound up with 
 '-^i&h Q#t^f * which wUl reduce the 
 « ft ■ » 
 * * 
 »- - 
 li.. ■< \ 
 I ' t.^ 
\r SeconA 
 sm bound 
 2nch an<) 
 chisniy ^ 
 ;iswer; " 
 rt^tion to 
 t Franks 
 W IndixU 
 . Walmes-^ 
 ■' ■ ■*%, 
 may veiy 
 up with 
 ;duce the