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Lorsqua la documant aat trop grand pour *tra raproduit an un saul ciich«, il aat film* k partir da I'angia supAriaur gaucha, da gaucha A droita, at da haut an baa, an pranant la nombra d'imagaa n«caaaaira. Laa diagrammaa suivants illuatrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MioioeofY itnoiuTioN trt chart (AN5, and ISO TEST CHAUT No 7) 1.0 I.I 1.25 ■ 2.2 12.0 132 136 1.8 }A. 11.6 ^ >)PPLIED IIVHGE I65J EoK Mam 5lr..t Roch.ll.r N,, York U609 US* (716) 482 - 0300 - Phofi. (716) 2M - 5989 - fa. Catalogue. 1916-17 n mi LIMITED. TABLISHED 1885. Discounts £««<to« Oeiotm 28tK 1918. ^Pptying to our GitafofiM 16 WINDOWS . DOORS MOULDINGS WTERIOR FINISH -THE- Edaonton Paint and GlaM Co. Lifluted EDMONTON . ALBERTA DISCOUNTS APPLYING TO OU £i*4tuv« o<f«w aaot, i»i§. SASH f.laxrd Window*. Siuh, Sl.irm I.Um^ ikifU and l.cad«l Sash Sa*)i. DOORS (ilaxpd Front l\nir% Comhination Screen and Sturm l\nn Nt>rthprn ami AlMika Storm Ukki Four Pawl (>dar Dtmr* Fivp I'aro^l No. 201 CVlar Ikjori Fivr Crofw I'am?! Fir Uwrt FirCraftiman iVwirs Two Panel Fir Ikxyrt ' 25 o Window and r>:»f)r Framet Fence Pickfts C«l.innadi-«. TurninR., Bate Block.. Cor- tier Block*. Brackets Fir Built NcwclU MOULDINGS F"ir MouldinKi Cedar MouldinKS under 2" wide Fir CasinK and Base .... Fir liaw Block Stock .... Fir Frame Stock Cedar Mouldings over 2" wide Mardwood Section "1 N< mp ' ^^/o 1 12 6 2( 45% 2( 6< 40% N war S| Win Nat List The Edmonton Paint and Gla The House of Qmlity ai V <■- 1- ^ OUR CATALOGUE SIXTEEN Sw&/«ci Jo uHtMr0tmt wUhoui no«c«. ■CA.CII BOAKO IVr th*nj«an<l iquarr (rri. any quantity Utoo AII-Su»lAiJ)u«tah|pSca/fol<||nK- / PrU»» NoTK. When Windims. Sasai and Suwm <«i.k .^ or.WH .„ Ic*. than full hunlll^ of a ,^" .^ .j!^ a^r^artduumal ch^r^r of ,5 cent, f.^rch «« Si Full huiidlw c»n«i»t of « Plain or Check Rail Window» of one die 12 Single Sa»h of one lite 6 Storm Sa»h ail <if one width or length 2 Oriel Storm SsHh of one niie 2 Oriel Windows of one size 6 Screen Doors of one size and kind waXUu«.°*' '^*''" " •h'P'nents made from our Specified lenijths on MmildinRs, Casines lia^ ^V^ndow and Drx)r Jambs, add 10 per t-ent ' ^RM»-2% 30 days I n«t 60 day* Glass Company, Limited lity and Service Urn Books or ^^'■ *#*' Order by Number only We airama that the nmnbert of 4M%iie in orden or Ulle for eittmate Mat ii refer to thk Catalogue, unleii otherwiae apeoUled. Bc/fsfotCut ^is Book Prloii collect to diaiiftt wHhout nofloe. Order Booki or addltioaat Oalaloguee on application. » ■ I J CusHiNG Bros Limited V ' r o _. XLCk ^-5-'^^G Bpr)-. ( -ffiyp D ■T ■ - rfrfci •fit '1?». .(-' -p_ CusHiNG Bros. Limited CATALOGUE and PRICE LIST CUSHING BROS. LIMITED ■MA.VfFACTUHKlt.S , ,i,- M^CH AMLLWOKK /'/ addUioH to lines cmnncniUui i„ //,/,• Cat / . XLCR italoque Ti'c iiuiniiftn-tiin- CmCH.M \VlM,..US.,K,,v,,KV„KSr,amoV OfFH i: FiXTlKKS ClHIiCH Pkws PfMTTs Sifow Casks \\ ALr. Casks CorXTKKS Taiu.ks CrnxKiiv l!i\s SiIKLVIM; WE STorK PLATK AND U'I.V,„.\V ,; l!\\K l''l\l|-|!KS ^Tantkls Coi.o.w \i)|.:s Staii! Wdhk Miititoits l!i:VKI. 1'l.ATKS ■^l.'T (il.ASS Ql'AXTlTIKS L.A.S.S IX LAROB Cvr/iARY RK(iIXA Rkd Dkkk factories i,t Ed.moxtox s askatuov Branches at Ft. S -Mojiixvir.LK XSKATCIIEWAN .A[(,osK JaW CUS'IING BROsTiMITED U3. ■ 111' Ts DIRECTIONS POB ORDEBINO flKH.IU secuiul, then TH ICKNI-:SS. Measurements jjjven in inches are underM.,,,,1 lil-/\>i> sizes. tu l)C lo ne iiL I.MIJI', si/es. I Ik- term SASH implies ..nly cne piece to fill ..periuK lowii!'sashT. ^""^^^'"'^^ ■'"•'"^•■^ ^«- Pi«^^-»^-^ ("Pl-r and Orders for Windows should state the of liKlits in the vvMulow (glass size of same, thickno. of sash nnd AVhelner check or plain rail. All windows are ., .d with single strength glass unless specified to V , ■;'■"■•• f. '';'"'''^" ■^^'•'^"Kt'' Klass is requ red. same should he specified. Windows or sash not listed. exUa filled '\ri"jV"''lf ' should specify size of opening to he f led. \\ eights shown ,n this catalogue arc for shipping purposes, and include crating. Orders for Doors should state width, height, thickness, numher o. panels and kind of wood. Refer to designs by numhers. If design is taken from any other catalogu,^, state from whose iKu.k. and the date of is.sue. Orders for Frames. All frames listed in this catalogue are slipped KD. Orders for special frame should'be spcciiied as follows: Window Frames. State whether f.,r frame or brick iHiiIduig. with or without pulleys, together with width ..f jamb required. hr-ck building, width and thickness of jamb, also thick- ness of doors to be used. i. J?*fr- ^°°' ^^T"- ^'''^' ^'^^h and thickness of ja .s, thickness of doors to be used, and whether made wu, \bbet or stop. ^ - !ers for Mouldings should give plainly the number or Ik'etr "^^ 'P''"'' '"°"'^'"^' ^ive exact detail H r ^r CusHiNG Bros. Limited - - ^ □ _ TWELVE LIGHT WINDOWS PLAIN RAIL 1'/, INCH CHECK RAIL H, INCH Six WJndowi in a Bundlt !>I»' iif clit-. Ttil(kiii'»» I'rlii- iilH/..,| j w.liflit IhH. 11 II i:t 11 •i\ ■i:i r.i ■H> ■>'.) ■.i-> :(! EIGHT-LIGHT WINDOWS PLAIN RAIL V/b INCH CHECK RAIL iSg INCH Six Windows in a Bundle In. In. •vx : I'l. \'A >i«i.(i:) fix S rr. 1 '4 l.T.*. Tx !» I'l, \'A -.Mil SxKi I'L \'A •>'..")( 1 lOxVi I'l, \yk •i.r:. I Ox If I'l, I/h ;{.(i.-. lOxlV ( K 1 -.'h :i.(i:) li>xl » <K 1 •>« ;i.'i.') nixlti ( K l-H .•5.(J.'> l^xll CK \H 4.0(1 1 v'x 1 1; ( K I!h 4.v':. ■^I«>' iif Wliiiliiw ft. In. ft. In. I 8 \'i '.ti/j I 10 x:{ lU •i 1 x;{ v/2 »->'«x;t 10 lO^Jixl »i 10.>^X.') 1 io.>^x."> oy, •i lO-^^x.*. 10>^ '■'> l\sX.*l ',"{, •{ I\SX.") 10'^ Sine of Ola-KS in. SxlO IT. lOxl-^ PL lOxlV? CK 10x14 CK lOxKi CK 1-^x14 TK 12xlfi CK !'ri(i'(iia/fil ' Wi.jirht '^i/'' of Wlmlow ft. In. ft. In. 1 XH\-i 10 0^x4 (! o>^x5 loy^ 4^x5 2/2 4->^x5 10^ After a teat of 31 year, EXCELSIOR quality ia still leading. I XLCR/ CusHiNG Bros. Limited ~U A ^ __ y FOUR LIGHT WINDOWS CHECK RAIL H, INCH Six Window! in a Bundle Iti, ■■ In. <»?hx.{ 1(1 •"»",s.\t <i »'j<\.{ 10 47,sx4 2 J7«xt fi 4?«x4 1(» 4J«xr) 5i 4?sx5 () 4Jhx5 10 87xx4 «i HJ«xl l(t H7,Hx:) •<> HjAxr, r> 87jixr) 1(1 OJi^x.') n O'xx.") 10 OJ^xf) 2 0/^x() (5 F.T (Inuhle streiifrth a.ld .1(1 per cent. t<. list price of single streii,t,ftli. ^ The foreffoinjr comprises Windows carried in stock. Special sizes extra price. For back piittyinj,' add 10 per cent, to list. Get our prices for Cement, Lime and Plaster. k «jr c r:^ ^t- CUSHING BROS.LlMirFD TWO LIGHT WINDOWS CHECK RAIL 1'. INCH Six Windowt in a Bundle "l/i' "f Mil. ill. lV.\-.'n |-.'\-.'t J-.'.x-.'C l-is->H I -'x ■■'>•> I l.\Vi> 1 I.M'I 1 IxVd 1 lx->M 1 Ix.Kl 1 {x;i-> Hix-J(i KlxVfi KixVS Kix.!-^ l.Sx'iO l.Sx-.^fi iSx-J.S ISx.'iO;i-> 2ox;;o :JOx25> j 20x2 1 ! 2(tx28 20X.10 Tlil.kiii-. I'ri,.. (.I,i/,,| i u, |„|,, III. \h I'm l',s Iv'k 1-Vh IVh l'« I "8 I'is *i.:iit I.IIM i.:o 1.::. 2. nil •.M.-. I.fio i.:n l.NO V.fiii •vM.*) •i.M) i.:n 2.10 2.2:. 2. 1(t l.::i 2. lit 2.2(» 2.;{.-> 2.1.-) 2.(i(» J.!»{» 2.10 2.2.-, 2..'5r, 2.45 2.(iO llm. I;! 1 1 i:. nil. is i:. I .'. ' ., I c I ., IS I I I .■. ' :. is 21 I.*. I (IK- IS 21 l.-|'./. n IS l!IT^ 21 XLCR -; \ >\"' ..I WIikIiih " III. ft. In I l'i<x-| KM, ' 'Sxl in I 4 I l'«x:. V'4 1 IjitX.-) IUI4 < ':^«x:i I0I4 ' ''y«xi (i'4 I til^Xl I0>4 I ^>y»\'y 2 '4 I <»>1ixr> «i4 1 <>,'/iixr> 10 1,^ I Hj^x;j KM/, 1 ^;iix4 (i.^ ' «>i«xl 10 "4 J '^Mix.-, 5>I4 1 sj/^x.-. (il^ 1 «>ix-) io>4 1 lo^^x.} 10i/| I 1'»;^X4 (ir /4 1 n','4ix4 io>4 1 io>jixr, ^.4 1 lo^sx^ ((14 1 lOj-iJix--, 1014 •i •> •) o V ">^x4 2j4 0^sx4 (W/J o>s;x4 io>4 Oj^x5 6^ CusHiNG Bros. Limited 5^. TWO UOHT WINDOWS (Continued) l*lfl- of llll«»a I Thlikii... I'rl'"<ilii«.'.| 1 lt> It/ <il|4*N i U.lichl 1 «l/ri. ti( MIimIiiw In. In. j Ih*. ft. In ft. In 'i'i\'i\ 1>N *'M"i I.M, •-' '."hxj ti;4 ■-' -."HXt I ",'4 'i'is-iu m ■.'..Vt •.M V.'x-.'.s 1 4 1 '.;.<;ii •.';>', •.' -."hx.-. -."4 ? -."hX.-. 11 '/4 •.'■ix.lfi lis ■i.H.-. •.'1 •i'i\i'> ih .'I.MII V.Vj •^ -."mX."' |i"4 •.'lxv;^ Wn ! V.Alt •.'II i I'mxI (i,'4 •.Mx'M Mm ^ •.'.<;-, ••' 1 ' -. •.' l',yXl |ll'4 ■Jlx-.M vMxto 1 ly •.'.!)•! IVh .1.1(1 •.';i ■.' I',sx.". ?54 •>' »'«x.-. (;j4 v'lx.tV . !■'« .l.-.'.". -.'•; •.* I'.sx.-. IiM.4 vM>:;i I'.s :!.:(.') ■' ' ' .■ •-' I'.sM; VI '4 »'lx.!(i 1>« ; :l.i:. •i'.t •.' I'.sNti li'4 ' „ ._____. _ _ •.iCx-.')! li« •.'.!!( 1 •i.i 'i ti'i^xt n»i4 v'dx-.'S I-^ .1.1111 ■> t • .; •-' t;'nx.*) -^34 •.'(Jx'lu I'm 1 -.l-'i) •Hi •.' (i'sx.-. (1^ •.'<lx:;v' \H :i.lti •iv. V fi'MX.-. lll>^ •.'iix:il l-^H :i.(iii •.'!• ■.i fl's- V"/4 'iiisMi l-H 1 ;i.',Mi ■MX/, •i tij>(xti fi;4 ni»- „l ,11.. lliic kh. .. I'rlr.. (.lii/..| JI 11/. 1,1,1.. W.iifhl -i/.i.l\MlHl..H In. •^Sx-iS In. 1.10 lllH. Vti ft. In. ft. In. •i H'sx.". -i'/^ •i .-^'.sx.") fi34 •.' S^x.-, 1014 •>' .^i'.MNli •.'!4 ? .s'yxi; i;i4 •JSx.Kl •.isx;t-^ L.V. •i'.f '^Kx:{4 i-H I..S.-I ■M)' : 5>8x:iti ifii .-).|() n MOx^iO i->i; l..-)0 •i'.t •^ IIM.sX.') (Ji/, •^ lO'.HX.-) 1(1'/, •iox;!-^ i->^ l.'tO ;{() ' :. .■i(ix;u ifi ."i.ii) 1 ■.i2 •i l()'/sx(i •.i'/^ 5; 10 '^x^ (!><♦ .■{<ix:i(i ira .■).l.-. 1 M^y, — .^ I'or uinddws H4 indies thick add I.") per cent, to price ijf i-i-s. Sizes -^'S in. and over are jjiazed !).[). jjiass. For double :^treni,nli ^da>s add ."io per cent, to list price. Sizes not li.-ted. extra price. Add 10 per cent, for l)ack puttying. Federal Elastic Cement will stop the leaks. We stock it. ^M nr^ / M l^ CusHiNG Bros Limited / \ ll»»*NO ONE UOHT TRANSOMS IH INCH THICK Twtiv* Saih in a Bundit Wla ThI.h. I'ri.., <>' illami ncai OIna-il Hlir i.r -mil In. In. i fl III n III ;'<; X H Hh # .!».'> •> •i's X 1 '"m •H\ X in I4H I.IMI •» •I'm X 1 •."h •v'ti X \i l>» l.M.-, •1 * •I'm X 1 «'k V.S X H Ihi I.O.'i X 1 "'n V.s X 1<( m 1,1 1.". i •.' ■^'m X 1 •i'n Vs X \-i m 1 IH 1 '1 •"^'m X 1 »'H ;'.s \ 1 1 liM 1 . 1 :> i «'H X I ii'A = _« __ . ■ ... .._,'. .Ill \ .s i>« : i.Ki 1'"k X 1 '•'s ;ifi X in liM j •.' I"'m X 1 v"H :!n \ 1-.' I'm I.VM ' ■> l"'s X 1 I'n ■SH X n IW, [ !•"« X 1 ti's - ^--. - . l.^M ;!■.' X 10 \:.U> ;i '"s X 1 V's ;i-.' X ]•: I's 1 ..!.-• . :; '",s X 1 I's • I-.' X I I l.l« I.KI ;! "Is X 1 1' jj ;i-.' X u; l'» 1 1.1.-, ;j "J8 X J ?-'i \'>>r TraiiN.iiis ^U\7Xi\ doiililf -troiii^^tli, a.M .Mi i)lt cfiii. tn ,-ilinVC jirico. l-nr TraiiM.nis 1 ', iiiclic, thick, ad.l v'u [,vr umu. tn !'"ioi' of l.v^ iiioli -a-li. m FOUE LIGHT CELLAR OR BARN SASH IH INCH THICK Twelve Sash in a Bundle 3-in. Bottom Rail of (ila-ss In. (I X ."S X ■s X Ki Hi X 1(1 X 12 X 1(1 12 llliK- Prke n«'8» Clazeil .size (if s ksh In. ft. In. ft. In. 1^8 $ .!l(l 1 \hi X 1 <)\i 1>8 1.(1(1 1 .s.5« X 1 '.)-\4 1^8 I.IMI 1 m X 2 ]-ki m \.\r, •i OH X i I.V4 ^H l.l.-> •i (>H X 2 .'■..V4 m 1.60 2 45/i X 2 m XLCR r \ •fAND / CusHiNG Bros Limited ONE UOHT SASH !'• INCH THICK 3-ln. Bottom Rail Tii.«lu« a. i. i iwtlvt Saih in a Bundit In I" \ I? r.' \ II Thl.k. In I'm I'rhe Miliar,) 'I Mim, TWO LIGHT CELLAR SASH I'a INCH THICK Mn. Bottom Rail Twelve S«h in a Bundle Hit- "f <!l.i» Till. (, ni im III III X \ |o !'• \ IV I'm I'm I'm I'm !•• \ 1 1 1 1 X -.'11 1 IVhw • >l.ll,.l .!M) i.:.u H,» I ■i Hla« »t DhiH In. "~ : X !l N \ 10 1<» X Vi !'• X 11 1" X \H THREE LIGHT CELLAR SASH ^ I'» INCH THICK -n. Bottom Rail Twelve Sai,h in a Bundle Tl'I'k- , 1.,,,,. **i*'- -r HiiMh In. \\^ 14^ 1.00 i.i:. l.?n I.To ft. In. 'i ■•'4 V ll>4 •i 1 1 '4 ^' ii'j ft. X I I X I V X I I X I <; X I Id In. BARN TRANSOMS I'i INCH THICK size "f <!l;mM III. : X !» N X 111 10 X !■> Thl.k- Price Ml'MK • ilazi-il In. " 1^ $-v».KO \H ." 1^8 .•{.2r) size of S.IBh ft. • > ft 8 In. ft. X 1 X 1 X 1 In. •l'« 10 ■ ai*iia..««4**'* •■sj. / t f dlt In .Mil lit • 1T> CUSHING BROS.LIMITLD . STORM SASH fi i i,. ■■ ^^o.Utht Four. Light A'l .iiir •.t-rm .;i«Ii :nv maili- U II1.1..W. ,,f i..rn>|i..ii.|ii)i; 'i/i'. ail. I wi.lir art' .|ivi.!i,I mi., i".„ir li^lit.. ini-h iii^^cr til. ill «!«.• iri fi. I'm s .-. ! !'•'« X r. T 1 !'»'« X .". II I "', s :. r I Thlrk- j III tin 1>H Hh I'm I'rIi. Uittii'il l>|4 Snio (it;.*! r.ii.') ,s.;r. .S,(MI Three. Light Sli(. Thl.k- 1*1 ii'»'. iiraa s.s. ft. I'l- rt. 1,,. In. • > 1 ' « X ■> 1 Mm $:>.l(i • 1 <i ' M X :. .i 1^8 .'(.T*) :t x'kx:. ;{ Mi. tl.tii ;! I'"8x:, r Ifs (!.(>() .( l"',s x :. II I« (it'll 4 "JMX.-. r 11^ (;.':)ll . Six-Light wis; !p^S. ^^'^'' "''■ "•^"'^- -^" ^'^^ vents unic,. other- For sliilinjj ventilator add Toe net. 11 '^irp ^IJ^HING Bros LIMITED ,p, . 7 Sl«,. VI > x ?(» Vh X -.'I •.'•.' X -u; •i\ X -.'1 ■- 1 V •.'«; •i\ X VM V} X .in 8IX UOHT BASH !♦• INCH THICK 1 *•«*■ iMh in a Bim4J« "to ThI. % . r-rl. . ■ r ill.iaa riraa itUii-il Mlt> I Hi l.rtA I ? luv A' NINE UOHT SASH »H INCH THICK Twelvt Sath in ■ Bundli of illioi n... ci|,,g„,| ' H I. Nil «isi v'.vo Slip "f Mimh V'X? Mi, Ix-.' Ill, IK:i (ii.i ONE LIGHT ATTIC SASH I»» INCH THICK Twelve h in a Bundle ThI.k. I'rici'. •ililXfll ♦ i.r.o I. TO i.;mi l.!»il 1 .\c, v'.mi vM.'i Hill' «t Mil* h •.M X V5 •v'l X i'.) •^(i X M VS X '.'It ;i^> X Jl \»s X ;t.j vs X ;i.-) Ask for our prices on Church Window, and Cathedral Olat.. 12 ,» .-j^ CusHiNG Bros Limite:d \ ' XLCR -7 tt « ^ »# rv OABLE 8A8H AKD TRAUMB ^ •«h No 110 i..h No. lit s,,H No tSJ Fr«mt No IW > Pram. No. Ill', Fr.m. No. lij'. N" Nil. ,.„,. IH' I H X -v'-N ^j ;„, |H| I M X •,' N ,,,„, I'*;! I-H X V N I ;„, •'»'" I'ri. . iNf'j iHiiou Ixr^ H.nn Ih:«'^ !Mtii LSH i a Cultivate Flowers HOT BED SASH IH INCH THICK n Lt 14- and Early Vegetables ^ Ma.Ic for <; and T ituli «lass. l-or nr.hnarv mzcs that i. ir.,m I.. I., ;,u M|uarc u-ct. tiu- price is :Ut cents per s,.„arc loot. ' J'ur H..t l$e.l Sash over :»(» square feet. .Jr, cents per square fool. ' Bank and Office Fittinga manufactured to detail. — n ■ ■« v|«l r XLCR ] ^"'NG BROS. LIMITED I ] I rJT> r QUEEN ANNE WINDOWS No. 142 Federal Elastic Cement will stop the leaks. We stock it. IT- iijF 4 i#. '"^^^4 mm s ' > CRUSHING Bros Limited / -HXLCR \ BPA N D QUEEN ANNE TRANSOMS AND SASH L n ■ 1 - ] No. ISO No. 157 No. 161 No. 153 No. 154 ^^e .Ilustrate only a few patterns of Q,,en Anne Transom, and Sash, but can n.ake at short notice anv pat- tern reqtnred. insuring a first dass job i„ everv respect. As the prices largely depend on the quantity and si.e wc no not list then. Prices on application. Ask for Excelsior Building Paper and Roofing. * r '■4 * , - XLCR - CusHiNG Bros Limited n p A ^J o — J rn TT «< •. CusHiNG Bros. Limited D r HALL SASH, STYLE NO. 1 Coppered Lights Uinaa Hllu I'rii .JOxKi $1-2. (10 :i-.'xl(; IH.SO .UxKi l.'i.Cd Mix 1 li It. 10 ■U)xl« Vi.'.M ■.\'ix\s ■Ux]H Ut.OO ■UlxlH 1!».00 HALL SASH, STYLE NO. 2 Coppered Lights Cilasa Size I'rii ;joxUi $11.(10 32xUi 11.80 34xl«) I'^.GO .'{fixK; i; 30x1, S 11.90 ;5<;xi.s lif.To .•Jtxls 1 1.(10 3Gxl,S| 18.00 The ,K.puIarity „f „ur manufacture of Art (]Iass \Vin,;.,u. is M^„ifica„t. A reference to tl,e abne illu.tra- ^-- ard to Pa;,.. 1,; an,l ,r will explain why Kxcelsior qualityart -lass is snccifi,.,!l,vH..>.,. vh- -,..-- ■ • • ■ > t\i!iuapp ic iniriiiMc value and crrect artistic appearance. Braver Board is constantly in c ,,nd. We can supply it. 18 3' -j]r^. CUSHING BroS.LIMITED HALL SASH Coppered Lights HALL SASH Coppered Lights Style No. 4 IJlaag Sash '*'"''^ Size ''■"'"'*• iMxVl 5;8x;.'!» .$l.-..v 'i4x-iH '>Hx:V.\ i7.<,o Mil" 'i I X ■> I •v'lx-^s Vlx.'iO Style No. 3 HALL SASH Coppered Lights Style No. 5 (JI.-is.s .size •i I X •.' 1 vMx<!S •i I X ;5o Sa.Mh Size Prif 'iU $14.00 Hi 15.80 m 17.00 19 Jx^ciR Lg u^H'NQ Bros. Limited ~ U. \ a BAND XLOR OHIEL WINDOWS No. 104 Sash in all window, primed in best linseed oil. Glazed with best ,|ual.t> double strenjjth clear ^lass. unless other- made TS'int ^!^r'',^'''^^^ f- slnppin,.. Transoms made 1^ mchcs thick unless ordered otherwise. Site of OpenlriK Slie of Bottom LiKht Size of Top I-lKht ft. .{ 3 3 3 3 4 in. ft 1 .X r, (') X ri 8x.'> 10 X 5 10x5 0x5 In. 0. 6. 10. 6, In. I'M l.K In. 3() X 3S 38 X 10 •K) X 10 12x41 i'i X IH It X t4 In. 3r> X 16 38 X 16 40x16 42 X 16 42 X 16 44 X 16 Top Light ! lass. ■ leai I'.S. I .lazed $ 8.50 9.15 :*.(]0 10.60 11.35 11.45 20 ^^^* --11 n -'H3^- r(j_:m— ^^iJ^ ^??-^J:dil ITED "{xlcr)- \ DRAND ' XLCR ORIEL WINDOWS Fl No. 100 A" .Id pattern always ni .style. Transoms made IX, 'ucht tliick unless ordered otherwise ^'^ '"^^ Size of Open in (If Size of Bottom Uirht Size of Tu|) 1-iKht T'rlc* >_: f ^. 'iFw A-m_. ••Mi XLCR t ^"SHiNG Bros. Limited XLOR ORIEL WINDOWS No. 101 size of Opening ft. 3 3 n (> 3 3 4 in. 4x 6x H X 't 10 X f) 10 X Ti Ox,-> ft. ■'» 5 In. 0. >> 2, 6, 10. fi. size of Hottom In. i-M I'M 14:1 1'; In. 36 X 38 38 X 40 40x JO 42 X 44 i'ixAH 4 I X n .Slie of Top Llgrht In. 3C X 16 3.*^x]6 40 X 16 45Jxl6 42x16 4»xl6 T'.p Llifht Uliizerl Colored (}l.-i»j ArtJHtifnlly ArninKed $11.40 l.J.OO 14.05 14.80 15.20 22 ' y-i»l^'^ CUSHING BROS.IiMITED XLCR ORIEL WINDOWS 'iiii. VV.IKliiw is ulU- No. 105 "'■ oiir doscrvc ly p )ini!ar .Icsiirn^. 1 nil. 1111, It. t'i.iuur;itc (Ir'siii'ii., It , Mf »i, . inexn..n,iv,. 'iv.,, ' ,,. „ " ' ' ' . ''^ ' ' ^'""^' ""H- <imte raiiM,..,> „,:uK. l,i, ,„. thick milcs. nnlcred lIH'.\|)i'll,ivo. t)tli ruisc. Sl»e of Opening r XI rp ^^Hl. ^J^'^ Bros Limited XLOB ORIEL WINDOWS rr No. 709 '" "H' iHtur ,.7 I,,,,,,, r' '' ""^' ■" ''^•'' '"'^tinctio,, liilllxh Hev.'l '• Met Iti lAikJ JL^mJirlk . rr^ ^_CusHiNG Bros Limitld XLOE ORIIL ART WINDOWS XLCR - J H »• * H fl X_ No. 370 Tlii. I ^tnkin«U lH.;u„in,| ,l,M;r„ an,l ,„k. ih.-.t uil! .1. .iv>c.rvo,lly p,,,u,Iar. Tran , „,a.k- 11, i„. «i«'' of \\i„a„w ft ill. rt. ■•; ! x :. •i >'< X 't ■J .s X .-. ;i lux.-. .{ nix.-. 4 Ox :. In. 0. ■: •> i;. in. (1. In. I '4 11, »:'4 H:«e of llHttiirii l.lKht In. '■u> X ;t,s ••f.N X |(» Jftx »-.' X I I 1? X l,S 1) X n T..I. t.luht of I-i'iiii,,i An N..UV..J1I1 !i» IVr Cut in. :(ii X Hi .i.S X I fl HI X k; Iv' X Ki iv'x !<; 14 X Id ■*! ! .■(> l:(.<i.-. I l.-v'O 25 uf^iMm- XLOR ORIBL ART WINDOWS No. 333 ."ll.- of n .( ;i ill. ft I s :. r, X :, >< N .". •J 10 X.-. I <i ,\ .1 III ti I". (1. III. Hi l.i h;«m of II. .It, .111 l.iulit In. •'ili X .is ;i.s x |(» t'- \ in IV X II IV'X I.S II N II Mla«. of Top l.luht In. •!i; X Hi •■I.Nx Ili i" ,\ l«) Iv'x III i-.'x k; II X Id l-ciiilfil .\rt Noiivi'.iu ■ I" I'lr Cut *l;'.(M) I ;'..•.<) I.t.v.-, 11.0(1 1 1. .'.(I l.l.Od • jm / —^ '' - ^' ♦ -m CusHiNG Bros Limited \ B ■ikc it • If red I Art 'MU '•ut XLCR OBIBL ART WINDOWS LKADKO NOUVKAU III i No. 364 1' ill a da>s 1,N „.,.|,-j„.,„^. ,,„,. ,.f ,,,,^ ,,^l^^^ ^^'•'•■l; 't - ".a,lc- i, arti^.i.allv arrai^-I a„-| «n^, a ^ik' ^ ;;;;;' '''^'"P- ■HHara.ia-, IV;..^ \,,. -na'i: ., i^ s^fe Silt? of Hi.itnm Muht S)Xm of T-i. M«lit • Uix*-!! Leatli-i] All N'MiiVf.iu i' I'lr <'ui - XLCRf-'^l^JiL^^ B.^os. Limited XLCR ORIEL ART WINDOWS LEADED NOUVEaU ■ire cxcoilciitlv "orkiii.-in ■ soms 111 No. 366 '""' ']'■'' l'atta-ii>. ail, I ;, wiinu.r Tlu. ''''^■'•'^■•'•ti.ickunio>>,,nK.;.,,Xwi";::'- ''"•- iziMl Leaded \it N'liuveau as I',.,- Cut $14.:)() CusHiNG Bros Limited XLCR -. ^ SPAN I) XLCR ORIEL ART WINDOWS LEADED NOUVEAU No. 331 size of < ipt'iiiiii,' ''■ 111. fi. i, •■i I X .-, (I '■> fl X .") •> •' N X .■) •.> ■i nix .-) (i ill. -i— liiii' ••• i-M Sizi' lit' Hlltl.lDl l.iKht In. ■U> X .is ■IS x -10 Htx Jo 1'^ X M i'^ X 4.S 44 X 44 Size <>r l.iKht in. :i(; X k; iDx I(i iv'x k; 41 X k; .\rt .\oin>\iii 'Ilass f)i l.tilil,.il l!,u-.s. ,I.S I -111 Sll. 1. •(.•.'.-) 14.40 l.-i.l.-, lo.r,-, / -f^.. ri XLCR 1__^5^5!1!!<G BROSjJMITED ^ {.■RAND/ ~ J XLCR ORIEL ART WINDOWS LEADED NOUVEAU " ^ -P, . No. 365 are .u,,.iL JF ., ^u -i kV r' ^"'^ ■■"" ^"'"'•'"^^ acqui>iti„n to am- I„. u 'V '^^■""^'>>'ent--a <lc.MrabIe Size of ft. in. ft ;< 1 X .-) ;! 'i X .") ;i S X .■) '1 f > Idx .-) ;} IIIX.") 4 n X r, ze or Size of e n i n (,' liottDiu Lisht ill- in. In 0. 1.4 •'!« X ;}8 v^ 1.14 .•{.*l X 40 -^ i-M 40 X 40 <i. 1:^-4 4l^ X 44 i«». ],}4 4-^ X 48 «. i-M 44 X 44 Size af Tup LISht In. .■5(5x1(5 .'58 X l(i foxlfi 42 X Id i2 X Ifi 44 X Hi Leniled .Art N'liuveau as I'er Cut ?li.r)(» 1.5.25 lii.'-io ir.5>o ir.50 18.25 <"\ 0' ''5^3-r'^7r_^usHiNG BROS. Limited / '" \ _ _ — 1 ^ ^^ ^ yoPAND / XLCR ART GLASS WINDOWS LEADED NOUVEAU r No. 300 """""•'ii".i; iiiirciia-or- It aPPouumen.s and po..esscs u,u,>„.l nuTit Iraiixims >au Cut 1 size of "peiiiiiic ft. i" ft. ill. 1 X .") 0, ■) (i .\- ."i -^^ ^ X •■■. ■>'. Ii'x.') (1, D ! : ' Ki X .") ](i. ■> ! = 4 <» X .•) (i. ill. 1,1:, l.u U4 U4 \v, i.>4 .Size of liiittiim Ms,'ht in. ■{»> X ;}.s 40 X 4(1 4v;x4t 4-^ x },S 44x44 S-:z T.,„ M.Kht of In. ;{<ix Ki •'^> X ll) 40 X k; 4-^x k; 42 X Id 44 X 1(1 Le.adcil Art -Vouveiitl as IVr ("ut •$l(i.7.-) 1 r..-.o i!i.-^.-, VO.OO •v'O..Ml J •(xLCR u-?!^i!liy£jBRos, Limited rr J- XLCK ART GLASS WINDOWS LEADED NOUVEAU No. 332 Size of ft. In. ft ;{ 1 X .-) ;j <; X ,') ;{ 8x,') .■3 I(» X 5 ;} 10x5 4 Ox, 5 Size of Hottoiii Size of Top LlKht In. Mix Hi •■?<S X 16 li'x It; 42 X 1« 4'^x 16 44 X 16 Art .N'uuveau as I'er Cut $10.7-) 17.50 v.t.2ry 20.00 20.50 21.25 rr> r: 1 r> CusHiNG Bros. Limited \ \ BPAHO / I CARE OF VENEERED DOORS ^•""-■•" "• 1--' tlu-u .,„.,.. „n,i.,,,, „.„,„„„^ ^_,_ ., •'-- -u-I, .l.M,„ati,.„. lU.f„rc.v,n,,a.o.L.;iv.,-v.,fU,c 'I ''Ts. \,,i, fj,„| ,] , , , lu.u uii\ nave ht'cii (l.-inii.i,.,l I... - ^';"-" '-•■'■"^- 'Ku.. „.. i,.,„ ,,,,^„^ ^,^^.,,^ ,,,^^^^ r-IM.rc. ,n ..nlcr ... .ecur. clai,„ fn„n railuay. Uhcn taken fn„n crate, a ..f fi„.. ., ,,,;„ ,„„,„^ — I.:.Iicd at once, ^ak, which i. a p..n.ns .„..,. should r;: ^* ^'^^ "' """• '"' '•'^^•" ^"-''' •- ^iven a coat of ^Heilac un,e. it is to be Main.l. in whiC, case app,, .tain first. Do not put veneere.1 do... i„ hni,,h„,, until the walls and piaster are tlionuij^^hlv drv. \eneered .loors as outside doors ,viil last for vears if ihey have been properly treated by the finisher, but .si.ould further be protected by p<,rch or verandah. The top and bottom should be painted with at least one coat of thick paint. r ( XLCR L^y^'i^G Bros. Limited 'k::S \ B » A M - / y Construction of Our XLCR Five-Ply Perfe Frame Veneer Doors A section cut of our Slab Door Mu.wng dovetail joints, double veneers and hardwood edj^estrips Crating Veneered Doors crate ^h . ■ '''''"■'■ ^"*' '■''■^ted, three doors to a - ^ari:;';s';;f;;i?;;^:;;;;r^^ - ^--^^' -^ ^-^J -ch We manufacture Mirror^^^,. beat polished plate glass. 34 • .. -«■■ ■> ^ Perfect CUSHING BROS.LIMITED XLCR XLCR VENEERED FRONT DOORS nPANO / I ht. are s to a which glass. yuartered Oak Plain Oak . . . . Birch No. 361. Bevel Plate Illustrated in IMam Oak 2'10"x6'10" 3'0"x-'O" ■$--J.').(5.-) 20..30 For price of aho $27.r>0 24.05 22.15 rt^ "f above door in Fir. see page 44 Glazed Plain Plate deduct $3.00 nit 35 XLCR L?^^"'^^ Bros Limited I P A N O /J XLOB VENEEBED FBONT D00B8 No. 318. Bevel Plate Illnstratcl i„ iMain Oak 2-10"x6;i0" 3'0«x7'0" Fo >• price of above door in PJr '^—Vr^Tn^ Pushing Bros. Limited ' BDAND XLOR VENEERED FRONT POORS Plain Oak- Birch No, 363. Bevel Plate Illustrated in I>;:.i:j Oak 2':i)"x6'10" .3'0" X TQ" $22.00 X I % " $20.20 18.35 For price of above clcor in Fir. see pa«e 44 Glazec Plam Plate, deduce $2.50 net. ' 20.00 jil". i - XLCR L?i^^^ S^os Limited \ SWA NO XLCR VENEERED FRONT DOORS riain Oak liirch No. 364. Bevel Plate lllM.«,tratf(l in I'luin ( Jak 2'10''x6'10" 3'(»"x7'0" For price of above do„r in Fir. see pa^e 44. Glazed Plain IMaie. deduct $2.50 net. ^~^T ^ ; |^_Cushino Bros Limited OORS '0" X 7'0" X l\" K'iJ.O.-. \ XLOR VENEERED FRONT DOORS i'iain Oak liirch . . . . No. 362. Bevel Plate Ittti'tratid ill Itirch 2'I()"x«'lu" 3'0"x7'»« 2 ».V5 For price of abt 25.35 3ove dcor in Fir, sec pa-o 44 Olazed Plain Plate, deduct $3.00 „ct. 39 Ah AH <) u:)MiN(, Bros. Limited XWR VENEERED fROKT DOORS No. 235 lllintrated in Fir 'Main ( hst ! Sl'H.Ii) j «2n,;».5 Hirch.. I '"^» j l!)t).-, ^ — -■- ' J!!:!'!LJ_IU.75 '•-r pnc. or- door ,„ F.r. ,ec pa^e 44 ' 19- ^ )0R8 r< CusHiNG Bros LiMiTfo XLOR VENEERED CRAFTSMAN DOORS CRAFTSMAN F. Art Copper niustra I,: i„ ijin-i, 1%" i.t).-, '.7-. I'laiii Oak 'tirch .... XLCR , y S'lCxS'IO" $ir.i.-> l."..s.l 3-11" X T'O" X I>. « For pricf ,,f al.ov,. ,I„„r in Fir sec- ...... 41 t^la^..ll"Ia,„,o, ,K•,l„c•,V}VM}';H.^^'• 41 li BpAND / XLCR VENEERED CRAFTSMAN DOORS CRAFTSMAN C. Bevel Plates illustrated in IJirch For price of above door in Pir ll"; Jin— -■ --- /^N TC^i--#pf-^ CUSHING BROS.LIMITED / m XLCR VENEERED CRAFTSMAN DOORS t^CT' CRAFTSMAN A. Bevel Plates Illustrated in Rirch \ BRAND • 2'10"x6'10" 3'0"x7'0" Plain (Jak Birch .... $21-10 $->2.i5 l!'o<» 20.60 For price of above door in Fir. sec page 44 Glazed Plain Plate, deduct $2.00 net. 43 (, XLCR L?Hl!!lNi^ • RAND L^ PRICE LIST for XLCR FIR DOORS I"' on foregoing pages. ...I \ll\ Paw ;}() 40 41 4l> 4;j Fo No. .361 318 'M\:\ 364 23r» Craftsman F. Craftsman C. .£|;aftsman A. The above prices include B 2 10X1-: $30. 75 30.75 23.00 30.00 33.50 83.00 16.55 22.25 23.25 3 0x114 $33.50 33.50 25.15 33.00 36.50 23.50 18.20 22.80 22.80 r price on Plain Plat evel Plate Glass '- "^ P^»" referred to above. The popular "Beaver" n. j . weaver Brand of Maple and Oak in„. • carried in stock Floonng P ^^^:.r#^7p_ Pushing Bros. Limited T'^ \ ^ ' ' ■xlcrI- \ BPANO / r..05 5.65 5.80 6.75 6.75 7.75 "»y vtntered doors made. ■)c 1 1 „ ,„ ... J? 4 , 1 1?*" [_CusHiNG Bros. Limited XLCR FRONT DOORS Fir or Cedar D.D. Glass ^, Art Art Noveiiu N'oveau No. 8 aa Per Cu ft 2 2 o 2 In. ft. 8x6 10x6 Sxfi 10x6 0x7 In. In. 8 ^H $ !t.;}5 10 m !».70 8 iM' 10.75 10 \\\ 11.10 ly. 11.85 $ 0.85 10.20 $10.15 10.60 $18.75 10.25 11.25 11.60 12..15 11.55 12.00 12.75 20.25 20.50 21.75 -f '^.l^rP -jj^^CusHiNG Bros Limited !> -^XLCR XLCE FRONT DOOBS V Art N'oveau a Per Cut No. 714. Fir or Cedar $18. 10 l-KCo 20.25 20.50 21.75 in. in. «. IV^ Jo, ih «, m 10, 1^4 0. m Plain Plate *1 i.-.o M.rr, 1-..75 Ifi.OO 17.00 Bevel Plate *-1fi.75 17.25 18.25 18..50 19.25 Sand • Ulast as Per Cut $10.1.-; 10.60 11.55 12.00 12.75 -'xLCR L?;^^l!li!llBRos. Limited BPvAND XLOR FRONT D00B8 In. ^H $ 8.85 IH •).f?0 i-H lO.W m UMO i-M 12.70 $ y.;{5 11.40 12.60 13.20 $12.15 1 •'}.:')() 14.20 16.40 18.20 $14.25 16.j?o 16.30 18.70 20.60 :o .^T I /- •:peusHiNG Bros LIMITED \ iXLCR ' XLOB FBONT DOOES , 1 (' ^ h4 Q I Bevel Plate 16.30 18.70 20.60 ft In. ft. Jn. 2 8x6 8. 10x6 10. 2 8x6 8, 2 10x6 10. :i 0x7 0. In. 10.10 11.40 12.60 l.}.-^0 10. oO 11.90 13.10 13.70 13.<)0 14.20 16.40 18.20 *14.25 16.20 16.30 18.70 20.60 r XLCR CusMiNG Bros. Limited Size "• In. ft. In. 5J H X (i ,s, 2 10 X (i 10, 2 -S X (i s, V 10 .\ .•; 10, •'{ '» X 7 0. XLOE FRONT DOORS No. 717. Fir ■■ I ■•'■■" j li.ii) After a test of 31 years EXCE^^^I^i^^^;~;:^^ 50 '■''.. i: ' "■'' C USHiN QBROS. LIMITED / "\ XLCB FRONT DOORS '<•"" !>.jr) 10.1(1 lO.JS.-, JS ,s..S(), Vi.or, 1-4.7 o f'oppei I.'Kht Art X'.Vfiiu •No. 713 1 $14.T-) ;$i«.75 17..'}.-. 1 H».'^5 H).8.-, 20.->r, l!).<5r, 20.50 ^0.4.1 21.73 XLCR i- ^^SHING BROS-L iMtTED XLOB FRONT DOORS No. 724. Fir or Cedar Mm Pan <•>• Plain HoublR -ttrcnKth aia»B Plain Plate Bevel Plate Mooae Head -'r 1,'"' » ■ " ',L 'l: '^i'-p ' A'^ li^^ri I^BBW^^" ' T'S 'f> ■'..' ■D .T /: •C' T—^^^"'^^ B^os Limited / •^- .'P%A XLCR -. XLOn FRONT D00R8 No. 436. Fir Moose Head 0.85 10.60 11.00 i;}.io 13.70 81 ■• ft. 2 2 2 2 .i ■ In. ft In a X U >■■. 10x6 10. 8x6 8, 10x6 10, 0x7 0. i rialM 1 Double Panpjr i *<trenKth <iluss In » !).;j.-) $ H.H.") i>s 10.10 10.60 i,ki 11.40 n.!>o lf4 15>.60 iM 13.20 13.70 Plain I'iate Bevel PUU $12.65 14.40 11.70 16.90 18.70 $14.75 16.70 16.80 19.20 21.10 ■•«5i' I&- IS XLCR h ^"^^ l^^.^ys Limited XLOB FRONT DOORS No. 70S. Fir or Cedar Mlir 't. In. ft. In. ■i H X (! H, 2 10 xr; in. 2 8x6 8, 2 10x(i Id, 3 X 7 0. Plain Uuubl., HtrniKih I ill. * x.h:> lll.2."i lo.fio 11. .{5 Piiru'y i'.lo lo.?.*, 11.10 11.85 ■ i.iin I'laU fiat* $1.{.50 $1«.0( 15.40 17.(M Ifi.OO 18.5( 1 7.00 1J).5(» 17.75 20.25 D O— U_CusHiNG Bros LiM ITED / \ XLOR FRONT DOORfl No. 212',. Cedar B«vel I'lat* $1«).00 17.0U 1H.5() 11>.50 20.25 ^ ;i In. ft In Hxi; H, 10 Xd 10. 0x7 0, rt X t) H, 10 x« 10. X 7 0, A\x) VC l^g .... «treinrthUla«« ll-j, * »i.50 I ij, 7.00 lix ....' 7.70 1 ij . «.10 H4 ..!'! ''10 M,' .. 10.00 - '-^^-^-^-ii:^' il: \v_v_^ • • • • -10. 70 *' "' in Fir. supplier! at same- price. rlxLCR 1 g"SHiNG Bros LiMiTFn j \ ohmno y ■ XLOR PHONT DOORS ft. In. rt in 2 6x6 6. 8 8x6 8. 2 10x6 10. 3 0x7 0. 2 8x6 H, 2 10x6 10. 3 0x7 0. Above No. 214. Fir In- Plain Doubli 1 .>ji Strength Qlai l^ $6.5 ].h .. 7.0 1^ ...:::::: ^-^ i;ki ....;;: »-i< M^ 10-0( ~- --i:-!!!:^-.- — 10.7C door ,„ Cedar, supplied at same price: 56 ' rr^ c In Double ngth Qlaaa ..$ 6.50 • . 7.00 . . 7.70 . . 8.40 • • . . 10.00 ■ • 10.70 rvL.-- I ■•■ \ CusHiNG Bros Limited / \ XLCR ]-. BINKNO XLCR FRONT DOORS No. 210. Cedar ft. In. ft. In. In. Plain Doiible^ ^ fa X 6 (i, Streng-th Gla«» 2 8xG 8. iS .'.".'.■ ^ ^■-" 2 10 X 6 10. l.y^ 6-50 2 8x6 8. ly, 7.45 5i 10x6 10, 1.U 8.75 3 0x7 0. hv, y-G5 :±-^-_l^U_- liii-_ ■ • jOjS Above door in Fir. add 15 cents net. Material for Store Front Construction carried in .tock. 57 :.iiui i '«i " 1^, " iii'i'"' t« r! XLCR L£l^li!iNGBROS. LTmiTEO BPAN XLCR STORM DOOH^ in. '4 No. 490. Cedar " 'n. ft. In. 2 «x6 !.; 1,^ •^ 10x6 11. i(l 3 0x7 1, ly^ Natu -'fi"i.^i^ Unpainteci. In Cedars;,; Wc stock Plate and Sheet Glass. I'lain r>ouble otrenjfth (Jlfjg. $ 4.7.': 4.0,' 5.50 5.65 CusHiNG Bros. Limited NO XLCR FIR DOORS In. i-H $ 1^ . . . e.ryu ]-M • . . 8.90 l.'i . . . 10.60 i-M ■ .. 10.25 iy4 . . . 11.25 One of the most handsome doors we mani.facture." ff ft. 2 2 8 2 In. ft. 0x6 0x6 4x6 4x6 6xG 6x6 in. U, 6, 4, 6, 6, 8, CusHiNG Bros. Limited 1^ XLOR FIB DOORS No. 461 in. 1^ .$ 4.20 . 4.65 . 4.70 4.75 4.S0 4.;jo ft ■i 2 3 In. ft. 8x6 10x6 8x6 6 x 7 10 X 6 0x7 in. 8, 10, 8, 0. 10, 0. in. m 5.00 5.80 7.00 8.00 8.15 8.80 Strong, durable and beautiful resigns. rrr^ '" l(Lr CusHiNG Bros Limited (^ \ \ BRAND ' XLCE FIR DOORS $ 5.00 5.80 7.00 8.00 8.15 8.80 :signs. No. 460 ft. In. TT^lh: Inf^ 2 Ox 6 0, 14^ ^ " 2 fixfi fi ix! $4.20 2 10x6 10, \u. ^''•00 :2 8x6 8, 114 ^-^^ ;? 10 V 6 10, ul 7.00 2 6x7 0.' \y, ^-^^ 3 0x7 0. l5 ^-^^ L _ "■* • g gQ Note the beamiful ^^^^^^Ih^^^^^^l^;^^^^^ best semi-iiardwood door. 61 CusHiNG Bros Limited' ft. 2 2 2 9 In. 0.x Ix Ox 1 X (ix *; X ft. (! (> (i «) fi <; In. (I, 4. <!, <;. In. Hi XLOR FIH DOORS CRAFTSMAN I. 4.8.-, .').40 *).4.-> ').«() 5.80 • In. ft. In. Sxd 8. lOxlJ 10. 8 X (i 10 X<! (5x7 0x7 8, l'». 0. 0. In. iVs $(i. ^H ■ . 7. Wa ■ • 7. 1-M . . 8. IM .. , <i.. m .. . 9.( Our Fir Door s are unexcelled either for appearance worl manship or durability. 62 ED ^ ! fl i""^ — ^- 'J"^ • rtr 1^ Pushing Bros. Limited / s ■ l»AND XLCR PIB, CEDAR OR PINE DOORS ce, work No. 202. 5 Cross Panel Fir I'or List >ee I'ajre (iT. ^iir .5 Cross F'am-I Fir n-x- -r~ „ •• , - iS^- - XLCR HPANO CusHiNG Bros Limited XLOB 00 FIVE PANEL DOORS No. 201 Fir. Cedar or Pine See Door List, page 67 for prices. Look for the Trade Mark— "XLCR" Our «"i?««nf department is at your service. Submit architects plans and specification, for complete quotation,! 64 t.,.:. J 1 . .j/^ Z' .J ) •m J^^'r-^. ■T, H^ / il^.vi CUSHING BROS.LIMITED / •"^" \ 1 XLCR ' AUUK KED UCDAR DOORS ^ No. 200 Cedar and Fir Doors are our specialty. Our product is the standard of excellence. We do not sell naii^.-d -i^^^re ^ • . *t ^ (I ...lors. uiir dtxjrs are .siriclly No. i and arc shipped in natural finish. Price List on page 67. After a test of 31 year. EXCELSIOR quality is still leading. 6S~ ■ W.'- -f^^ CusHiNQ Bros. Limited XLOB RID OIDAB DOORS No. 203 The mo« modern equipment and m.nuf«eturtn» in enormou. quantitiet enablet u. to wU at cIom prices without tacrificing quality. Shijiped in the natural c.Ior. Not painted. Price List, see page 67. Bank and Office Fitting, manufactured to detail. 66 ito<^:^ •M' CusHiNG Bros Limited in XLOR DOORS Numbers 200 to 203, Incluaiv*. Illu»triitcil .in p»nt, 6J. 64. ftS itiid 66 ft. In. ft. In. « II X « In. Apr 'i)i!ni>t« wvirhi •.i2 lbs. $;!.to •^ li X (i (1 I>« (0 ;j !i5 V 1 X « 4 l*H 10 .J.SO i O X « fi Dm ;».'. a.«5 'i i X li (i IVii 41 .•».!I5 v' li X « (i lin ir. ;».!i5 iJ 0x6 H 1^11 10 ll.H't •i « x « H m 4H 4.10 'i 8 x li M iH 50 4.10 •<; loxii III \H r.i I.N5 V li X 7 m 50 5.15 ■J 0x7 IH 5« 5.40 ■i « x li « \H 55 B.5J5 •i M X li H IH fiO li (S5 'i lOxli 10 l>i 71 7.75 2 fi x 7 i-M 70 8.00 2 « x 7 1>4 Ti «.15 •« 0x7 i>i 711 8.?5 L.H>k for the Trade Mark— "XLCR" Y««, M,l.fy your cu.tonier. by .upplying ,he be.t quality of Wagon Oak. Get it from ui. ' "sr J -5*"- ., rS". ':^(hAJiB!fcfci' ■(xlcrI ^"shing Bros Limited XLO& 7HAJCIS WINDOW FRAMES Knock Down and Mcurtif bundltd. ^;;"' ^^^'«^vi»r %x^ nim.1 S.op *^ g* **-^-^^^'"*f MX I Stock Si>M: »<»X!fU, four litrht, •>()«.>„ . I- . lo » .»,, t ,. , "' X CO, t»vo light* i« X ^0. four lur ,t^ 9o»t»i . 11 I'Jv'ji / II '" X <i, two l^htH I- X ^1, four hjjiit, »0v5>« . , " l'<Jx-^H. four lights VoJS r"'^'' " X :m. four lijht, jJx-L" r'*^"' J«x'^0. ,wo iS ^» '«•">. two liKht, I Vice, each ^. . $«.10 Hxtras to be adde.l to regular list price. I'lain Drip tap. N',, ysfj Monldc<l Cap. \.,. 7:,K and No." .vij.V .' * !!; Window Stop. No. 751 *^ Jamb.s. M X 7>i " ' 2-^ O.S. Casinjf. U« X 4 Vi .' ." '''> Brick .Stop. \Hxl^i 40 HIind Stop. Hx:ii4 '♦'^ Erectin^r Stock Frames ^^ Steel Pulleys . SO P .60 /, . hn CusHiNG Bros Limited / Km In liock ft S I I s a 4 In n. «'nxa "'in a 0|| X 5 (» t to • •(^AN p fc>Na» XLOR FRAMC8 ORIBL WINDOW PRAMBt jamti Sill . I 'rice each l-ixtrAH *4>«4j4or >4xaH niin.1 St..ti * ■ ^ < >.S, C'ating i^ »amc a<i win.|<,w rxlra«. page «X. •J*^ OUTSIDE DOOR FRAMES Knock down and iccurcly bundled Jamb Sill . •i» in. IHx7>4 '••^ ^*^'n8 :kixl/. 2 3 2 2 3 In. ft (!x(> Mx«S l(»X« 0x7 Hx(5 10x6 0x7 Stock Sijcs I! N 10 H 10 I Vice each Extras_To be added to Ve^uIa^IisVpHce $3.86 I lain Drip Cap. No. 756 Mouhleel Can. Nn. 7.%6 and S«5 l>ak Sill ...' Jambs. \Hx1% ....',,', O.S Casing. VAxAy^ ..'.'.'.'.'. Brick Stop. l^xl>^ Erecting Stock Frames » .20 .45 1.10 1.00 .«0 .80 .60 69 m.,^..^¥m r XLCR L.^usHiNG Bros. Limited 1 \ aPANO / " ~ " — ^ XLCR FRAMES INSIDE DOOR JAMBS OR FRAMES Knock down and securely bundled ■^""'^' ^^''\^ , , Stop. No. 758 Header dadoed into side jambs Fir, Pine or Cedar teet by 7 feet (, mches. Price, each %J RABBETED INSIDE DOOR FRAMES Knock down and securely bundled Jamb.,^x%./, Rabbeted, 1>^ o'r"i^ Storlr ..'... 1 _ ■ ■t- fn. ft. In. 2 fi X 6 6 2 8x6 8 2 3 Stock sizes and prices per frame: lOxti 10 I 0x7 J .$5;.00 70 S^ m. 03 ^ CUSHING BRO sjjMrrED ^, > XLOB SOEEENS FOE HALF WINDOWS 52 ct. ..$1.80 ..$2.40 .$2.00 ID 12 12 12 12 II h; IS 211 In •x 2(t. four lijjlit X 2(1. four lijjht .V 24. four lifjlit X 2«>. four lijjlit X 2H. four liffht X 2.S, four lijrlit X 20, two lijiht X 20. two liffht X 20, two liglit I Vice, each . . . Sites in 110011: ^8-inch thick. In. 20 X 21, two light 2ttx 2(i, two light 20 X 2H. two light 2(» .X ;J0, two light 22 X 21, two light 22 X 2(i, two light 22 X '-iH, two light 22 X ."{0, two light In. 21 X 21, two light 24 X 2fi. two light 21 X 2S. two light 2» x.lo, two light 2«i X 2S. two light 2« X .{0. two light 2H X .{0. two light ■lOx.JO, two light .$1.00 l!y using our factory-made scieens you will have a screen that will outwear many times the ordinary a<ljustablc screen. They are made to fit against check rail on window, "lakiiig them insect-proof. They come one dozen to a crate, which weighs approximately ru) lbs. FULL SIZE WINDOW SCREENS Sizes in stock: '"■ 'n. in 10 x 20, four light IS x 20, two light 24 x'2fi, two light 12 x 20. four light 20 x 20. two light 24 x 2S. two light 2 X 24, four light 20 x 24, two light 24 x M). two light Ih X 20, two light 24 X 24, two light 2ti x 2S, two light Price, each $1 ;5 For genuine satisfaction we recommend the full sized screen. They can be put on in the same manner as storm sash and do not interfere with the use <jf either part of the window. One dozen to crate, weighing about 100 lbs. See Pages 16-17 for interior view of Art Glass Department. 71 ?^. XLCR \ BHAND CusHiNG Bros. Limited n -r ORIEL WINDOW SCREENS 3'/a in. Lip ft. In. ft. 4x 1 in .'{ r;x 1 •> .1 Hx 1 (> ;{ 10 X 1 (! 4 0x 1 a $1.50 each PORCH AND VERANDAH SCREENS Made to order, on short notice. Get our quotations for this special work, and for odd sized Screen Windows and Doors. SCREEN DOORS The Doors illustrated on the following pages are made in our own factories. They are oil primed only, and can be painted to harmonize with other trim. We do not handle the cheap one season variety of grained doors. 72 »w* At %n T '.^ / I 7— — ^-i^-l^^Jil^ BROS. Limited XLCB SOBEEN DOORS XLCR -, No. 493 4 ft. In. ft. In. m. — . ■M 8x6 8, l>^ Each $2.00 * 10x6 10. 1;^ " 2.80 3 X 7 J . , , <' 2M n ~^ ^--^^^^^^-^^-ii--:^'!---^:^^^ " 3.00 Oi,r factory-n.ade Screen Doors are fh. .T ^^ ^i and cheapest. Shipp:^ ?n ^.^^f ^l '""''^ IT \ CusHiNG Bros. Limited 3 XLOR SCREEN DOOBS No. 494 tt. In. ft. In. „ , o c <> /. t , y Price i ^^f- <'• 1>« Each $2M 2 loxfi 10. \y^ .. l^^.^, ■^ f»xr (I, 1% ,.,... " 2.70 (See Special Screen Door Pamphlet) Ask for Excelsior Building Paper and Roofing. I 74 ;"*mi!4^ '=' 0" 3, /;p__CusHiNG_BRos Limited ^XLCR XLCS SCBEEN DOOBS /<^f\' XLCR , Bf^ND CusHiNG Bros Limited '\\\ .T r\ XLOB SOBEEN DOORS No. 500 Stxe Price ft. In. ft. In. in. 2 (i X 6 0, 1 Vh Each $.J.OU 2 8x() 8, lj/8 " ^-^^ 2 10x6 10, 13^ " ^-30 o u A I 1', i/« . . ;J_ Very -Strongly made and shipped natural color. Ask for our prices on Church Windows and Cathedral Glass. 76 lIKJk h ^i i^y CusHiNG Bros Limited XLCR ••AND XLOK SCREEN OB STORM DOORs" No. 505. Combination 2 « X C ,s 1.J Kach $9.00 2 10 X (J lo! 1^ " -'OO ^ oxr .». iS^ '• "^'» "~" - '^'^ " o.r.o i""r Slimmer and Winter use. Get our prices for Cement. Lime wd Pl„ter. ~7 . . . M^4!: CusHiNG Bros. Limited MIRROR DOORS U'l ^ No. M-88 fa-' A Mirror TXjor adds greatly to venicncc i)f a inddcrn home. \ the comfort and coJi- of a modern home. VN'e can fit any size or style of d(H)r with a mirnr at moderate cost. We manufacture our own mirntrs from the best pohshed plate glass, and can tl If re ! ! -' re truaran tt- e -f atifc; f o/'f l¥ itl Prices on application. We manufacture Mirrors from the best polished plate glass. - 1, n rr 'T—?!:!!!!^^ Bros. limited T - \ XLOR OABAOE DOORS fi H H S M In. rr. fix T H X N Size In. (I, (1. <>, 0, In. 2% No. 466 <ilrt:<l( Wieh Ol.'iim $\i.-<JH> .'S.i.t.iui .•JO.(M) ■'<i;.i)ii ;j<;.(io .{N i(» ;j4.(H» »0.N(» I'l.tnk Kraiiim No «lll $!<.!»(> The popula. -Beaver^Brand of Map,, and OaW Ploorin, earned in stock. n. CU5HING Bros. Limited 8WIK0IN0 8AL00N AND 0L08XT D00B8 HIM Prio* ft In ft. In. In. 2 Ox. J •(. I "4 $^.n i <'X4 0. 1 1,1, 5.70 •i 0x4 «. IJ4 6.00 Made in Pine or Odar. and special siies to »uit customer. 1006 Ask our figures for Doors in Hardwoods. Louvre VtntiUting Door -- Prlp« ft. In. ft. In. In. ■v' llx;J (i, l^/ji $»i.M.5 •.' 0x4 0. 11^ 7.'^l» ■i Ox J (i, l)ii 7.«(l Other designs made to order. Shipped natural color. fl i;^ 1011 Get your Bevelling and Silvering done by expert workmen. See Paget 16 and 17. 80 n n~~w , • " _ — — ><*^\ rCL'^C— ^Hi!!i^^ broslImited Yi ~~^ XLCRj XLOB FIB NEWELS No. 4t •» X .J X .) (i '^O. 48 ir.r,,) No. SI <»■' X ♦;" X 4' ^'^'"' ■>» >j(!».00 •*<" X S" X I' ^'"- '»' SIMM) Prices of ahnv Jn T^'n-- o-t- u r,- add ,jo per cent. B.nk and Office Fitting, manufactured to detail. MICROCOPY RISOluriON TI$T CHART (ANSI ond fSO T€ST CHART No 2l 1^ 12.5 1^ III 2.2 i;^ i<° lllllio 1.25 111 1.4 1.8 1.6 ^ >^PPLIED IIVMGE Inc aS"^ <SS^ Easi Mam SIrMt S^ »ocheslff, N«» York 14609 uSA •^SS ( ' '') *8i - 0300 - Phone ^S ("«) 2M- 5989 - ra. XLCR ,*- OPAND / CusHiNG Bros. Limited c — n STAIR CASES \\V .•Mi,,l,,v ,,,.,.„-,l u.n-kiiini 1, luiulK. .,air unrk -^vu- <r.iIN. Ilu- rNpcTHiuv ^rai.u.l In tlinii. m manv vi'ar> ,.f c.>M>tani n,„,l,v;nuu ,„, ,;,.„| ,ia.. .,a,r w,,rk, '.uMv. „, t- I'x.TUH' i^Ialnratu .Inail u...!-; al I.,u cum. Stairs |„„1, ,,, ,i,,a,N „„.,,, ,p,aa! aliniliuM, 2001 "ric...--^Stai,van. ,,nly. „, pam-1 unrk, i„ Fir: Hi ri-cr~ .•$•.' :.'..(M» Ad. I .-Id' iK't for lUrch. A • 1(1 ...)', lu.t f,,r Oak. niir fi-iiro t,,r Spucia! Detail St air Work. -w z/p- — ( ^"^ "^ CusHiNG Bros. Limited XLCR CHURCH WINDOWS I'raiiii' { r i;" Siml, Thrcr Sa^lu'N. I ' .s \ I ' :, ' >.S. Ca-iii- ( niii|,U.ti. ^'!iar (ila,, $11. (Ml Si/i' Stiul ( )jii'iiiii-- r.","x,s'()" 1809 <-'irciilai- Head Clu'.-k Rail Win.l, >w vj-in I- X •!i". 'r\v(, [. S-">.1{| rainu tnv a" Stiul. I'.s O.S. I :i~-iii,i.;-. •$:!..-)(». A> k t(ir our DP 1CIJS on ("hjirc!- Windows to detail, and Cathedral Glas.s Leaded Li-^rht De.sijrn.s etc. 1810 83 I TSE? ■ \ XLCR ' '^^^^.'^^--^''^^ ^"^''^JE'? T "' \ a PA N D y "''»—' CHURCH FURNITURE IN FIR OR HARD WOODS iMiitlur (I,--.i;^;i> if the L'slimatiii:; utir (lil'iVri'iit full roniirid. appiv t<- IKirtiiuiii- of ftaiK-lii'-. iiir Iianiciilar-. Lectern, No. 1825 Pulpit, No. 1814 84 r '»^^_ Rushing Bros. Limited ' '' XLCR - CHURCH FURNITURE Altar Rail, No. 1817 Wo .k>it;n an,l M,,.,,ly Mank Fittin;;,. Oflic. l-unrt,, •Ma-Miiic and ..ilicr |., ul..^. I' re, nniitin\'. Altar Rail, No. 1816 See note on page «:{. Ask for our prices on Church Windows and Cathedral Glass. 85 'usHiNG Bros Limited ~4^ '■)■ / CHURCH PEWS ii; Oiiarlir ( in ( lak, riaiii « l.;k Ol I'ir. No. 2460 \\ nil- ' s f.,r I'nii'-. Sllhiiill I (oij^'iN 11 ir Sjniiai Work. W i- maiiut.utiiri' Choir Stalls Fonts Chancel Screens and Special Church Furniture No. 2462 86 a n CusHiNG Bros Limited \ iXLCR ^ BPANU XLOR COLUMNS MISSION DESIGN No. 40 Column No. 41 Pedestal i\o. 43 The popular "Beaver" Brand of Maple and Oak Floorins i'7 XLCR ■ DAND CusHiNG Bros. Limited ^1 7\ XLCR COLUMNS AND PORCH POSTS No. 42 8"x H"xH' $().()(» 8":: H"x!)' 10"xln"x,S' 7.(M» ,S.,'.0 lo"xio"x!»' '.).:>() § ^\\ No. 46 Porch Newel .'■)"x.">"x;l'ti" Sl.N.'t '\< '■ Sii No. 50. Newel I'xrxl' «1 40 .v'x.v'xr a x.> x fi' •.i.OU 2.90 f)"xf)"x4' 2.40 ()"x6"x6' 3.40 No. 44 Verandah Posts 5"x.1"x8' $->.90 G'x(i"x8' 5"x5"x!)' :}.90 3.60 6"x6"x9' 4.70 88 •>/m Pushing Bros.Limited / '') ^.i' — XLCRJ- XLCa BLOCKS AND TUBNINOS TABLE LEO:; :\ '^A -J LI )xM u No. 34 1 'm" \ I'/'x ir No. 35 l.Jc He ^ No. 38 Nc 37 No. 30 No. 15 No. 17 1.8 xJ.« M., (,c l>ii"x:.//'x5yj" Nc I'er Set $1.80 POST CAPS No. 29 No. 31 X h ,40c •) X .) .40c 'y X .■) •^^'^c 6"x6" 60c 6"xG .40c .60c Material for Store Front Construction carried in .tock. 89 p Y(rp lJ'.u shino Bros Limited ^ ., XLOH TURNED WORK n r No. 9 No. 6 ^•'- !' I!tc ^'"- " l!»c Kacli \ \ No. 39 No. 40 I 1h" X li«" X rn" \n. .tit No. I<» 25c 55 56 .S7 58 59 6e No. 23, Finiai ;i" X ;!" X v^o" ...i.^c 4" X 4" X ■<?()" ..oOc 90 JJ^ ^._^ CusHiNG Bros Limited \ XLCH PICKETS '*°- " No. 24 No. 27 L No. ■.'.-,. .Vii. V). •\'n. ".'.S. •\'n. ?<;. , ^-l v-l'o", IVr Imi x-l" ,.r.i". IVr 1*1*. ' ^ l'M"v.r.r. IVr [iHi ^•'' ^ •■•'"". IVr iHti No. 28 No. 26 Sti.MII s,.-,ii • !.MI> tl.MI <! Ml CRESTING AND FRINGE XLCR -^^JA^ '^^ Bros Limited ... HPANa / XLOR VERANDAH BRACKETS 1 No. «>J1 No. M14 '•'■' x :'"" , . • «l.'»» I;'"nI., i:* No. 2034 IH" \ -in" No. 2021 •*'••'"• ll"x l>" .-iuc No. 2018 Ht"x I-.'" No. 2024 l"t' IH" X I-.;" ,. Our estimating department is at your service. Submit architect.' plan, and specification, for complete quotation.. 92 p" ■(' ^"5MiNG Bros Limited STORE OO0B8 r? ^Jfl XLCR ; CusHiNG Bros Limited ^AAts / \1 TO- XLCR STORE FRONTS No. 287 In furMisliin«: this front wi- ll illows; 2 larRC front sash, with prism lights in top. 2 side sash, with i)risiii lights in top. ,- 1 transom sash, with prism li;,'hts in top. '~ 1 pair doors, glazed plain plate. 1 door frame. 4" .\ (>" jamb. 4 lights plate glass. The construction is such that no nosts are re<iuired. which adds greatly to its appearance. 94 ::%HMmm MmmEt-^^mmc k^H^nswittAsgk * 'i T^^—n s Gushing Bros. Limited XLCR STORE FRONTS No. 290 M a e o Is .p^._ r q 0; R R. • 1 •0 5 '« N »• ■ r R () Pi (^ »— 1 1 * to »o , * ,« « « I.. _. _i „ -> L- In furnisliin^; this front we supply as follows: •/5 iJ<^ > .5 >- Jl ■ i- 2 front sash, glazed D.D. 2 side sash, jj'azed D.D. 1 transom sash, glazed D.D. 1 pair doors, glazed plain plate. 1 door frame, 4" .x 6" jamb. The construction is such that no posts are required, which adds greatly to its appearance. Of. '^* l^-% -A^ q) ^"SHiNG Bros Limited / ^ tXLCR ' " P A N o \ . V GLASS British Polished Plate w t n carry i„ su.k ."tulT.\-^^^^ !?"' " '""' '■'""•^'-"''y placcnicms. Vinir inr,,.iri,. i ' , '"""K^ and n- solicited. ■■»l"'r.c-> fur wurk ■„ tin. li,,. are We Handle Metal Window Bars Ih.v "■■ -' i-"-;^n:.:v'';;;:;s^,,^:;l.'''- -^^ aii'l |.r..m|,l attnili,,,,. ""' '"'■'•' «'"'" "■■"'■'"I aii.1 Wired (;i,s« aN , \ r^, ' , '"''■ '"""""'•' as fr«.„ an,l amhcr Hnis. ' '''"*" '" ""'"=■ '••» "<•" HIBBOB CLOSET DOOBS STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES \v Sho^reTcabi;:?,":::'- ""■' "-'■< '" ""ail Co„„,e., Estimates and d esigns cheerfully furnished. CHURCH FURNITURE Our Wall Ifan^.. .,._, ,„^ of Pulp.ts and Church Seats. PH ^:i c^^.r 'Z""' -"y pleasing designs ces on application. / r[xicR \ •RAND CUSHING BROS.LIMITED IJ.] ^t:"'-. XLCR COLORED AND FIGURED GLASS C» . iCdral or Muffled Glass iWliitc and Tnii>) I'riol' ■III api)lic;itii)n. 1i Muranese (Small) (White and Tints) Price on application. We stock Plate and Sheet Glass 98 ;'C 1.4...* „,#'*> / / I C TU-^J^""<« Bf^OSLlMiTE 1^1 \— ^ CusHiNG Bros Limited FRAME STOCK WINDOW JAMB (Fir) »*l«e Per 101) y4x7>/, . f''-""'" '^ H.-Hf RABBETED DOOR JAMB Slip Pep 100 ^ 12.00 PLAIN DOOR JAMB Slie Per 100 Hxiy, Lin, Ft ■kjxr.'i .. *•'•'•' .T .{■' iiOlt YaxIV, «.'^o 8.!>0 WINDOW AND DOOR SILL 1^x734 Per 100 Lin. Ft. .$1-^.00 15.75 WATEK TANKS -Made in circular and ^ prices. quare designs at nind^rate WELL CRIBBING We manufacture and stock Well Cribbing in all si zes WAGON STOCK selected White Oak suitable f o'^ ''f >■ i! '^'--^ ^'"^-S^ of .^elected for Reaches. Eveners and all Van and Wagon Work 100 ^XMfi-» .(J^7P__CoshingBros. Lii^i?^ - Mrg ) ^"SHINGBR0S.LrM(TED"~ !Il4i XLOR MOULDINGS ■.\U No. ItilM" i'.Iock I!a><.' I!!,,i-k- ... V,i.<\ Mnlli.l "/ l'»c<l Mould ... " • 'rXi Itffl .Mould r,.> ''•f<I .M.uld .... Crown .\IoiiId i -.,,, (Vowii .Mould ^;],', Crown Mould gjjj Crown .Mould " ^'■^., Crown .Mould . . ; * Casin.ij^ . Casin.i,'- . Casinf>- . Casini,"^ . Chair Rai Bite H X -.v/, Va X (j4 :V4X l>4 :54x:{jS ^^ X l.}4 I'er 100 Lin. Ft. ,S..V) I.IMI :t.iii) 1.(1(1 ;{.()(! •v'.(H) l.(M» 54 JLii. It' •;|^%IeusHiNo Bros. Limited /^^> XLCR I- XLOH MOULDINOS . -. , .Vo. C-ip Trim taj) Triiu I •"""^ <^".'i|) Trim I •'"" ■'^^•^•Iv- A/oi.M I •'"'■' •Vvk .\I..u|,| ""••' J^. 4 S. iX 4 S. I * IX I S iy>i, caj, ' * I'acia I 7.)(; ■■^11_ , :Uii '^a!f "•'If k.;un<| I *'•■■'•■' "and kail | * Ifan.l Rail i ^'•■' Si),,.. I .SKJ If.-m<! K'-.;'; I 'SI? "an.i Rail | ^-i't "and Rail '^-'1 H-.ii •^■'■t rili-strlted. 10 J" fi^^-£m\^m^ ■>xlcr) -^Ml^ ^B'^os limited m XLOR MOULDINOS at*ANO / i.auice l.attiie X<i>iii)^' ami (' ,VL' ''^'■""*s' .^trip ;„n I'aiU'I .\f,,iil,i ''atii'l Mi.iild I'am-I Mould I 'and Mould I'ancl Mould .1 , >(i;{ I arfition Cap ~ I'artition Slioc, . | '-',',",' f'lati- Kail Slulf '" ' I 'late Rail Apmi, J'late Kail llrackct .. I'lcturc M,)ul,| Picturr Mould [ , guartiT Round 77. OnarttT Round QiiartiT Round R'nl'^L' Roll Rifl,i?c Roll . . ' J X 1 > i •M X -^ :' t X 'i X- .ST., s7r, NTT (Id.') llOfi (i.">0 <;.-,( (I.Vi (iCd .S.J.J 4 X V ■>4x-.i;i •!:» X .•!/, 4 X .-J^/, .1 •>: ■4 x'i X I J/. :;x •l< X 1 .V^ 4X -M I'tT loo Mn. Kt. V.Mt) .').IM) 1. 01) I. (Ill l.uo 1.7.'. '.'..-.0 ;{.(>() t.oo 4.00 2..".0 1.7.5 •,;.0(i 1. 00 1.00 1.(10 '.i.ini 2A)I) Niiii. 'i\ 'lis /Ji 'Tf.^CUSmNOjRos LIM/TEO iXLCR r XLCI» UH^il!^ liJ»"03 LIMITED 2^ OAK AND BIROH MOULDINOB i^tct p«r too llM«| f,«, NMmb«r, •• lllu„„„d on fortfoing p«g„ lt.i!ii.i.r Si ck . . M,; lla.r M..ii!.| j,-, , Itrackct MuiiM . . ^77 '{"flap M„ul,| . , ^*,, ♦'•ip MniiM ..,,>, S«""k' ;mo ^."»'^' KM ' "Vf ll.l.f ♦ I'oor S|(t|) y^j.^ Kirir ait(( Dari ... * '•^Ufs' aii.l Dan ... ♦ '••W ami Dart . .. « I'acia * I '"^•« '.'.'. fici;| lluur Ileal . j«^, I'antI .\f. ,il<| ... '~* ''I'tlirt. .\J, „',I , ,;,„( '•lato Slulf . ,. ,s;.-, ''lati- Hail ^7,; Oiiarter K.,iiii.| . <;.-,| 'riiri^lh.hl • \^ iriduw Stiip . . j^;, I U'in.low St..,,! . . rtd H:ta It ^4 t *4 la » ? I ;*8 -N 1 '^-xl,^4 m '■■» Ux ^4 I'm x.V, ■ Nkt ♦ .VTo II.*. I.I.-. 1.7.-. I.J.I.-. 1.50 I. .10 I :.,:.( t I i.r.n i.T.n !*,?(» .•i.;io «]..*..-. i.r. 5.50 •^.15 I.VH-, $ 5 50 .1. 10 9.50 5.55 «.H5 i.lo 11.00 !{.40 1 to I. it) 5?. 10 "^.!Sl» .*».!ti) :».:.o I.lo .*l.(IO I. so 1. 1.00 • Nut lIliiMratcd. FLOORING \\\ an.I o;,an:'..j'(,|;;:""'" ■■'''"■"'■ '"-'""^ '■• ^'^'i"- '■'-' I rices on nqtuv^t. ^7r_£usHiNo BROS Limited W BUILDiKs. 8UPPU18 «• «-"r> a /Mil !,„.■ oni.,,1,1,,,- '" 'III (oUi.^Kiy.. ■UILDINO PAPER I 'Iain a,„: 7.,rr,,|. *OOFINO ''>'"I-"N till .,,1,1 ,r.,„." *"'"•■*'""""•• '^*" ami ,|,rc-c,»|y ^Vratli,r-pru,,f PKUERAL ELASTIC CEMENT U'ai«r-|ir.M./. \\|(rih.f ' fofliuT^ an il,. ,1.., t ' NATIONAL CEMENT FILLER • " -':cji;::' ::::--■''-• (:<•• CEMENT. LIME AND PLASTER ■!!•• (iriii-s for ""■■"■'I >ar, a,„| |„,,| ^i,,,,,,,,,,,. ItMii 1^. Cushingbros.Limited~QU - _ J]. ^J BEAVER BOARD I'luUU Uvi\ '""■"> intiTior, at m,„UTatc- c.^t. yTv-- )dEAVCR >30ArS TRADE MARK 48-inches Widths '''•iiKth III fpet '^•1- ''!■ ill panel I .J I I'aiicls in IniiKllo ... I ]■> ^'\- >"t- in l)iiii<IIc . . . ) -'ss \Vdj,'lll IHT l„Ik.. i„ 11,/ ]\\ ^ ill. !t 1 " '"ill, 12 ill. •v'S II .i(»,S 10 lliO ■u; 111 :!(>i) ISO Sllfci; 10 IH 10 10 loo JSO •,;oo ■v'lO I'^'^-'--'ll'ricc->.,n..nkTs,.f,,„M. f.,,a„,|.,v,r. BEAVER BOARD STRIP h X I ' I I'ir S-v'.oo per I Of I ii,n.;,i ft. •■i.<l<» ])cr loo lineal ft. ■\l'I"'i>.\imatL-lv (100 lineal li-i-t .,( i-; . - '•""<' -li.arc. fert of leaver I Inari. '* '■"'""■"' ''"■ ''''^' Get vour Bcvel'inir ^^.^ c-i — {XLCR TO FIND OU* K, '" "■■'"■■". *'"' '" I '■"^'"•^v ' ""> -'llows ,■,;",', "'"ri'v (•:.,(„,,,.. I !„• ''"ll/l/lIlL' 1. "".'•">' 'III,. ,,, I Jouts and Ra/., "I'ln [,,r, .,,, , "' — '■■' -'"I ^"" - ' •■■ ».«" " .■K..',;i„;;;;; -;;; ;;;,,„ I VI, i I '^"T/ui,!,' "'"uTrt ~ — K — — ^ f^l^'-fn* "., 4 i„,.„ '- »'' 1. 5 3 £,^^ ^ ■*% ,g ,, ^ SI,;,,,';- ••"VHi,.,,. Hi.e ., » M,i ,;;■ ;" vellp,!. '4X4 r^tI>os,.(l '"•"•r.i t„ |,e Shingle,^ ^-^^^Li__^ ;-:;; :, j *^''«'" <'XJ)„„e,| . ' ~ [•* "■'■•"*'.;.:i°,;",v»?:" "■ "■• "'...I..-. „„„„ „ ~~~ '■•'f.',V«.V..';L",";«;-'"t-' ' '"" ;: 2X14 •• H "''^ "■•^".•'•es by 2 / .. ,f " 8 and 2 x\ " 'S " .. " 2^. f , •• l^lj-"'"2x.2 :;,'2 ;; ,. ;;|^ ^*n«th of Rafters f i " 12 ■• "2.4 / Full •■ .. ■•-6 ■■ .. ■■ .. I , 1% - .; •; „ I ~109 I ,^... .>. XLc IT )-^lilHi*]!:2L!dMiI£o^ VALUABLE POINTERS FOR BUILDERS (Continued) "H.s, ',.„„,;!:S „^;;;' ^'" '•"'' "•»• - third an.l a half pitch 3 S 10 nun 12 Itudh.. Im T7 211.; '*57 ;iii9 UK 2 5 7 .Toft 3 21 3M! 3S« 4«3 l.tTi .•t«o 450 5I» iri4 411 5,1 4 fil7 174 4«;) 57!l fi94 lit.l 514 •143 771 2.T1 270 «17 720 771 S90 92ii lONO 3ri9 S23 1029 1234 .•i4 7 9 J"! 1157 13KS ;ts« 102!» 12Sfl 1543 424 1131 1414 lfi»7 4h'3 12.'!.') 1543 1S51 51H 13;i7 1B71 2006 540 1440 1X00 21A0 579 1543 192M 2314 817 lfi46 2057 24fi,S 3M 450 540 fi3o 720 MO 9110 lOSII 12B0 1440 11120 ISOO I9N0 2160 2.340 2520 2700 s 9 10 12 14 Ifi IS 20 22 24 2B 2S 30 411 514 fiI7 720 S23 f>2B 1029 123 4 1440 1B4B 1851 2057 2aB3 24BS 2B74 2S80 30X6 32»1 4 B.I 579 B9 4 Sill 92fi 1041 1 1 .-..7 13SS lfi20 1S51 20 S.I 2.3 1 4 254B 2777 30 0s 3240 3471 3703 2SS0 .. 32 S49 i<»o 1 I 3 I 1273 1414 1B97 I9S0 22B3 25 4 B 2S2S 3111 33 9 4 3B77 39B0 4243 4525 S3B lfio3 1170 1337 150 4 1«71 200fi 2340 2fi74 3(lflS 33 4 3 3B77 4011 4345 4«So 5014 53 4 S 771 9B4 1157 1350 15 43 173B 1 92s 2314 2700 3 0Sfi 3471 3S.T7 4243 4B28 5014 5400 57S5 B17I a very o;;;-; Z:Z a d',o an""'" '''" "^'^'^'^^ ' ThiTl^ ;- --"^ v'MiiMiiMi 'lUCStlOll unit *,-. -,« ■ . * H'startly i.s ,he oh ect f al.ov' ' ahh ' Th " ,""'" ."'""'='' "■'" feet wide and « f-ct hiU is Un r ''■"*-' •' '>"' « wheat? ^" " "^efiuired to hold 800 bushels of '-■-'-1 "'-'Rth- i/irtth:!' length 'r :,;";.;" '"' "■"'" "•'"'""• Nails ,wireMo.h';^,S^.f,^"^«^^' l.Olli) (■( i.ofin ft. I.IHIII ft. 1.0(10 ft. 1.000 ft. I.IHHI ft. l.OOl) ft. l.OOII ft. l.OlHi ft. I. Olio ft. 1! -M. ftMmlnpT H-M. fiMinlnir H-M. 1 In. hil.s. 1!..M. 1. 111. ssTfl .ihitislt .« '« fliii.sliiiiK- . . . , 1 'i flnishiiiir fl^' lath .10 14 25 IS 3'. 3 40 3 5 fii. i<heaitjiinK latii' '.3i'i 11..S. 1 1..«. Ib.s. IlKS, lbs. 11 I.s. Ills. H>.s. I b.s. lbs. 2 on. lot). lOF). BI). 41). SI). lOD. loll. 31). lol). N". In. IS. For cut nailTidd oneThird" 35. S7. S7. 350 492. 19B. 13 7. 13 7. 720. S7. I^enifth h3'^ In. In. In. In. l.\ In. 2^4 in. n. in. I '4 In. 3 n. „ . PAINT REQUIRED Faint required to cover 100 s(|uare yards Thr.e coat U-'„rU-.^;"lb:.'^\l;i't''r^r .-fn^? irial.r ^ I '1 nl"' shellac ?or Tnot in^ ' Three Com V.'ork ^ "* Pu'-tv. ^• ( JiTVn''^- '^°'°'" pigment. i'!i gallons mixed paint. fl oil. linseed oil. -?i^£^!i?!lBROS.UM /TED ■*»ANO '" Chimney,, ,„ „u®k!.^,* REQUIRED Slip ..r •'hlrnicy Irt \ 24 Nile ..r Flue N X S 1 2 X 1 •■ s X iii ' X in >V..f llrl.k .•III -" X 2s -i X 10 / '».. flu,,,, ,..,.. 12 li> 32 U Jo I '>xi; "ruk run Oo,,, M flu, s l>rUk 37., 112 -'0 to 14 -- '" thf ci,|„-e font )■ s'luarc yard iand will incli ''"0'.':;;',: ,^:;''-^ ■^- ■-■'. auk sqiiarp \ar<ls i ■ '/'"""^nt and 1 !,„ i, i - Pomur, of lath ' ,'^''' "■'" '-over 70 .n , '6 ''"shcl of a n"/'"^ V'l """ "'em ,,-«'•' '•^•''"^facc. and 1, i-()vtr tluVk. -"4 4U ^''-K-StT f a°^.f!^f^OOD DOORS «"er .h,;, ' "■; .'^^f t'"- -^Uin[„T 7,%''-.^'^. ''"-• and this and allowed wvm.f 'T '^^ P-'rc of fh ' '' ^'^'-^'^^''^ The , ./"teri^rTn ,&"'Vhe «"r2ce.' "^''^'^ directly to ,he V^'""'- '" the naufr^'^'"' '"*'"°'- doors anni rfry. sand with fo llT ^'^■"^■'1 ^"r.ace of "^ ,'' 1 "^"at of thin fj"'^ varnish, alio" '^"P"' -^PPK firs ' '^""^ «'"' ^^hen aPer. Apply seconr!^ ^^ '''"'■""fr'''y/then L ?^^'''■ ""^-nor •■'"'■^' coat of varnish ;/?'''• "' ^••«"'e va ni"u'"'"'^^"h "00 fli, [ • Rubbed FinisT-^F "'"'''• ^^"^ f'>^t A,f",3 '^■' dry. i| l?l«nor rnhbi„;\t7.!- "^^-''-^ finish or ;1.LT '!"'^ P^P". 111 I m XLCR r-^yi^li!^?^l^ED '^4}. BPAND ~J' At our Calgary Plant we have established a CASKET DEPARTMFMT and carry a full line of the Latest Designs in Caskets, Casket Hard- ware, Robes, Linings, etc. These goods are XLCR quality. IVired orders promptly executed. Our Box Factory at Saskatoon is equipped with the latest and best machinery in this line of business and your requirements can be promptly filled. I 112 4 -^^f^NG^OS. LIM,T?D ~/i> \ XLCR r^ ~ XLCR CU5H 104 Lattticc I.iadt'd and Coppered , '-'KhU 18-32 Lrctrrns 04 M Mirror Door* . . , MoiildinRK: C'fdar and I'ir C^ak 101- Nfwtls 78 10f> 106 81 Oak Mouldings 106 Oriel Windows 20-32 Panel Mould 104 japer, Plain & Tarred 107 Parting Stop 104 I artition Cap Pews Pickets I'icture Mould . Plate Rail [ Porch Columns and Posts Porch Screens . Post Caps Pulpits Quarter Round Queen Ann Sash and Transoms Queen Ann Windows R Ridge Roll Roofing ' s Saloon Drtorg 104 86 91 104 104 88 72 89 84 104 15 14 104 107 80 Sa»h: 1, 6 and '> Light* , . 12 Ham and ( ellar ... 9 Ijahic I } "»" • ....'. 18. 19 Hot Bed 13 Queen Ann 15 Screen Doors 73-77 Screens; •/■"■•h 72 V erandah 72 Window ' 71^ 72 Spindles ' 9Q Stair Cases gj ^•"P* ■ 105 Store Doors 9J Store Fronts . 94- yii Storm Doors sg Storm Sash u T lal.le Legs 89 l'"'^^ 100 transoms 9 Ram 10 ". Queen \nn. 15 I urnmgs 90 Tndertakers' Supplies Lseful Information for 112 Builders 109-111 \'eneered Front Doors 35_ \ frandah Brackets'. Verandah Screens 40 92 72 w VVagon Stock 100 VVamscot Cap ins VVater Table .' .' jqs \V indow F>ames 68-69 Window Jamb .' 100 u indow Screens .. 71-. 7? Window Stool : ,05 W mdows: - lights 7 o 4 lights :.■;• I 8 lights ... c 1.^ lights .....■.■.■;.■; 5 ( hiirrl) ' Q, ^"ei ...:■;::..:.■.; 20- 32 „i ,.c"i|£ 7i P r7-- n _ .^4 ..