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Moonlight— Sea Shore Douumwen Mr. IngtU. Lower Canadian Domino Playen....« KaiMHorr Mr. T. J. Smith. Cottageni Hooding J. Paisma^i Mr. Inglia. LandvcalM; — paintfd on cupper.'... ...•..»«....,.. Mr. J.W Hancock. Do. do. ,«.... do Cattle Cvvp... Mr. O. Porkini. Head of Christ (after A. Caracci) Poi.ak Mr. Polak. Canadian Soene Mr. T. J. Smith. Landscape .... .^ ; Horr do Idlenet U. HoNTiioaar, I60S-166O Mr. T. Fletcher. This artist was called tieranjo della Notte from the number of his 'candloliffhl Mcenos. Ruben's Descent Trom the ^rosB — painted in nib. .. . HnoMnciM Mr. J. Campbell. Children after Kubens — on China i. . » Dr. Rverson. Winter Scene in Dauphin6 Postellic Mr. McCutcheon. Sunset Miss McCutchbom Mr. McCutcheoii. LandNcupu . . • Cattle at Water Mr. T. J. Smith. Cattle ,....k do Boy with OrouM*. .» After LANDSBca. . . Mr. Sootheian. Portrait of Dodflley the publi«>lier— copy from Sir J. ReynoloV Mr. Humphreya. St. Catherine J. L. MAariNEZ... Mr. J. L. Fletcher. Winter in Holland ,. do Holy Family Mn. S. P. Jarvis. Our Saviour and Woman of Samaria Mn, View ut Richmond on Thames GAaKisa Mr. The Amazon Mr. Time and Religion J. L. Martinez. Mr. Landscape t\f.M'- Farm Yard. , .~« *<N Dr. WiUon. Head of Chriat— Pencil Sketch R"vd. Dr. Ad.»m«on. Saint C*oilia after (ianfmr Do Grayer Miaa Lanutun. . . Mr. Langtoii. '• Eccc Homo " after MoraloN do do. Landacapo E. C. Hui.i. Mr. Pell. t QAt«T«iray Hatte* Mr. Canil)erl«nd- Mr. Hunipliri'ya. Dr. WILBO^f Dr. Wilafm. «-CuBrmarthonshlrc .•••'. Importb. Mr. Huniphroya. Rcvd. Dr. AuaroHoa. do do. do Iliraclifclder. Mr. Langton. 98. Ai 99. H ipo. UoKHeapo 101. Buffalo Hnnt. . . .^ 102. Landacapo in Switzerland . . . .' • . 103. Holy Family — after Caraooi .' Miaa Lanqton 104. HeadolChriHt .l...: 106. Sketch of Horacs Houace Vehnet.. Dr. BovcII. 106. Sketch J. M. Turner Mr. HumpUrcya 107. Landscape do. 108. Collegiate Church of the Holy Trinity Edinburgh Dr. Wilbon Dr. Wilson. Bengal Levee Gilrat Mr. R. VVolla. 109. 110. 111. lis. 113. 114 lis. 124. 126. 126. 127. 128. Landscape, in Pencil , Mr. George tm 4th, when Prince Regent Hoppmbr Meyer. .... Mr. Portrait of Sir Joshua Reynolds v '' Mr. St. PaalatMelita.^ Mr. to 122. Chromolithographs from Paintings in Dusscklorf Gallery Mr. Sketch in Ayrshire ..... . ...: Messer... Mr. Sketch on the Leith Waterstone The entombment .[...«....,«.... Dr. La Prediction .L..i Mrs. Mete* • Mrs The Artist Mnsician, J ...•• Mr, WlLSOJT 129. Woodlaiid L«ae • t««** vtt* I • ##•••• •#••■••0 ••••••••#« ••••»tl« •••• Mr. Mr. J. B. Jones. II. Mever. Humphreys. Inglis. Soothcam. Mcsser. • do BoveU. Meyer. Humphreys. Salmon. McKay. fn-^4iiii^'fi^i^ii^ M - ' ISO. ISI. IM. 133. 194. ISA IM. 187. ISS. IM. 140. 141. IM 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. lAO. 151. 151. 153. 154. Ammt. Th* r«ll ••• Mtmum Citawwjr CmiI*.,. ' WamHcm) HsQ(i"« >i«i ilaio— Engmviiig Artista Proof W«l«r(all.. ftaltlA Pi«fl« » View in Wa)« VAai,ar . . . . .^. . . . Viaw in iVaatrnoraland Robban..... • Caiamota Paul and Barnabaa at Lyatra Cartoon of RAniAai/. . , oa PakMngt, Porlmit of I^>ranni Slrauoh ,.. LBtiaoch Sana«t , Adoration of tho Magi «f .SraANona Hattta Pi«M.... ,.....,,». Boi/auooHoaa..... Head , Land«ca|ie with Spanlah Peaaanta. ., ^ Landscape ». ., HommMa . . . . . . .. CupidH attiring Venua Jacob Brunton, a Northumbarland Flaherman. ..... Wiutmacott Portrait after Lelv Landacape with nauiaa Bacchanalian Orgiea AifM»Ai.a CAaaACOi, 1560—1609, Cardinal Mlcheli , Moonlight Hoene. , \ J^ 155. 156. 167. 158. 159. 160. 161. 16t. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 17t. 179. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. Landacape Fruii and Flowera « Roam Temptation of Job FaANcaaco Pinmo . . . . " And Ilia wife wuwerml and aaid unto him why doat thou rauln (liiiia Inlegrity T— ourae God and die.— Joa. Ch. 1 Landacape J. F. Bibch Coronation of the Virgin TiiiToarrTo Jehovah lunonnded' by Chen^bim Nicolab Pouaam Landacape with figim; Rutboakl, 163C— 1681, Venetian Moaical Family after N. Del Abati... Holy Family Amdbba del Samto, 1488—1530, Landscape with figurca RbraoAXL, 1630—1681,.... Rustic Bridge ,, ' Landscape with figures t Cascatelli Tivoli ,'« ; Duke of Monmouth PniLtPPK de ChampaonE, 1660. Holy Family t....... OABorALo Troops on the March , Woutbem ams Shelter in a Storm . . . . .r , Mobl^hd The AonnnoUtioB Annibali Cabaoci 1660—1609. . Presentation in the Tempi* Landscape... ^ Patbice NABmrTH . LadySmgiag Schalcbew ji'ofrssiif. Bacchanals N, _ Landacape *.*.'. ...'.* BbbcVhei! Thia aitiat m known aa " Valrot Breughel." Henry the Fourth and the wood cutter Landscape Jealooay. ,.......,,.,,,, .*.'.*.*.*.',*, .'.'.' OWRU. Mr. Mesa«. Mr. Thimia*. Mr. Wakp(i<«>K'*il • 280. r. 181. »••• •••*••••••• (^•••••# •« Mr. OerbisUn. - do. do. do. da do. do. • v< Mr. Eierbiahiie. Female H««d Hetd..... •••••• LandMspe... ••••"• • Madonna. ,..;.... Head Datoh Drinking ^oene River Soeiie in Holland. . . . Pdidiflg of Moaes Mmv annointinir the feet'of JeTO*— Cahi.o Mabatti, (b. 1626r-d. 1713.) Mr. Smagge. DeiLforaC^heral * W. THOiiAa »*'•?»?*•• Sir Hnwey Vivian— Engraving by ...» Mbtkh Mr. M. Meyer. Portrait of Captain Maoaulay. % Ch. JuaUoo Macaulay. Water Colour$ and Engravtng$. LandiMsape ,.....•... ^**m. •», ■' Norman Archea /..... • " — '^ '•' ^'J^T^' Old Bridge— Connty of Wicklow....... NiCHotr. *... Mr. Sootheraa. Gieenwich Hospital by sunset.... •• ••••• »fr. Hnmplueya. Abbey Raina .,.*... " '••••' ••••• ^■•/'""y- Temple...... •..•••. '"'•Sll'i^f' Landsmpe and Rains • • Mr. Hnnmhreys. Landsoape..... 1 .•• '""•' u,„J^^ Female Figure. ....,..*.......•.••.....•••.••••••••••..••••••.'• **'• »i»«m«»«'. Flowers in water colours— Qnartinus —"Pearl celestial"— "Othello ' and ...ToBHKB.... Mr.Humphr^. Landscape i ............ ....Hatu... .......... do. do .,'......... ..• ** •• ^ dp ;. ,,., Baron de RoTTnnuReH.- Revd. Dr. Adimsoo. Chateau of Stolzenfela * •• •••• Mr. Sootheran. Queen Henrietta Maria— copy from Vamdtm ^ Chancellor Blake. Landscq)e— Bliddle Lake KUlamey . ..... . . . . . W. CaAio ........... Mr. Sbothierab. Landsoiipe....... ....MoucmHoif, 1739..'.. Bfr. Humphreys. BridgemdMiU •• -* .•••. Mm. Murray. Distant view of St. Peters at Rome .. ^ ....... . , ,* Miss Lavotoh. ...... Mr. LuigtfMi. Landac^ie..... ..........w.. C ^. Mr. Salmon,. Seapiem. .*....,.. Mrs. Fuller. Magdalene.... • .....'. Kemble— as Cato. engraving from Sir J. RxTtroLna, Mr. Wakefield. Blind Man's buff. . . .engraved 1^ RAinAoa after Minting by Wunc . . Mr. Hnmpbreifc Lot and his Daug;hterS « Ouxaf iMo Rapracl MiHiaitBV . , Mt. A. B. SuQ^. Landsoape— trees, (penoU sketch) i .....'.....,.. Mrs. Briscoe. Landsoape in sepia..... i.i "' *. on, . Italian iMidscape .'..... *• Mrs. S. F. Jarvis. Vessel entering port.... « ..,..ii..... Bati Brondgeest. The Rural Itdian Ball—engraved by Bastalozzi from painting by . ZvcAmBKU.if... Mr.Inglist The Retam to. the Farni-.-engraved by J. P. LbBas after painting by BsaoHSM........... • Mr. Humphreys. Sea view— engraving. . .. .................. ..••«......«•• ......... Mrsi 8. "» jaryie. The Deaoent mm the Cioes-^I^aotint from Ruben's picture . ^ ;.;.;. . Mr. G. A. Barber. Louis Philkwanx conte de Florentin,-^. O. Will after paintiB^g of Lonia IVMqu^ Bfr. Humphrejrii. Vue dea •nvirods de Bruges, by ^LbBas.. .....* ... u»_^i A Caaoiuntioii (Key to EogiKving 206). ••••••..•>.»•• •• ..••• Mr. DeiMamte. n ■A -<^";-* .S^ ;,^«'^;.;v^^•|*;,; ,">fT»IP'^ , -rmw^, ^ '? f ",i tf ■ .l-,lpl ' t^v -^i',4 ■»■;; V ^ Bf? i-9» 1. z' Abtut. OWMBB. tSt. PwienUiioB Of Christ io the Temple Kimah It Vwd Mf. Spregge. |8S. Bridge •ndoattto in wpia, Mit. J. P. J«iti». 184. lt«UMUacl*jme.,.....i • Mi. BiondgeeBl. S: ifonT^ Engmved bySrw after painting by Both mJ;. 8. P jiS5«. m S^vlS^S^i'fr^m^kiwaWVch^^^ Mr.CampbeU. mcavidier............. ."".Tdthw --'.^.J^ni^nn. .91. Landeoape,. '''''' ::::::::::::::::::::^:t^. ,.......: do Prower • Mr. Humpbiey*. do .... Hon. H. J. Boolton. »•«•• •»•••••• •••• Lbbbrovck. . .f . . . W. MoCoteheen. Mr. Notdheimer. W. Tbomaa. 298. Holy Family •• 293. Mofdei of the Innopenta • . ... . • • • • S94. FiahwomapW Port Havm-near Edmburgh ..... 896. Head....!ilil... • '■ 296. Italian LanMcape ..................... 297. Ruins in" Rome— Lantern of Demorthenes 898. A Magdalene ..........•..•• 899. Winter Scene fa HoUand.. •• A^tTMuTiLLo.'.'... Dr. RverW 500. Boys eating Melons........ .....-••••••-•••• a"«' ™ ■ ^ Thomas 501. HeidofShakspearefiomtheChando. Portrait.... J,; ^JJ^ 302. Unwelcome News,... .Vwouvmmans M«. Murray. SOS. Reoonnoitering a Fort •• wo«y«» Dr. Ryerson. 304. Dutchseapiace........^.... ' T ...... do do do do do Mr. Inglit. Mr Pcrkiii8. S06. Dutch Lugger entering Port S06. Italian Industiy. ^...^*. .••••. 307. A young Shepherdess 308. Cnpid*^ ••.••• 309. Ittdian Peasant 810. Landscape JWaterfall) • '^Y.' b^TAok I • • • • • , • •••••• ..••..•••••••• • • • • • • ••••<••« ••••••••• • • Sll. Dutch Interior. • • • • - - -; ^r. Humphreys. 318. Cattle ••• Dr. Ryeraon. SIS. Dutch Fishing Boats ••"de V<;V::..:.. Mr. iSSiie, 814. Leopud Hunt Mr. Harman. 817. Sea piece 318. Land80»pe • " * BkRPHEBi! " '. " '. '^ ■ '• Mr,G. A. Barber. 819. A Cattle niece. c!"ALrrri Mt H. Camemn. 880. Palaoe/thoDoge • • • ^^^^' .... Mrs. Lett. 881. Boors Caiwiauig . . . . • • • • ""*»■• . . Mrs. Griffiths. 888. Vase • • do 341., View in V«Diee. Canalktti Mr. Qoddaid. 342. Landscape. . . . Lboab^..... 343. A^usDci Mr 344. Marriage of the Dwads. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. 362. 353. 354. 355. 356. Mr. View in Venice Canaijetti.... Do. «« Boors drinking .............'. TiafUiBa ^ Mr. Naiad Mr. St. Francis of Assisi Zvrbabah Elizabeth of Hungary Andksa oxl Sabto. . . SnlllTan. do Ooddard. do O. Perkii Derbishi Mr. Fletcher/ Mr. Solliva French Post Office.. Biard Mr. E. Sh( St. Mark's Place CAXALBrri..., Mr. Goddi Marine view off Cherbourg. Polak. ........... ». Mr. Polai The Bridge of Sighs , . Cahalbtti ...... Mr. GodiJ Study of a Head Polak Mr. Pola Mother and Child .Mr. Ro^sell. Chief Justice Draper, do 371. Bridge of Sighs Canalbtti ...... Mr. doddard. Portrait of a Dutch Burgomaster ^ . Polak ....;.... Mr. Polak. Magdalene Mr./RowselL Landscape ;; . , . Head of St. Jerome MV'E. Shortiss. (take of Como , . . . .... Woman MUking . . . ^ Tbnwbb ........ M. G. Perkins. Grand Canal at Venice Cahalbtti ...... Mr. Goddard. Monkey and Cats . . Mr. Shortfss. M. Fonld, Minister of Finance in France .... Polak ./Mr. Polak. Frait • • • • • Mrs. Brondgeest. • Ob «*e Screen. The Giotte Chu)el, Padua, Chromolithographs Arundel Society, 1866. . . Mrs. Allan. 372. Martyrdom of St. SW>astian 373. Rome — Photograph— see 134 : . . . i. , 874. Cartoons of Raphael /. . Mr. 376.. Florence Nightingale — ^Photograph with her autograph , . . 376. Holy Family—Photograph from RaphaeJ 377. Crossmgthe St. Lawrence in winter— near Quebec... KsBioHorF... Mr. 378. Squaws on snow-shoes do. ... 379. Portrait of a Habitant.. ; do. do do Spragge. do J. S. Martin, do. do. '^U':- : j;.s , ♦Uf'i!-. Wv »iH-^.-i;'+ .'t...- thiai3SS;dBU *• i"-*- m ^ j ■AiJ ^■t^fcVJ <4%eittii.fi^i,^«.