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Part I —List of Persona entitled to Vote at both Mnniciral Elj Elections to the Legislative Assembly. i iR an( iS/. c itfteffiv^s 1 Jieechlaue, 2 Clear Creek, 3 Cultis', 4 Glenmeyer, SCHEDULE OF POST OFFICES. \^\0S^'^ 5 Guysboro, 6 Hemlock, 7 Houghton, 8 Kinglake, O Langtc 10 PortBi 11 Simcoe, 12-Vienna— 13 N.R. of the 5th Concession, and south of Lots 9. i olimg i lace Hall, Houghton Centre. -Towa 8 Alton, Thomas E. 12 Alton, George W. 18 Alton, John W. 14 Alton, John 15 Alton, William 16 Alton, Albert A, 17 Anger, Robert 18 Aspilen, John 19 Aut^U, George J J J J J a ept 11 wpt 10 ept 10 pts lO&ll ei 1 pt 9 n'vcor 8 8 S.L.K. S.L.R. N.L.ll. S.L.R. N.L.R. 1 W.N.R. Owner O O O F. S. F. S. O o u 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1 347 Bntehev, Joseph' 02 Brady, Eben 64 Buniiy, George (JC Brady, D. C. 68 Baxter, WiUiam H. 69 J^eckett, Samuel 70 Brown, Thomas 8« Burger, John 87 Burger, Augustus 88 Burrows, Albert 89 Buchner, Mark R. 90 Buchner, Jaco^ 285 Bingham, Ch ^topher J 3 S.L.R. Tei aunt "4 J l)tP.| B 2 o ♦ 7 l>t 9 7 S.L.R. 7 J S.L.R. T J ept 7 N.L.R. 7 jw*2 tptl ei4 N.L.R. (i W.N.R. 2 6 w* 4 W.N.R. 6 1? .8. G nwi2 W.N.R. f» J e^w* 2 4 o 7 7 18 eptwi 1 4 4 nwf»or 3 N.L.U. T NO. ON SOLL. 106 108 109 111 112 122 128 124 125 126 127 128 18G Corner, Richard Crawford, Robert Crawtord, George Crawford, Wallace Crawford, James A. Crooker, Joseph Crosby, David j CiJp, Jacob \Culp, Albert CoUinson, Joseph ( Cooper, William \ Cooper, John H. Chambers, Lemuel J ei? J ei4 . J swi 4 J mpte^ 8 J wi5 pt9 «ptB wi8 J wpt 7 , J 6 J J BWj 5 4 - 8 4 8 4 S.L.R. S.L.R. S.L.R. l^.L.R. S.L.R. W.N.R. 3 7 7 T 7 7 O 7 T 7 7 T 7 O 7 ,0 7 'o. 7 o I 152 Davis, Thomas 163 DownS; ilbert 15G Deitn, John K. J e,V 8 1 8 J 7 1 8 J swi2 W.N.R. 6 159 Ellwood, Francis 161 Emory, Henry D. 103 Esseltine, Isaac 9 pt8 J niei2 SL.R. 7 S.L.R. O 13 1 () 't ^^m 180 (Finch, Georjce ^^H Itl \ Finch, John ^^H 182 Fulton, Morris ^^B 188 Fick, George B. ^^H' 185 Finch, Layfayette ^^H 186 j Finch, Thomas Finch, Ohancey ^^■'' 187 |^^^.^m^ M^.: 1Q1 'Pronoiii. Unfaert ^M B 192 Francis, Samuel ^H ■ 198 Fick, Jeremiah ■J e|2 J J 6^6 neil J ge^ 8 wil2 J nei2 J wi4 wpt 6 2 2 8 S.L.R. 1 2 C) T o O see fl. d. 3 F. S. O u 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 (8) wo. ON ROLL. ' Name. 200 205 206 217 218 580 220 222 572 Garner, Wilbam I Gates, George i Gates, George L. Gates, Calvin IGreenlees, James J. Greenlees, William J, Greenlees, George S. (Gordon, Robert (Gordon, Wesley Gnnn, George Gatef., Charles Lot. CON. OR STREET. s^e^ 4 J ept 12 J 'ptsO nil J B&epts 1 J pis 2&3 4 N.L.R. s.L.n. E.NB. 2 N\L.ll. P.O. O 18 die»8.d.8 7 Oiees.d.2 ' 7 7 T 7 T 7 O C F. S. O 7 O 7 227 28n '2^4 236 240 241 248 244 248 *i49 Harries, William jr. Ha7.en, James Hazeu, John M. Hall, William j Hoiigliton, William JHoughton, Richard E. Houghton, Wm. J. W. HeiTon, Edwin House, Charles Hill, William C, J 4e-i 8 J nw;^ 4 J Vf\l J s.^ r, J pt8 J (f wpt2 swpt 6 J wpt8 8* 4 4 8 N.L.U. N.L.B. E.N.R. 1 E.N.R. 8 7 t o 7 7 F. S. 7 T 7 0. 6 o 1 o 6 13 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 189 255 250 257 2G0 262 268 265 269 270 273 Jackson, Geoi, e Jackson, Bamnel T. ( Jackson, S(imuel (Jackson, Abraham Jackson, Smith ^ Johnson, Alan son Kimball, Thomas Kyle, James tnevel, Frederick ier, William ftier, ISiiae J pt 3 J swcor 3 J wpt 10 nwcor 3 w^3 J eH necor 1 eH J ei8 T X r. N,L.R. 3 T 7 7 N.Ii.R. F. S. 7 7 N.L.U. W.N.U. 13 a E.N.R. E.N,R. W.N.R. W.N.R. W NT R. O O o O see B. *^ O 1 6 6 6 .;!, (4) NO. ON ROLL. 286 289 290 291 Name. Lyle, Tbomas ( Laur, Edward D. \Laur, William E. Lockman, George i Lot. J eU CON. OR STRKKT. npt-'i 2 8 J 11 N.L.R. W.N.K. O O F.S. O -P.O. 7 7 7 G 881 Mattbows, Charles 862 Mattliftws, Jacob 259 Magaw, Peter 810 M^Dermand, Joel 31G Misner, Peter 315 Misner, Wesley 817 Malcolm, John 889 Martin, William 841 Millard, Charles 842 Moore, Hiram A. 848 Mercer, Charles 844 Mercer, Robert 846 Mercer, Peter 84C Magee, William 348 Marlatt, Edward* 849 Marr, Adam 445 Miller, Jacob 859 jMcCord, John 360 ^McCord, Thomas no^O E.N.R. *8 J sept 8 W.N.U. » 8 ptl W.N.K. T a J n*ei4 necor 12 4 N.L.R. T Osres.d.3, 7 7 J e*6 4 O 2 J 6^2 2 7 J w^S 4 () 1 ept9 S.L.K. 'r 7 ptS N.L.R. 7 J wiwi 2 2 7 ept 4 N.L.B. 7 J wi4 N.L.R. () 7 J 8 8.L.R. 1 J sH E.N.R. () (') wi2 2 o 7 wi7 E.N.R. . 1' 1 J u 6 J ei 3&2 W.N.R. (.) 6 377 Nelson, Rodney wi 1 3 O 39f (Park, Philip B. 398 (Park, John E. 899 Parney, Leamen WO Pattison, Ambrose C. 405 (Piett, Amos 406 1 Piett. Albert ^7 ' Piett, Isaac 408 Putman, Henry D. J wJ7 3 7 J ,T • 7 J 8^5 8 V J 6^3 2 V .ptw^ni 8 3 7 J 3 7 se^n^ 8 i e^w^l 1 .1 '/ s NO. ON ROLL. 410 410 417 Name. Piett, Einmerson Piudy, Benjamin Pnrdy, Neherainh Parker, SidiK^y. (5) o liOT. J pt 8 J nei 4 J Hei4 COS. OR HTKKKT. P.O. 8 1 E.N.U. 7 K.N.Ii. 7 d T 7 sa4 Kaytnonil, Ilonvy J wK* 4HB llice, Byron nocor •.♦ 484 KuHHoll, David .1 KOi I 487 Robins, EliaK .1 wJ 1 488 Reid, llobert pt\V;v 6 442 Robisou, WillirtTH D. J w.^ M 448 Robiftou^ Jaiiies V. sA-eJ (» 444 Roberts, William J wi 7 nio Kavmond, William J b*l-<>Ik< 1 2 1 K.N'.U. T 7 r 7 7 <) 7 <) 7 7 () 1 1 T 7 () 7 1 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 ■«■ 7 160 Smytli, WiUiam H. 44C Smith, Jeretniali 4r> ('• m\'\ a 1 o 7 T 7 J nwpt 6 1 1 J w.i 5^ 1 7 BWi 3 1 T nw| 3 1 m ne|^ 4 EN.R. ** ^ ♦ b J wi6 E.N.R. see B. d. 2 «i J iiiptw^ 1 iG) NO. ON ' Namk. Lot. CON. OR 'po ROLL. 5 STREET. 1 162 489 495 605 506 675 676 678 « Taylor, James Taylor, Samuel Tibbetfi, Charles Tutty, David Tutty, Andrew Taylor, William H. Taylor, Samuel A. Tuylor, Samuel J J J J pt8 nwiS wiO wi8 oH neje^ 7 wiei7 w,i7 S.L.R. 1 E.N.R. 1 E.N.R. E.N.R, 2 > T T Oco O O 7 6 8 7 7 1 1 1 618 514 1 1 Underbill, Nathan '( Underbill, Charles J pt8 7&8 W.N.R. () F. S. 6 65)8 Williams, Melvin S. 67 Wells, Lorenzo 685 f Williams, William W. 636 {Williams, Gedrge P, 637 Williams, Frank J. 643 West, William 644 Walker, David 646 Walker, Andrew 547 Wilkins, John R. 651 j West, Joseph 652 (West, James 654 ^^t, Richard 655 West, John 656 West, Alonzo 557 Weaver, Israel Walton, William <{64 f Williams, Jonathan 665 \ Williams, John H. 528 Wilkins, Willkim J ei7 J 7 J s^wi 8 J wi8 J e^s^S J pt9 J 1 J 1 J sw^ 1 J ept3 .1 wf 4 J nw^e^ :-) sw^e^ 3 s^w^ 4 J nwiJB eA2 ptwi 8 s^e^ 8 8 7 S.L.R. T 7 8 see s. d. 2 7 2 7 8 o 7 N.L.D. T 7 X.L.R. V ( ) 6, O 6 1 7 E.N.B. 6 , 6, 1 a E.N.R. c E.N.R. CI 6 E.N.R. 6 E.N.R. ■ T 8 8 18 W.N.R. T 12 12 4 Ori^'os. d.2 7 ;'S^ (7) Tabt II.— Lisfc of rersons entitled to Veto at Municipal Eloetionn only. P.O. NO. ON ROLL. Nams. 201 Am up, MiH. baruh 68 Bucliucr, Mra. Kunicft I M I P Lot. OON OU HTKKKT. * H;io;l 4 t'pt u x.L.n. T (> 7 7 107 Clurk, Mrs. Margaret 111) Oniwlord, Afrs. June B&opt 1 iiiptci -> 4 O () 7 7 188 • Francis, Mrs. Nancy pt 3 190 innniiRHn, MrR. Eli/ftbetli pt :5 t!58 .lack!W>M, Mrs.^Martha 204 Kyl<' Mrs. A. '2'.)2 l^ucK.H, Chancy JUO Millard, Mrs. Sarah 470 Smiley, Mrs. Phidelia 504 Taylor, Mrs.^arali pi 1» N.L.R. ti. L. U. nect>r 1 swcor .1 1 ept 9 S.L.B. nwpt 1 2 swcor I 1 O o o o o o o 7 •7 {) 7 7 7 7 .>33 Walker. Mrs. Sarah 555 Weaver, Mrs. Hannah nwj 8 4 K.N. 11. O 7 Part III.-List of Persons entitled to Vote at Elections to the L.--i.lutive Assembly only. . NO. ON Namk. NONE. Lot. CON. OR STRKRT. P.O. /n (8). Part I.— List of Persons entitled to Vote at both Municipal Elections and Elections to the Legislative Assembly. Polling Sub-Division Nq. 2.— Comprising that part of the Township nortli of Lots t, and west of the 5th Concession. Polling Place—Mosher's School House. CON. on STPJiET. P.O. 9 Ammerman. James J. J p' . 16&17 1 () 4 10 Averill, Theron J nw^ 15 ■ 1 4 11 Abbot, Isaac J nwcor 10 13 3 4 1 1 1;; I ! V''- 50 Bowen, William 51 Birdsell, Benjamin 52 (Bennett, George 5J \ Bennett, John 54 Ball, Charles sr. 55 Ball, Charles jr 56 Bates, Lewis 57 Bales, John 58 Brinn, James James H. eO Brinn, David 61 Bogardus, Francis 7S Bagley, Richard ' 74 fBirikell, John A. 75 (Birtlsell, Sanford 77 Brewer, James D. 78 Bowman, George W. 79 Boyd, Jp.nes SO Bovd, Alexander « 8« Ball John M. 84 iBalore, William 85 \Balore, Alfred 247 Brackenbury, John 500 Bi-itch, Charles J nei 19 E.N. It. <) 4 J 8w^ 20 1 O 4 se} 20 E.N.n. J n* las S.T.ll. V* J wpt 18 E.N.U. • if gorel40&14l X.'LMl. 5 , 'F. S. ;> pts 137&138 N.T.Pi. o 5 J gore A&B N.T.K. (.) .> J ei 141 S.T.K. • <) 5 J w^ 141 S.T.n. '1' i) J nwi9 <•> 7 J n^e^ 19 1 «,) 4 J av;pt 18 2 (> 4 J w^eA 17 2 t> 4 J wi 15 2 (> 4 J w^w| 14 2 () 4 J e* 17 W.X.R. b 8 J eilO W.N.K. 8 J s^w^ 16 W.N.K. 8 swi 10 W.N.K. Oce 8 8 gore 17 3 T ' 4 ne^ 15 W.N.K. T 8 'l«t> Clark.. Elijah 113 CnrwMi, lloltert J wA 12 J nept 20 1 1 T O 8 4 m NO. OM BOLL. Name. 115 Carson, John 117 Gulp, Peter 118 ( Gulp, Isaac 119 iGulp, Samuel I'iO Gunninp;ham, Simon 121 Curtis, Rowland 129 Chute, Albert 130 Clark, .Tohn 181 Coyle, Jf-mes 1.S4 ClauB, J unes 185 CartwiiMht, Wesley T)]] Ohnlk, Stanley Lot. J J J J J J nwi20 si 188 ptsi 188 wpt 142 Bwcor 140 sei 16 seil6 swi 13 sei 14 nwptef 12 w^ if wpt 12 C05J. OR STREET. P.O. 1 S.T.R. s.T.a. S.T.R. B,T.R. E.N.R. 2 E.N.B. W.N.K. W.N.R. AV.N U. W.IWR. O o F.S. o o o o o t> T 4' 5 6 5 8 4 8 8 » 147 l)aw,sou, John sr. ^\i'l ir> E.x.i:. 1.48 J)i-ako, P lieu ice / .1 ei 12 E.N'.R. US) Dewitr, Heury ft iie| 10 3 1.-.4 Diuwoodie, Ilobert J swi 15 W.N.R \-,o Drtwson, Thoni.'is -1 .sei 13 I s ;! 13 o 8 8 iri? Edmou'U.'JunuAsi AT, 15t> Emery, William Y. 165 Edmonds, G-eorge . oU\ 17 E.X.l^.. O • 4 nvfi^) 2 Osees.d.8 10 J w^ 17 E.N.R. ( 4 184 Farrow, Henry 194 Fairbairn, James 195 Forsyth, llhomaB 197 Fraiika, Gusdave J swi9 J r^eeor 16 J A 9 J tpt 12 8 2 E.N.R. W.N.K. 7 4 Pi u la • I (10) NO. ON bol;<. Name. 512 . 208 209 210 211 312 218 214 •216 216 217 221 224 116 GmRiMlen, Benjamin Gardner, John Gavitt, Albert Garnhum, Kobert , Gariiham, John A. jGaruham, Henrj' (Garuham, Henry H Garnham, Sheriff K. Garnham, Edwin Garuham, Georj^e S. Gates, Calvin Griffin, Alvin Gale, Edwin Gilliland, Wesley J J J J J J Lot. e^wi 9 B^wJ 19 spt 141 ni 140 8^:137 ept 139 CON. OR 8TREKT. W.N.K. 1 S.T.K. H.T.Il. S.T.U. S.T.R nwcorl39 S.T.R. se.t 138 N.T.U. P.O. wi9 pts 13vfel4 wi 17 jjore 21 4 2 1 T O O O U (.) F. S. O 'r F. S. see s. d. 1 O I) o 6 4 4 5 5' '7 4 4 13 238 Harvey, Henry J 245 HetheVinston, Jonathan 164 H^gue, Thomaa 188 Hazel, John J 2jB0 Harvey, Job 251 House, Frederick J fiOB Hotehkiss, Edwin 24tt House, Jeremiah wA 12 nwi 19 w^e^ 15 8^10 nwcor 10 sw:^ 14^ ne^ 16 nwi U) 1 8 1 9 - 2 () 13 O 8 E.N.H. H E.N.B. o 8 2 T 4 W.N.U. G 4 76 Jefferson, Frank Jefteraou, David J w.k'H7 J swi 139 «> S.T.U. T O 4 5 267 266 270 271 272 275 Kellv, William M, Kelly, William Kier, William Kin^, Benjam-in J\ing, vviii*ri«s Kilpatrick, James <) 'J J J wpt 20 sei 19 6^9 xu eU** E.N.R. E.N.R. W.N.R. W.N.IJ. W N,H. .... ^^ Osee 4 4 s. d. 1 6 8 o 8 18 (ID NO. ON ROLL. 286 287 288 800 Name. Leach, Alonzo Leach, Daniel Leach, Isaac Laycock, John o\ (A P Lot. CON. OR 8TRKET. J n^Vdl S.T.R. J wi&neilO 4 P.O. 18 T 6 T 5 18 478 818 820 821 :i22 823 824 825 82« 827 828 829 880 881 883 884 885 886 888 mo 851 852 855 :;5(i 857 358 8(>8 805 8()« 384 Mills, William H. Mo8her, JoBepli McBiide, James Maguire, Henry B. Meharg, John Meharg, Nicholas f Mabee, William ; Mabee, James Marshftll, James Maguiie, Thomas ■ MaguiKe, Albert Mitchell, George Maguire, John W. I Magee, William T. \ Magee, William Mil gee, Albert ( Matthews, Thomas "(Matthews, Colin Magee, George Macdonalfl, George. ( Matthews, William sr. "(Matthews, William jr. Mel hide, Robert jMcDride, William (Mclhide, Robert Marshall, Stephen G. Matthews. Cyrus Misner, Andrew Macdonald, Alexander Milmine, Isaac Matthews, Angus J J J J J J .r J J J J wpt 14 ecor 20 w^ 18 w.^v.V 18 wil9 ept 18 . si 140 18U npt 142 • mpt 142 wk 18 w^w^ 16 ne\ 16 swill secor 14 nw^ 11 wi 14 J J J H 12 J J • J J 8 1 W.N.U. 2 E.N. 11. E.K.R. N.T.R. S.T.R. S.T.R. 1 1 E.N.R. 2 E.N.R. 2 1 JL wi 12 8 J pfcgor s 19&2() 2 eh IB septwi 9 eh 11^ ne^ 18 wptwj 16 swrt 18 1 E.N.U. W.N.H. W.N.R. E.N.i;. E.N.U. T i) <» (.) T O o F. S. o o o o o o o o F. S. o F. S. O O <) u (.) T 4 4 4 8 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 1 3 ^ 1 8 1 1 4 4 4 4 I H H 8 8 879 Nevill, Thomas 380 Nevill, Alfred ek 12 swil8 ,.«.! in 1 E.N.R. W K R. 1 8 tt 1.. (lli) NO. ON ROLL. Namk. 387 Obtiander, Andrew 388 Osborne, A. G. 889 fOtterson, William 890 "(Otterson, James 891 Ostrosser, Henry P. Lot. .T CON. OR STREET. P.O. swpt 188 N.T.R. O 5 ptei 11 E.N.R. 8 ei 16 1 Oco 8 T B see s. J. i> a y 1 4 4 4 14 4 4 409 Payne, Kmesev 412 Priddle, William 413 Parker, Moses 414 Priddle, John jr. 401 (Priddle, John sr. 402 1 Priddle, Alfred 410 Pressy, Enos 404 Piett, John J J J J nw| 1)} ae^ 17 e4w^ 1 i secor 14 Wifcrapt 14 opt 15 nei 10 8 1 1 1 a <) 1 (> 4 {) 8 () 8 () S p. s. 8 () *♦ o 1 423 Kobinison, Jacob 424 Robinson, Isaac 43."'> Roberts, Waneti 441 Robinson. Richard ptnw^ 15 W.X.R. (; 8 J ptnw^ 15 VV.N.U. () » J ne^ 138 N.T.R. () i> J wpt 1(> ;i 4 ^^^^^K ' 464 Slafjfht, Oeor;:fe ^^^H 4m Smith, Robert ^^H 473 Stephens, Thomas H. ^^Hn 474 Stcpliens, John H. ^^■1^ ' 47r» Swiirts, David ^^H I 477 Stratton, Henry ipmi ! 47t> ( Swarts, Jacob ^■ii 48() i Swarts, Joseph ^^^^■''' 481 Spore, Lewis W. ^Hi: m Stansell, Geor^^e ■■■1 ■*C5v tjiiveituoiu, I'iie^tfJr ^1 4yti Stover, G'eorjTf sw^ 15 1 4 J s-^ U 2 o ■ 7 secor 12 o 8 J nei 12 3 • o 8 J 3W|15 3 I) 4 wpt 14 • 8 . (,) IB nw^ 15 3 o 4 nw^ 15 Ji ■F. S. 4 J wpt 18 2 4 J nJei 14 SW:^ 17 1 4 .1 l.» s J swpt 10. E.N.n. y (1«) 5 8 8 8 a MO. ON BOLL. Name. 49a (Safiord, Milo 494 iSafford, Wallfcce 496 SliDgerland* Darius G. 1497 Smith, Jacob 498 Smith, Lewis 499 Scrivens, John Lot. J J J J pt9 si 10 ptwi 15 nw^ 14 ne^ 15 CON. OR STBEEX. !P.O. E.N.B. 0»e«ii.d.l 8 W.N.U. O 8 E.M.B. O 4 W.N.R. T 8 W.N.R. O 8 r,07 'J'hurlbv, Thomas OOt) Trihe, William 511 tvrr«ll, William neilfi J wpt 12 4wi9 2 O At W.N.K. 8 W.N.R. o tf 1 * 368 TTiiderliill, Jobu wi W.K.k n . ^'iift Vav>natl-er, Joseph J mpt 18 <) n Wileon, James White, Thomas sr. Wilson, Richard Wiley, Stephen iW'inkworth, Robert (Wiakworth, William Wilson, Goodsell Walmsley, Henry i Whittaker, John E. \ Whittaker, James B. Wolfe, MicbHel 159 Wiliiamsi WilTiam W. 339 540 541 542 548 549 550 558 559 160 561 J e^eH^ sei 10 J 410 J nei9 J J J eieH* eiei 15 n^wi 18 nejw^ 15 se:^ 18 wi 9 W.N.R. 2 2 2 2 V E.N.R. E.N.R. W.N.R. W.N.R. T O o T o O is^t! p.. Ci. J. 1 7 8 ] 4 8 8 8 8 la (14) ii'. i . y^ ^Ml ^ i W i W" ii -« WI W >i H ' f^awf' ' I iW W jH^ OlMMMallMIMpPir ' Paut II.— List of PersonB entitled to Vote at Mua;cipai Elections only. ^ NQS ON RQLL. Nams. 5^ Bi^itin, Mrs. Ann 81 jBall, Georg« A. F. 8& \ iJall, Geor^'e A. o Lot. SXKliET. w.^ 141 S.T.ri'. u|svil6 W.N.U. '1 1' , " '■ ' "...I.I..., o o !p.o. 5 8 8 ma CtiApman, Mrs. Matilda 8?f 10 E.N.U. a 19G Fnaika, ^Ir^«. Hritber M.B-i , F'u'k, Harvev •f - • , ■ nePorw$^2 W.X.K. »w{ 11 1 () 8 p,r>4 Grtle. I'ber sec or 20 Oce BiH.' Maasell, Nathar^ 319 McKonkoy, Miv^. L. sept til t 4 r>8:V Wliite, Willinnj RW^ 11 . 9 Part TIT. -List of persons entitled to Vote at Eleetiows to tlie Lesislative Assembly only. ■■■i iMMR NO. ON BOLL. s..,.- 1. Name. ■ CON. on^ * J • • P.O. i,.., s .'-> I^HI -1. •3 a »wC«>^ i • ■ttrt-— "' -J'^"' NONE. i> I ^15) Part iLSt of^^rBonTentitled tb Vot. at both Municipal Elections and ElectionB to the Legislative Assembly. '• ^ * iv f Polling Sub-DivisioK No. S.-Comftrising that part of the Towush^ lyijg eLt of the 4th Cdncesaion, and the Lots north^ ^nd south of Laie B^adf ea t ol Lot 12. Polling Plaee-Fuller'8 School House. 1 Allen, James 4 Ashford, Charles 21 Ashford, Charles 22 AndresK, David W. 28 I Andreas, George I. 34 I An dress, George N. J J J J 17 sept? npt G gores 12&1;. gqire 10 N&S.L.B. 7 5 O O o T T 10 » 8 3 i 9 ive .0. I -2o 20 '27 28 31 ,^4 }M H8 .^9 40 41 4ti 4S 44 46 47 49 71 72 92 93 282 (Burton, Frederick \ Burton, Charles Brown, James B. Butcher, WiUiam I^ecker, Aaron Brown, Abram Becker, CorneUus Buchner, Philip H, Buchner, Philip Becker, John Becker, Arthur . (Brown, Enoch ' (I'u-own, Milton C, Brooks, Joseph { Brooks, Albert \ Brooks, James Bearaen, Henry W. BurgaiP, John Ball, William C. Buck, Charles Buck, Walter N. Burger,' Martin Boyd, William S. ptortljor^ Enhrnim Burgar, James E. J 4 J eil , ptl7 J wil9 J wi22 J e^eil J e^wpt 2 pt.18 J eAwj^ 1 ' eptgore 5 y>'M 1 J • pte-^ 7 J ptcA7 J J J pte^ 2 n'tvpt 2 wpt 15 n|e| 6 sei^ 4 nw^a 21 aw^O 6 . 8.L.R. S.L.R. S.L.B. 8 8 7 8 7 8 (; ■ 5^ 5 N&S.L.R, 5 . T) ■ it ■ 5 () r, s. o o o o o o o F. S, o F. S. () o F. S. o o T O o o o o 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 H 2 3 11 1.1 n (10 96 Cameron, Hugh OT Crawford, Joseph 98 Crawlord, James 99 Cameron, Jobn IQp Cridlanfl, WilliBm 102 '. Oorr, Jameiii 103 '(Corr, Jamos H. 280 Connor. Joseph J J J J J 8^2 ptl8 pta 17ftl8 pt20 i21 • twpt3 ptl8 7 N.L.R. S.L.R. N.L.R. 8 6 S.L.Tt. o 2 . 2 o 2 o 2 T 2 2 0. •i '1? 2 10 X • 1»7 ia9 140 142 14G 144 I4r> 150 DaviH, Hamnel A. \ Diokinson, Charles i Dickinson, John Dickinson, William Day, Jacob Dunn, Philip Duun, Ahram W. Drtwson, Frederick J pts -iO&lS b.iu.Ji' J ptC» G J nwpt G ^ J eiwi8 sept 2 5 sept 2 5 ptsiei IJ r> () 2 <•) 2 F. S. •2 2 U O 2 2 :j 15» Emery, William Y. H 10 Osees. rl. 2 10 167 166 16v> 170 171 17S 174 177^ Ifit F\iUer, Geor>, ( Louch, John \Louch, Bichard Lester, David Louks, penry Lamb, donn Lemon, Johnson necor 16 8pt6 S.L.R. 7 T 11 2 2 J nwpt2 5 5 '0 2 2 J wH 1« HWi-3 r» T •7 swcor 18 N,L.R. I (1«) m NO. ON BOLL. ( Name. 298 LoukB, JanieH 296 298 297 299 .801 Louks, Edward Latham, Walter C. Louch, George Louks, Albert Laycock, Oliver Lot. lei 16 Iw^ei 15 CON. OR STREET. J J N.L.R. 16 S.L.R. gore 11&12 6 ei5 5 e^« 5 wilO 6 P.O. T 2 T 2 8 8 o 8 18 • NC K m 41 4'. 4 r 5302 ' Moove, Daniel 80B Millard, Mahloa 804 Mitchener, He^ry J. 306 ( Misner, Horatio N. 805 \ Misner, William 807- " Millak'd, Henry 811 Melntyre, John 812 (Moore, John 818 I Moore, Richard 814 Millard, Jehiel 816 Misner, Peter 867 Mansfield, Mon-it 868 Mansfield, Warren 869 Mansfield, Moseg 871 Millard, Clinton 872 Mitohener, tjimeon 878 Mitchener, Charles 874 Mitchell, Frederick 875 Misner, Albert J pt 20 b.L.ik. O 2 pt20 S.L.n. 2" J eil9 S.L.H. 2 ptl9 N.L.R. T 2 J 2 J 8W| 1 6 2 J wiwi 8 6 - a J J 8^9 6 T 8 J ept 18 N.L.B. 3 wil3 N.L.R. Onees. d. I a apt gore 4 8 (> 2 npt gore 4 8 O 2 gore 8 8 2 J nw^ 1 U 2 6^2 8 (T * 2 J ptwi 2 8 O 2 J ei9 O 8 ptia 8.L.R. o 8 4 A 376 a77 J Nethereott, Charles iNethovcott, Edwin .T 6 O T 2 2 884 Ostrosser, I'eter s^e^ fi 5 38a O'Neal, Walttr J wis 5 091 Ostrosser, Henry J pt9 6 o o O »ee s. d. 2 3 7 (19) ). 8 • NO. ON ROLL. 2 892 894 895 415 422 418 179 Name. Parker, Parker, Parker, Parker, Pierce, Purtill, Pitman Parker, William William Isaac James ThomaR James , Henry Albert M i^ Lot. J 17 J Rept 17 J eieid J wiei» nwpt 18 wi 7 opt 23 J 5 CON. OR BTRF.BT. P.O. 3.L.R. T 2 N.L.R. tf 7 3 7 T 3 S.L.K. a 5 u S.L.B. 2 7 T 2 426 Rusling, William V. 428 Raymond, Nathan 427 Bonson, James 4ai Riddle, 'ihomaa 440 Bavin, Joseph 455 Raymond, Hiram iOr» Raymond, Edward J pt 19 S,L.B, J gore 1 9 gore 2 7 J' ni 9 6 J nk^k 7 5 ni 2 7 3 8Wpt 2 6 O 3- T 2 1$ '£ 3 Q 8 T 1i '£ 7 447 449 450 448 454 457 Sltiter, James j Stephens, William ( Stophefls, Leonard Stephens, William H. Snivoly, Abram Sherk, John Swan, Henry J iv^w^- a J wpt8 n;V2 J w^4 ptli^ •7 ■2 i>\L.«. i ^ 4 F. 8 T i 7 U •5 7 N.L.R. 6 10 r,02 Treadwell, William H. 508 Tansley, Edward ept 20 S.L.B. sept 8 5 O O 2 8 (20) NO. ON ROLL. Name. 517 < Walkt^r, George 518 \ Walker, George W. 519 Walker, William 521 Williams, Jonatlum 528 (White, WilliamM. 524 \ White, Thomas J >. 526 White, Albert 627 Williams, Jonathan T. 628 WilUins, William 680 Wollrt, Melborne 531 Williams, Francis 5G0 Whiui,' Moses 567 ' White, Marcus 568 Wilson, Wilson 166. Westover, Lewis A. 172 Williams, Henry J J J J J Lot. si 4 nV4 ni2 pt 18 ptwj 18 sw^ 8 wi 18 wi 18 necor 18 21 pt 18 w\ 15 ei 10 wjwi 1 CON. OR 8TUEET. 7 6 N.L.R. N.L.R. 7 S.L.K. N.L.R. ti.L.R. b.L.R. b.L.R. N.L.K. 6 8 P.O. F. S. O T T T O see s. d. 1 F. S. O O Geo O T O 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 7 T 2 2 2 8 2 671 Yager, Isaac J wi 1« S.L.R. O <«1) % Part 1 1. -List of TerfionB entitled to Vote at Muuiclpftl KlecUoiii i)uly. , Namk. KO. ON HO LU ft Atlanw, Mw». Klissabefn ' Lot. COM. OB gTRKET. nap P.O. N.L.U. ^' 48 Hall, Mrs. Elizabetb 80 Burner, Dkvid Burger, Mrs. MjiiJuaa Brown, Mrti. Mar^ Ann »0i) Cudney, Harman sn Corr, John 17.5 Fero, Sieplien 17g Fisher, Mrs. MfttjUln •202 Gat«fi, Mre. GeorKiriii - 205 Louka, Mrs. Mary 2e4 Lemon, Mrs. Phoebe I 808 Martin, Peter 95 Poole, Natlianiel 8% f Parker, Mrs. Margaret 480 Eid(kll, Mrs. iBabell • 451 (Smith, Geovge W. 4&2 Smith, Alfred H. 458 (, Smith, CharleB W. rriJ Wells, Mrs. Maria pt21 wpt 15 S.L.B. pt 18 8.L.R, Beiei2 • 'wpt 20 S.L.B. nwoor 2 Hwcor 6 nwcor 2 5 5 7 5 7 pt 18 N.L.B. 16 S.L.B. Bwcor 18 N.L.B nwcor 2 swcor 6 w^eiS 7 7 ni9 • pt 18 S.L.B. wpt 13 N.L.B. O o o T T O O O O O O O o o o o i 2 2 2 2 2 IS 2 7 18 13 2 2 2 2 ■ ri.e n«u,to of persor - - •-' '— '"' "^'- analiiied to .erve on i»rie..-28S. vL ni.-List of PerBone entitled to Vote at Election, to the Legisk.iv, Assembly only. NONE. f 7^f im ^ I. Gvx.mK Bimi>v, Clerk of the Municipality of Houghton, in the County ot Norfolk, do hereby certify that Parts One and Three of the lore- going List constitute u correct List for the year 1886 of all pereom appear- nig by the last Itevised AsBessment BoU of the said MunicipaKty to be" entitled to Vote at Inflections for Members of the Legislative Assembly; and that Part« One .iud Two constitute a correct List for said year of aU persons appearing by Huid Boll to be entitled to Vote at Municipal Elections in said Municipality; and I Hereby call upon all Electors to examine the said List, and H' any omiasiong or other errors are perceived therein, to take immedi- ate proceedings u> have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated at Houghton this 2-2nd day of August, 1886. GEORGE BUNDY, Clerk of the Municipality of Houghton.