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" 3Boto rjbiiiilous a plaii U)oul^ be cf tuluch u hutiflin man tofre the iirio!" — Sydney Sinitli. is ^1 **** -<4 ^^jjfr- ^fe'--- «^ ® ''^ Mirth becomes a/eas*." SOUP St. Jiiliei) FISH Boiled Salmon Trout, with Lobster Sauce SALiADS Lobster and Potato BOIliHD Beef Tongue Yorkshire Ham Southdown Leg of Mutton, wirli French Capers J^ORSTS Ribs of Beef, with Yorkshire Pudding Spring Lamb, with Mint Sauce Spring Chicken, with Brown Gravy Filet of Veal, Stuffed with Oysters ErlTFJEES Orange Fritters, Rum Sauce Fried Sweet Breads, Cream Sauce Macaroni and Cheese Fricasseed Frogs, Wine Sauce ^ELiISHES Crosse & Blackwell's Pickles Tomato Catsup Chutney Sauce Chow Chow Worcester Saucp Durkee's Salad Dressing VEGETflBLiES French Peas Boiled and ^L'lshed Potatoes Asparagus on Toast Sweet Corn PUDDIflQS AflD PASTt^Y English Plum Pudding, Brandy Sauce Lemon Pie Green Apple Pie Peach Tart DESSEf^T Florida Oranges Figs Pine Apple Ice Cream . Bananas Nuts and Raisins Macaroons Apples Rochfort Cheese .A.ssorted Cakes Lemon and Port Wine Jelly Charlotte Russe JAVA COFFEE GREEN AND BLACK TEA A " &X\\.it is a man, If his chief 800&. aub market cf his time, §t but to 6l«fP m^ feet>?"- Hanilet. ^ V:^^? ^^^^-'I "yiS^s* V:Sit>l ®®® ® *^^T^» i'^??5'«( t^:^^t .^^^^« '^if^' .*** **^ V:^^-.' T^^^-'l "y^^s* V:Si^.• ®®® ® *^^^« •'^??5'«t i^^^^^^ t^^'' r*^ :.«^ "Come, (jiUt na u tastr of ijonr qualitg !"— Shak. "^0, marrp, noto nnmujzlt ijour toiaboin."— As you like it. " ®h, for a foitii-parsoii potuei- !"— Hyron. ■-^Jlj^zr- mM^ ts 9 ■^H^r,,^ ^:sw,-sjw^ " U'if/i tiitiff in hand to wet his whistle."— Co\.TOti. -.Int. and Cleo. ••The Queen." " Bless'd in her children's —her suhjects' love." •• The Baconian Club." C. (1. Jakvis. ••Out* Country — The Situation." N. \V. RowKLL. A. 0. Hardy. •' There's no glory like his who saves his country." — Tennyson. •« Liot^d Bacon." John Spkvhnson. " Would you praise Caesar, say— C;esar ; go no further. «• Education." John Dearness. R. M Graham. " Knowledge to one is a goddess hoth heavenly and high, To another only an excellent cow yielding the butter he wants. "—.SV/////6'r. •« The lieaiined Pi. •♦Out* Physical Cultufe." R. a. Little. K. A. Kayly. "The physical is the foundation for the mental." " Infinite pains are faken to produce a winner of the Derby, but none to produce a modern athlete."— //t'^/vr/ Spencer. '♦The liadies." T. G. Muri'hy. J. P. Mooke. G. N. Wekkes. " I'll drink to her as long as there is a passage in my \.\\xoi\X." — Twelfth night. " Hercules himself must yield to odds." — Hen. / '/. ''f^atsll" The Rest of 'Em. " How now ? A rat ! "—Hamlet. ^ )^ ^U »♦***»♦♦♦♦♦« >«♦»♦»«»». Ijl li, P Air« Ujfll that fttlis tofll." -••♦" A"*. -»^i.- ;.,.- i' •s.-f. — OV«»<0— ^^ OFFIGEP^S : Pkksidknt— C. (]. [AK\IS. Vick-Prksident— C. T. GL; Skc.-Trkas.— U. A. I3UCI1XKK. R. A. (;kav. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: K. A. HAVLV. T. (1. MURPIIV. K. A. GRAY GASaALlITIES. SONGS : A. I). IIARDV. C. T. GLASS. RECITALS: A. I). IIARDV. EDMUND WELD. — -»^^.^ "The Meltin niorp g the iiig steals upon darkness, "—yi the niglit, '»//>cst. " I have a good eye, I can see a churcli l^y daylight."— .l/zcc// A. \