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ve are his enemies, deserving fell. Therefore, Dearly Beloved Brethren, as soon as possible make a sincere confessson with hearty contrition, either to increase lit lo recover the friendship of God, through a Priest's absolution. Finally, on next Wednesday, in order to begin well this holy career of penance, receive the blessed ashes with a spirit of com- I unction, remembering what we have deserved for our sins, — remembering that we are dun, and we shall return to dust, — remembei- M.g that this our dust shall share in the eternal doom of our soul either unhappy or happy, according to its works of flesh or penance.. The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, be with you all, Amen. Miull the present Piretoral Address he. rrnd at Mas>- in all the Churches of the Diocese, on the first Sunday after its receplior . t ARM'D. F. M., ToRo.N-To, 23lh Feb., I'SSI. BisJut}^ of Tormito. Y /►, / r*/ /» i ^ <«#««