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 I I 
 f^^?k«** ^^K» Printer, ia«t his 
 «* ■.; :>'- 
 ^* TWO MITES |i 
 Some of the mo4t important and 
 much dirputed Points of ^ 
 ,C.(t into the T„A>ORv for the Welfw 
 iju unpaaW R«ad„, 
 ^> «^, .: 
 IjJ Semw of the Lo^D M»liii 
 *' ■ Churches. 
 .^?..jt ^ 
 HALtFAJC: Printed >y4 
 . I 
 -^ -^1, 
 I? ' 
 ^ * k.^ 
 ,^..i C) 
 .„ '•»S^'«-W' 
 >i- r 
 I i^iiJIfeiiii'^if* - 
 ' ^jeigg8Sfe "S^' 

 P R E F A C £• 
 TT is .lamentable 'rn,th,^«'M„ b> hJi 
 KebcU,o«.gai„ftG01> J^asphi^gea^H^^^ 
 wto fitch a Sute of Op|K>fltiQ„ w. ||!* ^^ j^L^ 
 ^«ild oppafin more thaTiagti^'S^ ^^ 
 ftaildi npt only condemn«(tin.ia9MfIf, ti"-^^'' '"^^ 
 trife wholly expofcd wthe$iiM^aad^T 
 of the Powers of DarlcjJefsi J^r^jji^; 
 Thodfands ind Teiri df Thbufaii^rj " 
 Siiis evtii wider aftthe ?riv^ 
 of Grace, and ftfirouiidir^ MiM.^ 
 dcnlptioh. And the Detfft^iyfc:! 
 ef^loal for the |)^|ll||gl^ 
 ^^P^ccigw and inia) 
 ■ ^:^ 
 ^JK^:^ . 
 J" > E F Ai C E 
 deceived, whoprofefs to believe ^ in and embrace 
 the Mbssiah thatis come, when|t t^ f.me Tim, 
 tiicy areas great Strangers to his^filrace and En ' 
 cmie^^in their Heartsasthe Jews that crucified 
 ^im.«d openly rejefted Him « a horrid Impo- 
 or: For there is fcarcely any Men under the 
 Lighi^f th, Cfpei but what c^l themfelve. 
 Chriiliaftg, and are likcwifc conviriced, that the 
 Wajr to Heaven is not through grofs Out-brea- 
 ^ing»an4 Debaachciy, fo that rather than to be 
 mifemble for ever, many will forfakc Drunfeen- 
 ncfj. profane Swearing, Stealing, laying, Fqrrii, 
 . eation, AduItei^C and fuch like Vices, and will 
 «P^<;e fomfe Principles of Religion and praalcc 
 fomccotfemal Performances, and therefore ima- 
 tinc all ja.well, and fo go down to eternal Pcr- 
 ditioa; wSthout much Concern uponUi^irMindsj 
 «»kI thus-Atnjr Jn the W<?rid make ^J^cir Efcape 
 from Viotto Morality, but not from Death to 
 fclfe ;. -^d although I acknowledge that it my h« 
 bettcf> for civil Society, yet all that cm be faid 
 bf «i6 Change («fpeaing their pwn State) i,, that 
 they have ^changed ^om t>t open pix>f«i« c« 
 -^-*lwaiai, «nd fiom one fift of: 
 f King 
 ,' .' a^d 1 
 iliot h 
 find n 
 of Go 
 tal Soi 
 me, \\ 
 I inter 
 that is 
 may bi 
 tang lee 
 read w 
 ven fo 
 - Sake-^i 
 • » . , ,^ 
: E. 
 and embrace 
 )§e fame Tim?, 
 'race and En - 
 that crucified 
 horrid Impo- 
 fen under the 
 Jl themfelves 
 :ed, that the 
 f$ Out-brea- 
 ler than to be 
 ke Dtrunlcen. 
 ying, Fqrrti, 
 es, and will 
 and pradlice 
 ercfore ima- 
 ctcmal Pcr- 
 )ieir Bfcape 
 n Death to 
 It it may hf 
 'M be fajd 
 ute) li, that 
 Kingdom to another; and fo with a, groundlef* 
 Hope of Heaven are ftill polling down to -Heif, 
 '. .' aj^d tlius knowing, that the Devil (who careth 
 <iot how near Men go to the Gates of Heaven if 
 they do but mifs) hath many Advocates both 
 from the Pulpit and the Prefs to carry on his 
 Anti-Chriftian and Soul dcfftroying Scheme*. I 
 find myfclf un4er an Obligation, for tjie Honour 
 of God and the Welfare of precious and immor- 
 tal Souls tocailin my Two Mixes with the faiih- 
 full Labours of Xhoufands, that have |oi^ befoie 
 me, whofe 5'^o« I am not wprthy tp jbeai" i and^this 
 I intend with the greateft Plainnefs attd'Tendorn^s 
 that is poflible, hoping that my <leBrJJ|EAiwn 
 may be fo far divefted of Prejudice ^fi^^fci- ■, 
 tangled from th«? Strong Ties of Traditi^h m^^}:ri 
 read with Deliberation and oa»neft lC(kM» 
 ven for a^ufficiency af light to <^Ceai« tlibr^ 
 Truth and Eitor, and may the '-GnEiaf'ite 
 THQR OF AI.L Wl»DOM for* Ms '^BlCt^m^^^ 
 Sake— Grant a Blelling to 4t«end 
 r^is ifli)ftUrtiirorthy Servant, is tlie. 
 ( *•■».,*. I. 
 fk A. 
 / » ' 
 V M 
 P R E FA 
 C E. 
 R«d„: FW, .„h„„gh y^ ^.y j__j ^_^_^^ 
 "a d./ft«„, f„„ „^„ ^„^ ^^^^ ^^^ 
 »-< ro» have penned U,™ .h„„^,, • 
 *» » yc„ MW. „a found ,h.„ J' 
 «o. o»ly ,0 .hoft you efl.i„.a „ ^ ^"-^ 
 Again, I would obftrve, that as 1 ho r ' 
 IS .ffcrted, without being convinced In I , 
 fo„ „trc.. „y dc„ R„d„, .„,„„„„ ^^ *- 
 ■fii„.j-i ""-••" 'f"/ Starch the Scrip. 
 ««^,<I..Iy. ".0 fee whethcrthofc Thing, ,r. fo 
 , *£*"<. J'vould furtic, obfervc that aTtW 
 I will readily .clinowl~J„ .u . *" 
 y^.;wouldbyno Mean, have „yR„,„i„ 
 gmc. that I do thereby .p^„„ ^, ^^., » 
 ■ iy. or every Part of .hrirPri,cipl,., becanfe , 
C E. 
 iiticulars to my 
 may find fome 
 y appear new, 
 e been taught;, 
 andemn them, 
 3ugh, weighed 
 them contrary 
 [reat and good 
 » I have Teen 
 ^y Thing that 
 I in Judgment 
 Jmuft therc- 
 w the worthy 
 rch the Scrip- 
 Wngs are fo. 
 ' that aJthp* 
 »ny of thqfc 
 VCe of, are 
 lilts ofGopi 
 ' Reader im- 
 thcir Wrlt- 
 8> becanfe I 
 Jpve thus improved them in fome ParticulaMS 
 Forlwouldbcfarfromcafting a Van tway w 
 condemn I^ in general, becaufclimaginca he was 
 ivrong in fome Things, or differed with me in 
 fome Circumftantfals i neither would t by aiur 
 Means approve the whole of any Men's Works or 
 Principles, 'Secaufc I efteemed them as good Men, 
 or found fome Part of thei*)Works really- worthy 
 of Applaufe: This.has beek too raubh the Prac- 
 tice of the World; efpecially of tbofe, Hi^Ha arc 
 fo fond of Eafe, as'to rcceire the Jndgnlent of 
 ^thers, rather than to be at the Trouble of* feari 
 ching for thcmfelvesj And many thereby have' 
 embraced ^rofs Errors, attd laboured nn4cr thenk 
 all their Days, bccaufc they i^ broached a^- 
 held forth by thofc they caUed good M«W ' ' ' ' 
 — .-V .7, - y- 
 t- - 
 ^i6f^„ '-<»,' 
1 < 
 Oft GOm JiECKEts, and Mw^s Fall npt 
 "." r • " , _ 
 ;<i^«{IS|>«aWKl,KN0W of nothing, morc^ 
 ' '^ "IX % cffcnti^l in leading poor fal- 
 V? ^Jen Min to Life, than fira 
 ma^L ^ ^o. convince him of his Dca4h 
 ^ . ff o^ ^o Jjad him to Happi-^ 
 ^(Sr>'%JS -nefs, than, to fl^cw him his . 
 ^^.A^eryT And thewforc; in Hopes of being in- ' 
 . 'Jfaimcntal in the bringing my Reader to the 
 X'. ;. Xjiowledge ofthcGnBAT Redeemer, I ihall 
 - '. ;;^ .endcavdur, Firft, to acq^uaint Bim with himfclf ; 
 t u- for who wants a Recovery b\H Jbim that is ftUen ? , 
 •A^ci weU, ah well would it be for the fallen Race. 
 were fromj what they 
 arc mnir^aiemiig 
 ignorant -of their Fall, MiUions 
 g to T^ 
 t and 
 1 i> y* „ 
 *"N -ji* iA..i~l 
 ig . more ' 
 poor fal- 
 han fir (I 
 lis De^li 
 him his , 
 eing in« ' 
 r to the 
 I ihall 
 i&Uen? . 
 n Race* 
 iat they 
 ms «iid 
 Millions iive and die ignoMM of the Kccotefy. 
 And ttow,jjt take « fmall.Vicvv of Man*s mi. 
 ft:rable Condition, it isjiccc^r^, to confxdcr the 
 Nature and Caqfe of this his pref^t and mifcr- 
 able State.' For altho' it may be the groundlefl 
 , Opinion of many, that God fore-ordained and 
 determined MW; Vail, or whatfoevcr'cf»m« K? < >l 
 pafs; yet, I dare not prefume w (hj^jfjiSiy 
 upon God by fayihg, that Hd flf tp;mined (tfjditr 
 creed fo Heaivcn-daring a RebeHioft agaiijft Him^ 
 ^?1£» as that was, which w«| fOfnntitted by M>i«i 
 which proved the Ri»in of the new-mtdo W/o^ld^ 
 and fiink an innuiperable Thtoitj . cif. -nvcioiw. - 
 and immortal ^uls into a Labyrinth of Wo and • 
 Mifery : butihould think « far more fafLtO.bcr 
 Jieve^hat the Great BrBRjiALGobi fa^jtng jllf fi^ 
 iiniti^ M Y"*OM and Love, cpblil ^and didf^lit?^^^ 
 fcribe the oi^ly and moft glorious' flafty Aat ' 
 poiEble for Hisowa Glory, andthe-Hi^ 
 his Creatures : And that Plan maAjffli' 
 be accordiiig to his own l^ature ; fe| 
 not poffiblyift: contrary ^o HimielffrAtt&t 
 .. . i^^^'^l,^""?* endoiy'ed with fuc^^ 
 - . ^.SJ r '%. 
 '•k^^:.L^ ;mM 
J^Jaced in fuch a Station, a3 to render him cap- 
 able of atfiAg «3'« free Agcnh and with hi, 
 own Choice to obey or difobey/ to chufe or 
 rcfufe. to fta|i4 or fall, without beiig in the leaft 
 influenced from, or by his intending to bring 
 about glorious Events after their Fa//; as He waa 
 able in infinite Wifdom to bring Good m of 
 Evil; and 6oD did intend repeemino Lovb 
 *) the fallen World, if they fell; which he well 
 knew, they would : The fame is clearly ex- 
 prefled by the worthy J, FtETCHKi, « fhat 
 ^« in* Cafe, faid he, Man fell, Divine Mercy 
 ♦*^ had decreed ^ Recovery by Jesus Christ.'* 
 And thus Man ftood pure and holy, like an An- 
 CEL, and ftationed as a Governor of the new- 
 p;.? to«de World j(^«; and with a growing Will, whicfr 
 ^'' : tvoiili'toiifirm him in an everlafting State of Hap- 
 piifeftv-or-fink him in ptemal Mifeiy,- according 
 w it turns lb or from God. And for his cen- 
 , tfring to the-DiviNE Being, for everlafting Con- 
 f^rmattoa he was endowed with every neceflary 
 .Qualification, to h!^ve retained his "akobi-ic 
 tf t 
 * ( 4 ) ^ 
 State a«dy<t a free Agent capable of finning, 
 (tiai is to Jay, of breaking offi) but by no Means 
 compelled tp fin. or break off, nor yet con- 
 ftraincdtoftandagainfthis Will and Choice: For 
 if he had been fo, he could n^er haiw ^en 
 ^apP7» »or have anfwered the End of his Cr-ea- 
 tiou^ nor could he be made any other Way in 
 the Image of God, but a free Agent. And Ijprc, 
 it is well worth obferving, #Iuit is faid b^'dlft ■- 
 Great Mxlton, who, in my Opinion^ &^i« 
 of the clcareft Writer, on this difputcd Poinr, 
 ^hat ii BOW extant. . .- *' 
 *f WhofeFaukr (fiithh^ t-t^;- ' 
 . Whofe iutbiscnvnf Ingtah h Ht h^tf^me 
 Alike could ha'v,. f made Urn juft j,^ rights - ^ 
 Sufficient to ha've flood, and fret to Je^^H\ T3 ^ 
 Such I create all the Ethereal Po-wil»i »' « t^ i t'K 
 And Spirits i both them '-wkp' J^^-i'f^pi 
 ^ot free, nahat Proof eudli':0i 
 .' Of tm» AUegimt, ^-*^^ 
 : . ■ ^V-V 
 ~Wl^i e«5r, tuohiU t^^^\__ 
 When Will Md Reafon (Rea/ou alfo is Choice) 
 VJeUfs and vain^ of Freedom both deJ^iPd, 
 ^adepaffive both and fervid Nec^ty, 
 Net me they therefore as to Right bekkg ' 
 So -were created; tier Can juftly accufe 
 Their Maker, or their makings or their Fate 
 As if Predejlination over-ruPd 
 Their mU,xdiJfos'd by ahfolute Decree, * 
 ■Or high Forehowledge, They them/ehes decreed 
 :• Their own Revolt, not I. If I foreknenv, 
 \:iFm-iffO'Ojkdge had no Influence 09 their Fault, 
 • Which had no Itfs pronj'd certain unforeknonun. 
 And as God had a Right to create fuch in- 
 till^gcht Beings, ca|>able of Handing or falling j 
 i^^^ not only had a Right to leave them to' 
 the Freedom of their own Will, but they 
 c^uld be happy no other Way : for no intelligent 
 ^j u^i^ can poiGbly be out ofMifery, while they 
 •, • ^ confined to afty Place or Station againft their 
 ^ r^y^ Will: and a» He foreknew . their Fall, Ifc 
 ,, h-a •„ undoubted Right^aswellasanOppor- 
 ; ^ *«% «P ^cree thereby ^edlfplay of his Power 
 jUf> Git^ci, ajM to bring ,feoutru,h ^venr. 
 «.^ai,ld f«;minate :i{^ for Hirowa Glory, 
 ,1' '^ * * - 
 , > "■ ^ •! ' «'■(-' I.".-. 
 E'f^r^r iSEffy ^' 

 and the Happinefs of His Cre^Wrw: And thcfe 
 Events determined without binding of, or in the 
 leaft infringing on the Will of the Creatur?, Mfijo 
 had^dready (in God's Foreknowledge) made «n 
 abfolutc ufc of his own free Agency, t^<i a^ed 
 wholly of Choice ; without confidering of, or 
 paying the leaft Regard to the Decrees pr Ho^ 
 nour of his Creator in fo doing* . ;. . , ; 
 And now we may with Safety bcliev^, . that 
 there was nothing, that could be any mowing 
 Caufc of Man's Redemption, but only the JLov^ 
 and Goodneft the infinits BxiTY.wa« po&£i«l 
 ed of in his own Nature ; and therefore iv&t» 
 this infinite Goodnefs breaks .forth in JUinitii^^ 
 I NO Lovfi, it muft briak ibrth like isftll", #itJi« 
 out Partiality, andiis unlimited as Goa HiinftlH 
 So that it muft flow to all the fallen Race, ^ 
 cleft, and redeem* all that ciin |>oflitfly, ir "iei 
 Nature of Things, be elcftei and redecafed* f a# 
 I dare not prefumeto Tay (asihifiyMJW«) thjtt 
 He could have elefted" ina f^idttmil^Aoit; W 
 Ifc would i kv^t He mhqr pfec^ that tb ey%yql4 
 •• ••T^*** -sawt ^wfiere toey wji|^~oe ,fOT ever 
 'lil«rfhtBunghi» Holy NiM*i w|iifc|i km^>>^^ 
 ^i»<*„i i. 'Sk? 
 1. ^ 
( M 
 tliarging Gd0 with the Ncgica of aoing nioffc 
 good than He did, when He had it in His Power* 
 but likewife an evident Contradidlion of his own 
 ihfallible and unerring Word , {b) and whofo- 
 cver believes in an Infinite, unchangeable, and 
 fcir-cadftent God, poffeifed of every poffible Per- 
 fciUon, mull of neceffity believe, that He doth 
 *: all the good that is poffible, or neceflaiy to be 
 done, in the whole Syftem of Creation, confiften^ 
 with Hi, Divine J^falure i or clfe He muft be 
 Sua^;of Neglea or Omiffion : and if fo, then 
 ' there wotild be a Defeft in the Divi^Jk Being, 
 ;, •"^ confe<iuently a changeable Being, which 
 t'^^ ^ °**^*''** '^""^ ^°"'*'* ' '^ti^^%^r,t, will 
 " T"^^ " *^ '^y^^g t^a^ God 'redeems all ^ 
 W can poffible be redeemed, and fay that I 
 uniting Ac Power of Goo : but with no 
 wore Ground from what I have faid, than to 
 ^u0 »e of faying that the Suit is a Body of 
 Oarkncfs ./becaufe that I .fay a blind Man re- 
 i^J^,^8Ht from it. Would any rational 
 trUt-liui 1 
 ?^* .ir)i. Ettk. 3S. u. I, Tim* u^ 

 ( M 
 Mni V<Amre me ofWiting the Power ofQddi 
 if I Ihould fay that God cannot lie, whea God 
 himfelf declared the fame; (c) orcondcma me 
 for faying Uatthe Deitit in His Divine Pcr- 
 feaions w^s pofreifcd of fo muck Love and 
 Goodness,! that He cannot with-hold it ftot^ 
 •ny of hisl Creatures, that are hungering and 
 thirfting after it, when He Himfclf dedies the' 
 fame ('i;. Furthermore, Dbar RtAow^Uyw^ 
 condemn jit for faying whailiuVc f*i^, htti^e 
 that you believe (at many do) tk«t QobV^lo^ 
 Thoufandi of Veart hifon the Crettio% i^hdfe' 
 and deten|uned fome particular hknJ^'J^e^^ 
 DuatMtlda, whte He might ai well have ek€^ 
 |hem un^ cvcrlaftiAg Life. I /hould 
 yoa would give fome ReafoAwhy 
 termiaedi or why He chofe rat^ ^>^e* 
 diemr in leverlafting Torment blui^h^ttit -^theii 
 't%nATOt, ^n ih the B(^oai of i^axftH^fi^ 
 Love, lauding :J^::G^''J!^t-S0t'^^^^' 
 ftf Kb Grace. ^^^«^Mt^(iiyi ^1^0^ 
 not iwid titof ^j> Aofe tc^Siiiilfti iil 
 " Ai 
 p9 )M. 83* i^. Hek. 6. ilV 
 m- ■ 
 1 1 
 blafpKeming, ta^e^^han in HeaVcn pniUngJ 
 and yet, fty th^y, I bdiew that God left thcL 
 to go down CO Hell among the Blafpheac^ 
 when He could have clcfted and fxred the«, if 
 he had pliafiid ; but he did not fee fit. 
 No% deair Reader, let me tell you, if that 
 h9 y<m ¥iftd, that you arc already eondemned 
 , m, of ^wir own Mouth : for wheii you dedare, 
 j th*t Tli<M*CMi4«of Souls will forever lay inHeU, 
 ^*^>igl«(aJi hadre been in Heaven, Ji^G©» 
 Wc<l6ljf bfCfkiiJealW to eka *o», artd that Hb 
 Wkii hii- Bow4r, bat»wwJAn«t; tkeayoTf 
 "IWiff^^nsidjf dfetl*?^ thftt ho chofc they ^nld 
 ^ l^eirPortifliiainpftgthfrBtaiphemw in HeH^ 
 llUlfiir than among the Adorers m Hcajwji. But 
 |«»N|^ ydU via % aiifiiiathat, akho?y^ML can-* 
 ^m ^tllc^hft HcrToix why God. chofc it ftanU h« 
 ft». ^ «fft)s-Hi»r tA»s left thcnj^ yet neycrthfileia 
 )BOtt nalj ft^ I OH^ to acknflwlfidgp %, %u>i^ 
 mm^iw^ out^of J|«jfBii|^c kwihly/ hclicve.iti 
 c 1*111^ my dfiwBiadcr^: donot bq. offe^ided, if 
 <'fl»uUc difcovej- to yo,u Uje Vile Nature ^f, that 
 Itorcjynce and Humility, which you feefti ^ he 
 ^, ^ aiding you t^c foiiowingQ^eftian 
 i*U ilXk 
 (' «o ), 
 WJUt Wpuld you think of a Servant, who reports 
 about Town, that one oIT his Fellow-ScRvants is 
 murdered' bjr his Mailer, but pretcnds,\iii of" 
 Reverence to his Maftcr, he muft not enquire into 
 ,hi8 Conduct in fo doing; when at the, fame time, 
 if Enquiry was made, it would appear that the 
 Servant not only committed the Murder himfclf, 
 but that againft the Will" and Advice of his kind 
 Matter, and againft all the Rules of his Mafter^s 
 Houfe I I fay, what would you thi/ik of that Ser- 
 vant's Conduct, who, out of a pretended RevereQce. 
 or feigned Humility, is cartyi^n'i^i: aa cvii 
 and falfe. Report againft his '^^^^j^^jHt^wl 
 Therefore I can do no lefs than iflMpbtt not to ' 
 contradia the Word of God, qflp? Refleaions 
 upon him out of a pretended Revertilnce and Htt^ 
 Hiil^ty, or charge Goo with dciighting in. tliic RK* 
 fery of his Qrcatures, when you cimUveaooth^f 
 Cloak for it, but only faying, that you €»e not 
 inquire into the Reafon, bccaufc ftcrct 
 belong to Cod. ' 
 ; I dare lay that you will vertr^ii^iy ,^ 
 k^owledg^ that there can be no Additk)ii,tt iQ 
 ^|fr«tlH«ppmefs«nd PerfeftionsofGooi:^ 

 ■.■^. t(f V 
 hy tHe H^ppiUis or Mifcry ef HU tiHttit^ j 
 dnd, iffo, thtti what Sort of a Being muft thcjr- 
 tt^orlhip, 'Wrho (declare, that he makcj Creatures 
 t6 delight ill thtir Mifery, when He receives na* 
 tHing thereby t And now, fmce God tannotpof* 
 ^ Ably refccltt any thing from any of His Creaturc»j 
 Either by their Happinefs of Mlfciy, is it not 
 more roafonable, more fcriptural and for the 
 Honour of God, to believe him (a* He really^ 
 ft) a Bcin^,- whofe Nature is pofleiTed of fo much 
 Goodhefs, as to ukt Delight in communicating 
 l6ViAN0 OooiiMESs to all His Creatures, ^hat 
 t^ifl, dr' cati poffibly receive it, than to declare, 
 as ihariy do, that He is pofTelTcd of fuch a Na- 
 turcj as to deal with Hi* Creatures in fuch Ri- 
 gour, zi the decreeing of .their Happinefsand Mi-, 
 • • . t \ 
 tcty, only as an arbitrary Difplay of His Power f ^ 
 For you muft know, that there can be no Laws^ 
 ' J&ecrees or Statutes, either in Heavcft, Earth or 
 ' JETell, bttVwhat 18 a,ilatural llcfleftion of His own 
 Divine Nat^re. And now. Dear Header, mUeai 
 V of believing (as perhaps you hairc lohg done) that 
 %J&6d U of fttch> Njtturcj as to dec ree the Mlfciy,^ 
 . ftfilU trcaturcji, ©r that (which is la lMMt>jI|''^ 
ttVy ' ^ : "• 
 leaves them W eternal Mifcry, when He migjit 
 as well havi made them evcrlaftingly happy. 
 I think you can hut believe Him pofleffed of fo 
 much Love *iiD Goodness, a3 to take Delight 
 in the Communications of it to all His Creatures j 
 and that ininfinite Lovk and Wisdom, the whole 
 Creation was l^Kilce into being for that End, FiXf 
 for the ManifeftVtion of his Divine Perfection, 
 Love fcCooDNEtes ; and that all His Creature, 
 might be forever l^appy therein. Yea, methinks, 
 this is a Truth nU only fo much more toth^ , 
 Honour of God, l^ut likewife fo tranft)0«i*^t^ 
 His Creatures, thatWery rational Being,th»t W 
 fiyes to fcc» mull fall in Love with it, and blefi 
 God ror what He ilt in Himfelf. And, for m^ 
 own Part(bleffed be God !) I feel fo mucfe of « 
 divine Sweetnefs in tl^is Truth, that »ySqul leaps 
 for Joy, while I writ^ Jt, andfeemsto.be impV» 
 tient to fpread the fam? from Pole tpJ*olpi. nei- 
 ther can I forbear intreatiijjg jUi, »» wiofc ^<*» 
 'thefc few Lines may fall (wicthey b|broop^« 
 'l am in the eternal World) to 4^;]fojr:i^;f*.^» 
 ♦ Hid Trcafiire, and when y<^ ;^^,ficcived^ 
 :iht jJjWJjrJDegree of it*5 Imprcffi^i 
 ■•■f- -*'.jf*-' 

 ^nourifh.„d Chen/hie a the Wdfare of y,,, 
 r«;^'^u» «»id immortal Soul. . ■ 
 fi^T then, what thzll I do, faith o„. „• u 
 .„d '■"'Z''™* >■«» ""gl.t by good Men 
 *nd many Book, that I h.« r.»/ ' 
 Ci»'. decreeing thcFJ^ fZ """"'"« 
 . "Wg the Fan of Man, and w, dj,„. 
 --1-choofi.g.H. ,„,,„,„ ^^^^^ 
 "Otiing to fuch, Principle but « ."""''<«» 
 ♦.X^ight being let into them . Th.n n u 
 .% and Darknef. i. f„„„,i ^ J' '« « 
 «>'r«u, not.0 b!,i Ji ' ."^""''■"• 
 ^pccter /ud^ey ^^^ ^^^^^^ 
 Por as you muft one Day ftand or fall for youiiir 
 felf, fo I .would advife you to examine for your- 
 fclf ; and it may be, that the grcatcft Part of what 
 you before thought were rich Je>Ycls on thai 
 Point, may; prove to be of little Worth ; and 
 if fo, you will never have Caufe to reflect on me 
 for my Advice. And as for my own Part, .altho* 
 I highly citcem Luther, Calvin, Milamck* 
 TON, and many other great Reformers, «yet I 
 will by no Means, take a Step in the dark to follow 
 them; nor eat'Poifon, bc?aufc it is. miJted wiUi 
 the beft of Food. ^ 
 Will, faith one, fo far I wilt agree %itK yo\n 
 but yet it appears to me; that yoU :«rt. '^bottt 
 denying\ the Doftrine «f Eleaion whoU/ UHn 
 toy Dear Reader ; you Ihall have no mdr? xf^Con 
 to fay, that I deny the Doftrine of Ele^Uoja, |hwi / 
 you hare to accufe a Man of faying ^tft . i| n.cY4r 
 rained, bccaufe he ftya, it cannot>»i|i;in a jlafe . 
 : Bottle that is fcaled up; How can yoft fay ,th«t 
 J deny Eleaion, only bccaufe I refufc tp hoH-li?: 
 - forth in fuch a Manner, a? would, h^; li{ip«>0i 
 . 10 be true ; For wc haye jlrcady 
 "T^cT Elcaron, s^n»anf dfr,.ir,^ 
.'■• k 
 -^.«,4jr.„U.i„g could h,vc>«n„o„.B. 
 -^Mwr''''"'''"'"'^''-'^*' Scale 
 vmeWifdomfooIiftlydrfMtjjj,, . • ,., 
 w^'y to lie Liberty ofa „^K&F ,. 
 '. CVip'^tygtel 
^<rfw/, A»d rtvoke tbi kigh Dtirit 
 ^.„„^gtqhlef itirnal, nuhith trdaiit d 
 ^hfir freedom: 7hey jbmfthfyrifmifJ thtir 
 "Ahp now,my dearRcadcr^ tfyou find your- 
 (elf fettered by Tradition,' and clogged with much 
 Stuff, that you have imbibed concerning this Poiiit, 
 thut begins to be a Burden to your SouJ i and 
 are thirfting for Liberty, like the Hubrew .. 
 Slaves, .that wifhcd for the Year of Jubilee , . 
 . {hen let me intreat. you, to bear in your Miml 
 a new folmn and undeniable Truth j and per- 
 haps, in the Hand ofGOD, I may fee enabled 
 • to fervc you in this ^oint. Furft, Jon arc to 
 ^nfidcr, that the very Nature oT ^ Diym* 
 Beinc is an uncontroulable Povcr of .Ffeedowi 
 and a Will to all Goodnefti and th^arefor* ^i: 
 '*muft of Courfe, Secondly b«Ue«rc,tfa»t His i«gfci_ 
 eternal and 'unchangeaWe D««»«; a«on$ aU' kit 
 Crcawrc. is a Fewer of Choice ^t Free^ageocyi 
 v/«. ordaifting • Free-vidll and FiWrer •fChoi^j. , 
 .whereby they may be .apal>te ^f**^^ / 
 fer^-ing tht't Creator of C^oic^- b#tll>HW^ K 
'( '7 ) 
 -ceiving the Communication, of Hi, Lor. .Hd 
 Goodness j which never can h^ • r , 
 toft .bouei. T 4 " "'■" ^ "" ■">"«« 
 . til" }? the only Wav ^1,,^ r 
 mftrumental i„ ,dminiftering any lL. . 
 rA««^ • . * X. A'lgnt to yoii 
 • interpofcd 
 jf%,> ( t»'ftt-;^w.s-- 
 ( i8 ) 
 interpofed between them and tn irreeovemble 
 State, by ftepping into _the whole World by the 
 Spirit and Power of his'Incamation ; or elfe the 
 Diforders that were brought into the World by 
 Sin, would have immediately pyoved it« DifTol- 
 ludon and its immortal Inhabitants have funk into 
 an irrecoverable State of Blafphemy and keen 
 Defpair ; ' and thus the whole Family of Adam 
 was fupported from their own Hell, by*theHand 
 of the incamatis Deity in an animal World with 
 an animal Bodv, and a Coftfcience, which was 
 God's Vice -gerent, to hold them in a Po^bilit^ 
 of Redemption and to render them capable of 
 Jiaving a fccond Choice by the Spirit of Gon, 
 and of cpnfenting to Redemption (e) whgn 
 touched with the Offers of Salvation : by the 
 Hand of a Redeemer ; who in due Time is to give 
 them a Call, and come with his ovm power for * 
 their Relief. And thus the whole fall^ Race, cvt^ ' 
 the very Heathens, (f) are held up by the gJfCIt 
 Redeemer from their own Hedl, in' a^ ^|6 /Cff*" ■ 
 Probation, capable of confcnting to, Ofr^wpS^^B , 
 (O-Geo. 3, 15. (/)Rom.2/j4. «J. ^ ^r'ai^v- 
 « Ay ^ - - 
l)?the REDEBMiNo LovE ; Of clfc Man muljt 
 have been brought to Heaven as a dead Log, or 
 igainft his own Will, which would be impoffible, 
 Jind contrary to th« very Nature and Decrees of 
 GoD; as has been already fufficiently proved.. 
 And tjius, my d<?ar Reader, you are to confi4p^*^: 
 jrourfcjlf with a few Hours of Probation cut out 
 of dfetnal NOW ;' neither elefted nor reproba-, 
 ted, but with elefting Lov? ajl around you, 
 and a reprobating Power within you, andwitj^ 
 a Confcienpe capable no^ of growing a Chrif- 
 tian hy Degrees, as fome vainly imagine; but 
 «f hearing the Voice of Redemption, and con- 
 senting to the offer, when made you by the great 
 Reftorer of Mankind : (more clearly to be explai- 
 ned imone of the following Chapters,) and there- 
 lore you arc never more to attempt the tracing 
 back thro* Millions and Millions of Ages, or 
 any Period of Time before Adam ^Yasmade, (as 
 I fiippofe vjpu have been taught) to find who is 
 to be faved, and who is to be damued; for Sal- 
 vation and Damnation originates here at your 
 own Door ; for with God therg never was any 
 fuch Thing, as before or after^ Millions of Ages, 
 s bcforg 
 ll.fd^^^*i^i^a .Va, 
■% ) fT^ltflSS**^ **■'' 
 before Time began, and as matiy' mAre, aft<jr 
 Time is at a Period, being the very fame ifl^ 
 rtant : confider neither Time paft nor Timet* 
 fome, but one Eternal NOW; confider that 
 with God there is neither Succeffion nor Pro- 
 greffion; but that with Him the Moment He 
 faid let us make Man, and the Sound of the 
 laft Trumpet, it the very fameinftant, and your 
 Death as much firft as your Birth ; and now, 
 dear Reader, if you are well eftablifhcd in thofc 
 Truths, and are not afraid to ftcp out of the 
 Track, that you have long trod by Tradition, 
 but are ftill thirfting for more Liberty in tKe 
 GosPEi, Plan ; I wUl attempt, by the Grace 
 of God, to lead you one Step further in Par» 
 Axit of ELECTING LOVB. " ' 
 But, faith one, I would aflc you one Qucflion, 
 before you proceed. Do you difluade me from 
 uacing back Ages before the World wasma4e, 
 becaufe it is beyond the Reach of hvraian Thought 
 ever to find the certain Period, when (^P*» J>*- 
 CREB4 firft originated i or do you dcnjr «ny fucji 
 w4icn His Decre c8 .o ri6ln jMt.oriach_ 
 ^Periods as firft * Uft with Hi|l;i^. wif .t^^y<«. 
 _jf' % "^^ OduU& iLl 

 -"r any r„ch Period, when Go»'s D..„ 
 *n ;„« • ^"^ ^^'^^ «fe only made ufe of 
 r ^<'*» a" Thing, are NOW : or to be 
 m=r . ,nd th« yoa muft be convinced, th« 
 «»».n"„fiftenuogo bad, before ehefler 
 ■"-S ofTime, to ,alt of r„ - ^ 
 »P"Mng .beChH .. ' "•"""= " 
 '0 8» round '""**^"'"'""'M^«' 
 w^t h,„t ,ou,de„ Reader. Of .hore,,W hold. 
 ^^ ..px.»«I.ov.,„dtheDcc«e.ofGo. 
 , in fuch a Method. "• 
 B„T to proceed, a« I p„n.ifcd ,,,„„,„ 
 0/'"t P.r. » . n fid^ f.,i t th . ele^ing Lov.-oT— 
( «»: ) * 
 Cod which is ii unbounded as himfclf, has this 
 inftant broke forth in the Creation of a World 
 of immortal Veflels, capable ofdrinki»g inthi» 
 elefting Love to all Eternity, the very fame in-' 
 ftant Man has rebelled, and {o ruined himfelf ; 
 but elcfting Love ftill being aa unbounded as be- 
 fore, purfues the guilty Rac<^, «nd therefore has 
 laid Help on one migfhty to fave even to the 
 very uttertooilall that will or can poffibly be re- 
 deemed : fgj the very fame inllant this great Re- 
 ftorer of Mankind rides triumphant over Death 
 and Hell, opens this electing Love to all the 
 fallen Race, (irj and decilares that the great Work 
 of Man's Redemption is fihifhcd, {ij that very 
 fame inftant He knocks at the Sinner's I>oor, de- 
 claring that his ELECTING Love is fo great andf 
 unbounded, that it determines the Salvation of 
 arcry foul, that will only confent to be made a 
 Partaker of it; fij and he that confents ihalt 
 certainly be faved, but he that rcjefts this ELtcl 
 TING Lovn, reprobates himfelf; and Kierel^ 
 muft be damned- (LJ And thus, my m^^ . 
 H'J^* W R«vd. i. 20. i P.t. 3. 9. (/^ Mark i&fUS 

 ' *rt 
 <«3 ( 
 4v,^ fee the RediemiBg and ELECTiito Wr 
 is fo unbounded, that it- fiin would make every 
 Creature a Partaker of it , ycaypu may fee that 
 ^K i» impoffiWe to be otherway, if God himfeff 
 w unliniitted. And now, if you ihould alk („ 
 perhaps fome may) if they were not clefted be- 
 fore ? t ahfwer ho; bccaufe therfe never waa 
 any fuch Period a. before. WeJJ, but thiH^ 
 ^;^hony a new Doarine, iays^dne ; for I hare 
 ^*n taught, that God firft detcrihined the Hap- V 
 pmeft of the one, ^d the Mifery of the other,' ' 
 without any Reference to their confenting oi'rejcc-" 
 ting ; and after that, by Way of Succefllon, make* 
 ufeofMeahsto bring to that Place and Station, 
 >vhich He hadWore-intended; and that He 
 tould, if He pleafed, have brought them all to' 
 « ftate of Happinefs, True dear Reader, yo^ 
 iav been fotaught, wWchi^ the Way thatHlec. 
 Mon is generally held forth by fome Men , tho* 
 Ijtcfyn^ tofay, that Goo never fentthemon ' 
 th.tEr«nd, for tofl,ut up, and limit that. un. 
 bounded Ocean of B.Bcrx.c- and K«i>H,M,Ha 
 J^J ^^ofi^m r^ Son • An d y oui ^ 
 fath a Principle^ cannot (land any longer, tha4 
 it i3 rujppoited by almoft blafphemou« Reflec- 
 tions upon the Deity 1 and even, agaiaii 
 His own Word, charge him With Partiality i 
 (m) neither can I fee, how Tuch Men dare pre* 
 Aime to declare True Grace, and unbounded 
 Grace ; when at the fame Time they have got , 
 the Plan contrafted, and fcaned in their own 
 Head fo fcant, as to believe, that there i» not 
 one Dropi of Mercy for the greateft Part of their 
 Hearers; and that God Aever intended any for 
 them i but only makes them a Iham offer,' whidi 
 ftiuft of Courfe, too fliocking to be mentioned, 
 charge Go|> with that mockery and Flattery^ , 
 which, I ilire fay, they wowld toot be willing, 
 fhould be charged againft themfelves^ Inftead 
 o.f this, my Reader, 1 think, Ihave fnfficicntly 
 proved, that the very Nature and •*D«cre«$ * ol* 
 (aot> afe fuch, as to widihold no Oobdirit)i%-\ 
 from a^ of His Ci«atiires^, and th«t Hia^'si.fcai& 
 i*iNO LovB is fo unbounded, as to fill ewegr'yi$^j|^^ 
 ibl that can poffibly receive it: and tA^efixrf 
 Mfc. ^ * 
 "', .7^*1? Jfplie, .6. 9. Rom. 3. ti 
 '^^*#S4iif«r'^, f-^Ji^ 

 .gunft the y«y Nature „d Decree, of Goo 
 But then what i, the Reafon, faith one. that' 
 Go. m. J«o, have I loved .„ Es«w have 
 I hated ? Why. fo, .he fame Reafon. dear Rea-' 
 dc, .h,..heP,™,„intheSpri„gof.h.Vear. 
 oefore either Wheat or T»,.. - 
 you dat he mtend. to gather the Wheat into 
 gLT;"' '""'"'"""'""« =F°' with 
 Go. .1 Thing, are NOW ; U,e Harveft i, come, 
 J*co.ha,confen.ed to bemadea VeffelofL„?. 
 but E.A» ha, wilfully rejcaed thjs eleffing 
 We^ «.d therefore n,„ft ofNeceffity remain, 
 Veffelof wmb. Well X ftould be f„i.<i,d 
 •ow. filth one. in thi, Matter, ifl«,„r„„„„„ 
 Vinced, that Goo had an/ Reference to Jcon " 
 f«V or Refufal of the Creature in their Eleflio. 
 «d Reprobation. Well, dear Reader, if ,4,, 
 & the chief Difficulty in your Way. ^^ " 
 ^by afcng you a few Qseftion,, J .^ ^ 
 "^ b* by the inl^llib le ^pf q^ ,^. 
 lit ' 
 V - - ' ' .„> . 
fet-me ale you, why God did not redeem all 
 thofe that you call Eicfl:, when He firft interpofcd 
 between them, and an irrecoverable State? Whr 
 did He give them a Confcience, and keep them fa 
 Ibflg between Heaven and Hell f Or why docs tic 
 make fach a Complaint. ' " How often wdtdd I 
 have redeemed you, and ye would not fit J." For 
 finceit is all only an arbitrary Aft in God ; it 
 may be done whenever He pleafes ; and then 
 why would he wait Year after Year, and com- 
 plain of his Creatures for grieving His holySpirit, 
 and rejefting hijr Grace fo long as he does ? (o) 
 And now, if fuch Inconfiftencies as thcfe are noli 
 enough to convince you, I will now refer you to 
 what is faid by God Himfelf in this Matter. 
 Hath He not declared that in fome particular 
 Places He could jiot do many mighty W<>rk»i. 
 becaufe of their Unbelief ?|>; And may Ijiq£. 
 juftly fay from thofe Words, thai H$ l^uM A^- 
 cleft them ; becaufe thejr would a«fejie&d«^|^: 
 or confent thereto ? Or would ypti caft ^u^ie 
 Upon him and fay, that he could, bccauftf Jtt 
 could hive elefted more *ut Mtouldlidty Atod 
 .. 'C' 
 . again vra. it not declared of .he Je^, of ^Id, "tint 
 f ^ -uid not enter into Reft, for „;,otfter Rea- 
 font but becaufe of Unbelief Y,;/"^d if you 
 .re tjot yet convinced of the Point J^ in De- 
 hate; let usobfcrve how Eleftion V expreiTed 
 ih piam Words : Why faith the Word,* « Eleft 
 - acdording to the Fore-knowledge of Goo the 
 « Fkther thro* Sanftificition of the Spirit unto 
 " Obedience. Vr; And :^ He faith, "Whom 
 ;; ^'^'"^ .^'''^^"^^^ ^<^ » dM predeftinate to 
 . be conformed to the Image of his Son "A ) 
 ' th,, be, ,f he deiJt with them >»s inanimate Ma- 
 chines, withont any Regard to their confenti„g 
 orrejeaing; for there wa, nothing in the on<. 
 ^at ihould excite Pity mo« than in th. other' 
 they are equally miferaWe, hctplcfs and con' 
 de«ned by their Fall ; and God has declared,' 
 taiatrtei, no Refpefter of Pcrfons.ftJ I ihall 
 >^«fer you now to what is faid concerning PAt;i.'s 
 , daftgemus Voyage, and then conclude this Point. 
 ^I^u. may remember, that after he had declared 
 - aotpnelafe ihould be loft, <^ ; Ht tells them 
 --» -f'V*- ^ 
 ■> V 

 that if «ny ihould leave the Ship, they conldnc^ 
 be favtd. (v) Now let mc appeal to any un- 
 prejudiced CKriftian, whether I have not held 
 Vorth ELECTING LovB more according to the 
 very Nature 'of God and hi« Gofpel, and more 
 for" the Encouragement of a periihing World, than 
 \ if I had declared, [that in fome certain Period, 
 long before Man was made, God firft determined 
 the Salvation of the one, iind the Damnation of 
 the other ; or leaves the other to be damned, 
 when he might as well have clefted, himj and 
 then, after a long Sueceffion of Agpa, they are 
 made and falleft; after which. He comes and 
 feparates them, according to hi* Determination ;i 
 the one He brings into everlafting Happinefa ftji 
 an arbitrary h€t of Kindnefs, the other He leava* 
 to exercife th? Difplay ©f his Power on them,. in 
 their eternal Damnation, when He migKt a* i^ell 
 have redeemed them too, if Ke wQuld^ but would 
 not: but if electino Love is fo.ttnbounac4 
 faith one, then why doth nai Qp%^i\f^^f^ 
 ^ul receive it? To which I anfw?J,,/fe Jthft 
 WC IILeafon that a Man cannot f9r^e^,]g^,jgjp^ 
 - (t'jAfti. 21, 31. 
 I* ■^■^^ 
>;■•.. -, 
 ""»" '-"■ 
 ■ ■!,"''• «""»»' name. fXov. „,„«. hj„ 
 "her Br«n : F„ „„„ ^ 
 / '""'«"" *"«" this wm oy the C«,m,^ 
 *« bef„«rf, cchtroulcd, or broken ...„ oM 
 might b= a„mhn«ed. Y«,, ,h„ „„„,j ? 
 *dAeWi,, of. Spirit. „hat have ..hey „„L 
 |Wc Ana.,thoV,u„.,berurprired,t3 
 io", you &„•„.. Charm, of Re„„„,„ 
 *«'*- < ' / 
^ «w. T«r':9v>-r^%; 
 f '»-*jr f '*lp^i'V % . ft • 
 ( 50 J ' 
 will be fo far from ftoppU»g,oiffQbduiBjywr Will j 
 ^•tjt will but increafe k« uncoatroulable Rage. 
 And thij Will of Maa it fo far from btingT 
 Ibrcedto I^idcwption (as many vainly iq^aginc) 
 that if God waa to attempt i^ th«y wo*ild c\xrik 
 him to hii Face ; yea, had Goo Kava bxokQ 
 forth at once abruptly wiih redoemin;^ X-Ovc o»l 
 the Will of , the Creature, at his fall, it.wouJA 
 immediately have plunged hin> beyond aU Px?ffi- 
 Irflity of Redemption, which ia caOly jrovcd b)f» 
 the infallible Word of God. Did not <?ojft, bt« 
 fore ever he had denounced any Qurfo or- V«a,- 
 gcancc, on his rebellious QSfpf'm^ ; cojn<t inta th«, 
 .G^tdon ' in <hc cool of the Pay ? With % U^ 
 .Ufimf^^tti^ of vedoemiBS hovel And it- is 
 -sevidest th»t He taiw wUfe »otM»gflff but J,.o¥^, 
 f and did. nolj An^*^ ;>f(MlMfd»tely ^ iio» if- ^' 
 ^om an Enday I An4 c»deavoi^ tt> Wc ^Jf, ^ ; 
 it as fram. «'TocmeatQr-Crj Avdrtiow Vf dcif 
 Reader, wh« tt^ you o£ fprcia^ Mwi *0 ^ 
 4«n®tiD» a«w»ft Jua Will I Of «f ik >#i^: 
 .)n«usht to licaweK iua dea4;.9§f ■ ftfil^ 
 W Gen. 3. i; , i , : ainji)*ttf^:i J^i(3*f ^*"" 
 ( 51 ) 
 •' om you fo,b«r admiring d,c i»fiBi,e Wifdom 
 .nd Conddccntion of Goo, i„ ftoppi„g .fc. r,. 
 pidity of tJiia growing «,d deftruflive Will from 
 in e»»ll rapid and delbuaive Courfe, u far as 
 wa. poffiblc by holding of it in an imprifonrf 
 iute m thi, elemental World by the Power of 
 W. inornate Union? While he make, Ufe of 
 Ten TOoufand Means and Method, to reclaim 
 .«? That 5s to fay. to turn'it. Courfe, which i, 
 *c. whole Work of his Incarnation among the 
 ail" Race, and therefor* when all i, done that 
 . "» Poffible be done to turn the Courfe of thit 
 8~«*g «>d rapid WilV,; prove, wholy i„ef. 
 ^•1. (being rejefled) then God fafth him. 
 ^,.t.. invain«,do.„ym„«. ortryany 
 »»««ri for the Continuance of hi, Forbe«a„ce or 
 «>7«»8withd.em.Infte.dof doingthemany Good, 
 Wjlonly .end to fink d,em Iower/„; There- 
 i"* ':'"»•"*»">" ".cen done prove, abor- 
 .*"' *«r we left, and g. u. th«r own Plaee.fw; 
 vZ'Z'^T *'^"' ^ *"" "<l"«>««d to eafe 
 gy« "»b.bed. contenting the Doflrine of Eiefli. 
 f"^'-*- W *•»■.. WA«...,7 
 , ■ S .: 
 '""'Ir^i^A-* ^''^r 
«». Ahd now you may fee, thit there is no Bat* 
 between you and redeeming Love, but what 
 Js in your ovm Breaft, held up of Choice; Net- 
 tkcT have you any more Reafon to be difcouraged, 
 or ftand a-loof from, the Feaft of the Gofpel, than 
 «ne of the Jews to hav« Hood and ftarved to.dcath 
 in the Camp of Israei,, when God was rainmgl 
 down Manna upon, thcnxj only b<caufc they 
 vaiiily imagined, that it did not rain dow^ 
 i^ them ; or a Man, that ftands up to his Knee? 
 in Water, to perifh of Thirft, for no other Rca, 
 •fpn, but becaufe he vainly imaginefl, the W*ter 
 aoth not flow for him. And if you; »rc^ iftiU 
 doubting in your Mind, whether or not you ai^ 
 defied ; let me aik y9]i *« following Queftion^ 
 , Ayg:Vild you vot t^^c it as sr great Affront from a 
 ■^or hungry BeggV. when you had invited hii^ 
 Vtnto a &ill Ta%. andintreated him to cat, \f 
 U feotjld refufc ; when he could giye ?«« ^ 
 other l^eafon for his refufing, but o?4y ^f>« ^"^ 
 alined it was not pr<;pa-red for Wm ? Yea ^i&hl h^ 
 pot ^^ well fay, that yoa-hni^Itttentiptt tofe<^ 
 Hm, but only caHed hint in to modrhim hM 
 ^ ,1. 
 "•« W« i fo unbounded a,,„j. 
 S.lv,rio„ of „ Soul r, '"*' '^« 
 "' "I'ngi, be redeemed- r n 
 "f'rfone Obfemcion n, " ""'^« 
 y»« ».X in ro.e err; """■"*' ' ""i". 
 '^ ^i. Convewion r,:rr " '*«. ^e- 
 '"'»«'. A., he .,„ofl eat I 7""'°- 
 »kV. who p„-d „„ »" " *" °^ ^o^l Srudg. 
 «>« Divine Ch^r^X^'^y-^Sp^i of 
 ,f'««HWii^A«n,fo ^de M """"""'J' 
 **«. th« W it J^ 1 ■""" "^'^"'o"^ 
 ' > " ' * * r 
;.«*•■■ "Mr 
 • ( 34 ( 
 Salvation of all the fallen Race. And now thinlcj 
 my <lcar Reader, if one Spark of"^thc Nature o. 
 the Divine Being, and when under the Re- ' 
 mains of Sin too, it is fo charitable, as to fprea4 
 REDEEMING LovE from Pole to Pole , hpw rapid 
 muft be that Stream of unbounded J^ovc, or how 
 unlimited the Charity of that Divine Being 
 who is fuch in his whole Nature unlimited anj 
 felf.exiftent. ^Or would you prcfume to fay, that 
 this Man is more merciful and gracious than that 
 mfinije God, that redeemed him. 
 And now, ifyouftill feem to be afraid of re. 
 ceiving thefe Truths, bccaufc it 1, foxnethi.j 
 new or diiFerent fron||what you have been taught 
 by thofc you cafl good Men , I :^m»di have yo» 
 confider two Particulars, Firft. that altho' they may 
 b. good Men (as Im.ke no doubt but«,a„y goo4 
 Men have held that Principle) y« ihe bell of 
 Men may be m an Error in many Thing,, fc. t 
 «>ndly, if you were cloCfAy to obfcnre the Mtai '^ 
 li«r «^f their Preachiljg, ptthtps you woold miist' 
 the following Remark (as I have often obfa 
 »n thde who thus hold forth a HoMtedLgi^ 
Or) V 
 to GbD, and filled with His blectijjo and re- 
 PBBMiNo Lovi^, they will ftretch their Arm* 
 Wide, and tell yoii there is Room enough for every 
 one, yea for the whole World, and that there it 
 110 Bounds to the Mbrcy and Lovb of the in- 
 finite and eternal Saviour j but when they get 
 tway from God, and yet to preaching the Let. 
 tcr without the Spirit, they will, draw themfelvc^ 
 up within themfelves, and perhaps give you as 
 much Encouragement, as fto tell you, that -.there 
 are fome particular Men, that God has a parti- 
 cular Regard for, and |hath picked out of the 
 World, and is determined to favej and finccyou 
 do not know, hut ypu ar« one of that Number,' 
 you had as good dry, and if you are not, you 
 can but be loft. Now me thinks, by this Time, , 
 you cannot but be convinced, and believe that 
 the infinite God has dona all that can poffibly^be 
 done to make jou happy, and that Hii^ very Na- 
 ture js fuch, as to cleft your eternal Happinefs, ^ 
 Firft, He wa» fclf moved to fpcak you into Being 
 in a St9te of Purity, capable of being happy' 
 in his Enjoyment intreating you to be blefled 
 -frhhiftrweriiiUtttLwei wA. wjien ywjitd ^ 
 rained yotirfelf,* his Boweli yearned over you 
 with Pity, and kept you from plunging yourfelf 
 into an irrecoverable State; and at,^ le{s £z« 
 pence, than the Gift of His own Son, had fpread 
 the Gofpel feaft before you/2pdfiers his owa Spirit, 
 to bring you to the fame, without Money 8c without 
 Price, only entreating your Confent : Yea, and 
 is fo far froin wifhing, or determining your De« 
 ftruftion, that He fwcars by Himfelf, (As He 
 can fwear by no greater,) that He has no Plea* 
 fure in your Peath, but that you turn unto Hiio 
 apd live. , . ;♦ 
 Blame not the Bonuels of the Deity: • 
 ManJbaUbe hhf^dy as far as Man permits >' 
 ffeav'n <wi//s eur Hafpinejs, alkws tttr DoM, 
 Invites us ardently t But not compels .' ; 
 fleSlhi butpe*fuaJeSf almighty Man dtcreif '■• 
 Man is the Maker of immortal ^^atet *' 
 Man falls hy MoMf if finally he fails, ' * 
 No^, Confidcr, dear Reader, that thf i^Bpi^ 
 Defign of Heaven mfm. to make -Hit •^eitu'^i. 
 happy, and alj[ that hat been done for yont^ '^f^ 
 Hi'Lcnttf ind thei<pfore, whofoever lives ■fr#^|Bff-' 
 \a Bin, v^ill not only lay down their. 

 ( S? ) 
 V ♦■ 
 Ae«fo.. every SouJ 1, . , '"" '"PPy = 
 . ''ioJ, World «„ tLT r " ""'""*"'• •• 'f *« ■ 
 ««««»*.;». %u.re.„„,^" o^n::r 
 "i^" i»««i.. Qce L If™ ; "' ""'' 
 fcr ever/™; ^,^. ^ « °'^'."»4 1<V, 
, Tit- •:■? 
 'ons of his Love; 
 ■ t>r ^c Father, 
 s them happy ; 
 own to-Perditi. 
 arable, a.ifthe ' 
 »on^7. Chrift 
 'nd theyrcjcc- 
 ^Creation and 
 ^ ye Inhabit- 
 «■« Wd up by 
 le Great Ae- 
 'ow Prifoners 
 ^crabJe State, 
 iNo Love at 
 '« pcxiihing 
 R IT. 
 Sfrtl, h •aling cfthcforhidden Frui,. 
 'T would be unr«fonabIe to imagine, that 
 the Apple,, which Aba„ dia eat, wore of 
 f»ch. poifonou, N«„,e. „ „, ^oifo, him «| 
 11 h,, Poneritjr. and to caufe a pure Spirit of 
 I-.0HT and tovE to become. fie^,4a,i«,d 
 «.h«o«, Spirit ; ^„d it „o„ld lii,^.^^ ^^ ^, 
 roundler. and unreafonable to imagine. ,nd ,» 
 b«l<cve (« many do) ,,h„ te„«fe M«. J«d 
 broke, Ac Law. of hi, Cr««or, d,„rfo„ g«, 
 by way of P^ift„.„ .^^^^ ^^ ^^ 
 evJ and malioiou, Nature, .oi.unift „d to««« 
 hunforM.Difobedi.ncc; and that he r«»i,H ' 
 h" Corruption from Goo, becaufe Oo»..^«^ 
 py with him, «,d chofe taeiecute th« 
 foi n e littrr iTfaicfa heliaa ^ 
 J ^ 
. ( 39) 
 fomc rainJy imagine, that the whole Caufe of hit 
 Mifery coifliftcdin hia being drove out of the Gar- 
 den of Eden, <viz. from one particular fpot of 
 Groundto anqthcr ; which is hotonJy faying, that 
 God might have been more kind and tender to them, 
 than He was ; but litewife diredlly contrary to th« 
 plain Word of God : For it is there declared, 
 beyond all Difpute, that before ever there was 
 any mention made of their being driven out of 
 the Garden, or from any one particular Spot of 
 GrouAd to another, they were become miferable 
 Wretches, and vainly attempting to cover their* 
 Shame with Fig-Leaves. and drove by a guilty 
 Confcience from God to hide themfelves among 
 the Trees of the Garden.^^; And as I am far 
 from believing, that Man becam. of fuch an in- 
 fcmal Nature either from the Apples,^^ by any 
 Impofition from God ; I ftall endeavour to offer 
 ft«nc light in this. Point. And Firft, we muft 
 tonfider, that Adam, nor no created Being, could 
 b« infinite or immutable, ^ut finite and change. 
 ^I^j^ ^d, if fo, then wholly and folely depend- 
 (jfj G#D. 3. 7. J, 

 ,■ / (40) 
 ent for Eiiftfence, Prcfervjation and Perfcvcranop* 
 as every TTliing , but Immatability, nmft be, for 
 without Immutability there can be nothing but 
 Mifery : And therefore, when, Man was fpoke 
 into Being, he ftood in Need "of a Union with, 
 and Communieations from an infinite, imraut^ 
 able and unchangeable Being : By which Means 
 he might derive every Supply neceflary for his 
 Prefervation in Happinefs, and efpecially that of 
 Light and Lovb ; which every Spirit, both Men 
 and Angels, ftands in Need of. William Law> 
 faith, ** God himfelf cannot make a Creature 
 f « to be in itfelf, as to it's own Nature, any 
 «* Thing elfe, but a State of Emptinefs, of AV^t, 
 ** of Appetite, &c. He cannot niake it to be good 
 *< and happy in, and from it's natural State: 
 ** This is as impoffible, as for 60 d to ceafe to 
 *« be the one only Good, the higheft Life. There^ 
 " fore, that which is natural and creaturcly, caH 
 " go no higher than this ; it can only be a bare 
 " Capacity of Goodncfs and Happinefs j andctn- 
 n* not poffibly be a good and happy Life, but by 
 «' the Life of God dwelling in it, and in ,Unlo^ 
 •« with it?* AnJ therelore as 'idBg as 4^i^a«^ 
 ■■( 41 •) 
 Defircs centered in the Divine Being, and h« 
 ' afpiring after larger Draughts from the infinite 
 Fountain, the Union continued^and he remained 
 pure and holy, by receiving a -continual- Supply 
 of Li^cHT and Love, but no longer, and Man 
 BOW being in a State of Trial, ivas not confined 
 in this Union with God by an abiclute Decree j 
 for thea he could not have been in a State of 
 Trial J nor yet was 'he compelled to break it; but 
 was left capable of chufing for himfelf, and there- 
 by capacitated to Break, or confirm that Union; 
 neither could he be made to aft as a free Agent 
 toy other Way. 
 But here i would not be underftooj, that 
 God gave Confent to him to commit Sin, as 
 GoD*s Will that he fhould fo dti; for it was 
 much againft GoD's-Will, that he TmiiKt. Jer. 
 i'l.BTCHBR. faith, "God did all that a wife and 
 " good Ruler of rational and free Creatures could 
 * do, to prevent Sin." That is by giving them 
 » Tufficient Ability to Hand, and fet before them 
 ^cry Thing, that could make them happy : On 
 the other Hand, He warned them of th.> ^ t rfi nitf 
 •Evil \ 
Evil, that would enfue^ if they rebelled: (k) 
 Yet afl^r all that God had faid and done, to 
 prtVeht his Ruin ; M^hep He faw, that the Fruit 
 was {)leafaftt to the Eyes, and a Fruit to be 6.k^ 
 fired ; (a) that is to fay, fees another ©bjeft, cx- 
 clufive of his Creator, which he imagined to be 
 worthy of his afpirng after ; he lifted after it, 
 and thereforfli altho* he had been f^ewamedof 
 the l^anger, he drew ofif, forfook and fepiariited 
 frofti his Crfcator, WKo Was tKd'ohiy Fountain of 
 Light arid Love t and then, ahd never till thea 
 did they know any thinj^ of the Bnjoymciits of 
 Tinie arid Senfe i no ri^Ore than the Angels ill 
 Heaven. ]&ut nqwthr^ had fallen into a bi^ftiat 
 World and fehfUal Enjoyments." And the Fafl; 
 <* iscertairi; (faith William Law) that he luf- 
 ** t6d after the knowledge of Good and Evil* 
 ^* and made ufe of the Meant to obtain it : tod 
 **' nofoonerhad he got this Knowledge, butill 
 <* that Day, nay, in that inftant, he died } iEftt 
 ** if, his heavenly Spirit, with it's heavenly Ifi:^ 
 ** dy, where both eztinguifhed in hiiii ; Ibtai 
 , («)Gen. a; 1 7 . (4) G ti. g. <^ 
 n .'fc^-i/u *^ 
- •■ ■-'rr,^. r7F^;j»»^>^,;rTl^^ 
 U. Xf 
 t 4S } 
 " Soul an immortal Fire that could not die, he 
 " came a poor Slave in a Prifon of bettial FlcA 
 " and Blood/* Thus the union with his Cr^- 
 tor was immediately broke, and fo, of Courfa* 
 lie loft all Communijtation of Light said Lew s 
 •nd thcrafore of Confeqocncc muft become a dark, 
 wrathful, fiery' and malicious Spirit, ftandin^in 
 i fepam^ Station from GOD, and adin^ only 
 ItoiA aPrihcipk offclf» thcnew objeft, whick 
 ^e had afpited after, and fet his heart upon ; not 
 beifagttble to fu^ly that want oi Light and lovti 
 trhich He ftood in Need of: and as the mod 
 H^lidoua Fruit or fragrant Flowers, that grow\ 
 Mien cut off from the Root or Stock, will oft 
 k^d. within icTelf rot, and betome naufeoui ] fc 
 Ofafiy when cutt off* from Goo LooTes all Divine 
 ^oiIt and Love, and becomes a dark, wraths 
 jUl vmSi malicious Spirit : and malcei his owai 
 IfeU ; forthia is the only way that evil ever came 
 into nature, „««'«. filing off from eternal %nd unU 
 rerfal nature : orBreaking off from Immutability ; 
 as nothing but Immaubility, and felf Exiftancti 
 can be felf kaiipy. 
 Awp now wr may fte the wM tderlu^ 
 Condefcenitqii) .| 

 -- ^1 
 ^ondtik^ndon of God i^ tlve happjr Pair, wU 
 knowing the fatal Con fcquenccs, that \irov\ld at- 
 tend their Rebellion, forewarned them of the 
 Danger if afpiring aftc^ or falling in Lore with 
 any Objeft, bcfides their Creator; who was the 
 ^eternal and unchangeable Source and Fountain 
 of Light and^ovE. The Day thou catcft there- 
 ofi faith He, thou flialt furely die .(A J He doth. 
 not fey, I will kill thee, but thou flialt furely 
 4|e ; «5i f He had faid> I do not forwani you, or 
 forbid you to eat as an arbitrary SoVcreiign, or 
 .bepaufc my Happineft is in the leaft d^pen4ai^ 
 oil your Obedience j feut b^aufc yo«r tjaypi- 
 ncfs depends wholly, on t U^ion Kfith vaej J. 
 therefore, out of Love and Pity to you, fprewvii 
 you of the evil ConAs^ufXK;^^^ that will »tl^d 
 .yo}u- Septmttotii fr(«i me. Vou wU (»wcly di^ of J^ 
 mi v^u^UA youtielC die to «i]>it^QMil «Mi 41^ 
 -vine hioHv «nd LoVv ; :&r yon wlUJ>«:fetfkttilf 
 ;iip within yourfclf: •^i^es^vt-^^^Uf^PHi embrafp 
 not, nor afpifc afjof mt 9^^'^P V Objeft <«f 
 JMIght. 3efid€&thiitB<^<ito-,l^.«^t(>C«Br« 
 MI. 7. * » 
 .s:?s«^i9« Sf"^l^?Wf" '**^^**^ - ■ 
 ( *s y 
 l^'yyou with .„ *,( j.,„ .„j^ „j every TWi, 
 •W your H,ppiH=f, depend, upon. W.tt, J 
 t-** l«th much the r.«,e.o f.y on d<i. Polht. 
 ^"P'"»' '■'"'■'>«."'" A. CommaSa Of 
 ' God noe ,o luft ,f,„. „d eat of d.e forbidden 
 Tree, w« no. ai arbitrary Command of God 
 ^ Obedience, but wa, a moH ti„d and lo,in, 
 formation given by the Goo of Lov. to Hi., 
 .ew.bo„,OiF.fpri„g, coi,cemi„g the State h. 
 wa. ,n, with Reg,^ to the outward World, 
 •• wammg him to withdraw all Defire of enter- 
 o«th« tmiedtlte dying to «.a. di«„e and 
 fceavenly ^fe, which he then enjoyed " 
 ^ B»T fo^emay now objeft and fay, t}Ut it 
 »Mght Ml be in the Power of G.„ nevenh.. 
 M,. |,iav. :conti.u.d the CommunicaUon, ,f 
 ;™'7" «•"•«' "'^•pHmiriveReait.d.: 
 whfch 1. « unreafonaWe. „ to fay, that a M... 
 2»h«P-. *.«b«hhl.Eye..„igh,f^.j'^ 
 ^'"' ""'""■"«'>«> if the Sun would b.! 
eveiy Thing 
 atJiis Poliit. 
 -oihihaHd of 
 he forbiddch 
 and of God 
 ial of Maii*« 
 and loving 
 iOVB to Hii . 
 fhe State he 
 ird World; 
 e of enter* 
 I Evil, be- 
 had; with- 
 divine and 
 ', that it 
 atioifs 0f 
 »« Would 
 sftitude : 
 t ft Muk, 
 fee the 
 uld bwt 
 ^ine. For God with-hcld nothing from him, 
 iiltho' he had rebelled > but continued to flow of 
 his Goodnefs towards him j but? Man had turned 
 his Back againft God, and in fo doing, had fal . 
 ien into fuch a Nature, as did really rejcdl, and 
 Willfully refufe, any Divine Light or Lovg 
 from God, which is evidently manifelled in hi« 
 endeavouring to dcfert, and hide from God^ 
 when God came to him in Love and Pity .(c) 
 For the very Nature of the Divine Being is to 
 flow in Love and Goodness to all his Creatures j 
 but it cannot be irapofed on them agaiuft their 
 Will , and therefore it is, that he creates them 
 frce^Agents, fo tha^either Men or Angel, thai 
 I'all, they muft fall of Choice , and when they 
 are fallen, the Divine Light and Lov^ of God 
 can no more make them happy, until-thdr Nature 
 as changed, than a Serpent would lttf<afi^ Dqv|^ 
 by being put in a Dove's Cage. Therift#e,,fei|^ 
 the Preat Author of a*.^ T*«jii, M^rhie ao^ 
 '* That I fay unto yott; yt^ inuft. be botn^iT 
 *' "gain/Y^^asifHe.foidiHyhinkiti^ptifai^l^ 
 a, ^^'J ^ *^" y^°* y<^ 'nuft i^-*^"* *itTni t'^ 
 m ^ m u mx ^'^-imr-^ 
 (0 Ceo. 3. t. (lO Johd ;|, ♦^s*«a*»*'^-M ♦ 
 ,■•''> 'kKJ' 
 1 '? 
 (W****^^ -",■* H 
 ■' T47-) ■ ' ;■ 
 ^' thcr receive It from me as un arbitrary Com- 
 f* mand; but out of Pity I inform you, that your 
 "* Nature 16 fuch, that it is^ impoIEble for you 
 V ever to enter into the Kingdom of God, or 
 "enjoy the Priviledge of my coming into the 
 " World, excepting that you are changed, or 
 « tnmsfomvcd from a dark, wrathful and mali. 
 '•' ci«u8 Nature,, to Light and Love, Purity 
 " and HoLiNiss, and rcftorcd to, and united 
 '* With, that eternal and unchangeable Fountain 
 " of Light and Love, therefore marvel not, 
 " that Ifpy unto you, ye muft be born again.'' 
 And thua, dear Reader, I have, in as kw Words 
 as poffible, endeavoured to fliew you the C^ufe 
 of Man's evil l^ture by his Fall. And O how 
 deplorable is his Condition ! How unfpcaJcable 
 the p«i^Qf remaining in an unregeneratc State, 
 g^ Gop^oucof ChristIs tothemaconfuming 
 |i|%< flid nothing but the reftraining Grace 
 pi" Goo* tod the alluring Charms of Tim\and 
 fcnfe, that keepi them out of Dcfpair f 
 , jr«t Mao, poor Man, tipoit the Brink, of Fate^ 
 : ^^^^^"^ ^^'^"^ to aa end lcfs Stat<; .. 
 in'-wj < * jS 1 - • 
irai-y CoiH- 
 , thatyour 
 e for vou 
 r God, or 
 f inco the 
 langed, or 
 and mail* 
 , Purity 
 ind united 
 irvcl not, 
 n again.'* 
 :w Words 
 lie C^ufc 
 id Ohoiv 
 «tc State, 
 g Grace 
 "ime an4 
 >tat^ .^ 
 gcgaWHefa of that Soul-tranfportliig Voice j, r 
 Which cllls the guilty Mortsil to rejoice - .+ 
 Tho* threat*ning Storms of Vengeance itolll 
 O ! confider, ye that forget God j ye, that 
 defpife the Gp&el, and rejcA the Rbdebmeh's 
 Grace sjflnWer how fhort the Step betweea 
 you and^WIStomlcfs Pit : for ye are condem- 
 ned within yourfelvcs already. Mcthinks, youi" 
 panger is fo great, while in a graceUfs State, Aot 
 none, who have known the Terrors of the Lord, 
 can forbear to perfuadc you to flee from the Wrath 
 to come. O I be intrcate^ to conAdet, v^ta 
 vaft Dillance you arc from God, who^cdAres 
 himfelf, that there is no Peace nor Happinefs for 
 you in the State you are now in :(*) And tirrc- 
 fore, altho* you may not be openly profane, yet 
 you are in a feparaw Staw fypm. G0P I who ia 
 the only Source of Happinefs : and therefore, al- 
 tho' y^u may appear of a kind and loving d^< 
 pofition among &d(en,' with > mfJiy ittwble .1|hU 
 lifications ; and likewife with a dofe Conformli 
 — .(tX}ii* 4t^aat. ■ .. ' . , 
 AJF.fi' .■"■»*',Vyi- 
 • sm 
 ti A 
 • -'h- 
 " ''^ 
 , J* 
 % r* i 
 r V. 
 |.> vi 
 >r '%• 
 If ! 
 fX'49 5 
 ' «,i„~4 r ,, -^ """" > T"^ would be de- 
 ^HjKlo.g. OSl„gg..d,wa.tho»foMJ;i„ 
 ♦ ^ -Arms 
 ^.'^•"'"^""'"'^ie Satan holds the 
 i 5ait? 
 •Awake, AwaJccO Sinner/ sje.n 
 ta^AfTER nr: 
ct if Def ti 
 a vital union 
 ouidbe de- 
 cut off from 
 '» thatljjive 
 ' Securi^ J 
 'oul would 
 Urfclf pof- 
 J tiie fallen 
 Jefore you 
 fold thine 
 liolds the 
 10 more . 
 sir Fate. 
 . fV 
 C A P T E R m. 
 HQ W Generations imhom are^ corrupted by, and 
 %. . Mb ^'ndimt^ for orlginanin. 
 Now come to a Confideratipu of thgt myfterious 
 and much difputcd Point, how Generations 
 yet unborn are guiky of, corrupted by^ and juftl^ 
 condemned for original SiUt which was committed '' 
 fome Thoufand Years ago. And O f What a la* 
 mentablc Oonfiderationis it, that fc^ many, cveh 
 in a Land of Gofgel-light, and many/Avho pro-'v; 
 fefs to be Minifters of Christ, do wholly deny' " 
 Mants being in a fallen State, or guilty of iri/. \ 
 ttal ^in ; and others who,^ groundlefsly hold, that 
 Man is not in a condemned Statdj tho' they ali 
 low'hc is'in a fallen ^tate: Fo.rfaythcj^, Christ^ " 
 fatis/ied Divine Justice, ahd^canceMcd aUDc- ' 
 mands for that Sin for the Whole World, or for. If 
 all that are baptized with Waterjn his Namei^f 
 Now as for the former of thefe. they are fo*«S'^4 
 from being Chriftians, that they are. wJiqlly cot " ' 
 offfpjtm, and have no lot. or Part in Qf^^'^^*^ "' 
 1/ " 
 * ( 5» ) 
 ^ ; thtir own Pxipdplcs :- Forif Men arc not in • W. 
 I?n State of Sin and Miferjr, they have no Need of 
 Christ, or his Gofpel; ^nd^erefore ^heistw to 
 them dead' in vain. Such Peoplemay a, vreU 
 ' throw ofF their Maft,, ^ fiaf i, uyi,j^ ,^ ^am. 
 ff Chnftians, and puhliclciy wear theBadgc of the 
 Pcifts, for they ararealiyRejeaurcs ofC,iRi.T 
 "d all iU5 Benefit,, „d in a ftor, Time except a 
 fpccdy Repentance ihould obftruft. they wiy una. 
 voidaWy £hare . i«iferal,le Part in the Portion 
 ' ^/'^"^^^*- A'*^**.^' the l«tcr. who pretend, ' 
 «iat Cbhist ha, done away all orighaiSIni or 
 ^t«l^ cancelled by o^r being baptised in Hi. 
 Name with Water, ai^ almoft a, far (rqm the 
 Truth, a, the former, and preach not only againft 
 the plain Word of God i(/) but likewife an Inc«i. 
 fi^aacyinitfclf: For if Ch.ut ha, waihed away 
 ^^Sin which i, the Corruption of Nature, 
 why arenot all the ChtWre, of Kfea ,URa and 
 n^l And why arc they i^ot in their Infancy, 
 mftcad of being filled with Spite and Malice, and 
 prone to all Mamxcr of Evil, wafted beyond' ^ny 
 Scnfe of the alluring Chartn, of this v.;n W^ld? 
t 5« *> 
 And why are they noc filled with the nujiei^t 
 fieams of their Rsdesi4i?u*s Love, and tranf- 
 ported with the Divinb Perfections of their ' 
 Creator i Or why'is it that the Lord, when 
 He looks down from Kcaven Upon the Childrer\ 
 of Afcn, to (ce, if there were any, t^at did un- 
 derftand and feek God, declares, that they uq^ 
 all gonecifidc, that they are all together bqcomo 
 filthy i and that there is none that does good, nq 
 not "one }(gj Qr why docs He fay again, that 
 pel^ruftion and Mifery is in their Wfy. tod that 
 they have not known the Way of Peace./f^j^ 
 But fume M'lll {ny, that the Children imblb<e 
 their evil Principles from the Examples an^ 
 evil Pradiccs of others. But fuff^r me to aft 
 them the Caul'c of the evil Practice of otheiVi 
 Did they not come into the World as clean a»any 
 of their Children i bcfidcs, is tKere not Spite ^nd 
 Malice, Grief and Sorrow, ,. (whic^ could' «o| 
 be without Sin) evidently fecn in Children^ bf^ 
 fore they are any Way capable of imbibing glkf 
 'filing from the evil Praflices of others? But 
 fome will pretend to be more refined ftiil, (but 
 agp u fu fro mnhgTrm h) who. wi^ icknowT^i^" 
 '■■■■ . ^; d . _ ■ .., ,:t>. /■, , , . , ^J 
 ' 4)^W. 14. 3. (h) Rom. 3. 16. 17. 
 , ft? 
(« ) 
 tlitt ill Mankind e.me into tlie WotM with , 
 ' ""'P' Nature, but not condemned : For Aey 
 «y. tiiat ChR.ai^cancdlcd tlie Demands of 
 J"ft.ce for them, but did not change d.eir Na- 
 tureyfo that the^ fliU come into d,e World pol- 
 luted, but not condemned , and therefore it i, 
 dutthere^et Sin in the World, for they „^ 
 Wt to .aforlthemfelvea; „d having ,„ „;, 
 Na.ure,\aItho' they are not under any Condom, 
 "••oni tiey are liable to commit Sin ; by which 
 Means they bec«,e guilty, .„d fo are condem- 
 "Cd. and many finally loft ,o all Eternity. Now 
 tf I had not heard Men deflare fueh Things, I 
 «»>«1<' rcaK^Jy have believed it, tl„: any Man 
 (where the Gofpel-Sun i, in it, Meridian) could 
 ""■ J",'^ bee. imbibed, and retained fueh . 
 confufed, .nconfiftent and Antichriftian Principle. 
 ■ " " '" "*' 'fr" n»«, they fay, that they 
 .« not condemned, beeaufe Chm.t has can- 
 ""•^ *?.'%-!>Hli!L"« <^'«»g«l their Nature. 
 '«y. let me aft, what Condemnation can a Man 
 have worfethan the Condemnation of his own 
 for ill 

 ,.,>;i V-ry/^ 
 his Offences; when he leaves hiin ftill in his owij 
 hellifli Nature, which will torment him, and 
 make him miferable for ever i Which would be 
 like a Man, who pretends, oilt of Pity, to pay 
 hii Neighbour's Debts; but after all his pritend-^ 
 fed Pity and Compaffion, leaves the poor Man to 
 dyt in Goal. O how incqi^itftent *is fuch a Prin- 
 ciplt \ For my own Parti I fliould be alhamed 
 to preach fuch a Christ ; neither do I believe, 
 that a Heaven-born Soul ever did : For God has 
 promifed His Spirit to lead His Peopl^ into lUI 
 Truth Y/7 ^^^ therefore whatever Principle "^cmt 
 Experience contv^di£ls the Word of God, cgjanot 
 be of the right Kiqd; but muft come fronl a dark 
 Quarter i Can any one, that Is brought to tht 
 Liberty ofahs^^oni^^fMSou; poffible believe that 
 God would become incarnate, fuffer and die, td 
 work out Part 6£ the Plan o£^ Salvation 'for the 
 perifhing World ; and after all ^t had bedi 
 done, leave it to thofe poor foUen Wretches to 
 finiih it I when He knew that they wa« whollf 
 prone to ruin themfelves? Does he not d^l 
 jOtBM it. n. 
 't' ^ 
 ■Sr; " 
 .*» pla in as ban be exprefled, that \vc had kfe'ttea 
 ourfelvcfi ; but in Him was ouV Help i(k) and j^i 
 His dying Groans, that He had finiihed the 
 Work ?^y^ But fome perhaps may fay, that they 
 have no Expeftation to do the Worlc, but only 
 by the AiSllancc of God's Spirit. But fmce He 
 cancelled tiginal St'tif He has given them a Suf- 
 ficiency to vwM-k for tKcmfdvcs ; and has now 
 commanded them to work out their own Salvation 
 with Fear and Trembling. B^t, bicflcd be Gotv 
 J «cy«rfo learned C(h*I8t, as to get Salvauqn 
 «P<»a working Govcnantany further, (than bcin^ 
 fpabled by the Spirit of Gop to coiifent, and re- 
 ceive a whole Saviour . And as for thofc Words; 
 Of working oUt our xwn Salvation with Fear and 
 Trembling, they are ipoken to^ofeAvhoare al- 
 rcadyjuftificdj and therefore, arenot eomaandcd 
 ^work out their Joftification. &ridcs. if that be 
 ifc« Cafe, thatCHiti8T has thus, by his Death 
 ««i Suferingai «ot Mtnm fuch a Way, as to 
 ^fork out Part of hii Juftification on the Coven;. 
 #iit of Worfcaj. ^ n ^ Glory belongs asanuch 
 OJHci. 13. ,. fi) John 19. 30. ; n, ' 
 ; had hu'nr^ 
 i(k} tiidi^ 
 inilhed the 
 r, that they 
 but only 
 at fifice He 
 lem a Suf^ 
 d has now 
 n Salvaxion 
 i<be God, 
 it, and ro- 
 fc Words; 
 I Fear and 
 ho are al- 
 if that be 
 la Deatk 
 n^t MS to 
 e Covens 
 ai much 
 ■■ — tg--r 
 (or- more) to Mzn, aatoCuttis^: as has bt 
 well obferved by R. Eaaiciiis. 
 Ko Merit, but of Paaiat, tmdi ■'•■:'' 
 Of Men or Angeb ier ht foU, 
 fbe God-Man o$dy <wm f» bigk^ 
 *ro merit hy Condignitj. 
 WerilAfk now fremit*dta iOM^ a34 
 Or to our Works hy PlBOion taek'd? " " 
 ^b^ GOD would Hit Ajfiftance grAutt • 
 *7Vx ^iU a doing Covtuamtf 
 ITbo* Meav*M ifs helping Grace JbouU yttU^ 
 ¥tt Merit*j ftill Mfon ibt Fitld. '\ * 
 f^o <aft tb* Nam, yet'pll i^}ft>u»d -'. ^ 
 Difdmrning hut ^mith verbal found 
 l(fomfhould borrow Toolt- from you, ^ 
 That he fomefamout fForb might dot 
 When once hit Work h willfrefaPd^ 
 Sun he difervot htt dm Rewards ^ ' 
 ^Itoayufily ht may cltum hit DiHt 
 j/lfho* he borroiu/d Toilt from yott^ * '■ 
 Swinihut the borow^dStnngibofOtm ^ c% 
 "Cbst/ htnotr merit to takt rbtctt "* 
 ' ''Trwit muheuco feever we borrow Povw*i^ 
 ^^lift dtpmdon WorffYWT: 
 nM '" 
 .•fug- !(v«^/«, ' • " * 
 fvt ^^•\ 
 ■ TiV) 
 Or if nJiji mikt the Gojptl thui : ■ • 
 In any Way depend on tu. 
 We gi'vetbe Law the GoJ^el Place ^ 
 Rewards of Ifibt the Rbom of Grace: 
 We mix Heavens Treafteret with our trajh : 
 To magnify corrupted Flejh. 
 And what faith God himfelFon fjuftification : 
 Knowing, faith He, that a Man is notjujlifiti hy 
 the Woks of the faw, but by the Faith of]niv9 
 Christ ; for by the Worlds of the Law Jhall n*^ 
 Tlejh be juftified.(m) And again, Uts i^ib^ 
 Work of God, thatyeJbelie<ve on hih whom B§l>kl^ 
 ftnt.(n) And this is his Commandment, tbmt kue 
 believe on his S^oit Jesus C^KiiT.(o) Abraham 
 believed God, and it was eouMed unto him for 
 Ri^hteoufsnefs.(p) And without Faith it is impof- 
 Jible to pleafe God.Cj) Add ytt how many ^ill 
 pretend, againft the plain Word of God, to 
 im out Salvation partly by Works; and partly 
 By Faith , bleeding, the Covenant of Works and 
 tiie Carcnint of .'Grace together. O that fuch 
 ii< t. 
 ■L- V 
 'Tii • 
 f 5«:) 
 Men. (who briAg Aich Difhonour to the uKUu- 
 nate G^d, arid are fo prejudicial lo the Welfahi 
 of pr&iousand immortal S<>^^M^^ ^ rtfonn'> 
 edl^ or removed, before ^^J^^^^^^l^^ th6 fatal 
 Means of' Ruining a^X n^^^^^« blinded 
 Sona of Men! > ' V l^p^ ' 
 BtJT, tho' I have been naturally lead to fluke 
 fomething of a Degrjcflitori, liiiuft now return t» 
 the Point, I principally intended. And as it !• 
 fp evident by tlw plain Word of Gob, diat the 
 whole Race of Mankind ^re in a ^len State of. 
 Sin andMifery , (which Ib^lieve qo tnutfChriftiM^ 
 will deny.) I need fay no niorc^ oa th»t |lg||rt| 
 but fhall endeavour to (hew, how. ih«|t^ |i| 
 guilty, and juftly condcinnod i9« V|<1 witK 
 whidh many, even thofe, who bdiere iU oi 
 Sin) are much in the j^k a||rifv 4# ¥% A 
 fhould not do juftice to the dealiiigl of 0od wltH- 
 his Creatures, or cletf Jus Throne orG«llt i# 
 their Condemnation, if I ihoold only hold, tb«t 
 An AM ftood a? one Mm 5 lod §^ for,vd m 
 behalf of all his numerous, »nd uabom Seed» 
 without their being m(pmt de^re<«^iye or cgp? 
 • . ~ ■ • ' ■■. ', . -^ ,>« . j.» t'^' 
 leii^;^or M dne^(im7|h^ri£^And^ 
 .i. , 
 j.it Auii i^ 1A3 
 aS*.ta>^"/S ' it-j .',.», .\'*Mm»!''!^«W.„ ' ; 
' ;%h"' .^7» t ' 
 • ll 
 another in a far [Country j who mfuft fare and be 
 punifhed accordingly, without confch ting to, or 
 icnowing any thing df what was there afted, or 
 tranfa6led: 'Whieh, I dafe fay, many would 
 think very hard ; and yet they will hold to the 
 Imputation of A dam's Sin. And altho* fit would 
 not Iblk well for Amos (who was taken from the 
 ^tocK fehd SrcAMOrtE) to undertake to correft 
 PAtri in W« Grammar- (who vfras brought lip at 
 the Feet of Gamaliel^) yet I muft acknow- 
 ledge that many, who are called great Writers on 
 ''Tiginal Sin, are either ignorant of the Nature of' 
 Man's Fall, or the meaning of the Word Imputa- 
 tioli. Neither would fuch Men be willing to pay 
 a Debt charged againft them, which they had no 
 Handiricohtraaing;^ and yet thiy v^ll fajs, that 
 ADAM'a'SinR handed down to his'Pbllerity hy 
 Imputatasm The L6%ti deliver nie firom' cafting 
 ftich Reifleaions upon him! Now for to fay. 
 ^ that Thoufands and Tens of Thoufanefs are doo! 
 nied to fcvcrlafting Mifery for fomcthing, thit oiio 
 #Manwasguifty of, almoft Six Thoufand Ycart 
 »^in th e Gaildbn of^D,w^ wtthQut^i|%^ 
 [^ ^X^^lcdgc or Confent, ic^s to ^cUgitit^oi 
 ^- tl 
^-,'ig;^^^ii^^;|^p-p^ ^ 
 re and be 
 ng to, or 
 aftcd, or 
 ly would 
 )ld to the 
 fit would 
 from the 
 o corred 
 ght up at 
 ^ritc'rs on 
 *^aturc of 
 ig to pay 
 y had no 
 faji, that 
 erity by 
 tt cafting 
 to fay, 
 are doo. 
 thkt on'o 
 d Veart 
 with the grcateft Rigour imaginable, afld of e^re* 
 cuting an arbitrary Power over the Works of his 
 Hands, without any Compaffion, Love or Ten- - 
 dcrncfs j yea and without Jufticc. And now, as . 
 it is my Soul's Dcfire to be inftrumental, in. the 
 Hand of God, to ferve my Frtlow-mortals* in 
 the Truths of the Gofpel , let me entreat all thofe, 
 who have any Defire, that I fhould ferve tKeni 
 en this Point, to receive a fewPartitulars, which I 
 fhaU offer, and they fliall foon underftand what be- 
 lieve, and what the Scripture holds forfli in this 
 Matter. » 
 Ydv reihcmber, dearReadbr, the fornierlm- 
 prcffions which you received, and which, I truft, 
 you itill bear on your Mmd i that the great Gph' 
 doth noLcome to the Knowledge of ai^ ^^M 
 by a Succeffion of Ages, or meafurii% ^f^iSj^Ce.^ 
 as Man comes td the Knowledge oi 'l^i^'i 
 l)ut that He fills a whole Immenfity, afid com' 
 pifehehds Eternity, viewing all Things paft, ptt» 
 feiit and to come, as ohe eternal NOW i l^hlctk 
 undeniable Truth, well im{>rcfled on yo^r Millet 
 I I 
 i% fv ■•If 
 ^ ^ ' r * ' » 
 ~ fK^diftntenpTyoHfrom much drfagrecaDic BtuJ^j 
 d^ ii«rhap8 Kas laiig been a Burden to yovir 
 Ipid, 1 truli* foon be the Me«ll^ 
 \ '1 
- '"^^i^' V "'i ''^f?*^^ 
 (6i ) 
 ing'you, without much Difficulty, to ttnderfUha 
 ^ iomething of this Miftcryj how all the Race of 
 Adam (without Imputation) are guilty of, and 
 juiUy condemned for »rg/««/^/«. 
 AND^rft, confider thijj Great, eternal and all- 
 Wife God now about to f|>eak a World of Man- 
 kind into Being : And fecondly, that He intends 
 tp fct tl^em in a State of Tryal, to aft for theth- 
 rclves| with Life and Death fet before them j 
 «nd Thirdly, that God, Icnowing each one has * 
 Ijrccious and immortal Soul to faVe or to lofe, in. 
 tends that they fhall be able to adl of Choice, 
 Without anyControul or Imjjofitionj and there- 
 ft»rc .c»dpws each of them with a Will, Free- 
 ^cncy CM- Power of Choice, not only becaufe it 
 . ^ rc*foi»abl« 9il intelligent Beings iholild fo aft ; 
 i»tUkmifc, that each one fliould be without any 
 llpMentihe imparUalBar, where He intends 
 ^^^7^ ,•» one Diay appearand be account, 
 fbl^: And laftly, that He coUefts all their Wills; 
 «e-agcncy or Power of Choice, «s •i^ Ffc«! 
 ^^«t, or rtUooai and intcUigent fiojot, M 

 Words by the worthy. |f4t 
 iM, fkith he, contained ia 
 •* himfelf as in Miniature alkhis Pofterity." A| 
 fllmoft in tb« 
 if he had faid, "' God put the Stock qf all Man* 
 " kind (as it were) in one Ship". But jfbme 
 itxay now fay, if they had all remahc^d, or heen 
 left to aft in a fcparate Station, I fhould not have 
 been at a Lofs, how they might each one have 
 •fted for himfelf; bjit I-caHnot fe^ how it wa» 
 poiSble for them to have the falll Freedom to ad 
 their own Choice, when they were thus in their 
 Miniature; or when the Root or feed of all the 
 yrhole World did only conftitute but one Ma», 
 as if they had been fo many Men in t fepcratc 
 Station . To which I anfwer, Man'# free Will 
 % ©r Power of Choice is not a material Suhftance, 
 or local Bulk, but only a Spiritual Facwlty or,. 
 Power of Thought, and ,thcir WxUes litewilfe * - 
 Spiritual Body or Seed ; neither did it r*qwc 
 their Ruin the R<:moval of material Woilds. ^ 
 th^ Dcftruftion of large inanimate Machines, bit 
 only, as has been already obfvervcd, A«>ftt of 
 theFrce-WitL, the 1P^^<^^^Z^ Kftl^^f^:^, 
 >t < Wt 
 ■ :.;^^ 
 'if ">: ■ 
 I. \ 
 ■ ( 63 ) 
 Power of Thought J md therefore U it not r.a. 
 foMbleto believe, a„d eafy to underftand how 
 Adam was inveftcd with all that Tree-Win 
 and Power oC Choice, and how the whole World 
 Body and Soul flood i„ him not temporal nor 
 ammJ, „ ,t.^ „„„ „^ ^^ ^^^.^ j^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^_ 
 • t!! ^"""^ " "«' - "fy for ,»,« 
 V*" to fet all thp World of Mankihd. when 
 «I1 was Spiritual,, capable to aft thefr Freedom 
 and Choice , in. one Body, as in a ThoufandBo- 
 .^:"P-?"»»'« '^y' '■»«'">ne; how we can 
 ,my ^.Cdndemned for that Sin, committed fo 
 ^mny Thoufand Year, ago; even if wc allow that 
 A»*Mwas conftitutedtheSeedof all Mankind- 
 This Objeflion I will anfwer by way of Simili- 
 fude. Suppofe n.AR R..„,,, ,h„ , „^^,^ 
 tity were to be combined together in a Confpi,. 
 . «y ag^nft their King, wouia their feparaL 
 mto different Cities or Kingdoms, after their Re 
 belhon any way e^cnlpate them f Or if one of 
 *f Men were to be apprehended, a Thoufand • 
 MUe. from the Place, and Thoufand Year, after 
 ■ , ^"'^' committed, wquld he not flill be as ■ 
 ■ff'^ " " the TinaiWd Place of A.R,beHit»^- 
 9f Wttold ,6t a Proof, of hi, being really in that 
 lijT^ >* Confplracy 
 Conrpincy, juftly condemn him for the. Cr^n« 
 then, and [there committed *. Fo^ vredo not in^a- 
 gii^e that God made Mankind at a Venture, not . 
 knowing the Number of his Pollerity ; or that if 
 was left to Adam, or any other, whether the 
 World ihould be "peopled, or not : But we havi^ 
 already confidcred, that God in, and with Adam 
 \a,yi the foundation for the whole World; and 
 ii> this fgderal tfead ftands alj that Free'-agcncjr 
 or Power of Choice, whjch the whole; World 
 would have ftood in need of, \p havea^ed ip 4 
 feparate Station, or a Thoufand, Miles dillant; 
 Tho* there are foii^c Poqr benigh|ed^c%ixr'thf 
 World, who vainly imagine^ that Qod ^ijpw 
 making Souls in thefc Days, as the .World teple* - 
 niflies, tho' againft the plain Word ja£:G*o/.|!^^]| 
 Anid therefore, according l^'jthat,- He i^^obUMd , 
 toi^make a Soul for every lLi<EGVTlltA!JFj.O?|l^j ., 
 dv that is begotten by fornication^^ Adultiy. " 
 And fuch Men have no otherX(ray td^jiccou^nt ^ Af^ 
 orhinal Sin, fhan as a clean Sword is tufied- By'P^ 
 bem^ put mto a rully Scabbord : So * tilt 
 Soul that comes from God is corrustal. an^ IMK 
 -«r¥' J*; 
 >pfflc8Hnnnbf weeing put i^^^ i*| 
 \J^Jjca- 2. a. 
 ani ui^riptural^^tlia^^cldisl 
 ^ Yorae more Light on (he Matter now 
 ^Pl) Tiz, HoW all the SodlaVa Daughters 
 '•'ilfl .could he as aaiye, and^||[ free in thei* 
 ^It^hoke when they all &odd in Afci, as if they 
 I l»id have been in a feparatc Statklfi Firft, my 
 •kAk Rbabbr, when I fpeak of rfjpir being In 
 |umv«Seed, or in Miniature, you niuft not 
 underaand inanimate, or paffive ; b^ each one 
 iemy capable of Aftion. And now I wUi- give 
 ^ to und^ftandhow fo many cquI4 adl their 
 Oyrii Choice with as much Frerdom as in a fc- 
 • ^f^ Station, by the following Similitude. Sup; 
 . >>fi^iii the Rulesof Singing, you ftrike any Sound 
 PTttgal^ Note, and one, two, thtee, four, five 
 W more I ii^mcdiatcly. ftrike the fame Sound, 
 , «J>6n the fame Key, does that in th^|t Degree 
 •bftrftft your Note, of Sound ? 
 l^^iHJF compelled by the o 
 TWBm . VeaT let me tJk 
 «« fiy one Note, 
 ■<* 1 
 1 * 
 - 4^J^_ 
. /\''^'"' ^\ ' {66) - * ■■; 
 owft ? Any other way than they feem to be brought 
 in to your*s ? and increafe ita Strength : And thus 
 if you are not fo Narrow contraAed as to imagine , 
 a xnateml Suh|lance in a Spirit i you may eafily 
 underftand how a Thoufand may a£t each on« , 
 thei^ own Choice, not only without any Compuls 
 Son or ObllruAion frdm the others i but likewift^ 
 without even a Knowledg vf any other : Each 
 one conceiving of himfelf (as each one of Adam's 
 Race certainly will when they ha.]^ thrown off 
 the Fetters of Mortality, and awake from thia 
 Sute of Infcnfibili^, the only Aftorj and fee. 
 themfelves as much aftivc, and guilty as thit 
 particular Man Adam that has already left his. 
 mortal, and Tmprl^nedSUte : Or elfe they coul^ 
 Botpof&bly ha^e fo iJAUcH to anfwer for in the! 
 firft Rebellion as he, yea, tlxey muft othcnyife, 
 be intlrely guiltlefs and clear. And thm Mua^ 
 READBii,^gi,||e br^l^ JO underftand, tha^ 
 ^ ' 1^ -jf^i^'ij 
 the wht^ W&ffd feir nol|^y. by Adam, but; 
 rea%in Adamj and were as aCUve 19 that SiA^^ 
 as if every one had been tKeve in '<l| fepaiit»':&N^' 
 j j t i tint! ! For ApAi ^ i y^ ff thg^i - 
 - ^ 
 II thniiiAyiiiliiVJiii 
 %AM J by ^hich metni Wey Are t%Be«9|f ^JS^^ 7 '^ 
 ' ( 67 ) 
 •f. and j«% condemned for «.igi„„i s,„. f„ 
 «*»)' were ,11 .aiv. i, ,Uc Rebellion againft Goo, 
 . .ndtke^eparata^n from Him. And .he fame in 
 Subftanee „ exjlreffed in hi» AiTemblies Cate- 
 ch,fa,„rWWord,: " We finned in Mm and 
 i- here declared, who iVii, pretend «ria,. ,, 
 Jo^.. o^ofe Article,, hecanfei.i.fo„ar„ra,fo: 
 ^» Peoph^.0 approve ,„,Worb, that a„- 
 r \ " ^""'"' "'"-" Examination. And 
 --. IjvU. refer my Reader, to wl,a.i.fai, by 
 Ue:in.„°;:::r" '^' ^ ^°" 
 bee.*, r . """ "'■ ^'"' ""<' h' 
 •J'/t?™«''""^^'^B«»'h= Hebrew 
 '" .""! """•■ "f V'" ; -Wch has puzzled 
 many of „„, w,,„, ,„ ^^^^^^^ ^^ _^^^^^^__ 
 "'f .'"*-" 'j^''" '« A^plural. Some fay, 
 *««-'?■» 'he Different Powers of Man's 
 ««<! =4^nd others fay, that it refers to fc, wo- 
 fo^ »nd.feiri .„al. the a ni^^l.j^^„,,„ -J^ 
*' i-? / 
 I. think th«re is no Need of all this Trouble ta 
 wrcft the Word of God : For if it is fo dearly 
 fJfprefled, that to maJce aMan a living Soul, Gop 
 muft breathe into him the Breath of Lifb • 
 then hy the fame Rule, it is as clearly cxprefl;:d 
 as pofTible, that when dod was about to crcat<j 
 a World of Mankind, itisfaid. he breathed the 
 Breath of Lives. And now, my dear Rba- 
 »2R, you may fee how all Mankind was made, 
 ana then left to Iland, or fall of their own „^oice j 
 fo that you have no more Reafon to fay, that 
 Adam's Sin yvas imputed to you, than he has tq 
 corfiplain and fay, that your Sin was^ imputed to 
 Jiim. And thus you may come to underftand 
 that matter, that has been fo difputed in the 
 World; how a Man in thefe Days can be guil- 
 ty of Original Sin, or under any Condemnatioa 
 thereby : And this is a Truth not only, necelRty. t^ 
 be Undcrftood, to clear Qod's Throne. from ii^^ 
 Injuftiee, or rigorous Dealings with his Creaturti^f 
 ^^^it likewife for the Underftanding the Natiifl^i 
 *Man's f a^d Recovery, without any h^l 
 A^qc jcs 'f^yo ft tr a di a ions j^ ag^ 
 # fyt frgni" ^ing denied, that it is ^^ 
 -ikl. 'I 
 Room for 13flpSt^,For GO0 far4 in Adam 
 *II dicdY^'; AgaiE He faith, that alUavefm- 
 J»«4. Hc'-aoth not" fay that oni; Man hat^Ymne^^, 
 andforuiijc^ all the rtft, but %/aith that all 
 have iioned, (u}.. But i^.chis be the Truth, fait^ : 
 one,* that I was real aftive in that Sin, committed 
 In tfe Garden pf ^en ,-, why then is it wholly 
 ?aifc4from my Kfcmory f Why hj»ye I^more 
 Remcanbrance of ^y|iat was then, and th^com- 
 ^mi?tc4.aacd and tranftaed ? VOur QueftioiulJiA 
 mar Reader, feems to be of fome Importance, 
 •ni <i<|fcrve$,^ AnfWer. Bat firft.iet t^lk 
 you the RUXbri^ why yoqisaid not tlJ; laft Nigh^ 
 "' *|ft^' reniiinberall^our Coi^u^, and ■ 
 iirWs Scenes, that ybu paft ihr/ Yeftei^' 
 f^y, y9u wm fay^ th^eafJn lyas, be- 
 caui^^U waUD.a%p ^e^^ bi^jiei^yi«r.; 
 7^^ *? :^^ ^°"Mpi^» to^ld remcidcr^: ; 
 all. -^^ttfo ||Loa, dcar^g^DER, and all the 
 ^ ?"' T# *^^P s'^*^^ ^^<^^ ^«<^^ y*?^' ' 
 f *li from G^D|:]i,ut Hkewife in a State of Spiri- 
 mar Death, ^^; And as infcnfible of your pri- 
 "WlCo,. ,Ja«. (.) Ro„. 3. ,3. ^^j- fipb.-,.^ 
 iS 4i , 111' 

 ' - (70 ) 
 mitive State, or the End for Which you wis made j 
 as a Man in a deep Sleep, is of his paft Gondudt, 
 or of ^e Conduft ofthofe about hint. And 
 thcjrefor?;, do not be furpiifed. if I fliould tell 
 jfou, that when 70a throw off this 'Made of Mor- 
 ^^lity, and awake in a World of Spirits, you will 
 «« certainly remember your RebclUdB in the Gar- 
 den or Ed.bn, as any Sin that erer you, commitjied ; 
 yea, end as c^eaily as the Man remembers Ebpa^t 
 CohduS:, whenhe aWakes out of his Sleep. I cAnnoe 
 ontradid this, faith one } but iUll it feems hardt 
 '^^J^^^' that I, and the whole World* are in 
 fuchlH|eep Sleep, and fo far front a.Senfe, or 
 real "^Owledge of their original Standing j and 
 what they wetc made for; Well, my dear Rba.* 
 OBR, 11 it is poffible, I will enldeavour %q ^fer 
 your Mind in this Matter^ arid prove to -yout 
 Sati^aBion, that Man is really iii fuch; a S^Vt 
 pf Infenfibiltty. You miifl firft rtmember (af 
 lia* lliniidy been obfenred to you) that Man i^ 
 liis pnmkive ftate was aii immortal ^li^4, cl% 
 ihedWith a^fpirituai and inmiortal Bod/I Vnc) 
 4herefitfc» ^w hen ha fclli his JmrnorraJ Vtii^pj4 
 -• imMiitely imprifoiied in that ifflm«»itt-||dy^ 
 I^VWch waA.Ukewife fallen, and thereby Ibfeoihe 
 nothing but Corruption, Darkncr«-and Dcatli , 
 which fallen Body is that Body of Sin and Death, 
 which tlie Apoftle complaihed of, after his^ in- 
 inoft Soul or immortal Mind was redeemed. M 
 • Kowconfider lilcewift, that thi, immortal Body 
 by ,t. F^,, h,s become .elated to an ania.1; 
 World, whcrtby it .rumes an animal Body, made 
 91 tne dements , whi^h Elements at the great 
 Conflagration is to bd burned up, melt.davvay 
 or cfafoiv^.^;. And now you are brought td 
 fee, how thaHmni^rtal Mind, which Was the ef- 
 ft»tial Part of Man, is impi-iforied by the Fall- 
 andkcptinfuchin(enfibility;yea, wasitoutd^ 
 Pnfon to .a Hke itfelf, it would be a [B^^he. 
 «»er. And now, if j can poffibFy, I will give 
 yott an evident Demoftftration of this, according ' 
 to your oWB Faith. There is your Neighbi>«r'* 
 <a»ii<i. whitjh is but about ^ Minutes from the 
 ^^ atid i, a6w drawing his lail Bhikth, 
 ^ho. you will allow will \?t capable of any CdH* 
 ywfe Of Society with Anoels, as foon arfdir. 
 *«tttigled from all Clogs by Dc|ith , thercfer*' 
 »o«- muft of Courie-t;e fmn rflr.fr'd T««» all 
 < t 
 ■ *' ' »■ 
 (ft) _y 
 Difficulties in thi« Matter: for if thftrc is an im-. 
 mortal Mind in that IiUkgt capable of the lof- 
 ty Themes of An^hUot infernal Dcfigna teith 
 Devils, but foimprifonedi while in the Bodfi. 
 as to be wl^lly iiicapable of any undcrilanding 
 or Ii^lligpnce, even, if it w^as to live forfome 
 Years in this mortal World ; then it can no lon- 
 ger appear ftrange to you, that the World of 
 Mankind are in fucha State of Infcnfibiliiy. 
 But, left you fliould not be fully convinced, J 
 will make ufe of one Obfemtion more, to con- 
 vince you, that it is no way ftrange, that Man . 
 after his Fall ihould be fo imprifoncd from a * 
 Knowledge of Kiinfclf, or infenfible of what hfe / 
 wa»: There is your Neighbour D. you rememi 
 ber, Wftt a rational M^ unuJ he was five and 
 Twtnty Years t)f Age: He th(Sn- fell into J^ Pifr 
 •rde'r of Mind", froth thctecc to be utterly diepnve* . 
 of hlg Scnies, "and remained raving , diftra£Ud 
 Tw«ft^ five Years ; asiij^hc wa«;wfl^'«b^ , 
 ■l»ia Retfdn, waM bctte^tc^cinbei' % S<#n^ 
 >h<- Ftrft Twenty-five Yeirs/ fhan the''h^ir||^ . 
 ^^' k:Wai utterly infcBfiWiS ot^kr^fhin^^^^ 
 " paft 
 V J>aft. And now, my dear Reader^ fmce you 
 are convinced, that fucJi a fmall Diforder, in the 
 animal Mind will plunge the immortal Mind inta. 
 fuch a State of Infenfibility, wjien the immortal 
 Mind ftill remains in itfclf, as ^c was, but oiijy 
 imprifoned j then how can you fjoffibly be aAy 
 ^ way at a Lofs, how the immortal Mind can be fb 
 imprifoned and in fuch a State of Infenftbility, 
 •when it, not only became imprifoned by the Fall 
 *f the immortal Body, but likcwife iiStfercd an 
 fanfpcakable, Change in itfelf ? Or hpiv can yoy. 
 wonder any more, at what t have declared, *nd 
 fefpecially yrheh fo e'Cddently proved ? Good 
 Lord I faith my Reader, if this be the Truth 
 which appears %o evident, to be denied ; then 
 , ivhit a State of Deadh anl Irifenfibility am I in i 
 ,ind how far froft a real Senfe of what I was, 
 when firft made ; or what I now aiiu dnd what I 
 Ihall fpon be ? O ! How can thefe Thin^s^ be, 
 I cannot deny them • and yet it fhocks me to' 
 believe thetti. You feem, dear flsAptR, to be 
 greatly furpriffcd, at what you have litard ; as if 
 '^ it was fofnew, ahd ftrangc a Doarine, that it is 
 are ii 
 ■,-{4 - -'» 
■ ^«'' 
 fince you 
 disv in the 
 Mind into 
 : immortal 
 , but oAly 
 y be any 
 can be fo 
 by the Fall. 
 Sifercd an 
 !v can yov). 
 ared, dtid 
 I ? Good 
 le Truth, ' 
 cd ; then 
 ' am I in J 
 at I wai, 
 nd what! ' 
 iingV be,. 
 ks me to' 
 tK, to be 
 rd } as if 
 that it is 
 are im 
 that |Q^ 
 > 74 ) i , 
 fuch a deep Sle^jj, or State of Death and 
 • Infenfibllity : But if you vv#I on]y\^cft a'few Mi- 
 uutes; and taJce>into a ferious Confideratiofl, 
 what has been faid td'you before now by him; 
 ^^ho welljcnew your dcplora^jo. Condition, and 
 '^b, mov'ed with Pity to addrcfs you in thefe 
 ■ Words. 6 S/uggard,ho'w long ^Ut thouJleep?(y) 
 You win not only acknowledge thofe Trifths," 
 butlikev^ifcconfefs, that you ought to have re- 
 ctived^thcm Ijefore now; efpecially w4ien you 
 %t^ Mm' {tj again. A^ake thou that Jltepejl, 
 ^m:i/i/PpmJ^,JDead, and Christ Jh^tl gi've 4hee 
 Light. (tc) ,Sure|y you., We not forgot fuch De- ' 
 ^hftVation& of your Infenfibility, iud folcmn 
 from God : Or, if you have, it it poljble 
 for you eycf to fdtget thatremarkable 0ay,wHcii 
 your deplorable.Coadition fo affefted tJ^mc of 
 .'OtontY, as to caufc Jiim to ^ed Tea4 1 of Con-' 
 doleajice over you*' faying, Ifthu badft: hown^ 
 ,'"***fH' «/ leajl in this th^Day, tU Things thJf 
 *^ 1^ t^iy^JPi0ce ! hut ttojw Mbty art hid from 
 ^*w^«;i^; A^f How iifbi>abi5 iSiffd,: iff • 
 1 xej«^ thq only^Tkjngs,' which ber^^^^yeuV^ 
 f : 
 ^' ^^ 1 
 V ■■/.^ 
 ■ ■L-tfi 
 /fi Ifmii. 
 " ^iwswP 
( 75 ) 
 Beacc; efpetlaily when your eternal Friend is 
 weeping over you. 
 Let me mention one more Demonftntion of your 
 Ii|fettfibility ,- which, I am fare, you will never 
 forget, through the Walleleft A|cs of Bteriiity. 
 Father fbr^»Ue thfm ; for- they kno^ju net tuhat they 
 do, ("^;Thiflk, O think therefore, dearREADBR, 
 ha\* infirtitely far you are fallen from a Senfe 
 of the oniy Thing, for which you have your 
 Being : When you could imbrue your Hands in 
 the Blood of your Soul's Friend, at the very in- 
 ftsEOt, wkea he was groaning under your' Load 
 of Sinsi and fuifferiag, to redeem your periftlng 
 9iid kwrnortal Soul flnom eternaf Mifcry j and all 
 thhyou cottld do with fo litricSenfe of yoorGuilt 
 ittid:Grttelfy. Metluaks^ I have firfBcicmly pro- 
 ved ManVini«idibIeSt«te; but ntftrthelefe, l«jft 
 jroo (litouW n«t be fuMy convinced, F wifl nov*' 
 refer you to « fmall View of the Cq«du€l ofthrf 
 world in Geaerj^. Look around yoii, my dew 
 R«ADi«^, nd fee wiitt Throng* of, . what yod 
 c»U, rationtl Men, with Body and Kfin*^ eW- 
 J^feyed. for BaysAMpfcaw, in almoft an iirdt-- 
 iif^ tut* zg. 34. 
 , •' !■ 
Friend is 
 n of your 
 ill never 
 a Senfc 
 ive your 
 lands in 
 Ycry in- 
 ur ' Load 
 and a*!! 
 niy pro- 
 rfefe, left 
 I ofthti 
 my dent 
 Ihit yovi 
 did' CM* 
 tn indto' 
 ( 76) 
 fatigable Purfuit of that, which wilt never 
 ahy Service, either in Time, or in Btemity; and 
 yet with as much anxiety-, as if their eternal Hap. 
 jpinefs depended, thereon : Some ftret^ing their 
 Arms from Shore to Shore, to fill their greedy 
 Bags with a litflc perifhing Duft : Somd bending 
 and btJwing, to attain tranfiftory Promotion ; and 
 fome it riolcfs Expencc than Charafter, Health 
 and Rcafon, haunting of Balls, Bowls and Ta-/ 
 verns j uirtil both Body and Soul are plungod 
 into irrecoverable Ruin : Some, twiftin|[«lid tur- 
 ning a Thoufand Way?, to court th« 1^1^ jRp'. 
 plaufe of Mortals : Somei ftraylng up aUtPdoWii 
 from Place to Place, with thdr Bo«<f8 <tecoratedi 
 painted, adorned aftd^xpofed-in qucHof Jtftsy, 
 While others ^ in the Twilight- are cntmri^^^ 
 through black Kennels to':tlte ©^il'y Shops; 'iSi 
 Parfuit of Proftitutes, to qtidn^K' thefr ^mkt 
 Piit in Debartjchery. Say, fay^, dear RiAUwir, 
 fty, are thefc the Soiar of God?, Hm the^ 
 ^ imtiortal Soul to eiilt forewtr'r At* tWe fef ^^ 
 tteS«>cJety of A«gcl«, aiW^B^dm ^f tW ^^fft 
 Orja thi> the Capacity- and Sftrte, they yrferfe jfc^ 
 ^naffiribjtheir Creator ? 6? if yau^ n^^Ta^T^ 
 I 77 ) , 
 y^further Dcmonftrations of Man's Infcnfibilhy, 
 let me refer you to a Siflner on his dying Bed 
 .but afew Minutes- before his expiring Groan, 
 : .wh^tt. he will plung€,into eternal Perdition, and 
 fiwajte in keen Defpair: And yet, aliho' he 
 kapws; he is juft ftepping into an eternal Wor\d, 
 is pftcn as infcnfible and as unconcerned, as if he 
 \vas orily about falling . into a ftfw hours of 
 ^ O may thfc God of all Grade imprefs thefc 
 Truths upbn your poor imprifoned Souls by Hii 
 own Spirit, >hile you are a.Prifoner of Hope, 
 befoie you aw^kc in a World of Spirits, where 
 tooJke yoa ^will be convinced of your deplo'rabl^ 
 Coadilion, ,and thcyaft Diftance you have 'fallca 
 from your Creator, by your wilfull and miiijrabia 
 Rebclli(M|j Yea, fo unfpeakably dangerous, and 
 mifcrable is your Condition,, mjr dear Ro^er, that 
 if your Eyes were opened, whilo .in a^hriftlcfa 
 State, you would no more rett, .eat, driijk „o* 
 ileep, without Relief by the Blaod of the Lamb 
 ■than a Man in the Flamei of Firc^Ai^i ^atl 
 -cvyrHappinefs,Eafe or Security^ you nov^hav^^ 
 (c)Vr. 73.% 
 ,i K 
 •I =; 
 yitig Bed 
 g Groan, 
 tion, and 
 aliho* he 
 al World, 
 , as if he 
 hours of 
 -efs thefe 
 Is by Hii 
 3f Hope, 
 :s, where 
 ■■-» ^«»v 
 vc fallca 
 0U9, and 
 ^er, that 
 i*in,lc no* 
 I what-i 
 ( 7« ) 
 jjonly by Reafon of theTruth,which IHavC been 
 endeavouring to convince yoti of, viz. Yourdfep 
 llcep, Death and Infcnbility. O therefore awake 
 you, that know not Christ^ for your Soul'? Sake, 
 before your Golden Moments are at^a Period f J 
 FINITE Pity is palling by; whpfc Bowels yeai 
 towards you with Compallion, intreatiqg you to 
 be wife for Etcrntty . O Remember, that youc 
 Life is but a Vapour, and you are hahgii^ over 
 a bottoralef^ Giiljph of Perdition, aftdyotarpoo* 
 imprlfoned Sdul df a ftlf-tormeijting- Nature I y 
 Sinjier, why will you fleep aity Joiigfer on the CdK. 
 finesV everlaftirig Defpaif f OJuve Pity,Jhav« 
 Pity upon your precious ajjd immortal Soals ? 
 "Methinksi'feel a GommiferatiQn for you, whiJ^ 
 I write, and can but impbre the invifible Hand 
 of God, to attend thefe feW brokeii' Lines td 
 your Heart;, that you mi^ht be akrmed witK 
 Bartimeus to fit bjr the Wav-fidc^ with tK« 
 fame molt eameft and itiljiortant Requeft : L'oibl 
 that I migh^ecti've Sight. (d) And 01 Lfet mC; 
 as a Well^wilhcr to yourpredou* to^ iinhijJi'fai. 
 Soul, intreat you jp the BoWels^ olr^ jny^ ^ 
 I i r-'^ Mark '10, 51. •. '/ -^ , . ^ '- 
 ■ ' ' < t .--^i - a m. itH'm m iii m «iii > i« ii ii 
 k a, 
 «nd Maiter, ueirtr more to mwgrne .your cfels 
 Jrfe bccaiifeyoru fed ej^fy, or rilnagij« .{«, mflny< 
 do) that your cv^irlafting' Happinefa hangs only 
 upon an arbitrary A« of God*s itoincfs, in 
 faying that he will forgive your Orflnces, or Carry 
 your Soul at the Hour of Delfth among tlvc Saints. 
 For it is as certain as you area living Soal, thajC 
 tbcreii no Forgivenncfs, or Pardon that will ever 
 •b you any good, but that which redeems, and 
 yfOTk$ a Cif^gc in your inmoft Soul, and if that is 
 tot WKwght before jrou leave this mortal World 
 (ddiough you mi^ die without much Concci<n) 
 |roawill in an inftant ofTimc find yourfelf beyond 
 the lUach of inffinito Mercy. Arid «ltho' you 
 »ay fay before you draw the laft Bnsath, you 
 .fc^i Goo will bri^g you to iheaven, and not 
 ftt^ycn oC Yet your Deception will be fo great, 
 ♦h**: « fyon u ^Bvcr you have left your impri- 
 /b«ed State, your P«ycr will be, to be caft as 
 far from Goo iind Heaven, and every Thing thpt 
 U heavenly, a« po&blc.(tJ O thetchre %, thou 
 precious and ifmnortil Soul, fly to t^e Lamb 
 of God, and never reft until you have become 
 t ^««mred-mm yqarfel f, Uid the LwtP Jisys 
 .: • ■ .'■.'•■■'. •"•":• *.. , ' 
 ■ v «-'.'-■ --"-f* - 
('So ) 
 y " ■ ' ■* 
 Chuist } yfhcCe infenit« Love waits to re^cm 
 you oi»t <iy your own -Nati^rc, and rcftoj^youTp 
 his, which is an ii|iftti^tab|e Heaven ; and never- 
 more imagipe any other Pajrdon but a Change of 
 Natifrc, o^ R-cnwval off Diforders. 
 ' C A P T E «. IV. \ 
 Qf/ome of the rvi/ Con/esueaces rof Original Sin. 
 THERE M noth^ ih»rt rf ^c wofuU 
 Experience of the wicked im everlaHing 
 Mifcry, can poffibly iniike known the fatal Con- 
 icqucnccs, that fttwaded Man*» !Ubt4Ji6n. Y« 
 ib far wcmiiy *»e Informed, lybik W6 4re Pri- 
 Xonere of Hope, ©f our deplojablc Cooftditfoii by 
 Mature, a« to convince us of the D|i»g'«r«»c arc 
 in, while ottt ofCHRwr j «j,44iuj Wec«lfi*y of* 
 ipcedy Efcape to fibc City of HefiigtE, wMSc' tiic 
 Day of Grace continues : and therefbre in Hopes 
 ^ being infetjmcntdofalaiBBng'fpiiie hardened 
 jjad-fccureMoJtal, and of prompting (Statitudetb 
 '^ Great REtsiMBii among thdfe happySB^f 
 •liiat have been i«decmeJW^** '•**^*^ T^ 
 4aaii]j%^laW'4X .. 
lU ^ 
 (81) "* 
 . Lamb; I fl,alJ endeavour to fpeak a few mon: 
 ,Wol-d» on this moft alarming Point. / 
 First, Man is cut offf/om God by his own 
 Folly and Prcfumption (as has been proved) and 
 broke that Union, which he -once flood in : and 
 thereby loflall Communication of Divine Light 
 and Love, and fo he ftands in. a feparate Station 
 fromGon, who is (he only eternal and unchange. 
 able Source and Fountain of Happinefs ar.d En- 
 joyment; and, therefore thispoor fallen Man c'an 
 ' '^"J^y »o Feace, but by the reftraining-Qrace of 
 QOD : nor any Enjoyment b»,t what his ^animal 
 Nature receives fr6m the Allurements, and de. N 
 ceitfulPieafuresofTimVandsfnre; and as a/ 
 -^'rntS^its are ofanaipiring Nature, and 
 mufl always be.inP,>,ie,fHapp^^^^^ 
 fore heProfpea of enjoying .He Things f^\ 
 and Sehfe, and the reflrai„i„g Grace of i 
 ft"'"^^^^^«-^^-ndure,inHelWo7ha Uf 
 J^^erimentcouldbe tried on the ;bfl;;„^ 
 Mor^onEarth,whofeemsneithertocarerr ' 
 -^^rd any Thing in this World, ::.^ 
 yd ^ come, by de^^rivin,- him 0^ „JI u. 
 HHI!«« ««<1 E^yoymehts, that his ah 
 ■r.; . 
 ahimaJ Na» 
 V jure 
w more 
 is own 
 id) and 
 1 : and 
 m can 
 ace of 
 id de'- \ 
 as al] 
 ', and 
 5?fm<; ^ 
 P, is 
 lat ir 
 turc la attached to? with his Confcicnce awtke, 
 And all Grace or Profpcft of Help withheld fron^ 
 every Quarter at the fame Time, he would im* ^ 
 mediately^ be in keen Defpair : O the miferable 
 State of Mankind while in a feparate State from 
 Cod! Yea he is fallen fo far from a Poffibility 
 of being happy, wJiile f<?paratc from that Foun- 
 "^tainof Light and Love; that he i^ bec6me a 
 felf-tormepting Spirit* and carries d|ie Fuel for hia 
 everlaftingMifcrvHi his own Nature, Which wlH 
 make his Kcll wherever he goes, when left to 
 hfrnfelf : 'And yet what Num|;|«rs, who profefs to 
 ..be Chriftians, will fay, I hope pOD will npt caft 
 me down to Hell, aijid imagine that thl^ver- 
 laftitig Happinefs,dcpcnds only in being Iftitioncd 
 in fome paradifaical Part of Immeijiity, which 
 th,ey call Heaven, and (hey imsigin^f, * that ; 
 God will deal with th'cm ^t the Or|at-Day, 
 as fome arbiti-ary Prince, who, wh^en Cri- 
 minals or "f raitors are brought before him, )mll 
 llanciand confider within himfcif, whet j|jt;is 
 beft to forgive or .puniih : And fo they think, thi^^ 
 God, in thejr dying D»y, yyiU throw about'R4 ' 
 ^^ » V 
 wards and Putiift^ments in fucH K Mv»ncr, 
 i ¥■-■ % 
 " -m, •*■ i". 
 ■■■'•. » 
> ^-im 
 ttaod ani look upon them, and confider,.*»rhc. 
 thcx it be bcft to "bring them into Heaven, Qr M 
 thcmiown toHcll ; And fo He makei fomc hap- 
 py by giving them the Liberty of coming m 
 among His Saints jii»d Angels, and others he makes 
 miferable by his fliuttiifg them out and calling' 
 thea down to fon^e particular Place of Torment, 
 madeon J'^rpQfeto punilh them : Andmany ima- 
 ;i«c lh?it,if the wicked could get out of that par- 
 jicwlai-PUcQ. and fct aniong^tl^e ^a»n" in heaven, 
 Wy would be ^H>y;oo. O Oiocking Miftake, 
 and curfcd a^fatuation, to keep poor S^uls froRi 
 coming to CHR4ST for the Ch-!i|r^their Na- 
 tures, while the ^irit of Gc4 is ftriving with the 
 Sons of Men. to reftore t^em to God, from 
 whence they are faHen ! Hereby Thoufands are 
 kept in Blindncfs until t^o late tl^ey arc convinced 
 df tlicir irrecoverable Millake among thcBlafphc- 
 mers in Hell. 
 " What is more inconfiftent than to imagine, that- 
 the bringing an Ethiopian among white People, 
 .would make him whiter; or that a Lion WQuld 
 become a Lamb by getting among Sheep > As 
 ---^r^^ KbeT -are 5, Hatho'mioca Avith^^efefo 
 much Wheat j fo fichebub would "be 4 Devil, if 
 ■ ■■• ' he 
 lic liad his 
 had excha 
 had excha 
 that the v 
 fity of a r 
 that augr 
 that all i 
 on, whic 
 paft Cor 
 their i^ 
 So that 
 their a^ 
 of thei 
 find. \ 
 time 1 
 • be < 

 ; hap- 
 ly iijia- 
 lis from 
 :ir Na- 
 /vith the 
 D, frora 
 inds are 
 ;ine, that' 
 i People, 
 n WQuld 
 o> As 
 Devil, if 
 ;, had hU Habitation under G^B^^i^'Wln^ 
 Had exchanged ^^^ "^"^ "^'ITZ,^ 
 t A «.chan«cd Natvjres too. And therefore 
 Uvat the whole WO ^^ ^^ ,,,,i Confeciuence 
 '^^^'^^"ttMifery of the fallen World,!, 
 that augments the MUery .. .Rcflcai- ' 
 bn which will be a great Part of theMuery 
 p.ft Cona.a. which w« th* Ptocu-g c^fe^ 
 „Xl«M Remembrance, notomy «» 
 So that an ever aftmg R^ _ ^ ^^ 
 their aaual violatmg of Go» . Law. 
 of their reicaing Hi. G--;f " ft be 
 fi„a. by wofui Experience, tKeK,Uv^« 
 4 ,11 Hopes of Recovery i and at the 
 yond aU H0PP= f Durauon, 
 • . Innkins forward into «n »""" 
 ume 1"^'"« ' „,.„ the Torture, of the 
 „ai unfpeat^'l'iy •'"S""' . j^ 
 poor mifable S^l. O bow deplorable «^« 
 ^ LtelWhatcanbeyo^tormentmg^^^J 
 ■ teConvincedbywoMExpenence, th»t|T 
 ' ■ (e) i^ike i6. >$• ■ . j^vl^ 

 '..J ■ 
 !« ■ > 
 |a ■'-■,' 
 ifc- \.:.. 
 m . 
 L£ 12.0 
 11:25 III 1.4 
 ■'/ijlW' <ii$if^ 

(»5 ) ' X. ■ 
 endurino. f»,„ » . f "u> tiie Certainty of 
 /^""ng the revolving Rounds of a mifer^M P 
 • nity f AnrI lorti ' ** '""erabJe Eter- 
 beyond ,11 Concc,- T "'"' "■"« 
 "•ill b= that Roct „,.7 '' ^"S "'" Love. 
 --•ence^r!;' ;•["'-"-' ^'"'i'-l.eTo..o„, 
 • Man. ,vho j., „.^^^^ 'X- Z^; T^ 
 ^«'che' litTr ;r' ' ^""''"°^p"'■-' 
 P;;^;^;;ng^may appear Chear- 
or Mitigation 
 ^e defpairing 
 e Certainty of 
 li/erable Eter- 
 ng -Aggrtva- 
 Jfc being fo 
 lat the Con- 
 "•ment them 
 aJJ Wrath, 
 >D being al] 
 ■ of I,ove, 
 ^ them fo 
 ^'c fo much 
 ''-If Breath 
 r^; Try 
 of Light 
 his Dc- 
 ■ Chear- 
 ( 96) 
 ■ fui, and feem to be fomething fati.fied in hU 
 Mmd5 but let his Lot be caft for a few Hours 
 anionga fmall Number of the Saint,, who are 
 excrcifed vrith a lively Senfc of Divine Things 
 their Hearts melted with the Love of God, and 
 • the.r ■Tongue.^jnfpircdwiththeDrnH^.SpiKiT, 
 fl^outing forth thePraifbs of Mhe RedeLer i a^ 
 " ^°»W be alnxoft the greateft Torment, that 
 could be infliaed'on them. r^;f« that when 
 H Man dies In Ws fallen State, h. carrie. all hi, 
 Darknefs and Enmity i„ his own Mture : He 
 has loll all reftraining Grace, and that animal 
 Body, which gave him a Thirfl for the Enjoy- 
 ments of Time and Senfe: and therefore every 
 Faculty of his capacious Soul is as fo many Swords ' 
 Pointmg at the Divikb Being, thirfting to de. 
 ftroy cv^ry Thing, that i, contrary to hisown Na- 
 ture, and raging to torment every Thing that is like 
 iimfelf : And while he is thus thirfting to Deftroy 
 •very Thing that i, Good, and to dethrone the 
 ^«ty, hi will be crofhed with a lively fenfe of his 
 utter inability ; and all this will not divelt him 
 of that Thirft, which rage, ftill, like a bu«in. 
( 8? ) 
 crcafe it. The Devils that are roaring^^owM 
 the World, for the Dcltruftion of the Children 
 of Men, and to wound and obftruft the Progrefc 
 of Religion (i)\ arc convinced by wofull Ex^ 
 perience,.that all their Induftry and hell i/h Sue- 
 cefs doth but exafperate thtm, and augment their " 
 unfpeakable Mifery ; yet. fueh is their Nature, 
 thttthey are" ttili burning with every Faculty, ^ 
 to find out away, ta vent their Rage, andprol 
 fecute their infernal Dcfigns. And fuch will be 
 thcNtturc of all the Wicked ia Hell,, that by 
 a continual hungering and thirfting to find a Mi- 
 tigation of IVfifery, which at the fame Time, 
 they arc convinced, will never be at a ifl^d ; 
 and raging to aceomplifh and attrfin, -wSKhcy 
 are Aire to be unattainable, will contj2i\ially en. 
 large their infernal Powers of Thirft, and greatly 
 increafc their already infupportaltle Miferies ; And 
 |hu*(too (hocking for human Thought]) They 
 muft. endure the Weight of that Divine Bb'ino. ^ 
 wh<» to their Nature is a coniUming /ire, anj .f 
 «he increafmg Torment of their own Nature to aJI "' 
 Btemity. But as fomething more of this will 
 naturally fall jn, jn one of the following Chap. „ 
 (••) «. Per.5.8. (*)Gen.3. ,. 
 ife;» 1^,- 
 ng up^down 
 Be I NO, ' 
 ire, and v 
 retoaJf ^ 
 iis will 
 C h ap . 
 tcrs, I (hall no>v conclude with fliort Paraphrafe 
 on that moll comprehenfivc (and ever to be re^ 
 membercd) Expreffion of Condoleancc to the fallen 
 World, expreffed by himwhofaW the unfpeaki- 
 ble Mlfery, that had ufltcrcd in, when his new- 
 made World had broken off from it's Creator 
 by the Rebellion." Adam where art thou ? fij 
 *' as if he faid," where, whefe unhappy Man, 
 "where art thou, or what haft thou done i L<x,k 
 " around thee, look around thee O my pcbeHious ' 
 *' Son, and fee what a Flood of Miferj-. what a 
 " fwecping Deluge of inconceivalUe Diforders are 
 " now ulhering in upon thee. Peath and Hell 
 " have broke forth in thee, and roaring all around 
 ** thee; yea fo deplorable is thenState otMifery 
 " into which tW halt willfully plunged thjMfi 
 " that the very ^welsof thy kind CREAxoiuarfe 
 *• rtioved with Pity towards thee ; and, 'if it were 
 " poffiblc, would undertake for thy Redemption^ 
 " yea and will do it, even to the Gifltdf the Life 
 " «adl>e«th of my only begotten Son.fJJ BiH 
 •* where, where, O Adam, where «rt ttiotf?*' « 
 And Of Aronfc, aroofe, my Retukr; ktmfi 
 (k) Geo. 3. 9. fV) Gen. i. 1$. Johns. \6, 
 III i.^ji 
 " I 
 ' , ( 99) 
 and attend tod^atraoft alarming Expreffion of the 
 Deity, not b% to Adam in particular, but like- 
 wife u individually to you, as if you were called. 
 by Name from Heaven with Ten ThoHfand Thun. 
 ders? And think. Of Think, what a Pinnacle 
 of Danger you are on, while out of Christ; and 
 how e^pofed to an irrecoverable State of incrcafing 
 Dcfpair, and be aftonifhed, Q my Soul ? With 
 all the guUty Race, when viewing the fatal Con- 
 feqnentes of ihat Hcavcn-daring Rebellion, whfch 
 we were all equally and perfohally engaged in , 
 ami never, never more expcd a Moment's Peatfe. 
 i5or folid Confolation, neither in Time nor Eter- 
 nity, without a Re-tlniori to that Fountain of 
 I-ight and Love by the incarnate. Deity ; and 
 therefore, hear, O Earth t Earth f Earth ? Hear 
 the Word of the Lor D/;«; l^or Weep alone, but 
 rejoice likewife,for the eterhal Jehovah has found 
 out a way to redeem his fallen Sons from theii^ 
 o\m Hell, His Incarnation hath married all their 
 fallen Race, thus far' as to hold them in a Poflibi- 
 hty 6f Redemption, REDEfiMiNc Love is fpread 
 rtver the whole World, and knocks at the Door 
 f «) J«re«. «^-^|fT 
of every ladinduaJ. (n) tct Eartk rejoice, aid 
 Heaven adore I TOen they hear that Pity has 
 Broke forth t^o the %„ World. Awake, awake 
 O yc pcriihng Sons V Ada!., that i« on th« 
 verge 6f eternal Ruin, finking within yourfelves 
 to unfpeakablc Mifcry. God himfelf has pitied 
 your Condition , and felf moved arifes for your 
 Redemption. Behold, behold, he comes in the 
 cool of the Day with extended Arms ofCompaf. 
 fion to his rebel Offspring. Unbounded Lovt 
 once more invites the whole Family to his kind 
 Embraces. Lift up your Eyes, O ye felf con- 
 demncd Inhabitants of Time, for thfc Riches of 
 etctnal felicity is at your Door and God him- 
 felf fw^io has took on him the Form of a Servant) 
 knocks, and O (hall I fay with a bleeding Hand • 
 Hear, Ohear, and live forever j before the fatal 
 and irrecoverable Blovi^ is ftruck. Your immor- 
 tal Souls came from Eternity j and therefore muft 
 return to Eternity again. And if not redeemed 
 while an Inhabitant of Time, can never be re. 
 deemed thro» the waftelefs Ronhds of a miferabje 
 Eterniiy"; ^or can it poffibly ceafcto exift, bc.^ 
 I. Cw, 13. y, ,, 
 ( 91 ) 
 cauic the EiTcnccs of it never began to be : Bot was 
 a fparlc of the Divine Being. O fly, fly, ini- 
 mortal Souls, fly, from an eternal Hell! 
 "> . CHAPTER V. 
 0» the glorious Reco*tftry of Mankind by Chr^Jt. 
 NOW from thofc T^ruths, fo awful to be- 
 , lieve, 
 (And fi|tol to deny) I will repair,' 
 A Trembling Soul, to feek the Way of Life, 
 ^ily Sorrows to aliay : which, if not found is Death; 
 mt only fafc to find , but fweet the Triith 
 To all wlit^c Wounds have felt their fallen State. 
 '^•Whbn a World of Mankind, an inmimerahld 
 Gompa^ ©^precious and immortal Souls, had by 
 their own FoUy and Prefumption, ruined and un- 
 done themfelves forever J when they had plunged 
 themfclves into a Labyrinth of Woe, had made 
 -ihemfelves Veflcls of Wrath and Heirs of ever- 
 lafting liiifery, and were wholly eipofed to all t|ie 
 Ravages of temporal, {piritual and eternal Death j 
 then all the Armies of Heaven flood in filent Suf. 
 -ficnce, ^xvith Re g ard to mny Relief) tcknowledgi^ 
 l^IANS ', 
 WUl, of 
 B.. ,^ 
be : Bnt was 
 y, fly, ini- 
 5y Christ, 
 vful to be- 
 of Life, 
 d is Death; 
 ilTeri State, 
 lis, liikdhy 
 id and dn^* 
 id plunged 
 had made 
 s of ever- 
 [to all tlie 
 >al Death { 
 Glent Suf- 
 ing not only ilicit utter Inability of affording tbt 
 Jeaft Relief to. the guilty and defiipiring World • 
 but even to find out, or prefcribe «lPoflibility pf 
 Rccovenr/.; Then O ! -Then it wa, that the 
 Great Eternal GQD (whofe Work tljey hid di. 
 ib-oyed) was nioved with Pity towards them, and 
 felfmoved arofe toreftore them fromrtheir helplefa 
 and undone Conditio;,. A WondeJ of Wonders 
 thatGon himfblf ihould undertalceito look after 
 his fallen and ref.ellious Creatures, k the infinite 
 Hark a glad nice the lonely De/nrt \beats. 
 Prepare the Way a Goi, t^ Cod a^pearl 
 A God, a God, tht 'vocal Hills re^y, « 
 ^nd Rocks proclaim the approaching ©tiTy. 
 The ANCIENT ofDats, thc Prince of l»8ijq>; 
 Heav£n»s Darling was moved with Pity to 
 underuke the grand Defign. He, who was the 
 Great Jehovah, the great unchangeable 1 AU; 
 ftoops to redeem the fallen World. Let the kl ' 
 lANs, pretend to what they^ 
 ^Ugiott founded oir the - - 
 • '•*♦* . .4<rf-- 
 **.(^'^ T-<J1K. 
 ( 93 ) 
 Bafts of Rcafon : It is fo inconfiftent with true 
 Rcafop, that thpr? needs nothing done to de- 
 llrojr their Prin9fples, bat to difcover the Incon- 
 fiftpnci?! and Contradidions, that arc couched 
 under thcqi/ For they pretend to fdme created 
 Being, dignified Man, fubordinatc God, or fu- 
 per-^ngtlipal Perfonj which if we were to allow" 
 t\^X thoro was ^ny fuch Being, or Ten Thoufand 
 Tuch, they Would all bfc as much dependent on God 
 for their being, Perfevcrtnce and Happincfs, as 
 the fmalleft Infeft, or moft abjeft Mortal, that 
 irawls oft the Earth. Therefore aould their fub- 
 ordinatc God, w fupcrangcUc Pcrfon make Satis- 
 faaion\ as they pretend, to offended Jufticci yet 
 a Creature, being hut finite, could not be pof- 
 feffed of that creating Power, and transforming 
 fincr^X. which the poor fallen World ftands in 
 Jic«id of, to be reftored to God j spid therefore 
 Man-^irould remain a fallen Spirit ftill, an4 fc, 
 p^rafc fro5i God ; and fo of Confequ?ncc muft 
 continue a dark, fiery and malicious Spjrit. Why 
 faith William Law/* If Angclsaftcr Angel? 
 " had come dowii from Heaven to^ffurc Adam 
 -^^'^t iw t ^PJ^ h j ^d ^l w Aflsei-^g amr he-w^ ia^ 
 " ftill have bccijj in th«faja« holplefs State j nay 
( 94) 
 with true 
 me to de- 
 the Incon- 
 :e couched 
 mc crested 
 3D, or fu- 
 :re to allovV 
 1 Thoufand 
 cntoa OoD 
 ppinefs; as 
 [ortal, that 
 i their fub- 
 make Satis- 
 fuftice ; yet 
 lot be pof- 
 I ftands in 
 d therefore 
 11, an4 fcr 
 u?noc muft 
 >irit. Why 
 tcr Angeh 
 lire AoA.M 
 ho VH^ldf 
 State i nay 
 <* had they told liim, God had Pify and Comr 
 ** palTion towards him, he had yet been unhel- 
 " ped ; bccaufe in the Mature of the Thing, 
 <* nothing could fo much as ii^ake a Beginning 
 •' of a deliverance but that which made a Begin- 
 " ning 4pa New Birth in him." So that the poor 
 deluded Arians and SpciNiANJ do wholly cut 
 lh<fip:fe!vc3 off frolti^any l^ofTibilify of being fa; 
 ved ; while in tha| Principle, they have neither 
 ' Lot nor Part in the incarnate Godv and Will ay 
 vviil as certainly bjeMamned, ^» they live and 
 die in that Principle •. fjj Y^a and all the 
 pcrilhing World ma|v bid an cverlaftiiig Adieu 
 to all Hopes of Salvation, or any Poifibility o^ 
 an Efcape^ from eterni^al Mifery ; unlcfs thfefe is 
 fome one found out, slpd appears^ who is iijfiijite 
 both in Merit and Power. Anc^^ofoavtr. un- 
 dertakes this grand Defigh, niuft be Capftblif of 
 ftanding and a£ling in Behalf of both God and 
 But as they are man jr^ and very erroneoiis 
 Conceptions ih the World ibout this great Redee- 
 mer; even nmong thofcj iwho ifrill )iot vjpiiLlf 
 ^^xpofethc pnndplCTof {fie 3^r*Kf^^ 
 (j; John S. 24. 
 u -i»*S,'4, •.,>,» < '^as ^ 
little enlarge 
 ( 95 ) \ '^ 
 on tlvis Poipt, ■ There arc (o 
 _ lat the Qod-Hcad<^r eternal Spirit 
 rufFerc4 a. Goo, and others, who hold' Ckr.st 
 to be. c«ated Man, Jaken into a divide Union 
 With the God-Head ; by which the World is re- 
 deemed. Nowthe former of thcfe are im^^fllble 
 <^ be right; andth^r latter arc bordering on the 
 Aeians Grotind. Bdt feme will fay, that altho' 
 :\ holdf HRisT tp be a created Man^ yet I ca.^- 
 >>ot fee, how I do in -the lean Bprder on th. 
 Ariam Principles, for when I fpeak ofC^^uir 
 being aereatedMan, I mean his Humanity bein. " 
 a created Man. but not his divine Nature ; and 
 that created Man taken into a vital andinfeoara- 
 .^ble Union witJx the God-Head , and thereby. 
 made capable of redeeming the /alien World 
 Now let mc «ft my dear Reader, what differs 
 foch aa 05C frpm the Arian', Christ! You 
 ^^:^thit you mean his Humanity to be a created 
 •Waa , pray what elfe could be created ?. The 
 4RIAKS and SocNiANs would not prefume to 
 i»7, that theDiviNB Being or the God-Head, 
 thit fupportcdthcMan, was created, and if this 
 >r the Tr ut h, tha t^yhat you call t he Man C»„.t 
 wasj created Mia, then why would not any 
 ^^ '^ ' n. 
arc fomc, 
 tnal Spirif 
 i Christ 
 ji\c Union ; 
 'orld is re- 
 ing on the 
 that altho' 
 '^ct I can- ' 
 'T on tht 
 of Ct*»lT 
 kity bein^ " - 
 irc ; and 
 [ thereby^ 
 1 World. ^ 
 It differs 
 t! You • 
 a created 
 ?. The 
 ifume to 
 id if this 
 not any 
 . Man I 
 'Si y 
 Map I that was without Sin be a complcat Sir 
 viour for a fallens World "? A5{ii^ but 1 am 
 lurprifcd ; faith one, at thi« C«nftru<1ion put 
 upon riiy Principle, or upon what ) ^have faid " 
 Why Ti\y desir Ready, you have Rea'foh to be 
 furprifcd, vvhcn.'fuch a 'principle is difcovercd 
 in ^ou, but not on the Conllruaion thai I have 
 put thereon; for what I- have faid, is no more 
 than a reafonable Confcqucncc drawn from your 
 own Piin^iplc : Tho' perhaps you will reply igan. 
 that you do hot holdjhat a Man can redeem 
 the World ; for you hold this Man to ffand uni-, 
 led to God, and therefore the wholctjdij -He ad 
 is employed. And pray^, dear Reader, docs %©t 
 the Arians and S<^cinians fay the fame ? For 
 ihey de, i^ot prefurac to fay, that God left thia 
 created, Man to redeem the World pf Kiinfelf 
 without CoDi and a? for his Union: to. God, 
 is not every true Ch^iftian in the fame infeperable^ 
 Union, .^r^. And therefore it is evident, that 
 every truf Qhriftian, when they 'are c^f^catly 
 fanflifiedf would be as complcat a Saviour for « 
 CUlen A^orld ; for- they al| being unitfid^to God 
 {rj Ram. ». 38. 39. john,l4r2< 
 ■ i .i^^L 
 i Af« . 
 ^ ^ 
(S7 ) ' 
 tke whole God-Head might »s well be employed 
 . for the Sapport of 'the one as the other. Now 
 let me aft you, would not the worfhipping of^ 
 fuch « Stviour J)e grofs Idolatry ? Tell me then, 
 faith one, what Manner of Perfon he was, that 
 fnffbred and died for our Redemption ? For you 
 Jiave already faid, that thofe, who hold thit the 
 EriRUAi Spirit, or God as GO0 fuffered and 
 died, are* far fronvth* Truth. True, dear Rea- 
 der, thejr are as far from the Truth, as they 
 would be to fay, that God might ccafe to exift. 
 For if the God.Head, as* Goo, was fubjca to 
 jpain and Torment, or could fufffcr any Death ; 
 then he is not felf-6xift.nt : and therefore may 
 ccafe tocxift. But perhaps you will fay, that 
 the Word of Goo fpeaksof hit being grieved to 
 the Heart, and repenting in his Heart. &c. (s) 
 . wrkich fecms to fignify His being fubjeft to 
 Change or Pain 5 as Grief, tho» in the fmalleft 
 Degree; is Suffering and Pain. To which I an- 
 ,fwer, that with Regard to God's fpeaking of hi* 
 - Repentance, or being grieved in his Heart, in- 
 •fearf of bein g mide fo bad aUfe of. at tochaiy 
 sX /. 
 * Gaa. 6, 6, 
 icr. Novr 
 tipping of 
 I me then, 
 wa«, thftt 
 ? For you 
 1 that the 
 ffered and 
 ear Rea- 
 as they 
 to cxifl, 
 ubjcft to 
 Death ; 
 fore may 
 fay, that 
 ieved to» 
 &c. (s) 
 jjeft to 
 :h I in* 
 I of hi* 
 :h « it e 
 God with being changeable, and fubjcft to Grief 
 and JPaittv ought to be looked upon as an unparal. 
 lellcd Condefccnfion to the ptwr fallen World : 
 For had God expreffcd himfelf in Language 
 like himfelf, we fliould for ever have gteained 
 Stranprs to his Meaning, by rcafon of oS Igno- 
 rance and Nothingnefs i and therefore, in infinite 
 Condefccnfion, he ftoops to converfe with pobr 
 fallen Mortals in their own Language. Now, 
 dear Reader, if you have any Thirft for Light 
 in this important Pointy yOu muft banifli tdl* 
 Thoughts of RjioEMPTioN by any created 
 being, or of a Poffibility of the leaft Degree of 
 Pain, Torment, Grief or Sorrow in the .God- 
 Head, as God, without Incarnation* and then L 
 hope, in a few words, to be inftnsiiu:^;ital of 
 offerjng you fome Light : for which en«|||ine 
 intreatyou to receive the following Truths. FSl^fU. 
 that the fallen Party ii Man, and the Party falleti* 
 from is God. Sei^ondly as Man cannot be/re- 
 flored by Man, he muft be reftored by Goif 
 himfelf. And Thirdly. that God's bavdy fayitii; 
 Law, or fKat He wai aot angry with guilty Maa^' 
( 99 ) 
 &c^ would be of no Benefit to him, (« has al. 
 ready been proved) And Fourthly, that whoever 
 . undertakes to redeem this fallen World, muft 
 do ft by Suffering and Death; and that God 
 M Gqp, is not capaWp of that Suffering and 
 Death, which is Required. And therefore 
 fift% andlaftly, that Goohimfelf fteps down in- 
 to fuch a State 9s to become capabl? of his fuffcr. 
 ^ng and lieath fbr the (kllcn World. 
 Bvr now the Queition may be aiked by fomo, 
 why there mull be Suffering and Death for Man's 
 Reaemption. I anfwer, for the fame Rcafon as 
 God declares, that the Wheat that is fown can- 
 not >e quickened excepted it dicftj h has al- 
 ready been proved that Man is dead ; and as he 
 is thus dead, nothing can do him any good, hut 
 that which tends to quicken and reftore him to 
 ^i which the dead Man himfelf cannot do: 
 TWrefore God muft come into this dead Man 
 by W» Incamadon, And herein we fee that in- 
 fin.teLove and Condcfcenfion of the Deity to « 
 Wlcn World: That when He iSw poor falkn 
 Manznfuchamiferabl e and hclplefa CnAiri..^ 
 (0 I Cor. I J. 3«.^ ' ~ ' ,■■- " 
 *t' ^' 1 
 s has al« 
 •Id, muft 
 hat God 
 ring and 
 lown in- 
 is fuffcrr 
 that no «mc could adminiftcr any Relief, but 
 JJirafclCi nor He himfclf without fuffcring 
 in th«ir Behalf, which he coild not do, with- 
 out ftcpping down into fuch a State of Abafc- 
 mcnt^ as to take on hixnfclfthe Nature of fallen 
 Man. For as it is Man, that is in a fallen State, 
 (JoD mufl: likcwifc be Man to redeem him. And 
 here I would have my Reader obfcrve, thap I do 
 not mean, that He took on him a Maa, for that 
 is the very Dodlrine I deny : But I fay, that 
 (lOD took the Nature of Man; thai is to fay, 
 God himfelf became like Man; and if you think 
 that this is a radi Expreilion, or a (bangc Cbn« 
 ception of God ; let us hear what is faid by in- 
 variable Truth itfelf.(^«^ " For as niuch thtti 
 " as the Children are Partakers of Flefl^ and 
 « Blood, He , alfo himfejf took Part of the fame, 
 *• that through Death he mig;ht deftroy him, that 
 «« had the Power of Death, that is the Devil.*' 
 And thus we may fee, that God did not create 
 or borrow a Man to be fupportcd under the 
 Weight of the fallen World j but He himfclf 
 too|p on him our Nature, tad bccamft Man, as 
 (») Hcb. 2. 14. 
 •i ^ 
 J. ^^^6^^ 
 ( lOI ) 
 i>one but he could lift the miferable World out 
 of its fallen State : And therefore faith He, « O 
 . " Israel, thou hall deftroyed thyfclf, but i« mc 
 " i» thy Help found.'Y^; He does not only 
 fay by me is thy Help, but in me: Yea is not 
 this Truth, that Christ was really the Son of 
 QoD, and God himfelf, as clearly cxpreffcd, as 
 any Thing in the whole Word of God ? And 
 ^s it not as far from being denyed, as that Isaac 
 was the Son of Abraham ? The Word declareth, 
 that he was, and that David w4s the Son of 
 Jesse. And doth ijot the f4me Word of God 
 exprcfly fay, that Christ was the Son df 
 GoD.f'wJ And that God fo loyed the World that 
 He gave his only begotten Son.fxJ Now if hq 
 had borrowed a Man or created a Man, then with 
 WhatPropriety could he fay, that he had given his 
 only Son, and fent his Son to die. But left fome 
 thirfty Reader, that was thirfting for Light might 
 ftill be fome thing in the Dark in this Point, 
 How the Son of God could fuiFer and die ; fi„cJ 
 he could not thus fuffer as God : I will endeavour 
 more clearly toexprefsmyfclf again on thisPoint, 
 * ^"^ ^°** ''' 9.r«.) Mace. 3.17. (*;joh0 3. IfiT 
 by fpeaking in behiUf of God. WhcnUc faw tke 
 World in its miferable fallen State; a| if He 
 had /aid. my new made World is now faUoi 
 " into fuch a deplorable Condition, that no one 
 " but myfelf, c^n poffibly ^fFord them any Re- 
 " licf neither can I, in the Nature of Things, 
 " ever reftore them, but by fuffcring Death ; 
 " which as GpD I cannot do ; nevertholcfi, I 
 " can in infinite Wifdom take upon me their 
 " Nature, and will in infinite Love and Pity 
 « condefcend, to ftep down myfelf into fuch a 
 " Capacity and Station, as to be like Man and 
 '« become capable of fufibring and Death for 
 « them J that I may reftore them to myklf, 
 « from whence they have fallen." And now if 
 my dear Reader fliould imagine, tJut thi« h\ 
 deviating li-om thd Truth, qt th« I have not 
 done th« Word of Go„ J^(U,,e . wc wiUhcair 
 what the Word ei^r«irc» pf itf^f wilhont any^ 
 Eipofition. S'acri/c* tmi Offering, ami Eunu ./% 
 JMngt and offering fo. Sin ^n ^gi^ ^,^ ^. 
 tier hadfi PUafitre iherein, ^uJdcb «m ofiendb^ 
 the />!*,.. then/mdbii L», I ipm t»di thm» 
 - ^ Cfep, (y) Wh^r c^Q be wore ciaiH^^icfr^ 
 ft V) Heb. 10. I. g. 
( i03 ) 
 ftd i He aoth not fay, I will fend. 
 to be done ; but Lo I 
 • y 
 O' Command 
 . «mc. But fome perhap, 
 --Inmvfty, if.hi, bcthf Tr«d.,,hatHc,- 
 " '^*^«'' '°d died on Mou«, Calvary, w,„ 
 »ot.cr«,.d Man; „,>„ „,,,, i„„d„„„d , 
 •'"-g Co of«r called a Man, and of his h,. 
 v,ng .S„„,, ft,, To which I ,nrw„, d,i„k 
 ^. Dc^ Read„, that X am ,bon. .0 wrcft d^ofc 
 -. 7 "" M"n.'/br When Gon became incarn«c 
 *' '~««»rMan, but you muft obfervc, that 
 *;" " »» <■-" Word, ,. hi, being a cr«. 
 «iM.n, and where ihc Scripture fpcka of hjm 
 «M«,, or ofhisSoul,&c; I think no one can 
 "-.derHand „y ,hi„g .jf, ^^^ g^^,^ j_^^^^_ 
 »-. or the incarnate Stat, of Goo, and if he 
 Kecune Mta, Jie certainly muft have Body. Soul 
 •nd Spbit , ««1 which is as dearly demonftmted 
 by God iimfelf, a» can be expreffed." Unto w 
 .'.' \^" " ''O™. "to uaa Soni. given,«,d 
 ^^ the G*e»,„en, ftj] b, upon his ftouUer. 
 ^ «d h« N«„e fluU be called Wonderful, Coun- 
 ^_ «lor. the mighty Go», A. everlafting F*. 
 * '•■■■• ^-^rv •■'• ■ 
 A Sv 
 to m 
 I an 
'" "T^srgf* ; ;ir^-^^'^. T -^^^^S'^.'W^P'W 
 ( 104) • . '^ 
 that Myftcry of Myfteric,, God manifciicd irt 
 the Flefh : (a) This ia the' Eternal Wordl be- 
 come Flefli, and dwcIlrwiththcSow of Men 
 ^i» is He, that was made a Curfe for us' 
 who hath born our Griefs and carried our Sor,' 
 rows, this is He, that had the Weight of thfc 
 fallen World upon his Shoulders, andwaspref- 
 Jed, as a Cart is prefTed with Sheave,, ^r; thi. 
 's He, that groaned upon Mount Calyary, and 
 ihed hi. vital Blood for the Sinrof the Ungodly 
 td redeem to himfelf a peciiliar P««,ple :• Arid 
 this i. He, that will one Day appear irt ^Uhir 
 Glory, to judge both the Quick arid the rica<l 
 Saints and Sinhers, Angels arid Men : This is the 
 only Name by which Salvation i, to be found . - 
 and this is the Christ, thafl de/lrc to proclaim' 
 to my Fellow-Mortals, until my expinW Wth , 
 and this is the Doftrine, which by his QrU 
 I ani willing to Seal with my Blood. Think' 
 Now, dda. Reader, how u^fpeafca^c w, the 
 Con^efcenfioh of theDeity, to become li,^4i. ^ 
 iaStr. and die, for the fallen Race ofA^^;-- • 
 Not at J. held forth by many, to •ppeife^^^' 
 * •'! 
 i t 
r ( ' 
 ( 105 ) 
 vindiaivc Wratih, or/ktisfyany ir^ccnAxi Juiticc 
 in the Deity; but to die wholly i„, ^fo,, the 
 ^len Rgce; to remove W«th. aiid HeU, and 
 Ten Thoufand Diforders from thcW. A Won 
 der, of Wonders t Be klloni/hcd 6 Heavens 
 «nd rejoice O Earth ! For jBHOv.„\hi,nfelf ij 
 become the Sinners Friend. And Lake, O 
 An^els, •^d Archangels, With joyful! Lrprife ' 
 When you behold your Creator becomian In- 
 fant of a S^ang Jong : and thus vaUed w«h\a mor- 
 ^^ l-r^mc fuifering for a rebellious Wg^ld, to 
 «deei? perifhing aridimmortal SquTs, and Witc 
 them to your angelic fiajid f . \ 
 ANb Wonder O ye Saint, with Joy, and Lut 
 forth; the Wonders of an incarnate God, L 
 fpread, O fpread. Hi, Name from Shore to ShoA r 
 And awake^awake, O ye carelefs & fccu« Mortali 
 uiltf Koufe, roufc ye Men of Pleafure, yj 
 «>'a;d Souls, tied down, the be(UaI.t.nW 
 «nd.„fcr^al Enjoyment, of this enfnaring World • 
 ^^^re^, to .rife and ileep «o longer; 
 Mc^SiKA. ro^, ^,er you. Hell threaten,. 
 ^^oa yaun., .nd the bleeding So. of Go. 
 ^^^^•^7^^ WSom^e I#r«th to comeTaT 
 infod Juitice 
 ) & fos, the 
 i HelJ, and 
 |n. A Won- 
 i\iiijnfelf is 
 LWake, O 
 urprifc I 
 >me an In- 
 vith\a mor- 
 WgWd, to 
 and \unit&. 
 » and lilout 
 God, ind 
 to Short f 
 seath youi! 
 eafure, ycl 
 >g World: 
 > longer?' 
 It o f God / 
 sme; an< 
 ( io6 ) 
 Wl l,.„. ,„„ J,. coW.he«tedF.™„Uifl. 
 /*rjn» of Faith f And f>«« 
 <«=«»« 7o«Fri«d, the Poet of7-^ 
 ye Prifoncr. of Hope , t«™ . ' ^"* ^ 
 whiJe it 15 called to Day whJU ^w . * 
 *-L ^' '^""^ ^e Iamb of «#►•! , 
 ^ke, away the Sins of the VorldurUK 
 » up « down, from City to Cffv c ^r... 
I» \ 
 { <d7 ) " - 
 hold, behold, the eternal Kino of Kings Ka* 
 become ah Wtnt of a Span long, and fuffcn^not 
 ©nlyon Mount Galvary; but has been fufFcr- 
 ing among the Sons of Men fince the Foundation 
 of die World :(JJ And is ftill labouring with 
 the Power of his Inc»mati®|l^ thro* all the fallen 
 Raiqe, ftriving Night and Day to redeem immof- 
 'ttl Souls from eternal Sorrow. Fear not, fear 
 not, faith the heavenly Mbssbncer, for behold, 
 I bring gUd TidiAgs to you and all People/^^ 
 Tidihgs of great Joy indeed f Arife, O yc^^perifli- 
 ing: Mottals and ftrike that well deferved Note^ 
 jtlnic'e fong for you by the heavenly Hofts : Glory 
 l6:Gi?J) -ip th^ Higheftf Piace on Earthj 
 «»d Qo9d,virni to Men\(/J Bow, Bow, O ye 
 ^ ^mgs of the- Earth, your lofty Heads and-fub- 
 ' /^ the feet of King Jesus. Re- 
 %^^eivc, O Nations, Kingdom^ Towns, and Vil- 
 lages, the heayenly Viutant ! Porbcholdj thede- 
 4re of Nations is come I Clouds, Winds, ^and 
 Se>r;toi J kodu^ ' Hills, afld Vales ; Fire, Airs 
 l«itii;iBii<l. Water : (hout forth the REDBBMiR't 
 Jgr«mp, fijMn^Polc to Pole, Ye flying ^ifewl* of 
 'frf)R«T. 13. t. (*) Luke. *. 10. if) Lake *. 14; 
 "'■.^«?!^ri';W'r^-f--,S , 
 ifl » X 
n \ 
 Kings Kai 
 : fuffcrs not 
 een fuffcr- 
 iring with 
 : the fallen 
 cm imfliof- 
 p not, fear 
 for behold. 
 People Y'^ 
 -ved Note^ 
 : Glory 
 1 Earth^ 
 ow, O ye 
 and* fub> 
 ssut. Re- 
 , and Vil- 
 di the dc- 
 'inds, and 
 Pirc, Air;. 
 ^OYfU of 
 utit. i4' 
 WoM>c ,^o„de„ of i.., N,™. Wki,. . 
 of J«« A»l. „,^ j,„,^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^.^. 
 Rood. And p.- ye flaming Amu« .™.„i 
 J. ..emai TW, ftrike wieh facrcd Flan... 
 t ?""""*«•""' Note .00 g.and ■ 
 for mortal ft^ain. And f„on. .h J„ j . 
 p.„ . ., . ""• W'thyoB to bearing -:; 
 GLORv'""""^' ""'""""' S'™»' A J . 
 *- H A P T E R yj 
 rartaker eA Redeeming Love ^^' x 
 I ""^"' •^^'/""Soing fiifcWe „d,.— ^■ 
 to^ewfomething of that g,o,ioai W.y'rf ' 
 I-tfe and Salvation, that ],„.b«tt op«,ed t!^i^ '^V 
 »« *« Thoufanda „ay m live and df-^i^fe^-'^- 
 d?«i>tion, and beJievine th.r. o.. I^r^^T'^ ^^^^i 
 '!^«'«'. and bdiX rf.c„ a^**^*^ i 
 :l?f^:WiiI l^diJy give tto^^gf^l-'-kl 
 sV%'fc. i^«^->^ 
Kf«if~» -^ -« ft 
 ' fA. 
 ( 109 ) 
 fJiall now fpark fomething on the Application of 
 this gloridus Plan to Individuals, viz. How • 
 Sirtncr is thereby' reftored to God from his fallen 
 dtatc, and made Partaktr of EVbr lasting Lovi. 
 And bieidg now on a Matter no lefs imporrant, 
 Hian il^ttirwjiich infinitely concern? all the Softs 
 & Da4i^litfc«-ftf AoAM ; I flHtll a little enlarge oij 
 tlie mifarable' Deception of Thoufands ii^ this ha- 
 pbrtant h^nt j neither dati I" forbear to grieve^ 
 while I'confidcr, fo many of my poor Fellow- 
 Mortals are thus, 'evj^n a Land of Ligk, un- 
 happily deceived, A i^creby irrecoverably min- 
 ed ; who will pre^ehd" to believe in Cj^i$Tt 
 ati J hold forth the abfotute Neceffityof-filling 
 in with the Plan of Salvation, and yet pcrifh to 
 all Eternity. And now wp may reafonably {up* 
 ipb^e, tlut as all Mankind Hand in a ProbatJ(^n- 
 Suttf they, may be rationally ponvincecLjiimgay 
 important Points, aii|^yet not r^deem^^li^ 
 Kavc a Confcicnce, that informs them l^S^^ 
 ttf file Diffirisnce between Good aiid EvUj arf<f 
 ^eSpWtofOoD^ciJciatedly ftriving with theitfi 
 *^t^js dof£lriiially convinced, that they are bora' 
 ^ wad t^t they are in a fallet t State ; that' 
 <^e:su4r1^ui m^i -xaA orlgfaatf iiitC 
 \ i&i"' 
Intereft j 
 c .iHrithout 
 , , , ^ They ,fwll fay, th«^ 
 thcjr believe thaj Christ died about Scvcutden: 
 Hoadred Vcan ago, to redeem even jhc woril 
 of Sinneh : And vainly imagine/thatiUi that h 
 now neceflao^ ^r their Redemption ia to fall ia 
 with, and praflife fqch and %h external <Obfci> 
 vation;':as »hey hear, -reappointed by Jiimto be 
 obfer^d in his Church: And beings thus «tioi,. 
 ally convinced of thofc External*, thi^y*te fcap, 
 tifedwith Wafer jn the Name -<*f th* Trinixjr 
 Thej^ refrain fwm «U gro^s Out-breakittg iu,d,^J^ 
 bauchery, and i^ay join ^th fo«e Churchy ' 
 People, that^e NJed ChriAians. -a,id ^^ 
 fhemf«r«fesip ^ of the fame Principle, „,!,«6d ^^^ ' 
 Houfe of WorAip once or twice ;^;\Jir^,^p^ 
 con/jjjprable for the Suppon of th^. mdct$,^m 
 ^be^ltothelloor. ii«ndx>n,^ - 
 zealous m ftmym, both Jn public -fBA ^raiW • 
 m.y think they doc much good iii^mmmM~-r 
 I iwir t^ ifinncttf 
 ^P»ny aroimd-thaa^ Th«T^ ^T t^|tMi r ' 
 .^fgcata for Morality, and ittf^ m^^mv 

 III ) 
 nniiiftcrial Rites and Externals of the Church 
 yea, they may do gll 'this and much 
 more, and 
 yet have no Lot nor Portion in Christ's fpiri- 
 tual Kingdom, being ftlll in thoir fallen State of 
 Death and Darknefs, wholly labouring on the 
 Covenant of Works, and finally fink into eternal 
 Perdition/^;; And O? What a fatal Miftake is 
 this, to live fo near the Gates of Redemption, to 
 die without much Concern, and go to Hell at laR ! 
 There are others, who will more ftriaiy hold to 
 theWeceffityofthe New-Birth, and declare that 
 Salvation is only hy Free Grace : But then, fay 
 . they, tlie Work of Grace is fo gradual, and im- 
 pcroeptible,^ata Man may be in a fafc State; 
 viz. be born again, and not know it: And will 
 %, that their being influenced to the Externals 
 of Religion, their having fo great Defires to for- 
 f«ke Sin and become Chrillians, their havifg got 
 fo much the Viftoryover the Powers of Corrup- 
 tion, «8 to refrain fw^m any Out-bjccakings, and 
 being fo much affeaed under the public and pri- 
 vatc Means of Grace, , is u great an Evidence of 
 their i>ei^ born ag«in, as they can ever expeft t« 
 % - 
 aore, and 
 r*s fpiri- 
 1 State of 
 on the 
 3 eternal 
 [iftake is 
 ption, to 
 :1I at laft I 
 ' hold to 
 rlare that 
 hen, fay 
 and im- 
 fc State; 
 iad will 
 's to for- 
 vi¥g got 
 gs> andi 
 md pri- 
 ence of 
 xpc6!t t6 
 ( JJZ ) 
 attain In this Worid ; and fo flatter tieijifeives, 
 that they are ingrafted, into Christ the true an<{ 
 living Vine, when- they were never cut off of the 
 old Stock': AVid- therefore not knowing the Righ: 
 teoufnefs that is by faith, they are going abonfc^Slf ^, 
 patch^up a righteoufncfs of their ovfTk.(e} Aftfl it 
 may be faid (tho* with Grief) of fiich People, that' 
 they go a tirefome Road to^Iell : Fbr they have fo 
 much, of whAt they call Repentance, Obedience, 
 Self-denial, Duties A: good Works, that they hav4 
 wholly barred true Faith and 4 living Saviour oujt 
 of Doors. And I have Reafon to hs^ j there are 
 many more, who feem to have fuch an Averfion 
 to the PhArlfee, that they wUl jihinge thtlm^ 
 ftlvcs^into eternal Ruin on the othef'llaii^ ? JfiaV^ ' 
 ing a dod^r/nal Knowledge oi'^^nitoh^yfiA^ 
 they vainly imagine they havir&a^VVitli '& 
 Truths of the Qolpel, tn^^m^^&gi$^ 
 Saviour, when they have onlf ,%Jii^^{ 
 to the Word of God and his >niihf flPcs ,'' "' ' " 
 fay they believe in Ch'riit; a»^ .i^fi g^Val 
 tion by fr?e Gnurc alone, and' fo^ 'feA"^li|, 
 Expeaation of Efcape firom.Pfei^'4&^i% 
 HoSlay the T ransformation of th? 
 — — — s — -■ ■ \\h 
 <^ MHoni. 
 le^ 3. 
 -• X -f' .n M 
 I.J f 
 1 « ( 
 ( 113 1 
 ^m to,7 W their .nimd Spirits .nimated 
 evcH to foiac T««fporta; when. « the f«,« 
 Time, thejr .re utter Strangers either to Ch*,<it* 
 fmc F.i£h, or a Principle of d,v,nb Lqve : An^ 
 tfccfe have neither Faith nor Woric,, They fay 
 they have ulcen hold of the Gofpel Plan, and 
 depend on the Word of Gou / when it is very 
 ^deot,. that the fowcr of the Gofpel and tJ»e 
 .Word of poo have ncvt* taken them up; fo, 
 tfcey remain ftill in , deep Sleep, dead in Xref- 
 i¥ifl« im46in, a,,d Aeir Souis not ^ieing quicken- 
 «J^>Jior reftore4 irom its faUen Sute to God, are 
 iHH Spirits of Darknefs. and if their Li^ht be 
 ■D^knefs, W great i« that Darknef.,^^; and 
 ?hcfenwybe.fp fatally impofcdupon by the grand 
 .Adv<^aiy, .ndthe Decdtfulneft of a treachen)u, 
 *l«^ ts not onl;^ to fill ihort of aU the Priviiiges 
 of the«reat Rcdcei^r, but Ukcwifedio like Lambs 
 pn^^^¥^W f^^^^^ them. 
 ^ ^^ th,j fcpc^don of evei-laftiog Happi- 
 i?f IW^ ""^ ^* ^"^' they are on the 
 .Sriak of Ilell, plun^^then^fclves into irreco- 
 1J«»bteqefpairr«uithu.II,aveReafonto^ • 
 ^ t^e y^ateft p^ pf the Worid of MankincL 
 f ^f 
 ( 114 ) 
 evtn of thofe, who bait the Name of ChriAitas; 
 are fatally xleeeivcd, and will at laft be fdu^d al 
 mifcrable as the profciftd fafiad. 
 ^ / ^rw /A^ cnudfwitb panting Breath .' • : 
 ^i6* ^/v«</ defending R^ad^ .'■"/ 
 That kads unernng down to Death ; 
 2^or Mifs the Bark Abode. 
 Thus, 'while I drop a Tear or fwo 
 On the nuild Herd, a nolle Fenxi 
 That dare look up-ward and pitrfue 
 Ty unbeaten Way to Gojyi, 
 jp. Wattv 
 YiT, bKefTcd be God, there is a Number, that 
 hear the Voice of the Son of God, and hear' fo 
 a» to livei Whidi J Ml now endeair6«r't5' 
 fpeakof, andlhew howtl^eyare thus brought to' 
 the Privileges of the Son of God, and made Par- 
 takers of cverlafting hmft by the ^reat Reftortrr 
 of Mankind, together with a ftw Words on thd 
 Nature and Fruits of that living Principle in the 
 »ew.bomSoul. And nowJIinuft:,^, myJleadw 
 to -Review of the Pofilion. that wcleftaU.Mim- 
 ^ndin^ in on e of the foregpiiig ^aapttraj vfc: 
 ^eidupTrom«n iirevociye fee %ilie 
 Spirit of theSoa of Cot^ wlili ^ 
 1 i^,' 
 confenting to Vj 
 ( "S ) 
 i» a» animal World, capable 
 "nEEMiNc Love : But whcu . .^... „, ^,, 
 Power to confcnt, I would not be undcrftood any 
 fuch Power in the Nature of fallen Man by no 
 Means, bccaufc fallen Man left to aft like himfelf, 
 would.. wpn^ediatcly be a Blafphcmer j but you 
 mull undcrftand hi^ to he held up in that Capa- 
 fity of confenting, and made capable fo to aft by 
 the Seed cf the Woman, or by il^c Spirit of an 
 incarnate God. 
 UpM^iy „tygt onct pitn-e bejhall Jlan/ 
 On erven ground agcunft bis mortal Foe. 
 But leaft fome Ihould yet be fo far from under, 
 (landing me, concerning this Power of confent- 
 log, as to imagine that I am bordering on the* 
 Armxnians Ground, or that I am giving proud 
 Manrfomc Room for boafting, I fhall a littlefurthcr 
 enlarge on this Point. Firll I might bor^^er on 
 0c Arminians Ground, if I ftould hold any 
 fuch Power in fallen Man i but I have already 
 and repeatedly proved, that the Nature of fsaien 
 Man is fo far' from Jjcing any way helpful (;o |le- 
 demption that if he was left rn »F\ Kimftlf; hg 7 
 would be but a growif g Dlafpheincr. : But infi. 
ifentlng to 
 :ak of this 
 rrftood any 
 an by no 
 le himfdf, 
 but you 
 hat Capa- 
 ) to a^ by 
 irit of ai^ 
 m under, 
 ig on the* 
 ng proud 
 le further 
 >or4er on 
 10I4 any 
 i already 
 of f^len 
 il ^o ^c- 
 ' ( 116) 
 niteMcrcy by the Incarnation of God has %pcd 
 Mm from afting and ruining himfelf, and put him 
 in a Stateof Probation. Secondly, itis felf evid., 
 cnt that this Spirit or Power of Confcnt cannot 
 be for the building Man up in himfelf, for that 
 is already Man's only Ruin : For it is clearly 
 provad already by the Word ofGooUat iht 
 whole of Man's Ruin and Mifcry. confifted in 
 his falling out of God, into himfflf j and there, 
 fore there can be no pofljble Redemption but his 
 being redeemed out of himfelf back into God 
 again : And this Spirit or Power is for thatytry 
 End not to bolfter him up in himfelf, but^tp . 
 bring him down, and out of himfelf, /W « /« 
 Ay> convince him of; his loft undone Condition, 
 and his utter Inability of helping himfelf, which 
 I dare fay, you will stcknowlcdge is the only pof- 
 fibly way for him ever to be redeemed. And 
 now I thin|cyou muft of Courfe be convinced tlvu 
 this power or Spirit is fo far from helping him 19 
 boaft, that it is the only poffiblc way tQ ke(|> Jwi^ , 
 irom btwfting; and fo far from buUdinj W# 
 gp in himfelf, or lean him towM4» the 4>o»Rtfc> 
 A K, that the very End and nature df it it wholly 
 the reverie. Yea the only way to bring hhn1wi«i 
 jfi foil the more Ite opens the Door to;rcceivc that 
 ^ut infi- 
 .J, ^r**- i 

 Spirit ^ iigkt, the left Room he has to boaft , 
 btuiufe hfc « more and more convinced of his loft 
 State, Nq^jingBcft, and Inability to help himMf. 
 And hcfc ^ou can but be convinced of the Truth 
 of thi3, becaufe you fee there is no Poffibility of 
 l^dcinptJoB any othec way , for his rejefting this 
 Vm or Li^ keeps him ignorant of liis help- 
 Icff undone Condition, and fupports the boaft. 
 •ngrofprcrtldfelf; wiu^byi^c.is |;ept from an/ 
 Pciffibflity qf being helped. Hut the adhearing to 
 «W« Spirit, or recciting this^ight doth of Courfe 
 ftye ,,«id more adminifter ^onvidtion,. and the 
 MOM Je receives of this Spirit and tight the 
 *«o^c Room there isftill to receive, and thus 
 «»uch of this copviaing ^piritJie i^qft certainly 
 fcenfcht to, and receive, ^ wholly to convince 
 ^<^ m» loft ^onditio,^ ii„4 utter ^.ability of 
 Iiel|.ii4ghimfelf, and when tlius ponvinccd; Ibrcly 
 l^ «»*« acknowledge, that-hc is fo far from any 
 «c^M for boaiWng, that he is obliged to cry 
 ^iric,^ the only pol^blt Remedy that he can 
 ^^c -i, to.aft )hit helplcfs and condemned 
 khs9Q£ fr e e and mtbottftded<?facr 
 fl^ \ ' 
 .J^Unt:i^. 30. 
 'f*? ' 
 ;)t^lA?b:fiiiw ^itik^.^ 
 Ik *' 
 ~.-V' Ok, 
 fc^Jti,- ^ } 
to boaft; 
 of his loft 
 3 JKitofclf. 
 he Truth 
 Bbility of 
 Aing this 
 his help- 
 he boajl;- 
 rom anf 
 earing to 
 f Courie 
 and tha 
 ight the 
 nd thus 
 >iltty of 
 ; fufcly 
 "om any 
 to cry . 
 le or I 
 he can 
 ih the Great and compleat Redeemer. And zTow 
 you may underftand what is iheantfey ihdfe mucli 
 difputcd and much abufcrf Words, *« the true 
 Light that lighted every Man that Cometh int4 
 the World.'Y/; And again, « the Spirit i» 
 ** given to every Man to profit tfrithal i**(g) 
 for altho* the refined Arminians have madeufe' 
 of them to build up proud Man within himfelf * 
 ^Tt it is very wideiit thit it was ta bring him 
 out of himfelf, and that all Manltind might be lit 
 a Poffibility of Redemption if they did not rcje« 
 It. And now between thofe two Extrsm^i 
 cannot give you a more clear Defcripti< 
 the Conduft of Zacchius, and i^ii^^JMingi 
 of God with him :fi^J You reiS|fiibcr, tha^ 
 when he wanted R c d b m p t i o'i4.^dr to fee 
 Christ, he begins to elimb up i Imt the Voice 
 of Gon -was make hafte and come ^own. And 
 thus you fee how far all the World of Mankind 
 M held np from their own Hell, and with Ri- 
 ^rEMiNo LoTB at his Door. Fbr ifMtnwt* 
 «bt held up with f^h ^ Pdwtr, j«tfm«C«pt*^ 
 ki^ of confenttng to Redcmpu'oii, k irtift iia-- 
) »'9) 
 •roW^bly fi„k into .„ irrecorerabit Su„, b«i„ft 
 it Im .Ir«,dy been pro«d he could no. be «. 
 . deemed but of Choice ; therefore infinite Good, 
 nef, hoJd. him in ftch State, and c.p.ble of be- 
 7 «*«•«' ■• For With thi* Power, h. i, t,pMc 
 of recervrng that „ff„.d ^igU. neeeffa-y to eon- 
 « «mpW Redemption by C,.a,„.- And r^ 
 So^'l "/'""' ™"''''«''8mc. b^fomethihginth. 
 S»SUh.tg,„w,up i„.„ Salvation by Degree,, or 
 *JI>dua Converfion. For if,,hat ™ the Truth. 
 a*j«nner, grovvup into Ghriftian, gradually, 
 Aen «* muft not only believe in a Purgatol 
 H«ve. and p^t Hell: For asMen die i„ .„ 
 J««^ rf Life, from an Hour to Threefcor" 
 r«W •nd Ten, fon.e would j„ft b* begini 
 g^cWfdono, fom. three Qsarter,, and perhaps 
 »«-,«• Acre one. who had been ve^ i 
 *|i««oq,, and had arriv^dt. a very oldT^i, 
 »*ht be wholly «niM5 ,,.iuch would h.^ 
 *» bctkufc 
 lot be ro» 
 lite Good, 
 blc of be- 
 i$ (Capable 
 y to con- 
 int jCon- 
 ■And 7c|P 
 hg in the 
 grccs, or 
 e Truth, 
 idually ; . 
 IS, pal-t 
 ' in all 
 T ij^T 
 & unfcriptural Principles, I /Hall therefore pr»L< 
 cecd further to confider this Point now in hand, 
 viz. H<Jw the Soul is rcftorcd to God, and who ih 
 reftored. And firft, h6w the Spirit of DarkneCr, 
 Wrath and Malice is reftored to God froi* whence 
 it has fallen; that it may again Uecoine a Spirit 
 of Light and Love. , 
 ^ j\nd now my dear Reader, if you would r^ 
 ^eive any Light ^n this Point, you muft knoW, 
 that it i« not the Greatnefs of a Man's Sin. that 
 will keep him from thus being redeemed; neJ- 
 ther is any one redefenied, beCaufc hia Sin#ar« 
 iefs in Number; but it is according at he foWtkit^s 
 OT retains this World, or himfelf into Which hte 
 »is fallen. For as the fteatli ofMan wafcaufed 
 V his falling from God JnLovefjrifh chislJiforldfj 
 fo he can never be reftored to Life; Silt by rS^ii^ 
 jng back from tWsi World to Gob ag^ft, l^^S^^r 
 is there any othei^ Redcmpdoh : 'tffcre^i^ 
 that the great Redeemer would fo bfteii KflculM^ 
 the abfolute NecelSty of forfatin^ilFtb IfqlW"^ 
 hlm»(tj and declares that his Kingdom is^ndi^'oK 
 this World :^i; He doth hot fay, that'^«]gfe. 
 {/) M«rkS.. 34. 35 (Ifjobll. ,^. 
 Jj*«y be tedctrted, btcaufc his Sins a»e /ni«ll, aad 
 another cniioti bectufe kis Sina arcgwat; Wc 
 hear aotliiiig o^all thie in all Ws prt^king, but #. 
 we may repeatedly hear jlim paTitWdy d«diu| 
 the Impoffibiiity of RcdempdMi. while attaci|^ 
 w this World, St that no one can ever be rcd^S^ 
 ed until all is forfakcn.f/J For a« long aa Man %' 
 ^Mng or expeaini; ofHappincfe in this fallen 
 .World, his- Mind is chained dowm to hia fallJP 
 rotate,, and cannot be reftored: Therefore the 
 great Work of the Spirit of Goi^ il£ before ob- 
 fenwd, firft to bring the Man to a Senfe of his 
 fallen Condition, iid the trnpoffi bility of- Happi- 
 ncft or Redemption, while in. Love with the En- " 
 joymerits Of this fallen World : Neither can he be 
 rcftored, until he la thus convinced. Therefore 
 •altho* the Work of Cooircrfion is inilahuneouily, 
 •yet the V^orkof Conviaioii may be gradual; for 
 GoBvcrfion i« a Union of the innerMan to Christ, 
 or the turniiig of the Inmoft Soul, after God ; but 
 the Work of Convifliion is only the bringing the 
 ^Sinner to a Senfe of its fallen, helplefs and dc- 
 plorable Condition : And. when thus convinced, 
 if -a Surrender is made of Soul and Body, and ail 
 (y Luke i4i 
! /mill, and 
 :wat5 Wc 
 rking; but #. 
 ily (Uelail 
 le attaclw 
 as Man i^' ' 
 ius fallei) 
 hu fall<9 
 'cfore the 
 before ob- 
 dfeof lib 
 Ix tbe En- 
 can be be 
 iual; for 
 OD; but 
 and de- 
 , and all 
 ( H22 ) 
 ^, his Concerns into the Hand of the great Hedce. 
 mer the Urtion takes Place between C-hrist and 
 the Soul, ^nd the rapid Will 13 turned after God 
 nor can tl^e Soul be in a fafe State till then. ' 
 Well, jbut I am furprized, faith one, at this, 
 that thercl i5 no t<ue Religion, but by a vital 
 Unionjg.CJHRis^ . fo, I ^^^ j^ ^^p^^^ ^^^ . ^^^^ 
 j had done outwardly, would have been of fome 
 iServJefe to my Soul. You will be more furprif- 
 ed Maps, if I fhould tell you, that kiany h.v6 
 thought the fame, that are now in Hell • But - 
 you may take it for a Truth ofnolefs Import- 
 «nce, than-fhe everlalting Concern of your pre- 
 Clous and immortal Soul, that withohtthi. vital 
 Un.on to CHK,sr, and the Turn of your inmoft 
 Soul after God, all your external Matters ^11 
 pravc abortive, and your Hope is but the Hope 
 of the Hypocrite, and will unavoidably prove 
 your eternal Ruin. - '^^ 
 But as I have made fomething of a DigrciEon ' 
 from the Matter now in hand, I fhaU rttum to 
 enlarge. And as we have thiis feeli Matt in « 
 State of Probation, ftan<iing Vd^^ ILuntEUind 
 -iOTB at his Door, yea and as far in n Ic^^ 
 ift, without his Confcnt ; wc may be -tht l>«t«r 
 . 4« . 
of - 
 informed of thfi Natui^ of his Recovery/ b; ar* 
 tending to whit is faid by the Great Rsdebmer 
 himfelf". Behold, faith he, I ftand at the Door 
 *• and knock ; if any NTanhear my Voice, and 
 " will open the Door, I wjll come in and fup 
 " with him, and he. with mc:*{mj As if he 
 had faid, lam now about to deliver a Matter of 
 nolcfs Importance, than that which imnl#ately 
 concerns ^our eternal ttappinefs ; therefore be 
 intreated to attend, -take Notice, or obferve, what 
 I am about to exprefs." That I the great Reftorer 
 '* of Mankind ftand waiting. Day after Day, at 
 " the Dofir of Confcience my Vicegerent, and 
 " knock to quicken, alarm and convince you of 
 " your fallen and deplorable Condition :" there- 
 ^Tc if any Man, Jew or Gentile, bond or Free, 
 Male, or Feinifiu old or young, rich ot pooJ», 
 «onc cxceptcd,(^»; will hear my Vice, adhere 
 fti the Dilates of Confcience, and the moving 
 of myjpirit, and will open the Door, only con- 
 ftm- to give up ail without any refervc, or Ex- 
 pcftetion of Help from any other Quarter and 
 wnr receive „e for hi. Go., hi, Prophe^^.. 
 Fneft,. and h» King ; his prefbnt and cycrUBi^ 
 ( 124 ) . 
 Porrfon ; I will come in : Nothing fhall hinder j 
 iicitJierthcGrcatn?fs of his Sin., ftor thetlrength 
 ^f his Enemies i for my Delight 15 with the 
 -Sons of Men :^./ Therefore only wnfent, and 
 the Worjc ihall be^ done. I will takt Poffeffioh 
 of themnerMan, unite you to myfelf, willfup 
 With yd»-andyou with m6; wAJgiVe you the 
 communication, of that Divi^h Light & Lovb, 
 which you Mve loft byj^our Fall. And now 
 to be more plain in this important Poiftt.iH,, 
 (»» I would beuhderftood by eveiy Readerf| 
 mn endeavour to fpealc of the Operations of thi 
 Spiirit of God, in redeeming this ldl\ Soul front 
 it's fallen State, as it may appear to them while 
 under.the Work ; which is firft to convince of 
 Sin, that is, fet« them in Order before him, botK 
 Adual andOrigiijalj and this with fuch Power^ 
 that the Sinner not only hears of hit being '^' 
 Sinneri but feels it in his own Soul : He is can- 
 vincedofhis loft and undone Condition i^^ hi? 
 own Confci%|^ with(>ut lwvi|ig* ,^y Ckum 
 God's MiRl^'y or the leift fcn^.i^m hi» 
 JH«uid. Hc U fo r o nv in r fd o f hUh ^ j c^ i iM^ . 
 diUto,.that he finds his utter JnabiUtj,.ji, ^^^"* 
 - ~ ' ■ ■ '_ -"* * 
 obtain Relief for his perifliiog and immortal 
 Soul, or to extricate himfelf out of that deplora- 
 ble State of Sin and Mifery, which he is now 
 convinced that he has pl^unged himfelf into. He 
 has long; been trying perhaps to recommend him* 
 fclf to Christ by Repentance and Humility j 
 he has been labouring with Prayers anl^Tcars to 
 loveGqD & Holinefs, to hate hi sdvil Ways, and 
 be forry forhis Sins: But the Spirit of God has 
 now wrought fo powerfully on his Heart, that 
 he appears worfe than ever : He finds his Heart 
 ia hard, i^d his Will ftubborn : I^is Nature is 
 at Enmity againft God, and all that is good, 
 and' perhaps filled with blafphemoui Thoughts 
 i^gainft Go© and his Ways \ He has long had 
 »:fecret Hope, tfiat he fhould bc^yet more pre- 
 pared to receive Christ, but liow-aU thcfcHopes 
 fkit ; tnd he appears more unlit than ever : He 
 Ims fonwtimeiB, under fontc agreeable Frames, 
 thought himfelf ahnoft through, and fo would 
 reft on them ; but iwvy ; he appears fo vil«, that 
 Conv«rfionfocm»atagr«irter DilUncethaii ever. 
 iuM been trying every Path he coiili'fi«A i« 
 ; Hopes to find the way out ; whichg m^ftuT^f 
 .1^ K''je-iu. i^^t/^itAta. «JbJL (V 
^ ^^r?l^Wi^W^ 
 w^ t»vA 
 •(»<*«% ^i*-'-;**** 
 I immortal 
 It dcplora- 
 he is now 
 into. He 
 mend iiim^ 
 Humility j 
 ri^Tcars to 
 Ways, and 
 9f God has 
 Heart, that 
 Is his Heart 
 I Nature is 
 at is good, 
 i Thoughts 
 ,s long had 
 : more prc- 
 i ever : He 
 sle Frames, 
 d fo would 
 foviU, that 
 ;etha» ever. 
 leading him cut, has got him more loft & entan^ 
 gled than ever. He has tried every poffible Way, 
 to flee from the W^ath to come, & to recommeni! 
 himfelf to CftRisT, or to prepare tfj'bt conver- 
 ted, but now all appears '" Vstttti"l#i 'li<t find» 
 no way to ftep another Step, and rfF Kiir Suppor- 
 ters are now gone. He fees that to My ftom' hi^ 
 Guilt and Mifery is imprafticable j and to rer 
 form or make Satisfaftion, as much impoffible| 
 j^nd therefore like the four Lepers at the Gates 
 pf Samaru (p) he is determined to try the lait 
 flemedy ; for to ftay where he is, is certain Death, 
 ^nd to reti^rn back unto his former State of Secu-' 
 rity, will beDeath ,and thereforjc, altho* he cannot; 
 fee, that Christ has any Love fc«r him., t>t Pi-. 
 ty towards ^m j neither doth he fee, whcthdr Hft* 
 intends to tiave Mercy on hin\^ornpt i. yet, h^fels 
 determined, ^o caft himfelf at his Feetj aiid^truft 
 wholly to his Mercy, and free Grace for Salva- 
 tion; and cries out with the trembling Leper. iUr^ 
 if thou nuilt.d) And when liit M tl\«8 ^«»B^1 
 to a Sehfe of his Condition, and jfwUfi 
 Tcrn^^ vlW-to forfakcall^ With 
 ■ g fi ' W' Ji' L ' I 
 i^ii. Kings *7» 3. 4.' W M»k I. J^^ 
 i?4L vA.'^h 
(127 ) 
 Mind turned after God, panting after Redemp. 
 tion from his fallen State, and depends wholly 
 on the Mercy of God thro* Jesvs Christ; then 
 the MDEEMiNO Love enters into his Soulji 
 Christ the Hope of Glory takes Poffcffion cfth^ 
 inner Man ; and altho* fome, by Reafon of Fears 
 and fti:^g Temptations, may not be fo fenfible 
 of their Converfion the very fame inftant, Hour 
 or Day df their Union to Christ j yet they win 
 fqon receive an Evidence of their Redemption 
 ^rom Death to Life, by the fealing Evidences of 
 the Spirit :(r) They will find the Burden of 
 their Sin gone, with their Affeftions taken ofFof 
 this World, and fet ofi Things above, with their 
 licftrts oftentimes drawn out after Christ, un- 
 4cr a feeling Senfe of the Worth of his redeem- 
 ing Love; at the fame Time, with a Senfe of 
 their owto Vilencfs, and the Vanity of all Things 
 licrc below, together with the Worth and Sweet- 
 ««ft of ^icavenly Things, and the Amiablencfs of 
 the wv?Mi Bbiho, they .find an cncreafing Third: , 
 •ftcr more ^Jburty from Sin and Darknefs, and a 
 continual p.^tin« after th*^^ Enjoyment of God, 
 -gj^IifcaBcfrtcr the m ^Fiir 

 Is wholly 
 tsTj then 
 is Soul ij 
 ion ofth" 
 I of Fears 
 ) fcnfiblc 
 nt. Hour 
 they will 
 idenccs of 
 larden of 
 ken off of 
 vith their 
 iisT, un- 
 Scnfe of 
 II Things 
 id Swect- 
 blencfs of 
 ng Thirfl: , 
 fs, and a 
 of God, 
 ( 128 } 
 for their Hearts, which before vyere fet ©n 
 Things below, are now fet on Thin| above. ^ 
 Now, Dear Reader, be affured, that there is 
 • not one Spark of true Religion in all the Exter- 
 nals, tliatever were performed, by Man, without 
 this vital Union, to the Lord Jesus Christ : 
 Therefore how groundlefs and dangerous, as wel'l 
 as unfcripiural, is the Dependance on any Ex- 
 ternals for Salvation ; fincc all Religion i;^ a Work 
 of the Holy Spirit on the inner Man f Neither 
 need we fay much to prove, that a tnxi Principle 
 of Divine Love wiH produce an external Con- 
 formitytotheWaysofGoD: For it is as certain 
 that this internal Wor^of the Spirit of God will 
 refleft a chearful Conformity to the" Externals 
 of Religion, as a Fire wil^reflea Lighi; tKcrc- 
 fore, faith the Apoftle, " If artV ^Mkn'-be in 
 ^* Christ, he is a new Creature; OM things 
 " are done away, and all Things' W': BfibolAfe 
 ** ncw.'Y^; That is, they are fo ftr-'^«tebi|4^,,; 
 out of this World, as to have thiir Heahl^p'* 
 Affcd^ions fet on Things above j and theicftwe* 
 uuu> t«*yitt«y remain in this WorJdit 
 %aEJag about a Body of Sia and 
 ft Cot, $. ly. 
 1 . . 'ft 
 -- u. 
fi6~ *f 
 { 129 ) 
 which Means, they are fanftified but in Part, 
 and cxpofed to many Snares ; yet they have not 
 their Life and Enjoyment in the Things of this 
 World : for their Lives are hid with Christ ,(tj 
 tnd therefore they have h^re no continuing City, 
 but arc as Pilgrims and Strangers fceking a bet- 
 ex Country, which hath Foundations, whofe 
 B.uilder and Maker is GoD.fuJ " Fqxcs have 
 *' Holes, and the Birds of the Air have Nefts 
 «' (faith the great Redebmir) but the Son of Man 
 *' hath not where to la^^ his Head.'Y'f; Not on- 
 ly that Partiular Body of Christ, that was on 
 £arth Seventeen Hundred Years ago, but like- 
 wife the Spirit of the Son of Man in the Souls 
 of all hisChildren hath no Place of|left, or A- 
 bodcin this World : For" (^hrist did not come 
 down to this World, to make his People happy 
 ii» their fallen State, or to mend $c patch up their 
 Difordercd World, but to redeem them out of 
 it { and declares himfelf,«f that his ICingdom is 
 ** not of this World, Yw; and therefore, who. 
 €vcr prefumes to namctheName of Christ, and 
 M l Li hci Bfelyea Ch rktia m r (altho' they nj^.- 
 ■>iii Oil' 
 ,'*'wji.^i. ^:*'- ■'■■?• «»^»- ?•"•::, 

 in Part, 
 have not 
 ;s of this 
 RIST ,(tj 
 ing City, 
 ag a bct- 
 , whofe 
 ties have 
 ve Nefts 
 n of Man 
 Not on- 
 t was 01) 
 3Ut like- 
 he Souls 
 t, or A- 
 lot come 
 e happy 
 up their 
 % out of 
 gdom is 
 ■e, who- 
 18 T, and 
 tend to be born again) if their Hcarta and Affec- 
 tions are not redeemed* but are flill ^tuag. cm 
 in the Ploafures and Enjoyments of this fallen 
 World, will unavoidably find themfelves firtrily 
 deceived, and eternally rained. I do not n^ein^ 
 dear Reader, only thofe, who are going on iA " 
 carnal Security, Vice *nd Pebaucoeiy, without 
 any Conftraint or Reludtance j or thofc greedy 
 Worldlings, like the unfatisfied Mifer, which . 
 perhaps you may not be guilty of, and fo flatter 
 yourfelf, with a groundlefs Imagination, thatyou 
 are a Chriftian, and that your State is good : But 
 I mean thofe, who have their ConvcrfttioB^ 
 Life and Enjoyment in this WorJd ; wh^ find 
 the Enjoyment of the TOng of Time and Scnfc 
 to be their higheft Good.: For the new-born 
 Soul is redeemetj out of this World, and IflicJC- . 
 fortf the Food, aqd the Life ?ind EnjoymeW of- 
 their Souls are not in this World, but in Heitw; , 
 and on heavenly Things I their Convcrfatiott 1U1<F 
 Defires arc fct on things above :««. For whti^/' 
 " Man's T^eafureis, theiewill his Heart be«l-^ ^ 
 i<^jp;l and ^^^trt^-of^tte ^ 
 "Heart the Mouth %eaketh."0; , Theiefoit be 
 •r«;Xuke If. 34. (j,) M«t. la. 3L' 
 '' C^ i'i&".' "**' 
 edf dCi 
 ( 131 ) 
 Reader, refpcfting the Stata 
 pf your precious and immortal Soul : .you, arc 
 ^ov«r^aaing for a whole Eternity; and if you 
 Ihould unhappilx build the Hopes of your everlaf. 
 ting^ Happiqcfs oq the Sand, great would be your 
 Fall, and irrccoverabl<5 your Lofs. You may 
 praftife many ExternaJs of Religioji, have ^ome 
 Conviftionj of Sin, be fometimes much aifefted 
 phder the MeanS of Qraee; refpin from many . 
 Vices, and have y6ur animal Spirits lifted up, 
 «nd foraething trarifported with an Expeftation 
 •fan Efcape from Mifery to everlafting Joy; yea, 
 you^may^afs through many Vifions and ftrange 
 Dreams, and yet never have your. periling Soul 
 redeemed. Let mc afkyou.the following Quf- 
 4on. Where do you get your greateft Happincfs, 
 and enjoy the fwceteft Moments, not only at fome 
 particular Time and Place, but Days and Hours. 
 Weeks and Years ; or eyer fince you profcfled to be 
 a Chriftian ? Is it in ypur Hufbands, your Wives, 
 ypur Children, your Friends, your Food, your Rai- 
 ipent, yourfioufes, your Land^, with ailvofthe 
 aeafuycs^ of this World, and the thingg JJFTime 
 auJ §enlc71yhich you have, or cjtpea to have: or 
 irit;in the Enjoyment of Christ, the Vitalsof 
 •^ - Religion: 
■,-. ^ .»: 
 1 1'vn'^ 'T-'^ 
 Religion, and a feeling fenfopf Divine Things' 
 between God an4 your own Soul f P«y do your 
 precious and immortal Soul Juftice, and do not 
 give your Qonfcience the tie , and if upon a 
 dilige^nt and finccre Search, you find it in and af, 
 ter the former ; then for the Lord's Sake, ind 
 your own Soul's Sake, do not flatter yourfelf with 
 the Name of a Chriftian j for that is all you have : 
 and therefore you may npver cxpeft to fee God's 
 F4ce \xi Love, qntil a Miracle of Grace is wrought 
 upon your Heart : For the true Redemption by 
 Chrift doth not confift in all the Eternals, Promi- 
 ses, Refolutions Fancies, Dreams or Vifions, 
 that ever was fccn orl^nowii by air the MenoJ 
 Earth ; but it is a Redemption of the Soul from 
 .It's fallen State to Go d, raifing the Dcfires and 
 Life of the inner Man out of this miferable, finful 
 Wd belUjd. W4rld, and turning it to Gon, from 
 whence it is fallen: 4nd thei-efore, cveiy new- 
 born Soul is daily hungering and thirfting after 
 Its original- Source, viz, fpiritual and Div^ie 
 Food; panting after tight and Love, from 
 which it has been folon^ a n^jfrrah], TVfrrrr, 
 "TCwhich itis now «tu«ii,g; i«t,5)„fc|^- 
 .^Soul., being united infepuibly m^Oiii*' 
( »33 ) 
 Jesus Christ, become Mem|;>er9 of his Body. 
 Therefore how inconfiftant, God difhonouring, 
 and unfcriptur^Yjz^ is that Soul deftroying Doc- 
 trine, that denies the final Perfevf ranee of the 
 Saints, and fends Men to the Covenant. of Works 
 for to confirm their Salvation. •/ 
 And thus, dear Reader, I have endeavoured 
 to fhqv?^ yoaihov^ the fallen Man is redeemed from 
 his fallen Stafie, and rcftored to God ; which if ' 
 you believe, yqu will not look on every one to 
 he a Chriftian, that is called fo. And as I have 
 confidered the man thus far redeemed, I (hall now 
 proceed to ftvow the Nature of Sanftification ; 
 about which many, have beep fo ignorant as to 
 cxpofc theM\felves to great Errors : ^ome holding 
 Jl to be fomething droped into the Soul ^vhich 
 they call Qrace, that may be loft ; becaufe it is 
 caft into fo much filth and Polution : others 
 holding that a Man born again is wholly a per- 
 feft Man, and without Sin. Now it is evident 
 that thefe are both as far from the Truth, as the 
 Eaft from the Weft : Others there be that f^Sai 
 to be fomething free from thofe unfcriptural Gott* 
 ce^tlons, imagine that a Man at thcHourofColt^ " 
 ""t '■ ' •' — ■ — '• — '-fr^ '.: , ,« 
 {k) Rom. 8. 3« j9. Heb. 6, x8. 19- John 6. 3». ' >: 
 Lok© 10 42. ' \ ' 
 '■^^-;i vcrfiott ■ 

 verfion iias his Soul partly cleanfed^ or iii&Aified ; 
 and then God continues to cleanfe the ^oul hy^ 
 Degrees, untill the Soul is yrhoUy fanftified. 
 Now if this were the Cafe then God would nol^^ 
 only Hand united to a Spirit that was part D«- 
 vilj but another tnconfilfiancy likewife muft aprv 
 pear, and that is, if fuddcn Death ihould arreft 
 the Man, his Soul would be torn afunder, .and 
 and Part Loft ; for no unclean Thing can pof- 
 fibly enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. And 
 if the Man, at Converfion was perfed ; or could 
 as fome imagine arrive to perfection in this world, 
 they could iio more be contained here thaft En^ 
 OCH and Elijah ; Pcrfeftion being notHng lefr 
 than a compleat Salification, and as for their: 
 falling from God after Converfion ; Christ has 
 declared they can no inorts be feperatcd from him 
 than he from his Father/f; Veal the very Na* 
 tmre of tht Thing fei^dcft it impoffible : For what 
 s the Cehvorfion b^ Christ chancing, iiid ta^? 
 king Pofleffion of ith^lntnoft Soul i which is ap 
 the Time of the t^ange complcaily fan^ified*' 
 Ato rtow to iR ew thfe Rgafon Why^the Mantho^r^ 
 ' if ^ 
 tpttvcrtcd is not wholly faiidifiecj, ortWl$hpilt Si|), 
 ^dfl^- John 14. i-)' and 17: aiVJV ' 
 •btSfi -t i-v-f A 
Uis ) 
 I will Foceed, Man in his fallen State '(as has 
 already* been obfcrvcd, confift* of Body, Soul, 
 and Spirit, viz. an animal, or Elemental Body, 
 a fpiritual and immortal Body, and an immortal 
 Mind, and at t^e hour of Converflon, the Son of 
 God takes poffeffion of the inmoft Soul, orimmortal 
 liiind, but leaveth the fallen immortal Uody in its 
 fallen State- (fiW.CcJ And now when you fee this 
 Divifion, you may not only underftand how that, 
 that is bprji of God caiinot fin iCd) but likewife 
 what isfaid by the infpircdAi>oIlle to the Romans; 
 I have a Law, faith he, in my Members waring 
 againft the Law of Mind, (ej Not a Law in his 
 Mind, againft the Law of the Mind : But of the 
 Members againft the Mind ; for the Mind can* 
 not Sin ; bccaufe it is bom of God, and he de- 
 lights in the "Law of God (fiiith he) affer tl||^ 
 inward Mm.f/) Viz the immortal Mind that 
 j« redeemed j ahd then he goes on to complain 
 of this fallen Body of Death, whith he is bur- 
 dened with j(^^; which rcmainsyet fallen, and 
 when fpeakmg of tlie fame Body again, faith, he 
 W^ for its Redcmption.^i&; And thus you 
 V)«<Mi f. aa. ft]Ro«. 7.24. WRo*. f. S^ '^ 
 mix <■« wherein confift, th.t Wirrfare fo often (po. 
 ken of between the old and new, or carnal & fpi. 
 rlturi Man. And now what remain, while mortal 
 L.fe endures, i, the Mortifica.i,n of the old Man 
 which ir commonly called SanSification , andthii 
 Mortificadon we may dearly fee i, carried oi by 
 the Growth of the inmoft Soul, or imiportal Mind, 
 by which Mei|s i, becomes more than a Match 
 for the unfanffi/ied Part ; and thereby morUlies, or 
 keep, under d,e Powers of Corruption that remain. 
 of he .nmoft Soul confifts in what i, commonly 
 caUedthc continual A& of Faith: But to fteat 
 »"« Soul ; which our LORO himfelf declare, to 
 bcasa Well of living Waters, fpringing up unto 
 >» .ntelligem «,d immortal Spirit, is . Power 
 of Growth, or Seed of Generation t (not of Num. 
 b»s«,^but of Capacity) Uertfore it w«,o nothing 
 b" Room ,0 .a itfeif, („i„ j„ayr^ ^^ 
 < y « 1 1 ill Fo ci , q ■ ■ __r:^ , -:_-K: 
;^one Word or two, to thofc happy Follower^! of 
 the Lamb, who are thirfting, for Holiaefs, and the 
 Y'l^ioty over Sin. O ifemember the Kingdonj o^ 
 Oob is withih you, and will Work its own Releafe 
 and gain its own Cdnqueft : if it is not chained 
 and led into Captivity by the old Mm, and every 
 Leap it gets, is fo much Growth for Eternity, .& 
 every| houf it is led captivei or iihprifoned by giv- 
 ing the old Man Liberty, is ari everlalling Lofs. 
 Q therefore as you love your own 9ouI, keep un- 
 der your Body. Yea, faSer the to fay, ftarve the 
 old Man to Death j for every Thin j that feeds 
 Or nouriihes that, ftarvei and imprifons the King- 
 dom of God within you ; that is, obflru£ls the 
 Growth of the irnnoft Soul. But how fliall I know, 
 faith oiie, when 1 am feeding the one and itar- 
 ving theotKer? I anfwer infallibly, when you 
 are nourifiiinsa Spiritof fdf, and enjoying the 
 Creature, (in over fo fmall a Degree) you are 
 fighHng for the old Man ; but when yofl are after 
 the Spirit of the Lamb, and Enjoyment df the 
 Creator, yon are %hting for the new and fpi- 
 ritoal Man. Therefore faith your Lord and ^ 
 Mas I lit,, if y our righ t E y e, or right Arm o i F en d- 
 yoo, i4uck them off i th©*«v«r fo dcartoyo!|,M»d. 
 1 ^_ ~ occupy 
; occupltill I come. NowT fuppo^e the Qaeftioft 
 mil .rife, wh|^h h.B parUy been atbated in ont 
 of the foregoiftg Chapter. : Who, or how many 
 out of thi. l^lcTi Race, are to be redeemed, or 
 how many hath God eleded ? To which I .nfwer 
 again, God doth^clcdt and will fave all ^tt 
 can pofTiblj be redeemed. F«fr you may remember, 
 that it hat been fufficicntly proved already, that 
 the very Nature of God, and his hijh Decree 
 *mong all his Creature,, is a Freedom of Choice. 
 and therefore God cannot r*diem thofe, that 
 ^n not be redeemed, or fave them without their ' 
 Now, faith one, ft appears to «c .gain, that 
 you would have me deny Eleftion , ind theft # 
 what ihall I do with what is «pr,fled by ChriI* 
 himfelf?" I pray noi, f«th He. for th. WorW, ^k" 
 •* but for thofe thou haft given me^of the ' 
 «« World.'Y*; And befidcs I thought that^iiji, 
 tiNo Love would have been ^e evcrlafting Song '* 
 «f th« Saints. Well, my dear Rcad», I wnfo 
 ftr (as you ihall fee) from te|i!hifl| |r«m .to d«B^ 
 filcaioa. that I would teyh yon io;Jfa j|i3fc in 
 (fi jolfi ij, 9/ 

 . ■.'•'> 
 ■ \ ■' 
 TTT- .'V, ■ 
 rt,'. ,, ..' 
 th6* ftrSngeft Scnfe : Fd*f.y6u may obfcjve, thit 
 ' t2HitiST prayed not'for the World, but forthoie 
 Ue Father hath ^ivcn him out of the World. 
 •And let me aik you, who are they, but all that 
 ' 'ivill, aiid can be redeemed out of the World ; 
 '«»d they fhaU certainly be redeemed, and ftand 
 as: immoveable by that electing Love as the 
 tvci-iaftiBg Hills : For if the fallen World was 
 given to the So;i of God, to redeem all that can 
 'be red<;emed, and he has undertakenfor that very 
 ^nti > theii farely you may l^ld Eleftion in the 
 i&ohgeft Senfe, and receive tjiofe Words, which ' 
 yoM mentioned, jull as 4cj^' are expreflcd with 
 •all their Force. A|«r ^ f'or your thinking, that 
 .BLECTiNc Love ^uldbe ihe everlafting Song 
 ^ ^ the Saints, I j^ink fo too, my dear Reader, 
 \«nd am fo far /rom depriving you of that Expcc- 
 1 ^ti^, .that I would teach you to ftrike a far 
 . higher NojI on the fame Theme : For the Way 
 fou cxpedfed tofing this Song, was to blcfs God 
 for rcde^ag you, when he would not redeem 
 Whir. J Md fo your Song would be no lefs ex- 
 ^enfive than the charging of the Deity with Par. 
 liiftft " ^ • -^ 
 V I ,1 
 ^V : «« ittjlead of this I would tpacljyou to 
 (fcrve, thifl 
 It forthoie 
 he World, 
 ut all that 
 e World } 
 and Hand 
 )VE as the 
 ^orld was 
 II that can 
 r that very 
 ion m the 
 ds, which ' 
 jfled with 
 iking, that 
 ing Song 
 at Expeco 
 -ike a far 
 the Way 
 blefs God 
 >t redeem 
 > lefs ez- 
 with Par- - 
 ck you to 
 '40 ) ^ ^fe^k. 
 «ng tie Wonders of electing I.otWJL 
 raited, as to deft all that could poffiWy .feed 
 ted, and determine the Happinefs <tf«|^ §* 
 tare, that would be happy. But to ctmvmctp^ 
 further, that lam helping you tofmg electino 
 Love on a higher Key, than what you have be^ 
 taught } let me aflc you the following Qijeftiot* 
 Suppofe you afad your Brother were both ju% 
 condemned to DEAxtf; which would give yo« 
 tiie moll Caufe of Love and GraticUde to your 
 Pnnce, (who hath it in his Power) hi, granting 
 -aReprievertoyou both, or elfe only to: you. Jwd 
 leave your Brother to be executed f Ic^otdcnyr 
 t " V^' ^^'^^^H. this J»^ ^ 
 «blc, and I am greatly rejoicett to.^car it, ^^ ■ 
 Ihavelonfe imbibed a Notion in' «y.^ 
 fi- what I have been taught, that I i,!^^. 
 feme iwic»hr M«V Boo„. ,^1.,.,^^ 
 • ■'' A^ ■ M 

 ( 141 ) 
 ■rffi^kfliiliG LovB, and clefts ivery one that can 
 Ife elcfted: Then why is it, that the whole 
 World is not faved ; or why are fome Men redeem. 
 •d, when others arc not ? Yotor "Requeft my dear 
 JReadcr, well deferves Regard, and fhall beanfwer- 
 •d by nothing lefs than the infallible Word of 
 GoDj Olid that by way of Parable, as our Lord 
 wa* wo^t'to fpcak. ' Why faith the great Author 
 rf<?ur Salvation. When I Went out to offer rb- 
 SBB^tfiNG Loys to the fallen World, I fowed the 
 Seed through all the Race of Adam .(^) and thofe 
 th«t fell by the Way-fidc were carried away by 
 rl»c FowUof the Air;^<-; thofe tiiat fell among 
 Stones <lJd Hot gtow for want df Dept of Earth,^^; 
 Wd tl^ofe Hut fell among the Thorns were fd 
 Jpjio^cd, :that they did not gro^ffy(t) but where* 
 ^yerkwil received without fuch Incumbrances, 
 4tiva$ mmiMt nbvrifbed and cherifbed> it took 
 4«?P Root imd bfought fortb Fruit in Abund- 
 ^^•CfJ I'lWM you may fee, Dear Rea- 
 ^r, that aa^I before declared) it is the Love of 
 '^ia fftllen Wod«^ raid the being attached to th« 
 ps prcciout 
 of yime and Senfe, that^ 
 f*) .. €jr. Tzry. -nfJTWitt. 13. 4- (^O^Klt. 13^^^ 
 (V ««att. I J. 7. {flM*K. 13.8 
i that can 
 he whole 
 » redeem- 
 : my dear 
 c anfwer- 
 Word of 
 >ur Lord 
 It Author 
 )ffer RB- 
 }wed the 
 away by 
 [1 among 
 were (b 
 : where* 
 > it took 
 tr Rea- 
 Love of 
 :d to th« 
 i H2 ) • 
 and immortal Souls from being reftored to Qom 
 You fee, that the carelcfs and fccure Hearers •(^^y-^ 
 the Word were fo negligent, that they let the Fowl^ 
 of the Air jMck up the Seed, fo that they were loftrf 
 others for fear of Tryals, and to Ihun the Craf<( 
 rcjcftcd the Word, and thus by refifting the Calls 
 and flifling th|i|£lnviftions, were loft; while 
 others were jPpEed with the Love' and Caras 
 <>f the World, that the Word of God had n<|' 
 Place in their hearts, aad fo withered away, by 
 which Means they were likewifc loft ; but tiiere 
 was one out of four that caft offaliihtir Idols, 
 heard the Word, and nourifticd the .Spirit of 
 Conviftions j which brought them to a Se^fa or 
 ^: their loft and hclplcfs Condition s.t^y.^htacal^' 
 themfe^veson God's Free-Mercy,. /^rcwk -al}, 
 took up the Crofs, and followed CHRur'iuif;. 
 was redeemed from their fallen State, and «ftpr. 
 ed to God again. Let me npw^cfcr^yeja jq^| ^ 
 IS faid of profane Esau. It i, niat faid^^^fc^L . ' 
 never hath ^irth^right, but that l^iW^^l 
 for what ? Why, for one Mprf^l ofMnh^^fm, i ' 
 was left on Record by Qop tofttf » j> fo|^ 
 i^artimg, through Gtner^tjpwjto. 
 *< heed (faiA God) let! ma 
 ■4 ?*t* 
 ^ » <>»»] 
 fi '*■'•'■■ 
 ( H3 ) 
 '*» BitterncfaVpringing up. or profane Perfon like 
 '* Esau, who for one Morfel of Meat fold his 
 Birth-right, and ye know how that afterward, 
 '' when he Would have inherited the Bleffing, he 
 « was rejefred and found no4>lace for Repentance, 
 " altho' he fought jt carefully with tcara/^/ 
 s Agaiji yourtmember, that the Man with one Ta- 
 . leiit was not condemned, becaufe he had none; 
 hilt becai^fe He did not improve it. And r^ow my 
 dear Re«der, I^uft your Mind muft be releaftd 
 inthisMiSkr, Once it has been fo evidently dc- 
 ^di^ /by God himfelf : I am faith one, fo far 
 X^°^*^'^^ *^^' ^ will readily acknowledge, that 
 th^ whole R^afon, why fo many fall Ihort of Sal- 
 ▼?;tion, is, becaufe they arei fo choakcd with the 
 'hings of Time and Senfe, that lull their Con- 
 {fcicncc, and rejeftthe Spirit of God; bqt yet I 
 mnot fee the Reafon, why fome are more choak- 
 cd with Thorns than others, or why they are fo 
 niuch more attached^to the Things of Time and 
 Senfe, as to tie t^ down from Redemption; 
 while others arcfct at Liberty, and are Tedcenicd 
 .^cptingit be, becaufe that Goo doth notchufe 
 iggV^ fh i ^n uib great ^iMcafufe of ht« compdHng 
 - ^.'fflWet.ia. i6. 17. 
 Spirit . ' 
 ' \. 
: -•*.^^ 
 i' ^ 
 " Spirit, as he gives the others, (as I have beeE^ 
 taught.) Well, mjr dear Reader, fufter me lirft 
 to ihow you the Impoffibility of any Truth, 
 in what you fay, you have been taught j and that, 
 then we ^yill fee, if there is any Light to be ob- 
 tained concerning this Matter. You fay,^ you,^ 
 have been taught, 'thitthc Reafon why they vvcri^.^ 
 loft, when others, were redeemed, was only bc-% 
 caufe that God with-hcld from them that Dc-. , 
 grep of CohAc^int, or compelling Spirit, vvhic\ 
 he gave to ;he others. And fo.y|ouJ-We t)eei»j 
 taught to, charge Qoj) wiUK^i^l||l|ii|iVi{ould' ngr ' 
 be guilty of ydfurfclf; for vrfiAt ^ould you think /-^-f' 
 if I were to charge you ^Ith the following CNincj " 
 viz. feeing a Poor ftarving Beggafpafling by your 
 Door^ (already under as much Mifpry and Diftce(s 
 as he 'could' bear), when your Servant, ^o ' wa» r'^'H 
 bidden to invite him in to your Jr^ble, whifperc4' 
 in your Ear aiM told' you that .yoii had none pravi^ 
 dcd for^him, neither did yo,u jntjend to fcc4 iip *M4? i 
 you replied tKe Beggar did not kiiow t^at,. ^r'ya^^^^ 
 did not intend that he ever fliould ^ow biityriat 
 you wasinearncft. Well, bujc-w^'*'^" **" ****^ 
 -%h one, Yorto put mai «~^bi 
 .». i^fWtt: 
 f ■* 
t H5 ) , ' 
 Princijie'that I have been taught. You have Rca- 
 ien to be furprifed my dear Reader, for. this is not 
 only a Conftruftion that I have put oiTthat Print 
 ^¥^; but the Principle, itfelf, when it is only 
 examined ; for dq you not fay that God waits Year 
 after Year, on the poor. Sinner, calling him with 
 his Spirit and Gofpel, when Christ never died 
 for him; neither does God intend that he fhall 
 ever tafte one Drop of redeeming Lov^j. And 
 thus thofe Teaci^ you fpeak of, charge the- 
 ^"•^^ ^VM^ijJfekery, Deceit and Cruehy; 
 which a ^mk^^^d not be guilty of. And 
 now my dear Reader f • Whether J fhould be able 
 ^ to offer you any Light or not, in the Matter you 
 enquired after, would you ftill retain fyjh a Prin- 
 ciple, that not only againft the plain Word of God 
 charging the Deitv* with Partiality, but likewife 
 tliat caftsfuch blafphemous Refleftion upon, him, 
 ^nd nov^yon muftobfervc, dear Reader, that as i 
 Verel that Js turned Bottom upwards will not 
 'wcclvc theBLain as one that [is not; fo I will 
 wadily acknowledge, that fome Souls does not 
 ^^^rjh«fome others do, by Reafon of 
 againft It ;BuF yet I weold by no 
( H6 ) ' .' 
 Means charge this upon the Deity, or fay," that 
 he withheld any Thing from them as an Aft 
 in Go I), which would he immediately againft 
 the exprefs Word orGqo.f&J But a» the very 
 Nature of the Thing is fuch, as cannot be impof- 
 ed upon them againft their Will , fo fome by re- 
 jeaing may .deprive them fclyef of that, which 
 others may receive and enjoy j and therefore If 
 there is any Caulc, why fome are more choake4 
 with Thorns, and tied down to this bc|lial 
 World, than others, the CaUfe muft certainly be 
 found in Man, and not in thc'^'llaiuis of God. > 
 And if there is any Difference in their ftanding 
 ©r Advantages, let me aflc you the following 
 Qucftion. What is the Caufe of fo great Differ- 
 ence as there is between an Idiot and an Newton, 
 which' may come from the fame Womb ; and an- 
 other Womb brings forth Twins, the one dwf, .:. 
 dumb aud blind, and the other with the tJfc o^ *"/" 
 all thefc Senfcs ? I truft you .will i^t ^^«^ ■ - 
 to fay that God made them fo, or ww^e^^ ^' 
 ^f thofc Diforders : No, faith one," Itclie»cJ||i||V ' 
 Ifuch Things, as well a all other ftocyn|.Sc ^"l.' 
 T- ' 
 ( H7 ) ' 
 and monrtrous Births were occafioned by the 
 Difordcrs brought into the World by Sin, that 
 woeful Rebellion againft C^d. Well dear Rea- 
 tjear, altho' I am not about to fay, that aa Idiot 
 cannot be redeemed ; yet thus far I would infer 
 from what you have allowed, viz. Iffuch vifiblc 
 Diforders are "flKjjed into^ tlie World by Man's 
 Rebellion and miferable Fall, it is not reafonable 
 tofuppofe, that if there is not as great or greater 
 Diforders about the inner Man, which might ren- 
 der the Confcience of one Man'morc ufelefs than 
 tliat of the othiT ; yet by the Confufion and dif- 
 orders of ihofc Elements, which coniUtutes the an- 
 imal Body, there may furely be fuch Diforders, as 
 for Tome Men to be more attached to the Enjoy- 
 ments of this animal World than others j 'yea it is 
 not very evident, that among ungcncrate Men, 
 who sire all in purfuit of Happinefs in the Things 
 of Time and Senfi:, fbmc are in purfuit of it one 
 Way, and fome another ; fome arc attached to 
 one Thirig^ and fome to another ; fome whofc 
 God B their Go\d,(iJ and othA-s whofe God is 
 Uieir Belly ;(k) fome are wholi J captivated with 
 W Matt. ,9. «. P(^.. 7. •(,) Ephe. 3. V9.- 
, ( H8 ) 
 t^ Pride of Life ; fomc with the Lufts of tJ»c 
 Fle/h { and others employ every Facility of Body 
 and IVIin4 in Purfuit of the vain Applaufes of Mor- 
 tals: Yea have you not feen the Mifcr's Han4s 
 trembling with old Age ; and grafping of Money 
 at the fame Time ? And now, mysdcar Reader, 
 you need not wonder, why one is more choafced 
 with Thorns than another; efpecially when' you 
 confider, that the Indulgence of any flefhly Lull 
 increafcs the Thirft, and ftrengthens the Chains, 
 that ties them down to this animal World. ' And 
 you may like wife remember, that as foon as Man , 
 had fallen and ruined the new-made World, God 
 immediately informs him, that thcfe Thorns and 
 Thiftles wouhPbegin to jtowj^ and which we 
 find by woefull Experience has choaked Tjfoufands 
 of precious a^d immorul Souls from the Bread of 
 Life, And oije Thing more, I would obfcrvc, in 
 reference to the Matter now in Difpnte, namtly» 
 why fome arc more cliiC^ke^ with thofe Thorns 
 than others i that ij, jN3|i|pit confider thik .th^ ^- 
 Nature of Man is fo cdtep^: to the Nature 'iC-; 
 God, that when the Spirit df^ttia isrftrmng wjtjl 
 T > I 
 (/) Gen. I. 1 8. 
 r> T»— — w 
 -• «"4* / 
 kr i «*,_ 
 '4 \ y 
 ( »49.) 
 the Creature, It will certainly cither harden or 
 foften } and therefore, if this Spirit is rejedcd, it 
 hw a Natural Tendency to harden the Creature, 
 and fcal them down to eternal Perdition : And the 
 , more this Spirit is rejcacd, the deeper Root thofe 
 Thorns and Thiftlcs do get. Therefore, faith 
 God :" If yc will hear my Voice, harden not 
 ** your Hearts. 'Y//;; So that there is no Occa- 
 fion to chnrge the Caufe of this Hardnefs (as many 
 do) upon God j for by rejcfting the only pof- 
 fible^Way, that God could find out to reflore 
 them, it naturally tends to harden them and chain 
 4 thepi dowH with ilronger Chains ta eternal Per- 
 dition : But when confented to, nouriOicd and 
 chfnihcd, it fhcws-fhe Creature more and more 
 the Vanity of aU Things in this fallen World • 
 hy which Means thofe^ Thorns are rooted out,' 
 and brings them to a feeling Senfe of their State 
 apd Handing, , ^nd the miferable Condition in 
 which they are in ; until! {\ convinced of Help 
 and happiBef, failing from every Quarter, that 
 they will try no longer in the fallen World for 
 Happi^fs , but caft themfelves, with all their 
 («)Heb,2. 7. 8. 

 harden or 
 ejeftcd, it 
 ; And the 
 loot thofe 
 ore, faith 
 irden not 
 no Occa- 
 (as many 
 Jiily pof- 
 :o rellore 
 md chain 
 •nal Per- 
 hcd and 
 ind more 
 World ; 
 ted out, 
 eir State 
 iticn in 
 of Help 
 er, that 
 orld for 
 II their 
 Concerns, as poor and helplefi on the great 
 Redeemer, who has long been waiting for to , 
 redeem them froni their fallen State ; for fo much 
 as their Minds are emptied of this world fo much 
 the more they are panting after another^ ^nd " 
 thus, dear Reader, I have endcavo.urcd to 
 flievt you, that inilead of believing, "(as niany, 
 do) that th^ Reafon why fo ,many are foftj^ 
 is only becaufe God did not choofe to eleft 
 and. fave them j or that he rather chofe to 
 leavt them to perifli ; wheti He might as Mrell , 
 have favcd them, if he would. Inftcad of #hiclr, 
 I fty, I do not only believe j but have fuffici- ' 
 ently proved, that God doth* ycfl» that his very 
 Nature and high Decrees are fuch, as to delight 
 to do good unto all his Creatures^ and ftows of ^ 
 hi* Love and GSodnefs" to all that will receiv« 
 it: By which Means cveiy Soul, that could pof» 
 fiMy be redeemed, was given to the S<mi j «n<lr. 
 is redeemed, and held unmoveable in hiiii,, ^hf 
 the ftrongeft Ties of electino 1iOV« j A^icl^nf 
 the Reafon, why thofe, that ai« bft, aft ttQtWfc ^, 
 ^mcd, is not becaufe that God deli|lkte^.iii^ 
 ■ ■ , ■ • • . ' ' >- , .'. -*4V ' 
 ^^i^' I 
 their Milqiy, or by any Ncgbdt hi (Jod, God 
 forbid ; but is occafioncd by tJic Will of the Cre- 
 aturfri, which, inftead of confetitinj to redeem- 
 ING LovB, rcjefts it ; and therefore cannot pof- 
 fibly be redeemed : and that Men and Devils that 
 •re miferablc arc not only the Author of their own 
 Mifery; but that againft the Will of God, the 
 Ntture of God, and the moft endearing E^pref- 
 .^ fionsofhisfovc. And if this is theCafb, as can- 
 ;■ / not be denied, well might the Lord, who had 
 : A)ne f that could poffibly be done to redeem Sin- 
 new, complain of them, and fay, " Ye will not 
 ^come unto me, that ye might have Life/»; 
 ^An» now confider, my dear Reader, as you 
 iwft one day be accou«iable for the Truths you 
 ."kave heard, whether or not, the infinite Goi» 
 Jita not done -every Thing that is neceliary for 
 TOUT Salvation. Has He iot tajj;en all Objedions, 
 ^4«tt vhat you make of Cnoicdj^^ut of the Way f 
 y^t'has He not declared himfelf fo far from 
 tvifluiig; py williiyr your'ljreftruaioii, that He 
 ^mpitumof^ yoy, for j^ot being redeemed, «iid 
 fordefpifii^gj^f-his GntceP Of.then belw«c, 
 while RuDBBiiiNc Lovi is at your Door, and 
 do not ruin your precious and' immortal Soul , 
 fince God has been at fo vaft ^^xpeiice to 
 redeem it. And l charge yo<|^^fe Nimc 
 of the Lord Jesus Christ, j^^j/^p^ not 
 build up Walls of Separation I^^^Rd and 
 your own Souls, and then chargc^^vith the 
 Caufe of your Dj^ftruftion : Nay. take heed, that 
 you do not harbour any hard Thoughts of GoD> ' ' 
 or of his Dealings with you j for fucfe Thoughts • •'•' 
 are as Polfon to your Soul, as Ratfbanc for yonh 
 Body i and it is what the Devil will, if po/RbJe; 
 infufe into your Minds, and W giving vyay, to^^^iJ 
 fuch Thoughts has been the Ruin of m%, 
 reft no longer in your fallen State, fin-.-your J 
 ger is inexpreffible? Fly therefore, % to the 
 4rms of Redeeming Love, for ill Thiitoa;.t,e 
 ready to receive you.^<,; ^ ^c <:pi|vi^^ij3^'f|^ 
 God has neither, had PleafurCj , nor l>^|Bt^^^^ 
 your Damnation ; biit being 4 infini^i^jigi 
 Jhis given his own Son to rcdeent.^^^^^^ * ■ 
 )rottr own Hell, and iiOf« ^jtii:|05^^|i^ 
 "l^affioa vvaits at ywir Odbi^si 
 %uj^r Soul's SAKe to conlcnTto 
 / -^t 
 Charm. ,,,,,„4p^^^^^^^^^^.^^^^^^^^^ 
 ^-verlamng.Goodncrstoyou. O let .e i„. 
 -eat you. notto reprobate youHdf by rcj.a^^^ 
 It, that your growing, and In^mortal Mind may 
 be reftored ba^ into that infinite Goo from 
 whence you are fallen,- and iorever adore him 
 for What he is iin Himfelf. 
 'urul Gifts, nvitball the Jjpjlance o/Man^Ul 
 ^ot p.ake a Man of God. or Ambassador ./ 
 HRlSJ. ^ 
 '^ Sihave thus far bUn taking a Viewof Maii^s 
 •* FtJ}, hisd^ph^jfble State by his Fall, aiid hi. 
 glorious Recovery by Christ; I fhall now take 
 ^iblc fiSngdom, efpecially of his Mik»thr, 
 ^r^^ut firfl endeavour to ihcw, who a« 
 *»ot His, and what will not make anAM.AssA- 
 »«^ of CHR|8*i> 4 
 l^ . 
 \ ,....■'• "*'Jlt ■■>>' 
 g'lt manifeft 
 ' let me in- 
 t>y rcj€6ling 
 ; O receive 
 Mind may 
 God from 
 adore him 
 Man luill 
 SADOR of 
 of Mi 
 t ahdhii 
 now take 
 vho are 
 f .»i4 ) 
 ,.'''"''/"'"«'« ^' -*« P"P« Place (« ftaU 
 Wafer be made „a„if.ft, b« .^.j^ , 
 1 I't,^"*""^ ^™» Heaven, ha, already 
 been tJij Means ofiareelv r„„,j- :, , ^ 
 nS^eCaufe of Anti-Chrift, and the fatal Ln 
 -d,mn,o„alSouk. „-hichGo»ofhi/Mniec 
 Mercy gr^t „,, ,,,^0, and which, by Hi. Afflftl 
 this mortal Life. . 1* 
 FiRST. earthly Dignity.' theEfleem of M,n\ 
 or a cortpicuons Station in the World will fl,,\ 
 make a Man of Gob; for if ft „o„id^ thenPa.^" 
 RAOH. Ah.., P.L.T.,HB,„n and N.„ ^^jj 
 »11 have been Men of Goo. Neithe^ willh«„,„' 
 • Leammgor the Art of Philofopfiy «^ii^y^ 
 Of God, for then Socx.s. C.c..o, .»d dl 
 Ac Heathen Philofophers would have, b.^' M« 
 ofGon. Neither will .n outward SJ.«W ofl^., 
 27' T' «.oft clofe Conformity toExterS 
 - - """'^''""«"' "k«cn..i«ed theI*p,or 
 •' ■ -^ -. .■ 1 • ■, 1 •- ' 
 Gloky, would all have beca Men of God: And 
 Sa»l when {Jerfecuting. tjie Church//^ would 
 have beeh a Mm of God. Neither can any Li- 
 ccnchftom, or Impofitidh of Hands by any So- 
 cictj^ of Men, Minifters, Bifliops or the Pope him- 
 fclf make a Man of God j for if it would, then 
 tlic t»ope with his Cardinals, Bifhdps and Friari 
 are all Men of God, or AmbaiTadors of CHRiar j 
 for they a^e all brought ih by tHe moft exaft Or- 
 der of Men. Now all thefe Qualifications are 
 fo far from making them the Men of God, or 
 Ambassadors of Christ; that it has «ot helped 
 them one Step out of the Gall of Bitternefs and 
 Bonds of Iniquity: They are yetatfenmity with 
 both Christ and hi. dosPHL, and are porting the 
 downward Road to. eternal Perdi^. ^„d ^^^ ^^, 
 gard to their being qualified toprich the Gofpel 
 ,the ^reat Gofpel Lawgiver has put this Aiatter be' 
 yondanyRoom formach Difpute, when he de- 
 aares ^em to be Men of Belial, the Children of 
 tne Oml,tind Advocates for his Caufe.^^ J ^ut 6 
are qualified by human AffiftgnCe; but likewifc f 
 TCitly imagine, that forae particular ^en have 
 11 Power to authoring others ? And^h€ffefbrc iome, 
 when they have got a good Living %y thci^'prc- 
 tended MifEon (dr, a«may be faid, bjr malting* 
 Silver Shrines,fr; land imagine thc^ have got fo 
 much afor«hand in the Worldt that they may af. • 
 ford to live without Work, they^will hire one ac 
 * cheap Rate to pi-each for them, ai^^o they let 
 out (what they .call) the Gofpel, as a Truckman 
 dofes his old Horfe: And this is don.e in a Land 
 «f Light among thofe, who are called Chriftians. 
 O aftonilhing f What real Chriftian can forbear 
 to Ihed a Tear over their poor FeUovr-Nfortals, 
 tha^re thus led blindfold by fuch Wretchcs'down^ 
 to mil ! O that God would haften 6n thcTim«| 
 when the Beaft, and the falfe Pwphat (hall reign 
 lio.morc, and Babylon, that Whore of ilte'W«ia», ^ 
 that has crept fb faft into our Protcftdit Cfiuret&s^;^;i- ' 
 fliall be caft as a Mill .Stone into the S«i;^Mjhii*|P 
 more to rife. What Chriftiw, can- e^eJ -fi^-^g^ 
 nighted, as to imaginCi that tlicutt!^ ' 
 Riches of theEverlaftih^ Gofpd.^iik^^l 
 I* - 
 «K -^ 
 oil of Souls could ever be fo hjinded about, and 
 tradctl upon by the poor helplcfs Sons of lAcn | 
 I will now hear what is faid by Luther on 
 this Point, v'lt. WlJcther or not human Affilhnce 
 vfrill make a Man of Ood ? Why faith he, " If 
 « is ait Error to {siy, that a Man cannot be aPi- 
 ** vinebut through Aristotle. Nay, faith he, 
 '*' a Miti eaunot be a Divine, except he becojne 
 " one without Aristotle." And again faith he, 
 " A Man becomes a Divine by living, by dying 
 *' and by being damned, (to wit in his own Senfc) 
 /•ndnofby ftudying, reading or fpeculating." 
 And W. Dell, faith, « Let all true Chriftians 
 *• be advifed, that human learning is fo far from 
 *' fitting Men for the Gofpcl and the MIniffr/, 
 " thereof; that indeed there is nothing in greater 
 '* Enmity to Chri»t crucified, nor more cori^ 
 V trary to the Word of the Crofs, thsin that, yea 
 'V nothing in all the World hath been fuch an 
 *' Introducer , Favourer, Supporter, and Enltrger 
 ". of Antichrift's Kingdom, as human Rcgfon, 
 " Learning and Philofophy." 
 . A»D th^far, dear Reader, I have endetitour- 
 =To«r^5wTSp!ibTc It is KT^^ 
 ^.,be ma<ie a Minifter of Christ by hiiiiaa 
 -^'/i'^lu / *^i 
( i5« ) 
 ! V 
 }out, ane{ 
 of Men i 
 7THER on 
 h he, " It 
 )t be a,Di- 
 , faith he, 
 ic become 
 I faith he» 
 , by (lying 
 ivn Senfc) 
 ) far from 
 in greater 
 iiorc cQii' 
 that, yea 
 fuch an 
 i Enltrger 
 or 9 jM[an 
 Affiftance : Yet tte greateft Part of Uic WorKl 
 cxppcls them no^ptimr Way. But I Ihall now 
 pafs on to confiJer another Point imcb. difputed, 
 even am:)ng thofe; who will prefume to puU th,cm- 
 felves Chriftians viz. Whether or not^ it is ab 
 folufely neceflary for' a'Man to be a converted 
 Man, 'to be qualified, for the Work of the JMiiKis^ 
 try. And as it is ioapoifible touoiyviQce « Hiu^. 
 Man of the Diifcrcnce of Coloi^rs, £b it i« next tp 
 inipolfiblc to convince a Man, Uxat is 4ead ip^ 
 TrefpafTcs and Sins («ltho* he may profefs to be 
 a Chriitlan, and be a very good llri^ JJpnUift) 
 of the Impoflibiljty of an unconverted Man -being 
 a Miniftcrof Christ, and qualified to prcgc^ . 
 *hc everlaftii^g ^o^^*^- Yet J dow^ ■»<Jt* bwt 
 I Ihall have Ao«j»6 bpth to the. Judgment «i?d 
 Approbation of thofc'Heavfiu-b.(iC'S<i^,r;^^t tbuje 
 experimentally known a Work of .d}gihfi iGcMce 
 -upon their Heart, and by a vital iijni<|p|0't^ 
 LpitD Jesus Christ, have cxyosyt»d, xh«^i2«w|- , 
 munication df divine Light anp towfg^'^v ^^j^ 
 Is it poiliblefbr aChriaian, who J«4<|^|(^.- 
 ^Light and Liberty^of. tfap Go/pd.]B»r.hdbKr-i 
 ^falfen Spirir,/that:b eirt «ff^frqm??^WkU^ 
 :^iBiip3 a Spirit of Dartoefs/is any ^$^'u«« - 
 •^1iiie4. f preach til|ipofpeig^ich' t 
 ■-. Enmity aga^nlW|^^1^How din| 
 V t*^' 
 Whatctn be moijc indj|}ri|||nt tl 
 ^aniia^^'fenmity with God *aii§ali 
 ir a Servant of Qod, .^d iit 
 ^P Kingdom of Christ, 'feich is 
 i finill&ivine ; when God himfelfsijclaras 
 ^i^KWttefMjjfteriesof theGoip<;lis to ihern%)liih. 
 ^g>cis.^ ;Ther«fore it is as evident, that|i un- 
 inverted Man cannot preach the Gpfp^ as 
 Darknefs cannot give Light j or Ice make a^JVIan 
 warm. But foinc will fay-; an unconverted Man 
 ftiay feem to be Orthodox, may preach good "" 
 Doftrine, . yea he Way niake ufevof the fame 
 Wdrds tbat another does, and then why ;nay I^e 
 not be«8 ufeful, and do as much good, aliho' 'he 
 iiimftlf mhy be a caft away ? To which I an- 
 swer, for the fame Reafon that a Loaf of'Bread 
 painted o.n Canvas will not fatlsfy a hungry Man, 
 or a painted Horfe do toxide. Yea the 
 Peter himfclf made ufe of a ,moft ftrikinj 
 JP*"^<>n »»|^er tojour Requeft„ HK^^m-^Q 
 ^^^MKm htY cannot feg^^ rf^nfflBl P i | i 
 (iJ>Ro:n. 8: 7. r>/i.Con^. ,4. 
 X^ ' 
 k. I 
 )D •■and all 
 [>, ,frid iit 
 Ifhich is 
 ■ted Mau 
 aCrh good 
 the fame 
 altho* •he 
 ich I an- 
 of Bread 
 ••^Cawie of Christ: For the fa«e RMfort, falOi 
 "pe, thai a Well without Water i« good for no-. 
 ;^,^«^ tiiing/«^ Now would any Man.prefume to con- 
 ':.^| tradidt the Word of God, and fay chat a Well 
 without VifaS'r would ferye a tliiflly man as well 
 as one with. It iartrue a Man without Grace 
 ipay be al^Ic to deliver found Words^ and elcg-, 
 ant Diifcourfcs, and fo agreeable to the Let- 
 ter of the Word, that you cannot accufe him •£" 
 preaching falfe Do«^rine (and fo may the Dcr 
 \il) but that is not preaching the Gofjje^ For 
 tl^ Letter of the Woi:d, and the Gorpel^re t\to 
 Things The infpired , ^Apoftle .feith." If our 
 *.' Qofpcl'be hid, it is hid to tl\em that are 
 *' Ip^^f'vJ, No^itis evident thjtt.he did not , 
 me^ti the lictter ot thb Word j for that is no^ . 
 hid ever; f^-pm the Infidels ; aod,there are man)^ in 
 the Wpr\d, who have fo much of the Letter ef 
 the Word in their Head?, that they arc almoft 
 a living Concprdajt^cej^nd V^kfiftjr be loll to ail" 
 Eternity for t^^w ant of the ^of^i The S au- 
 DUCES th4t" came tg the Lord, to t^pt ii(ini, 
 very ready with the Letter. oC^mlpiroffav - 
 (u) 2P«» 2, 17, 
 -■■■> ». 'V "*»'?!■•* ■/. ^ . t- 
and yet he tells" them, yc do greatly err, mz 
 i«owmg the Scripture, ^w^ 
 Wbll, but I am Airprizcd, faith one, for this 
 is fomething new to m<j ; for I imagined, that 
 if a Man could get fuch a Knowledge in the V/ord 
 of God, he would not only be fare of Solva- 
 tion hirafelfn but be qualified to teach others 
 the Way of Life and Salvation. . True, dear Rea- 
 der, if he has got the Word of 'God in his Heart : 
 But you mtift know, that a Man may get his 
 .Head full of the Letter of the Word, and his 
 Heart never touched with the Spirit of the Word ; 
 therefore if you would underftand what is meant 
 ■by the Gofpel, you mull uildcrftand fomething 
 more than the Letter : For the Letter kWl^l 
 but" the Spirit giveth Lifc.fxJ The Gofpel is 
 the Voice of the Spirit of God ; and therefore 
 it is faid blelTcd are they that know the joyful 
 Sound.fyJ And again Goi> declares it is the 
 ^owcrofGoD, unto Salvation :fzj And Christ 
 £^y«, it is that Voice which the Dead ihalli^eaf 
 and hew, fo zkt9 IWe.faJ And how thiiA^JKi 
 yon injagine» that an unconverted Man cai^' 
 - ft; X Cv. I. iS .nd 34. (a) John 5. aj. . 
 ■■■ f 
 !.•"«<> •.--7 4"-^- 
( i52 ) 
 the Gof2>er, when the Gofpc! it nothing eire,. 
 but the Voice of Christ : And what can they 
 lay or do, when t^cy never knew the'Gofpel 
 on their own Souls ? The Word declares, they 
 waft firft be made Partakers themfelves i(b) antl 
 the Apoftle, when fpeaking of th^s Matter, faith, 
 knowing, the Terrors of the Lord, we pcrfaade 
 Men/f^ But what can a Man fay, that nevdr 
 knew but only heard of them. Again faith the 
 fame Apoftle." The Love of Christ conftrai- 
 ♦• neth us.'Y<J But what muft they fay, thaf 
 neither love Christ nor his Ways? Why truly, 
 if they would not give the Word of God the 
 •Lie ;(e) they would acknowledge and fay, that 
 the Love of lUc Fleece conllrained them to db 
 what they do. Again, the Work of the Minis- 
 ters of Christ is^togo forth with the Offers 
 of Reconciliation to their Fellow- Mortali.. And 
 ho^^ can they poffibly preach up this Reconcilia- 
 tion, when thv^ ■ thsaifelves never Icnew what 
 it was to be reconciled to God ? For they re"- 
 main.^|j5 of CHRis^and the Word plainjy dcn '' 
 clarea, that GppJgQf Christ is a - ^^ ' 
 2. Tim. 2. r»r (t;.». Cor. r. It, (,/; 2. C^, ^.'lA . 
 if) Mic. 3. u. 

 bT. tHWy; 
 f^1<(f) ^[«y it is notonJy inconfiilent^ and 
 prcjadip.,! ,0 th. V ^^MH^ ^ j ls,^„,fo4irep. 
 tly againft the plain Word of God, tkat I have 
 often been furpri zed to hear Men (and ioir^z who 
 profefs to be Chriftians) plead fo-mqch for it?". 
 Vix. that lingoj] verted Men niight preach the 
 GofpcJ. For I mould Mjiagine, if thej had 1^0- 
 thing but a Profeffion, aiid werd utter Strar}gcrs 
 tdiahc fpirituaj Mea'nin^of the Word, they might 
 ui^dcrftand* the Letter .hor what can be mqj|. 
 •plainly exprefTcd in the tetter than this very M^ 
 «i|^ M<;5hinl^s the aforementioned Apollle i<i his 
 %ifU«^to the Hebrews h?s carrie4 it almoft be- 
 yond aiiy Rpora f(^r Difpute/^; He doth not':^ 
 ' ■ '^r' 
 fAy^ that God H^h%iy Objeaiqms againft' their 
 •^^'^'^'^W^^^^^^ o'that ^c ^s not. willing 
 t% fhapr preach bccaufc He (lifce fome ajjwt/ry, 
 f ^"c« -I^^Jj's Commlffions and ^its of Hyn- 
 or) inteniS^ Privilege %omc.c)tM Me^that J 
 he has »5r«^^^^^^^iag|%^^h 
 fliall they pwach yjrifl^hac^ to" It life 
 .>o'*^ ?^| -^^pn^fkc^ar they fhaJl pVeach 
 ~^* ornot, for*the' ve^ Nature of the Thing ends 
 "-fr ^^^P".te '. For :1io\v can tlify y^^c^ 
 Cf) Hftb. a. i?; (5) Rom. 10. 15. 
 ' how ..-^ 
«* haw b it polSble for them to preach when it 
 " is A Matter that they are not only Strangers 
 ** to f/jj but Ignemics- againit//; If they, can 
 '^.preacl^ the Gofpd, why don't they, do it ^ 
 ," Why do they go about with npthing but the 
 *' Letter wjthout the Gofj)el ?** And God 
 knffls|ing the Damage iheywou Id do by atteain- 
 ting it,, has ftnftly forbiddep their being ^recei- 
 ved into his Sanftary/i; But fome who love 
 Letter better than the Spirit of the .Gofpel> 
 e fo foad of un<;onvertcd Preachers, wfll ob- 
 ' ^*^*^ %t^*y* ^^^^ Judas preached the Gofpcl. 
 To .Mini I anfwer that if they have any. Ac* 
 count of Jt^A^ preaching the Gofpel, it muft 
 be in the^AJ<;oran(>r fome profane Hiftory, which 
 I have never read, for there is no fuch Accdimt 
 in the Word of God. It is true he Was called^ 
 and fo were many others, that arc now in Hell, 
 who rejecleS the Calls and Offers of Life.al Jud;^ 
 did: for Judas had the offer ofthf fame Stfe 
 vation, as th«,-0ther Diibiples and a DifpextUtim 
 of ihe Gofpel i> but when the other JOi^plSUlM^ 
 ccpted the offer, and forfook all to follow Oh*1« 
 I i~' i I w iiftSii^ 
 ',>(*) 1. Cor. ». 14.. [{} Rom. 8. j. jit] ' giM itt $.- ' ' ^M 
 ,^1-A ) t: df ^V 
not •nly externa]! jr, but with all the; Heart and^ 
 Soul, he would not; but rather chofe to hug 
 the World, and fo went about with Christ only 
 •s an external I)ifciple : For it is beyond kll Dif- 
 pute, that the Love of the World was his chief 
 Delight ftill, and whilt the other Bifciples were 
 rejoicing to proclaim the cverlafting Gofpcl to 
 their Fellow Mortals, au4 regarded no Trials ia 
 the Way, fo that they nvght..but. win Souls to 
 Christ, he was contriving wftich way to get 
 thVinoft Money (I). 
 But fome may objeft a^galri and fay, that when 
 Christ fent out his Difciples two by two, Judas 
 was fent v/irh them. To which I anfwer, Chi^t 
 ^d i^ottellhimi that if h« would n^>t follow him 
 with his Heart, he i^ould not with, his ^cidf^ 
 neither doth He in thefe Days : If he did^ I Mr 
 many of our Church-Members mull abfcond. The 
 Lord had many external Difciples in thofe Days, 
 ;beHdcs JuDA^j and was fo far from telling them 
 tkat they ihould not follow him with their Bodies, 
 unleft they 4id with their Hearts, that He fejmed 
 grieved when they .tamed hack and Walked no 
 ■ ''■' i't^X-f^ 
i.t66 f 
 more with H'm.fmJ , And therefore ilV whci; ihb 
 .' Lord fent outhw otMr Difcij^es two by two, "Htf 
 g«vc Judas the Offer igain, and lie . refund, "cHuf. 
 ii^g-rafhisrto^ carry the Bag, than ito acccf^t of 
 Grace and a liiTpcnfation of the GofpeJ, then the 
 jcfs i^'hisJaiW your) Plea, and the jftroiger my 
 Argi^eit^. XE,is|ru^|JuD Ay, carried the Bag-v^hith 
 ' J. readiJy'a<^kndWledge^iy UBcpnvci-tcd Man may 
 ■do, and may be as mucfi -offended, v^hcn-a little 
 tempera^ Intel-eft pafles by their Bag or Salary, w 
 he was, when h« faw' % fmall .Bosf of- Ointment" 
 pafa by hi« Bag,|r»> and thought, becaufehe diA 
 not,.S«t it, it was Wholly wafted j and after all. 
 tiie Pretenfionshe made, or any others may make, 
 about preaching the Gofpcj, I find tikt he fold hi« 
 iXord and.Maaer, Goipelaiid tU for-Thit^ 
 l*icps.of Silver :(^/whiciilh*ivfrlte^ 
 many other ttnconvertid MmhXH^^, . Aiad^a 
 ^or h« being chofcn or appf»inted by GitiLfsx doth- 
 not in the leaft demonftrate hii preachitig tb^^CUf* 
 Tptl, or being qualified for" ^ 
 think it is very evident^ thah 
 M. Jfiia 4.=i&._^^ 4«)^9ht 
 a*i. iS» 
 .ii .^ 
 Peatedly tdukd and rejcfted- thc^Grticc "of God, 
 ; Jxad willfully dcfpifed Ckaisr and all his Be«e- 
 . fits, he Vas then j«ftly given np to that mifferabl^. , 
 E«a. And thus I think it hath been fufficienUy 
 proved how far Judas was called, how far he -wae 
 ^tfaJificd to preath the Gofpcl, without faving 
 Grace, how much good he did in the &ufe of 
 Christ, aiid the:^feble Period of his Mlniftiy. 
 J <hvert the .^ir on this Matter, bccaufe l' 
 tnow it is ^ a lvffl|r,^ihat the Advocates of Anti- 
 . Chrift make much ufe of, to vindicate their unX, 
 converted Minillers : But for my own Part I wduld ' 
 - not advife them to be too fond of pleading (ov 
 unconverted Minifter., becaufe tliat Ju«as vva* 
 unconverted, left if they ihould follow his Ex- 
 ample, they might iharejn his uahippy Fate , 
 ^ndl muft acknov^ledge, ttat It apifgars to me fa 
 Wrom an Example to be followed, that it has 
 o%n mademetl-emble, looking on it as an a^v- 
 fol warniag,^ and as an iuilance never to be^*. 
 gotten; but'V ever to be Ihunned. v - 
 ^Vr fomc perhaps may fay, althoM rcadllv . 
 J^knowledge, that.. Judas and othe^ un;onvertei ' ' 
 M<» will be caft _ away themMve= 
 •! ' 
r- ■>.'"?< 
 e W God, 
 1 his Bene- 
 t miftrablc!;^ 
 far he 'was 
 out faving 
 e Caufe of 
 bccayfe 1 
 s of Anti- 
 their unX, 
 •t I wduld 
 iding for , ^J 
 ^i*As vva* 
 his Ex* 
 py Fate ; 
 to me fa 
 " It has 
 ah a\v- 
 readily ^ 
 beiicve, that they may do mucli gooci in the Caufe 
 of Christ, nevcrthclcfs ; - for gHRisrhlmfelf dc- 
 declafcs, that they will plead a| the (3^t Day 
 how they jpropheded, call out DeVils, ^d di»I 
 mafly .wonderful Works.//; To which I anfy^er, 
 pH^iSTVfkith, they Will make fUth a Plea, bui 
 you mult:furely -obferve, my dear Reader, that 
 ^crcis nothing to prove the Truth of What they 
 plead, but only, their bare fay fo, that they have 
 dohe fuch Things ; which is the very' Natflre of 
 theMoralift:,Jror Inftance obfervc the Conduft 
 ^the y.!upg W.in the Gofpel/^; he confid. 
 r^yg^kr^ th3|>e had kept all the Comitlinds, 
 ^hic)f was aftually^a Falfliooda,and 1 dare fay, 
 " "^fe^^'^' Chtiilian Will ackriowlegde ihat 
 •^°''^i>P#e them all ^i^,-; and tlierefore Witli 
 Regard to the Truth of ^hat thcfc beforementil 
 oned h4ve dw^rea we muft believe that ,cft^: 
 they Of Ch*ist have not kept the: Truth; .fjt 
 Christ hatK declared, that if the blind lead tlii 
 blirid they Will both fall into the Ditch. {Id doth 
 ''°' *^/^'°%:A4 leader fhalf fall into ^"he 
 . ^''^.%''' ^^^} the' ptiicr fhall efc«f e^ bdt He (Wtifi 
 ' ■ JLA^- ., iiiiii^ i • I .. - 1* J:_.:-J:-:_:-5l ^ g . '-fc- 
 ' •, .they - 
 ■ ^ 
• .1 
 they (hall hoth'-hllOJ A^d .gain H.. Uuh d=. 
 dared, that tliofe' that run before thejr are fcnt 
 ftall not profit thePeopk/,; A„d again, U, faith." 
 H>cre „ no Man ^hich ftall do , Mirack in my 
 Na»= pan h-ghtly fpeat Eyilof „e,^,; ,.,,,, j, 
 be oiferwd, that I am not denying thdr bein^ 
 ufeful to the Caufc of Cn.rsr, by God', being 
 able to bring Good out of Evii , f^ ;„ ,i„, 
 S=nfe the moft profligate Wretch on Earth vviil 
 at laa tefoinate to the Giory of Gou. and the 
 • good of hi, People. I will lifee«,fe. dlow tha. 
 fome one may be convifted or L,ftra«cd by fon.e- 
 thmg, which they may do or fay, when they arc 
 n«.her fent or qualified to preach the Gofpel ; 
 •either can it be faid, tha.they were Meiienger. 
 caufe they h,^ no Defign „f doing any Good 
 foffibty ^e convinced of Sin, and brought to I 
 'o % .hat would exculpate the Murde„r, o, 
 "*" °'*°. ''"" "" f commit the Murder for 
Convidionof the Spcftator; therefore all that 
 can be faid of his doing any Good, is that God, 
 who is able to bring. Good out of Evil, Was pleafed 
 to make ufe of the Conduft of this Man, as a 
 Glafs, or a finding Obfervation in-the Eyes of^e 
 SpeAator; vfrhich uf? God is able to make of 
 the Conduft «f unconverted Minifters. I /hall 
 now conclude tliis Point by referring my Rea- 
 der to a few Words more expreifcd by God him- 
 felf in this Matter. God faith, thofe that turn 
 manytoRighteoufiiefs fliall ihine as the Star? fqr 
 ever & ever/«; Now if thefe uncoJiverted Me^,S 
 may turn miny to Rightco^lhcfi (as fbme pretdndf ' ^ 
 I would afk where it is that they are to Shine ? ^ ' 
 it cannot be in Heaven, for God has declared, ^* 
 that no unconverted Man ffialUnter in there/*7 ' ' 
 And now my dcarReader, after you have made "^^ 
 a Paufc for a few Moments, and taken, a view 
 of the World of Mankind, what will you think :^' 
 Of the greateft Part of thofe that are called the Scr- 
 vants of the Living God I and the Au9Ai9ADo%i- 
 of QiRiST ? efpecially when ypii fijid die ^ita. 
 teft Part^f thofe, oply brought iq by tlic Rules, 
 .X»l ^"#3. Wjoba^. 3. 
 ■ ^ • 
' / ( lyl ) 
 & Orders of Men f And tiien inllcad of |>r<fsichi«g 
 -U^evurlafting Gofpcl, vrMich Paui. a<clcdi*s is 
 the Power aijd Sjiirit of the Uving Golj/w; will 
 entertain you with reading over fome old dry 
 Leflbn$,inoft of which is' borrowcd.fn>nl Tonic old 
 > Commentaries or old Sermons that has been read 
 .^^'Ovc-rforfr, or five times; And thus borrowing or 
 baying old Papers, trade in them, Sc retail Sc fell 
 them to poor blindedSoul«,for the eveVIafting Gof- 
 pel pf tfa^ meek & lovely Jesus.O what a fhockixi- 
 CoD/Ideratidnf Whofe Heart that has ever felt the 
 Worth of preclous'and iiftmcwtal Soul* cap forbear 
 to bleed ? To fe(i whatHavock.4s majle of peri/Iiing 
 Souls, ami by tWc v/ho pretend td bcf their 
 Friends, Ad Inftruftors. No Wonder the infir 
 nite Lover W Souls fo repeatedly denounced futh 
 Woes on blind Guides. O fly theni, ye that lov^ 
 your own Soul^ or the Souls of othei^ aS from 
 the concealed Murderers of Souls. orund(fcotetk 
 Jaws of eternal Perdition. For altho' the)« Jayr 
 appear fo Orthodox, with Regard to the Letter of 
 tKeWord, that you cannot flaw their DoMncs 
 declcitts is 
 "ttfnvj will 
 tne old dry 
 >nl fdnic old 
 IS been read 
 rrowing or 
 retail &: fell 
 ailing Gof- 
 a fliockiiig 
 vex felt the 
 :ai^ forbear 
 ti.be their 
 r the ihfi. 
 unccd (ntH 
 re that lov;c_ 
 *» as from 
 the^ iilajfr 
 e Letter .of 
 ( »72 ) 
 y^f they have hot the Spirit of Christ thty 
 ^tht»d you to eteraif PcrditiQn :fxj and there- 
 fore you are commanded of God to Dee frbm them 
 and forbear to bid them God Speed.f>^ Yea 
 Paul faith he would to God they were eyen cut 
 nff-.fxj bHt where you find any one with the 
 . Spirit of the Gofpch: O deceive ^em as the Voice 
 of the living God ; for he is with them? and the 
 BleiHng they may be in his Hand to your Souls ir 
 beyond all* Expreffion. 
 . e H A PT E R VlII. \ 
 > -^ .[ . 
 ... A I'TflOM have fufficij^Ttfy provad (to 1 
 Chj-iftians) in the foregoing Chapter, th»c. 
 an unconverted M^h cannot he an Ai«bas»ador 
 , of Christ, yet as the WorTd is fo dark in thp 
 _ 'I'hings that be of Goir, I IhaJJ o^ce nlore dc 
 , monftrate thiJ fame by referii>g the Reader to the/ 
 . wlfe^ mA ever to i»e rcmemjiercd Cpn<%it of the 
 great Gofpel Law-givef, who Wjeil iii^'^^^^^^^ 
 jury that unconvert^i Men had done,, a^ wiii ; 
 ft H ! 4o to iii Caiif<t and to immof t | | te la '*^^' 
( '73 ) 
 % .„ 
 „ A 
 ''#t I 
 ai»ut to lend forth t Man with a Difpcnfation of 
 his glorious Qofpel (as a Gofpel Precedent for the 
 lateft GcncMtlOT) no lefs than three Times folemn- 
 ly €wcRrs him concerning, his Love for God. 
 « ImreA thou me/' as if he'had faid, " being- 
 •' aaout te fend you forth on an Errand'^ the 
 " grcatdft importance, where Jhe Wellfare of pre- 
 '^ cious and immortal Souls are at' a Stake, I muft 
 •• examine whether or not, thou haft a Principle 
 ^" of Lave to me and my Gaufe ; for if thou haft 
 " not, inftead of being ferviceable,. thou wilt be 
 - prejudidal,^^; therefore, loveft thou mc ? 
 " Not that I am ignorant of thy Heart, but know. 
 " ing the ignorance of Mankind in the Things " ' 
 ** t^at belong to their everlafting Peace; and the 
 *• Arguments that my Enemies will hereafter make 
 " ufe of to introduce Traitors into my Church- 
 « therrf(,re as an Example and Precedent in my 
 « S*nauary, artd to awake a folemn Senfe to 
 " thefc Divine Tniths in thy Mind, lappeal ^ 
 " '^^ ^"^^^"^" '^^ ^W'd Time. Loveft thou 
 f nie? fxj And thus you may fee both from 
 Precepts Example, ye, Sc from the ve,y Natur^ ^ 
 ^'"^J»-9. il5/C*rR*Vi.i7. 
•■># f f 
 ifpcnfation of ^ 
 :cdcnt for the 
 ^imes folemn- 
 ve foF God. 
 aid, " being* 
 rrand'''|f the 
 Ilfare of prc- 
 3 take, I mull 
 i a Principle 
 if thou haft 
 hou wilt be 
 thou me ? 
 , but know-i 
 the Things ' 
 c ; and the 
 rcafter make 
 ny Church; 
 ^cnt in my 
 III Senfe to 
 I appeal to 
 Lovcft thou 
 both from 
 of thS Thing in itfclf, that a.Man muft l?e a Ma^ 
 of Grace, to be z^an of Qod, or Am-eassadoi^ 
 of Christ, viz. a jjgcnerate Man, a M.in with a 
 new-born Soul, a Man that hath been rcllored to 
 G0Dfron> nis fallen State, that hath been llain by 
 the Law ai><l n^adc alive by the Gofpel, and there- 
 by he knoweth the Ttri^or* of the Law^ the Power 
 and Swcctnefs of the everjafting GbfpcJ ; he. hath 
 known a Reconciiiaiion witS Goo, and taftcd the 
 Wonders of redeeming Lovi ; he hath fek the 
 cutting Pangs of the New-birth, and hath Chris.t 
 in him the Hope of Glory jfj»J he hath in him 
 and with him that Spirit of God^, which is to 
 lead him into all Truth ifzf he ftands infeperably 
 united to the Lord Jesus Christ,(^«j and he is 
 himfelf an Heir of God's everlafting Love.f^^ 
 And thus far lye is prepared to go forth in the 
 Name of Qod to treat with his Fellow-Mortals, 
 that are lying; in their Blood under the condemn- 
 ing Power of Sin : But yet his being a Man of 
 Grace doth not conclude hi^p to bean Ambassa^ 
 DOR of Christ; fur if it did, then every true 
 Chriftian wouldvbe a pubjjjc Ambassabor. And 
 , <:y)C.>l 
( 175 ) 
 Ijcre I belie\ 
 mafiy of the fincere Children of 
 God have ftepped out of the Way, who having a 
 great Senfeof Divine Things, and a warm ^eal 
 for the Glory of Goo and the Salvation of Souls, 
 have imagined, that they were really called from 
 God to go forth as public Ambassadors, when 
 they were not qualified for that Office in the 
 Church of Christ. Nevcrthelefs let it be ob-, 
 . fervcd, that I would be fo far from obftruajng 
 their Ufefi^lnefs, that I fhould be rejojced to 
 find any fincere Chriitian exercifed with fych a 
 lively Senfe. of divine Things^nd would do all 
 that was poffibic for^o enooil^c 'the Emprove- 
 mcnt of their Gifts and Graces, f^t as a Man 
 may become almoll ufelefs by afpiring after a Sta- 
 tion, beyond the Liiftits of J^s Gifts and Graces. 
 I would only obf(?ive the, Command of God/^; 
 and cfncourage them in the Place and Station, ftff 
 which God hath defigned them, ' / 
 If the Loi-d intends a Man for the Miniftry/ 
 / He" deals with him as a rational Creature, "and 
 ^ therefore qualijics him in fome Degree for \hat 
 Station, and by his Holy Spirit call, him there. 
 to, ^^^|ch J jtm «ow to proceed to fpeak upm. 
 (-V, i.Cor. 12. 81. and Rom. I'z. 6, ;. $, 
V*^ ' 
 ;;hildren of 
 10 having a 
 warm Zeal 
 1 of Souls, 
 railed from 
 ORS, when 
 ce in the 
 it be ob-, 
 ejojcecl to 
 'ith fych a 
 uld do all 
 as a Man 
 fter a Sta- 
 d Graces, 
 itign, 6ff 
 for that 
 HI tkcre- 
 tk «poii. 
 \ * 
 r , • » 
 Ami npw wkcn I come t^ fpeak of his being caj- 
 Jed and qualified to thi^Work of the Minilby, I 
 daie not prefume to limit God in liis calling, 
 themj eiihjer from the Studerjts at School, ;the. 
 Men ai the Plpw, the JVIaririers at Sea, or tlic 
 Herdsmen ai; the Flock, For He calls tl^ejjji.fro9\, 
 various Callings and different Stations, of Life tA 
 the Work o£ the Miniftrjt pETBJ^and his Bro-, 
 th^ were called from the Y\^i^xy.(d) Pavl 
 from the Feet of (jKUPi\.\\.iy(e) and Amos from 
 the Flock and. Sycamop^sY/^ Yet this I vyou|d 
 obferve, that, altfto' God is able to make a dumb 
 Aft fpcak, yet he doth moft conjmpnly qualify 
 them in fome Degree, let them be, called fro;n 
 wfiatfbever Station they may : And it is nj^^ei 
 that they have fome Degree of. Kujngn, V^ifdpm^ 
 and natural/Qualification ;. neitj^ef cioth.QpD com 
 monly call them ^vitho^t, nor is^ i; any. )ka)f^cf- 
 fcntial, whether fuch a Decree as is ntscieiTafy* 
 be obtained either at the Seats olf Leaming/cfr iw 
 the Clofet, or among Mechanics, fo that it ij but 
 acquired. 4|And h^re I would obferve, thjujaltlyjj | 
 hum^n Wifdom alone vvill by no Means t^^Sl^ 
 ( V ) Man . 4. T9 . (r jMi sa. 3 . tf) Airwi i^i^^i't 
 • ■ I, t •/ 
T 'V 
 ( >77 ) 
 a Man for the Miniftry ; yet the greater Degr^ 
 they arc Mafter of (thofe God hath called and 
 ient forth) the more capable they may be of Dc- 
 monftratlon, and the more ufeful in their Day. 
 Bat as for (he Knowledge of the the Tongues, I 
 ani-'far from "believing that in thefe Days, when 
 {o little ufe is made of. the Original, even 
 by thofe, that have it, I fay, I am far from 
 believing that it is cffentially neceflary, or 
 that a Map may not be called without them, 
 ad qualified as clearly and profitably to 
 the Word, and exhibit the Truths of 
 Irlafting Gofpel as with them. Yctl wouM 
 lefpife them, where ever they ma^rjb >ny 
 good, but I muft acknowledge it appeai^Ttome very 
 needlefs for a Man to be at too mjich Pains in 
 Purfuitoftliem, only to attain the Namc^ of a 
 Collegian. And ic is well obferved, that when 
 OUT Lord fpeaks of Miniller« conJng in at the right 
 Door, He doth not fay that the Colleges, Univer- 
 fities, Bilhops, Priefts or Preibyteries are the Way 
 «r the Door j but He faith, I am the Way,^^; and 
 I am the DooT,f^J and whofoever cometh in any 
 other Way ia a Robber and a Thief//; 
 (g) John i^\ 6. (A; John lo. ,. o] -John lo." 
 ( »7« ) 
 BtfT fomc pij^haps will noijvr f«y, that all ex- 
 traodinafy Calls arc ceafed. and therefore how is 
 it poflibleVor us to know, who God dalls of 
 tends to call for the Work of the Miniftry any o/ 
 Way, than by their corning thro' fuch and .„,„ 
 Degrees of Learning', and thro' fuch and fuch Or- 
 ders of Men, &c. To which I anfwer that if ex- 
 traordinary Calls as you call them arc ceafed, yet 
 the Spirit of God hath not ceafed to work with i 
 the Children of Men } neither is the Spirit of God 
 «ny more limitted now, than it wa^ Seventeen 
 Hundred Years ago ; and therefore I have Reafon 
 to fear, that thdfe Peoj^fe, who make that Objeai- 
 on, are as ignorarxt of the true Religion, and the 
 Way of Life and SaKration as Simon M^ovs; for 
 had they ijnovvn experimentally, what it is to be 
 called from Death to Lifcvfrom Darknefs to Light 
 from the Power and Slavery of Sin anVsatan t6 
 the Liberty of the Gofpcl, and the glorious Privi- 
 leges of the Son of God. they would not hav6 
 doubted, whether or^nbt the fame Spirit, that 
 wrought in them that marvellous Work. :^f^able 
 whenever he pleafcd to call ^hem to deliver hi« 
 Word. prca€ liHrf^€o^ermo the Difcharge of 
 any Duty he faw fit for the Honour of his 
 _: _^ _• great _ 
 • • 
 ."■^i'?-i , 
 ..»-iW-.- .• 
 „#■; .-" 
^ i-' 
 \ ^'M 
 r ^ 
 J2& §21 
 ^ ti& 12.0 
 1.4 mil 1.6 
( >79 > 
 great Name of the Welfare of precioui and 
 immoual Souls. For it is the Operation 
 and Teachinjfs of the fame Spirit, which conver- 
 vcrteth his People, that he has promifed to fend to 
 Jead his People into al] Truth.flJ But as I have 
 made fomcthing of a Difgrcflion from the 3ubjedl I 
 intended to treat upon I muft return to fhew how 
 God doth call Men to the Work qf the Mi- 
 Now GojD hath various Ways to call his People 
 to the Difcharge of Duties, but all by the fapic 
 Spirit, and that with and according to-his Word, * 
 and.fomt Men may be called more inftantancoufly 
 than others. Mosis made many Excufes, before 
 he would confent ;(^/; and the Gdvemors ofls- 
 RAiL and the Kings of Canw^an oiFered them- 
 ' Selves willingly; (m}sind Paul likewHc faith ««^e 
 ♦* was not difobcdicnt to the heavenly Cal\,^*{"J 
 «nd Auoi faith, « I was no Prophet, nor tht 
 V Son of a Prophet, but I was an Herdfman and . 
 f* a Gatherer of Sycamore-Fruit, and as I follow- 
 ** €d the Flock the Lord God took me and faid 
 (*) John ,6 3,. WEj^ad; -t. ,. ,,. ,3. (•) Judgc.s. 
 . 9' ij. {%Ani , A ^.-i au 1 , .- 
 * "•• .-- c : - " ' unto 
recious and 
 lich convcr- 
 :d to fend to 
 ut as I have 
 le Subjedl I 
 I fhew how 
 Qfthe Mir 
 [ his People 
 y the fa^nc 
 i-his Word, » 
 ifcsj before 
 nors of Is- 
 fcrcd thcm- 
 :, nor th« 
 dfman and . 
 s I follow* 
 le and faid 
 , ( i«o ) , 
 " unto h»e, gtt prophijfy," Now therefore faith 
 J.C (without any AeambJc,) Hear thou the Word 
 of the LordY«;. Simon and Andrew left thcip 
 Fi/hcry and went forth at the Firft Calh And 
 altho' fome may not be fo, foon and clearly con- 
 vinced of their being called as others by which 
 Means they ar^. oficn^tSider great Tr>-als and 
 TeinpWns. yet fooner or later they a«, brought 
 ib clearly to i.c thdr Call, that they catf nolon- 
 gcr withftartd, without contraaing much Guilt 
 upon their Conference. And here I Aall ehdea- ' 
 vour to difcover fome .Particqlars relating t^their 
 . Call, while Gop i, moving ^a their Minds by hia 
 Spirit. * 
 First, as God Ihewed Moses, when about to 
 fend him, the afflifted State of hi, Brethren.^/y 
 fo He ihew, tl^em in an affefting Manner the 
 deplorable Condition that their poor Fcllow-Mor- 
 tar. arclh; fo that they can*t but be touched with 
 a fympathifmg Commifemtion, when feeing thcn> 
 U» fuch a Condition, lying: in all their Giilt, 
 under the condemning Power of [Sin poftiag the 
 downward Road. «id wholly cipofed ^i-tveiy 
 ^ Br eafl Llhey .drai^^te^uggej^^ etcrnit-f^^ 
 . <^^^««'- 3. 7. W Aa.0. 7. ,4. 15- ^6.1^... ^.^'^ 
( i8i ) 
 dition, !?ttd as the Prophet was called to pafs 
 by them round about and behold their helplcfs. 
 eondition ;("y; fo they are brought in their Minds 
 to pafs round about the Slate of poor Sinners, and 
 view them in their miferable CondiUon, which 
 *^«°^" ^^c'*" Bowels to yearn over them with Pity : 
 'And as the Prophet, wiicn afked, whether they 
 could be redeemed or not, cries out with Words 
 that exprcffcd kis Pity Tof them, and his longing 
 dcfire for their Salvation, with an Appeal to the • 
 Power and Goodncfs of God. f* O Lord God 
 *' thou knoweft.'Yr; So they feeing the deplor- 
 able Condition, that Mankind is in, ,re anxioufly y 
 concerned for their S alyation, and appeal to the 
 Goodnefs and fower of God, with fuch arden/ jjj^ 
 Groans and longing Defircs. Q Lord God .' thou'*^ 
 knowcft. And again, they being brought to /;?c* 
 and enjoy fome Thing of that glorious Way of Life 
 and Salvation, which is' come into the %orld by 
 the great Redeemer , the Sweetnefs of which 
 prompts in them a longing defirq to cornmunicat, 
 the fame to their Fcllow-Men. «< The Love of 
 Christ, faith Paul, conftraineth us.'* fo that 
 4fJfeek 3.37. p]««tri77 37 
to psfs 
 rs, and 
 I Pity : ' 
 r they 
 to t}ie . 
 to the 
 to f(?e ; 
 •Id by 
 ve of 
 a feeling Senfc of the Love of God conJtriiri, 
 them to wifh that {>oorftarVing Souls,- that are ilar. 
 ving and perHhing in their ungencrate State, might 
 be brought to enjoy thdt Bread of Life, which iS 
 come down from above. They have been con- 
 vinced by Experience, ftat tlicre is nothing mare 
 i-cafonable, nothing more fafe, and nothing more 
 \ exalted for the prefent and everlafting Hrfppinefs 
 ofthcperifhing Children of Men, than to em. 
 brace- the Offers of REDEEMING Love J whicft 
 makes them long for their Redemption. Again 
 they are brought to fee fo much of tly Etil, and 
 Soul deftroying Nature of Sin, thatthey cannot 
 bear, that their Fellow-mortals ihould be guilty of 
 dcftroyingthcmfelves and difliohouring their Crc- 
 ator ; efpcciaily when they fee how Jnuch he has 
 done for their H.ppinefe, and to redeeitf them 
 from their miferable fallen State ; and at the faihe 
 Time feeifrg fo much of the Beauty of Holinefi^ 
 UndhoWrcafonableit is thaf God fhould be fer- 
 ved, loved and feared by all Mankind make* them 
 -■J tlmoft impatient, that Me« fhould return to thcfr 
 l>roper Place and Station, that thc^mayomter 
 ; —~*S-^m their oHginal Source of Ha^^iliefi. A^ 
 f««ng the Shorttiefs of the time Whitji tkey havtf 
( 183 ) 
 for Rfcpenrance, the innumerable Sna?e» of Death 
 and HeJl, that they arc every Moment expofcd to, 
 •»rul having {bme horrible Vi^cws oftheBottomlcls 
 Gulf ofMifcry, that awaits their unguarded Souls 
 and the unfpeakabic Worth of Goo's cverlalUng 
 Love, which they are in Danger of loofing for ever, 
 almoft crowds them forward beyond themfclves t« 
 go in the Name of Christ In Hopes to reclaim 
 thcin before their Eyes are cbrcd in everl ailing 
 - AcA-iif, feeing the All -Sufficiency of Christ 
 to favc to the very utmoll all that come unto Gon 
 by him^.;, beholding the vaft Expcnce he has" 
 been at to redeem them from eternal Dcftruaion, 
 and that unbounded Ocean of Love and Grace,' 
 that floivs through the Mtrits of his Blood : whjch 
 Difcovcrics together ^^-ith a fmaJl Degree of that ' 
 Spirit «f Love and Pity that once wept ovar^' 
 pcriih^g Jerusalem^/; awakes in their Souir 
 incxprcffibic Defircs to go forth in the Name of 
 God with the Gofpel of Reconciliation, and al- 
 «ho* they arc at the fame time cxercifcd with a 
 feeling Scnfc of their own Vilcnefs and Unfitncfs 
 toJpeaJc in the Name of Chr i st, and tli eirut. 
 I y^hem 
 fit Heb. 7. 25. [^-]tuk« 19. 41. 
. ( i«4 ) 
 ter Ihability of doing any thing iri the CaUfe of* 
 Christ to the Glory of God and the good of 
 Souls, as ofthcmfclvcs:^t feeing the Willing- 
 j ^^s aiid All.fufficlcncy o^CnriisT to go with 
 I y^hcmi they cannot doubt, but he will,j.go with 
 ' them, ftrengthen their Hands, and encourage their 
 Hearts to go forth in the High -ways. Hedges and 
 Ditches to woo and befeech poor perifhing Souls 
 to come to the Marriage-Supper. They fee that 
 in their Lord and Mailer all Fiillnefs dwells, and 
 that in his Strength they can do all things, even 
 to the removing Mountains and raifing the Dead ; 
 and at the iame time being under continual Im- 
 preffion,. of the Divine Spirit, renewing the obliga- 
 tions which they find themfelves under,to go forth 
 in the Name of God even to that Degree, that 
 they dafe notrefufe, neitheir can they refufe wfith- 
 outcoiltrii&iiig much Guilt upon their ConTcicnce. 
 Yea to fo great a Degretf are they influenced by 
 fuch Divine Impreffions and difcovcrtes accom- 
 panied with the Word of God, that they are ctoiyj* 
 ftraitted fomctimes to fay with the Apoftle " Ai 
 ** Necelfi^ is laid upon me, and wo unto me if; 
 -IXpr eadt not tfa? GofpcK 'Yg/" ATid-dro rff 
 C«»3 x.Cor. 9. 16, 
i ( 18; ) 
 WW. called by .he SpM. of Go^..^:, it 
 of P„v.d.,ce .0 .h= P„„fa, „Ta„, ,vho profef. „ 
 ''etheAM.„,,„<„3„rcHR,5T, I«„do,.olcr. 
 demef. with the following Line,. 
 tteA«A««„„,softheK.KoofHBAVE», „he. 
 thcr or n„, you have been experim e„«;;, acquain- 
 W w„h thofe Truth, iri your own Souls, and if 
 yott have not, .» I fear many who profefs to be 
 .he M,»,3TBM of CaatsT, are utter Strangers to 
 a™, I ftall addrrfa rtyfcif to you in a [„, 
 Words and in great Plainwfs, 
 HAvlyoa. niy dear Reader,- no other Million 
 or Authority to go forth then what you have re- 
 B'fliop., Prieto. Preftyterian,, Synods or «,y 
 •AerEceleiUlUcai Authority by th^Ord«i/f _ 
 "^^^^^ J'»» «P«iftentaJly known a Worlc^ ■ , 
 efs to. be 
 2N, whe- 
 '3 and if 
 s to be 
 angers to 
 a fen' 
 itve rc- 
 ;» fifom 
 or any 
 ( i86 ) 
 -of Divine Grace upon your own Souls ? i^^s th? 
 Glory of God, and the Welfare of precious and 
 immortal Soul« bore with fuch Weight hpon your 
 Mind, that you can call God to Witnefs that you 
 have been made acquainted w^th tiefe folemn 
 Truths? Or will not your Confqence witnefs a- 
 gainft you, & declare that yoi was only animated 
 by fome fclfilh Views, and that all the Call that 
 you know of to the Gofpcl. is that you was early 
 rent to the Seati of Learning, & then as you advan- 
 ced by Degrees in hujtian Wifdom, you imagined 
 that you became more &more acquainted with Uic 
 Gofpcl, and the more qualified to preach, and fo 
 learned to preach the Gofpel by Rule as a Mccha- 
 nic learns his Trade, and that after you was thus 
 qualified, you was examined by thofe you call 
 great %ine8, who judged you fit for the Work^, 
 oftheMiniftry, and fo authorifed you to go forth " 
 in the Name of the Lord, and by thisTimeyou 
 retdly ima^luc that you arc converted, tho' you 
 . cannot tell the Time when» and that ym hav<» 
 ftcafon tobelim hy yoyu ndvttidng in Xfi&yr- 
 iedge by the Judgement of thqfc tht^n^fa jnej 
 fw^ and by tlie Numlfcr that attcnAj yoir Pafinb^^ 
I * * 
 ii^that jrou al-c really called of God, and (cat 
 forth with a Difpcnfatioh of the cv^rlaflingGofpel, 
 ^vhidi if it be the Cafe with you, and this is the 
 Call and Authority that you are acquainted with, 
 as I have Rcafon to fear, that there are many, 
 who know no other Gall, then, you will have no 
 caufc to fay, that Ijndge'or condemn you, for 
 you arc alfeidy condemned by your own Gonf^i- 
 ence and the Word of God. \ I 
 And thcitfore, my dear Reader, it is Time 
 for you to begin to look around you, you may 
 plead your natural Abilities, your great Acquire- 
 ments, your Authoritjr from thofe you ctll grcrft 
 Divines, the Number of youf ririfhioners and 
 great Gongrcgations. But I muft tell you plainly 
 that all thefe Things, without a Dirine Commif- 
 fion from Heaven are far Ihort of a fufficient Proof 
 tRat you are a Minister of Ghkist. O f tbsre. 
 fore confider your Danger before it is too late, for 
 if you have all this Time been deceiving your- 
 fclves and others, you have Reafon to tremble and 
 look around for Relief: For how (hocking is the- 
 Thought of pretending to proclaim thatG<^cI 
 V ;Eacmy againft. O f. That you would iw^il. 
dcr the Danger you are in, the Thjiy-y that you 
 ■redoing to precious and immortal Souls, and tht 
 Jcaloufy of that God, ;whom you have to deal 
 with. There is a greaf^and awful Day approach- 
 ing, my dear Friend, when you muft be account- 
 ai)le at God's impartial Bar for the mm, of 
 thofc poDr unhappy Souls that you are now lea- 
 ding blindfolded down to Hell. Wj^gt ^^ ^j 
 your Salary » or any thing that may animate you, 
 avail your immortal Soul in a few Daye more ? 
 Of remember that Goii's all-fearching Eye. is 
 over you, and that your few flying Moments, 
 which are now fleeting you into ihe Eternal Worlds 
 ^vinJoon be at a Period. Why will you for the 
 Af>plaufe of blinded Mortals or a little temporal 
 IritereJl rifle your precious and immortal Soul on 
 fuch a Pinnule of Danger in the Jaws o^|pco- 
 vcirable Ruin ? O f that ye might be co^ced 
 of the Danger, of .going abdut the World With 
 a Lie in your right^and, and be brought toll ■ 
 flnctre Repentance before the deftin'd Momiitt \ 
 confes, when, too late, you will know yottr'Xi^if'.,. 
 take arid for ever rue your Folly." iB«i iaij»|j^ "l , 
 ,~ ivyj ne . ir% 
 TTaps think that I am cenforious, o?ri 
 }'oo i but if the Word of God, nor yimh^m^h^ -- " '\'. , 
 • • ■ '. .^r''—- '^'' -"' *""- 
 N2 > *"fcii 
i iSg) ' 
 , -.icitfnce do not acculc, you, neither will I, Jj^t 
 if they are l,oth agtlnll you »hd condemn you. 
 then do not bl«he me. bccaurc I tell you the 
 Truth, ajid the Lord Ichoweth I wifli you well. 
 My Defire «n^ Prayer to God is, that yoiiriSouI 
 may be faWd in the Day of Christ's app^arin^ 
 ' and have many Souls a. S tar, i„ your Crown of 
 ^ rejoicing. But I am not willing that you ftodd 
 ^ >on detfroyingyour ownSoMl and others, t 
 knoiv that yt»u and I fhall one Day meet,^„d bd 
 judged atthc fame Tribunal, where nothing will 
 ftand, but wh« has been tried in the Ballance - 
 of the Sanduary ; therefore do not flatter your- 
 felf that becaufc you have baptized many with 
 Water, and received them into your Churches, 
 that you hare done fo much for God, qr'that 
 • yoirhavci been inftnimental in the Conicrfioh 
 of fo^aily Souls, for yoa* may be ailured, my 
 dear IfrlcAd, that Cpnvcrfion is fomething more 
 than tlic Baptifm of Watei^ the PradUce of Ex- 
 ternals, the Jbijning of Churches, the Sitting down 
 at the Lo^^d's table, ice. For a ma» may do 
 all thefc Things, Sc yit remaip as great a Stranger 
 ^e"^HQM£rANs. I'crha^syouraay go toyrwir 
 "*^, ifc^ Ch«rch 
 ' #- 
 „-if ^^f 
 i i9« ) 
 Churclior Mcct^g once jw twice « Wedc, .and 
 ^ , dclivor an elegant Difcaurrc , but that you may 
 dAan^ yet na'cr preach the, Gofpel. Of ^rc, 
 fore lie Aire that the Gofpcr has raifc<,yoi^ own 
 SquI from it'j ratl^n^tati/' aud th»t you 'have 
 been madca^ttaker of |^dȣmino L^vt youiO; 
 rr]f,Vbeforc yon prcfumq rotccaHcd a Minis. 
 TER ofCuRisT. or proclaim the Gofpcl to others. 
 For my ow)i Part I had rather that I never had 
 3 Being, than to be found leading poor blind Souh 
 bJindfoldeddown to Hell : And I know that yoi^. 
 own Soul is ai precious as Mine, and'mu^cxift 
 \to all Eternity either in the grcatcft Happincfs 
 or the extremeftififery. ^ly, O f Why wii] 
 you for a few Days ^f carnal 5«fc and earthly 
 Enjoyments lie down in ev^lailing Sorrow ? ' 
 JThcDay of Grace is not yet over, your Thread 
 of Life is yet lengthened out a Moment longer 
 fpr a Space pf Repentance, and therefore, you 
 may yet efcape from the Wrath to come, and be • 
 Aade an Heir of God's evtrlafting Love, > and , 
 perhaps mky yet be anlnftniment in tJie H»ii^\ 
 of Gob in bringing prtcious Souls hom«,to a Sa-j ' 
 ^^"£',J^i»egn ]d caSccp t cr ^k.y€t^ 
 wards y4h. 'p^ f. toacK^ thcrpforo <oa|lk^i|^||^ - • , 
¥ 'I 
 ( »9i ) 
 fbr ever. The Lord has no Pleafure in your 
 Deftruaion, but waits to bo gracious unto you» 
 / O t that you were wife, 'that you underftood this, 
 that you would confider your latter End : For 
 I know the Day cgmeth, that will bum as an 
 Oven, and all the proud, yet all that do wicked- 
 ly fhall be as Stubble^'a^ ; and how then will 
 you be able to ftand, if you fhould be foond a 
 Murderer of precious and immortal Souls ? O 
 how cutting is the Thought,, not only to bear the 
 continual Racks of a guilty Confciencc in keen 
 .%jpair, with the cutting Refleftions of what you 
 have irrevocably loft ; but likewifc the Curfes and 
 cverlafting Upbraidings of thofc poor deluded 
 Souls led by you blindfolded down to Ruin, to 
 lie down with you in the Regions of unalterable 
 ^ight. O f that- you could feel that Pity for 
 youxfelvei, which J'fometimes feel for you, you 
 WP«*ld reft no longer in fuch unfpeakable Danger, 
 but would immediately fly to the Arms of Re- 
 deeming Lqve. O I Sleep no longer in yotr 
 carnal Security, nor flatter yourfclvcs that all 
 is well, bccaufe you feci cafy, and bccaufe 
 W Mpl. 
 4- I. 
re m your 
 i unto you, 
 r flood thi», 
 End : For 
 burn as an 
 do wicked- 
 then vvill 
 e foand a 
 Souls ? O 
 to bear the 
 :e in keen 
 f what you 
 Curfes and 
 )r deluded 
 Ruin, to 
 t Pity for 
 you, you 
 le Danger, 
 IS of Re- 
 cr in your 
 s that all 
 d becaiife 
 '( »92 ) 
 J^ou can lay down and arife, go out aW 
 come in without ni\iph Concern upon your 
 Minds ; for that is not a fufficient Evidence 
 that your State is good. Neither imagine your^- 
 felfa Minister of C«ri«t, bccaufe you have 
 paired through many Rules and Externals ; 
 ' becaufe the World, your People ancJ.Parifkion? 
 call you fo ; but examine your own Souls by the 
 Word of God, whether or not Christ hasma^e 
 you a Minifter of the New Teftement. For al, 
 tho'^you may be very carlefs in this Matter and 
 read thefc L"nes with as little Reganl, as^ju 
 would a Fable, yet be affurcd, mydcar R^eV. 
 that t]xe everlaftjng Welfare of your precious and 
 immortal Soul is at Sbkc. O ! therefore 1ooK\ 
 well -to your Ways, and the Lord g^ve you Uni. 
 And now i have a few Words to thofe happy. 
 ^hofe Hcaven-bom MelTengers of the Lord jEsuk 
 Christ, that have experimentally known the ' 
 • fore-mentioned Truths, who have not only knowh 
 >a Work of Divine Grace u^ tlieir Hearts, but 
 iCiKo of iicavcff to-go t^nrwiih « inpnissr: 
 i/S^'It.W.. *• 
( '93 ) 
 Biellow-Moruls the joyful Newa of rbdbemin4i 
 Lov E . Fev not O^c Herald« of the G^fpcl tho* 
 Earth tud Hell are engt^ed againft you ; as they 
 always were, and always will be agaimil the faith- 
 ful AuBASSADoas of the Loan; and altho* you 
 pcet with many Tryals in yonr way (as I prc- 
 fume to fay you do) both from without and from 
 within : Yet fear none of thofe Things, which 
 you n^ay fi^er, but he faithful unto Death, and 
 3 ^ou fliall receive a Crown of Ufc.fnvJ O 
 member thofe Soul-Tranfporting Words, which 
 arc as firm as the everlafting Hills " Lo I am with 
 *« you," and if Christ be with you, what need 
 you more ? You are called to an arduous Worlc, 
 your Strength is Weaknefs and your Light Darlc. 
 ntfs, but mighty and faithful is He that has called 
 you, who promifed to fend his Spirit to lead 
 you into all Truths*; Therefore in Him yoM 
 can do alj Things ; for in the Lord Jbhovah is 
 cvcrUPngStrength/jr; And altho' lam of all 
 Men the moft unworthy to bear his Nanje to the 
 Gentile World, and havi Reafon to lye iij) the 
 Pull under « deep Senfc of my Nothingnefs, and 
 acknowledge w yfelf ihe^lea ft o f all t h e L aboM 
 (w) R»T. a. 10. («; J«hn i6. 13. {;f)m. a6. 4. 
 / eri 
 «« in Ch»ist»« Vincya«l , yet r cam do no left 
 than drop > few Words to you by Way of Ad, 
 vice, and that, I truft with the greatcft Tender, 
 Hcfs, in theBowehof our Loud and Mastir. 
 I know that your Work is grcat,^ and that your 
 Day is fhort. You have nothing lefs than the 
 Welfare of precious and immortal Souls (in fome 
 Degree) committed to your Charge. O f there, 
 fore Jet me intreat you to be up and doing, to do 
 the Works of Him that fentyou, while itisoali 
 led Day before the Night cometh, in which nq 
 Man can work.fzj And as you love y6iir owi^ 
 Soul. & the Soul, of others, fhaieoff the Frownsi 
 & the Flatteries of this cnfntring World. Many* 
 of the Servants of the Lord have brought Death- 
 Bpon their own Souls, and fallen into < legal 
 State of Formality byfe«-i«g the Crofs, a'nd by 
 ihunning to declare the whole Counfel pf Qod,' 
 for Fear of offending fome of their principal Hcari . 
 er?,and the great Men of the World, bythcif UOl-f 
 fting for the Applaufe of Mortals, by joining At. 
 finity with the world & the Bfioiflcr. of Antichrift 
 md by carrying about fome of the Baby|rt,,jg|^ 
 (»)JohBj.5. Chap.ia. «. 
 ■♦> K^d 

 ) '95 ) 
 Stuff.. Neither be too anxious for a great Sharff- 
 of this vain World. You have already got ^ 
 far better Portion than this World can pofllbly' 
 afibfd you J and God, who has undertaken for 
 you, will never leave you to want or fuffer be- 
 yond what may be for your Good. The Duft 
 of Peru and the Hearts of all that live arc iu the 
 Hand of your Matter, whp can give or wkhold, 
 as He fees jmay be for your Good. And I think 
 you had better be fed by Raveni, than by Rates 
 and Fines ; yea a few Penny -Worths of Bread 
 will fupport your Bodies thro' the Short Period of 
 yoflr Pilgrimage. l.etme likewifeintreatyou to 
 endure Hardfhips, us a faithful Soldierof Christ 
 Jbsus j Regard no fnjall Tiyals in your Way j 
 for you. may certainly ?jfpea;inv»y, »ot only put- 
 ward ^ut inward ; for Mnlefs ypu experience you 
 calinQt I'reach. And a? for my own Part 1 account 
 it no Privilege to go to Heaven upon a Bed of 
 §ioch, but would rather go thro* a Storni than a 
 Cali^, if I am hut indulged with ftrcngth equal 
 to tl^e Day. I^ither imagine iljat the Great- 
 ncfs of your ^ork confifts. in your public Ad- 
 Bin'ftratio ns every Sabbath, ibr that is-Juitthft - 
 imalleft Partofyoiir Labouf3> if you are ddcr- 
( 19^ ) 
 mined tq live and die in die Caufe ?V'Christ. 
 O ! therefore labour Night and Da/ with Tears 
 to fpread the Caufe of your blcffed Mailer, a^d 
 to warn the wicked to flee inm the Wra^h 
 to come, and fpare no Pains to win Souls 
 to Christ. The Foundation ftands fare, and, 
 the Lord knows them that are V{\^.(a) Nei- 
 ther fliall your Reward fail, therefore bcdetermi: 
 ned, by the Grace of God, to fpend and be fpcnt 
 to the Glory of Gou and the Goo<i of prccioug 
 and immortal Souls. For the Work of the HJini- 
 itry is and ought to be your chief employ till your 
 ^ dying Day. Isfeither have J mu9h Charity for 
 thofe, \vhomak3 it a Work by the by, or for ta 
 get a good Living, and fo, when that either fajj* 
 Ihort, or over flows, their. Labour ceaf^s. L^ "- 
 me likewifc intreat you to divcft yourfeh-cs as. 
 „ much as^poflible ofthe ftrong Ties of Tradition. . 
 By tio means embrace or" retain tsij PrafticeojtJv 
 Principles as Right or Scriptural, only bccaufij^J 
 it wask precedent fet up by your. Predcceflors.T 
 All Men are fallible, and the bcft ^ Chfiftians 
 are liable to Miftakes; but the Word^Goo can 
 ; y>) a. Tim. 2. ly. 
 • •^''IMiii^iiV^^ '■'■*" 
■M ■ 
 i 197 ) 
 never f»U : 4nd I believe that mny Men would 
 incrcfc much in fpiritual Wealtli, if they would 
 give thcmfclves the Trouble of digging for it; 
 but they too often negle^ to do it, becaufc they 
 imagine, that their good' old Fathers have dug 
 deep enou|h. But as the Word of God is yet 
 *n unexhauftible Fund, make thatyour chief Stu- 
 ffy. the Man of your Counfel, and the Rule of 
 - your Life, arid let the World around you knoiy 
 by your Life and Converfatio», that you have' 
 been with Jesus. For Example isinore forcible 
 than Precept. AndQ f be rcjoicc4 and encoul 
 Wge;l under all your Laboqrs, RcmciAbering 
 ^ that your borrows arc ihort, and your Hours of 
 '•Tribulation will foon be at a |^criod ; when you 
 ftall reft from your Labours, and yovr Work. 
 fallow you./^; Be faithfql to ftand the Storm 
 8 few Hours more, andyoulhall reach yourde- 
 fir«d Haven. Preach the Word, be inftant in 
 Scafon and outofSfcafonj reprove, rebuke, ex- 
 hort with all long 3(u0fcring and Doftrincf^c; and 
 as the Lord has told you, that without' him ye 
 can do nothing,r^j bcfgre to keep near to him. 
 (y Revel, i^. ,3. Cr)aT»in:4.a. (J) John ,5. ivf: 
 watchlnjf '. 
 J j^^ 
( i9«) ' 
 watching and praying, as thofe that itiuft give an 
 Account of the Blo«l of Soul,, and the uL 
 :^o hasproraifed to be with you unto the Ehd of^ 
 ^*« Worid, will nerer leave nor ferake you, bi^-t 
 will give you ftrength dqual to yorir Day. Jam 
 a Witncfs for God. that He is faithful to his Pro. 
 mife, and kind to his Servants ; altho' I have 
 been unfaithful to him. and hi. G.ufe. ^, ha. 
 J>ronlifed you, that thofe that Water. Ihall be 
 alfo watered|<;^; He will ftrengtheii your Hand* 
 and encourage your Hearts with the Confolation.^ 
 «fhis Holy Spirit; which, bleffedb* Goo, 1 
 have known to be morefweet, more encouraging, 
 and more fupportthg (yea far more) than all the 
 Richer and Enjoyments of Time and Senfe. Yoti , 
 are an a glorious Caufe, yoii feWc a gloriousMaf- * ^ 
 t.r, and glorious, yea iriexpreffibly glorbus wiJi 
 be your everkfting Reward. Rife thctt^ . 
 i»»ft my dear FcHW,Laboure« (if I may p^^ 
 fume to-claim the Title) ink, and exert ^ 
 Faculty of Body attd Mind to fpread'«i^r^: 
 terie,ofthe Crof,, and proclaim the Wonders 
 of RipggM i M o r 
 ■• " " ' ■ II I . 
 (0 PX-OT. II. 25, 
( i99 ) 
 Go fbrJi, go ^rth yc Hcraldi of the Lord, 
 Girded with all the Armours of the Word. 
 Go fpread redeiminc Love from Shore lo Shojc, 
 And bid the guilty World -to weep no more. 
 Triumphant ride o'er all the Powers of Hell, 
 And fpread the Light where Men in Darknefs 
 ;Go warn the hard'jied from Mount Sina's Flame^ 
 And heal the wounded with the SAViouR'sNanie. 
 i^°. ^^"^ ^^^ Guilty the attoning Blood, 
 ^J^lAndfeed the Hungry with immortal Food. 
 ^p out with Joy, a frowning World to face, 
 With the tranfporting Neyvs of Gofpel Grace. 
 ".iJurn not afide to court the World's Applaafc, 
 .^|atfpend your Breath in the Redeemer's Caufe. 
 -Withftand the Storm of a few hard Moments more, 
 I'^^'^.y^*;^*^^ fffcly reach the pcacefuU Shore. 
 yfCT ifcc'Regions of eternal Night, " 
 Pj^tC yoiiftaJl reign in everlafting Light. 
 ymr Names are there in the bright World above 
 '^?**:^f«'?yo»'" Portion in unbounded Love. 
 ^^^^"■^■■- - 
 "•^-' ' -f . 
 - »iNV, 
 ■* Ja^ 
 y^,t^>' „ 
 . ,».*1<lt««-. 
 'fi_t. ■ ^(, , 
 ... :.i£^^.. 
 '..i - 
 -» *--,«•• 
C H A P T E R IX. \ 
 Ue Nature of an external fetting a Man a\a,t Ly 
 the Impofition of Hands, as an Ambassador of 
 J T may well be faid thatDarknefs covers the ^ 
 ■■• Land, and grofs Darknefs the People, whcii* 
 Thoufandi and Tens of Thoufands are fomii 
 ftrably deceived, even in Matters oFthe moft Si-* 
 finite im^ortatice, as to look on the E^rttftiiii o? ■ 
 ' Religion and Ceremonies^ in ChrS^VVJ^c 
 Itingdom to be eilential, w5icn the PowcipCi^tS^ : 
 lineft, and the Internal, of his Kingdom a«fc^i^, 
 treated as EnthttfiaHn, or Matters of A|?Lffib^^ 
 >nce. Well may the Lord ^f^i^^^ 
 of God is made of none Effefl tM U^Ttai^X^ 
 t\om.(f) And herein the grand Ad viriiarywlt|i; 
 his Advocates deceive the g^t^i^t^^Sf i|^' . 
 World of Mankind, who under KCi<Ak'^,^, 
 ligioQ fleep in carnal Security; uktirti^)^ ;i.r -^ 
 tj»e^tocp of Deaih . A miviTtirrh- itf-Hi-^ry^ ^^ 
 *- .^ ^ 
 , V* 
 ■9^*' '-A St"- 
a Prceedeiit fct up, that refcmbles Religion and 
 jiie Chureh of c'hrist, it becomes a Snare for 
 immortal; Souls, without much further Trouble: 
 For whea poor Sinners arc in fome Degree con- 
 vinced of their mlfemble undone Condition, they 
 . y^ll immedlafelyflj there for Shelter, and there 
 reft, without mucli more Concern under an ex- 
 V teraal Covert; Witnef« that infernal Beaft, that 
 tamc.up (iut of Ui« Sea, having feven Heads,, and 
 T«» Horns, uiidcr whofe Empire Thoufands 
 ' V<^ ^msht to ah implicit Obedience to Popes, 
 Cardinals^ Bifhops, & Friars j who are fo fettered 
 with the prejudice of Education, as to truft, with- 
 .but much Enquiry, the eternal State of their im- 
 mortal Souls to their fay fo. Neither is the 
 Blindnefs, Ignorantc, and Traditions of many of 
 *^'''-^'^'^^""' Churches nluch Icfs prejudicial to 
 Immortal. Souls J Witncfsmariy Thoufands, who 
 ^# .^«<l»Wifl» themfelv<??„i^h^rinciples of 
 ^^.A^igidn no farther, than according to the Prac- - 
 tice.«pd.£teftdents of their Prcdeceflbrs ; and 
 fcrutinii^ up further to find the Miffion qf th«ir 
 ' Minifters, ^an to'eftduirc whether or not the/" 
 'mn ( I'liii T iiii r l i I' llHiy ■li i li iii i iiil lijr fiiiT/ 
 Wdfach Moi j Bilhops, PrieftJ or Preibyteriairt.i 
 &f5 »J°i( it 
 *iAilfe '^^tJS^u^ ^ 
iookkig An that a fui^cient Proof of their hetng 
 ciUed of QoD, and of their being the true Am- 
 »A88AnoR. 6f Chiiist. Tho* I would prrfume 
 to fay. they would not be (6 carelcft of their tern, 
 i>oraI Intereft; (let not any one fay I mtoo un« 
 charitable, if their own Confcieace ihould coij- 
 demn them) and the Enemiea of the Caufe of 
 «rCHaisT have l>ecn fubtil enough to labou^ to 
 keep the Worldin IWindnefa, refpeaing thia Mat- 
 ter J telling them, that all Pi-etenfions to fuch 
 powerful Operation* of th<B Spirit of Oop in 
 thcfe Days i^ nothing but Bnthufuiin. And if 
 any of the Laity fhould enquirciL what neat to be - 
 linderftood by M?n bcing^ient out bf . tha.Hd« 
 ly Ohost, ("^/and the Spirit leading them intp 
 all Truth i(hj or pf Cimisx beingythe Dm,CO 
 &c. many of theCJeify (who arftidwa^a induft- 
 rioM to Sep. PcoplcV Eyes up) jvpuld^ Ije.yrife 
 enough either toteU tlicin,tiwt,tii^, Wei«,*^j^> 
 cal Expreflioni or elfe th^y oirfy «fo«ft^*to ^ 
 Difcjplesin thpfc Oay v .knt do W ^nc^ii «^ > 
 n««^ : F<^n tht0f^, Ajr they, W^-ve^ 
 i-l, 5^^ VS*^.' 
 \ foy ) 
 and introduce Miniftcrs, to difciplinc the Chur- 
 ches, and tho like, which we will fee into, with- 
 out troubling the L4ity about thofe Matters ; and 
 fo they fcal the Eyes of the poor blind Wqrld ifc 
 Jgnorante refpedlihgj^the Ministry. 
 Tub Enemies of Chrut haVe been (uhiil 
 enough to take two effential Steps. Firft they 
 liavc m»re firmly made them believe, that the 
 i*owcr of Examlriation and Ordination was com- 
 inittcd tii the Clergy, than ever they have made them 
 , 'believe, that Christ WM^the Son of God. And 
 . fccondly, to make that^lKal Step more cffe6lua>, 
 they have reinforced it by trailing the licenfing 
 or approviaj of a Man to the Work of the Mi- 
 iilffry, authorifing ; which hath ^one forth in the 
 w«*Jd' with fo much Power as to tanfi many ah 
 ignorant Perfon to believe, that it is really in thfc^ 
 Power- of fome particular Men Co authori/e othcA^ 
 *«6|»rcidh' Ac cverlaftingGofpel when th< 
 1cnows,tHat there is no Power neither ii 
 not Angels to authorife for that important Work 
 ot|iA" in 'the whole or ; ^n part. And therefore! 
 toi^'^^af been believed in the World by many 
 'Plvi|>e Oracle,: thattiach a Man wat 
 ^y %|t^9i^ Affh Me^ ; yet I vtkoilf 
 :jJk- JtJ:«I l^i^l^ 
tenoOMcc an^j^^c^cme, and iikcwife drty 
 ^^K^'^SnHlbden proved in the foregoing jyu:. 
 ^ mP ^^'^ ^«y «« wholly mithorifed hr G^ 
 ATgicreforff Whatever ii dohe by Man ia that Mat- 
 ter, is only circum(Untial and cerem<Hii4li ixxdeCs 
 Man ha» Power to difanwil what God has done 
 «ut fome may now reply, that ait^o* it is true* 
 that they arc palled, qualified ,4nd7em" forth by 
 Christt, yet they cannot be complett, aor fit to 
 go forth aa public Aubassadoiii. untit they w*^ 
 examined and authorifed hy fome ptrtkulw Men. 
 Which i« a, inconfiftant and aa grtat « Contt.. 
 jiaion, .3 tafay, that,. Thiftgi, W, and not 
 iinifted: For if they are «6t fo com^catly fittei 
 tad authorifed. Ja to beJndependent of theHelf 
 of Man, then Chrmt hti dot»e hi» Work b»tt* 
 the Halves, «nd muft dep«ml on Min to finJfli it. 
 ^A||^owtf^ey Ihouldnrfbfei^ 
 Cmiund of God ia^co^teraanded, and W 
 W>rk difta«uJled^«d A^^^^l^^j^: 
 Aothiiig, or he hai loft «iil'ile(t|^ |»^p g|C 
 /o,of Necef5ty tfifcMaa* ■Jtat^K^tUM^.'^f^^f- 
 ' ■W' 
 '*&{ * 
 4 ^5 
, Moses gswcthe l^rd of Phar aqh, for hcpnly to^ 
 ^iit 4.0R^r^j A»t lie did not Relieve tkat Pharaoh 
 .woMdrfgwfl Cpnfeqt, bcfqfe he had, tricd.fij 
 A«fcfihi»{fcfalnniiy;;telJ, th* to/d, that hphas tried, 
 sMd, thtMtA jhfi J^'99: feat to, to .go| cofilpleatly au- 
 thdn/cd, wraldiiot confctiit,:a!jd, therefore he can^ 
 i»«>iWiihiv,ilnAtJ»n, mji! dear Reader, how un- 
 H»l>r^iito4htMa« be,.^ifalthefametiine iitf 
 ^nd jiiiiiftlifuhderfAidi a eonftraim,:a*ST. PAirt 
 wa^whenlWiftithv *"ANcce«ty ijlaidupQn.me^ 
 i*r -& jftfoel anto jnec if 1 picadi notthe Gofpel ;!Y/; 
 ftlt-itiiiajr, be objcaeA again by fome (Who. are 
 iwaeAing tinft^rcd; with the Spirit of Popery) 
 ^^lfe#t limr,4^ !liqt; preijejld to infrin^ on God»« 
 ,?f?WtJV^i^,<lifanaq| what he has done; but 
 «ar!tqs<»^iji,Bshd^^ GtobK by: a, Power handed 
 ^^It<M|iwn»/rQi»oirii«0Ti«w :aado!FiT.u« s by 
 wiUflJi;f|hfijr„«t* im^owtrbdifio authorife 4>thcri4 
 ^feW«t»yj4#lr Mo*doc,jft(;nic.a^.j8o^ if.ti>t be 
 lk«t|Mt S^ie,^<l» Cafc,c.(tiiot)t Aall Jiereaf. 
 %«r^Wiritheaiij»ffiWiiji,o^an^4^ieh,^g^ j^; 
 j»Bg <icWf4 fiwIitTiiMiitriirlajiilcJriTntltheit 
 ' II I * 
 i??.^ W' 
' ■ ■ ■ I- 
 yea and the Pope himfelf, 'ill-^en ef Qdn aiid 
 Ambassadors of CtiKhfr } For tfatt is. tliciiv 
 continaal Plea, that tlicyhavo fuch «: Power iiaiidr-j 
 eddown by a linc«ll]|cfcenf j and I'thiekr whh 
 as much Propriety aaany in the W^orld can,plea4. 
 from fuch a quarter : Yea and this is the Waj, 
 by which they maintain Toj^,^ .Jcfides if 
 any fuch fct of Men have any Powiferi qualify or 
 authorife, others |o prcagh the Gofpel eitthet ift the 
 wHolc or in Part, ^en why may not. the boli 
 profligate Wretch on Earth be made a Minitter o€ 
 of ^HRirr by them I And, if fo, theti if|fhy may; 
 they not Pardon Sinj>Qr jEPjnflatc dcpvted.Spirita 
 from Purgatory to Hcaijejj ?. For altho',fo||»eTOajr^ 
 imagine, that Iran on *^ J^jttreroe ^ jnetjt w no> 
 n^ore, than what may eafily be .proved, '|?orift 
 it is 'm the Power of any Maa to. c«m|^lt a ipifav 
 penfation of the Gofpel to others, «ithet jj^ wh9le 
 or in partj by the fame Powes they- |ft»y^ Fardon • 
 Sins, and change Spirits. For it ha^«lrea4jf bej^p^ 
 proved, that the Gofpel and every .Thing; jeleJ^f ft 
 ing thereto is nothing fhort of the^pirit, of tijeii&l 
 ins Gop; and tkerefore as nothing ihort of' l^|_ 
 ^mighty Powir can tforif m'ijf^ii^ J^^^ 
( tor ) 
 eofpd » wkoUy. t (pirimal WoA ; we .„ „ad.r 
 ObVd„t„c,„eI„de, dutnone, butGodhio,. 
 fdfcan work«y Thi„g effeitial in qu^ify;„ 
 ••nJ .«thori6„g not „„iy ,h. Am.*,s*„„,s /, 
 Christ, but likwift the moil inferior Officer in 
 the Church of Ch.„t for the Welfare of hi. 
 »y<Kcd Body, „d.h.t the approving or feui„g 
 .-part., Man to the Work of the Miniftrir, or 
 whatever i. ,,„» bedone by M.n i. but „>«„„. 
 ««t.a! and eeremonid . And here I „ould o'b. 
 W what wa, fiid by the General- Aifembly of 
 *' ^!'""'' """'■"■J.in .nfwer to the f„Il„„i„- 
 %.tt.o« p„p„fcd by King J.M., the Fi,« 
 ^'^-"^"'-'"'f-'P^or. Who want, the 
 Imp.«t.o..fH«,d.r TheAnfwerwa, ,h„,. 
 The topoiiti,, of Hand, i, „ot etfential, bu, 
 "c.rc.^U.l-„«, indifferen. in the Admiffion 
 " of. Paaor- Sev.«l Churche. inFaANc. fay 
 *e ftme, fo the D„ch Churche., fome i, 
 SwiTZMiAHD and many in GE»«A«r. And yet 
 iii* l»c„.,. Mat„A. .. The« are n,a„y 
 .»^?T''':r°°'y'*" "« I-Pofi'ion of 
 rmM .. t Ju..,.! u, U.e ^6e ag^a^Bihr7 
 «« ! 
 v.J»tW J^f^S5f«*r-w, 
en, and tRe 
 we arc under 
 )ut God him- 
 in qualifyln 
 or Officer in 
 clfare of his 
 »g or fctting 
 k^iniftry, or 
 3ut circum- 
 r would ob- 
 ^^cmhly of 
 e following 
 the Firft. 
 » wants the 
 was rhus, 
 cntial, but 
 lANCE fay 
 fome in 
 . And yet 
 ■re many 
 sfition of 
 Minifter J 
 " but 
 I ( »o& ) 
 « hut that it mull be by the Kpifcopal.tiands.'?. 
 5vx left any Ihpuld imagine that I am. to re-* 
 ]q&, or ncgleft thofe external Obfervations,. 
 (wl)ich I; am not, but would only labour to have 
 thpm in th^ir proper Place, and give" them no 
 mp^ipredit thai they deferve.) l^ihall now pafs. 
 .<>n't<?"|peak a few Words on this Particular, viz. 
 the Nature of an external Setting a-part an Xk- 
 BASSADOR of Christ. And here let. us obferve 
 that the great eternal God having Thoughts qf 
 Mercy towards the fallen Race, hath not only^i- 
 ve|i his only begotten Son to die for their Re. 
 denjptioui but likewife intends to publifh the 
 fame to the Ends of the Earth, and tjie^eforc from 
 among the fallen Race calls forth a Number ifrym 
 their fallen State unto a State of divine Lif(j, and 
 Union with hii][»fclf, and teaches thenv experimen- 
 tally the Power of his Gofpcl, and th^ Sweibts of 
 REDEEMING LovE : He calls an4 ^uali,fie^ tjicm to 
 go forth and proclaim the fame to tJieir j^ellovr 
 Mortals: And he hfl,s a chofen Peojple'hi t|ie 
 World that have knovrn his Voice, and arergo&bL . 
 ed to hear of his coming among them by hii Skr- 
 TantsTo Tprcad the Honour of hiiNiffi|;^1Hrpft- 
 pagate the Rejdcemcrfs KingdpQi in itbt^'^^i) jf<>>^ 
 >> >ji^ 
 .•"f . . 
( "9 ) - • 
 • tfc. RrfempeioB of preciou. .nd imm„„,i ^oalsj 
 tkefe wiU willingly „d joyfully .rife to bid hi) 
 MeirengersGoD Speed: And., .here „e n„ny 
 Wfe Prophet, go,, out into the World, Goo*. 
 Children .re called forth to witnef. between the 
 ^TJ'X"' ^""" "^ *= Miniftersof An. 
 ^f *- ^>« -y W'»">-«, faith theLord:/,. 
 A-dthereforehefdth to hi. People. ye,h.'.r. 
 f»d.w«iWthfo„ef™.„ Degree of th.. Spirit, 
 ^atjudgeth JIThing,,^.; come forth a, Evi. 
 ^«.ce. of tieOofpel. .nd Witneffe. for the Caufe' 
 17' ''"'"""'■'• Honour., my Name for 
 AeE«c.«r.gement„f my M.„.„„..,, ^ jf„, 
 4. good of them that *e blind and know no, th. 
 O-ftrent. between Ch..„ and Anfchrift; ,. 
 »^ft« «ddeda« ^Wiclljr to the World by . 
 fc.«c.Ued,.uAorifed and fen. forth thofc Men 
 to d.. grea. and imp„t^, y,^ „, ^_^ ^^.^ 
 ^>«e.<», for which X h,™ already intended 
 .tt««-»,«nj fa whid. I have qualified d..m. 
ortal ^ouls) 
 eto bidhij 
 e are mzny 
 orld, Goo'o 
 between the 
 ftersof An- 
 c LordifmJ 
 Ve that arc 
 hat Spirit, 
 th as Evi. 
 r the Caufe'* 
 Name for 
 ^8* ai^dfor 
 w not the 
 tchrift; a- 
 orld by a 
 ibie God, 
 hofe Men 
 the Place 
 ( aio ) 
 And thtis my dear Reader, I thipk, you c«n no 
 longer be ignorant of the Nature . of this extcyn^l 
 Approbation J that it is only the fetting a Man sfc- . 
 part (by an external Sign) to the Work and.Stati- 
 (Ml, to which he already belongs, and thaTit ought 
 to be done for the Honour of Goo, for the En* 
 eoaragement of his Minifters, aijid as a Teftimony 
 againft falfe Teachers j and which may prove 4 
 Bleffing to thofc poor blinded Souls, that are in- 
 capable of judging between Chiust and Anti- 
 chrift. And therefore I ihall <iow conclude this^ 
 Chapter with the following Requeft, (let the Ene- 
 mies of Christ fay what they will.' never more 
 to look upon a Man authorifcd to preach theGof- 
 pc], became that hfi has received the Impofitioa 
 of Hands from fuch and fuch Men ; nor never call 
 thatauthorifing, which gives no authority nor call 
 Kim a Miniftcr of Christ, who was not .^ad« 
 one by Christ. And ye that wiih well'to y<ja| 
 own Souls, and others, inftcad of receiving zMH ' 
 as an Ambaffador of Ckjlist, bccaufe he din rc«d - 
 you a Sermon that he has made,,andwr0ted6W 
 on Paper, or Memory 3 fetrch diligently'lfer Hhe 
 Spirit, and Voice of the living Gob, forypii-ii|#y 
( 211 ) 
 remember that Christ when fpcalting of this 
 Matter, dotj/uotfay they ihdl hear the Voice of 
 Man, but they ll>all hear my Voic?/.; And: 
 for your Soul fake do not r^jeft one that has the 
 Voice and Spirit of Christ, nor receive one 
 nelmpojpbilit^oftbe Po^er of Ordination in the 
 Hands of the Mx^iSTKY, ieikg handU do^n 
 from Timothy and Tirvs. 
 T T is -not ftrange tha? there is fcarcely any 
 . ; Matters of Religion more difputcd than the 
 Call, Quali/ications, an(? Jntroduftion of Men into 
 the Work of the Mirii% fo'r thefe Rcafons. FirH 
 becaufe there is fo nuch DiiFe«nce between th... 
 fmeandthe falfe Miniftcrs. Secon4:y. becgufe that 
 the World is fo blind and ignorant in the Things 
 that be of God. ^Thirdly, becaufrthat a true 
 Mmifter is one of the greateft Bleffings. and a faJfe 
 ^'iiiiteroneofrhegreateft Curfes that a People 
 l*hBA»>-.|6, - _ — 
 ' ^ ' or 
 Aa < ^i?tf 
ing of tJiig 
 le Voice of 
 '(o) And- 
 lat hgs the 
 cceive one 
 •celjr any 
 than the 
 jVIcn into 
 Dns. FirA 
 ivecn this. 
 »ufe that 
 ' Things 
 a true 
 id a faJfe 
 I People 
 Of Land can have. Fourthly, becaufe ikitt ii o«, 
 thing that the Devil /& hi» Ad^ocate^ labour more 
 for, than to introdu<^e the falfe, .and obftruft the 
 true Minifter. Anc^ laftly, becaufe the Followers 
 of Christ are fo aiixious to introduce the true and 
 obftruA the falfe ^inifter. And as it is a Mattev 
 fa much difputcdi I alfo, as faith Ei.iHU,(^ff; Will 
 /hew my Opinion ; in doing of which I fhdl talc? 
 a View' of the Matter difputcd ; make fomc Re. 
 marks on the Dlfputes, try the Weight of them, 
 • and fee what Inferences m*y be 'drawn from the 
 whole. / 
 Thi Matti now in Difpute is the Righto* 
 Power of Ordination; Some holding it in the 
 Hand of the /Mi^iftry handed down from Timo-. 
 THV and Titus by a lineal Defcent j others hold- 
 ing i^ot onli that, bat lijcewife all the Power of 
 Church -goiirerhmcnt to lie wholly in the Church or. 
 Brothcrhaid. I fhall endeavour to treat of them; 
 feparately^; Firft, I ftall.,b<5gin with the former,. 
 VIZ. The Power of Ordination handed down from. 
 TiMOTflfy and Tixys by a lined Defcent. 
 Now /if I feould let fo m uch Light i^t 

 ^ -. (21 
 "■«y mat t,0D has appointed fn, ,1, r . 
 "'""'' E«"cy from that Po«-cr, which 
 ^io tr;' "'-"'- ™wrx the- 
 «».c, .of ! "' *" "'■'^''*= P»-- -aft 
 down I ,. n "'"■"olcft.d, and arrive fafe 
 aown to this Day with .11 !,.. t r . 
 ™g« lime, ,t may all bcloft 
 A«» now with «.ga,a ,„ ,^^ 
 *WWcrofGrrfi»,™»- ''"lure ot this 
 ■ ^^^WM^SuP*-!: 
encies enough 
 ' rational Maw, 
 I firft, we will 
 the Power af 
 whain of Sue- 
 t was the on]/ 
 HaJve this 
 icr, whether - 
 ng in thefc 
 iinaiion, 'or 
 ver, which 
 idrcd Years 
 liy try the 
 foIJow the 
 bwer muft 
 n to travel 
 arrive fafe 
 ; becaufe 
 furely in 
 of this 
 h uTuch' 
 as one would imagine no Chrlilian Man could hefc 
 lifeve it pbflible to be handed about from Hand tdf 
 Hand by Man ; and if it was (altho* I have fuf- 
 £cicntly proved it to be Inipoi&ble) yet when we 
 come to follow that Chain of Succcffion, we Ihall 
 foon find, it ttaverfcs fo dangeroas a Courfe, and 
 among fo itiaiiy Eneniics, as to )-ender it utterly in- 
 capable of retaining that Power in Cuftody : whicli 
 is to be hahdcd dowii to the End of the eWorld to 
 particular Meh, for in a very fliort time it falls ^in- 
 to the ravaging Jaws of that blafphcmoua Bcatt* 
 whic^ John faw comi»g-«ip but of Hhe Sea, with 
 Seven Heads and Ten Horns, (p) which blaf- 
 phemed againftGoD and his Christ f atld there 
 it la^xpofed fome ilundred Years. Now can i t 
 be imagined, that that Chain can ever cpnac fafe 
 .QUtoftheirHands with that fpiritual Trcafait, 
 :wh<!n.QQi! himfelf declares, that they fmad^ War 
 agsiipftHimand Againft his Saints ;(qj andwhofe 
 fichief Employ it. was to deftroy the Caufc of.Gop, 
 tod oblirujfl cheProgrefs of the Redeemer's King- 
 doai, and therefore if we allow it poffible for us 
 to receive this PoWer of Ordinaftion ffom that 
 ^. O-JRev. 13. I. (jjRev. 13, 7^ 
 .V , .\,.,tf'~K 
 P ^ , » <5«,* 
 ** A^** . 
 • Qijaifer, then we niuft h. l^'i. » . 
 '•'" ■•' come* aJ. I „ . '" *" '**'*"" ' 
 come ,hro> their lianH. . '2 "^Rpme, and 
 T H mere was not one tnie Beli.,^j: 
 ">"». "» well „d ., „„. "'!'"'.»*<'»« 
 • Chriftian Man to k rir " " P^^ We for 
 Jl know, .hat a State Of De.,. the un.. 
 » _. ^»^g»nd approving the Mfnii^... of Chr„t. 
 (r)ExQ4,i^, iu 
 1^ * i 
n ^0 theijcvii i 
 •t Bk/pheiner, 
 ■e^unic to fay^ 
 the Devil to". < 
 •^ fas t have . 
 Miniftcrs of 
 on might He 
 ^pme^ and 
 ^^" of 
 f^» ax^one 
 1^ " • «* 
 '«« to the 
 rtd me frofii 
 ^arlrnefi of 
 thingi of 
 ^jtidkc 6f 
 ( ii6 ) 
 it is no Matter, whether it be done by Men dc*d 
 or alive. Is this not as reafohable, to belieVt that 
 a blind Man is asgood ^ 'Judge of Colours as any. 
 To fay that in trying the Spirits! whether thdy 
 'be of Christ or Antichrift, it is ho matter, 
 whether it be done%y living Evidences of theGof- 
 pel, who havefome Defgree of that Spirit, that 
 Judges all Things ;ft) or Men 4cad in Trefpa- 
 iei and Sins, who are" Enemies to God, and utter 
 ft. ' 
 , Strangers to the Myftcry of the QoCpcliftJ B^fidcs 
 is it pofljble for thofe. People whom the Spirit pf 
 God is to lead into all Truth^w^ ever to believe, 
 • that God, whcfisaGoD of Purityj and caimot > 
 look on Sin but with abhorrence, did really in- 
 tend that the trying of his Servants fliould he 
 .committed in th« Soul deftroying and Goo-difr 
 honouring Hands of his moft inveterate Foes j 
 when He himfeif declares, that uncircum&fed in 
 Heart Ihould enter into 'his Sanftuary. Nevcf' 
 thclefs Ifliall treat on one Point morej whic^, 
 I truft, will prove the Matter as evident, as. that 
 light is not Darknefs. Let us fuppofc that S^/ 
 Paul did really intend, when Timothy ^ 
 ^iTvs were ordained, that, that Powci Jfeoukl 
 <i) i.Ctr. 2. 12. 15. (it) I. Cor. 2. 14 («) J,»^ f^Vj 
 -'* 'V !•»■<*• 
 ■. it" 
 t>e handed dow^ from;ihen,, and no oth^ way 
 to. the End of the World. Is it "not well 
 Jnown. that fmce that tf^y-, the Schifm. and 
 X>iirentiani have been aJriioIl innunierabJe ; 
 •nd the Diflentcrs. have, at t1,e Time of their 
 coming off. bo« a puBKcTeftimoayagainft the«i 
 M the Churches of Antichfitt , and therefore it \t 
 fcvMent, that old Chain muft by this Time be in 
 «mai^ Piec« as Saue'5 Oi, ,(^) yea fo man. 
 fled aridbh>keri;f^ititis paft thcWifdom of 
 •irflifeMftn on Earth, y<i. S?r. P^ui. himfelf, 
 1^ he W» to return For that i>brpofe with TimO- 
 THY ihd T,T0s with-hftti, ever ta patch m, 
 that old broken Chain, or fp farcolleft and ce- 
 ment thefcattered Piece, together, as to obtain 
 •ne wholVor Gofpel Ordination by any Power ^ 
 from th. Power, wfaiclv he committed to T, mo. 
 jHr.nct.TiTv, Seventeen Hxindred Year, ago 
 . Th^,ft,th he, who byScHisMarecutofffrpm 
 .jn«4cft«enflon3.^ And fo it cannot b. iZ 
 K^ J *'k^'- 
no otlx^r ,w»y 
 ' it 'not well 
 SchiCaii and 
 innumerabie ; 
 rime of their 
 y«gainft the«i 
 therefore k |« 
 is Time be in 
 y«a fo man. 
 : Wifdom of 
 MJL himfelf, . 
 with TiMd- 
 to patch vtn 
 leQ. and ce- 
 u to obtain 
 any Power * 
 that Ohaia ' 
 dto TiMO- 
 I Years ago, 
 from tlwt 
 'hich they 
 lot be in- _ 
 ■ • • '. ■■ ■■ ■ ' ■ 
 deiibJ^ Hired oH thein : And hxttfy Inhere no 
 fart of 4!t ApoftoHe Pdwfcr (dk k' claimed^ 
 there can be ii'e Suectfflbo td it.** No# in ihii 
 ** Chiweh of RoMi, faith httfgjUh, h hii bcc^ 
 " proved l>y On t;i»rttu!* i| Hlftorun 6fthtl# bWlili 
 •*'« that there have been at Ifeift Thirty Schifms by 
 ** fevcral, fometlmes no lift than fiv* or fix at 
 •* once, jiretending to the Popbdom j iild One of 
 ** the Schifms laftcd more than Fifty Yinta, when 
 « one Pope fat at Rbikt, another if Avigon. 
 «■* Nay BBLtARMiT* is bbliged to iiflrtjowlcc^ 
 ** thit for above Eighty Yckn tt^ethcf ftr iriM 
 « of a lawful i»ope, flft^ hid iid dflfff »m4d> 
 ** thin what was in tfia^ferf.^ Ahd tljirtfo^ kif 
 dear Reader, ifthereiSnb Wky for to iltli^Q/oh 
 }j*el Minified in th^e Hiyk, but by PoWef 4e-* 
 Hved froml'iijotiiv kd^'tiTiik'thio* thw 61# 
 brolceh Chain, (as f6itit dticJitft tHert i* Abty, Wii 
 iii^y bid t fiAAl t^arew^l id all Hojigs of ^er tteiaj^ 
 ftGofpelMicifterik|a)h} kAd fo idieU t6 i!I IhJ^ -, 
 i^Mfeictof zp0it}^ia6i^eU mmaifbxtt^} 
 am1)'b1igcd to (ky, hippy bntf 'wtit fhdti; Mi 
 were upon the Jtz^c of AJUiih, fijtbre ihat thaitt 
 was bMeh. 
 ■ -f <i^ 

 ^vry^rh^li^ tn,y f,y^ that, «Ifho* ih.t 
 Cham ,s fo broken, that no Powcctn be derived 
 ^herefrom, yet that doth not fo .Iter the G.fe, 
 btit it may ftill rtmain the Rule of the Gofpel : 
 And therefore if there w.l but one Minifter in 
 thd WorM, .ndhe not ordained, y.t after he wa, 
 ordarned, he «,d hi, Succc%s ought ever after 
 to i;ptain tnd e»rcife that Power , which is a PJe. 
 wade hj many. This groundleft .«d Inconfifl. 
 ^«< Notion I cannot find>nyfelf capable ofanfwer- 
 . 7 '"/'^''^ '^ P»'P^^«' tJ^«» " already done by 
 Ihe afonemention^ Sa-v«l Mather. « The«, 
 ^ trt fome, faith her^ho, tho' they eould neve, 
 , m ,j their Heart, to believe the mad Whim . 
 *ofP«pal SucceffionandafuccefEyeOrdination, 
 ^n^-^'^""'^"^'^ •» Ecclefiaftical 
 •* Juhfdiaion or Government, are for giving 
 ^.the PpwerofOrdinaUon into the Hands of . 
 :ff;mop pr a Synod, but it i. to behoped, that 
 r^^'^^^^^^^^ «^«1 know better, than to ght 
 ^l^^li .n-inefUinable IJr«ich of Ecclefiaijcal 
 v(., 7^*"*<«^*"' own Hands, inlothetti^ 
 ^ ofothes,wJv,oughtnottohaveit,«,dwhrk 
 • POiT^flionof it. hi vc alwa y . laaJc the ^ nfe 
 ''%"''- '. ■'' , **iif 
.. *' 
 liat, «liho* that 
 c«n be deriveii 
 •Iter the Gafe^ 
 of the Gofpcl : 
 le Minifter in 
 «t after he wa» 
 ght ever after 
 «nd Inconfifl^ 
 iWe of anfwer- 
 •eady done by. 
 Bit. "Thew 
 y could nevcf 
 le mad Whim . 
 « for giving 
 Hands of a 
 •choped^ that 
 than to givt 
 , and vrhviA 
 »» of it.** Andi think faid Author^ght lik^wiiij 
 have obfervcd, that if the Church wcm thus t(y 
 givf 'this Power into the Hands of the Miniilry, 
 y^t that would by no means rcftorfe the Order, and 
 therefore tliofe Men, who had received tlia Gift 
 from the Church would have no Power td exeirfife 
 it : |oryou kliow, my dear Reader, that accord- 
 ing S what is thus hpld, there was no oth^r Or* 
 der of the Gofpcl.lmt to receive this P<wer from 
 Timothy and Titus j lieither was there any fuck 
 Power given to any Church ; and therefore no. 
 Church or Pdople could hai^e any fuch Powefr to 
 difpofeof but Timothy, Titus, and thdr Sue- ' 
 ^^eflbrs ; fo that, when*this Chain is once broken, 
 not only the firft Man that is ordained 'any othe* 
 Way, but likewife all his Succeffow mod aef UislV^ 
 be wrong; aiid therefore, vho(bev^ be&evei itt ' 
 this fucceffivc Ordiiialion.has alitady" condemned 
 dl the Minittersj that bttt has beeh or can be, 
 exclufivc of thoHrin the Church of Roiii,Bcfidte|-| 
 It may b« obfervcd, that if the Church has P^ip: 
 thusto ordiln a Man, for to reftort ^m back W 
 tiut Apoftolic Line, then ftirely thej^ljg^f IMwer « 
 W Ordun SK over themTcB^ii^iad tf|jjggi|j^ 
 J^ is decided. ~ 
 .-— \i' •k^^j' » 
 t^jL t^it L< 
 { ^zi } 
 ArguMcm, an impart;^ Confideritf 6h, I »„li ^^ 
 ,*.« any cure io fmpofe my Judgment .^h kiA, 
 ^lu^T'" ''"''""'^"'^°'" th. Thing i.ft,f 
 «m«„„„„rtM. Judgment WacWul Co*. 
 ft»t.tI.c„H,„lth,« nothing „o.c .0 do ft. Ac 
 i THO> the rn.«,fitte„ci«, eh.e .« co.. 
 . •>» Tn.th.of d^oy f^ , I ^ ^^ 
 ?* . ' ;i ' f'ti V.J 
miy give ihefe 
 ion, lihali 'ttdt 
 nent upbh jhiA^ 
 c Thing itle'lf 
 ciiearfu] C(5fi. 
 to do fdr tile 
 t»J'y to ihtfeat 
 pie Of the nd- 
 ill the Church 
 Church Pre- 
 hat are coo- 
 nit5 is fuffi. 
 ^O arc thirf . 
 :d down by 
 toe fii^r 
 c?cd, as I prorniArd, to difcover wliat ^jay be 
 fonud in Fayo^r of the Power of prdiriajion lying 
 in the Church or the Hands of the Brotherhood, 
 fyr which End I fhall offer Precept and ^xamplc, 
 tp^eth^r by confid?ring the yei;y Nature if' th<^ 
 Thing itfdf. '' '"'. 
 First, let me afk my dear Re^dec* what c^fl bp 
 moreinconljUent, than to believe thai^ ^.CliurcV 
 ihould be depriycd of cKufing, the Mini'ft^r, un-., 
 der whofe In;iprovemcnt tjxey exp^^tp lit all their* 
 .^I>«ys, by feme indifFererit Men that never expeiEl* 
 to hear him more than once or twice juft for hls^ 
 Tryal j or can it be fuppofed that thefe two \x' 
 three Men are better Judges of the Call ailH Qaalt^ 
 fications of the Candidategth an the whole Chhtrhf 
 or Body of Men, which arc to rctcrve Jiiih, 'liv^eil 
 the wifeftof all Men has declaredi ^at-irf ke? 
 Multitude of fcouncil is Safety : 7/)' And *'^e 
 Church 1 ikewife haying'the WelJFare ^ thelr^tiltf 
 in fome Degree at Stake, whHet^cQ^ers pi^ii|Ni 
 are living a Hundreft Mila t^ iiS^, 
 aijd not regarding whether lKc^*^feS^ „_„ 
 again or. not.. . ♦ ; "'f^'^;Sr ***'^ 
 ' Si 

 ■ -v^ "T ' n tv-^ 
 f "3 ) -^- 
 ' J^>«-"«-™ro p™,. , Matte,, .wl ^ 
 *«^CW.„fd,eMu,ifte,by.„M«a„ but 
 Wt fiwlW none on the Peril of hi. Life. There-' 
 '^ fitch People muft either be veiy fond of their 
 §^«V«y orelfe they murf^ very ignoran, ; For 
 Stf*! '""' *' «'S'« 'f Eleaion to be i„ the 
 ^^.«dthe«fe,ve,^„f„.ea, f„,n.«ti„n.I 
 W" *««M prefume «, f.^ d„, ^. ^hnrch hrf 
 >» IW *, .«i, the Ceremome, „<i Ci,^„„. 
 •""•J-of d« Chu.0,, when Aeyhri .I„,dy 
 ^•^*, For tl^t woi^dle lite fiyini «h.t . 
 ?^ f»« Ml|^M tl^ Church withwt thei» C5»n. 
 '^ ^. 
■P^y> why the 
 tter, which wt 
 at the Church 
 it of electing 
 Judgment Ih 
 Means ; but 
 t by OrrUna- 
 1 a» great an 
 or a hungry 
 Ws Sorrows, 
 -ife. There-" 
 bad of their 
 orantj For 
 to be in the 
 no rational 
 phurch had 
 1 Circum- 
 >ci alreiady 
 aft in the 
 ingthat a 
 which £e 
 f «4 > 
 ftnt and Choice, then if the Church and Candi, 
 date are agreed and married in Heart ^ the Pelv 
 , kwihip of the GofpcJ j pray what hinders -hi to 
 from heing their Paftor ah«ady, whether he hw 
 j^ceivcd the hnpofuion of Hands or not ^ 
 But fome perhaps may object again, and< fay 
 that, altho' tlie Blcftion be eflential ^nd the Ap-j 
 probation but oircumitantial, yet that i^t partica*- 
 lar Matter by itfclf. and that the Minifter| are; 
 the bcft Judges of their Gifts, Grace* and Quali* 
 fications. It is to be hdpeti that thcfc ObjeAion*. 
 will not be found among thofe, wbohav^ dcdved' 
 that the Right of Ordination naightcomc thro*V»»' ' 
 :hurch-of Rom*, as wcllaa thro* a true Church' 
 of Chr^t, or the tlaadsof ixnconycrted Mcn-os: 
 well a«-thofe of true Chriftian* (ajit hiabeeii ob-> 
 ferved'fomc have declared) leli their Objeftiona 
 ihouM^cla/h, Bcfides^ can any rational Man ever- 
 believe, that the Great, Etamal and AlKwiic . Bi- 
 ihop of Souls, who is the Head of the Churcli^ 
 did ever inftitttte fuch aolnconfiitencysajusnvyl** 
 tical Body, as to flatter hb Peoplp with an emprtty; . 
 mnd of Powet-^-inA-Prewgi ttm 
 . that*' he had indulged ;theii|, wjt^ 
 vikg^ of chufmg or eledulpe all the o 
 • m 

 • , Cht^^h, bu^forfome particular. EnH^ '. I 
 tdMen oT A , r"cwar Ends, unfcnoWn 
 ^"! "'"'«"=8«»f'he CharchJ For He L 
 *«dy.pld *e»,, ,h„ ifu,ey ihould agrccL 
 ?'*!'' '■■'' ^'■i-g 'h* Acy p,o„Id .&. („h«L 
 Jxt,k*cfc Things i„o a f„iou,Cotf.dei: 
 ■ "^' ^'ko-W be raved fro™ treating an.L. . 
 'mainftiUinUiedarl rn„ii ' / f "* 
 "«f»f A.. Matter. And now we wiU La, 
 *rr» '*• '»'"'"^"' Natur. of M,«kini for 
 . j;«™^ •" how many „^i i,i,„„^ ^,, ^^ T ^^ 
 f'"^**" rfW. Cturoh. and the great ?rf, ,L ' 
 ^*""*""'«*"«. 'H.l.hi.awnMind J, J 
tVicife thcPo\ferofJExop^lmunicaJtio^/rt^ whi«li 
 is, thfi mo^ folen^n Ad in ^l thq Church-^ifpip «n^j 
 but like wife tells then^ that, whenever they Ihoold" 
 gather together in hi? Name, he would l^e in 
 the yjidft of tl\em himfclf/^j And therefore* 
 there x;an bj: but little Room now for any further , 
 difpnte about this Matter, who fliall ewrcife the 
 Power: For whethef the Minifter be prcfent «• 
 abfent, it is no Way .cflential, for faith CArist* 
 I tell you that I myfelf will be there : and' not 
 only with them, bm I teUyou likewife, .whatfoeyey 
 they fhall afl;, whether the Minifter confent o'r not, 
 they fhall rcceive^CcJ for I have lead Csiptiviigr 
 captive to give Gifts untp thciasfdj yea if thcjr 
 alk, I will give th?m liberally and upbraid notfej 
 But ,1 will fuppofe we ihould a% the L orii cat^z • 
 cerning the particular Matter now in Pifputc, 
 whether or not the ^hurch hath any Right t0/ct 
 i Man a-part to the Work of the-Miniftry, of 
 bind him by an externaj Sign or Approb^tioti^tji* • 
 the Place and Station, whic|» Qqd Jultl^aIr<^|dy 
 defigncd him ? Why, f«th the Lord, ' ihiv» i^^ir * 
 («) Matt- 1,8. J7. (6) Mut, |8. ap. (0 ^«U» l^||.' 
 ■*-. * 

 i "7) 
 *"' .f '" "■J' Name Acy /hall receive f b„c 
 fterer thejr fl„i, ,oofc „„ e,^,_ ^^„ .^^ ,^^^_| 
 '" ""''■' >W for I m^frff ^ ,, b. „i,^ 
 A„D „,„, „y ,,„, j^^_^^ .^.^ poffiblefor 
 tl... M,„er ? Ne,erthelcf, I will „„„, refer yo„ 
 "0. onl^ ,0 ,I,e expref. Command of Goo „„d„ 
 tko Moftie Dirpe„f„io„ ,. where He faith (af 
 ter the Chnrch w.. g,.hered together). And 
 til :?""*"'""'•'»"'= Church, 
 «... p„, their Ha.d, „p„„ ,he Uvt^.f-J 
 B '^tewtfe hi. e,preft Co«„„di„,i. Jo". 
 P«' D»y. to the Church of A.r,oc«ri) which 
 Con»«d ,h. Church im^etliately obev^ if 
 B« perhap, y„„ „„, f.^, ^, ^^ ^_^ ^__^_^_ 
 "" •'"™« •*"»• '"d 4««fore they might 
 S::;::^--fa.r. that the Command did „,t 
 •f #« 

 pofllble for 
 reffed than 
 Vi refer ypu 
 3oD under 
 ^aith (af. 
 er), And 
 • Church) 
 the Go/- 
 h) whkji 
 '«<^ Sen 
 . Barna-, 
 cd them, 
 fc MlNI*- 
 T might 
 ^ did not 
 coiae tp. thi Miniftere, but toth€ Church;' and 
 that it was the Church that exercifed th^t 
 Power, ordained them, and fcht them awajr. dut * 
 it may be objeftsd again that the Word faith 
 plainly, there were certain PropKcts and Tea- 
 «hers, in the Church, wliich fiiay reafonably be 
 fuppofed, was the Caufe of the Command coming- 
 to that Church. To which I anfwer again, tfa«t 
 it is true there were Prophets and Tcachcra in 
 that ChttPch (as I truft, there fxc in every Church 
 joi Christ) but there is not th^ leaft Account 
 of their being one ordained Man amongft aU thofe 
 Prophets and Teachers : And the reafon why 
 they , were called Prophets and Teachers w»a 
 not on Account of theit being ordatai^ 
 Men, Virhich is as evidently to be feen,.fts tlut 
 two and two niakp four. For you mufl obfervc«; 
 dear Reader, that the very Men, which are nov^ 
 called forth to be ordained/ were in the fkntfr' 
 Verfe, and in the stxj famcMauneJr called Pron 
 phets and Teachers j for- tlij* Word; fidthjlM'V 
 phets and Teachers, fuch m BAii#ii1iA>' iild 
 -Saul, Therefore it il ib: e wdea^.jTllii, tfcty 
 wikjjJv !.„.•,» 
 were not called Prophets and Tea^henQ^|p^c 
 of their being ordained Men, but ' t^ule. they^ 
 • ( 229 ) 
 T™thr.V l.« fo ckarlv «„ ■ • ' "'•■ 
 ftl«»a»dorH ? • """' ""'■''' "'='»- 
 iMves and ordain their o„„ lyjj;. ,, ^ ,^ ■ 
 *~«»yol,joaagdn and fay, tk^^Mf 
 •Fi-Mr^.to ordain Elder, ;. * ^•'^^"T ^n^l 
 I - "" r^ ^ ^^^e^T Church. Ta 
 oi. L. ^ 'w'UAati a,^ R^aioa to fear tkA 
 .■^ J^. 
 :, -^ 
 ncMte . 
 V 7 i 
'ficiaVe ii Behalf V the Church in fettih^ a-^wt 
 Itheh- Officdrs : For no true Church of Cfilni^ 
 could i^:4lbhal)ly reje^ AicK kdps, whci^ ^he^ 
 were to be obtained ; but his tellitig them to dr- 
 daih Elders -in every Chiirch ddth in no wa^ cbn. 
 Wude that they had tky Power to aft of drfalh 
 '**tlufivfc of acting in Behalf of the Church, and 
 the Churches l^ing jikewife in the Tkyi of their 
 Infancy, I dai^fay, woufd rejoice to hare -aiif 
 Advictor Affiftance froiSi TiMotftY ihd TiTxb> 
 tvho Were both iftfpired M€n : Befidfcs if -Pxirt- 
 had not known the Power of the Churdi to be d^ 
 cifive, why would he fo often, when any Mafte» 
 -X)f rmportince was at Staie, write to the ChttrtA 
 to exercife thdr PdWcr.fAJ Pavl had lifcc*i(fe 
 tifcfcij decided th^t the GKttch MlCil«i*+>s 
 hiyfUc^liody, and that CnRisT iittifttf Wit fh 
 im Mihthtm.fiJ And thierefore It ^oUld'Hatfe 
 hiba terymnitibT hiih td hdjhmind tiMd-i-M' 
 ti«d titt^s to ekeftjifcahj^ ^\^ct b^fertl^hi¥, 
 ' m his Chureh J tvhlth hfe ladrt hive done. If j^e 
 hid fcoferfiiiided them b tttfclXk aiylNiWtf t^- 
 iltilli>t of atog in »^aff driJi^'dhiifcli: -'-^ 
 *m thi'ti- ' Ski 'iii Ji^'ih-fiS ' Ui-vf 

 IV. . ■ 
 »iwed he would be in *i. 
 m:<?m « the Fidk i. „f 7^. r' " " 
 ^.«:;7 *!"'««. »?f Annclui«:/^«i But 
 ■ *sS 
c«f Reader he 
 5 DiTcipIet of 
 enial tni in^ 
 n Eartii witJ^ 
 Miniftera of 
 •^«r iatenral 
 Days, But 
 lien he was 
 '«J up iJito 
 ercbjr com- 
 bine diftanc 
 i of aain^ 
 he hat de- 
 icvcr leuve 
 ^'^y JOHM 
 ^Pi" every 
 'HKttT ig 
 fmj But 
 ( FJeih 'u 
 »t no true', 
 Cob ^pn- 
 -( f3« ) 
 th« la .Uowed t^ '«I1 the Ch-^h of Rome) but 
 the Meaning of this Cenfeffion it that CMRwxis 
 Jcnown to come now in the Flcfh not only in his 
 Mioiftew Utlikcwife in all his People/*; There- 
 fore the Voice f)f that Spiritual Union in Chkist^ 
 royftical Bodyns the Voice of Chrmt in the Jplefli* 
 And thus, my deai^eader, you underftand what. 
 I mean by the Miniftcrs of CHRftr receiving their 
 external Gall from Christ t But do not under- 
 ftand me that I call the Voice of evevf Gfett^«^ 
 the Voice of Christ, or the Minority of Voi^s 
 in every Church the Voi«» ofCHRist; by»p. 
 Mefns, becaufe there tre many who arc cadlcfl /. 
 Chriftians, that are 8trang)ers to Christ, and 
 Churches Aat are called Churches of Christ* 
 that are but the ftrong Holds ofSinand Satta* 
 But I n*eanth« Voice of that fpiritual Ifcjon of 
 his Churchy who ftand^ and afts in^^He tciie Ife 
 lowfliip of the G»fpefi and thtt i« d(^^ thf 
 Spirit of Christ in tKe Flcft. Aid here I 
 ^ot but obferve» what was f«id worthy of Rcr 
 m>ibmce by a Servant of the I^oyd; A,9hvch 
 of Christ, iaithhc, iaftead of^cinK back A« 
 Rom. »» •. -'•'. \T«f T. r.-.{ 
' 4 "^7l^»«^ of ,fc .„ie M„^ i^ 
 TIfible JEuMdiH t ti'flii la .i-.; a .. i . 
K«I.J.o« ,h« ,v„r3 , rrfijioa, 0„b„.^ „^ 
 ««» iSe .n 4. Cufeof CH»„r U»t mkc^fZ 
 fcffion ofhi.K.Mc.nor.hi„l „.tyoAc . Member 
 ofh„M.tt.«ilBody who i,c,tt(ed. Member of 
 ll« CWch,i.6r«ny thing afled, ortniiftaed of 
 «r for Christ, that is done wholly „id,oa,' 
 Christ. ^ 
 S.coN,Lr, wherever yo|i «rtd die Spirit of 
 Chmst , ahho' ,mi,„g ,he ftoft poo,,.«ddlt ' 
 paw People <« Eard. .^ievetW i.W«e done 
 m the Caafe of C,M5T *hei,,4.„ in d,, g^*^ 
 CorpoiatioH., *ith ,He „«,« ■ fejaeft Difci-lia; 
 ff the highe(M»idm<r4I«,< ^Ucdly, fct the 
 World- difdaU thM,,, *,,Se f^(c<><friai of the 
 E".h,,ndtoadth««with.hemoft i„f,„..^ 
 R^roiehes; yetifthey « poffefledof th.,^ 
 B«F«ofthc8piri.of4e,«^^^ *§ 
 p. .h«« u the «ceUeirt.^ J, ^ ^^^'^' 
 P.»pi.on,who« Goo J«.«i.«*rM^i 
 ^ "• St6rjrfs 
 / J 

 ^"'"""■«"J'»» love your own SW, ., ^„ 
 "^^•"'"■"■Srfc^.»r.Moni«,f, pe*ce. 
 «d foiia Confoladon; fi^m this komcn*. .Hn^ 
 tI.ev«ftler.Ag«oft.e„i,^,„„„ gfv. fl„p „, 
 you, Ey«,«„r Slumber .6 your Eyelid,: un.tt 
 you have c.ft jr„ur pr.f«e i„d evcrl.ftiu^ Lot 
 •^k-f."' '"'" " G'"-" '»l^"v. Hail 
 A»U^,gMy f.„„^ of the Lord Y,; Blefled 
 ,^Mn<Ued. iMeffed in dly 8.&et. „d 
 ,^. ^ Bkffed ^ thou whin thou goe, out 
 aa cotfe..n^ Blefled in Life, and in DeatE.^ 
 ffielTed for tirte .i,d for fiterriity. 
 '. C H A P TE R xn 
 jlf 8 fillen A.A„ .„ wj. w. g„.,, ^j g^__^^ 
 M To II hi. 8«„. being ,fa^f,„^ ^^^^ ^^ 
 .^en tiUeaief«neinelfta„.l Methodic obt,i„. 
' ■• ^ til. * ■ » . ■ ' -^ ft. 
 thiag mow i^^t«ral, than for Siniiers, wh.o are mi 
 dcr,fomc^onviaions by the awakening Spirit of 
 Gqn.when beginning to ice their G«»ilt and Nak- 
 cdncfs, than to labour for a Cpvering of their own 
 Performances* They begin tothink that they are 
 bom todieji^find they have been quflty of 
 fome Sins, |pPegin to itare them in the Face, & 
 being thus troubled with a guilty Confcience, they 
 imagine they will (land in need of a Saviour fom<j. 
 time or another ; and therefore they muft begin to 
 ftir themfelves and look around thcni^|||vadon j 
 tiicy will forfake their grofs Vices and ppcn Pro-' 
 frnity, and fly to flidtor themfdvcs under fom^t 
 external Profeffion by faUing in with fom^ I^rfji^i ' 
 pie of Religion, and perhaps they wiU away Ui 
 their Minifter for Advice , who ini^cad offtrMi.' 
 ping them of all their falf. Hopes or Dependant 
 and fliewing them more of their miferable, loft 
 and undone Condition, and idvift|ig then, Ho «Ml 
 their guilSrSouls «Pon Chiist^^ «cvtr Ifc 
 till they havereceivcd,i|n,4«^ ,f p^ 
 ^^ Souls, they will (tcK,^^^,^^^^ 
 yifc them tothe forjakia^.^ v;^v .^^ i^iZ^ 

 .( iif y 
 «*«'-, art rttfe^i- . "'"' *«*» tt» 
 ♦«'..> . 

 M Aey h.re ^ «8 upo, : „4 ;*,« ,^, „ 
 ■an... »„y pk,^. g'''""^ ^SIm-S"'- 
 j% - <»>. Mdi^^ ,^i^ _^^ . 
 ftf TiUe y M ai^ tk ^a ^^ ^1. ^*^ "-^ ***** . ■ '.- 
 if Ti.t--_ '-"'"W ■BIBK-aa iblBttt 
 .T-'- X,' 
 1 1 
 239 ) , 
 ^^cMtf^kc thatM nihouid be ib .*3lou, for 
 ^d Goo Service Wl.*« 1.^ &"nc 
 were not willing to W the Siek k..i-j / 
 ■'iJ *r ";• »*' <■«' »"»• Z«1 .M Suiflnca of 
 «dt: J. r'**"''^'"'"^ ««-"■'. 
( ^40) 
 innen, a^d/nak- 
 of Men.frjo 
 and how fatal 
 iTo t^iloas for 
 Truth f Saul 
 and thought he 
 periecutihg the 
 ipei ftitious and 
 «y coiildftone 
 '^ The High. 
 Goj)'3 Houfc 
 nals, that they 
 healed, on the 
 could declare 
 iclzchuh. fxj 
 f Bitternefs, 
 Strangers to 
 to Colours. 
 Hell in a naore dangerous dfe, tlun thofc \jirko 
 «re thus contentedly. Aeltereii. uiid«» a ClofOf oC^ 
 Externals, a Fo^m of Godlinefs Wit^iout ehe Poww v 
 Mthe D^vU and his AdvopatqsViir if po#^v 
 fcach them to believe, that |11 ?rctenfi^ni td v^ijU 
 l^el%ion, Conviaions ^ Codycrfiq^js, or J[oy ii| 
 tlie Holy Ghoft i» thefe ©ays is' no^jbing ^ 
 but Enthufiafm, or t^c whimfical Npticww of Im* 
 poftors, and if t^«y do but keep clofc to thoff 
 Forma and Hjfternals, all wUl be wU: ■»4 fo 
 il\c poor deluded Soplt (like Silkworms that lyprjk 
 themfdves to death in a Uttle SMI)«fpei»d.ill theij 
 Dayi patching, vii; holding up a Form of IWi, 
 g'on, until at Igft, when a conquwing D<f«t|i ftriicca 
 the fatal Blow, the Fabric^ falls to their Surpi3b% 
 ' and then, O too Ihocking to r^ehtion, th^ cf^. ^ 
 left with th«s mournful Cry o£th? fooliflj :V^|ift»j 
 Give us of yxiur Oil for oiir Lambs are^itfti^/^/ 
 aiid fo lie down in everlafting Oonft^iti libera 
 too late they axe Qomrlnced of their ii^-jimt^ei^ 
 eoVcrable Miftake. Well but; iaith^«ne,%roul4 
 you wholly objea againftall gttheringof QI||^hQi^ 
 « .^d joiiUBg„lQL Churches ? T e s, my 'dt u ^M ^ ' 
{ 24n 
 Fif t 
 ..Ssr ! , I 
 !•' '^ 
 r^"***' •"^'ww. f&a. »!■« ftdi 
 I^rf* «hi. I^ „We Religion i.»|p: 
 ' 4 
 ■"'*^, ''■^']'' . j©in 
 V- - - 'i 
 j«|tt^«Clitoc^f f(»x ? Ydnr'Rtfqutft, my dear Ri<a;i 
 &r/ fliaU be^rw^r^d. Rril, With Regard wh<»t 
 yw ihall tkinllc df ODdfa people. Yiiu may think 
 fiF them as Uic Itotd hath taught you. t% thin^ 
 •f Scribes and Pharifes :f«; And utUcft their "^ 
 2mI is eccafioned by g' Love for Religon f «k " 
 clttfivfe t>f all Reward! and Patil|hineQt8, thef 
 Will cettainly die with the Hope of the Hypni^ 
 erite, and Will inevitably pwifli to all Eternhyl ' 
 And a«for thcBnd> f<» which the flncere Cha^^ ' 
 ti*n joins with the Chunch of CMiiU'i kJI 
 not fot a $heltci- from fhe eiinild ^kohh. F^ 
 if he is a true Chri(|ifll^ he is already flic!t«rtf4 
 froia^ that by thfe hxtid of evetiailing Strength :f<^ 
 And itjumi^iJj«-t«rfn^re for Peath r for he 
 '|s fo far prepared for it, that Death wouM lie 
 aGaItt to hifljjr*/ neither tan it bcfor to merit 
 the F*vo\ir of ^on» ; for that he has already: 
 tot, nfeither can he ever hf&it.ft) Now if you 
 would ko^w the gnnd Motive that exchcs theiir>i 
 I will ttfpt yoti t6 Whm itWtfl^^ tiic Ptofihft 
 Dai^. %hy, faith jic, It ftr becanfc M:Wt(jm 
 -ifv : 
 ', T 

 hi -■ 
 («« ) 
 Silver/^; Again (faith tlic fame P«,piit) when 
 •Iwoft in an E«afy under . Senfe of the Sweet- 
 aeft of th, Way, of Goi. breaking but in fuch 
 I'-nguage a, thi.. O hour love I thy Law, it i, 
 '^f^^f^^'thcD^.rO So that you 
 ft-^Jt „ wholly «,t of a Lbve for the Way. 
 of OOP, and theprefentEnjoyment, which they 
 find therein , For it ia the Food, Light, Xife 
 «»d Joy of their Soal. , .„d therefore the fame 
 PropheMaith again, I would rather be a |>oor. 
 deeper in the Houft of ay (Jbn, thati to dwell 
 In the Tent, of Wickcdnefa//; Jti, the De- 
 light of t^e Heaven born Souls to go hand in 
 ItnAwith the defpifed Mowers of the Lamb 
 trid to enjoy the PrivHcge* of ^e Gofpcl with' 
 'them. :'f :/ "''■- ». 7..-. ., ■ :' ■ ■ • " , ■ 
 ^ And now, let me intreat every on^ lijowhofe 
 Hands thefe few Line. ,nay fall, iiat to|atter 
 yonrfelf^ith the Hope, of refgniHg with ChriH 
 forever, bccauf^you beir hi. aumehere. norex- 
 p^'tojdifi dieCh»rchtrkiinphant, bccanlfyou 
 pioftrfi to he * J^^t^ i»f ftc Church nylvapt. 
 ^'^ W «iafcti^^^ae|fbpli& Vii^ins had their 
rophct) when 
 »f the Sweet- 
 l but in fuch 
 tyLamr, itif 
 >o that you 
 •r the Ways 
 which they 
 I'ight, tife 
 re the fame 
 ' be a poor- 
 i«i to dweJl 
 is thtDe- 
 go hand in 
 the Lamb> 
 iato who(e 
 ( to flatter 
 'ith Chrill 
 I nvHta^t. 
 had their 
 tamps as well as yoM.(g) Von may^^rkewlfe 
 find, altho* they had no Oyl, they wete fo con- 
 fident ofthelr^ftanding, that they arofe and trim- 
 med their Lamps without any more Corieen^^^ 
 than the wife Virgins, until their Lampi 
 were gone out in tot?l ^arknefs: For the word 
 faith. Then all thofet Virgins arofc and twmmed 
 their Lamps.^i^^ And tha» you may fee, that 
 your beijig confident is ndt t/fufficient Eyfi 
 deuce that your Standing is^godSi fcr a man 
 may be as confident on the Sand, ae on the Rock ; ' 
 if the JDevll can but make him believe that all 
 -if well. Many a Man has died in Peace, only 
 1)ecaufefome Prieft or Friar has pretended to par- 
 don their Sijis, The Jews, who to their dying 
 Day, will declare Chriftto b^the grcatell Im. 
 poftor on Eanh, will many of them leave the 
 World with the grcateft Confidence of their fu- 
 ture State being happy ; althoV the t<^brd dt^I 
 •lares that thus dying, it is impoffil^c for them 
 «o be faved ; fij The Mahometans will nian^ 
 ofthein triumph. over Death and the GwiVc till 
 ^ ia^ Momeift. "H^i^ what"tKtnF"|5u 
 m now of your confidrnc«i my dtfii^ Ikj|4«r^ kullt 
 [i] Matt. as. I l/t] M«t.a$. y. iMl^ »• 54 
( H9 } 
 S"n<«» of .r.c JJeJigio,. „ u, W. CwJ/ - 
 *"rfem„gyoUfra«tba,^J^*?"' ■^'' ' 

 >t thjnj( yon 
 aovr think 
 alTure Jii^ 
 irity with- 
 «/ dew 
 Hou|, or 
 for f^ch 
 -,,, .|»-|r,.., ...^ 4, , , 
 iinppffibl<l for to be in' i worfc gohdliion an thU 
 $idc of eternal Defpair^^n on « falfe Hope. 
 and you have b«t one 
 if thit be (oae by 
 gone fotivtr. do 
 Wty longer on fuck i 
 |8otil to ioj; I iHd 
 Heart, )^«iraiii 
 ipimoctfl Spailt 
 of infintte Dan-^ 
 «ew. j,ou may be Very aealow attending to the' 
 Externa, of Religion, heat manyJSoAfil m. 
 n«>li3. pmaice niany Fomu of J^<i^y^^ 
 fdf. be baptized with Wjuer. Iftd c«eie to l£ 
 ^Sacramerit, ^ the laMtoV %{>« * and jm 
 hem taae dne Crmmli^ j,|, ihe livii,^ £,t«4 
 t^t eomci ddwii fi>om Heavwir. -And O, w^ iviH 
 *a-thtt avail y<»ittJ^^ng^^^o^^., youiai^ cftiab 
 ^ott #e W4j|l bccaufe your Miniftet ha^4g|||an 
 ved >««il aChfiftian: Bttt,Od<iaottro^S» 
 ^•Jvationon the jadgement <tf mfty Man. .J^i 
 fideUtmay be thatydair Minifler is as^eat^raoi 
 rr to CnaisTAa yoiilielf, o be ihii«ated ^^ 
 fo« to tXM^M ywirilanding^foreymt^i 
 fc ctft, and bdHd! y^ ^ridatipn'^^ 
 Rock that wai ftahdfbiweri >^ 
 w iii |)ii,i i H i i i» j i . n ii iii nn i 
 S«*<. " 

 » * 
 Ctt A PTt k Xllt. 
 - , Tht trut Church «/ Christ. 
 Nofir come io take iVAall View of the Form 
 iiid Fiilhion of this Hdufe of Gou, viz. A 
 Gctfpcl Church. And here I can't but admire 
 ^ Cbndua and Prudeflcc of that wife fiuif^ci* 
 (tWiowas It Type df Christ) when abou^ to 
 build; the Houfe of the Lord (which wasliJce- 
 .#ife « Type of CHRisr's Church) in beihg fa 
 ^i*ful^^t<» have every Stone hewed and.fquared 
 fefoitildyc into the DuiJding, that there might 
 be nonoifc of Axes or Hammer* in the Houfe 
 «^^ori i(l) fb there is none that is fit for the 
 •i^wught out of thifbde Mafs ^ Sinnerr into 
 il»^llha,^ofth^SonsofGoo,.whoh.ve been 
 *^frQm Deatii to Life; from theJrState of Con- 
 Jpi«««to a Stateof Juftification:that theremay 
 *^ifc of the Hammer and Ax^ Gonviftion^ 
 m tlw Work of the Law in the vifible C\^nh ^ 
 for unlefs they are brought to a faving. Uiuoii 

 any ©ivihe Life from^itn , aiid tkercfbrc ih> 
 ftead of bciiig any way fcmccable to die CUurcl^ 
 they will be as the aecu^fcd Thing in the Camp i 
 (mj they \*ould be prejudicial to the whole 
 Body and perhaps the mpans 6f Scaling rhcmrdvci 
 down to ctel-nal Perditiori likeivife.^'^; . An^ " 
 -V altho' no Church can have an infallible Know- 
 ledge of the Candidates for Gommunion; neither 
 can we expeft a pure Church on Eartth withwt; ' 
 fome Traitors j yet that ddth not alter the Oaf© 
 withth^Uiibeliever: For he la iw niore fit fo^: 
 Communion or Church Fellowfltip, than if cveis^ 
 Church-Member had art infallible Knowledge of 
 his Staridihg. And altho' the EnemieaofjCHRia'i, 
 bear fo hard againft any futh Thing ni Go{}>^# 
 FdIowlhip,yet,bleiicd be God, there isa.S^ 
 fatisfjMng Knowledge of thofe Things, whicJ^^^^^' 
 World knows nothing of v Yea the Wordof OdiJ^ ' 
 whifch never can fail, has declared that the ^nittit 
 . have Communion with Goi> die Father, Son anci 
 Holy Ghost, and iiQ%l«^ one with Ant>4 
 ther :fpj And althb* thire ^^re Tares among thd 
 y^^ fi^^imU^!^^^ 
 i«.l]oft. 7. 11, la.- [a] I. CftTtii 
 ' u 
 j"«a. 7. II. la.- i«j I. Cor.iuti,^ Kit 
 ( »+9 ) ■ 
 of the Woria gfowiag togeAcr. Yd would by 
 Mean, have „y R«a„ obferve.tha. die Time 
 thofe Tares were town, w„ while Men flept YW 
 |U.d therefore we *ay „.fo„abIe f„pp,re,,ha. had 
 Chnftians get a Ara/from Gon and are tteeping and 
 flumbermgwitl, the (bcJilh Virgins, and Chorehea 
 row formal, loofing the iWer of Godlinef., then 
 '^'y m « great Meafure lofe that Spirit of difcem 
 %wlicHGobof hisgreat IWercy ha, given tohis 
 People: ^,; and then it i, th« Unbeliever, e^ud 
 Jnfofaft,„totheeh„rche,. Bu, I« them croud 
 u>.verfom.ny. or even gather whole .Churehe, 
 1*.th Unbeliever,, yet none but true BoUever, 
 Jre Member. ofC„.„.., Myttical S„dv, and 
 Wore no«e ^ be „„et Member, of the 
 r^v^Fellowftiponewith another, but ttand in 
 laid have Communion with the HolvR ■ • 
 =tTjffi«.V3.;,.-w..^;;,,, „, 
 ■■^. -■•'-: 
iiom Go. th.ctera.U'ounMin fc d«, ts,o„A 
 P«uk=»ofA.divi« N.t„c. „4. i„i„^ ^.^ 
 Dcgrc. of U.« Spirit th«juVd. .11 Tlu.g, ,A. 
 dom of C.,„T , .nd d«f, ftopie ba»g .k„ „. 
 d«m.d by Ac Blood of ,hc *.ri.iU.g Cov.««.t. 
 "d „.„.d .0 .hcLoxd JB,„, C«..„ by d>. Holr 
 ^t" "^'""^ '""""» ^-^'^ 
 ' '"' '«*• •« '""•W Th.«f.„ S i, „ . 
 PO'Wq, ,0 «„Ue in .hc>cllowftip«,4. (^J 
 Pd «d ^ Hand in H„d in a. W.y. .f <^„^ 
 ™^*"«» .0 b. <l.priv«,.f.H^ft. 
 ■**^^ -vKi 
 ^*»t < 

 Privileges, bec«uf<s that their Nurtbersi Gift* 
 and Qi-aces are fmall ; but have an undoubted 
 'Rigkt tp embody aild gather themfelvcs together 
 in 'Church-Order for the Improvement of futh 
 Gifts ind Graces as God has blefled them with i 
 which was fufficiently proved, when it was proved 
 that all the Power laid in the Church or Brother- 
 hood : Yea altho' their Number njay not be more 
 than fix or feven Male Members, fot Christ has 
 promifed to be in them, with them and blefs 
 theni. And at fuch Times/ when Chriftians are 
 al)out gathering together in Church Order, they 
 ought, if they can conveniently call for Advice 
 •ind Affillance from ChrilUan Churches, but if 
 they cannot get any from Spiritual ChurcJies. 
 they ought by no Means to call for any from thofe 
 Churches, that hold the Form without the Power; 
 but fliould aft and tranfaft within themfelves in 
 all the Privileges of the Gofpel, as far as their 
 Gifts and Oraces may extend ; altho* the Chur- 
 phes of Ahtichrift will bear hard againft fiich Pro- 
 ceedings. And v^'ith Regard t6 any circumftan- 
 tial Difference in the external Obftrratitma pf 
 -ft4ifeitjny-t|iey o ug ht ty- no Me afli tdftake 'TOy^ 
 ^iyifiQa.aanong the true Citizens 6^ SioVj tn4 
 r "j-W- 
 ** *." * -fd 

 ( ^5i ) 
 « nothing^ ihort of the Baptifm of the Hon* j^ 
 GHOs^andi?i^,icanfit a Man for the Church of' It^ 
 Christ, or unite him- to CHRiST»sinyfticalB6d7, 5, 
 therefore <lifFerent Sects and Denominations or^ 
 circumftantialTbiiFerences about Wtter-Baptifm! 
 concerning Infants or Adults, fprinkling or Im. ' 
 merfion ought to be no more a Bar in uniting,^ 
 building and communing together, at the Lom.'s 
 Table, and all other Gofpel Privileges, than the 
 Difference of their Voices and Looks : Forwhen"^^ 
 the Living God by the Blood of his Son, and 
 the Gift of his Holy Spirit has infeperably united 
 them together, who but fuch as are more zcaloua 
 /or the Shell than the Subftance, or hav« goft 
 niore of the Baptifm of Water than that of Fire/ 
 would, for the Difference of fuch external Obft^- 
 vations, prcfume ^o pu^tim afimder t and efpc-' 
 dally when againft the cxpr|fs Command of; 
 GoD,^»; and likewife fo often mp^cd for.dif,^ 
 ifering about fuch inferipr Xlattcrs; or fetting 
 • Seaarian SpiritYo;; And it is wtlltg^^^, 
 fcrved, that when the great Gofpel. I^gw-Gjiii^; 
 I ^^« of the Door into his Churchy a Bc ^a| )i th^^ 
 ^ivHegesorthe Gofpel, he <ioes:riot fe^tl^tKi* 

 « i 
 *«^c!p^^> God IbrWd' liiit ©Vera ffcaven bom 
 a^"ftttul<i^ again hc^|p«|id with ikk&d^an' 
 '•^^^"^'^ ' ^'^ not Gcyjk declare again as f liin ' 
 '^^•ean, bttwiprtfledfortlAoamingof (od^DiT. 
 *dc«?, due there is neithc»ipe# nor Greefc, nei. 
 'Ihferbctod nor free, neither %leitor Female, but 
 .^«ort,ih e,Ht«T /.s.,:r|^ Aiidyet, O too 
 ^^oekingtobe told in Gat|, or puBfiffied in 
 ,c»«ALOM'. tWe beggarly Matters uire too offeh 
 «^ip, tb tlic wounding df Religion, and in 
 Tftnesxjf Dkrtnefsa^ a fcparating Wall; even 
 imoh^mt-fpmwm df the Lamb, who were all 
 once the fame by Wattiir, and* are afl now the 
 famebjfG'nrce, all drihk dfthe fame Stream, all 
 e«t the farite Food, all wear the fame Robe, all 
 ^iighuiifcm the Ikmc C.ufiJL>«ght upon l^ 
 the f«me ^piri^ all t«vell«h. fame Cil 
 ,of Reft, and wiir aHmJi^. j, g,, ^ J 
 3* 4* 
thcWor caf' 
 Heaven bom 
 ;aln as |}]bin 
 of fvtch Bif. 
 Greelr, nei-> 
 Femaie, but 
 1 yet, O too 
 uBfiilied in 
 re too offeh 
 ^n, and in 
 ^all; even 
 io were ail 
 H now the 
 Jtreart, all 
 I Kobe, all 
 nc Father,^ 
 tit upon fc^ 
 ^adie Ci^ 
 thd famtt 
 ICingdom, and all join the fome harmonious Bani 
 >'<^ everkfting Praile, where ©ifcord, 8in and 
 Sorrow fliall be no more : And yet againftall this, 
 a^mft the very Nature of the Thing, againft their. 
 own Welfare and exprefs Command'of Gao, (O 
 ^et me fay it with Grief) . there are Har^ and-vSc- 
 I<j^ations fometimes among the true JioUowers of 
 Christ J. yea fo great^ that fame will <.not fit 
 down at the I^ojd's Tabic together. ' Pray "'what 
 ^cufe can they have, or whatJ^rofit .can they 
 expedl to gain thereby ? Qnce^more I.will repeat 
 tiie exprefs Word of God,' there is faitli he nei^ 
 .iher Greek nor Jew, Circumcifion nor UnciTcum- 
 iion, Barbarian, Sfiythian, bond nor ftce.s biU 
 Christ isl^l.^^ln all.f^/ And now,^tfeo* Lhsnc 
 offered both Scriptur? 'and Reafon, fufficieattD 
 convince any who are Handing Candidates for 
 Light; yet as it is a Matter of more Importance 
 than mjny y ^^^g^ll^ I <»*» but sreler say 
 R4ad|||b^mK i * ftp b^^fc(mc of the gceateft 'q^ 
 Viters on thia PoinT Why, faith W*:3ft»jij^ 
 sn fad Thing, that <vcr 
I 5^ Height in the Church, and that thefe Opinion^ 
 C f^Pnld be .reckoned more in a Man, than the 
 SC Pref^ence ^nd Dwelling of God himA*lf and the 
 I A Spirit in him : And for my Part, faith he, I ut- 
 ^^^.terIy difclaim all A.ch Diftinftion, of^an's mak- 
 v^, ing, and will allow of no Diftinflions, hut what 
 X. God himfelf hath^made, and that is this ; ^e 
 ^ > World, and they that are taken out of the World, 
 Sf.'Or the Church and they that are without, or in 
 ^ ^ ^ the Church, the Children that are born after the 
 Nf; Flefh, and the Children that are born after tiflc 
 ,^ t Spirit , or which is all one, faith he again, carnal 
 ^., and fpiritual Chriftians. And D|. Tavlor faith 
 V. (fpeaking. Wittily on the faii^^Matter) That 
 .^ Mor a trifling Caufe to cut off a Man from Comu 
 iJ:^^ Hion of the Church is to do as a Man in the Fable, 
 - >^ ^<^fpyingaFly uponhisNeighbour's Foreheadwent 
 • ^ ^ to beat it off with a Hatchet, and fo ftnick out 
 -his. Brains. And Dr. Stillincflett, faith, 
 tha^ Chriil, who came to take aWay the unAip- 
 pomble yoke of the Jewifh CermOnies, certain- 
 iy did never intend to gall Uie, Necks of the 
 ^gifgpleswith «iother inil^ak of i^, arf^ u would 
 -4Ki ft^ngci^ faith iic, that tKe Church flioiiidrc: 
 «iuirc more then Christ himfelf did, and make 
 i ■ 
fe Opinionf^ 
 , than the 
 fiSlf and the. 
 :h he, I ut- 
 ^an's mak- 
 , Hut what 
 s this ; ihe 
 the World, 
 lout, or in 
 1 after the 
 I after' the 
 ain, carnal 
 rLOR faith 
 ter) That 
 >m Comu. 
 the Fable, 
 lead, went 
 [truck out 
 T, faith, ■ 
 ie unfup. 
 s of the 
 it would 
 -. J^i 
 Biffre Conditions of Communion, than ourSavIouy 
 di<^ of I^ifciplefliip. And again faith he. That 
 without Controverfy the Main of all the IWf- 
 traftions, Confufions, andDiforders of the Chrif- 
 tiaf^ Church hath hee^ by 'adding other Condi-, 
 tioifs of Comixiunion, than Christ hath done. 
 IJeither vyill I omit here a v?ry plain aii4 com. 
 pre^cnfive AdviceofMr. John Bunyan. JRewar« 
 ,of a jangling Baptiil and a liot Pre/by terian. 
 Anp thu^s, my dear Reader, I have eBTdeavourcd 
 to difcovcr to you. in as few Words as poflible » ,^ 
 true Church of Q^r^st : But the Piivilegea of 
 fuch aChurch being fo fat beyond whpt I.can po^r 
 fibly exprefs, that I ipuft refer my Reader to aiji 
 experimental Knowledge of the upfpcakable TreSj 
 fures of that Field. And if you fliould.^v^r be ^ 
 happy as to partake of the Wonders of RbdbiMt 
 iNtt Love, whereby you may be a worthy Mem • 
 ber of. the true Churchijf Christ; and in the 
 it*' . v." ■',.;,'-.>iii- ' ' ' ■ 
 Courfe ofGoD-sI*r0«i(3d^be, have your Lotrj^.. 
 in any Part of the World, where there m^ ,b<»|j 
 *^ few of t^EolIoweri of the Lamb, my fincerc'-ii^ir' 
 Ji, as yo^ love yoijr ovvn So^«,4iy4 
 the Sptfis of others, that ye immediately fqaKtjte 
 from the Powers ofDarknefs, fh«kc off ill;-4ffiwtjr 
 ;_^, I '57) 
 ^l00fW^ OktuetM, that hoia tlieFora, 
 ?f Godlineft witKou, th« Power, .„d g..hery„„* 
 felvM together in the Fellowftipef the j»ipd ' 
 •ndthe Bonds of P«A, «,d fuffern, one from 
 E«thorH.n d.at may i„v.de your, Privilege,, 
 ever ,o„b you of that Power «,d Liberty, whiA 
 ;rourbIefledlordI»thpurchafed for you with , he • 
 )fnce«fl^, own Blood. Ani to all Church!, , 
 lh« gathered and travelling, let #„, yo„ „^ 
 •«1«rthySer«„i„ dieLord, intreatyou to ftand 
 fl>rall the Truth, and Privileges of the gWi ■ 
 td extend .«„eftly for the Faith once delive,ea 
 ttttheiftunts : Keeponen Doom K>r k. 
 ^mbe^bat clofefeagainftall fuch. as canno, 
 f^«fati*aoryEvl!lenoe of a Work of Grace 
 tfeir He^t. and iheir Uniotiothe LoMJ«„, 
 |H»«T : „d.be .„o.^,i„„ „^ ^^c«.. 
 a^w" !^*^•'"■"'^j°f^*W>>''>■. 
 !an Jl^ir*'*""" '*!?'^y«»fCa»„T.y>; 
 fwk't*^ think .f -Water Baptifa. 
 (SjJ Matt. a», 4a. 
 ^^ ?*.,.*, 
 '>i» - -. 
( »58 ) 
 IFprI wouH advife til Chriftiaw not to buiM 
 opon fuoh external. ObfemtioM very high, left 
 they might bar out foine greater Bleffing, nordf- 
 teem them beyond tvht|i|ood they may do. Aid 
 w for Water Baptifm, it may jjc obferved, that^ 
 «mqng the great throng of ifs.iealous Advocates, 
 t^cy differ as much in their pofitive Affertions a« 
 black from white. Numbers declare it to be Re- 
 «cnejatidH ; others feem to be fomethinginore«- 
 finq|l in this" Matter,, and vrill only fay, tfa«t it 
 puta the Child in a more fiiir Way for 9onverfion» 
 ^jkys the Lord under fomc Oblfgttion to the 
 <^P,whye many others ftepalmoftas far out of the 
 ' ^ay on the other Side, and will hardly bdievfti 
 Man to be a Chriftian,;th«^ will ^et hi^'eWditA 
 baptized, or that will atot be baptized Jiiiitfelf by,. 
 Immerfion j ai^ fome othcrs^re To offended a]t -aM. 
 M^ater-Baptifip, that they are fupcrftitioufly cnga^" 
 ed againft it. Now it is felf-evident, that thefe 
 cannot all be right, andthei«fofe,if mydear Rea- 
 der & any Defire to know »y Mind on this Mat. 
 ter, I anfwer, that after hearing ^^WarttfeiS D«l 
 n a t es an d greaKiMi rg gme n te fran eveiy Side, tiaA 
 a cloie Application ta the iafidlible^ W^»dl^ 
 ^vUi.Iiirmly believethat ^ ' {vqlt^^N^iUi 
 . '' * . - . ■■ . that 
 ..n. ,;. 
p.- « 
 ( *59 ) - , 
 that is of any Benefit to an immortal Souf, but 
 the Baptifm that John tells us his Lord and 
 Mafter/houldbaptife with, viz. the Holy Ghost 
 ^nd Firc:(zJ And when a Man Is thus Baptifcd, 
 he will reign wj{h Christ for ever, if he never 
 fee any Water. And as for the Ufe of the Water, 
 my Advice is this ;Jf any true Chriftians are con.' ~ 
 Science bound to be fprinJcIed, they andthcir Chil- 
 drcn, by no Means forbid them ; and.if others are 
 Coafci^^nce bouqd to omit the baptifing of their 
 Infants, but chufc to go all under Water themfeives 
 after Conver/ion, why ftould they not go, and if 
 others are Confcience bound to omit both, for the 
 lord's fiOca do not compel them to ufe it : And 
 by no Mean* fpend too much Time difputing 
 •bout it, nor depend fo much upon it as to bar ' , 
 out fomc greater Blcfling , for it is all (as you wii4 
 certainly find upon Examination) but a none-ci* 
 ifcntial Matter of no more Importance than it 
 does good, and if any one imagines they ar^ 
 Confcience hound, and really expc« to get or do, 
 fome Good thereby, God forbid, that I ihoul4 
 hinder, or controul tny Brother's Confcicn«» i^ 
 (') Luke 3. i^. 
ihofe ii6iic-«flcnti«l Matters; And *$ one Mmi 
 that is baptifcd witK the Holy Qhoft, will be of 
 more Service in the Church of Cum^r, than Ten 
 that gre only baptifed with Water,' I would to 
 God that all his People were- fo tender in tMt 
 Point, as nev^r to bar any from Cdmraunion but 
 fuchw God barsj for if he receiye*'them, whQ, 
 or what am I, that I fliould refufe them. • Kowi 
 as I intend a few more Word'i of Advice to the 
 People of God in one of the" following Chapter* 
 I fliali conclude this Difcourfe with that impor- 
 tant Advice ofthe God ofall Grace to you, 
 and all the Followers of the Ltmb. .Stand* ftH. 
 therefore in die iriberty^ wherewith C^ittT/h^tli 
 inade yon -frtis:, iind ^e ^ot entangled »|;tiii >^^ 
 the Yoke of^ond«gi.(^ And the Lordof h|« 
 infinite Mercy, lead you by his own Wordsjad> 
 Spirit, into all Truth. 
 , J' 
I* i 
 { 261 ) ' .l'-^ 
 dtt.A PTE jR xrv. 
 •^ HEN the World ,yi?l her cnormouJ^mes 
 ^^=ft-°^ o«ther Day of Probation, ind. 
 WI that wa.„cceff«ry for the WeJf^e of the fall 
 -^^n«.,elusbeendoneb;th. Father, Son and 
 «oly^^^^^^^ wty^jl,haven,ade ' 
 -ft ofMa„k,nd have outftpod the0^ of^G^ace r 
 have abufeci the Patience of Heaven T;i ^ u ' 
 I.h.b„.„„ rt<,„ ^„^„^ ror>fleI«&, Now ■ 
 COM. G««P„eof.He,V<.HdVei„.„j;2 
 w.th>c«hc„ifl. D„kni6,,„a ,HeCh;iftia„ C^r^ ^ 
 W '">f°™"*i'' «'-"'<• V'* Antichriftia; 
 «J0ft SupcrilltionTthcn,:^jifq 
 atioii, and, 
 r the fajl ^ 
 > Son and 
 lave made ^ 
 I and the^;, 
 >f jGrace,/ 
 n GuiJc,' 
 s in the 
 iin of i]t'e . 
 I Now ■ 
 Y wains' 
 n Corn. 
 j h w ith ' 
 I ■^,. 
 awful Scene.. At%Kdnight it is farefairted this ' 
 PttmpwillSwft. '^ X 
 From tenfold JDarknsfs 'fudden as the Spark, 
 JFrom Hmitten Steel ^hm nitrous grai n the fiiaze^ 
 Man ftarting from his Q)uch fhall fleep 119 mOr<i''^ 
 The Day is broke which never more fliall clofe* 
 Above around beneath Amazamejtit all. 
 Terror and Glory joiii'd in their extremes, 
 CKir Gooin Grandeur, and our World on Fire, 
 >. All Nature ftruggling in the Pangs of l>eath:.. 
 t '. •*. ■ ' "-^ ' 
 TMB-wife Virgins fleeping ^with the fiDolilh, 
 fij th'e^trui Chriftians not only , grown fonT;>»l, * 
 but fm- the Fear^f the Crofs joining Affinity with" • 
 Bftbylon, that whcire of th^Nations 1 groW!ng ncg- • 
 ligent ofth^ Catife of Christ, ^d faying by *; 
 their Coadu«,the"torddelaycthiiHcoming, and 
 .the Power of GodiiHefs fcarcely to be found orf* * 
 -Earth J fake Slicpherds and falfe Chri^ decemag 
 ., :jj'*«^ tra^^ m Purp^^and iino Lini4n, aa^ m«k- 
 ♦ ^ ii^'^miiMndiKofthe "?Sooli of Men, fe)^ ' 
 " \ S®**^''>^GoD,wkichwwLonccjrHott%ofPray«rj 
 -^ .; ■ ^'g^f e » Pigiof Thicftt ; thg- gfee^pen^ct 
 V ,■ 
 • / .- 
 ,r *-* '.ff«»*i>! 
 , .^iwJ 
( 263 ) 
 «ng,of tl„„„h grown proud .nd iofty .,„ 
 man„„ of Debauchery fprcadi'ng Uke , p,,;;, 
 S'«g= PI.y., B.I1, ,„d M.r,ucr.d., received „ aa 
 ndulgenee from Heaven, .„d .he fimple Recrea- 
 tions of Fancy , while the Herdd, of the Gofpel, 
 ^-y Wd forth the Truth, are accounted. L 
 M« «.d Enthufiaft. , Libraries glutted with 
 Traged,«,Comedi.,,g„„.„e«„ Novel, and 0- 
 "■" profane Hiflories, whii. the Sacred Oracle. 
 «ec..h«.nfa,„oufly rejcfled a, the fapofttion, 
 of deluded Men. or difrejarded « the Fables of 
 ,' ' '""'°«' '■'™™8 ?»a blafphenring „„,„„. . 
 lythe I,«,guage of Troops and Mariners, but 
 •Ifo of Towns and Cuntrift, and revived al the 
 Amufemene accounted neither Sin norQifgrac. • 
 M.«a«dE,ui.y „„,« ^,^ 
 .»d A. vJeftoftheSon, of Men exalted, Sign, 
 r<; W^ .ndR„,„„. ,,^„^ ^^^ ,^^ _^_^^ .J 
 "•"nan War. f«..diu, Defolation thto' the World 
Jo% iail 
 a Flood ; 
 ived as an 
 e Recrea- 
 hc GofpeJ, 
 ted as mad 
 ted with 
 s and o- 
 I Oracle* 
 Fables of 
 J not on- 
 ( 264) 
 like a Flood ; and thefe with the moil alarming 
 Prodigies become familiar as the common Occur- 
 rences of Nature, and as little regarded as the 
 Shadows of theEvening,or the threSfning Billows 
 to the undaunted Shore, while the fccure arid Un- 
 feeling Inhabitants of the Guilty World arc niar- 
 iying and giving in Marriage, asregardlcfs as the 
 Antedeluvians, (e) O the Midnight Darkhefs 
 thaf now ovcrfpfeads the World ! Darknefs ..covehs 
 the Land and grofs Darknefs the People, fetting.ar 
 nought the moft alarming Difpenfatiqns of God*il 
 Providence, and rejifting the moft (indeai^ing Ex- 
 preflions of Love and Bowels of CompajEoa, Ca]I.< 
 defpifed, Mercie*s abtifed. Warnings negledted. 
 Judgments dcfyed*, Confciences fear#jf, M?nd^ 
 ftuped. Souls condemned, the Day ofQraceoyer, 
 and the World undone. Hark f Hark. The Cry 
 is made, tha Midnight Ciy. ^ BehoM the Bride- 
 groom Cometh. Goye Virjgins, goallye Sonsof 
 Mcil to meet your Judge. (/J Micaxfii. appear* V 
 Michael the great Archangel noW beftrldes fcdth 
 Earthand Sea, and thereby denotes ']bi# Power to 
 .;;^ alarm the ju(^and theUnjuft, the vfatcty^J^omtis 
 _• i#]>I«h. z^ 3S. 39. [/] Math.,^as,. 8. 
 ■ •' * • - .H 
 •« Jl 
 ^ f:- 
!''■■ • i 
 «ad tjve nioftjirofi?und Caverns oft he fearUij with 
 WftedAwn to Heaven, not only claiming tlie At- 
 tendance of. all the Heavenly Hofts. but likewife 
 '"' ^^'"^^^ft-^^ of W God-like Power with his 
 dread Gommiilionfroni the eternal ThXone ;afld 
 ^ th« calling Heaveri, Earth and Sea to attcnd,he 
 lifts his Hand and fvvears (by what) by Hxm, whi 
 .- gaveBei^g ,0 all that do exift, artdwhofe Com. 
 mands Heaven, Earth and Sea obey ; Armies in 
 Heaven, Le^ion^ in Hell, and Miilioh. on Ear^/x 
 «« «I* byHiM preftpved, ^nd mn aU feel his 
 lolemn Awe; by him* the Great I AW, who 
 \ ^Ws um«oved, eternal and UncontroiUM^ ever 
 ynd fc* ever reigns , by Him ITwrcar (fwear whaO 
 -Wiat Time /hall bp no longer. CgJ 
 Jliid ceaf<;, ye rolling Orb^ from^ole to Pol<?.' 
 Time* Aants with enormous cdfies Joud call, 
 For threatening Vengeance on th^£ guilty Ball' 
 .HcrbdlowingTlmndmrea^hfi*m» Shore to 
 : .'. ,-■ J. '■: 
 \''Sk^^- ^ 
Arife ye Detdj^ye f umljcrinf quick 4ppc»r J 
 Start from your Couch and the laft Sentence 
 h^n ^ . -; 
 Yoarj[udgedcfccnd«,y(Mir final Doom i$ hfgh ^ 
 The pdBMioua Morning rends the incltiiis^||ey' 
 Sbb, fee a threateningDdMge now aW«k» ;ful# 
 phuroua Worlds burft forth their Magazine* of Fire 
 S inftanuneous iUrt i^Ten Thou$md8 formidable - 
 Sons of Thunder* the Heiiv«ns Ihake wit^ the apw 
 ^roachiag Scenes ; the l^^zing 6im is cxtinguiu-* 
 dl ail a Taper ; the MooiL and Stan all <<tinr4U ' 
 fe^> refufe a Gleam of Li^t to the Poor Guil* 
 ty, diftraaed and difiblymg World ;(i) 9^ fa!-' 
 .Icn Nature feels hir aj^roeching Doom. " 
 ^tthit^s I bear ber^ €9Hfciou$^ tf btr Fmte^ 
 ^ Witbffatful Gramgs andbidtiftu Crifs 
 Fill *be pre/agiug Siiu ^ \ 
 VmaiU to fuppof^ tbt tfiigbt . 
 Mttbinks J hear berfummouall' , ./ s 
 Her guillf Off springy raving with Di^r -\ J'\ 
 And trgmhling try alotult frtptire, ; 1 ^• 
 ■ • ** PoMFHRltJ'hfv- 
 ,<»)»fatt.a4. t%. 
 ' i^.j^.M* .■ 
 -■• - .t • 
The $cas rojir, the Rocks ineit, the E^rtli 
 trembles, the fhundtM-* rattlf , Lightnings play ; 
 Earthquakes rend j Inundations ovenflow ; Hou- 
 fcs barn ; Pyramids reel , Vj^ges, Towns, and 
 Kingdoms fink J while buying Hills exceed 
 Mount JEtWs o| Visuvius's Flames'; the 
 Graves open , the Dead arife j the quick are 
 chanj^ed j and firll the Saists appear ; Hearen'^ 
 LtiVc is fo great for the Followers of the Lamb 
 that Men and Devils fhall bchoM his peculiar 
 >Regard for them ; for the Lord himfelf Ihall 
 defcend from Heaven with i Shou^, with the 
 Voice of the Archangel, and with the Trump 
 of God, and the Dead in Christ fhall rife 
 firi^i/ij And blcflcd and happy are fhcy that 
 have Part in the firft Rcfurreftion j on fuch the 
 fedond Death hath no Power/i; The King of 
 Kings is now making up his Jewels, and will 
 firft ferve his chofen Sons from the r«de Mifi 
 t»f Sinners. 
 Sti hw the joyful Angdt fy 
 from e^ry quarter of the Sky 
 (Oi. Tb «f.4.a 6. f^j Xav.a6. Wt 
 . • "fi » ,' 
( 26^ ) 
 % gather and to convoy all 
 \To one capacious flace 
 Above the Confines of this fldmin% Balf^ 
 '&ee^ith nuhai Tendernefs and Love they heitf 
 Thg Righteous Soa/s thro' the tumultuous Air 
 While ihe\ungodly ftand.belo'W 
 R^ing with Shame, Coufufion and DeJ^air 
 Amidjl this flaming Overthro^jt \ 
 Expeaing fiercer torments and acutef- Jr^M 
 Round them inferfud Spirits fly ^^ 
 O Horror! CnrfesiTorturesy Chcuns they cry ^ 
 '^And.roar aloud tvith execrable Bla^hemy. 
 What awful Throws I What Heart-rending 
 Groans and chearful Shouts ire now heard . thro* 
 the promifcuous and innumerable Throisgt t^f 
 bove Angels fhouting, Seraphs prailing* and 
 Saints triumphing ; beneath Devils blafpheming, 
 and Sinners- roaring. Good Gop ! And where 
 ami ? ;«. , 
 AJl renfijal Ties diilblved, and oS ill Mom 
 * ThreWn ,■ ,A-^^?'^% ■ 
 yo mort fliall Time, or Weight of fpi6i.ftfc 
 FaRit vr«\ild not bepbifible fw Mortals ift 
( *69 ) 
 liear, fee. or receive the approachiog Scenes, 
 whick arc fpirhual and immor^r Now all 
 Mortal ^pat^oH ImmoruJity attd/p^es to meet 
 the i«mortal King, to hear «id receive their 
 cverlafting Boom. The Maflc is oow thrown 
 off; theC Prifon-walla are down; and nothing 
 more to interpofc between Man and Scenes un- 
 Jcnown to mortal Efts. Now the Bodies arife^ 
 hut not the Elemental Bodies, for they arc to 
 he bprnt up aad-dt^Tolved,^/; but that fpiritual 
 Body wkitk Man was made with at «rft, and 
 whith fell firort^Goo?this Rebellion, aa^ which 
 ewry Man has tho» fallen, is now to be raifcd 
 «^ reftored ^ its primitive Rcaitude and Purity. 
 /«; TTie Dull 6r fcattei«d P«tidcs V Tin 
 'fhoufand Saints now. ftarting fr^m tlici; long 
 lumbers, which have been fcattcrcd hy Fi/h, 
 hy Flame, by Rack ; in th«Sie* or ontheLandi 
 aH rife and claim a kindred to each diftant Mote, 
 all purged, all pure, all harmonipus, alf brighti 
 all Aogcjic, and all immortal. 
 • And nov^ their Friend appcart. 
 The hap^y Mom awakes. O blcfe^ Day * 
 ThaiwipemeirTeai ^, and all their grirfaway. 
 Wz. Petw i. 13. u. („) ,:cm» 1 5. 3^44. 4/. 46. * 4r. 
 «jm :„„ 

 ing Scenes, 
 Now all 
 ires to meet 
 ccivc their 
 OMf tl)rown 
 id nothing ^^^ i 
 Scenes uti- 
 xlies strife i 
 hey arc to 
 It fpiritual 
 t £rfi, and 
 and which - 
 • be raifed 
 nd Purhy. 
 iicir long 
 hy FJ/h. 
 the Laudj 
 Ant Mote^ 
 ir brighti 
 4 D»y* 
 46. it 47. 
 Now an the Sai«V Iutc reach'd the peaceful 
 Shore. ■ . \ 
 tl^here Darknefs, Sto, and Death fhall reign rio 
 more. 1 
 Thi great ANcrsNT or Davs now owns 
 all his defpifed FollowA-s. Long have they been 
 accounted as the Fihhl and Offfcouring of the 
 Earth, and pramj^d inllhe Daft by the Feet of 
 the Ungodly. long wtre thejr ld«led with Re- 
 proachei, and efteemcdi»s>!adm«B and Enthu- 
 forts; but now they »re ixakdd : Whifc the 
 wicJced World fliall for ever wail, «f^t in vain 
 for Rocks &Mocnta^i^to'j^id©tH|)*|Wir«p, 
 'that fits iij^nthc Throinfe, and fwm «h« i'acc of 
 the Lamb.^«; Ai»d *ow Ivffi^ toved^«bcni 
 with an everlafting Love, fliall te?tw« ihtniin 
 his kind Embraces, wi^ile An||4^9 n^ Archaft- 
 gels acclamate their faft Arrival Xb tht etflefti^ 
 ^orld. Now breaks forth U>c bri^i^tp^ ftfift-. 
 ning Star j now the Arms of evfrifttig hgn^ 
 encircles them, diyinc Beauty i^klu»| faj, ej^^ 
 Eye, and facred Love lluihes in each. 4ii|e^c. 
 Face. Is t^s the Lamb, cry otit Taii !pMa#< 
 4») Ker. «. 16. 
 ^ f ■i iJit", ^ 
 V *" 
 r .■■4 
IT'. -Itf 
 ( 271 :jr' >^ 
 And Saints, is thi. the Lamb that was Slain ? 
 Ah flain, the finking World to five. Ii this tj^p 
 ^ Man of Sorrows, that bore our Sins up Mount 
 '" ^AtVARY, and groaned beneath our Qilt ? Is 
 this the great Phyfician of Souls that appeared 
 r fpr our Redemption, when all Help failed from 
 cv^ry quarter; when |)eaA and Hell co^fpired 
 Qur Ruin ; when Deftruaion yawned, Yen- 
 seance threatened,, and Miftry purfqed. Then 
 O fen, in that diUreffing Moment appeared the 
 ^er » Friend, the Comforter .f Mourners with 
 Balm from G....o, to the wo/ded Confcience 
 That brought Salvation to the fallen Race 
 JLet Angels love and eve^ Saint adore 
 TJ»e flaughterj^ W,, who did the World 
 Now ,11 the F.«ow„.ofthc Lam. have, left 
 ^:""V ;"*«l„.p,oWd.if„.hkp„. 
 ^-'g^g-^ - - *^«^ i*4er*rw^ 
 , TcjQ^tations 
 was Slain ? 
 Is this % 
 up Mount 
 Qihi Is 
 It appeared 
 failcci from 
 1 copfpired 
 led, Vcn- 
 d. Then, 
 >pcared the 
 "V" with 
 2 Arm of 
 n Race 
 he World 
 have, left 
 ft, whicli 
 his Peo- 
 ted Joy. 
 Body of 
 ■'■.,-,•.■11 < I '■ ^ % \ 
 ll"' ■ . ■...! _ *■ ■ , . 
 Temptntions of the grand Advirfii'iyj^p be in- 
 Aiared with th)i Allurements of adecpPn WbrH^ 
 No logger Khali their Breafts throW with Griefs 
 nor their Eyes flow with briny Tears, nor 6vep 
 mourn the Abfencc of their SoiUs chief Delight. 
 Now are they landed beyond al^ the Storms and 
 Tempefts, beyond all Sin and Sorrow : for 
 thefe aie they th|t are come out of much Tri>. 
 bulatioh, whofe , Robes are wafhed and made 
 white in the. B1do4 of tlte Lambj^©^ apd thef* 
 are they that died in the-Lord, apd reft in their 
 Father's Bofom, O what unfpeakable S<;enes c^ 
 Joy nov^ppears, when they awake in hl« l,ikt- 
 u^is aiid are fatisfied i(pj and thofe that have 
 turned many to Righteoufnefs ihall ihtne as the 
 Stare for ever and ever }(^^ while ThOufands 
 by them called home to the Lord are as Stars 
 in thctt Crown, crying out with Shouts of Praijjj. 
 Blefled be Gpn Cor the Feet of thofe, that brought 
 Glad Ti4ing8 to our Souls, that publiflited. good 
 Things in Si0N,^r/ by Whom wp rcccivedr tjia 
 Meffages of Peace Tthefe are the Flamca of Fire fi/ 
 that warned us with Tears to floe ffpm the Wt^tK 
 ((?)Rev. 7 14. (/.)?(. 17- 15. ^jr/pan.ia. 3. 
 Jfc. ja. 7. .{^ Vfyian<>4, 4. ' 
 . /■ '/v. .. 

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( *75 ) 
 t» come. Bkflcd be thy Name, almighty Pa^ 
 «m, fay thofc^brought to the Knowledge of hi» 
 Love thro' theiaftrumentality ofGodJy Parent., 
 ^.t ever I ^.3 committed to the Care, of fuqh 
 • ^.thfuiSte^ard,. Bieffed be Goo. Ir thel 
 Pr,ye„ coupfel,. and Admonitions , L .bovc' 
 «I1 for the accompanying Influence, of li, Qraee 
 ^d Spirit, that attended them; and iclTed be 
 God, that ever I was Rationed i„ a Land of 
 I'ight, where the Feet of t^ Qof^cl Herald 
 Jwve trodden; and here, fay the Parent., Othou 
 great Defire of Nation.. -we are with thofe that 
 thou haft given u«. 
 Here, blefled Prince, we are for ever thine 
 To found thy Praife. and to thy glory Aine. 
 Thy Son., thy Daughters, dear bought Chil- 
 drcn are 
 ,Thc Price of Blood, RjiDSEMiNc Lovi td 
 . All HaU. all Hail, fay the Meflcngers of the 
 LorJ, thou great immortal Prince pf Peace, that 
 ever the Gofpcl of RcconciliaUon was commit- 
 ted to eartheo Veflels, and we of all Me* the 
 moft unworthy, fe nt forth to proclaim thp glad 
 i^t^gs df Silvafon tQ OUT Fcllow-mortal.. Our 
 almighty Pa. 
 •wlcdge of his 
 odJy Parents, 
 CarcN of fuqh / 
 D, for thcii, 
 >; Qut above 
 of mis Grace 
 id Blcffcdb© 
 a Land of 
 )fpcl Herald 
 ents, O thou 
 th thofc that 
 •vcr thine, 
 glory Ihine. 
 >ught Chil- 
 I Lovi tb 
 'gers of the 
 'cace, that 
 ! coimnit- 
 Mc"^ the 
 ail. Our 
 Tryals were few, and our Sorrows /hort. Lack- 
 ed we any T^ing during our Mortal State ? Al- 
 tho* Earth an^ H^ll were againft us, and GIo. 
 ry to God the Sltfrm is over. 
 Safe;_iWe-oBr tect have trod the Ddjfrtthro' 
 .And reach'dthe €hore, where Sorrows muft 
 Hbrb kll the Prophets, Patriarchs, ApofUcf 
 and Teachers, Jews and gentiles, bond and free, 
 Male and Female, ojd and ^ung, rich and poor 
 that have known the joyful Sound, reft from their 
 Labburs, and their Wort^ follo^v them. Here 
 all the poor Difciples of Christ, that have been 
 long wandering up and down in the World in 
 Shecpfkias, in Goatfkins, in Defarts, in Dens 
 and Caves of the EztthfiJ fit down in everla- 
 fting Joy, with all Tears wiped from their Eyes. 
 Long have they mourned under the Difordcr* 
 of their fallen World ; but now they have ex- 
 changed Sins and Sorrows for immortal Glory, 
 Corruptible puts on incorruptible, an<l Death 
 is fwallowcd up in Viftory j and now they fing 
 the triumphant Song, where Clouds and Dark-i 
 aefs fliall never more iirterpofc^^ betwccif GotJi — 
 (0 Heb. Ill 37. 
( 275 ) 
 -nd their Souls. Ah happy, happy S^ub, it 
 w well for Urcm, that ever they had a Being , 
 Their Joys 
 J now 
 Their Day eternal bi 
 With what unfueak: 
 fhey nowxeflea back from the Chryftal Battle- 
 jnentsof Heaven their nativeFurity to tll»ir fal- 
 len World, remembeting their deplorable State 
 and the innumerable pifor^Iers from which they 
 «rc now redeemed. Now t^ey remember that 
 Gulph ofMifery, into which they had plunged ' 
 themfelves, and fee from whence they ai'e redee, 
 nied. All Souls are now awak^^ thci> Sleep, 
 and releafed from their JmprilbUPstate. The' 
 Clogs of their fallen State artlj the Mafkof Mor- 
 tality are now thrown off, ' ^nd clearly they re- 
 member their firft ItebcJlion in the Garden of 
 Eden i which brought Deftruftion with all he^ 
 Furies thro* the new-made World. Now they 
 remember the bloody Mount, where the Weeding 
 Saviour bore their Sins, and' opened a State of 
 Immortal Glory to the guilty World. Ah,' He 
 it was, that took away their Sfns, and now they 
 Hold Htm Face to Face ,HbcQ^^ 
py Saula, it 
 'd a Being ; 
 T Sun arofe 
 to clofe. 
 IfDelight do 
 ftal fiattle- 
 > tflliir fal- 
 rable State, 
 which tliey 
 icmber that 
 ad plunged 
 ai^e redee- 
 :hciV Sleep, 
 ate. The 
 flc pf Mor- 
 y they re- 
 Sarden of 
 ith all her 
 ^fow they 
 e bleeding 
 a State of 
 Ah,' He 
 iow they 
 ^ a l lG lo * '^ 
 .' 7 
 ^^K*Si.-- ' 
 ( ?76 ) 
 ry »iJd.Confolauoiii the Brightncfs of his Fa- 
 ther's Glorjr, and the exprcfs Image of his Per-, 
 fon. And now All tbe Glorious of the Godhead 
 appear i» the Face of the bleflcd Immanuil ; 
 the leaft Glinjpfe of whofe Vifagc outlines Ten 
 Thoufand Suns. Every Soul is .now ravi/hed, 
 with his divine B^uty j Gratitude fills every 
 Heart and Love fparkJes in every Eye ; while, 
 the Soul-ravifhing Look and Voice of t\e Re- 
 deemer kindle in every Breaft, Flames of immor- 
 tal Love. Blcifed, foprer bleflcd, faith the 
 King 9f Kings are ye that are the Purchafe of 
 my Blood »n4 the Fruit of ihy Bowels. Ye are 
 the Fruit of my Hands, and Trophies of my 
 Viftory, tl^e Favourites of Heaven and the ob- 
 jefts of li^r everlafting Love, Welcome, welcome 
 now to iimortal Glory j welcome to the Seats 
 df Reft Prepared for you by the Sufferings of 
 the King of Heaven. Welcome to the Society 
 of Seraplis, to the Band of Angels and Xrchan. 
 «els. A^elcome to the Glory of Heaven, and 
 all the |oy8 of the ccleftial World. Welcome 
 to the F^elis of Divine Beauty and unbounded 
 ^^^ **f ^g^^'ght. Welcome to the eternal Ages 
 of Felicity, «^d lU the Sweets pf Redbiiiino* 
^ ^.*77 ) ' " 
 l:«v?. And w9lcom« to your Father's 3ofom. 
 V^y^cvcr more ihall a aoud vail your Saviour's 
 Face, aor Darknefs interpofe between ypu and 
 your God. Behold with Joy and Triumph the 
 ^mpaiTaWe Gulf between you and the Regions 
 pf eternal Darkncfs ; and remember the deJjJo- 
 «blc State from which I Ifcive redeemed you, 
 It was I that beheld you in all your Blocid, caft 
 out InMic open Fields to the loathing of your 
 Pcrfon, and then was th<: T|me of Love; my 
 Bowels yearned over you with Pity, I caft my 
 ikirt over you, and faid unto you, liY^/«; i 
 was the good -Samaritan, that faw you fallen 
 among Thieves, ftrippcd, Mcpunded and kft dead 
 iH T^cfpaiTes and Si^. when the Law and it's 
 E«cutors offered you no Relief, then poured 
 I ^n the Oyl and Wine of my Grace, and bound 
 up your Wounds, and fcaled you on the Heart 
 •f cverkfting Love/^; j followed you with 
 Tendernef, and Love thro' all the Dangers of 
 your Pilgrimage State, .„d have now brought 
 you to your defied Home and everlaftiug Reft ; 
 !!i::!li;:^^reign w«h me, for ever: As 
Iier*s 5ofom. 
 ur Saviour's 
 :en ypu and 
 rriumph the 
 the Regions 
 the deplo- 
 tcmci you. 
 Blood, caft 
 ng of your 
 l-ovc; my 
 I caft my 
 you fallen 
 i kft dead 
 w and it's 
 -n poured 
 id bound 
 he Heart 
 you with 
 tngers of 
 Mg Reft ; 
 vcr: As 
 «7« ) 
 I live, ye fliall live alfo. Never, aever, faith 
 the 3nde of the Lamb, fliall we forget the Day 
 of Efpoufah, and the Time of thy Love. O 
 thou, by what Nime {Rail we call thcc ? The 
 mighty God, the everlaftiiig Father, the Prince 
 of Peace, thou great, thou all wife Father of 
 all Spirits, Author of all Beings, God of all 
 Gpicc, 9rlgin of all Exittehcfe, sionrce of all H«^ 
 pinefs, Light of Lights, the Ahgcis Joy, tnil 
 the Scrajihs Triuinph, or greater Wonder ftill, 
 the Sinner's Friend, the Rebels Advocate, the 
 TraitorsPlea. Reigh, O reign rhouKingofKing^ 
 whofe love was Wronger than Death, and wh<» 
 gave thy life a Ranfom for many. OtKou, whofe 
 Body was torn and mangled for our Redemption; 
 keign, reign,, thou grew eternal Saviour, reign 
 O'er all the Hofts of the Angelic Train ; 
 Let Angels bead. Seraphic Armiee bow ; . 
 And the REDEEM er's ranfom'd Virgin glow. 
 With Love Divine to thy Incarnate Name» 1 
 And Worlds ynnumtercd fpeak thy laftiasfaffie. 
 This, this is He, fay Ahglels and Archangels, 
 that gave being to all our heavehly Hofts ; and 
 this is He, that preserved <mr nvtttal Feet^ when' 
 Thonfands of our angelic Armies rcbcftcd . Once 
 t^ku^x ■■-■ 
 tKe MorniAg-ftnrs fung together, and all thi Sons 
 Of God fhoutcd for Joy. Happy we ftoodJ wherf 
 they unhappily fclJ, wd by his unbounded Love, 
 . vrc are confirmed /«; This is He, whole Di-' 
 vine Light and Smiles of unchangeable Lore/kindle 
 jn our Breafti a Flame of facred and immoi tJj Fire. 
 "V^elcome ye Saints, to your [bleft Abode,/ while 
 We rejoice at your fafc Arrival to the Arms of 
 everlaftirtg Love. Come now and tafte, What we 
 Juvc evcrfmce our Creatloh enjoyed : Arid bleff- 
 cd be God for your Company. It is an Addition 
 to our vital Flame, tn^ an Honour to oui angeJic 
 Band to be vitally related to the Briie of the 
 Lamb, But little have ye enjoyed the Sweets of 
 KBDEEMiNG LovB, While Inhabitants df yonfal- 
 l«n Region j but come now and feel t^iat facred 
 Flame, that infpires all the Armies ^f Heaven 
 «nd unites our Songs of Adoration to the Lofty 
 Tlirone j and look back ye happy H^rs of evcr- 
 lafting Love with Wonder and Amazement on the 
 Love and Tenderfaefs of your compa(ffionate Sa- 
 viour, whofc 8ll.fearching Eye fbliowiid you with 
 Care thro* all the unfpeakable Dangers of your 
 vgrm-i. 10. €01:7: 
 .^ morti 
I all thtt Sons 
 flood, wherf 
 > whole Di- 
 ■lioycl kindle 
 monh Fire. 
 'odeJ while 
 e Arms of 
 e, vlrhat vrc 
 Aid bleff- 
 n Addition 
 our angeJic 
 ri^e of the 
 iwcets of 
 'f yonfal- 
 lat facred 
 f Heaven 
 the Loftf 
 ■8 of evcr- 
 :nt on the 
 snate Sa^ 
 you with 
 of jrour 
 . tiyotiA 
 ( aj8b ) 
 mortal State. Often have wc attended you With 
 Chearfulnefsj when commiffioned as miniflcring 
 ^Spirits, invifible to mortal Eye but above all re- 
 member that Day which filled all the heavenly 
 Armies with a joyful Sarprifc and Wonder, when 
 the Creator of the Univerfe hung on Calvart's 
 Hill, and groaned under the Weight of human 
 Guilt; that Day, when Millions of Angels, in- 
 vifible to mortal Eyes, covered all the bloody 
 Mount, where your Redeemer was extended : 
 When, if our immortal State .would have admitted 
 of Sorrows, all Heaven would have beeii dileft itt 
 Mourning. But new Themes of Joy were fooil 
 opened in Heaven, when his expiring Groans 
 declared the grand Work of Man's Salvation was 
 ^nifhcidj and trilimphant Songs .awoke at hi« 
 inighty Conqueft over Death and Hell ; and this, 
 ye Souls for ever bleffed, Ihall be your everlafting 
 Welcome arriv'd ye Saints forever Well 
 To Angel's Glory and eternal Reft, 
 Let Gratitude ^ur Heav*n-bom Souls infpire. 
 While bending round the Throne of facred 
 Fire __._ _ ...: 
 w ~ 
 burning wi^i ^.ove Witefergphlc Lyre, 
The ^iintr ire now gathered from the four 
 Wind! of He«vcn, freed from all the Infultt of 
 Btith and Hell, all fafdy environed by tke 
 Armi of Omnipotence. And now more ihock- 
 ingScenei appear The Righteous are fevered 
 from the kicked, the Wheat from the Tares; 
 and ntm the Ungodly muft awake and appear 
 before'thea^fiil Tribunal, 
 O! muft the guilty 8pirit« trertibling come 
 To toeet^ieir Judge-, and everlafting Doom. 
 j ^■l;*' ^o«W it be for them now, if fome 
 MTk Cavern or inciimbeht Shade might ihekcr 
 them frdm the ^proaehihg Judge. Q could 
 they ceafe to exift I Jut no, they muft pxift Stran- f 
 gcr» to Annihilatioii, and endure the approaclfl 
 ing Sh«eki O intolerable 1 And muA they ffleeC 
 him once a Man of %>rrow8, but now* a Go© 
 in Glory J And now thty behold Him in all 
 his Grandeur, with all his Saints and Ten Thou- 
 sands of his Angels, all^inged with Light and 
 Glory, to atten^ hiin in the'laft Affiie. 
 %, O my Sou!, is t^iis the Man that once 
 On Calt'ry** Mount fuftaih'd the $inner*« 
 - W3w&GteTia-*ardwiftiniamo^^^ 
 Wrpst.^'- t 
DM the foup 
 be Infttltt of 
 Ded by tkc 
 more ihoek- 
 r are fevered 
 the Tare« ; 
 And ■p|>ear 
 ling come 
 Ung Doom. 
 w, if fonie 
 light ihcltcr 
 Q could 
 exift Stran- tf 
 s approacKi 
 i they meet 
 9\f a God 
 iim in all 
 ren Thou- 
 tight and 
 that OBce 
 te Sieger's 
 ( 28i ) 
 With Sorrows frcrd, and gro/n'd npoi the 
 Tree / ' 
 To fave a guilty World, and tp rtftore 
 Poor rebel Man to cvcrlafting' /love. 
 Ah this is He, once a Babe It Bbthlbhbm^ 
 but now Archangel's King ; ontk crowned with„ 
 Thorns, but now with Omnipotence %d Light 
 unapproachable. He. that was once arraigned 
 at PiLAtt'a Bar, now calls Kings, Prilices and 
 Monarchs before him ; Whole Kingdomi^w j 
 yea ahd Worlds^ fubmit to. Jiis Imperial ^wij^, . 
 Milliotis on Earth and Myriad* in Hell con. ' 
 ftraiAed frohi their darA 4bpdcs to attend his 
 awful Court. See, fee th^ubnumbered Throng , . 
 Belial with all the reprobate Sons of Akam 
 who have fealed themfelves down to eternal Fer» 
 dition muft c^owd the folemippir. 
 Nor Man albnie ; the Foe of Goo and Man 
 From hi« dark Den^ blafpheoiing dfiagf hit 
 ' Chain, .. a..^;.. ■■•• ''-■ " 
 Attd rears his brazen Front with Thindcf 
 ^ Jcarr'd ^ 
 - Ree^ives hia Sentence, ahd begins his H^. 
 YOVNO*S ^IO» T*T| |0tPOItyf," 
 .1 i» 
* J ♦»*.'-V .> 
 iH ' 
 TknsE, thefirft Rebels in Heaven, muft ftand 
 ^e a\Vful Day, and view their black Reb^lion. 
 O witk virhat RicluaancewUl they- meet Him' f 
 He tiiat wa« once their ^ther and their Friend 
 aaddidall that Yfaa ntfccffary^r their ererlaf- 
 ting Happinefs. What Tortures will rack thfcm, 
 at the Remembrance of the • cruel Hand, that 
 v/ithout any Temptation or Provocation, was lif- 
 ted in Hcaveui, and bid i)efiance to the God of 
 all Goodnefs, arid ftfu<?lc the fatal Blow to, their 
 own eternal State. Once they were Spirits of 
 litght folacing themfefvcs in cverlaftin^ Love, 
 and fliouting forth the Praifes of the Kin^ of 
 Heaven : but now they arc. Spirits of Dark'nefs, 
 racked with Guilt andDcfpair,^ raging with Ma-' 
 y*cc and blafphcming the God that made them. 
 How will they meet ;the great offended God 
 And bear the Weight 6f their infernal' Load ? 
 Chains of their own will drag them down f 
 In the dark Caverns of abyfmal Hell. 
 And how, O how will the ungodly Sdns of 
 AoAta appear f Murderers, Whoremongers and 
 ^J ^ d ii ktfc rsj-Tlaeveay Drankardg, i^yar s a^d pro 
 . ^«ne Swcarlat^i the unjnft Wordling with the 
 . profligate 
 '■a" „" 
 n, mull ftahd 
 ck Reb^lion. 
 meet Him F 
 their Friend 
 their ererlaf- 
 111 rack thfcm, 
 Hand, that 
 tion, was Jif- 
 the God of 
 ftlow to, their 
 re Spirits of 
 ittiifg Love, 
 the King of 
 if Dark'nefs, 
 i^with Ma- 
 made them, 
 ended God 
 emal Load ? 
 n d(7wn tt 
 ily 9dns of 
 iiongers and 
 irs arid pro- ^ 
 J with the 
 ( a84 ) 
 profligate Man of PItafttre ; the Ph«rifc«, tho 
 Hy.p<A:rtte,^ the Carelefs and moft Supine aAd the 
 TTorft of all Wretches, the enlightened ApofUte i 
 1 'all x)efpifen of Grace and Rcjeftora ef theGof- 
 pel ; all have crucifisH their epproacHing Jud|e, 
 and imbrued their Hands in his Blood* And 
 now all awake in keen Defpair, no Cloak for 
 Crimes, no Shelter for Guilt, no Friend, no In« 
 terceflbr. ilocks fdrfake them| and Mountains de- 
 ny them an/ Shelter. He Aat hath long been 
 about their private'Paths, now fcts all their Siift 
 in Order before them. No Bribe, nor City of 
 ^^efuge for the Murdierer i while the injured Ghoft, 
 . that by his cftiel Han»l was hurried ta«n'unk«owil 
 World, ftares him in the Face, and reads c^^ 
 demnation tlxro' all his guilty and Defpairing 
 Soul. O how he trembles at the awful Sight. 
 *rJie poor Drunkard now remembers his Ttveraif 
 and intoxicate Hours, but has no'Winc^Bor Bowlf 
 of Pleafurenow, to lull'hiaConfcienee tofleepr 
 (a$ he has often done) or to drown the Sonavii 
 ofUs, tortured Soul. Every Faculty now nwtke 
 ezquifite Horror. /The SefifualiiU caQOOjoa- 
 ^ger ^find a Th r iit f<tf^ j>ia ion 
 Povrew of Luft has failed, W^^iig^a jr snaw. 
W tel«had.wiA Regmhi,A«o™pIic« i« 
 »«l»«!.e,7, .nd curii, the 0.y ,h„ he ,^r 
 "° "-^^S^td to *eh Sh™. ■ .hi cv^,,fii„ J 
 ""•^' ""* ■«»» »P!»ar to rtentheir Jadge, 
 «.d b.h*l ,W bi.ckkfm„l Score. Ah ho^ 
 ^T^T".^'^ ^^""^ "■« """•■y Name, 
 «b.ehA»gels„dA«l.,„geh reverence; & f„« 
 **«tS.y ete„fd„. have received every B«a,h 
 *^*«r f O ,wh.t . fljoctteg Troth ! I. this 
 »«*Bi«™- for Repentance tttrtied over to Blaf- 
 I*«V t Now Acy feel that Damnarion, which 
 rr^!!! '"^''■•'^ " ""'""'^^ toP>«»rt 
 "" *""*^' »<• oAe"- B«. 0,00 hte, ttey 
 *"'"*' ™" •»««*« e«% throng, 
 w*' cttJieftndror hit BtafphemoBi Tongjw 
 **• <Molliiig Drop, tomogiK the Flame. 
 Jfe«Me» ««withit%adfttrO«Dhe<ew», . 
 i^hmt-oin im, while ngJig Coifciade 
, p*; * ■ 
 rompHces iii 
 fiat .he ever 
 md privatcj 
 a ev^lafting 
 rtcfies, that 
 if th€ God 
 their Judge, 
 . Ah how 
 Jiy Name, 
 ^; &fronl 
 'cry Breath 
 h I le this 
 erto Blaf- 
 311, which 
 J«te, t!ie^" 
 md F0H7". r. 
 throng, • 
 I Tongtie 
 f 286 ) 
 Now tJicpoor Worldling and crue? Opprcffor 
 niuft bid all their Riches and Poffeffions an cver- 
 iafting Adieu. Often have they turn'd aWay 
 the hungry Poor pinched Avith Cold and Diftrcfs ; 
 apd now they are thcmfclvcs turned out of ttoufc 
 and Home, with neither FriencLjior Pica, Food 
 nor Rayment : And now the JufPof all theEartH 
 makes Inquifition for the Mammon bfUnrigh- 
 teoufnefs, and they with nothing to return; 
 Where, Q where wijl they now fle» for 'Shel- 
 ter ? They have not only crucified the L«frd o^ 
 <5lory, defpifed his iove, and rejcaed his Graced 
 ^ut havelikewifb fquandered away all the tempos 
 1*1 Favour of th«ir indulgeat preftrver. Q how* 
 much Goodaefs haye they abufed ? ", k. . ' .. 
 ^ The Hypocrite and Pharifc can 'bo longtr d«J 
 ceive the Worid witli their Cloak of Religion .• 
 ^hey have nothing now to hide the 3|uuae and 
 FoUution of their guilty and dcfpairing Souls j 
 neither dare they any longer mock die Sdarchet^ 
 of all Hearts with their Lip-fcrvice,or plead their 
 clofc ConfiJtmity to the Extemalaof Jtiligioa. 
 O unhappy Spirits ! All /their Wkkcdnefe fnd 
 Hypocri/y is now unmaflted, end they expofe4 te 
 fttnd the Teft of Divine Scurtiny, iiikI rue thci* 
 ia^^%f -*■» 

 { zS? ) " 
 itolly in tvcrUm»z Confufioi. (Adapted to the 
 capacity of our Day, and to be the more ftriking j 
 I Tpcalcofthe Judgment as fticceffive; yetlwould 
 not be undcrftood any fuch Thing a»a fuccef- 
 <rve Trial, or pleading, there, for that Moment 
 tjic mortal Maflc is diflblved, and the fpiritual 
 , Body united to the immortal Soul, they arc im- 
 mediately in the Prcfence of an all-fearching Eye, 
 and every Man with a Tribunal in his own Bre^.) 
 And where now is the carelefs, and fupinc Mor- 
 tai, that could fit Day after Day under both Law 
 tnd Gofpcl, without any Concern or Regard tq 
 the Truth. Hov/ often have they been warned 
 fi-om Mount Sinai by the Sons of Thunder, and 
 how long hare they been fleeping under the moft 
 e?»dearing Charms of the Gofpcl, and treated all 
 with Difregard or Contempt ; while every de- 
 bauched Lover, or vain Amufementof Time a^d 
 $Qnfe wasearnellly purfued and embraced! Ah 
 what would they give now to recall thofe glo- 
 rious Privileges and precious l^omeatt, which 
 they have focarclcfly flept undp-, t^d fquandcred 
 _jwjy J b lSI p iR dYgnityL! JBttt luw d w y Day 
 1$ over, the Means of Grace are gone, and their 
 ?i*oii» fct never moire to rife: Neither can they 
(283 ) 
 ipted to the 
 >re ftriking $ 
 yet I would 
 iS'i fttccef- 
 it Mo|n<;nt 
 le fpiritual 
 ley arc im« 
 ching Eye, 
 ipine Mor- 
 both Law 
 Regard tq 
 :en warned 
 under, and 
 sr the moft 
 treated all 
 every de- 
 Time a^d 
 -acedf Ah 
 thofe glo. 
 », which 
 and their 
 can they 
 ^i^r' •* t 
 flcep any more, but muft forever wake in aftir- 
 prife pf Mifery. And O how cutting muft the 
 Sight of the Judge be to the enlightened Apoftati 
 that was awakened by the indulgent Saviour, 
 who had been fo long at their Doors, and fo of' 
 ten intreated them to forfake all and to folloy 
 him; while his Headwas filled with the Dtfw, 
 and his Locks with the Drops of the Night. How 
 often has he intreated them not to reject his 
 Calls, nor defpife his Grace, telling them, that 
 his Spirit would not alway s Ibive with Man f 
 How often has his Bowels yearned over theui 
 with Pity, entreating them. to be wife in Time > 
 but they would not have him to reign over them j 
 and thcfe are they that fmned againft the Light 
 ot their own Gonfcience, and againft the moii 
 endearing Expreffions of Love. Thefe arejhcy, 
 who for one Morfel of Meat fold, their Birth- 
 right i and now they find no Place for Repent * 
 tance, akho' they groan with everlaftinf^orrora, 
 ThcA: are they, that for the Love of theWorld> 
 or fome. earthly Enjoyment, or Fear ofthe Crofii^ 
 turned away and walked no more with himftc} 
 ^Thefe «c they that-iaftcd oT- 
 (») Johi)6. 66. 
( "89 ) ' 
 Ad h. «U .].«, if „, M„ drew b^t, ki, 
 whore W. Acy h.,c fo „ach .bufea , How 
 oft«w«. they w.r,cdwid.T„„. to have Pi- 
 'y o. their own Souls, while there w„ Hope 
 V the ftithf.1 Servant, „f the Lord , „ho will' 
 •ow «-ife to their Condemnation. Ah how of- 
 «» h«v« they intreated them to hear the Lord'. 
 Meffaje «,d.ceept of Life and Salvation , but 
 : d")- eft«med them « Enemie,. becaufe they 
 toli them die Truth. Bnt now the Gofpel 
 Tmn^ti. blow, no more, the Ambaffador, 
 »f the Lord are all tailed home ; and the Day 
 «f Cnc« it now over; the mediatorial Hour 
 M go«. ttd Jl the unbelieving World is now- 
 i^pwl MtheBar. AU guilty .„d Jl undone. 
 ^ k*" «ieaed tie Gofpel of Ch...t. defpifed 
 V*.. „ **• """P^ "• "^ "»<l" their 
 r^ ^ ^«« '" He ,»ept »v.r them with 
 - «f «iy. biwi^ th^ „^ij notttow nor 
 •4.J.6. 7, 
'id to cftin^ 
 » of Goo a. 
 How often 
 •w back, his 
 ■ ail was in 
 meet him, 
 e<l ^ How 
 to have Pi. 
 was Hope, 
 ; who wiJI 
 ^h how of- 
 thc Lord's 
 ition ; but 
 caufe they 
 he GofpeJ 
 1 the Day 
 rial Hour 
 U is noiv* 
 11 undone, 
 , defpifed 
 der their 
 lem with 
 caow nor 
 -{ 290 ) 
 Improve th*;,. Day of their VifitaUoil /«; How 
 •ften has he tendered his precious Blood for tht 
 ffleanfmg of their guilty and pbUutcd Souls, and 
 woed them toaccept of his Grace, and flee from 
 eternal Perdition, and take up their cverlafting 
 Abode in his kind Embraces f But now He, thaj 
 made thcnu has no mercy on them, and He that 
 formed them, fhcws them no favour. And where 
 now are thofe Soul-deftroying Wretches j thofc 
 \ blind Leaders of the Blind, who preached ttp a 
 few Morals, and Externals of Religion fufficient 
 fpr Salvation ; and for fome temporal Gain or 
 finifier Views have not only deftroyed themfelves> 
 but hd many other precious and immortal S0UI9 
 blindfolded down to Perdition j who will now 
 «urfe'them for their Neglcft and faltc Inftruc. 
 tion. Tney have fpent all their Days deceiving 
 the World, and are gone down to the Grave with 
 a Lie in their right Hand j pretending to th^ 
 blinded World a Difpenfation of die Gofpel vra$3 
 'committed to them ; when at the fame time the/ 
 were both Strangers an4 Enemie^ to both Cu&mv 
 and his Gofpel. And now th^ muft forever me 
 t he tf FftUy u n der the ^^^s ^tt if Aeh* Bim, oA <m 
 («)Luke 19. 4a. 43.44. 
 - ♦ 
vSf-^ •v^yi'Mt-ti^vr! 'jF-;-' 
 i 291 ) 
 in utter Darknds under the Jceen Refleftions of 
 thofe unhappy Soul., which they have deceived, 
 »nd the gnawings of a guihy Confciencc. 
 And where are now the ungodly Parent^%h 
 inltead of a godly Inllrudtion, have enfnared^ 
 corrupted their Children with their GoD-diihon> 
 «ring and Saul-dcftroying Praaices ? O how 
 will they now give an Account of their Stew, 
 ardfhip I Thefe, fay their unhappy Children, arc 
 the ungodly Wretches, into whofe Hands our 
 Souls were committed ; who inftead of prayinjj 
 trith and for us, facrificed our Souls to Moloch 
 by their evil and ungodly Inllruftions and Exam- 
 plcs. Often, faith on5, have! heard curfing and 
 Avearing by my Parents, but feldom a Prayer 
 in the Family : They were fond of fupporting 
 *nd decorating my Body, but wholly neglefted 
 tha Welfare of my prepious and immortal Soul. 
 O that <yer I was committed to the Care of 
 fttch ungcfdly Wretches, who, infteadof encoura- 
 gipgrne to the Houfe of Gon, and where the 
 Waters were trpubled, would encourage me, or 
 indulge me to Balls,- Frolicks, and Houfes of 
 9^n^Ulnh and iinflil Recreation. Q cruel 
 /, —- ---^ >»~w.w.,wv /«. yj cruel 
 i'UiuU, curied Mirdcrcft of your Xrhildren ? I 
' >■ 
 eiieftions of 
 ve deceived, 
 f O how 
 heir Stewr 
 lildren, arc 
 Hands our 
 af prayinjj 
 to Moloch 
 ind Exam- 
 urfing and 
 a Prayer 
 rtal Soul. 
 ■ Care of 
 ^here the 
 : me, or 
 foufes of 
 O cruel 
 dren ! I 
 { Z9* ) ' 
 acknowlege, faith another, that I have often fin- 
 ned againfi: Lights and tlie Dictates of my oWn 
 ConCcience, and therefore am juftly eondemiied I 
 yet^e were the curfed Initruments of mjr eiirerla- 
 fting Dcftruftion j and now I muft be youi/ com- 
 pany forever among tJie miferable Bla fphemets 
 in Hell- O that ever I was born td liVc and 
 die in fuch a Family. We were an ungodly Fa- 
 mily on Earth, but we ihall be a far wor|e Crew 
 in Hell, where we muft take up our evferlafting 
 Abode. Curfed be the Womi) thit bor^ nte and , 
 the Paps that gave me fuck, and curfedi be, the 
 unfaithful Minifters, thofe blind Guiaesj that* 
 have negle£led my precious and immortal Soul. 
 O muft I ly down with M^nifters, Parckts, Bro- 
 thers and Sifter* in the Regions of c^crlafting 
 Sorrow, with Devils and damfted Spirits, and. 
 what is far worfe, with tthegiawingt bf a guil- 
 ty^ Con^-ience. The Time was, whe^ I had 
 the offers of Salvation founding in my Ean, but 
 J rejeded tliem : And now the Day is oVer, and 
 X am gone forever. And ah ! What an I unhap<<^ 
 py Being is now the Scoffers of ReligioP» ^ii^ 
 have fo often made a Derffion oT tKi CMtdren 
 of God, and the Truths of the o^crfaftpig ^rt. 
 * V 
 ( »93 ) 
 not iuffer me tp aclcnowlcdge mv 
 «f *e C.r,. „. ,o pk.f, .h. vaia Co. ' 
 ■T" *"■"'»"" i»« i» maiing , Moot of R.li 
 r;re''j"^''"^^^'^''"^ 'M would 
 by W M«». or «hcr lull u, flccp. J,„, o 
 C«fc«»cc ,. nowwak., .udwiU fl«p„„ ^orc, 
 b«t wJl fo«vc.,„.„,,a tonurc my guil^aud 
 '*''i»'™i« Soul Afc r - - {'*""v"''d 
 *S!T ■" '-"'"^^ -«""'- Hope .o 
 ' . gun 
 ♦ f 

 ^t the true 
 ' of jthc Lord, 
 ^« %n, and 
 ►elieve it was 
 ^iire for my 
 a fcoffed at 
 ^d told them 
 and not to 
 ctiines even 
 / own Con- 
 fatuatcd by 
 "^edge my 
 -n forfea 
 of Rdi- 
 were de. 
 •wards re 
 I would 
 But O 
 ^er ,♦ n)y 
 no more, 
 Hi un or , 
 [ope to 
 r is be- 
 . gun 
 f *94 ) 
 gun, Mid will never end. O had I been a StocT 
 or a Stone, or any Thing but a neverdyihg Soul t 
 The Judge approaches, aiid my Unhappy Doom 
 draws nigh. How can I bear that fhocking Sen- 
 tence, depart. O £temity. Eternity ! And rauft 
 I for ever tread the gidomy kegidns of etcmal 
 Darknefs! Mull I wonder and howl with banilhcd 
 Cain, and traiteroua Jddas, and Myriada of 
 Blafphcmous Wretches, tormented with reflec- 
 ting Men and Devils, and fcbrchcd with a guil- 
 ty Confcience, without one Drop of Water to 
 cool my tormented Tongue. But ah. ? too late 
 i pjn convinced of my Folly, and nothing buc 
 Lofs, irrecoverable Lofs, founds through evtry 
 Faculty of iiiy Defpairing Soul. I now remem- 
 ber, how little I regarded the repeated Calls of 
 t bleeding Saviour, and now 1 (hall bt as Httk 
 regarded, wheti I Cry, Lord, Lord, open untomt^ 
 For I am now ffer ever baniflied from theG«tei 
 of Hope, and have nothing to expe^ bat iiiaw- 
 fing Horrors ihro* the revolving Roundt ^M 
 miferable Etei-riity ; and all Things paft, 
 and to come confpiring to make inc 
 4 tm glirtted with hrcipreffiWe Tonlair 
 pvery Quartet. Ah ? had 1 Teii TbouSud ' 

 ( «9J ) 
 Tongucar I cbuW aot cxpref. my. riprro«, «,a 
 yet I muftsendure them for even O how in, 
 tolerable are my Paih,. ho^ exquiiite my Hor- 
 . m,. how eternal their Duration, and hdw un- 
 .tera^ie m^ State f Hark the /hriJl Outcries 
 of thofe guiJty Wretches, 
 GNowtHg Hjoitbh them 
 Tbn Thoufands Thunders now awe the Atten- 
 tion <.f all the guilty TJrrong to .the dread Tri- 
 bunal ; and now that alifcarching Eye pierce, 
 thro the hidden Receflesof eveiy Soul, and poinw 
 .: «»nt all their Sin., The Sins moft private and 
 Jong forgotten are now all refrc/hed in their Mem. 
 «ry, and all their Shame dtpofed. How heavy 
 Ac Load, how blaek the Score, how Heaven- 
 baring thi ^mifivand how cutting the Laflies 
 ." a guilty Confcieace, which now heaves the 
 ^«1 Bar, and reada thcir,own Condemnation ; 
 «ach one fttnding as feparafc before the Ojpnipo- 
 tent Jodge, aiid as individually judged, as if he 
 The Judge and|^ 
riarrors, vai 
 O how in<i 
 i^itc my Kor- 
 an d hdw un- 
 irill Outcries 
 'fg Jngvijby 
 li'vittg Worn 
 e Hrcad Tri- 
 Eye piereej 
 li and points 
 private and 
 their Mem- 
 Flow heavy 
 N Heaven- 
 the Laihes 
 heaves the 
 lemnation ; ' 
 • Oijinipo- 
 1, as if he 
 dge and^ \ 
 alone to ftahd the naked Teft, how can their 
 Hearts endUre, ,or . their Hands- be ftron^, t^hcn 
 the Judge of all the Earth undertakes to deal with 
 thcrtr,(^«; whofc very Nature is a Heli to them. 
 For as Jhe Fire diflblves' the Ice by Reafon of 
 the Contrariety of their Natures, fo the approa- 
 chingpudgo increafcs their Torment byjlcafon 
 of the Contrariety of the two Natures ; his Di- 
 vino^ Light, Love and Q^dncfs being fo oppo- 
 fite to their Malice, Fire and Darknefs, |hat their 
 Mifery and Hell is increafcd and inflamed there- 
 by. It is Divine Love and Goodnefs that ihcy 
 hate, and therefore beholding fuCh Love anA 
 Gobdnefs in him is like Fuel to their Souls in- 
 creafmg their infernal Rage. But behold, Hz , 
 comes, and fee Hftii they muft in all his Glory, 
 Light and Parity, aifd hear Him in Juftice and^ 
 Equity fet all their blackeft Crimes togetherwith 
 the Love and Co^idefccnlibn, which they luve 
 fo much abufed, all in Order before th'em^ in 
 infinite Love and Pity to the iFallen World, faith 
 He, I left my Father's Bofom, and came down 
 to fuffer and die for your Redemption ; and in 
 <«}Ezek. 24.. I4. 
 i It iiiiiUi 

 h^^ Icifll Waited .tyour fioors. befceching yoU 
 T "*' ''"°* ^*^ WraU, to come : Bat aJl wa. 
 'gcftcd .nd defpifed. D.y. .„d Hours have my 
 «cmnf laboured for you and w,rncd jou with? 
 Tear. tocrcai,c.from Mifeiy, to embrace tie (^ 
 P^i Call and enjoy the Priviledges ofmyJP^ 
 • »«te Love. And long has- my Spirit been wait- 
 ing: upon you, pndBeeii ftriving with your Con- 
 ftiende« to reftortr you from your fallen State j but 
 •n waaftill in Vain. Ye trampled my blood utider 
 foot M defpifed my Grave. Ye hace rejcaed my 
 ^^^ grieved my Holy Spirit, Ye have 
 «lwifed My Mercy, .and wounded my Caufe. Ye 
 h^vc reproached my Children and derided m/ 
 Minifters. Therefore I will laugh at your Cala- 
 ""Ucs.. and mock now your Fear is conie.f ^; Ye' 
 *«^e chofen Deftruaion, arid ruiaed your own 
 Soula a^ainft all that I have done V could do 
 ftr your evcrfafting Happing ^h,refbrc g. 
 ^°^ ^'^ 8pi"t», and J^MLite 
 <»^ Sm ; ^ learn the Folly qipif^ Qrace • 
 80 rue the UCs of all my Light and Love ,go' 
 ye Defpife,^. of my Graceand inhabit your own 
 <*i&»^.i >«. "^ ""• ^ 
 ^^'■'■•v . V ^^ -^ • ,pi^ 
 If. /Sfcnv j.fi 
 . '"W 
 ( «9^ ) : 
 ^^Ouilt, go endure the Hell which your own 
 \^h ^^ *'*''* *"***** ""** ^'^'^ Wnith^ which you 
 hay* trcafufcd up to>ourfelvc» agiinft the Day 
 of. Wrath. RipnicmbiBr how \.j Bowels havo 
 ' yearned over you; and faih would I have ga- 
 thered you in my Arms of/RBDiii4iMo Lov« 
 as a Hengathcreth her Brood uader her W^gj. 
 and ye ^ould mt.(e-) What therefore could I 
 have doae more than I havo done, tg^makeyon 
 happy ? And yet you have made youHelveaffli. 
 ferable to all Eternity. Depart therefore yt cur- 
 fed, into everlafting Fire prepared Iby the Devi! 
 and his Angle*. O what mortal' l^ngue can cr- 
 preft, or what Heart coticcire the unfpcakable 
 Horrors, into Which they have plunged thorn. 
 felvM ! How intolerafcle- is the Aaguilh of tHe 
 guilty Confciencei and howexquMtotheTortuiet 
 of the defpairing Soul .» All friendl forfirke thciii, 
 and Foes oxafperate them j Coafcicace gnawy 
 them, ud S^nts rejeft thiemr-Aigdf def{»i/| 
 them, and Gdn the Author of all goodtbhorri 
 them and banilhes diem for ever i and ill^ help 
 ^ (0 Xttkt f|. S4^' 
 '\ ► 
^ :.f 
 ( 299) ' 
 fails from every Quarter; no Mercy, no Sleep, 
 nor Mitigation ofMifery. 
 Hope/e/j ImmortaU. Honv they /cream andfii'ver. 
 While De'vils pub them to the Pit nuideyaiving 
 Hideous and gloomy to recei've tbim. Headlong 
 down to the Centre. 
 sDr. Watts. 
 O ! tJnhappy Beings f How will they endure 
 an Eternity of increafing Horror,, burning with 
 infernal Rage^ tortured with keen Reflexions, 
 and blafpheming the God that made them [ Their 
 Die is caft, and their Doom is now fettled for 
 ever ; the Righteous are fevered from the Wick- 
 ed } and all the Race of Ab AM;gone to their own 
 Places as they are made by accepting or rejec- 
 ting Redseming Levi. The Wheat is gathered 
 into the Garner, and the Tares caJl into everla- 
 fting Buming/i/; The Spirits of Light to the 
 Realms of Light, and the Spirits of Darknefs 
 to^c Regions of Darknefs.* The great Work 
 ^^'BSi^** 'Redemption Is now finiflied, ajNi the fc- 
 t^^ •A^>AM has reftored the Ruins of th6 Firft. 
 The Globe that fell by Man*s Re^^lliidi, is not 
 awiihikted^ hn^ puriftftd, n nd imn ^ ji l l ikr nnt ft 
 "(^Mait. 15^^24. 43. 
 m^^n/h , 
 ( 3o» 1 
 » glaffy Sm. mingled with'^pire, where liofe 
 that are redeemed by the Blood of the Lafcb m 
 •o reign f„ „„ .^^^ ^^.,^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^ 
 Wieked make„„ impaffabl. Gulf between them 
 ""* "" '^'■«'"~«- And now while all the dark 
 Cave™, of eternal Darknef.are (hook with dyi„g 
 Groap hideou, yem, .„d blafpheming ,cL,! 
 Dox?log,ea of eternal Praife , ,„d all the innu- 
 »~.bleTh™ngoi^S«nt,, Seraph,, Angel,. .„d 
 Archangel, crying out Hallelujah f For the Lord 
 GonOmmpotentreigneth. Amen and Amen 
 Methink. I heir the vaftunnumbefd Throne 
 Un..e their Voice in one Eternal Song 
 Shouting they CO,, All Hail foc.m„e Name "J 
 I.et Ldve immortal aU our Hod, inflame ' I 
 To found abroad, thine everlafting Fame. [ 
 Thro «l« <J"l Cavern, of the Worl^ below- 
 Let ^leM Angel, feel their torfring ChA^ 
 In the black gulf. „he„ Quilt and ilii,fa«fl 
 reigni -"WW 
 j^ '^^ 
( 3«ii ) 
 And the curTd Race of Adams off-fpririg too 
 l» "their own Hell their Guilt and Folly ru^. 
 Let Angels Ihout, Seraphic Armies fing 
 Songs of immortal praifc to God their Kingj 
 While the pure Bride from yon dark \(^orld 
 Strain lofty Notes to the incarnate Board. , 
 All Hail, all Hail, yehcav'iily Armies join /^^ 
 To laud that precious Name with Songs I>iviri^^* 
 Let thankful Shouts thro**all the Realm refound 
 Aikl glide harihonious one revolving round. 
 Let facred Love infpire the* lofty Strains'! 
 That cchoPraife thh>* all the Heav'nly Plains I 
 To God; Ameq, our God for ever reigns, j 
 To b^ underftood by every Reader, I hayc 
 treatedjO« Man's ^all and Recovery in a Me- 
 thod fuitihg ta cwryCaptcityi a(i4,the Concep- 
 tions of the piefent Day : But (jiall now proceed 
 more dofcly to- thANMaire of fowe Particulars. 
 Whpn wcxead of Man andtlus World being 
 nude we muft no more tnjagtne (as tlic common 
 Opinion of the World is) made otit of nothing, 
 ^..t!^inag^(^9 th»jt nothing nude femedung { or 
 -*W Acre waronceiOTie empty void, when God 
 <did not fill Immcnfity : Neither mull we any taore 
>ff-fprihg too 
 Folly ru^. 
 ics fing 
 icir Kingj 
 : Board. . 
 rmicsjoiii / 
 ongs Divirift * 
 aim refound 
 ig round. 
 y Strains 1 
 nly Plains > 
 er reigns. J 
 ler, I hayc 
 in a Mc- 
 he Concep' 
 >w proceed 
 V[orld being 
 Ke common 
 of nothings 
 ( 302 ) 
 nnderftand, when we hear of Earth, Trces,Water, 
 &c. of fallen Earth { or corporeal Hardnefs, before 
 the fall; than we would imagine the fame corporal 
 Hardnefs after the final Decifion ; or iu Heaven ; 
 For we read as much of ^arth, \7ater, Beafts, and 
 Trees there, as we do in the Creation :faj But 
 if we believe the V^rdof God^^^ we muft be- 
 lieve that he is a Spirit, and will have all his 
 Worlhipcrs fpiritual. And therefore when Man 
 flood forth in the Image of Gop he was poifeffed of 
 an immortal Mind, cloathed with a (piritualBody, 
 ^nd in Poffeffion of a fpiritual Paradifc ; his im- 
 mortal Mind, or Powc^ of thouglit, was originally 
 in God, called his Breath : but now breathed 
 forth into ?i' creatu/ely State, and a^l his fpiritual 
 cloathing. was originally in Good's ctcraal Out- 
 birth, now brought forth likevirife into a creature, 
 ly (landing, ai\d thus w^ fee an off-^ring of the 
 Divine ^einc :(cJ vfhoC^ Wcl^re.now botli in- 
 ward and outward Creature, wholly depends on 
 retaining a Union to its Father ; and that Union 
 confirmed or brp.ken. by the Will of the iiivftrd. 
 Creature; fo that of Courfe when the Willtll|^jr 
 (a) Rev. 21. I. le 12. Chtpter i'/^ j'. Xl»ptet- iil 
 '1.2. (A) John 4. 24. (r) Lukes. 34, Afti 17. 29. 

 » ( 303 ) 
 and broke off from its FAtHER.it carried off all 
 that doadiing, Out-birth, or outward Creature 
 which ftood forth related to it in a creaturely 
 Standing , and being thusjfallen off from eternal 
 and univerfal Nature, it becomes a Curfc and 
 Hell to, and in itfclf; becaufe it was now nei- 
 ther felf wciftant, nor united to felf Exiftance • 
 And therefore this whole creaturely Syftem would 
 immediately have been in the fame Stat^ as the 
 unredeemed Part will be after the Grand De 
 cis.ON, had it not been for the Inte^pofition by 
 God in the Flelh, by which it^ow ftands forth 
 a material World, with corporeal Hardnefs, fo 
 that of Courfe (altho> many have been much puz- 
 ^led to know what Means God would make ufe 
 of. to deftroy tliis Elemental World) when the 
 Incarnation of God has done its Office among the 
 ftIlenR.ce,the Interpofidon ceafing. all corporeal 
 H«-dnefs, or material Elements muft likewife 
 ccafe: and thenallwhofe Will has been turned, 
 or inward Creature redeemed; being again unit, 
 ed to the infinite and eternal Spirit, will carry 
 back all that Cloathing, or Out-birth, which be' 
 >ng3tg ^^ ^^^^n^mmw:m^lnd 
:arried off all 
 ird Creature, 
 a crcaturely 
 from eternal 
 Curfc and 
 as now nei- 
 '^ftem would 
 Stat? 43 the 
 ■pofition by 
 ftands forth 
 ardnefs, Co 
 much puz- 
 1 make ufc 
 when the 
 among the 
 I corporeal 
 ft likewife 
 en turned, 
 gain unit- 
 will carry 
 fhkh be- 
 :rnal and 
 ( 30+ ) \ 
 unniverfal Nature. And the others whofe Will is 
 not redeemed, (but Hill going its own cjeftruc- 
 tive Course,) will fink forever : both inward 
 and outward Creature in its own Hfill. And 
 thus, my bEAk Reader, unlcfs you believe there 
 is corporeal Hardnefs in God, in Heaven, and 
 Hell, you muft be convinced that the whole caufe 
 of your ftanding now in this corporeal World is 
 only by the interpofing of falfen Nature. And 
 althp' many to fupport a Rigorous Elcftion will 
 pretend there is nothing done by Chr«t for 
 fome particular Men ; yet you may fee it is a,' 
 evident that no Man would ftand in an elemen. 
 tal Wp,jd^ with a Body of Flefh and Blood' any 
 more than the fallen Angds, wa^ti^ot for the 
 Interpofition by Christ, You may Ukcwfc 
 learn that, altho' the greateft part of Profefibrs 
 conceive of Christ as in fome Dillant Region 
 intercecding with the Father for Sinners, or la- 
 bouring to pacify him, as thoVhe was not f9 
 compaffionatc as the Son, yet tlw Truth is, thq. 
 Kingdom of Grace, and thcInterciffionofChrirt 
 is in die FleA; by God>« Incarnate, SpiriuJr 
 i^now faith one, that the KingdoAl-drOoD. in 
-) «.- 
 . . . ( JO'S ) 
 ' ^^« DegTce 15 in the hearts ol the true Belie- 
 ver,. True, D.AR Reader, the Kingdom of 
 • G^D has not got PoiTefEon of the inmoft Soul 
 , . or turned the Will of the Unbeliever, a, Jit ha. 
 of the true (if it had the.whole Work would be 
 <f one) yet depend upon it there i|, no other King- 
 dom of Grace/or Interceffion if Christ, that 
 ^iJl do them any Good, but tijis, God in the 
 FleOi: for. if there was, then the^e might be fome 
 Intcrceflion for Sinners after they have left the 
 flcfli. Yea, and methinbyou can»t but remcm- 
 ^bcr that Chrift, when fpeaking Jo a People who 
 were declared ta^e at the grcatefj Diftance . from 
 Redemption, and againft whom tlic greatcft Cur- 
 fea were denounced, declares in lexprefs Words 
 that the Kingdom ofGou was within thcmfd) 
 and as it i. nbt faid that God wis in Christ 
 reconciling himfelf to the World, but the World 
 to lumfelf,|r/; I hope you will ndvermore Ima- 
 gine, that Christ is in fome diftajit Region la- * 
 bouring to pacify the Father j nor y\t think your- 
 felf any more at Home, while you find you are 
 farroundedw ith coiforeal HardnefsUan a crimi- 
Ml at the Bar, with his Arm extended, waiting 
 tile important Turn , or cTer imagine Redeb- 
 MING Love at^ Piftancc i^m you. for thcTrutl,N 
 iithis, you are already wraped up in the Re- 
 »«£MER, and held up on fuffcrcnce a fc«r Mo- 
 ments, while he laboun to regain your denruftiy^^ 
 WILL, and turn it its proper Courfe. Yea the 
 whole Ejrittance of this mortal World declare* 
 thefc important Truths j viz. that you are held 
 "P, by an interpofmg hand, from an everlafti^g 
 Hell: With Redbeminc Love all around yon. 
 labouring for your Redemption. And altho» fomc 
 may fay, that I am entertaining them with Myf- 
 tcrics that doth not concern them, yet it is not 
 only held forth in all the Gofpel, but is fd cf- 
 fential, that if you had but a rwdliaing Senfc of 
 it upon your Soul, you would break forth with 
 Shouts of Joy, in the Unguage of the Ancbls, 
 it the Messiah in the Manger : Glory to God 
 in the higheft, Peace on Earth, and good Will 
 to Men :(/) And would own it to be the Gof- 
 pel itfelf , preached not only in the Letter of 
 the Word, hut by every Thing around yout___ 
 (/) Luke a. 14. 
( 30? ) 
 Rocks, Hills, and Vales; the City throng, and 
 the Barren- wafte i cvrryTrce, Plant, and Infe^; 
 proclaims^ Goi^ incarnate for your Redemption! 
 G6od God ? What a Wonder is this ! Methinks 
 I feel ajoyfull Surprifo awake in my Soul, and 
 hurries my pen to communicate a Word of friend- 
 ly warning to my fellow Men f Awake, awake, 
 O S6uls ! Awake and know your ftanding j look 
 around you, and believe that all you fee, feci, 
 or enjoy, cries out,«' Redeeming Love I Re- 
 deeming Love ! The Flooron whicji you tread, 
 and the Bed on which you Lie manifefts your 
 being held up from a Bottomlefs Gulf, for a 
 ft Moment of Efcai)e> the turning of your Door 
 on its Hinges, when opened to receive you de- 
 clares a Door open to eternal Rett j, and when 
 fliut warns you of an approaching period to the 
 glorious Opportunity j every morfal of Bread on 
 your Table declares the Bread of Life is fpread 
 for your ftarving, and immortal Souls ; every drop 
 Ofcjld Water.thatentcrs your Lips c!^cs out, « O 
 Sinner! the WaterofLifc is free : Drink and live 
 forever. The flefli on your Bones, and Blood in 
 J^ouiLY c ins declare* W Bbtfd of tfae^LAMl 15F~ 
bong, and 
 Soul, and 
 I of friend - 
 :e, awakc> 
 ling J look 
 fee, fee], 
 >VE f Re- 
 you tread, 
 fefts your 
 If, for a 
 )ur Door 
 you de- 
 id when 
 od to the 
 Bread on 
 is fpread 
 cry drop 
 ut, '« O 
 and live 
 Blood In 
 ( 308 ) 
 your Redemption. And now. Dear Reader 
 after you have confidercd the unfpeakable Advan- 
 tage of the Means of Grace, that informs you of 
 your ftanding and is to ill r up that Kingdom with- 
 in, then lifl-en a Moment and you will hear all 
 Things around you crying out, « Awake. Q 
 " Manf Awake, and know thefe two Truths, 
 *• thyfclf; and Redeemer. Linger not on all 
 " the plain, Icaflyebcconfumcd(^^;forasfoon 
 " as the Children of M=n arc all come from the 
 " ^o»n«. the Son will give up all to the Father , 
 " The Interpofition will ccafe, and your dc- 
 " ''t'-oying WILL, if not redeemed, carrymg off 
 " all your Out-birth,. or outward Creature, will 
 " go its ownCourfe and remain falling, finking 
 " ""^ ^'^^ tormenting Nature forever. Away, ' 
 " Away O Man I while thy Creator holds thee 
 " in a poiTibility of Redemption. O I turn, turn, 
 " felf-Murderer f Return back to the God. that 
 *' made thee. Fly before thou art Irrecoverably 
 "gone ; O ? Fly from thine own Hell, to eter- 
 " nal Reft. All Heaven is engaged for thy ctcr- 
 ^1 Welfare ; and RmR^uir^o^h^^ 
 (s) Gen. 19. 17. 
 " around 
( 309 ) 
 " around thee. Q f Fall out of thyfe^f on the 
 ** Rock of %es/ai^d Live forever. 
 Some Remarks on the Condu 
 f Manikin Mat- 
 ters of Religion efpecially 'when GOg is revi- 
 'ving a mrk ofprace in the Land, together <ivith, 
 \ , fine Admonitions and Advice^ 
 J\ S I have gone tJiro* the.Ftill and Recovcfy 
 of Mankind, togctK^y^'with the Plan and 
 I^ifcipline of Christ's vifible Kingdom, I fhall 
 now endeavour (in hopes of offering fome Light 
 to my Pcllovv-Mortals) to take a fmall View of 
 ^he furprifii^ Conduft of Mankind therein, viz. 
 in Matters of no lefs Importance than the prefent 
 and cvcrlafting Welfare of thev pcrilhing and 
 immortal Souls, and whpn moH immediately at 
 Stake, viz, when God of his iniinite Mercy is 
 reviving his Work in the Manifeltation of his 
 RiDBiMiNG Love lo the Children of Men. For 
 (altho* my Reader may be fupprifed) in a Time 
 jit Di t rkpcfs a l l is a t 4W ae »t- feqr whettl.i^hr 
 l^ealM forth, it is not Co, when the World of 
 / ^. Mankind, 
 ( 3»0 ) ' \ " : 
 Mankind, or any particular Land or Pcoplk art 
 lying in Sin 4nd Wickedncfs, flecping in carnal 
 Security, and thronging down to Hell under a 
 Cloak of Externals} holding the Form ofGo^U 
 linefs, without the Power ; then all fecmg to be 
 at Peace, and there are no great Difputes about 
 R>jljgion,v bccaufc they arc all contchted with 
 •a Form, which the Devil is willing they Ihould 
 have, and which, ii not worth much disputing 
 about J neither have they much of tliac Spirit, 
 which creates a Hungering and Thirfting after 
 • greater Kno^riedgc of Divine Truths, but 
 •are, like People, like Pricft. The Minifteh t^A- 
 ^erfing their little Orb* of Forinality once a 
 Week, and the People with as little Concern give 
 their Attendance, & thui vainly imagine, that iM 
 is well. Thoufands go Hand in Hand down toP^er- 
 dition. But when God of his infinite Goodneis 
 is moved with Pity towards them, and his Bowels 
 yearn over dying Nfortals, and he is pleafcd to 
 come down with the powerful Influences ofiiis 
 HoLv SritiT, to trouble the Waters, and caufe 
 ^fhaking amon g the dry Boney. then the Scene 
 \a changed, and thcWorid is foon i^^. to |>c.in 
{ 3«i ) ' - 
 «» uproar//; The le.al PricO, and Miniftcrs, 
 whdlav. got their Wclth by trading J„ Purple & 
 fine L,n«en, and of the Souli of Men, find their 
 Merchandize beginning to ccafe, will begin to 
 ,bcftir thei^fejves, ifpoffiblA, to keep the World 
 in Blindness, the Scribes and the Pharifecs or 
 WmalChrimans with them crying out, theChurch 
 is in Dangey. the Church is in Danger ; faying 
 ^ they will eari^eftly contend for the Faith once 
 delivered to tl\e Saints .(g) when at the fame 
 time, they are Cuch Strangers to that Faith, and 
 the fpiritual K^dom. of Christ, that the/ 
 might with mori Propriety fay in plain Words, 
 ^reat is Diana if the EphIsians/.^; Nei- 
 ther are there any kn on Earth greater Enemies 
 to the Power of Goyiinefs, than thofe Tegal Pro- 
 Xfcflbrs^ who Icnow nothing but the Fo^ : And 
 they will do more Damage fn aTime of Refor-' 
 mation, than the opefr Profane : Witnefs that 
 glorious Day, when Cj^rist was on Earth with 
 *>is Di/ciples. Publican* and Harlots would em- 
 brace Him, while the Scribes, Pharifecs and High- 
 f^nefts would ftone him as ah Impollor, and fay 
 .qi AOti^f^o. ir) Jmferrvir-pi) A'i^T^fi?^ 
 I Purple & 
 find their 
 begin, to 
 le World 
 irifccs or 
 ic Church 
 » faying 
 ith once 
 lie fame 
 iith, and 
 lat thejr 
 al Pro; 
 i: And 
 ifs that 
 h with 
 Id em- 
 ad {ky 
 that He cafled out Devils |^y Bclzcbu^.fiJ And 
 Ihave reafon to believe, th^t many in thefe Days, 
 in Times of Reformation^i that are called Chrii'- 
 ,tian8, and are very clofc' in their Externals, are 
 a« great Enemies as they. But fomc will /ay; 
 I am fo far from be^ng an Enemy to the Caufe of 
 CHaKT,^hat I fhould rejoice to fee' Religion 
 revive, and fpread throughout the World ; but 
 I do not like to fee Errors, Delufxons and En- 
 thufiafm creeping into the Churches, for that 
 is >H I opj)6fc. Now leP me aik fuch People, 
 what does that differ from the Language of the 
 High Priefts, Scribes and Pharifes P^Did they ' 
 not fay the fame, and had they not for Years pre-, 
 tended to exhibit a promifed Messiah ? And 
 you may reafonably fuppofe that they pretcn-, 
 ded a Dtfire for Religion to cover the Earth, JU, 
 the Waters 4oth the Sea ; and tell the People, ' 
 that the Hour was approaching, when their great 
 Heobimer would come, and you may /ce how 
 much Truth there was in all their Pretenfions; 
 for no fo9iier had He appeared (and exactly ac, 
 cording to the Prophecies too) but they im-! 
 (0 Mark j. as. 
( 3»3 ) 
 mediately Rofe up againft Him, and wereyie 
 fii*/! Men to rejea* ftone and crUcify Himj (j) 
 and lab'jured the molt to prejudice the Minds of 
 the People againft Him ; declaring Hb was not 
 the Christ. And why was ail this? Why, he- 
 ckufe he did hot come according to their carnal 
 Inclinations, as they expected. For inftead of liis 
 coming in earthly Pdrtip and Gra-ndeur, as they 
 expected, Hb came in the Forin of a Servant i 
 C^) poor, defpifed andrcgefted; a Man of Sor- 
 rows and acquainted; with Giief i(l) and inftead 
 of increafmg theit Grandeur^ encouraging their 
 Merchandize and patching Up their old Forms 
 aijd Traditions as they expefted, Kb fcourged the 
 Temple^ ovcrfet their Tables, caft out the Money 
 Changers, and the Seatyof them that fold Doves } 
 ^«/and inftead of approving thcmand their Con- 
 <ia6l, declared ta their Faccsi that they were fo 
 far frtmi being his Servants, or Friends to his 
 C«afe, that they had tilade his Houfe a Den of 
 TUtffi(n) and, what was ftill morei«IperB- 
 tiiig to their carnal Inclinations andyP>rido, iiif 
 doing <11 this with fmall Cords. £o/if ^6 in 
 J«MI««I5. fff)MMt. 8I« 13. ' 
nd were 'the 
 y Him, fJJ 
 lie Minda of 
 Hb was not 
 ? Why, he- 
 their carnal 
 nflead of Jiis 
 eur, a« they 
 a Servant} 
 Ian of Sor* 
 ind inftead 
 igtng their 
 >ld Forms 
 :ourged the 
 the Money 
 Id jpoves i 
 iieir Con- 
 y were fo 
 id? to his 
 ?ndei, hit 
 a Time of Reformation, when Hi is fcour^ing 
 his Temple, wouM make ufe of more humaa 
 Learning and wordly Grandeur, they wjuld not 
 find fo much Fault, and it would pieafe the 
 World better J but inftead of that, he make* ufe 
 offmall Cords, and dcchires that he will chafe 
 the weak things of the World, «nd thing* dt(^U 
 fed of Men to carry onhis Work, and abafe the 
 Pride of Man /«»; For^is Hfi firft made Choice 
 ''of poor defpifed Men, Fiiher-inen, and Tent- 
 mzkersffj to fpread the ^Gofpcl, ^and mai^ of ; 
 them illiterate Men, (b he doeaTcommonly ftill. 
 BixT fome will fay 4igain, that they do not 
 defpife them, bccaufc they «re poor, and difpi- 
 fed of Mill, or becaufc th«y are illiteratfc, but 
 bccaufe they are led -^wwiy by <a^ed not accor- 
 ding to Knowledge j vnd bec«Ufe they are bri»g« 
 ing Errors «ndCoAfttii<m into tke Mbufe of JOod j 
 and becaufe they do not cbme in according t6 «r- 
 deri when God k m God df Ordcd-^ <M>W 'l«c 
 hretmceihore refer fttdiipebple to ikt Isagtaig^ 
 ahd Conduia of thtiir IVidtoeffiM»> nd Jtelwiv 
 (0) 1. 6or. 1. 19. ao. ai. O) JMitt. ^ M^ Jllki%l*a* 
 W td 
 f 3«t.£i4.^ 
( 3»5 > 
 W be as fond of the true Religiemi and wife for 
 the Day to come j and yet no fooner had God 
 began to j^p^r out of his Spirit and revive his 
 true Religion among a few defpifcd Creatures, 
 who wci«c thereby conftrained to fliout forth his 
 Praifes, but they were immediately offended, and 
 oppofed them as Madmen and Enthufiafts ; who 
 were led away with a blind Zeal and intrtated 
 the Lord to put a flop to fuch a Religion as 
 that -.(q) And I make no Doubt but there were 
 many, who had been pretending to plead with 
 Goo for a Reformation among their Youth anjl 
 Children j and yet no fooner had the Lord coi^ 
 verted a fmall Number of them, and conftrained 
 them by his. Love and Grace to make it mani- 
 feft, but they virere fo offended and enraged, that 
 if it had been in their Power, they would have 
 immediately ptit them all to Silence, and obftruc- 
 ted the YfoTV(f^) altho* it was only the fulfilling 
 ©f the very Prophecies, which they pretended 
 ftrittlyto adhere to, and with which the Lord 
 immediately refuted thcm.(i) Now I have Rea- 
 fcn to imaging that if thofc Children had been 
 "1.". - . 
t 3^6 ) 
 at their Recreatfonsi or Houfes of catnal Mirth 
 thofc Men would not have been much troubled 
 about it : And liktfwife I faf (tho» with Caufe 
 to grieve) that when People in thefe Days are 
 meeting for carnal Mirth, fptfndinfe Hour, ovcf 
 a Bottle of Wine in all Manner of Vaiii Difcourfe, 
 «ndthe young People frolicking and JJlayingat 
 Cards, oar legal Preachers, and external Pro.. 
 feflbrs are not much troubled j but when inftead 
 of all that, they are meeting often for the Wor- 
 ihip of Go» and thofe young People inftead of 
 frolieking and finging ca?nal Songs, .re praying 
 and finging Pfalms, Hymns and fpiritual Songs 
 exhorting their Companions tqfly from the Wrath 
 to come, fom^telling what God had done for 
 jheir Souls, a^ proclaiming the Wonder, of R,. 
 DEEMING Love, while others arc fo bunlened 
 with Sin, ihat they are crying out under their 
 Guilt, what muft we do to be favcd ; then the 
 Powers of Antich#ft are offended, aad crying 
 out, awaywithfuchaDcIufion, faying, tl»t they 
 arc tinder an Impofuion led away by a blind Zeal, 
 •nd following Jm pulfe^a»aFit . ^-g^4Ju^P«flfa^ 
 kci and fay of thofe God makes vfc of in his 
( 3»7 ) 
 Work, thit they are Iiupoftors, arid difordtfrly 
 Men, and if all fuch Endeavours prove abortive, 
 and they cannot put a flop to the Work, then 
 they will try anotliCr Step, begrnoing to brand 
 <hent with Infamy, caftihg all Manner of Re- 
 proaches upon, them, finding Fault with all their 
 Improvcin^tttSj gathering up and magnifying the 
 Mifs-St^ps and Imprefeilions that can be found 
 kmong thehi. Such a one, fay they, has becri 
 guilty of ftich and fuch Thingj : Und fuch a one 
 is not fit tO'fpcak in Publick, fuch an one did 
 hot come in a*t the right Door } and fuch. an one 
 Was not Hcenfed by proper Authority j and then 
 cry out, as their P^jcdeccffors did, do any of the 
 Rulers or bfthePharifecs believe in him ? But this 
 People who krtow hot th^ Law, are accurfed.(^/; 
 Bo any of our great and leariied Men believe in 
 Aich Ndttotie, or fojiow fuch deluded Men ? No 
 bat only a few portr Wonlen,' or ignorant Men, 
 that are^atuated and led aftgy . O aftonifliing ! 
 I« flilAe Cqpdna of tht poor blinded Worl^ 
 in .Things of the moft infinite Importance ? Who 
 tikcii, that ha* any-Boweh of Compaffion can for- 
 ( / 
 * ■' ■ 
 i abortive, 
 ^ork, then 
 ; to brand 
 er of Re- 
 ti all their 
 ifying the 
 1 be found 
 has becri 
 fuch a one 
 n one did 
 ; and then 
 ay of the 
 ? But this 
 believe in 
 tfen i No 
 ant Men, 
 cd Worl^ 
 ;e? Who 
 n can for- 
 Iwar to weep, efpeciiljy over fuch, who are not 
 only ignorant of the Things, that be of God, 
 but Enemies to the only Thing, which belong 
 to their everlafting pAce. AhaffaSting Sight in- 
 deed ! When the l/amb of God was. oaufcd to 
 ^eep thereby, w^en his Bowels yearned ovCi: 
 ;hcm with Pity j/ Such was the Gonduft, that 
 f aufed Him to drop thofe Tears of Qomp^on 
 over the blogdy City, and caufed Him to f^y» 
 when He faw them, not only ThiriUng for hi^ 
 Blood, but likcwifc deftroying their own gn^cioBs 
 and immo|-tal, Souls <'If thou M.ft knaw«„ evci* 
 " thou, gtleaftin thi?thyDay> thpTO»g«,t% 
 " belong to thy Peace, but now. they arc hid>!f«m 
 " thy Eyc8.'Y«; Who could evex hav» b?li/W(54 
 it, unJefs they had- feenit, that the fiptypwrft- 
 ftiing Children of hden, CQuId. cy^, h^c. I;^;^ 
 fo enraged againft xhfi only poibJft ^^», th»t 
 God conld find ojjjt for their JE^^4(H9a«i<i9. © 
 how aftonifliing to^ feet f.ro£cflpMi o^^ §ba|i^%»ir 
 ty, who h^vc apivJftrcdvciy ?«4j>mpl*i#lftrfw 
 a Dajrqf Gqi>*j (|«cq, tfc« .outefwottilg itf/Wn 
 ipirit, aftjwjflaiig (ax a R<feitoatio»i; mMyktm. 
 i t ii cfdme (tho* ^tin 4ttfecUflu >>'^i' P^y— ) 
' (319) i 
 immediately oppofe it, and If it^was*in their 
 Pwrcr, would pray it back a^ain. Well might 
 * God fay unto fuch People (jivhcn appearing, fo 
 zealous for a Day of Reforms^tion)' Wo unto you 
 that dcfirc the Day of the L^rd, for what End 
 do you defiri it. The Day of the Lord will be 
 untb you a Day of Darknefs and not of Light, 
 a Day fall of Stumbling -Mocb, as if a Man 
 fhould flee from a Lion and a Bear met him, or 
 go into the Houfe to le^n his Hand upon 
 the Wall and a Serpent fliould bite him/W For 
 the Day of the Lord infteadj .of adminiftring any 
 Happinefs to fuch People^ as they txpeft it, 
 breaks up their carnal Peace, overfets their Tra. 
 editions, ftirs up their Enemity, and inflames their 
 Rage againft it, by wlfich means they are more 
 mifcrablc, than they were before, crying out j 
 «rt thou come to tormcntus before our Time ifivj 
 And thus you fee, dear Reader, how the Ene- 
 mies of Cbrist have followlg the woful Steps 
 of their Predeccflbrs even dqwn to this Day, 
 •nd at the fame Time plead their Innoccncy. 
 Aad therefore if thefe Linei fliould Chanci 
 re- to 
 [vjAmos's. 18.19. 30. 
 \ , 
 s in theij- 
 i^cll might 
 3 unto you 
 what End 
 ID will be 
 of Light, 
 if a Man 
 ct him, or 
 and upon 
 fv) Fot 
 firing any 
 6xpe£l it, 
 heir Tra- 
 mes their 
 are' more 
 ing out i 
 me iCnvJ 
 the Enc- 
 'ful Stepf 
 lis bay, 
 ( 320 ) 
 fall into the Hands of fome fuch unhappy Nfor. 
 tal, who under fuch a Cbak of vain Excufes, 
 Ihould be found thus fig'htiag againft the Spirit 
 of the Jiving God, I will ks a Friend to his pre- 
 cious and inimortal Soul, endeavour to drop u few 
 Words at his Door. 
 BE'intrcated, my poor unhappy Fellow-mor- 
 tal, O be intreated to confider the Danger of 
 your Way,, before it is too late, and take heed 
 that you are not found fighting againfl the meek 
 and lovely Saviour, and deflroying your own 
 Soul, and take heed you do not call a Work of^ 
 Grace a Delafion, becaufe it is not agreeable to 
 your carnal Inclinations, Forms and Traditions ; 
 For you fbe, that all the HigU-priefls, Scribes 
 and Pharifces, who oppofed the Work of Goo, 
 and crucified the Lord of GlqrV, had the fkme 
 Pretences, and made the fanic Excufes, as you 
 do i they would nof ifknowlcdgc, th«t they wcr« 
 crucliiying the Lord of Glory,' or oppofing th« 
 Work ofQoD, but faid, 4cy were oaJy b«iri?ig^ 
 a TelHmony againfl Impoilors, and dcliided Ito*, 
 to ohftru Q Errorsi and Enjhttfi*fm ci«<p%^ji>\^ 
 to tlie Houfe.,of (5o» Sce^yatkhf* Jthia Jl lu^ 
 right, and tha,t is not right j fuch • Man it not. 
 tS* iAik fas- 
 , ^M 
 * 1 .^Jft" 
( 321 ) 
 properly authorized, and another preaches ^ith- 
 out Liccnfe; one is deluded, and another led 
 away by a blind Zeal, and fuch a Min hat(i no 
 ilight to exhort, and thdc private Conference,, 
 repeated Leftures and Night-meetings you. do' 
 not like i for, you fay, it breaJcr up Families, 
 keep. People from their Work, caufmg Servants 
 and Children to be difobedicnt, &c. And was 
 this not the Language of all the Enemies of 
 Christ before you, even from, the Beginning 
 of the World, and had they not the fame Rea- 
 fons for oppofing all the Servants of God, when' 
 feat among them i^^J This was not right, and 
 that was not right, and Christ himfelf was not 
 "ght ifxj and his Difciples were all wrong , 
 fometimes they were drunk with much Wine }fjyj 
 «d fometimes much Learning hitf made them 
 mid.fzj And is it not plain t^e feen, that 
 to fucl^ People as them and you,' all the Work 
 of Goo. is wrong J becaufe it is againft your 
 carnal R^oning and not according to your old 
 TnuiUioM. Do not think t^at I am your En- 
 g^ny, bccayfe I-have^difcovered your evil Con- 
 » » t 
 yuAi^i „=iv J ^ *«. 

 :hc3 yifkh" 
 tother led 
 n hat|i no 
 s you ^ do 
 And was 
 :mies of 
 ne Rea- 
 5, when 
 ght, and 
 was not 
 wrong ; 
 ine ifyj 
 le them 
 en, that 
 e Work 
 tft your 
 ^our old 
 ur .En- 
 il Con- 
 I a. 13. 
 ^ to, arid intreat you to defift, before it is to late. 
 God knows, I wifli your Souls well j and would 
 rejoice to be inllrumerital in bringing you to a 
 Senfe of your Danger, and ihew you, that you 
 are on the Enemies grou'^di that you might 
 make your Efcap.e from everting Mifery, unto 
 eternal Joy. O be iutreated\to confider, that 
 the infallible Word of God hi^s declared/that 
 unlcfs you have, been born again\of the Spirit of 
 God, you are an utter ftranger tdthe Truths of 
 the Gofpel ; and the Things that be of God arc 
 fooliflinefs to you -^(aj and therefore you may be 
 fo blinded in Sin, fo bribed by carnal Rcafon, 
 and fo chained down by the Prejudice of Edu- 
 cation and Tradition, as to take Light for Dark, 
 nefs, and Darknefs for Light, and if your Light 
 fhould be Darkncfs, how great is that Dirk- 
 nefs i(6J nay you may be fo infatuated by the 
 Devil, and led aftray by a deceitful Heart, as 
 to oppofe the Work of God, and perfecute the . 
 Followers of Christ j and at the famii time vainly 
 imagine, that you are doing God SctviccfcJ 
 You may pretend, that you aw evnel^y conten- 
 ding Tor the Faith once delivered to the Stintt, 
 yl Wi.Cor.ij tl. »j. [*] Mm, i.asi [e]A&» 16. ft* 
 1^ •■" 
if - ju-rTife,,9 
 { 3^3 ) 
 whea at the fame time you are a ftrangcr to any 
 ^aith ^ Chrift, and afe only figihtine for a 
 poor 4^ Form of Godlinefs, without the Power. 
 ("JJ You may likewifc pretend that you are la. 
 bouring to fupport the Caufe of Christ, and 
 of the Word of God when at the fame time 
 you arc enemies to Chrill, and making, the 
 Word of God of none Effeft through your 
 I Traditions. ^^^ Andifthis Ihouldhc the Cafe, 
 that you are fo unhappily deceiving yourfclf, how 
 can you ftand out in Oppofition any longer, or 
 if you are contented to live with a dry Form, 
 ivithout tlie Power, why will you oppofe the 
 power among others ? Why will you not let them 
 enjoy a Liberty of Confclence ; or if they are 
 deladod, as perhaps you may fay, why do you 
 inake a Scoff at them ? Surely if that was the 
 Cafe, they are not to be laughed ^ but ought 
 to be pitied and prayed for. But pray remem- 
 ber, there is a Poflibility of what you call a 
 pelufion, and Enthuflafm, being the true Work 
 of the living God. Therefore mock not, left yo^, 
 wake your Ban4s ftrong ;f/J for it would be bet'^ 
 tcr for you, that a MiH-ftpne were hanged about 
 your Neck, and you ca ft into the Sea, than to 
 ' ' : T . 
 14 a. Tim, 3. 5. [f] Maic. 15. 3. [/] Ifa.'zS. aa. 
 ^ ding f\ 
 you, fa 
 uJfciS^ -*% i»j,t ,A-.4% 
 ffWff .%?#*«»! 
\ ' 
 i 3«4 ) 
 offend one of Ch rist*i little One», Pcrlaps yott 
 will uot believe it to be oJF Ggd, becaufe you. 
 cannot undcrftand it } but if you have not tx* 
 pcrimcntally known a Work of Divine Grace ia 
 your own Suul ; if you have not been born again 
 by the Spirit of God ; if you arc not bccoiine 
 a new Creature in Christ Jesus, then it is cer- 
 tain, that you are fo far frotii^ beinj; a Judge i 
 whether m is of God or not, that if it be of GoD^ 
 it will appear to you FoolilhnefsY^/ O therefore 
 be intreated to hear that Solemn Word from Him, 
 ' before wham you muft Ihortly ftand. Behold ye 
 Defpifers, and wonder and periih : For I wor| 
 a Work in this your Day, that ye fliall in. no 
 wife Believe, tho* a Man declare it unto yo}x.(h) 
 O confider what an awful account you muft one 
 Day give before God's impartial Bar, if you 
 fliould be found fighting againft God j for you 
 are not only ruining y»ur own Soul, but you 
 are likewife inftrumcntal in the DeftruAion of 
 the Souls of others, by cafting Reproaches oil the 
 Work of God, and labouring wi^p^^ Souls 
 that are around you, to keep thcaii jfajja^teit^ 
 • I 
 ding where the Waters are tn)uble|t A^ uuto 
 you, faith the Lord, for yc wUl ^icither enter. 
 WiCor. a, 14. X^jAasjs.+i. 
 ( 3*5 ) 
 die Kingdom yourfelvcs, nor luffer ye them that 
 arc entering to go 'm(fj Why will you bring 
 the Blood of Souls upon you, and wilfully plunge 
 yourfclvcs into eternal Perdition; or if you will 
 ruin yourfelves, why vvill you dell roy others? 
 Pray let them enjoy the Privileges of th^: 
 Gofpel, for as they n»uft one Day be judged foi^ 
 thcD^felves, why may they not have the Liberty 
 of fecking for, themfelves, novy while they are 
 Iprobationers for Eternity. 
 But I fuppofe fome will fiy, we are not againJl 
 their enjoing a Liberty of Confciencc, orfeeking 
 tor diemfclves, but they are forfaking the good 
 old Way, turning away from their Miniilcr., . 
 feparating from Churches,' encouraging fcparate 
 ' Meetings,and the like. To which I anfwer, that 
 by ao Meaas I would advife a Separation in i 
 Church of Christ. Neither is fuch a ^ng 
 common: But perhaps it is you, that have left 
 the good old Way, by fmking into the Form 
 <lf Godlincfs, withoujt the Power j and they are 
 .BOW returning back to the Liberty of the Gof- 
 pel. and feparating fro^m the Seatsof Aniiphrift : 
 TTPTm*". 23. »3. 
 : them that 
 >^ou bring 
 Uy plunge 
 if you vvill 
 ' othcrs\? 
 3 of thi? 
 judged for', 
 e Liberty \ 
 ' they are 
 lot agajnil 
 or feeking 
 the good 
 Hinillcri', » 
 wer, that 
 tiou in a 
 a Tiding 
 lavc left 
 he Form 
 1 they are 
 he Gof. 
 itichrift : 
 ( 326 ) 
 And, if fo, it is no more than what God liim. 
 \fclf has firiftly commanded them.fj) Aad I 
 ■prcfume to fay, that in fuch a Cafe, if youfavr 
 the Difference between Light and Darkneirs, you 
 would be fo far from labouring to keep them in 
 Bondage; that y oil would thirll foi Liberty your- 
 felves. For what Fellowfhip hath Righteous- 
 nefs with JJ«rigliteoufnefs ? What Communion 
 hath Light with Darkncfs ? "What Concord hath 
 Christ with Belial ? Or what Part hath he that 
 believcth with an Infidel ? And what Agreement 
 hath the Temple of God. with Idols ! There- 
 fore how is it poilible for them to travel toge- 
 ther ? For what the Heaven -born Soul laveth, 
 the Moralifts cannot bear ; they may fcem to 
 go together in Peace, in a Time oFDarknefs, btft 
 when God is fhowering down the Bread of Lif<^i 
 the one eats and rejoices, while the other f^- 
 jefts and is offended : Wh^cli I have not aify 
 \been an Eye-witnefs to, in the fliort Gompift 
 i^f my Work in the Vineyard, but h^ve likcwtfe 
 red it by the infalli^blcWord of OoD. ThcfC- 
 foVe let not the Devil pirfuadc ybU, tH«t/^ 
 ,| I i« only a ^ancy, or^ind ^al ot i&nie^:mi|^ 
 / : 
 ti]8. Cor. k. 17. Rev. iS. 4. 
' i it? ) ■ 
 uttlefs you arc convinced, my dear Readeh, of 
 thefe Things, before your Day of Grace is ovcr^ 
 you will unavoidably be convinced of them to 
 your cverlaftRjg Sorrow. Neither count me your 
 Enemy, bccaufe I tell you the Truth. There 
 w yet a Time for Repentance, and wKo can tell, 
 but you may yet efcapeevcrlafti^gMifery, and 
 for ever rejoice in what you are now defpifing ; 
 a» St. Paul doth now in that Saviour, whom 
 « he once perfecuted/i; • And for your Encour- 
 •gement I can teftif^., that in the ihort Compaft 
 of my Travels l| have known manyj who have 
 feen oppofin^ tht Work of God as a Dclufion, 
 ind raakin^l^sfpfFatthofc, that are called New- 
 lights a^/s»hcraers, wlio are now Advocates for 
 Uie CajUlof Christ, and rejoicing in that, which 
 they.^once cifled a Delufion and Enthufiafm. 
 Otherisfore let me entreat you in the Bowels of 
 ^ Lord Jb8u4 Christ^ if ever you expeft to 
 fee God's Fate in Love, to confider thefe Things, 
 let them be impreffed on your Mind, when you 
 ^ lie down, and when you arifc ; when you go 
 ©ut, and when you come, in Search your own 
 W AAi 23. 4. 
■f\. - 
 Readei-, of 
 ICC is ovcr^ 
 )f them to 
 nt me your 
 h. There 
 \io can tell, 
 [ifery, and 
 dcfpifing ; 
 ur, whom 
 r Encour- 
 t Compafs 
 who have 
 lied New- 
 .'ocates for 
 lat, which 
 Bowels of 
 ixpeft to 
 5 Things, 
 rhen you 
 a you go 
 our own 
 ( 328 ) 
 Foundation, confider your Gonduft, exwnine, 
 whether or not, you was ever flain by the Law, 
 and made alive by thcGofpel i whether you have 
 experimentally known a vital Union to the Lord 
 J^v» Christ j whether yoii have ever rcctu 
 ved the Seals of God's Love to your own Soul, 
 and enjoyed the Communications of Divine 
 Grace : And if you have not, why will you riflt 
 yotir precious ahd immortal Soul, on fuch a Pin-° 
 nRclc of Danger ? Why will you fay, that fuch 
 ft Man is not right, and fuch a People are all 
 led iftray ; when the Word of God has decla- 
 red, that (let them be as they will) you are to 
 far from being right, that you are juftly condem- 
 ned, and wholly ^pofed to be caft into Hell every 
 Breath you draw. Why therefore will you pre- 
 teiid to difpute fo much about Relieion, when 
 you have no Religion ? Firft make fure to get « 
 Religion in your own Soul, that will ftand yon 
 Inftead, if God fhould tliis Night call you be* 
 forfe his dread Tribunal : >or why will you fpead 
 foihuchtime difputing about the Chafl^wheA 
 you are not iurci that you will ever Uiie M tht 
 Wheatrririr gctlhe^Beam^t of thiiib owfl Eye, 
 and then thou canft fee dearer, to pull the Mote 
 •!"■} ,'** 
 ( i^9 ) 
 •Ut oFtliy brother's Eye : Firft get the Love of 
 the fllelTcd Jesus flied abroad in your own SouI» 
 tnd then you will be A better Judge between 
 I'ruthtnd Error; tttkd will likewifc be fure to 
 rejoice, when all Difcords and different Forms 
 of Religion Ihall ceafc. O confider how incon- 
 fiflentyou are conducting to be fo zealous for fonxe 
 external ObfervationS, and at the fame Time 
 wholly neglecting of that moft important one 
 'I^ihg needful, oh whi(ih bangs your prcfent and 
 cVcrlafting ttappiiicfs ? Who that has anyBow- 
 cls of Pity, can forbear grieving to fee the Cruel- 
 ty, that Mankiiid irercife upofl thcmfslves ? I 
 fuppofc, if I were to tell many of niy Readers* 
 thaf it was no Matter, whether or not they were 
 Upti*ed with the Holy Ghost and with Fire, 
 .iHey would not be much difturbcd ; but if I 
 WtTB to tell thctii, it was na Matter, whether 
 tUvy were baptiacd with Water or not,they would 
 OTv out with the greatcft Zeal, away with fuch a 
 Man, «way v i h ftU^ a Man, for the iQaiurch 
 ia tn.Danser. Well might Go d pronoontfc a Woe 
 igmihft fuch People.flJ O take heed therefore, 
 ag^ ^#de», ^^at y e tt-«re^no t found -tmoa| f 
 £/]Matt. 23. 23. 
f 5** 1 
 ie Love of 
 own Soul} 
 e between 
 be fure to 
 snt Forms 
 ow incon- 
 us for fomc 
 ime Time 
 >rtant one 
 refent and 
 i»e Cruel- 
 ifelves ? I 
 ' Readers » 
 they were 
 vith Fire, 
 but if I 
 ley would 
 th fuch a 
 i, ijyiiurch 
 thoiii, agaihft'wliom' fuch Woes tire pitnbunced | 
 and if, upon diligent f^arch into your 6v^ State 
 and Condition, you find'' it to be yxMir unhappy 
 Cafe ; then let m« intreat you for the Lor^s 
 Sake, and for yoar own Soul's Sakt to Lbok 
 around yon, and let every Faculty yf your Soul 
 be wholly attentive to that molt iniportant, and 
 friendly i^^ePbf the King of Hbaven. -La* 
 hour n^^J^lbe, for that Meat which periflieth, 
 but for that Meat which endureth to everlaiting 
 Iiife.^**;; Thus hoping and praying that thcfc 
 few Lines may not be wholly in vaii'M your 
 Souls I fliall conclude with the ejjhieft Groanr 
 And moft imphade Lah^kge of Elibzer. O' 
 Lord God of my Mkfler AnitAHAMj I prty the«' 
 ftnd me good Speed this 'Dky.(n) Send O thoa 
 oompaffionatef Saviour, for thy Name fake; and 
 in Pity to perifliing and iminbrtal Sbuls, theae«> 
 eompanying Influences of thy tilbly Spirit, with 
 the weak Difii'es, and unfaithfuU LabduM^ of 
 diinfe unworthy Senrklfti. I^d, O bleffed Go», , 
 r Word of ^ower, and Peace, to the Hearts o^ 
 tJlofe, into whofe Hd 
 thou mayeft fee fit' t9* 
 {m) John A. 271 (n) Gen. 24. 12, 
 li^^^ , > • * - 
 9a!ltkefe Liae«; t^at fomt prcdoui and immor- 
 tal. Soul may have caufe to raife an immortal 
 Notc„to thy Name for thefc TWO MITES:' 
 ■ ^CHA1»TE> XVt. 
 ^mefurthfr Advice, chiify to the F»ilomjert 9/ tb, 
 ♦ ■'-.;■■■.■.■ •. ,■ -■ . ^ ^ 
 S I. h?vc thut |one thro* my Defign pit 
 ^thofc imporunt Points, i.^al^novr drop t 
 f^.^^yprds vioreof'Adyicc ancf fetfcouragclnent, 
 chiefly..^ the luppy Follower* of the Lamiu 
 w*omI cfteeAi n the exccilent of ail the Earth 
 swd with l!irliomI expeft tQ enjoy an cverlalling 
 P*y» W»d Jtoyoui Ima^y fay as the Angd toMxR r ; 
 H»ii thou bicflcd & highly favoured of the Lord: 
 (\) jwho haVe bcea wdoenied with the Friccof 
 Blood, jmd are married to the Kin« ^f Heaven 
 t* *n everUiUng Covenant of Lovii O thinic, 
 think my FeUow-TfiveUers to etertal Keft, 
 ^ .Va% you axe indolged^ a^d what v«ft Ob. 
 ligattoils you are under, to be for Goo> :ar^d 
 *" ^■' 
 nd immor- 
 r ' 
 Defign pit 
 lovrdrop t 
 \t Lamk» 
 the Earth 
 ic Price of 
 f Heaven 
 O think, 
 lal Keft, 
 : vttft Ob- 
 >> >and n» 
 I fl. 
 , ttJier 
 ( 33« ) 
 other ! O therefore be intreated b^ your untrprX 
 thy Senrant, to Hve above the Allurement, of 
 this enfnaring World, and let your Light fo ftine 
 before the World, that other, feeing your good* 
 Works, may glorify your Heavenly Father iCpJ 
 remembring that you have a Portion in the cter- 
 nal World Ten Thoufand Times beyond what 
 this .vain World can Poffibly afford ypu , nci, 
 ther have you any more to do with this World, . 
 than a Pilgrim. All you want Is Joumcy-bregd; 
 jnft tofupportyoiionyour Way: for yon have- 
 «o continuing City here, but aie feekii|g abet. 
 terCottntry,w,hichhathroundationt, whofeM*. ^' 
 ker and BuUder i, Gai>. And white p^ni 
 afting on the mortal Side of the Gnv^' yo«»r. '' 
 the SaltoftheEarth J the Light of Ac World' '• 
 «nd Witheffe. forUie Living GbD, .Of there!! 
 fore be wife «,d affiduou. f^^Q^ ^ 
 .Ck.!.^ «ia the Wel^pf pi^ioi^-irf^ 
 mortdiou/s. Sh,kc off the Frown/ and Flatw . 
 tcries of thi. enfnaring Worjd, iU ni^i. ^^ 
 Setts of the fcomful , . iUnd ,ot in mkM^ 
 -it . , 
 . ' i< 
V " 
 ' '-^ . 
 (333 ) 
 thirft for tKe Applatife of ^iortalsj W take xif 
 yoiif efoft dsdiy, and face a frowhing World ; 
 ictr not tht ittgi of Mfcll, IfeiAcr loVc your Lives 
 *tiW Dditoi • , hut let the World knovir, that yoti 
 * .HtT* tffiAit yr\\k]tiij%i sihd intend toQicrtdand 
 Iftf fpent iit rtij C^ufc. O ! be CJ<refal <tot td 
 fait iflWpkl Foftoallty ; for it is riot only very 
 diftibnofablc ttfGori, but will ftairve yourowh 
 Sdtils, and iriikc you ikfclefs i'h the Woild. La- 
 »dar therefore for that J^owfir of Godlineft, for 
 tkit aiVliic Lift ahd facred Flaiiie bf inxmOrtal' 
 L6Ve to bif dilly te^iving ill yotir SoalSj which 
 Will ilittVolabiy rcf!«a into a ehearf\il Corifo#- 
 niity to the eternal 'Ways of God. Live not on 
 fik Ei|te>ichces, but be Aire to gather Marina 
 every Morning : And^ink not ftrangc, when 
 * your i)lelfod Matter is riding forth in the Gof- 
 p^ of Peace thro* your Towns and Villages, 
 with the I'ower of his Grace, to redeem precious 
 and immortal Soufs, that there appears fo much 
 kifputing, Oppofitions, ahd Separation!, as there 
 \ commonly is : For as it has bein jsrwed, it al- 
 ~^ Wiyi "WU^ And atwiyi witt"bcibr^wh«r^»iMi 
 \lwiving his WerfMttnoBg the CWld#ei of Men. 
 ,.j . 
 Vi, •^.li.iftXM^i 

 ( f 
 ( 334 ) -^:. 
 For He has told you, that He .csyne to fend ?W . 
 upon the l^artJi i and that He came not to {eift 
 Peace, btjt the Sword j to Tet the Father Agaiaft 
 tlie Son, and the Son againft the father j twja 
 againft three, »nd three again^ two .i(qj For tj^e 
 Nature of Mankind is fuch, that % Trytj^ «E^ 
 the Gofpel, and the Vitgls of Rclmpn aW^f " 
 tlicm from their Security, an4 Jbteaki their car- . 
 nal Peace ; and the natural J^en £br to rctiin 
 that carnal Peace, will oppofe and w jefijt.th* IWorJc ' 
 ^fpiritofGoD to their own evcrIail.in^i{.uiiB ifr} 
 an^ Will labour h»rd> to obftroft th^ Pow«r (tfJUr 
 ligion- But as the Enemies of |{.el infill are fl« ' 
 only engaged againft the Caufe of CimiST } but 
 likewife waiting, and watchingfar ypur Hflti|ng.| 
 P be furc that you giye no Q^^e q£ Qfcncc, 
 and then when you are perfccuic^ ft>» Q^^lS■T*fi 
 Sake, happy ara-ye. Let iw UUw^ife iuytpje^t 
 you, hot to be offended at thei^ QSfet^c j /pr iTtfip .^ 
 Devil cannot get you to bs.<#eh^d;f(t/th« Wai|. " 
 of Gop, nor to fay m T¥u "^^m^ Mk¥'^ ' 
 wiir, if poffible, ftir up your Minds againft |their 
 ij) j-PJ^ '^'^Mj. 
 ^- -: . ,; ■ 
 - V 
 Offences ; and as he cannot get you to make 
 Scoff* ^nd Derifion 
 repeat over the Scoffs and Deri- 
 ry fbout and 
 will employ you to car- 
 fions of oihers an^ re)4ting over, what is faid 
 and done by the Oppofers. And be n<it fur- 
 prifcd, if I tell you, that it is doing the pcviVa 
 Drudgery, and a Snare, that the People of Gon 
 are oftq^ken in. You may remembelr, that 
 ybur unerring Leader, who is gone before you, 
 ^ h«s ftriAly commanded you, to falute no Man 
 hy^Way'.CsJ therefore, if you give no C;^ufe 
 ibf Offence, pay no Regard to the fcandalous 
 iandi falfe Reports, which the Bneraies of Chrit 
 may raife againft you ; neither be any ways, grie- 
 ved, becaufe your Names are caft out as Evil : 
 For the Servant is not above his Mafter ; and if 
 tkey called the Mafter of the Houfe Belze- 
 hifh,' how much more will they you of his Houf- 
 hold.ftj If you would conform j|ct^e World, 
 and fay but little about . the yitals and Power 
 of ReU|;toa| you would have but little Pcrfecu- 
 . Thkiib arc likewifc many in the World, who 
 p iMkt 10. ^, (0 Auth. ro. 25 
 le ma 
 I t 
 ( 3B6 ) 
 would fain keep np their Na: 
 Chriftiaiis, and therefore will not oppofe the 
 Work of God j but for fear of meeting with fomc 
 Trouble, and haying their Names caft oat of 
 the Synagogue, will ftand aloof from the Work 
 of God in ^Tipie .ofXryal; or perhapa fecm- 
 to join with both, oi- appear, to he Neu-^ 
 tprs, But if thcfe Lines ihould ever be commit- 
 ted to their Perufal, O let n^e tell' them they are 
 mifcrably miftaken, and I fuppofe kavc forgot, 
 that Ct^HisT has declared, there is no fupli Thii^ 
 as a Neuter; neither in, His Kii^gdom,- ^»pr Ms 
 Enemies, for if they.3rei>p,t enjjaged iphis Qsoffla^ 
 they be in. thc^ Caufe of Antichrif| :(u2 ThetCff'^^^ 
 fore I woqld intreat fuch Keople, if they, h»v.^[ 
 any ^^ardforthcir^i^^ and im^xortal Soujs, 
 by noT^feanTto^alt any longer between XW0 
 Opinions, neither turn thejr JBacks ^ij the Work' 
 of God (as I believe many do) (or. fcarofofV 
 fending feme legal Miniftcre, or PJiarifccs, b^ " 
 ?ome im;nediately from among them, and tpuck 
 not the unclean Thing, left yc be polluted wilh * " 
 their Fornication; , a nd by no Mtum 
 {o) Luke II. 23. 
 * • 
 yj:*. vxs J^' 1.- -•' U"; ■' 
 i 357 ) 
 nor UJd them Gob fpccd : for if you do, -you 
 .will. not only go againft the expreft Command 
 of Goi>^(v) but likcwifc wiU be guilty of tte 
 Bi.ooD> of Souls yourfclves. I know the Powers 
 of Darknefs will tell you, that you cannot know 
 the Differenee between Christ and Antichrilt : 
 Bat who jjnuft you l^elieve, Man or the God of 
 Truth, who has not only commanded you to cm- 
 l brace the one," and rejefl; the other ; which would 
 :be incoaOftent, |f there was no Difference to 
 \» known ; b«t has likewife declared in plain 
 Terms : And I think he is the- bcft Expofitor of 
 •his own Meaning. My Sheep know my Voice, 
 and they will follow me, but a Stranger they 
 will not foUow/w^ Now if there waS nothing 
 to be known in thofe Matters, why would the 
 Lord of Glory Co often have fpoken fo pofiti- 
 vely by an exprefs Command, that his People 
 fliould try the Spirits,^*^ and feparate from them, 
 and cbmeDtttfroteimongthem.(0'; Andthera. 
 forcr if thefe feW tines fliould ever fall into the 
 Hands of any of the true Followers of the Lamb, 
 "<?) * John t0i TT. Kev. i^r 47~Xw77o!th Sotitt; 
 »4« W 1 JoJin4. I., [y]i Cor. 6. i-; Kcv. i8.4« 
 5' . . who 
 [k .,. 
 . «^JS*v *»'<* 

 1 do, -you 
 :y of t^e 
 e Powers 
 aot know 
 itichrilt : 
 God of 
 m to cm- 
 :h would 
 rcnce to 
 4h plain 
 jofitor of 
 y Voice, 
 ger they 
 >uld the 
 b pofiti- 
 I People 
 >m them, 
 id thera- 
 into the 
 lo. 3. 4. 
 «r. 18.4- 
 who are not indulged with a Goffiei Mlaiilefi 
 but are groaniQg under the legal Improvoneni^ 
 otf unconverted Men ; let me intreat them in the 
 Bowela of the Lord Jb«w« Chuiit, to adhere 
 to thofe Commands ofGou and come out from 
 amongft them, left the Blood of Sods hai^^upoB 
 your Garments : They may think hard at yow 
 leaving them ; but you cannot do thOA agvei^ 
 ter Injury, than to eontioue with them j yoaf 
 bidding them Goufpeed> when they at« decQl« 
 ving themfelves and others, will ntnirally tend 
 to feal diem down in their Becepfion j «nd % 
 «nd by, they are gone beyond all Recovel)^; 
 when if you was bxcomeout from among theaii 
 it might prove a Matter of Convi^on to thear> 
 to put them upon Search, and perhaps ^rof>i 
 the Salvation of their precious and immortalSouli. 
 Neither can you expeft that GooTwill give yo« 
 a faithful Minifter, while yoo' ftand among hh 
 Enemies, fupporting the Caufe of AntichriH 
 • againtthim. --.-,. .■- . -# ', .-^^v'-t^" 
 But fome perhaps may fay, what^fhall wo 
 J i gl_Do my jde a t JRo i der f whjt^ 
 mediately adhere to the Advice o«Iety«, Hid 
 m. iyj*i^is!k^-4^>iei-' 

 ( 339 J' ' 
 not fdrfajce the afTembling yourfclves* together, as 
 the Minner of fomc ie ; but exhort one another 
 daHy; and more efplcially as ye fee the Day 
 approaching -.(kJ And altho^ the Enemies of Re- 
 ligion will bear hard a^ainft you from every Quar- 
 ter, cfpcdally the dead Minifters, and legal Pro- 
 feilbrs ; yet if you wilh well to your own Souls, 
 and the Sotrls of others j affemblc together, tho* 
 four Numbers nniy be fmall, and Gqd has pro- 
 j|ltti«d to be with you, and to blcfs you, and 
 liyU be your Goo, and you ih^Jl be his Pco- 
 jk.(aj Make ufe of the beft Gifts he has given 
 .yo«, andth^t is the Way to have them enlarged ; 
 ^dfn-ay yethe LordoftheHarvell, that he will 
 ftttd forth Labqurersinto his Harvelt and i(any of 
 |i^ Brethren appear to have the Gift of Ex- 
 hortation or Dodrine, put fuch an one forward 
 ^ Iniprovemen^, and by all A^eans n^ajce. ufe of 
 that Power and {{riviledgc, which has been pro- 
 ycd by the infallible Word (^God, to be, your 
 j^rogati^e. . '» . 
 . But fome perjuif* ^'ill fay, that altho* you are 
 apon^ leg^ Miyiltcrs ^ ChuVoltes, yctyov^o^ght 
 ■ f " " ■ Tit 
 (*) llih. 40. 25. {afi Cor. 6." 18. ' 
 . ,' ^Mi^if^'^^- 
 » « 
' 1140 1 
 not to leave thcni^ but remain with them b 
 Hopes to reform them, ^d do them fome Good. 
 But for my Part, I cannot tell, where they, find 
 either Scripture or Reaf^^jjI^ioM's ftayingin 
 Babylon, hoping to do y^j^^K/ If you come 
 out n-om«mong ^"n»^^^^^ the TrutJ^t^ ^ 
 of the living God, yoa^^^^e Mean* ^i " 
 bringing many a poor Soul ont of Parknqfi into, if 
 marvellous I^ight j but if you r«ijiain among iht^l 
 ypu are not only holding up the I^owers ol' Oar^.. 
 nefs to their Deftr^iftion, b^t are taking an c^^ , 
 feaual Step to bri<ig Death an^ Darknefs upqa 
 your own SpuUt I will likcwifc r^fer. ygu ^ 
 the fame Advice given by W, Divi., " You \h.%%f 
 ** are Believers, fa|th'he, who live in any To^ii 
 ** or Tarifli where thofe m% Tc^Qhw, or ^e 
 V Prophets are, come out from «mongft thcj^ 
 «* touch not the unclean Thing : For it j» b«-l 
 ♦* ter to meet among ypurfclvcs, tho* you >|e 
 " but few in number, fmce Cjhrist has pijo*. 
 V mifed you his prefcQc^i thi^i to comm.Qiu-> > 
 ^* cate with t^em i|i t^elf falJ^Ordaaacef; . 
 •I know that yon «e fei^ Jifr Kun^ber, i^- 
 ' ky 
 Strangers in, the Lnd } you likewiie b^ 
 SI'S' ' 
 J/ yyiei /"M 

 g Bo<Jy of Sin and jpeath, and having many Ene- 
 nies without and within, you often pafs thro* 
 many aforrowful Hour : and your Tryals may 
 )>e great ; and yet I know the Caufe of Christ, 
 and the Welfare of precious and immortJiJ,, Sou^s 
 «)ieth near your Heart j gn4 I know that many 
 'Unopg tlie pinemies of CiiniST arefubtilto an- 
 - noy thofe they cannot deftroy,,and. often, by their 
 i.» « Head-knowledge, may wound your Peace, and 
 rV bewilder your Minds .^ efpecially among the 
 ^tambsj.or weaker Chriftians, who are not fo car 
 ■stmiWeof defending the Truth, by difputiug with 
 ' * them, about the Decrees of Gop the origin of 
 - Sin, the Plan and |>ifcipUne of the Church, the 
 < i Miniftcrial Rights, the Power of Ordination &c. 
 . y^.|«ixl therefore it is, tJ^at I haye endeavoured for 
 /"-V^^Glory of Gdd, for the Convi£Bon of Sinners 
 <■ |-<tiid the ftrengthcning of your Hahds againftyour 
 '' -Enemies, to cafl dioit Two Mite« into the Of- 
 fc--fcring8 of Goiti And altho I expeft the Powers 
 § i/«F Darknefs will rift up againft it -^rom the Pul 
 pit and the Prefs ; yet I regard not that, fo that 
 ^wtfui~ii^ tnc" rxands "Ot^Qodt ttcs 
 kwd wa« it in my power I would caft the^e J 
 f-'-j^Miirits in the foar Quarters S" the Eartli: i 
 ■' 1 
 * 'i 
 • in tl 
 -•* t 
 3. ~ 
 4' a 
 ^i% ■.■<.? ri<y^ ' 
 many Ene- 
 pafs thro* 
 Pryals may 
 af Christ, 
 lortal Souls 
 that many 
 ubtil to an- 
 n, by their 
 Peace, and 
 amoog the 
 : not fo Ciir 
 uting with 
 : origin of 
 hnrch, the 
 Imatiou &c. 
 lyourcd for 
 1 of Sinners 
 againft your 
 ito the Of- 
 the Powers 
 )m the Pul- 
 lat, fo that 
 th^c Jwo 
 Kartli: And 
 " . it 
 ( ^40 
 it is the Defire of my Sq 
 great Benefit to yea on your Journey, thro* your 
 Pilgrimage-ftate, knowing tkat yoK arj^ Baftening 
 to your Father's Houfe, where you ncTcir will ^ 
 want fuch Encouragemenls, n(jr Weapons to fight ^ 
 the Battles of the Lord; for there all Tryals tn4l«-<^| 
 \ Cortflifts will be at a Period : Where thnj* th^ ' ' 
 unbounded Ocean of Free Grace, you will creij; 
 long meet with all the Followers of the hKmi$'- '" 
 •n e>ferlafting Joy, where your wearied Sonlfi 
 ^r ever reft in the Bofom of everlaftilig 
 far beyond the Infoltc of Earth or H«ll^ Itf 
 thf earning ftorms of Sin apd Sorrow * itrfi0t fnUlf 
 Ihall be difentangled from til your mortil Tk»g 
 and theDifordcni of your fallen World} wllirt 
 you fhall be forever tranfported with the DivilA 
 Pcrfeftions of the Deity in the Arnii e| 
 BiiMiNC Love j and where thro' richi freei 
 boundlels Grace, I hope to bear a Part With yop 
 ■ in the lofty Strains of eternal Praife thro* the 
 voWing kounds of a bleflTed Eternity, i»thtf 
 Enjoyment of Father, SON.and HoLt 0t«Wi 
 ~~Wwhom flone be the Frtifc WorldTi 
 AMEN. ^ 
 ^ jL^ ' •-.dU. w..A.^w » ^