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Before us the undersigned Public Notaries, duly com- missioned and sworn in and for that part of the province of Canada, heretofore constituting the province of Lower Canada, residing in the City of Quebec, in Lower Ca- nada aforesaid. Personally came and appeared Arthur Rankin, of Sandwich, in the Western District, in that part of the Province of Canada, heretofore called Upper Canada, gentleman j Allan Macdonnell, of Hamilton, in the Gore District, in Upper Canada aforesaid, gen- tleman ; John Douglas, of Fort Erie, hereinafter men- tioned, acting for and as the lawful Attorney of James Hamilton, of London, in the London District, in Upper Canada aforesaid, Sheriff of the said London District, the said John Douglas, of Fort Erie, in the Niagara District, in Upper Canada aforesaid, gentleman ; Angus Duncan MacDonnell, of the city of Toronto, in the Home District, in Upper Canada aforesaid, gentleman ; Charles Jones, of the said city of Toronto, student at I law ; John Bonner, hereinafter mentioned, actiiigf for and as Attorney of Alexander DoiigIn» McLean, of Chatham, in ths Western District, in Upper Canadu aforesaid. Barrister and Attorney at law ; Peter Patter- son, of Quebec aforesaid. Merchant ; Henry LeMesii- rier, of Quebec aforesaid. Merchant ; John Bonner of Quebec aforesaid. Merchant; William Petry, of Que- bec aforesaid. Merchant; Thomas William Lloyd, of Quebec aforesaid. Merchant; William Price, of Quebec aforesaid. Merchant ; Henry Atkinson, of Quebec afore- said, gentleman; George Benson Hall, of Quebec afore* said, Merchant ; and James Cuthbertson, of the city of Montreal, in Lower Canada aforesaid. Merchant. Which said parties did mutually acknowledge and de- clare, stipulate, covenant, promise and agree, to and "with each other in the presence of us the said Notaries^ in manner following, that is to say :— Whereas, in and by certain Licences, bearing date respectively, that Is to say : one on the Thirtieth day of October last, one on the Nineteenth day of November last, and thvee on the Twenty-first ilay 'of December last, and respectively granted under the hand and seal at arms of His Excellency the Right Honorable Charles Theophilus Baron Metcalfe, of Fernhill, in the County of Berks, then Governor General of the said Province ; another of the said Licences, bearing date the Twenty- second day of December last^ and the last thereof bearing date the Twenty-sixth day of Deeemt>er last ; these two last having been granted under the hand and seal at arms of His Excellency Charles Murray,' Earl Cathcait of Cathcarf, in the County of Rrenfrew, now Governor General of the said Province. The said late Governor General and the present Governor General, did in con- formity with a report of the Executive Cfimcil of the said Province, authorize and empower the said Arthur fur Hahkin, Allan MatMloudl, James Hamilton, John Dort- glas, Angus Duncan Macdonell, Charles Jones and Alexander Douglas McLean, respectively to survey, explore and search for mines and minerals ihroughoui the region and lamb lying on tl>e north and eastern shores of Luke Superior, in Upper Canada aforesaid, anc^ in the event of the said explorations, proving satisfactory, they the said Arthur Rankin, Allan Macdonell, Jamef Hamilton, John Douglas, Angus Duncan Macdonell, Charles Jones, and Alexander Dougla« McLean, were thereby respectively declared to be entitled to a pre- ference in any arrangements to be thereafter made with Government for the working of the said mines. And whereas by virtue of ihe authority, so acquired by the said Arthur Rankin, Allan Macdonell, James* Hamilton, John Douglas, Angus Duncan Macdonell, Charles Jones and Alexander Douglas McLean, res- pectively under the said Licences, certain tracts of land and premises situate, ly»i>g and being on the north and eastern shores of Lake Superior and Islands adjacent, have been discovered, selected, chosen and located to be used as hereinafter mentioned for the purposes of min- ing; and whereas by virtue of the authority aforesaid, explorations and surveys are still in progress, in search of mines and minerals to be used as hereinafter men- tioned for the purposes of mining- And whereas considering the magnitude and im- portance of the underuking and the expense attending the same, it has been found necessary for the purpose of carrying out the objects had in view in obtaining the said Licences that other persons should be associated with the said Arthur Rankin, Allan Macdonell, James Hamilton, John Douglas, Angus Duncan Macdonell, Charles Jones and Alexander Douglas McLean, on whose co-operation and assistance, the success of the said umlertaking and its iilleiior woiklng and manage. nient may in u great nieusure depend. And whereas the said Peter Patterson, Henry Lc* Mesurler, John Bonner, William Petrv, Thomas WiN Jiam Lloyd, William Price, Henry Atkinson, George Benson Hall, and James Cuthbertson, have agreed and offered to unite themselves with the said Arthur Rankin, Allan Macdonell, James Hamilton, John Dou- glas, Angus Duncan Macdonell, Charles Jones and Alexander Douglas McLean, for the purposes aforesaid, under the stipulations, conditions and agreements here- inafter contained, which offer hath been accepted by the said Arthur Rankin, Allan Macdonell, James Ha- milton, John Douglas, Angus Duncan Macdonell, Charles Jones, and Alexander Douglas McLean. Now these presents, and we the said Notaries, witness that the several and respective persons before mentioned parties to these presents have associated themselves jointly together, and they do hereby for themselves and their respective heirs, executors, ad- ministrators and assigns, associate themselves jointly together for Hie purpose of conducting and prosecuting the business and operations of surveying and exploring and mining aforesaid, under the name and style of Thb Quebec and Lake Sctperior Mining Association, and as such from and after the day of the date of these presents, they the said parties above named shall and will conduct and prosecute the business an • operations ofexploring and searching for mines and minerals so already begun, and in part carried on as aforesaid under the Licences aforesaid, and of working such mines as may be discovered in the said Region and Lands in the said province or elsewhere, and procisring. smelting, selling and disposing of copper or other metals, ores of copper or other metals and minerals I 7 the produce thereof, subject however to &uch conditionf as may be agreed upon by and between the holders of such Licences and the Government ; it being hereby fully underitood end agreed by and between the said parties to the^e presents that the said Licences su already obtained as aforesaid, and all and every benefit and ad- vantage to be derived from them, each and every of them shall enure to and for the benefit of this Association, and of all and every the respective parties hereto and of their and his respective representatives and assigns. And it is hereby covenanted, promised and agreed by and between the said parties to these presents that the capital stock of the said Association and Company shall consist of and be divided into forty thousand shares, which shares shall be numbered from one to forty thou- sand. And it is hereby covenanted, agreed and provided that the said forty thousand shares shall be divided and allotted to the said parties in the manner and proportion following ; that is to say : — Arthur Rankin,.. ••..•• •••••• 2641. Allan Macdonell,.*. •• •• 2641. Jambs Hamilton, •••• 2641. John Douglas,.. •• •...•• 2641. Angus Duncan Macdonell,.... 2641. Charles Jones,. ,,..2641. Alexander Douglas McLean,.. 1975; Peter Patterson, .••• •• 1975. Henry LeMbsuribr, 1973. John Bonner, 1975. William Petrv,... • \97^» Thomas William Lloyd,. ...... 1975. William Prick, . • • • • • • • 1^75. Henry Atkinson...... 197^' George Benson Hall, •. 1975. James Cuthbertson,. ,..•••... l.)75. The Association, 4404. 8 And it h lif.eby covenanted and aifrccd by a ltd between tbc said parties to these presents that the »uid forty thousand shares shall be assessable as hereinafter set forth to an extent not exceeding two pounds currency per share, by instalments as liereinafter set forlhj and any shareholder may at any time relinquish his share oi* shares to the company, and be exempt from the payment of any further assessment upon his giving notice of such intention to the trustees hereinafter appointed, or to the trustees for the time being, and surrendering his certi- ficate and all his interest in the shares held by him. And it is further covenanted and agreed, that the said forty thousand shares, whetlier held by the above named parties, or their assigns, shall be chargeable with the payment into the hands of the said Trustees, or their authorised agents ; and each of the aforesaid parties who have taken and assumed the same, doth hereby bind and oblige himself for the amount of shares assumed by him, to pay absolutely to the said Trustees, for the time being, all such assessments or instalments as may from time to time be called in by the said Trustees or Directors of the said Association, not exceeding in the whole two pounds currency, per share, as above men- tioned ; provided always that not more than four instal- ments shall or may be called for in any one year, and that no instalment shall exceed the amount of one shiU ling and three pence per share, and that notice of the amount and time of payment of any such assessment or instalment shall be given in such newspapers, published in the cities of Quebec, Montreal, Kingston and Toronto, in the said Province of Canada, as the said 1 rustees may appoint, at least sixty days before any instalment shall become payable, and if any shareholder shall ne- glect, for the space of thirty days after any such instal- IllGIlt 'illrM" l|««»o lionr*t-»»o »\o«»«ilvI/» *^ 9«-*%- *-l.-* ? .- * XA1V&2V N^»2i«li aIiAtv wvuviiiL |'"} «UiC> l\J {/Uj lUU 5UU1C UllU ' the iianiU uf itaid Ti'iister^, or such nuthorif;cil Agent or Agents as may be detiiguHtcd by them to receive the same ; it shall be lawful (ov the said Trustees to spll by public auction, so many of tlie said shares belonging to i^uch shareholder, being in default as afofegaid, as may be necessi^ry, to realize the amount of such unpaid in • stalmcnt or instalments, ten days notice of such intended sale being first given in such newspapers published in Quebec, Montreal, Kingston and Toronto, ^s the said Trustees may deem necessary, and thereupon the said Trustees shall r.pon payment of the purchase money, grant a certificate or certificates of stock, to i»uch pur- chaser or purchasers of such shares ; provided always that such purchaser or purchasers shall have first sub- scribed his name to the articles of ^lis Association, in the manner anfl to the efftct hereinafter provided, for in respect to trap^ifer of stock ; and provided also, that the shareholder, so in default as aforesaid, shall not- withstanding such sale, remain liable for any deficit re- maining unpaid, or unsatisfied of such instalment or in- stalments so payable as aforesaid. And it is hereby further covenanted and agreed, that the property or funds of the said Association, shall be vested in five Trustees, to be held by the said Trus- tees as Joint Tenants, and not es Tenants in common ; subject to all the trusts and provisions in these articles contained, and that the said Trustees shall be the said Peter Patterson, John Bonner, Henry LeMesurier, Thomas William Lloyd and William Petry, which said Trustees shall 'ect out of their own body, a President, Vice-President and Secretary j and the Trustees, for ihe time being, shall likewise have similar power ; and that no person shall be capable of being a Trustee unless he" shall be the holder and proprietor in his own name of not less than five hundred shares in the stock of the said B 10 II Association, the Instalments due upon which shaTI have been wholly paid up, and that he shall bf: a natural barn or naturalized subject of Her Majesty, and be actually domiciled in the city of Quebec, or within ten miles taereof ; and when frooi any cause any or either of the said Trustees shall cease or be unable to act in such capacity, or be removed, the vacancy or vacancies thus occurring, may and shall be filled by the remaining Trustees, or the majority of them, which said new Trus- tee or Trustees, shall have the same powers and authori- ties as the other Trustees. And it is hereby further covenanted and agreed by all the parties hereto, that the present and all future Trustees shall have full and complete power and autho- rity to purchase or lease for and on behalf the said Company or Association^ any veins and locations or portions thereof, or tracts of land, and to dispose of such veins and locations or porlions thereof, or tracts of land as may belong to them in trust, for the said Company, to such person or persons, body or bodies, politic and corporate^ willing and desirous to purchase or lease the same, as the said Trustees may conceive most conducive to the interest of the said Contpany or Association ; it being intended that the whole of the Trustees, for the time being, shall concur in such acts, provided always that for the transactions of tlte other business of the Association, three of the said Trustees shall be a quorum, a majority of whom shall have power to act, unless otherwise provided for by these presents. And it is hereby agreed that the said Trustees, or a majority of three of them, shall have entire control over, and management of the property and affairs of the Com- pany ; that they may and shall have power to make any and all contracts, and enter into Any obligations relating thereto, (except as is herein otherwise provided,) not in* II cotisislent with these articles ofogreement; that they muy employ such agents and such operatives and erect such improvements or works upon the premises afore« said, or elsewhere, as they in their discretion may deem advisable ; that they may assess and collect assessment upon the forty thousand shares of stock, as is before provided. That they shall not incur any debts beyond the amount of the funds in their hands, nor shall they bind the stockholders in any way or manner to the payment of any sum or sums of money, other that the amount of each shareholder's assessment, according to the limits expressed in these presents. That they shall render an account at every Annual Meeting of the Stockholders, shewing in detail the situation of the property and financial affairs of the Company, and shall also render a similar account when- ever required by a majority of the Stockholders, in in- terest, at any regular meeting. That they shall iie subject to, and shall follow such directions as may be given them by any resolution passed or to be passed at any general meeting of the stockholders, and shall be responsible for wilful default and wrongs only. That they shall notify the Stockholders of the first general meeting which, it i$ hereby agreed, shall be lield on the second Monday in July next, at Quebec afoaesaid, and that a like General Meeting shall annually thereafter be held at thesame time and place, and also of all other meetings thereafter to be held, notifying them of the time and place of holding the same, by public advertisements published in the same nianner as the notice required for an assessment, and the number of votes which the Shareholder of the said Association shall be entitled to give at such meeting or meetings i i IU'\ »2 iliaH be given by the Iiolder thereof, either in person or by proxy appointed in r. ing, according to the folloviring scale. ' '■'■' For every twenty-five shares and not more than one hundred, one vote, making four votes for one hundred 8hares.-For eveiry forty shares above one hundred, and not exceeding three hundred shares, one vote, making nine votes fbr three hundred shares— for every fifty shares above three hundred and not exceeding five hundred shares one vote, making thirteen votes for five hundred *hares.— For every one hundred shares above five hundred and not exceeding one thousand shares, one vote, making eighteen voles for one thousand shares— for every two hundred sharep above one thousand and not exceeding two thousand shares, one vote, making twenty three votes for two thousand shares, and no Shareholder shall be entitled to give a greater number of votes than twenty three j provided always, that no Shareholder of a less number than twenty-five shares shall be entitled to any vote, and no Shareholder shall be entitled to vote in respect to any share or shares of which he shall not have been the registered proprietor on the books of this Association for three calender months previous to the day of meeting, at which he claims to vote nor in respect to any share on which any Instal- ments shall not have been fully paid up; and that no Shareholder who shall not be a natural born or natural- ised subject of Her Majesty, shall either in person or by proxy vote at any meeting whatever of the Shareholders of the said Association, any thing in these presents to the contrary notwithstanding ; and a vo!eof the majority shall determine all matters of business coming before said meetings, provided the same shall not be inconsistent with these articles of Association, and that no person shall be annointpH nc n nrnvir f/% or. ni^c.r.^L ci u_i i_„ unless he himself be a Shareholder. 13 And it is hereby further understood and agreed, tliat the capital siock of the Associtition, and the beneficial interest of the several Stockholders therein, notwithstanding the conversion of any portion of ttie capital and other funds of the Association into lands, shall be and are hereby declared and agreed to be Personal Property, and on the death of any Stockholder, his share and interest shall go to his personal represen- tative, and not to his heirs at law, and such heirs at law shall at no time claim interest, legal or equitable therein. That theTinistees sshall keep a book in which shall be enregistered these present articles of Association, and all such alterations that may from'time to time be made to the same, and also the names of all the members of the Association, and the President and Vice-President shall execute certificates of the stock under their hands, countersigned by the Secretary, in the following form, namely:— The Quebec and Lake Superior Mining Associatioii> Stock divided into forty thotisand shares, "*^^ ^' Certificate No. This certifies that is the proprietor of shares of the capital stock of the Quebec and Lake Superior Mining Association, and that the holder hereof will be entitled tb the forty thousandth part of the capital stock and profits of the said Company, for each and every of the feaid shares, accord* ing to the articles of agreement and assobiatidh of the said Company, made the twentieth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six.— ^The stock is transferable on the books of the Company, by endorse- ment on the back hereof, on the surrender of this cer- tificate, the payment of all instalments due on the same, and the subscription of the assignee, to tlie articles of s. 14 Association.— Given under our hands at Quebec, this day of 184 . . n President, i Vice-President. U» ifith lit Secretary. And it is hereby further agreed and understood, that the shares in this Company or Association may be transferred from time to time by the holder thereof, or by bis personal representatives, by tlie endorsement on the certificate, and by the surrender of the same into the hands of the Trustees, who shall thereupon issue a new certificate to the assignee j provided always, that no such transfer shall be effectual, and no such new certificate shall be issued by the Trustees, until the instalment or instalments then due shall have been fully paid up, and that the assignee of such share or shares shall by himself, or his attorney, duly authorised thereto, have subscribed a declaration in the said register, to be kept by the said Trustees, to the effect that he consents to and takes upon himself all and singular the provisions, conditions and obligations in the said articles of Associa- tion contained. After the transfer shall have been made, the same shall be registered in the book kept by the Trustees, after notice given them in writing, by mail or otherwise, of such transfer by the parties trans- ferring said shares, and accepting thereof severally, and after such transfer and payment, and the completion of the formalities aforesaid, the old shareholder, so trans- ferring, shall be released from all liability, on account of such said share or shares. And it is hereby agreed and understood that two thirds of the shareholders in interest, shall have power at any time, at the Annual Meeting, or at any General Meeting, specially convened for that nuniose. to remove 15 any or either of tlie Trustees who are or may be appointed and upon sucli removal, such trustee shall, wUhln leu days thereafter, execute such releases and conveyance* as may be necessary to invest his co-trustees with all his interest and power to carry this provision Mito effect. And it is hereby further understood and agretid that the provisions of the foregoing articles, so far as they relate to the number of trustees, the mode of their ap- nointment, the number of sliares into which the pro- perty of the Association shall be divided, the form of certificates, of transfers of shares, and the time of hold- ihg the Annual and other Meetings of the members of the Association, may be altered at any Annua! Meeting of the shareholders by a vote of the proprietors of twa thirdi of the shares, but all olheir of the provisions of these articles shall be regarded as fundamental articles of association, binding upon aM Interested therein and irrepealable. .'*..* ». And it is hereby further agreed that the «aid Arthur Rankih, Allart Macdonell, James Hamilton, John Dou- glas, Angus Duncan Macdonell, Charles Jones and Alex- ander Douglas McLean, parties to ^ese presents slukll make ever, assign and transfer, and they do hereby fully and absolutely make over,assign and transfer to the said trustees of the said Quebec and Lake Superior Mining Association hereby formed, all right and title which they respectively now have, or may, or shaU hereafter acquire, under the said licences of exploration herein before mentioned, to obtain from the government » lease or leases, graflt or gratits by puvehase or otherwise, of any tract or traets of land on the British coast of Lake Superior, the sHid Arthur Rankin, Allan Macdonell, James Hamilton, John Douglas, Angtw Duncan Mac donell, Charles Jones and Alexander Douglas McLean, «. %.^ i.s.as^. ^^A ^Mi»inir thAins^lveB and their leffal v represeuutives to execute, complete and perfect all micU further ailU other deeds, mstrimients, and conveyances a« may b^ deemed nece^a^ry in the law, for the more' full amiample transfer and assMrance to the said trustees' of all the interest of them Ihesaid Arthur Rankin, Allan Macdonell, James Hamilton, John Douglas, Angus^ Duncan Macdpnell, Charles Jones and Alexander Dou- glas McLean, in and to, or out of the said Licences so granted to them as aforesaid, and in, to and out of all be- nefitsor advantages whatsoever to result or be derivable from the same. And it is furtber agreed between the several parties to this instrument that the trustees in charge of the trust of the company bei-eby formed, may apply to the Legis- IWur^.oftWs province for JIB aqt of incorporation for the better carrying o»t the object^- l^e^ein contemplated, and MThicb BQtol immm^'m \»^m &m\k^> 4be several parties to these presents do hereby, for themselves, their executors, administrators and assigns, promise and bind themselves^ to sign or cause to be signed, by bis qr their attorney, specially to be empowered totbat ^ffeci^' within six moi^tbs after the passing of such act of incor-" poration, such new agreement between the parties to this act as wiH be sufficient to vest in the trustees herein named, or to their successors in office, pr in such othfp person or persons as w^be indicated by the said act of incorporation, all the powers necew^ry to carry into effect the se^ireral clauses and conditions of such act oC incoiporation, and the several powers hereby vested in" tbesatd trustees, the said parties liere^ Ijindipg ^bem-, selves, to and in ^avor of each other to c^rry opt the. several provision? th^t may be ena^ed in the said act o^ incorporation when onacted, Providejd always, t^iat the said actofiocQrporatiQn,shallinnoway ait^r, change, or modify any of the fiipdamontal artiGles of tlus Coni- pany and Association as herein expressed and set forth. ■■n 17 And it is also hereby further agreed and under- stood, that all the payments and instalments aforesaid s.hall be made to the trustees or to their duly authorised agent in that behalf, wlose receipt shall be valid and binding for the same at the head or principal office of the said company in the said city of Quebec. And it is hereby undei-stood and agreed that the respective iuterestof the several members in the said conipany or association, shall be the proportion which the number of shares that the said members or share- lioldei's respectively shall possess, bears to the entire amount of stock taken up, but no dividend of profits shall be made amongst the shareholders until the whole amount of assessments due shall be represented to ati equal amount by stock on hand of some kind or other; it being however hereby understood and agreed that the said trustees shall so soon as thii condition of the funds, and a due regard to the interest of the company or asso- ciation shall permit, pay an equal dividend upon all the shares out of any surplus monies on hand to the se- veral and respective parties who may represent the same, according to their proportions as aforesaid. And it is further understood and agreed by and between iIm; parties hereto, that the several parties sub- scribing this deed of association, do hereby grant and convey to the trustees above named and to all future trustees of this association, full power and authority to do all matters and things hereinbefore expressed and provided for, and each person signing these articles, does hereby express his assent to all such provisions and does also for himself, his heirs, executors and administrators, covenant, promise and agree to and with the other per- sons, parlies to these presepts, that he, liis heirs, ex- ecutors and administrators shall and will well and truly perform, fulfil, and keep, so far as In th/ 'u lies> all and t w 18 singular the provisions bereinbefore contaiaerl, a„d that he and they shall and will do all and every act and thing that may be necessary and that lawfully may be done to give full effect to the objects and intentions of this a.so- c.at.o„. And further it is agreed, by and between the parties to these presents that it shall be lawful to the said trustees for the time being to dispose of and appro- priate the said four thousand four hundred and four shares standing in the name of the association as aforesaid or any number of the same as they may deem most ad-' vantageous to the interests of this association, such shares and the persons holding the same, to be subject to all the provisions of this deed of association. And for the execution of these presents and of every the premises, the said parties liereto Ii^ive made election of domicile at the office of Archibald Campbell, Her Majesty's notary, one of the undersigned notaries. Thus done and passed, at the said City of Quebec on the day, month and year first above written and signed by the said parties, hereto with and in the pre- sence of u., the said notaries, also hereunto subscribing these presents being first duly read. (Signed,) Arthur Rankin, Allan MacDonkll, James Hamilton, by his Attorney John Douglas, John Douglas, Angus D. Magdonell, Charles Jones, John Bonner, as Atty. for Alexandee D. McLean, Peter Patterson, Henry Atkinson, John Bonner, H. LeMesurieu, Thomas William Lloyd William Petry, ' William Price, James Cuthbertson, George B. Hall. Archibald Campbell, Notary Public. O. F. Campeau, Notary, A true copy of the original remaining of record in my office. Archibald Campbell, Her Majesty's Notary, and Notary Public. eri, and that ct and thing be done to >ftbis asso- etween the vful to the and appro- > and fuur s aforesaid, most ad- >uch shares iect to uli id of every e election ►bell. Her les. f Quebec, itten, and I the pre- )scribing, Lloyd, 'Public, office. Public.