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Laa diagrammaa suivants illuatrant ia ni*thoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^< %. ■M of Ur Tmmm9 wli# 4cHlire to maii^ klwreiice, at the eonduet #d^U|il1lfllg: t»e4eeaied desirable. Thti Warden •*4llo(ri[vlMi the Pul^lie; Square of the Town* te front of t&i »#d^lll^'«fligjr/jnlW-*»%ttopf^^^^^^ other pr^eedlttfSM mtir «r ^Unb 9«ttr^ of P«4i«0» gwt the Constable^ will iee ^ ■f?> ^' -^