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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ■^ IP*' ^ ^, .^ TIC, ' A /I , .*■ ii^^' CATALOaUE GREEN HOUSE PLANTS, CARNATIONS, PICOTEES, DOUBLE DAHLIAS, &c.. CULTIVATED AND FOR 9ALB BY JOHN GRAY, AT THE GRANGE CONSERVATORIES, TORONTO, C.W. etototito: PRtNTBD AT THE HERALD OPPICE, 36^, TOMOWTEBST.i 1846. ^ ,*■ I i "'!,»U.!11«|,(HB«I"J!I "'.■l.'l aa.>OiilT^'* M/Ail 'I'^tHU ^IMO y .,,/, .>'?,IJHi laT't'M'i mmmi' —'* ?1 * \ i r T CATALOGUE OF M^ GREEN HOUSE PLANTS, CARNATIONS, m PICOTEES, DOUBLE DAHLIAS, &c.. CULTIVATED AND FOK SALE VI BY JOHN GRAY, AT THE GRANGE CONSERVATORIES, TORONTO, C.W. STo 1 nt o: rniNTED AT THE IIEllALD OFFICE, 36i, YONGE-STIIEET. 1840. / •=D O^^CCe J'J!113 1955 fmm CATALOGUE OP GREEN HOUSE PLANTS, CARNATIONS, PICOTEES, DOUBLE DAHLIAS, &c„ CULTIVATED AND FOB SALE BY JOHN GRAY. AT THE GRANGE CONSERVATORIES, TORONTO, C. W. Botanic Names. Agapanthus umbellatus Striata Agave Americana Aloe arborescens variegata succotrina verucosa Aluisa Citriodora Alonsoa urticirolia Amarylls belladona Johnsonia — — formosissima — ^sarniensis longifolia Aucuba Japonica Abutilon striata Common Names. Price. Umbelled blue Afri- #. d. s. d. can lilly 2 6 a 5 Striped leaved do... 5 American aloe, 2 6 10 Tree aloe 2 6 Partridge breast, do. 1 3 Bitter aloe, 13 Warted do 2 Lemon scente d verbena, 13 2 6 Nettle leaved do . . 1 3 2 5 Belladona lilly,.... 5 SplendiJ striped do. 2 6 5 Jacobea lilly 5 Guernsey do 2 6 5 Long leaved do. ... 2 6 Japan gold dust tree 2 6 5 Spotted flowpred do. 2 6 7 6 H Botanic names. Azale& Endica alba PbcEnicia sinensis variegata Begonia evansiana Argyrostigma Bletia tankervillea Bignonia capensis Buonapartea juncea Calla iEthiopica Calceolaria meteor bicolor grandiflora aurea Common Names. White Iiidiui) azalea KUiieli purple do .. Chinese yellow do. Viiriegated do Ear Plant Twocol'ddo Crook leaved do.... Hyacinth bletia,.. . Cape trumpet flower Rush leaved do Egyptian lilly, Slipper wort, Superb bronze, Straw and white do. Large flowering do. Golden yellow, Price 7 6 alii 6 U lU 12 6 10 2 6 2 6 5 1 3 1 3 2 6 1 3 3 9 2 6 7 6 7 5 2 6 5 Camellia Japonica, Japan Rose. Several fine varieties at 7 6 Caaalia articulata Jointed Cacalia, ... 1 3 Cactus >,:a:nm5lari8 Ccspitosa Y o densa Close headed 1 3 multiplex Many crowned 1 3 . stellaris Starry do 1 3 S. albispinus White spined do... 1 3 — — eyriesii Splendid white do.. 5 scoba White close spinncd 2 6 cttonis Ottos splendid 2 6 multiplex Many headed do... 2 6 Cactus Cerus flageUifornus Creeping cercus,.. 1 3 grandiflora Great ng't blooming 5 hexagonis Six angled do 5 obtusus Obtuse night bloom. ing 2 6 —offinus Bluish 2 6 pentaffonis Five angled 2 6 repandua Repand 2 6 Icmanil Lesr.ans do z O nigricans Black, 2 o triangularis Great triangular... 1 J C. C. Serpentinus Serpentine 5 gpeciosissima Splendid crimson.. -^ o Monstrosus Monstrous ♦- 5 Cactus Epiphyllum Ackermania Ackcrmans fine ... 5 major Large do 5 If uncata Truncated do I 3 20 2 6 5 10 5 U 5 10 20 10 10 2 6 Price 6 a\2 6 10 12 6 10 6 6 3 7 6 7 6 3 U 6 5 u 3 2 6 9 6 5 U 5 20 3 2 6 3 5 3 3 3 10 6 G 6 5 3 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 3 10 6 2Q 10 10 3 2 6 Botanical Names. Cactus Jenkinbouia . spccioea Cactus Opuntia — — deppii brazilieniss ferox — — laucautha ficus Indica fragilis microdasis gpinosissirna vulgaris Rhipsalis — >— pendula — <— grandiflora Campanula pyramdialis alba Cestrum Nocturnum Chryasicoma Cuma aiirea Chrysanthemum Citrus Vulgaris auraniia sinensis argenti a striata Crassula. larochea falcala regens Cineria ■-cruenta kingii Crinum Longifolium Daphne odora Indica Striata Datura arborea Echium Candicans Epidendron Erythrina crista galH — — herbacca Common Names. Price. Fine crinison '■i 6 « 1^ ^^ Pinkish white 2 Dcpppi's 2 6 Brazil 1 ^ I ]\ Fierce 13 Jjong spined 2 |^ *:* Indian 'fig 1 3 BrUllo 1 3 Brown spined 2 6 o U Cluster epine do 13 Prickly Pear 2 6 Pendulous do 1 3 2 6 Great flow rM do.... 2 Bell Flower. Pyramidal blue ... 2 6 \Vhite 5 Night Smelling Cestrum 2 6 Shrubby goldy locks 1 3 A.rtemc6ia y.len yellow . 1 3 jr white 1 3 ;e purple. 1 3 iration,, 2 6 atum 1 3 Compact while 1 3 Cluster yellow 1 3 Large double wiiite 1 3 Lisbon Lemon 5 China orange 7 6 Small fruited myrtle leaved 7 6 Silver striped .10 Splendid crimso.i do. 2 Scarletdo 2 6 Cape Aster Purple flowering.. 1 3 White and purple.. 1 6 Long leaved crinun^ 5 Sweet scented do.. 5 Indian daphne 5 Silver stiipe leaved 7 6 Three thorn apple . 5 Blue echium 2 6 Air plant 1 3 Coral tree Cocks-comb flowr'd 5 Herbaceous do 3 c 12 20 20 25 7 10 10 6 Botanic Names. Common Names. Price. Erica <'ap« J>eiith aurea Yellow floweringr do. 5 a 12 arbutiflora Arbutus flowered,. 5 12 Traiispareme Transparentflowring 10 versicolor Various coloured,.. 10 coccinea Scarlet do 2 6 7 6 rejrerminans Pretty wliiteflowring 2 6 7 6 mediterranea Mediterranean 2 3 F -(^enia Austialib Australian myrtle., 2 »' 20 lliupatorium elegans Sweet smelling eu- patorium 1 3 Euonymus J?nonIca Evergreen euony- ■^ * mus 2 6 variegata Variegated leaved.. 3 9 Ferraria ttgrida Mexicanviger flower 13 Ficua Carica Common Fig 2 b elastica India-rubber tiee.. 7 6 10 Fuchsia Ladies Far Drop Thoiapsonia J J globosa Globular do 2 6 G Maior Large Globe flower- ed do - 2 6 gracillis Slender do 13 fnlgens Splendid Scarlet.., 5 youellii YoueDs superb, 2 6 dtandishii Standish's fine .. 2 6 venus victrix White, with purple sepals 3 9 5 Rosea alba Rose and white fino 3 9 magnificans Very splendid, ... 3 9 a corymbiflora Splendid cluster flowered, with im- mense racemes 4 inches long, 3 9 T B followinp splendid varieties of new Fuchsias, arc now under cultwatioii, and will be for sale in the autumn of the present year : — Antagonist. -Caronet, Chttuveri, Candidate Conductor, Chandlerii, Decora, ^ Dalstonia, Exoniensis, Insignis, Lady Blantyre, Titus, — — Toddiana, Price. ► fll2 e ) 12 ft ) ) 7 6 7 6 20 5 ) ^ 3 3 10 3 B 5 3 8 6 9 5 9 9 a 9 !, arc now he presQiit NanVCS. Descriptiun. IVtcc. Fuchsias Stanleyana, •— — Eleijfiins suporba, Ivory Gem, Mudeste, ' Oxonia, . t. n n i-\ Glycine frutesccns Wisteria, a climber, & « in a Gardenia florida Cape Jasmine, u 10 U Gladiolus ^vvord Lilly floribundus Flesh colored do. .. ^ b " w .— pditiacinea Parrot like do 2 6 cardinalis Splendid scarlet do. 2 & ., -.♦ristua ,.--»..,.... ....... A «* U Gnidia simplex Grace v llcwr'd do. 2 6 Ilaemanthus alba White .laemanthus, 3 9 U Heliiropium peruvianum Peruvian turnsole,. 13 -^ o grandiflora Large flowering do. Z O Hemorocallis Japonica White flowered fan, lilly, 2 6 5 Hoya Carnosa Chinese wax flower 2 6 Hydrangea hortensis Changeable flowr " J ^ " " Hyacinth, 50 varieties in Pots, 1 o ^ ^ Jasmiuum revolulum Yellow Nepaul Jas- mine... 2 6 Jiistlcia nervosa Nerve leaved Justi- cia, ^6 — -speciosa Splendid do 1 3 5 Magnolia fuscata Olive col'd magnolia 10 U —— conspicua White flowered do. 10 arandiflora Great Laurelleaved = do .- 10 6 soulangiana Soulanges splendid, 15 Maurandya Barclayina, a Climber 2 6 Metrosideros Lophanta Bottle brush plant,. 5 U Mesembryantheraum Fig marigold 13 cymbeforme Boat shaped do.... 13 U pugioneforme Dagger leaved do.. 1 3 U Myrtus Coviimunis Roman myrtle 13 ^ ^ . belgica Broad leaved do... 13 j b fl. plena Double floweringdo. 1 " 2 6 Mimosa Sensitiva Sensitive plant 2 6 Mespilus Japonica ......-.- 7 5 Nerium Oleander Common Rose bay. ^ b U U spleadens Double flowering do 2 6 7 b rubra Sing'e Red do 5 alba Single white 5 Oxalis Boweii Flesh cold oxalis.. 2 6 sulphiirea Yellow do 13 Passiflora Cerulea Blue passion flower 2 nalmata Fruit bearing do... 2 6 alata Wing stalk'd Jo... 10 .'^aeoniamoutan, and several herbaceous var. do... 3 9 15 6 8 Names. Description. Price. Phlomis fruticosa . Jerusalem sage 2 a Piltosporuin Tobira FragrantPittospor.,in 7 6 fol variegate Silver striped do.. 10 U Plumbaffo Rosea Rose colored lead- wort 2 6 Polyanthus Tuberosa Double Tuberose.. 2 Primula Sinensis Ciiinese primrose. . 13 Punica rubra plena ScarletPomegranaie 2 Rhododendrou poniicurii Commmon do 5 arborea . Tree 20 Rosemarinus officinalis Rosemary 13 Salvia Splcndens Scarlet sage 2 6 patens Splendid purple 3 9 Scmpervivum arborea Trcehouse leek 2 Stapelia pulla Dark flowered do... 13 grandiflora Large (lowered do. 1 6 Tecoma Capcnsis Cape trumpet flower 13 2 6 Verbena meliadris Scarlet verbena ... 13 speciosa Lilac do 1 3 superba Lilac 13 pepperii Maroon do- 13 fulgens Scarlet do 13 eclipse Scarlet do 13 Rostonia Blue do - 13 clusterpink 1 f " JJ splendissima Fine pmk ^ ^ " wildcrii Fine purple 2 Houltonia Pi"k (seedling)... 2 6 Gray's purple Splendid seedling.. 2 6 Bridesmaid White 2 PELARGONIUM OR GERANIUMS, All choice sorts (selected by the Subscriber) from the best coUec- lections in New York and Boston, and oUht sources. O' 'J'he prices vary from Is. Od. to 33. Ud., according to the size and quality of the plant. Names. Description. jp,r\c\ Delicate pink, fine crimson spot, ♦Alexandrina Fine white with dark spot, Albamultiflora WhitC: with purple spot, *Alicia superba Wiiito, with fine black spot ♦Alarm Very large dark red Amelia Fine bright lilac , *.\rabella Upper petals beautiful crimson, with very dark spot. ' ThoKf. wore awarded the iirst prize (by the Toronto liorlicultuml Society,) at the Muy ixliibition, 1845. Pi ice. a 6 6 3 G U 3 6 9 3 6 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 UMS, B best collec- ording tuthe ot, m, with very Horticultural Names. •Beauty of ware *lJelladona BouUonianum *Bride'rrooin ♦Britannia ♦Conservative Charles the 12th Clouded perfection Comptonianum Climax Conqueror Champion of Devon Diadematum ])iscount Dauricanum Daveyanum the D Description, liargo splendid flower darii red, Fine while, with black stripes on upper petals, t)ark rose, large showy flower (a seedling),' Upper petals dark crimson, lower do. palo rose, Blush white with blac'; spot on the upper petals, Upper petals very dark, lower do. dark rose, extra fine and splendid flower. Fine white, Dark and white mottled. Delicate pink, very pretty and small clusters, Ilose< with dark spot, Large dark Rose, Dark mottled, Pale Rose, Fine dark showy flower, Bright crimson striped, Fine dark red. Enchantress (Gray's) Splendid rose with dark spot, seedling. Beautiful scarlet crimson, with black spot,- Orange scarlet with black eye. Deep Rose, Showy flower very darh, Bright rose splendid truss, Oiange scarlet with fine black spot, Fine dark flower with very dark spot, Upper petals dark crimson, lower do. bright pink. Fine larpo dark flower. White, with purple spot. Scarlet cfimson fine, Beautiful rose with dark crimson spot, Lower petals rose, upper light pink, edged witii crimson, Fine crrmine, Dark rose, Palo rose, with large dark crimson feather, Jjilac striped large showy flower. Lilac with fine dark spot, „^.„. ^. liargo dark rose. Masterpiece (Gaines') Fine bright rose strong growing plant, ♦Nymph (Foster's) Splendid rose pink, with fine dark spot, Orange Boven Salmon pink with fine spot, Obscurutn inultiflorum vVhite, with dark spot, Pink perfection Delicate pink. ♦Priory Queen Very largn pink fine spot and superb flower, Premier Dark rose, large showy flower, and fine spot, ♦Perfection (Garth's) Pale rosonxira finn spot, Portia Very largo rose, splendid flower, Erectum ♦Fanny Garth Gem Grand Turk Hills Hector ♦Jewess Julia Joan of Arc ♦King of Hanover King John King (Gaines') Lady Douro Lifeguardsman Lady Denbigh Mary Queen of Scots •Matilda Miller's Nelson Maseppa Mrs. Sweet 10 Nainc!«. Description. t»rima Donna Salmon pink fine, Prycum Larffe rose, dark rosy stripe, Queen of trumps Fine white with dark opot, (seedling) Regulator Light purple, . ^ ,., , *Ro8eumelegans Upper potals rosy purple, with black spot and deeply lined, lower petals rose, ♦Rosetto Fplendid rose, Royena Purple, ♦Siddonia Carmine finelv pencilled beautiful, gappho Superb white with crimson stripe, ♦Speculum ruundl Very showy rose and dark lines, ♦Susannah Fine dark free bloomer, Superior Fine bright ruby, , , , , gylph Splendid blush with dark velvet spot, *Tam O'Shanter Fine briirht lilac with fine spot. Win. and Adelaide Dark red with crimson stripe, Un-j White, with crimson scarlet feather, ♦Victory (Garth's) Upper petals rich dark crimson, lower petals blush white, superb and distinct fliiwer, •». d. Price per dozen, for the best sorts 30 do. '-iiid best 24 do. __ 3rd best 16 ROSES. CHINESE MONTHLY, OR BENGAL ROSES, ROSA INDICA. jjamc. Form, Colour and Character. Price. s. d. Agrippina cupped Brilliant crimson double .. 2 6 Ueau carmine cupped Purple maroon shaded fine 2 6 Cramoisie superiuro cui)pod Crimson fine * ^ Camellia globular Pure white ^ « Cels. inultiflora cupped Lnrge incarnate very fine, o U Caroline deBcrri cupped Blush shaded with fawn color fine, « Clara Sylvain glob'r. Pure white distinct and stiporb, " Ducd'Aumule cupprd Largo bright purple 5 Duchess of Kent cupped Incarnate rose colour 2 o Eugene Beauharnois cupped Bright amaranth superb.. 2 6 "Fabvier cupped Rrddish purple * O Fanny Jarvis cupped White w iii uink tinge very doublo and Fplcndid (seedling) S ^ Grandval compact Finn purplish crimson 2 6 Indica cupped Old blush vigorous ai-d free blooming --- * ^ alba expanded White free blooming .... 1 3 edliiig) :h black spot petals rose, iful, ripe, es, tet spot, U ?alher, , lower petals and distinct s. d. 30 24 16 SA INDICA. 3r. Price. s. d. iible ..26 ed fine 2 6 2 2 6 y fine. 5 li fawn 3 ct and 5 5 ir .... 2 6 incrb.. 2 6 2 6 ge very picndid 5 on 2 6 Hid free , 1 3 iig .... 1 3 11 Name. Form Colour and Character. Prlre. Madam Despre/. cnppea P„re white beautiful .- 2 6 _Fresmorcl compact Crta.ny white very fine... ~ Marjoline globular Very deep crimson J » Mrs Bosanquet cupped Large bu very fine j 9 Naooleon cupped Laryo bhi^>l» very hue - 3 U PriScess Marie cupped Si>adod l.lu^ii very large and fine " " Prince Charles of . . n a Luxemburg cupped Brilliant carmme superb.. Q 6 Reine Blanche expanded Pure white fine.. ^ o RoidesCramoises cupped Brilliant red dis met -. i b Romeo cupped Deep red very double ^ O SalTguinea cupped Bright crimson anemone '' tl.iwered ■»■ p striata cupped Striped crimson 1 3 Stevens' new china cupped Purplish crim.on very fine 2 6 Taglioni cupped Large white yellowish ^ centre p " Theresa Stravius cupped Purplish crimson . 2 6 Triumphant cupped \ cry large deep purplish ^ crimson 'J " TEA-SCENTED CHINA ROSES, ROSA INDICA VAR ODORATA. Aurora cupped Straw and white changing to rose " " Bougere cupped Large glo.sy bronze superb 5 BouTbon cupped Jmo white g « Caroline cupped 1< mo ros^y hhish - " l)evorn8i9 cupped Straw, bull'centre superb. 2 6 Duchess of Mecklen- , h „, q burg cupped Large pale yellow ^ « Golconda cupped Creamy blush o J, Horlensia cupped Hesh colored f " SdoSma exJJuded Blu.h witii deeper centre 2 6 Triumph do Luxemburg globular Largo sa luon pmk o " Philadelphia globular Large sahnon pink ^O Whiteorodoraim alba expanded Pure while.. .-.- f " Yellow or Luteeceua expanded Fine large sulphur ye low 6 « Zebrina cupped While, shaded with yellow « BOURBON ROSES, ROSA BOURBONIANUIVI. Abbe Plantier cupped Deep rose colour........ 3 6 Bosanquet cupped White tmgedincr.rnato... - 6 Crimson globe globular Vormillion shaded ^ » Hermosa cupped Pale rosy beautiful ^ » Ninon de TEnclos cupped Violet purple » " NOISETTE ROSES, ROSA CHAMPNEYANA. Aimeevibort cluster Pure white, very fine 3 J Blush cluster compact Blush in immcuae cluaterti 2 I i2 Name. Form. Colour and Character. Price. s. d. Eugene Pirolle cuppeJ Carmine roae 2 6 Fellemberg cupped IJiiyht crimson 2 6 Jaune Desprez expanded Large bright rosy fawn colour 2 to 10 Lamarque expanded Lomon colour, large and superb 5 Lutea globular Large splendid yellow 3 Triumph de Arcole expanded Splendid incarnate tinged 10 RUBIFOLA, OR PRAIRIE ROSES. Queen of the Prairies d'ble cluster Large beautiful deep pink, grows 30 feet high.,. 5 Baltimore Belle d'le cluster Pale rose, blush centre and climber 2 Q These varieties are perfectly hardy, and are well adapted for planting in fronts of houses, or to train up a verandah. HARDY ROSES. Perpetual white moss cluster While, often striped with crimson ,, . 5 Common red moss globular Rosy red 3 Princess of Nassau cluster Yellowish white, profuse flowering „ 2 6 Harrisonia expanded Pure yellow 5 Several other good varieties at 2 6 CARNATIONS, DIANTHUS CARYOPHYLUS. This interesting class of ilowcrs, which command universal admi. ration, has received our particular attention; the collection com- prises some of the very best varieties. We have 300 plants in pots now ready for delivery, and can, with confidence, recommend them to Amateurs and the Public. Name. Description. Price. s. d. ♦Bijou Very dark pink striped with crimson S 9 *Lady Jersey Palo blush striped with crinjson 2 fl ♦Lady Baird's favourite White, with dark stripe 3 ♦Lady Flora Hastings Blush, crimson stripe 2 ♦Lady Peel MaguiHcont purple Hake on a white ground 5 ♦Lord Douglas Very fine rose, with dark stripe.... 3 3 * Eglinton Fine l^rgo purple seJfcol'd, 2 6 ♦Marquis of Bute Very splendid scarlet flake 2 6 ♦Pale yellow Straw colour expanded 2 6 ♦Princess Fliiine coluur with crimson stripes . 2 ♦Beauty of Renfrew l^argo purple 2 « The l^^Ciirnations woir iiwardrd tho Ist and 2nd priiC at the July rxUibition o the Toronto llorticultuiul Society, 1845. 13 r. Price. s. d. 2 6 ..... 2 6 fawn to 10 ! and 5 V 3 inged 10 • pink, rh.,. 5 re and 2 a adapted fur with , 5 3 rofuse ..... 2 6 5 2 6 IS. ivcrsal admi* llection com- plants in pots , recommend Price. s. d. imson S 9 n.... 2 fl 3 2 white 5 0.... 3 3 2 6 2 6 2 6 ipes . 2 2^0 £0 at tho July Name. Description. P"ce. ♦RedRovev Red, black and cream stripe 2 Rosalinda Fine rose colour ^ " Sparkler targe rose colour..... J " Penelope Brown, with crimson stripes ..... . ^ o Several other fine varieties not named -s " PICOTEES. These are beautifully margined with some colour distinct from tho body of the flower, such as pink, scarlet, cherry, crimson, purple, &c., according to the variety. Conqueror Large white, margined with purple, 3 9 Climax White, edged with cherry 3 o Garland White, with crimson margin ^ o Hovey's crimson Crimson, lined with deep red 4 o Eclipse White, with crimson margin...... ^ " Sultana Primrose, edged with crimson..... & Twenty other varieties without name.. .,..., ■« " The six varieties of Picotees, also obiained the first prize. DOUBLE DAHLIAS. These are all splendid double flowers, and are decidedly the best in the Province. The Subscriber was awarded ibo first and second prizes for ih.« last two years, at the Dahlia shows in Toronto, Jind several fine varieties have since been added to hts ooUection. Name Colour of the Flower. P"c«- s. a. Andrew Ilofer Maroon large splendid flower.... 2 6 Ansell's Unique Yellow, lipped with crimson ^ ^ Albapurpurea White, striped lilac............ a » Hianca Pure white, very large and splendid & Berkshire champion Dark globe maroon...... 2 6 Beauty of the West Very dark rose, iree bloomer 1 ^ Beauty of the plain White, shaded with lavender .... ^ 6 Charles XII. Plum colour ,..,.,, ^ » Conservative Light purple free flowering 1 J Danecroftiival Bright Scarlet showy flower 1 d Fireball Vivid scarlet ,..,,..., J ^ Gem or Royal Adelaide White, shaded with lavender 1 J Grandis Plum colour, very large ., 1 ^ Grand Tournament Blush superb flower . . , , -« » I^ Grand Baudain Rosy lilac, large showy flower... ^ o Marshal Soult Lilac and red... ,...., 2 Miss Scroope Fine rose cupped i » Premier Canary yellow ^ J Lord Lyndhurst Very large shaded scarlet . .... i » Striata formoaissima Blush white distinctly striped, and spoitcd with crimson. 5 Miss Penfold Splendid white, shaded lilac 6 Tournament (Catleugh's) Ruby scarlet very fine ^ I 14 Name. Colour of the Flower. Price. s. d. Yellow victory Splendid yellow ij G A great many other varieties wiilioiit name 1 Price by the dozen, for tlic very best one of each left to the Proprietor 20 do. do. do. do 18 do, do. third do 12 6 Dry roots can be had at any time htfore the 1st of June, and will be packed, and sent according to directions to any psrt of the Province. A Discount of 25 per cent, on the catalogue prices,will be allowed to all purcliasers of plants, &c. «fcc., for all eunns above 50 dollnry, and all orders from a distance containing cash, or reference in Toronto, will be punctually attended to. The Subscriber would also intimate, that he has a choice collec-!' tion of Fruit Trees on band, consisting of Apple, Plum, Pear, Peach and Cherry, selected by himself from some of the best nuy- seriefe in Rochester last fall, and which he will sell f^beap for cash ; and having made arrangements for a supply of Fr ..t Trees, Flow- ering Shrubs, Herbaceous Plants, &c., «&c., orders entrusted to him will be faithfully executed. Toronto, Feb. 2nd, 1846. JOHN GRAY, Pricff. s. d. 2 fi 1 left to 20 18 12 6 June, and will ^ part of the ill be allowed )ve 5U (lollr.r«, reference in choice collec-!. Plum, Pear, the best nuT- icap for cash ; Trees, Flow- entrusted to GRAY, 15 BRIEF DIRECTIONS FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF PLANTS IN ROOMS. tHE management Of Plants in dark or close room, .s a v^ J'fficdj matter, as they lose their vegetation fur want of light and air , and abo suffer frequently for want of being vvatered when dry but more freqaentlyi by getting too much water, which soddena the "rf'taltr:irV''oom;%e plants will thrive nearly as well as itt a Green House, with proper management to keep them near the Ugh as possibi;, and onl/ to give them water, when the rnnuld m . Sh thiyare grown isdry ; they must then have a g"" J «?a';'"| ? and if the leaves get covered with dust, u must he wa bed ofT. as it stops the pores and makes them turn yellow and sickly. The oftener the plants are changed the better^ and . is a good plan to admit air whenever the stale of the weather will permit it. and the best time is between ten and two o clock in the day^ ^ More plants suffer from two much moisture, thai »7"".^o°J'"f * the persons who generally have the care ot such plants, from want of experience, thinking the more water they ^-ve t'le better and sunnose they want water every day, and pretend they cannot tell vvEer he%kn? wants water or not. when it is the easiest thing in the world lo see whether the mould in the pots is mo.st or dry ?there is the least degree of moisture, of course the p ants require no wafe ! but as eoon^s it is dry they require a good soaking if the ptnt. are kept in small pots and ful! of ^-ts. they will require much more water, and more frequently than those that l^'ve more Torn Tnd fewer roots ; in winter, and in a light room, and where Ihniantscarbe set near the window, they will frequenily succeed as welKor even belter, with ^ond care, than in a Greca-house^ as Sein ' not so many in number, they frequently are attended wth more%are, and we have frequently seen healthier plan s of G era- Turns Myrtles, Camellias, and different sorts of China rose. B own in rooms than in the Green-house, the reason for which may be rtribnted to the greater care in attending a few plants, by furnigte different sides occasionally to the light, m gathering off decfayed leaves as tl..y appear, and only ^"I'PV''"^ iTnd wate when needed. To have them surfaced w-th leaf rnould a"d sand, or sandy loam at least once every two months, taking care not to press the earth too hard, as this prevents the free c.rculauon o? ak sHocessary to the growth of pl.nts i"/""-'. -^Mhe" M least half an inch between the surlace and the rim of the pol. P acing moss on the surface of the earth in pots is a bad pract ce^ ;, a dampness arises from il, whicii f-quently damps off tl^ stem of the plant, and it also prevents the circulaiiun of ;';% ^^^'^^^^^^ The splendid new varieties of Geraniums. China and Tea Roses Fuchsias, Verbenas and Camellia., &c., may all he grown to the gre test perl^ction, and by attending to the ^^ove observations the difficulties attending the growing of plants in rooms, may be entirely °T:ront;Feb.2nai84(>. JOHN GRAY. "i^^k i NEW S T II A W B E R R Y (D¥1DY'^ SItlEl)]LICH§ THIS STRAWBERRY was raised by and has been exhibited for the last *•" isRS. HovET, of Boston, at the RooRid of the the Society** j'b Seedling, irieties. have pronounced it to be Massachusetts Horticultural Society, and Premium, although in competition wjti Downton, &c. Gentlemen, well acquaii , seen the Bed in full bearing, and they ""h ,^^^ „. ^ ^ , tho largest, most handsome, best flavoured, most productive, and hardy vaiicty they have ever seen. — Boston Horticultural Magazine. The Subscriber received Plants of the above Strawberry from Messrs. Hovcy three years ago, and they have stood the last three winters without the loss of a single Plant The Price then was ISs. 6d. per dozen. "^Thev are now offered at the reduced Price of 5a. per dozen, or, by the hundred, 258 ' Toronto, 1846. '">HN GRAY. European Grape Vines, for VlnerleSi &c. rpHE Subscriber can furnish the following superior kinds of Grape X Vines, raised fiom the aye, at 2s. 6d. per Plant ;— Black Haniburg. Black Zinfindal, Black Sylvana, Biack Prince, White Sweet Water, White Frontenac, White Muscat of Alexandria, White Assyrian, Goldwi Chasselae, and Red Frontenac. l ' 'I he Subscriber has had the opportunity oflMting mostof these yanetwB, in the Vineries at ivoseciai!; (iho bcuI vi VV. U. JaiViS, -Tjoq./, ana nc csn "warrant them true to their name. ^„ . ,, Toronto, 1846. JOHN GRAY. HKRALD OF7rC£:"rYPOO r36|, YO.VQB BTIlBBT, TORONTO. VET, of Boston, he Rooms of the ned the Society's Pl^ Seedling, rieties. have inounced it to be ctive, and hardy izine. rry from Messrs. I winters witltout ler dozen. '*TJiey by the hundred, )HN GRAY. 181 8lC. kinds of Grape Black Hamburg, B Sweet Water, Assyrian, Goldwi of these varietiei, _ V 1 \^j^ ^ _--_ OHN GRAY. RONTO.