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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent ia m^thode. irrata to pelure, n a □ 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 PR I ^ i t , ■ i ,/ ';i ^' 1^ 1 ffiSTORTCAL Sketch, OP STEPS TAKEN TO BRING ABOUT AN UNION OF THE PRKSBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CANADA WITH THE CANADA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. xn. xaee xa7o« /v* %. BJ&. UNION OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CANADA M'lTH THE tfamula i^tobytcvian tfhurch. t\- 5 A L'di'dial union of the ditfcreiit braiR-hos of the Pi'osbyterian Cliurchus ill Cauada, has for t^ome years past boeu an ol)jert of deep solicitude by many ; but ever since the union of the Free Church \' ith the United Tresbyteriau in ISGI, that solieitude became trroatly ill nsilied. Between 18Gt and 1860 frequent interviews took plaeo betu.'en Khlers of the different cliurclies in this city, as to the best means of bringin;;- about this most desirable ol)jeet ; which resulted in a united meeting of Elders, in the liouso of J. C, Beckct, No. 12 Brunswick Street, Beaver Hall, when wore ])reseut rcproseutativcs from the difltjrent Presbyterian Churches iu the city. After a full and free interchange of sentiment, there seemed to be entire harmony of opinion, and the following Rcsolutiou Avas unaniiu«usly adopted; Resolr.ed,~"T\\i\l .1. llediiaUi, T. A. Uihsoii, J. S. Jluiifor, J. C. Beckot, and Archibald Ferguson, Man?fiold Sticot, Iio a t^iihCauiuittoo to draw uii lU'S'diitions, to 1)0 pi'o^pnfcd at our next uioeling." The next meeting took place on tl.e 1 Ith of Ma^-h, and the following is the minute uf said meeting : — At an adjnirno'l niceliiig of Elders held this evening iu the house of Mr. J. C. B.ckct, to consider the (pifstion of Union between all the Presbyterian Churches of Canada, the various Congregations were represented by the undormentioncd Elders. Those marked thus C^-) being absent froiii the Meetiiur, dr-sire to record their ap- proval of the Besolutions. f t. I* if X St. Andrews Ciiuhch. — J. S. Hunter, ^^^ James Coudie, ^'Thomas Watson, James Mitcliell, *M. Ramsay, Erskine Church. — G. Ro^t^'irs, J. C. Becket, L. Puton, \V. King, i). Mackay. *James Walker. St. Paul's Church. — W. Clui^.tio, A. i'erguson, Mansfield Street; G. Macdonald, T. A. (libson, W. Pioss, -'-Jrhn Grcen^hiclds, ''^George iMKcnzie. Knox's Church. -\V. M'lJean, K. Muore, \V . lluwan. Cote St. Church.— J. Kedpath, A. Ferguson, Belmont Street, A. Stevenson, '''F. W. Torrance, -^-J. Campbell, ■••A. MeGoun, '''J. PI im soil. Cote des NEKiEs.— W. Boa, W. Brown. Mr. Kedpath being called to the chair, re(iu(.!3ted Mr. Piogers to open the meeting with prayer. Mr. J. C. Becket was appointed Secre- tary. The minutes of last meeting, approving of the Union, were read and confirmed. The Chairman .stated that the SubCummittee appointed at last m^.'eting had prepared the following Bc.solutiuns fur the consideration of this meeting : — Jlf.nolr'J, ]. Th.Tt it is tlio uniiiiiiiuni- jiid^iiRMit nI llii: incvtiii.;, lliat whatever diiri.'ieiicc.s of ii|iiiiiuii may have cxistcil, at the time of the dL'^niiition of the Chiiroli of Scothiiid for following the same course in Caiiatla, the perioil has arrived when the (,'hurcli in thi.-; country, ean bo unitdt with great advantage to the interests of Cliristianity, ospc-ially of our common faith, and without iii- terfcrenoo with the eonscicntioua conviction.'- of an}- of its moiiihert!. 2. I'hat tliis dosirablo end may bo accoui|ilit^hod in accordance with l^re.s- byterian 'jtrincijdos, tiio Elders now present agree to bring the subject before tlieir respective sessions, for their consideration, and witli a view to general Sessional approval (>f such ]iroposcd Union ; and tlicy also pledged thonisolves, to use every oilier ]ios,-^lbl;3 and legitimate method td bring about it.s conrniin- riiafion. ■ 1. That thiff nieeling i;> cucouragod and fortilicd in the steps which it has now taken, by the exam]do and e.xporienco of their l^rcsbyterian brethren in Australia, who havi> been lately united into one liody, under one General As- spuibly with the apjiroval of tho Supreme Ecclesiastical Courts in Scotland. 4. That a joint Committee of Elders be and is hereby appointed to issue these resolutions to all office-bearers of tho rrcsbytcrian Congregations in Ca- nada, with a view to obtain a general expression of opinion upon tho subject \ /^-^^^ -Z'Ik /^ C^ //^.^ ^^' V^-'- herel nail) I UunI ./V^' In in As- Issuo Ca- llJGCt Iktu'ui .-ul)iuiitL'il, aii'l tint ili" Cninniittcc ron i-t oi' tin.' fullnw in;; >;uii(lciuon, namely : J. r. lii'lvLt, A. FiTgusor, .Maii.-ifu-M ,"^tni,t; .Inlin Roilpalh, J. S. Hunter, W. Rowriii. After a lull iiiul (Vee discu.s.sluii, the iibovo rosnlutidiis \vcro titianlinously luloiitcij, and in iicL-oruancc thorowitli the Coiumittce tL"l to prepare ;i ciroular and i.ave thoni s(>nt as soon ;is possible, in order tliat the mind of the Churohes may bo ascertained, on tliis very iniportant subject, befure the ajtproacldng meeting oI' Synod, I R U L A R . Dear Uubtiiiien The above resolution-^ testily to the niiatiimity which pi' \ails, among the lay Elders of all the rresbyterian Churches in this City, with rcfrard to (he irreat (jucstion ol' Union. IJelievini: then as we do that such I'liiou mu,-t tend (o promote the Redeemer's Kingdou), and to the advancement ol' His Church in these Provinces, wc trust and pray that the scheme may meet with a hearty approval and be speedily consummated, tlirougliont the length and breadth of the hind. \\'(/ arc assuredly I'lr Irom being indifferent to the basis and conditions on which it must finally be effected, but consider a sessional discussion of these at present, to be premature and unnecessary. Once let the faet be established, that the Ministers, Eiders and members of the Churches generally, ar«> convinced of the desirability of being united, and we feel asurej that no insurmountable obstacles will present thomselves. We must assure you, our brethren in the Eldership throughout the Provinces, we have only ventured to take the initiative, fiom a conviction that further delay would be prejudicial to the cause. Wo entreat therefore that you will be kind enough, to take the earliest opportunity of laying the above resolutions before your Ijrethrcn in session and let us know the result without delay, lleplies may be addressed to the undcrsigi\ed, (jju. of Com., _^JuiiN C. iJEf'KKT. The next meeting took place oa the 29th of May, by which time fully two-thirds of each of the two branches of the Church II V vV . ..v" ^>* /^;rf G bought to be'iiiiilLMj, .soiil. ill aiisiwors, lii,i;lily a|)i»n»viii.; nl' the rcsulu- tions submitted. This was a result, which tho most sauj^uiac did not anticipate; it only proveil, however, that the timo was at hand when the ('nion .>ouL;ht, would ]h^ necoinjilisheil. Tlie m'xt step to hv. taken was lor eaeh represeiitativ*; Elder, in his place, in Presby- tery and Synod, to pu>h forward the Union. The carrylni:; out of the above re-olulion, was almost entirely frustrated, liy the abseu'^e of all the eity representative Elders from Synod, owinij: to the lirst Fenian Ivaid, whieh took plaee in both Provinces, just about the time the two Synods were to meet. In 1807 k 18GS, however, the matter was a,i;'ain revived, and decided pro- <;ressmade, so that in tlu' meetings of Synod in 18()0, the seed .sown in LSOTi did bear fruit, even to an " hundred fold;" as evidenced by the followinu' extract from tie' Minutes of the lir^t meeting of the Joint Committee, appointed on the subject td' I'nion by tlic Supreme Courts of tlie following Cjiurehes. wliicli met at Montreal, and within St. Paul's Church there, on the li^th Sept.'Uiber, 1^70, \iz. The J^resbyterian Church of Canada in connexion with the Church of Scotland— The Canada Presbyterian Church — The Presbyterian Church of the Maritime Provinces in coiuu'xion with the Church of Scotland, and the Presl)yterian ('hurcli of the liower Provinces met ording t(,) the call of the re.>;pective Conveners of the Committees. Present, the Uev. Dr. (,'ook, tlie Picv. Principal Snodgrass, D. I>., lMinistr, Cook was appointtd Cluiinnan, and tlu- Uov. Dr. Topp, 8t'Crot;iry. Tho niortiiit;' was constituted with )'i;iy< r liy tlir lltv. hi'. Tiiylor. Extract uiiiiutcs (if the Suprcnic CVmrts wire read, ;i,s also tlie letter of" tlu; Jlev. Dr. Urmist;»n itl" llaniiltnn, on the ground oi' which, and of the sentiments cxjtrossed theri'in, the said action nl' those Churches was taken. The Chairman dpened th(! husincfes by rclbrring to the dcsirahleness and expediency of Union botwoon the Churches leprosontod by this meotinir, inasmucdi as they hold the same ductrino an allowed, and L'. Tli;it lln' ii-.' nf the Shnrl.T Catechisiii he fiijoiiicd as an ;intlinrli-)r!\ c cxjHwitiiiii nl' diMirini' Inr tln' in.-tructi'iii nf thi' III. That this Chiirih .■shall maintain fraternal relations with I'n sliytt'iian Chnrclu's huldint^ the same doctrine, and «:^overnment and diseipline, and that Ministers and I'rohationers .'■hall be received into the Church, suhject t(i sueh r.-nlalions as the Churidi may from time t > time adopt. Till jniiit (^(inimitte(>, in ordif to brinti; tlie other matters con sidercd by tliiin ' .de' the notin- nl" their respective Churches, resolvt! to rtport as they hcrcliy do hy transmittiiiL;- the minutes duly si'.;iK(l and attested." Till' Cmnuiitti'i! unanimously resolved to meet at eiglit o'eloek p. m. to engage in religious services, in prayer and thanksgiving to Clod, Ibr the spirit of unity and brotherly love, poured out upon them in all their deliberations. At same place and date, 8 o'clock p. m. The joint Committc.-! nut ami \\as constituted with prayer. Kev. T)r. Taylor in the tdiair. This being a meeting mainly for devotional exercises, i^fr. Pol- lock read the 37tli chap, of Ezekiel, after which, the Kev, Dr. Jenkin«s being present, was rcrjuested to engage in prayer. After one or two addresses from ^lember.s, the Chairman read part of ]Tth (diap. of John, and iMr. Christie afterw^ards engaged in praj-er. The Comniittec then unanimously resolved to record their thanks to the Trustees of tliis Chun li for tlieir kindness in granting tlu^m the use of it for their meetings, and also the Christian friends in jMontreal, who have with so much heartiness and generosity extended their hospitality to the }iiembers of these Committees. After singing the last two verses of the 72d Psalm, and the Benediction by tlu' Chairman, the meeting was closed. rnTNTED r.Y .TOITX T. BUCKET, ST. JAMKS STRrHT, MOVTRE.U., 10 MINUTES OF THE JUIN'l' COMMITTKE < Committee^; appoIntLd ou tlie siilijcL-t of Uuioi; by tliL' Tupreiue f .viaim-. of the I'lllowiii.; Churchej*, \'a- The PreiTby- tevian Cliurch ffCmailu. iu cf.ntiexion vith the Churcli of Scotland --The Cauadu Pj .^k.^rtnaa L'huroh— Th.- Presbyteriau Church of the Maritiuie ProiTga^e: in cunniaion with the Church of ."Scotland. and the Pre-..lTJ'tr» in CKurLh of tho Lower Proviuccs mot according; to the call of tuc re;;-tire Conveners uf tlie^e Committi;cs. PrcsLDt. Tixt Dr. Cool:, the Piev. Principal Huod:ira.<.s. D. D., Minist^-r., TruaL iL; fion. Alexaud>.r Morris, Mr. James Croil. and Mr. Nitl MtDiiai-ai. Elders of thi! Presbyterian Church u^ Canada in coEiiez:;.>iiK -TTith the Church of Scotland ; Tin; Piev. Dr. Taylor, The Rev. p. .^irt Tre, The Rev. Dr. Topp, Minister?, with The Hon. John M..Marri.:h, Mr. David Mackay and Mr. Timmas McPiae, Elder? cf ifce Can-ada Presbyterian Church : Tht; Rev Allan Pollok. TU R^v. G. M. Grant, and the Rev. Donald McRae Ministers, Tvitii tLt Hon. John Robertcon, the Hon. John Holmes, and Mr. James J. Bceiuner, Eldtir.- of the Church of the Zvf uritime Provinces in conE^jo with the Church of Scotland : The Rev. Dr. Bayne; The R^x. .Xinieis Bennett, and the Rev. G. Christie, Mi- nisters with Mr. Htiuy Webster, and Mr, David Laird, Elders of the ProsbyU-^Ian Gsiareb. of the Lower Provinces. 'IMit' lu'\. hr. ('.•«. L \v;i-- ;iiii-uiiiU'(l Cliaii iiiaii, and lln' luv \h\ Topp, lS»'i Ti'tarv . 'I'lu' iiiri'tiii'.', wa- ri>ii>titiitrd witli luaNi'i' bv tli<' Krv. IM'. 'ra.vlor. I']xt vai't llliml(l■■^ III" the Siipri'iiic Couits nl' tlic vaiums CIiuh'Ih's aiiiH>iiitinL' tlu' ('(Miiiuitti'i's wtTt' n-ad, as aKo llu' Irttrr ul tlu' \\c\ . Dr. Oiniistim nf llamilttMi, ( ii tlu' i^rduml d' wliicli, and o[ tlic ■sontinionts fxpr '-sv'tl tlu'i-i'iii, tlu- said action ol'tlirsi" ('lniri'luvs was takoii. Tlu' CMiaiiman ujh'IUhI tlu' busiiu-ss hy i\'lcrrlnu' to tlio iK'sira- bli'iu'sa and oxpi'dioiu'v oi' I'nion lit'twccn the ('limidics rt'|U'i'st'iitc(l by this Jiu'i'tiiiLi', Inasuuudi as thi'_\ bold tiio same dortrino and uovoniuu'iit anil disi'ipliiu'. I. All prcsi'nt woi'i' ol" opinion that lor many and stroiij;' roasons, it was desirable to havt' a union of the I'rosliytL'rian Churi'iu's within British North Aniorica, and that tlu're was on tlu' ground ol' principlo no obstaido to said I'nion, if it woio ai'i'oiuplishod on the basis of tho Holy 8i'ri[>tuivs, as the Supromo Standard of I'aith Mid manners, witii the Westminster C\)nlession of [''aith, as the Snbordi- i):'.ti' Standard, itbeinp, umlerstood, 1st, That full lilurtv of opinion in rei',ard to the power and duty o[' the I'ivil Magistrate in matters of roli!';ion, as M-t I'orih in said Confession, be allowed ; and 'Jiid, That tl'.e use «if tht' Shorter (\iteehism be enjoined as an authoritative 1'jX- po;ution ot'dcH'trine for tlie instrui'tion of our people. II. With r.'j'ard to the name b\ whi>h the lulled (Miureh shall bi" IvUown. it was proposed and unanim"U>ly agreed to, that the name should be •• The l'resl>\ terian Chureh of l!riti->h N. rth Ame- riea," III. Till" uiei'tlu'.' also resoht'd 'o reeiud tlu'ir opinion that thi-; United I'hui-eh sh'Uild maintain fraternal ndation-^ with Tres- bytorian Churehe-^ holding-, the same doetrine and j:ovi>rnment and diseipline — ami that ministers and probationer^ should be reeeived into the (Miureh subjoit to sueh ri'julations :i> the (Miiireli in:iy friun time to time adopt. l\ . It was also ncroed that the i;eiu>nil polity, laws and forms of proeodtire be settled by the I'nited Chureh, ami eomi)iled i'nun - I ^ such riilo ;i.s iii;iy li.ivr Ik'cii in tiirfc in the rf.-|ii'cti\(' ( 'liiiii'lio:^, or Iniiii (itlicr Ixioks nl' rrohvti'iiaii l:i\v :iinl mdi r ainl tliat in tin- nirantiiiif ("liurcli ('iniits coiulmi tlicii- lMisinr>.s acconlinL; to the rrco-ni/.iil juinriplo and lurnis nl'tln' l'rc.-li\ Inian Cliiinh. Adjnui !H-i! Id niri't at il (I'llork. and cIummI with |ira\ir. -lOllN COOK, |) |) , r/Kiininni. ALi:\.\M)i:il TolM\ I) h., Sa'nhir/. At ,"> ii'clock, ^ainr day and plai , tlir .oint ( 'nniniil tre nirt and was conslitntt'd with |ira\rr li\ the l!rv. I'l'. I>ivin'. SnU'iunt as hfl'orc. The lli'v. \h\ I'duL, Chaiinnn, iIh' IIi'V. I'i'. Tojip, Sc- crrtary . 'I'hc niinutc> 'd' t hi' |iri\iini> nit'ctni:; wiic and >u>tainid. \ . 'I'lii'if was nnw suhndltcd tor the run ^hicr at i'Mi >A tho iniu't in.; the i|in'>lii'n I'l' the ajipliral inn id' tli>' i rni|iiiialil ii;,' l'"nnd in thi" liands id I 111' I'loliN Iri'ian ( duiii-h I'f t 'ana la in rnnniXi'Mi witli ihr ( dm II h 111' Sri il land. 'Idir llnallln|lln.■^ ii|iiiiiiin \\a>. lli il thr vr.-trd I rdii> id ihr |ir«'si';i! hi'nciiriarit's id' thr l''niid must It I'nn.x r\i d. The iiialli 1' I'T a Sii>li ntatiiMi l''iind was iMun'.dil ii|t in rnniU'xiiMi with the 1 jiu'slinn iiuw nndi T disi.'ii.-'^iiin , .MtiT li'ii'.',tlirm'il ili'li!)i'ial nm it was icsidvrd that, whilst a iii'iirral Snstcntatiitii Fund may imt hi' in llic iiirantinn' |iratM ii'ahir, tlioii'.di hi'jldv di'siraldi', tin' rliurts id' llir I iiitrd tdinirli sluMild hi' stroiii'ly dirt'rtid in I'avnnr ct' llunn' .^lis- .-iunarv I'l" (Mmri'li Ms tension imrposcs. And as to ihrl'ntnre aj^pro- piiation ol'lhi' 'I'oniporalit irs' iMind a.^ \i'st»'d ri'jlil^ radnally lapse, it was liioii'.'ht hi'st to express no speeial opinion at pl'i'M'iit, inasinneh as the deei^ion on the suhject rest > with the Synod o|"tho I' (diiireh id' Canada in eonnesion willi the Cliiireli oT Seotland. \ I . W'itii r'"j,ard to Modes of Woi'sh'p, it wa-, al'ter some eoiuec- sation on the siihjeot, resolved, liiat the [uaetiee presently followed hy CoMi;rei:atioi\s in the inattiu- of worship, should he ailowed, and that t'nrlher aetioii in eoiniexioii therewith he lofl to tl;e legislation of the Cnited CMiureh. \'ll. 'riie suhjeet (.»f ColloL;i;ito Kdueation was then taken up. There wass full expression of soutlmout thereon ; I'Ut the hour . !»., <'h^,n,w>n. AMiXANhKi; Tol'l', !», I>., ;;.-/,/, ,,y. At ?Hmc I'l-ic:- i)n th', :':'tli ,V|,(.,„|„,. i ,!i^ |i,, ,h,,,jf (,,,„. mittec a<,Miu iiirt, mpl um: (n.h tiliit' ■! \viH, {.i-.w '.; tli' R- ,-. Jamer^ Beniiftt. iVilrutit as btlniT. \\v li' v. 1 h . Cofik, ( !i 'iim m, ih !{rr. Dr. Topp, oecretary. Tlir Hiitjutr.. nfpr-vious mootiD;; ^verc rcrl unci ^-uitainc-l. Tlie 3ubitiCt of Colic riatr Kiluoatinn wu.- v uui: cl. c!" 1 CiHi.nJ- eraticn of the . amc- continue!-! til! the. h<;nrnl rli';'in-!iii: ut, 1 ■, (lu'k. 1 lie- 111 etin_: th- n adjourned and elo: c 1 nitli pia^a. .lOIIN COOK, D. D.. aw/w.^K ALEXAXDEE TOI/P. D. D„ ^,creijr:j. Same day and place, .io'cluck, 'riie Joint Cumnjittcr nvA md ■n-a? coastitiitcd with praypr hy the Finv. l>maM i\lri;,ir. I'^fderunt ap berorc. The Rrv. Ih. Cook, Ch-iii innii, Tlr Irv. Dr. T'lpp, 8(:orotary. Tho r-uh|rrt ol' Cnllr^^iiitr ridMf\iticiu v,a,- n rtini' d I'^^fn'cral motion., were proposed, hut th'- con-.ideration of the- .--uh- jcot was Oth I'-'eplcndjer, l-^VO, the Joint Committee met and ua.. con tihited Avith prayer hy th- Tl'^v. n. Christie. •fi r; ;i Sederunt a:- bcroi-\ The Kcv. Dr. Cook, Chairman. Thr "Rev. P. Topp, f>ccrctary. Thr minulc.^; nl' thr two |>rrviiMi> inert in J,?-, were rrnd an'l j-ustaintMJ. Thf inert in'.r rrsunicil run; i(l( r.itinu ('I tin ul'i'it n\ ('cillr i;)t'^ Erlucatiun, when th-' lolldwin;' luulinii I'ti'jn. (fl l.y tin IImm. AI' a ancler Morris, and .sceomleil by th; Hun. .Inlni llubert.-nn \va,^ una nimoutly adopted, vi/. The joint Committee rc.olve to recommend that the carnci.>t attention :^a- tions will be exj'ccted to contribute, and th;;t i;i tl;c meantime the service., of an actuary be secured to ', ahio thr differen* Funds now in existence, and to ,-,ubmit an enuitabl" phn fur the ■^-taMihmer't ano Ifut uri' mana-'.-omf nt ul tl,. !•■ unc Tl le 111- tin ippoiuti thr Idllowin:: eonnnittti , vid -Th in: Chairman and ,'• •■|,f.,i-y with tin- ''MH'.fnn nf the respective Commiltte, . th<- lien. Alexander .Mom,, and the Hon. John McMur- ricb, to prepare a document cmbodyin;;- the result.'^ of th^-se m'-ft whirh mieht br :-iibmitt''d fo the respceti'»e Clmvh <".=;. Adjiuinu d .Old elofed with prayer. JOHN COOK, r.D., Ch.ilnnj.n. ALEXANDER TOPP, \).T)., ^^ r^.tary. At ]^Iontreal and within St. I'aul's Ch.ureh thin, at 5 o clock 30th September 1870. The joint Committee met after adjournui'nt and was constituted with prayer by tlie Chairman. Sederunt (he Kcv. Dr. Cook, the Pvcv. Principal Siiod;j;ras.?, D.D. Hon. Alexander Morri.s INfr. Croil, J\'lr. Sheriff Me Dou-all, the Kev. Dr. Taylor, the Kcv. Dr. Topp, the Kcv. Rubort Urc, Hon. John McMurri-di, Mr. David Mackay, .Mr. Thomas ]NreKio, the Rev, h uiaMMtei 6 Alhiri I'nll.jk, the Kev. G. M. (Ini-:, the liev. Donald McKae, Hon. John Jlobcrtson, lion. John llohnes, Mr. James J. Bremncr, l!<'v. Dr. Iliyiir, lUv. Jaim.'.> Bennett, the l\cv, G. Christie, Mr. 1 1( iiry W'rli.-ti r aii'l ^Ir. David Laird. Th(' luv. Dr- L'liok, Chaii'inan, the llev. J)r. Topp, Secretary, The niinuti'.-j ol' the [irevious Meetini^- were read and su.staiued. The Conimittet! .ippointed in tlie forenoon, reported that tho fill lowing; minute, drawn up in accordance with the instructions given thi'iii, should lie adopted as the ch)sin!.;' minute of tlie Joint Commit- tee. This was uiiaiiiniimsly ai:;reed to. '• The members of this Committee in brinfrinii' their deliberations t(i a close, desirt! to record tlieir threat satisfaction at the entire har- mony of seiitiuieut whieh lias prevailed amou'j,' them ou the subject of Cuiou, and uenerally with n'.:aril to all matters of detail atfecting the i)racticability <,>f the contemplated Union, and now in tin; belief that the liopes of tlu; neL;ntiatiivj,- Chunduis will throuuh the blessing of (iod ]je realized. unariinnMisly resolve to report to their respective Churches that the followin.;, articles be recommended to be adoptiMi as the basis of Cnion for the Ciiited ('lini<'h to b(> known uiidraycr :ind thanksgiving to God for the spirit ol' unity and brotlu'ily lovi', jmuroil out \\\nm them in all their deliberations. Adjourned and closed with priiyer. dOIIN COOK, D.D., Chairman. ALEXAXDKR TOPJV I). I). Secntnry. At same place ;ind date 8 o'clock p.m. The joint Connnittee met and was constituted with pniyer. Sederunt the llev. Drs. Taylor, Snodgrass, IJayne, 1'opji, the llev. Messrs. Christie, Cirant, PoUok, Mcllae, Hon. AlexMUiler Morris, Messrs. Croil, Mackny, Webster, McDougall, Ij.iinl. The Rev. Dr. Taylor, (IhairniMu, ;).r tlie Rev. Dr. Topp, i: tar y This being a meeting mainly for devotional e.xereises, .^l^. I'nl- loli read the 3Tth chap, of Kzel.iel, after wliichtiie Rev. l>r. .'•■nkins being present was re([ucsted to engage in prayer. After oiit' or two addresses from Members tl.v. Chairman read ]iart of 17th chap, of Jolni, and Mr. Christie afterwai'ils engaged in prayer. The Committee then unanimously resol\e(l In reeonl their thanks to the Trustees of this Church for their kindne.'^s in grantiii'.: tliem the use of it for their meetings, and also to the Cliristian friends in Montreal, who have with so much lieartlne.'^s and generosity extended their hospitality to the mend)ers of these Connnitte I'.S . After sinuimr the last two verses of the 72d Psalm, and after the Benediction by the Chairman tlu.' meeting was closed. W TAYLOR, D.D., Chair man, p. f. ALEXANDER, TOPP, DA)., Secretary. I'ql /C 9 MINUTES OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE OK THF, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES IX THr. PROVINCES OF BUITISII XoRTII AMKKICA. ON Till", SUBJECT OF UNION. At ^fuiitrciil, and ^vitliiu 8t. Paul's Church there, on the 2Gtli. September, 1871, the Coinmittees on the suliject of Union, ap- pointed by the. 8u})rcmo Courts of th(! foHowing C'hurclies, viz. : The Presbyterian Church of Canada .11 connexion with tlie Cluireh of Scotland — The Canada Presbyterian Church — The Presbyt:3rian Church of the Maritime Provinces in connexion with the Church of Scotland^ — and tlie t lesbyterian (Jhurch of tlie Lower I^rovinces — met on the call of the res{)ective Conveiu'rs of these Conimittee.-^, ;;.s a Joint Committee for the ])romotion of Union. The Pev. Dr. Cook, Chairman of tlie Joint Committee, which met in Montreal at this time last year, having opened the meeting with prayer, intimated that it now devolved upon the Committee to appoint a Chairman and a Secretary. It was then moved, se- conded, and unanimously agreed to, tliat Dr. Cook bo appointed Chairman., and that Dr. Topp be appointed Secretary. Extract Minutes of the i)roeeedings of the Supreme Courts of the aforesaid Churches were then read, re-appointing their Cora- niittces, with the, addition of three ministers suid three eldera to »aoh of them ; and the names of the members of said CommitteeH having been called, the following were present, viz. : The Rev. i! 3 Principal Snoil^'ni.s.s, JJ. !»., Tlic iUiv. i)r. (dok-, 'l'\n' Rev. Dr. Jenkins, 'I'lic liov. frcorgc; iJcll, Tini iU.v. Keniictli Miirlenuan, ^Ministers, -with tho Hon. Alexander IMoiris, ]\Ir. Jiinics (jroil, Mr. James Craip;, Mr. iJolifrt Bell, and 'Mr. Janio.s S. Hunter, Klder.s f)f tlu^ I're.sljvtcrian Clinrcli of C.'anada in connexirjn with tln^ Chundi of iScotland ; The Jlev. Dr. Taylor, 'I'lie Kcv. l)r. Topp, Tho liev. Professor Caven. Thf lliv. Thomas Mac])hers()n, The .f{cv. Dr. ^Taeviear, ^linistci-s, with Tln' Hon. doliu Mc'Mnrric;}!, Mr. David Macdcay, and ^Ir. CJeor^'e Hay, Klder.s of the Canada Presbyterian Cliundi ; TIk- JJev. Dr. Dayne, The Kev. (leor;^'^ Christie, Tlic Krv. Ifohert >Sedgewi(d<, The Uev. (ieorgo Patterson, ^linistcrs, -witli Mr. Henry 15. Webster, and .Mr. (Jeorge A. 151an- f'liard, Elders of the Presbyterian Churcli of tin.' J.,ower Provinces ; and Th(! Rev. Xeil ]5rodie, Minister of the Presl)yt( rian Cliiueh of the ^Maritime Provinces in connexion ■\vitli tlieChureh of Scotland. The Conunittee. bi-fore proceeding tsolved, tliat fur the mor<^ convenient arnl speedy transaction of business, tho sessions of Committer.' sliall l)e from 0.30, A. Vi., 1o 12.;30, P. M., from 2.:U) to 5.30, V. ^sl., and from 7.30 iji the evening till such time ;is may be determined at thai session. ( )n laotion made, and unanimously agreed to, tlie Committee resolved to take n]) consideration of tlu; Rasis of Uiiion iirst. 'i'he Basis adopted by the Joint Committee of last year was accordingly read, with the (Udiverances of the several Churches thereon. The (Jommitt(^e tlien adjourned till to-nmrrow morning at hfilf- past 9 o'clock. Closed Avitli prayer. JOHX COOK, D.D., C/iain»(o>. ALEXANDER TOPP, D.D., hien-cturu. \ At the same place, and on the 27th September, 1871, at 9.30, A.M., the Committee met and was constituted, T'he Rev. Thomas Macpherson, at tho request of the Chairman, olfering up prayer. Sederunt as before, with the addition of The Rev. David "Watson. ! 3 Minislcr, and 'Sly. ' Sin\ .Mrl)(m<,Mll, KMi-i i.l' the rrt'sl)ytorian Cliiu'cii of C!ai»;iilii in cniinoxioii willi the ( "huivh dC Scnllaiid ; Mr. John L. (lihl) ami Mr. Thoina-^ ^^c(;^u^ KhU'i's i;t' tin' Canada rn-'sbytciian Cliuirh ; '1 h(! Kcv. (Icor^c M. (".rant, 'J"hr Rev. Kobt'it ( ",. ( 'aiiicKin.'rs, and yiv. d. (I. IJrcninci-, Kldcr of tlie i'ro.shylf'rian (Jhurdi nf the Maiiti'm- I'lnvincfs in cuniii'xion ^vilh the C'liurch (d'Scntland ; an'l Thi- Rev. dani(-> IJcnnct. Mini^lcr of the Pvcshvti'iian < 'huivli of the Lnwcr rrnvinccs. 'i'hc ndnutr's of Unt nicc'iiii''- wrn- read a.i nl aoin'ii; '.'(I The (.'omniitti'*' prorfciliMl lo I'lin-^id")' the I'a-^i-; of riunii. Thi' .First Ai'ticlc ol' the llasis ivcc-Mnniidcd in la>t veal's minntcs liavinj;' been read, linal ii)n as [>> \]\:- jui-cisi' tci'ins in whifli it ^houhl lif-' oxjii'i'.sscil \va-< di'fi-iiM'd. The ('(innnittcf thi'n touk np ihc Secdud Article, and svas onga.ued in ntnsideiinL;' the same wlien the lunii- id' adjouini..t!Ul aiTivi'fl. The ( "niniiiiller aeeui'din:.',ly ailjnui'ne.l. ('lu-ed witli prayer. ■ lOllX COOK, <'/„> irmnji. ALK.XAXDKK ToPl'. I ).!)., Sami' day. at '!}, ]i.m.. tlie ( 'onnuittot> ijiet and was eonstituted. 'J'lie Rev. Ivenr 'th .Ma(.']ennaii, at the re- quest of tlie Cliairnian, oll'ei'ed up piayf-r. Tlie minutes of last mei'tini;' \V(M'i; read and apjtrDVed. Th(i Coiiunittee resumed eonsidi I'litioii y\\' the Second Article of the IJasis, and eontin;;ed therein til! •") oNdoek. when it was resolved to adjourn. I'lu.' (.'(imniittee ai'','ori1iii^ly adjourned. — ■ Closed with ]>rayer. • lOlIX COOK. D.I).. I'hairiu'Uf. ALK.X'.V.MtKi: TolM'. D.D.. S>'rrrtnni. \{ the sam(; place, and <>n t!ie sa^ne day, ~ .'M) ji.m., the ( loin- mittee met ami was constituteil, the lie\-. li(diert (1. Cameri:»n, at the request of the (Jhairuuui, olfering up [irayer. Sederunt as before. The minutes of last meetin,^' wefe read ami api)riive.l. Tho ('oniniittcc li.iviii^' taken up lurlhcr coiisiilmiticMi oi thi« Jiasis of Union, agreed to tlio followinj,' an tlic Second Article. "That tlic! AVestniinster Conlession of Faith shall form tlie Mibor- {' Ww jjeojile." It was further resolved, tliat to the Second Article of tlie lia.-,i.-> there he added this clause, viz. — " Tt bein.i,' distin(;tly uiKhistood that nothing contained in the aforesaid Confession or ( 'ate(;hisins re- j,'ardin},' the powei' and duty of the civil magistrate shall l)e. held to sanction any ])rinci]»les or views inconsistent -with full liberty rf conscience in iiuitters ol" religion." The Commitlee then atljourned. Closed with prayci'. -lOlIX COOK, D.l)., Vhairvuin. ALFA'ANDFdi TOPP, D.D., Smrhn-;,. At the .same place. 28th S(>pteml)er, i».o() A. M., Ih'^ Committee met and was constituted, the Rev. Or. Uayne. at the nv of the Chairman, olferiug up ])rayer. Sederunt as before. The minutes of last met'tin;.,' were read and a[ij)iov(Ml. The (,'ommittee having resumed consideration of the Hasi.s of Union, resolved, after full delilieration, to adopt the lolhnving as the 'Third Article of the liasis, viz: "That the goveiaunent and Avorship of this Church shall be in accoidance Avith the recognized ]irinciples and practice of Presbyterian Churches, as laid down gen- erally in 'The form of Presl)yterial Church Coverument,' and \n 'The Directory for the public worshij) of Cod.'" TIk^ Committeo then atljourned. ( 'los(;d Avilh prayer. dOIIX COOK. D.l).. Cluunnini. ALEXAXDKK' TOPP. D.D., .svr/v/^^,,. At L'.3(> P.^1., .sime day and place, the (,'ommittee met and wa^ constituted, the Jiev. Pobert SedgeAvick, at the rt'quest of the Chair- man, offering up ])rayei'. Sederunt as beiore. 5 Tlio iiiiiiutfs of last nuM'tin^' wtro rcml and appruvctl. The Conunitlfo ii'suiued cousiilciatiun d' lln- iia.sis, and aj^reod to tlio lollowin;^ as tlie Fourtli Article; "Tliut this Churcli, whilo ilieiishinj,' Christian uircction towards the wholi.' Chmch of (Jod, and desiring' to hold fraternal intercourse with it in its several branches, as oijportunity offers, sh;Ul, at the same time, ic^'ard it.self as beinj,' in such ecclesiastical relations to ('hurchi-s, huldinj^ tin? same doctrine, ^'overnment, and discij>lin(.' with itself, as that Min- isters and Probationers from these (.'hurches shall lie received into this Church, suliject to such regulations as .-hall from time to time be adoj)ted." The (^'ommillec ihcn n.'turned id iln- ci)ns.ideralii>n of the First Article of the I'asis, and resolveil to adopt tlie followiuLj as such: "That tlu3 Scriptures of tlu; < »lil and NCw Testaments, l)ein<.f the AVord of (!nd, are tlie only iidallible lule of faith and manners." It was also resolV(.'d that the title of the United Church shall be, "The l*res])yterian Church of Jlritish Xorth America." Mr. Jirodio dissented from this resolution. The Committee took up tht.' matter ui Colle<.^iate Education, and, havin<' heard read the resolutijon of (Jonnnittee last year, and the deliverances thereon of the Synod of tlu; Presbyterian (.'hurch of Canada in connexion with the Church of Scotland, and of tlu; Con- eral Assembly of the Canada Presbyterian Church, entered into the consideration of the whole subject, and continued therein till the 1 lOur of adj ournuK'iit. The ( d. omnnttee then adjourned JOHN COOK, D.D., CIndnnan. ALKXAXDKP TOPP, D.D., Sc-rrtary. At 7.30 P.M., same day and place, the (,'ommitte(^ met and was constituted, the Pev. Profess<.)r (Javen, at the i'e<[uest of the Chair- man, offering up prayer. Sederunt as before. Tho niinntes of last meeting were read and approved. The Committee having resumed consideration of the matter of ' ii ("ollogiutf! KdiK.-alinii, < uutiinKfU tlicrcin till 10 n'dork. Th'- ('nti: iniltw tlifii adjoiMiitil. rlitvcd with priiy*'r. .K tllN COOK, 1>. !>.. Chalini'ii.. AI.KXANDKK TOIT, D.I >.. .s-ov^//;; At tlif same \A\vv. mh tli.' L"Jtli ScptciiilxT. l.'^71. at W.M) A.M., lli(i('onunitt('<', nut ami was cttiistitutcd, the Ilcv. I>r. TaylDr. at tic. r.-quc'^t i)^ the Cininnau, utVcringup itiaycr. Scdcniiit as lictnri'. TIm' iiiinuli's dl' la.^t iiicctiii;^ were !c,!il ami iiprovi'il. Jlcturt' ]»ru<'('i'tliii;4 \vit!i the ivL;ular luisiuc^s ol' this .scs.-imi. tli • .M'vcnil Articles nl' tlm llasis of I'liioii, asa'^rci'il to, wi-rc irail, ami [^ ( iiiniiiitti'f (,'. to meet at :'• l'..M. Closed Avith prayer. .lOllN COOK, D.D., Chiin-niaiK ALi:XAM)i:H Tol'l", D.I). hicrt'iiw At tlie .same \)\i\ca\ and on the same day, at ."> I'.M., the Com- mittee met and Avas conslitnted. the Jiev. ( leor.ue Christie, at llie r.- qiK'st (tf the ('hairman, olVcrinj;' up prayer. Sederunt as he tore. The Kev. Dr. I'.ayne, Cliairniau y. /. The iniinites of last nieetin,i; were read and apprf>ved. 'idle Committee jn'oceeded to consider the (pie.stiou of a Sii.-i- lentation Fund tor the I'nited Church, as l)r()ught up by the extraiH, minutes of the Synoil of the Presbyterian Church of Canada in con- nexion Avith the Cluuxdi of Scotland, regardin,nin,fKr AI.KXANPF.I: TnlM'. 1 ).!».. S>rrrfnr>/. I Al 7.«'J>» I'.ii.. smi*' {ilacf ami tlay, tlir ( '((iiuniitiT Jiict aii'l was ciinstilin":*!. 'hi- ilov. 'I'hos. McI'luTSdii. at the H(|uc,st of tlu' ( "hiunnau. olS-enn-^ up prayer. 'Sederunt as IitMnrc. tlic K'cv, Dr. |ja>ne. ( 'Ijaiinitaia i>. t. Tlie ]ijiij'!i;»-» ""t" Li.^t nu'i'tiiiu wen' read and .ipprnved. 'I'lic CV'iuMii':ot«-f bavin;;- taken u]) eonsideratinii of the titli itmi- lutinii ill l.ifsl y-iis'.-i minutes, a.u'reed t(» adopt it as ii >tauds, vi/: "That -with jM-:;..:i! to niodcs of worshijt. the praeijcr presently fol- lowed liy I u:i;jii»-roktt»uis in thcj niatte'r of worship shall he allowed, and liiat I'miL^-r at/ tion in eonnexion tlii-rewitli he left to the Icjiis- lation uf the I'nuit'.'vl ( 'hureh." Tlje < 'Miuiaiiltci' t'urtlit-r a;;reed to I'i'idiniuend till' estalilishinent of an eiiiciem WLriAvs' and Orphans' Fund for the I'nited Churi'li, to wliicdi all inumE-'Lt-rs ;md eon!;rt\L,'ations -will lie expeetcil to ron- tribute; and lh.%1 iu the nieuntinu! a ( 'onnnittet- consjstin.if of Mr. Croil, C<'»nvf3iirfrr. tlie Hon, John .M(,'.Murrich and .Mr. I ). .Maekay, })(5 ap]>oiiiteultniit to this ( 'ounuittee an eipiitahie pkin I'lr tlie estalfefciEui^^riC and future niaha,:4eiiient of the Fuiel. 'Jhe ( "o3iii!uiktri-f>- then, returned to the suhJeeL ol' ( 'oHe^iate I'!du- cation, and UEuuniuKiouslv adopted the following- deliveranee: "TJiat thf nt';.,'(ttialiiu^» CBiriridies sliall enter into union, with the 'I'heolo- gical and liSttTJiry institutions which they now have; and lliat^ apjiliealiun l.>e laitiid'- to Parliannnt fur .^u(di le<^islation as will hrin^' (Queen's l'iiivir~ky an } ( 'olle;4e. Knox Collegi'. the I'l'eshyterian roUoge, Moi4lii»«!:ii. Morrin (' tJieir respective (.'hurcdies, and to presei\-e their corporate cxisieiBCi*. >]^JVtTnment and functions, on terms and rondi- tions like to llu'Of^." ttnder whieh tliey now exist." Till! (.'omiuiltec then inljuurneil. ( !lost'd wiili prayer. JAMKS li.WNK, D.I)., dhtlnaa,,, p. t. ALKX A N J )i:i; TOPI', 1)1)., Secretary' At till- sanif j.liKc, 30tli St.'i)t(;niht!i. 1871, at 0.30 A.M., tlio Committoo met and was (.'oiistitutcil, llio llev. (ieorf;c I'cll, sit the rcMiuost of tlui Chairman, uffi'riiiH: up pmycr. Sodoruut as beibrf.', Avitli tlic (>xc('i)ti(»n of Profcssur ('avcn. Rov. David Watson. M\. ^VlcDougall, Hon. Ak'.xandcr .Moiris. Mi. .McKac. Mr. Hay, and Mr. (jihl). Dr. liayne, ("iK'.innan, y. /. The minutes n|' last nu'ctint;' wimi' rcml and a])i>rovod. 'I'lic ('onnnittcc lia\int; taken np the inattrr ol' the proj)0.sfnl distribution of tin; Temporalities' l'\ind, alre'ady r(derrod to in a previous minute, agreed tn the following didiveranco: "That tlu- Committee regard with nnu'h satisfaction and appnjval the proposed distribution of the Temporalities' Fuml, as ^n\v. which may largely promote the interests of certain important Sehomes of tlie Church; but, arc of opinion that tlie object rcconnnended liy tin; Synod of the ]'rcsl)ytorian Church of Canada in connexion with the ('hurch of Scotland, as to the payment df a sum of two hundred dollars per annum to every minister on the Synod mil, to wliom th<^ benefit of the Temporalities' Fund does not yet e\t(.'nil, may Ite as elliciently and conveniently carried out by said Synod in another way accept- able to all ]iarties." Tlie Coiiiuiittee llun adjourned. Closed with ])rayer. JAMES IIAYNK, D.D., 67/. ^ ALKXANDFdl TOPI', D.D., >Srnrtary. At sami' place ami on the same day, at l'..">0 1*. M., the Com- mittee met and was constituted, the ]icv. (Jeorgo M. Grant, at the reqiiest of the Chairman, offering up prayc.-r. Sederunt a.s be- fore. Dr. Dayne, Cliairman, y>. /. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The Committee, after full deliberation, resolved to recommend that .«>uch legifilatiou should be sought an shall preserve undisturbed id\ the ri<,'hts of property heloiiLfing tu imlividual cuiigregations and corporate bodies entering into the projiosed l^nion. Other matters reg;irdin<; tlie ])ra('tieul work of the ('hureli, and the eonstitntion uf tlie (Jeneral Assembly of the United Chnreli, oecujtied till' nttcntion nf tlic ( '(»niinitlee till the hnui' nf adjourn- ment. Xotiee was '/ivt-n of a motion, as thi' tirst l)usincss (»n Monday mornin_L,% ti:> rt'-ciuisidiT tlie ics(duti(in adopteil on the matter of Col- locriate Kihu-ation. The ( "ummittcr then adjourncM]. Closed vilh prayer. .lAMKS i'.AYNK. \y.\\. C/i'umi'Di, jk I. ALKXANDKK T()1M», \)A).. Srrrrf, >,■>/. At the same ].laee. 2nd October, 1S71, at '.l.oO A.M., the Conunittee met and was constituted, thi; JJev. l'rineii)al Snod* gTcVss, at the request of tin; Chairman, ollerinff up }>rayer. Sede- inint — the iJev. Drs. Snodgrass, Cook, Jenkins, ]>ayne, Taylor, T^Ic- Vi;;ar, T'opji, the ilv.v. ^SFcissrs. ^VrePherson, llennet, (Christie, Sedge- wick, ]jel], MeLemian, (Jrant, ( "ameron. tlie Hon. flohn ^rc^Murrieh, Messrs. liremner, (Jroil, Hell, D. ^Maekay. 1 )i'. I'ayne, Chairman,/'./'. The minutes of last meeting were read and apjuoved. A motion was made, duly seeoiuleil. that the Committee re- consider the resolution aditptcd on a ju'evious day icgarding Col- leg.v.te Education. It was unanimously resolve(l to do so. Th i^'ommittee agreed to spend some time in iniploriii,^; the l)ivine guidunee on tins imjiortant matter. This having lieen done, and the matter hav n. certain resolutions were sidtmitt lUi. h cell taken iij» for consi( lerati( (Mt Tl lese \<{'iv :u ider discussion v>hen the lioui' of a/. At 2.30 P.^St.. s.uiie place and day, the ( 'onmuttei' met and was «onstituted, the Rev. I)r. denkins, at the request of the chairman, offering uj> prayer. Scjdenint a> bci'ore, I)r. i'.ayne. chairman, /). /. iHM 10 pi' 111. Dill Tlic iiiimiU's (jj' liisl iu(,(.'lii)n- wcir nad and ai)piin'(;il. 'J'lic ( 'niiiiiiittt'c resumed ('(jiisidc^ratioii ui'llio iiialtor ol' (/ollogisito Educatio]!, and a.^rccd tliat i^r.v the dclivcrauiM.' of tin: L'Ulli Si'ptfm- bcr, on lliat suliject. tli'' lolldwing rcsnlulions hr^ adDjilcd: 1. Tliat inasniMclius the (,'anada I'icsl»ytcrian( 'limrli lias I'l'solved to raise two Imiidrcd and lil'ty tliousaiid ilolhus I'or the cndownicnt, of its 'J'licnl(iLfi<;al Jnstitutioiis, it lie ivciinnucndcil [n the Synod of the Prcsljyli-riaii ('Imivli o|' ( 'anada in connexion wiili tin' ('hurfli of (Scotland, to jii'oviilo such iurtlicr tiidowmcnt to thi' Faculty (. t" .Vrls in (^luccn's ( 'nllcijv as to it, nia\' ajipcar necessary or desiraMc. '2. 'J'liat Tutorial ^\orl<. in rclatiou in the Literai'y and Scientific titudioR ol' students for tlie niiin--ti'y l^e n^i cmiicd (,n in c(Uin(.'\ion with the 'i'licologieul Institutions nf tjie I'nitcil ("hiu'ch in <)ntar!(' and (^>uel)ec : liut that ])i'ini.-inn he made ly the Tnit-d ( "luinih for such work in (.luefn's Culjc'e. Kin^stun. and in Morrin ( 'olloae, (^uolx'c, 3. That the Theoloiiical department of (^Mieen's ('allege and that of ]\Iorrin (,'ollege, and the J'resbyterian (Jollegf', Montreal, shall ho united into one College, sitiiati.'d at !^^ontroal. 4. 'J'hat tlio 'riK.'idogieal College thus lornied ;il Montreal shall hi' govern(^d in geiiei'al accordance "with the provisions of the eliartci' of the Presbyterian College, Montreal. 5. That the three Theological Colleges of the I'nited (Tnircli, vi/. : at llalifix, ^Fontreal and Toi'onio. shall he alliliated with (^hleen's College, s(j as to he represented in the University Si-nate. 1. For I'unl'erring degrees in Divinity. •_'. For taking sueh share in the governnK.Mit of the Tnivor- sity as may hi) j)roper in I'elati m to the ])reparatory training of stu- dents for the ministiy. G. That the present I'rincipal of Morrin ("(dlege shall Ije invit^xl by the General Assem))ly of the Cnited Churcdi t(; !«' tin; iirst Prin- cipal of tin' Tlu.'ologieal College at Montreal, that an ither Tiieologi- cid Professor .shall l>e so invited from (,)ueen'.s College, ami that in the event t>f Ids declining the invitation, such Professor shall 1).' nominatetl by the Presbyterian Clnu'ch of Canada in connexion with the Church of Scotland. 7. That the legislation necessary to elfect the i egoing changes shall be sought, and that ap[ilication bt; made to Parliament for sucli II.; : 11 logisliitioii, in ('(Miforniity ^vilh ihc said ''haiD^^rs. as will brii-;^- (^Hieeii's University and College, Knox College, The Presbyterian College, Montreid, ^lorriu College, and the Theologieal Hall, at Halifax, into relations to the United ( liurcli, similar to tlinsc whieli they now hold tn IJK'ir rcsjiectivc cliurrhes, and tn prcscrvr IJKiir cnriiorate ex- istcnee, government and I'uiictions, nn terms mid conditinns like to those nndcr wliieli they now exist. I'rini'ipal iSnodgrass dissented IVom these n\sohitinii,^ iurreasoTis, v.diicdi, it was agreed, he niiglil, if in' tliought ]in»])rr, send to tin- .Secretary. Thef 'omniitlee I'lirllicr agreed lu exjin'ss their ])eo])le ill behalf of the work of Clirist in the Dominion and throughout the world. It Avas agreed alsd by the ('(imudtlee that tlie llasisdf I'nion for •>i:e United ("hundi, to be known as "Tii" Presbyterian (Jhurch of lirilish ^*'orth America," as revised and made up from the previous Miinute.s l)y the Committee ap[)oiuti'(l IVu- that purpose, be as follows: 1. That the Sei'iiitiu'es of tlie ( >ld and New Testaments, being tlie word of Cod, are the tudy infiUible rub of faith and manners. 2. That the "Westminster Confession of Faith shall form the .subordinate Standard of this Church, that the Jvirger and Shorter Catechisms shall be ado})ted by the (Tiurch, and appointed to be used for the instruction of the people; it being distinctly uiulerstoi^d that nothing contained in the aforesaid Confession or Catechisms regarding the power and duty of tlu; civil magistrate sliall be, held to sancti(m any prininples or vitnvs inconsistent with full lilierty of conscience in matters of religion. 12 IP o. That the government and Avorship of this Clmrch .sliall be in accordance with the recognized princii)le.s and practice of Presby- terian (.'hurche.s, a.s laid down generally in the '• Form of l're«by- terial (Jhurch ( Jovernment," and in " The Directory for the public worsliip of God." •i. That this Church, while cherishing Christian aflcction towards the whole ( -hurdi of God, and desiring to hold fraternal intercourse Avith it in its sricveral branches, as opportnnity oilers, shall, at the sanui time, regard itself as being in such ecclesiastical relations to Cliurches, holding the same doctrine, government and discipline with itself, as that ministers and prol)ationers from these Churclus shall be received into this Church, subject to such regulations as shall from time to time be adopted. The Conmiittee agreed to send a copy of these minutes, including the above Ikisis, as their report to the .Supreme Courts of the several C'hurches. It was also resolved that a co])y of the resolutions on Collegiatf^ Education be sent to the Boards of tlie various Institutions referred to in these resolutions. The Committee then adjourned. Closed witli prayer. JAMES ]5AY^'E, D.I)., Chairman, y/. /. AEEXAXDEIl TOPP, D.D., Secretary. I i t // ii MINUTES OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHPRCHES OF THE PROVX.VCES OP BK:t.SH .VORTH .,u,EKrCA, ON THE SUBJECT OF UNION Present: Th»» P-», n • Jenkins, The Rpv t ""^'P^' ^nodgrass D D r^ r. Craig, M.RP.,i'J {j"^^ C. Smith, Minis'tcrs.^iAV ^ ''^• Church oicZ^ ■ ^- J^"^^s CroiJ, EJderonveners in calling this meeting. The Conveners severally reported the deliverances on the sub- ject of Union of the Supreme Courts of their respective Churches, at their last meeting, in June, 1872. There v.cre also read the minutes of a Conference held at Mon- treal on the 26th day of December, 1S72, between the Committee of the Presbyterian Church of Canada in connexion with the Cliurch of Scotland, and the Committee of the Canada Presbyterian Church, for the puri)ose ot considering matters arising out of the deliverances of the Supreme Courts of these Churches, and speci- ally affecting tliom. It was resolved to engross these in the minutes of this Com- mittee; and they are accordingly engrossed, viz.: " At Montreal, and within St. Paul's Church there, the Com- mittees on Union of the Presbyterian Cfeurch of Canada in connexion with the Church of Scotland, and of the Canada Presbyterian Church, met on the 26th December, 1872, at II o'clock, a.m. J^rcscnt: The Rev. Principal Snodgrass, D.D„ The Rev. Dr. Jenkins, The Rev. Dr. Bell, Alinisters, with Messrs. James Craig, James Croil, Archibald McMurchy, and Robert Bell, Elders of the Presbyterian Church of Canada in connexion with the Church of Scotland ; The Rev. Dr. Taylor, The Rev. Professor Mac\'icar. L.L.D., the Rev, Professor Caven, The Rev. Robert Ure, The Rev. Thomas McPherson, The Rey. Dr. Topp, Minis- ters, with the Hon. John McMurrich, and Mr. Thomas McCrae, Elders of the Canada Presbyterian Church. The Conveners, Principal Snodgrass and Dr. Topp, stated the purpose for which they had deemed it expedient to call their \ N J I ( f^n Com- Com- lada in i;anada at D.l)„ .lessrs. ;rt Bell, )n with ■ofessor 1 Robert Minis- llcCrae, Lted the [u their ( respective Committees together at this time, viz., to consuU with reference to certain deliverances of their respective Supreme Courts, which appear to indicate diversity of sentiment on sonic subjects. The meeting approved of the conduct of the Conveners in thus calling them together, and resohed to hold a Conference, as pro- posed. It was then moved by Professor Caven and seconded by Dr. Toi)p, and vmanimously agreed to, that the Rev. Dr. Jenkins be apjiointed Chairman. Dr. Jenkins accordingly took the chair. At his recjuest, the Conference was constituted with i)rayer by Dr. Taylor and Professor Caven. Dr. Topp was unanimously appointed to act as Secictary. The Conveners of the two Committees read the deliverances of the Supreme Courts of their respective Churches on the various matters brought under their notice in connexion with the proposed Union. It was found from these, that the subjects to be considered by this Conference were the following : i. The deliverance of the Canada Presbyterian Church on the Headship of Christ over His Church. 2. The deliverances of both Churclies on State grants to Denominational Colleges. 3. The deliverances of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, in connexion with the Church of r.cotland, on the m3de of appointment of Theological Professors. It was resolved to take up the deliverance on the Headship first. The same was read, and explanations were given as to its meaning and object by the Convener, and by other members of the Committee of the Canada Presbyterian Church. Authoritative documents of the respective Churches on the subject were read, viz : On the part of the Presbyterian Church of Cana.da in connexion with the Church of Scotland : The Act of Independence ; The questions put to Ministers at ordination ; The Formula signed by the Ministers of that Church, and The form used in closing the meeting of the Supreme Court. On the part of the Canada Presbyterian Church there were read tlie articles of the Basis of Union between the two bodies now comi)osing that Church ; The questions put to Ministers at ordination, and the Formula. After interchange of sentiment, and frank conversation on these documents, the members of the Committee of the Presbyterian Church of Canada in connexion with the Church of Scotland, directed copies of the documents read by them to be transmitted to the Convener of the Committee of the Canada Presbyterian Church, that said Committee may deal with the matter in their report in such a way aa to them may seem proper. The subject of State grants to Denominational Colleges, was next taken up. The deliverances of the Supreme Courts of the the two Churches thereon, were read. During the discussion of this subject by the Conference, the hour of adjournment arrived. Adjourned, and closed with prayer. JOHN JENKINS, D.D., Chaiyman. ALEXANDER TOPP, D.D., Secretary. *! Same day and place, 3^ p.m., the Conference met, and was constituted with prayer by the Chairman. Sederunt as before, with the addition of Mr. David Mackay, Elder of the Canada Presbyterian Church. Dr. Jenkins, Chair- man ; Dr. Topp, Secretary. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and sustained. The consideration of the matter of State grants to Denomina- tional Colleges, was resumed. The following deliverance, proposed by Professor Caven, and seconded by Dr. MacVicar, was unani- mously adopted, viz : This Conference claims for the respective Churches represented by it the fullest forbearance as to any differ- ence of opinion which may exist respecting the question of State grants to Educational Establishments of a Denominational charac- ter, and does not see, in such diversity of sentiment upon a subject on which uniformity of opinion is not enforced within any of the negotiating bodies, anything which need prove a barrier to Union, or disturb the peace of a united Church. The Rev. Gavin Lang now entered, and took his seat in the Conference. The subject of the appointment of Professors in the Theological Colleges was then taken up. The deliverance of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada in connexion with the Church of Scotland, respecting it, was read. After lengthened conversation on the subject, it was the unanimous opinion of the Conference that the whole matter should be referred to the deliberations of th» Joint Committee at its next meeting. The Conference having reason to express its thankfulness at the satisfactory progress whi ct the Church, and at the same time to draw forth the resources .ind en- ergies of the people i:i beh.idf of the woik of Christ in the Domin- ion, and throughout the wcriJ. The Committee further agreed that tlie name of the Ciiited Church should be " Tlie Presbyterian Church of British \orth -•America."' In terminating their j)roceedings, the Committee unaninnnisly adopted the following resolution : '• This meeting, having carefully reviewed the deliberations and proceedings of the present and two former joint meetings of Com- mittees, records its gratification at the agreement which has been at- tained on thevarious subjects that have been ccisidered, and bcHev- ing that all matters claiming attention have been discussed, resolves, That the Committees, in reporting to the next ensuing ;innuai meetings of the Supreme Courts of their respective Churches, shall submit an extract of this minute, along with th.e i)roposed liasis of Union, and the deliverances that have been passed, with a strong recommendation in favour of the adoption of the same wiiliout change, so that precisely the same document may be transmitted by all the Courts ; and that there may be no further delay in ascer- taining the views of all parties concerned on the subject of Union." It was then moved !)y Dr. Jenkins, seconded by the Hon. John McMurrich, «nd cordially agreed to. That the Joint Committee, representing the several Presbyterian Churches of British \orth Americ*, does expresu its grateful sense of the great kindness and hospitality extended to its members by Christian friends in the city ; also, that the thanks of the Committse be given to the minister and managers of Calviu Church for the use of the samr, ::nd for the comfortable accommodation thus provided for their r.ieetings. V I I 12 ALEXANDER TOPP, D.D, Secretary. % PRESBTTERUN PRINTING HOUSE, 102 BAY STREET, TORONTO. ointed printed irman, Beiie- 'ry. V. to ^ -/. W r ►^ C 1 s: o ■< O v: M "I r ^ * ^ S r . < H 1^ (/} != C « i ? I f r^ 1 ^ r.- -K I i- C cS '- fct-5 H § 2 I FT— *— * hi = b 1 ^ c c c c- c "C -w t: '^ -cj -c ■ ~* c I «,_ c C >-i I C '-C ■*- = I _ S r. _ -w _ I C -^ — ^^ I **- ^ — ^ z.'f^'^Ui-Sm'^ ■/. -^ K :J — t. !/: GC s« I— ] I— I O" d, H c .r « i. - i,' b I Ei;.H> a -Ti •-:; " t .. >!" / > /^ ^ - ^^^ -«.> c !fj 1 o w 1 X . X o ^ • — . ^ cxa Tj 4) 5 CI "^ .1: 2 = /; 72 3 r t'^t « c — f— ^-4 < 1 ^= >. Xf ^3 > X 1 ^^zz c — 5 « .:: o •^ ' »»r - - >-< y,-^ ^-r-c-c- , d ^» - t— 4 c c o c c o c o o c o c o «• CO : C O I C £ ?■ = 'S* 01 >H ~^, ^ >■ ^ OS •■■ = y< 'A o a;C./a2:.^72:j73 0tz2072::^'y:o^czjj!/2cJyi:;)-/:_'tK^ >- ca a be o O 4) a "3 be t- " ^ 3 OS o 4) PQ '-.CSS -. _ 2 a S5 5j :: a 53 W is S3 72 si til a c IL i 8 c 2 « « -= 3 4-* r^ i 2 m ""1 "3 td ^ 3 « £i !* < s a •- 2 o ^ « ^ o .So 3<.2 2 i - ll' l?'^ Co t; 1) , w -5 « g t— t ?iooocccooco S Jo -3 HH >H rH .. -^ i: C 2.2 rs 'E *^ 2 3 i ^% c>. ■■ ti ^ o . - I^^ ^ .§ r-1 c 2 '^t « .So 3 01 t: •- CO) d -^ iL 2 J -S ^"^ 'S'c'o »- a X *j ^' aj W ej ,, S^ s ci 3^ 2 ^ (. k. =» ■-_ 'S ;3 '-^* 5^ 1 r ori o cc 'J czj cj "/ !JC ■72 O 72 U rj O £ tL s =5 a ' "^^i'^^ T ^- S tc tc ..-, X .^ 4.) ^*o . 2 - .2 - 2 '^ 4_» w .t^ '" '^ p** -> S "d — ' o .s "3 ■^ « > i — - --i 1 1 < 1- 03 ; "c . c : e be 1 s ' II. 4, assented to - The ibllovvinjr am ficiaries upon the Teni ^ These disapprove •• If the Synod sliou in such action. 1 C 0) c S .2 9 5 -5 £ g S ^ •1 ^ 1 g 1- c o -♦-1 £ o a a c c so 5 : CJ tt =; © ■S ^ '.? t^ CO ^". -5 crt S 5 *" , -Tt m o M^ .2^ :^ . •:; c - t: o >. r -^ «- — <-| e cc >^,'^>H' "> * 2 ~^^3^^^ z c z c c c a b o ■_ S" c "5 ci Oj ^ C C C C O o o c c c c c m'ov^U wo oiOccoacci^r.c^'ZJ^-^so^^co^^aioaj: CO C9 as t3 S cd a: t— C fcD a CO c a ♦J a o 5 s c tA2 I 'S - 3 g O ,13 kJ O c C c u c ti O u v ^ (-1 «^ 2 ° *^ a, r— y I -5 c "5 c c o ■ ti "^ *s> '"^ T^ 'rt ' d c en - 4) c ;:_ = -5 ~- cc £ at • f-< It ^, r a o !>, =« 5S 2^' cc S ?<;« ^ 03 Q V ^-3 REMARKS. Vote stood 4 to 3. 1 ' " Mr. Wilson dis-i'Mits from I. becau-se no understandin^r has been c im'^ to with rt-sj.ird to the matters *vh'c!i separated the 1 »"hurch in 1844, and without such understandinu: the proposed Union cannot be hearty and harmoniou.s. Messrs. Wilson, ('ampl)ell, Coclirane and Bennett dissent from III. becau.''*^ it would be preferable to have the members of the Temporalities' Board elected bv the remanent beneficiaries of the Fund, and to report annually to them: provided tliat, when they cease to exist, the Superior Court of the United Church sliall make the •lectioraliti(!s' Fund is in opposition to the orijrinal intention of said Fund." - " Because it would be more in accordance with tlie orij^inal intention and purpose of this Fund to apply it as it is now applied or to keep it as the nucleus of a Mission Fund." •■' The vote on I. and 11. stood 2.3 communicants and 2 adlierents to 19 comiuunicants. The vote on III. stcxxl 22 communicantB and 2 adherents to 20 communicants. •* Tlie vote on I. atood 44 communicants to 0. Adherents all " vea." " '• II. '• 3'J •' " 4. 1 • 1 3 -s 3 i II. 1 III. 1 1 .1" ^•g c c c c -C'O c o 1 ^ i 1 c: w - — >- do do No Return, do do do 1 i 1^ ! Pm •T c •- c \ c "7 c r^ ■k. > T '3 '' : t- '■ : ^ • : S ^ ^ t 03 -^ C « tad hJ • en yi W \4 : » X ti 1 < < u ^ •i J3 ** << >» >. ►»» «^ a. u M imousl iraong] o iraousl S ^ 5 a 3 c-a c 3 cS ca M cS _c 3 3 B 3 4-t U) ^ !3 l^ 3 b — — — — ■ ■ *-* .22 "5 -o w ^ =< - _ « 4, C C C i HH too gooocccccoo ^•TJ-O ^ 13 -3 73 rs -r -TS -a ^3 TJ r3 >•> 9- a Jh "O '3 "O H-4 1—1 1 '« : a >■ : S 1 a oe 3 <2 Ui H- : 3 1 1 tt >- • K* la •^ BO ' o ^ GO • •M 1 : Ui oe . o ■ ^ ■ "a flu -M < z .- ^.a^ C be 1 o a o y STO >ur . cr ton . Tela P3 p: <; r^ KING Seynic Stirlin Roslin Bellev Kings Wolfe CO Ui X -< 53 w a » a a c s — 3 CS _ _ _ ^ U, ts'^ ^ Z C C Z Z ''^' - ■ >- i^' >< "^ ?0 ~ TT -3 X! , c X ~ a; - c: - _ _ .2 ' I - ' '^ ~ ^ ''^■> " ~ 'r^ •/-, '^ -Z '^ -il -i -S ^ ^ x ^x:^-^x^^_^x^x;^^^g^^p-j^ li P ■/. "c s \t •3 .2 OS F^ c < , , .«^ 5?. . J^. t». w ^ c S 1 E 1 ■ Is s 1 -I-* 1 ^" *• NW ^-« H4 5 <-> , C X « 'it It • ci ^ -»-. -l***l^^<.Q— n^« — ■ ^M Xl w c ►— < ^h'S '^ '^ "^ "^ '^ "^ T* "^ "^ *^ '^ "^ 'f^ ^•2 CO 4* • eS > CCCCtCCCcJrCC 7i 1 ^^ t w "^ T^ '^ — "^ » ^ W *^ >• L "^ TIT H* >* >" >-• 3 J n ei - OCCCCICCCCCCC ^ V <^ A T"-" r 1 -"^^ --- - - — - - ■ - _- — ai '- -/i -J •/.■ '--■ •/. -- '^ a. -^ y. w x :;^ v: :J ■/ c; d y. 1. -/ -^ *- ^ — »-^-^-^ — , , ,— ^.^ ! ---•.^^ >^r -^ "^3 . • < . . ^ t- -•fl f^ c . tc a ■/. -x. 5 j '■5J s *^ '•a Im 5 r C *-' • ' ■5; 3 5 '' C C3 *^ 1 . ■ Oi j_ "5 _c " t^ «<1.2i rf^. -^^ ''•.k ; ' c_ -C 1 c c : >- . 5 «- 1 I ■> c c r: ^ c 1 The vote o Ait ken ; T reasons of S 02 H fe fJ O C ^ t- < "Si t, •— - £ > r. c3 >-! -. c3 •- — * _ - la = ."* ^ — — - — r. r. «- C ^ X Z t — X - — eS : = — T ^ ■— ^ : r 5 -5 — - C it :- '-^' - "i .1 c c c '■ I. n z »♦— c 11 ■y i.T «? : : ~ s — ~- '-': ^c ' : :. 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Cti ^ Cf K t*-. w #- — ■X -, X s 3 o •"■ c - ::> So flT) oi c s "5 C _o c • a L/ ^ ;- lj it *-» a o o 39 -3 -y : a « o Cl X) fit- 5: I Si l' '^ '"^ «—■ 'it: VI c o ■>M O I I, 1^ '5 '■I ^ 91 V, be n o -%-• -3 -C ;^< ^ Is 5c! -5 a 7 ^ ! •5 ^ ;^ I ; I' a o = 3 *=> I c /', - y. y. c OT^o yj om-^trl 'J, rji zj -,; -J .^ -^ ^ -j a -a CO ' i ." i es "2 C ^ a 1! a V. &L< C c Cm ^ u! c: ■5 5 15 a D 5 as a n m**iii»ii»m^«>mtmi O <1 m O < (>; O o I en w l-H m «o CO 00 « c < W IS c a I a s Q a bt' a C K a e If c OJ ^ a c < K K W O < / I- y PRICE lO CENTS. // H Presbyterian Union: A HELP TO THE INTELLIGENT DISCUSSION OF THE QUESTION. ^ BY A^N ELDER. iphi l^^iu ulct^ /wA^^-^-t'/.' f oto ttto : HUNTER, ROSE & COMPANY, PRINTERS AND Pl'BI.ISHERS. 18::{. ?^e i /H I w MM / in I PRESBYTERIAN UNION. INTRODUrTORY. ^(HAT is called a "Basis of Union" has been sent down to the Presbyteries, Kirk Sessions and Congrega- tions of the Presbyterian Church of Canada in connection with the Cluuvh of Scotland. The vaiTueness of the statements contained in tiie articles embodied in the " Basis" is such, that many of those who are most sti'ongly opposed to the project may have some difficulty in meeting the plausible arguments founded on this document for a junction of the interests of the different Pres- byterian bodies in the Dominion. It must be remembered, that it is not merely to obtain the assent of Congregations to the theo- retical statements contained in the Articles, that they are sent down by Synod. 'Hiat assent to abstract propositions is to be made use of to bring about the abolition of the branch of the Cliurch of Scotland in Canada. Such a consummation has for some time been aimed at, by a small section of the membei's of Synod, who, by bringing up their demands year after year, and by other means, have been insidiously sapj)ing the strength of the Church. By the careful concealment of the real grounds of ditfer- ence between the Presl)yterian bodies in the articles sent down for adoption, those who conscientiously desiie to maintain the exist- ence of their Church, have been made to ai»)tear as factious bigots, prejucliced anil narrow in their views. It is on many grounds, therefore, desirable that the true nature and beai-ing of the pro- posals may be under.stooled the Ritualists of the Church of England. There was the same tiery zeal, not always tempered with discretion ; the same j)riestlv a.ssumption ; the same exalted idea of the res})ect which was due by others to the office they held ; the same belief that they were the chosen of the earth, and that all civil and social laws must bend to their authority. What gave power to both was their evident sincerity and energy ; Hi ...««W«WM-MJ»-, . 6 PREHB } ' TKRIA N CNION. both liiid the same weakness — a strong and pervading belief that their oftice freed them from responsibilities to which other men are subject. The High Church Party of the Church of Scothand did not confine themselves purely to the defence. They carried on offensive operations against her opponents ; denounced Voluntaries as infidels, and pronounced on those who differed from them in opinion as to the Scrijitural sanction for Church e.stabli.shmeDts, the sentence of eternal condemnation, as they subsequently did on the Ministers of the Church of Scotland, when they themselves had left her pale. I would speak with all respect of these men, who were no doubt sincere ; but sincerity is no proof of the truth, how could the testi- mony be resisted of the Hindoo devotees, who endure, for the sake of their religion, tortures almost, it would seem, too gi-eat for human endurance ? No doubt in all sincerity, they falsely arrosrated to themselves the exclusive claim to the credit for all the progress made by the Church of Scotland, and exclaimed jis they left the venerable Assembly Halls in 184.S, that they saw the Shekinah remove, and the Spirit of God depart from the desecrated .sanctuary. These are the recorded words of the men who declared the Church of Scotland to be a moral pestilence, and the one man to be avoided in every )mrish,{is foul and tainted with the lei)rosy of sin, to be the Parish Minister. Such men, in spite of their assertions to the contrary, were not the only Ministers of the Church of Scotland who worked for her sj)iritual advancement. There were others as good, as earnest as they, but with more judgment; as zealous, but with more discretion. The subsequent history of the Church proves this beyond disjmte. The movement con.sequent on the Reform Bill brought into existence two parties in the Church, and the (][uestion of patron- a<^e was brouglit into prominence by the attacks of those who 0))posed all church establishments, and sought for the weakest points. It is not to be denied that there were evils] connected with the administration of patronage. Yet these might have been removed without contravening the law. The Call from the people had become a nullity, the observance of that preliminary . I'UESHYTEinJS I'MOX. y to st'ttli'int'iit iKit liiiviiig lii'cii cntnived. Tin- law wjin cU'iu, urul cdiild liavc licin lestort'd without disturliirij; tlio e.\istiii sijjfniHeanee and etieet. He j)ro|ios('d that the question should he sent down to Presbyteries, that it ini<:ht be decided by them what anjount of signatures to the Call should be reijuired, and that, acting on their deterndnation. the Supieiue CNjurt ndght establish sound precedents. That would have been a legal course; but he was overruled by others, far less able tJian he, but more detennined to establish the auth<»rity of the dnireh Couits at the expense of the people. The first false stej> was tfl.ken ; the Veto Law was passed, by which the powei' of the palish ioners was restricted, and the decision as to the choice of a minister j»ractically put into the hands of the clergy. Under the laws of the land, all the })aiisluoners had the right to call or object; under the Veto Liiw, only the male heads of families beinn. But the leaders in the movement not only refused to follow the safe course he had pointtid out ; they took another, and one more dangerous. When he saw that it was determined to pass the Veto Law, he urgetitut»'s such independence. Of all the theories that '■ liuve bet-n Knjftched on the subject, the theory of the Free Chuicli- " man is the moHt imjtracticable, inasnuicli as it makes j)rovisi(»n, " either for en»;n>;i»hments, at the will of the ( 'hurch, (»n the ri<^dits '' and armngements of parties who are least of all disposed to sub- " mit to such interference, or for perpetual disaeace of society and tlie prosperity of reli'.,don." These are word^ worth considering, coming from a j)ul)Iitation which ha.s always contended for the fullest freedom in reli Law also insisted that by their own inherent jower they could pass a law giving to chapel ministers the full Btatu^ of parish ministers. They dignified the chapels with the name of Parish Churches quoad sacra, thus establishing 10 rnKsiiYTEniAX rxfy. r\\;\\f^os with all the worst toatures ot th'' Volmitary ami State ( hurclh's. without tlio oxcelioncic.'" of cither. They hail as niudi ri^ht, by th«'ir own inciv inotioh to *j;\\r scats in the Cliunli ( 'ouits to the t'lmpcl ministers, wlio were siiii|)ly town mission- aries, acting' under instj'uctions from the Kirk Session of the parish in wliicli tlie work of (^ach lay, a> eonjiie^'ations liet-e wouhl havr to make tlieir ministers memhers of Municipal Councils, in ile- iiaui'c ol' tlie law of the hind. .lust as tlu' ratej)ayers, in tlie latter, would plead the illceal constitution ol' tlu^ Council if tlu'V ohjected to a municijml late, however necessary that nxtc might he, and liowever just, liad it heen lee;ally impo.sed, .so did those ri'dits were invaded by illeixallv constitutc(l Churcli ( 'ourts a'' v^al to the laws of ih«- hind Tiie effect of tlu' illciral cf)nstitu- tion of the Churcli Courts was still moie prejudicial. It rendered tliem lielpless to remedy the grossest abuses. Hence aiose .scan- dals wliich did not aH'ect tlie Churcli of Scotland alone, but in- jured the caus«' of religion itaself. Were a minisici' notorious as leadiii'f an innnoral life, to be sumnutned before one of these ille- gaily-constituted Courts, he would do what every ciiminal does. He wouhl at once the legal objection to its constitution, and a[)ply for protection to the nearest Civil (\>urt having jurisdicti(M). On ])roof being ]»resented that men who had n(» legal light to Ite there were sitting as nie'riber. of the Church Court which issued the citation for the party aciused to appear before it, the .Judge had no alternative but to obev tlu' law laid w nothing beyond the facts, and these ♦acts only as shown to them through a distortt'd medium, tirnily !>elieved that the .Iudit of -allving out of the Courts over which they juesidcd, and in the most vioh»nt manner interfering pers(»nally with the actions of the ( 'liurch Courts. I PRKSliVTEUIAN i'NlON. 11 There could not, of course, be a more ridiculous nor a gi'osser mis- represcntation. The Civil Courts were appealed to, in the cases supposed, on a p(;int of law. and gave tlieii' decision as the law (lirected, in the same way as the Civil Courts liere would decide, that a Municipal Council could not Ici^aily impose taxes, il" there were men sitting at the Council Boi.rd who had not lun-n legally elected to do so. No Corporation, whethei' it l>e civil or ^ -lesi- astical, can iisurp illegal powers. That is so j)lain that it seen.s a waste of" time to discuss such a ipiestion. Vet the p(tsition taken up by those who seceded from the Church of Scotland in lN4Ji was this : They attempted to assume powers contrary to the laws of the land, and then pr(»claimed themselves martyrs, the law prevented them from carrying their illegal a.ssumi)tions into effect, and from tramj>ling on the rights of others who did not think like them. The bitterness of theologians is proverbial, and the contest in the Church of Scotland at this time mi»jht serve as a confirma- tion of the truth of the prevailing belief on this subject. Two hostile camps were formed : the one active, restless, self-asserting and loud in its pretensions : the of its paper artillery le- sounding through all the parishes of Scotland — rumbling along the mountain sides and penetrating into the low-lying valleys. Tracts, ])am})hlets, dreams even, were brought into play. Not a vacant ]> was left undisturbed f(>r a day. Agitators Hocked into it from e\erv «[uarter. and the wiongs of tlu; parishioners were so eloijuently tlcjtictetl that tlp'y themselves were moved to tears at the story of (jtjiressions they had not until then known they had suHered. The other was more calm, and acted chiefly fin the defence!. To the '^ide of tin High Clnirdi party was at- tracted the greater part of tlic cha)>el ministi'is who had been illejjcallv admitted into the Chui<'h Courts. It wo\dil ha\t' been strange had it been otherwise. Thi-y owed theii- official exist- ence in the Chureli Courts to an illegal Act, passed by the party to which they now a«lhered, and they therefore, as a botly, sup- ported pretensi(»ns wljose defeat would end their j)arochial life. It was by the assisUince given by the (fiUKul sdrtui ministers in the inferior Church Courts that the dominant party iv;us able tit pack tf 12 PRESli } 'TFAilA X rJNIOX. the CJoncral AsHOinl)ly for sonio y(?ars, losuliiii;- to the l)eliet' tlmt it formed tlic majority of tlic Chnrcli of Scotland — a belief shown to l»t3 t.'rroiuM)Us when the secession took |)Iaee. Many of the timxid sdi'rii ministers had helonfjed to the old secedin"" hodies. To he a parish minister has heen a laudahle and)ition (Hi the pait of younj^ men in Scotland, and the |M»wer hy a stroke of the pen to erect })arishes, althoiit^h these vvei'e only i/KOdd suci-a, was made use of to induce these dissenting nunisters to join the ( 'hui'ch of Scotland. If they wei"e not real parish ministers, they were a good imitation ; they were us«'ful in V(»ting on measures, and looked well in statistical tables. Noi was much scruple shown by the non-intrusion party as to tlu; means used for obtaining the property of the religious denominations to which the new adherents had belon<;e(l. One of these transactions beeame not(»rious under the name of the ('ampbelton case, it being shown at the trial, which residtcd from the attempt to alienate propert}' belonging to the Relief ('hnrch, that secret intrigues were carried on liy the leaders of what was afterwards the Free (Jhurch ; that Lord Moncrieti' decided in favour of his friends; that Drs. Chalmers, Cunningham and ( andlish. Mi'. Alexander Duidop, their law adviser, and others. subscril)ed largely, organized committees and straine- '• plaint against the leading men who now belong to the Free Church. " We complain of tWiv heartless attenipts to destroy the (^hristian " privileges and liberties of all the dissenting churches in Scotland, "anil that too when they were contending so strenuously for the '' supremacy of the Redeemer's crown in the Church with which they " were conn«'cted It is our opinion that the Free Chuich "is niore sectarian than any of the larger Christian denominations " in Scotland. When they were the non-intrusion section, after the " vohmtary controversy had commemiMJ, they would hold no reli- "gious intercourse with those who did not beh)ng to the establish- rUESB YTEllIA N I ^NION. 13 '' ment. They Uioke u|» schools and schemes of benevolence — " missionary societies, foreign and domestic — |»rayer meetings — " because they would not associate with any who advocated the " voluntary principle. And now that they are the Free Chuich " dissenters, they will hold no religious association with those who " belong to an establishment. They refuse to meet with them upon "the same platform, and to advocate the cause of the London Mis- " sionary Society. They will give no assistance to a series of public " lectui'esfor the intellectual and moral improvementof young men, '' if the list of lecturers be tainted by the addition of a single name " of an establish(Ml minister. Nay, an instance came under ourobser- ■' vationa shoi'ttime ago, of a Free Church minister I'cfusing to pi"ay " at a funeral, solely an established minister was requested " to officiate at one of the services. Free Church sectarianism is " throwing all our catholic societies into derangemcMit, an stand they did may be understood, and also to explain the appaient sacrifice of their livings made l')y many who in reality .sacrificed only a nonunal ])osition. The extracts from the organ of the dissenting body, which wouhl natuially have sympathised witii the latest seceders from the Church of Scotland, will show the tone and temper displayed by them in their intercourse with their brethren, and will enable some, at least, to sec clearly the violent tem[)er displayed and the reason for the little sucei.'ss which attended the efforts of who coun.selled moderation. Many attendant circumstances arose which served to distract attention from the real (piestion at issue. In reality the whole dispute wa.s involved in the two points I have named, namely, the enactment of the Veto Law and the a.ssum|)tion of power to give seats in the Church Courts to an indefinite nund)er of men, who legally had no such right. Othei- questions no doulit branched out from those, 14 I'RESBYTERIAN UNION. hut they lay at tlie root of the matter, wliich in turn spran^jf from the old claim of ecolesiasti(ial domination and irresponsibility. How little they cared for the rights of the people, and how much for the power of the clergy, is very clearly brought out in the course of the negotiations with the ditferent Governments which were in power. (Jtiers were rept^atedly made to extend the p(jwerK of the peoj)le, but refused by the clergy, who demanded that the power of the Church sliould be increa.sed. In a letter written by Mr. Alexander Dunlop, a strenuoussupporter of the irresponsibility of tlie clei'gy, and dated 4th May, 184'2, he .says: "So far as I have " been able to judge of the sentiments and feelings of statesmen, I "think their hostility to the Church's independence is far more " intense and inveterate than their hostility to the people having a " voice, and niost of tiiem would willingly barter the latter for the ' former — i.e., acknowledge it if Wf would give up the other." The truth is, the strongest adherents of the non-intrusion party were the inveterate Tories, who had a thorough ('(mtempt for ])opular rights, and it w;is only after their attemj)t.s to override th(\se had been defeated, that they became the thorougli-going Liberals they have since become. Nothing like a convert for zeal ! The ablest and most liberal statesmen of the c(mntry, who tried to remove the grievances complained of by the clergy, were compelled to declare that their duty to the crmuniinity at large prevented them from granting the demands made. Sir Robert Peel stattid in the of Commons that, if the rights of the subject could be maintained consistently with the demands of the Church, he would be induced to make almost any concessi(m to obtain tran- (|uillity. But, he added, if the House of Conunons is pre))ared to dtipart from those jtrinciples on which the Reformation was founded, and which principles are essential to the maintenance of the civil and religious liberties of the country, nothing but evil would result ; the greatest evil of which would be the establish- ment of religious domination, which would alike endanger the religion of the country and the civil rights of man. It has been absolutely neces.sary to give this sketch of the posi- ti(m of atiairs ; otherwise what luis taken j)lace in Canada would l)e unintelligible. In the sketch which follows, I will restrict PnESllYTEUIAN UNION. ir, myself, as far as possible, to the facts as set foitli in tli.- -Proce.Hl- ings of the Synod" recorded at the time, supplementing this, however, with such information as is necessary to make the facts inte]lii,nl.le, clothing the hare, (hy hones of Synod Minutes with rtesh and skin, and giving them such measure of life as is possible to one wlio lacks the divine afflatus which is able to bestow the martyr's crown on the keen-eyed ecu-lesiastic thirsting for |)ower, aiul to transform the eager and bitter claimant foi- more despotic privileges to his order, into the self-denying champion for the peo- ple's liV)erties. 16 I'HESBYrElilAN UNION n. TIIK SCHISM IN CANADA. It could not he expected that the chiirns .set up and the discu.s.sions tliat liad ari.sen in the Clmrch of Scothmd could jja.s.s unobserved hy the inini.ster.s in Canada. In l(S41, the Synod of the Presby- terian (.'hurch of Canada in connection with the Church of Scotland resolved to petition Her Mjijesty and the Imperial Parliament, in support of all the_y'/<.s/ rights (indelaimti of the (^hurch of Scotland, and that the secular Courts be prevented from all interference with the spirit tud concerns of the Church. It was a very {jfuaided and cautious j)etition. nnd one not likely to lead to much ditference of opinion. But the very tone of the lan<,niaj::fe used, guarded as it is, atibrds in itself a strong proof of the nature of the statements t'irculatetl by the non-intrusion party, and what etibrts were made to poi.son the minds of men ever\'where, and to l»lind them as to the true character of the struggle that was taking place. In 1842, tlie Synod .sent a message of sym))athy to the Church of Scotland in the coui*se taken. To what took place in 1843 I shall after- wards refer. In 1844, the tbjiowing resolutions were unanimou.sly agreed to, with the exception of the one to which the name of the dissentient is marked. " The adherents of the ( 'hurch in this Province have am|)le liberty in the election of their ministers. " There has been no interfeience whatever, on the part of the Civil Powers, with any of our Ecclesiastical Courts. "There is not at present, so far as can be reasonably judged, any pn>spect of such interference with the Ecclesiastical Courts." From this resolution Mr. Cale di.ssented. " There is no external or legal let or hindrance to the extension of the Church in this Province. " Tlurefon', tlte (tllfyeU causes of disruption at hoiite do not exist here ;" and to this, as to tlie others, ai-e appended the words, "Agreed to by all." PRESbYTEHIAN UNION. 17 These resolutions were passed on the 4tli of July, 1v Mr. Bayne, seconded by Mr. Gale, that the Synod shall ileclare " that the }>e- " culiar connection which has hitherto subsisted between them and " the Kstablislicd Church of Scotland shall fi'omthi.s time forth cease 'and determine, and tliat any peculiar privileges that may have " been understood to lielong in virtue of that eonncctictnto her min- • isters and elders seeking admission into this church shall, in like " manner, be withdiawn." The motion was rejected, 'li) ministers and 20 elders having voted in support of it. These 40 meuibei's of the Synod had come to the conclusion on the 4th of July, after solemn and protracted deliberation, that "the alleged causes of dis- ruption at home do not exist here," yet on the Dth of July, live days after, they needlessly and causelessly, themselves being wit- nesses, rent asunder that branch of the Church of with which they had been connected, and which had then, and has had ever since, the utm(»st fieedom. Being defeated, tlie minority withdrew, and, imitating the ex- ample set by the malcontents in Scotland, they left l)ehind aprotest, as the foundation of the new ecclesiastical body. It was the sole raison d'etre of their separate existence ; it ha,s never been with- diawn ; it is still regarded as \'ital by those who adhere to the organization formed by the action of who formulated it and laid it on the table of the Synod from which they withdrew, and its terms have repeatedly been invoked by many of the members of the seceding body as presenting a barrier to any Union with the Presbyterian Church of Canada in connection with the Churcli of Scotland. By that protest every member of the latter Churcli is branded as unfaithful to the (jlreat Head of the Church ; as being, to j)ut it in plain terms, no Christian at all, and as out of the pale of salvation. If the memliers of that Church consent to its anni- hilation as a separate religit)us body, they acknowledge that all tiie charges in the jirotest were well founded ; that the Church and all its ministers, members and adherents have been for all these years guilty of disowning Christ; that she has in reality been 18 Pni'KIl YTKniAN UNION no ("Imrcli at all, but sinijdy a colU'ctioii ot" individuals niakiii^' a iiinckciv of lelijjjion : that tlu^ Cliuicli of Scotland, which has, «'vcr since the di.siiij»ti(»n, now thirty yarn's a^'o, hocn actively, faith- t'\dly and efticientlydoini^' tile threat work laidonher to do, lias(hninut a moral ix'stih^nce vvhicli oUL,dit tolte lenjoved. Arethe jnenihers of the branch of tlie Church of Scotland in Canada prepared to acknowled//'n\tland, were such that the committee " concluded to hold them as a bjir to all negotiations, in liml nf\ the " conference terminated.' The nature of the stej)s taken by the 8eceerativesense ■' of duty to ourselves, and t(» the people undei' our care, to address "to yourChurch a few woi'ds of remonstrance, res|>ecting the course "of condu(!t which you have jiursued towards the Piesbyterian "Church in this country. The following extracts will show the grievances com))lained of: "Amid many ditticulties and priva- ' tions, we were engaged in tlie peaceful prosecution of our labours ' ;nthis extensive region. In such circumstances we shoidd natu- 20 PItKSHYTEinAX rXION. "rally Imvo exp«H*teioa(lnM's voict is seldom heaid > * * * * " We aiv fully loiivinced, that it wcidd (((nducc to \i.iir honour "antl advanta^'e, no less than t(t <>ur iirarc and wtjUaif, t(» ailopt a "course of conduct more liheral, inurr conciliatory and more ■'Christian." So ended the first sta^'e of the sehism in ('anuda. o»> IliESI'.YTEniAS IMoX. 111. ATTKMPrKI) I'AltlUilDK. In tijiciiij,' iIk- sulisiMjUt'iit st».'|>s towaiil a rf-ui»i(»ii, proposals foi wliifli, it must l)t' l»(»nn.' in niin(H'tion of the ('luircli of Scotland in < 'anada, it is nffussary to revert to what took place in lcS4.'i. Two tii,Mii»'s are conspicuous in ur;^dn<,' a union with the .scceilin;^ hrethien. TIm- otu', that of hi. ( \)ok, of (.^uehec ; the otiier, that of I )i\ (Jeor^^e, professoi in i.^ueon's ColK^'e. now deceased. I desire to attiihute to these rev- erend leaders of the ( 'hunh no motives lait such as arc honour- able to them, V)Ut if the reason for the HfijHi nut anxiety for union txhihited by the Church to which they belon^'ed is to be arrived at. the jiart they have taken cannot lie left out of si<,dit. At To- lonto, in duly, Isi:^ (preN ions to the secession), a resolution was moved ly Mi-. Stark, seconded by Dr. Gioiyr, expressing in the stronifest possible toins the warmest sympathies of theSynod with the Free (liurcli, "(»n account of the inestimahle priiu iples they "contend for;" and it c(»ntinues, " they excite our highest admira- " tion and gratitude foi- thi' almost unai)preciable sacrifices, not oidy "of intei'est but of feelin<', in th«' noble struj'j'le which they have " maintained, and in the noble stand whic-h they have taken against "encroachments on their spiritual lunctions," and so on, and jdedg- ing the Synod " to express solemnly and openly their support oi " the great general views entertained by the seceding parties," «S:c. Ih: Cool,-, on the sauic occasion, moved a resolution setting foith the solemn testimony of the Synod on behalf of the claims set U}> by the Free Church; the pain and alarm felt by the Synod at the conduct of the supreme authorities of the State, in rejecting the claims recently made by tlu' Clnu'ch of Scotlantl ; and the Synoil, it goes on to say, "do hereby record their deep and ati'ectionate 'symj»athy with those of her rulers and members who, leaving the " Establishment at tlie bidding of conscience, have thereby sacri- " ticed tempoial interests and personal feelings,' &c. rnKsiiyrinn.tx iMns '1^ At Kinjvt«»n. in Jiilv, IsH-. Ih Cnol niovcil. mtmh.Ii'iI l>y Ih- Gfoi'/f H M^ri*-^ "f rvsiilntioiis. niic rlnusc nt" wliiili was, • tluit it i*- "(>x|»«*ri,'t' suUs«'tni»ntly lirc.-unc Piitt'('s.s(»r of Sy^t<'mali«- Tlifoli'^y in <^u<'cn's ( 'dlN'^r, iiml it is ti«> iin|tntntinii i»n hi.s rhnrM-ter Vf ^i\. that with tlir vii«\vs he t'iitrrtainril>h' tni him t" tXiv(? othtT im !>!>?>.■* ions n*<,'air»* and well fcnunhMl. Full (Mnh-iKf must he ijiv<'ii t'» tlw* av^^rtions of those students wlio, cvrn hct'nic ol' tainin;,' t}i«*ir lio-nce, were strong; advocates for union, tliat Di (i(Mir;:edid not att»Mnpt to intlumee tlicm ( "onseiously, it may ho, he did not. hut after he liad opt-idy nio\ed in tlie matter; after his puhlic f'xpressions of o|iinioii. it is ditfie\ilt to see liow tin' o\- erti(»n of a <:Tertain amount of inthicnee eoidd h»' avoi(h'(l. Dnrinu th*' sessions of IS-lS-!) and of lH.')!)-(i(), Di-. Cook acted as riinc!- ))al of Qne*'n*'i ^'ollege. 1 luivc n<» intention nr or two o\ its closin<,', when the lari;e majority of tlie members had left. Dr. (ieoiire suddenly intidduced nn ovei - ture on tlje siibj*?*-! of f'nion with other Preshyteiian l)odies. It was mo\t^i l.y Mr. ject, and to he ready to meet " with hrethren Kelonginir to the other Synods, fo (istrrt(n i> tlirir " r^'ii'n flint f*fHnff.^ nti tht' iiHiffi-r aneiit> to have gone alone to the secediuLj; hody, where he was receiv«>J. natumlly enough, with elfusion. the seeear: " A docunu'iit inir/K>rtiii(f to he " a r«!))ort of the ( 'omiiiittei' on In ion hetween this ( 'huirh and the " Preshyterian< 'hniehes in tin I'ros incc, ;ind a niiinite of ;t meeting " (HI fjuirliiij/it.) he a nit el ingot" the Committee on I 'n ion, we re lead." Why these terms wej-e usi'd will plainly appear hy the resolution which follows : "It was ii,.i\'iiod, /'(,( A/.s' /inlitlui > I till I II Cllll I III/ to ll ,1 IIS ll III I II AH- SKMKO! -niK t nM.Mirri'K .Ml* 'IN' I I'.l! HV I'lli: sVNoI), .m* iiiiiiii((lh!«' (I ml (fi<(l /'rH-mlsof Un < 'li ni'th.-Ainx for so decidedly refraining fr(»m committing him.scl} or the Svuoo to any hasis or terms odiuB towards rueoneiliation. im m i i ^ mm fi m mm^, I'liEsiivrKuity rxinx. 25 Thr Clunvh had hccii Ljrowiiij,' steadily up till tliis tiiu«', and as the funds in thr h.inds of the Tt'ni|M)iaIitit's' hojird were limited, the new ministers addeil to thf loll had no pntspeet of any assistanci' tVoni thnt source. It Itcini^ found that tln' new and outlying settlements, which it was tlie duty of the ('huich to of- eupy, weie suH'eriiii^ from the wan* of (iospel ordinances, the peo- ple l)ein«( necessarily poor anuta- tions visited many of the oon^^jrei^ations in the eastern |)art of Ur/per Canada (now Onta'ioi, and settled eharjjes in L<»wer ( 'an- ada fnow Quehec). The result was most encoura«(ing. In the partial returns presented in the repoft to t)ie Synod of lH«l(), it was sh((wn that in a c"mparatively small nund»er of con^^rej^a- tions nearly .**22,(MM» ha-l l»t ;'n suhscrihed, and that tliat sinii woiild lie very greatly increased when the years returns had Keen re<*eived ; that lo<;al (Committees had heen I'ornuMl, and that a very larjj^o amount wt»uld he !*aised for plantin;^ new ehun'hes. In ad- dition to this, (he collei'tions for the " Contin^'cnt Accotint," the fund for meetini; current charj,'es, had not only not fallen otl", but liad, on tin- contraiy, never liefore heen neaily so liheral, The re- port for IS«!! showed a still further and very considerahle addi- tion to the permanent fuml. Hut all thes«> hopes, which weic to a j^reat extent r*'aiities, tor the hearts of the people had heen stirred, were dashed to tlu' ;^round. riideithe plea that the annual icventie did not meet the animal expenditure, the perma- nent fund for missionary woik was i-ncroached upon ; the suh- 8eri|)ti«>ns for St. Andrew's ( 'hurch, in the ( 'ity of Quidu'c.amouTit- in^ to upwards of >^10,0()(), wei-e frittereil away; the colle«'tions for the " Continufont Actiount ' wjmc not made Ity many of the IVienda :)f \inion ; the local a<;en<*ies, which had heen well oii^aniv.ed, and were ert'ective, were discoura^^ed, ami a damp thrown over the ail- lierents of the ('lunch. The i-eiterateu demands ull< id'pas- t(»rs ami |ieo|)le, tliere has hueii iki desire — there is not now any desire — to have lier liiotted out (»t" existeni-e. Beyond thi- small knot of union men, those who now suhnnt to wliat tliey l)elieve to Ih' tin- inevitaltle, do so tVom a teeliiiLj (»t" dull di-spair at tl)e fu- tnr(M)t"a < 'imrch wlueli, treed tVon» the constant irritation to which it is exposed, would lie active, ener;^'etic — a livin<,', movin*,^ i^row- i!ig body. When it was proposed to send missionaries to Britisli ( 'oiiunhia, tlie memhers ot" the I'nion |>arty (tpposed the su^'t;es- tion, and it tell to the i^round ; wlieii the propriety of torming charg»'s in Manitoba and the North-West was uri^'eil, the L'nion party assented t(» it, hut on the c(»ndition tiiat the miiuster sent should he placed under the control of the othei I'l'eshyterian lpod\ , and so t'oi the time the work was etf'eetually killed. At't«'i loni( delay, a miuistei' was sent, hut sd uell had the spirit of the memliers of Syn<»een killed, that the |»arty in, hut scarceK of, the('huich was suffered to instr\iet iiim that he was to report to tl»e denomination which had denounced the nieudxTs of the Church they had left as ♦aithless to their vow>. As a Mipiel to the melaiu'holy st(»ry, the couvenei' of the < 'onuniltee appointed to carry on the mission to Manitoha, in his report puhlished in < )et^>her, leenm:nends that the ( 'liurcll tit which he professes to belong should abandon the lield. lieeaUM" it was alreadv oeriipied by other I'resbyterians ! TIicnc ate hut instances out of nuinv which <'oulgar«Jc'l, an«l with loason, an •xim^atefl clorgy as in> be ab.soibed Ity another, when they <'ould at once ent weakness. TIicm' tlt'inents of success art' wanting, thanks to tlu^ constant, uniemitting woik of a small party within the fold. The ( 'ana da Presbyterian ('hurch is willing enough to listen to piojuKsals for union ; but with them that means the abolition, the blotting out, of the hraiich of theOmnh of Scotland he'e. They have heajied ir»sult aftei in- 28 rnESHYTEliUS f WION. suit \i\)r,\] licr, Itut " ictract ! n<», nut a liairKreadtli I ' They have tlisturbed aiif what />('/y>orMo !•«■ meetings (»f ( 'onunittees on T^nion. it has been amusing to s»'e them diHering in opinion ahout the disposal of funds ; «|Uarrelling, almost to the point of breaking off negotia- tions, about the position the colleges are to occupy ; negotiating ahout the manner in which the Church they were ahout to entei was to rais(^ funds connuensurate with those brought in l)y the new ailherents. Diplomacy uiay l)e regarded with admiration when it is seen employed hy skilled diplomatists engaged in set- tling Weighty (juestions of reality. When these gentlemen aie busily engagetl in discussions analogous in the carrying of wati-r in sieves, they are apt to be Iduked at in a ridiculous light. T<> tlie Presbyterian (,'hurch of ( anada in t-onnection with the Church of Scotland belong tin.' whole macbineiy and ccpiipmentN now held in her name. Ilelieved from the incubus that has weighed on their energies, the adherents of that Church will pr«t- ceed to the work given them to do, (jarnestly, faithfidly, vigor- ously They nuiy. no «loubt will, have their days of trial ; they may, no doubt will, be calumniated, misrepresented, maligned : but their duty is ]»lainly set l»cfore them, anr how few of them *««*fiw?«**«»i*«tw»}'c**im< i'in:^iiyTi:uiA\ r.xinx 29 are left. Tlu' -lays ..f ;,,..! of trial .mv l.iit tli.- iMvlu.le to a great aii.l n|.,ii..M. futurt', if faith t<. lay I1..M of tli.- |.n.iiiise» \k' i^ivcM t(. the iMuiiil.ors ..f the I'hksmvtkiuan Ciiurcii of Canaim in cu\nk( rioN with Till-: ('mii. h ,,|' S((, ■ p^f ^S OF THE SYNOD Of THI OP THE T.OWER PROVINCES or BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. aaLD AT HALIFAZ, JTTlTa-^TTLT, 1874. -»♦♦- HALIFAX, N. 8. t J'RINTKI) RY JAMKS BARNES tORNBR SACKVILLE AND UKANVILLE STREETS. 1874. (".oN'i i:x'n T'A(.r Aci'OMiit-t tl, 7, ^ Aj{«'il MiiiiHtcrH Fiiml. 'Jl Anti-.MiiHli Kii.t K', I-'. 1 1, •_'!. •_'"» A.SMCKMd'H u|i|iiiilltcil II ItiHirD-vs ( 'uniinittco Ui'|Mirt. '», Irt ( '11:11111. I. h" rliiiicli. rctiti.m ..f 'Jl Ctfik^ u|i|Miiiitiil 5, < '>ioii u|i|)iiiiit(Ml 27 <'(,iTOH|>uniliiig .MuiiiIhtm .. ••, 1-, l'», 'J.'» I>i'|MitMtiiiiiM ii-cci\(il II, l"», 18 J>f|iiitic'<« ii|>|iil r.oiiril . .'_*7 " Siiiicriiitcii.lfiii'i' Moiinl 2'», -•>, -7 " r..iiuiiittc.) «m l'iii)lii; 1(», JU I' 'I III It i'iiicii y liituiiiiicc i»f ( 'iiurclii'H 'j;{ JINNiniis -Aoii'liau l'.», '_'() F..m«n II, 'J'2, 'St Monti! -J I, lin M.-I,i- Cull to I>r 15 M nioiiil NoticoH.. . .^ la, 3(), .'VJ, Mi, M JlujiiiMiiil rf>{iu«liiii; I'rof. MtKiiiylit I'.i, '_';<, 23 Miiii^trriiil Sii|i|Miit -(Ht-rtiiro on 20, 21 MidliMiitiir I'lioMiii r» Next .Mci-tiii>{ of Syiio.l 16, 21, 2."r V . M. C. AsHociiitiou ,0 MINUTES OF THE SYNOD UK iiu; rRESBYTElUAN CHURCH OF riiK ^oucv iL*i*ovincc9i of gvitisit Jlorth -America, Held at Halifax, June July, 1874. »•♦ Fli:sT SKDKHl'NT. Al Unlif't.r, iiii'l 111 Viijiliir <,'i,u'r Cliiirch, on flu .yO/h ihni nf Jnii'\ 1S7 'f, Xilil lit fiill/-p(i.-'f itrrrn o'rlork, J'..\f. Tilt' Symitl nf till' Prisbyt^'rian (Mmn^h of the l.nwcr I'rnviiic<«» <>\' Viriti.sli N'Ttli AiiU'iii'M, intt, and in tlir ahstHcc of tin' MiMlciMtur, anil ?.y .siictMiil n'(|U('.st dl' tlif itn'vi(iu.s Nrodcrator, llu' llrv. Jatnt-H Ilnml Wilson, "!' lln- l>ari'lay ( 'liun-li, Ivlinlnu'gh, l»t'(iMty ol' tlif Krtc Cliiuili ol Si'otjanil. I'onilMct.cij devotional cxcri'i.Mcs, and \iv\. .las. Clialnii'V.s Uniti" of Kit'klistoii, alfio a l>ijtnty lioni llic sanif ( Imrcli, prcaclivd an alilr and most appropriate, ilij^oonrsc, IVoni liie proplie<;ie!* of Mieali. eliap. I, and V. 7. "<• thou that art named the hourte of .Jacoh, i.s the Spirit of tho ],ord straitened, are the.-i.' jlj^ doing's? do not My word.s ilo trood to him I hat npri-htly 1" IJev. Tteor^'e I'at.terson. Ill" Modertitnr for the pn-vJoUH war, then took the <'jiair, and havin^c informecl the Synod that he had Keiji riM|iiest,«'d liy the Moderator to annonnee his unavoidiiliiu alwenov, prt»eredvd to eon- Miliite the Synod in the usual manner. The j-cports of rreshyterics, of chiini^'es wliirh ocoiirrcd (hirini,' t he i{»^portii of past year, alfectinj,' the Koll, were then read liy tl».I)., of James' iHaoo, lvi«t lllver, in the ]* of I'iotou, Au^'. r)th, 187:3. ^vov. .lumert FrjiHcr, niinister of Uoulurderie, in the rreshytfry of Ca|>« JJivton, April 7th, 1*J74> IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 1S|M 1 5 iL* IIIIIM <- m M Z2 1.8 JA ill 1.6 V} ^ /} '<5. ^% ^jy W'' >'■ > /a °\ l> o^ /A M m Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 »'-• ST WAIN ST!J2£T Wfr.STER,N.Y. M580 (716) 872-4503 ^ ^ '^;^A' qv \ \ <^ o ;\ ^^A>> ^ <»^ ^1^ ii m^ w.. Ua DKMISSIONS OF CHARGE, Ik fill' Pri'shfifir// of Sf. John. — Ilcv. Samuel ^rcCully of tho Coiifi^rpfjii- tion (if Prince Williiiiii, June '!?>, 1873; liev. Suinuel lioiiston. M. A., of the Conj^f relation of (,'alviu Clmn.'h, St. -lolm, Nov. Htli, 1873 ; Kev. -Fohu Turnbull, of the Congregation of St. James April 18th, 1874. INDUCTIONS. In tlif Pirshijtnrij nf St. John. — Rev. J. D. jNfiin'ay, to TJoUchtouelie Coeagiie and Scoteli Scttleiucnt, Oct. 22, 1873, by traiiislation from !Moneton ; liev. David Waters, L.L.])., to St. David's ( 'Inircli, St. John, I)ec. 3, 1873, by translation from St. Clary's Congregation, Ontario, in connection with the Canada Presbyterian Church. Ill the Pri'sliijtern of P. E. I,-iliiiffrii of Linii'iiliiir'i 'tixl Yarinonth. — Mr. E. I). Miilar, .Iiily 2n(l, 1873; Mr. Thomas Christie, Sept. 3r(l, 1873. Ihj the rrvshi/friy uf Sf. Jn/ni.^'Slr. M. K. I'aratli.s, Juno 4th, 1871. xp:w coxgregations. In St. John Presbytery, tlio Congregation of XfW Kincardine in Victoria (Jcninty. In Truro Presbytery, Maccan and adjacent settlements, Oct. 13th, 1873. In Halifax PreshytiM'V, Lakuville and "Waterville were disjoined from Kentvilh? and furni(;d into a separate charge, Oct. 5th, 1873. The Poll, as modified l»y these, changes, was then called, and the Roll called, members marked 1, answeicd to their names. Jteports of Presbvteries on the nomination of Moderator were read as Nom. for Mo- lullowH :— "' ''^■'■••'*"'"- Pev. E. Ross Avas nominated by the. Presbyteries of Truro, Tatama- gouche, Lunenburgh and Yarmouth, and. Cape IJreton. Pev, Professor Mclvnight was nominated by the IVesbyteries of Halifax. St. Jniorrow morning, and at the commencement of each evening Sederunt, to be set ajiart for devotional exercises. The Re[>ort was adii[)ted, and it was nnnitted to the Cotumittee to u'rangc the business, so as to give promiiiciice to the more important 111 atters, which are to come before the Synod. The Synod then adjourned to meet to-morrow morning at 10 o'chx'k, closiuLf with the Pencdiction. SECOND SEDERUNT. Some Place, July 1st, 1S7J, 10 (fdock, A. M. The Synod met and was constituted by the ^Foderator, wIkmi one alf honr was devot<>d to devotional exercises. The Minutes of last sederunt were read and confirmed. Tile Synod proceeded to fill the office of Clerk rendered temporarily Appointment 'acant by the appointment ot* Mr. McGregor as Moderator, when Rev. of Clerk. AssiKtiint clerk Dr. Tojip, Ijetter from Sec. of V. M. (J. Vssoc'n. Tlianks to IMessrs. Wil- son & liurn*. rrinteil Min- utes, Corre8]>omliiij. Members. Report of Aud. Com. A. Fiilconor and Hcv, T!. Patterson were pntjicscd and tin; former ^tap chosen. 'Jlu; Kcv. Tlmtj. Sedgwick and tlie Jiev. \. McKay were pro- posed as Secretary of" Comniittee on J>ills and Overtures, and Assistant ( "lerk of Synod, vacated ]>y Mr. Falconer's ui)i)ointnient as Clerk. On a division Mr. McKay was elected, and tonkins place. 'riic M(nlerator read a U.legrani iVoni I)r. Tnjip, one; nf the ])elegates of the (.'anada Preshyterimi ('hin-ch, stating tiiat he coidd not l)e forward till 'J'hursday evening, when it was resolved that the (piestion of Union, in wdiich he is specially interested, l)e not taken nj) till Friday morning. A letter was read from the Secretary of th(! Y. M. (J. A.ssociation, ollc'iT ig to the njenihers of Synod a cordial invitation to the of their Jieading Ivooni, Library, and other faiilities of their new huilding, during the meeting of Synod. The Clerk was instnuited to acknowledge the letter and thank the Association for their kind ojfer. ( Ml njotion of liev. J. K. Smi'h, st-coniled hy Dr. T-ayne, it Avas cordially agreed, that the thanks of the Synod be jiresented to the Kevds. ^Messrs Wilson and Bums, i'or cojulucting the religions exercises at the opening of Syuod. The Moderator comnuinicated the thanks accord- An opportunity for remarks on the print-ed Minutes of la&t Synod was ])resented, when they were ai)proved. The Uevd.'*. Messrs lUirns and Wilson, the Scottish Delegates, the llev. Mr. McTavish (»f tlu; Canada I'resbyterian Church, antl the Rev. Mr. Morton ^li.ssiimary from Trinidad, wen; invitetl to sit as correspond- ing members and take their places beside the Moderator. Mr. ^lorton placed upon the table of Synod copies of the Urdu and Hindustani Versions of the Xew Testament, and other ])Ooks used in worship in connection with the Trinidad -Mission. The Rev. Mr. Walker reiul the lli'port of the Auditing Committee, to th(! elfect that t1 Sxpenditure. Year ending Ist June, 1874 $6839 6:i Expenditure over rt ccipts $ 51.5 V,\ Balance due TreiWturer, Ist June, 1:873 017 27 Balance due Treasurer, 1st June, 1874 ....$1132 40 HOME MISSION. Received, year ending 1st June, 1874 ...v.-< 2576 19 Expenditure" " " '• " 279173 Exi)enditure over receipts $ 215 54 Balance in Treasurer's hand, 2nd June, 1873 542 7.'> Rxpendi ^-^alance Balance in Fund, l»t Juii6» W4.. •,.........$ 327 13 funnor waf? y were \iro- 1(1 Assistiint l(.'rk. On rt u; ])elegute^ t be Invwanl n of Tnion, ay morning'. Association, nse of their l.liii.U, (Uiriuf.^ lowletlge the aynfi, it wa^ to the Revds. I crciseH at the laukrt a(;coril- )f last Synod I )rU!'» 74 Kxpeiiditure " " " " " -.'l-Vi 67 Iiocoi])t>< over exiipinlituro ISiilaneo in 'J"ien,»niiT"s liaml, 1st June. 187;}. I'.iilance in Treai^urcr's liand, 1st June, 1S74 , SYNOD KIND. Ilcceivcil, ycnr ending Ist Juno, 1S74 Expenditure " " ' ^ •_«» 07 i'jT t)7 ■* .v.t; 7t lleceipts over expenditure ^inn^ 80 ^'JK 72 2.1i OS r.;il:ince due Treasurer, 'Jud June, lN7-'{ - -•"'>') 11 liiilance in Treasurer's liand 1st , lane, 1874 ^ o 1.^7 SITPLKMENTING Fi:Nn. Kuceived, vcar endinp; li«t .Tune, ls74 : Church colleetions *iViS 10 Grant Free Church ot Seothmd ... -l-'*rt 67 " Irish J'rosbyterian Church .. :ii:i Si>s> 10 Kxpf-nditure. year ending 1st June, 1S74 _ . XM-i 'M) KxpcTiditure over receipts .8 —.> UO IJaliince in Treasurer's hands, "Jnil June, 1873 >t»> 21 Halance in Treasurer's honds, 1st June, 1S74 . 8*"21 01 ACADIA MISSION'. Received, yesr ending 1st .Tune, 1^'<74 f 7t-'> 0.5 Expenditure," " " " " .=io.>* 50 Receipts over expenditui e Balance due Treaisurer, 2iul June, 1873. Balance iu Treasurer's hands, 1st June, 1874, HINTSTFRIAL EDUCATION'. Received, year ending 1st Jnne 1S74 ; (^hurch collection!! Interest and dividends DruwH from Investment Ftind ^1^5 .">."> ix* 84 « i7 71 271' 98 ■j»»2»'> .■>;{ *.V>.-2 lis Rxpenditv -e, year ending 1st June, 1874 ., . -liJ& 22 8(5324 4'.> ,$6839 62 .$ 515 V.y . 617 27 Receipts over expenditure -*i-vir> 16 Balance line Treasurer 2nd June, 1^73 Hi* S7 Balance in Treasurer's Imnds, 1st June, 1874 -* .ai»; 29 riU)FESHORTAI- FIND. Keceipts, dividends, and interest of invested funds, year ending 1st. Junf, lS*-*2»>4 00 Expenditure, year ending 1st June, 1874 2».»7.j 0») .$1132 40 I Transferred to Education Fund. $ 9 00 . 2576 1^ . 2791 73 .ill5 54 ,. 542 73 .$ 327 13 CRKllAR MISSION FCND. lleceiptu, dividends nnd interest, ycnr ending 1st .Tune. 1874 ? 12^ 91 Expenditure year ending 1st Juno, 1874, transferred to Foreign Mission a8 Examined and found correct, Georgk. Wai.kkk, 1 J. W. ('AKMnAKi,, V Auditors. G. W. Underwood, j The Report was received, tlie diliLjence of tlie (.'oininittee !i]t])rcive(l, and tlie tlianks of Synod tendered to tlieni. Mr. "Walker was instructed to convey this niotion to the other nieiidter.s of this (Jonunittee wJKthave «levote(l .so nnieli time and attention to the work. The Ccniniittee Conitiinins of snf'w.sted that the Professorial and Kdu(!ation Funds nii'dit he advant- J''»ft'«';''>'i''i^' . . . . iiud Kduca- ageously uniteil in the current accounts. Un niotion it was resolveil tion Funds. that two funds he united in the current accounts, hut kept separate in the inve.stinents, tlie fund to be known as the Mini.sterial Kdueati(jn Fund. ]'rof McKnight read the liep'^t of the Cominittee on Statistics, Report of com, from which it appeared that though there are still a good many Idanks "» ''^t"'ti'*ti*^**- from Ses.sions not reporting, there is an improvement in this re.s])ect upon years, The Report was received, and the thank.s of the Synod tendered to the Committee. Rev. J. K. Sniitli moved, " That the Synod c '^ct the attention of Presbyteries to the law of the Church Mot'n adopted on this matter, ii.s set ton in Ciiap. II. Sect. II. sul)-section 17 of the Hides and Forniij of Procedure, with ■ -tructions to report annually to Synod their diligence in t!ie matter." ]iev. G, Christie niovcil, "That the Synod simply cull the attention of Presbyteries to the law of tho Church on this matter." The ([uestion heiiig taken, ^Tr. Smith's resolution was preferred. It was agreed that the Rejiort of the Committee to wattdi over Pnldic Education, he the order of husiness at the commencement of the after- noon 8edi;runt. Closed with the Benediction, THIRD SEDERUNT. Same Dnij and Place, 3 o'clock P. M. The Synod met and was constituted hy the ^loderator. The Minutes of the previous Sederunt were read and sustained. The Moderator ai)pointed the following s])ecial Committees : ComrnittecHon To examine the M/imfeH of the I'nslxjtn'ie.^ of 8f. John and prJ'.'jflV;,-^, Miranilchi — Rev. ]\fessrs. R. M. Morri.s(jn and Wm. Millen, ministers, and Mr. J. F. JUanchard, elder. 7V) examine the Aliindes of the Pve.^hjiteries of Cr. ( ini'dMn, idders -tlu; lirst naini'd in each case t'l l)e (.'(ancner. lU' ')f com. It was au'revd that tlie IJe|)(ii1 (if tlie ( 'unnnit'ee on I'iddie I-Mucation, (.11 .'uhho ,j,^,i ^],|. i;,,f,,i,.,i,.,, ,,t' till' I'ii'tdn TreshviiTV anenl the AntiLcmiish riot, rjllUCUtlUU, 1,1 , ,, I, ^l -i>' 1 I ' 1 ' II I. 1. 1 /( h(! takou \\\t together. KCv. .Mr. lithladn read tlie l>e]H,rt (d the (com- mittee on I'nMic; Kiliicalii>n, whiidi was reiunNi'd, and laid ujion the tahh'. Ucfcreiico of The le"'. \\ \. ^FeC'lirdy, read the ivfereliee tVnni tlie rietou Pres- rictou r liy. iiyti.j.y^ wliieli on motion was suslained. It was Halved that as the iib(jve nisli liidt. re])ort and reference could iKjt he .salist'aetoiily disens>til toL;'i'ther, the Rc'imrton I'lib. i',.|>()rt, of the ( 'oiiiniittee to Watch over Puhlii' I'Mncat iou lie first taken hdiRiition Alter discnssioii, the reiiort with slii'ht amendment, was udoiited. Proceeded to consider the reconiuiondations a])[iended t(j the Report. 1st llccom- 1. " 'I'liat the oilicc !)earer.s of tiiis Churcii, be directed to take .sueli measures, as iiicuilation. tlioy nuiy dccMi firopcr, for Ijriic^in;:; the state of tlie eiliicatioiiul (iue»tioii before tlio pe{)i)le under tlieir eliiirjje at as early a day as jio.ssiijle." Oil motion this recommemhition was unauinionsly adopted. Ud Uecommen- o "Tliattlie people under our jnrisdietion he reconnnended, to witlidniw their datiou. couiitciiaiice iiiiil supixjrt, from our piihiic men, no inattrr to wliat party tliey belonji, wlio will not decide to pledn:e themselves, to use their utmost endeavours, to secure an impartial administration of our unseetarian ISehool Law, and treat our educational interests, as of inliiately more value than the existence or triumph of any party." Tt was moved by Uc'V. \). W. lUair, and secoiulctl hy IJev. L. K.'. McXeill, that this resolution lie aihijitiMl. ]t was movcvl ill amendment hy the JJev. J. K. Smith, and s^'condeil ■l)y ])r. A\^ iters, A-nendmontto " That the Synod call upon the pcojile of our Church, to {ruard with the jjrcatcst •Jd resolution, vinrjlunee, the interests of our Educational system, and to use ri;,'orously, all letiiti- mate means, to secure in every jilaee its elHeient and jiractical ojieration. The Synod further expresses the opinion, that those public men, who are not ]iro|iared to carry out, in theii intcirrity, the ]»rovisions of the law, should not receive the support and countenance ol our people." "While these were being discu-ssed, the hour of adjotirn- nient arrived, The(derk cd' lUlls rejiorted the oi'der of business for to-morroWj which was adopted. Closed with the lienedietion. .Ml. Diiniul 'ul't'it/lt il/^^'- Mt 'SSI'S. A. ^ri'ssi'.s. li. rr. .. McCurdy, , r.hinchiiril. ucil ill each (' Kduciitidii, i.^Miiish riot, • f till; (.'ulll- iil ni)on the I'ictou Pres- ,'is till' iiljovc ti),i,'('tlier, till' ' lii'st tiikt'u iVas adoiitcd. ) the Report. ell inoasurcH, as tiou Lict'ore tlio ed. witlidniw their ty tliey Ih'Ioii^, s, to secure iui )iir educational iiy party." K.'v. L. (.;. nid s^'fondcil tti the greatest usly, all lc}xiti- Tlic Synod MiL'd to curry he support and of adjo\irn- rrow, ^Ylnch 10 II ForiiTH SKDKIirXT, The Synod luf't and was coiistitiitcd liy the Mixlcratur, wlu'ii a short lime was spent in devotional exereiscs. 'I'lu' niiimti's of last sederunt Were read and contiriiu'd. Coniniissidiis in lavdiir of the lu'V. James Clialmers jUirns, M. A., ^^cottisli Depii minister at Kiikiiston, and the Kev. danu's llodd Wilson, .M. \., (d' tlit; ''^'**- llarclay Cliurcli, l'MinliiirL,'li, fn>m tlic (Irncral Asscnildy of the l-'reo (.'hurch ol' Seiitjand, and the Colonial Committee of the sani" Chnrcli, haviiiL,' heen read, these hiethreii were introduced to the Synoil, and cor- dially welcomeil. Mr, AVilsoii lirst addressed the Synod, dweljin^f particularly upon the recent reniarkahle revival in Scotland, and Home Mission work in Kdin- hur,L,di, At the close of his address, Mr, ^\'ilsnn .stated, that tln'y were ac('onii)anied hy twu youn^' students, — Messrs, r.jrhdur and (loi.hui, who, with the .SyiKMl's ]iernii.ssion, would address the Court, llaviie.;- heen heartily received, they adili'esseil the Synod, specially referring' to tin; intliK'nce of the revival movement upon yotmir men. After enga;^'in,L,' in devi>ti(inal exercises, tlie Syno(l was addressed hy ^Fr. llurns, whn I'onveyed tlu^ fraternal ,u:ree1in,L;s of the Assemhly and till' deej) inti'i'csl which the Colonial Committee takes in this ( 'hurch. ^Vv. Jhirnslaid u]ion the tahle of Synod, a copy of intc^restin,!^ documents connected with the Free Church. Several nienihers of Synml .havinj,' spoken in resjionsi-, the f dlowiuf,' resolution neived hy the Kev. d. K. Smith, and secnndeil hy ^^r. Falconer, was heartily acceidcd. " The Synod dcsin's to express its {zrcat jilcnsurc at the itrcscnce anionj:; us of tlie Resolution, honoured ami hclovcd representatives of tlie Free ("ir.rch of Scotland — a ("liurch honoured of (iod in hearing,' a mdde testiincny for tlie truth of Christ, rejoices in hear- ing; from tliein of the pro;:ress of that Church, and especially their deeply intcrestiiiLj statements, of the great work of grace in Scotland ; niid prays tiiat the Holy Spirit may he still more co|.iioii,^iy ])oureil out (jii that land. The Synod ileiires ihe hrrthren to convey to the Free CImreli of Scotland, and espei'ialiy to the Colonial Coianiittec of that Church, its gratitude for their liln'rality and many eonrtesies towards this Church. Tile Synod invokes tlie Divine protection on the homeward journey of the Iionoured delegates, already endeared to us hy their excellent addresses and fervent hrotherly spirit; praying that they may he long spared and still more ahundantly hlessed in the service oi' our Lord Jesus Clirijl." The Modeiatnr in a few appropriate remark,s tendered the Jlesolutioa to the Deputies. The thanks of the Synod were also presented to ^Ii-s.srs, IJarhoiu'and (Jordon, After prayer, led h}' the Jtev, Mr. McTavish, the Synod clused with the Jk'uediction. FIFTH SEDFUUXT. S(ime ridco, 2in} Jala, 10 n'clorl-, A. M. The Synod met and wn.s constituted hy the ^Foderator. 'J'lie minutes of hist Sederunt were read and approved. At the riMpiest (d' the I'reshytery of Cape Breton, for the ajipoint- As>*pssors ap- ment of as3e.s.sors toaid them, the K'jvds. J)r, IJayne and J. 15. Logan, pointed. Mere chosen fur that purpose. siJ&iiiteV 12 .Mr. Smitli'H motion iiil(i|it ftl. M KocDiiiiiii'ii tiiition, ineii(l:iti(>ii. Aiiionilnient. K.Kpeii.scs. Dr. Jeffers, Motion Separ iito Schools. Hefprence of Pictoa I'bv. Coniniittco, I! •.-^uiiicil tlic ('(iii.sideMtioii of tlic rccdiiiiiK'iiiliilinn.s hI'IIk' (.'uiiiinillii' (III I'lililic- Ivluciitioii, wlicii iil'tcr (Xitliiiiatidii.-i ^'ivm, tlic sccdinl ivcdiii- liicliiliitioii of flic ('nliuiiittct' Wii.s, liy llii' cuiisciit (if the SyiKul, willi- (Irawii, ami Mr. SiinUi'.s iiidtidii adnptcd iiiMiiiumu.-ly. 'I'lii' iicxt rcciiiiiiiirinlalion i>i' the ( 'i>iiiiiiittci', wa.s actM jiti-d uiiaiii- iriously, viz : 1. "'I'Imt tills Svnoil dcciiU-dly protest, ntrni'istatiy nttctiipt of tlio mpmliiTS of tfic Hoiix- of Coiiiinoiis, or otlicrs, to deprive flu' I.oeai I'lirliametits, ot tlieir coiistitu- fioimi riu'lifs, liy tutciii;: upon tliese Lower Proviiiees, a system oreilneatioii, re|iii;;mint to a vast majority of the people." 4. " 'I'hat this Synod record their emphatie di-Mpjirovid of the ])ast and present ndniiiiistration of the Seliooi Law in Nova S<'i)ti;i, in allowing: iis |>rnvi>ion.s to i)e opeidy i^rnored or evaded, in f.ivonr of a ]iartii iihir ileiioniitiitiion, to the great I'.ttri- inent of the hest interests of cdiieation, thron;:hout tlie rrovinees." It was moved and .•seconded tliat lliis ivcuiiiiiii'inlation Lc adojitfil. If was moved in amendment liv lvatter.s<.n ;— " 'I'hat the Synod record its strong disapproval of the administration of the Seho(jl Fiaw in Nova Secjtia, in as far as its provi>ions have heeii aiioweil to he evaded ill tile intercstB of any jiartieuiar denomination." ()n a divi.sjon heiiij^ taken, 17 voted i'or the amendment, an'' 'oclnrc its firm attnehment to tlio pvineiplo of Free non-sectar- ian education, and strongly protest against any effort to alter the existing law, for the purpose oi .ng on these I'rovinces the Sejiarate School system." Entered ujion a consideration of fhe reference of the I'ictou Presby- tery, regarding the Antigxmish riot, when it wa.s agreed, on the motion o^ J)r. Waters, to a])point a committee to consider the refenmco, and pre- sent a iinding for the consideration oi the Synod at the aftornoou Seder- unt. The following were chosen as tlu^ (,'ommittee, viz :— Eevds. l)r. Waters, Dr. MclJuUoch, A Stuart, and L. (J. McNeill, mini.sters. ]\Iessrs. J. F. r.lanchardv X. Hilton, and Hon. K. Hendi'i'son, elders. Adjourned with the Benediction. United Com- iminion. SIXTH SEDERUNT. Sanir. Day atid PI i ice o (/cIocJi, P. M. The iSytiod met and was constituted by the ]\[oderator. The Minutes of last Sederunt wovo read and su.stained. ]Jev. C. J). I^'thlado reported from th(! Committee on Devotion, that at the re(iuest of a similar Committee of the Synod in connection Avith the ("hurch of Scotland, and in concert with them, they liad agreed to recommend a united (Vjmmunion of the members (^f both Synods, to be celebrated in St. Matthew's Church, on Subbath evening, at 8^ o'clock, ■ ('ulllllliltcc •Dlld I'fCdlll- lyiiiitl, willi- jilid luiiiiii- iipmlicrs of the tlu'ir coiistitu- ion, n'|)Uj;tmiit >i(>n.s to 111' le great ('ttri- ' adopted, sccdiidt'il liy itrntion of tlio (I to Ito evatleil and 1l*2 for t'll, was thfii i' tin; rcsolu- ittce, in ^.'nii- rcli uf North ineiubcr, and '. J. Forrest, ree non-scctar- existing law, h'stcm." lu PresLy- ' llKltidH o^ ire, and pre- nuoii Seder- Kevds. Dr. ter.s. Messrs. iVdjourned >rl; P. M. The Minutes 'votion, that icetion Avitli ad a^jfreed to ynods, to ho i SI o'clock, 13 r.M. 'Plic riTMinnii-ndatjon was aff<'j>tfd. and the snltject riMiiitted In the ('niiiniittec fit make the noeesMiiry iirran;,'eiiients. The I{(vds. ^fi'ssrs. Mnrdoeli Stewart, (ico. ('hristie, Pr. I'-ayni' and Committee on .Iiihn .Stewart, wiTe appointed a Curntnittec to prepare nieiiinrial notices Mrtnorinl of the fiitliers who have }»een railed away })y death dnriiiL,' the past year, **^'"' Dr. r>ayite to he ('onvi-ncr. The IJejtort of the ( 'onirnittfe on Systematic lleneliecncc was sul)- Report of com, niitted l>y the Ifev. K. A. .M(( "urdy. ' The Keport .set forth t lie en- ||"^^;j;' '''*""' ' eouraLfin;^ fact, that theCliuivh was makitij^' ^.'ratifyint,' pro^'ress in the adoptiiui of the practiee of wef;kly conlrihutiou fur the snpport of reii^'iotis (irdinanc<'.s. The TJejiort was rc(!ei\X'd, a(htpted and tlie thanks of the Synod Ueportadcjit'd tendered to the (Committee. The Ciinniiittec aski'd, "that th(! Synuinn s own application. .1 Ins matter was referred to a committee consist in j,' of the Rev. Messrs. (leo. I'attenson, W. ])utl', P. .M(jrris(»n, .\. L. Wyllie, and -f. Forrest, ministers, and K'. iMcI.ean, elder, Mr. I)ulf convener, to examine papers a;id rejiort to Synod, The Rev. J, McKinnon moved the fl'tcil. voted in favor and 13 it. Rev. Mr. Duff reported from the committee to consider tlie applica- Report of com. tion of Mr. Quinn, that the v had examined his testimonials and had "n>I'-<'^'""'» • ,. 1 " 111, • M • application, found them satistactury, and recommend the Synod to receive Mv. (^uinn as a minister of this Church. The report was received and the Halifax J'resbytery instructed to retire and receive him accordingly. 1st. M. 14 Ki'IK.rt iif coTii. TIic KfV. I»r. WaViff fft-pi^rteil frnin tin' ( 'niiiiiiittt'c to n>ii>i.liT tli»- on .\nti!i<.iiinli ,.,.(■,,,.,.,„.,, ,,f ^jj,. ]'],■!, ,u l'';f'-:Mlvy-U-py, rii,Mriliii>,' tin? Aiili;,'niiisli rii.t. TIk- Jii'port WHS rec<'ivH<] ^ul>i Hi**- ffCMuliitiuti.s siihmiL^utl taken up sirialim. The Inllowiii^' wciv :iilo]>tH(i (iiiiiutaim<>ti."tly : 1. " Tlmt a violent riwi ai«'eo< h uml \vorslii|t violiited." 2. "TliHt in the niHttw "i*'^ nh»» riot them hi\s l)eon n innnifest fiiilnrc of jnsti'*' ; (1) to |iiiiii«h tlie (nThuuf »u»i witi* rtn;.Mi;eil in the violent ftssault u|i()ii Me-sr'*. ("hiniipiy and (ioodfellow; lUli chat in conseiiiunce of the dihitoriness ol the authuri- lii's in inosecutint: the (^uhc, ;ini£ tiiitwirhsramlin;; tlie evidence taken liefoie their owr^ coniinission, the (lovenini'itia Hiw rhus far not flealt in an nde<|iinte nianiier witli thi-w; ina^iistrates wlio failed in \xm\\z nhnir otfiiial position to |iroteet Messrs. ('hini(|iiv and (ioodfeilow from violtiuirt-. i-ivrtiu'.r, tlie Synod die|»ly reyrets that the (iovernmeni in hrinuint: down the jia^Kitt rrt chrt le^iMJatiirc in coniii'etion with the riot, liave oiuilted some irnjiortunt 6o"iTH*n(», thereby prexMitiiit; an itiiperfeet report." 3. " The Synod eordiwDlf «nprov«» of the conduct of tliu I'resliytery of Pictou in eondiictin),' the ease, Hiid uf tiilKir nffort'* to ohtain Irom the Provincial (iovernn)ent and civil authoritifb thut jutna'.n And pnjtection which are the inalienable ii{,'lit of every liritish snliject." 4. " Tlie Synod rBtmi;ii ^iiB 7i«»w with {r>*eat alarm, this faihiro to vindicate the liherty of free Miet;(di Btifi sv punish those .lO '.vero guilty of a ^'ross violation <>f law." T). " The Synt>d rtmiii* liiit natKr to the Presbytery of Pictou to be dealt with as in their jndi.'-nient tiiay h'-eni Vhi;." «). " The Synod detir^M- 115 ftxpres.? it.s sympathy "vitli Messrs. (ioodfeilow, Chini<|\iy, IJurB>ide, and ilit Jkui^oaish congre;^ation, in the painful circuinstunces) in which they were placed." KopuitadijptM 'I'lie lii'jKirt was iJjenij luliopted a.s a wIkjIc, Tho Coiiiiiiiltcf rccnm- Motion about iiicmd tliat HA tlie Pidr i-i ItHMbytt-ry hav(i alroady paid oiu' liali tin- aiiiniint- ul' Ihi' iiHceHtsauT itxp»*n.H« in CDuncctiDU with thi.s case, that the iSyiunl a.s.Kunii:' the l>aJuatk^ir, The r(;Oi)miii''n(latioii was atloptcil, and it was ai^i'ccil tci appuint a ''.uDiaiiuittee to apportion the amount to llic several Preshyteries. the e.oiuMuiilUlHri*- to of Jievds. danie.s McLean, T. Sedi^-wick and \\. MiU*--!. Thaiikstoconi. 'J'he thaiik.s of tilt i^jTiuJil Were tpnd(!rd w;w oon.stituted by tho Moderator, after which tlie usual time wae Kjieniin iiEi devotional exercises. The minutes of the last sederunt were reaiE ;iiniil cimtirmetl. Took uj) the suh,Hncn ■•4 Forei-^fn MissioiH. The lieport havinj.,' been printed, and jdaced iii !tit»t ltutm«l.s of the members of Synod, was held a.s read. The Modera1.oi' |}w^^*^^■^a;l;e^i a brief summary of the Report, when the Ilev. A. McL. SiiicluaB',. affcep an address upon the <,'(!neral suljiject, moved, and the J^ev. m^ ueturned missionary from Trinidad, bein;; Morton. present, at the re(jUeKt lotf ttLe Moderator addressed tho Synod, in an interestiniapTi W by Mr, McCurdy, the Synod adjourned with the lienedictiulL .t. TIk' 'iiii. Tlif ioo«lfellow free Bpewli of jnstii-e ; III .Me"-r«. le tiulliori- tlicir own \vit!i tbi'se iiii(|tiv ati vimlicat'* rioliition <»f ,'alt with as ioodfellow, iiistaiices iu I'f rccoin- liiilf th.' ', that tlie (1, and it he several ;Leaii, T. of Pifton iu which 7'. 3/. ter wliich ;es of the •in;^' l>een IS heM as 111, wllt'Ii sulj.iect, received 1(1, Ix^iiiu oil, in an he natim:? uljuurned I,, in- ill St. Mat- thew's ( 'h. 15 EIGHTH SKDKIM'XT. ' S'ltiir r/„rr, Jiih/.l, 10 n't'lnrh, A. M. Thi' Synnil 111,'t iitnl wan constjtuti'd liy the Mmli rati.r. 'I'hc miinili's • if thf lust siMlcninf wi-vr rrad mid sustained. I)r. 'I'l'iip, I'rlr;4atc fmiii flif Canada I'ri'sliytcriaM Cliiiivh, luiiiL;' l>r. 'I'tivf to I>r»-s.-nt, \va- imiti'd t<> curn'sjinnd, and take his [ilacc l.i'sidc \\\v ^^''nTsjM.iKi. .M'ldtTat'ir. l:.-v. W. Stuart, Mclrrator of the rivsI.vliTV <'fSt, ,I,,1im. statnl that ( all t.. In. Mr the f;tin;,'re<,'ati(in nf ( 'alviii Church had cxtcuilcd a call tu Dr. .M(d.ise nf ^•''*^'' \rw York, hut tliat hi'tun- thi- call was .sustained, 1 h'. .Mcd.jsc n'si;^'iifil rh'- 'diafj^e nf his nin;^re;^'atii'U, with a view fn his iiiilui'linii in ('ahin (Jhiircli. iJeiuj^ thu.s a niiuistiu' without chai'irc, the rrc:jhytcry apphcd hf the 8yuod f(ir h-ave to receive J)r. M(diist', and lunceed with his iridiictiiin. The ivijucst ti(.Ti (»f tioiis uf Synud, they had met and received the \{v\. Mr. (,)uinn as a -^'r. i^iinii. minister of this ( 'liurch. Mr. (j>uiiiii, hfin;^ im'setil, was wt'h;onied hy the; Moth'rator ami invite(l to sit as a eorrespondin;^ mruihri'. Tile (JominitttT (Ui hcvntinii rtpdrted ^liatiu cnnccrt with a 'umittec rnitid M.ct of the Synod iu connection with tlic Cliui'ch (if Sculland, they a,' ■"( r».'t:<>mniend a united meetin;^' df th(! meniliers (jf hoth Synods In prayer and cuidV-rence, to l)u held in St. Matthew's Chiu'ch, on Saturday evniiijLr. .It 1\ o'clock. Took up the remit of list Synod on Fnion, wlien tlie reports of I'res- iJimit en Tivteries were called for. Fruiu these reports it was found, lli it ei;,'ht ' "'""• Pre.shyterie.s hi'' reported in favour of Union, and none aj.,fainst , where- upon it was moved by liev. Mr. Smith, and aeconded hy \U\. -Iiiues Sinclair, anil a<^'reed U) — " That this Synod rejoices in the appiv'>val of the l\eniit on Union hy all the .Moti('ir. I'reshyterics of this Chuirh which have rejiored, waive further eon.sidcration of it lU prt^aent. ami iirocced to hear the deleuates aiijioiiited hy the (Jeneral Assenihly of the Canada I'n'.shyterian Church, to iiifonii us of tiie action of that Asseinldy on the suh- jec t ot Union." C')mmissions were then read in favour of the Iicvds. Dr. To])]) and Canadinn Dp- J'>hn McTavish, iustructiu;,' these hrethren to lay before tliis Synod the P^^'ition. ch inL,'es which had hee?! made in the l>asis of I'nion and the accomjiany- ing resolutions, and respectfully ask its concurrence in tlie same. E.vtract niimites were also read from the A.ssemhly of the Canada Pn.-shyterian (Jliurch, and the Synod of the I'reshytcrian (,'hurch in Umada, in re<,'ard to the ])roi)ose(l ehaui^e in the name ot the Uniteil jJody. Dr. Toiip and Mr. then addressed the Synod, and laid upon the table a cojiy of the l>asis as amended. On .-lie motion of the l{(t\. Mr. Smith, it was agreed — " That the Synod express its thanks to the General Asscmhly of the Canada Kesohition. Presbyterian Chiireh, for its courtesy in .sendin},' these, its honored and revered dele- gates, to explain and recommend to us its action on the Union (juesfion ; and also tu ib^w hrethren for the admirahle and Judicious manner in which thoy have executed thfcir commission. The Synod reciprocates tlie fraternal expressions of love and \s.ow\ win of the Canada A.-ocmhly ; and desires the lirethren to convey to th;'.t Church its Ixest wbhes for its spiritual progress and prosperity." The ^[oderator, in the name of the Svnod, conveyed the sentiments expressed in this resolution to the Delegates. Synod in Com. of whole. i6 After prayer, led f^y Mes.srs. J. Munro find J. I. Tkxter, It was on motion agreed that the Synod resolve itself into a coniniittee of the whole, to consider the Basis and accompanying resolutions, as amended, ncriatlm. liev. George Patterson was called to the chair. The Syn(xl having rc^sumed, the chairman reported jtrogress, anasis and ]{esolutions, Kov. Ceo. Patterson in the chair. Tile Synod resumed, when the Committee of the whole House re- porteil their proceedings. The report Avas received, and its recommenda- tions considered seriatim. Ivecommendcd that the following Preamble bo adopted. Prvamble. PREAMBLE. " The Presbyterian Church of Canada in connection with the Church of Scot- land, the Canada Presbyterian Churcii, tlie Churcli of tlie Maritime Provinces in con- nection with the Church of Scotland, and tlie rresbyterian Church of the I^ower Pro- vinces, holdinji; tlie same doctrine, government, and discipline, heiieviiiK that it would bo for the },riory of God, and the advancement of the cause of Christ, that they should unite and thus form one Presbyterian Church in the Dominion, independent of all otiicr C'hurciics in its jurisdiction, and under authority to Christ alone, tiie Head of His Church and Head overall things to the Church, agree to unite on the following Basis, to be siil)scribcd by the Moderator of the respective Churches in taeir name and on their behalf." Passed unanimously. BASIS. 1st Article. 2jid Article. 3rJ Article. 1. " The Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, being the Word of Gou, are the only infallible rule of faith and manners." Adojited unanimously. 2. " The Westminister Confession of Faith shall form the subordinate standard of this Church; the Larger and Shorter Catechisms shall be adopted by the Church, and appointed to be used for the instruction of the people ; — it being distinctly under- stood that nothing contained in the aforesaid Confession or Catechisms, regarding the power and duty of the Civil Magistrate, shall be held to sant-tion any principles or views inconsistent with full liberty of conscience iu matters of religion." Adopteil unanimously. 3. " The government and worship of this Church shall be in accordance witli the recognised principles and practice of Presbyterian Churches, as laid down generally iu , it was on :tee of tho s ameiuk'(l, iffveas, and it. Closeil ;•, p. M. 'he niinutefj ed. at the ch")sii ne the time session, Di'. tho United nieetinf^ of .■ed to liear 3t the Aca- ;hole House Uesohitions, House re- iconimenda- [ireh of Scot- incos in con- Lower Pro- at it would bo tliey shoulil '!)(leiit of all the Head of le followiiiff ir naiue and 'ord of Gou, ate standard the Church, inctly under- ref^arding the iriuciples or mco with tho generally in 17 the " Form of Prcshytcria! Church Government," and in " The Dircctoiy for the Public Worship of God." Achijited unaninii >usl y. Tiie IJasis (if Uuioii as tlius passed wa.s then on motion adopted as a Avlmh'. Thi' following resolutions were then snhmitted : KKLAirONS TO OTHKK CHURCHES. 1. " Tliis (Church cherishes Christian affection towards the whole Church of God, 1st Resolution and desires to hold fraternal intercourse with it in its sevend Branches, as opportunity otl'ers." 2. '■ This Cliurch sliul', under sucli terms and re\ the General Assembly of the Uni-; ted Church, lor the eciuitable establishment and administration oi an etlicicnt Fund for the benefit of the widows and orphans of Ministers." d Kesolutioii COLLEGIATE INSTITUTIONS. " The aforesaid Churches shall enter into union with the Theological and Liter- 4th Resolution ary Institutions which tlicy now have ; and a|)plicaiion shall be made to Parliament for such legislation as shall bring Queen's University and College, Knox College, Tho Presbyterian College, Montreal, Morrin College, and the Theological Hall at Halifax, into relations to the United Church, similar to those which they now hold to their respec- tive Churches, and to preserve their corporate e.\i.>tence, government and functions, ou terms and conditions like to those uinler which they now exist ; but the United Church shall not be required to elect Trustees for an Arts' Department in any of the Colleges above named." L1;GISLATI0N with KEGAKD to rights OK I'ROrEUTY. " Such legislation shall be .sought as shall preserve undisturbed all rights of pro" 5th Kesolution ]ierty now belonging to congregations and corporate bodies, and, at the same time, not interfere with freedom of action on the part of congregations in the same locality desirous of uniting, or oti the ])art of corporate bodies which may find it to be expe- 'lient to discontinue, wholly or partially, their separate existence." IIO.ME AND FOREIGN MIS3IOXARV Ol'KRATlON^" "The United Church will heartily take \\\) and i)rosecute the Home and Foreign Cth Resolution Missionary and IJenevolont operations of the several Churches, according to their respective claims ; and with regard to practical work of the Church and the promo- tion of its Schemes, wiiilsi the (ieneral Assemlily siiuU have tiie suiiervision and con- trol of all the work of the ''hurch, yet the United Church sh.iU have due regard to such arrangements, tlirougb Synods ami Local Committees, as >\n\\\ tend most effect- ually to unite in Christian love and sympathy the difi'crent sections of the Church, and at the same time to draw fortli the resources and energies of the people in behalf of the work of Chrisi in the Dominion, and throughout the world." GOVERN.MENT GRANTS TO DENO.MINATIONAL COLLEGES. " In the Unilod Churcfi the fullest forbearance shall be allowed as to any differ- 7th Resolution cnce of opinion which may exist respecting the (|nes.tion of State grants to Educa- tional Estublishi'icnts of u Denominational character." i8 Name. Motion to Re rnit to I'les byteiie.s, kc. (riatitude to God. Deputation. Sederunt pro- longed. Adjourned meeting of Synod, Deputation ap pointed. ( 'oin. to secure legialation. NAMB. " That the name of the united body he " The ProshytCiian Cliurch of Canada," It was moved by Dr. "Waters, and seconded ])y liev, J. K, Smith, and adopted nnaninumsly, " That tlic Prcamhle, Basis of Union, and accompanying resolutions, he sent down to I'reshvtcries, in terms of the Birricr Act, and to Scss'ons and Congrcf;ations> for tlieir consideration and approval, with instructions to report their action upon the same, to an adjourned meeting of Synod." On tlie motion of Dr. Waters, the Synod resolved to express its gratitude to Ahniglity God for the pros|*rous and liappy issue, to whicli the negotiations fur l^nion liave .so far hecn hroiight. The Synod then united in prayer, led by Kev. James Allan. Tile llev. (i. }>L Grant, and Messrs. ^IcKenzie and lAilconer, ruling ciders, a])pcared as a deputation, to explain the nction of the Synod of the Maritime Provinces, in connection ■with tlu? Clnirch of Scotland, and ascertain the time and place, that would ]>e most convenient to hold the contemplated adjourned meeting of Synod. The hour of adjournment having arrived, it was on motion, resolved to prolong the sederunt till the business connected with this subject hv. iinislied. I'roceedcd to .select the time and place of meeting, when St. John, Pictou, and New Glasgow, were proposed. Ou a votii being taken. New Glasgow was preferred by a large majority. It was agreed to meet in James' Church, on the 3rd Wednesday of October, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Dr. Bayne, Kev. J. K. Smith, and H, B. Webster, Esq.. were appointed a .leputation, to Avait upon the Synod of the Maritime Provinces, in con- nection with the Church of Scotland, to acquaint them with the action of this Synod on Union, and the time and place Hxed for the adjourned, meeting. It was agreed that the Synod appoint a C(jmmittee to secure the necessary legislation, for the protection of Congregational and other Church property, after union. Adjourned with the Benediction. TENTH SEDERUNT. Same Day and Place, 7\ o'clock, P. M. The Synod met and was constituted by the Moderator. The minutes of last sederunt were read and stistained. Deputy from A commission in favor of the Pev, Dr. Jelfers, Dei)uty from the '^•^•^'"'"^ United Presbyterian Church of North America having bcsen read, Dr, Jefters addressed t^'c Synod, expressing the fraternal regards of the Church he represented, and giving a brief statement of its work and resources. Dr. Jeffers placed on the table a copy of the minutes of the last meeting of that Assembly. The following resolution moved by the Kev. IT. Crawford, and seconded by the Rev. Mr. McKay was heartily adojjted : " That this Synod hail with gratification the visit of this deputation from the Genera! Assembly of the U. P. Church of N. A., and would record our thanks to the T?ev. Dr. Jcffers, for the very efficient manner in which he has discharged his commission ; and this Synod would heartily reciprocate these fraternal greetings, and f Canaecuro the and other P. M. 10 minutes iVoni the read, Dr. le Church resources, st meeting ford, and n from the our thanks charged his eetings, and 19 request their delegate, to convey to the Asgembly our Christian salutations, and our desire that these interchanges of Christian affection may lie continued, with the assur- ance that they have our sincere wishes, and earnest prayers, for their spiritual pros- perity." The Eev. W. Stuart read the Report of the Committee on Acadia Heport of com. Mission. After brief aihlresses, by the Rev. T. ('umming and ^Fr. Paridis, °". -V''^'^""' missionary, it was aj^reed t. c the Report be received and hiid upon the table for future discussion. Closed with the Benediction. elevt:uth sederfxt. Same Place, Jnhj 4th, 10 o'docJ:, A. M. The Synod met and was constituted by the Moderator. 'T'he minutes of last sederunt were read and sustained. The Rev. R. Cumming reported from the Committee on Travelling Report of com. Expenses. The reiiort was adopted. "" '^va\. Kx- Dr. Bayne reported, that the Deputation, to wait upon the Synod of jleputation to the Maritime Provinces, in connection with the Church of Scotland, had Sister Church fulfilled their duty, and had been very cordially received. Took up the memorial of the Rev. D. B. Blair, and others, as to the Jiemorial re- present position of Professor McKnight, in relation to the standards of tlie |'ri'"?^,J!'^"'" Church. The memorial having been read, it was moved by the Rev. J. ^ ^ ' K. Smith, and seconded by Rev, T. Cumming, to " Dismiss the memorial on the ground that the proper Court, in which to initiate Motion, any procccdure against a minister or professor, is not the Supreme Court of our Church, but the Presbytery of which he is a member." It was moved in amendment, by Rev. R. Laird, " That the Synod proceed to hear the memorialists." Amendment. On a division the motion was preferred. The Revds. T, Sedgwick, Dissent. D, B. Blair, H, 13. McKay, James Thompson, John !Munro, James Wat- son, Dr. McCyulloch, and R. Laird, ministers, and Messrs. Isaac Elem- ming, and Robert J. Mitchell, elders, entered their dissent against this finding, for reasons afterwards to be given in. Prof. McKnight claimed the right of being heard in regard to a ccr- Professor Mc- tain statement contained in the memorial. It was moved that Professor Knigiit claims McKnight be heard. It was moved in amendment, that the Synod })ro- ^ ^ ^^""^ ' ceed to the next item of business. The amendment carrieil. Dr. McCulloch a.sked leave to witlnlraw the motion, of which he Withdrawal of gave notice last year, on the revival of the office of Evangelist in the motion on rii I T M i' i. i 1-1 EvangeliBts. Church. Lilierty w[)lt'meuts. Agreed that they be handed over to the Committee, ai)p()inted to examine tlie minutes of the Boards of the Church. It was decided that the unlinished bu.siness, connected with the Foreign Mission, be taken up at 5 o'clock this afternoon. A h'tter was read, stating that the heirs of the late Archi])a]il Smith, Esij., Xt.'Wport, Hants County, had in acconhmce witli a Ansh expressed sliorly before his death ]ilace(l $200 at the disposal of the Synod, for tlie .schemes of the Church, to be divichid as they see tit. Agreed that the thanks of the Synod be tendered to the heirs of Mr. Smith, and that a Committee consisting of Dr. l>ayne and liev. (>. Patterson, with the Agent of the Church, be appointed to ajipropriate the amount, and report to Synod. Took up the overtures of the Presbyteries of Traro and St. John, on jninisterial support. The Kev. A. L. Wyllio was heard in behalf ot the Truro Presbytery, and the liev. K. AVilson, for the St. John Presbytery, in support of the overtures. It was moved by Dr. Payne, and seconded by the Kev. A. C. (iillios, " Tliat the Synod highly approve the general object of these overtures, but in view ot the pending union of the four negotiating Churches, defer at present their further consideration : — Presbyteries, meanwhile being enjoined to use all diligence to elevate the standard of ministerial support." It was moved by Rev. Mr. Wyllie, and .seconded by Mr, Flemming, elder : — " That the Synod appoint a Committee to consider the matter of the two fjver- tnres, and how the Synod ought under the circumstances to proceed and report ia the afternoon." The l-iev. Mr. Smith moved in amendment, and the Rev. H. li. Kay seconded, — " That the Synod approves generally of the object of these overtures, expresses its belief that the minimum salary of the ministers should be !&800, and a Manse ; appoints a Committee to issue a circular to all Sessions giving less than that sum at present, urging them as far as possible to bring up their ministers salary to the above figure. Tiic Synod instructs the Presbyteries to use all diligence, in dealing wisely and faithfully with the congregations unde: their care, in this matter, and to avail iheinselves, so far as tiiey doom proper, of assistance of the Committee in visiting any of tlie congregations in the body. The Synod further, would strongly urge the wealthier congregations, to contribute as liberall> as possible, to the Supplement Fund, so as to assist the weaker congregations in making projjcr provisions for their min- isters support." Rev\ Mr. Wyllie's resolution being i-egarded as a substantive motion, was put upon its own merits, and rejected. may he French ed with 4. M. V speiid- mt wero innutteo iimittee, ,vith the 1 8mith, xprt'Hsed , for the le tlianks jiniaitteo it of the Synod. .lolm, on If ot tlie vHljytiny, seconded es, hut in sent their liligeneo to lemming, two over- )ort in the l\. Kay I, expresses a Manse ; (at sum at the ahovc ling wisely H to avail lisiting any urge the lient Fund, 1 their min- motiou, 21 It was then moved by Rev. E. Ross, and seconded by Rev. N. Mc- Kay, — " That the Synoil approve the ohject of the overtures, and appoint • CommitttK? to consider the whok- subject, with a view ot detorniiniiij; how far ibe juinoiple of the Sustenti'tioH Fund, can he made availalile in tliis Cliunii. and fo pri-jare a sohenie, for its application to tlie circumstances of tliis cDuntry, (if it »houl4 Lc thought prac- ticable at all), and report at the adjourned meeting of Synod." Oil a division, Mr.' motion was preferred to the others, hy a Urge majority. A vote was then taken upon tin- resolutj.-.n ju.~t adopted yea or nay, when it was passed unanimously. Adj; persons Mere appointed a Committee, in accordance with the resolution, adopted at the of the la., which it, under certain contingencies, possesses by an act of the Li^gisLiraik.-, in their CI 'irch lU'operty. It was moved by the Rev. Geo. Patti-rs>'.»n, and sec- on(U;d by Rev. L. G. McNeill, that the request be grantel. It was moved in amendment, by Dr. Waters, and seconded by R<.-v. R. Wilson, that the matter be remitted to a Committee to consider ihe whole case, and report to the adjourned meeting of Synod. The m<.ti«>n was pre- ferred by a large majority. The Rei»ort of the Committee on apportioning the neces»arT expenses, connected with the Antigonish riot, was submitted l." the llvv. J, Mc- Lean, and adopt(;d. It was agreed, that the appointment of the next reguLir met'ting of Synod be postponed till the adjourned meeting in (JctoWr. Rev. G. Patterson reatl the report of the Counjiittee on the Aged and hiHrm Minister's Euntl. The report was received and assible, authorize the Agent of the schemes of the Church, to give his aid as tar as convenic"'*^ direct the attention of Presliyteries to tlie aiabj*.-et, and remit the matter to the Committee, to prosecute the work of c-..ll«?»"ting. The rej)(U't of the Couiuuttee on Sa])bath observance, ■wa-? in the absence ol the Committee, read by the Assistant ClerL The rv|'<>rt was received, adopted, aud ordered to be pul)lished. The recommendations of the report were considered, and the follow- ing adopted : — 1. That the Synod approve the action of the Truro Presbytery, in rektioa to Railway tratlic, express strongly its disapproval of the desecration of the Lord's Day, by the runninf,' of Railway trains on Sahlmth morniny, and remit to the Pn.'sbytery of Truro to follow up their action in relation thereto, as they may see caose Com. in accord ai;cc wiMi Mr KoSb' motion Pctitioii from Chalmers Cii. Motion. Amendment. ilotion carried Report of com. to apportion Exp. of Anti- gonisli Kioc. A[ipointment of regular meeting of Synod. KeiMjrt of com. on Aged and Infirm Minis terw" Fund. I'ecommenda- tion. Report of com. on Sab. Ub servonce. Foreign Miss'n It was A. McL IstRecommen- (lation. 2d Recommen- dation. 3d Recommen- dation. Pby. on Trini- dad. 22 2. That it he remitted to the Preshytcrv of ItHlifHx, to mfikn in(]uiry into rcportod instfinoes of Railway travelling upon the Sabl)ath, on the Windsor and Aunupolifl Road, and take snch action, as the circumstances mav require. 3. That pastors, preachers, and Sahhath School Teachers, earnestly and frequently present the duty and priviletre of the observance of the, as exhibited, and inculcated in the Shorter Catechism. Itcsumod the consideration of For(!i0 to £1.50 — expenses to and from San Fernando to Nova Scotia, to be borne by the Board, and all contributions from congregations visited by Mr. Morton, to be pidd into the funds of the Board. 2. " That the Synod approve of the action of the Board, in sanctioning the appointment of native agents, and assuming the pecuniary responsibility." 3. " That with the concurrence of the other missionaries, the Synod sanction the removal of Mr. Morton to Petit Morne and the payment of house-rent with such expenses as this movement m^y render inevitable. Entered niion a consideration of tlie suhject, of establishing a Pres- bytery in Triuida(i. When this subject was still under uiat.ui5si(j-: -lie hour of adjournment arrived. It was agreeil that the conference on the state of religion this evening close at 9 o'clock, and that the report of the Committee on the Insurance of Churches be then taken up, and afterwards the motion on the removal of the Theological Classes to the Seminary Building in Truro, notice of which was given last week. Adjourned with the Benediction. FOURTEENTH SEDERUNT. Same Day and Place, 7^ o'docJCf P. M. Tfie Synod met and was constituted by the Moderator. After a brief time, spent in devotional exercises, the minutes of last sederunt were read, slightly amended, and confirmed. . , . of 23 eportod napolU quently ted, and It was . McL. presence ifX them, cornially s diirinjjc God for \t of his Mission d oi the el amons; d in view jful pros- rommcnd rayerr of rrc}iation3 I beloved, give an God is so uUl desire lis partner :i8, in their rriviuK to ccd during va Scotia, ted by Mr. jioning the inction the l-h expenses Irf ii Pres- |s evening [nsurancc nnnoval I notice of The Rev. Janios McLean read an interest inn State of and h'lid upon the taUe. The Synod was h'd in juayer hy Mr. '^ 'JH""- N. Hilton and Rev. A. Stirling; and hrief addresses winr dtlivcred hy the Addrcsaei. Rev. E. Ross on the relation of the Teinpemnc.e Movement to lieligion ; by the Rev. N. McKay, giving a short statement of the recent rcli}.;ions movement in his congregation ; and by Mr. Hilton on SahhathSchuol Work. Rev. (i. Patterson read the Report of the Coniniitttie on the Tnsnrance insurance of of Churches. The Re})ort was received, and the diligencfM.f the Com- <'h"rches. mittee approved. From the loss of Primitive Chiuvh. New ( llas«;ow, the Re{)ort indicated that the Scheme was somewliat crippled, ])ut that they had the ])rosper.t of making arrangements by which the Scheme might be continued on a satisfactory basis. It was agrefd on the motion of ])r. McCulloch tliat the whole matter be remitteii to the (Joniiuittee. with full ])owers to carry on tlie Scheme, under such arrangements as they may deem advisable, and that the brethren be re([uested to give it a hcsarty support. The Comnntte(! was enlarged to consist of Rev. (I. Patterson, James Com. enlarged. W. Carmichael, G. W. Underwo(jd, John Miller, James Yorston, R. P. Grant, Esqires. It was agreed that the subject of the insurance of manses, and the inHunmce of dwellings of ministers, lie remitted to the committee to obtain necessary ''^I'"'»i"»- information by circular or otherwiiie, and take such action as they may deem most expedient. The thanks of the Synod were tendered to the Committee ; and cspe- Thanks to com. cially to the Convener, for the time and labor devoted to this -ubject. Agreed that the order of the day for to-morrow forenoon '.'c the Re- ports of the Boards of Home Mission and of Superintendence of Theological Hall, and unfinished business connected with the Ponngn Missions; the latter to be taken up at 2 o'clock. Closed wi^^^^ the Benediction. r. M. JPter a brief Irunt were FIFTEENTH SEDERUNT. Sa7ne Place, July 7, 10 o'clock, A. M. Th-. Syrou i.':;t and was constituted })y the INIode'rator. The minutes of last sederunt were read and sustained. The Rev. T. Sedgwick in behalf of himself and the others who dis- Reasons of Dis- sented from the Synod's decision, relative to the memorial on the '^"*" present ])osition of Pn-f McKnight, in relation to tlie Standards of the Church, laid upon the table the following reasons, and asked that they be engrossed in the Records : We, the undersipjned dissent from the decision of Synod in the matter of the me- morial affcctinff the position of Professor McKnight with reference to the Standards, for the following reasons : 1. While admitting in the fullest manner the right of the Synod after consider- ing a memorial or petition to dispose of it as they please, we hold emphntically that the rejection by the Synod of the memorial in limine, and their refusal to hear the Memorialists is a violation of the right of petition accorded by the Constitution of our Church, of approaching any court on any matter within its comjMitcncy, and the said memorial brought no matter before the Synod with which it had not power to deal.-— See Rules, Chap, iv., Section v., par. 7. 24 ( 1 I ' ! 2. Wc dissent liccaiise the decision of the Synod in our view misinterprets tlic moniorial. In no true and proper sense can it he held tlu;t the memorial hrouj^Iit charges ajrainst I'rofessor MiKnight, or partook of the nature of a libel. .'{. We dissent hceiuise even were it true that the memorial contains charges against the I'rolcssor, down that each charge must l>e prosecuted before a I'resbytcry cannot lie inainlaiiied. (1). It is opposed to the recognized practice of tiie I'ri'sliytorian ClHinlics of Scotland, which j)rocecd3 on the just principle that a I'rofessor of 'I'licojogy holds a relation to the Supreme Court which an ordinary min- ister does not. And licme the Supreme Court not only has the power (as it has in all eases), l)Ut is rt(|Uin(l in the interests of truth and right, in some, if not in all cases, to deal /7.s'//"witli all such charges against a Trofessor ; and wc confirm this view by citing the case o( Trofc-sor Brown lilielled before the United Sin'cssion Synod in 1845. And (2) tlie Synod's decision is not confirmed l)y anything in our own rules, they dealing ordy with the ca>c of an ordinary minister. 4. We dissent because the Synod being the guardian of the purity of teaching in the Divinity Hall ; we hold that in a case like this, where a I'rofessor of Divinity has admittedly avowed j)rinciples at variance with the Standards of the Church, Principles which the Synod itself has condemned, ami which the memorialists declare they were firopared to maintain, had never been promulgated in any I'resbytcrian ('hurch, it was the bounden dutv of the Synod itself to have dealt with the matter and not have relegated it to any inferior court or individual, And this duty the memorial called upon the Synod to discharge. ,"), We dis-eut Ijciause in disposing of the memorial as a whole in the manner they did, the Synod in our view have relegated to the inferior courts a duty which by the Constitution of the Church, that (/Ourt cannot liy"ery of Halitiix cannot judicially interpret the meaning and effect of the resolution of Synod, to which the memorial refers, whether it referred to the discipline of the t'hnreh or the teaching of the Hall ; and (.'!) being incompetent to judge of these two points it caimot judge the third point brought up by the Memorialists, it being in their judgment impossible fairly to view it a])art from the rest. 6. We dissent because it has never been held that when a minister or member of the Church avows to a court having jurisdiction over him, principles at variance with its standards, it is necessary to proceed in regular form by libel. And in such a case ustiiis when I'rofessor M''Knight intimated his change of views to the Supreme Court, according to tiie 11th qm lion of the formula for the ordination of uiinisters, the ordi- nary steps of procedure were not necessary. And morover the said question recog- nizes the Supreme Court as the proper court to decide. 7. We dissent because in refusing to consider the memorial, the Synod, in our judgment, not only did injury to the memorialists themselves, but also to the impor- tant interests involved in the matters to which the Memorial referred, and which we fear cannot but sutler loss and damage by the cause which the Synod in its wisdom saw tit to adopt. | Signed,] Tiios. Sedgwick, D. a. Ulaik, W. McCuLi.ocH, D. D., Jas. Thompson, II. B. MacKav, John Munuo, Jamkh Watsox, RoBKUT Laikd, Isaac Fei:mmino, K. J. MiTCHKLL, Com. to pre- The Revds. .1. K. iSmith, J., \)c. Waters, and Jaracs Sinclair pare Replies. ^^yQ^Q appointed a Coinniittce, to prepare answers to these reasons. Entered upon the order of the day, when the Home Mission report being printed, tind in the hands of tlie members of Synod, was hehi as read. It was moved by the He v. Mr. Morrison, and seconded by Rev, Mr. Gray, and agreed to, that the report be received and laid upon the table for discussion. - - > Home Mis- sions. cts the roufjjlit ?h arises m tluU letbre a zwc of that a ry min- is ill all 11 cases, view by in 1845. les, they teaching Divinity Ciiurch. s dedarc nhyterinn • matter duty the J manner ity which tlic I'lCS- rial, (See ict. And I'cct of the discipline jud}ie of rialists, it Ir memhcr variance uch a case me Court, , the ordi- iun rccog- \<\, in our the impor- which we Its wisdom D. T>., Sinclair [ii report held as "by Rev, tipoii the 25 On niotion of Rev. A. ^^(■T,. Sinchiir, if wa.s aj^roL'il : — " That the Synod call the attention of the Prcshytcrics in Cape Breton, to the sums annually paid to Catcchista, in con^^rej^atlons liavinp settled j)astors, with the Motion anent ("ateohists. VI of taki to rcli all i^hich it sluill h ihlc, the Homo anit. of Anti gunish Hiot, in lULMiitiiiie. icve Mission Fund, of this expenditure." Tli») state of the Colony of New Kincanline, having heinj,' (iiscnascd, New Kincar it was a^mjcd to n^fer the matter entirely to th(! I'rcsljytt'ry of St. Jolin, ^'i"^'- to he (U'ult witli in as ^i-neroiis a nianncr as po.ssihlc, ami that tlie Home Mission IJoard l)e instrm^ttMl to ih'al Hhcrally with this pror.iisiiiL,' field. Till' Kev. Mr. Mr'.Cnnn, of th(^ Synod of the Maritime ProvineesMr. MacCnnn hein^f present, was invited to correspond. invited to cor- The Rev. ,1. 1). Mc(.JiIvray gave notice of a motion, to he snhmitted ''^'*l'"" at a I'utiire .scdfnint. It wa.s agreed that the Synod Treasurer he anthori/cd in the mean-Treas. to^pay time, to j)iiy the amotnits ajiportioned to the sev(>ral Preshyterics, to meet the expenses cMimected with the Antigonish riot, 1..11I that the Clerk notify the Modi^rators of the l*re.s]tyterii!S of the amounts required to be jiaid hy them, and instruet them to remit the same to Treasurer, as speedily as jio-ssihle. The report of the Committee of SuperintendiMiee of Theoloy-ieal Hall, Report of com. was called for, and being printed, and in the hands (d' the membm-s of i'»fo. tia.i. the (/ourt, was regarded as read. On the motiard of SuiM'i'intciideiU'e, to eolifer with tin ('i)nimittee of tJie Sister Synod, re^fanliiiLC tie- hranches, to l)e allotte(l to the iKhlilioiial I'rofessor, ami any (jther inatter.s re(|uirin;i; attention. The hnnr of .tdj'ournnient having' arrived tlie Synod elo.sed with the l>(.'netlietioll. S[XT1:KXT][ SKDFdJT^XT. Ainiortioiini'iit of iiiiit. left by A. Sinitli. JJopnrt of com, on Stiindiujf Com. <'liiiir for pro- posod I'rofes- 8or. Mr. Sr.itli's motion adop- ted. Increase of j)rofes.sor'8 sa- laries Payment of sa^ laries. Relation of Dal. Vol to Synod after Union. Motion anent Dal. College. .A Suiiic Day ((ml I'/((cc,.] (n-locl-, P. M. Tlie Synod met and was constituted l)y tlie ^NToileratdr. The Miiuitci-* of last Sederunt were read and snstaine(l. The repoii of the rommitt<,'e, to a]>])ortion tlie aninunt ]>laeed in tl;e, hands of Synod Ly the heirs of Archil)ald Smith, f!s(|., was read and adojted. It was moved hy Rov. Mr. Sinclair and seconded hy Uev. John Mc- Kiniion, and agreed to : " Tliat wliilst the funds of the Synod will not permit the raisinj; of the Salaries of the Professors to the siiin incntioned last year, and whilst still desirous of reaching that amount, the Synod fixed the Salaries of the rrolossors at SI 500 for the present." It was remitted to the iJoard of SuperinteiKh'nci; to make necessary arrangements, hy which all the Professors might he placed on an equal- ity as to the time of the payment ot their salaries. On th(! motion of the Rev. Mr. Patterson, it was agreed : " That it ho referred to tlie Board of vSuperintendenec to consider tlie present re- lations of this Synod to Dalhousie Collejre, and what arraniieincnts may be necessary, in vie\v of the ])roii'cted Union, in regard to the support of our Professors, and the fulfihne'it of our enj^agemcnts with the the Governors of that Institution, and to re- port thereon at the adjourned meeting of Synod." It was moved hy the Rev. T. Sedgwick and seconded hy Rev. Mr. Pithlado,— " That it be an instruction to the Board of Superintendence to confer with the Governors of Dalhousie, as to the future connection of the Church with the College, and with the Government of this Province as to the matter of grants to Denomina- tional Institutions." 27 (in, aiul In llifir Icration Hcv. J. 'o-djx'm- 'H, to he ('([uirin^i; with Uk' Miuutu-! (■(1 in til' niul iuiun.s were ajipdintetl ( 'mninttees, tn secure tin- nt'ces-Commttrrs on siiry l('>,Msl;itiiin I'it the prntectiMii of Chureli Property, after rniuij. Clmroli I'm ^ Fur Noni Sn,f;>i.-\l,v^. I'. {'.. Me(Jrc'«oi, .1. ' K. Smitli, J)r. Mo '"■''*^' ('iilloeh, (leo. I'attcrson. anil Mr. ( '. Ijolisnn. For JVrir Fn'iditiirlrh.- '\'\\(' ( '(iminittee of the Synod of tlu' New Itrunswick in refirenee to < 'hundi I'ropi rtv. For /'. /;. y.s'A*//'/. — U-v.s. J. Murniy, .1. MeLeod, and lion. K. lleinlerson. The Rev. .loliii McKinnon, in vii-w of the eonteniiilaled ehan.L^n's in AVItli'lrawalof tlie Hall, withdivw the motion, of which ho ^'ave notice last year, ^'"t'""- rclatin, of Kuli with the Pe]iort of the Committeo on the State of Ifeligion, when tho '''""" Keport was adopted, and the following recommendations agreed to. 1. "That ttic ronimittcr; be autlinrizcd to issue (|iiostiniis to lie answered I'^t^'yconinien • tiiroiiyh tlieir respective I'rohyteries, and that these (iiic-tidiis he is.sned about tiie dation. close of the nici^ont year, in order that the replies of Sessions may be forwarded to rresliytcries, ith the Statistical returns." 2. "That I'nsbytcries tie required to consider the answers of Sessions, nt the 2d Recommcn time when the Stati«tiial Meturn-i are umler ronsiderntion, and fniwaid them to the dation. Convener of the ("oiiuiiittce, with such additional information and sii<.'ge.sti()iis, as they may deem necessary." .3. "That the recommendation of former Synods requiring' Presbyteries and 'id Hecominen- Sessions to net in concert, in holdintr •''pecial relicious services, lie renewed." dation. 4. " That Clerks of I're.sbytcries lie required to make a return to the Committee, 1th Ivccoin- of the manner in which the above recommendations have been carried out by rrcjhy- nicndation. teries or Sessions " .*), "That addresses on jiractical subjects be given in connexion with the report atli Hccom- ncxt year, should the Committee think proper." mendation. Took u]i a reieicnce. from tho PreshytiTy of St. dohn, in regard to Commission to certain ditliculties in the congregations of Harvev and Princ(^ William, ['■'"'^'*^J' "'"' . . ' . . 1 ince »\ III. and asking a Cunimission (jf Synr»d to visit these distri<-ts, and endeavour to secure an anneal ih' .settlement. The reference was sustainecl, anr th« adoption of iSynod : 1. In n'y:iircl to tltefiiv. :';i.iua of' ilis.-tent, (.'hup. iv.. Sec. v., piiriiyri\|ili 0, of the Forms of I'liKi'iliirt', (.iiitef tsit-mulrt^ winch the Synr hi-rexy or i »iuu ;»i.iii > ty . " From the empioynieiit of the word " Courts" it is ohvious that the Synod «->» aoe i:he only court which was c•■ br'.ncrfin. i» the L'reshytery of which lu! is a niemher. 2. Ill reply to the nwonfl ir»;won of dissent, it is only necessary to (|uote the fol- lowin;; Iaiit:n:\::e of the M'-iuoTimJ: •• But secondly, we have to call your attetition to the known and admitted lu'.-i likswi Ki» holds and maintains opinious which are in di- rect and violent oppohiiion v.. ii.x. ,'i.. •'., tln! Confession of Kaith ;") ami asjain in said inetnorial : " Hut tiiirdly and lu+dly wi> have to call the Synod's attention to the fact that we have reason to Utlit-vt diitn ciie Professor has expressed himself on the vital ijnestion of Inspiration in u muiiiiiHr which leails lis to fear that here too his views are not in accorduiiee with ihf'.raati'Hrtion of Faith." In support of this latter state- ment reference is made to u Jwatir nuil tn be in Dr. Bayne's possession. The memo- rial thus evidently • ont^in^ etiiarj^s atrainst Professor ^IaeKni),'llt 3. In reply to the tluru if«:won of dissent. Sec. 1. It is laid down in Hill's Practice of the Church Count '/nhe. Church of Scotland, that it helonj^s to Presbyte- ries to receive and nive-iTi;rut.t' Wiiarj;('s a.'ainsf Ministers, See. iii., p. M of flth edition. In the Foriin of Procedure oif aibt United Preshyterian Church of Scotland, the fol- lowing rule is laid down, Ciui)j' »u> S«e. iii., Par 1 : " Charges ai:ainst elders or which they belong, but the Presbytery is the only competent court for the trial otf iUJnirtters." The hook from which this is (jnotcd gives no separate rule lor the trid '.d jrmfe.ssors. In Sir Henry Moncrieirs Practice of the Free C'hurehof Scotland, Chn.'f'.. t..,. EMv. ii., Sec. 1st, it is stilted that it is " the special function of the Presbytery lo iiantw+rijrate any charge or fama against a minister or pro- bationer within their bounds They alone have primary jurisdiction over either." By the Act ot 18G1 of the F-Rff Church anent the Constitution of the New C'dlege of Kdinbuigh, it is enacted at fcdJaws : " That a select committee shall be appointed by the General Assembly with authority to originate and prosecute be- fore the Church Courtt^ proewt«» a^rainst any of the Professors for heresy or immor- ality, and to make necessary tn^cieii for that purpose." This is in entire harmonry with the l-'oniis of Procedure uiiip Mil by our own Church. It thus appear* that according Xi> the unifonn )ttr or tjro- cr either." cw C'[' I'm' ( 'nliiinittfi' on Wi-'i'WH* ami the Wiiliiws' iukI (iijiliiiis' Kmnl. Tlir import w.i.-i rcrcivcil aiiuli's and rviil*^-ranee, when the third resolution was adopted : — 3. " That the membership of our Church, be stronjily recommended ro preserve .3d Reconimen the Church of the livintr (Jod from reproach, by discouiitcnuiicin^' the use and sale of dation. intoxicating; li(|uorh ; by assisting: in earryinj; out the provisions of the license law; by refusint^ to si;,'n petitions for license to sell iritoxicatiii;; driidxs ; and in the ease of maffistrates, by refu^in;,' to grant licenses, when such action is wiihiii their province, and bj declininK to let, or furnish houses or places for the vendin;,' of intoxicatinj^ liquors." It was further agreed that ministers he requested to read the ahovo recommendations from their pulj)its. The Rev. T. Seilgwiek read the report of the Committee on Siipph;- Supplements. mentfi. The report was received, and tlie thanks of the Synod tenderetl to the Committee, and especially to the Secretary. The list ol congrega- tions n,'Commended for suj)plenieuts was adopted, with '^'Ib to Buillie. IstRocotnmen- (iation. 'ill l{(!C<)iiiinen- (lation. .Sd liocoinmen- (latioii. 4th Uecoin- iiiendiition. Uev. Mr. Mc I'salinody. Moini»riivl No tici's. Sal>V);itli- Scliools. Kocoimiionda- tioii. Com. on iSIiii- lltt'.s of l'i)y'.s, and Ijiianls. 30 Th»? followiiit,' rceominondationa of the Board wore acce[)ted : — 1. " That the Synod a|iprnve of the notion of Convener and Seorctary, in grant- ii:;r at tlio rate of SlOU to Biietinichc, in J)ccembor hist, at the recommendation of rres'iytery." 2. " That til" vSynod aiithorizo tlie Oomniitteo to pay ?.'K) to the wiilow of the late Kev. James Fraser, licin;,' the amount of grant for tlie half year, due him at tins date, iiad he heen alive." * 3. " That the previous aetion of Synod he in the future strictly enforced, and that Presl)yt.cries lie rc(|uiri'd to see that it is carried out, viz :" — (1). ' That Sup|)lciiu'iited CongroLjations fulfil all obligations to their ministers, before receiviiiH- supplniu'nts.' (2). ' That no supjili'iufnt he paid, unless *hc congregation has made a collection for all the sclu'ines of the Church. 4. " That the Agent of the Church be instructed, to communicate with the Colonial CDininiitre of the Free Church of Scotland, laying before Jiem the necessi- tous comlitioii of Xow Kincardine, and similar fields." Tlic < \)'o rlii'ccteil tho attention of Synod to the coianiendalilo action of till' Ifi'v. I ). .McDonj^fuU, of Cow Hay, in n'turninj; to tho Sccriitary of tlu; ('oiiiuiittoe liis order for $20, the circumstances of lii.s (^onj^M'cL^ation liavinpf so far improved tliut he eoidd forego appor- tionmetit. The lu'itort of the P.sahnody Committee was read hy Dr. liayne, and adopted. Dr. liayne also .snhmitted the I'eport of the Committee on Memorial notices, '{'lie ffeport was adopted and agreed that notices he appended to the ^rinutes of Synod. The Ii'rport ol' the ( ,"ommitt(,'e on Sahhatli Schools was snhmitted hy the Rev. A. Simpson. 'I'hc Re[)ort was ado{ited, and tlie thanks of the Synod given to tlie Committee. The f ijlowiiig recommendation was acceptod : — " Tiiat the Pnshyteries of the Church be enjoined to devote, a( least, one Seder- unt duriiig ilic year, to the woil; of Sabbath Schools witliin their bounds." The Reports of the ( 'ommittee to examine the ^Minutes of Preshyter- ies. and the Riards u[' tlie Church, were read, .showing that, with a few excejitions, wliich were pointed out, the husiiiess was regtdarly conduct- ed, and the Minutes accurately recorded. Closed witli the Uenediction. ()verture on r.salniody. Examination of Tlieo. Stu dent.s. Board dis- charged. Record. Presbyterian (Koumenical Council. NIN KTEEXTII SEDER l^XT. S'(me D(Vj ami Place, 3 o'cJoeJc, P. M. The Synod met, and was constituted hy the ]\Iodi'rator. The Minutes of last Sederunt were read and sustained. On motion, the overture of the Halifax rresliytery on Psalmody, was allowed to lie Upon the tahle. Calle(l for the lve|)ort of the Committee on the lAamination of Theo- li>gical Students ; when Dr. IJayno explained that owing to certain cir- cumstances the l)oard had not mot, having failed to secure a quorum. After discussion it was agreed to discharge the Poard, and follow the course prescrihed in the Rules and Forms of Pri'cedure, Chap. IX., Sec, L, for the Examination of Students. Tho Report of the Record Committee was redd and adopted. Read a paper containing a proi)osal from the CJentu-al Assemhly of the Presltyterian Church in the United States, though its Committee, for ^1 \)U'A '. — retary, in grant- )num'niiation of lie willow of the due liim at tlfis iiforced, and that their ministers, nade a collection inicate with the hem the neccssi- coiniiu'ndalilo etuniiiij^ to the rircu in stances ibri'go appor- Dr. Bayne, and ,ee on Memorial ^ea be appended as sulnnitted by vi thanks uf the \1 least, one Seder- )onnds." rs of Preshyter- that, Avith a few ;nl;ivly eundnct- hc IJenediction. ;,'inci; r. M. iir. The ^Minutes li Psalmody, was li nation of Theo- Lr to (.'crtain cir- ]uire a qiiornm. and follow the [C'hap. IX., Sec. lopted. Lssemhly of the Committee, fur 31 the hdlih'ng (if an Ov'unienieal Council (if Pi''i'iaii Cluuvdios tlirouL^lumt the wnrld ; to I'orwurd various dhjci'ts set fmlh in tlieiv eircular Un nititiim of Pev. c jiort, stating that he had carried out his Conunissinn, and liad hcen mdst 1'"^^' lieartily received. The IJeport was ac'ceiited and the thanl'.s of the Synod conveyed to Mr. Sedgwick. It was agreed that the sum of .$.")() he paid td tlu' stated Clerk and Dishuise- tlu^ same sum td tin; V.\vv\^ pro fern, and that the dther drdin.ii'v expeiidi- ""'"^*'- tures he aiithdri/.e(h On motion it was agreiMl, tliat th(> thanks of Syiuid he CdininunicatcdTlianks. to the pe(jple of Halifax andl)artmduth,lV»r their hospitality in entertaining the members of Synod ; to the Tnist(;es of Poplar ( Iri've Clmrcli fdr the trse of their building ; and to the ^Fanage.s of Steamboat and Railway Pines for facilities of travel granted to the membei's uf Synod. Tiie ^liiuites of the jiresent Sederunt were re'.d and approved ; afterciose. wluch ii:(! Moderator bri<>lly addresscil tla^ Synotl. The li'Llnd Psalm was then sung, {irayer was oll'ered by the Jievds. l)r. Waters and P. Sedgwick, and the Synod adjourned witli the !'.enediction, to meet in .Iam(>s' ('hurch, Xew Glasgow, on the third Wednesday of October, 1874, at ten o'clock, a. m. ALEX. FALC(JNKP, Chrkpyo. ten. Halifax, Juhj Sfh, 1874.^ ^in Mmmim. 'jfout jFiitI)cc3 b)!)eve are t!)cp ? atuU tfjc |)ropl)ct3 tro tljcn libc forcbcv ?' REV. JOHN LOGAN MURDOCH, M. A., WINDSOR, iJiKi) July 23rd, 1873, The nainci of this (1e])art('i1 brotlior is closely connected with thi^ history of the Prcsbytoriiiii (Mmrcli in Nova Scotia. His labors in the Ministry extemloil tiver half a century, with r(3sults gloi'ityinj^ to (Jo.l, and encouraging to those wlio are calloil to the work of the ministry. His field of lahor was at first very extensive, iiieliidiiig more than half of the County of Hants. Within the area which first constituted his congre- tion, there are now four or five congregations, all of which may he said to owe their existence, under (iod, to his jpastorai labors. There is not room in an oliituary notice for any detailed account of liis labors. I'ut the Synod feels it due to themselves and to him, to record their higii sense of his services to the Church at large, as well as to his own Congregation. Mr. Murdoch was born in Truro, but while he was veiy young his parents removed to I'i^tou. Here he received the iirinciiial part of his education for the ministry under the late Dr. McCuUoch, and his co-laborers. After licensure, he, along with his f(dlow stu' the death of Rev, Dr. MclJi'egor. Having accepted of the call he was oidained in lei, any sjneial enactment, however, the Synod accorded to liim the jirivilege of a seat in tlie higher Courts, on the recom- mendation of his I'resbytery, and his people continued to regard liini as their senior minister, and to provide suitablo maintenance. His aptitude for business early won for him the honorable jxist of Presbytery clerk, tlif duties of which he performed for many years, with singular care and much advantage to the ( 'hurch, in what was then the largest I'n hytery within its bounds. In Synod he was also for a long i)eriod Clerk of the Cumiuitue of Hills and Overtures, so that his familiar form and genial tones must be greatly niis-^ed by a largo nnndu'r of the mpnd)ers of this Court even as now constituted. Ere his eyes close whose interests he devoted himself for eleven years, with much zeal and lidelity. He took an active share in all the stirring events which usher- ed in the Scottish disruption, and in the general and local arrangements consequent on the formation of the Free Church. Subseciuently he was sent to America on deputation work, and shortly after liis return to Scotland was appointed Prof, of Theology in the newly formed College at Halifax, N. S., an ofHce tliis, for whit]\ he was eminently qualified by the direction and extent of his previous studies, and by the precision and force whei'cwith he conveyed his meaning to other minds. He entered on his profes- soriate in 184>>, and continued in the active and full discharge of its (hities for about twenty-one years. When the Union between the Presbyterian Church, N.8., and the Free Church, N. S., drew on, Mr. King took a very active and leading part in the negotiations, and contriliuted very materially to its hajipy cons\immation. Struggling with bad he.'dth and growing infirmities, he was reluctantly compelled to resign all active work in 1871. He returned to his native land, residing for a time in Edinburgh, thence removing to Helensburgh, where he died Feb. 24th, lb74. This Synod, wldch embraces so many of the young men trained to the Holy minis- try, under his wise, careful and successful tuition, will long remendier with sincere affection and profound veneration the form and voice of one so xiniversally and deservedly esteemed in the social circle, in tlie ]nili>it, in the Hall, and in (Jhurch Courts. Endowed with an intellect of rcn-e I arid II >i, quirk iicrrijition, and logical accuracy ; extensively read in Theology, and ('hurch History, the Professor was re- markable for maturity of judgment on every topic within his domain, for the tenacity with which he maintained his views, and the influence which he wielded over all with wiiom he came into contact. " Being dead, he yet speaketh " in the liviufj ministiy of the Presbyterian Church of the Lower Provinces, and will, no doubt, for generations to come, continue to project a healthful and powerful influence. May his mantle fall on the shoulders of the honoured men who now of may hereafter bear the burden of the Synod's Theological Institutions. 34 REV. JAMES FRASER, A. M. Dii;i> Fehruauy 24th, 1874. TIio subject of tliis notico wiiKlioni in Foililcrty, Hossliiro. P'clucatcd at Aberdeen, lie took tbn ib'^ric of M. A. in \^'2\. lie ntuilii'd 'I'hcoloyy, imrtly at tlie same Univer- Hity and partly iir.di'r I)r. ( 'liiiliner.s in JOdinbuii^h. In the year Is.'^.l lie canu; to <'a])e IJit'tmi, under tbo ausiiices of a Ladii^s Association in Edinbu)-gb, wliicli tooi< a doe]t interest in tliu s]iiritual ijiterests of tlic HigliLindors who bad t-inigratcd to that island. After laliouriug, for a year, as y the Toadies Association, sucli as the hito Kev. Messrs. Fanndifirson. MeliCan and .Mr. .Folin Stewait, now of New (Hasgow, spent a great part of tlieir time in visiting the destitute b^calities outside the bounils of their res])ective congregations. The state of the country at that time, the almost entire want of roads and bridges, X:c., ^c, i^c, rendered these missionary journeys most aiduous and trying; and .Mr. Frasor took his full share of them. An excellent constitution eii- aliled him to enilure such toils, ap])arently without injury, for n)ore than 'M years. During tlie last few years, however, his strength began to fail rapidly. Still he con tinned his pastoral hi))()',\rs, on Sabbath and week-days among his own people, till with- in a few montlis of his death. His ])iety was decided and deeji, but also cheerful. Whatever his trials, bodily oi- mental might be, aiul they were many, no complaint was ever heai'd from liis lips. His ge'ntlenianly bearing, genial disposition and loving sympatliy made him a fa\o>ii'itt! with all who knew him. Jle has left a large uiiiti'd and strongly attached congregation, and while by his death, the (diurch is depri\ed of a most diligent and faithful labourer, his brethren in tlic ministry, in Cajie ISreton, iiiourn the departure of a brother greatly beloved, and the congregation of J5oulardeiie feel deejdy the absence from their midst of the man who had for thirty-eight years been their faithful and devoted pastor, their wise Counsellor, and their best earthly friend. Servants of Ood, welii done ! ' Rest from your loved enii)loy, The li;ittle fought, the Victory won, Kntcr your Master's joy. SoLDiEii's OK Christ, welIi done ! 1 I'raise l)o your blest enii)loy, Anil while eternal ages run, Rest in the .Saviour's joy. ROLL OP SYNOD, LsT4. PRESBYTERY OF ST. JOHN. MlNISTErtH. 3 Rev. Andrew Donald Jiimes Heiin(!t I,;/\vis .Jack William Millen Koljoit \Vilsuu.. '.'.2 Saimic'l .lohiison... James (Jray, A.M.. James Salmon D. ^\'aters, L.L.D. John 1). Mmniy... William Stuart .1 2 14 JoliH K. Kearisto. . J. V. r.\irgess J. W. Nelson ;i 2 16 Kenneth Alclvay... Isaac S. Simpson. . Vacant ■".2 ..1 <( KI.DKU.S. NAME "^F C^^XCJREiT.VTirW. "NVm. McFarlanJ londoivU-rry i l'anii)heU Scti AVftlter Hrown St. 1*. Vh.. St. .John. Thomas Murray Sjiringa.'i.S and Kpglish Sf-t,- John K. Orr IJdvaln-f sn-l Waweig. Jur7-. James IJiarmiil Susi«-x. Chii'Uiiiri. llobcrt Milligan St. l».i^-i.r». St. John, Win. ^IcN'airn rJucTl CWagi»0! D. S. Hlair Fi f it-rictMii. John Kobert.son Salt Si-riiiiT*. Robert Cowan C arleton. Si. John. James Robinson Kailie, Vc. AVm. Gay Richni<'neb<.iton, 4e< Alex. Matthews Al^)e^t«J^- James Morrison New London. Donald Beaton WoodTille, Roderick McLean Richmond Bay. Tryon ^tid BMttvfaiiwr 36 ■^'x '**' $ i 1 I S i ■* 1 ^ ; ttkll PERSBYTERY OF CAPE BRETON. MINISTF.HS. KLOEI13, NAMK f)F CONGREQATION. Jlov. Hugh McLcrtcl, I). I) Mini iiml Sydney. " MiittliL'w Wilson SyiliH-y Miiics. " Junius Kciss (Jriinil Kiver iuid Tiocli Tiomonrli " Al)i-;i!iiun .Mclntosli St. Ann's iind Nortli Shore. Alex. Fiin|iihiirson.. ^\'ni. .MoKeivn Ol.'vce IJay Mines. 11.. Anijiis Ferjj'iuson Cow Hay Minus. Leitch's Creole. Oiibanis ami P'ramboise. Cape North. Bouhirderie. Donald .MfDoii " ('. E. Mad .can... " David Dnininioiid " I'etur Clarke Vacant PRESBYTERY OF VICTORIA AND RICHMOND. Rev. Afurdocli Stewnrt 'Whycoooniagh. " ^Vni. (1. Forbes Port HaHtin^'H ^'^ River Denys. " Kenneth .Mclvonzie Baddeck and Forks. " Adam .McKay John .MciiCod Miildle R. and Little Narrows. " Alex. (Jrant 1 Win. Dunbar Lake Ainsley. K. Hill, Fsq We.stT.ay. J. A. McKeen, Esq Mabou. Rev. Kev. PRESBYTERY OF TATAMAGOUCHE, James "Watson Fl Stewart New Annan. Jolin M-mro 2 It. Mitchell AVallace. W. S. Darragh D. Mitchell Goose River, H.J}. .McKay Fyiiliraini Langille lliver .John. Thos. Seilgwick '2 Arch. Alingo Tatamagouche. PRESBYTERY OF TRURO. ) Onslow. ,Tohn L Baxter. \ J. H., A.M. j J J. F. Blanchard '• \V. McCulloch, I). D.l David Smith Truro. James Hyers 1 Isaac Flemming..' .Clifton. Fibenezer Ross 1 .Joseph I'eppard Ijondonderry. A. L. Wyllie 1 .James Thompson Great Village. J. McG. i\IcK.ay ] .J. C. Fulton Economy. Alex. Cameron 5 Thomas McKay Riverside. Duncan .McKinnon..! Donald F'ulton Pari-sborough. .Tames Sinclair J Uobert Gamniol Springside. FIdward (irant t S. F". Creelman Stewiacke. Edwin Smith 1 A. S. Hingley Mhldle Stewiacke. J. Layton Win. Stewart Coldstream. Vacant. . Wm. Patrick Acadia. " Maccau. PRESBYTERY OF PICTOU. Kev. John Stewart George Walkor 1 Jumes liayno, l>. l)...l A. 1'. Miller D. B. Blair 1 George Patterson..,,! (James Thomson 1 AV'illiam J\Lixwell. .,. John Lees 1 (•ieorge Roddick Alex. Stirling John Mclvinnon 1 Alexander Boss 2 Peter (Joodfellov Thomas Cumnu. ^...1 Vj. A. .McCurdy 1 A. McJj. Sinclair 1 J. h\ F'orbes 1 A. C. Gillies 1 Daniel McDonald Primitive Ch., New Glasgow, Jas. Stalker Prince St. , i'ictou. F'rench River. Ale.x. Ross Barney B River and Blue Mt. Robert McLean Salem Ch., Green Hill. -lohn ]\Iiller Central Ch., West River. Simon F'raser Little Harbor &i F'isher's Grant. Robert F'raser Westville. Robert Gerrard West liiver. ( » eorgo Munroe Scotsburn. .James Crocket Hopewell. John Logan Kiiox Church, PictoU. Nathan i'lishee.,.. Alex. Gran t Stellarton. .J. W. F'raser James' Ch., New Glasgow. Donald F'raser Springville. John Ingles Lochaber and L'uion Centre, John A. McDonald Sherbrooke. ?>7 MINISTKfia. ELDERS. NAME OF COXaREGATtOV. 1 " Hdlx It (uimning. ...1 Hugli Koss J. Knox's (,^h., New Ghisgow, 1 " Williiuii (inmt 1 .lolin McKay Kiirltuwn. 1 " Hiigli M. Soott.B.D. 1 John Thomiison Meii!,'oniish. Vacant Henry Archibald ( Jlenelg, ko. PRESBYTERY OF HALIFAX. 1 Kov. Robert Sodswick 2 John Reynolds MiiPiiuodoljoit. 1 " r. . .Millar., John Bower Shelburne, Ka. asgOW, PROFESSORS IN THE SERVICE OF THE CHURCH. Rev. Jasies Ross, D. D. , Principal of Dalhousie College, and Professor of Ethics and Experiiiiental Physics. Rev. "VVil.L,iA.M LvAi.L, LL. D., Professor of Psychology and Metaphysics. 'er. 'a Grant. THEOLOGICAL PUOFE.SSOKS, Rev. A. McKxioiiT, ProfesBor of Systematic Theology and Church History, Rev. John Ciiuue, Professor of Hebrew and Exegesis. FOREIGN MISSIONARIES, In the New Hebrides—Rev. James D. Murray, Aneitum. " John W. McKenzie Eraker and Pango, Fate. " " " Joseph Annand, Inrik. In Trinidad — Rev. John Morton, San Fernando and lere, " '• " K, J. (irant, San Fernando. ' Thos. Christie, Couva, 38 NOME MISSIONARIES IN ACTUAL EMPLOYMENT. Kov. Sinmu'l .McCully, *' J, I', liailiio, " Williiiiii .lolinstoD, JiiiiH'.M (^iiimi, Joliii ( iilli.4, Mr. A. F. 'riioinpMoii, Jolin Wiillacii, J. J*. IJiyiiut, M. Mclit'od. OOM3IITTEE8 OF SYNOD. 1. Eihirdtiiiniil fi(>ir(l.-^]l>i\\ I'rotisssors llo-ts, Lynll ami Mt'Knitrlit, Uev. l)r' (Vt';Lco(l, li(iv. Messrs. J. Stewart, G. VVrtlkcr, McGret^or, nnyne, A Koss, ami A- Simpson; Hoheit RotiiiiiH, (.'linrles D. Hunter, James H. liiiMel, Geo. Bnist, A- Patterson ami Alexamier Jaints, Ivsqs., Halifax; 11. P. Grant anil llo'vanl i'rinir()He> .lvs(js., I'ictoii ; Ailani Diekic, lOsq., .Maitland ; J. l'\ lilatn'liani, I'iS([., Truro; Win. (ramniell, lvs(|., Hrasd'Or; .Janus Hearisto, Esq., I'rincetown, I'. I'j. f. ; Hon Ken- netli Henderson, ChurlottetDwn, I'l E. L; and Ha;,'h Dnnlap, Stewiackc. H. Pi Grant, Esq., Chairman. Kev. P. G. Mc(iregor, Sceretary. 2. Coinmlltrf; i)f' Sdiu'n'iifi'ii'lmcc. of T/ieo'oyu'nl //«//.— ^Tlie Kcv. the Professors, Drs. Mc(^uili)c'h, .MrLeod and Waters, Kov. Messrs. McGre;.Mir, .1. .MeLean.JMaxweli, J. Cameron, liLiir, W;itsoii, ,]. .\l ..\[eLood, Allan Simpson, l'*,ile(ifu'r, l'itl)lado, E. E, Ross, Forrest, and J. Iv. Smitli ; with Messrs. A. James, J. IL Liddell, and Dr. Forrest. Dr. Forrest, C'liairman. Uev. P. G. McGre;ror, Secretary. 3. Biiiiid iif Home .l/('ss/o/(.s-.-^ReV. Messrs. MeKni;;ht, Piti)Iado, MeGro,i,'or, Simpson, Forrest, .MrGJllivray, Falconer, J. K. Smith and Dr. Waters; with .Messrs. J Uarnes and li. .Murrav. liov. J. Forrest. Chairman. Rev. P. G. Meljrciror. Secretary. 4. liiuird of Fnrcffin Missions.— Rgv. Drs. Bavne and McCnIloch, Messrs. J, Stewart, HIair, Baxter, (i. Patterson, NV'alker, A. J. Mowitt, McCnrdy, Thomson, H. B. MaeKay, J. McG. McKay, J. MeKinnon, R. Cummin^, and A. McE. Sinclair j with Messrs. J. W. CarmichacI, John Miller, J. I). McGrei;(;r, and Capt. W. Eraser. Rev. J. Stewart, Chairman. Kcv. P. G. McGregor, Secretary. 5. Cniiiiniltrc Ic, iraldi onr Puhlir Kditcatioii—'liav. Dr. ^IcCullo(•fl, Rev. Messrs. McKnight, McGreifor. Forrest and Pitblado, with Messrs. C. Rohson and R Murray; Messrs. Bennct, W, Smart, li. Wilson, Burgess, and Dr. Waters; Messrs. I. Murray,- N. McKay, and Allan, with D. Laird. Rev. Mr. Pitblado, (Convener. Those resident in each of the Provinces to act as sub-committees witliin these Provinces as circumstances may require, the first named in each Province to be con- vener of the subcommittee. 6 On Salibfitft .SV/dio/s.— Rev. Messrs. H. B. MacKay, Wyll'c, Currie, McGilli- tray, Simpson, and J. K. Smith ; with Messrs. R. Murray, C. Rohson, J. Grierson, and W. H. Waddell. Rev. A. Simj)son, Convener. 7. I'mijieninrc. — Rev. .Messrs. I. Murray, A. Munro, Crawford, Falconer, Mc- ivcod, J. Cameron, and N. McKay, and Messrs. W. Welsh and J. Grierson. Mr. McLeod, Convener. 8. Snhbath Obsorrnnrr. — llcV. Messrs. It. S. Patterson, Laird, J. Stewart, Dr. McLeod, D. S. Gordon, and J. McG. McKay, with their Presbytery Elders; and J. F. Blanchard and R. Murray. Mr. Laird, Uonvenel". 9. JJistorical Records. — Tlie Clerks of Presbyteries. Rev George Patterson, Convener. 10. Widows' Fnnd.-Yliiv. Drs. Bayne, McCuUoch andMcLcod, Uev. J. Stewart, Blair, G. Patterson, Maxwei^ Wyllic, T. Sedgwick, Bennett, Law, J. Mc- Kinnon, McCurdy and D. McNeil; and Messrs. HovVard Primrose, George Hattie, J. S. McLean, and J. D. Mc(Jregol-. H. Rrcord. — Rev. Messrs. McKnight, Forrest, Pitblado, Thompson, Mt-. C. Robsort, and M. H. Goudge. Mr. Robson, Convener. 12. Bills and Ocerturcs. — Rev. Dr. Bayni^, Rev. Messrs. A. Ross, J. McKinnont Mowitt, A. McL. Sinclair, Thomson, I Murl^ay, N. McKay, J. M. McLeod, and Ai Falconer ; and Messrs. ll. P. Grant, and G. Underwood. Dr. Bayne, Convener. Rev. N. McKay, Clerk. 13. Auditing Committee. — Rev. G. Walkcrj and Messrs. J. W. CarmichacI and X}. Und^rwoodi t ov mill A- list, A' iinrosci ; Win. 1 Kcii- K. P, J ro 14. Psahmuhi Commitlfe.—ncv. Dr. Ilavnc Convenor- TJ-v \r.. .« \r t.' ' . . ><.•, and J. II..pli;;i„ ' • '^'"'"' ""^' •^- ""^'- ""'» ^^I^-«^'--- C. Kob.on. C. lYun rn.rosc.ta.iv.. Kldrrn of No rth C, rrn li^ lC.I i.-'r'' "'"' ^ .^'^'''^"v; with the churd.e.Mr. Christie. ciu.i„„a,rM:''s;..,i;;ft «:;:;;;„, '^'^"'' ""-• ''^^-^^^^^^ l5onnJt^W;'''V';r/H4;:f^'f^^^^ ,Mess,KN^M.Kay. I. Murrav. •;,••.'■■"■'"'/"••'"""/">• "^'v- W. .Stuart, Ton veil, T, Sinclair. a,„l l{. Cu mmin" I ' Ci.r tt ' C I T'-'" "'■"'' ' ' ,'V''^'^'"''' ^- ^'^•^- •:sq.s.^ KevM;. I'at.ersorn Convener ' ^ "^'"^^■^"''' «"^1 Howard Primrose, 1 K, Snmh, M. (;. IKm rv Xd Mow^ v^^^^^ iH-r^L'ss, (.ordon, 1{. S. J'atterson, ,1. McLean, Convon:.r " ^""'' ''"'' ''"^"^ l'«-e3i;ytery Kldcrs. liev Mr. IFcn -'1. Cunuiiittvc on Ciiinii inth ot/ir'r' J i ! ■^ /I. IS RI':i'ORT OF COMMITTi:!! APPOINTED TO MATURI-: MLASL'RLS FOR Tlll^ NFXT (iluMvKAL ASSKMP.LY. Tliitt Committoo (conpiatinp of C,C> Ministrv* and 22 FJdors) mot, by appoint- ment of Gononil AsRemldy, within St. I'liurs (!lmrcli, I^fontiral, on Wednosilfiy, tlio 1st diiy ol Scptoniljor, 187'), at noon, and was couHtituted with devotional sorvicoB, by Dr. A. Topp, the Convener. Forty- eigl it Ministers and twclvfi Elders were present, viz : Rov. Dr. Cook ; Dr. Topp; Dr. Sno(l<,'rass ; Dr. McVicnr; Dr. Caven; Dr. Taylor; Dr. .Tonkins ; Dr. 15ell; Dr. I'-iiyno; Dr.Waters ; Dr. Patterson ; Dr. Cochrane; Dr. IMcNish; Trof. MoKorras; Prof. (ireg{,'; Prof. McLaren ; Ilcv. Messrs. P. (I. M(!Clr.'{,'or ; (i. M. (irant, M.A.; W. Keid. M.A.; W. Fraser; I). J. MacdonnoU, I5.D. ; D. M. Gor- don, B.D.; J. G. Hold), K.A.; J. M. Kinf?, M.A.; J. Smith; 11. Campholl M.A.; W. Moore; J. Patterson; K. McLennan, M.A.; P.Wright; D. H. Fletr-her; J. McCall; J. Laing, M.A. ; T. Sedgwick ; J. McTavish ; J. K. Smith, M.A. ; T. McPhorson ; J. Middlomisa ; R. IJre ; R. Torrance ; .L Scott ; J. Bnrton ; A. Young ; J. Ilastio ; J. Fowler, J. Gray, B.A., Ministers; and the lion. .1. McMnrrich; Jmlgo Stevens; Messrs. R. Bell; G. Hay; A. Gordon, M.P. ; T. McC'rao ; J. ('. Thomson ; Warden King ; J. L. Morris ; D. Morrico ; J. Sterling ; J. Croil, Elders. Tlio Rev. P. G. McGregor, of Halifax, and the Rev. John Gray, of Orillia, were appointed Joint Clerks of the Committee. The Committee continued in Session till the evening of Wednesday, the 8th of September, and adopted the subjoined rccommcndiitions. Generally, cacli subject was first considered fully and carefully by the Com- mittee, and then remitted to a snb-Committeo to frame a deliverance. This deliverance was submitted to the Committee, maturely considered, and there- after adopted as a whole, or with such ajnondmonts as were doomed dosiralde. The Committee agreed, as in accordance with the instructions of Assembly, to print the results of their deliberations for the information of Members of Assembly and Presbyteries. Dr. Topp, Rev. W. Reid and Rev. J. Gr.iy wore appointed a Committee for this purpose. The following are the recommeadations of the Committee : — 2 I. -MODE Ul' KLJXTDBO THE MOPElfATOK OK TllH OKNHllAl. A.iHEMbLV. l'' of tlio (Jftncral Aasrinhly. 2. Nominati.'U l^' lir>«Hbyt«ri)>H. :{. Opoii v(>t( of Kifemtamk AiW»>Tnhly, witli tlio nndprHtandinK tliiit tin- n'tiriii},' M(Klr Khali bsmi- tiM first nomination. 4. (Joiumittvr (tf <>x.Mi'x|i^r»tor!<, tlio ox-ModcifttoiH of tli<> Sni»ronie Cointfl, of the late fimr umisi'nflf f 'hiirH, with tho prosnnt Moilcrator, to con'ttitiitf, in tlif mnanliau^. : /ii/n/'i ])i()|Hnal \va« •WTJafiulrawn , and thf> firs/ wm carried liy a majority of votns in tlu* followiiij.' 1.Mim» Tliat in tlif opinioti <4 libif Committfv^, tlio inothod of olectinK tho Mode- rator of tho Gouoral As;. vcAihr„ ♦ftanl'l, /t M/'/^f-fc;//, ho that of open noniiniitiou and voto at oacli KuccoHBiTe iiu>*ima: •"'' f^hti (renoral AsHemhlv. II. -CLlCUKSlUi' OF TJiE ^pJC^fr-.tiAF, ASHEMBLY, I'KlUOinCALS, AND ACiENCY. After the Report Imd Uitai jiti'.fti-Tiid by the snh-Committop on these snhjects. the Committee u>/reed to rdecmiiiunui .m follows: 1. CUSUEWTOB rtV OR^VKBAIi ASSEMni.Y. 1. That the Uev. \Vm EtuiL M.A., and the Rev. I'rofoHSor .1. II. MackenaK, .\I.A., bo Joint (.'I ri^- o|'«flemhly, and that tlie salary of eiich l»e two hundred and fifty dtdliirn ji*" tnnim, exeinaive of incidental exjienses. 2. That ill eon-^«D ',4 Illai* lonj^ and faitlifiil services of the Rev. W. Frasor, he he appoiutrd "Uf o-! siin* f.'Wk.s of the (ieiieral Assemhly, with his former salary of one huudied tuui Atisj dollars per annum. EL PTr.n.Ti»rT[ce-i <»f tho Rev. Wiii. Reid, M.A., and the Rev. P. G. McGrej^or. he vKtuiirii um Ronnection with the fjeaornl work of the Ca.ucli, that the .4al.iry oi naola ii*- tttvo thousand doU.irs per annum, and that i small Committee bw appointed n.-)» .i&^tStie their respective duties. At a Hubso(pient sHderosEt. libn^-ftolLovin!,' Committees on Agency and Periodi- cals wore appointed : 8 I, COMMITTKK ON AOr.Nf'Y. hi. 'I'opp, Coiivriifr, I'lliiciiml ('i)vcn, I"*!'. (IiiclimtK', PidfrHsor (Ir-T^J-*. T*'" foHHor Mrliiirni, ^f(lH«rM. J). .1. Miicil.iiiiu'll, :mi| I). H. I'l( ti'lnr. Ministwis, iiml fill- lion. L McMiinicli, l'',l(Ur. .Mrr. 'I'liylor, I'm ft'Hsor ('rtnipli«'ll, Messrs. 15. Ciimplii'll, F. Sciiiuj-'cr, iiml \V. M. JMiifk. MiiiiHttT.s ; ;in(l I'roftissoi' Miuiiiy, Messrs. .1. \,. ^^on•i^ , Wiiidcii Kiiit^ uiik, Dr. Topp. PiofcsHor Miickfiins, i'rofcsHur I'ollook. \F«'ssrs. W. lltiil, \V. I'lnscr, and I', (i. >rc(irtigor, IMinistors. Tlic siiiMi- Coiiiuiittci' WHS apjiointcd to olitiiin full infoiiiiiiiioii rosiwcliiif; till' piihliciilioii of ;i ' liililrt'ii's liccoiil, luiil to Krport to ui.xl (Iciifrul Assi mlily. il the f tlie lilt -i I iOili- IlI.-PAllLTAMKNTAKY LI (ilSTiATION. At 111'! lirst diet of tlic ('oiniuittco. this subject wiis i'nlly ('onsiilorcd, iiml itftrr rcftsoninp. a suli-Coniniittcc was ajipoiTitod to oonsidcr whctlior nny h'^ris- lation slioiilil lie soiif^ht from tlio I>oniii)ion rarliiinicnt, .'niil wlirl tier jiiso miy iiiiHliliiMtioii of the le<;isliitioii olitainid from llie Lociil Piirliimients yliniiid lie itpplied lo?', and to report to this Committee. On this IJepnrt heinf? jiresentod, diversity of opinion wns found to exist a;' n- miiiion i'lirliameiit, at its next nioetin^'. forsnch le; i'-I.itioii as may he n(r^ess:iiy :' or Hliall the ;idvi(';> of eonnsel ho simply secured ns to the tidvnntaf^'rs of ^iich !e<'- islation, and the result rejiorled to the Conimitiee in .lini(> next? After reasoning, the following deliverance was agreed to hy a miijo' ity of votes. That it ho referred to the same snh-Committoe to ohtain, under the advice of Counsol, Hiieli Legislation of tlio Dominion rarliament as may he de(!nied necessary to cimlhui tlie Acts of the several Tiocal fiogislatures under which the profiortios hold hy the uniting Churches passed to tlic rroshyterian Chuich in Canada; hut that in rofereneo to the (lue-ilioii of iiicoi|poratiiig the C.riieral Ar, semhly or the Church, thi.*) <[uostion h" rel'arod to the (leiioral AsHomhIy at its next meeting. Tlio Committoo on rarliamont.ary Legislation was appcintod as follows : Principal Snodgrftss, f'onvonor ; .Mr. Thos. W. Taylor, A'^ico-Convener ; i\[<. .T. Croil, Vico-Convener ; Dr. .Tonkins, Principal (!aven, Professor !\rnekeiras. Professor iMcT.aren, Messrs. A.Young, H. Camphtdl, W. Reid. Ministers; and Judge Stevens, and Messrs. J. L. Morris and J. Cross, Elders. ■^^.^ ,„r.-4)*-fi IV. IIOMK AriSSlONS. Tlli^;s^lljpct. \va« ciirrfiiUy consid'Mod, iind dcoiipicd n Invfrc pi^rtinn of tlu' tiui(> of (Ik> < 'niimiittcc. The chief pi)iiits of ililTovniro wvrc Ww tliroo folKnviii}.: : 1. Slifill tlirro l>o 11 Central Conmiit tec for Iloine Missions? '2. Slifdl t hero lie one fund for Home Mission imiiuises. iind for sn)ij'lenieniiii,'r the Sfi|)ends (.f Miiusters ; or shall ther(> ho two sej)arate ImuhIs, diie for Home Mission work and tho olln^r for Su])plenientin;,' Stipends'.' .'{. Hiiall the appoinlni(>nt of a Mission A;;ent he reconunended ■' Tho docision on the lirst point was. that there shall he a ('eiUnd Conimifh-e, dividin;,' itself into two seetions, tlie (>ue endaat in;^; the Maritinii' IMi^incis and the other tlu; rest of tho Church. In rcrard to th(> second (juoHtion, the Conninttee was nearly e(|ually divided, - the fornior plan luin; lirst adopted, and nlliniately tlie latter. h> a majotily, a- eiuhodioil in Section IV. of the suhjoined H<'port. As rej^'nrds the apj^ointment of a Mission AKent. tlie foilowini' delivernnce was passed : That tho Cuiuuiitt- «' doos not see tho way at present open to recomi.iend to ho General AssemMy the appointment ol a Mission S(Cretary. The i'oUowinfj: in tho sdionie for carryin<^ on tho work of Homo ]\rissions, and of Suiiplementin!': StiJ)ond^J, wh'ch the Ci nnnitto(^ have resolved to r(>coniniend to tho (l<'neral .Vw.soiuhly : I. That t4i»>i Assemhlv sliidl ap)>eint annually a Ihnu^ Mission ('(nimittee consisting of .1;" Memher^ of whom one-third shall he from the M.uitinie I'ro- viu(tos, and two Ihiid.. fn.iii tho rest of th ■ Churcdi ; each of these divisions shall constitute a suh-coniniitteo for tho transactiiu of hut-iness in its own district. II. That each section shall ho ompower^'d to act separately in condiictin:'; tiu> husiness of its respective district. ill. Tho oinnations of tlu' Connnittoo shall have resi)(>ct to — 1. i)//.o/(i« .">A,.'/('//.f, v liicli, havin;,' he on nconinundtd hy Treshytt rii^s iind approved _ by tlio Comiu it tet', shall he jihiced on the list of Aid-lu cei\ in;: }-ta- tions and I\Iission Statiins, iliroctly under tho care of the II. AI. ('(^nm^ttoo ; provided always that no application for aid shall ho cMitcrtain.'d IiythoCom- niitteo on behalf of any station, unless the rreshytory of th(> hounds sjiall liavo lUftdo ftiianf,'enunts with tho pioplo lor j ayinj . accoidint: to their ahility. tho salary of tho missionary ; n;ul tho I'roshytery shall see to the iniplenn ntin^- of Much Gnfj;aKOiuonts. And tia^ Committco siuiil nuiko like airanrenn-nts in the case of st;!tions under its care. '2. ^fission Stations reported oy I'reshyterios, l)ut not reeeivin;^ aid. '.. Ni)t self-sustuiniuft, but ))ropared to contrihiito at least ^100 per ninnnn. at the rale of at least ^1..") i per connminicant, (U- Iftl ]nn- faniily, and in which, in tlie judj;niont of the I^reshytery, a lixed pastor is desiial>l(>. Sueh conijie, wit ions havin^t made apidication to the Presbytery of tho hounds, and furnished satis factory infornnition in regard to tiu'ir stUistios, and llnancial position :ind pro ■MMMaMM llllli> Uilt('(> I'm- uwii Mill"; illlli llt.'c: 'mii- IMVl> 111.' ('list' niiii. I. ill imts illi;! pro .-.perls, mill li;i\ii!;' reccivnl llio ap]H(i\iil uf liic I'nwlis tti v, (whicli iippliciitiiMi Hiid iiiloi luiti'Mi sIkiII :['.■■>> lii> laid licfiMe liic suh i 'inumitti >■,) niuy bo jilufi ;1 nil tlio list vi cull;.;^t',^'Jlli,)ll:^ rcct'iviii;j; siippli'incat. I'luvitK'd iilways. tii-it t.'0!i,jrv\i:iiliiiiis at prostnt rocoiviii;.: .li.l .',: 11 »• mtiuuc 1)11 tlui list ill tin; iiniuitiiiU', but tliat rrcsliytcrios bo ii'.sti'ii''tc(l to ii-c >lili;:i'iuH' in orilor t<> iuiii;; iiji siu'ii cdiujii'^'itliniio ti> llic riito of -.ilary iiu«l contiibutioii roiiuiroil by llu' next n f^'r.lation. t Tluit llu! iiiiniiiunu stiiiciul, i-xclusivo of mausc, to bo paid to tlir miii- istci,-. ol -^iipplciiieiiti'il c'uu;,'ri.'^'iitioiu;, I'loiu all soiiici-s, shall bo seven huinlied iloUais per aiiiiiiui. In aeeeptiii!'; the foiej^oiii;; rie.ii'laiioii, it is eanit tly leeoiiinieiided tiiat diiriii},' the (eriii thai laUNt iiitersenc before that recoiunieiuJ.ilioii ('iin bo iidopfed and enhiic'd, ..trenuou-- exertions should bo made iiy the I'resbylorics throiu^i- ont the I'hmrli, to briiiT th" sliponds of nil oaiit,'iv;.;iition.-, iiol .■.iiniik'in"nli'd, up to, at k'ust, the r.;'.ni'.' staiuh'.nl. IV. MISSIONAKIKS \N1> I-TNOS. I. Tiio listof Missiiinarie- shall e .inist of ordained dinisti-r,-; and Tjieeiitiiitos o| this ('hnreh ; ;ind otiidont-; of Uivinity, and (Jateoli ts, duly iijiproved as the Assembly may diieet. Maeh of these Mi-sionai ion sliaK bo rocomuiondod t«) tlie Comiiiitfee by some I'resbyterv. ■J. There sliall be two Central l''unds, oiu U'\ the .Mipji' it of Mi-.nai Stations and for llonu; .Mission woiU ;;enerully, the oilier lor the assistiint'e of e iii:;ro^,'alions reipiiriii;-; supiileiujut, [o bo known respectively ivs the Homo Mission l'"itnd and the Supplemciilal band. Thi'se fiiii Is siiall oomsist of all moneys eontribiited for lli.'ir support, whether by eonfriluitions from the (.'on- ;.,'io;';ations, Mission Siatioii:., and Sabbath Schools of tlie (.'liureli, or by ),';iinls of money from foreign Chiiielu >, or of moneys aoiiniiij^' from other sources, siioh as lo,-:aoios, donations and other kindred eoiitributious. V. nil: nirir.H o\- jiii; cojnirn'i;!; sn.u.h i.i: - .a 1. I'o prepare and send down to rresbyteries and ^Ussu>niujes-, blaiiU forms lor their reports, so as to asoertain tlu> peculiar circnmstiiucos, necossilios, and j.:eiu'rally tln' slate td' the Mission St.itioiis and Supplemenied ('oiii'reKiitions throii^diont the Chuich. •J. 'I'hi' sub Commilteos shall considi'r the Ui port . Ihiu ienderev vi^mm i im\ ii»mv I ."». The suli-CJoiiuuitti'Os sliall be cinpowcii'd, in those pails vf the Doniiiiion wiiicli iuc not within thi; hoiuido oi' luiy I'lorhyLcry, to uritubh.ih Mission Stations anil comhu-t Missionary opcialious ilirectly. (i. That, ill Mission htlils plaei'd (Ur.^utiy undui' tlie iloiiie Mission Com- niitt -es, ;iii,l ill lew ainl ilijstitutc fielil-; of wide extent within the bounds of I'loshytiJiii'S, Lh'.; siil)-('o;uiiiitti'('s sliall be enipowi'ied -act'iig in the hittei' case in conceit witii the I'lcsiiytery of tlie lioiinds to secure tlie services of suitalile Missinnarics, wlio may bo willing to tjccu))y them for a term of years, and to pay them ill cxces.s 'aid to Missionaries. 7. 'I'lic {'oiiiiiiittce , hail not l)e resjioiisihlc for the salary of Missionaries bi'youd the amount of aitl jjiomiscd te tho Stations oi' Conf^ri'^^'ations by it, and for the Lime dming which they iuay h.ive laboured in said Stations or Congre- ^^'iitiuUi;. 8. Tlie iimount of salary to be imid by each Coiij-^ifgation, Station or {^roup of Stations, shall be ileturmiued by the I'resbytery of the bounds, and spucilied to the siib-C'ommittees, and it is recommended that a minimum lie aimed at by the Presbytery and sub-( 'ommittites cuiijuiutly, of eight dollars (t!'H) per Sabbath for an ordained Minister or a Licentiate, witii board ; for a Student of Divinity, diir- in;.; tie; summer, at the rate of six dollars (ffi'}\ per Sabbath, with board and travelling expenses to the liokl of labour ; and for a Gatoohist, live dollars [ifi')) per Sabbath, with board. '.). The amount of aid granted to any Congregation receiving Supplement, shall in no case exceed tiu- amount necessary to m.ike tlu; salary of the Minisler seven huudred dollars. lUu the sub-Committees ai'e empowered to suji[ilement the salaries of ordained Ministers, engaged in Mission work in towjis and cities, bi'yond that aiiiouiil. 10. That the Supplement of all aid-receiving Congregations shall be calcu- lated from the first day of the ecclesiastical year, and that the I're. byteries bo mstuicted to make their reports accordingly -supplements beiii;^ payable halt- yearly. 11. That I'lesliyteries be iu jtructed, at an ordinary meeting previous to the iiist of October in each year, lo re\ise the list of IMission Stations and Sujiple- iiK'Uled (!oiigie(,'ations, and make such chau,";es as they may deem lu^ceisaiy, reporting the amended lists to the sub Committee, and that the lists thus amended, form the basis of the o[iGrations of tho Committee for the then current year. VI. CKNKli.VI, liKGULATlONS. 1. I'resbyteries are enjoined to furnish information to the subcommittees in accordance with the re([uirements of tho above scheme, and to co-operate witli the (Jonnuittee. '2. All Cong _,ations and Mission Stations shall be enjoined to make an annual contribution tii each of tla: funds. ."{. The travelling exju'nses of Members of Committee shall be borne equally by the two fund.-,, and the cost of all exjdoriug and aggressive Missionary work, undertaken and sanctioned by IVi Oiyteries, shall be defrayed out of the Home Mission Kund. liio 1,1ms rrciit ie lui iially IdlUO ■1. In icgaiil t(i iuit'ais due by Siiitploinoiitoil Coii^'rcfJtatioii.s to tln'ir Miu- iatoiH, tlii'Su conKrc{,'iiliuiis shall be luiiuircd to ii'itoil to this Ct)iimiiLtfi', through thi! I'lL' .by tc'iy, in tliu I'orni iirovidod, bofoio the biiguming of each L'cuk'hiii.-ilical year, ih'j amount i)aid liy Ihiuu as stipend during Ih • previous twelvemonths; and that in casus where the amount falis sliurt of the stipend lu'omised l)y theiu, power be given lo suspend tlie payment of the supplement until the arrearages are li(iuidated. VII. l'UOI!\TIONi;US ANn VACANCIKS. 1. That the distribution of Probationers sliall bo left in the hands of a huh- Commitli'e, appointed from the Home Mission Committee. TIkm'oU of I'roba- tioners shall consist of rreachcrs who have been license d less than live years, and iMinisters wiio liave been loosed fro*n their charges, or who liave been receiving appointments from the Committee less than four year--', (leckcming, in both cases, from the date of their admission to the roll.] ','). Preachers wlio have been on the roll for live yea ., and Ministers fur foiir yens without settlement, shall have their names rem')\eil friuu the list; alU)W- anco being nnide in all cases of sickuess, leave of absence, or time occupied in the public business of tlie (Jhurch or Mission wui'c, apari, from fullilling riigular appointments. Provided, also, that the AssemMy alone may order tlie retention of a Pn)l)atiuuer's naiuj on the list beyond thj above specified times. 1. That Ministers or Probationers, who have retired tro'u th ; Minisliy an I entered on some otlier calliug for a time, shall not liaM- their names put on the list of distribution without the permission of the General Assembly to that effect. ."). I'robationers, concerning whom complaints of inetliciency have been received from their Presbyteries by the Committee, may have their appointmeuts withdrawn till a decision of the Assembly shall be given in the case. 0. As soon as a Preacher is licensed, t)ie Presbytery reports the fact to the Committee mi Distribution, to whom is entrusted the distribution of Probationers among tlie Presbyteries of the Church. 7. When a Congregation desire a hearing of a particular I'roliationer, cr a further hearing of one formerly heard, they shall communicate their desire to the Pro.«bvt( cy, and if the Presbytery Kce it expedient to concur in it, the application i,-:' •>.:■•. I i ted to the Convener of the Distributing Committee, and as soon as p'';. : ;,M.i effect is give:i to tlic! iripiest ; it being understood that in ease any extra e .)■ .ise ih incurreil by the probationer, it is to be defrayed by the Congro- gatiou in ivl i.tion to the ordinary allowance. 8. When a preacher accepts a eiill, lie shall give iiotic(! to tlio Convener of the Distributing Cimimittee, and no further appointments are made to him; but ho shall be required to fiillil the ap|)'iintmeuts already made, unless relieved by the Presbytery to whose bi)Uiids he has been di^signated. 9. Missionaries ami Probationers shall be reipiired to labour in the localitie.^ !":d discharge the duties assigned to thorn by the Presbyteries, at whoso disposal U'.. y may have been placed by the Home Mission Committee. >w» mimnil«wi.H» i il , i» Ml|JMi lll WWM i» 4. ' TliuHO ilutiu.-i (!(>m|)i-i;ic, fjenoidlly, ciMulucliii^; Public \Vi>rrilni> on Saljliath, .uul I'l.iytir .Muotin:-,'! in tlui coiirrfo of tlic wook, toarliini^ iJihlo Classos, or^^auizing and fu.lrriiij,' Habb.itli S(di()i)l.s, visitation of familiorf — and fspocially of the sick -so tar as ciiciimstanccs rondor advisable. 10. Missioiiarioo and I'lobationcrs aro io(iuirod to submit to I'lcsbyturius wi'ittou reports of their labours. VIII. IIKCOMMKNDATIONS. 1. That tho Asiouibly tak) into consideration the oommoncoinont of the Ecclesiastical year. 2. I'lMt siib-Trua-iurers be a|)pi)iuted, if necessary, in tlie sul)-(';)mniitteo.s on Home Mission and ,Suiii»lemenlal Funds, ii. That the Ooinsnitteu on correspondence with otlier Churches present the claims of o ir Homo Missions upou the Presbyterian Churches of Great Britain and Ireland. V. FOIIEIGN MISSIONS. Tnis subject led to n > diffjruncj of o^tiniuu. and tU'! uudcu'm jutioned deliv- erance, ))reparu I by a sub-Committee, v < 'tdi'pted unanimously - 1. Theie shall be a central fund, to ii mated the Foreij^'u Mission Fund, from which the operations of th(3 Church in e Forei;,'u Mission department of her work shall be sustained ; and all the Con'fre;^'ations and Home Mission Sta- tions throu'-jlijut thj Churcii shall be re^iuired to mike an annual contribution to this Fund. 2. There shall be one Board appointed annually by the General Assembly for the direction of the Foreign Mis '.ion work of the Church, audit shall be the duty of said Board -1. To a lininister the funds provided for Forei^ni Mission puri)oses, and render an account of thu same to the General Assembly at its Annual Meeting. 2. To take the oversight of the Missionaries n)w ougagjd, or who may hereafter be engaged in the service of the Church, and to issue, from time to time, to said Missionaries, such orders and instructions as may bo deemed necessary. iJ. To seek out such Ministers, or others as may be willing to undertake Foreign Mission work, to judge of their .l by tho Coniuiittoo. wore Dalhousio College; lialUis Theological Hall; Morrill ('ollego, (^uobou; Montreal i'resl)yterian College; (^uwiii"s College, King- ston; Kno.K Collogo, Toronto; and Manitoba College. Tho principal subject of discussion was the mode of support— whether there should bo a common College Fund, to be raised under thtJ direction of the General Assembly, and from which tho various ThpolcgioaJ Ilalis should he sustained, as far as necessary, or whether there should be an assignment of territory to each College, It was found that a majority vot«.J for tiio former, whilst several decliuod to vote. But in tlie meantime thu fui'iowiug nport of a sub-Coinmittoo, appointed to consider tho whole subject, was a^K'pted as the re- eommondation of tho Committee t(j the G^'neral As.iembly. I. TUKUIiOOIU-VL UALLS. Tho following statements wore made regarding the present etiutpment and necessities of Theological Halls. 1. Knox College has a stall of three Professors, one Lecturer, two Tutors, and one Lecturer on Elocution. Tlie estimated exponditure (ini'luling p )rti'<,00rt|i. t.f which the sum of lifteon hundred dollars (ftl.oOO) is provided by endowment. leaving six tliousaml five hundred dollars ('!?6,50i)) to bo raised bj collections. 1. MoRuiN College asks no aid at present from the Church. o. Tiiii Tjieolooical Hall \t IIalu'ax has three Profes-sors. Tho salary of one Professor is guaranteed lor a time by the Church of Sc.itlaud. in the ex- pectation that an early effort will be made to endow the Inatitatiuu. '«^ M »fr , ^.W« M t " ll'--i.' 10 Estimatiiij^ tlio salarieH of Professors iit two thousand iloUarK oacli, the amount rcijiiircil to Ijc r.ii.i".! Iiy folh'''l. imi is (iv.« tlious.iud dollav^i (fto.OO'M. Tlic total sum icqnircil in ordrr to maintain tlic existing slati> of thiu;;s is, therefore, iiltout twcnly-livo thousan'l doHars f1i'2'».0()0). Should an additional Profesrtor bn appointod in Quoini's (!ollo(,'o and Montreal Coll(3ge respectively, the amount would b ' increased to about #:^0,()00. II. RKCOMMKSD.VTIONS. 1. It is (>xj>edient tiiat thct territorial principle should, for the ad(»j)tud in the s^'hemo for supporting,' th'i Tli'joio;,ac;il Institutions of the ('hurtdi. 2. Th congregations in Maritime J'rovinces sliall be the constituency for the support of tiio Theological Hall at Halifax. ;{ Th(^ cmgregalions in the Province of Qiieboo. and th(j.;o in the I'rovince of Ontario, on tin; east side of the St. La.vrence ami < )ttaw,i Uailway, shalJ con - tribute towards the support of the Presbyterian College at Montreal ; and tli(K,e congregations west of the St. Lawrence and Ottawa Uailway, shall conlriiiute towards the support of (Queens CJolh.'ge and luiox College. 1. Inasmuch as Morriu College aeeks no aid from the Uhureli at i)resent, tlio C ;mmittje malic no recommeudatiou ooucerning the moJe of its support. in. rniioiijoicvL KObv.a'iox a.>ju KXAMiN.vrioN of sruni'.NTs. After some conversation on the practice of the several Churches ri-garding I'jdueation for the .Ministry and Examination of Students, it was agreed to appoint a small suli-committee to draft re;,'alatious on tiiese subjects. IV. MANITOIJA tOLLEOE. With reference to .Maniuoba College, as no oppcu'tunity had been alTorded to the Mub-Connnittee on Colleges of meeting with the subcommittee on Home Missions, as had been directctl, it was agr(;ud that the resolulion oi the Cum - mittee, given below, bo carried out, and that Manitoba College continue to be supported in th(' meantime from Home Misc'on funds, .\fter lengthened deliberation the foUuwnig was adopted as the rccouimeiida- tion of the ("ommittee. 1. " Tliat .Manitoba Colleg'.' should be maintained in el'iiciency. 2. "That, while in the meantime it is necessary that thefundsof the Home Mission Committee shall he drawn upon for the snp[)ort of this Institution, it is not desirable tliat this College shall continue to be a permanent charge u])on the Home Mis.sion Fund." VII. (I.) MINISTERS' WIDOWS' AND ORPHANS' FUND. Tiiis subject was, after explanation-; had b'Kin given regarding the Fuids of the several Churches, referred to a Sub Committee, who brouglit in a Iiei)ort, which, after certain amendments had been made, was ado[)ted, as fol- lows, and the Committee resolved to reconnnend accordingly : — 1. That one Fund be created for tlie whole Church. 11 tlip IIU 2. t ho terms of tln' Ait of the I'ruvince of Quebec, 38 Victoiiii. chap- tt'i IaI., ivliitiiij^' to tlic Ministers' Willows" iiinl Oiiilmiis' Fund of tlif late I'res- l),yteri!iii Climcti of ('imuilii in (•(uiiirelion with the Cliureh of Seothiiul, pioviil- [i\<^, t! r, in the evi nl of the iinialK'imiition of that fuiul with the funds of tlie othc. (,'liurcli('s thiit wvw luutifs to tlie rciTnt f'nion, " no widow or orphiiii of II minister wiio liad fornici iy l)eloii^;cd to the I'resliytcriiin Cluucli of Canada in eonncetiun witli the OJiurcli of Scotland, shall receive li'ss annuities from the fund of the United Church tliun would have pertained to them in terms of the Licalu in i'oice hy this Uoard at the date of Union, if the said Churches had tiot united," bo accepted ; and an anialf^'amation of the four funds be oU'ected. .•{. Tliat in addition to the revenue tli^rivcd from the capital sum, formed hy liic unitin;,' of the four ftuids presently <^Kistin},^ the fund shall be mamtained by an annual contribution from each miuisior and congregation. 1. Tliut the rate of ministerial contributions shall bo as follows : — Ministers of this CJKUch at present not count cted with any fund, aJid any ministers wiio after tliis date shall bo admitted t j i)articiiiate in the benetits ol the fund, uniler 35 years of age, shall pay into the fund annually 'frb.Utt ; such as an' lictween lU) and ID years of age, #fO.O(» , those who are between 10 and 50 years of age shall pay tfl'J.OO pur annum. Tuv) application of iiny minister over 50 years of age to be admitted to th-j benelits of the fund shall bo made the subject of special cousiileration. 5. That the allowances to widows fiom the common fund be oijual ; the case of the widows of the ministers form.jriy belonging to the i'resbyterian Church of Canada in coimectiou with the Church of Scotland, as already pro- vided for, only excepted ; pruvidixl also that no widow at i)resent receiving an annuity from any of the funds, nor the widow of any minister of the united Church, who had formerly belonged to the I'resbyterian Church of Ciinada in ooniii'ctjon v.ilu tlu; Church of Scotland, shall receive a less allowauce than ■j^IoO a-year. ehillr-n ^'Wt i>er aimum, for three chihh'en l-V) ])er annum, and iflO pel annum for each additional child ; but she shall not receive anything from the fund for boys over 18 years of age, or for girls over 21 years of age. 7. In the event of the decease of both parents, if there bo only ii n ovovHcor, and m ul thing's sliowing yoiirKolf a pattern of t<<"Ml wurk^ gURSTIONH TO HE I'UT To MOACONS IlF.KOnF. OnPINATION. Numbers I, 2, :{, ■!. (A/ntd/ix inithun/is.) fj. In a('ce|ptiii^' the oilicc of I)(ii('on, do yon en^/a^'o in i\w strongtli and grace of the Lord J(;sns (lirist, faithfully nnd diligently to jterforn) the duties' thereof ? II, Tliat the Fornnila to be .signe(l by Ministers and Licentiates, Fdders and Deacons, be : " T hereby de('lar(> that I be]iev<' tlie Westminster Confession of Faitli, as adopted by tiiis Clnueli as the basis of I'nion, and tlie (I(A( rnnicnt of the Cliurcli l)y Sessions, Presbyteries, Synods and (lencral Asstnd)lies, to be founded on and agreeable to the Word of God: that 1 own tlie purity of Worship at present authorised by this Church : and that I engage to adhere faitlifnlly to the doctrine of the said Confession, to maintain and defend the said Oovemment. to conform to the said worship, and to submit to tlie discipline of tliis Clun(di, and to follow no divisive c(mrse from the present older established therein." III. That the Standing Orders of the Suiireme Court \h\: — 1. lleports of Ordinations, Inductions, Licensure, Deaths, Demissions, Sus- pensions, Depositions of Miiiistors, ,i,id of the erection or dissolution of congre gatioiis within the rosiicctive Synods, sli.rll be sunt up by Clerks of these Courts so as to be in the hands of the Clerk of Assend)ly at least eight days before thr Assembly meets. A largo portion of the second Sederunt, and such portions of other diets as the Moderator of Assembly may think proi)or, shall be spent in devotional services. 2. There shall ho a Standing Committee on lUisiness, consisting of the Clerks of the Assembly, and of Synods and Presbyteries, who may be Com- missioners, who shall arrange all such business as may he requisite ))revious to the tirat diet of the annual meeting of the; Assembly. This Committee, to- gether with lifteeu members to be appointed by the Assembly, shall constitute the Committee on lUUs and Overtures. The Assembly Clerks shall be joint- Convenera of these Committees. After the arrang(imeut of business has been reported by the Committee of Bills and Overtures, and sanctioned by the Assembly, the Clerks of the Assembly shall cause a docket of business to bo printed for the information of members. .'J. All papers shall be transmitted to one of the Ciorks of the Assombl;, at least eight days before the inet^ting of Assembly, and all such papers shall ))ass through the Committee of I tills and Overtures before presentation to the As- sembly. <, SlIH- JdllllS Tl^ till- icts as itioiial of the (.'om- lous to '(', to- .stitute joint- Leeu ' the to bo 1)1.^ at pass 10 As- 10 4. In orilfir thnt (ill (lommonts comhiT >>f>fnrt' t.lio AspciuMv may ho pofloi vml ill a form convciiifiit for rffciviH-c U.pints. Ovfrtinrs. K.fcrciiccs;, Apixals. Kxtnu;t Miniiti'f^, iiml all otlicr iiiattfis wliatsocvcr, iiitcinlcd to l-c Hulmiiftnl to tlic Assoiul»ly, Hhall lie writtm on foc.lscap paper, with snlliciout nuut-'iiiM HO as to ailiiiit of their Ikuiik houiul in vohunoH; ami, for tlio mkv of securing fully the ends of Jurttiuo, parties who havo causes to hrinn before the Assenibly, are reeouuiiendea to print copies of the same in numbers sutlicieiit for the use of members, and iu a shape suitable for binding along with the printed Minutes of Assembly. ".. The Conveners of Standing Committees shall give in their annual reports to th(> Committee of I'.ills and Overtures, if jiossible, not later tliau the Hceouil sederunt oi the iiU'etiiig of the Assembly. If these are in i^inted form they sliall be in a shape suitable for binding along with the printed Minutes of Assembly. C. The Assembly shall ajtpoint a Cnmmiftee, of not less than two from eneh Synod, and not mon; tlum four from any one Synod, to nominate members for the Standing Connnittees of the AsHombly. IV. THAT THE RF.Ori.ATIONS ANKNT THE RECORDS OF CIirRCn COfRTH RK— 1. The pages shall be numbered in words at length as well as in figures. '2. Every page shall 1^ signexl by the Clerk, and the Ket^ord of each soderunt by the Moilerutor and Clerk. In case of the death or nmoval of the Moderntor or Clerk, the Ketjord shall afterwards be signed by the then acting Mndi ratur or C'lerk, i/iw iiotn of the cause, in presence of the Court. H. Th(! time ami place of meeting shall be minutely stated in words. 4. Every ])age shall have a suitjfjle margin on whicli the items of recordeil business, etc. shall be indexed. '). The ])laco and date of each meeting shall be shortly indicated on the margin at the top of the page. (J. (Church Courts shall take specinl care that their lieconls nrecirefnlly nnd correctly written. All eiasures or other changes in the IJecoid shall be noted on the margin with the initial.s of the Clerks name. 7. All sums of money shall be giv( u in words as well as in figures. 8. No unnecessaiy vacant spaces shall be It ft between the Minutes of Sederunts. V. THAT THK liARRIER ACT RF. — 1. No proposed law or rule relative to matters of doctrine, discipline, government, or worship, shall become a perniaiiont enactment until the e. ,'ic has been submitted to I'resbyteries tor onsideration. Suiili consideration shall b:i given l>y each I'resbytftry, at an ordinary ino-ting, (u- a s])ecial meeting held for the purpose; and an extract minute of the Presbytery's jmlgment shall be sent to the Clerk of th j Gun mmI A-.sombly, before the next meeting t)f that Court. ;•«;;'■ ! . t ! ! f i \ A / ? 69 16 2. Tlifl Aflsombly, if itMMOMM', Bbiy, hy a mnjority of two-thirdH of tlioBe preHont, puHH hucIi propoHei !■• val, the AHscnilily s'lall reject such propowJ Imv ^m ntilV. or a(.'ain remit it to the PrcHhytcrier.. ('». That the Sub Committtit Hii* ccntinnnd, with power to divide itweif into several partH, for tho mattuf ■ti'.ft'*iir{K»ral;ion of the luattors entruHtod to it, and that the name of llcv. O. M. Osaart l«» iulde«l to the Committee. Tlio Suh-Committoe cm Eitiril«»iaiHHor Mackerra^', Pr'.4««»ior frrp!?pr, Mennrs. T. Sedt^wick, .1. MiddlemiHs, J. Lainf,', W. lleid, \\. (aiuj.litillL. W. Pra-^er, .1. O. Kohb, and U. M. Grant, MinistorH, and Mr. T. W. Th^Vv imd .rnd>?e Stevens. Elders. IX. M7.Wi)RrAL FUND. This matter was reniitt*.:! \. Fraser and the llev. J. Grar. \. meeting' of the (ieneral Co: aiderod. -inli-C'oramittee, consisting of the Rev. W. - :• -x -t>home to be submitted to tlie next ' liOn it couiil be fully and ciirefuUy con- X. TRAM?JJJN(i KXPE^'*t;^.S OF MEMBERS OF COMMITTEE. The matter of paying ti»t (-igiftasftfl (jf the mtnubers of Conmiittee was brought up for coneideration, mxll 8fc<lf into i to it, ami ows : — Dr. Dr. Pater- liddlemiHs, M. (iiiuit. ' Rov. W. ) tlie next fully COU- PE E. littpf was he equity 3 General onvener, (•nor, /;v it eleven umttee. ^^-fm ^^^^^^^iS^T