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Un des symboles suivants apparaltra sur la darnlAre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbols — »• signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols ▼ signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre filmAs A des taux de reduction diffArents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clichA, il est film* A partir de I'angle supArirur gauche, de gauche h droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaira. Las diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^- ■•?/ ROBF.KT WARD & CO . VUJTORI . I'liyiil Swedish & Norw MERCHI "jJCxecute Indents foi I Lumber, Tim SHIPPING Hoyai Insurance Con I.omlon and Ia Standaril Loi Risks Accent Pol BRITISH ( Mortg CURTIHS JOHN KIRKHAM > .1. A. W. STUART'S V.\ VICTOR I AKonta ( F.WKN iV ("<)., " Lio> At'COKD," lOBERT V ^ ROBKllT WARD * CO , LimUed LialiUlty, Victoria. Uciyiil Dwedifih «S: Norw&Kitt" Consiilato. €y Represented in London by MKS-SK8. H. J. OAUDINTCR it CO. ^ 1 Orahani BuildingH, BHHhingliall 8t.,E.C. ROBERT WARD & CO., Ltd. LiaWlity. •VIOTOI?.!^, B. O. MfRCHIiNTS AND IMPORTERS ■execute Indents for every description of British and Foreign Merchandise, } Lumber, Timber, Spars, and other Products of British Columbia. SHIPPING AND INSURANCE AGENTS. CHARTERS EF^FEOXED (* GENERAL AGENTS^ Hoyal Insurance Company, t London and Lancashire Fire Insurance Company, Standard Life Assurance Company, London and Provincial Marine Insurance Company, Ltd. London Assurance Corporation (Marine Department) Western Assurance Company. Risks kmM, Policies Issned and Losses Promiitly A^insted in Victoria. — MANAtiKKS AM) AllENTS — BRITISH COLUMBIA ('ORI»()RATION, Lt'd. MortgagreSf Land Debentures, Trusts, Etc. — SOI.K AOKNTS — OUKTIH'S \ HARVEY K SI'HRTING AND IM.ASTINCI POWDER, JOHN KIRKHAM it SON'S (dold Me.lal liivontionH Kxhihilion 1W))1'1AN0 FOKTES. .1. it. VV. STUART'S I'ATKNT DOIMU.IO KN(»rTKD MEHU IISIIINd NKT8. TWINES, ETC. A. KODKKiUKZ HAVANA CRlAH.s. VICTORIA LlMllKR AND MANII-ACTIKINC (O., ChewaimiH. HIOHITT it M'lNTVIlK HAWMII.I. i;' ' AKciita for Die followtiiK Krandi of Briti«li Columbia 8ahnoti : I'lwiN A Co., "Lion," "Bonsik Di-nukk," Hon Accord Fishery Co., "Ron Accoho," " Thk Cossii.s," A. J. :M'Lki.i,an's " Kxi-ress," Canadian Pacikic I'ackinu Co. ({OBEKT WARD & CO., Limited Liability. * \l I, • \i> ^. /• Telegraph Address : Turner— Victoria. Beeton — London . TOMER, BEETOI I CO. ■\rxarro:Eixj^, :3. o. H. C. BEETON & CO. LOIsTDOIiT. -AGENTS FOR- BOUTELLKAU & CO., BRANDY H. WALKER & SON, Canadian AVhiskey W. JAMESON, Irish Wiiiskky ROBT. BROWN & CO., Four Crown Scotch Whiskey BOORD & SON, Gin G. PRELLER & SON, Ci-arets CAMUSET & CO, Champagne POULET PERE kt FILS, Burgaxdy COCHBUHN, SMITHE & CO., Port AVILLIAM HUMBERT & CO.. Sherry ROSE & CO., Lime Juice J. S. FRY & SON, 'Bristol Cocoa and Chocolate M. B. FOSTER & SONS. Ale and Stout DOULTON & CO., Vitrified Drain Pipe r JONAS BROOKS & BROS.. Hudderefleld Reel Cotton GEO. WOSTENHOLM & SON, Cutlery DUNBAR, McM ASTER & CO., Solnion Turic and Nets ^; Tm EH l-H w ES, 'm Inverness and Balmoral Canneries, Skeena River. Terra Nova, Lulu Island and Pacific Coast Canneries, Fraser River. European Goods of all Kinds Imported to Order. Agents North British and Mercantile and Guardian Assur- / ance Cos, La Fonciere Marine Insurance. I V RATES $ll 3asa' XXXX 8 yel »' I, i-m The Hotel Dallas SUr- /I '^'^^S $1*<^ TO $>'S<^ P^R ^^"^ ACCORDING TO ROOM., ^" R. H. BERRYMAN, PROPRIETOR. ' I;' Si I SasB' XXXX 8 year old Ale on Draught. Bar and Billiard Room Attached. P.O. Box 465. ••"W^ Phienix Fire Assurance CompV hotnhnHl Street and Charing Croat, London. ' * I ESTARLISHED 178a. Uxalimited Liability. For Insuring Every Kind of Property in all Parts of the World from Loss or Damage by Fire. The promptitude and liberality with which its engaKements are always met by this Company are well-known, and the importance of its relations with the public may Be estimated from the fact that since its establishment it has paid more than Ninteen Million Stoiling in discharge of claims *or Losses by Fire. The security offered to the public by the Phoenix Office is unlimited, com- prising in addition to a large invested capital ot the Company, the whole fortunes of numerous proprietors, composed of some of the most opulent merchants and others in the United Kingdom. Annual and short time Insurance are effected upon all kinds of properly in Vancouver Island and British Columbia on the most favorable terms. Prompt cash payments and full power to settle all losses and claims without referring to the Head^ Office in London. Kates and particulars of Insurance may be bad on application to THOS. C. NUTTALL, Agent, 86 Oovemment Street, VICTORIA, B. C. Lewis Hall, d.d.s. (GRADUATE PHILADELPHIA DENTAL COLLEGE.) 'las and Ether administered for the painless extraction of Teeth. Crown and Bridge Work satisfactorily performed. Office: Jewell Block, cor. Yates and Douglas Sts. HOVnS . » a.m. to 3 p.m. VICTORIA, B. C. JB. i^0]D01srA.X iT), (SutcEssoii TO FRANK CAMPBKU..) CAMPBEll'S CORNER HAS AlWAYS BEEN AN HISTORIC SPOT The excellence of the goods supplied, having made the place famous. The Corner is now on the opiMjsite side of the street, where, as in the old premises, a complete and reliable stock of the BEST HAVANA CIGARS AND TURKISH CIOARBTTES. |ALSO TOBACCOS, PIPES, POUCHES, ETC., ETC., ARE ALWAYS ON HAND, AS WELL AS THE DAILY NEWSPAPERS. I K' v'T! E I 'fi V. f. I f; -V^f . KlESIifl 4 CO. Machinists, founders . AND Mill Furnishers 241 to 261 SOUTH JEFFERSON ST., CHICAOO, ILLINOIS. ENGINES 1 BOILERS Steam Pumps, Menosha Wood Split Pulleys, Automatic Scales, Webster Vacuum Heaters, Shaefer Patent Magnetic Separators :AND A FULL LINE OF^ POWER - TRANSMITTING - MACHINES IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT. WRITB FOR PRICES. Cable AddrcBB: " KAE8TNER," ChicaKo. Ubb A B C Code, fonrth edition. ) I ■: 'V 1 I ' 4 -i i^mr, ' i'l -I ■ L,r ' ■■ •«■ '^yriUlMi— IlK'N ' w* ■ill 1 1 • lllf If ■BaKBBMM^I— CHICAGO WIND MOTOR COMP'Y 0I3:I0:A.C3-0, ILLIltTOIS. • The "CHICAGO" is the most practicable Steel Wind Mill ever built and is Back Geared to make 2 to 3 revolutions of wind wheel to one stroke of pump, also arranged so it can be changed in fivt minutes from back gear to make a stroke of pump to every revolution of wind wheel. |ti X • This is a valuable feature and one that no other mill possesses. We also build the best steel tower ever made. All brace rods are made to tighten. We sell the mill with or without tower. Every mill guaranteed to give entire satis- faction or money and freight refunded. Send for Illustrated Oatalogne and Price List CHICAGO WIND MOTOR COMPANY. c n and Spe Wot (il tniuu lenge Ci We wan jnercl taut I Men J.. ■ 1 ' i 24 I It1 4 S t • 1 ' THE LEADING BIOYCLE FIBM. _N^i THERE ARE NO CYCLES ">'' MADE SUPERIOR TO THE CATALOGUES FREE. Centaur, Premier, AND Raglan and very few approach them in Speed, Design, Durability and Finish. WorUVs novice one mile reconl, 2.28 ; world's twenty-five mile road record, (il minutes ; five mile N.C.U. championship ; nine-tenths of all Knj^lish Chal- lenge Cups, and thousands of other races won on these machines. W6 want rfispoDsiMe pnsMp g merchants or others to re- present ns at eyery impr- tant point in B.C. E.O.HILL. Mgr. 'Cyole Dept. GEO. F. BOSTWICK, Canadiairx Represtentative, 24 Front Street, W, » ToRONTO. l*atji8 Wi *» m« »« tw a i w i^i ii r ii nr LIMITBD- Head Offices, TORONTO, ONT. Works, PfiT£BBOBO and KAMI I/TON, ONT. Branch Stores, HALIFAX, N. S., MONTEEAL, QUE., WINNIPEG, MAN., and GRANVILLE STREET, VANCOUVER, B. C. Controlling exclusively all rights for Canada for the sale and manufacture Of the THOMMOUSTOII, EDISON, BAIL and WOOD SYSTEMS Of Kluetrieal Apparatus for tHeetrle Hffhting, JBteetric Hallway h and Eleetrteal Traniitn%a»ion of i'ower. Full supply of Lamps, Wire Sockets, Meters, Transformers, Switches, etc., etc., carried at all branch stores. Address all correspondence to the Company at nearest branch offline. CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., LTD, - VANCOUVER, B. C. DIRECTORY LIBRARY. ■ h The want of a OinECTOKV ItlBBAHT is one which hoa been keenly felt by 'he buMnesH men of thl« Province. Kritlbh Columbia's trade with almost uvery quarter of the world is rapidly growing, and it is of the utmost importance that our merchants should be in a position topbiain the addresses ol reliable firius abroad. Such a library is now available to ti>e puDlic. A small charge is mauc for consulting any of the following, among other directories now at our olHce. Calveras County California. Annani Baltimore Birkenhead r. England. Birmingham Kngland. Brandon Manitoba. Bristol England. British North Borneo Calgary N. W. T. Cambodia Camden N.J. Cochin China Chicago Illinois. Corea Dartmouth N. S. Edinburgh Scotland. (iiasgow Scotland. Halllax N.8. Hamilton Ontairo. Hawaiian Kingdom Honkonc China, Honolulu HI. Idaho. State of U, S. A Japan Leith Scotland. Leeds England Liverpool England. London , Ont. London (Eng.) I'ost Office Directory Macao Malay Straits Manchester England Manitoba Mchts. & Shippers Ouide of the World, Kelley's Montreal New York North West Territories Oregon. State of Phllidelphia Fhillipine Portland Oregon Portland Maine Halem & Gloucester Co N J Salt Lake Glty Han Francisco San Joaquin Sarawak Scotland Beatttle Washington. Sheffield Eugland Slam ppokane Falls Stanilaus County Cal. St. Johns New Foundland. Stockton City St. Paul Minnesota Strait Settlements Sydney N. 8. W. Australia. 'laooma , Tonkin Toronto Tuolumne County Cal, Washington, State of WladiwoBtook Winnipeg Maaitoba. Yokohama Ci iim B, .^'^.^ "4. A. TOt.MIB. It. STEWART, Tol m ie & Stewart (SnooesBora to tbe late John Boyd.) Importers of Wines, Spirits, Teas and cigars. 45-47 Yates Street, - VICTORIA, B. C. Sole Proprietors of the Celebrated Boyd's Blend. Families supplied at lowest rates. Scotch whiskey a specialty. Wholesale and Retail. SEND IN yOUIl ORiER EARLY il ' iSl ill ■■\ i 1- — PO« THE — ^ ^ ^ iiini ni* Iff B, C, Of FICU L DIfiECTOJ ~ ^ <^^ ~ IF .YOUR BOOKSELLER CANNOT SUPPLY YOU, ORDER FROM THE HEAD OFFICE, BROAD STREET, VICTORIA, B. O. '9i i l\ '■ 4 3 CLEMENTS LANE, LOMBARD SIPREE^. E. C cotriiT or omMqroiis : lr. H. Brodte, Jtohn J«ine« Cater, d««ud Itoyer, WMrf ». i"Mr«, tUjbarf tt. tl^c S.-A.Bo«r& H. J. B. KendaU, Jv J. Itlngriord. Ptidftio tobWo<;k, 6«oi«e D. WMns«^n- :8eor»<My(A, G.WiW». ASAP OFflCV m OiUVigftAr ' ST. JAMES ®TREET; MOKTREAI,. R. B./GBiNDWy, G«i. ManM«r. H. Smkhmau, Awt. Gen. Manager, £. STAiias«, Inspector. BBAMCmBS^AltD AQMXCtas W^^AtTAl^A; Loudon, Btantfort, Paris, Hamilton, Tor<mt«, Kl^cstu), <3!JttV», JKMJtwifl, ft»«i)ec, St. Jolin, ».B , Fredwicton, N.B., Haliftx, N.8 , Victoria, B.C;> Van«ote»et, B.C., W}iinltitg,°Uati , Btandpn, MItii. AGKSTS IN rax, XSVlttXi BTATIW. |I*w toBE.-JW. I«WMn Cttd Jl. BrownllbM, Agantt. Ban FEAWCiBCo.-H. iJv Jv McMJoliafil«i»4 J. C. W«kih, A(f«qtt. Have faclllUea lor e(Al«oUon and exchaDge tn aU pans of the world. =9iS9« Capital Planing Milte. Oitohaard Street, Bock Bay, VIOTOMA, B. ^ if. ZMmiiir. ^A h Lemon, Gonnason & Co. ja^n, »t^ Blinds, Wiadtow and Door FratAas, Mouldiogfi, lit$ttk^t»; Baloiten, , ^^ Stair RftiHngi, ilwitelB, Nw«i Potts, Btc, ' • '^1 *^^ jBoroH Snwiog, TqiMhiI <M»A Planing. Wood ti|»irtiins pt JSyw^f V«i4«ty tor, ,' • "'' . 'stores; ^Min«>.>«te.,^.,-e«*a*9a.|6oi»«r;' ">^'^ . -'S • !^ij Ik''" ' 5<" s> . 1« m ' ill 11 SVl M. R. Smith & Co BISCUIT - - = MANUFACTURERS ESTABLISHED 1838, Victoria, b. C. Medals and Diplomas Awarded at Colonial and Indian Exhibition, London, 1886, and British Columbia Exhibition, 1891, 1892 and 1893. P. O. Box 289. Telephone 121. DODWELL,CARLILL&CO, Bastion Square, Victoria, B. V, & m 00 CHINA AND JAPAN. AGENCIES: Yokohama and Kobe, Japan; Hong Kong, Shanghai, Foo Chow and Hankow, China; Tacoma, Wash.; and London England. GENERAL AGENTS N. P. S.S. CO., CARRYING U. S. MAILS. M ^ CALCINEDf^ PLASTER HAMMER BRAND, 1854. -MANUFACTURED BY- /Albert /I^apufaetdrip^ ^o. HILLSBOEOUOH, NEW BRUNSWICK. GREEN, WORLOCK & COMPANY, --SUCCESSORS TO-- GARESCHE, GREEN & CO. ESTABLISHED 1873. A General Banking Business Transacted • - - - Collections Made at Every Point Gold Dust Purchased at Highest Market Rates. AGENTS FOB WELLS, FAKGO & COMPANY. r 1 V H t ><* I'k V^ '^l \)\ Tub Corner Government and Johnson Sts, Hotel Victoria. ON AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN. ARTISTICALLY FURNISHED. EXCLUSIVELY FIRST-CLASS. VICTORIA, B. C. Victoria Truck and Dray Couipanii -LIMITED. — GBNBRAL FREIGHTERS Moving Heavy Machinery a Specialty. 1 08 Wharf Street, VICTORIA, B C. The Indian Bazaar 43 JOHNSON STREET, VICTORIA, B. C. ALASKA AND BRITISH COLOMBIA INDIAN ClIRIDS Largest and Finest Assortment of Curios on the Pacific Coast. The public, especially Tourists are respectfully invited to examine the same. J". 0". HI-A-ItT & 00. .i«) : » •■ I'l'-i # lie : Mm ; Mer : Floor -Js^HTlD- Rick Mills. .SELF-RAISING FLOUR FAMILY FLOUR SUPERFINE FLOUR BRAN AND SHORTS ^"^° CLEANED RICE CHINA & JAPAN RICE FLOUR GRANULATED RICE, for Brewers' use. AND Vi CHIT RICE FOR POULTRY, ETC. U ->l RICE MEAL FOR CATTLE, ETC. r^ f<- Hall, Ross & Co. 66 STORK STREBT. Victoria, - B. C. < I i 1.1 :h FEf ►I _^_^^^^^>^^i^k|^^^^^^i^ _ .;:»*«,>" jkWrtWfcV 1 I ■I •j; THE mm lis TORONTO, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF^ I * HYDRAULIC, * * * * ELECTRIC, * * * * * * STEAM AND * * ♦ ♦ HAND POWER* ELEVATORS. \ -SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF^ THE BOSTWIOK FOLDING GATE. ; i;' .li 'i'fi) A. LANNING. J. THOMPSON. V^ (NATIONALie- WIRE WORKS 584 CRAIO STREET, Three Doors West of Place d'Armes Square, ZS^OlSTTItE A.L. ^=-MANUFACTURERS OF-. Wire Cloth for Locomotives, Tlireshing Machines, Fan- ning and Smut Mills, Bank and Counter Railings, Garden and Cemetery Fencing, Flower Stands and Flower Baskets, Trainers, Arches, Sponge Basket s. Window Guards, Coal, Sand and Gravel Screens, Sieves, Fenders, Fire Guards, Ladies' Dress and Hat Stands. GARDEN WORK A SPECIALTY. l^ ■i Cai V ,SK^S«a«iw-*i^*^^ „jiHMMi»»'«<' »'-*"'' I ""'^"'iatidinjo. LH^ITSD. VICTORIA, B. C. C. P. N. GO'S S.S. "ISLANDER." ^ , »fr.'-. Manager, Assistant Manager, General Agent, General Passenger Agent, JOHN IRVING F. W. VINCENT G. A. CARLETON C. S. BAXTER I 5 r /;t t ;M 11 . ,,iii| nil" i i li H A. SEYLEF J. M. HARRISON. Gy Montreal Electrical Supply Co Br 781 Con MONTREAL A ( Telephones, Annunciators Bells, Etc., Etc, I Vi ElETRK mm M« ™«S A SPKIILT^ N B. RErMRiNG Neatly EXECUTE!,. lYLEF ors li 1 THE WILLIAMS' OFFICIAL British Columbia Directory 1894. Containing: General Information and Directories of the Various Cities and Settlements in the Province, — WITH — A CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIEECTOBY. COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY THE WILLIAMS' B. C. DIRECTORY CO., LT'D. Office, Broad Street, Foot of View, Victoria. ptciiLt; n VICTORIA, B. €., THE COLONIST PRINTING AND PUBLISHING COMPANY. ECUTEl). L^ * 1 V;,' . H wmmmfmim m^immmmm^m PREFACE. THE BRITISH COLUMBIA OFFICIAL DIRECTORY for 1894 is now Bubmitted to eubscriberB, and the publishers hope it will b<i as ac- ceptable as ever. No trouble or expense has been spared to make the work as complete as possible, and to those who have so freely assisted us in compiliDg the information herein contained, we tender our best thanks. There is, perhaps, no directory published under greater difficulties than is ours. The district covered — the whole Province of British Columbia — is immense, and as new settlements are being formed almost every other day, many of them in sections of the country difficult of access, it is no easy matter to keep in touch with all. We hail with pleasure the many signs of advancement apparent on all sides. The past year has seen several communities incorporated as cities and municipalities, and others will follow the good example ere 1894 closes. The various enterprises afloat for railway, road and bridge construction will, it is hoped, materialize in the near future, thus rendering communication with distant parts of the province more easy, and the work of the directory less arduous. That British Columbia is attracting every year a greater share of atten- tion from the well established seats of capital and labor, is evidenced by the increased foreign demand for the Directory, which now finds a place in almost every business establishment on this continent and abroad with which our merchants trade. Our advertising connection is steadily improv- ing, as is also the circulation of the Directory, which we take as proof of the popularity and usefulness of the work. Several changes have this year been made in the general get-up of the Directory. We have endeavored to supply reliable and complete information in as concise a form as possible, and have, at no small financial loss, refused to admit the pages of the book to be cut up by advertisements. After the ground had been fully covered by the enumerators, we invited by advertisement in the public press, all who contemplated a change of address to apprise us of same so that the change might be duly recorded. Very many complied ; those who have not cannot Mame us if the old address appears in the present issue. THE WILLIAMS' OFFICIAL DIRECTORY CO., LT'O. ViCTOBiA, B.C., January, 1894. Enteral socordingf to Act of Parllameiit of Canada in the year one thoniand eight hundred and ninety-four, in the Office of the Minister of Agriculture at Ottawa, by F. L. Nialk, Secretary and Treasurer. 'i s K' vlMk^;4^t«M*>.R^'*~.^#' rtH i n^l" T|. i,; .i, , , ,r" i j,?j h4{ .mw^ i f ^i INDEX AND TABLE OF CONTENTS. iii INDEX AND TABLE OF CONTENTS. WILLIAMS' B. C. OFFICIAL DIBECTOBY, 1894. PAGE Abbotsford 42 Aberdeen 42 Abbreviations zvi Active Militia 21 Admfnistrators, OflScial 10 Agassiz 42 Agricultural Associations 34 Agricultural Branch 9 Ainsworth 43 Alberni 44 Albert Canyon 46 Albert Head 45 Aldergrove 46 Alert Bay 46 Alexandria 47 Alkali Lake 47 Anderson Creek 47 Anniersville 47 Annual Salmon Pack 32 Armstrong 47 Artillery, Royal Marine 21 Ashcroft 49 Assay Office 9 Assessor and Collector 9 Assessors and Collectors, N West 12 Associations, Rifle 21 Asylum forthe Insane, N Weat'r 9 Attorney>General'B Office 9 Balfour 50 Banks and Bankers, New West'r 613 Banks and Bankers 30 Bank of British Columbia 30 <' of British North America. . 31 " of Montreal 31 Bankers, Private 31 Baptist Churches 20 177572 PAOB Barclay Sound 50 Barkerville 60 Barnston Island 62 Barristers and Solicitors, (see Classified Business Directory) Basque Ranch 62 B,C. Agricultural Association. . . 4 B.C. Benevolent Society 34 B.C. Horticultural and Fruit Growing Association 34 B.C. Horticultural Society and Fruit Growers' Association . . . 462 B.C. Natural History Society... 37 B.C. Pioneer Society 86 B.C. Protestant Orphans' Home. 36 Board of Fire Underwriters, Vic. 261 Board of Trade, Nanaimo 206 " " Vane 462 Vic 260 " •• New West 612 Bonaparte 64 Boundary Bay 54 Boundary Creek 55 Bowen Island 56 Beacon Hill Park, Vic. 258 Bear Creek 62 Beaver 62 Beaver Creek 63 Beaver Point 63 Beechy Bay 58 BellaBella 53 Bella Coola 63 Benevolent and other Societies . . 34 Big Bar M Births, Deaths and Marriages. . . Blue Springs 64 It BRITISH COLUMBIA OIRKCTORY. PAOI Bridge Creek 66 B.C. Board of Trade, 1893-4 84 B.C. Medical Council 16 £.0. Medical Register, 1898-4. . . 16 B.C. Rifle Associations 21 B.C. W.C.T.U. Refuge Home. ... 35 Brownsville 55 Bureau of Statistics 9 Burgoyne Bay 56 Burrard Inlet 56 Burton Frairie 56 Cabinet Ministers 5 Cabinet Ministers and Executive Council of B.C 5 Cache Creek 58 Cadboro Bay 259 Canadian Pacific Railway Officials Vane 468 Cassiar 56 Cedar 57 Cedar Hill 259 Cemeteries, Nanaimo 206 do Vane 463 do Vic 260 Cheam 58 Chemainus 58 Cherry Creek 59 Chilcoten 59 Ohilliwack 59 Church and Clerical Directory ... 17 Church of England, Diocese of Caledonia .* 18 Church Diocese of Columbia, Van Island 17 Clergy, Diocese of New Westm'r. 18 Churches and Pastors, Vane 463 Churehes, New Westm'r 613 Chureh Hill, Vic 258 Cisco 61 City Council, Nanaimo, 1893. ... 206 " Vane, 1893 461 " Vic, 1893 269 " New Westm'r, 1894 612 Clanwilliam 61 Clazton 61 , PAUE Clayoquot 61 Clayton fil Clew Cumshewa 62 Climate of B.C 3 Clinton «2 Cloverdale 63 Clover Point, Vic 258 Clover Valley 63 Clubs, Vic 260 •' New Weslm'r 613 Clytosin 64 Coalfields of B.C 2 Coal prospecting licenses 41 Cobble Hill 64 Colwood 65. Commission on money orders. . . 25 Comox District 68 Companies Registered, 1893 22 Consuls, Foreign, in B.C 21 Coquitlam Municipality 67 Corfleld 67 Cormorant Island 67 Corps, Local 21 Countries, Postal Union 29 County Courts 10 County Court Judges 7 Court of Revision and Appeal. . . 12 Courtenay Coutlee, 67 Cowichan 68 Cowichan Lake 68 Craigellachie 69 Cranbrook 69 Customs Department 6 Customs Statistics 81 Delta Municipality 69 Denman Island 71 Dept of Agriculture, Vic 8 Dept of Education and Immigra- tion 8 Dept of Justice 6 Departure Bay 72 Deroche 72 Dewdney Municipality 72 Dog Creek 73 1 1 11 INDKX AND TABLE Or 0ONTENT8. PAOa Diocesan Synods 17-18 Directory of the World 204 Discoverer's Claims 39 Distances in B. C 34 Dominion of Canada 6 Dominion Census Returns 732 Dominion Land and Timber Dept 7 Dominion Officials in Province. . Dominion and Provincial Offi- cials, New Westm'r 613 Dominion Savings Bank 30 Donald 73 Douglas Lake 76 Drydock, Esquimalt 76 Drynock 75 Ducks 76 Duluth 75 Duncan's Station 76 Ebume 77 Education 14 Electoral Districts and Polling Divisions 11 Elgin 77 Empire Valley 78 Enderby 78 Errington 79 Esquimau 79 Esquimalt District 79 Esquimalt & Nanaimo Bailway 41 Exports, 1893 31 Exports from the Province of B.C., 1898 33 Fairmont Springs 82 Fire Alarm System, Vane 462 •' " Victoria 259 " " " Nanaimo 206 Fire Dept, Vic. 259 Fire Insurance Companies, Vane 462 Fire Underwriters, Board of, Vic 261 Fisheries 2 Field 82 Foreign Consuls 21 Foreign Consuls, Vane 464 Fort George 83 Fort Rupert 84 FAOI Fort Shepherd 83 Fort Steele 88 Foul Bay 258 Free Miners and their Privileges 89 French Creek 84 Fur Seal Returns 732 Qabriola Island 84 Galbraith Ferry 86 Galena 85 Ganges Harbor 85 Gaol, Victoria 10 Garnham 86 Gazetteer of Govt. Offices and Of* flcials 6 Genoa 86 Georgetown 87 Glacier House 89 Gordon Head 269 Gold Commissioners 12 Golden 87 Goldstream 88 Government Agents — 10 Government of B, C 8 Grand Prairie 88 Granite Creek 88 Grantham 89 Griffin Lake 89 Guide and Rates, Postal 24 Hack Tariff, Vane 464 Hack Tariff, Vic 261 Hagan 89 Hall's Prairie 89 Hammond, 90 Hanceville 90 Harbor Master and Port Wardens 7 Harbors 34 Harrison Hot Springs 00 Harrison River 90 Hartley Bay 91 Harvey Creek 91 Hastings 91 HatOreek 91 Hatzic 91 Hatzic Prairie 92 Uazelton 93 ■W»^i^P»W»«"Wi^^»^"Wf^»" "^^^^■!»»PWPPP" Tl BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. PAOK Hazelmere 92 Heal 92 Hernando Island 93 Hesqaiat 93 Hope 93 Hornby Island 93 Horsefly 94 Horticultural Society and Fruit Growers, Association of B.C. . . ■162 Hospital, Nanaimo 206 " New Westm'r 612 " Vancouver 463 Victoria 260 Howe Sound 94 Huntingdon 94 lUecillewaet 95 Immigration Department 7 Imports, 1893 3' Imports into the Province of B.G 33 Incorporated Companies Begis- tered, 1893 22 Indian Department 7 Inland Bevenue Department. ... 7 Insane Asylum Inspector of Fruit Pests 9 of Hulls 7 " of Mines 9 " of Steamboats, &c 7 I.O.G.T. Grand Lodge Officers. . 35 Iron Ores of the Province of B.C. 2 Island District 153 James Island 95 Jewish Congregation Eman-El . . 21 Johnston's Landing- 95 Judges of the Supreme Court 6 Juvenile Reformatory 9 Kamloops City of 96 Kfislo City 100 Keefer's 107 Keithly Creek 107 Kelowna 107 KeremeoB 108 Kettle River 108 King's Island 109 Kitamat 109 PAGE Kitlupe 109 Koksilah 109 Kootenay District 110 Kuper Island HI Lac la Hache Ill Ladner's Landing Ill Lake District 112 Land Registry 10 Land Surveyors Registered 11 Lands anH Works Department. . 9 Langford Plains 112 Laugley Municipality 112 Langley Prairie 114 Lansdowne 115 Lardeau City 116 Leanchoil 116 Legislative Assembly members. . 36 Libraries, Vane 462 Vic 260 '• New Westm'r 612 Lieut-Governor's office 9 Lillooet 116 Little Qualicum 118 Local Corps 21 Loch Erroch 118 Lowe Inlet 118 Lower Nicola 118 Lulu Island 119 Lumber 2 Lund 120 Lytton 120 Malcolm Island 122 Maple Bay 121 Maple Ridge Municipality 121 Mara 122 Marine and Fisheries Dept 7 Maritime Importance of B.C 3 Massett U2 Matsqui (or St. Mary's Mission). 12'2 Mayne Island 122 McPherson's Station 182 Medical Practitioners, List of . . . 16 Metchosin 123 Methodist Church and Clergy, Kamloops District 20 M ■ t i INDEX AND TABLE OF CONTENTS. Til o PAGE Metlakatla 123 Methodist Church and Clergy, New Westm'r District 19 Methodist Church and Clergy, Simpson District 20 Methodist Church and Clergy, Vic District, Vane Island 19 Mile Houses 124 Military District No. 11 21 Militia Active 21 Mineral Claims 40 Mineral Resources 1 Mining Laws 30 Mission City 125 Money Orders, Commissiou on . . 26 Money Order Offices in B.C 25 Moodyville 126 Mount Lehman 127 Mount Tolmie 259 Mud Bay 128 Municipal Officers, Nanaimo 206 " " Vic 259 " *' Vane 261 " " New Westm'r 206 Museum 9 Nakusp 129 Nanaimo Board of Trade 206 " Cemeteries 206 City Council, 1893 206 " City Directory 207 " Hospitals 206 " Postal Arrangements.. 206 " Street Directory 235 " Transportation 207 Nanoose Bay 129 Napier Lake 130 Naas Harbor 129 Natural History Society of B.C . . 37 Nelson, B.C 130 New Caledonia 136 New Denver 136 New Westminster 611 New Westm'r Junction 137 Newspapers and Publications.. . . 36 Nicola Lake : 137 PAOB Nicomen 138 Nicomekl 138 North Bend 139 Northfield 139 Notaries Public and their juris- diction 12 Notch Hill 144 Oak Bay 259 Official Administrators 10 Okanagan 144 Okanagan Mission 144 One Hundred Mile House 124 One Hundred and Fifty Mile Hse 124 Osooyos 145 Otter 148 Otter Point 148 Palliser 149 Parcel Post 26 Parker Island 149 Parksville 149 Pavilion Mountain 149 Payments Land & Crown Grants 38 Peace River 149 Pender Island 149 Penitentiary 8 Penticton 159 Perry Creek 150, Physicians and Surgeons 16 Pilot Bay 150 Pilotage 8 Pitt River Meadows 151 Places of interest 258 Plumper Pass 153 Police Department 259 Police and Gaols 11 Port Essington 154 Port Guichon 166 Port Hammond 166 Port Haney 156 PortKells 158 Port Moody 158 Port of Nanaimo 6 Port Simpson 159 Port of New Westm'r 6 Port of Vane 6 r4 ••■"■^ m t mf t^Aum^ wmnmm ymm VUl BBITISH COLUMBIA DIBEOTOBY. PAOE Port of Vic 6 Postal Guide and Eates 24 Postmasters 27 PostofBce Department 8 Postoffice Savings Banks 29 Postoffice, New Westm'r 613 Postoffice, Vic 260 Postoffices, Postmasters and Money Order Offices 27 Pre-emptions 38 Pre-emption for partnership pur- poses 39 Presbyterian Church and Clergy 20 Princeton 159 Private Bankers 31 Privy Council of Dominion 6 Province of British Columbia ... 1 Provincial Government Lands ... 38 Provincial Government Officials . 9 Provincial Information 1 Provincial Museum 37 Provincial Officials, Nanaimo . . . 206 Provincial Secretary's Dept 9 Provincial Timber Inspectors ... 9 Public Buildings, Vane 463 Public School System of B.C 3 Public Works Deptment of Can. . 8 Quamichan 169 Quarantine Dept 8 Quathiaski Gove 160 Queen Charlotte Is 160 Quesnelle 160 Quesnelle Forks 161 Quilchena 161 Railways, 1893 33 Read's Island 162 Record of Claims.,.,, 39 Reformed Episcopal Church 21 Registered Companies, 1893 22 Registrars of Voters 12 Representatives of B.C 5 Revelstoke 162 Richmond Municipality 166 Rifle Associations of B.C 21 Rivers' Inlet 166 PAOB Riverside 166 Robson, B.C 166 Rock Creek 166 Rockford 166 Rogers' Pass 167 Roman Catholic Church and Clergy 19 Ross Peak Siding 167 Royal Marine Artillery 21 Ruby Creek 168 Saanich, North 168 Saanich, South 168 Salt Spring Island 172 Salmon Arm 171 Salmon Pack 32 Salmon Canneries, 1892 32 Sample Post 25 Samuel Ishind 173 Sardis 173 Satnrna Island 178 Savings Bank Dept 8 Savings Bank, Dora 30 Savonas 173 Sea Island 174 St Elmo 181 Senators of B.C 6 Shawnigan 174 Sheriffs and their Jurisdiction. . . 10 Shopland 174 Shortreed 175 Shuswap 176 SicamouB 176 Sidney 176 Sidney Island 177 Silver and Copper 2 Skeena River 177 Skidegate, (Queen Charlotte Is).. 177 Soda Creek 177 SomenoB. 178 Sooke 178 South Vane 179 South Westm^r 179 Spallumcheen 180 Spencer's Bridge 180 Sproat'B Landing 180 ! i,iM !»i |tll<JHHip i j)Jp i <f ii , INDBX AND TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAOK Spuzzum 180 Squamish Valley 181 Stanley Cariboo 181 Steveston 182 Stipendiary Magistrates 10 Sumas 185 Supt of Police 10 Supreme Court 9 Surrey Centre 185 Surrey Municipality 186 Tappen Siding 186 Tatla Lake 186 Telegraph Offices and Rates 22 Terra Nova 187 Texada Island 187 Thetis Island 187 Thunder Hill 186 Timber Licenses 41 Timber Limits of B. C. 41 Trail Creek 187 Tranquille isi? Treasury Department 9 Trout Cre^k 187 Tumbo Island 187 Twin Butte 188 Union 188 Upper Sumas 188 Valdez Island 188 Vane Board of Trade 462 " Cemeteries 463 " Churches and Pastors 463 " City Council, 1893 461 " City 458 " City Directory 465 " Fire Alarm System 462 " Fire Insurance Companies 462 " Fire Limits 556 " Hospitals 463 " Libraries 462 " Public Buildings 463 " Public Schools 462 PAOae Vane Street Directory 556 Vernon. 191 Victoria Agricultural Society's Grounds 258 Victoria Board of Trade 260 " City Council. 1893 259 " City and District 255 " City and Dist Directory 362 " District 193 " Fire Alarm System .... 259 " Fire Department 259 " Police Department... 259 " Street Directory 381 Waueta 193 Wannuck Packing Co 193 Watson 193 W.C.T.U 35 Webster's Corners 194 Weights and Measure, and Gas Department 8 Wellington 194 Wellington, East 198 Westham Island 199 Westholme 199 Westminster Board of Trade 612 " City Council and Officers, 1894 612 Westminster Junction 200 611 " City Directory 616 Wharves and Landing Places,Vic 261 White Valley 200 Whonnock 201 Williams' I^ake 202 Windermere 202 Yale 203 Y.M.C. Associations 35 Young 204 Young Men's Institute 35 Y.P.C.T.U 35 I 1 1 I ! I il IP < BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. INDEX TO ADVEBTISEBS. Italic Figures refer to advertising pages at beginning of Book, also to those in Victoria, Vancouver, New Westminster and Nanaimo. PAGE Abrahamson Bros 160 Albert Mfg Co, Hillaboro, N. B. 6 Anglo Columbia Co Van. 1 Annandale T. S, Bide margins, New Wes.m'r. Atkins & Atkins Van. S Bank of B.C., Victoria Vic. 4 " " Kamloops 97 " " Nanaimo. .crdbd. Bank of B.N.A 4 Bank of Montreal — side edges. Barker, Robt Van. crd bd. B.C. Dye -Works, Dyers, Bus. Dv. B.C. Express Co, Ltd Vic. 2 B.C. Milling and Feed Co., New Westm'r card board. B. C. Commercial Journal Beattie, A. M., foot margins. Bell-Irving & Co Van. 1 Benjamin, M & L Samuel Bonestell & Co Vic. 4 Bo8twick,GF S Brown Bros 97 Brown, J L New West'r. 1 Brown & Clarke 160 Burrnett, P T. . . .New Westm'r. 1 Buxton, JM& Co Van. 2 Cowan, W 160 Canada Paper Co Canadian Pacific Railway Co, side of cover. Casement & Creery.Van. crd bd. Central Drug Store, top margins. Classified Business Directory 681 Cole, L J, top margins . CoUcutt, J & Co Van. 6 Cornisb & Cooper, side margins, Vancouver. Cosmopolitan Hotel, Kamloops, top margins, Kamloops. C. P. N. Co side margins. 176 Daily British Columbian Dallas Hotel S Devine & Son Van. 4 PACK Douglas, J C Van. S Directory of the World 5 Doering & Marstrand, top initial letters, Vancouver. Dominion Hotel, Kamloops, foot margins, Kamloops. Enterprise, The, Steveston 182 E. & N. Railway Co 41 Esquimau and Nanaimo Railway, inside back cover. . Fales, W E, foot margins, New Westm'r. Fensom Elevator Works. 7 Foreman, G F, top margins, Vane. Forester, H & Co. . .Nan. crd bd. Fox, M & H A.CIass'd Bus. Dir. Freure, WW 490 Gates Iron Works, Chicago, top margins, Class'd Business Dir. General Electric Co 3 Gordon, G. R. side margins. Nan. Grand Pacific Hotel, Kamloops, top margins, Kamloops. Green, Worlock & Co S Hall, DrL S Hall, Ross Co 6 Hardiman, T R, top margins, Vancouver. Hardy, ThoB, foot margins, Nan. Hart, J J 6 Hart, F W, top margins. Vane. Haslam A, sidt margin, cover. Heap, EH Van. crd bd. Heisterman & Co, front cover. Hilbert J, side margins, Nan. Hotel Victoria 6 Hudson's Bav Co, top margins. Kaestner, Chas & Co, Chicago, facing back cover. Keddy, Wm Nan. 1 Keene&Co Van. 2 Leakie, J Addenda, zv Leask, A 608 Lemon, Gonnason & Co 4 1 , Leighton, Lipsett, EdJ Mackay, Rq Major & EU Marshall, T McBain & McCraney McDoiald, MacKinnon| McLachlin < McLennan Mewburn, ' Morley, ChJ Nanaimo Fi Montreal El Montreal R Nanaimo Fi " T< Nanaimo F( Nanaimo B National W New Van C New Westn NichoUes & Nightingale N.P.8.S. C( Nutall, The O'Brian, L Occidental 1 Ogilvie Mil! Okanagan I Page PoDsfc Vancouvj Palace Live Pamell & C Phipps, W Planta, A I Powes & W Ralph, Wn Raymond 1 Redwood ] side mari Red Cross foot mar Robinson, Baanich U Scott & Hi Shawnigan Bpillman, '. Stovel, H, board. INDKX TO ADVERTISERS. xi PAOK Leighton, W K Nan. 1 Lipsett, Edw Van. 4 Mackay, Robt Van. 4 Major & Eldridge. . .Van. crd bd. Marshall, WC Van. S McBain&Co 207 McCraney & Co Van. 3 McDotald, A 2 MacKinnon & MacFarlane. .Van. 4 McLachlin & Yates.outside cover McLennan & McFeely Van. S Mewburn, W. B, C Vic. 4 Morley, Chris 254 Nanaimo Free Press Montreal Electrical Sup. Co.V an. 8 Montreal Rolling Mills Co. . . Vic. 7 Nanaimo Free Press '* Tolegram Nanairao Foundry, foot margins. Nanaimo Business Cards 204 National Wire Works 7 New Van Coal Co Cover. New Westminster Business Cards 662 Nicholles & Renouf, front cover. Nightingale, D Vic. 4 N.P.8.8. Co. Dodwell & Carlill. . 5 Nutall, Thomas 3 O'Brian, L Nan. 1 Occidental Hotel 2 Ogilvie Milling Co, back cover. Okanagan Mining Review 48 Page Ponsford Bros, side margins, Vancouver. Palace Livery Van. 4 Pamell & Gunn. . .New Westm'r. 1 Phipps, WH Vic. 1 Planta, A E & Co. . .Van. crd bd. Powes & Whitehead Van. 2 Ralph, Wm, top margins. Vane. Raymond Bros., Chicago 459 Redwood Brewery, (Winnipeg,) side margins. Red Cross Brewery, (Vancouver), foot margins. Robinson, M, top margins. Vane. Saanich Hotel 176 Scott & Hughes Van. 6 Shawnigan L. Lum. Co., side mgs. Spillman, E, foot margins. Vane. Stovel, H, typefounder, Van. card board. PAGE Sears, Joseph.. . Vic. card board. Sidney House 176 Slavin, W. T., side margins, Kamloops. Smith, M R & Co 5 Stone, J 160 Sun Life Assurance Co, bk cover. Texas Lake Ice Co., side margins. Thorpe & Co, top space, back bk. Tim Kee, employment agency, foot margins. Tolmie & Stewart 4 Trapp, T J & Co, foot margins . . . Trorey, Geo E Van. 1 Truck & Dray Co 6 Turner, Beetbn Co 1 TJflford, Albert Van. 1 Union Steamship Co Vic. 7 Vancouver Daily World " News- Advertiser Vancouver Business Cards 458 Vancouver Loan, Trust, Savings and Guarantee Co., outside cvr Verrinder Bros., Dentiete, Class'd Business Directory Victoria Business Cards 26S Victoria Daily Times •* Colonist Vic. crd bd. Victoria Hotel 6 Victoria Steam Laundry, Vic. card board. Victoria Transfer Co., top margs. Ward, Robt «& Co 1 Weeks & Robson Van. 6* Weiler Bros., foot margins Wenger, John 254 Western Fisheries & Trading Co. New Westm'r 1 Westmin ter Foundry and Mach- ine Works, top mgns, N. West. Westminster Slate Co., New Westm'r card board. Williams, A Vic. card board. Williams, B & Co, foot margins. . Williams, R T, top margins Wolfe, Marcus. .Nan. card board. Woods & Gamble, side and top margins, and New Westm'r card board. Wright Bros, side margins. New Westm'r. rttSr! 1 imm fw* xu BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. ADDENDA. ^ Additions and Corrections, K.C. Official Directory. COURTENAY. Frank Whitney, Postmaster. In the Provincial Electoral District of Comox and Dominion Electoral District of Vancouver, is about three miles from Comox on the Courtenay river, and is situated in one of the most fertile valleys on the Island. The village, which has a population of about 150, has sprung into existence within the past year or two, and is making rapid progress. A weekly news- paper is published in Courtenay — The News. Beckeley, John W, road boss Carter, Richard, fmr Davis, Isaac, fmr Davis, Leonard, fmr Eraser, A, fmr Glenny, W, hotel clerk Graham, Robert, hotel prop Graham, Thos, barber Grant, John, hotel prop Grant, Kennith, mill man Hooper, Chas, fmr Jones, David, bottling works Lewis, W, fmr Masson, John, mill man McCann, J W, carpenter and builder McKenzie, J W, blacksmith McPhee, Joseph, merchant Piercy, John, fmr Quillan & Gilmore, stage and livery Bobson, C B, livery and teaming Stoughton, Chas, fmr Thomas, E R, fmr Urquhart, John, sawmill Urquhart, Harry, millman Whitney, Frank, postmaster and publisher Whitman, Geo, carpenter Whitney, M, editor Weekly News DELTA MUNICIPALITY. McNeely Leslie, mcht, read McNeely Leslie, clerk McNe(^ly, Thos, clerk, road MrNeely, Thos, merchant. NANAIMO. The following names were omitted from the Nanaimo list. Bell, Wm. labr. res Selby Bridon, Miss Florence F, typewriter and stenographer, Yarwood & Young, res Nicol Brown, Edward, miner, res Five- acre blk Brown, Jos M, watchmaker and jew- eller, Gibson blk. Commercial, res Irwin Brown, Jos M, tailor (merchant) res Front Canadian Mutual Loan and Invest- ment Co, F McB Young, agent, cor Bastion and Commercial Charlton, Miss Phoebe, domestic, J Hilbert, Baition, cor Bastion and Front City Auction Rooms, Forester & Co, Commercial Clark, Henderson, shoemaker. Bas- tion, res 122 Nicol Cook, Fred R, miner, res Five-acre blk Dom Govt Gas Inspection Office, H L Good, Inspector, Postoffice bldng Eaton, Wm C, labr, res Five-acre blk Evans, Jas W, miner, res Five-acre blk Fitzgerald, J, upholsterer, J Hilbert, res Bastion Forester, H^mgr City Auction Rooms, Commercial, res Hotel Wilson fowler, P B, elk, ■ Windsor hotel 6abel, Phil, Nana read Oable, Phi Garner, E, tailor, Gilligan, Jas, te Bastion, res Fr Globe Hotel, CI Front Harris, H, jewell< Hilbert, Albert, u res cor Bastion Hilbert, Wadding Bastion Johnston, Ralph office, Nanaimo Hold wall, Geo, i should read Hoi Home, A H, pc postoffice, res F Lamont, M, ledge 42 Front, res W Leonard, J, carpe blk Martin, Chas, p Front McDowell & Tude trimmers (carri Newcastle towni McDowell, W A, Bastion, res Ste McKenzie, C C, I and insurance, rea Wesley Mo watt, MissB 8 Nanaimo postof Peterson, J C, bli acre blk Shakespeare, Noa Young, res Eas Smith, B H, Col Front Smith, C L, paini Bastion Smith, Donald, r ance. Bastion, Farquhar ipears, W J & ( j&Co ' Thompson, Jos, ( Commercial, r( Thompson, W E, office, Front, r( Tudehope, D T Bastion, res N< Weigh. Peter, Ei Weigle, Peter i 'n ADDENDA. xni f I) wler, P B, elk, Bank of B.C, rea Windsor hotel Crabel, Phil, Nanaimo Cigar Factory, read Gable, Phil Garner, E, tailor, Bastion Gillii;an, Jas, teamster, J Hilbert, Bastion, res Front Globe Hotel, Chas Martin, prop, Front Harris, H, jeweller, res Hotel Wilson Hilbert, Albert, undertaker. Bastion, res cor Bastion and Front Hilbert, Waddington, elk, J Hilbert, Bastion Johnston, Ralph, sr, janitor, post- office, Nanaimo postoffice Holdwall, Geo, secy N.E.P. Socy, should read Holdnall Home, A H, postmaster, Nanaimo postoffice, res F'ront Lamont, M, leJger keeper Bank B.C, 42 Front, res Windsor hotel Leonard, J, carpenter, res Five-acre blk Martin, Chas, prop Globe hotel. Front McDowell & Tudehope, painters and trimmers (carriage). Bastion, res Newcastle townsite McDowell, W A, carriage painter. Bastion, res Stewart ave McKenzie, C C, M.P.P., real estate and insurance. Green blk. Front, res Wesley Mowatt, MissB S, money order dept, ■ Nanaimo postoffice, res Wallace Peterson, J C, blacksmith, res Five- acre blk Shakespeare, Noah, elk Yarwood & Young, res East Wellington Smith, B H, Collector of Customs, Front Smith, C L, painter and Glazier, res Bastion Smith, Donald, real estate and insur- ance. Bastion, res cor Irwin and Farquhar !pear8, W J & Co, read Spear W J j&Oo Thompson, Jos, elk H Forester & Co, Commercial, res Victoria rd Thompson, W E, elk Nanaimo post- office, Front, res Franklyn Tudehope, D T, carriage painter. Bastion, res Newuastle townsite Weigh, Peter, Empire Brewery, read WeigU, Peter Winch, F K, carriage maker. Bastion, res Crescent hotel Yarwood, E M, barrister, <&c, Yarwood & Young, res Windsor VANCOUVER. The following names were omitted from Vancouver: — Aleock, Mrs M J, res 719 Seymour Anderson, Chas, machinist, C.P.R. shops, res 1111 Seymour Armstrong, David, engr, res 925 Sey- mour Armstrong, Robt, cpntr, res 925 Sey- mour Arthur, Capt J C, R.N.R., master mariner, res 319 Seymour Austin, F Percy, res 741 Seymour Bailey, Mrs M A, widow, res 1109 Seymour Barclay, Wm, blksmith, alley, Cor- dova, res 1205 Seymour Bath, Wm, checker, C.P.R. , res 811 Seymour Beaty, Juhn, lumberman, res 935 Seymour Black, T T, solicitor, 529 Seymour, res 531 Seymour Boardman, Chas, machinist, C.P.R. shops, res 1123 Seymour Brobeck, E, C.E., draughtsman, 321 Seymour, res 610 Howe Brown, H A, laundryman, res 833 Seymour Brown, W. bootmaker, 317 Seymour, res 833 Seymour Brown, W S, shoemaker, res 833 Sey- mour Burnet, P, D. "nd P.L. surveyor, 34 Seymour, Lefevre blk, res 610 Howe Calder, Geo, cpntr, res 636 Seymour Chase, Miss Bertha, chambermaid, Waverley hotel Conway, P, bartender, Waverley htl Cowdrey, Geo, cpntr, res 1317 Sey- mour Coyle, E J, chief clerk, C.P.R. ticket office, res Waverley hotel Curtis, S W, hotel prop, Waverley hotel, cor Seymour and Georgia Davidson, A C, engr, res 1319 Sey- mour Davidson, Jas, asst engr, res 1319 Seymour ZIV BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Davidson, Wm, res 1319 Seymour Derosier, M, plumber and tinsmith, Granville, res 809 Seymour Drummond, Wm, cpntr, res 519 Sey- mour Ede, John, electrician, res Waverley hotel Farmer, A, elk, 536 Hastings, W Fleming, Rich J, hotel prop, Waver- ley hotel, cr Seymour and Georgia Flett, M, tallyman, Gasaady's Mills, res 1305 Seymour Foley, H J, engineer, res Waverley hotel Frazer, A M, machinist, res 1255 Sey- mour Gough, J S, music teacher, res 321 Seymour Hamblin, W J, res941 Seymour Harmer, F H, cpntr, res 1333 Sey- mour Henry, E, painter C.P.R. shops, res 1239 Seymour Hickey, P J, quartermaster, res 927 Seymour Hughes, John, baggagemasler,G.P.R. res 519 Seymour Ingram, caretaker, res Leferve blk lUing worth, Thos, mattrasa maker, res 526 Seymour Johnstone, John, accountant, res 819 Seymour Kennedy, Fredk, watchmaker, Cor- dorva, res 935 Seymour Kitt, Ledger Arthur, electrician, res 831 Seymour Lang, Arthur, teamster, res 1321 Sey- mour Lang, Sarah I, school teacher, res 1321 Seymour Langris, Dr H E, phvsician, office and res 306 Abbott Latham, Wm, blacksmith, res 1323 Seymour Loveley, fmr, res Waverley hotel Macgowan, A H B, secy Vancouver Board of Trade, res now at 735 Richard Mason, H, electrician, Hotel Vancou- ver, res Waverley hotel Mathers, Henry, retired, res 935 Sey- mour McDonald, Mrs A, widow, res 811 Seymour McDougall, Dan, milkman, res 1327 Seymour Mcllroy, Miss S, dressmaker, Hud- son's Bay Co, res Waverley hotel McKenzie, A, elk, O.P.R, shops, res 1239 Seymour McKenzie, D S, telegraph operator, C.P.R. res 823 Seymour McPherson, Wm, logger, res 635 Sey- mour McVety, Mrs F, widow, res 1211 Soy- mour Meakin, W J, restaurateur, res S19 Seymour Mills, C F, builder, res 1307 Seymour Mills, Hugh, bricklayer, res 1307 Sey- mour Moss, Jno, station agt, C.P.R, res 821 Seymour Morgan, G E, mail clerk, C.P.R, res 321 Seymour Moscrop, Thomas, fmr, res 1005 Sey- mour Muir, Mrs A, furnished rooms and board, res 519 Seymour N.W. A B.I, Tele Co, telephone ser- vice, 321 Seymour Newitt, T H, salesman, H.B. Co, res 641 Seymour Parker. Arthur, painter, C.P.R, rea 1213 Seymour Peters, Chas, plumber, res 1323 Sey- mour Ramsay, Geo, candy store, Cordova, res 736 Seymour Ramsay, Meston, clerk, Anderson's grocery, res 735 Seymour Read, Chas P, bartender, Waverly hotel Rice, Miss Lizzie, waitress, Waverley hotel Roberts, Sam, mach'st, C.P.R. shops, res 1327 Seymour Rollin, Mrs Julia, domestic, res 619 Seymour Scott, S N, engr C.P.R, res 721 Sey- mour Selwood, Thos, res 813 Seymour Shaver, Nicholas, mason, res 907 Sey- mour Smith, E S, delivery clerk, Webster Bros, res 1301 Seymour Smith, James, marine engr, R.M.S. Empress of China, res 519 Seymour Spettigue, Mrs J V, dressmaker, rea 1303 Seymour Spettigue, W S, malster, re^ 1303 Sey- mour Stewart, C F, watchmaker, red 1813 Seymour St. George's Society, Calland, hon. sec, 321 Seymour Sweet, Silaf Taylor, G 823 Seym Toppingr, RoDSon t( Ireton, Jas, 829 Seym Wallace, W rea 519 S( Walfer, Jaa mour Harrison, Harrison Jones, Dr Bastion s McRae, Re of Esquii) Morkill, G< 280 Yates Fishing On 531 GB AGSN' Salmon N( Advt Agt Agrlimp. . A.LW ... Assn Asst Ave B.C Brdng hs Brtndr . . . Bkpr Blkamth . Blk '-- 1 ---. t.,_.^ji.^ Tba C. Tho of Tad B Wei H ADDENDA. XV Sweet, SilaB, builder, res 521 Seymour Taylor, G M, machinist, C.P.R, res 823 Seymour Topping, W F, removed from 1138 KooBon to 1223 Georgia Ireton, Jas, agt Singer Mnfg Co, res 829 Seymour Wallace, Wm, cpntr, C.P.R. shops, res 519 Seymour Walfer, Jas, milkman, res 929 Sey- mour VICTORIA. Harrison, McAllister, is now Wm Harrison Jones, Dr Meredith, removed to 11 Bastion square McRae, Rev D, has removed to corner of Eaquimalt rd and Frederic Morkiil, Geo H, has removed from 280 Yates to 6 Harrison Scowcroft, Wm, Lansdowne rd aast assessor, res Salmon Pack, 1893. The returns for last year's salmon pack had not been completed up to the time of going to press, but irom information supplied by owners and agents, it can be put down, approxi- mately, at 675,000 cases. To this total the Fraser River canneries con- tributed 450,000 cases. This Is an exceptionally larga pack, but yet not fully up to the expectations of the cannery men, as 1893 was the year in* four. The major portion of the pack is shipped to England, but it is an al- most assured fact that Australia will prove a better market this year than ever, owing to the increased facilities for shipment. (See page 32.) JOHN LECKIE, IMPORTER OF Fishing Supplies, Cotton Ducks, Twines, Oiled Clothing, Gum Boots, Ropes, Blocks, Flags, Bunting, etc. A rVLMj STOCK ALWAYS Olf HANO. 631 GRANVILLE ST., - - VANCOUVER, B. C. AGMNT for W. & J. Knox's Celebrated Doable Knot and Cared Salmon Nets, Twine, etc. ABBBEVIATIONS. Advt Advertisement Agt Agent Agrl imp. . . .Agricultural implements A.I. W Albion Iron Works Assn Association Asst Ausistant Ave Avenue B.C British Columbia Brdne hs Boarding house Brtnar Bartender Bkpr Book-keeper Blkamth Blacksmith Blk Block Bldng Building B.8.M Brunette Saw Mill Carpn Carpenter Ch Church Cashr Cashier Clk Cl-rk Co Company Com. mer .... Commission mercnant Condtr Conductor Confectr Confectioner C.M.C Clerk Municipal Council C.P.R Canadian Pacific Railway Contr Contractor n VA ^1 mm XVI BRITISH COLUMBIA DIKKOTORY. Oomp Compoaitor Dep Deputy Dep Reg Deputy Renistrar DiB District Dom Dominion Engnr Engineer Ex Express [ KHilway E. & N.K Esquinmlt t^ Nanaimo [ Navigation Co C.P.N. Co Canadian Pacific Frntr Furniture Fmr Farmer Gen str General store Gov Governor Govt, Government Grdnr Gardener G.N.R Great Northern Railway lis House Hlpr Helper Htl Hotel Insur Insurance Invst Investment Intrn International [Templars I.O.G.T. . . .Independent Order Good [Forresters I.O.O.F Independent Order of Jr Junior J.P Justice of Peace Jlr Jailor Lbr Laborer Ltd Limited Lt. hs Lighthouse Lmbr Lumber Mcht Merchant Mkr Maker Mnfg Manufacturing Mnfr Manufacturer Mngr Manager Mess Messenger Meth mnstr Methodist Minister Mnr Miner Mod Moderator Nan Nanaimo N. E. T. & L. Co, National Electric Tramway and Lighting Co N. W. C Northwest Coast Nat National N. E. L. W, Nanaimo Electric Light Works N. E. P. S, Nanaimo Equitable Pio- neer Society. Opp Opposite Opr Operator Photo Photogra,>her Prk Park Pres President Presby Presbyterian Pub Publisher Prov Provincial P. M Postmaster Prntr Printer Pub. Publisher (J. G. I Queen Charlotte Islands Q. C Queen's Counsel Rtrd Retiravl R. C Roman Catholic R«v Reverend R. Railway Rd Road Res Resides Rms Rooms R. C. P. R, Royal City Planing Mills R. C. Hob, Royal Columbia Hospital St btreet Str Steamer Supt Superintendent S.S Steamship Sq Square Sect frmn Section Foreman S.M Stipendiary Magistrate Sec Secretary Tel opr Telegraph operator Tel Telephone Trans Transportation Treas Treasurer Tnsmth Tinsmith Tmstr Teamster Tram Tramway Uphlstr Upholsterer Undertkr Undertaker Van Vancouver Vic Victoria V.S Veterinary Surgeon V.P.B. Co. ..Vic-Phoenix Brewing Co V.C. Co Vancouver Coal Co V.I.W Vancouver Iron Works [wav V. & S. R. . . . Victoria & Sydney Raif- V.P Vice-President [Railway & Lighting Co V.E.R. & L. Co. . Vancouver Electric [Westminster Tramway Co V.N.W.T. Co. ...Vancouver & New Wrks Works Wid Widow Westmr Westminster I HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY *' ^^fJ^JJfl *" BKITIBII OOMJMHIA DIKBCTOKY. PROVINCIAL INFORMATION. PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. British Columbia has an estimated area of 88:^,000 square miles, and a population, according to tlio lant otHuial census, of 5*8,178, made up of 54,061 wliites, 35,202 Indians, and 8,010 Cliinese. Tlie province is a great quadrangle of territory, 700 miles long by 400 wide, lying north of latitude 49°, and west of the cen- tral core of the Rocky Mountains, extending along the Pacific Coast as far as latitude 55", and including a larj^e number of adjacent islands. Striking inland to latitude GO", it is shut off from the sea board by a nar- row Htrii) of Alaskan territory, and is boundea on the east by longitude 120°. The great mountain ranges of the province — the Rockies and Sel- kirks on the east, and the Coast and Island ranges on the west — exercise a very important influence upon the country, climatically as well as com- mercially. There is no mountain scenery in the world to compare with that of British Columbia, nor are better facilities anywhere afforded of enjoying it. HINBRiLL BESOURCEL- It is not alone the scenic gran- deur of these magnificent ranges that is their chief commendation, but their astonishing mineral wealth, which is indeed phenomenal. To her mineral wealth is due the first prominence which the country attained, her gold placers for a long time being the chief attraction to her shore. The base and precious metals are almost everywhere to be found in the province, and are bound to prove a chief factor in her future de- velopment. It is a well-established fact that a purely agricultural coun- try rarely attains to any very high degree of wealth or iniportan(!0, us compared with one in which mineral deposits are rich. It must not, how- ever, be inferred that British Co- lumbia lacks in fertilitv of soil or salubrity of climate, for in both respects she is liberally endowed. But then the speedy accumulation of wealth, which naturally follows in the wake of successful mining of the precious metals, and the impetus given to manufacture l)v the presence of coal and iron in abundance, have ever been found an attraction to any country blessed with these indis- pehsables to prosperity. Mining, liowever, has heretofore been con- ducted after a very crude fashion; but a better day has dawned, science, mechanism, capital and system being brought to the aid of enterp ''e and labor. New roads are being con- structed in the richer of the mineral regions, railway systems built up, and the most approved machinery introduced for the treatment of the ores. Writing of the resources of British Columbia, Professor- Dawson, C. M. «., F. R. S., (Mineral Wealth, p. 15) says : — " Everything which has been as- certained of the geological character of the Province, as a whole, tends to the belief that so soon as means of travel and transport shall be ex- tended to what are still the more in- accessible districts these also will be discovered to be equally rich in min- erals, particularly in the precious metals, gold and silver." 900 8 2. ^' I ID eP 02 -Eg- • 3 MS S3 CO go a ?» 2 ^ n m I ^ ' S * i 1 § WEILER BROS., VICTORIA, B. O. ARE AGENTS FOR CROSSLEY AND SONS FINE CARPETS. OPBX OAT AMD yieHi. Victoria Transfer Co., Ltd. Lari iraeat in th» l^ovino*. .J" w U ■*A ee « 5 Ph ^ « © pfS en -«-' U V >> i ,0^ a> 4? •<-i >- C/- « , »H En 81 and 83 BronclitOB gtr«>t, Vlotorto, B. O. T«l. 189. BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRKOTORY. COAL. The coal fields of British Columbia are extensive — inexhaustible— while the quality of the '♦ black diamond" is second to none. An area of 200 square miles is about that of the Nanaimo coal measures ; those of Comox about 300, computed to yield 16.000,000 tons per square mile. In various other parts of the province coal of excellent quality is also being mined, notably in the Nicola Valley, the Crows' Nest Pass of the Rocky Mountains, the Thoaapson, etc. IRON. The iron ores of the province have not been worked to anything like their capacity, although in quality many of them compare most favor- ably with the best known deposits in the world, while in quantity they are practically inexhaustible. Of recent date, however, more attention has been paid to this source of wealth. The ready market which the ore meets with from abroad has encour- aged capitalists to man^ of the well known sources ol the higher grades. Like the precious metals, iron is found almost in eveiy section of the province. SILVER AND COPPER are also found in great abundance, and of excellent quality, and are being worked with great success. It is claimed for Manitoba that all that is necessary is to tickle the surface with the plow, and the croj^s will grow. Slightly paraphraseo the statement would be equaliy ar.plic- able t) British Columbia, the tickling process being done by the pick, and the yield precious metal instead of cereals. LUMBER. The tim;ier limits of British Colum- bia are among the finest in the world, but unfortunately the trade in lum- ber cannot be said to be much more than in its infancy. As, however, the supplies of the forest states of the Union, eastern Canada or other ereat sources of supply become ex- hausted, or the lumberman is driven back from the navigable waters, the prospects for the trade of this prov- ince must necessarily become very bright. Cedar and Douglas fir are the woods chiefly handled, the supply in each case being unlimited. Good bpecimens of the former measure from sixty to eighty feet in circumference, and the number of such trees to the acre can be estimated when it is stat- ed that 30,000 feet is considered a low fiverage in some of the limits on Van- couver Island as well as on the main- land. Timber limits or forest areas can be leased from the government upon very favorable terms — ten cents per acre per annum ; fifty cents per thousand feet cut, with a rebate of twenty-five cents per thousand ex- ported! out of the province, is the royalty. FISHERIES. Seal hunting, salmon canning, and deep sea and coast fishing, are the marine industries of this Province. They are pursued with a vigor worthy of the success which attends them. In each department a steady advance is year by year taking place, and with the immense possibilities for even more rapid development, it is difilcult to estimate the wealth as- sured. Despite prolonged inter- national disputes concerning the Behring Sea, the sealing fleet has more than doubled in number within the past few years, about seventy vessels being last season engaged in the industry, giving employment to over fifteen hundred men. The re- sult of the International arbitration is not received with general favor in this Province at least, as the season during which seal can be caotured is shortened, |and the appliances for capturing the precious skins have been changed from the rifle to the spear. For years Victoria has been the headquarters of the sealing fleet, and should the sealers be obi -d to change their rendezvous it would be a very serious loss to British Colutt- bia's capital. Besides the business done in seals, there is a lar(,e trade in the skins of other fur-bearing animals, such as the bear, beaver, fox, otter, lynx, wolf, mink, skunk, racoon, etc., but it is chiefly in the hands of the Indians, who make very clever trappers. T. DOBE8OX, N. W. D0BE8ON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron i$nd Braa» Voundert, Oeneral Maehinittt, AH Kinda of Itepairt, JJand and Marine, NANAIMO, ■ ■ BRITISH COLUMBIA. HmSi / THK LATKBT IMPRO rBMJIIlTTM XJf BOOK- BIirDINO AMI* eAPBHRVLIHa. R.T. WILLIAMS .28 BItOA.D SXRBBX, VICTORIA.. BRITIBU COLUMBIA DIRKOTORY. THE OLIMATK. The climate of British Columbia, aa a general rule, possesHes all the features which are to be met with in European countries within the tem- perate zone, any differences which do exist being in fav«>r of the west- ern parts of the fair Dominion of Canada. A milder or more equable climate it would be difficult to find, and yet the variations are such as to offer peculiar advantages to all- comers. The spring, summer and autunm are charming, while the winter season is short and mild. THE MARITIME IMPORTANCE OF B.C. It is but a few years a|;o since the ports of British Columbia were de- rided as the "back door" of Canada, but to-day they exceed in tonnage of vessels entered and cleared, any other port in the Dominion. The whole Pacific Coast is rapidly build- ing up, and this Province is bound to keep pace in the march of pro- gress. Every year sees the develop- ment of new commercial enterprises, the last addition to the long list being the establishment of regular steamship connection (subsidized by the Governments of both countries) with Australia. Trade with the Orient is also steadily increasing, a magnificent line of steamships hav- ing been put on this route in connec- tion with the Canadian Pacific Kail- way — a system which extends from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. THE GOVERNMENT OP BRITISH CO- LUMBIA. The confederation of the various provinces of British North America into the Dominion of Canada secures absolute autonomy in every respect, except in such affairs as clearly per- tain to the Empire or the Dominion as a whole, as the customs, the postal service, the wardship of the Indians, etc. Ottawa is the seat of govern- ment, and there the Dominion Par- liament meet annually, British Columbia being represented by six members in the lower house, elected by popular suffrage, and three sena- tors in the upper house, nominated by the Crown. The provincial as- sembly meets at Victoria, the capital of the Province, every year, and is composed of thirty-three nieml)er8, five of whom, under the iieutenant- j;overnor, form the executive or min- istry. Manhood suffrage practically Erevails, as the franchise is exercised y all males over the age of twenty- one years, who are British subjects and have resided in the province for twelve months. The laws of the country are based upon those of the Motherland, and nowhere is there greater freedom or protection than is to be found in this Province. Land can be acquired from the Crown under conditions most favorable to intending settlers, who receive every facility. As to the solvency of the Province, it is beyond dispute, the whole public debt not being much in excess of one year's income. THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM. The dutv of amply providing for the education of the youth of British Columbia has been undertaken by the government, and with commend- able liberality is this duty performed. Wherever a minimum attendance of ten scholars can he secured there a scnool is established and a duly certi- fied teacher located. Such liberality in the matter of educational facilities is nowhere surpassed, if at all equalled, and that it is fully appreci- ated is evidenced from the fact that there is hardly a settlement, however remote, throughout the country that does not boast of its school house, while in the cities "high schools" are established, also under govern- ment supervision, for the instruction of the more promising pupils. A DISTINGUISHED VISITOR. Of British Columbia as a farming, grazing and fruit growing country, the Marquis of Lome says : Wherever there is open land the wheat crops rival the best grown elsewhere, while there is nowhere any dearth of ample provision of fuel and lumber for the winter. As you get your colonization roads pushed, you will have a larger available acreage, for there are quiet straths and valleys hidden away among the rich forests which would provide comfortable farms. As in th| Northwest last year, so this year, T E X A 8 L A K E I C E c W A H N O D L E S A L E R E T A I L T E L E P H O N E 424 F F I C E 403 c o R D V A T R E E T See our Mackintoshes, Melissa and Rigby Waterproofs, Umbrellas, &c. B. WILLIAMS & CO., 97 JohnsorT Street, Victoria. B. C. ^mw I 1 11 L. J. COLE #f-J„^- ^« Safes and. Vault Doors. Secrete Standard Loan and Savings Co. U^ g h ? ^ o 00 CO 10 (2Q Canadian Fire Ins. Co., The London ft Canadian Co., Ltd, The Federal Life Asa, Co., The J. ft J Taylor, Secretary of the Royal City Building Society, Secy-Treas. of the NEW Westminster, b. c. BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. I have taken down the evidence of settlers, and this has been wonder- fully favorable. To say the truth, I was rather hunting for grumblers and found only one. There is no reason why British Columbia should not be for this portion of our territory what California is to the States, in the supply afforded of fruits. The per- fection attained by small fruits is un- rivalled, and it is only with the Peninsula of Ontario that you would have to compete for the supply of grapes, peaches, pears, apples, cher- ries, plums, apricots and currants. The most richly endowed with gifts of material advantages of all pro- vinces, British Columbia excels them all in ber.uty. In the magnificence of her rugged mountains, the charm of her land-locked waters, the lonely grandeur of her forests and the quiet beauty of her praires, she possesses a wonderful variety — a combination of scenic beauty. Whether a trav- eller approaches from the east after crossing the apparently illimitable prairies, or from the west at the con- clusion of an ocean voyage, he is filled with a sense of relief, mingled with curiosity and pleased expect- ancy. The 'eatures that may be found almosD beautiful must depend on the temr>*»/ament of each specta- tor, but it liappens that nature has so arranged the iortns and attributes of this country that whether coming from the east or west the traveller finds a striking contrast to that which he is leaving behind him, and as contrast is a primary condition of excellence in that which is to delight the eye, his sesthetic sense is sure of gratification. ACROSTIC ADVERTISKNIENT. WILLIAMS' B. C. DIRECTORY FOR 1895. HEAD OFFICE, 28 BBOAD ST., VICTORIA. B, C. PRICE, - «5.00. Williams' B. C. Directory is the ONLY B. C. Directory. It circulates throughout the whole Province. Leads as THE reliable sou? ce of iBformation ; Looked for and lauded everywhere as such, In all couutries and all climes; Always found on Ihe merchant's desk : Must be consulted every hour in the day ; Stands unrivaUed as an advertising medium Because of its Immense circulation &nd utility; Cannot be dispensed with in business circles. Does itf* patrons full justice at all times. lis soui'ces of information are unquestionable, Helying as it does, only on trustworthy information. Every year it grows in public favor, Calling forth fresh econiumsfor genuine merit. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN At any time Orders will be received for the work. Cost, SJ5.00. Register your name without delay for the B. C. Director/. Tou cannot afford to be jrithonf one. T. J. TRAPP & CO., HarHware, Paints, Oils and AiErienltnral Columbia Street, NEW WESTMINSTflB, B. C. HODSOrS m COMPIIV, igents for Fort Gari) and Bentoii County Fbrlng Mills -VICTORIA., B. O.- i\ 'ho' C. Fho of rud B W BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBKCTOBY, GAZETEER Of GOVERNMENT OKRICES and OKRIOIALS. DOMINION OF CANADA. PKIVY COUNCIL OF THE DOMINION OP CANADA. SEAT OF GOVERNMENT, OTTAWA. CABINET MINISTERS. Governor General — His Excellency the Right Honorable Sir John Camp- bell Hamilton Gordon, Earl of Aber- deen. Prime Minister and Minister of Justice — The Hon. Sir John Sparrow David Thompson, K.C.M.G., Q.C. Minister of Militia and Defence — The Hon. Jas. Colbrook Patterson. Minister of Agriculture — The Hon. Auguste Real Angers. Minister of Finance — The Hon. George Enlace Foster. Minister of Marine and Fisheries — Tba Hon. Chas. Hibert Tupper. Minister of Railways and Canals — The Hon. John Grabs lu Haggart. Minister of the Int( rior — ^The Hon. Thos. Mayne Daly. Minister of Puolic Works — The Hon. Jos. Aldric Ouimet,L.L.B.,Q.C. Minister of Trade and Commerce — The Hon. Mackenzie Bowell. President of the Privy Council — The Hon. William Bullock Ives. Secretary of State — The Hon. John Costigan. The Hop. John Carling (without Portfolio). The Hjn. Frank Smith (without Portfolio). NOT IN TH.R! CABINET. John Joseph Curran, Q.G., Soli- citor General of Canada. Natlianiel Clarke Wallace, Con- troller of Customs. John Fisher Wood, Controller of Inland Revenue. BENATOKB OP BRITISH COLUMBIA. Representing in the Dominion Par- liament of Canada at Ottawa— Cari- boo, James Reid, res. Quesnelle , New Westminster, T. R. Mclnnes, res. New Westminster; Victoria, W. J. McDonald, res. Victoria. REPRESENTATIVES* OP BRITISH COLUMBIA. In the Dominion House of Com- mons — Cariboo, F. S. Barnard, res. Victoria; New Westminster, G. E. Corbould, res. New Westminster; Vancouver Island, A. Hsalam, res. Nanaimo; Victoria, T. Earle, res. Victoria; 1'. G. Prior, res. Victoria; Yale, J. A. Mara, res. Kamloops. PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. SEAT OF GOVERNMENT, VICTORIA. CABINET. Lieutenant-Governor, Hon. Edgar Dewdney, Vicicria; Private Secre- tary, E. A. Jacob, Executivs Council (forming the Cabinet). Premier, Hon. Theodore Davie, Q.C, Proviu'- cial Secretary and Minister of Mines and of Education and Immigration, Hon. Col. James Baker; President of the Council, Hon. Chas. E. Pooley, Q.C. ; Attorney-General, Hon. Thjo- dore Davie, Q.C; Minister of Fi- nance and Agriculture, Hoi: J. H. Turner; Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, Hon. Forbes George Vernon ; Clerk of Executive Council, Hon. Theodore Davie, Q.C. THE i>EGISLATIVE AS- SEMBLY. David W. Higgins, MEMBERS OF The Hon. Speaker. Anderson, George William, Lake DistrictjVictoria ; Baker ,James,Cran- brook, Kootenay, iast Kootenay; Beaven, Robert, Victoria, Victoria City; Booth, John Paton, Salt Spring Island, The Island?; Brown, John Cunningham, Ncvv V estmiflster, New INTERIOR WOODWORK, OFHOE AND BAR FITTDKJS . — :rz=: Mad* to Order by TiTEILER BROS. CD o o a B* c « M B »s «=< CD QD 2 P* B n ?^» • S w -^ 5 to "" m "Victoria Transfer Co., Ltd. fit and as BrouffMon Street, Vletorla, B, C. UNIFOKM RATES for Hacks and Baggage. Good Drivers, Horses and Vehicles. m ^1 ^1 I ' ii c^ C3 9j « 2 Eh o Telephone 199. BRITISH COLUMBIA DIKECTOnV. Westminster City ; Cotton, Francis, Carter, Vancouver, Vancouver ; Croft, Henry, Victoria, Cowiclian; Davie, The Hon. Theodore, Victoria, Cow- ichan; Eberts, David McEwen, Vic- toria, Victoria; Fletcher, Thomas, Alberni, Alberni; Forster, Thomas, Clayton, New Westminster, Nanaimo ; Grant, John, Victoria, Victoria City; Hall, Robert Hanley, Fort Simpson, Cassiar; Higgins, the Hon. David Williams,Victoria,Esquimalt;Horne, James Wilton, Vancouver, Vancouver ; Hunter, Joseph, Victoria, Comox; Keith, Thomas, N.inaimo, Nanaimo Cit' ; Kellie, James M., Revelstoke, West Kootenav ; Kitchen, Thomas E., Chilliwack, Westminster; Martin, George Bohun, South Thompson river, Yale; Milne, George Lawson, A'ictoria, Victoria City; McKenzie, Colin Campbell, Nanaimo, Nanaimo; Pooley, The Pon. Charles Edward, Victoria, Esquimalt; Punch, James, Brownsville, Westminster; Watt, Hugh, Victoria, Cariboo; Rogers, Samuel A., Barkerville, Cariboo; Semlin, Charles Augustus, Cache Creek, Yale; Smith, Alfred W' "ling- ton, Lillooet, Lillooet: Stoudart, David A., Clinton, Lillooet; Sword, Colin Buchanan, Matsqui, West- minster; Turner, The Hon. John Herbert, Victoria, A'^ictoria City; Vernon, The Hon. Forbes George, Victoria, Yale. Dominion Officials Throughout the Province. cubVoms department. Connected with the Minister of Cus- toms, Ottawa. Port of Victoria.— Office, Wharf St. Collector of Customs, Registrar of Shipping, Controller of Chinese and Dommion Appraiser, A. R. Milne; Chief Clerk, John C. Newbury ; Ap- praiser, W. Shears ; Postal Examiner, E. Fawcett; Clerks: C. Fletcher, H. W. Graves, Wro. Atkins, F. Berry, F. W. Davie, G. F. D. Simpson, T. Roberts, Loftus Browne; Landing Waiter, W. A. Franklin; Tide WaitPiti, F. J. Morrison, Robert Lawson, Frank Armstrong; Preven- tive OflScer, H. E. Beckwith ; Packer, D. McLean ; Locker, A. J. Joule ; Messenger and Caretaker, George Wynne; Clerk of Chinese Records, James Hogarth ; Chinese Interpreter, L. Mong-kow; Customs Drayman, W. Buckett. Esquimalt -- John Oliver, Landing Waiter. Saanioh — P. Imrie, Preventive Offier; George Prichett, Preventive Officer, Glenora. Port of Nanaimo. — Office, Front St. Collector, B. H. Smith, Preven- tive Officers, H. Gordon, James Crosson. Chemanius — Preventive Officer, T. D. Conway. Port of Vancouver, — Office, New Dom. Bldg., Granville St. Collector, Registrar and Surveyor of Shippi ng. Sunt, of Mercantile J'tarine a-^d Co troller of Chinese, J. M. ^.'-wci!, Chief Clerk, C. A. Worsnop; ' c. , Jno. Rankin, Jno. Turner, T, F. Wat- son; Chief Landing Waiter, F. Bowser; Landing Waiters, C. C. Ralston, J. E. Fagan; Lockers, C. E. Freeman, D. McRae; Messenger, F. H. Charman; Chinese Interpreter, Charlie Yip Yeun. Port of New Westminster. — Office, Mary St., Collector and Inspectors! Customs, Registrar and Survevor of Shipping, J. S. Clute; Chief Clerk, Peter Grant; Clerks, J. A. McMar- tin, W. S. Keay, H. K. Dunn, W. Patterson ; Landing Waiter, John Buie. Kootenay — Collector, C. Clarke. Osoyoos — Preventive Officer and Sub-Collector, T. Kruger. Kaslo — Acting Customs Officer, F. Mcintosh . Kettle River — Preventive Officer and Sub-Collector, R. R. Giffen. Trail Creek — Preventive Officer and Sub-Collector, W. S. Jones. Kootenay Lake — Preventive Officer and Snb-Collector, J. C. Rykert, jr. Huntington — Preventive Officer and Sub-Collector, B. R. Mc- Denald. Upper Sumas — Preventive OfScor, Eraser York Alder Grove — Preventive Officer, W. H. Vanetta. Douglas— Preventive Officer, H. D. Chantrell. Ladner's Landing, Pre- ventive Officer— C. F. Green. Kam- loops— Sub-Collector, E. H. Jones. Nelson — Customs Officer, Geo. John- stone. DEPARTMENT OP .TDSTICE. Judges of the Supreme Court. In connection with the Minister of T. D0BE80N, N. W, D0BB80N. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron and Brats J^oundert, 'ienvral MaeMni»t»t All Kind* -if Xepairtf Zand atd Marine^ NANAIMO. • ■ BRITF'^K COLUMBIA. phoi Pho/ of ^:ad B 1 -t, aEEOUR R T BOOKBINDER and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER 28 BBOAJ> STREET, rifJTOHIA, If thoi I Cl Pho' of :ad B 1 •< BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY, Justice, Sir J. S. D, ThompRon, K. C. M. G. : Chief Justice, Sir Matthew i B. Begbie, Victoria. Puisne Judges: Hon. H. P. P. Crease, Victoria; Hon. John F. McCreight.NewW estminster ; Hon. G. A. Walkem, Victoria; Hon. M. T. Dral:e, Victoria. COUNTY COURT JUDGES. Nanaimo, His Honor Eli Harrison, jr. ; New Westminster, His Honor W. Morman Bole; Yale, His Honor W. Ward Sptnks. HARBOR MASTERS AND PORT WARDENS. Connected with the Minister of Marine, Ottawa, Hon. C. H. Tuppor ; Victoria, Capt. W. K.Clarke. Harbor Master, Port Warden, and Lloyd's Surveyor, otfice, Yates street ; Nanai- mo, E.Quennel, office, Commercial St. ; Vancouver, M. W. Thain, office, 510 Cordova street; New Westminster, J. N. Dra|/er, office. Front street. IMMIGRATION DEPARTMENT. The local Im migration Departments were aooliihed during the past year. The Work of the departments is now looked after by the Customs officials. INDIAN DEPARTMENT. In connection with the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa, Hon.T.K.I ,ly: Victoria, head office, 20 Douglas street; Reserve Commissioner, Hon. P. O'Reilly, Victoria ; former super- intendent, Lieut-Col. I. W. Powell, Victoria ; present superintendent, Arthur Wellesley Vowell; clerk, J. V'r. Mackay; head Surveyor, A. H. 'rcen, C.E. ; Surveyors, F. A. Dev- e '^aux, E. Skinner; Assistant clerk, V McLaughlin; Messenger, John ' aiVi'iron. Agents: R. H. Pidcock, Alt t Bay; R. E. Loring, Hazeiton, Skeena River ; W. T. Wood, Kam- loops ; Michael Phillips, Kootenay; John Gower, 160-Mile House ; Charlc Podd, Metlakahtla ; Frank Devlin, iNew Westminster; William Henry Lomas, Quamichan; Harry Guillod, Alberni, Barclay Sound. INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT. In connection with the Minister of Inland Revenue, Ottawa, Hon. John Costigan; Victoria, chief office — Cus- tom House Inspector, W.Gill ; Collec- tor, R. Jonea; Deputy Collector, G. Williams ; Excise Officer, D.Sullivan ; Messenger, Charles Perkins. Nanai- mo -Deputy Collector, W. K. Leigh- i,on, office. Bastion street. New Westminster — Deputy Collector, Wm. Wolfenden ; Customs Dept, J.S.Clute, office, Mary, corner Columbia. Van- couver — Collector, J. E. Miller, 332 Cordova street; Deputy Collector, E. Harvey. Kamloops, Deputy Collec- tor, E. H. Jones. Nelson — Deputy Collector, Richard Blundell. Revel- stoke — J. Kirkup. INSPECTOR OF STEAMBOATS, ETC. Connected with the department of Minister of Marine, Ottawa, Hon. C. H. Tupper; Victoria, J. A. Thomson; office. Custom House, Wharf street. INSPECTOR OF HULLS. Connected with the department of Marine — Minister, Hon.C.H.Tupper, Ottawa. Victoria, R. Collister. DOMINION LANDS AND TIMBER DE- PARTMENT. In connection with Department of the Interior. Plead office, Ottawa, Ont. Minirfter of the Interior, Hon. T. Mayne Daly ; Deputy Minister, A. M. Burgess; Secretary,' John R.Hall; Assistant Secretary, Lyrdwode Per- eira ; Inspector of Agencies, J. M. Gordon, Winnipeg office — Commis- sioner of Dominion Lands, H. H. Smith, M.L.B. ; Secretary Dominion Lands Board, T. R. Burpe; Assistant Secretary, R. A. Ruttan. Calgary office — Superintendent of Mines, W. Pearse. New Westminster offices — Postoffice Building, Columbia street ; Dominion Land Agent, John McKenzie, D.L.S., A. Can. Soc. C.E. ; Crown Timber Agent, T. S. Higgin- son ; Inspector of Homesteads, J. S. Macdonell ; Senior Clerk, C. W. Homer ; Stenographer and Type- writist , T. C. White. Kamloops office — Agent, Capt. E. A. Nash. MARINE AND FISHERIES DEPARTMENT. Connected with the Minister of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa, Hon. C.H. Tupper. Victoria — Office, Cus- tom House, Wharf street ; Agent (Marine), Capt. J. Gaudin. New Westminster — Office, Custom House, Mary street ; Inspector, John McNab ; Caretaker of Hatchery, Thomas Mc< T E X A S L A K E I C E C O W A H N O D L R E S A L E E T A I L T E L E P H O N E 424 o F F I C E 403 C R D O V A 8 T R E E T ff 3EE OUR SCOTCH AND ENGLISH TWEED 3UITS FOR MEN AND BOYS B. WILLIAMS * CO., OlotUen wid Hattvn, 97 JoIuuob St., Vlotorik. L J. COLE REAL ESTATE AND INSUBANOE Dupont Block, Columbia St., New Westminater, B. C. / J' I I '* CO O 00 CO 10 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Neish ; Fishery Guardians— Fraser River, C. F. Green, C. D. Grant; Comox River, John Berkeley ; Cow- ichan River, W.H.Lomas; Nanaimo River, L. Good; Skeena River, M.K. Morrison. PENTTENTIARY. Sapperton Road, New Westminster, in connection with the Department of Justice, Ottawa. Minister, Hon. Sir John S. ^ Thompson ; Inspector of Penitent! pp J. D. Moylan. War- den, A. R. . / ; Deputy Warden, James Fitz-k ns; Accountant, Storekeeper ai.. Schoolmaster, W. H. Keary; Protestant Chaplain, Rev. R. Jamieaon ; Roman Catholic Chap- lain, Rev. Father Guertin, O.M.I. ; Acting-Surgeon, W. A. DeWolf Smith; Steward, T. W. Mclnnes; Hospital Overseer, W. J. Carroll. PILOTAGE. Pilot Commissioners connected with the Marine and Fishery Depart- ment, Ottawa, Minister, Hon. C. H. Tupper. Victoria Pilot Board — Chap- man, R. P. Rithet, Capt. W. R. Clarke, T.B. Hall, Robt. Ward; E. Crow Baker, Sec'y-Treas'r; Pilots — John Thompson, James Ramsay, Samuel M. Buckman. John Newby, Thos. Bebbinpton; Nanaimo — Pilot- age Authority Office, Bastion street ; Commissioners, E. Quennell, J. E.Jenkins; .Sec'y, 0. C. McKenzie; Pilots — James Bendrot, John Sabis- ton, sr., John Sabiston, jr., D. Mor- rison, James Christensen. Yale and New Westminster — Pilotage Authority Office, 510 Cordova street, Vancou- ver; Chairman, R. H. Alexander, B. Springer, C. G. Major; Sec'y, C. Gardiner Johnson ; Pilots — Wm. Et- tershank, Donald Urquhart, George W. Robertson. POSTOFFICE DEPARTMENT. In connection with the head office, Ottawa. Postmaster-General, Hon. Sir Adolph P. Caron. Victoria — Noah Shakespeare; Inspector, E. H. Fletcher; Asst. -Inspector, W. H. Dorman. Nanaimo — A. H. Home. Vancouver — J. Miller. New West- minster— J. C. Brown. Chilliwhack — Samuel Mellard. Kainloops — E. H. Jones. For remainder of Post- masters and Postoffices in the Pro- vince refer to index. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OF CANADA- In connection with the Minister of Public Works, Hon. Joseph A. Oui- met, Q.C., Ottawa. Victoria — Office. Five Sisters' Block (Room 24), Fort street; Resident Engineer, F. C. Gamble ; Accountant, C. N. McDon- ald; Draughtsman, C. C. Worsfold; Typewriter, D. C. Tuck ; Messenger, Walter Noel. QUARANTINE DEPARTMENT. (See Department of Agriculture.) DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, VIC- TORIA. Minister of Agriculture, Hon. J. H. Turner, Victoria; Statistician, James R. Anderson ; Supt. of Quaran- tine for British Columbia, Dr. W. McNaughton Jones, Office, Wil- liams Head ; Caretaker at Albert Head Quarantine Station, Walter Poole. The Custom House officials act as Quarantine Officers in their respec- tive districts. DEPARTMENT OP EDUCATION AND IM- MIGRATION. Minister of Education, Hon. Coir James Baker; Superintendent o' p]ducation, S. D. Pope, L.L.D. ; In- spectors of Schools, D. Wilson, B.A., and W. Burns, B.A. ; Clerk, W. F. C. Pope. Immigration Agent, John Jessop; Office, Government Build- ings, James Bay, Victoria. S.WINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. In connection with the Minister of Finance, Hon. G. E. Foster, Ottawa ; Victoria — Head Office, Postoffice Building, Government street; Man- ager, J. H. MacLaughlin; Account- ant, D. B. McConnan ; Paying Teller, K. A. Finlayson ; Receiving Teller, vacant. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES AND OA8 DEPARTMENT. In connection with the Minister of Inland Revenue, Ottawa — Hon. John Costigan. Victoria — Office, 64 Lang- ley street; Inspector, H. Findley. Nanaimo — Office, Postoffice Build- ings; Asst.-Inspector (W. & M. only) W. K. Leighton. T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Faints, Oils and AgricQltnral Iiplements. Columbia Street, NEW WSSTMIN8TEB, B. G. I! hoi C<| lof off Id] bJ eil H Provincial Throui LIEUTENA Private Si PROVINCIAL Provincia of Mines, 1 tion, Hon. ( Provincial Reddie : Ch Inspector ol senger, A. 1 PI Queen's Foreman, E Pottinger; i 3rd Printe Printer, E, R. W. Clarl Assistant, ^ AGRI Collector son, Victor! TRE.^ Minister < ture, Hon. General, J Auditor, Deputy Tre H. A. S. M( LANDS Al Chief Cc Ve'non ; S. Gore; C Surveyor-t Draughtsm sistant Dra 2nd Assist! ford ; Clerl Bookkeepe and Tvpew T. C. Boul PROVINC 1st Insp Inspector, Inspectc aimo. INSPl Inspectc Assayer aa hoi C(| 10 1 off: idt eil m H WFS BAY COMPANY f lioIesalG Cfrocers & Wine Hercbants VICTORIA, B. C. BRITISH COLUMBIA DIKECTOBY. Provincial Government Officials Throughout the Province. LIEUTENANT GOVERNOB's OFFICE. Private Secretary, E. A. Jacob. PROVINCIAL secretary's DEPARTMENT. Provincial Secretary and Minister of Mines, Education and Immigra- tion, Hon. Col. Jas. Baker, Deputy Provincial Secretary, A. Campbell Reddie : Clerk, J. Fortescue Foulkes ; Inspector of Mines, A. Dick ; Mes- senger, A. Holmes. PRINTING BRANCH. Queen's Printer, E. Wolfenden; Foreman, R. Butler; Ist Printer, J. Pottinger ; 2nd Printer, F. Partridge ; 3rd Printer, F. Shakespeare; 4th Printer, E. Cameron ; 6th Printer, R. W. Clarke; Pressman, F. Butler; Ass istant, W. Baines. AGRICULTURAL BRANCH. Collector of Statistics, J. R. Ander- son, Victoria. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Minister of Finance and Agricul- ture, Hon. J. H. Turner; Auditor General, J. McB. Smith; Assistant Auditor, John A. Anderson, B.A.; Deputy Treasurer, A. Flett; Clerks, H. A. S. Morley, Chas. B. Nairne. LANDS AND WORKS DEPARTMENT, Chief Commissioner, Hon. F. G. Ve'non; Deputy Commissioner, W. S. Gore; Chief Clerk, B. H. John; Surveyor-General, Thoa. Kains; Draughtsman, E. B. McKay; Ist As- sistant Draughtsman, C. M.Roberts; 2nd Assistant Draughtsman, T. Ham- ford; Clerk of Records, S. Phipps; Bookkeeper, T. E. Wooldridge ; Clerk and Typewriter, H.Cathcart; Clerks, T, C. Boulton, G. V. Cuppage. PROVINCIAL TIMBER INSPECTORS. 1st Inspecvor, R. J. Skinner; 2nd Inspector, D. McRae. MINES INSPECTION. Inspectoi- of Mines, A. Dick, Nan- aimo. INSPECTOR OF FRUIT PESTS. Inspector, E. Hutcherson, Ladners, ASSAY OFFICE, Assayer, Herbert Carmichael, SUPREME COURT. Registrar, J. C. Prevost ; Deputy Registrar, A. Keast; Clerk, A. Rocke Robertson; Official Stenographer, J. Gilbert; Usher, B. Evans; Janitor, J. Bland ; Second Janitor, Jas. Mor- rison. ATTORNEY GENERAL's OFFICE. Attorney - General, Hon. Theo. Davie, Q.C. ; Deputy Attorney-Gen- eral, A. G. Smith ; Clerk, E. J. Thain ; Stenographer, R. E. Brett. COUNTY COURT. ^ Registrar, H. \V. H. Combe; Deputy Registrar, A. Keast. LAND REGISTRY OFFICE. Registrar General, C. J. Leggatt; Deputy Registrar, S. Y. Wootton ; 1st Clerk, E.M. Fort; 2nd Clerk M. G. Phipps; 3rd Clerk, G. E. Simon; 4th Clerk, F. H. Lang; Bookkeeper, Geo. Cruickshank ; Temporary Clerk, R. B. Punnett. BUREAU OF STATISTICS. Deputy Commissioner, A. B. Gray, Victoria ; Inspector of Labor Statis- tics, H. H. Baker; Clerk, J. E. Bridgman. BIRTHS, DEATHS AND MARRIAGES. Registrar-General, C. J. Leggatt. ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR. C. Booth ; Assistant, C. W. Jen- kinson; Clerk, W. O. Carter. MUSEUM. Government Building. Curator, J. Fannin. JUVENILE REFORMATORY. Superintendent, John Finlayson. ASYLUM FOR THE INSANE — NEW WEST- MINSTER. Medical Superintendent, R, J. Bentley, M.B,; Clerk, M, J, Knight; Steward, J. Phillips; Ist Keeper, H. Young ; 2nd Keeper, H. H. Williams ; 3rd Keeper, W. T. S. House; 4th Keeper, D. McCowan; 5th Keeper, J. D. Hopkins ; 6th Keeper, A. Ab- bott; 7th Keeper, H. Gunn; 8th Keeper, C. S. Campbell ; 9th Keeper, J. Harper; lOtb Keeper, J. Denni- ^on; Matron, F. Rose; Assistant Ma- tron, E. McCowan; 2nd Assistant C/2 VICTORIA, >) B. C. hi: I -1'' m m Mh .■^,^,j;a.j If iotiOriH J^F&iHSIOP C0*9 .Llid* Satea ana Quickest neapateh. 21 and 23 Broaghton Street, Victoria, B. C. Tel. 129. PO Ori «;_;» <i^ — » ^ 8 ^1 5 c^ se ee (VI ^ Ph ■M «M « © .4 ■«-i h a> ^ 1 m -2 ^ Oi «e ^ fN H 10 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIHECTOHY. Matron, M. Fillimore; Cook, J. Chambers; Assistant Cook, ^l. Reid; Night Watehmau, R. Anderson. SUPERINTENDENCE OF I'OLICE. Superintendent of Provincial Po- lice, F. Hussey; Sergeant, J. M. Langley ; Constables, I. M. Hu^f'.i- son, Win. McNeil and J. Hunter; Night Watchman, C. H. F. Blake. GAOL VICTORIA. Warden, R. F. John; 1st Gaoler, W. Muldoon ; 2nd Gaoler, E. .J. Par- sons; 3rd Gaoler, R. Liddell; 1st Convict Guard, A. Thomas; 2nd Con- vict Guard, 3rd Con- vict Guard. J. Mellon ; Medical Offi- cer, J. S. Helmcken, M.D. GOVERN.MKNT AGENTS. Alberni, Geo. A. Smith, residence Alberni ; Cariboo, John Bowron, Richfield; Cassiar, James Porter, Laketon; Comox, Sam. Creech, Co- mox; Cowichan, H. 0. Wellburn, Duncan ; Forks Quesnelle, William Stephenson, Forks Quesnelle; Kam- loopg, Geo. C. Tunstall, Kamloops; Kootenay East, A. P. Cummins, Donald; Kootenay West, N. Fitz- stubbs, Nelson ; Lillooet, Fred Soues, Clinton; Nanaimo, Marshall Brav, Nanaimo; New Westminster, C. Warwick, New Westminster; Nicola, John Clapperton, Nicola Lake; Yale, Wm. Dodd, Yale; Okanagan. Mcses Lumby, Vernon; J. Flewin, Fort Simpson ; J. Kirkup, Revelstoke. OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATORS. Monteith, Wm., residence Victoria District, Victoria County Court; Major, C. J., New Westminster Dis- trict, New Westminster County Court; Fulton, F. J., Kamloops Dis- trict, Yale County Court; Planta. J. P., Nanaimo District, Nanaimo County Court; Reed, Thos. P., Soda Creek, District, Cariboo County Court; Cummins, A. P., Donald, Kootenay. COUNTY COURTS. Vancouver, A. E. Beck, Registrar; Deputy Registrar, W. J. Thicke; Clerk, J. 0. Dockerill ; Janitor, A. B. Green. New Westminster, W. H. Falding, Registrar; J. J. Cambridge, Deputy Registrar. SUPREME COURT. New Westminster, W. H. Falding, Registrar; Clerk, A. B. Homer; Janitor, G. Bray. Official Stenographer, F. Evans. LAND REGISTRY. New Westminster, District Regis- trar, C. S. Corrigan ; Ist Clerk, C. E. Jlolt; 2nd Clerk, J. H. Vidal; 3rd Clerk, G.W.Aikman; 4th Clerk, J. J. Johnston, Clerk, R.T. F. Granger; Clerk, G. A. Miller. Vancouver — District Registrar, T. O. Townley; 1st Clerk, F. X. Martin; 2nd Clerk, F. W. Hartley; 3rd Clerk, W. S. Wiffin ; 4th Clei k, L. A. Martin ; 5th Clerk, H. J. Sharp. STIPENDIARY MAGISTRATES AND THEIR JURISDICTION. Donald, A. P. Cummins, East Kootenay, E. D. ; Esquimau, E. B. Reed. Countv of Vicloria; Kamloops, W. W. Spinks, Province; G. C. Tun- stall, Province; Laketon, Jas. Porter, Stikeen Polling Division, Cassiar Electoral District; Nanaimo, J. P. Planta, Vancouver Island ; Eli Har- rison, Province; Nelson, N. Fitz- stubbs. Province; Neii) Westminster, N. W. Bole, Province; Vernon. Moses Lumbv, S.M., County of \ale; Vic- toria, h, Y. Wooton, Victoria; Lil- looet, C. Phair, Counties of Cariboo and Yale; New Westminster, G. Pit- tend righ. County of Westminster; Victoria, F. Macrae, County of Vic- toria. SHERIFFS AND THE BOUNDARIES OF THEIR .1URISDICTI0N. [a.] County of Victoria — Sheriff, James Eliphalet McMillan, Esq. ; ?ost office address, Victoria, B.C. iimits of Bailiwick: Vancouver Island and the Islands adjacent thereto, and Queen Charlotte Islands, but excepting the Electoral Districts* of Nanaimo, Cowichan and Comox. [h.] County of Westminster — Sheriff, T. J. Armstrong, Esquire; post office address. New Westminster, B.C. Limits of Bailiwick: The Elec- toral Districts* of New Westminster and New Westminster City, and the Hope and Yale Polling Diviaione* of the Electoral District* of Yale, and throughout the Islands adjacent BLANK BO thereto, other 1 Islands. [c] County thur Gore Pem officeaddress, 1 of Bailiwick : 1 Lake, Okanag Polling Divi8i< District of YaU [d.] County John Stevensoi address, Barke Bailiwick : Th of Lillooet and ton and Cache sions* of the Yale. [e.] County Stephen Redgi fice address, D Bailiwick, the Kootenay. [/.] County Samuel Drake address. Nana Bailiwick, the Nanaimo, Cassiar. County D. Halls, dress, V"ncou wick, the Van District and tt minster Elect in Section 3 Amendment *The Electoi Divisions abo Electoral Dist sions as the day of Februai Coi of Es T. DOBE80N. N. W. D0BE80N. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Ir»n and Hraat Poundertt Oeneral MaehiniaUt All Klnda of Mepairaf Land and JVorin*. NANAIMO, • • BRITISH COLUMBIA- POLK New Westi Government Westminster ; Warden, W. W. G. Armstr -, _ Lister; Srd G ^B son; Medical ^'1 1st Convict loA Ccnvict Guai of I Convict Guan i(}f stable and C bJ O. A. Calbick elf Nanaimo — Agent, H. Sta I Geo. Tiiomps ■ * SeeourBo¥S'Si HMMi am B. T. WILLIAMS as Broad tit., Vietoria. BBITI8H COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. 11 thereto, other than Queen Charlotte Islands . [c] County of Yale, — Sheriff, Ar- thur Gore Pemberton, Esquire; poet officeaddress, Kamloops, B.C. Limits of Bailiwick : The Kamloops, Nicola Lake, Okana^an and Rock Creek Polling Divisions* of the Electoral District of Yale. [d.] County of Cariboo. — Sheriff, John Stevenson, Esquire ; post office address, Barkerville, B.C. Limits of Bailiwick: The Electoral Distiict.s* of Lillooet and Cariboo and the Lyt- ton and Cache Creek Polling Divi- sions* of the Electoral District of Yale. [e.] County of Kootenay. — Sheriff, Stephen Redgrave, Esquire ; post of- fice address, Donald, B.C. Limits of Bailiwick, the Electoral District* of Kootenay. [/.] County of Nanaimo — Sheriff, Samuel Drake, Esquire; post office address, Nanaimo, B.C. Limits of Bailiwick, the Electoral Districts* of Nanaimo, Comox, Cowichan and Cassiar. County of Vancouver — Sheriff, I. D. Halls, Esquire; post office ad- dress, V"ncouver. Limits of Baili- wick, the Vancouver City Electoral District and that portion of the West- minster Electoral District described in Section 3 of the " Sheriffs' Act Amendment Act, 1893." *The Electoral Districts and Pollir g Divisions above referred to are the Electoral Districts and Polling Divi- sions as the same existed on the 7th day of February, A.D. 1890. POLICE AND GAOL. New Westminster — Assistant to Government Agent, Sheperd, New Westminster; Clerk, Jno. Mahony. Warden, W. Moresby; 1st Gaoler, W. G. Armstrong; 2nd Gaoler. R. B. Lister; 3rd Gaoler, Geoige Robert- son ; Medical Officer, I. M. McLean ; 1st Convict Guard, J. Burr; 2nd Convict Guard, A. O'Connor; 3rd Convict Guard, Michael T^vell ; Con- stable and Collector, Burfbrd Inlet, G. A. Calbick. Nanaimo — Assistant Government Agent, H. Stanton, Nanaimo; Clerk, Geo. Tiiompson, Nanaimo; Gaoler and Constable, W. Stewart; Con- stable and Assistant Gaoler, S. Drake ; 3rd Constable and Assistant Gaoler, W. H. Boyd; Constable, A. McKinnon; 1st Convict Guard, A. Hamilton; 2nd Convict Guard, H. Mclndo ; Medical Officer, L. T. Davis, M.D.; Caretaker, J. Sage; Constable at Wellington, D. Stephen- son; Constable at Northtield, E. Shakespeare. Alberni — Constable, C. A. Cox. Yale and Ashcroft — Constable and Collector, J . W. Burr, residence.Ash- croft. Kamloops — Constable and Collec- tor, H. T. W. Pearse; Assessor and Collector, Martin Beattie ; Constable and Gaoler, J. A. Sinclair; Constable and Assistant Gaoler, A. G. Burn- yeat; Convict Guard, J. C. Mc- Laren; Medical Officer, E. Furrer, M. D. East Kootenay — Gold Commis- sioner, A. P. Cummins, Donald; Constable, Collector and Recorder, S. Redgrave, Donald ; Constable, H. Redgrave, Donald; Gaoler and Con- stable, J. CuUen, Donald; Constable and Recorder, H. R. Moodie, Golden ; Constable, Collector and Recorder, E. M. Edwards, Fort Steele. West Kootenay — Gold Commis- sioner, N. Fitzstubbs, Nelson ; Dis- trict Registrar of the Supreme Court, T. H.Giffin, Nelson; Constable, E.M. Sandilands, Nelson; Constable and Recorder, Geo. Goldie, Windermere ; Constable, J. D. Graham, Nelson; Constable, Recorder and Collector, A. Sproat, Slocan ; Constable, Re- corder and Collector, T. J. Lendrun, Ainsworth ; Government Agent, Con- stable, Recorder and Collector, Jno. Kirkup, Revelstoke; Constable, Jno. Miles, Nelson ; Mining Recorder, D. F. Douglas, Lardeau; Mining Re- corder, Andrew Clark, Trout Lake; Collector, O. G. Dennis, Nelson. Okanagan — Gold Commissioner, M. Lumby, Vernon; Constable and Collector, J. A. Monteith ; Constable, Leonard Morris, Vernon ; Constable, N. Thompson, Mission Valley. Similkameen and Osoyoos— Con- stable and Recorder, C. A. R. Larabley, Osovoos; Constable and Recorder, H.llunter, Granite Creek; T E X A S L A K £ I C E C H N D L R K F, S T A v L I E L T E L E P H O N E 424 O F F I C E 403 c R D O V A S T R E £ T 1 See oiirBoys' Snits and Oyercoats. Best assortment in the City. PftoLow,QnamyGoflfl B. WILUAMS * Co., 97 JOHNSON ST.. VICTORIA. DUPONT BLOCK, COLUMBIA STREET, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C Lw #^/W "C* •'^*''***V PukUct Conveyancer, AeeounUint and Auditor, • tia \j\jMJMid SenU and Aeeounta aettled. Batatea Managed. cy^ ptq CO GO «? <l ffl 00 CO 10 12 B1UTI8II COLUMBIA DIRECTORY, Constable and Collector, W. G. Mac- rnynn, Bock Creek. C a 8 B i a r District — Government Apent and Collector, J. Flewin, Fort Simpson ; Constable, R. Thos. Har- vey,* Stickeen; Con table, R. E. Donehue, Naas. Cariboo District — Gold Commis- sioner, J. Bowron, Rici.field; Chief Constable and Clerk of County Court, G. Cowan, Richfield ; Collec- tor, J. iStevenson, Barkerville; Gov- ernment Agent and Collector, etc., W. Stephenson, Forks Quesnelle. Esquimalt — Constable, J. D. Campbell. Cowichan District — Constable, J. Maitland Dougall, Corfleld, Cowichan Electoral District, Cowichan. Comox District — Constable, Asses- sor and Collector, W. B. Anderson, Comox ; Constable, Assessor and Collector, E. Smithurst, South Co- mox; Constable, Assessor and Col- lector, P. Woollacott, Alert Bay. Lillooet Districu -Gold Commis- sioner, F. Soues, Clinton ; Assessor, Collector and Recorder, C. Phair, Lillooet. Salt Spring Island— J. Broadwell. GOLD COMMISSIONERS. For the Province— The Hon. F. G. Vernon, Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, Victoria. P^or the Cassiar District — James Porter, Laketon, Cassiar. For the Lillooet District— Freder- ick Soues, Clinton. For the East Kootenay District — A. P. Cummins, Donald. For the West Kootenay District— N. Fitzstubbs, Nelson. For certain portions of Yale Dis- trict—Mr. M. Lumby, Vernon; J. C. Tunstall, Kamloops; W. Todd, Yale. COURT OP REVISION AND APPEAL. (The Islands.) W. H. Mawdsley; Assessor and Collector, Ed. Walter, Ganges Har- bor; Assessor and Collector, W. M. Robson, Mayne Island. REGISTRARS OF VOTERS. Victoria City and Esquimalt Dis- tricts, H. W. H. Combee ; Victoria District, J. S. Meldram ; New West- minster City, C. Warwick; Nanaimo and City of Nanaimo Districts, M. Bray; Lillooet, F. Soues; East Kootenay, 8. Redgrave ; Burrard In- let, A. E. Beck ; Cowichan District, H. O. Welburn ; Comox District, W. B. Anderson ; Cassiar District, James Porter; Alberni District, G. A. Smith ; The Islands, J. Broadwell ; Chilliwhack, H. Mellard; Nelson, N. Fitzstubbs; Revelstoke, J. Kirkup; Skeena P. D. Cassiar E. D., J. Flewin; Cariboo E. D., J. Bowron; Yale, G. C. Tunstall. ASSESSOR AND COLLECTORS. New Westminster — E. L. Kirk- land, Assessor and Collector; W. L. Fagan, Assistant Assessor and As- sistant Collector ; C. Fisher. Notaries Public and Their Juris' diction. VICTORIA. H. B. W. Aikman, J. J. Austin, E. Crow Baker, C. (J. Ballentine i. L. Belyea, J. St. C. Blacketi, E. V. Bodwell, Beaumont Boggs, A. J. W. Bridgman, Cieo. Byrnes, F. J. Claxton, Lindley Crease, Hy. Croft, W. H. Danby, M. E. Dansereau, Theo; Davie, W. E. Deveraux, B. H. T. Drake, A. S. Dumbleton, D. M. Eberts, Thornton Fell, A. St. G. Flint, F. B. Gregory, G. H. Hall, U. S. Hampson, D. R. Harris, E. A. Hart, J. C. Hayes. H. F. Heis- terman, H. D. Helmcken, D. W. Hi^gins, C. A. Holland, P. M. Irving, R. E. Jackson, E. M.John- son, A. W. Jones, A. P. Luxton, C. J. Loewen, C. D. Mason, A. C. Martin, H. S. Mason, W. H. Mason, T. S. Milliaan, 8. P. Mills, C. F. Moore, A. A. Moore, B. S. Oddy, John Oliver, C C. Pember- ton, F. B.Pemberton.G. A, Perrin, Wm. Pollard, C. E. Pooley, F. G. Rayner, A. C. Reddie, C. F. Roberts, H. C. Robinson, Geo. A. Sargison, Geo. Simon, N. P. Snowden, W. J. Taylor, E. J. Thaip, C. T. Tolmie, J. P. Walls, B. Williams, C. Wflson, E. E. Wooton, William Henry Grove, Alfred Williams, John Keen, Fini- T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hamware, Paints, Oils and Agricnltnral MDlements. Columbia Street, NEW WESTMINSTI&B, B. C. HUDSON'S more, M. 1 A. McNau Irving, Jose S. Davys, G TIIROUGIK Ainsworth — 11 E. 8. Wilso Alberni — G. A Armstrong — T Ashcroft — J. J Barkerville — i Blaine— I. 8. ] Cache Creek— Chilliwhack— Millard. Comox — Wm. Sutherland, Drabble. Cloverdale — J Coquitlam — R Cowichan — II Donald — L. J. uel, G. M. ff J. C. Steen. Duncans — H. S3nderby — Cof E. Co'stertoi Fairview — H. Fort Steele— I Golden — A. ] Alexander, . Hall's PrairiC' ington, T. F Kamloops — W ton, M. W. I den, J. Mcli Kaslo— T. J. I Ladners Land Langley — J. ^ Lillooet— R. I Mission City- Tretheway, Maple Ridge- Mayne Isiund- Mount Lehn;fl Nanaimo — E. iams, P. A ster, W. E. W. H, Field McBain, Ge R.Scoullar, '. Nelson— W. ( A. Smith, J G. W. Richi W. N. Rolfe Carpenter. New Denver- Kootenav. mm m mm HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Mluropean and MngUth OKOCKItlEB, WISES and XiIQUOHS, Free and in Bond. VICTORIA, B. C. BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRFCTORY. 13 more, M. McLeod, James Jeffrey, A. McNaughton Jones, Robert Irving, Joseph H. Bowes, Montagu S. Davys, Geo. If. Barnard. THROUGHOUT THE PROVINCE. Ainsworth — H. Anderson, J.Hughes, E. S. Wilson, J. L. Retallack. Alberni — G. A Smith. Armstrong — Thos. Spence. Ashcroft — J. J. McKay. Bariterville — S. Rogers. Blaine — I. S. McLean. Cache Creek — C. A. Semlin. Chilliwhack — A. H. Gillandera, S. Millard. Comox — \Vm. Halliday, J. Robb, J. Sutherland, W. Harvey, G. ¥. Drabble. Cloverdale — J. F. (ialbralth. Coquitlam— R. B. Kelly. Cowichan — H. O. WePJurn. Donald — L. J. Edwa'ds, G. C. Man- uel, G. M. Spraggy, A. W. Vowel', J. C. Steen. Duncans — H. Fry. Enderby — Costerton, Sam Gibbs, C. E. Costerton. , Fairview — H. Nicholson. Fort Steele — R. L. Galbraith. Golden — A. H. Cochrane, George Alexander, J. Gibson. Hall's Prairie— H. F. Thrift, J. Hunt- ington, T. F. Tunswell. Kamloops — W. Cochrane, F. J. Ful- ton, M. W. Spinks.W. H. Whitten- den, J. Mcintosh. Kaslo— T. J. Broadley, C. W. McAnn. Ladners Landing — \Vm. McKee. Langley — J. M. Drummond. Lillooet— R. D. Bullard. Mission City— R. W. Dunn, W. G. Tretheway. Maple Ridge— D. C. Webber. Mayne Island — W. H. Maudsley. Mount Lehn.an — D. W. Sutherland. Nanaimo— E. E. Potts, A. D. Will- iams, P. A. Vidler, Chas. Demp- ster, W. E. Norris, C. R. Hardy, W. H. Field, A. H. Home, Geo. A. McBain, Geo. Morris, C.H.B. Potts, R.Scoullar, D.Smith, H.A.Simpson. Nelson— W. G. Allan, H. Selous, G. A. Smith, J. Elliott, F. Fletcher, G. W. Richardson, A. E. Hodgins, W. N. Rolfe, E. P. Whalley, E. C. Carpenter. New Denver — L. N. ArmH, West Kootenav. New Westminster — E. Brenchley, A. S. Fletcher, J. L. Cole, G. Herbert Robs, W. J. Sinclair, G. F. Turner, H. L. Jenns, W. M. Gray, R. W. Armstrong, O. T.Atkinson, J. A.C. Brvdone-Jack, J. F. Coulthard, G. H.' Cross, L, P. Eckstein. W. H. Finlayson, A. G. Gamble, J. E. Gaynor, Peter Grant, C. S.F. Ham- ber, E. A. Jenns, Wm. R. King, A. B. McKenzie, D. R. McElmon, A. Miller, A. Morrison, T. B. Pearson, J. Pelly, G. Pittendrigh, J. R. Poll- er, Edwin Rand, E. M. Sloan, T.J. Trapn, W. J. Walker, E. H. Port, A. E. Tregent, H. F. Clinton, T. J. Armstrong. A.E. Rand, P.L. Florin, D. Robson, A.PhiUip, O.L. Spencer, R. McBride, J. B.Cherry, J. Clute, jr., R. B. Kerr, F. W. Howay. North Arm— E. M. N. Woods, O. D. Sweet. Nicola — John Clapperton, H. D. G. Armytague. Okanagan — H. Wood. Osoyoos — C. A. R. Lambly. Penticton — A. Wade. Port Moody — John S. Meek. Port Haney — A. B. Docksteader. Pilot Bay, Kootenay Lake — W. M. Newton, J. D. Marsden. Quesnelle — W. A. Johnson. Revelstoke— T. L. Haig, Wm. A. Jowett, J. F. Hume. Rock Creek— W. G. McMynn. Sooth Thompson — Jas Ross. Spallumcheen — D. Rabbitt, G. J. Wallace. Steveston — W. J. Drumii 'j.id. Sumas — G. W. Chadsey. Sardis — A. D. Campbell. Savonas Ferry — J. Jane. Trail Creek— G. C. Tunstall, jr. Vancouver — R. H. Alexander, John W. Bowser, Geo. W. Dawson, T. B. H. Shoebotham, G. Randing, A. M. Beattie, J. A. Green, R. A. Anderson, Robert Barker, A. E. Black. A. S. Black, A. P. Black, F. C. Bod well, J. Boultbee, J. M. Bux- ton, J. Ca^ ipbell, F. M.Caldecotte, W. Clements, H. T. Devine, A. B. Diplock, G. E. Farrier, W. M. Ferris, A. J. Forin, G. H. Geary, W. H. Goodwin, J. Z. Hall, J. H. Hallett, ^. St. G. Hammersley, R. W. Harris, L. R. Harrison, F. C. InnesB, C.G. Johnston, B. B. Jobn- ^ pi "-» '^i Nd< ts' ts 11^ s p< o St s* GO pi t-l 1 g- ^ r/3 2 ftj- a M« eu ^ M* n ►< 00 tH W s 1 <9 *-t Pi < S »*• A- (i M« z o* U o ^ m .00 mERBRI)S.,aie la[|d Stock in fl.C. Vl' m U "pl ■e mm VICTORIA TRANSFER CO., LTD. 21 and 83 Bronshton Streat, Victoria, B. O. Tri. 129. Check Banat' ^° *^'V P^rt of tbe City. Their Wagona and Carriagea meet all Boata and Tralna. 2 EH -♦a ' ai a> Ph -** «i-i « © .4 Wl -M ^ £) ^ i 0) ^ ^ 14 HRITI8H COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. 8ton, F. W. Johnston, H. A. Jones, G. A. Gordon, A. C. Leask, A. E. Lees, M. A. McLean, L. G. McPhil- lips, A. E. McGee, H. A. Mellon, A. C Muir, H. Mutrie. E.NichoUs, C. D, Rand, E. E. Rand, S. O. Richards, A. W. Ross, F. W. Rounsefell, John Ronnsefell, i. Schofleld, B. Springer, Jaa Stanley, H. L. Snowden, J. M. Spinks, R.G. Tatlow, T. O Townley, F.H. Tuck, D. S. Wallbridge, J.M. Whitehead, A. Williams, J. Wulffaohn, E. M. Yarwood, W. Farrell, A.L.Russell, 8. J. Henderson, W. Weeks, W. C. Archer, C. E. Hope, J. W. McFar- land, S. J. Emanuels, R. D. Pitt, D. G. Marshall, A. J. Boyd, W. R. Robertson, W. SuUey, C. R. Ham- ilton, J. J. Bamfield, T. Mathews, J. H. Senkler, C. B. Macneil, J. W. Home, A. P. Judge, C. 8. Douglas, R. D. Kimmond. Vernon — R. S. Hannah, W. 1. Har- ber, C. W. Ireland, F. McGowen, F. Billings. Wellington— E. W. Bickle. Windermere — Geo. Goldie. EDUCATION. The following extracts from tbe twenty -first annual report of the Sup- erintendent of Education for 1892, shows not only a large increase in en- rollment and average attendance at the schools during the year, but that the progress made was also satisfac- tory, and gratifying. The number of schools in operation was 149, as follows : High schools, 4 ; Graded schools, 14 ; Ward schools, 7 ; Rural schools, 134. The number of teachers and moni- tors employed was 228, an increase of 43 over that for the previous year. The whole number of pupils enroll- ed during the year was 10,773 an in- crease 1,513 over that for the previous year, and the average actual daily at- tendance was 6,227.10 an increase of 1,092.19 for the sam« period. The total expenditure by the Lauds and Works Department for the con- struction of school houses, furniture, repairs and improvements was $47,- 192.58. The total expenditure for all pur- poses of education during the year was $173,378.53. During the past year school houses were erected, or additions made to school buildings in twenty-eight dis- tricts. At the present time schools are in operation in eleven newly created districts. The following is the statistical ab- stract of attendance : Number of pupils enrolled during the year 10,773 Increase for the year. . . . 1.513 Number of boys enrolled. . . . 5,437 Increase for the year. . . . 712 Number of girls enrolled . . . 6,336 Increase for the year. . . . 801 Average actual daily attend- ance 6,227.10 Increase for the year. . . . 1,092,19 Number of pupils enrolled in High schools 312 Increase for the year .... 56 Average actual daily attend- ance in High schools 204.53 Average actu^ daily attend- ance in Graded schools. . . 3,812,77 Average actual daily attend- ance in Rural schools .... 2,209,80 Number of School Districts at close of year 154 Increase for the year .... 13 Official List of Authorized Provin- cial Land Survpyv^rs. Allan, Wm„ Bridge C'k, Lillooet, Aylmer, Hon. F. W., Cranbrook, East. Bigger, C. A,, D,L.S., Victoria, Koote- nay. Brady. Jas., D.L.8., ♦Brownlee, J.H.,D.L.S., " Burnyeat, J. P., Vernon. Burnet, Hug i, D.L.8., Victoria. Burnet, Petei, D.L.S., Vancouver. Busk, C, W,, Nelson, Kootenay, Champion, James, Barkerville. Coryell, J. A., Vernon. Cotton, A. F.,D.L.S., New Westmin- ster. Cridge, R., Victoria. Cummins, A. P., Donald. Cummins, H. L., Golden. Devereux, F., Victoria. T. DOBESON, N. W. DOBESON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron and, Brata Xoundert, General Maehini»t», All Kindd of Bepaira, Zand and Marine. NANAIMO, • - BRITISH COLUMBIA. I VVTVI VUfV^ST f\^^ More Hand* and More Capital than all other Binderiea infXi XdmrJjUX 1„ the Provmce. « * ¥ R. T. WILLIAMS «« HXOAIi ItTHtCJET, riVTOKIA. BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRliCTORY. 15 Devereux, W., Victoria. Drabble, G. F., Comox. Driscol, A., D.L.S.. Kamloops. Dashesney, E. M. J., Vancouver. Farwell, A. S., Vict ria. Fielding, John, " Fletcher, Frank, Vancouver. Fletcher, O., D.L.8., Victoria. Fletcher, E. T., D.L.8.. " Fry, H. Jr., Cowichan. Gamble, F. C, Vititoria. Garden, Hermon & Burwell, D.L.S., Vancouver. Gauvreau, N. B., New Weatminster. Gore, T.8., D.L.S., Victoria. Gore, W. S., Deputy Com. L. & W., Victoria. Gray, J. H., Victoria. Green, A. H., '« Hargreaves, Geo., Victoria. Harris, D. R., " Hawkins, A. H., Vancouver. Henderson, W., D.L.S., New West- minster. Heyland, R., Nanaimo. Hill, A. J., New Westminster. Homfray, R., Victoria. Howse, A. R., Vancouver. Hunter, Joseph, Victoria. Irving, H. Bell, Vancouver. Jane, John, Savona. Jenimett, Capt., New Westminster. Jephson, R. J., D.L.S., Calgary, Al- *Kains," Tom, D.L.S., Surv'r-Gen'l, Victoria. *Kirk, J. A., D.L.S., New Westmin- ster. Latimer, F. H., D.L.8., Vancouver. Lee, R. H., Kamloops. *Leech, P. J., Victoria. Lynn, W. L., ftlahoo<i, Jas., " McGregor, J. H., " Maclure, John, Chilliwack. Mackay, A. E., Victoria. McKay, E.B., *.McKenzie, John, D.L.S., New West- minster. McVittie, Bros., D.L.S., Fairmont 8prings. Mohun, Ed., Victoria. O'Dwyer, J. 8., D.L.8., Vancouver. Palmer, R. E., Vancouver. Patrick, A. P., D.L.S., Calgary, Al- berta. Pemberton, J. D., Victoria. Pemberton, F. B., Perry, C. E., Victoria. *Pinder, W., Pelly, R. 8., 8pallumcheen. Poudrier, A. L., D.L.S., Victoria. Priest, E., Nanaimo. Ralph, Wm., D.L.S., Victoria. Ritchie, J. F., New Westminster. Skinner, E., Victoria. Smith, Geo. A., Alberni. Smith, H. B., Victoria. StoesB, Clias. A., Vancouver. Strathern, John, D.L.8, Vancouver. Summerfield, Peter, Victoria. Sutton, John, Nelson. Thompson, Capt., Burton Prairie. Thomson, D. T., Victoria. Trutch. John, " Tuck, 8. P., " Turner, Geo., New Westminster. Vaughan, J. W., D.L.S., Vancouver. Warren, H. R., Vancouver. Wheeler, A. 0., New Westminster. Wilkinson, Ed., Victoria. Williams, Sidney, Vancouver. Wilmot, E. A.., Victoria. Woods, C. E., New Westminster, McGregor, J. H., Victoria. Fielding, Jno., Victoria. Thursby, A. D., Victoria. Twijig, H. F. E., Vancouver. Parr, Thos. H., Victoria. Going, A. 8., Victoria. EUacott, 0. H., Victoria. Dawson, Geo. H., Vancouver.' Burnett, Kenneth L., Vancouver. Bauer, Wm., Kaslo. Brewry, W. S., Ottawa. Corrigan, Geo. D., Vancouver. Sherman, Ruyter S., Vancouver. Ross, Jos. E., New Westminster. *Board of Examiners for P.L.S. British Columbia Medical Council. Elected May, 1893. President, Dr. E. B. C. Hanington ; Vice-President, Dr. J. M. Lefevre ; Registrar and Secretary, Dr. Geo. L. Milne; Treasurer, Dr. J. M. Lefevre; Executive, Dr. John C. Davie, Dr. W. J. McGuigan, Dr. W. A. DeWolf Smith, Dr. J. A.; Dun- can ; Solicitor, A. E. McPhillips. For the information of those who are not acquainted with the require- ments necessary for registration as medical practitioners in this prov- T E X A 8 L A K E I E o W A H N O L E S A L E D R E T A I L T E L E P H O N E 424 o F F I C E 403 C o R D V A S T R E E T i Eastern TAILOR-MADE SUITS to Measure. 'hUSR/T'M%^ See our sameieB and Prieea. B. WILLIAMS & CO., 97 JohDson St., Victoria. J. 6d J. TAYLOR, SAFES AND VAULT DOORS Ii, J, Cole* Agentt Dupont Block, New Westminster, B. C. b GO O 00 CO 16 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. le followtntr synopsis is given: FirM. — " The Council shall admit upon the register any person who shall produce from any college or school of medicine or surgery, reouir- ing a three years' course of stuuy, a diploma of »iualiHcation ; provided, also, that the applicant shall furnish to the Council satisfactory evidence of identification, and pass before the members thereof, or sucii of them as may be appointed for tlie purpose, a satisfactory examination touching his fitness and capacity to practice as a physician and surgeon." 18S6, c. 18, s. 28. Second. — " The Council shall admit upon the register every person men- tioned in chapter 48 of the Acts of Parliament of the United Kingdom, passed in tiie 49th an<l 50th years of Her Majesty's reign, duly registered under the ' Me<lical Act,' (Imperial), prior to and inclusive of the 30th day of June, 1887, upon com- plying with the orders, regula- tions or by-laws of the Council and giving due proof of such registration, and that the person applying for reg- istration has not lost the benefit of same by reason of misconduct or otherwise, and upon payment of the fees, fixed by the Council, not to ex- ceed one hundred dollars." The regular meetings and examin- ations are held, beginning on the first Tuesday of May and September and second Tuesday of January in each year. Medical Register. Elected May, 1893. names of medical practitioners en- titled to practice in the province. Arthur, E. C, Nelson. Ardagh, V. E. E., Metlakathla. Beckingsale, O. L., Vernon. Bentley, R. J., Westminster. Bodington, G. F., Vancouver. ■ Bolton, A. E., Port Simpson. Boggs, Geo. W., Westminster. Brouse, J. E., VPsicouver. Bruner, M. W., Kaslo. Clarke, Sibree, Kamloops. Clarke, R. B., Kamloops. Cooper, H. M., Westminster. Carroll, .John T., Vancouver. Callanan, Michael, Nanaimo. Crompton, Ernest, Victoria. Campoell, W. Bell, Nanaimo. Clarke, James, Soda Creek. Corsan, Douglas, Victoria. Davie, J. C, Victoria. Davis, L. T., Nanaimo. Duncan, J. A., Vi«rtoria. Dickson, Jiindsny F., Cowichan. Duncan, (Jeo. 11., Victoria. Kberts, Duncan, Wellington. Furrer, Edward, Kamloops. Fagaii, C. J., Westminster. Farwall. A. A., Harrison. Foot, E. C, Victoria. Ferguson, A. C , Vancouver. Fraser, K. L. Victoria, (farrow, .John, Vif toria. Girdwood, Criloert, CJoidon, E. P., V^ancouver. Hail, F. W., Victoria. Hall, T. S., Westminster. Hall, John, Victoria. Hanington, E. B. C, Victoria. Harrison, H., Victoria. Hehncken, J. S., Victoria. Helmcken, J. D., Victoria. Henderson, J. C, Chilliwack. Hendrickson, W. M., Hall, E. A., Victoria. Herald, Dundas, Langley. Hasell, E. S., Victoria. Herbert, Sidn«v, Donald, Herald, R. T, W., Vancouver. Holden, Donald B., Victoria. Irving, Duncan Bell, Vancouver. Johnston, Geo. D., Vancouver. Jack, W. D. Brydone, Vancouver. Jones, W. H. McN., Victoria. Jones, O. M., Victoria. Kendall, Walter H., Vancouver. Lawrence, Robert, Union. Lefevre, J. M., Vancouver. Langis, H. E., Vancouver. Leitch, H. D., Victoria. Lambert, T. W.. Yale. LeBau, David, Nelson. McLean, I. M., Westminster. McKechnie, L. N., Victoria. Macleod, D., Nanaimo. Milne, G. L., Victoria. Morrison, R. R., Victoria. Mills, Jno A., Vancouver. Metherell, Samuel A., Kaslo. McAlpine, D. L., Vancouver. T. J. TRAPP & CO., HarHware, Faints, Oils and Asxicnltflral Golambia Street, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. 0. Ohuroh of Columbia, •Ifwl B»?r" ^r^^m. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY »'"" ^J^Lf^ri ""^ BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRBOTORY. 17 McDouRall, R. McGuigan, W. J., Vancouver. Mclnnes, T. R., Victoria. MoHwuin, A. MttcGilliB, W. C, Victoria. McLean, Daniel, Westminster. McKechnio, R. E. Wellington. Maclean, Charles, Fort Steele, B.C. McLean, Ernest, H. 8., Revelatoke. McNeil, Marv, Victoria. Newcombe, C F., Victoria. OfTerhaus, E. J., Hpallumcheen. O'Brian. R. H. B., Powell, I. W., Victoria. Praeger, A. E., Nanaimo. Pearse, A. W., Nicola. Redmond, W., Ren wick, W., Victoria. Robertson, A. M., Vancouver. Richardson, W. A., Victoria. Reinhard, G. T. A. W., Barkerville. Rice, P. J., Nanaimo. Rogers, J. F. Bruce, Kaslo. StogKett, H. C, Nanaimo. Stevenson, E., Vancouver. Smith. W. A. D., Westminster. Smyth, William, Sweat, J. A., Sanson, George, Clinton. Strothers, W. T., Sproule, R. E., Victoria. Sutton, A. M., Nicola Lake. Thomas, A., Vancouver. Tunstall, S. J., Vancouver. Tunstall, Charles A., Nelson. Titus, Hermon F., Williamson, Wm. P., Wade, 8. M., Victoria. Walkem, W. W., Nanaimo. Watt, Hugh, Victoria. Walker, Richard Eden, Westminster. Wilson, David H., Vancouver, Watson, A. M., Duncan's. Watt, A. T., Victoria. Wilson, J. A. K., Ladner's Landing. Williams, J. R., Nelson. Young, William J., Comox. CHURCH AND CLERICAL DIRECTORY. Church of England : Diocese of Columbia, Vancouver Island. OFFICERS of the INCORPORATED SYNOD, DIOCESE OF COLUMBIA. President— The Bight Rev. William Willcox Perrin, D.D., Lord Bishop of Columbia. Chancellor — Hon. Mr. Justice M. W. Tj^rwhitt Drake. Registrar — Lindley Crease, Esq. Treasurer— W. C. Ward, Esq. Clerical Sec'y— The Ven. Arch-ioacon Scriven, AI.A. Lay Secretary — E. Baynes Reed, Esq. Auditors — A. J. Weaver Bridgman, Esq., J. Col tart, Esq. Bankers— The Bank of British Col- umbia. Solicitors — Messrs. Drake, Jackson & Helmcken. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The Lord Bishop, President. EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS. The Chancellor. The Treasurer. The Registni . The Clerical Secretary. The Lay Secretary. ELECTED MEMBERS. Clerical. 1 Rev. Canon Beanlands, M.A. 2 W. D. Barber, M.A. 3 G. W. Taylor. 4 Canon Paddon, B.A. 5 C. E. Cooper, M.A. 6 G. H. Tovey. 7 E. F. Lipscomb. 8 J. B. Hewetson, M.A. Lay. 1 Hon. Col. Jas. Baker, M.P.P. 2 Lt.-Col. R. Wolfenden. 3 P. Wollaston, Esq. 4 J. H. Innes, Esq. 6 Tom Kains, Esq. 6 P. H. Marshall, Esq. 7 Beaumont Boggs, Esq. 8 Major 0. T. Dupont. CHURCH OF ENGLAND CLERGY — DIO- CESE OF COLUMBIA. The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Columbia. Ven. A. Scriven, M. A., Archdeacon of Vancouver. Victoria, Christ Church Cathedral — The Lord Bishop, Dean ; Rev. Canon Beanlands, M. A., Rector and Sub- Dean; Rev. J. B. Heweston, M. A., Curate. Victoria, St. James — ^The Ven. Arch- deacon Scriven, M. A. Victoria, St. John's — Rev. P. Jenns. 'C » WEXLER BFOSm ^^^ agents for ckossley VICTORIA, B. o. AND SONS FINE GABPETS. B "WH IWlii R.T. WILLIAMS BOOKBINDER aM BLANK BOOK MOUrACTURER »8 BKOAD STBEET, VICTORIA. ^M at « ^ Ph «M « © ^ 00 •^ »N « >* 1 ^ -M ^ O) flS , Ik El 18 BRITISH COLUMBIA EIBECTORY. Victoria, St. Barnabas'- -Bav. G. W. Tavlor. Victo.ia, The Holy Saviour's— Rev. W. D. Bai-ber, 11. A. Alert. Pay— I?cv. A. J. Hall, C. M. S. Boleskvne Ror.d, St. Marks— Rev. W. H. P. Ardeu. Ca iboro Bay— vacant. Cjdar Hill, St. Luke, Lake, St. Mich- ael — vacant. Oedar District, North, St. Bartholo- mew South, St. Phillip— Rev. E.G. Miller. Ohemanius, All Saints, and St. Mich- ael, ani All Angels — Rev. D. Holmes. Comoi, St. Andrew— Rev. J. X. Wil- lemar. Oowichan, St. Peter, Somenos, and Duncans- Rev. J. A. Leakey, B. A. Esquimau, St. Paul— Rev. S. C. Scholefield, M. A. Metchosin and Sooke, St.Mary — Rev. W. G. H. Ellison. iNanaimo, St. Paul, Rev. Canon J. B. Good ; St. Albans— Rev. G. H. Tovey. Northfield and East Wellington, St. Luke — Rev. 0. E. Cooper, M. A. Saanich, S'»uth, St. Steven, Saanich, NorU Holy Trinity— Rev. F. G. Christmas. Salt Spring Island and Adjacent Is- lands, St. Mark — Rev.J.P.Haslam. Wellington and Departure Bay, St. Matthew— Rev. J. W. Flinton. Rev. Canon W. F. L. Paddon, B. A., Victoria. Rev. E F. Lipscomb, Victoria. Rev. C. E. Si-.arp, M.A., Victoria. Rev. E. F. Wilson. DIOCESK OF NEW WESTMINSTER — OFFICERS OF THE SYNOD. President, The Rt. Rev.A.W. Sillitoe, D.D.. T^rd Bishop of New West- minste.- ; Secretaries, Clerical, Rev. Geo. Ditcham ; Lay, W. J. Walker, Esq. ; Auditors, C. E. Woods, Esq. ; E. A. Wyld, Esq. ; Registrar, J. Pelley, Esq. Executive Committee — The Venerable Archdeacon of Columbia, Rev. George Ditcham, Rev. H.G.Finnes-Clinton,Rev.H. Irwin, Rev. E. P. Flewelling, Messrs. E. A.Jenn8,W. Wolfenden, W. Myles Gray, W. J. Walker, W. Ferris. CHURfH OF ENGLAND CLERGY — DIO- CESE OF NEW WESTMINSTER. New Westminster— Holy Trinity Cathedral, The Rt. Rev. A. W. Sil- litoe, D.D., Lord Bishop of New Westminster, Rev.H. Irwin, M.A., Rev. H. H. Gowen. New Westminster — St. Mary's, Sap- perton. The Ven. Chas. T. Woods. M. A. ; Archdeacon of Columbia, Rev. P. D. Woods. Ashcroft with Nicola — Rev. Field Yolland. Cariboo — St. Saviour's, vacant. Chir'wack- St. Thomas'. Rev. W. Baugh Allen. Eraser River — Missionary District, Rev. Geo. Ditcham. Kamloops — Rev. A. Shildrick, and Rev. T. W. Outerbridge, Okanagan. Lytton District (Whites)— Rev. R. Small. Lytton District (Indians) — Rev. R. Small, and Rev. H. Edwards. Penticton — Rev. Thos. Green. Nelson- Rev. H. S. H. Kehurst. Surrey— Christ Church, Rev. W.Bell. Trenunt — All Saints', Rev. A. A. Do well. Vancouver (with Moody ville) — Rev. H. G. Finnes-Clinton, B. A. ; Rev. Field Yolland, ud Rev. V. Corbete Lacey. Vancouver — Christ Church, Rev. H. Norman Tucke.-. Vancouver-St. P'.ul's, Rev. E, P. Flewelling. Vale— St. John.^ (Whites) Rev. C. Croucher. Yale— St. John's (Indians) Rev. R. Small. CHURCH OF ENGLAND — DIOCESE OF CALErONIA. Lord Bishop of Caledonia — The Rt. Rev. W. Ridley, D. D., Metlakatla, B.C. Archdeacon of Metlakatla — The Ven. W. H. Collinson, Kincoulith. Ckrgy /J— Native Catechists, 7 ; Mis- sions, 11. The Prceparandi Institute, Principal — Rev. R. W. Gurd. The Central Oirls' School Staff— Mtb. Ridlev, (Hon.); Miss West and Miss Legale. The Oirls' Home, Hon. Supt. — Miaa Dickenson. /ICrORIA TR 21a The Caledonii geon—Dr. \ 0. P. and S, The Roman ROMAN cathol: VANCO Victoria— S. dral Bishop, Lemmens, R F. J. Letern Van Nevel. Alberni— Rev. beke. Comoy— Rev. F Cowichan— Rev and G. Van G Hesquiat— Rev. Kuper Island— kele. Kynquot— Rev. Nanaimo— Rev. Sianich— G. Vul Wellington— W. DIOCESE OF N New Westminstf St. Peter, Rt M. I. Bishop o Fayard, O. M. N. Ouellette, C F. Jayol, O. ]V tenville, 0. M. 0. M. I. St. Charles' [In E. C. Chirous Orphanage and Women— Siste Charity, Rev. Shepherd, Sui Kamloops— St. I. M. Ley men, F. Guertin, O dard, O. M. I. Boarding School ter M. Beatrice Industrial Scho< and Girls— Re^ pal. Kootenay— St. E N. Cocoola, O.l I. Jacob, O. M. Industrial School Girls— Rev. N. Principal. T. DOBESON, N. W. D0BE90N. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron and Brata founder; General Maehintele, All Klnde of BepaW; Hand and Marine. . NAKAkMO, ■ • BRITISH COLUMBIA. E£ OUR score (■.WILLIAM* VICTORIA TRANSFER CO., LTD. 81 and 23 Bronghton StrMt, Vlotoria, B. O. Tal. 189. Cheek Banace to aii\ part at the City. Their Wagons and CarriaKee meet all Boats and Trains. T E X A S L A K £ I C E G O V A N C O u V E B B O BaiTISH COLUMBIA DIBECTOBY. 19 The Caledonia Hospital, House Sur- geon — Dr. Vernon, Ardagh, L. R. C. P. and S. The Roman Catholic Church and Clergy. BOMAN CATHOLIC CLEEGY — DIOCESi; OP VANCOUVEE ISLAND. Victoria — Si Andrew's Pro-Cathe- dral Bishop, the Rt. Rev. J. N. Lemmens, Revs. J. M. Mandart, F. J. Leterme, J. Nicolaye, J. A. Van Nevel. Alberni— Rev. Father F. R. Ver- beke. Comoy — Rev. Father A. Duraud. Cowichan— Rev. Fathers P. Rondout and G. Van Gcetham. Heaquiat — Rev. Father A. Brabr.nt. Kuper Island—Rev. Father G. Don- kele. Kynquot — Rev. Father J. Menleman. Nanaimo — Rev. Father E. Sobry, Sianich — G. Vullings. Wellington — W. Heynen. DIOCESE OF NEW WE8TMINBTBB. New Westminster City — Cathedral of St. Peter, Rt. Rev. P. Durieu, O. M. I. Bishop of N. W. ; Rev. J. M. Fayard, O. M. I., Vic-Gen.; Rev. N. Ouellette, O. M. I., Pastor; Rev. F. Jayol, 0. M. I., Rev. A. Don- tenville, 0. M. I., Rev. W. Morgan, 0. M. I. St. Charles' [Indian Church] — Rev. E. C. Chirouse, O. M. I. Orphanage and Refuge for Fallen Women — Sisters of Our Lady of Charity, Rev. Mother of the Good Shepherd, Supt. Kamloops— St. Louis Church, Rev. 1. M. Leymen, O.M.I.,8upt., Rev. F. Guertin, O. M. I., Rev. J. Be- dard, 0. M. I. Boarding School for Girls— Rev. Sis- ter M. Beatrice, Supt. Industrial School for Indian Boys and Girls — Rev. A. Carion, Princi- pal. Kootenay— St. Eugene Mission, Rev. N. Cocoola, O.IMLI., Director; Rev. I. Jacob, O. M. I. Industrial School for Indian Boys and Girls— Rev. N. Cocoola, O. M. I., Principal. Okanagan — Lake Mission, Rev. C. H. Marchal, O. M. I., Director; Rev. I. Richard, 0. M. I., Rev. W. Walsh, O. M. I. St. Joseph's Mission — Williams Lake, Cariboo, Rev. A. Lejacq, O. M. I., Supt. ; Rev. D. Chiappini, O. M. I., Rev. C. DeVriendt, O. M. I. Industrial School for Boys and Girls — Rev. J. Lejacq, Principal. St. Mary's Mission — Matsqui, Rev. O. Oornellier, O.M,I., Supt. ; Rev. E. 0. Chirouse, O. M. I., Rev. E. Peytavin, 0. M. I. Boarding School for Indian Boys- Rev. 0. Cornellier, Supt. Boarding Schcol for Indian Girls — Rev. Sister M., Directress. Stuart's Lake Mission — Rev. G. Blanchet, O. M. I., Director; Rev. A. G. Morrice, O. M. I. Vancouver City — Church of O. L. of Rosary, Rev! H. Eummelin ; Revel- stoke, Rev. Joseph Accorsini. The Methodist Church. VICTOBIA DISTBICT — VANCOUVBB ISLAND. Victoria — Metropolitan Methodist Church, Rev. S. Cleaver, M. A., 107 Quadra Street. Centennial Methodist Church, Rev. Joseph Hall, 68 David Street. Victoria West Church, Rev. G. H. Morden. James' Bay Church, Rev.E. Robson. Chinese Mission, Fisguard Street, J. E. Gardener. Maple Bay — Rev. James Calvert (Shoplands). Nanaimo — Rev.R.R.Maitland,L.L.B. Nanaimo Chinese Mission, vacant. Northfield — vacant Salt Spring Island Saanich— Rev. Robert J. Irwin, North Saanich. Union — Rev. J. Robaon, B. A. Wellington — Rev. Southcott. NEW WESTMINSTEB DISTBICT. New Westminster— Central — Rev. T. W. Hall, T. D. Pearson, H. L. Lovering and R. Whittington. New Westminster — Sapperton — Rev. H. E. Bayley, B. A. New Westminster— West End— Rev. J. P. HickB. EE OUR SCOTCH AND EUGUSH TWEED SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS I m. WILLI AM» * CO., Olo«klM« mad H«ttM«, 87 JoMbmb it., VloioH*. m: '■*\-}iipJV'W}^^JIi iW(!.WUli.»l!IW!i; IT t^t\T T! Agent for The Cknadian Fire Ins. Co., llie London k Canadian • «l • Vlf JjXi Tin Ins. Co., Ltd, The Federal Life Safes and Vault Doorsc Standard Loan and Savings Co, Ass. Co., The j. & J. Taylor, Secretary of the Royal City BulldinK Society, Secy-Treas. of the NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. cyn b <l Si o 00 CO 10 20 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIREOTOBY. New Westminster — Chinese — Rev. Chan Sing Kai Vancouver— Homer Street— Rev. C. Watson. Vancouver — Princess St.eet — Rev. W. W. Baer. Vancouver— Mount Pleasant — Rev. S. J. Thompson. Vancouver — Chinese — Rev. Lin Yick Pang. Agassiz — Vacant. Aldergrove — Rev. W. E. Moody. Cheam — Rev. A. J. Gaebel. Chilliwack — Rev. C. Ladner. Delta— Rev. C. H. M. Sutherland, B.A., Ladners. Howe Sound — Rev. E. Manuel. Indian tribes — Rev. C. N. Tate. Langlev — Rev. A. N. Miller. Maple Ridge— Rev. W. Hicks. Mission City — Rev. J. W. Winslow. Richmond — Rev. A. Green (North Arm). Sumas — Rev. A. K. Sharpe. Surrey — Rev. J. P. Bowell. KAMLOOFS DISTRICT. Ainsworth — Vacant. Cariboo — Vacant. Clinton — Rev. Harris. Enderby — Rev. W. D. Misner. Kamlodps — Rev. J. F. Betts. Nelson and Slocan — Rev. Jas. Turner. Nicola — Rev. J. Ashton, B.A. Revelstoke and Donald — Rev. Pro- cunrey. Salmon Arm — Rev. D. D. Birks. Similikameen — Rev. A. K. Sharp. Vernon — Rev. J. A. Wood. SIMPSON DISTRICT. Bella Bella— Rev. R. B. Beavis. Bella Coola — Vacant. Kit-ze-qu-cla — Rev. W. H. Pierce Kit-a-maat — Rev. Geo. S. Anderson. Naas — Rev. W. J. Stone. Port Essington — Rev. D. Jennings. Port Simpson — Rev. Thos. Crosby. Queen Charlotte Island— Rev. B. C. Freeman. Upper ^keena — Vacant. The Presbyterian Church and Clergy. Victoria— Rev. J. Campbell, M.A., Ph. D., let Presbyterian ChurcQ, Pandora Avenue, residence 74 Cook street. Victoria — St. Andrew's, Douglas street, vacant. Victoria — Rev. D. Macrae, St. Paul's, residence 67 King's Road, Rev. A. B. Winchester, Chinese Mission. Vancouver — Rev. J. M. McLeod, Zion Church, Rev. E. D. McLaren, M. A.,B.D., St. Andrew's. Vancouver — Rev. J. W. McMillan, B.A., "Mount Pleasant." New Westminster — Rev. Thomas Scouler, St. Andrew's. New Westminster— Rev. W. G. Mills, B.A., West Church. New Vv'estriiinster — Rev. W. R. Ross, Sapperton. Alberni — Rev. R. J. Adamson, -Rev. J. A. McDonald, B.A. Chilliwack — Rev. J. A. Logan. Comox — Rev. Alex Fraser. Kamloopa — Rev. A. Lee, B.A. Kaslo — Rev. Mr. Martin. Ladner's Landing — Rev. T. S. Glass- ford, B.A. Langley — Rev. Alex Tate. Nanaimo — Rev. D. A. MacRae, St. Andrew's. Nelson— Rev. T. W. Rogers, B.A. Nicola Lake — ReV. G. Murray. North field— Rev. W. Stables' Smith. Revalstoke- Mr. Thos. Paton, Cate- chist. Spallumcheen — Rev. J. K. Wright. Spence's Bridge— Mr. T. G. McLeod, Citechist. Sooke — Mr. Campbell, Catechist. Surrey — Rev. B. K. McElmon. Vernon— Rev. P. F. Langill, B.A. Warnock — Rev. Alex Dunn. Wellington — Rev . A. Young. Without Charge— Rev. J. A. Jaffary, B.A., Rev. J. K. Smith, D.D. Baptist Churches. Nanaimo — Rev. G. E. Good, D.D. New Westminster— Rev. J. H. Best. Vancouver— Ist Baptist Church, Rev. W. C. Weir, Mount Pleasant. Victoria — Calvary, Rev. Jas. E. Coombs, residence 78 Chatham street. Emanuel. Spring Ridge, Rev. Lorimer, Belmont Avenue. T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardf are, Paints, Oils anil Aiiricnltaral Iiplements. Colnmbte SM-eet, NEW WBSTMINST£B, B. C. mmm HODSOI'S BUY COMPJIIY, IgcDts for Fort Garif and Beoton CoDoi| Floiirlni Mills -VICTORIA. «. O.- BBITIBH COLUMBIA DIBBCTOBT. 21 Reformed Episcopal Church. Victoria — ^The Right Reverend E. Cridge, Bishop, residence, 23 Carr street. New Westminster — Rev. Jno. Reed, D.D., Rev. T. Haddon. Abergeldie — Rev. G. Clement King. Jewish Congregation, Emanu-EI. Synagogue — Coi'ner Blanchard street and Pandora i.venue. Victoria— Rabbi, Dr. S. S. Philo. President, D. Hart; Vice.-President, J. Isaacs ; Treasnrer, F. Landsherg ; Secretary, N. E. Rienhardt; Board of Trustees — E. Prank, G.. Leiser, Dr. S. M. Haris:i:.n, U. Bornstein, M. Marks. ACTIVE MILITIA. Major-General Ivor John Caradoc Herbert, C.B., comiHanding the Mil- itia of Canada. Aide-de-Camp, Capt. Eric Streat- field [Lieut. Gordon Highlanders.] MILITABY DISTRICT NO. 11, PROVINCB OP BRITISH COLUMBIA — HEAD- QUARTERS, VICTORIA. Denuty- Adjutant General, Lieut. - Col, J. Peters; District Paymaster and Superintendent of Stores, Capt. A. W. Jones; Foreman of Stores, Charles Ireland. ROYAL MARINE ARTILLERY. (Sub-Marine Mining Detachment.) The Barracks— Work Point, Vic- toria. Officers Commanding— Lieut. F. N. Temple, Lieut. G. E. Barnes, Act'g Sergt.-Major, Color.-Sergt. W. G. Sparrow; Sergt. R. Boyd, Q.M.- Sergt., Lce-Sergt. A. Gibson. Commanding Royal Engineers — Major H. H. Muirhead, R.E. ; Military Foreman of Works, Q.M. S. G. Reeve, R.E. LOCAL CORPS. British Columbia Battalion of Gar- rison Artillery — Lieutenant-Col. Commanding, E. G. Prior, M.P., A.D.C.; Adjutant, P. M. Irving, Captain; Surgeon, Ed Hassell; Paymaster, W. Shears, Hon. Captain; Quartermaster, Vi. H. Dorman, Hon. Captain. No. 1 Battery, Victoria — Captain, va- cant; Lieutenant A. G. Sargison; 2nd Lieutenant, Ross Munro. No. 2 Battery, Victoria — Captain, W. J. Quinlan; Lieutenant, B. Wil- liams ; 2nd Lieutenant, F. Gregory. No. 3 Battery, Victoria — Captain W. B. Smallfield; Lieutenant, C. St. A. Pearse ; 2nd Lieutenant, vacant. Infantry Company, Nanaimo — Cap- tain, E A.. Praeger; Lieutenant, vacant; 2nd Lieutenant, W. R. Bryant. No. 4 Battery, New Westminster — Captain T. O. Townley ; Ist Lieu- tenant, H. E. Port. British Columbia Rifle Associations. (established 1874.) "For the encouragement of rifle shooting in the Province." PATRON : H. H. the Lieutenant-Governor of the Provinc List of Ot iH — President, Lt.-Col. R. Wolfeii.l.-u, R. L.: Yioe-Presi- dents, the I >t>putv Adjutant-Gen- eral, M. D. No. 11 ', ('apt McGii'gor, Nanaimo; Hon. Sen r Mclnnes, Victoria; Capt. Fietclier, R L., P O. Drawer 26, Victoria, B . ( ' : Treasurer, Capt . Dorman, B . C . B . G . A . ; Assistant Secret \ry, Mr . J . B . Taylor, 74 Government Street ; Auditor, Capt . Shears, B . C . B G. A. Membership fee, $2 per annum ; Life membership, |20 . The annual general meeting of the subscribers to the Association is held at Victoria during the month of Jan- uary in each year, as notified by adver- tisement. Foreign Consuls in British Colum- bia. Belgian— T. R. Smith, 17 Fort street. France — P. Snowden, 41 Government Street. Hawaiian Islands— R. P. Rithet, Wharf Street, Victoria. m o *« l;d © • OS a cr ^ s «C '^ « t! <1 A OB CD -I* l« 5 pi * M 9T INTERIOR WOODWORK, OFFICE AND BAE FITTINGS • . " BCii4« to Of d«p hf WXILER BROS. I m I. .' ^m^ p-l ^ « OS ^ Ph •t^ «M « © ^ s « v •«•» ► f/J «8 E. T. WILLIAMS gs Broad St., rietoria. 22 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Imperial German Consul — Carl Low- enbertj, 82 Wharf Street. Italy— Hon. J. H. Turner, M. P. P., Wharf Street. Japanese — F. Schimurg, 421 Howe Street, Vancouver. Sweden and Norway — Robert Ward, 17 Fort St-eet, Victoria; Vice-Con- Bul, W. A. Ward. Sweden and Norway — B. Springer, Vice-Consul, Mood.ville. United States of America — Levi W. Myers, 43 Government Street, Vic- toria. U. S- A. — r. H. Pierce, Commercial Agent, Vancouver. U. S. A. — W. B. Dennison, Consular Agent, Nanaimo. List of Incorporated Companies Registered During 1893. The Vancouver, British Columbia and South Lawr. nee Improvement Company, Ltd. Colonist Publishing and Printing Company, Ltd. Indus- trial Loan and Trust Company, Ltd. The Mount Baker Hotel Company, Ltd. Toad Mountain Mining Com- pany, Ltd. The Pacific Coast Pack- ing Company, Ltd. Steveston Can- ning Company, Ltd. The Federation Brand Salmon Canning Company, Ltd. British Columbia Coal Petro- leum and Mineral Company, Ltd. The Okanagan Falls Townsite Com- pany, Ltd. The Van Winkle Consol- idated Hydraulic Mining Company, Ltd. The Siwash Creek Bedrock Fluiqe Company, Ltd. Northern Shipping Company, Ltd. The Oka- nagan Telephone Company, Ltd. British Columbia Timber Land and Electric Company, Ltd. The Con- sumers Coal Company, Ltd. Perse- verance Lodge No. 1, of the I. O. of G. T., Victoria. The Victoria Cen- tral Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Royal City Lodge, No. 18, of the I. O. of Oddfellows. The British Columbia Wood Works Com pan v, Ltd. The Horse Fly Hydraulic Min- ing Company, Ltd. The West Koot- enay Land Company, Ltd. Kootenay Lake General Hospital Sbcietv. Loyal Fernwood Lodge, No. 178, of the Canadian Order of Oddfellows, M. U. The Emanuel Baptist Church, (Victoria). The Mission City Land Company, Ltd. The Victoria Phoenix Brewing Company, Ltd. The Brit- ish Columbia Match Factory Com- Eany, Ltd. The (Kanaka Bar Gold iredging Company, Ltd. Prince Albert Flat Hydraulic Mining Com- pany, Ltd. Quesnelle Forks Canal and Hy(Jrau(ic Mining Company, Ltd. Tha Rtjvelstoke Printing and PuUisliing Company, Ltd. Bridge River Cold Mining Company, Ltd. The Kaslo Wharfage, Storehouse and Drayage Company, Ltd. The Dip- lock Book and Stationery Company, Ltd. Sutton Lumber and Trading Company, Ltd. The Thompson River Hydraulic Mining Company, Ltd. The Fraser River Fishermens' Protective and Benevolent Associ- ation of British Columbia. The Western Wire Mattress and Fur- niture Manufacturing Company, Ltd. The Fraser Valley Fruit Cannery Company, Ltd. Inland Construction and Development Company, Ltd. Pacific Fish Company, Ltd. Far West Lodge, No. 1, K.of P., Victoria, B. C. The Similkameen Gold Gravels Exploration Company, Ltd. Liability. The Calvary Baptist Church, (Victoria). Citizens' Build- ing Society of Nanaimo, B. C, Ltd. Kootenai Mining and Development Company, Ltd. Nanaimo Lodge, No. 4, K. of P., of the City of Nanaimo, B. C. The Western Dredging Com- pany, Ltd. Kootanie Creek Gold Mining Company, Ltd. The Canad- ian Australian Commission and Trad- inji Company, Ltd. The Vancouver and Westminster Electric Tram- way and Light Company, Ltd. The Wycott Hydraulic Mining Company, Ltd. Telegraph Offices and Rates. HEAD OFFICE, NEW YORK BLOCK, GRAN- VILLE STREET, VANCOUVER — SUPER- INTENDENT, I AMES WILSON — LOCAL MANAGER, VIC RIA, WM. CHRIOTIE. Local Rates — Between ofiicesinthe same Section, '..Tm;, and 2c from offices in section 9 to i liose in section 10, and vice versa, 40c. and 3c. Viotoi 21 ,' \ . T. D0BE80N. N. W. D0BE80N. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Xr»n and Hraat Founder*, General MaeMni»t$t AH Kindt of Bepaire, Zand and Marine, NANAIMO, • • BRITISH COLUMBIA. SEC. 10 Agass Alberi 9 Alberi 10 Alder Barke mor 9 Beave 9 Bear ( Bridge nigh 10 Brown 10 Chemj Cache Cedar, Chilcol Clover West Coutlef Bridj Cowich Cranbr 10 Chilliw 9 Clanwi; Clinton more 10 Cobble Departi Dog Crt 9 Donald 9 Ducks. 10 Duncan East W naimc Elgin, minst 9 Enderb' 9 Field. " Fort Si aimo. Gabrlol' Valde 9 Glacier 9 Golden Granite Bridge 9 Griffin I Grohma; 10 Hammoi Harrisor Agassi 9 Hector. 10 Hope Sti Hot Spri mail, I kane. 9 Ille-cille- 9 Kamloop Eastef n TA See our Sam Victoria Transfer Co«9 Xitd* xAtJandgutekLtuZ^iTn' - 21 aad 23 Brovslktoii Stre«t, Victoria, B. Tel. 129. BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. "'i SEC. OFFICES. SEO. OFFICES. 10 Aeassiz, section 10, Ashcroft> Alberni, by mail, Nanaimo. 10 Eeefers. .^eremeos, by mail Sicamoua. 9 Albert Canyon . 10 Koksilah. 10 Alder Grove. Eootenay, by mail Golden . Barkerville, 75-5 day, 50-3 night. LKdner's Landing, 25-2 New more than section 10. Westminster. 9 Beaver.-noath . Lac la Hache, by mail Bridge 9 Bear Crjek. Creek. Bridge Creek, 25-2 day, 25-1 Langley . night, more than sectibn 10. Langley Prairie, by mail New 10 Brownsville. Westminster. 10 ChemaniuB. Lillooet, by mail Clinton. Cache Creek, by mail, Ashcroft . Lower Nicola, by mail Spence's Cedar, by mail, Nanaimo . Bridge . Chilcoten, by mail. Soda Creek . Clover Valley, by mail. New Lulu Island, by mail New West- minster. Westminster . 10 Lytton. Maple Bay, by mail ^oksihxh . 10 Matsqui(P.O. Riverside). CoutlesB, by mail, Spence's Bridge. Cowichan, by mail, Koksilah. Metchosin, by mail Victoria. Cran brook, by mail, Golden. 10 Mission. 10 Chilliwack. Moody ville, 25-2 Vancouver. 9 Clanwilliam. Mount Lehman, by mail New Clinton, 25-2 day, 25-1 night, Westminster . more than section 10. 10 Nanaimo. 10 Cobble Hill. Nelson Mining Camp, by mail Departure Bay, 10-0 Nanaimo , Revelstoke, or via Spokane. Dog Creek, oy mail, Clinton. 10 New Westminster (Mj. 9 Donald. Nicola Lake, by mail Spence's 9 Ducks. Bridge. 10 Duncans. North Arm, by mail New West- East Wellington, by mail, Na- minster. naimo. • 10 North Bend . Elgin, by mail. New West- 9 Okanagan. minster. Okanagan Mission, by mail 9 Enderbv. Sicamous. 9 Field. ' 150-Mile House, by mail Bridge Fort Simpson, by mail, Nan- Creek. aimo. Osoyoos, by mail Sicamous. Gabrloli Island, by mail. 9 Palliser. Valdes . Pavillion, by mail Clinton. 9 Glacier Hotel. Plumper's Pass, by New West- 9 Golden City. minster or Victoria. Granite Creek, by mail, Spence's 10 Port Moody. Bridge. Port Haney, by mail Ham- 9 Griffin Lake mond. Grohman, by mail, Golden. Princeton, by mail Sicamous. 10 Hammond. Quamichan, by mail Duncan's. Harrison Hot Springs, 10-0 Quesnelle, 50-3 day, 30-3 night. Agassiz . more than sec . 10 9 Hector. Quilchena, by mail Sicamous . 10 Hope Station . 9 Revelstoke. Hot Springs Mining Camp, by mail, Eeveistoke, or via Spo- 10 Riverside seeMatsqui). Rock Creek, by mail Sicamous. kane. 9 Roger's Pass . 9 lUe-cille-waet. 9 Ross Peak . 9 Kam loops. 9 Salmon Arm . Eastern TAILOR-MADE SUITS to Measure. ^hUSR/r'H^^ Bee our 8*mpieg and Prices. B. WILLIAMS & CO., 97 Johoson St., Victoria. (SBj^/i if! \m <!|.r VxUk ■Mi L J. COLE BEAL ESTATE AND INSUBANOE Dupont Block, Columbia St., New Wettminiter, B. C. cyo W CO O 00 CO 10 24 BRITIBU COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. 10 BBC. OFFICES. Salt Spring Island, by mail Vic- toria. Savonas . Sea Island, by mail New West- minster. 9 Shuswap. 9 Sicamous. Skeena, by mail Nanaimo. Soda Creek, 50-3 day, 20-2 night, more than sec 10 . Somenos, by mail Duncan's, hooke, by mail Victoria. Spallumeheen, by mail Sica- mous . 10 Spence's Bridge. Sproat's Landing, l)y mail Rev- elstoke, or via Spokane. Stanley Tariff, same as Barker- ville. Sumas, by Ohilliwhack. Surrey Centre, by mail New Westminster. Toad Mountain Mining Camp, by mail Kevelstoke or Spo- kane. Trail Creek Camp, bv mail Re- velstoke or via Spokane . 10 Twin Butte. Upper Sumas, by mail Chilli- wack . 10 Valdes. 10 Vancouver (M) . 9 Vernon 10 Victoria (M). 10 WelUngton. Westminster .Junction. 10 Yale. Note — M, money transfer offices. RATES OUTSIDE THE PROVINCE. Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick ^1 00 & 7 Washington, Oregon and California 1 00 & 7 RATES VIA MACKAY-BENNETT CABLE. Per Word. B. C. to Great Britain, France and Germany . $ 37 Australia, via Eastern . . 1 36 to $2 68 Australia, via Northern 3 27 to 3 53 Austria 46 Belgium 42 Denmark 47 Gibraltar 55 Holland 44 India, via Eastern 1 35 Per Word. Italy Japan, Hakodadi, Higo- go, Nagasaki, Osaka, Tokio, Yeddo and Yo- kohama, via Northern Java, via Eastern Norway Portugal Russia, in Europe Spain, via Eastern Sweden Turkey in Europe, via France Turkey in Europe, via Eastern 44 2 83 1 84 47 51 56 52 51 49 65 Postal Guide and Rates. LETTERS . liCtters — Canada and United States, 3 cents per 1 oz., or fraction there- of. Great Britain and Newfound- land, 5 cents per }^ oz., or fraction thereof. City or Drop Letters, for city delivery, 2 cents, or fraction thereof. Registration Fee — United States, Great Britain and Eurooean coun- tries, Canada or Newfoundland, 5 cents . Letters addressed to places in the United States mUst be prepaid at least one full rate, 3 cents ; otherwise they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. Letters addressed to any place in Canada, wholly unpaid, will be sent to the Dead Letter Office . Letters addressed to places in Can- ada, and at least partially prepaid, will be forwarded to destination, sub- ject on delivery to double the amount of postage remaining unpaid . Redirected Letters to any place in United States or Canada will be for- warded free, provided they are not taken from the postoffice, otherwise full rate will be L>harged . LEOAL AND COMMERCIAL DOCUMENTS. The postage on Legal and Commer- cial Papers for the United States, Great Britain and all European coun- tries, is 5 cents for the first 10 oz., and 1 cent for every additional 2 oz . These papers, when posted for de- livery in C Letter or I and Insuri if prepaid, For Cam 1 cent eacli all Postal each . Rei 2 cents eac tached to a card be cut BOOKS ANL Books, ] Canada, 1 United Sta cent per 2 OS Proof Sheet ada or Nt States, Gi European ci No packa length bv 1 The limit of cd States is a single boo of 7 tt)8 is a 5 11)8 ; for o tries, 4 lbs. Seeds, Cu Scions or Gi the United i When poste the postage the limit of Transient Dominion, foundland, 1 thereof. A weighing les warded for Kingdom an 1 cent for i cases the poi paid. PARCEL POST- United St lbs ; size, 2 f( be sealed. I at postoffice. Canadian— of weight, 5 1 can be registf United Ki per lb. or un( T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Faints, Oils and Afljlcaltnral Iipleients. Columbia Street, NEW WBSTMINSTBB, B. C. HODSON'S BAY COMPANY Wholesale Qroeers & fine MercMs VICTORIA. B. C. BRITIBU OOLUMHIA DIRECTORY, 26 livery in Canada, muat be prepaid at Letter or Parcel Post rates — but deeds and Insurance Policies may be sent, if prepaid, 1 cent per 2 oz. POST CARDS. For Canada and the United States, 1 cent each . For Great Britain and all Postal Union countries, 2 cents each . Reply cards, for Canada only, 2 cents each. Nothing must be at- tached to a post card, nor must the card be cut or defaced in any way . BOOKS AND MIHCELIiANEOUS M<^TER . Books, Pamphlets, Circulars, to Canada, 1 cent per 4 oz. ; to the United States and Great Britain, 1 cent per 2 oz. ; Photographs, Printers' Proof Sheets, etc.. addressed to Can- ada or Newfoundland, the United States, Great Britain and all European countries, 1 cent per 2 oz . No package) must exceed 2 feet in length by 1 foot in width or depth . The limit of weight for Canada, Unit- ed States is 5 ttis unless consisting of a single book, in whicli case a weight of 7 fis is allowed. Great Britain is 5 tt>8; for other Postal Union coun- tries, 4 lbs. Seeds, Cuttings, Bulbs, Roots and Scions or Grafts can only be sent to the United States as 6th class matter. When posted for delivery in Canada, the postage is 1 cent per 4 oz., and the limit of weight 5 ttis. NEWSPAPERS. Transient newspapers within the Dominion, United States or New- foundland, 1 cent per 4oz, or fraction thereof. A single newspaper open weighing less than 1 oz. will be for- warded for >2 cent. To the United Kingdom and all European countries 1 cent for 2 ozs. or under. In all cases the postage must be [ully pre- paid. PARCEL POST— FOURTH CLASS MATTER. United States — Limit of weight, 5 lbs ; size, 2 feet by 1 foot. Must not be sealed. For full particulars apply at postoffice. Canadian — Six cents per 4 oz ; limit of weight, 6 lbs ; size, 2 feet by 1 foot ; can be registered, fee 6 cents. United Kingdom — Twenty cents per lb. or under; limit of weight, 11 lbs ; size, 2 feet bv 1 foot. Customs declaration must be attached. Newfoundland — Fifteen cents per lb. or under; limit of weight, 6 lbs; size, 2 feet by 1 foot. A Customs de- claration must be attached. SAMPLE POST. Sample post to any place in Canada and Newfoundland,! cent per 4 oz; limit of weight, 24 oz. The limit of weight to United States is 8 oz., 2 cents for the first 4 ozs. and 1 cent for every additional 2 ozs. The limit of weight to the United Kingdom is 12 oz; dimensions, 12 inches long 8 wide and 4 deep. MONEY ORDERS. Money Order oflBces opened from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. All letters contain- ing money , lerb 'houl'' be regis- tered. LIST OP POST OFFICES IN BRITISH COLUMBIA AT WHICH MONEY ORDERS ARE IBHUEJ. Agassiz, AlbQrni, Aldergrove, Ash- croft, Barkerville, Burgoyne Bay, Chilliwack, Chemanius, Clinton, Comox, Corfield, Coutlee, Donald, Duncan's Station, Enderby, Esqui- mau, Field, Golden, Hope, Kam- loops, Ladner's Landing, Lulu Island, Langley, Lytton, Mission City, Na- naimo. Nelson, New Westminster, Nicola Lake, Plumper Pass, Port Hammond, Quesnelle, Ravelstoke, Soda Creek, Spence's Bridge, Sumas, Vancouver, Vernon, Victoria, Well- ington, Yale. Commission on Money Orders. OTHER COUNTRIES AND BRITISH COL- ONIES. If not exceeding $10 10c Over |10, not exceeding $20 20c " 2C " " 30 30c " 30 " " 40 40c •• 40 " " 60 60c IF DRAWN ON P. o'S IN THE DOMINION. If not exceeding $4 2c Over $4, not exceeding $10 5c " 10 " " 20 lOe " 20 " " 40 20c " 40 " " 60 30c " 60 " " 80 40c " 80 " " 100 50c 02 Will BROS. itiire Dealers, VUTORU, mm TkTV VlMnST ^\^f More Hand* and More Capital than all other Binderies ¥¥ Xi Eitn rMj%J X in the Province. 98 HBO AD HTBBMT, VICTOBIA. M * >f R. T. WIIlIilAMS 5ll ■4^ 1 ai Q "S ja iS ■•-» «t-i « o A GD -«-) £ a> s «3 « >- GC 26 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. No sinf^le money order payable in the Dominion can be issued for more than $100, but as many of $100 each may be given to same person. FOREIGN POSTAL RATES. *Money orders may be had on these countries. aParcels may be sent to these coun- tries. bParcels may be sent to the principal places or porta in these countries. cPrepayment compulsory. dOnly letters can be registered. America — Letters, 3c. ; postal cards, Ic. ; newspapers, Ic. ; book pack- ets, Ic. ; registration fee, 2c. The rate to the following countries is, for letters, >^ oz. 5c. ; postal cards, 2c . each ; newspapers, 2 oz . Ic . ; book package, 2 oz . Ic . ; registra- tion fee, 5c . o*Aden (in Arabia), India Postal Agency. ♦Algeria . aArgentine Republic . Australia, South . a " West. a*Au8tria-Hungary . o*Bahama8 . a*Belgium . a*Bermuda . ♦Borneo, North (British). Brazil. a»Cape Colony . o*Ceylon . aChile . China. d* Hong-Kong and agencies of Hong-Kong, P.O. at Amoy, Canton, Foochow, Hankow Hoihow, Ningpo, Shanghai, and Swatow. aOolombo. * Panama (British Postal Agency.) a*Cypru8. a*Denraark. *East Indies (Dutch), etc. a Java. a*Egypt . ♦Falkland Islands . Faroe Islands . Fiji Islands . a*France . •Gambia. a*Germany . o*Gibraltar. ♦Gold Coast. a^Great Britain and Ireland . fcGreece . a^Guadur (in Beloochistan). a^Guiana, British. " Dutch and French . Honduras . ♦ British (Belize) . ♦Iceland . a^India (British). a^Italy. a Japan . ♦Lagos . aLuxumbourg. o^Malta. a^Mauritius . aMexioo. a^Muscat (in Arabia) India Postal Agency. a^Natal . a^Netherlands . a^Newfoundland . New South Wales . a* " " New Zealand. a* a^Norway. Persia. a* Bander Abas, Bushire Jask and Lir~<i, (India Postal Agen- cies). Peru. ^♦PortuKal, including Azores and Madeira Islands. Queensland (Australia). a^Roumania. Russia, including Finland . ♦St. Helena. Sandwich Islands. a^Seychelles Islands. a^Sierra Leone. 6Spain . a^Straits Settlements, Singapore, etc. o^Sweden . a^Switzerland. Tasmania . bTurkey, European and Asiatic . a* Constantinople and Smyrna (British Postal Agencies) . a^Bagdad and Basrah, India Postal Agencies. ♦United States of America. Venezuela . Victoria (Australia) . a^Zanzibar (India Postal Agencies). West India Islands, via N. Y. a^British: Bahamas, Turks Island, Antigua, Barbadoes, Dominica, Grenada, Janaica, Montserat, Victoria Ti 91 Nevis, 8 Vincent, o^Danish: St. St. Thomas. Spanish: Cubi Porto Rico Hayti, and St. Post Offices Money CORRECTED T( Offices mark Offices; market Offices. Abbottsford, Aberdeen, W ♦fAgassiz, L. Ainsworth, B ♦tAlberni, Aj tAldergrove, Alert Bajr, S . Alexandria, i Alexis Creek, Alkali Lake. , Armstrong, D Ashcroft, Mai ♦tAshcroft Sta Balfour, C. W ♦tBarkerville, Beaver. W. G Beaver Creek, Beaver Point, Big Bar Creek Blue Springs, Brownsville, , tBurgoyna Ba Burrard Inlet Cache Creek, Cedar, John I Cheam, 0. S. fChemainus, ] Chilcoten, G. ♦tChilliwack, Glaxton, Alex Clayquot, J. ( Clay ion, C. C tChnton, A. I Cloverdale. G« Clover Valley, Cobble Hill, G Colwood, A. I ♦tComox, J. I Coquitlam, R. tCorfield, G. 1 Cortez Island, T. D0BE80N, N, >V, DOBBBON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron and JBra»» F'oundertt General XaeMniettt All KtHdit of Bepatrt, Zand and Marine, NANAIMO, • • BRITISH COLUMBIA. B.'V -^^"^rr.^ Ytctoria Transfer Co., Ltd. """§S5 S;^^,&SrSS^ ^£S^' 91 ait€l 93 Broughton Street, Victorta, B. C. Xetephane 39h , T £ X A S L A K £ I C £ C O V A N C O u V E B B C BBITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTOBY. 27 Nevis, St. Kltts, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Trinidad and Tobago. a*Dani8h: St. Croix, St. John and St. Thomas. Spanish: Cuba. Porto Rico . Hayti, and St. Domingo. Post Offices, Postmasters Money Order Offices. and COBRECTED TO IST OCTOBEB, 1893. Offices marked t are Money Order OfBces ; marked * ai . Savings Bank OfiBces. Abbottsford, F. Munro. Aberdeen, W. Dempster. *tAeasaiz, L . A . Agassiz . Ainswortb, R. F. Green. *tAlberni, Agnes Grickson. fAldergrove, P. Jackman. Alert Ba)r, 8 . A . Spencer . Alexandria, A. T. Mclnnes. Alexis Creek, F. Nightingale. Alkali Lake. J. Bowe Armstrong, D. Rabbit. Ashcroft, Mai7 J. Cornwall. •t Ashcrof t Station , W . B . V . Bailey . Balfour, C. W. Busk. *tBarkervilIe, Jas . Stone. Beaver. W. G. Neilson.** Beaver Creek, C. F. Bishop. Beaver Point, A . McLennan . . Big Bar Creek, P. Grinder. Blue Springs, A . McDonell . Brownsville, Jas. Punch. tBurgoyna Bay, F. Maxwell. Burrard Inlet, Geo . Black . Cache Creek, Jas. Campbell. Cedar, John Hill. Cheam, C. S. Ryder. tChemainus, E.'J. Palmer. Cbilcoten, G. Dester. *tChilliwack, S. Mellard. Claxton, Alex. Robertson. Clayquot, J. C. Brocklehurst. Clayton, C. C. Cameron. tClinton, A. Le Bourdais. Cloverdale. Geo . Camobell . Clover Valley, D. Mckenzie. Cobble Hill, G. T. Porter. Colwood, A . H . Peatt . *tComox, J. B. Holmes. Coquitlam,R.B. Kelly. tCorfield, G. T. Corfleld. Cortez Island, M . Manson . Court enay, C. F. Whitney. tCoutlee, J. Blair. Gowichan, G. B. Ordano. Gowichan Lake, A. Fraser. Denman Island, R. T. Swan. Departure Bay, Jas. Harper. Deroche, E . Des Rochers . Dewdney, J . Barker . Dog Creek, J. S. Place. tDonald, R. W. Patmore. Douglas Lake, J. B. Greaves. Duck & Pringle's, A. Daniels. •tDuncan's Station, W. P. Jaylea. East Sooke, Jas. Reill. East Wellington, W. S. Chandler. Eburn (late North Arm), W. H. Eburn. Elgin, C. V. Roland. Empire Valley, J. M. J. Brown. tEnderby, O . Harvey Erington, J. A. McCarter. tEsquimalt, W. S. Goodwin. Fairmont Springs, S. Brewer. Fairview, T. Elliott. •tField,H. G. Parson. Fort Simpson, C. W. D. Clifford. Fort Steele, Chas. Clark. French Creek, W. H. Lee. Fulford Harbor, H.N. Rogers. Gabriola Island, Jas. Gray. Galena, Geo . McMillan . Garnham , W . Garnham . Genoa, W. D. Baker. Glen wood, W. Beadis. tGolden, C. A. Warren. Goldstream, J. Phair. Grand Prairie, R . M . Ciemitson . Granite Creek, W . 1'. Thompson. Grantham, Mrs. M. Grieve. Hagan. Jas. Hagan. Hall's Prairie, D. V^. Brown. Hanceville, O . T . Hance . Harrison Hot Springs, JR. Brown . Harrison Rive.", C. W. Menten. Hatzic, F. T. Lazenby. Hatzic Prairie, L. Thompson. Hazelmere, H. T. Thrift. Heal, F. Heal. Hernando Island, W. D. Rorison. tHope, J. Wardle. Hornby Island, Geo. Ford. Howe Sound, G. W. Gibson, Sr. Huntingdon, T. S. Truswell. tlUecillewaet, A. C. McArthur. *tKamloopB, E. H. Jones. Kaslo, J. B. Wilson. Keithley Creek, G. A. Veith. Eelowna, Thos. Spence. See onr Boys' Ms and Oyercoats. Best assortment in the City, pricos low, onaiity booh B. WnXXAMS * Co., 07 JOHNBON ST., VICTORIA. mm J DUFON-r BLOCK. COLUMBIA STKSET, NEW WE8TIIINSTER, B. C. O^ CXD o 00 CO 10 C»5 28 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRBCTOBY. KeremeoB, T. Dal v. Port Kells, J. Latta. Kettle River, E . Spra{{get . Port Moody, J. Paves. Princeton, J. F. Allison. Koksilah, C. Crozier. Koot«nay, D. Griffiths. Quamichan, Florence Jaynes. Kuper Island, Rev. G. Donkell. tQoesnelle, A. McNaughton. Lac La Hache, W.Abel. Quesnelle Forks, W. Stephenson. ♦tLadner's Landing, T . McNeely . Quilchena, R. Charters. tLangley, J. M. Drummond. Read Island, E. W. Wylie. Langley Prairie, W . Murray . •tRevelstoke, F. B. Wells. Lillooet, Mrs. C. A. Phair. Revelstoke Stn, H. J. Bourne. Loch Erroch, Thos. Wilson. Riverside, W. Elliott. Lower Nicola, R. M. Woodward. Rivers Inlet, H. J. Kirkland. Lulu Island, W. H. Loudon. Robeon, N. 0. Sicotte. Lund, C. A. Thulin. Rock Creek, M. McGuaig. tLytton, A. Stevenson. Rockford, R. Scott. Mamette Lake, L. Quienville. Rogers' Pass, W. Cator. Maple Bay, W Morley . St. Elmo, C. F. Pound. Mara, F . Appleby . Metlakatla, J. Cunningham. St. Eugene Mission, Rev. N. Co- cola. Millstream, J. Wrigglesworth . tMission City, Jas . Tretheway . Salmon Arm, Emily McGuire. Salt Spring Island, J. BroadweU. Moody ville, A. M. C. King. Sandwick, E. Duncan. Mount Lehman, J. G. Langley. Sapperton, H. L. De Beck. Sardis, A. S. Vedder. Mount Pleasant, T. R. Morrow. Mount Tolinie, Thos. NicoU. Sadona's Ferry, J. H. McNab. Mud Bay, Thos. Welsh. Shopland, J. Shopland. McPherson Station, Annie Night- Shortfeed, R. Shortreed. ingale. Shuswap, Lilly Hoflfman. Naas Harbor, A. G. McLellan. Sicamous, W. F. Wood. Nakusp, U . 8 . Thomas . Sidney, L. Dickenson. *tNanaimo, A. H. Home. Silverdale, R. Law. Nanoose Bay, W . Roberts . Skeena, R. Cunningham. •tNelson, G. L. Gieker. Sluggett, J. Sluggett. tSoda Creek, R. McLeese. New Denver, F. Bo me. *tNew Westminster, J. T. Brown. Somenos, Mrs . Mary J . Kier . *tNicola Lake, A . R. Carrington. Sooke, .7. Hewer. Nicomekl, R. Ludlow. South Vancouver, W . Daniels . Nicomin, W. Brown. Spailumcheen, G.J. Wallace. NorthBend, J. Webb. tSpence's Bridge,- J. Murray. Northfield, W. Crossan. Squamish, W. Mashiter. North Saanich, T.J. Forfar. Steveston, W. H. Steves. Notch Hill. fSumas, D. McGillivray. Oaklands, W. B. C. Mewburn. Surrey Centre, J . Churchland . Okanagan, C. O'Keefe. Tappen Siding, F. McCulla. Okanagan Mission, B. Lequime. Terra Nova, J. Mellis. 160-Mile House, R. Borland. Thunder Hill, R. W. Brownrigg. OsoyooB, T. Kruger. Tinehead, R. S. M. Inglis. Otter, D. W. Poppy. Trail Creek, E. S. Topping. Otter Point, E . Gordon . Turgoose, F. Turgoose. Parksville, N. Parks. tUnion, J. L. Roe. Pavillion, W. Lee. Upper Sumas, M . Fadden . Valdez Island, R. Hall. Pender Island, W. Grimmer. Penticton, T. Ellis. *tVancouver, J. Miller. Pilot Bay, H. Bvers. Van Winkle, Mrs. Laura Dodd. tPlumper Pass, W. T. Collinson. *tVernon, R. McDougali. Port Guichon, G. Sherman. *tVictoria, N. Shakespeare. , *tPort Hammond, A. L. Lazenby. Victoria West, A. Watson, jr. Port Haney, D. Docksteader. Waneta, J. Reith. I mmmmm ^ Watson, E. Webster's Co *tWellington Westham Isli Westholme, White Valley Whannock, ( Windermere, tYale, D. J. Young, H. R POSTOFFIOF Deposits fro which 4 per cer will be receivec the central ofl Savings Bank, every informati' plication . List of Po8t< now in operatic — Ashcroft Stat mox, Kamloops Nanaimo, New Lake, Port Hai Vaiicouver, Vicf List of Countr tion to Cai prised i L Antigua . Argentine Repul Australia. Austria-Hungar; Azores . Bahamas . Barbados . Belgium . Bermudas . Bolivia . Bosnia Herzegov Brazil . British Borneo. British Guiana. British Hondnra British New Gai Bulgaria. Cameroons . Canary Islands. Ceylon. Chili. Colombia (Repu^ Congo. Costa Rica. Cyprus. T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Faints, Oils and AisriGnitnral Iipleients. Colombia Street, NSW WESTMINSTIB, B. C. HODSON'S BAY COMPANY i Kw ii y ii Xurtpean and Xnglith OMOCXXIWSSt WINBB mnd ZIQVOR8, Vree and In Bond. VICTORIA, B. C. BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTOBY. 29 Watson, E. R. Atherton. Webster's Corners, J. M. Webster. *+Wellington, T. Bryant. Westham Island, T. Adsett. Westholme, E. Barkley. White Valley, P. Bisset. Whannock, G. A. Smith. Windermere, J . Stoddart . tYale, D. J. Creighton. Young, H. R. Young. , POSTOFFIOR SAVINGS BANKS. Deposits from $1 upwards, on which 4 per cent interest is allowed, will be received for transmission to the central office of the Postoffice Savings Bank. Pass books and every information to be had on ap- plication . List of Postoffice Savings Banks now in operation in British Columbia — Ashcroft Station, Chilliwack, Co- mox, Kamloops, Ladner's Landing, Nanaimo, New Westminster, Nicola Lake, Port Hammond, Quamictian, Vancouver, Victoria and Wellington . List of Countries Which, in Addi- tion to Canada, are Com- prised in the Postal Union. Antigua . Argentine Republic . Australia. Austria-Hungary . Azores . Bahamas . Barbados . Belgium . Bermudas . Bolivia . Bosnia Herzegovina. Brazil . British Borneo. British Guiana. British Honduras . British New Guinea . Bulgaria . Cameroons . Canary Islands. Ceylon . Chili. Colombia (Republic of) . Congo. Costa Rica. Cyprus. Daniih Colonies, viz.: Greenland, St. Croix, St. John and St. Thomas. Denmark (including Faroe Islands and Iceland) . Dominica. Dominican Republic (San Domingo) . Ecuador. Egypt. England (See United Kingdom). Falkland Islands. Fiji Islands. France . French Colonies, viz. : Martinic^ue, Guadaloupe and dependercies, French Guiana (Cayenne), Senegal and dependencies, Gaboon and Grand Bassam, Aghwey, Half Jack, (also Sette, Cama and Assinie), Reunion, Cormoro Islands, May- otte and dependencies, French es- establishments in Madagascar, New Caledonia and dependencies, the French portion of the Low Archi- pelago, and the French establish- ments in India (Pondichery, Chan- dernagor, Karikal, Mane and Yanaon), and in Cochin China. Gambia. Germany . German Possessions, viz. : Camer- oons Territory, Marshall Islands, Territory of Togo. Territory of South West Africa, and New Guinea (portion of). Gibraltar. Gold Coast. Greece . Grenada. Grenadines. Guatemala. Hawaiian Islands . Hayti. Heligoland . Herzegovina (See Bosnia) . Honduras (Republic of). Hong Kong. India. Ireland (See United Kingdom) . Italy. Jamaica. Japan. Laouan . Lagos. Liberia. Luxemburg. Madeira. Malta. Marquesas Islands. vv\ Hi WEIL[R BROS., are Complele Houiie Fumisbets. U^ Slock in B. C. T.El ' vv'^9 ^11 i gi ^'hf* riiSe^H/flN Hwiiii ■ i i HiHn HiPi ' lAEil I w 5P g IHii gp- 'IKi^^^lJ^ HIifi ^H' iW^^^^^RlK^ rj|BBWH|| 00 ^^ <ilp fwH Cedar , Lath, ■ s i m 1 00 S iSipi v» i ts* B ^^Di^H^Hml WcimM '< ' M* ^ ^^HHl ^B ^H'lVS rfr&SmB Of? hej i nil wB^'l t^ N-. IlilflBl, 11 • ►< Xpi^^HftK^H 'L^^^^^|S^Vj OB - t^ '1 wlH'^'I^H^^ ^ s S" 3 ^ Z 9^9H ^^ . M nsti Vic ^K^Hu-vsHDmllfl^l^HBIZ ?-" 2. 9 f 1 w^^Bw^^^^^H^HI U g ?^ H |H n wFmmmmm wmf^mmmm 88 BROA.D STRBKT. VICTORIA.. -♦s ■ C0 « 2 « o A w ■<-» ft « .& 1 . « ■g £ !» 1 80 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBKCTORY. Mauritius and dependencies. ' Mexico. Montenegro. Montserrat. Natal. Netlierlands . Netherland Colonies, viz. : Dutch Guiana (Surinam), Curacoa and de- pendencies, viz. : Bonaire, Aruba, the Netherland portion of St. Mar- tin, St. Eustache, Saba, Jsva, Madura, Sumatra, Celebes, Borneo (except North-west part), Billiton, Archipelatco of Banca, Archipelago of Eiouw. Sunda Islands (Baly, Lombok, Sumbawa, Floris and the South-west part of Timor), the Archipelago of the Moluccas, and North-west part of New Guinea (Papua). Nevis. New^foundland. New Zealand. Nicaragua . Norway. Paraguay. Patagonia. Persia. Peru. Portugal. Portuguese Colonies, viz . : Goa and and its dependencies (Daman and Diu), MacHo, Timor, Cape Verd Islands and dependencies (Bissau and Cacheu), Islands of St. Thomas and Prince (in Africa), with the Establishment of Ajuda, Angola, Delagoa Bay and Mozambique. Roumania. Russia. St. Christopher (St. Kitts). St. Lucia. St. Pierre and Miquelon. St. Vincent, West Indies. Salvador. Scotland (See United Kingdom). Servia. Seychelles (.See Mauritius) . Siam. Sierra Leone ■ Spain (including Balearic and Canary Islands). South African Republic (Transvaal). Spanish Colonies, viz : — Cuba, Porto Rico, Fernanda Po, Annobon and dependencies, Philipine Islands and Marian Islands. Straits Settlements. Switzerland. Tahiti. Tasmania. Tobago. Tortola. ' Transvaal (South African Republic). Trinidad. Turkey. Turk's Islands. United Kii\gdomof Great Britain and Ireland. United States of America. United States of Colombia. Uruguay. Venezuela. Virgin Islands. Zanzibar. Sweden. Banks and Bankers. DOMINION SAVINGS BANK. Dominion Savings Bank — Asst. Re- ceiver General's Office, Postoffice building, Victoria, B.C.; Asst Re- ceiver General, J. H. McLauglin; Acct, D. B. McConnan; Teller, K. A. Finlayson. The annual limit of deposit for each person must not exceed $1,000 in one fiscal year, with a maximum limit of |3,000. KAMLOOPS. Bank of British Columbia— Incor- porated by Royal Charter, Capital, £600,000 ; in 30,000 shares of £20 each, with power to increase ; reserve fund, $1,314,000. Head Office, 60 Lombard Street, London, Eng. ; Agent at Kamloops, C. R. Slater. VANAIMO . Bank of British Columbia — Agent, George Williams. NELSON . Bank of British Columbia — Agent, G. V. Holt. Bank of Montreal — Agent, A . H . Buchanan . NEW WESTMINSTBB. Bank of British Columbia — Colum- bia Street ; Manager, E . A . Wyld ; £. W. Allison, Accountant. Bank of Montreal — Established, 1817; Capital, $12,000,000, fully paid up; Reserve, $6,000,000; Head Office, T. DOBESON, N. W. D0BE80N. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron and Brata rounder; Oeneral MaeMn^0t*^ Atl Kindo of Bepttira, Jiand and Marine. NANAIMO, ... BRITISH COLUMBIA. iwi ^^ nppvp T AirnxiuuT. viotoria jTrausfer Go«9 IitcL *iwin?«. t 81 Mid 83 Broashtoa BtrMt, VloMrla, B. O. IT«1. 189. BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTORY. 31 Montreal ; Established in New West- minster April 1, 1888; Office, Colum- bia Street; Agent, G. D. Brymner. VANOOUVBR . Bank of British Golumbiap-4S8 Hastings Street, West ; Manager, Wm. Murray; Accountant, H . F.D. Sewell. Bank of British North America — Incorporated by Koyal Charter ; Paid up Capital, £1,000,000 sterling; Lon- don Office, 3 Clements Lane, London, Eng. : Office in Vancouver, 32 Carroll, corner Oppenheimer Street ; Man- ager, W. Godfrey. Bank of Montreal — ^Established 1817; Head Office, Montreal; Capital all paid up ; Office in Vancouver, 440 Hastings Street, West ; Manager, C . Sweeny . Wulffsohn & Bewicke — Private Bankers; Offices, 424 and 426 Cor- dova Street. Casen^.ont & Creary — Private Bank- ers ; A\ iiethem Block, Coi'dova,corner of Cambie Street. VKRNON . Bank of Montreal — G . A . Hender- son, Acct Manager. Wulffsohn & Bewicke,private bankers VICTORIA . Bank of British Columbia — Govern- ment Street, corner Fort Street ; Man- ager, Geo. Gillespie; Accountant, C . A. Goffln. Bank of British North America — 33 Yates Street; Manager, G. H. Burns. Green, Worlock & Co— Bankers, 81 Government Street; Manager, F. H. Worlock. Bank of Montreal — Capital, $12,- 000,000 ; Reserve, $8,000,000 •, Govern- ment Street; A.J.C. Galletley, Mgr. Customs Statistics. Exports from and Imports into the following Ports for the Fiscal Year end- ing June SO, 189S. EXPORTS . Victoria $2,054,105 Nanaimo 2,586.016 Vancouver 695,842 New Westminster 306,834 Total $6,642,797 IMPORTS — DUTIABLE AND FREE Dutiable. Victoria $2,321,707 $ Nanaimo 159,157 Vancouver 864,434 New Westminster 317,376 GOODS. Free. 861,026 18.077 316,388 60,004 Total $3,662,673 $1,255,495 Duty Rec'd $ 788,676 07 49,343 16 280,323 38 102,178 77 $1,220,621 32 The Salmon Pack, 1802. Cases. Fraser River 80,215 Alert Bay 3,698 River's Inlet 15,126 Skeena River 89,780 Naas River 26,434 Gardiner's Inlet 6,156 Lowe Inlet. 8,161 Total Number of Casea 228,470 T E X A S L A K £ I C £ C O V A N O O u V E B B C i See our Mackintoshes. Melissa and Rigby Waterproofs, Umbrellas, &c. B. WILLIAMS & CO., 07 Johnsort Street, Victoria, B. C. liiiiiiitttt 'I I 1 :. r'W^ ■ yVftJ J. ^ J. TAYLOR, SAFES AND VAULT DOOBS Ii« 3» Cole* Agentf r>upont Block, New Westminster, B. C. &C4 o o 00 CO 10 32 BBITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. SALMON . The total quantity of saltron packed at the different establishments in the Province daring 1892, reach 228,470 cases. From past experience it was predicted that the Fraser River canneries would yield but a small pack, and this was demonstrated by the results, showing 80,215 cases on\j ; Skeena River contributing 89,780 cases; Rivers' Inlet, 15,126 cases; Naaa River, 25,434 cases, and various outside canning establishments 17,915 cases. To England 163,311 cases To Canada 59,350 " To Australia 1,498 " Local and Sundries 4,311 " Total 228,470 cases (For pack cv 1893, see Addfc.ida.) Salmon Canneries in ihe Province in 1892. KRASEH RIVER. Phojnix Canning Co. , Dumphries Canning Co., Brittania Canning Co . , British American Packing Co., Canoe Pass Canning Co., Wadham's E. A. 2, British Columbia Cannin^^ Co., Garry Point Canning Co., Delta Canning Co., Wellington Packing 0), Hollv Packing Co., Harlock Packing Co., Laidlaw&Co., Pacific Coast Packing Co ., Terra Nova Canning Co., Lulu Island Canning Co . , Ewan & Co., Munn Bros. & E wen, Sea Island; Bon Accord Fishing Co , Canadian Pacific Packing Co., Beaver Canning Co., Richmond Ca"ning Co., Deas Island, B.C., Canning Co., Brunswick Can- ning Co., Imperial Cannery, (Short & Son,) Steveston Canning Co. NAAS RIVER. Draney & Shotbolt, British Columbia Canning Co . , Cascade Packing Co., A. J. McLellan. rivers' inlet. Alert Bay Canning Co., Rivers' Inlet Canning Co., Wannock Pack- ing Co. SKEENA RIVER. Balmoral Packing Co., British America Packing Co.. Skeena Packing Co., Inverness Canning Co., North Pacific Canning Co., \Vindaor Canning Co . , Standard Canning Co . Gardiner's inlet. Price's Pioservlng and Canning Co. LOWE inlet. Lowe Inlet Packing Go . THE ANNUAL PACK (Since the beginning of the industry.) 1876 9,847 1877 67,387 1878 113,601 1879 61,093 1880 61,849 1881 177,276 1882 255,061 1883 196,292 1884 141,242 1885 108,517 1886 161,264 1887 204,083 1888 184,040 1889 414,294 1890 409,464 1891 311,893 1892 228,470 T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Paints, Oils and AiEricnltttral Imlements. Cnlbaibift Str«et, NEW WBSTMINSTEB, B. 0. ■i if 1- BPDSi Sizi & Fort 8 America! stoke & 1 Revelsto! from Nal the Sloca carrying to a poini Nest coal runninj; f Inlet ct J Seattle, 1 ing the Pj chief is th This is i couver Isl or some cc famous foi Of the R R , run in the Nice Delta to C ■ TheC. Nelson on the mount Export SOth June, PORT o Victoria. . Nanaimo. Vancouver New Westn Total.. Imports June, 1893: PORT OF Victoria . . Nanaimo Vancouver New Weatn Total . . WE] VI01 HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY ^ ^XJJTI^ Railways, 1803. Six railway lines are now under coarse of construction, viz. : Tlie Nelson & Fort Sheppard, running from Nelson in the Kootenay District to the American boundary, and connecting with the American systems; the Revel- etoke & Arrow Lake R . R . , and the Nakusp & Slocan R . R . , the former from Revelatoke on the C.P.R., south to the head of Arrow Lake, and the latter from Nakusp in the Southern end of the same lake to a point in the heart of the Slocan mining region, the two lines to be connected by a ferry capable of carrying a train of cars ; the Kaslo& Slocan, from Kaslo on Kootenay Lake to a'point in the Slocan mining region ; the B.C. Southern from the Crow's Nest coal mines south to a point on the Boundary ; the Victoria & Sidney, running from Victoria to Sidney in Saanich farming district ; the Burrard Inlet <& Fraser R . R . , running from Vancouver to a connection with the Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern at the Boundary near Mission City, and cross- ing the Fraser by bridge at New Westminster. Of the projected lines, the chief is the Canadian Western Central, now known as the British Paciflc. This is intended to run from Victoria North to the upper end of Van- couver Island, and East to the Boundary of the Province at the Yellowhead or some convenient pass, opening up the Chilcotin and Cariboo Districts, famous for their pastoral lands and their gold mines. Of the numerous charters, may be mentioned those of the Nicola Valley R.R., running from Spence's Bridige on the C PR. fifty miles to coal mines in the Nicola country, and the Chilliwack Railway running from the Fraser Delta to Chilliwack, on the south side of the Fraser River. ' The C. PR. is surveying a line for a route through Crow's Nest Pass to Nelson on Kootenay Lake. This will give the road an easier route through the mountains. Customs Statistics. Exports fiom the Province of British Columbia for the fiscal year ending SOth June, 189S: PORT OF TOTAL. Victoria $2,054,105 Nanaimo 2,686,016 Vancouver 695,842 New Westminster 306,834 Total $5,642,797 Imports into the Province of British Columbia for the year ending SOth June, 1893: PORT OF TOTAL, Victoria $ 874,952 00 Nanaimo 54,084 77 Vancouver 317,998 40 New Weatminster 120,215 15 Total $1,367,210 32 WEILEFi. BROS., are agents for crossley viOTOiiiA, B. o. AND SONS FLVE CARPETS. C wm R. T.WILLIAMS BOOKBINDER anil BLAKE BOOK HAKUFACTURER as BBOAD BTBJBET, VICTORIA. ^ esj \ js « i «M « o 5 s « & mm ^ CO -M ^ QU OS *H &H British Columbia Board of Trade. OFFICERS, 1893-4. A. O. Flumerfelt, Esq., President. . E . Renouf , Esq . , Vice-President . F. Elworthy, Esq., Secretary. Office : Board of Trade Building, Vic- toria, B.C. Annual Election of Officers: First Friday in July. Board Meeting: First Friday in each quarter. Distances in B.C. Victoria to San Francisco, by water, 700 miles, to Yokohama 44'J*J miles, to Sidney, N . S . W . , 7506 miles ; Vic- toria to Tacoma 116 miles, to New Westminster 76 miles, to Vancouver 72 miles, to Nanaimo 73 miles ; New Westminster to Yale [river] 100 miles, [rail] 109 miles ; Yale to Barkerville 385 miles, Barkerville to Harvey Creek 60 miles, Cache Creek to Okanagan 112 miles, Okananan to Okanagan Mission 112 miles, Cassiar to Fort Wraiigel 260 miles, Clinton to Dog Creek 60 miles, Clinton to Lil- looet 47 miles, Esquimalt to Victoria, 3 miles, Hope to Kootenay 435 miles, Maple Bay to Somenos 7 miles, Met- chosin to Victoria 25 miles, Saanich to Victoria 24 miles, Sooke to Vic- toria 26 miles, Spence's Bridge to Victoria 262 miles, Spence's Bridge to head of Nicola Lake 60 miles, Skeena to Victoria 614 miles, Vic- toria to Montreal 2,990 miles, to New York 3374 miles. Harbors. On Vancouver Island — Victoria, Es- quimau, Nanaimo, Barclay Sound, Winter Harbor, Queenstown. On the Mainland — Burrard Inlet, Vancouver, Fraser River, Howe Sound, Bute Inlet, Milbank Sound, River Skeena, River Naas, Port Gimpson . Agricultural Associations. OFFIOBRS OF THE B . C . A . A . FOR 1893-4 President, Dr. Milne, Victoria; First Vice-President, J. T. Wilkinson, Chilllwack ; Second Vice-Presi- dent, Geo . Deans ; Hon . Treasurer, R. Seabrook, Victoria; Hon. Sec- retarv, C. E. Renouf. Trustees — N . Sfiakespeare, D . R . Ker, G . A . McTavish, C. E. Renouf, J. H. Todd . Board of Management — D . R. Ker, J. Holland, G. A. Mc- Tavish, I. M. Okell, W. H. Ellis, W. H. Bainbrldge. J. Lamberton, McKettrick, W. Templeman, W. J. Pendray, R. P. Rithet, J. H. Falconer, G. Leiser, F. Fell, Dr. Tolmie, R. T. Williams, Victoria; W. Thompson, J. Deans [Saanich], J. S. Shopland [Shopland], A. Hastam, M.P., [Nanaimo], U. F. Page [Matsqui] W. H. Ladner [Ladners] E. Hutcheson [Lad- ners], A. C. Wells [Chilllwack], W. B. Townsend [New Westmin- ster], A. N. B. McGowan [Van- couver], G. W. Henry, J. Klrk- land [Ladners], T. Cunlngham [New Westminster], J. C. Mc- Lagan. British Columbia Horticultural Soc- iety and Fruit Growing As- sociation. Offices, 1 Oppenhelmer Street,Van- couver. Officers elected annuallv. Ordinary Meetings quarterly. 0&- cers for 1893 : President, W, J. Harris; First Vice-President, Thos. Cunningham ; Second Vice-President, N. Butchart ; Secretary -Treasurer, A. H. B. MacGowan. Benevolent and Other Societies. BRITISH COLUMBIA BENEVOLENT SOCIETY, FOUNDED IN 1872. This So'.'iety is designed upon the broad principle of practical benevo- lence, without regard to creed, color or nationality ; it is intended for the relief of such distress and destitution as may appear to call for succor from any institution of this kind . Officers for the year 1893 : President, Thomas J. Burns; Vice-President, Dixi H. Ross; Secretary-Treasurer, W. H. Mason. Office, Trounce Avenue, Victoria . T. OOBESON, M. W. DOBESON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron and, Braaa rounder*, Otneral Maehinitta, AH Kinit of Xtpairt, Zand and Marine. NANAIMO. • • BRITISH COLUMBIA. I VICTUnIA TnAnSrCn UU.| LTDa wagons anScarriagea meet allBoaU and Trains. 21 and 23 Bronghton Street, Victoria, B. O. Tel. 129. BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTOBY. 35 BBITISH COLUMBIA W.C.T.U. REFUGE HOME . Victoria — 108 Cormorant Street . President, Mrs. D. Spencer; Cor- respondinf^-Secretary, Mrs . Gelia Spofford ; Matron, Mrs. E. Mc- Rae. BRITISH COLUMBIA PROTESTANT orphans' home, FOUNDED A. D. 1873. The object of this institution is to receive and to provide a home for orphans, destitute and other children, under the age of ten years, requiring such care, and to educate them in the Protestant faith, and instruct them in the elements of secular knowledge . Officers elected annually in Decem- ber . Meetings quarterly at the Home . F. H. Worlock, Esq ., President ; C. Hayward, Esq., Hon. Secretary; Jas. Hutcheson, Esq., Hon. Treas- urer. During the past year the Home was removed from the old premises on Rae Street to the new and com- modious building on Cook Street, which has been especially erected for the use of the Home, by bequest of the late John G. Taylor, Esq. Visitors can be shown over the Home Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3to 5 p.m. The friends of the children may visit on Saturday, from 2 to 5 p. m. THE OHIMBSB HOME. Under the ausoices of the Canadian Woman's Methodist Church. 100 Cormorant Street . Matron, Mrs . M . £. Morrow; Associate Missionary, Florences. Wickett. w. 0. T. u. Victoria Union — President, Mrs. Maria Grant; Vice-President, Mrs. Jenkins ; Secretary, Mrs. Gould ; Treasurer, Mrs. Capt. Grant. The W.C.T.U. meets every Thurs- day at 3 p.m. in the Temperance Hall, Pandora Ave. Y. p. w. 0. T. u. President, Miss Fawcett ; Vice- President, Miss Birdie Grant ; Secre- tary, Miss Richardson ; Treasurer, Miss Teague . The Union meota on the first and third Wednesday of every month, in tniata, te. Temperance Hall, Pandora Street, at 8 o'clock . Y. M. C. ASSOCIATIONS. New Westminster — Corner Church and Colum bia Streets . Officers elect- ed annually in March. Regular meetings monthly, second Wednes- day, at the rooms . Annual member- ship fee $5, entitling the members to all the privileges. Reading room free to all . Vancouver — Library, reading room, etc., 139 Hastings Street, West. Meeting of directors first Thursday of each month. Member's fee, $5 annually. Victoria — Library, reading room, etc.. Green's Block, Broad Street. Annual subscription, $5, entitling the members to the library, reading room, baths and gymnasium . Read- ing room free to all . President, Dr . E. Hall; Vice-President, W. 8. Hampson; Rec.-Sec, F. W. Davey; Treasurer, H. G. Waterson; Hon. Sec, F. W. Teague. YOUNG men's institute. Victoria — Segher's Council, No. 85. Officers elected semi-annuallv . Regu- lar meetings fortnightly Ht Institute Hall, View Street, where a comfort- able and commodious reading room is kept up. President, Rev. J. A. Van Nevel, Recording Secretary, F. G. Sehl, P. 0. Box, 697. I. O. O. T. GRAND LODGE OFFICERS. G. 0. T.— Rev. A. E.Green, Wel- lington . G. V. T.— Miss B. Savage, Kam- loops. Grand Councillor — Rev. C. Bryant, Point Hammond . Grand Secretary — R. W. Allison, box 74, Vancouver. Grand Treasurer — Dr. L. Hall, box 53, Victoria. Grand Chaplain — Rev . B . A . Ray^ son, Chilliwack. Grand Marshall— Geo. M. Calla^ han, New Westminster. P. G. C. Templar and Electora Supt.— Chas. S. Keith, New West minster. BRITISH COLUMBIA PIONEER SOCIETY. List of Officers and Directors, 1893 President — J . Olearihue . SEE OUR SCOTCH AHD ENGLISH TWEED SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS B. WlfiMAMS * CO., OlotkieM ma£L Kattwra, 97 Jokuoa St., Vlotorla. T £ X A S A K E I C £ c o V A N O O u V E B O .! Sf i J \ IT i^i\T X* Aeent for The Canadian Fire Ins. Co., lite London ft Canadian • «l • \j\MMAX» Fire Ins. Co., Ltd, Tbe Federal Life Asa. Co.. The J. ft J. Taylor. Safes and Vault Doors. Secretary of the RoyjJ^Clgr Bu'WATOJSSJ'^yt Secy-Treas. of the Standard Loan and Saving* Co. (EW WESTMINSTER, B. C. ti=l on w 00 CO ic C»5 CO 36 BBITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTOBY. Vice-President— T . J . Partridge. Secretary — J. J. Austin. Treasurer — Allan Graham . Physician — J. MacNaughton Jones. Janitor— R. Ridley. Directors— C. Pagden, G. Fair- brother, P. Steele, J. Fannin, E.J. Thai]}. Newspapers and Publications. VICTORIA. The Daily CoZo>m'8<— Established De- cember 11th, 1858, published daily [morning] and weekly, by the Colonist Publishing and Printing Co., Ltd., the Colonist building, 74 Government street. Daily, $10 per annum ; weekly, $2 per annum m advance. Editor H. La wson. The Victoria Daily Times — Regis- tered April 30th, 1885, published daily [evening] and weekly by the Times Printing & Publishing Com' pany, Limited, 35-37 Yates street. Daily, $10 per annum ; weekly, $2 per annum in advance. Manager and editor, Wm. Templeman. The Victoria Home Journal — Issued every Saturday, Victoria. Sub- scription, $1 per year. Henderson & Oarley, proprietors. Tht British Columbia Commercial Journal — Published weekly, every Tuesday. Editor, D. M. Carley. Business manager, L. G. Hender- son. Office, 77 Johnson street. |2 per annum. The Monthly iJecorder— Published by the Young Men's Christian Asso- ciation. Editor and Business Man- ager, H. P. Elson. Subscription, SOcts. per annum. NANAIMO. Nanaimo Free Press — Issued dail^, [evening] and semi-weekly, Tues- day and Friday. Office, Commer- cial street. Proprietor and editor, Geo. Norris. Subscription, $3 per annum in advance. The Daily Telegram — Published by the Telegram Printing Co., Nan- aimo, B.C. W. J. Gallagher, Manager. St. Alban's Church Monthly Paper — Editor, Rev. G. H. Tovey. Sub- scription 60 cts . per annum in ad- vance. VANCOUVER. Vancouver News-Advertiser — Office, Cambiecorner Pender street. Man- ager, F. C. Cotton. Issued daily [morning] except Monday, and weekly each Wednesday. Terms: Daily, $8 per annum in advance ; weekly, $2 per annum in advance. Vancouver Daily World — Manager and editor, J . C . McLagan ; asso- ciate editor, J. M. O'Brien. Office, 326 Cordova street. Issued daily [evening] except Sunday, and weelly each Thursday, by the World Publishing Co., Limited. Terms: Daily $10 per annum in advance ; weekly to any address in Canada, United States or Great Britain, $2 per annum in advance. The Institttte — Issued monthly under the auspices of the Young People of the Methodist Cliurch. Home Cheer — Issued monthlv under the auspices of W.C.T.U.' British Columbia Commerce and Mari- time Register — Issued semi-an- nually. Subscription, $1 per an- num. The Endeavor Standard — A monthly journal edited in tiie interest of the Christian Endeavor movement. Office of publication, Trythall City Printing works, Vancouver, B.C. Subscription 50 cents per year. NEW WESTMINSTEB. Daily British Columbian — Issued daily each afternoon except Sun- day, and weekly each Wednesday morning. Office, c rner Columbia street and Lytton square. Pro- prietors and publishers, Kennedy Bros. The Churchman's Gazette and New Westminster Diocesan Chronicle — Issued monthly . The Month — Published monthly at St. Louis College. KASLO. Kaslo-Slocan Examiner — C. Coy, Edi- tor and Proprietor. Terms, $4 a year in advance. KAHIiOOPB. The Inland Sentinel— Imued weekly, 'SI each Sa editor, $3 per ai The Koote Subscrip The Stevesi weekly, prietors . The Vernon Proprieto Haroer. Nelson Mil Publishin Mgr. Golden Era editor, W The Wellim every Sa' Publishin: site, Welli editor, Ro Pro' This instit in October, 1 strides that sary to mak to the build minerals, fo The principi natural hisU finest in the tributions ai It is free to ported by th Among the rare animah Ox, the Wt Sheep, the I Grizzly Bear represented, three and fo During th have been n tion, and a r to this dep present timf T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, PaiDts, Oils and AjErienltaral Iipleiueiits. Colanblft Street, NEW WB8TMINST£S, B. C. INTERIOR HHDSOI'S Blf COMPUr, Igents far Fort Girr) and Benton Couiti Flouting Mills -VICTORIA. B. O.- BRITISH COLUHBIA DIRECTORY. 37 each Saturday. Proprietor and editor, H. McCutcheon. Turms, $3 per annum in advance. BEVEXiSTOKE . The Kootenay Star — Issued weekly. Subscription $3 per annum. STEVESTON. The Steveston Enterprise— Publiebed weekly. Blake & Trites, pro- prietors. VERNON. The Vernon News — Published weekly. Proprietors and editors, Stuart & Haroer. NELSON. Nelson Miner — Miner Printing and Publishing Co. — Robt. Ren wick, Mgr. GOLDEN . Oolden Era — Weekly; manager and editor, W. P. Harvey. WELLINGTON . The Wellington Advocate — Published every Saturday bj^ the Advocate Publishing Co: Office — New Town- site, Wellington, B.C.: Managing editor, Robt. McManus. Provincial Museum. This institution, which was started in October, 1887, has made such rapid strides that it has been found neces- sary to make considerable additions to the building for the reception of minerals, fossils and Indian curios. The principal display of specimens of natural history is conceded to be the finest in the Dominion, and the con- tributions are continually increasing. It is free to the public, being sup- ported by the provincial government. Among the interesting collection of rare animals will be found the Musk Ox, the White Goat, the Mountain Sheep, the Reindeer, Wapiti, and the Grizzly Bear, etc. Birds are also well represented, there being between three and four hundred specimens. During the last year large additions have been made to the Indian collec- tion, and a new room has been added to this department so that at the present time the exhibit is quite an interesting one, comprising, as it does, about 2,000 specimens of Indian work in stone, horn and wood, not a few of which are the work of tribes long since passed away . In the products of its mountains, rivers and forests, in the treasures which lie hidden beneath its stretch of six hundred miles of sea, few coun- tries can boast of more varied and f>rolific resources than British Co- umbia, and material enough can therefore be found within its borders to form one of the most interesting and instructive collections in the Dominion . The co-operation of the general public is necessary to insure the mu- seum becoming a really representa- tive institution. It is therefore earnestly desired that geological and natutal history specimens from all parts of the Province may be col- lected by those who have the oppor- tunity, and forwarded to the Curator; the receipt of all such contributions will be promptly acknowledged, and the transportation charges fully paid. Packages of ores should not be too large, and each specimen should be accompanied with a note of locality, position and extent of formation . John Fannin, Curator; Hours of admission — Daily, 9a.m. till 5p.m.; Saturdays, 9a.m. till 3p.m. Natural History Society of British Columbia. At a meeting held in the office of the Provincial Museum on Mftrch 26, 1890, by a number of gentlemen in- terested in the study of Natural History, it was decided that a society should be organized bearing the title of the Natural History Society of British Columbia, and that the' ob- ject of this society should be to acquire and promote a more extended knowledge of the natural history of the Province, and to act as an inde- pendent auxiliary to the Provincial Museum . A series of most interesting and in- structive papers on natuial history subjects was read by various INTERIOR WOODWORK, OFFICE AND BAR FITTINGS lliids to Order by WEILSR BROS. RR @^ i' E. T. WILLIAMS 9S Broad St., Vietoria. 38 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. members of the society during the year. The society hold fortnightly meet- ings in one of the rooms attached to the Provincial Museum. OFFICERS. President, Ashdown Green, C.E.; Vice-Presidents, J. Deans, E. Hasell, M. R.C.S., England; Treasurer, J. K. Worsfold; Curator, J. Fannin; Secretary, C. F. Newcombe, M. D., Aberdeen; Librarian, E. Hasell, M. R. C. S., England. COMMITTEE. O.C. Hastings, C. P.Wooley, Rev. Canon A. Beanlands, M. A., C. Low- en berg. Provincial Governnnent Lands. Crown Lands in British Columbia are classified as either surveyed or unsurveyed lands, and may be ac- quired either by record or pre-emp- tion, or by purchase. PRE-EMPTIONS . The following persons may record or pre-empt Crown lands, viz : Any person being the head of a family, a widow, or a single man over 18 years of age, being a British subject, may record surveyed or unsurveyed Crown lands, which are unoccupied, unre- served and unrecorded. Aliens may also record such sur- veyed or unsurveyed lands, on mak- ing a declaration of intention to be- come a British subject. The quantity of land which may be recorded or pre-empted is not to exceed 320 acres northward or east- ward of the Cascade or Coast Moun- tains, or 160 acres in the rest of the province . No person can hold more than one pre-emption claim at a time. Prior record or pre-emption of one claim and all rights under it, are forfeited bv subsequent record of pre-emption ot another claim . Land recorded or pre-empted can- not be transferred or conveyed till after a Crown grant has been issued . Such land, until the Crown grant is issued, is held by occupation. Such occupation must be a bona fide Eersonal residence of the settler or omestead settler, or his family. The settler must enter into occupa- tion of the land within thirty days after recording, and must continue to occupy it . Continuous absence for a longer period than two months consecu- tively of the settler or homestead settler, or family, is deemed ces- sation of occupation; but leave of absence _ may be granted noc exceeding six months in any one year, inclusive of the two months' absence. In cases of illness,vouched for by suflBcient evidence, or in the -■ases of immigrant settlers returning to their former homes to bring their families to their homesteads, or in other special cases, an extension of time may be granted, during which the pre-emjjtor may be absent from his claim without prejudice to right therein . Land is considered abandoned if unoccupiod for more than six months in the aggregate in one year, or for more than two months consecutively . If so abandoned, the record of the settler so ceasing to occupy the same, and all improvements and buildings made and erected on such land, shall be absolutely forfeited to the Crown. The fee on recording is |2. Any pre-"mptor of unsurveyed land may have the land surveyed at his own expense, subject to rectification of boundaries, or wait till the Chief Commissioner causes it to be sur- veyed . PAYMENTS FOR LAND AND CROWN GRANTS. The price of Crown lands pre-empted is one dollar per acre, which may be paid in four equal instalments, as fol- lows: First instalment, two years from date of record or pre-emption, and each other instalment yearly thereafter, until the full amount is paid. But the last instalment is not payable until after the survey. The Crown grant excludes gold and silver ore, and reserves to the Crown a royalty of five cents per ton of mer- chantable coal raised or gotten from the laud, not including dross or fine slack . T. DOBESON. N. W. DOBKBON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron and Brat* Foundertt General ilaehiniatt. All Kindo of Xepairt, Xand and Marino. NANAIMO, • • BRITISH COLUMBIA. f^hj ' 81 and 83 Bronshton Street, Victoria, B. C. Tel. 189. BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. 89 No person shall be entitled to record or pre-empt anjr land included in any timber lease, if the land which it is proposed to record has on each eighty acres thereof milling timber to the ex- tent of ten thousand feet per acre . A Crown grant can be'issued to an alien who may have recorded or pre- empted by virtue of his declaring his intention to become a British subject, unless he has become naturalized. The heirs or devisees of the home- stead settler are, if resident in the Province, entitled to the Crown grant, on his decease . If they are absent from the Prov- ince at the time of his death,the Chief Commisioner may dispose of the pre- emption,and make such provision for th • person entitled thereto, as he may deem just. PRE-EMPTION FOR PARTNERSHIP PUR- POSES . Partners, not exceeding four, may pre-empt as a firm 160 acres each west of the Cascades to each partner, and 320 acres east of the Cascades to each partner . Each partner must represent his in- terest in the firm by actual residence on the land. But each partner, need not reside on his particular pre- emption. The partners, or their agents, may reside together on one homestead if tho homesteads be situated on any part of the partnership pre-emption . For obtaining a certificate of im- provement, it IS sufficient to show that impiovements have been made on some portion of the claim, amount- ing in the aggregate, to $2.50 per acre on the whole land. Miring Laws. FREE MINERS AND THEIR PRIVILEGES. Every person over, but not under, eighteen years of age, and every joint stock company, shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of a free miner, and shall be considered a free miner, upon taking out a free miner's certificate. A minor who shall be- come a free miner shall, as re^^ards his mining property and liabilities contracted in connection therewith, be treated as of full age. A free miner's certificate issued to a joint stock coM.pany shall be issued in its corporate name . A free miner's cer- tificate shall not be transferable. 1891, c. 26, 8. 3. A free miner's certificate may be granted for one or more years, to run from the date thereof, or from the ex- piration of the applicant's then ex- isting certificate, upon the payment therefor of the fees set out in the Schedule of fees to this Act. Only one person or one joint stock com- pany shall be named therein. 1891, c. 25, s. 4. RECORD OF CLAIM. Every free miner locating a min- eral claim shall record the same with the Mining Recorder of the district within which the same is situate, within fifteen days after the location thereof, if located within ten miles of the office of the said Mining Recorder . One additional day shail be allowed fo. such record for every additional ten miles or fraction thereof. Such record shall be madf in a book to be kept for the purpose in the office of the said Mining Re- corder, in which shall be inserted the name of the claifn, the name of each locator, the number of each locator's free miner's certificate, the locality of the mine, the direction of the lo- cation line, the length in feet, the date of location, and the date of the record. Such record shall be, as near as may be possible, in the Form B in the Schedule to the Act, and a certified copy thereof shall be given by the Mining Recorder to the free miner or his agent. A claim which shall not have been recorded within the prescribed period shall be deemed to have been abandoned. 1891, c. 25, s. 19; 1892, c. 32, s. 7; 1893, c. 29, s. 5. discoverers' CLAIMS. To one discovery, 300 feet in length. To two discoveries, 600 feet in leneth. To three, 800 feet in length. To four, 1000 feet in length, and to each mem- ber of a party beyond four in num- ber, a claim of the ordinary size only. A new stratum of auriferous earth or gravel situated in a locality where Eastern TAILOR-MADE SUITS to Measure. Tujf^/xffi" Bee our sampicw and Pricea. B. WILLIAMS & CO., 97 Johnson St., Victoria. £ X A s L A K E I c E c o V A N c o u V E B B o V L J. COLE SEAL ESTATE AND IN8UBAN0E Dnpont Block, Columbia St., New WMtmimter, B. C. oo V <i_S? a a b GO «5 o 00 CO 10 i c_5 40 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTORY. the clairas are abandoned, shall for the above purposes, be deemed a new mine, altnongh the same locality shall have been previously worked at a different level: and dry diggings discovered in the^ vicinity of bar diggings shall be deemed a new mine, andyice versa. A discoverer's claim shall be reckoned as one ordinary claim . Creek discovei-y claims shall ex- tend 1000 feet on each side of the centre of the creek, or as far as the summit. LEAVE OF ABSENCE. On discovery of a new lode or vein containing minerals, six months. On proving expenditure, in cash, labor, or machinery, of $1,000 on each full interest (without reasonable return; one year. Under other conditions Gold Commissioner has option . MINERAL CLAIMS. Any free miner desiring to locate a mineral claim shall, subject to the provisions of this Act with respect to land which may be used for mining, enter upon the same and locate a plot of ground measuring, where possible but not exceeding, 1 ,600 feet in length by 1,500 feet in breadth, in as nearly as possible a rectangular form, that is to say all angles shall be right angles, except in cases where a boun- dary line of a previously surveyed claim is adopted as common to hoth claims, but the lines need not neces- sarily be meridional. In defining the size of a mineral claim, it shall be measured horizontally, irrespective of ineoualities on the surface of the ground. 1893, c. 29,8. 3. A mineral claim shall be marked by two legal posts, placed as near as pos- sible on the line of the ledge or vein, and the posts shall be numbered 1 and 2, and the distance between posts 1 and 2 shall not exceed fiiteen hundred feet, the line between posts Nos . I and 2 to be known as the loca- tion line, and upon posts Nos. 1 and 2 shall be written the name given to the mineral claim, the name of the locator, and the date of the location. Upon No. 1 post there shall be written, in addition to the foregoing, " Initial Post," the approximate compass bearing of No. 2 post, and a statement of the number oi feet lying to right and to the left of the line from No. 1 to No. 2 post, thus: — " Initial post. Direction of post No. 2. feet of this claim lie on the right, and feet on the left of the line from No.'l to No. 2 post." All the particulars required to be put on No. 1 post shall be furnished Dy the locator to the Mining Recorder at the time the claim is recorded, and shall form a part of the record of such claim. When a claim has been located, the holder shall immediately mark the line between posts Nos. 1 and 2 so that it can be distinctly seen ; in a timbered locality, by blazing trees and cutting underbrush, and in a locality where there is neither timber nor underbrush, he shall set legal posts BO that such line can be dis- tinctly seen. In cases where, from the nature or shape of the ground, it is impossible to mark the centre line of the claim, provision is made . (See Mineral Act, 1891.) Only one claim on the same lode or vein" can be held except by purchase. Quartz claims are deemed to be mineral claims. To lawfully hold a Crown grant for a mineral claim, it must be surveyed by a surveyor approved by the Land Office, notice of application for the grant must be posted conspicuously on the land and on the Government office of the district, also inserted for sixty days in the Government Ga- zette, and a newspaper, if any, cir- culating in the district, and proof must be given to the satisfaction of the Government officers that $600 have been bona fide expended in money or labor upon the claim, ex- clusive of all bouses, buildings and other like improvements. Or a Crown grant may be got by paying $26 per acre to the Government in lieu of representation and expendi- ture of the claim . General provisions for ordinary mining claims apply to mineral claims as far as may be . The proper representation of "min- eral" claim requires that the sum of T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hamware, Paints, Oils anH Wcoltiiral MDleieQts, Columbia Street, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY f bolesale Grocers & fine HercliaDts VICTORIA, B. C. BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. 41 one hundred dollars, in money, labor or improvements shall be expended in the first six months of everjr year upon the claim to the satisfaction of a Gold Commissioner or Mining Ke- corder, and that the owner shall have obtained a certificate from the Gold Commissioner or Mining Recorder, to that effectj within six months from the location of the claim, and thereafter within the first six months in every year, and shall have record- ed the certificate immediately after its issue. Leases of mining ground, ditch privileges, etc., may be issued, but will not in general be granted for a longer term than ten years, or for a quantity of ground greater than : In dry diggings, ten acres ; In bar diggings, unworked, half a mile in length along the high water mark; In bar diggings worked and aban- doned, one mile and a half in length along the high water mark ; In creek claims on abandoned creeks one mile and a half in length . The regulations as to flumes, ditches, and drainage need not be de- tailed, but it may be stated that the water taken into a ditch or sluice has to be measured at the ditch or sluice head . No water should be taken in- to a ditch or sluice except in a trough placed horizontally at the place at which the water enters it . One inch of water means half the quantity that will pass through an orifiice two inches high by one wide, with a con- stant head of seven inches above the upper side of the orifice . COAL PROSPECTING LICENSES. A twelve months' prospecting li- cense for 480 acres of vacant coal land in one block, may be granted uy the Government on payment of $25. The licenses may be extended for another year if the licensee has actually ex- plored for coal, on payment of $50. The license is not transferable with- out notice being given to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works. If the licensee wishes to purchase the coal lands, he may do so under the Land Act for $2.50 per acre . TIMBER LICENSES. Unlicensed persons, except for farm or mining purposes, etc., are not permitted to cut trees on Crown lands. A timber license may be granted for 1000 acres for four years on payment of $10 annually, and 15 cents for each tree (except hemlock) felled, payable half-yearly. No per- son can hold more than one license at the same time, and it is not trans- ferable. Mill-owners cannot saw logs taken from Crown lands [in which are included lands leased at i less than ten cents an acre] , until the timber dues of twenty cents per thousand feet, board naeasure are paid. VICTORIA 1 NANAIMO F^or Kurttxar Partloular* S«a Oompany'ci Tim* Tablea. A. DUNSMUIR. JOSEPH HUNTER. H. K. PRIOR, General Freight and Passenger Agent. WU BROS., tie LeadiflgFiiniitiiiDDeiilei^, op 9. = I vroRii. m "VVrX* VlMn^T ^W More Haods and Mora Capital than all other BindariM ^^^JgJ^JjSsi^^iiS^^^L ■ '" ^J** Province. »» HROAn HTRBET, riVTORIA. M it f R. T* WJItlilAMS <S^ 5=2© C2^ W I .2S EH -*^ o OS 42 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. ABBOTSFORD. POSTMAHTER, FrANK MuNRO. In the Dominion and Provincial Electoral District of New Westmin- ster, is situate on the crossing of the Mission extension of the O.P.B. and the New Westminster and Yale wagon road Nearest post and tele- graph office, Matsqui (Mission). Aldridge, F. fmr Appleby, Leonard Shafts, fmr Appleby, Herbert, fmr Arnold, F, fmr Baiss, James, fmr Baldwin, John, mgr Catholic Mis- sion farm Baldwin, Thomas, fmr Boley, J, fmr Calder, D, fmr Calder, J, fmr Campbell, MrsP, fmr Chapman, S, fmr Clark, William T, fmr Conroy, P, f m r Currie, J J, fmr Downs, L, fmr Dum, John, fmr Forks, F, fmr Fraser, J, fmr Fraser, William, fmr Glassey, James, fmr Hawkins, E, farm and stock raiser Henchey, J, fmr Johnson, F, fmr Joiner, John, farm hand MacCrimmon, F, sr, fmr MaoCrimmon, Parker, fmr Mackinlay, Wm Scott, fmr Maclure, John, C P telegraph agent, Matsqui office, fmr and sur- veyor MacMillan, D, fmr McMillan, Steven, fmr McQuaif, D, fmr Maher, Wm S, fmr McFarlane, — , fmr McGillivray, D, fmr Matsqui Indian Reserve , Matsqui Land Co Monroe, Frank, fmr and general store Morrissey, E A, postmaster and gen- eral merchant and prop Riverside hotel Murphy, John, fmr Murphy, M, fmr Nicholson, M, fmr and stock raiser O'Ferrell, Henry Percy, fmr Page, H T, fmr Parker, Robert, fmr Purver, C T, farm and dairy ranch Purver, R E, farm and dairy ranch Record, S J, fmr Riverside Hotel, E A Morrissey, prop Roscoe, A, fmr Scholefield Bros, fmrs Sim, Chas John, fmr Sinclair, D, fmr Stevenson, Isaiah, fmr Stewart, Thomas, fmr Sword, Colin Buchanan, MPP, JP, fmr Thompson, T J, fmr Vaclion, E, fmr ABERDEEN. Postmaster, Wm. H. Dempster. A 11 ng and salmon packing station on the Skeena river. Dominion electoral district of Caasiar, Skeena division, three miles from Port Es- sington. Nearest railway station, telegraph, express office and bank- ing point, Nanaimo, 640 miles dis- tant. Regular steam communica- tion with Victoria and all points along the coast. Dennpster, Wm, H., Windsor Pack- ing Company ; postmaster and col- lector Anderson, Henry, charcoal burner Morrison, Daniel, canneryman Windsor Packing Company, Wm H Dempster, manager AGASSIZ. Postmaster, L. A. Aoassiz. In the Dominion and Provincial Electoral District of New West- minster. Is situated on the right bank of the Fraser river, 82 miles from Vancouver, with which it is connected by Canadian Pacific Railway. There is telegraph and express at railway station ; nearest banking point. New Westminster. Stages for Harrison Hot Springs [5)4 miles distant] meet all trains. Dominion Government Experi- mental Farm is in this valley, and the whole district is very fertile. A popular resort for tourists. T. DOBESON, N, W. DOBBSON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron and Bra»a Voundera, Oeneral Maehiniattt All Ktnda of Repair* f Zand and Marine, MANAIHO, - - BRITISH COLUHBIA. Ttc Ttctoria Transfer Co., Ltd. 91 and 98 Broughton Btreet, Tietoria, B UMirORM RATES for Hacks ud BaggM«« Good DrtTera, HorsM and Vetalclea. Teleph«n0 199. BRITISH COLUMBIA OIRBOTORY. 43 Agassiz, L A, J P, fmr AgasBiz, Mrs G Ashton, Benjamin, fmr Ashton, R L, fmr Baker, Henri, fmr Baker, H I, fmr Baskfield, John, labr Beebee, Geo W, fmr Bentley, Alf, carpenter Boyton, Robt. fmr Brough, R I, imr Brown, Fredk, hotelkpr, Harrison Hot Springs Brown, J R, hotelkpr Burkitt, John, fmr Burton, Jas, hotelkpr, Harrison Hot Springs Calvert, Henry, labr Cameron, John A, labr Cameron, Norman, fmr Dumais, G, fmr Fooks, Harry, fmr Founcier, A, section hand Galbraith, David, fmr Gibson, 0, fmr Greyell, Abel, fmr Greyell, Ed D, fmr Halliday, H, labr Herrling, Chas A, fmr Herrling, Gus, fmr Hicks, Tbos, fmr Hicks, Young, fmr Holtby, H W, fmr Inkman, Alphonse, clerk Inkman, Chas, storekpr assistant King, A A, labr Lawton, H, labr Lefroy, W E, fmr Leslie, H J, station agent Lennon, Jas, C P Ry sec foreman McDonald, John, fmr McDonald, J A, fmr McDonald, R E, fmr McEwen, John, fmr McEwen, Malcolm, fmr McGawley, James, carpenter McGawley, P, fmr McGawley, Thos, labr McKay, Aleck, labr McRae, Donald, blacksmith McRae, John, fmr McRae, Mrs Margaret, hotel prop Merchant, Ike, fmr MoflStt, William, gentleman Murphy, M J, fmr Murray, John, labr Nelson, Chas, labr NichoUes, Geo, fmr Parere, Ed, fmr Passingham, J A, fmr Pettis, Geo, laborer Probert, Edwin, clerk Probert, Mrs R, hotel prop Sabiston, John, labr Scripture, H, clerk, Harrison Hot Springs Sharpe, T A, Mang Exp Farm Skill, Wm, laborer Sich, T Thrale, hop grower Sutherland, Hugh W , foreman Exp Farm Trotter, Chas, fmr Ward, Patrick, section hand "talker, Wm, fmr Walker, W E, labr ' West, Frank, fmr White, Herbert, stoiekeeper Wilson, John, fmr AINSWORTH. POBTMASTSB, R. F. GREEN. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale, and Provincial of West Koot- enay, is situate on the shore of Kootenay lake, ten miles from the mouth of the West Arm, tweu^^^v- eight from Nelson and twelve from Kaslo. Mails four times a week in summer; nearest railway station, banking point, telegraph and ex* press ofSce, Nelson, with which there is regular steam communi- cation ; also with Ainsworth, Bon- ner's Ferry, Idaho and intermedi- ate points. Mining is the principal industry. Alexander, L, miner Atchison, George, miner Baker, John J, min^r Beaton, A, miner Bennett, Thos, miner Brassard, L E, mine owner Burr, James, miner Cameron, John, miner Carpenter, Eli, prospector Clark, Dan, miner Cody, H, prospector Cummins, Frank, miner Cunningham, Pete, miner Devlin, Jas, hotel keeper Devlin, Thos, hotel keeper Falkner, Frank, clerk T E X A S L A K £ I C E c o V A N C O u V £ B B C U onr Bo?s' Snits and Oyercoats. Best assortoent in the City. pncesLow.QnaiityoflQa B. WILUAMS * Co., VI JOHNSON ST., VICTORIA. \ i »l; / '^. )^ iiwi«ii^gf.VMif DUPOlf-r BLOCK, COLUMBIA 8TRKBT, BSW WE8TMIN8TEK, B. C; sJ eui cy^ oo ■ b 1 ^ tt K F'*- 1 (»« 1 ^E M 5 ffi * Si , ; 3t ^S 1 00 1 CO 1 10 ' m ptq i i 44 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBKOTORY. Fitch Frank, carpenter Franklin, Wm, miner Garrison, Martin, miner Garvejr, Andrew, miner Oiegerich, Henry, general merchant Gilchrist, Dunk* Gill, John, miner Green, Benj Green, Bros, general merchants Green, R F, trader Harkness, John, miner Harman, Geo, miner Harrop, Ernest, miner Henry, J, M D, drugstore Holland, Ivy, miner Jevons, W, mine owner Johnstone, Thos, superintendent big tunnel Kent, Geo, miner Latrace, Wm, miner Lidster, Thoa, miner Lendrum, T J, recorder Lett, Peter, prospector Martiney, John, laborer McArthur, J A, solicitor McClellan, W, miner McDonald, I'an, miner McDonald, Dunk, miner McDonald, Price, miner McDonald, Seott, mining supt McGovern, Philip, miner McGovern, Thos, miner McKinnon, A A, hotel keeper McLeod, Alex, miner McLeod, R, hotel keeper McNeil, John M, hotel keeper McRae, Dunk, miner Morrison, M, miner Mikel, Jos, miner Noxon, Geo, miner Olson, Chas, hotel keeper Riser, L, teamster Singleton, William, miner Smith, William, miner Spratt, John, miner Streit, Joseph, miner Stolberg, Albert, assayer Stevenson, H, mine owner Van Hook, James, miner Van Jatten, E H, trader Wall, Thos, miner Wallace, M W, mine owner Wells, Thos, miner Wheeler, A D, mineowner Whitten, Geo, mine? Wright, G B, real estate and mining agent ALBERNI. Postmistress, Mrs. Agnss Erickbon In the Dominion electoral district of Vancouver and Provincial of Al- bemi, is situated on the west coast of Vancouver Island at the head of the canal, 120 miles from Victoria, 64 from Nanaimo. Mails weekly ; nearest railway station, banking Soint, telegraph and express ofl9ce, anaimo. Regular fortoightlv steamboat communication with Victoria and Barclay Sound points, and by stage to Nanaimo. The Alberni valley is about 26 miles long and ten wide, and is a beauti- ful fruit, vegetable and grain grow- ing country. There is excellent fishinp; and shooting to be had, and the climate is mild throughout the year. Besides farming on a large scale, there are many other indus- tries, saw mills, paper mills, min- ing, etc. The population is rapidly growing . Bedford, James, fmr Bedford, John, fmr Bird, G H, engr Clarke, Daniel, fmr Coleman, Ephraim, fmr Coleman, Jas Wm, fmr Compton, George, fmr Cox, Charles Augustus, constable Debeaux, Robert, fmr Drinkwater, Isaac, fmr Drinkwater, John, fmr Drinkwater, Joseph, fmr Elton, R, fmr Erickness, Mrs. Agnes, postmistress Faber, Alfred Dennis, C. E., fmr Fletcher, Thomas, MPP, fmr Folwell, Edgar David, fmr Gill, Edmond, fmr Hansen, Henry, fmr Haslam, Charles Talbot, fmr . Helliga, Wm, accountant Hennessy, T, trader Hills, Henry, fmr Hills, James, fmr Hewitt, John, school master Huff, Geo Albert, J P, storekeeper Ingram, Valentine, fmr King, James, fmr King, John, car;ienter Kirkpatrick, Thumas, blacksmith Lesson, Wm, brklr and fmr Love, John, road supt McKl McKI McKI McKI McQJ Moorl Mulhl Mulle Niche Niche Paterj stal ParkiJ T. J. TRAPP & CO., HariwaTe, Paints, Oils aM Aiiriciiltiiral Mpleients. Columbia Street, NEW W£STMINSTi£B, B. C. *>^ kith HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Xurtptmn an* MngtUh OXOOMniMB, Wlirxa mnd X.IQVOXa, rtee and in Hon*. VICTORIA, B. O. BRITISH OOLDHBIA DIRECTORY. 46 McKay, Jamee, fmr McKenzie, Hector, fmr McKenzie, Kenneth, fmr McKittrick, Robt, carpenter McQuillan, Frank, proapr Moore, Edward, fmr Mulhearn, Edward, fmr Muller, Fredk Wra, fmr Nicholas, Petar, fmr and miner Nicholas, Wm, fmr and miner Paterson, Thomas, fmr and livery stable Parkinson, Bichard, boot and shoe- maker Pearce, Dr A W Piukerton. James Howard, fmr Plaunt, T K, fmr, Sproat Lake Bedford, Jas, butcher and fmr Bedford, John, fmr Bingland, S J, fmr Saieault, Michael Marvin, hotel prop Saunders, Fred Passingham, storekpr Service, Andrew, fmr Shaw, Malcolm, boarding house Smith, Andrew Lindsay, fmr Smith, George Archibald,G£ and Gov it^ent Smith, Thomas Smith, Eev Wm Stable, Presbyterian minititer Smith, Wm Strong, fmr Smith, Wm, fmr Sterling, Walter, frm Stewartson, John, laborer Stothard, Wm, fmr Soil, Christian, bricklayer Taylor, Charles, fmr, overseer B paper mill Thomson, Jas, fmr, Beaver creek Tubman, B, laborer Verbeke, Francis Bev B 0, prL^st Ward, Matthew A, fmr Waring, Septimus, farm laborer Watt, Walter, labr Willis ms, Edward, fmr Woodward, Harry, fmr Woods, J T, fmr Trading Posts and Mission Stations, etc, lying in the District, but out- side the Settlement of Alberni: Brabant, Auguste, Bev Hesquiat Brocklehurst, J C, Clayoquot. Cox, Emanuel, Cape Beal lighthouse, 90 miles from Victoria, 40 miles from Alberni. Logan, George, Vancouver Oil works store, .EcoTe, 102 miles from Vic- toria ; 28 miles from Alberni. Margetish, John, mgr Capt Spring's store, Uclulet, 106 miles from Vic- toria; 40 miles from Alberni. Lucovitoh, Antonio mgr, Capt Spring's store, Hesquiat, 160 miles from Victoria; 84 miles from Al- berni. Campbell, Malcolm, Kyuquot, 210 miles from Victoria; 100 miles from Alberni. Guillod, Harry, Indian Agent, Uclu- let, PO, Alberni. Heynan, Bev W L, B priest, Clayo- quot. ALBERT HEAD Is a projection from the Metchosin shore, and up to the present year enjoyed the somewhat unenviable distinction of Dominion Quarantine station. About seven miles from Victoria by water and twelve by land. The quarantine station is now at William's Head, where ample arrangements exist for the treatment of contagious cases. ALBERT CANYON. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Kootenay and Provincial of West Kootenay A station on the main line of th ) C.P.B., 400 miles from Vancouve' ; fare. $20. Has a telegraph and fexpress office. Tains east and west each day, also stea- mer from Bevelstoke. ALDERGROVE. Postmaster, P. Jackuan. In the Dominion and Provincial Elec- toral District of New Westminster, between Langley municipality and the International boundary. It is 22 miles east of New Westminster, 12 miles from Mission City, and 8 from Abbotsford, with each of which places there is a regular stage service, also to Langley. The nearest railway station is three and a half miles distant. A telegraph office, general stores, hotels, etc., add to the comforts of the place. Alport, J P, storekeeper Baine, Edwin, fmr Bruskey, Geo, fmr ^1 \ ^ WEILER BROS., m Complete House Fumisiieis. Laiid Stock io B.C. ' .,j».. i <T <i jrij i ii'« i \ i THE LATEST larpBorxaaiirTB xitbook- Sl7i"'iya AlTD PAPJBM BVLINO. -28 BROA.I> STRKKT, VICTORIA. R. T. Williams t={ >a Sd « as ,4 ■HM « o ^ W) ■♦-» Vi a> %■ B flS -? >> </: « . «H H 1 46 BBITISB COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Burnet, Jas, fmr Barrett, Walter, fmr Galder, Andrew, fmr Carmichael, D, fmr Caraon, Hy, fmr Cottell, Wm, fmr Davis, Hy, fmr Dingle, Hv, fmr Dingle, W'H, fmr Dunn, Jos, tmr Gledhill, W N, fmr Goldsmith, jr, A, fmr Goldsmith, A F, JP, fmr Goostrey, Jas, sr, fmr Goostroy, Jas, jr, fmr Green, A C, fmr Green, Thos, fmr Groves, Wm, fmr Hicks, Harvey, fmr Hicks, Jno, fmr Hicks, Simeon, fmr Hunt, A J, fmr Holmes, Wm, fmr Holmes, John, fmr Jackman, P, sr, fmr Jackman, P, jr, fmr Johnso'a, Wm, fmr Lawrence, G, fmr Leaf, Hy, fmr Leaf, — , fmr Le Feuvre, Geo, fmr I e Feuvre, Jno, fmr Lehman, Jos, fmr Lehman, Victor, fmr Manning, D, fmr Marshall, Robt, fmr McClinton, R, fmr McGonnell, A, fmr McDonald, Hugh, fmr McDonald, Jas, fmr McDonald, Wm, fmr McKay, Angus, storekeeper McMurry, M, fmr Monahan, M, fmr Myles, Robt, fmr Myles, R J, fmr NichoU, R R, fmr O'Neil, Hy. lahr Orchardk li F, fmr PeardoD, R, fmr Peterson, Swan, imr PoUaid, Robt, fmr RingroEe, Jos, fmr Robb, Richard, fmr Roberts, J F, fmr Satterthwait, Isaac, fmr Sherlock, Joo', fmr Shortreed, Jas, fmr Shortreed, Robt, sr, fmr Shortreed, Thos, fmr Sinclair, D, fmr Snell, Thos, fmr Storey, Jas, fmr Wadel, Jos, fmr Waine, Thos, labr Walker, James, fmr Woods, Johnston, fmr Wynn, Thos, fmr ALERT BAY. Postmaster, Stephen A. Spencer. Alert Bay (on Cormorant Island), is in the Dominion Electoral District of New Westminster, and Provin- cial of the Coast, 160 miles from Nanaimo and 204 from Victoria. Mails twice a month ; nearest tele- graph and express office, Nanaimo. Communication with Victoria by steamer, almost once a week. Fish- ing and canning are the chief in- dustries. The idland, which is well timbered is a small one, containing about 1,100 acres, but on it are to be fo and coal and sandstone >f good quality. The Nimkish Indiana make vhis their home. Blenkinsop, Geo. settler. Ft Rupert Camano, Carey, laborer Camano, Geo, jr, laborer Camano, Geo, sr, fmr,Harbledown isl Cook, Stephen, laborer Corker, Rev A W, school teacher Frigon, Edward, trader. Balaclava isl Hall, Rev A J, missionary Hammond, J, fmr, Nimpkish River Hawkins, George, fmr Hunt, Eli, labr Hunt, George, labr. Ft Rupert Hunt, Wm, hntr and tdr. Ft Rupert Hyde, Daniel, fmr Hyde, John, salesman Ingersol, John, fisherman MacGeary, Wm, minr, Shushahti Bay Mallory, Harry, labr Mathers, A, fmr, Nimpkish liiver May, W D, fmr, Klickseewy Olney, S F, fmr, Cracroft island Pidcock, R H, Indian agt Robilliard, John, fisherman Siirpson, Henry, trdr. White Beach Spencer, S A, cannery prop Van Tassell, James, fmr, Klickseewy WoUacott, Arthur,labr Wollacott, Philip, policeman ALEX Postmaster, In the Dominio of Cariboo-Lill of Cariboo. P( hco wagon road nelle; mails on railway station, P R, distance 1 and express oflS tance, 18 milei Kara loops, 220 landing on the tant, 1 mile. stage from Ashe I'y Fraser river iiig and stock ra fipal industries. Adams, Wm, fnjrd Ah Yot & Co, gold Barrow, Thos, hott Blair, John, carper Bohanon, Samuei I Boiifhie, Cassiroer ipudhie, Chas, laLo Clink, Alex S, wati Crinvtord, Henry, f Carilioo Cattle Co, ami Jno J Mclnn Cusson & Desormea Cusson, Lewis, (( meault) Davis, Alex, labr Deschamps, Anionic Desormeault, I'eter ormeault) Doubriel, Isaac, lab Downs A Olsten, fir Downs^ Stephen, Do Ewing, Wm, labr Ivvan, John, trappei Foyie, Charles J. ha tiass, Oscar, labr Hodson, John, labr Little, George, labr a Lucas, Alonzo, carpe Maekin, Jno, fmr Maders, Win, herder Jfanon, Teiesphore, KcArthur, Alex, lab: KcCornish, itfatthew IcDoiiald, D W, cari Mclnnes, Alex D, J keeper lIcIniie|,AlexP,ftnri jcLean. Donald Ai h Middlet^, Robt,/ T. D0BE90N, N. W. DOBESON. NANAiMd FOUNDRY. Iran end Bra»» f uMiMlera, iienmral MaeMni»t», All Kindt of BepaWt, Land and Jfarift*. NANAIMO, • . • BRITISH COLUMBIA. fci' tl ahoniuht. Victoria. Traiisfer Go*9 XitdL ^'^t't^^*^" 21 and 23 Bronghton Street, Victoria, B. C. Tel. 129. BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. 47 ALEXANDRIA. • Postmaster, A. D. McInnes. In the Dominion Electoral District of Cariboo-Lillooet, and Provincial, of Cariboo. Postoffice on the Cari- boo wagon road 36 miles from Ques- nelle ; mails once a week ; nearest railway station, Ashcroft on the C P R, distance 186 miles ; telegraph and express oflSce, Soda Creek, dis- tance, 18 miles. Banking town, Kamloope, 220 miles. Steamboat landing on the Eraser river, dis- tant, 1 mile. It is reached by stage from Ashcroft ; fare $33, also by Eraser river steamers. Farm- ing and stock raising form the prin- cipal industries. Adams, \Vm, fmrand stock raiser Ah Yot & Co, gold mining Barrow, Thos, hotel keeper Blair, John, carpenter Bohanon, Samuel H, fmr and butcher Boiichie, Cassimer, labr bouehie, Chas, labr Clink, Alex S, watchman Criiwford, Henry, fmr Cariboo Cattle Co, (Alex P Molnres and Jno J McInnes, props) Cusson & Desormeault, imrs Cusson, Lewis, (Cusson & D.sor- nieault) Davis, Alex, labr Desoliampa, Antonie, labr Desormeault, I'eter, (Cusson & Des- ormeault) Doubriel, Isaac, labr Downs &. Olsten, fmrs Downs, Stephen, Downs & Olsten Ewing, Wm, labr F>nan, Jotin, trapper Foyle, Charles J^ harness maker Gass, Oscar, labr Hodson, John, labr Little, George, labr and trupper Lui-as, Alonzo, carpenter Maeiiin, Jno, imr Maders, Wm, herder Ifarion, Telesphore, labr ScArthur, Alex, labr KcCornish, Matthew, labr - HcDonald, D W, carpenter McInnes, Alex D, J P, P M, hotel keeper XcInne<,Alex P, fqar and stock raiser 'icLean. Donald h^ fmr Uiddlet%i, Robt, Jbr Moffat, Henry, fmr Moffitt & Sons, frms Moffitt, Chas. fmr Moffitt, Thos, fmr Moffitt, John, fmr Moffitt, Wm, fmr Ore, Robt, labr A.:<ALI LAKE. POSTM.^STER, J. BOWE. In the Dominion Electoral District of Cariboo, Lillooet and Provincial of Lillooet, is situate on the left bank of the Eraser river, about ninety miles from Clinton and on the direct route to Barkerville. Mail is carried weekly by stage from Ashcroft, the nearest railroad station ; telegraph and express office, Clinton; banking point, Kamloops. Fare from Ashcroft, $15 ; change stages at Clinton. Boitano, Augustine, packer Bowe, H (►, stockraiser Bowe Henry, stockraiser Moore, John E, fmr Ropotti, Joseph, fmr ANDERSON CREEK. Postoffice, Kamloofs. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale, Kootenay and Provincial of Yale. Communicfc.tion by stage from Karii loops, distance 11 miles, the banking point, telegraph and express office. ANNIERVILLE. {See Port Kelh.) In the Dominion and Provincial Electoral District of New West- minster, one mile below Port Kells, on the Eraser River. Nearest post- office. Port fCells; telegraph and express office, New Westminster; distance, 3 miles. Daily commu- nication by steamer with New Westminster, and all points on the Eraser River. ARMSTRONG. POBTMABTKR, DaNIEL RaBB' TT, In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale, Kootenay and Provincial 1 our ^ckinjoshes, Melissa and Rigby Waterproofs, Umbrellas, &c. iWILUAMS & CO., 97 Johniorr Street. Victoria, B. 0. m m \^.'- '■ ■l.i'JPf.iWfllFJI^I. ""WWI I J. Sc J. TATXOR, SAFES AND VAULT DOOIJ X<. J« Cole« Ageiitt Dupont Block, New Westminster, B. C. UL^ h (J) o 00 CO 48 BRITISH COIiUHBIA DWECTORY. of Yale, is 30 miles south from Sicamous junction on the Shuswap and Okanagan railway and in the centre of the Spallumcheeii valley. Daily trains north and south ; has a telegraph and express office; mails daily ; fare from Vancouver, $17.45. Banking point, Vernon. Principal products, wheat and cattle. AddiHon, Charles, shoemaker Anderson, A, fmr Barrett, Henry, carpenter Barrett, W H, fmr Bell, James, tmr Bowell, Robert, fmr Brewer, Chas, sawmill owner Brown, John, blacksmith Buker, R, labr, Brewer's sawmill Buker, W, engineer, Brewer's saw- mill Burnett, E R, fmr Campbell, \Vm, butcher Campbell, Wm, teamstJi Christian, John, fmr Christian, Joseph, teamster Collins. David, harness maker Coughlan, Dan. teamster Crawford, Alex, fmr and carpenter Crozier, Chas, fmr Crozier. James, fmr Cumming, D G, fmr Davis, B F, fmr D'Eatie, Walter, L Dempsey, D, roadmaster Dobbin. J, labr Ebbargill & Co, merchants Ehoncke, Henrv, fmr Elliot, Phillip, labr Brewer's sawmill Fletcher, F W, prop Armstrong hotel Ford, Aaron, fmr Frayne, Mrs Luke, housekeeper Fulton, TB, fmr Glanzer, John, fmr Goldie, Robert, fmr Gordon, Norman, fmr Gould, Hugh, labr Brewer's sawmill Graham, Donald, fmr Graham, T, carpenter Grant, Alextt»»l«r, fancy and fruit store Grant, Arthur K, /mr and agent Gudnason, Enier, /mr Hamil! & McJ,eod, props door and sash factory, hardware and furni- ture Hancock, William, harness maker Harding, Harry, fmr Har^y, Thos, bricklayer, mgr sawmil Heathcote, Fred, Government roac master Hill, Amos, labr Holtby, Wm, carpenter Hyatt, Mark, fmr Johns, Joseph, fmr Joyce, Cyrill, fmr Keyes, Hugh, Armstrong hotel Kilby, William, teamstsr Laur, Jacob, fmr Lawrie, J D, labr Levar, Moses, fmr Lorimer, George, station agent Lumsden, Ed, carpenter McCarty, Michael, labr McDonald, Josiah, carpenter McDonald, My leg, fmr McKenzie, W R, turner and carpn McLeod, Norman, door and sash fat tory, furniture and hardware M(!Pliprsiin, Ortborne, teacher Meighan, W J, fmr Mulraney, P J, fmr Murie, ^H\|]^'^, cariirnter Murray, lifor^e, t.oarding hou fancy ami fruit Hfore Murray, Wtn, maiihinist Norris, 81 Ian, labr Parry, Evan, painter Parry, Lloyd, fmr Patclmff, George, labr Brewei k «a mill Patchett, John, livery stable Pelley, R H, Prov Land Surveyor Poole, John, fmr Powell, J W, gentleman Rabbitt, Daniel, postmaster a merchant (E CCargill & Co) Reid, Samuel, fmr Rush, George, fmr Rush, G W, fmr Sajpsworth & Decks, fmrs Schneider, Henry, blacksmith Schubert, Augustus, sr, retired fmr Schubert, Augustus, jr, fmr Schubert, Cijiurles, fmr Shaw, Wm, carpenter Sheill & Ford, fmrs Sheill, Jas, fmr Swanson, Henry, fmr Thompson, John, fmr Thornc, Edward, fmr Tilton, Cyrus C, fmr Turnbull, Robert, carpenter Waitt, C M, sawyer Brewer's sawm Wheeler, Arthur, land surveyor a)^ architect T. J. TRAPP & CO., Harilware, Paints, Oils anH Aioricaitnral Columbia Street, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. 0. 7AULT DOOll istminster, B. 0. cklayer, mgr Bawmili 1, Government roaci ar , station agent arpenter el, labr .h, carpenter 6, fmr turner and carpn door and sash fat I and hardware orne, teacher tnr mr arpt'titer PSOFS BAY COMPANY " '«* !L=™«.«'»« ASH BBITISH COLUMBIA DIBBCTORY. ABH 49 Williamson, T H, butcher Wilson, John, stock raiser Wolfenden, R H, carpenter [Wood, Robert, merchant ^Wright, Jas Milton, clerk "''right, Thomas W, apprentice S & D factory [Young, B F, fmr Young, James, carpenter ASHCROFT. Postmaster, W. B. V. Bailey. |ln the Electoral District of Yale, is on the Pacific division of the Can- adian Pacific railway, at the south bank of the Thompson river near its junction with the Bonaparte, is 205 miles from Vancouver and 2,698 miles from Montreal. There IS a money order and express office, but the nearest banking point is Kamloops. Ashcroft is the for- warding and distributing point for Cariboo, Clinton, Lillooet and way places in the northern interior ancl the point where all travel to these sections leaves the railroad. Here the B. C. Express Co. have their headquarters. Irmatrong, Angus, track walker C P R Islicruft Hotel, Wm Lyne, prop Uherton, W T, Ashcroft hotel kudap, Peter, ranclier Lustin, A E, farm laborer Jailey, (.Jeo, elk to Harvey Bailey Co }ailey, W B V, mcht and postmaster James, John Christopher, stock raiser iBeddard, Joseph, fmr fBose, W H, fmr Brink, Wm, fmr British Columbia Expr's Co, Stephen Tingley, mgr Brown, j^ames, track walker C P R Bryson, J B, black;iraith Burr, J W, constal)le and Gov agent Campbell, Miss B, dressmaker Carson, James, rancher Caux, Jean, packer Chai, Come, teamster Chenhall, James, teamster Colum'/i, E C, stage driver Charles James, labr C P R Cornwall, Hon C F, stipendiary mag- istrate and countv courl: judge Courtenay, Sam, telegraph operator Cralt, Alex, labr Decker, Isaac Eagleson, Mark R, teamster Evans, H, fmr Fearn, W D, builder and contractor Foster, F W genl merchant Gladwin, W B, forwarder Glassey, John, mgr Ashcroft hotel Gordon, John, carpenter Grey, Thomas, labr C P R Grigg, Thomas, labr C P R Gunter, A, section foreman Haddock, Chas, prop livery stable Haddock, Jas, mgr, F W Foster's store Harvey Bailey & Co, genl merchants Hautier,Alphonse, elk Harvey Bailev &Co Higginbottom, Wm, carpenter Hollyoak, John, tank engineer C P R Humphries, E, farm hand Hume, H D, conductor C P R Jarvis, R W, elk F W Foster Kirkpatrick, FG fmr Kirkpatrick, Jas D, fmr Kirkpatrick, John G, fmr Kirkpatrick, Wm, fmr King, J W H, school teacher La Forrest, Emile, stage driver B Express Co Langley, Walter, stock raiser Lawrence, John, labr C P R Lehman, Isaac, J P, blacksmith Linehan, Jack, freight clerk C P R Lyne, Wm, prop Ashcroft hotel MacKay, J J, agent B C Express Co McDonald, A C. teamster McEwen, Donald, hostler McKay, L, saddler Mooney, A, plasterer Mooney, P A, station agent C P R Munroe, Gilbert, track walker Nesbitt, R J, fmr Newhard, C C, foreman, C P R Newland, J A, plasterer Paul, Alexander, cook Peterson, John, fmr Puckett, W R, hotelkeeper Rafter, Martin, labr Robbins S, teamster Shaw, Walter, elk F W Foster Sheppard, W, fore nan Shermer, J C, teamster Shuler, Goleman, fmr Smith, Chipman H, elk B C Express Co Smith, J C, blacksmith Smith, John, fmr ■1^ !TT.P.'R. BROS., ^^^ AGENTS FOR CROSSLEY AND SONS FINE CARPETS. -in l w I , i , im t ^ I iw» ij »i» iiwwH||pppwiiiipiipiPi|i R. T.WILLIAMS BOOKBINDER and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER »» BBOAB STBEET, VICTORIA. SI S3 S3 « EH 5 « s S3 00 60 BAL BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. BAR Spinks, J W, teamster Steadman, Mrs, confectionery, etc Stroutt, J W, fmr Thompson, Malcom, packer Tingley, Fred, clerk Tingley, Stephen, mgr B Exp Co Tapper, M. music teacher Williams, — , teamster BALFOUR. Postmaster, C. W. Busk. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Kootenay and Provincial of West Kootenay. Mails three times a week; telephone connection with Nelson ; distance, 20 miles, which is also the nearest railway station and banking point; communication by steamer; all boats plying up and down the lake call here. Mining; and lumber are the principal in- dustries. Allan, Wm, logger Beale, W E, rancher. Queen's bay Bell, W, labr Brown, G M, carpt and boatbuilder Busk, W, surveyor Calder, Mrs, housekeeper Decker, Tony, labr Decker, W, logger De La Haye, Capt, rancher Fuller, W, miner Gallop, J W, hotel prop Gallop, R 8, hotel prop Gallop & Son, hotel props Gallop, IT N, miner Gallop, W R, bookkeeper Gallop, Mrs J W Gallop, Miss F Gallop, Miss A Gordon, — , logger Hazzard, Wm, miner , Jackson, H P, labr * Koskey, Thomas, labr Kurtz, Chris, property owner Laird, Geo, rancher Lewis, Isaac, labr Marshall, — , logger McBain Dan, miner McKean, Geo, labr McKeau, Grant, carpt McLean G, miner McMillan, A, miner Nelson, Chris, labr Proctor, Thos, rancher and miner Kouch, Edward, contractor Roe, A V, rancher Thurburn, T V, labr Stark, J E, miner Thompson, W, miner Williams, John, logger White, — , labr BARCLAY SOUND. INCLUDING UOLUELET AND CAPE BKALE LIGHTHOUSE. (Hee also Alberni.) In the Dominion Electoral District of Vancouver and Provincial of Al- berni, is situated on the West coast of Vancouver Island, 100 miles from Victoria and 40 miles from Alberni. Nearest postoffice, Clayo- quot, distance, 20 miles ; telegraph and express office, Victoria, 100 miles; communication by steamer. Cox, Emmanuel, Cape Beal lighthse Guillod, Harry, Indian agt, Ucluelet Lucovitch,Antonio,mgr Capt Spring's store BARKERVILLE. Postmaster, James Stone. In the Dominion and Provincial Elec- toral District of Cariboo, is situated on Williams Creek, 285 miles from Ashcroft station at the termination of the Cariboo wagon road, and is reached by the British Columbia Express Company's stages from Ashcroft once a week. Telegraph, money order and express office. Government agt and Gold commis- sioner, John Bowron Government assayer, E A Martin Head constable and County Court registrar, Geo Cowan Adams, Thomas Edward, miner Allen, James, miner AUers, John, miner Anderson, Andrew, miner Anderson, William F, miner Atkinson, Amos B, miner, Grouse ok Barker, William, miner Bawden, Nicholas, miner Bawden, Thomas, miner Bennett, Richard, miner Berry, Richard, carpt Bibb'y, James, miner. Grouse ok Bibby, John, tinsmith Blackwood, William, miner Blair, Robert, miner T. D0BE80N, N. W. DOBEBON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron audi Bra»a Foundtra, General MaehinittSt All Kindt of Bepairt, land and Marine. NANAIMO, ■ • BRITISH COLUMBIA. VICT3RIA TR^ 21a BAR Boyce, James Brodie, Rober Brown, Willia Brown, Rober Bowron, John Buchanan, Re Butts, John, I Campbell, Rol Cockell, Edwa Coutts, Alexai Conway, Benji Cowan, Geo, c Clark, George Mclntyre) Davis, Mauric( Des Lorier, Ed D'Orpintquy, ( Driscoll, Mich creek Duffy, James, Ende, Aime, n Ferguson, Geo Flynn, Timoth Flynn, E Havi Fitchie, Willia Forrest, Willia Gadd, George, Gayet, L, mim Glynn, Michae Hageman, Chr Harkins, Jame Hancock, J M, Heath, Robert Hoar, Francis, Hodgkinson, \ Hough, Richai House, Charles Howley, Patric Houser, John, Innis, James, Isaacs, Geo, m James, John, n Jarvis, W I, m Johns, Gomar, Job? ; -n, A.rti JohnMi.,)n, Gooi Jones, John O, , . Jones, Robert, Jones, V, illiam !| Kelly, Andrew, Knott, John, c Lanyon, John, Locke, Alex, st Mar' In, E A, a tuxi mill Mattloe. 8 B, i Mc A linden, An McArthur, Ale lEE OUR SCO] I. williamI IfinrnniA TDAIICCCD PA I Til Check Banage to any part of the City. Their fluivnlA InAnorCn UV.| LIU. wagons andCarrlages meet aU Boats and Train*. 21 and 23 Bronghton Street, Vlotoria, B. C. Tel. 129. BAB BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. BAB 51 Boyce, James, miner Brodie, Robert, miner Brown, William, miner Brown, Robert, miner Bowron, John, Gold commissioner Buchanan, Robert, miner Butts, John, miner Campbell, Robert, miner Cockell, Edward, miner Coutts, Alexander, miner Conway, Benjamin M, miner Cowan, Geo, count>r court registrar Clark, George B, mill owner (Clark & Mclntyre) Davis, Maurice A, miner Des Lorier, Edward, teamster D'Orpintquy, Oliver, woodman Driscoll, Michael, miner, Mosquito creek Duffy, James, miner Ende, Aime, miner Ferguson, George, miner Flynn, Timothy H, miner Flynn, E Haviland, miner Fitchie, William, miner Forrest, William, saloon keeper Gadd, George, miner. Grouse creek Gayet, L, miner. Antler creek Glynn, Michael S, miner Hageman, Christian, miner Harkins, James, saloon keeper Hancock, J M, miner. Antler creek Heath, Robert, miner Hoar, Francis, miner Hodgkinson, Wm, millhand Hough, Richard, Engineer House, Charles, hotel keeper Howley, Patrick, miner. Grouse ck Houser, John, miner Innis, James, miner Isaacs, Geo, miner, Sugar ck James, John, miner Jar vis, W I, miner Johns, Gomar, clerk Joh? ; -n, Arthur, miner, Sugar ck JohnHcjn, Gourge C, minei Jones, John 0, miner Jones, Robert, butcher J-jnes, V, illiam A, dentist I Kelly, Andrew, store and hotel keeper Knott, John, carpt Lanyon, John, miner. Mosquito ck I Locke, Alex, stage driver Mar' 'n, E A, assayer and supt reduc- t'un mill Mattlce. 8 B, miner McAUutlen, Anthony, tdr, Grouse ck McArthur, Alex, blacksmith McCornish, Matthew, miner McDermott, Hy,miner,Couttlin gulch McDonald, Alex, miner, CouttUn gulch McFarlane, Donald, miner, Grouse creek McGovern, Patrick, miner McGregor, Peter F, miner Mclntyre, Archibald (Clarke & Mc- lntyre) McKay, Daniel, miner McKenny, Francis, miner McLain, J L B, miner, Richfield. McLeod, Geo, miner, Richfield McLeod, Kenneth, trapper. Bear lake Meyer, h , miner, Antler ck Molieur, Hilaire, miner. Grouse ck Morgan, Lewis, hospital steward Newton, Launcelot, miner. Stout's gulch Ogden, Edward, labr Paulsen, Chas J, miner Petrin, Frank, miner. Grouse ck Phelps, Wm H, teacher Pinkerton, John, miner, Lowhee ck Pinkerton, Matthew, miner, Lowhee creek Pomeroy, John, miner. Grouse ck Price, W C, miner Robinson, G W, miner, Richfield Rogers, Samuel A, MPP, merchant Ross, James, miner. Sugar ck Ross, John, miner, Sugar ck Sharp, Alex, miner, Cunningham creek Shepherd, E C, miner Shepherd, G L. shoemaker Shepherd, John Shepherd, William, engr Sincock, Samuel, saloon keeper. Jack gulch Smith, Hy C, labr _^ Smith, W'^P, miner ~^ Stevenson, John, sheriff of Cariboo Stone, Jas, operator and postmaster Tell, Edward W, miner Tunstall,ChasA, MD, hospital surg'zi Walker, Geo J, miner Whittier, A D, mgr Williams, W P, miner. Mosquito ck Wilson, Arnold, miner Wintrip, Edwd, blacksmith. Stout's gulch. Wintrip, Lewis, miner, Richfield Wintrip, John, miner Wintrip, Robert, miner Woolcock, W H, miner Wylllii, llohort, miner. Sugar ck |EE OUR SCOTCH AND ENGLISK TWEED SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS I. WILIilJilf ■ * CO., OlotUen amd Hatten, 97 Johnaon St. Victoria. T £ X A S L A K £ I C £ c o V A N C O u V E B B ni ■M MMPI isnsi p^ o I 00 ' CO ic HVDSOI'Se c-o GO 52 BEA BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. BEA BARNSTON ISLAND. , (See Port Kella.) In the Dominion Electoral District and Provincial of New Westmin- ster ; nearest post office Port Kells, telegraph and express otfice, New Westminster, distance 11 miles. BASQUE RANCH. In the Provincial Electoral District of Yale, is 9 miles from Ashcroft, which is th« postal town, express and telegraph station. Stage route. BEAR CREEK. {See also Roger's Pass.) In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale, Kootenay and Provincial of Yale, is a station on the main line of the C.P.R., 432 miles from Van- couver; has a telegraph and ex- press office; noarest postoffice Roger's Pass, distant five miles; steamboat communication with Golden, 40 miles. BEAVER. POSTMABTEK, W. G. NeILSON. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale and Kootenay and Provincial of East Kootenay, is a railway station on the main line of the C. P. R., 12 miles weet of Donald; nearest telegraph and express office, Beaver Mouth ; bankm- point, Calgary; mails daily. Anderson, Sam, mill hand Anderson, V, section foreman Anderson, William, mill hand Baldock, Victor, mill hand Barr, Henry, fmr Barr, John, bush foreman Bingham, John, mill liand Boushie, B, river driver Bousher, Joe, mill hand Brownson, Tom, miner Burns, James, mill hand Carroll, James M, fmr Clattenbuig, Nathen, mill hand Clelland, Robert, section hand Crosby, George, labr Daly, J B, section foreman Doan, Joseph, labr Dredge, H, painter Evans, Henry, mill labr Evans, Herb, mill labr Evans, Harry, piler Featherton, Spence, mill labr Ferris, John, labr Foote, William, mill labr Foster, H E, mine owner Goodfellow, William, miner Graham, Dan, miner \ Griffin, William, mill labr Gutridge, William, mill labr Hall, Joe, mill labr Haltgreen, H, section man Harbeson, Joe, trimmer Haves, Walter, loader Heenan, John, labr Hewitt, Thomas, labr Higginson, George E, mill foreman Higginson, Edward T, flier Houston, .lohn, teamster Jackson, Henry, mill labr James, W T, mill labr Jelks, Harold, mill labr Jenson, N P, labr Johnson, Chris, piler Johnson, T, mill labr Kirkpatrick, John, cook Kerkwood, William, mill labr Kerr, J B, Columbia River Lumber Company Logan, A M, mill labr Mahon, John, mill labr Maloney, Thomas, miner McOlarren, H, miner McDonald, Daniel, labr McDougall, Alexander McFadyen, L, blacksmith McMahon, Samuel, plainer McNair, James, watchman Moore, Thomas, agent C P R Co Neilson, W G, manager Columbia River Co, Ltd Nelson, John A, section man Niblock, Robert, mill labr Nichol, William, mill labr Oliver, William, teamster Paserba, John, section man Ryan, M, labr Satterlee, Henry, mill owner Savage, Robert, miner Say, Stephen, labr Sewell, Frank, mill labr Shaw, Abe, plainer Soards, J, cook Thompson, William, labr Thompson, W J, millwright Thorsen, George, mill labr BEi TurnbuU, J Vasaer, J S, Vigneaux, J Walde, Jact Wnite, Chai White, Thoi White, Will Whiteside, ] Whiteside, 1 Wilson, Jam Yuill, Sam, BEi Postmaster, In the Provi of Alberni couver. Mj est telegrap point, Nam Armstrong, V Bayne, Percy Bayne, Stanlt Bishop Chas postmaster Cameron, Anj Commerford, Dickson, Mrs, Dickson, Wm Drinkwater, I Dunkerly, Mi Fletcher, Rob Grandy, Edw Hall, Charles Halpenny, H Halpenny, Jo mill Jolly, John Si McKenzie, Ki Orr, John, fn, Pattison, Tho Smith, Thomi Spencer, Geo Stewardson, J Thompson, R Thompson, \^ Woodward, E BE> (See Si Postmaster, In the Domir, Nanaimo a] i« about 2I communics T. J.TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Paints, Oils and AErienltaral Iinpleiiieiits.| Columbia Street, NEW WEHTMINSTfiB, B. C. INTERIOR ,1 ^ ^x'l.f'iiJFrV' HDDSOrS Btr COMPIIY, ignis for Fort Gin) aod Beotoi Cooni| Flooring Mills -VXCTORIA.. B. O. BBA BBITIBB COLUMBIA DIBBCTOBY. BEL 63 Tuirnbull, John, setter Vasser, J S, scaler Vigneaux, Joe Walde, Jacob, mill labr Wuite, Charles, gang foreman , White, Thomas, setter White, William, sawyer Whiteside, Edward, skipper Whiteside, Frank, planer Wilson, James, labr Yuill, Sam, miner BEAVER CREEK. Postmaster, Chas. Fred'k Bishop. In the Provincial Electoral District of Alberni and Dominion of Van- couver. Mails twice a week. Near- est telegraph, express and banking point, Nauaimo, distant 55 miles. Armstrong, Wm, finr Bayne, Percy, fmr Bayne, Stanley, fmr Bishop Chas Fred, J. P, fmr and postmaster Cameron, Angus, fmr Commerford, Patrick, fmr Dickson, Mrs, fmr Dickson, Wm, machinist Urinkwater, Hilton, fmr Dunkerly, Miss Ethel, school teacher Fletcher, Robert, gentleman Grandy, Edward, fmr Hall, Charles, fmr Halpenny, H, carpenter Halpenny, Joseph G, fmr and saw- mill Jolly, John Stull, fmr McKenzie, Kenneth, fmr Orr, John, fmr Pattison, Thomas, fmr Smith, Thomas, fmr Spencer, Geo A Stewardson, John, fmr Thompson, Robert Wm, fmr Thompson, Wm,fmr Woodward, Ernest BEAVER POINT. (See Salt Spring Island.) Postmaster, Alexander McLennan. In the Dominion Electoral District of Nanaimo and Provincial of islands, JH about 26 miles from Victoria; communication by steamer ; near- est telegraph ofSce and railway station, McPberson's, on E. & K. Ry, distance, 16 miles. The post office is at the southeastern ex- tremity of Salf Spring Island. BEECHY BAY. (See Metchosin.) In the Dominion and Provincial Electoral Districts of Esquimau, facing the Straits of San Juan de Fuca ; at the southern extremity of Metchosin, 21 miles from Victoria, by land, and 15 miles by water. Livery from Victoria. BELLA BELLA. (See Northivest Coast.) In the Dominion Electoral District of New Westminster and Provincial of the Coast, is an Indian village, situated on the Northwest Coast, 300 miles from Nanaimo and 400 from Victoria, nearest railway sta- tion, banking point, telegraph and express office, Nanaimo ; communi- cation by steamer with Vic; oria. Erbstem, Arthur, fisherman Elstein, Matthew, fisherman Gardhouse, T T, storekpr for John Clayton Hopkins, Rev Geo F, Methodist Min- ister Knight, Moses, fisherman Watson, Geo Amos, fisherman Winsor, Charles, fisherman Wise, ThoB, fisherman BELLA COOLA. (See Nci-thwest Coast.) In the Domicion and Provincial Elec- toral Districts of New Westminster, is an Indian village, situated on the northwest coast, 325 miles from Nanaimo and 450 from Victoria. Nearest railway station, telegraph and express office Nanaimo. Post- office, Bella Bella ; communication by steamer from Victoria. Clayton, John, Indian trader Nicholas, Edward, Methodist mis- sionary. go 00 o pi o SB 01 ax « S. • 5 CD INTERIOR WOODWORK, OFFICE AND BAR FITTINGS — BCade to Order by WEILER BROS. ,,'.;■: PQ CO CJ» OS rS Oi 06 ,4 Ph ■M <M O) o 5 ^ OS ^H a< 4» •^ >■ VJ etS ^H 1 H a R. T. WILLIAMS 98 Broad Hi., Vivtoria. 64 BIO BBITISa COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. BOK BIG BAR. Postmaster, P. Grinder. In the Dominion Electoral District of Cariboo, Lillooet and Provincial of Lillooet. Communication by stage from Ashcroft, the nearest railway station ; telegraph and express office Clinton, 45 miles; mails re- ceived weekly. Ah Jim, trader Bishop, Anthony, stock raiser Burnett, Alex, fmr Davis, Alex, fmr Davis, Isaac, fmr Davis, John, fmr Dunn, James, miner Gallagher, John, JP, miner Goodwin, H W, labr Grinder, John, fmr Grinder, Phillip, fmr and postmaster Grinder. William, fmr Haller, Joseph, fmr Haller, Joseph, jr, fmr Haller, William, fmr Hanlon, Nicholea, fmr Hartman, Prince A, fmr Hinck, Henry, fmr Jones, John M, fmr Kostering, Conrad, fmr Madson, Robert, fmr McCormick, Michael McDonald, Daniel, fmr McDonald, Donald, fmr McLean, Alex, fmr McLeod, John, teamster Moore, Fdward, labr Morgan, Thomas, fmr Muller, Alex, fmr Phair, Henry, labr and miner Robinson, Wm, teamster Walker, James, fmr Walker, Thomas, teamster AValker, William, fmr BLUE SPRINGS. Postmaster, Alkxandek McDowell. In the Dominion and Provincial Electoral District of Yale, Koot- enay, is five and a half miles from Lumby. Mails once a week. Near- est telegraph, express office, and banking point, Vernon, 20 miles distant. Cooke, C F, fmr Couverette, Gilbert, fmr Crawley, Geo, fmr Deschamps, J B, fmr Deschamps, Alphonse, fmr Funk, Geo, fmr Helgeson, B F, fmr LeBlance, Joseph, fmr McDonald, Daniel, fmr McDowell, John D, fmr McDowell, Alex, stockraiser and postmaster Mclntyre, Donald, miner Quesnell, Cleophonce, fmr Quesnell, Quandid, fmr Sheron, D, fmr Sheron, Felix, labr IJtansfield, Albert, fmr Stansfield, Alex, sr, fmr Stansfield, Alex, jr, fmr BONAPARTE. In the Dominion Electoral District of Cariboo, Lillooet and Provincial of Lillooet, 20 miles from Ashcroft, the nearest railway station, tele- graph and express office ; postoffice Cache Creek. Mails weekly. Com- munication by stage, from Ash- croft to Mundorfs, distance 20 miles; fare, $3.25. Bohn, Wm, labr Cargile, Wm, trader English, B F, fmr McDonald, Cole, blacksmith McLeod, John, teamster McLeod, Daniel, teamster Morgan, Thomas, fmr Mundrof, Jacob, hotel keeper Mundrof, G F, fmr O'Hara, Daniel, fmr Parker, Ryland Hostler, B C Express Co Quirk, Thomas Robinson, Wm, fmr Thurbar, James, fmr Veasey, John, fmr Veasey, James, fmr Walker, George, fmr Walker, James, teamster Walker, Robert L, hotelkpr, Clinton Walker, William, fmr Wilson, George, teamster BOUNDARY BAY. DELTA MUNICIPALITY. {See Ladner's Landing.) A settlement in the Delta Municipal- ity, in the Dominion and Provincial T. DOBESON. N. W. DOBESON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron and Braaa Voundert, General MaehiniaU • ^11 Kindt of BepairSf land and Marine, NANAIMO, • • BRITISH COLUUBIA V^iOllOTift Xr&nSfiBlT Ck>«9 liffd* Xate»anaQuleke»t^e»pateh. 21 and 23 Brooshtoa Str««t, Vlotoria, B. O. Tel. 129. BOU BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. BRO 66 Electoral District of New Westmin- Bter ;neare8t postoffice, money order, telegraph and express office, Lad- ner's Landing; communication by livery from Ladners. BOUNDARY CREEK. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Kootenay and Provincial of Yale, is situate on Kettle river, ten miles east of Rock creek. Mails monthly. Nearest telegraph and express office, Marcus, Washington ; railway station, Vernon. Black, Jas, fmr Black, Frank, fmr. Bowman, Thos Gooding. Pete, mill hand Hardy, Thos. fmr Hardy, Thos, hotel keeper Ingram, McRie, fmr Jackson, J R, fmr Kerr, Jas, fmr Kerr, R D, butcher Le Roy, Wm, fmr Lindsay, John, mill hand McCanley, Thos. hotel keeper McCarren, R, miner Miner, A J, minor Murray, Hugh, fmr Nevin, .T, assayer Palmerston, H P, fmr Powers, Wm, mill hand Rankin, John, mill hand Smith, W T, miner Smith, Mrs Sullivan, John, fmr Sutherland, James, hotel keeper Thornton, John, miner Walters, H C, miner BOWEN ISLAND. In the Dominion Electoral District of New Westminster; is at the mouth of Howe Sound; nearest postoffice, telegraph and express office, also railway station, Van- couver ; communication by steamer. BRIDGE CREEK. (See also Mile Houses.) Postoffice Address, Clinton. In the Dominion Electoral District of Cariboo, Lillooet and Provincial Electoral District of Lillooet; near- The and exp est telegraph office, 108 Mile House, distant eight miles; communica- tion by stage from Ashcroft, dis- tant 83 miles; fare, $13.50. chief industries are dairying stock raising. Abraharason, Jacob, labr Cullen, D, station keeper, B C stables, 83 mile post. Delfey, Mike, labr, Bridse Creek Fiset, Napoleon, labr. Bridge Creek Forbes, Geo, stockman. Bridge Creek Valley Gustafson,Nelson, stock raiser ,Bridge Creek Valley Mcintosh, Wm, stock raiser and dairy. 111 Mile House. Meason, Wm, stock raiser. Bridge Creek Valley Phillipine, Rafael, stock raiser, 105 Mile House Peltier, Jos, stock raiser. Bridge Creek Valley BROWNSVILLE. (See also South WeKtminster.) Postmaster, Joseph Punch. In the Dominion and Provincial Electoral District of New Westmin- ster, opposite New Westminster, is the western termination of the Yale and New Westminster wagon road. Communication by stage and steamer. Barry, M R, bartender and clerk Beeton, John, Pike & Son Benoit, A A B, & Son Benoit and Son, boatbuilders Benoit, Alfred B & Son Brown, Henry, milkman Brown, William, milkman Brodvick, John, fmr Douglas, John, fmr Edwards, Joseph, fmr, Yale road Englebrigston, Edward, fmr Esplando, Hans Furqison, A, dairyman Gairns, George, section boss Greenham, Thomas, fmr Klaveness, Anton, fmr Klaveness, Hans, fmr McDonald, James A, fmr, Scott road McDonald, John, fmr McRae, Alex, fmr McRae, William, fmr Murphy, James, fmr, Scott road Eastern TAILOR-MADE SUITS to Measure, 'him/r'iil^ See our Samples and Priee«. B. WILLIAMS & CO., 97 Johnson St., Victoria. E X A s A K £ I c E c o V A N c o u V E R B 1.1 ^'l" L ]. COLE &2 (25 o 00 CO 10 CO REAL ESTATE AND INSURANOE Dupont Block. ColambU St.. Mew V^Mtn<nater. B. C. 66 BUR BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. OAO Newton, Elias, J, harnesa mkr, Scott road Pike, W E, Yale road, fmr Pike, William, (Pike and Beeton) Punch, JaineB,M.P.P.,hotel prop and andPM Punch, John, livery man Quible, John, fmr, Yale road Seaton, J, fmr, Newton road Sendell, Neill, fmr Stein, J W, fmr Wallace, George, Yale road Wilson, James, fmr BURGOYNE BAY. (See Salt Spring Inland. ) Samuel Maxwell, Postmaster and assemsoh. In the Dominion Electoral District of Nanaimo and Provincial of Islands, is a settlement on the west side of Salt Spring Island. It lies north of Sansum Narrows and affords good anchorage for vessels. There is a post and money order office ; nearest telegraph and express of- fice, Duncan's Station; banking point, Victoria; communication bv steamer from Victoria and Nanai- mo, 30 miles. The principal indus- try is fruit and sheep raising. BURRARD INLET. (See also Hantingg.) Postmaster, Geo. Black. In the Dominion and Provincial Elec- toral District of New Westminster, four miles east of Vancouver ; mails daily. BURTON PRAIRIE. In the Dominion and Provincial Elec- toral District of New Westminster, 8 miles from Mission City, which is the nearest railway station, post- office, telegraph and express office. Communication by stage from the Mission ; fare, $1.60. CACHE CREEK. (See Bonaparte Valley.) Postmaster, Jahbh Campbell. In the Electoral District of Yale, is situated on^ the Cariboo wagon road, 6 miles from Athcroft, which is the nearest railway station, tele- graph and express office. The dis- trict is a rich agricultural one. Campbell, James, stock raiser. Collins, John, stock raiser. Connor, Chas, herd emp J Wilson Duck, Kee, general dealer Dunn, Thomas, farm hand emp C A Semlin Fehr, W, farm hand C A Semlin }> inney, George, coal mine owner and fmr,' Hat ck Gallagher, Hugh, fmr Galpin & Co, stock raisers, G B Mar- tin, mgr Gee, Zep, general dealer Godin, Wm, farm hand, emp B F English Hanez, J H, fmr, Hat ck Jamieson, Robt, fmr Martin, G. B., M.P.P., mgr Galpin & Co McCormack, M, fmr, Hat ck McDonald, A, fmr, Hat ck McLeod, Daniel, teamster Mitchell, G H, fmr Moore, Thomas, emp J Wilson Parke, Philip, fmr and stock raiser Parke, Thos, fmr and stock raiser Phare, Richard, teamster Pinchard, Robt, farm hand Galpin & Co Quirk, Thos, fmr Reynolds, James, farm hand Galpin &Co Rowe, Daniel, fmr Sanford, W A, fmr Semlin, Chas. A., M.P.P., fmr and stock raiser Squires, Newman, stockman Stevenson, Geo, fmr and hotel prop Todd, William, fmr Trimble, Chas, foreman Galpin & Co Watson, Geo, fmr CASSIAR. The District of Cassiar is situated in the north-western portion of the Province, and is almost entirely a mining district. In close prox- imity are situate McDame's Post [or Sylvester Landing], Laird Post, Blac& River Post, and Centerville. Ill the summer months there is communication once a week by the Hudson Bay Company's steamer T. J. TRAPP & CO., HarHware, Faints, Oils and AEricnltoral Iipleients Colombia Street, NEW WESTMINSTEB, B. G. IDSON'S BAY COMPANY fbolesale Grocers & fine Merchants VICTORIA. B. C. CBD BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. CED 57 from Porter's Landing, at the foot of Dease Lake, but in winter the district is practically shut off from the outer world. Allen, John P, Snow Greek, miner Brown, Henry, Gold Greek, miner Buckley, Thomas, Poor Man's Greek, miner Callbreath, G, telegraph clerk Callbreath, J K, pucker, telegraph Cook, G W. (Gallbreath.GA Co,mer, Laketon) Clunes, Goliin, McDame Post, clerk, HBGo Dower, Edward, McDame Greek, miner Edwards, Henry, Black River Post, fur trader, H B Go Egnell, Albert, Liard Post, fur trader, HBGo Everuon, C, miner, Thibut, clerk Hankin, Herliert Gharles, McDame Post, clerk H B Go La Montague, John, junction Black River, trader Mitchell, John, Quartz Greek, miner Metcalf, Edward, Gentreville, Mc- Dame Greek, clerk and collector Moore, John, HoUoway'a Bar, miner McCuaig, Donald, Quartz Greek, miner McGIure, M, miner, Dease Greek McDonald, Kenneth Nathaniel Lo- gan, McDame Post, trader, H B Go McTavish, George Simpson, McDame Post, trader, H B Go Nissen, Ghristopher, HoUoway's Bar, miner Pickup, Joseph, HoUoway's Bar, miner Porter, Jas, & Son, Laketon Rees. John, HoUoway's Bar, miner Smith, Gharles B, HoUoway's Bar, miner Sainsbury, Geo, Black River, miner Valencia, Justo, McDame Post,packer HBGo CED/»R. P0STHA8Tlb\, . OHN Hr„L. In the Dominion EU itoial District of Vancouver and Pro^ iuciai of Nan- aimo. A post 8etti<?men ; 10 miles from Nanaimo, which in the near- est banking point, telegraph and express office ; mail once a week. Bates, Harry, fmr Beach, Thomas Bennie, Gharles, fmr Bennie, John, fmr Bennie, Samuel, fmr Blank, Charles, fmr Blunt, Joseph, florist Bone, Thomas, butcher Brenton, John, oyster merchant Cairns, John, fmr Cairns, Sebastian, fmr Carson, .Toseph, fmr ' Gassidy, George, fmr ' Cassidy, Thomas, fmr / ' i Cozens, Frank, fmr Dolan, Patrick, fmr Doole, John Ferguson, Joseph, fmr Freeman, Miss L B, teacher Gardner, Lewis, teamster Greenway, James, fmr Gribble, John, fmr Haslam, James, fmr Haslam, William, contractor and teamster Hemer, John, fmr HiU)ert, John, fmr Hilbert, John Henry, fmr Hilbert, William Hill, John, fmr and postmaster Hodgson, William, fmr Isom, Burton, logger and fmr MacGregor, George, fmr Macguire, Henry, fmr Margyle, John, labr McKinnell, Andrew, fmr Michael, Edward H, J.P., fmr Michael, Edwin, fmr Michael, Jules, fmr Michael, Walter, fmr Miller, Ernest George, clergyman Page, David, oyster merchant Pannell, George, market gardner Paterson, James, fruit merchant Pearson, Edward, fmr Peterson, Hans, fmr Quenel, Edward, fmr and butcher Quenel, James, butcher Stevens, Thorns, fmr Stewart, Mrs N, widow, fmr Stockond, Samuel, fmr Taylor, George, hotel keeper Thomas, John, fmr Thomas, Wm, fmr Trudel, Henry, fmr Turnbul, William, fmr Veal, Frank, fmr White, Parker, fmr 02 VICTORIA, J B. C. ■■'i %M 'iu ^> V^J^^ ^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 L£| 28 1 2.5 2.2 1^ Uii iiiiim us — Ill'-^ lllll'-^ ^ 6" ► Photographic Sciences Corporation 93 WIST ^UklN STRUT ^«''B5f5«,N.Y. M$M (.M4)t72-4S03 .^' ,^^ kf Z %o s^ PiipiWiiPliPPIH wfmmmiw''ii^^ WE 5i>'i: »8 HMOA.O HXRBBT, VICTOSIA'. VWj^H' "*>'* BaiidB MMI Mm CiMrtUl ttan all otlMt BiadtriM MMJ JL • in tbe Proviac*. « * ¥ R. T. WILLIAMS Cd s •^^ «:..;» p>4 e« 1 •PM •«» 1 o 5 «tH « e 5 s 0) ^ i "Hi 5 ^ CO oe ^ iH &i 68 CHB BBITI8H COLUMBIA DIBBCTOBY. CHE WilBon, Miss N G, teacher Wobank, Benjamin, miner Wobank, George, fmr and miner Wobank, Joseph, miner York, Samuel, fmr "I'ork, West, fmr CHEAM. {See Chillmack.) POSTUASTBB, C. S. ByDEB. In the Dominion and Provincial Electoral District of New West- minster, is four miles east of Gbil- liwack. Mails tri-weekly. It is reached by steamer from New Westminster, and by rail from Harrison station on C. P. R. CHEMAINUS. (Including LewieviUe.) POSTMASTBB E. J. PaLMBB. In the Dominion Electoral District of Vancouver and Provincial of Cow- ichan, is a town on the E. & N. B. R., 52 miles from Victoria. Post and money order oflSce, telegraph and express office, £. & N. railway ; nearest banking point, Nanaimo. Steamboat communication from Victoria. It is a good farming dis- trict, with excellent fishing and shooting. The Victoria Lumber and Manufacturing Company have their mills here, which give em- ployment to about 200 hands. Kuper Island (in the Island dis- trict) and Thetis Island are both about five miles from Ghemainus, which is their nearest railway station, post, telegraph and ex- press office. Steamer from Vic- toria, distance 40 miles. Osborne Bay lies to the southern extremity of the district. Allan, R H, teacher Barkley, E, J.P., fmr Barkley, R E, fmr Beaumont, C, fmr Beaumont, F, fmr Blayney, 0, fmr Bonsalf, Henry, J.P., fmr Broadwood, D, fmr Burchell, H, fmr, Thetis Island Campbell, Nelson W, fmr Church, E M Conway, Thos D, station agent Crichton, W, fmr Crocker, Sml, fmr Crozier, Jas, night watchman Cunningham, J D, fmr Curran, W H, fmr. Oyster Bay Davis, Joe, fmr Donkele, Rev Gustave, R C priest. Kuper Island Dunne, C W, fmr Evins, Henry, sawmill hand Ferris, W, fmrs, Thetis Island Gibba, Saml, fmr Gibbs, R, fmr Gordon, Isaac, fmr. Oyster Bi^ Gray, Mrs S Gustafson, Olaf, carpenter Hop Chung, laundryman Horseshoe Bay Hotel, Matthew Howe, prop Howe, Matthew, prop Horseshoe Hotel Hunter Bros, fmrs, Thetis Island Jackson, T M, fmr Johnson, P B, fmr Kersley, Geo, fmr Kirkendall, G, teacher Lewis, W L, elk, employ Samuel G Lewis Lewis, Samuel G, Lewisville Hotel and store Mainguy, Daniel W, fmr Marshail, J F, mill hand McGarry, James, carpenter Miller, Wm A, fmr Neal, Jas, milkman Palmer, Ed «J, sawmill mgrandPM Parker, A, civil engineer Pearson, John P, mill hand Porter, Geo R, J. P., fmr Porter, Geo, sawmill hand Pottenger, David, storekeeper Ranberg, J, fmr Ransom, Herman, fmr Ransom. R, fmr Rice; G, fmr Richards, J, fmr Roberts, R F, fmr Roberts, Rev R J, Epis Missionary, Kuper Island Robertson, Mrs H Shaw, — G Island Silvers, J, G Island Silva, J Smith, W, sawmill hand Smith, Mrs T. OOBESON, N, W. DOBKMON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron and Brass foundsrtt Oensral MaeMnista, Atl Kinds of Btpairs, Z»nd and Mdrlns. MANAiaO, • • • BRITMH COLUMBIA Ttotoria Transfer Co., Ltd. ™"8SS &/t^i%JSrS^ ^Si^ST^ 91 and 28 Broughton Btr0«t, VMorUt, JB. C. Ttleph&ne 190. OBI BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBBCTOBY. OHI 69 Spence, G B, fmr Telford, B, teacher Tennison, H, teamater Thompson, W, bandmaster, Kuper Island Warnock, J, fmr Wells, A, fmr Williams, S, Kuper Island Wilson, Jas, fmr Wilson, B C, section foreman CHERRY CREEK. A flag station on the G.P.B. in Yale District, 236 miles east of Vancou- ver. Postoffice, Kamloops. CHILCOTEN. Posthastes, G. Desteb. In the Electoral District of Cariboo, Williams Lake Division, is an open country. Stage from Ashcroft, 250 miles (change at Soda Creek, 40 miles), the nearest telegraph sta- tion. I Bambrick, C Beaumont, F M, stock raiser Becher, F M, fmr Cornell, J G, stock raiser Destcr, G, postmaster Drummond, M G, stock raiser English, Frank, cowboy Jones, Wm, cowboy MacLaggart, sawyer Meldum, Thomas, fmr Modge, M Moon, C, cowboy Oaklyn, E D Boss, .7 Boss, M D Strouss, W M. stock raiser Swanson, Wm, fmr Sword, Thomas, packer Webster, W Wyley, Moses, stock raiser CHILLIWACK. Postmasteb. Samuel Mellabd. A municipality and town on the south bank of ti^e Fraser river in the Do- minion and Provincial Electoral District of New Westminster, with post office and three sub-offices, viz: Sumas, 6 miles west: Sardis, 4 miles south ; Cheam,4 miles east, also a money order and post office savings bank. There is also a bank, telegraph and express office. With New Westminster and all ptoints on the Fraser river, there is daily communication by steamer. The Ghilliwack Bailwajr Co. have a fine townsite adjoining Ghilliwack which is rapidly building up. The district is rich in agriculture and fruit growing, and is a favorite re- sort of tourists and sportsmen. Allen, Bev W B, English church Allitt, Chas, fmr Armstrong, James, fmr Arnould, Joseph, fmr Arnould, Bobert, fmr Ashwell & Sons, merchants Ashwell, George, merchant Ashwell, Geo B, J.P Ashwell, Henry, merchant Baily, James, carpt Baniord, George, fmr Banks, Joseph^ fmr Bayly, Wm U, fmr Bell, A J, drayman Bell, Charles, fmr Bell, George, fmr Bell, Wm, fmr Bellrose, George, fmr Benson, A W,fmr Bent, J Howe, r'l estate and insurance Bradshaw, B S, butcher Branchflower, Wm, fmr Branick, Joseph, fmr Branick, Matthew, fmr Brown, Chas, fmr Campbell & Nevard, butchers Carter, Charles, fmr Carter, Thomas, fmr Carter, Wm, fmr Castleman, A, fmr Cawley, S A, hardware Chadsey, J L, fmr Chapman, Benj, fmr Chapman, James H, fmr Coote, A L, fmr Coverdale, Thomas, nurseryman Cramer, W J, barber Cross, John, fmr Cruicksbanks, Alex A, drayman Davis, Chas C, fmr Dempster, Wm, fmr Denholm, John, fmr DeWolf, W H, gentleman Dinsmore, J A, fmr Dickson, W H, solicitor Evans, Chas, fmr T E X A S L A K £ I G E c o V A N C O u V E B B See our Bofs' Suits ani OTercoats. Best assonmeot in tiie City. frtgMmw.Qnautroooj B. WIT.fiTAMt * Co., 87 JOHNSON ST., VICTOUA. """WPPPP^ supoirr BLOCK, Columbia strbbTi; bkw wcsnuRSTBR, b. c. MM «!• \j\MMdKd Ment$ tma Ae«»un*» utile*. Matatea Mmn«g»d. CO en a b <i 3 o 00 CO 10 60 cm BBITI8H COLUMBIA DIRKCTOBT. OHI Evans, J A, fmr McKeever, Geo, fmr Everall, T P, fmr McRae, Peter, livery stable Ferris, W F, merchant. McSween, M, fmr Finney, Chas, fmr .Melhuish, Geo, mgr fruit cannery Ford, Chas, fmr Mallard, S, postmaster and notary Ford, John E, fmr public Ford, Sidney, fmr Mennell. Arthur, fmr Gibson, John, fmr Mercer, James, fmr Gibson, Joseph, fmr Miller, J W, fmr Gillanders, A H, furniture store Muirbead. James, fmr Munro, Alex, fmr Gillanders, Donald, fmr Gillanders, Joseph, fmr Munro, C W, fmr Gillanders, Milton F Munro, Jas, tinsmith Good, George, fmr Goodell, F H, fmr Munro, Nicholas, fmr Murray, Jas, fmr Mohler, F H, nurseryman Graham, John, carpenter Grant, J J, fmr Nelmes, W B, fmr Greer, Fred, fmr Nelson, Jas, fmr Greyell, Emanuel Nelson, Thos, fmr Gwvnne-Vughan, D E, fmr Nicholson, A, fmr Hall, W B, fmr Nowell, R, fmr Harrison, Mrs M, Harrison hotel O'Mears, Alfred, fmr Henderson, A C, merchant O'Mears, B, fmr Henderson, Dr, physician Paisley, L W, r'l estate and auctioneer Henderson, J C, merchant Parker, John, fmr Henderson, S C, gentleman Patterson, Jas, lime kilns Henderson, Thomas H, merchant Peers, Jos, fmr Higginson, G T, fmr Prest, Wm, fmr Hiftginson, James, fmr Proctor, Hy, fmr Prowse, RW, fmr Higginson, Wm, fmr Irwin, B A, merchant Reece, J, fmr Irwin, Thos H, fmr Reeves, A, fmr Jackman, W T, newspaper publisher Robinson & McRae, saddlers Jess, Alex, fmr Rose, Wm, millinery and fancy goods Jesperson, Henry, fmr Russell, John, fmr Jessop, Grant, druggist Rounsefell, J, jeweller Johnstone, I, boot store Smith, Andrew, fmr Kennedy, D J, fmr Smith, J S, bees and incubators Kickbush, Geo, fmr Smith, Richard, fmr Kipp, E A, fmr Stady, John, fmr Kipp, Henry, fmr Stewart, Thos, fmr Stuart, G M, fmr Kipp, Isaac Kitchen, Thomas E, MPP, gentleman Street, C L, sawmills Knight, Tlios, blacksmith Sweetman, M, fmr Lickman, Francis, shingle mill Thomson, W George, teacher Lindell, A F, fmr Thorburn, Robert, fmr Logan, Rev J A, Presby minister Trethewev, Jas. saw and flour mills Turner, Chas, fmr Lucas, I C, fmr Lundy, G F, Queen's hotel Macdonald, Witn, mail carrier Turner, S J, carpt IVtier, F J L, civil engineer Vickerson, E, fmr Marshall Bros, painters and carriage builders Yickerson, W J, fmr MathewBOB, Alex, fmr Virgie, Chas, fmr Walker, G W, clothier McConnell, James McCutcheon, John, telegraph ofSce Walker, Chas, fmr McDonald, F R, painter McGowan, Wm, bookkeeper Webb, Chas, fmr Webb, Chas, fmr McGuire, James H, fmr Webb, Geo, fmr T. J. TRAPP & CO., Harllf are, Paints, Oils anil Aiiriciiltiiral Mgleiaeiits. GolomUft Street, NBW WESTMINSTilB, B. C. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY A(r«yMM» and MngHah 0MOOXBIXa, WISXa mni ZXQVOMM, XVm and *n Bond. VICTORIA, B. O. OLA BBinSH COLTTUBIA DIBI'jTOBT. OLA 61 Weob, H, deputy sheriff Wells & Son, cheese factory Wells, A C, J.P Wilkinson, T T, reporter Wittie, T, carpt Wood, W M, teacher WetEel, F. boot and shoe sto re Young, Goas, fuir CISCO. (.See Keefers.) A flag station on the main line of the G.P.R., 149 milea east of Vancou- 'er. Fare, $7.45; nearest post- . Jice, North Bend. CLANWILLIAM. (See Revehtoke.) A flag station on the main line of the O.P.E., 370 miles east of Vancou- ver. Nearest post, telegraph, ex- press oflSce and steamboat landing, Revelstoke ; distance nine miles. CLAXTON. Skeena River. On the Skeena River, 12 miles from Port Essington and 30 from Port Simpson ; mails fortnightly ; near- est telegraph and express office, Nanaimo, with which there is weekl;^ communication by steamer. Chief industries, milling and sal- mon canning. Auriel, Joseph, millhand Beeson, John, carpenter Beynon, William, steamboat captain Garthew, D, carpenter Carthew, J A, mgr sawmill and can- nery Ghaters, Henry, blacksmith and ma- chinist Fluens, James, labr Gamble, Edward, sawyer Green, Philip, millhand Johnson, Thomas, millhand' Johnston, Dan, tallyman Johnstone, F W, notary public Kirby, H, hotelkpr Livingstone, Miss Eliia, dressmaker Mason, Thomaa, millhand McArthur. Dan McLaughlm, James, carpenter McKay, Moses, millhaud Nelson, Henry, bandmaster Olse'i, Andrew, logger Orwig, T M, boatbuilder Peden, Alex, fisherman Reed, John, millhand Robertson, A S, postmaster Ross, Fred, fisherman Rudland, James, storekeeper Smith, Alex, logger and fisherman Stulta, Joshua, logger and fisherman Tashiro, R Z, photographer CLAYOQUOT. (See aho Alberni.) A postoffice in Alberni District, 130 miles from Victoria and 54 miles from Alberni. CLAYTON. POSTMASTBB, GhAS. G. GaHEBON. Glayton, in Surrey Municipality and Dominion Electoral District of New Westminster^ is a station on the New Westminster Southern Rail- way, with trains passing twice each day. Mails are received twice a week. The nearest telegraph, ex- Sress office and banking point is rw Westminster, nine miles dis- tant, with which there is steam boat communication ; landing. Port Kells, 4 miles distant. Archibald, Thomas, fmr Bennett, Thomas, fmr Blackwood, fmr Boas, L, fmr Bothwell, James, fmr Bothwell, Thomas, fmr Bothwell, Wm. Gameron, Ghas, G P M, fmr Cann, George W, fmr Davis, L, fmr Durak, Ghas H, fmr Foster, Thomas, M.P.P, fmr George, Ellis, fmr George, Enos, fmr Gordon, Alex, fmr Gowan, Edward, fm, Hardy, George, fmr Hicks, Ezra, fmr Hicks, Herbert, fmr Hicks, Wm, fmr Hints, Alfred, fmr Inelis, Robert, fmr Johnson, Wm D, tmi I t*l I :i WQLER BROS., ate ComplGle House FumislieR. laifd Stocii in B.C, W THXz,A.xxBtzitritorxmxwTaiirBooK' n . m ^raii* BIITDIXO AJm BAPBU MVLXKO. *Mm X« TT XUIUIIS 28 BROi^D STRBBT, VICTORIA. : s « -♦J .a ^. 9 ■♦a U 83 Keiratead, SAD, fmr Lawrence, George, fmr Martin, E, fmr McCallum, Chae, fmr McGallum, John, fmr McCallum, Joseph, fmr McCaskell, Dan, fmr McCaskell, Roderick, fmr Mclsaac, Neil, fmr McKenzie, Jos, fmr Montgomery, John, fmr Morton, Jno, fmr Morton, J C; fmr Parks, Jos, fmr Paris, J D, fmr Redmond, George, fmr Richardson, Chas, fmr Routley, Gordon, fmr Routley, John, fmr Routley, Wm, fmr Routley, Thos, fmr Robertson, D M, fmr Stone, Edward, fmr Stone, Greorge, fmr Stone, Wm, fmr Stone, Sam, fmr Street, Rowland, fmr Sutherland, David, fmr Ward, Albert, fmr Watkins, Benj, fmr Watkins, Sam, fmr Wales, Harry, fmr White, Francis, fmr White, George, fmr Williams, Jos, fmr Williams, L, carpenter Wiltshire, E M, fmr CLEW CUMSHEWA. Queen Charlotte Island. In Indian settlement on the Gum- shewa Inlet. Communication by boat from Vict ria. Chone, August, fisherman Christensen, J F, carpenter Green, Geo, fisherman Moore, David, emp oil refinery Oliver, Wm, engr oil refinery Reid, Geo, Lay missionary Sutherland, Robt, fisherman Woods, Wm, emp oil refinery CLINTON. POSTUASTBB, ADALBERT Lb BoVRDAIS. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale, Cariboo (since redistribu- tion) and the Provincial Electoral of Lillooet, is situated in Cut Off Valley, on the Cariboo wagon road, 32 miles from Ashcroft station, C.P.R., and 80 miles from Kam- loops, th^>. nearest incorporated town and banking point. There is a postoflSce, money order, telegraph and express ofiice'. Ah Jim, trader Bailey, Miss A, school teacher Barton, Thomas, road supt Bell, Ewan, trader Bishop, James, labr Bonanza Mining Co, Secretary E Bell Boyd, William, fmr, 70 Mile House Bradbury, Joseph, labr Cargile, William, hotelkeepcr, Bona- parte Chenhall, James, teamster Chenhall, John, labr. Clinton Hotel, Marshall & Smith, props Conroy, Thomas, labr Cunningham, John, labr Cusack, Richard, labr Cusack, William J, labr Eagleson, Mark, teamster Egan, Peter, fmr Ehalt, Joseph, fmr. Pavilion Mt English, B T, fmr Ferguson, Robert, labr Foster, F W, merchant Gaebel, A J, Methodist minister Gallagher, Patrick, labr, Hat Creek Gillen, Michael, fmr. Pavilion Mt Hailiday, James, labr Hardie, A W, clerk, F W Foster Harvey, Henry W, clerk, F W Foster Hop Wah, trailer Hurley, H, labr Innis, Alex, fmr Jamieson, Robert, stock raiser La Forrest, Emile, stage driver Le Bourdais, A, postmaster Lomas, Louis, labr Marshall & Smith, hotelkeepers McDonald, C F, Islacksmitn, Bona- parte McGee, C W, fmr, Hat Creek McYouns, John Meiss, Alexander, labr Millikan, J W, saddler Morgan, Thomas, stock raiser Mnndorf, Jacob, hotelkeeper O'Hara, Daniel, fmr, Bonaparte Phinney, George, fmr, Hat Creek Pollard, Jphn, fmr < T. DOBESOK, N. W. DOBB80N. NANAIMO FOUNDRY. Iron and Br.a*» JPowndor*, Hentval Maehiniuta, All KindB of Uepairtf Iiand and Marin*. HANAIMO. • BRITISH COLUMBIA ^DvxHBT. Victoria Xransfei^ Co** Iitd* "^^tl^t^Mf 81 and 23 Bronchton StrMt, Vlotorla, B. C. Tel. 189. the CLO BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTOBY. OLO 63 Bobertson, James, labr, Pavilion Mt Bowe, Daniel, labr, Bonaparte Sandoval, Alberta, packer Sanson, George, physician Saul, John, fmr Saul, William, fmr Smith, JEN, hotelkeeper Soues, F, J.P., Government agent Stoddard, David A, M.P.P, tinsmith Switzer, Arthur, teamster Tressierra, Alonzo, fmr Tressierra, J M, fmr Truan, Joseph, labr Truan, Bobert, labr Uren, James B, blacksmith Valenzuela, Bat'ael, packer Veasey, John 6, labr, Bonaparte Veasey, Mrs, fmr, Bonaparte Walker, James, fmr, Bonaparte Walker, Bobert A, hotelkeeper Walker, William, fmr, Bonaparte Watham, Thomas, labr CLOVERDALE. (See aho Clover Valley.) Postmaster, George Campbell. In the Dominion and Provincial Elec- toral District of New Westminster, 1^ miles from Clover Valley post office on the New Westminster and Southern By. Mails daily; tele- graph offices, Blaine, Wash., or Brownsville; banking point, New Westminster. Bond, John, carpenter Bowell, Bev, Methodist minister Boyce, Frank, rancher Breen, John I, shoemaker Campbell, George, po8tma8t«r Frampton, »-, section boss Galbraith, J F, printer and publisher. New Westminster and Cloverdale Hill, B B, merchant and exp agt Mathews, A H P, teacher McElmon, B K, Bev, Presbyn min McMillan, John, real estate, insur- ance and collector of taxes McMillan, Miss Ada I, dressmaker Millington, W W A, labr Milton, Albert Bobinsou, W J, rancher and contr Bolind, W D, rancher Bichmond, A A, rancher Sh innon, Joseph, rancher Shannon, Thomas, J.P., rancher Sraith, William, rancher S'Allivan, — , rancher CLOVER VALLEY. Postmaster, Duncan Mackenzie. In the Dominion and Provincial Electoral District of New West- mins'ter, 1}4 miles from Cloverdale on the New Westminster and Southern Bailway. There is a post and telegraph office. Nearest express office, Cloverdale, and banking point, New Westminster ; distance 12 miles, or Blaine, 8 miles. Armstrong, John, cook Bowell, Bev, Methodist minister Boyce, Frank, fmr Boyce, Thomas, fmr Breen, Joseph I, shoemaker Brooks, J J, fmr Brown, James, fmr Campbell, Archie, fmr Campbell, George, fmr Crutchley, Joseph, logger Frampton, Wm, section hand Galbraith, J F, storekeeper Jones, William C, fmr Keen, Daniel, logper Matheson, Alex, fmr McElmon, Bev B L, Presbyterian minister McKenzie, Duncan, postmaster McKenzie, Francis J, teacher McKenzie, Hugh, canneryman McKenzie, John, fmr McKenzie, Bobert Dongald, fmr McLaughlan, Allan, logger McLaughlan, John, carpenter McLeod, Archibald, logger Mercier, Samuel, lo^er Milton, Albert, fmr Murphy, Alex, fmr Murphy, Archibald, frm Murphy, James, fmr Nelson, John, fmr Nelson, Geo, fmr Pardee, Louis, fmr Partherson, Thomas, carpenter Bambough, Myles, logg'ar Bobinson, J W, fmr Boper, Henry, logger Bowan, John, fmr Shannon, Joseph, fmr Shannon, Samuel, fmr Shannon, Thomas, J. P, fmr Starr, John, prop Starr Hotel Sullivan, John, fmr T E X A S li A K £ I C £ c o V A c o u V E B 1. I i li J See our Mackintoshes, Melissa aad Rigby Waterproofs, Umbrellas, &c. B. WILLIAMS & CO.. 07 Johnson Street. Victoria. B. C. PB,(i,i..i. JN>|.. . q.ipii <K.nv^m^l?gpfiiiii^ii!iifiigff/mm^i^^ J. Sa J. TAYLOR, SAFES AND VAULT DOOBS It* J, Ool9f Acentt Dupont Block, New WeBtminster, B. 0. tx4 h h K p o 00 CO 10 Pl:9 64 OLY BBinSH COLUMBIA DIRECTOBY. COB CLYTOSIN, (Corte's Island.) POBTHABTEB, M. MaMSON. In the Dominion and ProvinciiJ Elec- toral District of New Westminster, is about 30 miles from Comox, with which there is regular steam- boat communication. Mails week- ly. Nearest telegraph office, Co- mox; express office, Nanaimo; banking point, Nanaimo or Van- couver. Allen, Charles J, fmr Allen, Wilfred C, fmr Ashton, George, logger Blanchfield, M J, fmr Bernhardt, Tony, fmr Conaway, George B, logger Coulter, Hillis, fmr Coulter, Sam R, logger Dallas, Charles, fmr Elliot, G, fmr Ferry, Ira, fmr Franklin, B, fmr Gilbert, Henry, logger Halcrow, Andrew, fmr Hanson, Peter E, fmr Hay, H, engineer Higgins, Edward, logger Higgins, F C, logger Ireland, M C, trader Jurgenson, C C, fmr La Billois, Joseph, fmr Lowe, D B, fmr Malcolin, Walter, fmr Manson, John, trader Manson, M, trader McClinton, B H, fmr McDonald, D, fmr McKie, John, fmr McNeil, Andrew, fmr Miles, C G, fmr Murphy, J R, logger Seaton, W J, fmr Tippett, M, logger Vaughan, E H, fmr Vicent, Wm, fmr Vroon, John P, fmr Walker, W G, logger Whittaker, B, fmr Wildgrobe, W, logger Williams, Eddie, logger Williams, George, logger Williams, John, logger COBBLE HILL. (Shawnigan.) POBTHASTBB, J. T. POBTBR. Shawnigan District, one of the sub- divisions of the Electoral District of Cowichan, has its centre at Cobble Hill, a station on the E. & N. railway. Post and telegraph office and express. There are 2 churches, 1 Episcopalian and 1 Roman Catholic, in the settle- ment. Barry, John, fmr Bazett, Richard, fmr Blake, £ W, fmr Bowkett, James, fmr Burnham, Eugene, fmr Cameron, John, fmr Cameron, Malcolm, fmr Chapman, Thos, fmr Cheat, J, fmr Cobble Hill Hotel. J T Porter Copley, Wm, fmr Cousins, Reuben, fmr Dougan, Jas, fmr Fisher, Herbert Freeman, Jas, fmr Gabourie, Louis, fmr Garnett, F W, fmr Greig, John, fmr Handy, Samuel, jr, fmr Harris, Edward, fmr Hawkins, John, fmr Healey, J Hollings, H S, fmr Hollings, Henry, fmr Hoy, Jas A, school teacher Jell, Wank Lafortu, Frank, fmr Lafortu, Joseph, fmr ■ Laverock, David, fmr Manly, W, fmr McKean, G W McLennan, Peter, fmr McPherson, D, Section foreman Nelson, John, fmr Newhouse, A, blacksmith Nightingale, A, fmr Nightingale, John, J.P, fmr Nightingale, Vincent, fmr Olney, S A, fmr ^ • Peterson, Peter, fmr Porter, J. T., hotel, general ifeon and postmaster ■ Raymond, John, lime burner Rivers, Wm, fmr « Rogers, A W, fmr T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, FaiDts, Oils and Asricnltiiral Colnmbii^ Street, NEW WESTMUTSTEB, B. 0. ppm HODSON'S BAY COMPANY « ""e ""^'. *« 9CO q^ COL BBITIBH OOLUKBIA DIBEOTOBY. COM 66 Rogers, Godfrey, fmr Rowlineon, S Rutledae, Mary, fmr Smith, Henry, fmr Shallard, Geo Sbeppard, J, fmr Skinner, J J Stuart, Geo, fmr Tag(?art, W J, fmr Turner, A, fmr Vanstone, W, fmr Verdiere, John, fmr Wilder, George, fmr Wonzod, — , fmr COLWOOD. (See aho Esquimau.) POSTHABTER, A. PeATT, JB. A country postoffice in the Dominion Electoral District of Vancouver and Provincial of Esquimalt, 8 miles from Victoria, wliich is the nearest telegraph and express office ; near- est railway station, Esciuimalt, E. & N. railway : communication also by livery from Victoria. Atkins, Thos, sr, lime burner Atkins, Thos, jr, lime burner Atkins, Joe, lime burner Bannister, Albert, fmr Bertram, George, sealer Cogan, Henry, fmr Gran, Ernest, f'tir Haslam, Jas, saloon keeper Harris, Sam, fmr Lindsay, Percy, fmr McLennan, F, farm hand Peatt, Arthur H., postmaster Peatt, Alfred T, fmr Porter, James, fmr Piaggio, Henrv, fmr Raut, W J, Captain Rhode, Joe, fmr Stephenson, J J, teacher Smith, Wm^arm hand Stewart, G W R, fmr Thompson, J, section hand E & N Railway Vales, Wm, fmr Williams, Ghas. fmr Willey, Louis, imr » WebHer, John, farm hand Wood, Geo, fmr Walker, Jas, fmr Yew, Henry, farm hand COMOX DISTRICT. pobthastxbs— oomoz, j. b. holmbb ; Gramthah, Mbs. Gbievb; Sand wiOK, Ebio Dumcam. CoHoz— The southern postal division of Gomox District in the Provincial Electoral District of Comox and the Dominion Electoral District of Vancouver. It is the landing place of the weekly steamer from Nanai- mo, distant about 60 miles, and 10 miles by wagon road from Union Mines. The district is about 140 miles north of Victoria, and on the east coast of Vancouver Island; appears on the coast charts as Port Augusta, but is familiarly known by the Indian name of Comox. It is divided into three postal divis- ions, namely ,Comox,Grantham and Sandwick, and has communication with Victoria and Nanaimo by steamboat. The mines, lumbering camps and farming interests of the district are fast increasing it in im- portance. Grantham is the northern postal division of Comox, and Sandwirk the central. Buttle's Lake is one of the many attractions of this section of country, and affords ex- cellent fishing. Baynes Sound, the Straits of Georgia and Texada Island are all within easy reach. In the appended list of residents, thepostomces are indicated by their initial letter. Anderton, Wm, fmr, G Bailey, Wm, labr, S Baird, John, labr, C Bakewell, James, blacksmith, C Beckensell, Thomas, fmr, G Beech, William, fmr, G Bennett, John B, teacher, S Berkeley, John B, road foreman, G Bowler, James, fmr, S Bridges, Charles, fmr, C Brown, W R, clerk, C Bu'.ns, Fredk, fmr, S Ctiirns, Thomas, fmr, C Carter, Richard, fmr, C Carwithen, Reginald, fmr, S Casey, Lewis, logger, C Clarke, James, unr, S Clay, E J, baker, C Cline, Lucius, labr, C Cliffe, Samuel J, hotel keeper, C s VIOTOmiA, B. o. B B OSr, ^^ AGENTS FOB CBOSSLEY AND SON^ FINE CARPETS. p!?*»<ft W ! »* ' !" " -i. i ^ ■ ". ■■' ^■ ■. fi. i j,. ! ir,Tv/ i )iy;^T i r|pi|iTg|iJi4l,^,i|^^^ ^^ ^ ^ , ii i ! i ,m, | U(| mmim iimum BOOKBIHDEB anl BLAHK BOOK IftMACTUBEF M BBOAD aXBEKT, VICVOBIA. Ah I « QO I 66 COM BRITISH OOLUHBIA DIRBCTOBY. OOX Coatee, John A, carpenter, S Grawford, A B, fmr, C Crawford, S F, fmr, S Creech. Saml, Gov agt, Creech, Edward, labr, S Cunliff, Franklin, fmr, S Curtis, James M, civil engineer, C Davis, Isaac, fmr, 8 Davis, Leonard, fmr, S Derbyshire, James, labr, C Dondhue, Mike, labr, G Dorman, Frank, land owner, C Drabble, Geo F, surveyor, C Duncan Bros, merchants, S Duncan, Eric, fmr, S Dunvan, Oliver, fmr, 8 Duncan, Robert, fmr, 8 Duncan, William, fmr, g Durand, Rev A B, R C priest, Fitzgerald, Joseph, butcner, C Fraser, Rev Alex, Presbytm min, S Fraser, John, fmr, 8 Fraser, John W, milkman, C Freer, William, fmr, G Fulton, Arthur, butcher, 8 Fulton, John, labr, 8 Gage, Walter, fmr, C Graham, Alexander, bartender, C Graham, James, labr, C Graham, Robt, hotel keeper, C Graham, Thomas, laborer, G Grant, John J, hotel keeper, C Gibson, Matthew, labr, 8 Grieve, Berkeley, fmr, C Grieve, George,'fmr, Grieve, John, fmr, C Grieve, Joseph, fmr, G Grieve, Mrs, postmistress, G Grieve, Thomas, fmr, G Grieve, William, fmr, C Halliday, Ernest, fmr, 8 Halliday, James A, teacher, 8 Halliday, W M, carpenter, 8 Hard^, John, fmr. G Hardie, Thomas, labr, G Harmston, W E, fmr, C Harrigan, W J, fmr, Harvey, Walter, Customs House, offi- cer, C Hetherington, John, fmr, G Hooper, Charles J, labr, Holmes, Joseph B, P M, mer, G Holmes, J, labr, 8 Howe, George, butcher, G Hull, Georse, clerk, C John8on,John, fmr, G Jones, David, expressman, 8 Jones, William, labr, 8 King, John, fmr, 8 Kirby, Thomas, fmr, G Kirby, Harry, labr, G Kirkpatrick, Wm, labr, G Knox, William, labr, G Lambert, Nathaniel, teamster, G Ledingham, Alex, fmr, G Lever, Thomas, fmr, G Lewis, Wm, fmr, C Lytell, Matthew, fmr, G Mason, John, labr, C Matthewson, W A, fmr, C McArdle, Maurice, teamster, G McCann, John, carpenter, C McConnell, Roderick, gentleman, G McDonald, John, labr, G McDonald, Geo G, fmr, C Mclver, James, fmr, G MoKelvey, Adam, fmr, G McKelvey. Stafford, fmr, G McKenzie, John W, blacksmith, G McMillan, David, bartender, C McPhee, Joseph, merchant, C McQuillan,, Henry, fmr, 8 McQuillan, Robt, labr, 8 Millett, E J. carpenter, G Miller, James, fmr, G Miller, John, fmr, C Miller, William, barber, G Milligan, Archibald, fmr, 8 Moffatt, Joseph, labr, 8 Moore, Joseph, clerk, G Morrison, Hugh, labr, 8 Mundell, John, fmr, 8 Muschamp, Emerson, clerk, G Parkin, Robert, fmr, 8 Parkin, Wm, fmr, 8 Phillips, Edward, fmr, G Piercy, James, labr 8, Piercy, John, fmr, G Piercy, Henry, fmr, G Piercy, Matthew, fmr, G Piercy, Matthew H, fmr, G Piercy, 8amuel, fmr, G Pritchard, J A, logger, C Rabson, Charles, logger, C Rees, James, fmr, 8 Rennison, Walter, fmr, 8 Rennison, Wm, blacksmith, 8 Robb. Wm, fmr, G Robbins, F W, teacher, 8 ^ Roberts, 8amuel, labr, C Robertson, Thomas, labr, C Rollings, Edward, shoemaker, G Rosborough, Thomas, labr, G Ross, Henry W, fmr, Rowan, John, labr, Salmond, Alex, fmr, G T. DOBEaON, M. W. 00BE80N. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Zron «fMl Brat* lfound«r»t Oenaral MaehtnUt-f Jill Ktn4a of Bepmtr; X«mmI and Marint. NANAMO, BRITISH COLUHBU, m m iippippwp^^"*^ «piiip»«i^ n^^mm-^^-n-m^w- »,o ■ '\: «,c Marine* :OI.OIIBIi.; VICTORIA TRANSFER C0.| LTD. WacouuTSlrrit^mMtaUBoaUaAiTraliia! 21 Mid 23 Broashtoa Stravt, Vlotorla, B. O. T«l. 129. OOQ BBITIBH COLUMBIA DIBBOTOBY. COU 67 Scharachmidt, P, phyaician, C Seawright, James, labr, S Sharp, William, hotel keeper, G Smitn, Horace, shingle maker, G Smith, W 0, fmr, G Snow, Allan, fmr, G Stewart, Daniel, fmr, C Stewart, Hugh, plasterer, Stewart, J\mes, labr, Stouffhton, Charles, fmr, S Strother, W T, physician, C Sutherland, James, teacher, G Swan, Wm, labr, C Thomas, Evan, milkman, S Thomdyke, D H, labr, C Urqahart, Alex, fmr, C Urquhart, Harold, lumberman, C Urqahart, John, lumberman, C Viles, Frank, labr, C Viles, ThosW, fmr, Watt, Michael, labr, Westwood, C 0, fmr, C Westwood, M T 0, fmr, C Willemar, Rev J X, Church of Eng- land clergyman, S Williams, David, fmr, C Williams, John, fmr, S Wilson, Jeremiah, baker, C Woods, Thos, teamster, G COQUITLAM MUNICIPALITY. (See Weitminster Junction.) Postmaster, B. B. Kblly. In the Westminster District, on the .line of the C.P.B. Begular com- * munication with New Westminster, Vancouver, and Port Moody. CORFIELD. POBTMABTBR, GeO. T. COBFIELD. In the Dominion Electoral District of Vancouver and in the Provincial Electoral of Cowichan, is situated on the rich alluvial lands of Cowi- chan, at the head of a bay of the same name. Nearest telegraph office, Koksilah; nearest express office, Duncan's station. Commu- nication both by rail and water, being only two miles distant from Cowichan wharf, McPherson's or Koksilah, on the E. & N. BB. Barter, William, fmr Barter, William, fmr Barr, Hugh, farm labr Bell, William, farm labr Bell, Samuel, farm labr Corfield, George T, merchant and postmaster Henderson, R L, farm labr Johnson, Edwin, gentleman Livingston, C, gentleman Maitland, Dougall, F H, fmr Marriner, Mrs A, widow Marshall, Matthew, fmr Marshall, Thomas, fmr McKeazie, Miss C, housekeeper Milward, Thomas W, store clerk and assistant postmaster Pemberton, William, store clerk Pimbury, Augustus, fmr Spears, John, fmr Tracy, Joseph, farm labr Wilder, George, gardener CORMORANT ISLAND. A small island containing about 1100 acres, upon which the Nimkish In- . dians have their village. Nearest postoffice. Alert Bay. COUTLEE. POBTHASTEB, GILBERT BLAIR. In Dominion Electoral District of Yale and Kootenay and Provincial of Yale. Postoffice in the Nicola Valley. Nearest railway station, telegraph and express offico, Spence's Bridge, 46 miles ; banking point, Kamloops, 60 miles. Mails and stage from Kamloops and Spence's Bridge twice a week ; and once a month from Granite Creek. Allen, Francis, fmr Armytage, H D G, merchant Behovcas, Antonena, packer Blair & Co, merchants Blair, Gilbert, postmaster and mer- chant Barras, Sam, blacksmith Charters, Wm, fmr and stock raiser Ghartrand, J, fmr Cleasby, H S, fmr Gleasby, Jos, farm hand Gorbett, Jas, stock raiser Gostillion, Jos, stock raiser Coutlie, Alex, hotel keeper and fmr Coutlie, A J, fmr Coutlie, Jessie, cowboy Coutlie, Jos, cowboy T. D0BE80N, N. W. D0BB80M. NANAIMd FOUNDRY, IroN mtUl Bra»9 routtdertt tf «Meral M«eMniat», Aa Kindt of Sepuir; Iimnd mnd Mmrine. WAHAniO. BRITISH COLUMBIA. X A S L A K E I C E c o V A N G O U V E B B C \ I I' i^ '^ -.^.#*«5flp+.>^.WlWJ^^ai»^^ ^pupp [i t*4 CO w Si PS O 00 CO IC 6y crj 68 cou BBITIBH COLUMBIA DIBIOTOBY. OOW stock stock FerguBon, Alex, labr Fortier, A, fitir Garcia, Frank, cowboy Qarcia, Jesus, fmr and stock raiser Garcia, J, jun, cowboy Garcia, John, farm band Godev, Antonio, stock raiser Goodison, A, farm hand GuUiford, Kichard, fmr and raiser Chancellor, H, fmr Chancellor, V E, fmrs Chancellor, W C, fmr Chapman, James, fmr and raiser Charters, Harry, farm hand Guteriez, J I), stock raiser Guteriez, Francis, farm hand Harmon, Eli, stock raiser Harmon, Samuel, stock raiser Harmon, W H, stock raiser Henri, £. carpenter LAtremouille, J H, stock raiser and fmr Lindley, Geo, fmr Lindley, Hy, fmr and stock raiser Lindley, John, fmr Lindley, Louis, fmr Lindley, Thos, fmr Lynne, E, farm hand Madden, Jas, farm hand Manion, Wm, stock raiser Mansfield, Frank, farm hand Marquart, Peter, stock raiser Marquart, John, fmr McArthur, Neil, fmr McCullogh, Greo, stock raiser McCullogh, Wm, stock raiser Mclnnes, Neil, fmr Mclnnes, D McKee, Hugh, fmr McFhall, Alex, imr and stock raiser Myren, J P, fmr Neun, J, labr Newkirk, Ghas, dairyman Phillips, Mrs, stock raiser Protean, Jos, stock raiser Qui^nville, Louis, stock raiser and fmr Quock, Linn, labr Key, John, fmr Sooerts, A B, stock raiser Ryan, Pat, fmr Schwartz, Thos, stock raiser Shattleworth, Chas, fmr Shuttleworth, H H D, fmr Sing Tong, cook Smith, Jno, stock raiser Smith, Wm, blacksmith Smith, Wm, clerk Thynne, J G, fmr and stock raiser Thynne, B Tremblaitz, H, stock raiser Voght, T, farm hand Voght, Wm, fmr and stock raiser Voght, W H, fmr and stock raiser Wey Chung, boarding house Wilsor., Jack, farm hand Wilson, John, farm band COWICHAN. POBTMASTBB, G. B. ObDANDO. Cowichan, a sub-division of the dis« trict of the same name, is situated on the East coast of Vancouver island, in the Dominion Electoral District of Vancouver and Provin- cial of Cowichan. Communication by steamer from Victoria, distance, 28 miles, also by E. & N. Ry to Mc- Pherson station, thence by stage to or from wharf, distance, 3 miles. Nearest telegraph and express office, Cobble Hill. Bartlett, Geo, fmr Douglas, Rodgers. fmr Kinnea :, James, gentleman Nelson, John, fmr Ordano, Baptisto, labr Ordano, G a, postmaster, hotel and storekeeper Shaw, Thos B, fmr and carpenter Shearing, Wm J, fmr and carpenter Vicevich, Thomas, fisherman COWICHAN LAKE. Posthastbb, Angus C. Fbasbb. In the Dominion Electoral District of Vancouver and Provincial of Cowi- chan. It is the largest lake in the southern part of Vancouver Island, and lies midway between the Alber- ni canal on the west coast, and Cowichati harbor on the east. It is over 20 miles in length, and in £ laces 4 miles wide ; 21 miles from uncan's station on the E. & N. Ey, with which there is stage com- munication. Abemethy, James, fmr Airth, H W Bayly, Chas, fmr T. J. TRAPP & 00^ Harilf are, Faints, OUs aDil Aenenltarg! lw^\mA Columbto street, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C, ^■J:^A*•say^^)lJ.ilek^fl■fc,^.,£^^^^^^ -if-- r^ . mmmm wimfifmmmmmmm^^^^^ HUDSOrS MY COMPUY, lintt for Fort Cirn nil Berioi Cooib FbiHlng Mills VICTORIA, B. O. Baylor, Ohas A, trapper Oraig, Frat, fmr Oullum, Thoa, foreman logging camy DonuIdBon, D F C, fmr Donnett, Malcolm, labr Frater, Augus C,logger, hotel keeper and postmaster Glaisyer, Harold, labr Gordon, J H, fmr Hirsoh, John, fmr Javnes, P F, (Price & Jaynes,) hotel keeper Keary, Jas, bartender Maitland, Jas C, fmr March, Henry, fmr M<^:yia. Abe, teamster McAllister, Duncan, teamster McDonald, Alex, logger McDonald, Ansus, logger McDonald, A B, book keeper McLaren, Wm, baker^ McMahon, Frank, bartender Meade, Robt A, fmr Price, F H, (Price & Javnes) Savoy, Dan, carpt and hunter Tait,'John C!, fmx Wardroper, Miss Wardroper, Walter F, gentleman CHEAM. (See Chilliwack.) Beached by ste >mer from New West- minster to Ohiliiwack, distant 60 miles ; fare, |1 ; thence by livery. CRAIGELLACHIE. In the West Kootenay District. Flw station on the main line of the C. P. R., 361 miles east of Vancouver, Nearest postoflSce, Sicamous. CRANBROOK. {See alto Fort Suele.) P. O. St. Evoenk Mission. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Kootenay and Provincial of East Kootenay, 12 miles frofaa Fort Steele; nearest postoffice, railwav station, telegraph and express of- fice, Golden, on C.P.B. Communi- cation by steamer from Golden to Windermere; distance, 100 miles, thence by sta^e, 87 miles. DELTA MUNICIPALITY, POSTKASTBR AT LaOMBB'B, T. McNkely, In the District of New Westminster, occupies that portion of South Arm of the Eraser River that extends from the Municipality of Surrey, on t^f east, to the Gulf of Georgia, on the west, and contains witliin its limits eight salmon canning establishments. The main outlet of the settlement is Ladner's Land- ing, about 12 miles from New West- minster, with whicli and Victoria, Vancouver and Nanaimo. there is regular communication by stea- mer. Reeve, R. D. Benson : Coun- cillors— Wm. McKee, T.E.Ladner, W. U. Ladner, J. A. Patterson and H. Trim. Adams, Geo, blacksmith, Ladner's Adsett, Thos S, Sunnyside Alexander, Robert, fmr, Ladner's Alexander, Wm, " Anderson, August, " Anderson, Wm, labr. Port Guichon Arthur, D P, fmr, Ladner's Arthur, J B, fmr, " Arthur, Wm, fmr, Arthur, W T, fmr, Asbury, Wm,sr,fmr, Asbury, Wm, jr, fmr, Bain, Geo, fmr Bai'i, Hy, fmr. Barber, Alfred, fmr. Barber, C E, fmr, " Bath, Josiah, carpt, " Beadlestone, Bert, fmr, Ladner's Beadlestone, C, fmr, " Beadlestone, Elmer, fmr " Benson, H D, J.P., fmr, " Birrell, Peter, salmon canner. New Westminster Bone, Jas, gardener, Ladner's Booth, Wm, fmr, " Borden, W P, fmr, Sunnyside Brown, £ Sloan, fmr, lAdner'a Brown, H S, fmr. Burr, Jos B, tmr, Burr, Wm H, sr, fmr, Bun', Wm H jr, fmr, Burr, John J, Imberman Calhoun, E W, fmr Calhoun, J C, fmr Calhoun, E J, fmr Oamage, Edwin, fmr Chiddeli, £, fmr (I <( <i ti (< << << << cr INTERIOR WOODWORK, OFHOE AND BAB Firrma' ZZZ MuU to Ordmr ky WXEUSM BBXMk ^ -■ 'av: Ii,.,1t.i i',iwr.yia BLANK BOOK MAlFAPmiR E. T. WILLIAMS 98 Broad St., iTietoria. i I 13 -♦a 13 i a « ■♦J 70 DEL BBITIBB COLUMBIA DIBECTOBY. DEL II <■ <i (I ii Ladner'a (I « Sunnyside Clausen, A, er, labr, Sunnyside Clausen, A, jr, watchmkr, Ladner'a Clausen, Chas, clerk " Cunningham, Thos, fmrlabr " Cunningham, J, fmr, " Curtis, Thomas, fmr, " Curtis, W E, book-keeper, Chaplin, S, watchman, Deamer, Thomas, fmr, Dennis, George, fmr, Devereau, J'>nah. labr. Dominion Express Co, ThosMcNeely, agent, Ladner's Dorrel, A A, Rev, Episcopal Church, Ladner's Ellis, W, fmr, Ladner's Ellis, John, fmr, " Elliott, John B, contr and builder, Ladner's Falconer, H E, fmr, Ladner's Farrell, R, fmr, " Faulkner, James, fmr, Sunnyside Faulkner, Jesse, fmr, '' Fenton, A, labr, Fletcher, fmr labr. Ford, H J, fmr, Forrer, E A, fmr, Frew, Henry, fmr, Frew , James, fmr, Gilchrist, Alex, school teacher, Lad- ner's Gilchrist, Duncan, carpentr, Ladner's Gilchrist, John, fmr, " Gilmore, E, carpenter, " Gilmore, James, fmr, Sunnvside Glallford, Rev. T S, clergyman, Ladner's Gossett, W I, stock raiser, New Westminster Goudy, Edward, fmr, Ladner's Goudy, Wm, fmr, " Grant, D B, lumberman, " Gray, Robert, fmr, " Green, C F, fmr, " Green, George, netman W. P. Co, Ladner's Guichon, Laurent, fmr, Ladner's Harlock, E P, labr, Harlock, H E, salmon cannery, liad- ner's Harris, F W, book-keeper, Ladner's Hathaway, James, butcher, " Hauck, Gus, merchant, " Hawthorne, Robert, fmr labr, " Henderson, Peter, fmr, New West- minster Hicks, H A, hotel keeper, Ladner's Hinchliffe, S, merchant, Pt Guichon Honeyman, James, fmr, Ladner'a Honeyman, R A, fmr " Honeyman, John, fmr, " Honeyman, Thos A, fmr, " Hutcherson, £, nurseryman" Hutcherson, Henry, clerk, " Hughes, Robert, carpenter " Hume, Thos, fmr labr, " Huston, Henry, fmr " Johnson, Gus, stmboat capt " Johnson, Hugo, labr, " Jordan, John, sr, fmr, " Jordan, John, jr, fmr, " Jordan, Joseph, teamster, " Kennedy, James, fmr, New West- minstei Kennedy, Thomas, fmr, New West- minster Kennedy, Wm, fmr. New Westmin- ster Kerr, T W, lumberman, Ladner's Kirkiand, Frank, fmr, " Kirkland, H J., J.P., fmr, Kirkiand, Wm A, fmr, Sunnyside Kittson, R £, fmr, Ladner's Kwong, Yuen Tai, Chinese store, Ladner's Ladner, E B, fmr, Ladner's Ladner, W H, J.P., fmr, Ladner, Paul, fmr, Ladner, Ellis, salmon canner " Ladner,Thos £, salmon cann'r" Lamphier, C H, fmr, " Lamphier, J F, fmr, " Lasseter, Elias, fmr, " Lasseter, George J, sr., fmr, " Lasseter, George J, jr, fmr " Laws, M G, fmr, Leary, A R, fmr, Leary, Wm. sr, Leary, Wm, jr, salmon cann'r" Lee, Coy & Co, Chinese store " Leggett, Robt, fmr labr, " Lord, Chas R, salmon canner" Lord, Frank L, salmon canner " Mason, G O, fmr, " Mason, J W P» fmr. Mason, J S, fmr, Matheson, Peter, fuir, Matheson, Edward, " Matheson, Robert £, salmon can- ner,. Ladner's Mathews, W H, fmr labr, " Matthews, Murry, salmon canner, Dea's Island McBlaine, Alex, fmr, Ladner'a McBride, W L, clerk, " McOallum, D, fmr, " <i << Ii Ii <( Ii T. DOBEBON. N. W. D0BS80N. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron and Bra»* foundertt Oeneral JJuehinioUm All Kindt of Xepaira, Zand and Marino, NANAIMO. • . . BRITISH COLUMBIA iiiipipiii mppR^ IT'iotoria Traiisfer Oo«9 Xitd* BauJani ihii'SimtDJIS^ieh. 21 and S3 Broughtoa Street, Victoria, B. C. Tel. 129. DEL BBITI8H OOLDMBIA DIBBCTORY. DEN 71 McOallam, James, finr, Ladner'a McCallum, Wm A, saddler, " McGallnm, John, fmr, " McCloskey, George, fmr, ** McCuUoucn, Frank, fmr labr, " McDonald, J M, fmr, Sunnyside McDowell, James, fmr, '' McFarland, James, fmr, Ladner'a McKay, Hugh, fmr, McKay, Romrt, butcher, McKee, D A, fmr, McKee, John, sr, J.P., fmr, McKee, John, jr, fmr McKee, Robert, fmr,- McKee, Wm, fmr, McLearn, Jacob, wheelwright, McKay, J J, real estate agent, McNeely, Leslie, merchant, McNeely, Thomas, clerk McWhinney, A A, painter, Millgour, F', fmr, Milligan, John, fmr, Mitchell, Nat'l, fmr, Moffatt, Robert, blacksmith, Moore, Jos A, tinsmith. Morrow, Sam, fmr labr, Noni, Lee, Chinese store. North, British & Mercantile Insur- ance Co, H N Rich, agent Nelson, James, constable, Ladner's O'Brien, Joseph, labr, O'Brien, Edward, fmr, Oliver, John, fmr, Oliver, Warren, gardener Olson, John, fisherman, Owin, H B, fmr, Parmiter, A, fmr, Parmiter, F T, fmr, Parmiter, Thomas, fmr, Paterson, John A, fmr, Penny, Alfred, labr, Pybus, Wm, Prothero, E M, bookkeeper Ramage, S', fmr. Rich, HN, auctioneer, Robertson, Alex, fmr, Sunnyside Robertson, D, jr, fmr, " Robertson, Duncan, ar, fmr, Sunny- side Robertson, Thomas, fmr, Ladner's Savage, Wm, fmr, Sunnyside Siddall, Wm, fmr, Ladner's Simpson, Ira J, carpenter Simpson, John, drayman Skinner, W B, fmr Smith, S L, fmr Stain ton, F, blacksmith Sutherby, J R, fmr Swan, George, fmr labr Swenson, Paul, fmr Sutherland, H, Methodist preacher Simpson & Alexander, teamsters TamDoline, Jos, fmr, Sunnyside Tasker, Wm, fmr, Ladner's Tf^lor, A, De R, veternary surgeon, Ladner's Taylor, H G, fmr Thirkle, Thcmas, fmr Thompson, Samuel, fmr Todd, Thomas, fmr, Sunnyside Trim, Henry, fmr Tuck Yuen & Go, Chinese store, Lad- ner's Waddell, John L, hotelkeeper Wadham, A, salmon canner Wadham, E A, salmon canner. Point Roberts Wadham, W A, salmon canner Wa Hop, Chinese store Walker, George, carpenter Watson, George, fmr Watson, Robinson, fmr Watson, W J, fmr Watson, Bros, butchers Welch, Richard, fmr labr Westermark, 0, fmr Whitworth, Ike, engineer Williams, Thoa, fmr Wilson, John A, fisherman. Port Guichou Wilson, J AK, M.D., physician, Lad- ner's Wilson, Thos, fmr Witter, Wm, fmr Woodward, John, steamboat captain Woodward, W, boat builder Wright, Robert, fmr, Sunnyside Wright, S, labr, Ladner's Wright, Wm, labr Yee Wo, Chinese store DENMAN ISLAND, Postmaster, Robert Taylor Swan, In the Provincial Electoral District of Comox and the Dominion Electoral District of Vancouver, is about 15 miles long, and from three to four miles broad, separated from the mainland by Baynes Sound. Mails weekly; nearest telegraph, ex[)resB ofiSce and banking point, Nanaimo, distance, 46 mile8,from which, and also Victoria,there is regular steam- boat communication. Eastern TAILOR-MADE SUITS to Measure. Tui^£]?N?f^!' B«e onr B^inpiM and Pricei. B. WILLIAIK & CO., 97 Johnson St., Victoria. T £ X A s A K £ I c £ c o V A N c o u V E B B o 1 ■ ( t r ' - .,•':' ' W.,"W«BWI|iBBP! < > ' fX ' T T rOT P ^^^EAL ESTATE AND DTSUIUWB i m X^* I • V/'Vy l^Uf Dnpont Block, Columbia St. Now Wootninotir, B, C; I Of c/o M PQ O 00 CO 10 72 DBF BBITIBH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. DBW Buckley, Philip, fmr Baikie, Wm, sr, fmr Baikie, Wm, ]r, fmr Beadnell, George, physician Beadnell, George, jr, fmr Beadnell, Henry, fmr Bette, Jessie, fmr Cowie, Alex, sr, fmr Cowie, Alex, jr. fmr Cowie, David, Carpenter Cowie, Jno, fmr Cowie, Robert, fmr Cowie, Wm, fmr Gibson, Alex, fmr Graham, Albert, fmr Graham, James, fmr Graham, John, sr, fmr Graham, John, jr, fmr Henderson, Kenneth, fmr Kelly, Chris, fmr Keon, H Nixon, fmr Kennan, Thomas, fmr Kennan, Wm, fmr McFarlane, Cbas, fmr McFarlane, George, fmr McFarlane, John, fmr McFarlane, Walter, fmr McMillan, Alex, fmr Nixan, K H, fmr Nelson, Theo, fmr Pickles, Abraham, fmr Pickles, David, fmr Piercy, Thos, fmr Piercv, Wm, fmr Scott, Wm, fmr Swan, Robert Taylor, fmr and P.M Yates, Robert, fmr DEPARTURE BAY. Postmaster, James Harper, Jr. In the Dominion Electoral District of Vancouver and Provincial of Na- naimo. Mails daily ; nearest tele- graph, express office and railway station, Nanaimo, distant, 8 miles. It is the shipping point for the Wel- lington coal mines. Bell, Christopher, labr Benvenuto, R, engineer Blank, Wm, labr Christie, Mrs John, farm owner Clark, James, fmr Corso, Barto, fisherman Corso, Manual, fisherman Evan, John, coal miner Foster, Wm, storekeeper Georgeson, James, engineer Gordan, Wm, coal miner Halle, John, labr Harper, James, sr, labr Harper, James, jr, postmaster Harper, Joseoh, hotel keeper Harrison, Eli, County Judge for Na- naimo John, Evan, coal miner John, John, sr, coal miner John, John, jr, coal miner Mickleson, James, carpt Morrow, James, night watchman Nicholls, John, labr Robertson, John, fmr Robson, John Spoars, Michael, labr Taylor, Wm, labr Tregonnin^, Wm, manager for R Dunsmuir & Sons Vozza, Frank, fisherman Williams, David, miner Yonnp, Chas Newton, clerk for Duns- muir DEROCHE. (See also Nicomin.J Postmaster, Ernest Deb Rocbers. A country postoffice in the Dominion and Provincial Electoral District of New Westminster.' For list of residents see Nicomin. DEWDNEY MUNICIPALITY. {See Nicomin and Hatzic Prairie.) Postmaster, John Barker. In the Dominion and Provincial Electoral District of New West- minster; is a flag station on the O.P.R. Nearest railway station, telegraph and express office, Mis- sion, distance 6 miles. It is also reached bv river steamer from New Westminster, distance 37 miles. Anderson, D Bales, H P, fmr Barker, Jno, fmr Barton, Geo H Bernier, Job Brenier, N Brett, Richd Brett. Robt Briscue, Victor BrisBon, Jno T. J. TRAPP & CO., HarAware, Faints, Oils anH AiEricnltaral MplenieDts. Columbia Street, NEW WE8TMINSTBB, B. C. ml^J f f ^^^^A.M '^'jm Vm- n for B DunB- 0CHEB8. )minion Btnct of ain. ITY. rairie.) CER. rovincial w WeBt- 1 on the Btation, ice, MiB- ;t is also Erom New milea. BSON'S BAY COMPANY fHolesale Efroceri! & fine Mercliants VICTORIA. B. C. DEW BBITI8H OOLUHBIA DtBBOTORY. DOO 73 Burton, Chaa, fmr Champagne, F Clarke, Jno W, fmr Clarey, Peter Cote, O L S Cromarty, Sam Cunningham, ThoB Decoleau M Dor, Dunn, W B Fawcett, D H Fee, W G Gallagher, Neelands, fmr Gamer, Chas, fmr Garner, Bobt C, fmr Garner, W H, fmr Gardiner, Charles, fmr Hunter, Bros, fmrs Hyde, Hiram, fmr Jones, Albert, fmr Johnson, Andrew, fmr Johnson, N C, fmr Jones, E E JoBue, G Kemp, Thos Kipp, J G, fmr Laduc, B Lacroix, Joseph, fmr Leneuville, D Leneuvllle, N Magar, George Magar, Hazen, fmr Magar, Bichd Morin, G E McEwan, Wm M<.>Kamev, Jno McKamey, B G McKamey, T B McMillan, Alex McMillan, Malcolm Newton, Geo Papin, J S Pegeon, P Purkis, Jno A Beid, Chas Bogers, Geo H BogerB,W T Saponaso, F Shaok, M T Seoincisci, Antony Seoincisci, B Seoincisci, Paul Smart, S A Smart , WW Smith, A Stainsferth, F B W Sylvester, Bobert Traficanti, Jos Vasey, Henry Vasey, H M Watt, William Winchester, D W DOG CREEK. (See alto Empire Valley.) POBTHABTBB, ThOMAB PlACE. In the Provincial Electoral District of Lillooet, and Dominion Electoral Districtof Cariboo, is distant about 66 miles north of Clinton on east side of the Fraser Biver. It has a post and express office. Mails weekly; nearest telegraph office, Clinton. There is a stage weekly from Ashcroft, the nearest railroad station, distance 97 miles. Ah Sing, trader ' • Brown, William, labr Colin, Peter, fmr Conner, Charles, labr Gustafsen, Nelson, fmr Greaves, Thos, foreman gang ranch Haigh, Beaumont, painter Le Po, George, trader McEwan, Alexander, fmr McGregor, Hugh, labr Meason, Malcolm L, fmr Meason, W L, jr, stock raiser Meason, W L, sr, Indian agent Miller, John, ferryman. Canoe Creek Miller, John, jr, ferryman. Canoe Creek Mundada, Stephen, labr Pigeon, Joseph, fmr Pigeon, Moses, fmr Place, Thomas, postmaster Prentice, J D, J.P., mgr Canadian Banching Co Sing Lee, trader Vedan, Louis, labr Versepeuch, Isadore, fmr Western Canadian Banching Co Williams, John B, labr, Canoe Creek Wycott, W W, fmr DONALD. Posthastes, B. W. Pathobb. In the Dominion Electoral District of Zale, Kootenay, and Provincial of East Kootenay. It is the end of the Pacific Division of the C.P.B,and has work shops, stores, etc, in con- OQ !l r'16R0S.,theLeaiiDiiFiiniitDiDDealei^, VICTORIA, aa WR EMPLOY »S HBO AD BTBKXT, VICTOltlA. More Hands and More Capital than all other Binderlea in the Province. « • ¥ R. T. WZLX.IA.MS Oi^ c.j> gj^ '^4 t;^ 1— < «e 1 •pN -i^ ' ^ o <Tl xi p!! ■4-1 «M « o ^ >♦-• S 4> ^ § ■■M <V <ii '4-1 ^ OQ ee . In H nection therewith. There is a post and money order office, also telegraph and express office. Mails dail^. Acorsine, Father, R C priest Ains worth, W, car inspector, C.P.R Alexander, W, jewler Annal, J, barman, Forest House ArmstronKjW J, C.P.R. engineer Austin, J, day operator Baines, Chas, teamster Baker, Fred, mgr C.P.R. provision store Barnes, John, night agent C.P.R Beasley, H E, supt's assistant Blakey, John, messenger Blytb, Thomas, draughtsman Bolton, Sam Henry, accouant C.P.R Bosuston, F, messngr Bonus, William, nurse Brundett, Arthur, fireman C . P.R <]aldwell, Wni, conductor, C.P.R Callen, Harry, fireman Catoline, P, store labr C.P.R Cocacurcio, D, li br Cocacurcio, Frank, labr Cochrane, Tom, turner C.P.R Cochrane, Jas, carpenter Cobb, J L, fitter C.P.R. shops Collie, Robert , fireman Copeland, R, carpenter C.P.R. shops Crage, W T, time keeper C.P.R. Crandon, C H, toolman Crandon, Charles, clerk C.P.R. Cullin, James, jailor Cummings, Arthur P, gold commis- sioner and stipendiary magistrate Cummins, A C, store labr C.P.R Currit, S, brakeman Davis, Robert, operator Denman, Arthur, engine driver C.P.R Derry, George, car repairer Donato, G, labr Esteen, J, store car Fonelli, G, labr Fossacrcco, J, labr Forest, Thomas, prop Forest House Eraser, C, fitters help Fraser, Simon, foremans shops Freemantle, Ed, C.P.R. bdg house Godfrey, W, blacksmith, C.P.R Granger, Allan, Government cterk Grant, Edward, fitters' help Griffith, J E, resident C E, C.P.R Grimes, James M, yard boss Grimes, Wm, brakeman C.P.R Hamilton, H, watchmn C.P.R. shops Hammond, Sam, clerk C.P.R. store Hain, Ed, barber Hart, John, labr Heilscher, P, car repairer Henderson, Thomas, operator Herbert, Dr, physician and surgeon Hobbs, F E, locomotive foreman Hopgood, John, brakeman C.P.R Hull & Trounce, wholesale and retail butchers, J S Sterret, mgr Hungryord, John, day operator Jamieson, David, night yard man Johnson, Thos, fitter C.P.R . shops Jorden, T V, machinist C.P.R. shops Jordon, Thomas, baker Jordon, Wm, fitter C.P.R Kennie, Rev, Church of England Kimpton, R A, storekeeper Laurence, J, clerk Selkerk House Lavvie, Albert, store car Lawson, John, C.P.R. dining room Leneham, car repairer Lerro, D, labr Lewis, T, labr Mack, James, engine driver C.P.R Manuel, George E, (Manuel & Rur.tan) Manuel & Rutti\n, general merchants Matheson, J H, Wber Mathie, James, blacksmith Mats, J, labr G.ir.R. shops McLean, Angus, brakeman C.P.R McLean, Daniel, baggageman C.P.R McLeod, J, painter C.P.R. shops McSorley, Harry, fireman C.P.R McSorlev, J, turner C.P.R Miller, T, messenger Morrison, Alex, barber Murphv, Mrs Patrick, Woodbine Hotel Nealon, Joseph, fireman C.P.R Newman, roadmaster C.P.R O'Glure, W F, conductor C.P.R Otto, M, fitters' helper C.P.R. shops Palmer, John, fitters' help C.P.R. shops Palmer,S F, bartender Selkerk House Parmer, Sims, bartender Fatmore, B W, postmaster and store- keeper Panzer, Alfred, conductor C.P.R Pelorcia, Nichola, shoemaker Pitts, J C, clerk R A Kempton Redgrave, Stephen, sheriff Redgrave, Harold, constable Ross, Rev, Presbyterian minister Ross, Miss J, music teacher Ross, Walter, fitters-help Rounding, Sam, baggageman Buttan, W S, (Manuel & Ruttan) Yictori Scott, Mi Selkirk I Serson, J Shair, Jo Simmons Sprague, Smith, M Stearman Stevensoi Sterret, J Sutherlai] Taylor, T] Trickey, J Urquhart, Walsh, J, Watson, J Watson, \ Williamso Woodhoue Woodhoue Younging, D (See also C POSTM In the Don Yale, K Yale. 1 telegrapl loops ; d weekly from Bridge steamer E T. D0BE80N, N, W. DOBB80N. NANAIMd FOUNDRY, Iron and Srtut Tonnder; Oeneral Maehinigtwt All Kindt of Bep»lr», £«Md mnd Marino. MANAIMO, • BRITISH COLUMBIA. Bell, Wm, Bent, G C, Oreaveg, J ager Doui Douglas La J B Grea McDonald, Mclnnes, A McInnes,Ai Mclnnes, N Murphy, R] (Set A flag static C.P.R., ii District oi vincial of Vancouve Ytctoria Transfer Co., Ltd. ™"gS5 S^^, i^^S-SS ^c£f^ »t and »a Broughton Street, rietoria, B. C, Telephone i99. Dor BBITIBH COIiVUBIA DIBECTOBY. DUC 76 Scott, Mat, engineer Selkirk House, Geo Sutherland, prop Serson, Jacob, bridge supt C.P.R Shair, John, section boss Simmons, John, turnex- C.P.R Sprague, A G M, lawyer Smith, Miss Mary, school teacher Stearman, D, night despatcher C.P.R Stevenson, George, line repairer Sterret, J 8, mgr Hull & Trounce Sutherland, George, hotel-keeper Taylor, Thos, asst store keeper C.P.R Trickey, J N, station agent C.P.R Urquhart, Robert, section boss Walsh, J, engine driver Watson, Jos, Doiler-maker Watson, W G, labr Williamson, George, messenger Woodhouse, A, fitter C.P.R Woodhouse, W, fitter C.P.R Younging, Sam, baggageman C.P.R and DOUGLAS LAKE. (See also Coutlee, Lower Nicola Nicola Lake.) POSTHASTBB, J. B. GRBAVES. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale, Kootenay and Provincial of Yale. Nearest railway station, telegraph, and express office, Kam- loops; distance, 85 miles. Mails weekly. Communication by stage from Kamloops and Spence's Bridge to Quilchena, thence by steamer. Bell, Wm, labr Bent, G C, clerk Oreaves, J B, postmi^ster and man- ager Douglas Lake Cattle Co Douglas Lake Cattle Co, stock raisers, J B Greaves, manager McDonald, D, carpt Mclnnes, Angus, emp J B Greaves McInnes,Archibald. emp J B Greaves Mclnnes, Neil, emp J B Greaves Murphy, Richard, emp J B Greaves DRYNOCK. (See Spence's Bridge.) A flag station on the main line of the C.P.R., in the Dominion Electoral District of Yale, Kootenay and Pro- vincial of Yale, 172 miles east of Vancouver. DUCKS. Postoffice called Ducks and Pringle POSTMASTKB, Wm. SeBLY. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale, Kootenay and Provincial of Yale, is a station on the C.P.R., having a post and telegraph office. Nearest bnnLInK point and express office, Kamloops. Ranching is the principal industry. Barnard, F C, fmr Bishop, 8 W, fmr Bostock, H, fmr Bradley, W, farm hand Campbell, L, fmr Campbell, L, farm hand Campbell, W, farm hand Craven & Elwell, fmrs Daniels. A G, pumpman Dempsey, T, section hand Duck, A W, farm hand Donbar, C, farm hand Disdero & Sons Elwell & Craven, fmrs Eadall, G, fmr Feely, J, farm hand Havist, A, section hand Herbert, Alfred, fmr Herbert, Amos, fmr Hill, T, farm hand Hopkins, N J, mgr for H Bostock Kelly, J, section foreman King, J, fmr King, A, fmr Lavitkra, K, section hand Martin, G B, M.P.P., fmr Mirtin, F, fmr Moulton, J, fmr Nay lor, H, farm hand Null, J P, fmr Pemberton, A G, Sheriff for Yale,fmr Bobbins, C S, fmr Ross, V, section foreman St Lawrent, J, fmr Sf ely, William, hotel keeper Seely, J, farm hand Swain, T, fmr Wilson, J, fmr Witala, W, section hand DULUTH. In the Dominion Electoral District of Vancouver and Provincial of Oo- mox, is situated on the east coast of Vancouver Island, in Duncan T £ X A S L A K £ I C £ c o V A N C O u V E B B C !»* I . Best assortment iB the City. pncwiow.QiiautyQooa B. WILLIAM! * Co.. 97 JOHNSON ST.. VICtOfUA. "■»— '« M i | rHN|(!il!(* .'m ii i > ' '>iii»i ' »»i U.^ BUPOirr BLOCK. en PE^ oo o 00 CO 10 COLUMBIA STKKBT, T T ^^\T "E* XelMrw f Mftltof Convetfrnnetr, A»e»untamt mnd AudUor, HEW WB8TIURSTBK, B. C. inied. JEilatM Jf«fta0«4. 76 DUN BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBBOTOBY. DUN Bay, at the mouth of the Seymour Narrows. The nearest postoflSce is Quathiaski Cove, distant one mile ; telegraph and express oflSce, C<o- mox, distant 40 miles; railway station and banking point, Nanai- mo, distant 100 miles. Communi- cation by steamer once a week from Victoria, also from Vancouver. DUNCAN'S STATION. Posthaste , W. P. Jaynes. In the Dominion Electoral District of Vancouver and Provincial of Cow- ichan, is a station on the £. & N. railway, and 38 miles from Victoria ; has a post, telegraph and express office; mails daily. Adams, David H, hotelkeeper Adams, Edward, hotel mgr Alexander, Jas, fmr Alexander, Mrs, widow Allen^ Samuel, bricklayer Auchinachie, Peter, fmr Basett, Charles, storekeeper Bebeaii, Charles, logger Bell, John, clerk Blair, John, clerk Blair, John H, fmr Blakely, — , teamster Blythe, Alex, fmr Brown, Wm, teamster Brownwell, A, blacksmith Campbell, James McL, carpenter Castley, Hy T, fmr Castley, J H, fmr Castley, Elias, fmr Castley, T 8, fmr Cathcart, James, butcher Cullen, Thomas, sawmill hand Currie, David, carpenter Currie, John, fmr Daine, John, fmr Dickie, C H, hotelkeeper Dickson, F Lindsay, M.D Dingwall, William, labr Dobson, Chris, carpenter , Duncan, W C, fmr Dwyer, D C, fmr Eaton, C J, gentleman Ellender, William, labr Evans, James, fmr Fletcher, Mrs, school teacher Flett, James, fmr France, William, bricklayer Fry, Henry, C.E., Prov land surveyor Gabriel, Alex, teujaster Galbrath, Malcolm, logger Grassie, Robt, blacksmith Green, Ashdown H, civil engineer Griffin, Thomas, painter Guest, Robt, labr Had wen, G, fmr Hadwen, Mrs, widow Harrison, Miss Hoadley, C C, fmr Holmes, Rev David, clergyman Hyatt, G, carpenter Jayues, W P, genl mcht and P.M Jenkins, James, fmr Jenkinn, J, bootmaker and saddler Johnstone, Hallyburton, fmr Jones, Geo, prop stone quarries Jones, John S, bartender .Jordan, Charles, fmr Keast, Herbert, fmr Lance, Richard, labr Lee, John, Chinese wash house Lee, C E, hotelkeeper, Elkhorn hotel, ' Sahtlam Lomas, W H, Indian agent Maitland, Dougall James, constabh Menzies, James, fmr Menzies, J A, Holmesdall saw mill Menzies, John, fmr McClellan, Mrs, school teacher Mcintosh, James, fmr McKenzie, J C, fmr McKinuon, Angus, saw mills McKinnon, Angus, logger Miller, Robt, labr Musgrave, Edward, J.P., gentleman Musgrave, J, fmr Musgrave, Robt, fmr Payne, Henry, fmr Pau', Thomas, fmr Paul, Walter, fmr Porter, H T, station agent Prevost, James C, gentleman Price & Shaw, livery stables Price, Ernest A, fmr Richardson, Capt Malcott Robinson, Arthur, fmr Stayner, Wm, teamster Street, John, pump manufacturer Stubbs, Wm, labr Sumner, Mrs, Widow Sutton, Mrs, widow Tobin, John, labr Trapp, Mrs, dressmaker Trusdall, I, labr Vaux, W H, teamster Wake, George F, fmr Watson, Dr A M, M.D., M.R.C.& Whidden, Robt, carpenter HUDSC Wellburn oner, V Wilson, \ Wilson, I Wilson, \ Wordhus, mun co: Weissmill Weddle, ^ Wicks, R( Whittome Wright, I POSTM. In New "' eludes and the together islands a mainlan< nainster distance of what 1 in the m and Do Electorai minster. Abercromb Alcock, fm Alrams, Mi Baxter, J, Bennel, Mi Bennett, M Bothwell, J Brighouse, Broch, J, fi Buchanan, Carscallen, Carscallen, Connelly, J Connelly, A Cornish, C, Cridland, T Cuckoo, Wr Curchill, S, Daniels, Br< Dinsmore. J Eburne, W Errington, G Erwin, Rob Ferguson, J( Forrest, A, c Garratt, J B Gillchrist, E T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Paints, Oils anil AuricnlM ImplemeDts. Columbia Street, NEW WESTHINSTiCB, B. C. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY .0Mr*pMM» •»<! XngtUh 0MOOXXJXB, WimSB antf ZIQUOBS, IVm <hmI «m Xon4. VICTORIA, B. O. EBU BBITIBH OOLVMBIA DIBBCTOBY. BLQ 77 and Wellburn, H 0, Gov agt, J.P., cor oner, V Isld Wilson, W H, fmr Wilson, Ronald, fmr Wilson, Wm, 'grentleman WordhuB, Walter A, batcher mun constable Weissmiller, John, carpenter Weddle, W S, carpenter Wicks, Robert A, fmr Whittome, James H, gentleman Wright, £ A, gentleman EBURNE. (Late North Arm.) POSTMASTEB, Wm. H. EbURNE. In New Westminster District, in- cludes the north side of Lulu and the whole of Sea Island, together with a number of smaller islands and the south shore of the mainland, extending from N. West- minster to the Gulf of Georgia, a distance of about 16 miles. A pare of what is known as North Arm lies in the municipality of Richmond, and Dominion and Provincial Electoral District of New West- minster. Abercrombie, Wm, fmr Alcock, fmr Alrams, Mrs J, fmr Baxter, J, fmr Bennel, Miss E E, school teacher Bennett, W W, painter Both well, J, labr Brighouse, S, fmr Broch, J, fmr Buchanan, J Rev, Presby minister Carscallen, G, fmr Garscallen, W, fmr Connelly, J. fmr Connelly, Alex, fmr Cornish, C, fmr Cridland, Thos, gardener Cuckoo, Wm, fmr Curchill, S, butcher Daniels, Bros, fmrs Dinsmore, John, fmr Eburne, W H, postmaster & storekpr Errington, Thos fmr Erwin, Robert, fmr Ferguson, John, fmr Forrest, A, carpenter Garratt, J B, fmr Gillchrist, D, labr Green, Rev. A E, Methodist minister Harris, A, teamster Hnath, A, fmr llogjt, E, fmr Inglis, R, fmr Ingram, F, fmr Jack, J, labr Kilgoin, A, fmr Mackie & Sons, fmrs Magee, H, fmr Mason, H, fnir McBride, R, fmr McCleery, F, fmr McDonald, A, fmr McDonald, D, fmr McDonald, H, fmr McDonald, J, fmr McDonald, T, fmr Mcintosh, F, fmr Mclntyr-e, R, fmr McLaren, Ira, fmr McLeod, Alex, fmr Mcljeod, A, fmr McLeod, E, fmr McLeod, Wm, fmr McMillan, D A, fmr McRae, Alex, fmr McRae, J, fmr Miller, J, fmr Mitchel, A, fmr Murohy, S, fmr Nicol, J, fmr Nicol, Wm, fmr Oliver, Geo, contractor Oliver, Wm, road overseer Quigley, J, fmr Rae, T M, C.M.C Richmond Cannery, J H Todd & Son Scratchley, E, fmr Scratchley, Wm, fmr Sexsmith, J W, fmr Sinclair, F, labr Smith, D A, fmr Stewart, D F. J.P. fmr Sweet, C J, farmer Sweet, D, J.P., fmr Tuttle, J, gentleman Twigge, C, fmr Twigge, A, fmr Wilde, Thos, labr Williamson, W, fmr ELGIN. (See also Surrey, Mud Bay and Nicomekle.) Postmaster, C. F. Rowland. In the municipality of Surrey and Electoral District of New Westmin- ^^ it a? WEILER BROSi, an Compliile Hmiiie Fumisheis. bi^ M in B. C. •VMS I,ATMBTIMFnorXm:XHTBIlT BOOK- « ffl ■WTgll.g BarniirGjumPArBMMULii!r&. MXm A* ¥▼ 1 1 llHiinii 28 BROA.D aTRB»T. VICTORIA.. ^ « * jea (^ -M «M « o .4 OQ -<-> h « ^ "^ -S ► CO . ^ fcH 1 78 ELQ BBITIBH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. END ater, on Nicomekle Hirer, on the wagon road to Blaine. It is 13 mileBfroin New Westmineter, which is the banking point. Brown, Alex, lumberman Call, W G, lumberman Oarncross, Chas, fmr Chantrell, H I), fmr and cuatomB preventive officer Clarke, George, fmr Critch, Henry, lumberman Dalton, Frank, lumberman Davison, Artemus, fmr Dean, J, lumberman Dixon, Thos, blacksmith Doyle, John, teamster Elgin Hotel, Joseph Nicholson, mgr FaTlowfield, Robt. fmr Fallowfield, Thos, fmr Ferguson, A, fmr Fig, Wm, fmr Fleming, Walter, fmr Fort, E M, fmr Gifford, Sobt, fmr Harvey, R, lumberman Hatt, James, capt schooner Lottie Hatt, Stephen, fmr Huntley, J B, fmr Jubert, P, engr King, Robt, fmr Kinsler, George, lumberman Kyle, Georee, fmr Male, Charles, lumberman Marshall, David, fmr May, Anthony, lumberman McBride, Wm, fmr McDonald, W R, lumberman McKay, Dan, lumberman McLean, Dr D,physician and surgeon McNair, Alex, lumberman McRae, Donald, fmr McRae, Fauikner, fmr Murray, Alfred, lumberman Nicholson, Joseph, Elgin hotel Pollock, W G, lumberman Sandell, Gustave, fmr Stewart, Donald, fmr Stewart, John, fmr Stevenson, Benjamin, fmr Stevenson, Stuart, fmr Sutherland, D C, lumberman Swanson, L, lumberman Thomas, Joseph, fmr Wade, John, imr Welaher, Ben, fmr EMPIRE VALLEY. Postmaster, J. J. Brown. In the Dominion Electoral District of Cariboo, Lillooet and Provincial of Lillooet, is situated on the west aide of the Eraser River, and forma the southern |>ortion of the great Chilcoten plains. It is 68 miles from Clinton, the nearest teleijraph office, and ia reached by stage from Ashcroft station, CfP.R., to Dog Creek, the nearest express office ; thence bv livery 18 miles. Com- munication ia kept up by wagon and pack ar'aiaiB. ..uaifa arrive every Thursday. Nearest banking point, Kamloops. Boyle, William, fmr Boyle, Calvin, fmr Boyie, Thomas, fmr Brown, J jn J, fmr Brown, John, fmr McEwan, Thomas, fmr McEwan, John, fmr ENDERBY. ((S'«e also Spallumcheen and Vernon.) Postmaster, Oliver Harvey. In the Dominion Electoral Districts of Yale, Kootenay and Provincial of Yale, is situated at the bend of the Shuswap or Spallumcheen River, on the Shuawap and Okana- gan Railway; telegraph and ex- preaa office ; neareat banking point, Vernon. The whole valley of the Okanwan is rich agricultural ground, growing some of the finest , cereals and fruita in the Province. Appleton, H, mgr B C mills Ashton, Charles, fmr Bailey, R, engineer Bannerman, John, fmr Bannerman, David, fmr Bilsland, Alex, miner Bright, Mrs S M, fmr Brush, Thomas, fmr Campbell, Alex, fmr Careioot, H, fmr Columbia Mill Co, flour mills Costerton, C F, fmr Dellera, L O, fmr Enderbv Hotel, Lambly Broa, propa Foresc, William, fmr ./ B. WILLIAMS * CO., OlotklMi aad Haiitmn, 97 JolUaoa St., Vletovla. In the Don Vancouv( mo, on V 24 miles which is I telegraph municatic naimo, all Alberni. Cheney, Jai Cheney, Ge( Hellier, Jan Hellier. Tho Hellie*,Chr Horison, Wi McCarter, J hotel prop McMillan, 5 Wallis, Richi SEE OUR SCOTCH AND ENGLISH TWEED SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS I ^ ^""^ ^^^^ ^Difia HT. victoria Xransfer Co«9 Iitd« Vr'iu^e*'" 81 and 83 Broashtoa BtrMt, VlotorlA, B. O. T«L 189. rict cial rest 1 rms reat liles aph rom Dog ice; om- igon •rive king ion.) ricts icial tdof leen ana- ex- )int, the ural nest, nee. Fortune, A L, J.P. fmr Fortune, William, fmr Gibba, Sam, J.P, fmr and mgr flour mills Gibbs, William, fmr Hall, C F, fmr Harland, John, fmr Harvey, 0, mercht and postmaster Hassard, Frank, fmr Hasaard, Jason, fmr Hassard, William A, fmr James, Thomas, fmr Kenn}', N H, millwright Lambly, Charles, fmr Lambly, Sobert, fmr Lambly, Thomas, fmr Lawes, G R, fmr Lawes & Smith, fmrs . Lvnn, George, fmr Matheson, Donald, fmr Mara, J A, M.P, fmr . Montgomery, James, fmr ^ichoUs & Kenouf, merchants. En- derby and Vernon Oliver, A, labr Parkinson, Geo, fmr Patterson, W T, fmr Rashdall, C C, fmr Rashdall, G Herbert, fmr Rashdall & Costerton, real estate agents ERRINGTON. Postmaster, Joseph A. McGartbr. In the Dominion Electoral District of Vancouver and Provincial of Nanai- mo, on Vancouver Island, is about 24 miles northwest of Nanaimo, which is the nearest banking point, telegraph and express office. Com- munication by steamer with Na- naimo, also stage to Nanaimo and Alberni. Cheney, James Will, fmr Cheney, George, fmr Hellier, James Walter, fmr Hellier. Thomas, fmr Hellieft , Christopher, fmr Morison, William, fmr McCarter, Joseph A, postmaster, hotel prop and fmr McMillan, Duncan, road supt and fmr Wallis, Richard P, fmr ESQUIMALT DISTRICT. Esquimau Town, Craigflower, Par- son's Bridge, Colwood, Admiral Road, Esquimau Road. POSTMASTBRS — ESQUIMALT ToWN, Wm. S. Goodwin ; Colwood, A. H. Peat. Esq^uimalt District lies in a westerly direction from Victoria, in the Do- minion Electoral District of Van- couver and Provincial Electoral District of Esquimalt, and is bound- ed by Royal Bay and Straits of Juan de Fuca on the south and Victoria Harbor on the east. EsQuiHALT is built on a peninsula between the Royal Roads and Es- quimalt Harbor, which is wide, well sheltered, and easily en- tered by ships of any size. It is the naval station for Her Majesty's ships, and possesses one of the finest dry docks on the Pacific Coast. The dock is built of sand- stone, is 457 feet long, 57 wide and 27 deeo. A large sum has been voted by the home government to improve the fortifications of the post, and work has practically com- menced. Here is also situate the meteorological station — the most westerly and northerly telegraph reporting station on the continent. It is in charge of Mr. E. Baynes Reed, and is fully equipped with all the modern instruments for ob- serving and recording the weather. Observations are taken every four hours, and telegraphed to Toronto and from thence to Washington. Colwood is on the west side of Es- C[uimalt Harbor, Brother's Island in Royal Bay. Constance Cove at the east end of Vil';\ge Bay, Fis- guard Island, the lij^nthouse sta- tion ; and Village Buy the site of the Royal Naval Hospital are all in the Esquimalt District. Daily com- munication by rail over the B. & N. railway and by electric tramcar. Esquimalt is about three miles from Victoria, which is the bank- ing point. Adams, Thomas, boatbuilder. Head St, E See our Mackintoshes, Melissa and Rigby Waterproofs, Umbrellas, &c, B. WILLIAMS & CO., 07 Johnson Street, Victoria, B. C. T E Z A S L A K £ I C £ c o V A N C O u V E B B C m 1 i t I Ps<^ ' T Sji ^ty ' s i T- j^w ' ' ' f y'T> ^ 'g '^ J F^y" ' 'I "IWI 'i yi ' ■ J. Sc J. TAYLOR, SAFES AND VAULT DOOBS Ii, J, Ool6t Asentf Dufwnt Block, New Westminster, B. 0. &C4 ^ Si x <;§■ O 00 CO 80 ESQ BBITISB OOLUHBIA DIRECTORY. RSQ Agnail, John, carpenter, Four-Mile House, Craigflower rd Agnew, John, carpenter. Parson's Bridge, Esquimau Harbor Andrews, Jas, steward, R N Hospital Ashley, Thos, gardener, "Fairview Cottage," Esquimau rd Astle, Thos, foreman, water works. Admiral's rd, E Atkins, William, mechanical engi- neer, Constance Cove, Esquimau Babington, Geo, waterman. Wharf St, E Bainbridge, R, dock-hand Hotel Bainbridge, Richard, pattern maker, RNA Bailey, Fred'k J, storehouse man, R NY Barber, Rev Wm D, M.A., rector C of E, Tyn-y-Coed, Dunsmuir rd, Esquimau rd Barry, Chas, storehouse man, R N T Batteabee, John, gardner, Four-Mile House, Craigflower rd Bayley, Mrs Jos, Old Esauimalt rd, S Bayley, Thos, florist, Ola Esquimau rd Blue Ribbon Hall, Finlayson st, Bogle, John, labr. Ship st Bogle, John, labr, Dom Graving Dock Esquimau Bramsdon, Wm H, chief engr, R N Y Brento, Perley R, chemist & druggist. Head st, Esquimau rd, N Brenton, Chas John, Head st, Esqui- mau rd, N British Columbia Pottery Works, Constance Cove rd Bullen, Wm Feitzherbert, Esquimau rd, N, Oakdene Burrows, Major A L S, Comm'dt Royal Marines, Esquimalt rd, S Calvert, John, plumoer, Four-Mile House, Craigflower rd Cameron, Arch B, shipwright. Main st S side Campbell, Colin, labr, Constance Cove rd Campbell. Duncan, gardener, Con- stance Cove rd Campbell, John D, constable, Tolmie street Campbell, John K, rma Mrs Bayley. Ola Esquimau rd Cann, A J, plumber, R N Y Carr, Fred'k, (Harris & Can,) Ship Inn, Wharf st Clayton, Fred'k, grocer, Wharf at, Foster's Landing Conway, R C, Four Mile House Croft, Henry, M.P.P,, real estate agt, "Mount Adelaide," Dunsmuir at, Esquimalt rd Cross, Thomas, stoker, R N Y Dale, A L G, stoker, R N Y Davey, Fredk, clerk, R N Y Daviage, Frank, com agt, Esqut rd Day, John Ewd, Esquimalt hotel. Wharf st E Devereux, Captain J, dock master Dom graving dock Dobbin, T Sydney, chief clerk R N Y Dodds, Thos, carpenter, R N Y Doran, John, New Inn, Esquimalt rd N Fagan, Gerald, section foreman E A N Ry, Esquimalt stn Farrell, Mrs M, Wharf at Few, Alfred, dairyman, old Esqui- malt rd N Fisher, Chas, Globe Hotel, Wharf st Fleming, Edgar, photographer (Flem- ing Bros), '• Viewfleld," Monro st, Esquimalt rd S Fleming, Harold, photogr, (Fleming Bros), "Viewfleld," Munro at, Esquimau rd S Ford Alfred, carpt, Esquimalt rd 8 Fountain, George, labr, Cionstance Cove rd Fountain, Cove rd Four Mile John, labr, Constance House, Calver & Gouge props, Craigflower rd Francis, George, teamster. Four Mile House, Craigflower rd Frith, A J E, assist storehousemau, RNY Fuller Harry, dep postmstr, Wharf st Fuller & Goodwin's warehse, Whrf stE Fuller & Goodwin, storekeepers Wharf Bt Geake, Harry, chief engr, RNY, Esquimalt rd N Gilchrist, Wm Law, electrician, "Sailors' Rest," Foster's rd Gillespie, Geo, mgr Bank of B C, "The Hermitage," Esquimalt rd S Glen, Chas, armorer, RNY Goepel, Phillip D, clerk, RNY Good, Mrs, Esquimalt rd N (ioodwin, Wm 8, postmaster. Wharf st Gouge, Bertie, prop Four Mile House Craigflower rd T. J.TRAPP & CO., Harilware, Faints, Oils and AiEricnltDral Iiplements. ColambU Street, NEW WESTMINSTBB, B. C. E N Y, sctrician, of B C, lalt rd 8 NY iBtmaster, tile House HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY « '!J'.2t™ "™'.'* E84 BBITIBH COLUMBIA DIBIOTOBY. RfQ 81 Graham, Richard, mariner, Esqui- malt rd N Gray, Joseph, oarpt, Finlayson at Gray. William, leading stoker R N Y Grindlay, H Melville, EsquimaltrdS Grives, Duncan, carpt, Dom graving dock Hammond, 0, blacksmith, R N Y Hammond, Henry Edward, engine titter, Tolmie st Harris, Ghas, labr, B C pottery Harris, Edward, labr, B C Pottery Harris, Henry, (Harris & Carr) props, Ship Inn, Wharf st Harvey, Chas, Ship Inn Hemans, Mrs, Esquimalt rd S Henwood, artificer, Main st Hickey, Geo, carpenter, R N Y Horaen, Fredk, stone cutter, Esqui- malt road S Howard,John T, innkeeper,Howard'B Hotel, Wharf st Hughes, William, leading stoker, R NY Hughes, W H, leading torpedo stoker, R N Y Hunt, Wm, fmr, Esquimalt rd S Innes, Jas H, naval storekeeper and accountant in charge, R N Y Isbister, James, boatman, Foster's I>anding ' Jacques, Mrs Isabella, prop "Sailors' Rest, " Foster's rd Jones, Fredk N, Wharf st Kearney, J, stoker, R N Y Kerr, Henry, fmr, Admiralty rd W, Constance Cove Knox, Joseph, teamster, Lampson st, Esquimalt rd Lainpbard, Frank, dock hand, Es- quimalt Hotel Lind, Angus, labr. Phoenix Brewery, Head st Livery Stables, prop J E Day, Wharf stE Logan, Hugh, armorer, R N Y, Wharf st Hackay, Angus, kiln8etter,Gon8tanee Cove rd Mann, Gilbert, labr, Lampson st, Esquimalt rd Martin, H Q, boatman, R N Y Martin, Thomas, labr, Four-Mile House, Graigflower rd McAnally, Henry, storchouseman, H B Co Wharf and R N Y McCailum, Cant A E, Maple Bank, Esquimalt Harbor MoCauslan, Jas, boatman. Wharf stW McDonald, John, carpenter. Old Es- quimau rd McDonald, John, labr, Oonstance Goverd McKenzie, Kenneth, clerk, R N Y Mackenzie, Murdo, fireman, Cons- tance Cove McKni^ht, engineer, H M Dockyard, Esquimau rd McLeod, John P, student at law, 14 Chancery lane, Esquimalt rd S Menaught, Robt, electrician, Old Es- quimau rd Montieth, Wm, real estate agent. Head st E Muir, Archibald Cannel, chief en- gineer Dom graving dock Muir, William James, 2nd engineer Dom graving dock Mullington, Phillip, corporal, R M Naval Club, Foster's Landing Nelson, Peter, carpenter. Old Esqui- mau rd S Nolan, John H, foreman, Sayward's Yard, Head st W Olford, Richard Ed, coppersmith, Esquimalt rd N Oliver, Gtiaa Mason, telegraph clerk. Wharf st E Oliver, John, customs house officer and notary public. Wharf st E Oliver, John jr. Wharf st E Parker, John, butcher, Graigflower rd Pascoe, John, miner. Wharf st E Pascoe, Wiiliam, miner. Wharf st E Patterson, Mrs, Main st Pearson, Thomas, fitter, A I works Perkins, George, clerk of wks R NY Peters, Major Jas, A.D.A.G., Head st Phillips, Richard, Main st Pike, Henry, dock hand, Esquimalt hotel Pooley, the Hon. C. E., Q.C, M.P.P Pros of the Council, "Fernhill" Esquimau rd N Potts, James, rancher, Oonstance Gove Pover, E H, able seaman, R N Y Prevost, W, Head st Price, Hans Ogilvy, elk H M dock- yard, "Tvn-y-Coed" Dunsmuir rd Esquimalt rd S Public School, Main st Putesy, Mrs, nurse. Ship st Reed, E Baynes, stipend magis, the Observatory, Bridge st »0CO 31 I I RTT.V.'P BROS., ^^^ AGENTS FOR OBOSSLEY II VIOTOI B. O. AND SONS FINE GABPETS. F R. T.WILLIAMS BOOKBINDER ani BLANK BOOK lANUFACTURER »B BBOA.D BTBKBT, riCTOBIA. I I 00 82 t^AI BBITI8H COLVMBIA DIREOTOBY. FIB Rich, Joseph, "EllevBley" Eaqui- malt rd Roach, Hugh, laborer, Esqaimalt Roper, John, Admiral's rd E Rothwell, Wm, Wharf at W Ratter, Solomon, lAmpson at Sailors' Rest, Foster's rd Saunders, Wm Hooper, Esquimau water works Scarf, Geo, boatman, Wharf st School Room St. Paul's Church, Fln- layson st Shepherd, Samuel, schoolmaster, Graigflower school Slcinner, Jas, gardener. Lampson st Smith, Wm B, innkeeper, Coach and Horses, Eaquimalt rd Stewart, Mrs Isabella, fmr. Sea View farm, Esquimalt harbor Stock, John, watchman Dom. grav- ing dock St. Paul's church. Main street Sullivan, John, school teacher, Es- quimau rd S Van Nevel, Rev, R C priest, Esqui- malt rd ^eitch, William, fmr, Craigflower Wake, Gervase F, clerk, H M dock- yard, Oak Hill Cottage Wake, Mrs B A, Esquimau rd S Wallis, William, surveyor. Coach and Horses Ward, Wm Arthur, wholesale mer- chant, Esquimalt rd S Warren, Ausustus, engr. Head st Wensley, Wm, blacksmith, Esqui- malt rd N Whittier, Eugene, fmr, Constance Cove farm Williams, James, fmr. Admiral's rd Williams, Justis E, milkman, Lyall st, Esquimau rd Willoughby, Jas, boatswain, RNY Young, Wm, labr, Dom graving dock Young, Wm, labr, Wharf st FAIRMONT SPRINGS. POBTMABTEB, SaHUBL BbBWEB. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale, and Provincial Electoral District of East Kootenay, two miles from Upper Columbia Lakes, is a ranching, stock-raising and mining settlement. Steamboat landing at Sam's Landing, Lake Windermere, 3 miles distant. Nearest railway station and tele- fraph. Golden, 100 miles distant, [ails once a month in winter, and twice a month in summer. There are several hot springs 'in the dis- trict, the curative properties of which are great. Bargett, Wm, fmr Brewer, Jarvis Samuel Brewer, Sam'l, hotel keeper and postmaster Hardie, Samuel, cattle rancher Jones, Percy, farmer Legacy Joseph, miner Paguon, Eli, farmer Young, Joseph, farmer McVittar, Thos, provincial surveyor FIELD. Postmaster, H. G. Parson. In the Dominion Electoral District o Yale-Kootenay and Provincial of Kootenay^ is a station on the C. P. R. 500 miles from Vancouver, anc[ has a post and telegraph office. Adair, J, brakeman C.P.R Anderson, Wm, engineer C.P.R Barchum,W,head waiter C.P.R. hotel Barker, Henry, conductor C.P.R Bennett, W C, painter Blondin, J, fireman C.P.R Bouchard, G, section foreman C.P.R Brigs, Harry, roundhouse, C.P.R Capsutt, Norman, fireman C.P.R Carlin & Lake, genl merchants and contractors Carlin, J D, clerk Carman, P E, agent C.P.R Cedarholm,A, section foreman C.P.R Crump, Thomas, brakeman C.P.R Ericson, G, roadmaster C.P.R Gioch, T E, roundhouse, C.P.R Goodyear, C, line repairer C.P.R Hanson, A^ Monarch Hotel Hedberg, J, labr Hunt. A, fireman C.P.R Johnson, Fred, brakeman Kemp, George, brakeman Killeen, H, cleirk G Ericson Kolbeck, F, labr Lascelles, H, brakeman Mallison, Miss, mgr C.P.R. hotel Marsh, A, conductor C.P.R. McDonald, D S, chef C.P.R. hotel Mekelson, J, labr Newman, £, assist chef C.P.R. hotel Ormiston, J, engineer C.P.R T. DOBBSON, N. W. DOBKSON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron cmhI Bratt JPo%tnd«r; 00n«ral XaehtnUta ■ All K{h4« of Bopmir*, X,imd and Marine. HANAIMO. . BRITISH COLUMBui. TBM ZAXmBT IXPMOrmmMHTB IITBOOK MIlTDIira AMD PAPMRMULXlfO. as BROAD aTRBBT. VICTORIA R. T. WilUams roB BRITISH COLUMBIA OIBICTORY. roB 83 Paraon, H (i, poetmaater PatterBon, P J. foreman C.P.R Peacock, A, la or Peacock, F S, porter C.P.R. hotel Reid, D W, carpenter Rundell, James, engineer C.P.R SesmandeK A , labr Shamler, F W, waiter C.P.R. hotel Tolmie, W, labr Tough, C, Presbyterian minister TurnbuU, W, watchman C.P.R Tin win, W, brakeman Vavaseier, N, waiter C.P.R. hotel Wah Chong, laundry Wardman, T, roundhouse, C.P.R. White, Thomas, conductor C.P.R. Wilson, J, fireman C.P.R. Wyckoff, C, mgr Carlin & Labe FORT GEORGE. (See New Caledonia.) A trading post of the H.B. Co., at the Junction of the Nechaco with the I'raser. Nearest poHtoffice, Quea- nelle, where the stage to and from Ashcroft changes; distant, 150 miles. FORT RUPERT. (See Alert Bay.) Is situated in Beaver harbor, on the north-east coast of Vancouver Island, about 21 miles from Alert Bay. This old relic of the Hudson Bay Co. is at present occupied by Mr. Robert Hunt, to whom it was sold by the Company some few vears ago. Communication by steamer from Victoria. Postoffice Alert Bay. FORT STEELE. (Also St. Eugene Mission.) POBTHAriTXB, ChAB. ClABKB. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale, Kootenay and Provincial of East Kootenay, 180 miles from Gol- den, C.P.R. There is a fortnightly mail daring the summer, and once a month during winter. The mail for the places named is carried by steamer to Windemere on the Col- umbia, about 100 miles from Gol- den, C.P.R., and from Windermere to Fort Steele about 70 miles, hav- ing a way mail at Fairmont Springs, Wasa, Ac. Nearest railway station, telegraph and express ofllce,Golden, banking point, Calgary, N. W. T. St. Eugene Mission and Cranbrook are 12 miles from Fort Steele. The Cranbrook post-ofice has been changed to St.Eugene Mi8sion,Rev. Father Coccola, P.M. Atkinson, Henry, free miner Aylmer, Hon Fred W, J.P. cattle ranch, The Grange Baker, Lt-Col James, M. P.P, farm, cattle, St E M Baker, Valentine Hyde, cattle ranch, F S Baker, Harold, St E M Bale, Alf. carpt, St E M Bale, David, carpt, F S Ball, James, fmr. If S Bale, — , carpt, F 8 Bell, Miss May, St E M Bornais, Jean B, farm foreman, In- dian indstrl school, St £ M Broulette, C, rancher Broadwood, Louis J, gentleman Boyle, Peter, fmr. Cherry Cr, F S Carman, J H, fmr F S Clarke, Charles, customs depart- ment and postmaster, F S Clarke, Mrs Charles, assistant post- master, F S Clarke, Master Herbert, F S Coccola, Rev Father, St E M Cowan, Geo, contractor, F S Dennis, Oliver Geo, recorder and collector, F 8 Dewar, Robert, cattle and hay fmr, St EM Dibble, James, free miner, F S Doul, Wm, harnena maker, F S Ellar, Hank, teamster, F S Edwards, Chas, hydraulic gold claim, Weaver Creek, FS Fen wick, A B, cattle ranch, F 8 Fen wick, Thos, cattle ranch, F S Femle, Wm, J.P, Crow's Nest Coal Co, FS Frazer, Dan, blacksmith French, Wm, foreman. Col Baker's Galbraitb, Robt L T, merchant, F S Galbraith,Mr8 Jno, private residence, FS Goodridge, Wm, carpenter, F S T. DOBESON, N. W. D0BE80N. INAMAIMO FOUNDRY. Iron a»d JBrata foundera, tteneral Maehittiatt, AU KinOt of Mepulr; JJand mnd Martnt, HANAIHO, • • BRITISH COLUMBIA. T E X A S Ii A K I C E c o V A N G O U V E B B O s I; % XT ^r^T.X! Asent for The Canadian Fire Int. Co., The London ft Canadian • <l • %J\fAAXl rrn Ina. Co.. LtJ, The Federal Life Aas. Co.. The J. ft J. Taylor, Safes and Var.lt Ooors. Secretary of the Roval City BnildinK Society. Secy-Treaa. of the Standard Load and Savings Co. NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. P£J cyo 00 « Si o 00 CO IC 84 FOB BBITIBH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. FBB Griffith, DavUi postmaster and store, Wild Horse Creek, Kootenay Hannay, Jas, rancher, The Grange Hannay, Arthur, miner, F 8 Hanson, Nils, saw mills and store, Wasa Humphreys,Edward,cattle ranch,The Grange Johnston, Shadrick W, cattle ranch, "Peavine," St E M Jones, F B, str kpr Kelly, Ed, J.P, storekeeper, (Bloom- field;, St F M Langill, James, free miner, F S Levett, Charles, hotel, FS Levett, Mrs Charles, F S Levett, John, rancher Mather, Robert Duncan, farm and sam mill, F S Matl T, Mrs Robert, Oherrv Creek, FS Mather, Henry, fmr. Cheery creek, FS Mangan, Lary, free miner, Kootenay Moore, Roger, fmr F S Moore, VV J, F 8 McLeod, A, F S McLeod, R, F S McNeil, John, free miner, F 8 McDonald, Hugh, free miner, F S " McVittie, Thos, prov surveyor, E M Norbury, Fred P, fmr, F S Parker, Capt Edmund, fmr, F S Phillips, Michael, J.P, Indian Agent, fmr and residence, Tobacco Plains, FS Phillips,William,fmr,Tobacco Plains, • F S Quirk, Patrick, fmr, F S Ridgeway, Wm, free miner, F 8 Roberts, Joseph, teamster, F 8 Sister.Pacifique, superior, Ind. indstrl school, St E M Sister Mary, Ind indstrl school, St EM Sister Andrian, Indian indstrl school, St EM Sister Rita, Ind indstral school, St EM Snyder, Leroy, A, labr, F S Sullivan, M Sullivan, .reremiab, fmr, F 8 ark, Geo, FS Taylor, J, miner, F 8 White, Edward, free miner, F S Wilson, Carl, blksmith, F 8 Wade, Wait, rancher, F S Wells, F, miner, F 8 FORT SHEPHERD. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Kootenay, and Provincial Electoral of West Kootenay, situ- ated near the international boun- dary line at the junction of the Columbia and Pend d'Oreille rivers. Nearest railway station and tele- graph office, Little Dalles, Wash- ington ; communication by steamer frotn Revelstoke, 175 miles. FRENCH CREEK. Postmaster, William Henry Lee. Twentv-six miles from Nanaimo, in the bominion Electoral District of Vancouver and Provincial of Nana- imo. Communication by steamer twice a week with Nanaimo, dis- tance 26 miles, and Alberni by stage. The former city is the near- est express station, and is also the banking point, but a telegraph office has been established here. Wellington is the nearest town, distant 20 miles. Craig, Robert John, fmr Davis, Rev John H Davis, Mrs Florence Despard, Edward Golding, fmr Graves, Carl Randolph, telegraph caretaker Hickey, Robert Hume, fmi Lee, Henry, assistant postmaster Lee, William Henry, postmaster Lee, Henry Richard, fmr Loury, James Overton, blacksmith and fmr McKinnon, John, carpenter Mordacque, Miss Noble, Mrs Pillar, Henry, fmr Pillar, Henry, jr, fmr Pillar, William, fmr Pillar, Miss Pillar, Miss Annie Benz, Otto, fmr Renz, Otto, jr, fmr GABRIOLA ISLAND. Postmaster, James Gray. In the Dominion Electoral District of Vancouver and the Provincial Electoral District of i'7anaimo, sit- uated on the eastern coast, just . I T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hamware, Paints, Oils aM AiEricmtiiral Iipleients. GolnmbU Street, NEW WE8TMIN8TBB, B. C. 'S BUY COMPUY, (pnts for Fort Carrv and Benton Count) Flouring Mills VICTORIA.. B. O. GAB BBITIBH COLUMBIA DIBECTOBY. OAL 85 below the city of Nanaimo. It is about nine miles long and three wide; communication by steamer with Victoria and Nanaimo; mails twice a week. Nearest telegraph oflSce, Valdez Island, distance, two miles; nearest railway station, banking point and express office, Nanaimo, distance, five miles. Adbms, David, fmr Aitken, Thomas, fmr Brown, William Chappie, Joseph, fmr Chappie, Richard, fmr Chappie, William, fmr Cross, Joshua, fmr Degnen, James, fmr Degnen, Thomas, fmr Degnen, John, fmr Edgar, Magnus, fmr Edgar, Mark, fmr Foster, John, fmr Griffith, Wm, lighthouse keeper Uray, James, fmr and postmaster Gray, Bobt, lighthouse keeper Griffith, Thomas, lighthouse keeper Hansen, C, fmr Higham, Arnold, fmr Higgins, William John, fmr Hogan, Alex, gardener Jamieson, James, gardener Jamieson, Thomas, gardener LeBeouf, Theodore, fmr Lewis, David B, fmr Lewis, Jauzss, fmr Manley, Jumes, fmr Martin, John, fmr Martin, Jonathan, fmr McGnffie, George, fihr McGuffie, Thos. fiar McKinnon, Michael, schoolteacher McLay, James, fmr Myles, Kobt Nelson, John, fmr Ntwcombe. Ctiarles, fmr Newberg, John, fmr Newberg, Peter, fmr Norris, Richard Pickering, fmr Pemberthy, John Whyte jr, fmr Peterson, Henry, fmr Roberts, David's R, poultry man RoUo, James, fmr RoUo, John, fmr Silva, John, fmr Stevenson, John Thomas, fmr Wake, Baldwin Hough, tel operator GALBRAITH FERRY, {See Fort SUele.) In the East Kootenay District. Near- est postoffice. Fort Steele. Tele- graph, railway and express office. Golden. Steamer from Golden to Windermere, thence by stage. GALENA. POSTMABTEB, GbO. McMiLLAN. In the Provincial Electoral District of Kootenay, and Dominion of Yale-Kootenay, is situated on the Columbia River. Communication by steamboat and wagon road. Nearest telegraph, express office and railway station, Golden, 42 miles; banking point, Calgarv, N.W.T. Able, Wm B, fmr Atchinson, Henry, fmr Barnes, Harry W, hotelkeeper Barr, Hf-.ry, fmr Bevan, Thomas, fmr Blatchford, Wm, fmr Bott, Wm G, fmr Campbell, Daniel, fmr and miner Estell, Harry, fmr and miner Heffner, George, fmr Irvine, Wm J, fmr Johnston, Wm, fmr Jones, Thomas, miner Kirkpatrick, Wm, miner Lambrick, Peier, fmr Lewis, Chas, miner McRae, Neil, fmr McRae, John, miner McMillan, Geo, fmr and postmaster Mitchell, Alfred H, fmr Perrie, Thomas, fmr Pollock, Henry, miner Smith, David, fmr Taynton, Wm, fmr Walkins, Edward, fmr Watt, Chas, fmr Wells, Fred M, miner GANGES HARBOR. {See Salt Spring Island.) In the Cowichan District. Nearest postoffice, Burgoyne Bay, two miles distant; railway, telegraph and express office, Ghemainus, dis- tant 10 miles ; communication by steamer from Victoria, 40 miles. C/3 ^^ S2 go ?^ •"• cr o ^ I IS c ^ M Ik. «5 I in INTERIOR WOODWORK, OFHOE AND BAB FITTINGS :=!: Had* to Oi4«p by WSIUBR BROS. VICTORIA TRANSFER CO., LTD. 21 and S3 Brougliton Streat, Vlotoria, B. O. Tel. 189. Cheek Ban*i.* ^<* ""7 P**^ <*' ^* ^^^- Thatr Wagona and CarrtaKes meet all Boata and Trains. 96 H 1 >-^ 4) «* .a Ph ^ «M a> o ,a -»i> so »H a « 1 1 86 OAR BRITISH GOLUMBIA DIRECTORY. OBN GARNHAM. Postmaster, W. Garnham. In the Dominion Electoral District of Vancouver and the Provincial of the Lake District, is in the Saanich locality, about five miles from Vi(!toria, which is the tele- graph, express and banking point. Mails daily. Berlow, E, labr Bernard, G, fmr Blantern, John, fmr Brown, J G, conductor Brown, James, bricklayer Burton, John, labr Oarly, J W, fmr Cavin, R S, road boss Chandler, J F, fmr Clarke, John, fmr Olaydon, I, labr Coverdale, Geo, milkman Coulter, Robert, servant Daniels, Alfred, fmr Daniels, Richard, fmr Donahan, James, milkman Etherldge, E, carpenter Garnham, Wm, postmaster Griffith, Henry, fmr Grffith, Jerry, fmr Harper, John, carpenter Harrison, Clifford, fmr Harrison, James, fmr Harrison, S, fmr Jennings, Hester, carpenter Jones, Chas, farm and garden Jones, J M, painter jones, Sam F, farm and garden Layritz, Richard, florist Lineker, E H, fmr Lineker, Fred, fmr Lindsay, George, fmr and contractor Lindsay, Frank, fmr Luscombe, Thomas, gardener McNeale, J A, fmr Miller, James fmr Richmond, James, fmr Ross, WM, builder Sprinkling, W, fmr Sprinkling, W E, tailor Sutherland, Geo, carpenter Stover, P J, gardener Stover, W J, gardener Vandon, A, tailor Wilson, Rev E F Wilkinson, Richard, fmr Wood, R B, fmr GENOA. Acting Postm aster, Orrin N.Hcgitt. In the Dominion Electoral District of Vancouver and Provincial of Cowichan. Nearest postoffice, rail- way, telegraph and express office, McPherson's, E. A N. railway, 4 miles distant; distance from Vic- toria, by rail, 40 miles, and by steamer, 35 miles. Armes, John, sawmill hand Armstrong, W H, tallyman Barry, John, teamster Barry, Edward, mill hand Barrow, John, mill hand Ballentyne, D, mill hand Bebeanj Chas, mill hand Bercruest, Andrew, blacksmith Brokenshire, Geo, mill hand Brooks, R L, sawyer Brown, Joe, mill'hand Brown, Wm, sawmill hand Collins, S, boarding house keeper Cousins, Almyr, mill hand Davies, Ed, mill hand Ellanger, S, mill hand English, James, tallyman Fleming, John, mill hand Ford, Wm, sawmill hand Glanders, John, mill hand Graham, John, sawmill hand Hughitt & Mclntyre, lumber dealers Hughitt, Amos J, lumber dealer Hughitt, Herbert J, lumber dealer Hughitt, Orrin N, lumber dealer Jones, Fred, sawmill hand Jones, James, mill hand Larson, Gust, sawmill hand McGonnigal, Wm, mill hand McGowan, Lewis, mill hand Mclnnis, D, watchman Mooney, John, mail carrier Moran, Louis, sawmill hand Nooks, Rebt, mill hand O'Donnell, James, setter Pooley, W H, mill hand Smith, Wm, mill hand Splane, John, sawmill hand Splane, M, engineer Staples, Wall B, planeman Taylor, Ernest, mill hand Turner, Aug, mill band Turner, Toney, fireman Wersmiller, John, mill hand Westbrook, Fred, mill hand Willey, A C. filer Wongod, John, mill hand Zeimer, Nate, millhand T. DOBESON. N. W. DOBKSON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron and Bra§» Foundern, Oeneral MaehinitU • ^{| Kindt of Bepatr; land and Marino. NANAIMO. ■ ■ ■ BRITISH COLUMBIA SI and 83 Bronshton Stiwet, Viotoria, B. C. Tel. 189. OOL BBITIBH COLUMBIA DIRECTOBY. «OL 87 GEORGETOWN. (See mlao Northwest Coast and Port Simpson.) On the Skeena river, Caseiar District. Nearest postofSce, Fort Simpson, distant seven miles. Communica- tion by steamer fortnightly from Victoria. Crosby, Rev Thos, Methodist ministr Madden, Capt William Mclnnis, James, engineer Moody, Wm, sawyer Wilhifot, George, mill owner Wilhifot, James, mill hand Wilhifot, Walter, mill hand GOLDEN. POSTMASTKB, ChAS. A. WaBBEN. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Kootenay and Provincial of East Kootenay, is situated at the junction of the Kicking Horse river with the Columbia, on the main line of the Canadian Pacific railway, about 1,006 miles west of Winnipeg and 475 miles east of Vancouver. Has a postoffice, tele- graph and express oflSce. From Golden via the steamboat service of the Upper Columbia Navigation and Tramway Company, the rich gold, silver, lead and copper mines are reached. It has a smelter and assay office, also a newspaper, the Oolden Era. Alexander, Geo, capitalist Alexander, H B, manager of smelter Armstrong, F P, capt of steamboat Armstrong, J F, secy Upper Coumbia N and T Co Allan, J miner Aylmer, Hon F W, rancher Connacher, H, hotel prop Cummins, H L, prov land surveyor Cannan, H, agent Colquhoun, A J, metallurgist Dalnard, M, miner Dainard, W, miner Dainard, Mrs Diukie, Dave, miner Duriuk, Mrs Dwick, J A, storekeeper Field, John Fishburn, R, mining engineer Fowler, Mrs Forbes, D G, civil engineer Gibson, John, rancher Greene, J C, hotel prop Granger, Holness, capitalist Granger, Allan, capitalist Haltie, Jno, :>.ill hand Hastie, Mrs Healy, Fred, bartender Henderson, John, carpenter Henderson, Tom carpenter Henderson, "T, carpenter Harvey, W Pellew, analytical chemist Horze, W, mason Houston, W L, wheelwright Kemm, Rev J C Kerber, M, miner Lambrich, P, miner Lascelles, Hon Frank Lambert, J, painter Lang, F, storekeeper Love, R, fmr Low, H G, miner Manuel, G, blacksmith McCabe, G, miner McKinnon, Hugh, miner McRay, John, prospector Mercier, F, miner Miller, W, labr Moodie, H R, recorder and constable Murphy, Ed, printer Owen, Frank Pait, Jno, C.P.R. sectionman Pelfer, J, C.P.R. sectionman Plowright, E, gentleman Pollock, J, miner Pratt, John, lodging house keeper Ray, D M, compositor Reid. T, labr Robson, John, rancher Slade, W C, packer Stewart, Dan, bartender Sebastian, Peter, labr Sutherland, Gordon, carpt Smith, W, hunter Telfer, J, C.P.R. section foreman Vachon, A, rancher Vachon, G, rancher Wallinger, N 8 A, packer Warren, Chas A, postmaster Wells, C E, C.P.R. agent White, P, C.P.R. section foreman Wilson, \»' F, carp IVild, R, rancher Woods, W C, capitalist Woodley, W, butcher E X A S L A K £ I C £ c o V A N G O U V E B B C fe »i Eafitern TAILOR-MADE SUITS to Measure. TuJ^N^'^g!' Bae our sampiei and Prieei. B. WILLIAMS & CO., 97 Johnson St., Victoria. CXD a 0)4 m P o 00 CO UD T T rOT P I^EAL ESTATE AND INSUBANOE ■Ltf* J* V^V/l^U' Dupont Block. Columbia St.. New WcBtminater, B. C. 88 GBA BBITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTOBY. OBA COLDSTREAM. POSTMASTBR, JaHES PhAIB. A station on the Esquimau & Nana- imo Railway, 11 miles from Vic- toria. Post and telegraph office; mails daily. Banking point, Vic- toria. Brown, Wm, fmr Healy, Wm, fmr Johnson, Alick, farm hand Lindsay, J L fmr Logan, James, fmr Phair, James, hotelkeeper and P.M Ralph, Wm, foreman water works Scott, James, fmr Scott, John, fmr Secor, John, fmr Sketch, Earnest, teamster Thomson, W, track inspector Thomson, J, section man Walker, J C, fmr Walmsley, Petor, chicken rancher Weeks and Sont, fmrs GRAND PRAIRIE. POSTMASTEH, R. M. ClEMITSON. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale and Kootenay, and Provincial of Yale, situated about 36 miles from Kamloops on the Salmon river, and about 15 miles from Duck's station, the nearest railway, telegraph and express office. Com- munication by stage with Kam- loops, Duck's and Vernon. There is a weekly mail conveyance from Duck's. Angus, D, fmr Armstrong, H, fmr Barber, John, fmr Blackbourn, C P, fmr and storekpr Blackbourn, A J, fmr and store Berube, Fred, farm hand Blais, E, fmr Blais, J, fmr Blais, M, fmr Blais, Paul, farm hand Clemes, James, fmr and storekeeper Clemes^ John, fmr and storekeeper Clemition S M, fmr and storekeeper Currie, Henry, fmr Eteson, P B, fmr Ferguson, A, fmr Ferguson, W J, farm hand Hamer, W, miner Hamblin, C A, fmr Harding, Geoi]ge A, fmr Hay, Miss Allice, teacher Homfray, W U, fmr Killey, Wm, fmr Kirkpatrick, Mrs A, fmr Johnson, Wm, farm mgr Jones, Frank C, fmr Jones, Walter J, fmr Jones, Wm H, fmr and mail carrier Laplante, Fred, farm hand Mcintosh, D, farm hand Monk, Wm, fmr Muger, Frank, stock raiser Nettleton, A D, farm hand Newson, F E, fmr Patterson, H, farm hand Pearse, S J, fmr Pearse, H L, fmr Pearse, J C, fmr Percival, F J, fmr Pringle, John, fmr Smith, Andrew, fmr Smith, Wm H, fmr Warren, Colonel F M Warren, Falkland, fmr Warren, Victor Weidmark, George, farm hand Willard, Chas A, fmr and blacksmith Woods, R E, fmr GRANITE CREEK. Postmistress, Mrs. Jessie Hunter. In the Electoral District of Yale, and joining the Tulameen river from the south, 9 miles from its mouth. Communication by stage from Spence's Bridge. Alden, Andrew, miner Amberty, John, miner Asp, Chas, miner Benson, Ole, miner Brunette, Jos, miner Carlson, August, miner Chance, John, miner Cook, Foxerowle Percival, merchant Fairlaim, John, miner Frembd, Fred, miner Greaves, Henrv, miner Guerudersen, Peter, miner Hamilton, James, miner Hunter, Hugh, assessor and collector Kelley, James, miner Kyle, Wm, miner McDonald, John, miner McKay, Daniel, miner T. J. TRAPP & CO., HarHf are, Paints, Oils and Afliriciiltural Mpleients. Columbia Street, NEW WBSTMINSTBfi, B. C. rcE c. HDDSON'S BAY COMPANY™'* »!!!!I!?!'™»««'»"« VICTORIA. B. C. ler imith [NTBR. !, and from ^outh. from Icbant llcctor OBA BBinSH COLUMBIA DIRECTOBY. HAL 89 Marphy, Thomas/miner Newton, Jos, miner Babbitt, Tbos, merchant Riordan, James, miner Swan, Alex, miner Thomas, Robt, miner Wallace, James, saloon keeper GRANTHAM. (See Comox District.) Po8tmistre8b,Mrb Margaret Grieve In the northern postal division of Comox District, Comox and Sand- wick, both lying to the south of it. Communication by stage with Comox. Telegraph, express and banking point, Nanaimo. GRIFFIN LAKE. West Kootenay District; a station on the main line of the C. P. R., 366 miles of Vancouver and 17 miles from Kevelstoke ; has a tele- graph office; mails daily. GLACIER HOUSE. In the East Kootenay District, a sta- tion on the main line of the C.P.R., 424 miles east of Vancouver. The Canadian Pacific Railway Co. have a fine hotel here. Telegraph and express office ; mails daily. HAGAN. (See South Saanich.) HALL'S PRAIRIE. Postmaster, D. W. Brown. In the Dominion and Provincial Elec- toral District of New Westminster. Nearest banking point, telegraph and express office. New Westmin- ster, distant 18 miles ; mails twice a week ; communication twice a day by N. W. M. and Southern Railway, south to Seattle, and north to New Westminster. Rail- way station, Hazlemere; a flag station on the N.W.M. and South- ern Railway. Atkinson, St Leonard House Bamfort, Albert, fmr Brown, A M, fmr Brown, D W, J.P., fmr Brown, D W, jr, fmr Brown, J W, fmr Brown, Peter S, fmr Brown, William, fmr and storekeeper Brown, William S, fmr Cardinal, Chas, fmr Cobbin, Wm, fmr Craig, Dan, fmr Dickey, John, fmr Dyker, William, Imr ' Fay, Hugh, fmr Fielding, Thomas, fmr Figg, George, fmr Figg, William, fmr Flemming, G W, fmr Gilfillen, James, fmr Gorram, George, fmr Harding, Henry, fmr Harding, James, fmr Harding, Fred, fmr Halgi-en, Andrew, fmr Harper, Henry, fmr Hazelton, James, fmr Johnston, E C, fmr Jeizner, Joseph, fmr Ketzil, Nicon, fmr Kinley, George, fmr Lewi', J A, fmr Lutze, Lutze, fmr McCallum, W A, fmr McElmon, D R, real estate agent McMenemey, J R, fmr McMenemev, Wm, fmr McMillan, t A, fmr Moggridge, G W, fmr Moggridge, W J, fmr Newman, Chas, fmr Palmer, W R, fmr Perley, Chris, real estate agent, Blaine, U.S. A Peskey, C, fmr Pitman, Thomas, fmr Radford, Paul, fmr Rohart, Wm, fmr Roper, John, logger Roper, Leabe, fmr Spink, St Leonard Hotel, Douglas Stayh, Rev J A, Presbyterian ministr Stewart, Richard, fmr Tarlaton, James, fmr Thrift, H T, J.P. fmr Vanluver, S W, fmr Verett, James, fmr Wallar, Miss A G, school teacher OP e I !l \ 1 f EILER BROS., VICTORIA, ac. ^KTV VIMT^ST ^VXr tore Hands and Kore Capital than all other Bindniw IfrXl XjmrJLlUX m the province. « * ^ R. T. WILLIAMS Yi »8 HXOJLJD HTBMBT, riCTOJtXA. 4J> — 1- ^ •*s 1 J& Q rrt ^ p3 -M «M « © ^ •^ £ 4» a ^^ 4^ (T) ^d ^ GC as J hi H 90 HAN BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBBCTORY. BAR Walworth, Albert, fmr Walworth, Jason, fmr Welder, Wilder, fmr HAMMOND. {See Port Hammond . ) HANCEVILLE. Postmaster, O. Thob. Hancb. In the Chilcotin Valley, District of Cariboo, about seventy-five miles from Soda Creek, and forty-five from the mouth of the Chilcotin River. It is the furthest inland settlement of the northwest in the Province of British Columbia. Mails twict' a week. Allen, D; rancher Baiiifi", H P L, rancher Bergault, Peter, rancher Copeland, G. rancher Copeland, W, rancher Constable, G H S, rancher Copeland, F, rancher Franklin, B, rancher Graham, A, rancher Graham, R, rancher Henderson, J, rancher Henton, Mike, rancher Hutcheson, T, rancher Hance, T, postmaster Hewer, F A, rancher Johnson, F A Jones, Wm, rancher Lee, Norman, rancher Lee. E P, rancher Loadman, F, miner McAuley, J, rancher McCauley, A, rancher McDonald, G, rancher McLeod, J, rancher Nightingale, J A, rancher Nordburg, Dan, rancher Ross S, rancher Sheringham, E, miner Schultz, W, rancher Spaulding, H A, rancher Wallace, A, rancher Wiley, M, rancher Young, T R, rancher HARRISON HOT SPRINGS. POKTMASTER, JnO. R. BROWN. Situated on Harrison Lake, five miles north of Agassiz station on the main line of the C. P. R., with which place regular stages connect with the trains. The charming scenery of the district and curative properties of the waters, as well as the good shooting and fishing to be had, make the place a favorite resort for pleasure and health seekers. There is excellent hotel accommodation. Mails twice a day. Nearest telegraph and ex- press ofSce, Agassiz station, five miles; banking point Vancouver, 65 miles. Bales, G, fmr Boytnon, Thomas, fmr .Brown, F A, prop Harrison Hot Springs Brown, John R, prop Harrison Hot Springs Burton, JR, hotelkeeper Farwell, A A, physician Francis, E, fmr Kilbank, Chas, waiter Knight, William, hotelkeeper Lane, J E, hop grower Laidlaw, J S, fmr Laidlaw, Wm, fmr Lick, T N, hop grower McDonald, R, fmr McPherson, E, gentleman Moore, George, engineer Munroe, J, stage driver Scripture, Thomas N, book-keeper Tallyard, James, miner Tyre, James, stage driver HARRISON RIVER. Postmaster, C. W. Menten. A station on the main line of the C . P.R., 61 miles from New Westmin- ster, on the north side of the Eraser river, opposite Chilli wack. Has a post, telegraph and express oflSce. Nearest banking point. New West- minster. Mails daily. Bales, S D, fmr Cartier, Levi, cattle rancher Deen, Lee, storekeeper Driscoll, A, Dom land survey Duncan, Alex, section foreman Duncan, John, fmr Fabian, F, architect Henry, Albert, fmr Hunt, John, fmr Laidlaw, John, fmr T. D0BE80N, N, W. DOBKHON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron and Bra»» foundert, Oeneral XaeMnitttt All Kindt of Jtepaira, Land and Marine. NANAIMO, • • BRITISH COLUMBIA. EN. ItheC. bstmin- 1 Fraser Has a office. West- thinUta. luMBIA. Victoria Transfer Co., Ltd. »t and gS Broughton Street, Victoria, B. C. Telephone 3t9 UNIFORM RATES for Hacks and Bafgage. Good Driven, HorsM and VetalclM. BAT BBITIBH COLUMBIA DIBECTOBY. HAT 91 Martiii Bros, sawmill Martin, Jas, fmr McMillan, H, bridge watchman Menteu, C W, postmaster Menten, E, storekeeper Miller, Jno, section foreman Morrison, M, C.P.R Paunt, Felix, fmr Roberts, R, fmr Street, G, fmr Wilson, Thos, fruit grower HARTLEY BAY. On the Northwest coast. There is a large sawmill here, run by water power, which uses about one and one-half million feet of logs per an- num; communication by steamer from Victoria. Bower, Job, and family, props saw- mill Philips, Chas W, Methodist minister HARVEY CREEK. (See Keithley Creek P.O.) HASTINGS. (Postoffice called Burrard Inlet.) Postmaster, Geo. Black. A railway station and postoffice on Burrard Inlet, Westminster Dis- trict, on the C.P.R., about 2 miles east of Vancouver. The residents are included in the Vancouver directory. HAT CREEK. (Postoffice, Cache Creek.) In the Dominion Electoral District of Cariboo-Lillooet and Provincial of Lillooet. Nearest postoffice. Cache Greek ; distance, 7 miles ; telegraph, railway and express office, Ashcroft station, G.P.R., distant 14 miles; communication by stage from Ash- croft. Gallagher, Hugh, fmr McGee, Charlie, fmr McGee, Crawforth, fmr Geboney, Frank, fmr Phinney, George HATZIC. Postmaster, F. T. Lazenby. In the Dominion and Provincial Electoral District of New West- minster, was formerly known as Wells' Landing. It is situated on the north bank of the Eraser river, and has dail^ communication with New Westminster, Vancouver, Vic- toria and all river points ; Also rail- way communication east, west and south daily. Nearest banking point. New Westminster ; telegraph and express office. Mission City, two miles distant. Bainbridge, W H, fruit grower Baker, A, fruit grower Bodington, G F, J. P., M. D and J.P Brett, R H, fruit grower Briche, V, fmr Bulwer, H A , fruit grower Bulwer, W R, fruit grower Burton, G, fruit grower Clarey, M, fruit grower Clary, P, fmr Clarke, J, fruit grower Clarke, R G, frait grower Codd, R L Draper, J H, fmr Edwards, H, fmr Edwards, P, fmr Evans, R, fmr Fripp, T W, fmr Henry, G W, nurseryman Jones, E E, fmr Jones, E T, fmr Kemp, T, fmr Lacroix, J, fmr Lacroix, M, fmr Lazenby Bros, merchants Lanzenby, F T, postmaster, (Lazen- by Bros) Lazenby, P E, agt C.P.N. Co, (Lazen- by Bro3) Lowndes, R H, fruit grower Marsden, A M, fmr McEwen, W, fmr Millard, A R, fisherman Newton, G, fmr Parris, E, fmr Purkiss, J A, fmr Randolph, W A, fruit grower Thomson, E V, fmr Van, F, fmr Wells, J W, fmr Woodside, J H, fmr \ T E X A S L A £ I C E c o V A N C O u V £ B B C f m • v^'i M [fe J i i See onr Boys' Snits anil Oyercoats. Best assortment ifl tlie City. pncBsLow.gnaiityGflod B. WILLIAMS * Co., S7 JOHNSON ST.. VICTORIA. ff i BUPONT BLOCK. L. J. COLE COLVHBIA antxrr, MEW WESraUSTBIt. B. C. oo oo b < M l-J o 00 CO 10 iiento mnA ^eeoMnl* Aettled. Xttatea Managmdt 92 HAT BRITISH COLOMBIA DIRECTORY. HAZ HATZiC PRAIRIE. Postmaster, Captain Litinqbton Thompson. Au agricultural district, six miles from Matsqui. Nearest station and telegraph office, Mission City. Anderson, J, fmr Bargevin, A, fmr Barton, E, fmr Bouchier, Moise, fmr Brealey, H, fmr Brisson, J, fmr Brooks, E S, fmr Brealey, A, fmr Cardinal, F, fmr Chomat, F X, fmr Cot, O, fmr Cyr, Z, fmr Da vies, E, fmr Dion, A, fmr Diatassio, A, fmr Eguilbee, B, fmr Estephen, A, fmr Fontaine, F, fmr Garneau, Eusebe, fmr ' Gasse, O, fmr Guenette, F, fmr Hudson, Damase, fmr Hudson, J, fmr Hudson, Robt, sr, fmr Hudson, Robt, jr, fmr Johnson, J. fmr Kinchant, Major-Gen, retired Laferriere, J B, fmr Lagace, Amabel, fmr Laneuville, Napoleon, fmr Laneuville, D, fmr Maisonneuve, E, fmr Mariani, K, fmr Mariani, E Martin, Theophile, fmr Miller, A J, fmr Moreau, E, fmr Morin, A, fmr Morin, E, fmr Paion, T, fmr Panebianco, D, fmr Piedemonde, E, fmr Robarge, R, fmr Rouleau, G, fmr Scorey, H, fmr Scorey, William, fmr ' Stanforth, W, fmr Stinehouse, J E, fmr Thompson, Captain Livingstone, postmaster and fmr Tito, V, fmr Vanier, E, fmr Watt, W, fmr Winchester, E, fmr Wright, J M, fmr HAZELMERE. Postmaster, Henry G. Thrift. In the Dominion and Provincial Elec- toral District of New Westminster. Nearest banking point, telegraph and express office, New Westmin- ster, distant 16 miles. It is on the line of the Great Northern Rail- way ; mails, twice a week. Anderson, Alex, fmr and canneryman Annard, A J, fmr and fruit grower Campbell, Archibald, fmr Carter, Geo, fmr Fielding, Thomas, fmr and drayman Gibson, Joseph, fmr Gorram, Geo, fmr and carpenter Griffith, Robt, fmr Harper, Henry, fmr McGinnis, Chas, fmr and contractor McGinnis, Frank, fmr and contractor McMenemey, R J, teamster McMenemey, Wm,fmr and contractor Murnback, Geo, fmr and logger Nelson, Fred, logger Nelson, Geo, logger Pitman, Thomaa B, logger Rider, Thos, commercial traveller Roper, James, loeger Steward, Richard fmr and mimer Thrift, Henry T, gardener Thrift, Henry Thomas, fmr and postmaster, J.P Thrift, H J R, fmr Thrift, John C, logger Thrift, George McM, teamster Vanburen, Albert, contractor Vanburec , T, fmr Vaughn, James, fmr Walworth, Albert, miner Walworth, Jason L, fmr and nursery- man Walworth, Mrs Laura, widow Walworth, Mrs Jane, widow, fmr Ward, Mrs T, widow, fmr Ward, Fred, fmr HEAL. (See Saanich and Lake Diitrict.) Postmaster, F. G. Heal. T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Faints, Oils and Aiiricnltnral Innlements. Colnmbift Street, NEW WESTMINSTiSB, B. G. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY JBuroptmn mn4 Xn^Uth &XOOJIBTE8, WXirXB mnd IiIQVOMB, Tree and in Bond. VICTORIA, B. O. qiK BBITI8H COLUMBIA DIBECTOBT. HOB 93 HAZELTON. {.See Northwest Coa$t.) On tlie Skeena River. HERNANDO ISLAND. POSTlf ABTEB, N. D. ROBISON. In the Dominion Electoral District of New Westminster and Provincial of Say ward. Nearest telegraph, express office and banking point, Vancouver. Hernando is 25 miles from Comox ; means of communi- cation, steamer. Barker, N, fmr Blaney, William, fmr Chishblm, Arch, fmr Gibbs, A 0, fmr Gibbs, Thomas, fmr Harris, William, fmr Lewis, Richard, fmr McAdam, Robert, fmr McDonald, Daniel, fmr Rorison, £ D, fmr Borison, N D, postmaster Raine, F J, fmr Smalley, William, fmr Strange, T W HESQUIAT. (See Alherni.) A trading post on the west coast of Vancouver Island, 160 miles from Victoria, and 84 from Alberni; nearest postoffice, Clayoqaot. Brabant, Rev Auguste, R.O. priest Luckovitch, Antonio, mgr Capt Spring's store. HOPE. POSTMASTEB, JAHEB WaBDLB. 'n the Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Kootenay and Provincial and Dominion of Yale, lies on the south side of the Eraser River, at the head of navigation, and is a distributing point to the Similka- meen, Osoyoos and Rock Creek countries and to the famed Ashnola bunting grounds. It is reached by steamer from New Westminster, distance, 80 miles, and from Hope station 1)^ miles distant, the near- est railway station, telegraph and express office. Mails daily, except Sundays. Alvarz, Manuel, labr Alvarz, Thomas, mail carrier Anderson, John, fmr ^ Anderson, Peter, fmr / Bears, John H, fmr / Bristol, William, fmr [ Bulger, Thomas, fmr, Huntersville Chouniard, Alfred, station agent ^ Coppen, A H, assistant postmaster and clerk Corrigan, James, Hope, hotelkeeper Flood, W L, J.P., carpenter and con- tractor Galloway, Charles, Columbia hotel Gibson, Ike, guide Goldsborough, George, superinten- dent of trails Hunter, Henry, storekpr, Hunters- ville Johnson, 0, section foreman, Hope station Johnson, P, labr C.P.R King, A, fmr Lapworth, Joseph, labr C.P.R Lapworth, W, labr C.P.R McLeod, A H, fmr Park, John, rancher. Lake House Raab, A E, rancher. Lake House Reiley, John, fmr Ryder, Roland, blacksmith Starret, John A, labr Starret, W A, fmr Wardle, James, J.P. , general mer- chant and postmaster Wirth, J W, contractor Yates, William, rancher HORNBY ISLAND. Postmasteb, Georob Fobd. In the Dominion Electoral District of Nanaimo and Provincial Electoral of Comox, situated on the east of Denman Island, and separated from it by Lambert Channel. Communication by steamer from Nanaimo, 40 miles, also with Co- mox and Union, distance 16 miles. Nearest telegraph and express office, Comox ; banking point, Nan- aimo. Davies, Edward, fmr Ford, John, fmr Ford, George, fmr Ford, Thomas, fmr 2 ? \. B SB I « SS QQ g & P' * ^ Si < s u i • >t WEILER BROS,, m Complete House Furnisheis. largest M in B.C. w s BLANK BOOK MAlFAmER R. T. WILLIAMS »a Broad Ht., Victoria. as « & :S «M « o p4 m <M U t <o ^ i % ^ t/j flS 1^ H 94 HOW BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRKCTORY. HCN Ford, William, fmr Harwood, John, fmr Herbert, Dunlaas Lyons, fmr Heatherbell, George, fmr Howe, John, fmr Mitchell, Charles, fmr Needham, Robert, fmr Scott, John, fmr Scott, Robert, fmr Skinner, John, fmr Sutton, Frederick, fmr Sutton, (4eorge, fmr Sutton, William, fmr Sutton, Samuel, fmr Williaii^s, Thomas, fmr HORSEFLY. (See also Quesnelle Forks.) In the Electoral District of Cariboo, William's Lake Division ; nearest postoflice, telegraph and express, 150-Mile House ; stage from Ash- croft station C.P.R., change at 150- Mile House. HOWE SOUND. (See Squamish Valley.) Postmaster, G. W. Gibson. In tbe Dominion and Provincial Elec- toral District of New Westminster, is about 30 miles from Squamish River. Andrews, F, fmr Armstrong, John, fmr Asslett, C J, fmr Baker, W P & Sons, painters Blake, K, fmr Fletcher, James, fmr Forbes, A, doctor Olbson, G W, sr, P.M, and fmr Gibson, G W, jr, fmr Gibson, R H, fmr and storekeeper Glassford, G, fmr Graham, W A, teacher Grant, John, fmr Hooper, J, fmr Lan^dale, H A, fmr Lekie, J, harness maker Lusk, T, fmr Manning, Wm, fmr McCall, A, fmr Payne, John, fmr Payne, George, fmr Pratt, Rodger, fmr Pratt, Rob, fmr Roberts, Thos, fmr Roberts, Frank, fmr Rook, T S, fmr Ross, Thos, fmr Russell, F, fmr Slater, T, carpenter Slater, Wm, carpenter Smith, Herbert, fmr Smith, Wesley, fmr Soames, George, fmr Soames, William, fmr Spring, George, fmr Taylor, Joseph, fmr Titvl ir, Herbert, fmr Telford, John, fmr TelforJ, George, fmr White, H. fmr Winegarden, A, fmr Wilson, Thos, carpenter HUNTINGDON. Postmaster, T. F. Truswell. In the Dominion and Provincial Elec- toral District of New Westminster, is on the international boundary line, at the junction of the Canadian Pacific, the Seattle Lake Shore and Eastern, and the Bellingham Bay & British Columbia railways. Postal, telegraph and express office. Bexter, Archie, section foreman, C. P. R. Chapman, Charles, foreman planing mills Cox, Gab, fmr Egan, John, operator C.P.R Fadden, E, contractor and builder Fadden, Walter, fmr Hopkins, O, drayman Huntington Lumber Co, C Town, Pres Kay, Wm, civil engineer Kingston, J, foreman of sawmill Livingston, Joe, contractor and builder McGlean, James, fmr McDonald, B R, collector of customs McGillivary, D D, bartender, Amer- can hotel McKav, Alex, proprietor American Hotel McKensie, Dan, fmr McMartin, J A, real estate agent Moran, Thomas, fmr Morrissy, £ A, butcher Port, Dr, M.D, physician and surgeon SEE OUR SCOTCH AND ENGLISH TWEED SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS B. WXLLIAMB * CO., Olatkimn and Hatton. 97 Johaaoa St., Vlotovla. ( Pomeroy < Porter, W Ranch, E Schofleld, P. R Smith, J, Smith, Jo( Sturdvant Truswell, estate Truswell, Wharnock Young, Jii IL POSTMASTE Illecillewae wait, si waters" one of th Pacific I and 407 n the Selki Post, tele A rich mi game an < Anderson, ( Anderson, g Banfield, Jo Black berg, j C.P.R Callaway, J C.P.R Chisholm, A Doubt, Joiin Fowler, Jam Green, Ben, Kennedy, Js Marshall, Tl McArtbur, . C.P.R.. an McKinnon, . Mining Rec Arthur, re Olsen, Andn Richardson, Ri];chie, Geo Ryckman, S Sanberg, Olii Scott, Waltei Stranberg, C Taylor, John Tactor, John Underbill, Si Windsor Hoi Woolsey, Da' DOMD i'rad. H. Nelaon, HMOPOLUIUI Hom Good UtanndditioiR at RasonaMe Rata JAMES RATrORO, Prop. KAMIOOPS, B. C. ILL BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTORY. KAH 95 Pomeroy & Co, Huntington hotel Porter, Wni, fmr Ranch, Elmere, contr and builder Schofleld, James, station agent, C. P. R Smith, J, engineer Smith, Joe, carpenter Sturdvant, E, bartender Trnswell, T F, postmaster and real estate Truswell, S E, general store Wharnock, Frank, fmr Young, Jim, capenter ILLECILLEWAET. Postmaster, A. C. McArthur, J. P. Illecillewaet, pronounced Illy-cilly- wait, signifying " swift flowing waters" in the Indian jargon, is one of the principal stations on the Pacific Division of the C. P. R., and 407 miles east of Vancouver, in the Selkirk range of mountains. Post, telegraph and express office. A rich mining district, and for big game an excellent hunting ground. Anderson, Gus, miner Anderson, Swan,hotelkeeper Banfield, John B, miner Black berg, Andrew, section foreman C.P.R Callaway, Jos P, shed watchman C.P.R Chisholm, Archie, miner Doubt, John, bridge watchman C.P.R Fowler, James, miner Green, Ben, miner Kennedy, James P, mine owner Marshall, Thomas E, miner McArthur, A C, J.P., station agbiit C.P.R., and postmaater McKinnon, Alex F, mine owner Mining Recording Office, A C Mc- Arthur, recorder Olsen, Andrew, section labr Richardson, Thomas, hotelkeeper Ritchie, George Ryckman, S S, capitalist Sanberg, Olie, hotelkeeper Scott, Walter, mine owner Stranberg, Charles, miner Taylor, John, miner Tactor, John, section labr Underhill, Samuel, miner Windsor Hotel, S Anderson, prop Woolsey, David, miner JAMES ISLAND. f Nearest P.O. Sydney, North Saanich.) A small island near the Saanich pen- insula, 6 miles from Sydney, North Saanich ; communication by steam- er from Victoria, 20 miles ; fare 75 cents, also stage from Victoria to Prairie Tavern, 12 miles, thence by boat. The soil is very fertile ana all kinds of fruit grow in abund- ance. Munro, Hu(;h, fmr Munro, Wm, fmr Scovilie. Jos, fmr Ward, R C, fmr JOHNSON'S LANDING. (.P.O. now called Dewdney. See Nicomen.) K AM LOOPS. Postmaster, £. H. Jones. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Kootenay, and Provincial of Yale, is the most important and thickly populated town between Calgary and Vancouver, and hence is well known as the Inland Capi- tal. It is beautifully situated at the confluence of the North and South Thompson Rivers, and '<> the divisional station of the Cana- dian Pacific Railway, 252 miles from Vancouver. It' is essentially within the dry belt, and is hence a favorite health resort, especially for consumptives and those sufl'er- ing from bronchial and lung affec- tions. Within the past year the inland capital has been incorporat- ed, with Dr. Clarke as its first Mayor, and a council board com- Eosed of the leading merchants. It as good water works, which give an ample supply for domestic purposes and fire protection; a money order, post office, Express, telegraph and telephone service. The Bank of B. C. has a branch in the city, and every thing apper- taining to the comfort and conven- ience of a large community is here to be found. Rich coal beds have recently been located in the imme- C/^ O SI o o •'">■•■ <* I'f;,' 'I CXi |0Yo §U%JJaJJX±\Ma ilVXXiJj Sample Rooms. Free Bns. Also I'red. H. Neiaon, Prop. KAMLOOP8, B. c. Steam, Sail and Bow Boats - - - ¥\ mmm GRAND PACIFIC HOTEL '""^.^°l^vrit!:;l;22:^ ■ ° UIVBRY STA-BLSa IN OONNBOTION. oo &3::3 00 o o u a . I— I o 2 " O EH OT) 96 KAM BBITIBH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. KAM diate vicinitv, and are being worked, while the precious and base metals have also been struck in thn locality. The Inland Sentinel, an influential weeklv paper, is published here. The different reli{(ious denominations are well represented, as are also the various friendly societies. There is a good public school, and also one in con- nection with the Convent. The hospital is supported by Govern- ment grant, wliich is handsomely subsidised by local subscription. Adye, F R, clek Alliens, J, section foreman. O.P.R Allingham, Frank, miner Armanine, G B, fmr Armour, Samuel fmr Armstrong, Chester, brakeman Armstrong, Thomas H, saloonkeeper Astley, H, clerk Austin, E, engine driver Bacon, Charles, painter Bain, Alex H, tooacttonist and fruiter Bank of British Columbia, C R Slater, agent Bannerman, John, fuel agt, C.P.R BauUey, B P, fmr Baynton, James, barber Beaton, Neil, fmr Beaton, John, clerk R £ Smith Beaton, Alex, fmr Beattie, J O, station agt C.P.R Beattie, Martin, assessor andcollect'r Betts, Rev J F, Methodist minister Bennett, J S, commission Hi^t Bieler, F, fmr Baincotto, B, fmr Blair, G, fmr Blair, L T, clerk R E Smith Blair, James, yardmaster C.P.R Blair, R, police Bloomer, Thomas, foreman C.P.R Bongard, Ed, brakeman C.P.R Bongera, G, labr Bonson, John, printer Botta, Picto, labr Botta, Domenico, labr Branch, C J. bricklayer Brown, Arthur, printer Brown, Charles, engine driver Brown, C E, fmr Brown, George, fireman C.P.R Brown, W H, prop C.P.R. dining hall Brownlee, W, plasterer Brunett, Noel, teamster Bunbury, W B, fmr Burnyeat, A G, elk Govt office Burton, George, engineer C.P.R Buse, F, fmr Buse, George, fmr Buse, W H, fmr Buse, William, fmr Campbell, Dougall, fmr Campbell, D n, carpenter Campbell, Lewis, fmr Canada Sun Life Insurance Co Canadian Pacific Rv, J O Beattie, ast Canadian Pacific Telegraph Co, WT Slavin, agent Cannell, J 8, mine expert Cannell, E, stock raiser Cardew, H, fmr Garment, J J, commission merchant Carrion, Rev Father, supt Industrial school Carter, J C, packer Carter, W J, conductor C.P.R Charles, W B, elk land regis office Ghesley, Ed, brakeman C.P.R Church, J W, fmr Church of England, Rev A Shildrick, rector Church of the Sacred Heart, (R. C.) Rev Father F R C Guertin, pastor City of London Fire Insurance Co, E H Jones, agent Clark, R, stagedriver Clarke & Co, druggists Clarke, Slbree, M.D., mayor Clouston, Thomas, fmr Collins, Thomas Ed, Inland Sentinel Colonial Hotel, J B Latremoaille prop Conley, A, carpenter Conway, F J, baggage master Coombs, Frank, fireman C.P.R Cooney, Charles, fmr Cooney, C T, fmr Corrigan, Owen, miner Cosmopolitan Hotel, J Ratchford prop Oostley, Thomas, livery stables County Court, G C Tunstall, registrar Crawford, H, fireman C.P.R Crawford, M E, engineer C.P.R Crawford, W, fireman C.P.R. Croe, George, fmr Curry, V D, fmr Custom House, E H Jones, sub-col- lector Citizens' Accident Insurance Co, M J Mclver, agent Davison, E C, harness maker Davidson, Thomas, fmr nnHITNTO'Nr TUVTEL. first-class accommodations lJ%JJMMJ,aM.%jn XMXMXXtld Sample Booms, Free Bus. *•-' Fred H. Nelson, Prop. XAHLOOPB. B. C. SteUU, Sail and BoW BoatS Al8( GRAND PACIFIC HOTEL OPPOSITE DEPOT, KA^VLOOPS, B. W. J. us WIN, Proprietor. -LIVBJRY STA.BI^BS IN OONNBOTION. C. KAM BBITI8H COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. KAM 97 Davis, Archie, engine driver Davis. C/tiarles, waiter Grand Pacific Hotel Davis, Charles, fireman C.P.R Davis, Henry, painter Davis, M C, herder Derhy, Andrew, miner Desdaro, G, fmr Dobson, William, teamster Dominion Express Co, J O Beattie, agent Dominion Hotel, F W Nelson, prop Doran, L, brakeman C.P.R Duck, Albert, fmr Duhamel, H, barber Dufi"y, Patrick, fmr Durael, George, labr Dunne, A, brakeman, C.P.R Duprat, Erick, carpenter Duprat, Justin, fmr Dupuis, Louis, fmr Dutton, Arthur, mill hand Edwards, J T, fmr Elliott, A, brakeman C.P.R EllJott, Samuel, conductor C.P.R Endall, Geo, fmr Equitable Life Assurance Co, J E Sauicer, agt Fadear, Chas, fmr Federal Life Assurance Co, E H J jnes, agt ,i Fe wings, Beni, labr ritzherbert, F H, fmr Forrest, Geo, fmr Fortune, W, soda water manufactu'r Forbes, A F, conductor C.P.R Foster, Geo, C.P R. shops Foster, Jonas, horne trainer Fox, J, prop C.P.R. boarding house Frank, John, fmr Frlsken, Wm, brakeman C.P.R Fulton, F J, barrister-at-law and of- ficial administrator Furrer, Edward, M.D Gaglietto, M. (general merchant Gaven, Patrick, engineer C.P.R Genier, N lii.e repairer C.P.R Genier, G, mgr Kamloops Electric Light Co Gladius, Theo G, trader Goddard, Andrew, pumpman C.P.R Goddard, B, fireman C.P.R Goddard, .1, fireman C.P.R Goddard, Wm, fitter C.P.R Goodfellow, E Goodfellow, J,chief despatcher C.P.R Gordon, Alex, fmr Gordon, James, furniture dealer Gordon, M P, furniture dealer Gordon, L, cabinet maker Graham, George, conductor C.P.R Grabame, James 0, mgr Hudson Bay Co Grand Pacific Hotel, W L Unwin prop Grant, Peter, engine driver Grant, R J, car inspector C.r».R Graves, A M, engine driver C.P.R Grindrod, E H Guerin, Ed, dairyman Guertin, Rev F, R C pastor Guillaurae, Victor, fmr Govett, George, engine turner C.P.R Glen Iron Mining Co. Ltd Guardian Fire Insurance Cc, M J Mclver, agent Hall, Arthur, boomman Hall, Robert, labr Harding, A W, chemist and druggist Harmon, Frank, blacksmith Harmon, S, blacksmith Harris, Thomas, conductor C.P.R Harvey, Frank, drover Hayden, William, wiper C.P.R Hedlund, John, carpenter Hearn,Robert,train despatcherC.P ^. Henderson, C W, train despatcher C.P.R Henderson, H M, fireman Herchmer, Job:., brakeman Hornby, Thomas, expressman Hosker, David K, fireman C.P.R Hudson Bay Co, J O Grahame mgr Hughes, J L, fmr Hull, Bros & Co, butchers and stock raisers Hull, A W, accountant Hull, J R, (Hull, Bros & Co) Hurley, Co'-nelius, labr Hyatt, M, bridgo foreman C.P R Harmon, Miss 0, dressmaker Harkley, J S, clerk Howarth, J H, watchmk and jeweler Indian Industrial School, Rev Father Carrion, supt Inland Agricultural Association of B.C Inland Sentinel, H McCutcheon, mgr Inland Revenue oflSce, E H Jones, dep collector Jackson, J, boiler m»' gr C.P.R Jamieson, James, millwright Jamieson, Joseph, brakeman C.P.R Jamieson, Joseph, teamster Jenns, P A, cashier 3( nk of B.C Jones, John, fmr CX3 tm <c::> cy^ DOMINION HOTEL I'rtd A. Nelson, Prop. KAMLOOPli, B. FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS. Sample Uooms, Free Bas. Also Steam, Sail aM Row Boats - • - MoniiiTu Hum Gomi XixoinniodailDRS at BasonaUe Rates JAMES RATFORD, Prop. LOOPS, B. C. GRANI CO pc^ P o o Jz; ;z; g o Ph o P oo 98 KAM BRITISH COLUUBIA DIBi£CTORY. KAM Jones, E H, oostmaster and deputy collector of Inland Revenue Kamloopa Electric Light Co Ltd, G Genier, ingr Kamloops House, T H Armstrong, prop Kamloops Mining Bureau, J W Vail, secretary Kamloops North Thompson Coal Mining Gc, Ltd Kamloops Telephone Co Ltd, W T Slavin, mgr Kamloops Wagon and General Black- smith Shop, Geo P Raven, mgr Kelly, F A, chief of city police Kel'y, M, roadmaster C.P.R Kenwird. Alfred, wiper C.P.R Kidd, Isaac, carpenter Kidd, Oscar, fireman Kidd, William, C.P.R. shops Knouff, James, fmr Knotzie, Theo, tailor, R E Smith Ladner, J, wij-ir C.P.R Lambert, T W, M.D Lang, William Latremouille, J B, prop Colonial hoM Latremouille, Napoleon, clerk Lauder, Joseph D, stock raiser Lavean, Jean, carpenter Lee, A, B.A., Presbjterian minister Lee, H S, assistant postmaster Lee, R H, C.E., P.L.S Lefebvre, George H, carpenter Lejeune, Rev J M R, O.M.I., R. C. priest Lemieux. A, labr Leonard, D P, millwright Lewis, Richard, labr Lezae, Rev Father, O.M.I., R. C. priest Lobb, James, carpenter London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co Loney, George, ferryman Lome, Oliver, fmr Loveway, Thomas, fmr Lyons, J, fireman C.P.R Lvthe, J, foreman C.P.R London Guarantee ^ Accident Insur- ance Co, E H Jones, agent McArthur, Alex, mgr for A S Mc- Arthur Co McArthur, ASA Co, general mer- chants and butchers McArthur, W G, brakeman C.P.R McAlessi, E, wiper C.P.R McAshiey, D McAuley, John, sr, fmr McAuley, John, jr, fmr McCormic, E, brakeman C.P.R McCrum. Joseph, brakeman C.P.R McCutcheoB, Hugh, Inland Sentinel McDonald, Alex, conductor C.P.R McDonald, George, miner McDonald, Miss Ida, dressmaker, McA & Co McDonald, J A, clerk C.P.R McDonald, Joseph, clerk Land Reg office McDonald, Miss, tailoress, R E Smith McDougal, Alex, fmr McGillvary, Archie, fmr McGlashan, Alex, fmr McGregor, Alex, carpenter McGregor, L 0, fmr Mcintosh, James, J.P., lugr F:,\ ;av.' , Milling Co Mclver, Murdock J, city clerk McKaracher, J, engine driver C.P.R McKay, Mrs, milliner R E Sm.th McKay, J W, Indian agt McKay, James, conductor McKenzie, Miss, tailoress, R E Smith McKinnon, Angus, fmr Tflcl'ane, Robert, engine driver C.P.R McLaren, D, saddler McLaren, J C, convict guard McLaren, John, farm hand McLean, A, boot and shoemaker McLean, Angus E, clerk, M Gaglietto McLean, D C, clerk McLean, Hugh, teamster McLeod, J, fmr McLeod, John, clerk, Hull Bros & Co McLeod, Wm, fmr McLennan, A D, teacher McPhee, John, labr McPhee, Neil, bridge caretaker McQueen, Isaac B, fmr McTavish, D, fmr Maloney, Pat, labr Manentean, Capt August Mansen, Donald, fmr Mansen, J, fmr Mara, J A, M.P., mgr Columbia & Kooienay Navigation Co Marpole, R, supt C.P.R Martins, G, labr Matthews, Miss D, asst teacher pub- lic school Meyer, Charles, bartender, Oriental hot(;l Mellors, James, fmr Mellors, John, fmr Miles, Richard, fitters' help, C. P. R Mitchell, J R, mpr E G Prior & Co f WA-l Moody, i Moore, S Morris, J Morrow, Mosley, ' Mouiit, R Moves, W Mu'nroe, DOMINION HOTEL irpJi^feiSlf^Jf/rrThS Fred H. Ntiaon, Prop. KAMLOOPS. B. c. Steam, Sail and Bow haUa - • - Methodist Marshalls Murray, Nash, 'C.\ National Neale, Ro Nelson, Fr Nelson, G Nelson, Mi Nelson, Mi Newbury, . Newlove, C Newman, I Newman, *: Noble, And North, Misi North Amt E H Jont O'Bnen, ,Io] Ogg, Andrei Olsen, A C, Olsen, Anth O'Moore, Pt O'Neil, Jam Oriental Ho Ostrom, A E Patten, Mise Fearse, E T j Pendleton, C ! Pene, Anton I T'etersou, Jo ■ hibbs, Johi ' i'itkering, J< P' kering, M Poole, AG! Pope, W H, Potter, Mrs, HOHI 'I:)! Potter, VV E, Pownell, G B Power, W J, Power, Jame Power, Josep Power, Davu Praeger, E M Presbyterian pastor Prior, EGA cultural im DOMINIOI fat GRAND PACIFIC HOTEL OPP. DEPOT, KAMLOOPS, B. W. J. UNWIlf, Proprietor. -UIVERY SX^BLBS IN OONNBCTION. C. KAM BRITISH COLUMBIA ^.IRECTORY. KAH 99 Moody, J, blacksmith Moore, Samuel, stookraiser Morris, Alfred, painter Morrow, F, brakemha, CP.R Mosley, T H. fmr Mouitt, R B, storekeeper, CP.R Moves, W W, chemist Mu'nroe, George, loadmaster, CP.R Murpiiv, John, watchman, C.P.R Methodist Church, Rev Betts pastor Marshallaay, Ernest, helper, CP.R Murray, Dan, wiper CP.R Nash, C'pt E A, Dom lana agent National Assurance Co of Ireland Neale, Robert, labr Nelson, Fred, Dominion Hotel Nelson, G B W, book-keeper H.B. Co Nelson, Miss F Nelson, Mrs Phoebie P Newbury, John, frar Newlove, George, labr Nev/man, B, sr, fmr Newman, Thomas Noble, Andrew, fmr North, Miss Gertie North America Life Assurance Co, E H Jones, agent O'Brien, John, publican Ogg, Andrew, section foreman Olsen, A C, watchman Olsen, Anthony, watchman O'Moore, Peter, O.M.I., lay brother O'Neil, James, engineer, CP.R Oriental Hotel, J Peterson, prop Ostrom, A D, fireman CP.R Patten, Miss B, bookkeeper Pearse, E T W, Dep Reg C C Pendleton, G, fmr Pene, Antonio, labr. C.P.R Peterson, John, Oriental hotel ■ hibbs, John, miner t'itkering, John, miner P kering, M, night watchman Poole, A G R, gentleman Pope, W H, teacher, public sdiool Potter, Mrs, matron Royal Inland HOHI '.l;ll Potter, VV E, fmr Pownell, G F, gentleman Power, W J, clerk, H.B. Co Power, James, brakeman, CP.R Power, Joseph, carpenter Power, David, clerk, E G Prior & Co Praeger, E Wolfe, clerk, Bank B Presbyterian Church, Rev A Lee, pastor Prior, E G & Go, hardware and agri- cultural implement warehouse DOMINION HOTEL Provincial Government Office, G C Tunstall, agent Pemberton, A G, fmr, sheriflf of Yale Dist Friday, Sydney, clerk Quinn, Lawrence, boatmaker Ratchford, .Joseph, prop Cosmopoli- tan Hotel Raven, Geo P, carriage builder and horse farrier Renier, P S, brakeman, C.P.R Rheault, Louis, clerk, M Gaglietto Rice, John G,engineer,Shuswap Mill- ing Co Richardson, F, brakeman, CP.R Richardson, F M, planer Shuswap Milling Co. Ridley, H C M, J.P Risteen, Geo, conductor C.P.R Roadley, Thos, auctioneer Robbins, C 8, fmr Rogers, Thos, fmr Royal Inland Hospital, C Furrer, M D., medical officer Royal Insurance Co Ross, Dan, waiter G P hotel Ross, James, fmr Ross, Joseph, tinsmith Ross, MiRs Emma, d .'essmaker R E Cmith Ross, M, brakeman C.P.R Ross, W E; brakeman Rushton, Francis, gunsmith Saucier, J E, jeweller and electrician Savage, John, wiper C.P.R Savage, Josiah, merchant tailor Savage, Miss PoUie, music teacher Savage, Miss Sarah, tailoress Savage, Wm, wiper C.P.R Scald, P, clerk Scott, Henry, fmr Saul, Wm, miner Sentinel Ptng Co,H McCutcheon,mgr Shildrick, Rev A, Church of England Shuswap Milling Co, Jas Mcintosh, mgr Silverstone, Worber, restaurant Simmons, W A, carpt Sinclair, Jamea A. gaoler Slater, Chas R, mgr Bank of B.C Slavin, W T, bookseller Smith, G, clerk Smith, Gilbert, labr Smith, H Smith, James, butcher Smith, J F, farmer Smith, J fi, baker Smith, ^. £, general store C/2 C^ First-clasa Aefommodations. Hample Rooms, Free Bas. Also Steam, Sail Mid Kow Boats. MB an M. NBLBON, Propritfrt KAMLOOra, 0. O. miiimiTiiiiw Eml Actoinnioilitions at Reasonable Rates JAMES RATFORD, Prop. LOOPS, B, C. •c/o Cxq o o 03 O s o Ph O H c/o 100 KAH BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRBCTORT. KA8 Smith, Miss M, dressmaker R E Smith Sorel, Bro T, O.M.I Sprague, William, conductor C.P.R St Ann's Convent St Andrew's Caledonia Society, J S Bennet, secretary Stephenson, J H, jeweler Stevens, Solomon, steamboat watch- man Stewart, M, baggageman C.P.R St Laurent, J, fmr Strange, George, fmr in Life Assurance Co ipreme Court, G C Tunstall, dep registrar Sutherland, W G Sweeney, Thomas, fireman C.P.R Snider, Mrs W H, private boarding house Strutt, C H, buyer H.B. Co Tait, John, fmr Telephone Office, W T Slavin, mgr Temperance House, John Fox Thompson, A N, fmr Tofld, James, fmr Todd, Joseph, fmr Towgood, Ernest, farm hand Tuck, Francis H, registrar of titles Tunstal!, G C, gov agent, gold com- misioner, etc Turner, Robt K, clerk Ulvil, H, section foreman C.P.R Unwin, W J, prop G. P. hotel Vail, J W Vair, James, hardware store Veasey, Miss, dressmaker R E Smith Venn. H F, fmr Vickers, J R, C.E., D.L.S Wain, Charles, blacksmith's helper Walker, Donald, fmr Walker, James, farm hand Walker, John, turner C.P.R Walker. Philip, fmr Wash, John, engineer C.P.R White, Charles, cutter R E Smith Whittaker, W H, Barrister-at-Law Wilkie, W S, teamster Wilkinson, Hugh, fmr Wilkinson. Walter, brakeman Willis, J H, fmr Wilson, George, fmr Wilson, John, fmr Wilson, M, fmr Wood, E S, principal public school Wood, W F, J.P Wood bridge, Seth, carpenter Woodland, John, fmr gar- Woodward, J, carpenter Wright, J, conductor Zink, Joseph, fmr LIST OF CHINESE. Ching Ah Mee, laundry Chen Sing, laundry and market dener Chong Lee & Co, general merchants Hop Lee, merchant Kwong Chong, laundry Kwong On Wo Co, merchants Wing Fong, laundry Yuen Lee & Co, merchants KASLO CITY. Postmaster, J. B, Wilson. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Kootenay and Provincial of West-Kootenav ; is situated at the mouth of the Kootenay River, on the west side of Kootenay Lake. The city is 10 miles from Ains- worth, and about 18 miles from Pilot Bay, where the Hendrvx smelting works are situated. The famous Kaslo and Slocan silver mines lie west about 15 to 20 miles. Kaslo, which boasts of a population variously estimated at from 2,000 to 2,500, is now the largest city in the interior, and is attracting much attention. The city has been duly incorporated, with Mr. Robert F. Green as Mayor, and the follow- ing councillors: Messrs. D. P. Kane, A. McKay, T. Devlin, 8. H. Green, and A. Cameron. The Kaslo-Slocan Railway is projected to run from the city into the heart of the mining region, with several branches to meet the requirements of various groups of mines. Work was begun on the line last >iummer, and the expectation is to have it completed early this year. About 1,200 tons of ore have been mined during the past season, the gross value of lead and silver being esti- mated at $2,000,000. Abbs, A C, attorney-at-law Abemethy & Pictney, grocers Abemethy, Robt (A & B) Adams, A F (A & C) A ave Adams & Cummings, Adams hotel, A ave Adams, J H, miner, D ave DOMINION HOTEL Fred. H. Nelaon, Prop. KAHLOOPS. B. C. PtRsT-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS. Sample Uoo.is, Free Bus. Also Steam, Sail and Bow Boats - - - HODSO HUDSON'S BUY COMPtlY, tients fbf Fort Gar() and Bentoii Coont) Floudiig Mills KAti -VICTORIA.. B. C- BRITISU COLUMBIA OIRECTOBY. KAH 101 Adams, L H, miner, Front at Adams, March, vet surgeon, Front st Adler, Saml, Chicago hotel. Front st Aikins, 6 H, druggist, Front st Aitchison, David (Logan & Aitchison) Akehurst, Eev H, clergymn, Front st Albhouz, S, lunchman Aldous, George W, restaurant, A ave Aldous, H, furniture utore, Front st Aldous, N W, clerk, Froqt st Alexander, L, mine owner. Front st Allen, Mrs E W, grocer and bakery, Fst Almoure, J (Balfour Trading Co) Alstrom, Frank Anderson, h. B, bookkeepr, Third st Anderson, H, ins agent, A ave Andrews, S R, wall paper, A ave Aox Sing, laundry. Front st Archer, F E & Co, stoves and tin- ware, A ave Archer, F E (F E Archer & Co) Arvog, Ole, prospector, C ave Ashby, H & Co, real estate brokers Atkins, B R, journalist, C ave Baker, Geo, packer. Mill rd Barker, J W, Water st Bailie, Wni, gentleman, E ave Bamette, And, Theatre Comique, A ave Baner, W A (Warren & Baner) Bannick, G H, builder, A ave Barclay, J, accountant. Front st Barr, Kobt, min«»r, Front st Barr, William, miner, Dave Bauman, Wm, stmr "Idaho," Water st Baum, Ed, Mammoth lodging house, Fst Bealey, R J (Richardson & Bealey) Beaton, Angus, miner, Water st Beattie & Saunders, Montana hotel, Front st Beattie, Frank (B & S) Becker, Ed, miner Becker, Ed, miner, E ave Bedell, Wm, carpenter, Slocan rd Beebe, Al, prospector Behrman, Chas, miner. Front st Bell, G H, miner, B ave Bell, Jas £. dairyman, D ave Bell, John, mine wi;<^r. Front at Bell, Miss, milliner. Front st Benard, Jos, carpenter. Mill rd Benzie, S, millman. Mill rd Bielenberg, E A, miner Billadeaw, J J, stage mgr Theatre Comique, A ave Bingham, J E, blacksmith, B ave Bird, W R (Ide & Bird) Fourth st Bishop, C A, wharfinger, Water st Black, Ira, miner Blair, H, engr. Mill road Blanberg, L, mill hand. Front st Bongard, D M (Bongard & Peickart) Bongard & Peickart, Baldwin Saloon, F street Boone, J B, prospector. Water st Bounds, M S, carpt. Third st Bremner, Mrs J, Water st Bremner, D, contractor Brown, J H, laundry, D ave Brown, John H, laundry, E ave Brown, Miss Rosa, actress Brown, Miss M, housekeeper Bruce, i) D, hotelkeeper. Front st Bruce, D, mill man. Front st Bruce, S, carpt, B ave Bruner, M W, physician. Front st Bryce, C H, Theatre Comique, A ave Buchanan, G D, mill owner. Mill rd Buchanan, J R, capt str "Kaslo," Mill road Bucke & Haultain, assayers, Front Bucke, MA(B&H) Bucke, H W, attorney -at-law, Front street Buggs, R T, miner, Third st Burke, M, teamster. Front st Burke, Matthew, te mster, Front st Burnett, Jas, carpt, B ave Burnett, James, miner Burrell, Mitis Minnie, actress, A ave Burton, A F, real estate. Front st Butler, J, labr, D ave Byers Hardware Co, Front st Byers, H, jr, Byers Hardware Co Cain, Wm H, miner Cameron, Alfred, truckman, B ave Cameron, Chas, cook, F ave Cameron, D, teamster, B ave Cameron, D S, contractor, Front st Cameron, E A, contractor. Front st Cameron, E A, team8t«'r, S'ocan rd Cameron, H A, truckman, B ave Campbell, Arch, miner. Third st Campbell, John, carpenter Campbell, M J, prospector. Third st Campbell, Walter, miner. Bridge st Canyon, Ralph, prospector, Third st Carney, Augutus, butcher. Front st Carrington, W, lumber, Front st Carroll, Miss Annie, waitress, Bridge street Carson, T L, Kaslo hotel, B ave INTERIOR WOODWORK, OFFICE AND BAB HTTINGS =^ Mud* to Ord«r by WfilLER BROS. %^ *^ Sit— CO m PC o S S » ►I I B H mi \ VICTORIA TRANSFER CO., LTD. ??a"|Jn?^dT *" "^ "•"^ ?'-*-• '^"^ . . . Tr jir 'arriages meet all Boats and T rai m. 21 and 23 Bronghton Strmt, Victoria, B. O. Tel. 129. 8 c li i-H o OD « s « 00 102 KAB BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. KAS Casey, H, grocer, Fourth st Gavecaden, J, teamster Ceamen, Jno, carpt, Front st Chang Wing, laundry, E ave Chambers, Chas, miner Charles, Oscar, milkman, Fourth st Chase, Robt, axeman. Front st Chase, Mrs, dressmaker, Front st Chisholm, Alex, carpt, B ave Chisholm, Jas, grocer. Third st Chisholm , Jos, painter, Second st Clancy, Chas, miner, E ave Claricy, Chas, miner, D ave Cleany, Wm, Kaslo Trans Co, D ave Cleary, Mrs Nora, Kaslo Trans Co, D ave Cleveland, George, miner. Front st Clymo, William, assayer. Mill rd Cockle Bros, boat builders. Water Front Cockle, J Wm, taxidermist Cockle, R A, machinist Cockle, Saml, contractor. Front st Cody, Henry, miner, Front st Colwood, Robt, clerk, Bridge st Coldwell, Chas, miner, Front st Coldwell, Jno, clerk, Bridge st Cojier, J A (Kinnee & Comer) Condon. Ma; tin, cook. Front st Connell, D, restraurant. Front st Cooksey, J R, free miner, Third st Cormier, Stanley, cook, B ave Corri^an, Miss, dressmaker, A ave Cosgriff, D. carpt, A ave Cosgriff Thos, millnright, A ave Cosgrift", T F, miner, A ave Cottingham, T, teamster, B ave Coulter, A, teamster Coy, C, publisher, A ave Coy. Mrs E E, A ave Craft, D E, mine supt. Front st Craft, Wm, teamster, D ave Craig, Alex, miner Front st Cress & Harrop, tobacconist. Front st Cress, J C (Cress & Harroo) Crook, Arthur T (A T Crook & Co) Crook, A T, «& Co, news agents. Front street Cummings, Ed (Adams & Cummings) Cunningham, Geo, teamster Curtis, Harry, waiter. Front st Curtis, Mat, miner Curtis, Thomas, prospector. Front st Daives, H L, mill man Dandson, E H, miner, Front st Davenport, J L, mine owner Davenport, A L, miner. Front st Daivson, James, miner, Front st Daley, John, bookkeeper, Mill rd Davy, John, teamster, Mill rd Deacon, J A, blacksmith. Front st Deceive, Arch, steward. Water st Delander, A J, shoemaker, Third st Delaney, John, barkeeper, A ave Delaney, J W, saloon, "Slocan," A ave Dennis, G, prov assessor, C ave Develle, Peter E, butcher, Front st Devlin, T E (D & McK) Devlin & McKay ,Leland htl. Front at Devoy, Miss Maud, actress, B ave Dewey, Miss Sadie, actress, B ave Diserean, Jiio, woodsman, Fave Douglass, James, bartender, A ave Drouin, Chas, miner, Front st Dryden, Mrs Kate, lodging hse, A ave Dryden, Al, compositor, A ave Durney, Ed, labr, D ave Durfee, J H, jeweller. Front st Early, L S, labr, Mill rd Easton, James, architect, Front st Edianus, M, hotel keeper. Front st Edwards, Miss Florence, actress, B ave EUacott, C H, civil engineer,Front et Ellicott, Henry, bricklayer Filings worth. A, labr. Front st Ellwood, Chas, miner, A ave Ennis, G W, manufacturer^ Fourth st Evans, Theo, waiter Slocan rd Ewart, R E, Byer's Hardware Co Ewin, R, carpt, F ave Farara, David, clerk, Bridge st Fawcett, Sam, clerk Mill rd Fleming, Jas, miner. Water st Fielding, Jno, civil engr. Front st Fielding, Mrs L Leland restaurant Fillmere, E L, Mammoth lodging hse Fiilmere, Miss Mary, teacher, Front and Fifth st Fisher, W B, mine mgr, D ave Fitch, N M, Spokane Idg hse. Front st Fitzpatrick,J J,barber,Grand Central Flaherty, Michael, Dardanelles hotel, Front st Fletcher, A (A & J Fletcher) Fletcher, A & J, Grand Central hotel, Front st Fletcher, E E, Selkirk lodging hse Fletcher, H, clerk. Front st Fletcher, J (A & J Fletcher) Forbes, Duncan, miner Forbes, J C, miner, Front st Forrestall, J P, waiter. Front st Fortin, F, clerk, Front st Foster, John, contractor Frank, G H, sawyer, Front st Fraser, D, teamster. Front st T. DOBESON. N. W. DOBBSON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron and Bra»» Foundera, Oeneral JUaehiniattt All Kindt of Bepairt, Zand and Marine. NANAIMO. • • BRITISH COLUMBIA. Viol J Frawley,! Frawley,! Fredericlf Frederick Freeman] Fuller, FI FuUertonl Gannon, Garland, Garland, Gates, Ch| George, ~ Gerling Gibson, Tl Gieginch,r Gilchrist^ Gilliam, Gilliam, IS Gillis, J N Gilpin, E Glencross, Goldstein, Front st Goldstein, Goodenoug Goodwin, ( Goodwin, A Gordon, W Gordon, W Gormeley, Front st Gornall, H, Grabb, J C, Graham, A Graham, D Graham, R Graham, J Gray, Geo ^ Gray, J, sh Gray, Miss Grav, T W, Griffiths, G Groneweg, Grosvener, Grow, G W Green, Ben Green, Bros &rfen, 8ai Green, Rob Gunn, Mrs Front st Guse, Hran Guthrie, M Hall, Rev \ Hallen, Au] Hamilton, . Hanson, H A ave Eastern 1 See our E Victoria Transfer Oo*9 Ii'td* satfanaouieklHn'J'pateh. 81 and 23 Bronglitoa Street, Vlotorla, B. C. TeL 129. .If KA8 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. KA8 103 Frawley, J C, real estate, Bridge st Frawley, J C, miner, A ave Frederick, E T (F. & M) Frederick & Matthew8,laundry,F'nt st Freeman, Wm, Bon Ton restaurant Fuller, Fred, miner, C ave Fullerton, Miss May, actress, B ave Gannon, P, butcher, Water st Garland, A T, mgr. Front st Garland, J A, dry goods. Front st Gates, Chas, clerk. Front st George, Matt, teamster. Front st Gerling J W, cook, F ave Gibson, T M, capitalist, Front st Gieginch, H, general mcht. Front st Gilchrist, N, teamster, D ave Gilliam, LC, freij;hter, Third st Gilliam, M H, miner, B ave Gillis, J N, prospector. Water st Gilpin, E M, drue store. Front si. Glencross, W J, Kaslo hotel, B ave Goldstein, A B & Co, Dardanelles htl, Front st Goldstein, A B, Dardanelles, Front st Goodenough, A W, clerk. Front st Goodwin, C H, builder, D ave Goodwin, Wm, builder, C ave Gordon, W F, teamster, D ave Gordon, W F, teamster, C ave Gormeley, F (Trenary & Gormeley Front st Gornall, H, miner, Front st Grabb, J C, clerk. Front st Graham, A, restaurant. Front st Graham, D, labr, D ave Graham, Robt, miner, Bridge st Graham, J D, police officer, C ave Gray, Geo W, clerk, B ave Gray, J, shoemaker, A ave Gray, Miss Nellie, actress, B ave Gray, T W, contractor, B ave Griffiths, Geo, bricklayer. Front st Groneweg, G, grocer, A ave Grosvener, A D, teamster, D ave Grow, G W, restaurant, Front st Green, Benj, gentleman, D ave Green, Bros, merchant, Front st Grfen, Sam H, postmaster, D ave Green, Robt, F (Green Bros) D ave Gunn, Mrs i~ T, Baldwin house. Front st Guse, hrank, real estate, Dave Guthrie, Matthew, Byer's Hdw Co Hall, Rev W L, Metho minster, B ave Hallen, Aug, miner. Front st Hamilton, Jas, blacksmith, Front st Hanson, Harry, miner & prospector, A ave Hardy, C A, miner, B ave Harris, John, prospector. Front st Harris, John M, miner. Front st Harris & McNeile, barristers,Front et Harris, Thos, miner. Front st Harris, W, miner. Front st Harrison, Wm, book-seller. Front st Harrocks, H T (H & Co) Harrop, E (Cress & Harrop) Front st Harvey, J T W, surveyor's asst, A ave Hastings, R W, agent, B ave Haultain, H E T (Bucke & Haultain) Hayes, J C, merchant, Water st Hazelton, Wm, miner. Front st Henderson, Mrs J, boarding house, D ave Henderson, S J, gents' furnishings. Front st Hodgson, J W, clerk, D ave Holland, J S, business mgr Theater Comique Hooper, Jaa, miner. Front st Hornshoe, Miss Sadie, watress, A ave Hornshoe, Miss T, waitress, A ave Horrocks & Co, real estate, A ave Huber, Geo N, miner, A ave Huein, W T, real estate, 1^'rontst Huff, H M. miner, C ave Hughes, A, painter, A ave Hughes, E H, mine owner, Front st Hughes, Frank, real estate. Third st Hughes, G W, mine owner Hughes, Mrs C, laundry, D ave Hull, A E, miner &capitalist,Third st Huscroft, Geo, Front st Ide & Bird, commission merchants, Fourth st Ingran, H B, baker, D ave Irwin, A B, Front st Jackson, H P, miner. Third st Jackson, H W C, journalist. Front st Jackson, M, brick & tile meker. Third st Jackson, Robt, miner, Slocan st Johnson, J H, miner Jones, D E, clerk, A ave Jones, D S, miner, B ave Jones, Evan (Williamson & Jones) Front st Jones, R, night clerk Dardanelles, Front st Jones, Thos, miner, A ave Jardine, Andrew, miner, Slocan rd Kai Yune, provision dealer, Bridge st Kane, Jas, miner, A ave Kane, J W, engr. Third st Kane, Geo T, real estate and mine owner, C ave Eastern TAILOR-MADE SUITS to Measure. ^^Mi^/xS" Bee our sampieg and Priceg. B. WILLIAMS & CO., 97 Johnson St., Victoria. E X A s L A K E I c E c o V A N c o u V E B B G ;: :■'■' L J. COLE HEAL ESTATE AND INSUBANOE Dnpont Block, Cohunbia St., Maw WcUmfnater, B. C. tyi ,.«! h < ' m o 00 CO 10 CO 104 KAS BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTOBY. KAS Kane, Mrs M, real estate owner, A ave Kane, Mies Mabel, real estate owner, A ave Kane, Miss Maud, real estate owner, A ave Kapps, Chas, soda water manft, D ave Kane, David P, real estate & mines, A ave' Keen, John, civil engr, C ave Kellem, Wni, Idaho Rest, Front st Kellett, Miss Dora, Front st Kellett, Miss, furnished rms, Front st Kelsen, Jacob, minei , Front st Kemp, Thos, miner, B ave Kemp, R H, mining engr, Front st Kennedy, Alex, axeman, Mill rd Kennedy, A F (K «& P) Keunedy, J F, mgr "Slocan." A ave Kennedy, John, axeman, Mill rd Kennedy & Paquin, Globe Cafe, Front st Kent, Chas, miner, Water st Kent, George, miner. Water bt Kessler, W H, capitalist, Dave King, Frank, painter, Front st King, John (Ward & King) Front st Kinnee & Comer, barbers, Front st Kinnee, K (K & G) Kingen, Ed, miner, Front st Knight, David, barber, Bave Kuester, Gustave, baker, A ave Lane, Allen, plasterer, mill rd Lane, Frank, gentleman, B ave Lane, Fred, builder, B ave Lane, John, contractor, R ave Lange, Alfred, Bon Ton restaurant. Front st Lange, Fred, Bon Ton restaurant Front st Lawry, W A (Potter & Co) Front st Layton, Miss Mary, restrnt, Front st Lee, A J, barber, Front st Lee, B H, real estate, Slocan rd LeMarinel Bros, stage line. Front st LeMarinel, Chas, Front st LeMarinel, Felix, Front st LeMieux, Eric, miner E ave LeMieux, N, miner, D ave Leischy, Geo, restaurant, A ave Leonard, Gus, theatrical performer, Front st Lewis & Baker, freighters. Mill rd Lewis, George (L & B) Mill rd Livirs, J W, druggist. Front st Livingston, W B, boot and harness makr, Front st Logan, David (L & A) Logan & Aitchison, customs brokers. Front st Love, J H, clerk Green Bros, A ave Love, W A, clerk, D ave Lovell, O A, labr, B ave Lowe, G B, miner, C ave Lubbe. Archie, stagedriver, D ave Lundberg, C J (Mahoney & Lundberg) Front st Lynch, J, barkeeper. Front st Lynch, William, mine ower. Front st Mack, M M, carpenter. Front st Madigan, J, teamster, D ave Mahoney & Lundberg, Palace hotel, Front st Mahoney, M D (M & L) Front st Malone, J, miner. Front st Maloney, P, prospector. Front st Maloney, Pat'k, miner. Second st Manley, U, prospector, E ave Mann, W E, mine engr, Front st Martin, Rev D M, Presbyterian min. Fourth st Matthews, Geo (Frederick & Mat- thews) Front st Matthews, Henry, miner. Mill rd McAndrews, M, miner. Front st McAndrews, Martin (McA & M) McAndrews, M, teamster, Bridge st McAndrews & Murcheson, Ottawa Hotel, A ave McAnn, CW, free miner. Front st McAulay, D, labr, D ave McAuline, Wm, miner. Front st McArthur, J B, attorney. Front st McBride, Sam, miner. Front st McCallum, D, sash and door, Mill rd McCleary, A, prospector, E ave McCue, Miss B, real estate owner, A ave McCue, P, miner, A ave McDonald, A D, miner, D ave McDonald, A L, builder, Front st McDonald, Duncan A, miner, £ ave McDonald, D £, miner, E ave McDonald, Jas & Co, furniture, B ave McDonald, J A, real estate. Front st McDonald, Neil, miner. Front st McDonald, R, miner, D ave McDougall,Thos, blcksmth. Second st McGilvray, Angus, miner, Front st McGregor, D C, builder, D ave Mclnnes, A, grocer, Fourth st Mcintosh, J F, cstms ofScer, Front st Mcintosh, Finlay, night watchman, Front st McKay, Adam (Devlin & McKay) Front Bt T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Faints, Oils and Aericnltiiral Iisleients. Coiambia Street, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. HDDSON'S BAY COMPAM"*!!«"?!''»"'«» VICTORIA. B. C. McKay, Geo, packer. Front Bt McKay, Hush, teamster. Mill rd McKenna, C C, restaurant, B ave McKinnon, A A, mill man, Millrd McKenzie,A A (R McK & Co) Water st McKenzie, Alex, teamster, Mill rd McKenzie, C D, clerk, Mill rd McKenzie, Jno, labr, Mill rd McKenzie, Mise F, tailore8S,Fourth st McKenzie, R & Co, jtrocers. Front st McKenzie, K (McKenzie & Co) Water st McKenzie, Ihos, miner. Front st McKenzie, W L, grocer, Front st McLaren, Pater, prospector. Third st McLaughUn, R, miner, D ave McLean, D R, mine owner, Front st Mcl^ar, Jno, cook. Mill rd McLean, L, miner, Front st McLean, L, builder, B ave McLeod, G, miner, D ave Mcljcod, Jno, prospector, E ave McLeod, T T, miner McMillan, A J, civil engr, B ave McMillan, D, painter, D ave McMillan, D E, miner. Fourth st McMillan, Jno, miner, D ave McNaughton, Jas, miner, C ave McNaughtoD, Jas, miner, C ave McPhail, Dan, miner. Front st McPhail, D, tailor. Fourth st McPhee, A R, builder, Mill rd McPhe> , Jno, miner, E ave McPhee, P A, miner. Water st Medcalf, Mrs Emma, restaurant. Front st Metherell, S A, physician, A ave Middlen, R, carpenter, Fr nt st Miller, A (Rand & Miller) Front st stiller, H A, carpenter, Third st Miller, J J, teacher, Front st Miliington, Saml, bricklyr, Fourth st Miller, W miner. Front st Miliington, Mrs, milliner. Fourth et Minielly, Geo, builder, A ave Monlse, Wm, free miner. Front st Montgomery, J B, prospector, Third st Moore, E J, carpenter, B ave Morse, J A, builder. Bridge st Moore, J D, miner, Slocan rd Moore, Wm. labr, Front st Morbeck, H £, real estate owner. Front st Morrill. Mrs G A, dressmkr. Water st Mountain, F A R. free miner, Front st Mover, E G (M & W) Moyer & Wheeler, plumberp. Third st Muir, A, accountant, A ave Mulvey, Tom, cook, Front st Murcheson, Cole, McAndrews & Murcheson, A ave Murcheson, Cole, miner, A ave Murphy, Michael, miner, A ave Neitzel, Karl (Neitzel & Co) Neitzel, Karl & Co, autayers, Front st Newton, Geo, labr, Fro,\t st Newton, Miss, actress, h ave Nicks, I, sawyi^r, Mill rd Nicholson, Jame?, cook Front st Norman, M H (Norman <& Co) Norman, Sidney, ins agent. Front st Norman, M H & Co, commission merchants Norquay, Horace, clerk. Front st Norquay, Thomas, real estate O'Brien, Frank cook. Front st O'Neal, David, mine foreman Olsen, And, prospector, C ave O'Rourke, Miss M W, compositor, D ave Otto & Co, bakers, Front st Otto, J A, bauer. Front st Osborne, J, musician, B ave Owens, Al, pianist, Comique theatre Parham, W J clerk. Front st Paquon, Geo (Kennedy & Paquin) Parker, T E, porter, "'Slocan'' Parkinson, L W, miner, D ave Parks, J R, mining engr, A ave Patterson, J .i' steamboat mgr Pearsen, A L laundry. Third st Pearson, Nils, miner, C ave Pease, £ C, agt Stewart & Mills, Front st Peickart, Theo (Bongard & Peickart) Peirce, J L, mgr, H Geigench Pendleton, J, labr, C ave Penny, F C, uillman, A ave Peppard, Jno G, lumberman. Front st Perry, C E, civil engr, Front st Peterson, Jas, asst cook. Front st Pfeifer, Wm, earpt, D ave P^ester, H D (M H Norman & Co) Phiper, W, carpt, D ave Pictney, A L (Abernethay & Pictney) Pierce, T J, miner. Front st Piper, Alex, freighter, Front at Place, Mrs Kate M, Front st Plant, Jno, woodsman, F ave Plunkett, E, grocer, B ave Pollard, Fred, real estate, Frout st Pollock. Fred, miner, Mill rd Potter, W A & Co, mchts. Front at Pound, E M, miner, D ave Rand, A E, R & M, Front st Rand & Miller, real estate, Front st 02 ■i WU 6RI)S.,t)iek(liQgFiiniitiin!Deate, VICTORIA, B.C. ll -i ^rVTVI VVH/V^ST ^\^tr More Hands and More Capital than all othd - Biadariaa ynrJEi MitJMLMrlAJX m the Province. »« HKOAO HTRBET, riVTORIA. ^ it f R. T* WIIiI«IAMS Od 525 J CUi? JS o fi ^ «M « o .d at) •*-> £^ « ^ 1 % 5 ► QQ « ^ hi EH ' 106 KAB BRITISH COLCUBIA DIRECTORY. KAI Reader, Gay, miner, Front Bt Read, H K, lather, A ave Reevane, Michael, miner Reid, J Keith, capitalist, Front at Renter, 8 J, mgr, Wilson & Perdue Retallick, J L, mines and real estate, Front Bt Rice, Frank, comedian, A ave Richardeon & Bealey, real estate, Front St Richardson, S, miner. Fourth st Riedel, Paul, baker, A ave Riedel & Kuester, Vienna bak'y, A ave Riley, Jas S, miner B av3 Ritti Eugene, miner, E uve Roadley, T J,r'l estate bioker.Front st Robinson. Miss Laura, ac tress, A ave Roberts, Wm, Great Northern hotel Rogers, J F B, M.D., Front st Rollins, J R.Cascade laundry. Water st Rose, M, miner. Front sX Ross, George, teamster, Mill rd Rowe. E W, accountant, Front at Rue. H, druggist, Frort st Rvan, James, carpent'.-r, B ave Saunders, W J (B & &) Savage, Paul J, New York restaurant Schmidt, E G. miner. Front st Schoenberger, Chas, engr. Front at Schroeder, Mrs A, bding hse.Third st Scott, A J, teamster Front st Scott, Alonzo C, barber, Front st Scott, D A, miner, C ave Scubner, Geo H, free miner, B ave Searman, John, labr, Slocan rd Seeley, T, carpenter, C ave Sexton, Frank, teamster, Mill rd Seysler, E R compositor, E ave Shannon, Chas, cook. Front at Shearer, T. miner. Fourth st Shelton, W J, miner. Front st Sherwood, A R, police oflBcer, C ave Sherwood, L, boatbuilder, water front Simmons, G A, clerk, Front st Simmons, S S, prospector, E ave Simpson, J B, barkeeper. Water st Sing Jee, laundry. Water st Slayton, Harry carpenter, D ave Slayton, Jas, clerk, D ave Sloane, E F, clerk. Third st Smith, Alex, Baldwin hse. Front st Smith, B, bartender, Front st Smith, Bart, labr, Front st Smith, E F, builder. C ave Smith & Fielding, Front st Smith, D L, miner. Front st Smith, Geo, mine owner, Front st Smith, H C, clerk. Fourth st Smith, Henrv, carpenter. Front st Smith, Mrs Mary L, Leland restaur- ant, Front Bt Smith, Peter, brewer, B ave Smith, W L, builder. Front st Smith, Wm, Kaslo meat market, Fourth st Smitheringale, G E (AT Cook & Co) Snowman, Mrs L A, nurse. Fourth at Spragg, H B , carpenter, Third st Stairley, W, mining engr. Front at Stanaway, Frank, miner. Mill rd Stansbury, F, waiter, Front at Startsman, W A, prospector, A ave St Clair, Miss Stella, actress, B ave St Cvr, Louis, prospector. Water at Steele, T M, dairyman, D ave Stenaon, R J, clerk. Green Bros Steward & Mills, electrical engrs, Front st Still, J C, miner. Water st Stills, Jas, cook, "Slocan," A ave Stone, T, Townsite agt, Fourth at Stratheson, R, jeweler, Front st Strathem, W B, mill foreman, Mill at Sudrow, W, carpenter, C ave Sullivan, Dennis, miner, A ave Sullivan, F J (Otto & Co) D ave Sullivan, J. general dealer, Front at Sullivan, Michael, miner, A ave Surbeck, George, butcher, Front at SwenBon, Jos, labr, F ave Swift, J, carpenter, B ave Swift, Jos, carpenter, D ave Tiylor, C B, carp' rter, B ave Tktynton, J H, plasterer, Third st Thibanet, Jos, logger, Second st Thomas, Mrs, restaurant. Front at Thompson, J W, miner, A ave Titrault, A, carpenter. Front at Tolea, 7^ M, grocer, B ave Trenar;/, T (Trenary & Gornieley) Fron st Trumb e, Joa, teamster, Slocan rd Tuck, fc P, civil engr, Front st Turner, E E, B ave Urquhart, Donald, butcher, Front at Urquhart, Geo, butcher. Front at Van Cleeve, Mrs J, Henry house, A ave Veit, Henry (F E Archer & Co) A ave Vogel, Jos, millwright, A ave Waddell, A, prospector, wagon rd Wagner, H D, prospector. Front at Walbey, W H & Co, mining brokers, Front st Walbey, W H, real estate and min- ing broker T. DOBESON, N. W. DOBBSON. nanaimO foundry, Iron and Brass Founders, General XaehinistSt All Kinds of Sepairst Zand and MtMTlne. NANAIMO. • • BRITISH COLUMBIA. Victoria Transfer Co., Ltd. """S^o"- S^J^l ^m^rJ^l ^?hU:f •••• »t nnd US BroMghton Street, Tietoriat B. C. Telephone 199, Walbey, J W, clerk. Front Bt Waldron, Isaac, teamster. B ave Walker, S P, miner, B ave Walmsley, John. blacksmith.Third st Ward, E 0, carpenter, D ave Ward, Fred E, miner, A ave Ward, Jno F. Ward & King, Front st Ward & King, Coeur d'Alene hotel, Front st Warren & Baner, civil eners, A ave Watts, Ed, mine supt, D ave Weatherill, Jno, miner, Front st Weaver, Ed, B ave Weharrow, W, cook. Front st Weinstein, M, tailor. Fourth st Weinstein, D, tailor. Fourth st Wells, Tom, miner, Front st Welsh. Isaac, trimer. Front st Wheaten, Chas, carpenter, D ave Wheeler, Alf, Mover & Wheeler, Whiteside. Geo, builder. Front st Whittier, Jno, miner, A ave Williams, C W, minei , B ave Williams, D G, accountant, Front st Williams, G H. druggist. Front st Williams. N, engr. Mill rd Williamson & Jones, tobacconists, Front st Williamson, V, Wilson & Jones, Front st Wilson & Perdue, butchers Wilson, J B. merchant. Front st Wilson, G H. clerk. Front st Winchester, W R, miner, Bridge st Wood, C A, Mammoth lodging house Woods, F A, accountant, A ave Woods, R, teamster, E ave Wright. A W, commission merchant, Front st Warren & Baner. civil engrs, A ave Wyant, J K, carpenter, Front st Yake, Lambert A. restaurant, Bave Zimmerman, A, miner, Front st KEEPER'S. {Including Cisco.) A station on the main line of the C. P. R., 140 miles from Vancouver; has a telegraph office; mails daily; nearest postoffice and express office, North Bend. Brown, W, station agent Gribble, W A, watchman Jamieson, William, rancher Keadon. P, watchman Kimbo, W J, watchman Lane, George, watchman Libby, G A, section foreman Stiffins, H, section foreman, Cisco Hinton, J, section foreman, Keefer's KEITHLY CREEK. (Including Harvey and Snow-Shoe Creek.) Postmaster, G. A. Veith. In the Dominion and Provincial Electoral District of Cariboo, is situated about 18 miles beyond Quesnelle Forks. It has a post- I office; mail once a week; nearest telegraph and express office, 160 Mile House. The creek is reached by stage from Ashcroft station over the Cariboo wagon road. Adam, James, miner Andeison, William, gentleman Anderson, Robert Barr. Robert, blacksmith Borland & Veith, general traders Carstens, F, butcher Cummusky, B, blacksmith Davis, Morris, miner Harris, H A, miner Malcolm, James, miner Mathers, PJ, book-keeper McKay, D, timber contractor McKen, James, mining engineer Mclntyre, A, carpenter McLennan, F. miner McNab, Robert, miner McRae, Angus, mail carrier Moore, James, miner O'Neil, C, miner Pearce, T, contractor Penbertlay, Joseph, miner Revard, £ miner Prior. San. teamster Smith, J R, miner Strain, J, miner Telle, Edward, teamster Thouvineu, Alex, miner Thouvineu, C, miner Trewhella. E, saloon keeper Truman, George, miner Veith & Bolland, general traders Yardell, Nils, miner KELOWNA. POSTMABTBE, ThOHAB SpENCE. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Kootenay, and provincial of Yale. Communication by steamer T E X A S L A K E I C E c o V A N C O u V £ B B C yi i See mW Snits aDi Oyercoats. Best assortment in the City. M'!«'i'Ow,()naiiiyooflfl B. WILUAm * Co., 07 JOHNSON ST.. VICTORIA. DVPON-r BLOCK, L. J. COLE COLUMBIA 8TKEKT, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. Jfoturv Pubtit, Convtymneer, Ateountanl and jIudUor, Jtentt mnd Aeeounta 8tttled< Xatalea Managtd. oo cy^ b o 00 CO 10 en 108 KBL BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. KER from Aberdeen and PentictOn dail;|^, and stage from Vernon, which is the nearest telegraph and express office and banking point, and dis- tant, 35 miles. A good lumbering, iarming, and fruit growing dis- trict. Aberdf en, The Earl of, Guisachan ranch Ah How, Chinese laundry Atward, G A S, of Leguime Bros & Co Bailey, £ R, butcher Bertrand, J, mill hand Blackburn, Wm, lahr Banchard, Wm, mill hand Boreynsen, S J labr Caun, £ J, clerk Conklin, F, manager of Guisachan ranch Donald, J B, Riley & Donald Duncan, William, fmr Favel, William, sawyer Fletcher, E, engineer of O K sawmill Frane, William, saddler and harness maker Gudneson, Finer, gardener Haug, William, plasterer Helguson, E, n.ill hand Johnson, Einer Johnson, Joseph, labr Lequime Bros & Co. genl merchants Lakeview hotel, A McDonald, prop Mair, Charles, penl merchant McQueen, William, blacksmith Noble, Robt, teamster Okanagan sawmill, B Lequime, manager Pare, J, mill hand Porier, J, mill hand Pridham, L, fruit grower Raymer, M, contractor and builder Riley, Capt Thomas, str "Penticton" Riley & Donald, agricultural imple- ments Rose Bros, fruit growers Scott, H 8, gentleman Scott, H, clerk Smith, Thomas, contractor and blder Spence, Thomas, notary public and land agent Sutherland. D W school teacher Tate, Mrs. E, widow Thompson Bros, livery stable Thompson, Neill livery stable Thompson. J^enneth, hvery stable Weddell, Edwin, of Lequime Bros & Co Will, James, Manager of Knox ranch ■1, fmr ird, fmr iser KEREMEOS. POHTMABTER, ThOS. DALY. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale and Provincial of Yule» Osoyoos Division, is a post settle- ment in the Similkameen Valley; trail from Hope, 110 miles. Ver- non is the nearest railway station, express and telegraph office. Wagon road to Penticton, 30 miles, thence by steamer to Vernon; mails weekly. Armstrong, Joseph, labr Armstrong, Robert, labr Armstrong, Wm, labr Barber, John, fmr Barcelo, Manuel, stock raiser Bothwell, Alex, clerk Bullock-Webster, Edw Bullock-Webster, W ^ Cawston, Richard, st Cohen, Wm, fmr Coulthard, John, mercht and miller Coulthard, John Oswald, stock raiser Daly, Thomas, postmaster, stock raiser and merchant Dugas, Charles, labr Gartrell, Walter, labr Lorenzetti, Peter, labr Manery, William, fmr Martin, John, labr McCurdy, Daniel, fmr Neil, John, fmr Pike, George, labr Price, Barrington, fmr Richter, Frank, stock raiser Richter, Charles, labr Richter, Edward, labr Richter, Jos labr Richter, William, labr , Ryder, Roland, blacksmith Scott, Robert, fmr Surprise, Frank, fmr Surprise, Francis, jr, labr Verser, Joseph, fmr Verser, Louis fmr Verser, Peter, fmr KETTLE RIVER. (See Grand Prairie.) Postmaster, E. Sfragobtt. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Kootenay and Provincial of Yale. Nearest railway, telegraph and express office, Duck's station T. J. TRAPP & CO., Harm are, Faints, Oils aM AsriGQltoral Inilements. Colombia Street, NEW WESTMINSTiCB, B. C. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Kuropean and Xngtt^h OKOCBBTBS, WINKS »na LtQVORB, free and in Hand. VICTORIA, B. O. KIT BRiriSII COLUMBIA DIRKOTORY. KIT 109 on the C.P.K. Communication by stage with Kamloope, Duck's and VernoB. Almond, S R, fmr Barnes, H D, fmr Brown, R A, miner Carraher, Jack, horse trader Carr, Thomas, fmr Clark, Robert, bricklayer Coryell, J A, P.L.S Cooper, Wm, fmr Cooper, Alfred, fmr Covert, W H, fmr Craik, George, carpenter Edwards, George, iinr Ewart, Thomas, fmr Gibbs, W W, miner Gilpin, R R, customs collector ffumphey, Thomas, miner Johnson, K M. stock raiser Jones, R D. fmr Jones, W S. J.P Keighley, James, miner Manley, John, stock raiser Manley, A L, fmr Mathers, J N, school teacher McCallum, Pete, fmr McDonald, A, fmr McDonnell, Thomas, packer Mclnnis, D, fmr McFarlane, Frank, labr McLarren, John, hotelkeeper McLarren, D D, blacksmith McRea. Colin, hunter Moss, J, fmr Munroe. George, fmr Murry, W 8, fmr Newby, Miss L Newby, James, fmr Newby, Thomas, fmr Newby, Leonard, fmr Newton, Wm, labr Overton, A C, statue driver Paton, Thomas, Presby minister Panzlaflf, Julius, fmr Petijohn, D, fmr Rendell, Charles, fmr Ruckled, Ed, fmr Ruckles, Frank, fmr Spraggett, E, postmaster Shaw, Benj Sherrinstham, E G, mail contractor Spencer, Bros, fmrs Saulter, Jos, fmr Saunders, C, labr Vaughan. L, imr Waason, Miss I M Waeson, Robert, fmr Wiseman, Jos, fmr Ward, Jos, fmr KING'S ISLAND. {See NoHhweKt Coast.) Communication by steamer from Vic- toria. Codvelle, Jas, and family KITAMAT. (See Northwest Coast.) At the head of Douglas Channel; communication by steamer from Victoria. Gray. Alex, fisherman Morrison, Chas, fisherman Robinson, Geo, missionary Stewart, Luke, fisherman Wright, Enoch, fisherman KITLUPE. (See Northwest Coast. At the head of Gardiner's Channel ; communication by steamer from Victoria. Price's cannery is situ- ated here and does an extensive business. The scenery in the Chan- nel is beautiful. Barham, A F, foreman cannery Bruich, C F, fisherman Chipp, Geo, fisherman ' Mitchell, Geo, fisherman Paul, Jos, fisherman Paul, Robt, fisherman Perry, Jos. fisherman Price, Rev A D, clergyman. Church of England Price, Henry M, owner cannery Wilson, David, fisherman KOKSILAH. Postmaster, J. C. Croziee. In the Provincial Electoral District of Cowichanand Dominion of Vancou- ver, a station on the E. & N. R., 35 miles from Nanaimo and 38 from Victoria, lying midway between the Cowichan and Koksilah rivers. Post &nd telegraph office; mails daily; nearest backing point, Na- naimo. CO t*l ^ ^1 e e 3. 9 u WEILER IlltOS., aie Complete House Fumisheis. laigest M in B. C. o OB i^ 11 TMB LATEST IKPBO VKKMNTH IIT BOOK- BINOING A.3TD PAPBB SWCIlfe. S8 BROA.D SXRBBT, sf ^^ l. ! E5 f m m « « o .0 m -M h 4^ ^ s ^ g an <« 1 R. T. Williaxns VIOTOaiA.. 110 KOB- BRITISH COLUUBIA DIBEOTOEY. KOO Bawden, Jas, labr Bawden, Wm H, labr Blair, Jos, labr Boal, Jas, Koksilah hotel Bo.vden, Mrs Crozier, Chris, fmr and storekeeper Crozier, Jonas G, postmaster Crozier, E T J, surgeon Doupe, Samuel, fmr Ford, David, carpenter Ford, Walter, fmr and carpenter Foster, Ed, fmr Guns, Edwin, farm labr Keating, Alex, gentleman JCeating Andres, gentleman Lewis, Thos E, teamster Love, Mrs Mary A, fmr Mark, Geo, fmr Mark, John T, engr Marshall. Wm Stone McLay, John, fmr McLay, Robt, fmr M-arns, Alex, fmr Mearns, Jas, fmr Mearns, Robt, fmr Robinson, J J, fmr Rowe, Jas, labr Rowe, Samuel, fmr Ryan, R G, quarryman and fmr Tarlton, Jos, fmr Vaux, Wm, fmr Waters, Wm, fmr KOOTENAY DISTRICT. (See Index for Various Towns.) The Kootenay district embracos the wuole Columbia basin of British Columbia, and within its limits is to be found a great variety of cli- mate, scenery and products. It may be said to be a geographical puzzle. The Kootenay river rises (lat. 51° 15 N) in the Rocky Moun- tains, and flows south into Montana and Idaho, passing the sources of the Columbia, its parent stream. The Columbia flows north (fr.'m lat. 50° 12) forming a great bend beyond the Canadian Pacific Rail- way, and returning southward to a point, 16 miles north of the Inter- national boundary, where it re- CHives the Kootenay tributary, upon its return from the United States. There is thus an actual island six hundred miles round embraced in the great bends of the two rivers, and comprising the whole Selkirk and Purcell Rangus. East Kotenay consists of the upper Kootenay and Columbia valleys between the Ropl:y and Selkirk Ranges. Great Tend is the sweep of the Columbir, north of the Canadian Pacific Railway, round the northern end of the Selkirk^. It is believed to be very rich in minerals, but as yet is ftractically undeveloped, and but ittle known owing to the difficulty of access. West Kootenay is the Columbia valley from the Can- adian Pacific to the international boundary, and the Kootenay val- ley from the return of the river from the United States to its junction with the Columbia. Kootenay Lake is comprised in this western valley of the Kootenay. The more important towns and settlements throughout this vast Tegion are treated of individually in this directory, and a general glance through the list will show that in nearly every section mining operations are carried on, while very many can justly lay claim to be excellent farming districts. Gold, silver, copper, iron, etc., of very high grade, are mined in gr. at quantities, and every day some ty%w tind is being added to the long Hoc of recorded and working claims. The heretofore inaccess- ability of the country has been its chief drawback, but the Provincial Government of late years, realizing the great importance of developing Kootenay, liberally subsidize local enterprise in the' matter of road construction and handsomely en- courage every desirable railway undertaking. As a rn' ult of this wise policy new sections of country are being opened up, and the in- vestment of capital encouraged. A large number of railway charters h'we been applied for, and of those granted the r^elson and Fort Shep- pard is one of the most important lines which has been completed within the past year. Work has also been begun on the Nakuspand Slocan line, and at an early date SEE OUR SCOTCH AflO ENGUSH TWEED SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS B. WIUilAKS * 00., Olotlilmi and HattwM. 97 Jobmaoa St.. ViotoHa. / 21 and 83 Bronghton Stiwet, Vlotorla, B. O. Tel. 129. I LAC BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. LAO 111 operations will have commenced on the Lardeau & Kootenay Rail- way, which will run from the north- east arm of Upper Arrow Lake to the head of Kootenay Lake. A charter for this line was granted during last session of the Provin- cial Legislature. Ail these lines, whether constructed, under way, '>r contemplated, are destined t) open up the richer sections of Kootenay. Access may be had by steamer from Revelstoke on the Q. P. R. to Sproat's Landing and thence by rail to Nelson ; from Kootenay, Idaho, on the Northern Pacific, is by stage, 32 mile?, to Bonner's Ferry, and steamboat to Nelson, 160 miles. KUPER ISLAND. (See Chemainus.) In the Dominion Electoral District of Vancouver and Provincial of islands. Nearest postoffice, railway station, telegraph and express office, Che- mainus,distance,5miles. Commun- ication by steamer from Victoria, distant. 40 miles; also by Esqui- mau and Nanaimo railway to Giie- mainus, distant, 62 miles, thence by boat, distant, 5 miles. LAC LA HACHE. Postmaster, Wm. Abel. In the Dominion Electoral District of Cariboo and Provincial Electoral District of Lillooet, on the Cariboo road, 68 miles from Clinton. Near- est railway station, Ashcroft,distant 100 miles ; means of communication by stage once a week from Ashcroft and Barkerville ;mails weekly ;near- est telegraph and express office, 108 Mile House, banking point, Kam- loops. Abel, Wm, P.M. fmr and dairy Armstrong, E, labr Groasina, Louis, fmr Crozier, J H, blacksmith, Felker, Geo, fmr Felker, Henry P, fmr Felker, J R, fmr and dairy Felker, Wm, fmr Flset, Napoleon, fmr Forbes. George, labr Hamilton. Gavin, fmr Hamilton, T M, fmr Hemphill. B C, fmr and stockraiser Hetherington, Joseph, fmr Lawder, Nat, labr McCarthy, M .T, dairy and stock raiser McDougall, Thomas, fmr McGuire, Alex, labr McKinlay, Arch Isaac, fmr and dairy McKinlay, Ewen D, fmr McKinlay, John, 100 mile post McKinlay. Ogden, A, J. P. fmr Morrison, Wm, fmr Murphy, Dennis, fmr Murphy, John, fmr Nason, E, labr Nason, Fred, labr Ogden, Henry, labr Peleteer, Joseph, labr, 100 mile post Phillipine, tiiraon, fmr, 106 mile post Powers, Thomas, fmr 100 mile post Quinn, James, fmr, 100 mile post Ross, C, labr Tingley, Clarence H, storekeeper and telegraph opr Ulrick, A S, fmr, 132 mile post Van Volkenbnrgh, A, stock raiser Webster, William, fmr Whaley, W, carpenter Whittingham, A B, fmr Williams, Charles, labr Wright, John, fmr Wyness, John, fmr LADNER'S LANDING. (For List of Resident? see Delta Municipality.) Postm.-ster, Thos. McNeely. In the Dominion and Provincial Elec- toral District of New Westminster, is the main outlet for the settle- ments in the Delta Municipality. It is situuted on the Eraser river, 12 miles from New Westminster; has a post, money order, telegraph and express oflBce. The regular mail steamers from Victoria and New Westminster call at this land- ing three times a week each way ; the Nanaimo and Vancouver steam- er twice per week, and a ferry boat makes daily trips to and from New Westminster. r¥i I BOYS See our Mackintoshes, MeJ issa and Rigby Waterproofs, Umbrellas, &c. ,,1,^ B. WILLIAMS & CO., 07 Johnson Street, Victoria, B. C. £ X A S Ii A K £ I C £ c o V A N O O u V E B B C t i;;?^3H3 K-f ^P|H'' ■ If J#iKi \ T tHmm ' ■ ' '- HIU ■' J. dc J. TAYLOR, SAFES AND VAULT DOORS X«* J* Cole« Agentf Dupont Block, New Westminster, B. 0. &Z^ cyo (0 D o 00 CO 112 LAN BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. LAN LAKE DISTRI9T. ' (See Heal Postoffice, also South Saan- ich, Garnham and Highland Districts.) Id the Dominion and Provincial Elec- toral District of Victoria. Com- munication by stage from Victoria. The Victoria and Sydney Railway is nearing completion and will cover this district. LANGFORO PLAINS. In Esquimau District; nearest post- office, Colwood, distant one and a half miles; communication by rail- way or livery from V^ictoria. LANGLEY MUNICIPALITY. Postmasters, Lanqley — J. M. Drum- MOND ; Lanqley Prairie — Wm. Murray. Is in the Westminster Electoral Dis- trict, sends three members to the Local and one to the Dominion Parliament. This municipality, including Langley and Langley Prai:!f, lies on the south side of the Fraser river, and commences at apoin; about 9^-2 miles above the city of Westminster. There is regular daily communication with New Westminster and other points by steamer. Post, money order, telegraph and express office ; mails daily. There are also postoffices at Murray's Corner and at Short- reed's Corner, Alder Grove, six miles east, along the Yale road. The municipality throughout is an ex- cellent farming section of the country. Allan, Jas. logger Allan, John,fmr Allan, George, carpenter Allard, Jason, fmr Armstrong, Charles, fmr Armstrong, Wm ir, fmr Armstrong, Wm D sr. fmr Balfour, Robt, bridge contractor Balfour, Frank, teamster Barber, Oliver, fmr Belargo, Peter, fmr Black, Thomas, fmr Blizzard, Wm, fruit grower Brown, Peter, prop Langley Hotel Brousseau, Brazil, fmr Buckingham, W, fmr Byram, A H, fmr Cameron, Hugh G, fmr Cameron, Neil, fisherman Campbell, Allan, fmr Campbell, Archie C, fmr Carnock, W D, fmr Canadian Pacific Telegraph, J M Drummond, agert Carman, Simeon, fmr Carr, D, labr Carter, G C, fmr and fruit grower Coglan, Henry, fmr Co^lan, Nathaniel, fmr Dair, George, drayman Davey, W G, fmr Davis, Henry, fmr Dinsdale, William, fmr Drummond, J M, justio > of peace, notary public and postuiaster Duffy, Andrew, fmr Elkinij, James, labr Elkins, James ir, labr Emptage, Edwin, fmr Emptage, Wm jr, fmr Emptuge, Stephen, fmr Emptage, Wni, fmr Flower, John, labr Foreman, Wm, fmr Fraser, Andrew, fmr Goddard, George, fmr Goddard, Richard, fmr Graham, T VV.fmr Gray, James, fmr Green, Wm, fmr Haldi, .Jacob, fmr Harding, Wm, fmr Harrington, Ed line repairer Harris, Da«'id, mill hand Harris, Henry, fmr Harris, James, fmr Harris, Thomas, fmr Herald, Dundas, M.D Hine, W F, fmr Holding, Alexander, fmr Holding, Henry, fmr Holding, Isabella, widow Hossack, Jas, feed and grist mill Houston, Jas, retired Hudson's Bay Co, Frank Powell, mgr Hyde, Henry, fmr Ibbotson, Jas, fmr James, Jas, retired Jardine, W D. elk H. B. Co Johnson, Jas M, fmr Jones, Gecrge B, fruit and poultry raiser Kic'.d, George, farm hand T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Faints, Oils and AfixicQltnral Iiplements. Colombia Street, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY " '!'*' !L=«™. ^ LAN BBITI6H COLUMBIA DIBECTOBY. LAN 113 Kidd, Joseph, teamster Knox, Joseph, retired Knox, John, plasterer Langley Blacksmith Shop, W J Mc- intosh, prop Langley Meat Market, W C Graham, prop Langley Grist Mill, James Hossack, prop Langley, Lumber Yard, J A Shearer, prop Langley Saw Mill, H West, prop Latimer, John, fmr Knight? of Pythias, Langley lodge No 13, meeting nights, Friday Larmon, Nathaniel, fmr Mackay, Daniel G, fmr Mackay, Gilbert, fmr Mackie, Jaii, J. P., retired McLeau, ^os, carpt and contractor Martin, Edwin, fmr Martin, Acie, fmr Matheson, Frank, fmr Mavis, Alexander, fmr Mavis, Jas, fmr Maxwell, John, J.P., fmr Maxwell, Thomas, f : r Maxwell, V'm, fmr Maxwell, Arthur, fmr McDearmid, — , fmr McDonald, John, fmr McDonald, Malcolm, fmr McEwan, Walter, fmr McEwan, Wm D, fmr Mcintosh, Wm D, blacksmith Mclntyre, Malcolm, fmr Mclsaac, Roderick, fmr Mclver, Murdoch, fmr McLarty, Peter, fmr McLellan, Alex, cook. MoLellan, John, fmr McLellan, John F, fmr McLennan, Murdoch, genl store McLennan, John, fmr McLennan, James, clerk McLughun, Samuel, fmr McNivan, John, fmr Medd, William, fmr Miller, A N, Methodist minister Mordeau, Robert, labr Morrison, Kenneth, fmr Morrison, Joseph, logger Morrison, Alex, farm* hand Morrison, Hector, fmr Morrison, William sr, fmr Morrison, William jr, fmr McKee, James, fmr Mogee, William, Presbyterian min Mufford, Thomas, fmr Mufford, John, farm hand Mufford, Charles, farm hand Mufford, Joseph, fmr Mufford, Abraham, fmr McMillan, E H, fmr Oakes, Robert, fmr Powell, Frank, agt H. B. Co Rawlinson, George, clerk, collector and treas Langley mun council Rawlinson, Wm H, fmr Rehberger, David, sawyer Roberstson, J Perrie, farm labr Riwan, Robt, fmr Sincock, Thomas, fmr Sincock, Jas, farm hand Skea, James, carpt and rancher Skea, John, fmr and baker Smith, John, fmr Spence, Peter, fmr Steamer Bon Accord, Young, capt and owner Steamer Fairy Queen, H West, capt and owner Symington, Douglas, bailiff Sutherland, Kenneth, labr Taylor, James, fmr Tavlor, John, mail contractor Langley A Tliiiiey Tr , Peter, farm hand Ti Samuel, fmr Titan IfiM hert, fmr Prest & ( '), real > state brokers Prest, ThoiuiiH Prest & Co Towle, Mrs Elua, prop Commer ial hotel Towle, George, A, prop saloon Com- mercial hotel Towle, Stanley C, fmr Towle, Reed Moses, fmr an<1 sheep- raiser Underwood, Geo, fmr and sheepraiser Vivian, Henry, carpenter Waterhouse, 'Thomas, watchmaker and jeweler West, Henry, sawmill owner West, Geo, mill hand West, Henrv jr, mill hand West, Willie, mill hand Wilkie, Henry, retired Wilkie, OctaviuB, civil engr apprntce Wilkie, Walter, clerk Wilkie, Otway, J J, fmr Williams, Alex, fmr Wilson, Charles, fmr Wilson, Mrs T A, fmr White, Fred, labr Wright, John, school teacher m o I S-Q ,LtHJ WEILER BROS., VIOTORIA, B. O. ABE AGENTS FOR CBOSSLEY AND SONS FINE GABPETS. H BOOKBINDER and BLANK BOOK HANUFACTUBEi 98 BROAD STREET, VICTORIA. CO »^1 Qj3 Ci3§ esj 1^- « o A 00 •^ u *i ^ i % * ^ w flS , u H 114 LAN BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. LAN Worley, Wm, fmr Worrell, Frank, fmr Worrell, Thomas, fmr Yorkson, E, fmr Shearer, J A, contractor Simpson, Geo, shoemaker LANGLEY PRAIRIE. Abra, 8 B. fmr Axford, A C, fmr Bagely, T G, fmr Barnes, T J, fmr Beaton, Alex, fmr Beaton, A W, fmr Beaton, Kenneth, fmr Bexton, Roderick, fmr Best, Wm, sr, fmr Best, Wm, jr, fmr Biggar, David, fmr Biggar, Jas, fmr Braden, R A, fmr Brockie, A, fmr Brown, Robt, fmr Brown, Wm, fmr Boake, Benj, fmr Bovil, Arthur John, fmr and lumberer Bowes, John, fmr Bowes, Wm, fmr Boyes, John, fmr Burgess, Enoch, fmr Cameron, Alex, fmr Cameron, Donald, fmr Campbell, Chas, fmr Campbell, Katherine, fmr Campbell, W G, fmr Campbell, W T, fmr Carter, Jas, fmr Cawker, Sam, nr, fmr Culbert, Jas, fmr Culbert, Jonathan, fmr Culbert, Thos, fmr Cummings, R, fmr Davidson, H, fmr Deans, Albert, fmr Drinkwater, J, fmr Finlayson, D, fmr Fosslund, G A, fmr Graham, Wm, fmr Griffiths. R, fmr Henderson, W J, fmr Henry, Levi, fmr Hickey, Patrick, fmr Hopkins, Levi, fmr Innes, Jas, fmr Innes, Wm, fmr Isaacson, Christian, fmr Jackson, John, fmr 1 Johnstone, Henry, fmr Lamb, D, fmr Larman, (^eo, fmr Larman, John, fmr Larman, Nathaniel, fmr Larman, Sum, fmr Lawrence, Geo, fmr Lawrence, Wm, labr Livingstone, Edwd, fmr Livingstone, Frank, fmr Livingstone, Jas, sr, fmr Livingstone, Jas, jr, fmr Livingstone, John, fmr Livingstone, Robt, fmr Livinsistone, Wm, fmr Lynch, Annie, fmr Matheson, Alex, fmr Matheson, D, fmr Matheson, John, fmr Matheson, Murdock, fmr McDonald, John, fmr Mclnnes, Chas, fmr Mclnnes, John, fmr Mclnnes, Rod, sr, fmr Mclnnes, Rod, jr, fmr Mclnnes, Wm, fmr Mcintosh, John, fmr McKaskell. John, fmr McKaskeli, Rod, fmr McKay, Angus, fmr McKee, Jas, fmr McKee, Jas, jr, fmr McKee, Robt, fmr McKee, Robt. jr, fmr McKee. Sam, fmr McLeod, Aiex, fmr McLeod, Jas, fmr McLeod, John, fmr McLeod, Neil, fmr McMillan, Douglas, fmr McNeil, Angus, fmr McNeil, Neil, fmr McRae, John, fmr McRae, Alex, fmr McRae, John Alex, fmr Mlchaud, Jos, fmr Michaud, Maximilian, fmr Michaud, Zatiqne, fmr Milburne, A, fmr Monaglian, Robert, fmr Monaghan, Simon, fmr Montgomery, John, fmr Montgomery, N, fmr Morrison, Adam, fmr Morrison, Wm, fmr Munn, AneuB, fmr Munn, Malcolm, fmr Murchison, Alex, sr, fmr Vfcrog Munchii Murray, Murray, Murray, !> elson, J •feJson, J Nolson, V Node, Bu, Normau, : ^0'-ri8,JoJ ^'axton, B RiddelJ, B ^.'nn, John ^.'nn, Joser J'nn, Mrs 5 ff ey, Geo, |f«'ey, Tho^ "'toon . X H Smith, Jas, fj ^.^"h.John Stone, D l, f\ Taylor, Geo, ' ihomas, W J ^W' e, David 2^«rk, AJex, ■ Wark.Robt Waterhouse, ^ i^ois. Ge. 3 /ams, Geo "; I'amB Joh: W ."O"' J, fm T. DOBESON, N. W. DOBBSON. NANAIMd FOUNDRY, Iron and Brnm Eoundev, Oenertfl Maekinitt^ All Kind* of Repatrt, Land and Marine. IfANAIMO, BRITISH COLUMBIi LAl{ (^ee afeei PostmasteJ ^t*!; DominiJ Jale-Kootenl J*'e. aLoutf '?«r'hern end ^j'es to End! *^ernon. vJ "■••aph and ef I UIPTADIA TDAIIQCCQ on I Til Cheek Banace to any part of the City. Their flulUnlA InAndrCn VV,, LIU. WaKom and Caniagea me -taU Boats and Trains. 21 and 23 Broushtoa Street, Viotorla, B. C. Tel. 129. LAM BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. LAN 115 Murphison, John, fmr VIurri»y, Dan, fmr Murray, John, fmr Murray, Paul, fmr Murray, Wm, fmr and postmaster Nelson, Duvid H, fmr Nelson, Jas H,fmr ■iTelson, J J, fmr Xelson, Nels, fmr Nolson, Wm, fmr Node, Burt, fmr Normau, Benj, fmr Norris, John, fmr Norris, Mary, widow Plaxton, Robt Jas, school teacher Poppy» D W, fmr Powell, Geo, fmr Riddell, R W, merchant Rinn, Johnstone, fmr Rinn, Joseph, fmr Rinn, Mrs £, widow Rollings, Wm C, fmr Routley, J, fmr Seeley, Geo, fmr Seeley, Thos, fmr Simon r, T H, fmr Smith, Jap, fmr Smith, John, fmr Stone, D L, fmr Taylor, Geo, labr Thomas, W M, fmr Towle, David, fmr Wark, Alex, fmr Wark, John, fmr Wark, Robt, fmr Waterhouse, Thos, fmr Williams, C, fmr Williams, Geo, sr, fmr Williams, Geo, jr. fmr Williams, John, fmr Wilson, J, fmr Wilson, J W, fmr LANSDOWNE. (See also Spallumcheen.) POSTMASTBB, G. J. WALLACE. In th<4 Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Kootenay and Provincial of Yale, atout 12 miles from the northern end o' Okanagan Lake, 6 miles to Enderby and 23 miles to Vernon. Nearest railroad, tele- graph and express station, Arm- strong, on the Shuswap and Okanagan Railway ; banking point, Vernon. Addison, Chas, shoemaker Barrett, Henry, fmr Bowell, Robt, fmr Cargill, E C & Co, fmrs Cartwright, hotel and fmr Christian, J W, fmr Christian, John, fmr Clinton, Thos, fmr Crawford, Alex, fmr Crozier, C F, fmr Crozier, Jas, fmr Cumining, L J, fmr Davies, John F, fm.' Ehmke, Henry, fmi Evans, Albert, fmr Frayne, R, saddler Girod edtate, T Clinton, lessee Glancer, John, fmr Graham, Donald, J.P., fmr Grant, Arthur, fmr Gray, Sam, fmr Hamill, John, fmr Harding, Henry, fmr Hatley, Ben, fmr Heathcote, Fred, fmr Jackson, James, fmr Johns, Jos, fmr Leduc, Thos, fmr Lenz & Leiser, fmrs McCallum, John, fmr McDonald, Myles, fmr McKenry, W C, fmr McLennan, Jas, fmr McLennan, John, fmr Meighan, W J, fmr Mulraney, J. P., fmr Murray, Wm, engr Norris, L, fmr Norris, Silas, fmr Offerhaus, E J, Dr, drugstore, Lans- downe Paten, Geo, fmr Paten, G C, fmr Paten, John, fmr Patten, Chas, clerk Patten, Edward, clerk Patten, Levi, lumber mcht Pplly, R 8, C.E., surveyor and fmr Pringle, John, carpenter Reid, William, fmr Ruckle, Edward, fmr Rush, G W, fmr Schneider, H, blacksmith Scales, Wm, fmr Thompson, C, fmr Tilton, C C, fmr Thompson, John, fmr Thorn, Edward, fmr EE OUR SCOrCH AND ENGLISH TWEED SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS ] B. WZU.IA1IS * CO., OlAtUen and HattMM. 97 Johaaoa St.. Vietwrlib E X A S "A K I C E c o V A X c o u V E B B C ^'■:, 1 ;■'., im DUPONT BLOCK, L. J. COLE COLUMBIA STREET, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. Noturif PHhlie, Conreyaneer, Aeeountant and AudHtor, Menu mnd Accounts Settled. Batatea Managed, P-£^ t ; I /i c/o b W b <\ Si O 00 CO IC &z:4 116 LAB BBITI8H COLUMBIA DIBECTOBT. LIIi Wallace, G J, fmr Wright, H W, fmr Wright, Robert, fmr Wright, Rev John, minister Williamson, Thomas, butcher Wright, Mary W, fmr Young, Frank, fmr LARDEAU CITY. Situated on the north-east arm of the Upper Arrow Lake. The Lardeau mining camps are all tributary to this point with rich ledges of argen- tiferous and auriferous metals. Communication by steamer from Revelstoke distance 40 miles. A branch railroad is to be built from Revelstoke to Arrow Lake v/hich will give communication at all sea- sons of the year Armstrong, Wm, miner Beaton, Malcolm, fmr Blackburn, Chas F, geologist Cleaveland, Wm, packer Oonnell, R, fmr Crochett. Edw, miner Gainor, A, miner Johnston, Evan, rancher and packer Kellie. J M, xM.P.P Lamey, D A, merchant McKay, Angus, rancher McLeod, Robt, hotelkeeper McRae, Alexander, miner Mitchel, Frank, rancher and miner Pool, W P, miner Ritchie, Geo, miner Robertpon, H, miner Saunderson, Gus, miner Seroy S H, miner Slanbu, Jno, fmr Stranburg, Ole, miner Taylor, Ohas, miner Thompson, J W, fmr Underbill, S, miner Webster, Wm, miner LEANCHOIL. In the East Kootenay District. A flag station on the C. P. R., 496 miles from Vancouver. Nearest postoffice, telegraph and express office, Golden. LILLOOET. Postmaster, C. A. Phaib. In the Dominion Electoral District of Cariboo and Provincial of Lillooet, is situated on the right bank of the Fraser River. It is connected with Clinton and Ashcroft by a good wa^on road, over which communi- cation is made once a week by stage from Clinton, connecting with the Cariboo stage. There is also com- munication by trail from Lytoon, distant, 40 miles. Nearest tele- graph office, Clinton, 47 miles, rail- way station, Ashcroft, 60 miles; banking point, Kamloops. Pem- berton Meadows is the otily part of the district which needs irrigation. Ah Foo, trader Allan, Nicol, fmr, Pemberton Mead- ows Allan, Thomas, fmr, Pemberton Meadows Allen, Mrs Jane, hotelkeeper Anthony, J H, mine owne. Beeton, Angus, mgr, Lillooet Hy- draulic Mining Co Belie, Antonio, miner Bell, J 8, clerk with C A Phair Bonini, Nicola, fmr Bridge, William, fmr, Pemberton Meadows Browne, C E, fmr, Pemberton Mead- ows Buckle, H 0, mine owner Butler, George, fmr, Pemberton Meadows Carey, Daniel, fmr Chisholm, Roderick, miner Colbeck, Mrs A J, school teacher Coombes, J R, fmr, Pemberton Mead- ows Copeland, Joseph, labr Coughlan, David, fmr, Pemberton Meadow Cullen, Philip, miner Gumming, Robt, photographer Cumming, Wm, jr, teamster Cumming, Wm, trader Currie, John, fmr, Pemberton Mead- ows Curtis, Alfred, fmr, Pemberton Mead- ows Davis, Francis P, miner Dickey, James, fmr Dickey, James, jr, fmr Dickey, William L, fmr T. J. TRAPP & CO., HaMware, Paints, Oils aM Aisricnltiiral Mplemeiits. Columbia Street, NEW WBSTMINSTfiB, B. G. HODSOI'S BUY to MPtlY, IgeDts for Pert Gatr] and Bentot Counti Floiirliie Hills -VICTORIA, B. O.- LIL BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTOBY, LIL 117 DeSbields, Joseph, labr Mcintosh, William, fmr, Pemberton Diggens, James, labr Meadows Don, David, fmr, Pemberton Mead- McKee, HuKh,fmr,Pemberton Mead- ows ows Donforio, Frank, fmr, Pemberton McLean, Alex, labr Meadows McMullen, Isaac, fmr, Pemberton Duguid, William, carpenter Meadows Dunlop, John, trader Means, Richard, labr Edwards, George, fmr, Pemberton Mowialot, Louis, labr Meadows Nelson, Harvey, fmr, Pemberton Edwards, John, fmr, Pemberton Meadows Meadows Nelson, James T, fmr, Pomberton Elliott, Charles, fmr, Pemberton Meadows Meadows Nelson, Robert, fmr, Pemberton Elliott, Kobert, fmr, Pemberton Meadows Meadows Nelson, Thomas, fmr, Pemberton Fong Tai, trader Meadows Eraser, Duncan, bartender Nelson, William, fmr, Pemberton Gott, Eugene, labr Meadows Gott, Francis, fmr Ordine & Sant'ui, traders Gott, Joseph, labr Perry, H P, fmr, Pemberton Mead- Green, Thomas H, labr ows Harris, Thomas, fmr Peters, Eusebius 8, miner Hoey, Bicbard, fmr Pettel, S M, fmr, Pemberton Meadows ' Hogg, William, fmr, Pemberton Meadows Pettibone. W R, miner fhair, C A, trader and postmistress Ho Sang, trader Phair, C, stipendiary magistrate Huffman, Manx, labr Porter, James, labr Hunter, George, fmr, Pemberton Presley, Frank, fmr, Pemberton Meadows Meadows Hurley, Daniel, miner Real, Alfred A, Pemberton Meadows Jensen, J N, miner Reece, Ernest E, fmr, Pemberton Keary, Harry J, labr Lambert, J R, miner Meadows Rehder, George, fmr, Pemberton La Eochelle, Baptiste, fmr La Eochelle, Fabian, fmr Meadows Riley, William C, fmr La Kochelle, Francis, labr Roberts, John H, fmr, Pemberton Lasr.er, George, miner Meadows Long, John, trader, Pemberton Mead- Roberts, Julian H, fmr, Pemberton ows Meadows Macpherson, D H, mine owner Rougier, James J, fmr, Pemberton Mann, Alex, frm, Pemberton Mead- Meadows ows ^ Santini, Paul, miner' Marshall, Felix, labr Scott, George D, fmr, Pemberton Marshall, John, miller Meadows McCartney, Marcus, miner Scott, Leonard,fmr,Pemberton Mead- McA)onald, Archibald, miner ows McDonald, Dougal, fmr See Hing Lung, trader McEwan, John, fmr, Pemberton Smith, A W, M.P.P Meadows Smith, John P,fmr, Pemberton Mead- McEwan, Thomas, fmr, Pemberton ows Meadows Stevenson, David, fmr, Pemberton McGill, George H, fmr, Pemberton Meadows Meadows Stockham, Frederick, fmr, Pember- McGregor, John, fmr, Pemberton ton Meadows . Meadows Swart, J A, fmr McHardy, James, fmr, Pemberton Tavlor, John H, fmr, Pemberton Meadows Meadows C/3 CO en o o » e p- s» P< O t 9 CD OB 1^ i| * M B INTERIOR WOODWORK, OFFICE AND BAB FITTINGS Ibd* to Ordw hj WEILER BROS. I v^ i mmmmi» E. T. WILLIAMS »a Broad Ht., VUitoria. P-l 00 -M 1 « « (3i pQ Pm ■«-> «M « o 5 s ^ s 1— t V ^ ■4id >: cn a fa 1 H I 118 LOO BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. LOW Terry, Bichard, labr Thomas, Thomas, fmr, Pemberton Meadows Tinker, George R, fmr Vincent, W H, Pemberton Meadows Watt, Frederick Webster, Frederick, fmr West,' William P, fmr, Pemberton Meadows Williams, Owen, miner Withey, P, fmr, Pemberton Meadows Ye Sing Co, traders LITTLE QUALICUM. In the Dominion Electoral District of Vancouver and Provincial of Nana- imo. Mail is taken per steamer from Nanaimo, which is the near- est telegraph, express and banking point. Principal industries, fish- ing and farming. Communication bv steamer from Nanaimo and (?omox twice per week. Fitzgerald, Michael, fmr Fitzgerald, Mrs Michael Joy, Charles, fisherman Kincade, Thomas, fmr and fisherman Grandon, Geo, fmr and fisherman Grandon, Robert, fisherman LOCH ERROCH. Postmaster. Thomas Wilson. A fiag station under the name of Ross Ranch and post settlement in the Dominion and Provincial Electoral District of New Westminster, 8 miles from Chilliwack; nearest railway station, telegranh and ex- Sress offices, Agassiz ; banking point, ew Westminster. Communica- tion by railway to Vancouver, or boat to New Westminster Bush, Arthur H, assistan*^^ mgr Hunt, John, fmr Inch, John, fmr Kelly, Joseph, fmr MacLennan, John, fmr Malcolm, Alex, fmr Parent, Felix, fmr Roberts, Richard, fmr Rooks, Robert, fmr Ross, A W, M.P Shea, William, fmr Smith, George L, fmr Wilson, Tom, mgr for A W Robs,M.P LOWE INLET. This is an important fishing and . packing station, the local packing company putting up on an average 15,000 cases every year. Com- munication by steamer from Vic- toria and Nanaimo. Bowyer, Job, sr, watchman Bowyer, Job, cannery engr Hom'ans, James, Capt, str Muriel Leigh, W L, bookkeeper Lowe Inlet Packing Co, R Cunning- ham & John Rood, props, salmon canners, gen mchts and lur dealers Rood, Jno, mgr cannery and part prop Shultz, Max, engr, str Muriel Warberton, Harry, cannery foreman LOWER NICOLA. Postmaster, R. W. Woodward. In the Dominion Electoral District o Yale-Kootenay and Provincial of Yale, on the Nicola and Kamloops road. Nicola Valley, is 72 miles from Kamloops, which is the nearest banking point; mails, bi-weekly; nearest railway sta- tion, telegraph, and express o«ices, Spence's Bridge; dis- . .ce, 36 miles; communication by stage onc6 a week from Kamloops, also from Spence's Bridge. Lower Nicola postoffice is the forwarding oflSce for the Granite Creek and Princeton ; mails once per month. Aihart, D, trapper and miner Armstrong, G B, gen mcht Barwick, Nat, carpenter Duncan. Harry, clerk Irwin, A, carpenter Irwin, Bert, gardener Irwin, Joseph, school teacher Lindley, George, fmr Lindley, H, fmr Lindley, Ix>uis, fmr McKitrick, P, fmr Parsons, H S, fmr Richardson, Edward, fmr Richardson, Harry, fmr and sawyer Roberts, L M, gentleman fmr Ryan, P, fmr Schwartz, Thos, sock raiser and fmr Smith, James, blacksmith Tisdale, H, gentleman Webb, H, painter Woodward, Ernest, teamster T. DOBESON. N. W. DOBESON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron and Itra»» Voundera, General MaehiniaUt All Kindt of Jlepairt, Zand and Marine. NANAIMO, . . BRITISH COLUMBIA. Victoria XransfiBr Cot* I<td« BUte» ana u^ithe»t1S'ap9teh. 21 and 23 Bronghton StrMt, Victoria, B. C. Tel. 139. T £ X A S li A K £ I C £ c o V A N C O u V £ B B C LUL BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. LUL 119 Woodward, Clarence, herder and cow boy Woodward, F D, labr Woodward, H H, fmr Woodward. Thomas, J.P., fmr Woodward, Norman, gentleman Woodward, W E, fmr Woodward, B. Ai., postmaster and gen mcht LULU ISLAND. Postmaster, W. H. LorDON. In the Dominion and Provincial Electoral District of New West- minster, is 2 miles from Steveston. Communication with Victoria, New Westminbier and Vancouver, the latter being the nearest telegraph, express and railway station, and also the banking point. Adsett, Thomas, farm hand Alexander, George, mer Canadian Paciiic Packing Co, ltd Bailey, Wm, watchman Beaver Can- ning Co Baines, J H, foreman Pacific Coast Packing Co, ltd Bain, H H, mgr Pacific Coast Pack- ing Co, ltd Bartlett, Ed, carpenter A.B.O. Pkg Co, ltd Babcock, Wm,carpenter C.P. Packing Co, ltd Beanscombe, Sol, fmr Beckman, John, fmr Blackburn, J, farm hand Blair, James, fmr Blair, James, jr, fmr Blair, John, fmr Blue, J, fmr Bowditch, J P Bylander, O P, fmr Canadian Pacific Packing Co, ltd Clemes, A, fmr Cope, William, farm hand Dalil, Herman, fmr Dahl, John, fmr Dalzel, Andrew, fmr Dickenson, W W, A.B.C. Pkg Co, ltd Die, W J, mchnst A.B.C. Pkg Co, ltd Donley, W, netman Beaver Can'g Co Dowe, A, carpt A.B.C. Pkg Co, ltd Dowe, S, carpt A.B.C. Pkg Co, ltd Doyle, E J, storekpr A.B.O. PkgCo,ltd Draney, George, blacksmith Draney, John, fmr English, M M, mgr A B.C. PkgCo,ltd English, W D, secy Fiirman, John, fmr Featherstone, John, fmr Fortune, James, engr C.P. Pkg Co, ltd Gair, Jno, watchman,P.C. Pkg Co, ltd Gay, Wm, fmr Genard, F, fmr Genurd, E, fmr Green, F, fmr Green, John, fmr Hagman, Wm, farm hand Hall, Geo, solderman,C.P. Pkg Co,ltd Hall, Jas, watchman,C.P. Pkg Co, ltd Harding, Wm, fmr Havman, Wm, farm hand Hennesy, Alex, asst engr, C.P. Pkg Co, ltd Hennesy, Danl, mgr C.P. Pkg Co, ltd Herbert, H, fmr Hood, Robt, carpt A.B.C. Pkg Co, ltd Hood, Thos, carpt,A.B.C. Pkg Co, ltd Hunter, John, farm hand Kidd, Thos, fmr Konaski, F, netm'n, A.B.C. PkgCo,ltd Johnson, Edward, fisherman Johnson, Gus, capt str Winnifred Lasier, A, foreman C.P. Pkg Co, ltd Leamy, C, clerk P.C. Pkg Co, ltd Lee, Walter, fmr Lindsay, T, fmr Loudon Bros, store and bdg house^ post office, etc Loudon, W H, postmstr Lord, W R, forem'n A.B.C. PkgCo,ltd Martin, Norman, netman P.O. Pkg Co, ltd Martin, Ross, watchm'n, Beaver Can- ning Co Main, Alex, retman, P.C. Pkg Co, ltd Mathers, J N, school teacher Matheson, C E, netman, A.B.C. Pkg Co, ltd MacBain, J L, ^s%i foreman A.B.C. Pkg Co McDonald, Geo, bookkpr, C.P. Pkg Co. ltd McDonald, H C, engr Beaver Can- ning Co McElhinney, — , asst forem'n, A.B.C. Pkg Co, ltd McGuigan, — , policeman A.B.C. Pkg Co, ltd McKim, Thos, blacksmith, C.P. Pkg Co, ltd McKinley, W, engr A.B.C. PkgCo,ltd McLeod, EE, storekeeper A.B.C. Pkg Co, ltd Eaatern TAILOR-MADE SUITS to Measure. 'hl^iR/4iil^ See oar s^mpiea and prieea. B. WILLIAMS & CO., 97 Johnson St., Victoria. T T rOT P I^EAL ESTATE AND mSTJRANOE Li* J • X^yjLdLd Dnpont Block, CoIubMb St, H«w Waatmlnaltr, B. C. < M ffl o 00 CO 10 120 LCL BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. LYT McMyn, John, fmr McMvn, James, fmr McMvn, W R, fmr Mitten, H E, watchman A.B.C. Pkg Co, ltd Morris, Oscar, farm hand Murgatroyd, Walter, (gentleman Mutch, Jno,fi8herman,C.PPkg Co, ltd Sailes, Joseph, fmr Sexemich, Charles, gentleman Smith, George, fmr Smith, Jas,fisherman,C.P. PkgCo,ltd Smith, Thos, fmr Spitall, John, foreman, P.C. Co, ltd Owen, J J, fmr Pacific Coast Packing Co ltd, mgr H H Bain Pearson, S M, fmr Pearson, Thos, fmr Rees, Rice, fmr Reid, D, fmr Ross, Jno, netman, C.P. Pkg Co, ltd Rowan, Jno, foreman Beaver Cann'g Co Rowan, Jas, Beaver Canning Co Thomas, John, farm hand Tiffin, H M, fmr Todd, J H&Sons, props Beaver Can- nery Wadhams, W A, foreman, A.B.C. Pkg Co, ltd Walker, Wm, fmr Ward, Arthur, bookkpr, Beaver Can- ning Co Whiteside, Jas, fmr Whiteside, Jno, fmr Whiteside, Robt, fmr Winch, R V, mgr C.P. Pkg Co, ltd Woodward, Dan, fmr Woodward, Nathan, fmr Yainajocki, F, netman, A.B.C. Pkg Co, ltd Young, Corey, fmr Yuil, Robt, carpt C.P. Pkg Co, ltd LUND. POBTUASTEB, ChAS. A. ThULIN. In the Dominion and Provincial Elec- toral District of New Westminster, on the West Coast, 85 miles from Vancouver, which is the nearest banking point, telegraph and ex- press office; mails weekly; com- munication by boat once a' week. Anderson, Jack, fmr Anderson, Lewis, fmr Baker, Charles, Hernando Island Bell, William, logger Bithers, Al, logger Blaney, William, logger Carlson, Edwin, fmr Chissam, Archie, fmr Coulter, Sam, logger Evans, Richard, logger Farry, T B, logger Goranson, Svan, fmr Goranson, Hans, fmr Green, John, general merchant Gustafson, Alex, fmr Hallcrow, Andrew, fmr, Cortez Islnd Hanson, Peter E, fmr, Cortez Island Hanson, H, fmr Harding, Andrew, logger Harding, Charles, logger Heggarty, James, logger Johnson, E, fmr Johnson, Frank, logger Jonson, William, logger King, A C, logger Savoir, Frederick, logger Lewis, Richard, fmr Maloy, George, logger Mars, Thomas, logger McCallum, Frank, carpenter McNeil, Andrew, logger McPherson, John, logger Meyers, John, teamster Morris, James, logger Neilson, Alexander, logger Neilson, Louis, logger Nelson, Charles M, fmr Norman, M, fmr Thuiiu, Chas A, postmaster Thulin, F G, bartender Tomas, William, fmr Vane, Richard A, logger Vaughan, Ernest A, Imr, Cortez Islnd Vroom, J P, fmr Waminsley, William, logger Wildgrube, William, logger LYTTON. Postmaster, A. Stevenson. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Kootenay and Provincial of Yale, is 156 miles from Van- couver. Post, money order, tele- graph and express ofSce. Nearest banking point, Kamloops, mails daily. It is a thriving and busy town, on the main line of the C.P.R. T. J. TRAPP & CO., HarHf are, Faints, Oils anil Ajolcnltiiial Iipleients. Columbia Street, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. G. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY f bolesale Grocers & fine lercbants VICTORIA, B. C. LYT BRITIBH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. HAP 121 Adams, H, labr Barricks, J B, fmr Blackford, Henry, blacLamith Brown, John J, quarrvman Bnie, Arthur B, m^r for A Stevenson Collins, Jerry, section foreman Donnelly, Chas 6, agent C.P.R Dwyer, James, section foreman Earle, Thos G, fmr Enrico, Ender, foreman C.P.R Felt, Joei quarryman Foo Sang, merchant Harkins, H, section foreman Hart, James A, carpenter Hatton, John, watchman Hautier, A F, gentleman Haulier, Albert J, hotel prop , Hong Wo, merchant Kane, William, fmr Kennedy, Wm, watchman Killroy, Patrick, butcher LeFevre, Felix, quarryman Lock, Thos, labr Loring, Deles, fmr Loring, James, fmr Loring, L D, fmr Lovett, Robt, fmr Manning, Robt F, quarryman McGillivrey, Chas, sec foreman McKay, John, fmr McKnight, James, hotel prop Neale, Robert, quarryman Noel, Geo, fmr O'Dwyer, Thos, gentleman Pearson, James, merchant Pickard, Miss Milly, teacher public school Rafter, Martin, labr Raspberry, Archibald, mgr for P Rebagliati, B, merchant Rebajgliati, H, fmr Rud(K>ck, Robt, fmr Seward, Fred, fmr i Seward, Thos, fmr Shannon, Sam, quarryman Steffins, Henry, section foreman Stevenson. Arthnr, merchant and postmaster Taylor, John, fmr Wallace, James, blacksmith Walsh, William, merchant Watkinson, Fred, fmr Watkinson, Joseph, fmr Windsor, Wm, gentleman MAPLE BAY. POSTMABTBR, WALTER MoRLEY. In the Dominion Electoral District of Vancouver and the Provincial of Cowichan. Nearest express and telegraph ofSce £ & N Ry , distance six miles ;steamer from Victoria 40 miles. Alard, M, labr Beaumont, C, fmr Beaumont, Fred, fmr Berdot, Peter, labr Bottril, Matthew, fmr Chisholm, Andrew, fmr Chisholm, Joseph, fmr Chisholm, William, sr, fmr Chisholm, William, jr, fmr Drummond, Alex, fmr Edson, J, fmr Edson, M, fmr Fleet, John, fmr Fleet, Peter, fmr French, William J, fmr Hadwin, — , fmr Hales, Mrs Humphrey, John, cptr and builder Jones, George, foreman quarry man Jones, Richard, quarry man Jones, William, quarry man Jones, William, labr King, Charles, labr Ijilley, George, sr, fmr Lilley, George, jr, fmr Morrison, Miller, fmr Morley, Walter, postmaster Richards, J, farmer Richards, Joseph, jr, fmr Shopland, John, fmr Symens, Richard, fmr MAPLE RIDGE MUNICIPALITY. {See Port Hammond and Pitt River.) In the Dominion and Provincial Electoral Districtof New Westmin- ster is situated on the right bank of the Eraser River, on which it has a frontage of 16 miles. It ex- tends from Stave River on the east to Pitt River on the west. Post- office, telegraph and express offi- ces, Port Hammond ; nearest bank- ing point, New Westminster ; daily mails east and west. The steam- ers plying up and down the Fraser River all call. There are three postoffices in the Municipality, viz.: P^ 2 ^ ® El iture Dealers, !A " ■'■ mif 1^ VTMTT^T O^T ""''* Hands and Mora CapiUl than all other Bindmias ^^ ™^ ^Mjjafc^ MJi\M A In tba Pfovinca. « * « R. T. WILLIAMS »« HXOAO BTKJBMIT,. VICTORIA. OP ^3 I t EH 9 ■«iB o OS U « S 122 MAB DRITrHH COLUMBIA OIBECTOBY. MCP Port Hammond, Whannock. Port Haney, and MALCOLM ISLAND. f See Alert Bay.) In the Dominion Electoral District of New Westminster and Provincial of the Coast, is a little north of Cormorant Island. Nearest post- office, Alert Bay. A colony of the Christian Temperance Common- wealth Society is established on the island. Mr. Joseph Spencer is at the head of the colony. ~ MARA. POSTMASTEB, S. ApPLEBY. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Kootenay and Provincial of Yale, is a flag; station on the Shus- wap and Okanagan Railway ; near- est telegraph and express office, Enderby, distant ten miles ; bank- ing point, Vernon. Mails twice a week. Appleby, 8, fmr and postmaster Burton, H, fmr Chappelie, Edward, fmr Dean, F, labr Elson, W, labr Eves, James, fmr Gray, Thomas fmr Guilletto, James, fmr James, H B, fmr Johnson, F. fmr Johnson, Henry, labr Jones, D F, labr Lambert, John, fmr Lee, Wm, fmr Little, Charles, fmr • Little, Geo, fmr Moser, J, fmr Owen, Walter, fmr Owen, Wm, fmr Riches, Frank, fmr Roitner, John, fmr Rosoman, G, fmr Rosoman, H, fmr Roeoman, J E, fmr Rosoman, C, labr Rosoman, P, fmr Shannon, D, fmr Stroulger, A D, fmr Sulsifer, Wm, section foreman Weir, Geo, fmr MASSETT. (8tf, also North West Coait.) In the Cassiar District, Queen Char- lotte Island Division, is 100 miles north of Skidegate. Steamers from Victoria monthly. Alexander, J M L, trader, H.B. Go Edenshaw, H, clerk H.B. Co Keen, Rev J W, Church of England minister McKenzie, A, rancher and prospector MATSQUI, Or St. Mary's Mission. ^»S'ee Mission City.) In the Dominion and Provincial Electoral District of New West- minster, forms part of the Munici- pal of Chilliw.ack. It is distant 44 miles from Vancouver and about 36 miles from New Westminster. Postofflce, railway station, tele- graph and express office, Missio'' MAYNE ISLAND. (See Plumper's Pass.) Is centrally situated between Vic- toria, Nanaimo and New Westmin- ster ; has a promising outlook for coal and has fine harbors and bays. McPHERSON'S STATION. Postmistress, Miss A.Niohtinoalb. In the Dominion Electoral District of Vancouver and Provincial of Cow'chan. A station on the Esc^ui- malt '% Nanaimo railway, 35 miles from \Mctoria,'and 38 from Nanai- mo ; nearest telegraph office, Kok- silah ; distance, three miles ; ex- press, Duncan's station ; banking point, Victoria. Anderson, Louie N, quarry foreman Armfelt, P A C, fmr Aspland, Sydney, fmr Bartlett, George, fmr Boal, James, fmr Carvell, Philip, fmr Colvin, Robert, fmr Colvin, Thomas, fmr T. DOBESON, N. W. DOBBBON. NANAIMd FOUNDRY, Iron and Brata Founders, Oenerat MaehintatSt ^11 Kind* of Bepairt, Zand and Marine. NANAIMO. - • BRITISH COLUMBIA. Victoria Tj »t an MET Cook, George i De Ridden, Pt Dobs m, Ben, Forrest, Edwa Forrest, Willia Frumento, Pae keeper Hawthornthwi Hawthornthwt Hennessy, Pet( Lewis, George, May, Arthur, c McCallum, Cat Millett, Willia: Nicholson, Edw Nightingale, Ja Nigrhtiugrale, ; Panneli, Charh Porter, George Porter, Walter, Reid, Alexande Robertson, Wil Schmidt, Frank Smith, William Stewart, Donak Stubbs, Willian Taylor, George, Todd, Arthur, f Wilmot, E M, f Young, D, fmr ME1 In the Provinci of Esquimau b toria, is a rur« couver Islanc about 24 squa tant from Vii direction, fift( trict is a ver intersected h Among its m roundings art Ash's Vines ; ; Valley, Peddei and William'f ster's Plains, which stands ing a revolvir twenty miles, cinity. Argyle, Thos, fm Ball, Cbas, fmr, Bennet, Edward, Bennett, John sr, Bennett, John jr. Bexanton, Geo, fi 'Ms B.'W Victoria Transfer Co., Ltd. """SSI5 D"HV.?i!.J'o'r.5';2S ^LTJH^^'- VI ami! 98 Broughton Btreet, Tieforia, B. O. Ttlephttnm 190. Mo MET BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. MET 123 Cook, George S, fmr De Ridden, Peter, carpenter Dobs >n, Ben, (tur Forrest, Edward H, fmr Forrest, William, fmr Frumento, Pasquole, hotel and store- keeper Hawthornthwaite, J H, fmr Hawthornthwaite, Wm, gentleman Henneesy, Peter, fmr Lewis, George, fmr May, Arthur, uook McCallum, Campbell, fmr Millett, William, fmr Nicholson, Edwin, blacksmith Nightingale, James, fmr Ni^htiugale, Miss A, postmistress Pannell, Charles, carpenter Porter, George R, fmr Porter, Walter, fmr Reid, Alexander, fmr Robertson, William R, fmr Schmidt, Frank, fmr Smith, William, fmr Stewart, Donald, fmr Stubbs, William, fmr Taylor, George, fmr Todd, Arthur, fmr Wilmot, E M, fmr Young, D, fmr METCHOSIN. In the Provincial Electoral District of Esquimau and Dominion of Vic- toria, is a rural settlement on Van- couver Island, with an area of about 24 square miles, and is dis- tant from Victoria, in a westerly direction, fifteen miles. The dis'- trict is a very fertile one, and is intersected by excellent roads. Among its most attractive sur- roundings are Big Lake, or Dr. Ash's Vines ; Bilston Falls, Happy Valley, Pedder Bay, Rocky Point and William's Head, and Sang- ster's Plains, Race Rocks, on which stands the lighthouse, giv- ing a revolving flash visible for twenty miles, are also in the vi- cinity. Argyle, Thos, fmr, Rocky Pt Ball, Chas, fmr, Rocky Pt Bennet, Edward, labr, Happy Valley Bennett, John sr, fmr, Happy Valley Bennett, John jr, labr, Happy Valley Bexanton, Geo, fmr. Rocky Pt J^icknell, John, labr, Metchosin Xirown, Chas, fmr, Bpechy Bay Brown, Geo, fmr, Beechy Bay Chidley, Ed, labr, Rockv Pt Clarke, Arthur, fmr, Happy Valley Cole, Geo, fmr, Motehoein Cook, Geo, fmr, Metchosin Duke, Thos, fmr, Albert Head Dunne, Walter C, fmr, Metchosin Dutnall, Geo, fmr, Albert Head Ellison, Rev W G H, Albert Head Elliott, Duncan E, s'hool teacher Fields, Ed, fmr, Happy Valley Fisber, Wm, J. P., fmr, Metchosin Gleed, Mrs Rachael, fmr, Metchosin Helgeson, Hans, fmr, Metchosin Helgeson, Hy, fmr. Met hosin Inverarity, Albert C, fmr, Albert Hd Lawson, Wm, labr, Metchosin Lnw, Jacob, fmr, Beechv Bay McDearmid, Malcolm, fmr, Mtchosn McLennan, Finley, fmr, Rocky Pt McLennan, John, fmr, Rockv Pt McLeod, Rev Thos, Rocky Pt Mull, Isaac, fmr, Happy Valley Parker, Thos, fmr and stage driver. Rocky Pt Parry, Clinton, fmr. Rock Pt Pears, Geo, fmr, Metchosin Pears, Joseph, labr, Metchosin Peoggeo, Gmlio, fmr, Happy Valley Pool, Walter, fmr, Happy Valley Rhode, Joseph, fmr, liappy Valley Roberts, John, Metchosin Roy, Samuel, fmr, Metchosin Smart, Mrs Caroline, Metchosin Stothard, Thos U, Metchosin Vigelius, L fmr, Metchosin Walker, James, fmr, Happy Valley Walker, James, fmr, Metchosin Weir, Adam, fmr, Metchosin Weir, John, fmr, Metchosin W«*ir, Robt, J. P., fmr, Metchosin Witty, Henry, Metchosin Witty, Mrs M, fmr, Metchosin Witty, Robt, Metchosin Witty, William, Metchosin Wood, Geo, fmr, Happy Valley METLAKATLA. (See also Northwest Coast.) Postmaster, John Cunningham. In the Cassiar District, Skeena Divis- ion, is a village, 650 miles from Victoria, situated on the North- west Coast. It is reached bv Cana- T E X A S L A K £ I C £ c o V A N C O u V E B B C See our Boys' Snits anil Oyercoats. Best assortoent in tie City. pricosLow.onaiityGfloi B. WIULIAM8 * Co., 97 JOHNSON ST., VICTORIA. mwmm C/^ IT fitW X! Acent for The Canadian Fire Iiw. Co., The London ft Canadian • «l • KfXWMJXi Ffre Ins. Co., Ltd, The Federal Life Au. Co., The J. ft J. Taylor, Safes and Vault Ooors. Secretary of the Royal City Bclldingr Society, Secy-Treas. of tha Standard Loan and Savings Co. NEW WESTBUK^TER, B. C. iJ^ < CQ i i O o 00 CO 10 124 MIL BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTOBY. MIL dian Paci6e Navigation Co's steam- ers from Victoria ; nearest telegraph and express ofii... a, Nanaimo. His Lordship, Bishop Ridley, has here the headquarters of his Diocese of Caledonia. Anderson, Miss R, matron, Caledonia hospital Arda^h, V E R, L.R.C.P.S., hospital Cunningham, J, Indian trader Dickenson, MissE, matron «l/1s home Kirby, J, steward, str "Vigilant" Ridley, Right Rev Wm, Bishop of Caledonia Robertson, W H, instructor indus- >!;rial school Rudland, Wm, carpt Scott, J R, principal industrial school Spence, J, engr, str "Vigilant" St Arnaud, J, fmr Todd, C, com of police and Indian agent Travis, Jas, blacksmith White, J, fisherman Willis, D, fisherman Wilson, F, fishtitman Wilson, G, fisherman Wilson, Wm H, canneryman MILE HOUSES. (See also Pavilion Mt. and Clinton, Bridge Creek and Keithly Creek.) Along the old Cariboo Wagon Road. One Hundred-Mlle House— A country telegi-aph office on the Cariboo AVagon Road. Nearest railway sta- tion, Ashcroft. In the Provincial and Dominion Electoral District of Cariboo. One Hundred and Fifty-Mile House. Postmaster, Robert Borland. In i>omin:oa and Provincial Elec- toral District of Cariboo, Clinton is the nearest town, distance 100 miles. There is a post, telegraph and express office. Communica- tion by B. C. Express Co.'s stage from Ashcroft station, C.P.R., dis- tance, 135 miles. Adamson, Stewart, clerk Allen, W F, constable and collector Anders, Wm, fmr, William's Landi'g Austin, Wm, labr, " Bain, Jas, finr Bambri J, Chas, stock raiser,Chilcoten Belmoi.t, Joseph, miner Bent, Wm, packer Borland, Bobert, trader and P. M Brodie, John, miner Browi; , Fred, miner Campbell, Alex, miner Cariom, Rev Father, pastor O.M.I, William's lake Chiappini, Rev Father, pastor O.M.I, William's lake Eagle & Paxton, traders Eagle, Charles Wm, trader Felker, Geo,8to'k raiser,144-Mile Hse Felker, Henry, jr, stock raiser, 144- Mile House Felker, Henry, fmr Felker, Wm, sto'k raiser,144-MileHBe Ford, Jas, miner Golden, P H, miner Hamilton, Charles, labr Hamilton, Charles, h br Hamilton, Colin, miner Hamilton, John, teamster Hamilton, Gavin, jr, labr, William's lake Hamilton, Peter, stock raiser Hamilton, Richd, labr, William's lake Hough , Jeff, teamster Huerto, Santiago, stock raiser Humphreys, Thomas B, labr Isnardie, Frank, stock raiser, Chim- ney creek Isnardie, Jos, jr, ferryman, Chimney creek Isnardie, Jos, stock raiser Johnston, George, blacksmith Johnston, George, ]r, labr Johnston, James, packer Jones, David, school teacher Kelly, Jos, labr Labossier, Jos, cook eJacc|ue8, Rev Father, priest O.M.I, Wilham's lake McAdams, Chester, miner McAllister, Thos, stock raiser McCallum, Dan, miner McMullen, Jno, teamster McRae, An^us, mail carrier Murphy, Dennis, fmr Murphy, Jno, fmr Ogden, Isaac, lDookkpr,William'B lake Parker, Ryland, labr, Alexandria Patenaude, Jos, bookkeeper Paxton, Thos, trader Pedro, John, packer Phibbs, John, minei Pinchbeck, Jas, labr, William's lake Airtii, Rob( Alld'-ed, W Belleone H( Railway e Bijou, fruit Bishop, Joh Board of Tr meetings Bodington, Home av< Eonnick, Jo Braunin, C depot Brett, Thoi Mission Browne, A Mission T. ii. TRAPP & CO., HarHware, Paints, Oils anil Auriciiltaral Implemts. I lif[j Colombia Street, NEW WESTMINSTiCB, B. C. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Xurnpean and UnglUh OSOOXBIXB, WINBH and I,IQVOItS, Free and in Bond. VICTORIA, B. C. HIS BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTOBY. VM 125 Pinchbeck, Wni, labr, Williams' lake Pinchbeck, Wm, fmr, " Porter, Alex, fmr Bauson, Ghas, tmr Rojas, Jacinto, stock raiser Bose, Fred, fmr Shaw, Bobert L, miner Smidt, Jos, tailor Stevens, Jos, miner Tabouret, Jules, school teacher (Mis- sion) William's lake Thompson, Wm J, miner Triplet, Jno, miner Vieth . Geo, trader, Keithley ck Vieth &. Borland, traders Warren, Artnur, labr, William's lake MISSION CITY. POSTMASTEB, M. DeS BrISAY. In the Dominion and Provincial Electoral District of New West- minster, is situated at the junc- tion of the Bellingham Bay and British Columbia Railroad with the G.P.R., about 35 miles from New Westminster and 43 from Vancouver. Communication by railroad and steamboat. Mails twice daily ; has telegraph and ex- press offices nearest banking Eoint, New Westminster. Trains oth East and West stop at Mis- sion City and connect for Washing- ton, Oregon and California. The steamers plying up and down the Fraser River call regularly. The welfare of the town is looked after by a Board of Trade, composed of the leading business men. Airtii, Robert, drayman, Home ave Alld'ed, W H, carpt, Seattle st Belleone Hotel, H Windebank, prop. Railway st Bijou, fruit and cigar. Home ave Bishop, John, carpt, Durien st Board of Trade, presidt, H B French, meetings held Bank blk, Home ave Bodington, G F, M.D., res Bank blk. Home ave Eonnick, John, labr. Harbor st Braunin, Charles, tele oper, O.P.R depot Brett, Thomas, butcher, res Hotel Mission Browne, A H L, journalist, Hotel Mission Burnham, J L, tele oper, C.P.R. dep Byers, Wil'iam, blksmith. Home ave Cade, George, section man C.P.R., Old Mission Cade, J.P, public school teacher Carey, Pat, fisherman, res Old Mis- sion Cleary, M,gentlemn, res Hamilton st C.O.O.F. Lodge, meets every 2nd Saturday Cox, T G, salesman, res Home ave Craig, John, contractor, Nanaimo st Cunningham, R S, bridge watchman C.P.R. branch Curry, R C, tinsmith, res Hotel Mis- sion Des Brisay, A, salesmn, res Home ave Des Brisay, M, mercht, res Home ave Defi Brisay, Miss L, bookkeeper, Home ave Doig, William, wtchmn, C.P.R bridge Dowding, I, labr, res Abbott st Dunn, W R, notary public, res Bank blk Elliott, George, boarding master's clerk. Clover Valley Emery, John, hotel clerk, Bellevue hotel Evans, P. labr, Matsqul liotel Forrest, George A, agent, res Downie st Fortin, George, mill ownr, Harbor st Fortin & Son, mill owner, Harbor »t Fortin, W, mill owner, res Durien st Fontaine, Victor, carpenter, res Home ave Eraser, Wm C, C. P. R. agent French, H B, pres Board of Trade, res Railway st Gjiripie. F, fisherman, res Old Mis- sion Gillia, J A, headmaster, ¥. C public school Gronper, M, boardinK ho'jse,Home st Hall & Brett, butchers, res Cresent Park Hall, F (Hall & Brett) res Cresent Park Haywood, William C, real estate agt. Hotel Mission Hclmer, Miss £ J, dressmaker, res Home ave Hotel Mission, John Monison, prop Howells, A H, journalist, res Home ave Hunter, J B, bridgeman C.P.R I O Foresters meets every Friday in Fraternity Hall CO » Q*a nae; n ^^^ • -— —" ■' " ■■■■■■■ II ■ — —...,. ,. - -_ ( WM BROS, are Complete House Furnishers. Largest Stock in B. C. a* ? IKS g S* OB Si 2 Qto •'9 «r ►< (0 ^^ OD o 5- o PB OB H \M ^ mmm ^m THE ZATBBT ZarPBOrJBMJS»t9 IITBOOK- BINBIira JLlfD PAPIBB BULXNa. y si Sit: fe PM i &4 OQ u R. T. Williams 28 BEi.OA.D SXRKBT, VICTORIA.. 126 MIS BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. MOO Keeves, James, section foreman Lamont,GB,gentleman,res Homeave Lane, Aga, salesman, res Home ave Lane, A W, miner, res Home ave Langley, J G, merchant L. O. L. meets every alternate Thurs- pay, J P Cade, secy Longheed, L, labr, res Old Mission Marguette, George, fisherman. Old Mission Marguette, J B, fisherman, res Old Mission Matsqni Hotel, prop F Mills McCullough, R, clergyman, res Home ave McKay, Joseph, labr, res Nanaimo st McMannamon, labr, res Nanaimo st McMillan, M, iiotel clerk. Hotel Mission McTaggart, bridge carpenter C.P.R Millard, A B, fisherman. Home ave Miller, H A, fruit dealer, res Home ave Mills, F, hotelkeeper, Home ave Mission City Bakery, James Plum- ridge mgr Mission Citv Canning Co, J A Cath- erwood, secy Mission City News, A H Howells ed and prop' Mission City Planing Mills, Fortier & Son, props Mftsion City Transfer Co Monison, John, hotelkeeper, Home ave Monison, Miss M G, fruit dealer Morin, A, retired farmer, res Home ave Murray, Bros, lumbermen, Home ave Murray, J I (Murray Bros) Durien st Murray, William (Murray Bros) Dur- ien st Nelson, Charles, druggist and chem- ist. Home ave Nicholson, Dan, carpenter Pacific Lodge. No 16, A. F. & A. M. meets Wednesday, O or D, full' moon in each month, James Baiss, secretary Picken, James, carpt, res Downie st Picken, Robert, labr, res Downie st Pilling, W C A, bookkeeper, res Elgante terrace Plumridge, James, prop, M C Bakery, Railway st Ross, Harry, gentleman, Durien st Rucks, Wm, teamster, res Hotel Mis- sion Rucks, Fred, labr, res Hotel Mission Shipley, G W, teamster, res Central Hotel Shook, M F, station agent, Old Mis- sion Sin Hop, laundry, res Rve st, W Smith, R, Fcction man. Old Mission Stanley, Miss Minnie A, music teacher, Bellevue hotel Tardifi", J, carpt, res Downie st Tavlor, Mrs J, hospital nurse. Old Mission Thompson, William, section man, Durien st Tingley, J A, gentleman, Washington street Till, B, gentleman, Abbott st Towney, E L, compositor, Mission News Trethewey, Jos, carpt, res Old Mis- sion Trethewey, W G Trethewey, Mrs M A, midwife, res Old Mission Tupper, Wm, carpt, Commercial st Tway, J E, carpt, Cambie st Verchere, A, labr, Timberlake ave Vollans, H, section foreman, Old Mission Wallace, R J, labr, res Timber Lake avenue Wells, H E, drayman, Seattle st Welsh, John, tailoi r«8 Home ave Welsh, Mrs, seamstress, res Home avenue Wharton, George, labr, Old Mission Wilband, G S, teamster, Washington street Wilband, J, contractor, Washington street Windebank, H, hotel keeper Winslow, J W, Methodist minster, Downie st York, Andrew N, butcher, res Home avenue York, Arch, stock dealer, res Cal- ifornia st York & Pilling, butchers, Home ave MOODYVILLE. Postmaster, Alfred Nelson Cod- RiNQTON Kino. In the Dominion and Provincial Elec- toral District of New Westmmster, is situate on the north shore of Burrard Inlet, and directly oppo- T. D0BE80N, ^. W. DOBESON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, iron and Braa* lounaert, Oeneral Maehtnitt*. AH Kinda of B«pair; Iitmd and Marine, NANAIHO, • ■ BBITISH COLUMBIA. OP KIT OAT AlTDJflO icr. Victoria Traaisfer Co., Ltd. 21 and 23 Brono'htoa Street Victoria B. C. Tel. 129. Zargeat In the Province. MOO BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. MOU 127 site the city of Vancouver. It is three miles from the Terminal Cit;^, with which commnnication is made by ferry. There is also tele- phone connection with Vancouver ; has a postoffice; mails twice a day. Nearest telegraph, express office and banking point, Vancou- ver. The principal industry is manufacturing lumber for export. Allan, Patk A, blacksmith Alexander, Ed, deckhand SS Etta White Ash ton, Thos, stevedore Barney, Thos, millman Bianey, Simon, millman Bower, Gideon, storekeeper Browse, George, millman Gadwallader, S Evan sr, millwright Gadwallader, Humphrey, millman Gadwallader, John, millman Gadwallader, Roht, millman Gaibick, Geo T, Gov office Galbick, Tom, millman Cantin, Louis, miltman Gar^sco, °ecundo, millman Gard, David W, foreman Garroll, Daniel, day watchman Ghick, Harry, tallv clerk Deaormier, G, millman Downey, Thomas, millman Drake, James, millman Elliott, G, millman Flood, Richard H, clerk Flores, Peter, millman Gamier, F, millman Godden, Henry, stevedore Grain, Williain, millman Granholm, Edw. millman Granholm, John, millman Griffin, Wm, stevedore Hickstrora, H, millman Horton, Wm, stevedore Houston, Fredk, millman Hoyt, John, saw filer Jackiin, Jno, millman Jenson, A, millhand J..n8en, A, millman Johnson, Victor, millman Johnson, Wm, millman Kau>ma, Thos, millman Kaymes, Jno, mate 8.8. Etta White Kinf , Alfred N G, P.M. and acct LawTer, Dennis, engr S.S. Etta White Lewarke, Jno, millhand Louis, Mack, millman Mahlman, Henry, stewart Mahu, Leon, millman McGallum, Wm, engr S.S. Senator McDonald, Duncan, stevedore Mclnnis, J, shipwright McPherson, Alex J, hotelkeeper McPherson, John J, night watchman McWhinney, Jas, foreman of camps Morales, Peter, stevedore Morando, Francis, millman Mowatt, J, 2nd engr S.S. Etta White Nahu, PLeon, stevedore Neiman, A, millman Neiman, Martin, millman Nelson, Martin, millman Nelson, Wm, millman Nellie, Antony, millman Newman, Ghas, millman Newman, <4eo, millman Panten, Louis, millman Patterson, Jno P, millman Petersen Ghas, sawyer Price, Wm, tally clerk Ramsdall, Jas H, mgr M.L. & S.M. Go, ltd Randall, Squire Jones, engr Rivers, Dennis, prter Robertson, Dunoar, store clerk Sherif, Amos, blacksmith helper Smith, Henry, capt S.S. Etta White Smith, Victor, deck hand, S.S. Etta White Stevens, Alfred E, stevedore Stoker, Hugh, capt S.S. Senator St John, John, millman Storm, Edw, millman Storm, John, millman Tamaree, T, millman Thomas, B, millman Todd, Donald, fireman Tuner, Peter, tally clerk Walker, Thos, millman Webster, Frederic, machinist White, Thos, carpenter White, Wm, millman Whyte, Jas, millman Williams, John, night watchman MOUNT LEHMAN. Postmaster, J. G. Lanoley. In the Dominion and Provincial Elec- toral District of New Westminster. There is daily communication by steamer with New Westminster, distance 30 miles. Nearest railway station, telegraph and express office, Mission Gity, distance three miles. Mails tihree times a week. T E X A S A K £ I C £ c o V A O o u V E R B C liji See our Mackintoshes, Melissa and Rigby Waterproofs, Umbrellas, &c. B. WILLIAMS & CO.. 07 Johnson Street. Victoria. B. O. mmm > jf J. &i J. TAYLOR, SAFES AND VAULT DOOBS I,. J, Colo* Acontt Dupont Block, New Westtnineter, B, C. 03 ! • D i 1^ ^ 1 ' 1 > ''' r ^ ■ ^^ 00 CO ! UD E^c:3 128 MOU BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRBCTOBY. MUD Archibald, M J, fmr Ball, John, fmr Beatte, M, scliool teacher Bent, 8 H, fmr Boyd, A W, fmr BuffjeBS, Joa, fmr Bradner, Thos Calder, Andrew, fmr Campbell, Hugh, fmr Campbell, John, fmr Campbell, 8, fmr Carmichael, C J, fmr Coglhan, Robert, fmr Coglhan, Charles, fmr Corby, Henry, fmr Cornelius, Henry, fmr Craig, Neil, fmr Cross, AC, fmr Drake, Kiehard, fmr Fcrgufon, M, fmr Forrest, M, fmr Frv, A, fmr Gillis, Alex, fmr Gillis, M, fmr Graff, Moses, fisherman Hannah, Joseph, fmr Hawkins, A, fmr Hayden, William, fmr Higginson, Thomas, fmr Higginson, W J, fmr Howes, Alex 8, fmr Ibbotson, John, fmr Ibbotson, John, jr, fmr Ibbotson, Jake, fmr Israel, John, fmr and carpt Israel, Jeremiah, fmr Jacks, William, fmr Jemison, Ed, fmr Jones, John M, fmr King, Edward W, J.P Kine, Kiehard, wood merchant King, Joseph, wood merchant Lansf ley, J G,postmaster and general store Le Clair, F, fmr I^ehman, Carson, fmr Lehman, Jacob, fmr Lehman, Thomas H, contractor Mahoney, John, fmr Marsh, William J, fmr McCallum, George, fmr McCallum, Alex, fmr McCormick, W P, fmr McDiarmid, D, fmr McGregor, Jacob R, fmr McKenzie, George, fmr McLean, Angus, fmr McLean, Donald, fmr Mcl^ean, Murdock, fmr McLean, John D, school teacher McMillen, W, fmr Merryfield, James, fmr Merryfield, John, fmr Merryfield, William, fmr Miller, William, fmr Morrison, John, fmr Morrison, M D, fmr Morrison, Thomas, blacksmith Murray, Alfred, fmr Nelson, Robert, cooper Newbigging, J, fmr Nicholson, Carmichael, fmr Nicholson, D, fmr O'Leary, D, fmr O'Neil. Edward, fmr Orchard, Frank, fmr Owen, James, fmr Patterson, James, fmr Payne, John, fmr Peake, Rd, J.P Peardon, Richard, J.P Salterthwaite, J L, fmr Salterthwaite, Wm, fmr Sinclair, Duncan, fmr 8ully, George A, fmr Stinson, H, fmr Taylor, B, fmr Taylor, E, fmr Taylor, J, fmr Ten bar. A, fmr Thompson, E J, general store Thompson, William, fmr Tilley, F E, fmr Towlan, Walter, fmr Warren, Thomas, fmr White, Henry, fmr MUD BAY. (See also Elgin and Surrey Centre.) Postmaster, Thomas Welsh. In the Dominion and Provincial Electoral District of New Westmin- ster, Surrey Municipality, is situate at the junction of the Semiamho, Kirkland and McLellan roads. It in<.>ludes part of Mud Bay flats and high land on the north side, and is but 3 miles from Cloverdale. Nearest banking point, telegraph and express office, New Westmin- ster. Anderson, Alex, fmr A.rmstrong, John, fmr, McLellan road T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hamware, Paints, Oils and Aiiricnltnral Imnleients.! Colnmbia Street, NEW WESTMIN8TBB, B. C. I NAK Aspbury, Will Aspbury, Will bay Blenkinsop, \^ Brown, D R, f Campbell, H, Corlett, Willia Graff, Moses, f Hudson, David Johnson, Dani( Johnson, Isaac Johnson, Jame Johnson, Wm, Johnson, .John, Leith, T B, ech Loney, Edward Loney, James, McKay, Rev i minister Miller, James, i Morgan, Henry Oliver, John, fr Smith, B'B.lun Turner, J J, fmi Wade, E T, fmr Welsh, Thomi Bay rd Yoeman, R S, fi NASS (See Norl Postmaster, In the Cassiar station on the River, 450 mil Mail fortnight NA Postmaster In the Dominio of Yale-Koote of West Koot Arrow Lake, centre for the There is a po times a week express office Nelson, distan of communicE from Revelstol the great Slocj Abriel, T, painte Adair, J, fmr VIOTORI >>*' HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY " •«* iJ™ *« NAK BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. NAN 129 Aapbury, William, sr, finr, Boundary Bay • Aspbury, William, jr, fmr, Boundary bay Blenkinsop, Wm, McLellan rd Brown, D R, fmr, McLellan rd Campbell, H, lumberman Corleit, William, fmr Oraff, Moses, fmr Hudson, David, lumberman Johnson, Daniel, fmr. Flats Johnson, Isaac, fmr, Flats Johnson, James, fmr, Johnson rd Johnson, Wm, fmr Johnson, John, fmr Leith, T B, school teacher Loney, Edward, fmr Loney, James, fmr McKa^, Rev Edward, Presbyterian minister Miller, James, fmr Morgan, Henry L R, fmr Oliver, John, fmr, Boundary Bay Smith, B*B, lumberman Turner, J J, fmr Wade, E T, fmr, McLellan rd Welsh, Thomas, postmaster. Mud Bay rd Yoeman, R S, fmr, McLellan rd NASS HARBOR. (See North- West Coatt.) Postmaster, A. G. McLellan. ' In the Cassiar District, is a fishing station on the left bank of the Naas River, 450 miles north of Nanaimo. Mail fortnightly from Victoria. NAKUSP. Postmaster, H. S. Thomas. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Kootenay and Provincial of West Kootena;)r, is situated on Arrow Lake. It is a distributing centre for the Kootenay country. There is a postofBce ; mails four times a week; nearest telegraph, express office and banking point. Nelson, distant 35 miles. Means of communication by steamboat from Revelstoke, also by stage to the great Slocan country. Abriel, T, painter Adair, J, fmr Barrett, T, blacksmith Bourne, J, storekeeper Brownrigg, J, cook Bruce, G, packer Cawley, A, fmr Cowan, D, labr Crawford, John, fmr Cummins, J, elk Dark, R, carpenter Delong, E, blacksmith Delong, E, fmr Gibson, J, miner Glendenning, R, gentleman Hall, W, fmr Hamilton, T, bartender Harsham, H, packer Hartley, C, teamster Hartwell, R, carpenter Hay, H, carpenter Johnson, W, fmr Lasbaw, H, packer Lemon, R "E, wholesale & retail mer Long, W D. labr Lovewell, A, fmr Madden, A, packer Madden, H, hotelkeeper Magher & Carscaden, butchers McCrostie, A, carpenter McGivalry, D, carpenter Mcintosh, A W, contractor Mcintosh, A W, fmr Nault, T, contractor Newby, J, packer Oates, J, butcher Phair & Thorburn, hotelkeepers Ross, H, fmr Sanderson, J, labr Saunders, W, packer Stewart, C, packer Thomas, Dr G W, druggist Thomas, H S, hotelkeeper and post- master Tredcea, T, miner Walsh, J, teamster NANOOSE BAY. Postmaster, Robert Roberts. In the Dominion Electoral Dictrict of Vancouver and Provincial of Na- naimo, is situated eight miles north of Nanaimo, and about the same distance from Wellington. Nearest banking point, telegraph and express office, Nanaimo. Communication b^ stage from Na- naimo and Albemi. i-pg li a <P CD M S 4-3 ^9t e D BROS., ^^^ AGENTS FOB CBOSSLEY VICTORIA, B. o. AND SONS FINE CARPETS. %'. W..' m^mmmm R. T.WILLIAMS wsmmm BOOKBINDER aM BLANK BOOK H&NnFACTUREF ga BBOAB aVREET, VICTORIA. pa-i r ■413 ed « ? 5 0k «M « © ,0 xn -♦■> u «) >> i pfi « ■S 5: Oi 130 NEL BBITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. NEIi Belyea, John, constable and blcksmth Boriell, Henry, fmr Dickinson, Utterick E, cattle raiser Evans, Rees, fmr Hamilton, James, fmr Hamilton, Wm, fmr Harris, Jeremiah, fmr Knight, James, fmr Lewis, Wm, fmr Roberts, Robf , postmaster and fmr Richards, Robt, fmr Saunders, Jas, fmr Souza, John, fisherman Symes, John, fmr Thomson, John, fmr Tippett, John sr, fmr Tippett, John jr, fmr Troupe, Alfred, fmr Williams, Jas, fmr NAPIER LAKE. In the Yale District, 26 miles from Kamloops, on the Nicola Road. Nearest postoffice, Rockford ; tele- graph and express oflBce Kam- loops with which there is com- munication by stage. NELSON, B. C. Postmaster, J. A. Gieker. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Kootenay, is the eastern terminus of the Columbia and Kootenay Railway, 30 miles from Rohson, on the Columbia river, and is the distributing point for supplies for the different mines throughout West Kootenay. Steam- ers ply regularly to Bonner's Ferry, Idaho, Ains worth, Balfour, and other important points on the lake. Has a bank, telegraph and express ofHce; also telephone service. There are two newspapers pub- lished in Nelson — the Miner and the Tribune. Ackehurst, Rev. W 8, Church of England Aikenhead, A D, ragr T A Garland Alberson, W, miner Alexander, E, mine owner Alexander, — , purser S8 Ainsworth Allan, T, sec K. & C. Nav Co " Allen, Charles, miner Anderson, Paul, miner Anderson, R, miner Andrews, Scott, miner , Andrews, G H, miner Andrews, Henrv, miner Anton, Thos, miner Antonie, D, painter Applewhaite & Co, real estate agents Arley, — , dairyman Armstrong, Robt, prospector Arnold, Robt, prospector Arthur, E C, doctor Ashley, H, real estate agent Ash worth, B, capitalist Baker, John, miner Baker, Thomas, miner Ball, W, miner Bailie, S, butcher H & L Bambury, W, carpenter and contrctr Bandoin, J, miner Barker, William, mine owner Barnes, H, miner Baron, Lawrence, miner Barrett. A, butcher Baxendale, Richard, contractor Baxter, J, plasterer and miner Beattie, .T, teamster Becanan, Alfr. d, miner Becker, E, miner Bedard, Rev Father, R C priest Bedelbury, C, miner Beebe, A S, miner Bell, J, labr. Nelson Sawmill Co Bell, James, miner Bell, John, miner Bell, R, contractor Bell, Thomas, miner Bellaw, J T, miner Bells, C, carpt Belleview Hotel, prop Isaac Holden Benson, R, miner Bergeman, A, saloon Berry, Thomas, Nelson sawmill Beuttie, J, teamster Bigelow, Geo A, merchant, Baker at Birks, Rev Blackall J, miner Blair, Henry, miner Blandy, J C Perry, (Gray & Davis ) Blandy, P, surveyor Bledsoe, J F. Nelson Miner B'.ecker, Thomas, speculator Blomberg, John, miner Blundell, R, real estate Bogle. D B, property owner Boll, F W. miner Books, D R, clerk Bordan, Oliver, miner Bordeau, J, mine owner See our Mackintoshes, Melissa aiid Rigby Waterproofs, Umbrellas, &c, B. WILLIAMS & CO., 07 Johnson Street, Victoria. B. C. B. WIU.IA] VICTORIA TRANSFER G0.| LTD. Wagonsra^SarAagMmeetaUBoatsandTraina! 21 and S3 Bronghton Strsat, Victoria, B. O. T«l. 189. NEL BRITISU COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. NEL 131 B0B8, J, capitalist Chaplin, W, miner Bowee, J H, solicitor, Bank of B C Chapman, Henry, engineer steamer building Ainsworth Bowker, A, miner Chapman, W miner Bradshaw, J, mine owner Chase, W, miner Brean, A, miner Chevine, D, miner Bremner, D, ship owner Chiodo, Serotino, labr O.P.R Bremner, John, driver Church, W, carpenter Clancy, P H, labr Broom, M, servant. Nelson Hotel Brown, Charles, hotel keeper Clark, George, min^r Brown, Charles, rancher Clark, J, mining expert Brown, C, miner Clark, James, miner Brown, Coll C, clerk R Shermon Clark, M, cook Brown, E V, bookkpr Bank Montreal Clark, Thos W, miner Brown, H, miner Cloak, — , mining engineer Brown, M J, prooerty owner Cockle, E J, rancher Brown, Sam, miner Collins, T A, rancher Buchanan, A H, mgr Bank Montreal Collins, Thomas, mine owner Buchanan, G 0, sawmill prop Collitta, John, cook Buchanan, J, miner Colwell, G H, miner Buchanan, J K, property owner Commerford, J, blacksmith Buchanan, R, mine owner Connera, John, miner Burbridge, 8 L, miner Connor, A, labr Burn, John, miner Cook, J R, mine owner. Toad Mtn Burnell, A D, capitalist Cooper, W, carpenter Burns, M, labr Cor bin, D C, capitalist Corney, Edward C, miner Burns, Mclnnes & Co, butchers Burns, Thomas, miner Cottenham, — , miner Burr, Jas, miner Cotton, E, miner Burritt, Chas, miner Craddock, Benj, prop Internatio'l htl Burton, Mrs, ladies' seminary Crawford, Thos, miner Bush by, b, clerk Creig, I.I, acct Bank of Montreal Bute, Wm, miner Crook, Arthur, miner Butler, D, miner Crosby, J H, miner Butler, F, miner Cross, Alex, miner Byrdee, Miss V, fancy goods Cross, J C, miner Callin, Eugene, miner Cross, S H, miner Calliway, E, miner Crowe, Eldridge, Nelson sawmill Cameron, D S, contractor Crowell, Samuel, miner Cameron, J A, contractor Cummings, J, clerk Cameron, R, miner Campbell, — , dairyman Curran, Miss, waitress Curtilice, A, miner Campbell, F C, civil engr Curry, A, packer Campl>ell, J. S.S. Ainsworth Dake, Chas, Tribune Campbell, J G, engineer Dandy Mining Co Campbell, Miss T, prop'ss Phair htl Daniels, D P, contractor dining room Daumont, A J, labr Campbell, — . Stanley hotel Davenport, A L, mine owner Cane, A R, miner Davis, J G, rancher Cannon, M, miner Davies, Jeff, bartender. Merchant htl Carpenter, E L, property owner Davys, M S, mining engr and assayer Carrington, William, carpenter Dawsan & Craddock, props Inter- Carter, J W, labr national hotel Chad bourn,mining broker, Victoria Bt Diwson, James, International hotel Chambers, C, miner Dawson, J, miner Chambers, W, miner , Dehantv, J, miner Chandler, F C, surveyor De La fiay, Capt Delaney, W, prospector Chandler, W, mine owner SEE OUR SCOTCH AND ENGLISH TWEED SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS B. WIUilAMft * CO., Ol0tU«n and Hattwn. 97 JoIuuob Bt.. Viotorlik £ X A S I. A K £ I C £ c o V A N C O u V E B B C mn r'. m\ 'W n ( »p UNO mmmmm mi^mmmmmmmmm m wmm BUPOlfT BLOCK, I li :•! COLUMBIA STKEBT, NEW WESTBUNSTKR. B. C. r Pubtit, Ooitvei/aneer, Accountant «nd And 'ent$ mnd Aeeountc Settled. Metatea Managed. V T /^#^T V ^''***ll -PMftliv, Oon««yaneei%_ Accountant jand Auditor, t-^ cxa « PQ ! ^^ O 00 CO pt4 132 NEL BRITIBH COLUMBIA DIBECTORY. NEL Dempsey, E, mine owner, Toad Mt Devine, S, miner Dick, A, captain steamboat Dimmock, W J Dodds, N, labr Dolan, John, miner Dominion Express Go, J H Hamil- ton, agent Dougan, R B, miner Douggan, B B, placer miner Dover, H, jeweller, Josephine st Dow, A, locomotive mgr C.P.R" Dowes, W, carpenter Do^le, Alex, miner Dnscoll, J J, mgr (Burns & Mclnnes) Drew, Charles, miner Drewery, W S, D.L. surveyor Duffin, O.W, miner Duhammel, H, contractor Duncan, F J, conductor Dunlop, 0, miner Dunn, J, boatman Durney, Edward Durshew, Frank, miner Egan, Mrs, laundry EUiott, John, solicitor over Bank of B.C. Esler, A M, mgr Dandy Mining Co, Toad Mountain Evenson, J, miner Ewing, Charles, miner Farley, F J, baker, Vernon st Farwell, A 8, C. E, surveyor, Tolson block Faucrault, D, carpt Feehan, Thomas, miner Fink, J H. mine owner Fitzstubbs, Capt N, gold commission- er and S. M Fletcher, Frank, D.L.S, land com- missioner, C.P.R Co, Tolson block Fletcher, George, rancher Fletcher, William, rancher Florence, J, mine owner Fogerty, John, miner Foster, Alice^ nurse Foster, J, mmer Fox, James, miner Gabel, Ernest, cook Garaty, Thomas, miner Garby, W, miner Garety, M, miner Garrison, M W, engineer Garland, T A, dry goods Garvay, M, miner Gaskin, W V, jeweller Gentles, 8, miner Gerrard, J A, engineer Gibson, D, miner Gibson. John, druggist Giffin, T H, recorder and registrar, governmt reserve Gilchrist, D, miner Gilker & Wells, dry goods and fancy articles, Barker st Gilker, J A, postmaster Gillies, J, carpt Gillis, Duncan, carpt Gillespie, G, C & K Ry Gill, J F, Nelson Hotel dining-room Gilman, L C, mine owner Goepel, W J, mining recorder Going, A 8, O.E, surveyor Gold, A, miner Goldrich, A H, miner Goldsmith, F, miner Goldsmith, T J, boatbuilder Gorman, Thomas, miner Graham, Edward, miner Graham & Taylor, boot and shoe makers. Baker st Graham, W G, conductor, C.P.Ry Grand Hotel, Hanson & Lowenoerg, props Grant, D, miner Grant, Peter, miner Graves, H, miner Gray, P, mining engineer Griffin, M, miner Groson, J, carpt Hagstorm, Charles, prop, Grand Hotel Hall Bros, mine owners. Silver King Toad M-; Hall, Herman, miner Hall, John^ miner Hall, O, mmer Hall, W, sr Hall, W, jr Hamber, G 8 F, real estate agent Hamilton, J, prospector Hamilton, J, train agent C.P.Ry Hamilton Powder Co, Geo Tunstall agent HansoB, W, bnilder Hanson, William, (Hanson & Blom- berg). Grand Hotel Harper, Frank, musician Harrison, L R, barrister Hart, F, miner Harvey, George, prospector Harvey, John, blacksmith Hautboughe, L S Hawkins, John, miner Hawley, G, foreman C.P.R Hayward, George.Capt S.S. Galena T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Faints, Oils aM Aiplenltiiral Impleiants. Golambia Street, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. HUDSOI'S BIV COMPIIY, ({eiits k Fort Giri) and Benlon Counti Flourliig Mill -VICTORIA.. B. O.- KBIi BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. NBL 133 Hazel, WE, carpenter Heathcotte, B, Bank of B.O Hill, Bros, joiners and contractors Hill A. contractor Hill, W, miner Hills, J, S.S. Nelson Hirsch, J, surveyor Hodgins, Arthur E, C.E Tolson Blk Hodson, W, baggageman C.P.R Holden, Isaac, prop Bellevue saloon Holmes, G labr Holt, G V. mjifr Bank of B Hoover, N, brick burner Houston, John, manager Tribune Howard, John, watchman C.P.R Huber, H, S.S. Nelson Hudson Bay Go's store, G R Robson, manager Hugonin, C, property owner Hull Leeaon & Co,whole8ale butchers and cattle dealers Hume, A, miner Hume, J F «& Co, mcht, Vernon st Hunter, mine owner Hurry, F K, milkman Irvin, F, clerk, Hume & Co Irvine, D S, C. E Jackson, J, miner Jackson, W H, mine owner Jardine, A, miner Jennings, Frank, miner Jiszkowicz, Chas, watchmaker and jeweler Johns, Silas, miner Johnson, Alex, prop Kootenay hotel Johnson, A, miner Johnson, A M, clerk J H Bowes Johnson, G H, miner Johnson, Frank, barber Johnson, J, Silver King hotel Johnson, Robert, miner Johnston, George, Custom Officer Johnston, W, miner Jonas, M, miner Jones, Alfred Jones, F, miner Jones, asst A E Hodgins, C.E Jones, T, miner Jowett, William A, J.P., mining and real estate broker, auctioneer and commission agent Kane, George, miner Kane, J, labr Kane, Miss S, teacher public school Keanes, Thomas, miner Keefer, A T, contractor Keefer, George, blacksmith Keefer G J, contractor Keefer, John^ teamster Keeley, M, miner Kelly, A H, mine owner Kelly, Miss, waitress Phair hotel Keown, James, miner Kilby, J, wiper C.P.R Kilby, E, carpenter King, A, gardener Kirby, E, contractor Kirk, J A, D. L. surveyor, (Kirk & Ritchie) Kirk & Ritchie, land surveyors. Bank B. C. bldg Kirkpatrick, J A, clerk Hume & Co Kirkwood, R J, miner Koohus, C, miner Kootenay Bonanza Co, W Hall mgr Laird, George, purser str Ainsworth Landger, N, miner Lane, John, contractor Langrell, painter Larmour, £>, miner Lavenburg, Charles, mine owner LeBaw, Dr Ledoux, John, carpenter Lee, B H, real estate Lemon, Robt E, merchant Levy, N, miner Lewis, Mrs A Lewis, F, miaer Lewis, J, miner Lideons, J, carpenter Linch, W, miner Ling, Samuel, cook Long, George, miner Long, J, miner Long, Robt, teamster Longheed, Isaac, mine owner Lowe, D, engineer Lowes, J. W, clerk Lyons, Robt, packer Madden House, props Thomas and Harry Madden, Baker st • Malley, C, miner Malloy, M, mine owner Malloy, T, miner Malone, George, miner Malone, John, miner Manners, Miss J, tailoress Manenteau, A, S.S. Ainsworth Mar, Samuel, laundry Mar, Sam, cook Marks & Van-Ness, props Nelson hotel. Baker st Marks^ A J, (Marks & Van-Ness) Baker st Martin, — , Bank of Montreal Matherson, J, hair dresser CD o o c ~ H S 00 hrt* oar e a fs C ^ to Ik. I INTERIOR WOODWORK, OFHOE AND BAB FITTINGS : , BCad* to Order liy WEHJBR BROS. J? S. %J i ly fii.i.MiiiipqppipiPipiiiiiiii^^ TMX IiATKBT lUPBOrBMMlTTa IN BOOK BiSDIirO A»D PAPER H VLIlfO. -28 BROA.D STRBBT, VICTORIA. R. T. Williams CO -M 1 cd « « M Ph ■^ :m « O :5 s i PM Ol 4) ■*J ► 00 00 In • H 1 May, Thomas, barber Mayrand, G, C C Brewer McCallum, D, sash and door factory McDonald, A, miner McDonald, A L, contractor McDonald, J, secy Bonanza Mining Co McDonald, J, mine owner McDonald, Jas, furniture dealer McDonald, Mrs, prop Stanley hotel McDurgall, A M, miner McFarlane, W G, Kootenay hotel McGilvary, D, engineer McGrath, M, bridge foreman C. & K. Railway Mclntyre, A, teamster McKay, A, miner McLaughlin, F, miner McLaughlin, Hugh, contr<fctor McLaughlin, Mrs, dressmaker McLean, — , contractor McLean, Geo, cook 8.8. Ainsworth McLean, Samuel, steward of Shack McLellan, D M, sash and door manfr McLellan, — , miner McLeod, F M, solicitor McLeod, Mrs, dairy McLeod, W, prospector McMorris, capt S.S. Nelson McNeil, J, Mmer McVittie, Thomas, surveyor Meehan, Martin, miner Miles, John, constable Miller, J, S.S. Ainsworth Mills, L, Victoria hotel Mills, T A, painter Miner Printing and Publishing Co., Robt Renwick, mgr Monneheu, M, miner Moore, A W, contractor Moore, GhaSj draughtsman Moore, F, miner Morgan, A, gardener Morrice, David, hotel prop, Toad Mt Morrison, H, hotelkeeper, Toad Mt Motion,W, book-keeper (Hull, Leeson Co) Mudlands, H, prospector Muir, Andrew, lawyer Muir, John, gardener Muir, W Muir, Mrs, cook Munn, J, miner Murry, J, miner Murry, P, miner Maden, Geo R, foreman Nelson sawmill Needlands Bros, photographers Needlands, James, photographer Nelson, L, waiter Newberry, Frank N, butcher H. & L Newton, H E, property owner Nixon, itugh, miner Noel, E, refreshment contractor, C & Ky. S. Nav Co steamboat Noonan, P, miner Oaks, J, miner 0<<tes, John, butcher O'Brien, J, miner Oddy, J H, miner O'DriscoU, R, capitalist O'Farrell, J P, draughtsman C.P.R Oldcorn, R, miner Olston, Charles, miner Ote' Ki, assistant. The Shack itram. Miss, assistant F J Squire i aris, H, miner Paris, W, miner Parkins, Joseph, plasterer Pascoe, William, miner Patterson, John, engr str Ainsworth Perdue, W, butcher Perkins, Walter G, carpenter Perry, C E, civil and mining nngr, P.L.S Perry, R J, miner Perry, R T, carpenter Petersen, Peter, saloon keeper Phair, E E, prop Phair hotel Phair, J, clerk Phillips, Chas, prop Poodle Dog resnt Poorman Mining Co, J Davenport mgr Pratt, F W, miner Pratt, George, miner Proctor, James, labr Ramsey, E, miner owner Ranchon, G, blacksmith Rathwell, J A, miner Ratliff, J, musician Ray, S, miner Rebon, G, miner Reed, M, miner Renwick, R, Nelson Miner Renolds, C, miner Richardson, Geo W, real estate and financial broker Richardson & Bealey, real estate and financial brokers Riesterer, Chas, Tecumset hotel Riesterer & Jeizener, brewers Rippen, Harry, miner Rippen, H, prospector Risdale, J C, miner Ritchie, Fred, D.L.S.(Kirk& Ritchie) Ritnlu, F, surveyor Robinson, J, miner T. D0BE80N. N. W. DOBKSON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Ir9n and Jtratt Poundert, General Maehintatt > Alt Klnde of Bepairt, Xand and Marin; NANAIMO. • • ■ BRITISH COLUMBIA. WW- Victoria Transfer Co.. Ltd. Jtatf and Quiekett Deapateh, 21 and 83 Bnmghton Street, Vlotoria, B. C. Tel. 189. mui BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTOBY. MBL 136 Robinson, W P, deputy sheriflf Robson, G R, mgr H.B. Co's store Rodier, E, tinsmith Rodier, Peter, plumber Rolfe, W H, secy Nelson sawmill Roy, Andre, miner Roy, Simon, mine owner Rudd, H V, assistant postmaster Russell, E C Ruzzuto, B, labr C.P.R. Sampson, H R, clerk Sandilands, £ M, police officer Sanderson, John, miner Sandin(;ham, M, miner Scanlan, Charles, bandmaster Scholey, John, miner Schwartzfiger, W, miner Seal, James, teamster Sealey, Chas, bookkeeper Seaman, William, str Nelson Selous, Harold, J.P., real estate and mining broker Sharon, Harry, clerk Shaw, J, clerk Shaw, John, miner Shaw, C, miner Shaw, Simon, miner Shaw, Thomas, miner Shaw, 8 P, operator C.P.R Shaw, W, miner Shaw, W B, clerk Shepherd, E C, str Nelson Short, Capt, str Nelson Silver King Hotel, John Johnson prop Smart, J, miner Smith, Alfred, miner Smith, F, prospector Smith, J, miner Smith, Mrs M, boarding house Smith, W, labr Sodusburg, O, miner South Kootenay Bitard of Trade, R E Lemon, president Spaulding, A, prospector Spence, J K, miner Spencer, W G, miner Sproat, G M, stipendiary magistrate Sproule, Charles, bookkpr Wilson & Perdue Squire, F J, tailor Squire, J, tailor Stanley, £ H, photographer Stanley, George, photographer Stanley, G M, newsdealer Stead, J, blackB!>iith Stephens, Isaiah, boatbuilder Stephenson, Alexander, carpenter Stephenson, George, tinsmith Stephenson, J, tinsmith Sterling, brewer Stevenson, Harry, carpenter Stewart, Charles, packer Stewart, John, acct Bank of B. C Stewart, W, miner Stirsky, F, watchmaker Stirsky, J, watchmaker St Lawrence, P, miner St Lawrence, Pete, placer miner Sturch, Sam, teamster Stucky, Richard, contractor Sul'ivan, P, miner Sully, Walter, carpenter Swedbery, J P, miner Swedenherg, E, miner Sweet, Charles, engr Taylor, J A, shoemaker Taylon, Dan, miner Teetzel, W F, & Co, druggists Thomas, Ben, miner Thomas, B, miner Thomas, E A, teamster Thomas, W, miner Thompson, C, miner Thompson, E, clerk Garland & Co Tolson, .lohn W, prop'ty owner, Tol- son blk Townsend, Charles, mine owner Townsend, N F, surveyor Toy, S, miner Tracey, Fred, labr Trave8,E C,butcher (Wilson & Perdue) Tunstall, Geo, agt Hamilton Pow'r Co Turner, J A, mgr J F Hume & Co Turner Bros, music and stationery. Baker st Turner, J E, (Turner Bros; Baker st Turner, James, minister Turner, P, (Turner Bros) Baker st Twieg, H, surveyor Urqunart, George, capt steamboat VaUeau, Fred, surveyor C.P.R Van-NesB, C, prop Nelson hotel Walby, W H, clerk C. & K.S. Nav Co Walcroft, C, section foreman C.P.R Walker A, miner Walker, J F, clerk Phair hotel Walker, Miss, housekpr Phair htl Walsh, J, miner Walters, J labr Walters, L, brick kiln owner Walters, Leo, brewer Waterman, G, mess'gr Bank of B.C Ward, T M, saloon keeper, Vernon st Ward, J F, mine owner Ward, W, labr E X A S L A K E I C E c o V A N C O u V E B B C i ,.y Eastern TAILOR-MADE SUITS to Measure. Tu^r^tS" See our Bamplai and Prices. B. WILLIAMS & CO., 97 JohOSOn St., Victoria. T T rOT P I^EAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE l^« J • \J\JLjLj Dupont Block, ColnmbU St., New Wcttmlnater, B. C. cyrj c.r5 W p O 00 CO 136 MEW BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. MEW Warden, J S, miner Wataon, J A, capitalist Watson, John, land owner Went, Fredk, rancher West, W, rancher Whalley, E P, contractor Wheelden, E F White, Bruce, contractor White, Robt, miner Whiteside, George, contractor Wills, Alex, brewer Wills, R W, carpenter Will, W, miner Williams, Dr Williams, George, wood mcht Williamson, F, brakeman C.P.R Williamson, George, teamster Willis, George, miner Willis, Miss E, confectr and fancy wk Wilson, W, livery stable Wilson, Blake, (Wilson & Perdue) Wilson, George, miner Wilson, Joseph, miner Wilson & Perdue, butchers Wood, E, miner Wood, R, prospector Woods, George, carpenter Wright, Samuel, prospector Yuill, Robt, miner Toad Mt Yuill, Geo, Str Nelson NEW CALEDONIA. New Caldedonia is one of the largest of the Hudson Bay Go's trading districts, being upwards of 300 miles square. It comprises part of three electoral districts, viz : Cari- boo, Cassiar and New Westminster and includes most of what is com- monly known as the Lake country. The chief resources of the country are furs, but there is a very per- ceptible falling off. The country has been burned over frequently, destroying vast tracts of timber, and the grass, herbs, etc., on which many of the fur-bearing animals live. Gold is found on tlie Fraser, Parsnip and Nechaco rivers, also in the Finlay branch of the Peace river. Fort St. James on Stewart's Lake, is the head post of the dis- trict. Fort George, Fort Fraser, Fort McLeod,Fort Connolly and Fort Babine are the other posts in the district. There is no regular postal system — letters are occasionally conveyed by the Hudson Bay Co's pack trains. Nor are there any roads ; the pack horses travel over imperfectly defined trails. Aguayo, Jos, packer, Stuart's lake Alexander, Jas, factor H.B.Co, Mc- Leod's lake Blanchard, Rev Father, O.M.I. , Stuart's lake Collins, M, factor H.B. Co, Bear lake Gordon, Jas, factor H.B. Co, Stony cr McDonald, John, bookkpr, H. B. 'Co, Stuart's lake McKenzie, F, retired, Stuart's lake Morris, Rev Father, O.M.I, " Murray, Alex C, elk H.B. Co " Ogden, Chas, factor H.B. Co, Fort George Peters, E S, factor, H.B. Co, Connol- ly lake Sinclair, Wm, factor H B Co, Fraser lake Tappage, Janes, elk H.B. Co, Fort George NEW DENVER. Postmaster, T. H. Bourne. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Kootenay, and Provincial of West Kootenay ; 28 miles from Nakusp. Nearest express office and banking point. Nelson; mails once a week. Communication by pack trains and boat, also by stage every four days to Nelson, and every two days to Nakusp. The Nakusp & Slocan railway, now under con- struction, will materially improve communication with New Denver. The Slocan Prospector is a news- paper published here weekly. Angrejow, Palma,minerand boatman Angrejow, John, miner and boatman Archer, WC, lotary puband rl estate Armit, L M, notary public Armit & Rashdall, rl e8tate,mines,etc Ardiel, Thomas, miner Aylwin, John, bartender Aylwin, Harry, hotel clerk Aviwin, Charles, saloon keeper Black, James, carpenter Black, John Bolender, J C, house carpenter Bourne Bros, gen store and postoffice Bourne. T H I>ostma^ter Briggs, L H, mine owner T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Faints, Oils and Mtricoltiiral Imsleients. Columbia Street, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. HUl HDDSOFS BAY COMPANY Wholesale Grocers & Wine HercMnts VICTORIA. B. C. NEW BRITISH COLUMBIA DIREOTOBY. NEW 137 Cameron, James, contractoi Clay, B N, miner Culer, Frank, miner Cnrrie, J H, clerk at Bourne Bros Darke & Southerland, carpenters and contractors Darke, S Robert Delaney, James, saloon keeper Delaney, John, hotel clerk Douslas, Fred, miner Duf^, Thomas, carpenter Ehrmamtrant & Madsen, meat and provisions Esterbrooks, Gfo, steamboat capt'n Faas, Charles, miner Fairbairn, David, miner Fairbairn, Geo, miner Foley, J T, miner Gannon, Pat, foreman Gates, J R, miner Gesness, H, labr GesnesB, Thomas, labr Getting & Henderson, hotel keepers Gibson, John, miner Gill, John, saloonkeeper Glover, William, minor Gossen, John, ship carpenter Gormerly, F R, restaurant keeper Grady, M, mine owner Helsher, Paul, baker Hickman, Max, labr Hill Bros, sawmill owners and lum- bermen Hoppe, Charles, painter and glazier Hughes & Herlin, real estate Hughes, Felix, miner Hullmark, Gus, miner Hunter, William Jeffers, Fred, miner Kerr, Mr, barrister, solicitor and notary public Laatz, Charles, mine owner Macnaghten, FF, mine owner Madsen, Hans, of Ehrmamtrant & Madsen Mann, Alex, teamster Matsen, William, baker Marins, James, miner McClements, Jno, restaurant keeper McCulloch, — , assayer McKav, Alex, logger McKernon, James, builder McKinnon, W 0, machinist McLaren, Peter, labr McLeod, Dan, rancher and miner McMillan, Charles, miner McPhee, Allan, logger McTaggart, Robt. millwright Murphy, A, miner Price, Wm, miner Rathborne, M R W, miner Rashdall, Chas, of Armit & Rashdall Rashdall. G H, rancher Reed, Alfred, miner Saunders, W F, miner Shannon, Ed, biker Sheppard, Geo, labr Smith, William H, mine owner Sproat, Alex, mining recorder Starrett, P L, labr Stege, H, hotel prop Sutherland, Robt Thomlinson, Wm, asst postmaster Thorburn, Grant, hotel keeper Tobin, M, printer Twigg, H, prov land surveyor Van Dorn, M, painter and glazier Wallace, J G, miner Waugh, Harry, miner Wharton, M, sawmill owner Whittey, David, miner Wild, M, furniture maker Williamson, W, Dr Wills, W R, carpenter NEW WESTMINSTER JUNCTION. (See Coquitlam Municipality and West- minster Junction.) POSTMASTER, R. B. KeLLY. Seventeen miles from Vancouver NICOLA LAKE. (See also Coultee, Lower Nicola and Quilchena.) Postmaster, A. R. Carrinqton. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Kooienay and Provincial of Yale, is situated about 60 miles from Kamloops. Nearest telegraph and express ofSce Spence's Bridge. Ashton, Rev J J, B.A , B.D., Metho- dist minister Basham, H J, farm hand Bent, G C, bartender, Driard hotel Carrington, A B, merchant and postmaster Carrington, Thomas, gentleman Clapperton, George, rancher Clapperton, John, J. P. Government agent and fmr ?:>Q mifwipipi wmmmmmmmmmmmmm ^MTIP "PTMT^ST ^WK More Hands and More Capital th-ui all other Binderies y/¥ Si ZdJMMJrlAJX in the Province. k^> aJtOAD STttBET, VIOTOSIA. M il '^ R* T* IXrXIjriZAMS Sei 9J> ex.. eS 5 Ph ■*J ^ « © .4 OQ -M h « >> ^ ^^ OJ fl") •*rf > 02 at ^ h EH 138 NIC BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. NIC Clark, John, contractor and fmr Clark, Robert, mail carrier Clark Walter, labr Cleaeby, H S, labr Corbett, John, fmr Dalley, C, fmr Darrell, H, mill labr FergUben, A, mill labr Fox, G C, labr Gillie, J D, provincial constable Gillie, P J, fmr Gilmore, John, fmr Gilmore, John, jr, labr Goodisson, A, labr Goodisson, H, labr Howse, A C, mchtand mill owner MacKean — , farm hand Mansfield, F, la" Munro, D L, farm labr Murray, Rev Geo, Pr< by minister Orchard, Bert, mill laor Page, — , mill labr Pooley, James, fmr P'loley, Rev John Pooley, fmr Richardson, H, saivyer . Riley, W, blacksmith ' Smith, Robert, fmr Staart, George, saddle and harnetis Sutton, A, B.M., M.R.C.S. Govt, res physician Thomas, C E, clerk Thomas, H H, labr Tho:-ao, W, carpenter Wimiey, P H, farm labr Woodward, Cubt, carpenter Woodward, H E, fmr Eng., NICOMEKL. (Kensington Prairie.) POSTMASTKB, RiOHARD LuDLOW. In the Dominion and Provincial Electoral District of Ntw West- minster, about one and a half miles from Cloverdale, on the New West- minster aud Southern railway. Nevrest telegraph office, Clover Vulley ; ex^ ress office and banking j^int, New Westminster, distant, 12 miles. Communication by rail and water. Appell, Anton, fmr Bryant, Lewis, logger Carncrosb, Chas, fmr Carncross, Edward, fmr Callishaw, William, gardener Fallowfield, Thomas, fmr Fallowfleld, Robt, fmr Guinett, James, fmr Jones, James, fmr Kerry, John, fmr Kneedem, Narcisus, fmr Ludltiw, Richard, fmr and post- master Miller, James, fmr Marshall, William, fmr Menzies, William, fmr McCormick, Henry, fmr McDonald, Wm, engr McDonald, John, fmr McKay, Kenneth, fmr Ogilyie, Robt, logger Preston, William, fmr Pickard, Thomas, fmr Parr, Edward, fmr Shinze, Alfred, fmr Walmsley, P C, fmr Walker, Samuel, fmr NICOMEN. Postmaster, William Brown. A tir.g station on the main line of the C. ?. R., in the Dominion and Pro- vincial Electoral District of New Westminster, dismnt 63 miles from Vancouver. There is also steamboat communication with New Westminstei .distant, 42 miles. Nearest telegraph and express offices. Chilli wack. distant, 8 miles; banking point. New Westminster. Mails, twice a week. Bain, William, fmr Baldock, John, fmr Boyd, John, fmr Browu, William, postmaster and blacksmith Campbell, C De Vere, fmr Carron, Joseph, fmr Carron,.Levi, fmr Carron, Simmoen, fmr Charters, David, fmr Charters, Edward, fmr Clarke, Horace, fmr Clarke, R Churchill, fmr Conjbes. William, fmr Conner, George B, fmr Curtis, George, fmr Deroche, Alphonse, fmr Derocher, Ernest, fmr Derocher, Joseph, fmr T. DOBE80N, N. W. D0BB80N. NANAIMd FOUNDKY, Xron and Brata FoundHm, Oenerat MaeMniatti Alt Kindt of Bepairi, Zand and Marine. MANAIMO, ■ • BRITISH COLUMBIA. Victoria ' NOB Elmsley, Mi Elmsley, Ge Gilman, Mre Gourley, Jan Gourley, Jol Gourley, The Hathey, Wil Jaggers, Johi Jaggers, Mon Kelley, Thon Lewis, Theod Loux, Geo, fi McBride, Jol McColl, Ansri McDonald, St McDonald, W Mclnnis, Joh Miller, Henry Miller, Heniy Morroi, .Tohn, Morrison, Doi Morrison, Ma Parent, Felix, Patton,Thom Prefontine, Al Richmond, Vi Shine, T W, 8( [Spring, Isaac, Trembly, Jose Tretheway, L^a Williams, Artl Youmans, Abl Youmans, Geo v'oumans, Sila NOF POSTMA In the Dominic toral District on the main 129 miles eas is the banki graph and daily. Arnott, Williai Austin, C L, ei Bainbridge, R Blanchard, H, Borril, James, Brady, Willian Bunt, J M, em] Ca'lin, Joseph, Ca'der, James, Campbell, F J, Choate, E, brid 'Sni Victoria Transfer Co., Ltd. "~^^8?J2 D^rfS ^"o'r,?s"lSKS?icre'?*'*^'- 91 and 93 Broughton Straet, Victoria, B. C. Telephone 139. T E X A S L A K £ I C £ c o V A N C O u V E B B O NOR BBITIBH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. NOR 139 Elmsley, Miss Eliza, school teacher Elmsley, Georjje, fmr Gilman, Mrs, fmr Gourley, James, fmr Gourley, John, fmr Gourley, Thomas, fmr Hathey, William, fmr Jag(i;ers, John, fmr JagKers, Monson John, fmr Kelley, Thomas, fmr Lewis, Theodore, fmr Loux, Geo, fmr McBride, John, fmr McCoU, Anfi-ua, fmr McDonald, Samuel, fmr McDonald, William, fmr Mclnnis, John, fmr Miller, Henry ar, fmr Miller, Henry, jr, fmr Alorroi, John, fmr Morrison, Donald, fmr Morrison, Malcolm, fm. Parent, Felix, fmr Patton, Thomas, fmr Prefontine, Alphonse, fmr Eichmond, Va'entine, fmr Shine, T W, acnool teacher Spring, Isaac, fmr Trembly, Joseph, fmr Tretheway, c*amuel, fmr Williams, Arthur Bryant, fmr Youmans, Able, fmr Youmans, George, fmr v'ouinans, Silas, fmr NORTH BEND. Postmaster, J. Webb. In the Dominion and Provincial Elec- toral District of Yale-Kootenay, is on the main line of the C. P. R., 129 miles east of Vancouver, which is the banking point. Post, tele- graph and express office; mails daily. Arnott, William, wood train foreman Austin, C L, emp C.P.R Bainbridge, R A Blanchard, H, blacksmith Borril, James, gardener C.P.R. hotel Brady, William, watchman C.P.R Bunt, J M, emp C.P.R Oa'lin, Joseph, emp C.P.R Ca'der, James, agent Campbell, F J, emp C.P.R Choate, E, bridge supt C.P.R Choate, J Y, asst bridge supt C.P.R Copeland, John, fmr Deitz, Morris, section foreman C.P.R Duff, John, operator Fink, Henry, hotelkeeper Fink, John,' hotelkeeper Fraser, N A, operator '^ivin, Robert, C.P.R. emp ILii'isey, James, line repairer C.P.R Ktily, Daniel, section foreman C.P.R Leigh, James, boarding house prop Low, J H, locomotive foreman Lyons, Mrs E, storekeeper Lyons, John, storekeeper Mackeniot, E, emp C.P.R McDougal, John, watchman C.P.R Mollison, Miss J, mgr C.P.R. hotel Ostrum, A, fvap C.I'.R Phemister, A, fmr Pratt, H J, emp C.P.R Riley, C W, Cascade poultry yard Smith, Charles, emp C.P.R Sweeney, George, chief C.P.R. hotel Wade, Phil, rock foreman Wallace, J, C.P.R. emp Webb, John, hotelkeeper and post- master Wellmon, John, timekeeper C P.R NORTHFIELD. Postmaster, Jas. Wm. Crossan. In the Dominion Electoral District of Vancouver and Provincial of Nan- aimo ; is situated on tiie Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railroad and is on the main road to Wellington. The Northfield coal mine gives employ- 2uent to a large number of hands. Abiett, Daniel, miner Abrams, John, miner Adams, Andrew, miner Adams, John, miner Alexander, Andrew, miner Alexander, John, miner Amala, Andrew, miner Anderson, .\lfred, miner Anderson, John, boardins; house Anderson, John, jr, miner Anderson, Robert, miner Anderson, Thomas, miner And' raon, William, miner Armstrong, James, miner Armstrong, Wm, n iner Ashcroft, John, miner Atckeson, James, butcher Bailey, T J, baker See onr Boys' Ms aM Cyercoats. Best assortment in tte City. prtctsi'Ow.Qnaiuyoooa ». WIUJAKS.* Sc ao., 97 JOHirsOll 8T.. VICTORIA. mmmmmimmmmm i I XT fitVT.X? Acent for The Canadian Fire Ins. Co., llie London ft Canadian • <l • \J\MXiXi rn-e Ins. Co.. Ltd. The Federal Life Ass. Co., The J. ft J. Taylor, Safes and Vault Doors. Secretary of the Royal City BnildinK Society. Secy-Treae. of tbe Standard Loan and Savings Co. NEW, WESTMINSTER. B. C. hud: c/o cy^ b GO « CQ o 00 CO ! 140 NOK BRITISH COLUUBIA DIRECTORY. NOR Baines, Peter, miner Baker, Thomas, miner Balzani, Angelo, miner Balzani, Gonis, miner Balzani, Joseph, miner Barera, Telico, miner Baube, John, miner Beattie, AValter, labr, Powder Works Begnee, John, miner Bergland, Peter, miner Bertaux, Everest, miner Blakeley, Thomas, boarding honse Blunt, Alfred, miner Boggiano, Dominie, miner Boombarer, George, miner Borgstrom, John, miner Bowen, William, miner Brechin, Robert, miner Breen, Peter, miner Bynaski, George, sr, miner Cafiell, Frank, miner Campbell, Dr. Bell, M.D., Northfield Colliery physician Canoni, Ferdinand, miner Carlson, Alfred, miner Carlson, August, miner Carlson, Alex, miner Carlson, Charles, miuer Carr, Robert, miner Carrol, Henry, miner Cavallero, Garteuee, miner Charrier, Louis, miner Chiccinine, Joseph, miner Chivre, John, miner Cisko, Andrew, miner Clark, Edward, miner Clarkson, Alexander, shift foreman Cochrane, Webb, miner Cooper, A, labr, Powder Works Cooper, Rev C, pastor Church of England Cooper, William, miner 'ourans, Charl(>s, miner Coute, Dominie Dojiiings, miner Coute, Jo8ej)h, miner Cowan, Thomas Cox, E, mii)(3r Coyle, Daniel, hairdresser and toba<;- conist (!raig, William, min«r Cress, Kello, miner Cresseo, Rimeo, miner Crossan, Jas Wm, postmast^rf Dallas, Frank, miner Dandoof, August, miner Daiidoof, Solmona, miner Davies, E L, miner Davied, Griffith, miner Davies, Richard, miner Davies, Thomas, miner Deeming, Albert, miner Deeming, James, miner Delcourt, Victor, miner Despinilo, Alfred, fmr Devaax, Henry, sr, miner Dillon, H A, notary public Dobeson, Mrs, boarding house Doward, E, miner Doward, Enoch, miner Doyle, Jean D, miner Duchene, Feliciere, miner Dudley, Elijah, miner Duggan, Albert, miner Dunsmuir, John, miner Dunsmuir, Martin, miner Dunsmore, Alexander, miner Eastman, George Elvi, Andrew, miner English, Robert, miuer Eric, Lattilln, miner Evans, David, miner Evans, Eyiii), iiniicr Evans, Thoui«? iinnfr Evans, William. I;uker and coufcctnr Eveuce, Mich, miner Farrell, Martin, miner Fearii, Hugh, miner Fenton, Willinm, enj^ineer Ferguson, Daniel, nnner Ferguson, Malcolm, miner Fink, A, miner Fitzpatrick, Thomas, miner Flynn, Mike, miner Fc- ter, Thomas, miner Fox, Patrick, miner Francois, Andrew, miner Frank, J B, miner Gaffnev, P, miner Glen, Jam4>», miner Grandon, H W, miner Greenwell ,john B, miner Griffith, B^'njamin, miner Griffiths, Mrs, boarding house Guillotte, Joachin, miner GuiMotte, .loseph, miner Gun^iergon, Knut, miner Had0Yt0, Francois, miner Haddow, Barnes, miner Haddow, William, miner Hamilton Powder Co, W A Young, mgr Hannon, Nicholas, miner HaskinH, George, miner HaufTnxann, Frauk, miner Hayonan, William, miner Higuebram, Felicien, miner T. J. TRAPP & 00., Hardware, Faints, Oils anH Auricnltiiral Columbia Street, NEW WE8TMINST»BB, B. C. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Jlurop«an and UnffHth &JROOESIE3, WIirXB ana ZIQUOBS, Prte and in Bond. VICTORIA, B. C. NOR BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. NOB 141 Hill, James Hillier, Henry, miner Holland, John, miner Horrobin, John, miner Horth, Charles, hotelkeeper Howat, Alexander, miner Hughes, Thomas, miner Hutchby, Wm Hygh, Geo E, sr, labr, Powder Wks Hygh, Geo E, jr, labr, Powder Wka Irven, Jas, miner Jackson, Wm, teamster Jany & Crossan, general store. North- field postoffice Jeflfery, fruit store Johnson, Albert, miner Johnson, August, miner Jolly, James, miner Jones, Daniel, miner Jones, David M, miner Jones, John N, miner Jones, Lewis, engr Jones, Samuel, miner Jones, Samuel, storekeeper Jones, Starkey, miner Jonkas, Frank, labr, Powder Works James, Sham, miner Kennedy, James, timber man Kerr, RoJjert, miner Kerr, William, miner Kealey, John, shift foreman Kezaski, Andrew, miner Kllpatrick, Thomas, miner Larsen, Fred, miner Lastie, Alex, minor Lastie, George, miner Lastie, John, miner Lawley, Thomas E, carpt I^eavett, W H, sr, labr, Powder Wks Leavett, W H, jr, labr. Powder Wks Leith, '/illiam, miner Levista, Mich, miner Lewis, William D, miner Linsey, William, miner Little, John, miner Little, Noble, miner Louche, Joseph Peter, miner Lynn, John, miner Maddock, Thomas, miner Alaffea, Carli, miner Martin, L F, labr, Powder Works Matkines, John, miner Ma*»hews, John F, miner Mcl^rooni, Archie, miner McCane, Samuel, boardina; house McDonald, Duncan, miner McGimpsey, William, miner McKinnon, Alexander, miner McKinnon, Dennis, miner McLeod, Angus, Provincial Police McMillan, Laughlin, miner McNuUy, Edward, miner McPherson, Rev N, A.M., Presby'n minister Meddley, John, labr. Powder Works Melzer, Henry, miner Meredith, George, miner Meredith, Thomas, miner Michaux, August, miner Michaux, D'Israel, miner Michaux, Louis, miner Micsek, Victor, miner Miesse, Lieven, miner Miller, Charles, locomotive engr Milligan, Edwd, engr Mills, Thomas, shift foreman Miosky, John, miner Mitchell, Emil, miner Mitchell, George, miner Moore, Colin, miner Morgan, William, miner Morris, Richard, blacksmith Munro, Hugh, timber man Munro, Wm, timber man Murdock, William, timber vixn Muscatto, Ferdinand, miner Myoski, George, miner Myoski, Mich, miner Nankinel, Joseph, miner Narcisse, Jampier, miner Neath, William, miner Norcrosa, J E, principal of school Northfield branch of Nanaimo tram Patterson, John, miner Patterson, John, labr Powder Works Perry, Phillip, miner Pietro, Clovis, miner Podessta, Antonio, miner Portrey, Ambrose, miner Potter, James, miner Reese, David, miner . Regard, August, miner Regard, Frank, miner Regard, Leonard, miner Reves, Henry, miner Reves, >\ D, miner Rice, Thomas, miner Roberts, Stephen, butcher Robertson, Andrew, miner Roifers, David, boarding house Rosewall, Henry, miner Ross, Henry, fmr and teamster Ross, Walter, miner Ross, William, miner Rumming, Fred, store clerk Russell, Robt, miner CO nb aq n 8t-« s>- KE orris o ? t"^ 3C =^ ^H s &d .Htp^ M ^^ S" ac « — 3 f^e =3 »«j W O % K* B* SB B » O' (l«5 Oi 00 ^ o ?1 ^ SB 1^, r/i 2 B- B >=• P' B 0^ ^ H— n> •^ on t^ M 2 r B a' (9 *t w < S N* r»- o N^a t ^ ^ o r ^ c u o PB *t Q Pi OB ILEil BROS., are Complete House Furnisheis. Largest Stock in B. C. . 'B m ■i M i I) ■H mmmmimiim iiPPili c^ s CO I! I if I'M' ! 1 eS •r^ -M Art O) ^-1 ,d OS -M »H «M 4> ,0 QQ *J h O) ►> a fffi 9 »— ! ^j) gi Q(S * • E. T. WILLIAMS 98 Broad St., Vietoria. 142 NOR BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. NOR Russell, Thomas, miner Scales, Alfred, miner Siiarcia, Francois, miner Schwartz, Frank, miner Schumaker, John, miner Sharman, Joseph, brakeman Simms, William, miner Sinclure, Mich, miner Sloan, James, labr Powder Works Smith, Thomas R, shoeingsmith, etc Spisak, Michael Stewart, Andrew, miner Stewart, Daniel, miner Stewart, James, miner Stewart, John, miner Stewart, Peter, miner Stewart, Mrs, boarding house Stonehouse, Dennis, miBer St Pietro, Carlo, miner Sullivan, Thos, miner Svolenski, Geo, miner Swan, Peter, miner Sweetist, John, miner Simpson, William, miner Tassin, Victor, miner Taylor, Geo, miner Tliomas, Lewis, miner Thrope, M C, miner Tirvie, August, miner Tonhanses, Joseph, miner Trenella, John, miner Trevelyan, Thomas, miner Tunnah, Ed, miner TunuahLLThomas, miner Vague,'i'homas, miner Valance, Joseph, miner Vandensuck, Julian, miner Vaseneuf, Amil, miner Verence, Secondo, miner Wall, Thomas, hotelkeeper Wairen, Henry, miner Webley, Thomas, miner Whitt^a, James, miner Whitta, John, miner Whallen, Mat, labr Powder Works Whallen, Thomas, labr Powder Wks Wilkenson, Rev R, Methodist minstr Wilgress, Chas, miner Wilks, James, miner Williams, Charles H, miner Williams, Nathaniel, miner Wilson, Geo, miner Wilson, John sr, miner Young, John, minei Young, W A, mgr Hamilton Powder Company NORTH WEST COAST. In the Skeena division of the Elec- toral District of Cassiar, includes the big stretch of country extending from Alert Bay on the south to the Alaska boundary line on the north. There are some great timber belts, good minerals, and unlimited fish- ery prospects. The salmon can- ning industry is extensively car- ried on at Naas and Skeena rivers, also at Lowe, Smith, Gardiner and Rivers' Inlet. The timber consists principally of spruce, red cedar, hemlock and yellow cedar or cypress. There is regular steam boat communication, during the open season, with Alert Bay,Rivers* Inlet, Bella Bella, Skeena, Metla- katla, Fort Simpson, Naas River, Smith's Inlet, Gardiner's Inlet and Queen Charlotte Islands. Commu- nication with Lome Creeks, Forks of Skeena and Omineca is kept up by canoes during the summer months, but dur- ing the winter the river is frozen over and there is no traffic from November till May. Mails fort- nightly. Telegraph, express and banking point, Nanaimo. Alexander, J A L, stock raiser. Fort Simpson Anderson, Henry, charcoal burner, •Aberdeen Ardagh, Dr Vernon, C.M.S., Metla- katla Barnes, W, agent Cunningham & Son, Percher Island Bolton, Dr A E, Methodist Mission- ary, Fort Simpson Brentzen, Fritz, tinsmith. Fort Simp- son Brentzen, Hans, bricklayer, Fort Simpson Brentzen, Henry, labr. Fort Simpson Brentzen, Paul, storekeeper. Fort Simpson Broutlecht, Henry, clerk B.A.P. Co., Skeena Brown, James, engineer, PortEsseng- ton Cameron,iUan,9torekeeper,0arthew- ville Campbell, John, cook, Metlakatla Cartnew.John A, manager Packing Co Carthewville T. DOBEBON, N. W. D0BE80N. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, iron an<t Brass Pounders, Oeneral MaeMnists . A.II Kinds of Bspairs, Zand and Marine, NANAIMO, • • BRITISH COLUMBIA OPBir HAT 21 1 NOR c ! Clayton, John jClifford, Charl j Co., Fort Sii iCollmson, Rev i coleth,Naas iCooper, Bernai prosby. Rev T : ^ sionary. Bell, Cunningham, Essington Cunningham, ^ Port Essingtc Cunningham, Metlakatla Cunningham, Essington Dempster, Jan Port Essingto Dempster, Wm Co, Aberdeen Dilton, George. { Q.C.I ^ ' Donohue, Edwai Field, Rev John. Fie win, John, constable and j Gamble, Thoma Essington Gibson, Geo A, n trial School, Nt Grantham, Fran sington Gray, James, labi fjurd. Rev, Rob katla Harrison, Rev V Q.C.I Herring, John, fit sington' Holmes, Gus, mi Skeena Homans, James, Essington H ijng, Rev Geo M nary. Port Es Honper, —, clerl Skeena Irving. Peter, min< J'icobsco, Victor, 1 /ennin;?b, Rev D missionary, Naai Johnson, Win, fmr Ke'ly, Maurice, coc on t'^Uhy, Horace, ga luring, Richard J Hazelton KANAIMd FOI 2f/^x^il Victoria Transfer Co., Ltd. Largemt in the 21 and 83 Brono'litoa Street Vlotorla B. C. Tel. 189. NOB BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRBCTOBY. NOR 143 Clayton, John, trader, Bella Bella {Clifford, Charles, M. D., agent H. B. Co., Fort Simpson 'Collinson, Rev Wm H, C.M.S., Kin- , coleth, Naas Cooper, Bernard, fisherman, Naas Crosby, Rev Thos, Methodist Mis- sionary, Bella Bella Cunningham, George, trader. Port Essington Cunningham, George, jr, carpenter, Port Essington Cunningham, John, storekeeper, Metlakatla Cunningham, Robert, trader, Port Essington Dempster, James, ship carpenter. Port Essington Dempster, Wm H, manager Windsor Co, Aberdeen Dilton, George, Skid fishery, Skidgate Q.C.I Donohue, Edward, fisherman, Naas Field, Rev John. C.M.S. Hazlston Flewin, John, Government agent, constable and registrar Gamble, Thomas, millwright. Port Essington Gibson, Geo A, manager Naas Indus- trial School, Naas Grantham, Frank, clerk, Port Es- sington Gray, James, labr, Naas Gurd, Rev, Robert, C.M.S. Metla- katla Harrison, Rev W, C.M.S., Masset, Q.C.I Herring, John, fisherman, Port Es- sington' Holmes, Gus, manager B.A.P. Co, Skeena Homans, James, fisherman. Port Essington H sine, Rev Geo F, Methodist Mis- bt 'Uary, Port Essington Hopper, — , clerk, Balmoral Co, Skeena Irving. Peter, miner, Skeena Jncobscn, Victor, trader, Bella Coola Jennin^b, Rev Dennis, Methodist missionary, Naas Johnson, Win, fmr. Fort Essington Ke'ly, Maurice, cooper. Port Essing- .011 Kiiby, Horace, gardener, Metlaka- tla" Loring, Richard E, Indian agent, Hazelton Lundberg, Chas, mgr Skid fishery Lyon, J H, clerk, Hudson's Bay Co, Hazelton, Saunders Harbor, Q.C.I Macbeth, David, labr, Masset, Q.O.I Madden, William, master stmr Nell, Georgetown Matheson, John, cooper, Naas McArthur, Daniel, miner, Skeena McCorvie, Archibald, manager Stan- dard Canning Co, Irving McCuUoch, Rev J B, C.M.S., Aix- anch, Naas McEwen, Alex, storekeeper, Port Essington Mclnnes, Alex D, engineer, Port Essington McKay, Hugh, carpenter. Port Es- sington Mennie, Wm T, clerk, Port Essington Miller, Rev A N, Methodist mission, Skidegate, Q.C.I Modelin, Wm, engineer, Metlakatla Morrison, Chas S, clerk, Metlakatla Morrison, Daniel, canneryman, Aber- deen Morrison, Murdoch, fishery inspec- tor, Port Essington Mouatt, A C, clerk H. B. Co., Fort Simpson Paul, John, fisherman, Irving Pierce, Rev Wm, Methodist mission- ary, Hazelton Pratt, Henry, ship carpenter. Port EssiuKton Price, Rev Albert, C.M.S., Kitran- gagh, Skeena river Ridley, Rt Rev Bishop, agent C.M.S, Metlakatla Robinson, Daniel, carpenter, Irving Robinson, Theodore A, storekeeper, Inverness Rood, John, carpenter. Lowe Inlet Rothwell, Frank, storekeeper. Port Essiijgton Roundy, Frank, carpenter, Naas Rudlin, James, fisherman, Metlakatla Rudlin, William, boat builder, Met- lakatla Rystedt, Frank, fisherman, Skeena Sargent, R 8, clerk H. B. Co, Hazel- ton Stephen^, E C, agent H. B. Co, Mas- sett, Q.C.I Scott, John R, principal Industrial School. Metlakatla SVilloii. Win B, manager Balmoral Co, Hkeena Smith, Alex, fisherman, Irving T £ X A S A K £ I C £ c o V A N C O u V E B B I I i -1 .( \< 4 <■ 4' T. D0BE80N. N. W. UOBESON. HANAIMd FOUNDRY, Iron and Braaa Pounders, O-eneral Maehiniate. All Kinda of Bepaira, £a>iil and Marine, NANAIMO. BRITISH COLOMBIA. I i It i ml j p.- 5 ;) !''>i i m %^i J. &i J. TAYLOR, SAFES AND VAULT DOOES Ii. J, Cole* Agent* Dupont Block, New Westminster, B. 0. I CO h w a i-i ■; ffli o 00 CO 10 6y 144 NOT BRITfSH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. OKA Snuggs, Charles, labr, Naas Spence, John, engineer, Port Essing- ton Spencer, John E, Methodist mission- ary, Skeena Stapledon, Bartholomew, manager Inverness Canning Co, Inverness St. Armand, Joseph, fmr, George- town Stewart, David, fisherman, Inverness Sutters, Leno, fisherman, Carthew- ville Thornhill, Thos, watchman, Inver- ness Todd, Charles, Indian agent, Metla- katla Tolmie, H Fraser, book-keeper, Oar- thewville ^ Tomlinson, Rev R, Skeena Tennent,Robt, manager Skidegate Oil Works, Skidegate, Q.C.I Walker, Fied, teacher, Fort Simpson Warren, Wm, engineer, Carthewville Waahburn, B W, trapper, Metlaka- tla Washburne, Lorna, mariner, Metla- katla Williams, David, engineer, Inverness Williams, John, engineer, George- town Williscroft, Geo, mill owner, George- town Woods, Robt, manager Cascade Can- ing Co, Naas NOTCH HILL. Postmaster, Chas. Castle. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale, is a station on the line of the C.P.R. with trains passing twice a day. Has a telegr.iph and express oflice ; mails daily. Banking point Kamloops, distant 60 miles. Bondo, Chris, fmr Brainard, H W, fmr Broderick, Martin, fmr Castl«, Chas, tmr and postmaster Dilworth, John, fmr Fowler, Henry A, fmr Goth, Louis, fmr Haldane, John, fmr Hampton, C, fmr Hansen, Chas, fmr Henstridge, William, fmr Langals, Louis, fmr Libby, Frank, fmr Mclntyre, John, fmr Mclntyre, Donald, fmr Mosheimer, Auton, fmr Neal, William, fmr Nellfcson, John, fmr Stangle, Geo, fmr Sullivan, Michael, fmr OKANAGAN. {See Spallumch^en Valley.) PobTiMasteh, Cornelius O'Keefe. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Kootenay and Provincial of Yale. A post settlement 18 miles from Enderbjr and 38 miles fiom Sicamous station. Nearest railway station.teleeraph and express office, Enderby on the Shuswap and Okanagan Railway Coughlan, Dan, foreman E Greenbaw Dunn, Joseph, fmr D'Aeth, Walter, fmr Eden, Frank, fmr Greenhaw, Mrs E, fmr Herbert, O, fmr Hayes, P N, fmr Lemieux, Thos, fmr McKenzie, Chas, fmr McGregor, Harvey, fmr O'Keefe, C, fmr and stockman Clinton, Thos, fmr Herbert, Oct, sr, fmr ' Herbert, O, jr, fmr Horsley, Samuel, fmr ' OKANAGAN MISSION. Postmaster, Bernard Lequimb. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Kootenay and Provincial of Yale, is on the west side of Okana- gan Lake, 35 miles from VernoB, from which it is reached by regular steamer. Nearest banking point, railway station, telegiaph and ex- press office, Vernon, 36 miles dis- tant ; mails twice a week. Alcock, W G, fmr Balaeue, Charles, fmr Barclay, G W, fmr Bassetl A S"hultz, fmrs Berard, — , fmr Bishop, Jos, fmr Blace, Henry, fmr Blace, H, butcher T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Paints, Oils and Agricnltnral Mulementi Columbia Street, NEW WESTMIN8TEE, B. C. flPDSO. or Bouvette, ] Brent, Free Brent, Jose Brent, Loui Brodeur, L, Brown, J Brown, Johi Buchere, I, Carion, Fatl Cassoreso, (j Christian, J( Clement, Va Conroy, Johi Oonkle, Jam, Day, E A, la ^ew, Alex, f Dufour, John Duncan, Will Klliott, R, fm torgette, Frai * rank, G A, f f/eeman, Geo /:" er, A G, fi Gallagher, D, ; Gartril;, Josep Gartrill, W, f, tramett, E, fm Crarnett, W J, (lauschetti, A (iauschetti, C, t^illet, Felix, f, ifillard, Arthu G; ard, Fred, l , Gillard, D, fmi I ^oo^ing, P J, 1 Hachey, J, fmi Haynes, John, rfereron, M, fm Hereron, Thorn I Johns, Thomas, , Jones, Lloyd, fi ( f ones, W L, fm I Jones, J L, fmr Jl^nes, E L, fmr Knox, A B, fmr Lawbly, Mrs E ;^e Bel, Thomas I l>iddY, Thomas, Lefevre, Alphon Lequime Bros, g fequime, Bernj Lequune, B, stoi Lequimie, Eli, c Lequime, L, 8to( Lequime, Marie, [ I^unsford, Alex, McDonald, Dona Mc-Donald, Hern VIOTORI, HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY "" •«* 1"™ '^^ OKA BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Bouvette, F, fmr Brent, Fred, J.P., fmr Brent, Joseph, fmr Brent, Louis, fmr Brodeur, L, fmr Brown, J C, fmr > Brown, John, fmr Buchere, I, fmr Carion, Father, O.M.I. Mission Cassoreso, G, fmr Christian, Jos, fmr Clement, Vacher, fmr Conroy, John, fmr Conkle, James, fmr Day, E A, fmr Dew, Alex, fmr Dufour, John, fmr Duncan, William, fmr Elliott, R, fmr, O. K. mills Forgette, Frank, fmr Frank, G A, fmr Freeman, George, fmr Fuller, A G, fmr Gallagher, D, fmr Gartrili, Joseph, fmr Gartrill, W, J, fmr Garnett, E, fmr Garnett, W J, fmr Gauschetti, A J, fmr Gauschetti, 0, fmr Gillet, Felix, fmr Gillard, Arthur, fmr Gillard, Fred, fmr Gillard, D, fmr Gooding, P J, fmr Hachey, J, frar Haynes, John, stockman Hereron, M, fmr Hereron, Thomas, fmr Johns, Thomas, fmr Jones, Lloyd, fmr Jones, W L, fmr Jones, J L, fmr Jones, E L, fmr Knox, A B, fmr Lawbly, Mrs E P, fmr Le Bel, Thomas, stock raiser Leddy, Thomas, fmr Lefevr«, Alphonse, fmr Lequime Bros, general merchants Lequime, Bernard, postmaster Lequime, B, stock raiser Lequimie, Eli, general merchant Lequime, L, stock raiser Lequime, Marie, fmr Luiisford, Alex, fmr McDonald, Donald, fmr McDonald, Herman, fmr OBO 146 |M McDougall, Amable, fmr McDousall, E, hunter and scout McDougall, Henry, fmr McDougall, John, fmr McDougall, Samuel, fmr McDougall, Sesimer, fmr McKay, G G, land owner McKinnon, — , fmr McLean, D, fmr McLeod, John, fmr Morrison, John H, fmr Murray, Thos, fmr Narwiss, Lazare, fmr Nicholson, Dan, fmr Orotel, Robt, fmr Orchard, Thomas, fmr Ortaland, Clement, fmr Ortaland, Eli, fmr Ortaland, Francis, fmr Ortaland, Joseph H, tmr Patten & Pdstill, fmrs Powers, W, mail carrier Rashdall, G H, fmr Robinson, Edward, fmr Saucier, Joseph, fmr Swordy, Thomas, fmr Tekmantus, L, stockman Thompson, V, fmr Thompson, Neil, fmr Thurburn, P C, fmr Turner, Nelson, fmr Watson, F J, fmr Wataon, Richard, fmr Whelan, Geo, fmr Wood, Thos, J. P., stockman Woods, Duncan, fmr OSOOYOS. Including Falrvlew Camp, Kettle River, Rock Creek, Dog Lake, Keremeos and Boundary Creek. Postmaster, Theodore Kkitger. In the Provincial and Electoral Dis- trict of Yale, is situated at the Narrows of Osooyos Lake, 2 miles north of the boundary line, and is a centre of travel between the in- terior of B. C. and Washington. Mail three times a week. Com- munication by boat and stage. Almon, Sydney R, rancher. Kettle River Allan, Alfred, free miner. Boundary Creek ■P^. fB- ? s CD oiZ • ?' WEILER BROS., are agents for crosst^^y VICTORIA, B. C. AND SONS PINE C^ r^ 1^^ ^i m.' ;'f M-MBp ■ r:-!. Wi I; ' ik S'l R.T. BOOKBINDER and BLANK BOOK HUNUFAGTURER »« BROAD STREET, VICTORIA. mm -M ai « * :g Pm «t-i « © >£) 00 ■^ fH « >^ a 8S ^ ^^ Ol <V -^ >- oo Oj , u H 146 080 BRltlMH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. oso Anderson, Jaa, F camp Anderson, James P, Kettle river Atwood, James, free miner,Boundary creek Barber, John, rancher, Similkameen Barcklay, Sam, F camp Barnhart, A, F camp Barry, John A, carpt,Boundary creek Bartholomew, F C, free miner, Boun- dary creek BirdjW, engi', Boundary creek Burr, C F, F camp Bartholomew, C E,free miner. Boun- dary creek Black, Jas M, rancher. Kettle river Bloyer, Sam, free miner, Boundary creek Boeing, E D, F camp Bothwell, AC, contractor, Keremeos Boyd, Josliua, F camp Boyer, G VV, F camp Bromly, Jas, F camp Burk, Irwin, F camp Burk, J, Fairview hotel Cahill, Geo H, rancher, F camp Cameron, D, miner, Rock creek Car, Thos, rancher, Kettle river Carr, C C, F camp Carter, Ernest, F camp Cameron, Dugald, miner. Rock creek Chapman, M, F camp Clark, J E, F camp Copland, James, miner. Rock creek Coryell, John S; sr, free miner,Grand Prairie Coulthard, J B, mer, Keremeos Covert, W H, Kettle river Cook, George, free miner, Boundary creek Cugerringer, DeWitt, rancher, F camp Cuvington, Henry, free miner, Boun- ary creek Daly, Thos, stockman, Keremeos Dalrymple, William, blacksmith, F camp Danigan, Robt, miner, Kettle river Davie, T R, miner, F camp Davis, W J, F camp Deitz, Chas A, miner. Rock creek Dewgler, Robt, free miner, Boundarv creek Dexter, H B, miner, F camp Dickman,William, free miner, White's camp Donohue, A, miner. Rock creek Douglas, Wm, miner. Kettle river Downey, J F, F camp Duncan,John P.free miner,Boundary creek East, J H, rancher. Boundary creek Eaton, W J, F camp Edwards, Geo, rancher. Kettle river Edwards, W, miner, Rock creek Eholt, Louis, rancher. Kettle river Elliott, T, F camp Fahshender, W VV, free miner, Boun- ary creek Fairless, W, F camp gen store Faller, Jacob, free miner. Boundary creek Farmer, C, rancher. Kettle river Fife, W H, free miner, Boundary creek Flourish, V, miner, Rock creek Fuller, W A, F camp Gales, J F, t camp Gallagher, J A, rancher, Kettle river Gilpin, R R, rancher, Kettle river Gome, Frank, free miner, Grand Prairie Good, F, free miner. Boundary ck Gothaham, John D, F camp Grant, James S, F camp Guert, B, feeder, Fcarap Haddican, P, miner, Rockck, Fcamp Hammer, A, free miner. Boundary ck Hann, T T, F camp Hardy, Thos J, rancher. Kettle river Harkin, Frank, free miner. Dog lake Haynes, F M, F camp Hendrickson, A, miner, F camp Hicks, Frank, F camp Hotfmaster, Geo, F camp HoUaran, Dennis, F camp Honsinger, A W, hotelkr, F camp Hotter, Matt, F camp Hook, J, miner. Rock ck Hogen, F O, free miner. Boundary ck Humphrey, Thos, free miner. Boun- dary ck Inglee, H, rancher. White lake Ingrim, M R, rancher. Kettle river Jackson, Jno R, rancher. Kettle riv'r Johnson, Fred, free miner, F camp Johnson, Ole, free miner, Atwood's camp Kaines, Jno, free miner. Boundary ck Kelsey, P S, miner, F camp Kelsey, C, rancher, F camp Keogan, Michael, rancher. Dog lake Krnger, Theo, customs officer and P. M, Osoyoos Kerr, R fi, butcher, Boundan' ck Kisten, J S, free miner, 4th July ck Kline, F R, hotel keeper, F camp Lamblej J-a Plant l«e, Jno J^ee, CJiei Lefevre, wood's I^fevre, ] camp fegitt, Dt i-vnch, J MalJory, 1 Mamcy, V Mankin, I ManJcy, L ManaeiJ, J Martin, J ( McAulay, 1 McBride, J McBride, D camp McCallum, McCalluin, McCarren,' camp McColJough MeCurdy.D McDonald, : Prairie McDonald, I McDonald, J McDonald, J McEachern, McGilivery. ] Mclnnis, Doc Mclntyre, P ^ McKeagan, A dary ck McKevet, Dar McLaren, D I'rairie Mcifynn, \\ ( ck McLean, Rhod McLennan, Ja, McRea, D. ran McRae, Colin, camp Morris, E.Fca Morton, R, F c, Munro, Dan, fr Munro, Geo, ra See our Mackintoshes, Melissa and Rigby Waterproofs, Umbrellas, &( B. WILLIAMS & CO., 07 Johnson Street, Victoria, B. C. VICTORIA TRANSFER CO., LTD. 21 and 23 Broushton Strest, Victoria, B. C. Tel. 129. Check BaKBase to any part of the City. Their Wagon* and Carriages meet all Boats and Trains. oso BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. OSO 147 Lambley, CAR, govt agent, Osooyos La Plant, N J.free miner,Boundary ck Lee, Jno, free miner, Boundary ck Lee, Chester F, free miner, Bound'y ck Lefevre, £dmond, free miner, 'At- wood's eump I^fevre, Henry, free miner, Atwood's camp Legitt, David, F camp Lvnch, J M, miner. Kettle river Afaliory, T H, miner, Kettle river Mamcy, W J, rancher, Keremeos Mankin, H, F camp Manley, Loyd A, rancher. Kettle riv'r Mansell, J, miner, F camp Martin, J G, miner, F camp McAulay, Thos, free miner, Bound'y ck McBride, J J, rancher. Kettle river McBride, David, rancher. Rock ck, F camp McCallum, Jno, miner. Rock ck McCallum, V P, rancher, Kettle river McCarren, R, freo miner, Atwood's camp McCoUough, J, rancher, Kettle river McCurdy, Dan, stockman, Keremoes McDonald, Thomas, rancher. Grand Prairie JlcDonald, D, rancher. Kettle river McDonald, Jno, miner, F camp McDonald, Jno, miner, Kettle river McEachern, Dan, F camp McGilivery. D E, teacher, Keremoes Mclnnis, Dougal,rancher,Kettle riv'r Mclntyre, P W, F camp McKeagan, Alex, free miner. Boun- dary ck McKevet, Dan, rancher, Kettle river McLaren, D D, blacksmith. Grand Prairie McMynn, W G, constable. Boundary ck McLean, Rhodes, rancher. Dog lake McLennan, Jas, miner. Kettle river McRea, D, rancher. Kettle river McRae, Colin, free miner, Atwood's camp Morris, E, F camp Morton, R, F camp Munro, Dan, free miner. Boundary ck Munro, Geo, rancher. Kettle river Murray, Hugh, rancher, Kettle river Neil, Jno, rancher. Boundary valley Neeley, William, free miner. Boun- dary ck NewbV, Leonard, rancher,Kettle riv'r Newby, Jas, rancher. Kettle river Newby, Thos, rancher, Kettle river Nicholson, I V, miner, Rock ck O'Neal, Geo, rancher Anarchist mine, F camp Overton, A C, rancher. Kettle river Parker, Harry A, free miner, Boun- dary ck Patrick, L L, F camp Palmerston, — , mine owner. Boun- dary creek PettyoUn, D B, rancher. Kettle river Pex, D F, miner, F camp Pike, Geo, rancher, Keremeos Powers, Theo, F camp Pritchard, Thos, free miner. Boun- dary creek Quigley, John, F camp Rankin, Colin, rancher. Dog Lake Rattler Mining Co, Reynolds & At- wood props, W H Thompson, mgr Reid, John S, F camp Richardson, Al, carpenter, F camp Richter, Frank, free miner. Boun- dary Valley Rose, Harry,' F camp Roy, VV M, rancher. Boundary creek Ruckle, Francis, rancher. Kettle riv Rumberger, G W, free miner. Grand Prairie Sangford, O D, F camp Seawdes, C A, miner, Kettle river Schoonover, Wm, F camp Snodgrass, W J, saw mill. Dog Lake Schroeder, Wm, engineer, F camp Schwain, C R, free miner, Boundary creek Scott, H B, rancher. Kettle river Scott, Robt, rancher, Keremeos Shaw, Ben, rancher. Kettle river Sheehan, Geo, free miner, F camp Simmons, F R, F camp Sidley, R G, J.P., Osooyos Simpson, W H, F camp Smith, W P, free miner, boundary ck Smith, S, F camp Spragfgrett, E, rancher and P.M, Ket- tle river Shatford, W, merchant, Fairview Sprise, F, rancher, Keremoes Squire, C 0, free miner, Cascade Sullivan, John, rancher. Kettle river Sutherland, Jas, miner, Kettle river Spokane & Great Northern Mining Co, Boundary creek Stephens John, F camp Stone, Emery, free miner, Boundary creek Taylor, J M, free miner, 4th July crk Tedrow, C W, rancher, F camp &( ISEE OUR SGOrCH AND ENGLISH TWEED SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS B. WII<LIAMS * CO., ClotUen and Hattwra. 97 Johaaoa St.. Victoria. £ X A S L A K £ I C £ c o V A N C O u V E B B C zm^msszssssgasnmmBm BUPON r BLOCK. L. J. COLE COLUMBIA STREET. NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. Votary PwbH«. OttHveyaneevt Aeeountatit and AudUort Xentt mnd Aeeounta Settted, Xttatea Managed. HUDSOrSI &i^ o^ b <i o 00 CO pt3 148 OTT BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRBCTOBT. OTT Tedrow, G W, rancher, F camp Tedrow, L, rancher, F camp Thall, Nick, F camp Thompson, R, miner, Rock creek Thompson, Jas, miner. Kettle river Tompkins, T, miner, Rock creek Toye, Thos, blacksmith, Boundary creek Toomey, Will, F camp Trimble, Thos B, F camp Vaughan, Leonard, rancher, Kettle river Wake, Thos, free miner, Boundair creek Walters, Howard C, free miner Boundary creek Ward, Joseph, miner. Kettle river Wasson, R, rancher, Kettle river Watson, J, Fcamp Watkins, F G, F camp Wattin, John, rancher, White Lake White, Henry, free miner, Boun- dary creek Wilder, James, Rock creek, F camp Wilkinson, Geo, F camp Williams, Robt, F camp Wiseman, Jos, rancher. Kettle river Wittencrop, W, miner, F camp Wood, Silas, rancher. White Lake, F camp Woods, Duncan, rancher Trout creek Wright, Adrian, free miner, Boun- dary creek OTTER, (See also Langley Municipality.) Postmaster, D. W. Poppy. In the Westminster Electoral Dis- trict, is in the Langley Munici- pality, on the South side of the Fraser river. Communication by stage. Nearest telegraph, express and banking point, New West- minster. Abra, Sam R, fmr Abra, Samuel B, fmr Beaton, Alex, fmr Beaton, Archy, fmr Beaton, Kenneth, fmr Beaton, Roderick, fmr Bourgoino, Fred, fmr Buckley, James, fmr Campbell, John, fmr Carter, James, fmr Cawker, Samuel, sr, fmr Cawker, Samuel, jr, fmr Day, Fredk B, fmr Deans, Albert, fmr Doolittle, W, fmr Graham, Thos, fmr Harrington, £, fmr Hyde, Henry, fmr Jo'hnson, Fredk, fmr Kidd, Jos, fmr Lynch, Miss A, fmr Matheson, Dan, fmr McColm, Ghas, fmr McColm, Wm, fmr McDonald, Jno, fmr Mclntyre, Mai, fmr McLeod, James, fmr McVean, Hugh, fmr Melrose, James, fmr Norman, Ben, fmr Olson, Frank, fmr Packard, Chas S, fmr Powell, John, fmr Powell, Geo, fmr Ridley, Jas, fmr Robinson. Robt, fmr Rollings, W C, fmr Spears, Samuel, fmr Steel, Alfred, fmr Steel, Fredk, fmr Thompson, Jno, fmr Warner, Gus A, fmr and engr White, Mrs J, fmr Williams, Chas, fmr OTTER POINT. (See also Sooke.) Postmaster, Edward Gordon. A country postoffice in Esquimalt District, situated southwest of Sooke, 30 miles from Victoria. Mails weekly ; has a telegraph and express ofSce. Communication by water, and once a week by stage, leaving Victoria postoffice every Friday. Begg, John, rancher Booth, Frank, seal hunter Campbell, Hugh, sr, rancher Campbell, Hugh, jr, rancher Campbell, John, rancher Charters, John, rancher Clark, G, rancher Collier, Harry, rancher Des Biens, L, telegraph line repairer Floyer, Arthur, fmr and stage driver l<'rench, James, fmr T. J. TRAPP & CO., HaFdware, Paints, Oils anil Aio'iGQltnral IipleniGnts. Colnmbia Street, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. PA] Gordon, Ed operator Hellerun, n Hitchcock, Kemp, RicJ McCaskill, ' McLeod, Th McGregor, 1 Munn, John O'Brien, Cle Plaice, Robe Boss, Thorn man Russell, Joh; Smith, Chas Van Allen, J ( A flag station C. P. R. E Vancouver. PAR P.O. A small islanc PA POSTMASTJ In the Domini Vancouver, i naimo, on V 24 miles no Communica! and Nanain: Nanaimo ai express and naimo. Bagshaw, A G( t^raig, James, i Curtis, Roben Gaetzen, He n Hirst, Andr \ and fmr Hirst, Albert Hirst, Joseph, Mills, William Mills, William P ummer, Geo, Rath, William INTERIOR W Ml -a HUDSOI'S BAY COMPIIY, ilgents for Fort Garry and Benton County Flouring Mills -VICTORIA., B. O. PAB BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTOBY. PAV 140 Gordon, Edward, fmr and telegraph operator Heller un, rancher Hitchcock, W, rancher Kemp, Bichard, fmr McGaBkill, Thomas, fisherman McLeod, Thomas, fisherman McGreKor, Thomas, rancher Munn, John O'Brien, Clements, rancher Plaice, Robert, rancher Ross, Thomas, rancher and fisher- man Russell, John, rancher Smith, Ghas, rancher Van Allen, John, rancher PALLISER. (See Oolden.) A flag station on the main line of the C. P. R. Railway, 488 miles from Vancouver. Fare, $24.40. PARKER ISLAND. P. O. Plumper Pass. A small island in the Gulf of Georgia. PARKSVILLE. POSTMASTEB, ANDREW HiRST. In the Dominion Electoral District of Vancouver, and Provincial of Na- naimo, on Vancouver Island, about 24 miles north-west of Nanaimo. Communication by stage to Alberni and Nanaimo, and by steamer to Nanaimo and Comox. Telegraph, express and banking point, Na- naimo. Bagshaw, A Geo, fmr Crai^, James, road supt and fmr Curtis, Robert, tmt Gaetzen, He man, if ir Hirst, Andr w, hotel prop, postmstr and fmr Hirst, Albert \', fni! Hirst, Joseph, fmr Mills, William sr, fmr Mills, William jr, fmr P'ummer, Geo, fmr Rath, William, fmr PAVILION MOUNTAIN. Postmaster, Wm. Lee. In the Dominion Electoral District of Cariboo and Provincial of Lillooet, situated on the road to Lillooet, 23 miles from Clinton. Nearest rail- way station Ashcroft, C. P. R., 46 miles. Telegraph and express office Clinton, nearest banking point, Kamloops. It is reached by the B. C. Express Company's stage irom Ashcroft, change at Clinton. Boyd, Wm, fmr and stock raiser, 70 Mile House, Clinton P. O Carson, Robt, fmr and stk raiser Clark, Truman C, fmr and stk raiser Cole, Thomas J, fmr, 19 Mile House Gallagher, Hugh, fmr Garrigan, Peter, blacksmith Gillen, Michael, fmr and stk raiser Harris, Thos C, fmr, 17 Mile House Holt, E Joseph, fmr and stk raiser Keatley, W H, fmr Lee, Wm, postmaster, mill owner and trader, 20 Mile House Manson, Wm H, fmr Martley, A H J, fmr. The Grange Martley, Capt, fuir. The Grange Martley, John, J. P., fmr and stk raiser McKay, Frank, fmr, 23 Mile House O'Halloran, Cornelius, fmr, 20 Mile House Roberts, A B, fmr Stavis, Francis, labr, 21 Mile House Scott, Chas, labr Wood, Chas, labr PEACE RIVER. In the Cariboo District, Quesnelle Division. It ia reached by stage from Quesnelle. PENDER ISLAND. Postmaster, Washington Grimmer. In the Dominion Electoral District of Vancou ver and Provincial of Islands, is located on the C.P.N, route to the mainland on the right going from Victoria to the Fraser river, about 36 miles from Victoria and the same distance fiom Nanaimo, Vancouver and New Westminster. The government wharf is situate at INTERIOR WOODWORK, OFFICE AND BAR FnTINGS '— Mads to Order by WEILER BROS. ..^. ■'>. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. O y % 1.0 I.I 11.25 IA£|28 |2.5 KS Bii 12.2 U Hi 2.0 U IIIIII.6 ^ m >* '/ PhotDgraphic Sciences Corporalion ^•^\^^ ^^^\ ^?^^ ■fS WWT MiUN ST«IIT WIbS ««,N.Y. 14580 (716)S72-4S03 rs:E I.ATSST IKPBO rXMJEirTB IITBOOK- BIITDINO AJTD PAPXIB BVLINO. 28 BROA.D STRKBT. R. T. Williams t ■ \i I 11 1 ai « ,4 Ph ^ «M « e £ ^ a « ► r/} flS VICTORIA.. 150 PEN BRITISH COLUMBIA DTBECTORY. PH. Washington bay, which is- in the line of steamboat trafBc between the Mainland and Victoria. Otter bay, Hope bay, Browning harbor and Bednall bay all afford good anchorage. Auchterlonie, Jas, fmr Auchterlonie, Lawrence, fmr Colston, R, fmr Colston, Sweeney, fmr Davidson, Andrew, fmr Davidson, Thos, fmr Drummond, Arthur, fmr Hamilton, Hugh, fmr Higgs. L L S, fmr HooBon, Evan, quarry owner Hooson, John, quarry owner Hooson, Wm, quarry owner Liddell, J, fmr Longe, A B, fmr Longe, C A, fmr Mamies, A H, fmr Spalding, A R, fmr Wilstead, A, fmr PENTICTON. Postmaster, Thos. Ellis. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Kootenay, and Provincial of Yale. It has a postoffice and steam- er landing at the foot of Okanagan lake. Nearest railway station and telegraph office, Vernon; express office. Mission Valley. Penticton is distant from Vernon some 90 miles by water, and a steamer plies regularly. Mails received once a month. Archibald, F labr Barclay, G N, rancher Beaucage, A, labr Beringnam, W, labr Brown, James R, independent Campbell, James, labr Causton, Geo L, Penticton, foreman Christopherson, Jos, labr Costick, Chas, labr Davis, R 8, labr Day, Arthur, rancher. Trout ck Deans, R, fmr DeBanqz, Hilary 0, labr Donald, Frank, livery stable Donnelly, Jack, labr Ellis, Thos, postmaster stock raiser and fmr Faulder, E R, fmr Ford, J J, boarding house prop Frazer, Donald, labr Gage, Chas, labr. Dog lake Gartrell, Jas, rancher Godfrey, Cecil T, clerk Gray, Hec, carpenter Griffin, Angus, labr Hawtry, W, fmr Holeman, Lewis. labr Howard, Mark, bartender Inch, Gecrjte, carpenter Jones, D Lloyd, fmr Keef, Andrew, labr Keogan, Mike, independent, Dog ck Lennan, Thos, labr Manning, W J, storekeeper McCuddy, W, storekeeper Moran, James, labr Pepsall, W, sawmill ReiUy, Wm, livery stable Rusk, Jas, labr Scadding, H S, C.P.R. agent Shurber, Jos, hotel keeper Strewl, Fred, carpenter Shea, F, labr See, Frank, labr Wade, Alfred H, store keeper Snodgrass, W J, sawmill Vacher, Clement, labr Ward, Peter, labr Wilson, Peter, labr PERRY CREEK. {See Fort Steele.) In the East Kootenay District. Near- est postoffice, St. Eugene Mission. Nearest railway, telegraph and ex- press office. Golden. Communica- tion by steamer from Golden to Windermere, thence by stage. PILOT BAY. Postmaster, Hamilton Byers. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Kootenay, and Provincial of West Kootenay, is eight miles from Ainsworth. The Kootenay Lake Reduction Co. have their smelter here, and there is also a saw mill with a capacity of 26,000 feet a diay. The nearest telegraph, expr^s and banking point is Nel- son. Mails four times a week. Communication bv steamer with all points on the lake. T. DOBESON. N. W. DOBKSON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron and Braat Voundert, Gentral MaehinitU • All Kindt of Bepairtf Land and Marino, MANAIMO. ■ • BRITISH COLUMBIA. 21 and 83 Brcachton Street, Victoria, B. C. Tel. 189. PIL BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. PIT 151 Adair, M C, labr, Pilot Bay Allan, B W, lK»okkeeper, Davis-Say- ward Co Barnett, James, millwright Bartlett, J D, millwright Beale, E W, purser 8.8. Galema Beaton, 8amuel, labr Bell, J E, labr Blanchard, James, fireman Blanchard, Joseph, hotel prop Byers, Hamilton, postmaster and mgr Galena Trading Co Caldwell, John, itiillwright Cameron, John R, blacksmith Clark, David, hotel Clute, W C, elk Galena Trading Co Cockle, James, boatbuilder Cockle, Wm, boatbuilder Cole, F E, asst mgr Galena Tde Co Colgreen, John, millwright Davis-Sayward Co, 8 C 8palding mgr, manufs of lumber De La Haye, Capt Chas, mate 8. 8 Galena Dempster, T H, carpenter Durney, Edward, labr Elliott, Henry, mason Faucault, Joseph, labr Eraser, Hector, labr Galena Trading Co, merchants, mgr H Byers Gianola, Wm, labr Gillis, Donald, labr Gillis, Hugh, labr Gillis, James B, labr Gillis, Malcolm, labr Grandpre, Zephirin, labr Hansen, Fred, millwright Harmon, Geo, labr Hay ward, Capt Geo Henderson, A M, labr Henderson, William, labr Hendryx, W A, mgr Kootenay Lake Reduction Co Hill, John, labr Hobart, Samuel, labr Hurter, Jacob, labr James, Harry, engineer Jenks, A W, metallurgist K.L.R. Go Jennings, Richard, millwright Kane, Charles, labr Kennedy, Thos, engr 8.8. Galena Kit, Abram, labr Kootenay Lake Reduction Co Lapointe. Adolph, brickmaker Lapointe, John, brickmaker Leach, W 8, mgr hot rding house Lightbody, Simon, labr Link, Alex, millwright Lippe, Henry, carpenter Long, George, labr Long, Richard G, labr Maka^, W D, civil engineer Mackie, John, labr Main, Robert, labr Martell, Joseph, labr Martin, J W, labr Maynard, Frank T, millwright McDonald, Duncan, carpenter Mclnnis, Alex, labr Mclnnis, Miles, labr ' McKenzie. Murdoch, millwright McLean, Samuel, cook McLellan, W A, labr McPherson. G B, bookkeeper Galena Trading Co Midbury, Lee, mason Miller, Chas, cook Mofiat, James, labr Morgan, Stephen, labr Murchison, Chas, millwright Nelson, Chas, labr Newton, W M, agt Pilot Bay, Town- site Co and Notary One, John, labr Overbold, Albert, labr Park, Andrew, labr Parks, Prof John H, mining engineer and chemist Pearce, William, warehouseman Perrault, Orilla, lab*" Pilot Bay Townsite Co, real estate Pourtois, A, millwright Regan, John, steam-drill man Rolling, Joseph, labr Scoley, J H, loreman Sexton, Jerry, labr Sherry, Severet, teamster Smith, David R, millwright Spalding, 8 C, mgr Davis-Sayward Co Tomlinson, E H, asst treas Kootenay Lake Reduction Co Washburn, Timothy, mason Weaver, Fred L, machinist White, John, labr Wood. F A, bookkeeper Kootenay Lake Reduction Co Wright, Frank, millwright PITT RIVER MEADOWS. (See also Port Hammond.) POSTHASTBR, D. DoCKBTBADER. Large prairies known as Pitt Mead- ows, comprising 30,000 to 40,000 Eastern TAILOR-MADE SUITS to Measure, ^hl^/r'iil^ Bw our Btmpieg and Prieei. B. WILLIAMS & CO., 97 Johnson St., Victoria. I i c^5 a i ?> g 00 CO 10 T T rOT P ^EAL ESTATE AND INSUBANOE 1^* J • \J\J JLdLj Dnpont Block, Columbia St., New 'WeBtminater. B. C. 152 PIT BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTORY. PIT acres of level land, are in Maple Bidge municipality, not far ° from Port Hammond the nearest railway station, post, telegraph and express office. These Meadows have oeen successfully djrked bv the British Columbia Dyking ana Draining Co. , to prevent the encroachment of the Fraser river. Anderson, Andrew, fmr and nursery man Anderson, John, fmr Anderson. Thomas, fmr Ansell, William, fmr Atkinson, Henry, teamster Bailey, Archibald, fmr Bailey, James, labr Bailey, Robt, labr Bailey, William, fmr Baker, Alonso, fmr Baker, August, fmr Baker, E P, fmr Baker, Joseph, fmr Baker, Peter, fmr Barrington, Wm, fmr Best, Hugh, fmr Rest, James, fmr Best, Wm, labr Blackstuck, George, fmr Blackstock, Robert, fmr Blaney, John, fmr BoBomworth, Thomas, fmr Bouson, James, carpenter Calahan, Dan, carpenter Carlson, John, fmr Carter, £ J, brickmaker Carter, James, brickmaker Chad wick, John, logger Chesley, Charles, fmr Christina, Edward Christina, William Corbould, A, fmr Creighton, James, logger. Croft, James, logger Dabach, Eli, contractor and fmr Davidson, John, fmr Dawson, John, fmr Delater, William, fmr Deranger, E, blacksmith Docksteader, Archibald, fmr Docksteader, Mrs D, hotel keeper Dof ksteader, I), merchant and post- master Docksteader, G A, fmr Docksteader, John, fmr Edge, Hamilton, fmr Edge Samuel, fmr Ferguson, Angus, fmr Ferguson, Archie, labr Ferguson, John Hector, fmr Frembath, John, fmr Hammond, William, fmr Hanbery, Hy, ensineer Haney, Thomas, imr Haugh, Thomas, fmr Hendrick, Robert, fmr Hinch, John, fmr Hutcheson, Wm, engineer Isaac, William, fmr Johnson, William, labr Kendrick, Robert, fmr Kennedy, William, fisherman Kirkendale, Miss Lizzie, school teacher Knight, £b, fmr Legett, M, labr Legett, W C, fmr Lindsay, — . labr Lockwood, William, fmr Martin, O, fmr McCannab, John, fmr McDonald, Alex, fmr McCannal, John, fmr Mighton, Joseph, fmr Morgan, Thomas, fmr Morrison, Angus, fmr Murgatroyd, William, fmr Nelson, D B, fmr Nelson, William, fmr Parkinson, Wm, farm labr Patterson, A, logger Redcliffe, John, fmr Reed, Thomas, fmr Reid, Frank, fmr Ritchie, Archibald, fmr Ritchie, James, fmr Ritchie, John, fmr Ritchie, John, teamster Ritchie, Samuel, fmr Ritchie, William, fmr Robertson, Alex, contractoi Robertson, James, labr Robertson, John, labr Robertson, Samuel, fmr Scarr, Frank, fmr Scott, James, fmr Sheppard, Edgar, fmr Sinclair & Carr, merchants Sinclair, T F. merchant Smeadly, William, fmr Smith, Gus, mgr fish freezer Smith, John, gardener Spring, Albert, fmr Stephens, Joseph, fmr Stephens, Robert fmr Stoney, John, fmr T. J. TRAPP & CO., HarHware, Paints, Oils and AflxicQltnral Imsleients. Columbia Street, NEW WESTMINSTSB. B. C. HDDSOFS BAY COMPANY fbolPiiale Efrocers&fineHercliaDts VICTORIA. B. C. V7V BBITISH COLUMBIA DII ECTOBY. FLU 163 Thomas, John, fmr Thompson, Robert, fmr Wales, William, fmr Ward, James Wilcox, M. fmr Wilcox, Michael, fmr Wilds, Charles, labr Williams, Alexander, fmr Wilson, J J, fmr PLUMPER PASS. Island District. (Including Mayne Island, Oaliano, Saturna, Samuel, Gossip and Tum- bo Islands.) Postmaster, W. T. Collinbon. Plumper Pass, situated on the south side of Active Pass, on the shore of Miner's Bay, Mayne Island, is the name of the postoffice which serves for Mayne Island, Saturna, Samuel, Gossip and nearly all of Galiano, with a small portion of Pender Island, which has a post- office of its own. The settlement has progressed largely during the past year. A fine hotel has been pat up at Point Comfort. Coal has been discovered on Tumbo, Saturna and Mayne Islands. The C. P. N. steamers communicate with the islands almost every day. Victoria, Vancouver, New Westminster and Nanaimo are all equal distant to the settlement, about 36 miles. The whole district is very fertile, and game is plentiful. Bennett, James, fmr Bennett, Thomas, fmr Benneti , Thomas, jr, fmr Bodine, J, fmr Bodine, T, fmr Cain, William, mechanic Campbell, James C, capitalist Clapham, Henry, fmr Collinson, Melville, fmr Collinson. Samuel, fmr Collinson, W T, fmr and postmaster Conn, Robert, fmr, Tumbo Island Cook, Carl N, fmr Cook, John, fmr Cook, William, fmr Carrie, Ronald, fmr David, Frank L, fmr Deacon, Dal ton, fmr Deacon, John, fmr Deacon, John H, fmr Deacon, William, fmr Dean, C A, chief engineer Tumbo Coal Co Ekholm, John, labr Flannijan, Michael, gardener, Sam- uel Island Gabriel, Charles, gentleman Gallant, D, teacher, Galiano Island Georgeson, George, fisherman Georgeson, James, lighthouse keeper East Point Georgeson, John, fmr Georgeson, Henry, lighthouse keeper Georgeson, William, fisherman Gray, John L, fmr Grey, Ralph G, fmr, Samuel Island Grolh, Charles, fmr Grubb, Robert, fmr Hayter, George, fmr Heck, Jacob, fmr Higgs, Leonard, fmr Hoger, Henry, fisherman, Galiano Island Hoosen, Evan, quarryman Hoosen, John E, quarryman ■ Hoosen William, quarryman Hyg-ard, N, fisherman Jack, Hunter, fmr Jack, John, fmr Jack, Robert, fmr Jerome, Thomas, labr Tumbo Coal Co Lanz, F, foreman Tumbo Coal Co Longe, C A, fmr Pender Island Macdonald, John F C, fisherman and fmr Macklin, Herbert, fmr Mawdsley, W H, J.P., fmr Mcintosh, Mrs A, widow McKenzie, C E, stone mason, Tumbo Island Mikuni, K, fmr Millington, William, bricklayer Minie, — , labr Murcheson, F A, fmr Murcheson, Finlay, J.P., fmr, Gala- ino Island Nagatomo, labr Newton, H N, secy Tumbo Coal Co Payne. G F, fmr Peddel, Harry, blacksmith, Tumbo Coal Co Powell, F G, general store Rafuse, A, miner Tumbo Island Richardson, gamekeeper, Provest Isl Robertson, Andrew, Saturna Island Robson, Frederick, fmr C/2 2 ^ WEILl BROS. VICTORIA, 'J B. C. X|TX* VIMT^ST ^\^T More Handa and More Capital tban all other Blnderle* ¥¥ Ji ZdajflAjX in the Province. US BBOAD HTBMET, VICTOBIA. M It ¥■ R. T. WIItlllAMS ^^ Od \ "el 154 POR BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. POR Robson, Jas, fmr RobsoD, Wm, J.P., assessor and col- lector and general store Rudd, J W, fmr Rudyard, A, fmr Rudyard, Wilfred R, fmr Scott, W H, 2nd engineer Tumbo Coal Co Seabrook, J I, fmr Shields, Richard, fmr Sinclair, J W, school teacher Sturdy, F. fmr Taneworthy, Wm, Tumbo Island Tatton, Isaac, fmr Tumbo Island Taylor, G 6, c|uarryman, Satnrna Isl Wallace, William, fmr Tumbo Isl Watelet, P, mgr Tumbo Coal Co Welstead, Douglas, fmrSaturna Isl Wessel, John H, mgr farm, Warber- ton Pike Wilders, W, farm labr Winstanley, E G, fmr, Galian • Isl Wright, Robert, fmr, Galiano Island Wright, Miss E PORT ESSINGTON. {See North- West Coast.) A fishing village situated at the mouth of the Skeena River on the south side, is in the Cassiar District. PostofBce, Skeena, Robt. Cunning- ham, postmaster; mails twice a month. Communication by steamer from Victoria, distance, 600 miles. Balmoral Cannery Co., R S Byrnes & Co., Balmoral Brady, J C, fisherman. Port E Brantlecht, Henrv, book-keeper A.B. C. Can Co British American, The Anglo B. C. Co, Port E Christie, Geo, fisherman. Port E Conyers, L W, storekeeper, Balmoral Cunningliam, Geo, refrigerator engr, PortE Cunningham, Robt, of R, C. & Son, PortE Cunningham, R G, of R. C. & Son, PortE Cunningham, R & Son, cannery refrigerator Dempster, W H, cannery mgr, Aber- deen Douglas, Fred, sawyer, Port E Duncan, Robt, cannery engr. Port E Esterman, F W B, fmr, Moor's Cove Felton, Eli, hunter, Port E Gamble, Thos H, fmr, Moor's Cove Haines, Chas E, planer man, Port E Haines, Homan, fmr, Moor's Cove Herman, Peter, steamboat owner PortE Holmes, Gus, mgr A. B. C. Can Co, PortE Hotel Essington, R Cunningham & Son, props Howard, Pratt, ship carpt, Port E Imhoff, Henry, cooper, Port E Inverness Can Co, Turner, Beeton & Co, props Jennings, Rev D, Methodist missnry Johnston, R G, engineer, Port E Johnston, Wm, general store. Port E Johnston, William, fmr, Moor's Cove Lacourcier, Wm, cannerv tireman. Port E Eee, Thos, timekeeper, Port E Little, Jos, sawmill foreu.an. Port E Ijord, Chas, cannery mgr, Irving Lundberg, Chas, fisherman, Irving McCart, Frank, fisherman, Irving McEwan, steamboat steward, Port E McKenzie. H, clerk. Port E Mennie, John T, book-keeper, Irving Miller, L, fisherman. Port E Milligan, Andrew, plumber. Port E Monison, D 8, cannery foreman, Pt E Monison, M K, geni store. Port E Murry, William, boss fisherman, Bal- moral Neil, Chas, fisherman. Port £ Noble, Alex, watchman, Aberdeen North Pacific, The Anglo B. C. Co, Sunnyside Nuinney, Rev Chas Phal, John, fmr, Moor's Cove Pierce, Rev W H, Methodist missnry Ragsted, O A, watchmaker. Port E Robinson, T H, storekeeper, Inver- ness Roval Canadian, The Royal Canadian Pkg Co, Claxton Rydsted, Frank, boss fisherman, Pt E Rydstad, John, fisherman. Port E Skeena Pkg Co, The, R Cunningham & Son, Port E Skillen, W B, cannerv mgr, Balmoral Standard Can Co, The, Rithet & Ir- ving, props, Irving Stapleton, Benj, cannery mgr, Inver- ness Stewart, David, boss fisherman, Pt E Sutherland, David, boat builder, Pt E Tranter, Miss Kate, schl tchr, Port E T. D0BE80N, N, W. D0BK80N. HANAIMd FOUNDRY, Iron and Brata founders, Oenerat Maehiniatt. All Kindt of Itepairt, JOand and JIfariNe. MANAIMO, - • BRITISH COLUMBIA. Victoria Transfer Oo., Ltd. ""'""gSS i^:^^. ^"o^S'SS ^fiJS?""- 9t and 98 Bro*tghton Street, Vietoria, B, C. Telephone J99. FOB BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRBOTOBY. FOR 156 Wanen, Wm, steamboat engr, Port E Weeks, Fred, watchman, Sunnyside Windsor, The, B. G. Canning Go, Claxton Windsor, Jacob, watchman, Balmoral PORT GUICHON. Postmaster, T. Sherman. In the Dominion and Provincial Elec- toral District of New Westminster, is distant one mile from Ladner's Landing, the nearest telegraph and express office, and 13 miles from New Westminster, the nearest banking point ; mails daily. There is also daily communication by steamboat with Victoria and New Westminster. The district is rich in agriculture, and affords excel- lent sport with gun or rod. There is also an excellent hotel. Anderson, Wm, fmr Baines, J H, fmr Baines, George H, fmr Barber, A B, fmr Barber, Ghas, fmr Benoit, O, fmr Bussanich, John, sr, fisherman Busaanich, John, blacksmith Busaanich, Marco G, fisherman Cockell, F, fisherman Corkell, E E, engr Golquhoun, E, fmr Cookson, A, fisherman Cogley, Thoa, fisherman Cosonlich, A, boat builder Cosonlieh, Romelo, fisherman Curtis, W E, bookkeeper Gagnon, G, fmr cruichon, L, fmr Green, Geo, netman Harlock, H E, mgr H.B. Go Harlock Packing Go, salmon cannery Hambrook, A W, fmr Honeyman, John, fmr Houle, I, fmr Hinchcliffe, S, merchant Hughes, R S, carpenter Hunter, George, carpenter Jordan, J, constable Jensen, Alfred, fmr Jensen, S, fmr Judson, A, carpenter Kettles, Ghas, fmr Kwong Tong Ghong, Chinese mcht Laidman, B, school teacher Martinich, J, fisherman Marti nolich, V, boat builder Matheson, Peter, fmr McCallum, Jas , fmr McLean, J, carptener McEwan, P, fmr Mclntyre, W, fmr Millard, E W, fmr Nicolich, G, ship carpenter Noga, Peter, fmr Penny, A W, fisherman Pavesicb, S, fisherman Port Guichon Hotel, Sherman & Hinchcliflfe, props Pomeroy, — , carpenter Bamage, Stephen, fmr Reilly, William F, carpenter Rey, Antoine, fmr Selix, Michel, fisherman Sherman & Hinchcliffe, merchants Sherman, Thompson.P.M. and mcht Sherman, George T, butcher Simpson, Ira J, carpenter Stanley, Ghas, fisherman Swenson, Paul, fmr Spellar, Jno. labr Shirley, R, fmr Tinkham, E W, fmr Vicevich, Thos, fisherman Vidulich A, boat builder Walker, Geo, carpenter Walker, S T, carpenter Wodden, W A, carpenter Walsh, R, fmr Waling, D, fmr Wilson, Jno A, fisherman Wilson, Henry, fisherman Williams, Thos, fmr PORT HAMMOND. Postmaster, Arthur L. Lazenby. In the Dominion and Provincial Elec-. toral District of New Westminster, forms part of the Mapie Ridge Municipality, and is situate on the main hue of the C.P.R., on the right bank of the Eraser river. The town is 24 miles by rail from Van- couver,16 miles from New Westmin- ster by rail and 11 miles by water. Steamers plying up and down the Fraser river'call. There is a post and money order oflSce, also tele- graph and express office. Nearest banking point, New Westminster. Mails daily. T £ X A S L A K £ I C £ c o V A N C O u V E B B C m See onr Boys' Suits anil Oyercoats. Best assortment in the City. prtoLow.qnaiityGofli B. WILIilAMS * Co., 07 JOHNSON ST., VICTORIA. ; 1 :] IT t^tVT.V. Agrat for The Canadian Fir* Ins. Co., The London * Canadian • <f • \J%JMJXt riro Ina. Co., Ltd, Tli» Federal Life Aea. Co., Tbe J. ft J. Taylor. »-- ^ ,,__.. -.^- ^ , g|^ BulWInf Society, S« *" NEW WKSTHINItER, B. C. , -_ -»yli Safes and Vault Door*. Secretary of the Royal City BnlldInK Society, 8ecy-Treaa. orthe Standard Loan and Savings Co. ~ OO pcq OO b b i o 00 CO 10 166 POR BRTTIBH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. POR Anderson, A G, fmr, Port Hammond Armstrong, F H, fmr Bailie, Arch, fmr Bailie, James, C.P.R Baker, E P, fmr B. C. Draining and Dyking Co Beckett, W E, B.C.D. & D. Co Bell, R G, fmr Berkeley, F, fmr Blackstock, R, fmr Blake, R, fmr Bond, E, line repairer C.P.R Bonson, H W, fmr Bonson, J, fmr Bonson, L F, fmr Brooke, R C, fmr Buck, P O, municipal collector Burke, W H, fmr Burton, R, B.C.D. & D. Co Callaghan, D, fmr Callaghan, J, fmr Clapcott, W G, fmr Clements, A L, C.P.R. agent Cook, E B, fmr Cook, J G, fmr Dale, J M, h- tel and grocery Ditcham, Rev G, Episcopalian cler- gyman Doucett, H, C.P.R Fosset, C, C.P.R Gough, F, C.P.R Hammond, J, fmr Hampton. W, fmr Harris, F V, fmr Harris, W J, fmr Henry, G W, nurseryman Hicks, Wni, Rev, Methodist minister Holt, F H, fmr Hunt, £ H, section foreman Irving, A, fmr Irving, J, fmr Isaac, Wni, fmr Keen, Wm, C.P.R Kibble, Jas, C.P.R Laity, Thos, fmr Lazenby, A L, postmaster Lazenby Bros, gen merchants Lazenby, FT, merchant Lazenby, P E, merchant Massender, Wm, section foreman Matson, C, C.P.R Mayo, William, fmr Mclver, Jno, fmr McKenna, William, fmr McKenny, J, fmr Metcalfe, J C, fmr Monteith, Wm, fmr Murray, P, teacher Nelson, Wm, fmr Newton, W G, asst postmaster Owen, E R, fmr Owen, D, fmr Parrot, F, C.P.R Pike, C, B.C.D. & D. Co Pike, J E, B.C.D. & D. Co Pike, J W, B.C.D. & D. Co Redcliffe, R, fmr Rickward, T, B.C.D. & D. Co Roes, J C, fmr Ross, V, fmr Shepard, £, fmr Smith, Alex, fmr Smith, John, fmr Snvder, A, B.C.D. & D. Co Still, Alex, B.C.D. & D. Co Stirling, G, C.P.R Tillie, W H, fmr Thompson, R, fmr Trembath. J, fmr Virgrass, W, fmr Vaughan. J, B.C.D. & D. Co WebTjer, B, B.C.D. & D. Co Webber. D C, fmr Weeks, W 8, fmr White, J, fmr White, J W , fmr Wo Lung & Co, Chinese merchants PORT HANEY. Postmaster, D. Docksteader. In the Dominion and Provincial Elec- toral District of I^ew Westminster forms part of the municipality of Maple Ridge. It is situated on the right bank of the Eraser river, 13 miles by water or 18 miles by rail from New Westminster and 26 from Vancouver. It is a flag sta- tion on the C.P.R. and has daily communication by water with New Westminster, which is the nearest banking point. There are post, telegraph and express offices ; mails daily. Anderson, Andrew, fmr and nursery- man Anderson, John, fmr Anderson, Thos, fmr Ansel), Wm, fmr Armstrong, Thos, boarding house Atkinson, Hy, teamster T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Paints, Oils anil Amltnral Iipleients. Columbia Street, NEW WESTMINSTiCB, B. C. '( FOR Bailey, Arch, Bailey, James Bailey, Robt, Bailey, Willia Baker, Alonso Baker, August Baker, E P, fn Baker, Jos, f m Baker, Peter, Beckett, E W, Beckett, H R, Beckett, W £, Bennett, Geo, Bennett, Willi) Best, Hugh, fn Best, James, fi Blackstock, Ge Blackstock, Ge Bla -kstock, Ro Blaney, Jno, fn Bosomworth, T Brock, E, scho< Carlson, John, Carr, Jno, men Carter, E J, bri Carter, James, Cash, John, bri Chadwick, Johi] Chesle^', Chas, i Christina, Ed Christina, Willi Corbould, A, fm Creighton, Jas, Croft, Jas, logge Dabach, £1, con Dawson, Jno, fn Deranger, £, bli Docksteader, Ad Docksteader, Ar Docksteader, Mi Docksteader, D master Docksteader, G, Docksteader, Jn Edge, Hamilton Edge, Saml, fmi Ferguson, Angui Ferguson, Archi Ferguson, John Fitzpatrick, Job Frembatb, John Hammond, Will Hanbery, Hy, ei Haney, Thos, fn Hendrick, Robt, Hincb, John, fn Isaac, William,] Johnson, Willia •I HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Jlurop«mn and XngtUh OMOOMBIBB, Wlirxa and ZIQVOB8, JV«« and in Bond. VICTORIA, B. C. POR BRITIBH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. POR 157 Bailey, Arch, fmr Bailey, Jamea, labr Bailey, Robt, labr Bailey, William, fmr Baker, Alonso, fmr Baker, August, fmr Baker, E P, fmr Baker, Jos, fmr Baker, Peter, fmr Beckett, E W, brickmaker Beckett, H R, brickmaker Beckett, W £, brickmakei Bennett, Geo, painter Bennett, William, shoemaker Best, Hugh, fmr Best, James, fmr Blackstock, Geo, logger Blackstock, Geo, labr Bla-kstock, Robt, fmr Blaney, Jno, fmr Bosom worth, Thos, fmr Brock, E, school teacher Carlson, John, fmr Garr, Jno, merchant Carter, E J, brickmaker Carter, James, brickmaker Cash, John, brickmaker Chadwick, John, logger . Ghesle^', Chas, fmr Christina, Ed Christina, WiUiam, fmr Corbould, A, fmr Creighton, Jas, logger Croft, Jas, logger Dabach, £1, contractor and fmr DawBou, Jno, fmr Deranger, E, blacksmith Docksteader, Adam, fmr Docksteader, Arch, fmr Docksteader, Mrs D, hotel keeper Docksteader, O, merchant and post- master Docksteader, G, A, fmr Docksteader, Jno Edge, Hamilton, fmr Edge, Saml, fmr Ferguson, Angus, fmr Ferguson, Archie, labr Ferguson, John Hector, fmr Fitzpatrick, John, real estate agt Frembatb, John, fmr Hammond, William, fmr Hanbery, Hy, engineer Haney, Thos, fmr and brickmaker Hendrick, Robt, fmr llincb, John, fmr Isaac, William, fmr Johnson, William, labr Kennedy, William, fisherman Knight, Eb, fmr Legett, M, labr Legett, W C, fmr Lindsay, — , labr Lockwood, Wm, fmr Martin, O, fmr Mayo, P, fmr McCannah, Jno, tmr McDonald, Alex, fmr McLaren, Mat, brickmaker McLaren, Wm, teamster McPherson, Danl, fmr Mighton, Jos, fmr Morgan, Thos, fmr Morrison, Angus, fmr Nelson, D B, fmr Nelson, Wm, fmr O'Brien, Jno, brickmaker Olson, Wm, brickmaker ' Parkinson, Wm, fmr Patterson, A, logger Redcliffe, Jno, fmr Reed, Thos, fmr Reid, Frank, fmr Reid, Wm, teamster ' Ritchie, Arch, fmr Ritchie, Jas, fmr Ritchie, John, fmr Ritchie, John, teamster Ritchie, Saml, fmr Ritchie, Wm, fmr Robertson, Alex, contractor Robertson, Jas, labr Robertson, John, labr Robertson, Saml, fmr Ross, Jno, logger Scarr, Frank, fmr Scott, Jas, fmr Sheppard, Edgar, fmr Sinclair & Carr, merchants Sinclair, T F, merchant Smeadly, Wm, fmr Smith, Gus, mgr fish freezer Smith, Jno, gardener Spring, Albert, fmr Spoule, Geo, fmr Stephens, Jos, fmr Stephens, Robt, fmr Stony, John, fmr Thomad, John, fmr Thompson, Bobt, fmr White, Wm, bricklayer and labr Wilcox, M, fmr Wilds, Chas, fmr Williams, Alex, fmr Wilson, J J, fmr 5r o 00 S . Urgd Stool; in B. i!-; I I. ■ ? R-" pu ?:^ I « 2 5 « o M nn -*-• »2 «> £• § « g £ R. T. WILLIAMS »a Bromd Bt„ Vtetoria. 158 POR BKITI8H COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. POR PORT KELLS. (Including Barngton Island.) POHTMABTER, JOHN LaTTA. Port Kells is situated on the left bank of the Fraser Kiver, about 12 miles from New Westminster; nearest telegraph and express office, Port Hammond ; communi- cation by rail and steamer ; mails three times a week. Alder, Henry, sr, land owner Alder, H, jr, land owner Alder, Perc-y, land owner Anderson, Peter, rancher Archibald, Thos, rancher Bell, Rev W, incmbnt, Surrey Centre Black, Thos, fisherman Bossie, J, rancher Boyd, Geo L, carpenter Carroll, Bart, rancher Childs, Jas. rancher Cooper Thos, rancher Day, Wm T, rancher Duark, Chas, rancher Forster, Thos, M.P.P., rancher Gillio, J M, rancher Godson, Miss Mabel, teacher Gowan, W E, rancher Hemborough, Thos Hemborough & Co, brick works Hickie, J O, rancher Hicks, £, rancher Hicks, H, rancher Hicks, Wm, rancher Hodder, John J, rancher Jenkins, Wm, rancher Kells, Dickson W Ki'Us, Henry, sr, rancher Kells, Hy, jr, land owner Kelly, 8 F, rancher Latta, F E, boarding house Latta, John, postmaster and store- keeper Layfield, Geo, rancher Loye, Wm C, shoemaker Lyness, B W, rancher Matthews, Zacii, rancher McCauchan, S, rancher McClarty, Peter, rancher McClenethan, land owner McDonald, J J, rancher Montgomery, Jno, rancher Morgan, Wm, rancher O'Byrne, Dan, rancher Page, Z D, rancher Parks, J, rancher I > Pearson, Robert, pensioner Robertson, J J, rancher Routley, Bros, ranchers Sayer, Miss Elizabeth, teacher Speirs, Allan, rancher Speirs, Jas, rancher Speirs, Mary E, teacher Gteane, Isaac, rancher Htone, Wm, rancher Stone, Ed, rancher Sutherland, D C, rancher Swanson, Louis Thomson. Peter, rancher Wilson, A, rancher Wilson, J C, carpenter Williams, L, (Hemborough & Co) Worrell, F, rancher Yorkson, E, rancher PORT MOODY. POBTMASTEH, JOSEPH TaYS. In the Dominion and Provincial Elec- toral District of New Westminster on the main line of iheC.P.R, is 12 miles from Vancouver, and 6 from New Westminster. It is sit- uated at the head of Burrard Inlet. Telegraph, express and banking point, New Westminster. Anderson, Thomas, fmr Armstrong, W H, section man Bird, Albert fmr Buchanan, J D, school teacher Butchart, Nonvel, fruit ranch Cope, Joseph, fruit ranch Crouk, William, fmr Dockrill, Joseph, boat builder Elson, Geo, bee keeper Ems, John, section foreman Frost, Henry, fruit ranch Frost, John D, section man Hull, Stewart, section man Jackson, David, engineer Johnson, John, sr, logger Johnson, John, jr, logger Lehman, S W, gentleman Lynch, James, fmr McLeod, Duncan, coal dealer McCoskery, Geo. hotel keeper Moon, Allan, fmr Murray, John, sr, gentleman Murray, John, jr, cattle trader Nolan, John, painter Noon, Allen, fmr Poison, John, fmr Ross, Robert, fmr T. DOBESON, M. W. OOBESON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron and. Braat rounder*, Oentral Xaehtniata. ^U Kindt of Sopairt, Xand and Mttrtnt, NANAIMO. • - ' • BRITISH COLUMBIA. opxir nAX INDJfiaHT. 21 1 POR Royal, Williai iTays. Joseph era! store Taylor. D S, s Walton, John, Walton, John, Walton, John, Walton, Thom Walton, Willii POR (Formerly c< Postmaster, ( Is situated on the Simshet Cassiar Diat from the sou Portland Inh harbor, and t distant, is a 1 building yari covered in Methodist ^ home and 8< Mails twice a 600 miles dis^ Brentzen, Henr B. Co Brentzen, Paul B. Co Caldwell, Miss, Cliflford, C W D H. B. Co Cole, R H, the : Crosby, Rev Th mission. Hewin, John, g( Good, H E, cler Hall C M, Mise Lawrence, Miss, Lockesby, Gord( Lockesby, Miss Madden, WH, < "Nell." Mouat, A C, cle Osterhout, A, M Pyemont, Rev 1 tory Redner, Mrs, th Spence, Miss, tl Williscroft, Ge( mill Williscroft, Hei mUl I Williscroft, Wa mill T. DOBESOM, N. NANAIMO I ijro^ioHT. l^'iotoria Transfer Cot* Xitd* ^"jp^o'vin?* 21 and 83 Bron'htoa Street Victoria B. C. T«l. 189. th» M POR BRITIHH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. QUA 160 Royal, Willium, gentleman Tays. Joseph, postmaster and gen- eral store Taylor, D 8, station agent Walton, John, fmr Walton, John, jr, fmr Walton, John, sr, fmr Walton, Thomas, fmr Walton, William, section man PORT SIMPSON. (.Formerly called Fort Simpson.) FOSTMASTKR, ChAS. W. D. CLIFFORD. Is situated on the northwest end of the Simshean Peninsula, in the Cassiar District, and is separated from the south end of Alaska by the Portland Inlet. It possesses a fine harbor, and at Georgetown, 7 miles distant, is a fine saw mill and ship building yard. Coal has been dis- covered in the district. The Methodist Mission have nere a home and school for the Indians. Mails twice a month, via Victoria, 600 miles distant. Brentzen, Henrv, warehouseman, H. B. Co Brentzen, Paul and familv, clerk, H. B. Co Caldwell, Miss, The Home Clifford, C W Dand family, manager H. B. Co Cole, R H, the Boys' Home Crosby, Rev Thomas, the Methodist mission. Hewin, John, governmt agent Good, H E, clerk, H.B.Co Hall C M, Miss, the school Lawrence, Miss, the Home Lockeeby, Gordon, store keeper Lockesby, Miss Madden, W H, Capt and family, S.S. "Nell." Mouat, A C, clerk, H.B.Co Osterhout, A, Methodist mission Pyemont, Rev Temple, C.P, the Rec- tory Redner, Mrs, the Home Spence, Miss, the Hospital Williscroft, George, and familv, the mill Williscroft, Henry, and family, the mUl Williscroft, Walter, and familv, the mill PRINCETON. Simalkameen. Postmaster, J. F. Allison. In the Electoral District of Yale, is situated in the valley of the Simil- kemeen river, a little below the Vermillion Forks. Allison, J F, postmaster, J.P. and stock raiser Allison, Edgar M, rancher Allison, R Wilfred, horse dealer Allison, John Shatton, cowboy Ah Tuck, merchant Beckmyre, Chris, miner Boomley, John, rancher Carlin, Henry, cowboy Carlson, August, labr Cameron, H B, rancher Chance, John M, miner and cowboy Cole, Thomas, rancher Fay, Thos, rancher Holmes, Walton, rancher Jemison, Mrs, rancher Jemison, James, rancher Jemison, Robt, rancher Jemison, Walter, rancher Jones, Henry, rancher Kirkland, Frank, rancher Ijamont, Angus, rancher Lie, Ah, merchant McDougal, W C, rancher Olreich, A F, rancher Pearce, Samuel, rancher Sands, Samuel, rancher Spath, — , miner Sterling, Chas, rancher Squakan, Chas, Indian packer and guide to hunters Summers, Christopher, labr Smith, H, rancher Tal-be-hasket, Steve, Indian guide to hunters TongSing, merchant Tuong Yuen, merchant Norman, John, rancher QUAMICHAN. Postmistress, Miss Florence Jaynbb In the Dominion Electoral District of Vancouver, and Provincial of Cow- iohan, situated about one mile and a half from Duncan station, the nearest telegraph and expresss office. E X A S A K E I C £ c o V A N V O u V E B B 5 'fj T. DOBESON. N. W. D0BE80N. NANAIMd FOUHORY. Iron and Braat foundert, Oeneral MaeMniatt. A.U Kinda of Jlepair«> Zand and Marine, NANAIMO, BRITISH COLUMBIA. J. & J, TAYLOR, SAFES AND VAULT DOORS Id» J* Oole« Agentt Dupont Block. New Westminster, B. 0. o 00 CO 10 160 QUE BRITISH COLUlfBIA DIRECTORY. 401 Alexander, David jr, fmr Alexander, James, fmr Clythe, W E, fmr Davie, Hon Theo, attorney.general Elkington, \Villiam H, fmr Humphrey, John, carpenter Irving, Claude, fmr Jaynes, William Penn, merchant Jaynes, Miss Florence, postmistress Jones, William, teamster Kingston, William, fmr Leakey, Arthur, fmr Leakey, Rev J H, rector Church of England Leather, Frank S, fmr Lemo, Ulric, fmr Long, D G, fmr Long, J, fmr Miirphy, John, labr Pitt, Sydney, fmr Robertson, William, fmr Rondeault, Rev Father, R. C. priest Robotham, Capt John J C, fmr Robotham, Miss, school teacher Robotham, Mrs, widow Simpson, Hardy, artist Skinner, Mrs J T, fmr Skinner, Ernest, surveyor St Anne's Convent Sister Superior St Anne's Convent Van Gosthey, Rev Father, R. C. priest Wood, Thomas A, fmr Woods, W A, gardener Whittome, J H, fmr QUATHIASKI COVE. Postmaster, Robert Hall. (Sec Duluth, Duncan Bay.) QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLAND. (See North- Went Coast.) Consists of three principal and sev- eral smaller islands lying due west from Port Simpson and Skeena river, about 90 miles, being separ- ated from the mainland by Hecate Strait. The largest island, Gra- ham, lies north of the other two, named respectively Moresby and Prevost. , - QUESNELLE. Postmaster, Arch'd McNauohton. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Cariboo and Lillooet and Provincial of Cariboo, is situated at the confluence of the Q " nelle and Eraser rivers, and ia reached by weekly stage from Ashcroft station on the C.P.R., distance 225 miles. Mails weekly ; has a tele- graph and express office. Nearest hanking point, Kamloops. Aguayo, Jos, packer Baker, August, fmr and teamster Barlow, Abraham, J.P., fmr Beach, Benjamin, labr Belanger, Gabriel, prop Golden Eagle hotel Belanger, Donat, labr Blair, Chas, labr Blair, John, labr Blair, John H, labr Blair, Robt, engineer Bohannon, S H, fmr and butcher Bouchie, Edward, labr Bouchie, Wm, sr, ferryman Bouchie, Wm, jr, labr' Bowron, J E, telegraph operator Boyd, John, fmr Brown, Jos, fmr Carson, Alfred, fmr and blacksmith Clark, Geo B, engineer and clerk Craig, James, labr Davis, H F, fur trader, Peace river Deacon, James, miner Deschamps, Antoine, miner Deschamps, Benj, fmr Downes, Stephen, fmr Duclos, Exis, fmr Duclos, Geo Ewing, William, labr Fleming, John, labr Erasers, James A, school teacher Golden Eagle Hotel, G Belanger, prop Gravelle, Jerry, labr Hagarty, M M, butcher Hudson's Bay Co, A McNanghton, man<?ger Johnston, Geo C, miner Johnston, John W, miner Johnston, Wm Albert, mill owner and fmr, (Reid & Johnston) Laronde, Chas, packer Lock, Alexr, stage driver Maxwell, Thos, miner McCormish, M, labr McDonald. D W, carpenter McLean, John, prop Occidental hotel McNaugfhton, Arcn, mgr Hudson's Bay Co and postmaster McNeil, Theophile, labr McPhair, Angus, miner m n B T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Paints, Oils aM Agriisir;*u'el Impleicnts. Columbia Street, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. i). ORS ated idle ;hed jroft 226 tele- irest lagle lith rer prop I ton, nrner [lotel ion'a 'if l« m ?£? lents. mi i'l ■ I |;'i mt i\ !' '! I HUDSON'S m COMPANY ^ '»;*"« *" QUE BRITIBH COLCHBIA DIREOTOBY. QUI Middleton, Bobt, fmr Moffat, Hsrry, imr Moffitt, Charles, teamster Occidental Hotel, John McLean,prop Olsen, Andrew, fmr Oriollie, Maurice, miner Parker, William, stage driver Pattsrson, James E, labr Pickard, Geo, fmr Reid & Johnston, Cariboo roller, saw and shingle mills Beid, Hon James, sen, general store and express agent Robinson, James, miner Robertson, Wm, blacksmith Selems, George, miner Shepherd, Edmund C, boat builder Sheridan, Wm, labr Staebler, Chris, labr St Laurent, J H, Govt agent and road superintendent Therriden. Jedn, labr Thomas, Wm, labr Vigeant, Domaz, labr Wallace, Alex H, fmr, 13 mile house Yeats, Anthony, miner, Bonanza mine Wah Lee, Chinese merchant Yan Wan, Chinese merchant QUESNELLE FORKS. PotiTHASTER, Wm. StEPHENSON. In the Dominion Electoral District of Cariboo-Lilloofct and the Pro- vinciAl of Cariboo, is one of the oldest mining camps in Cariboo District, b^ing established in 1869. Distance from 150-Mile House about 60 miles; pack trail from Soda Greek 54 miles. There is a weekly mail, via 160-Mile House, during summer; fortnightly du- ring winter from Ashcroft sta- tion, 190 miles. Nearest telegraph office, l3oda creek; banking point, Kamloo;^8. Barker, John K, mine supt Bellmond, Jos E, miner Berrell, Andrew, miner . , Bishop, Tbos, miner Burns, Jack, labr Campbell, Alex, miner Champion, Jas, civil and mining engr Fook Song Lung, gen trader Gellespie, Isaac L, miner Hepburn, John, mine supt Johnson, Chas M, miner Kin Fong, gen trader Knight, Archie C, miner Koster, John, miner Law Quen, gen trader McDonald, Angus, miner McRae, Peter, miner McKaig, David, miner McQu^e, Hugh, miner Metz, John L, trapper Moore, Jos, trapper ^ ■ ... Newell, Hiser, trapper ->'' \ Peeler, Hiram, miner Polleys, Wm, miner Smith, Geo, clerk Smith, John R, miner Smith, Wm A, miner Stephenson, Wm, govt agent and postmaster Taylor, Wm, miner Thermahlon, Theo, miner Vieth & Borland, gen merchants We Sang, general trader QUILCHENA. (Including Minnie Lake.) Postmaster, G . T. Corfield. Quilchena, in the Dominion Elec- toral District of Yale-Kootenay and the Provincial Electoral Dis- trict of Yale, is an agricul- tural section. A stage runs be- tween Kamloops and Spence's Bridge, carrying the mails and making the round triponce a week. Nearest telegraph office, Spence's Bridge; banking point, Kamloops. Barter, William, fmr Barter, William, jr, fmr Barr, Hugh, farm labr Bell, Samuel, farm labr Bell. William, farm labr Corneld, (ieorgfe T, merchant, fmr and postmaster Cavanagh, George, fmr Charters, Robert, merchant Currie, Donald, stock raiser, Minnie Lake Currie, Duncan, labr, Minnie Lake Donovan, Peter, labr Earnshaw, Byron, stk raiser, Minnie Lake Earnshaw, Henry J, stock raiser, Minnie Lake Gladwin, J B, labr, Minnie Lake Goodwin, Fred, labr EB BROS. B. O. ARE AGENTS FOR CROSSLEY AND SONS FINE CARPETS. K R T Wfl I liM^ BOOKBINDER aM BLANK BOOK MANDFACTDRER I „,„„„ ad i « 00 162 REA BRITISH COLUHrfrA DIRECTORY. BBy Guichon, Joseph, stock raiser Krogan, William, labr Murphy, Richard, foreman B. G-. C. Go, Triangle Kanch O'Rourke, Ed, hotelkpr and rancher Owen, A H, carpenter Riley, Peter, labr Henderson, R L, farm labr Johnson, Edwin, gentleman Livingston, C, gentleman Maitland, Dougall F H, fmr Mariner, Mrs A, widow Marshall, Thomas, fmr McKenzie, Miss G, housekeeper Milward, Thomas W, store clerk Pemberton, William, store clerk Stott, Stanley B, labr Smollett, Joseph, labr Williams, Ed, stock raiser Williams, Hugh, labr Wilson, James, fmr READ'S ISLAND. Postmaster, E. W. Wylie. In the Dominion and Provincial Electoral District of New West- minster, is 40 miles from Gomoz, the nearest telegraph and express office, and 90 from New Westmin- ster, which is the banking point. Mails twice a week. Gommunica- tion by steamer from Comox. Anderson, Mrs Estillea, fmr Ashton, George, fmr Benson, G A, logger Bither, A, logger Blanchfield, J, fmr Boyet, Henry, fmr Davis, Richd, fmr Elliot, G, logger Eavens, Mrs Al«x Eavens, Richd, logger Hallet, John, logger Henny, J B, logger Kenny, J J, logger Hofford, Georse, logger Green, Jos, fmr Jones, John, fmr King, A W, logger Kingsbury, Oscar, fmr La Ballois, Jos, logger La Rue, D, logger Loppen, M, logger McAway, John, logger McFarland, Cbas, logger McMillen, W D, logger McPherson, John, logger Ridd, Edwin, fmr Roy, J, fmr Schufer, Peter, fmr Smith, J H, fmr Smith, Lonra, fmr Tucker, R, fmr Verchre, A M, fmr Wylie, Hallie, fmr Wylie, £. W, merchant and P.M REVELSTOKE. Postmaster, F. B. Weils. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Kootenay and Provincial of West-Kootenay, is on the main line of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way, at the second crossing of the Columbia river, and one of the Div- isional points of the C.P.R. The Columbia and Kootenay Navigation Go's steamers make two trips a week from Revelstoke to Little Dalles, connecting with the Spok- ane and Northern Railway, also calling at Sproat's Landing at mouth of the Kootenay river and ) all intermediate ports. There is a post, money order, telegraph and express office, also a telephone sys- tem. Nearest banking point, Kam- loops. Abrahamson, Andrew, (Abraham- son Bros) Abrahamstn Bros, Central hotel Abrahamson, Ghas, (Abrahamson Bros) Abrahamson, John, (Abrahamson Bros) Adair, Edward, millhand Ahlin, Fred, waiter Allen, H, brewer Allen, Raymond, carpt Anderson, H M, fireman, C.P.R Anderson, Chas, miner Anderson, D, miner Anderson, Paul, miner Armstrong, A, miner Armstrong, Jas, millhand Anolak, K, labr Arthur, Richard, millhand Barber. J Guy, watchmaker Barcbard, £ £, mining engineer Barth, Mat, fmr Beckerton. S, shoemaker Belleok, Wm, wiper, C.P.R See our Mackintoshes, Melissa and Rigby Waterproofs, Umbrellas, &c B. WILLIAMS & CO., 07 Johnson Street, Victoria, B. C. Belligar Beeton, Benniso Bourne Bourne, Bourne, Boyd, Ge |oyd, Jo Brennan, Brewster, Brown, H Brown & Brown, W Brownrigj Brown rifiM Buck, H,* Burgasord Bush by, F Cadman, 1 Caldwell, J Campbell, Carrington, and contr Cavson, W, Central Ho Chapman, i Christie, E( '^nri8tie,F G bia Mfg Cl Clarke,Afr8i Ciarke. John Colby, Alber '^olumbia H( props Columbia ani ^ gation Co, Columbia Ri _ 8 F Hume Cooney, Wm, Coursier, Mrs Coursier, Hei Court House Cowan, Wm, ^wan, D, cle C.P.R.Telegra Craige, W P, i Cranston, Joh| Crawford, Jaa Crowie, S B, iT Cunningham, Dagjf Richard David, Morgai Btoke sawmil Debruie. Henr ^olan, Josep] Donnelly, tfa )h; am 1 rk ^yJt -aain f Donnelly, z,m: fB.Wlxjr ^SSffltM^iSsi VICTORIA TRANSFER CO., LTD. 81 and 83 Bronghton Street, Victoria, B. O. Tel. 189. Check Baggase to any part of the City. Their Wagons and Carriages meet all Boats and T rains. REV BRITIBH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. REV 163 Belligarad, S, gardener Beeton, Hugh, millhand Bennison, A, C.^.R Bourne Bros, general merchants Bourne, Frank H, (Bourne Bros) Bourne, H J, (Bourne Bros) Boyd, Geo, millhand Boyd, John, millhand Brennan, M, bridge foreman Brewster, J T, agent, C.P.R Brown, H A, prop Union hotel Brown & Clarke, Columbia house Brown, Wm, (Brown & Clarke) Brownrigg, John, labr BrownriKg, J W, jobber Buck, H, labr Burgasord, A, millhand Busnby, F, baggageman, C.P.R Cadman, Thos, rancher Caldwell, John, carpt Campbell, Dr J, mgr smelter Carrington, Wm, millwright, builder and contractor Cavson, W, oiler, C.P.R Central Hotel, Abrahamson Bros Chapman, H, engineer Christie, E G, elk Kootenay steamers Christie, F G,agt Kootenay & Colum- bia Mfg Co Clarke, Mrs Barbar A,(Brown&Clarke) Clarke, John £, millhand Colby, Albert, millhand Columbia House, Brown & Clarke props Columbia and Kootenay Steam Navi- gation Co, F G Christie, agent Columbia River Transportation Go, S F Hume & Go, agts Cooney, Wm, purser Coursier, Mrs H N, millinery Coursier, Henry N, general merchant Court House Cowan, Wm, Victoria hotel Cowan, D, clerk, Victoria hotel O.P.R.Telegraph, J L Smith, operator Graige, W F, timekeeper, C.P.R Granston, John Crawford, James, fmr Growle, S B, fmr Cunningham, Arthur, millhand Dagg, Richaid, labr David, Morgan, bookkeeper Revel- stoke sawmill Debrule, Henry, wiper C.P.R Dolan, Joseph, rancner Donnelly, Hamilton, millhand Donnelly, Je8ei>h, millhand Donnelly, Z, millhand Donohoe, Thos, millwright Douns, Thos, miner Dow, Alexander, turner Dupare. John, woodman Edgar, Wm F, miner Edwards, N T, miner Evans, W, hunter Fahoi, W, millhand Fahoi, Thos, millhand Ferguson, J, millhand Ferguson, Dave, labr Flege, Wm, millhand Fleming, William, butcher Fleming, Robt, wiper C.P.R Fletcher, E, carpenter Foley, Jeremiah, sec foreman G.P.R Forsland, A, boatman Foster, Jas, turner Francis, E W, photographer Francis, E J, printer Fraser, Fred, bridge tender Granat, G, labr Grant, John, millhand Gilker & Wells, gen merchants Glenn, Norman, wiper C.P.R Glenn, Wm, woodman C.P.R Greely Creek Shingle Co, John Val- entine mgr Green, Robt, rancher Groupe, Isaac, millhand Haig, T L N P, broker Haley, Wm, driver Columbia House Hamilton, (Grange, labr Hamilton, Thos, Senate saloon Hautala, H, labr Haskins, J W, miner Hetherington, .Tohn, labr Hetherington, William, gardener Hector, John, boatman Hellstrom, John, contractor Hill, John, rancher Hill, Samuel, rancher Hodges, M, miner Hoedich, A H, assayer and analyst Holden, Chas, miner Holden, Solomon, miner Horn, Thos E, miner Howson, R, builder and underta'cer Hunker, Andv, miner Hull Bros & do, butchers Hume, C B, <k, Co, gen merchants Hume & Cowan, steamboat owners Ideal Saloon, Wm Haley prop Innes, Alex, sawyer Revelstoke mills Innes, Joseph, millhand Irvine, Geo, labr Kady, .John, labr Kadley, Thos, section foreman llas.&(&£QUf{ scorCH AND ENGLISH TWEED SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS £ X A S L A K £ I C £ c o V A N C O u V E B B G m M J V h «l a. WIU V4m * 00., Olothlen '^lattovt. 91 Jokaaoa St^ Vlotoria. DUPOirr BLOCK. COLUBIBIA STREET. NEW WESTMINSTER. B. C. LT ^t^\T IE* yoturu Public, Conveyaneer, Ateountant and AudUor, • tf • \j\MMjXd Menu MMl Aeeountt Settled. Xttatea Managed. 'S ^4 en b a h <:! Si o 00 CO IC 164 BBV BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTOBY. BEV Kennedy, Peter, millhand Kelley, J M, M.P.P Kelley, M, roadmaster Kemm, Rev J C C, Church of Eng Kirby, Wm, miner Kirkup, John, constable and mining recorder Kirkup, Wm, stoves and tinware King, Josh, millhand Kons, August, millhand Kootenay Star, H M McCutcheonpub Laforme, Geo, packer Ladner, Rev Gnas, Methodist mnstr Laing, Chas, labr Lambert, Jas, printer Lands, John, miner Lampire, N, labr Langrill, Harry, miner Law, W J, merchant tailor Lawrence, William, clerk Leatherbarrow, Ohas, car inspector Leclair, Chas, timekpr C.P.R Lee, William, yardmaster C.P.R Lester', Thos, carpenter Lewis, Oliver, baker Lewis, Percy, clerk Lewis, Thos, jr, blacksmith's helper Lewis, Thos, sr, blacksmith Lewis, E H, clerk Lindmark, Chas F, of C B Hume & Co Linquist, Capt Alex, Columbia River steamer Lindley, William, sawyer Lovewell, Henry, millhand Lund, GuB, miner Lynot, Frank, night operator C.P.R Makay, William, bridge tender Mansell, E H, mining engineer IVIarshall, J, butcher Measley, Fred, miner McCarthy, Thos, cook McCarthy, Florence, C.P.R bdg hse McCarthy, F & Co, butchers McDonald, Archie, teamster McDonald, Jas & Co, furniture dealrs McDonald, Jas, furniture dealer (Mc- Donald & Co) McDonald, John, labr McDonald, Lochie, miner McLean, Dr Ernest, M.D McMann, Jas, millhand McMahon, Jas, millhand McDougle, Alex, millhand McKay, Angus, miner McKinnon, Alex, miner McKenzie, Wm, miner McNeil, A, barber McGilvray. Dan, boatman Megoff, R, miner Metcalf, Edward, millhand Moxley, Jas, rancher Miller, Thos, wiper C.P.R Munn, Neil, millhand Nagle, G B, miner Needham, Harry, elk Columbia river steamer Needham, Samuel, gardener Neilson, John, packer Nelson, John, driver Victoria hotel Northy, R W, editor Kootenay Star Norlians, Chas, miner Oberg, Chas, cook Odell, Thos, miner Park, Andy, miner Peterson, Peter R, gardener Pitchard, Edward, stovemaker Phipps, W S, main store dept C.P.R Picura, Ed, shoemaker Piper, O, watchman smelter Provost, William, millhand Raouch, John, teamster Rathwell, Saml, miner Richards, John, foreman Ribbachj F A, wharfinger C.P.R Reid, William, millhand Riddle, Jas, carpenter Righton, Thos, rancher Riley, Frank, cook Robertson, Dan, sawmill mgr Robinson, John R, Revelstoke Lum- ber Co Robinson, Frank, accountant Robson, Robt, baker Roeser, C, assayer and smelter Ross, Hugh, miner Ross, Malcolm, miner Rossibon, John, miner Sanderson, Capt R, Columbia river Sashaw, Harry, millhand Saunders, William E, millhand Scott, Albert, tinsmith Schuyler, J, school teacher Selkirk Shingle Mill, J C Stern & J Robinson, props Shaw, John, miner Shaw, C E, real estate agt Shaw, Jno, carpenter Skinner, Josepn, wiper C.P.R Smith, A A Smith, A M, carpenter Smith, J L, operator C.P.R Smith, Edgar, millhand Smythe, H, wiper C.P.R Spinks, Geo, miner Spread barrow, Wm, millhand Stauber, John, miner 1 T. J. TRAPP & CO., Harilware, Faints, Oils and AiiriGiiltiiral IiiileieQq Colambto Stre«t, NBW WESTMINSTBB, B. G. B Steed, The Stone, Alb Stone, Jol Sutherlanc Switzer. G< Syder, E, i Tapping, B TempJe, C dept C.P, Thomlison, Thomas, G< Thompson, land agen Tolmire, Joi Trueberry, < Tumrose, CI Valentine. J Co Vickers, Wn Victoria Hot Wall, Wm, b Walker, Pete Walmer, Jac( Warren, Wm Watniore, Ro Wells. P B, « Well«' ^*anl Wells, A, bagi White, Joseph White, J, cool Whyte, J. swii Whyte, Stephe Wi kmson. La Wi hams, G H Williams, Jose Wilson, Joseph Wi son, Peter, Williamson, A, RICHMOND {For list of re, '" hland, and Ehurne.) In New West! eludes tho isla the Fraser ri Island and Set small islandf municipality e about 30,000 ac Island are co mainland by i eight canneries four postoffice Island, Tera Nc orEburne. Stt to Vancouver. HUDSOrS BIV COMPIir, ipnis Ijir Fort San) and Benton Connti Flourtoi Mills -VICTORIA.. B. O.- BZO BBITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. BIV 165 Steed, Thos, elk H N Coureier Stone, Albert, cook Stockholm House Stone, John, prop Stockholm House Sutherland, J P, mgr Hull Bros & Co Switzer. Geo. sawyer Kevelstoke mills Syder, E, wiper C.P.R T'apping, Root, contractor Temple, C H, foreman mechanical dept C.P.R Thomlison, William, clerk Thomas, Geo, baggageman Thompson, F W, notary public and land agent Tolmire, Joseph, barber Trueberry, Geo, blacksmith Tumroae, Chas, gardener Valentine, John, mgr Greely Shingle Co Vickers, Wm, fmr Victoria Hotel, Wm Cowan, prop Wall, Wm, bridge foreman Walker, Peter, miner Walmer, Jacob, labr Warren, Wm, Jsridgeman C.P.R Watmore, Robt, asat roadmaster Wells, F B, (Gilker & Wells) Wells, Frank, postmaster Wells, A, baggageman White, Joseph, yardman C.P.R White, J, cook Whyte, J, switchman, C.P.R Whyte, Stephen, turn, r Wilkinson, Law, car repairer Williams, G H, druggist Williams, Joseph, miner Wilson, Joseph, millhand Wilson, Peter, fireman Williamson, A, teamster RICHMOND MUNICIPALITY. (For Vst of residents see Steveston, 3u Island, Tera Nova, Sea Island and Eburne.) In New Westminster District in- cludes thti islands at the mouth of the Fraser river, known as Lulu Island and Sea Island, and all the small islands adjoining. The municipality embraces an area of about 30,000 a<'res. Lulu and Sea Island are connected with the mainland hjr bridge. There are eight canneries in the district, and four poatofUces — Steveston, Lulu Island, Tera Nova, and North Arm or Eburne. Stages run twice a day to Vancouver. RIVERSIDE. Postmaster, W. Elliott. Formerly known as Matsqui, is situ- ated on Matsqui Prairie, in the District of New Westminster, and comprises about 10,000 acres of meadow land, which has all been well dyked. Communication by steamer with New Westminster, the nearest telegraph, express and banking point. Barns, John, fmr Clarke, W T, fmr Elliott, W, postmaster Kidd, Wm, fmr Little, T G, contractor MacKinlay, Wm Scott, fmr Maclure, John, C.P. telegraph agent Maclure, John, fmr Maher, W 8. fmr McFarlane, M, fmr RIVERS' INLET. Postmaster, H. J. Kirkland. In the Dominion and Provincial Electoral District of New West- minster, is a fishing station on the North-West Coast. Mails tri- monthly in summer and monthly in winter. Banking point, tele- graph and express office, Nanai- mo, 250 miles; communication by steamer. Anderson, A, charcoal burner W.P.R Co Anderson, H, net foreman W.P.R.Co Bernard, K, foreman B.C.C. Co Brett, T W, clerk B.C.C. Co Brewster, G W, canning foreman British Columbia Canning Co, Ltd Collins, J, fireman, B.C.C. Co Craig, C, blacksmith Dawson, W, canneryman Elchinke, M, engineer Gibson, W H, teacher Gibson, G, teacher Grant, S, timekeeper Guy, T, watchman Heaton, G, mill foreman Henri, Fr..nk, charcoal burner Irving, D, engineer Jackson, R, sr, canneryman Jackson, R, jr, steamboat capt Johnson, Jas, canneryman Langley, H, foreman C/3 o I— * SO 1.- "}i PH INTERIOR WOODWORK, OFFICE AND BAR FITTINGS WUU to Ofd«r hf WEILER BROS. o p ^'^ • <n H g » OB GD IS" ^» NAM a §1. it ? g ^mmm 'JiiWI .'' I \ THB ZATKST IMPXOrBMXlfia IN BOOK- BINDXNO AJfD PAPER Jt ULIWO. \ ■ — —28 BROAD STRKBT. VICTORIA timmm^ B. T. Williams ■♦a « .a -*a SB « oi 166 ROB BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. ROC McTavish, G 8, bookkpr B.C.C. Co Milne, G, watchman Nicholson, C M, canneryman Nicholson, H, canneryman Pearson, Gus, net foreman Pollard, W J, timekeeper Poole, A, canneryman Pollard, A, bookkeeper W.P.R. Co Roxbrough, Wm, fishery inspector Van Hoivels, H, carpenter Vaughan, Steve, ca'sneryman Wannock Pkg Co, A. McNeil, mgr ROBSON, B. C. Postmaster, Loiis Levesque. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale and Kootenay and Provincial of West Kootenay, is a railway and navigation station, 28 miles from Nelson. It has a telegraph and ex- SresB office. Nearest banking point elson, distant 28 miles; mails twice a week. Communication by rail and steamer twice per week. Steamer from Revei stoke, 150 miles. Armstrong, Jas, railwaj' foreman. Arcuri, Frank, labr Aubertin, Jos, farm labr Aubertin, Mrs, J Dessautels, Jos, labr Ebstrup, Chas, baggage master Finnerham, Jas, labr Gilbert, Otter, car inspector Gilbert, Mrs, Girard, Jos, farm labr Gore, John, steamboat capt Gore, Mrs, John Larcher, L George, labr Lemieux, J Alfred, labr Levesque, Lewis, P.M. and hotelkpr McBride, Jerry, fmr McKean, Miss, Jane Sicotte, Noel, fmr Telford, Wm, telegraph repairer Thomas, Mrs, George Viau, Hilaire, hotelclerk Wilson, John, fmr ROCKFORD. Postmaster, Robert Scott. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Kootenay and Provincial of Yale, is situated 'n the stage lino running from Kamloops to Spence's Bridge. Mails twice a week; nearest railway station, telegraph, express office and bank- ing point, Kamloops, distance 36 miles. Collett, A, carpenter Collett, Jos, fmr and stock raiser Crake, Fred J, labr Fraser, Geo, stock raiser and fmr Eraser, John, stock raiser and fmr Friskin, Wm, stock raiser Friskin, Jas, stock raiser Harby, Jas, labr Hunter, Thomas, sawmill prop Jones. Thos, stock raiser and fmr Lander, J D, J.P, stock raiser and fmr Lander, W M, stock raiser and fmr Lesley, Thos, labr McDonald, W R, stock raiser and fmr McKillican, Jas, labr McKillican, John, labr McLeod, John, stock raiser McLeod, Wm, stock raiser Moore, B B, stock raiser and fmr Moore, John, sr, gentleman Moore, John, jr, stock raiser and fmr Moore, Joseph, stock raiser and fmr Moore, Samuel, stock raiser Morton, Albert, labr Newman, B, gentleman Newman, Jas, stock raiser and fmr Newman, Thos, stock raiser and fmr Newman, Patrick, stock raiser and fmr Nichols, William, stock raiser and fmr Palmer, William, stock raiser and fmr Palmer, W F, stock raiser and fmr Peterson, John, stock raiser and fmr Scott, S, J.P., stock raiser Scott, Robert, postmaster, stock raiser Scott, W A, stock raiser Smith, Albert, stock raiser and fmr Tannahill, Mrs, stock raiser and fmr Tannahill, John, stock raiser and fmr Tannahill, Thos, stock raiser and fmr Whitford, Han, labr Whitford, John, labr ROCK CREEK. Postmaster, Malcolm McCuaw. In the Osooyos Division of Yale Dis- trict, is situated at the confluence of Rock Creek with Kettle River. Nearest telegraph and express T. D0BE80N. N. W. DOBKSON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron and Brats Founders, General MaeMnitt* # ifQ All Kinds of Bepairs, land and Marino, NANAIHO. ■ • BRITISH COLUMBIA , V10liOIrl&) XJralUWBIr %^0«9 JjTCm Sates and Quiekett Deapateh. 81 and S3 Bronghton StrMt, Victoria, B. C. Tel. 189. ROC BRITISH OOLDltBIA niRECTORY. ROO 167 ofSce Marcus, Washington^ rail- way station, Vernon, which is also the banking point. Steamboat landing, Penticton, distance, 45 miles. Mails weekly. Ah Gee, market gardener Ah Kee, merchant Ah Lun, merchant Almguist, William, fmr Black, James, fmr Bubar, Bayard, fmr Bubar, Stanley, fmr Cameron, Hugh, miner Cameron, Dougald, miner Cameron, Duncan, miner Copeland, James, miner Dietz, Charles, miner Donoghue, Andrew, miner Douglas, John, miner East, John H, miner Edwards, William, fmr Elliott, Louis, stock raiser Haddican, James, hotel prop Hozier, W H, fmi Ingrim, M K, stockraiser Jackson, J B, stockraiser James, Edward, fmr Johnson, Ole, miner Kilsey, Chas, fmr Kilsey, D D, fmr Lynch, James, fmr McBride, John J, fmr McBride, David, fmr McCallum, John, fmr McCuaigf, Malcolm, postmaster McDonald, John, fmr McLennan, James, fmr McMynn, W G, collector, mining re- corder, etc McMynn, James, fmr McMynn, Edward, fmr Murray, Hugh, fmr Raby, Thomas, miner Sidley, Richard G, J.P., stockraiser Schotield, James, miner Sullivan, J, fmr Tedrow, Lucien, fmr Wilder, James, fmr Wilson, John, fmr Yonkin, William ROGERS' PASS. Postmaster, Wm. Cator. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Kootenay and Provincial of East Kootenay, is a station on the main line of the C.P.R., 427 miles east of Vancouver. Has a post and telcKraph office ; mails daily. Near- est express office. Glacier; bank- ing point, Kamloops. Nearest town, Donald, 32 miles. Alton, D, bridge foreman Angel, W, section man Armstrong, james, watchman Beggs, D, watchman Booth, Thomas, watchman Cator, William, agent Cadden, William, watchman Elson, Robert, brakeman Grimes, H W, brakeman Harris, W, section man Hardington, James, car repairer Harvey, Thomas, section man, Bear Creek Hopgood, J, conductor Hopgood, H, brakeman Hotham, Chas, wiper Jeffreys, Albert, brakeman Johnson, H, section man Joslin, Charles, watchman, Moun- tain Creek Kidd, D, section man Lunden, Charles, line repairer McDonald, John, blacksmith Mclntyre, W J,* brakeman McLeoid, watchman. Stony cieek Needham, Thomas, fireman Newitt, J H, wiper Newitt, F, wiper Nolan, Edward, watchman. Raspber- ry Creek \ Paquette, J, night opr ' Roberts, P, section man Simons, J, engineer Stevenson, F, line repairer Stewart, W, section man Sweeny, Thomas, fireman Smith, James, section man Sutton, Charles, watchman, 18 shed Thorton, John, trapper Vago, Frank, coal man White, B, line repairer Williamson, W, watchman cutbank ROSS PEAK SIDING. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Kootenay, and Provincial of West-Kootenay, 416 miles from Vancouver. It is a siding on the C.P.R. T E X A S L A K E I C E c o V A N G O U V E B B C Eastern TAILOR-MADE SUITS to Measure. 'E^v^SR^S^ , See our Samples and Pricet. B. WILLIAMS & CO., 97 Johnson St., Victoria. £ .;V T T rOT V ^EAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Lj» !• \u\J ±^i-J D'npont Block, Columbia St., New Weatminater. B. C. :i> cy^ o 00 CO cyo RUBY CREEK. In the Dominion Electoral Dietrict of Yale-Kooten&y and Provincial of Yale, is a flag station on the main line of the G.P.R., 82 miles from Vancouver. SAANICH, NORTH. POBTHABTER, T. J. FoRFAR. In the Dominion Electoral District of Vancouver and Provincial of Victoria, is about eighteen miles from Victoria in a northerly direc- tion. The district throughout is very fertile. Cereal crops do very well, while the fruit grown on the peninsula is second to none in quality or flavor A comparatively new industry, and one which promises to grow to immense pro- portions, is hop raising. The sur- roundings of North Saanich are very pretty. Bazan Bay, Deep Cove, Shoal Harbor, and Union Bay, are among the more attractive spots along the water front. Thereisalso an excellent hotel. The Victoria & Sidney Railway runs through the district. Nearest telegraph and express office, Victoria, which is also the banking point. Mails daily. Communication by rail, road, or water. Armstrong, W R, fmr Bates, C, fmr Bell James, dairy farm Breeds, B Henry, fmr Caven, John, fmr Cogswell, D H, teacher Copeland, Walter, fmr Coulter, D, farmer Coulter, S, fmr Cowan, — , fmr Downey, Allen, fmr Downey, Henry, fmr Downey, J J, fmr Edwards, J E, fmr Forfar, T J, postmaster Frank, Paul, fmr GrigK, W, fmr Haldon, J sr, fmr Haldon, J jr, fmr Haldon, H F, fmr Harrison, T H, fmr Hendrickson, F, fmr Herber, Louis, fmr Horth, Rufus, fmr Imrie, John, fmr Imrie, P, fmr Irwin, Rev R J, clergyman John, David, fmr John, James, fmr .Tohn, Joe, fmr Lannen, W, fmr Lautenbach, C H, fmr McDonald, A, fmr McDonald, D, fmr Menagh, A, sr, fmr Mills, Mrs E, fmr Moore, Hugh, carpenter Moses, C, fmr Newbigging, John, fmr Page, W, labr Perdue, E, fmr Perdue, J, fmr Pie, E, fmr Pichehall, M W, fmr Revs, Charles, fmr Robbins, W, fmr Robertson, D, fmr Robertson, William, fmr Roberts, Samuel, fmr Ross, A, fmr Simpson, £, fmr Simpson, W, fmr Sparrow, R, fmr St Barbe, — , gentleman Towner, W, fmr Wain, Henry, fmr Wain, William, fmr Wales, C, labr Williams, W H, labr Wright, Alex, hotel prop SAANICH, SOUTH. (See also Garnham.) For the various postoffices in the South Saanich District, see Hagan —Postmaster, James Hagan; Heal — Postmaster, Frederick Heal ; Sluggett — Postmaster, John Slug- gett; Turgoose — Postmaster, Fred- erick Turgoose ; Young — Post- master, James Young. Saanich South, and other suburban districts, being part of the penin- sula from which the name is deriv- ed, are in the Dominion Electoral division of Victoria District and Provincial of Saanich, 8 miles from T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Faints, Oils and AjDricnltnral Implements. Columbia Street, NEW WESTMINSTBB, B. C. HDDSON'S BAY COMPANY f Mesale Mm & Wise HercMnts VICTORIA. B. C. Saanich North, and 13 from the City of Victoria. The region throughout is well wooded and watered, and ia one of the most fertile on Vancouver Island. As a happy hunting ground, it every season attracts the lovers of sport in great numbers, the well known hospitality of the farming commun- ity and excellence of the numerous hotels adding in no small degree to the comfort of pU-asure seekers. A flourishing agricultural associa- tion, under whose auspices shows are annually held, does much to further the interests of the farmers, and every year new tracts of land are being brought under culti- vation. The advent of the Victoria and Sidney Bailway, which runs almost from the end of the penin- sula to Victoria, has gi\en an ad- ditional impetus to settlers. Alexandra, Chas, fmr, Lake district Alexandra, Wm, fmr, Lake dis Anderson, Geo Wm. M.P.P., Royal Oak Atkinson, Henry, gardener, Carey, rd, Heal P.O Auckland, Wm, carpenter. Royal Oak Bartleman, Peter, blacksmith, Hagan P.O Barnett, Joseph, fmr, Anderson's Bag Becker, William, farm hand, W rd Belyea, A S, fmr. Royal Oak Bernard, H A, carpenter, Ro}f4l Oak Bird, Chas, fmr Young Pa) ' ; Black, John, fmr, St^hflfa P. 01 7 Brooks, Henry, fmr, Tui-iKjoie P.O Brown, f( H, prop SwanfLaKe hoitel Brown, J G, contractor ' Bruce, John, fmr, deal P.O Byrant, J D, fmr, Younjj P.O • Bull, Josiah, fmr, RoyavOak Burry, David, fmr, Royal Oak Butler, Claude, W. rd Butler, William, fmr Camp, John, hotel orop, Prairie Tav- ern, Turgoose P.O Campbell, R. labr, Sluggett P.O Carey, J W, land surveyor Carey, M B, farm hand Castleton, Harry, painter Cavin, R S, blacksmith, Lake dis Cawthen, Geo, farm hand. Young P.O Ceasar, Mrs Mary, nurse, W. rd, Heal P.O Christenson, Thos, labr, Carey rd Christmas, Rev T G, Church of Eng- land minister, St Stephen's and Holy Trinity, Hagan P.O Clarke, Robt, fmr. Young P.O Clarke, J J, drayman. Heal P.O Cook, James, fmr Carey rd Cox, M, fmr. Young P.O Cox, Peter, fmr. Young P.O Dalley, H, labr, Glenford rd Daniels, Rich, fmr, Carey rd Dean, Mclntyre. fmr, Turgoose P.O Dean, Sol, fmr, Turgoose P.O Dean, Wm, fmr, Turgoose P.O Deloume, J B, fmr. Young, P.O Dives, John, farm hand, Hagan P.O Dixon, Rich, farm hand, Turgoose P.O Durance, John, fmr. Heal P.O Duval, Louis, hotel prop. Royal Oak Dyer, John, fmr. Young P.O Elsden, Capt F A, fmr, Heal P.O Etheridge, Ernest, carpenter Everton, George, jobber, Young P.O Fernie, W, fmr, Sluggett P.O Fernie, Peter, lumberman, Sluggett P.O Foster, John, fmr Foot, Willidm, fmr, Royal Oak Furs, John, labr, Sluggett P.O Fortier, /ohn,, fmr, Heal P.O Galea, Alf, fmr. Young P.O Gak!Bi,'.'Victor, fmr. Young P.O Gliir5on,.E, fmr, Hagan P.O Goyette, Joseph, fmr, Heal P.O Gillespie, Wm, mate, Royal Oak Graham, Thos, fmr, Sluggett P.O Graham, Wil'iam, labr, Sluggett P.O Gray, J R, lime burner, Sluggett P.O Green, Frank, fmr, Sluggett P.O Greig, Wm, sealer, Turgoose P.O Hagan, Jas, fmr. Hagan P.O Haldon, Foster, fmr, Sluggett P.O Haldon, J, sr, fmr, Sluggett P.O Haldon, J, jr, fmr, Sluggett P.O Handy, Wm, carpenter, Royal Oak Harrup, E, butcher, Slu ;gett P.O Harrup, S F, fmr, limekiln, Sluggett P.O Harrison, Geo, fmr, Sluggett P.O Harrison, Jas, gardener, Carey rd Harrison, F G, fmr Hawkslev, Wm, |exprsmn, Carey rd Heal, Fred, fmr, Heal P.O Heal, Henry, fmr. Heal P.O Heal, Walter, fmr, Heal P.O Henderson, Mrs John, hotelkeeper, Mount Newton hotel 02 <s o mm BROS., VICTORIA, ac. 4j w if 3 '•■■ "■■'■!' >'!i%nff '!*!'?^**i'»'f' «««»»»• -ki^.<.» r WE j^ui: »S HMOAD BTBMBT, riOTORIA, ^T ^\'\T More Hands and More Capital than all otbtr Bindniaa **wX In tba Province. « * « R. T. WILLIAMS «^ -.\ Od i f , I >»■' I. I- I EH o 170 8AA BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBBOTORY, SAA Hick, Geo, teamster, Roval Oak Hick, Wm, fmr, Royal Oak Johns, E R, fmr, TurKoose P.O Johns, Edwin, fmr, Turgoose P.O Johns, Jas, fmr, Turgoose P.O Johnson. Wm, fmr. Prospect Lake Jones, Wm, farm hand, Sluggett P.O King, Edward, labr, Carey rd Large, Ernest, frm hand. Young P.O Laurenceson, Andrew, poulterer, Sluggett P.O Lawless, J, blacksmith, Turgoose P.O Layritz, Richd, nurserymn, Carey rd Lenicor, Fred, fmr, Glanford rd Lidgate, Mrs W, fmr, Turgoose P.O Lindsay, Geo, fmr, Carey rd Little, John, fmr. Royal Oak Little, C, fmr. Heal P.O Little, H, fmr. Heal P.O Loughney, Rodney, fmr, Steven P.O Luscomlie, G, gardnr, Garnham P.O McCaskell, M, fmr. Young P.O Mcintosh, Emma, Mt Newton hotel McKenzie Alex, prop. Rural hotel MarcoUe, Xavier, fmr, Turgoose P.O Martin, A, fmr, Sluggett P.O Martindale, Thos, fmr, Young P.O McLannon, Colin, fmr, Turgoose P.O McMorran. Geo, overseer. Royal Oak McNeill, M, fmr Miller, J H, storekpr, Turgoose P.O Mitchell, George, fmr, Youne P.O Mitchell, Thos, fmr. Young P.O Morley, Thos, fmr, Young P.O Morrison, M, fmr, Glanford rd Mycock, Henry, butcher, Glanford rd Nicholson, Geo, fmr. Lake district Nicholson, Jas, fmr. Lake district Oats, Robt, smith. Young P.O O'Connell, Daniel, farm band. Royal Oak O'Neill, John, fmr. Slug,'ett P.O Pattison, D C, real estate agent Pidgeon, Wm, farm hand, Heal P.O Pitzer, Wm, fmr, Sluggett P.O Pritchard, Edwd, fmr, Sluggett P.O Prnce, John, fmr, Roval Oak Puckle, Wm, fmr, Young P.O Rey, J J, fmr, Young P.O Reynard, Arthur, fmr, Turgoose P.O Richardson, W J, farm hand. Young P.O Richardson, Wm, fmr. Young P.O Richardson, Wm, sr, fmr. Young P.O Robinson, Herbert, fmr. Young P.O Robinson, Herbert, jr, f mr. YoungP.O Robinson, Malcolm, fmr. Young P.O Ross. W M, cpntr. Strawberry Vale Ross, Colin, cpntr, Turgoose P.O Sadler, E, fmr, Turgoose P.O Scott, J, fmr, Young P.O Short, Wm, bricklayer. Lake district Sidwell, Luke, fmr, Turgoose P.O Simpson, Geo, fmr, Turgoose P.O Simpson, Henry, fmr, Turgoose P.O Simpson, Jacob, fmr, Turgoose P.O Simpson, John M, fmr, Turgoose P.O Simpson, Wm, fmr, Turgoose, P.O Sluggett, F J, fmr, Sluggett P.O Sluggett, G H, school teacher, Slug- gett P.O Sluggett, John, fmr, Sluggett P.O Slu{(ffett, R W, fmr, Sluggett P.O Smith, D G, gent, Turgoose P.O Smith, Richd, fmr, Yobng P.O Smith, T C, fmr, Sluggett, P.O Smith, Rich, carpenter, Young P.O Sprinkling, Wm, fmr. Lake District Stewart, James, fmr. Young P.O Stewart, Geo, fmr. Young P.O Stewart, John, Young P.O Stewart, Andrew, Young P.O Spotts, Fielding, jr. Young P.O Spotts, Fredk, fmr. Young P.O Spotts, F, fmr. Young P.O Spotts, Thon.lore, fmr. Young P.O Steinbergej , Wm, sr, fmr Anderson P.O Steinberger, Wm, jr, fmr. Young P.O Stelly, Geo, jr, fmr and contractor Stevans, John, hotel prop, Steven P.O Tanner, Harnr, fmr, Young P.O Tanner, Frank, fmr, Young P.O Thomas, George, fmr, Tnrgoose P.O Thompson, Wm, fmr, Hagan P.O Tomlinson, Wm, school toner. Royal Oak Tomlinson, Fred, fmr. Royal Oak Tonbleson, Henry, fmr, Glanford rd Turgoose, Fredk, fmr, Turgoose P.O Turner, John, fmr. Young P.O Tunstead, Thos, fmr. Young P.O Tway, Joseph, lather, Glanford rd Tway, John, fmr and carpenter. Glanford rd Walker, Joseph, fmr, Hagan P.O Walsh, Jas, fmr, Lake District Watson, Mrs P, Turgoose P.O Webb, Jos Wm, real estate agent, Farnhill Wells, Ohas, fmr. Young P.O White, H, fmr, Young P.O Wilkinson, E S, fmr, Colquitz farm Wilkinson, Horace S, fmr, Colquitz farm T. DOBESON, N, W. DOBB80N. NAHAIMd FOUNDRY, Xron and Bra»t founder*t General Maehinisttt All Kinde of Bepatra, Zand and JHoriwe. NANAUiO, ■ • ■ BRITISH COLUMBIA- Victoria Tra »t and Wilkinson, Rich Wilson, Jas, fmi Wood, R B, frui Wri^les worth, Ji kiln Young, H R, fm Young, John, fno SALM POSTUABTBI In the Dominion ; toral District i on the main lin uated about 6 loops, at the '. water called ( which the tow Post, telegraph Nearest bankini Mails daily. Allan, J, fmr , Armstroug, L H S Armstrong, R, fm Arthur, R, fmr Atchison, Thomae Ayelett, G, fmr Barnes, S, fmr Blake, D M, fmr Bolton, P, fmr Bunty, B, fmr Byorkman, A E, ft Dalton, E, fmr Davis, Geo, fmr Davis, R, fmr Davis, T, fmr Dobson, W, sectioi Dolan, Stephen, fi Dazell, J, section 1 Eagle, J, fmr Echles, H, fmr Fohlin, H, cook Forrest, J, fmr Fraser, H C, fmr Freemantle, E, sut Goodridge, Miss F, Gordon, H, fmr Green, W, fmr Hall, Henry,'fmr Hall, R, fmr. Hatherly, T, fmr Hatherly, J, fmr Harris, C B, fmr Hedgeman, A J, fa SeeonrBoys'SDitsan B.WI] Victoria Transfer Co., Ltd. """SSS dI^^.?.' iSS;.S'2S ^S.cSif-- 91 and 93 Broughton Btreet, Vietorta, B, C. T«teph0ne 199, IAI< BBITIBH COLUMBIA DIRBOTOBY. SAL 171 Wilkinson, Bichd, fmr, Carey rd Wilson, Jaa, fmr, Carey rd Wood, R B, fruit & poultry, Carey rd WriKlesworth, Jos, agt Saanich lime kiln Young, H R, fmr. Young P.O Young, John, fmr. Young P.O SALMON ARM. POSTMASTBR, £. MoGuiBE. In the Dominion and Provincial Elec- toral District of Yale, is a station on the main line of the C.P. R., sit- uated about 63 miles from Kam- loops, at the head of a body of water called Salmon Arm, from which the town takes its name. Post, telegraph and express oflBces, Nearest banking point, Kamloops. Mails daily. Allan, J, fmr Armstroug, L H S, C.P.R, agt Armstrong, R, fmr Arthur, R, fmr Atchison, Thomas, fmr Ayelett, G, fmr Barnes, S, fmr Blake, D M, fmr Bolton, P, fmr Bunty, B, fmr Byorkman, A E, fmr Dalton, E, fmr Davis, Geo, fmr Davis, R, fmr Davis, T, fmr Dobson, W, section foreman Dolan, Stephen, fmr Dazell, J, section foreman Eagle, J, fmr Echles, H, fmr Fohlin, H, cook Forrest, J, fmr Fraser, H C, fmr Freemantle, E, supt Goodridge, Miss F, school teacher Gordon, H, fmr Green, W, fmr Hall, Henrv.'fmr Hall, R, fmr Hatherly, T, fmr " Hatherly, J, fmr Harris, C B, fmr Hedgeman, A J, fmr Hume, H H, conductor Irwin, J, fmr Jamieson, J. brakeman, C.P.R Jeffreys, A, brakeman, C.P.R Johnston, C, fmr Johnston, J, section man Kidd, C, fmr Kidd, J, fmr Kidd, L, fmr Kidd, O, fmr Kidd, Oscar, fmr Larri, M, section man Lativen, K, section foreman Lishman, T, section man Lund, J, fmr Lund, J H, fmr MacDonald, W, fmr Mac Vicar, C, fmr Magee, W, fmr Martin, W, fmr McGuire, A, fmr McGuire, G D, fmr McGuire, E, postmaster and general store McGuire, J, fmr Mclntyre, Frank, fmr Mclntyre, W, fmr McNeil, foreman Merrill, A, fmr Miller, Wm, fmr Moyle, W, fmr Murray, A, fmr Noble, Thomas, fmr Noble, W, fmr Owens, P, fmr Palmer, A J, J.P., fmr Parsons, P.M., fmr Paul, A, fmr Pearson, P M, fmr Raby, J, fmr Roe, John, fmr Rumball, S, fmr Ryan, T, section man Savage, J, fmr Savage^ P. fmr Savage, W, fmr Settle, R, fmr Shaw, P, tinr Shaw, Allan, fmr Shaw, T, storekfi per Shaw, W W, fmr Smith, J Stace, fmr Stillmun, W L, blacksmitli Stewart, J, fmr Summer, A, fmr Tobin, J J, ifmr Tobin, J, cook Wallace, W, fmr See our Boys' Suits and Oyercoats. Best assortment in tbe City. Prices LOW, Quality ( B.WILLIAia*0<»., B7J0HR80H8T., VXCTORIA. ■^ * ^ '*"^IPV'^ P^ y." J'W* !y fP , ' "i l ' ! ' ' W?" * " 1. -'fffJgf 'Wtii^i 'W i Jjllil.J4PM j |I W > > i i |. .^^BBUmt .Aak.M>»iit,<.^ -it- 1' ■/»f%«n>-j#ii',^' ^^7' CTJ CXD ^^Hfl(' s ^ H^B.' ? UJ ^V a H^K* tf ^H ho H 05* H: <:§ ■ ' H ' ^ ^i H P^ ^H-" ^? ^^^M 1 H ! 00 ^H' CO ■A 10 (^c^ CO 172 SAL BRITISH COLVHBIA DIRKOTOBY. SAL SALT SPRING ISLAND. POBTMABTBR, JOEL BrOADWBLL. In the Dominion Electoral District ofNanaimo and Provincial of Is- lands, was formerly called Admiral Island, is nearly 15 miles in length, and seperating Stuart Channel from Trinnomolie and Swanson Channels. Nearest town and bank- ing point, Nanaimo, 35 miles ; tele- graph and express office, Che- mainus, eight miles. Communi- cation by steamer with Victoria, 46 miles ; and Nanaimo, 35 miles. There are steamboat landings at Vesuvius and Burgoyne Bays and Beaver Point. Mails twice a week. Note. — F.H. signifies Fulford Har- bor; G.H., Ganges Harbor; V.B., Vesuvius Bay; B.B., Burgoyne Bay; B.P., Beaver Point. Ackerman, Jos, J, F.H Ackerman, Jos, storekeeper, F.H Anderson, Alfred C, G.H Anderson, James D, G.H Arnold, George, B.B Bean Charles Berrow, Ambrose A, nurseryman.V.B Bittancote, Estelon Jose, storekeeper V.B Bittancote, Lawrance, V.B * Booth, John Patton, fmr, V.B Broadwell, Joel, fmr,V.B Brown, Percy Hull, fmr, V.B Caldwell, Henry, fmr, V.B Crldwell, William, stone cutter, V.B Cameron, Donald, B.B Carstairs, Robert, fmr, Beaver Point Cartwright, Arthur, G.H Cawley, Thomas, fmr, B.P Chalmers, fmr, V.B Chevers, Jeremiah, V.B Conery, Socrates Tobias, G.H Cook, Alfred William .school teacher, B B Coisford, William T, fmr, V.B Cundell, Christopher, V.B Davis, Levi, fmr, V.B Dukes, George J, fmr, B.B Dukes, Walter J, B.B Epron, George, fmr, V.B Fisher, George, fmr, B.P Foord, Frederick, fmr, B.B Fredison, Daniel, fmr, V.B Fry, George, fmr, B.B FarnesB, George, fmr, B.B Gives, Michael, B.B Gwynne, William, fmr, V.B Gwynne, Arthur, fmr, V.B Hamea, William, fmr, B.B Hampton, William, V.B Hannak, George, fmr, B.B Harris, James V.B Hi'rrison, Ernest L. fmr, V.B Harrison, John A, imr, V.B Haskins, Edwin, fmr, B.B Haslem, Rev Belton Herd, James, fmr, B.B Horal, James H, B.B Irwin, Joseph, fmr, V.B Kahanon, John H, B.B King, Joseph, fmr^ B.P Lakin, Fraser Levi, fmr, V.B Landerway, Jas W, V.B Lee, Edward, fmr, B.B Lee, Thomas H, fmr, B.B Lundy, Benjamin, fmr, V.B Lunney, James, fmr, B.B Mahany, John, fmr, V.B MahonI Henry Louis, fmr, V.B Mahon, Ross, fmr, V.B Malcolm, Joseph, blacksmith, V.B Mansell, Thos D, fmr, V.B Maxwell, John, fmr, B.B Maxwell, Richard, fmr, B.B Maxwell, Samnel, postmaster, B.B McDonald, Chas, fmr, B.B McFadden, William, fmr, V.B McLennan, Alexander, postmaster, B.P Miller, John, fmr, B.B Moses, George, fmr, V.B Mouat, Thos W, fmr, V.B Nankana, Kanaca, fmr, B.B Nightingale, Joseph, fmr, B.B Nilson, Eric, fmr, V.B Nilson, Nels, fmr, V.B Norton, John, fmr, V.B Nuana, Kanaca, fmr, B.B Olsen, Charles, fmr, B.B Palana, Kanaca, fmr, B.B Palan, Kanaca, fmr, B.P Pappenberger, John, fmr, B.P Pollard, Henry, fmr, B.B Pottinger, Charles, fmr, V.B Purdy, Raffles A R, school teacher, V.B Purvis, John, fmr, V.B Raynes, Alf<ed, fmr, B.B Raines, Frederick, fmr, B.B Reid, John, fmr, B.B Robertson, William, fmr, V.B Robertshaw, Hugo, fmr, V.B Robinson, Henry W, fmr, V.B SARI Postmaster, A In the Dominion an toral District of K is about fifty i Westminster, wit daily communic steamer from Cen telegraph and exp wack; railway s T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Faints, .Oilf aM Ajplcnltiiral Columbia Street, NEW WESTMINST>{B, B. C. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Eurtptmn m»4 MnftUh OMOOMBima, WIKMB mn^l ZIQUOBB, JHtm mn4 tm Bond. VICTORIA, B. O. BAH BRITISH COLUHBIA DIBCCTOBY. BAY 173 Rogers, Henry, storekeeper, B.B Roseraan, Edward J, fmr, V.B Ruckle, Henry, (mr, B.P Sampson, Henry, fmr, V.B Bchmidt, William, fmr, V.B Scott, Harold, fmr, V.B Scott, Jeflfery, fmr, V.B Scott, William E, fmr, V.B ScoviU, John C, fmr, V.B Shaw, Robert, imr, V.B Shepard, George J, fmr, B.B Shepard, Horace J, fmr, B.B Siiepard, Jno S, fmr, V.B Silvenion. George, blacksmith, V.B Smith Jonn, fmr, V.B Smith, Louis, fmr, B.P Smith, William, fmr. V.B Sparrow, John C, fmr, B.B Spikerman, Henry, fmr, B.P Stark, Willis Otis, fmr, V.B Stevens, Henry, fmr, V.B Stevens, Walter, fmr, V.B Sugvie, John F, V.B Sweetsur. Charles, fmr, V.B Tolson, Charles W, fmr. V.B Trage. Theodore, fmr, B.P Turoott, Frederick, fmr, V.B Viddler, John, fmr, V.B Walker, John M, V.B Walsh, John J, B.B Walter, Arthur, fmr, V.B Walter, Edward, fmr, V.B Whims, Clarke, fmr, V.B Whims, William, fmr, V.B Williams, Kai, fmr, B.B Willie, John, fmr, B.P Wilson, Alexander, blacksmith, B.B Wocklin, Edward, fmr, B.B SAMUEL ISLAND. P. O. Plumpbb Pass. Flannigan, Michael, fmr Grey, Ralph Godfrey, gentleman 8ARDIS. POBTMASTEB, A. S. VeDDBR. In the Dominion and Provincial Elec- toral District of New Westminster, is about fifty miles from New Westminster, with which there is daily communication by river steamer from Centrerille. Nearest telesraph and express office, OhilU- wack; railway station, Harrison River, Canadian Pacific Railway, distant eight miles. Bailey, James, fmr Barrett, John, fmr Barrett, William Charlton, George, fmr Clark, L, teacher Crankflhaw, P, fmr Davis. C H, fmr DunviU, T, fmr Higginson, C T, fmr Hood, Chas, fmr Huff, M, fmr Knight, Shelton, fmr Lapum, J, fmr Lee, George, fmr Manning, D, fmr Mercers, Alex, fmr Midgley, C, fmr NewDy, William Tespey, Jos, fmr Thompson, Jog, fmr Thornton, E, fmr Wardle, E. fmr Webb, Charles W, fmr Wells, James, fmr Wells, Ed, fmr Wells, A C, fmr SATURNA ISLAND. P. O. Plumper Pasb. Pike, Warhurton M, gentleman Wessel, John, farm mgr Georgeson, Jas, lighthouse keeper SAVONAS. POBTHASTBB, J. H. MoNab. Savonas, or Savonas' Ferry, is a sta- tion on the main line of the G.P.R., 226 miles from Vancouver; is situated on Kamloops Lake, at the mouth of tlie Thompson River. Post, telegraph and express offices. Mails daily, east and west. Nearest banking point, Kamloops. Allen, Frank, rancher Avoste, Dominic, rancher Beaton, Neil, rancher Brousseau. Louis, rancher Bruce, Robert, miner Buchar, Robert, prospector and minr Charterand, John, rancher Duflfy, Patrick, rancher Eagleson, Mark, fmr WEILER BROS,, aie CoRiplele lioiise hwkn, Laip^ M in B. C :^ f r i^!' ' ''S '« ipi' i»' ?.t' 'i l-'M!'Wt' iJ Hpp^^ ^ iiidmme»mn:s,»M mm BLANK BOOK MANHFACTIER B. T. WILLIAMS 98 Broad St., Yietoria. 51 gs C3 m « & « o A Rl •hd u 9i ^ i 5 174 SHA BRITISH COLUMBIA DIEECTORY. 8HO Fehr, Albert, rancher Ferguson, Adam, hotel prop Follett, Fred, C.P.R. section foreman' FoUett, John, section foreman Forr, Henry, of the Cinnabar Mining Co Gotan, Peter, rancher Grant, Joseph, labr Hardie, Alex, rancher Hardie, Thomas, rancher Harris, Lewis, C.P.R. section foremn Jane, John, merchant, stipendiary magistrate Kernick, William, labr King, John, rancher Leiphton, Ja"es B, rancher Livingstone, William, rancher Loiihead, Isaac, labr Macnab, J H, C.P.R. station agent McCartney, Samuel, mining engr McVi "ar, Charles, C.P.R. sectn frmn Middleton, John, C.P.R. watchman Mitchel, J, labr VIoore, Thomas, cowbo/ Mountain, A, of the Cinnabar Mining Co Pennie, Charles, rancher and fmr Perrault, Nelson, cowboy Redpath, Oliver, mgrof the Cinnabar Mining Co Rumford, James M, labr Squires, James N, cowboy Taylor, James, rancher Thomas, Abraham, rancher Toomey, Daniel, rancher Tremblay, Hector, rancher, Monmot Lake Williams, Richard, rancher Wilson, John, sr, rancher Wilson, John, jr, cowboy Wilson, Wm, cowboy SEA ISLAND. {Postoffice now called Terra Nova.) Postmaster, Kenneth Sweet. A country postoffice in Richmond Municipality ; distributes mails for north-western part of Lulu Island and Lower end of Sea Island. (See Richmond Municipality.) SHAWNIGAN. Situated on the £. & N. Railway, is the most southern sub-division of the Provincial Electoral District of Cowichan, and is in the Dominion Electoral of Vancouver. Nearest postoffice, telegraph and express office. Cobble Hill, 3 miles distant. The industry of this section of Shawnigan is the large saw mill of the Shawnigan Lake Lumber Co, which has a very large capacity, and gives employment to i great num- ber of hands. Armstrong, — , tallyman Bealey, Isaac, setteVman Boardman, H P, sawmill hand Cameron, — , logger Greer, B, mill foraman Halhed, Richmond, B,J.P, gentleman Haughton, Arthur G, fmr Haughton, John E, fmr Hern, Wm, mill engr Howel, Harry, millhand Kelly, Hugh, night watchman Keonig, Geo, hotel prop Matthews, G J, sawmill hand McKean, Chas E, fmr McKinnon, Angus, sawmill hand McKinnon, AD, sawmill hand Morrison, £wen, Shawniean Lake Lumber Co Morrison, — , logging camp foreman Rodgers, Phil, sawmill hand Taylor, G, sawmill hand Welsh, Meade, sawmill hand SHOPLAND. Postmaster, John S. Shopland. In the Dominion Electoral District of Vancouver and Provincial of Cow- ichan. Nearest railway station, telegraph and express office Duncan's, on the Esquimalt and Nanaimo railway ; distant, 4 miles. Mails three times a week. Bayett, William, fmr Calvert, Rev James, Methodist min- ister Edgson, J W, fmr Edgson, Milton, fmr Edgson, M S, fmr Flett, Mrs John, widow Flett, J W, fmr Flett, Pet«r, fmr Hales, Mrs, widow May, Nicholas, fmr Richards, Jos, fmr Richards, Joseph, jr, fmr T. D0BE80N, N. W. DOBESON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron and. Brait rounder; General MaeMnUta, AH Kindt of Jtepaire, Ziand and Marine. NAKAIMO. • • BRITISH COtUMBIA- POSTMASTEI T. DOBESON, N. W \ 21 and 83 Brougliton Street, Victoria B. C. Tel. 129. 8H0 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. SHO 175 iRichards, Lewis, fmr [Itichards, William, fmr Shopland, John S, postmaster and Symons, Mrs H, widow Symons, R D, fmr Young, Mrs Hughes, widow Truswell, Miss Sarah B, school teacher SHORTREED. Postmaster, R. J. Shortrebd. In the Dominion and Provincial Elec- toral District of New Westminster, is 22 miles east from New West- minster and 13 miles from Langley. There is a post, telegraph, and ex- press office. Mails twice a week. Communication by stage with Langley, Bertrand, Charles, fmr Bertrand, William, fmr : Blair, Geo Irwin, fmr Blair, Thomas, fmr Bomagayne, Fred, fmr Broe, Andrew G, fmr and hopraiser Broe, John L, fmr and hopraiser Broe, Laroe L, fmr and hopraiser Bruton, Alex, sr, fmr Bruton, Archy, fmr Bruton, James, fmr Bruton, Kenneth, fmr Burnett, James, fmr and carpt / Calbick, J A, fmr Calbick, James, fmr Calbick, Miss Anniu Campbell, J C, fmr Cawker, John, fmr Cawker, Sam, sr, fmr Cawker, Sam, jr, fmr Collins, Hi'.nry, fmr Coss, William, fmr Cox, Alex, fmr Creighton, John, fmr and stone- mason Dalrymple, Albert, fmr Davis, Harry, fmr Davy, M, sr, fmr Davy, M, jr, fmr Davy, Miss K, music teacher Day, F B, fmr Deans, C B, clerk Duff, James, fmr Dunnan, John, fmr Gordon, A J, fmr and teacher Gray, James, fmr and blksmith Gravis, William, fmr Haines, Basil, fmr Haines, James, fmr Haines, John, fmr Haines, H W, fmr Harkness, William, fmr Hilts, Phillip, fmr Hoff, Silas V, fmr Hoff, Willie S, fmr Hopkins, N R, school teacher Hounsonn, James, fmr Johnson, Joseph, fmr Johnston, Stephen, fmr Johnston, James, fmr Kingrose, Joe, fmr Lewis, C C, fmr Lewis, Thomas, fmr Link, Angus, fmr Linseth, Anton, fmr Macnamara, J B, fmr McDowell, John A, fmr McDowell, Miss Mary, teacher McEwen, Mrs Mary, f mi McGie, Robert E C, fmr McGregor, J K, fmr Mclntyre, Mike, labr McKenzie, Duncan, fmr McVey, David, fr:.' Miller, James, Imr Miller, John, sr, fmr and bridge bldr Miller, John, jr, fmr Moe. AK, fmr Moore, Benjamin F, fmr Morley, Samuel, fmr Murchison, Alex, fmr Nelson, N L, fmr Ogilvie, W P, fmr Ogilvie, Ernest, fmr Oleson, Ivor, fmr Oleson, Swan, fmr Perry, Mrs Jane, widow Peterson, Swan, fmr Poppy, D W, fmr Poppy, Mrs, widow, fmr Reid, Adam, fmr Richardsen, Alex McG, fmr Richardson, David, fmr Robertson, Miss Jennie, fmr Robertson, H J, fmr Shortreed, Miss Christina, school teacher Shortreed, Duncan, fmr and carpt Shortreed, Finlay, fmr Shortreed, James, fmr Shortreed, John, fmr Shortreed, R, sr, fmr Shortreed, R J, fmr, merchant and postmaster, C.P.R telegraph agent, J.P. for New Westminster District £ X A S A K E I C £ c o V A N C O u V E B B C M T. D0BE80N, N. W. DOBEBON. lANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron and Bra»» founders, Oen«ral Maehintttt. Jill Kindt of Jlepair*, ZaMd and JHarine. NANAIMO, BRITISH COLUMBIA. *«ii&tte*i:»«*M^, ■ >^ ' "v^ * ' ' ^Vjy ' ' !!i' '■'■■ * '■'V■ ' *!'-'' '' !VfeJ^ J. &; J. TAYLOR, SAFES AND VAULT DOOBS I,, J, Cole* Agents t>npopt Block, New Westminster, B. 0. III I 1 1 on 05 p O 00 CO VO en 176 SHU BBITISH COLUUBIA DIBEOTOBT. SID Shortreed, Thomas, carpt Simpson, Jonathan, fmr Simpson, Robert, fmr Smuton, J, fmr and teacher Stangeland, Matt, fmr Stevens, Joel, fmr Swanson, Charles, fmr Swanson, J P, fmr • Swanson, William, fmr Thompson, John, fmr Thorburn, Robert, fmr Ihrre, John, fmr vaunatta, Alex, fmr Vannatta. W H, fmr and H.M.cus- toms collector Walker, James, fmr Walker. John Thomas, fmr Ward, John, fmr Watson, Joseph, fmr Wilson, J L, fmr and hop grower SHUSWAP. POSTMASTEB, AlBX. MoBbYAN. In the Dominion Electoral District o. Yale-Kootenay and Provincial o' Yale, is a station on the main line of the C.P.R. 33 miles from Kam- loops, which is the banking point. Mails daily. Has a telegraph and express office. Chace, George, fmr Chace, Whitfield, fmr Clark, Thomas, agent Cobourn, Fred, farm labr Cobourn, George, fmr Daniels, Robert, farm labr Forrest, George, fmr Haldane, John, fmr Hoffman, George H, section foreman Louie, Chinaman, fmr Lovelet, Dick, fmr Martin, Frank, fmr Martin, G B, fmr McBryai, Phillip, fmr McBryan, Alexander, P. M. fmr Pierce, James, carpenter Robertson, Robert, fmr Ross, James, merchant Sullivan, Michael, gentleman SICAMOUS. Posthastes, Wm. Finlayson. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale and Provincial of Yale is P.R situated at the northern end of Mara lake. It is a station on the main line of the C. P. R. about 80 miles from Kamloops and 386 from Vancouver. It contains post, tele- graph and express offices. Steam- ers start from here for Enderby and other towns in the Kootenay district. Mails daily. Bennett, E, section man Carter, W, conductor C. P. R Oleary, S, fireman, C. P. R Clifton, David, sectn foieman C. Cummiskey, T J, agent G. P. R Evans, W H, engineer C. P. R Fawcett, J, pumpman C. P. R Finlayson, William, postmaster Forrester, Col E, hotelkeeper and store Kingham, William, boilermaker Lecour, O, section foreman C. P. R iMcLeod, J S, brakeman C. P. R Miller, F, telegraoh operator 0. P. R Miller, T G, section man G. P. R Murdock, George, miner and rancher Plum, W, waterman Savage, William, cleaner G. P. R Woodward, — Jlineman Widdicombe, H T, baggagemn C.P.R SIDNEY. POSTMABTEB, L. DiOKENSON. Sidney, the northern terminus of the Victoria & Sidney Railway, is a thriving little town which may be said to have sprung into existence since the inauguration of the line just completed, and the establish- ing of extensive sawmills by the Toronto & British C'>llimbia Lum- ber Co. The harbor affords excel- lent accommodation for heavy draught boats at almost any stage of the tide or state of the weather, and the regular service whi-^ih it is contemplated to establish between this pert and theMainland will shor- ten tlie sea passage by some hours. As the line of railway passes through a very rich farming coun- try, ^ood things are expected of it. Considerable trade is also expected from the neighboring islands. There is good hotel accommodation at Sidney, a postoffice, general stores, blacksmith's shop, butcher's stall, and a spacious public hall. T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Paints, Oils and Aiolcaltiiral Iiplement Golnmbia Street, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. HDDSON'S BAY COMPANY ^^ "!J*l"™«. "•»« SID BBTTI8H C0LI7HBIA DnWCTORT. BOD 177 Anderson, Alex, mgr L Dickenson's genl store Bergquist, Ida, waitress Sidney hotel Bergqnist, M, blacksmith Best, Frank, labr Bissett, W A, hotel proprietor Brooks, £, labr Brethour, Henry, fmr Brethour, John, fmr Brethour, Julius, fmr Brethour, J W< fmr Brethour, Saml, fmr Day, A G, planer Dickenson, L, genl merchant and postmaster Ego, Angus, carpenter Gale, Alex, labr Hewett, Mark, building contractor Hogan, J J, blacksmith Hooton, Henry, labr Hunter, Edward, turner Johnson, Henry, labr Jones, E B, labr Magnus, A, brickworks McCallum, M, carpenter McDuffy, J, railway construction supt McDonald, M, fireman McDonald, J, bartender Mcllmoyle, M, saw setter Merkley, Ace, carpenter Morrison, W H, engineer Moore, Hugh, prov constable Murclay, Gaton, carpenter Mygrain, John, carpenter Nelson, E, carpenter Newbigging, J, fmr O'Hara, Geo, sawyer Pertins, J E, laborer Raby, Ghas, hotel porter Rabv, Henry, labr Reid, J S, fireman Simpson, E, butcher Simpson, Rich, labr Tanner, H, labr Thompson, R, sawyer Toronto & B. G. Lumber Go Wain, William, butcher White, Jas J, foreman Toronto & B. C. Lumber Co White, John, pres and mgr Toronto & B. 0. Lumber Co Wickstrom, Y, labr Williams, Wm, labr Woods, H J, labr SIDNEY ISLAND. One and a half miles east of James Island, near the Saanicb Peninsula. Graham, Thos, fmr Graham, Wm, fmr SKEENA RIVER. (See North- West Coast.) There are seven canneries on this river, viz. : The Standard, the Port Essington, the British American, the North Pacific, the Balmoral, the Aberdeen and the Dempster. SKIDEGATE. Queen Charlotte Island. (See North- West Coast.) Oil refining is the chief industry of the place. The Skidegate Oil Re- finery have control. At Clew, about fifty miles distant, the Queen Charlotte Oil Co. have also a re- finerv. Amos, Thos, fisherman Carpenter, Noah, fisherman Clyde, Edwin, labr Edgar, Geortre, asst Methodist misnry McDonald, Wm, fisherman Miller, Rev J, Methodist missionary Stanley, Frank, fisherman Stewart, Jas, fisherman Tennant, Robt, trader Waller, Wm, fisherman SODA CREEK. POSTHASTIB, RoBT. MoLxKBE. In the Dominion Electoral District of Cariboo, Lillooet, and Provincial of Cariboo, is apicturesque village, fifty-five miles from Qnesnelle, sit- uated on the left bank of the Fraser at the lower end of navigation of the Upper Fraser River. Commu- ' nication by stage with Ashcroft and return from Barkerville. There are telegraph and express, post and money order offices, with weekly mails. Bear, Henry, fmr Clark, James, M.D Collins, Jacob, fmr and stock raiser Collins, Robeit A, miller !«00 BILER BROS., VICTORIA, B. O. ABE AGENTS FOB GBOSSLEY AND SONS FINE GABPETS. L 11 itffgSSmamBBBWBl R.T. BOOKBINDER anil BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER »8 ^MOAD STREET, riOTOXIA. ■ f ' {\ 03 f ■ -»J a « « o ,4 nn ■♦-» Sh « ;>> 1 pO ,■? ^ UJ ee , Vi H 178 80M BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. BOO Copeland, Frederick, fmr and stock raiser Cummings, F, fmr Gummings, J, fmr Dunlevy, Peter C, fmr Evans, George, labr Evans. James, labr Everett, William, labr Hawks, J F, fmr and mill owner Humphrey, Edward, ferryman Jones, John, fmr Lucas, Alonzo, engineer Lyne, John, fmr Lyne, Wm, blacksmith Mackin, John, fmr Marshal, Theodore, labr McAllister, Thomas, fmr McDonald, Donald W, carpenter Mcintosh, John D, tele operator McLean, Donald, fmr McLean, Robert, hostler McLeese, John, fmr McLeese, Robert, postmaster Moffatt, John, fmr Perkins, David F M, clerk Peefles, William, fmr Reed, Thomas P, accountant Salmon, John S, fmr Salmon, John, jr, fmr Sellars, John, farm labr Sellars, William, farm labr Shaw, Robert L, road foreman Sherridan, William, labr Stewart, James, farm labr Tappage, Baptiste, labr Towns, Charles, fmr Williamson, M.D SOMENOS. Postmistress, Mrs. Mary Jane Kier. In the Dominion Electoral District of Vancouver and Provincial of Cowichan. Nearest post, tele- graph and express ofiSce, Cobble Hill, 3 miles distant, on the E. A N. - Railway. There is daily commun- ication with Victoria and Nanaimo. Armstrong, Hartley, logger Bell, Angus I, clerk Bell, Hugh, fmr Bell, John, fmr Blyth, Alexander, fmr Brown, W C, fmr Campbell, J W, farm labr Currie, Daniel, fmr and cpntr Gurrie, John, fmr and cpntr Davie, Samuel H, fmr Davie, William, fmr Drinkwater, Josh, fmr Drinkwater, Wm, J. P. reeve, fmr Evans, Henry, fmr Evans, John N, fmr Flett, James, jr, station agent E. & N Railway Greaves, Mrs, fmr Hanson, A, fmr Harrison, Harace R, fmr Herd, Alex A B, cpntr Herd, William, fmr Holmes, Chas, fmr Hooper, Elizabeth, fmr Home, R D, fmr and florist Jones, James, fmr Kier, J Geo A. Kier, James, storekeeper Kier, Joseph, fmr and mail carrier Kier, Miss Mary Kier, Mrs. A, postmistress Lyle, Mrs, A M, fmr Martin, Jonathan, fmr Mcintosh, James, fmr Mebius, Miss, school teacher Mutter, Major, fmr Norcroas, Harold, farm labr Norcross, James, fmr Pearmine, Chas E, fmr RobinsoH, Arthur, fmr Skinner, Mrs Smith, Michael K, logger Smith, Robt S, logger Smithe, Mrs William, widow Tait, Mrs, widow Watson, John, fmr Wright, Ernest A, farm labr SOOKE. Postmasters. — Sooke, John Muir ; East Sooke, James Keill ; Otter Point, Edward Gordon. A thriving settlement 23 miles from Victoria, with a fine harbor facing the Straits of Juan de Fuca. Near- est railway station, Esquimau, 18 miles, on the £. & N. railway. Stage from Victoria, which is the telegraph and banking point. East Sooke. — A postoffice in Esqui- mau Electoral District and Domin- ion Electoral of Vancouver, is 26 miles by road and 22 by water from Victoria, the nearest railway depot, telegraph, express ofSce and bank- T. DOBESON, N. W. D0BE80N. NANAIMd FOUNDRY, Iron and Brnta Poundera, (fen«ral Maehiniati \ All Kindt of Sepatra, Zand and Marine, NANAIMO, BRITISH COLUMBIi | Check Banace to any part of the ^ity. Their Ca • ■ ■ YICTORIA TRAflSrCn UU>| LTDa wagons and carriages meet all Boats and Trains 21 and 23 BrouBhton Strest, Victoria, B. O. Tel. 129. BOO BRITtBH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. SOU 179 ing point. Communication by livery, or stage with Victoria. Barney, D, fmr, East Sooke Brevily, J B, fmr Brown, C, fmr, E Sooke Brown, George, fmr Caflfery, Mrs, fmr Calfery, James, jr. fmr Campbell, Alex, fmr Cartwright, Wm, fmr Charters, W B, blacksmith, Sooke Charters, John F, boiler maker Cutler, Saml, fmr Dales, Jno, fmr, E Sooke Dales, J H, fmr Francis, H A, M.D., fmr, E Sooke Godtell,»Adam, fmr Gordon, John, fmr Gowdie, John, fmr Heines, G, fmr. Sooke Hewett, Fleming, fmr, E Sooke JoUibois. Peter, fur trader Keill, Jas, cooper, postmaster Kemp, Richard, stockraiser, Sooke Mann, Georjje, bricklayer and con- tractor Martin, George, school teacher McGregor, G, road contractor Milne, Ed, carrier and storekeeper Milne, Hugh, fmr Muir, John, stock raiser and post- master Muir, B, lumber manufacturer Muir, J S, carpenter Murray, John, fmr O'Brian, Clement, bridge builder Old trshaw, Thomas, fmr, E Sooke Muir, J M, fmr Phillips, Wm, fmr, Sooke Porrier, Jos, fmr Kunnum, John, fmr Scarf, Oscar, fur trader Shields, Edward, fur trader Shield, James, fmr Sondal, J, trapper and hunter Thrope, Jonas, stone cutter Thrope, Manuel, fruit raiser Welsh, William, fmr White, A. D, fmr SOUTH WESTMINSTER. (See New Westminater.) A station on the New Westminster and Southern Railway. A steam ferry runs across every half hour from New Westminster. SOUTH VANCOUVER. Postmaster, William Daniels. In the Dominion and Provincial Electoral District of New Westmin- ster, is situated about five miles from Vancouver, which is the near- est telegraph, express and banking point. Mails three times a week. Alcock, G W, fmr Alcock, Mrs G W, fmr Alcock, John, fisherman Alcock, Capt T H, fisherman Alcock, Mark, fisherman Alcock, William, fmr Cridland, Charles, gardener Cridland, Mrs C Daniels Bros, fmrs Daniels, Daniel E, fmr Daniels, Mrs J, sr Daniels, Misses J and F Daniels, Mrs S, fmr Daniels, Wm, postmaster Fulnie, Tom, fmr GosB, F, fmr Hone, H F, fmr Hurrell, John, gardener Jackson, James, gardener Lack, E J , gardener Ijawson, J W.fmr McEluiney B, fmr Mitchell, Alex, fmr Mitchell, Chas, fmr -v Mitchell, Miss E Mitchell, Miss J Mitchell, S, fmr Quigley, Jos, fmr Rae, James , fmr Rosenberg, Fred, fmr Rowling, William H sr, fmr Rowling, Miss L Rowling, J W, fmr" Russel, Bonaparte, fmr Russel, Edward, fmr Saint, Jas, gardener Saint, Jabez, fisherman Stitson, Frank, gardener Stockwell, Cbas, fmr Stone, Geo, fmr Sullivan, John, fmr Taylor, Samuel, gardener Tinbeck, Robt, gardener Wood, Benj, brewer SEE OUR SCOrCH AMD ENGLISH TWEED SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS B. WILLIAHS * CO., ClotUen maA Hatton. 97 JoIuuob St- Victoria. E X A S L A K £ I C £ c o V A N C O u V E B B O n Y i •*imtm BUPONT BLOCK, COLUHBIA STREET. NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. r J>wbli«( Oonreifaneer, Aecountant and Au4 'entt mnd AeeotttUa Bettled. Xmtatet Mmnag»4, T V ^(^\T V ^''**^ J^wbli«« Coi*««|faft««rii_ Aeeountant _Mn<l Auditort If ^^ XLTl O 00 CO ti::? C-5 180 BPB BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRICTORY. 8PC SPALLUMCHEEN. (See Armstrong, Lansdowne, Enderby, Okanogan, White Valley and Ver- non.) Postmaster, G. J. Wallace. A post settlement in the Spallum- cheen Valley, about 30 miles long, situated in the Yale District. Near- est railway station and telegraph office, Sicamous, distant 29 miles, from which place steamers arrive three times a week. SPENCE'S BRIDGE. Postmaster, John Murray. In the Dominion and Provincial Elec- toral District of Yale, is situated ou the Thompson River, on the line of the C.P.R., 23 miles from Lytton, 32 mil'^s from ^shcroft and 178 miles from Vancouver. Post, telegraph and express office . Mails daily. Stage to Nicola. Ah Ping, gardener Audap, Peter, fmr Barrick, J B, storekeeper Bearsto, Robert, fmr Bothwell, Wallace, bridge carpenter C.P.R Butchart, J, bridge carpenter C.P.R Campbell, John, fmr Campbell, Neil, foreman C.P.R Carson, William, night watchman C.P.R Clemes, Art, store, hotel and fmr Clyde, Thomas, school teacher Cromarty, James, lieut Salvation Army / Curnow, Richard, store, hotel and stock raiser Dundas, John, road foreman and fmr Gillis, Angus, bridge carpt C.P.R Gordon, Alex, wayside inn, 22-mile post Graham, Mary, housekeeper Hannah, James, foreman C.P.R Hoskings, James, miner Irving, Hugh, Gov roadman Johnson, G E, foreman bridge car- penters C.P.R Kirkpatrick, W V, fmr Knappett, George, fmr Lemar, Louis, fmr Macduff, A F, gentleman Manning, John, fmr Mondot, Arnaud, roadman Moren, Peter, fmr and stock raiser Murray, John, J.P., merchant and fruit grower Negran, J, foreman C.P.R Nelander, Hans, fmr Oats, W H, miner Parsons, H, fmr Patterson, Andrew, bdgecarpt C.P.R Pilliard, Marcellus, fmr Renand, Joseph, carpenter C.P.R Sayers, Frank, carpenter C.P.R Sewell, Thomas, bridge carpt C.P.R Sew ell, Arthur, bridge carpt p.P.R Sinclair, W, foreman C.P.R Taylor, L D, agent C.P.R Turner, Harry, bridge carpt C.P.R Wallace, Harry, emp C.P.R White, Richard, emp C.P.R Winters, Jane, hotelkeeper Woods and Campbell, store and stock raisers Woods, John, fmr SPROAT'S LANDING. Now called Columbia City. (See also Robaon.) In the Dominion Electoral District of Kootenay, is situated at the mouth of the Kootenay river, 160 miles from Revelstoke, and 28 from Nelson. It is one and a half miles from Robson. SPUZZUM. A station on the C. P. R. 114 miles from Vancouver. Black, Neil, trader Brown, Chas, watchman Cunningham, Chas, watchman Dougan, Wm, watchman Glenn, Robt, watchman Hansen, Chris, section foreman Housen, Glen, storekeeper Lanberg, W H, section foreman Lane, Lawrence, watchman Neal, Robt, watchman Sutherland, Wm, watchman Thorn, Jonn, iabr T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Faints, Oils anH Ajsricnltnral Iipleients. Columbia Street, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. G. HUDSOI'S m COMPtlV, tpDls for Fort Gan| and lenlon Count) Flouiing Mill: -VICTORIA.. B. C- BTA BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. 8TA 181 SQUAMISH VALLEY. Postmaster, Wm. Masbiter. In the Dominion and Provincial Elec- toral District of New Westminster, is situated at the head of Howe Sound, about 30 miles from Van- couver city, the nearest railway station, teleKraph and express office. Anderson, Frank, farm labr Ball, Robert, fmr Brehm, William, fmr Ghambierlain, Albert, fmr Day, J C, fmr Drummond, Arthur, fmr Drummond, Hugh, fmr Drummond, Walter J, notary public Eppenger, Henry, fmr Gore, Bentlv, fmr Havden, I tf, teamster Judd, Henry, fmr Judd, Thomas, fmr Maddill, E B, fmr Mashiter, William, storekeeper and postmaster Mcintosh, Alex, fmr Mcintosh, Campbell, fmr Mcintosh, Campbell, jr, fmr Mcintosh, John T, fmr Mitchell, William G, fmr Potter, Frank H, foreman Vancouver Hop Co Rae, Allan, fmr and stock raiser Read, Thomas, fmr Robertson, Alex D, fmr Rose, C H, teamster Roy, Antoine, fmr Syversen, Gust, fisherman Thompson, George, cook Wright, E, fmr Young, William, fmr STANLEY. CARIBOO. Postmaster. L. M. Dodd. In the Dominion Electoi al District of Cariboo-Lillooet and Provincial of Cariboo, is a mining post 14 miles from Barkerville. It has a tele- graph and express office; mails twice a week. Nearest banking point, New Weftminster. Com- munication by B. C. Express Co. stage twice a week from Ashcroft and Barkerville. Allan, David, fmr, Beaver Pass Beattte, Wm, miner Beedy, Louis S. clerk, Stanley Boyd, John fmr, Cottonwood Bradley, Edward, labr, Stanley Bradley, Jesse, labr Clark, J C, miner, Timon Creek Cockie, Edwd, miner, Slough Creek Coyne, James, miner. Van Winkle Cresswell, Robt, miner, Stanley Dodd, L M, general store Donovan, James, miner, Beaver Pass Fleming, John, labr, Cottonwood Hoar, Francis, miner, Stanley Hoff, Rich, engr, Slough Creek Houseman, W W, miner James, John, miner, Stanley Johnstone, Archibald, miner Johnston, Felix, miner, Timon Creek Jones, Harry, miner, Stanley Jones, Robt, butcher Marlin, H, miner, Slough Creek Marlin, Jos C, miner. Van Winkle McPhail, Angus, fmr, Cottonwood Montgomery, Saml, miner, Van W Munroe, Geo P, miner, Stanley Naismith, John, miner, Big Bonanza Orioli, Maurice, cook, Stanley Peebles, John, genl store, Stanley Peebles, Wm, clerk Perkins, John E, miner Peters, John, miner, Timon Creek Price, W C. miner Pritchard, Robt, blacksmith Quong, Charles, miner Ramos, Chas, mgr Slough Creek Reid, John, miner Rowe, Jos. miner Rivard, Ernest, miner. Van Winkle Timon, Henry S, miner, Timon Crk Tregillus, Fred J, miner, Stanley Walker, George J, miner, Slough Crk White, William, miner, Stanley Wilson, J W, miner. Pine Creek Woolcock, Harry, miner, Slough Crk Wormald, William, miner, Beaver Pass Yeats, John P, miner. Big Bonanza ST. ELMO. Postmaster, C. F. Pound. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Kootenay and Provincial of Yale, is a post settlement about 25 miles from Chilliwack on the Eraser river, directly opposite Ruby C/2 N •-CT- m o OS )e Pi e t CD s MS. 3 OD INTERIOR WO ODWORK. OFHOE AND BAR FITTINGS ' KmU to Order by WEIIiER BROS. •■'v'Tr',7 ■*MM(b XHX LATEST XMPBO rjESLBlTTH Ilf BOOK- BIlfDINO AKO PAPBB BVLiyO. 28 BROA.D aXRHiBT. VICTORIA.. t ■It h ■ ;•('■ ^ « <7t A ^ ■^ «M O) © £ ^ « Cti »-< a> a> •^ ► QC flCt u 1 Eh 1 R. T. Williams 182 BTK BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRKCTORY. BTK Creek station on the G. P. R. Nearest telegraph and express of- fice, Hope. Communication by train to Ruby Creek station. Mails twice a week. Anderson, Robt, fmr Bulger, T, C. P. R. liand Cunningham, James, fmr Fraser, Angus, fmr Hicks, Thomas, fmr Horwell, Albert, fanner and blksmth Hurling, J, fmr Hurling, Gus, fmr Jones, Owrtn, fmr Kav, James, fmr Lloyd, C H, fmr Laurensetta, Andrew, fmr Lovering, H L, Methodist minister Lovering, George, fmr Murphy, John, fmr Nichols, T, section foreman C. P. R Ogilvie, Robert, fmr Pound, C. F, P. M. and fmr Rilev, J, fmr WaiJsworth, P, fmr and blacksmith Whiteside, John, watchman C. P. R Yerex, N, fmr The Bnterprise ^ { Subscription, Sa.oo 1 ^ * I Advertising Rates Moderate | * AddresB THE ENTERPRISE PRINTIN6 AND PUBLISHIN6 CO. SXEVECSTON, B. O. HAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION, AND IS THE ONLY ADVERTIS- ING MEDIUM IN THE LOWER FRASER VALLEY. STEVESTON. Postmaster, W. H. Steves. In the Dominion and Provincial Electoral District of New West- minster, is situated on the south arm of the Fraser River, and is in the municipality of Richmond. Communication by steamer with Victoria, Vancouver, New West- minster and Nanaimo ; also stage from Vancouver. Five new can- neries were erected at Steveston last season. Allan, Hugh, carpenter Allan, John, carpenter Allison, Martin W, fisherman Anderson, Jas N, fisherman Aslatt. Frank, gentleman August, Charles, gentleman Bain, N H, cannery prop Bartlett, Ed, fisherman Baynes, R, teamster Bennett, Thomas, carpenter Benson, — , fisherman Berg, T L, fish dealer Berg, — , fish Salter and dryer Blair, W T, storekeeper Blair, W T, hotelkeeper Blake, George, Enterprise, P. & P Co, and postmaster Blight; Chas, foreman Steveston Lumber Co Blight, Chas L, carpenter Blough, John, carpenter Branscombe, David, fmr Branscombe, Solomon, fmr Bray, David, carpenter Brick, Burt, fisherman Brick, C B, fisherman Brochbank, D R, Palace stables Brown, Chas, fisherman Brown, C H, fisherman Brown, Frederick, fisherman Brunswick Canning Co, (Buttermeir & Dawson) Bull, H A, watchman Bull, Mrs H A, storekeeper Burnett, printer Buttermeir, Fred J (Buttermeir & D) Buttermeir & Dawson (Brunswick Canning Co.) T. DOBEaON. N. W. D0BE80N. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron and Jtraa» Fouudert, General Maehiniatt > All Kinda of Bepaira, Land and JHarine* NANAIMO, • • BRITISH COLUMBIA. VlOllOnflk XT&nSXOlT \^0«9 JjliCl« JRaf«aaMil(/M<<-]ke«t»capalefc. 81 and 23 Brovglitoii Street, Victoria, B. C. Tel. 189. 3 8TE BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. 8TE 183 Carmichael, John T, army pensioner Chard, Chaa C Charles, Jno, fisherman Chisholm^ M, netman Phounix canry Comuiercial Hotel, Isaiah TriteB,prop Corneil, Gus, carpenter Costillo, John, fisherman Costillo, Mike, Sieveston C. Co Coutts, Robert, netman J.L.I.P. Co Crane, John J, mgr Hteveston C. Co Crawford. Wm, fish dealer Cray, Walter, waiter Commercial htl Cutton, Bert, Palace stables Cutting, H, stage driver Daniels, J, fisherman Dawe, Albert, fisherman Dawe, 8, fisherman Dawson, Geo W (Buttermeir & Daw- son) Day, W T, butcher Dicliie, R, fisherman Dil worth, Wm, fisherman Donaldson, Rev J M, Ep clergyman Dowel!, J, fisherman Drummond, Arthur, fmr Drummond, H C, constable Drummond, R H, fmr Drummond, Walter J, notary public and real estate agt Dunn, Joseph, fisherman Dutcher, George S, L.I.P. Co Earle, Chas, fisherman Embree, J J C, watchman Phoenix English, M M, mgr A.B. C. Co can- neries Enterprise, The, published weekly by the Enterprise and Publishing Co, Blake & Trites, proprs Falconer, John, shoemaker Ferhrache, Peter S, fmr Ferris, Edward Ferris, Wm, pile driver Forlong, J C, F. & 8 Forlong & Sexsmith, general merch- ants, central telephone ofiice, agts C.P.N.Co Freund, Charles, fisherman Fritschie, R A, fisherman Garran, Ned, S. & V. Stage Co Garran, John, fisherman Garran, W, fisherman Garry Point Cannery, A. B.C., W R Lord, mgr, telephone, No 4 Gibson, William, blksmith Glavan, J, fisherman Groves, Daniel, nett boss, Brunswick Cannery Hamilton, Bert, L.I.P.Co., engr Harper, John, fisherman Harper, R, fisherman Heipata, Jonhan, labr Hood, Robert, fisherman Houston, Wallace, carpt Hunt, Ed, Stevenson C. Co Hunt, Mrs, gen store Hunter, Geo, carpt Imperial Canning Co, Short & Squair Innis, N, fisherman Jarboe, W J, longshoreman Jim, (Jap), fisherman Johnson, H, fisherman Johnson, Peter, fisherman Johnson, \«', fisherman Jones, E J, butcher Jovovich, P, fisherman Julian, R S, prov constable Kalahue, Robert, storekeeper King, J S, storekeeper, L.I.C.Co Knox, John, fisherman Lee, A, fisherman Lee, Joseph, fisherman Lee, Andrew, farmhand Lloyd, James C, fisherman Lloyd, Mrs, cook, L.I.C.Co Lord, W R, mgr Brittania Cannery Lulu Island Pkg Co, G S Dutcher, manager MacKie, David, carpt MacKey, David, contractor Malesto, Gregory, fisherman Matheson, C fi, netman, .Phoenix Cannery Mann, William, labr Manuel, S, fisherman McBean, J L, bathroom, Brittania Cannery McDonald, D D, carpt C & McD McDonald, D H, fisherman McElhinney, Clarence, milkman McElhinney, John, fireman. Phoe- nix Cannery McElhinney, "O D, watchman, Garry Pt Cannery MnElhinney, H B, wagonmaker McGregor, Geo, carpt McGuyan, James, policeman Mcintosh, Wm, carpt McKay, Angus, farm hand McKay, Dan E, hostler McKay, John, bartender McKay, W, storekeeper McKenzie, Alex, labr McKenzie, John, McKenzie, Neil, labr McKeown, John, Imperial Cannery McKinlay, W, Enterprise P. & P. Co T L . I II Eastern TAILOR-MADE SUITS to Measure. 'hli^/r'U^ See our Samplen and Prices. B. WILLIAMS & CO., 97 Johnson St., Victoria. E X A S L A K E I C E c o V A N C o u V E B B C V| m mM ffllnlB \ J 1.. I I umi m\ MiHi I f ( v> OTJ P o 00 CO 10 c-5 T T POT V I^EAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE I UrinCAltf'C l^* J* V^V/l^J-ir Dvpent BIMk, CetanMa St. Maw WMlmlnaUr. B. C. I illJl/Jvll 184 BTB BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTORY. BTB MoKinley, — , engineer Sharpe, Jas, contractor McLaren, Erl, cpntr Sharp, Jack, fisherman McLeod, E £, storekeeper, Garry Short, B H, (Short & Squair) I.C Point Cannery Short, B J, Imperial Cannery MoMorran, R A, Steveaton Cannery Simpson, Ira. carpenter Co Sisaon, W H, general store McPherson, Wm, L. I. P. Co Smith, Geo, fmr Mercer, Ben, market gardener Smith, Jamea, fmr Mercer, W, gardener Smith, Thomas, fmr Metcalfe, \V, carpenter Sparks, James, fisherman Mickelson, M, fisherman. Squair, W H, (Short & Squair) Miller, Jos, fisherman Steeves, Rev W C, Baptist preacher Mitchell, R, carpenter S'^eeves, Walter, Palace stables Morison, A J, teamster Steeves, Everet, carpenter Morrison, A P, cpntr Steeves, J B, butcher and farm pro- Morton, Mrs .Tanet duce Munro, W A, book-keeper Phoenix Stephenson, Thomas, fish dealer Cannery Steves, Freeman, S. & V. Stage Co Murry, J, fisherman Steves, J M (M 8 & S) Neilson, Martin, fisherman Steves, Manoah, (M.S. & 8) Newall, R, carpenter Steves, Walter T, (M.S. & S) Steves, William H, seedsman Newton, N, netman Nicholson, Fred, carpenter Steveston & Vancouver Stage Co, F O'Brien, M, fisherman Dumphries Steves, mgr Steveston Canning Co, M Cosletto, Cannei'v O'Brien, Mike, fisherman R A McMorran and E Hunt, mgrs O'Brien, M, fisherman Phcenex Can- Steveston Lumber Co, E Hunt, mgr nery Stoney, R A, storekeeper Olesen, Martin, fisherman Sutherland, D, L. I. P. Co Olson, Sam, fish curer Sweet, Kenneth, butcher O'Neil, Jno, (croom Sweet, D, real estate agt and clerk Owens, John J, policeman municipal council Taylor, H G, cpntr Parsons, R, fisherman Patenaude, A J Teter, J H, labr Patterson. Harmon J, school teacher Thomas, T, farm hand Peacey, W, contractor Thompson, — , fisherman Penter, S M, labr Thompson, Thos, bathroom man Peters, Joseph, restaurant Imperial Cannery Peterson, Fred, fisherman Terman, C, mgr Imperial Cannery Piffard, Reginald, painter Terman, W J, carpenter Point, Chas, fisherman Terman, P H, watchman Imperial Rae, Alex, labr Cannery Tolmie, T J, school teacher Ramsay, R D R, Enterprise Printing and Pub Co Tomkins, T Raynes, Herbert, book-keeper Garry Tully, T J, gentleman Point Cannery Tweedie, T J, fish curer Rees, R, fisherman Trites, Frank N, Enterprise P.& P.Co Richmond Hotel, Frank N Trites, Trites, Isaiah, Commercial hotel prop Trites, Humphrey, S. & V. Stage Co Rogers, S A, carpentei Trites, W Alfred, storekeeper Rogers, W J, teamster Trites, Wycliffe S, fisherman Rooke, T 8, druggist Twombly, A M, foreman Phoenix Routledge, Thomas, plasterer Cannery Russell, John, fisherman V^ale, Jamea, labr, Sales, W, cook, L.I.P. Co Wadhams, W A, foreman Phoenix Sexsmith, Charles G, (ForlongA Sex- Cannery smith) Wadhams, Chas L, bathroom man, Sharpe, Arthur, fisherman G.P. Co T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Faints, Oils anil AiiriCQltnral Iislements. Columbia Street, NBW WESTMINSTER, B. G. In the Dominion toral District of is six miles fro four from Nicor New Westminsl est telegraph a Chilliwack. Atkinson, John Li Beaumont, Willia Carter, Charles, ji Carter, Charles, sr Carter, George, fii Carter, Thomas, p Carter, William, ^ Carter, William H Chadsey, Cheater, Chadsey, George V Chadsey, Louis, fr Chadsey, William, Cruickshank, Alex Edwards, William, *ord, Charles, fmr Ford, John, carper W' Sjchard, fmr tord, William, fm ^ord, Sydney, carp Forsyth, William, Ha 1, George, fmr Ha , Harry, fmr Hal , James, fmr Hal , Matthew, fmi Ha , Robert, schoo Hall, Thomas, imr ' Hall, William, Rov Hilton, Moses^fmf Hodgaen, Richard Iwin, Thos, fmr Keith, B, fmr J^wis, Thomas, fmi HDDSON'S BAY COMPANY f bolesale Grocers & fine Merchants VICTORIA. B. C. Welch, H, engr Brunswick Cay nner Welch, Mike, flsherman WeHCott, A H, teamster Wescott, 8 J, jjlasterer Whitworth, Isaac, engineer Steve- eton Go Williams, Harry, fisherman Williams, John, fisherman Wilson, John 8, fmr Winderbank, J Windsar, C S, prop Lulu Island Can- nery Co Wyld, LH, storekeeper Phoenix Cany Yates, A H, farm labr SUMAS. r08TMA8TEB,D0NAM)P.McGlI,LIVRAY. In the Dominion and Provincial Elec- toral District of New Westminster, is six miles from Chilliwack and four from Nicomen. Steamer from New Westminster, 43 miles. Near- est telegraph and express office, Chilliwack. Atkinson, John Luther, fmr & dairy Beaumont, William, fmr Carter, Charles, jr, fmr Carter, Charles, sr, fmr Carter, George, fmr Carter, Thomas, piano dealer Carter, William, 'mr Carter, William H, fmr Chadney, Chester, fmr Chadsey, (ieorge Wash, fmr Chadsey, Louiu, fmr Chadsey, William, fmr Cruickshank, Alex, fmr ' Edwards, William, carpenter Ford J Charles, fmr Ford, John, carpenter Ford, Richard, fmr Ford, William, fmr Ford, Sydney, carpenter Forsyth, William, blacksmith Hall, George, fmr Hall, Harry, fmr Hall, James, fmr Hall, Matthew, fmr Hall, Robert, school teacher Hall, Thoroatj, Irar Hall, William, Royal Engineers Hilton, Moses^fmr Hodgsen, Richard W, fmr Irwin, Thos, fmr Keith, B, fmr Lewis, Thomas, fmr Lewis, Mrs Mary, fmr Lickman, Frank, shingle manufactr Lumsden, Frank, cattle & horse bdr Lumsden, John A, cattle & horse bdr HcOillivray, Douald, J.P., post- master, general store McLeod, John, school teacher Mcleod, Malcolm, operator Miller, David Wm, general store and fmr Morris, H, fmr Nicholson, J, fmr Richards, Charles, fmr Sharpe, Rev William, clergyman Street, Albert J, fmr Street, Charles, lumber dealer Street, Herbert, labr Toop, Hector, fmr Toop, Richard, labr Toop, Samson, fmr Tyson, Alfred, fmr Wane, A H, fmr White, Newton, clerk Wells, W L, blacksmith Wilson, Charles, fmr Wilson, Edwin, fmr Wilson, Mrs Anna, fmr SURREY CENTRE. Postmaster, J. Churciiland. In the Dominion Electoral District and Provincial of NewWestminster, ten and a half miles from New Westminster, and one and a half miles from station on the New Westminster Southern R. R. Mails twice a week. Nearest telegraph and express office. New Westmm- Bter. Bell, Rev William, vicar Elenkinsop, W, fmr Boothroyd, J F, fmr Bose, H, fmr Boxall, H, fmr Brown, Chris, fmr CarncroBB, C, fmr CarncroBB, £, fmr Ghurchland, J, P. M. and storekpr Clow, C H, fmr Collishaw, W, fmr Dafoe, G, fmr Dunn, W, fmr Fallowheld, R A, fmr Fallowfleld, T, fmr Fisher, C, fmr Hake, A, fmr 02 imAh i ^' 2 ^ ® El VICTORIA, B.C. n ^^ >4Xalii WW ^wmK!" VRI L* V*TI^F^3Y ^\^y More Hands and More Capital than all other Binderies inrZd XdjqjrlAJX m the Pro.mce. US BBO.AD STREET, VIVTOBIA. M It ¥■ R. T. WIIiIiIAMS <S^ 5:20 c^ li. t -J OQ fa Hookway, T, frar Keery, J, fmr Levis, J, fmr Linster, P, fmr Lorencen, AC, fmr McClelland, J, fmr McDowell, Miss Mary, school teacher McKay, K, fmr Menzies, H, fmr Needham, N, fmr Parr, E, fmr Preston, W, fmr Richardson, A, fmr Robinson W J, fmr Smith, William, fmr ' Wade, ET, C. M. C • . Whiteside, G, fmr Whiteside, W, fmr » Wickersham, N V, fmr Yeomans, R S, fmr SURREY MUNICIPALITY. (See Mud Bay, Brownsville, Elgin, Blaine, Hall's Prairie, Clover Val- ley, Surrey Centre, Clavton and Port ■kells.) This municipality contains about 120 square miles, and runs from the Eraser River to the International boundary, and from the munici- pality of Langley to the coast and municipality of Delta. The New Westminster Southern Railway runs from north to sout'i through this x^orporation, passing fror^ Brownsville to Blame, through Port Kells, Clayton, or as it was formerly called, the Serpentine Flats, Surrey Centre, Clover Valley, Hall's Prairie and Kensington Prairie. The lands are excellent. TAPPEN SIDINCj. Postmaster, W. T. Smith. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Koote»^ay, and Provincial of Yale, .a a fag station on the C.P.R., 309 mihis from Vancouver. IToarest telegraph and express Cirice, Salmon Arm, eight miles; banking poipt, Kamloops, distant 52 miles. Mails daily. Cardini 1, Thomas, fmr Douceti, Thomas, fmr Genelle, Bros, lumber mills con- tractors, etc Genelle, Peter (Genelle Bros) lumber dealer Genelle, Joseph (Genelle Bros) lum- ber dealer Goupille, Joseph, fmr Hanson, Chris, fmr Hatherly, J T, fmr Kendall, J, mill labr La Rock, G, mill labr Morgan, Joseph, mill labr Smith, Williuii T, fmr and postmr TATLA LAKE. In the Cariboo District, and Wil- liams' Lake Division. Nearest postoffice and telegraph. Soda Creek. Communication by stage from Ashcroft, change at Soda Creek. THUNDER HILL. Postmaster, R. W. Brown rioo. In the Dcminiun Electoral District of Yale-Kootenay and Provincial of EastKootenay. Nearest telegraph and express oflSce, Golden, 115 miles distant; banking point Cal- gary. Communication by steamer, i.i summer, and stage from Golden. Brady, Campbellj fmr Brady, James, mining engineer Brownrigg, Alex C, fmr Brownrigg, Chas J, hotel keeper and cat^^^l*^ rancher Brownrigg, Robert William, post- master Buchanan, Dan free miner Cameron, Llakclm, mioer Carter, John, miner Cowan, J I, purveyor's aest Cumuiings, Honry, prov surveyor Drake, Geo, steamboat engr Durick, James C, hotel keeper H.inson, Conrod, instr mechanic Huckle, Ben, teamster Jones, Robt, miner Kenny, Edw, miner Kerber, Matthew Kirkpatrick, Wm, machinist Kribd, Geo, mechanical engr Lacelk, Frank, ranchman LtRsard, Joseph, miner Martin, Zeppyr, lumbermau 1 D0BE8ON, N, W. D0BK80N. NANAIMO rOUNDRY, Iron and Jtr ta« l^ounderBf Oeneral XaeMni»ti> AH Kittv.' of Kepairt, Tjnnd and Marine, NANAIMO. • • BRITISH COLUMBIA. Victoria Transfer Co., Ltd. """"g^JS ^^7J^. ^rsfr^l ^e&cr/,' »l and its Brouahton Street, Vtetoria, B, C. Telephone ISO Baggage. TER BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. TRA 187 Mi;Cardell, Thomas, teamster iicFarlane, Duncan, carpt Mclntyre, Peter, miner ]Mercier, Adolphe, foreman Millit;an, Robt, foreman Rusk, Robt, mechanic Ryan, John, miner Sinclair, Robt, pilot Stark, Geo, bartender Wallingar, Arnold, miner White, James, miner TERRA NOVA. (See also Sea Island.) Postmaster, Jas. Mei.lis. A postofflce on Sea Island in Rich- mond municipality. Abercrombie, R H Al)ercrombie, R L Abercrombie, Wm S Burton, James Burton, Perry Cornelius, John Dixon, A B Durnan, George Gordon, Robert Gray, V/illiam Haugh, George > Hor..e, T W Ls-Jibert, Edward Lambert, Frank Mellis, James, postmar.;er MacGilvary, H Millif^an, D S Moffatt, R J Monroe, Andrew Munn, L G, Sea Island Cannery, T.N Parsons, Joshua Ross, John R " Rowan, Duncan Thompson, Jamerj Wclfendon, R TEXADA ISLAND. (See Comox.) A large island in the Comox District, lying to the north of the Gulf of Georgia, and noted for its minerals. It is forty miles long and ten miles wide. Communication by steamer with Nanaimo, distant 64 miles. THETIS ISLAND. (See Ciiemainus.) In the Island District, is five miles from Chemainus, which is the nearest postoflBce and tele- graph. Communication by steam- er from Victoria, distant 40 miles. Alsp by E. & N. Railway to Che- mainus. TRAIL CREEK. Postmaster, E. S. Tapping. A mining camp at the mouth of Trail Creek, on the Columbia, 30 milcn south of Sproat's Landing, from which it is reached. Communica- tion by steamer from Revelstoke, distant 166 miles. Brown, F A telegraph oper Hanna. R S (Topping & Hanna) Jones, E S, customs oflSiier Morrisey, J, freighter and packer Poulton, W R, Gladstone House Topping, E, deputy Mining Recorder Topping & Henna, general store TRANQUILLE. (See also Kamkops.) . fiag station on the main line of the C.P.R., 242 miles east of Vancou- ver, situated on Kamloops Lake, 8 miles west of Kamloops, which is the nearest telegraph, post and ex- press office. TROUT CREEK. In the Yale District, on the west tiide of Okanagan Lake, 28 miles south of Okanagan Mission. Nearest postofflce, Penticton, 15 miles dis- tant; telegraph, Vernon, with which there is communication by steamer, 65 miles distant. Also steamer from Vernon to Okanagan Mission, 36 milei distant. TUMBO ISLAND. In the Island District near the Inter- national boundary, in the Gulf of Georgia, on which " re situated the T E X A S L A K E I G E c o V A N C O u V E R B \. See our Boys' Snits and Oyercoats. Best assortment in the City. pncBsLo^v.QnamyQoo i B. WIX.LIAMS * Co., 07 JOHNSON ST., VICTORIA. i \ wm\ 1 ii|i( ,1 1, w' lill 1 1 II fi 'Hi 1. ^B^H > f iw«i ']l8i 1 ^te^JIM' ' ' i! CXD OO ill a <i M PQ P o 00 CO 10 oy o^ LT /^/^T.X* Agent for The Caaadian rire Ina. Co., The London tt Canadian • U • \j\MMAli Ffre Ina. Co.. Ltd, The Federal Life Aaa. Co., The J. * J. Taylor, Safea anl Vault Doors. Secretary of the Royal City Baildlng Society, Secy-Treae. of the Standa J Loan and Savings Co. NEW WESTIUNSTER, B. C. 188 UPP BRITISH COLUHBIA DIEBCTOBY. UNI works of the 'Turn bo Island Goal Company. Nearest postoffice, Plumper Pass. Communication by steamer with Victoria. TWIN BUTTE. A flag station on the C.P.R., in West Kootenay, couver. 391 miles from Van- UPPER SUMAS. POSTMASTFR, MeLVIN FaDDEN. In the Dominion an(3 Provincial Elec- toral District of New Westminster. Communication is via Abbotsford and Huntington, over the C. P. R., to the Mission. Nearest telegraph and express office Huntington, distance four miles ; mails three times a week. Asa, Ackerman ,T.P., fmr Arnold, Frank, fmr Blair, William, fmr Blair, Thomas, fmr Bbley, Alonzo, fmr Boley, Lester, fmr Bowman, Abram, fmr Bowman, Amos, survf yor Bowman, Mrs F, dairy farm Cameron, .lohn, fmr Canlpbell, Mrs Phajbe, fruit grower and fmr Dias, Mrs E J, fmr Fadden, Fugene, fmr and carpenter Fadden, Jasper J, fmr and carpenter Faddeu, Melvia. fmr and postmaster Fadden. William H, J.P., fmr Fooks, Frederick, fmr Harris, Thomas, fmr Henderson, Thomas, teacher Hinchey, John, fmr Johnson, Henry, fmr Kelly, Henry, fmr Maher, William 8, fmr Marion, Owen, fmr McDermot, Matti^ew, fmr McGregor, Daniel, fmr McGregor, J, fmr Museelwhite, John, fmr Roscoe, Antoine, fmr Russell, Willia*'., sr, fmr Russell, William, jr, fmr Russell, Jaraes, fmr Silverthcra, Robert J, fmr York, Thomas, fmr York, Thomas Eraser, customs oflScer VALDES ISLAND. {Including Cortez and Hermando Islands.) POSTMASTEB, RoBERT HaL". . In the Sayward District, Provincial and Dominion Electoral of New Westminster, is separated from Vancouver Island by Discovery passage, and is about 30 miles long. The settlement extends from Cape Mudge to Hyacinth Bav, a distance of about twelve miles. Communication by steamer from Victoria. Alle, Frank, fmr BachuB, Thomuu, fmr Bell, Thomas, fmr Bowater, Neil, fmr Bryant, John, fmr Christ, Eric, fmr Daucet, James, Fobrashe, Peter, fmr Hale, Fred, fmr Hall, Uobert postmaster and store- keener Kail, Richard, fmr .iughes, John, fmr Hughes, William, fmr Joyce, Alfred, fmr Joyce, Walter, fmr Johnson, Edward, fmr I^evin, Edward, fmr Lish, Thomas, fmr Martin, John, fmr McCarthy, John, fmr Nelson, Peter, fisherman Oliver, August, fisherman Pidcock, Regd, fmr Pidcock, William, fmr Wall, Thomas, fmr UNION. Postmaster. John L. Roe. In the Dominion Electoral District of Vancouver and Provincial of Co- mox, 60 miles from Nanaimo, is a coal mining district, with a post, telegraph and express office. Mails weekly. Communication by steamer with Nanaimo apd Vic- toria. Adderton, Tas, baker Alexander, Samuel, carpenter Allan, Jas, luiner Golnmbia Street, NEW WESTMIKST^B, B. C. UNI Allsop, Wm, Anderson, G Ar lerton, Jj Anderton, J< Anderton, R Anderton, \^ An ley, Fran! Anthony, Wi Armstrong, I Avris, Thos, Baird, John, Barber, Oran Bardaronni, Bardaronni, Barentoldi, A Barnes, Richi Benney, Johi Eenney, Robt Bertoldi, Don Bifleld, T, mi Binnelli, Dom Boyer, Richar Biamsbury, ..i Bramsbury, J Bratchet, Johi Bratchet, Jas, Brown, Thos, Caldani, FranI Calvin, Edwar Campbell, Har Campbell, Jas, Campbell, Johi Campbell, M, i Campbell, Nea Carthew, Jas, ( Casaessa, John Caudet, Bailev C'lt lira, RobV "iii'ctiU Edwai '■■ T Ceo A^ ■vi, Hs, te ■ ' '•• v'^ ' , engi Coc;> .r . I^>ui8 Collis, ii 7 , fXK Commerella, Jc Coulter, Robt, Crawford, Fran Creuan, F 8, m Crosetta, Jos, n Cruch, Geo, ap] Culton, Sam, m Cunningham, P Curico, Frank, Darlington, Jas Davey, Jos, mii '^Uvidson, Wm 'Afk Saml Br, i>avia, Saml jr, T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Faints, Oils anil Amltaral IiDleients. I |f[|[[|j ^^\j^^ eODSON'S BAY COMPANY JSuropean and Xngtiah &BOOJEXIX!8t Wlirxa and ZXQVOHS, Vree and in Bond. VICTORIA, B. C. UNI BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTOBY. UNI 189 Allsop, Win, miner Anderson, Geo, carpt Ar lerton, Jae, carpt Anderton, John, carpt Anderton, Richard, carpt Anderton, William, carpt Anley, Frank, butcher Anthony, W'liiam, miner Armstrong, Peter, contractor Arris, Thos, clerk Baird, John, carpt Barber, Oran, miner Bardaronni, B, miner Bardaronni, Jos, miner Barentoldi, Alex, miner Barnes, Richard, miner Benney, John, miner Eenney, Robt, miner Berioldi, Dominica, miner Bifleld, T, miner Binnelli, Dominica, miner Boyer, Richard, miner Biamsbury, Albert, miner Bramsbury, John, miner Bratchet, ^ohn, miner Bratchet, Jas, miner Brown, Thos, miner Caldani, Frank, miner Calvin, Edward, miner Campbell, Harry, engr Campbell, Jas, miner Campbell, John, miner Campbell, M, miner Campbell, Neal, miner Carthew, Jas, carpt Casijeasa, John, miner Caiidet, Bailey, miner C'lmord, Robt, carpt ' iicobiv Edward, carpt u " n Ceo W, paymaster r '-5, las, teamster ■ '.. ^i" , engr Cocn v , L>.'ui8, woodman CoUis, ti T , oook-keeper Commerella, Jos, miner Coulter, Robt, miner Crawford, Frank, miner Creuan, F S, m n(>r Croaetta, Jos, miner Cruch, Geo, apprentice Culton,Sam, miner Cunningham, Pat, miner Curico, Frank, miner Darlington, Jas, miner Davey, Jos, miner ^Uvidson, Wm A, stableman >&nt 8aml sr, botelkeeper Daviu, Saml jr, engineer Denton, John, blacksmith Donne!y, Barney, miner Doi.nham, Edward, miner Downey, Paul, fmr Duggan, Jas, miner Dunsmore, Jas, miner )i!ad, John, millhand Edwards, Dan, miner Edwards Thoa, carpt Edwards, Thos, minor England, Robt, engineer Faidley, Jas, miner Fergueson, Wm, miner Fitzsimmons, Jas, miner Flemings, Jas, miner Eraser, Alex W, telegraph operator Frne, .Tohn, miner Fruitannia, John, miner Fueole, Fortana, miner Fulton, Arthur, butcher Fulton, John, labr Gartley, Byron, millhand Garvin, Alex, gentleman Garvin, Thoa, miner Garrison, C, carpt Gaullta, Jos, miner Gibson, Geo, millhand Gibson, John, miner Gibson, Robt, miner Gibson, Robt jr, miner GiddingH, John, woodsman Gilchrist, Jas, mine labr Gillis, Thoa, miner Gillespie, Jno, miner Grant, Alex, undertaker Grant, Hugh, miner Grant, Robt, lumberman Grieves, Geo A, section man Grieves, Jos, teamster Hagerman, Bertha, seamstress Halerow, Robt, labr Hamburger, Harry, store mgr Hamilton, A, engr Hansen, Martin, labr Haskins, Geo, miner Hay man, Win, miner Henderson, Wm, miner Hiegins, Rev J H, Presby minister Hilbert, Edward, upholsterer Horner, Robt, mine labr Howell, Lewis, miner Hudson, Richard, miner Hudson, Thos, miner Hull, Chas, miner Hurley, Dan, miner Jackeman, Bert, miner Jameson, J, labr Jenkins, Jno, miner S. n §1 m! OB ^ SB ^ 5 D |_j 9 *t « g ^ oa 3. 2 • *^ 4 ti ILtK BROS., are Complete House Furnishers. Largest Stock in 0. C. ^1 '0 P-4 C3 ^1 c3 1 •M •^ OS « 2 Ah :g «M « © r€ 00 -♦* £ 4) ^ 1 13 4> -♦a ^ 00 flS h en ' E. T. WILLIAMS 98 Broad St., Vietoria. 190 UNI BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. UNI Jenkins, Tom, miner Multer, Islay, millhand Johnston, Jno, miner Munroe, Joliin, miner Jones, Edward, miner Munroe, John, miner Kearns, Thos, miner Nicholas, J V, miner Kilpatrick, Dan, miner • Noble, Hugh, logger Kilpatrick, W, teamster O'Hauley, Donald, trainman Kirkham, N, miner O'Hauley, Ronald, trainman Lawrence, Dr R, mine doctor Parcell, Martin, miner Lever, Peter, mmer Levesiey, Jos, miner Parks, Edward, labr Parks, Geo, weighman Lewis, Dick, miner Parks, Nels(m, shoemaker Lewis, Wm, miner Pearse, Thos, miner Lindsay, Alex, book-keeper Penoncella, John, miner • Little, F D, mine supt Perry, Wm, miner Magnonie, "*; blacksmith Piercy, Harry, carpt Malemberg, ' rber Piercy, Matthew, fireman Marraotche, ,'; ler Puetz, John, engr Marsh, Dan, mi. Poi'trey, Ambrose, miner Martin, Joe, woodoiuan Powell, Lottie, school teacher Matthews, Thos, miner Pritchard, Archie, carpt McCachren, Neil, miner Radford, Arthur, labr McCutcheon, Levi, millhand Radford, John, labr McDonald, Donald, labr Rambury, John, carpt McFaddyen, Neil, teamster Ramsay, Geo, miner Rees, David, miner McGilvary, Dan, miner McGinnis, Jas, miner Rees, Henry, miner McGoff, Frank, miner Rees, Wm, miner McGregor, Harry, carpt and contr Reid, Wm, wcdsman McKay, Donald! labr Reid, Tom, woodsman Reyaold, Jas, miner McKay, Thos, miner McKay, William, butcher Rickie, Peter, painter ' McKenzie, John, blacksmith Robertson, George, labr McKim, Edward, storekeeper Robertson, Robt, labr McKim, John, storekeeper Robertson, Robt S, miner McKinnon, Dan, miner Robson, Rev Jno, Methodist minstr McKinnon, Sam, miner Roe, John L, postmaster Rone, John, laor McKnight, Andrew, chief engr McLean, Jas B, itorekeeper Rothray, Wm, miner McLean, John, 'niner Rowbottam, Robt, baker Mcl^ean, Peter, Ubr Roy, David, miner McLean, T D, storekeeper Roy, John, miner McLeod, Jas, miner Roy, Maggie, seamstress McMinn) David, millhand Roy, Wm, fmr McNeil, Jack, miner Russell, Thomas, underground mgr McOnarry, Geo, miner Sargeant, Jos, miner Mellado, Alex, carpt Sargeant, Stephen, miner Mellado, Bruno, miners' boss Scbarschmidt, Dr Percy, druggist Miller, David, miner Scia, Jos, miner Miller, Hugh, engr Scott, John, carpt Miller, John, engr Scott, John, jr, carpt Millett, Edward, carpt Seinham, Wm, miner Milne, Thos, painter Shae, Thomas, miner Mitchell, Matthew, miner Shealen, Richard, miner Mitchell, Wm, miner Sheppard, Ed, miner Monaco, Frank, miner Short, Richard, overman Morgan, John, miner Smith, James, blksmith Mounce W, sawyer Smith, Jno, miner Mulligan, Jas, miner Smith, Percy, butcher T. DOBESON, N. W. D0BE80N. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron and Braaa rounder*, Otneral Maehinttts. All Kinds of Jtepatrtf Zand and Marine. NANAIMO, • • BRITISH COLUMBIA. tpny nA ! 1 iNDyLOBLT. ^iotoria transfer Co«9 Iitd« **jvShiIw.*** 21 and 23 Brougliton Street, Victoria, B. C. Tel. 129. UMI BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. VER 191 Smith, Pet , miner Smithers, to, policeman Sneden, Wm, miner Steven, Wm, miner Strutters, Jno, carpt Stewart, Archie, carpt Summerville, Alex, miner Sutton, Sam, minei Swansen, Robt, miner Tappero, Jos, miner Jappero, Mike, miner Taylor, Geo, miner Testa, John, miner Then, James, miner Thomas, I<ouis, miner Thompson, Thomas, miner Tobacce, Jim, miner Tree, Wm, miner Turn bull, Geo, labr Turnbull, Thomas, miner Turner, Wm, miner Vass, Robt, miner Vass, Samuel, miner Viles, Frank, sawyer Viles. Wm, baker Vipond, Nicholas, miner Vivian, Jas, miner Vogle, Lewis, miner Walker, Alex, engr Walker, Alfred, engr Walker, David, fire boss Walker, Edw, miner Walker, Geo, engr Walker, Jos, labr Walker, Thomas, miner Walker, W B, miner Watson, Ghas, clerk Watkins, Robt, school teacher Webster, Chas, miner White, John, miner White, Philip, miner Whyte, Ghas, engr Whyte, Jas, overman Whyte, Jessie, seamstress Whyte, Jno, weighman Whyte, Robt, labr Whyte, Thomas, clerk Whyte, Walter, labr Wilson, Jos, miner Wilson, Richard, m.'ner Wilson, Thomas, m'.ner Wilson, Walter, trninman Wood burn, Moses, miner Woods, Edward, liveryman Wright, Wm, labr Young, David, engr VERNON. Postmaster, Ropt. McDougall. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Kootenay and the Provin- cial of Yale, is situated on the line of the Shuswap & Okanagan Rail- way, tour miles from its terminus on Okanagan Lake, and is the centre of one of the largest and richest agricultural districts in the interior. Since the advent of rail- way communication the town has grown wonderfully, and was last year duly incorporated as a city. Mr. W. F. Gameron was the , people's choice as Mayor, the Board of Aldermen being composed as follows: Messrs. J. Lyons, J. A. Schubert, S. G. Smith, A. G. Fuller and W. J. Armstrong. It enjoys the advantages of a good post, telegraph and express office, and a daily mail service; also a branch of the Bank of Montreal and an office of the WolfFshon & Bewicke financial firm. Vernon is the great distributing point for the lower country, and in addition to its railway connections, it also controls the navigation of the lake. The city is fast building up, the structures being of a very substan- tial character. Armstrong, W J, hardware and tin- smith Archibald, G H, plasterer Amlerson, J A, carpenter Allen, A E, tailor Baird, Andrew M, plasterer Bank of Montreal, G A Henderson agent Buchanan, D J, boarding house Burnyeat, J P, surveyor (Coryell & Burnyeat) Birnie, Alex, blacksmith Brown, Jno, mason Beckingsale, D L, M.D Buchanan, Angus, teacher Billings, Fredk, barrister (Gochrane & Billings) Bysche, H, barber Barnes, Fred, builder Bond, F, teamster sawmill Bavliss, J, mason Clerin, W G, sawmill and factory (Smith & Clerin) Cook, A E, tailor m E X "A A K £ I C £ c o V A N C O u V E B B O ^ i w «e our Mackintoshes, Melissa and Rigby Waterproofs, Umbrellas, &c. B. WILLIAMS & CO., 07 Johnson Street. Victoria, B. C. ig .-i, i! aij J. & J. TAYLOR, SAFES AND VAULT DOORS Xtt J. Colo* Acontf I>upoat Block, New Westmineter, B. C. CM a <l Si ^? o 00 CO \0 192 VBB BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. TEB Cann, M, stationer and fancy goods Coryell, J A, surveyor (Coryell & Burnyeat) Crowell, T E, contractor and builder Cameron, W F, tnercht (Mayor) Cochrane, W M, lawyer (Cochrane & Billings) Christien, Louis, rancher Cartwright, G A, carpenter Cameron, W F, contractor Cooper, H C, saddler Campbell, J C (Campbell Bros), fur- niture Campbell, Angus (Campbell Bros), furniture Costerton, C F (Costerton Bros), land agent Costerton, C E (Costerton Bros), land agent Cryderman, W A, carpenter Davidson, M C, book-keeper DriscoU, Edwd, saddler Davies, R J, city clerk, auctioneer Drury, Wm, carpenter Donaldson, W, teamster Ellison, Price, rancher and stockman Elliot, S T, carpenter Fuller, Albert G, agt Hudson Bay Co Fuller, J W, carpenter French, G P, gardener Fletcher D C, drayman and livery stable French, S P, carpenter French Bros, fruit and candy store Gordon, W C. boot and shoe maker Grant, Alex, Victoria hotel Goulet. Edwd, C PR. agent Goodwin, 8 P, teamster Girouard, Luc, rancher Gardiner, W, livery stable Gibbs, Saml, J.P., gentleman Hudson Bay Co, A G Fuller, mgr Harris, E, carpenter Henderson, G G, Vernon News Haidge, H J, teacher Holland, M, bartender Holliday, C W, photographer Hull, J J, carpenter Harber, Walter J, job printer and notary public Henderson, G A, agent Bank of Mon- Hankey, G A, (Wolffsohn & Bewicke bankers) Ireland, C W, lawyer, city magistrate Johnston, Aaron, wheelwright Jacques, F B, jeweller Kirby, F M, surveyor Krauss, W F, Horseshoe restaurant Langman & Sills, gen merchants Linstrum, E F, Veinon market, (Shupe & Linstrum) Latimer, F H, surveyor Lyons, Jas, gentlemen Lawrence, railway foreman Lawrence, W H, livery, (Wright & Lawrence) Langill, Rev P F, Presbyterian minat Mcintosh, Harry, Vernon hotel MuUer, H G, Coldstream hotel Meakin, W J, Kalemalka hotel Martin, Wm, mcht Martin, Jas, mcht Martin, Jack, clerk (Martin Bros) McLean, Jas, tinsmith Milligan, Gideon, Okanagan hotel Megan, W R, mcht Monteith, J A, clerk County Court Mohr, J A, baker Mohr, C, carpenter McCall, J F, rancher Mabee, G S, painter Milne, TH, carpenter McKelvie, John A, elk McGowen, F, lawyer and land agent, coroner McNaughton, J, labr Meyers, F A, private college McKinnon, Jno, butcher McDougfaU, Robt, postmaster, (Mc- Dous;all & Parke) flour a> a leed, implements, &c McMullen, A J, wheelwright Morris, Dr, M.D Mcauley, Alfred, Victoria hotel Norris, L, constable Norris, W H, rancher Ochsner, R, brewer Outerbridge, Rev T W, Church of England Pratt, Mrs, private hospit \\ Pettit, F W, insurance agent Phillips, Jas, rancher Pound, W C, taxidermist Pooler, C D, carpenter Pearey, Jas, pump mfr Parke, H R. assessor and collector Pitcairn, W D, pump mfr Reinhard, Wilhelm, M.D Riley, The Misses, millinery and dressmakers Simms, Chas, clerk, H.B. Co Shatford, W T, mcht Schubert, J A, road supt Schultz, Harry, blacksmith Spinks , W W, Judge County Court T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Faints, Oils anil Agricnltaral Imsleients. Colambia Street, N£W WESTMINSTER, B. C. aUDSON'S BAY COMPANY ""JiejL! Havana Clears B. O. WAN BRITISH COLUMBIA DIREGTOBY. WAT 193 Smith, & C, aawmill (Smith AOlerin) Smith, W, carpenter Smith Bros, stationers Shupe, J A, Vernon market, (Shupe & Linstrum) Simmons Bros, livery stable Smailes, Ralph, manager dry goods dept (W R Megaw's) Tronson, E J, J.P., rancher Thompson, E, dairy and stage Taylor, Richard Noble, druggist Vernon News (Meagaw & Henderson, props Watson, Porter, barber Worgan, A D, photographer Wood, J A, Methodist minister VICTORIA DISTRICT. (See Victoria City and District.) Including Cedar Hill, Oak Bay, MountTolmie, Cadboro Bay, Gor- don Head, Burnside Road and the Gorge. WANNUCK PACKING CO., RIVERS' INLET. (See North West Coast.) Anderson, H rry, fisherman Grant, S L C, storekeeper and acct Hamlin, Ohas, fishe -man Holden, Ole, ship cpntr Miller, Loverin, capt schooner Nicholas, Rev Edwd, missionarv at Bella Coola Nicholson, Chas, cannery timekeeper Pearson, Gustaf, boss fisherman and netmaker Stewart, Benj, fisherman Williams, Richard, canner and tinner WANETA. Postmaster, John Rbith. In the Provincial Electoral District of West Kootenay, is a placer min- ing camp on the main line of the C.P.R ; telegraph and expren of- fice. Banking point, Nelaon. Mails twice a day. Barnard, Al, miner Bates Bros, miners Bowen, A S, civil engineer Brigman, John, miner WEIUBR BBOa, VIOTORIA, B. O. Brewster, M W, miner Cary, George, miner Corrigall, James, teamster Coughlin, D, carpenter Coulter, S, miner Crawford, Richard, miner Curry, L G, miner Dolan, A L, miner Davis, Henry, miner Downs, William, miner Dewar, Donald J, miner Dundee, Charles, miner Ellis, George, saloon and store Gillis, J A, carpenter Goodhue, George, mgr placer mines Happe, Joseph, miner Hill, Charles, miner Hill, Matthew, miner Holly, Arthur H, book-keeper placer mines Keith, John, general store Keith & Beebe, general store Kroger, Otto, clerk Placer Co McArthur, Ed E, restaurant McCormick, Capt, miner McDonald, J J, teamster Metherall, A S, doctor Mizner, Edear, miner Mizner, William, miner Morriae, P, rancher Myres, Al, blacksmith Nolan, J H, H. M. customs officer Obery, Mrs. C, boarding house Paton, Rev Thomas, minister Reid, Charles, miner Reid, James, mining expert Beith, John, postmaster Reinochl, E S, operator Rice, J F, supt placer mines Roberts, E J, chief engineer Sutor, Leo, miner Vader, Charles, miner Waldbusser, J, boarding house Walker, Wm J, miner White, W H, engineer Wilson, Arthur, clerk Placer Co Wilson, C M, boarding house WATSON. Postmaster, Edwin R. Atherton. In the Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Kootenay and Provincial of West Kootenay, is a mining die trict. Nearest telegraph and express office, Kaslo, which is also the banking point. Com- 1 »aco i It 6pa ^< WM o . ^^^ ta ^3R -^1 •a ■" I J^a St^ S-t=Bj ?£:: ' I (5 o air g| ?« 02 • 3 WB O (D 00 p 1.3 » OS a o ABE AGENTS FOB GBOSSLEY AND SONS FINE CABPBTS. M ? a s g bit « ra^|i tsd 1* WKk era t* 1 ? Id ^ -^ li 1 i 1 u i I ft R.T. BOOEBIKDER anil BLAH BOOK MANUFACTURER »a BBOAO aiREET, VICTORIA. ,>''• I— N « < i EH 9 ■♦a ^ a_ •♦J 194 WEB BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. WEL munication by stage with Kaslo, 20 miles distant. Good hotel accom- modation. Arehart, Mark, clerk Arhuton, Edwin R, genl merchant Aiherton, Edwin, postmaster Barr, Rich, miner Barr, Wm, miner Bell, James, mine owner Bell, John, mine owner Bemis, A G, supt Lucky Jim mine Black, Ira W, hotelkeeper Bremner, David, hotelkeeper Charleson, Thos P, book-keeper Clark, Thos Wm, hotelkeeper Clark, Geo, supt Washington mine Connor, Alfred, miner Currjr, Wm, miner Curtis, Tlios, mine owner Flagher, Wm, contractor Flaghertv, Jas, hotelkeeper Gibson, I)avid, mine owner Halpin, M, minf^r Harper, Frank, mine owner Hennessy, J J , mine owner Hennesfiy, Wm, mine owner Jarvis, Fred W, hotelkeeper Jones, Wm, miner Kennedy, W F, mine owner Lockhart, Robt, miner McDonald, Hugh, mine owner McDougal, Thos, blacksmith McGuigan, John, mgr Noble Five Mining Co Mclntyre, Angus, packer WEBSTER'S CORNERS. Postmaster, J. M. Webster. In the Maple Ridge municipality, about four and half miles from Port Haney and Whonnock. Port Haney is the nearest railway sta- tion, telegraph and express office, communication with which is by livery. Ansell, W H, fmr Alexander, John, fmr Delater, Louis, fmr Docksteader, John, fmr Isaac, John, fmr Knight, Ebenezer, fmr and black- smith Lock wood, W H, fmr Marshall, Thos, fmr Martin, O, fmr Mighton, Joseph, fmr Mighton, Charles, fmr McCahanie, D L, fmr Smith, Gustave, fmr Stonoy, W J, fmr and carpt Thompson, Robt, fmr Moody, H H, hotelkeeper Morrisey, James, mine owner Murry, Pat, mine owner Navers , T A, millwright Noble, John, miner O'Neill, David, Bluebird mine Penney, F C, mill owner Robb, W R, miner Robellard, J, miner Ryan, Wni, mine owner Trotter, H, miner Ward, James, fmr Warnick, Len, contractor Watson, John A, hotelkeeper Watts, A, miner White, Wm, miner Webster, J M, postmaster and fmr Webster, Alex, fmr Webster, Robt, fmr Wilcox, Michael, fmr Wilson, W A, genl merchant WELLINGTON. Postmaster, Thos. Bryant. In the Dominion Electoral District of Vancouver and Provincial of Nanai- mo, situated at the northern ex- tremity of the Esquimau and Na- naimo Railway, 78 miles from Vic- toria, and 6 miles from Nanaimo. Has a post, money order, telegraph and express offices. It is a coal mining district, and a large num- ber of men are employed in the mines, owned by Messrs. Duns- muir. Acton, Peter, head salesman, E. Cook &Co Adamson, D, miner Alexander, John, miner Allison, Alfred, miner Anderson, Alfred, miner Anderson, D D, blksmith Andrews, John, miner Angel, William, driver Auguste, Peter, miner Avert, Frank, miner Awful, Ernest, carpt Bailey, Wm, boarding house keeper Bailey, Richd, foreman Bain, John, (E. Cook & Co) T. DOBESON, N. W. D0BE80N. NANAIMd FOUNDRY, Iron and Brast foundera, Oeneral MacMuUC^ A.U Kindt of Sepairt, Iiand and Marine. MANAmO, BRITISH COLUMBM v/cnn B.W, J ^aiagua Balagua, Baker, V Bate, Ge. iJiiteman BauJd, W ^eJiyea, J Bel ton, TJ BenaJdi, S Beneditti, Bernard, J Bernadelh'. BerneJl, H, ^?';to, Don, Bickle, fl 1 .Company) , ^'X^^'e. John Sr^/ John, (Boardley, Ste UAIAMB, UIPTADIA TDAIIQCCD Pfl ITD Check Banue to any part of the City. Their lIulUnlA InAnorCn UU.| LIU. WavoMandCairlaKea meet aU Boat* and Train*. 81 and 83 Bronghton StrMt, Vlotorl&, B. O. T«l. 189. ST. Ltrict oi [Nanai- Lern ex- M ^*" am Vic- lanaimo. Wegraph ' a cofti ■e nuro- in the Duns- I, E.Cook WBIi BRITISH COLDMBIA DIRECTOBY. WEIi 195 Baird, Jesse, miner Balagua, C, miner Balagua, Joe, miner Balagua, Severino, miner Baiter, William, fmr Bate, Geo. engr Bateman, Sam, miner Baiild, William, shot lighter Bellyea, Jno, fmr, Nanoose Bel ton, Thomas, miner Benaldi, S, pusher Beneditti, B, miner , Bernard, John, miner Bernadelli, Peter, miner Bernell, H, fmr Berry, Richd, miner Berto, Don, miner Bickle, E, Wand Co, gen stove Bickle, E W, mgr, (E. W. Bickle & Company) Bickle, John, salesman, (E.W.Bickle & Company) Bickle, Thomas, miner Black, Jamei, asst boss Black, John, baker Blackball, miner Boardley, Stephen, miner Borro, Joe, pusher Bowen, Ralph, miner Brown, George, miner rown, Zachi miner ryant, Thos, postmaster ryden, Andrew, oversman ryden, John, machinist ryden, Bobt, machinist ryden, John, mgr We'Ungton col- leries uckle, Albert, carpt iurns, Miss, teacher iutters, Tom, miner utter, William, fmr. Departure Bay mmul, M, driver inpbell Hugh, Liiner mpbell, James, oriver nipbell, James, miner mpbell, John, miner mpbell, Mich, miner rstairs, James, harnessmaker r, William, miner ter, Robt, miner sad, T C, machinist dwick, William, engr mbers, Arthur, fmr sholm, Alfred, miner istie, Bev James,Ch of Scotland istie, fmr. Departure Bay k, Edward, miner k, J, miner Clark, Jno, miner and fmr, Depart- ure Bay rd Clark, William, miner Claus, J C, fmr Conley, James, miner Conta, Don, miner Cook, £ & Co, gen store Cook, Thos, miner Corbett, W L, miner Cosavello, Jos, miner Cottle, John, fmr, Departure Bay rd Coulter, Hellis, miner Currie, John, brewery agt Curto, Louis, miner Dalmon, John, miner Daskowski, Max, miner Davidson, Jacob, miner Davidson, John, miner Davis, Cas, miner Davis, D H, miner Davis, Evan, miner Dick, James, miner Dick, Walter, miner Dickenson, A E, fmr, Nanoose Dickie, James, shotlighter Dixon, John, Somerset house Doria, Angelo, miner Dowdall, Richd, sect boss, E, & N.Ry Doule, Chas, baker Vnnsmuir & Sons, props Wellington coUeries Eastman, William, fmr EbertS D, M.D., colliery surgeon Ellis, Chas, machinist English, James C, engr Evans, Obadiah, miner Pagan, Dan, miner Ferguson, Niel, miner Ferro, Chas, miner Fischer, Fred, weighman Flinton, Rev J W, Ch of England Foster, J, storekeeper. Departure Bay Frame, Jno, machinist Fraser, W C, mcht tailor Fulcher, Jno, miner Gair, Robt, (E. Cook & Co) Galloway, Thos, miner Gay, Frank, miner Gilbert, Harry, miner Gilchrist, Wm, miner Gilletti, Joe, miner Gillespie, John, weighman Gillespie, Miss A, (E Cook & Co) Glen, Jas, miner Godfrey, Amos, fmr Godfrey, Seth, fmr Goldaworthy, Thos, Somerset fkaeHi***** T E X A S L A K E I C E c o V A N C O u V E B B C C/3 4 1 :'3 iUR SCOTCH AND I^QLISH TWEED SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS ILTilAMS * OOh C. .tU«n mad. HatUn. 97 Joluuoa St.. Vlotmia. tftfiiiiiiiMiiJiii^^ y' DUPON r BLOCK, COLUMBIA STREET, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. T T ^i^\T V* ffotmrjf Public, Convey aneer, Aeeountant »nd Audtior, ■ JU* U • \j\JMjJCd Menti •Md Aeeounf Settled. Xletatet Managed, ^, P^ cyri b CO wg D o 00 CO pt^ 196 WBL BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. WKL Gordon, Thos, machinist Johnson, Albert, miner Gordon, Miss, dressmaker Johnson, Auguste, miner Johnstone, Geo, miner Gould, Isaac, grocery store Gourlay, James, miner Jones, Benj, miner Jones, D (W Jones & Co) Graliam, Robt, miner Graham, Robt, jr, miner Jones, Isaac, miner Dep Bay GregBon, Robt, miner Jones, John, miner Dep Bay Green, James, miner Jones, Joseph, miner Dep Bay Gribble, C H, barber Jones, Lot, brdg house keeper Griffin, Pat, butcher Jones, Sam, fmr Griffiths, D D, miner Jones, Sam (W Jones & Co) Griffiths, Griffith, miner Jones, Morgan, driver Griffith, Lewis, miner Jones, Tom, fmr Haggart, Bryant, mchnet Jones, Walter, minei' Haggart, James, fmr Jones, Walter & Co, general store Haggart, H D, merchant Jones, Walter, lu^r W Jones & Co Haggart, Thoa, mchnst Jones, William, miner Hapgart, W, mchnst Joppling, "^t miner Jordan, William, fmr Haig, Jno, miner Hamburger, Mosch, mgr £ Cook Kave, Harry, painter Kellett, Richard, miner &Co Harold, M, miner Keleall, W R Harper, J, saloon Dep Bay Kennedy, Geo W, Wellington hotel Harris, Harry, driver, E* Cook & Co Kennedy, Jack, engr Harris, Morgan, miner Kilpatrick, Robt, livery stable Harrison, Eli, County Court Judp j Knight, James, fmr Harrison , Harry, pusher Koski, Andrew, miner Harrison, Jno, miner Jacob, D, miner Harrison, Joseph, miner Laird, Marshall, miner Harrison, Wm, weighman Landerbach, Sam, miner Hawkins, Jno, miner Lannigan, Wm, miner Haworth, Thos, miner Lawrence, Joachin, miner Hawthornthwaite & Co, real ectate Lawrenson, Edward, miner brokers Leask, John, miner Hearn, Thos, miner Lee, Harry, mgr Quesnell & Co Henderson, Isaac, miner Leigh ton, J F, barber Heynen, Rev Wm L, R.C. priest Lepas, Leopold, miner Hoggan, Andrew, tracklayer Lew"^, J B, weighm**,!!; Hoggan, Jno, miner Lewis, l>on, miner Hoggan, Robt, miner London, P L, miner Hoggan, Wm, miner London, James, stable boss Holmes, Richard, carpenter London, Robt, miner Hoski, Chas. miner Lowrie, Robt, miner Howatt, Alex, miner Macdonalc'., Dan, miner Hughes, Edw, miner Macdonalci, H J, miner Hughes, Jno C, miner Macdonall, J J, miner Hughes, W J (Walter Jones & Co) Macdona; d, Murdoch, blacksmith Hugo, J B, miner Macdonal 1, J S A, miner Hull, Bros & Co, butchers Macdonalii Miss, tailoress Hunter, W F, miner Macintosh, James, carpenter Irving, John, shoemaker Izen, Miss, candy store Maclvor, K, carpenter MacKay, J L, principal pub schooli Jack, William, miner Mackenzie, Dan, miner Jackson, William, miner Mackenzie, Henry, miner Jacobson, Albert, miner Mackenzie, James, engr Jacque, Jno, miner Mackenzie, Niel, miner Jacque, Joseph, miner James, David, miner Mackiel, Rev Dr, Epis Meth clergymi Mackinnon, Arch, fireman / I f I Mac Mac Mac! Mac] MacJ MacE Maco MacD Maca MacD] Mttcm Macm Macne Macqu Macra« Magini Mam, ( Malone Manuel Marcari Marsha] Mathesc Matheso Matthew Matthew Maxwell Maynard Mercer, Merman Michie, Miles, Jo Mitchell, Mitchell, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, '„ Morgan, 1 Morgan, \ Morrill, jc Morrison, Morrison, Morrison, Morrow, J Morton, R( l^osseau, A bounce, H Monnce, U guir, John Munroe, Dt Jf "rphy, L^ ^""ay, Mil ^?^8on, Mog Nicholson,] Olsen, pj^ T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hariware, Paints, Oils and Ai^riGnltnral Imslemq Golambia Street, NEW WESTMI^ STBB, B. G. t-. B.C. Itor, \ I HUDSON'S BIT COMPINV, il{ents for Fort Cirry ood Benloo Coootj Flooring Mills Btore [Co ,n hotel le Co Lsmith Lb achoolsl iclergytnl W1I< -VICTORIA,. B. O.- BRITIBH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. WKL 197 Mackinnon, Alex, miner Mackinnon, Dan, miner MacLaughlan, Andrew, miner Maclean, Donald, timberman Maclean, Kenneth, miner Maclean, WiUon, miner Macmillan, H, miner Macmillan, H, bartender Macmillan, Henry, miner Macmillan, H (Grant & Co) Macmillan, Peter, miner Macmillan, Thos, miner Macmutne,Andrew, gents furnishngs Macneil, R J, miner Macquarrie, Alex, driver Macrae, Jno, timberman Ma^innea, Dan, miner Mam, Campbell, miner Malone, Pat, miner Manuels, William, miner Marcarro, John, eager Marshall, Richard, miner Matheson, Dan, tailor Matheson, Murdoch, J. P., carpenter Matthews, Chas, miner Matthews, John, J. P., asst foreman Maxwell, William, timberman Maynard, Edward, tanner an<l currier Mercer, Robt, miner Merman, E, jeweller Michie, John, engnr Miles, John, miner Mitchell, Hugh, blacksmith Mitchell, James, miner Morgan, Ben, driver Morgan, T F, miner Morgan, T H, miner Morgan, Thos, miner Morgan, Wm, fmr Morrill, John, fmr Morrison, Chas, (E Cook & Co) • Morrison, Malcolm, miner Morrison, Peter, miner Morrow, J, watchman Morton, Robt, engnr Mosseau, Maurice, miner Mounce, Henry, engnr Monnce, Hiewis, sawmill Muir, John, miner Munroe, Duncan, miner Murphy, L A, carpenter Murray, Mike, miner Nelson, John £, mason Nelson, Moses, miner Nicholson, Dan, contractor Noye, Wm, Somerset Oberg, Frank, miner Olsen, P J, miner Orme, John, pusher Over, Peter, miner Parker, W H, butcher Pauna, Mat, miner Paton, Andrew, Chinese boss Patten, Edward, station agt Patten, W N, druggist Patroni, P, miner Place, E H, teamster Pearson, Wm, fmr Pimilli, P, miner Polani, Adolp, miner Pollock, James, miner Potts, A, real est broker Pringle, Wm , carpenter Proctor, Frank, pusher Provincial constable, D Stephenson Quesnell, E, butcher Rafter, Wm, driving boss Ramsay, Miss J, teacher Reece, Wm, miner Reed, Silas, miner Reid, James, retired mcht Reid, Wm, miner Richards, James, miner Richards, Robt, Somerset Richards, Thos, fmr and miner Riley, James, miner Riley, Thomas, miner Risatte, Jim , miner Riser, Frank, miner Riser. John, miner Rinaldi, Joe, miner Robinson, James, pusher Robinson, Andrew", miner Roberts, Wm, postmaster Nanoose Roberts, Wm, engineer Robison, James, fmr Dep Bay rd Robson, John, fmr Dep Bay rd Roger, Antoine, miner Rogers, John, miner Rohrs, Peter, miner Roman, Wra, miner Rooney, Darby, miner Rooney, J, miner Rooney, Pat, miner Ross, Harry, fmr Ross, John, miner Rosanna, — , engr Russell, Miss, dressmaker (E Cook &Co) Russell, Wm, paymaster and book- keeper Wellington colliery Saunders, Jno, oversman Saunderson, Robt, miner Savey, Frank, miner Savey, Joe, miner Scartb, Geo, miner C/2 N I— I m o ? 8 "a e M "" I I INTERIOR WOODWORK, OFHOE AND BAR FITTINGS ■ —"■»•: Bfuds to Ovd«r *y WEII^ER BBOS. « a, "TT -r-r^-if,^ iiM 'WMMw . » j^mm THM LATEST IMPXOrtlJaiSrB IlfBOOK- BIlfDIirO AMD PAPXJt RVLINO. 28 BROA.D STRBBX. VICTORIA. R. T. Williaaui i r-- ( & t^ '^4-1 « o .a OS •*-• u O) i 1 (9S 1 »H H 1 198 WEL BRITISH COLUUBIA DIRECTORY. WEIi Schavartz, Emil, Schenck, Peter, M fecaund, M, pusher Scolo, Victor, miner Second, John, miner 8espatrio, Geo, miner Shagd, J D, cleric, W Jones & Co Sharpe, Alex, asst supt Sbarpe, Arch, timberman Sharpe, James, oversman Shaw, James, miner Sheppard, J J, retd baker Shillitoe, Geo, miner Shine, Frank, miner Shore, Sam, miner Shirt, Sam, miner Sims, Robt, miner Sims, — , gardener, Nanoose Simpson, Wm, miner Smith, Geo, miner Southall, Rev J F, Methodist minister State, 0, miner Stars, Tom, miner Stephens, Wm, miner Stephenson, David, prov constable Swan, Robt, miner Swanson, Gus, miner Swanson, Mat, miner Tappella, Louis, miner Taylor, Joshua, miner Tenor, Pet, miner Thick, Alfred, pusher Thick, Ghas, fmr Thick, Miss, milliner, E Cook & Co Thomas, David, fireman Thomas, Don, miner Thomas, John, fireman Thomas, John, driver Thomas, Thomas, bdg house Thompson, John A, furniture and hardware Thompson, Wm, (E Cook & Co) Tibbets, John, fmr Tiesco, Jacob, miner Tiller, Mrs, candy store Timothy, GriflSth, engineer Tinton, Joe, miner Townley, Joseph, miner Trana, Andrew, miner Treforis, Jules, miner Treloir, Jno, Somerset Tregonning, Wm, wharfinger, Dep B Trites, G B, blacksmith Tudor, Joseph, miner Turner, James, supply boss Uren, Alisalom, brag house Uren,John, photographer Vater, Chas, miner Vater, Fred, miner Vater, W H, miner Vance, Jno, miner Vibau, Mike, miner Walker, Miss F, teacher Wallace, James , miner Wallace, Robt, miner Wallace, J B, miner Wasson, H J, M.D., asst colliery sur- geon U'aters, James, miner Watson, Robt, ehotlighter Weeks, T, teamster, E W Bickle Weir, Thomas, miner Wells, Robt, fmr Welsby, Jas, fmr and miner Welby, John, lamp trimmer White, C, n.Mner White, Robt, miner Wilmart, Arch, miner Wilmart, Ed, miner Williams, Edw, miner Williams, Ebcn, mine Williams, Jno, miner Williams, Jno, candy store Williams, Robt, butcher Williamson, Robt, book-keeper Wilmartz, Arch, driver Wilmott, James, miner Wilson, David, engineer Witkilla, Hermon, miner Woods, Jno, miner Woods, Jerome, bartender Woodhouse, Henry, blacksmith Woreo, Mike, miner Work, James, surfnce foreman Young, C N, book-keeper Dunsmuir & Sons, Departure Bav Zaccarilli, Antoine, striker Zaccarilli, Antoine, driver Zaccarilli, Thomas, blacksmith Zanino, John, miner WELLINGTON EAST. Postmaster, W. S. Chandler. In the Provincial Electoral District of Nanaimo, and Dominion Elec- toral District of Nanaimo, is a mining town situate in the valley of the Millstone river, about three miles to the northwest of Nanaimo, a little off the Comox road. Near- est banking point, telegraph and express office, Nanaimo. Commu- nication by livery with Welling- ton, distance four miles. Mails arrive and depart daily. See our Mackintoshes, Melissa and Rigby Waterproofs, Umbrellas, &c. B. WILLIAMS & CO., 07 Johnson Street, Victoria. B. C. VlOtOna XrailSfer OO** ^td« Mate»andOMUke,tne''paU)h. 21 and 23 Brooghtoa Btraat, Vlotorlm. B. C. Tel. 129. T E X A S L A K E I C E c o V A N C O u V E B B C WEL BRITIBH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. WES 109 Adams, John, labr Anderson, Wm, miner Anderson, Robert, miner Balance, Jos, miner Barlow, John, labr Bertram, Thomas, topman Blake, Jacob, labr Boeden, Adolf, miner Bowater, Neil, fire boss Bowater, Wm, flrebota Burns, John, miner Cameron, Alex, engineer Celle, Jos, pumper Chandler, W S, mine supt and post- master Cope, Wm, miner Crutchley, James, miner Crutchley, Wm, miner Dakim, Isreal, miner Dand, John, miner Daniels, Jos, miner Douglas, Wm, blacksmith Drew, Richard, labr Drew, Wm, sr, miner Fontain, Alex, miner Fort, Ferd, miner Fort, Jos, miner Francis, Wm, miner Freer, Victor, miner Gowan, George, general store Grahi.m, George, hotel keeper Grundy, James, fire boss Hampson, Frank, miner HampsQu, Wm, miner Hepple, Wm, miner Hines, David, miner Hinksman, Wm, labr Houfton, Chas, labr Kelly, Robert, carpenter Leggin John, labr Marsden, John, labr McDermot, P, miner Mclntyre, Andrew, miner McLean, Wm, miner McNeil, Ed, miner McNeil, George, miner Morrison, John, engineer Munro, James, engineer Orr, Alex, foreman Patrona, Alex, miner Quinn, Mike, miner Quinn, William, miner Reinhard, Charles, brakeman Reinhard, Wm, carpenter Satoor, Peter, labr Scott, Chas, miner Smith, Jesse, min(ir Smith, Thomas, misj". Stevenson, David, engineer Stevenson, John, min<*r Thurburn, R, topman Tranfield, Alex, stableman Waddell, John, engineer Wain, Henry, carpenter Walkem, W W, resident physician Westwood, Milton, fmr Westwood, Benj, blacksmith Westwood, Wm^ topman Westwood, David, fmr WESTHAM ISLAND. Postmaster, Thos. Adsett. Westham Island, situated at the moith of the south arm of the Fniser River, is separated from the mainland, on the east by Canoe Pass from Lulu Island, on the north by the south arm of the Fraser, and is bounded on the south-west by the Gulf of Georgia. Communication by steamer with Victoria and New Westminster; mails daily. Nearest telegraph and express ofiSce, Ladner's Land- ing; banking point. New West- minster, distance 16 miles. Adsett, Thos S, fmr Albertson, Chris, fmr Faulkner, Jas, fmr Faulkner, Jesse, fmr Frazer, Lewis, fmr Frew, Hy, fmr Frew, Jas, fmr Gilmore, Jas, fmr Kirkland, Wm, fmr London, Geo, fmr London, Richard, fmr McDowell, Jas, fmr Robertson, Duncan, sr, fmr Robertson, Duncan, jr, fmr Savage, Wm, fmr Tamboline, Jos, fmr Todd, Thos, fmr Trim, Hy, fmr WESTHOLME. Postmaster, Capt. E. Barcley, R.N. Westholme, also known as Hall's Crossing, is situated in the sub- district of Chemainus on the Es- quimau & Nanaimo Railway. Nearest telegraph and express office, Chemainus. iMtem TAILOR-MADE SUITS to Measure. TuJ^Sf/x'^iS!' See our sampieg and Prieei. B. WILLIAliS & CO., 97 Johnson St., Victoria. ^s^ss^ T T rOT F ^EiX ESTATE AND INSURANCE ,/ \ l^» ]• \J\J X^Lj DuDont Block, Colombia St., New Weatminater. i\ C. 1 , ' PKh 1 H f ^ ' a Bi bi «« <<i M M V.:.: PQg o -«t1 6W 200 WEE BRITISH OOLUHBIA riBXCTORY. vm Barcley. Bobt E. postmaster and fmr Barnaraiston, Geoffrey, fmr £onsbll, Thomas, fm/ Dunne, W, fmr Ferris, Wm, farm hand Gi'obs, Samuel, fmr Holmes, — , fmr Jackson, Robt, fmr Jp.ckson, Thomas, fmr Llovd, Frank, imr Bichards, J, fmr WESTMINSTER JUNCTION Coquitlam Municipality. POSTMASTKR, B. B. K.i'IIiLY. On the line of the Canadian Pacific Bailway, wnich joins New West- minster, Port Moody and Vancou- ver. A'derson, George, fmr Atkins, A E, fmr Bailey, David, fmr Cameron, D W, teamster Chenard, Joseph, station agent C.P.B Davenport, H, fmr Eaton, J L, carpenter Eckerslyi David, farmhand Flint, Jesse, fmr Fox, James, fmr Gaffeny, Patrick, farm labr Gilbert, Frank, fnr Gray, D, carpenter Hill, Robert, fmr Hyde, William, fmr Innis, Adam, fmr ini>is, Henry, fmr Irving, R D, school teacher Kelly, F A, blacksmith Kelly, R B, merchant, hotelkeeper . and postmaster Lap worth, J, fmr McAuley, B, carpenter McDonald, B E, painter i>IcLaughlin, John, farmhand McLean, John, fmr Moreau, J, operator Mouldy, George, fmr Murray, James, fmr McPherson, A G, fmr Pickering, James, fmr Printer, C B, carpenter Proud, William, fmr Baymond, Samuel, farm labr Bichardson, David, logger Bobinson, William, engr Scherman, John, fmr, Pitt Meadows Scott, J B, fmr, West'm jun Scott, L B, fmr, West'm jun Shennen, John, fmr Smith, John D, farm labr Smith, John, farm labr Smith, Peter, teamster Smith, B R, painter Sneed, J H, farm labr . Stewart, P H, carpenter Williams, Gecrge, painter WHITE VALLEY. (See also Spallumcheen.) Postmaster, P. Bassette. A farming settlement in the Dominion and Electoral District of Yale- Kootenay and Provincial of Yale. Appleton, C A, fmr Andrews, Joe, fmr Batrus, William, fmr Bailey, William, fmr Bassette, Napoleon, fmr Bassette, N, jr, fmr Bassette, P. postmaster and fmr Bassette, liloses, fmr Bauham, J B, fmr Baxter, H A, fmr Bidaton, D, fmr Benttie, J G, fmr Bonneau, C, fmr Bonneau, Felix, fmr Bonnevili.i, O, fmr Bridgep^an, E £, fmr Bucha'.^n,n, D J, fmr Buller, Thomas, fmr Campbell, Eura, fmr Campbell, Kenneth, fmr Carr, Andrew, fmr Cartwrigbt, G A, fmr Cartwright, Joseph, fmr Gastele, John, fmr Castele, Wm H, fmr Oayonette, Joseph, fmr Christian, Chas, fmr and mail carrier Christian, Thomas, fmr Cook, F, fmr Daley, John, fmr Dove, B Dixon, fmr Dove, Spencer, fmr Dubois, Lewis, fmr Dutean, Narcisse, fmr Dutean, Nelson, fmr Dutean, V, fmr Ehlers, Henry, fmr Faulkner, Quin, fmr Finlaison, F D, fmr T. J. TRAPP & CO., Harilware, Paints, Oils anil Agricnltnral , Colnmbia Street, NEW WBSTMIN8TEB, B. C. \/ French, S Funk, J G Galbraith, Galbraith, Ganton, J Grant, Ak Green. W Harris, Gh Healey, F, H <gason, Htigason, Jones, W 1 Johnston, Johnston, Kain, Guy Kelly, Geo Kileen, Th< Kriffer, Ge Langhan, 1 Larasseurs, LeBanc, Jo Levasseur, Lewis, H T Lilly, John Manning, C Marble. S, McClure, Ji McClure, J( McCormick McDonald, McDonnell, Mclntyre, J McLean, N< Merritt, Jol Middleton, Milligan, L Miller, J L, Moor, J B, 1 Morand, Lo Morrison, J Munro, Geo Mylius, Chs Neil R W, fi Nesbitt, J A Pike, John, Purdy, R, fi Quesurl, Cai Rich, JosepI Ringell, Car Robetaille, ; Rollings, W Rowett, Rd, Smith, Hem Stansfield, J Stansfield, A Smyth, Jam Sharon, Fell Stewart & Vt HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Wholesale Qrocers & fine Hercliants VICTORIA. B. C. N/HI BRITIBH COLUMBIA OIRSCTOBlf. WHO 201 French, S P, fmr Smith, Thomas, fmr Funk, J G, fmr Slack, Thomas, fmr Galbraith, M, fmr Thibadeau, Robt, fmr Galbraith, K, fmr Woodward, C H H, fmr • Ganton, J B, fmr Welch, Ernest, fmr Grant, Alex, fmr ' Warner, C F, fmr Green. W E, fmr Winters, 1 rancis, fmr Harris, Chaa, fmr Healey, F, labr H 'gason, B C, fmr WHONNOCK. Htigason, B F, fmr Postmaster, George A. Smith. Jones, W D, fmr Johnston, Geo W, fmr In the Dominion Electoral District of Johnston, B J, fmr New Westminster, is a flag station Kain, Guy, fmr on the C.P.R., 33 miles from Van- Kelly, Geo, fmr couver. Mails twice a day east and west. Nearest telegraph and express oflBce, Port Hammond; Kileen, Thomas, fmr Kriffer, Geo. fmr Langhan, Thomas, fmr banking point. New Westminster. Larasseurs, Chas, fmr Allan, A, fmr LeBanc, Joseph, fmr Levasseur, Alfred, fmr Anderson, Andrews, shoemaker Anderson, John, fmr Lewis, H T, fmr Anderson. Peter, fmr Lilly, John, fmr Archerd, E E, fmr Manning, G W, fmr Austin, James, fmr Marble, S, fmr Barker, Chris, fmr McClure, James, fmr Barker, James, fmr McClure. John, fmr Beggam, A C, shoemaker McCormick, L G, fmr Bell. William, fmr McDonald, Archie, fmr Bligh, Herbert, fmr McDonnell, John, fmr Boyd, James, fmr Melntyre, James, fmr Bradon Robert, fmr McLean, Neil, fmr Ca'der, Peter, fmr Merritt, John, fmr and miner Cameron, Neil, fisherman Middleton, Walter, fmr Carmichael, Neil Milligan, L and W, fmr Carter, E C, fmr Miller, J L, fmr Carter, Foster sr, fmr Moor, J B, fmr Carter, Foster, jr, fmr Morand, Louis, hotelkeeper Carter, Norton, fmr Morrison, John, fmr Cornock, W B, fmr Munro, Geo, fmr Cromarty, James, fmr Mylius, Chas N, fmr Dell, E, fmr Neil R W, fmr Derrenbe*"', fmr Nesbitt, J A, real estate agt Downie, Dan, fmr Pike. John, fmr Purdy, R, fmr Downie, William, fmr Dunn, A, minister Quesurl, Candide, fmr Evans, John, fmr Rich, Joseph, fmr Ferguson, G, fmr Gilchrist, Dan, fmr Ringell, Carl, fmr Robetaille. J W, fmr Green, John, fmr Rollings, W C, fmr Green, Percy, fmr Rowett, Rd, miner Green, Wm D, fmr Smith, Henrv, fir.r Stansfield, John, fmr Hairsine, Joe, fmr Hall, William, fmr Stansfield, A, fmr Heafey, P I, fmr Bmyth, James, fmr Henderson, James, section man Sharon, Felix, fmr Henry, A, fmr Stewart A Weir, fmrs Henry, A C, fmr Z>2 B i VICrORIA, ac. Il'll-f ilii 1 J: ■" \. ',& ^RTVI T'TMf^SlT ^\^r "**" Hands and More Capital than all otber Bindwim ^^^^^5^^^Si22£^^^fii™^^^t ^^ ^* Provlnc©. — ^— ^— « * « R. T. WILLIAMS 98 BKOAJt HTKBBX, VICTORIA. CJ> 202 WHO BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTOBY. WIN \: '^ Henry, William, fmr Innes, B J, fmr Johnson, A G, fmr Jariet, David, fmr Kemberly, D, fmr Kusha, Martin, fmr Lee, A, fisherman J^e, Ghas, fisherman Lee, Herbert, fisherman Lee, Ole, sr, fisherman Lee, Ole, jr, fisherman Matheson, William, fmr McCarty, M, fmr McDonald, Jack, fmr McDonald, R W, fmr McDonald, William, fmr McKay, Gilbert, fmr McKay, Rod, fmr McMillan, M, fmr McMillan, P, fmr Morgan, D H, fmr Morgan, W J, fmr Muldey, James, fmr Nelson, Chris, fmr Nelson, Ole, fmr Nicholson, Jack, fmr ^ Nicol, John, fmr Okosh, M, fmr , Olivei, N, fmr Oliver, Wm F, fmr Owen, John, fmr Parker, I R, fmr Parker, Tom, fmr Paton, James, fmr Peterson, Charles, fmr Phillips, Charles, fmr Phillips, F M, fmr Powell, Sam, fmr Ritchie, Alex, fmr Ritchie, John, fmr Ritchie, Sam, fmr Robertson, Robt, fmr RoUey. Jas, fmr Ross, Jas, fmr Sampson, W C, fmr Smith, G A, postmaster Smith, G E, fmr Spilsbury, A W, fmr Spilsbury, B W, fmr Stickney, C, fmr Thompson, A, fmr Thompson, Colin, fmr Thompson, S A, fmr Thompson, Walter, fmr Walden, George, fmr Walden, Willam, fmr Watson, Ed, fmr Whetham, Charles, fmr T. D0BE80N, N, W. D0BB80N. NANAIMd FOUNDRY, Whiteside, Robert, fmr Wilson, James, fmr York, L C, storekeeper WILLIAMS' LAKE. {Poatoffice 150 Mile House.) In the Dominion Electoral District of Cariboo and Lillooet and Provin- cial of Cariboo. It is 12 miles from the 160 Mile House, which is the nearest post ofiSce. Stages from Ashcroft twice a week. Allen, — , constable Anders, Wm, fmr Beng, — , labr Chiapi>ini, Rev G D, St Joseph's Mission Chisholm, A, labr Cossents, — , fmr Dassault, G, fmr Dassault, David, labr Dassault, George, labr Dassault, Louis, labr Eagle, W, rancher and storekeeper Fefter, George, fmr Felker, W, stock raiser Frost, W, rancher Gaff, — , labr Gercob, Rev, St Joseph's !>IiBsion Gonhson, — , blacksmith Grsnardy, Jos, fmr Grsnardy, Thomas, fmr Grsnardy, C, fmr Grsnardy, G, fmr LeBossiIre, — , fmr LeJacyra, Rev, St Joseph's Mission McCallum, — , miner Murphy, P, fmr Murphy, G, fmr Pablo, T, fmr Paxton, Thomas, rancher >^ Pinchbeack, — , fmr Pedro, — , labr Peytavin, Rev, St Joseph's Mission Rose, F, rancher Sandiayo, G, rancher Stein, George, fmr Vieth & Borland, storekeepers and ranchers WINDERMERE. Postmaster, Jambs Stoodart. In the East Kootenay District and Dominion Electoral District of Yale-Kootenay. Nearest telegraph Iron and Braat foundert, General Maehinttt*. All Kindt of SepaWe, Zand and Marino. M^«AUIO. • • • BRITISH COLUMP!^. Victoria T: »t an WIN and express 100 miles. ' communicat wagon road Barnias, John, Botfield, Willi) Brown, James, Brown, Erastu Brown, O A, ni Cameron, Hon Cannon H J, f Cautner, Eugei Chamberlin, \^ Clark, Edward Clark, Wiiliam Contuve, I), fre Cridge, W, agt GasBick, Join, Geary, Geo, Wi Gordon, H G, fi Gordon, J G, fn Gordon, Capt, f Gordon, Hugh, Harris, John, fi Hawley, Kleeso Hawby, Charles Humphries, Mr Humphries, M Lake Humphries, Ed The Grange • Jackson, Robert Jarmagar, G, mi Johnston, Edwa Johnston, Edwa Jonnesan, Geort Kempton, David Kirkpatrick, Wi Lacey, W, minei Lamour, David, Lewis, Charles, i McKay, Colin C, McKay, James fi McKay, John, fn McKay, John, J. McKinnian, Hug Movijean, Baptie Packard, J, free i Paige, William, i Paige, T P, free n Rodgers, James, Stoddart, James, Stoddart, Miss, ] Taggart, Walter, Tainton, John, fn Tainton, William Taynton, John, fr Tegart, A W, fmr SeeoorBoys'Snitsi J Victoria TraHSfdr G0«| Ltdi ^"^S^JS Oi^n, HoraM^anS V^Udes. 9t and 98 Broughton Btreet, Vietoria, B. C, Telephone 199. WIN BBITIBH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. YAL 203 and express office Golden, distant 100 miles. The principal means of communication is by steamer and wagon road from various points. Barnias, John, fmr Botfield. William, fmr Brown, James, labr Brown, Erastus A, free miner Brown, O A, miner Cameron, Horace J, fmr Gannon H J, fmr Cautner, Eugene, miner Chamberlin, William, fmr Clark, Edward, fmr Clark, William, cattle rancher Contuve, I!, free miner Crid^e, W , agt str Duchess GasBick, Join, carpenter Geary, Geo, Windermere hotel Gordon, H G, fmr Gordon, J G, fmr Gordon, Capt, fmr Gordon, Hugh, fmr Harris, John, fmr Hawley, Kleeson, free miner Hawby, Charles M, miner Humphries, Mrs, Columbia Lake Humphries, Miss Rosa, Columbia Lake Humphries, Edward, cattle ranch, The Grange - Jackson, Robert, fmr Jarmagar, G, miner Johnston, Edward, fmr Johnston, Edward T, fmr Jonnesan, Georee, fmr Kempton, David, storekeeper Kirkpatrick, William, miner Lacey, W, miner Lamour, David, fmr Lewis, Charles, free miner McKay, Colin C,fmr McKay, James fmr, McKay, John, fmr McKay, John, J.P., fmr McKinnian, Hugh, miner Movijean, Baptiste, fmr Packard, J, free miner Paige, William, free miner Paige, T P, free miner Rodgers, James, fmr and freighter Stoddart, James, Windermere hotel Stoddart, Hiss, postmistress Ta^gart, Walter, fmr Tainton, John, fmr Tainton, William, fmr Taynton, John, fmr Tegart, A W, fmr YALE. Postmaster, David J. Creighton. In the Dominion and Provincial Electoral District of Yale, is one of the principal stations on the main line of the C.P.R. Has daily mails, also a telegraph and express office. Yale is 102 miles from Vancouver. Alway, John, gardener Anderson, George, mgr Railroad house Bowlanger, John, miner Brown, J, pensioner Bradley, Wm F, miner Carbella, Ricardo, labr C.P.R Castle, August, miner Castle, Martin, section foreman C.P.R Greigrhton, David J, postmaster and general store Croucher, Rev C, C. of E. clergyman De Cham plain, Louis D, miner Dodd, Wm, mining recorder and govt agent Davis, P, miner Dugan, William, watchman C.P.R Donaldson, Joe, miner Siwaah cr Donoghue, John, section hand C.P.R Dun' r, C T, miner Siwash cr Du I itnes, miner Edwur>i^ (ieorge, gardener Ellis, George, miner Elwood, Jaiiies, engineer Flann, Thomas, bioneinason C.P.h' Eraser, James A, gent'eman Geisler, Mrs K, fmr Gerow, D H, miner Gillard, Edward, labr C.P.R Gillard, John, miner Gillard, Wm, stonemason C.P H Haig, Thos, miner Hall, Chas, labr Halluburt, C H, miner Harris, J E, section foreman C.P.P HoUoway, Doc, miner Hopkirk, H, stonemason C.P.I' Hudson, I C, fmr Hudson, Joshua, fmr Innes, George, stonemason C.P.R Johnston, Mrs I, storekeeper Johnston, R L, storekeeper Kai Kee, merchant Lange, Gust, miner ^ Lawrie, L E, C.P.R. timekeeper Lewis, A H, agt C.P.R MacLaren, W H, supt Prince Albert Flat Hvdraulic Mining Co Masher, Chns, miner T E X A S L A K £ I C E c o A' c o u V E B B O li l! fl .1:1' r ! \ K;\ m See our Boys' Ms ana Oyercoats. Best assortieut in tlie City. !!iElf[J!!!i!l!] rUXIAm * Co., 07 JOUNMH ST.. VICTOKIA. 1v r- T. .T OriTi13 ^""t '<*'' ^* Canadian Fira Ina. Co., llie London * Canadian fV •* •. „ V*^** "'* *■•• Co., Ltd, The Federal Life Asa. Co., The J. ft J. Taylor. Safes acd Vault Doors. SecreUry of tbe Royal City Bnilding Society, Secy-Treas. oTtbe Standard Loan and Savings Co. "' *~ " "* " CO CO PQ§ Jg NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. 204 YAL BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRBCTOHY. TAI( McDonald Coll, stonemapon C.P.B McDonald, H D, miner McFarlane, Peter, labr McKenzie, Joe, mechanic McKenzie, \Vm, watchman Meyers, Ghas, watchman Miller, Miss, teacher All Hallows school Montgomery, James, bridge carpt C.P.R Moody, Mies, teacher All Hr'lows school O'Dea, Dan, labr C.P.R Patten, C W, miner Patten P A, miner Quinn, John, watchman C.P.R Rablim, Thomas, bartender Railroad house Reveslach, Mrs Jessie, hotel keeper Reynolds, W W, miner Roddick, J. P. miner Rodney, George, D miner Sharpe, C, miner Shepherd, Samuel, public school teacher All Sister Alice, All Hallows school Sister Margaret, All Hallows school Sister Superior, All Hallows school St«nner, Ghas, labr Stout, Edward, miner Swallows, George, messenger Hallows school Talbot, George, labr C.r.it Teague, William, J. P AValkey, Ed, stone mason, C.P.R Ward, W H, propr Station hotel White, Chas, labr White, Wm, sawyer Wilson, Washington, miner Williams, Dr J R, physician, &c YOUNG. {See Saanich.) POSTHABTEB, fl. R. YoUNG. A postal settlement in East South Saanich, in the Dominion Electoral District and Provincial of Victoria. Principal industry, farming. DieORY OF THE WORLD THE ONLY DIRECTORY LIBRARY IN THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IS TO BE FOUND AT THE OFFICE OF HeB.C.OFFICIilDlffllMJictotia THE LIBRARY IS FURNISHED WITH THE DIRECTORIES OF THE WORLD UP TO DATE. A NOMINAL FEE CHARGED FOR USE OF LIBRARY. u jj. TRAPP & CO., Haiiware, Paints, Oils anil AiEriciiltiiral Iiilemts. "'*' P^i!^^^<^ Strwt, raw WBSTMINSTiCB, B »" feii /Bbarcue TOttolfe, COMMERCIAL STREET. NANAIMO, CI. C. • • • inancial an^ (3encra;l Gommiedion ^flSroUer. FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE. i CIT'K' AND r ARM PROPERTY A SPBGlAl^'rYr. J[)e ^ity /^uetiop I^ooms. H. FOIRESTER & CO. - /IUCTI0NEER5, ^ (Local and Provi>' -tial,) Estate ^geiits aiid Qenerai Commission J^ercliaiits. C^rv-«3^ Auction Sales conducted at the ^' '"' lart or at Owner's Residence in any -^*^ — inc lIBKARY iS l-URNISHEDonsof Stock, Merchandise, <fco. WORLD UP TO DATE. ^S^ ID FARMING PROPERTY 0)1 H^ND. I.TRAPP& CO., Hardware,; Columbia Street, Nl i^ZjESag: W. K. LEIGHTON FINANCIAL AND INSURANCE AGENT. F*. O. BOX 104. Nanaimo, b. c. * AQB5NT ROR Royal, London & Lancashire, XpN- DON AND Canadian, PAcenix of Hart- FORD Fire Insurance Companies. B. C. Land and Investment Agency, {aLLSOP ft MASON.) B. C. Corporation Co., X^TD. (ROBERT WARD ft CO.) DOnON BUUiSM AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF TORONTO. Money to Loan at Current Rates of Interest. Shamrock livery Stables L. O'BRIAN -; _ Teamster Drayman B5VBRYTH1NQ SPNTIRB^kY NBW. Van Meets til Trains and Steimrs aad n Iid4 to Order at uy Hour. First'ClaM Tarnottfai at Reasonable Rates. TSLEPHONB No. 8. • yMoriaCmceiiUHii8liiHi,.B.G. -!: i r-. ; ''• .'/ I V T 1 ' •>, I i Ji 9) !, h\ 1 r ^ ^^! V • 1 i '■ t¥Ji^' i N li s f ili ,1 1 i» u i ^i?i B, |i'« I m^.r 'li! li, Ji If ■1 1 -blMZXSD- Head Offlees, TORONTO, ONT. Works. PET£BBOBO and HAHII/TON, ONT. Braneh Stores, HALIFAX, N. 8., HONTBEAL, QUE., r WINNIPEG, MAN., and GBANVILLB STREET; - VANCOUVER, B. C* ControUios ezdnslvely all rlgtata for Canad* for tbe sale and nanntactnre of tb« myousTONi edison, m d wood systems Of BUetrltat App€tratu» for SUetrte Zlghtifuf, Steetrie MaiUi>at/.» AimI JBfeetrfoal Tran«mi«*ioH o/Pewer. Fall 8tii.ply of Lamps, Wire Sockets, Meters, Trapsformers, Bwitehes, etc., etc., carriM at all branch stores. Address all correspondence to the Company at nearest branch office. CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., LTD, - VANCOUVER, B. C. W. KEDDT, Proprietor* CARRIAGES. ♦ BUGGIES, . » « SADDLE * • • * *»« HORSES,* And stages. * .*I.'*^»i«*^>^^M-^ ± rfrr*~ - TO LET - ^ •j^tAf'.^^ikffi^ CHAPEL aXBSET, KANAIMO, B. C. and 24 THE UBADJ.JX& BIOTOLE XIBM. -^1 >„j THERE ARE NO 'CYCLES MADE SUPERIOR TO THE CATALOGUES FREE. Centaur, Premier, AND Raglan and very few approach them in Speed, Design, Durability and Finish. World's novice one mile record, 2.28 ; world's twenty*five mile road recxird, 61 minutes ; five mile N.C.U. championship ; nine-tenths of all English Chal- lenge Cups, and thousands of other races won on these machines. f e van! mjoiisilile jHshiBg MBrGMBts or others to re- present us at mry Iffljor- taut pint in B.G. X. 0. BIUi, il0r> 'Oyole Dept. GEO, F. BOST^?VICK, Oanadian R.epre9»ntativ«, ' ' ' ■'. I ■ ....... 24 Front Street, W, - XoRONTO. II ii A i\ I I ■ I t.if? ^ffj :!'i 1 ' »S ;i I :;i ; IMi ! • ;' m n r / : I : k! !ii ;h: r iC- % % ]l'mi 1 if : 1; ^1: 4.^ »i' •^ VICTORIA AND HANAIMO ^ FOR FURTHER PARTfCULARS SEE COMPANY'S TIME TABLES. A. DUNSMUIB, JOSEPH HUNTER, PRKSlOENT. GENERAL SUPT. H. K. PBIOB, GENERAL FREIGHT AND PASSENGER AGENT. DIRECTORY LIBRARY. The want of • OlMMCXOttX X.XBSAXr ta one whioh hu been lieenlr felt by the bttdnew men ol this Piovinoe. Britlth Colnmbie'a trade with almoet every quarter oi the world U rapidly growing, and It It of the utmost Importance that our merohanu>iioiild be in a poeltion to obtain the addrenea of reliablel firms abroad. Such a library is now available to tbe puitUo. A amall eharge it made for eonsulting any of the following, among other direetories now at onr ofBce. Calveras County • California. Annam Baltimore. Birlcenhead England. Birmingham....'. England. Brandon, :....'. ..Manitoba. Bristol , . -situ 'i .England. British North BorAeo. ..\ Calgary ..-Jl. W.T. Cambodia ; Camden .N.J. Cochin China. / OhiOago lUlnois. CoMa... Dartmouth ^...... ....;.N. S. Edinburgh Scotland. OlaMtow....... V. Hcotland. HtOOax •....;.. :..... N.8. Hamilton..... J Ontairo. BawatlittJCtngdom.. . . . : Honkong. ChfJia, Honolulu ; H.I. Idaho, Bute of....; .....: . .U. S. A Japan I-elth ......Scotland. Xeeds. -. '.England liTerpool .u . . ., England. London Ont. iMfion (Eng.) roat Offlte Direotory Maeao... MiOayStoaiia.... , -,;,• -j-u Manchester England Manitoba ! Mchta. & Bhippers GniiXe of the World, Kelley's Montreal..., , «. New York North West Territories Oregon , State of PWridelphia. Phillipine........v..,..v>....... Portland Oregon Portland Maine Balem & Gloucester Co N.J SaltLakeGlty s Ban Francisco San Joaquin ; Sarawak Scotland ......j, Seatttle-.^ Washington. Sheffield England Siam.. Mpokane Falls SUnilaua County Oal. St.Jqhn8 .New Foundland. Stockton City ;... Bt. Paul .Minnesota Strait Settlements Sydney , N. S, W. Australia. I'anoma Tonkin , Toronto « Tuolumne County. vr .Cal. Washington, State of Wladiwostock i Winnipeg Manitoba. Tokohama .China. W New HREl NAN FamoQ THESE THE NAI unequalled b' coke. „ THE SOtJ Paciac. . THE NEV clean, bard- ca moat eeonomii The sevemir and De •sCOAL Hria:3C= New TaDcoBver Coal Mining ani lanJ Co. lilMITEB. (FORMERLY THE VANCOUVER COAL COMPANY) ARE m LARfiEST com PRODUCERS Oi THE PACIHC COAST, ^ '■"""-■ ^ ■ NANAIMO COAL FamoQB Gas and House Coal. NEW WELLINGTON COAL Favorite House and steam Fnel. SOUTHEIELD COAL steam Fnel. THESE COALS ABE MINED BY THIS COMPANY ONLY, AND BY UNION LABOR. THE NANAIHO COAL givM a large percentage of gaa, a high illuininatlng power, unequaUed by any other bitmninona gaa coala in the world, ana a anperlor quality of coke. THK SOUTHFIELD COAL ia now need by aU the leading ateamahip linea on the Pacific. THE NEW WELLINGTON COAL ia the tevorite ftael ftor doneatie pnrpoaea. It ia a dean, hard-coal, makca a bright and cheerfiil fire, and ita laating quailtiea make it the moat economical fuel in the itaarket. toba. Una. The seveml mines of the Company are connected with their wharves at Nanaimo and Departure Bay, where shipB of the largest tonnat^ are loaded-at all stages of the tide. Special despatch is given to mail and ocean steamers. SAMUEL M. ROBINS, - Superintendent NAN AUO, TANCOGTSB ISLAND, B. C. .'Ull f> I W. E. MoOARTNET MANAGER. Coinstsrcial St, NANAIIO, 6. G. STANLBY HOUSE &EMEBAL DRY GOODS DRESS MAKING A SPECIALTY. SELL FOR CASH ONLY. O. E. STEVENSON A Oo. MA.KIAIMO, B. O. INTERNATIONAL -HOTEL- PBTBR WBIOI^B, - Prop YictOTia Crescent, NANAIMO, B. C. WHITriELD'S The Cheapest Cash Store in the City -....-.- 30 Yietoria CreseeDt, NANAIllO,aC. The Box Clothing Co. T. L. BROWNE k CO. IMPORTERS of MEN'S and BOYS' FURNISHING GOODS; ETC. i. i (. Tiotoria Greweut, NANAIMO,B.G. CEESCENT HOTEL J. BENNETT. Proprietor. Cor. rictorla ul wuieli crnciit, imlio. B,C. Fire>Proof Brick Building- First-Class Accomnnodati«n, One Dollar a day and upwards ae- cpr4|ng to rooms. Nanaimo Meat Market . victoria Croacent, NanalmOt B* C. HULL BROS. & Co., Proprfdtors. WHOLmiE AID lETAIL BIMM' iratutimo, M4rlhft«ta nitd ITflMwfMW' Doalera in all kind* of Meats, VegstablM, Etc. Hotels and aMppinK enppUfd at abort notice. Bleata deliverea tn» of charge to any part of tbe city or dlatrlct. VANHOUTEN&RANDLE HlKDWin VEBOUlltS Stoves, Tinware, Paints, Oils, V&i- nish»9, Etc. Commercial St., HANAIMO, B. C. TelepUone Call 3-a. --THE-- Hotel WILSON nanaimo. b. c. Walter Wilson, - Prop. CITY MARKET, HEMANS ft WAMSLET. WHWiLE AND RETAIL BDTGHEIL^, Ooxnxxierolal Str«*t, li&SSSe^: NANAIMO, B. C. Heats delivered free of charce throughout city, olio Northfleld and Bast Wellington. PA] TH DR. Cor. Bastii o Bestanra] W.'lN coM^ Edwa All Ki Vbq] Goramereia Nana \v. PALACB^ •^HOTEL TH0BIA8 PETERS, • Prop. SUlMI Street, HAMIIO,B,C. DR. D. MACLEOD, OFFICE : Cor, Bastion aM Comiaercial Streets, Johnson's Building. 4 CRITERION Restaurant -aM- Oyster -House W. H. PHILPOTT, Prop. COMMBRCIAL ST. If ANAIHO, B. C. Edward Quennell COSMOPOLITAN MARKH. Ai^x, Kinds ok NIe&a.ts* VBQB5TAB]L,BS, E>TO. Commercial St., NAITAIMO, B. C £ BARRISTERS, ETC. Nanaimo, B. C. C. H. BARKER, B. A. BARRISTER, ETC. NANAIMO, B. C. Try the Nanaiino Enterprise Cigar ! P. GABLE Mannractnrer of Fine Harana Clears 14AMA.IIWIO, B. O. NiiiiiMo STUM umm vms. RALPH CRAIG GENERAL . BLACKSMITH • AND CARRIAGE BUILDER. Bastion St. Bridgre, Nanaimo, B. G. ^=I-X-L UVERY= SALE & FEED STABLES ■ THOMPSON & SCOYILLE. Chapel Street, NANAII0,6.C. A. R. JOHNSTON fi CO. — Importen and DMien in— FfiOYISMS AND FARl PRODUCE NANAIMO. 13. O. I' V * . 'M il li k w 1 ■ 1 ( 1 ■JV: ?nm WE '■^ : 1 5( r ! 1-; it t "i :ii i I n I , !;" ■ ' ■ - ■ ■ .■ ^ ■■ ■ ■. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY A<r<!p«aw ani MttgUah OMOOXSIXB, WiyjBa and. IiXQVOBC, JVee and in nond. VICTORIA, B. O. NANAIHO OITY DIBECTOHY. 206 CITY OF NANAIMO. The citizens cf Nanaimo will this year celebrate the twentieth anni- versary of incorporation. Very many of those whose names appear in the directory of the Coal City, can re- member the struggle there was at the time incorporation was first mooted, and although some of them were then opposed to the assumption of municipal management, all will now concede that the move was one in the right direction. The progress made since the date of incorporation has been as steady as it has been conspicuous. Only about ten years before this event, Nanaimo and its suburbs were the property of the Hudson Bay Co., held by virtue of a special Crown ^ant. From those pioneers of the Province, the New Vancouver Coal Mining& Land Com- pany purchased all rights, and at once set to work to develop the rich coal beds, and make their newly-ac- quired property the Newcastle of the Far West. That they have succeeded, the Nanaimo of to-day shows. The city ie charmingly situated on elevated grouna, and enjoys first- class harbor accommodation. Its mainstay is coal mining. In the "black diamond" a very extensive and ever increasing trade is carried on, the output of the mines being ad- mittedly the best coal on the Pacific Coast. Not alone is the home mar- ket liberally supplied from this source, but immense quantities of coals are shipped to foreign ports. The mines are worked on the most approved principle, and those en- gaged at tnem form the bulk 'of a prosperous and happy community. With an abundant supply of coal, and iron of high grade in the immed- iate vicinit}[, there is doubtless a gieat future in store for the city. The numerous other industries which naturally follow successful mining operations, are being established — slowly, it is true, but surely. Foun- dries, machine shops, saw mills, etc., are among the number, and all are doing well, while stores representing every branch of business are to be found within the city. The affairs of Nanaimo are well looked after by a popular mayor, and an energetic board of aldermen,who8e efforts are handsomely seconded by an efficient staff of oflBcers. The city is lighted by electricity and gas, both illuminants being well patron- ized. There is also an excellent sys- tem of waterworks — ample for fire protection as well as domestic use, and an effi'tient fire brigade. The ed- ucational advantages of the Public School system are fully enjoyed by the citizens, who can boast of a first- class high school &9 well as sever- al schools for minor branches of instruction. The spiritual welfare of the people is also well looked after, the different denominations being represented . All the well established friendly and benificary nocietiea flour- ish in Nanaimo — indeed almost every man belongs to one or other of them. That the citizens have faith in the future of their city, is manifested by the class of public and private build- itigs which have been erected and the proportions of those contem- plated. The wooden structures which did service in the past, are rapidly being torn down to give place to Tuore sightly and 8ubst^.ltial brick buildin(;s, and a wholesome spirit of competition has thus been aroused. In the newer portions of the cit^ — residential and business — the build- ^ings are all of a high class order, and tend to make the place look very attractive as viewed trom the harbor. What are known as the five-acre lota have been in such demand, that new sections are being surveyed and mapped out, and will no doubt be cleared as soon as allotted, affording homes for hundreds. The calm and land-locked bay is secured from the force of all storms, by Qabriola, Newcastle, Protection era C?«3 99 ei9 TBOMAS HARDY Next to tha CrMcent Hotal, Vic- DAT y Mfr ADT^rrTCT torla CfMcmt. NANAIMO. DU 1 iilut l/ll U lIulO 1 TlM OcUtemtad IllllllirO Blood Pwli«>. ^ * BEDDING AND WAXX PAPEBS. MA.KA.11^0. - O PQ o h CO » W te CO si O Q O 206 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRBCTOBY. and the surrounding i8lands,but there are two clear channels for passage into the Straits available at all seasons of the year,and at every stage of the tide. There are no bars to navigation, and the anchoratte is good. Some of the largest steamships and sailing vessels frequent the port, and are loaded with facility and despatch at the great wharves. The Esquimau & Nanaimo Hall- way runs from Victoria to Nanaimo, through a rich and well settled country. There is also regular steam- boat communication with the princi- pal ports on the island and mainland. The population of the city according to last census, was 4,695, but since that date there has been a consider- able increase. Municipal Officers. City Cleric, Treasurer, Assessor and Collector, Samuel Gough; Police Magistrate, J. P. Planta, J. P. ; Chief Constable of the city, Thos. O'Oon- nell; City Police, Sergt. G. H. Gibbs and Special Officers ; Citv Survevor, A. R.Heyland, C.E. ; Street Super- intendent, Benjamin Baker ; Health Officer, E. A. Praeger, M.D. Provincial Officials. County Court Judge for County of Nanaimo, Eli Harrison, jr. ; Govern- ment Agent, District Registrar of Supreme Court, Registrar of County Court, Births, Marriages and Deaths, etc.. Marshal Bray ; Assessor and Collector for Electoral Districts, Mark Bate ; Judge of Court of Revision un- der Assessment Acts, and Official Administrator for County of Nana- imo, J. P. Planta ; Chief Provincial Constable and Gaoler for District, William Stewart ; Sheriff for County of Nanaimo ana Assistant Gaoler, Samuel Drake ; Convict Guard and Constable, Archibald Hamilton; Constable for district, Alex. McKin- non; Government Inspector of Mines, Archibald Dick ; Stipendiary Magistrate and Coroner for Counties of Nanaimo and Victoria, J. P. Planta. Banks and Bakkbrs. — Refer to Index. Chubchrs. — See Clerical Directory. Fire Department. Trustees — Geo. Norris, R. Nightin- fale, J. H. Pleace. Treasurer — Geo. Forris. Secretary — Walter Ross. Steward— Jesse Sa^e. Chief — J. H. Scales. First Assistant — J. Parkin. Second Assistant — A. Cassell. Engi-' neer — Robt. Wenbom. Assistant Engineer — A. Shaw, jr. Cemeteries. Nanaimo Public Ceubtery. — Adja- cent to, but ouside the city limits on south side of Comox road, is under tbe Deed of Gift from the Vancouver Coal Company. The Councillors for the time oeing of Nanaimo Corporation are Trustees for the management, which is regulated by a special by-law, en- acting rules and a scale of fees for in- terments.etc. The City Clerk, Samuel Gough, is Secretary to the Trustees. Old Cehbtbry — Disused, southeast corner of Comox Road, Wallace street. Roman Catholic CBMETERY-South- west corner of McCleary and Fitz- william streets. Hospitals. The Nanaimo Hospital is a very worthy institution, and is liberally supported by Government grant and private subscription . The committee of management consists of nine mem- bers, two of whom are named by the Government and five by the subscrib- ers to the institute. City Council, .1803. Mayor, A. Haslam ; Councillors, J.R.Craig, R. Nightingale, W.Keddy, E. Quennel, J. Gonner, W. Hilbert, J. H. Cocking, G. McKennell, and J. Frome. Board of Trade. President. W. H. S. Perkins; Vice- President, George Williams; Secre- tary-Treasurer, Marcus Wolfe ; Coun- cil, A. R. Johnston, W. K. Leighton, Dr. Praeger, T. W. Glaholm and E. M. Yarwood. Postal Arrangements. Postofflce, Front St. Postmaster, A. H. Home; assistant, Miss Mowat. Office open from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. except Sandays. OZASXirOB B. T. DOBKSON. N. W. D0BB8ON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Irmn »n4 Bras» founder*, Oenerat MmthlnUtt . Jill Kindt of Bepatrt, Lnnd ciimI Mmrtne. NANAIMO, • • BKITISH COLUMBIA. Tri The Esquin way runs froi with stations along the line GEC Sstablleh NANAIi Aaronson, Mrs : mercial Aaronson, Barn ney's ciitar bo Abrams, James, Adams, Ci.as. ja Church St, bdi Adams, R, mine Adams, S, minei Adams, W, min( Adams, W, mint Aickens, H, min Aiken, F, miner, Aiken, H, boo! bds Robson Aikenhead, Mrs Aikenhead, W, t( Aitken, Miss Bes Oomerford, bd( Aitken, D, miner Aitken, F, butch tan Market, Fit Aitken, H, grocer Ores, bds Hotel Aitken, Jae, bottl Kennedy bea: ster, wat. . m. BETTER COMB TOUR HAIR with the Best Combs in Town . . SOLO ONLY AT THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE • ■ OZAMBJrCB SliOOK, COB. TATBa Aim VOUOZAS STS., VIOTOBIA, B. C. NANAIMO CITY DIRECTORY. 207 Transportation. The Esquimau and Nanaimo Rail- way runs from Nanaimo to Victoria, witli stations at all important points along the line. There is also regular steamship communication with Vic- toria, Vancouver, New Westmin- ster, Portland, Alaska, North West Coast, and all the principal ports on the Sound. GEO. A. McBAIN & CO. REAL ESTATE BROKERS ^r Setablisl-Led 1888. NANAINIO, B. C. NANAIMO CITY DIRECTORY, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. (For Street Directory see End of List.) J Aaronson, Mrs B, fruiterer, 42 Com- mercial Aaronson, Barnett. tobacconist, Bar- ney's cigar box, 42 Commercial Abrams, James, clothier, Bridge Adams, C;.as. janitor Opera House, Church St, ods Opera House Adams, R, miner, Halliburton Adams, S, miner, 72 Milton Adams, W, miner, Halliburton^ Adams, W, miner, 139 Nicol Aiokena, H, miner, 26 Gillespie Aiken, V, miner, 60 Albert Aiken, H, bookkeeper McMillan's, bds Kobson Aikenhead, Mrs M, Wallace Aikenhead, W, teamster, Wallace Aitken, Miss Bessie, tailoressM. <Sc C, Comerford, bds Fraser Aitken, D, miner, 16 Gillespie Aitken, F, butcher bo^, Gosmopoli- tan Market, Fitzwilham Aitken, H, grocers' clerk, 16 Victoria Ores, bds Hotel )Vtl8on Aitken, Jae, bottler Iiimpire BreWery, Kennedy Aitken, Jas, miner, Fraser Aitken,Wm, tailor, Morgan & Comer- ford, Commercial, bds Fraser Akenhead, Mrs, 22 Milton Akenhead, W, paper carrier, Free Press, Selby Alder, W, miner, Five-Acre blks Alexander, D, electrician, 68 Nicol AUardyce, J L, electrician, Robaon Allen, H, miner, Irwin Allen, J B, butcher, Haliburton Allen, J, miner, Haliburton Allison, J, clogmaker, Victoria rd Allison, Jos, jr, clerk A E Planta & Co, 46 Commetcial, bds Victoria rd Allison, J W, clejrk, Victoria rd Allsopp, H, miner, Nicol AUverson, C, miner, 26 Irwin Alsgaard, Evan, labr, Milton Alsgaard, Michael^ carptener, Milton Anderson, A C, miner, Kennedy Anderson, Miss A, dressmaker A A Richardson, 69 Commercial, Five- Acre lots Anderson, S, longshoreman, Victoria Cros Anderson, T, P boxes V.C. Co, 18 Dickson O m SCO o go s< SB < i I aO O M O n S SOD Cm °^% "m 1=0 a' o TJ m O L M. BEATTIE, AUaiOMR, Vancouver, B. C. 1 1 i .rf.^rWfi T. D0BE80N, N. W. DOBESON. NANAIRAO FOUNDRY, Iron and Bratt roundera, Oeneral Xaehtnttta. All Kinds of Mepairt, Land and Marine, NANAIMO, - • BRITISH COLUMBIA. QQ O h 06 O n ^ § o i e ^ -M •N > rt iT d) ^ • H ■^ S H h^ CO "be SS Trt tp^ d d 8S 02 Sn v« SS •«iS TS Otj O H^ i/J ns bn B en 2 -« 9 © •« i^ b£ p ^ •i-i be g o © e •-H rt fe >— 3 r CJU <S l" IH 4 ^li 38 -5 <? gsi .^ae ANL Ewen Ci3« ■MHi 4 01 SS i S % :S "^4 s |ad^ CO 208 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTOHY. Anderson, W, miner. Five- Acre blks Anderson, Wm, engr, Mt View hoteli Newcastle townsite Andrew, J, miner, 193 Haliburton Andrews, S, miner, 191 Nicol Andrews, Wm F, carriage maker, Kennedy Auciiony, Chas, carpenter, Prideaux Arbert, mason, bds 20 Kennedy Armour, Tiios, cook Nanalmo restnt, Commercial, Nanaimo hotel Armstrong, I ,T, blacksmith, Cavan Armstrong, T J, carpenter, Richard Arrastrong, T J, carpenter, Selby Ashlar Lodge, No. 3, B.C.R., A. F. & A.M., cor Commercial and Skinner, Masonic hall Atkiss, Richard, miner, rms Milton Atlantic S.S. Lines, W B Den- nison agent, 67 Commercial Atlas Assurance Co of London, J M Rudd agent Aubrav, Jno, watchman sawmill, bds Mill' Australian S. S. Line, W B Dennison, agt, 67 Commercial st Avery, T, blacksmith, bds Bay View hotel Baker, G, hotel prop, Haliburton Balatti, A, miner, 103 Milton st Balfour, J, tailor, bds Prideaux st BttUoney , Miss Mary, dressmaker, N . E.P.S., bds Farquhar Balloney, Miss Rosie, dressmaker, N. E.P.S., bds Farquarhar Balmoral Hotel, J Hough,prop, Hali- burton Balo, A, miner, Nicol Balsa, J, miner, 164 Haliburton Bamfort, C, miner, Irwin, 4 Mon- day's cabin Bannerman, J R, miner, bds 94 Vic- toria rd Bank of British Columbia, G Williams, agt. Front Bannerman, T C, miner 94 Victoria rd Baptist Church, Rev E G Good, Grace Barbori, J, miner, Irwin Rardet, P, miner, Kennedy Barker, C H, barrister and solici- tor. No 2 Green blk, rms Comox rd Barker, Richard, bds Prideaux Barlow, G D, mgr A R Johnston & Co, cor Bastion and Skinner, Newcastle townsite Barnes, E C, carpenter, 28 Milton Barrettgatt, E, engine driver V. C. C. M., 36 Farquhar Barrett, E, elk McEain, real estate, Robson Barrett, T F, harness maker, Wallace Burnett, W, compositor Free Press office, bds FitzwiUiam Bartlett, J, plasterer, Kennedy Bartlett, S, mason, 20 Kennedy Bartol, W, miner, 25 Farquhar Bate, J A, clerk postoffice, bds Wal- lace and Albert Pate, Mark jr, cashier V. C. Co, h 68 Esplanade Bate, Mark sr, J . P., gov office, 28 Wallace, cor Albert Bate, W C, engineer, Finlayson Bates, W Armstrong, miner, bds Prideaux Batson, W, plumber, Nicol Batson, W, tinsmith, J H Pleace, 5 Commercial Bay View Hotel, I B McKeen, prop, Victoria rd B C Corporation Co ltd, W K Leigh- ton aget. Green blk, h Church B C Land Investment Agenoy, W K Leighton agent, Green blk. Church Beaton, A, carpenter, bds, 156 Far- quhar Beaton, H, teamster, bds Skinner Beckley, D H, butcher, Haliburton, h Kennedy Bell, G, engineer, 53 Irwin Bell, Miss H, dressmaker, 56 Selby Bell,, JAW, book-keeper N. saw- mill, bds Wallace Bell, J, miner, Nicol Bell, J, pusher V. C.Co., bds 53 Irwin Bell, Jno W, foreman N. sawmill, Wallace Bell, R, motor driver V. C. Co.. bds 53 Irwin Bell, R, miner, 35 Irwin Belloni, B, miner, 154 Farquhar Bennett, E R, factory hand, sawsiill, bds Mill Bennett, Jas, prop Crescent hotel, h Crescent hotel Bennett, P, miner, bds 118 Nicol Bennett, R, miner, 118 Nicol Bennett, W, blacksmith, Kennedy Bennie, C, miner, 56 Prideaux '^i^0M ¥. - ummi : B. C. i^C' ^fV-;if*-^w;;r^(7N7>;-:^'i ■).■■ ton, 'r^^^* SUiS^ Mob ¥M 66. EJ*!-^ Buttbi NQ, '.-:-ai ^^ J"^^ m-:-^h vif:.^:m ^dif:<..!:.:':: iHWW'Mn-'' - JWIii|U[ll*>llNlll'''l' I' .<^«S»Ww™»^ HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY « '!!«1!L.=™ '''«»« NANAIHO CITY DIRECTORY. 209 Benton, Mrs A, Fry Bernard, T, teamster Union Brewery, bds Newcastle townaite Bern hard, F C, baker and confection- er, Comox rd Bernard, Tiieo, teamster Union Brewing Co, h Fourth Bertram, John, planer Nanaimo saw mill, h 38 Skinner Bertram, Mrs J N, dressmaker Sloan & Scott, 49 Commercial, h 27 Albert Besso, J, miner, Nicol Beveridge, Mrs E, 2 Prideaux Beveridge, T, engineer, h 2 Prideaux Beveridge, Wm, clothier, 62 Com- mercial, h Haliburton Bevilockway, Geo, general merchant, Commercial, h Skinner, P.O. box 44 Bevilockway, Wm, clerk G Bevilock- way, Commercial, bds Skinner BickerstaflF, Miss H B, head dressma- ker Sloan & Scott, 49 Commercial, bds Prideaux Biggs, H, miner, 24 Gillespie Biggs, W, miner, bds 94 Nicol Bill Poster, (City), Davis, Albert A, 27 Bastion Billy, R, plasterer and decorator, Franklyn, McCape's cabin Birchall, C B, real estate agent M Wolfe, Commercial, bds Richard Bissett, G, freight agent E. & N. R, Prideaux Bittincourt, Arthur, book-keeper Union bakery, bds Bastion Bittincourt, Walter, tobacco strip- per, 27 Bastion, bds Opera House Bloxham, Miss A, dressmaker, Prid- eaux Bloxheim, James, fruit, tobacco, &c, Victoria Cres, h Prideaux Board of Trade, M Wolfe, secre- tary ,Victoria Cres, Odd Fellows blk Bolton, H, miner, 97 Haliburton Bolton, T, miner, 97 Haliburton Bonatti, G, miner, Irwin Bone, E, miner, Haliburton Bone, Miss P, milliner Mrs Morgan, Commercial, h Franklyn Bone, S, miner, Eaton Bone, T H, driver Hull Bros, Vic- toria Ores, bds Franklyn Bone, W, miner, Franklyn Booker, T, miner, Five-Acre blks I Booth, A E, Nan Telephone Co, h cor Milton and Fitzwilliam Booth, Miss A L, tailoress, 46 Milcon Booth, Miss A M, 46 Milton Booth, J, blacksmith V. C, Co, 158 Farquhar Booth, Joseph, land surveyor. Bank Villa, cor Milton and Fitzwilliam Booth, R, miner, Selby Booth, R, miner, Kennedy Booth, Thos B, paper carrier. Free Press, Kennedy Booth, Thos, expressman, h cor Mil- ton and Wentworth Botley, H, boot and shoemaker, Franklyn Bowden, Jos Thos, miner, Newcastle townsite The Box Clothiner Store Co'y, T L Browne ft Co, Victoria Cres, P. O. box 131 Boyce, T, miner, 14 Gillespie Boyd, Neal, miner, 46 Dickson Bracken, T, Nan Soap wks. Commer- cial, bds Royal hotel Bradbury, M, miner. 1 Needham Bradley, B, minei; 20 McCleary Bradley, Miss Maggie, waitress Cen- tral hotel. Commercial, bds Cen- tral hotel Bradley, P, miner, Finlayson Bradshaw, — , miner, Nicol Bradshaw, .T, miner, 16 Fry < Bramlev, Mrs E, 47 Frv Brandoiini, G, miner, 154 Farquhar Bray, E, miner, 64 Prideaux Bray, Marshal E, Govt, agt, Robarts Bray, R, miner. 64 Prideaux Bray, Wm M, miner, h Milton Breiinan, Miss M, tailoress Morgan & Comerford, Commercial, rms Mil- ford Cres Brennan, P, miner, 58 Nicol Brennan, Richard,miner, bds Richard Briggs, G, miner, bds 37 Far(}uhar Brightman, S, butcher, 44 Milton Brighton, Mrs R, nurse, 48 Dickson Brighton,Miss S, waitress. Occidental, bds 48 Dickson Brittania Hotel, Robt & Thoa Hind- marsh, propsi 53 Commercial, P.O. box 57 Brooks, E C, photographer, 50 Vic- toria Cres Broomfield, Geo, bricklayer, bds Union Bakery Brown, D, miner, 98 Haliburton Brown. Hy, police officer. Skinner, b 27 Kennedy Brown, Miss I, teacher. Girls' Central School, 108 Haliburton COMAS HABDY 1,000 PUaiFlEB. r <5 -*■ ^ ^ JTeost Oretcent Hotel, Victoria Cre»e«nt NAJiAIMO, B. C. • BOl^ANIC DBUGGIST ■MW9M*waa«t'»»-«w,M**i*w,i f J'BPI ■ ^3V*1Sr|l Manufacturer and Importer of FurniiMlb • JIXJU JSXi A* X Carpets. BeddinR and Wall Paper . m zjn f O Q C^ O O o - NA.NA.IIVIO - - -EsTABLISHKD 1878- 210 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBEOTORY. Brown, Jas, cutter, Hemans & Wama- ley, 40 Commercial, h Milton Browu, watchmaker, Commercial, h Prideaux BrowR, Jas, butcher. City Market, h Milton Brown, J, laborer, Haliburton, bds Missionary Row Brown, J, carpenter, rms Milton Brown, J H, clerk, Sloan & Scott, Commercial, bds 20 Hecate Brown, J N, jeweller. Commercial, Irwin Brown, J Herbert, salesman, Sloan & Scott, Commercial, bds Prideaux Brown, R, miner, Prideaux Brown, T, carpt, Milton Browne, T L. The Box Clothing Store Co, Victoria Cres, bds Windsor House Brown, Wm J, sash and door factory, h 108 Haliburton Brownley, F, miner, bds 94 Nicol Bruce, C H, miner, bds 62 Victoria rd Bruce, H, expressman, bds Fitz- william Brunton, Mrs H, widow, Robarts Bryant, Jno, bartender, Old Flag Inn, Skinner and Bastion, bds Old Flag Inn Bryant, Miss M, school teacher, bds 123 Victoria rd Bryant, T, storekeeper, V. C. Co, Albert Bryant, W R, clerk, V.C.Co, 123 Vic- toria rd Buckle, T I, merchant tailor. Long Bridge, h 27 Skinner Buckle, Thomas, merchant tailor, Long Bridge, h Skinner Baoklee & Eden of London, Eng, painters, paperhangers, katsomin- ers, grainers, sign writers, glaziers, and general decorators,Comraercial Backlee,T W. painter, etc, (Buck- lee & Eden), Commercial, bds Fourth, Newcastle Townsite Buckstone, J, blksmith, bds 27 Ken- nedy Bulman, T, miner, Union ave Bulman, Joe, tailor, J A Caldwell, Commercial, bds Prideaux Bulman, W, boardinghouse keeper, Fitzwilliam Burchell, C B, clerk, bds 12 Rich- ard Burdett, W, laborer, 9 Nicol Burke, P, longshoreman, Haliburton Burke, S, tailor, J A Caldwell, Com- mercial Burnell, Chas. laborer, rms Rich- ard Burnett, Harold, compositor, Free Press, bds Bulman House, Fitz- william Busby, Fred,deliveryman, Hemans Sc Wamsby, 40 Commercial, bds Bay View House Byers, E, fireman, E Light Works, bds Bav View hotel Cain, J, lumberman, Cavan Cain, P, miner, bds 14 Selby Cairns, D, miner,7 Monday's Cabins, Irwin Calderhead, Mrs A, 16 Dickson Caldwell, J A, merchant tailor and gents" furnisher, Williams' block. Commercial, h Macleary, P. 0. box 112 Caldwell, J, tailor, 36 McCleary Caldwell, Jno, turner, sash and door factory, sawill, bds Mill Callaghan, J A, teiegrapli operator, Bastion, h Richard Calverly, Miss E, milliner's apren- tiee, D Spencer, Victoria Crescent, bds. Five- Acre blks Cameron, Angus, stableman. City Transfer Stables, Chapel, bds Hotel Wilson Campbell, A C, compositor. Free Press, bds Windsor House Campbell, G, fireman, V.C. Co, 22 Selbv Caaadian Pacifio Ry Freight and Ticket Office, W B Denn- ison, agt, 67 Commercial, h Com- mercial, P.O. box, 321 Canada Permanent Loanft Savinffs Company of roronto, Commercial, M Wolfe, agent C.P.R. Co's telegraph office, J A Cal- laghan, operator, Baston, P. O. box 400 Canadian Paoiflo S.S. Line to China and Japan, W B Dennison, agent 67 Commercial Garbonetta, A, millhand, bds Mill Carlow, Alex, Nanaimo sawmill, h Stewart ave Carpenter, G W, surveyor. 61 Irwin Carrol, H, miner, 106 Irwm I T. DOBIdON. N. W. nOBEBON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron and Brm»» JFoundera, General Maehiniete, All Kind» of Sepmirtt I/and and Marine. MAKAIMO, . BRITISH COLUBBBIA. POFULAfi PRICES AND BEST OF GOODS AT THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE Clarence Block, Cor. Yates and Douglas Sts., Victoria, B. C. NANAIMO CITY DIBEOTORY. 211 Carrol, J, motor driver, bds 78Nicol Carron, Jaa, msr Provincial hotel, Victoria Ores, bds Provincial hotel Garter, Mrs J, 19 Gillespie Carter, L W, clerk Van Houton & Randle, Commercial, bds Palace hotel Carveley, H, miner, Five-Acre blocks Carveley, J, miner, Five- Acre blks Carveley. W, miner, Five- Acre blks Case,E W,uphol8terer J.J. Sehl Free Press block, 16 Milton Cassady, Geo & Co, lumber yard, lumber, shinglet>, &c, Departure Bay rd, r New'castle townsit^ Cassle, A If, lineman Telephone Co, Free Press block, h Fraser Gavalsky, Geo, merchant, Prideaux Cawthorne, G, miner. Five- Acre blks Gensi, A, miner, bds 164 Farqahar Central hotel, J A Thompson prop. Commercial, P.O. box 166 Chadwick, Sml, miner, h Fraser Chadwick, Jno, miner, h Union ave Challinor. Arthur, clerk Chas Demp- ster & Co, Commercial, h Dickson Challinor, S, mine trapper V.C. Co Challinor, W, miner, Dickson Chambers, E V, comp Free Press, h Kennedy Chapman, miner, bds 82 Prideaux Charmon, Miss E, saleslady Stanley House, h 67 Wentworth Charman, Miss F, dressmaker, b 67 Wentworth Charlton, C, dyer, 14 Nicol, bds 70 Irwin Charlton, F, prop steam dye works, 14 Nicol, bds 70 Irwin Charman, H, carp'ter, 67 Wentworth Chief of Police T O'Connell, Gkinner, P.O. box 258 Chisholm, Jas, millhand, bds Mill Churchill, G, miner, 143 Haliburton Chutt, Chas, barkeeper Windsor house, Church, bds Windsor house Citizen's Building Society, M Wolfe, secretary, Commercial City Clerk (S Goagh), assessor and collector, cor Bastion and Skinner, P.O. box 59 City Hall, Council Chambers, cor Bastion and Skinner City Market, Hemans<& Wamsley props, 40 Commercial, P.O. box 227 Clark, A £, deliveryman Tea Co, 11 Victoria Cres, bds Prideaux Clark, M G, carpenter, 36 Wentworth Clark, Mrs M, housecleaner, h Bridge Clarke, D J, labr, Crescent hotel Clarke, J, miner L.V.C. Co, bds Dickson Clarke, M D, labr, 27 Prideaux Clarkson, H, miner, bds 139 Nicol Cleveland, Nat. millwright, bds Mill Clinton, Mrs A G, Veronica Home, 127 Victoria rd Coburn, J, conductor E.N.R.R., bds 26 Richard Coburn, S, teamster, 26 Richard Coburn. Wm, grocer, Long Bridge Cocking, J H, Alderman, prop Nan T. & L. stables, h 133 Nicol Cocking, J H, teamster and express- man, Haliburton Code, A, miner. Fry Coe, Thos, painter N. & C. Co, h Prideaux Cohen, Jas, barber. Long Bridge, bds Palace hotel Collen, F, miner, Dickson Collett, Minnie, Lieutenant Salva- tion Army, Skinner, bda S.A.O. Headquarters Collier, G, miner, 38 Kennedy Collin, E, plumber, bds 86 Nicol Collin, F, miner, 86 Nicol Collin, J, miner, Kennedy Collin, N, telephone operator, bds 86 Nicol Collins, Noel, night oper Telephone Co, Free Press blk, r Nicol CoUishaw, J, miner, Five-Acre blks Comerford, Thos, tailor. Commercial, Hotel Wilson Commercial Hotel, Mrs P Sabiston prop. Commercial and Bastion Commeroial Union Assurance Co, A E Planta & Co, agents, 46 Commercial, P.O. box 167 Gonder, J, fireman £. & N.R.R., 22 Prideaux Confederation Life Assooia- tion, W K Leighton, agent. Green blk. Church Connors, S, miner, 196 Nichol Cook, Ephraim, fmr, 78 Wallace Cook, Ezra, fmr, 78 Wallace Cook, painter. Five- Acre Mks Cooper, H, wharfinger V'.O. Co, 70 Esplanade Cooper, R T, mgr grocery depart- ment, N.E.P. Society, ltd, bds Windsor house Cooper, W, miner, Kennedy CordeU, J, miner, 95 Irwin H ltd 2 IS •^ A. M. BEATTIB - OITT MARKET - < Weekly Auctions 'jmmimuM.m^-.t^immm,* T. DOBESON. M. W. DOBBSON. NANAIMd FOUNDRY, Iron and Bra»» Wound»r», Oeneral Xaehinittt, All Kinda of It€paW$f Z»nd and Marln«. NANAIMO. • - BRITISH COLUMBIA. 00 3 1^ S e 5S 212 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Gornelis, D, miner, Kennedy Cornelia, Thos, miner, KenneiLy Cornish, T, fmr, Five-Acre blks Corrigan, J, labr, 15 Victoria rd Corrigan, Mrs T, Finlayson Cosmopolitan Market, Commercial, P.O. box 88 Coulson, J, miner, Five-Acre blks Coundley, Emanuel, stripper New- man's cigar factory, r Pndeaux Coundley, N, miner, Prideaux Coundley, W, engr V.C Co wharf, r 58 Priileax Counter, M R, watchmaker and jeweller, Victoria Cres Cowan, J, miner, r 174Farquhar Cowan, P, miner, 174 Farquhar Cowie, A, engr, 6 Irwin Cowie, Archie, jr, salesman N.F ^. Society, ltd, bds Irwin Cowie, «fno, paper carrier, FreePrr^^s, r Irwin Craig, Ralph, blackBmith, r Wal- lace Craigr< Thos, blacksmith, steam carriage works, Bastion, r Wallace Craig, W, miner, 66 Fitzwilliam Cragie, T, engr. Union ave Cresent Hotel, J Bennett, prop, Victoria and Winfield Cres Crescent Pharmacy, H Proctor mgr, chemists and druggists, 26 Victoria Cres, P.O. box 30 Crew, Hy, miner, Five-Acre blks Critchlev, S, miner, Nicol Criterion Hotel, W H Philpott, prop, 56 Commercial, P.O. box 121 Crossan, A, miner, 40 Irwin Crossan, J, miner, 18 Esplanade Crossan, Mrs, 62 Irwin Cornfield, Albert, miner, Milton Cuflfoio, Jos, prop Royal hotel. Com- mercial CuUigan, J, miner, 14 Selby CuUigan, Wm, telegraph messenger. Bastion st, bds Prideaux Cullin, Hilda, chambermaid Hotel Wilson, Chapel Cummings, T, engr, 200 Haliburton Cunliffe, carpenter, Nicol Cunningham, miner, Five- Acre blks Cunningham, J, miner, bds 60 Albert Cunningham, miner, 141 Haliburton Curran, F, dyer, 136 Nicol Curran, F J,' Nanaimo Soao Works, Nicol Curran, Robert E, Nanaimo Soap Works, Kennedy, bds Royal hotel Curran, F J, miner, Selby Curran, R E, dyer, Splby Curran, R J, dyer, Selby Currie, H, salesman D Spencer, Vic- toria Cres, bds Bav View house Curry, W J, D.DlS.. dentist, 56 Green blk. Church, bds cor Comox rd and Prideaux Curry, — , elk 8. Perkins , bds Bay View hotel Currey, Jos.engine driver, h cor Dick- son and Haliburton Currey, Jno Wm, teamster L. Man- son, bds 82 Haliburton Curry, Robt, cigar maker, 27 Bastion, bds 82 Haliburton Currey, Thos, blacksmith, bds 82 Haliburton Cusack, Robt, caretaker cemetery, h Fraser Cuskv, H, miner, bds 18 Dickson Cuthbert, G, miner, 178 Nicol Cutler, Geo, electrician, Comox rd, rms Park hotel Coulson, Jno A, contractor and builder, h Stewart ave Courtenay, £, miner, bds 23 Farqu- har Dailey, Dan, barber, Commercial, rms Commercial hotel Dailey & Graham, barbers. Commer- cial Dale, John, carpenter. Crescent htl Danion, Emma, waitress Hotel Wil- son, Chapel Dan, Mrs, 53 Haliburton Davidson, G, engine driver, bds Bay View hotel Davidson, J T, labr, bds Occidental hotel Davies, Thos L, clothier, cor Com- mercial and Skinner, h Chapel Davis, Ellis, miner, 137 Haliburton Davis, Albert A, cigar maker, 27 Bas- tion, rms Opera House Davis, A T, miner, bds 118 Victoria rd Davis, G, brewer Union Brewery, bds Haliburton Davis, D T, miner, Haliburton 'Davis, Jno, miner, bds Kennedy Davis, J, miner, 164 Haliburton Davis, J, miner, bds 78 Nicol Davis, J W, miner, bds 118 Victoria rd WILLIAMS & BAilKER, RED CROSS RREWERT, VANCOUVER. I C, nUDSOI'S our COMPHIY, Upts for Fort Garr) and Bentoi Coiint| Flooring Mills -VICTORIA, B. O.- NANAIMO CITY DIRECTORY. 213 Davis, Jno G, carpenter, bda New- OABtle ave D><vis, Jos P, florist and gardener, h Comox rd Davie, L T, M.D., physician and Bur- ijeon, C!ommercial, h Albert Davis, Thos L, merchant clr'thier, Cuoiinercial, h Chapel Davison, F, miner, 179 Nicol Davison, J Henderson, weig'iman V. C. Co., 35 Selby Davison, J H, miner, 28 Selby Dawson, Alexander, bricklayer, 22 Victoria Cres Dawson, A, miner, bds Selby Dawson, H, teamster, Selby Dawson, S, miner, be' j Selby Day, J, longshoreman, Commercial Inlet Deane, F J, reporter Free Press, h Selby Dean, W, miner, Kennedy Deeming, C, miner, bds Prideaux Dempsey, Chas A, clerk Windsor house. Church Dempsey, H, proprietor Windsor House, Church, P. O. box 139 Dempster, Chas A Co, Auction- eers, valuers and real estate bro- kers, Commercial, P. 0. box 380 Dempster, Chas, Auctioneer, real estate, &c. Newcastle ave Dempster, Cap H L, retired officer, h cor Third st and Union ave Dennison, W. B, U. S. Consular Agent, C.P.R, Dominion Express and S. S. agent, h Commercial P. O. box 321 Derrick, A, carpenter, Victoria Cres- cent, bds Crescent hotel Derwood, Miss E J. milliner J S Stannard & Co, Victoria Cres, bds Robarts and Albert Develin, E, miner, Victoria rd Devlin, H, miner, 2 Needham Devlin, J, miner, 12 Esplanade Devlin, Miss, J, waitress Palace hotel. Skinner • Dew Drop Hotel, G. Baker, prop, Haliburton Dewer, John, millhand, sawmill, bds Mill Diamond City Studio, J Sampson, 64 Commercial, bds Wallace, P. O box 246 Diamond, Jno, carpenter, h Kennedy Dick, Archibald, Govt inspector of mines, h Prideaux Dick, Jno, mininKengineer,Comox rd Dick, W, miner, Victoria rd Dickinson, J, miner, Five-Acre blks Dillon Michael, longshoreman, Hali- burton Dixon , A, bricklayer, bds 65 Went- worth Dixon, A J, carpenter and contractor, h Bridge Dixon, A R, carpenter, bds Bridge Dixon, E J, bricklayer, 65 Went- worth Dixon, J, miner, 23 Kennedy Dobeson,J W,moulder Nan Foundry, h Comox rd Dobeson, N W, engineer Nan Foundry, h Comox rd Dobeson, Oran, apprentice Nan Foundry, bds, Comox rd Dobeson,T,engineer Nan Foundry, h Comox rd Dobson, D, engineer V.C.Co., Milton Dodd, T, longshoreman, Victoria Cres Dodd, W, miner, Haliburton Dolan,'J, stableman, Italian hotel Dolan, Michael, baker Smart & Thome, 34 Victoria Cres, bds In- ternational hotel Dolan, Mike, woodcutter, Halibur- ton, bds Missionary Row Dominion Building; and Loan Association, W K Leighton, agt, Green blk, h Church Dominion Express Office, W B Dennison, agt, 67 Commercial, P.O. box 321 Donahar, J, elk for J A Caldwell, Commercial, r Commercial hotel Donaldson, J M, blacksmitn, cor Craig and Barton, r Robson Donlan, Edward, hotel prop, New- castle House, Comox rd Donlon, J, miner, bds 16 Dickson Donoghue, D P, carpenter, Kennedy Doric Lodge No. 18, B.C.R., A.F. & A.M., cor Commercial and Skinner, Masonic Hall Douglas, J, miner, bds 96 Victoria rd Douglas, P, miner, Nirol Doyle, W, carpenter, Esplanade Drake, S, sherifT, Needham DuCoeur J B, miner, Haliburton Duffy, M, miner, bds Prideaux Duggan, R G, miner, 143 Nicol Duke, J, miner, 2 1 Prideaux Dunbar, Miss Josie, waitress Hotel Wilson, Chapel .1 > S H C?c3 gag TBOMAS HARDY ~?oV.?'S?SS!:*NK'iMS!'= BOTANIC CHEMIST ■PMre/y y«getabl« ^repnrmtiona J«cMfre*«OM 1>«II«. XJTE c£ljBBKATJBi> IlXiailfO BLOOO ^VSUflXX t P4Ie 04Mfmen« ,aB(WU''4Ni^'A>ii<^.-.«i»»,«/. r 8 I o Q O O 3 o o 4- T J£T Tm'KVI]R /J^ MiDofutiirer and Iiptrter of Foniton, Cirpitg * BEDDINO AND WAZX PAPEKS. NA.I4A.IIVfO. 214 BRITIBH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Dunbar, G, hotelkeeper. 22 Irwin Dunlap, A, wghmn, V.C. Co., 61 Nicol Dunlap, D, stableman Shamrock H, Albert, bds International hotel Duncan, £, labr, bds Franklin Durham, J, miner, Nicol Durrant, G W, accountant Bank B.C, Newcastle ave Dutton, W, miner, 44 Milton Dwyer, T, miner, Nicol Dye Works, steam, Charlton C & Charlton F, 14 Nicol, P.O. box 307 Dykes, I , miner, bds 126 Victoria rd Dykes, J W, clerk W Reveridge store, h Union ave Dykes, Jos, ar, miner, h Union ave Dykes, Watson, apprentice Nanaimo Pharmacy, h Union ave Enrle, J, miner, 94 Nicol Ea4Bitem Fire Asanranoe Co, of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Commer- cial, M Wolfe, agent Easton, H, miner, Haliburton Eden, F, painter, <&c. (Bucklee & Eden) Commercial, bds Fourth, Newcastle townsite Eden, F J, painter. Occidental hotel Edmiston, W, miner, Robins Edwards, R P, deliveryman Magnet East stores, 44, 46 Victoria Cres. 16 Milton Edwards, W, miner, 78 Nicol Electric Ught Works, C H Stickles, mgr, Fraser Electric Power House V.C . Co, Es- planade Elliott, T, miner, 173 Victoria rd Elves, W, labr, Selby Empire Brewery, P Weigh, prop, Kennedy Emrick, £, carpenter, Haliburton English, F, miner, Haliburton Ennis, Robt, carpenter, MoCleary Escott, E, carpenter, Kennedy Eureka Soda Works, L Lawrence, prop, Wallace Eva, ThoB, miner, 59 Fraser Evans, Edward, miner. Mill Evans, David, miner, 22 Victoria Ores, bds Provincial Hotel Evans, D, miner, 169 Farquhar Evans, J, miner, 169 Farquhar Evans, Robt, prop, Nan hotel, Com'l Exiey, A R, grocer, 60 Commercial, h Prideaux Exley, H, minister Disciple, Nicol Fairburn, J G, bootmaker, Harewood district, Five-Acre lots Fanen, G, longshoreman, Commer- cial Inlet Fatham, F, laborer, bds Occidental Hotel Ferdinand, L, Dyer, Victoria rd, N.S. Dye Works, bds 29 Albert st Ferguson, Mrs, 222 Nicol Ferguson, D, miner, 169 Haliburton Ferguson, J,carpt,222Nicol Ferguson, Peter, porter, A R John- son & Co, r Milton Fiddick, C, blacksmith, r Selby Fiddick, Mrs S, r Selby Finlavson, R,carpt, r 186 Haliburton Fir. Hall, cor Nicol and Victoria rd Fisher, G, miner, r Victoria rd Fitzpatrick, — , plumber, J H Pleace, , Victoria Ores, r McAdie Block Fitipatrick ft Mercer, props opera bar. Opera House, Church Fitipatrick, M, saloon keeper. Church, r Windsor House Flack, T, miner, r Prideaux Fleury, Albert, painter, r Prideaux Fletcher, Mrs Sd, r Haliburton Forester, H, carpenter, r Fitzwilliam Forrest, carpenter Forrest, W, miner, r 16 Fry Foster Bros, painters and paperhang- ers, r Chapel, P.O. box 176 Foster, N G, painter and decorator, r Chapel Foster, Stanley, painter, r Union ave Foster, Stephen, painter and paper- hanger, r Union ave Foucrault, Thomas, driver Empire Brewery, r Kennedy Foundry, Nanaimo, T. & N. W. Dobeson, props, Comox rd Fox & Parks, props International hotel, Victoria Cres, P.O. box 377 Fox, Joseph^ bartender Palace hotel. Skinner, r Palace hotel Fox, Saml, bartender International hotel, Victoria Cres, r Vancouver av Frame, J, miner, r 19 Haliburton Frame, J, miner, r 181 Haliburton Fraser, J, hotelkeeper. Oriental, r 37 Fry Fraser, Jno C, prop Oriental hotel, 36 Victoria Cres, r Fry Fredrickson, J, Teamster Co's store, r Farquhar T. D0BE80N, N. W. OOBESOM. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Xron aM4l Br»»a Pvun^era, General Maehiniatt, All Kindt of Bepaira, Xand and JKortne, MANAUfO, • BKITI8H COLUMBIA. Frescriiitions Prepareil ll'oi PURE DRUGS ONLY at tlie Central Dm Store Clarence Block, Corner Yate$ and Douglas Sts., Victoria, B. C. NANAIMO CITY DIBBCTOBY. 216 Fredrickson, Jno, teamster N.E.P.S. ltd, r McOleary Freeman, J, engine driver, V.C. Co, r 176 Farqnhar Free Frees, Nanaimo, Free Preas blk, intersection Commercial, Chapel and Church, P.O box, 25, Telephone 17 Freethy, R, miner, r 36 Milton Freethy, R, labr, r Selby Freure, E W, gen secretary Y.M.C.A, Green blk, r Bay View house Frew, Miss M, dressmaker, r Hali- burton Frew, Mrs A, r Haliburton Frost, G H, carpenter and i.'ontractor, r Vancouver ave Fulthorp, Alfred, clerk W Hoggan's store, Departure Bay rd, r New- castle townsite Furineans E, tailor, J R Wray, Wil- liams' blk, r Wesley G Qabel, Fhil, Nan cigar factory, 27 Bastion, bds Opera House Galbraith, D, sawyer Nan Sawmill, r Stewart ave Galbraith, James, fireman Nan Saw- mill, r 40 Stewart ave Galloway, A, teamster, r 22 Robson Galloway, D, miner, r Dickson Galloway, J, school teacher, r 22 Robson Galloway, R, miner, r 22 Robaon Ganner, Joseph, livery stable keeper, r 12 Cavan Ganner, W H, expressman, r 12 Cavan Gardiner, Louis, teamster Cosmopol- itan mkt, Commercial, r Nau river Garland, Mrs J, nurse, rlSMcCleary Garland, W, labr, r McCleary Garland, Wm, labr, r Richard Garrard, F C, surv<!yor's assistant, r Five-Acre blocks Garrard, W B, electrician, r Five- •Acre lota Gartley, B, teamster, Coburn's gro- cery store, r 62 Wentworth Gartley,E,wood8man,r 62 Wentworth Gartley, G, wooodsman, r 62 Went- worth Gas Works, Nanaimo, Bridge Gaynon, T, carpt 38 "Wctoria Ores, r Identical hotel Geoheagan, F. agt Singer Sewing Machine Co, Commercial, r Palace hotel Gemmel, J, r Franklyn Gibbs, A, clerk, r Bay View hotel Gibbs, G H, sergeant of police, Skin- ner, cor Selby and Franklyn, P. O. box 258 Gibbs, G, miner, r 82 Prldeaux Gibbs, miner, r 82 Prideaux Gibson, E, bld'jkamith, r Five-Acre blocks Gibson, Miss N, tailoreas, r Wallace Gibson, Richard, foreman No, 5 V.C. Co., Five-Acre blocks Gibson, R, jr, engineer, r Five- Acre blocks Gibson, Y. driver, r S3 Irwin Gilbert, Mrs, r Selby Gilbert, K, machinist, r Irwin Gill, Christopher, Nanaimo Gas Wks Gillard, R, miner, r 28 Esplanade Gillespie, Jas, mariner, r 78 Nicol Gillespie, J, coal trimmer, r Milton Gillespie, J, longshoreman, r Vic- toria rd> Gillespie, R, longshoreman, r Vic- toria rd Gillespie, R, coal trimmer, r Kennedy Gillies, D, miner, r Victoria rd Glaholm, Capt J, miner, r Albert Glaholm, Thos, grocer, (A R John- ston & Co) r Chapel Glenn, Miss S A, dressmaker, (A A Richirdson) r 37 Albert Glenn, Mrs J, widow, r 37 Albert Godfrey, William, miner, r Five- Acre lots Goffalo, Jos, prop Royal hotel, Fin- lavson Gold, J, miner, r 52 Victoria rd Golden, R, miner, r Haliburton Good, G E Rev, Baptist minister, r 160 Nicol Goodman, Godfrey, carpenter, r Prideaux Good, H L, customs officer, r Milton Good, J H, mgr Chas Dempster & Co, rectory, Dallas square Good, Rev Canon, J B, Recior St Pauls, rectory, Dallas square Good, Percie, ass. surveyor, r Five- Acre block Good Templar's Hall, Grace Good, Vincent, clerk V.C.C., ractory, Dallas square Gordon, G, miner, r Grace Gordon, H,preventive officer, custom H, r Prideaux D m CO m D O o D CD J} m m J) < m O I'm I iifflii A. M. BEATTIE • - CITY AdA.RKEDT APPRAISER ■ AND 6ENKRAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. r ■.H|^^WpOi^^^^^^^ff^^^ffli-ll^B*p(fc^^v'^CllHW^^Tlpff'i *lJ•^B•>i«lc»«>'■<^~, T. D0BB80K, N. W. DOBESON. Umm FOUNDRY, froN ««mI Braaa Mnundert, Oentral Maehinittm All Kindt of Bepaira, Iiand and Marine, NANAIHO, • • BRITISH COLUMBIA. PQ 216 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Gordon, Mrs J, r 94 Nicol Gordon, Miss Marion, principal N. Ward Schocl, r Prideaux Gordon, P, miner, r Haliburton Gordon, Mrs S K, widow, r Prideaux Gordon, T, miner, r Grace Gordon, T, miner, r Haliburton Goidoii, W, miner, r Grace G088, F, miner, r 160 Haliburton Gough & Evans, hotelkeepers, Nana- iroo hotel Gough, Mrs E, prop Nanaimo hotel. Commercial Gough« S« cit}' clerk, assessor and collector, 36 Skinner Gourley, J, miner, r Five-Acre lots Gourley, fiobt, bartender Oriental hotel, 25 In, " Gouthio, T, miner, r 72 Victoria rd Gow, D L, mgr G CasSidy & Go's lumber yard, r Newcastle av*^ Gowland, G W, clerk V.C. Co., r 117 Victoria rd Graham, G, miner, r 18 Irwin Graham, Jno W, barber, Commercial, r 9 Selbv Graham, J W, n.iner. r 154 Nicol Grand Hotel, Wm Steele, prop, 18 Victoria Cres Grant, Mrs A J, dressmaker, v 27 Nicol Gray, J, miner, r 166 Haliburton Gray, Jos, butcher. Cosmopolitan Market, Haliburton Gr^;,, W D, carpenter, r 28 Prideaux Great West Life Assuranoe Co, Winnipeg, Man, M Wolfe, agt. Commercial Green, A, labr, r Kennedy Greenwell, J, miner, r Finlayson Greenwell, R, ir;ner, r Kennedy Gregg, F T, architect and draughts- man, Stewart ave, ofSce Green blk Nol Gregory, J, miner, r Eaton Growen,H. millhand, r Mill Grey, J, miner, r Finlayson Grill, J, driver V.C. Co. mines, r 30 I'#in Grill, W, pusher V.C. Co. mines, r 30 Irwii Grimes, William, blacksmith, r In- ternational hotel Griswell, Jas, stableman I X L stables, r Chapel st GuUian, C, labr, r Nicol Guest, R, miner, r 27 Konnedy Haarer, Fred sr, cook Criterion res- taurant, r Wallace Haarer, F jr. waiter Phillpot's res- taurant, r, Icobson Haarer, Mrs M, widow, r Robson Haarer, Miss P, school teacher, r Robson Hague, C, bartender Occidental hotl, r Fitzwilliam Hague, H, sewing machine agent, r 76 Prideaux Hague, W E, tinsmith, J H Pleace, r 5 Commercial Hale, J, miner, r Bay View hotel Hall, Geo, miner, r Fourth Hall, W, longshoreman, r Commercial Inlet Hall, W, miner, r Esplanade Hall, Wm, labr, r Prideaux Hallo, T, miner, r 139 Nicol Halton, J E, restaurant keeper Hamilton, Archie, convict guard, r Vancouver ave Hamilton, Jno, machinist N. & C. Co, r Stewart ave Hamilton, S, capitalisi, r Vancouver ave I'ampson, J, miner, r Nicol Hancox, R, miner, r 32 Kennedy N Handlem, ,1. miner, r 182 Nicol Hanner, W, miner, r 13 Milton Hansen, Miss T, tailoress, r Wallace Hodgkins, J, teamster, r Fitzwilliam Harbor Master, E Quenell, r Fitz- william Harder, Mrs L M, milliner (Sloan & Scott), r Wallace Hardt, Miss F, school teacher Boys' Centi'al School, r Front Hardwin, Mike, labr, 38 Victoria Cres, r Identical hotel Hardy, Chos, real estate agent, r Wallace Hardy, David, min«>r r 40Prideau'x Hardy, E, longshoreman, r Commer- cial Inlet Hardy, George, butcher Hull Bros, r Victoria Cres Hardy, J, longshoreman, r Commer- cial Inlet Hardy, James, deliveryman (Smart 6 Thorne), r Prideaux Hardy, Thos, botanical drug- gist, r 51 'Winfield Cres Hardy, W, miner, r 48 Prideaux Harely, E, miner, r Nicol RED CROSS BREWERY LAGER BEER liigS HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Wbolesale Qrbcers&fineHerGliaiits VICTORIA. B. C. NAKAIMO CITY DIHECTORY. 217 Harewood Diet School (teacher, Miss Bryant), r Five-Acre blks Harley, G W, miner, r Haliburton Ilarley, J, miner, r 256 Haliburton Harold, Harold, salesman (N.E.P.S., ltd), r Kennedy Harold, Mrs M, r Kennedy Harris, G S, millhnd.rVancouver ave Harris, M, miner, r 61 Fry Harris, P, engr, r 30 Irwin Harrison, Ralph, miner, r Stewart ave Hart, J, longshoreman. Commercial Inlet Hartford Insurance Co, of Hartford, Conn., M Wolfe, agent, r Commercial Harvey, W, salesman (Stannard & Co),'r Fitzwilliam Harvdy, W, miner, r Nicol Iiarwood, P, miner, r 90 Nicol Hasenfratz, August, ^'•ower, r Co- moj: rd HasonftAts & Co, brew«>r^ Has Hm, T W, millhand, r Mill Haslam, Andrew, M.P, propr Nail Sawn. 11 and Mayor of city. r Wallace Hathaway, James, barber, Halibur- ton, r Kecate Hawking, James, propr Temperance hotel, cor Bastior and Skinner Hawlhornthwaite & Co, land and mining brokers, I^ong bridge, P. O. box 229 Hawthornthwaite, J H, land and ii;:"ing broker, Long bridge, r Wesley Hay, <i, bricklayer, r 24 Milton Heale, J, miner, r Nicol Hazael, Arthur, waiter Nan Hotel, Commercial Health Officer, E A Praeger, M.D., cor Front st and Comox rd Healy, H, labr, r Five-Acre blks Htddle, Robi, blacksmith, cor Bas- tion and Skinner, r Temperance house Heddle, W T. grocer, cor Albert and Milton Helpan, J, designer, r 52 Victoria rd Helsom, Walter, bricklayer, r New- castle townsile Hemans A Wamuley, butchers. City Market, 40 Commercial st, P.O. box 227. Henderson, Mrs C, dressmaker, r 110 Nicol Henderson, Alex, propr Nanaimo Marble Works, r 62 Front Hendrickson, M, miner, r Milton Hendrickson, S, miner, r 111 Milton Hendrickson, V, miner, r 111 Milton Henshelwood, James, carpenter, r 22 Victoria Cres Herms, Prof C H, violin instructor, Opera House, r Windsor House Txeather, E, miner, r Kennedy Hewitt, Harry, teamster A R John- stone & Co, r Milton Ha viand, A R, surveyor and engr, Commercial, r Finlayson Helbert, Edwd, gen store, r Commer- cial Hickman, Abraham, blacksmith, r Keiinetly Hickman, John, brdng house keeper, r Prideaux Hickman, J K, engine driver V.C. Co, r 68 Prideaux Higgins, Hy, carpenter, r Newcastle townaite High, P, miner, r 56 Haliburton Hilbert, Miss K, teacher North Wd school, r Five-Acre blks Hilbert, Juo, nndertakr and prop Vancouver furniture warehouse, r Bastion Hilbert, Richard, boot and shoe, genera.' merchant, Lion House, 17, 21 Commercial, r Comox rd and Prideaux, P.O. box 50 Hilbert, Mrs S M, fruiterer, r Church Hilbert, W, blacksmith, r Five-Acre blks Hildridge, J, carpenter, r 82 Prideaux Hill, James, engr Nan Sawmill, r Mill Hilton, H, miner, r 84 Prideaux Hindmarsh, Robert, prop Brittania hotel, 63 Commercial, r Albert Hindmarsh, Thos, prop Brittania htl, 53 Commercial, r Brittania hotel Hird, Miss M, tailoress, r Wallace Hird, Miss M, tailoress J A Caldwell, Commercial, r Wallace Hirst, Bros, general merchants, cor Commercial and Skinner Hirst, Geo, general mer (Hirst Bros), cor Commercial and Skinner, r 42 Albert Hirst, Jap, clerk Hirst Bros, cor Com- mercial and Skinner, r Commercial Hirst, Jno, gen mer (Hirst Bros), cor Commercial anu Skinner, r Com- mercial Hirst, R, miner, r 23 Dickson THOMAS HARDY, BOTANIC DBUEf&IST IIRISINQ-tlie Celebrated Blood Purifier, nilK. Cbolera Mixture. yext OreteeHt Hotel, Victoria Or«aeen.t, yANAIMO, B, C. trr:J > > o a X z CO "0 p irm trr* im t-jn :ii i Purely Veeetable Preparations, Female Corrective PiUa. ~ IndlKeetion. Pile Ointment. .«WBWPM»»««'*«kW*«««««^, .., P 7 ! CO y w < >^ o /^ O P o Tfl. 80. P. 0. Box 16. - ■ • NANAIMO, B. C. - - - 218 BBITISU COLUMBIA DIRBCTOBY. Hirst, ThoB, clerk Hirst Bros, cor Commercial and Skinner, r ' Hali- burton Hirst, Wm. clerk Hirst Bros, cor Commercial and Skinner, r Com- mercial Hobbs, J H, storekeepr. Lion Hoase, Commercial, r Criterion restnt Uodgins, J, miner, r Haliburton Hodftson, E, carpenter, r Halibnrton Hodgson, Thos, marble cutter at Nan Marble Works, Front, r Wallace Hodgson, W, miner, r 62 Nicol Hoffman, Julius, cutter Cosmopoli- tan market, Commercial, r 65 Milton Hoggan, David, retired, Departure Bay rd, r Newcastle townsite Hoggan, William, general merchant, Departure Bay rd, Newcastle town- site Holdwall, Geo, sec N.E.P. Society, ltd, Nicol and Crace, r Prideaux Holmes, G, nurseryman, r Eaton Holmes, Wm, tailor J A Caldwell, Commercial, r Prideaux Home, W A, blacksmith, 45 Fitz- william Honeyman, Capt C, stevedore V.C. Co, r 14 Esplanade Honeyman, Jno J, architect and draugliteman, Johnston bik. Com- mercial and Bastion, r First Hope, T, miner, r 39 Farquhar Hopely, I, miner, r 109 Milton Hopkins, D, miner, r Italian hotel Hopkins, J, miner, r 37 Milton Hopkins, Mrs M, r Priileaux Hopkins, T, miner, r Occidental htl Hopkins, W H, newspaper foreman Bree Press, r Prideaux Home, A G, letired merchant, r Wallace Home, Herbert, freightckrk E,& N. R. r Wallace Home, Thos, telegraph operator, r Wallace Horrocks, N, miner, r Five-Acre PjWts Horton W, miner Five- Acre blks Hosie, W M, painter, r Wallace Hoskin, E, labr, r 27 -Albert Hoskin, J, fmr, r /7 Albert Hoskins, Jos, night watchman, r Skinner Hoskins, W, miner, r 94 Nicol Hotel Wilson, W Wilson, prop, Chapel, near Church Hough, J, prop Balmoral hotel, Hali- burton Hovelague, P A, chainman city sur- veyor, r Bridge Howell, H P, typewriter G A Mc- Bain & Co, Church, Green blk, r 6 Milton Howard, Jos, sailor, r 22 Victoria Cres Howse, Geo, labr, r Newcastle town- site Hudson, S, labr, r 34 McCleary Hughes, C, night nurse Nan Hospital, r Franklyn, nr hospital Hughes, Edward, boots, shoes and (tents' furnishings. Long Bridge, r Albert Hughe8,J, engineer E.&N.R.r Frank- lyn Hughes, — , storekeeper, Commer- cial, r Albert Hull Bros & Co, wholesale and retail butchers, Victoria Cres Hull, J U (Hull Bros A Co) butcher, r Victoria Oph Humphri««<, J, j>rop Italian hotel, 174 Neediitt///, '■<// /(Mlil.iirton Hunt, M, milter, r Futon Hunter, A F, machinist, r Haliburton Hunter, J, niachnst, r 137 Vict<jria rd Hunter, Walter, principal high hi, r Newcastle ave Hunter, I, miner, Halliburton Hunter, W, M.D.. V.C. Co.,r Hali burton Hunter. W. engine driver, Haliburtn Hurst, F, miner, r Haliburton Hurst, T.genl merchant, 12 Needham Hutchinson, W, coal trimmer r 84a Prideaux Hutchinson, W, lon|{»horeman, r Haliburton Identical Hotel, J Mor»)!o, prop, 88 Victoria Cres Imo, N, barber, 13 Victoria Cres, r 91 Nicol tfMe, W G, expressman, r Victoria /4 Ingrar/i, W, miner, r Haliburton Ino, N, hairdiesser, 91 Nicol Institute, St Paul s, reading room and hall. Chapel st Irving, E B, accountant J J Sehl, furniture, Free Press blk, r Comox rd Ishwood, J, miner, r 68 Fitzwilliam Izen, Miss Lillle, fruit, etc. Church T. D0BE80N. N, W. DORSSON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron and Jirag» Foundertt Oeneral Maehiniat* • Jill Kitidt of Jtepair», land and Marine. NANAIMO, • • BRITIBM COLUMBIA. DH, LEWIS lULL'S UTICEPnC TOOTH Wl^H Hardens tbe Gams, Pnrifla* Breath and Cleans tbe Teeth • Mmd« only at Cl.lfTItA'L BBUO BlOItXl, Olartnee Bloek, rietoria, B. C, the NANAIHO CITY DIRECTOBY. 219 Italian Hotel, J Humphrey, prop, 174 Hali burton Jackson, Saml, miner, r 185 Nicol Janes, T H, miner, r Lubbock square Jamea, H £, teamster, Lubboclc sq and Prideaux James, William, waiter Criterion restaurant, r Brittania Hotel Jamieson, Magnus, millhand, saw- mill, r Mill Jamieson, B, mining engineer, r Vic- toria rd Jamieson, R L, miner, r 34 Fa}quhar Jamieson, W T, miner, r 34 Farquliar Jarvie, R, miner, r Farquhar Jarvis, E L Works, r 24 Hecate Jeffery, Alex, Union bakery, Bastion r Selby Jeffrey, carpt, r Bay View hotel Jeffery, W Lowe, mariner, r Selby Jenkins,A, engineer, r Union Brewery Jenkips, A, gold miner. Old Flag inn Jenkins, Jno O, prop. Old Flag Inn, cor Bastion and Skinner Jenkins, T, miner, 69 Nicol Jennings, Miss, book agt, r 74 Milton John, David, miner, r 56 Milton Johns, Fred, mine labr, r 22 Victoria Ores Jolinson, Andrew, miner, r Halibur- lon, Missionary row Johnson, G W, miner, r 20 Gillespie Johnson, George, slaughterman, Hull Bros, Victoria Cres, r Fitzwilliam Johnson, G, miner, r Robins Johnson, J, longshoreman, r Hali- burton Johnson, J, miner, r Haliburton Johnson, R, miner, r 118 Haliburton Johnson, T, miner, r 212 Haliburton Johnson, W, miner, r Haliburton Johnson, W, miner, r Robins Johnston, A R & Co, grocers and commission merchants, cor Bastion and Skinner, agts S. S. Empire and Pacific i^oast S. S. Co, E. & N. Kv, S. S. Joan, etc Johnston, A R, (A R Johnston & Co) Bastion, r 10 Milton Johnston, S H, painter Foster Bros, • Chapel Jolly, C, stable bov V.C.Co, r Italian hotel Jolly, Roht, waiter Criterion rest u- rant, 55 Commercial, r Britannia hotel Jones, A, miner, r Five-Acre blka Jones, D, engineer, r Milton Jones, D, teacher, r 27 Milton Jones, D, labr, r 27 Milton Jones, H, miner, r Nicol Jones, J, miner, r Five- Acre blks Jones, J, jr, miner, r Five-Acre blks Jones, J R, miner, r 134 Haliburton Jones, R, miner, r 139 Nichol Jones, R, miner, 22 Gillespie Jones, S, miner, r 139 Nicol Jones, Miss 8, dressmaker, S'oan & Scott, r 16 Robson Jones, Mrs, L, r 16 Robson Jones, Miss Lucy, milliner Sloan & Scott, 49 Commercial, r 16 Robson Jones, Miss Sarah, dressmaker Sloan & Scott, 49 Commercial, r 16 Rob- son Jones, T,clerk Nan Water Works,r 27 Milton Jones, T, J.P, warehouseman Mah- rer & Co, Wharf, r Franklyn Jones, W, sec ,CoaBt Union, r Fitz- william Jones. W, miner, r Five-Acr blks Jones, W A, bartender Nan hotel. Commercial, r Nan hotel Jones, Wm J, miner, r Prideaux Jones, W J, miner, r 33 Farquhar Jones, W L, asst surveyor, r 4 Fry Jureit, Geo miner, r Comox rd Kalaf, N, fancy store, r Haliburton Keast, I, miner, r 164 Haliburton Keast, T, miner, r 164 Haliburton Keddy, Wm, livery stable keeper, r Chapel Keebe, A, longshoreman, h Victoria Cres Keller & Lukey, job printers. Com- mercial, P.O. box 71 Keller, Thos W, printer. Commercial, r 6 Milton Kelly, J, miner, r Nicol Kelly, J, architect, r Fitzwilliam Kelly, P, miner, r 18 Fry Kelly, R, carpt, r 61 Eraser Kemp, W T, carpt. r Nicol Kemper, Chas MrSjInternational res- taurant, Victoria Cres, r Inter- national hotel Kennedy, Wm, porter. Hotel Wilson, r Chapel Kent, G, carpt, r 86 Nicol Kenyon, Richard, carpt, r Milton b H 109 » lo bd M ltd H ►d M ^i A. M. BlATTIE AUGTIOM, Vancouver, B. C. '~0mmm^.m'iMb.it^~\,t^..,.^^^,, T. D0BE80W, N. W. D0BE80N. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron and Bra»» Woundert, General MaeMnUta. AU Kindt of Sepairt, Zand and Marine. NANAIMO, • • BRITISH COLUMBIA. fa I ^ o • Q a et ej-r s tt> a e fa3£ ■d S « e C>Q 220 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Kenyon, H, porter, (night) Hotel Wilson, Chapel, r Nicol Kenyon, T, gen merchant, r 64 Nicol Kerrone, James, miner, r Five-Acre blocks Keystone, Royal Arch Chapter, No 235, G.R.8., A.F. and A.M., Mason- ic Hall, cor Commercial and Skin- ner Kidney, F, lonG;shoreman, r Commer- cial " Kieth, T, miner, r 114 Nicol Kieth. \V, miner, r 114 Nicol Kilpatrick, W, miner, r 49 Irwin King, A G, jr, bookkeeper^ Cosmopol- itan Market, Commercial, r 70 Irwin King, A G, sr, r 70 Irwin Kirkham, W, surveyors' assistant, r Fourth Kirkwood, R, blacksmith, r 102 Nicol Kirkwood, T, miner, r 62 Irwin Kuarston, J S, bookkeeper, G Bevi- lockwav, general merchant, r 84 Selby ' Knox, J, miner, r 103 Irwin Kosola, G, miner, r 18 Sebastian Lamb, R, miner, r 20 Kennedy Land, Captain P M, master mariner, Esplanade Lansdowne Brewery, A Hasenfratz & Co, Comox rd Lang, J, expressman, S L stable, r International Langdon, J, miner, r 23 Farq^uhar Langham, J, miner, r 88 Hahburton Langill, Aubray, factory hand, New- castle townsite, r Union ave Langill, R, bottler Union Brewery, r Newcastle townsite Langton, W M, prop Magnet Cash Stores, 44 & 46 Victoria Cres, r Central hotel Lawless, J, carpenter, r 8 Prideaux Lawson, Miss M, principal girls' Central School, r Wallace Lawson, W, miner, r 46 Milton Leach, miner, r Prideaux Leaohbridge, Henry, bricklayer, r 22 Victoria Cres Leaman, miner, r Five-Acre blks Leask, G, labr, r 8 Irwin Lecoq, miner, r 101 Victoria rd Lee, A, miner, r 76 Irwin Lee, Mrs £, r 23 Milton Lee, G H, miner, r 75 Irwin Lee, J, miner, r Haliburton Lee, J, miner, r 23 Milton Lee, J, miner, r 75 Irwin Lee, Sarah, waitress, r Windsor hotel Lees, Guy, millhand N. Sawmill, r Mill Leisrhton, W K, financial and in- surance agent. Green block, cor Church and Dallas square, r Fitz- william LeFeuvre, F, mgr V.C. Co farm, r Albert I^isk, J, engineer, r 132 Nicol Lemoux, E, tailor, r Robson Lewis, D, miner, r Nicol Lewis, J, miner, r Haliburton Lewis, J. painter, r 55 Nicol Lewis, WW, clothier, r First Linn, Mrs E, r 9 Selby Ijindsay, A, book-keeper, r 133 Vic- toria rd Lister, G, miner, r 40 Farquhar Lister, J, miner, r 118 Victoria rd Livery Stable, B.C., Ganner, J., prop, r 12 Cavan Livery Stables, I.X.L., Thompson & Scovilie, props, Chapel Livery Stahle, City Tranefer, W Keddy, prop. Chapel Llewellyn, T, miner, r Occidental litl Lloyd, Albert, teamster City Trans- fer Stables, Chapel, r Skinner Lloyd, J, longshoreman, r Commer- cial inlet Lloyds' Plate Glass Ins Co, A E Planta & Co, 46 Commercial, P. O box 167 Lobb, S W, clerk V.C. Co, r 149 Vic- toria rd Logan, J, tailor J A Caldwell, r Com- mercial Lomox, J, miner, r 6 Monday's cabins, Irwin London A Canadian Insur- ance Co, W K Leighton, agent, Green blk, r Church London Guarantee & Acci- dent Co, A E Planta & Co, r 46 Commercial, P.O. box 167 London & Lancashire Fir«4 Insurance Co, W K Leigh to. i, agent. Green blk, r Church Louis, C, miner, r 24 Prideaux Love, .Tno, road Iwhb, r Second Love, Jiio, bavu udiu" Palace hotel, Skinner, r Palace hotel Lowdeu, J, miner, r Nicol Mac, miner, r 1 MacCartney, Victoria rd Mace. A H, paii r Milton Macindo, H, r Occidental 1 Maoleod, D, . surgeon, John tion and Com House, Walla McLeod, Georgt MacNeill, E W, Cres, r Wallai MaoPhee, John, Cres, r Intern Madden, T, loni Mahrer, Herma Co), Front, r ( Magnet Cash S VVm Langton, toria Cres, P.C Mahle, A, sawye Mnhle. E, miner • -Ide, A. labr, i MHhrer&Co,wh( r Front Mah-er, Jno, wh Hirst's stone \ Comox rd Mainwarimr, A mans & Wamf r Victoria rd I''.itland, RevR •• Wallace M«kl, K, miner, Malcolm, 8, pla hotel SEND TO THE RED CBOSS eREIKl FOB RUE LAGER BEEER|™"AS hard HODSOFS BAY COMPANY Jlnrop«an and Xnglith OBOOBBIES, trilTBa and ZIQVOJtB, JFree and in Bond. VICTORIA, B. O. NANAIHO CITY DIRECTORY. 221 Low, Fred, atoker Nan Ga8 Worka, Newcastle townaite, r Mt Pleasant hotel Lowry, Jos, comp Frea Press, r Hotel Wilson Lucas, A, miner, r Nicol Lukey, R J, printer. Commercial, r cor Richard and Wentworth Lumb, J, miner, r Five-Acre blks Luperine, L, miner, r 105 Milton Lurch, Aaaron, salesman G A Mc- Bain & Co, Green blk, r Windsor house Lynn, WL, Provincial land surveyor, 46 Commercial, r Fourth Lyons, Mrs M, r 102 Irwin M Mac, miner, r 157 Nicol MacCartney, A, longshoreman, r Victoria rd Mace. A H, painter and paper hanger, r Milton Macindo, H, prison guard N.P.P., r Occidental hotel Maoleod, D, M.D., physician and surgeon, Johnston's blk, cor Bas- tion and Commercial, r Franklyn House, Wallace McLeod, George, tailor, Victoria Cres MacNeill, E W, saddler, 29 Victoria Cres, r Wallace MacPhee, John, carpenter, Victoria Ores, r International hotel Madden, T, longshoreman, r Fraser Mahrer, Herman, clerk (Mahrer & Co), Front, r Comox rd Magnet Cash Stores, Variety store, Wm Langton, prop, r 44, 46 Vic- toria Cres, P.O . box 156 Mahle, A, sawyer, r 26 Fry Mt'hle, E, miner, r 26 Frv ...lile, A. labr, r26F:y ' M iihrer & Co, wholesale liquor dealers , r Front Mak'er, Jno, wh >lesale liquor dealer. Hirst's stone warehouse. Front, r Con>ox rd MainwarinL', A E, book-keeper He- mans & Wamsley, 40 Commercial, r Victoria rd Initland, RevR R, Methodist mnstr, r Wallace M«kl, K, miner, r Milton Malcolm, 8, plasterer, r Occidental hotel Malcourt, — , miner, r Kennedy Malcum, McCallum, labr, r Richard Mallish, John, miner, r Fraser Malpass, labr V.C. Co., r Five-Acre blocks Malpaas, J, miner, Needham Mali>ass, T, miner, r 37 Milton Manifold, Mrs., r Nicol Manson, L, genl merchant, 116 Hali- burton, cor Farquhar, P. 0. box 185 Manson, William sr, fmr, r Newcastle townsite Manson, William I'r, book-keeper. Nan Sawmill, r Prideaux Manson, W J, clerk to L Manson, r 1 16 Haliburton, cor Farquhar Marawham, C, carpenter, 28 Pri- deaux Marafo, John, miner, r Prideaux Marks, William, cutter Hem^ns & Wamsley, r 40 Commercial Marpas, J, miner, r Five-Acre blks Marpas, W, blacksmith, r Five-Acre blks • Marriott, E T, deliverynian Hemans & Wamsley, 40 Commercial, r Pro- vincial hotel Marsh, Geo, genl commission mercht. Long Bridge, r Milton Marshall, A, miner, r Kennedy Marshall, Jas, dairyman, r Seventh, Newcastle addition Marshall, Miss, school teacher. South ward, r Victoria rd Marshall, W, bdg house keeper, 129 Nicol, P. O. box 293 Marshall, W, miner, r 139 Nicol Marshall, William, special constable, r Fraser Mart«ll, J, miner, r 30 Esplanade Martin, Joe, teamster G Bevilockway, Commercial, r Prideaux Martin, T, miner, r Robins Martin, W, lamp trimmer E.L. Wka, r Prideaux Marwick, J, teamster Union B. Co., r Dunsmuir Mason, William, D.D.S., dentist. Odd Fellows' new block, Victoria Cres, P.O. box 30 Mason, J, candy mfr, 24 Victoria Cres, P.O. box 260 Matason, A sr, miner r 18 Fry Matheson, A, miner, r 64 Milton Matheson, Edward, teamster, r Hklnner Matheson, R, lumberman, r Milton i-=! <5 to 5§ THOMAS HARDY Next to the' Crescent Hotel, Vic toria Crescent, NANAIMO. The C«l«brat«d IIRIBINO Blood PnrlBar. era BOTANIC DRUGGIST '*' jiil J 1;! J XV ■ I ^3V1DT^ Manufacturer and Importer of Furniture. • X&X JLl^SXi «& X Carpets, Bedding and Wall Paper KA.NA.IIVIO -ESTABI.ISHID 1878- m I o •H o b a < on CO O P O 222 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Matheson, H, teamster City Transfer Stables, Chapel, r Slcinner Matheson, E, labr, r Nicol Matson, J, tailor J A Caldwell, Com- mercial Matson, J, mgr stables S. L, r Pro- vincial Matson, J, miner, r Haliburton Matson, 0, miner, r Nicol Matthews, Edward, teamster J J Sehl, Free Press blk, r 82 Prideaux Matthews, E J, carpt, r 21 Selby May, A, fruiter, r 30 Victoria Cres May, Harvey, upholsterer J. J. Sehl, Free Press blk, r Union ave May, John, cabinetmaker J J Sehl, r Union ave Mayne, G H, glazier and painter, saw mill, r Prideaux Mayne, Thos, foreman sash and door factory, r Mill McAdie, Chas, apprentice E Pim- Ijurv <& Co, 58 Commercial, r Albert McAdie, H, undertaker, r 11 Albert McAllister, Hy, mail carrier, I. X. L. stables McAlpine, W J, miner, r 95 Nicol MoBain, O A & Co, real est agts. Green blk, Church MoBain, Geo, real estate agent. Green blk, r Wallace McCafferty, E, bricklayer, r Skinner McCallum, A H, mgr Hotel Wilson, Chapel, r Hotel Wilson McCann, W, butcher Hull Bros, r Victoria Crea McCann, W, butcher, Nicol McCape, William, bricklayer and moulder, r Franklyn McCarter, W R, comp Free Press, r Second McCartenay, A, coai trimmer, Mc' Cleary McCartney, W E, mgr Nanaimo Pharmacy. P. O. box 326, r Cor Albert arid Selby McCauce, David, tobacco stripper, 27 Bastion, r McCleary McCIean, D, longshoreman, r Hali- burton McCourt, T, miner, r 52 Victoria rd McCuish, N, miner r 106 Milton McCuish, J, miner, r Monday's cabins, Irwin MrCutcheon, Chas, grocer, P.O. box 100, r Comox rd McDermot, T, miner, r Haliburtm McDonald, laborer, r 32 Kennedy McDonald, stableman, r Italian hotel McDonald, A, con tractor, r 32 Kennedy McDonald, D D, carpt, r 32 Kennedy north McDonald, D S, general merchant, taxidermist, 69 Haliburton McDonald, J, carpt, r 156 Farquhar McDonald, Jas, pressman, Free Press, r Fraser McDonald, J, mgr Central hotel. Commercial McDonald, Jno A, minei, Newcastle Townsite, cor Union avenue and Second McDonald, M, miner, r Nicol McDonald, M, labr, r 21 Selby McDonald, K C, carriage builder and gen biksmith, r Haliburton McDonald, Wm, carpt, r Kennedy McDougal, A, tallyman, N Sawmill, r Mill McFariane, L E, baker (Wilson & McFarlane) Victoria Cres McGee, Pat, porter and boot-black, Royal hotel McGill, Jno, clerk, j Bevilockway, Commercial, r cor Cavan arid Albert McGillis, J, miner, r ISl Haliburton McGiilis, H, miner, r 137 Haliburton McGinnis, K, miner, r Kennedy McGovern, Val, labr, r Fourth McGregor, A, weighman, V.C. Co, No 1, r Nicol McGregor, Harold, clerk, G Bevilock- wav, Commercial, r Nicol and Fin- layson McGregor, J, dry goods store,r 41 Al- bert McGregor, J C, school teacher, r 41 Finlayson McGregor, J C, clerk for Bevilock- way, r Nicol McGregor, Jas, clothier, 3 Victoria Cres, r Albert, P.O box 157 McGregor, W. mgr V.C. Co, r 41 Finlo.yoon McGregor, W A, blacksmith, r Nicol and Finlayson McGuire, D, miner, r 36 Irwin McGuire, J, miner, r 35 Irwin Molnnes & Molnnes, barristers and solicitors, office Johnston blk, cor Commercial and Bastion Mclnnes, T R E, barrister and solici- tor, (Mclnnes & Mclnnes), r Co- mox rd T, DOBE&ON, N. W. UOBKSON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, iron and Brass founders, General Machinists, All Kinds of JtepairSf Zand and Marine, NANAIMO, • ■ BRITISH COLUMBIA. Dr. LewU Hall*! Tooth Powder ^ill not InJnre the Teeth. Made oaly at the CENTRAL DRUG STORE. CLARENCE BLOCK. COR. DOUGLAS and YATES STS.. VICTORIA, B. C. NANAIHO CITY DIRECTOBY. 223 Mclnnes, W W B, barrister and sol- istor (Mclnnes & Mclnnea), r Co- mox rd Mcintosh, C W, telegraph operator, r Oooidental hotel Mcintosh, Mrs U, dressmaker, r Wesley McKay, A, seaman, r Haliburton McKay, J W, miner, r Prideaax MoKeohnie, Robt E, physician and surgeon, r Prideaux McKeen, N C, grocery store, r Vic- toria rd McKeigan, D, miner, r Milton McKenzie, Angus, clerk Magnet Cash *^tores, 44 and 46 Victoria Cres, r Hecate McKenzie, C carpenter, r 139 Nicol McKenzie, C C, real estate agent, r Wesley McKenzie, C, miner, r Bay View hotl McKenzie, J, miner, r 34 Fry McKenzie, J E, journalist, r Albert McKenzie, J W, miner, r Victoria rd McKenzie, W R, tailor, r Haliburton McKinnell, miner, r 27 Haliburton McKinnell, D, miner, r Nicol McKinnell, D, miner, r 29 Haliburton McKinnell, J, miner, r 23 Haliburton McKinnell, J R, miner D, r 21 Hali- burton McLay, T, miner, r 58 Irwin McLay, T R, compositor Free Press office, r 58 Irwin McLay, Thos, comp Free Press, r Irvvin McLean, A, miner, r 57 Nicol McLean, D, coal trimmer, r 78 Pri- ileaux McLean, D, salesman T L Brown & Co, Victoria Cres, r Franklyn McLean, H, grocer, r Haliburton McLean, J, miner, 10 Fry McLean, K, miner, r Victoria rd Mcl-ean, M, blacksmith, r 12 Fry McLean, P, miner, r 57 Nicol McLellan, A, miner, r Five-Acre lots McLenan, Miss A, dressmaker, r 34 McCIeary McLellan, D, miner, r 80 Franklyn McLellan, D, labr, N Sawmill, r 80 Franklyn McLellan, J, carpenter, r Crescent hotel McLollan, W, miner, r Five-Acre blocks McLenan, W N, stone mason, r 34 McCIeary McLellan, W, miner, Stewart ave McLeod, Dan, tailor J A Caldwell, r Commercial Mcl^eod, J, miner, r 114 Victoria rd McLeod, Miss M, milliner, r 86 Nicol McLeod, Mrs W, milliner and dress- maker, 86 Nicol McLeod, Wm, tailor, Victoria Cres McLeod, W. mechanic, r 86 Nicol McLoney, J, miner, r Kennedy MoMiUan, A J, grocer, (McMillan & Co) 15 Victoria Cres,r Finlayson McMillan H, grocers' clerk, 15 Vic- toria Cres, r Finlavson McMillan, J H & Co, grocers, 15 Victoria Cres, P. O. box 356 McMillan, J H, grocer, 15 Victoria Cres, r Finlayson McNair, E, carpenter. Nan Sawmill, r Mill McNeil A, miner, r Kennedy McNeil, M, millhand sawmill, r Mill McNeil, S B, miner, r Kennedy McNeil, J, miner, r 57 Nicol McNeil, J, teamste/, r Haliburton McNeil, M, miner, r Victoria rd McNeil, M, miner, r 62 Haliburton McRae, carpenter, r Dickson McRae, Rev D A, Presbyterian ister, r Fitzwilliam McRae, Mrs, r 24 Hecate McRae, Miss M, tailoress J A well, r Commercial McRedy, J, miner, r Grace McSween, H, miner, 57 Nicol Meakin, A. miner, r 9 Needham Meakin, F, blacksmith V.C. Co., r Nicol Meakin, F C, engineer, r 42 Prideaux Meakin, Jno, r 120 Haliburton Mebius, Miss, teacher Girls' Central School, r Selby Melbourne, T, pump man V.C. Co, r Bay View hotel Menzo, Jos, miner, r 110 Haliburton Mercer, J A, saloon keeper, Opera Bar, r Wilson house Mercer, J B, expressman, r Newcastle ave Merrifield, Geo, asst Diamond City Studio, r 30 Milton Merrifield, T, miner, r 38 Milton Merrifleld, W, miner, r 38 Milton Merriman, W, carpt, r Fitzwilliam Merritt, J, miner, r 49 Irwin Merritt, M, miner, r 49 Irwin Merritt, R, miner, r 49 Irwin Merritt, T, miner, r 49 Irwin min- Cald- tm > o Z 3) o m (0 % m 0) z a > H Z m z (0 H X m 0) -< m > z o TJ O 30 to m n S CD C F o (0 c ■0 A. M. BEATTIE WEEKLY AUaiONS i'l I'itpl :JV OIXY MA.RKEC'T^ - ■Sm&mm^lmt^a'^^fm^^,. I I i«- !^ T. DOBESON, N. W. D0BE80N. NANAIMd FOUNDRY, Iron and Bra»» JToHnaera, &eN«ral MaeMMtta. All KindM of Sepaira, £aH<f and Marina. NANAIMO. BRITISH COLUMBIA. ^Kii- CJ3 CO 224 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Metcalf, J, miner, r Albert Methodist Church, Wallace Milan, J, miner, r Occidental hotel Milberry, Miss B, tailoress J R Wray, Williams' blk, r Wallace Mills, E, longshoreman, rHaliburton Mills, Edward, coal trimmer, r Eraser Millar, Mrs A, widow, prop Provin- cial hotel Millar, Mrs Jno, r Richard Millar, W F, engr, r 22 Victoria Ores Miller, H, miner, r 62 Haliburton Miller, M, miner, r 14 Irwin Miller, M M, nurse Nanaimo Hosptl, r Fraiiklyn Miller, R, miner, r Prideaux Miller, Wni, stableman, I.X.L stables, Chapel »t Millmcre, J, miner, r Five-Acre blks Milne, Thos, painter, r 60 Commercial Mitchell, C T, tinsmith. Van H. & Randle, Commercial, r Franklyn Mitchell, J, miner, r Haliburton Mitcliell, J, seaman, r Wentworth Mitchell, Jno, prop Pioneer Soda Water Works, cor Wallace and Wentworth, r Wallace Mocher, J, miner, r 30 Irwin Moffat, D, miner, r Lubbock sq, Prideaux Moir, G B, labr, r Wesley Moir, J W, life ins agt, r Wesley Monday, G, longshoreman, r Com- mercial Inlet Moody, D, miner Moore, — , bricklayer, 22 r Vic- toria Cres Moore, T, mmer, r 17 Nicol Moore, W, longshoreman, r Corii- mercial Inlet Moore, W, miner, r 41 Farquhar Morell, J, hotel keeper, r Haliburton Morelli, J. miner, r Irwin Morello, John, propr Identical hotel, 38 Victoria Cres Morgan, Mrs C E, milliner, Gibson blk, r cor Wentworth and Richard Morgan & Comerford, merchant tail- ors, 47 Commercial, P. O. box 178 Morgan, D, miner, r 51 Haliburton Morgan, T, mgr No 3 V.C. Co, r 31 Nicol merchant tailor, 47 r corner Albert and Morgan, T C, Commercial, Robarts Morgan, Wm, Ltd, r Irwin Morgan, W, miner, r 37 Farquhar salesman N.E.P.S, Morgan, W, clerk Co-operative store, r 66 Milton Morrow, H. miner, r 96 Victoria rd Morrison, N, carpt, r 39 Wentworth Morrison, Robt R, labr, r Fourth Morton, W H, salesman' J H Pleace, 5 Victoria Cres, r 34 Prideaux and Albert Moss, W H, bartender Provincial hotel, Victoria Cres Motlishawe,E, miner, r Five-Acre blk Mottishawe.G, miner, r Five-Acre blk Mottishawe, W, miner,r Five- Acre blk Mount View Hotel, Newcastle town- site Mouzio, J, miner, r 92 Haliburton Muir, A, miner, r 37 Farquhar Muirhead, J, miner, r Esplanade Muir, R, miner, r Nicol Mulholland, E, miner, r 198 Nicol Mullett, Joseph, plumber N.W. Wks r Milton Muncie, T, miner, r 110 Nicol Murcheson, Finley, tallyman Geo Cassaday & Co, r Newcastle ave Myrtle Lodge, No. 9 K. of P, John Shaw, K. of R. & S, 3rd story Free Press blk. Chapel N Nanaimo Auction Rooms, Charles Dempster & Co, Commercial Nanaimo Cigar Factory; prop Phil Gable, 27Ba8tion, P.O.box, 189 Nanaimo Drug Store, chemists, drug- gists and stationers,58 Commercial, P.O. box 370 Nanaimo Electric Light Works office, C H Stickles, mgr. Church, rear of W K Leighton's office Nanaimo Electric Light Wks, C H Stickles, m^r, r Eraser Nanaimo Equitable Pioneer Society, Ltd, general dealers, Nicol and Grace, P.O. box, 107 Nanaimo Fire Hall, intersection Nicol Victoria rd and Cavan Nanaimo Foundry, T & N W Dobeson, Comox rd Nanaimo Free Press, George Norris, prop, cor Commercial and Chapel Nanaimo Gas Works, bridge Nanaimo Hospital, Watson Ab, stew- ard, Kennedy and Franklyn Nanaimo Hotel, Gough & Evans, propr" Commercial HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY « ** f J™ ^^ NANAIMO CITY DIRKCTOBY. 225 Nanalmo Marble Works, prop, Alex Henderson, Front Nanalmo Market, Hull Bros & Co, Victoria Ores, branches at Wellington and Northfield Nanaimo Pharmaoy, W E Mc- Cartney, mgr, 44 Commercial, P.O. box, 325 Nanaimo Saw Mill and sash and door factory. Mill, P.O.Box 35 Nanaimo Soap Works, Gurran Bros props, Kennedy Nanaimo Steam Carriagre Works, prop, R Craig, cor Bastion and Fraser Nanaimo Team and Livery Stables, J H Cocking, prop, Haliourton, P. 0. box, 231 Nanaimo Telephone Co, GET Pit- tendrigh, mgr. Free Press block 3rd flobr. Chapel, P.O. box, 312 Nanaimo Water Works Co, office Selby Nash, A, painter and decorater, 60 Selby Nash, I, miner, r 32 Milton National Assurance Co'y of Ireland, J M Rudd, agt Nattrass, Mrs E, nurse, Nanaimo Hospital, r Franklyn Neane, W, miner, r '.^0 Irwin Neens, J, miner, r 99 Nicol Neens, J, miner, r 150 Nicol Nelson, miner, r 138 Nicol i Nelson, A, engineer. Union Brewery, r Dunsrauir Neri, Jean, millhand, saw mill. Mill Neubert, L, T, cigarmaker, 27 Bastion, r Globe hotel Newbury, J.bootmaker, r 59 Kennedy Newcastle House, Ed Donlan prop, r Comox rd Newcomb, Capt H, captain S.S. Cutch, r 82 Albert Newcomb, William, compositor Free Press, r Haliburton Newman, Adolph, cigar manufactur- er, r Williams' blk. Commercial Newman, C, grocer "Tea Co," 11 Vic- toria Cres, McAdie blk Newman, T R, cigar maker, New- man's cigar factory, r Williams' blk. Commercial Newman's cigar factory, cigar manu- facturers, 2nd floor Williams' blk, Commercial, P.O. box 64 Newton, J, miner, r 107 Nicol New Vancouver Coal & Land Co., Ltd, Saml M Robins supt, office cor Farquhar and Esplanaae New York lafe Insurance Co., A E Planta & Co agents, 46 Com- mercial, P.O. box 167 Nicholson, J, miner, r 107 Nicol Nicholson, J, miner, r Prideaux Nicholson, J, undertaker, r 108 Dickson Nicholson, Jno, millhand, r Prideaux Nicholson, Thos, millhand, sawmill, rMill Nickson, Nicholas, teamster Nan T & L stables, r Haliburton Nightingale, R, contractor, r Wallace Nord, J, miner, r 51 Haliburton Nord, M, blacksmith, r 30 Fry , Norris, W E, sect'y Union Brewery, Duftsmuir, r Kennedy Norris, A T, bookbinder Free Press, r Free Press blk Norris, Geo, editor and prop Free Fress, P.O. box 25, r Free Press blk Norris, Geo E, foreman job printing Free Press, r Free Press blk Norris, Will F, bookkeeper and col- lector Free Presft, r Free Press blk CBrian, Mrs L, prop S, L. stables, Albert, r Albert O'Brien, Patrick, bricklayer, r 22 Vic- toria Cres Occidental Hotel, Steffen, s, prop, r Fitzwilliam O'Connell, Thos, chief of police. Skin- ner, P.O. box 258, r cor Wesley and Franklvn O'Dell, W, architect, r Prideaux Old Flag Inn, J E. Jenkins, prop, P.O. box 9, r cor Bastion & Skinner Oliver, carpt, r Fitzwilliam Olmstead, C. contractor and builder, r 71 Albert Olsen, 0, miner, 102 Milton Opera House, W K Leighton,mgr, r Church Ord, T, miner, r 15a Nichol Otd, E, engr, 39 Irwin Oriental Hotel, John C Fraser, prop, P.O. box 55, r 36 Victoria Cres Orr & Rendell, boot and shoe mchts, P.O. box 67, r 1 Victoria Cres Orr, W J, boot and shoe mcht (Orr & RendoU), 1 Victoria Cres, r Albert Owens, J, supt canneries Skeena river, r39 Fry THOMAS HABDY IIBISIJrH, TMK CKI.BBXATSD 1^ a a. 3 «5 - OQ SZ5 Jfext CreBcent Hotel, Vinioria Crescent yANAiiat}, JB. c. BOTANIC BBUGGIST li: ■smmmmmmmMm*:.^.^,: J% / i JXS'TT^SVX^nn Manufacturer and Importer of Furniture, • X&XXjJDXi Al X Carpets, Bedding and Wall Paper . . . . . I? t>^ o Q 0^ O o o NA.MA.IN10 -EftTABI.IBHID 187.S- 220 BRITrSH COLUMUIA DIRECTORY. i Paoiflo Coast Fire Ins Co'y, A E Planta & Co, agentH, 46 Com- mercial, P.O. box 167 Paine, F, miner, r Irwin Palace Hotel, prop Tlios Peters, P.O. box 184, r Siiinner Ponnell, Ed, butcher Cosmopolitan marlcet. Commercial, r 33 Prideaux Pannell, G, gardener 8 M Robins, r 46 E{<planade Pargeter, Dan, barber, Dailey & Gra- iiam, r cor Victoria rd and Pri- deaux St Pargeter, J, engineer V.C. Co, r Vic- toria rd Pargeter, John, r Wallace Pargeter^ John, jr, blacksmith, r Victoria rd Parish, Hy, labr, r Stewart ave Parks, F, prop International hotel, Victoria Cres, r cor Wentworth and , Wallace Parker, E, painter, r Fraser Parkin, Jas, clerk for Jno Parkin, r 26 Commercial Parkin, Jno, grocer and provision dealer. Commercial Patterson, Buckle & Co, mcht tailors, Long Bridge, P.O. box 859 Patterson, James, mgr Hull Bros & Co, 36 Victoria Cres, r Albert Patterson, J, butcher, r 33 Albert Patterson, Mrs G D, boarding house, McAdie blk, Victoria Cres, r Mc- Adie blk Patton, R, longshoreman, r Commer- cial Inlet Patterson, T, cutter, Victoria Cres, r S3 Albert Patterson, T, merchant tailor. Long Bridge, r 25 Kennedy Patterson, T, miner, r 185 Haliburton Patterson, W, butcher, r 33 Albert Patterson, W, miner, r Haliburton Patterson, Mrs W, widow, house- cleaner, r Fraser Paulson, J, bartender, Commercial hotel, r 30 Franklyn Pausche, A, miner, f 30 Irwin Pausche, J, miner, r 30 Irwin Pawson, J, J.P., r 29 Fitzwilliam Payne, Edmund, tailor at Morgan & Comerford's, r 104 Nicol Peacock, J, tailor J A Caldwell, Com- mercial, r Franklyn Pearce, Geo, miner, r Prideaux Pearce, Miss Lottie, dressmaker Sloan & Scott, 49 Commercial, r Prideaux Pearsall, A J, school teacher, Frank- lynn, r McCape's cabins Pearson, miner, r 26 Milton Pearson, Charlton H, fruit and candy store. Commercial, r 46 Nicol Pearson, J, miner, r 139 Nicol Pearson, Robt W, clerk, Commercial, r Nicol Pearson, T, miner, r Haliburton Pearson, T, miner, r Dickson Peck, Mrs T E, widow, r Cavan Pender, J, miner, r 71 Prideaux Peoples' Store, The, general mrchts, 48 Victoria Cres, P.O. box 151 Powell, T, miner, r 17a Nicol Perkins, WHS, dry goods mer- chant, P.O. box 159, r 8 Milton Perry, J, miner, r Farquhar Peters, Henry, cigar maker, 27 Bas- tion, r Skinner Peters, Thos, prop Palace Hotel, Skinner Peterson, A, miner, r 218 Haliburton Peto, F G, clerK iV K Leighton, Green blk, r Church PtaUpott. W H, proj) Criterion restaurant, 55 Commercial, r Brit- tan ia hotel Phoenix Fire Insurance Co of Brooklyn, W K I.«ighton, agent. Green blk, r Church Pierard, J, miner, r Haliburton Pierce, E, miner, r 154 Haliburton Pierrot, J, miner, r 24 Prideaux Fimbnry, E & Co, chemists, drug- gists and stationers, 68 Commercial , P.O. box 370 Pimbury, E, ch«mist& druggist, 58 Commercial Pine, G, miner, r Five- Acre lots Pioneer Soda Water Wks, J Mitchell, prop, Wallace and Wentworth Piper, miner, r Kennedy Piper, J, miner, r 30 Milton Piper, T, miner, 34 Milton Pittendrigh, GET, mgr Nanaimo Telephone Co, P. O. box 312, r Comox rd Planta A E & Co, real estate and insurance, P.O. box 167, 46 Com- mercial Planta, A E, i eal estate and insur- ance, 46 Commercial, r Newcastle ave Planta, J P, Justice of Peace and T. DOBESOK. N. W. DOBESON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron and Brata Voundert, Oenerat Maehiniats. All Kindt of Mepaira, Zand and Marine. NANAIMO. - • • BRITISH COLUMBIA. PPPULAR PRICES AND BEST OF GOODS AT THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE I Clarence Block, Cor. Yates and Douglas Sts., Victoria, B. C. NANAIMO CITY DIRKOTORY. 227 stipendiary MaiiiHtrate for Vancou- ver Island, r 9 Winfleld Crea I'laistic, Job, labr, Coinox rd, r Park hotel IMeace, J H, hardware merchant, 6 Vititoria Cresent, r Hecate and Prideaux, P.O. box 4 Police Office, Skinner 1'olkinghorne, J, miner, r 109 Nicol Polkinghorne, W, miner, r 61 Irwin Pollard, H, teamster, r Hecate Pollard, J, teamster Nanaimo T. &L. stables, r Heacate Pollard, W J, eneine driver V. C. Co, r fi2 Victoria ra Planta, J E, carpenter Nanaimo Saw- mill, r Newcastle ave Pollock, R, carpenter, r Robson Pollock, R, miner, r Five-Acre blocks Pollock, W, miner, r Five-Acre blocks Pollock, W J, clerk V.C. Co, r Robson Pool, Alec, apprentice Crescent Phar- macy, 26 Victoria Cres, r 9 Selby Pool, Miss C, school teacher, r 9 Selby Pool, Mies J, milliner J S Stannard & Co, Victoria Cres, r 9 Selby Porter, T, miner, r Haliburton Prowse, Richard, road foreman, r Albert Potts, A, real estate agent Hawthorn- thwaite & Co, Commercial, r New- castle towneite Potts, A G H, land .ind mining brok- er, Hawthornthwaite & Co, r New- castle townsite Potts, H Beevor, barrister, solicitor, notary public, commis- sioner for afficfavits, office Com- mercial, r Union ave, Newcastle townsite Potts, E E, surveyor's assistant, r First Potta, R, miner, r 16 Dickson Powers, JET, nigr dry goods depart- ment, N. E. P. Society, Ltd, r Hecate Praeger, Dr A E, physician and sur- geon, r Front Pratt, Jno L, barber, Commercial, r Skinner Pratt, Thos, mim r, r Prideaux Presbyterian Ch;irch, «iev McRae, Fitz William Presley, B D. book keepur, Hilbert's store, r Robson Price, Jas, pressman's assistant, Free Press, r Selby Price, J, miner, Five-Acre blocks Price, J, Free Press office, r Selby Price, 8, miner, r Selby Price, W, paper carrier, Fress Press, r Selby Pride, W, miner, r 50 Albert Priest, Elijah, provincial land sur- veyor, r Newcastle ave Pritchard, Thos, carriage wood work- er, r International hotel Proctor, H, mgr Crescent Pharmacy, 26 Victoria Cres, P.O. box 30 Prout, Jno, painter, r Central hotel Proven, J, miner, 50 Albert Provincial Hotel, Mrs A Miller, prop, r 22 Victoria Cres Prouse, R, road supt, r 28 Albert Purkis, 8 C, plasterer, r McCleary Pyatt, Jos, painter, r Milton Py well, W, miner, r 52 Kennedy Q Qaennell, Alderman E, butcher, Commercial, r Fitzwilliam Quennell, Jas, slaugljterman, Cosmo- politan market, Commercial, r Na- naimo river Quint", J, miner, r Haliburton Rae, J K, book-keeper, r 122 Nicol Railway Station, E. & N. Railway, East Prideaux Raine, J, engineer, r 52 Victoria rd Rains, W T, miner, Five- Acre blks Ramsay, G J, blksmith, r Nicol Ramsay, G, miner, r Nicol Ramsay, J, mine L, V.C. Co, r Dick- son Ramsay, J, engineer, r Selby Ranch, A, bartender, r Stewart ave Randle, A J, tinsmith, (Van Houten & Randle,) Commercial, r Crace and Nicol Randle, A E, hardware merchant, (Van Houten & Randle) 57 Com- mercial, r Wesley Randle, A, (Van Houten and Ran- dle, r Crace Randle, A, fireman V.C. Co., Crace Randle, J, miner V.C. Co., Five- Acre blks Randle, Joseph jun, overseer V.C.Co., Crace Randle, 0, machinist, r Crace Randolph, H G, carpenter, 154 Hali- burton H H O o H H I A. M. BEATTIE CITT MARKET, VANCOUVER. B. C. Weekly Auctions E, ll IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 4 1.0 1.1 11.25 ■A11Z8 12.5 ta Ui 12.2 S 144 ™^ •« iM 111112.0 ■v^ 7: V Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WIST MAIN STMIT WUSTH.N.Y. M5M (716) •72-4503 ^^ T. DOBESON, N. W. DOBBBON. NANAIMd FOUNDRY, Irtn and Sr€ua Moundtrn, Oantral Xaehtniatm Alt Kindt of Bepair», Zand and Marint. \ NANAIHO, • • BRITISH COLUMBIA I P ;r u si " e •§1 •mm « S ! •a ' o • o PQ ixl 228 BBITISH COLUMBIA DIBEOTORY. Raper, A, mgr Baper, Raper & Go, 28 Victoria Cre8, P.O. box 21 Raper, Raper & Go, booksellers and stationers, P.O. box 21 Raper, R, labr V.C.Go., r Gavan Bawlinson, Ghas, elk A R Johnson & Co, r Lubbock 8(j Rawlinson, H, fruitstore Lubbock sq Redfem, S, miner, r 106 Milton Redfern, W. miner, r 106 Milton Reece, D, miner, r Five-Acre blks Reece, D, miner, r 28 Kennedy Reece, L, miner, r 164 Haliburton Reed, J, miner, r Prideaux Reid, Jno, miner, r Fourth Reid, J, miner, r Prideaux Reid, Jno, elk T L Da vies, Gommer- cial, r Skinner Reid, Wm, machinist, r 40 Skinner Reifle, G, brewer Union Brewery, r Dunsmuir Reifle, H, brewer Union Brewery, r Dunsmuir Reiley, J, miner, r 40 Milton Rendell, E, boot and shoe merchant, (Orr & Rendell) Victoria Ores, r 22 Milton Rennie, Miss T, tailoress J R Wray, Williams blk, r Prideaux Renwick, Dave, salesman N.E.P.S. ltd, Nicol and Grace, r Selbv Renwick, J jr, blacksmith, r Selby Reynolds, Harry A, shoemaker Orr & Rendell, 1 Victoria Ores, r Milton Rhodes, J, miner, 233 Haliburton Richards, D, miner, r Five- Acre blks Richards, J, miner, r 58 Prideaux Richardson, A A, dry goods mercht, 50 Gommercial, r cor First st and Stewart ave Richardson, A, engineer, r53 Nicol Richardson, G, miner, Prideaux Richardson, J, miner, r 137 Halibur- ton Richardson, J, Wallace Richardson, J S, elk (A A Richardson) 59 Gommercial, r cor Stewart ave and First st Richardson, R, miner, r Nicol Richardson, Ralph, machinist Nan, Foundry, r Nicol Rickson, Jno, deliveryman Excelsior bakery, Gommercial, r 40 Milton Rickson, Joseph, miner, r 40 Milton Rickson, T, mmer, r 40 Mi? ion Rickson, W, miner, r 40 Milton Riley, J, miner, r Prideaux Ritchie, Walter, teamster G Bevi- lockway, Gommercial, r 45 Went- worth Ritchie, W G, teamster Shamrock livery stables, r Milton Ritchie, W, teamster S.L.S., Albert, r Milton Ritton, D, miner, r Five-Acre blks Rivers, R, miner, r 15 Needham Robertson, miner, r 135 Haliburton Roberts, Miss E, head dressmaker D Spencer, Victoria Gres, r Robarts Roberts, E, axeman V.G. Co, Five- Acre blks Robertson, Robt, bartender Grand hotel, Victoria Gres, r Grand hotel Roberts, W R, jeweller. Green blk, r Church Robins, Samnel Matthew, J.P. , supt New Vancouver Goal & Land Go, ltd, r Esplanade Robinson, miner, r Five-Acre blks Robinson, F, labr, r 60 Irwin Robinson, Hy, oper Telephone Go, Free Press blk, r Irwin Robinson, Geo, carpenter, r 22 Vic- toria Gres Robinson, J, hairdresser, r Milton Robinson, Joseph, barber, 40 Vic- toria Gres, r Milton Robinson, Mrs M, r 60 Irwin Robson, W, miner, r Fry Roe, Miss Annie, music teacher, r Chapel Roe, Geo, wharfinger, Johnston's wharf, r Chapel Rogers, Ellis, miner, r Haliburton Rogers, F, labr, r Prideaux Rogers, L, purser .8.8. City of Nanai- mo, r 23 Prideaux Rolls, Geo, miner, r Stewart ave Roman Catholic Church, Wallace Roos.W, weighmn V.G. Go, r Robarts Roschio, C, miner, r Nicol Rosekilly, N R, carpt, r 11 Milton Rosewall, Hy, miner, r cor Comox rd and Kennedy Ross, D, teamster, r 8 Fry Ross, J, motor driver, V.O.G, r 8 Fry Ross, Mrs H, rl66 Farquhar Ross, P, teamster, r 8 Fry Rova, O, miner, r 16 Sebastian Rowbottom, Albert, deliveryman, Union bakery, Bastion Rowbottom, E, miner, r Prideaux RowDottom, Frank, baker. Union bakery. Bastion Rowbottom, F, stone mason, r 38 Farquhar WILUAMS & lURKEB. RED CROSS WM, VIDICOUVER, 6. 1 •!<;- :/'> ' KODIiOrS eir COMPIIV, Ignts % M Cvry and Bentoi Coinit) Flouring Mills -VICTORIA. B. O.- NANAIUO CITY OIBECTOBY. 229 Bowbottom, Herbert, deliveryman, Union bakery, Bastion Bowe, H, Btage driver, Northfield and Wellington, r 28 Prideaux Bowe, Mrs R H, gen store, cor Needham and Haliburton, r Hali- burton Bowlev, J, blksmith, r 13 McCleary Boy, T, miner, r 63 Irwin Royal Hotel, Jos Guflfolo, prop. Com- mercial, P.O. box 5 Ro^al Insuranoe Co'y, W K Leighton, agent, Green block, r Church Budd, Jno M, book-keeper, A R John- eon & Co, cor Bastion and Skinner, r Selby Rudolph, J, miner, r 60 Albert Rumming, G H, steward, Nanaimo Social Club, Bastion, r Comox rd Rumming, W E, bottler. Pioneer Soda W<ter Works, 62 Wallace, r Comox rd Runskee, Emma, chambermaid, Windsor house Ryder, C S, fmr, r Haliburton PIANOS, ORGANS, BAND INSTRUMENTS, VIOLINS. ETC. LATEST SHEET MUSIC SUPPLIED. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to. CoMercial St, NANAIHO. B. C. S Sabiston, Mrs P, widow, r Wallace Sage, Enoch, pound keeper, r cor Dickson st and Victoria rd Sage, Geo, wharf builder, Newcastle townsite Sage, Jessie, janitor, Courthouse, r Mill Sage, J, engineer, V.C. Co, r Selby Salmon, J, miner, r Irwin, 2 Monday's cabins Salter, Harry, stableman, Nanaimo sawmill Salvation Army officers' headquarters, Skinner Sampson, Jno, photographer. Dia- mond City Studio, 64 Commercial, r Wallace, P.O. box 246 Santini, E, miner r 20 Prideaux Sash and Door Factory, A Has- 1am, prop, r Mill Santy, G, miner. Bay View hotel Savage, A, longshoreman, r Halibur- ton Saw Mill Nanaimo, A Haslam, prop, r Mill, P.O. box 35 Scales, J H, blksmith, r 24 Dickson Scales, D, miner, r 104 Victoria rd Schiell, J, longshoreman, rHalibur-' ton Schisler, H L, millhand, sawmill, r Mill Schmitz, Louis, baker, r Comox rd Schwage, E, coal trimmer, r Halibur- ton ' Sconse, J, miner, r 36 Selby Sconce, T, miner, r Prideaux Sconce, W, miner, Prideaux Scott, D, pipeman, V.C. Co, r 131 Haliburton^ Scott. Miss Kate, tailoress, J R Wray, Williams' block, r Nicol Scott, R, machinist, r 32 Irwin Scott, R, nursery gardener, r Kennedy Scott, Walter C, dry goods (Sloan & Scott), 49 Commercial, r Kennedy Scottish Union and National Ins. Co., of Edinbni^h, Soot- land, Commercial, M Wolfe, agt Scoville,Wm, I.X.L. stables, r Chapel Seaton, MrsHF, kindergarden school teacher, r 38 Irwin Sehl, J J, furniture dealer. Free Press blk, r Stewart ave Sesforth, — , fireman E.L, works, r Fitzwilliam Shamrock Livery Stables, J Matson, prop, Albert Share, J, miner, r Prideaux Sharpies, I, builder, r 37 Wentworth Shaw, A, box pusher V.C. Co. mines, 54 Irwm Shaw, H, boatbnilder, r 57 Selby Shaw, J, boatbuil'ler, r 57 Selbv Shaw Jno, pribcipal Boys' Central School, r Stewart ave S» c*a m THOMAS HARDY "'^V.^ 'Sr'SSMlfiW BOTANIC CHEMIST Pwrefy r»fet«*l« FrtpmrmUona Jm«««mMo» JMIIa. Pito OUttmtnt I' p J^ HIIjBERT ^^^''^' "'i' h^f\itT of Fimitare, Girpf ts BEDDING AND WAIX PAPEBS. - KA.NA.I1VIO. o o QQ "Sr j^ o o Ql ■c« I— > 60 > « o CO c o O Q DC O O 230 BRIIISH COLCHBIA DIBKOTOBY. Shaw, W N, contractor and carpen- ter, r Fourth Sheanes, C, miner, r 49 Irwin Shelby, Prof E F, violinist, 22 Vic- toria Crea Sheppard, H, miner, r Five- Acre blks Sheppard, J, carpenter, r 59 Selby Shields, J, longshoreman, r Hali- burton Shebbart, P H, miner, r Grace Sherwin, Thos, dishwasher Criterion restaurant, 55 Commercial, r Brit- tania hotel Simpson, H, barrister and solicitor (Simpson & Simpson), r 18 Milton Simpson, H A, barister and solicitor (Simpson & Simpson), Chapel, r Wallace Simpson, J, miner, r Irwin Simpson & Simpson, barristers, etc, office Chapel Sinclair, M, labr Haslam's sawmill, r Franklyu Sinclair, William, drayman, 104 Haliburton Sister Mary Florence, Sister of St Anne's Convent, Wallace Sister Mary Infant Jesus, Superior of St Anne's Convent, Wallace Sinter Mary Roaary, Sister of St Anne's Convent, Wallace Sitko, F, miner, r 5 Monday's cabins, Irwin Slavin, J, miner, r 99 Irwin Sloan, Wm., dr^ goods (Sloan & Scott), 49 Commercial, r Robarts Sloan 4c Scott, dry goods, 49 Commercial, P.O. box 289, tele- phone 125 Sloggett, H 0, M.D., physician and surgeon, Haliburton and Finlayson Sloggett, H D, student, r Haliburton and Finlayson Smart, 6 M, baker (Smart & Thorne), 34 Victoria Cres, r International hotel Smart & Thorne, fancy bread and biscuit bakers, 34 Victoria Cres Smedley, H, miner, r Nicol Smith, A J, Excelsior Bakery, 28 Commercial, r Skinner Smith, A, miner, r Irwin Smith, Capt Chas, master mariner Str Estelle Smith, D, J.P., notary public, r Irwin Smith, D jr, factorv hand, Newcastle townsite, r ave Stewart Smith, Mrs E, r 108 Irwin Smith, £ B, Methodist minster, r 118 Victoria rd Smith, Edwd, r Newcastle ave Smith, Frank, slaughterman H. & W. Co, 40 Commeicial, r Departure Bay rd Smith, Mrs H, r 29 Albert Smith, Irving, boomman Nanaimo Sawmill, r Newcastle ave Smith, I D, carpt, r Haliburton Smith, J, miner, 34 Far<]^uhar Smith, J, miner, r 139 Nicol Smith, J, miner, 14 Robson Smith, Miss J, head -dressmaker N. E.P.S., ltd, r Wallace Smith, J B, plasterer, r 30 McCleary Smith, John, longshoreman. Mission- ary Row, r Haliburton Smith, M, miner, 171 Farquhar Smith, N, r 179 Nicol Smith, N, miner, 171 Farquhar Smith, Peter, nightwatchman Nan Sawmill, r Newcastle ave Smith. Robt, teamster N.E.P.S. ltd, r 108 Irwin Smith, Capt Sarah, Salvation Army, Skinner, r S.A.O. headquarters Smith, W A , miner, r Nicol Snowden, C, brakeman V.C. Co., Snowden, I, engine driver, r 117 Irwin Snowden, T, stableman Cooking's stables, Haliburton, r 117 Irwin Soap Works, Nanaimo, Kennedy Sobrey, Rev Father, Roman Catholic priest, The Parsonage, r \ Wallace Soda Water Works, Pioneer, J Mit- chell, prop, cor WalU se and Went- worth South Ward School, Miss Duncan, superior, r Needham Spear, R, miner, r 20 Milton Spaars, W J ft Co, music store, P.O. box 96 Spearin, G, stableman y.C. Co., r 173 Haliburton Speck, A, carpt, r Albert Spencer, A, miner, 6-Acre blks Spencer, A, clerk Spencer & Perkins, r Bay View hotel Spencer. D, dry goods mercht, Vic- toria Cres Spencer, T A, mgr D Spencer, dry f;oods, Victoria Cres, r Bay View louse Spier, A, miner, r 139 Nicol Spiers, T, machinist, r Prideaux Spike, Alex, carpenter, r Wallace T. OOBKSON, N. W. DOBESON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron aMtf lira«« I'oundortt 0«««ral Jfine*iMfi«(«i All Kind* of nopairt, l,and an* Mat RAlfAIMO. BSITISH COLUKBIA. FrescriDtions PreDareil ta PURE DRUGS ONLY at tbe Central Drag Store Clarence Block, Corner Yates and Douglas Sts., Victoria, B. C. NAKAIUO CITY DIRECTORY. 231 Spike, Alf, miner, r Wallaea Spooner, chicken rancher, r Five- Acre block St. Ann's Canvent, Sister Mary I. J. SurerioreBs, Wallace St Alban's Parish Church, Toyey, Rev G H, r Nicol Stanton, H, Govt clerk, r Selby Stannard, A W, clerk J S Stannard & Co, Victoria Cres, r Cavan Stannard, J S & Co, dry goods merchants, 20 Victoria Crea, F. O. box 42 Stannard, F J, salesman J S Stannard & Co, 20 Victoria Cres, r Prideaux Stannard, J S, dry goods merchant, Victoria Cres, r Cavan Steele, Wm, prop Grand hotel, 18 Victoria Cres Steel, W, longshoreman, r Victoria Cres Steffen, Gas, prop Occidental hotel, r Fitzwilliam Stella, Arthur, Union Brewery Co, r Mill Stephens, Chris, cook Provincial hotel, r 22 Victoria Cres Stephenson, M, teamster A R Johns- ton & Co, r Chapel Stephenson, Thos, butcher boy Cos- mopolitan market, r Fitzwillian Stevenson, C E & Co, dry goods, Stanley House, Commercial Stevenson, C E, dry goods, Stanley House, r Commercial Stevens, C, carpenter, r Five-Acre blocks Stevenson, S C, bartender Boyal hotel. Commercial Stevens, S G, waiter International hotel, Victoria Cres Steward, D, minei , r 72 Milton Steward, D, carpenter, r 74 Milton Stewart, A, mail clerk, r 32 Albert Stewart, H M, bank teller, r Selby Stewart, J, miner, r 94 Nicol Stewart, J, miner, r 20 Dickson Stewart, J, miner, r Victoria rd Stewart, J D, miner, r Finlayson Stewart, V, machinist, r 32 Albert Stewart, wm, watchmaker M R Counter, Victoria Cres, r Hotel Wilson Stewart, W, Chief Provincial Police, r 32 Albert Stickles, C H, mgr Nan. Electric Light Works, office Green Block, Church, r Milton Stiles, G, miner, r 21 Haliburton Stirling, A, carpenter, r Five-Acre blocks Stoffella, Luigi, brewer Empire Brewery, r Comox rd Stolzenberg, Harry, miner,r Kennedy Stonehouse, D, miner, r 65 Nicol Stonehouse, J, miner, r 65 Nicol Stonehouse, M, miner, r 65 Nicol ~ Stonehouse, W, miner, r 65 Nicol Storey, C, miner, r 70 Fitzwilliam Storey, I, miner, r 70 Fitzwilliam Storey, W, miner, r Fitzwilliam Strain, F H, carpenter, r 71 Albert Streethorse, G, miner, r 39 Needham Strine, B, carpenter, r Robson StuU, S, miner. Bay View hotel Sullivan, D, machinist, r Victoria Sullivan, J, engr V.C. Co, r 23 Selby Summerhays, A, stonemason, r Wal- lace Son Fire Insurance Office, A E Planta & Co, agents, 46 Com- mercial, P.O. box 167 Sutton, J, miner, r Five-Acre blka Swanson, Chs^, miner, r McCIeary Swanson, James, miner, r McCleary Swanson, Sinclair, miner, r McCleary Swanson, William, miner, r Mc- Cleary Taggart, Charles, confectioner and fruiter, r 31 Victoria Cres Tagart, JER, clerk, V.C. Co, r 70 Irwin Taite, Andrew, bootmaker, Victoria Cres, r Crescent hotel Tarrant, L, tailor J A Caldwell, r Commercial Taylor, C M, tailor, r Victoria Cres Taylor, E E, clerk Peoples' Store, 48 Victoria Cres, r Robart Taylor, F, carpenter, sawmill, r Mill Taylor, G H, carpenter, r 116 Nicol Taylor, Jno, miner, r Milton Taylor, P, engineer V.C. Co., 56 Fry Tea Company, The, grocers and pre- vision mchts, P.O. box 1, r 11 Vic toria Cres Teague, J, miner, r Five-Acre blk Teague, J jr, law student, Five-Acre lots Telephone Co, Nanaimo, GET Pit- tendrigh, mgr, Free Press blk, r Chapel Temperance Hall, 76 Prideaux D J) m < CO JO n O O 7) J} o m 09 M o s: S8 W X > f t" »4 m i A. MsJfE^TTiE WEEKLY AUaiONS CITTI : T. DOBESOM, N. W. DOBEBON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY. Iron and Bra»a Jf0under; Oeneral Xaehinim « ^11 Kindt of Bopairtt Zand and Marine, NANAIMO. • • BRITISH COLUMBIA. n I TS »H 9t O .a g< cf "I £t !•* « s -*^ &i bo •^ a OD S.S « § s ^ * p f § ^ r 232 BRITISH COLUUBIA DIBECTORY. r Hali- City Hotel Temperley, 6, miner, r Irwin Thatcher, A, teamster People's store, r 48 Victoria Cres Thames, H, cari)t, r Fraser Thomas, A S, miner, r 27 Farqnhar Thomas, Alfred, mgr Nanaimo Gas wks, r Bridge Thomas D, mmer, 31 Prideaux Thomas, Wm, fmr, r Richard Thompson, Adam, jr, asst city clerk, City hall, r Nicol Thom'pson, A, miner, r 150 Nicol Thompson, Crawford, teamster Nan T. & L. stables, r 94 Haliburton Thompson, D, miner. Five- Acre blks Thompson, G, govt clerk, r 24Frank- lyn and Wesley Thompson, H, liveryman, burton Thompson, J, miner, 107 Nicol Thompson, Jas, expressman Transfer Stables, Chapel, r Wilson Thompson, Jno, r Newcastle townsite Thompson, J, miner, Victoria rd Thompson, John, carpentey, r 94 Haliburton " . Thompson. J, miner, 169 Haliburton Thompson, J, miner, 150 Nicol Thompson, J, miner, 153 Nicol Thompson, J W, miner, Victoria rd Thompson, Peter, carpt, Skinner, r Palace hotel Thompson, R, miner, 139 Nicol Thompson & Scoville, I.X.L. livery, Chapel Thompson, S, miner, r 135 Kennedy Thompson, W, miner, r Nicol Thompson, Walter, I.X.L. stables, r Chapel , Thorne, E, baker Smart & Thome, 34 Victoria Cres, r Provincial hotel Thorpe, W H, miner, r Haliburton Thrall, A, miner, r 8 Gillespie Tippett, S, butcher, r 167 Nicol Tisdale, D, labr, r 61 Fraser Todd, F. teamster, Wallace, r 94 Nicol Topp, Wm, stableman City Transfer Stables, Chapel, r Occidental hotel Tovey, Rev G H, rector St. Alban's church, r Selby Trounce, Wm, night watchman, cor Bastion & Skinner, r Old Flag inn Trumpet, J, machinist, r 2 Duns- muir Trevillion, T, miner, r 45 Prideaux Tucker, Matthew, carpt, r Fourth Tanstall, J, miner, r 120 Victoria rd TarnbuU. Thos, labr, r Fourth Turner, A, miner, r 29 Milton Turner, A, miner, r 45 Prideaux Turner, Fred, apprentice Van Hou- ten & Randle, Commercial, r Nicol Turner, R, miner, r 166 Nicol Tweed, £, miner, r Albert Tweed, Miss, milliner D Spencer, r Victoria Cres Tyler, A, miner, r 19 Milton Tyler, H, miner, r 19 Milton Tyler, J, miner, r 19 Milton Tyler, L, miner, r 19 Milton Union Assurance Co of London, £ng. Commercial, M Wolfe, agent Union Bakery, prop, Francis Row- bottom, Bastion, P.O. box 102 U.S. Consnlar Asrenoy, W B Dennison, agent, r 57 Commercial, P.O. box 321 Vagts, Jno, cigar maker, 27 Bastion, r Central hotel Vahle, F, miner, r 187 Haliburton Valley, M, miner, r 91 Prideaux Van Honton & Handle, hard- ware merchants, 51 Commercial, P.O. box 329 Van Houten, A C, druggist E Pim- bury & Co, 58 Commercial, r Hotel Wilson Van Houten, E McG, chemist and druggist, E Pimburjr & Co, 68 Com- mercial, r Hotel Wilson Van Houten, Walter J, hardware merchant (Van Houten & Ran- dle), Commercial, r cor Prideaux and Albert Vail Houten, W (Van Houten & Randle), Commercial, r Albert Veronica Home, 127 Victoria rd Vienna Steam Bakery, Comox rd Vipond, G, express and drayman, r Wallace Vipond, J, express and drayman, r Wallace w Wagstaff, F, miner, r Haiiburton Wagstaif, W, miner, r Eaton Wakdem. T, miner, r Hali^'".rton J.R. -^atisfac Walker. Mrs G William Wall, T, carpe Wall, WH, en Wallace, Jas, c Wallace, L. h Works, r Wa Wallace, Magg don, r Pridea Wallace, S mic Wamsley, M, I 10 Richard Wamsley, M, 40 Commerci Wandsberg, F, Ward, Chas, up zie. Union av Ward, J B, frui Cres Wardill.CA.n Warran J, eng Warwick, A, ji McCleary Watson, A, min Watson, A V, st pital, cor Ken Watson, Geo, 1 site Watson, J, mine Watson, Miss S. Watssn, Mrs M Hospital, cor I Watson, Robt, u r Newcastle to Webb, Wm E, r Cres Weeks, J, miner Weigh, Pet< brewery. Inter toria Grea SEND TO THE RED CROSS BREWERY ^niFcL¥.^^5.?^^^ „--™ HARDY, IIRISINQ-.tl,.CeIei, FUlt. CIi( HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY WbolGsale Grocers & fine MercMts VICTORIA. B. C. NANAIMO CITY DIBBCTOBY. 233 J. R. WRAY MERCHANT TAILOR - - -Satisfaction Guaranteed- Coiiercial St. NAMIHO, B. C. Walker, Mrs G, fruit store, r 20 Fitz- william Wall, T, carpenter, r Five- Acre blks Wall, W H. engr, r 46 Haliburton Wallace, Jas, carpenter, r McCleary Wallace, L, jr. Dottier Soda Water Works, r Wallace Wallace, Maggie, domestic Mrs Gor- don, r Prideaux Wallace, S miner, t 8 Kennedy Wamsley, M, butcher, Commercial, r 10 Richard Wamsley, M, (Hemans & Wamsley) 40 Commercial, r Richard Wandsberg, F, labr, r Cavan Wardj.Chas, upholsterer, J) C McKen- zie. Union ave Ward, J B, fruit dealer, r 42 Victoria Cres Wardill, A, mechanic, r Selby Warran, J, engineer, r Irwin Warwick, A, gang boss, V.C. Co, r McCleary Watson, A, miner, r Irwin Watson, A V, steward, Nanaimo Hos- pital, cor Kennedy and Franklyn Watson, Geo, labr,' Newcastle towh- site Watson, J, miner. Five- Acre lots Watson, Mies S, music teacher, r Selby Watsen, Mrs M R, matron, Nanaimo Hospital, cor Kennedy and Frankyn Watson, Robt, machinist, N.V.C Co, r Newcastle townsite Webb, Wm E, retired, r 32 Victoria Cres Weeks, J, miner, r 20 Milton Weigh, Peter, prop. Empire brewery, International hotel, r Vic- toria Cres Wells, T H, teamster. Union brewery, Newcastle townsite Wells, Wm, miner, r Richard Welsh, Miss A, music teacher, r 45 Fitzwilliam Welsh, Miss E, clerk, Raper, Raper & Co, 28 Victoria Cres, r Fitzwilliam Welsh, Miss H, clerk in Raper store, r 45 Fitzwilliam Wenborn, F, nursery gardener, r 47 Dickson Wenborn, R, machinist, Mitford Cres Wen burn, Wm, butcher, r 86 Hali- burton West, T, miner, r Farquhar Westerman, J, miner, r 50 Albert Westmorland, Robt, retired, r Com- mercial Westwood, C N, P.O. box 214, r Comox rd Westwood, Mrs F, widow, r Comox rd Westwood, G W J, r Comox rd Westwood, J A H, r Comox rd Westwood, M T C| fmr, Nanaimo, r Comox rd Wharf, Hirst's, C N Westwood, mgr, cor Wharf and Bastion Wharf, Johnston's, G Roe wharfin- ger. Front While, bricklayer, r Farquhar Whiteside, clerk McGregor's store, 24 Milton Whiteside, F S, salesman Jas Mc- Gregor, 3 Victoria Cres, 24 Milton Whitfield, Oeo, boot and shoe dealer, 30 Victoria Cres, r upstairs, P.O. box 238 Whitfield, Randolph, salesman M Wolfe, Commercial, r 106 Nicol Whitfield, R, real estate agent, r 126 Nicol Whitfield, W H, carp'ter, 26 Milton Whitehead, Geo, clerk Hotel Wilson, r Chapel Wigram, J, miner, r 1 Irwin, cor Sebastian Wilcox, Mrs Jas, widow, r Milton Wilcox, Ralph, bartender. Commer- cial hotel Wildman, W, lather, r Fitzwilliam Willey, H, clerk Nan. V.C. Co., r McCleary Wiley, J, miner, r 78 Prideaux Willis, R, miner, 106 Nicol Willis, Mies R, chambermaid Palace hotel, r Skinner trrt THOMAS HARDY, BOTANIC DRUeGIST ^•"" *'*-Ti/i?ior*ir^- '•'^«"-*' IIRISING-ttae Celebrated Blood Pnrlfler. Fllla. Ctaoiera Mixture. as I c X !0 p cd X (9 tr^S tnrt tTTJ J 'i i ."•'^f^i Pnrely Vegetable Preparatlone. Female Corrective Pllla. *"'~ ~' Indlceation. Pile Ointment. ipp "iipip mmm mm JJILBEBT'*'"' '•'•'''''• .:fe . NANAIMO, B. C. UNDERTAKER AND EMMLMHI CO 234 BRITISH COIiVMBIA DIBBCTOBY. Wilkinson, J, miner, r Milton "Wilkinson, W, miner, r 110 Victoria rd Wilks, E Miss, Chambermaid, Nana- imo hotel Wilks, Stephen, miner, r 82 Hali- burton Wilks, Thos, labr, r 82 Haliburton Williams, W Lloyd, miner, r 28 Ken- nedy Williams, A, miner, r 20 Milton Williams, A, carpenter, r34McGleary Williams, A D, clerk W K Leighton, r Park hotel, Comox rd Williams, Chas, teamster I. X. L. stables, r Chapel Williams, Francis Z, elk 6 Bevilock- way. Commercial, r Dickson Williams, G, miner, r 14 Prideaux Williams, Jae, clerk Central hotel, Commercial Williams, J, expressman, r 25 Pri- deaux Williams, J, miner, 15 Nicol Williams, Nathaniel, miner, r Pri- deaux Williams, N, miner, r Five-Acre lots Williams, T, labr C. Co., Five- Acre lots James, carpenter, r John, carpenter, r Williamson, Franklyn Williamson, Franklyn Williamson, P, cabinet maker, r Selby Williamson, Peter, millhand saw mill, r Mill Williamson, Saml, miner, r Milton Willoughby, H, miner, Lubbock sq Wilson, A, miner, 66 Selby Wilson, Chas, carpenter, r Finlayson Wilson, Jno jr. moulder Nan Foun- dry, r Campbell Wilson, J, (Wilson & McFarlane) bakers, r Victoria Cres Wilson, J, miner, r 126 Victoria rd Wilson, J S, miner, r Fraser Wilson & McFarlane, bakers, r 43 Victoria Cres Wilson, Miss M, dressmaker Sloan & Scott, 49 Commercial, r Albert Wilson, T, miner, r 12 Gillespie Wilson, T, miner, r Farquhar Wilson, Walter, prop Hotel Wilson, P.O. box 360, r Hotel Wilson Windsor House, hotel, P.O. box 139, r Church Winterhalter, Conrad, brewer, r Co- mox rd Winters, S, miner, r 58 Nicol Wolfe, Marons, real estate and flnanoial broker. Com- mercial, P.O. box 10, r cor Fltz- william and Wallace Wood, W,8tationagt E. & N. R., r Pri- deaux Woodburn, M, miner, rl96 Nicol Woodburn, Mrs M, r 196 Nicol Woodburn, P, miner, 196 Nicol Woodman, Miss A, saleslady N.E.P. S. ltd, r Victoria rd Woodman, W, engineer, r 122 Vic- toria rd Worden, W, prop Tea Co, 11 Victoria Cres, McAdie block Wray, J R, merchant tailor, cor Commercial and Wharf, 27 Wil- liams' bloc"^, r Wesley Wrigglesworth, J, joiner, r Milton Westphalu, H, cigar maker, New- man's Cigar Factory, Williams' block, r Commercial Wyse, J F H, electrician, r Robarts Yarrow, G, miner, r 47 Needham Yarwood ft Yonngr, barristers and solicitors, Commercial Yates, J, miner, r Nicol Y.M.O.A. Rooms, E W Freure, sec, 8rd story Green Block, Church; Officers, Pres. Capt H L Dempster, Vice-pres. G W Gowland, Rec Sec. W H McLellan, Treas. AldT Dobe- son, Gen. Sec. E W Freure ; Bible SocieW, British and Foreign, Y.M. C.A. Rooms, A Shaw, secretary Y. M. I. Hall, Wallace Young, Ej carpentet, Victoria Cres, r McAdie Block Young, Fred McB, barrister and sol- icitor ( i arwo<xl & Young), r Heeat Young, Jas, prop People's Store, 48 Victoria Cres, r upstairs Young, R, miner, r Haliburton . T. DOBESON. N. W. DOBBSON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron mnd Brata Pounder*, Oeneral Maehinittt, All Kind* «/ SepairM, XaMd a»il Marine, NANAIMO, ■ • • BRITISH COLUMBIA. , LEWIS iMiL's iiiTiCErni; TOon wish sn^^rj-cjn^;^. Mmd* oMiy •« CXITTBAT. ItSVO BTOMX, OUtranet JBlook, VUtertat «• C. NANAIMO OITT DIBXOTORT. 235 NANiilMO CITY STREET DIRECTORY. ALBERT — Buna west from Vic- toria road to city limits, Middle Ward South Side. 11 McAdie, H 21 Morgan, T G 27 Hoskinp, J Mertrac I, Mrs J N Hoskine E 28 Proase, R 29 Smith, Mrs H Ferdinand, L 35 Hindmarsh, R S«lby street intersect!. 37 Glenn, Mrs J Glenn, Miss S 41 McGregor, J Glaholm, Gapt J 49 Van Houten, W 71 Olmsted, G Strain, F Strain, F H Hoskin, J Milton street intersecta. Bryant, T Davis, Dr L T RobartB Street intersects. Shamrock Livery Stable Dunlap, D Ritchie, W Lang, J Matson, J O'Brien, Mrs L Cavan Street intersects. North Side. Speck, A 82 Stewart, W Stewart, V StewartjA Tweed, E LeFeuvre, F Derward, E McGartenay, W E Hughes, — Heddle, W T Metcalf, J Prldeaux Street intersects. 33 Patterson, W Patterson J Patterson, T 42 Hirst, G 60 Rudolph, J Pride, W Proven, J 82 Newcomb, Gapt H BASTION— Runs south -west from Water Front to Ravine Greek, south side, Middle Ward ; north side, North Ward. North Side. Rowbottom, F Union Ba •• ery North-East Gorner. Barlow, G D Rawlinson, Ghas Johnston, A R & Go Johnston, A R Glaholm, Thos Rudd, J M National Assur Go oi Ireland Atlas Assurance Go of London Macleod, D, M.D South Side. G.P.R. Go's telegraph office Gallaghan, J A Ferguson, P 27 Nanaimo Gigar Factory Gable, Phil South-East Gorner. Hawkin, Jaa • Heddle, R BENSON— Runs north from Skin- ner to Gomox road. North Ward. BRIDGE — Runs north from Gomox road to Newcastle Townsite. East Side. Dixon, A R Hovelaque, P A Dixon, A J Glark, Mrs M West Side. Abrams, Jas Comox Road intersetts. Thomas, Alfred Nanaimo Gas Works Job M to m 4 H M H )s 1 A. M. BEAHIE, AOaiONEER, Vancouver, B. C. P^^WPiPP9^PiPiPPni««IPPipPii|ipipp ^mmmiw^'i^ T. DOBESON, N. W. OOBEBON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Xrvw mnd Mrma* W »un t »r», OM»«r«l MmehiniwU, All Kindt of Mtpatrt, £«m4 »nd Mt^rlne, NANAIMO, • • BRITI8H COLUMBIA. J*A« C<2 236 BRITIBH COLUMBIA DIBBOTOBY. CAMPBELL — Runs west from Ben- Cowie, Jno ton to city limits. North Ward. Norris, A T South Side. Booth, Thos B Wilson, J no, jr Wilson, Walter McGallum. A H Whitehead. Geo Kennedy, Wm Kenton, H Damon, Emma tion to Wentworth, North Ward. Diinhftf* JoRie. Miss CAVAN— Runs west from Victoria Crescent to Albert, Middle Ward. Cullin, Hilda City Transfer & Livery Stable Keddy, Wm West Side. Cameron, A Peck, Mrs T E Topp, W Armstrong, I J Thompson, Jno Wandsberg, F Matheson, H Raper, R Gam, J Lloyd, A Livery stables, I.X.L 12 Ganner, J Thompson, Walter Scoville, Wm Livery Stable Ganner, W H Millne, Wm Griswell, Jas Williams, Chas CHAPEL — Runs north from Church to junction of Skinner and Ben- son, North Ward. McAllister, Hv McDonald, K C Pritchard. Thos Grimes, Wm East Side. Simpson & Simpson St. Paul's Institute Nanaimo Telephone Co Stephenson, M Sehl, J J Davis, Thos L Irving. E B Glaholm, Thos Case, E W Johnston, S H May, Harvey Matthews, Ed Foster Bros Foster, NG Roe, Geo Roe, Miss Annie CHURCH— Runs north-west from Norris, Geo Commercial to Front, North West Side. Ward. 4 Norris, Will F East Side. Norris, Geo E Leighton, W K Deane, F J Confederation Life Ass'n B. Myrtle Lodge, K of P C. T^nd & Investment Agy Telephone Co, Nanaimo Dominion Building & Loan Hotel Wilson Association Hopkins. W H Newcomb, Wm London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co Burnett, Harold Royal Insurance Co Chambers, E V London & Canadian Ins Co Campbell, A C Phoenix Fire Insurance Co of McLay, Thos Brooklyn McDonald, Jas B. C. Corporation Co, Lm'td McCarter, W R Peto, F G Price, Jas McBain, G A Co Lowry, Jos Howell, H P Price, W Lurch, Aaron Akenhead, W Y.M.C.A. Rooms RED CROSS BREWERY LAGERBEER VANOOUVlBR, B. O HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY HmrtpMtn an* Mn§tM» BMOOMXIMB, WIirXB •n* LIQVOna, JV«« mnd In B*n*. VIOTORIA, B. O. MAMAIMO OITT DIBICTOBY. 237 Bible Society British & For- eign Roberta, W R Hilbert, Mrs S M Dempeey, H Dempsey, C A, Winaeor House Chutt, Chas Adams, Chas Fitzpatrick & Mercer Fitzpatrick, M Mercer, J A Herms, G H Prof Lee, Sarah Runskee, Emma Izen, Miss L, CommeroUl and Chapel Streets intcnect Barker, H Opera House Nan. Electric Light Works Office COBIMBRCIAIf — Runs north from Lone Bridge to Ohurch, Middle and North Wards. East Side. Newman's Cigar Factory Bracken, T Nanaimo Auction Rooms 41-43 Stevenson & Co. C E 47 Morgan & Comerford Morgan, T C Comerford, Thos 49 Sloan &, Scott Westmorland, Robt Sloan, Wm Scott, W C 51 Van Houten & Randle Mitchell, C T Turner, F 58 Brittania Hotel Hindmarsh, Robt Hindmarsh, Thos 55 Philpott, W H Criterion Restaurant 57 C. P. Ry Freight and Ticket office DennisoD, W B U S Consul Agency Dominion express office 59 Richardson, A A Richardson, J S Bucklee & Eden Bucklee, T W 56 James, Wm Sherwin, Thos Eden, F Bevilockway. Geo Knarston Williams, F Z McGregor, H McGill, John Bevilockway, Wm Martin, Joe Ritchie, W BMtlon Street interaeots. Commercial Hotel Paulson, J Wilcox, Ralph Davis, Dr LT Dempster, Chas & Co Good, J H Challinor, A Potts, C H Bewor Aaronson. B 17-19-21 Hilbert, R Hobbs, J H Caldwell, J A Donahoe, J Coundley, E 27 Wray, J R McLeod, Danr Burke, S Logan. J Matson, J Peacock, J Tarrant, L Hird, Miss M McRae, Miss M Holmes, Wm Newman, Adolph Bradley, Miss M Davies, T L Skinner street intersecta Reid, J Royal Hotel CufTolo, Jos Stevenson, S C McGee, Pat Ashlar Lodge, No 3, B.C.R., A. F. and A. M., Masonic Hall Wolfe, Marcus Doric Lodge, No 18, B.C.R., A.F. and A.M Keystone Royal Arch Chapter, No 235, G.R.S., A.F. and A. M Citizen's Building Society Scottish Union and National lus Co. of Edinburgh, Scot- land Hartford Fire Ins Co Union Ass'ce Co. of London, Eng sra THOHiS HARDY Next to the Crescent Hotel. Vic- nATlltfir HDITmCT torU Crescent. KANAIMO. DU 1 AJllt 1/A.lJulll 1 Thm 0«l«te»i«d IIBIUXO Blood PwMor. J. HILBERT Manufacturer and Intportor of Furniture, Carpats, Bedding and Wall Paper - . . ■ MA.NA.IMO -Ebtabi.isrkd 1878- o PQ 238 BRITISH OOLCHBIA DIBEOTOBY. Eastern Fire Ass'ce Go Great West Life Ass'ce Go of Winnipeg Canada Permanent Loab and Savings Go of Toronto Bircliall, G B Whitfield, R Nanaimo Hotel Pratt, Jno L Gough & Evans Evans, R Gough, Mrs E Jones, W A West Side. 6 Free Press, Nanaimo 12 Daley, Dan Graham, Juo Dailey & Graham Parseter, Dan 24 Keller & Lukey Keller. T W 26 Parkin, Jno 28 Smith, A J Riokson, Jno 38 Hirst, Thos Hirst, Geo Pearson, G H Pearson, R W Hirst, Jno Hirst, Bros Hirst, Wm Hirst, Jas 40 Gity Market Parkin, Jas East Side. Hemans & Wamsley 42 Aaronson, Mrs B 44 Nanaimo Pharmacy M'Gartney, W E 46 Planta, A £ Allison, Jos Hyland, A R Lynn, Wm Garrard, F G 58 Pimbury, E & Go Nanaimo Drug Store Van Hoaten, E McG Van Houten, G McG 60 Exley, A R Milne, Thos 62 Beveridge, Wm 64 Sampson, Jno Diamond City Studio Honeyman, J J Morgan, Mrs C E Geoghegan, F Cosmopolitan Marhet Qaenell, Aid E Harbor Master Pannell, E Hoffman, Julius King, A G, jr Gardiner, Louis Quenell, Jas Aitken, F Stephenson, Thos Central Hotel McDonald, J Williams, Jas Lukey, R J Gray, Jos COMMERCIAL INLET. . South Side. Lloyd, J Hall, W Hart, J Kidney, P Day, J Farren, J Moore, W • Hardv, J Hardv, E Patton, R COMOX ROAD— Runs west from Front to city limits, North Ward. Nobth Side. Dobeson, J W Mahrer, Jno Dobeson, Osman Westwood, M T C Dick, Jno Prldeauz Street iBtenectg. Westwood, J A H Westwood, G W J Westwood, C N Westwood, Mrs F Williams, A D Cutler, Geo Plaistic, Jos Watson, Robt Nanaimo Foundry Hasenfratz, AuguAt Winterhalter, C MoCleary Street interseeti. Rosewall, Geo Bernard, F C 61 Mclnnes & Mclnnes Mclnnes, T R E Mclnnes, W W B Rumming, G H Nanaimo Foundry Comox D( D< Ci Pi South i St( Do Bridge, Ft 53 Mc Ul Bai Rui Sch Vie Dav Juri Kennedy GRACE— ade to ] West Sid Gord Gord Stubl Mere Hall, Bapti Rand Randi Randl Nlcol Street Gordo DALLAS Front an( West Side. Good, Good,] DEPARTU Cassadj Fulthor Hoggan Hoggan MCKSON-I ' planade to : East Side. 20 Stewart, 24 Scaler, J In»ln Street In T. DOBIBON. N. W. POBESON NANAIMO FOUNDRV, iron «MMl Brm»» rounder*, Oeiterat Maehiniit; jIU Kinia of JtojP'- ■*'-' X>»n* and Marine. KAKAOm, • BRITI8B COLVBIBIA. ^& fl ^ s^i;W^id£MM:£^k^tM^iSi^M liiii ure. PULMOIHG COUCH CURE : WILL CURB THAT COUGH OKMYRAL DRUG ITQIU: MADE eMLT AT THE « CImrenee BImek, Com* l»OM9l*« Htrttt; VICTOMMA, B. C. it from Ward. NANAIHO CITY OIRKOTORY. 289 Comox Ro«d run* Weit Front Street. DobeBon, T Dobeson, N W Curry, W J, D.D.8 Pittendrigh, GET South Siob. Stoffela, Luigi Donlan, Ed Bridge, Fraeer and Mill Streets inteneet. 53 McCutcheon, Ghas 01 Barker, C H Rumming, W E Schmitz, Louis Vienna Steam Bakery Davis, Jos P Juriet, Geo Kennedy Street inteneet*. CRACK — Runs west from Esplan- ade to Nicol West Side. Gordon, T Gordon, G Stubbart, P H Moredy, J Hall, G T BaptiHt church Randle, Jos Randle, A Randle Nicol street laterteoti. Gordon, W DALLAS SQUARE— Between Front and Church, North Ward. West Side. Good, Vincent Good, Rev Canon J B DEPARTURE BAY ROAD. Gassady, Greo & Co Fulthorp, Alfred Hoggan, Wni Hoggan, David DICKSON— Runs westerly fromEs- planade to Nicol, South Ward. East Side. 20 Stewart, J 24 Scaler, J H Irwin Street Intenecti. McRae Collen, F Galloway 46 Boyd, Neal 48 Brighton, Mrs R Nlool Street intenecti. West Side. Challinor, W Challinor, A 23 Hirst, R Haliburton Street inteneets. 4/ Wenborn i'.inson, T Sage, E Vi'totik Kokd inteneoti. 16 Challinor, S Calderhei d, Mrs A 18 Anderson, T 18 Curby, H DUNSMUIR— Runs north-west from Albert to Franklyn. Middle Ward. » West Side. 2 Ti umper, J A Franklyn Street Inteneets Marwick, J East Side. Reifle, H Reifle, G Nelson, A • Jenkins, A Norris, W B Wells, T H Langill, R EATON. West Side. Hunt, M Holmes, G Bone, S Gregory. J WagsUff, W ESPLANADE— Runs south from Winfield Orescent to Indian Re- serve, South Ward. West Side. 12 Devlin Irwin aad Qraoe Stteeta internet. 14 Honeyman, Capt G 18 Crossan, J ^>2 UVHBIA. . M. BEATTIE CITY MAEKET, VAMCOUVER. B. a APPRAISER . AND GENKRALCOMMISSieNlitRCHAIPr. 1 ^ T. DOBESON, N. W. D0BB80N. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron mnd Br»M» JFtuniert, <f«f*«t>«I Xathiniata. All Kinds of Mepairt, Zand and Jfarine* NANAIMO, BRITISH COLUMCIA. 9 h II eoi 240 BBITIBH COLUMBIA DIBECTOBY. 22 Land, Capt P M v 28 Gillard R 30 Martell, J Bobins, S M Fry Street Inierrooti. 46 Pannell, G 68 Bate, M Dixon Street intenecti. No 1 shaft, V.C, Co. 70 Cooper, H Muirhead, J Dovie, W Hall. W Dixon Street intersects. Carpenter eheds, V.C. Co. Electric power house, V.C.Co. Office V.C. Co. Farquhar Street Intersects. FARQUHAlt — Runs westerly from Esplanade to Nicol, South Ward. East Side. Wilson T Fredrickson, J 34 Jamieson, R L Jamieson, W T Smith, J 36 Baneyatt, E 38 Rowbottom, N 42 Lisher, G Snowden, C 164 Belloni, B Brandolini, G Censi, A 156 McDonald, J Beaton, A Ross, Mrs H 168 Booth, J Victoria Road Inteneots. 174 Cowan. P Cowan, J 176 Freeman, J Nicol Street intersects. West Side. 23 Langdon, J ' Courtenay, E Irwin Street lat'irsects. Store House, V.O. Co Esplanade intersects. 25 Rentol, W 27 Thomas, A S 33 Jones, W J Haliburton Street interieots. 37 Jarvis, R 39 Hope, T 41 Moore, Mrs W 165 West, T 169 Evans, D Evans, J 171 Smith, N Smith, M Perry, J While FINLAYSON STREET-Runs westerly from Esplanade to Nicol, South Ward. East Side. McMillan, J H Grey, J 32 Goffalo, J West Side. 41 McGregor, W McGregor, J C 49 Vacant Nicol street intersects. Haliburton Street Intersects. Corrigan, Mrs T Bradley, P Bate, W C Green well, J Fry street intersects. FIRST STREET— Runs west from Newcatle avenue to city limits. NoBTH Side. Lewis, W W Stewart Avenue intersects. South Side. Potts, E E First Street runs West from MewcastU Avenue to City limits. FITZWILLIAM — Runs south- west from Wallace to city limits. south side, Middle Ward ; north side. North Ward. NoBTH Side. Leighton, W K Walker, Mrs G Kelly, J Johnson, G Burnett, W Sesforth Merriman, W Wildman, V Oliver RED:CROSS:BREfERy, -yANCOlJVEll,:B.q HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY '^ •Jj^lf J'J™. ^ NANAIMO CITY DIBXCTOBY. 241 Jones, W Forester, H Harvey Mcintosh, C W Bulman, W Hopkins, T Milan, J Llewellvn, T Eden, t J Davidson, J T Topp, W Fatnam Macindo, H Malcolm, 8 Hague, G Stelen, S 66 Craig, W Milton Street intetieots. 68 Ishwood, J 70 Storey, I Btorey, Storey, W Bteffen, G West Side. Pollock, R SoDTH Side. 29 Pawson, J Wular street iiiteraeets. 45 Welsh. Miss A Welsh, Miss H Home, W A Pride*ux Street interieota. Bruce, H Hodgkins, J McCrae, Rev D A Presbyterian Church FOURTH STRBBT— Runs West from Newcastle Avenue to city limits. NoBTH Side. Reid, Jno Tucker, M Morrison, R R TurnbuU, Thos McGtovern, Val Stewart Avenue interaeets. Kirkham, W South Side. Bernard, Theo Vancouver Avenue Inteneota. Lynn, W L Gill, Chris Hall, Geo Chaw, — FRANKLYN — Runs south-west from ravine to city limits. Middle Ward. NoBTH Side. Nanaimo Hospital FranUyn Street interaects. Williamson, John 24 Thompson, G Wesley Street inteneets. 28 O'Connell, T 30 Paulson, J 38 Sturton, J W Belby Street Interaecti. 80 McLellan, D Botley, H Watson, A V Watson, Mrs M R South Side. McCape, W Williamson, James Sinclair, M Hughes, J McClean, D » Duncan, £ Peacock, J Pearsall, A J Prideaux Street Interiecta. Bone, T H . Bone, W Bone, Miss P Gibbs, G H Campbell, — Billei, R 1 SO FRASKR— Runs north from Ravine bridge to Comox Road, North Ward. East Side. Nanaimo Electric Light ^rka Marshall, Wm 59 Eva, Thos Tisdale, D 61 Patterson, Mrs W 63 Thames, H 61 Kelly, R West Side. Chadwick, S Cassle, AH Madden, T ▲itken, Jas Parker, E OiuMk, R WUmb. J B Mslliih, /no UaaftaU MiMt inteneota. '\i 'I % i'i THOMAS HABDY IISIBIKH, TUB CMLXBBATMJi BLOQO rvmiriBB. 'oUl, VU>t»Hm Cr««e«Mt 'AIMO, B. O. MMiMnO DBUOOI8T ~W~'^Smm KiM:.*':*. !i>C' >,u>lraiM^»ii,JtJiir.vtmi'..'a \ X ■ ! H J. HILBEBT NA.MA.IIVIO - Manufacturer and Importer of Fiirniture,| Carpeio, BeddinK and Wall Paper • • - EbTABUBHKD 1878 pet Id o BO P^ PB4 iz; O Q D< O o o 242 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTORY. FRONT— Runs north from Whari to Comoz road, Middle and North Wards. East Side. Johnston's Wharf West Side. Mahrer & Co FAV — Runs southerly from Finlay- son to Farquhar, South Ward. West Side. 4 Heyland, R Jones, W L Esplanade and Finlayaon Sts. intersect 8 Ross, J 10 McLean, J 12 McLean N Code, A 16 Bradshaw, J Robson, W 18 Matason, A East Side. 26 Mahle, A Mahle, E 30 Nord, M 34 McKenzie, J Dickson Street intersects 37 Eraser, J 39 Owens, J 47 Bramley, Mrs E 49 Benton, Mrs A 61 Harris, M 56 Taylor. P OILLKSPIB— Runs south from Farquhar to Needham. South Ward. West Side. 8 Thrall, A Needham Street intersects 12 Wilson, T 14 Boyce, T 20 Johnson, G W 22 Jones, R 24 Biggs, H East Side. 15 Aitken, D 19 Carter, Mrs J 25 Aickens, H School House Bobin street inteipeots HAUBURTON— Runs southerlv from Crace to city limits, South Ward. East Side. Pierard, J 135 Robertson 173 Spearin, G 181 Frame, J 183 Patterson, T 187 Vahle 193 Andrew. J 233 Rhodes, J Adam. R Quine, J Wagstaff, F Morell, J Fletcher, Mrs M DuCoeur, J B 131 Scott, D 137 McGillis, J Davis, Ellis Richardson. J < McGillis, H 143 Churchill, G 141 Cunningham Dew Drop hotel Baker, G Rowe, Mrs. R H Needham Stree iatersects 169 Ferguson, D Thompson, I Thompson, H Pearson, T Young, R Shields, J Dodd, W Adams, W Patterson, W Beckley, D H Dixon intersects. McNiel, J 97 Bolton, T Bolton, H Hodgson, E Newcombe, W Kalaf , N Finlayson Street interseots. Easton, H 46 Wall, W H 51 Nord, J Morgan, D 53 Dan, Mrs Porter, T McKay, A Smith, I D McDermot,T 69 McDonald. D S T. D0BB60N, N. W. DOBESON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron and Bra»» Pouniera, Oenerat Maehinitttf All XiNd« of Bepairt, XaiMl mnd Marine. NANAIMO. • - BRITISa QQLUMBIi POPEAR PRICES AND 6BST OF GOODS AT THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE Clarence Block, Cor. Yates and Douglas Sts., Victoria, B. C- NANAIUO CITY UIBBCTOBY. 243 Lee, J Johnson, W 19 Frame, J 21 McKinnell, J R Stiles, G Hatchinson, W Salvage, E 23 McKinnell, J 27 McKinnell 29 McKinnell, D Ingham, W Sloggett, H C, Dr Slogeett, H D Gordon, P Gordon, T 56 High, P 62 McNeil, M Miller, H Balmoral Hotel Davis, D T Dixon Street IntenectB. 82 Wilks, Thos Carrey, Thoa Currey, Robt Carrey, Jno Wilks, S 86 Wenbum, Wm 88 Langham, J Monzio, J 94 Thompson, Jno 98 Brown, D 104 Sinclair, Wm 108 Brown, W J Brown, Miss J 110 Menzo, Jos 114 Manson, L 116 Manson, L Manson, W J Farquhar Street interseota. 118 Johnson, R Harst, F 120 Meakin, Jno Nanaimo Team and Livery Stables Cocking, Aid J H Snowden, T Thompson, C Pollard Emrick, E 134 Jones, J R 154 Pierce, E Randolph, H G Harley, G W 160 Goss, F McLean, H 164 Balsa, J Dairs, J Keast, J Keast, T Reece, L Matson, J 166 Gray, J Wakelem, T Rowe, Mrs R H Dillon, M Barke, P Hunter, T Hunter, W Schiell, J Mills, £ English, F Hutcheson, W McClean, D Frew, Miss M Savage, A Frew, Mrs A 174 Humphrey, J Jolly, C McDonald Dolan, J Hopkins, D Italian Hotel ' 186 Finlayson, R Gummings, T Bone, E 200 Cummings, T 206 Harley, J 212 Johnson, T Grolden, R Thorpe, W H Rogers, Ellis Mitchell, J 218 Peterson, A Hunter, A F Hunter, W Hough, J Hodgins, J Johnson, J Ryder, C S Johnson, J Allen, J B Allen, J Lewis, J Hath way McKenzie, W R McDonald, K G HECATE. NOBTH SiDB. Young, F McB 24 McCrae, Mrs Jarvis 26 Powers, JET Brown, J H Young, F McB Prldeanz Street inteneoU H OS » H O o S fl' 'H 1! M. BEATTIE CITY MAMCST, VANCOrVBK, B. C. Weekly Auctions m fmww^ms^m^^m mmm mii^Mpmiiillvpippiipi K \ T. DOBESON, N. W. D0BB80N. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Iron 4nt Brmat Wounttrs, OenmrtU JCiB«MM<«(«, ^11 Kindt .of Bopairt, Zand attd Marine. MANAUIO. • • BRITISH COLUKBIA. 244 BBITIBR COLUMBIA DIBXCTOBT. South Side. Bickerstaff, Miss II Pollard, H IRWIN— Runs southerly f romCrace to Indian Reserve, Southward. West Side. 1 Wigram, J 2 Salvini, J 4 Bamfort, C 5 Suitko, F 6 Lomax, J Cowie, A 7 Cairns, D 8 McGuish, J Leask, G Bell, R 10 Smith, A Watson. A 14 Miller, M 18 Graham, G 20 Neave, W 22 Dunbar, G 25 Gourlay, R 26 Alverson, C 30 Pausche, J 30 Pausche, A 32 Scott, R 35 Bell, R 38 Seaton, Mrs H F Finlayion Street intarMOts East Side. 30 Ord 40 GroBsan, A Robinson, Hy 49 Merritt, J Allen, H 51 Polkinghome, W 52 Grossan, Mrs 53 Bell, G Bell. J Bell, R 64 Shaw, A 58 McLay, T 58 McLay T R 60 Robinson, Mrs M Robinson 61 Garpenter, G W 62 Kirkwood, T 63 Roy, T 64 Harris, P 70 King, A G Tagart, J E R Charlton, F Scales, J Dixon Street intersect!. 75 Lee, G H Brown, J N Paine, F Warren, J 96 Gordell, J Temperley, G 99 Slavin, J 102 Lyons, Mrs M 108 Knox. J 106 Carrol, H 108 Smith, Mrs E Smith, R Smith, D 7wrqah»r Street Inteneoti. Simpson, J J Bonatti, C 117 Snowden, I Morelli, J Barbon, J KENNBDY — Runs north-west and north from Victoria road to Co- mox road. Middle and North Wards. East Side. 19 Brown, H 21 Hickman, A 23 Dixon, J 25 Patterson 27 Quest, R Buckstone, J 35 Thompson, S 67 Newbury, J Newbury, Jos FltEwiUiam Street interieots. Diamond, Jno McTx>ney, J Albert Street inteneets. Bennett, W Dean, W Harold, Mrs M Bartlett. J Piper Foucrault, Thos Weigle, Peter McNeil, S B McNeil, A McGinnis. K Harold, H Green well, R Nanaimo Soap Works Cooper, W FltiwiUUm Street Intera^ott. Empire Biewery Hancox, R Cornelio, Thoa WILLUMS & BlUie, RED CROSS BRm ViUICOllVER, B. i raOMAS HAEl J^rety regotmhU rret. miDSOI'S m COMPtir, lieiitsbr Fgrt Gini and Beitoi tMi Flouilng Mi -VICTORIA.. B. O.- NANAIUO CITY DIRXCTOBY. 245 Aitken, Jas Gurran, B £ Gornelio, D Webt Side. 18 Donohue 20 Lambe, B Bartlette, S Arbert 28 Beece, D WilliamB, W Llovd 32 McDonald, D D ' McDonald, A McDonald, A McDonald, W 38 C!ollier, G 52 iSrwell, W Heather, E Wallace, S Marshall, A Mace Booth, B E. & N. R.R track intenee'B. Gillespie, B Andrews, W Bardet, P Yiotoria Road Intersects. Stolzenberg, H Anderson, A G 24 Morris, W E Malcourt Green, A Scott, ft Escott Scott, W Smart Becldey, D H GoUin, J LUBBOCK SQUARE. North Side. James, H E ttamee, T H West Side. 3 Quesnelle, E Bawlinson, H Bawlinson, G Moffat, D LONG BRIDGE. Marsh, Geo Buckle, T I Patterson, Bucklee & Go Patterson, T Gobnrn, Wm Gohen, James Hughes, E Hawthornethwaite & Go Hawthornethwaite, J H Potts, A G H MoCLEARY — Buns north - west and north from Victoria road to Comox road. Middle and North Wards. East Side. 13 Bowley, J Franklyn Street intersects. Ennis, B Purkis, S G Wallace, — West Side. 18 Garland, Mrs J Nilley, H 20 Bradley, B 30 Smith, J B 34 Williams, A Hudson, S McLlenan, — McLellan, W W 36 Caldwell, J FltzwiUiam Street intersects. Warwick, A Swanson, Chas Swanson, Wm Swanson, Sinclair McLellan, M Garland, W McGartney, Mrs M E. & N. R. R. track intersecU. Swanson, Jas MILTORD CRESCENT. North Side. Wenbourne, B Biennan, Miss M MILIf— Buns north-west and north from Departure Bay bridge to mill stream. East Side. Nanaimo Sawmill, Sash and Door Factory Hill, Jas Stella, Arthur Evans, Ea Mayne, Tbos Sage, Jessie 60 THOMAS HAKDY "•5*„f'S?SM{?iU!' BOTANIC CHEMIST 'I'Mretir r«flretaMa rrtparaHon* X«di«e«MoM l><lla. IPiU OiNlmMtl TBM OMLBBMAxan iiMi»ijr» BzooD rvxirixB. :i I Jf^ HUjBERT ^»iii'^<!^>^ SI"! IiiiP<>rter of FDnHore, Girptts BEDDING AMD WAXX PAPEBS. NA.NA.IX10. - Clar o o CO o o Ql OS CO c (d o O Q O O 246 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTOBY. MILTON — Runs north-west and north from Victoria Boad - to Gomoz road, Middle and North Wards. West Side. Brown, T Kenyon, B Brown, J Maki, K Hendrickson, H 6 Howell, H Keller, T W 10 Johnson, A B 16 Case Franklyn Street intanecti. Edwards, B P 18 Simpson, H Perkins, W 8 20 Spear, B Williams, A Weeks, J 22 Bendell, E Akenhead, Mrs 24 Ha^. G Whiteside 26 Whitfield, W H Pearson 28 Baines, E C 30 Piper, J 32 Nash,! 34 Piper, T 36 Freethy, B 38 Merrifield, G Merrifield, T Merrifield, W 40 Beiley, J Bicksou, W 44 Lutton, W Brightman, S Butcher Store Fltzwilliam Street intersects. 46 Lawson, W 56 John, David Morgan, W Chambers, E V 62 Brown, Jas Albert Street inteneots. 72 Adams, 8 Steward, D 74 JenningH, Miss Mullet t, Jos Steward, D 90 Booth, Thos 98 Marsh, Geo v.edfern, B 100 Atkiss, B 102 Olsen,0 106 Bedfern, W McGush, M 108 Nicholson, J Matheson McKeigan, D Bray, W M Stickles, C H Mace, A H Perkins, WHS Bitchie, W G Alsgaard, E Alsgaard, M 104 Williamson, S East Side. 11 Bosekilly, B B 13 Hanner, W 19 Tyler, J Tyler, A Tyler, H Tyler, L 23 Lee, J 27 Jones, D Jones, S 29 Turner, A 37 Hopkins, J Malpas, T 47 Booth, J Booth, A 66 Hoffman, J E. & S.R. Track interaeetB. 69 Good, H L 93 Hewitt, H 97 Cornfield, A 103 Nalath, A 106 Luperini, L 109 Dobson, D Hopely, I 111 Hendrickson, V Hendrickson Gillespie, J Booth, A E FitKwiUiam Street Intenecta.' Wilkinson, J Pyatt, Jos Booth, Jos Williams, f Hecate Street intersects. Taylor, Jno Bobinson, J Wriggles worth, J Lee, Mrs E NBBDHAM— Buns westerly from Esplanade to Nicol, South Ward. East Side. 2 Devlin, H T. DOBBSON. M. W. DOBESON. NANAIMd FOUNDRY, Iron and Brata founderBf General Maehiuiatt, All Kindt of Xepalra, liand and Marine. MANAIMO, • BRITISH COLUMBIA. 8 Dr 12 Hi Oillespit 14 Ma P« West Si Mo 1 Br« 9 M» 16 Bit Hallburd 39 Stn 47 Yar Victoria 1 Soul NBWCA£ mences in a nor street. West Sib 40 Merc 58 Hun 64 Smit Smit Smit Fourth Str Gow, Plant Tliird Rtre« Plant Second Stn Davis Durrt First Street Priest Demp NEWCAS^ Potts, Bernr NICOIr-Eu field Cw South Wj East Side. 16 Willia 15a Ord, 1 17 Moore 17a Powell 27 Grant, 31 Morgai 53 Bichar A. M. CITT Frescristioiis Preparell M PURE DRUGS ONLY at tbe Central Dn Store Clarence Block, Corner Yates and Douglas Sts., Victoria, B. C. NANAIHO CITY DIBECTOBY. 247 8 Drake, S 12 Hurst, T OlUtispie Street Interieots. 14 Malpaa, J Presbyterian Church West Side. Moody, D 1 Bradbury, M 9 Meakin, A 16 Rivers, R HaUburton Street Intenects. 39 Streethorse, G 47 Yarrow, G Victoria Road intersectB, South Ward School NEWCASTLE AVENUE-Gom- mences at Mill Bridge and runs in a northerly direction to Fourth street. West Side. 40 Mercer, J B 58 Hunter, W 64 Smith, I Smith, E Smith, Peter Fourth street interaecta. Gow, D L Planta, A E Third Street intersects. Planta, J E Seeond Street interaecta. Davis, J G ' Durrant, C W Firat Street intertecta. Priest, E Dempster, Ghas NEWCASTLE TOWNSITE. Potts, A Bernnadt, T NICOL — Runs southerly from Wing- field Grescent to city limit. South Ward. East Side. 15 Williams, J 16a Ord, T 17 Moore 17a Powell. T 27 Grant, Mrs A J 31 Morgan, T 63 Richardson, A 65 Lewis, J 67 McNeil, J 67 McSween, H - 69 McDonald, M 01 Dunlap, A 06 Stonehouse, J 07 Jenkins, T 91 Ino, N 96 McAlpine, W J 99 Neens, J 107 Newton, J Thompson, J Nicholson, J 109 Polinghorne 116 Taylor, G H 133 Cocking, J H 13S Jackson, S Muir, R 139 Thompson, R Pearson, J Jones, R McKenzie Jones, S Clarkson, H ' Hallo, T Adams, W Marshall. W Smith, J Thompaon Street interaecta Gullian, G Thompson, J Manifold, Mrs MacGregor, W A Newbury, J Balo, A McGregor, A BesBO, J McGregor, J G Roschis, C 9 Burdett, W Yates, J 139 Spier, A 143 Duggan, R G 167 Mac 167 Tippett^ S 179 Smith, N Davison, F 191 Andrews, S Matson, E Richardson, Ralph Fire Hall Grace and Cavan Streeta intersect St Alban's Parish Church N. E. P. 8. L'td Holdnall, Geo Bloxem, Miss Balloney, Miss M Balloney.Miss R D J) m 7) 5 '^% so n sa ■ M a n w ■V m A. M. BEATTIE WEEKLY ADCTIONS CITT MARKSt, VARCOUVUl, B. C. T. DOBBBON, M. W. DOBBSON. NANAIMd FOUNDRY, Zfn mnd Brust rounder*, Oentrml Mme^tntaU. All Klnd» of BopairOf £a«ul and Mmtine. NANAIHO, - • BRITISH COLVMBIA. 248 BBITISa COLUMBIA DIBBOTORY. ri Henderson, Mrs Clark Nan. Fire Hall Durham, J Harely, E Heale Richardson, R Douglas, P Dwver T Kelly, J Cunnliffe Meakin, F Bradshaw Matson, C 14 Charlton, C Charlton, F Dye Works (steam) 46 Pearson, C 68 Brennan, P Winters, S Finlayaon Street Interiects . 62 Hodgson, W 64 Kenyon, S 78 Gillespie, J Davis, J Carrol, J Edwards. W 86 McLeod, W McLeod, Mrs W 94 Gordon, Mrs J Earle, J 96 Harwood, P 102 Kirkwood, R 104 Payne, E 106 Willis, R 110 Muncie, T 114 Kieth, T Kieth, W 118 Bennett, P Bennett, R 122 Rae, J K 126 Whitfield, R 132 Leisk, J Farquhar Street interBects. 136 Curran, F 138 Nelson 160 Thompson, A Thompson, A, jr Neen, J Thompson. J 154 Graham, J W 160 Good, Rev J E 166 Turner, R WatUn Street Inteneoti, 178 Cuthbert, G Farquhar Street iDteraeets. 182 Handlem, J 196 Connors, S Woodbum, P Woodbum, M Woodbum, Mrs M Connors, 8 MulhoUand, E Smedley, H Harvey, N Old Track Road IntenectB. Lewis, D Exley, H Batson, W Bell, J Jones, H Lucas, A McKennell, D Collins, Noel Monday, G Thompson, W McCann, W Thatcher, A Kemp, W T 222 Ferguson, J Ferguson. Mrs Smith, W A Jackson, Samuel ^ Allsopp, H ' Hampson, J Critchley, S Ramsay, G Ramsay, G J Lowden, J OLD VICTORIA ROAD. PRIDXAUX — Runs north-west from Victoria Road to Comox Road, Middle and North Wards. East Side. 20 Santini, E 23 Rogers, L 25 Williams, J 27 Clarke, M D 31 Thomas, D 33 Pannell, EG 45 Turner, A Trevillion, T 63 Marfas, Jno Wentworth Street intergecte. 67 Pearce, Geo 71 Pender, J HecateiStreet intereectB. 76 Temperance Hall 91 Valley, M 107 Fleury, A 109 Nicholson, Jno SEND TO THE RED CROSS BREWERY FOE FINE LAGER BEER VA.NOOUV»R, B. O. IDSON'S 1 McKecbnic Gordon, M Bloxhem, J GordoB, 8 j Gordon, H Bloxham, 1 Martin. W Haslam, A Nicholson, . Bissett, G Wood, W S. E. & N. I Mayne, G H Hall, Wm Campbell Street Inl Dick, A Comox Road inters West Side. 2 Beveridge, T Beveridge, IK Franklyn Street inK 14 Williams, G 22 Conder. J 24 Pierrot, J Louis, C Duke, J 28 Rowe, H Marawham. ( Gray, W D Fitzwilllam street li 42 Meakin, F C 48 Bates, W Arr Hardy, W Hardy, D 56 8ennie, C 58 Coundley, W Richards, J Coundley, N 64 Bray, r' Bray, E 68 Hickman, J K 76 Hague, H 78 wTTey, J McLean, D 82 Gibbs, G Gibbs, — Chapman, — Hildridge, J 84a Hutchinson, A 84 Hilton, H ' 86 Hexley, — 140 Williams, N Anthony, Cha Stannard, P Goodman, Go< Hopkins, W Hopkins, Mrs HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY WMesale firocers & Wine HeTcliantii VICTORIA. B. C. NANAIHO CITY DIRBOTORT. 249 McKecbnie, — Gordon, Mies M Bloxhem, J Gordoa, S K Gordon, H Bloxham, MIbb A Martin. W Haelam, A Nicholson, J Bissett, G Wood, W 8. E.&N. R. R. Mayne, G H Hall, Wm Campbell Street Intenects. Dick, A Comox Boad Inteneota. West Side. 2 Beveridge, T Beveridge, Mrs E Franklyn Street Interseots. 14 Williams. G 22 Conder, J 24 Pierrot, J Louis, C Duke, J 28 Rowe, H Marawham, G Gray, W D FitzwUliam Street IntersectB. 42 Meakin. F G 48 Bates, W Armstronff Hardy, W Hardy, D 56 Sennie, C 58 Ooundley, W Richards, J Goundley, N 64 Bray, R Bray, E 68 Hickman, J K 76 Hague, H 78 Wiley, J McLean, D 82 Gibbs, G Gibbs, — Chapman, — Hildridge, J 84a Hutchinson, W 84 Hilton, H 86 Hexley, — 140 Williams, N Anthony, Ghaa Stannard, F Goodman, Godfrey Hopkins, W Hopkins, Mrs M Rogers, F ReiH, J McKay, J W Lawless, J Morton, W H Brown, J M Albert street InterBectg. Richardson, G Brown, R Reed, J Share, J Holdenall, G Deeming, C Rowbottom, — Flaek, T Miller, R Riley, J Duffy, M Sconce, T Sconce, W Hickman, J Holmes, W O'Dell, W Bulman, J Balfour, J Leach, — Cavalsky, Geo Spiers, T Jones, W J Banker, R Coe, Thos Hilbert. R Pratt, Thos Manson, Wm jr RICHARD — Runs northerly from Fitzwilliam to Campbell, North Ward. East Side. Brennan, R Wells, W McCallum, M Garland, Wm Burnell, Chas West Side. 10 Wamsley. M 12 Burchell, B Callaghai, J A 26 Coburn, J Thomas, W Coburn, S Millar, Mrs Jno Lukey, R ROBARTS — Runs west from Vic- toria rd to Albert, Middle Ward. s P X 9 a p (0 X a tx^ Tnn irm THOMAS HARDY, BOTANIC DBUGOIST I musiNO-ttie Celebrated Blood Pnrifler. Pi PUIe. Ctaolora Mlztare. remalo Corre( Xetet Oreteent Hotrf, Vietaria Cremeent, ir Air A J MO, B. o. Pnrely Vegetable Preparationa. Indlgestloii. ' ~ lelivePUto. Pile Ointment J. HILBERT Tel. 80. P. 0. Box 16. ... NANAIMO. B. C. . • cR 250 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRBCTOBY. East Side. Wyse, J F H Roos, W Sloan, W West Side. Albert Street Intenects Brunton, Mrs H Bray, M E ROBINS-Runa westerly from Irwin to Haliburton, Soutii Ward. West Side. Martin, T Johnson, W Edmiston, W Johnson, O Gillespie Street intervccti. ROBSON— Runs south-east from Fitzwilliam to Wesley estate, Middle Ward. East Side. Allardyce, J L Barrett, E Haarer, Mrs M Wray, R Fenoux, E Strine, B Aiken, H Haarer, F Haarer, Miss P Preesley, B Donaldson, J N 14 Smith, J 16 Jones, Miss S Jones, Mibs L 22 Galloway, A Galloway, J Galloway, R Joneri, Mrs L Pollock, W J SEBASTIAN STREET. East Side. 16 Rowa, O 18 Kosola, G SECOND STREET— Runs west from Newcastle Avenue to city limits. North Side. Love, John McCarter Stewart Avenue in'erseots. SEVENTH STREET. North Side. Marshall, Jaa I SELBY— Runs north-west from Vic- toria road to public park. Middle and North Ward. East Side. 9 Graham, J W Pool, Miss C Pool, Miss V Lunn, Mrs E Pool, A 21 Macdonald, M Matthews, E J 35 Davison, J Henderson 67 Shaw, H Shaw, J 69 Sheppard, J Lawson, Miss Renwick, D Price, J Shool House Renwick, J, jr Price, S Sullivan, J Renwick, J Jeffery, W Lowe Stewart, H M Rudd, J M Deane, F J West Side. 14 Gulligan, J Cain, P 22 Campbell, G 28 Davison, J H 36 Scouse, J 50 Nash, A 56 Bell, Miss H Wilson, A 84 Knarston, J Fiddick, Mrs S Elves. W Nanaimo W.W. Go's office Fitzwilliam Street intenects Gilbert, J K Fidditk, Sa^e, J Gilbert, Mrs Freethy, R Armstrong, T J Frankly n Street intersects. Proctor, H Curran, F .T Holdenall, G Curran, R J on, LEWIS HILL'S Mm** o«*ly at Cj SKINNBR-Runs mercial to iunc Middle and Norl East Side. Bastion Street intersect T. DOBESON. N. W. DOBESON. NANAIMO FOUNDRY, Ir^n and Braaa Founderat General MaeMni$U> ^U XindB of Bepairm, Xand and Marine. HANAIMO, . • BRITISH COLUMBIA. 01, LBBS MULL'S MTiKPnc TOOTH WISH !K:frjrj»rs.;sr ."" Mmd« oMly at CtSSTKAZ DBU0 8TOBK, Clarenee Bloek, Tietoria, Jt, C. NANAIMO CITY DIBKCTOBY. 251 Ramsay, J Staunton, H Tovey, Rev (1 H Booth, R McKenzie, A Victoria Road Intenecta. Williamson, P Dawson, A Watson, Miss L Dawson, S Dawson, H Gurran, R £ Albert Street Interiecti. Wardill, C A SKINNBR— Runs north frora Com- mercial to junction of Chapel, Middle and North Wards. East Side. Buckle, Thos Smith, A J Bevilockway, Geo Wkst Side. 36 Gough, S 38 Bertram, J no 40 Reid, Wm Reid, Jno Gibbs, G H Mayor's oflSce Thonopson, Adam, jr City Clerk, Assessor and Col- lector's otBce Matheson, £ Police office McCafferty, £ Salvation Army Officers' head- quarters Peters, Thos Chief of Police office O'Connell, Thos Palace Hotel Health Officer, £ A Praeger Prowse, R Haslam, A, Mayor and M.P Jenkins, A Bryant, Jno Trounce, Wm Jenkins, Jno £ City Hall and Council Cham- bers Old Flag Inn S.A. Barracks Bastion Street intenecta. THIRD STRBBT. North Side. Honeyman, Jno J Smith, C V STEWART AVKNUB— Is a con- tinuation of Bridge to city limits. It runs in a northerly direction to Fifth St. East Side. Ranch, A Hamilton, Jno Third Street Intersecta. Sehl, Jno Shaw, Jno McLellan, W Coulson, J A New Jail Rollo, Geo Parish, Hy Fifth Street Inteneots. 91 Carlow, Alex % West Side. 40 Galbraith, Jas Galbraith, D Second Street intersects. 68 Smith, 1) M Fourth Street Intersects. Richardson, J S Harrison, Ralph Richardson, A A Smith, D, jr Gregg, F T First Street intersects. UNION AVENUE - BeginP at Mill Bridge and runs in a north- westerly direction to Fifth street. East Side. Langill, A Dempster, Capt H L Foster, S Ward, C Fifth Stieet intersecta Foster, S Dykes, J W Bulman, T Potts, C H B Third Street intet sects Dykes, W Cragie, T Fourth Street intersecta 36 McDonald H '% to u IS ^ tri I H M H L. M. BEAHIE, AOCTIONEER, Vancouver, B. C. T. D0BK80N, N. W. OOBEBON. NANAIMd FOUNDRY, ^11 JC<imI« •/ Jliy«4r«, £«n4 flMd JToHn*. NAMAIIIO, ■ ■ BRITMH COLUMBIA. C<2 252 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Msj Jno Chadwick, Jno Dykes, J VANC0X7VKR AVENUE - Be- gins at First street and runs in a northerly direction to Fifth St. East Side. Hamilton, S Fox, S Hamilton, A West Side. Frost, G H Second Street intenects VICTORIA CRESCENT— Runs north from Victoria road to Al- bert, Middle Ward. East Side. 1 Rendell, E Orr, W J Orr & Rendell 3 Whiteside, F S 6 Morton, W H 11 Tea Company Kewmnn, C Worden, W 11a Patterson, Mrs G D 13 li no, N 15 McMillan, J H & Co McMillan, J H 31 Taggart, Charles 39 May, A 43 Wilson & MacFarlane Taylor, C M Derrick, A MacPhee, John MacCleod, W Patterson, James Stevens, S G Hath way, J MacCleod, George Tait, Andrew Wilson, J Patterson, J Bone, T Johnson, George McCann, W Patterson, T Dale, J McLellan, J Hardy, G Crescent Hotel Hull, Bros & Co McFarlane, L E Mason, Wm, D.D.S Parks, F Fox & Parks Kemper, Mrs Chas Board of Trade Rooms West Side. Browne. T L Stewart, Wm Counter, M R Dodd,T 38 Identical Hotel Morrello, Jno 40 Robinson, Jos 42 Ward, J B 44-46 Magnet Cash Stores Langton, Wm 48 Peoples' Store Young, Jas 60 Brooks, E C Cavkn Street interiectB, Bloxhem, Jas Anderson, S 22 Millar, Mrs A 24 Mason, J 26 Proctor, H Crescent Pharmacy 28 Raper, Raper & Co Raper, A 30 Whitfield, Geo 32 Webb, Wm 34 Smart & Thorne 36 Oriental Hotel Eraser, Jno C Steele, W 4 Pleace, J H 14 Spencer, T A Spencer, D 18 Grand Hotel Steele, Wm 20 Stannard, J S Stannard, J S & Co 22 Provincial Hotel Moss, W H VICTORIA ROAD— Runs south from Victoria Crescent to city limits; east side, South Ward; west side, middle ward. East Side. 16 Corrigan, J 101 Lecoq 117 Gowland 123 Bryant, W N 127 Clinton, Mrs A G Veronica Home Farquhar Street inteneets. RED CROSS BREWERY LAGER BEEffl VA.NOOUVBR, B IDDSON'S BAY COMPANY .■WrayMiw awd MttgtUh OMOCMMXMB, WIlTMia mnd ZIQUOBB, JVe« «n4 <m Bond. VICTORIA, B. O. NAMAIHO CITY DIRECTORY. 253 183 Lindsay, A 137 Hunter, J 149 Lobb, S W Thompion Street Intaneotii. 163 Jamieson, B 173 Elliot, T School House Stewart, J McNiel, M Allison, J McKenzie, J W Ince, W G McKeen, N C Averv, T Allison, J W Marshall, Miss Gillespie, J Gillies, D Milton Street Interaeoti. Freure, E W Fisher, G McLean, K Gillespie, B Shaw, J McCartney, A West Side. 62 Naine, J 62 Pollard, W J 72 Gouthro, T 94 Bannerman, F G Banner man, J B 96 Douglas, J Morrow, H 104 Seabes, D 110 Wilkinson, W 114 McLeod. J 118 Lister, J 122 Woodman, W 126 Tunstall, J Bay View Hotel Sullivan, D Pargeter, J, jr Pargeter, J Dick, W Thompson, J W Kennedy Street Interseoti. Develin, E Thompson, J Box Clothing Store Co Y.M.I. Hall Boman Catholic Church ' Nightingale, B FitzwiUUm Street intellects. Smith Vipond, G Wolfe, Marcus D Frsnklyn Street Intenecta. Lawson, Miss M McLeod, D Craig, Balph Haslam, A WALLACE — Buns north-west and north from Victoria Crescent to Comox road, Middle and North Wards. East Side. 29 MacNeill, E W 66 Sampson, Jno 86 Hodgson, Thos McBain, Geo Summerhays, A Irving, E B Heard, Miss M Gibson, Miss N Vipond, J Wallace, L, jr Eureka Soda Works Hosie, W M Campbell Street Intertwott. Bell, JAW Pargeter, Jno Hardy, Chas Sobrey, Bev Father Maitland, Bev B B Bariett, T F Aikenhead , Mrs M Aikenhead, W West Side. 28 Bate, J A Albert Street Intemeota. 62 Pioneer Soda Water Works Mitchell, Jno 70 Home, Thos Home, H Home, A G 78 Cook, Ephraim Cock, Ezr« 90 Craig, Thos 96 Simpson, J H Wentworth Street interaeot*. S^ike. Alex Bichardson, J Spike, Alf Sabiston, Mrs P Todd, F Parks, F Sister Mary in Jesus Sister Mary Bosary Sister Mary Florence St Anne's Convent tag 1 ^ ss^ ICMAS HAM -n.S.SUSrSiSSi.''^ BOTANIC DRUGGIST TlM 0«l«lraiw* IIRIStirO Blood PaUUvb i I J. HILBEBT Manufacturer and Importer of l^urniturj Carpels, Bedding and Wall Paper • - . - ]><A.NA.IIVlO -Established 1873- o O' m J" tn O Q O 254 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. WATKINS. WENTWORTH — Runs south- westerly from Carroll to city limits, North Ward. North Side. 62 Gartley. E Gartley, B • Gartley, G Mitchell, J Wallace Street intersects. 35 Clark, M G Selby Street intersects. 37 Sharpies, J 39 Morrison, M 45 Ritchie, W E. & N. track Intersects. 49 0rr, WJ 67 Charman, H 65 Dixon, A Milton Street Intersects. Dixon, E I 67 Charman, Miss E Charman, Miss F Stickles, C H Hichard Street Intersects. WESLEY — Runs south-east be- tween Fitzwilliam and Franklyn, Middle Ward. East Side. Mcintosh, Mrs S Moir, J W Moir, G B McKenzie, E C Franklyn intersects West Side. Randle, A Hawthornthwaite, J H WINFIELD CRESCENT-Runs from Esplanade to Nicol, near Crace, and south-east from Vic- toria Crescent to Esplanade. East Side. Car Repairing Shed, V.C. Co. Hardy, T West Side. S A Barracks 9 Planta, J P WHARF — Runs south-westerly from Harbor to Commercial, Middle Ward. WHARF and FRONT. WHARF and BASTION. Jones, T, J.P Hirst's Wharf WILLIAMS' ^ ^ ^ 4 PRICE $5. B. C. fflCIAL DIREWy, SUBSCRIBE FOR IT. THE WORK IS CAR':FULLY COMPILED AND STRICTLY RELIABLE. T. DOBlSON, N. W. D0BE80N. NANAIMd FOUNDRY, Iron and Brm»t Pounders, General Ji««Mi><«A| All Kinds of Bepair*, Zand and Mmrtth, MANAIHO, BRITISH COtVrJUil PULMOKIC COUGH CURE WILL CURE THUT COUGH. MADE" ONLY AT THE » OENTRAI. DRUG STORE * Clarence Bleek, Corner Tatea and Douglat Streets, VIOTOSIA, B. C. VICTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 265 VICTORIA OITY ^nSTD JDX&rCRjXCDT. Victoria, the capital of the Pro- vince, is the oldest, the wealthiest, and most populous citj^ in British Columbia. It was originally the chief trading post of the Hudson's £av Co., and many of the older in- habitants can recall to memory the little band of "whites" — they could be counted almost on one's fingers — who in those days held sway among the hordes of dusky aborigines. Sub- sequently, as a Crown colony, things began to improve, and hundreds of desirable settlers were attracted to the shores of what was destined to become a great centre of trade and commerce. Although discoveries of gold had been made as far back as 1850, it was not until 1858 that the gold fever became rampant. Two years before this dat«, Governor, afterwards Sir James Douglas, offi- cially reported to the Colonial Office, that the precious metal was to be found in paying quantities, and the report having been confirmed, a won- derful indux of people was the result. It is computed that in 1858, between thirty-five and forty thousand per- sons flocked into the Province, and as Victoria was the great distributing point, the city sprang into a promin- ence which she iias since maintained. The new-comers were chiefly from California, where mining operations ^vere being vigorously pursued, and but few of the vast multitude had reason to regret their change. During the first six months' operations the yield of the newly-discovered mines totalled over half a million dollars. In the following year this amount was more than doubled, and the in- crease continued until 1883, when the output of the mines reached 13,735,850. Owing to the inaccessi- bility of many of the scenes of opera- tion, the absence of trails or roads, the difficulty of transportation, and the want of proper appliances for working the mines, the mining pop- ulation began to dwindle down ; but the future of Victoria had been es- tablished. When in 1872 the colony entered into confederation with the other provinces oE the Dominion of Canada, the population was incon- siderable, and all eyes were naturally turned towards Victoria, the capital of British Columbia. The rapid pro- gress of the city, and indeed the Province generally, since that (date, has been almost phenomenal. When one heirs an "old-timer" (as the earl' r settlers are familiarly called) speak of the Indians squatting along the grass-grown tracts which did ser- vice as streets, in their Adam-and- Eve costumes, or decked out in the full-dress blanket, he is forced to realize how ^reat has been the pro- gress made since those comparatively recent days. Those grass-grown tracts are now well-built streets, and the old wooden shacks which once adorned them have long since disap- E eared to give place to palatial brick uildings of busy merchants and traders. And the Indian— he, too, has advanced with the times, and now takes a hand in nearly every business in which his white brother is engaged. The last official census gave Vic- toria a population of but 16,849. The figures were so palpably incorrect that the City Council ordered a cen- sus to be taken on their own responsi- bility. The work was undertaken in a most systematic manner and car- ried to completion in October of 1891. As a result it was found that the population was 23,153, whi':h may be accepted as the correct figure — for that year. But unfortunately when Victoria's prospects looked brightest ILER 6R0S., the Leading Fiimike Dealers, i:>2 B.C. WE EMPLOY H8 HSOAO HTRJBET, VlVrOItlA. Mok-e Hands and More Capital than all other Binderies, in the Province. ■ — « • ¥ R. T. WILLIAMS OQ PQ &9I 256 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. the city was visited with that dreaded pest, smallpox, imported into her Dorders. Her health record had always been so good that the visitation found the citizens unprepared. Suit- able arrangements were, however, promptly made for effectively dealing with the trouble, which was soon overcome, but, as might be expected, a general staenation of trade fol- lowed, from the effects of which, coupled with the widespread depres- sion which appears to have effected almost every quarter of the globe, she cannot be said to have yet quite recovered. Although business dur- ing the past year has not been as brisk as usual, Victoria compares more than favorably with the neigh- boring cities across the line. A de- cided improvement has taken place, and the prospects for the year just entered upon are brighter and more hopeful than ever. The geographical position of Vic- toria is such as to ensure her a most prominent place among the great cities of the Pacific Coast. The city is distant but 38 miles from Port Townsond, 18 from Port Angeles, 100 from Seattle, 128 from Tacoma, 72 from Vancouver, 73 from New West- minster, 72 from Nanaimo and 750 from San Piancisco, with all of which ports there is a regular steamboat service, connecting with the Cana- dian Pacific, Northern Pacific, Union Pacfic and Great Northern railway systems. Vessels of the heaviest draught can ride with safety in the harbors, which are as commodious as they are sheltered, no matter from what point of the compass the wind blows. Vancouver Island, on the southern extremity of which the city is built, is rich in minerals, more especially coal and iron. Coal mining is carried on on a very extensive scale, tbo pro- duct of the island colleries being the best in quality on the Pacific Coast, while the quantity is practically un- limited. Assays of the iron to be found in almost every quarter of the island prove the ore to be of a very high grade, but up to date this source of wealth has not been utilized. Then there are the numerous other resourses, of land and of sea, which are bound to be developed in the near future, and so soon as that time arrives Victoria will be more than ever a great commercial centre. As the capital of the province and the seat of government, the city is headquarters for the trade and com- merce of British Columbia. Most of the leading industries are controlled by her capitalists and merchants. The climate of Victoria and district is all that ca^ be desired, while the beauty and variety of the scenerjyr is n'»where surpassed, if at all equalled. It is hence a favorite resort of tour- ists, who are ever loud in their praises of the Queen City of the West. Hotel accommodation is excellent, and rates very reasonable. One of the leading hostelries alone can ac- commodate upwards of 300 guests, while nearly all of them which cater to the commercial and tourist trade are establishments as comfortable and commodious as need be wished for. The spring, summer and autumn are charming, and the win- ter mild, the glass never falling to near zero. The average rainfall is but 34 inches, which is far less than that of any city on the Coast north of San Francisco. The business quarters are well built up and compact ; the residential sections are chieny subur- ban and are the admiration of all visitors. Well kept lawns, beautiful gardens, neat and attractive sur- roundings, and an endless variety of architecture, all lend a charm to a walk or drive away from the busy hum of the scenes of trade and com- merce. A Victorian's favorite Christ- mas greeting to a distant friend is a choice rose or scented bunch of the sweet little primrose indiscriminately culled from the budding bush or gar- den plot. "The last rose of summer" ie a flower unknown to the happy residents of this favored clime. For the pleasure seeker there is no more attractive spot. Beautiful drives over splendid roads, with an endless variety of scenery ; excellent fishing and shooting within easy distance; yachting and rowing, sight-seeing and society — are all among the irre- sistible temptations which every year n Nor dot tourist 1 capital nities f of both are bein many I otiiers Ci limited < their cit stratiiig' their sta despite t half a mi into bui considers improved and sevei lie workf lisnment municati( Orient ha trade, wh ened whei continent) Inaugurat: Railway, i now alino The city honest, in( to make it tional fa( I'ublic Sch presided ( teachers, w P'lpils hav School, wh are taught. i nations an also the vai I ficarysociel diistrious j streets well and well dn wholesome health recor city of the and the ra high. The intere looked after Aldermen, B Association public bodies portion to t derived from Dominion au TIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY No. 23 STORE STREET. VICTORIA, B. C. Guidea fUmiehed to tourisU. All kinds o| Chinese help attppUed on the shortest noticcj ttm^j^tiSJifu ^r^'' 'ras»w.» Binderies. [AMS 1 HTZ ^^^mJi^ nrLM.«*«J!UM /^A T^Vl "Bar HACKS at Benaonahte 21 and 23 Bronshton Street, Viotoria. B. C. Tel. 129. i, which in the nat time ire than re. ince and J city is ind corn- Most of ontroUed I ants. d district while tlie icenery is equalled, of tour- in their the West. excellent, 1. One of le can ac- [)0 guests, hich cater rist trade jmfortable be wished mer and i the win- ing to near lis but 34 an that of rth of San quarters pact; the sfly subur- on of all , beautiful ctive sur- variety of ;harin to a the busy and com- Ite Christ- friend is nch of the iminately ish or gar- Bummer the happy me. there is no iful drives n endless [nt fishing distance ; ight-seeing the irre- dch every d All klndB Lortett notiM VICTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 257 Sear make Victoria more popular, for does she welcome to herself the tourist alone. Men of enterprise and capital will here find ample opportu- nities for the profitable investment of both. Fortunes have heen and are being built up here ; and what so many have done and are doint;, others can do. Victorians have un- limited confidence in the future of their city, and are practically demon- stratiug this confidence by increasins their stake. During the past year, despite the hard times, upwards of half a million dollars have been put into buildings, the street mileage considerably increased, a new and improved sewerage system laid down, and several lartre and important pub- lic works undertaken. The estab- lisnraent of regular steamship com- munication with Australasia and the Orient have given a great impetus to trade, which will be further strength- ened when Victoria is made a trans- continental railway terminus, by the inauguration of the Canada Western Railway, arrangements for which are now almost complete. The city oflers every inducement to honest, industrious people who wish to make it their home. The educa- tional facilities are unsurpassed. Public Schools are.free to all, and are presided over by most competent teachers, wr.ile the more promising pupils have open to them the High Scliool, where the advanced branches are taught. " All the religious denom- inations are well represented, as are also the various fraternal and beni- ficary societies. The people are in- dustrious and law abiding; the streets well lighted by electricity, and well drained ; the water supply wholesome and abundant, and the health record second to none of any city of the size. Living is cheap and the rate of wage respectably high. The interests of looked after by a Victoria are well Mayor, Board of Aldermen, Board of Trade, Citizen's Association and the various other public bodies, and although, in pro- portion to the amount of revenue derived from this city and port, the Dominion authorities have not been as liberal to Victoria as might justly be expected, a clearer and more generous policy has been inau.;urated. A new post oflSce, (sadly needed) custom house (ditto), and excise establishment (also ditto) are to be built. A suitable marine quarantine station has just been completed, at William's Head, which, it is hoped, will be the means of preventing the importation into the city of contag- ion from foreign ports. The old Legislative buildings are to give place to a magnificent new structure, work on whi'h is now well advanced, The erection of a couple of new bank buildings, more fittingly to represent the amount of business transacted in those institutions, is also on the tapis, while contracts have been awarded for the building of four ward schools, and extensive additions are to be made to the fortifications of Esqui- mau. On the^whole, the outlook is bright for the year of grace 1894. As far as the accessibility of Vic- toria is concerned, there is no city more easy of approach. A few hours' sail from the Mainland or Puset Sound ports lands a passenger safe and sound at one or other of the many wharves which line the harlwr. From the Atlantic to the Pacific the C.P.R. wends its way; the Northern Pacific Railroad carries its freight and passengers to all points east and south of Uncle Sam's domain, and is run in connection with their excellent steamship service. The Union Paci- fic and Oreat Northern afibrd like accommodation, and the local steam- ship lines do their gootl work in their ^ood style. The Esquimalt & Nana- imo Railway, and the Victoria & Sydney R.R. supply the Island, so far, with the iron horse ; and points not reached by either are brought into touch with the city by regular steamboat service. Farming operations are being rapidly extended in the Victoria dis- trict, and an excellent and spacious Public Market has been established for the convenience of all desiring its use. It is in charge of a very effici- ent and courteous superintendent in the person of Mr. E. Johnson (a pop- ular old-timer), and although not BO W 00 2 IK5 2 » "^ t-l <-♦• g 3. 2 'I a S- 11 niiiii WEIl[RBIiOS„iin! . LaiptStockinBiC. •mii PniH HeDSON'SBAYCOMPiNY~"«?!™"»< I DBEW, VICTORIA. B. C. ca a;> \\ 5-2© eg i ) I ► ^ "S p2 ■w «M « © .4 OS ■M s « ^ i « ^ tH H 268 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. very liberally patronized will ho doubt siion be. The charitable institutions of Vic- toria are standing monuments to the vvhole-heartednessof lier people. The aged and infirm find comfortable quarters in their declining years in the Old Folk's Home. In the Royal Jubilee Hospital, the sick and disabled are treated with skill and kindness; the fatherless have their best interests looked after in the orphanages ; the widow ever finds the helping iiand stretched out to her and the word of sympathy spoken; and the poor and friendless never appeal to the B. C. Benevolent Society in vain. All and more of these worthy institutions are mainly supported by voluntary subscriptions AROUND VICTORIA. It would be difficult to enumerate the many "places of interest," as the term goes, in and around Victoria ; the number and variety is endless. The Agricultural Grounds are every year beijoming more useful and popular. Here is held the annual show under the auspices of the B. C. Agricultural Society — an institution which has done much to promote the agricultural as well as the industrial res urces of the district. A splendid and spacious exposition hall adorns the grounds. From the tower of the building a charming view of the sur- rounding country is obtainable. Ad- joining the Agricultural Grounds is the Driving Park, with an excellent track over whose surface some of the best blooded horses of the province are paced. TheVictoria Jockey Club, who hold the Driving Park, have done much to improve the breed of horses in this country. Beacon Hill Park is another very attractive rendezvous. Nature has done much for this charming spot, and art not a little. The grounds are at a considerable altitude, and command a magnificent view of of the Straits of San Juan de Fuca and the surrounding district. It is the popular recreation ground for Victor- ians and «t all times of the year the games "in' season" are here enjoyed. From a neat band stand the strains of sweet music are to be heard. Clover Point is another of the many places of interest within easy access of the city. Church Hill is the site of the pres- ent Church of England Cathedral,and commands a splendid view of the city. A new edifice, to cost in the neighbor- hood of $260,000 (from the plans of Messrs. Evers and Keith, architects, of this city) will shortly be erected. Douglas Monument was erected to the memory of the late Sir Jame^ Douglas, Governor of the colony. The site is a very beautiful one, on the grounds of the Provincial Government buildings, James Bay. Foul Bay, (the name is not an ap- propriate one) is situated at the south- eastern extension of the city limits, and is a very pretty drive. The Gorge is, par excellence, the choice spot of Victoria. To apprei;!- ate the grandeur of tlie scenery of this gem of nature necessitates a visit. It is reached either l)y land or svat. r— the drive being equally pleasant us the row. The (Sorge is the scene nf the t^ueen's BirtlnUiy celebrations— an event (iclcbratod with greater ei'Utt by Victorians than by any of the siili- jects of her over whose possessiDiis the sun never sets. The Indian Reserve contains aljuut 108 acres on the west side of tiie hai- bor and is connected with the city liv two bridges, one being that of the 11. & X. Rdhvay, which has a swing ti allow the p 'ssage of vessels. The it- serve is a great eye-sore to Victorians, who are never ceasing in their ettorts to have the few Indians who renmiii in possession of tlys fine tract of land, in the very heart of the city, removed to quarters more congenial to them- selves. Here are to be seen a few dc- lapated "rancherees" and the rem- nants of a once powerful tribe. The Outer Wharf is at the en- trance to the harbor, and affords a landing iilace at all stages of the ti'i>' and in all sorts of weather for the largest vessels. A spacious dock hasi been constructed and extensive store- houses erected. Cadbo vous of p sucli a pi a beau til trees, wit gravel, an While en sea bath, i passing sti iJanvas on •^''e gun or to advanta Cedar H 1 five-mile capital . T farming on* hill a beaut an ideal pic sea. Gordon H resort of Vic "•end it to oeautiful nia tlie case wit! J« well woodi Oak Bay is \ iL'toria, and J'ii.vsa visit. I I wiMi the ele I "'"' a 6c. tick I An excellent I established ^ I f'ls direction I 'iituie Hill be ( Mount Toir f'ffgest, is on I H'^\. "lount" ?i ^'lctoria ant IS only one n tn-iin way line, oei'igniade foi mtm\ to the H tions in the set Esquimau i 2" t"e Pacific C flf et, and is ne of vessels repre "T'"? flag that's bi Tiie battle «nd The Cemetrj place to visit fnends beneatl others It wiii d «'ationin whioJ are held by ViS lemetery Is also I i TIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY No. 23 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B Guidea fumiahed to tourlita. All kinds! Ctaineae help aupplied on the shortest notil DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY - WINNIPEG. Drewry's Ale, Porter and Lager is Recommended by Physicians Generally. [he luiv- Ititv i>y the K. Iwiiiii 1'' iThe n- Itoriiui^- |r ert'oit:' reinaiu I of law*' Vemoved lo them- I few >l»'- Ihe reiu' [the <'ii liffor*W ;i| [the ti'1'1 for the I lock has! |ve 8tore-r in kinds! ttest noUl VICTOKIA CITY DIHECTOKY. >59 Cadboro Bay is a favorite rendez- vous of pleasure seekers. It is iust such a place as fancy would paint — a beautiful beach, "well shaded by trees, with a strand of sand and fine gravel, and a nice rolling Pacific surf. While enjoying the p'easures of a sea bath, the bather can watch the passing steamers or the filling of the canvas on sailing craft. The line, the gun or the rod can also be used to advantage. Cedar Hill (or Mount Douglas) is a five-mile pleasant drive from B.C's capital. The district is chiefly a farming one, and from the top of the liiil a beautiful view is obtainable — an ideal picture, including land and sea. Gordon Head is another favorite resort of Victorians, who always com- mend it to visitors. It affords a beautiful maritime view, and, as is the case with the rest of the Island, is well wooded. Oak Bay is in close proximity to Victoria, and is a spot which well re- pays a visit. It is now connected with the electric tram-car system, and a 5c. ticket will bring one there. An excellent hotel has recently been established. Victoria is extending in tliis direction, which at no distant future will be within the city limits Mount Tolmie, as the name will suggest, is on elevated ground. From the " mount " a good view is obtained of Victoria and its surroundings. It is only one mile from the electric tramway line, and arrangements are being made for the extension of the system to the seat of building opera- tions in the settlement. Esquimalt is the naval station on tlie Pacific Coast for Her Majesty's fleet, and is never without a couple of vessels representing " The flag that's brared a thou8%nd years, The battle and the breeze." The Cemetry is not a pleasant place to visit for those who have friends beneath the sod, but to others it wiil demonstrate the ven- eration in which the dear departed are held by Victoriana. The Jewish I Cemetery la alao a place of interest. Victoria City Council, 1893. The Mayor is elected annually. The Aldermen of each ward hold office for one year. P]lections in January. The Council meet every Monday evening at 8 o'clock, in the City Hall, cor. Douglas and Pandora Sts. The public are admitted. Mayor — Hon. Robert Beaven, M. P. P. Aldermen — North Ward, Aid. Rob- ertson (vice Munio Miller,) Baker and Bragg ; Centre Ward, Aid. Stj^les, Belyea and McKillicaii; South Ward, Aid. Munn, Henderson and Harris (vice McTavish.) Permanent Ofkicer.s — City Clerk, W. J. Dowler, B. A ; Treasurer, As- sessor, Accountant and Collector, Charles Kent; Auditor, James ^. Raymur; Collector of Water Rates, T. J. Partridge; Assistant Treasurer, E. C. Smith; City P^ngineer, Survey- or and Water Conniiissioner, E. A. Wilmot, C. E ; Sanitary Otticer, Alex. Murray ; City Librarian, J. McGregor, L.L.D'; Water Works Foreman, T. Preece; Building Inspector and As- sessor, W. W. Northcoit. Pi)i-ici] — Magistrate, F. MacRae ; Clerk of Court, W. C. Pope; Super- intendent, Harrv W. Sheppard; Sergts. J. W. Walker, H. A. Levin and John Hawton. There are twelve constables for city duty. Fire Department — Chief .T. Deasy ; Assistant Chief, M. J. Conlan. There is a numerous and efficient staff, and first class appliances. Following is the fire alarm system : James Bai/. Box No. Location. 4 Dallas road, corner Simcoe street. 5 Montreal street, corner Kingston street. 6 Menzies street, corner Kingston street. 7 Montreal street, corner Simcoe street. 8 Menziee street, corner Toronto street. 1-6 Superior street, corner Birdcage Walk. 5-2 Michigan street, corner Oswego street. H H O O I 1 1 ' 'V ( i^H 11 m ■' III |He IjAtkst imi'ito VBaanfTn iir book- Biy^tii:!ra a.si> papbb bvliso. B. T. Williams ■88 BRO.A.D STRBBX. VICXORIA..- POPULAR PRICES AND BEST OF 6Q0DS AT THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE I Victori Clarence Block, Cor. Yates and Douglas Sts., Victoria, B. C. o o CD o o 0. •— u O Q QC O CD 200 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTOBY. North of James Bay Bridge. 1-3 Humboldt street, corner Rupert street. 1-4 Government street, corner John- son street. 1-6 Constance street, corner DiscoV' ery street. 2-3 Fort street, corner Quadra street. 2-4 Cook street, corner Caledonia avenue. 2-6 Government street, corner Fis- (;uard street. 2-6 John street, corner Bridge street. 3-1 No. 2 Fire Hall, Yates street. 3-3 South road. Spring Eidge. 3-4 Burdette street, corner Vancou- ver street. 3-5 Yates street, corner Wharf street. 4-1 Douglas street, junction Govern- ment, at Fountain. 4-2 Blanchard street, corner Chatham street. 4-3 Fort street, corner Moss street. 4-5 Yates street, corner Cook street. 6-1 Second street, corner King's road. 5-3 Douglas street, corner Discovery street. 5-4 Pandora street, corner Quadra street. 6-1 No. 1 Fire Hall, Pandora street. 6-2 View street, corner Blanchard street. 6-3 Humboldt street, corner Douglas street. 6-4 Government street, corner Fort street, (keyless box.) 7-1 Government street, corner Prin- cess avenue. In case of fire raise an alarm by using the nearest fire alarm box. Keys will be found at the nearest house. Open the door of the box and pull down the hook. The num- ber of the box will be struck three times on the bells and gongs. Leave the key in the box. Board of Trade. Offices, Board of Trade Building, Bastion street. Officers 1892-3— President, A. C. Flumerfelt; Vice-President, C. E. Renouf ; Secretary, F. Elworthy ; Council and ArbitrationBoard, Messrs. A. B. Gray, D. R. Ker, H. F. Heis- terman, G. Leiser, Wm. Templeman, A. L. Belyea, W. H. Ellis, F. H. Worlock, E. G. Prior, H. E. Oonnon, T. S. Futcher and E. B. Marvin. Colleges and Schools. Public and High Schools, Ward Schools, Colleges and Boarding Schools, see Street Directory. Hospitals. Royal Jubilee, Richmond road. St. Josephs, CoUinson street (Sis- ters of St. Ann). Cemeteries. Ross Bay, under control of the City Council. Jewish, Cedar Hill road. Churches and Clergy. (See Church and Clerical Direc- tory). Clubs. Union Club, Douglas street ; Vic- toria Club, corner Fort and Broad streets ; James Hay Athletic Associa- tion, Belleville street, opposite Men- zies street; Victoria Athletic Club, Government street ; Victoria Jockey Club. Libraries. Public Library and reading room, City Hall, James McGregor, L.L.D., libr'irian; Y.M.C.A. reading room and library; Law Library, Spieme Court Buildings. Most of the ben- evolent societies have also libraries and reading rooms at their places of meeting. Post Office. Government Street — (Also see pages 22 to 29 — Postmaster, Noah Shakespeare ; deputy postmaster, T. A. Cairns; free delivery of letters from office at 8 a.m. and 3 p.m.; wicket delivery open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.; registry office opened from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. No delivery (free or wicket^ on Sundays. Postage Stamps on sale from 8 a. m. to 7 p.m. Street I/Etter Boxes — Collections are made from letter boxes at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. Sundays only at 8 a. m. Boxes are placed at the foUiowing points in the city : — Cor. Store and Discovery streets; junction Govern- ment and Douglas streets; cor. Blanchard street and Pandora ave; A. M. BEATTIE CITY MARKET, VANCOUVER, B. C. Weekly Auctions Victoria Transfer Co., Ltd. '''"'^^'S^''J^&SV^U^ic!i:. 9t and 93 Broughton Street, Tietoria, B. C. Telephone 199. Baggage VICTORIA CITY DIBECTORY. 261 cor. Quadra and North Park streets ; cor. Carr and Niagara streets; cor. Fernwood road and Yates street ; cor. Cook and Fort streets ; cor. Menzies and Quebec streets; cor. Montreal and Quebec streets ; cor. McClure and CoUinson streets ; cor. Vancouver and Richardson streets ; cor.Chatham and Chambers streets; cor. Kind's road and Second street ; cor. Bridge and John streets ; cor. St. Lawrence and Simcoe streets ; <!or. Oak and Cadboro Bay road. (For list of postoffices in the Prov- ince, see page 27 ; telegraph offices, gee page 22 ; money order offices, see page 27; postal rates, see page 24.) City Hack Tariff. Hacks, $1.60 per hour, so long as required. Driving one or two persons any place within the city limits, 50 cents. For every passenger over two, 25 cents each To or from any steamer or train, 50 cents per head, not including special orders. Balls, parties and theatres, one person to and fr.im, $2; two persons to and from, $2.50 ; three persons to and from, $3 ; four persons to and from $3.50. For weddings, to and from, each carriage, $5. For funerals, to and from cemetery, each carriage, $4. Trunks taken from any wharf, train or house to any point within the city limits, 25 cents each. Trunks taken on carriages, 25 cents each ; baggage carried in the hand of a person being conveyed in a licensed vehicle, free. Wharves. Canadian Pacific Navigation Com- pany.— Wharf street foot of Fort. City Landing. — Wharf street foot of Yates. Dunsmuib's (late Spratt's). — Store str. et foot of Cormorant. Finlaysok's. — Wharf street, foot of Yates. Hall & Goepel (late Janion's). — Store street, foot of Cormorant. Hall & Ross (late Dickson & Campbell's). — Store street, foot of Chatnam. Hudson's Bay.— Wharf street, foot of Fort. Ocean or Outer Wharf. — Dallas road, foot of Erie street, James Bay. Porter's. — Store street, footofFis- guard. Spratt's.— Store street, foot of Dis- covery. Turner, Beeton & Co's. — Wharf street, foot of Yates. Warren's. — Montreal street, foot of Quebec. Rithet, R. p. & Co's.— Wi.arf street, foot of Johnson, and atRlthetr ville. Janion Wharf Co. — 28 Store street. Board of Fire Underwriters. Messrs. Heisterman & Co, R. P. Rithet & Co., L'td; Turner, Beeton & Co., Findlay, Durham & Brodie, Robert Ward & Co., Thomas C. Nut- tall, R. Hall, B. C. Land and Invest- ment Agency, L'td, Lowenberg, Harris & Co., Nicholles & Renouf, H. E. Croasdaile, W. Monteith, Henry Croft, H. Dallas Helmcken, Dalby & Claxton, Beaumont Boggs, A. W. Jones & Bridgman, H. M. Yates, A. W. More & Co., J. E. Crane & Co., J. St. Clair Blackett. J. D. Pemberton & Son, Morrow, Holland & Co., J. E. Kinsman. Executive Committee. — B. Hall, H. F. Heisterman, J. C. Maclure, Wm. Monteith, Beaumont Boggs. Inspector, J. G. Elliott. I £ FOB SCOTCH AND ENG- . LISH TWEED SUITS <« * * -FOR HEN AND BOTS- 97 JOHNSOCSl STREET, Victoria, b. c. > en c c:: 00 m o o c a orq a BT e » ^ B II ^ « <* u 1^ ^ >-• ►< B . «£• H m S^ t itl to OEI I VICTORIA, B.C. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Muropean and Bngtith ftBOCBBItSS, WISES and LXQUOHB, free and in Bond. VICTORIA, B. C. PQ pa « •♦J •Z5 VICTORIA CITY AND DISTRICT DIRECTORY. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. (FOR STREET DIRECTORY, SEE END OF LIST.) Aaronson, A A, pawnbroker, 76 and 79 .Johnson, res 105 filanchard Abbott, Edwin, plasterer, res Boles- kyne rd Abell, Edw, policeman, res 124 Fort Abell, George, brewers' apprentice, res 138 Fort Abrahams, W B, porter Lenz & Leiser, res .37 Kane Abrams, A J, barber, 128 Govern- ment, res 32 Albert Ackland, R J, stenographer O.P.N Co, res .37 First Acton, Levi, grocer, 38 Vancouver, cor Collinson Acton, William, grocer, 38 Vancouver, cor Collinson Adair, William, farmhand, Cragie Lea farm. Gorge rd Adam, Alexander, baggage master C.P.N., res Sunnyside ave, Craig- Hower rd Adam, J S, draughtsman Ridgway- Wilson, res 7 Bixlwell Adam, Thomas, ship carpenter, Head St, Batterjb Adams, Charles E, book-keeper Co- lumbia Sawmills, res Craigflower Gorge rd Adams. Daniel F, Columbia Sawmills, res Craigflower, Gorge rd Adams, Frederic, sr, stonemason, res 16 South rd Adams, Fred, jr, bricklayer, res 16 South rd Adams, F W, E B Marvin & Co, res Emma, Gorge rd Adams, John, moulder V.I.W., Fourth Adams, John, employee city, - Fourth, nr Hillside ave Adams, John H, carpenter, r<)s Souih rd Adams, Joseph, clerk Waterworks, res 41 David Adams, Mrs M, res 34 Cadboro bay rd res res 119 Adams, Walter, butcher R Porter & Sons, res Pandora Adams, W, pressman the Colonist P. «&P. Co Adams, Wm F, collector Vic Gas Co Adams, Wm H, mgr Singer Mfg Co, 38 Broad, res King's rd Adelphi Saloon, M C Brown, Duck blk, Broad, res 38 Pioneer Adelphi Sample Rooms, Wil- liam Croft, prop, cor Government and Yates Adelson, Aaron, res 54 North Park Aden, John, carpenter, res 241 Sim- coe N Aden, V D, carpenter, res 241 Sim- coe N Aden, Mrs W D, widow, res 241 Sim- coe N Agnew, Wm B, re-toucher Savannah, Five Sisters' blk Ahearne, Joseph, electrician, res 173 Simcoe N Aikman, G W, clerk Land Registry, 40 Langley, res Gorge rd Aikman, H B W, Drake, Jackson & Helmcken, res "The Gables, "Gorge rd Aikman, J A, clerk Drake, Jackson 6 Helmcken, res "The Gables," Gorge rd Aitken, Thos. fruit grower, res Gor- don Head, Vict Dist Albion Fire Insurance Co, .T E Kins- man, agent, 100 Government Albion Iron Works Co, Ltd, Thomas Shaw, mgr, 2 to 12 Chatham Albion Hotel, Isaac Aves prop, 6 and 7 Herald Alder, Mrs, widow, res 65 St Law- rence W . Alder, Miss A, book-keeper Hotel Victoria Alder, Miss K M, kook-keeper Ames Holden Co,Ltd, res 65 St Lawrence Alderson, Geo, labr, res 252 Johnson Alert Bay Canning Co, Thos Earl, agt Tlil UCC Clini nVUtllT mCllPV Guides fumiahed to tourUt*. All kinds of llm IVCC| CnirLllllnClll AuCRuT Chinese help supplied on the shortest noUce. No. 23 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B. C. DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY - WINNIPEG. Drewry'a XXX Stock Ale ia £xtra Hopped. Making it an Excellent Appetizing Tonic. Gor- Kins- homas 5 and Law- Hotel VICTORIA CITV DIRECTORY. 263 Alexander, Charlea, fmr, res Cook st water main, Lake Hill Alexander, John, fmr, res Cook st water main. Lake Hill Alexander Lodge, No. 116, Sons of England, 73)^ Government Alexander, Thomas, teamster, res 15 Pioneer Alexander, Thomas, labr, res 101 South rd Alexander, William, fmr, res Cook st water main. Lake Hill Alford, Henry, hunter, res Humboldt Allan, William, janitor city lockup, res 16 Niagara S Allan, William, book-keeper Langley 6 Co, res 88 Quebec Allatt, Mrs M J, widow, res 62 North Park Allen, Mrs A P, res 3 Rebecca Allen, Clement, labr, res Cadboro bay rd Allen, David, employee V.I.W, res 7 Helton ave Allen, Frederick, fisherman, res H'lmboldt Allen, Harry, labr, res 5 Labouchere Allen, John G, machinist, res 16 Kendall E Allen, Mrs. J, widow, res 78 Chatham Allen, Mifls J, res 78 Chatham Allen, Miss Jennie, waitress, Van- couver hotel, 71 Yates Allen, Paul, waiter, Vancouver hotel, 71 Yates Allen, Kobt, captain, res 31 Prin- cess ave Allen, Kobt, porter, Wilson Bros, res Vic West Allen, Kobert L, asst wholesale gro- cer, res Craigliower rd Allen, William, ship corpenter res 87 Pandora Allen, William, bartender Colonial Metropole, res 69 Henry Allen, William, res 39 Princess ave Alley, Frank Ernest, foreman Spratt & Gray, res 42 Rock bay ave Alliance Assurance Co, of England, (fire), Dalby & Claxton, genl agts Allioe & Ault, wholesale commis- sion merchants, 75 Wharf Allioe, Thos H. (Allice & Ault), 75 Wharf, res Michigan Allison, James, prop Paisley dye works, 116 Yates Allison, Mrs Mary, widow, res 90 Cadboro bay rd Allison, William, steamboat hand, res 1 cabin, McClure American Line S S, Hall, Goepel & Co, agts, 100 Government Ames, Thomas, finisher Sehl, Hastie & Erskine Ames Holden & Co, wholesale boot and shoe mfrs, A C Flumer- felt,mgr,cor Broughton and Langley Ancient Order o' Foresters, Court Northern Light, 43)^ Government Ancient Order of United Workmen, Victoria Lodge No. 19, 73>^ Govt Andean, Wm, res Upper Pandora Andernache, E, jeweller, Pennock & Lowe, res 59)^ North Park Anderson, A C, elk McPhillips, Woot- on & Barnard, res 113 Superior Anderson, Andrew, steamboat fire- man, res 108 Johnson Anderson, August, quarryman, res Vancouver hotel. 71 Yates Anderson, Capt J W, master mariner, res 78 Pandora Anderson, David, boot and shoe mkr, 173 Douglas, res 10 Hill • Anderson, David,logger, res Commer- cial hotel Anderson. David, carpenter, res 48 South Turner W Anderson, E G & Co, manufacturers' agents, 53>o Johnson Anderson, Eric, labr, res 24 Sayward Anderson, Geo, paint maker, Canada Paint Co Anderson, Geo, painter for RLettice, res 10 Hill Anderson, Geo Wm, (Shore & Ander- son), 107 Douglas, res 29 King's rd Anderson, Miss Grace, res 138 Blanch- ard Anderson, Gus, labr, res 87 Pandora Anderson, Hugh, emp Gas Works, res cor. Henry and Russel Anderson, Miss H C, dressmaker, r 181 Douglas Anderson, J, elk Bank B.N.A, Yates, res 112 Superior Anderson, Miss Jennie, tailoress, B. C. Dye Works, res 142 Johnson Anderson, John, bricklayer, res 13 South rd Anderson, John, (Newbigging & Anderson) 105 Douglas, res 197 Douglas Anderson, J R, statistician, Dept Agriculture, res 32 Kingston Anderson, Stone, labr, res 3 Centre rd C<2 553 R.T. BOOKBINDER and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER 98 BBOAO aXBEEX, riOtOHJA.. Prescriptions Frepareil M PURE DRUGS ONLY at the CeDtral DmiE Store Clarence Block, Corner Yates and Douglas Sts., Victoria, B. C^ ormir hat ASniflHBT. I u < cc HI Hi cc COS Oss u Q cci 03* CC m cc Q Anderson, J W, acct Hudson Bay Co, res 112 Superior Anderson, J A, B A« auditor, Treas Dept, rea 1 13 Superior Anderson, M J, engineer, res Del- monico hotel 107-lOi) Government Anderson, Miss Rose, nurse, res Prov Koyal Jul)ilee Hospital Anderson, Robert, miner, res 23 North Park Anderson, Robert, at Wm Mables, res 115 Jolineon Anderson, Tliorston, mattress maker, Sehl-Hastie-Erskine Co Anderson, Walter, (MoKillisan ^^ Anderson) 2 Langley, res 230 View Ar.derson, William, stone cutter, res Princess ave Anderson, Wm, seal hunter, res 192 Cook Anderson, Mrs W C, res 138 Blanch- ard Angus, Jas A, elk Bank of Montreal, res Belcher Angus, J, agt B. C. Sugar Refining Co, Burnes house, res 95 Belcher Angus, Mrs W, widow, 18 Stanley ave Angel Hotel, Fredk Carne sr, prop, 43-45 Langley Angela College, Burdette ave, princi- pal, Mrs and the Misses Kitto. Angus, Forrest, "The Oaks," res St Charles and Pemberton rds An irews, Chester, carpenter, res 61 Quadra Andrews, Chester, machine hand Taylor Mill Co, Government Andres. Christian, cooper, 91 Wharf, res 28 Belcher Andrews, Edmund W, ship carpenter, res Pine Andrews, Gus, emp Taylor Mill Co, res Commercial hotel Andrews, Goven, blacksmith, res 61 Niagara N Andrews, James, shoemaker, res 7 Green Andrew, Mrs John, widow, res Gar- ually rd Andrews, Miss Louisa, domestic, res 7 Bay Andrews, Rich B, expressman, res 229 Yates Andrew, Thomas, match maker, res 45 Work Apnaueht, Mrs Julia, widow, res 106 view Appleby, William, carpenter, res Earl Appleby, M J, com trav G C Shaw & Co, res First Applegathe, E R D, Bnk of Montreal, res 23 Montreal W Appraiser's office, Walter Shears, appraiser, 57-59 Wharf Arbuckle, Matthew, marine engineer, res Richmond ave Arcade Bakery, Albert Haynes, prop, 24 Broad Archambault, O, labr, res Vancouver hotel Archibald, Wm, nurseryman, res 130 Cadboro bay rd Archibald, W F, tele oper, res 130 Cadboro bay rd Archment, Robt, teamster V. C. W. and Lumber Yd, res 127 Belle- ville N Arden, Rev W H P, rector St Mark's, res 2 Speed ave Arden, Thos, chef Dallas hotel, res San Juan ave Arden, William, fmr, res 104 Bay Argyle House, dry goods, Jno Homer &'Co, prop, 83 Douglas Argyle, Miss Jennie, res 28 Bay Armstrong, Charles, res 26 Fourth Armstrong, Frank, H. M. Customs, res Michigan Armstrong, John, hack driver Bow- man's, res 127)^ Johnson Armstrong, Miss L,tailoresBD Camp- bell & Co'y, res 25 Kane Armstrong, Robt, sealer, 109 Pandora Armstrong, Mrs K, housekeeper, Union Club Armstrong, Wilson J, 26 Fourth Armstrong, Wm, head waiter Union Club Arn, Maxin, labr, Harriet rd Arnold, J W, machinist, 61 Second Arnold, Samuel, painter, R Lettice, res 30 Second Arthur, L, res 37 Frederick Arresta, boot black, res 3 Speed ave Arrowsmith, Miss F, teacher public school, res 90 Cadboro bay rd Ash, Thomas, carpenter, resAmphion Ashwell, — , res 128 Cook Askew, Charles, clerk Dixie H Ross & Co, 117 Government, res Pern berton rd Askew, Chas S, asst Dixie Ross & Co res Mrs I J Askew, Pemberton rd Askew, Geo F H, boatbuilder, Mrs I J Askew, Pemberton rd Askew, Mrs I J, res Pemberton rd A. M. BE ATTIE WEEKLV AUaiONS CITY MARKET, VANCOUVER, B. C. orwN HA Ayi»Jft«BT r. Victoria transfer Co., Ltd. '"Vronnc*. 21 and 83 BronshtOB Str««t, VlotorU, B. O. T«l. 189. VICTORIA CITY DIRKCTORY. 205 Afikew Walter F, Lands and Works Dept, rea Penibertoii rd Aupland, Algernon H, etudei.t at law, Davie & Cassidy, res '"Moor- fleld," Rockland ave Aapland Sydney. W H Bain- bridge & Co, 42-44 Ciovernment, rea "Moorlield," Rockland ave Assessor's Office, Ciovernment, C Booth, asfleasor and collector Astrico, Mrs P A, widow, res 252 Yates Atherton, Frank, collector, rea 154 nouttlaa Atkins, James, liouse carpenter, res CraiKflower rd Atkins, W, cashier H. M. Cnstoma, res 112 Dallas rd Atkins, Wm E, ship carpenter and diver, res Craigflowor rd Atkinson, Ben J, tinner, 42 Johnson, res or Parry and Michigan, Atkinson, B J, cornice maker, res Parry Atkinson, George, labr, rea 23 Hey- wood ave Atkinson, Henry, gardener, res 36 Harrison Atkinson, Miss laabel, nurse, Prov Royal Jubilee Hospital Atlas Assurance Co of London, Eng- land, agt Wm Monteith, 32>^ Fort Attorney Oen'l, Hon Theo Davie, Q.C Attwood, Robt J W, chemist and druggist, 68 Douglas Atwood, A W, clerk H Saunders, res 29 Frederick Atwood, Mrs E.widow, res 22 Toronto Atwood, W, porter Henry Saundera, res Mason Aubin, C W, shipb'ldr, res 6<" Fourth Auld, James, builder, res 78 Bay Auld, W E, grocer, rea 166 Govern- ment Ault, Harold L, (Allice & Ault) 76 Wharf, res 163 Cook Austin, Henry, freight clerk £. & N. Ry.,res Pine Austin, H R G, teller Bank B.N.A., Yates, res Wilsoi. hotel Austin, John J, notary public, real estate, financial and insurance agt ii2 Fort, rea Regents Park, Cad- boro bay rd Austin, J H, student-at-law Yates & Jay, res Regents Park Austin, Victor, violinist, rea 133 Fort Aves, Isaac, prop The Albion hotel, 5-7 Herald Avena, William, gardener, res 40 Kane Avatte, Fri'd, labr, Vancouver hotel, 71 Yatea Babchuck, Shem, second-hand store, res 43 Store Babington, Archibald Gordon, seal hunter, res 93 Henry Babington, Clarendon A, seal hunter, res 93 Henry Babington, P A, salesman Victoria Planing Mills, res 93 Henry Baby, Thomas, carpenter, rea 194 Cook Backus, Joseph, carriage maker, res 66 Rock bay avenue Backus, Nina, domesiic, rea 76 Chat- ham Bagley, Hudson W, carpenter, res Indian Reserve Bagshaw, Geo Jas, gardener, res Chandler ave Bahr, Theodore, foreman Weiler Bros factory, §5 Humboldt, rea 108 Kingsron Bailey, B, res 64 Alfred Bailey Chaa E, emp Tel Office, rea 64 Alfred Bailey, Hedley Hammond, house and aign painter, rea 201 Douglas Bailey, Hallet, clerk Erakine t. Wa'l, res 54 Alfred Bailey, J S, L.L.R., journaliat, B.O Directory Co, rea 181 Fort Bailey, John Capt, master mariner, res 112 Fort at Bailey, J G, canvaaaer, rea Dominion hotel Bailey, Marcus, clerk in museum, rea 54 Alfred Bailey, Mrs M A, nurae, 63 Meara Bailey, William, night watchman Poatofiice, rea 11 Rae Bainbridge, W H & Co, mining and land agents, 44 Government Bainbridge, W H, secy B.C. Pot- tery and Terra Co, ltd, 42 Govern- ment, res Jolimont, Cadboro bay rd Baines, Miss Charlotte, rea 100 Fort Bainea, Misa Ethel, dreaamaker, res 100 Fort Balnea, M, compoaitor the Colonist 9»c/a era l-Q B w a- s n o GO a S *. ft O m !? "2 O ?l o «e X 3 ^ 2 3 CD n o s s s a WEILER BROS. VICTORIA, B. O. ARE AGENTS FOR CR0S8LEY AND SONS FINE CARPETS. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY ^^ ■JS^.Ji,''™ ^ I d«»^' le 1 -(-» as 9d ^-4 ■58 Oh !m « © Xi OB -<-' ^4 « 8S 08 1 tH H • 2(Mt BRITISH COLUMBIA DIKECTORY. Uaines, Frank J, clerk H A Lilley, reH 105 DniiKlas Dairies, Miss r.uiira, dresHiiuiker, res 100 Fort Baini^H, MiuH Martlia, compositor Coloniflt Balnes, W, asst pressman Govern- ment printing office Baines, William, accountant, res 100 Fort Bain, Donald, stonemason, res 147 Michigan N Baird, Ambrose, plumber, les 37 First Baird, Mrs Susan, res 37 First Baird Richard, moulder Vic Iron Wks, res 37 First Baird Thomas, res 28 Harbor cot- tages. Store Baird, W G, cornice mkr, res Bruns- wick Hotel Baker, Dr A R, dental surgeon, fi8 Yates, res 30 Frederick Baker, E Crow, real estate and financial agt, 54 Government, res 16 Montreal Baker, Fred Wm, painter, res Cad- boro bay rd and Oak bay junction Baker, George, ice dealer, res (18 Pem- broke Baker, Harold H, collector labor statistics, 32-33 B. C. Board of Trade bldg, res Esquimalt rd Baker Herbert, steward Occidental hotel Baker, Lt-Col, The Hon Jas, provincial secretary and minister of mines, immigrati. n and educa- tion. Baker, Aid Jaa, contractor, brickmaker and ice dealer, res 65 Pembroke Baker, J H, boot and shoe parlors, 63 Government, res 41 Fern wood rd Baker, Miss Letitia, dressmaker, r 42 Five Sisters blk Baker, Miss Lottie, clerk Manchester house, res 88 Yates Baker, M(R Baker & Son) 6 Yates, res 30 Frederick Baker, Malcolm E, painter, Cadboro bay rd and Oak bay junction Baker, Michael, feed store, 30 Fred- erick Baker, Samuel, labr, 112 Johnson Baker, Thomas H, (R. Baker & Son) res 368 Johnson Baker, R & Son, Pioneer Feed Store, 6 Yates Baker, Thomas, teamster, 64 John Baker, Capt W E, master mariner, res 25 First Baker, Wm P, painter, Cadboro bay rd and Oak hay junction Jiaker, William, moulder, re867 Pem- broke Jtalbage, Fredk, clerk general post office, res 1 Jackson ave E Balcom, T, cook, 109 Pandora Hale, I) H, carpenter, 10!) Pandora Bales, Mrs J C, Indian reserve. VicW Ball, Henry B, barber, res 16 Van- couver Ball, Joseph, letter carrier, res 3!) David Ballentyne, Clinton Graham, life in- surance agent, nn 47 Five Sisters blk, res 7 Richardson Balmoral Hotel, F W Garland, prop, 61 Douglas, from Fort to View Bamford, Thomas, draughtsman Lands and Works, res 41 Carr W Banfield, David, expressman, res Haughton Bank of British Colombia, cor Government and Fort, George Gil- lespie, mgr Bank of B. N, A., Yates, Gavin Hamilton Burns, mgr Bank Exchange Saloon, G C Sauer, prop, 29 Yates cor Langley Bank of Montreal, A J C Gal- letlv, mgr, 81 Government, tel 189, P. 6. box 581 Bankhurst, — , painter, 209 Douglas Banks, Henry, steamboat flre.^an, res 54 John Banks, Henry, steamboat man, res 50 John Banks, L P, res 214 Cook Bannerman, A M, wood and coal merchant, 16 St Louis Banner, Samuel, gardener res 8 Labouchere Bantlev, Marcus, cigar manfr, res 156 Fort Bantley, Miss R, res 155 Fort Bantley, S A, cigar maker, res 155 Fort Baptist Mission Sunday School, Hen- ry, cor Mary, Victoria West Barber i, Frank, cook and waiter, res 6 Cottage Beach terrace, Humboldt Barber, James gardener, res Har- bor View, 56 Dallas rd Barber, James, fisherman, res 26 Rupert TIU UCZ cum nVIICUT AOCIinV Guides furniahed to tourists. All kinds of TIM KtC, tfflrLUinlCNI AUtNuT Cmnese belp supplied on tUe shortest noUce. No. 23 STORE STREET, VICTORIA. B. C. »« BROAU MTBaa Drenvry^s Redwood Brewery, Winnipeg. All Wholaaal* Oealen keep Drewry's Ale, Porter and Lager in Stock. VICTORIA CITY DIKECTORY. 2t»7 Barber, .Tohn, tiBherman, res Nia- gara 8 Barber, John, flshcrmn, res 26 Rupert Barber, John, putteriitnaker, \M.W, res 29 Walnut Barber, Roliert, tisherman, res Nia- ttara H Barl)er, Rev D W, M.A., rector St Savionr'H, "Tyn-y-Coed," Duns- muir rd Barff, L, res 33 Birdcage Walk W Barbam, Foster, Ixiok-keeper B. (' Cattle Co, res 137 Menzies W Barham, Herbert F, res bay rd, Mt Tolmie Barker, Adolplms, j)lumber, 105 Yates, res 92 North Park Marker, David M, enip B C Pottery, res 5 Bo<lwell Barker, George M, seaman, res Cath- erine, Vic W Barker, James, brickmaker, res 5 Bodwell Barker, James H, apprentice, res 5 Bodwell Barker, S, V.P.B. Co, res Skinner Barlow, Mrs 1, widow, res 116 North Park Barlow, Mrs L, dressmaker, res Old Esquimau rd, cor Russell, Vic W Barlow, Ijeroy, carpenter, res Old Esquimau rd, cor Russell Barlow, Thos, carpenter, res Vining Barlow, Thomas, livery stable keeper res 101-103 Fort Barnard, F S, M. P. P, Pres . ic- toria Transfer Co, res "Duval Cot- tage," Belcher Barnard, 6 H (McPhillips,Wooton & Barnard,) res Belcher Barnes, Chas, second officer, S.S. "Quadra," res Henry, Victoria West Barnes, Fred, moulder ,res 17 North rd Barnes, Lieut G E. Royal Marine Artillery, The Barracks, Work Point, res Head Barnes, James, ''Beacon Cottage," 224 Beacon Hill Barnes, James, labr, res 141 Simcoe N Barneswell. James, jr, blacksmith, res 292 Johnson Barnet, A W, book-keeper, res 67 Kane Barnett, John, Saunder's restaurant 169-171 Government Barnsley, John, (John Barnsley & Co) 119 Government, res Gorge rd Barnsley, John & Co, gunsmiths, 110 Government Barnswell, H, cook, res 292 Johnson Barnswell, James, sr. carpenter, res 292 Johnson Barnvich, George L, varnish maker, Canada Paint Co, res 22 Chatham Barret, Michael, general servant, St. Anne's Convent Barrett, William, emp R E Knowles, Carnsew dairy, res Moas Barron, Juliusj sausage maker at B Van Volkenburgh's, 72 Yates Barron Sabin, shoe maker, res 72 Penjbroke Barron, W G, porter, Vancouver hotel, 71 Yates Barry, — , sealer, res 37 Victoria Cres Barry, Albert, labr, res 256 Yates Barry, .Tohn, res 38 Rae Barrv, Miss Pauline, emp Colonist offl'ce, res 256 Yates Barry, Thomas, gentleman, res 266 Yates Barry, Thomas, dray man, res Putnam, Spring Ridge Bfvry, Walter, res 256 Yates Bnrry, William, teamster, res 256 Yates Barthes, C, chef. Hotel Victoria Barthes, Casimir, cook, H McDer- mid. Queen's ave Bartholomew, J H, lather, res 49 Second Bartlett, Miss, res 14 Ridge rd Bartlett, John, hackman, res 98 Bay Bartlett, Oscar, engineer, "Brighton - Cottage," Cadboro bay Bartlett, Samuel, plasterer, res 4 James S Barton, Miss #f aggie, domestic, res 93 Pandora Base, James, labr, B. C. Chemical Works Bassett, John G, cabinet maker, res 16 Henrv Bassett, RobtH. carpenter, Caledonia ave, res 36 Alfred Bassett, William P, carpenter, 37 Caledonia ave, res 36 Alfred Basso, Antonio, fisherman, res 41 Work Basso, Nicholas, boiler maker, A.I. W, res 40 David Bass, Oscar C, stenographer, Bod- well & Irving, res 45 Chatham Batchelor, Wm, grocer, 58-60 King's rd, cor. Second aid lO » 4 H ^■TV VlUnST ^\X/ More Huida and More Capital than all other Bin-ierlea Wr. ^.tnW 'JitfJX in the Province. M BHOAo HxmaBT, rivTOMiA. « * 4L R, T« WILLIAMS BETTER COMB TOUR HAIR with the Best Combg in Towd . . SOLD ONLY AT THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE • • CZAHtSXCE nLOCK, COS. TJLTES AJfD DOUGIiAB HTS., VHfTOKlA, S. C. VICTORIA CO O Q O 268 BRITIBH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Bate, Thomas, teamster, res 3-4 Mas- cotte ave Bates, A J, shipper, Ames, Holden & Co, Ltd, res 103 Pandora Bates, Mrs E A, milliner, res 64 Fort Bates, Jones, labr, rea 24 Caledonia ave Bate8,NoahWm, washer, McDonald's livery, res 64 Fort Bath, Miss Ellen, seamstress, 115 Blanchard Batten, William, ship carpenter, res 87 Henry Battersby, George W, fmr, Craig- flower, rd Battershill, William, emp "Vic Iron Wks, res Pembroke and Quadra Baumann, Louis, restaurant, 52 Yates, res View Baur, Mrs Olga, res 6 Harrison Beven, C F, res 115 Simcoe N Baxter, C A, gen'l passr agt C.P.N. Co., 64 Wharf, res Leighton rd Baxter, Robert, labr, res Telegraph hotel Bayne, R Roskell, architect, res cor Quadra and Chatham Bayne, S H K, agent Holta 'iea Co, 50'^ Government Bayntom, Edward, plumber, re*" 34 Mears B.C. Blank Boolr Mnfg Co, J C Scott, mgr, Williams' bldg, 28 Broad B. C Board of Fire Under- wriiters, J G Elliott, Srcretary, r 7 Five Sisters' blk B.C.Board of Trade, F Elworthy, sec'y B.C. Canning Co, L'td of London, FinJliiv, Durham & Brodie agents, 98 Wharf * B.C.CattIe C», D W Gillies, mgr, 97 Government B.C. Cattle Co Stablet, 203 Yates B.C. Chemical Works, Messrs Moore, Fish'^r & Hall prop, Erie G, water 'ront B. C Corporation L'td., Ward, R & Co,mgr8 and agents, 17 Fort cor Langley B. O l>i8triot Telegraph and Delivery Co., L'td., Fred G White, mgf, 34 Fort B.C. Dye Works, Hendy, McCai.n & Renfew props, 142 Johnsoa B. C. Fruit Canning & Preserving Co, O'Kell & Morris, mgrs. Turner B.C. Land and Investment Co, L'td., 40 Government, Henry S Mason, mgr B.C. Marine Engineer's Association, r 50, Five Sisters' blk B.C. Novelty Works. Newbigging & Anderson, props 105 Douglas B.C. Paper »Ifg Co., L'td., H. Car- iai(hael, sec, 32 Government, res EdCtUimalt rd B.C. Pharmacy, W Jackson & Co, props, 31 Fort B.C. Pioneer Societv, J J Austin, secv, hall, 281^ Broad, meets first Wed- nesday in each month B.C. Pottery and Terra Cotta Co., L'td., ofiice cor Government and Brou^hton, S C Burrowes, mgr B.C. Soap Works, prop W Pendray, 25 Humboldt Beal Wm, coppersmith, Langley, rea 96 View Beam, Eli, contractor, St.CatherineW Beanlands.Rev Canon, res 24Burdett ave Beany, William, labr, Belton ave Bear, Wm, coppersmith, 16 I<angley Beaton, Daniel, steamboat oiler, res 43 Henry Beauchamp, Richd, fruit and ame dealer, 70 Yates, res 66 Mearecr Beauchamp, Miss Caroline, fruiter and florist, res 65 Mears Beauchamp, Miss Sarah A, fruiter and florist, res 55 Mears Beaumont Charles J, grocer, Bay cor Government Beaven, Hon Robt, M.P.P., Mayor, res 22 Vancouver Beav n, H R, elk Bank B.C., res 22 Vancouver Beam, Sabin, shoe^ aker, ret 41 (iuadrr Bebington, Thomas, seaman, res 244 Simcoe S Beohtel, A J, prop California htl 19 Johnson, res Douglas Becker, C, assistant T B Pearson k Co, re^^ Fort Becker, Mrs N, widow, res 217 Fort Beckman, William, sealer, res 128 Chatham Beckman, A J, moulder, res Bruns- wick hotel Beckman, PE, nr. mlder, Brunswick hotel Beckwith, H, chief landing waiter Customs, res "Namrell Cottage," Belleville A M BE ATTTE adctioneer, . apfhaiser - .\mi A.. J.TX. .DfiX^ X .L X A ggjjgn^ COMMISSION MERCHANT. Beckwith, , chant, c I Discovei Beckwith, raanufac Beckwith, Fourth Bedad, Jot toria Ck Bedard, Tl 70 North Bedard, 1 Johnson John, Bedl Lands a Bellot Beehive Sal 48 Fort, ( Beek, Josej Prior Beek, Miss House, re Beer, Herl builder, r Beer, Normi malt. Vic Beer, Wella malt, Vic Beeton, Mis conver hoi Beug, Alej Niagara N Begg, Frank Begrbie, Si Justice, ref Behin. Jam Quebec N Behnsen, H 1-5 Trounc Belanger, J( Quadra Belanger, 8« Quadru Bell, Filiot, ( 16 Gouth Tl Bell, James, Renouf, res Bell, John, I I Co, res 13 h I Bell, Joseph, Vancouver Bell, Peter, bi Bell, Williau Aged and rd, Ross baj Bellanger, All Bellamy, Edw rd, bk Dupp INTill CITY MARKET, VANCOVVER. J. C. VICTORIA TRANSFER CO., LTD. 21 and 23 Bronghton Streat, Viotorla, B. C. Tel. 129. Check Banaee to any part of tbe City. Their Wagons and Carriages meet all Boats and Trains. VICTORIA CITY DIRECTOi Y. 269 Beckwith, John L, commission mer- chant, cor Fort and Wharf, res 84 Discovery Beckwith, J L, commission and manufacturers' agt, res 40 Johnson Beckwith, W S, expressman, res 34 Fourth Bedad, Joseph, billiard marker, Vic- toria Club, 45>^rort Bedard, Thomas, carriage maker, res 70 North Park Bedard, Thomas, painter, res 239 Johnson John, Bedlington Harold, chief clerk Lands and Works OflSce, res 9 Bellot Beehive Saloon, Cook & Irving, props, 48 Fort, cor Broad Beek, Joseph F, carriage maker, res Prior Beek, Miss, milliner, Manchester House, res 88 Yates Beer, Herbert E, contractor and builder, res Esquimalt, Vic W Beer, Norman M, builder, res Esqui- malt. Vic W Beer, Welland L, builder, res Esqui- malt, Vic W Beeton, Miss Maggie, waitress Van- couver hotel Beiti;, Alexander, journalist, res Niagara N Begg, Frank, bai cender Empire hotel Begbie, Sir Matthew B, Chief Justice, res 25 Franklin Behm. James, expressman, res 1 Quebec N Behnsen, H F W. mgr Kurtz & Co, 1-6 Trounce ave, res 2 Centre rd Belanger, John, carpenter, res 51 Quadra Belanger, Seth, carpenter, res 51 Quadru Bell, Filiot, clerk R Ward & Co, res 16 South Turner W Bell, James, salesman Nicholles & Renouf, res 13 Amelia Bell, John, B.C. Paving & Roofing Co, res 13 Amelia Bell, Joseph, boiler maker A.I.W., Vancouver hotel Bell, Peter, barkeeper Ruse house Bell, William, inmate Home for Aged and Infirm, 217 Fairfield rd, Ross bay Bellanger, Albert, waiter Dom hotel Bellamy, Edward, fmr, res Burn@ide rd, bk Duppin rd Bellamy, Mrs E J, res Burnside rd, bk Duppin rd Bellamy, Francis' K, painter, res Whittier ave, Saanich rd Bellamy, George, chemist, res Whit- tier ave, Saanich rd W Bellamy, Hugh, carpt, res Whittier ave, Saanich rd W Belmont Saloon, 2 Humboldt Bel^ea. & Gregory, barristers and solicitors, 1-8 B.C. Board of Trade building, Bastion sq Belyea, Arthur Louis, B.L.> (Belyea & Gregory), res St Charles Bendrot, Captain J, master mariner, res 50 Quebec S Bennett, Frank A, solicitor, Thorn- ton Fell, 50 Langley, res 88 Quebec Beniiet, Jchn, brewer City Brewerv, res 51 S Turner E Bennett, Mrs Harriet, housekeeper for Sir M B Begbie, res 13 Franklin Bennett, John, commission agt, 34 Government, res 51 8 Turner Bennett, J T, master mariner, res Richmond ave cor Oak bay a\ Bennett, Miss Jane, domestic, 2 Pembroke Bennett, Tiv-ob, labr, res Cad bay rd Bennett Mrj J, widow, res 161 Johnson Bennett, Richard, ship builder, res 216 Pandora Bennetto, John, truck and drayman, res 38 Princess ave Benson, A J, barber, 106 Government, res Yates Benson, George, seaman, res 19 David Bent, Aruhui R, blacksmith, res 13 cabin, Johnson Bereu's Island Light House, Victoria Harbor Berkely, Mrs L A, res 23 Burdett ave Berkley, Sadie, waitress Colonial Metropole Bertuecio, Nicholas, res 41 cabin, Humboldt Bernardo, D, fish and fruit dealer, 128 Fort Bernardo & Sures, fish and fruit deal- ers, 123 Fort Berridge, Frank 0, accountant, 68 Yates, res 212 View Berridge, George, accountant Dixi H Ross & Co, 11 Government, res "Windsor Cottage." Oak bav Berridgo, William, book-keeper. Speed Bros, 69 Fort, res 212 View 2>? P=s<5 INTERIOR WOODWORK, OFFICE AND bar fittings llnd* to Orif-mr by WEIUBR BROS. HUDSON'S BUY COMPIIIY, Igents for M Carrv ar.d Bentoo County Flouring Mills p=j CO P-4 -«^ 1 <« « cS A Oh ■M Vl « o A 'f) -M hi a> ^ i ^i^ V « ■^ ► X flS u 1 VICTORIA., B. O.- 270 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRKCTORY. Berridge, Wm II, insurance clerk, res 212 View Berridge, Wallace W, student, res 212 View Berry, F, elk H. M Customs, res 177 Montreal Berry, Mrs James R, res 38 John Berry, Miss Kate, domestic, 08 David Beiryman, Chas, gardener, Sir M B Begbie, res 20 Labouchere Berry man, Fred T, stone cutter, res cor Prior and Topaz ave Berryman, John, bartender. Occiden- tal hotel Berryman, R H, piop Occidental hotel, cor Johnson and Wharf Bertrand, Wm A, steward, res Van- couver hotel, 71 Yates Bert;.;h, Frank, candy, fruit and cigar store, res 03 Government Berwin, S, tailor, res 111 Johnson Best, John, labr, res 3 McClure Bestford, Fred, lather, res Lan - downe rd Bethnne, JT. elk 55 ' hnson, res 187 Fort Beaumont, AVm, grocer, res Cadboro hay rd E Bevan, l""red O'Grady, bartender Oc- cidental hotel Beyer, Wm, bartender Grand Pacific hotel Bickford, William, fancy dry j;oo(is ()1 and (vi Fort Bickford, Mrs W. fancy dry goods and millinery, ()l-()3 Fort Bicknell, John, motoriieer, res 208 Douglas Bigelow, H S, clerk Steam laundry, res 75 Chambers Billard, William, seal hunter, res 109 Pandora Billinghurst, E E, cleik Drake, Jack- sou & Helmcken, res 34 Michigan Billingsley. Francis, harness maker, 126 Government, res 37 Chatham Bingham, Geo, tailor, res 13 Hum- boldt Bip^s, John, car inspector E. & N. Ry, RuBsel, Vic W Bird, David, labr, res 11 Third Birkett, Thomas, carpenter, res 41 Second Birnie, William, expressman, res 7 Quebec Bishop, Caleb, retired, res Craig- flower rd, cor RuBsel Bishop, Frnk J, coachman Jos A Say- way, " Oakmeade."' cor Belcher a.id Moss Bishop, George (Bishop & Sher- borne), res (5 Carr Bishop, Henry F, purser str Rithet, res 84 John Bishop & Sherborne, builders, 17 Courtney Bissett. Alfred, master mariner, ■< h 63 St Lawrence VV Bissinger, Sainl, res 204 Yates Bisaett, ,Tas, stableman Bowman.s. 127*^ .Tohnson Bittancourt, A R cirpei ■• res 47 Third Bittancourt, Geo, ap,:,ul^L;., les 47 Third Blairk, John, einp B. r.Cattie Cj. res Cadboro hay Black, J W, book-keeper Colonial Metropole Black, William, hostler Domin' ' hotel Black bourne, Fred, painter for RLit- tice, res 40 Fort Blackbourn, .Tos, res 89 Fernwood rd Blackett, Cuthbert, labr, res 83 Su- perior N Blackburn, Joiin, Brunswick hotel Blackett, John, gentleman, res S2 King's rd Blackett, J St Clair, real estate and insurance, 74 Yates, res Garballv rd Bluckley, Albert, conductor stre^ railway, res 69 First Blackvuore, Jno, labr, res 113 Blanc' ard Blackstaff, Alice, domestic, 42 Cook Blackstock, Malcolm, emp Alex <i Tait, Oak hay ave Blackus, Joseph, carriage maker, 31 Herald Blackwell, George, labr, res 65 ()«- wego W Blackwood, E E, agt Northern Pa- cific Ry Co, Adelphi blk, Govern- ment res 27 Fourth Blackwood, Miss Ida, res 10 Bay Blackwood, Jas, engineer, City Hall, res Brunswick hotel Blair & Gordon, grocers, Jic ■> gan N Stlair, Wm, (Blair & Gordon) res Micuigan N Blake, Alfred, Ubr A. I. W., res 12 Third Blake, Chas Robt, res Devonshire rd Blake, Cha eminent Blake, Cha \ shire rd i Blake, Mis Devonshi Bhinchard, 30 Blancl Blanchard, «»> No, Ml Blanchard, 30 Blanch Blanchard, 69 North : Blanchard. macy, ;!1 ] Bland, Alfrt Blan.i, Free Vic W Bland, Henr Vic W Bland, Jame Bland, Jame 115Toront Bland, Johi Bros, res c^ Bland, Josen Ry, res Mi Blank. \,o\\h M W Wai Oak bay a\ Blaqniere, Cook J>la(iuiere, Cook Blight, FW Arcade, 66 Jlocklev,.A, 1 1 Oriental .« oinfleld. View Bloom field, Chatham Blooi liild, i T Williams Bloomtield, IV Williams, r Bloomfield, IV! McDonald i Bloamfield, Clarence ho Bloomingdale A Co), 1-5 ^ oloomingdale Fort Bloor, Arthi Second Bloor, George ^ TIU tfCC tllUI nVUCIIT AnClll^V Guides furniahed to touriaU. All kinds of llnl KCC| CHIrLUTlnUII AbCNUI Chinese help aupplled on the ahorteat notice. No. 28 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B. C. kinds of It notice. DitWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY - WINNIPEG. nrewry'H Premiutm Xiaf/er— fully Equ.nl to any Imported Srer. f VICTORIA CITV DIRECTORY. 271 -V Blake, Ohas, night \vatchinon Gov- ern 'neiit bldgs, res l^urnside rd Blukt', C'liaa J, carppiiter, res L»(?von- shire rd Blake, Miss Sarah, dressmaker res Devonshire rd Blatuliard, Miss A, dressmaker, res 30 Blanch ard Blanrhard, Miss B, dressmaker, res W) No. ^h Park Blaiichard, Miss J, dressmaker, res 30 Bliinchard Blanchard, Miss J, dressmaker, res 69 North Park Blanoliard. M G, mgr Ji. C. Phar- macy, 31 Fort Bland, Alfred, joiner, Mary, Vic W Blar.i, Fred \Vm, plumlJer, Mary, Vic W Blnnd, Henry J, compositor, res Bay, VicW Bland, .lames, sr, res Mary, cor Bay Bland, .lames, janitor law courts, res 115 Toronto Bland, John .1, bootmaker Cavin Bros, res cor Mary and Ksquinmlt Bland, .rosepi), car carpenter ^■'. it N. Ry, res Mary, cor Bay Blank. J.onis, traveler and salesman M W Waitt & Go, res Hurlton, Oak bay ave lilaqniere, Edward, baker, res 2li) Cook I'.laciuiere, M, bakery, res 210-221 Cook liliirht, F W, kook-keeper Spence's An^ade, 05 Government ;51ocklev,.A, boot and shoemaker, res 11 Oriental alley I omfield, Miss A, domestic, 122 View Bloomfleld, Mrs E, widow, res 113 Chatham Hloo' Hi Id, Miss C, book-folder, R T Williams, res 113 Chatham Bloomtield, Miss E, book-folder, R T Williams, res 113 Chatham Bloomfield, Miss S A, clerk Russell, McDonald & Co, res 113 Chatham Bloamfield, James, architect, res Clarence hotel BloomingdaIe,Emanuel (Simon Leiser & Co), 1-5 Yates Bloomingdale, Herman, res 256 Fort Bloor, Arthur, engineer, res 10 Second Bloor, George, fireman, res 65 First Bloor, Comfort, domestic, Dr Ver- rinder, 18 Michigan Bloor, Samson, engineer, res 10 Second Blue Front Clothing and Tail- oring: Store, T M Graham, prop, 148 Government Blunic, C A, res 8 Quebec S Blume, .John, res 8 Quebec S Blue Post Saloon, Saml Clay, prop, res 114 Johnson Bluth, A, moulder, res Catherine Blntli, H, commission agent, room 48 Five-Sisters blk. Fort Blyth, A P, watchmaker Pennock & Lowe, res 43 First Bock, II, emp V.P.B. Co, res Grand Pacific hotel Boddy, W, agent Rosebank Lime, OO'.j ( iovernment Bodingion, Miss J E, kindergarten teacher, res. 12 Bellot Bodley, Alfred, mariner, res 88 Store Bodwell & Irving, barristers, solicit": H and notaries public, 21 Bastion Bodwol!, Ernest Victor (Bod- well & Irvinjr)i 21 Bastion, res Wil- son l)!k Bodwell, Mrs !M, seamstress BoggS, Beauinont, real estate and insurance atjent, 28 iiroad, res The Douglas house Bolconi, Spratt. sealer, res (>1 King's rd Bolden, John Wni, carpenter, res Lover's lane, Ross bav carpenter, res second-hand Bouchette, .Tames, Cedar Hill rd Bond, Mrs Martha, dealer, res 04 Mew Bone, Thomas, res Saanich rd Bone, W H, (T N Hibben & Co,) 69 Government, res Holgate.Topaz ave Bonner, John, sealer, res 100 Pandora Bon-Ton Tailoring Establish- ment, JC Leask, prop, 86 (iovern- ment Boomerang Saloon, 4 Court Alley, Victor Jensen, prop Boorman, Wm, clerk, Driad hotel, res 274 Johnson Boot & Shoe Emporium, A B Erskine, prop, 132 Government cor Johnson Booth. Anderson S, truckman, res 71 Quadra Booth, Andrew Sam, 81 John- son, res 76 Quadra ILANK BOOK MlNOFAmi |?|) R. T. WILLIAMS im > z o CO H o 30 m -< m CO z o > H X m z CO -I I m CO -< > z o ■0 o CO m -I 30 m S CD c r o CO c j»« Broad «(., Vietoria. T 4 f.-r*'—-' Dr. Lewis Hairs Tooth Powder ^IH not Injure the Teeth. Made only at the CENTRAI. DRUG STORE. CLARENCE BLOCK, COR. DOUGLAS and YATES STS., VICTORIA, B. C. o I J o Q O CO Booth, Chas, Provincial asseseor and collector, res 66 Chambers Booth, George A H, clerk, H. B. Co, res 46 Work Booth, Godfrey W, acct. Bank B.C, res 136 Menzies E Booth, Samuel John,, clothier, 81 Johnson, res 187 Johnson T^orthwick, George, Palace saloon, 56 V te« res 86 Quebec J •'. Frank N, carpenter, Bruns- V. iojel Boruei .Vm, sealer, Brunswick Hotel Borthwick, R, prop. Palace saloon, 56 Yates, res 86 Quebec Booz, Thomas, compositor, The Col- onist, res Princess Borde, A, collector, res 42 Chatham Borgeson, Augustus, machinist, res Springfield ave Boms, Walter, fur and skin dealer, 13 lo Store, res 127 Menzies Bornstein, Herman, iiides, wool, etc, 3 Yates, res 277 Yates Boscowitz, J, fur and skin merchant, 16 Fort, res 52 Rae Boscowitz, Leopold (Boscowitz & Sons) res 52 Rae Boscowitz, J & Sons, fur and skin merchants, 16 Fort, res 62 Rae BoHCuwitz, J & A, fur and skin mer- c'lants, res 96 AVharf Bo.Hsi, A V, grocer, 81 Johnson, cor of Quadra, res Cook Bossi, C A, grocer, 12 Store, res 119 Cormorant Bossi, G, prop, Russ house, 30-32-34 Johnson, res 227 Johnson Bossi, Vincent L, fruits and candies, 86 Blanchard Bostwick, Hubert, barber, 162 Government, res 1813^ Douglas Bosworth, Mrs Hannah, widow, res Lansdowne rd Bothwell, Robt, waiter, Driard Cafe Botsford, Frank, confectioner, res Cromwell house BotuB, Mrs Jennie, dressmaker, res 136 Yates Bouchier, Mrs, res 47 Vancouver Boulton, Thos C. Lands and Works Dept, res 124 Richardson Bowden, William,'tireman E. & N.R., Walker. Old Esquimalt rd Bowers, D Moss, reporter, res 56 Pandora Bowes & Co, druggists, 27 John- son Bowes, Cyrus H, druggist, (Bowes & Co) 27 Johnson Bowker, John S, stock raiser, Oak bay Farm Bowker, J S, jr, fmr, Oak bay Farm Bowles, Mrs Lvdia, res 172 Yates Bowman, — , North Dairy Farm, Vic Dis, Saanich rd Bowman, W G, livery stable prop, 25 Broad, res 6 Simcoe Bowman, W H, elk E J Salmon & Co. res Johnson Bowness & Creeden, grocers, etc, 136 Government, oflBce of Vic W Coal and Wood Yard Bowness, Mrs E A, milliner, res 34 Niagara S Bowness, F, day elk C.P.R. Co's tele- graph, 15-17 Trounce ave, res 34 Niagara Bowness, Thomas (Bowness & Cree- den) res 34 Niagara B'^ A'ness, John C, Canada Paint Wks, res 72 Menzies Bowness, Wm, 72 Menzies E Bourne, Frank, piano tuner, res 134 Fort Bourne, Frank, waiter " Poodle Dog," 49 Yates Bosvron, Williatn, car conductor, res 83 John Boyd, J & Co, metal brokers and nifg agts, rm 21 Five Sisters blk Boyd, James, res 132 Quadra Boyd, John, (J Boyd & Co) Five Sis- ters blk, res 141 Fort Boyd, Sergt R, Royal Marine Artil- lery, the Barracks, Work Point, Head Brabant, Gilbert, res 46 Frederick Brackman, Henry, (The Brack- man & Ker Milling Co) 126 Govern- ment, res Oriental hotel Brackman & Ker, Milling Co., j L'td, meal millers, 125 Government Bradbury, Thoa, marble and granite wks, cor Cormorant and Blanchard, | res 117 Chatham Braden & Son, pl-jirbers and gas fitters, 70 Fort, tel 461 Braden, Edw H, p-lumber (Braden k Sons) res 82 View Braden, John Henry, (Braden & Son) 70 Fort, res 82 View Braden, Wm Henry, (Braden & Son) res 144 Simcoe Bradley, Edwin,book-keper McLach- Ian Bros, res 22 Yates A. M. BEATTIE, AUCTIONEER, Vancouver, B. q a fTi- ■>■•■'■ jsy ^'i>^'€; 'I i ' , .■>■ 1 1 *■ 1 .1' 1 i ; 1 ii , i ii r<Tk ..i:* V't^^: •■kU" . ''^ » <- , *,-| ■:*-./ **l«*a)*rf;l 1^ ■ ^J: -?i. f ii»»f '^^^ ■ ■ > 'm^M' m DIRECTORY LIBRARY. The want of a JilRECTORV Z,IBBAl^r is one which has been keenly felt by the business men of this Province. Kritl»h Cnlitm bia's trade with almost every quarter of the world is rapidly g'owinK, and it is of the utmo jt importance that our merchants should be -vt-j-,- in a position to obtain the addresses of reliabl- j flrms abroad. Huch a library is now avail. £}C\*« ableto ti e public. A small charge '- ^naue for ooniuiting any of the following, among other L'yiVk dlrectorlesnow at our office. Calveras County California ' Annam 'i Baltimore I Birkenhead England ■' Birmingham England i Brandon Manitoba Bristol England I, British North Borneo ' Calgary N. W. T. ,'. Cambodia .". .. ;',■ Camden N.J. .1 Cochin China ; . .1 Chicago riUnois Corea . '' Dartmouth ; N. a Edinburgh Scotland Glasgow Scotland Halifax N.8. Hamilton Ontairo.' Hawaiian Kingdom Honkonr China Honolulu H.I. Idaho, State of U. S. K Janan Leith Scotland. leeds England Liverpool England London Ont. London (Eng.) I'ost Office Directory ' Macao Malay Straits Manchester England Manitoba Mohta. & Ship. Guide of the World, Kelley's Montreal Now York North West Territories Oregon . State of Philldelphia Philll|.iiie Portland . Oregon Portland Maine 8alem & Gloucester Co N. J. Salt Lake City San Irancisco San Joaquin Harawak Scotland Seatttle Washington Sheffield England Slam Bpokane Falls Stanilaus County Cal. St. Johns New Foundland .Stockton City fc't. Paul Minnesota Strait Settlements Sydney N. 8. W., Australia 1 aenma Tonkin E^VN "ioronto '^v^\ Tuolumne County Cal. tVashiuKton, State of Vl«<diwostock Winnipeg Manitoba Yokohama •>!• -THE >r.ra.grrEit>v "VICTOi^I-A., B. C. -works: alberni.b. c PAPERt^NCM-pULP. BRITISH COLUMBIt EXPRESS CO'Y, Lid Head Offlee: Asheroft, B.C. Freight & Passenger Line of Stages CARRYING HER MAJESTY'S MAILS. Su.blime Scenery. Operatic: g from ASHCROFT on the Canadian Pacific Railv/fiy, running into the CARIBOO Country, And tlic Mining, Grazing nnd Agricultural Districts of the northern interior of British Columbia. CARIBOO, HORSE FLY, LILLOOET, CLINTON, CHIL- COTKN, PEACE RIVKR, Ktc, can he reached by this route. . Freight received and delivered with dispatch. ^y i Special rates quoted. ^\ Stabling and feed. Horses and Mules for sale BUGGIES AND STAGES, WITH DRIVERS FOR SPECIAL TRIPS. J. J. MAOKAY, Gen. Agt. S. TINGLEY, Gen Mgr. iS^For arrival and departure of stages see other side. '■% 1? it' li- if fi J, G], -•'-" He v->- Ho Lor BRITISH COLUMBIA EXPRESS CO., LTD. Stage Hues from Ashcroft on the C.P.R. into Cariboo and the northern interior of British Columbia. WII K,\ TO I.KAVE SIICKOFT. M.\IX I.T.SK. Aboiil Tjiiiilt'Hperday l> 13 88 mi.ANCIIKS. KKMARKH. c Mon it ti P.R. Wed lays . Daily cV: Fri. 11 ( 1 Ashcroft Cache Creek Hona])arte Valley Hat Creek. do do do do Mundorfs Clinton ,lo AllwkyHtaKesiirTue Return follow'g (lavs II II • 1 1. Mont .M.»rl)le Canyon . . The iirange ii ii Mon. t 4 .Mon. 11 Wed ct Wt ays 'd i<: Fri. • i h\ 42 ti3 20 32 5S Pavilion Lillooet Wed. via Clinton II II Heturn follow'Vda vs .1 1. " Mon I'avilion Mon. via Hat Creek (t do Lillooet 1. 1 1 do Hiir Kar Creek Weekly Mail Stage II " II 11 do Don Creek Alkali Lak«. Churn Creek . F.ninirp Vallev. 11 do II 11 a do II II a do II 11 It 88 Mile House Bridge Creek 108 Mile House . l^ae La Hache .... 134 Mile House.. . l.'iO Mile House.. . do do do do do — do Carpenters Mount Deep Creek. S(}da Creek .do do do do Alexandria 8 Mile Creek (iuesnelle do do do do do 21 Mile House. . . Cottonwood Beaver Pass Stanlev 68 8fi '^ II ti ti It II 11 ^)3 11 .1 f 1 100 ll*t II II .1 II tt 135 140 106 1(10 198 230 251 Ii 1. t( Williams Lake.. . Cliininey Creek. . . Horse Fly Heaver Lake Forks (.iuesnelle •. . Keith ly Creek Spcl from 150 Mile 11 11 11 It (1 II 11 ii Wkly8tg8frl50MIl (1 1( ( . 11 1 1 u Wklv troni Aehcrol'i ti U 11 u 1 ( Ik 11 Cliilcoten Hiske FortngtlyfrSodaCk .1 II t( 11 Haneeville Tatla Lake II II (1 Spcl from Cliilcoten Wklv from Ashcrol'i tl 1 1 ii " 11 11 11 11 It Fort George StuartK Lake Haxleton StK'l from Ciuesnelli 11 11 t( 1( 11 11 11 Oniineca Peace Hiver II Ii (1 ii ii It Wkly from Aelicroii 11 Ii 11 1( 11 11 (( 11 11 , It Slougli Creek Burns Mount Barkerville II it ll ii Ii (I Ret'n Iv Saturdav^ THE LEADING BICYCLE FIBM. ->l Vi THERE ARE NO 'CYCLES MADE SUPERIOR TO THE ■. y CATALOGUES FREE. Centaur, Premier, AND Raglan aud very few approach them in Speed, Design, Durability and Finish. i I ■< I' World's novice one mile record, 2.28 ; world's twenty-five mile road record, • il miniitea ; five mile N.C.U. clianipionsliip ; nine-tcntiis o'. all Englisli Clial- It ;;e Cups, and thoiisauds of otiicr nK^cH wo; < '» these inacliinp.". We want resnonsMe pnsliing merchants or others to re- present ns at eyery impor- tant point in B.C. E. 0. HILL, Mgr. 'Cyole Dept. GEO. F. BOSTWICK, Canadian Representative, i;4 Front Street, W, - ToRONTO. I (:'; .iWv:.r!N k M ^;^ '■ ^-M ,]• ' Mi"' Ij^ oil *S Ha 4 Ha ^<^ '^^ Le. !pK Lon Lon Mac W. H. PHILIPPS, ■^ XSeal E ngraver AND Die Stamper!- Stationery, Plain and Colored Monograms, Crests, Arms, Ac 39 DOUGLAS STREET, VICTORIA, B. 0. Ivl M IT B D — Hpad Offices, TORONTO, ONT. Works, PETERBORO and HAMILTON. ONT. Branch Stores, HALIFAX, N. S., MONTREAIi, QUE., WINNIPEG, MAN., 1 id GRANVILLE STREET, VANCOUVER, B. C. ControHing exclusively all rights for Ciiiada for the sale and manufacture of the THOMSON-HOUSTON, EDISOI^; BALI and WOOD SYSTEMS Of Electrical AppnratUH for Electric TAffhtlnff, Electric ttailwaya and Eleetrlenl Trnitiitniaaion of Vower. Full supply of Lamps, Wire Sockets, Meters, Transformers, Switches, etc.. etc., carried at all branch stores. Address all correspondence to the Companv at nearest branch office. ANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., LTD, - VANCOUVER, B. C. Banken Agents ~Ii Liverpool But lirlmid. In ( U Wrttson an Iii^Imi, Clllliii i -li'itiL'lmi. Bai Iho Bank III I'Hlii'ornlii I'll' 1,'rHiiU'fl h\ I liii' HBiik of I.'i The Unnk i At ll;e Bri iiris of the W( I liHiimctert. VKTdRIA, . ms, &('■ A, B. 0. MILTON. IB. C. ure of thf and chcB, etc. Com pain R, B. C. Bank of British Columbia {IXCORI'OltATKIt UV ttUVAh VMAftTf.R.) Capital Paid up, £600,000 $3,000,000. Reserve Fund, £260,000 $1,300,000. HEAD OFFICE : 60 LOMBARD ST., LONDON, ENGLAND. ' I Court of Dlreotors.— i^ir Robert (ilUcHplc, Chalrimm : Eden Colvlle, Esi|., VlceChnlr- Miui James Anaersoii, Ks(i., ('. W. Bensnn, Ktn) , sir rimrles Tapper, Bart. ; Thomas fiillesple, General Manager, H. Hughex, Khi. Superintendent of B.C. Branohes, w.v. \\ni\\. illANt'HKS — Victoria, Vtmconver, New WestniiiiHtfr, Nanaiino, Kaniloopw, Nelsoi), B. C, San Krancisco, Cal., Portland, Ore., Seattle and Tai'oina, Wawli. Banker*. *li'»'«r>'. Smith, Pftyne iV Hinlili. At;ents III EuglRiul, National 8ii<1 I'rovliicltil Hiii<k of KiiKlaiii) : NiCrth and south Wales Bank, I. ncrpool liiinkol Liverpool. In Scotland. KrlliHli I.lnen Coiiiimny Bunk, lu Ireland, Bunk of IhIhimI. Iu Canada, Uank of Montreal : (hm <liiui H'lik of » onimercc, In New Yorlt, Messrs. W Wdtsiin and A. I.aiif;. In Houth America l.iindiiii Hank of .Mexico and South America. In lii.liii, rhiiiaand Australia ; chartered (tanks of Iiiaia, Aiisirali* and I'hliia. IIcmK KonK and .-h.'ini;lmi. Banking Corporation Hoiii; Koim. I lie Bank in London grants Letters of I'ledit and liuifts en i's Brandies at San Francisco, n r«lii'(irnta ; Portland, in Oretjon ; and in Victoria i" Itr tisli I'cluiublH : and similar credits 111' Kraiited by the Hritisii Linen (;om|)BMy, tlie North and Siiiiili W ales Bank in l„ivorpool, and I liu' HkmU of Liverp<iol. The Hank also purcliau's or forwards for collection Dralts on the nlmve places. At the Branches advances and ilisconnts arc nes^otiated at enrrent rates. Drafts on all ||.iiris (if the world are issued. Bullion and Hold Pnst purchase \ and a general bankini; business 1 i.niisacted. \ KToRiA, British I'olnmbia, IKW. George GllleBpie, Manager. P. nightingale: -.M.VNIKAl TIRKK AND DIOALI-Mt l.N- POOL AND Billiard Tables Improved Billiard Cushions, Ivory and Composition Balls, Tips, Chalk, Plain and Fancy Cues, Billiard Cloths, &c. Tables Altered, Repaired, Cut Down, dEC .^ ._,. BELL TELEPHONE 3334. ~ fio. 172 NOTRE DAME STREET, MONTREAL. The Mount Tolmie (POST QFFTCE) iroeery & Provision Store Full stock of Fresh Goods always on hand. Daily Delivery in District and City. W. B. C. MEWBURN, - - Proprietor. n: \\ (1 I. ■• ,1 . ' f iii -♦■^•■^ ■ ^T*-Ja;- «•»« FOR Writing, - - - Printing, ■ - - Wrapping, - - Lithographing. Twines Cardboard, - Straw Board, Box Board, - P APKR 13 AGS B. SEND FOR SAMPLES . . . AND PRICES . . . m MOST COMPIETE SIOCK OK THE PACIFIC COAST, Bonestell & Co 401-40B SANSOMEJ ST.. San Francisco, Cal. «-.:,.»n^.-vv' J. WENGER, {KSTAnhlSIIKIt IH7n.) Watchmater and Manufacturing Jeweller -IMPORIER OF- Fine Watches, French Marble Clocks, Vienna Kegulators, Jewellery, Diamonds, Plated Ware, Music Boxes, etc. Oomplicated Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Music Boxes, and Chronometers Repaired, and Work Warranted. (jo Government Street,nrJ„rjr '" Victoria, B. C. Special Attention Given to Up-Country Orders. i>. o. «»« /s!t4. 1 .' I! V MNBK^fflBalBBIflH^l CHRIS. MORLEY MANUfACTURER OF Soda Water, Lemonade, Ginger Ale and Bitters. ^'iki«l««^«ffliua4■muliw»™^^ mm LAKE WM mm of peppermixt d IiIiigeb, J. LIVI ^ H^ .:^'j- All Kinds of Syrups. 7 Waddington Alley, VICTORIA, B.C. POST Ol riCS BOX 366. J. lilNGHAM & CO. Gol Ismiths, Diamond Setters, Opticians, Watchmakers, Etc. Importers of Precious Stones. No. 49 Government St., opp. Bank of B. C. VICTORIA, B. C. GOAL AND WOOD YARD. I ,S. p. 3le,IXTOHH, Prop. I BEST NEW "WELLINOTON OOAL Office— 90 Government Street, 'Phone 470. " ' -North end Rock B. Bridge, 'Phone 513. Y»rd- VICTORIA. B. C. W. B. Hall. V. P. Watson. MSON (S HALL GROCERS= No. 55 YATES ST. TELEPHONE 448. VICTORIA, B. C. Clarence Hotel, C»r. Ooin/hiB and I'ntea, Conifortalile, CoDimodJons and Ctmtral. Kuropean Flan. KverytliiiiK Hr^t-olass Wishart & Meldram, Props LANGLEY&CO. Wholesale and Retail DRUOGISTS 21-23 Yates St, Victoria, B. C. HENRY CROFT tr^.-^t'Ck%uut'- Victoria, B.C. Real Estate, Mining and Financial Broker, Insurance, Fire and Life. Notary Public. Consulting Engineer and Surveyor. Agent for Manchester Fire Assurance Co., Provident Savings Life Assurance Society of New York, LIVERPOOL, BAKEKV 37 Pandora St , Victoria, B. C. I A. M. JONES, H. C. LUCAS, Prop. 1 '^t«"«S''^P^^*^** * Typewriter, FANCY BREAD, CAKE and BISCUIT BAKER i ! Agent "SMITH PREMIER" Typewriter and Awarded Two Silver Medals at the B.C. A, A. | Supplies Commissions executed promptly. 1893, for Bread and Cakes. 86i.i Govm't St, VICTORIA, B. C. Agent "SMITH PI , w.ipplies Commis ' Machines repaired. Lion Brewery Saloon, Cor. Chambers St. and Queen's Ave. UmtROE FAlKltnO'l'HKR, Hrnp. Victoria, B. C. WELLINGTON COAL. CHARLES RAHRAY JANION WHARF CO. Telephone 197. 2K Store Street, ' PETER HANSEN, CITY SCAVENGER I Yards and cesspools cleaned by contract I or monthly. Prompt attention given to all I ordr^rs, and prices reasonable. 1 0..1ers left at Oixi Ross & Co.'s and Rob- I ert Porter's, Island Market, Jotinson and Douglas streets. Residence, 49 Discovery street, between Government and-Douglas. Telephone 184. SYRIAN STORE, j 1(10 Government St., Victoria, B. C. RAHY BROS., Pioprietors. Dealers in good- from Jerimnlem, ConKtanti- nople, OaiiiHseni!, Paris and New York. Watches, Jowelery, dry goods, fniicy goods, notious and Japaiiehu silk. , n „ \ W*) l)uv lor CHSh and sell for oB8h-20 per Victoria, B. C> tent cheaper than any other house in the city. i 'li ii I !'J -111 :f'i f il IB' m. ;, I' ' 1 11 I Vi n III' Ul 'ii }^^ ■\ -,1 'il \i. \rl i m'^ \i* MBS. P. WIXSON 185 DoofflMi St., VIotoita; Importer and dealer In Stapl« and FttAoy Orocieries and laipoirted Fndto. FitM Teen. Coflbet end ^fiwrn a 8p««t«Uy. QrowerotClMlee PraitB and Va.eteblae. The Sehl-Hastie-Erskine Mtore Co. (IiIltlTKD LlABIUTT.) Offlee aud Salpsr'm, «6-§8 Govm't 8t. steam raetory, Xaiirel Point, If ricTontA, B. c. If Brandt at VanconT«r, B. C. J — ESTABUdHED UOt.— M. W. WAITT A CO., - PIANOS AND ORGANS - Band Instruments, Sheet Music, itv. TmporUif and wbnieiale dealers in MUSICAL IN8TRUMBMTS laslGal Wumm: 54 Gofarimt St., Tlctorii, B. c. MBS. M. A. VIGOB, Importer and Dealer in WOOLi, run GOOOS 4 MILLIIERIf, Ladlea' and Chlldran'a Underclottainc, etc. Cor Douglas and Chatham Streets, VICTORIA. B. C. J. P. BURGESS CAmNTER AND 8UIL0ER. lO BROUOHTON ST. Repairs a Specialty. SIDNEY SHORE, DBAUCR IN BuIIhs' and F«b' .Hanlwne. Qnns, rifle cartridgen, loaded shells, ammunition of all kinds, cutlery, etc. ^iiit« lead, linseed oil, aixea paints, colors, varnishes, brashes, etc. K7 JohBCRin Street, - Vietorla, B. l'. Victoria 1 SpeotaolM, Bye-OIasses, Opera, Field and ^Marine Glaasea, TeleM>opes,| moroseopea, lite. F. W. NOLTE & CO., Scientillo and ManutaoturlnK OPTICIANS 417 Haatlnga Street, Vancouver. 37 Fort Street Victoria. Groceries & Provisions BBHT A.T.. . . . . r. . W. B. 0. MEV^BUBN'8 Grocery and Provision Store. OAKLANINi, POST OITICIL JI^Dail) <1eilTery In all parte of the I'lty. W LO RIMER, Contradiifi Buiidef and Inspectof, 101 Toronto Street, N, VICTORIA. B. C. THOMAS RYAN, WHOLXaAI.B BOOTS & SHOES, WINNIPRO, MANITOBA. Granite aod Marble Works 9, ■. PHILLIPS, Prop. Importer and Dealer in all kinds of I\>liBhed Granite and Marble. Es- timates given for Monuments, Toinbe, Head Stones, Curbing, etc. Cut Stone fi»r Builders. AddreM or cell on J. K. Phillip*, Va 71 and 7S View etraet. tot wren Blanebari aud iKMdn, VICTORIA, B. C. n and S Bradley, Ernest, i Bradley, Miss J Bav Ward schoo Bradatreet O Mercantile Agei supt , 6 Bastion I Brady, Henry « gar maker, 183 J Bragg, Aid Edwa tractor, res 33 Al Bragir, Harry, pres res Eichmond rd Bragg, John Fred Kiclimoiid rd Bragg, William, sei Paniora Bragg, William L, i res Richmond rd Brakes, Jos, labr, r Brakes, fclaml H, pa shire rd Branch, Samuel, fm Brandeson, Eynor, Fern wood rd Brannin, Harry, ci Johnson Braund, Chas, mgr . res 124 Blanchard Braverman, J, vaon Bastion ,q Bray, Miss Clara Quadra ^ Bray, Susan Jane, Kane Brayshaw, Thos M, 16 Edmonton rd Brayshaw, Thos M, 17 Broughton, res Brebner, William,- 34 Bridge Brenen, Henry F, 1, neer, res Esquimal Brenen, James, fmr, rd Brenen, Michael, res Brennan, Harry, res Brent, Frederick, res Brenton, C J, studei Pern her ton's, res I Brett, RobtE.stenog Cieneral's office, and Menzies Brewer, Frank, barb res 53 Yates Brewster, Charles, res Hillside ave Brice. William, news 28 Blanchard n mm m Victoria Transfer Co., Ltd. ^afJ^ HACKS nt Xen»»nabl» (/m<«Ib«*« Dtapateh, 21 and 23 Brona^ton Street, Victoria. B. C. Tel. 129. VICTORIA CITY DIBECTORY. 273 Bradley, Ernest, miner, res 266 Yates Bradley, Miss J M, teacher James Bav Ward school, res 63 Kingston Bradstreet Company, The, Mercantile Agency, J B Gordon, supt , 6 Bastion sqr Brady, Henry J, Sauce and Vine- gar maker, 183 Johnson Bragg, Aid Edward, building con- tractor, res 33 Alfred Bragf , Harry, pressman, 77 Johnson, res Bichmond rd Bragg, John Frederick, dairyman, Riclimond rd Bragg, William, seal hunter, res 109 Pandora Bragg, William L, moulder A. I. W., res Richmond rd Brakes, Jos, labr, res 120 Chatham Brakes, Kami H, painter, res Devon- shire rd Branch, Samuel, fmr, Cadboro bay rd Brandsson, Eynor, gardener, res 177 Fern wood rd Brannin, Harry, carpenter, res 295 Johnson Braund, Chas, mgr J Johnson & Co, res 124 Blanchard Braverman, J, money broker, res 6 Bastion .q Bray, Miss Clara, domestic 141 Quadra Bray, Susan Jane, dressmaker, res 6 Kane Brayshaw, Thos M, blacksmith, res 16 Edmonton rd Brayghaw, Thos M, carriage builder, 17 Broughton, res Spring Ridge Brebner, William,' stonecutter, res 34 Bridge Brenen, Henry F, locomotive engi- neer, res Eaquimalt rd Brenen, James, fmr, res Craigflower rd Brenen, Michael, res Giaigfiower rd Brennan, Harry, res 20t^ Cook Brent, Frederick, res 2 Erie S Brenton, C J, student-at-law at C C Pemberton's, res Head Brett, RobtE, stenographer Attorney General's office, res cor Quebec and Menzies Brewer, Frank, barber Geo Russell, res 63 Yates Brewster, Charles, railway emplyee, res Hillside ave Brice, William, newspaper agent, res 28 Blanchard Bride, William, stableman, res, 99 Fort Bridges, Geo, teamster, res 196 View Bridges, Mrs G, ten<'hcr of music and painting, 196 View Bridgman, A J Weaver, (A W Jones & Bridgman) 28 Fort, res "Clovelly," Esquimau Bridgman, J E, elk office of Deputy Commissioner of Labor Statistics, res Oak bay ave Bridgman, J E, elk J T Bennett, res Richmond ave Bridsfaort Jno, labr, res 18 Say ward Briggs, A J, ticket agt C.P.N. Oo, res 1 George BriffgS, A P, prop Empire hotel, 38 Johnson, res 25 Parry Bright, H B, cigarmake'r, 14 Pan- dora, res 101 Pandora st Brinkman, Martin, motorneer Tram- way Co, res Pine British America Ass. Co, A W Moore & Co, agents, 70 Douglas British and Foreign Marine Insur- ance Co, of Liverpool, Findlay, Durham & Brodie, agts, 98 Wharf British Pacific Construction Co, F P Blackmail, secty, Williams' bldg, 28 Broad Brittain, Rowland, mechanical engr, Viagara N 'hurst, Mrs J S, widow, res 84 ]• Hill » Broderick, Riclnl, stevadore, res 160 Menzies V. Broderick, \\ ui, nrop Broderiek's coal wharf, 150 i! nzies E Brodrick, Wm, Brodrick's Welling- ton coal wharf, cor Wharf and Johnson, res 160 Menzies Brodie, Alex, Chinese teacher, res 66 North Park Broinlfson, A, labr. res 12 ludge rd Bromle}[, George, seal hunter, res Francis ave Bromwell, Richard, res cabin 4 - Chatham Brook, George, labr, res 61 Hin .tldt Brooker, Thos, carriage bailttrr, res 114 Oswego E Brooker, Thomas, carriage washer, Vic Transfer Co Brooks, Harry, porter, Dominion htl Brooks, James, (Vair & Brooks), 66 Ya4es, res 230 Government Brooks, Thomas, teamster, Thorpe & Go, res Bridge g CO Bt^ 4* S^^ 1 jae^ " » c:i n! SI |l o B 1 V[IL[R BROS., are Complete House Fumisheis. Laipl Stock In B. C. *1 ss ~ OB u i Of- I. .i i vl HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY ™^l«I!«51"''?"«» VICTORIA. B. C. 9^ Si ^1 -a i I 274 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Brooks, William, carpet cleaner W Furnivare, 58 Broad, res Vic W . Brown, Capt Alan, .aaster mariner, res 114 Menzies Brown, Archibald, teamster, res 14 James Brown Bros, grocers, 63 Yates Brown, Mrs Dougles, res 160 Chatham Brown, Mrs Emma, res 65 C'lumbers Brown, Fred S, agent E. & IS . R/, res Brown, Capt Geo, masteV mariner, Henry, Vic W Brown Charles, res 134 Co. jaorant Esquimau rd Brown, Geo H, grocer, res 65 CoUin- son Brown, George H. (Brown Bros) 63 Yates, res 65 Collinson Browne, George E G, book-keeper, H Cuthbert & Co, res 50 Frederick Brown, Geo Wm, painter, Henry st, Vic West Brown, Harry, seal hunter, res 109 Pandora Brown, Harry E, book- eeper, R Baker & Son, res 45 King's rd Brown, Mrs H L, widow, res 11 Rae Brown, Hastings, driver, Vic Trans- fer Co Brown, H G, painter, res 58 North Park Brown, Jessie, domestic, res 45 Bur- dette ave Brown, John, clerk, PostofBce, res 9 South Park S Brown Jug Saloon, M Powers, prop, 25 Fort Brown, Jos, prop, the Albion hotel, 5-7 Herald Brown, Jos H, saloon keeper, res 50 Frederic Brown, J H, fish curer, res 24 Green Brown, Mable, book stitcher, 77 Johnson, res Pandora Brown, M Elizabeth, matron. Mater- nity Home, res 10 Blanchard Brown, M. G, saloon keeper, res 38 Pioneer Brown, Peter, fish and game, 71 Jobnaon, res Spring Ridge Brown, P R, acct, B.C. Land and In- vestment Co, Ltd, res 12 Scoresby Brown, R A & Co, hardware aiul crockery merchants, 80 Douglas Brown, R A, (R A Brown & Co), 80 Douglas, res 65 Collinson Brown, R H, J.P., res "Beacon Cot- tage," 224 Beacon Hill Browne, Kobt, carpt, 70}4 South rd Brown, Robt, res 24 Rupert Brown, R, clerk, Dominion hotel Brown, Tom, carpenter, res 90 North Chatham Brown, Thomas, engineer, C Morley, res 1 South Park Brown, Wm, gardener, The Lodge, "Carey Castle," ?..-.lcher Brown, William, oricklayer, res 50 Second Brown, W, hackman.res 15 Cameron Brown, William, gardener, emp P T Johnson, res St. Charles Brown, W W, billiard table setter, res 106 Johnson Browne, Fred'k, res 166 For£ Browne, Mrs J , res 165 Fort Browne, L, clerk, H.M. Customs, res Cedar Hill Browning, Harry, carpenter, Taylor Milling Co, res 104 Pandora Brownlee, Jas H, managing director Mount Tomie Home Build- ing Assocn, 44 Fort, res Mt Tolmie Brownlee, Thomas, res 222 Simcoe S Bruce, Alex, ship carpenter, res Rusrel, Vic W Bruce, George, contractor and mason, res 32 Second Bruce, William B, fruits and tobacco, 79 Yates Brondagre, Mattbew K, m^'r Ensor Institute, 93>^ Douglas Brunei, Wm, clerk Spencer's Arcade, res 62 Menzies E Brunell, Mrs Mary, dressmaker, res 52 Pandora Brunette, E, moulder V.I.W., res Mary, Craigflower rd Brunswick Hotel, J A Gran*;, prop, 70-80 Douglas Bryan, Wm C, horse shoer and far- rier, res 157 Johnson Bryan, Wm C, jr, farrier, res 157 Johnson Bryant, Rev C, Methodist minister, res Mount Tolmie Bryant, W C, farrier, 92 Douglas, res 157 Johnson Bryant, W C, jr, farrier, i-es 157 Johnson Bryce, James, mgr Vic Truck and Dray Cc, 108 Wharf, res 31 Rae Bryce, Robert, stableman Vic Truck and Dray Co, res 31 Rae Bryce, William, Thorpe & Co, mineral water mnfr, res David BETTER COM • • SOLO OLARENCB BhOVK, C carp Brydon, Thos, North rd Bryson, Ida, domestic Buchanan.Capt W B,n res 118 Dallas rd Buck, W Edgar, voca "Mon Abri," Belche Bickett, William, drs Franklin Bi^kett, W J, asst s 1^ .-ior & Co, res 32 Fr Buggle, Thomas, fiahe John Buyney, Walter, carpc Yates ^ Bugsiay, Peter, carpent Vic W ■ Bull, Miss Ettie, dressi Fort Bull, Miss TlUey, dre 122 Yates Bull, Wm, brickmaker, bally rd and Douglas BiUl, W K, general ai Pembroke Bullen, Jonathan, brick Herald Bullen, Wm .Tames, up 50 Herald ^ Bulman, Wm, salesman Lake Lumber Co Bunting, Chas R, clerk ] cific OflSce, 133 Fort Bunting, Mrs C E, wi( Fort Bunting, Miss Lillie, res Bunting, Miss Maud, ree Burgess, Francis, res Toi Burgess, J, drayman Vic Dray Co, res Vancouve Burgess, John Pope contractor, 10 Brougt Alfred Biirgess, Wm L, carpen Pandora Burkholder, Herbert, p 12 Caledonia ave Burkholder, W H, carper Caledonia ave Burley, Samuel J, driver botham, res 17 EUice Burnell, Mac, French Johnson Burner, J, music studio las Burns, res 77 View Till |#rr Cimi nVIICMT AACIinV Gnidea ftimUhed to tonriaU. All kinds of llln nXLf CnirLUlllltlll AbtnUl Cbinese help rappUed on the sborteat notice. No. 23 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B. 0. \'BB LATtsBT iMenoruM — as BR< BETTER OOMB TOUR HAIR with the Best Combs in Town . . SOLD ONLY AT THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE ■ • CLASJEJrCE BhOVK, COR. TATBB ANO OOVCmAS HIS., riOTOXlA, B. C. VICTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 275 Brydon, Thos, carpenter, res 14 North rd Bryson, Ida, domestic 156 Menzies Buchanan.Capt >\ B,inasterniarinei, res 118 Dallas rd Buck, W Edgar, vocal teacher, res "Men Abri," Belcher Bickett, William, drayman, res 32 F ranklin Bickett, W J, asst salesman E G I'.-ior «& Co, res 32 Franklin Buggle, Thomas, fisherman, res 14 John Buyney, Walter, carpenter, res 166 Yates Bugsiav, Peter, carpenter, res Mary, VicW' Bull, Miss Ettie, dressmaker, res 91 Fort Bull, Miss Tilley, dressmaker, res 122 Yates Bull, Wm, brickmaker, res cor Gar- bally rd and Douglas Bull, W K, general agent, res 89 Pembroke BuUen, Jonathan, bricklayer, res 50 Herald Bulien, Wm James, upholsterer, res 50 Herald Bulman, Wm, salesman Shawnigan Lake Lumber Co Bunting, Chas R, clerk Northern Pa- cific Office, 133 Fort Bunting, Mrs C E, widow, res 133 Fort Bunting, Miss Lillie, res 138 Fort Bunting, Miss Maud, res 133 Fort Burgess, Francis, res Topaz ave Burgess, J, drayman Vic Truck and Dray Co, res Vancouver Burgess, John Pope, builder and contractor, 10 Broughton, res 54 Alfred Burgess, Wm L, carpentei , res 210 Pandora Burkholder, Herbert, plumber, res 12 Caledonia ave Burkholder, W H, carpenter, res 12 Caledonia ave Burley, Samuel, grocers' clerk, 40 Cook Builey, Samuel J, driver A J Row- botham, res 17 EUioe Burnell, Mac, French dyer, 139 Johnson Burner, C J, music studio, 93)^ Doug- las Burns, res 77 View Burnes, T J, hotclkeeper, Burnes House, 8 Bastion sqr Burnes, Wm, res Burnes House, 8 Bastion sqr Burns, — , stone mason, res 107Blan- chard Burns, Capt A H, sailmaker, res 47 Second Burns, Cecilia, domestic 173 Simcoe N Burns. F E, elk Henry Young & Co, res Fort Bums Gavin Hamilton, mgr Bank of B.N.A, res 27 Labouchere Burns, Henry, pain*.er, res Spring Bidge Burns, John Daniel, city teamster, res 73 View Burns, Joseph, cigar miker, 8 Kane Burns, Lee, plumber, res Harrison Burns, L G, plumber, 89 Johnson, res 38 Harrison Burns, W, B.A., Inspr of Schls, res 21 S Turner E Burns, W C, contractor, Brunswick Hotel Burnett, Evan, moulder, res Mary, VicW Burrell, Frank, accountant Pember- ton & Son, res 5 Svlvia Borris, S C, mgr B.C. Pottery and Terra Cotta Co, res Queen's ave Burrowes, G J, rts 57 Montreal Burrows, John Thomas, tailor, \^% Douglas, res Vic W Burt, Stephen S. res 56 Vancouver Burt, W A, warehouseman Erskine, Wall & Co, res 56 Vancouver Burttell, R T, res Vancouver S Burton, AI, saloon keeper, 69 Yates, res 48 Yates Burton, Frank, bricklayer, res Strawberry Vale Burton, Mark, seal hunter, res Francis ave Burton, Walter F. res "Roccabella" 22 Victoria Cres Bush, Alvin, elk California hotel, res 30 John Bush, C, engr fire department, res Vancouver hotel, 71 Yates Busk, W R, surveyor, res 4 Erie Bussi, Anthony, candy, tobacco and cigar store, 88 Douglas Butcher, Arthur, photographer, 95 Douglas, res 10 Stanlev ave •Butler, Charles, driver Vic Transfer Co, Broughton H 03 H O O u bd H Y\, >:, \ '( li I tUB ZA TBa T ZMLfB O VBItBNTS IK BO OK- Biirniira ajtd papbx bulino. B. T. Williams -as BROAD STRBBX, VICTORIA.. DBEWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY Winnipeg NothinK but Thoroughly Experienced Labor Employed at the Redwood. o o en % o o 0. (d "(0 (d o CO c (d o O Q q: O O PQ K > Z < > b (0 > Q 9! t 270 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Butler, Dan, carpenter, res 37 Vic- toria Ores Butler, Frederick, pressman Govt Prntg Office, res 18 Kini^aton Butler, John W, trader, res 37 Vic- toria Ores Butler, Gapt J E, str Joan, res 52 Oswego Butler, Jno W jr, mate str Louise, res 37 Victoria Ores Butler, R, foreman Government Printing Office Butler, R J, elk Postofflce, res 84 Quebec Butler, William, sailor, res 3 Mc- Clure Butler, Wm Arthur, Colonist office, 18 Kingston Butt, Geo, carpenter McKillican & Anderson, res 203 Superior Butters, James, steward, res Gordon Head Buttery, George (Davis & Buttery), dairyman. Gorge Farm Dairy, Gorge rd Byers, Thoa, sealer, res 97 Toronto Byers, Capt W D, master mariner, res 97 Toronto Byrn,R S, book-keeper Turner, Bee- ton & Co, res 110 Vancouver Byrn, J S, elk Land Registry, res 110 Vancouver Byrns, M, teamster Victoria Transfer Co, res 2 Broughton Byrnes, Geo, autioneer, res 10 Rae Byrnes, Miss Lillie, res 10 Rae Byrnes, Miss Katie, ward maid Prov Royal Jubilee Hospital Bynstein, — , waiter str Islander, res Clarence hotel Caffey, Mrs Wm, widow, res 199 Johnson Cafire, Capt Frank, str Burt, res Catherine Calder, George, carpenter, res 26 San Juan ave E Calder, Miss Annie, res 108 Cook Calderwood, Andrew, elk B Williams, res 46 Fort Calderwood, APS, book-keeper, res 149 Cook Calahan, John, cooper, res 5 David Caldwell, Andrew, labr, res Rich- mond rd Caldwell, Henry Jas, civil engineer, res 28 Burdette ave Caledonian Insurace Co of Edin- burgh, A W Jones, agent, 28 Fort Caledonia Saloon and Lodging House, Brown & Fox, props, 17 Store, cor Cormorant Calfield, Edward, machinist, rcH Western hotel Calhoun, Chas, messenger drug store, 27 Johnson, res 28 Simcoe California Auction Store, J Isaacs, prop, 23 Johnson California Hotel, A J Bechtel, prop, 19 Johnson California Wine Co, C F Jackson, mgr, 65 Broad Callaghan, John, cooper, 91 Wharf, res 17>a Pioneer Callow, Henry, gardener, res Belton ave Calvary Baptist church. Rev J E Coombs, pastor, Herald Calvert, John, tailor, res Elizabeth Calwell, Allen, teamster, res 10;$ Yates Calwell, Hugh, hore shoer and far- rier, res 103 lates Calwell, James, horse shoer, res 10;^ Yates Calwell, William, cabinet maker, res 103 Yates Calwell, W, carpet layer, Weiler Bros Cameron, Alex, fmr, 60 Wallace E Cameron, Colin, insurance agent, 70 Douglas, res Clarence hotel Cameron, Colin, city teamster, res 170 Yater; Cameron, Colin, agent Union Mutual Life Insurance Co, res Courtney Cameron, Colin, insurance agent, Government, res Clarence hotel Cameron, Colin, police constable, res Brunswick hotel Cameron, Charles, blacksmith, res 117 North Park Cameron, Chas N, grocer, 127 Douglas, res 80 Superior Cameron Daniel, res 04 Dallas rd N Cameron, £, printer, res 64 Dallas rdN Carne, Fredk, jr, grocer, Douglas cor Johnson, res Yates Cameron, H, builder, res 64 Dallas rd Cameron, James, sealer, res Domin- ion hotel Cameron, Mrs Jeaaie, widow, res 34 Michigan S VICTORIA TRANSFI 21 and 23 A. M. BEATTIE CITY MARKET, VANCOUVER, B. C. Weekly Auctions Cameron, John, loi cabin 2, 54 Discove Cameron, John, plui nam Cameron, John, hor Scoresby Cameron, Mrs Johr rooms, res 98 Yates Cameron, J G, hore South Turner W Cameron, Malcolm, T res 53 Kane Cameron, Mrs, widow Cameron, Robert, clei 326 Douglas Cameron, Roderick, d minion hotel Cairieron, W G,prop] Clothing Store, 5.. J Birdcage Walk Cameron, Wm J, Pandora, res 117 Noi Compasmie Generi Wall, Goepel & Co Government Campbell, emp E. & Chatham Can)pbell, commercial 4 Pioneer blk Campbell, Alexande vegetable grower, Cra Mount Tolmie Campbell, Archibald, bay trunk factory Campbell, Angus, sales Side, res 114 Superioi Campbell, Mrs A, man Side, res 114 Superioi Campbell, Miss Agnes, Campbell, A L, comi res I^wis Campbell, Charles, sh 66 King's rd Campbell, Colin K, Broad Campbell, Miss C, res 1 Campbell, Daniel, tailo ment, res 16 Rupert Campbell, Daniel C, ( 57 Henry Campbell, D, grocer. Park Campbell, D E, drug cor Douglas, res Pood Campbell, Donald, jani res 268 Johnson Campbell, Donald, emp Co. res 185 Pandora IIIATADIA TDAIICCCD ftfl I Til Check Baggaf e to any part of the City. Their VlulUKIA InAnOrCn UU., LIU. WagOM and carriage* meet aUBoataandTralM. 81 and 23 Bronghton Straat, Victoria, B .O. Tel. 189. VICTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 277 Cameron, John, longshoreman, res cabin 2, 64 Discovery Cameron, John, plumber, res Put- nam Cameron, John, horse dealer, res 7 Scoresby Cameron, Mrs John A, furnished rooms, res tiS Yates Cameron, J G, horsedealer, res 42 South Turner W Cameron, Malcolm, Truck & Dray Co, res 53 Kane Cameron, Mrs, widow, res Gorge rd Cameron, Robert, clerk H.B. Co, res 32() Douglas Cameron, Roderick, driller, res Do- minion hotel Cameron, W G, prop Mechanics Cash Clothing Store, O.i Johnson, res 12 Birdcage Walk Cameron, Wm J, horseshoer, 16 Pandora, res 117 North Park Compagnie Oeneralo, SS. Line, Hall, Goepel & Co, agents, 100 Government Campbell, emp E. & N.R., res 43 Chatham Camjjbeli, commercial traveller, rm 4 Pioneer blk Campbell, Alexander, fruit and vegetable grower, Craig's PDnd farm. Mount Tolmie Campbell, Archibald, carpt. Rock bay trunk factory Campbell, Angus, salesman the West Side, res 114 Superior Campbell, Mrs A, mantle dept. West Side, res 114 Superior Campbell, Miss Agnes, res 10 Bay Campbell, A L, compositor Times res I^ewis Campbell, Charles, shipmaster, res 06 King's rd Campbell, Colin K, salesman, 17 Broad Campbell, Miss C, res 155 Johnson Campbell, Daniel, tailor, 88 Govern- ment, res 16 Rupert Campbell, Daniel C, carpenter, res 67 Henry Campbell, D, grocer, res 8 North Park Campbell, D E, druggist, 66 Fort, cor Douglas, res Poodle Dog Campbell, Donald, janitor Y.M.G.A., res 268 Johnson Campbell, Donald, emp Vic Transfer Co. res 185 Pandora Campbell, Donald, labr, res 31 Rae Campbell, Frank, res 132 Yates, P.O box 108 Campbell, George A, commercial traveller, res Battery Campbell, Miss Grace, res 10 Bay Campbell, James, labr, res 206 Doug- las Campbell, James, bartender, res Rock Bay hotel Campbell, 'Rev John, Ph.D., res 74 Cook Campbell, John, gardener, res 19 Third Campbell, Mrs, widow, res 206 Doug- las Campbell, Miss May, domestic, 93 Pandora Campbell, M D, carpenter, res 28 ^^hzp^ -Ah Campbell, M f, grocer, res Fuller's ave Campbell, Mrs N, res 10 Bay Campbell, N A, mgr McMillan Bros, 90 Douglas, res 222 View Campbell, Rob% emp Brackman & Ker, res 121 Montreal Campbell, Robt, expressman, res Fuller's ave Campbell, S Graham, grocer, 81 Douglas Campbell, Wm, gardener, res l85 Pandora Camsusa, Mrs Margaret, widow, res 316 Yates Conlin, M J, prop, Ominica saloon, 130 Government, res 128 Quadra Canada Life Assurance Co, agent, A W Jones, 28 Fort Canada Paint Co'y, Ltd, Janion's wharf, J L Forrester, mgr Canada Permanent Loan and Savings Co, Heisterman & Co'y, agts, 76 Government, cable address "Heisterman," Victoria Canadian Fire Assurance Co of London, Turner, Beeton & Co, agts, 90 Wharf Canadian Matnal Loan and Investment Co of Toronto, agts, Lee & Fraier, 11 Trounce ave Canadian Order of Oddfellows, Loyal Waverley Lodge, No. 145, 25 Bas- tion Canadian Pcoifio Railway Co's Office, Geo L Courtney, agt, cor Fort and Government Z>2 • VICTORIA, B.C. i. r 'I \ i 'm mmmm HVOSOI'S BUY COMPmV.lgeptsfbr Fort Garr) and Benton Coirnt) Flouring Mills -VICTORIA. B. O.- Dr. Lewis Ha Itada CLARENCE BLOCK •*s 1 (3i 1— « Ol « JS Ph ■*A «M « © U3 GC -M s « ^ s ^1^ «> 4) ■M k 00 08 1^ 1 &H I 278 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTOBY. Canadian Paoiflo Railway Telegraph Office, W Christie, local mftr, 16 Trounce ave Canadian Pacific Navigation Co, Capt J Irwin, mgr. Wharf Canadian and Oriental Trading Co, 13 Yatea Cane, Edwin H, gardener, res 220 Dallas rd N Carrick, Wm L, secretarv, Driard Cafe, 17 Broad Cannell, K, bricklayer, res 159 Chat- ham Canning, George, letter carrier, res Cedar Hill rd Canton Marine Insurance Co, Hal', Goepel & Co.agts, 100 Govnt Cantrell, Millard, sealer, res 136 Pem- broke Capital Planing Mills, Lemon, Gonnason & Co, Orchard Capitol Saloon, Thos Flewin, 7 Yates Cardiff, Wall, seal hunter, res Van- couver hotel Carey, Joseph Weatrop, retired, res 16 Kane Caritopulos. John, confectioner, 73 Johnson, res Douglas Carley, David M, journalist, 77 John- son, res 12 Penwill Carleton, G A, gen freight agt, C. P.N. Co., 64 Wharf, res 326 Douglas Carlo, E, driver. City Transfer Co, res 240 Simcoe S Carlow, Edwin A, fmr, Gordon Head rd W Carton, Fanny, domestic, 74 Cook Carlow, H J, labr, res 27 Caledonia Carlow, H N, carpenter, res 106 North Park Carlow, Wilmot, contractor, Feltham rd, Cedar FUl Carlson, Chua, res Vancouver hotel, 71 Yates Carlson, Fenning, stone cutter, res 71 Mear3 Carmody, Daniel, lumberman, res 376 Johnson Carlyon, Miss Gertrude, typewriter, H.B. Co, res 168 Fort Carmichael, A, book-keeper, Drake, Jackson & Helmcken, res 11 Rich- ardson Carmichael, E B, res 117 Menzies W Carmichael, H & Co, real estate agents and brokers, 32 Government Carmichael, Herbert, govt assayer. assay oflSce, 27 Birdcage Walk, res BovdW Carmichael, Miss I M, teacher James Bay Ward school, res 63 Kingston N Carmichael, J B, tobacconist, res 65 South Turner E Carmichael. W N & Co, gent's fur- nishings, 65 Yates Carmichael, J R, res Gorge rd Carmichael, WN, (Carmichael & Co), 65 Yates, res Clarence hotel Came, Fredk, sr. Angel hotel, 48 and 45 Langley Carne, Fredk, jr, grocer, res 284 Yates Caruth, Thomas, expressman, Vic Transfer Co Carpenter, A M, grocer, res 13 Herald Carpenter, George, baker, Plymoutii bakery, res New York hotel Carpenter Joseph, artist, res No. 26 Harbor cottages. Store Carr, R, res 44 Carr E Carroll, Patrick H, bridge tender E. & N. Ry, res Indian reserve Carron, John, melter A. I. W, res 15 Spring rd Carson, Thomas, electric light ener, res 70 Kane Carse, Wm, carpenter, res 48 Herald Carson, Wm George, machinist, res 28 Henry Carter, Arthur, watchmaker at A A Clayton's, res 24 Rae Carter, Alf Thos, Vancouver Brewery, res 60 Herald Carter, A T, harness maker, Dun- can's, res 61 Herald Carter, A W, carpenter, res 37 Cale- donia ave Carter, B, prop St George's and Rock Bay hotels, res Esquimalt rd Carter, Chas Douglas, mechanical dentist, res 61 Herald Carter, C D, emp Vancouver Brewery, res 61 Herald Carter, Cecel H, teller Bk B.C., res 136 Mensies Carter, C H, elk Bank B.C., res Van- couver Carter, Edward, Taylor Mill Co, res 62 First Carter, Eustace, carpenter, res Alpha Carter, Miss Edith, milliner, res 24 Rae Carter, Miss G A, tt lloress 62 i ates, res 226 Pandora ave Carter, Herbert Winston, labr, res 63 Mears Carter, John Wm, bi Carter, Mrs Lottie, v ich rd Carter, Miss Maud, 24 Rae Carter, Ritson, plum) bay ave Carter, Robert, reven 58 Rock bay ave Carter, Samuel, carte Carter, Stephen, cai First Carter, Thomas, jr, li res 56 Rock bay ave Carter, Thos Watson, ver Brewery, 32 ] Herald Carter, T W, elk 57 J( Rock bay ave Carter, W O, elk As res 65 Chambers Cartledge, Walter, mo John Cartmel, Alfred, res 1-1 Cartmel, AS.clkGrea Co. res 3 Bridge Cartmel, Dan, retired res 3 Bridge Carto, PhHlio, labr, ] mie ave Carto, Samuel, emp V. mie ave Carto, Samuel, labr, Tolmie ave Ciirto, William, emp Tolmie ave Cartwright. Cuthbert, i er Victoria College Cascade Cannery, Nac Rithet & Co, agents Caselton, Henry, paint baanich rd Caselton, Richd, porte 189 Chatham Casey, Joseph, stablei Johnson Casey, Lewis, lumber d I'ort Cashmore, Thos, book-1 ren & Co, 22 Troum Parry Cashin, James, sealer, i hotel Oaspar, Wolf, tailor, rei CassidyRobt (Davie Bastion, res Vancouv Castleton, Henry, paint 40 Fort TIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY No. 23 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B Guides flimisbed to tonrlata. All kinds of CbineM help auppUed on tbe Bhorteat notice. [ C. i I mn! Dr. Lewis Hall^i Tooth Powder vill not lujnre the Teeth. Mad* only at thm OEmrRAL DRUC STORE. CLARENCE BLOCK, COR. DOUGLAS and YATES £TS., VICTORIA, B. C. VICTOBIA CITY DIRECTORY. 279 Carter, John Wm, builder, rea 24 Rae Carter, Mrs Lottie, widow, res Saan- icli rd Carter, Miaa Maud, dreasmaker, rea 24 Rae Carter, Kitaon, plumber, rea 5S Rock bay ave Carter, Robert, revenue tax collector, 58 Rock bay ave Carter, Samuel, carter, V.P.B. Co Carter, Stephen, car]>enter, rea 62 Firat Carter, Thomaa, jr, hardware clerk, rea 56 Rock bay ave Carter, Thoa Wataon, prop Vancou- ver Br«wery, 32 Herald, rea 60 Herald Carter, T W, elk 57 Johnaon, rea 56 Koclc bay ave Carter, W O, elk Aaseaaor'a Office, res 65 Chambera Cartledge, Walter, motorneer, rea 83 John Cartmel, Alfred, rea 148 Cormorant Cartmel, A S,clk Great Northern Ry. Co. rea 3 Bridge Cartmel, Dan, retired fleet engineer, res 3 Bridge Caito, PhHlio, labr, Roderick, Tol- inie ave Carlo, Samuel, emp V.I.W., rea.Tol- mie ave Carlo, Samuel, labr, rea Roderick, Tolmie ave Carlo, William, emp V.I.W., rea Tolmie ave Cartwright, Cuthbert, 3rd asa't teach- er Victoria College Cascade Cannery, Naaa river, R P Rithet & Co, agenta Caselton, Henry, painter. Lake Hill, Saanich itl Caselton, Richd, porter T Earle, rea 189 Chatham Casey, Joseph, atableman, rea 109 Johnaon Casey, Lewia, lumber dealer, rea 242 Fort Cashmore, Thoa, book-keeper H War- ren & Co, 22 Trounce ave, rea 8 Parry Cashin, Jamea, aealer, rea Vancouver hotel Caspar, Wolf, tailor, rea 134 Johnaon CasaidyRobt (Davie& Casaidy) 21 Bastion, rea Vancouver Castleton, Henry, painter R Lettice, 40 Fort Catea, Joaeph, driver Vic Transfer Co, rea Rae Catea, Miaa M, tai'.oreaa, 62 Yatea, rea 68 CoUineon Cathcart, John, saleaman Wilaon Bros, rea 342 Johnaon Cathcart, Henry ar. City Water Wka, rea 342 Johnaon Cathcart, Henry jr, typewriter Gov Bldga, rea 342 Johnaon Cathcart, J elk W & J Wilaon, 83 Government, rea 342 Johnson Cathcart, William, boot and ahoe elk, res 342 Johnaon Caton, J A T, & Co, wholesale iraportera, 83 Wharf Caton, Juliua Adrian T (J A T Caton & Co) 83 Wharf, rea 101 Kingston Cattanaeh, Mra, res 98 Yates CatteralT, Harry, carpenter, rea 47 First Catterall. John, plumber Colbert & Warners, rea 47 First Catterall, Thoa, contractor, res 47 Firat Catto, Dr, 86 Yatea Caulfield, Edward, machinist V. P. B. Co., res Weatern hotel Cave, Alfred Edward, letter carrier, Anchor Cottage, Powderly ave Cave, Herbert Jas, clerk and type- writer, rea Esguimalt st , Cave, Herbert Jas, secy Nicholles & Renouf, Ltd, 61 Yates Cave, Mrs Susett^, Anchor Cottage, Powderly ave Cave, Vincent, ivs 208 Douglas Cave, William John, lawyer's clerk, Aniihor Cottage, Powderly ave Cavin Bros, boot and shoe dealers, 94 Yates Cavin Arthur, (Cavin Bros), 94 Yates Cavin, Thos A, (Cavin Bros , rea Burnaide rd Cavin, George H, (Cavin Broa), rea 67 Kane Cavin, George VV, master mariner, res 35 Queen's ave Cavin, Guy, grocer, 90 North Park Cavin, Capt John, master of atr Daisy, res 32 John Cavin, Robert, S, blacksmith, res Strawberry Vale Cavin, Thos, Burnaide rd Cawston, R L, mgr B C Cattle Co, 97 Government, res Oriental hotel Cazenove, Alex, fmr, Cadboro bay rd Ceaaar, Frederic, aealer, rea 17 Green R T WILLIAMS ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ moufacmer 02 5=0 ' ' ' Hi El ' 1 n j i' 11 ! m D 1 m li 1 ■ m I ^ r -5! , -■! «« BBOAD aTMXBXp TIOXOMIA. DBEWRY'S Eedwood BREWERY. Winnipeff THtcsB aoona waskaittxb to kkxp iif alx, climates. CO (d > o O O GC I- o o o Q cc o O m ' cc m o UJ O 280 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRBOTORY. Centennial Methodist Ghurvb, Gorge rd, Rev Joseph Hall, pastor Central Drug Store, Hall & Co, props, 102 Yates Cessford, Robert, carpenter, res 4 Rock bay ave Chadwick, Alfred, picture frame maker at J Sommer's, res 27 Blan- chard Chadwick, Mrs Catherine, res 27 Blanchard Chadwick, George, druggist T Shot- bolt, res 27 Blanchard Chadwick, Robert, moulder Victoria Iron Works, res 27 Blanchard Chadwick, R, foreman moulder V.I. W, res 27 Blanchard Chadwick, Thomas, money order clerk Postoffice, res 27 Blanchard Challoner, T G, jeweler (Challoner & Mitchell), res 158 Chatham Challoner & Mitchell, manfr jewelers, 47 Government Challoner, W L, jeweler (Challoner & Mitchell, res 158 Chatham Chamberlin, Seth L, bartender Oriental, res 84 Chatham Chamberlin, Ithamer, blacksmith, res 177 Yates Chambers, Coote A M, asst surveyor, res Craigflower rd Chambers, Jas R, student-at-law, res Craigflower rd Chambers, Robert, mgr of cannery, R P Rithet, res 67 Alfred Chambers, Robert, emp cannery, res 105 North Park Chamberst Walter S, accountnt, 16 Trounce ave, res Glenwood, Gorge rd Chambers, W S, gentleman, res Gorge rd Chance, W J, builder, res 19 Pioneer Chantrell, John B, clerk Green, Wor- lock & Co, res 26 Kingston Chapman, Edwd, butcher J Parker's, res 50 Fort Chapman, George, cabin boy, res 3 First Chapman, John, seal hunter, res 3 First Chapman, Miss Josephine, dress- maker, the Stanley House Chapman, Richard, farmhand, Ivy Hill farm, Carey rd Chapman, Richard, fmr, res Oakland ave Chapman, R, res 142 Menzies E Chapman, Thomas, Water Works employee, res 3 cabin, Johnson Chapman, William, printer, 14 Hum- boldt Chapman, W, carver, Sehl, Hastie <& Erskine Charles, Wra, gentleman, res 216 Fort Chatwin, Miss Nellie, dressmaker, 52 Pandora Chatwin, Miss Sadie, dressmaker, res 52 Pandora Checkett, Louisa, domestic, 9 Bellot Chellew, Mrs M, widow, tailoress Cherry, John, upholsterer Weiler Bros, res Catherine Chief Commissioner Of Lands and Works, Hon F G Vernon, office Government buildings Chief Justice, Sir Matthew B Begbie Child, Francis T, res "Firgrove," Mount Tolraie rd W Chillman, William, prop Half-Way House hotel, Esquimalt rd N Chinese Rescue Home, Mrs Morrow, matron 102 Cormorant Ching Hing, jeweler, res 18 Cor- morant Chishman, Christopher, fruiterer, res 107 Fort Chislett, Chas, carpt, res 181 Chatham Christadelphian Hall, 209 Douglas, Jas Sellick, caretaker Christ Church Cathedral, Burdette ave Christ Church Cathedral Grounds, Blanchard Christ Church Cathedral Schools, Robt Godding, caretaker. Quadra Christensen, Andrew, mate, res 9 Montreal W Christensen, Capt J, pilot, res 9 Montreal W Christian, John, seal hunter, res 109 Pandora Christianson, Peter, labr, res 179 Fernwoixi rd Christianson, Peter, labr, res North rd Christie, Miss C 0, teacher James Bay Ward school, res 63 Kingston N Christie, David, carpenter (Christie, Thompson & Co), 109 Fort, res Rendell Christie, Elbridge, carpenter (Chris- tie Thompson & Co), 109 Fort, res Henry Christie, Eldridge J, carpt and con- tractor, res 37 David AND XIOHT. Viol 81 and 83 Christie, Gilbert, clei 103 Government, n Christie, Rev James, Christie, Jas, (H Crc Blanchard Christie, Thompson i and joiners, 109 Foi Christie, Wm, tobac Cormorant Christie, W, local ms telegraph, 15-17 Trc Blanchard t^'hristie, Wm Chas, I 97 '^ Douglas Christolo, Christophei store, 4Qa Governme Christopher, David, m Jamieson, res 59 N ( Christopher, Wm, ass cutlery store, res 69 Christopher, Wm, ma & Gray. 59 N Chatlu Christy, David, carDt,r Chrow, J, compositor, 182 Fort Chrow, Wm, head cler res 222 Beacon Hill Y Chu Chung & Co, fai^ groceries, 48 Cormor Chudley, W M, audito & Co) res cor Oswego Cliungranes, D K, fi vegetables, 99 Dougla Chungranes, F, salesmi Church of England Ch School, 152J^ Govern Church of England Chi Rest, 55 Herald Church of the Holy Sa cor Catherine, Vic W W D Barber, M.A Church, John, sealer, r( hotel Charch.JohnW,M Victoria College, Bea< Church, J B. mgr B.( Agency, 18 Trounce Cadboro bay rd Churchill, Sydney Jo Strawberry Vale Churton, Arthur, fur Humboldt Churton, Mrs A, seami Bros City Assessor, W W N( Hall ■ City Brewery, Lawson, rort W A. M. BE ATTIE WEEKLY AeCTIOi I ''^^ci^ CITY BIARKET, VANCOUVCR, B. C VIOTOaiA, r^. A'SilVrYiotovia. Transfer Co., Ltd. ""y. rovine*. 81 and 83 Broushton Street. Victoria, B. C. T*l. 189. VICTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 281 Christie, Gilbert, clerk, J Fallerton, 103 Government, rea North Park Christie, Rev Jamea, rea 2 Blanchard Christie, Jas, (H Croft & Co), res 2 Blanchard Christie, Thompson & Co, carpenters and joiners, 109 Fort Christie, Wm, tobacconist, res 107 Cormorant Christie, W, local mgr C.P.R. Coy's telegraph, 16-17 Trounce ave, res 2 Blanchard Christie, Wm Chas, tobacconist, res d7}4 DoiiJtlas Christolo, Christopher, fish and fruit store, 46a Government Christopher, David, messenger, Robt Jamieson, res 59 N Chatham Christopher, Wm, assistant Sheflfeld cutlery store, res 59 N Chatham Christopher, Wm, machinist, Spratt & Gray. 59 N Chatham Clirlsty, David, carpt.res 21 Rendell E Chrow, J, compositor, Colonist, res 182 Fort Chrow, Wm, head clerk H Saunders, rea 222 Beacon Hill W Chu Chung & Co, fancy goods and groceries, 48 Cormorant Chudley, W M, auditor (R P Rithet & Co) res cor Oswego and Bellville Chungranes, D K, fish, fruit and vegetables, 99 Douglas Chungranes, F, salesman, 99 Douglas Church of England Chinese Mission School, 152^6 Government Church of England Chinese House of Rest, 65 Herald Church of the Holy Saviour, Henry cor Catherine, V ic W, rector Rev W D Barber, M.A Church, John, sealer, res Vancouver hotel Church. John W, M.A., principal Victoria College, Beacon Hill Church, J E, mgr B.C. Mercantile Agency, 18 Trounce ave, res 141 Cadboro bay rd Churchill, Sydney John, rancher. Strawberry Vale Churton, Arthur, furrier, res 62 Humboldt Churton, Mrs A, seamstress, Weiler Bros City Assessor, W W Northcott, City Hall City Brewery, Lawson, J, prop, 138 Fort City Clerk, W J Dowler, City Hall City Electric Light Works, R B Mc- Mlcking, mgr, 153 Yatea City Hall, Douglas City Market, Cormorant, E C John- son, supt City Water Works shop, cor Pandora and Chambers Clanton, Fred, horseshoer, 31 Herald Clanton,Robt Thos. grocers'assistant, 113 Douglas, res Topaz ave Clarence Saloon The, Wishart & Meldram, proprietors, 102)^ Yatea Clarence Hotel. Wi- hart & Mel- dram, props, 79 Douglas Clark, Davia J, labr, res 68 South rd Clark, E, engr Sehl, Hastie & Ers- kine's furniture factory Clark, John, ship carpenter, res 94 Niagara N Clark, John, labr, Powderley ave Clark, Joseph, shipwright, res 172 View Clark, R, printer, res 59 Superior N Clark, Walter, millwright, res 92 Ni- agara S Clark, Watson, dairyman, res Oak- land ave Clark, W, label pressman, The Colon- ist Ptg Co Clark, William, stonecutter, res 94 Niagara N Clark, William J, waiter, res 185 Yates Clark, Wm M, carpenter, res 185 Yates Clarke & Pearson, stove and tin- w.ire merchants, 17 Yates Clarke, Mrs A, res 86 Belleville S Clarke, Capt C E, capt str "Alert" res 36 Mason Clark, Edward, mchl engineer, res 171 Superior Clarke, Miss Edith, dressmaker, res 91 Fort Clarke, MissE,clerk, res 53 Michigan N Clarke, John, rancher, res Holland ave, Burnside rd Clarke, J A, printer, res 60 Fort Clarke, J B, (Clarke & Peaison), 17 Yates, res 86 Discovery Clarke, John J, labr, res Glenford ave Clarke, Mrs J S, boarding house, res 60 Fort Clarke, Hilton, rancher, Holland ave off Burnside rd Clarke, Capt W R, harbor mas- a 5" Hi s s. n 5 o o •3 e^ '^ 2 n og (D • B^ yd si " s %'^ ? 5 I i 3 2. ;■?■ i; BROS., ^^^ AGENTS FOR CBOSSLEY viOTORiA, r^. c. ANP SONS FINE GABPETS. ^mm HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY "'"S™!"'™*^ I ™™mpbicesa ■ Clarence Blo( ^1 5 .a •4^ 09 ,1 HI ' 282 BRITIHU COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. ter and port warden, 40 Yates, rea 63 Michigan N Clarke, Tliotnua, carpenter, res Ed- ward, Vic West Clarke, Miss Tilley, dressmaker, res 127 Johnson Clarke, William, mariner, res 7 Bay Clarke, William, labr, rcsBS South rd Clarke, William, chicken rancher, res Strawberry Vale Clarke, Wm, pressman, res 14 Young Clarke, W, stcme cutter, res 33 Erie Clarke, Wm Jos, dairy':nan,re8 Rich- mond rd Clauson, Capt Christian, mariner, res 132 Quadra Claussen, John, watchmaker, res 68 Yates Claxton, Fred J, (Dalby & Clax- ton), real estate and insurance, res 66 Fern wood rd Clay, Frank, machinist, V.I.W, res 1 16 Johnson Claj', Henry, confectioner, 39 Fort Clay, Samuel, grocer and liquors, 114- li6 Johnson Claydon, Isaac, rancher, res Straw- berry Vale Clayton, Arthur A, watchmaker and jeweler, 27 Fort, res 25 Kane Clayton, Charles, carptr, res 69 First Clayton, Robt, marine iireman, res Western hotel Clayton, Wm M, builder, Oak bay boathouse Clearihne, A, (J & A Clearihue) 20 Yates, res "Dalvenie," Cadboro bay rd Clear, Chas, carpenter, res 92 North Chatham Clearihue, J, (J & A Clearihue) res 'Dalvenie," Cadboro bay rd Clearihue, J ft A, commission merchants, 26 Yates Cleaver, Rev S, pastor Pandora ave Methodist church, res 107 Quadra Clegg, F, machinist V. I. W, res Hey- wood ave Clegg, Thomas, labr, res 31 Heywood ave E Clements, John R, carpenter, res 109 South rd Clemence, Peter, steamboat hand, res 136 Pembroke Clemens, Simon, tram conductor, res 69 Quadra Cleveland, Milton £, carpenter and contractor, res 37 Mears Cliffe, Thomas, carpenter, res 22 Niagara S Clifton, W R, hostler, Victoria Trans- fer Co Clifton, W, R, horsekeeper, .36 Hum- boldt Cline, Walter, contractor, res 100 Pandora Club Stables, Fredk O'Neil prop, m\ Y^»«s Clunk, Alfred, carfltter E.ii N. Uy, Springfield ave Clunk, William, Springfield ave, Vic W Clyde, A J, carpenter, res Charles off Edmonton rd Clyde, Mrs Albert J, dress and mantle making parlors, 63 Govern- ment, res Devonshire rd Clyde, Mrs Alexander, widow, res 28 iRock bay ave Clyde, Fred, pressman Colonist, rts 28 Rock bay ave Clyde, George, boiler maker A I. W, res 86 Chatham Coates, Spencer, clerk 'The Wil- lows," Cadboro bay rd Coates, S, bartender London Saloon Coates, W H, nickle plater A. I. \V., res 5 Pioneer Coburn, John, sealer, res 201 Su- perior N Coohenour, Francis Irving, carria(ie painter, 67 Broad, res 13 Caiu- eron Cochran, W B, law student, res Mrs J A DeVeulle, 149 Cook Coohrane & Mnnn, chemists and Druggists, 190 Yates cor Douglas Cochrane, Fred, seal hunter, res Van- couver hotel Cochrane, John, (Cochrane & Munn), 100 Yates, res 139 Chat- ham Cochrane, John, druggist, res 26 Rithet Cockburn, Smithes & Co, London and Oporto, Turner, Beeton & Co, agts Cofiie, Miss Eliza, dressmaker, Tlie Stanley House Coffie, Miss J, dressmaker, The Stan- ley House Cohen, James A, printer, 38 Fort, res 175 Chatham Cohen, Mercado, cigar minufa'ur, 14 Pandora, res 101 Pandora Coigdarripe, John, retired mcht, res Craigflower rd Coigdarippe, Louis, Gordon Head rd t oker, (Simmons & C 75 Fort Colbert & Warner, pi mters, 73 Yates Colbert, John, (Colbt <3\ate8, resStanle Colby, A R, clerk, Tl r ^K "■ ^*"i"« Co, res ^opy, H, hack driver Co ey Edwd, A.I.VV., Cole Capt Fredk, m 85 South rd Cole, Miss Eliza, wai couver hotel, 71 Yat Cole, Charles L, salooi Douglas Pnl*'' Su *'' *'«''b«'-. ret *. . • ^?°*' '^«»"e^ res J Co e, Thomas, fireman Anderson, res Ross I Cole, Harry T, hotel Douglas ^ '^•d \ ^' ^lomestic, i Coles, Mrs C, widow. « Coles^FH, clerk H.B, N Park Coles, John, sr, labr, i nam Coles, John, jr, sailor, i nam ' ^ ha*' ''°''*^"°' •''"' s^'^f"" Coles, Miss Elizabeth, r Coleman, C A, Presby ( sionary, 214 Pandora Co eman, Mrs 8, res 120 Collins, James, carpente nower rd Collins, John, plumbers res 14 Avalon rd N Collins, Miss Nellie, res J ' long's If^^^^'P""^- Collinson, Emma, d 'Scoresby Collinson, Mrs ME, real QuSd™'"^*' "«" '"''' TIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY No. 23 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B, Guides fumlBhed to tourists. AH kinds oil Chinese help supplied on the shortest notice, f POPULAR PRICES AND BEST OF GOODS AT THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE Clarence Block, Cor. Yates and Douglai Sts., Victoria, B. C. VICTORIA CITY OIRECTOBY. 283 Coigdarippe, Louis, dairyman, reb Gordon Head rd Coker, (Himmons & Goker), baker, res 75 Fort Colbert <& Warner, plumbers and gas titters, 73 Yates Colbert, John, (Colbert & Warner), 73 Yates, res Stanley ave Colby, A R, clerk. The Brackman & Ker Milling Go, res 9 Menzies Colbv, H, hack driver, res 9 Menzies Coley, Edwd, A.I.W., res 27 Market Cole, Capt Fredk, master mariner, 85 South rd Cole, Miss Eliza, waitress, res Van- couver hotel, 71 Yates Cole, Charles L, saloonkeeper, res 37 Douglas Cole, Chas, barber, res 243 Johnson Cole, Thos, carpt, res Dallas rd Cole, Thomas, nreman, McKillican & Anderson, res Ross bay rd Cole, Harry T, hotel prop, res 213 Douglas Cole, M E, domestic, res 400 Dallas rdN Coles, Mrs C, widow, res Clarke Coles, F H, clerk H.B. Co, res 112 N Park Coles, John, sr, labr, res 197 Chat- ham Coles, John, jr, sailor, res 197 Chat- ham Coles, Jordan, jr, sailor, res 197 Chat- ham Coles, Miss Elizabeth, resLansdowne rd Coleman, C A, Presby Chinese Mis- sionary, 214 Pandora Coleman, Mrs S, res 120 Fisguard Colley, Frank, warehouseman, res 39 David Collins, George, ship owner, res 47 Henry Collins, James, carpenter, res Craig- flower rd Collins, John, plumbers' apprentice, res 14 Avalon rd N Collins, Miss Nellie, res 37 Blanchard Collins, Thomas, printer, res 14 Ava- lon rd N CoUinson, Emma, domestic, 7 iScoresby CoUinson, Mrs M E, res 113 Fairfld rd Collie, Albert, cigar maker, res 149 Quadra Collis, Edmund, carpenter, res 149 Quadra Collister, J R, John Barnsley & Co, res 12 Rock bay ave Collister, John Richard, gunsmith, res 12 Rock bay ave Collister, Richard, ship surveyor, res Dallas rd Collister, Wm, clerk Stanley House, res 111 Pandora Collier, Mrs Alex, widow, res Marion Collier, Harry, nurse, Prov Royal Jubilee Hospital Collyer, George, clerk C.P.N. Co, res 17 Spring Collyer, T R, gentlem<<n, res 17 Spring Colonial Brewery, John Leahy, prop, res 124 Johnson Colonial Metropole Hotel, prop Thomas Tugwell, 31 to 37 Johnson Colonist Printinjr and Pub- Ushins Co, LtcC, The, W H Ellis, mgr, 74 Government Colquhoun, Jos, R.N., pensioner Royal Navy, "Broom Hail," Fair- field rd Colston, Dad, book-keeper R Bray, res 109 Johnson Coltart, Ian, cashier Green, Wor- lock & Co, "The Shantie,"' Arcadia, Craigiiower rd Coltie, John, labr, res 67 Broad Columbia Flouring Mill Co,Enderby, R P Rithet & Co, agents, 61-63 Wharf Colombia Sawmill, D F Adams, prop, David Colvin, James Burgess, ship carpen- ter, res 53 Work Combe, Harvey, Registrar County Court and Depy Regstr Supreme Court, res 13 School Commercial hotel, cor Douglas and Cormorant, H Noble, prop Conlin, Thomas, policeman, res 13 North Park Conlin, M J, saloonkeeper, res 128 Quadra Conner, George, inmate. Home for Aged and Infirm, 217 Fairfield rd Connon, H E, agt Dodwell, Carlill & Co, 8 Bastion sqr, Burnes block, res 157 Menzies Conservatory of Music, 93>2 Douglas Consul, Belgian, Smith, T R Consul, French, Snowden, N P Consul, German Empire, Lowenberg, Carl, 83 Wharf, res 23 Burdette ave Consul, Hawaiian Islands, Rithet, R P, 61-63 Wharf o H in to lb 1^ H H a \ll U 1C*1MV^3T fX"^^ More Hands and More Capital than all other Binderies iVfXi JKiJajrMAJX m the Province. ■J: i I 1 !:| i' n i ' 4 ! f» HHOA.I* BTMJBST, VIVTOMIA. it If It R. T. WXI.LIAMS m 1 ll i^mU |mD \m ^ i 1^ rcjtna: bH Im 1 9 1 H m MMP Dreivry^s Redwood Brewery, Winnipeg. Drewry'a Ale and Porter Builds up and Strengthens the System. o < K ml ■(J cd o Q O 284 HRI'flSII COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Francis, Catherine, sliip carpenter, Saloon, 48 163 1 em- Consul, Italy, Hon J H Turner (Turner, Beeton & Co) res 1 Plea- sant Consul, United States, Myers, Levi W, 4'S}4 Government, res 26 John Consul, Swe'len and Norway, Robt Ward, 76 Wharf C.O.O.F., M. TJ., T/jyal Dauntless Lodge, No. 177, 73>^ Government Cook, Frederick, bartender Albion Saloon, res 12 Yates Cook, (ieorge, coachman, cabin 9, 54 Discove.y Cook, Geo I, comm ttgt, res Bel ton ave, Vic W Cook, Henry, scavenger, res 120 Chatham Cook, Hubert Vic W Co>>k, Hubert Jno, Catherine, Vic W Cook, John, Beehivo Fort -lor Broud, res wood fd Cook, William, Carey rd Cookson & Plows, plumbers, cor John- son & Broad Cookson, Chas, (Cookson & Plows) 86 Johnson, res l}4 Quebec Cooley, H V, Glvd Iron Cornice Wks, ;w Kingston, res 162 Mensties Coombe, Rev J E, pastor Calvary Baptist Church, 78 Chatham CoonesB, Stacey, clothier, 83 .Tohnson, res 201 Johnson Cooper, Benj, baker, res 37 Pandora Cooper, Chas, tailor, J C Leash, res James bay Cooper, Chas, labr, res 26 Niagara Cooper, George A, real estate i ent, (retired) , res 98 Quadra Cooper, Geo, butcher, res 99 Johnson Coo^r, Miss Louisa M, res 69 Quadra Cooper, Michael, canneryman, res Esouimalt rd Cooper, Thomas, driver, J Parkei-, res 60 Fort Cooper^ W, finisher, Sehl, Hastie & Erskine Copeland, Mrs, widow, res 69 Quadra Copeland, Charles £, mattress mkr, Sehl, Hastie & Erskine Co, res 27 Spring rd Copeland, Richard, inmate, Home for Aged and Infirm, 217 Fairfield rd, Ross bay Copland, William, blacksmith, res 44 Herald Cowan, Maynard H, res 18 Richard- son Corby, Albert, typewriter, res 41 Kingston Corby, Harold, hack driver, res 41 Kingston Corbett, John, res 103 Pandora Corder, John, clerk, 15 Store, rea Chambers Corder, John N, clerk, res 77 Cham- bers Corder, Thos N, machinist, reo 77 Chambers Coidingley, Edward, clerk, T Earle, Hawthorn Villa, Michigan Cornelius, Henry, waiter, New Eng- land hotel, res 91 Herald Coroner for ths City and Dis- trict of Victoria, Dr Ed Hassell, res 38 Douglas Corr, Peter, miner, res 11-13 Colliii- son Corson, Dr DouRlas. piivHiciun and surgeon, 89 I'ort, res 6 Blan- chard Corsan, Thomas, clerk. Tramway Co, res Cadboro Bay rd cor Charles CoBsar, Miss Catherine, lady's nurse, 120 Oswego Costelloe, Edwd, boilermaker, A.LW, res 2 James Costelloe, John, boilermaker, res Commercial hotel Cotton, A, salesman, E G Prior «& Co, 123 Government, res Wilson house Cotsford, Jno, boilermaker, res Fred- erick Coughlan, John, brick manufacturer, res Saanich rd Coulbeck, Thomas, fmr, res Carey rd Coulter, Robt, fmr, res Wilkinson rd Court Northern Light, No. 6936, Court, Jos, poultry fmr, res Gordon Head farm Courtney, C K, student at-law, Yutes & Jay, res 108 Cook Courtney, Geo L, gen agent, C.l'. R. Co, cor Fort and Government, res cor Cook and Caledonia Courtney, H E A, student at-law, Yates & Jay, res 108 Cook Courtney, Harrison, res 17 Harrison Courtney, Mrs Mary Jane, widow, res 108 Cook Cousins, Leonard, foreman. Capital Planing Mills Cousins, Leonard, carpenter, res Carey rd W Victoria Transfei »t and 93 Sri Cousins, Thos G, expre Co, res Pine Couves, Mrs Lucy, res Coverdalp,Geo, dairymi son cross rd Coverdale, Richard, fi ave, Saanich rd E Cowley, Frederick, labi dition, res Oak bay Cowper, Jesse, res 97 li Cowper, J M, Vic Towi eruig Co, res Dallas i Cowper, W H, wharflni rd Cox, Mrs A, widow, res (ox. Capt C N, mari Chatham Cox, J, foreman, machi W, res 29 Ellice Cox, John, grocer, res 3 Cox, Capt J G, E B Mai 42 King's rd Cox, Rupert, mariner, r< Cox, Thomas, fireman, Co, res 86 Hillside ave Cox, William, res Snow( l)ay Cox, Capt William, ma C^uadra Cox, William Henry, c( Henly's hotel. Clover Craft, Wm, general dry eouver House. 93 I "Humyside," Craigflo Craig, A », emp V.] (Queen's ave Craig, L, teller, Bank Government Craig, Wallace, truckmai and Dray Co, res 31 R Craig, Wallace, teamster Craig, Miss M B, sten( Ward & Co, res Queen' Craigie, Eli, stablema Ulanchard CraJKie, Miss Grace, bool 113 Blanchard Craigie, Thomas, labor Store Craigie, Wm, printers' 1 lilancbard Craigie, W, labr, res liotel Cramer, Frank, res Loven bay Crane, Aubrey, seaman, r rd I A M BT! A TTT'R ADGT^ONEER, . iPPRAISEH ■ AND I XI.. XO.. SfiXA. A X XXi ggjjgjj^,^ COMMISSION MERCHANT. \ INTERIOR W OODWOB CITT MAMUT. VANCOUVER, B. C. Victoria Transfer Co., Ltd. UNIFORM RATES for Hack* and Bamage Good Drivers, Hones and Vehicles. 91 and 9S BrougMon Htreet, Vietoria, B. C. Telephone 120. VICTORIA CITY DIBBCTOBY. 285 Cousind, Thos G, expressman, C.P.N Co, res Pine Couves, Mrs Lucy, res 115 Yates Ooverdale,Geo, dairyman, res Wilkin- son cross rd Coverdale, Eicliard, fmr, res Tolmie ave, Saanich rd E Cowley, Frederick, labr, Grant's ad- dition, res Oak bay Cowper, Jesse, res 97 Menzies W Cowper, J M, Vic Towing and Light- ering Co, res Dallas rd Cowper, W H, wharfinger, res Dallas rd Cox, Mrs A, widow, res 181 Montreal W Cox, Capt C N, mariner, res 109 Chatham Cox, J, foreman, machine shop, A.I. AV, res 29 Ellice Cox, John, grocer, res 35 Humboldt Cox, Capt J G, E B Marvin & Co, res 42 King's rd Cox, Rupert, mariner, res 136 Quadra Cox, Thomas, fireman, Hall, Kobs & Co, res 86 Hillside ave Cox, William, res Snowden ave, Ross hay Cox, Capt William, mariner, res 136 (Quadra Cox, William Henry, contractor, res Henly's hotel. Clover point Craft, Wm, general dry goods, Van- i:()uver House, 93 Douglas, res "Sumyside," Craigflower rd Craig, A D, emp V.I.W, res 62 Queen's ave Cnii)!, L, teller, Bank of Montreal, (iovernment Craij;, Wallace, truckman, Vic Truck and Drav Co, res 31 Rae Craig, Wallace, teamster, res 31 Rae Craig, Miss M B, stenographer, R Ward & Co, res Queen's ave Craigie, Eli, stableman, res 113 Ulanchard CraJKie, Miss Grace, book-binder, res 113 Blanchard Craigie, Thomas, laborer, res 90 Store Craigie, Wm, printers' help, res 113 lilanchard Craigie, W, labr, res Commercial hotel Cramer, Frank, res Lovers' lane, Ross bay Ci-ane, Aubrey, seaman, res 18 North rd Crane, Henry, elk J E Crane & Co, 30 Broad, res 316 Yates Crane, J E & Co, real estate and insurance, 30 Broad Crane, John Edw, (J E Crane & Co) 30 Broad, res 316 Yates Crause, Percy, res 96 Quebec 8 Crawford, James, genl com mercht and agent, 14 Chancery lane, res 40 Belleville Crawford, Mrs A, widow. les 78 Pandora Creagan. Francis, inmate Home for Aged and Infirm, 217 Fairfield rd, Robs bay Crease, Arthur Douglas, law student Bodwell & Irving, res Cadboro bav rd Crease. Hon N P P, puisne judge, 40 Langley, res " Pentrelew," 23 Cadboro bay rd Crease, Idndley, barrister and solicitor, 16 Chancery lane, res Cadboro bay rd Creech, H, tea dealer, res 20 Ridge rd Creech, Wm R.mgrVic Lithographic Co, cor Yates and Government, res 16 Green Creed, George, carpenter for J P Burgess, 10 Broughton, res 8 Mc- Clure Creed, John, painter for R Lettice, 40 Fort, res 203 Johnson deed, John, carteaker City Hall, res 67 Fern wood rd Creeden, .Tohn, (Bownees & Creeden) res 264 Johnson Crepg. W P, elk W Wilson & Co, res 141 Fort Creighton, J W, foreman and cutter J C Leask, res 104 Pandora ave Cressell, Wm. ^n umber, res Bruns- wick liotel Cridffe, Rt Rev Edward, Bishop R. E. Clmrch, res " Marifield," 23 Carr W Crimp, J L, res 95 Cadboro bay rd Cripps, Chas, bricklayer, res Vinin~ Cripps, Miss Charlotte, milliner The Band Box, 129 Douglas Cripps, James, res Vining Critchley, James, carter C N Cam- eron, i27 Douglas, res 65 Fourth Critchley, D, engineer Coughlan & Mason, rea Garbally rd Croasdaile, HE, (HE Croasdaile & Co) 42 Fort, res " Rynn," Pera- berton rd to o o aq a B* g s ♦0 e- » «s. s f^ 3« ^§ I- -1 3 B ^^ INTERIOR WOODWORK, OFHOE AND BAB HTTINGS =: MmAm to Order Vr WSILBR BROS. I i I H s rm* tmmmmmmm HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY mmmmm JBuvpenn and XngtiMh OJtOOEKTBHy WINKS and LIQVOJtB, Prtie and in Bond. VICTORIA, B. C. CO IS EH 4) a 03 286 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Croasdaile, H E ft Go, real es- tate, insurance and financial agts, 42 Fort Crockford, Miss Ethel J, dressmaker, res 149 Cook Crocker, George, builder and con- tractor, res Marv Crocker, John Wm, plasterer, res "The Knoll," Lantfford Croft, Henry, IKI.P.P., real estate and insurance agt, 72 Government, res Mount Adelaide, Esquimalt rd Croft, Ricliard, res Wilson hotel Croft, William, Adelphi sample rooms, cor Government and Yates, res 18 Cadboro bay rd Croftou, 1> H, mariner. Dominion hotel Croghan, Arthur, house servant, Hon A De Cosmos, 291 Yates Crogan,William,baker,res 22 St Louis Crompton, Dr E, ni.Il.C.S., L.II.C.P., res 139 Fort Crook, Harrv, rancher, res Feltham rd. Cedar Hill Crook, Mrs H M A, grocer, Esqui- malt rd, cor Mary Crook, George, res Feltham rd. Cedar Hill rd E, Vic District Crook, James, fireman E. & N. Ry, Esquimalt rd, cor Mary Crosier, Oney Morris, hackman, res 75 View Crossin, F, compositor, Colonist Crossley, Mrs Mary, ladies' nurse, res 66 Chatham Crossman, Geo, prop Lome restaur- ant, 28 Johnson, res 7 Alfred Crossman, Wm, lestaurant, res 7 Alfred Crosson, Mrs A, widow, res 222 Bea- con Hill W Crow, Chas, bartender. Telegraph hotel, res 53 Yates Crowell, Mrs F R, widow, house- keeper, Saanich rd Crowther, Dan, glazier S Gray's fac- tory, res 31 Chatham Crowther, George Thomas, potter, res 102 View Crowther, George, engraver, res 117 Fort, res South rd Crowther, Daniel, painter, res 102 View Crowther, Mrs J, boarding house, 111 Pandora Crowther, John, painter and decora- tor, res 111 Pandora Crowther, Richard, painter, res cor Mary and Esquimalt, Vic W Cruch, R K, moulder, AJ.*7, res 20 Ridge rd Cruicksbank, A, Victoria Coal and Lumber Co, res 33 Quebec N Cruicksbank, George, Land Registry office, res 18 Frederick Ciuikshank, George, citj' carpenter, res 198 Cook Cruikshank, L, stonecutter, res Do- minion hotel Cruicksbank, R, res 33 Quebec N Crull, W J, blacksmith, res Vining Crowell, R, master mariner, res Brunswick hotel Cryderman. F HI, (Dean & Cry- derman) 59 Yates Cullin, Chas L, printer, res 5 Princess CuUin, Frank, printer, res 5 Princess Cullin, Wm, printer, res 5 Princess Cullin, W H, printer, res 7 Princess Cullen, W EJ, boilermaker, A.I.W, res 109 Pandora Cullum, Thos, retired naval officer, res 40 Vancouver Cummins, Henrv, labr, res 64 North Park Cummins, James, labr, res 64 Xortli Park Cunard line, S.8., Hall, Goepel »fe Co, agts Cunningham, Neil, coach builder, res Robert, Vic W Cunningham, R A, storekeeper, res Mt Baker ave Ciippage, G V, elk Lands and Works Dept Currall, W D, (Powell & Curtail) 127 Government, res Gorge rd Curran, Francis, sealer, res 30 Eliza- beth Curran, Peter, labr, res Vancouver hotel, 71 Yates Currie, Robert, marine engr, res 10 Rendall E Curry, An^hie, carpenter, res 3 Jack- son ave Curry, Mrs F H, res 58 Collinsou Curry, Henry, drv goods elk, res i) South Park S Curwen, Charles, res 228 Cook Curtin, Alfred, baker, 75 Fort Curtin, Arthur, blacksmith, 14 Yates res 29 Kane Curtis, A L, expressman, res 15 Parry Curtis, David, plasterer, res 16 Parry i^HM on. LEWIS HILL'S IITIC Mndti only at CENTRA Curtis, W, emp V.I.W., re Curwen, Chas H, F C Dai 131 Government, res 2'ii Cutmann, M, mgr, 7 Stoi torla Hotel Cusack. Miss E A, mgr ms The Statilev House Cusack, Thos R, com posit Pandora Cusack, Mrs M J, book-k( Kelly & Co, res 228 Yate Cnstoms Appraiser's Appraiser, Walter Shears Customs Expiess and Posti Office, 53 Wharf Custom House, Collector, A Wharf Cutiibert, H & Co, auctit produce dealers, 34 Broac Market Cuthbert, Herbert, (H Ci Co) res "Mean wood Coi Stanley ave Ciithbertson, James, shoei Mansell, 95 Government nard's cabins. Pandora Cutler, Capt Melvin, master res 109 Pandora Dabald, John, plumber, resJ I "^^\i Edgar Charles, compc I Colonist, res 32 Mason Dagan, Horace, porter, res 2 son Mers, Arthur, engr res Sev Dakers, James, labr, res J Dakers, Seventh vv'"' ^' '^*'^®"*"'' '■69 o>^ Dakin, Fredk driver J J Fort lEalballa, John, plumber Cc I Warner, 73 Yates [Dalby ft Claxton, real insurance and financial as ^ates * iDnlby John, teamster, res 8 I Chatham IDalby, William (Dalby & v, real estate and ins, cor Alf Comosan tth'^^iJt ""'-"•'-p-' |I>«le, D, prop Northern Pacifl res Pioneer Pai TIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY No. 28 STORE STREET, VICTORIA. B. C. ChiidoB fumiahed to tonrisf*. All kinds ofj CUneu hwlp auppUed on th« ahorttat notice. ill BOOK W LEWIS HILL'S IITICEPTIC TOP WISH Mmde only at CtHfTJtAl, DBUO STOItE. Hmrdens the Gnnia, Purifies Breath end Cleans the Teeth • ClarencB Bloeh, Vietoria, B. C> the VIC-ORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 287 Curtis, W, emp V.I.W., res Fourth Curwen, Chas H, F C Davidge & Co, 131 Government, res 228 Cook Cutmann, M, mgr, 7 Store, res Vic- toria Hotel Cusack. Miss E A, mgr mantle dept, Tlie Stanley House Custick, Thos R, compositor res 112 Pandora Cusack, Mrs M J, book-keeper S L Kelly & Co, res 228 Yates Customs Appraiser's Office, Appraiser, Walter Shears, 59 Wharf Customs Expiess and Postal Package Office, 53 Wharf Custom House, Collector, A i., Milne, Wliarf Cutlibert, H & Co, auctioneers and produce dealers, 34 Broad and City Market Cuthbert, Herbert, (H Cuthbert & Co) res "Mean wood Cottage," 4 Stanley ave Cutlibertson, James, shoemhker H Mansell, 95 Government, res May- nard's cabins, Pandora Cutler, Capt Melvin, master mariner, res 109 Pandora Dabald, John, plumber, res 208 Yates Dack, Edgar Charles, compositor the Colonist, res 32 Mason Dagan, Horace, porter, res 260 John- son )aker8, Arthur, engr res Seventh )aker8, James, labr, res Arthur Dakers, Seventh )akin, A, gardener, res 9)^ Wallace, W )akin, Fredk driver J Parker, ^ Fort alballs, John, plumber Colbert & Warner, 73 Yates lalby tL Claxton, real estate, insurance and financial agents, 64 Yates nlby, John, teamster, res 84 North Chatham Iby, William (Dalby & Claxton) real estate and ins, cor Alfred and Comosan lie, David, saloonkeepei-, res 20 North Park le, D, prop Northern Pacific hotel, 8 Pioneer Dales, Thomas J, mechanic, res 91 Fort Dales, Mrs T J, dressmaker, res 91 Fort Daley, Albert, Electric Light Dept, res 71 Henry Daley, James, res 17 Second Dallain, J A, res 16 Young Dallas Hotel, William Jensen, prop, Dallas rd Dalziel, Harry, machinist, res South rd Dan Yock Tong, druggist, 12 Cormor- ant Danby, W, real estate agt, res Hey- wood ave E Dangerfield, Fred, driver B. C. Cattle Co, 97 Government, res 150 View Daniels, Miss Alice, milliner, 165 Douglas Daniels, Miss Clara, dressmaker, 164 Johnson Daniels, Mrs Elizabeth, 164 Johnson Daniels, Fred, elk Bank of Montreal, res Stanley ave Daniels. Richard, fmr, Wilkinson rd Darcy, Thomas, sealer, res Dominion hotel Darling, James, gardener. 51 David Dassonville, J, mfg jeweler, 82)^ Government, res 146 Michigan Dauphin, M, pattern maker, res Lydia Davidge, F C & Co, shipping agents and commission merchants, 131 Government Davidge, F C, (F C Davidge & Co) 131 Government, res 160 Government Davidson, A A (Davidson Bros) res 32 Churchway Davidson, Alex, land owner, res Bo- leskyne rd N Davidson, Andrew seal hunter, res Vancouver hotel, 71 Yates Davidson Bros, mfg jewelers, 59 Gov- ernment Davidson, John, bricklayer, res Do- minion hotel Davidson, John, stonecutter, res 146 Johnson Davidson, Peter, teamster Vic Truck and Dray Co., res 81 Rae Davie, Mrs A, widow, res 130 Michi- gan S Davie ft Cassidy, barristers, so- licitors, etc, 21 Bastion Davie, J, real estate agent, res Em- pire hotel 1^ m «-< I CO D O O D o H « > e r- ► 6) n 01 $0 W o o 3 n a o w D s 01 03 m m m i > INK BOOK MANOFAPTURER R. T. WILLIAMS 9S Bt-ea«l Ht„ Fi«(«H». k. 'a ^ s 1 e iH o S *E w q) p] i I 3 CO DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY lirewry'a J'retniutn Lager— Fully Equal to any Imported Meer. o Q o 288 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIEECTOBY. Davie, Dr J C, M.D., physician and surgeon, 28 Langley, res "Fair- holme," Belcher Davie, Hpn Theo., ^C„ Premier and Attorney-General, (Davie & Cassidy), 21 Bastion, res Saanich rd Davies & Buttery, prop, Gorge Farm Dairy, Gorge rd Davies, David L, elk Joshua Davies, res 196 Cook Davies, Miss G, res 22 Mason Davies, George, dairyman, (Davies & Buttery), Gorge Farm Dairy Davies, Ivan, waiter Draird cafe Davies, Joshua P, auctioneer and commission merchant, 7 B. C Board of Trade Bldg, res 195 Cook Davies, Miss M, res 22 Mason Davies, P J, auctioneer, res 147 Chat- ham Davies, Richard C, hotel-keeper, Vic Gardens, Gorge rd Davieson, Robt, carpt. Lemon, G & Co, res 119 Chatham Davey, Arthur, lawyer's clerk, res Fred Davey sr, Burnside rd Davey, Fred, sr, clerk in Navy Yard, res Burnside rd Davey, Fred W, clerk Custom House, res Burnside rd Davey, H G, book-keeper, C.P.R. res Topaz ave Davis, Albert, cigar maker, res 20 Belcher Davis, Chas, carpt, res Burnside rd Davis, Chas W, plasterer, res 199 Douglas Davis, £van, waiter, Driard house, res 61 Blanchard Davis, H H, fur dealer, res Bruns- wick hotel Davis, Henry, labr, res cabin 16-33 Chatham Davis, David, boot and shoemaker, 62 Fort Davis, William, carpt, res 142 Sim- coe 8 Davison, Wm F, bartender, Mount Baker hotel. Oak bay Davis, Wm, fireman. Electric Light Works, res 51 Blanchard Davy, G H, C.P.R. Co's Telegraph, res Topaz ave Davy, John, fireman, E. & N. Ry, res Walker, Old Esquinialt id Daw, Samuel, carpt, res San Juan ave Dawes, William, ship builder, res Henry, Vic West Dawley, P J, prop, Vancouver hotel, 71 Yates, res lo2 Pandora Dawson, Miss J, art dept, Spencer's Arcade, res 54 Frederick Day, A G, joiner, res 168 View Day, George, sailor, res 197 Chatham Day, Miss Flo, dressmaker, res 129 Johnson Day, Robert S, architect, 46 Five Sis- ters' block, "Dereen," Rockland ave Deacon, Benjamin, driver. Transfer Co, res 54 Quadra Deal, George, sealer, res Vancouver hotel Dean & Cryderman, chemists and druggists, res 59 Yates, cor Broad Deans, John F, tmr, res Richmond rd Deans, Geo, fmr, res Richmond rd Deans, Jas, miner, res Richmond rd Dean, John, contractor, res 62 Queen's ave Dean, William, fmr, Dean Lee farm, res San Juan ave, Grordon Head Dean, W M (Dean & Cryderman), 59 Yates Dearberg, Miss Jessie, res 40 Princess ave Dearberg, Thos John, collector, res 40 Princess ave Dearberg, .John Campbell, machinist, res 40 Princess ave Dearden, Arthur, jtorter, res 164 Pan- dora Deasy, Thomas, Chief Fire De- partment, 30 Pandora, res 100 Pan- dora Deasy, Wm John , fire brigade, res 2.J5 Maria, nurse Jubilee Chae, labr, res 122 A, capitalist, res telegraph Johnson De Bou, Misa Hospital Decarlie, Louis Yates De Cosmos, Hon 291 Yates Dee, William, oper C.P.R. office, res 46 Menzies W Deighton, Annie, steam laundry, res Wm Gilchrist, Seventh Deighton, Maggie, domestic, 312 Douglas, E J Gray Delahanty, J J, surveyors' ohainman, res 109 Pandora Del^arno, Robt, horseshoer, 95-97 Fisguard De Long, Mrs, widow, res 107 John Viotoria Tra 21 and 23 Bi A. M. BEATTIE, AUCTIOMR, Vancouver, B. C Ha Delmonico Music 109 Government Delta Cannery, Frase Rithet & Co, agents, Demers, E, barber, O 220 Johnson Demers, L O, mgr Pitl res 220 Johnson Demers, Numa, hotel Johnson Dempster & McLaugl builders, 94-96 Johns Dempster, James, shipi cidental hotel Dempster, P W, (Der Laughlin), res 48 Cac Dempster, W H, salmo 49 Fern wood rd Dempster, Walter S, bl 48 Cadboro bay rd Dennan, EdwarS, sala Richmond ave Denneny, J R, salesma McCandless, res Dria Denniston. Richd, boat bay l?ridge, res 2 Gov Denny, George, report 128 Pandora Denny, William, res 121 Department of Agricu Bay, J R Anderson, s Department of Pal Canada, F C Gam engineer, room 24, block Dept of PubUc Wh C N Macdonald, acct. : Sisters' block Depew, John, driver, I res 66>^ Pembroke Deputy Attorney Genei smith, Attorney Gene Derdan, Alfred, porter ment, res 164 Pandora Derdinger, Miss M, res Desmond, Captain, n 87 Pandora Detling, Benj, employ Victoria Brewery Devereux, F A, surveyo Devereux, Miss Julia, English Academy, re ver Devereux, Capt John, d res "Westbourne," 76 Devereux, Wm E, P.L.S DeVeuUe, Mrs J A, pr ing house, 149 Cook V[llERIIRI)S.,aniCoi T' VioHoria TransfeF Co., Ltd. BUST BACKS at nfiaaanable Xatet and Qulekeat Degpateh. SI and 83 Bronshton KtrMt, Vlotorla. B. C. Tel. 129. VICTORIA CITY DIRBCTOBY. 289 Delmonico Music Hall Restaurant, 109 Government Delta Cannery, Fraser River, R P Rithet & Co, agents, 61-63 Wharf Demers, E, barber, O J Monk, res 220 Johnson Demers, L O, mgr Pither & Leiser, res 220 Johnson Demers, Nuina, hotel clerk, res 220 Johnson Dempster & McLaughlin, carriage builders, 94-96 Johnson Dempster, James, shipwright, res Oc- cidental hotel Dempster, P W, (Dempster & Mc- Laughlin), res 48 Cadboro bay rd Dempster, W H, salmon packer, res 49 Fern wood rd Dempster, Walter S, blacksmith, res 48 Cadboro bay rd Dennan, Edward, saloon keeper, res Richmond ave Denneny, J R, salesman, Gilmore & McCahdless, res Driard hotel Denniston, Richd, boat house, James bay l^ridge, res 2 Government Denny, George, reporter Times, res 128 Pandora Denny, William, res 128 Pandora Department of Agriculture, James Bay, J R Anderson, statistician Department of Pablio Works, CSanada, F C Gamble, resident engineer, room 24, Five Sisters' block Dept of Pablio Wks, Canada, C N Macdonald, acct. room 22, Five Sisters' block Depew, John, driver. Porter & Sons, res 66)^ Pembroke Deputy Attorney General, Arthur G Smith, Attorney General's office Derdan, Alfred, porter 128 Govern- ment, res 164 Pandora Derdinger, Miss M, res 18 Frederick Desmond, Captain, mariner, res 87 Pandora Detling, Benj, employ V.P.B. Co, Victoria Brewery Devereux, F A, surveyor, res 76 Bay Devereux, Miss Julia, principal of English Academy, res 65 Vancou- ver Devereux, Capt John, dock master, res "Westbourne," 76 Bay Devereux, Wm E, P.L.S, res 76 Bay DeVeuUe, Mrs J A, private board- ing house, 149 Cook Devine, James, painter, res Thistle restaurant, 112 Yates Devine, John, fmr, Feltham rd N, res Cedar Hill rd E Devlin, Dale, electrician, tramway power house, res 107 Fisguard Devlin, J C, res 42 North Park Devlin, R B, grocer, res 234 Simcoe S DeVoe, Frank, engr Electric Light Works, res Lansdowne rd DeWale, Frederick coachman, res 6 Rae Dewar, David, clerk, McMillan Bros, 90 Douglas, res 50 Amelia Dewar, George, labr, res Arthur Dakers, Seventh Dewdney, Hon Ed§rar, Lient- Oovemor, res "Carey Castle," 3elcher DeWitt, William, seal hunter, res 338 Government Dewsnap, Albert, moulder, A.I.W, res 90 Chatham Dewsnap, Frederick, blacksmith, 42 Store, res 90 Chatham Dewsnap, Joseph, foreman, city streets, res 90 Chatham Dickinson, C E, insurance agt, R P Rithet & Co, res 298 Moss Dickinson, Edward, port steward, C. P.N. dock, res 298 Moss Dickinson, Edwin, iron moulder, res Henry Dickinson. Harcourt, student, room 17 Five Sisters' block, res 298 Moss Dickinson, Lionel, grocer and feed merchant, res 113 Douglas Dickinson, Percy, B.C. Dis Tel office, res 298 Moss Dickinson, P O, night clerk. District Telegraph and Delivery Co, res 98 Chatham Dickinson, Wm, machinist, res West- ern hotel Dick, Mrs Annie, tailoress, res 116 Yates Dick, Wah, butcher and grocer, 168 Government Dick, Wm, fireman sawmill, res i2 John Dicks, Wm, labr, res South rd Dickson, J F, book-keeper, V.P.B. Co, res Moss Dickson, W S, 132 Pandora Dier, W A, com traveller, res 167 upper Pandora Dillon, Chas F, master mariner, res Elford rd, cor Lillian rd l[|[ER BROS., ait Comply House Furnishers. Lar|est Slock in B. C. CO ^\n:i • *ri S '^^ (• ^hm4 nCS t^ ntzt St-* 3>- KE .orrisi It— 1 ?3 txi .His-! H|=Cl 1 S o 3.c^ ■ 1 »=1 W r' . f © P ■ •■ 3. p* B to 5P B S^ " § ? si B'S (Pi pu ,. GD > t^ 9 I -I' i gs p. ^ SB r * i 1 ' S-S SP tH ^ S s- B s» & I (* J? ^ S < g N» C*- ^o ] 3. ? f r, i ^ ly 1 • ! td u • ft ,; - Q g-. '- • >• /■■ ■1 1.1 'J 'f I'l : ! ' i ■m -^y ,,iii^ iilikliiBi^ijji*. Ilk. .,:ii,.i/t««awa»»PT5| «p wim '•t^mmm HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY'««'"!!!!f »!"'P*'^ Wmv^oa hi r VICTORIA. B. C. -^ •• tt S5 c;^^ ad ,4 I o OB I 290 BRITISH COLUHBIA DIBICTORY. Dillon, Geo W, master mariner, res Elford rd, cor Lillian rd Dint;le, William, miner, res "Ivy Hill Farm" Carey rd Dinsdale, Robt, liricklayer, res 48 Third Diocesan Synod Office, E Baynes Reed, secretary, second floor, Wil- liams' building Directory Co, Williams' Official B.C, Williams' building, 28 Broad Dishler, Chas,driver for Mrs Newman, res 147 Johnson Ditchburn, William E, printer, Col- onist, res 6 Douglas Dixon, Miss C, res 58 Blanchard Dobbs, Eli, carpt, res 2 William Dobbs, Harry, tobacconist res 62 Kane Dobbs, I Harry, tobacconist, the Wil- son, res 60 Kane Dobinson, Joseph, taxidermist, res 3 Dobinson N Dobson, Thos, artist, res Vancouver hotel Dockinga, William, blacksmith, res GraiKnower rd Dodd, Mra Bridget, widow, res 146 Fort Dodd, Harry, clerk, J W Piercy, res 146 Fort Dodd. James, teamster, Lawrence Goodacre, res Vic W Dodd, James H, ship carpenter, res Craigflower rd cor Esquimalt Dodd, John, driver, Lawrence Good- acre, res 121 Government, Vic W Dodd, John C, butcher, Craigflower rd cor Esquimalt Dodd, Miss, clerk, Russell McDonald & Co, res 42 Princess ave Dodd, Martin Jas, carpt, res Esqui- malt, Vic W Dodds, Mrs, dressmaker, Spencer's Arcade, res 29 Harrison Dodds, Robt, messenger, Manchester House, res 88 Yates Dodds, Wm, florist, res 62 Mears Dodds, Wm, florist, res 207 Fort Dodgson, Herbert, fireman, A.I.W, res 36 John Dodgson, Lewis, gen dealer, res 230 Fort Dods, Miss Eva C, dressmaker, res 21 South rd Dods, Mrs Mary, res 21 South rd Dods, Robert 6, apprentice, rea 21 South rd Dods, Walter, apprentice, res 21 South rd Dodwell, Carlill & Co, shippini: and commission agents, 8 Bastion Doharty, John A, plumber, res 50 Vancouver Doharty, John C, scavenger, res 50 Vancouver Doharty, Thomas, plumber, res 50 Vancouver Doig, D, teller. Bank B.N.A, res "Castlewood," 142 Catherine Dolan, Miss K B, res 267 Johnson Dollery, Albert, expressman, res 103 Yates Dominion Building and Loan Association, A W More <& Co, agents, 70 Douglas Dominion Express Co, Ltd, F Oliver, agt, 38>i:, Yates Dominion Cartridge Co, Hy Jno Scott, agt, 59K Wharf Dominion Hotel, S Jones jr, prop, 117-123 Yates, P.O. box 118; Tel. 587 Dominion Line S.S. Co, Hall, Goepel & Co, agts Dominion Plate Glass Co, H E Croasdaile & Co, agts Dominion Savingrs Bank, Jos Hugh McLaughlin, mgr, Govern- ernment Donald, Mrs A, widow, res 113 Michi- gan N Donaldson, A D, carp <nter, res 57 Superior Donaldson, George, B. C. Soap Wrks, 49 St Lawrence Donaldson, James, warehouseman J H Todd & Son, res Menzies Donaldson, James, laborer, res 11 Third Donaldson, James, fisherman, res 49 St Lawrence Donaldson, James, jr, fisherman, res 49 St Lawrence Donaldson, Robt, fisherman, res 49 St Lawrence W Donaldson, William, labr, res 49 St Lawrence W Donnelly, Mrs E, widow, res io.'! Simcoe N Donogh, R H, clerk 83 Douglas, res 144 Chatham Donovan, T, stonemason, res Bruns- wick hotel Donovan, Thomas, bricklayer, res (17 Kane KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 28 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B Guides furr.isbed to touriat*. All kinds oc Chinese help supplied on the shortest notice.] No. O. * - SO CLAMBNC B BLOCK I>oolev, James, in: Aged and Infirm, gj^ey, John, res 27( i>oran. Miss N, o Douglas Dffman, Wm Hs ni"W°'"''-es61Si DOTnbecher, Geo, ci Western hotel DoBCher, Henry W, « ^.^^«"' AndreV, dri A Co, 57-59 Fort, re ^ujral, John, res 96 C I>oughe.ty, Georee, J>OjUghty, Geoi^e.'bnfs I>o^Rhty, James, brusl »ow, Geo Alfred, careta ' 1091/ / • " ■*. <^rom Dow H^.r*"""'"^"*. res rJri?r """■• °^«°hi„i8t, f>0'^ler. Miss A C, teach r.,; :;::;;'^Bianchai i : - (;;« 132 Bi!ffi?^ ;:■': Harry Groves, pi, ,^; uies^re8 74Rockfia -:;;n.|,MrsMaryA,wi^ 'ra,fe,f2>, Jackson A w«i J- :n.jrsandnotari"p tec:!, Brian Rt rnrni ■liss CM, fancy ston ^^'cJ'ard.jr, plasterer, ( 'fs BaoA.1 •.r. 'M ■WtTER COMB YOUR WAT« ^-^^^^.^^^^l^^^ in Town VICTfinii /,, ^ " ■ ' VICTORIA CITY mKECTOHY. — _^ 291 I^opley James, inmate w . I — — -— -_^ '«'«»r';»Sr' °«" -"». «» aft" at '-pe'.7eB,.„. J>ouarhtv. fJA^. " '/®^ .^0<5 Johnson n.,,^^1 "^f ■ ">s agt. 143 Pan^ ,r^'f Crises'" «- -^ r^r'-'S"" °"S «- Dowdall, Miohn.i „..^ nifi*"' •^^'nes, foreman T.a«, , res 132 BlaJr^ho-j **• ^'ty I Duffifl. M.-a= ,:, . ... ' ? fW um^hie, Geonre. ««oi; l|'*^ ■*;'?i»i^ 'ftfelfcs, Jackson & Hei».«b ^»'ancy store, res 115 It ^ ' *" I^ngley, res ^^^J'^rd, jr. plasterer. 65 Kane Diiee ave o-> au- '^WSoS^'^e. -lingmate, res ''iSctea'ir^''-- "docklands." 2:?So*'c?»;'-^^ Michigan of Trade builcfing"^'^ ^'^' ^»^ k ?'. ^' JJneman rea v„ hotel, 71 Yates Vancouver r . , j -'"^'» 'A lates :|' ■ i m«m II .l-lllb.iiu».*Mi.l,li- DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY WINNIF NothinK but ThoroughlT Experienced Labor Employed at the Redwood. M- VICTORIA m o o en 0)* o o a. ^i So co8 H> 292 ■ — 3" cog c O O Q CC o BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Dunn, Robert, foreman Times P. & P. Co, res 10 James Dunnett, Malcolm, ship carpenter, res Powderly ave Dunnint^ton, Mrs Joseph, res 168 Fort Dunnington, Miss Lizzie, dress- maker, res 168 Fort Dunnington, Miss S B, res 168 Fort Dunnington, W H, warehouseman Simon Leiser & Co, res 168 Fort Duncan, Alex B, cabinet maker, Weller Bros, res 17 James Duncan, Alex W, foundryman, res Tolmle ave, Saanich rd £ Duncan, A W, emp V.I.W., Tolmie ave Duncan, Miss C E, tailoress, 62 Yates, res 57 Pandora Duncan, Dr Oeorjre, physician and surgeon, res 89 Fort Duncan, Dr John A, physician and surgeon, 89 Fort Duncan, Tom G, compositor, res Do- minion hotel Duncan, Thomas, printer. Times P. P. Co. res "Burnham Cottage," 125 Toronto Doncalfe, Walter John, tram con- ductor, Edward, Vic W Dunderdale, E N, insurance agent, res 32 Rithet Dunkerley, Miss, dressmaker, Man- chester House, 88 Yates Dunkerley, Perry, clerk J Johnston & Co, 77 Government, res Saanich rd Dunlevy, Peter O, president Vic & Sydney Ry, res 74 Kingston Dunsmnir, Alex, pres E. & N. Ry, "Craigdarroch," Cadboro bay rd Dunsmuir, James, vice-president E. & N. Rv, pres Union Collieries Co, 2 Broughton, "Burleith,"Craig- flower rd Dunsmuir, Mrs Robert, widow, res "Craigdarroch." Cadboro bay rd Dupont, Miss C E, res 20 Scoresby Dupont, Major CT, res "Stadacona," Cadboro bay rd Durham, Miss Sadie, milliner, Man- chester House, 88 Yates Durham, Frank, carpt, res N')w York hotel Durham, Miss Sarah, milliner, Man- chester House, res 100 Pandora Durham, Thos, cashier, L Goodacre, res 100 Pandora Durst, Jacob, stonecutter, res Don tin ion hotel Dutton, Arthur, labr, res Thi: !r: restaurant, 112 Yates Dutton, Jno, fireman, res 3 Humbijili: Dwyer, Jos, capitalist, res 40 Panri: uj Dwyer, W J, grocery, res 224 Cool Dyar, Thomas, carpt, res Commer isi.] hotel Dver, Fredk, packer, Weiler Bros, '• \ - '55 Fort Dyke, Wm, billiard marker, Uni i i club Dyker, Elizabeth, domestic, res ^i;,,' Menzies W Dyker, Mary, domestic, res 82 Mmii zies E Earle, Thomas. ni.P., comi^i^^ sion merchant and wholeHiij.? grocer, 92-94 Wharf, res 131 ( i boro bay rd Earl, Wesley, stovefitter, A.I.W. nw 11 Pioneer Earl, William, baker, res 184 F : - wood rd Earsman, John ft Co, wh e- sale commission and impor^iiif agents, 34 Government Earsman, John (Earsman & Co) s'Vi 18 Parkington Eastern Assurance Co, of HaliCa ;, Beaumont Boggs, agt, 28 Broad Easter, — , employ J. B. Johnsoc, M Victoria Cres, res J B Johnson Eastman, Samuel, roadman, Byi ;ri::, res Oak Bay ave Ebert, Gus, labr, res 50 Blancharil Eberts & Taylor, barristers, rn^- licitors, notaries public, :R> Langley Eberts, D M, Q.C, M.P.P, (E| rhfn & Taylor), rea Gorge rd Eckersley, James, expressman, '^m 206 Yates , Eckford, Mrs T, widow, res 118 Ipv Eastmead, W, rancher, res Domxii hotbl Easton, .Tames, caretaker of bathi Work Easton, Walter, carpt, res Sar ave E Eddie, Miss Annie, cook, * Hospital ^' Eden, William G, painter, res rd, Foul bay A. M. BEATTIE ,;:«*«£* iK^iiJfj ■ ■^■MMwwB uwwms r'.;; >i^f> M 21u Edington, Tho couver hotel Edmonds, Albe 41 Pandora Edmonds, Edw res Work Edmonds, Mrs Cook Edmunds, Wm res 2 Jackson Education, Dept L.L.D., super] bay Education, 1 Hon Col Jame Edwards, Adam, res 24 Niagara Edwards, Adan res Moss Edwards, Chas, hotel, Dallas n Edwards, Henry Edwards, S W Richmond ave Edwards, T W. w 64 Third Egan, Mart, re Burnes House Eglin, J M, hack) ham Eichern, John, Brunswick bote Eirikson, Henri Taunton Eissner, Chas, pi rant El her. Miss M, U &Co, resll5 Vi Elford & Smith, rd Elford, Jno Herbe rd, res J P Elfoi Elford, John P, boro bay rd Elford, Robt, res 1 Elford, Theophilui Lumber Co, res ElkusWm, clerk, E a, Fred W, res i E a, Hy, book-ke« I'lja, H R, book-k« 171, ^^?^'°« Co, re Ella, Thos R, hard Fort Ellegood, John, Sons Ellery George, leai South Pandora VICTORIA TRANSFER 00., LTD. 21 and 83 Bronghtoa Strast, Victoria, B .0. T«l. 129. Check B« rKMI* ^ "^y P**^ *>' ^* City. Their Wagon* t ad CarriaKee meet all Boat* and Trains. VICTORIA CITY DIEECTORY. 293 Edington, Thos, mariner, res Van- couver hotel Edmonds, Albert, harnesB maker, res 41 Pandora Edmonds, Edw T, electric engineer, res Work Edmonds, Mrs Jane, nurse, res 203 Cook Edmunds, Wm, pressman Colonist, res 2 Jackson ave £ Education, Department of, S D Pope, L.L.D., superintendent, res James bav Edaoation, Minister of. The Hon Col James Baker Edwards, Adam, porter Wilson Bros, res 24 Niagara S Edwards, Adams, shipping clerk, res Moss Edwards, Chas, night clerk Dallas hotel, Dallas rd W Edwards, Henry 0, clerk 177 Douglas Edwards, S W, carriage painter, Richmond ave Edwards, T W, watchmaker Redfern, 54 Third Egan, Mart, reporter Times, res Burnes House Eglin, J M, hackman, res 165 Chat- ham Eichern, John, stonemason, res Brunswick hotel Eirikson, Henrik, laborer, res 5 Taunton Eissner, Chas, prop Vienna restau- rant Elber, Miss M, tailoress D Campbell & Co, res 115 View Elford & Smith, brickyard, Saanich rd EUord, Jno Herbert, 30 Cadboro bay rd, res J P EKord Elford, John P, contractor, 30 Cad- boro bay rd Elford, Robt, res 130 Cadboro bay rd Elford, Theophilus, Shawnigan Lake Lumber Co, res Cadboro bav rd Elkus, Wm, clerk, res 60 N Cfiatham Ella, Fred W, res 268 Fort Ella, Hy, book-keeper, res 268 Fort Ella, H R, book-keeper, Sehl, Hastie & Erskine Co, res 268 Fort Ella, Thos R, hardware mcht, res 268 Fort Ellegood, John, driver, R Porter & Sons Ellery, George, leather dresser, res 1 South Pandora Ellery, Geo Frooks, stonecutter, res Dominion rd Ellery, G F, book-keeper, 126 Gov- ernment, res Dominion rd Elliott, Anthony, paper hanger, res 57 Collinson Elliott, Fred, ship carpenter, res Do- minion hotel Elliott, Miss Florence, res 93 Cor- morant Elliott, G R, typewriter, Simon Lieser & Co, res 10 Mason Elliot, John, harness maker, 126 Gov- - ernment, res 96 Cormorant Elliot, Jno, labr, res 37 Heywood ave Elliott, John Georee, secty to B. C. Board of Fire Underwriters, room 7 Five Sisters' blk, res Burnside rd Elliott, Robert, machinist, A.I.W, res 112 Chatham Elliott, R T, student-at-law, Davie & Cassidy, res 10 Mason Elliott, Thomas, contractor res 10 Mason Elliott, Wm Alfred, fmr, res Willow cottage, Cadboro bay rd Elliott, Mrs Wm, seamstress, res 26 Walnut Ellis, A, compositor. Colonist Ellis, Jno, bricklayer ,45-46X South rd Ellis, W H, mgf the Colonist Print- ing Co, res 26 Churchway Elphinstone, Ernest, painter, 114 Yates, res 69 Kane Elrick, George, carpet layer, Weiler Bros Elrioh, Goo W, prop Empire hotel, Johnson, res 17 Queen's ave Elsham, Harry, waiter Driard cafe Els worth, James, builder, res cor Montrose ave and Jones Elvin, Frederick, brewer, res Esqui- mau rd Elwortliy, Frederick, sec^ B.C. Board of Trade, res 144 Menzies E Elv, Robt Frederick, painter, res 105 ■ Fairfield rd Embert, C A, carpt, res 122 Superior S Embrson, Robt, sealer, res Milne Emerson, M, labr, res 5 Centre rd Emery, Alfred, machinist A.I.W., res Devonshire rd Emery, Fredk, clerk, 148 Govern- ment, res Jnmes bay Emery, J H, dru^jgist, res 149 Chat- ham Emery, John, labr, res 28 Quebec S 02 iiiire VICTORIA, HUDSOI'S BIV COMPiHY, ll{eiits % Fort Guif and.Benton Count| Flourine Mills -4^ 1 a 4) J? A PM ^ «HI O) o .a •^ as U .^ 9 06 p>M Ol ^ ♦J >• on eS tN 1 294 -VIOXORIA.. B. O.- RRITrBII COLUMBIA DIRKCTORY. Clarence Bl» Emery, Mr fmr, res Cordova bay, Cedar Hill rd Emery, Wm, millhand Sayward Co, res Devonehire rd Empire Hotel, prop H P Briggs, 38 Johnson Eneraon, Einer, land owner, Felt- liam rd N, res Cedar Hill rd E Endean, John Wm, lumberman, Capital Planing Mills Engelhardt, Arthur F, customs bro- ker and com agent, res 10 Burdette ave Engelhardt, Geo J, (G J Engelhardt «& Co) 6 Bastion sqr, res 19 Burdette ave Engelhardt, Mrs J F, res 19 Burdette ave Englehart, Paul, cooper, 91 V f, res 28 Belcher Englehardt, Stanley, steam fitter, res 19 Burdette ave Engelhardt, Walter, usst surveyor, res 19 Burdette ave English Academy, Miss Devereaux, principal, res 55 Vancouver English, Robert, carpenter Engvik, Miss A, domestic, 11 Amelia E. & N. Railway Station, Store E. & N. R. Co., Alex Dunsmuir President, office 2 Broughton Ensor Institute, M K Brundage. mgr, 93}4 Douglas Equitable Life Agrenoy, J H Brownlee, district mgr, 44 Fort Erb, Louis E, brewer, res 283 Doug- las Erickson, Wm, res 7 "Harbor Cot- tages," Store Erouz, O, elk Dominion hotel Erskine, A B, boot and shoe em- porum, 132 Govmnt cor Johnson son, res 34 King's rd Erskine, Henry, house painter, 40 Fort Erskine, Capt James, mariner, ros 6 Hill Erskine Robert, (Erskine, Wall & Co) res 34 King's rd Erskine, Wall & Co., grocers, etc., 58 Government Erskine, Wm, carpt, res 28 San Juan ave E Escallet, Ernest, restraurant, Driard hotel, res 23 Whittaker, corner Chambers Esnouf, Richard B, furniture dealer, res 15 Harrison Esquimalt Water Works, secv TLubbe, 77 Wharf Essenwine, Frank, boiler maker, A. I.W, res 2 Second Estes, W S, porter, T Shotbolt, res 93 Fort Ethridge, John, auctioneer, res 37 Birdcage Walk W Evans, Benjamin, usher. Supreme Court, res Cadboro bay Evans, David, carpenter, res Bruns- wick hotel Evans John, seal hunter, res Van- couver hotel Evans, Mrs S, dressmaker, res 67 Kane Everett, Patrick, Everett's Exchange, Esquimalt rd, cor Craigflower rd Everett, Theodore, sealer, les Domin- ion hotel Evers & Keith, architects, Wil- liams' building Everton, George, jobber, res Topaz ave Ewart, A C, architect, 2nd floor Duck bik, Broad, res 388 Pandora Ewart, P E, carpenter, res Bruns- wick hotel Ewart, R B, carpenter, res Bruns- wick tiot)6l Ewmg, W J, (King & Ewing) 51 Wharf, res cor Cook and North Park Excelsior Sign Works, Geo Myers, prop, 65 Fort Eyre, Wm Cole, engineer, res 72 View Eyit'8, E J, Imperial Studio, 76 Yates, res Spring Ridge Fahey, Thomas, teamster Vick Truck and Dray Co, res 31 Rae Fairall, Henry S, brewer, res Es- quimalt rd Fairall, Henry jr, brewer, res Esqui- m It rd Fairall's Brewery, prop H S Fairall, Esquimalt rd Fairall's Hall, Victoria West, Esqui- malt rd Fairbairn, William, boiler maker, res 70 Pembroke Fairbairn, Mrs M, domestic 178 Yates Fairful, Andrew, house carpenter, res 4 Rendall E TIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY No. 23 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B. C. Guides furnished to tourists. All kinds of Chinese help supplied on the shortest notice. PULMONIC COUGH CURE WILL CURS THAT COUGH. MADE ONLY AT THE » CENTRAL DRUG STORE * Clartnee Bl»ek, Corner Yattn and Vouglat Street; VICTOKI.t, B. C. VICTUaiA CITY DIRECTORY. 296 Fairful, James, labr, res 16 James Fairbrother, Geo, Lion Brewery Saloon, IIB Chambers, tee advt, page 256 Falconer, Jas H, pickle and vine- iiur mnfr, Yates Fiilk, Henry, barber, 87 Johnson, res Duck blk Falls, J Peebles, accountnt Ham- ilton Powder Co, res Victoria Club Fusanaro, Mrs Mary Ellen, widow, rea 147 Yates jMirt^eman, Walter, waiter Daird cafe Fashion Stables, Tlios Barlow, prop, 101-103 Fort Fnrnham. John A, cook Brunswick, hotel Farquhar, Geo, carpenter, res Hurl- ton, Oak bay ave Farrand, Charles, res 54 North Chat- hum Farrell, Harry, seaman, res 65 Os- wego W Farrell, Patrick, res 12 Beechy Farrell Thos, labr, res 175 Fort Farrington, Christopher, res 19 North rd Faucett, Lee, printer Colonist, res 56 Pandora Faulds, F, bartender Dominion hotel Fawcett. Edgar, ck*rk in charge C. E. it P. P. office, 53 Wharf, res Vic- toria Arm Fawcett, F W, assistant drug store, 36 Government, res Hotel Victoria I'awcett, R Clayton, 38 Broad, res 24 Carr Fawcett, R W, paper dealer and hanger, 38 Broad, res 24 Carr Fechner, D H, hair dresser, H L Salmon, res 106 Government Federal Life Assurance Co, A. \V. Moore & Co, agts, 70 Douglas Fee, D F, grocery and liquors, 1 N Park cor Quadra Felker, Miss L A, dressmaker, res 14 Chambers Fell & Co, grocers & liquor dealers, 49 Fort Fell, J F, grocer, (Fell & Co) rea 190 Pandora Fell, Thornton, barrister, solicitor and nortary public, 60 Langley, res 29 Cadboro bay rd Feltoe, A A, clerk, Simon Leiser, res 12 Croft E Fenton, Miss, principal private school, 98 Quebec S Fenmore, Jas, carpt, Craigflower rd Ferey, Capt G R, master mariner, res 20 Erie S Verguson, Jack, tinner, W H Perry, res 166 Douglas Ferguson, James, labr, res 7 cabin, Johnson Ferguson, Miss, tailoress, res 66 Quadra Ferguson, Mrs Louisa, board'g house, 75 View Ferguson, Ross J, prop Ship Inn bar, res 11 Belcher Ferguson, Wm, bricklayer, res cor Saanicli rd and Francis ave Fern, Charles, teamster. Colonial Brewery Fern, Chas, drayman, Davidson ave, res Boleskyne rd Fernyhough, Rupert C, fmr, res 299 Johnson Fernyhough, William, book-keeper, Braden & Sons, res 299 Johnson Ferris, W D, E V N. Ry, res 36 Chat- ham Fetrow, Chas, book-kpr, res Empire hotel Field, Robert, teamster, res 12 Alfred Field, Saml, carpt, res cor Belmont ave and Siiuth rd Field, T, driver, Lawrence Goodacre, 121 Government Field, William, saloon keeper, the Siindard, 113,^ Douglas, res 120 Blanchard Fielding, Geo, porter, Driard hotel, 1-5 View Fielding, Thomas, stone cutter, res 41 Kingston N Finance, Minister of, Hon. J H, Turner Finlay, F S, prop Electric Soap Wks, Warren's wharf, res 84 Quebec Findlay, Durham & Brodie, British and Foreign Marine Insur- ance agents, 98 Wharf Findlev, George, lineman, res 109 Pandora Findlay, H B, D.D.S., surgeon den- tist. 86)a Governniont, res 84 Que- bec Findley, Hugh, Inapr Weights and Measures, office 64 Langley, res 52 David Findlay, Thomas, seaman, res Van- couver hotel Finlaison, Arthur, finisher, res 8 St John E O 3D m JO 09 30 m D O o D U) JO m m JO -0 m f. R.T.WEIMS BOOKBINDER M BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER »8 BBOAB aXBBET, VIOXOBZA. m I"" !!95=S mmmmm Drewry's Redwood Brewery, Winnipeg. All Wholesale DeMlera ksay Orawry** Ale, Porter and Later in Stock. Ajritjrmar.yin 2lMd2 CO > o o O O O o Q QC o ■ ' ■ O UJ O 296 BBITIHU COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. FinlaiBon, A, elk C.F.R Co.'s tele-. graph, 8 St John Finlaison, C S&Co, shipping and cuatoma brokers, 65 Wharf Finlaison, C 8. (C 8 Finlaison & Co) 66 Wharf, res 8 St John Finlaison, Edw'd 0, elk Bnk B.N.A. res 8 St John Finlaison, Rowland, elk Anderson & Martin, res 8 St John Fin lay son, D N, res 242 Douglas Finlayson, John, Snpt Juveniie Re- formatory, Prov Gaol Finlayson, Mrs R, widow, res 242 Douglas Finlayson, R D, elk Turner, Beeton & Co, res 242 Douglas Finlayson, W J, elk Bank B.N.A. , res 82 jwego Finnarty, Michael, farmer. Spring Park Farm, Finnarty rd, Cadboro bay Finnigan, Mrs Bridget, res Lime bay Catherine, Vic W Fireman's Fond Marine Insur- ance Co, Hall, Goepel & Co, agts, 100 Government Fireman's Fund, Marine, of San Francisco, Heisterman & Co, agents First B. C. Society of Spiritualists, Mrs C Mayo-Steers, lecturer, meets every Sunday First Presbyterian Church, cor Pan- dora and Blanchard, Dr Campbell, pastor Firth, Hanson, stonecutter, res Pow- derley ave Firth, James, labr, cor Fourth and Hillside ave Fish, Mrs Ann, widow, res 36 Hill- side, ave Fish, George, shoemaker, 41 Pandora Fish, Robert, tobacconist, 131)^ Douglas, res 74 Henry Fisher, Wm H, packer Sehl, Hastie, Erskine Co, res Angel hotel Fisher, A D, grocer's assistant, res 137 Fort Fisher, Ira John Judah, blacksmith and carriage builder, 31 Herald, res 28 Bay Fisher, James, stonemason, 117 Fort, res 67 Kane Fisher, J W, prop B.C. Chmc'l Wks Fitz, Eliza, domestic, 99 Vancouver Fleming Bros, photographers, 60>^ Government, res res Fleming, Edgar, (Fleming Bros) Munro Fleming, Harold, (Fleming Bros) Munro Fleming, J, plasterer, res Francis ave Fleming, J W, stone cutter, res 338 Johnson Fleming, Mrs Mary, dressmaker, res 62 Pandora Flesh, Charles, marine engineer, res 16)^ Third Flett, Alfred, Deputy Prov Treas, res 104 Superior Flett, Henry T, Victoria Plumbing Co, res 92 Bay Flett, James, res 8 Pioneer Fletclier, Mr, res 44 Cadboro bay rd Fletcher, Charles, labr, Rice Mills, res 209 Fort Fletcher, E H, P O inspector, res 44 Cadboro bay rd Fletcher, C, clerk, H. M. Customs Fletcher, Thomas, sewing machine agt, 47 Fort, res 74 Quadra Flewen, Chas, bartender, res 40 Tor- onto S Flewin, Thos. Capitol saloon, 7 Yates res 36 South Park Flewin, Wm H, prop, Belmont saloon, 11 Government cor Hum- boldt, res 94 Menzies P^ Flewer, Mons, chief cook, Driard res- taurant Flint A Pressor, real estate, financial and insurance agents, IS Broad Flint, A St Oeorffo, (Flint *& Pros- or), real estate, financial and insur- ance agents, 18 Broad, res 246 Simcoe Flood, George, carpt, res Dom hotel Floyd, Jas 8. clerk, E. & N. Ry, res Cfadboro bav rd Floyd, J SterKng, accountant, E. & N. Ry Co, 2 Broughton Flumerfelt, A C, mgr Ames, Hol- den & Co, Ltd, cor Langley and Broughton, res 36 Gorge rd Folger,' Albert, sealing captain, res 173 Simcoe Foot & ScrORgS, boat builders, Warren's wharf, Montreal W Foot, Dr £ C, physician and surgeon, res 187 Fort Foot, H R, boat builder, res 96 Kingston S Foote, John C, mate, S.8. "Islander," res Tennyson rd Forbes, Carrie, do Dunsrauir, res Cadboro bay rd Forbe8-Macki*e, K, Government Ford, Arthur, lab rd Ford, James, fmr, ich rd Ford, John, carpt. Ford, Thomas, cal Hastie-Erskino t Ford, Henrv T, da Hill rd • Ford, Thomas, wail Forman, Jaihes, ele Co, res 138 Simco Forrester, Jam( Paint Co, Ltd, St< res 58 Dallas rd Forrester, Miss Mir at Lowenberg, I Douglas house Forresters' Hall, ( No. 6755, 73>^ Go Ford, E M, chief el res Beacon Ford, James, cabii South Park N Fortune, Jas, labr, i Rockland ave Foster, Fred, (Lin< Oriental alley, res Foster, F W , res 92 Foster, John, fmr, i Foster, Livingston, ( 151 Fort Foster, Miss L, dre Fisguard Foster, Prof R, atl onto Foster, Robert, ex Cobourg Foster, Robt, engim Foster, Miss S E, dc Foster, Wm, printei Douglas Foulkes, J F, clerk Office, res 1 South Fowkes, F G, law el Ion rd Fowler, Burton, s Shipyard, Indian Fowler, Mrs Jane, n Fowler, Jasper, rail 72 John Fowlie, Gavan, ca Michigan 8 A-.ILIf = ATTiE WEEKLY AOdlONS VICTORIA, wm orrnxnAT ^jirKj«rj«ar.iriotori&- Xrausfer Co** I<tdL '*i^ro«<M7«! ' 21 Mid 83 BnmslitOB ltr««t, Vlotorla, B. 0. T«l. 129. VIOTOBIA CITY DIREOTOBY. 297 Forbes, Carrie, (lomestic, Mrs James Dunsmuir, res "Cra'gdarroch," Cadboro bay rd Forbea-Mackie, K, photographer, b^% Government Ford, Arthur, labr, res Cadboro bay rd Ford, James, fmr, Vic District, Saan- ich rd Ford, John, carpt, res 20P Fort Ford, Thomas, cabinet maker, Sehl- Hastie-Erskine Co, Ford, Henrv T, dairyman, res Cedar Hill rd • Ford, Thomas, waiter. Poodle Dog Forman, Jadies, clerk, Heiaterman & Co, res 138 Simcoe Forrester, James L, xa^r Canada Paint Co, Ltd, Store, Janion wharf, res 58 Dallas rd Forrester, Miss Minnie, stenographer at Lowenberg, Harris & Co, res Douglas house Forresters' Hall, Court Vancouver No. 5766, 73>^ Government Ford, E M, chief elk Land Registry, res Beacon Ford, James, cabinet maker, res 30 South Park N Fortune, Jas, labr, res Gonzales Farm Bockland ave Foster, Fred, (Lindley & Foster), 7 Oriental alley, res 10 Johnson Foster, F W , res 92 Simcoe N Foster, John, fmr, res Saanich rd Foster, Livingston, cornice maker, res 151 Fort Foster, Miss L, dressmaker, res 150 Fisguard Foster, Prof R, athlete, res 112 Tor- onto Foster, Robert, expressman, res 15 Cobourg Foster, Robt, engineer, res 51 Work Foster, Miss S E, domestic, 8 Pioneer Foster, Wm, printer. Colonist, res 6 Douglas Foulkes, J F, clerk Prov Secretary's Office, res 1 South Park S Fowkes, F G, law clerk, res 9 Ava- lon ra Fowler, Burton, shipwright, Star Shipyard, Indian reserve Fowler, Mrs Jane, res 37 First Fowler, Jasper, railway engineer, res 72 John Fowlie, Gavan, carpenter, res 228 Michigan S Fowls, Miss Selina, milliner, res 36 Fort Fox, A, compositor, the Colonist, res 149 Chatham Fox, Mrs Annie, charwoman, res 20 Humboldt Fox, Miss C G, private school, res 30 Mason Fox, Miss Flora, clerk, res 218 Cook Fox, M d^ H A, cutlers, etc, 78 Government, («ee advt classified buHUfSH directory) Fox, O T (M & H A Fox;, Sheffield cutlery store, 78 Government, res 30 Mason Fox, Harry, saloon keeper, res Yates Fox, Miss H A, music teacher, res 30 Mason Fox, J H, boiler maker, A.I.W., res 149 Chatham Fox, Mrs Margaret, widow, 30 Mason Fox, Wm, joiner, res 23 Pany Frances, Capt Edwin, mariner, res 135 Pandora Francis, Grant, electrician Vic Elec Lghtng Co, res 25 Douglas Franck, Julius H, grocers' asst, res 31 Quadra Franck, Mrs M P, grocer, res 159 Fort Frank, Eli, San Francisco House ('cnts' furnishers, 39 Government. r js 30 Frederick Fr.ink, John, foreman, Victoria Rice ind Flour Mills, res 114 Chatham Frank, Mias P, teacher AVard School, Rock bay, res 30 Frederick Franklin, W A, Customs officer, res 80 Kingston S Franklin, WT, assistant, J Richards, res 80 Kingston S Eraser, Mrs, widow, res 92 Chatham Eraser, Alex, real estate, Trounce al- ley, res 107 Fisguard Eraser, Anna, domestic, res 177 Su- perior N Fraser, AB, real estate and notary public, 11 Trounce ave, res 107 Fisguard Fraser, A S, carpt, res Belcher ave Fraser, Mrs Donald, widow, res 2 Phoenix Place W Fraser, Donald A, clerk. Hall, Goepel & Co, res 2 Phoenix Place, James bay Fraser,Mrs E, widow,res 42 Superior S Fraser, William Geo, carpt, res Head er •5. » M Si 5 O o 00 a (e 9 n 2 * s-« Of* •3. wg S3 I? 5- CD 3* §: * 3 M S 3 ^ - ^ § S B I B * S ? ?• VICTORIA, B. C. BROS., ^^^ AGENTS FOB GBOSSLEY • AND SONS FINE CARPETS. fm I 1 1 T( if i i'i ', .'i 1 1 iwi iii ^■m mmmm HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY « *5?" f =™. "" 231 =§1 Cl^ c3 « « fi ■*H a- o A OQ -«-> fH V a se 1 frN H 1 298 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Fraser, George, fruit and vegetable grower, res Craig's End farm, Mt Tolinie Eraser, Mi^s Jane, res 92 Chatham Fraser, John, book-kpr, B.C. Paper Co, res 88 Quebec Fraser, John, tailor, J C Leask, res Pandora Fraser, J R, builder, res 133 Quadra Fraser, Mrs M, teacher music and painting, res 133 Quadra Fraser, Dr R L, p..ysician and sur- geon, res 98 Yates Fraser, \V G, hackman, res 116 Chat- ham Fiaser- Barron, Charles, clerk, A.I. W, res 34 F^-nkiin Fraser-Barron, Isabel, school teacher, 34 Franklin Fraser-Barron, Lizzie, school teacher, res 34 Franklin Fraser-Barron, Mrs Martha, res 34 Franklin Frawley, Wni, barber, Geo T Rus- sell, res 53 Yates Frederickscn, Mrs Louisa, restaurant keeper, res Rock bay notel Fredette, Edwd, night A'atchraan,Tic Rice and Flour m'lo, res ;Vo Pionei r Freid, Walter, tobacco and ciga. store, 19 Trounce ave, res 40 Kane Freel, James, grocer, res cor First and Hillside ave Freeman, Samuel, carpt, res 137 Cor- morant Freeman, Mrs J, res 138 Blanchard Freeman, J H, traveler Lenz & Leiser, res Blanc'. ard Freer, Miss Mamie, dressmaker, res 5 George Friedman, Chas A, porter Delmonico hotel, 107-109 Government Friend, John Henry, purser Bosco- witz, res Bridge Frost. William, painter, res Myrtle rd Fiiliagar, L H, student-at-law Mc- Phillips, Wootton & Barnard Fry, Miss Margaret, res 17 Queen'a av'^ Fuggle, Miss Alice L, res 76 Princess ave Fuggle, George W, piano mnfr, res 76 Princess ave Fuggle, Mrs Jane L, widoy, res 76 Princess ave Fuller, Alfred D, res "Oak Bay Villa," Cadboro bay rd Fulton, Daniel, machinist, res 4.5 Second Fullerton & McDonald, carpenters, res 31 Blan9hard Fullerton, J, importer boots and shoes, 103 Government, res 4 Phoenix place Fullerton, W F, carpenter, res South rd, cor Clarke Furguson, John, tinner, res 156 Douglas Furman, Ambrose, millhand, res Catherine, Victoria W Furman, W, messenger Henry Young & Co, 67 Government, res Vic W Furneli, Geo, res Tyndale ave. Cedar Hill rd Furneli, Miss May, domestic, 180 Yates Furneli, Tom, millhand, Taylor Mill- ing Co Furneli, Wm, millhand, Taylor Mill- ing Co Furnival, Wm, auctioneer, 58 Broad, res 50 Amelia Futcher, Thomas Robt, asst Japan- ese store, res 23 Parkington FutOher, Thoi. S, prop the Jap- anese bazaar, 41 Fort, res 2li^Park- ington G res Gabourie, Joseph, teamster, Langford, cor Craigflower rd Gabriel, E(l>vard, res 20 Beechy Gabriel, Wm Wilmot, boiler maker, res 20 Beechy Gaerdes, John H, prop Jubilee sa- loon, res 68 Frederick Gaffin, Douglas, clerk, res 93 Niai*ara Galbraith, Archie, labr, res 5 Pen- will Galbraith, Angus, miner, rew 1 Pen- will Galbraith, Angus, school teacher, rea 5 Penwill Galbraith, Findlay, drayman Vic Truck and Dray Co, res 1 Penwill Galbraith, William, driver Truck and Dra .' Co, res 1 Penwill Gale, James, accountant, res 220 Cook Gale, Wm, apprentice Sehl, Hastie, Erskine Co Galer, William, carpet layer, r'.!S 127 View Dr. Lewis Hi WUAt CLARENCE BLOCK car Galer, George, View Gallagher, Adis, res Gallagher, Patrick, Bay Gallant, Domitian, Milne Galletly, A J ( Montreal, res "Ho land ave Galley, Fredk, clerk. Galley, Mrs, Willia Topaz ave Galpm, F W, elk B. < vestment Coy, L Belcher Galpin, H V, clerk Investment Coy, ; Kelclier Gamble, I C, J.P. leer, Dept of Puu Five Sisters bit, rei (i:inner, Elijah, *^ii, res the Gorge Cannon, .John, grocer '.ley wood ave E Ci.indy, Isaac, slauglit ken burg, res Spring • ianaon.J H, clerk (. lA)u.>4as, res Hey wo • iarde, Edward, bui downe rd (jardener, George ini Aged and Infirm, Fi bay Garainer, Chas V, mj! & Co, res 9 Labouclj Gardiner, George Pitlier & Loiser, res Gardiner, John, res 1( Gardiner, Wm E, ca Quadra Gardne-, C, gardener, Gardner, Rev J E, Me Miseion, res 214 J'aii Garland, Aaron, eng '■ Quadra Garland, Fredk \ nioial hotel and resi lau Garland, Geo W, res 1 Garland, J, teamster ' Dray Co, res 31 Rae (.laiTick's Head Saloon prop, 23 Bastion Oarrow, Dr John cian and surgeon, ( rvis 21 Queen's ave TIM XEE, EMPWMENT AGENCY No. 23 STORE STREET, VICTORIA. B. C Guides furniHhed to tourists. All kinds ot Chinese help supplied on the shortent notice. WE PTITOTY l*# fJtOAD HTJtJtMT, r. IMP LB. .1 wii.mj jwiwi^wLji, imma ™^j Dr. IdBvriM Hallls Tooth Povrder ^m not Injure the Teeth. If»de only at the CENTRAL DRUG STORE. CLARENCE BLOCK, COR. DOUGLAS and YATES STS., VICTORIA, B. C. VICTOKIA CITY DIRECTORY. 299 (ialer, George, carpenter, res 127 View Gallagher, Adis, res 58 CollinBon Gallagher, Patrick, musician, res 26 Bay Gallant, Domitian, teacher, res Milne Galletly, A J C, mgr Bank of Montreal, res "Hochelaj,a," Roc'- land ave (ialley, Fredk, clerk, res Topaz ave Galley, Mrs, William, widow, res Toiiaz ave Galpin, F W, elk B. C. Land and In- vestment Coy, Ltd, res Upper Belcher (ialpin, H V, clerk B. C. Land and Investment Coy, Ltd, res Upper Kelcher (•amble, F C, J.P., resident engi- leer, Dept of Puulii; Works, r 24 Five Sisters bit, rep Pemberton rd (Thinner, Elijali, ♦^ii, Plumper's PasH, res the <iorge Gannon, .lohn, grocer's .-lerk, res 35 VIeywood ave E (i.indy, Isaac, slaugliterman Van Vol- kenlmrg, res Hpring Ridgo (huKion, J H, clerk GE Munroe, 82 Doii<,;tas, res Hey>vood ave (iarde, Edward, builder, res Lana- doivne rd (iardener, George inmate Home for Aged and Infirm, Fairfield rd, Ross bav Gartfiner, Cliaa F, mgr Simon Leiser & Co, res 9 Laboucljere (iardiner, George A, book-keeper Pitlier & Leiser, res 9 Labouchere Gardiner, John, res IS Parkington Gardiner, Wm E, carpenter, res CI Quadra Gardne-, C, gardener, res 18 Erie S Gardner, Rev J E, Methodist Chinese Mission, res 214 Pandora (garland, Aaron, engineer, res 185 Quadra Garland, Fredk Wm, prop Bal- moral hotel and restaurant, Doug- las Garland, Geo W, res 135 Quadra Garland, J, teamster Vic Truck and Dray Co, res 31 Rae Gavrick's Head Saloon, E W Spencer, prop, 23 Bastion Oarrow, Dr John Kaye, physi- cian and surgeon, Clarence hotel, rvis 21 Queen's ave Gartly, Jas, sexton St Luke's church, Canton ave, Mt Tolmie Garvey, Frank printer, res 60 Fort Garvin, T, Nickle Plate saloon, 85 Government, res 24Cadboro bay rd Gaskell, Richard, miner, Hereward rd Gasson, Fredk, paint maker Canada Paint Co, res 52 Collinson Gasson Sj clerk, res Dominion hotel Gates, Miss R, dressmaker Spencer's Arcade, res 54 Frederick Gatrell, Capt W Hill, Cedar Hill rd Gaudin, Capt Jas, marine agent Cus- toms House, res Craigflower rd Gauld, Archd Reid, carpenter Bishop & Sherborne, 17 Courtney Gawley, (ieorge, driver, res 31 King- ston N Gav, Joseph, emp M Moser, Dallas rd, res Ross bay (Jeddes, Frank, stenographer Quin- tard & Packard's, 15 Broad Geddies, John, stableman, res. 103 Fort Geiger, Clias, elk W & J Wilson's clothiers, res 118 Hlanchard Geiger, Eiward F, plumber, res 118 Blanchard Geiger, T, San Francisco baths, 87 Government, res 118 Blanchard Geiger, T, cigar store 87 Government, rcH 190 Yates (ieiger, Thos, jr, plumber (Watson & Geiger) res 118 Blanchard Geiger, Thomas F, (Watson & Geiger) plumber, 69 Pandora, res 118 Blan- chard Geiss, John, carpenter, res 21 St Louis George, Wm E, Alaska pilot, res 15 Bellot S George, William, compositor Times Germania Saloon, prop Sieward & Ritter.cor Johnson andGovernment German, ]j, res 107 Blanchard German Imperial Consul, CarlLoew- enberg, 83 Wharf, res 23 Burdette ave Gerow, G Corv, retired, res Esqui- malt rd cor Henry Gerrard, Major H D, bridge & Co) res Rockland ave Gerrie, Wm, foreman McKitlican & Anderson, res 98 Pandora Gester, Joseph, inmate Home Aged and Infirm (W H 3ain- " Fairholm, " for H CO H o o o u id H H H M H ■l\ [ WE EMPLOY \»s fiKOAB aTXieieT, vivtohia. h 4. it More Hands and More Capital than all other Binderies in the Province.- R. T. WILLIAMS ..»jiU^^a^i,44 mi^ .i.vm}wm OREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY '■ WIHNIPEC. I Victoria Tmna Ore wry 'a XXX Stock Ale is Extra Hopped, Making It an Excellent Appetizing Tonic, 9t and 93 o PQ ■< J: 0)1 oo cd o Q O 300 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Getchmann, J H, butcher, 53 Prin- , cesB ave Giant Powder Works, supt J E White, Ten Mile Point, Cadboro bay Gibbard, James, carpenter, res 26 North rd Gibb, MrsB, widow, res 150 Chat- ham Gibbons, C H, city editor Colonist Gibbons, Frederick, sailmaker, res 40 cabin Johnson Gibbs, Frank B, asst E Crow Baker, res 287 Yates Gibson, Andrew, electrician, res 197 Johnson Gibson, Miss Annie, dressmaker, res 101 Cormorant Gibson, Sergt A, Q. M. Sergt, Royal Marine Artillery, the Barracks, Work Point, Head Gibson-Carew, E A, asst statistician Dept Agriculture, James Bay Gibson. Hugh, painter's apprentice, res 101 Cormorant Gibson, H, St R. conductor, ren 6 Green Gibson, Walter H, match maker, res 46 Work Gibson, James, brewer, res 101 Cor- morant Gibson, Robt A, machinist, res 55 Quadra Gittin, Douglas, driver C Moiley, res 93 Niasrara Gilfen, James B, agt Dunn, Wiman & Co, Board of Trade building, res 268 Yates GilV)er, Fred Wm, sealer, res Byron, Oak bay ave Gilbert, George, mchl engr, res 121 Michigan N Gilbert, George, steamboat man, res 3B View Gilbert, George K, foreman, W H Perry, 42 Johnson, res 7 McClure Gilbert, Justin, official stenographer, 23 B.C. Board of Trade bldg. i-es 16 Quebec Gilbert & Spaulding, stenogrupheiH and typewriters, 23 B.C. Board wf Trade bldg Gilclirist, F, plasterer, res 65 King'srd GilchriHt, James H, carpt, res 242 Johnson Gilchrist, J H, joiner, resSl Chatham Gilchrist, Miss Tottie, dressmaker, the Stanley House Gilchrist, William, cabinet maker, res Seventh Giles, George, res 6 George Giles, George Fredk, carriage trin?- mer, res 109 Fisguard Giles, Mrs, milliner, res 109 Fis- guard Gill, Jas, machinist, res 5 Turner Gill, Jas, labr, res Dominion hotel Gill, J A Austin, engr "Cariboo Fly,' res 79 John Gill, William, insp'r Inland Rev, ns 109 Blanchard Gillegan, Edwd, painter, res 40 Fort Gillespie, Mrs E M, widow, rtv- 150 Fort Gillespie, George, mgr Bank B.C. res '"rhe Hermitage," Esqoimalt id Gillespie, W M, carpt, 28 Pioneer Giilewpie, William, seaman, res Lake Mill, Saanich rd (iiliies, D W, nijjr B.C. Cattle Co, 'J? (.iovernment Gillies, Andrew, harness maker, ivs (iilhgitii K'lwd, painter, res (50 Kane Gilligafi, Miisti M, res 60 Kane Gilligan, Thomas, machinist, res tiO Kane Gilligan, Miss Winnie, . essinaker, ) e.H VA) Kane (iilligan, Tlionias, Weiler Bros lat- tory, res 5.i Himilx)ldt Gillihan, Allen F, clerk, Jones ,'<. Bridgman, res 135 Pandora ave Gillis, Charles, seal hunter, res Van- couver hotel Gilmore & McCandlees, boot and shoe store, 35 Johnson Gilmore & McCandless, clothiers and outfitters, 37 Johnson Cfilmore, Alexander E, (Gilmore i*^ McCandless), clothing store, .Tolm- son, res 16 Ellice Giscomhe, John R. miner, res I".'2 Fort Givens, David, compositor, Colonist, res 31 Niagara N Gladding, Miss Elizabeth, tailoress, 22 Broad, res 69 Henry Glawson, F, sealer, res cabin, 17, Chatham Gleason, Wm A, carpt, res ^»4 Bay Gleason, M D, carpt, res 94 Bay Glendenning, Adam, dairyman. Cedar Hill rd. W side Glendenning, Peter, fmr. Cedar llil rd, W side ■],i res Glide, H, cellarman Erie Globe Restaurant. 42 Yates Glover, Mrs A, cane (ilover, George, bri Fourth Goddard, Edgar, ae cigar store, res 16 ] Goddard, Samuel Mt 16 Labouchere Godding, Mies, millir son Godding, Robt, verge Cathedral, res 14 R Goddyn, Adolphe, e hotel Godfrey, H, emp V.I Godfrey, William, s res 9 Princess ave Godson, C A, man Broad Godson, Mrs C L, wic ave Godson, J, elk, H. M. Speed ave Godson, Ernest, P. O. Godson, Miss Graccj Tolmie school Goepel, Phillip D, elk 133 Menzies W Goerg, Mrs Annie, 1 Yates CiofT, Albert, waiter, 82 Yates, res 83 Fo Goir, Albert, bartendc son Goffin, C A, acct. Ban Menzies Going, A Seymour, C. cor Hillside ave and Gold , Thomas, cigar u derly ave Gold, Wm F, elk Weil ^ South Turner E Gold, William, painte avo Golden Rule Bazaar, ]x toys, etc, 91 Dougla* • ""V?^?"' Aaron, ing Mills, res 10 Kin Ooimiuion, BeiUa Planing Mills, (Len & Co,) re8 42Secont Gonzales Farm, J D Pe Rockland ave Good, George, mason, hotel A. M. BEATTIE CITY MARKET, VANCOUVER, B. C. ADCTlONEEfi, . APPRAISER - AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. INTERIOR mm Victoria Transfer Co., Ltd. """SSS S^7^. &^'S.l r^cflS^'^' m and 93 Sroughttm Htre«t, Tietoria, B. C. Telephone 129. VICTORIA CITY DIRECTOBY. 301 Glide, H, cellarman, H.B. Go, res 34 Erie Globe Restaurant, T Vincent, prop, 42 Yates Glover, Mrs A, candy store, 86 Fort (ilover, George, bricklayer, res 64 Fourth Goddard, Edgar, assistant Salmon's cigar store, res 16 Labouchere Goddard, Samuel May, architect, res 16 Labouchere Godding, Miss, milliner, res 199 John- son Godding, Robt, verger, Christ Church Cathedral, res 14 Rupert Goddyn, Adolphe, engineer, Driard hotel Godfrey, H, emp V.P.B. Oo Godfrey, William, si boiler maker, res 9 Princess ave Godson, C A, manfrs agent, 15)^ liroad Godson, Mrs C L, widow, res 1 Speed ave (iodson, J, elk, H. M. Customs, res 1 Speed ave (WkIsob, Ernest, P. O. clerk. Godson, Miss Grace, asst teacher, Tolmie school ( ioepel, Phillip D, elk Dock Yard, res 133 Menzies W Goorg, Mrs Annie, laundry, res 95 Yates Goff, Albert, waiter. Mirror saloon, 82 Yates, res 83 Fort (ioir, Albert, bartender, res 285 John- son GoflSn, C A, acct. Bank B.C., res 149 Menzies Going, A Seymour, C.E. & P.L.8. res cor Hillside ave and Cook Gold, Thomas, cigar maker, res Pow- derly ave Gold, "Wm F, elk Weiler Bros, res 63 South Turner E Gold, William, painter, res Powderly avo Golden Rule Bazaar, books, stationery toys, etc, 91 Douglas Oonnason, Aaron, Capital Plan- ing Mills, res 10 King's rd Oonnason, Benjamin, Capital Planing Mills, (Lemon, Gonnason & Co,) res 42 Second Gonzales Farm, J D Pemberton, prop. Rockland ave Good, George, mason, res Vancouver hotel Goodaore, Lawrence, Queen's Market, cor Government and John- son, res 74 Pandora Gooding, Lieut, Salvation Army, res oflBcers' quarters, 130 Douglas Goodman, Baldwin, labr, res 24 Say- ward Gordon, J B, supt the Bradstreet Co, 6 Bastion, res 239 Fort Goodwin, John, rnach'l engr, res 95 Kingston N Goodwin, Chas, h irness maker, 126 Government, res Fort Gordon, Alex, res 66 Rae Gordon, George, waiter, Dallas hotel Go'-don, Mrs Graham, widi w, res 127 Menzies W Gordon Hotel, props, Dougherty & Hendry, 9 Johnson Gordon, Jas. res 34 Pioneer Gordon, Peter, grocer, (Blair & Gordon), Michigan N, res 120 Os- wego £ Gordon, S, painter, res 30 Pembroke Gordon, William B, carpt, res Jessie Gordon, William, clerk Land Regis- try office, res 18 Score by Gore, Bnmett & jo, surveyors and civil engineers, rooms 1-3 Five Sisters' blk Gore, Thos St C, land commis- sioner, res 27 Burdette ave Grore, William S, Deputy Commis- sioner Liindd and Works, res 27 Burdette ave cor Victoria Cres Gorton, Mr, engr, res 148 Fort Gosnell, Mrs Jo?, res 129 Cormorant Gosnell, R E, librarian, legislative building Gospel Hall, 5 Oriental alley Gosse, Capt, master mariner, res 16 Croft E Gosnell, .Toseph, res 29 Douglas Gosnell, J H, boot and shoe dealer, res 131)-2 Douglas Gough, Francis, steward Dallas hotel, res Dallas rd N Gough, Mrs Susannah, res 4 Bay Gough, Thomas, boilermaker, A.I.W, res 4 Bay Goui, Peter, candy and tobacco store, 109 Government, res Douglas Gould, Capt Isaac A, master mariner, res 62 CoUinson Gould, Jas, lime dealer, res Craig- Hower rd off Burnside rd Goward, Albert T, book-keeper, Elec Light Co, res St Charles IINTERIOR WOODWORKroF™E AND bar fittings - — ---. jj^^ ^ OtAmt by WEILER B»OB. m c:: CO m ■ <n o ? ^ g § a CD I- p H • ■ U /I- I' i i^*^ SaSjQaBHBElSaaioSBBHBBSattB^HlKHHBB^Hi^H^RII^H wmmmmmmi^i^ m^fmm mm I I'ii HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY r\ 11 i KMropaan and JCmffliafc ft^OCKBTES, WISES and I,IQUOB8, Tree and in Bond. VICTORIA* B. C. Prescriptions Prepai Clarence Bloc "I ->a « « ^ a Oh «M « « ,4 OQ ■♦-» b V ►> •a^ 1 08 , IM H 302 BBITIBH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Goward, Bernard G, clerk, Green, Worlock & Co, res "Rockwood," St Charles Goward, Henry, M.A., L.L.B., prof Victoria College, res "Rockwood," St Charles Gowdie, William, sealer, res Esqui- mau, cor Mary, Vic W Go wen, F A, grocer's asst, res John- son Gowdy, David, teamster, res 31 Rock bay ave Gowdy, Frank, expressman, res 31 Rock bay ave Gowdy. Thomas, drayman, res 31 Rock bay ave Gowdy, William, labr, res 31 Rock bay ave Go wen, Chas N, brewer, res Mc- Gregor ave, off Oak bay ave Go wen, Mrs Chas, res 86 View Gowen, Fredk August, grocer's clerk, res 85 View Gowen, Miss M E, res 86 View Grablin, Thos H, painter, res 116 Toronto S Grafton, Miss M, book-binder R AVilliams, res 67 Kane Graham, Allan, coal and wood mer- chant, 140 Fort Graham, Annie, milliner Stanley House, res 18 Market Graham, Dilmon, painter, res Oak bay ave Graham, Duncan L, labr, res 18 cAbin, Johnson Graham, D D, labr, res 154 Fern- wood rd Graham, Mrs D, ladies' nurse, res Oak bay ave Graham, Fred, baker, res 18 Market Grahame, H M, clerk Lowenberg, Harris & Co, res 56 Hillside ave Grahame, James Allan, gentleman, res "AUandale," 56 Hillside ave Graham, James, res 313 Douglas Graham, John, res 88 Simcoe S Graham, Johnson, finisher, res 175 Superior Graham, J, Weiler Bros factory Graham, Miss, dressmaker, res Do- minion hotel Graham, Thos L, editorial dept Times, res 56 North Park Graham, Mrs Jjouise, res 85 Chambers Graham Samuel, mechanic, res cor First at and Hillside ave Orahaai} T M, prop Blue Front clothing and tailoring store, 148 Government, res Alpha Graham, Walter, tailor, 183>^ Doug- las, res 18 Market Graham, Wm, P.O. clerk, res 104 Pandora Graham, Wm, eng. resSannach rd W Grand Pacific Hotel, Joseph Sauer, prop, 26 Johnson cor Store Grant, Chas, seal hunter, res Van- couver hotel Grant, Donald, ship carpenter, res 5}i Turner Grant, F W, asst mgr Spencer's Arcade Grant, Gordon, govt engineer, res Saanich rd Grant, James A, merchant tailor, res 53 Third Grant, J A, prop Hotel BrunsTick Grant, John, M.P.P., res 2 Cadbon) bay rd Grant, J H, engr, res Brunswick hotel Grant, R, gardener, res 52 Menzies K Grant, W P, clerk, res Saanich rd Grant, Wm Chas, fmr, Tyndale ave W, Cedar Hill rd E Grant, Capt William, master mariner, res 2 Work Grant, Wm H, liquor agt, res 71 North Park Grass, Robt, fmr, res Dominion hotel Grathwohl, Fritz, brewer, V.P.B. Co Graves, H W^, elk H. M. Customs, res Esquimau district Gray, — , mchl engr, res 13 Caledonia ave Gray,Alexander Blair, jr, student-at- law, Bodwell & Irving, res 82 Belle- ville S Gray, Andrew, engineer, "Roslyn," Catherine, the Arm, Vic W Gray, Andrew, (Spratt & Gray) 17-' i» Work, res Catherine, Vic W Oray, A B, Depy Comr Labor 81; tistics. 32-33 B.C. Board of Tra<le bldg, res 82 Ealleville Gray, E J, sash and door mfr, res 316 Douglas Gray, Jas J, mariner, re.' .ai'jally nl Oray, J H, C.E, prov Inid surveyor Arcade, 66 Government, res 30 Cadboro bay rd Gray, Kate, domestic, emp B ot Ward, res "The Laurels," 81 Hel ohor Gray, L, messenger Bank B.C., ret; Rupert Gray, Peter, labrort boldt Gray, Samuel, door factory, 31 ( Gorge rd Gray, Sam'l W, ca Hillside ave Greasley, Mrs E, Cormorant Great Western anoe Ce, Winnij & Claxton, agts, 64 Green, Abraham, res Green, Alfred A, cler muir, res Hey wood Green, Ashdown, ci> 22 Michigan S Green, Miss Annie, r Green, Alf A, clkE.»! 2 Broughton Green Charles, real ernment. res Heyw Green, Worlook i agts Wells, Fargo & ment Greenberg, Chris, r Taylor Milling Co Green, D F, driver Hrskine Co, res 11 bay Green, Edgar A, bo Work Green, Francis J, res Green, Mrs F W. res i Green, Horace W, b Mason Greenfield, John R, d Inspector, res 164 M Greenhalgh, Samuel, 1 Smith & Co, res 22 I Greenwood, Mrs C, Bellot Green way, Lewis, labi ton rd Greenwood, A. printer 'ireer. Rev A J, chur clergyman, res Oak J **n??,?' ^ * Sen, m( 62 Yates <}re8rg, Abraham eon) res cor Duneadt Grtgg, Arthur, (Gregg Gregg, C A, assistant & Son) Oregg, Frank, (Grej;g i Duncadon and Suma Qreeory, Frank B, <x Gregory) res 86 Bt TIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY No. 23 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B. 0. Quldea furnished to touriat*. All kinds or Chinese help supplied on the shortest notice. DLAl BOOK i^^ MM Prescriptions Prenareil Ilroi PURE DRUGS ONLY at tbe Central Dni£ Store Clarence Block, Corner Y&tes and Douglas Sts., Victoria, B. C. VICTOKIA CITY DIRECTORY. 303 Gray, Peter, labrorer, res 114 Hum- boldt Gray, Samuel, prop, sash ana door factory, 31 Chatham, res 19 Gorge rd Gray, Sam'l W, carpenter, res 55 Hillside ave Greasley, Mrs E, widow, res 136 Cormorant Great Western Life Assur- ance Co, WinnipeK, I'lan, Dalby & Claxton, a(?ts, 64 Yates Green, Abraham, res Hey wood ave E Green, Alfred A, olerk Messrs Duns- muir, res Hey wood ave E Green, Aslidown, civil engineer, res 22 Michigan S Green, Miss Annie, res 46 Cook Green, A!f A, clkE.&N. Ry Co., res 2 Broughton Green Charles, real estate, 72 Gov- ernment, res Heywood ave Green, Worlock & Co, bankers, agts Wells, Fargo & Co, 81 Govern- ment Greenberg, Chris, machine hand Taylor Milling Co Green, D F, driver Sehl, Hastie, Hrskine Co, res 118 Cross, James bay Green, Edgar A, boat builder, res Work Green, Francis J, res Heywood ave E Green, Mrs F W, res 287 Johnson (ireen, Horace W, builder, res 34 Mason Greenfield, John R, dk office Postal Inspector, res 154 Menzies Greenhalgh, Samuel, boxmaker M R Smith & Co, res 22 Rendall E Greenwood, Mrs C, widow, res 11 Bellot Greenway, Lewis, labr res 1 Edmon- ton rd Greenwood, A. printer, res 60 Kane Greer, Rev A J, church of Ei.gland clergyman, res Ouk bay ave Greffff, A & Son, merchant tailors, 62 Yates GregiT, Abraham B, ((^regg & Son) res cor Duneadon and Sumas Grtgg, Arthur, (Gregg & Son) Gregg, C A, assistant cutter (Gregg A Son) Gregg, Frank, (Grej.g & Son) res cor Dunoadun and Sumas Greyory, Frank B, B.L., (Belyea A Gregory) res 80 BeUoville B Greig, Miss E, asst G A McTavish, 52 Government, res 67 First Greig, Robt, lawyer, res 67 First Greig, William, elk R P Rithet, res Phcenix Place E Grcndison, John, seaman, res Os- wego E Grenfell, Miss A, domestic 60 Blanchard Grenfell, Miss Clara, domestic 15 Blanchard Grenfell, Miss Kate, domestic 60 Blanchard Gribble, Henry, prop Victoria Ba- zaar, 84 Government.res 12 Pioneer Gribble, J E, carriage painter, res 12 Pioneer Gribbon, John, porter, res 71 Dis- covery Grice, Arthur, grocer's assistant, res 137 Fort Grice & Co, grocers, manchard, res 106 Fort Grice, Joshepb, trrocer, (Grice & Co) 106 Fort Grice, J R, motorneer, res Garbally rd Grice, Thos, brickmaker Coughlan & Mason, res Garbally rd Grieve, Thos S, fmr. Mount Tolmie rdE Griffin, Thomas O, mariner, res 249 Johnson Griffin, Wm H, assistant, Ensor In- stitute, 93W Douglas Griffith, clerk, Wilson Bros, res 111 Pandora Griffith, Edward, carpt, res Couth rd Griffith, Thos, porter, Wilson Bros, res 111 Pandora Griffiths. Fred, capt, S.S. "Lome," Brunswick hotel Griffiths, Jeremiah, wharfinger, H.B. Co, "Collingwood," Carey rd E Griffiths, Wm, brass moulder, res Herald Grigg, Enoch, cabinet maker, Weiler Bros Grigg, John, labr, res 16 Rae Grigga, Edward, carpt, res Amphion Grimm, Wm, carriage builder. 131 Johnson, res 124 Vancouver Grimason, George, res 143 Siracoe N Grindley, H M, acct, H E Croasdaile & Co, res Esquimau rd Grimason, J, E. & N. Ry emp, res Brunswick hotel Grimason, Mrs J, widow, res 143 Slm- coe N > D Z 30 o m w ^ -• 5 m eo z o H Z m z 0) H m (0 •< m > z o o 30 H m c F o 0) c R. T. WILLIAMS ^H Broad at,, Viciuriu. i : I \ A r. 'I ,1 1 Ki I ■ 'Hi m ■• 0-." it 1^ iiM.i m DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY - WINNIPEG. Drewry's Ale, Porter and Lager is Recommended by PbvsicianB Generally. I m m hi o ' 1 I "7 o Q O 304 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Grindley, Lizzie, domestic, res 36)^ Douglas Grissmer, A, barb>^r, 162 Government res 35 Frede^ck Grizzelle, Edward, florist, res 12 Parkington Grizzelle, Geo, foreman, McTavisL's nursery, res 9 Park rd E Gropp, John P, barber, Geo T Russell 48 Yates, res Johnson Ground, Victor, tram conductor, res Luxton N Groves, civil engineer, res 66 Rae Grove Saloon, prop, Wm Watt, Fred- erick, cor Catherine, Vic West Grove, Wm Henry, gentleman, res 24 King's rd G reat Northern Railway Office, C A Rattray, gen agent, Adelphi block, Government Gressmer, August, barber, 162 Gov- ernment, res 35 Frederick Grundison, steamboatman, res A Os- wego Guard, Eric, bartender, res 43 Douglas Guiseppe, Zarelli, labr, res 73 Hum- boldt Gunch, F, labr, res 16 Harbor Cot- tages, Store Gunn, John, grocer and provisions, res 12 David, cor of Bridge Guzzan, Miss Holden, res 40 Work Gwennap, milkman, res 33 North Park Habart, Mrs Mary, res Russel Hackett, Capt Chas, salesman, P Mc- Quade & So a, res 64 Second Hafer, Ludwig, machinist, res 28 St Louis Haggart, J, pattern maker. V.I.W, 12 North Park Hagenbuch, John A, sign painter, res 14 Farquhar Hagerty, John, contractor, res 195 Yates Haggerty, Dan, seal hunter, res 109 Pandora Haggerty, John, sealer, res 109 Pan- dora Haggerty, Pat, blacksmith, res Van- couver hotel, 71 Yates Hapue, Mrs, res 168 Fort Haigh, B, clerk, Times oflBce, res Clarence hotel, 79>^ Douglas Haines, H B, elk. Bank B.C., res 115 Menzies Hall, Charles, driver for Watson & Hall, 55 Yates, res 99 John Hale, Richard 8, millwright, res 89 N Chatham Hales, Frank, (Hales & Bell), asphalt works, res 11 Pioneer Halfpenny, William, inmate Home for Aged and Infirm, 217 Fairfield rd, Ross bay Hall, A H, saloon keeper. The Wil- son, res 103 John Hall Bros, saloon keepers, The Wil- son, 94 Yates Hall, Charles, tailor, res 105 Fort Hall, Charles, grocer's assist, res 103 John Hall, Dr Ernest, physician and surgeon, res Fern wood rd cor Cad- boro bay rd, oflSce Jewell blk, cor Yates and Douglas Hallitt, Eli, employee Brackman <& Ker, res 12 Market Hall, F J, clerk, J Piercy & Co, res N Park Hall, Dr, F W, physician and sur- geon, View and 60 Douglas, res Government near Fountain Hall, F J, jr, clerk, res 43 N Park Hall, Fredk J, sr, grocer, (Hall & Re- nouf) res 43 N Park Hall, Ooepel & Co, real estate, in- surance, etc, 100 Government Hall, G H, clerk, J Piercy & Co, res NPark Hall, H G, bar^'ister-at-law, solicitor and notary public, 12 Chancery lane, Burnes blk, res Saanich rd " Hall, J Harvey, clerk, 44 Broad, res David Hall, Henry, barber, res 81 Yates Hall, John, res Niagara S Hall, Dr .Tohn, homa'opathic physi- cian, 53-55 Five Sisters' blk, res Oak bay ave Hall, Rev Jos, Methodist minister, res 68 David Hall, Joseph, sealer, res Pine Hall, J, B.C. Chemical Works Hall, Dr Lewis, dentist, res Cath- erine, Vic W, office Jewell blk, cor Yates and Douglas Hall, Lewis W, Central Drug Store, res 43 N Park Hall, Mrs Margaret, widow, res 7 Franklin Hall, Mrs Mary A, res 99 John Victoria 1 «1 and S Hall, MissChristii Hall, Philip, salooi res 167 Fort Hall, Paul, sealer. Hall, Mrs P, mil ford's, 61-63 For( Hall, R H, mgi Henry HaU, Richd, (H estate agent, 100 94 Pembroke Hall & Renouf, gro Hall, Ross & c and F;our Mills. I Hall Saloon, Jan prop, 129 Fort Hall, Thos B, m and Flour Mills Belcher Hall, Wm B (VVa Yates, res 99 Johi Hall, W W, carpt, r Hall, Whybert llohi 27 Spring rd Hall, <V F, saloon, r Hall, William, groct John Halley, Michael, lal ave Hallitt, Albert, an Market ^* Halpenny, H C, Johnson Halten, Edw, flrema Ham, Foster N, fore Cohen, 38 Fort Hambley, Wm J, Byron, Oak bay Hamburgr Ami Steamers, Hall agents Hamilton, Mrs E, North Park Hamilton, Mrs Jane Fort Hamilton Powd< Scott, 59t^ Wharf Hamilton, Dr, M.R . res 34 Cadboro bay Hamilton, R H, b saloon, 13 Trounce Hamilton, W J L, William Hamley, Hon Wymo detteave, cor Vict Hamlin, Latham B andD.L.S.,re8Go Hampson, William A. M. BEATTIE, AUCTIONEER, Vancouver, B. C.| Mefil)&, are VlOXOnA XTSJiSXiDl! \i/0«9 JjmI* Ba(eaand(/u«elee*tJ)eapa««lt. 81 mnd 23 Bronshton Street, Vlotorla. B. O. Tel. 129. VICTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 305 Hall, Miss Christina, res 94 Pembroke Hall, Philip, saloon keeper,"Wil8on," res 167 Fort Hall, Paul, sealer, res Pine Hall, Mrs F, milliner, Mrs Bick- ford's, 61-63 Fort Hall, R H, mgr H.B. Co, res 80 Henry HaU, Riohd, (Hall & Goepel), real estate agent, 100 Government, res 94 Pembroke Hall & Renouf, grocers, 116 Douglas Hall, Ross & Co, Victoria Rice and F;our Mills. Store Hall Saloon, .lames McCandlish, prop, 129 Fort Hall, ThOS B, mgr Victoria Rice and Flour Mills, res ''Robleda," Belcher Hall, Wm B (Watson & Hall), 55 Yates, res 99 John Hall, W W, carpt, res 18 King's rd Hall, Whybert John, carpenter, res 27 Spring rd Hall, W F, saloon, res 8 Stanley ave Hall, William, grocer, Yates, res 103 John Halley, Michael, laborer, res Belcher ave Hallitt, Albert, apprentice, res 12 Market Halpenny, H C, painter, res 189 Johnson Halten, Edw, fireman, res 90 Store Ham, Foster N, foreman printer, J A Cohen, 38 Fort Hambley, Wm J, blacksmith, res Byron, Oak bay Ha'mbursT American Line Steamers, Hall, Goepel & Co, agents Hamilton, Mrs E, widow, res 70 North Park Hamilton, Mrs Jaae, widow, res 122 Fort Hamilton Powder Co, mgr H J Scott, 59Ki Wharf Hamilton, Dr, M.R.C.V.S,, 26 Broad, res 34 Cadboi-o bay rd Hflmilton, R H, bartender Grotto saloon, 13 Trounce ave Hamilton, W J L, electrician, res 3 William Hamley, Hon Wymond, res 37 Bur- dette ave, cor Victoria Cres Hamlin, Latham B, civil engineer and D.L.S., res Gorge rd Hampson, William Spencer, dry goods merchant, 55-69 Douglas, res 2 Richardson Hampton, George, waiter Driard cafe, 291 Johnson Hampton, Richard H, labr, res 9 Centre rd Hancock, Henry, tobacco and fruit, 154 Government Hancock, John P, painter, res Tenny- son ave, Saanich rd W Hand, Robert, tanner, res Jubilee ave Handley, Wm, builder, res Bruns- wick hotel Handy, Samuel, carpenter, res 5 cabin, 88 Store Hanesty, Chas, carpenter, res 99 Quadra Hangieor, D, fruiterer, 101 Johnson, res Douglas Hanington, Ernest, B.C., physi- cian and surgeon, 81 Fort Hanley, James, miner, res 13 cabin, Humboldt Hanna & Taylor, funeral directors and embalmers, 42 Broad Hanna. W J, (Hanna & Taylor) 42 Broad Hannan, John, driver R Baker & Son, res 8 Mears Hannan, Wm, tinsmith, res 8 Meara Hannan, Mrs, res 8 Mears Hannan, Andy, boilermaker, A.I.W, res Vancouver hotel Hansen, Andrew, emp Powder Wks Co, res Cadboro bay Hansen, Christopher, carpenter, res 24 Quadra Hansen, C, stairbldr Sehl, Hastie & Erskine Hanson, F, labr, res 13 Centre rd Hanson, Samuel, chemist and drug- gist, 80 Government, res 22 Scoresby Hanson, Neils, carpenter, res 21 Ellice Hansen, Peter, railwayman res Es- quimau rd N Hansen, Peter, scavenger, 49 Discov- ery Hard, Thomas, foreman tailor, 22 Broad , res Fernwood rd Hardaker, Wm T, auctioneer, 81 Douglas, res 146 Fort Hardie, Miss Daisey, nurse, res 30 Bay Hardie, Mrs Henry, 30 Bay Hardie, Miss Jessie, telephone opera- tor, res 30 Bay ll ' § ,_. M? SO Fi V 2 C. ^■^% tsj w o o d i^ qs. M. ^ s a S ». § 9 K 9 Mrf. on a <* Of? a* QQ n M a> P eu <T»- as tr >-i >* rr) » V a HI. SU es orq I? re *t io tH t=^ a «-»■ J S» c (t •n W < on N* (-f- A NM. *♦■ <S e *i O H* f ^ a' * M Q i 'it A i WEILER BROS,, aie Complete House Fumisheis. laigesi Stock in 8. C. I : ■ ■' '<■ : l£ HUDSON'S BAY COMPANl Wholesale Cfrocers & fine Hercbanr VICTORIA. B. C. <.J> •9^ •> a -N e M ^ uT -3 I •IN <«A fld V "rt Xi fS ■♦* «f>l « o .a ■«-• £ 4) ^ 1 ^ 'Jti ^d > 02 ^ ^ gH • 306 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Hardie, Louis Herbert, clerk H.B.Co. . res 30 Bay Hardie, Norman, elk N.S.8. Co., res 30 Bay Hardie, N, elk Dodwell, Carlill & Co, res Esquimau rd Harding, Mrs E M, widow, res 82 Superior S Harding, Frederick James, gardener, emp Sir Jos Trutcli, 73 Richard- son Harding, George Wm, carpenter, res 36 Vancouver Hirdv, George, labr, res 247 Douglas Hardy, T H, tailor, res 161 Fern- wood rd Hare, Miciiael, marine engineer, res 11 Bay Hargraves, George, surveyor, res 122 Fort Harlook Cannery, Fraser river, R r Rithet & Co, agents, 61-63 Wharf Harman, Arthur H, accountant, J E Crane & Co, 30 Broad, res Oak bay Harmony Hall, 81 View Harper, Jas, V.P.B. Co., res 66 Kane Harper, James, teamster Vic Brew- ery, res 92 Kingston Harper, John, carpenter, res Pine Harper, P S, elk Manchester House, res cor Belmont ave and North Cnatham Harper, Wesley, butcher B. C. Cattle Co, 97 Government, res Pine, VicW Harrip, Edward, motorneer Tram- way Co, res Pine Harris, Alfred, printer, W G Harris, res Saanich rd Harris. Capt C I, mariner, res 18 Second Harris, Charles, labr, res 231 Yates Harris, Chas, city teamster, res 130 Quadra Harris, Dennis, M.I.C.E., real estate and financial agent, 46 Bur- dette ave Harris, Edward, engineer, Oak, res Tolmie ave Harris, Edwin, plasterer, res 61 Henry Harris, Mrs E D, widow, res Clarke Harris, Geo, machinist Newbigging & Anderson, res Saanich rd Harris, Henry, Albion saloon, cor Yates and Waddington alley, res 32 Pioneer Harris, Geo, apprentice B. C. Novelty Works Harris, Miss Ida, tailoress, res 101 Douglas Harris, James, mariner, res 7 Frank- lin St Harris, Miss J E, dressmaker, r 42 Five Sisters' blk Harris, Mrs John, res 74 Princess ave Harris, Mrs John, res 149 Fort Harris, Samuel, miller, res Mary, VicW Harris, Wm, asst pressman Times P. & P. Co, res 149 Fort Harris, W, res Commercial hotel Harris, W G, contractor, res Saanicli rd Harris, W J jr, bricklayer, res Saanich rd Harrison & McAllister, wine and spirit merchants, 67-69 Johnson Harrison, Eli, importer of wall paper, paints, oils, etc, cor Pan- dora and Douglas, res 43 Cadboio bay rd Harrison, Geo, driver C Morley, 7 Waddington alley, res Vic W Harrison, Jas, fmr, Wilkinson rd Harrison, J B, contractor, res 42 Montreal E Harrison, J J, motorneer, res 26 Far- quhar Harrison, William, (Harrison i^ McAllister) 67-69 Johnson, res 238 Johnson Harrison, Wm Edw, mesenger Duns- muir & Son, res 151 Vjew Hart, David, prop Palace Cigar Di- van, res Pandora ave Hart, Miss D, res 130 Fisguard Hart, Henry, porter, res 6 Rae Hart, J J, Indian Bazaar, 43 John- son, (see advt page 255) Hart, Mrs, dressmaker, res 6 Rae Hart, Samson, cigar maker, res 141 Quadra Hartern, Mrs, res 63 Quadra Hartley, S, emp J B Johnson, 33 Vic- toria" Ores Hartman, Dr 8 M, surgeon dentist, 73>^ Government, r«p 247 Yates Hartnagle. Gustavo, proprietor, Driard hotel, 1 to 5 View Hartnell, Mrs M A, widow*, res 264 Yates Harvey, Jas, mariner, res 74 Store Harvey, G C, freight clerk, C.P.N. Co, res 89 Rithet I- •11 TIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY No. 28 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B Guides fv-nished to touriaU. All kinds oc Chinese help supplied on the shortest notice.! CLAREt.CB Bhl BETTER OOMB YOUR HAIR with the Best Combs in Town • ■ SOLD ONLY AT THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE • • CLAKE^CB BhOVK, COR, TATKS AJfIt BOVOUAS UTS., riCTOHXA, B. C. VIC "OBI A CITY DIBECTORY. 307 Harvey, Geo J, elk, Turner, Beeton & Co, res Belcher Harvey, R, mgr. Turner, Beeton & Co, "Stonyhurst," Belcher Harvey, Wm Geo, draper, res 43 Vic- toria Cres Harwood, Joseph, carpt, res 92 View Hassan, Frank, sailor, res SMcClure Hassell, Dr Edw, physician and surgeon, res 38 Douglas Has&enfratz, Jacob, brewer, 138 Fort, res Belton ave Hastie, James, res 141 Chatham Hastings Oregon C, retired, 9 St Charles, "Observatory Hill" Hatch, William, builder and house remover, res Cedar Hill rd Hatch, Mr, painter, res 17 Green Hatcher, Root, scavenger, res 99 Pan- dora Hauft, George, barber, 128 Govern- ment, res 46 Herald Haugnton, T & Co, dry goods merchant, 88 Yates Haughton, Ed J, tel operator, C.P.R, res 6 Second Haiighton, James A, dent'' t, res 6 Second Haughton, Thomas, (T Haugh- ton & Co), 88 Yates, res 116 South rd Hawk, Richard, labr, res 5 Amelia Hawkes, J, plumber, McLennan & McFeely, Hawkey.R J, prin Spring Ridge Ward school, res "Oaklands, Lansdowne rd Hawkins, John, grocer, 56 Fort, res 60 Fort Hawkins, Mrs, lady's hairdresser. New York hotel, res 67-69 Yates Hawksby, William, expressman, res Carey rd Hawton, John, sergt, city police, res 16 Penwill Hay, Andrew Gordon, stonecutter, res 170 View Hay, Frank, teamster, Vic Truck and Dray Co, res 31 Rae Hay, Frank, drayman> Vic Truck and I)ray Co, res 31 Kane Hay, James, blacksmith, (Rendall & Hay), res 31 Rae Hay, James G, (Rendall & Hay), res 31 Rae Hay, Mrs Jessie, widow, res 170 View Hayes, John, prop. Royal saloon, res 63 Douglas Hayward, Charles, jr, bank acct, res 99 Vancouver Haynes, Albert, Arcade Bakery, 24 Broad Haynes, Albert H, clerk Green, Wor- lock & Co, res 96 John Haynes, Arthur E, clerk E Crow- Baker, r^s 6 Parkington Haynes, Charles A, clerk E Crow- Baker, res 6 Parkington Haynes. Ernest M, clerk Postoffice, res 6 Parkington Haynes, George Henry, dental stu- dent, res 84 John Haynes, George W, real estate and insurance, Heisterman & Co, res 96 John Haynes, William, musician, res 6 Parkington Hayter, Fred, labr, res 87 Pandora Hayward, Chas, J.P., under- taker, 52 Government, res 99 Van- couver Hayward, Ernest A, student, res 99 Vancouver Hayward, M' s Florence, res 99 Van- couver Hayward, James, bartender Mirror saloon, res Douglas Haywood, Mrs E, res 2 Cadboro bay rd Haywood, Harry, res 2 Cadboro bay rd Haywood Chas, City Treasurer's office Heal, Mrs D, hardware, 78 Blanchard Heal, Mies Matilda, res 78 Blanchard Heal, John, clerk Mrs D Heal, res 78 Blanchard Heald, Sydney J, clerk Dixi H Ross & Co, 117 Government, res 117 Chatham Healy, J A, book-keeper Commercial hotel Hea'y, Mrs K, surgical and ladies' nurse, res 69 Pandora Heaney, Alexander, track and dray, res 183 Douglas Heaney, Miss Sarah, tailoress, 44)^ Broad, res Superior Heanski, A 8, cabinet maker, res 234 Cook Heanski, G, shipper Sehl-Hastie- Erskine Co, res Cook Heanski, James, cabinet maker, res 80 North Chatham Heany, J A, truck and dray office, 87K Wharf, res 119 Superior H 09 H O o I i m \tHB LATBST IMPKOVEaUElfTH IN BOOK- BINUINO AXD PAPBB BVLINB. R. T. Williams -88 BROA.D 8TRBBT, VICrrORIA.. DREWBY'S REDWOOD BREWERY winwipeo NotUng but Tborougtalv Experienced Labor Employed at tbe Redwood. VIGTORrA m o o QQ o o Q. ID C (tf <D % cd o CO c (d o O o O o a > Q 9! 308 BRITIHB COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Heany, Joseph, Superior Heany, Wni, jr, Superior Heany, William, drayman, res 119 drayman, res 119 , res 119 Superior N Heard, Charles, tailor Walter D Kin- naird, res Cadboro bay rd HeaniS, Haxry, dyer B. C. Dye Wks, res 129 Fisguard Heater, William, sealer, res 14 Third Heath, George, res 66 Rae Heath, George, res 34 Pioneer Heath, J F, contractor, W D Mc- Gregor, res Belcher ave Heathfield, Miss May T,res 6 Scoresby Heathfield, Mrs Sarah L, res 6 Scoresby Heathfield, Miss Victoria Louise, res 6 Scoresby Heathorn, Arthur, employ city, res Lovers' lane, Rors bay Heathorn, Mrs W, res Lovers' lane, Rosa bay Heathorn, Herbert, employ Colonist, res Lovers' lane, Ross bay Hebrew Congregation schools and lecture rooms, 77 Blanchard Heckiuan, John, ship carpenter, res 122>^ Yates Hedges, A A. book-icpr, M R Smith & Co, res 2'J4 Simcoe S Hedges, F F, book-kpr, E B Marvin, res 224 Simcoe Hefford, G R, sealing mate, res 87 Pandora Heglason, Walter, cabinet maker, res 14 Ridge rd Heisterman, B S, clerk, Heisterman & Co, res 295 Douglas Heisterman, Henry Fredk, N. P, I Heisterman & Co), res 296 Douglas Heisterman Ss Co, insurance, financial and real estate agents, 75 Government Hellier, James, blacksmith's helper, res 42 Store H D, B.L, (Drake, Helmcken), res 2}^ Hon John S, phy- surgeon, res 2}4 Belle- Helmoken, Jackson & Belleville S Helmcken, sician and ville Helmcken, Dr J D, physician and surgeon, 20 Fort Hemsworth, J H M, clerk, Wilson Bros, res 222 Cook Henderson, Hugh, painter, 239 Yates Hemsworth, Mrs C, widow, res 222 Cook Henderson, Antoine, mgr Vic Transfer Co, res 19 Broughton Henderson, H S, book-keeper, Robert Jamieson, res Catherine Henderson, H T S, elk Indian ofilce, res Occidental hotel Henderson, J N, Langley & Co, 21-23 Yates, res 61 Belcher Henderson, M, blacksmith, res 11 Pioneer Henderson, S, painter, res 69 North Park Henderson, Thomas, steward Victoria Club, 239 Yates Henderson, T E, l>ook-keeper Vic Truck and Dray Co, res Penwill Henderson, T M, (I^angley & Co) res 61 Belcher Henderson, L G, mgr Home Journal and Commercial Journal, 77 John- son, res 109 Quadra Hendry, Alex, prop Gordon hotel, tt Johnson, res 35 Alfred Henley, J W, compositor Colonist Henly, Edwci Henry, prop Henly's hotel, Clover Point, Dallas rd Henly, Win Gregory, bartender Henley's hotel. Clover Point Henljr, 44 Fort, res 8 Franklin Hennigar, Chas, ship carpenter, rea 239 Simcoe N Hennigar, Isaac, ship carpenter, res 33 Erie N Henry, fireman S Gray's factory Henry, David, blacksmith, 95-s)7 Fisguard Henry John, stonemason, res Sel- kirk rd Henski, Mrs C, widow, res 191 Chut- ham Henski, Frank, painter, res 191 Chatham Henwood, George, Inland Revenue Inspector, res 8 Franklin Hep worth, Frank, tailor, res 195 Pandora Hep worth, Henry, cigar maker, res 195 Pandora Hepworth, Jas, tailor, res 195 Pan- dora Hepworth, James, carpenter, res 195 Pandora Hepworth, John, D, blacksmith, res 196 Pandora Herburger, August, machinist, res 41 Victoria Cres A. IVI. BEATTIE CITY MARKET. VANCOUVER, B. 6. Weekly Auctions 81 aa Heron, Robt, i maker, 29 Bro Herrick, Ulin, Henry Herriott, Wm, Tolmie ave Herman, Willia Salmon «& Co, - Hersog, Mrs H xatoH Hetcher, John, s Hetherbell. Willi 103 South rd Iletherington. R, View Hewartson, Mrs V fancy store. 111 Hewartson, Wm Colonist, rea lli Hewartson, W, pr, Hewetflon, Rev J Holy Orders, res Hewhnga, E J, drt Bay and Third Hewlings, P>edk H res 2 Pembroke Hewhngs, John q Hewson, George, c House Hibben, T N A ...fi'tioners, etc, 61 n^S"^/'<Tk] ltV,® Pandora ^ 116 Pandora Hibben, Mrs T N, H bbms, Robert, pi bay ave ^ Hick, Geo, rancher oaanich rd &l' Patrick, ge Hick Thos J, salesn «!-, \ iJhani jr, H'k, WiUiam, sr, p." men rd ilicl Wu-iam. B.O. .^5 hoiaboldt H'f . William, sal Pioneer Hick, Wm, butcher, Higginbottom, G H 9 Oriental alley, « VICTORIA TRANSFER CO., LTD. 81 and 83 BrouBhtoa Straat, Vlotorla, B. O. Tel. 189. Check Baggaf e to any part of the City. Their Wagons and Carriage* meet all Boats and Trains. VlfJTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 309 Heron, Robt, saddler and harneBS maker, 29 Broad Herrick, Ulin, book-keeper, res 76 Henry Herriott, Wm, labr, Boderick, res Tolmie ave Herrman, William, upholsterer E J Salmon & Go, 44 Johnson Heraog, Mrs H, housekeeper, 195 Yatos Hetcher, John, stonemason, res 147 Yates Hetherbell, William, bricklayer, res 103 South rd Iletherington, Robt, labr, res 111 View Ilewartsoa, Mrs Wm, dry goods and fancy store. 111 Fort Hewartsnn, Wm, jr, lithographer, Colonist, res HI Port Hewartson, W, pressman, Colonist Hewetflon, Rev J B, M.A, clerk in Holy Orders, res 68 Belcher Hewlings, E J, draughtsman, res cor Bay and Third Hewfinge, Fredk H, supt Gas Works, res 2 Pembroke liewlings, John Q, res cor Bay and Third Hewson, George, clerk, the Stanley House Hibben, T N & Oo, booksellers, stationers, etc, 69 Government Hibben, J P, (T N Hibben & Co), res 116 Pandora Hibben, TN, (T N Hibben & Co), res 116 Pandora Hibben, Mrs T N, (T N Hibben & Co), res 116 Pandora Hibbins, Robert, plasterer, res Oak bay ave Hick, Geo, rancher, res Lake Hill, Saanich rd Hickey, Patrick, gentleman, res 100 Cook Hick, Thos J, salesman, B Williams & Co. res 98 Pandora Hick, WiRiam, jr, box maker. Lake lill, Smmich rd Hi'k, Wi'.Uam, sr, fmr, Lake Hill, S:'Pnici> rd HicL. Wiriam, B.C. Soap Works, res 25 Hi:!iaboldt Hick, William, salesman, res 9}4 Pioneer Hick, Wm, butcher, res 133 Douglas Higginbottom, G H, com merchant, 9 Oriental alley, res 30 Mason Higginbottom, R W, agent, res 30 Mason Higgins, Hon DW, M.P.P, president N.E.T. & L. Co, Lt'd, res Cfadboro B rd cor St Charles Higgins, Henrv,carpt, res Vancouver hotel, 71 Yates Higgins, J T, florist, res Cadboro bay rd Higgins, Paul, student, res Cadboro bay rd Higgins, W R, N.E.T. &L. Works Higgins, F, law student, res Cadboro bay r(l , Hill, Alexander, painter, J Sears, 114 Yates, res Saanich rd W Hill, John, engr, N.E.T. & L. Co, res 63 Chatham Hill, Lewis G, salesman Say ward Lumber Mfg Co, res Cedar Hill rd Hilldreth,J S, police constable, res 18 King's rd Hilliard, Joseph, grocer, 30 Store Hilliger, Fred R, teacher languages and music, 56 Pandora Hills, H M, law elk Drake, Jackson & Helmcken, res Wilson hotel Hilton, B, cabinet maker, Cadboro bay rd E » Hilton, Benjamin W, cabinet maker. Foul bay rd Hilton, Jas, waiter Dominion hotel Hilton, Joseph, carpet layer Weiler Bros Hilton, Jos H, upholsterer, res Cad- boro bay rd E Hilton, Squire, expressman, res Cad- boro bay rd E Hilts, Capt, Salvation Army, res 130 Douglas Hinds, Frank, painter, res 93 Cor- morant Hinton, Geo C, electrician Quintard & Packard's, 16 Broad Hinton, R W, V.I. Wks, res 163 Montreal Hinton, Raynor, mechanical engi- neer, res 163 Montreal W Hip Wa & Co, general merchandise, 31 Fisguard Hip Lung & Co, opium and general merchants, 22 Cormorant Hiscock, E H, druggist Langley&Co, res 12 Frederick Hitchcock, !Mrq Ellen, caretaker Williams building Hitchcock, Valentine, bookbinder R T Williams, 28 Broad 02 t M>| WU BROS., Die LdiQiFQUttiiniDeate VICTORIA, I) 0. C. x^^"^*^ »^^.,.^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I a |2.8 |2.5 ^ ^ 12.2 2.0 6" 1.8 1.25 11.4 mil 1.6 V] 7: ^^i»*' 7 /A Photographic Sciences Corporation ?:i VOKT MAIN STMIT WMSTER.N.Y. MSSO (716)872-4503 m mm m^mmmfm^mmimiimm HUDSOI'S BtV COMPIIf, l|eiitsfor Fort Garr) and Benhn Count| Flouring Mills I GO a 310 -VIOTTORIA. B. O.- BBITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTOBT. Hobbia, Henry H, accountant, res Spring rd Hoobs, Edwin, milkman, Lock End dairy, Burnaide rd S Hobba, Frank Vicker, furniture dealer, 121 Fort and 29 Blanchard Hogarth, Jamea, clerk Cuatoma, res 12 Firat Hodge, Fredk, grocer's assistant 113 Douglas, 335 Johnson Hodge, William, horaeahoer, 92 John- son, rea 19 Oacar Hodges, Mrs Mary, widow, 336 Johnson Hodges, Thomas, bricklayer, rea 336 Johnson Hodgaon, George, labr, rea 27 Third Hodgaon, H, carpenter, rea 167 Fern- wood rd Hodgaon, Mrs R S, widow, res 27 Third Hodgson, Wesley, labr, res 51 Third Hodmett, Mrs A, tailoress, res 15 St Louis Hodson, John, mgr Nicholles & Re- nouf, Ltd, 61 Yates Hogarth, James, clork C.E. & P.P. office, res 12 First Hogg, Gtrarles, emp V.I. Wks, res Harbor Cottages, 8tore Holden, Dr D B, physician and surgeon, 13 LangU;y Holden, Emerv, rancher, St Charles Holden, F C, traveler (Ames Hol- den Co, Ltd) res 1(> Langley Holden, James, fmr, Oadboro bay Holl, Thos, rea Vancoaver hotel Holland, C A, £. C. Land and In- vestment Co, Ltd, res Upper Belcher Holland, Joshua (Morrow, Holland & Co), res 22 King's rd Holland, Stephen, glazier, Taylor Milling Co Holland, Silas, grocer, cor North rd and Ridge rd Holland, S, res 140 Mensies E Holland, — , emp Taylor Mill Co, res 208 Douglas Hollands. Wm A drayman, res 8 North Chatham HoUoway, Robert, compositor, Colo- nist, res 9 Erie N Holmes, — , res Amphion Holmes, Alexander, messenger, Prov Secretary's Office, 19 Birdcage Wlk Holmes, Arthur, clothier and fur- nisher, 78 Yates Holmes, Charles, mail clerk Colonist, rea Catherine, Vic W Holmes, Miss Emily, domestic, the Douglas house Holmes, Mandell, sealer, Belmont saloon, Government, cor Humboldt Holmes, Robert, dairyman, res Saanich rd Holmes, S R, book-keeper Sayward Mill Co, res 138 Blanchard Holmes, Miss, nurse, Devonshire rd cor Haughton Holmes, H A, clerk Bank of B.C., res 116 Menzies W Holmes, Wm, dairvman, Buena Vista farm. Cedar flill rd W Holmes, Wm Edward, mstr mariner, res Catherine, Victoria W Holmes, W H, timekeeper V. & S. Ry, res 1 South Park S Holness, Mrs E, widow, res Putnam, Spring Ridge Holnesa, Miaa S, press feeder the Colonist, res Putnam, Spring Ridge Holness, Miss M, preaa feeder the Coloniat Holtz, Charlea, packer, 13)4 Store, rea Belvea Holt, G S, clerk Bank of B.C., Gov- ernment, res 116 Mer.zies Holt, Robt, seal hunter, res Vancou- ver hotel Holt, Wm, builder, res Alpha Homan, Fred, brewery man, res 69 Henry Home for Aged and Infirm, 217 Fair- field rd, Ross bay Homfrey, Robert, res 3 Quebec N Homin, Fred, res 69 Henry Hong Chong Co, importers Chinese merchandiae, 10 Cormorant Hong Wo & Co, grocers, 64 Fiaguard Honour, Miaa Saiiie, mgr mantle de- Sartment, Maiicheater House, rea 6 orth Park Hosking, Miss Hannah, furnd rooms, res 134 Cormorant Hood, James, truckman, res 17 Alfred Hookway, A F, organist, res 32 Fourth Hookway, Raymond, office boy, res 32 Fourth Hooper, Francis, labr, res Foul bay rd Hooper, Matthew, miner, res Foul bay rd Hooper, Mrs Mary, res Oakland ave TIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY No. 23 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B. C. Guides fnmlBbed to touriato. All kinds of Chinne lielp auppUad on the ehorteat notice. Dill LEWK HiLL S INTICEPTIC TDOTIi WISH BreatH and Clean* the Teeth ■ jr«({« only at OElfTXAZi nXUO BTOBXl, Clarenee JBloek, Fietoria, B. C. the VICTOEIA CITY DIBECTOBY. 311 Hooper, Mrs M, dreeamaker, res 47 Kane Hooper, Miss Minnie, dressmaker, 47 Kane Hooper, Miss Beta, dressmaker, res 47 Kane Hooper, Thomas, architect, Ar- cade, 66 Government, res cor Yates and Fern wood Hooson, Edward, night watchman, res 83 Chambers Hooson, John Edward, Prov police officer, res police station Hopey, Byran, shipwright, res Old Esquimalt rd.cor Front,Victoria W Hopper, John, storekeeper, res Hurl- ton Horn, Henry R, labr, res 18 Rae Home, Thomas H, book-keeper, res 13 Penwill Horner, John, dry goods mcht, 83 Douglas, res Vic W Horton, Robert John, furrier, H.B. Co, res 3 St Lawrence W Hotel Brunswick, J A Grant, prop, cor Yates and Douglas Hotel Mount Baker, Oak bay, J A Virtue, mgr Hot9l Victoria, P T Patton, prop, cor Government and Johnson Hotz, Eliza, domestic, res Vancouver Hougan, C A, res Wilson hotel Houghton, George, coachman, res 4 Pleasant Hoult, Edward, bricklayer, res Fern- wood rd, Ross bay Houlihan, James, fmr res Gordon Head Houlihan, Paul, fmr, res Gordon head Hounslow, Mrs F R, widow, res 11 North Park Hounslow, Herbert, painter, res 11 North Park Houston, John, salesman, NichoUs & Renouf, res 131 Cormorant Houston. Robert, editor. Times, res 9 South Park Houston, Willian, machinist, res Jessie Howe, Alex C, wood and coal dealer, res Discovery Howell, Mrs, dressmaker, res 182 Yates Howell, Alf , gardener, res Prospect rd Cadboro bay rd Howell, Benjamin, plumber, res Prospect rd, Cadboro nay rd Howell, C E, builder, bds Poodle Dog Howell, Harry, grocer's assistant, 81 Douglas Howell, Harry A, clerk, res Bodwell, Spring Ridge Howell, Miss L, printer. Savannah studio. Five Sisters' blk Howell, Thomas, tailor, res 108 View Howes' Coal and Wood yard. Gov- ernment cor Discovery Howes, Wm, carpt, res 83 John Howeth, J, res 13 Trounce ave Howie, A, labr, res Commercial hotel Howard, Mrs E A, boarding house, 60 Rae Howard, Miss Florence, res 60 Rae Howard, H N, book-keeper, Henry Saunders, res Clarence hotel Howard, Mrs L, waitress, Balmoral Howarth, Wm Henry, tinsmith, res 78 Johnson Hudson's Bay Co, 66 Wharf, R H Hall, mgr Hueter, Louis, mechanical engr, res 24 Ontorio Huff, J T, steam laundry employee, res Brunswick hotel Hugel, W L, painter, res 204 Douglas Hughes, Miss C, milliner, Spencer's Arcade, res 54 Frederick Hughes, J M, book-keeper, res 95 Toronto N Hughes, Jas H, carpt, Tennyson rd, res Saanich rd W Hughes, James, res 47 Second Hughes, J M, res Queen's hotel Hughes, Peter, plumber, 99 Yates, res Brunswick hotel Hughes, Richard, longshoreman, res 18 Edmonton, rd Hughes, Capt H V, mariner, res 47 Second Huggett, Alfred, salesman, Weiler Bros, res 72 Frederick Hughitt, Amos, Rock Bay Lumber Yard, res Genoa, B.C Hughitt & Mclntyre, Rock Bay Lum- ber Yard, res John Hull, Thos T, book-kpr, Munro Mil- ler, res 206 Cook Humber, Luke, bricklayer, res Topaz ave Humber, M, brickmaker, res Topaz ave Humber, W H R, bricklayer, res 46 Gorge rd Hume, James, bartender, res 182 Fort w n D m I CO w o u (A m. D HT.WEIMS BOOKBINDER anA BUNK BOOK HOUFACTDRER M BBOAIt MTBMBT, riCXOBMA. DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY - WINNIPEG. nrewrtf'a Pr«tHUnn linger— Vully Xqual to owy Zmpcrfed Bter. I I I t o Q O CO 312 BRITISH COLUUBIA DIBBOTORY. Hume, Eli, carpenter, res Hurlton Humphryp, W H, fisherman, res 61 St Lawrence Humphrey, William, res lOSGadboro bay rd Hunerfauth, Fredk, book-keeper, Globe restaurant, res 42 Yates Hunerfauth, Fredk, baker, res 124 Blanchard Hunt, John, nurseryman and dorist, Burnside rd Hunter, Andrew S, carpenter, res Brunswick hotel Hunter, Charles, car conductor, res 74 Pembroke Hunter, Gordon, Crown Solicitor, res 86 Belleville S Hunter, James, Prov police officer Hunter, Joseph, C.E., M.P.Pm supt E. & N.B. Co, res 49 Birdcage Walk . Hurd, M, labr, res 3 cabin, 88 Store Hurd, Wm, bartender. Rock Bay hotel Hurlev, George, driver Vic Trans- fer Co Hurst, W S, contractor, Esquimalt rd Huson, A W, prop stone quariy, res 27 North rd Hussey, F S, Supt Prov Police, Bastion sqr Hutcheson, Frank J, law student Drake, Jackson & Helmcken, res 38 Victoria Cres Hutoheson, J, prop the Westside dry goods, res 38 Victoria Cres Hutcheson, John Wm, Prov police officer, police station Hutchison, Wm, teamster res 65 Third Hutchison, Benj, blacksmith, res 108 View Hutchison, Mrs C, vidow, res 38 Harrison Hutchison, Miss Lucy, tailoress, res 108 View Hutchison, M, mgr Victoria Elec Co, res 63 Chatham Hutchison, R, wireman Victoria Electric Co, res 53 Chatham Huxtable, Alfred, res School reserve, Cadboro bay road Huxtable, James, clerk J Johnston & Co, 77 Crovemment, res School reserve Huxtable, James E, asst Waitt & Co, res School reserve Cadboro bay rd Huxtable, Wm Harry, janitor pub- lic schools, res School reserve, Cad- boro bay rd Huxtable, Robt T, painter, res School reserve, Cadboro bay road Huxtable, W H, jr, machinist, res School reserve, Cadboro bay rd Hyams, A R, mgr Victoria Optical Co, 100 Government Hyde, Miss Mary, dressmaker, res 76 Blanchard Hyland, J, emp A.I.W., res 46 Chat- ham Icelandic Church, Fern wood rd Immanuel Baptist Church, P H Mc- Ewen, pastor cor North Ciiatham and Fern wood rd ImmiKration, (Minister of) Lt. Col Hon James Baker Imperial Studio, E J Eyres photogra- pher, 76 Yates Independent Order of Good Tem- plars, 49 Pandora Indian Baaaar, J J Hart & Co, props, 43 Johnson Indian Office, Douglas st. A W Vowell, supt, res 102 Cook Innes, Alex Scott, Bodwell & Irving res 4 Battery Innes, Miss Bella, res 69 Chatham Innes, H M, clerk Bank B.N. A., res 55 Michigan Innes, V, student-at-law, Alan S Dumbleton, 61 Langley, res Esqui- mau Inspector of Mines, Archibald Dick, Prov Secy's Dept, James Bay Inspector of Weijthts, Measures and Gas, Hugh Findlay, 64 Langley Institute Hall, View Iredale, Miss Beatrice, dressmaker Spencer's Arcade, res 104 Pandora Iredale, Wilson, " Elsmere House," 104 Pandora Ireland, Charles, caretaker military stores, res 22 Meneies E Ireland, Miss W, waitress, Telegraph hotel Ireton, James, agent Singer Sewing Machine Co, res 43 Blanchard Irvine, Harry D, motomeer, res' 28 Elizabeth Irvine, James, genl labr, res Clover- dale Iivine, John, fmr, Rosebank farm. Cedar Hill rd ANltlflOHT. 1 nan A,M. BEATTIE WEEKLY AUaiONS CITT MAWUBT, VAKCOUVUl. B. C. Irvine, John W Cedar Hill Irvine, Robert. nam Irving, Miss Ch moral hotel, r Irving, George, Irving, I M, sal Lawrance W Irvine:. Capt Co, 64 WhaTf, Irving, Margar Menzies Irvi« '!', Panlv Wtoii ft irvi 47 Cook Irvinsr, Robt brokers, 28>^ B Irving, Robert, 28>^ Broad, res Irving, Robert, rt Cher cor Moss Irving, Thos L. si res 127 Johnson Irving, David, i Western hotel Irwin, Dixon, gov lane Irwin, John, labi hotel Isaacs, Jacob, vj ^ store, 23 Johneoi Isleib, Christian, cher Jaeck J F, druggif v^lub Jack, Alex, res 48 Jacjf Mrs A, wido) Jack in, C M, mou Jacklm, Mrs F, wi( Jacklin, Thos, mou Jackman, R, comp JacKman, Samuel, Government, res Jackman, Stephen, berry Vale Jackson, Alex J, CO Cook ■ Jackson, C F, m Wine Co, res cor i«aston rd Jackson, Fred, drua Ion rd "■ Jackson, Fredk A, 31 Fort VIOTOKIA, I'^^x^^T. Victoria Transfer Co.. Ltd. ^"^r Aim 21 and 83 Bronchton Street, Victoria, B. C. TeL 129. VICTORIA CITY DIBECTCRY. 'ro*in«9. 313 Irvine, John W, fmr, Rosebank farm, Cedar Hill Irvine, Robert, teamster, res 15 Put- nam \ Irving, Miss Ghrissie, waitress, Bal- moral hotel, res 61 Douglas Irving, George, prop Beehive saloon Irving, I M, saloon keeper, res 61 St Lawrence W Irvinar, Capt John, mgr C.P.N. Co, 64 Wharf, res 72 Menzies Irvine, Margaret, domestic, 144 Menzies Irvf « ^, Paulas i9Bniilin8,(Bod- Wtoil ft Irving), 21 Bastion, res 47 Cook Irving, Robt M & Co, financial brokers, 28>^ Broad Irving, Robert, (R M Irving & Co), 29,% Broad, res 80 Kingston Irving, Robert, res "Gisourn," Bel- clier cor Moss Irving, Thos L, shoemaker, 23 Broad, res 127 Johnson Irving, David, machine oiler, res Western hotel Irwin, Dixon, govt clerk, res Lovers' lane Irwin, John, labr, res Commercial hotel Isaacs, Jacob, California auction store, 23 Johnson Isleib, Christian, cooper, res 24 Bel- cher Jaeck, J F, druggist, 66 Fort, res Vic Club Jack, Alex, res 48 Michigan S Jack, Mrs A, widow, res 121 Superior Jacklin, C M, moulder, res 44 Herald Jacklin, Mrs F, widow, res 44 Herald Jacklin, Thos, moulder, res 44 Herald Jaukman, R, compositor. Colonist Jac-<man, Samuel, collar maker, 126 Government, res Spring Ridge Jackman, Stephen, rancher, Straw- berry Vale Jackson, Alex J, cor Hillside ave and Cook Jackson, C F, manager California Wine Co, res cor Belton ave and Leaston rd Jackson, Fred, druggist, res 25 Ava- Ion rd Jackson, Fredk A, B. C. Pharmacy, 31 Fort Jacksoii, Geo R, merchant tailor, 57 Government, res 22 Rithet Jackson, Geo E, machinist A.I.W., res cor Hillside ave and Cook Jackson, Hy, cook Vancouver hotel, 71 Yates Jackson, Jacob, carpenter, res 22 Walnut Jackson, James, sand merchant, res 60 Quadra Jackson, James A, biscuit baker, res 9 James N Jackson, John, photographer, 56 Pandora Jackson, Mrs J B, electrician, res 89 Yates Jackson, J S, butcher Lawrence Goodacre, res 26 Frederick Jackson, Mrs, tailoress, res 62 Broad Jackson, Mrs Margaret, widow, res cor Hillside ave and Cook Jackson, Sheridan L, grocer, 49 Blanchard Jackson, Stuart H, stonecutter, res cor Hillside ave and Cook Jackson, Thos Jas, innkeeper " Wil- lows," Cadboro bay rd Jackson, William, druggist, 95 Doug- las, res 93 Carr Jackson, W & Co, chemists and drug- gists, u6 Douglas Jackson, W C, apprentice Cochrane & Munn, res "Bentwood," cor Hillside ave and Cook Jackson, W R, (Petrie & Jackson) 107 and 109 Government, res 76 Chat- ham Jacob, E, private sec Lieut-Governor, res Wilson hotel Jacobson, Mrs, widow, res 62 Work Jacobson, Gus, carpenter, Springfield ave. Vie W Jacobson, Hans Peter, grocer, 130 Yates Jacobson, Capt Victor, sealer, res Head, Vic W Jacques, Geo, watchmaker and jew- eler, 127 Fort Jacques, J, mechanic, res Telegraph hotel Jagers, John F, master mariner, res 148 Menzies E Jame Lee, restaurant, 21)^' Herald James Bay Athletic Club, Belleville James, Francis T, coachman, res 2 Belleville James, Harry, seaman, res 3 Hum- boldt o ^^ 1^ ti»^ f B: D I 0) tn- — B < IK 2 Z -3 QQ ffl ei a ■** ■ S° M 3 i»5 s s 5 s 5 2. BROS., ^I^^ AGENTS FOB CB0S8LEY vioTOKiA, B. o. AND SONS FINE CARPETS. mWlllwri'^'^^ HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY '"*S^«l=fL"."^« I mm SI li- as fa fa « « •♦a 314 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. James, Henry, labr, res Dominion st, Graigflower rd James, Percy, gardener, res 4 Belle- ville S James, Richard, Ubr, Powderly ave Jamieson, John C, clerk, res Esqui- mau rd, cor FrfHlerick Jameson, John C, book-keeper, 33 Fort, res Frederick, Vic W Jameson, Robt H, grocer, 33 Fort, res 69 Superior Jamieson, Robert, books and stationery, 92 Government, res 113 Simcoe Jamieson, Mrs M, res 254 Johnson Jamieson, M, res 137 Pandora Janes, Mrs A M, widow, res 39 North Park Janes, Charles, clerk, res 39 North Park Janes, Edw, book-binder R T Wil- liams, res 13 Green Janes, George A, printer, res 39 North Park Janes, Mr s Ja ne, widow, res 13 Green Jamion Wharf Co, C Rattray, mgr, 28 Store, (gee advtp. 255) Janion, H C, clerk R P Rithet & Co, res cor Vancouver and Richardson Janion, Mrs R W, res 98 Cook Japanese Baaaar, T S Futcher, prop, 41 Fort Jaques, Arthur Wm, bartender. Bay View saloon, 1 Humboldt Jardine, John, painter, res 98 Blan- chard Jarvis, Wm, stevedore, res 46 Quebec Jav & Co, seedsmen and nurserymen, is Broad Jay, George, jr (Yates & Jay), res Sylvia Jay, George (Jay & Co), res 256 Cook Jayet, Miss, res Doininion hotel Jayet, Mrs, res Dominion hotel Jeanneret, Geo ]<redk, accountant, Shawn igan Lake Lumber Co, res Balmoral hotel Jeeves, Allen, labr, res M% First Jeeves, Ernest, labr, res 64^ First Jeeves, Frank, -labr, res 64}^ First Jeeves, George, contractor, res 21 Second Jeflfrey, George, ship caulker, res Empire hotel Jeffrey, James, accountant, Robert Irving & Co, 2%% Broad, res 13 Amelia Jeftree, W J, clothier and gents' furnishings, 77-79 Yates, res 275 Cook Jeffrey, Robt M, cashier, Dunsmuir & Sons, res 164 Michigan Jeffrey, William, carpenter, res San Juan ave £ Jelfs, George, gardener, res 26 Van- couver Jelfs, Thomas, painter, res 5 Ed- monton cor Cedar Hill rd Jenkins, Charles, carpenter, res Cath- erine, Vic W Jenkins, D, emp Ames, Holden&Co, res 149 Chatham Jenkins, D J, undertaker, res 149 Chatham Jenkins, James, bricklayer, res 8 First Jenkins, Miss Marion, (Stevens & Jenkins), fancy dry goods, res 39 Pandora Jenkins, Mrs M, vice-president W.C. T.U. res 149 Chatham Jenkins, William, hatter, res 39 Pan- dora Jenkins, Wm, boilermaker, A.I.W, res 102 Bav Jenkinson, henry, gardener, res 96 Fort Jenkinson, Chas W, asst assessor, res Vic Arm off Craigflower rd Jenkinson, Robt, steward, Provincial Royal Jubilee Hospital Jenkinson, Wm, watchmaker and jeweller, \Z% Johnson, res Douglas Jenns, The Rev Percival, rector, St John's, res 147 Douglas Jennings, Howard, longshoreman, res 3 cabin, Johnson Jennings, Samuel, brickmaker, res Tolmie Ave, Saanich rd E Jennings, Thomas, merchant, res 120 Cormorant Jennings, Wm, lather, res 42 Kanu Jensen, Albert, cook, res 66 Pem- broke Jensen, Victor, Boomerang saloon, 4 Court alley Jensen, Wiiliam, prop Dallas htl Dallas rd N, (see advt.Sndfly sheet) Jenue, salesman, res Maple, Tolmie ave Jephsen, Hans, driver, Vic Trans Co, res 19 Broughton Jephsen, Willis M, driver, Vic Trans Co, 21-23 Broughton S Jepson, Ole, expressman, res 35 First TIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY No. 23 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B. O. Guides furniahed to tourtats. All kinds ot Chineae help anpplied on the sborteat notice. C'iorenee B Jesse, Annie, d( Jesse, Miss E, j tate Ward scl Jesse, F W , lavi W Jesse, George ] res 67 Montre Jesse, Mrs Mai Montreal W Jesse, W H, lai Jessop, John agent, res 186 Jeune, Fred'k, at ernment, res 2 tate Jewell, Albert E Blanchard Jewell, Frank, ci res 91 Blanchai Jewell, Henry, c 76 Douglas, res Jewish Svnagogt Philo, Rabbi, B] Jobson, Miss, di( Phillips' Jobson, John,roa( Saanich rd John, B H, chief i Dept John, Richard, pi res 30 Third Johns Bros, groce King's rd Johns, John, emp Farquhar ^ Johns, William, James Johnson, Adam, li bers Johnson, Alex, coi Quadra J-Jhnson, A, labr, Johnson, Arthur more & McCand Johnson, Andrew. McCIure Johnson, MissAgn Johnson, Charles,' 199 Johnson Johnson^Chris, lal Johnson, C, emph Ridge rd Johnson, Edwin, a taurant, 28 Johnt Johnson, Edward, Park Johnson, EEC Erskine, tea 71 Ji *» MXOAO MTMMXT, PULMONIC COUGH CURE WILL CURE THAT COUGH. HADE ONLY AT THE » CENTRAL DRUG STORE * C'/ar«nee Btoefet Comer TateB and Itoufflat Streeta, TICTOSIA, B. O. VIOTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 315 Jesse, Annie, domestic, 300 Dallas rd Jesse, Miss E, ir assistant, Work Es- tate Ward school, res 67 Montreal Jesse, F W , lawyer, res 67 Montreal W Jesse, George Hy, clerk, H. B. Co, res 67 Montreal W Jesse, Mrs Matilda, widow, res 67 Montreal W Jesse, W H, lawyer, res 67 Montreal Jessop, Jolm, Dom Immigration agent, res 186 Yates Jeune, Fred'k, sail maker, 127K Gov- ernment, res 20 Fourth, Work Es- tate Jewell, Albert £, apprentice, res 91 Jtlanchard Jewell, Frank, clerk, Lenz & Leiser, res 91 Blanchard Jewell, Henry, china and crockery, 76 Douglas, res 91 Blanchard Jewish Synagogue, Dr Solomon S Philo, Rabbi, Blanchard, res Herald Jobson, Miss, die stamper at W H Phillips' Jobson, John, roadman Kelvin rd, res Saanich rd John, B H, chief clerk Land & Works Dept John, Bichard, packer, Weiler Bros, res 30 Third Johns Bros, grocers, 261 Douglas cor King's rd Johns, John, employ A.I.W, res 22 Farquhar Jolins, William, contractor, res 25 James Johnson, Adam, labr, res 135 Cham- bers Johnson, Alex, cornice maker, res 43 Quadra Jjhnson, A, labr, res 47 N Chatham .Johnson, Arthur Percy, clerk, Gil- more & McCandlesB, res 71 John Johnson, Andrew, coachman, res 75 McClure Johnson, Miss Agnes, res 107 Pandora Johnson, Charles, atone mason, res 199 Johnson JohnsonrOhris, labr, res 20 Noith rd Johnson, 0, employ V.I.W, res 14 Ridge rd Johnson, Edwin, waiter, Lome res- taurant, 28 Johnson Johnson, Edward, waiter, res 118 N Park Johnson, EEC, salesman, A B Erskine, ves 71 John Johnson, E, waiter, Driard cafe Johnson, Edwd Codey, morket supt, res 71 John Johnson, Edwd M, real estate agt, Government, res 170 Fort Johnson, Mrs E A, prop New York hotel, 67-69 Yates Johnson, George, sailor, res Marion Johnson, George, Vic dairy, Cedar Hill rd Johnson, Gideon, tinsmith, McLen- nan & McFeely, res 8 Kane Johnson, Mrs Hugh, res 107 Pandora Johnson, H Peter, tea merchant, res 115 Fisguard Johnson, James, fisherman, res 43 Quadra Johnson, Miss Jennie E, res 107 Pan- dora Johnson, John, bartender, Driard hotel, res 38 Princess Johnson, John, saddler, Ivma, res Burnside rd Johnson, Jno, res Gordon Head rdW Johnson, John, insurance agent, res 107 Pandora Johnson, John, laborer, res 14 Ridge rd Jolinson, Miss Josie, book-stitcher, 77 Johnson Johnson, J A, res 100 Quadra Johnson, J B, prop Junction Grocery, 30 Humboldt, cor Churchway Johnson, J D, inmate Home for Aged and Infirm, 217 Fairfield rd Johnson, Kelly, carpenter, res 14 Ridge rd Johnson, Lionel C, resFeltham rd N, Cedar Hill rd E Johnson, Louis, miner, res Dominion hotel Johnson, Miss Maggie, res 107 Pan- dora Johnson, Miss May, dressmaker, Stanley House, res 107 Pandora Johnson, Miss M, book-keeper Lenz & Leiser, 9-11 Yates Johnson, Ole, labr, res Vancouver hotel • Johnson, Oliver, teamster, res South rd Johnson, Mrs P, res 47 McOlure Johnson, R, mariner, res Vancouver hotel, 71 Yates Johnson, Thomas, book-keeper J B Kerr, res 107 Pandora Johnson, Thos, labr, res 16 cabin, Johnson H GO H o o H H H H ■ WEOSLOY More Hands and More Capital tlian all other Binderies in tbe Province, »» SBOAn MTMMMT, TICXOBtjl, H >f it R. T. WILLIAMS jHflJpPWIP'^^I^WPIBWP'^W^i^^iiP^^^iPp t^m ■PPfl""^^' W DREWRY'8 Redwood BEEWJatY. Winnipeg I ^^"^^ Tn TBK8B GOOna WA.XnASTXl> TO KXXP Iir All, CXXUATX8 O PQ c CGI J". (D 43 -t-i GD (0 O Q O 316 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Johnson, Mrs Euphemia, res 43 Quadra Johnson, William, rancher, res Pros- pect Lake Jonnson, Wm, empcity water works, res 118 North Park, cor Chambers Johnson, W H, agent Union Mutual Life Insurance Co, res Courteney Johnston, M, waiter Driard, res 107 Cormorant Johnston, J & Co, booksellers, sta- tioners, etc., 77 Government Johnston, E C, clerk Bank of B.N. A., res 151 Richardson Johnston, Edwd P, assistant, 60 Douglas, res St Charles Johnston, G T, tinner McLennan & McFeely, res 8 Kane Johnston, James and Co, wholesale dry goods, 5 Oriental alley Johnston, James, expressman, res 28 Simcoe S Johnston, J (J Johnston & Co), res 250 Yates Johnston, J O, traveler T B Pearson & Co, 30 Yates, res Fort Johnston, Kelly, carpenter, V.I.W Johnston, Matthew Trotter, mgr Findlay, Durham & Brodie, res 151 Richardson Johnston, Miss N, artist S Lowe, res 28 Simcoe Johnston, P D, salesman at nursery, 50 Douglas, res St Charles Johnston, Philip Thos, nursery and seedsman, 62 Douglas, res St Charles Johnston, R H, salesman, 52 Douglas, res St Charles Johnston , William, motorneer, res Henry, Vic W Johnston, W D, painter J Sears, res Milne Joliffe, Fred, driver W^ilson's bakery, 84 Yates JonasBon, A M, carpenter, res 217 Cook Jonasson, Miss Josephine, book- binder, res 217 Cook • Jones, Arthur, clerk, res Belcher ave Jones, Albert E, typewriter, res 261 Johnson JoneH, A M, stenographer and type- writer, 86)^ Government, res 261 Johnson Jones, A W, ft Bridgrman. real estate, insurance and financial agts, 28 Fort Jones, Capt A W, (Jones & Bridgman), district paymaster and supt of stores, 28 Fort, res 102 Cook Jones, Miss Alice, res 87 John Jones, Charles, gentleman, res 261 Johnson Jones, C E, druggist, 36 Govern- ment Jones, C F, res 133 Quadra Jones, Miss Clara, tailoress, res 183>o Douglas Jones, David D, book-keeper R I' Rithet & Co, res Brunswick hotel Jones, Ernest, B. C. Soap Works, 25 Humboldt, res 62 King's rd Jones, Miss Eliisabeth, nurse. Cedar Cottage, 13 Cedar Hill i J Jones, Fredk C, joiner, res 6 James 8 Jones, George, bartender, res 258 a ates Jones, Geo, contractor, res 95 Cham- bers Jones, G L. bartender Vancouver hotel Jones, Mrs G, res 138 Cook Jones, Harry, bricklayer, res 62 King's rd Jones, H F M, elk Bank of B.N.A., res 18 Rupert Jones, James, machinist A.I.AV., res 33 Princess ave Jones, John, horse dealer, res 50 David Jones, John, photographer, res 261 Johnson Jones, John Boyd, prop Pritchard house, 58 Yates, res 69 View Jones, John T, teamster Paragon Oil Co, res 141 Yates Jones, Mrs Lavina, widow, res 86 Henry Jones, Mrs L, widow, res 162 Fort Jones, Dr Meredith, physician and surgeon, 28 Langley Jones, Mrs, seamstress Sehl-Hastie- Erskine Co. res Cook Jonea, Mrs, Dominion hotel .lones, Miss Mary, Dominion hotel Jones, Richard, gas inspector, 54 Langley, res Michigan Jones, R', Inland Revenue, res 110 Superior S Jones, Samuel, fmr, Wilkinson rd Jones, Stephen sr, retired, res Do- minion hotel Jones, Stephen Jr, prop Do- minion hotel A. M. BEATTIE CITY MARKET, VAHCOUVCR. B. C. . APPRAISEK - AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. Jones, Thomas boat builder, : Jones, TJ, L.D. Jones, Thomas ] 263 Johnson Jones, William. Jones, WilUi Williams & Co Jones, Wm Asth King's rd Jones William H 21 Store Jorand, Henry, e couver Jorand, Mrs Hen Jorand, Miss Jen uages, res 51 V Jordan, F G, res Jordan, William, Steam Bakery, •lordan, W, engr , Jordan, Mrs Wm, lee Hospital Jordan, Wm Johi 47 Store, res Vi( Jorgensen, G E, d and Works Dep; Joseph, C A, tailo res Yafes Joseph, J, tailor, i Joslvn, C 8, res 1£ Joule, A J, locker office, res Toron Jubilee Hospital I ardson, medical Jubilee Saloon, Jo 49 Johnson Kaina,Tom, Si 300 Dallas rdN Kamai, Louis, bak Kammerer, C W, ( bookseller, res 17 Kaminski, Joseph Chatham Kane, Lt Col A . Ry, res 38 Simco< Kaoe, J G, stonecu hotel Katzauer, Max, m| itz, res London a Kay, Fred, trader, hotel Kav John, bricklt Vic W INTERIOR wool Victoria Transfer Go., Ltd. 91 and 98 Broughton Btreet, Vietoria, B UNirOtlM RATES for Hacka and Baggaca Good Drivera, Horaaa and Vabidaa. Telephone 199' VICTOBIA CITY DIBBCTOBY. 317 Jones, Thomas C. boat house and boat builder, 20 Wharf Jones, T J, L.D.S., dentist, 246 Fort Jones, Thomas M, photographer, res 263 Johnson Jones, William, bartender, 51 Herald Jones, William, real estate, A Williams & Co, res Belcher ave Jones, Wm Astley, bricklayer, res 62 King's rd Junes William Hv, fruit candy store, 21 Store Jorand, Henry, student, ves 61 Van- couver Jorand, Mrs Henry, res 51 Vancouver Jorand, Miss Jenny, teacher of lang- uages, res 51 Vancouver Jordan, F G, res 5 Green Jordan, William, prop Victoria West Steam Bakery, Marv, Vic W Jordan, W, engr Jubilee Hospital Jordan, Mrs Wm, housemaid. Jubi- lee Hospital Jordan, Wm John, grocer and baker, 47 Store, res Vic W Jorgensen, G £, draughtsman Lands and Works Department Joseph, C A, tailor D Campbell & Co res Yates Joseph, J, tailor, res 131 Yates Joslvn, C S, res 159 Vancouver Joule, A J, locker customs E. & P.P. office, res Toronto Jubilee Hospital Pro Royal, Dr Rich- ardson, medical supt Jubilee Saloon, John H Gaerde8,prop 49 Johnson Kaina, Tom, Surveyor Gen'l, res 300 Dallas rd N Kamai, Louis, baker, Esquimau rd Kammerer, C W, (T N Hibben & Co) bookseller, res 17 Putnam Kaminski, Joseph, tailor, res 124 Chatham Kane, Lt Col A J, British Pacific Ry, res 38 Simcoe 8 Kaoe, J G, stonecutter, res Dominion hotel Katzauer, Max, mgr J & A Boscow- itz, res London saloon Kay, Fred, trader, res Brunswick hotel Kay, John, bricklayer, res Russel, Vic W Kaye, James, private tutor, res 138 Menzies E Kaye, William, Craigflower dairy, Craigflower, Gorge rd Kavton, G R, cutter Ames Holden & Oo, res Burnside rd Keach, A P, shipper Sehl-Hastie- Erskine Co, res Angel hotel Keappock, Michael, teacher St Louis College, Pandora ave Keast, Arthur, Depy Regtr Supreme and County Courts, res 1 Stanley ave Keating, plumber, res 60 Fort Keating, A, hardware and crockery, cor Douglas and Queen's ave Keefer, James S, blacksmith Govt dredger, res 4 Cameron Keefe, Michael S, master mariner, res 62 Collinson Keefer, George A, C.E., (Knefer & Smith) 44-46 Five Sister's block, res "Wyndlawns," Pemberton rd Keefer & Smith* civil and hy- draulic engineer8,44-46 Five Sisters' block Keeler, Richard, drayman, res 62 Second Keen, John, civil engineer, res 151 Johnson Keenan, P, res 17 Parry Keenan, Samuel, baker, M R Smith <& Co, res 17 Parry W Keenan, T finisher, res 17 Parry W Keays, George H, res 111 Blanchard Keil, August, fresco artist, rea Dom- inion hotel Keithley, George, engineer, res 45 Princess ave Keith, J, CM., architect, (Evers & Keith), Williams' bldg Keitley, George, engineer, res 63 Humboldt Keeler, John Watson, importer of sewer pipes, cement, etc, res 161 Yates Kellerman, Henry, butcher, res Dominion hotel ' Kelly, S L & Co, stoves and tinware merchants, 24 Yates Kelly, Andrew, laborer, res 103 View Kelly, D L, shipwright, res 60 Third Kellv, Ernest, plumber, res 18 Hill- sicle ave Kelly. Frank M, res 331 Johnson Kelly, Fred D, painter, res 331 John- son C/3 INTERIOR WOODWORK, OFHOE AND BAR FITTINGS '■ = MmA* to Ofdw *y WISXLER BROS. > CO o a BT 8B B IS 3 OD OD MS, Is si 8- o %.. Hi ■^1 1 ■ ik. '{ I iS(»'M*' »,W'!«WIW HIjlBUWMPIWJIl)! IPIPU.I I , f<M.»U.»'<<«<";>W>|, |l'UlU.^>li|fl||lfil^ eODSON'S BAY COMPANY WltTBU mnA JLIQUOBB, Wree and in JlMHl. VICTORIA, B. C. nsS- •>!• ♦a ai « 1 5 Ah <M « o ^ 00 ■♦-• »4 V & 2 (A U * H 1 318 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Kelly, Fred'k, apprentice, J Sears, res 114 Yatea Kelly, George P. emp Telephone Co, rea 331 Johnaon Kelly, Henry, ship carpenter, rea Harriett rd Kelly, John, labr, rea 66 Pembroke Kelly, S L, (S L Kelly & Co), rea 228 Yatea Kelly, Samuel Bon jn, book-keeper, rea 114 View Kemp, Mrs Mary,widow, rea 11 Bich- ardaon Kendall, Mrs, milliner, Henry Young & Co, 67 Government Kendell, J S, painter, rea Cameron Kennedy, David, maine engr, rea 16 Montreal W Kennedy, John, engineer, rea Ruaael VicW Kennedy, W L, chief clerk Dali.<i8 hotel, Dallas rd N Kennedy, Thomas, engineer, rea Russel, Vic W Kennell, Godfrey, janitor, rea 46 Blanchard Kenning, J A, book-keeper, R P Rithet & Co Kenny, Richard, salesman, McLen- nan & McFeely.res 17 St Louis Kent, Charles, city treaa, res 180 Yates Kent, Chas Herbert, music dealer, 64 Government, res 243 Yatea Kent, William Henry, joiner, rea 163 Johnson Kenward, Chas it Co, Plymouth bakery, res 16 Broad Keown, George, cigar maker, res 8 Amelia Kerg, Mrs Anna, widow, rea 20 Pio- neer Kerg, Misa Anna, dressmaker, res 20 Pioneer Kerg, Misa Tilly, milliner, rea 12 Amelia Kers, Misa L, dreaamaker, rea 12 Bunchard Kermode, Edwd, ahip carpenter, rea 87 Henry Kermode, F, aaaiatant curator Prov Museum Ker, Arnot, book-kpr. Brackman & Ker, rea 90 Discovery Ker, D R, The Brackman & Ker Milling Co, 126 Government, rea 90 Discovery Ker, R J, treasurer, R P Rithet & Co, rea 90 Discovery Ker, R L, asst-mgr Bank B.C, reu St Catherine, Vic W Ker, T A, r Brack man & Ker), mill mgr, res Dallas rd W Kerr, J R, bookaellei and stationer, 46 Governmsnt, res 329 Johnson Kerr, Wm Campbell, furniture deal'r, res 110 Yates Kerrick, Wm, clerk, Driard cafe, res 161 Fort Kerwn, Frank, painter, res 8 Amelia Kerwn, George, cigar maker, res 8 Amelia Kerwn, Harry, res 8 Amelia Kerwn, Jas, carpt, res 8 Amelia Keaaler, Henry, foreman, A.I.W, res 103 Chatham Kettle, William, steamboat engr, res Henry Key, Edwd, butcher, rea 2% Second Key, Jamea, waiter. Union Club Kidder, John, carpt, res Saanich rd Kieson, Hans, sealer, res 64 Pem- broke Kilbraith, Mrs, seamstress, Weiler Bros Kilburn, E B, ledger-keeper. Green, Worlock & Co, res 60 Fort Kindergarten school, cor Fort and Cook King & Ewing, com brokera,61 Wharf King, Lun & Co, tailors, rea 66 Fis- guard King's Head Beer Hall, White & Sloan, props, 48 Johnson King, Archibald, compositor. Colo- nist King, A B, baker, res 36 Alfred King, G H, res 52 Menzies E King, C H, sealer, res Clarke King, C J, teamster, res 198 Pandora King, C R, (King&Ewing),51 Wharf, res cor Menzies and Superior King, David J, printer. Times, res G Douglas King, Miss Eliza, teacher Central school, rea 36 Alfred King, Miss E A, teacher, res 36 Cale- donia ave King, George, fishmonger, res Milne King, Henry, machine hand, Taylor Milling Co King, Herbert £, expressman, res Caledonia ave King, Jabez, expressman, res 36 Caledonia ave King, Jamea, dair Park Kingsley, John, c( Vic W King, M, lumbern res 30 Caledonia Aing, Miss Maud, Alfred King, R, truukmat Dray Co, rea Vai King, S E B, bake; King, Walter E. re K«ng, Walter J, 8t< Caledonia ave King, Wm A, driv res 36 Caledonia i Kinarham, Josl tadboro bay rd, ( Kmlock, J W, tinsi res 320 Johnson Kinnaird, Walter J 46 Johnson, rea 2J Kinsey, David, paic dora Kiusman, John, bui broke Kinaman, John Edv Goepel, res 94 Pec Kinsman, Miss Mab broke Kinsman, Wm, stud broke Kipling, Charles, « Works, res 11 Hur Kipling, David, stud boldt Kipling, Mary, dom( chard Kipling, Thomas, mi Humboldt Kipling, William, t res 43>^ South rd Kipling, William, Humboldt Kippen, Walter, bai saloon Kirby, Captain Bran< Kirk, Donald, baker Go's Kirk, G A, elk Turne j, res Rockland ave A-irk, Joseph, carriaj Government, res 36 Old Eaauimalt rd, -" Kirkendale, Jessie, Esquimau rd TIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY No. 23 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B. G. Guides fumitlied to tonrlats. All kinds of Cklnese help mpplied on the ahorteet notice^ ""'"■■';■"'' V" ■ "'(^ 'H"1f^J' '" V, AKB BEST OF BOODS AT THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE. Block, Cor. Yates and Douglas Sts., Victoria, B. C. VICTOBIA CITY DIBECTORY. 319 King, James, dairyman, res 72 North Park Kingsley, John, cook, res Catherine, View King, M, lumberman (King & Casey), res 30 Caledonia ave King, Miss Maud, dressmaker, res 36 Alfred King, R, truckman, Vic Truck and Dray Co, res Vancouver hotel KinK, S £ B, baker, res 36 Alfred King, Walter E. res 36 Alfred King, Walter J, stage driver, res 36 Caledonia ave King, Wm A, driver Porter & Sons, res 36 Caledonia ave Kinffliaill, Joshna, jeweler, res Cadboro bay rd, (see advt p. S55) Kinluuk, J W, tinsmith, 89 Johnson, res 320 Johnson Kinnaird, Walter D, mercht tailor, 46 Johnson, res 22 Caledonia ave Kinsey, David, painter, res 158 Pan- dora Kiu?man, John, builder, rea 94 Pem- broiie Kinamah, John Edwd, clerk Hall & Goepel, res 94 Pembroke Kinsman, Miss Mabel, res 94 Pem- broke Kinsman, Wm, student, res 94 Pem- broke Kipling, Charles, emp B.C. Soap Works, res 11 Humboldt Kipling, David, student, res 11 Hum- boldt Kipling, Mary, domestic, 120 Blan- cbara Kipling, Thomas, machinist, res 11 Humboldt Kipling, William, tailor, 22 Broad, res 43>^ South rd Kipling, William, butchtr, res 11 Humboldt Kippen, Walter, bartender Beehive saloon Kirby, Captain Brandon, retired Kirk, Donald, baker at M B Smith & Co's Kirk, G A, elk Turner, Beeton & Co, res Rockland ave Kirk, Irwin, labr, res 111 View Kirk, Joseph, carriage trimmer, 126 Government, res 36 Chatham Kirk, Lucy M, coal and wood dealer. Old Erauimalt rd, Vic W Kirkendale, Jessie, school teacher, Esquimau rd Kirkpatrick, J, harness maker, res 37 Chatham Kirkwood, James, tinner 42 Johnson, res 202 Fort Kirsop, George, res 164 Chatham Kitte, Miss, Angela College, Bur- dette ave Kitto, Miss D, Angela College, Burdette ave Kitto, Miss M, Angela College, Bur- dette ave Kitto, Miss L M, Angela College, Burdette ave Knapn, Jos Thos, painter res Bock- land ave Knappett, James, genl workman, cor Edward and Russel, Vic W Kneeshaw, John, bricklayer, Upper Pandora Knight, Alfred W, bookseller, sta- tioner, and tobacconist, 83 Yates Knight, Geo Abiab, nurseryman, Mt Tolmie rd W Knight, Mrs J, second-hand clothing store, 60)^ Johnson Knight, John W, general blacksmith, 60 Johnson, res 86 Henrv Knights of Pypthias, K. of P. hall. Duck blk. Broad Knott, Herbert T, stonemason, res 196 Cook Knott, Horace J, stonemason, res 196 Cook Knott, Joseph, plupiber, res 118 Simcoe S Knowles, Robert E, dairyman, Carn- sew Dairy, 100 Moss Knowles, Walter, messenger Dept of Public Works of Canada, r 22 Five Sisters' blk Knox, Alex, elk Sehl-Hastie-Erskine Co, res Vic W Knox, Geo, elk Sehl-Hastie-Erskine Co, res Vic W Knox, John, salesman Westside, res Vic W Knox, John Alex, surveyor, rea Jessie Knox, William, sealer, res Empire hotel Kribbs, George, miller, res 114 Cor- morant Kroeger, F, upholsterer Weiler Bros, res 7 Parkington Kroeger, Thomas, upholsterer, res 7 Parkington Krom, Rich, ship's cook, rea Van- couver hotel !:>2 H o O 30 m > Z -< 30 -< ^ (0 ^ "0 "0 o 30 JO m H Z m c r Ik m m c r m <o c > r (LANK BOOK MANOFACTH B. T. WILLIAMS »8.Br»tHl at., rietoria. f. i) 1 ■< ■ii J jtmn I ji ■■> , "" ." ["w^ mi-t ""*'< ■ "/■."•iwiJI Drewry's Redwood Brewery, Wiiinip^g.1 Victoria Orrwry'a Alt and Porttr Builda up and Strangthtns tha Syatam. 320 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRlwCTOBT. .v» m OQl O Q 0^ O o o Krouae, Edwd E, emp V.P. Brewery, res 21 Princesa Kunare, Geo, the Maryland Ovater Houae, 115 Oovernment, rea Doug- laa Knrtl A Co, cigar manufactrs, 6 Trounce ave, H F W Belinaen, mgr Kurtz, D G, clerk A.I.W., res 135 Fiaguard Kurtz, Mrs David, widow, rea 136 Fiaguard Kurtz, W, compoaitor CJoloniat Kwong Lung Co, merchant tailora, 80 Cormorant Kwong on Lung & Co, opium and geal merebandise, 82 fJormorant Kwong Wo A Co, grocers, 62 Fiaguard Kwong Ying Taia, merchanta 25 Store Kwong Yvma A Co, Chinese merchta, 184-186 Government Lacousier, A, carpenter, res 72 North Chathara Lafferty, Albert, barber, rea 103 Pandora Laing, D, sealer, res 20 Erie S Laing, Jchn A, carpenter, res 76 Menzies E Laing, Richard, carpenter, res Alpha Laing, Ro>^)ert, plumber, Braden & Son, 70 I'ort Laird, Madbme, teacher vocal niuaic, rea 161 Va icoaver Laison, Davi'1, blacksmith, rea 26 Green Lake, James J, asst ft agt C.P.N.Co., rea 8 Pioneer Lake, James T, emp C.P.N, office res 8 Pioneer Lakin, Frank, labr, res 163 Montreul W Lambert, Joe, driver, New England bakery, res 160 Chatham Lambert, William, prop City Trans- fer Co, res 240 Simcoe S Lamberton, Jno, fruit grower, Craig's End farm, Mt Tolmie rd W Lamberton, W B, fruit grower, Craig's End farm, Mt Tolmie rd W Lampman, P S, B.A., Yates & Jay, res 86 Fort Lancaster, Isaac, res 171 Cook Landells, Robert, school teacher, Cedar Hill Landers, Wm, labr, rea 7 cabin, 176 Douglas Landry, Coatan, emp Geo Phillips, 84 Douglas, res 87 Pandora Lands and Works Dept, Hon F G Vernon, Chief Commissioner Landsberg, F, pawnbroker, res 64 Pandora Landsberg, Solomon, elk People's Clothing Houae, rea 54 Pandora Lane, Clarence, rea Dominion hotel Lane, Vernon, builder, res 63 Hill- side ave cor First Lang, Charles, tobacconist, 29 John- son, rea 11 King'a rd Lang, Fredk Henry, clerk Land Reg- iatry office, res 91 Discovery Lang, Dr John, physician and sur- geon, rea 36>^ Douglas Lang, R, carpenter, res Garbally rd Lang, William, contractor, res 27 Avalon rd Langre ft Co, watchmakers, jewel- lers, <&c., &c., 86 Douglas Lange, G W, mgr Lange & Co, 86 Doufijlaa Lang^ey tc Co, wholpsale and re- tail druggists, 21-23 Yates (see advt p. iS55) Langley, Arthur, book-keeper, res 15 Menzies W lAngrley, Alfred J, (Langley & Co) res "The Maples," 127 Moss Langley, A R, mgr, Geo Morrison & Co, res cor Menzies and Quebec Langley, Edwd, accountant, res Bal- moral hotel Langley, Mrs E, widow, res 19 South, | Turner E Langrley, Oeorge, druggist, res 15 Menzies W Langley, G F, druggist, Geo Morrison & Co, res cor Menzies and Quebec Langley, Jaa, res 16 Menzies W Langley, John M, sergt prov police, res 223 Fort Langley, Wm H, barriater-at-law, res "The Maplea," 127 Moss E Langridge, — , builder, res Clarence] hotel Langton, H F, clerk, Bank B.C. rea | 116 Menzies W Lansing, A, brickmason, res Van- couver hotel Lantz, Eraser, miner, rea Brunswick | hotel Lapierre, Horace, grocer, 119 Fort, r^ I mCook , A. M. BEAM, AUCTIOIER, Vanreiiver, B.«BlHIBii0S.,an i- 'MJi' Yiotoria Transfer Co. 81 Mul 23 Bnmshioa Street, V te0tii»ap»teh. O. Ttf.189. rVICTORtA CITV DIRECTORY. 321 LajDseley, Elizabeth, domestic, Hon E Dewdney, Carey Castle, Bel- cher Lark, Colin, mastei mariner, res 87 Pandora Larmen, James, boot and shoe mkr, 11 Johnson Larsen, L. Weiler Bros' factory, res 65 Humboldt Larson, Hans, sealer, res Vancouver hotel Larson, Lewis, wood carver, res 23 Work Larson, Peter, cigar mkr,re8 26 Eliza- beth Larson, P F, V.I.T, res 25 Elizabeth Laskey, Daniel, lineman, Telephone Co, 14 Trounce ave, res Telegraph hotel Latham, Jno, employee, A.I.W, res Seventh Laton, Jas, machinist, res 52 Pandora Laughlan, Jno, labr, res Vancouver hotel Laund^.Thos H, clerk, Bank B C, res 16 Simcoe N Law, Mrs A E, res 115 Fisguard Law, H S. Queen's grocery, res 4 Store Law, M,foreman pattern maker, V.I. W, res 115Fisguard Law, Robt K, moulder, V.I.W. res 116 Fisguard Lavender, Capt K O, sealer, res 40 Harrison Lawless, Michael, carpenter, res 1 Market Lawrence, G-o Roper, gentlAaSaii, res 158 View Lawrence, J E, candy nwkar, ret 90 Menzies Lawrenson, Mrs, widow, rM 148 Fort Lawrence, Capt Thomas, uiMter mar- iner, res 146 Fort Lawry, Nicolas, miner, >•■ 13 Hum- boldt Lawry, William, tailor, rM IS Ham- boldt Lawry, W.A, tailor, DCunpbeUA Co, res 13 Humboldt Lawson, Charles, plumber, rw 287 Johnson Lawson, Charles, plumber, res *89 Johnson Lawson, Cbas B A, boiler maker, A. I.W. res 29 Bav Lawson, Miss if G, school teacher, Vic W, res 76 Cook Lawson, Miss Fanny, governess, P.O. Home, res 32 Rae' Lawson, Henry, saddler, res 237 Johnson Lawsc;;, Henry, editor. Colonist, res 76 Cook Lawson, Jas H, jr, law student. Bod- well & Irving, res 106 Simcoe Lawson, J H, secretary R P Bithet & Co, res 106 Simcoe Lawson, Jat;r Miles, printer, res 29 Bay Lawson, John, brewer, res 130 Fort Lawson, Robert, customs warehouse, res 14 St Lawrence E Lawson, Thomaii, boilermaker, A.I. W, res 29 Bay Lawson, Wm A, cashier, R P Rithet & Co, res 106 Simcoe S Lawson, W F, salesman, Westside Lawson, Wm George, mechanic, res 29 Bay Lazier, R O, Empire hotel Leahy, John, prop, Colonial Brewery res 124 Johnson Leakey, Eustace P, school teacher, res 124 Richardson Leale, Victor E, brakeman, res Van- couver hotel Leander Tepid Baths, G C Mesher, mgr, Five Sisters' block Leask, J C, prop Bon Ton tailor- ing establishment, 86 Government, res Fort Leask, Wm, driver Robt Jameson, res 33 Fort Leaak, William Chas, tailor, res 186 Fort Ls Blanc, C, master mariner, res Hotel Brunswick Le Glair, Chas, sealer, res Vancouver hotel Le CUir, Miss Louisa, dressmaker, re* 47 Blanchard Le Olaire, L, teamster, res 66 Pem- broke Le CUire, Noeljies 56 Pembroke Lediilflrliaill, Bros, carriage build- ers, 96-97 Fisguard Ledjiagham, Ctoorge, coach builder (Ledingham Bros), res 113 Fisguard Ledingrhaiii, Robert (Ledingham Bros), -carriage builders, res 126 Blanchard Iiedinffham, Wm J, carriage builder (Lv^dingham Bros), res Rus- sell, Vic W OQ I! _ 4 \M BROS., ate Complsle House Fumislieis. Laigest Stock in B.C. *^ w o o d ^ OV M. BT a 2P g ^ P- s P' 9 QD d S n &• 00 M 9B P' a fie 6s* •^ r/3 £ tr d £. Pi S S 1^ (* *t i» tH W d 5 n •n w < s H» f^ fi M» ^ H O f ^ c u ^ Q OB •I 1, 1 1 1 1 mil IM IDSON'S BAY COMPANY fMesaleMers&finekeroliai: VICTORIA. B. C. <a^ E- ' J. ->< e 5=2® t 1 ^ w-4 ,» as • ■*s • * ! 1 « r £ •*•' f «M y « o 1 5 s « M tvel by 1 I 322 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Ledingrham, Geo T T, carriage builder (Ledingbam Bros) Lee ft IVaser, real estate and in- surance agts, 11 Trounce ave . Lee, Arthur (Lee & Eraser), res 37 Victoria Ores Lee, James, driver R Porter & Sons, res Commercial hotel Lee, Mrs M, widow, fmr, res Cadboro bay rd Lee, Tbomas, fmr, Cadboro bay rd Lee, William £, teamster, res Bridge Leech, Alfred, engineer, res "Orion Villa," Saanich rd W Leech, P J, C.E., surveyor, res 132 St Catherine W Leeman, Ralph T W, clerli, res 70 North Park Leeming, David, fmr, res Gordon Head rd Leeming, Ed John, fmr, res Gordon Head rd Iteming, George Ed, fmr, res Gordon Head rd Leeming, Harold B, fmr, res Gordon Head rd Leeming, Thos H, fmr, res Gordon Head rd Lesson, Edwd, cornice maker, 144 Fort, res 39 Kingston N Leeson, Mrs J L, res 60 Kingston S Le Galle, Mrs, laundress, St Anne's Convent Le Galle, Julien, gardener, St Anne's Convent Legffatt, Chas J, Registrar Gen- eral, res 56 Quebec S Le Geyt, W A, market gardener, Saanicli rd W Lehman, David, carpenter, res 42 Sec- ond Lehman, Samuel, carpenter, res Richmond ave, cor Leighton rd Leigh, Leonard, undertaker, res 153 view Leiaer, Onstave, (Lenz & Leiser), wholesale dry goods, 9-11 Yates, res 178 Yates Leiser, Max, wholesale liquors, 13 Yates, res 178 Yates Leiser, Simon* (Simon Leiser & Co), wholesale grocers, 1-6 Yates res 98 Pandora Leishman, George, comm'l traveler, res 16 Menzies W Leland House, Mary T Cole, prop, 218 Douglas Leitch, Dr H D, physician, res 12^ Quadra LeLievre, C, painter, res 113 Blan chard LeLievre, Miss Esther, domestic, 130 Quadra LeLievre, Harry, painter, res 130 Quadra LeLievre, Mrs Kate, res 130 Quadra LeLievre, Pat, painter, res 130 Quadra Lemie, A, res 50 Pembroke Lemon, Oonnason A Co, Capital Planing Mills, Orchard Lemon, James J, (Lemon, Gon- nason &.Co), Capital Planing Mills, 140 Chatham Lemm, Irving, fancy goods, res 113 Fort JLemmens, Rt Rev J N, R.C. Bishop of Vancouver Island, rea The Palace, 109 Yates Lene, Peter, gardener, res 11 South Parks Lenfesty, Miss B, res 193 Pandora Lenfesty, William N, emp Dom Ex- press Co, res 193 Pandora Lens & Leiser, wholesale dry goods, 9-11 Yates Lens, Jacob, (Lenz & leiser), ree 178 Yates Lens, Mose, (Lenz & Leiser), res cor Cook and Yates Leonard, A E, wood turner, Taylor Milling Co Leonard, George, tailor D Campbell & Co, res 28 Mason Jjconard, John, grocery, 208 Cook Leonhardt, Christan H, blacklayer, { Alderman rd LePage, Theodore A, clerk, res 23 1 Erie N Lejpine, Mark, carpenter, res 70 North | Chatham LeSilver, John, fruit store, 60 John- son Leslie, John, res 104 Pandora i Leslouis, Felix, retired, res 18 North Park Lester, E L, blackamitti, res Pear,| Mt Tolmie Lester, Henry C, grocer, res Victoria i^ Cres, cor McClure LeSueur, Jos, carpenter, res 3il Wal- nut Leterme, Rev Joseph, R.C. priest,! res The Palace, 1()9 Yates Lettice, Robt, painter, glacier anH| paperhanger, 40 Fort, res 68 Kane TIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Cblnese help auppUed on the ahortMt notif No. 23 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B. 0. B£TTE] CZASXXCB Lettice, Wa tice, res 5( LeVatte, Pr< ^ res 61 Qua Levene, Mrj , 231 Yates Broad ' fevi, Robert, Levine, Mrs, H^Jn, Hyma ^ -New York I Levy, Barney, Frederick fevy, Mrs B, i ^vy, Chadler chard I^vy, Edward, ^ hotel, res Co Lev^^,^ Henry . W, Joe, oyst t^overnment, rl' ''°^^' ^^^' ^;^'(f°«eph L, i/y Vancouvei ^vy, Sam, salet ^ res 75-79 John Lewis Aaron, ti , a-i Humboldt ^wis, Lewis, mcht, 44 Yate Lewis Edward i loneer L^is, Edward Pioneer Lewis, George, ^ res 108 JolTnso Lewis, Herbert master, Broug Lewis. John, cab Niae:Hr* S Lewis, J H, carp LewiF John W cor Ularke ' Lewis, Samuel -a ville, Craigflow Lewis. Thomas,^ shirp rd ''Se'i^ ^' ^^ I^wistcm, David, 175 Douglas Fn^X K'^hardF j,52«lDayrd ■ Liddell, tin, res i IW* ZATtiaTIMfi "''&«t..M>j!''sV .If.'fflfJ***?*:? I. BETTER OOMB TOUR HAIR with the Beat Combs in Town • ■ SOLD ONLY AT THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE • • OliAHSyCB BJjOOK, com. IATES Airn DOVaLAH UTS., riCTOBlA, B. C. VIOTOBIA CITY DIBECTOBY. 323 Lettice, Wm H, book-keeper, R Let- tice, res 68 Kane I-«Vatte, Frederick Wm, ink maker, res 61 Qaadra Levene, Mrs Margaret, widow, res 231 Yates Levi, H £, picture framer, etc, 63 Broad Levi, Robert, tailor, res 42 Herald Levine, Mrs, widow, res 130 Quadra Levin, Hyman A, police sergeant, res New York hotel Levy, Barney, cigar maker, res 63 Frederick Levy, Mrs B, res 120 Vancouver Levy, Chadler, painter, res 113 Blan- chard Levy, Edward, waiter New England hotel, res Colonial Metropole Levy, Henry E, gentleman, res 40 Work Levy, Joe, oyster 'and chop house, 124 Government, res 33 Frederick Levy, Josh, cigar maker, res 8 North Le\'y, Joseph Lewis, cigar mfg, res 120 Vancouver Levy, Sam, salesman A A Aaronson, res 75-79 Johnson Lewis. Aaron, tinsmith, 44 Yates, res 32 Humboldt Lewis, Lewis, stove and tinware mcht, 44 Yates, res 68 View Lewis Edward A, painter, res 29 Pioneer Lewis, Edward S, drayman, res 29 Pioneer Lewis, Greorge, steamboat fireman, res 108 Johnson Lewis, Herbert George, shipping master, Broughton, res 114 Belle- ville Lewis, John, cabinet maker, res 60 Niagara S Lewis, J H, carpt, J P Burgess Lewis John W, carpt, res Taunton, cor 'Jlarke Lewis. Samuel, sawmill hand, res Col- ville, Oraigflower rd Lewis, Thomas, carpenter, res Devon- shire rd Lewis, T W, book-keeper, res Empire hotel Ijewiston, David, labr, res 6 cabin, 176 Douglas Lewtas, Richard, fruit dealer, res Foul bav rd Liddell, Mrs, res 69 Kane Liddel, Mrs H, res 1 CoUinson Liddell, Robt, Prov jailer, res Saanich rd Liddell, Thomas, driver, H Saunders res Second Lilley, Herbert A, candy manufac- turer and fruit dealer, 106 Douglas Lim Sam & Co, general merchandise, 137 Government Lince, Edmund, carpt, 57}4 St Law- rence W Lincoln, Henry Geo, clerk, Waitt's music store, res 181 Fort Lindell, Asgeer, labr, res 14 Ridge rd Lindley & Foster, taxidermists, 7 Or- iental alley Lindley, Wm, (Lindley & Foster), res 164 Pandora Lindsay, Albert, cashier, Messrs. Dunsmuir, res 14 Y^oung E Lindsay, David, dry goods merchant, 33 Store Lindsay, F W, teamster, res 56 Third Lindsay, Geo, sr, contractor, res 66 Third Lindsay, JackH, bartender, Teutonic saloon Lindsay, James A, clerk. Union Col- iery office, res 2 Broughton Lines, Edward, scavenger, res 222 Yates Linney, W E, machinist, res 10 Hill- side ave Lip Kee, general merchant, 6 Cor- morant Lipscombe, Rev E, clerk in Holy Orders, res 73 Discovery Lismore, Joseph, storekeeper, E.& N Ry, Springfield ave, Vic W Lissett, James, painter, res 5^ Michi- gan b Lister, John, stair builder, resTolmie ave, Saanich rd E Litchfield, H O, salesman, Robert Jamieson, reslSl Fort Little, Miss Clara, emp M R Smith & Co. res 195 Chatham Little, David, inmate Home for Aged and Infirm Little, John, labr, res 195 Chatham Liverpool Bakery, H C Lucas, prop, 37 Pandora, see advt p 256 Liveroool and London and OlODO Ins Co, Ltd, Hall, Goepel & Co, 100 Government, and Lee & Fraser, 11 Trounce ave, agents Livingston, Robt, labr B. C. Dye Works D 3D m 3D -< CO 3D m a O o D OD 3D m m 3D ■0 m tMM LAXKBT IMPBOVBBtMNTB IJTBOOK- BXSBMyQ AXn PAPXM B VLIXO, B. T. Williams M 1 -as BRO^D STRBEBT, VIOTrORIX. ^"■!'S»!|!W-V- PPIWip^^nqaqqiinfMppHBiilil Drewry^s Redwciod Brewery, Winnipeg. All Wholesale Dealers keep Drewry's Ale, Porter and Lager in Stock. (.■■ o o o o XL =;s 3 CO c (d o O O o 324 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Lloyd's Agrenoy, R P Bithet & Co, agta. 61-63 Wharf Uoyd 8 Assooiation (Marine), of London, Eng, Hall, Goepel & Co, agts, 100 Government Lloyd, William, carpenter, res Boles- kyne rd Loat, Mrs C, widow, res 61 North Park Loburner, Louis, barber, res 5 Re- becca Locke, L P, master mariner, 57)^ Su- perior Leomans, A F, artist, res 19 South Turner E Loewenbergr, Carl, Imperial Ger- man Consul, 83 Wharf, res 23 Bur- dette ave Loewen, Joa, brewer, res Gorge rd N Logan, Geo, trader Barclay Sound, res 99 Kingston N Logan, Hugh, elk Robt Ward & Co, res Esquimau Lohbrunner, Max, carpenter, res 39 Caledonia ave London Assoranoe Corpora- tion, Robt Ward & Co, agents, Temple blk. Fort London Boot and Shoe House, James Muynard, prop, 119 Douglas London House, gents' furnishings, H Rutland & Co, props, 47 Johnson London and Lanoashire Fire Ins Co, Robt Ward & Co, agents, Temple blk, Fort London Sc Provinoial Marine Ins Co, Robt Ward & Co, agents, Temple blk. Fort London Saloon, C F Jackson, mgr, cor Broad and Johnson Long, David, res 58 South rd Longnest, Chas, jeweler, res 121 Su- perior Lombard, Charles, music dealer, res 56 Collinson Lombard, C A & Co, musical ware- house, 61 Government Lombard, C A, (Lombard, C A «Sc Co) res 66 Collinson Look Den, tailor, 24 Cormorant Lootens, Rt Rev R. C. Bishop, res 4 Vancouver Lome Restaurant, Geo Grossman, prop, 28 Johnson Loring, Samuel, artist, res 109 Pan- dora Lorimer, Wm, patternmaker, res 101 Toronto N Lorimer, W A, porter Turner, Beetou & Co, res 101 Toronto Lory, James, B.C. Soap Works, 114 North Chatham Losee, R B, salesman Lenz & Leiser, res 28 Bellot Lovell, John V, res 180 View Lowe, Chas, entry clerk B.C. Cattle Co, res 131 Quadra Lowe, Chas P, traveler Allice & Ault, res Doane blk, Douglas Lowe, George, clerk J Earsman & Co, res 137 Fort Lowe, Skene, photographer, 63 Gov- ernment, res 45 Carr W Lowe, Skene (Pennock & Lowe), watch maker and jeweller Lowe, Wm, cashier B.C. Cattle Co, 97 Government, res 131 Quadra Lowe, Mrs W H, widow, res 131 Quadra Lowe, W S B, accountant, res 131 Quadra Lowell, Henry R, furniture dealer, 77-79 Douglas Lowell, Harry Douglas, furniture dealer, res 74 Mears Lowenberg, Harris & Co, real estate and financial agents, 41 Gov- ernment Lowry, J D, carpenter, res Dominion hotel Lnbbe, T, exporter of raw furs, 77- 79 Wharf, res IU3 Quadra Lucas, Alex, teamster, res 13 Pioneer Lucas, Harry Charles, prop Liverpool Bakery, 37 Pandora, (see advt, p. 325) Lucas, John, steward Driard hotel, res 13 Pioneer Lucas, Miss M, chambermaid Hotel Victoria Lucas, Oscar, reporter Colonist, res 13 Pioneer Lucas, Wm J, teamster, res Tolmie ave, Saanich rd E Lucas, William, res 13 Pioneer Luker, \\illiam, res 52 South rd Lukes, John, salesman,White House, • res 25 Fern wood rd Lukov, J, the People's Clothing House, cor Store and Johnson, res 54 Pandora Lumlev, William, bartender, Albion hotel Lund, George, engr fire dept, res 71 Yates Luney, C, apprentice,reB 261 Douglas A. M. BEATTIE CITY MARKET. VANCOUVER, B. C. Weekly Auctions^ IflPTflDIA TDAUOCCD Hfl I TH Check Baggace to any part of the City. Their flulUnlA IKAIIdrCII UU>| LIU. Wagona and carriages meet an Boats and Trains. 81 and 83 Bronshton Street, Victoria, B. C. Tel. 189. VICTORIA CITY DIRKCTOBY. 325 261 Luney, Miss N, milliner, res 261 Douglas Luney, Mrs W, res 261 Douglas Luney, Wm A, bricklayer, res Douglas Luney, V/illiam Henry, bricklayer and conlractor, res 263 Douglas Lundquist, Carl T H, watchmaker, res 37 Fort Luscombe, Thomas, gardener, res Carey rd W Lusse, John, fmr, Vining Luxton, A P, attorney, 47 Langley, res Wilson blk Lyall, George, car foreman, res 10 Amelia Lynch, J as A, seal hunter, res Van- couver hotel Lynn, AuKU8tus,watchman, res Head Lyon, Jas, boiler mkr, A.I.W, res "cor Edmonton rd and Cedar Hill rd Lyons, Mrs Phoebe, res 64 Pandora M Maas, Leonard, machst, Sehl, Hastie & Erskine, res 1 Montreal W Mable, William, carriage builder, 115 Johnson, res Russel Macabe, Tfi, supt job and lithograph deptmnt. The Colonist P. &. P. Co, res I'i Quebec Macauley, George, clerk. Telegraph hotel Macaulay, H C, acct, Wilson Bros, res fiockland ave Macaulav, W J, res Rockland ave Macbeath, Duncan G, forem.in Vic Planing Mills McBrady, D, clerk Land Registry, res 78 Princess ave Macdonald, A D, student-at-law, res "Armadale," Niagara S Maodonald, C N, acct, Dept Pub- lic Works, Canada, room 22, Five Sisters' blk, res 142 Catherine Macdonald, Edward, sealer, res 26 Quebec Macdonald, R J, Lieut R.A, res "Ar- madale," Niagara Maodonald. W J, Senator, res "Armadale,*' Niagara Macdonald, W B, Lieut R.N, "Ar- madale," Niagara MacDougall, Alfred, mariner, res 69 King's rd cor Second Macintosh, W R, dry goods store, 225 Cook cor N Park, res 205 Cook Mackintosh, A D, foreman lumber yard. Rock bay, res 45 Hillside ave Mackintosh. Mrs C E, res 45 Hill- side ave Mackay, A E, C.E. and Prov land surveyor, res 126 Belleville N Mackay, Donald, book-keeper,O.P.N. Co, 64 Wharf, res 25 Quebec Mackay, Wm, watchman, C.P.N. Co, res 29 Market Mackenzie, Alex, carpt, res Milne Mackenzie, Charles, carpt, res Leigh- ton rd .Vlackenzie, Chas, coachman, B W Pearse, Fernwood Mackenzie, J R K, clerk. Bank B.C, res "Hermitage," Moss Mackenzie, W G, manuf agent, over Spencer's Arcade Mackie, C, conapositor, Colonist Mackie, John R, engraver, 52 Five Sisters' blk, res 18 Toronto Mackov, W J, salesman, Caton, J A T & 'Co, res 25 Quebec Maolaughlin, J H, mgr Dominion Savings Bank,' res 59 Fernwood rd Maclaughlin, Wm B, clerk Indian Office, res 59 Fernwood rd Macleod, A, cellarman H.B. Co, C.P.N. Wharf Maclure, F S, the Westside, 70 Gov ernment, res Beacon Maclure, J C, secy R Ward & Co, res Beacon Maclure, Samuel, architect, rm 23 Five Sisters' blk, res Beacon 8t,Bea- con hill Macmillan, Alexander, res 12 Stanley ave Macmillan, John, pattern maker, res Richmond ave Macmillan, Miss Margaret, matron Prov Royal Jubilee Hospital MacMuUen, Edward, plasterer, res Craigflower rd MacMunn, Chas, photographer, res 94 Oswego E MacMunn, Chas, operator Telephone Company, res cor Oswego and James Macnaughton, AE, agent Jas John- son & Co, Montreal, 6 Oriental alley, res 8C Quebec Macrae, Farqului;-, police magistrate, res 106K Dallas rd N Macrae, L, reporter Colonist lEIll BROS., Hie LeaimFraitasDealeK, c/2 VICTORIA, ac. li UUDSOrs BlYCOMPIIIIf,lgentsforFortGarr)andBentonCount|FMneMllls I ^scrMos • r £r-H fi ..■( Pm p4 2, I 326 -VIOTORIA. B. O.- BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBBCTORY. MacRae, Rev D, pastor St Paul's Church, Victoria West, res 57 King's rd Macrae, Ronalcl, fmr, res Twin Oak farm, Cedar Hill rd Madden, Edward, machinist, res 119 Chatham Madden,Jeremiah, machinist A.I. W., res 119 Chatham Madden, Joseph, moulder A.I.W., res 119 Chatham Madden, L, res Brunswick hotel Madden, Theodore, hotel porter, res 105 Niagara N Madigan, Beni, engineer, res 42 Work Magirl, C J, machinist V.I.W., res Henry Magnesen, Alfred, clerk T Earle, res 81 Carr W Magneson, L, captain schooner, res Rock bay hotel Mahle, Mips Jennie, waitress, Rock bay hotel Main, Thos, carpenter, res 46 First Maidment, George, contractor and builder, res 60 CoUinson Maidmont, Chas, porter Dallas hotel, res Dallas rd N Malauski, Alexander, baker, res 219 Cook Malcolm, Campbell, hostler Victoria Transfer Co, res 160 Chatham Malcolm, John, bricklayer, res 160 Chatham Maiing, W, driver Victoria Transfer Co Mallaby, Robt, carriage builder, 109 Johnson Mallander, Wm, bartender Adelphi sample rooms, res 134 Cormorant Mallandaine, Edwd, ir, architect, res 19 Simcoe N Mallandaine, Fredk, clerk Land Reg- istry, res 19 Simcoe N Mallandaine, M E, architect, 54 Government, res 19 Simcoe Mallery, Oeorgre T, mgr Central Drug Store, res « North Park Mallett, Alfred J, plumber, res 39 First Mallett, Miss Ada, dressmaker Spen- cer's Arcade, res 39 First Mallett, Arthur E, elk R G Dun & Co, res 31 First Mallett, James, moulder, res 39 First Mallett, Miss Martha, clerk Dun, Wiman & Co, res 39 First Malpas, Abitha, clerk postofBce, res 39 David Manchester House, T Haughton prop, 88 Yates Mann, James, bricklayer, res 9 Rae Mann, James, (Muirhead & Mann) sash and door manf , res 33 Bridge Mansell, Mrs A G, res 24 Princess, James Bay Mansell, A P, H Mansell, 96 Gov- ernment, res 96 Pandora Mansell, Henry, L«oots and shoes, 96 Government, res 96 Pandora Mansell, Herbert, driver F Carne, Douglas Mansell, James, labr, Esquimau, Victoria W Mansell, J H, elk H Manael < , res 96 Pandora Manson, John, butcher R Parter & Sons, res 111 Blanchard Manson, John D, fmr, res 63 Third Manton, James, lather, res Laus- downe rd Manton, Joseph, shoemaker, Lans- downe rd Manton, Joseph, shoemaker, 97 Yates Marbeonf, Louis, prop Poodle Dog restaurant, 49-51 Yates March, James, miller Vic Rice and Flour Mills, res Old Esquimalt rd Marchant, Wm, agent, res Haugh- ton Marchant, W P, elk T N Hibben & Co, res "Clifton House," Spring Ridge Marden, H H, master mariner, res 106 Dallas rd Margetts, Robt Wm, hack proprietor, 29 Kane Maritime Insurance Co, Ltd,(marine) R P Rithet & Co Market Exchange Hotel, Joseph T Pierce, prop, res 99 Fort Market, Joseph, plumber, res 28 Far- quhar Marks, Jas, res 24 Harbor cottages, Store Marks, Louis, elk Marvin & Tilton, res 121 Toronto Marks, Morris, clothing and gent's furnishings, 8 Store, res 117 view Marquis, H G, acct. Bank B.N.A, res 42 Simcoe Marr, Harry, genl storekeeper, res 43 Humboldt Marrion, Arthur, plumber, res Mills, Foul bay Clareno j Marris, Herbi I res 16 Parry Marsden, Geo Marsden, Lan Clarence hoi Marsh, Harry, Bros, res Br Marsh, John, res 127>^ Jol Marshall & Co 59 Broad Marshall, Chat Marshall, Fran hotel Marshall, Paul house, 5 Gon Marshall, Mrs, Marshall, Mrs 90 View Marshall, Robt Marshall Willia I ^Esquimau rd Marshall, W Fort Marshall. Wm ' chard house, i Marston, Chark James N 1 Ma.'tin, — , gum Martin & Rob brokers and tion square Martin, Andrew hotel Martin, Andrew chant, 53>^ beeS Martin, Mis __ tage. Frederic! Martin, George Blanchard Martin, George Yates Martin, H J, sal Co, res 13 Sim Martin, H W, w Martin, John, li 25 Kane Martin. Joseph, Martin, J A, elk res 16 Young Martin, Robert Grimms, res 1 Martin, Samuel Martin, Solomon 14, Johnson Martin, Thos, en E h t': TIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY No. S3 STORE STREET. VICTORIA, B. C. Guides fnmiabed to tonrtst*. All kind* Chinese help supplied on the shortest notice BTmLl PrescriDtioQS Prepareil ta PURE DRUGS ONLY at tlie Central Ms, Store Clarence Block, Corner Yates and Douglas Sts., Victoria, B. C. VICTORIA CITY DIBSCTORY. 327 Marris, Herbert, clerk, Brown Bros, res 16 Parry Marsden, Geo, res 1 William Marsden, Landrey, hack driver, res Clarence hotel, 79!.^ Douglas Marsh, Harry, cabinet maker, Weiler Bros, res Brunswick hotel Marsh, John, stableman. Bowman's res 127)^ Johnson Marshall & Co, Domestic bakery, res 59 Broad Marshall, Chas, res 37 Fernwood rd Marshall, Frank, clerk, res Dominion hotel Marshall, Paul Harry, prop, Douglas house, 5 Gordon Marshall, Mrs, res Dominion hotel Marshall, Mrs Margt, dresamakr, res 90 View Marshall, Robt, baker, res 69 Broad Marshall William, labr, res Stanley, Esquimalt rd Marshall, W Rich, arcliitect, 44 Fort MarHhall, Wm Thos, bartender Prit- chard house, res 69 View Marston, Charles, hack owner, res 1 James N Martin, — , gunsmith, 54 Johnson Martin & Robertson, commission brokers and general agents, K Bas- tion square Martin, Andrew, labr, res Dominion hotel Martin, Andrew C, commission mer- chant, 53)^ Johnson, res 88 Que- bec 8 Martin, Mis Elizabeth, Grove Cot- tage, Frederick , Vic W Martin, George, engineer, res •.45 Blanchard Martin, George, book-keeper, res 98 Yates Martin, H J, salesman R P Rithet & Co, res 13 Simcoe Martin, H W, waiter, res 50 Amelia Martin, John, lieutenant R. N., res 25 Kane Martin, Joseph, labr, Dallas rd Martini J A, elk Lowenberg & Harris, res 16 Young Martin, Robert, blacksmith Wm Grimms, res 127 Michigan Martin, Samuel B, res Andrew, Vic W Martin, Solomon, mariner, res cabin 14, Johnson Martin, Thos, engr, 165 Johnson Martin, Walter, bartender Germania saloon, res California hotel Martin, William, bricklayer, res Bridge Marumamm, Charles, carpenter, res 6 Edmonton, rd Marvin & Tilton, hardware merchts, 67-69 Wharf Marvin, £ B & Co, ship chandlers, 74 Wharf Marvin, E B, (E B Marvin «St Co) 74 Wharf, res 34 Cadboro bay rd Marvin, W T, elk (Marvin & Tilton), res 138 Cadboro bay rd Mar wick, Robt, miller Brackman & Ker, res 32 Quebec S Marymont, I\, elk, J Marymont res 175 Vancouver Marymont. J, the New York Cloth- ing and Furnishing House, 89 Gov- ernment, res 175 Vancouver Maslen, Wm J, gentleman, res 12 North rd Mason, C Dubois, barrister and solicitor. Five Sisters' blk, res Amphion Masonic Hall, 132 Douglas Mason, H Geo, elk W H Mason res 18 Young Mason, Henry S, B. C. Land and Investment Co, Ltd, 40 Govern- ment, res 5 Birdcage Walk Mason, Benry, jr, res 5 Birdcage Walk Mason, J H, 3rd guard, Provincial Gaol Mason, John, night watchman, res Craigflower rd Mason, John, clerk, Sehl-Hastie-Er- skine Co, res Vic W Mason, Robt, teamster. Jubilee ave Mason, T G, agent, Gault Bros & Co, Montreal, 18 Broad, res 33Carr Mason,. W H, notary publicand com- mission agent, 22)^ Trounce ave, res 18 Young Matander, W, res 134 Cormorant Maternity Home, Mrs Brown, matron 10 Blanchard Mates, Sophie, domestic, "Ethe- wold," Cook Matheson, O C, carpenter, res 33 Third Mathison, Carl, clerk, res Vancouver house Mathews, O F, vice pres, E G Prior & Co, Ltd, 123 Government, res 308 Dallas rd D J) m J) CO J3 m o O o D CD m m 3D a; o M O tfl o M w o n w 98 5 "0 m n It 1R.T. BOOKBINDER aM BLANK BOOK H&NUFACTDRER 98 BBOAD BTBBXr, VXOTOBIA. DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY - WINNIPEGi nrewry'B Prentiutn linger— Fully Equal to any Imported Boer, mSIOHX, Vll 31 \ «h» ^ s , s ^ l 1 r 2 ■ Q ^ 1 li CO 328 BBITI8H COLUMBIA DIBECTORY. Mather, Bichard, steamboat emp, res Topaz ave Mather, Walter, painter, res Com- mercial hotel Matson, M M, carpenter, res Adelaide Matsqni Landf Co, A W More & Co, agents, 70 Douglas Matthews, Mrs A, widow, res 175 Montreal W Matthews Miss Jane, dressmaker, res 116 North Chatham Matthe«vs, John, res 337 Johnson Matthews, Miss Laura A, milliner, res 116 North Chatham Matthews, Eobt James, tailor, res 101 Douglas Matthews, J P, grocer, res 82 Niagara Matthews, Richards|& Tye, hardware, iron and steel merchants, 32-34 Yates Matthews, Robt Jas, tailor, 101 Doug- las, res 148 Johnson Matthews, S E, carpt, res 116 North Chatham Matthews, Thos H, carpenter, res 116 North Chatham, Spring Ridge Matthews, Thos, city water works, res 89 North Park Maxwell, Miss Jane, domestic, res Vienna restaurant May, Ting, Chinese merchandise, 172 Government Mays, Thomas, labr, res Bean Mayard, Joseph, fmr, res Cadboro bay rd Mayiiard, Albert H, ragr R Maynard, 41 Pandora, res 100 John Maynard, Chas, carpt, res 372 John- sou Maynard, Fredk G, clerk, 85 Douglas res 85 Burnside rd Maynard, Geo H, boot and shoe deal- er, 85 Douglas, res 85 Burnside rd Maynard, H, driver, V.P.B. Co, res Second ' Maynard, James, boot and shoe deal- er, 119 Douglas Maynai-d, Mias Laura, clerk, 85 Doug- las, res 85 Burnside rd Maynard, Richard, boot and shoe findings an<l photographic supplies 41 Pandora Maynard, Mrs R, photographer, 41}^ Pandora Maynard, Wm Jas, apprentice, Geo Maynard, res 86 Burnside rd Maynard, Wm, driver, Vic Brewing Cfo, res 7 Hill Mavo, Nath C, contractor, res 29 Elizabeth McAdam, Miss M, tailoress, res 52 Menzies McAffee, Andrew, warehouseman, H. B. Co wharf, res Brunswick McAfee, Andrew, labr, res cabin, 171 Johnson McAfee. Archibald, warehouseman, H.B. Co, cabin, 171 Johnson McAfee, Miss Maggie, waitress. Hotel Brunswick MoAlister, John, (Harrison &Mc- Alister), 67-69 Johnson McAra, P, driver Phillips Bros, res Western hotel McArthur, A, machinist, V.I. Wks, res Tolmie ave McArthur, Miss Bella, dressmkr, res 56 Quadra McArtnur, Dougal, teamster, Victoria Truck and Dray Co, res 3' Rae McArthur, James, marine tngr, res 56 John McArthur, Neill, prospector, res Do- minion hotel McArthur, Wm, stableman, 103 For- McArthur, William, caretaker James B'y Athletic Club, res 4 Jackson ave McAvoy, William P, labr,resl cabin, Johnson McBeath, Duncan, carpt, res Robert cor Andrew, Vic W McBrady, Daniel, Land Registry of- fice, res 182 Fort McBride, Joseph, assistn't grocer, res Springfield ave, Vic W McBrien, J, ^rivor, Hy Saunders, res Springfield ave MoBurnie, Robert, carpt, res Craig- flower rd McCabe, Geo, miner, res Dominion hotel McCahill, Michael, wharfin'r, Spratt's wharf, res 80 Store McCallum, Donald, retired, res 60 Fort McCallum, John, merchant tailor, res 42 Broad McCandless Alex, (Gilmore & Mc- Candless), clothier, res 9 Queen's ave McCandless, G, salesman, Gilmore & McCandless, res 15 EUice McCandless, H, book-kpr, Gilmore & McCandless, res 15 EUice McCandlish, Miss, res 63 Superior cCann, Oeo, ( Renfrew) B.C. Fisguard (tee ad\ ness Directory.) cCarter. Wm. Ti k320 Government cCarty, John, sea{ hotel yicCarthy, John, dij ston McCarthy, Michael,! farm, Burnside crj McCartney, Francis Johnson ^cCaskell, Alex, ca Tolmie rd W yicCaskill, Cathel, li Johnson VIcCauley, D G, mas Brunswick hotel McCuUough, Allan, Co, 88 Douglas, ret VIcClnre, R D, joine Anderson, les Spri VlcCluskey, Chas saloon, cor Johns< res 286 Johnson klcCluskey, Chas B, Cluskeyj, 96 Dou; son, res 286 Johnso tfcConnan, Mrs, Michigan S ^cConnan, Douglas, Savings Bank, res ] tfcConnan, Edward, Robertson, res 120 ] tfcConnan, Gordon, i & Co, res 120 Michi ^IcConnan, Walter, ( ist, res 120 Michiga ^IcCondel Thomas, Rupert McConnell, Jacob, ] res 46 Third McConnell, Jas, fmr, rdW HcConnell, John P, v 46 Third yicConnell, J P, Weil 56 Humboldt ifcOonmll, T P, elk { 88 Michigan fcOonnell, Mrs J W w ifoCorkftll, Jamec, n 6t Broad, res Sprini AoOorlull, J, tailor, A, M. BEATTIE WEEKLY AUCTIONS CITY MARKET, VANCOUVER, B. C. >EGi Ml jrzeuT. ITiotoriBi Transfer Co*9 Iitd* ^''pr^«in?«f'^' 81 and 83 Bronshton Street, Viotorla. B. C. Tel. 189. VICTOBIA CITY DIRECTORY. 329 ioCann, Geo, (Hearn, McCann & Renfrew) B.C. Dye Works, rea 129 Fisguard [see advt daasified Busi- ness Directory.) McOarter. Wm, Taylor Mill Co, rea k320 Government cCarty, John, sealer, rea Vancouver hotel McCarthy, John, diver, rea 100 King- aton yicCarthy, Michael, fmr rea "Tara" farm, Burnside crosa rd McCartney, Francis, labr, rea 8 cabin, Johnson McCaskell, Alex, carpt, res Pear, Mt Tolmie rd VV McCaskill, Cathel, labr, rea 18 cabin, Johnson VIcCauley, D G, master mariner, rea Brunswick hotel HcCuUough, Allan, Verbiest, P M, & Co, 88 Douglas, res Pandora VIcClure, R D, joiner, McKillican & Anderson, les Spring Ridge McCluskey, Chas V, prop Re^jent saloon, cor Johnson and Douglas, res 286 Johnson HcCluskey, Chas B, (Switzer & Mc- Cluakey;, 96 Douglaa cor John- aon, rea 286 Johnson tfcConnan, Mrs, widow, res 120 Michigan S McConnan, Douglas, acct Dominion Savings Bank, res 120 Michigan fIcConnan, Edward, clerk Martin & Robertson, rea 120 Michigan S ^IcConnan, Gordon, elk Robt Ward & Co, rea 120 Michigan S tfcConnan, Walter, collector Colon- iat, res 120 Michigan S McCondel Thomas, labr, res 15 Rupert McConnell, Jacob, postoffice clerk, res 46 Third McConnell, Jaa, fmr, Gordon Head rdW McConnell, John P, wood turner, res 46 Third McConnell, J P, WeilerBros' factory, L65 Humboldt oOonnell, T P, elk 65 Johnson, res 88 Michigan fcOonnall, Mrs J W, res 38 Michi- ifeCmrkdli, Jamee, merchant tailor, Broad, res Spring Ridge foOorkall, J, tailor, res 26 Sayward McCormac, Charles, letter carrier, rea 53 South rd McCormick, Wm E, aalesman J Sehl, rea 182 Fort McCormick, rea 209 Fort McCoskrie, Capt E, master mariner, res 45 Montreal W McCoskrie, Wm, fireman, res 45 Montreal McCoy, A, plumber, rea Brunswick hotel McCoy, Alfred, horaeahoer, W C Bryan, res 157 Johnson McCrae, Daniel S, stonecutter, rea 137 Fort, McCrae, Geo, dairyman, Victoria dairy, Oaklanda, Cedar Hill rd McCrae, Jamea, seal hunter, res 109 Pandora McCreadie, Andrew, carpenter, res 131 Cormorant McCrady, Fr^nk W, engineer str Rainbow, rea 47 Queen's ave McCrady, M C, supt N. E. T. & L. Co McCrimmon, Archibald, carpenter, res 63 Pandora McCrimmon, Alex, steam laundry, rea 205 Johnaon McCrimmon, Mrs A, ladies' nurae, res 63 Pandora McCrimmon. Duncan R, machine ironer, Victoria Steam Laundry 1(2 Yates McCrimmon, D, contractor, rea 170 Cadboro bay rd McCuiah, Dan, sealer, res Vancouver hotel McCuUin, — , merchant tailor, res 78 Pandora McCulloch, G A, prop candy store, 30 Government, res 125 Michigan McCulloch, Harry, labr rea Commer- cial hotel McCulloch, Miss N G, stenographer Ames Holden Co, Ltd, res 20 Cad- boro bay rd McCulloch, Wm F, assayer, rea 20 Cadboro bay rd McCulloch, Capt W, rea 125 Michigan McCurrach, John, tailor, res 69 Chambers McCurrach, Wm, horseshoer and farrier, 107 Johnsoa, res 59 Cham- bers McCurrich, G, tailor Walter D Kiu- naird, res 69 Chambers McDermott, Alex, stevedore, res 20 ErieS »9CO li n o ^^ IS t3>Sl •2. 5 o a O < » "I •< « _ a ■ a • s as & O ^ e n ■I B B a a BROS., ARE AGENTS FOE CROSSLEY 3TORIA, B. o. AND SONS FINE CARPETS. } HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY « '»'* "™'i. ^ I Dr. Lewis Hal Made c CLARENCE BLOCK, i •*s " m « <2 5 4m « © ^a m •^ &4 « eg 9i CD as , h H 1 330 BRITrSH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. McDermid, H C, elk P McQuade & Son, rea Queeii'a ave McDermiad, Miss, milliner Manches- ter House, 88 Yates McDonald, — , expressman, res Moss McDonald, — , res 31 Blanchard McDonald, Alex, prop Windsor hotel, 23 Government McDonald, Alex C, bricklayer, res 182 Fort McDonald, Miss V, rea 182 Fort McDonald, Miss A, res 182 Fort McDonald, Alex, res 182 Fort McDonald, ^neasP, tobacconist, 165 Johnson McDonald, Albert, tramway motor- neer, res 69 Quadra McDonald, A, labr, res 63 King's rd McDonald, Alex C, ship builder, res Springfield ave, Vic W McDonald, Mrs Alex, tailoress D Campbell & Co, res 52 Quadra McDonald, A R, prop Western hotel, 84 Store McDonald, Angus, sealer, res Do- minion hotel McDonald, Allan, machinist, rea Western hotel McDonald, Donald, blksmith. Front, Vic W McDonald, David, carpenter, Mary, VicW McDonald, H F, carpenter, res Milne McDonald, Daniel, labr, res Belton ave McDonald, Duncan, carpenter, res Belton ave McDonald, Dan, carpenter, rea 95 Herald McDonald, Edward, garbage scow superintendent. Porter's wharf McDonald, John D, labr, res 6 La- bouchere McDonald, J, carpenter, res Empire hotel McDonald, John, prop Royal saloon, 53 Douglas McDonald, John T, grocer, Oak bay ave and Cadboro bay rd junction McDonald John M, labr, res Taunton McDonald, Jas, furnaceman A. I. W., res Vancouver hotel McDonald, John, police ofiBcer, res Tennyson rd McDonald, John, carpenter, res cabin 22, Johnson McDonald, Joseph, elk Land Registry office, res 12 Rendall McDonald, Murdock, marine diver, res 88 View McDonald, Miss K, tailoress J C Leask, res 82 Kane McDonald, Miss J, operator Telephone Company, res Springfield ave, Vic W McDonald, Peter, tobacco and cigar store, res 50 Yates McDonald, Patrick, hackman, res 96 North Park McDonald, Rory, caretaker St Louis College Pandora avo McDonald, H H, contractor, res 225 Pandora McDonald, W, machiniat V.I.W., Windsor hotel McDonell, Mrs R J, res 33 Birdcage WalkW McDougal, Alex Miller, shipper H B. Co., rea 6 Blanchard McDougall, A, elk H.B. Co., res " Rockabella." McDougall, Chas R, sealing cook, res 97 View McDougal, Dan, city fire brigade, res 97 Pandora McDougall, Edwin, carpenter, Spring- field ave, Vic W McDougall, Mrs Sarah, rea "West Villa," Langford, Victoria West McDougal, , carpenter, res 90 Store McDowell, Charles, moulder V.I.W., res 122 Chatham McDowell, H P, compositor T Rourke's, Williams' Bd((, rea 122 Chatham McDowell, John 3, contractor, rea 122 Chatham McDowell, Joaeph Alex, livery stable prop, 4 Broad McDowell, Thomaa A, boiler maker, A.LW., res 122 Chatham McDowell, Wm, res 94 Superior S McEwen, Rev P H, pastor Emanuel Baptist church, Spg Ridge, res Bel- mont ave McEachern, E, carpenter, rea 88 Pandora McEachern, John, carpenter, rea 153 Superior McEachern, W, carpenter, res 88 Pandora McEachern, Wm, stonemason, res 7 Rebecca McEachern, James, night watchman, res Commercial hotel Till VCC CIIDI nVIICIIT AACIinV Gnidea famished to tourlste. All kind* ot 1 1 In nXJCj CHIrLUf inCRI AuCNuT Chlneae help auppUed on the ahortest notice. No. 23 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B, C. »a BMOAO HXHMMX Dr. Le^vlt Hall*t Tooth Powder ^ill not Injure the Teeth. WUOo only at th* OEVmiAI. DRUG STORE. CLARENCE BLOCK, COR. DOUGLAS and YATES STS.. VICTORIA, B. C. VICTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 331 McEbroy, Isaac M, Baleeman, 185 Douslas, res 20 King's rd McFaclden, James, inmate Home for Aged and Infirm McFariand, F L, clerk port steward's office C.P.N, dock, res 42 Superior McFariand, George, contractor, res 42 Superior S McFarlane, Miss Mary, housekeeper, 238 Johnson McFarlane, Mrs Elizabeth, res 189 Fort McGibbon, Miss, milliner, White House, res Balmoral hotel McGill, A D, carpt, res 17 South rd McGillivray, hostler, res Cloverdale McGiUivray, Angus, teamster Vic Truck and Dray Co, res 31 Kae McGillivray, D, labr, res Commercial hotel McGraw, Fredk, carpt, res Niagara McGraw, James, res Kendall McGraw, John, engineer, res 64 South Pandora McGraw, Luke, sealing mate, res 109 Pandora McGrath, Matthew, sealer, res 45 Chatham McGregor, Alex, blacksmith, res 27 Bay McGregor, A G, book-keeper, Ames, Holden Co, Ltd, res 95 Johnson McGregor, A & Sons, hardware mer- chants, 95 Johnson McGregor, Alex, t^en blacksmith, 50 Johnson, res 27 Bay McGregor, Arch, (A McGregor & Sons), 95 Johnson, res Terrace ave McGregor, C A, carpt, res 27 Eliza- beth McGregor, David, painter, res 26 Elizabeth McGregor, George, engineer, res 94 Chatham McGregor, Mrs H, boarding house, res 85 Yates MoOregror, Jas L.L.D, librarian, res "Ivyholme," 59 McClure McGregor, J Herrick, land surveyor, res "Ivyholme," 59 McClure McGregor, Mrs J H, midwife, res 137 Cormorant McGregor (Jeeves & McGregor) brick- yard and contractors, res Saanich rd McGregor, Knight & McKitrick, car- riage makers and gen blksmiths, 50 Johnson McGregor, Miss Laura, res 162 Pan- dora McGregor, Moses, contractor, res 103 North Park McGregor, Miss M, res 59 North Park McGregor, Wm H C, (A McGregor & Sons) res Terrace ave McGregor, W D, real estate and in- surance, res Belcher ave McGinnis, John, expressdriver, Vic Trans Co McGuire, H, designer, Sehl-Hastie- Erskine, 90 Quebec S Mclntyre. Hugh R, book-keeper. The Tiroes P. and P. Company, res 15 George Mclnnes, Angus, fmr, res Belcher ave Mclllwain, William, drayman, res 17 CoUinson Mclnnes, John, expressman, res 10 Broughton Molnnes, T R, senator, res 110 Michigan S Mclnnes, T R E, barrister-at-law, res 110 Michigan S Mclnnes, W W B, barrister-at-law, res 110 Michigan S Mcintosh, C, E. & N. Ry emp, res Brunswick hotel Molntosh, Daniel D, boatbuiider, James bay boathouse, 2 Wharf Mcintosh, £>avid, purser S.S. Joan, res 6 Douglas Mcintosh. David, steam laundry, res 162 Yates Mcintosh, Fred, sealer, res 37 Vic- toria Cres Mcintosh, Mrs Helen, widow, res 6 Paikington Mcintosh, James, clerk W Wilson & Co, res 14 Mears Molntosh, Stephen F, Rock bay coal and wood yard, res 8 Bay Mclntyre, John, shoemaker, 85 Douglas, res Vancouver hotel McKay, Alex, Marshall & Co, bakery, res 59 Broad McKay, Arthur, plumi » r, res 70 Fort McKay, Alex, baker, res 159 Chat- ham McKay, Miss Annie, res 43 Work McKay, Charles, carriage painter, 115 iTohnson, res Russell, Vic West McKay, Donald George, labr, res 43 Work McKay, E B. draughtsman. Lands and Worlds Dept, res 31 Rithet 02 TETV Vmr^ST ^\'Xr More Hand* and More Capital than all other Binderlea WJi ZinLlrMAJX In the Province. «S BSOAO »TMMXr, VIVTOBIA. Ik ¥ it R* T» WILLIAMS ;. aj«»i|»t»- »....1tvHMA^- 'i.---*--''- jAiT DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY • WINNIPEG" Drewry'a Ale, Porter and Lager la Recommended by Fbvaicinne Generally. Q w C •H Oi ^1 < K Kg (D CO O Q O 382 BRITIBH COLUMBIA DIRROTORY. McKay, Gilbert, teamster, res 61 Henry McKay, Cieo, plasterer, res Bruns- wick hotel McKay, Hu^h, house carpenter, res 43 Work McKay, Mrs J G, res 44 Rae McKay, Mrs Jennie, widow, res 43 Work McKay, J G, policeman, res 62 North Chatham McKay, James, engineer, res 208 DouglHB McKay, Mrs, tailoress Walter D Kin- naird, res 46 Johnson McKay, William, stonecutter, res 137 Fort McKechnie, Dr L N, physician and surgeon, res Fernwood rd, cor Cad- boro bay rd McKeil, Capt R, master mariner, res 85 Carr W McKenelley, Thomas, carpenter, res 68 Fourth McKenzie, clerk Robt H Jameson, rts 33 Fort McKenzie, Alexander, teamster, res Montreal W McKenzie, Alex, sealer, res 46 Chat- ham McKenzie, Charles, blacksmith, res 56 Fourth McKenzie, C F, carpt, res Johnson McKenzie, Donald, clerk J Hawkins, res 56 Fort McKenzie, James R, carriage builder, res Old Egquimalt rd, cor Front, Victoria W McKenzie, John, saddler and har- ness maker, 41 Pandora, res Milne McKenzie, John L, electric light emp, res Brunswick hotel McKenzie, Miss K, dressmaker, res Esquimau rd McKenzie, Roderick, apprentice, J Sears, 114 Yates McKenzie, Robt, fmr. Swan lake McKenzie, Wm F, carpt, res Bruns- wick hotel McKeown, Angus, supt,Ames Holden Co, res 311 Yates cor Fernwood rd Molteon, William, Oriental hotel, Yates MoKeon, Wm J, Oriental hotel, res 63 Frederick McKerlie John, engr, res Dallas rd McKillican & Anderson, carpenters and builders, res 2 Langley McKillican, Henry A, asst W D Mc- Killican, res 287 Yates McKillican, William, (McKillican & Anderson), 2 Langley, res 287 Yates McKilligan, John B, financial agent, 72 Government, res 134 Richardson McKinnan, Alex, ship carpt, res 100 Pandora McKinnon, Alex, lighthouse keeper, Beren's Island lighthouse, Victoria harbor McKinnon, Arthur, salesman, res 78 Yates McKinnon, Malcolm, warehouseman, res Brunswick hotel McKinnan, Michael, warehouseman, Simon Leiser & Co, res Brunswick hotel McKinnon, M, teacher, res 4 Cedar Hill rd McKinley, John, gentleman, res 41 Bridge McKirdy, William, wood turner, res 104 View McKittrick, Miss L, asst milliner, 61- 63 Fort McKitrick, Wm, carriage builder, 60 Johnson, os 58 Quadra McLachlan Bros, feed store, res 22 Yates McLachlan, Danl, (McLachlan Bros), 22 Yates, res 18 St Lewis McLachlan, Peter, teamster, Shawni- gan Lake Lumber Co McLachlan, Robt, (McLachlan Bros), rea Orcas Inland McLachlan, W O, bartender,Garrick's Head saloon, res 97 Kingston McLaughlin, Thos, (Dempster & Mc- Laughlin), res Angel hotel McLean, Mrs A, res 139 Cadboro bay rd McLean, Donald packer, customs ex- amining warehouse, res 32 Ontario McLean, Jno, blacksmith, 89 Wharf, res 81 John McLean, Laughlin, master mariner, res 131 Fort Central Ship Yard, Hope point McLean, Peter A, foreman Rock Bay Tannery, res 80 John McLean, William, mineral water bottler, res 83 John McLean, Wm A, res 139 Cadboro bay rd McLearn, Frederick, painter, res Langford McLearn, Matthew, ship carpenter A. M. BEATTIE CITY MARKST. VAHCOUVER. B. C. ■ iPPllAISEK . AND 6MERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. m msii otoria Transfer Co., Ltd. """gf^D^H^ISlH^o^Ji'ilfS va?.'"*** 91 and 98 Brouifhton Htreet, Yittoria, B, C, Telephone 190. VICTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 833 McLeiali, James, boiler maker Spratt & Gray's foundry Mi'Leish, Henry, paint mnfr, Canada Paint Co, res Ai% Rock bay ave McLennan ft MoFeely, stove dealers and house furnisherB, 134- 136 Government McLellan, A J, res Gorge rd McLellan, Daniel, res Pine McLellan, Mrs E, furnished rooms, Doane blk, 90 Douglas McTjellan, Fred B, ship carpenter, res 233 Simcoe N MoLennan, R P. (McLennan & McFeely, res Gorge McLeod, Angus, ship carpenter, res 249 Siincoe N McLeod, Dougald, blacksmith 89 Wharf McLeo<l, F A, res 179 Cook McLeod, G W, railroad conductor, res 179 Cook McLeod, Capt John, master mariner, res 8 Kane McLeod, J P, law student J P Walls, res 98 Yates McLeod, Norman, res 15 Bay McLeod, Norman I jr, moulder A.I W., res 15 Bay ' McLeod, Rev r McF, Presbyterian minister, res Boyd E McLeod, Roderick, moulder A.I.W., res 15 Bay McLeod, Roderick, miner, res Van- couver, hotel McLeod, William, res 179 Cook McMackenzie, Robt G, fmr, Lake Hill farm MoMiokiogr, R B, mgr Telephone Co, 14 Trounce ave, res 102 Menzies McMillan, Archie F, baker, res 273 Yates McMillan, Bros, Grocers, 90 Douglas McMillan Bros' bakery, 275 Yates McMillan, Chas, rock driller, res Do- minion hotel McMillan, Donald, (McMillan Bros), 90 Douglas, res 220 View McMillan, J, compositor Colonist McMillan, J £, sheriff, res 138 Cor- morant McMillan, Mrs Mary, hair dresser, res 47 Blanchard McMillan, R H, compositor Colonist McMillan, A F, (McMillan Bros) res 273 Yates McMillen, R H, commn agent, Five Sisters' block McMullen, Wm, brickmaker, res 131 Douelas McMullen, James H , brickmaker, re« 131 Douglas McMumram, Francis, labr, res 2 cabin, Johnson McMurrin, Miss Martha, ward maid Royal Jubilee Hospital McNair, Miss M, clerk Hibben &, Co, res 18 King's rd McNamara, Margt, nursery maid, res 308 Dallas rd N McNaughton, D W, les 34 Edmonton McNaughton, £ D, detective, res 84 Edmonton rd McNeil, Albert, New York restaurant 67-69 Yates McNeill, Alfred, fmr. Shoal or Mc- Neill's bay McNeill, Angus, labr, res 11 Penwill McNeill, Angus B, teacher Central School, res cor Bod well and Stan- ley ave McNeill, Donald H, fmr. Shoal or McNeill's bay McNeill, Ed H, sealer, Shoal or Mc- Neill's bay McNeill, Edward, mariner, res New York hotel McNeil, John, sewer pipe layer, res 67 Quadra McNeil, Louis, city fire brigade, res 87 Pandora McNeil, Neil, book binder, R T Wil- liams, res 11 Churchway McNeil, Roderfck, driver, res 59 Broad McNeill James A, cigar maker, res Commercial hotel McNeill, Jas Chas, printer, 11 Pen- will McNeill, J A, cigar maker, res Com- mercial hotel McNeill, John D, teamster, res 5 Penwill McNeill, J M, fireman, res 12 Amelia McNeill, J R, farmer, res 152 Pem- broke McNeill, Dr Mary, rms 4 and 21 Doane block, 90 Douglas McNeill, Wm, Prov police officer, res 150 Chatham McNiSe, Chas, res 35 Quebec N McNiffe, W, grocer, res 35 Quebec N McNiffe. Mrs W, widow, res 36 Que- bec N McNiven, Jas D, printer Colonist, res 6 Douglas CO ?^ o o 3 a| §1 rf b» « 2. INTERIOR WOODWORK, OFncE and bab irrTDias =r MmAm to OkIw \f WEIUBR BBOS. ,,„ri-4— ■ ^Mrep««M ,,, GOV.™- I MoTlth Henry, upl,ol.te«r, ,» » '"'J '} T> loci mur B. C. 0.ttl« SSm". »'*««'• ^"^"^ Mottuade P& Son. ehip chan- ^44 Pembroke ^^ ^^ ^tr, res mS'A Malcolm, a»P.. X.y)» 7M ^.S>.^,. „, «"»"- "^ minion hotel Renter, res McRobbie, John* ^" »' „S'r«.,JohnE,P«toffioe,>.«- gan S jt„ mkr, Canada nlsweeney.Jno^^""^^^ Paint Co, res Telegrap^^ Telegraph ,81 ■ I McSwisB, V.f.Ji. ^' •rt • hotel res Dominion hotel alTagg^rt. Miss LiUie, res Pomimon MS?vi«h,MrsDA.reBlHeywood McSv^Bh. Geo A nurseryman, res 11 „eldram, J»>"?°. 'V Uqtjors. Saamch rd ^^^ ^^ MelAram, John H, res sa ^^^^^ ^ Meldram, John W , Roiic I.W, res Saanich rd joi^Qson . Brunswick hotel resTSPem- Mellor.Byvon, carpenter, res /a broke . . .._ -aa 76-78 Fort Mellor, Frank, pai°**''!Si, R«l- Sellor, F'tiT aJvemment. res niont saloon, uoveiu M!£,^o«,ph,g».ri.r'»« «-'•"• wharf, res 109 View . ^^^ Jl!l'°!f;rmVerBl2ckmfn&l i 1 POPULAR PRICES AND BEST OF QOODS AT THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE ClArence Block, Cor. Yate* and Douglas Sts., Victoria, B. C. VICTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 835 MeuauKh, Robert, eriKineer, N.E.T & L. Co, res 10 Bridge Menut, Paul, clerk, Driard hotel Menzel, Hana, bartender. Bank Ex- change saloon Menziea, Robert, watchman, Taylor Mill Co, res Seventh Mercer, Wm, wood turner, res cor Gamma and Alpha Merohants' Exchange, B. C. Board of Trade building. Bastion square Meredith, Charles, tea merchant, res Oadboro ba^v rd, cor Leighton rd Merrill, F, tinner, McLennan & Mc- Feely Merrill, Joseph, photographer, res 66 Fort Merriman, Peter, dairyman, Fairfield dairy, res Cedar Hill rd E Merriman, Wm, fmr, res Cedar Hill rd Merritt, Richard, plasterer, res Lang- ford Young, James, labr, res Langford, VicW Merry, Geo, labr, res 248 Simcoe S Merryfleld, Jonathan, prop Tele- graph hotel, rei 49 Store Merymont, Louis, clerk, 152 Govern- ment Mesber, Arthur, carpt, res 74 Princess ave Mesher, Fred J, carpt, res 74 Prin- cess ave Mesher, George, contractor, res 60 Second Mesher, George C, contractor, res 62 Second Mesher, Miss Mary, dressmaker, r 42 Five Sisters' block Messick, Nathan C, builder, res Old Esquimau rd, Vic W Meston, John, carriage builder and blacksmith, 67-69 Broad, res 46 North Park Methodist Church , Esquimalt at, cor Catherine, Vic W Meunier, Joseph, prop Prince of Wales saloon, 166 Government, res 46 Frederick Meuriset, Max, baker, res Dominion hotel Mewbnm, Wm B C. grocer, etc, and postmaster, Lansdowne rd Meyer, George, master mariner, res 63 Bridge Meyer, Gapt Wm, master mariner, res 108 Dallas rd N Michel], Geo, asst salesman, E G Prior & Co, res Michigan Mickel, Mrs L A, widow, res Belcher ave Middleton, H B, labr, res 28 Eliza- beth Middleton, Keith John, treasurer Nicholles & Renouf, res 16 Young Mikeson, Andrew, labr, res Irma, Burnside rd Miles, George W, barber Geo Russell, res 16 Stanley ave Millard, A H, emp W S Chambers, Gorge rd Miller, Alex, baker New England bakery, res Third, Work Estate Miller, A J, steward Victoria Club, res 6 Parry Miller, David, book-keeper J H Todd & Son, res 88 Quebec Miller, Eugene P, printer, 77 John- son, res Cedar Hill rd E Miller, E, clerk, res 88 Quebec Miller, Mrs Eliza, res "Norwood," Oak l>ay ave Miller, George, grocer, Store, res 25 Kane Miller, James, fmr. Strawberry Vale {arm, Burnside rd Miller, James, jeweller, res 7 Ava- lon rd Miller, John G, assistant surveyor, Pemberton & Son, res Oak bay ave Miller, Munroe, printer and book- bindei', 77 Johnson, res Cedar Hill Miller, William, confectioner, 105 Douglas Miller, Wm, confectioner, res Van- couver hotel Millett, George, labr, res 6 McCIure Milley, Jonathan, sealer, res Van- couver hotel Millington, Chas, blacksmith, res 42 Pandora Millington, Ernest, hackdriver, res 42 Pandora Millington, Miss E, dressmaker, res 42 Pandora Millington, Mrs M E, furnished rms, 42 Pandora Milligan, Thos, r.>al estate agent, res Empire hotel Milloy, G E, lather, res Jubilee ave Mills, A E, res 76 Chambers Mills, Frederick, stonemason, res 69 South rd cm inn > o Z 30 o m z o H X m z (0 H Z m (0 ■< m > z o 3D H 0) m -I 30 m 2d c F o 0) c ■0 tm lUNK BOOK mmnmm K. T. WILLIAMS »8 Broad at., Vietoria. i' wmmmmmmmfm^ m P4 5^5 O ' EH DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY - WINNIPEG. Drewry's XXX Stock Ale is Extra Hopped, Making it an Excellent Appetising Tonic. 1^ O Q o o o Mills, Gabriel, inmate Home for Aged and Infirm Mills, George W, barber Geo T Rus- sell, res 16 Stanley ave Mills, John, engineer, Navy Yard, res 143 View Mills, Wm George, butcher People's Market, res 106 Fisguard Mills, H E, clerk B AVilliams & Co, res 76 Chambers Mills, H E, apprentice B Williams & Co Mills, S Perry, barrister and solici- tor, 46 Langley, res 99 Fern wood rd Mills, Wm G, salesman, res 99 John- son Milne, Alex Roland, Collector of Customs, res 17 Queen's ave Milne, Dr O L, M.P.P., physician and surgeon, 36 Douglas, res 100 Dallas rd Milne, John D, boiler maker, res 84 Pembroke Milton, William, coachman W C Ward, "Highwood," Moss Milton Lodge, No 311, Sons of St George, 25 Bastion, St George's hall Mimmack, Frank, printer Colonist, res "8 Niagara S Minckler, Chas, hackdriver, res 28 Toronto S Minty, Alexander, coachman Robert Irving, "Gisburn," Belcher Minty, William, contractor, res 25 Kane Mitchel, Rt. bt, book-keeper ^ N Hib- ben & Co, res 16 Putnam Mitchell, A H, jeweler, res 158 Chat- ham Mitchell, Chas, plasterer, res 19 Third Mitchell, Miss E, pressfeeder the Colonist Mitchell, George, elk T G Prior, res Michigan S Mitchell, George, packer Langley & Co, res Mt Tolmie rd Mitchell, Geo, res Richmond rd E Mitchell, Harry, traveler J H Todd & Son, res Wilson Hotel Mitchell, James, manufacturers' and merchants' agent, 100 Govern- ment, res 28 Michigan S Mitchell, John, butcher, 188 Pem- broke Mitchell, Miss Lottie, domestic 7 Richardson Mitchell, Robert, emp Telephone Co, res cor King's rd and Fourth Mitchell, R, clerk, res 17 Putnam Mitchell, T G, engineer str Premier, res 69 Superior N Mitchell, Thos R, painter, res 55 Mc- Clure Mitchell, Victor, commission mercht, res 28 Michigan S Mittalstate, Gustav, lab, res 23 Third Mitten, Thomas, guard city lockup, res 148 Fern wood rd Moffatt, Adam P, clerk, res 94 N Park Moffatt, Hamilton, res 158 Michigan S Moffat, Thomas, builder, res 27 Hey- wood ave E Mohun, Ed, C.E., civil engineer, res •'Rock Cottage," Belcher Moir, Alexander, machinist, res 50 Henry Moller, H G, Sayward's mill Mongell, Angelo, labr, res 7 First Mong Kow, L, Chinese interpreter, H. M. Customs, res Cormorant Monk, Edward, res 133 Fisguard Monk, Mrs E, widow, nurse, res 9 Pioneer Monk, J, barber, res 63 Herald Monk.OacirJ, barber. Oriental alley, res 57 Pandora Munro, Miss A J, principal Work Estate Ward School, res 118 Fis- guard Monro, Ernest, elk, Sehl, Hastie Co, ren the Douglas house Monroe, James, tinner, McLennan <& McFeely, res 10 Rithet Monro, R R, book-kpr, R P Rithet it Co, res Stanley ave Monro, Mrs I, res 118 Fisguard Monteith, A T, acting secty B.C. Pot- tery and Terra Cotta Co, Ltd, res 9 South Park Monteith, Wm, insurance agent, 32>^ Fort, res Lampson Montreal Clothing House, Alex Vye, prop, 152 Government Moody, F G, grocer, res 6 Amelia cor Farquhar Moody, Mrs Janet res 133 Johnson Moody, Joshua, res 90 Pandora Moody, S P, shipping clerk, Simon Leiser & Co, res 133 Johison Moody, Thoa C, res 197 Dougtab Moody, T G, rea 86 Pandora Moodyville Lands and Sawmill Co, Ltd, R P Rithet & Co, agents, 61-63 Wharf :fc.. A. M. BEAM, AUCTIONEER, Vancouver, B. CiElifflBBiLi Vioiioriai Transfer Oo^ Iilid* 9ateBan*itmieue,t1a*!^u,h. 21 and 23 Bronghton Street, Victoria. B. C. Tel. 129. VICTORIA OITY DIRnCTOBY. 337 Morris, Alfred J, book-kpr, J Piercy & Co, res Aneel hotel Morris, E A, tobacconist, 72 Govern- ment, res Balmoral hotel Moore & Co, cliemists and drug- gists, res 31 Yates Moore, Benj Blair, poultry farmer, Cedar Hill poultry yard. Cedar Hil' rd E Moore, Charles, teamster, res 39 Me- Clure Moore, Cbas, apprentice civil engi- neering, res cor Clarke and Taunton Moore, C F, gen merchant, res Clarke cor Taunton Moore, F, B.C. Chemical Works Moore, Frank E, clerk, Robt Irving «Sc Co, res cor Oak bay and Rich- mond ave Moore, H, sailmaker, res Occidental Moore. John J, (Moore & Co), 31 Yates cor Langley, res 56 Langley Moore, J W, purser str Premier, rea 14 Chambers Moore, Mrs J W, res 68 Fourth Moore, William, carpenter, res 196 Cook Moore, Wm, master mariner, res 75 Blanchard Morant, John, city labr, res 23 Eilice Mordaunt, Harry, mariner, res New York hotel Mordaunt, Miss Nellie, housekeeper, John Barnaley, Gorge rd Morden, Roger R, printer, res Esqui- malc rd More, A W & Co, real estate, in- surance, excliange and mortgage brokers, notary public.and account- ants, 70 Douglas More, A W (A W More & Co) rea 112 Superiot Morgan, Edward, ingr store and saw- mill, res Humboldt Morgan, Edwin J, clothier, res 10 Broad Morgan, Walter, butcher, res Oak bay ave Morgan, Wm, longshoreman, res 3 cabin, Johnson Morissey, Michael, gentleman. Cedar Hill rd Moriaon, Geo & Co, druggists, etc, 56 Government Morita, K, mgr Japanese store, 150 Government, res Clarence hotel Morkell, George H, accountant, Vic Rice and Flour Mill, res 280 Yates Morley, Mrs, widow, postoffice clerk, res 52 Alfred Morley, Chris, soda water manu- facturer, 7 Waddington alley Morley, HAS, Government Trea- sury Dept, res 198 View Morley, S F, student-at-law Alan S Dumbleton, res 25 Parkington Morphy, Geo A^ (Schultz & Mor- phy) 49 Langley, res Wilson hotel Morris, Amos, clerk Vic Transfer Co, 21-23 Broughton Morris, Miss Annie, domestic New York hotel, 69 Yates Morris, Augustus, clerk C.P.R. tele- graph office, res 157 View Morris Edgar W, res 181 Fern wood rd Morris, Mrs Frederica, res 157 View Morris, Joseph, inmate Home for Aged and Infirm Morris, J W, painter, res 14 Parry E Morris, Walter, B. C. Fruit Canning and Preserving Co, res Gorge rd Morrison, Mrs A, widow, res 42 Kingst'iS S Morrison, Mrs A, dressmaker, res 162 Pandora Morrison. David, inmate Home for Aged and Infirm Morrison, 1), pilot, res 37 Erie N Morrison, ISwen, mgr Shawnigan Lake Lumber Co, Discovery, rea 42 Second Morrison, Fredk John, Custom House officer, res Rock bay ave cor Bay Morrison, James, res 162 Pandora Morrison, James, blacksmith, 14 Yates, res 131 Superior Morris(m, James, clerk Weiler Bros, res Clarence hotel Morrison, James, sawyer Taylor Mill Co. res 31 Princess ave Morriaon, John, teamster, res 8 Bay Morrison, Peter, overseer lumber camp rea Oak bay ave Morrison, Dr Richd, physician and surgeon, 46>^ Yates Morrison, Robert, foreman Taylor Milling Co, res 31 Princess ave Morrow, Holland & Co, real estate and insurance agenta, 44 Broad Morrow, L W, seal hunter, rea Do- minion hotel Morrow, Mrs Mary, matron Chinese Rescue Home Morry, William, fisherman, rea 9 Humboldt CO gtaei n9Q St-' in I tscd H •-3 ^ N w © o o C3 2. cr 5P § ^ Su % i-j Pi GO B <* ^ » OS tH P eu a es *-i rn » 13' a Ma a< s 0^ »*J i^ n 1^ an tH W a S" B • a' n •^ W < a N» f^ o M. z .P ^ o 9 ^ o* u o * ►< Q p< OB - t lEILER BROS., m Cmnplele House Fumisheis. Larid M in B.C. msmsm HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY WbolesaleCfrocfirs&fineHerclian VICTORIA. B. C. c:-^ C-S5 c-:» if-./ -«^ ■ * <s> Id JH Ph -M ««-l «> o p4 T -4-» £ O) ^ § 1 ee , »H En 338 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTORY. Morse, F W, clerk Ames Holden Co, Ltd, res 145 Michigan Morse, Hiram, clerk Outer wharf, res 145 Michigan Mortimer, Miss Adela, dressmaker Stanley House, res 17 Kane Mortimer, Arthur, stonecutter, res 17 Kane Mortin, C, Japanese store, Govern- ment, res Clarence hotel Mortimer, John, stone and marble yard, 14 Rae, res 17 Kane Moser, Miss Annie, domestic, 132 Pandora Moses, Daniel David, retired, res 125 Chatham Moss, Miss Alice, nurse Prov Royal Jubilee Hospital Moss, Miss Bessie, nurse Prov Royal Jubilee Hospital Moss, George, timekeeper, res 80 Pandora Moss, Geo E, emp E. & N. Ry, res 43 Chatham Moss, Miss Gertrude, dressmaker, res 80 Pandora Moss, Henry, grocer, 263 Yates Moss, James, florist, 99 Quadra, res 80 Pandora Moss. William, res 263 Yates Mottram, Joseph, carpenter, res 73 View Mottram, Joseph, plumber's helper, 91-93 Yates Mooat, Alex, secy Vic Transfer Co, 21-23 Courteney, res 52 Belle- ville Mouat, R B, res John S Adam, Bod- well Mouat, Mrs M A, res 52 Belleville Mould, James, plumber McLennan & McFeely, res 254 Yates Mould, John T, plasterer, res Beta Mould, Mrs J E, widow, res 254 Yates Mount Tolmie Home Build- ing Assn, Ltd, 44 Fort. J H Brownlee, managing direcior Mowat, David S, tinsmith, res 138 Blanehard Mowat, George, gardener, Bishops- ulose, Burdett ave Moxon, Henry, freight clerk S.S Premier, res Cedar Hill rd Mugford, Miss Eliza, dressmaker, res 37 Victoria Cres Muir, A Maxwell, architect, 93>^' Douglae, res Lee ave, E Fernwood Muir, Curtis T, carpenter, res "Fair- burn Cottage," Craigflower rd Muir, Douglas, clerk, Henry Croft res 16 Young E Muir, D D, book-keeper. 72 Govern- ment, res 16 Young Muir, Wm, clerk, Belyea & Gregory res 16 Young Muir, Wm O, carpt, res "Fairburr Cottage," Craigflower rd Muirhead & Mann, sash and dooi mf rs, factory and yard 96 Store Muirhead, Major H H, R.E. com manding Royal Engineers, res tht Barracks, Head Muirhead, James prop, Vic Planint Mills, res "Underwood," Esqui malt rd Muirhead, James MoL, mill hand "Underwood," Esquimalt rd Muirhead,JohnT, millhand, "Under wood, Esqaimalt rd Mulcahy, Andrew, drill instructor B.C.B.G.A, res 143 Michigan N Mulcahy, Jamec, bartender, Vancor. hotel, res 8 Avalon rd Muldoon, Wm,l8t gaoler, Provincin Jail Mulholland, John, tin and copper smith, Canada Paint Co Mulholland, Mrs J T, widow, re Tolmie ave Mulligan, Peter, miner, res Vancoii ver hotel Munday, Henry, builder and contra( tor. res St Charles Mundorf, Miss Christina, cook at 1 O. Home Munford, Harry, baker, Plymout bakery, 16 Broad Munn, Angus, fmr, res 10 Penwill Munn, Henry A, Cochrane Munn, cor Douglas and Yates, r 137 Blanehard Munro, Alex, ir, res 6 Michigan S Munro, Alex Kennetn, Spratt & Gra 17-19 Work, res 6 Michigan BETTEI Munro, J R, <^natham '^lunro, J s, Menzies Munro, K V Michigan Munro, Ross. & Co, res St Munro. Thom Truck and I Munro, TJios ( dale Munro, W S r Munsie, Wm', , M"*-.' pch, Johr Mills, res 134 Mnriset, Ch hotel, Simcoe Mupiset, Cha res 25 Menzie Munset, Chas, feimcoe N Murisett. Emile Litho Co, Vati Murnahan. E L ,/««l«OPa„do; Mii(8, res 118 K Murphy, James couver hotel Murphy. Miss bay ave ,01 Michigan N l™ay, Archibal Michigan N ^Ii'rray, E, res D( *lurray, p, res 13( Murray, H, car McLaughlin lurray, James, Murray. James, Quadra Murray, John, ene ^""ay J s, elerl investment Co rf Munro, Andrew, truckman, Victoril rf*?' Richard, Truck and Dray Co, res 61 Kane l,,7 ^'scovery Munro, A, accountant, res 174'! 7/"'*^' Wm, bla Yates I Quadra Munro, Mrs A, widow, res 10 Rithir"'"*°"' Edwd,bul_ Munro, E W, clerk, Sehl-H«8tie-E^,'J™n. ^ E. carpt skine Co. res Douglas house f "« - - Munro, G E, grocery store, 82 Dou| las, res 10 Carr Munro, Jas, cornice maker, res Rithet te."'" ^™i loaenm, Pj^, I curator, James bd /ueson, E W hnniT (Chatham '^'' Till IfCC CMOinVUCIIT AHEIinV Guides furnished to tourUU. All kiniip-^^ . Ilffl KCC, CinrLUiniClll AuCRuT Chlneee help auppUed on the shorteat ud^ ''^rBaTiKfi^ No. 23 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B. 0. ^i^oxira ajtz H IE BETTER COMB TOUR HAIR with the Best eombs in Town . . SOLD ONLY AT THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE • - CLABENCB BhOVK, COX. YATEIi AJfD DOVGIiAS HXH., VICTOSIA, B. C. iir- oft jrn- ory 3urr dooi com sathi isqui hand Jnder ractot ancou VICrORlA CITY DIEKCTOKY. 339 tnwill irane f^ates, rt laan B Vt & Gra I Victorii Kane res 17-1' jlO Ritlv HftBtie-Ei jae 82 Doui ler, res Munro, J R, sealer, rea cabin 17, 33 Chatliam Munro, J S, clerk, Bank B C, rea 116 Menziea Munro, K V, clerk. Bank B C, rea 6 Michigan Munro, Rosa, book-keeper, R P Rithet & Co, res Stanley ave Munro, Thomaa, truckman, Victoria Truck and Dray Co, res 61 Kane Munro, Thos G, gardener, rea Clover- dale Munro, W S, miller, rea 10 Rithet S Munsie, Wm, rea 226 Johnson Murdoch, John M, acct, Vic Planing Mills, rea 134 Superior Mnriset; Charles, prop Colonist hotel, Sinicoe N Mnriset, Chas, Colonist Hotel, rea 25 Menzies W Muriset, Chas, jr, Colonist hotel, rea Simcoe N Muriaett, Emile, lithographer, Vic Litho Co, Yates Murnahan, E L, barber, O J Monk, res 160 Pandora Murphy, D, law student, S Perry MiUa, rea 118 Fort Murphy, Jamea, mariner, rea Van- couver hotel Murphy, Miaa Mary, rea 72 Rock bay ave Murray, Alex, sanitary inspector, rea 51 Michigan N Murray, Archibald, contractor, res 51 Michigan N lurray, E, res Dominion hotel 'urray, F, rea 130 Fiaguard ilurray, H, car builder, Dempster & McLaughlin lurray, James, rea 172 Pandora urray, James, P.O. clerk, res 155 Quadra lurray, John, engr, rea 44 N Park "urray, J 8, clerk, B.C. Land and Investment Co, Ltd, res 181 Fort lurray, Richard, sailor, res cabin 2, 64 Diacovery urray, Wm, blacksmith, rea 155 Quadra lurton, Ed wd, builder, rea 16 Market urton, F E, carpt, rea A at urton, Miaa Sarah, teacher, rea 16 Market aseam, Provinoial, J Fannin, curator, Jamea bay usBon, E W, book-keeper, res 85 N Chatham Mutlow, John, machinist, res 106 North Chatham Mutual Life Ins Co of New York, for British Columbia, Heisterman & Co, agents Mycock, Henry, rancher, Glanford ave Myers, George, sign painter, 65 Fort, res 189 Johnson Myer, Joseph, emp V.P.B. Co, res Telegraph hotel Myers, Levi W, United States Consul, 43}4 Government, res 26 .lohn Myers, Madifon M, fmr 3 First Myers, Oak P, United States Vice Consul, 43>^ Government, res 26 John Myrdall, A, carpenter, res 171 Fern- wood rd Myrdall, S, carpenter, res 171 Fern- wood rd Mytten, H F, elk Bank of B. C, res "Roccabella" Mytton, Wm, stableman, 156 Yates N Nagano J M. Oriental Bazaar, 90 Douglas, res 55 Chatham Nagano. J M & Co, Oriental Bazaar, 90 Douglas Nahana, D, res 27 Discovery Nairne, C R, elk Provincial Treasury, res Battery Naison, Mrs Mary, rea 133 Johnson Nangle, Chas, foreman 96 Govern- ment, res Fort Nankivell. Jas P, carpenter, res 150 Fisguard Nash, Edward, storekeeper, 173 Gov- ernment Nash, M, mechanic, res 137 Fort Nathan, Edward P, book-kpr Lewis Lewis, 44 Yatea, rea 66 View Nathan, \\ C, cigar mkr and grocer, 6 North rd, cor Spring rd Nathan, W H, expressman, res 6 North rd National Electric Tramway and Light- ing Co, Ltd, D W Higgina, preat, 112-116 Store Naylor, W B G, clerk, rea 38 Michi- gan S Neal, Jamea, coachman N P Snowden, Gorge rd AH klnil hortest no D m JO < CO m D O O D OD J3 m m 130 -0 m O IV ?« 'B ZATBBT IMPKOrSM^tfTM IIT BOOK- Biifniira ajtd rAPUB s ui,iifa. S8 BltOA.D (^TRBBT. VICTORIA. B. T. Williams ■« H ■■ii ■ I "Drewry^a Redwood Brewery, Winnipeg. All Wholesale Dealers keep Orewry's Ale, Porter and Lager in Stock. c© > o O O UJ Og I o cc O O of ■ o LU o 340 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Neal, William, bill poster and chim- ney sweeper, res 32 QuaHra Neale, F L, sec-treas Williams' B. C Official Directory Co, 28 Broad, res Foul bay r«l Neale, Alexander, sealer, res Albion hotel Neaves, Arthur, cooper, res 13 Pen will Neaves, Frederick, cooper, res 13 Pen will Nederest Joseph, emp V.P.B. Co, res Western hotel Neelands, Edward H, carriage maker, res 11 North Park Neill, Archibald, engineer Taylor's Mill, res 60 Princess ave Neill, VV, pressman Colonist Nelson & Fort Sheppard Railway Co's office, Broughton Nelson, Mrs A H, res Oak bay ave Nelson, Charles, hack prop, res 15 Rae Nelson, Frank, hack driver R Bray, res 109 Johnson Nelson, Fred, cook, res 66 Pembroke Nelson, F, sealer, res Empire hotel Nelson, Mrs Hilda, assistant matron W.C.T.U. Refuge Home Nelson, John, miner, res Vancouver hotel Nelson, Lena, domestic, 169 Men- zies VV Nelson, Peter, foreman gas works, res Western hotel Nelson, Peter, carpenter, res Cedar Hill rd Nepel, (ieorge, electrician power house, res 107 Fisguard Nesbit, Philip, ship carpenter, res 47 Princess ave Nesbit, Mrs S, milliner Henry Young & Co, 67 Government, res 64 Fred- erick Nesbitt, Mrs J A, res 156 Cormorant Nesbitt, J S, dealer electrical goods, 166 Cormorant Nesbitt, S D, bartender, res 60 Fred- erick Netherby, Stephen B, principal Cen- tral School, res Cadboro bay rd Nevins, Bernard, tailor Gregg & Sons, res 64 Quadra Nevin Roy Wm, res 21 Queen's ave Newbigeing, James (Newbigging & Anderson), B.C. Novelty Wks, 105 Douglas, res 197 Douglas Newbegging & Anderson, B.C. Nov- elty Works, 105 Douglas Cus- Sim- Newbury, J C, chief clerk H.M toms, res 8 Simcoe Newbury, Wm, saddler, res 8 coe S New by, John, pilot, res 26 Rithet Newcomb, F, M.D., res 70 Dallas rdN Newconibe, Miss Emily, res 17 Bellot Newcombe, Mrs J, res"l7 Bellot New England Hotel, M & L Young, props, 116-118 Government New England Bakery and Restaurant, M & L Young, props, 116-118 Government Newing, Alice, domestic, 36 Gorge rd Newing, James, labr, res Saanich rd Newman, Mrs P R, baker, res 147 Johnson Newson, .John, labr, res Burnside rd Hewton, Horace Edw, res 60 Rae New York Hotel, Mrs E Johnson prop, 67-79 Vates New York Life Insurance Co, A H Scaife, mgr, 92 Yates New York restaurant, 67-69 Yates Nichol, John, carpenter, res8 Avalon rdN Niels, Hansen, grocer's asst 86 Store, res 27 Ellice Nicholas, Elias, painter, res 370 John- son NichoU, Andrew, fmr, "Foul Bay Farm," Foul bay NichoU, James, fmr, "Foul Bay Farm," Foul bay NichoU, VVilliam, inmate Home for Aged and Intirm, Ross bay rd Nichols, Wilfred, labr, res 228 Sim- coe S Nichols, John, book-keeper. Capital Planing Mills Nioholles,Ma)or Jolui,(Nicholle8 & Renouf, Ltd.) hardware mcht, res 220 Dallas rd NiohoUes & Renouf, Limited, farming impts and hardware mchts cor Yates and Broad, J NichoUes, President Nicholson, Albert, tram conductor, res Alderman rd Nicholson, Chas, sealer, res Bruns- wick hotel Nicholson, George, fmr Saanich rd Nicholson, John, Five Sisters' block Nicholson, John, fmr, Vic Dis, Saan- ich rd Nicholson, J, res "Roccabella" 22 Victoria Cres A. M. BEATTIE CITY MARKET. VANCOUVER, B. C. Weekly Auctio|is ii- V UinTADIA TDAIICCCD l*R I Til Check Banage to any part of the City. Their VIUIvnIA InAnorCn UU., LIU. Wagona and CaxrlaKes meet aU Boat* and Trains. 81 and 83 Bronghton StrMt, Victoria, B. O. Tel. 189. VICTOSIA CITY DIRECTORY. 341 Niuholson, John Thos, fmr, Vic Dia, Saaiiich rd Niuholson, Joseph, fmr, Vic Dis, Saanich rd Nicholson, J H, clerk, res 214 Yates Nicholson, Thomas, school teacher, the Arm, Cnigflower rd Nicholson, Win, carpenter, res Lans- downe rd Nicholson, W, upholsterer, Weiler Bros Nichott, James, fmr, Foul bay rd Nickel Plate Saloon, T Garvin, prop. 86 Government Nickel Is, John, master mariner, E & N.R., boathouse. Limpet Point Nickerson, Capt A, str Thistle, res 25 Harrison Nicolaye, Rev Joseph, R.C. priest, res the Fallace, 109 Yates Nicoll, Thos E, postmaster, Mount Tolmia Nisbet, Miss F, operator Telephone Co, 14 Trounce ave, res Douglas Niven,.Ta8W, marine engineer, res 64 CoUinson Noakes, Roht, seaman, res Vancouver hotel Noble, Alex, fisherman, res San Juan ave E Noble, Alex, jr, fisherman, res San J uau ave E Nobbs, Fred, labr, res 2 cabin, John- son Noble, Henry, Commercial hotel, 126 Douglas Noble, John, sealer, res Dominion hotel Noble, Mrs J, widow, res 164 Chat- ham Noble, Wm, labr, res Oak bay ave Noble, Wilson, carpenter, res 6 Croft east Noel, John F, fisherman, res 83 S rd Nolte, F W & Co, opticians, res 37 Fort Nolte, Fredk W,(Nolte & Co), 37 Fort, res 41 Rithet N Norgate, T B, architect, patent agent, 86>a Government Norman, Hans, house carpt, res 19 EUice Norman, Henry, motorneer, res 293 Johnson Norman, Samuel, gardener, res 48 Oswego E Norman, Samuel, cigar maker, res 155 Fort Norman, Stephen, carnt, Feltham rd N, res Cedar Hill rd"E Norman, Thos, bookbinder, 77 John- son, res 48 Oswego Norman, Wm, gardener, res 56 South Turner W Norris, Frank G, book-kpr, 38 Broad, res 46 Chatham Norris, Fredk, tanner, Rock bay tan- nery. Bay and Government Norris, Fred, saddle and harness mkr, 126 Government, res Gorge rd Norris, G F, plumber, 30, 32, 34 John- son Norris, Jno F, night editor. Colonist, res Upper Pandora Norris, Wm Geo, gentleman, 183 Fort Norrison, Wm, labr, res 1 Quebec N North, Mrs J A, widow, res 178 John- son North, Joseph, apprentice. Colonial Brewery North, Walter V, cigar store asst, res 38 N Park Nortb American Life Assur- ance Co, Lee & Eraser, agents, 11 Trounce ave North British and Mercantile Fire Insurance Co of Lon- don, Turner, Bbeton & Co, agents, 90 Wharf North German Lloyd Line Steamers, Hall, Goepel & Co, agents, 100 Government Northcott, Joseph H, carpenter, res 78 Menzies E Northcott, Wm W, city assessor, res 78 Menzies E Northcott, W, pressman the Colonist Northern Fire Assurance Co, London, Findlay, Durham & Brodie, agents, 98 Wharf Northern Pacific S.S. Line, Dodwell, Carlill & Co, genl agents, A G Cameron, agent, 8 Bastion sq Northern Pacific Saloon, Savage & Dale, props, 87 Wharf, cor Yates Northern Pacific R. R. Office, E E Blackwood, agent, Adeiphi blk. Government Northey, Lewis H, managing director Say ward Mill and Timber Co, res 89 Discovery Norton-Taylor, Dr A, physician and surgeon. Five Sisters' block, res 82 Oswego E Norton, John A, labr, res Dominion hotel 2>2 c=a 5 a« WEILER BROS., the LeadiDi Mure Dealei^, VICTORIA, B.C. M IV.J .11 mmmmm HUDSOrS BtV COMPmr, Igentt for Fort Garr) and eenloa County Fiourlne Mills S SI If . <M 1 ai O) •i*H « © J3 OQ -M b <U >. s pA oi 1 Of 03 t it H 1 342 -VICTORIA., B. O.- BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRKCTOHY. Nott, J H, plumber McLeennan & McFeely, res cor Simcoe and Ken- dall Nute, John, carpenter, res 56 Quadra Num Vice & Co, Chinese merchants, 30 Herald Nattall, Thomas C. ugt Pha>nix Assurt nee Co, London, Eng, res 96 Quebec Oakes, Peter, foreman M R Smith & Go's bakery Oakland Florist store, Mrs R Phillips, mgr, 34 Douglas Oakland Branch Postoffice, Lans- downe rd, W B C Mew burn, post- master Oak Bay Improvement Co, J E Crane & Co, agts, 30 Broad Oates, Albert, driver Vic Transfer Co O'Bryant, Clarence, slaughterman B C. Cattle Co O'Brien, Daniel, res 74 Kane O'Brian, Mrs E, emp Postoffice, res 60 Cadboro bay rd O'Brien, Mrs, widow, res 138 Cook O'Brien, Henry, clerk Weiler Bros. res 63 Seciond O'Brien, John, butcher B. C. Cattle Co, 97 Government, res 228 Fort O'Brien, Patrick, brickmason, res Vancouver hotel O'Brien, Peter, hostler Vic Transfer Co O'Brien, Steve, Grotto saloon. Trounce ave, res 37 Quebec O'Brien, W, salesman H Mansell, 30 Church wav Occidental Hotel, R H Berry- man, prop, cor Johnson and Wharf O'Connor, Mrs C, res 118 Fort O'Connor, Henry, bartender, res 71 Fort O'Connor, John, res 7 Cobourg N O'Connor. Miss Maud, stenographer, res 118 Fort O'Connor, William, saloon keeper, 71 Fort O'Connor, Wm, prop Victoria hotej, 71 Fort, res 60 Kane Odd Fellows Hall, caretaker W H Huxtable, 87 Douglas Odd Fellows Hall, Fernwood rd, W FFullerton, secy Oddy, Benj S (Swinerton & Oddy), real estate agent and notary public, res Amphion O'Donnell, Wm Hy, cooper, Can- ada Paint Co Oeser, Eugene, labr, res Vancouver hotel Offerhaus, Rhynvis, school teacher, res 102 John Ogilvy, David Alex N, police con- stable, res 3 David Ohlsen, Andrew, nurseryman, res Lansdowne rd Okell, Samuel M, B.C. Fruit Canning and Preserving Co, res Old Esqui- malt rd Oldershaw, Alfred, bricklayer, res Craigflower rd, cor Catherine and Edward Oldershaw, Alfred, bricklayer, res Edward, Vic W Oldershaw, A Bruce, jeweller, res Craigflower rd, cor Catherine and Edward O'Leary, H J, bartender Germania saloon, res California hotel O'Leary, Capt W S, sealer, res 67 Third Oleson. Olaf, salesman, res Leland hotel Oleson, Thomas, res 49 Princess ave Olive, slup carpenter, res 87 Henry Olive, Wm, stair builder Muirhead & Mann, res Beta cor Delta Olivier, F. elk H.B. Co, Kingston rd Oliver, Frederick, agent Domin- ion Express, res 66 Menzies Oliver, John, dancing academy, res 16 Broad Oliver, J, barber, res 197 Johnson Oliver, Kenneth, barber M C Winn, res 287 i^ Johnson Oliver, Luney, barber, 109 Douglas, res 59 Quadra Oliver, Thos, plasterer, res Oak bay ave Olson, Ida, chambermaid. New Eng- land hotel Olson, M, carpenter, res 22 North rd Olsen, Mrs Mary, dressmaker, res 176 Johnson Olsen, Peter, foreman, Canada Paint Co, res Carpenter's cabins O'Mally, Will H, clerk, res Dominion hotel Omineca Saloon, M J Conlin, prop, 130 Government O'Neil, Fred, prop. Club stables, res 166 Yates Clarence J TIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY No. 23 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B. C. Guides fumisbed to tourists. All kinds of Chinese belp supplied on the shortest notice. i', m PULMONIC COUGH CURE WILL CURE THAT COUGH. MADE ONLY AT THE » CENTRAL DRUG STORE * Clarence Btaek, Comer Tatea ana nouglaa Streets, TICTOltlA, B, C. VICTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 343 O'Neill, H, collector Spencer's Arcade res 207 Douglas On Hing <& Bros, tea and cigar im- porters, 40 Fisguard Ord, John, fishmonger, res 64 Fort O'Reilly, A J, law student, Drake, .lackson & Helincken, res 4 Pleas- ant O'Reilly, Frank, civil engineer, res O'Reilly, Hon P. J.P, Indian Com- missioner, res 4 Pleasant Oren, Mathias, carpenter, res 29 Humboldt Oriental Hotel, Wm McKeown & Son, props, Yates Ormiston, George, clerk, V.C.W. and Lumber Yard, Laurel point, Belle- ville Ormond, George, bartender, Delmon- u'.o hotel O'Rorke, Luke, labr, res 102 Hum- boldt Orr, John, pattern maker, res 76 Pembroke Orr, John, tinsmith, res Beacon st Orr, JohnT, stoves and tinware, 13 Store, res Bean Orste, Frank, porter, Palace saloon, res Kaanich rd Orton, H P, surveyor, res 11 Green Osiiwa, Yaidie, boarding house, res 6 Humboldt Osborne, George , labr, res 43 David Ostell, Charles, steamboat fireman, res 108 Johnson O'SuUivan.E J, business college,Wil- son hotel O'SuUivan, Mrs I, widow, res 18 Blanchard O'Toole, James, seal hunter, res 71 Fort < )ttavvay, V E, & Co, house and sign painters, 5 Broughton Ottaway, A, painter, (V ¥, Ottaway & Co), 5 Broughton Ottaway, V E, painter, (V E Ottaway iS; Co) 6 Broughton Ottaway, William, painter, res Snow- den ave, Ross bay Oulston, James, res 22 Harbor cot- tages. Store Overend, E J, commercial traveller, res Dominion hotel Owen, A F, tuner, M VV Waitt & Co, res 19 Gorge rd Owen, C N, upholsterer, res'Dominion hotel Owen, Newton, upholsterer, Sehl- Hastie-Erskine Co Owen, W G. mute, str "Quadra," imS 59 North Park Owen, W H, hall porter. Union Club Owens, James, plasterer, res Tenny- son ave, Saanich rd Oxley, Rufus B, insurance agent, res Clarence hotel Oxby, W, res Commercial iiotel Paoifio Coast S.S.Co, R PRithet & Co, agents, 61-3 Wharf Pacific Sauce and Vinegar Works, H J Brady & Co, res 183 Johnson Packard, Paris I, (Quintard & Packard, res Oak bay Paddon, Rev Canon W T L, res "Erin Hall," Cadboro bay rd ' Pagden, Chas. res 120 Fort Page & Winnett. real estate and insurance agts, 18 Trounce ave Page, Chas M, (Page & Winnett), 18 "Trounce ave, res Oak bay Page. Francis, res 263 Fort Page, Ogilvy T, res Oak bay Painter, J E, agt Coal, Wood, Truck and Dray Co, 25 Cormorant, res Pine Paisley Dye Works,Ja8 Allison, prop, res 116 Yates Palace Cigar Divan, David Hart, prop, 110 Government Palace Saloon, Borthwick, R, prop, 56 Yates Palmer, Capt Edward, late Royal Canadian Artillery, res Labouchere Palmer, E J, mgr Vic Coal, Wood and Lumber Yard, 74 Yates Palmer, Tom, carpt, res 20 Market Palmer, Thos, police constable, res A Pamphlet, Henry, sealer, res Freder- ick, Vic W Pamphlet, Robt, sealer, res Freder- ick, Vic W Pamphlet, Thomas, master mariner, res 1 David Pandora Ave Methodist Church, Rev 8 Cleaver, pastor, cor Pandora nnd Quadra Paiigburn, Mrs S C, Pullman Lodg- ing House, 18 Trounce ave Pape, John, back driver, Bowman's, res 127 >^ Johnson H 5 sO (■ltd IH R.T. WILLIAMS BOOKBINDER aM BLANK BOOK M&NUFACTORER 98 BROAD BTBXBT, VICTORIA. i 1 ■\\ Hn ImHK mm DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY EIMSMM9 Nothing but Thoroughlv Experienced Labor Employed at the Redwood. AXOyioUT. \ o Q o 344 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIHKOTORY. Papst, John T, retired, ren 152 Fort Papst, MisB Reta, res 152 Fort Parason OU Co. C T W TMper, inur, 141 Yutes Parlwry, Arthur, stair buiWer, res Richmond ave Pardeaii (-leorRe, res 09 Fort Pardoe, Annie, domestic, C W R Thompson, (lorge rd Pardoe, Ciias, gunsmith, 54 Johnson, res 80 Chatham Pardoe, Mary, domestic, G \V R Tlionipson, Uorge rd Partit, Aaron, carpt, res 102 N Chat- ham Parflt, James, laborer, 102 North Chatham Parker, I)r A, dentist at I)r Quin- lan's, res Clarence hotel Parker, Mrs Elizabeth, res 169 John- son Parker, Jolin, butcher, 50 Fort, res Craigflower rd Parker, John, jr, butcher,50 Fort, res 10 Parry Parkhill, Samuel, motorneer, res 12 First Parkes, Cieorgc E, Clerk, Bank B.C, res 156 Menzies Parkee, Henry, porter, Dallas hotel, res Dallas rd Parmiter, J, builder, res 174)^2 Yates Parnell, Miss Jane, nurse, Jubilee Piospital Parr, John, wagon maker, 82 John- son, res 8 St Louis Parr, J Edmiston, architect, res 11 Bellot Parr, Tlios H, surveyor and engineer, res 84 Vancouver cor Coutts Parrv, G B, watchmaker and jeweler, 62 Fort, res 170 Yates Parry, Wm, workman, res Gordon Head rd Parsell, David, contractor, res Jessie Parsell, Thomas, warehouseman, res Jessie Parsons, E J, Prov Gaol, cor First and Topaz ave Parsons, Henry, seaman, res 67 South rd Parsons, Miss Louisa, dressmaker, res 66 First Parsons, Mark, gardener, res 66 First Partridge, Francis, printer, res 113 Quadra Partridge, George, plumber, 70 Fort>„ res 113 Quadra Partridge, John, dry goods, 86 Yates, res 113 Quadra Partridge, T J, water collector, res 113 Quadra Partridge, William, moulder, res 11,'J Quadra Pascoe, John, miner, res 43 Houth rd Passmore, George W, comml traveler, res (58 Quadra Peterson, Alex, clerk E M Johnston, res Cromwell house Paterson, James, mgr boot and shoo store, ;^ Johnson, res 14 Bellot Paterson, TW, contr, Victoria and Sidney R, res 125 Quadra Patrick, Andrew G, draughtsman Tiiomas Hooper, res 6 Erie Patterson, res 26 Harbor Cottage, Store Patterson, Andrew, engr Canada Paint Co, res 40 Hillside ave Patterson, David, book-keeper, res 14 Bellot Patterson, James, carpt, res 23 Bird- cage Walk W Patterson, James, finisher, A.I.W., res Devonshire rd • Patterson, James, shoe merchant, res 14 Ballot Patterson, J D, Bank B. C, res -'I! Montreal Patterson, Robert, mchl engr, res IIH) Superior N Patterson, Robert, sawmill foreman, res 63 Henry Patterson, Wm, machine hand Le- mon, Gounason & Co, res 58 Ghat- ham Patterson, Wm, bartender, res 64 Pembroke Patterson, Wm, bartender, Albion i hotel I Pattie, John, carpenter, Terrace ave, off Oak bay ave Partington, Mary, domestic, 115 Humboldt Pattison, Clement, moulder, res 52 Menzies Patton, Edgar, carp«nter, res cabin 6, 46 Pembroke ! Patton, Fredk W, pai*ern maker Spratt & Gray Patton, Mrs Martha, res Skinner, cor Catherine, Vic W Patton, P T, prop Hotel Victoria, cor Government and Johnson Paul, Edward B, prin High School, res go HillsidQ byp a. j fr A. M. BEATTI CITX MARKET. VANCOUVER, B. C. ASH yiauT. Victoria Transfer Co., Ltd. I'rorine0. 81 and 23 Bronghioa Street, VlotorU. B. O. Tel. 189. VICTOKIA CITY DIRKCTOKY. 345 Pauli, Adulph, paper ruler, 77 Julin- Hon, res Quadra Pauline, K A, hook-keeper, res 205 Douglas Pauline, Frank, school teacher, Rock bay school Pauline, F A, J i'iercy & Co, U7-29 Yates, res 4^ King's rd Pauline, Frelk, estate agent, res Fuller's ave Pauline^ Miss F, manager Imperial Stud io, res Oak bay Pauline, George, professor of music, res 9 Labonchere Pauline, H \V, clerk Henry Saunders, res Oak bav Pauline, Madam, dressmaker, res 37 Fort Paulson, S, carpenter, res 12 Say ward Pavliger, H, tailor Geo U Jackson res 1 Government I'ayne, Kooert, messenger Alan S Dumbleton, res 130 Johnson Payne, Robert, res 15 MeuKjes Payne, Thos, barkeeper. Union Clul) Payne, William, foreman B.C. Pot- tery VVks, Ksquimalt nl Payne, Wm, painter, res 24,k; Princess Peacock, George, lather, res 60 North Chatham Pearse, Benj W, res Fern wood, Cad- l)oro bay rd Pearse, Mrs H, res 124 Chatham Pearson, Charles S. carpenter, res Richmond ave, cor Leighton rd Pearson, Edwd, JP. (Clarke J< Pearson), 17 Yates, res 66 Chatham Pearson, £lizabeth, domestic A L Campbell, Lewis Pearson, Simon, labr, res 18 Croft Pearson, T B & Co, manufac- turers, clothing, etc., etc., 30 Yates Pearson, T B (T B Pearson & Co), 30 Yates, res 107 Fernwood rd Pearson, Wm, res 107 Fernwood rd Peart, William, messenger, Carey Castle, Belcher Peart, Miss £mma. New York res- taurant, 67-69 Yates Peatt, Fred J, tanner, res "Fairburn Cottage," Craigflower rd Peddle, William, labr, res Esqui malt, VicW Peden, Alexander, fisherman, res 24 San Juan ave E Peden, William, clerk John Wilson, 28 Yates, res 24 San Juan ave Peers, Brenda, fmr, Stormness farm, Burnside rd N Peers, Elise, fmr, Stormness farm, Burnside rd N Peers, Miss E, P.O. clerk, res 61 Herahl Peers, Minna, fmr, Stormness farm, Burnsi<le rd N Pegram, W H, dk Bunk o< B. C, res 18 Rupert Peirson, Joseph, public accountant and notary public, 9 Bank of B. C (chambers Peiser, K K, traveler Simon Leiser & Co, res 188 Yates Pelkey, James A, furniture dealer, 88 Johnson Pell, F G, machinist, res Dominion hotel Pelletier, John P, 114 Fisguard Pelling, Chas Edward, carpenter, RuHsel, Vic W Pellow, Thomas, moulder V.I.W, res 56 Herald Pemberton & Son, real estate, financial and insurance agents, 45 Fort Pemberton, C C, barrister and so- licitor, 18 Chancery lane, res "Roc- cal)ella" Pemberton, F B, C.E., (Pember- ton & Son), tiuancial agent. Foul bay rd Pemberton, Jos D, C.E., financial agent, etc, res " Gonzales," St Charles Pendray, W J, soap mnfr, res 92 Belleville S Penketh, George, boiler maker A. I W., res 86 John Penketh, Geo W, apprentice V.I.W., res 199 Chatham Penketh, Miss Anna, res 199Chatham Penketh, Richard sr, boiler maker, res 199 Chatham Penketh, Richard jr, boiler maker, res 199 Chatham Pennock & Lowe, manufacturing jewelers, 63 Government Pennock, W H, (Pennock & Ix)we) res 34 Frederick Penwill, Chas T, res Russel, Vic W Fenwill, Frank, elk Marvin & Tilton, res Russel, Vic W Penny, Henry, clerk Turner, Beeton & Co, res 42 Henry J*enny, Mrs M, widow, res 31 South Fark.8 ;oco d ID C=J n O =«i PI sa ■a o era -1 p»^ & issi •fl t-* o tSi* a p^ ji c-d 3 o (-H B r-^ a » % C30 CFd r IB i=o CO U> ff 3 •< <2, n W o o z- r. O B -- ft to O X r. W Oj o r^ 1 o S-s S'«* ^ n 3 « «-3 O -Vd < — n y-i 3 wB O Q « 3 ct- l« ■■s» >3 £^ < -'■rn T O >t A ^ 3.* Ri 03^ ^ c 9% K n R •* at 90 C £. •fi ■" n '* ? b a s <e a n 2. '■i-h k. WEHiEB BRO^., ARE AGENTS FOR CROSSLEY VICTORIA, B. c. AND SONS FINE CARPETS. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY b" i»!»rt«L""»?. "'^'^ ^1 < C3 «0 « & a Vi <o o JA SQ ■*- U 9i >» ^ eg 1 s« 1 fa H • Penny, Thoa, engineer, res 217 Gov- ernment Peperyern, — , labr, res Langford People's Clothing House, J Lukov, prop, for Store and Johnson Percy, T V, asst Joe Levy's Oyster House Perfect, Robt S, engineer, res Rich- mond ave, cor Oak Bay ave Perkins, — , Government architect, res Craigflower rd, cor Bel ton ave Perkins, Charles, Customs House messenger, res 20 C'jlSinson Perley, Thos H, res A Perley, Wm G F, carpenter, res A Penih, G A & Co, real estate brokers and notaries public, Barnes' blk,12 Chancery lane Perrin, G A, (Perrin, G A & Co), Burnes' blk, res 46 S Turner Perrin, L F, surveyor, res 30 Rithet 8 Perrin,. W W,' D.D., Rt Rev, Lord Bishop of Columbia, res Bishopselose, 10 Burdette ave Perrin, Miss, res Bishopselose, 10 Bur- dette ave Perry c<c Graham, wood yard and stable, office 140 Fort, res 95 View Perry, C E, civil engr, res 10 South Turner Perry, Jos, (Perry & Graham) coal, and wood mchts, res 140 Fort Perry, J B, nigr WH Perry, 42 John- son, res Wbittaker Perry, W H, hardware mcht, 42 Johnson, res 202 Fort Pessetto, Jos, emp Joseph Steele, res Craigflower rd Petherick, William, plasterer, res 48 Princess ave Petticrew, Hugh, butcher, res 18 Pioneer Petticrew, James, sr, stone mason, rea 18 Pioneer Petticrew, James, jr, marine engr, res 18 Pioneer Petticrew, John, machinist, res 18 Pioneer Pettigrew, Robert,(Pettigrew& Sang- stei), tailor, res 18 Pioneer Pettigrew & Sangster, tailors, 43 Pandora Pettigrew, Wm, mech'l engr, res 10 Rendal: E Pettingell, Benj C, res 12 Blanchard Petit, Capt William, mariner, res 27 Fernwood rd • Peert, Miss Bertha Margaret, res 14 Franklin S Peter, Miss Dora B.res 14 Franklin S Peter, Henry Thomas, gentleman, res 14 Franklin Peter, Miss Mary Jane, res 14 Frank- lin Petri «& Jackson, Delmonico hotel, 107-109 Government Petri, W AV, (Petri & Jackson), 107- 109 Government Peterson, Miss Gertie, res 20 North rd Peterson, John, ship carpenter, 169-171 Government Peterson, John, janitor, res 39 Mc- Clure Peterson, L, bartender, Caledonia saloon, res 169 Douglas Peterson, W, res 20 North rd Pferdner, E, musician, res 142 Pan- dora Phelps, Mrs A, lodging house, 70 View Phenix Fire Assurance Co, of Brooklyn, N.Y, agents, Heisterman & Co, 75 Government Philharmonic Hall, 88 Fort Philips, Charles, res 238 Fort Phillips, Alex, retired, res 40 Kane Phillips, A H, gospel preacher, res 50 Dallas rd Phillips Bros, Pioneer Soda Water Works, 8 Yates Phillips, Barney, clerk, clothing store res 40 Kane Phillips, B A, clerk, 8 Store, res 40 Kane Phillips, Charles, foreman, (Phil- lips Eros), res 40 Kane PhitliDS, Miss Clara, book-keeper, Phillips Bros, res 40 Kane Phillips, D, (Phillips Bros), res 149 View Phillips, Ellen, domestic, res Superior Phillips, Geo, dealer in stoves, ranges and hot air furnaces, 84 Douglas, res 239 Yates Phillips, Joseph, cabinet maker, Weiler Bros, rea Belton ave Phillips, Joseph E, stonemason, res 74 View Phillips, Jos R, stonemason, res 74 View Phillips, P, (Phillips Bros), res 86 Blanchard Phillips, Mrs R, agent, Oakland Flor- ist store, 84 Douglas, res 87 Pandora TIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY No. 23 STORE STREET, VICTORIA. B. C. Guides furnished to tourists. AU kinds ot Chinese help nupplied on the shortest notice. Dr. Lewii CLARENCE Bi Phillips. Wi die cutter, J ich rd Phillips, W J, '-'hatham I'liillips, W S, ^McOandless, I'hjJo, A A. ci res 85 Herald Wiilo, Joseph, Herald Philo, DrSolom aid Wiipps. Marnuf try, re8 39Sii Pbipps, Stanley ^l>ept, res 39 S; Phoenix Pire London, Eng, rhoH C Nntall Phoenix Insn Hartford, Ro ^.agts, Temple b Pjckard, Dudley Iveighton rd Pickard, Miss M Chester House. Pierce, Joseph T, ket Exchange, I Pierce, Miss Estt 99 Fort Piercy. J & Co, w ,..27-29 Yates. 1 lercy, John, (J Yates res 163 J Piercy, John, wl merchant, res 1( I lerre, J T, merch Pierre block, 1 Douglas f'ierre, Thos W, Douglas, res 22 1 iike, Albert, br David Pike, Miss Elizalw taurant, 67-69 Y ^ike, Harry, seah hotel Pi'je, Capt Mark /south rd billing, James, driv ler Co P'"der, Wm G, C.I N. R. Co., res 42 ( i'lnes, A J, teache: hotel Pinkerton, Robert, Fort i^Li Dr. Lewis Hall*t Tooth Powder ^m not Injure the Teeth. Mad* oaljr at tli* CENTRAL DRUG STORE. CLARENCE BLOCK, COR. DOUGLAS and YATES STS., VICTORIA. B. C. VICTOrtA OTTY DIBECTOKY. 347 PllilUpa, Wm H, seal engraver and die cutter, 39)^ Douglas, res Saan- ich rd Phillips, W J, cigar mfr, res 43 North Chatham Phillips, W S, salei^man, Giltnore & McOandless, res Hotel Victoria Philo, A A, cigar maker, J L Levy, res 86 Herald Philo, Joseph, cigar maker, res 86 Herald Philo, Dr Solomon, Rabbi,re8 86 Her- ald Phipps, Marcus, clerk Land Regis- try, res 39 Simcoe N Phipps, Staiilej;, Lands and Works Dept, res 39 Simcoe N Phoenix Fire Assurance Co, of Ix)ndon, Eng, 82k> Government, ThosC Nutall, ugt" Phoenix Insurance Comp'y of Hartford, Robert Ward & Co, agts, Temple blk, Fort Pickard, Dudley P, carpenter, res Leighton rd Pickard, Miss Mary, milliner, Man- cheater House, 88 Yates Pierce, Joseph T, hotel-keeper. Mar- ket Exchange, 99 Fort Pierce, Miss Ester, dressmaker, res 99 Fort Piercy, J & Co, wholesale dry goods, •27-29 Yates- Piercy, John, (J Piercy & Co), 27-29, Yates res 163 Menzies Piercy, John, wholesale dry goods merchant, res 169 Menzies vV Pierre, J T, merchant tailor and dyer Pierre block, 100 Douglas, res 200 Douglas Pierre, Thos W, tailor and dyer, 74 Douglas, res 22 Pioneer Pike, Albert, bricklayer, res 53 David Pike, Miss Elizabeth, New York res- taurant, 67-69 Yates Pike, Harry, sealer, res Brunswick hotel Pike, Capt Mark, mariner, res 83 South rd Pilling, James, driver, Victoria Trans- fer Co Pinder, Wm G, C.E., land dept, E. & N. R. Co.,res42Cjok Pines, A J, teacher, res Brunswick hotel Pinkerton, Robert, builder, res 181 Fort Pioneer Bodega Saloon, W S Stevenson, prop, 65 Douglas Pioneer Coffee and Spice Mills Stemler & Earl, props, Pembroke Pioneer Soda water Works, Phillips Bros, props, 8 Yales Piper, Chas Jas, "Brighton Cottage" Cadboro bay rd Piper, Chas J, book-keeper. Paragon Oil Company, 141 Yates, res Oak bay ave Piper, C T W, mgr Paragon Oil Co, 141 Yates, res Oak bay ave Pither & Leiser, importers and wholesale dealers in wines, spirits liquors and cigars, 13 Yates Pitner, Luke, (Pither & Leiser) 13 Yates, res 286 Yates Pitt, Edwd, acct Bank Montreal, res "Eagles Nest," Rockland ave Place, Robert, res 12 (Treen Pleace,Mr8 J, widow, res 151 Pandora Plows, Fred, bricklayer, res 297 Johnson Plows, Hunter, (Cookson & Plows) 86 Johnson, res 170 Johnson Plows, Robert, contractor, res 170 Johnston Plummei', Robert, inmate. Home for Aged and Infirm Plymouth Bakery, Munford, Kenward & Renwood, props, 16 Broad Pointer, Cornelius, ploughman, Cloverdale Pointer, Nathan, clothier, 85 John- son, res 193 Johnson Point Ellice Boat House, Green Edgar A, Work Pollock, Miss Esther, domestic, 10 Rae Pollock, John, teamster. Western hotel Pollock, Miss M J, domestic, 144 Blanchard Pollock, Robert, fmr, Gordon Head cross rd. Cedar Hill Pollock, Saml A M, fmr, Gordon Head cross rd. Cedar Hill Pollard, Wm L, market gardener, Cedar Hill rd E Follow, Frede»"ick, engineer A C Howe, res Discovery Pont, James, florist, 6urnside rd Poodle Dog Restaurant, Louis Marboeuf, proprietor, 49-51 Yates Pook Long & Co, importers fancy goods, 46 Fisguard VE EMPLOY is Hno.4J» HTHMJBT, riOTOMIA. More Hands and More Capital than all other Binderies in tbe Province, 2>2 (it • ♦ * R. T. WILLIAMS "*^»^ DREWKY'S Kedwood BREWERY. Winnipeg ■ Victoria Ti THKHK GOOna WAnBAMTKU TO KJCKM' IN ALJ^ OLIMATBH: O ffl c 0^ (f) (fls CO Si Z o Q O 348 BKITiaU COLUMBIA UIKKCTOHY. Poole, Walter, millhand, tea Front, VicW Pooley, Hon Chas B, Q,C., 47 I^ngley, res "Fernliill," ICequi- malt rd Pope, MrH B, widow, nurse, res 32» JuhnHton Pope, F S, l)ook-keeper, V.I.W., rcB Alfred Pope, S D, Hunt of Education, res 3» BirdcuKe Walk W Pope, William, police court clerk, res 26 Cadhoro bay rd Pope, W F C, clerk. Department of Education Porter, Arthur, (;entlen)an, res 49 Gorge rd Porter, Charles, butcher, res Com- mercial hotel Porter, Frank, hostler, res Vancouver hotel Porter, Frank, horseshoer, res 31 Herald Porter, Frank, night watchman Vic Transfer Co Porter, FA (H Porter & Sons), res Burnside rd Porter, George, driver (R Porter & Sons) Porter, Ilenrv A (R Porter & Sons), res fiO Fort' Porter, James, res 15 Rock bay ave Porter, John, expressman, res Fran- cis ave Porter, Robt & Sons, L.itchers, 104 Johnson Porter, Robt (R Porter & 3ons), res Burnside rd Porter, Robt J (R Portei & Sons) Porter, Thos, coachman A C Flumer- felt, 35 Gorge rd Porter, Thos R (R Porter & Sons), res Burnside rd Porter, W H, day clerk Occidental hotel Porter's Wharf, Steele mgr, Store Porteous, James, carpenter, res 94 North Park Portice, Frank, blacksmith, res 156 Douglas Post, Charlep, carpenter, res Vining Post, Charles, machine hand S Gray's factory Post-Jason, H, carpenter, res Vining Postur, Illugi G, workman. Cedar HillrdE Potter, Thomas, bartender. Cabin, 124 Chatham Pottinger, George, teacher, res 227 Michigan N Pottinger, James, printer Govern- ment printing ottice, res Michigan S 1 Pottinger, Wm B, butcher, res 12(» Toronto S i Potts. A Stewart, student-at-law Bel- I yea & Gregory, res Stanley ave : Potts, H A, tailor, res Seventh I Potts, Thos C, engineer, res llenrv, I Vic W i Powder Maga/.ine, Bay, Vic W Powell & Currall, hardware, stoveH, crockery, etc., etc., Cheapside, 127 Government Powell, Bertram, clerk Bank of Mon- treal, res 80 Vancouver Powell, Mrs B, prop Thistle restaur- ant, 112 Yates Powell, George E, barrister, solicitor and notary public, 67 Government, White House Powell, G (Powell & Currall), 127 Government, res 161 Menzies Powell, Dr J W, 9I.D., res so Vancouver Powell, Miss Nida, Tliistle restaur- ant, 112 Yates Powell, Sidney, Thistle restnt, 112 Yates Powell. William, carriage maker, res 8 St Louis Powers, George L, fmr J^ansdownf rd Powers, Michael, prop Brown Jug saloon, res 154 Fort Powers, Thomas, stonecutter, res Michigan N Power, William, barber, 81 YateH Powers, Wm, driver Erskine, Wall A Co Prague, Charles, labr, res 8 cabin, 175 Douglas Pratt, Frank, sealer, res 59 King's rd, cor Second Pratt, Henry, carpenter, res 18 Second Preece, William, tobacconist, 109 Douglas Preece, W M, gardener, 21 Walnut Presbyterian Mission Hall, Hurltou Presbytern Church, Central, the Rev P McF McLeod, pastor. Pandora, cor Broad Presbyterian Chinese Mission, 1 Pan- dora Presbyterian Mission, cor South nl and Stanley ave Prescott, Charles, carpenter, res San Juan ave £ It A TVT n'R A TTTT! augtiuneer, ■ iPFKAiSEK ■ and CITY MARKET, VANCOUVER, B. C. *' AH Prescott, Geo 1 horo bay rd I Prwston, Jas.c* Co'8 Wrks, n Pretty, Henry, Provost, J ( Court, res .S7 Pnoo, Frank res David Pl-ice, CJeorge J * Munn, res dora Price, Joseph i „ res 91 Henrv Price, L W,"b( Pandora Price, William, I , DoUgJHH Price. W P, Htewi 1 ride of the Islai S, 25 Baotion i ridham, E R, ca Second Pri<lham, Henry, 20 Se(!ond ' Pridmore, W R, f, Priedtord. John Flour Mills, res Priest Thomas, d res 24 Elizabeth I mice of Wales S nier. prop, 166 ( ringle, -, ehoem Printer, Chas fi;d* duthel rd, res St J rintmg Office, OJo Prmter. R Woift Prtor & Co, Lt f'lants, cor Johi ment ^' Qo"; ^ '^' solicitoi ^) Langley, res ( Prior, Col E O , merchpnt "The I ton, rd I North Park (Prtor, HK, mgJ I 82 Superior S P-^^|omas. ex Prior Mrs, widow, PrUchard House, j ' ^Ya£'-^*°'** ^^ Proctor, Richard, BeJlot Victoria Transfer Co., Ltd. '"'"^Eh^i^^^f^Jl^n'^Sy'S^icZ:^'^' »l an* VA tiraughton Hireet, Vietoria, JI. C. Tetepkone HIO. VIOTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 349 Prescott, Geo H, carpenter, res Cad- boro bay nl K PfMHton, .fas, caretaker Giant Powder Co'a Wrks, res Cad bore bay rd Pretty, Henry, labr, res Bodwell nrevost, J C, registrar Huprenie Court, refl 37 Montreal W Price, Frank H. mgr Thorpe & Co, rea David Price, George E. driiggiHt Cochrane & Munn, res Revere houae, Pan- <lora Price, ,Io8eph 8, salestnan T Earle, re8 91 Henry Price, L W,' book-keeper, res 109 Pandora Price, William, labr, res 3 cabin, 175 l>nuglaf< Price, \V P, steward Union Club Pride of the Island Lodge, 8. O. E. B 8, 25 Buption Pridhain, E K, cabinet maker, res 20 Second Pridhain, Henry, cabinet maker, res 20 Second Pridmore, W R, fmr, Burnside rd S Priedt'ord. .John, labr, Vic Rice and Flour Mills, res 10 Sayward ave Priest Thomas, City Water Works, res 24 Elizabeth Prince of Wales Salo<3n, Joseph Meu- nier, prop, 166 Government Pringle, — , shoemaker, 173 Douglas Printer, Chas Edwin, gardener, Ci.;- duthel rd, res Saanich rd W Printing Office, Government, Queen's Printer, R Wolfenden Prfor & Co, Ltd, hardware mer- chants, cor Johnson and Govern- ment i Prior, J, solicitor Eberts & Taylor, .30 Langlev, ren Clarence : Prior, Col E O, ni.P., hardware merchpnt "The Priory," Pember- j ton, rd ! Prior, George, expressman, res 66 I North Park Prior, H K, mgr E. & N. R'v, res 82 Superior S I Prior, Thomas, expressman, res 66 N Park Prior, Mrs, widow, res 66 N Park Pritchard House, J B Jones, prop, 68 Yates Proctor,, George Hy, grocdr, res 134 Yates Proctor, Richard, musician, res 16 Bellot ProSBOr, T H, (Flint & Prossor), 18 Broad, res 35 Riihet Protestant Orphans' Home, Mrs Wal- ker, matron, Hillside ave Prout, William, res 59 Superior N Provincial Gaol, R F John, warden, cor First and Topaz ave Provincial Royal Jubilee Hospital, Dr W A Richards, resident phy- sician Provincial Police Dept, Supreme Court bldgs, Bastion sqr Provincial Govt Lalior Bureau, B.C Board of Trade bldgs, A B Gray, Commissioner Provincial Musenm, J Fannin, curator, James bay Provincial Secretary and Minis- ter of Mines, Lieut-Col Hon James Baker Public Schools, School st Pugsley, Arthur, tram conductor, res Alpha Punnett, R B, clerk. Land Registry, 40 r,angley, res Burnside rd Purvig, Miss Laura, nurse, Pro Royal Jubilee Hospital Pusey, Leonard, labr, res 11 Cameron Pym, James, pipelayer, res Tolmie ave Quadros, Jos, trader, res 127 Belle- ville N Queen City Baildinff, Loan A Saving Association, B Wil- liams, secty, cor Fort and Broad Queen Fire Insurance Co of America, R P Rithet & Co, agts, Queen's Hotel, Richards & Hughes, props, cor Store and Johnson Quentin, Rene, artist, room 41, City Market, res 161 Fort Quesnelle Forks Canal and Hydraulic Mining,Co, Ltd;Liability, J Peirson, secretary, 9 Bank B.C. Chambers Quick, Fredk Geo, real estate, agent, res Cadboro bav rd Quigley, F A, salesman, Weiler Bros, res 42 Cadboro bay Quin, J F, steward, Hotel Victoria, res 50 Amelia Quinan, C J, druggist, Moore & Co, res 118 Fort Quinlan, Dr W J. dentist, rooms 13, 14, 16 Five Sisters' blk, res F. Michigan N •-CTJ CO m O o en P t« ? s. iiNTERlOR WOODWORK/OFFICE AND bar FITTINGS — rz Umim to Ordw V7 WJBILEB BROS. ^mmmmimmmm HODSON'S BAY COMPANY europtan and Bngliah G-BOCMAlES, WINES and XiIQVOBS, Free and in Jtond. VICTORIA, B. C. l-q 2l eS <A « ^ :S Ah «t-i « o A en ■^ h v> e3 'fl'i ■? > yj eS .J k H 350 BBITISU COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Quintard, Arthur, (Quintard & Packard), res Yates Quintard & Packard, electrical supplies, 15 Broad Rabb, Wm, butcher, res 6 Kane Raby, Sam S, sealer, res Brunswick hotel Radford, William, carriage mkr, res Oak bay ave Rae, Mrs L, widow, res 196 Cook Rafuse, Edson, miner, res Brunswick hotel Rafuse, Wellington, res Brunswick hotel Ragstaff, Ole, watchmaker, Kingham & Co, res 190 Yates Raitt, F F, res 84 North Park Ralph, Wm, surveyor, res 45)a Yates Ramous, Henry, tailor, 13 Oriental alley Ramous, Sam, tailor, etc, 13 Oriental alley Ramsay, D S, lithographer. Colonist res 73 Henry Ptg Co Ramsay Geo D, machinist, res Cralg- Hower rd Ramsay, Capt J, pilot, res 22 Erie S RamsHale, Miss Edith, re^ 103 Van- couver Randell, David, tailor, res 9 A nelia Randell, William, blacksmith, res 9 Amelia Randolph, Albert, tinsmith, res 2 Mears Randolph, J J, printer, resl Princess W Randolph. Mrs, res ?< Mears Rankin, Walter, bartender, res Van- couver hotel Rapp, wharles, machinist, res West- ern ho'cl R-pp, CI arles, machinist, A.I.W, res 103 Chiitham Rappertie, Arthur S, photo artist, res 20 He iry RatchTe, Joseph, bartender, Delmon- ico music hall, res 76 View Rattray, Charles, coal dealer and warehousen.an, Janion's whart. Store st, res ^7 Cadbcro bay rd Rattray, O A, gen agt Great No - the? . Ky, Adelphi block, Govcn - ment, res 37 Cadboro bay rd Rattenbury, F, architect, rea Doug- las house Rav, Charles, P.O. clerk, rea 47 King's rd Ray, Frederick, painter, res 47 King's rid Tay, Robt, horeeshoer, 17 Broughton. res '1 King's rd Ray, Robert, blksmith, res 47 King a rd RaygB.n, Thomas, teamster, Victoria Truck and Dray Co, res 22 Kane , Raymond, John, driver, Vic Transfer Co Raymur, James L, city auditor, James st, Esquimalt rd Raynes, -lohn E, bookseller, 104 Fort res 10 Caledonia ave Rayner, Thomas G, grocer, 46 Store Rcyner, T G, real estate and insur- ance, res 58 Fernwood rd Rayside, William, labr, res Western hotel Tiead, AH Ernest, labr, res 13 Centre road Read, George, pugilist, res New York hotel Read, John M, shoemaker, res Do- minion rd Reali, Pellegreno, dealer in statuary, res 32 View Reamer, T W, banjo and guitar teach- er, 73 Five Sisters' block Reddie, A Campbell Deputy Provincial Secretary, res 193 Fort Redding, Thomas, grocer, res lOti Oswego, E Redfem. C E, watchmaker and ""anli-g jeweller, 43 Government, res 1 St John W Redgrave, S L, police oonstabit', r •« 151 Qua.'ra Redman, Geo H, tailor, Gregg & Sons res Angel hotel Redmond, Dr W, res Empire hotel Redmond, W H, traveler Ames Holden Co, Ltd, Hotel Victoria Redon A Hartnagle, pi ops Driard hotel. View Redon, Louis, prop Driard hotel, 1-6 View Reed, Elliott, night foreman, res Mary, Vic W Reeve, G, Q.M.S.. jw. j. military fore- man of works, the Barracks, Head Reeves, Artemus, labr, res Rich- monk uve cor Leighton rd Reeves, Frank, carpenter, res Thistle restaurant ™|#rr runi nV||C||T AOCUI^i/ Guldn fumithed to tonrltta. All kinds of IVtC| CNIrLUTInCnl AUCnuY CHinrM :ielp suppUed on th* aHortaat notice. No. 28 3TORE STREET. VICTORIA. B. C. :'iku,JM.Si. no KUIIC till I 'C lUTIPCDTiP TnnTJ UIICU Hardens the Gums. Purifies Ulll LLlTIO nALL a ANIIbtrllU lUUIn nHon Breath and cleans the Teeth - M»de only at CEyTHATj nKVO STORE. Clarence Bloek, Victoria, S. C. the VICTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 351 Reformed Episcopal Church, Hum- boldt cor McCiure Regan, Walter, carpenter, res Am- phion, Oak bay Regent Saloon, Switzer & McCiiisky, props, cor Johnson and Douglas Registrar of County Court, Harvey Combes, Bastion sqr Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths, Chas J Leggate, 40 Langley Reid. Mrs A, candy store. Govern- ment, res Windsor hotel Reid, Ambrose, labr, res 30 Walnut Reid, Ernest, timekeeper, 24)^ Say- ward Reid, Chas G, engr Victoria Electric Co, res Russel, Vic W Reid, James, boatman, res 30 Wal- nut Reid, Mrs Jennie, housekeeper, Bal- moral hotel Reid, Joseph, agent Mutual Life, Heisterman & Co, res 137 Chatham Reid, Malcolm, Mount Baker hotel, Oak bay Rjid Samuel, gents' furnisher and clothier, 122 Govern ment, res 87 Alfred Reid, Thomaa, res Pcicher ave Reid, Wm, farm hi .nd. Cedar Hill rd Reid, W R, tixpre'idman, res 62 North Park Reilly, Miss Gertie, elk Russell, Mc- Donald & Co, Tes 31 Third Reillv,John Thomas,carpenter, res 31 Third Reinhardt, Theodore, boiler maker, res 44 Vancouver Reliance Marine Insurance Co..'Ltd.,RPRithet &Co, agents, 61-3Wi.>irf Rendall <!^. Hay, horseshoers, 16 Pandora Rendall, David, tailor and cutter, 148 Government, res Amelia Rendall, Wm, (Rendall o. Hay) res 9 Amelia Rendell, H B, painter, res South rd Rendall, Robert S, res 130 Simcoe Renfrew, John (Heams, McCann & Renfrew), H.B. Dye Works, res 129 Fisguatd Renie, J R, clerk Dominion hotel Reymur, Mrs M G,re8 146 Kingston N Rennett. Henry, carpenter, res S Rendall E Renney, Hugh, lubr, res cabin 14, Humboldt Rennie, A, watchmaker, 88 Douglas, res Telegraph hotel Rennie, H P, compositor, res Do- minion hotel Renouf, Clement E, u^e-presi- dent of Nieholles & Renouf, Ltd, 61 Yat»-a, res Dallas rd Renouf, Joseph, grocer (Hall & Re- nouf), res 92 North Chatham Renwood, George, baker, Plymouth bakery, 16 Broad Ren wick, Dr Wm, physiciai? and surgeon, res 11] Fisguard Rescue Home, Salvation Army, Capt Tierney in charge Reynard, John S, musician, res 20 Frederick Reynard, Mrs M, widow, res 20 Fred- erick Reynard, M C, railway mail clerk, res 20 Frederick Reynolds, G, clerk McPhillips, Woottjn (Xc Barnard, res Cadboro bay rd Reynolds, W, porter Henry Saunders, res Cadboro bay rd Reynolds, V,' R, asst freight and pas- senger agent E. & N. Ry Co, res 2 Broughton Rhodes, Arthur 4, clerk, res 98 Cook Rhodes, C AV, acct Brackman & Ker Milling Co, res 153 Blanchard Rhubenack, Martin, enip Planing Mill.^, res 98 Pandora Rich, J R, electrician Tram Co, res 162 Menziea Richards, Ho»? A N, barrister-at-law, res St Charles Richards, Frai.k G, res 143 View Richards, James, milkman, res Pem- broke Richards, John, manufacturer, res Kelvin rd, Saanioh rd W Richards, John, grocer, Menzies Richards, Joseph, Queen's hotel, cor Store and Johnson Richards, Joseph, coachman to J Dunemuir, Craigflower rd Richards, J R, re" ' 4 Chamberi Richards, Joseph VV, clerk J H Baker, res 99 Toronto Richards, Oliver, ship carpenter, res 105 Quadra Richards, P B, cai .lenter, ree Van- couver hotel Richards, S W, labr, res Dominion hotel Richardson, Mrs, res 77 Discovery H I CO » H U I H H H H M %^- 'k, T. WILLIAMS 98 Broad Ht., rMoHa. . -""■i^^^^^mBiPi mmmmm II P5 S '• '^"'^ GO o I— I o o O o Drewry's Redwood B r o w o ry, Wluipc%, | Viotori Drewry's Ala aad Portar ^uUda up and Stranfthaaa tka Syataa. 362 BRITISH COLUMBIA DISECTORY. Richardson, Fred, clerk Ames Holden Co, Ltd, res 77 Discovery Richardson, G A, Victoria Hou8e,86)^ Douglas, res 4 Quebec Richardson, G B, plumber'H appren- tice, res 77 Disco vnry Ri'ihurdson, Ralph B, res Catherine, VicW Richdale. J H, bill clerk, H.B. Co, res 155K Superioi Richdale, W H F, baker, rea 153>^ Superior Richer, Mrs E, widow, res Haughton Rickaby, J B H, asst H.B. Co, res 6 S Turner Ricketts, Samuel, fmr. Prospect Lake rl Richmond, John, carpenter, res 8 Rendall £ Richmond, William, fmr, Strawberry Vale Riddell, David H, sawyer, res llGiiay Riddell, Pet«r J, ' uilder, res 140 Cook Ridehalgh, Thos .T, prop Bay View saloon, 1 Humboldt Ridgman, A H, res 17 Frederick Ridgman, Mrs E P, res 17 Frederick Ridge, VVm, carpt. res Saanich rd E Ridley, Robt, janitor Pioneer Hall, Broad, res 51 Chatham Riesinger, Joseph, clerk, res 177 Douglas Riggs, Stanley H, clerk, W S Hamp- son & Co, 69 Douglas Riley, Miss Annie, dressmaker, res 91 Fort Riley, George, res 126 Quadra Riley, John T, joiner, S (Array's fac- tory, res 31 Chatham Risch, Emille W, musician, res Do- n)inion hotel Ritciiie, James, emp B.C. Pottery Works, res Moss Ritchie, John, seal hunter, res Van- couver hotel Ritchie, John Henderson, fireman, res 203 Douglas Ritchie, J, machinist, V.I.W, res Moss Ritchie, Robt, mechanical engr, ros Parry Ritchie, Wm, labr, res Vancouver hotel Ritchie, "Wm, labr, res 222 Yates Rithet, R P ft Co, wholesale uier- chants, shipping and insurance agts, f 1-63 Wharf Rithet, Robt P, J.P, president R P Rithet & Co, res "Holly bank," 48 Humboldt Ritter, Aug, waiter, res 56 Pa)idora Ritter, Gus, chef, Germania saloon, res 56 Pandora Ritter, Robt, prop Germania sa'oon, cor Johnson and Government, res 62 Frederick Rivers, Hy, house decorator, reii 27 Henry Rivers, Hy, painter, 11 Lettice, 40 Fort Roach, George, entj '' T ta 73ii. Pem broke Roarke, Michael, fruit and cigars, 84 Yates, res 273 Job son Roarke, Thomas, rubber stamp mar.fr, Williams' bldg Roback, Martin, machinist, res 103 Pandora Robb. Andrew, bailiff, ree Upper Pandora Robbins, Capt E ¥, master marinei', res 26 First Robbins, J R, expressman, rear of 48 Boj^d Robbins, Mosea R, watchmaker, res Cedar Hill rd Robbins, W, emp V.I.W. , res Fourth Robelu, C B, carpenter, res 16 Cale-j / ^3 donia ave Roberts, C M, draughtsman La and Works Dept Roberts, F C, clerk, res 16 You. , Roberts, George, sealer, res 8' wick hotel ^' Roberts, George, cabinet makei, ^ res 146 Johnson Roberts, Capt George, mariner, res 93 Blanchard Roberts, H L, elk Erskine, Wall A Co, res Pine Roberts, John, dynamo tender, res 163 Yates Roberts, John L, master mariner, res Pine Roberts, Richard, tailor, 29 Fort, rea 8 Blanchard Roberts, S A, Prov and )'>■-,:■. Lan Surveyor, 2 Court alh , » < co Richardson and Oak bay u\e Roberts, Thos, elk H. M. Customs, res 22 Young Roberts. Capt 'T W, capt PrinceP' Ix)uise, res 6 Stanley ave Robertson , Alexander, verger Presby teriai!. .ihurch, res 60 John 21 Robertson, j & ^.nderso: Robertson, j ave, cor Be Robertson, A ker and ger res Michiga Robertson, A Court Robertson, ] helper, res ^ Jvobertson, F Vancouver J Robertson, Fn ^ 42 Store Robertson, G( mariner, re Niagara Ro.iertson, He; Vancouver Robertson, Hei « Dumbletou Yates Robeuson, Job Rupert Robertson, Johi Store Robertson, Jost Fourth Robertson, J R, Robertson, Miss ler & Earl, red I Robertson, aldd I North Chathal , Kobinson, ' Stewart, res' Robinson, A E , ^ Bros, res Cadh obinsun^ FranJ Michigan Robinson, GilbeJ V ic W Rohfn Mfi, Mrs „A;iiigstona Robinson, Jame saloon 1 ^•^^'nson, Jamei 113 North Park Robinson, John, factory ' ^"•^'.nson, J J, sfl builder, res 13 Robinson, John, Michigan Robinson, JohnJ Milne Robinson, John.* ave, Vic W A. M. BEATTIE, AUCTIONEER, Vancouver, B. mmm VlOTOnA A-VSUISLCV XjO^ MdXia* Bates ana QuieheBtBespateh. 21 and 83 Bronghton Street, Victoria. B. O. Tel. 129. VICTORIA CITY niBECTORY. 353 Robertson, Alex, joiner McKililican & J.nderson, res 31 Spconfl Robertson, Alex G, grocer, Belton ave, cor Bean Robertson, Arthur, commission bro- ker and gen'l agt, 6 Bastion square, res Michigan Robertson, A Rocke, elk Supreme Court Robertson, Duncan, blacksruith'a helper, res 42 Store Robertson, Frank, seal hunter, res Vancouver hotel Robertson, Fredk V, blacksmith, res 42 Store Robertson, George Winran, master mnriner, res " The Anchorage," Niagara Eortertson, Herbert, solicitor, res 61 Vancouver Robertson, Herbert E A, B.L., Allan S Dumbleton, 61 Langley, res 204 Yates Robeitson, John, fisherman, res 26 Rupert Robertson, John, blacksmith res 42 Store Robertson, Joseph, carpenter, res 60 Fourth Robertson, J R, res 169 Menzies W Robertson, Miss Maggie, emp Stem- ler & Earl, res 70 John Robertson, alderman, W A, rei 88 North Chatham Robinson, — , accountant Tolmio & Stewart, res Yates Robinson, A E F, jeweler Davidson Bros, res Cadboro bay rd '^obinson, Frank, plumber, res 139 Michigan Robinson, Gilbert, J.P, res Skinner, \ ic W Robin III, Mrs H, widow, res 22 Kingston S Robinson, James, waiter, Beehive saloon Robinson, James, labr, A.I.W, res 113 North Park Robinson, John, sashhand, S Gray's factory Robinson, J J, shipwright and boat builder, res 13 Montreal W Robinson, John, stonemason, res 147 Michigan Robinson, John, stonemason, res Milne Robinson, John, carpt, res Springfield ave, Vic W Robinson, John, carpt, J P Burgess, 10 Broughton Robinson, J R, carpenter, res 10 Frederick Robinson, Miss, dressmaker, Stanley House Robinson, Thomas C, clerk, Janion wharf, res 22 Kingston Robinson, Theodore, book-keeper, res 53 Yates Robinson, Wm, clerk, res 72 View Roblin, Stephen, bartender, Bode- ga, res 103 Pandora Robottom, Geo Henry, cabinet mkr, res 178 Cook Roboolerd, Mrs Margaret, widow, res 14 John Robson, Edw, pressman, 77 Johnson, res 1 Princess st Robson, Rev E, pastor, Methodist ch, Michigan, res 85 Superior N Robson, John, blkamith, res Herald Robson, Mrs John, res 55 Birdcage walk W "Roccabella," private boarding house prop Mrs S P Tuck. 22 Vic Ores Roch, John, cabin 3, 33 Chatham Rook Bay Coal Yard Oface, S F Mclnioah prop, 90)^ Government Rock Bay Hotel, Benjamin Carter prop, cor Work and Bridge sts Rock Bay Lumber Yard, Hughitt & Mclntyre, John Rock Bay Schools, prin Miss Lucretia Horton, res Turner Rock Bay Tannery, Frederick Norris, Bay Rock Bay Trunk Factory, Frederick Norris, Bay Rockett, William, carpenter, res 234 Johnson Rodgerson, Frederick, inmate Home for Aged and Infirm Roff, Thomas, labr, res 40 John Rogers, C W, San Francisco Candy Factory, 29 Government, res 42 Kingston Rogers, Fred, agent, res 69 Quadra Rogers, Harry, labr, res 159 Montreal W Rogers, Phillip, bartender, Telegraph hotel Rogerson, Isaac, mgr Roc'.- Bay Lum- bar Vard, res 70 Princess ave Rohrig, Ed, bartender, Bank Ex- change saloon Roland^ Clement, organist, res 38 Toronto CO BIWEILER BROS., aie Coinplete House Fumishm. Larpst Slock in B. C SB s a a> S3 NQ (Hq p. t^ * Si » ^ s N" Pu ^ S « I A ^ tn 3. 2 Pu Iff" ' I ft ii m m ^^fpp»"«p as IDSON'S BAY COMPANY WboHe Grocers & Wine Hercban VICTORIA. B. C. H <a^ 5-5© err ^ .3 « as Ah «M « o .a rrt -fj h « & i ? 5 as , ti« &H ' 354 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Rolfe, John H, painter, 151 Cook Rolfe, Tlios Neal, painter, res 151 Cook Rollin, Jas S, prop White Horse hotel, 68 Humboldt Rollins, Frederick, carpenter, res ^Tpper Pandora 1; r' jv'i, Buel, dredt^eman, res ±'i rior N Romt , A, res 116 Menzies W Rood, .; in, emp McEnery, res 37 Rithet Rooklidge, Bert, boxmaker, res 6 Hill Rookledge, Eugene, printer, 77 John- son, res 6 Hill Rooklidge, George, driver Lawrence Goodacre, res 8 Hill Rooklidge, Geo G, box manfr, res 6 Hill Rope, John, hackdriver, res 19 Broughton Roper, Charles, contractor, res 20 James S Roper, Fred S, V.S., res 24 Hillside ave Roppr, G D, contractr, res 20 James S Roper, Henry Hudson, builder, res 5 .Tames N Roper, Mrs, dressmaker, res 116 Fort Rouer, Patrick, hostler, res Vancou- ver hotel Roper, Richard W, carpenter, res 116 Fort Roper, R H, contractor, res 20 James 8 Roscoe, R A, mgr Canning Co res 45 King's rd Rose, Alex, drayman, Vic Truk and Dray Co, res 62 Kane Rjse, Daniel R, warehouseman Simon Leiser & Co, res 62 Kane Rose, Findlay, porter R P Rithet & Co, res Blanchard Rose, Sydney, butcher, res 19 South Turner Roskamp, John, carpenter, res 52 Kingston S Roskamp, John, horseshoer, 92 John- son, res 62 Kingston Roskelley, William, miner, res 143 Quadra Ross & Smith, painters and glaziers, 102 Fort Ross (Ross & Smith), painters, 102 Fort Ross, Alexander, labr, res Dominion hotel Ross,Alexander,Bteward S.S. Princess Louise, res 98 Menzies E Ross, Alexander, teamster, res 45 Kane Ross, Dixi H (Dixi H Ross & Co), 117 Government, res 35 Hillside ave Ross, Frank H, painter, res Snowden ave, Ross Day Ross, Fredk, tailor, 42 Broad, res Brunswick hotel Ross, Harry G, (Dixi H Ross & Co), res 35 Hillside ave Ross, Miss Jane, domestic, res 105 Blanchard Ross, John, stableman, res 103 Fort Ross, Miss Maggie, domestic, 80 Henry Ross, R S, cooper, V.P.B. Co, res 161 Montreal Ross, Wm M, carpt and contractor, re'j Strawberry Vale Ros3on. Miss A G, emp steam laun- dry, res 11 Caledonia ave Rosson, George P, labr, res 11 Cale- donia ave Rothwell, Marion, domestic, Jos A 8ayward,"0akmeade," Belcher cor Moss Rourke, Miss K, mantle dept. West- side, res 273 Johnson Routledge, Mrs L M, mgr Cromwell house, 103)^ Government Rowe, Miss Annie, grocery, res 7 Pioneer Rowe, Miss Emily, dressmkr, res 7 Pioneer Rowe, John, driver, Victoria Trans- fer Co Rowe, Joseph, blacksmith res 7 Pio- neer Rowebottom, G W, butcher, res 26 Frederick Rowbotham, A J, grocer, 80 Yates, res Gorge rd Rowlx)ttom, George, cabinet maker, Sehl, Hastie, Erakine Go Rowland, Joseph Wm, fmr, res Burn- side rd Rowland, Matthew, innkeeper, Burn- side rd N Rowlands, Clement, music store, res 63 Government Roy, Alphonse O, carpt and house mover, res 9 Fourth Royal Canadian Packing Co, Skeena river, Dalby & Claxton, agts Royal Insurance Co, Robt Ward & Co, agts, '"'jmple blk. Fort BLANK BOOK MANPFAPTllRER E. T. WILLIAMS 98 nroad Ht., Vieloria. Prescriplij Clar Royal Ma kon, Fi agts, 98 Royal Ma mining Work P( Royal Sail props, 5J Rubanich, Taylor M Rudge, Fr King's rd Kudge, Gt mason, 13 Kudge, He ^ King's rd Rudge, Her Menzies, ; Rudge, Wal King's rd Rudlin, Cap Islander, i Ruelland, U T Dupont. Rule, Jos, te; Runham, Er betli Russ House, Johnson I Rusta, Ai ^ liquors, res Russell 8tati( malt rd Russell, McD 134 Dougia, Russell, Arthi ,, les 31 St Lc Russell, Ema View Russell, Char ^ 102 Pisguar, Russell, Davi He.iry Russell, Ernei Boyd, E Russeil, Fredl res Boyd E Ru88(!ll, Geo i^atos, res 8( Russell. Jabez Cedar Hill r Russell, Jamei Bros Russell, Jamei res 143 Chat Russell, John, View FrescriptioDS Prepreil from PURE DRUGS ONLY at tbe Central Drug Store Clarence Block, Corner Yates and Douglas Sts., Victoria, B. C. VICTORIA CITY DIRECTOT»Y. 355 Royal Mail Steam Packet Go, of Lon- kon, Findlay, Durham & Brodie, agts, 98 Wharf Royal Marine Artillery, sub-marine mining detachment, the barracks. Work Point, Head Royal Saloon, McDonald & Hayes, props, 53 Douglas Rubanicb, Martin, machine hand, Taylor Milling Co Rudge, Fred W, stonecutter, res 9 King's rd Rudge, George, stone and marble mason, 135 Douglas, res 20 King's rd Rudge, Henry, stonecutter, res 9 King's rd Rudge, Herbert, stonecutter, res 112 Menzies, E Rudge, Walter P, stonecutter, res 9 King's rd Rudlin. Capt George E, captain S.S. Islander, res 13 George Ruelland, Louis, coachman. Major C T Dupont. "Stadacona" Rule, Jos, teamster, res Garbally rd Runham, Ernest, labr, res 26 Eliza- beth Rush House, G Bossi prop, 30, 32, 34 Johnson Rusta, Andrew, groceries and liquors, res 86 Store Russell Station, E. & N. Ry, Esqi !- malt rd Russell, McDonald & Co, genl mchts, 184 Douglas Russell, Arthur,2nd steward Premier, res 31 St Louis Russell, Emanuel, machinist, res 71 View Russell, Charles, Russell McD & Co, 102 Fisguard Russell, David, blacksmith, res 48 Henry Russell, Ernest H, B.A., teacher, res Boyd, E Russe'il, Fredk M, elk Weiler Bros, res Boyd E Rus8i!ll, Geo S, shaving parlors, 48 Yatoq, res 86 Menzies Russell, Jabez J, contractor, res cor Cedar Hill rd and Mt Tolmie avb Russell, James, upholsterer, Weiler Bros Russell, James, baker, 103 Douglas, res 143 Chatham Russell, John, carpenter, res Bussel VicW Russell John, carpenter and builder Edward cor Catherine, Vic W Russell, John, property owner, 109 Pandora Russell, Louis, tramway conductor, res Craigflower rd, cor Catherine Russel, Robt John, retired, res "Springfield House" Victoria West Russell, R J, jr, elk Samuel Reid, 122 Government, res Vic W Russell, Sydney G, fmr, resl Phoenix Place Russell, Thomas, accountant, res 95 Mears Russell, VVm, res Boyd E Ruter, Edw, engr, res Western hotel Ruth, Miss Ellen, asst cook, Prov Royal Jubilee Hospital Rutherford, Mrs, res 134 Superior S Rutland, Henry, (H Rutland & Co) res 4 Battery Ruttan, Stewart, carpt, res Pine Ryan, Richd, polisher, res 83 Su- perior Ryan, Miss Sarah, domestic, res 40 Work Rykert, Mrs G E, widow.ren Gorge rd s Saanich Lime Co, J Wrigglesworth, agent, 127 Yates Sabin, Napoleon, fmr, res Cedar Hill rd Sabiston, Capt J, master mariner, res 46 Ontario S Sacht, H 0, bartender Adelphi sample rooms, res 35 Douglas Saforcade, Frank, general store, 13 Johnson Sailor, Chas, carpenter, res Vancou- ver hotel Sallaway, Jos Fredk, teacher, res Henry, Vic W Salmon, £ J & Co, house furnishing, 44 Johnson Salmon, E J, house furnishing, 44 Johnson, res 14 Second Salmon, Harry L, tobacconist, 106 Government, res 168 Yates Salmon, Maurice, tobacconist, Adel- phi block. Government, 67 Pandora Salvation Army Barracks, res 12 Broad Sample, Alex, carriage builder, 67 Broad Sampson, George H, second-hand book store, 97 Douglas D m 73 -< o5 m D O O D 00 73 m m 73 TJ m o I THB LATEST IMPnO VSMJISTS IJf BOOK BiyoiNO Airn papxb b VLiifa. as BROA.D STRBBX. VICTORIA. 1:1' Si' I ; R. T. Wmiams N Wm ^msmF Drewry's Redw(x>d Brewery, Winnipeg. AH Wtaolemale Dealers keep Drewry's Ale, Porter and Lager In Stock. '/ o Lll 0. £3 < U u o u 1-4 (0 (T lui lUS ail u o« nr« ■■*■ X w> K cr LU GC O 35« BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Samson, George, storekeeper, res Thistle restaurant, 112 Yates Samuels, G, clerk, res 43 R' .het Samuelson, Miss Emma, rss20 North rd Samuelson, G, labr, res cor Vining and Stanley ave Samuelson, Jonas, labr, res 20 North rd Sand, Ida, clothing, 10 Store Sand, John, res 10 Store Sandercock, Mrs Eliza, ladies' nurse, res 41 Quadra Sandercock, John, shoemaker, res 41 Quadra Sanderson, Miss M, emp Langley & Co, res 46 Menzies Sanders, Thos, driver, Vic Transfer Co San Francisco Baths, T Geiger, prop, 87 Government Sang, W, res 99 Yates Sangster, Alex, miller, Hall, Ross & Co, res Gamma Sangster, George (Pettlgrew & Sang- ster), tailor, res 39 Chatham Sangst<-, George, book-keeper R Porter & Sons, res 11 Queen's ave Sangster, Robt, apprentice D E Campbell, res 66 Fort Saniger, Fred, grocery and glass- ware, 4 Store Sanitary OflBce, market yard, Alex- ander Murray, sanitary officer Saranta, John, candies and fruits, 125 Douglas Sarantis, T, fruiterer, 101 Johnson, res 117 Douglas Sarantis, A^toine, fruiterer, 101 John- son, res 117 Douglas Saras, H rank A, clerk Geo Kunare, 115 Government, res 125 Douglas Sares, K, fish and fruit dealer, 123 Fort Sargison, A G, secretary Colonist Printing Co, res 121 Pandora Sargison, F R, book-keeper Colonist, res 82 Menzies Sargison, George A, accountant and estate agent, 48 Langley, res 82 Menzies Sargison, J J, book-keeper Lenz & Leiser, 9-11 Yates, res 82 Menzies Sauer, Joseph, prop Grand Pacific saloon, 26 Johnson, cor Store Saul, Fredk, Galvanized Iron Cornice Works, res 39 Kingston N Saul, Fred, cornice mkr, res 112 Fort Saunders, Mrs E J, Saunders' res- taurant, 169-171 Government Saunders, Miss Fanny, asstMrsBick- ford's, 61-63 tort Saunders, Mrs F, ladies' nurse, res 1 CoUinson Saunders, Henry« grocer and produce dealer, 39-41 Johnson, res 221 Pandora Saunders, Mrs Jane, boarding house, 37 Kane Saunders' Restaurant, Barnett & Saunders, props, 169-171 Govern- ment Saunders, Robert, fireman, res cor Henry and Catherine S-'Unders, Thomas, hackdriver Vic Transfer Co, res 42 Pandora Gausere, Richard, watchmaker John Wenger, res 104 Pandora Savage, Chas J, elk A.I.W., res 181 V^iew Savage, Henry R, carpenter, res 181 View Savage, R W, Northern Pacific saloon, res 181 View Savage, R VV O, assc dry goods, res 181 View Savage, William, salesman J Part- ridge, 86 i ates, res 181 View Savannah, photographer, Five Sis- ters' blk Savory, Williajd J, cider manfr, res 207 Chatham Sauer, G C, Bank Exchange saloon, 29 Yates, cor Langley Say ward Milling and Timber Co, Ltd, L H Northy, managing director, 32 Constance Sayward, Joseph A, accountant, 16 Trounce ave, res " Oakmeude," cor Moss and Belcher Sayward, W P, 16 Trounce ave, res 14 Cadboro bay rd Sayyea, John, res 47 South rd Sayyea, Miss L, physicial culture teacher, res Topaz ave Soaife, A H, mgr New York Life • Ins Co, res Wilson hotel Scarlett, J E, elk R P Rithet & Co, res 140 Menzies Schaper, Ernest, tailor, res 95 Cor- morant Schermerhorn, I C, mgr Sayward Mill Co, res 10 First Schier, Frank, Sehl-Hastie-Erskine Co, res 1 Montreal A. M. BEATTIE CITY MARKET, VANCOUVER. B. C. Weekly Auctions ■ ^ UIPTADIA TDAIIOCCD Pfl I Til Check Banase to any part of the City. Their lIulUnIA ItfAnOrCIf UU>| LIU. wagons and carriages meet an Boats and Trains. 21 and 23 Brongliton Street, Viotorla, B. C. Tel. 129. VICTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 357 Schneider, Fred, cook New England hotel, res 90 Douglas Schnoter, A, cigar manufacturer, 22 South Turner W Schoen, 8, grocery and provisions, 177 Douglas, res 24 Fourth Schofield, Stewart C, clerk in Holy Orders, res 49 Vancouver Scholefield, Harold, 2nd asst teacher, Victoria College Scholefieid, Kenneth A, messenger, Govt printing oflSce Schroeder, Julius C, architect, rtss 268 Yates Schroeder, Miss Helen, music teacher res 2fi8 Yates SohnltB & Morphy, barristers, solicitors, &c., &c., 49Langley Schultz, Charles, sailor, res Dallas rd Schultz, J B. plumber, 89 Johnson, res 23 Johnson Schultz Max, engr, res 73 North Park Sohultl, S D, (Shultz & Morphy) 49 Langley, res 196 Cook Schur, William, tailor Geo R Jackson res 236 Cook Schvr?eze, Herman, barber T Geiger, 87 Government, res 190 Yatea Schwengers, C P W, elk E G Prior & Co, 123 Government, res 48 Bird- cage Walk Schwengers, P J A, elk Hy Young & Co, res 48 Birdcage Walk Scotch Bakery, Jas Russell, prop, 103 Doulgas Scott, Adam, labr, res Vining Scott, Mrs Annie, widow, res 27 Gorge rd Scott, David, sawmill labr, res 5 David Scott, Miss Florence, dressmaker, res 56 Pandora Scott, F M, paintei , res 7 Rebecca Scott, George, fireman, Bay View Cottage, 66 Dallas rd Scoit, Henry, waiter Union Club Soott, H J, mgr Hamilton Powder Co, 69>^ Wharf, res 27 Gorge rd Scott, James, labr, res 23 Douglas Scott, James, mgr R T Williams' book bindery, 28 Broad Scott, JohnH, steward str Joan, res 16 Pioneer Scott, Robt, Rose Mount farm, Cedar Hill rd Scott, Mrs Susie, domestic, res 155 Vancouver Scott, William, carpt, res 34 Walnut Scott, Thomas, sealer, res Empire hotel Scott, William, Three Star saloon, 4 Fort, res 62 Princess ave Scott, Wm I, paper ruler and book binder, R T Williams, 28 Broad Scottish Union and National Insuranoc Co, A W More & Co, a^ts, 70 Douglas Scriven, Ven Archdeacon, rector St James, res 81 Kingston N Sea, Samuel, fmr, res Burnside rd Sea, Harry, ship carpenter, Bruns- wick hotel Seabrook, B R, treasurer, A.I.W, res Gonje rd Seabrook, R, Vice Pres, R P Rithet & Co, res 299 Douglas Seach, George, plasterer, res 247 John- son Seaman, Peter, plumber, res 70 Fort Sears, Joseph, painter, etc, 114 Yates, res 196 Fort Seaton, Capt, teacher of navigation, res Empire hotel Seaton, Mrs M, music teacher, res Garbally rd Secord, Harding, fmr, res Strawberry Vale Seddall, Miss Ada, chambermaid, 63 Yates Sedeer, Thos D, architect, res Fern rd, Rose bay Seelig, Gabriel H, Simon Leiser & Co, res 255 Fort Sehl-Hastie-Erskine Co, furni- ture dealers and manufacturers, 66 Government Sehl, Frank J, P. O. clerk, res 97 Quadra Sehl, Mrs F, widow, res 97 Quadra Sehl, Herman, res 97 Quadra Sehl, Jacob, (Sehl-Hastie-Erskine Co), res 1 Montreal Sehl, Thomas P, plumbei, 10 Fort, res 97 Quadra Sehl, William, (Sehl-Hastie-Erskine Co), res 1 Montreal Selby, Cole, cigar maker, res 75 Pem- broke Mrs E, widow, res 9 Fred- Selleck, erick Selleck, Yates Selleck, Mrs M A, widow, res 314 Miss Amelia, dressmsker, res 307 DougUet Selleck, Henry, carpenter, res 307 Douglas 02 • iteDefaTa""' ■}' • '. im l^. v3r,. •w UUDSOrS BIV COMPtliy, Ipts lor Fort Garr) and Beoton Coiint| Fiourlne Mill Ifi 1^ :^'l 1^- CO pa-i I •♦a 1 ce a> 111 M A. ■*-> «M o a> A 9° -M h « ►. a ffi s « «4 En 1 358 VICTORIA. B. O. BRITI8II COLUUBIA DIRECTORY. Selleck, H R, carpt, rea Beta Selleck, James, painter, res 209 Doug- las Sample, Alexander, carriaste builder, Eaward cor Mary, Vic W Semple, Robert, machinist, res "Rose Cottage," Edward cor Marj', VicW Seniger, Arthur, labr, res Cedar Hill rd Sere & Co, flour, feed and produce luerchts, 164 Yates Sere, Frank Q, (Sere & Co), res Rich- mond rd Sere, John B, (Sere & Co), res Rich- mond rd Setterfield, C, bartender. Hotel Vic- toria Setterington, John F, painter, res lOSy. View Sewell, B, porter, P McQuade & Son, res Tolmie estate Sewell, Ernest B, sailmkr, res Alder, Tolmie ave, Saanich rd E Sewell, Jas, inmat-e Home for Aged and Infirm Sewell, John B, res Catherine, VicW Sexsmith, Edwd W, driver, Victoria Transfer Co, res 54 Quadra Seymour, Miss Alice, res 11 Kane Shade, George A, shoemkr, res Far- quhar Shade, W, machinist, V.I. Wks, res 4 Farquhar Shakespeare, Fredk, printer. Govt printing office, res Esquimalt cor Russel, Vic W Shakespeare, Noah, post^naster, rea 69 Second cor Hillside ave Shakespeare, Thos, labr, res cabin, Marion Shakespeare, W, jeweler, Pennock & Lowe, res cor Hillside and Second Shalcross, John Jas, clerk, res "Roc- cabella" Shandley, Peter, painter, res 130 Os- wego Shanks, Samuel H, carpt, res 190 Cook Shann, Joseph, draughtsman, A.I.W, rea 77 Discovery Shawnigan Lake Lumber Co, Ewen Morrison, mgr, res Discovery Shannon, Miss B, milliner, Spencer's Arcade, res 134 Blanchard Shaper, Ernest, tailor, 42 Broad, res 26 Cormorant Sharp, Charles H, ship caulker, res 11 Hill Sharp, David, tailor, res 12 Farquhar Sharp, Geo, carpt, res 5 cabin, John- son Sharp, James, cashier, H.B. Co, res Claretice hotel Sharp, Miss Laura, clerk, Spencer's Arcade, res 12 Farquhar Sharpe, Rev C E, res 170 Fort Sharpe, Lewis, drayman, res Fourth Sharpless, Isaac, carpt, res 189 Pan- dora Shaw, Albert A, com agent, res 38 Cadboro bay rd Shaw, And, poundkpr, res 14 Mason Shaw, Miss Bella, domestic, 53 Frederick Shaw, G C, wholesale com mcht and importer, 71 Wharf cor Bastion, res 38 Cadboro bay rd Shaw, James, boiler mkr, A.I.W, res 43 Third Shaw, Miss Maggie, aoiiiestic, 128 Pandora Shaw, Mrs MA, res Old Esquimalt rd Shaw, Richard, boiler maker A.I.W., res 11 Second Shaw, Thomas, mgr A.I.W. Co, res 109 Chatham Shaw, William, waiter Steitz restnt, res 6 Kane Shaw, Mrs W C, res 160 Pandora Shears, Walter, Customs ap- praiser, res cor Menzies and Dallas Shearwood, Harry, clerk Dalby & Claxton, res 267' Johnson Sheather, Austin, res 19 Green Shedden, Geo, public acct, 44 Fort, res 8 Franklin ShefBeld Cutlery Store, prop M & H A Fox, 78 Government Shields, Albert, carnage maker, res Alfred Sheldon, C L, bartender Grotto saloon. Trounce ave, res Delmonico Shephard, Berkley Fred, clerk in Postoffice, res 170 Johnson Shepherd, E C, engineer, res 3 Ed- monton rd Shepherd, George, cook, res 2 cabin, Johnson Shepherd, Wm S, bridge carpenter, res 20 Humboldt Shepperd, James, butcher, res 10 St Louis Sherborne, Frank, carpenter, res 17 Courteney Sherborne, Fred T (Bishop & Sher- borne) I Tl 11 VCC CIIDI nVIICUT AnCllf^V Qutdes fumin^cd to tonrlM*. Alt kinds of II ni KtC, CnirLUTniCRI AUCNUI ChineM help r pplied on tht shortest notice., No. 23 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B. C. PULMONIC COUGH CURE ^iriLL CURE THAT COUGH. MADE ONLY AT THE » CEKTRAL DRUG STORE * Clarenee Hl»ek, Corner Yatea and Douglaa Slreeta, VICTORIA, VICTOBIA CITY DIRECTORY. Shere, Fredk, tinsmith -Clarke & Pearson, res 34 Fourth, Work Es- tate Sherrel, A, plumber Mclennan & McFeely, res 50 Henry Sheritian, James, pianoforte tuner, rm 28 Five Sisters' blk Sheriff. Wm, brewer, res Alpha Sheriff, W J, fireman, res Alfred, Burnside rd Sherrltt, Edward, bricklayer, res 144 Fort Slierk, Albert, carriage builder, 67 Broad Sherk, Jacob, wood turner, res 77 Henry Sherwood, aeorge, porter R P Rithet & Ck) res 48 South rd Sheron, James, miner, res 88 Hum- boldt Shetz, Miss Minnie, domestic, 157 Johnson Shewan, Wm, res 9 Hill Shewan, W H, bartender, res 45 Chatham Shields, Albert, carriage mkr, rea 67 Broad Shields, Mrs M A, dressmkr, res 15 Putnam Shields, Capt William, sealer, res 15 Putnam Shields, Capt Edwd, sealer, res 63 Chambers Sherk, A R, grocer, res cor Fernwood rd and N Chatham Shilling, F M, grocer, res 91 Fern- wood rd Shio Inn, Ross Ferguson prop, 81 Wharf Shipwright and Carpenters' Associa- tion, Jas B Colban, secty. Pioneer Hall, 28)^ Broad Sherburn, F, contractor, res 8 Carr E Shier, Frank, upholste'r, Sehl-Hastie- Erskine, res 1 Montreal W Shires, Jos, mechanic, res Esquimalt, Vic W Shore & Anderson, furniture, crock- ery and glassware, 107 Douglas Shore, All^rt Edwd, (Shore & Ander- son), res 33 King's rd Shore, Sidney, hardware, res 138 Chatham Shore, A E, (Shore & Anderson), fur- niture dealer.res King's rd cor First Short, H & Sons, gunsmiths, res 72 Douglas Short, Henry, (H Short & Sons), gun- makers, 72 Douglas, res Foul rd, Ross bay Short, H F, gunmaker, (H Short & Sons), res Foul bay rd Short, Henry Nugent (H Short & Sons), res Foul bay rd Short Richard, clerk, (H Short & Sons), res Foul bay rd Short, Robt, driver, Victoria Trans- fer Co Short, R, miner, res Vancouver iiot-l Short, William, bricklayer, res Saan- ich rd ShotbOlt, Thomas, chemist and drugvrist, 59 Johnson, res "Oak- dean," Foul bay rd Shrapnel, Alfred, master mariner, res Third, Oak bay Shrapnel, Ed, artist, res Third, Op'- bay Shrapnell, Francis, tele operator, res Second, Oak bay Shu Sun. physicii n, res 12 Cormorant Shute, Edwd, helper, A.I.W, res 45 Third Siddall, Hinkson, dept sheriff, res Upper Pandora Sieward, Hy F, master mariner and prop Germania saloon, res 238 Fort Sieh, Peter, fmr, Cadboro bay Sigurdeson, Ji;r, "iborer, res Stanley ave Silliman, George, barber, res 255 Yates Silliman, Walter, Driard baths and shaving parlor, 19 Trounce ave, res 255 Yates Sills, William, frm labr, Saanich rd Silver, John F, !abr, res 9 St Louis Silvene, T, engineer E. & N. Ry, res 133 Fort Sim, Wm, waiter Vancouver hotel Simon Leiser & Co., wholesale grocers and importers, 1-5 Yates Simplvins, Wm, tailor Gregg & Son, res Cadboro bay rd Simmons & Coker, London bakery, 25 Government Simmons, Arther, (Simmons 4 Coker) res 75 Fort Simmons, Mrs B, domestic, 153 Blanch ard Simminsons, Ole, labr, res Taunton Simon B, elk Cuthbert & Co, res 129 Michigan Simon, G, elk Land Registry, res 129 Michigan Simon, Peter, labr, 29 Humboldt R.T. BOOKBIIiDER aM BLANK BOOK HAKUFACTORER ;l» BBOAn HTREKT, riOTOSIA, DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY - WINNIPEG. Orewry't I'retniutn Lager — Fully Hqual to any Imported Brer, o o GQ o o Q. c (d o CO (d o O Q GC O O 360 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Simpson, E M, tailor Gregg & Son, res Angel hotel Simpkin, Ed, law student Drake, Jackson & Helmcken, res Gadboro bay rd Simpkins, Wm, tailor, res Gadboro bay rd Simpson, Wm, tailor, res Gadboro bay rd W Simpson, J B, bartender Delmouico hotel, Government Simpson, Alex, tailor, lee Gadboro bay rd Simpson, G L, jzlassware, crockery and fancy goods, 94 Doiglas, res 71 BlancHard Simpson, Geo.Stromness' fa/m,Burn- side rd N Simpson, E W, tailor, refj Dominion hotel Simpson, Miss M, dressmaker Spen- cer's Arcade, res 134 B'ancha/d Simpson, Miss J, dregs'naker Spen- cer's Arcade, res 134 Blanchard Simpson, Alex, tailor 29 Fort Simpson, Alexander, fireman gas works, res 66 John Simpson, G F D, elk, Gustoms, res 22 Quebec 8 Simpson, James, res 134 Gook Simpson, Mrs I, 134 Gook Sims, Walter, Gity Water Works, res 5 South Pandora Sinclair, Dugald, printer, res 42 Humboldt Sinclair, D, moulder V.I.W., res 14 Bock bay ave Sinclair, Miss Flora, nurse at P. O Home Sinclair, John Wesley, blacksmith, res 23 cabin, Johnson Sinclair, J no, imr, Spring Bank farm, Gadboro Sinclair, Jno Alf, dairyman. Spring Bank farm, Gadboro bay rd Sinclair, Margaret, chambermaid Go- lonial Metropole Sinclair, Robert, cab owner, res St Lawrence E Sinclair, T F, conr, res 84 Dallas rd N Sinclair, Wm, storekeeper, H. B. Go, res 42 Humboldt Sing Kee, grocer and intelligence office, 24 Herald Singrer Manufaetnriner Co, W H Glark, mgr, 38 Broad. Sir William Wallace Society, 28^ Broad Sister Mary Anne, superioress, St Anne's Gonvent Sivertz, Sisurgeir, res IS Spring rd Sivertz, ThoroTfur, labr, res 11 Spring rd Skeena Paokinsr Co'y, Skeena River. R P Rithet & Go, agts, 61-63 Wharf Skelland, Wm, boiler maker, res 45 Third Skelton, Francis, domestic, Hon E Dewdnev, "Garey Gastle," Belcher Skilling, Julia, housemaid, res T B Hall, "Robleda," Belcher Sleath, R, bricklayer, res Dominion hotel Sleigh tholme, Wm, ship carpenter, res 161 Ghatham Sloan, Robert, prop King's Head Beer Hall, 48 Johnson Small, Frank, clerk, Manchester House, res 148 Fort Small, Peter Francis, bartender, 71 Fort Smallfleld, W B, clerk. Turner, Bee ton & Go, res 23 Montreal W^ Smart, Elizabeth M, res 20 Scoresby Smethurst, Henry, tinsmith, res Delta at, Burnside rd Smethurst, James, carpenter, res Delta Smiley, Edgar, sealer, res Brunswick hotel Smidt, Fritz, firem&.i, res Vancouver hotel Smith, Albert J, res Dominion hotel Smith, Alex, police constable, res 228 Michigan Smith, Arthur, B.G.Pioneer Lock- smith 'kVorks, 58 Fort Smith, ishfaon, letter carrier, res 91 Kings x>n N Smith, i . J W, contractor, res 36 Su- perior S Smith, A V. contractor, res 12 Amelia Smith, A W, rancher, res Domimon hotel Smith, Miss Alice, res 2 Work Smith, Miss Annie, domestic. Topaz ave Smith, Mrs A, widow, res 88 Pandora Smith, Chambers Del, iournalist, res 62 John Smith, Gharlea, clerk A J Row hot- ham, res Gorge rd Smith, G, emp V.I.W, res Saanichrd Smith, Daniel, machinist, res Van- couver hotel A.JMLBEATTIE WEEKU AUQIONS a^J^^^i^Vt. Victoria Transfer Co., Ltd. 'rovint*. 81 and 83 Bronghton Street, Victoria. B. C. Tel. 189. VICTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 361 Smith, David, tanner, Rock Bay Tan- nery Smith, Edwin, assistant, city treas- urer, res 187 Fort Smith, Miss E, dome8tie,118 Johnson Smith, Mrs E, res 187 Fort Smith, Francis, postman, res Grant Smith, Frederick, cooper, res 17 Put- man Smith, Frederick, painter, res 14 Parry Smith, Mrs F, widow, res 17 Putman Smith, Miss F A, teacher Ward School, res Whittaker Smith, F E, elk H. B. Co., res 36 Superior Smith, Garrett. (M R Smith & Co) res 92 Dallas rd N Smith, George, (Smith & Baumann) restaurant props, 35 Douglas Smith, George, painter, 78-76 Fort Smith, George, harness maker, res 33 Princess ave Smith, George, res Frederick cor Mary, Vic W Smith, G A, saddler, 92 Douglas, res 33 Princess ave Smith, Geo C. barber Geo S Russell, res 104 Pandora Smith, George Edward, grocer and liquors, 324 Government cor John Smith, Geo Hy, fmr. Mount Tolmie cross rd Smith, Godfrey, apprentice Sehl- Hastie-Erskint! Co, res 16 San Juan ave Smith, Hamilton, clerk M R Smith & Co, 92 Dallas rd Smith, Henry, dairyman, Fairfield farm, Dallas rd, cor Cook Smith, Henry, res 34 Niagara S Smith, Henry B, (Keefer& Smith) 44-46 Five Sisters' block, re8"Ven- tnor Cottage," 120 Fieguard Smith, Henry Edward, carpentt)r, 324 Government Smith, Herman, sealing captain, res 69 David Smith, H D, blacksmith, res 17 Put- nam Smith, James, clerk, poatoflSce, res 187 Fort Smith, James, portei,the Wilson Smith, Jas, farm hand, Richmond rd W Smith, James Wm, plasterer, res 69 Mears Smith, John, res Telegraph hotel Smith, John, emp O Morley. res 68 Superior Smith, John, police constable, res 233 Cook Smith, John C, grocer, res 34 Collin- son Smith, Joseph, carpenter, res 161 Chatham Smith, Jos S, carpenter, res Hurlton, cor Leighton rd Smith, J W, surveyor, res 36 Su- perior S Smith, J L, cigar maker, res 146 Chatham Smith, J MoB, auditor general Treasury Dept, James bay, res 41 Birdcage Walk Smith, J VlcKay, salesman J Piercy & Co, res 82 North Park Smith, Miss Louisa, res 187 Fort Smith, M R & Co, prop biscuit factory, 91 Niagara N, office Fort Smith, M R. baker (M R Smith & Co), res 92 Dallas rd N Smith, Miss Madeline, res 187 Fort Smith, Miss Mary, domestic, 36 Gorge rd Smit;^, Miss Maud, domestic, 39 Princess ave Smith, Miss, res 23 View Smith, Miss M, dressmaker, Stanley House Smith, Mrs M C, res 63 Mears Smith, Olie, waiter New York house, res 196 Johnson Smith, Owen, waiter, New England hotel Smith, Phil H, steward, Joe Levy's oyster house Smith, Philip R, bookbinder, res Mary, Vic W Smith, Robt, gentleman, res "Ethe- wold," cor Cook and Richardson Smith, Robert C, clerk, res 291 Yates Smith, R F, book-keeper, San Juan ave E Smith, Samuel Goo, painter, res Lake Hill Smith, Mrs Sarah, nurse, res 146 Johnson Smith, S McGuUey, shipwright, res Frederick cor Mary, Vic W Smith, Miss S, dressmaker, res 64 Fort Smith, Thomas, Fairfield farm, Dallas rd cor Cook Smith, Thos R, J.P, res "Ethewold," cor Cook and Richardson »ao9 If) er 5" *< <» 3 o OQ 3 CD O O "1 - 9 — -er- • ?= •Pi ca3 O (B M 3 ?•» \ §: n (a a " 02 s 5 S s a BROS. VIOTOBIA, B. O. ABE AGENTS FOB GBOSSLEY AND SONS FINE GABPETS. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY « '!fSl,=™». ""'" JS « 2 5 <4H « o .4 m •*-i fa « >» fl ^ eS . «> •11 •*•* > rjl 93 fa 3(i2 RRITIBK COLUMBIA OIHKCTORY. Smith, William, Weiler Bros' factory, rea 65 Humboldt Smith, Wm Hammet, oil mcht, res 116 Cook Smith, Wm, barber, res 88 Pandora Smith, Wm, shoemaker, res 158 Gov- ernment Smith, W, trimmer, Vic Elec Co, res San Juan ave Smith, W A, driver, Erskine, Wall & Co, res Alfred Smith, Wm F, painter, res 27 Alfred Smith, William J, builder, res cor Montrose ave and Jones Smith, W J, rubber stamp mkr, res 29 Green Smith, W J, ship master, res 265 Johnson Smith, W T, Govt printer, res 36 Superior S Smith, Wm, brid(re master, E. & N Ry, res 41 Chatham Smith, — , (Ross & Smith), painter, res 102 Fort Smith, — , Campbell's shoe shop, res 48 Herald Smith, — , teamster, res Colvllle rd Smitherh, Joshua, teamster, res Ten- nyson ave, Saanich rd Suavely, Jacob, res 266 irohnson Snetsinger, Phillip, millwright, res 80 Niagara S Snider, George R, bricklayer, res 81 N Chatham Snider, Wm Henry, contractor, res 81 N Chatham Snow, John, sealer, res 37 Vic Cres Snowden, N P, real estate and insur- ance, res "Ashnola," Gorge rd Sodenberg, Walter W, canvasser, res Dominion hotel Soho Bazaar, A F Turner, prop, 4a Fort Solly, Leonard H, civil engr, land dept, E. & N. Ry Co. 2 Broughton, res Phoenix Place Somers, Isaac, carpt, res Tyndale ave W, Cedar Hill rd E Sommerville, William, engr, res Cath- erine Sommer, Jos, picture dealer, 50 Gov- ernment, res 136 Yates Soper, Araon E, millman, res 253 Johnsot. Sorby Thomas 0, archt, res "Chevet Loclge," Kingston S Sorge, Hammond, baker, res Lans- downe rd Soucie, Joseph, barber, 3 Oriental alley Souden, Thos D, carpt, res Hurlton Sowerbv, Charles, retired, res Bruns- wick hotel Soule & Day, architects, rms 47 and 46 Five Sisters' blk Soule, Cornelius J, (Soule & Day) res Richmond rd Soule, G, clerk Brdst Co, Mrntle Agcv, res Richmond ave Southby, Richd Chas, stevedore, res 228 MichiKan Southern, Samuel, emp R E Knowles, Carnsew dairy, 97 Moss Sparks, Thomas, labr, res 26 Erie S Sparrow, Isaiah M, book-keeper, res 253 Fort Sparrow, Michael, tean- r, res 3 Penwill Sparrow, Sergt W G, Marine Artillery, the Bari^...^, Work Point, Head Sparrow, Walter G, acct Simon Jjeis- er & Co, res 253 Fort Spaulding, F J, canvasser, res Do- minion hotel Spears, Mrs, widow, res Cadboro bay rd Speed, Bros, groceries and provisionn 69 Fort cor Douglas Speed, James Wm, (Speed Bros) (59 Fort, rea Kelvin rd Speed, John Wm, (Speed Bros) 6!l Fort, res Boleskyne rd Speed, Thos Wm, lather, Boleskyne rdN S pence, Jno, fmr, Gordon Head cross rd. Cedar Hill rd E Spence, S G, dry goods clerk Lenz k Leiser, res Garbally rd Spence, William, tailor, res Vancou- ver hotel Spence, William, tinsmith Clarke & Pearson, rea 291 Johnson Spencer's Arcade, geni dry goods 20 Broad Spencer, Chris, mgr Spencer's Arcade, res 15 Superior Spencer David, Spencer's Arcade, 65 Government, res Belleville Spencer, E W, Garrick's Head saloon 23 Bastion Spencer, George, driver New Eng- land bakery, res 138 Cormorant Spofford, W H, carpenter, res Devon- shire rd Spohr, Fredk, fireman, Spratt&Gray TIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY No. 23 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B. C. Guides furnished to tourists. All kinds ot Chinese help supplied on the shortest notice. POPULAR PHI Claran Spragge, D, c< Spragge, G, ei Wharf, res I Spratt & Gr makers, bra facturers' as Spratt's Whar inger, 80 Sic Spring RidKe Chambers ai J Hawkey, | cspring, Mrs S, Spring, Williat ville S Springer, Geor Coot- Sprinkling, Di tice, res Luxl Sprinkling, Jan ave N Sprinkling, J F Sprinkling, Mrs ton N Sprinkling, Wo res Lake Disti Squires, C, exj Ion rd Stadthagen, Hi Douglas. Stoddart, Walte riet rd E Stagmann, D, se Princess ave Stainer, W S, el Co, res 42 Kin Stallard, Charlei Pioneer Stamford, J L, n ing Co, res 136 Standard Lif Robert Ward <! blk, Fort Standard Saloon . 113>^ Douglas Standish, Wm G Staniforth, Frar 105 View Stanley House, V props general < Imery, 56-67-59 Stannard, H D, c A Co, res 179 J( St Andrew's R.C. Bishop Lemmei St Andrew's Prt Douglas St Andrew and Cj Hall, 35 Blanch WE EMP »8 BHOAH HTSHX POPULAR PRICES AND BEST OF GOODS AT THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE Clarence Block, Cor. Yates and Douglas Sts., Victoria, B. C. VICTORIA CITY DIRBCTORY. 363 Spragge, D, collector, Singer Mfg Co Spragge, G, emp King & Ewing, 51 Wharf, res 32 Elizabeth Spratt & Gray, machinists, boiler makers, brass founders and manu- facturers' agents, 17-19 Work Spiatt's Wharf, M McCahill wharf- inger, 80 Store Spring KidKe Ward School, cor Chambers and North Chatham, R J Hawkey, principal Spring, Mrs S, res 72 Ilelleville S Spring, William, jeweler, res 72 Belle- ville S Springer, George, engineer, res 209 CooV Sprinkling, Daniel, tailors' appren- tice, res Luxton ave X Sprinkling, James, tailor, res Luxton ave N Sprinkling, J F, tailor, res 54 Luxton Sprinkling, Mrs W, widow, res Lux- ton N SprinklinK, Wm A, tailor, 44>2 Broad, res I^ke District Squires, C, expressman, res 3 Ava- lon rd Stadthagen, Henry, grocer, 166)s Douglac Stoddart, Walter, carpenter, res Har- riet rd E Stagmann, D, saloon keeper, res 23 Princess ave Stainer, W S, clerk E B Marvin & Co, res 42 King's rd Stallard, Charles E, plumber, res 5 Pioneer Stamfoi-d, J L, mgr Victoria Plumb- ing Co, res 135 Michigan Standard Life Assoranoe Co, Robert Ward & Co, agents, Temple blk, Fort Standard Saloon, Wm Field, prop, 113>^ Douglas Standish, Wm G, fmr, Gordon Head Staniforth, Francis, machinist, res 105 View Stanley House, W S Hampson & Co, props general dry goods and mil- linery, 55-57-59 Douglas Stannard, H D, clerk Henry Butland & Co, res 179 Johnson St Andrew's B.C. Cathedral, Rt Rev Bishop Lemmens, Blanchard St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Douglas St Andrew and Caledonian Society's Hall, 36 Blanchard St Anne's Convent, Sifter Mary Anne, superioress, Humboldt St Ann's Kindergarten, View Stapledon, B. mgr Inverness Canning Cfo, res 73 King's rd Stapledon, John, machinist, res 73 King's rd Stark, J R, packer Weiler Bros Stark, William, stonemason, res 2 Amelia Starr, A E, assistant mgrC.P.R. Co's telegraph, 15-17 Trounce ave, res 13 Bellot St Barnabas Church (Church of Eng- land), Rev G W Taylor, rector, cor Cook ami Caledonia ave St Barnii'niy' Church Institute, J E Ravnen, secy, 10 Caledonia ave Stchlsmidt, C B, clerk R Ward & Co, res 18 Rupert St Clair, J, physical instructor Vic- toria Colleee, Beacon Hill Stead, Walter, millwright, res 23 Douglas Stead, Wm, millwright, Vic ^ice and Flour Mills, res Douglas Steaner, Caroline, domestic 49 Gorge rd Steaner, Josephine, domestic 49 Gorge rd Steele, Miss Amv, res 140 Blanchard Steele, Charles Alex, traveler J A T Caton & Co, res 140 Blanchard Steele, Hubert, apprentice Times P. & P. Co, res 2 Market Steele, John, mariner, res 2 Market Steele, Mary, domestic, 84 John Steele, Michael, messenger Green, Worlock & Co, res 2 Market Steele, Miss M, tailoi-ess, res 2 Market Steele, Peter, saloon keeper, 4 Bas- tion sq, res Craigflower rd Steele, Thomas, watchman, res 2 Market Steele, William, engineer, res 140 Blanchard ave Steel, Robert, engineer, res Craig- flower rd Steers, Charles, carpenter, res 161 Vancouver Steers, Dr J E, Doane blk, Douglas Steers, Mrs C-Mavo, medium, Doane blk, res 29 Elizabeth Steffen, A H, hackman, res 18 Third Steiger, Amet, barber, res 100 Pan- dora Steitz, George, res 114 Fisguard > z o (0 H JO a m 3) -< rn (A z a -i X m z (0 H X m CO -< > r m > z o ■0 O 3] H (0 m 1 31 m S o c F a 0) c ■0 XKTV V*lMn3T ^yXy note Hands and More Capital than all other Binderies W*. f.lWt^J^mC ,^ ^^ Province. »8 BHOAD HTBMBX, TICTOXIA. * ^ * B. T. WILLIAMS ^m^m mmmmmmm DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY - WINNIPEG. Drewry's Ale, Porter and Lwter i* Recommended by Phvaicianm Generally. o o H (/} 9" 0) (» CO O Q O 364 BRITrSi: COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Steinfeldt, C, bartender Hotel Vic- tuiii, res 153 For^ Steitz's Bestaurant, Smith & Bau- mann, props, 62 Yates Sielly, Frank Georfje, clerk, res 74 Blanchard Stelly, George, contractor, res 74 Blanchard Stemler, LnniS, prop Coffee and Spice Mills, res 144 Blanchard ave S:etnler, L, (Stemler & Earl), res 144 Blanchard Sterner, Wm S, clerk, res 42 KHg's rd, cor First Stenson, Wm, biscuit baker, res 11 James N Stephenson, Mrs Alice, widow, domestic 136 Quadra Stfepheno, C, domestic C W RThomp- son, Gorge rd Stephen, David, mechanical engineer, res 152 Michigan Stephen, Edwin, elk Fell & Co, res 152 Michigan Stephen. Ed, baker New England bakery, res 56 Pandora Stephen, Fredk J, asst cashier C. P N. Co., res 152 Michigan S Stephenson, F J, book-keeper, res 374 Johnson Stephens, Miss J. milliner Hy Young & Co, res 152 Michigan Stephens, Richard F, shipbuilder, res Sunnyside ave, Craigflower ca Stephens, Wm J, shipbuilder, res 34 Joha Stephen, William, elk H. B, Co., res 152 Michigan S Sterne, Chas, labr, res 175 Douglas Sterns, Chas, millhand Brackman & Ker, res Dalian rd W Stevens, Chas Ed, fireman E. & N Ry, res Hereward rd Steventi, Fiank. stairbuilder, 213 Gfivernment Stevens, Frank Thos, (Stevens & Jenkins), 111 Douglas Stevens & Jenkins, dry goods and millinery, 111 Douglas Stevens, Mrs J, res cor Spiingfield ave and William, Vic W Stevens, J, res 138)^ Blanchard ave Stevenp, Allan, butcher, proprietor Peoples' Market, 106 Fisguard Stevens, James, labr A.I.W., res 106 Fisguard Stevens, R, plumber at Colbert & Warner's, res 73 Yates Stevenson, Gordon, labr, res 103 Pan- dora Stevenson, James, conductor, street railway, res 80 Fourth Stevenson, John, ship owner, res G6 Rae Stevenson, Bobt, horse dealer, V)4 Fort Stevenson, Robert, tailor, 71^ ^ort Stevenson, Thomas, elk, res Domin- ion hotel Stevenson, W G, prop Bodega saloou, 65 Douglas, res 69 Carr Stewart, Albert, painter, res 194 View Stewart, Alexander, moulder, A.I.W, res Oakland ave Stewart, Allen, cigar maker, res IM View Stewart, Allan, painter, J Sears, res 114 Yates Stewart, Alex, stone cutter, rea 91 North Park Stewart, A, cigar maker, res 194 View Stewart, Dnnoan, (Tolmie i^ Stewart), 45-47 Yates Stewart, D B, mesngr Bank B. N.A, res 33 Yates Stewart, Miss Ena, nurse, Prot Royal Jubilee Hospital Stewart, Geo^e, grocer's assistant, res Lansdowne rd Stewart, J P, clerk, res 14 Niagara S Stewart, James, iasurance agent, res 71 Kingaton N Stewart, James, moulder, res cabin 4, 88 Store Stewart, Miss Jane, domestic Douglas house Stewart, James, sub agt, British Em- pire Mutual Life Assurance Co, 7o Wharf Stewart, John, brass founder, res 6 Blanchard Stewart, John, steamboatman, res 121 Montreal W Stewart, James H, bricklayer, res 12 North Park Stewart, John, carpenter, res 70 Kane Stewart, James A, Itbr, res 31 Rae Stewart. John, steamboatman, res 20 Quebec Stewart, Joseph, warehouseman, J H To id & Son, res Niagara Stewart, Miss Mary, clerk, C A Lom- bard IX Co, res 6 Blanchard Stewart, Mrs, boarding house, 6 Blanchard A M nS A TTTT! ADCnONEER, . iPPBAISEK - AND XI.. J.TJ.. .DA A. A X XA ggjjgg^ COMMISSION MERCHANT. CITY MARXKT, VARCOUVKK. B. C. MtMri Victoria Trwisfer Co., Ltd. '''''^2^^S^7J^J^S''^^yTicl^r'' 91 and 93 Broughton Street, Vietoria, B, C. Tetephone 129, VICTORIA CITY DIBBCTCRY. 365 Stewart, N sealer, res Empire hotel Stewart, Robt J, labr, res 111 View Stewart, Rob, grocer's assistant, res 189 Fort Stewart, R Musket, grocer's assist- ant, res 119 Fort Stewart, Torrence, elk, Ames Holden Co, Ltd, re^i 85 Heiry Stewart, Wm, foreman, G R Jackson res cor Menzies and Superior tewart, Walter, clerk, post office,res 6 Blanchard Stewart, Wm, emp, A.I.W, res 19 Rendall Stewart, William E, labr, res San Juan Ave E Stewart, William, tailor, res 69>^ Su- perior N St George's Hotel, prop B Carter, res Esquimau rd St George's Society, Geo Farebrother pres, J J Austin, secy. Hall 2S}4 Broad Stidd, William, carpt, res Vancouver hotel Stike, Harry, emp V.I.W., res 21 Princess ave St James' Church (CE) and school house, St John E St John's Episcopal Church, Rev Percival Jenns, rector, corFisguard and Douglas St John's School, Church of England, 83 Herald St Joseph's Hospital, superioress Sister Mary Placide, CoUinson Stonks, George, locomotive engineer, res 60>^ Humboldt Stoddart Miss Ada, res 64 View Stoddart,Fred, mariner, res 14 cabin, Johnson Stoddart, George, carpenter, res Har- riet rd E Stoddart, Miss Rose, res 64 View Stoddart, Robt F, watchmaker, res 64 View stoddart, S A, watchmaker, res 64 View Stoddart, Wm J, watchmaker, 67 Yates, res Mears Stokum, John, baker, res Telegraph hotel Stone, Mrs J S, housekeeper, res 152 Menzies E Stone, Stonson, labr, res 16 Spring rd Stooke, Chas, apprentice H G Water- son, \30}4 Government, res 14 Frederick Stone, Martin, carpenter, rea 29 Bridge Stooke, Samuel, clerk People's Cloth- ing House, res 14 Frederick Storey, Thos, builder and undertaker 90 Johnson, res Fisguard St Paul's Presbyterian Church, Mary cor Henry, Vic W Strachan, Alex M, clerk dry goods, res 146 Johnson tUrachan, Andrew, fmr, Gordon Head Strachan, James, clerk Jeffree's, res 146 Johnson Strachan, Mrs Elizth, boarding house 146 Johnson Stratford, Jas C, seaman, res Ed- ward cor Mary, Vic W Street, M, fitter, V.I.W., res Western hotel Streicher, Charles, cigar maker, res 23 Elizabeth Strike, Harry, emp V.I.W., res 21 Princess ave Strong, Frank, book-keeper, res 172 Yates Stromgren, Capt Carl, master marin- er, res Old Esquimalt rd and Springfield ave Strouss, Morris, res 204 Yates Stubbs, F W, porter Hotel Victoria Sturdy, F, house and sign painter, 21 Government Sturm, Fred, fresco artist, res Domin- ion hotel Styger, Athois, Victoria Brewery Styles, Richard Jas, expressman, res "Echo Point," Craigflower rd Styles, Aid S T, res 1 Amelia Sullivan, Daniel, Inland Rev, res 38 Quebec S Sullivan, John, tailor, res Superior Sullivan, Miss F, mantle dept. West- side, res 38 Quebec Summers, I'rancis, painter, res 185 For*, and 30 Mears Summerfield, civil engr, res Balmoral iiotel Sun Fire Insoranoe Co, Lon- don, Eng, Penlberton&Son, agts, 45 Fort Sutherland, Alex C, lumberman, res 20 cabin, Johnson Sutherland, Hugh A, supt Home for Aged and Infirm Sutherland, John, tailor, res 169 Su- perior N Sutherland, Wm M, painter, res 99 View o > CO m o PI o a I- e»-P Si- rs « 2. t^ ^ ?•• INTERIOR WOODWORK. OFHOE AND BAK FITTINGS ■ . ' ZIZ Mad* to Ordw kjr WJBII.ER BROS. I ' WtM HUDSON'S RAY COMPANY PQ £1 Pb« c3 ^1^ eS ' •^ 'W fld « cd 5 (^ ^ « © A OD -«^ »i4 4) >> i ^ , 1 O) ^ 80 ^ h H Xurope»H and XngtUh OBOOEKIEH, WINEH and. ZIQVOnB, free and in VICTORIA, B. C. Xond, 366 BRITIBH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Swanlrfbke Hotel, N H Brown prop, Saanich rd Swanson, August, mariner, res Van- couver hotel Swanson, A, logger, res Commercial hotel Sweeney, Michael, cooper, res 142 Fort Sweet, Miss, nurse, res 48 Rae Swinerton & Oddy, real estate and financial brokers, 106 Governm't Swinerton, Mrs, widow, res Niagara N Swinerton, Wm, surveyor's assistant, res Niagara N Swinerton, Robert H, (Swinerton & Oddy) res Niagara Swianock, Oscar, emp Gas Wks, res Queen's ave Switzei, John Wra, prop Regent saloon, cor Johnson and Douglas, res 205 Pandora Switzer & McCluskey, Regent saloon, 96 Douglas cor Johnson Sylvester, Clarence, asst to Dr Quin- lan, 5 Sisters' blk, rooms 13, 14, 15 Sylvester, Miss E E, teacher Central school, res Frederick Sylvester, F, book-kpr, res 40 Fred- erich. Sylvester, W B, produce and poultry dealer, rms 9, 10, City Market, res 40 B'rederick Symington, W, stonecutter, res Do- minion hotel Symons, William, coachman, "Carev Castle," Belcher Tagg, James, ship carpenter, res 50 Work Tai Fung & Co, groceries, etc, 32 Fis- guard Tai Soong & Co, importers curios and opium, 40 Cormorant Tait, Alex G, dairyman, res Oak bay ave Tait, James, milkman, res Fuller's ave Tait, James L, conductor street rail- way, res 28 Elizabeth Tait, Leonard, school teacher, res 121 Montreal Tait, L, millhand, Brackman & Ker, res Dallas rd W Tai Yune & Co, importers of opium, 135 Government Talbot, Arthur, auctioneer's asst, res 146 Fort Talbot, Jabez F, tram conductor, res Jessie Tanner, J 8, clerk, C.P.R, res 59 Su- perior Tarbell, Chas H. tinsmith, res Ten- nyson rd cor Kelvin Tarrant, Richard, lithographer, res 83 Superior N Tavener, B. engr. Colonist Taylor Milling Co, Ltd, John Taylor, mgr, 210 Government Taylor, A W, insurance agent, 42 Fort, res 8 Franklin Taylor, Mrs A, res South rd Taylor, Miss A, dressmaker, res 117 Johnson Tavlor, Mrs Belle, dresi tnaker, res 60 Herald Taylor, E, pressman Times P. <& P. Co, res 100 Fisguard Taylor, Frank, cabinet maker, res 32 Quebec Taylor, Frank, jr, messenger office, res 32 Quebec Taylor, Rev Geo W, re.:tor st Barnabas Church, res 8 Caledonia ave Taylor, John, mgr Taylor Milling Co, 210 Government, res ^10 Govern- ment Taylor, John, labr, res 61 Niagara Taylor, John, labr, res 5 cabin, 175 Douglas Taylor, John George, grocer, res Oak bay ave, cor Amphion Taylor, J, book-keeper Henry Saun- ders, res 8 Frankhn Taylor, Miss J, tailoress J C Leask. res 144 Fort Taylor, J D, reporter Colonist, res 188 Yates Taylor, Richard, res cabin 7, 33 Chat- ham Taylor, R E (Hanna & Taylor), 42 Broad, res 39 Quadra Taylor, Willard, carpenter, res 51 Princess ave Taylor, Wm John, B.L. (Ebert!< & Taylor), 30 Langley, res 12 Park rd Teague, John, architect. Trounce ave, res cor Cook and Chatham Teale, Miss Kate, domestic, 55 Fern- wood rd Teckla, Miss Ahola, waitress West- ern hotel TIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY No. 23 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B. O Guldea fumiahed to tourUta. All kinds of Chinese help supplied on the ahorteat notice. jRl LEnio HAL'L S ANTICEPTIC TODTH WAoH Breath and Cleans the Teeth • Jfade only at CElfTJtAL JiKVO BTOSE, Clarence Block, Fietoria, B. C. the VICTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 367 Telegraph Hotel, J Merryfield, prop, 49 Store Telegraph Oi&ce,C.P.R.,Trounce ave Telephone Co Office, R B Mc- Micking, mgr, 14 Trounce ave Temple Building, Robt Ward & Co, Ltd Lbv, 17 Fort Temple, B B, cabinet maker, res 129>^ Oswego E Temple, Ernest, lawyer's clerk, res 269 Johnson Temple, E, book-keeper, 152 Govern- ment Temple, E, book-keeper Eberts & Taylor, nss 269 JohnEon Temple, L!eut F N, commanding Royal Maiine Artillery, the Bar- racks, Work Foint, Head Templeman, Wm, mgr Times P. and P. Co, 36-37 Yates, res 136 Menzies Templeton, Miss Martha, clerk Tele- phone office, res Douglas house Temperance Hall, 49 Pandora Tepoorten, J A, traveler Langley & Co, res 267 Johnson Terrill, Johii expressman, res 10 North rd Terry, Fred, engineer, res 3 Jackson ave Terry, Miss Jessie, dressmaker Young & Co, res South rd Terry, John, bricklayer, res South rd Terry, Wallace S, druggist at Camp- bell's 168 Fort Tesche, Eugene, butcher B. C. C. Co, res 34 Humboldt Tesche, Harry, B. C. Cattle Co, 97 Government, res Humboldt Teusset, Miss Jennie, waitress Vienna restaurant Teutonia Saloon, D Steigman, prop, 112 Government Thain, Miss A, music teacher, res 119 Fisguard Thain, Edward Jas, clerk Attorney- General's office, res 119 Fisguard Thain, Mrs John, widow, res 119 Fis- guard Thain, Mrs J H, res 85 View Thames & Mersey Marine Insurance Co, R P Rithet & Co, agents Theatre office, 60 Douglas Theobald, Henry, painter, res Wil- kinson rd Theobold, Hy, painter, res Tennyson ave, Saanich rd Therrioult, Mrs S, widow, res 9 Alfred Thiele, Chris, bartender Jubilee saloon Thistle Restaurant, Mrs B Powell, prop, 112 Yates Thistle, Wm Hy, fmr, Cadborobay W Thoburn, J E, collector Times Print- ing Co, 35-37 Yates Thomas, Almond, senior guard Prov gaol, res Fourth, north of Hillside ave Thomas, B, machinist S. H. & E. fur- niture factory Thomas, Capt, ship owner, res Rock Bay hotel Thomas, Miss Caroline, dressmaker, res 113 Michigan N Thomas, Charles E, teamster, res 68 Fourth Thomas, Frederick, artist, res Parry Thomas, F, artist the Colonist Tliomas, Hy, hide and skin mercht, res 107 Fisguard Thomas, James E, builder, res 67 Second Thomas John, tailor, les 9 Avalon rd Thompson, Alf, sealer, res N'ancouver hotfl Tho ^(»n, Charles, ship carpenter, rtr ill.) Johnson Thompson, C W R, socy gas works, res Gorge nl Thompson, Davi '. i>olice constable, res 76 Johnson Thompson, David, horttcshoer, res 1U7 Johnson Thompson, F E, clerk W H Perry, res^Whittaker Thompson, F E, engineer, reM 281 Johnson Thompson, Gilbert, L O, clerk Bank Montreal, res 42 Superior S Thompson, Henry, carpt, res 33 Hey- wood ave Thompson, Henry A, carpt, (Christ' Thompson & Co) res 18 Hillside ave Thompson, Jas J, marine engineer, res 169 Johnson Thompson, Mrs Jessie, housekeeper, Clarence hotel Thompson, John, pilot, res 26 Mon- treal W Thompson, Matthew, plumber, res 70 Fort Thompson, William, ship carpenter, res Craigflower rd CO u V o o H H M iiii IflMKEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY No. 28 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B. C. Guldea fUmlshed to tonriBts. All kinds of Chinese help supplied on the shortest notice. i.ii-L Hi H tfm i i VMlillA^llfl j^ji I DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY • ViNIPEaf ^^ Drewry'a 2CXX Stock Ale ia Extra Hopped, Making it an EsmUmH ApfMzing Tonic. ^1 «I i S 1 I o Q O CO 368 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Thompson, William, expressman, res Fuller's ave Thompson, William, waiter, Colonial Metropole Thompson, William, grocer, res 49 Quadra Thompson, — , engineer, res 55 Kane Thompson, David, millmpn, Muir- head & Mann, res 26 Green Thomson, George, re° 1?5 Cormorant Thomson, H B, res 23 Montreal Thomson, John, gardener, res 26 Green Thomon, John A, stmboat inspector res Sylvia N Thomson, John D, gardener, res 20 E Willian, grocer, res 46 Rendall Thomson, Quadra Thomson, Milne Thornley, William, blacksmith, res George, fireman, power housei res Vancouver hotel Thorpe & Co, Mineral Water Manufacturers, Duvid street, Frank H Price, mgr Thorsteinson, H, labr, res 12 Sayward Thorsteinson, Paul, labr, res 179 Fern wood nl Throup, Mies Ada, waitress, Hotel Brunswick Thsleib, Chr Otto, carpt, 91 Wharf, res 24 Belcher Tiarks, J Gerhard, architect,39>^ Government Till, Wnlter, machinist, E G Prior & Co, res 172 Yates Tilton, E G, hardware merchants, 67- 69 Wharf, res Ht \ wood ave Tim Kee, employment agent, 23 Store Times P.and P.Co, mgr Wm Temple- man, 35-37 Yates Tippins, W Henry, painter, res Lans- dawne rd Tippins, W J, candymaker, res Carev rdW Tite, George, painter, 33 St Louis Tobin, Arthur, baker, H Clay's, res 39 Fort Tobin, Timothy, army pensr, res 71 Todd, C F, (J H Todd & Sou) 72 Wharf, res 218 Johnson Todd, Miss Emma, clerk, RMcD& Co, res 42 Princess ave Todd, Jas W, fmr. Spring Bunk farm Cedar Hill rd E Todd, John, cook, res Pine Todd, J H & Son, wholesale grocers and commission merchants, and salmon canners, etc, 72 Wharf Todd, J H, (J H Todd & Son), res 196 Johnson Todd, William, sealer, res Dominion hotel Torrance, Arthui , letter carrier, res 85 Henry Toller, A loert, real estate agent, res "The Eyrie," Charles Tollich, John, fishmonf^er, 61 John- son Tolmie Land Co, R T Tolmie, mgr, 16 Trounce ave Tolmie & Stewart, wine and spirit merchants, 45-47 Yates Tolmie, Andrew (Tolmie & Stewart), 45-47 Yates Tolmie, Simon F, veterinary surgeon, Cloverdale farm Tolmie, Hy W, Cloverdale farm Tolmie, Jno Work, J.P„ fmr, Clover- dale farm Tolmie, Rod F, Tolmie Land Co, 16 Irounce ave, res 162 Fort Tolmie, Dr S F, veterinary sur geon, res 109 Johnson Tompkins, W C, watchmaker, resl Sayward Totman, Arthur, bartender Dallas hotel Tottenham, Dr, res 66 Pandora Touet Philip, fmr, Cordova bay, Cedar Hill rd Tovey, Mrs A E, boarding house, 66 Rae Townsend, Mrs C, res 44 Princessave Townsend, Miss Harriet, dressmaker, res 44 Princess ave Townsend, Jas, plasterer, res Oak bay ave Townsend, John, seal hunter, res IOC] Pandora Townsend, Miss Susan, res 44 Prin cess ave Townsend, Turner, conductor E N. Ry, res Mary, cor Frederick,! Victoria W Townsley, Andrew, engineer Victori Rice and Flour Mills Townsley, James, foreman Hall, Ross & Co, res 34 Pioneer Trace, John, teamster Weiler Bros, res 26 Pioneer Tracey, Jos, landholder, res Felthai rd S, Cedar Hill rd E Trahey, Ge shipyard Trahey, Th res Esqui Traill, Miss Arcade, r Tranter, M 101 Doug] T inter. Mi >')ougla6 Tranter, Se Fourth Travelers Insuran Co, agents Traxler, Mri 175 Johnsc Treasury H Turnei James bay Trehart, Mr Cook Treigg, Miss, House, res Tremblay, Al Pembroke Tribe, Georj Yates, res { Trickey, Wil Harrison Trigg, Miss 39 Fort Trimen, R C, Trimen, L B, Sylvia Trimen, Mrs - Ti ounce, Tho Menzies Trube, J, Bros Trudell, P H,, Truran, Mrs I 139 Michiga Truran, Rich Lennan&Ik Tmtoh, Ho M.O., res 7; Tubb, Arthur Trade bldg Tubman, Thi Richmond t Tuck Douglas bella" 22 Vi TugweU, Tl Metropole I Tugwell, Thoi Colonial M*, 15 North Pa no I M. BEAHIE, AUCTIONEER, Vancouver, B. I M BBOS ^r* , A .■_.J„ ff«-M»«« «•*»»•• t^^ T<1«^ nnST HACKS at neaaim»bt9 21 and 83 Brougliton Street, Victoria. B. C. Tel. 189. VICTORIA CITY DIRBCTOBY. 369 Trahey, George, ship carpenter, Star shipyard, Indian reserve Trahey, Thos H, prop Star shipyaid, res Esquimau rd Traill, Miss M, art dept. Spencers Arcade, res 54 Frederick Tranter, Miss Annie, tailoress, res 101 Douglas T" inter. Miss Lizzie, tailoress, res 101 Oouglas Tranter, Seymour, brickmalcer, res Fourth Travellers' Life and Accident Insurance Co, Hall, Goepel & Co, agents, 100 Government Traxler, Mrs Agnes, dressmaker, res 176 Johnson Treasury Department, Hon J H Turner, Minister of Finance, James bay Trehart, Mrs Ellen, widow, res 134 Cook Treigg, Miss, dressmaker, Mancliester House, res 88 Yates Tremblay, Alexis, contractor, res 60 Pembroke Tribe, George, saloon keeper, 69 Yates, res 9 George Trickey, William, expressman, res 8 Harrison Trigg, Miss Elizabeth, domestic, 39 Fort Trimen, R C, clerk C.P.R., res Svlvia Trimen, L B, clerk R Ward & Co, res Sylvia Trimen, Mrs L B, res Sylvia Ti ounce, Thomas, architect, res 63 Menzies Trube, J, mattress maker, Weiler Bros Trudell, P H, clerk Hotel Victoria Trnran, Mrs Hannah E, widow, res 139 Michigan Truran, Richard, cornice maker Mc- Lennan&McFeely, res 139 Michigan Trutch, Hon Sir Joseph, K. C. M.G., res 73 Richardson Tubb, Arthur, janitor B. C. Board of Trade bldg Tubman, Thomas, carpenter, res Richmond ave Tuck Douglas C, clerk, res "Rocca- bella" 22 Victoria Cres Tuffwell. Thomas, prop Colonial Metropole Hotel, res 15 North Park Tugvell, Thomas, jr, prop cigar store Colonial Metropole, Johnson, res 15 North Park Tuke, F, labr, res Commercial hotel Tulk, Samuel, carpenter, res 132 Fort Tulk, Charles, ship carpenter, res IS Humboldt TuUock, W K, hotel keeper, the Wil- son Tumil^, John, engr str Daisy, res 114 Blanchard Turnbull, Mrs M W, res 52 Menzies E Turner, Mrs A F, music teacher, res 67 Frederick Turner, Archibald, res 62 Fern wood rd Turner, Aug F, prop Soho Bazaar, 43 Fort, res 67 Frederick Turner, Beeton & Co, wholesale merchants, 90 Wha.-f Turner, Frank, dog trr.iner, Cadboro bay rd Turner, John, contractor, res 106 Cook Turner, Hon John Herbert, M. P.P., (Turner, Beeton & Co) res 1 Pleasant Turner, John H, watchman A.I.W., res 118 Chatham Turner, Mrs J, dressmaker, res 53 Yates Turner, James Edw, clerk Drake, Jackson & Helmcken, res 207 Douglas Turner, Mrs W M, dressmaker, res 60 Herald Turner, Thos, bricklayer, res Cul- duthel rd Turner, Thomas, warehouseman, BoBcowitz & Son, res Cawtharo rd Turpel, William, shipwright, res 21 King's rd Turpln, William, painter, res Domin- ion hotel Tuthill, E V, capitalist, res 34 Hum- boldt Twiss, Edwd Day, res 151 Johnson Twiss, Wm, Jas, salesman, J Sehl's, res 151 Johnson Tyack, James, blacksmith, 15 Hum- boldt Tye, Thomas H,(Matthew8, Richards & Tye) 32-84 Yates, res 277 Doug- las Tyler, William, res 51 Hillside ave cor First Tyson, James, emp V.I.W., res 42 'Henry Tyson, James, tailor, 42 Henry n I" ^1 11 WEIL[R BROS., m Complete House Furnishefs. Largest Stock in B.C. ^ c? ?■€ ^ >s3 W f r» o 99 M. ST* s 0P5 9 ^ P< S' SB GO IT (1^ P' r/3 t^ SB P< Irt- 9B •^ r/j §2 CJ- B M. ^ B cr? *^ t^ n 1^ OD tH t*j <-^ n 9 a' n H W < ^ M» r»- (9 N^a t 3. o 9 ^ U * ** Q OB •If?:! %:i i !;. <ij> ^ <c ndl -a P^ ■^ «M «> o .a -«-) »M » ^ 1 p-4 ae , 1 'SBAYCOMPAM»«-*'!!!!?>*"'*'^ VICTOUA. B. C. 370 BRITISH rOLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Ulin, Erick, jr, book-keeper, Taylor Milling Co Ullmann, Jos, fur and skin dealer, res 7 Store Underbill, Mrs, dressmaker, res 74 Kane Underwood, Alex, res 131 Cormorant Underwriting and Agenoy As- sociation of Uoyds. London, Heisterman & Co, agts, 75 Govern- ment Union Club, cor Courtney and Douglas, P.O. box 492 Union Colleries, Jas Dunsmuir, president, offices 2 Broughton Union Mutual Life Insurance Co, of Maine, A McPherson, manager, cor Government and Courtnev United States Consulate, Levi W Myers, 43>^2 Govt, res 26 John Unwin, Geo W, steward Marine Hos- pital, Hospital Point Upritchard, John, clerk, B Boggs & Co, res 25 Kane Ure, Charles, bartend.^r, res (57 Kane Ure, Miss G E. clerk, R T Williams, res 8 Alfred Ure, Edward, stair builder, res 8 Alfred Ure, Miss G, clerk, Hy Young & Co, 67 Government, res Alfred Ure, James, mgr Morley Soda Wks, res 8 Alfred Ure, J G, clerk, res 8 Alfred Urquhart, C, clerk, H.B. Co, res 16 Bellot Urauhart, Capt D, S.S. Lome, res 119 Menzies Vaio & Brooks, fruit and produce merchants, 66 Yates Van Allman, Miss Mary, domestic, 152 Pandora Vancouver Bakery,SimmoQs& Coker, props, 75 Fort Vancouver Brewery, T W Carter, prop, 32 Herald, res 61 Herald Vancouver Hotel, F J Dawley, prop, res 71 Yates Vancouver Island Building Society, B Williams, secty, cor Fort and Broad Vancouver House, general dry goods, Wm Craft, prop, 93 Douglas Vanden, Ally, rancher, res Strawber- ry Vale Vanderwater, J S, canvasser, res Do- minion hotel Van Horst, Mrs Mary, widow, res 20 Elizabeth Van Millingen, O H, Secty Union Club Vair, John, (Vair & Brooks), fruit and produce merchants, 66 Yates, res 31 Bay Van Nevel, Rev John Adolphe, res the Palace, 109 Yates Vanrine, Arthur, bartender, res 184 View Van Sicklin, Frederick W, Imrber, Geo S Russell, res 53 Yates Van Sicklin, William, boarding hse, 53 Yates and 46 Broad Vanslyke, John, teamster, Shawnigan Lake Lumber Co Vanstone, C S, tailor, Gregg & Sons, res Angel hotel Van Volkenburgli, A, manager for B Van Volken burgh, 72 Yates Van Volkenburgh B, butcher, 72 Yates, res 215 Johnson Van Volkenburgli, Frank, res 215 Johnson Vaughan, A K, bartender, Dallas htl, Dallas rd Vaughan, Wm John, clerk, res 51 Blanch ard Verbiest, P M & Co, watchmkrs, jewelers and opticians, 88 Douglas Verbeist, P M, (Verbiest, P M &Co) 88 Donglas, res 212 Cook Verdier, Mrs, res Richmond ave Verge, Samuel, seal hunter, res Francis ave Vermouth, John, expressman, res 62 South Pandora Vernon, Charles A, res 134 Homboldt Vernon, Hon Forbes, Chief Com Lands and Works Dept, res 72 Cook Verrinder Bros, dental and oral surgeons, r 17 Five Sisters' blk Verrinder, Dr A E, (Verrinder Bros, r 17 Five Sisters' blk, res 18 Michigan Verrinder, Dr R P, (Verrinder Bros), r 17 Five Sisters' blk, res 18 Michigan Vertue, John, teamster, res 130 Cook Victoria Assembly Rooms, Charles E Dickson, caretaker, 178 Fort BUNK BOOK MANOFAmER B. T. WILLIAMS 98 Broad Bt„ Vtetorla. FrescriDtions Prepareil from PURE DRUGS ONLY at tbe Central Mi Store Clarence Block, Corner Yates and Douglas Sts., Victoria, B. C. VICTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 371 Victoria Auction Co, W T Hardaker & Go, managers, 81 Douglas Victoria Bazaar, Henry Gribble, prop, 84 Government Victoria Buildingr Society, 18 Broad, A St George Flint (Fhnt & Prossor), secretary Victoria Cannery and Saw Mills, Findlay. Durham & Brodie, agents, 98 Wharf Victoria Canoe Club, C M Page, secy, James bay bridge Victoria Chess Club, J Kingham, secy, Wilson hotel, 90 Yates Victoria Club, B Williams, secy, 4b% Fort Victoria Coal, Wood and Lumber Yard. E J Palmer, mgr, 74 Yates Victoria College, Beacon Hill, J W Church, M.A., principal Victoria Electric Co, M Hutchison, mgr, 2fi Langley Victoria and Sidney Railway Company, 28}4 Broad, Robert Irving, secy Victoria Fire Department, Thomas Deasy, chief, 82 Yates, res 100 Pan- dora Victoria Gas Co, Ltd, F H Hewlings, supt, 2 Pembroke Victoria House, dry goods store, G A Richardson & Co, 86)2 Douglas Victoria Ice Co Stables, Jas Baker, mgr, 71 Pembroke Victoria Iron Works Co, Ltd, C H.Wilson, mgr, 42 Pembroke Victoria Lithographic Co, W R Creech, mgr, cor Yates and Gov- ernment Victoria Loan Office, Kerchberg & Landsberg, la3 Government Victoria Meat Market, Jno Mitchell, prop, 133 Douglas Victoria Optical Co, A R Hyams, mgr, 100 Government Victoria-Phoenix Brewing Co. J Lowen, pres Victoria Planing Mills, Muirhead & Mann, props, 15 Constance Victoria Plumbing Co, H D Flatt, prop, 48 Government, res Bay victoria Rice and Flour Mills, Thos B Hall mgr, 64 Store Victoria Saloon, Wm O'Connor, prop, res 71 Fort Victoria Scliool of Music, Ernest Wolff and Clement Rowlands, prin- cipals. Government Victoria and Sidney Railway Office, Arcade, 65 Government, T W Paterson, contractor Victoria Steam Laundry Co, A R Mc- Crimmon, mgr, 152 Yates Victoria Stone and Marble Works, J E Phillips, prop, 135 Douglas Victoria Theatre, Robt Jamieson, mgr. View Victoria Theosophical Society, H W Graves, secy, 212 View Victoria Towing and Lighter- ing Co'y, J M Cowper & Co, 55 Wharf Victoria Transfer Co'y, Ltd, A Henderson, supt, Alex Mouat, secy, 21-23 Broughton Victoria Truck and Dray Co, offi:'^, 108 Wharf, Jas Bryce, mgr /ictor^a \ inegar and Pickle Co, J H Falconer, 157>2 Yates Victoria West Hall, Langford Victoria West Public Schools, Front, principal, Thomas Nicholson Victoria West Steam Bakery, William Jordan, prop, 47 Store st, bakery, Vic W Vid}er, P A, solicitor, res 216 Cook Vienna, Geo, Victoria market, dealer in game, fish, vegetables, etc, 113 Government, res Store Vienna, Kate, domestic. Maternity Home, Blanchard Vienna Restaurant, Charles Eissner, prop, 92 Yates Vigelius Bros, St Nicholas baths, 105 Government Vigelius, Andrew, (Vigelius Bros) 105 Government, res 36 Niagara Vigelius, Antone, (Vigelius Bros) 105 Government, res 156 Pandora Vigelius, Louis, mgr, (Vigelius Bros) res 166 Pandora Vigelius, Miss Minnie, dressmaker, room 42 Five Sisters' block Vigelius, Phillip, shoe maker, A B Erskine, res 11 St Louis Vigor, Edw R, clerk, R P Rithet & Co, res 165 Douglas Vigor, Mrs M A, fancy dry goods and millinery, 165 Douglas Vincent, F VIT, asst mgr, C.P.N. Co, 64 Wharf, r^s 10 Erie Vincent, John, supt Reformatory, Menzies Vincent, K A, Dom Savings Bank, Menzies D 3D m sm ID sO w o SB H 1 3D w m i: ' 1 4- ] THE LATEST IMPBOrEKJUTTS IN BOOK- BUfuitro jum papbb suLiifa. R. T. Williams -S8 BROA.I3 STRBST, VICTORIA..- r ■?"^»^ ■MH DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY ^innipeo Nothing but Thoroughly Experienced Labor Employed at the Redwood. o Q O 372 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Vincent, Thomas, Globe restaurant, 42 Yates, res James bay Vincent, W J, clerk, Bank B.N. A, res Menzies Virtue, Albert, blacksmith, res 69 Broad Virtue, John A, mgr Mount Baker hotel, Oak baj' Vowell, A W, Indian agent, res 102 Cook Vye, Alex, prop Montreal clothing house, 152 Government, res Rich- mond rd w Wade, A E, foreman saddler, 126 Government Wsde. Dr M S, physician and sur- geon, 63 Government, res Belleville Wadsworth, Miss Emma, milliner, Manchester House, res 6 N Park Wadsworth, Miss Victoria, dressmak- ing dept, Manchester House, res 6 NPark Wagg, Edwin, expressman, res 23 Toronto N Wagg, Edwin, candy store, 34)^ Gov- ernment, res 23 Toronto Wagg, John, painter, R Lettice Wager, Hy, painter, res 43 Henry Wall Yun Co, importers, 78 Cormor- ant Waitt, 91 W & Co, music ware- house, 64 Government Waitt, Mrs M W, res 109 Quadra Waites, James, machinist, res 46 Pandora Walbev, H Walker, clerk, A W More & Co', 70 Douglas Walbran, Capt J T, res 120 Belle- ville S Waldron, Samuel, motorneer, res 208 Douglas Wales, Dan, bricklayer, res 43 Van- couver Walhilla, Miss Mary, chambermaid, Western hotel Walker, Miss Agnes, clerk, res 102 Fisguard Walker, Donald Grant, ship carpt, res 189 Yates Walker, Frank, bartender, Adelphi saloon, res 39 Quadra Walker, Mrs F G, res 105 N Chatham Walker, G T, artist, res 43 Hillside ave Walker, George, keeper Western hotel, res 71 Discovery Walkem, George A, puisne Judge, res "Maplehurst," Blanchard ave Walker, Harry Wm, grocer, res Es- quimau rd Walker, H, real estate agent, res Heywood ave E Walker, H G, real estate (with Hall, Goepel & Co), res 12 Park rd Walker, James, carpenter, res Rich- mond ave Walker, Joe, carriage builder, res 116 Cormorant Walker, Mrs Mary, matron Protest- ant Orpnans' Home Walker, Q L, carriage builder, res 67 Broad Walker, Robert, emp G C Shaw & Co, res Heywood ave Walker, Robt, bartender, Vancouver hotel Walker, R, blacksmith, V.I.W., res Occidental hotel Walker, John, police sergeant, res 12 King's rd Walker. Walter, coal and wood merchant, 68 Yates, yard Store, rea 22 Cadboro bay rd Walker, William, res Front, Vic W Walker, Wm, car»ienter, res 140 St Catherine W Walkley, Arthur, contractor, res 171>a Superior N Wall, Edmund James (Erskine, Wall <& Co), res Spring Ridge Wall, Gilbert, carpenter, res 80 Kane Wall, John, sr, tailor, res 52 Chat- ham Wall, John, jr, shoemaker, res 52 Chatham Wall, John, labr, res 5 cabin, John- son Walls, J P, barrister-at-law, 14 Chancery lane, re^ 57 North Park Wallace, Mrs Chas, widow, res 144 Cook Wallace, James, marine engineer, rea San Juan ave W Wallace, John, labr, res 1 cabin, Johnson Wallace, Thos L, electrician, N.E.T. & L. Co, res Mary, Vic W Wallace, Walter, res 136 Cook Wallace, William, clerk, Henry Saunders, res 60 North Park Wallenstein, Fred, upholsterer, Sehl- Hastie-Erskine Co, res 21 Green VICTORI Waller, & Gra' WaUei senta' 318 Do Waller, J ler, 89 Waller, 1 View Walsh, l8 broke Walsh, Jc Walsh, M pole Walsh, }{ saloon, 1 Wannoc Inlet, R Wharf Ward, C \ E Poolev wood," ■> Ward.R, bility, shipping Temple 1 Vorporatu Ward, Fredi chard Ward, F B Moss Ward, Jesst ernment. Ward, John ,, res 124 Qu Ward, Johi C.P.N. Co Ward, Ro way and S & Co, Ltd, Belcher Ward Schoo Ward, Will Ward, W Robt Ware Moss Ward, Wil Ware, Henry Waring, Tho ,, res South t Wark, Chas Michigan Wark, John, Warner, J i Warner, rei Warner, Orla Catherine, A. M. BEATTIE CITY MARKET. VANCOUVER, B. C. Weekly Auctions VICTORIA TRANSlFER CO., LTD. WaKOMfuSTSarHa^ meet aU Boat* at^'rralm^ 81 and 83 Bronghton Str«*t, Victoria, B. 0. T«l. 189. VIC"OBlA CITY DIHECTOBY. 373 Waller, Charles, apprentice, Spratt & Gray Waller, Henry, riothing and i;ent8' furnishings, 89 Douglas, res 318 Douglas Waller, S Sea, jr, salesman, lly Wal- ler, 89 Douglas Waller, Thomas £, plumber, res 222 View Walsh, Isaac, drayman, res 79 Pem- broke Walsh, John J, drayman, res 77 John Walsh, M, bartender Colonial Metro- pole Walsh, Richd, bartender Ominica saloon, res New York hotel Wannock Packing Co, Rivers Inlet, R P Rithet & Co, agent8,61-3 Wharf Ward, C W, student-at-law, Hon C E Pooley, 24 Langley, res " High- wood," Moss Ward, Robert & Co, Ltd, Lia- bility, commission merchants, shippmg and insurance agents, Temple building. Fort, (.nee B. C Corporation) Ward, Frederick W, res 33 Blan- chard Ward, F B, clerk Bank B.C., res Moss Ward, Jesse, asst drug store, 36 Gov- ernment, res 164 Chatham Ward, John, grocer and fancy goods, res 124 Quadra Ward, John Wm, baggage master, C.P.N. Co, res 164 Chatham Ward, Robert, J.P., Consul Nor- way and Sweden, Pres Robt Ward & Co, Ltd, res "The Laurels," 81 Belcher Ward School, cor Third and King's rd Ward, William, baker, res 30 Pioneer Ward, Wm Arthur, Vice-Pres Robt Ward & Co, res "Highwood," Moss Ward, William C, inspector Bank B. C, res "Highwood," Moss Ware, Henry, lalbr, res 12 Niagara S Waring, Thomas, painter, R Lettice, res South rd Wark, Chas Lowe, painter, res 138 Michigan Wark, John, res 138 Michigan S Warner, J H, plumber, Colbert & Warner, res 73 Blanchard Warner. Orlando, ship carpenter, res Catherine, the Arm, Victoria W Warren, Augustus, engr, res 40 Chat- ham Warren, H, (Wan en H & Co,) 22 Trounce ave, res 27 :>!ontrea! Warren, Capt J D, woad and coal yard, res 27 Montreal W Warwick, George, book-keeper Del- monico hotel, 107-109 Government WasB, Adolf, res Dominion hotel Waterman, I K, capitalist, res Wil- son hotel Waterson, H G, printer 130)^ Gov- ernment, res 246 Johnson Watkins, Chas Elwood, draughtsman res 73 Blanchard Watkins, George, boiler maker, res Commercial hotel Watkins, Miss Lizzie, res 73 Blan- chard Watkins, Mrs M H, res 73 Blanchard Watkins, Wm C, clerk W J Jeffree, res 73 Blanchard Watkinson, A J, painter, res 30 Fourth Watson & Geiger, plumbers and gusfitters, 69 Pandora Watson & Hall, gro>-erB, 55 Yales (see advt, p. 255) Watson, Alexander, ship carpeiiter, res 5 Montreal W Watson, Alex, jr, shipbuilder and postmaster, Catherine st Vic W Watson, A, emp A.I.W., res 48 Herald Watson, Charlijs, clerk, res 3 Cad- boro bay rd Watson, David, mechanical engineer, res 20 Quebec S Watson, Franklin P, (Watson & Hall), 55 Yates, res 281 Yates Watson, George, (Watson &Geiger), plnmber, 69 Pandora, res 5 Mon- treal Watson, George, driver, Vic Transfer Co Watson, George, stonecutter, res 169 Fernwood rd Watson, George, expressman, res 6 Penwill Watson, G, stonecutter, res 169 Fern- wood rd Watson, James, machinist, A.I.W., res 5 Montreal W Watson, Jas, carpenter, res Western hotel Watson, Mrs Miiry, res 133 Johnson Watson, Ralph R, grocers' assistant, 49 Quadra, res 107 View OP 0=3 5 » ^ o ^ s • HP, * B (4 a s;^ bsl WEILlBROSJeLeaigM itiire Deate. T" *■ HUDSOI'S m mmi Ipits for Foit Ga([) and Beita CMil| RNiIng Mills -VICTORIA.. B. O.- 'as 93 fa 374 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Watson, Robert, clerk, res Foul bay rd Watson, R S, labr, res Dominion hotel Watson, Thomas, lineman, District Telegraph and Delivery Co, 34 Fort Watson, Thomas, electrician, res 11 Amelia Watson, Thos P, engineer, res Jessie Watson, Wm, carpenter, A.I.W-.res Turner Watson, Wm Hendry, iron moulder, Vic foundry, res 133 Johnson Watters, Fred, bartender, California hotel Watt, H F, clerk, res Dominion hotel Watt, Dr Alfred T, physician and surgeon, 85 Fort Watt, William, prop Grove saloon, Henry, Vic W Watts. Hy, plumber and engineer, res Cedar Hill rd Watts, H, filter V.I.W., res Elliott, Burnside rd Waxstock Bros, cigar manfrs, 76 Pembroke Waxstock, Isaac, cigar manfr, 75 Pembroke Waxstock, Louis, cigar manfr, 76 Pembroke Way, Miss Alto, dressmaker, res 98 Pandora Waymire, Wm, driver, Vic Transfer Co Weale, Jas, steward, Driard cafe and restaurant Weaver, — , elk, Spencer's Arcade, res 99 Quadra Weaver, Richard, elk, Spencer's Ar- cade, rea 138 Blanchard Weaver, Thomas, labr, res Topaz ave Weaver, Thomas, carpenter, res 7 Centre rd Weaving, Sidnev, emp Rose Bank dairy. Cedar Hill Webb, Miss Dora, domestic, 61-63 Fort Webb, F, gunsmith, res Empire hotel Webb, Jos Wm, gardener, res Bole- skyne rd Webber, August, hackman, res 188 Chatham Webber, Charles, barber. New York hotel, 67-69 Yates Webber & Galpin, commission agts, B. C. Board of Trade bldg Webber, John, labr, res Pembroke Webber, L H, commission agent, B C. Board of Trade, bldg, rea Rock- land ave Weber, Harry, barber, res 5 Rebecca Weber Louis, artist, res 270 Johnson Weber, Wm L, commercial traveler, res 68 Quadra Webster, Christina, domestic, N P Snowden, Gorge rd Webster, David, mechanl engr, res 19 Cobourg N Webster Janette, domestic,Mrs James Dunsmuir, "Craigdarroch" Webster, Miss Maggie, domestic, Maj C T Dupont, "Stadacona" Webster, William, plasterer, res 42 Kane Weeks, Wm, clerk, res 100 Pandora Weeks, Wm, salesman,Lenz&Leiser, res 100 Pandora Weetman, Juraes, painter, R Lettice, res Ida Weideman Hermon, machinist, res Pine Weil, Peter, blacksmith's apprentice, res 177 Yates Weiler Bros, Furniture Fac- tory, 66 Humboldt Weiler Bros, furniture manfrs, of- fices and show rooms, 61-55 Fort Weiler Chas, (Weiler Bros), res 26 Blanchard Weiler, Oeoree Philip, (Weiler Bros), res 26 Blanchard Weiler, John, retired mcht, res 26 Blanchard Weiler, Joseph, (Weiler Bros), res 26 Blanchard Weiler, Joseph Wm, (Weiler Bros), res 26 Blanchard Weiler, Otto, (Weiler Bros), res 26 Blanchard Weir, James, driver, B.C. Cattle Co, Yates Weiss, Max, emp V.P. b. Co Welch, E E, accountant, 54 Govmt Welch, James, seal hunter, res Van- couver hotel Welch, Richd, bartender, New York hotel, 67-69 Yates Welden, Fred W, prop Senate saloon, 91 Government, res Esquimalt rd Wells, Fargo & Co, Express, agts Green, Worlock & Co, 81 Government Wellington Coal Wharf, cor Wharf and Johnson, W Broderick, prop Welsh, Jas, iron moulder, res Front, VicW BETTI CLAltBXCi TIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY No. 23 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B. C. Guides furnished' to tourists. All kinds of Chinese belp supplied on the shortest qotice. Wendt, Jr Wenarer, jeweler. Pandora Wenrick, j. Frederic! Werrick, House Wesoott, & Co), M res N Chi Wescott, E Chester h Wescott, J Bod well West. A C, blk, Gove bay West, Byro Cook West, Mrs I West, Georg West, James Co, res 12( West, Theo Douglas Westall, The tages, Si or Western I Ward& C Fort Western A of Toron Co, iijrento, Western I A R McDoi Westerman, Milne Western, Wn side rd Westhaver, . Kingston N Westington, A Ry, res 7 PJ Westside, Hutcheson *Vestwell, Fr wick hotel ^Vey, G A, cle cantile Ageu "ey, Joseph. chant, res Oi "barton, Mrs ave Wheeler, Wm Louis Whetstone, A Johnson, res 1 1 m BETTER OOMB TOUR HAIR with the Best Combs in Town . . SOLD ONLY AT THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE • • CLABBNCE BLOCK, COR. lATES ANV DOUOLAH UTS., riCTOHlA, B. C. VICTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 376 Wendt, Jno. engr, res Robert, Vic W Wenser, Chns, watchmaker and jeweler, 90 Government, rea 56 Pandora VVenrick, Adam, wood yard, res 14 Frederick Werrick, Mrs, saleslady, Stanley House Wesoott, Alfired E, (T Haughton & Co), Manchester House, 88 Yates, res N Chatham Wescott, Elsworth, salesman, Man- chester House, res North Chatham Wescott, J R, clerk, Wm Croft, Bodwell West, A C, surgeon dentist, Adelphi blk, Government, res Carr, James bay West, Byron H, shoeshop, res 210 Cook West, Mrs E J, res 120 Fourth West, George, painter, res Amphion West, James, tmsmith, Canada Paint Co, res 120 Fourth West, Tlieo P, contractor, res 128 Douglas Westall, Thomas, res 21 Harbor Cot- tages, Si ore Western Assnce Co, Ltd, Robert Ward & Co, agents. Temple blk, Fort Western Assurance Company of Toronto, Ont, Heisterman <& Co, agento, 76 Government Western Hotel, George Walker & A R McDonald, props, 84 Store Westerman, Jonathan, labr, res Milne Western, Wm, carpenter, res Burn- side rd Westliaver, John, carpenter, res 9 Kingston N Westington, W, accountant, E. & N. Ry, res 7 Phoenix place E We'stside, The, .dry goods, J Hutcheson &Co, props, 70 Govmt Westwell, Fred, sealer, res Bruns- wick hotel Wey, G A, clerk, Bradstreet Co, Mer- cantile Agency, res Oak bay ave Wey, Joseph. W, commission mer- ciiant, res Oak bay ave Wiiarton, Mrs M, res 16 Caledonia ave Wlieeler, Wm H, carpenter, res 13 St Louis Whetstone, A, tobacconist, etc, 53 Johnson, res Springfield ave, Vic W Whidden, A, master mariner, res Brunswick hotel White, Alexander, carpenter, res 2 Rendall E White, A C, solicitor, Eberts & Tay- lor, 30 Langley White, C, seal hunter, res 109 Pan- dora White, Edward, merchant, res 33 Gorge rd White, Fred O, mgr. District Tele- graph and Delive'^ Co, 34 Fort, res 127 Menzies White, George, labr, res Hereward rd White, George, teamster, res 74 Blanchard White, George Arthur, second-hand store, 179 Douglas White Horse Hotel, prop J S RoUin, 1 McClure. cor Humboldt White, Horace, fmr, Saanich, res 167 Douglas White, Miss H, domestic, 38 Pioneer Pioneer White, Joe, waiter, New England hotel, res 266 Yates White, John E, herbalist, res 168 Pandora White, J, assistant, Langley & Co, res 88 Quebec S White, J A, cigar maker, res 5 Put- nam White, J L, druggist, Langley & Co, res 88 Quebec White, Miss, domestic, res Dis- covery White, Robt, res 120 Richardson White Star Line Steamers, Hall, Goepeldc Co, agents, 100 Gov- ernment White, William, prop, King's Head Beer Hall, 48 Johnson, res Cook White, W C, res 260 Johnson Whitelaw, John, purveyor, res 72 Fort Whitely, Capt J, sealer, res 174>^ Yates Whiteside, Herbert, marine engineer res 8 James S Whiteside, John Edmund, res 128 Blanchard Whitfield, John, shoemaker, res 218 Cook Whitehead, E, emp A.I.W, res 25 Frederick Whittier, E G. farm mgr, Vic Trans- fer Co, res Esquimau li.T.WlLLlAi:S 'Q BOOKBINDER and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER ?>2 O 30 z ^ < 5 i ^ 3D f^ ° i 30 I ■n c m O c > r ! I 'ii i n f: 11! 1 98 BMOAM BXXMBT, VIOTOBIA. tei DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY - WINNIPEG. Dr(i«rry'« I'retnium Lager— Vully Xqual to nny Ititported B«et>. o o en +-» O o 0. (0 (d CO c (d o O Q O O PQ > z si Pi > Q 9! «t N 376 BRITIHH COLUMBIA DIRBCTORY. Whittet, Oharles, carpt, rea 127 North Park Whitley. Stephen, gentleman, res 40 Quadra Whitman, James, steamboat fireman, res 108 Johnson Whittaker, Albert E, barber, 128 Government, res 19 Chambers Whittaker, 8aml, taxidermist, res S2 Alfred Whittaker, Wm, barber and baths, 128 Government, res 19 Chambers Whitwell, Mary, widow, rea 25 Park- ington Whitwell, Thomas, expressman, res 26 Parkington Wier & Bremner, importers and deal- ers in fruits and produce, 19 Yates Wier, J J, clerk, C N Cameron, res 13 Amelia Wiffin, Herb Chas, emp R P Rithet & Co, res 240 View Whyte, Mrs, typewriter, Bodwell & Irving, res Heywood ave Whyte, James A, inmate Home for Aged and Infirm Wi^r, Harry, barber, res 6 Rebecca Wickens, E C, violinist, res 71 View Wickett, Miss Florence G, missionary among Chinese, 100 Cormorant Wicks, Robert, res 21 San Juan ave, Dallas rd Widdowson, Fredk, joiner, Muirhead & Mann, res 99 Kingston N Wilby, Wm, Golden Rule Bazaar, 91 Douglas, res 174 Yates Wilby, Geo, painter, res 133 Fort Wilders, Hubert, painter, res 15 Say- ward Wilders, John, carpenter, res 16 Say- ward Wile, Henry, cigar maker, 14 Pan- dora, res 36 Rae Wilkerson, Geo E, gardener, emp R Irving, Moss Wilkerson, Chatham Wilkerson, Chatham Wilkerson, Gisburn, " Belcher cor Harry J, carpt, res 58 James, carpenter, res 68 Wm H, watchmaker, Davidson Bros, res 68 Chatham Wilkins, Miss Clara, res 162 Fort Wilkins, Mrs E, dressmaker and artist, res 18 Blanchard Wilkins, J, painter, res 10 Mears Wilkins, L M, res 7 Avalon rd Wilkins, Wm, res 162 Fort Wilkinson, Alfred, blksmith helper, res 31 Herald Wilkinson, Edward, civil engineer, res Mary, Vic W \»'ilkinson, E T, civil and mining engr, res 16 North Park Wilkinson, Fradk, city labr, res Law- rence Wilkinson, John, labr, res Vancouver hotel Willard, Joel, painter, Esquimali, VicW Willard, Wesley, harness maker, res Henry, Vic W Wille, Harry, book-keeper New Eng- land hotel , res 91 Herald Wille, Ijouis, grocery and provision dealer, 26 Johnson Wills, Albert, bricklayer, res ISti Cormorant Wllley, Joseph H, fnir, res 18 Groon Williams, Antoine, labr, res West* rn hotel Williams, A & Co. real estate a.> < notary public, 5 Store, {sr adit cardboard, fronting Victoria , Williams, A C, foreman brick yard, J Baker, res 8 Third Williams, Miss Ada, schoolmistress', Tolmie School, res Boilskyne rd Williams, Alfred, real estate, res 23 Sooresby Williams, Miss Alice Maud, tailoress res 148 Fort Williams, Miss A, domestic, 6G North Park Williams, B & Co, outfitters and clothiers, 97 Johnson Williams, Ben, real estate agent, conveyancer and notary public, 40 Fort, res 10 Bellot Williams, Miss B, dressmaker, res 25 North Park Williams' Building, 28 Broad Williams, Chas, labr, res 13 James Williams, Chas, builder, res lOti Yates Williams, Edw, plumber, 73 Yates Williams, Mrs E, widow, res 17 Pio- neer Williams, Frank, mesngrW Wilson & Co, 73 Government, res 44 First Williams, Frank, clerk, res 44 First Williams, Fred B, reporter Times, res 42 Ca(iboio bay rd Williams, F J, druggist, res 52 Michigan, Williams, F W, res 2 Superior S A. M. BE ATTIE WEEKLY AUQIOIS CITY HARJUCT. VAHCOUVER, B. C AfrnituiHi 81 Williams, C toms, res Williams, Tele Co, Williams, J dental ho Williams, First Williams, J hotel Williams, J nam, Spri Williams, Ji son Williams, Ji Williams, Ji 61 Douglai Williams, Jc ham Williams, Jt N Park Williams, Jc G Prior, ton rd Williams, J bally rd Williams, M Williams, M 42, Five Si Williams, K ders, res P Williams, Ki Williams, W Prov Roya Williams, Mi Central set WUliams' tonr Co, : FLNeale, . Williams, Ri 126 N Park Williams, Ro Mount Bak Williams.Rol and bookb: View Williams, Mr Williams, Th NPark Williams, Tl vaults, res I Williams, E 1 Williams, Th( moral hotel Williams, Th( Skinner cor Williams^ & Co), 97 J< WEILE VICTG ^J^^^^iVhI. Victoria Transfer Co., Ltd. 81 aad S3 Bronghton 8tr««t, Victoria. B. O. T«l. 1S9. Z»ra«»t 4n M. Frovinti«, VICTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 377 Williams, George, Bepty Collctr Cuh- tomB, res 140 Micliigan K WilliamB, Horace, niesBenger, B.C Tele Co, res 44 First VVilliama, James, night cleric, Occi- dental hotel Williams, James L, carpt, res 44 First WillianiB, John, labr.res Commercial hotel Williams, John, bricklayer, res Put- nam, Spring Ridge Williams, John, tobacconist, 15 John- son Williams, Jno 8ealer,reB64 Pembroke Williams, Jno, clerk, Balmoral hotel, 01 Douglas Williams, John, res cabin 2, 33 Chat- ham Williams, John D, drayman, res 19 N Park Williams, John R, coachman. Col £ G Prior, "The Priory," Pember- ton rd Williams, J W, teamster, res Gar- bally rd Williams, Mrs J W, res 137 Blanchard AVilliams, Miss Julia, dressmkr, room 42, Five Sisters' blk Williams, Kirby, driver, Hy Saun- ders, res Pioneer Williams, Kii by, res 17 Pioneer Williams, Miss Louisa, ward maid, Prov Royal Jubilee Hospital Williams, Miss Mary, principal Girls' Central school, res 10 Bellot WUUams' B.C. Official Direo tory Co, Ltd Lia, Williams' bldg, F L Neale, sec, res Foul bay rd Williams, Richard, emp cannery, res 120 N Park Williams, Robert H, book-kpr, Hotel Mount Baker, Oak bay William8,Robt Taylor, blank Ixtok mfr and bookbinder, 28 Broad, rea 122 View Williams, Mrs 8, widow, 128 N Park Williams, Thomas, contractor, res 25 NPark Williams, Thomas, porter, Adelphi vaults, res 8 cabin, 175 Douglas Williams, E A, labr, res 120 N Park Williams, Thomas, retired, res Bal- moral hotel Williams, Thomas W, gardener, res Skinner cor Marv, Vic W Williams W T.'mgr, (B Williams & Co), 97 Johnson, res 10 Bellot Williams, William, teamster, res 44 First Williamson, Wm John, ship carpt, res Powderly ave Williamson, David, shoemaker, res Tennyson ave, Saanich rd Willis, Walter, emp steam laundry, res tS9 Chatham Wilmot, Bdwd A, city 6ngr, res 24 South Turner W Wilmot, Geo, blacksmith, res Milne Wilmot, George, horseshoer, res 10 Pandora Willing, Augustine, cigar mkr, res 37 Birdcage vValk Willoughby, James, carpt, res Van- couver hotel Willoughby, James, carpt, res 134 Cormorant Wills, Frank, carpt, 144 Fernwood rd Wilson, Alex, tinsmith, (A &W Wil- son), res 41 Cadtwro bay rd Wilson, Alex, cabinet maker, les 9 South Park S Wilson, Alex, stonecutter, res Do- minion hotel Wilson, A E, plumber, res 122 Su- perior Wilson, A & W plumbers and gas- fitters, 11 Broad Wilson, Biggerstaff, clerk at Bank of B. C, res Pemberton rd Wilson Bros, importers and com- mission merchants, 10 Yates Wilson, Chas E, student, res Pember- ton rd Wilson. C H. mgr V.I.W., res 88 Pembroke Wilson, David, Inspector of Schools, res 33 Birdcage Walk W Wilson, Edward, hackman, res 150 Pembroke Wilson, Miss E, tailoress, res 42 Princess ave Wilson, Fredk, machinist, res 41 Cadboro bay rd Wilson, Harry Milton, grocers' assist- ant, res 185 Douglas Wilson. Henry, engineer, res Spring- field ave, Vic W Wilson, H A, clerk at Hotel Victoia Wilson, H G, (Wilson Bros) 10 Yates, res Pemberton rd Tilson, Jas, farmhand, Ivy Hill farm, Carey rd Wilson, John, commission mercht, age Oregon Milling Co, 28 Yates, res 193 Fort a fi^a •p^ pea S' o < 3] « _. ■ er- ^ ft " a r»3 o < y -> a C33 O CP M 3 'S i«3 3.® ID at I s BROS.. ARE AGENTS FOR CR0S8LEY VICTORIA, B. C. AND SONS FINE CARPETS. >-| M *'• A aBBB ^^Pf^* HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY iii«ct iiptmf J™ ''* fe « 4» .< -►* -*H « o .< rr> >- 2n O) ^ as 1 CO «s 1 h H ' Wilson, John James, bakery, 84 Yates, les Burnaide rd Wilson, J A, pattern maker, A.I.W., res 16 Young E Wil'-on, Joseph E, assistant at W «& J, Wilson, res Peml)erton rd Wilson, Joseph, (W & J Wilson) 83 Government Wilson, J Keith, banker, res " Bella Vista," Churchway Wilson, Joseph W, plumbers' ap- nrentice, n i 21 (.Quebec N Wilson, Joseph W, clothier, res 57 Superior Wilson, Miss LilliKn, assistant at Wilson's bakery, 84 Yates, res Burnside i'd Wilson, Mr8,t8iloress44><j Broad, res 107 Cormorant Wilson, Mrs Mary, res Dominion hotel Wilson, Mi«i8, res ;;iverness, Angela College, Burdette ave Wilson, Miss M, tailoress, res 42 Prin- cess ave Wilson, Mrs Peter, groceries and fruits, 186 Douglas, res Edmonton rd Wilson, Ruther, book-keeper, ree 41 Cadboro bay rd Wilson, Mrs It, res Cadboro bay Wilson, Sydney, clerk, rea 65 Michi- gan N Wilson. Thos, res 2!) Frederick Wilson, Mrs Thomas, widow, res 193 Pandora Wilson, W & Co, City House dry goods, 73 Government Wilson, W B, clerk. Bank of B.r , res 18 Rupert Wilson, W & J, clothing and gents' funtl jhings, 83 Government Wilson, W Ridgwav, architect, rm 9, 6 Bastion sq, res 60 Cook Wilson, W R, clerk, R Ward & Co, res 38 Birdcage Walk Wilson, William, tinsmith, res 41 Cadboro bay rd Wilson, Wm, hardware merchant, res 21 (Quebec N Wilson, Wm (W^ & J Wilson), 83 Government, res Pemberton rd Wilson, W (W Wilson & Co), 78 Gov- ernment, res .38 Birdcage Walk Wilson, sawver, ciavward^s mill, res 90 Store Wiltshaw, Miss Saddie, domestic, 66 Chambers Winch, C, machinist, V.I.W., ren Fern wood rd Winch, F K, carriage maker, res 14(1 Fern wood rd Winchester, Rev A B, supt Presby Chinese Mission in B.C., res 115 Humboldt Winchester, Capt Jacob R, master mariner, res 64-66 Store Winchester, Mrs Louisa, res 1'^ David Winchester, William, res 115 Hum- bolU Windebank, Wm C, tuner and teacher of music, res 79 Fort Windebank, Mrs W C, glove, fur and feather cleaner, res 79 Fort Windsor, A, laborer, res Oak bay ave Windsor Cannery. Skeena River, Findlav, Durham & Brodie, agents, 98 Wharf Windsor Hotel, prop Alex McDonald, 23 Government Wing Chung Co, grocers and general merchants, 2 Cormorant, cor Store Winger, John, fur dresser, res 47 Quadra Winkel, Fredk, caretaker Methodist church, res 32 Niagara S Winn, M C, barber, res 197 .Tohnsoii Winnett, John W rPage & Win- nett), Seaview Villa, Montrose Winsby, W, machinist, V.I.W., res 66 South rd Winsby, W P, cabinet maker, res 66 South rd, cor Say ward Winter, Mrs, waitress. Commercial hotel Winter, Miss Annie, domestic, 89 Vancouver Winter, Charles H, plumber, res 10 Farquhar Winter, George, hack proprietor, res Foul bay rd Wise, Frank W, supt Outer wharf, rea 7 Dallas rd Wise, Mrs Geo, widow, artist, res 23 St Louis Wishart, Edwd, cabinet maker, res 6 Cameron Wishart, James, prop Clarence hotel, 79>^ r.ouglas Withrow, Mrs D, res Stanley ave Witnier. Abraham, millwright, res 24 Ontario N Witmer, A, millhand, Brakman & Ker, res Dallas rd W Till liCC CU ni nililCIIT AflClinV Guldas fumlsbed to tourlmta. AH kinds ot IIM nXtf CiVlrLUTnitlll Abtnifl Chlneu help »ttppUed on the itaorteat notice. No. 23 STORE STREET, VICTORIA. B. C. #« BXV^D MTI Dr. Lewis Hall*s Tooth Powder will not Injure the Teeth Made only at the CENTRAL DRUG STORE. CLARENCE BLOCK, COR. DOUGLAS and YATES STS., VICTORIA, B. C. VICTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 379 Wooldridge, Mies Mary, the Band Box, Douglas, rea 77 Discovery Wolfe, Peter, driver V.P.B. Co, res 189 Government ; Wolfe, William, merchant, res '54 Humboldt. Wolfenden, A R, elk B. C. Land and Investment Co, Ltd, res 126 Men- zies Wolfenden, R, Queen's Printer, res 125 Menzies W Wolfenden, W H, elk B. C. Land and Investment Co, Ltd, res 126 Men- zies Wolff, Miss Amy, telephone operator res 102 Pandora WolfT, Ernest, sr, tailor, res 102 Pan- dora Wold", Pirnest, jr, prof music, res 102 Pandora Wolff, Lionel, undertaker's assistant res 102 Pandora Wolf, Peter, teamster, V.P.B. Co, res 189 Government WoUaston, Percy, mrg Wilson Bros, rcH 103 Vancouver Wolley C Phillips, journalist, res Oak bay ave Woman's Christian Temperance I'nion, Refuge Home, Mrs McRae, matron, 108 Cormorant W(mk], Mrs Alice, lodging house, 111 Bhuichard Wood, Arthur Wni, coachman, T B Hall, "Robleda," Belcher M'ood, Mrs E A, res 199 Fort Wood, Ed E, carpenter, res Tyndale ave. Cedar Hill rd Wood, Frederick, motorneer, res 4(> Victoria Cres Wood, James, blacksmith, (H) Broad Wi)i)d, John, stableman, res 23 Doug- las Wood, Thomas E. store-keeper A.I. W., rep 14 Caladonia ave Woocl, William, labr, res Old Esqui- miilt rd, cor B.C. Pottery and Do- minion rd Wood, Wm, foreman A.I. W., res 44 Henry Wood, W H, stove and tinware, 13 Store, res 44 Henry Woodford, — , engr 8. S. City of Kingston, res 147 Cadboro bay rd Wooilill, Mrs Rachael, boarding house 109 Pandora Woodrow, MisB Nellie, nurse, Prov Hoya) Jubilee Hospital Woodroffe, MrsE, res Upper Pandora Woodruff, Geo, plasterer, res Cedar Hill rd W Woods, Miss E, teacher drawing and painting, res 28 North Pai k Woods, Geo, coachman, empMrs Jas Dunsmuir, "The Lodge," Belcher Woodward, Arthur J, florist and nur- seryman, Ross bay nursery. Foul bayrd Woodward, Miss Rose, res 169 John- son Woolcock, James, B.C. soap wks, res 25 Humboldt Wooldridge, Miss Ellen, milliner and dregsmkr, The Band Box, res 77 Discovery Wooldridge, Miss Mary, milliner and dressmkr, the Band Box, res 77 Discovery Wooldridge, T E, clerk. Lands and Works Dept Woolley, Miss Jessie, stenographer. Attorney -General's office Wootton, E E, (McPhillips, Woot- ton & Barnard ) res 70 Rae Wootton, Mrs H, widow, res Whit- taker Wootton. 3 Y, Deputy Registrar, Land Registry, n s 70 Rae Work, Mrs C, widow, res King's rd near Fourth Workman, Mrs A, widow, res 177 P'ort Workman, Miss Elizabeth .1, asst clerk, Spencer's Arcade, res 177 Fort Workman, Miss Ellen, asst Spencer's Arcndo, res 177 Fort Workman, Ily, painter, res 177 Fort Workman, Mih W G, forewoman, 77 Johnson, res 22 Chatham Workman, W G, foreman printer, 77 .ToluiHon, res 22 Chatham Worlook, Fredk H, banker, (Greuii, Worlock iN: Co), res "Gyp- peswyk," 17 Moss Worsfold, CC, draughtsman. Depart- ment oi Public Works, Canada, room 24, Five Sisters' blk, res 70 Dallas rd Worsfold. J K, clerk. Treasurer Dept Worth, Frank, pattern makor, res 209 Douglas Worthington, Mrs Isabel, widow, res 16 Rock bay ave Wrathall, liichd F, cattle dealer, res 12 Green TKTV VIMF^SV ^\^^ More Hands and More Capital than all other Binderies WXi XJUJrl^UX In the Province. tTrt trrJ > z o CO H 30 D 30 m 30 -< m CO z o H X m z CO H X m CO -< > r m > z o t) O 30 H CO m 1 30 m S 09 c r o CO c trrn ■'^, ( m. »» BKV iD MXMJtJCX, riVTOXIA. It 4 H R. T. WILLIAMS mmmmmmm 1^ Pi o 1^ :z; o Q O O o DREWRY'S Redwood BREWERY. Winnipeff THESE GOOns WAHRANTEn TO KEMP IK All, CLIMATES. 380 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Wright, Charles, mine supt, res Do- minion hotel Wright, Fred, bricklayer, res 197 Douglas Wright H, carpt, res Brunswick hotel Wright, H H, bartender, Driard, res 116 Pondora Wright, Jno E, supt Gram Powder Wks, ree Cadboro bay rd Wriglit, Mrs J M, res 141 Fort Wright, Leonard O, painter, R Let- tice, 40 Fort Wrigiesworth, Charles, clerk, Lenz & Leiser, ns 129 Yates Wrigles worth. E L, bricklaver, res 129 Yates Wriglesworth, Joseph, groceries and liquors, 127 Yates, res 129 Yates Wriglesworth, Walter, blacksmith, res 129 Yates Wriglesworth, William, grocer's ass't, res 129 Yates Wydle, M Albert, surveyor, res 68 Cadboro bay rd and Yates st jun- ction Wylie, W James, salesuian, Gilmore & McCandlePH, res 9 cabin, Johnson Wvlly, C G, average adjuster, res 16 Birdcage Walk E Wyllie, John storekeeper, Canada Paint Co, res 16 Bellot Wynne, G, caretaker. Custom House Wynne, G W, mgng director, ¥a G Prior & Co, 123 (lovernment Wynne, Matthew, barber, 19 Trounce ave, res Dominion hotel Yaichi. O, prop, Japanese boarding- house, res 6 Humboldt Yarwood, E T, mariner, res Cadboro bay rd Yates & Jay> barristers and solic- itors, 22 Bastion Yates, H Myers, secy, Prov Royal Jubilee Hospital, agt Connecticut Fire Insurance Co, 22 Bastion, res Burnside rd Yates, J Stuart, M.A., L.L.B, (Yates & Jay), res ''Craigie Lea," Gorge rd Yates, Thomas, mill^A right, res 105 Cook Yeo, J H, expressman, res 9 Green Yerrill, William, labr, ree 26 Henry V.M.C.A, Baths, James Easton, care- taker, res Work Y.M.C.A, Rooms, 40 Broad, F W Teague, secy Yorkshire Guarantee and Se- curities Corporation, Ltd, Ensland, Dalby & Claxton, ugts, 64 Yates Young. A D, carpenter, res Saanich rd Young, E, painter for R Lettice, 40 Fort Young, Frank, glazier, res 21 Scoresby Young, Henry & Co, White Hou.se, dry goods, 67 Government Young, Henry, (Henry Young & Co), 67 Yovernment, res 124 Michigan Young, H B, (Henry Young «& Co) fi? Government, res 177 Superior Young, James, salesman, res 11',) Douglas Young, John, builder and contractor, res 89 Henry Young, John, blacksmith, A.I.W., res 9 Hill Young, Jno, deckhand, str Yosemite, res 193 Douglas Youngr, Louis, prop New England hotel Young, Ix)uis B, elk, Henry Young & Co, 124 Michigan « Young, Michael, prop New Eng- land hotel, 110-118 Government Young, M, sealer, res Vancouver litl Young, Peter labr, res Belton ave Young, Peter, sealer, res 87 Pandora Zoelle, Charles, brewer, Coloniul brewery A TVr "RE ATTTE adctioneeb, - iPPRi^EK -li CITY HARKET, VANCOUVER, B. C. pi; Victoria Transfer Co., Ltd. ""''855 S^;^A^''S^1 ^^LTAf"^' »i and Ha Broughton Street, VietoHa, B. C. Telephone 199, VICTORIA CITY DIRBCTOBY. 381 VICTORIA CITY STREET DIRECTORY. (For Householders See Alphabetical List.) CITY LIMITS. Commencing at a point at west side of West Bay, and running due north to Craigflower road; thence along Craigflower road to corner block 16 ; thence north-east to Victoria Arm, continuing on east side Victoria Arm along Harriet road to north-eastern corner, section 75 ; thence south-east to corner block 1, Burnside road; thence almost due east along Tolmie road to section 8 ; continuing thence south to south-west corner said sec- tion ; thence due east to middle block .34 ; thence south along east side sec- tion 8a to south-west corner block 1 ; tiience due east to Mount Tolmie road ; thence south along said road to north-west corner section 24 at north Jubilee Hospital; thence due east to north-east corner section 23 ; thence south along the Foul Bay road, leav- ing the Foul bay road at eastern side, section 68, passing along the west side of block 47 to near the south- west corner block 47; thence due west crossing lot 36 to Foul Bay road ; tlience due south to middle Foul Bay. (See map Victoria City.) FIRB LIMITS. All that portion of the City which is within the line hereinafter describ- ed, is known as the Fire Limits, namely : Commencing at a point on the shore line of Victoria harbor, opposite the north-westerly corner of Lot 468, Block F; thence easterly to the centre of Store street; thence northerly along the centre of Store street to a point opposite the centre of Herald street; thence easterly along the centifi of Herald street to the point of intersection of the centre lines of Douglas street and Herald street; thence southerly along Douglas street to the point of intersection of the centre lines of Douglas street and Fis- guard street; thence easterly along the centre of Fisguard street to the point of intersection of the centre lines of Fisguard street and Blan- chard avenue; thence southerly along the central line of Blanchard avenue to the point of intersection of the centre lines of Blanchard avenue and Pandora avenue ; thence easterly along the centre line of Pandora avenue to the point of intersection of of the centre lines of Pandora avenue and Blanchard street ; thence south- erly along the centre line of Blan- chard street to the point of intersec- tion of the centre hues of Blanchard street and Rae street ; thence west- erly to the point of intersection of the centre lines of Rae street and Doug- las street ; thence southerly along the centre line of Douglas street to the northwesterly corner of Lot 210; thence along the western boundary of Lot 210 to the shore of Victoria har- bor ; thence following the shore line of the said harbor northerly to the place of commencement. A STREET— From Market street Eaht Side. Perley, T H Perley, Wm G F West Side. "* Murton, F E Palmer, Thos ADELAIDE ROAD— From Lans- dowiie road to Holly street. •"•CTJ INTERIOR WOODWORK. OFFICE AND bar fittings = lIiMie to OnlMP hj WEIUBR BROS. — ' • «» II i! 4 H 4 I; I ^smmm^am HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Xuropean nnd XnglUh OltOCXIBIEB, WISES and LIQVOSa, Pree and in Bond. VICTORIA, B. C. CXS ^3 8 U I 93 « i* ■«iB (L, <4-i « © ,a an -*A b « >» 1 pO ^ ■♦J 00 as J hi 6^ ALDERMA:^ road - F r o m Craigflower to Bean street, Vic- toria West. East Side. Nicholson, A Leonhardt, C H ALFRED— From Ridge. North Side, Cook to Spring 8 Ure, Jas 12 Field, Robert Shields, A S 28 Vacant 32 Whitaker, Samuel 36 King, Sam E B Chambers Street intefBects. 54 Burgess, John P Bailey, B Comox Street intersects. Fern wood Road intersects. Mills' Stables Stanley A'venue intersects. South Side. 5 Vacant 7 Vacant 9 Vacant 17 Hood, James Rebecca Street intersects. 27 Vacant 33 Bragg. Edw 35 Hendry, Alex 52 Morley, Mrs Jane Chambers Street Intersects. 57 Draney, Robt Chambers, Robt 87 Reid, Samuel Fernwood Road intersects. ALPHA — Runs east from Burnside road to Saanich road. North Side. Grahfm,TM Sheriflf, Wm Beta Street (no> opened) begins here. Holt. Wm Laing, Richard Carter, Eustace Pugsley, Arthur Oamma Street interseots ALSTON— Runs north from E. & N. R'y to Victoria Arm. AMELIA — Runs from Pandora ave- nue to Cormorant. East Side. 1 Styles, S F Farquhar Street intersects. 3 Vacant 5 Hatvk, Richard 7 Vacant 9 Randell, Wm Randell, David 11 Watson, Thos Engvik, Miss A 13 Wier, J J Bell, John Bell, James Jeffrey, James Cormorant Street intersects West Side. 2 Stark, William Farquhar Street intersects. 6 Moody, F G 8 Keown, George Keown, Frank Keown, Harry Keown, James 10 Lyall, George Cormorant Street intersects. 12 McNeill, J M 50 Furnival, W AMPHION— Runs from Oak avenue to I^eigbton road. East Side. Ash, Thomas Oalc Bay Avenue intersects. Regan, Walter West Side. Griggs, Edward Leighton Road Intersects. West, George Oddy, B S Holmes, — Mason, C D Bav AVALON I Catherin( South Side, North Side. ANDREW— Runs street to water West. from Robert front, Victoria Till VCC Cimi nVIICUT AOCUI^V Ouldee Aimiehed to tourleta. All k lira KCt, trarLUTMtlll AUCNbl CUnene Help eupplied on the shortest No. 23 STORE STREET. VICTORIA, B. C. kinds of notice. DRl LEWIO HALLS ANTICEPlIC TDDTH WAOH Breath and Cleans the Teeth ■ Mmd» only at OENTKAT^ DBVO 8TOBE, Clarence Sloek, Victoria, B. C. the VICTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 383 North Side. Martin, S B Sooth Side. Vacant Robert Street intersects. MeBeath, D AVALON ROAD— Runs from St. Catherine street to Carr street North Side. PhiBnlx Place here. 8 Nichol, John Mulcahy, James 14 Collins, Jolin Vacant lota Carr Street iutei sects. Collins, Thomas South Side. 3 Squires, C St. Catherine Street here. 7 Wilkin, L M Miller, James 9 Thomas, John 26 Jackson, Fredk 27 Lang, William BARONET— Runs north from Leii^hton road to Cadboro Bay road BASTION SQUARE AND STREET— From Wharf *o Government North Side. 4 Steele, Peter Comaetcial Alley here. 6 Braverman, J Ridgwav, Wilson W Adam, J S McConnan, Edwai-d Sorby, Thos Bradstreet Co, mercantile agency, Gordon, J B, mgr Mai-tin & Robertson 8 Dodwcll, Carlill & Co Burns, J T Burnes, Wm Angus J Barnes House Chancery Lane here. ' 11 7 9 Supreme Court Buildings Provincial Police court County court of Victoria Registrar of County Court, Harvey Combe Keast, Arthur, depty registrar Robertson, Alex Rocke, clerk 14 Provincial Police station McNeill, Provincial constable Hunter, Jas, Prov constable Sheriff's otfice.county Victoria, J E McMillan, sheriff Langley, John Mount, sergt Siddall, Hinkson J, under- sheriff Robb, Andrew, sheriff's officer Laugley Street intersects. 20 Drake, Jackson &, Helmcken 22 Yates & Jay Government street here. South Side. Marvin & Tilton's storehouse Jones, Dr M B.C. Board of Trade building Belyea & Gregory Tubb, Arthur, janitor McPhillips, Wootton & Bar- nard Merchants' Exchange Dun, R G & Co Gilbert, Justin Davies, Joshua Elworthy, F Langley Street intersects. 21 Davie & Cassidy Alberta B.C. Exploration Co, Ltd, regatd office Bodw .'11 & Irving Canada Permanent Loan and Savings Co McLachlan, W O Garrick's Head saloon 25 St George's Hall Milton Lodge, No 311 Order Sons of St. George Canadian Order of Odd Fel- lows Loyal Waverley Lodge, No 145 Sons of England Benevolent Society 23 BATTERY— From Carr street to Beacon Hill. North Side. Vacant lota fid H fid 1 09 H ltd ltd H fid ^ H »d JIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Guides furnished to tourists. All kinds of Chinese help supplied on the shortest notice. No. 38 STORE STREET, VICTORIA. B. C. •n; I ■!> '•'\ i S I o Q O CO DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY - WINNIPEG. Orewry'B XXX Stock Ale is Extra Hopped, Making it an Excellent Appetizing Tonic. Vioto: 384 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Nairne, R Campbell, George A Vacant lots Beacon Hill BAY — Runs east from Chambers. North Side. Rock Bay to 4 Gough, Thomas Gough, Mrs Susannah Rook Bay here. 8 Mcintosh, Stephen F Morrison, John 10 Campbell, Mrs N Rock Bay Avenue intersects. 26 Gallagher, Patrick 28 Fisher, Ira John 30 Hardie, Mrs Henry Beaumont, C 76 Devereux, FA Devereux, WE Devereux, Capt John Hewilngs, ¥, J 78 Auld, James 92 Flett, Henry T 94 Gleason, W A Gleason, M D 98 Bartlett. John First Street her«. 102 Jenkins, Win 104 Arden, Wm 116 Riddell, David H Second Street bere. 118 Eckford, Mrs T 120 Vacant Douglas Street intersects. QoTornmeut Street intersects. South Side. Rock Bay Trunk Factory, Norris, Frederick Rock Bay Tannery, Norris, Fredk 7 Clarke. William 9 Vacant 11 Hare, Michael 16 McLeod, Norman 27 McGregor, Alex Rock BRy Avenue intersects. 29 Lawson, James 31 Vail, John Ponder Masazine BAY STREET, Vio. W— Runs from Russell street to Lime Bay. Bland, H J BEACON HILL PARK. West Side. 222 Crossan, Mrs A Chrow, William 224 "BeaconOottage,"Brown,R H Barnes, James House building Victoria College Church, John W Maclure, Samuel Maclure, Fred T Maclure, J C BEACON STREET. South Side. Fort, Edward GARDEN STREET-Not graded. CLOVER STREET— Not graded. ST. ANDREW STREET— Not graded. BEAN STREET— Runs from Belton avenue to Powderly ave. North Side. Mays, Thos House building Powderly Avenue liere. BEECHY— Runs east from Rupert to Vancouver street. North Side 12 Farrell, J 16 Vacant house 20 Gabriel, Wm W Gabriel, Ed 26 Vacant house. BELCHER— Runs east from Van- couver to city limits. North Side. 20 Davis, Albert 24 Isl 28 En Cook Sti 68 He "R "Tl Moss Stri "I F PeinberK St. Charli "M( Rockland South Si Fer^ Cook 8tre< Hen Hen 81 "Th J.] "Gis Mots Stree "Oali 95 "Elh "Sto "Car Ho "Fai M. 101 "Rol Charles Sti BBLCHE from Oa Bay roa< East Sidi Halle Frase West Sidi Jonnt Mickl Oak Bay A Heatl McGi Jones Reid, Cadboro Ba Mcln A. M. BEATTIE, AUCTIONEER, Vancouver, B. CI ill , ( Victoria Xransfer Go«9 IiiidL Jta(««a«<< QmuSeatDJUlimich. SI and 23 Bronshton Street, Vlotoria. B. O. Tel. 189. VICTORIA CITY DIBECTORY. 386 24 iBlieb, Christian 28 EnKelhardt, Paul Cook Street Intersects. 68 Hewetson, Rev J B, M.A "Rock Cottage," Mohun, Ed O.E "The Lodge," Woods, Geo Mom Street interoecti. " Duval Cottage," Barnard. FS Pemberton Read here. St. Charles Street intersects. "Mon Abri," Buck, W Edgar Rockland Avenue begins here. South Side. Ferguson, R J Cook street intersects. Henderson, Thoa M Henderson, Jos N 81 "The Laurels," Ward, Robt, J.P "Gisburn," Irving, Robt Moss Street intersect*. "Oakraeade," Sayward, J A 96 "Ellesmere," Angus, James "Stony hurst," Harvey, Rout "Carey Castle," Dewdney, Hon E, Lieut Governor "Fairholme," Davie, Dr J C, M.D 101 "Robleda," Hall. Thos B Charles Street intersects. BBLOHER AVENUE —Runs from Oak Bay avenue to Cadboro Bay road. East Side. Halley, Michael Eraser, A S West Side. Jones. William Mickle, Mrs L A Oak Bay Avenue intersects. Heath, J F McGregor, W D Jones, Arthur Reid, Thomas Cadboro Bay Road Intersects. Mclnnes, Angus BELLOT— From Vancouver to Cook North Side. 10 Williams. Benjamin Williams, Wm T 12 Mellon. Joseph Bodington, Miss J E Vacant house 14 Patterson. James 16 Proctor, Rich'd _ - S, ■. ._ 9 John, Bedlington Harold 11 Greenwood, Mrs C 15 George, Wm E Wylie, John 17 Newcombe, Miss Emily 17 Newcombe, Mrs J 23 Losee, Robt B Vacant house Cook street intersects. HELTON AVENUE-Runs west from Craigfldwer road to Domin- ion road. East Side. Vacant house Hasenfratz, J Dominion Road intersects. West Side. Allen, David Callous, Henry Phillips, Jos McDonald, D Bean Street interisects. Robertson, A G Beany Wm Young, Peter Dominion Road intersects. BELLEVILLE— Runs from vin Hill to Laurel Point. North Side. Mar- McArthur, Wm James Bay Bridge intersects. Marvin Hill intersects. James Bay Athletic Club 127 Archmont, Robert Quadros. Joseph Namreh Cottage Beckwith, H Sehl, Hastie & Erskine Fur- niture Factory Ormiston, George Archment, RoMrt .PO •*1 W f o o ^ •s. M. BT a ««9 g s P' 2 o in e< m ta^e OD B A <K3 P< an o M 9 P P< a SB er ►^ ^• m g tj- M« P< e*- B < g fe B. CI WBLER BROS., aie Coini^ele House Funiislifiis. Larpst M in fi. C. HODSON'S BAY COMPANY VICTORIA. B. C. 386 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. 4^ C-S ■ Q) B 8 I S I ex- Victoria Coal.Wood and Lum- ber Yard, £ J Palmer, mgr South Side. Vacant 2 James, Francis T 2}4 Helmcken, Hon John S Helmcken, H D, B.L. 4 James, Percy 12 Spencer, David Birdcage Walk here. Oovernment Buildings intersect. Menzies Street here. 34 Wade, Dr M S 40 Crawford, James 52 Mouat, Mrs M A Vacant 72 Spring, Mrs S Chudfey, IV M Oswego Street here. 82 Gray, A B / 86 Clarke, Mrs A Gregory, Frank B Hunter, Gordon 92 Pendray, W J St. John Street here. 114 Lewis, H G Vacant lot 120 Walbran, Capt W J 126 Mackay, A E Hoatreal Street here. BELMONT AVE— Runs from Craigflower road to Dominion road West Side.^ Wescott, A E Wescott, E E North Chatham Street Intersects. McEwen, P H Field, Samuel South Roa<i intersects Harper, P S BETA — Runs from Alpha street to Delta street. North Side. Olive, Wm ' Mould, John T Sellick, H R Sellick, Amelia BIRDCAGE WALK— Runs from James Bay bridge to Michigan street. East Side. Vacant lots 12 Cameron, W G Belleville Street intersects. 16 Wylly, C G 38 Wilson, W R Douglas Estate Vacant lots Wilson, Wm Superior dtieet intersects. 48 Schwengera, Conrad Schwengers, P J A Michigan Street intersects. West Side. 1 Vacant 6 Mason, Henry S 15 Vacant 19 Holmes, Alexander 23 Patterson, James Carmichael, Herbert 33 McDonell, Mrs R J 37 Ethridge, John Willing, Augustus 39 Pope, S D Superior Street intersects. 41 Smith, J McB 41) Hunter, .Tostph 55 Robaon, Mrs ,lohn Michigan Street intersects. BLANCHARD STREET AND AVENUE — Runs from Bur- dette avenue to Second street. East Side. Christ Church Cathedral Rae street intersects. Two houses vacant 13 Vacant 15 Vacant 27 Chad wick, Mrs Catherine Chadwick, George Kane Street intersects. 29 Hobbs, Frank V Fort Street intersects. 31 FuUerton & McDonald 33 Ward, Fredk W 36 St Andrew's and Caledonia Hall 37 Collins, Miss Nellie View Street intersects. B. T. WILLIAMS us Broad Hi., rMoria. TBE ZATEST II BINDIiro l& ■ Prescriptions Prepareil ta PURE DRUGS ONLY at tbe Central Dros Store Clarence Block, Corner Yates and Douglas Sts., Victoria, B. C. VICTORIA CITY DIHECTORY. 387 43 Ireton, James 45 Martin, Georse 47 Miller, Mrs Mary. L<e Clair, Mius Josephine Le Glair, Miss Louisa 49 j^eddes, John [ackson, Sheridan L 61 Duvis, Evans WriKgleaworth, Joseph Yates Btreet InterBects. Johnson Street Intersects. 73 Watkins, Mrs M H Warner, J H 75 Moore, Wm 77 Hebrew Congregation Schools and Lecture Rooms Jewish Synagogue, Rev Dr Philo, Rabbi Pandora Street Intersects. 91 Jewell, Albert E Jewell, Frank Jewell, Henry 93 Rujerts, Capt George Cormorant Street intersects. 103 Vacant 105 Ross, Miss Jane Aaronson, A A Fisguard Street intersects. 107 German, L Burns, C 109 Gill, William 111 Keays, Geo H Manson, John Wood, Mrs Alice 113 Blackmore, John Craigie, Wm 115 Grenfell, Mit<s A Grenfell, Miss Kate Grentell, Miss Clara 117 Vacant Pioneer Street intersects. 125 Vacant Chatham Street intersects. 137 Williams, Mrs J W 153 Walkem, Hon G A West Side. 2 Christie, Rev Jaa 6 Stewart, Mrs N 8 Roberts, Richard 10 Brown, Mrs Elizabath Maternitv Home 12 Pettingell, B C 18 O'SulUvan, Mrs J Wilkins, Mrs E 20 Weiler Bros stables 26 Weiler, John 28 Brice, Wm Kane Street intersects. 30 Blanchard, Miss J Lapierre, H Fort Street intersects. Grice & Co 44-42 Sam Chong 46 Kennell, Godfrey 50 Ebert, Gus View Street intersects. St Andrew's R.C. Cathedral, Rt Rev Bishop Lemmena 58 Dixon, Miss Chic 60 Grenfell, Miss Alice • Yates Street intersects. 74 Stelly, George 76 Draut, John, saloon Johnson Street intersects. 78 Heal, Mrs D 86 Bossi, L Pillor letter box Bossi blk The Osborne House Tandora Street Intersects. 98 Vacant Cormorant Street intersects. 114 Tumilty, John 118 Geiger, Thomas Fisgard Street intersects. 120 Field, Wm Braund, Chas 124 Hunjrfauth, Fredk 126 Ledirgham, Robt 128 Whiteside. John E Chatham Street intersects. 132 Dowler, W J 134 Simpson, Miss Shannon, Miss B Simpson, Miss J 138 Anderson, Mrs W C Discovery Street Intersects. 138>^ Stevens, John 140 Steele, Wm Steele, Chas Pembroke Street here. 144 Stemler, Louis Pollock, Miss M Princess Avenue here. BODWELL— Runs from Fernwood road to Stanley street. North Side. 6 Barker, Jas H D m JO < CO JO m D O O D CD JO m m 130 r^ TJ m i M' I !'.: / f THE XATSBT IMPXOrXMJBSTa IN BOOK- BiynilTB AMD PAPXB MVLUTO. R. T. Wi .s -88 BROJkD STRBBCr. VICTV-ORIA.. ""~<r,^'' DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY wiwwifbo Nothing but Thoroaghly Experienced Labor Employed at the ) o Q O 388 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Barker, David M Ferawood Road interseeti. Howell, Harry A Stanley Avenue interaeota. McNeill, Angus B Pretty, Henry Weicott, J R Adams, John S Mouat, R B Vacant BOYD — Runs from Dallas road to Niagara street. West Side. Vacant lots East Side. 48 Locke, Lennet Robbins, J R (rear) Luxtnn Street interaecta, McLeod, Rev P McF Russell, Fred M Russell, Ernest H Russell, Wm Vacant lots DallM Road Interaecta. West Side. 47 Vacant private property Sylvia Street intenecta. Garmichael, H BRIDQIS — Runs from Rock Bay to Ellice street. East Side. 3 Gartmel, Danl 29 Stone, Martin S3 Mann, James G David Street interaecta. 41 McKinley, John 63 Meyer, George West Side. Hughitt <& Mclntyre 4 Marks, Morris Rock Bay Bridge here. 10 Menaugh, Robert Vacant 34 Brebner, Wm John Street interaecta. Lee, Wm E Friend, John Henry 36 Brooks, Thomas Martin, William David street interaecta. BROAD STREET— From aroogh- fon street to Pandora. East Side. 11 Wilson, A & W,plambi)nand gas fitters Wilson, Alex Wilson, W 13 Jay & Co, nursery an 1 seed- man 15 Quintard <& Packard, electrical supplies 17 Escalet, E, prop, Driard cafe and restaurant View street here. Vacant store 23 Irving, Thos L, shoemaker 29 Heron, Robt, harnem maker NichoUes & Renonf Co, im- plement warehouse Yatea Street interaecta. Mirror Saloon 69 McKay, Alex Marshall & Co, Domestic bak- ery 63 Levi 65 California Wine Co London Saloon Johnaon Street interaecta. 67-9 Meston, John, carriage bldr 73 Davis, Miss Mary, Vacant store Pandora Street Interaecta. West Side. 4 McDowell, J A, livery stable Fort street interaecta. 10 Morgan, E J, clothier 12 Salvation Army Barracks 16 Plymouth Bakery Munford, Harry Kenward, Chas Ren wood, Geo 18 Mason, T G, manufs agt Flint & Prossor, Vancouver Island Building Society Oliver's Dancing Academy 20 Spencer's Arcade 20>^ Mackenzie, W G,manfr8 agt 22 Calvert, John, tailor 24 Arcade Bakery 28 WiUiams' Building A. M. BEATTIE CITY MARKET. VANCOUVER. B. C. Weekly Auctions VICTORIA TRANSFER CO., LTD. WaKonaand*S«rriaKM meet aUBoMUan^' Train*! SI and 23 Brovchtom StrMt, Vlotorla, B. O. T«1. 129. VICTOBIA CITY DIBBCTORY. 389 Williams, R T, bookbinder 6. C. Blank-book Mauufao- tory Evers & Keith B.C. Official Directory Co B.C. Rubber Stamp and Ptg Office Roarke, Thomas British Pacific Construction Co Synod Office 28 BogKS, Beaumont, real estate and insurance agt 28>^ Irving, Robt & Co, financial brokers Irving, Robt Jeffrey, James Moore, Frank E B.C. Pioneer Society Sir Wm Wallace Society Shipwrights and Carpents' Association Campbell, commercl traveller Ridley, Robt St George's Society First B.C. Society of Spir- itualists 30 Crane, J E & Co Trounce Avenue Intersects. 34 Cuthbert, H F Co 38 R W Fawcett Singer Manfr Co 40 Y.M.C.A. rooms Hanna & Taylor Ewart, A C 42 McCallum, John 44 Morrow, Holland & Go 44>^ Sprinkling, Wm A 48 Teague, Mrs Wyoming Lodging House Yates Street Intersects. 50 Holmes, Arthur 52 McCorkall, Jaa 54 Van Volkenburgh's stables 58 Furnival, Wm Brooks, Wm Duck blk Knights of Pythias Ewart, A C Brown, M C, billiard parlors Central Presbyterian church 62 Wharf to BROUGHTON-Fro! Douglas. North Side. 2 Union Collieries and E. & N. Ry offices Dunsmuir, & Sons Douglas street iaterieots. 26 Vacant Weiler Bros warehouse Broad Street intersects. Lewis, Herbert Geo South Side. Mason, H S 5 Ottaway, V E & Co Langley Street Intersects. Nelson and Fort Sheppard Ry Co's office 17 Ray, Robt GoTernment Street intf rseets. Gordon Street intersects. Brayshaw, Thos M St Andrew's Presbyterian church 19-21 The Victoria Transfer Co ■From BURDETTE AVENUE - Blanchard to Vancouver. North Side. 10 Bishopsclose Quadra titreet intersects. 24 Beanlands, Rev Canon A Christ Church Cathedral Blanchard Street intersActs. South Side. 19 Engelhardt, Mrs J F Engelhardt, A F 23 Berkeley, Mrs L A Caldwell, H J 27 Gore, Wm, S Gore, Thos St C Victoria Crescent intersects. 37 Hamley, Hon W Kitto, Mrs L M Angela College, for young ladies 45 Harris, Dennis Vancoaver Street intersects. BURNSIDE ROAD. North Side. Maynard, Laura L Burnside Roid intersects Douglas Street. Maynard, F G Maynard, G H Cavin, Arthur Cavin, ThoB 02 I fi/i I to 9 ^ g. a B>iS I "S H lILER6R0S.,llieLeiiiigFiiniitiin)Deate, 9 VICTORIA, B.C. HUDSON'S BtV COMPIIV, Iniittfor Fort Gam aod Benbn Coimtr Floudii Mills vionroRiA.. B. o. 390 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. -♦a 1 «e « ^ P^ 5 «HI a> o A X ~M f^ 9 ^ a pA ■n « p^ H 1 Davey, Arthur Uavey, Fred, jr Davey, Fred, sr Pont, James McNutt, Geo Western, Wni Kay ton, G R South Side. Dudgeon, James BYRON STREET— Runs east; continuation of Leighton road. Oak Bay. North Side. Hambley, W J Gilbert, Fred South Side. Eastman, Mrs CADBORO BAY ROAD. South Side. 3 Mrs Wilson 23 Crease, Hon H P P Crease, Lmdley 29 Fell, Thornton 37 Rattray, Chas Rattrav, C A 39 Gray. 'J H, V.B IfoM Street Interseota. 41 Wilson, Alex 48 Harrison, Eli "Craigdanoch," Dunsmuir, Mrs Robt "Craigdarroch," Dunsmuir, Alex 95 Crimp, J L I*<e, Mrs M Pemberton Street here. 99 "Erin Hall," Paddon, Rev Canon 103 Humphrey, Wm 131 Earl, Thos, M.P 139 McLean, Mrs A McLean, Wm A 141 Church, J E Lee, Thomas 147 Woodford St Charles Street inteneots. Higgins, Hon D W, M.P.P Baker, Wm P House building Corsan. Thos St. Cbarlei Street intcrgecta. Higgins, J T Vacant East Side. Allen, Clement North Side. Yarwood, E-T Simpson, Alex Bennetts, Jacob Ford, Arthur Spears, Mrs Jackson, Charles F Robinson, Edwd Oak Street here. Prov Royal Jubilee Hospital Huxtable, Jas E Huxtable, R T Huxtable, W H, jr Huxtable, W H Huxtable, Alfred 2 Grant, John. M.P.P Haywood, Mrs E 14 Sayward, W P 18 Croft. Wm 20 McCuUoch, W F KiRgham, J 22 Walker, Walter School Street here. 24 Gavin, Thos 2B Pope, William 30 Elford. J P Elford, J H 34 Adams, Mrs M Marvin, E B 36 Vacant house 38 Shaw, Albert A Shaw, G C 42 Williams, F B 44 Fletcher, E H Ho88 Street intersects. 48 Dempster, P W Dempster, W S 50 O'Brian, Mrs E Fernwood Road here. 58 Wylde, M A Yates Street Junction intersects. Harrison Street here. 90 Allison, Mrs M Arrowsmith, Miss M 100 Hamilton, Dr Robt Stanley Avenue here. 120 Vacant 130 Elford, Robt Archibald, Wm 188 Marvin, Wm Road to Stadacona intersects TIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY No. 23 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B Gnides fumiabed to tourlats. All kinds of Clilneae help supplied on the aborteat notice. C. POPULAR PRICES AND BEST OF GOODS AT THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE Clarence Block, Cor! Yatei and Douglas Sts., Victoria, B. C. VICTORIA CITY DIBKCTOBY. 891 164>4 Dupont, Major C T 166 Gleanhue, Job Clearihue, Alex 170 McCrimmon, D 174 Austin, J J Belmont Avenue Inttriecti Pearae, Benjamin W Mackenzie, Charles Chestnut Street Intersects. CALEDONIA AVE— Runs east from Cook street to Chambers street. North Side. 2-4-6 St Barnabas Church Cook Street interrects. 8 Taylor, Rev Geo W 10 St Barnal)as Church Institute Raynes, J E Eyres, E J 12 Burkholder, Herbert Burkholder, W H 14 Wood, Thos E Wood, Thomas 16 Robelee, C B 22 Kennaird, W D 24 Bates, Jones 30 King, M Chambers Street intersects. 36 King, Walter J King, Jabez South Side. 11 Rosson, G P Rosson, Miss A G 13 Gray, Jolin H 15 Wharton, Mrs M 27 Carlow. H J Chambers Street Intersects. 37 Basset'-, Wm P Carter, A W Bassef.t, Robt H 39 Lohbranner, Max CAMERON— Runs from Pembroke avenue south, between Cook and Chambers. East Side. 4 Keefe, James S 6 Wishart, Edwd 11 Pusey, Leonard 13 Cochenour, F C 15 Brown, W Kendall, J S CARR STREET— Runs from Toronto street to Dallas road. East Side. 6 Bishop. George Avalon Road here, 8 Sherburn, F 10 Mdnro, George 24 Fawcett, Rowland Vacant lot 44 Carr, R Simcoe Street intersects. West Side. 10 West, Albert Chas, S.D 28 Cridge, Rt Rev Edwd Vacant lots Toronto Street here. 33 Mason, T G 41 3amford, Thomas 45 Lowe, Skene «9 Ste/enson, W G Simiioe Street intenects. 81 Magnesen, Alfred Niagara Stree intersects 85 McKeil, Capt 93 Jackson, Wm Vacant 103 Vacant CATHERINE— From Lime Bay, Victoria West, to Victoria Arm. East Side. Cook, H J Cook, H F E. <& N. R'y intersects. Finnigan, Mrs B Lime Street intersects. Esquimalt Road Intersects. Frederick Street intersects. Grove Saloon, prop,Wm Watt Heniy Street intersects. Barker, Geo M Esquimalt Street intersects. House building Henderson, H S Sewell, J B Edward Street intersects. Vacant store Craigflower Road Intersects. Vacant house Horner Jno Vacant house 0) R.T. WILLIAMS BOOKBINDER anil BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER »8 VKOA.1* BXXXET, VICTORIA. s t !l i DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY - WINNIPEG. Drewry's Ale. Porter and Lmger ia Recommended by PbTsicians Generally. PQ d •H m <^ ^l CD Si CO Si Z C Q O 392 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTORY. / Langford Street latersects. Skinner Street intersects Jessie Street intersects. Richard Bon, R B Holmes, Wm E Holmes, Chas Warner, O Ker, Robt L Victoria Arm here. West Side. Vacant house Sommerville, Wm Caflre, Capt F Jenkins, Ghas Watson, A, jr E.&N. B'ylu. rsects. Lime Street intersects. Esquimau Road intersects. Frederick Street intersects. Hall, Dr I^ewis ChiTch of the Holy Savioar, rector. Rev W D Barber Henry Street intersects. Harrison, Geo Magirl, Chas Kingsley, Jno Vacant cabin Esquimalt Street intersects, Methodist Chapel Russell, Luis Craigflower Koad intersects. Langford Street Intersects. Bluth, A. Vacant house Skinner Street intersects. Cherry, John Jessie Stroet intersects. Gr-iy, Andrew Furman, A CEDAR HILL ROAD -Runs north from Chambers East Side. 4 McKinnon, M Robbins, Moses R Bouchette, Jas Ford, Hy T Morrissey, Pfichael Moxon, Hy Oakland Avenue here. West Side. Nelson, Peter Canning, Geo Seniger, Arthur Hill, Lewis G Jewish Ctmetery here 13 Jones, Miss E Sabin, Napoleon CENTRE ROAD, Sprinsr Ridge — Runs from Ridge roaa to Fern- wood road North Side. 2 Behnsen, H F W Bri<lge Koad intersects. South Side. 1 Vacant 3 Anderson, Stone 6 Emerson, M 7 Weaver, Thos Vacant 9 Hampton, R M 11-13 Vacant Fernwo«d Road intersects. 15 Hanson, F. edk CHAI^BERS — From Johnson to Bay street. East Side. 19 WhJttaker, Wm Whittaker, A E Allred Street here. 69 Innes, Miss Bella McCurrach, Wm McCurrach North Park intersects. 63 Sheilds, Capt Edwd 66 Booth, C 65 Carter, W O Stelley street intersects. 75 Mills, A K 77 Corder.ThosW North Chathaic Street Intersects. Spring Ridge School 83 Hoosen, Edward 85 Graham, Mrs Louisa Pembroke Street intersects. 95 Jones, George Princess Ave, Spring Ridge intenieets. 136 Johnson, Adam West Side. 14 Richards, J R Felker, Miss L A AXD SIGHT. 81 Mool 116 Fairl Queen's A' CHANCE] Langley North Sir 12 Hall, West Sid 12 Perri 14 Wall, Craw 16 Creaf 18 Breni Peml 20 Vacai CHANDLl from St. road South Sid Bags! CHARLES Clydt CHATHAI to Cook 1 North Sie 2-12 Albio 8 Holla 10 Vacai 40 Warn Governmen 42 Bordt 46 Hylar Norrii 48 Vaear 50 Elkus 52 Wall, Wall, 54 Farrai 56 Vacar 58 Wilkt Wilke Pattei Miissi 60 Peace 76 Jacks 78 Coom 84 Cham Dalby 86 Harri. A. M. BEATTTE WEEKLY AUCTIOUS CITY HARXBT. VANCOUVCR. B. C."^ VI01 iXDsmux. victoria Transfer Co«« Iitd* '*^riU>!U. 81 and 83 Bronghton Street, Victoria. B. C. Tel. 189. VICTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 393 Moore, J W 116 Fairbrother, George Quean'8 Avenue intersects. CHANCERY LANE-Runs Langley to Bastion square North Side. 12 Hall, H G West Side. 12 Perrin, G A & Co 14 Wall, J P Crawford, James 16 Crease, Lindlev 18 Brenton, C J Pemberton, C G 20 Vacant from CHANDLER «.VENUE-RunB from 8t. Ctittrles to Foul Bay cross road South Side. Bagshaw, G J CHARLES. Clvde, A J CHATHAM— Runs from Store west to Cook street. North Side. 2-12 Albion Iron Works 8 Hollands, W A 10 Vacant 40 Warren, Augustus Uovernment Street intersects. 42 Borde, A 46 Hyland, J Norris, F G 48 Vacant 50 Elkus, Wm 52 Wall, John, jr Wall, John 64 Farraud, Chas 56 Vacant 68 Wilkerson, Wm H Wilkerson, H J Patterson, Wm Mnssoti, E W 60 Peacock, Goo 76 Jackson, W 78 Coombes, Rev J E 84 Chamberlin Seth L Dalby, John 86 Harris, A 88 Clyde, George 90 Dewsnap, Joseph 92 Eraser, Mrs 94 Vactnt 102 Parfit, A'ron 112 Elliott, Robert Blanchsrd Sireet interseets. 114 Frank, John 116 Eraser, W G 118 Turner, John H 120 Cook, Henry 122 McDowell, Harry McDowell, Charles McDowell, Thos A McDowell, John B 124 Kaminski, Joseph Pearse, Mrs H Quadra Street intersects. 134 Vacant 136 Reid, Joseph 138 Shore, Sydney 140 Lemon, James J 144 Donogh, R H 146 Smith, J L 150 McNeil, William Gibb, Mrs B Brown, Mrs Douglas 152 Vacant i54 Ward, John Wm 158 Challoner, T G 160 Malcolm, Campbell KM Kirsop, George Noble, Mrs J 188 Webber, August 190 McTigh, Mrs Sarah South Side. 5 Albion Iron Works 31 S Gray's sash and door factory Grav, Samuel 83 Cabins Munroe, J B Glawson, F William, John Roch, John Bromwell, R Taylor, Richard Davis, Henry Oovernment Street intersecti. 35 Ferris, W D 37 Billingsby, Frank Kirkpatrick, J 39 Sangeter, Geo Wiiiis, Walter 41 Smith, Wilson 43 Mobs Geo E Campbell, — O 1^^ 3.p^ ■soq CB O P ~ r» Ik "1 ® * o y9 O CD « 3 No?!: s; " I i ? 2. WEILER BROS.,^1^^ agents for crossley vioTOBiA, B. o. AND SONS FINE CARPETS. I.M HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY " "JL^l'lfJi™!*^ 2 Vf ^ ^ <4-l O) o Ji nr •w »H <u ^ i 03 ^ H • 394 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Phillips, W J CHURCHWAY-From Kumboldt 45 Shewan, W H to Blanchard. Bass, Oscar McGrath, Matthew North Side. McKenzie, Alex 8 Hill, H 47 Vacant "Bella- Vista" Wilson J Keith Johnson, A 26 Ellis, W H 49 Vacant 30 O'Brien, Wm 51 Ridley, Robert 32 Davidson, A A 53 Vacant ' Blancbard Street here. 1 55 Vacant 57 Vacant CLAUKE— Runs from South road Douglti8 street interseotH. £a8T Side. Blanuhard Street Intersects. J * *» fcJ i ^J ^M^ MM 9 87 Watson, George Vacant Moore. C H 89 Pardoe, Chas ^1*^ uv.^ 9 v/ i ^-'' * ^ 103 Rapp, Chas Kessler, Henrv Taunton Street hen-. Moore, Charles 109 Shaw, Thop King, C H 115 Moses, D D Harris, Mrs F. D 117 Bradbury, Thoa Coles, l\^rfl C 119 Davidson, Robt / Vimt Hi lit' 123 Beckman, Wm Marion Street intersecta. CLOVER POINT-Dallas road 126 Moses, — North Hide. Quadra Street intersectg. Henly, Ed Henry 141 Hastie, James Henlv, Wm (i 143 Russell, James Henly, K H 145 Vacant Cox, W H 147 Davies, P J 149 Emery, J H Jenkins, D J COBOURG— From Oswego t(> Reii- dall Fox, Alfred Fox, J H North Side. Jenkins, D Jenkins, Mrs M 151 Smitli, Joseph 169 Cannell, K McKay, Alex 161 Sleightholm, William Vacant lot 3 Vacant 7 O'Connor, John 15 Foster, Robert 19 Webster, David 165 Eglin, J M Kendall Street intergecta. 175 Cohen, James A South Side. 181 Chislett, Charles 189 Coulton, R 4 J-V 4"VT A>'V^ 1 Private property 191 Henski, Frank HenHki; Mrs C OOLLIKSON— From Maclure to 195 Little. John Vancouver. 197 Day, George Coles, Jordan North Side. Coles, John, jr 20 Perkins, Chas Colen, John, sr McClure street and Vlotorla Cres lere 199 Penkjeth, Richard jr, no Vacant house Penketh, Richard, sr 34 Smith, John C 207 Savory, Wm J 38 Acton, Levi Cook Street liiterBeots. Golllnson Street here. 1 Or. Le CLARENC 62 K( Rupert 56 Lc 58 Cv Gs 60 Ml 62 Go 64 Ni South S 1 Sid Sai 11-13 Co 17 Mc 25 Vai Rupert E 27 St. 57 Ell 59 Va< 66 Brc Bro COMME] from B OONSTA Rock I East Siu 15 Vic West Si: 32 Sav No'i She COOK-K Hillsid East Sii 149 De View 8tr< Fort Stro 151 Rol: Roll Yatefs Sti 156 Vac 163 Vac 165 Yat 167 Vac 169 Vac 171 Lan Johnson i 179 McJ McI TIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY No. 23 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B. C Guides furnished to touriats. All kinds ot Chinese htlp lupplied on the shortest notice. WE an BXOAD «l Dr. Lewis Hall's Tooth Powder ^ill not Iqjurd the Teeth, Made only at the CENTRAL DRUG STORE. CLARENCE BLOCK, COR. DOUGLAS and YATES STS., VICTORIA, B. C. VTCTOBIA CITY DIRECTORY. 395 52 Keefe, M L Rupert Street interaects. 56 Lombard, Chas 58 Curry, Mrs F H Gallagher, Adis 60 Maidment 62 Gould, Capt I A 64 Niven, Jas W South Side. 1 Siddell, Mrs H Saunders, Mrs F 11-13 Corr, Peter 17 Mclllwain, Wm 25 Vacant house Rupert street inte .'secti. 27 St. Joseph's Hospital 57 Elliott. A 59 Vacant houde 65 Brown, Robt A Brown, Geo H COMMERCIAL ALLEY— Runs from Bastion square to Yates. CONSTANCE— From Discovery to Rock Bay Bridge. East Side. 15 Vic Planing Mills West Side. 32 Say ward Mill Timber Co Northey, Lewis H Shermerhorn, J C COOK— Runs from Dallas road to Hillside avenue. East Side. 149 De Veulle, Mrs J A ■ View Street Intersects. Fort Street intersests. 151 Rolfe, John H Rolfe, Thos N Yates Street intersects. 156 Vacant 163 Vacant 165 Yates, Thomas 167 Vacant 169 Vacant 171 Lancaster, Isaac Johnson Street interseots. 179 McLeod, Wm McLeod, F A. McLeod, G W 181 Vacant 183 Vacant Pandora Street intersects. 195 Davies, J P Da vies, David Elizabeth Street intersects. Pandora Avenue intersects. 203 Edmondi), Mrs Tane 205 Vacant 209 Springer, Geo Brennan Alfred Street iutersects. 217 Jonasson, A M Jonasson, MisH Josephine 219 Malouski, Alex Blaquiere, Edward 219-221 Blaquiere, M 225 Macintosh, W R La Pierre, H Ewing, W J Jeffre. W J 233 Smith, John 239 Vacant Caledonia Avenue ' -to. 255 Jay, Geo, sr Pembroke Street intersects. Parklngton Street intersects. West Side. 2 Drake, Wm 42 Pinder, Wm G 46 Irvine, Paul us "Ethewold," Smith, Robert "Ethewold," Smith, T R Wilson, Wm Ridgway 72 Vernon, Hon Forbes G 74 Campbell, Rev John, Ph. D 76 Lawson, Henry 96 Dougal, John 98 Rhodes, Arthur A Janion, Mrs R W Bellct Street intersects, 100 Hickey, Patrick 102 Jones, Capt A A W Vowell 106 Turner, John 108 Courtney, Mrs Mary Jane Belpher Street IntersectH. 116 Smith, Wm H Mears Street interBects. 128 Ashwell Fort Street, intersects. 130 Vertue, John 134 Trehart, Mrs Simpson, James errs > a Z 3S a m m 0) z o H Z m z 0) H X m CO ■< m > z o ■0 O 31 . H 0) m -I X m s G 0) c "0 5gXEia»LOY More Hands and More Capital than all other Binderies In the Province. »S BROAD HTKMET, VICTORIA. * Jf * R. T. WlIiliIAMS ,!ffl p^ O 1^ O Q O O 6 DREWBY'8 Redwood BEEWERY. Winnipeff TBtssE ooona wabbawtxd to kmimp iir aiz. climates. 396 BRITISH COLCHBIA DIRECTORY. 136 Wallace, Walter 22 Hip Lung Co 138 O'Brien, Mrs 24 Look Den 140 Burley, Samuel Sing Kee Co Riddett. Peter J 26 Quong Mon Fung & Co 144 Wallace, Mrs Charles 28 Yee Yuen Chong Kee & Co View Street Interaects 30 Choy Sun Yatea Street Interseetg. 32 Kwong On Lung & Co 178 Robottom, Geo H 34 Sing Lee & Co 36 Wah Hing & Co 38 Chinese barber 40 Tai Scong & Co 42 Vacant Pandora Street InterBeotB. 190 Slianke, Saml H 192 Anderson, William 194 Baby Thomas 44 Chinese baker 196 Knott, Herbert J 46 Sam Kee Yate8 Street intersects. 48 Chu Chong & Co Bossi, A V Government Street intersects. Johnson Street intersects. 64 Chinese 196 Knott, Horace A City Market Moore, William Sylvester, W B, rms 9-10 Rae, Mrs L Cuthbert, H & Co, rms 11-2 198 Cruikshank, George Salvation Army, rm 7 St Lvuis street intersects. Quentin, Rene, rm 41 208 Leonard, John 210 West, Byron H Patton, F T, rm 31 78 Wah Yuen Co 212 Verbeist, P M 84 Kwong Lung Co 214 Banks, L P Chinese 216 Vidler, P A 88 Chinese laundry 218 Whitfield, John 100 Wickett, Miss Florence G Fox, Miss Flora 102 Morrow, Mrs Mary 220 Gale, James 108 McRae, Mrs E 222 Hemsworth, Mrs C W.C.T.U. Refuge Home Hemsworth. J H M 114 Vacant 224 Dwyer, W J Nortti Park intorsects. 228 Cur wen, Charles Kribbs, Geo 116 Walker, Joe 120 Jennings, Thos 2.S4 Heanski, A 8 Blanchard Street intersects. 236 Schur, William Office and stone yard 248 Teague, John Chatham Street Intersects. Bradbury. Thos" 134 Willoughby, Jos 134 Brown, Chas Hosking, Mrs H Mflllander, W Vacant 136 Wills, Albert CORMORANT— Runs from Store to Quadra North Side. Greasley, Mrs E 2 Wing Chong & Co 4 Chinese barber 6 liip Kee 8 King Tye Wing Co 138 McMillan, J E 148 Cartmel, Alfred Cartmel, Daniel 166 Nesbitt, J S 10 Goon Gaw South Side. Wing Kee store Street here. Hong Chong Co 12 Dom Yock Tong 3 Chineae t<hack 6 Y ic n Fovv Shu Sun 63b Vacant 14 Yee Yick Co 7 Chung Gee 16 Chinese barber 9 Chong Wing 11 Hoy, Ah 18 Chinfc; Hing A M BT! ATTTT! ADCTiONEEK, ■ iPPRAISEH AND xm.. JU.. X9 A A. X J. X A ggjjgj^^ COMMISSION MERCHANT CITY HAKKET, VANCOUVEK. B. C. Victoria Transfer Co., Ltd. '"''"Bf^'a^^^^.An^^iy^^^^'' 9t and US Broughton Street, Vtetoria, B. C. TelepHane 199. VIOTOEIA CITY DIBECTOBY. 397 Ting Jock 13 Yick Ham 16 Chinese lottery 23 Chinese poultry & meat store 25 Painter, J E Coal and wood, truck and dray office 27 Vacant 29 Chinese store Chinese restrauraiit 31 Wo Hing Kee Hang 33 Chinese laarber 35 Yuen Hov/ 36 Lung Yuen 39 Lung Ying Chong & Co 39 Tai Kwong Yuen & Co 43 Kow, Ah 45 Gin Kee 47 Chong Duck 49 Wo Sam 51 Grocery store OoTernment Street intersects. 61-3-5-7-9 Chinese cabins City Hall Douglas Street intersects. 93 Hinds, Frank Elliott, John 96 Schaper, Ernest 101 Gibson, James 107 Christie, Wm 119 Bossi, Charles 126 Thomson, Geo 127 Vacant 129 Gosnell, Mrs J 131 Underwooil, Alex Houston, John McCradie, Andrew 133 Vacant 137 McGregor, Mrs J H Freeman, Samuel Amelia Street here. 156 Nesbitt, Mrs J A Quadra Street here. CORNWALL— Huns off Richard- son street. West Side. 9 McCullocl'.Saml COURT ALLKY-Runs from Yates street to Chancery lane. West Siiik. 2 Roberto, 8 A 4 Jensen, Victor COURTNEY— Runs from Wharf street to Douglas street. NoBTH Side. Windsor Hotel Oovernment Street Intersects. Old Presbyterian Church South Side. Union Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Maine Cameron, Colin Johnson, W H Government Street Intersects . 17 Bishop & Sherborne Bishop, Geo Sherborne, Fred T 19 Bornstein, Miss Theresa Douglas Street Intersects. COUTTS— Runs from Quadra street to Vancover street. 29 Larsen, B Vancouver Street intersects. NoBTH SiDK. 34 Parr, Thos H Vancouver Street intersects. CRAIGFLOWER ROAD— Runs from Esquimau road, Victoria West, beyond city limits to Graig- flower district. North Side. McMuUen, Ed Edward Street intersects. Catherine Street intersects, Langford Street intersects. "Fairburn Cottage, "Muir, WO Muir, C T Peatt, Fred J Russel Street intersects. Gaudin, Capt Jas Coigdarripe, Jno Chambers, CAM Chambers, Jas R Echo Point, Styles, Rich Jas South Side. Bunnjrdde Avenue here. "Sunnyside," Craft, Wm Stephens, Richd F C/2 00 m o • pi o 0? g » OD is* I* ?*< ^^ INTERIOR WOODWORK, OFFICE AND bar FITTINGS i-^ 2. 'it'i li *: ' Mad* to Order by WEXUBR BROS. mmim HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Buropean and XlnnUah OBOOBBIEB, WIlfES and liIQUOHS, free and in Bond. VICTORIA, B. C. PC) 398 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. 5^ Si E5 C-3 Adam, Alex New house building "Burleith," Dunsmuir, Jas "Burleith," Richards, Jos City limits end here. Jenkinson, C W Fawcett, Edgar Oldershaw, A Oldershaw, A B Edward Street intersects. Catherine Street intersects. Russell, Louis Russel Street intersects. ' Bishop, Caleb Pessetto, Joseph Pine Street here. Belton Avenue here. Perkins, — Atkins, Wm E Atkins, Jas Thompson, Wm Vacant new house James, Henry Here city iimits end. >. Xi © 09 U v> CROFT— From Simcoe to Niagara East Side. Vacant lots 6 Noble, Wilson 12 Feltoe, A A 16 Gosse, Capt 18 Pearson, Simon 2? Vacant Private property Niagara Street intersects. Vacant CROSS— Runs from St. Johns and Quebec to Montreal. NoKTH Side. 118 Green, D F Uncleared lota St. .lohn's Street intersects. CRESCENT ROAD, Foul Bay. South Side. Vacant house Wjodlaiiil estate DALLAS ROAD- Clover Point North Side. -From Erie to 24 Immigrants' shed Dallas Hotel, William Jensen, prop 60 Phillips, A H 56 Scott, Geo Barber, Jas 62 Forrester, Jas L 64 Cameron, Danl Cameron, E Cameron, H 68 Tait, Robt 70 Newcomb, C F, M.D St Lawrence Street here. Niagara Street here. 72 Worsfold, Cuthbert 84 Sinclair, T F 92 Smith, M R 106 Vacant Marden, H H 106>a Macrae, Farquhar 108 Merser, Capt Wm 112 Atkins, Wm 114 Armstrong, John 118 Buckman, Capt W C Buckman, R F Montreal Street here. Private property Oswego Street here. 220 Nicholls, Major John Cane, Edwin H Cowper, W H Vacant lots Boyd street licre. 298 Vacant Lewis Street liere. Vacant 300 Kains, Tom V^acant lots Carr Street here. 304 Renouf, C E Menzies Street here. 308 Matthews, Geo F Collister, Richd Vacant lots Turner Street here. 400 Milne, G L, M.D, M.P.P Cole, Thos Schultz, Chas Smith, Thomas Cook street intersects. ' Smith, Henry Clarent Mar Moss Stret McK West Sid ^ Oute 7 Wise Brao Born Mose ^ay, DAVID-R OoTge ro North Sid Colun proj 12 Gunn 40 Basso, Bridge Stre« 50 Jones, 52 Findle, 68 Berry, Roclc Bay Ai Hall, I Lectun Chur South Side. 1 Pamph TIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY No. 23 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B Guides furnished to tourists. All kinds of Chinese help supplied on the shortest notice. C. I>ELTA.-Rul north to Gar East Side. Smethuj Smethul Delta street ei| West Side. Vacant TIM m, EMPJ msBBBSftmsi^K^t—-^ -s- -^-u^-m PULMONIC COUGH CURE WILL CURE THAT COUGH. MADE ONLY AT THE » CENTRAL DRUG STORE * Clarence Block, Corner Tatea and Douglau Streets, VICTOXIA, B. C. VICTOBIA CITY directory. 399 Martin, Jos DEVONSHIRE ROAD— Runs M08B street intersects. from North Pembroke street to McKerlie, John Royal Jubilee Hospital and Cad- West Side. boro Bay road Outer wharf North Hide. 7 Wise. Frank W Brackmau & Ker Bornstein, H Moser, M Gay, Joseph Blake, Charles Robert Blake, Chas J Blake, Miss Sarah ' Emery, Alfred "^ Emery, Wm Spoflfortl, W H DAVID— Runs from water front to Brakes, Saml H Gorge road. Lydla Street here. North Side. Lewis, Thomas Columbia Sawmill, DF Adams Belmont Avenue here prop Chellew, Mrs M 12 Gunn, John Patterson, James 40 Basso, Nicholas Holmes, Miss Bridge Street Intersects. Haughton Street here. 50 Jones, John 62 Findley, Hujfh 68 Berry, Miss Kate Rock Bay Avenue Intersects. DOBINSON, James Bay— Runs from Montreal to Oswego. Hall, Rev Joseph North Side. Lecture Room, Methodist Church 3 Dobinson, Joseph Simcoe Street here. South Side. 1 Pamphlet, Thos DOMINION ROAD-Runs from 1)4 Winchester, Mrs Louisa Craigtlower road to Old Es- 3 Ogilvy, David Alex N quimau road 5 Scott," David East Side. Calahan, John Turner Street intellects. Read, J M IS) Benson, George Shires, Joseph 37 Christip. Eldridge J Connaught Road here. .39 CoUey, Frank EUery, G F 41 Adams, Joseph Powderiy Avenue here. 43 Osborne, George Beltou Avenue here. 61 Durling, .Tames Pine Street hero. 53 Pike, Albert E. & N. R. here. 69 Smith, Herman Old Esquimau Road here. Thorpe & Co Price, Frank H Bryce, Wm DISCOVERY— Runs from Con- stance street to Blanchard ave. store street here. DELTA.— Runs from Burnaide rd XT CI north to Gamma North Side. East Side. Cabins 20 Shawnigan Lake Lumber Co Smethurst, J , Howe, Alex C Smethurst, Henry Follow, Fredk Delta Street ends. Government Street intewects. West Side. 04 Cook, George Vacant Murray, Richard H H O o bd H H TIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY No. 28 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B Guld.. fumlMi.d to tourlsU. All kind, of Cbine.o ta.Ip supplied on til. .bortMt noUw. C. Drewry's Redwood Brewery, Winnipeg All Wholeaale Dealerm keep Orewry's Ale, Porter and Lager In StockJ CO > o O O DC UJ o o o o cc O O cc m O lij o 400 BBITISU COLUMBIA DIRECTOBY. Cameron^ John Lewis, Richard 56 Vacant Douglas street interaects. 84 Beck with, J L 86 Clarke, Jas B White, Miss 90 Ker David Blanohard Street Intersects. South Side. 27 Nahana, D GoTernment Street inteisects. 41 Chinese 47 Chinese laundry 49 Hansen, Peter 65 Chinese laundry Douglas Street intersects. 71 Walker, Geo Gribbon, John 73 Lipscombe, Rev E 77 Richardson, Mrs 81 Vacant 89 Northey, Lewis Hy 91 Lang, Fredk H DOUGLAS— Runs from Humboldt street to Hillside avenue. East Side. 3 Williams, Thos Price, Wni 6 Taylor, John 7 Landers, Wm 23 Scott, Jas Churchway here. Rae Street here, 23 Stead, Wni Wood, John 25 Grant, Francis Kane Street here ' ; 35 Smith, Geo 37 Cole, Chas L 39 Vacant 39>^ Phillips, W H Jobson, Miss 41 Vacant 43 Guard, Eric 45 Vacant Vicioria Saloon Fort Street Intersects. 53 Royal Saloon, John McDonald Hayes, John 55-59 The Stanley House Hampson, Wm Spencer 61 Balmoral Htl and Restaurant Garland, Fredk W 65 Pioneer- Bodega Saloon Stevenson, Wm G View Street intersects. 67 Theobald, A C & Co 73-75 Sam Chung 77-79 Lowell, HyR 81 Victoria Auction Co Yates Street intersects. 79>^ Clarence Hotel Wishart, Jas Meldram, Geo S Oxley Garrow, Dr J K Campbell & Graham 83 Argyle House 86 Mavnard, Gee H 87 Odd Fellows' Hall 89 Waller, Hy Waller 8 Sea, jr 91 Golden Rule Bazaar Wilby, Wm 93 Vancouver House 93>>i Brundage, M K Ensor, Institute Burner, C J, Conservatory of Music Muir, A M 95 Jackson, W & Co Jackson, Wm Jackson, Fred A Butcher, Arthur 95>^ Carne, Fredk Mansell, Herbert Johnson Street intersects. 97 Sampson, George H 97)^ Christie, Wm Chas 99 Chungranes, F Chuni;ranes, D K 101 Matthews, Robt James 103 Russell, James Scotch Bakery 105 B.C. Novelty Works Anderson, John Newbigging, Jas 107 Anderson, Geo Wm Shore, Albert Edwd Shore & Anderson 108 Lilley, Herbert A 109 Oliver, Luney 111 Stevens, Frank T Stevens & Jenkins 113 Dickinson, Lionel 113>^ Field William Standard Saloon Pandora Street interseets. 115 Hall & Renouf Viotorii 81 K i. M. BEATTIE, AUCTIONEER, Vancouver, B. C rjiw«5i.'»v • Renoi 117 Saran 119 Younj Londc Mayn 121 Mee, ' 123 Hinde 125 Saran Cormorant I 127 Camei 129 Woolc 131 McMt Gosne 131^ Fish 133 Victoi Mitchi 135 Rudgj Victor Woi Fisguard 8t 145 St Jol 147 Jenns Herald Stre Chatham St 165 Vigor 165>^ Stac 167 Whit« 169 Petere 173 Ander 175 Sterne 177 Schoe Discovery S 179 White 181 Ander Doran Bostw Three 188 Heane 183>^ Bun 186 Wilsoi 185>^ Vacj 187 Vacan 187K Vacj 189 Vacan Pembroke 8 191 Goon ^ 19S Young 195 Vacan 197 Newbi Wrigh Moody 199 Davis, 201 Bailey 203 Ritchi 205 Campl Campl Princess Ave ILER m >EO B.C TTS^M^AMM TlMAMoAttM f^0*. T^A BBfiT HACKS nt Beaaonnble 21 sad 23 Brovsliton StrMt, Vlotoria. B. C. Tel. 129. VIOTOBIA CITY DIRECTORY. 401 Renouf , Joseph 117 Ssrantis, Thomas 119 Young, James London Boot and Shoe Store Maynard, James 121 Mee, Waugh 123 Hinds, Frank 125 Saranta, John Cormorant Btreet intersecti. 127 Cameron, Chas 129 Wooldridge, Miss Ellen 131 McMuUin, James H Gosnell, J H 131 V^ Fish, Robert 133 Victoria Meat Market Mitchell, John 135 Rudge, George Victoria Stone and Marble Works Fisguard Street intersects. 145 St John's Episcopal Church 147 Jenns, Rev Percival Herald Street Intersects. Chatham Street intersects. 166 Vigor, Mrs MA 165K Stadthagen, Hy 167 White, Horace 169 Peterson, Ixtuis 173 Anderson, David 175 Sterne, Chas 177 Schoen, S Discovery Street intersects. 179 White, George A 181 Anderson, Miss H C Doran, Miss N Bostwick, Hubert Three houses vacant 183 Heaney, Alex 183>^ Burrows, John T 185 Wilson, Mrs Peter 185)^ Vacant 187 Vacant 187>^ Vacant 189 Vacant Pembroke Street here. 191 Goon Wah 193 Young, John 195 Vacant 197 Newbigging, James Wright, Fred Moody, Thos 199 Davis, Chas W 201 Bailey, H H 203 Ritchie, John H 205 Campbell, Jas Campbell, Mrs Prlncen Avenue intersects. 207 O'Neil, Hugh 209 Worth, Frank Bankhurst, — Sellick, James Christadeiphian Hall 218 Leland Hotel Queen's Avenue intersects. 247 Hardy, Geo Bay Street intersects. King's Road here. 261 Luney, Mrs W Luney, W A Luney, C • Luney, Miss N 263 Luney, W illiam Henry ■ 265 Pauline, E A Vacant 277 Tye, Thos H 283 Erb, Louis £ 295 Heisterman, H F Heisterman, B S Hillside Avenue intersects. 299 Seabrook, — 307 Sellick, Miss A Sellick, Henry 309 McQuarrie,M Marlcet street here. 313 Graham, James £xaT Side. "6 Ditchburn, Wm E McNiven, J D Foster, William Mcintosh, David King. D J Kin^, Arch 6 Cabin, Lewiston, David 8 Cabin, Prague, Chas 9 Cabin, vacant 10 Cabin, vacant Indian OflSce, supt A W Vowel! Courtney Street here. Union Club, W H Owen St Andrew's Presbyterian Ch Broughton Street here. 36 Milne, Dr G L 36>^ Lang, Dr Jno 38 Hassell, Dr E Fort Street intersects. 50 Theatre office Johnston, E P Johnston, P D 52 Johnston, P T Johnston, R H 64 Vacant 66 Vacant WEIIER BROS, ate Complete House Fyrnisheis. Lai^ M in O.C. CO f! r^ts-d f 'M I i HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY f liolesale Grocers & f ine ImMM VICTORIA. B. C. f 11 '*^ • • 402 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. ^^ 58 Vacant Reilly, Miss Gertie 60 Hall, DrFW Todd, Miss Emma gl View Street interseetB. Walker, Miss Agnes 62 Vacant Russell, McDonald & Co <;_:> 64 Vacant Herald Street intersects. ^ 66 Vacant 152 Vacant 68 Atwood, R J W 154 Atherion, Frank •• 70 More, A W & Co 156 Portice, Frank ^ Scottish Union and National Ferguson, John Insurance Co Chatham Street intersects. *a British American Ins Co Discovery Street intersects. :3 , Federal Life Assurance Co 180 Vacant Dominion Building and Ix>an 188 Si wash fca— ' 2 Association 190-2-4 Vacant Matsqui Land Co Walker, W H Cameron, Colin 72 Short, H & Song Pembroke Street Intersects, 204 Hugel, W L 206 Vacant ^«5 74 Pierre, Thos W Princess Avenue intersects. ^1 76 Jewell, Henry 208 McKay. James 78 Gosnell, Joseph Holland, Mr :z=:s Getschmann, Gustav Bickcell, John s5 Brunswick Hotel Cave, Vincent Ss Yates Street here. Waldron, Saml 78 Cochrane & Munn Queen's Avenue tnterseets. 80 Brown, R A & Co Keating, A 82 Monro, G E 242 Vacant s 84 Phillips, Geo Finlayson, R D "Oakland" florist Bay Street interdects. 86 Lange & Co Junction with G vernment Street C— ? 86>^ Richardson, G A & Co 312 Deighton, Maggie czl! 88 Brnce, Antone Bechtl, A J G Verbiest & Co 316 Gray, E J -as * 90 McMillan Bros Garbally Road here. MacNeill, Dr Mary 90 Nagans, J M & Co 318 Waller, Henry 326 Canleron, Robt 92 Duncan, Wm Bryant, W C 94 Simpson, G S Regent Saloon Charleton,GA Garbally Street here. '•IS S5 Johnson Street intersects. EARL— Foul Bay. 100 Pierre, J T 102 Dufoi^, Walter West Side. -^a 94 Harrison, E Appleby, Wm 1 i Pandora Street Intersects. 110 Jenkins, Miss Marion Cormorant Street Intersects 126 Commercial Hotel 1 Pm EDMONTON ROAD, Spring Ridge. 'S Noble, Henry South Side. 49 i 128 West, Theo P 130 Officers' Quarters, Salvation 3 Shepherd, E 5 tJelfs, Thomas fe. § Army 7 Lyon, James .A Flsguard Street Intersects. Cedar Hill Road intersects. 1 132 Masonic Hall 6 Marumamm, Charles OQ 134 Russell, Charles .8 Vacant 2 • Bloomfleld. Miss S A 16 Brayshaw, Thos M H • ™|#rr runi AVUCIIT AACIIftV Guides fumlabed to tonrisU. All kinds of Kfct, tlHrLUTMCRl AUtllui Chlneae help anppUed on the •bortest notice. No. 28 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B. C. PrescriiitiiHis ] Clarence 18 Hughe Fernwood R( 30 Wilson 34 McNav McNai Charles Stree EDWARD. From Ale North Side RuBsel Semph Semph Mary Street i Knapp RusmU Stree South Side, OldersI Oldersl Catherine Sti Clarke, Duncal Stratfo Mary Street li Vacant House RuBsel street ELFORD B off Foul B Dillon, Dillon, Eden, ^ EUZABET] Chambers. North Side. 20 Van He Rebecca Stree 24 Vacant Priest, ' 26 McGrej- I'.unhai: 28 l.iit, Ji, MUlrlle; Tait, Lt Camplx Irvine, 30 Curran, 32 Spragge Spragge TBEZATBSTIi BINOINB "^h PrfiscriDtioiis Pnpareil M PURE DRUGS ONLY at the Central DroE Store Clarence Block, Corner Yates and Douglas Sts., Victoria, B. C. VICTORIA CITY DIRECTOBY. 403 18 Hughes, Richard South Side. Fernwood Road ends here. 28 Streicher, Chas 30 Wilson, Mra P Cook Street here. 34 McNaughton, D W Rebecca Street here McNaughton, E D 25 Larson, Peter Charlen Street here. 27 McGregor, C A 29 Mayo, Nath C EDWARD. Victoria West- Steers, Mrs C Mayo From Alston to Russell. 33 McPhadden, D North Side. Russell, John ehambers Street here Semple, Alex ELLICE — From water front to | Semple Robt Rock Bay avenue. Mary Street interaecta. South Side. Knappett, J as RuBseU Street here. 5 Burley, Saml G 15 Gilmore, Alex South Side. , 17 Vacant Oldershaw, A 19 Norman, Hans Oldershaw, A B 21 Hanson, Neils Catherine Street intersects. Clarke, Thos Duncalf, W J 23 Morant, John 27 Va(!ant 29 Cox, John Stratford, J C 1 Mary Street intersect*. BRIE — From water front to St. Vacant house Lawrence street. House building North Side. RUBsel Street here. ^ ^ VF*» ASK tyj ^M^ A^ • 9 Holloway, Robt Uncleared lots ELFOAD ROAD-From Lillian, St Lawrence Street here. off Foul Bay road 23 LePa^e, Theodore A Dillon, G W 33 Hennigar, Isaac Dillon, C F Clark, W Eden, Wm Geo Clark, John 37 Morrison, D B.C. Chemical Works, Messrs ELIZABETH — From Cook to Moore, Fisher & Hall , props Chambers. South Side. North Side. 2 Brent, Frederick 20 Van Horst, Mrs Mary 4 Busk, W R Rebecca street here. Trimen, Mrs L B 24 Vacant Trimen, L B Priest, ThoB 6 Patrick, A G 26 McGreRor, David 10 Vincent, F W llunham, Ernest 18 Gardner, C 28 1 ;vit, Jnr; L 20 Laing, D M .IdleLon, H B Ferey, Capt G R 22 Ramsay. Capt J Tait, Leonard Campbell, M D 26 Sparks, Thos Irvine, Harry D 34 Glide, Hy 30 Curran, Francia 38 Vacant 32 Spragge, David Private grounds " Spragge, Gordon E Dallas Road here. o 3D m 3D -< CO m o O D CD m m J3 if >< (0 ► f w •0 o H w > o o'" n »a m O THE I,J.TKST IMPnOVEMXlTXa IlfBOOK- BIinniT» AlTD PAPER M VLING. 28 BROJLD aXRBBX, VICTORIA.. B. T. Williains s l^iAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 I.I 1^ 2.2 1^ 1^ i >^ lllll£ Hf m " 1.25 1 1.4 1 1.6 ^ 6" ► 7. '/ Photograpmc Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET '^■■anfR.N.Y. 14S80 (716)172-4503 ^^ 4^' m^m wwmiimm'i'mw'W'^ mm li t ■ CO hI o o Pi' o O Q .0 Drenvry's Redwood Brewery, Winnipeg. Drewry'a Ale and Porter Builds up and Strengthens the System. 1 404 BBITIBH COLUUBIA DIBECTOBY. { 1 BSQUIMALT ROAD— Rune from St George Hotel . Point EUice Bridge beyond city Carter, B limits to Esquinialt City Limits end here. £ast Side. Kamai, Louis Cooper, Michael Vacant house ESQUniALT STRBBT-Runs from Craigflower road to Russel street. Craigflower Road interieota. Everett, Patrick North Side. Morden, R R Willard, Joel Hurst, W S House building Elvin, Fred Methodist Chapel Frederick Street Intersects Catherine Street interseeta. Trahey, Thos H Peddle, Wm South Side. Gowdie, Wm Mary Street intersects. Fairall's Brewery ( Russell Station £. & N. R Bland, John Cave, H Jas Mary Street intersects. Mansell, Jas Russel Street intersects. Shakespeare, F Waldon, F W Russel Street here E. &. N. R. Crossing here. SOTTTH STnR. "Underwood," Muirhead, Jas ^J\J\J A X& V^lifBtt "Underwood," Muirhead, J T Dodd, M Jas "Underwood," Muirhead, J Dodd, Jas H McL Dodd, Jno C Robert Street here. Catherine Street intertects. " Swiss Cottage," Baker Col Mary Street intersects. Jas Beer, H E Bridgeman, A W Beer, N M New house building Beer, W L Walker, H W Shires, Joseph City Limit end here. Russel Street here. Craigflower Road here. Henry Street here. West Side. FAIRFIBLD ROAD— Runs from Gerow, G C Cook street to Foul Ray road. Jameson, J C South Side. Frederick Street intersects. Catherine Street intersects. - "Broom Hall," Colquhoun, Jos, R.N North Side. Vacant house "Fairall's Hall" 105 Vacant Fairall, H S 113 CoUinson, Mrs M E Fairall, H, jr McKenzie, Miss K Crook, Jas Moss Street intersects. 207 Vacant house Crook, Mrs H M A Lovers' Lane here. Mary Street intersects. 217 Home for Aged and Infirm, Russell Street intersects. Ross Bay, Satherland, Hugh Springfield Avenue here. A,.Bupt B. & N. R. Crossing here. Brown, F S . North Side. Brenan, H S 228 Winter, George i M. BEAM, ADCTIOIER, Vancouver, B. C. ikLit SUiittU i^i <»1» ••r^'i^rff^tf^jfirrT' ■ pppppilp wumfimm WIPPPIP i]ii^iiiiii«ii 111 -ji^'^jiiw^ and Infirm, erland.Hugh iMmiDIA TDAIICCCD Pll I Til Check Banagfrto any part of the City. TheU lIVlinilA InAlldrCn UU>| LIU. WagonaamlCarriagea meet aUBoaU and Trains. 81 and 23 Brovghton Strcat, Vlotorla, B. O. Tal. 199. YIOTOBIA CITY DIBECTOBY. 405 FARQUBAR— Buns chard to Quadra. North Side. trom Blan- 4 Vacant Blanchard Street Intersects. 6 Druob, John 10 Winter, Charles H 12 Sharp, Joseph Sharp, David 14 Hagenbuch, John A 22 Johns, John Amelia Street intersects. 26 Harrison, J J 28 Market, Joseph Quadra Street here FBRNWOOD RD— Runs north from Cadboro Bay road to Ed- monton street. East Side. Hall, Dr Ernest McKechnie, Dr L 26 Lukes, John Yates street Intersects. 27 Petit, Wm 33 Verriuder, Dr A E 37 Marshall, Ghas 41 Baker, J H 49 Dempster, W H 66 Claxton, Fred J Teale, Miss Pandora Street intersects. • 69 Maclaughlin, J H Maclaugblin, Wm B 67 Creed, John 89 Blackbourne, Jos 91 Shilling, F M 93 McRae, Lawrence 95 Vacant 99 Mills, 8 Perry Bodwell Street here. 107 Pearson, T B Pearson, Wm Vlning Street here. 147 Odd Fellows' Hall Sherk, A B 161 Hardy, T H Vacant 163 Vacant louth Boad intersects. 169 Watson, Qeorge 163 Cook, John Centre Road here. 167 Hodgson, H 169 Watson, G 171 Myrdal, S Myrdal, A 177 Brandsson, Eynor 179 Christianson, Peter Thorstunson, Paul North Road here. 181 Morris, Edgar W Edmonton Road intersects. Icelandic Church West Side. 58 Bayner, T G 62 Turner, Archibald Pandora street intersects. 144 Wills, Frank North Chatham Street intersects, 146 Winch, F K 148 Mitten, Thos 164 Graham, D D 184 Earl. William Bakery North Road heie, FIRST— Work Estate, runs from Bay street to Topaz avenue. East Side. 3 Chapman, Geo Myers, Madison, M Chapman, John 7 Mongell, Angelo 26 Baker, Capt W E Bobbins. Capt E F 27 Vacant 31 Vacant ' 36 Jepson, Ole 37 Ackland, Richard Baird, Richard Baird. Ambrose Fowler, Mrs Jane Baird. Mrs Susan 39 Mallett, James 43 BIyth, Alex P 47 Catterall, Thos Hillside Avenue Intersects. 64)^ Jeeves, Allen 66 Bloor, George 67 Greig, Robert 99 Clayton, Charles Blackley, Albert Topaz Avenue intonects. Provincial Gaol, John, R F, warden OP 8 BROS, IlieLeaigFiiMtiire Dealers, YIGTOm, in >1 •1 ? . 13 J / (■ HUDSOI'S Mr COMPUr, Units far Fort bm nil lenbii iioimii FloorlDi! Mllli VICTORIA.. B. O. * ^1 ^1 3 ■ 2 a «M « o p4 00 ■¥* »H « s « V •«>> ► X2 oj A I 406 BBITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTOBY. West Side. 8 Jenkins, James 10 Schermerhorn, I C 12 Wood, Jamea Hogarth, James 44 Williams, Horace Williams, Frank Williams, James L Williams, William 46 Main, Thos 52 Carter, St«phen Carter, Edward 66 Parsons, Mark Parsons, Miss Louisa Market Street begin* here. 76 Vacant Freel James HUlside Avenue intersects. Vacant Vacant Vacant Graham, Saml Appleby, M J FISOUARD— From Quadra NoBTH Side. Store street to Methodist Mission Church 32 Tai Fung & Co 34 YickLung 38 Yue Tai Chong Kee 40 On Hing & Bnis 42 Duck Lung 46 Pook Long & Co 48 Nan Bang 54 Hong Wo & Co QoTemment street Interaeots. 56 Chinese shop 68-60 Chinese shacks 62 Kwong Wo & Co 66 King Lun & Co 70 Chinese laundry 76-8-80-2 Chinese shacks 88 Vacant Douglu street Intersecta. St John's Episcopal Church 100 Taylor, Ephraim 102 Russell, Chas 104 Storey, Thos E 106 Stevens, Allen 114 Pelletier, John P 118 Monro, Mrs I 130 Murray, F Blanchud Street InterseoU. / 148 Vacant .50 Foster, Miss L Nankivell, James Fisguard Street ends here South Side. 9 Yon Kee 13 Gee Yuen 23 Yon Yee 31 HipWa&Co 36 Ting Lee & Bros 37 Lai Hop 39 Wing Chong Lung 41 Chinese barber Qovernment Street here. 45 Sun Quan Yick Wing Kee 55 Chinese New City Market Sanitary Office Douglas Street intersects. 96-97 Ledingham Bros 107 Fraser, Alex Thomas, Henrv 109 Giles, Geo F 111 Renwick, Dr W 113 Ledingham, Geo 116 Johnson, H Peter Law, Robt Law, MH Law, Mrs A E 119 Thain, Ed J Thain, Mrs John Blanchard Street intersects. 125 Coleman, Mrs C 129 Jones, John T 133 Monk, Edw 135 Kurtz, Mrs David Kurtz, D G 151 Vacant Fisguard ends. Quadra intersects. PORT— From Wharf toCadboro Bay road NoBTH Side. 4 Scott, Wm McLennan & McFeely 16 BoBCowitz, J & Son Turner, Thomas Langley Street intersects. 20 Helmcken, Dr J D Government Street intersects. C.P. Railway Office Five Sisters' Block, second floor TIU irCC cum nifMICUT incunv Onldaa ntmlahed to tourlata. All kinds of IIM KCt, CMrLUlMCllI AuCRuT CUnaM Holp •appHad on the ahorteat noUee. Ko. 2a STORE STREET, VICTORIA. B. O. ozAnxiroB Quin 8ylv( 15 Nich( 2ndi net 2ndf :<ndf 3n<i f 2ndfj 2ndfl ^ir« 2ndfl lor] 2ndfl 2nd fl Har 2nd fl Pubi 3rdflc Smil 3rclflo JE 3rdflo( Mini 3rdflo< Mary 3rdflo< Engi 3rdflo Rm21, 3rdflo( Day Rm8 5: 4thflo< 4thflo( Rm47, Leande 28 Canada Jones, . 32 Austin, 32>^ Mont BerridK Mesher 34 B.C. B Delivi 38 Cohen, Ham, P 40 Lettlce, Lettice, 42 Croasda Grindle 44 Mounts Assoc! Sheddei Brownh Equitab Marshal nm 1 V '!i'wy,>..,...i I \ BETTER OOMB TOUB ^TAIW. with ^.He Best Combs in Town . . SOLO ONnr AT THE CENTRAL DRCr STORE • ■ OIiASXirOB BhOOK, COB. YAXXH AUTD DOVOI^Ji HTH., TKJTOBIA, B. O. I Bay icond cindB of notice. VirTOHIA CITY DIBECTORY 407 Quinlan.Dr W J, rma 13-U-15 Sylvester, Clarence, rras 13-14- 15 Nicholson, John 2nd floor rms 1-8, Gore, Bur- nett & Go 2nd floor. Savannah 2nd floor, Howell, Miss L 3n<i floor, Agnew, Wm B 2tid floor, rm 6,McMill''n,BH 2nd floor, rm 7, B.C. Board oi ?ire Underwriters 2nd floor, rm 10, Norton-Tay- lor Dr A 2nd floor, r 17,yerrinder Bms 2nd floor, rm 17, Dickinson, Harcourt 2nd floor, rm 22, 24 Dept of Public Works, Canada 3rd floor, rms 44, 45, Keefer & Smith, C.E's 3rd floor, rm 42, Harris, Miss JE 3rd floor, rm 42, Vigelius, Miss Minnie 3rd floor, rm 42, Mesher, Miss Mary 3rd floor, rm 50, B.C. Mnrine Engineers' Association 3rd floor, rm 48, Bluth H Rm 21, Boyd, J & Co 3rd floor, rms 46, 47, Soule & Day Rms 53, 55, Hall, Dr Jno 4th floor, rm 62, Mackie,Jno R 4th floor, rm 73, Reamer, T W Rm 47, Ballentyne, Clinton G Leander Tepid Baths 28 Canada Life Assurance Co Jones, A W, & Bridgman 32 Austin, John J 32>£ Monteith, Wm fierridxe, W M Mesher, Geo 34 B.C. Disti-ict Telegraph and Delivery Co 38 Cohen, J A Ham, Foster N 40 Lettice, Robt Lettice, Wm H 42 Croasdaile, H E & Co Grindley, H M 44 Mount Tolmie Home Building; Association Shedden, Geo Brownlee, Jas H Equitable Life Agency Marshall, W Riohd R.T.miAMS 46 Williams, Ben Calderwood, Andrew Queen City Building Society Broad street InteriectB. 48 Cook, John Irving, Geo 50 Parkei, John Parker, John, jr Russell, Thos 62 Davis. David 54 Ord, John 66 Hawkins, John McKenzie, Donald Merrill, Jos 58 Smith, Arthur 60 Clarke, Mrs J S Clarke, J A 62 Wiba, Harry Parrv, G B 64 Bate's, Mrs E A Bates, Noah Wm Smith, Miss S 66 Campbell, D E Jacob, J F Douglas Street Intenects. 70 Braden John Henry Braden, Edw H Bladen, Wm Hy Braden, John 72 Whitelaw, John 74 Vacant 76 Yee Sing 78-76 Mellor, Frank Mellor, John Wm 86 Glover, Mrs A 88 Philharmonic Hall 92-90 Esnouf, Richd B 94 Stevenson, Robt 96 Jenkinson, Henry 100 Baines, William 102 Ross & Smith 104 Baynes, John E 106 Grice & Co BUnchard Street interiects 108 Dowdall, Mike 112 Bailey, John Saul, Fred 114 Vacant 116 Roper, Rich W Roper, Mrs 118 O'Connor, Mrs C Quinnan, Chas McBrady, Dan O'Connor, Miss Maud 120 Doughty & Son 122 Hamilton, Mrs Jane Hargraves, George 1 , i: BOOKBIKDER and BLANK BOOK H&NUFACTORER »« BMOAlf MXBMBT, rXCTUXIA. can I V I I ppMnapppiPiw^^^^ DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY • WINHIPEG. Orewry's Ale, Porter and Lager la Aecommended by PhvBlciane Generally. PQ c til- O" ml J", (» si % O Q O 408 BBITI8H COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Giscombe, J R 26 Brown Jup Saloon 124 Abell, Edw 27 Clayton, A A 29 Robe -ts. Rich 126 Brewery, vacant 130 lAwson, John 31 B. C. Pharmacy 132 Talk, Samuel Jackson, Wm 134 Bourne, Frank Jackson, Fredk A 136. Vacant 33 Jameson, Robt H 138 Hassenfratz, Jacob 35 Fowls, Miss iielina 140 Perry & Graham 37 Nolle, F W & Co 142 Sweeney, Michael Lundgttist, Carl T H 144 Sherritt, Edwd Pauline, Madame 146 Dodd, Mrs Bridget 39 Clay, Hennr 41 Futcher, Thos S, Japanese 148 Lawrenson, Mrs 150 Gillespie, Mrs G M Bazaar Quadra street intersects. 43 Turner, Aug F, Soho Bazaar 162 Papst, John T 46 Pemberton & Son 154 Powers, Michael 45>^ Victoria Club 168 Hague, Mrs 47 Fletcher, Thos W 160 Vacant Broad Street intersects. 162 Wilkins, Mrs C 49 Fell & Co Wilkins,\Vm 51-66 Weiler, Bros Tolmie, Roderick 57-59 Smith, M R & Co 168 Dunnington, Mrs Joseph 61-63 Bickford, Wm Dunnington, Miss Lizzie Bickford, Mrs W Dunnington, Wm H 65 Vacant Dunnington, Miss S B Excelsior Sign Works Terry, Wallace, S Myers, George Carlyon, Miss Gertrude 67 Beauchamp, Miss S 69 Berridge, Wm 170 Johnson, Edw M Sharpc, Rev C E Speed, Bros 178 Victoria Assembly Rooms 182 McDonald, Alex G Douglas Street intersects. 186 Leask, Wm Charles 71 Victoria Saloon Vancouver Street intersects. 196 Sears, Joseph 202 Perrv, Wm Henry 216 Charles, Wm 71)^ Stevenson, Robt 73 Vacant 75 Vancouver Bakery Simmons, Arthur Coker 77 Vacant 79 Windebank, Wm C 228 O'Brien, John Vacant house 230 Dodgson, Lewis Windebank, Mrs W Cook street intersects. 81-83 Hanington, Dr Ernest B C 234 Vacant house 85 Watt, Dr Alfred T 238 Sieward, H F Lamponan, P Philips, Chas 89 Duncan, Dr John A 242 Casey, Lewis Duncan, Dr Geo 246 Jones, T J, L.D.S Corsan, Dr 246 Jones, Dr T H, D.D.S 91 Dales, Thomas J 268 Ella, Thos R 99 Pierce, Joseph T Market Exchange Hotel Fort Street ends and Cadboro Bay Road begins here. 101-108 Fashion Stables South Sidk. Barlow. Thos Englehardt, J 103 Geddies, John Langley Street intersects. 106 Hall, Chas 17 Temple Building Robt Ward & Co, Ltd Lia 107 Chisliman, Chris 109 Christie, Thompson & Co Bank B C {see Oovernment tt) Qovernment Street intersects. 111 Hewartson, Mrs Wm 113 Lemm, Irving 116 Drs 117 Fis 119 Lai Blanohai 121 Ho 123 Ber 126 J«D 127 Vac 129 Pag The Ji 131 Mc 133 Bui 137 Gri A. JLJfEATTiE WEEKLY AUCTIONS Vi^HCOUVCR, PfppfT^ t^if^vK ■W»lji«*!R"5^iifl{f;iF»^fWP'*W'»iWy wwm!^m ■flSSPP^P^'T^ Si AXDxftiHx. Victoria Xrausfer Co** IitdL ^'f^^tviwe*. 81 and 23 BrovKhton Street, Vlotcnia. B. C. Tel. 1S9. VICTOBIA CITY DIBBOTOBY. 409 116 Drake, Miss C M 117 Fisher, James 119 Lapierre, Horace Blanohard street intersects. 121 Hobbs, Frank Vicker 123 Bernado & Sures 126 Jacques, Geo 127 Vacant 129 Pagden, Chas The Hall Saloon, McCandlish, James 131 McLean, Laughlin 183 Bunting, Mrs C E 137 Grice, Arthur Nash, Mr McCrae, Dan S Fisher, A D Ix>we, George Fleming, Harold McKay, Wm 139 Crompton, Dr E 141 Wright, Mrs J M 146 Hardaker, Wm T 149 Harris, Mrs John 151 Foster, Livingstone 153 Steinfeldt, Charles 166 Bantley, Marcus 157 Qwong Hing Quadra Street intersects. 159 Franck, Mrs M P Franck, Julius H 161 Quenton, Rene 166 Browne, Fredk Browne, Mrs J 167 Hall, Philip 175 Farrell, Thomas 177 Workman, Mrs A 181 Pinkerton, Robt 183 Norris, Wm Geo 187 Smith, Mrs E 189 Stewart, Robt McFarland, Mrs Elizabeth Summers, Francis Wilson, Major John Reddie, Campbell Vancouver Street intersects. 199 Wood, Mrs E A 207 Dodds, Wm 209 Fad, John 217 Beger, Mrs N 223 Langley, John M Cook Street interseota. 289 Gordon, J B Vacant house 253 Sparrow, W G Sparrow, I M 265 Bloomiugdale, H 266 Seelig, G H 263 Page, Francis Fort Stieet ends and Cadboro Bay Road begins here. FOUL BAY ROAD-Runs from Ross Bay Cemetery to Cadboro Bay road NoBTH Side. Ross Bay Nursery, Wood- ward, A J Ctiarles Street here. Hooper, Francis Hooper, Matthew NicnoU, James Nicholl, Andrew • Watson, Robt South Side. Dow, G A Ross Bay Cemetery. Lewtas, R Vacant Short, Henry Short, H N "Woodgrove," F LNeale "Oakdean," Shotbolt, Thos East Side. Pemberton, F B Hilton, B W FOURTH— Runs from street to Topaz avenue. East Side. 9 Roy, Alphonse 27 Blackwood, E E King's Road intersects. ' 65 Critchley, James 67 Aubin, C W 120 West, Mrs E J Hillside Avenue intersects. Firth, James Adams, John Thomas, Almond Sharpe, Lewis West Side. 20 Jeune, Fredk 24 Schoen, Sig 26 Armstrong, Wilson J Armstrong, Chas 30 Watkinson, A J 32 Hookway, Raymond Quadra .tP^ I WEILER BROS., ^^^ agents fob cbossley VIOTOXIA, B. o. AND SONS FINE CARPETS. / ■•' i ■1 ,1 ^^. i ^^^^..jjwiiw,np;fppPiw!WP'^ 'wmamm iiPipif^MmpiniiipiiPiPPPiii HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY " "!!S^ "™". ^ 410 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBBCTORY. Hookwav, A F 34 Beckwith, W S King'8 Road inteneots. 66 Mitchell, Robt McKenzie, Charles Liddell, Thos 58 Thomas, Charles £ 60 Robertson, Joseph 64 Glover, Geo 68 Moore, Mrs J W McKenelley, Thomas 80 Stevenson, James 84 Brocklehurst, Mrs J S Tranter, Seymour HlUaide Avenue iatenects. GEORGE — Runs from Johnson to Pandora. East Sidb. 1 BrigKs, A J George Street begins here off Johnson. 6 Giles Georxe Freer. Miss Mamie 9 Tribe, George 13 Rudlin, Capt Geo E 15 Vacant Oearge Street ends. Chambers Street begins. Pandora Street intersects. a8 ►J O B « GORDON— Runs from Humboldt to Broughton East Side. 5 The Douglas House, prop P H Marshall Marshall, Paul Henry West Side. 8 McPherson, Alex Courtney Street intersects 16 Bornsteii), Miss T Broughton Street here. GORGE ROAD- city limits North Side. -From Grovt to 19 Gray, Samuel 27 Scott, H J Scott, Mrs Annie 33 White, Edward 35 Flumerfelt, A C Porter, Thos Porter, Arthur Smith, Mary Newing, Alice 46 Humber, W H R Rock Bay Avenue 'hare. 49 Steaner, Josephine Steaner, Caroline Qarbally Road interseets. First Bridge here. Morris, — , I llzabeth Street Interseiics. Chambers, W S Seconl Bridge here. McLennan, R P Seabrook, B R, Wetland Street intersects. McLellan Cameron, Mrs Dunedin Street here. Carmichael, J R Adams, H W Bmma Street here. Croft, Maggie Currall, W D Millard, A H South Side. Harriet Road, city limits. Webster, Christina Norris, Fred Thompson, C W R Emma Street here. Snowden, N P Barnsley, John Second Bridge here, Stephens, C Government Street here. Centennial Methodist Church Book Bay Avenue here. Aikman, Greo W Aikman, H B W ■Aikman, James A Mordaunt, Miss Nellie Neal, James Pardoe, Annie Pardoe, Mary Rykert, Mrs G Z GOVERNMENT— From James Bay Bridge to junction of Doug- las and Saanich rd East Side. 1 Vacant 3 Vacant TIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Goldea fumiahed to touriata. All kinds ot Chinasa help tuppUad on the ahortaat notice. No. a3^.9TORE STREET, VICTORIA, B. C. ir »U -.il.iii.lflllijfiHI!, wp'PwrwF' ^^^^ n POPULAR PRICES AND BEST OF OOODS AT THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE Clarence Block, Cor. Yates and Douglas Sts., Victoria, B. C. TIOTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 410a mANCIS AVENUE. North Side. Brom'ey.Geo Burton, Marli Verge, Samuel Fleming, John Sooth Side. Porter, John Vacant Vacant FRANKLIN— Runs from Vancou- ver street to Cook street. North Side. 8 Shedden, Geo Taylor. AH W Henwood, Geo 14 Peter, Henrv Thomas 32 Bnckett. Wm 34 Fraser- Barron, Charles I<'raser- Barron, Mrs Martha South Side. 7 Hall, Mrs Margaret Harris, James 13 Bennet, Mrs Harriet 25 Begbie, Sir Matthew B Ki FREDBRICK- to Cook. North Side. -Runs from Quadra 10 Robinson, J R 12 Hiscocks, £ H 14 Wenrick, Adam Stooke, C W Stooke, S G 18 Cruickshank. Geo Dedginger, Miss M 20 Reynard, M C Revnard, Mrs Mary Reynard, John S 24 Vacant 26 Jacksou, John S 30 Baker, Michael Baker, Richard A 34 Peanock, W H 36 Frank, Miss P Frank, E 40 Sylvester, F 46 Brabant, Gilbert Meunier, Joseph 60 Brown, Jos H 52 Ritter, Robert 54 Hughes, Miss C Gates, Miss R Trail, Miss M Dawson, Miss J Nesbit, Miss S 68 Gaerdes, John H 60 Nesbitt, S D 70 Bedard, Thomas 72 Pluggett, Alfred Frederick ends at Cook Street. South Side. 9 Selleck, Mrs E Quadra Street here 13 Vacant 16 Gibbons, C H 17 Ridgman, A H Ridgman, Mrs E P 23 Vacant 26 Whitehead, £ Rowbottom, G W Wilson, Thomas Atwood, A W 33 Levy, Joseph 36 Crissmer. August 37 Arthur, L 63 Shaw, Miss Bella MoKean, Wm J 63 Levy, Barney 67 Turner, August F Turner, Mrs A F FREDERICK, Victoria West- Runs from Russell street to Indian reserve. North Side. Smith, George Smith, S McC Mary Street intersects. Catherine Stieet intersect!. Grove Saloon "Grove Oottftge," MrsE Jamieson, J C Esquimau Road intersects. Vacant house Cotsford, John Pamphlet, Robt Pamphlet, H Martin. trn trt irri FRONT, Victoria West. East Side, Vacant house > O Z 3) O m Z a > z > 0) z H° m § (0 3D -< H (0 m 1 » m c o 0) c •0 m R. T.WILLIAMS 98 Broad Bt., rtetorta. !1 Mi. '. :ft VICTORIA TRANSFER CO., LTO 81 and 83 BroaBhtoB BtrMt, VlotorU. B. O. T«l. 189. Chaek Banac* to any part of Um City. Thalr WagoiM and CarriacM m««t all Boata and Trains. 410b BBITI8H OOLCHBIA DIRBCTOBY. Vacant house McDonald, D Vacant house . Walker, Wm Ruuel street here. West Sioit; Welsh, James Vacant house Poole, Walter Victoria West Public School Buasel Street bere. •zi I o ad GAMBIA — Runs from Delta street to Alpha street, north. East Sidb. Vacant Sangster, Alex Delta Street begins here Wbst Sidb. Mercer, Wm OARBALLT ROAD— Buns from Saanich road to Victoria Arm, crossing Gorge]road. North Sidb. Rowbothaita, A J Gorge Road Interaeoti. Blackett, St Clair Spence, S G Critchley, D Grice, J B Grice, Thos South Sidb. Lang, B Andrew, Mrs J Brldgo Avenue here. Williams, J W Rule, Joseph Gray, Jas J Selkirk Road hare. Seaton, Mrs M BY THE PALATIAL STEAMERS OF Tlie:Caiiaiian:Paci:toiptioii:(jo'y -LIMITBD VICTORIA, Manager, - - - General Agent, Assistant Manager, Gen'l Passenger Agent, Secretary to Manager, - B. C. JOHN IRVING G. A. CARLETON F. W. VINCENT C. S. BAXTER J. G. PULLINGER mERBROS.,ieLeailiD|[UlMyeis, VICTORU, »^^fPWi*WMr'-T^!|i^»,p«5i!li<A^-«'«w^'i.- - '■w:.TT'W|"'Vi':"5- :ity. Ttoir •ndTraliia. Dr. Lewis H«ll*i Tooth Powder will not liUnr« the Teeth, Mild* «Bl7 St ikm OEMTBAIt DRUO STORE. CLARENCE BLOCK. COR. DOUGLAS and YATES STS., VICTORIA, 8. C. una from ria Arm, r.Co'y IRVING ILETON IN CENT BAXTER ,UNGER m,T VICTORIA CITY DTBBCTORY. 411 6 Vacant 7 Vacant 9 Bay View Saloon Kidfehalgh, T J Humboldt Btraet Intariecta. 11 Belmont Saloon Flewin, W H 13 Smith, \V 19 Sam Sintr 21 Sturdy, F Courtney Street intemecta. 23 Windsor Hotel McDonald, Alex 26 Simmons & Coker 27 Faulkner, John 29 Rogers, W 81 Kosche, C Broughion Street intenecta. 37 Johnson, £ M 39 Frank, £ 39>^ Tiarks, J G 41 Lowenberg, Harris & Co 43 Redfern, C £ 43M Devereux, G E United States Consulate Myers, Levi W 45 Kerr, J R 47 Challoner & Mitchell 47K Cooper, R E Hargreaves, G 49 Kingham, J & Go 51 Brown Jug Saloon Powers. M Fort Street iiitersectB. Five Sisters' Block G. P. R. Freight and Ticket . office Courtney, G L 55 Morrison, Geo 57 Jackson, Geo R 59 Davidson Bros Ballentyne, C G 61 Lombard, C A 63 Lowe Skene Wade, Dr Mark Clyde, Mrs A J Bak<sr, J H Pennock & Lowe 65 Spencer, D Spencer's Arcade Hooper, Thos Perry, Grav A Davis 87 Young, Henry & Go 69 Hibbea,TN&Go 73 Wilson, W & Co Hartman, S M Dr Can. Order Odd Fellows Sons of England Benevolent Society, Alexander Lodge Forrester's Hall, Court Vanc'r 6756 Forrester's Hall, Robt Good- ing, caretaker Loyal Orange District Lodge, Vancouver Island A.O.U.W, Victoria Lodge. No 19 A.O.F, No 5035, Ct Northern Light Loyal Orange Society, Victoria Lodge, No 90 C.O.O.F.,M.U., Loyal Daunt- less, Lodge No 177 A.O.U.W, Victoria Lodge A.O.O.F, Ct Northern Light 76 Heisterman & Co 77 Johnson, J & Co Trounce Avenue here. 81 Green, Worlock & Go Worlock, F H, mgr Wells. Fargo express 83 Wilson, W & J 86 Garvin, T Garmichael, J B San Francisco Baths Geiger & Becker Vacant Senate Saloon Duce, Antone 95 Mansell, Henry 97 B.C. Cattle Co Yates Street interaects. 101 Campbell's Cigar Store 103 Fullerton, John 103K Siepman, H Dow, Geo A, Cromwell House Appleby, M J 105 Vigeliu's Bros 107-109 Delmonico Hotel 109 Delmonico music hall 111 Shooting gallery 118 Vienna, Geo 116 Beahm, Chas 117 Ross, Dixie H & Co 119 Bamsley, J & Go 121 Goodacre, Lawrence Johnson Sireet intersects. Cor Johnson and Government E G Prior & Go 123 Matthews, Geo I Prior, Ed Gawlor 126 Brackman & Ker, Milling Co Limited 129 Brackman & Ker's hay sheds 87 91 98 OO tm tm > o Z 31 o m "I rn (0 z a > H r Z m m z > 0) z H o Z ■q m O 0) 30 -< H (0 m c F o 0) c "0 tri 7DlrV "PUSr^Sf ^XXI^ Moi'* Hands and More Capital than all other Binderiea WJi XjaJrMAJX to the Provtace. US »M04J> aTMMMT, TIVTOSIX. K if It R. T. WILLIAMS DREWRY'S REDWOOD DREWERY - WINNIPEG. Orewry's XXX Stock Ala !■ Extra Hopped. Making It an ExcaUant Appatlslng Tonic. o o m "St o o GL c (d (d I- D o CO c (d o O Q O C5 412 BRITIHH COLUMBIA DIRKCTOBY. 127 Powell, Geo A Co Jeune, Fredk Jeune, Philip Moore, Henry Sewell, Benj' 131 Davidse, F C & Co 133 Landsberg, F 133 Victoria Loan OflSce Pandora Street iateneoti. Tai Yune & Co 136 Vacant 137 Hong Lee & Co Lem Sam & Co 139 Wa Hong 147 Shack FlBgusrd Street interiecta. 163 Lam Kee & Co 166 Chinese 167 Chinese 169 Josa House Ittl Chinese slora 163-167 Chinese 169-171 Saunders' Restaurant Saunders, Mrs £ J Peterson, John fiarnett, John 173 Nash, Edward Herald Street interBects. Four buildings, Chinese, no numbers Chatham Street intersects. 183 Chinese laundry 189 Wolf, Peter 191-196 Victoria-Phoenixa Brewing Co 193 Shack Discovery street intersects. Vacant Pembroke Street intersects. Vacant Princess Avenne here. 213 Stevens, Frank 317 Penny, Thos Queen's Avenue here. HaU, Dr Frank Fountain here. West Side. Prov Police Launch House James Bay bridge Victoria Canoe C51ub 2 Mcintosh, Daniel D Wharf Street here. Courtney Street Intersects. Reid, Mrs A 30 McOulloch. G A 32 Carmichael, H & Co 34 Earaman, John & Co 34M Wagg, Edwin 36 Jonea, C E 40 B. C. Land and Investment Agency Broughton Street iaterseots. 42 Bainbridge, W H, B.C. Pot- tery Co, Ltd Burris, S C B.C. Pottery Co, Ltd 44 Bainbridge, W U & Co 46 Christoto, Chris 48 Flatt, H D, prop Vic Plumb- ing Co 60 Sommer, Jos 60)^ Knights, Bayne T Bayne, Roskeu Fleming Bros 62 Hay ward, C McTavish, G A Bankof B.C Ward, W C, supt branches Bk of B.C Gillespie, Geo mgr Bk B.C Ker, R L, asst mgr Bk B.C Goffin, C A, acct Bk B.C 54 Bank of B.C. buildinir Jones, T J, L.D.S Pierson, Jos Welch, E E, acct Mallandaine, M E, architect ■ Baker, £ Crow Fort Street Intersects. 68 Erskine, Wall & Co 60 Vacant 62 Vacant 64 Waitt, M W & Co 66-8 The Sehl-Hastie-Erskine Co 70 Huteheson. J, "Westside" 72 Morris, £ A Croft, Hy, M.P.P McKilligau, Jno B 74 The Colonist Printing and Publiahing Co, Ltd 76 Vacant 78 M & H A Fox 80 Hanson, Samuel Button street here. 81 Bank of Montreal Galletly, A J C, mgr Pitt, Edward 82K Daasonville, J Nuttall, Thos C 84 Gribble, Henry A M R'R A TTTX! ADCnONEER, . APPRAISEI .■ All, cmr HARkXT. vahcouver. b. c. A Victoria Transfer Co., Ltd. """^5Sil5ftIS,?H'S^'r2?v'SSc5:"'«' 91 and »a Broughton Street, Tietoria, B. C. Tetephtte 199. VICTORIA CITY DIBECTORY. 413 86 Leask, J C 9(i% Jones, A M Norgate, T B Findlay, U B 88 Campbell, Daniel 90 Wenger, John Wenger, ChriB 90>4 Office Rock Bay Coal yard S F Mcintosh Rosebank Lime OflSce 92 Jamieson, Robt PMtoffloe Here. 100 Hall, Goepel & Co Hyams, A R Mitchell, James Adelphi block Morgan, E J Great Northern Ry Office, Rattrav, C A West, A C Northern Pacific R.R. office Yatoi street Intersects. Salmon block 106 Salmon, H L Swinerton & Oddy Benson, A J 110 Hart. David 112 Teutonia Saloon Nathan, Walter Chas Alleyway here. 116-118 New England Bakery and Restaurant Levy, Edward Wille, Harry Olson, Ida 116-118 Young, M <& L 122 Reid, Samuel 124 Levy, Joe 128 Whittaker, Wm ISO Omineca Saloon •130)^ Waterson, H G 132 Erskine, A B Johnion Street Intenecte. 134-36 McLennan & McFeely 136 Bownesfl & Creeden Hotel Victoria 146 Vacant 148 The Blue Front 160 Davidge, F C 162 Montreal clothing house lb2^ The Church of England Chi- nese Mission school 164 Hancock, Hy 156 Auld, W E 168 Smith, Wm 162 Grissmer, A Bostwick, H 166 Prince of Wales Saloon Cormorant Street Interaecti. 168 Dick, Wah 172 May Tong 178 Gim Fook Yuen 182 236 Hop & Co . 184-186 Kwong Yuen & Co Fliguard Street here. 188 Yon On & Co 190-192 Pow Kee 192)^ Sang Lung Het'aia Strtei i 'iterBtoti. Chatham Htrerl 'nteneota. DlBcovery Street intersecta Howe'f- Coal and Wood yard Pembroke Street fnterBects. Sheds vacant 210 The Taylor Milling Co, Ltd Roek Bay. Bay Street Intersecta. 230 Brooks, James Orchard Street here. 320 McCarter, Wm Bay Street here. 322 Tavlor, John 324 Smith, Henry Edward Smith, George Edward John street here. 328 De Witt, William QRBKN — From Quadra between Chatham and Pembroke North Side. 6 Gibson, H 12 Place, Robt Wrathall, R P 16 Creech, Wm 18 Willey, Jos H 24 Brown, J H 26 Lai son, David Thomson, David Thomson, John South Side. 6 Jordan, F G Quadra Street here. 7 Andrews, Jas 9 Yeo, J H 11 Orton, H P 13 Janes, A 17 Hatch, Mr Ceaser, Fred 10 Sheather, Austin 21 Wallenstein, L F INTERIOR WOODWORK, OFHOE MD BAB HTTDfOS =: Ibidtt to Ocdmr Iby WJBUJSRBROS. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY WlXXa mnd XiIQVOMB, r^eti and in Bond. VICTORIA. B. C. ^■u .4 I 414 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. 23 Vacant 26 Vacant 29 Smith, W J Smith, Jaa 31 Vacant Green Street ends here. GRANT— Huns from Stanley street to Fern wood estate North Side. Smith, Francis Qrant Street endi. Bod well Street begins Stanley Avenue intersects. Godson, Ernest HAMILTON ROAD. HARBOUR COTTAGES -See Store street. HARRISON — From junction of Yates and Fort streets. East Side. 15 Esnouf, R B 17 Courteney, H 26 Nickerson, Capt A 29 Dodds, Mrs West Side. 6 Baur, Mrs Ol^a Yates Street here. 8 Trickey, Wm 36 Atkinson, Hy 38 Burns, Lee Hutchison, Mrs 40 Lavender, Capt R O Upper Pandora Street here. HAUGHTON — Runs Devonshire road. East Side. Richer, Mrs E Marchant, Wm Banfield, David west from HEAD. Work Point. Royal Marine Artillery bar'ks HENRY— Runs from Pleasant to Government. North Side. 16 Bassett, John G 20 Rappertie, Arthur S Turner Street intersects. 26 Dickinson, Edwin 28 Carson, Wm George Vacant house Bridge Street intersects. 42 Tyson, James Penny, Henry 44 Wood Wm 48 Rudsell, David 60 Sheret, Andrew Moir, Alexander 74 Fish, Robert 76 Herrick, Ulin Rock Bay Avenue intersects. ^ 80 Hall, Rich Harvey Ross, Miss Maggie South Side. 26 Yerrill, Wm Turner Street inters sets. 27 Rivers, Henry 43 Beaton, Daniel 43 Wager, Henry Bridge Street intersects. 47 Collins, George 61 McKav, Gilbert 67 Campbell, Daniel C 59 Homan, Fred 61 Harriss, Edwin' 63 Patterson Robt 71 Allen, Wm Daley. Albert 73 Ramsay, David 77 Sherk, Jacob 85 Jones, Mrs Lavina Torrance, A Rock Bay Avenue intersects. 87 Olive, — Batten, Wm Kermode, Edw 89 Young, John 91 Price, Joseph S 93 Babington, Archibald Gordon Babington, Pommure Albert Kettle, Wm Megneson, Capt TIM KtC| EMPLUYMcNT AUCNCY Chinese help supplied on ti thortest notice. No. 23 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B. C. DR. LEWIS H Mmd0 onl\ HBNRir ] West—: road to E North Sidj W^illai Browr Browi Sallaw Barnei Potts, JohntE Catherine St: South Side Watt, ' Church Saunde Dawes, St Paul Baptist HERALD— I to Blanche North Side. Robson 24 Sing Kt Mission 30 NumK Cabins 32 Carter, Vancou Jacklin 42 Levi, R Government 8 44 Jacklin Coplanc Jacklin 46 Vacant 48 Watson Smith, Carse, \ 60 IJuUen, Bullen, 54 Vacant 66 rellow, 58 Vacant 60 Turner, Taylor, 62 Vacant 64 Vacant 66 Vacant 68 Vacant Douglas, Stret Calvary BLANK 61 mmm. mmm^ DRl LEnId HILL S llllTICEPTiC TODTH WAoH BnntH mm aeana the TMtli • • . . Mmd» only at OXUfTHAli HMVO BTOBM, Clarence Bloek, Vietoria, B. O. VICTORIA CITY DIBECXORY. 415 HXNRir STREET. Victoria West' — Buna from Esquimalt road to Rnasel street. North Side. Willard, Wesley Brown, Capt Geo Brown, Geo Wm Sallaway, J F Barnes, Chas Potts, Thos Johntson, Wm Catherine Street InterBects. South Side. Watt, William Church of Holy Saviour Saunders, Robert Dawes, William St Paul's Presbyterian Church Baptist Mission Sunday School HERALD — Runs from water front to Bianchard avenue. North Side. Robson, John 24 Sing Kee Mission Church 30 Num Kee & Co Cabins 32 Carter, Thos Watson Vancouver Brewery Jacklin, Thos 42 Levi, Robert Government Street intersects. 44 Jacklin, C M Copland Jacklin, Mrs F 46 Vacant 48 Watson, A Smith, — Carse, Wm 60 liullen, Jonathan BuUen, W J 54 Vacant 66 Pellow, Thos 58 Vacant 60 Turner, Mrs W M Taylor, Mrs BoUe 62 Vacant 64 Vacant 66 Vacant 68 Vacant Douglas, Street here Calvary Baptist Church South Side. 99 Deasy. Wm John 3 Chun Kee 5-7 Albion Hotel 13 Carpenter, A M Cabins 21>^ Jame Lt^e 31 Fisher, IJ J Goremment Street intersects. 47 Duck, Simon 49 Vacant 51 Joned, William 55 Church of England Chinese House of Rest 61 Carter, Chas Douglas Carter, T W Phillips, W S Peers, Miss E Carter, A T Carter, CD -' 63 Monk, J Douglas Street Intersects. 83 St John's Church (English) Schools 85 Philo, A A Philo, Rev Solomon, D.D 87 Vacant 89 Vacant • . 91 Wille, Harry 93 Vacant 95 Vacant 97 Vacant 99 McDonald, Dan HEYWOOD AVENUE, Bea- con Hill Park— Runs from Park road to Old Agricultural Hall. North Side. 1 McTavish, Mrs D A 11 McTavish, George A East Side. 23 Atkinson, George 27 Moffat, Thomas 31 Clegg, Thomas 33 Thompson, Henry 35 Gannon, John 37 Elliot, John Vacant lot Danby, W Walker, H Tilton, E G Green, Abraham Oreen, Chailes * o Id M I OS b9 ^ ltd Ih I-"' H H BLANK mi MANIlFACTDMit R. T. WILLIAMS M Bro«« »*., TiitHwria. ipiiipi Drewry's Redwood "Brewery^ Winnipeg. All Wholesale Dealers keep Orewry's Ale. Porter and Lager in Stock. ^ i I z o O CO 416 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBBCTOBY. Green, Alfred A Green, Francis J Old Agricultural Hall. Albion Cricket Ground. HILL — From First street. South Side. 6 Rooklidge, Bert Booklidgp, Eugene Booklidge, Geo E Rooklidge, Geo O First Street bere. HILLSIDE AVENUE - Runs from Government to City limits. NOBTH SiDB. 10 Linney, W E Douglas Street here. Seven houses vacant 18 Kelly, Ernest Thompson, H A 24 Roper, F S 30 Paul, Edwd B 36 Fish, Mrs Ann 40 Patterson, Andrew 56 Grahame, H M Fint Street intersects. Grahame, James Allan Ten houses vacant Third Street intersects. 66 Cox, Thomas South Sidb. 36 Ross, Dili H 87 Vacant 39 Vacant 43 Walker, G T 45 Mackintosh, A D 51 Tyler, Wm First street intersects. 63 Lane, Vernon 66 Gray, S W Second Street intersects. 65 Vacant Third Street intersects. 81 Vacant Fourth Street interseota. Goins, A S Jackson, Wm G Jackson, Stuart H ack8on,.GeoE Jackson, Alex J Wbsx Sidb. Jackson, Mrs Margaret HUMBOLDT— From Government to Vancouver. North Side. 2 Belmont Saloon, W H Flewin Yaicbi, Osawa, Yaidis 8 Vacant 14 Chapman, Wm Gordon Street intersects. 16 Clifton. Miss M Ray 20 Shepherd, W S Fox, Mrs Annie 30 Johnson, J B Cburohway and Douglas Street here. 32 Lewis, Aaron 34 Tesche, Eugene Tuthill, E V 36 Clifton, W R 38 Vacant 42 Sinclair, Wm 54 Wolfe, William PenwlU street here. 60>^ Stocks, Geo 62 Churton, Arthur 68 Rollins, Jas S McClure Street Intersects. 78 Vacant cabin 88 Sheron, Jas 102 O'Rorke, Luke 114 Gray, Peter 134 Vernon, Chas Rupert Street here. 148 "Hollybank,"Rithet, R P South Side. 1 Ridehalgh, T J Jaques, A W 3 James, Harry Dutton, John 9 Morry, Wm 11 Kipling, Wm Holmes, M Mellor, Fredk Kipling, ThoB Kipling, Chas Kipling, David 13 Lawry, N Lawry, Wm Tulk, Chas Bingham, Geo A. M. BEATTIE CITY MARKET. VANCOUVER. B. C. Weekly Auctions I MBBOS. viotoria Xransfor Clo*^ IiiidL Jtate* tma aM<«»««t oa'^ato*. 21 sad 83 Brovchtoa StrMt, Vlotorla. B. C. T«1. 129. VICTORIA OITY DIBEOTORY. 417 14 Cabin, Renney, Hugh 15 Wolcock, Jaa Tyack, James 26 B. C. Soap Works, W Pendray, prop Sparrow, I M Chapman, Howard Lony, Jas Woolcock, Jas 25 Hick. Wm Kipline, Chas Jones, Ernest Donaldson, Geo 29 Oren, Mathias Simon, Peter 35 Cox, John 37 Vacant 39 Vacant 41 Bertuccio, N 45 Marr, Harry 66 Weiler Bros' furniture factory Bahr, Theo 59 Ye Wo 61 Brook, Geo 63 Keithlev, Geo 65 Sam Wo Lee 67 Vacant house 69 Vacant store "Beach Terrace" Cabin 1, vacant 2 Vacant cabin 3 Vacant cabin 4 Vacant cabin 5 Vacant cabin 6 Barberi, Frank 73 Guiseppe, Zarelli - Reformed Episcopal Church McClure Street Intenects. 81 Vacant house St Ann's Convent, Lady Su- perior, Sister Mary Anne 111 Newcombe, Mrs J 113 Vacant house 116 Partington, M Winchester, Wm Winchester, Rev A B, supt Presbyterian Chinese Mis- sion in B.C Fark Road here. Vancouver Street here. Morgan, Ed Alford, Hy Allen, Fred HURLTON— Oak Bay Ave. East Side Oak Bay avenue here. Hume, Eli Hopper, John BlanK, Ix>uis Smith, Jos S Presbyterian Mission Hall Louden, T D Farquhar, Geo IDA. East Side. Weetman, Jas Devonahire Road intersects. INDIAN RESERVE— E.& N.Ry Boathouse, Limpe, Point. North Side. Nickells, Jno South Side. Unwin, Geo W East Side. Carroll, P H McLean, M Bagley, H W Bales, Mrs J C West Side. Fowler, B Trahey, Geo IVY. South Side. Wilkinson, F JACKSON'S AVENUE -Runs from Michigan. East Side. 1 Babbage, Fredk 2 Edmunds, Wm 3 Terry, Fred Curry, Archie 4 McArthur, Wm JAMES -Runs Rendall. from Oswego to North Side. 1 M trston, Charles 6 Roper, Hy Hudson \ 4 n! *^ w H^ o S s n g ^"^ Dresse onldin "a ^ t^ 0° SB c a B'^ s-S S ^ " tri » ? B • o* » ^ ^ w S: ?-" H '1 I u s .A, " "^ 'i\ ■i iLER BROS, aie Comi^ele House Fumte. Lai{d Sock in B. C. N HUDSON'S BiY COMPAIIY™'^S^?S""«'»"' • 418 BBITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTORY. oo Private property 32 Gavin, John if 13 9 Jackson, James 34 Stephens, W J 36 Dodgson, Herbert 11 Stenson, Wm 13 Williams, Charles 38 Berrv, Mrs James 15 McRoberts, John E 40 Roflf, Thomas ^ 17 Duncan, Alex B 42 Vacant 25 Johns. William Pillar letter box m* Vacant lots Bridge Street intersects. •s South Side. 2 Houses vacant .-ti 60 Banks, Henry s 2 CoBtelloe, Edw 52 Dick, Wm 4 Bartlett, Jas 54 Banks, Henry 6 Jones, Fred 56 McArthur, James I 8 Whiteside, Herbert 62 Smith, Chambers Dell ii 10 Dunn, Robt 64 Baker, Thomas 12 Vacant 66 Simpson, Alex 14 Brown, Archibald 70 Robertson, Alexander s • 16 Fairfnl, James Robertson, Miss 20 Roper, Chas Margaret, Watson r ■:> a 72 Fowler, Jasper 76 Thompson, David 80 McLean. Peter A JAMES, Victoria West— Runs from Esquimau road to water front. 84 Bishop, Henry F 86 Penketh, George ;^S East Side. Rock Bay avenue intersects. i^ Raymur, Jas L Vacant house 96 Haynes, George W 100 Maynard, Albert H S T I**.***! W iA\if\Aa\i 102 Offerhttus, Rhynvis QoTernment Street here. c-;> to Indian reserve. South Side. North Side. Hughitt & Mclntyre Rock Bay Lumber Yard, Knox, J A Bridge street interrects. Gordon, V\ m B Turner Street intersects. .^ » CatherlLe Street intergects. 71 Johnson, Edwd Codey SB5 Mary Street intersects. Johnson, Edwd Ebenezer ^2 South Side. .Johnson, E C ^s^ 77 Walsh, John J ■«^^ Talbert, JF 79 Gill, J A Austin SZS Watson, T P 81 McLean, John r -> Catherine Street inteneett. 83 Howes, Wm ^^1^ Parsell, Thos 87 Downer, Richd ^ •r| Mary dtreel IntersectB. 99 Hall, Mary A ■ ' Houston, Wm 103 Hall, Alfred ■ i Parsell, David " Hall, William ■ 107 Gill, J A Austin ■ De Long, Mrs H «M JOHN — From Pleasant to Govern- Robs Bay Avenue intersects. H s i ment. North Side. ■ 1 tg 1 JOHNSON— From Wharf street to 1 fe. 1 14 BuKgle, Thomas RoDoolerd, Mrs Margaret Fernwood road Johnson street 1 ffi extension, a private street, the 1 Turner Street Interaecta. property of Hon. A. De Cosmos, s 26 Myers, Levi W extends from Section 20, Spring • 28 Bush, Albert Ridge, to Fernwood road. ™|fCr CIIDI nVIICIIT AOCIIPV 0«i<lM fumiahed to tonriaU. All kinds , KtLf CmrLUlMUII AUCmil cmaeM help aapplied on the aborteat noticf No. 28 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B. O. Msm Prescnutions PreDarell M PURE DRUGS ONLY at tbe Central Dme Store Clarence Block, Corner Yates and Douglas Sts.. Victoria, B. C. VICTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 419 North Sidb. 16 Sam Lung Wharf Street here. Queen's Hotel Store Street intersects. 26 Grand Pacific Hotel 28 Lome Restaurant 2S}4 Winn, M C 30-34 Russ House 8K Empire Hotel 40 Beck with, W H 42 Perry, W H 44 Hermann, Wm Salmon, E J & Go 46 Kinnaird, Walter D 48 King's Head Reer Hall 50 Mc(iregor,Knight&McKitrick 64 Pardoe, Chaa 68 Vacant store 60 Le Silver, John 60>^ Knight, Mrs J 62 Vacant store 64 Vacant store 68 Germania Saloon Qovernment Street intersects. Prior & Co, Ltd 82 Parr, John Broad Street Intersects. 84 Powell Wm 86 Gookson & Plows 88 Pelkev, Jas A 90 Storey, Thos 92 Hodge, Wm 94-96 Dempster & McLaughlin 104 Porter, Robert & Sons Douglas street intersects. 106 Brown, W W 108 Whitman, Jas 108 Lewis, Georee McKenzie, F 112 Bakes, Saml Game, Fredk.jr 114 Blue Post Saloon 116 Glay, Saml 124 Leahjr, J Golouial Brewery 130 Burnell, Mac Cabin 24, vacant Cabin 14, Martin, Solomon Cabin 14, Stoddart, Fred Cabin 16, Johnson, Thos Cabin 18, McCaskill, C Cabin 18, Graham, Duncan L Cabin 20, Ord John Cabin 20, Sutherland, Alex C Cabin 22, McDonald, Jno Cabin 23, Sinclair, Jno Cabin 6, Wall, Jno Cabins 7, 8, 9, 10, vacant Cabin 13, Bent, Arthur R Cabin 1, McAvoy, Wm P Cabin 1, Wallace, John Cabin 2, Nobbs, Fred Cabin 2, Mumram, F Cabin 3, Jennings, Howard Cabin 3, Morgan, Wm 134 Caspar, WoH 140 Vacant cabin 142 McCann, Geo Renfrew, Jno B.C. Dye Works Hearn, H Blanohaid Street intersects 146 Smith, Mrs Sarah Strachan, Mrs Elizabeth Strachan, Alex M 148 Matthews, Robt Jas 162 Vacant 160-2 Vacant 164 Daniels, Mrs Elizabeth 170 Plows, Hunter ShepLard, B Fred Plows, Robt North, Mrs J A 196 Todd, J H Quadra Street intei sects. 206 Dougherty, Geo 218 Todd, C F 220 Demers, E 222 Vacant Vancouver Street intersects. 226 Munuie, Wm 234 Rockett, Wm 238 McFarlane, Mrs Mary 238 Harrison, Wm 242 Gilchrist, James H 246 Waterson, H G 262 Alderson, Geo 264 Jamieson, Mrs M 266 Snavely. Jacob 260 White, W C Dagan, Horace Cook Street intersects. 264 Creeden, Jno 268 Campbell, Donald 270 Weber, Louis 274 Boorman, Wm 278 MoPheraon, Jno 284 McCluskev, C B 286 McCluskey, Chaa 200 Vacant 292 Barneswell, Jas, jr Barnes well, H O m 3D ■< 03 o «m go sO so S 5 M 130 >< n P u> H O O "0 m ruK zjLxmsT iMFHorxMJSimi inbook- BUfDIKO Ajm BABBM M UJMfG. B. T. Williams -88 BROAD aXRBST. VlOTORIi^. Dreiyxy's Redwood Brewery, Winnipeg. Drewry's Ale and Porter Builds np and Strengthens tbe System. o Q O 01 420 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Barneawell, Jas, sr George Street here. 294 Vacant 338 Fleming, J W 340 Kinloch, J W 342 Cathcart, Hy, jr 342 Cathcart, Wm 368 Baker, T H 370 Nicholas, Elias 372 Mayna i, Ohaa 374 Stephenson, F J 376 Carmody, Daniel Fernwood Rood here. South Side. Occidental Hotel 3 Vacant 6 V^acant 9 Gordon Hotel Dougherty, Geo 11 Larmen, Jas 13 Saforcade, Frank !&% Jenkinson, Wm 16 Williams, John 19 Bechtei, A J California Hotel 23 California Auction Store Isaacs, Jacob Waddiugton Alley here. 25 Wille, Louis 27 Drug Store Bowes, Cyrus H 29 Lang, Chas 31 Colonial Metropole Hotel 31-37 Tugwell, Thomas 35 Boot h Shoe Store, Gilmore & McCandless Paterson, James .37 Gilmore, AE McCandless, A G Gilmore & McCandless .TO-41 Grocery Store Saunders,' Henry 43 Hart J J Oriental Alley here. 45 Vacant store London House 49 Jubilee Saloon 51 ToUich, John 63 Whetstone, Abraham 53 >^ Anderson, £ G & Co 56 Mechanics' Cash Clothing store 67 Shore. Sidney 59 Shotboit, Thomas 61 Boot & Shoe Emporium Qovernment Street inteneotH. 67-69 Harrison. Wm Harrison & McAllister McAllister, John 71 Brown, Peter 73 Caritopulos, John 77 Miller, Munro B. C. Commercial Journal 75-79 Aaronson,A A, pawnbroker Levy Saml 81 Bossi, A N Booth, Samuel John Booth, And Saml 83 Coones, Stacy 85 Pointer, Nathan Broad street InterseotB. London Saloon Jackson, C F 87 Falk, Henry 89 Burns, L G 2 Stores vacant 95 McGregor, A & Sons 97 Williams. B & Co 99 Stevens Allen Regent Saloon 101 Sarantis, T McCluskey, Chas V Douglas street interseets. 107 McCurrach, Wm Thompson, David 109 Bray, Richd Tolmie, Dr S F Mallaby, Robt 111 Beinin, 8 115 Mable, Wm Wriglesworth, Joseph Anderson, Robt 117 Tavlor, Miss A 119 Vacant 127 Sing Lee 127>i2 Bowman's Stables 129 Da^, Miss Flo 131 Gnmm, Wm 133 Moody, Mrs Janet 136 Stelly's Yard and Stables 147 John, Draut Blanckard. Street interaecti. Newman, Mro P R 151 Swiss, Edwd Day 156 McDonald, .^neas P 157 Bryan, Wm C Bryan, Wm C, jr McCoy, Alfred 159 Thompson, Jas J 161 Trainer, Alex Bennett, Mrs J 163 Kent, Wm Hy 165 Martin, Thomas 201 A. M. BEAHIE, ADllIONEER, Vancouver, B. CI Bt VICTORIA TRANSFER CO., LTD. 81 anil 83 Broushton StrMt, Vlotorla, B. O. Tel. 189. Check Baggase to any part of tbe City. Their Wagona and Carriages meet all Boats and Trains. 1 VICTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 421 167 Vacant 169 Parker, Mrs E Woodward, Miea Rose 171 Vacant Cabin 9, Wm Jaa Wylie Cabin 6, Sharp. George Cabin 6 Cabin 7, Ferguson, James Cabin 8, McCartney, Frances Cabin 1 Cabin 2, Shepherd, George Cabin 3, Cliapman, Thos Cabin, McAfee, Archibald 173 Sang Sing Trayier, Mrs Agnes 179 Stannard, Henry 183 Pacific Sauce and Vinegar Works Brady, Henry J 187 Booth, Samuel Qusdra Street intersects 189 Halpennv, H C 193 Pointer 195 Thompson, Chas 197 Winn, M C 199 Godding, Miss Johnson, Chas Coffey, Mrs Wm 201 Cooness, Stacev 203 Creed, John 206 McCrimmon, A 216 Van Volkenburgh, B 223 Vacant Vancouver Street intersectB. 227 Bossi, James 237 Lawson, Chas 239 Bedard, Thos 243 Cole, Charles 247 Leach, Geo 249 Griffin, Thos 263 Soper, Anson E 266 Deasy, Wm Jno 257 Dolan, Miss K B • Tepoorten, J A Cook Htreet here. 261 Jones, Charles Jones, John Jones, A E 263 Jones, Thos M 266 Smith, W J 267 Shearwood, Harry 269 Temple, Ernest 273 Vacant 281 Perry, J B Thompson, F E 286 Dudgeon, Bobt Goff, Albert 287 Green, Mrs F W 289 Vacant 291 Hampton, Geo 293 Norman, Henry 295 Brahnin, Harry 297 Plows, Fred 299 Fernybough, Bupert C Fernyhough, Wm Qeorje Street here. 329 Kerr, J R Pope, Mrs B 331 Kellv, G P Kelly, Frank M Kelly, Fred D 333 Vacant 335 Hodges, Thos Hodges, Fred Hodges, Mrs Mary 337 Matthews, John ^>2 JUBILEE AVENUE— Runs from Oak Bay ave to Leighton road West Side. Nicolle, P A Mason, Robt East Side. Milloy, G E C«k?>ayAveu' jhere. Hpr.tf, doht "'•ij.i .yside," Vacant "'■'" 'Icton, Allan L ■ ao'.d ' i}) .iP.i from Douglas to ? ■j , John 'h W 22 1 i'hoB 20 V. 40 Frie alter 38 Vaca.. 36 Vaca 't 34 Vacai t Blsnchard Street here. 40 PhilHpH, Alex 42 Webster, Wm 60 O'Connor, Wm 68 Lettice, Robt i INTERIOR WOODWORK, OFFICE AND BAE nTTINGS lUa* to OidMT \i WSIU« BROI. HiSOrS Blf COMPtiy, Ipiitsflir Fort Garr| am) Bentoa Gointi Flourlig Mills ii: I -M I 9d ^ ■4-1 «M CD o A sn -♦J fH « S 1 FiH w 4) •*-< ► ■yj «8 1 h &H 1 422 -VIOXORIA.. B. O.- BRITrSH COLCMBIA DIRECTORY. 60 Gilligan, Thos Gilligan, Edw 62 Dobba, Harry Rose, Alex 70 Carson, Thomas . 74 O'Brien, Daniel 82 McDonald, Miss 84 Vacant Quadra Street here. 80 Wall, Gilbert South Side. 11 Seymour Miss Alice 15 Vacant 17 Mortimer, John 19 Vacant 25 Minty, Wm Eirby, Capt, Brandon Martin, Lieut John Clayton, A A Upritchard, John Miller, Geo Armstrong, Miss L 29 Margetts, Robt Wm 33 Victoria Truck and Dray Co's Stables Blancbard Street intersect*. 37 Saunders, Mrs Jane Abrahams, W B 45 Ross, Alex 47 Hooper, Mrs M 49 Vacant 51 Vacant 63 Cameron, Malcolm 56 Thompson 55 Vacant 57 Cavin, George H 69 Liddell, Mrs View street here. 61 Munro, Andrew 65 Drake, Richd 67 Evans, Mrs S Quadra Street here. 69 Elphinstone, Ernest 75 Vacant 79 Vacant KING'S ROAD— From Saanich nl to city limits. North Side. 6 Vacant 10 Gonnason, A 12 Walker, St^rgt 18 Hilldreth, J S McNair, Miss M Hall, W W 20 Rudge, George 22 Holland, Joshua 24 Grove, Wm H 28 Vacant . 34 Erskine, R 36 Adams, W H 42 Cox, Capt J G First Street intersects. 58-60 Batchelor, Wm Second Street intersects. 62 Jones, Ernest Jones, Harry Jones, Wm Astley 64 Vacant 66 Campbell, Chas Fourth Street intersects. 82 Blackett, Jno Third Street intersects. 68 Nickells, Jno 261 Johns Bros King's Road ends here. South' Side. 7 Vac.mt P Rudge, Hy Rudge, F W Rudge, WP 11 Lang, Chas 21 Turpel Wm 29 Anclerson, Geo 35 Shore, A E First Street intersects. 41 Pauline, Fred A 46 Roscoe, R A Brown, H E 47 Ray, Robt Ray, Fredk R^y, Chas 51 Vacant 57 MacRae, Rev D Second Street intersects. 59 Pratt, Frank MacDougall, Alfred Second Street intersects. 61 Bolcom, Sprott 63 McDonald, Alex 65 Gilchrist, F 73 Stapledon, Jno Stapledon, B Third Street intersects, Work, Mi-9 C Vaca 100 McCi Vaca 108 Bahi 110 Meln Vaca St. Lawren TIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY No. 23 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B. C. GuldM fumlataed to tourlata. AH kinds of Chinese help aapplied on the ahoriMt notice. ( fll POPULAR PRICES AND BEST OF eOODS AT THE CENTRAL DRUG aTORE Clarence Block, Cor. Yates and Douglas Sts., Victoria, B. C. VICTORIA CITY OIBBOTORY. 423 KINGSTON— From Menziee to St. Lawrence. North Sidb. 9 Weethaver, John 31 Gauley, Geo Vacant lots 37 Old fireball 89 Cooley, H 41 Oorbv, Alfred Felding, Thomas 63 James Bay Ward School 71 Stewart, James 81 Scriven, Ven Archdeacon 8t. John's Street here. 91 Smith, Ashton Vacant lots 96 Goodwin, John 97 McLachlan, Wm 99 Widdo-vson. Fredk Logan, George 101 Caton, J A T Montreal Street InterNCt*. 146 Reymur, Mrs A G Vacant lots South Side. "ChevetLodge,"8orby, ThosC Private property 18 Butler, Robert 22 Robinson, Mrs H 26 Ghantrell, J B Vacant lota 42 Morrison, Mrs A 62 Burtell, R T Rodkamp, John OsweKO street intertecta. 60 Leeson, Mrs J L 62 Vacant 74 Dunlevy, Peter O 80 Irving, Robert Vacant lot 86 Franklin, W A 02 Harper, James 96 Foot, H R Montreal Street IntcrseotB. Vacant lot 100 McCarthy, John Vacant lots 108 Bahr, Theodore 110 Melrose, Frank Vacant lots. St. Lawrence Street here. LABOUCHBRE— Rune from Van- couver to Cook street. North Side. 2 Palmer, Capt Edward 4 Vacant 6 McDonald, John D 8 Banner, Samuel 16 Goddard, Sam'l May 20 Berry man, Chas South Side. 6 Allen, Henry 9 Gardiner, Chas 27 Burns, Gavin Hamilton LANOFORD, Victoria West— From Russel street to Indian Reserve. North Side. Peperyern Gaoourie, Jos McLearn Fred McDougall, Mrs S Caihenne Street intergects. ^ Mary Street Intel sects. McDonald, Chas Young, Jas Indian Reserve here. South Side. Victoria West hall Crocker, J W LANOLEY— Runs from Yates to Courtney street. East Side. Courtney Street here. Vacant lots Broughton Street here. 13 Holden, Dr D B Fort Streets Intersects. 39 Jones, A M Vacant offices Bastion Street intersects. 41 Vacant 43-45 Came Fr;^ >erick, ar Angel Hotel 47 Hon C Pooley 49 Schultz & Morphy 61 Dumbleton, Alan'S Robertson, Herbert E A West Side. 2 McKillican & Anderson a :3a m CO :a m a o o D U) m m 7) m O ill R.T. WILLIAMS BOOKBINDER aM BLANK BOOK MUNUFACTOBER M BBOAH aiBKBT, VIOTOKIA.. \r I .' R !5 . DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY ISMSMM Nothing but Tboranghlv Experienced Lnbor Employed at the Redwood. CO > o 1. O O H O O o o QC o ■ QC ■ o UJ o 424 BRITT8II COLUMBIA niRKOTORY. The Ames Holden Co, Ltd Broughton Street here. 10 Vacant 16 Bear, William Fort Street intcr««ota. 2tt Victoria Electric Co 28 Dr Davie 30 Eberta & Taylor Law CotirtB here. Chancery Lane here. 4« Mills, 8 Perry 48 SarKison, George A B.C. Milling and Mining Co New Eureka Silver Mining Co 50 Fell, Thornton 52 Langley, W H 54 Weights, Measures and Gas Inspection Office LANSDOWNK ROAD - Runs from Cedar Hill to Mount Tolmie. North Side. "Oaklands," Hawkey, R J Stewart, George Mewburn, Wm B C De Voe, Frank Bosworth, Mrs Hannah Coles, Miss Elizabeth Ohlsen, Andrew South Side. Powers, George L Manton, Joseph Ruby Siree t here. Manton, James Tippins, Wm Henry Garde, Edwd Bestford, Fred Sorge, Hammond Hawkey, Richard John Adelaide Street here. Nicholson, Wm Oaklands Branch Poetoffice. LXIOHTON ROAD-From Cad- boro Bay road to Foul Bay road. North Side. Mackenzie, Chaa 2 Meredith, Chaa Jubilee Street here. Pickard, Dudley P Baxter, Chaa S LBWIS— From Dallas road West Side. 300 Kains. Tom Vacant Campbell, A L East Side. Passage to Menzlei. Dallas Road here. LOVERS' LANE, Ross Bay. Webt Side. Cramer. F Dallas Road East here. Heathorn, Herbert Heathorn, Mra W Bolden, J W Irwin, Dixon Heathorn, A Vacant house Suspect station LUXTON— Runs from Boyd street, James Bay South Side. Two vacant houses Sprinklins, Mra W Ground, Victor Vacant lot Vacant houae North Side. Vacant lot LYDIA. Dauphin, M MARION— Runs from North Chat- ham North Side. Shakeapeare, Thos 40 Vacant Collier, Mra Alex Johnson, Geo MARKET — Runs from Douglaa to Fountain. North Sidk. 1 Lawless, M Douglas Street here. A.„MJ?EATTIE WEEKLY AUaiONS 27 C( First St 29 M) South ( 2 St( St€ 12 Ha Ha 16 Mu Mu 18 Gra Gra Gra 20 Pall A Street I MARY. 1 from w East Sid Bun Skinner Si Jessie Strc Mel) Victoria A: Blan Blan Blan Smi E. & N. Lime Stree Esquimalt Wall Reed Town St Pa Henry 8tr» Esquimau Edward Sti Langton St Craigflowei West Sidi Blanc Crock Harri Wilki Jorda Baptii Henry dtrec Esquimau f Bugal Skinner Str Jessie Streei Vlcutrla Ar Ry VIOTC AirxufMOBT. viotoria XransflDr Got* XitcL ''*^o«<n««. 21 Mid 83 Bnmcktoa BtrMt, Vlotorla. B. O. T«l. 129. VIOTOBIA CITY DIRECTORY. 425 27 Coley, Edward Firit Street Intenects 29 Mackav, Wm South Side. 2 Steele, John Steele, Thoa 12 Hallitt. Eli Hallitt, Albert 16 Murton, Edwd Murton, Miss Harah 18 Graham, Fred Graham, Annie Graham, W 20 PalmeV-, Tom A Street begins here. MARY. Victoria West — Runs from waterfront to Victoria Arm. East Side. Burnett, Evan Skinner Street interaects. Jessie Street Intersects. McDonald, D Victoria Arm hero. Bland, Jas, sr Bland, Alfred Bland, F W Smith, P R £. & N. Ry. intersects. Ume Street intersects. Esquimau Road Intersects. Wallace, Thoa L Reed, Elliott Townsend. T St Paul's Presbyterian Church Henry Street interseots. Esquimau Street intersects Edward Street Intersects. Langton Street Intersects. Craigflower Road intersects. West Side. Bland, Jos Crocker, George Harris, Saml Wilkinson, Ed Jordan Wm Baptist Mission Sunday School Henry Street intersects. Esquimalt Street intersects. Bugsley, Peter Skinner Street intersects. Jessie Street intersects. Victoria Arm here. Vacant Edward Street intersects. Laogford Street intersects. Victoria West Steam Bakery E. & N. Ry. Intersects. Lime Street intersects. Esquimalt Road intersects. Frederick Street InterHccts, MASCOTT AVENUE, Spring Ridge. West Side. 1-2 Vacant South Road here. 3-4 Bate, Thoa MASON— Runs Vancouver. North Side. from Quadra to 10 Elliott, Thomas Quadra Street here. 14 Shaw, Andrew 22 Daviee, Miaa M Davies, Miaa G 26 Wagg, John Wm 28 Leonard, Geo 30 32 34 36 Higginbottom, G H Dack, E C Vacant Clarke, Capt C E Fox, Mrs Margaret Fox, Miaa A A Fox, Miaa C G FoxGT MoCLURE— Runa from Humboldt to Vancouver. East Side. Cabin 1 Allison, Wm Butler, Wm Rollin, Jaa S White Horae Hotel Jaa S Rollin 3 Haaaan, F Beat, John 6 Vacant house 7 Gilbert, Geo R West Side. 39 Paterson, John WEILER BROS., aee agents for crossley VICTORIA, B. o. AND SONS FINE CARPETS. 9 n IS HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY ^"^ '■!SlS.i''S^ *« 426 BRITISH COLUMBIA DtRBCTORY. South Side. < 39 Moore, Chas 61 Vacant 66 Mitchell, Thos R 69 "Ivyholme," McGregor, LL.D 4 2 Smith, J 4 Johnson, Mrs P Rupert Street here. 6 Miliett, Geo 8 Creed, Geo Jaa, «8 1 •pN ■♦a <si « 2 ■♦a « O 5 m •*i» U O) • ^ § t 1 a3 • f U EH 1 '•', MoOREOOR AVENUE. West Side. Vacant house Gowen, Ohab N Vacant hou^e MBARS— From Quadra to Cook. North Side. 2 Bandolph, Mrs Randolph, Albert 8 Hannon, Mrs 10 Wiikins, J 14 Mcintosh, Jas 26 Porteous, M 34 Baynton, Edwd 62 Dodds, Wm 74 Lowell, Harry Douglas 76 Vacant 31-33 Vacant South Side. 36 Vacant 37 Cleveland, Milton E Old Cemetery here. Vancouver Street InterseotB. 66 Beauchamp, Richd 63 Bailev, Mrs M A Smith, Mrs M C Carter, Herbert Winston 69 Mclntyre. Hugh Robertson Smith, Jas Wm 71 Carlson, Penning 96 Russell, Thos Cook Street here. MENZIES— From Belleville to Dal- las road. East Side. Govt buildiDKS and grounds. B.C.B.G.A. drill ball Belleville Street here. Vacant lots 22 Ireland, Chas 62 King, C R Turnbull, Mrs M W 64 Vacant Superior Street* laterieoti. 68 Vacant 62 Brunei, Wm 72 Bowness, Wm 76 Laing, Jno A Methodltt ChuToh here. If lohtgan Street Intenecta. 78 Northcott. Wm W 82 Sargison, Geo Russell, Geo S 90 Lawrence, J E Vacant 94 Flewln, W H 98 Ross, Alex 112 Rudge, Herbert Vacant lots Slmooe street tnterseota. 114 Brown, Alan 116 Medena, Romono Vacant lots 136 Carter, Cecil H Booth, Godfrey W Niagara Street intersectw. 138 Kaye, Jas 140 Scarlett, J E Holland, S 142 Chapman, R 144 Elwurthy, Fredk 148 Jagers, John F Vacant lot 160 Broderick, Wm 162 Stone, Mrs J S Cooley, H Rithet Street here. 164 Greenfield, Jno R 156 Parks. G 162 Rich, J B Wbbt Side. 9 Colby, H Colby, A 16 Langley, Janles Brett, Robt C Macabe, T B Langley, Geo 26 Mnriset, Chas Muriset, Chas, jr Vincent, W J 46 Dee, Wm 68 Vacant ':>».^«.v 68 Trounce, Thos ^^ 66 Oliver, Fredk ay Till IfCC cum nVUCUT AOCUnV Onlde* fnmlalied to tonrlat*. AH kinds ot llin l\tt| CnirLUinlClll AUCIIuI Chlneae help auppHed on the aborteat noUce. No. 23 STORE STREET, VICTORIA. B. C. CLARENC 67 Va 69 Va 71 Tol Ric Fra Miohlgai 78 Irvi 97 Cov Slmcoe Si 118 Mc( Mc( Mc( 116 Ron Holl Lanj Mun Holi 117 Carn 119 Urqt 126 Wolf Wolf Wolf 127 Gord 133 Goep 135 Temf Niagara Sti 187 Barht 149 Vacai 157 Dyke Conn< 159 Robei 161 Powe] 169 Pierc Wilso 175 Shear niCBioAi Hill Park North Sidj 5 Quinlf 17 Dumb Privat Birdcage Wa "Hawl ley I 51 Murra; Mur'-a- 68 Clarke 56 Wilson Vacant Blair <S Menzlea Stree lis Donald Thoma 121 Gilbert Dr. L«wll HaU*t Tooth Powdor will not Ii^are tbe Teeth, lUa* oidy at tlw OKHTRAI. DRUG STORE. CLARENCE BLOCK. COR. DOUGLAS and YATES STS., VICTORIA. B. C. VICTORIA CITY DIBKCTOBY. 427 67 Vacant houae 69 Vacant 71 Tobin, Timothy Richards, John Franklin, W J Mlohlgaii Street Inteneoti. 78 Irving. Capt John 97 Cowper, Jessie SlmoM Street intenecti. 118 McClure, S McGIure, J C McClure, P 8 116 Borne, Mrs A Holt. Gilbert Langton, H F Munro, J S Holmes, H A 117 Garmichael. £ fi 119 Urquhart, Capt D 125 Wolfenden. R Wolfenden, Walter Wolfenden, Arthur 127 Gordon, Graham Mrs 138 Goepel, Phillip D 186 Templeman, Wm Niagara Street Intertects. 187 Barham, Foster 149 Vacant 157 Dyker, Elizabeth Connon, H E 159 Robertson, J R 161 Powell, G 169 Piercy, John Wilson, Lena 176 Shears, Walter BIICBiGAN— Runs from Beacon Hill Park to St Lawrence North Side. 5 Quinlan, W J 17 Dumbleton, H M Private prf»perty Birdcage Walk here. "Hawthorn Villa," Cording- ley Edw 51 Murray, Archibald Mur'-ay, Alexander 58 Clarke, Capt W R 65 Wilson, Sydney Vacant lots Blair & Gordon Menzles Street InterMCti. 113 Donald, Mrs A Thomas, Miss Caroline 121 Gilbert. George 126 McCulloch, Capt W Powers, Thomas McCulloch, George A 127 Martin, Robt 186 Stamford, J L 139 Truran, Mrs Hanna E Robinson, Frank 148 Vacant 146 Morse, Hiram 147 Robinson, John Fire AUf« Box here. Oswego Street Intenects. Bain, Donald 221 McRury, Robt Uncleared lot 227 Pottintter, George Uncleared lot St. Lawrence Street here. South Side. 6 Munro, Alexander Munro, Kenneth 18 Bloor, Comfort Verrinder, Dr A E 22 Green, Ashdown 26>^ Vacant 28 Mitchell, Victor Mitchell, James 80 Vacant Young Street here. 34 Billinghurst, E E Jackion Street here. Cameron, Mrs Jes3ie .S8 McConnell, T P McConnell, Mrs J W 48 Jack, Alexander 62 Vacant Prince's atreet here. 66 Vacant Allice, Thomas Armstrong, Frank Vacant lots Parr; Street here. James B«v Mbthodist Church 110 Mclnnes, T R 120 McConnan, Mrs 124 Young, Henry 130 Davie, Mrs A 138 Wark, John 146 Williams, George 152 Stephen, Edwin 154 Buckmau, R F 158 Moffatt. Hamilton Oswego Street Intersects. Mitchell, George Private property m WE EMPLOY More Hands and More Capital than all other Binderiea in the Province. • — y« BBOA.J> ttXMMKT, riVTOHIA. * « * R. T« WIIiIiIAMS 1 1 DREWEY'S Eedwood BEEWERY. Winnipeg I Viotorit THsaxi aoona waxbawteb to kbxp in ah cj^imates :z; o Q o o 428 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRBCTORY. Pottinger, James Watson, James Vacant lot 9 Ghristensen, Andrew Moutreal Street intersects. Ghristensen, Capt J Vacant lots 13 Robinson, J J 228 Foulie, Gavan 15 Kennedv, David '■'outhby, Riehd Chaa 23 Smallfleld, Capt W B Smith, Alexiinder Applegathe. E R D Patterson, J D Thomson. H B MILNE — Buns from Stanley avenue 26 Thompson, John to Belmont avenue. 27 Warren, Cap: J D North Side. Warren's Wharf. Gallant, Dometian McDonald, H F Mackenzie, Alex Foot, H R & Scrogga Electric Soap Works Coal and Wood Yard McKenzie, Alexander Vlnlng Street here 39 Prevost, J C South Side. 45 McCoskrie, Capt E Thomson. Wm Wilmot, Geo 67 Burrows, G J Vacant lot Westerman, Jonathan Kingston street in'erseets. Kobinson, John 67 Jesse, F W Kint;, George Jesse, Mrs Matilda Emerson, Robert Superior Street intersects Mackenzie, John Michigan Street intersects. Belmont Avenue here. Vacant lots Johnston, W D Ontario Street here. Vacant lots 121 Stewart, John MONTREAL-Runs from Belle- Tait, Leonard ville to Dallas road. Campbell, Robt East Side. Hiir.coe tftreet iKtersects. 163 Lakin, Frank 16 Baker E Crow 169 Rogers, Harry Cross Street here. Niagara Street intersects. Private property. 161 Ross, Robt S Niagara Street Intersects. 163 Ilinton, Rayuor Private property 175 Matthews, Mrs A Dallas Road here. 177 Berrv, Francis Simcoe Street iutereects. 181 Cox,'Mrs A Private property Vacant lot Dobinson Street here. Superior Street intensec's. MONTROSE— Runs from Cook tu Private property Hillside avenue Michigan Street intersects. North Side. Uncleared lots Smith, Wm J 42 Harrison, J B Els worth, James Kingston Street intersects. Winnett, John W Private p-operty Quebec Street here. MOSS — From Cadboro Bay road to city limits^ near Clover Point. Wbst Side. 1 Sehl, Jacob East Side. Shier, Frank Dickson, John 5 Watson, Alexander Dallas Road here. A Hr IjXV. A TTT'E ADGTIONEER, ■ iPPRAlSER ■ AND .A., xia.. .D A.n. A X A A ggjjgjj^ coMMIS&iON MERCHANT. CITY MARKET, VANCOUVBR, B. C. Victoria Transfer Co., Ltd. '''''''2S^i^^''J^n''^i^Ac^ir'' 91 and gS Broughton Street, Vtetorta, B. C. Telephone 199. VICTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 429 Eitchie, Jas McDonald, — 298 Dickinson, Ed 127 "TneMaple8."Langley,WnaH Lanfjley, A J Barrett, Wm Fairfield Road intersects. Oscar Street here. 100 Knowles, R E "The Hermitage," McKenzie "Highwood," Ward, Frunk "Highwood," Ward, W A "Highwood," Ward, Wm C Belcher btreet intersects. \ . Richardson Street intersects. West Side. '' "Gyppeswyk," Worlock, F H \ Cadboro Bay road here. :i. 97 Southern, Samuel ' Richardson Street intersects. VBelcher Btreit intersects. 107 Vacant house Edwards, A Oscar Street here. Fairfield Road intersects, (^: NIAGARA— From Beacon Hill to St LaM'rence street. North Stdk. Brittain, Rowland Vacant lots ^ Carr Street here. Begg, Alexander Vacant lot Swiiierton, Mrs McGraw, Fredk Private property Dougali, Fredk Croft street here. Vacant lots 31 Givens, David 51 Dryburg, Andrew Taylor, J no Andrews, Goven Robertson, Geo Winran Private property Montreal Street intersects. Private property 91 Smith, M R & Go 94 Clark, John M\Sk, VltkAAasn, Theodore Dallas Road here. South Side. College entrance here. Beacon Hill here. Hall, John 12 Ware, Hy Vacant house Turner Street intersects. 14 Stewart. I P 16 Allan, Wm - 22 Cliffe, Thos Vacant lots 24 Edwards 26 Cooper, Chas 28 Mimmack, Frank 32 Winkel, Fredk 34 Smith, Hy Bowness, Thos 36 Vigelius, Andrew 38 Naylor, W B G Private property Menzies Street Intersects. V»\cant house Vrivate property Bojrd Street here. 60 Lewis, John Vacant lots San Juan Avenue here. Barber, Robt Barber, John "Armadale," Macdonald, W J 80 Snetsinger, Phillip Montreal btreet intersects. Private property 82 Natthews, J P 92 Clark, Waller. NORTH CHATHAM - From Chambers to Belmont avenue. North Side. 62 McKay, J G 70 Lepine, Mark Feinwood Road intersects. 72 Lacousier, A 80 Heanski, Jas 88 Robertson, W A 92 Brown. Tom Clear, Chas Renouf, Joe 102 Parfit, Jas 106 Mutlow, John 114 Lory, Jas 116 Matthews, Thos H Matthews, S £ .^ N *^ go r- 00 m PC <n o s S 2. 3| I* S* WEILERBROSJeLeadifForDiteDealei^, YIGTORU, B.G. t i-S HODSON'S BAY COMPANY JCuropean and JSngH»h OSOCSIXIBH, WINHa ONd JjIQVOKB, Vree and in B^nd. VICTORIA, B. C. ^i> P>H 430 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRBCTOBY. t « fi 5 CL| V« « o :2 s «) s^ 9 .a' flS •>4 5 w South Side. 50 Christopher, Wm 81 Snider, W H Snider, Geo 80 Hale, Richd Stanley Avenue IntersectB. 105 Walker. Mrs F G NORTH PARK — Kuns Quadra to Chambers. North Side. 6 Honour, Miss S Wadeworth, Miss Wadsworth, Miss Emma Mallery, Geo T 8 Campbell, D Campbell, 8 G 12 Stewart, James H Haggart, James 16 Wilkinson, E S 18 Leslouis, Felix 20 Dale, David 28 Woods, Miss E Woods, Miss 38 Duck, William 42 Devlin, J C 44 Murray, John 54 Adelson, Aaron 56 Williams, Miss A Graham, T L 68 Brown. H G 60 Wallace, Wm 62 Allatt, Mrs M J Reid, W R 64 Cummings James Cummings, Henry 66 Prior, Mrs 68 Vacant 70 Bedard, Thomas Leeman, Ralph T W Hamilton, M)s E 72 King, James Cook street InterRects. 84 Raitt, F F 90 Cavin, Guy 92 Barker, Adolpbus 94 Porteous, James 96 McDonald, Patrick 106 Carlow, H N 112 Coles, F H 116 Barlow, Mrs P 118 Johnson, Wm Johnson, Edwd Chamben Street here. trom Vacant Cook Street Inteneets. 126 Williams, Richd Williams, E A 128 Drysdale, Wm Williams, Mrs Sarah South Side. 9 Fee, D F 11 McNish, W Hounslow, Hei bert 13 Conlin, Thomas 16 Tugwell, Thomas 19 Williams, John D 23 Anderson, Robt 25 Williams, MissB Williams, Thos 33 Gwennap, James 39 Janes, Charles Janes, George Janes, Mrs A M . 43 Hall, G H Hall, Fred J, sr Hall, L W 46 Meston, John 47 Vacant 57 Walls, J P 59 McGiegor, Miss M Owen, W G 59)^^ Andernach, E 61 Loat. Mrs C 67 Vacant 69 Henderson, S 71 Grant, Wm H 73 Schultz, Max Cook Street intersects. 89 Matthews, Thos 91 Stewart, Alex 103 McGregor, Moses 105 Chambers, Robt 111 Levy, J L 113 Robinson, Jamec 116 Nielands, Edwards H 117 Cameron, Wm James Cameron, Charles 127 Whittet, Chas NORTH ROAD — Runs from Spring road to Fernwood road. North Side. 6 Nathan, W C Nathan, W H Nathan Ed O 8 T- ' "^ Dickson, John • • • Dallai Road here. IMUaR Road I TIM m, Ei«PioYi.«y^A^iE atHiiff SK PULMONIC COUGH CURE WILL CURE THAT COUGH. MADE ONLY AT THE » CENTRAI. DRUG STORE * Clarence »l»ek. Comer Tatee and Douglae tttreett, nCTOBIA, B. C. VICTORIA CITY DIBBCTOBY. 431 14 Bryden, Thoa 18 Crane, Aubrey 20 Peterson, Miss Gertie Johnson, Chris Sam nelson, Jonas Samuelson, Miss Emma 22 Olson. M Ridge Road here. South Side. Holland, Silas 15 Vacant 17 Doucet, Edwd Barnes, Fred 19 Farrington, Christopher 26 Gibbard, James 27 Huson, A W Fernwood Road intersectB. Christianson, Peter OAK BAY AVENUE-Runs from Cadboro Bay road to Oak Bay. NoBTH Side. Wey, Jos W Morgan, Walter Morrison, Peter Wey, Gordon A Windsor, A Hurlton Street interHecU. South Side. McDonald, J T (ireer. Rev A J McQroKor Avenue here. Cadboro Bay Road Junction here Wilson Street here. Calder Street here. Richmond Avenue here. Rockland Avenue here. Nelson, Mrs A H Blackstock, M Ainphion Street here Taylor, Jno G Hurlton Street here. Davie Street here. Wilton Btreet here. Vacant new house Vacant store Vacant house Tait, Alex G OAKLAND AVENUE - Runs from Lansdowne road to Oak Bay ^ijo ."luuuen, Theodore DftUag Road here. West Side. Stewart, Alex Chapman, Richard Hooper, Mrs Mary OLD ESQUIMALT RD-Runs from Russel street beyond city limits to Admiralty road, Esqui- mau. NoBtii Side. Barlow, L L Messick, N C Stromgren, Capt C Springfield Avenue here. Hopey, Byron Front Street here. McKenzie, J R Kirk, L M E. •& N. By. intersects. Wood, William Hereward Road here. Dominion Road here. O'Kell, S M ONTARIO— Runs from street to Dallas road. North Side. Montreal 24 Witmer, Abraham Hueter, Louis 32 McLean, D M St. Lawrence Street intersects. Private property. Dallas Road here. South Side. 45 Sabiston, Capt J St. Lawrence Street intersects. Private property ORCBLARD — Runs from Govern- ment street to Rock Bay avenue. Nouth Side. 1 Endean, John William South Side. Capital Planinff Mills, Lemon, Gonnason dc Co. M a. ltd m 3. H H ni m B. T.WILLIAMS »8 Bfm* MU, nttorim. i - i 'J'^^^V'T - 1 1 \-w DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY - WINNIPEG] Threwry'a fremium Lager— t^lly Hquat to anif Imported Boer. o Q o CO 432 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTORY. ORIENTAL ALLEY— Runs from Johnson to Yates. East Side. 3 Monk. J Barber shop Gospel Hall 5 Macnaughton, A E Johnston, Jas & Co 7 Lindley & Foster 9 Higginbottom, — 11 Blockley, A 13 Kamous, Sam West Side. Saunders, Henry OSCAR — Huns from Moss to Cook North Side. 9 Carter, Edward 11 Vacant house 13 McKenzie, Mrs A 19 Hodge, William Moss Street here. South Side. 12 McNeil, Mrs C 16 Sherburn, Jno OSWEGO— Runs from Belleville to Dallas road. East Side. Quebec Street interiects. Grundeson, John 32 Vacant 48 Norman, Samuel Private property Kingston Street intersect!). Vacant lot Vacant hoiue Vacant lot ' Superior Street iHtoraeeto. Private property Michigan Street lutvraMt*. 54 Simon, George Private property Simcoe street iatersMta. 82 Norton-Taylor, Dr A Private property James Street here. 94 Macmunn, Chas 100-4 Vacant 106 Redding, Thomas Cobourg Street here. 114 Brooker, Thomas Grendison, John 120 Cossar, Miss Catherine Niagara street intersects. Gordon, Peter 129)^ "Egremont Villa," Temple, BB 130 Shandley, Peter Vacant lots Vacant house Private property Dallas Road '^ere. West Side. Blackwell, Geo Private property -Quebec Street Intersects. Private property Belleville Street here. Private property Kingston Street intersects Private property Superior Street intersects. 66 Blackwell, George Private property Farrell, Harry Michigan Street intersects. Siiucoe Street intersects. Private property Niagara Street intersects. Private property PANDORA STREET - Runs from Government to Old Hos- pital. Half of Pandora south, so called, property of the Hon. A. DeCosmoB, 20 feet wide by 800 feet long, extending from north- west corner sec. 20, Spring Ridge to north corner sec. 19, Fernwood road. North Side. 2-12 Chinese 14 Cohen, Mercado Wile, Hy 16 Randall & Hay 38 Brawn, — Douglass Street intersects. 40 Dwver, Joseph 42 Millington, Mrs M 60 McTiernan, Michael 62 fienwell, Mrs M 64 Lan&sberg, F 66 Scott, Miss Florence A. M. BEATTIE CITY MARUCT. VAIICOUVBB, JpL& Weekly Auctions ^lOXOna XTanSIor XJO^ JjmU Bate* and OHt«ke»tI»eap»teh. 21 mnA 83 Bronghton Street, Victoria. B. O. Tel. 189. VICTORIA CITY DIBECTOBY. 433 First Presbyterian Church Blanchard Street inters eetB. 74 Goodacre, L 78 Crawford, Mrs A 80 Moss, James 82 Vacant 86 Moody, T G 88 Smith, Wm Amelia Street here. 90 Moody, Joshua 94 Vacant 96 Mansell, Henry Mansell, James 98 Way, Miss Alto Rhubenack, Martin Hick, Thomas Gerrie, William 100 Deasy, Thomas Durham, Thomas 102 Wolff, Lionel Wolff, Ernest, sr Quadra Street intersects. 104 Iredale, Wilaon 112 Cusack,TR 116 Wright, H H 128 Uenny, G*Jorge 132 Dickson, W S 140 Vacant Vancouver street intersects. 142 Pferdner, E 152 Dawley, F J 166 Vi((eliu8, Anton 158 Kinsey, David 160 Shaw, Mrs W C 162 Morrison, Mrs A Morrison, James 164 Lindley, Wm Dearden, Arthur 166 Vigelius, Louis 168 White, John E 172 Murray, Henry Murray, James 190 Fell, J F Cook Street intersects. 198 King, C J 200 Vacant Chambers Street here. 204 Vacant 210 Burgess, Wm L 214 Gardner, Rev J E 216 Bennett, Richd 220 Saunders, Henry South Side. 1 I/Malk Union, Carpenters and Joiamti Presbyterian Chinese Mission 5-7-9 Vacant Presbyterian Church Broad Street here. 17-25 Vacant 27-29 L Goodacre's stables Douglas Street intersects. 37 Liverpool Bakery 39 Jenkins, Wm Jenkins, Miss Marion 41 Pettigrew, Robt Sangster, George Maynard, Rich Maynard, A H 41}^ Maynard, Mrs R 43 Pettigrew & Sangster 45 Waites, James Bannerman, Alex M 49 Temperance Hall 67 Monk, Oscar J 69 Healey, Mrs K 61 Vacant 63 McCrinnon, Arch McUrinnon, Mrs A 66 Vacant 67 Salmon, Maurice 69 Watson & Geiger 87 Allen, Wm 93 Leiser, Simon 99 Hatcher, Robt 101 Vacant 103 Stevenson, Gordon 107 Johnson, Miss May Johnson, Thomas Johnson, John 109 Revere House 111 Crowthar, John Paadora Avenue Methodist Church 121 Sargison, A G 136 Frances, Capt Edwin Gillihan, Allen F 137 Jamieson, M 139 Vacant 141 Tite, George 143 Cusack T R Drury, R L 161 Pleace, Mrs J Vanoouver Street intersects. St Louis College Mason Street here. 181 Vacant Cook Street intersects. 185 Campbell, Wm Campbell, Donald 189 Sharpless, Isaac 191 Heald, Sydney CO 3. § 'I ■-m IBLQ MSi aie Complete House Furnistieis. Laigest M in B.C. IDSOrS BAY COMPANY Wbolesale Efrocers & fine Merchants VICTORIA. B. C. OQ 1 1 ! i CJ> . •» to 5:2® « ■♦* « 'S OS O) B « 9Q 434 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRBCTOBY. 193 Wilson, Mrs Thos PARKINOTON— From Vancouver 195 Hepworth, Jaa to Cook. Hepworth, Frank Hepworth, Hv North Side. 205 Sw tzer, Jno W 6 Haynes, Wm Chambers and George Streets intersect. 12 Grozzelle, Edward 225 McDonald, H H 18 Earsman, Jno Carter, Miss G A 19-17 Vacant 227 Vacant South Side. 229 Vacant Femwood Road intersects. 7 Kroeger, Thos 23 Futcher, Thos Stephen PANDORA, SOUTH-Runs from 25 Whitwell, Thos • George to Femwood road. PARRY— From Toronto to Michi- North Side. gan. 2 Barber, Jas Eabt Side. 4-6 Old hospital grounds Atkinson, B J 62 Vermouth, John Two vacant houses 64 McGraw, Jno 6 Miller, A G Fernwovd Road here. 8 Cashmore, T South Side. 10 Parker, Jno Vacant lot 1 Vacant , 14 Smith, Fredk 5 Sims, Walter Morris, J W Vacant lot Toronto Street here. PANDORA, UPPER- North and Vacant south. Ritchie, Robt North Side. West Side. 388 Ewart, A C Thomas, Fiederick Irving, Thos Vacant lots Belmont Avenue here. Michigan Street here. Dier, W A 15 Curtis, A L Femwood Road intersectfi. Curtis, David Kneeshaw, Jno Andean, Wm Rollins, Fred 17 Keenan, T 21 Vacant 23 Fox, Wm 25 Briggs, A P Harrison Street here. Woodroffe, Mrs E Siddall, Hinkson PEMBERTON ROAD - Runs Norris, Jno F from Cadboro Bay road to Bel- Vacant cher. Robb, Andrew East Side. "Ryun," Croasdaile, H L PARK ROAD— From Humboldt Lane to 8t Charles Street here. street to Heywood avenue. "The Oaks," Angus, Forrest ♦'The Priorv," Prior, Col E G, East Side. "The Priory," Williams, J R 9 Jelfs, Geo Belcher Street here. McTavish's nursery Askew, Mrs I J "Wyndlawns," Keefer, Geo A Qrizzelle, Geo Clarence TIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY No. 28 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B. C. Guide* fumiahed to touriata. AH kinda of Chlneae help aupplied on th« alioi'teat notice. Wilson "Erin Can( Cadboro Bay PEMBROK AVENU Chambers North Side 2 Victor! Store Street I 2 Hewlii 42 Victori Government 44 Medw€ Cabins 48 Patton 46 Vacant Cabins 50 Lemie, Gordor Cabins 50 LeClai LeCla 58 Thiensi 60 Trembl l>ouglas Stree 64 Patters Williat Kieson 66 Kellv, . 66K Depe 68 Baker, 70 Fairbai 72 Barron 74 Huntei 76 Orr, Jo 84 Milne, 88 Wilson 94 Kinsmi 136 Clemer Cantre' Batterf Quadra Streu South Side, 138 Mitche 160 Wilson 152 McNeil 154 Vacant Cook street 1: Nation Co's 1 Coffee I Qovernment BIirUIlTG v PrescriptiODS Preparell M PURE DRUGS OHLY at the Central Mi Store Clarence Block, Corner Yates and Douglas Sts., Victoria, B. C. VICTORIA CITY DIBECTORY. 435 Wilson, William "Erin Hall," Paddon, Rev Canon Cadboro Bay fioad here PEMBROKE STREET AND AVENUE— Runa from Store to Chambers North Side. 2 Victoria Gas Co, Ltd store Street here. 2 Hewlings, Fred H 42 Victoria Iron Works Co, Ltd Government Street iniersects. 44 Medwedrich, Tohn Cabins 48 Patton, Edgar 46 Vacant Cabins 50 Lemie, A Gordon, S Cabins 50 Le Claire, L Le Claire, Noel 58 Thiensen, Wm 60 Tremblay, Alexis Douglas Street interse'>t«. 64 Patterson, Wni Williams, John Kieson, Hans 66 Kelly, John 66>^ Depew, John 68 Baker, George 70 Fairbairn, Wm 72 Barron, Sabin 74 Hunter, Chas 76 Orr, John 84 Milne, John D 88 Wilson, Chas H 94 Kinsman, John 136 Clemence, Peter Cantrell, Millard Battershill, Wm Quadra Street Intersects. South Side. 138 Mitchell, John 150 Wilson, Edward 152 McNeill, J R 154 Vacant Cook Street intersects. National Electric Tramway Co'b sheds 1 Coffee and Spict^ Mills Oovernment Street Intonects Webber, John Richards, James 65 Baker, James 67 Baker, Wm 71 Victoria Ice Co 73 Mel lor, Byron 733^ Roach, George 75 Waxstock Bros 79 Walsh, Isaac 89 Bull, W K Blanchard Street here. PENWILL— Runs from Humboldt to Church way. E.\8T Side. 1 Galbraith, F Galbraith, A Galbraith, Wm 3 Sparrow, M 5 Watson, Geo Galbraith, A 7 Vacant house 9 McDonald, A Rogers, Fred Clemens, Simon 11 McNeill, Angus 13 Home, Thos H 15 Hawton, John West Side. 10 Munn, Angus 12 Carley, D M Victoria Crescent here. PHOCNIX PLACE-Runa from Avalon road to Toronto street. East Side. 1 Russell, S G Greig, William Solly, L A 7 Westington, W West Side. 4 Fraser, Mrs Donald Fullerton, John PINE — Runs from Craigflower road to Dominion road. North Side. Cousins, F G Brinkman, M Ruttan, S O JO m JO CO JO m D O O D CD JO m m 130 13 m o XHH LA TBS T IMflt O VEBtlSSTa IIT BOOK- BISUINQ AXD PAP SB BVLINO. -^ as BROA.D SXRBBT. VICTORIA.. R. T. Williams t f. i mmmmmmK^ Drewry^s Redwood Brewery, Winnipeg. Drewry'a Ale and Porter Builds np and Strengthens the System. CO y m <i 4 o o O Q O 436 BRITIBH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. McLellan, Dan Austin, Henry Harper, John Hall, Joseph Hall, Paul Harrup, Ed Roberts, J L Dominion Road here. South Side. Todd, John Weideman, H Painter, Jaa Andrews, E W Dominion Road here. PIONEER— Runs from Blanchard to Quadra. North Side. 8 Foster, Miss S E Lake, James T Flett, James 12 Gribble, J E Gribble, Henry 16 Scott, John H 18 Petticrew, James, ar 20 Kerg, Mrs 22 Pierre, T W 26 Trace, John 28 Gillespie. W M 30 Ward, William 32 Harris, Henry 34 Gordon, James Heath, George Townsiey, James 36 Fredette, Edmond 38 White, Miss H Brown, M C North Parle begins. South Side. 5 Coates, W H Stallard, C E 7 Rowe, Joseph 9 Monk, Mrs E 9% Hick, William 11 Hales, Frank Earl. Wesley Henderson, M Christie, Gilbert 13 Lucas, William Lucas, Alex 16 Alexander, Thos 17 Williams, Mrs E 19 Chance, W J 26 Chinese laundry 29 Lewis, Edward S Lewis, Edward A Quadra Street here. PLEASANT— Runs west from Vic- toria Arm. East Side. Turner, Hon J H, M.P.P West Side. 2 Drake, The Hon Montague WmT 4 O'Reilly, Hon P, J.P POWDERLY AVENUE-Runs from Bean street to Dominion road. East Side. Firth, H James, Richard Cave, Mrs Sutelle Vacant House building. Dominion Road here. West Side. Dunneti, M Clark, John Gold, Wm Gold, Thos Williamson, W J Dominion Road here. Government Street intenecti. PioneerC&S Mills Mansell, James 1 Spice Mills Stemler, L PRINCE'S, James Bay— Runs from Toronto to Michigan. East Side. 24 Payne, Wm Vacant lots Mansell, Mrs A G West Side. 1 Randolph, J J 8 Booz,TnomaH 6 Cullin, Wm 7 Cullin, W H A. M. BEAHIE, AUCTIONEER, Vancouver, B. C. \J1 UIPTHDIA TDAIICCCD on ITn check Bagsase to any part of the City. Their flu I Unl A I KAIlOrCn UU.| L I U. Wagona andCarriagea meet aU BoaU and Trains. 81 and 23 Bronchton Streat, Vlotorla, B. O. T«1. 189. VICTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 437 PRINCESS AVENUE — Kuns from ,Goverument to Chambers. North Side. 38 Johnson, John Bennett, John 40 Dearberg, John Dearberg, Thos John 42 Dodd, Miss 44 Townsend, Miss Susan Townsend, Mrs 48 Petherick, Wm 62 Meisa, Mrs £ M 56-58 Vacant 60 Neill, Archibald 62 Scott, Wm 60 Vacant 70 Rogerson, Isaac 72 Vacant 74 Mesher, Fred k J Mesher, Arthur Harris, Mrs John BHnchard Street here. 76 Fuggle, Mrs Jane South Side. 9 Godfrey, Wm, sr 21 Krouse, Edw E Stike, Harry 18 Stagmann, D 29 Anderson, Wm 31 Allen, Kobt 33 Jones, Jas Douglas street here. 39 Allen, Wm 41 Vacant 45 Keithley, Geo Nesbit, Philip 49 Oeleon, Thos 51 Taylor, Williard Vacant house 53 Getchmann, J H PRIOR. East Side. Beek, Jos F Berryman, Fred T Holness, Mrs E Vacant Femwood Road here South Side. 5 White, Wm White, J A 9 Cameron, J no • 15 Shields, Mrs M A 17 Smith, Mrs F PUTNAM— Spring Ridge oflf Cad- boro Bay road North Side. Williams, John Barry, Thomas QUADRA— Runs from avenue to Fourth East Side. Coutts street here. , Old Cemetery here. Mears Street here. 1 Fee, D F 31 Franck, Julius H Fort Street intersects. 39 Walker, Frank 41 Sandercock, John Beam, Sabin Johnson, Mrs E 47 Winger, Jno Winger, Joseph View Street intersects. 49 Thompson, Wm 51 Belanger, Seth 53 Hartern, Mrs 55 Gibson, Robt A 57 McNeil, John 69 Copeland, Mrs 61 Andrew, Chester Yates Street intersects. 71 Booth, Andrew 97 Sehl, Thos P Sehl, Mrs F Sehl, Herman Pandora Street intersects. 99 Moss, Jas Hanesty, Chas Weaver, Mr . 103 Lubbe, Theodore Mason Street here. 105 Richards, Oliver 107 Cleaver, Rev S 109 Waitt, Mrs M W Henderson, L G 118 Partridge, T J Frederick Street here. Partridge, Francis Partridge, George Partridge, John Partridge, Wm Burdette % i S f 8 g A * S>P< g. •15 s Z I H INTERIOR WOODWORK, OFFICE AND BAB FITTIN&S • Mad* to Ordar by 'WXXLER BROS. HODSOI'S BtrCOMPIir, Innhlbr FortCarn uii Benton Ctonb Flourlni Mills VIOTORIA. B. O. — (I >B I .£3 ^ -^ iM « o A GO ■hi »4 O) k. H ,a S 1-^ ^ H ' 438 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTOBY. 125 Paterson, T W 129 Leitch, Dr H D 181 Lowe, W S B Lowe, Mrs W H 183 Eraser, Mrs M Bavne, B Roskell Chatham Street intenects. 135 Garland, Geo W Garland, Aaron 141 Hart, David 143 Roskelly, William .'49 Oollis, Albert Green Street here. 151 Redgrave, S L 165 Murray, James Murray, Wm Pembruke Street intersect*. West Side. Christ Church Schools Bardette Avenue here. 24 Hansen, Christopher Kane and Rae streets here. 26 Vacant 32 Neal, Wm 40 Whitley, Stephen Fort Street inteneeta. 42 Yee Chung 46 Thompson, Wm 50 Jackson, James View Street Intersects. 52 McDonald, Miss 54 Deacon, Beni Sexsmith, Edwd W 56 Ferguson, Miss Mc Arthur, Miss Bella Nute, John 58 McKitrick, Wm 62 Vacant 64 Nevins, Bernard Yates Street Intersects. 68 Weber, Wm L 74 Fletcher, Thos Johnson Street Intersects. Pandora Methodist Church 98 Cooper, George A Farquhar Street here. Pandora Street Intersects. 100 Johnson, J A Cormorant Street here. 124 Ward, John 180 Harris, Chas Levine, Mrs Le Lievre, Mrs Kate 132 Boyd, James 132K ClauBon, Capt Christian . English i Robert 136 Cox, Capt Wm Cox, Rupert Chatham Street Intersects. QUKBEC — Runs from Mepziea to Montreal street. South Side. 1 Behm, James Norrison, Win 1^ Cookson & Plows 3 Homfrev, Robert 7 Birnie, Wm Private ground 15 Langley, James 21 Wilson, Wm Wilson, Joseph W 25 Mackay, Donald 38 Cruickshank, R 35 McNiffe, Mrs W 87 O'Brien, Stephen Oswego Street intersetts. Private property St John's Street intersects. Cross Street here. Private property 95 Nuttall, Thomas Montreal Street here. South Side. 4 Richardson, G A Richardson, George 8 Blume, C A 16 Gilbert, Justin Vacant lots 20 Watson, David 22 Simpson, G F D 26 Macdonald, Edwd Stewart, John 28 Ritchie, Robert Emery, John 32 Marwick, Robert 38 Sullivan, Daniel 46 Jarvis, Wm Oswego Street intersects. 50 Bendrot, Capt J 56 Leggatt, Chas J St James' Church, C.E Vacant lot 82 Both wick, Ralph St John's Street intersects. 84 Findlay, Dr H B 86 M^cnaughton, A E Miller E TIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY No. 23 STORE STREET. VICTORIA, B Ouidea fnmiahed to tourlata. All kinda of Cbineae help auppUed on the ahorteat notice. C. DR, LEWIS HILL'S IITICEPTIC TOP WIISH ..»«. ^ c^ «» ^^ ■ Mmde only at CEyTKAl. DBVO BTORX, Clarence »to«k, Vietarta, Jl. C. the VICTORIA CITY DIBECTOBY. 439 88 Allen, Wm Fraeer, John White, J Martin, Andrew C Bennett, F flO McGuire, H 92 Vacant- 96 Crauae, Percy 98 Fen ton. Misa aUBBirS AVENUE-Runs from Douglaa to Chambera, South Side. 9 McCandleaa, Alex 11 Sangster, George 17 Milne, Alex R Elrich, George W 21 Nevm, Roy Wm Garrow, John Kaye, M.D. Blanchard Street here. 35-37-45 Vacant 47 McCrady, Frank 62 Craig, A D Dean, John Burria, S McDermid, H C Swinnock, Oacar Barthea, Caaimir RAE — Runa Quadra. North Side. from Douglaa to 6 De Wale, Fredk 6 Hart, Henry Hart, Mra 8 Vacant 10 Brynea, George 14 Mortimer, John 16 Grigg, John 18 Horn, Henrv R 24 Carter, John Wm Carter, Arthur Eameranda, Tovey, Mra A E Blanchard Street bare. 38 Barrv, John 44 Mclfay, Mrs J G 46 Vacant 48 Sweet, Miaa 52 Boacowitz, J 56 Harper, Ja'>>ea 60 Howard, Mra E A 64 Cuthbert, F A Douglas Street here. South Side. 9 Mann, James 11 Brown, Mrs H L Bailey, Wm 16 Nelaon, Chas 17-29 Vacant 81 Stewart, James A 35 Wile, Henry REBECCA— From Pandora to Got- ham. EAaT Side. 3 Allen, Mra A P 5 Weber, Harry Loburner, Louis 7 McEachern, Wm Alfred Street (ntersects. Scott, F M im trrJ RENDALLr— Runs from Simcoe to Niagara East Side. 2 White, Alexander 4 Fairful, .-Andrew 8 Richmond, John Bennett, Henry 10 Pettigrew, Wm Currie, Robert 12 McDonald, Joaepb Vacant lota 16 Allen, John G 20 Thomson, John 22 Greenhalgh, Samuel Niagara Street here. West Side. 15 Vacant St. James street here 17 Vacant 19 Stewart, Wm 21 Chriaty. David McGraw, Jamea Cobourg Street here. Private grounda G Maston'a stables Private property RICHARDSON— From Vancouver to City limita. NoBTH Side. 2 Hampaon, Wm Stephen 18 Cowan, M H > a Z 30 o m <» I m (0 z a > -i r X m 2 > 0) z ss (0 30 < H 0) m 1 30 m a c F o 0) c "0 R.T. BOOKBINDER aM BLANK BOOK HANUFACTORER 9S BBOAH aiBEET, riOTOBIA.. DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY winnipeo Nothing but Thoronghlv BzperUncad Labor employed Ht tha Radwood. Ajrnjfiei o o m "St o o 0. c o % (d CO c (d o O Q O O 440 BRITISH COLUMBIA OIRKCTORY. 120 White, Robt Cook Street hare. 124 Leakey, E P Boulton, T C 128 Worsfold, J K 134 McKilligan, J B RICHARDSON AVSNUE-From Vancouver to City limits. South Side. 7 Ballentyne, Clinton 11 Carmicnael, Archibald Kemp, Mrs Mary 25 Vacant 73 Trutch, Sir J W, K.C.G 161 Johnson, M T Mobs Street here. RICHMOND AVENUE -From Oak Bay to Cadboro Bay road. East Side. Verdier, Mrs Soule, C J Pearson, Chas S Tubman, Thos Edwards, S W Reeves, Artemus Arbuckle, M Oak Bay Avenue Intersects. West Side. Bennett. J T Moore, F E Bridgman, J E Perfect, Robt S Parbery, Arthur Dennan, Edwd Walker, Jas MacMillan, John Lehman, Samuel Leighton Road Intersecta. Bragg, John Fredk Bragg, Wm Clarke,. Wm Joseph Vye, Alex Caldwell, Andrew RIDOE ROAD, Spring Ridse. West Side. 12 Broinlfson, A 14 Johnson, John Lindell, Asgeer Heglason, Walter Johnson, Kelly South Road here. 20 Creech, R K Creech, H North Uoad here, RITHET— Runs from South Turner to Menzies. North Side. Vacant lots Kenning, J A 26 Newby, John 31 McKay, C B, C.E Vacant lot 33 Meclean, Dr Chas 36 Prossor, T H 37 Rood, John 39 Harvey, G C 41 Vacant Nolte, F W 43 Samuels, G South Side. 10 Munro, Mrs A 22 Jackson, George R 24 Vacant 26 Cochran, John 28 McPhee, Donald 30 Perm, L F 32 Dunderdale, E N ROBERT STREET, Victoria West — Runs from Esquimalt road to water front. West Side. Wendt, John Cunningham, N Andrew Street here. McBeath, D ROCK BAY AVENUE-Runs from Rock Bay to Gorge road. East Side. 15 Porter, James Worthington, Mrs Isabel 19 Morrison, Fredk John 31 Gowdy, Wm Gowdy, David Gowdy, Frank West Side. 43 Alley, Frank Ernest Henry Street intersects. A.. JLBE ATTIE WEEKLy AUCTIONS AND NIB ~ ^'t Viotoria Transfer Co., Ltd. ^''?'.?^^?.r 81 oad 83 Bronghtoa 8tr««t, VlotorU. B. O. T«l. 189. VICTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 441 4 Cessford, Robt 12 CoUiiter, John Kichd 14 Sinclair, Duncan Bay Street Intemects. 28 Clyde, Mrs Alex Clyde, Fredk John Htreet intenecti. 56 Carter, Thos, jr 68 Carter, Robt Carter, Kitson David Htreet InteriectN. 66 Backus, Joseph 72 Murphy, Miss Mary 74 Downer, Harry G ROCKLAND AVENUE — From Oak Bay avenue to Belcher street. East Side. Knapp, J T "Fairholm," Gerrard.Mjr H D Webber & Galpin "Hochelaga," Galletley, A J C "Moorfleld," Aspland, Sydney Aspland, Algernon Holland, C A Gonzales farm Fortune, Jas West Side. "Rocklands," Dumb'.ocon, Hy "Highlands," Macauley W J Day, Robt S Rockland Avenue ends here and Belcher Street beKini. RUPERT— Runs from Humboldt to CoUinson street. East Side. 16 McConndel, Thos Beechy Street here. Humboldt Street here. West Side. 14 Vacant 16 Campbell, D 18 Vacant Collingon Street InteraectB. 24 Brown Robt 26 Barber, John Barber, James Robertson, John McOlure Btreet here. RUSSEL, Viotoria West-Runs from the water front to Victoria Arm. East Side. McKay, Chas Mable, Wm J E. AN. Rv InterHerts • KKiutmalt Road inteitiectH. Frederick Street here. Anderson, Hugh H.nry Street here. EBquimalt Road here. Langford Street here. Cralgflower Road intersects. Skinner Street here. Hubart, Mrs M Jessie Street here. Victoria Arm here. West Side. Russel, R J Ledingham, Wm Bings, John Penwill, C T Penwill, Frank E. & N. Ry. intersects. Esquimau Rood interHCCts. Frederick Street here. Henry Street here. Esquimau Street here Kay, John Vacant house . Felling, C K Vacant house Edward Street here. Russell, Jiio Bruce, Alex Laogford'Stteet intersects. Kennedy, Thos Kennedy, Joha Cralgflower Road intersects. Vacant house Skinner Street here. Jessie Btaeet here. Victoria Arm here. SAANICH ROAD— From Govern- ment to City limits. East Side. Meldram, Jas W Meldram, Jno W Brickyard o » i WEILER BROS. VICTORIA, B. O. ABE AGENTS FOB GBOSSLEY AND SONS FINE GABPETS. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY »" ^Sll."!™ '^^ Q-« .2 '■5 OS « s .a o EH M 442 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTOilY. McGregoi, (Jeevea & Mc- Gregor) Brickyard, Baker, Jas Brickyard, Hamber, M Bone, Thos Carter, Mrs Lottie Driver, Chas Newing, Jaa Topar. Aveuue here. Vacant Speed Avenue here. West Side. Hall, H G Grant, Gordon Grant, W P Ferguson, Wm Franel* Avenue here Kidder, Jno Young, A D Coug..Ian. Jno Liddeli, Kobt Crowell, Mrs F R Harris, Alfred Harris, George Harris, W G Harris, W J SAN JUAN AVENUE Dallas road to Niagara. East Side. Noble, Alex, jr Noble, Alex Jeffrey, Wni Eastoii, Walter 24 Peden, Alex 26 Oaldpr, Geo 28 Erskine, Wm Smith, R F Stewart, Wm E Prescott, Chas Vacant lots West SiuE. Dav, Samuel ArdeU; Thos Wallace, Jas 'S'^acant lots •From SAYWARD AVENUE, Sprinff Ridge. East Side. I'ompkins, W C Vacant 15 Wilders, Hubert Wilders, John 26 McCorkall, J West Side. 6 Vacant 12 Paulson, S Ihorsteinson, H 18 I'ridsfort, Jno 22 Edmonds, Mrs Jane 24 Anderson, Eric Goodman, Baldwin 243^ Reid, Ernest SCHOOL— From Cadboro Bay road to Yates street. East Side. 13 Coombe, H Public schools SCORESBY— From Vancouver to Cook. North Side. 6 Heathfield, Mrs Sarah L 8 Courtney, Geo 10 Vacant 12 Brown, Percy 18 Gordon, Wm 20 Dupcnt, Miss C E 22 Hanson, Samuel South Side. 7 Cameron, John • 21 Young, Frank ')owning, Mrs Marv A 23 Williams, Alfred SEOONB -From Bay street to Hill- side avenue. East Side. 1 Vacant 11 Shaw, Richard 17 Daiey, Jas 21 Jeeves, Geo 31 Robertson, Alex King's Road here. 41 Birkett, Thos 46 Fulton, Dan'- '. 47 Burns, Capt ^i il Hughes, Jaa 42 Hughes, Capt William Hughes, Capt H V 49 Bartholomew, John H BETTl ClABBirC 61 Ai 63 O' 67 Th HilUlde 69 Sh Second i West S 2 Esi 2^ 1 4 Va 6 Ha Ha 10 Bk Bio 14 Sal 18 Pra Ha 20 Pri( Pri( 30 Arr 32 Brt 42 Gor King's K( 44 Vac 46 Leh 48 Vac 50 Bro 52 Mes Vac 60 Mea 62 Kee Ha: 64 66 Res( SELKIR] Cadbor North Si Vaci Splkirk R( Hen SEVENT avenue, East Sid Pott Daki Dew Daki North Si Hew Third 8tr«( TIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY No. 23 STORE STFIEET, VICTORIA, B Gnides furnlabed to tourlata. All kinds ot Chinese help supplied on the ahorteRt notice. C. WE E] »» BKOAn Ml BETTER COMB TOUR HAIR with the Best Combs in Town • • SOLD ONLY AT THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE • - ChAItENCB BLOCK, COR. YATES AKH DOUGLAS UTS., VIOTORXA, B. C. VICTORIA CITY DIRECTO .;Y. 443 61 Arnold, J W 63 O'Brien, Henry 67 Thomas, James £ HiUside Avenue here. 69 Shakespeare, N Second street ends here. West Side. 2 Essenwine, Frank 2\4 Key, Edward 4 Vacant 6 Haughton, £J Haughton, James A 10 Bicor Bloor, Samson 14 Salmon, E J 18 Pratt, Henry Harris, Capt C I 20 Pridham, Henry Pridham, E R 80 Arnold, Saml 82 Bruce, George 42 Gonnason, Ren King's Koad here. 44 Vacant 46 Lehman, John 48 Vacant 50 Brown, Wm 52 Mesher, G Vacant 60 Mesher. George 62 Keeler, Richard 64 Hackett, Charles 66 Rescue Home, Salvation Army SELKIRK ROAD-Runs from Cbdboro Bay road. North Side. Vacant Selkirk Road ends. Henry, John SEyENTH— Runs from Queen's avenue. East Side. Potts, H A Dakers, Arthur Dewar, Geo Dakers, James North Side. Hewlings, J Q Third Street begin* here. West Side. McRobbie, John Menzies, Robert King's Road interiecti. Latham, John Gilchrist. Wm SIMCOE— Runs from Beacon Park to Dallas road North Side. Muriset, Charles Muriset Chas, jr Private grounds Carr Street intersects. 1.3 Martin, H J 16 Laundy, Thos H Private properly 19 Mallandaine, Edwd Mallaiidaine, Edwd, jr P/iyate grounds 39 Pbipps, Stanley Phipps, Marcus Private grounds Menz'm Street intersects. 113 Jaa iesun, Robt 116 Ba^en, CF 141 Barn?s, James 143 Griinason, Mrs J Grimason, George Oswego Street intersects. 173 Driscoll, Denis St Lawrence interEects. Montreal Street intersects. Vacant lots 233 Donnelly, Mrs E McLellan, Fredk B 239 Hennigar, CJhas 241 Aden, Mrs W D Private property 249 McLeod , Angus Immigrants' Home Dallas Road here. South Side. P'ival^ property 6 Bowman, W G 8 Newbury, Wm Carr Street Intorsects. 28 John so I, James South Turuar iHieet intersects. 88 Kane, Lt. Col. A J 42 Marquis, H G Hill ^El !.< VIM'^ST ^\^T More Hands and More Cnpital than all other Blnderle* WXl XJmri^UX 1„ t« province. — na BROAn BTjtmxT, riOTOxiA, it ^^ It R. T. WILLIAMS ■I DBEWKY'8 Redwood BREWERY. Winnipeff THBSE GOODS WASBANTXin TO K^BBP IN All. OLI'dAtES. Viotori I o O o o 444 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. 48 Medina Mrs Vacant lots 88 Grahan John Vacant lots 102 McMicking, R B Toronto street here. Menzies Street intersects. 106 Lawson, Jas H Vacant lots Croft street here. 118 Knott, Joseph 120 Vacant Kendall Btreet intersects. 130 Kendall, Robt 8 138 Foreman, James 142 Davis, William 144 Hraden, Wm 146 Vacant Private grounds Oswego Street intersects. Private property Montreal Street intersects. 222 Brownlie, Thom 224 Hedges, F F 226 Vacant 228 Nicols, Wilfred 230 Vacant 234 Devlin, R B St. Lawrence Street intersects. 240 Lanoert, Wm Carlo, E 244 Bebington, Tbos 246 Flint, Arthur, St G F 248 Merry, George 254 Chinese laundry SKINNER— Runs from RugBel,Vic- toria West, to Indian Reserve. NORIH SiDK. Williams, F W Catherine Street intersects, Robinson, G, J.P. Patton, Mrs M Vacant house SNOWDEN AVENUE - Runs from Lovers' lane, Ross Bay. East Side. Vacant house Cox, Wm Ross, Frank H Ottaway Wm SOUTH PARK— Ruus from Park road to St, Catherine. North Side. 30 Fort, James Convent and grounds St. Catherine Street here. 36 Fie win, Thomas South Side. 1 Brown, Thos Holmes, W H Foulkes, J F 9 Brown, John 11 Sene, Peter 13 Vacant 29 Vacant 31 Penny, Mrs M 33 Vacant Park Road here. Vacant PARK ROAD— Runs from Park Humboldt. West Side. 12 Taylor, W J, B.L to SOUTH ROAD, Spring Ridge — Runs from Chambers to Devon- shire road North Side. 48 Bherwood. Geo 62 Luker, William 50 Vacant 58 Louii, David Fernwood Road here. 02 Hodgson, H 66 Winsby, W P Bayward Street ends here. 68 Clarke, D J Clarke, Wm 70>^ Brown, Robert Fullerton, W F 116 Haughton, Thos Divks, William Brown, Peter Crowther, George Taylor, Mrs A Rendell, H B Terry, Miss J Terry, John Griffith, Edw Stanley ivento^ere South A Cbamb 15 A> A( 17 M 21 D( D( D( Dj Spring ] 43 Pa 43>^J 45.5k 47 Sa; M'ascotti 53 Mc 55 Va Wa Pern wot 63 Pai 69 Mil ai Pik Not 85 Col Prei Stanley i 101 Ale 103 Het 109 Clei 119 Ada Joh SOUTH Dallas East Sid Vaci 19 Ro8( Riracoe Sti 19 Loei Ivani 21 Bun 61 Bern Niaerara S Vacj 85 Cam 63 Golc Priv West Sid Vaca 6 Rick 10 Perr CITY MARKBT, VAHCOUVBK, 9. C. 6ENERAI iJOMlflSSION MERCHANT. Victoria Transfer Co., Ltd. '"'"'if^fi i^7^^A!L''^l ^^cfeS"'*' .92 and 93 Broughton Street, r*etoria, B. C. Telephone 129. VICTOKIA CITY DIBECTOHY. 445 South Side. Anderson, John Chambers Stresl micr^erts. 15 Adarjs, Frederic, si Adams, Frekeric, ir 17 McGill, A D 21 Dods, Robert G Dods, Walter Dods, Mrs Marv Dalziel, Harry Spring Road here. 43 Pascoe, John 4S}4 Kipling, Wm 45-5>^ Ellis, John 47 Sayyea, John Mascotte Avenue here 63 McCormac, Ghas 55 Vacant Waring, Thos Fern wood Road intersects. 63 Parsons, Ilenrv 69 Mills, Fredk ' 88 Pike, Capt Mark Noel, John F 85 Cole, Capt Fred Presbyterian M:::"' i Stanley Ayenue here. 101 Alexander, Thos 103 Hetherbell, Wm 109 Clements, John K 119 Adams, John H Johnson, Oliver SOUTH TURNER— Runs from Dallas road to Simcoe street. East Side. Vacant lots 19 Rose, Sydney Rimcoe Street here. 19 Loemans, A F Langley, Mrs £ 21 Burns, W 61 Bennet, John Niagara Street intersects Vacant lotp 66 Garmicliael, J B 63 Gold, Wm F Private grounds West Side. Vacant lots 6 Rickabv, J B H 10 Perry, E 22 Schnoter, A 24 Wilmot, Edw A Private property 42 Cameron, J G Vacant 46 Perrin, G A 48 Anderson, David Vacant lots Rithet Street here. 56 Norman, Wm SPEED AVENUE — Runs Tolmie avenue. North Side. 4 Houses Vacant 1 Godson, Mrs C T Godson, John 2 Arden, Rev W H P 3 Arsesta 4 Vacant from SPRING ROAD, Spring Ridge. Eaht Side. 11 Sivertz, liiorolfur 13 Sivertz, Christian 15 Carron, John 17 Collier, T R CoUiei, Geo 23 Wall, E J North Road here. 27 Hall, W John Copeland, C E Walnut Street here. West Side. Vacant lots South Road here. 16 Stone, Stonson SPRINGFIELD AVENUE- Runs from Esquimalt road to Front street and Old Esquimalt road. East Side. Jacobson, Gus Clunk, Wm Clunk, Alfred McDougall, E Reid, Chas G S McBride, Jos Lismore, Jos Robinson, Jno Front Street and Old Esquimau Road here. ? ^ IIIM BROS., the LeadineMte Dealer^ VICTORIA, I HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY JBuropean and XtHfUah OXOOJBBIXa, WIKBH and, liIQUOKB, free and in Xond. VICTORIA, B. C. PQ 446 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. West Side. Wilson, Henry Borgeson, A Whetstone, A Stevens, Mrs J McDonalil, A C and Old EsqutmaU Road Front Street here. ml r>^ as B 08 LEY AVENUE, Spring •Age. East Side. Sigurdeson, John Munroe, Ross Withrow, Mrs D Cadboro Ba; Road. Vacant Colbert, John Vacant West Side. 2 Keast, Arthur 4 Cuthbert, Herbert 6 Roberts, Capt T W 8 Hall, W F 10 Butcher, Arthur 12 Macmillan, Alexander 14 Vacant 18 Angus, Mrs W ST. CATHERINE STREET, Beaoon Hill — Runs from Nia- gara street to Dallas road. West Side. Beam, Eli 132 Leech, P J, C.E 140 Walker, Wm 142 Macdonald, G N ST. JOHN— Runs from Belleville to Kingston. East Side. 8 Finlaison, Ghas S Quebec Street iuterseotii West Side. Vacant lot 1 Redfern, G E Quebec Street here. St. James Church (C.E.) School House and KiugBton Street here, CroBB Htreet here. Uncleared lot ST. CHARLES— Runs from Cad- boro Bay road to Belcher street. East Side. Belvea. A L Goward, H, M.A., L.L.B. Goward, B G Goward. A F Toller, Albert 9 Hastings, O C, "Observatory Hill" Richards, Hon A N Belcher Street intersects. "Gonzales" Chandler Avenue here. Earl Street here. Foul Bay Road here. West Side. .Johnston, P T Johnston, R H Johnston, P D Johnston, E P Brown, Wm Pemberton Street interse'^ts, Angus, Forrest Belcher Street intersects. Holden, E Munday, H Foul Bay Road here. ST. LAWRENCE-Runs Kingston to Dallas road. East Side. Superior Street here. 14 lAwson, Robert MlchiKan Street here. Ontario Street intersects. Simooe Street intersects. , Sinclair, Robert Niagara Street here Dallas Road here. West Side. Vacant lot 3 Horton, Robert John Kingston Street here. Brie Street heie. Lots not cleared Ontario Street intersects. from PuiMoa TIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY No. 23 STORE STREET, VICTORIA, B. O. Guides fumiahed to tonrista. All kinds of Chlneat help auppUed en tbe ahorteat notice Clar 49 D, Simcoe 51 H 57 Di e7>^i 01 Ir\ Pri 63 Big 05 Ale ST. LOU North 8 8Pow 10 She! 10 Ban 18 McL 22 Crou 20 Levv 28 Hafe South Sir » Silve; 11 Vigel 13 Whefi 15 Hodn 17 Kenn, 21 Geisa 23 Wise, 26-27-21) •■^l Itusse 33 Tite, ( St. Louis en Conic Street STORE-Ri Johnson East Side. 3 Vacanf 5 WilliaJ 7 Ullniail 9 Vacanl 11 Vacant 18 AVood, L 13>^ Born 15 f ullorti Corin iraat St] 17 Caledoil 19 Wing , 21 Jones, 23 Tim Ke 25 Quong m Sun ', 29 Sun Ke^ 31 Quong i im B( PULMOJIIC COUGH CURE WILL CURE THAT COUGH. MADE ONLY AT THE » CENTRAL DRUG STORE * Clarence Blaek, Corner Tatea and liouglat Streett, VICTORIA, B. C, nCTOBIA ClTY DIRECTORY. 447 49 Donaldson, James 33 Lindsay, David . 37 Jim Kee \ 1 Simcoe street intersect'. 1 61 Humphreys, S W H Flsguard Street here. 1 57 Driver, John 2 Vacant stores 1 bl)4 Lince, Edmund 43 Babcbuck, Shem i- 1 01 Irving, I M 45 Raynor, Thos G 1 Private property 47 Victoria West Steam Bakery 1 63 Bissett, Alfred 49 Telegraph Hotel 05 Alder, Mrs Herald Street here. Chatham Street intersects ST. LOUIS— Runs from Cook. ^J *■ ** %f *%^iaa ^JVM^j^fV AAA vb ■ ar^rfv^ vv> 71 Albion Iron Works North Side. Discovery Street intersects. Pembroke Street intersects. 8 Powell, William - Bridge here. ory 10 Shepherd, James West Side. US Bannerman, A M 18 McLachlan, Daniel Queen's Hotel 22 Crogan, Wm The People's Clothing House 2() Levy, Barney Lukov, J 28 Hafer, Ludwig 4 Saniger, Fred 6 Queen's Grocery South Side. 8 Marks, Morris » Silver, John F 10 Sand Ida 11 Vigelius, Phillip 13 Wheeler, Wra H 12 Bossi, C A 20 E. & N. Rv 16 Hodnett, Mrs A Walker, Walter 17 Kenny, Richd Cormorant Street here. 21 Geig«,'John Hotel Janion 23 Wise, Mrs Geo Vacant store 25-27-29 Vacant Janion wharf 31 Russell, Arthur The Canada Paint Co, Ltd 33 Tite, George 28 Janion Wharf Co St. Louis ends. Rattray, Chas Conk Street here. 30 Hilliard, Joseph 1 32 Sing Chong 1 STOIUB— Runs from Cormorant to Cabins 1 Johnson 42 Robertson, John from 1 East Side. Har cot. Carpenter, Joseph 1 Har cot 7, Eriokson, Wm 1 3 Vacant ( Har cot 16, Gunch, F 1 5 Williams, A Har cot 21, Westall, Thos 1 7 Ullmann, Joseph Har cot 22, Oulston. James 1 9 Vacant Har cot 23, Baird, Thos 1 11 Vacant Har cot 24, Marks, James 13 W ood, W H Har cot 25, Carpenter, Jos 13>^ Borns, Walter Har cot 26, Patterson 15 PuUerton, John 64 Vic Rice and Flour Mills Corm irant Street here. 74 Haney, James 1 17 C<iledouia Saloon 80 Spratt's wharf 19 Wing Chong Co McCahill, Michael 21 Jones, Wm H 84 Westt rn hotel 23 Tim Kee 86 Rusta, Andrew 25 Quong Ting Tai Cabins 26>^ Sun Tick 96 Muirbead & Mann 27 Wo Hope Co 116-112 National Elec Tramway 20 Sun Kee and Lighting Co, Ltd Porter's Wharl Co 31 Quong Sing lU kinds of ti.-» notice 11 ANK ROIIK MANII h'iiyri \\m B. T. WILLIAMS rw^ *• •--- lijaill JUVtt DIfli.U fill; lU ilLil »» Broad Hi., VMoria. H b CO H o o o u H H » « H H H IB?5aaar t ! DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY - WMNffGC. Drewry's Ale, Porter and Lager is Recommended by Physicians flwunilty. o PQ c •H OS 0)1 05 Si Z O Q O 448 BRITISH COIiUHBIA DIRECTORY. SUPERIOR— Runs from St. Cath- erine to JSt. Lawrence North Side. Private prope- '.y Birdcage Walk intersects. Richdale, W H F 57 Donaldson, A D Wilson, J W 57i^Locke, L P 59 Prout, Wm Clark, Robt Mitchell, — 591-0 Stewart, Wm 61 Dorman, Wm Hy 63 McCandlish, Miss -' 69 Jamieson, R H 83 Blaekett, Cuthbert Terrant, Rich Brian, Rich 85 Robson, Rev E Menzles street intersectB. . 113 Anderson, John Anderson, Alfred C 115 Spencer, Christopher 119 Henry, William 121 Jack, Mrs A Longuest, Chas Vacant lot 131 Morrison, James 133 Dow Hector Oswego Street iatersects. 151 Vacant 151)^ Vacant 153 McEachrn, John 163>^ Vacant 155 Vacant 155K Richdale, J H 169 Sutherland, John 171 Clarke, Edwd 171>^ Walkley, Arthur 173 Rom bough, Buel 175 Graham, Johnson Montreal Street intersects. 177 Young, H B 199 Patterson, Robt 201 Coburn, John 203 Butt, (ieorge Vacant lota South Side. St. Lawrence Street here. 2 Williams, F H St. Catherine Street here. 36 Smith, A J 42 Thompson, Gilbert L O McFarland, Frsnk McFarland, Geoi^ Fraser, Mrs E Birdcage Wallc Intersects. 64 Vacant 68 Smith, John 80 Cameron, C N 82 Prior, H K Harding, Mrs E M 88 Vacant 94 McDowell, Wm 108 Flett, Alfred Menzies Street intersects. 110 Jones, R 112 More, A W Anderson, Jas Anderson, J W 114 Campbell, Angus 122 Wilson, A E Embert, C A 134 Murdock, John Rutherford, Mrs SYLVIA— Runs from Boyd to San Juan avenue. North Side. Thomson, John A Vacant Vacant Jay, George Trimen, L B Trimen, Mrs L B Trimen, R C Burrell, Frank TAUNTON— Runs from Clark. North Side. 4 Lewis, John W Vacant 10 McDonald, John M Vacant South Side. Vacant 5 Eirikson, Henrik Simminsons, Ole TERRACE AVENUE— Runs otf Oak Bay ave. East Side. McGregor, Archibald West Side. Pattie, John Victor 21 A. M. BEATTIE CITY MARKET, VANCOUVER, B. C. Weekly Auction .iO-s^.^.^, THIRD, from Bi East Sid: 11 Don Bird Milli 13 Vacf 19 Cam Mite 23 Mitti 27 Hodj Ho<If 31 Reill 33 MatJi Jesse King's Roi Ware 43 Shaw 45 Skell Shutf 47 Bitta Bitta 49 Ladle 51 Hodi; GranI 53 Mansi j'i Linds Ilutd LIndg 57 O'Lea Hillside A^ Murtc Muni West Side 8 Willia 12 Blake 14 Heate 16 Vacan 16K Fles 18 Steffei 26 Vacan 30 John, Chiuei King's Road 46 McCoi McCoi 48 Dinsdi 50 Kelly, 54 Edwai TOPAZ A Saanich i North Sidi Humb mi ■% \ ictfOLIA T'Pflrll^^'foy CO«9 ^iiCL* nateaandQuiekeatnel^ateh. 81 and 23 Bronglitom Street, Victoria. B. C. Tel. 129. VICTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 449 THIRD, Work Estate— Runs from Bay street 1o Hillside ave. East Side. 11 Donaldson, James Bird, David Miller, Alex 13 Vacant 19 Campbell. John Mitchell, Chas 23 Mittalstate, Gustav 27 Hodgson, Mis R S Ho<lg8on, Geo .31 Reilly, John Thos 33 Matheson, O C Jesse, Miss E King's Roadinicrsects. Ward School 43 Shaw, James 45 Skelland, Wm Shute, Edw 47 Bittancourt, A R Bittancourt, Geo 49 Ladies' School 61 Hodiison, Wesley Grant, Jas A 53 Manson, John D j'y Lindsay, Geo, sr Ilutchins, Wm Lindsay, F W 57 O'Leary, Capt W S Hillside Avenue intersects.. Murton, Miss Sarah Munro, Miss A J West Side. 8 Williams, A C 12 Blake, Alfred 14 Heater, Wm 16 Vacant 16>^ Flesh, Chas 18 Steffen, A H 26 Vacant 30 John, Richard Chinese laundry King's Road intersects. 46 McGonnell. Jacob McConnell, John P 48 Dinsdale, Robt 50 Kelly, D L 54 Edwards, T W TOPAZ AVBNUE-Runs Saanich road north. North Side. Humber, Luke from Humber, M Bone, W H Burgess, Francis Galley, Mrs Wm Fourth Street intersects. Galley, Fredk Everton, Geo Davey, H G Topaz Ave intersects with Saanich Rd. Mather, Richard Smith, Miss Annie Clanton, R T Weaver, Thos Sayyea, Miss L First Street ends here. CO TORONTO, James Bay— Runs from Beacon Hill Park to Menzies North Side. 23 Wagg, Edwin Young Street here. Vacant lots - : ' Carr Street here. 95 Hughes, J M 97 Byers, Capt W D Byers, Thomas 99 Richards, Joseph W Joule, A J Prince's Street here. 101 Lorimer, Wm Private property 115 Bland, J^W Private property 121 Marks, Louis < Parry Street here. "Burnham Cottage" 125 Duncan Thomas Private grounds Vacant store Vacant lots Private property Vacant house Menzies Street here. South Side. 18 Mackie, John R Phoenix Place here. Vacant lots 22 Atwood, Mrs E 28 Minckler, Chas 32 Vacant 36 Vacant 38 Roland, Clement 40 Flewen, Chas 112 Foster, Prof R g IS WEILER OROS. are Cuplele House Furnisheis. U0 M in B. C .Htsid r X3 "e _^ P-l = •^ W f o o 2 qi H" V a ^ P' o GO a GO (l»9 P< CO re P (^ a SB >1 W3 » &- a p^ 09 ^ H' M. (b h» Vt ^ M W g ff*- B • c (* Ml H < s H» i-t- A ^. g" ^ 3. O r S u * >^ Q MtM^»i«4MMIfaW^*- i HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY«*i«l»!'»f »« VICTORIA. B. C. oa Pe4 's^. S3 ■«s 1 iS ® (Sj ,4 Pm •M «M « o ^ QD ■*J S 4> ^ 1 * ► QQ ee J tH H 450 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIKECTOKY. Private property 25 Jeffs, George Carr Street here. 33 Vacant. 116 Grablin, Thos H Labouehere Street here. 120 Pottinger, W B 35 Harding, George Wm Franklin Street here. TROUNCE AVENUE — Runs 43 Wales, Dan from Government to Broad. 45 Scarlett, John E 47 Bouchier, Miss North Side. Richardson Street here. 2 Wells, Fargo Ex press 49 Schofield, Stewart Green, Worlock & Co, agents 51 Jorand, Mrs 6 Warren, Capt J D 53 Steers, Mrs Mayo 10 Vic & Esq Tel Co 55 Devereux, Miss Julie McMicking, R B, mgr English Academy 16 Tolmie Land Co 57 Vacant Say ward, J P 18 Winnett & Cooper Scorsby Street here. 89 McQuade, Lewis Church, J E 20 Y.M.C.A McQuade, Edward Bellot Street here. 22 Vucant 22M Mason, W H 26 Cuthbert & Co 99 Hay ward, Chas 103 Ramsdale, Miss Edith Wollaston, Percy, jr South Side. View Street Interaeds. 1 Kurtz & Co 139 Wan Yet 3 Grotto Saloon Fort Street intersects. O'Brien, Steve, prop Hears Street intersects. 9 McGregor, W D Yates Street intersects. 11 Lee & Eraser 151 Steers, Charles 13 Pullman Lodging House 165 Scott, Mrs Susie 15-17 Canadian Pacific Telegraph 157 Marvmont, Henry Co, Christie, Wm, mgr 159 Joslyn, C S 19 Silliman. Walter 161 Laird, Madame 23 Teague, John Pandora Street intersects. West Side. TURNER— Runs from Work street. 4 Lootens, Rt Rev Bishop East Side. Beechy Street here. 22 Beaven, Hon R, M P P 5 Gill, James Beaven, H R 5)4 Grant, Donald 38 Acton, Wm Okell, Samuel M 40 CuUum, Thos Morris, Walter 40 >^ Vacant John Street intersects. 42 Graham Heniy Street here. 44 Reinhardt, Theo West Side. 50 Doharty, Thos 56 Doharty, J A Rock Bay School Dohartv, John C 4 O'Reilly, Frank, C.E Burt, W A Pauline, Frank Burt, Stephen S Watson, Wm McClure Street here. Burdette Avenue here. VANCOUVER — From Humboldt 80 Powell, Dr J W to St. Louie. Powell, Bertram Coutt* Street here. East Side. 84 Parr, Thos H 15 Ball, Henry B Hears Street here. TIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY No. 28 STORE STREET. VICTCRIA, B. C Guides fUmished to tovfittB. All kinds ot* CtalnMe help supplied on the shortest notice. on. LEWIS HILL'S tlTICEPriC TOOTH WISH Mmd9 only at CBlfTKAZ DJtV0 STOKE, Clarence Bloek, rietoriu, B. C. Hardens tbe Gntna, Pnrifles the Breath and Cleans the Teeth - VICTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 461 110 Byrne, Robt S Fort Street intersects. 120 Scholefield, H E G H Lew, Mrs B 124 Grimm, Wm View Street intersects. 126-134 Vacant Yates Street intersects. VICTORIA CRESCENT-From Quadra to McGlure. North Side. 22 Tuck, Mrs 15 P, "Rocabella." Tuck, DoupiasC, "Rocabella." 38 Hutcheso'.i, Jas 46 Wood, Frederick Lee, A'thur South Sir£. 33 Johnson, J B Easter Hartley, S 35 Vacant 37 Butler, J W 41 Herburger, A 43 Harvey. W G Lester, Hanry C VIEW. North Sidb. 32 Reali, Pedi^reno 30-28 Vacant 36 Gilbert, George St. Ann's Kindergarten 40 Vacant Institute Hall St. Andrew's R. C. Cathedral Blanchard Street intersects. 64 Sioddart, S A 66 Nathan, Edw P 68 Lewis, Lewis Dudgeon, Robt 70 Phelps, Mrs A 72 Robinson. Wm 74 Phillips, Joseph R Phillips, Joseph E 82 Braden, John Braden, Edw 88 McDonald, Murdock 00 Marshall, Mrs Margaret 92 Harwood, Joseph 04 Boiid, Mrs Martha 96 Beal, Wm Quadra Street intersects. 102 Crowther, (Jeorge Thos Crowther, Dan 104 McKirdy, Wm 106 Apnaught, Mrs Julia 108 Howell, Thos Hutchison, Benj Hutchinson, Miss Lucv 114 Kellv, Saml B 122 Williams, Robt Taylor Vancouver Street intersects. 160 Dangerfield, Fred 166 Lawrence, George Roper 168 Day. A G 170 Hay. Andrew Gordon 172 Clark, Joseph Cook Street here. 180 Lovell, J V 184 Vaurine, Mr 194 Stewart, Albert Stewart, A 196 Bridges, George Bridges, Mrs G 198 Morley, HAS 212 Victoria Thvosophical Society Berridge, Wm Berridge, F C Berridge, W H Berridge, AV W 220 McMillan, D 222 Waller, T E 230 Anderson, W School Street hf n 240 Wiffin, H C South Side. 1-5 The Driard hotel, Redon & Hartnagle, props Victoria Theatre Hall, D F W Douglas Street intersects. Pioneer Bodega saloon 23 Vacant 25 Woodward, Miss Agnes 27 Hong Long 31 \'acant 35 Porter, Miss 39 Vacant Four houses vacant 65 Douglas, Mrs Georgie Blanohard Street i&teraects. 69 Jones, John B 71 Wickens, E C 73 Mottram, Joseph Burns, John D 75 Crosier, Oney M m . HilRl^in IHiyBli 1 jB o le^Mi H 3D HUBI 9 m Em ^ ,30 11 ^ml %< Hi Mffil so5 BIh^mm o ^Hh 1 WmwH ^^I r ^Hh^ bIViI'II '!aM ^30 mm ^^11 sm HJI^Hn sD III ' MPH BliiiM ;o ^mli^n i§ ^^^ffi tu} ^^■^^hUI >^ v^^^hS^^ -"rn ^S^nH^I 1^ ^HHh " rn 'l^^^flHffl^ 130 ^BMPB'I t< W'fl^Mii O" ^^■v '^raH^^HMfl n ^^^^^ ''R^^^^^llfiU^ »s - ^^^bK ' '^^^^^^Hft^^vl « • 9! ' Hfe '^ ^^^Hiffl (0 < ^HIiLjj3|^^HmB Wl TOCK. 'H^H THU LATBST IXPBOrxaLEITTB OnSOOK- BUTOISa AKO PAPBB BVXiIXO. R. T. Williams -S8 BROA.D BTBBBT. VIOT-ORIA.. ri ii DKEWRY'S Redwood BREWERY. Winnipeg o Q O 4S2 THBaa ooons WAnn^yTMo to keep in all ozima: es. BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Ferguson, Mrs Louisa 77 Va(!ant 79 Vacant 81 Harmony Hall 83 Vacant 85 Go wen, Mrs C Gowen, Fredk A 93 Moracs, Mrs Annie 96 Perry & Graham's yard 97 McDougall, Chas R 99 Rosa, Frederick Sutherland, Wm M Fleming, Miss Sadie 103 Kelly, Andrewf. 103>^ Setterington J A Quadra Street intRrseci s. 105 Staniforth, Frances 107 Watson, Joseph R 109 Melrose 111 Kirk, Irwin Hetherington, Robt Stewart, Robt 127 Galer, Wm 129 Vacant Back of Assembly Rooms 117 Vacant 143 Riclmids, Frank G Mills, John 146 Vacant 147 Vacant 149 Phillips, David 151 Harrison, Wm Edwd 163 Leigh, Leonard 167 Morris, Augustus Morris, Mrs Frederica • Morris, Amos 181 Savage, R W O Savage, R W Savage, H R Savage, C J Cook Street here. 217 Vacant house and VININO— From Fernwood road to Stanley avenue. Sooth Side. Scott, Adam Barlow, Thos Post, Charles Post, Jason H Gripps, James Gripps, Chas Crull, W J Samuelson, G VininK street ends. Milne Street beKins. Stanley Avenue intersects. WADDINOTON ALLEY-Runs from Johnson to Yates. East Side. 7 Morley, C Ure, James Smith, John Brown, Thomas Giffin, Douglas Harrison, George WALKER— Runs from the Old Esquimau road to E. & N. R. East Side. Vacant house Davy, John E. & N. R. here. West Side. , Vacant house Bowden, William Vacant house E. &. N. R. here. WALLACE, Beacon Hill Park — Between Hey woo<l avenue and Gook street. East Side 50 Cameijn, Alexander West Side. 9 Vacant 9}4 Dakin, A i;7ALNUT, SprinfiT Ridgre-Runs from Cedar Hill road to Fern- wood road. i;ToBTH Side. 21 Preece, W M 29 Barber, John Barber, John E 31 Le Sueur, Jos South Side. 20 Vacant 22 Jackson. Jacob 26 Elliot, Mrs Wm 30 Reid, Ambrose A M HT! a TTTT! adgtioneer, . ippraiser - and ■**■• ^^^^ .O^.*^ X X A^ gEjjpflAL COMMISSION MERCBANTJ West Sh CITY HARKET, VANCOUVER, B. C. «« Victoria Transfer Co., Ltd. '^"SSS£f^'!d^'^y^J!^^ at and 93 liroughton Street, Vietoria, li, C. Telephone 190. luna R. —Runs Fern- VICTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 453 Reid, James 34 Scott, William 36 Vacant Fernwood Road here WHARF — Runs from Government street to foot of Johnson. Courtney Street here. McKillican & Anderson East Side. Broughton street Intersects. Fort Street intersects. 61 King & Ewing 53 Customs Express and Postal Package Office 55 Victoria Towing and Lighter- ing Co Finlaison & Co 57 Vacant 59 Shears, Walter Customs Appraiser's Office h9% Hamilton Powder Co 61-63 Rithet, R P & Co 67-69 Marvin & Tilton Bastion Street here. 71 Shaw, G C & Co 73 Stewart, James 76 Alice & Ault Esuuimalt Water Works Co 77-79 Lubbe, T 81 Ferguson, Ross J 83 Loe wen berg & Co Imperial German Consulate 86 Leiser, Simon Yates Street here . 87 Savage, R W Dale, D Northern Pacific %1% Heany, J A McLean, John 89 McLeod, Dougald 91 Englehart, Paul Cooperage Store 97 Warehouse 99 Occidental Hotel Berryman, Richd H T South Side. 2 Mcintosh, Daniel D 12 Drake, Wm Tyrwhitt Coal Office, WT Drake West Side. 20 Jones, Thomas C 38 Her Majesty's Custom House, Milne, A R Collector Custom House wharf Berry, F 44 Neaves, Arthur 62 Shaw, Geo C & Co 64 Canadian Pacific Navigation Co, Ltd, Irving, Jno, mgr Vincent, F W Carleton, Geo A Baxter, Chas S U% C.P.N. Go's wharf 66 Hudson Bay Co Hall, R H, mgr H. B. Co 72 Todd, J H 72 Todd, J H & Son 74 Marvin, E B & Co 78 McQuade & Son 80 Davies, J P & Co 90 Turner, Beeton & Co Lorimer, W A 92-94 Earl, Thomas 96 Boskowitz, J & A 98 Findlay, Durham & Brodie 100 Rithet, R P & Go's bonded warehouse 108 Victoria Truck & Dray Co, Ltd Office Victoria Truck & Dray Co 112 Rithet, R P & Go's salt ware- house Broderick, Wm Johnson Street intersects. WHITTAKER, Spring Ridge. North Side. 23 Escallet, Ernest South Side. 1 Vacant 3 Vacant Smith, Miss F A Five vacant houses Wootton, Mrs H WILLIAM STREET— Between Devonshire road and Edmonton road Hamilton, — 1 Marsden, Geo 2 Dobbs, Eli WILLIAM, Victoria West— from Esquimau road and Spring- field avenue. Z>2 ^ 9 H e § 1 n &• t9 & & p c 0. 8 ^0 tH a §*((■ ? s,S Cdpu S. • II c S 9 • 1" 1 1 C. a *i a h S g 3 B to 9* N A • H WEILER BROS., ^^^ agents for crossley vioTDRiA, B. c. AND SONS FINE CARPETS. mmm ! HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY " '■JSE.!''™' *« 454 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. East Side. o « B I I Levelle, Peter Levelle, Alex WORK— From Point Ellice to Rock Bay bridge. North Side. bridge 2 Grant, Wm 40 Levy, Henry E Ryan, Miss Sarah Guzzan, Miss Holden Turner Street here. Pleasant Street here. 42 Madigan, Benjamin 46 Booth, George A H 50 Tagg, James 52 Jacobson, Mrs Roclc Bay Hotel, Frederickson, Mrs liouisa Peterson, Mrs Emma South Side. Grant's wharf Point Ellice boathouse Green, Edgar A Y. M. G. A. baths Spratt & Gray's foundry 17-19 Gray, Andrew Munro,* Alexander 19 B C Canning and Fruit Pre- serving Co 31 Edmonds, E T 41 Baaso, Antoine 43 McKay, Mrs Jennie 46 Andrew, Thomas 51 Foster, Robt 53 Colvin, James Burgess Reck Bay Bridge hete. YATES— Runs from Wharf street to Cadboro Bay road. North Side. 2-4 North Pacific saloon 6 Baker, B & Son 8 Pioneer Soda Water Works 10 Wilson Bros 12 Albion saloon Gx)k, Fredk Waddiiigton Alley here. 14 Morrison, James 22 McLachlan Bros 24 S L Kelly & Go 26 Clearihue, J A Clearihue, A 28 Wilson, John Peden, Wm 30 Pearson, T B & Co 32-34 Richarls, Thomas Tye, Thomas H Matthews, Richards & Tye Oriental Alley here. 36 Oriental hotel McKeown, Wm McKeown, W J Borthwick, George 3B}4 Dominion Express Co, Ltd Lvinfesty, Wm 40 Clarke, W R 42 Globv) Restaurant Vinc'dnt, Thomas Huiierfauth, Fred' 44 Nathan, Edwd P Lewis, A. Lewis, Lewis 46 V^acant 48 Russell, George 8 Miles, Geo W 50 McDonald, Peter 52 Steitz's restaurant Bowman, Louis Smith, George 56 Palace saloon Borthwick, R Orste, Frank Oovernment Street Intersects. 58 Tne Pritchard house Jones, John Boyd 60 Jones & Co , 62 Gregg & Son 64 Dalby & Claxton Cuthbert, Fred A 66 Yaio & Brooks 68 Clausaen, John Walker, Walter Berridge, Frank C 68>^ Stoddard, S A Stoddard, Robt 70 Beauchamp Rich'' 72 Van Volkenbunrl., A Van Volkenburgh, B 74 Blackett, St. Clair Cruickshank, Alf Palmer, E J Victoria Coal Wocd and Lum- ber Yard office 76 Pauline, Miss F Imperial Studio Eyres, K J 78 McKinnon,A Broad Street intersects. TIM KEE, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY No. 23 STORE STREET. VICTORIA, B. C. Gtiides ftimiabed to tourists. All kinds of Chinese help supplied on the shortest notice. PULMONIC COUGH CURE WILL CURE THAT COUGH. MADE ONLY AT THE » OEIfTRAL DRUG STORE * Clarence HUek, Corner Yaten and Oouglaa Htreet; VICTOHIA, tt. C. VICTORIA CITY DIRECTORY. 465 so Kowbotham, A J 82 Dudgeon, Kobt Mirror ijaloon Hayward, Jatnee No 2 Fire Hall Goft', Albert H4 Koarke, Michael Joliffe, Fred Wilson, John James 86 Lansdowne House Partridge, John S8 Manchester House Haughton, T & Co 90 Wilson Hotel Office New York Life Insur- ance Co, A H Scaife, mgr Victoria Chess Club 92 Vienna Restaurant 94 Cavin Bros Hall Bros The Wilson Saloon 98 Cameron, Mrs John Fraser, Dr R L Baker, Dr A R 100 Cochrane & Munn Douglas Street Interrects. 102 Central Drug Store Hall, Lewis W Mallery, Geo T 102V, Clarence Hotel 106 Vacant 108 Mee Wah 110 Kerr, VVm C 112 Powell, Mrs B Thistle Restaurant 114 Sears, Joseph 116 Collison, Jas Paisley Dve Works 122 Bull, Miss Tilley Decarlie, Louis C Heckman, John 126 Vacant / 128 Vacant 130 Jacobson, Hans P 132 Howell, Mrs 134 Proctor, George Hy 136 Botus, Mrs Jennie 138 Vacant 140 Tong Honn 142 Sam Lee 144 Song Lee Blanohard Street intersectg. 152 McCrimiron, Alex McCrimvion, Alex R McCrimmoti, Duncan R Victoria Steam Laundry 156 O'Neil, Fred 158 Wing Lee 164 Sere & Co 166 Bugney, Walter Wiliiams, Chas 168 Salmon, Harry 170 Cameron, Colin 172 Bowles, Migs Lydia 174 Wilby. William 174>^ Parmiter, J Quadra Street iBtersectB. 176 Myers 178 Leiser, Gustave Leiser. Max Lenz, Jacob Fairbairn, Mrs M 180 Kent, Chas 186 Jessop, John 188 Peiser, K K 18S Taylor, — 190 Doscher, Henry Schwatz, Heinian 192 Vacant Vancouver Street Intersects. 204 Strouss, M Bissinger, Sam 206 Eckersley, James 208 Dubald, John 214 Nicholson, J H 222 Lines, Edward 228 Kelly, S L Cook Street intersects. 230 Lenoy, Moses 244 Vacant 260 Johnston John 252 Astrico, Mrs P A 254 Mould, Mrs J E Mould, James 256 Barry, Thomas 262 Vacant 264 Hartnell, Mrs M A 266 Bradley, Ernest 268 Schroder, Miss Helen Schroder, Julius C 270 Dooley, John 280 Morkill, G H 284 Came, Fred, jr 286 Pither, Luke 288 Crane, J E 314 Selleck, Mrs M A 316 Camsusa, Mrs Margaret Fernwood Road intersects. Hooper, Thomas Harrison Street here. Junction witii Cadboro Bay Road. South Side. 1-5 Leiser, Simon & Co. R. T.WILLIAMS BOOKBINDER and BLANK BOOK HANUFACTORER »« nitOAD BTBXBT, riOTOXXA. ?^ i« I Dremrry's Redwo^nd Brewery, wiNNiPr.o. All Wtoleaale Dealers keep Orewry's AI'^, Porter and Lager in Stock. 6 456 BRI'^ISU COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. PQ Bloomingdale, Emanuel 61 Renouf, Clement E Rose, Daniel R Nicholles, Major John Moody, S P Nicholles & Renouf, Ltd Lia C 6 Bornstein, H 63 Brown Bros 7 Capitol Saloon Brown, Geo Hy 65 Carmichael, W N •iH Flewin, Thos 9-11 Spenoe, S J Carmichael, W N & Co ^i Losee, R £ 67 Stoddard, Wm J Freeman, J H 67-9 McNeil, Albert t^ " Lenz & Leiser New York Hotel 9i Lenz, Mose New York Restaurant Leiser, Gustav Johnson, Mrs E CO Commercial Alley here. 69 Burton, Al 13 Pi'vher & Leiser Tribe, Geo Pither, Luke 71 Dawley, F J Gardiner, George A Vancouver Hotel ^^■ Demers, L 73 Colbert & Warner 17 Clarke & Pearson Hall, Dr Ernest, D.D.S 19 Vacant Hall, Dr Lewis 21-23 Langley & Co Langley, A J Henderson, J N McKeclinie, Dr 77-79 Jeffree, W J Cunningham, Robt A Sanderson, MissM Douglas Street intersects. 27-29 Piercy J & Co Pauline, F A 29 Bank Exchange si loon Bruce, Wm B 81 Power, William Hall, Henry 83 Knight, Alfd W ^'f Sayer, G C Langley street here. 86 McGregor, Mrs H ® 31 Guinan, C J Catto, Dr Moore, J )hn J 89 Jackson, Mrs J B (H Moore & Co 91-9? Hughes, Peter Ah 33 Bank B N A Tdottram, Joseph +J Finlaison, E Downer, Henry G Stewart, D B Stallard, Chas CO 36-37 The Times P •iP Go's office 95 Goerg, Mrs Annie Templeman, Wm 97 Lissett, James Adelphi sample rooms Manton, Joseph A Croft, Wm 99 Sang. W Mallandar, Wm 101 Wo Kee Government Street intersects. 103 Calwell, Hugh 105 Barker, Adolphus y-^ 43 Creech, Wm R X Victoria Lithograph Co 45% Morrison, Dr Richd 109 Nicolaye, Rev Joseph FH Van Nevel, Rev J A Ralph, Wm 45-47 Stewart, Duncan Leterme, Rev Joseph I^mmens, Rt Rev J N Tolmie, Andrew 115 Couver, Miss Lucy /^ Tolmie & Stewart 117-123 Dominion hotel, Stephen r 49-61 Marbeouf, Louis Jones, prop rH Poodle Dog restaurant Blancuard Street intersects. aJ 63 Van Sicklen, Wm 127 Wriggle worth, Joseph r. 65 Watson & Hall Saanich Lime Co 'M 57 Vacant 129 Wriggles worth, Walter 1 85 Watson, Franklin P Wriggles worth, William 69 Dean & Cryderman Dean, W M Wriggles worth, Chas Wriggles worth, Edward L .^^ Cryderman, F M 135 Summer, Joseph Broad Street intersects. 189 Vacant A. M. BEATTIE CITY MARKET, VANCOOVBR, B.C. Weekly Auctions 1 1 INTERIOR ^ OJPMlfliAY AND 3riOHT. Victoria Transfer Co., Ltd. 21 and 83 Bronghton Street. Victoria. B. C. Tel. 129. Zargett in the J'rovino.t VICTORIA CITY DIRECTOBY. 467 141 Piper, C T W 253 Jones, Geo Piper, Clias J 255 Silliman, Geo Paragon Oil Co Silliman, Walter Jones, John T 263 Moss, William 147 Faleanaro, Mrs Mary E Moss, Henry Hetcher, John 273 Roarke, M 153 De Voe, Frank 275 McMillan Bros' Bakerv Roberts, John 277 Born stein, H City Electric Light Works 281 Vacant Carsou, Thos 287 Gibbs, Frank B Gibson, Andrew MyKillican, W D 167K Victoria Vinegar & Pickle Co McKillican, H A Le Vatte, F W 291 De Cosmos, Hon A Falconer, James H Smith, — 159 Ritchie, William Yates street corner Fernwood Road. 161 Keller, John W 177 Weil. Peter 311 McKeown, Angus Chumberlin, Ithamer 185 Clark, Wm M 185 Clark, Wm J - 189 Walker, Donald Grant YOUNG — Runs from Michigan to 195 Hersog, Mrs H Toronto. Bagerty, John East Side. 199 Vacant 14 Lindsav. Albert Vancouver street interBects. Clarke,' Wm 16 Dallaine, J A 203 B. C. Cattle Co's Stables 219 Vacant Martin. J A 229 Andrews, Richd B Muir, Douglas Muir. Wm 281 Harris, Charles Levene, VIrs Margaret Roberts, FC Cook street Intersecls. Wilson, J A 239 Henderson, Thos Middlaton, K Henderson, H 22 Mason, W H 243 Kent, Chas H Roberts, Thos 247 Hartman, Dr S 249 Vacant house West Side. 251 Vacant.house Private property EBATTA. For changes in residences, which have taken place since the enumerators handed in their returns, see Addenda (beginning of book), where will also be found corrected names. II " o ?7=» (^ c^ SB "1 & 5 P O OS si ?" ^^ ' s SpB « D 3.* 3 en ca s 5 5 D INTERIOR WOODWORK. OFFICE AND BAB FITTINGS Made to Ordev by WSILBR BROI. i ii'- ,» I! ^6 o H < H I <^ Q. WILLIAM RALPB,StoyesaiiiRanp 24 Cordova St. , VANCOUVER o c !5 XI o ■3 w o o oa 1— H o U 458 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIKECTOHY. VANCOUVER. In 1891, on the 5th day of April, it is recorded in the decennial census records of the Dominion of Canada that Vancouver had a population of 13,800. As no official count lias been made since, the popu- lation at the close of 1893 may be put down as approximating 15,000. In western cities more es- pecially it is a unsafe to depart too far from official statements, as then the imagiination has room for lively play, and directories, i( reli- able, have little to do with the im- agine ♦ive. Fifteen thousand is the product of seven years' growth, which in any event, should satisfy those who prophesied, and still prophesy, great things of the Terminal City; and if the record be maintained u)i- until the pr' sent census decade is completed, there will still have heen but little cause for dissatisfaction, as compared with anticipated progress. Vancouver is called the Terminal City for an obvious reason. A.4 the last station westward, on the largest direct line of railway on the Anieri- can ctntinent, or in the world for that matter, it merits the title ; and as the eastern and northern terminus of two great trans-oceanic steamship lines it is trebly entitled to the desig- nation. It might have been dubbed the City of Destiny with much more significance than its Sound sister, Tacoina, but titles are not always sig- nificant. So much has been said of the situ- ation, growth and prospects of Van- couver that the " endless repetition " may be minimised in this descrip- tion to its narrowest limits. Briefly, Vancouver, is situated at the western end of Burrard Inlet, a deep, land-locked arm of the sea, eleven miles in length, with an aver- age width of about two miles, consti- tuting the inlet in question a mag- nificent harbor, and enabling it to rank with the great ha.' mrs of com- merce. The Narrows, where the promontory of Brockton Point ap- proaches the land of the opposite shore, and through whi(rh at lowest tide the largest ocean vessels pass easily and securely, connects it with the straits beyond. More than one ship has sailed in and out through these Narrows without the aid of pilot or steam tug, so that their navigation cannot be said to b either difficult or dangerous. Besides be- ing commodious enough to allow the whole British fleet to ride at anchor, there is sufficient water all around its shores to dock the biggest ship of which it boasts. Taking the older land marks by which to more easily localize the city, Vancouver is 75 miles from Victoria, north-easterly, 35 miles from Na- naimo, easterly, and 12 mi^' *»• tm Westminster, northerly. The site of Vancouver is lo.nark- able for several things: Its beauty, its easy gradients and facili- ties for drainage and its natural adaptation for the growth of a city of metropolitan proj)ortions. The main portion is peninsular in character, False Creek, a tidal arm of Knglish Bay paralleling Burrard Inlet near t!:H eastern boundary of the city limits and dividing it from Fairview and Mt. Pleasant, more elevated and suburban portions. The western knob of this peninsula is a military reserve, about 1000 acres iii extent, and connirisiug the far fame<l Stanley Park. This reserve has been leased to the city for park purposes, for the VANCOUVER 'Viff Brtok Olid file MaohH ^ulsometers. 8tur|«yat B#«i«»' kind ahd^rc^l ^t-. \"-l '«•#,>,! 4 . *a C<Jt0 STO STpflAjQE AgVQts for Cafl|ui» Su{ ^ Ww»»tpbft Butter; Chi Butiiii «Bil Cheese!, tftfrnar, B,ft,©..C. eeMe jnes, Xurbtne 'steam Pumps^ ». Rock, OrirJa^ ^ and Tool». < ; f^assenger ani O. e;.i#ttt>i voMr., DJ^IDGE, iissRP Meroliaiits. rocess. Cor^ :/ «-onfijgnineht. ;j J •■v, ■'■>, •. •V-«?'-lai»n5!l(S( .|-T'^- .1' iCASEMENTSc CHEERY,! Banhere, ... TO* —-^OFFICE :^ "— COR. CAMBIE AND COrOOVA g^ij i\ General Banking Business Transacted VANCOUVER, B. C \m - — ^^ I'M mi IVjoney Loanei on all kinds of flegotiable Securities. Interest /^ilowed on Deposits at Liberal Ratesz Special J\ttention Paid to Collections. c>^ —: . ^^; CORRESPONDEKTS-BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, ^d^^ : ^ m^ p. O. BOX 81. TELEPHONE 93. Hlrw j 7 Mi Real Estate and Insurance Agent, ^ 317 CORDOVa\ ST., V/aNCOUVER, B. C. m Agent for the British Empire Mutual lite Assnrance Co'y, of London, Eng. ^^i Mortgages NcgoliaKnl. Kunls and Interest Cu'ilecterl. Fire, Life anil .Accident Insur- ance Kffecli'd. Eslalis Carefully Managed for Non- Residents. SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRY. Toronto C*r->Hf*D youp money in the CS) eountfy and aid in its ppogifess m, jfounbrv WINNIPEG, \^ • UFPLtES CVCHVTHINQ HCQUIRCD FOR PniNTINQ. QUARANTECO BEST IN THC WORLO L EST OeSIGNS AND MoST COM* p Tt Assortment in Canada. IlECTROTVPINO. - PHOTO-ENQRAWIN& ["^Aw/^ AND ZiNC-ETCHINO Head Office ind Foundry, Toronto, 44 BAY Street, J It JOHNSTON. GCNERM. MANAOBR, Western Branch : 396 PORTAQE Ave., H. C. STOVCL, Manaocn m 1 - r*v w^ ^i] :l m Geo. E. Trorey Manufacturing Jeweller .• AND Watchmaker 105 Cordova Street, Vancouver, B. C. Dealer in Watches, Diamonds, Silverware, Clocks, Spectacles, Opera Glasses and Souvenir GooJs. * Repairing of Fine Watches and $ Jewelry a Specialty. ^ Wedding Rings and Special Designs f- of Jewelry to Order. BELL-IRVING & CO., VANCOUVER, B. C. Shipping Agents, WHOLESALE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. -: AGENTS FOR THE Anji^loBritish Colnmbia Packing Company. Ltd. North China (Marine) Insurance Company, Ltd- ■J I.-, k' ' \ I ! nif •i I ■■^-■>v-vii.^- -^atBti^ 1 Albert Ufford •♦• OPTICIAN •♦• U/atel^mal^er at)6 : : : : ^'^"^^7^ Setter. ir in 58 Cordova St., Vancouver, B. C. Telegraphic Address: Code, ' A.B.C, 1883.' 'Okanagan, Vancouver.' Telephone 140. P.O. Box 8«7. lellNGLO-COLUMBit;o,Lt(l, OF I_i03SriD01T, E2iTC3-. VANCOUVER. BRANCH : 32 WATER STREET, IVholeanle Itiijtortera of Liquors, Teas, Coffee, Spiees, Cigars, Etc REPRESENTING : A. ti. Kidston & Co., of (Glasgow. Bonyer Guillet A Co., of London and J. G. Thomson & ('o., of Leith. J. Stevenson, Birmingham. [Hannuir. MacKintOHh & Co., Inverness. W. F. Stevenson & Co, of Manila. Etc., Etc., Etc. O. D. MACKAY, - Managing Director. J,l-^J»L4..i"»-.H.;.,.'A? ' Powis & Whitehead. REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL AGENTS A.(3-E3SrTS : London and Lancashire Fire Insnrance Company. I>oanB Negotiated. Estates Managed. Cor. Cordova and UAIIPnilUCD D t> Cambie Streets. yHllbUUVEn, D. U. J. M. Buxton & Co., Dealers - in - Mines. Finanokl aud Real Estate Agents. Notaries Public, Etc., Etc. - - GRANVIIvIvE) ST„ VA.:]sroou-v^EE;, - - b. o. ■■^■■11 ■iis y iii :'; I m i I .: i It ,!)! V :N i|i "■'III — — — ■twjwppa rf.fcw'i Vii*ryrrr7iC7»-: ..:AFi:j; rriT-.«r^--^ - ,y^-;,-.^„y. ?( ! : t ,^ ti k 'i h i ! •!'' Wm. L. Keene & Co., (Suooessors to Ohipman, Morgan & Co.) Ship Brokers and Commission Mchts. XXPOKTEHS OF Rice, Sacks, Japan, Indian and China Teas, Steel, Iron Rope, Cement, Oils, Fruits, Canned Goods, Etc. 632 Cordova Street, Vancouver, B. C. 81Gl!f OF THE BIG BOTTLE. J. C. DOUGLAS, lit 424 CORDOVA STREET, VANCOUVER, B, C. p. O. Box 246. Telephone 258. W. C. Marshall, • • ^LIVERY AND . "^ EXPRESS STABLES. TEIIjBI=»Ii01TIi] 423. 141 Water Street, VancouveVy B. C. Tiles, Grates, Mantels, Electric and Gas Fixtures, Stoves, Steel Ranges. McLennan & McFeely HARDWARE MERCHANTS, VANCOUVER, B. C. Hail Orders have our Prompt Attention. ;* ' ; i^ 3 PW^-'-.: "iC^ & II \\ !']. ■J I ■ ' 4 1 ; / 1 i' ! 1 ■ ' ,' t 1 i- 1 ! ir r 1 ■ ! 1 1 1 ' 1 i '■ .1 1 -i t: ji vr-,.-r^-..^ ■ v-.cc . MKUICAL HALL, Atkins & Atkins, THE LEADING DISPENSING CHEMISTS - - AND DRUGGISTS, TELEPHONE 90. P.O. BOX 204. 417 HASTINGS STREET, W, Vancouver, B. C H. P. MeORANEY. JOHN J. BANKIELl) McCraney & Co. Real Estate and Insurance Agents. — REPRESENTING — The Phoenix of Hartford Fire Ins. Co. The Confederation Life Association. The National Fire Assurance Co. The Dominion Building and Loan Association. MONET TO LOAN. ESTATES MANAGED. H. P. McCRANEY & CO. 411 CORDOVA STREET, VANCOUVER, B. C. Higs seni CoR. "■"■ "- Dealers in Wall Paper and Ceiling Decorations. •♦• Glazing, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging. R OBERT M AC KAY HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER 25 Hastings Street, E. p. O. Box 686.. Vancouver, b. C. Palace Livery M. T. L. LLOYD, Proprietor- First-class Single and Double Driving and Ladies' and Gents' Saddle Horses. LATEST STYLES OF CARRIAGES — -^^ GUDSTOMES, PH/ETONS, BUGGIES, ETC. Rigs sent Promptly on Telephone Call to any part of the City. Telephone 125. BOARDING HORSES A SPECIALTY. Cor. Pbnder and Burrard Sts., Vancouver, B. C. ■'I i . /ffi \i , IV V! ■I HT%:\ i 'M TXtKUMAPH AJtnnKSB: "COJtTMSS, VAKCOVrHR. P. O. hOX 104. MacKinnon, MacFarlane & Co, 6 1 1 Hastings Street, * — — .._ Vancouver, B. C. For Investments in British Columbia Farm Lands, Timber Lands, Government Lands, Cattle Ranges, Mining Properties. Reliable Assays and Reports on Mines. John Dbvine & Son, COMMISSION MERCHANTS - - AND COLLECTOBS 128 CORDOVA STREET, VANCOUVER, B. C. Special Debt Collecting Department. P. O. Box 132. EDWARD LIPSETT J SAIL, TENT AND , ^' AWNING MAKEB *^ Horse and Wagon Covers, Bags, Hammocks, &c. Waterproof Blankets and Covers. 69 Water St., vancouvbr, B. C. THE LEADING BIOYOLE FIBM. >i,i THERE ARE NO 'CYCLES MADE SUPERIOR TO THE ^1 CATAliOCUES FUEL Centaur, Premier, AND Raglan 'OITOIjES, and very few approach them in Speed, Design* Durability and Finish. World'8 novice one mile record, 2.28 ; world's twenty-five mile road record, (il ininutes ; five mile N.C.U. championship ; nine-tenths of all English Chal- lenge Cups, and thousands of other races won on these machines. We wan t mjoBsMe Dnshing merctaBts or others to re- present ns at erery iipor- tant pint in B.i;, E. 0. HILL, Mgr. 'Oyole Dept. GEO. F. BOST^VICK, Canadian Representative, 24 Front Street, W, - TToRONTO. • ' I •' ft ,;ji',. ••\i- I It 11 1 '■'. -Ll^4ITBI^ — Head Offices, TORONTO, ONT. Works, PBTEBBOBO and HAHII/TON, ONT. Branch Stores, HALIFAX, N. S., MONTREAL, QUE., WINNIPEG, MAN., and GRANVILLE STREET, VANCOUVER, B. C. Controlling exclusively all rights for Canada for tbe sale and manufacture of the mOMSON-HCOSTI)!!, EOISOII, BALL and WOOD SYSTEMS Of Eteelrieal Apparatus for Eteetrie Zighting, Uleetrie JIatCwraya and Uleetrteat Transtnittion of Power> Full supply of Lamps, Wire Sockete, Meters, TranstormerB, Switches, etc., etc., carried at all branch stores. Address all correspondence to the Company at nearest branch office. CANADIAN GENERAL aECTRIG CO., LTD, - VANCOUVER, B. C. DIRECTORY LIBRARY. XiXBS^iXr is one which hs8 been keenly felt by 4tae The want of s DIRECTORY business men of this Province. Britikh Columbia's trade wlih almost every quarter ot the world is rapidly growing, and it is of tbe utmost Importance that our merchants should be In a position to obiaiu tbe addresses oZ reliable firms abroad. 6uoh a library is now arailable to tr e public. A small charge is maae for consulting any of the following, among other directorieR now at our onice. Calveras County California. Annara Bsltit^ore Birkenbead England. Birmingham englaud. Brandon, Manitoba. Bristol ^» England. British North Borneo Calgary N. W. T. Cambodia Camden N.J. Cochin China Chicago Illinois. Cores ,..,..,... Ddrtmout b N. S. Kdinburgh Scotland. Glasgow Bootland. Halifax N.B. Hamilton , Ontatro. Hawaiian Kingdom Honkon? Chi&a, Honolulu HI. Idaho, State of U. B. A Japan , Lelth HcotlaiKl. lieeds England Liverpool England. London Out. l^ndon (Ucg.) I'ost Office Directory Micao Malay Straits Manchester England Mt^nUoba Mohts. & Shippers Guide of the World, Kelley's Montreal New York , -. North West Territories Oregon . State of c'hllldelpbia i>imiiplne Portland Oregon Portland Maine t^alem & Qloucestoi: Co N J Bait Lake City Han Francisco San Joaquin Harbwak Scotland Seatttle Washinttoii. Sheffield ...... England Slam hpokane Falls StanltauR County .0«I. St. Johns New Foundland. Stockton City St. Paul Minnesota Strait Settlements '■■■■ Sydney N. 8, W. Australia. 'lacoma Tonkin ". Toronto Tuolumne County Cal. Washington, State of Wladiwostock Winnipeg Manitoba. Yokohama ..China. J.COLCUTT & Co. . • WHOLESALE IMPORTERS OF - • WINES and SPIRITS VANCOUVER, B. O. OmCES: Riohard St., opposite Bank of B. C. -BRITISH COLUMBtA AGENTS FOR- GONZALEZ, BYASS & CO., Sherry Growers and Shippers JBRBZ HE LA VHOSTKKA, SeAXX. HUNT, ROOPE, TEAGE & CO., Port Growers and Shippers OPORTO, PORTUGAL. BARKHAUSEN & CO., Bordeaux, France. GAUU>WAY & WATSON. Glasgow, Scotland. J. COLCUTT 6c CO. Vancouver, B. C. S F. SCOTT. -R. HUGHES. Scott & Hughes, Real Estate, Insura.nce Brokers \ AnOTIOgEERS" 4J AND . . . . . If I VALUERS > . -A.LSO- General Commission Merchants. S06 Hastings Street, VANCOUVEE, B. C. I I : ^. ■». ;; I Ml i i [ • ' • : - -inf —irT-rrrTwi . - « 1:: WEEKS &ROBSON GROCERS AND PROVISION MERCHANTS WINES, LIQUORS, AND CIGARS. , B. C. SA ■ !iw^iirfL ' j,v t Jf«a !8g^ •sCOAL Tmu- New VancoflW Coal Minini ani land LIMITED. (FORMERLY THE VANCOUVER COAL COMPANY) ARE THE URGEST COAL PROBUCERS ON THE PACIFIC COA^. — — ^— — NAN AIMO COAL Famous Gas and House Coal, • NEW WELLINGTON COAL Favorite House and Steam Fuel. SOUTHFIELD COAL steam Fuel. THESE COALS ABE MINED BY THIS COJ^PAN Y ONLY, AND BY UNION LABOR. THE NANAIHO COAL Rives a large percentage of gtiM. a high iUnmlnating power, unequalled by any other bitumlnout gas coals In the world, ana a superior quality of coke. THE SOUTHFIELD COAL is now used by aU the leading steamship lines on the Pacific. THE NEW WELLINGTON COAL is the favorite fuel for domestic jurposes. It is a clean, hard coal, makes a bright and cheerful fire, and its lasting qualities make it the most economical fuel in the market. The several mines of the Company are connected with their wharves at Nanaimo and Departure Bay, where r.hips of the largest tonnage are loaded at all stages of the tide. Special despatch is given to mail and ooean steamers. , SAMUEL M. ROBINS, - Superintendent NAN&mO, VANCOUVER ISLAND, B. C. 1 ■ : I ,.l II. ' ijlt ■i-i I: OF B. C, Ltd, If 'I Head Office and Wluurvea: VANCOUVER, 6.G. ; i ii- Vancoaver and Nanaimo— S. s. CUTCH leaves C.P.S. Wbarf daily at i p.m., returning from Nanaimo at 7 a.m. Cargo at Company's wharf until noon. Vancouver and Northern Settlements— S. S. COMOX leaves Coin pany'a Wharf every Monday At 12 noon for Gibsons Landing, Sechelt, Welcome Pass, Nelson Island, Lund, Hernando, Cortez, Read, Redondii and Stuart. Vancouver and MoodyvUle—S.S. SENATOR leaves both points eveiy two hours. . Steamers and Scows always availalale for Excursions, Towing and Freighting Business. Ample storage accommodation on Company's Wharf. Particular* on applioation. "W. I^- Toi=»i^iisrc3-, Nlana^er. Telephone 94. P. O. Box 2^7. CAfiAN rr'—^t^^tyg' s £f^„-tJ f i ' ..k-Ml i J.^. ' - KEEFER & GODDEN,iBaker & Leeson, -PROPRIETORS Vancocvkb Gaanitk and Sandstone QuARBiEs. Brick Manuvaoturebs and Contractors. Towing and Liohtering, Tug "Swan," and Eight Scows. 132 Alexander St, Vancouver, B.C. COMMISSION MERCHANTS ■ AND ■ WHOLESALE DEALERS. 121-123 Water Street, Vancodver, B.C. PO.Box« Telephone 898 I ^£LSH BROS. FRBD ALLE.N. j Ffc- Feed- and -Proiiiice-MercliaDt. GRAIN, FLOUR, PRODUCE ... AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS 13 \/ater St., Vancouver, B.C. VANCOUVER, B.C. BAILEY BROS, I BOOKSELLERS - AND ■ STATIONERS Vancouver, B.C. Gordon Drysdale, IMPORTER OF Br) Coods, Mllllneri and Mantles, 150 Cordova St;, VANCOUVER, B.C. VANCODVER AUCTION ROOMS F. W. BAUBR, Aaetione«r. Commission, Accountant and Insurance •• Agent. : 594 Granville St., opp. Post Oftloe, VANCOUVER, B.C. ORIENTAL HOTEL, ;i»«-atO Water Nt,, and v wrmurvn n r St3-3»1 Cordova Ht., VAJJCOUVER, B.C Free Bum to and trom tlie Houae. Termi: M to ll.M per day. according to rooms Tliree blocks from railwajr depot and steamstiip wiiarf nnd two from f oit OflHoe. Sail Loft and Tent Factory. (EBTABUSHID TN VANCOUVER 1887.) 9 Water Street, VANCOUVER, B.C. C. H.JONKS, Sail Maker, Manufactarer of Tents, Covers, Etc. Alhambra <r Hotel, VANCOUVER, B.C. Mid-aay - Zunrh - « - apeeialty, S. THOMPSON, Proprietor. DAVID WILSON, Saddlery, Harness, Trunks, Horse Clothintr, Tnrf Goods, Etc. Etc. Sole Agents for Mt/Brt Jt Co'a Boof Stuffing. Tlie best Ointment for saddle soies and other lioree ailments. 137 Cordova St., Vancouver, B.C. CfiEAN & THOMASt Proprietors. D. J. MolEAN & CO., Clothing and Gents^ Fnrnishing s. 18 Cordova, at., VASCOVVEU, B.C. r}--^'^?^j in "^- ''■y^*^***^ I i r-i W. AMcIntosh & Co. WHOLBSAI.E AKD RETAIL Bntchers and Stock Dealers. VANCOUVER, B. C. COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL AND - RESTAURANT ABltArJl: WJBLhIA'GTOlf, Propa. Cop. Cordova aud Abbott Streets, Vancouver, B. C. Sloan's Bestaurani Open Day and Nifht. Hasby W. Sloan. Prop. P S. CLARKE , MEN'S CLOTHING, ETC. H2 Cordova St., VANCOUVER, B.C. E. J. FADEE & CO'Y, WholCBale and Retail Dealers in Fresh, Salt & Smoked Fish,Game AND Oeneral CommlMloa M erolianta. 114 CORDOVA ST., VANCOUVER, B.C. R. ROBERTSON. CLOTHING AND • - GENTS' FURNISHINGS. S6 Cordova Street, VANCOUVER, B.C. \ CARRALt STREET, VANCOUVER, B. c. LOGKHART & CENTER, UNDERTAKERS. VANCOUVER, B.C. Vancouver - Gurney - Cab AND Delivery Oomp'y, Office: 107 ABBOTT ST., xr^„^^„„^^ t> rt Telephone 68 vancouver,B.C John Rbkd, 76 Cordova St., VANCOUVEB, B.C. T.R.MORROW Chemist and Drugijist. 496-498 Cordova Street and Mount Pleasant, VANCOUVER, B.C. B.F.HENEY, Harness, SaiUery, Tints, Vata, LELAND • HOUSE, WM. HAMILTON, Prop. Itc., Etc. TVKv aoona a sfEciAZ.Tr, 32« Cordova St., VANCOUVEB, B.C. Cor. Hastinfifs and Granville Sts., VANCOUVKIi,B.C. COLl 88K I'.O. Box B; Book eoi Tonilii Manitoba Oats, Telephone 3 J.T. d Telephone Cor. 1 V A. D( PH i'ANCOU] Otta J.I Cor. Pen VA IL^-JJJ-.-JUP COLUMBIA - HOTEL, JOE DIXON, Propr. 8840 Cordova Street East, Cor ColumliiB Avenue, I'.O. Box S78. VANCOUVER, B. C. THE DIPLOCK Book and Stationery Co 60S Haatingi Street, Weat, VANCOUVER, B. C. Toinlinson&McTaggart Dealers In — Manitoba Floni', Bran, Shorts, Chop, Oats, Wheat, Barley and Pro- duce of all kinds. Telephone 382. 326 Westm'r Ave VANCOUVER, B. C. J. T. Brown & Sons GROCERS, Telephone 348. P. O. Box 443 Cor. Pender and Howe Streeta, VANCOUVER, B. C. A. DOUGLAS & CO, PHOTOaRAPHEES, 615 Hastings St., VANCOUVER, ...... B.C. Ottawa House, J. M . DeWITT, Propr. Cor. Pendor and Granville Streets, VANCOUVER, B. C. Clarence ■ Hotel, F. FOUBEBT, Proprietor. Cor, Pender and Beyntour Streeta. VANCOUVER, B. C. Delmonico House, J». v. EatBHBOlf, Prop, Cor. Pender and Seymour Sts., Vancoiaver, - - - - B.C. BURNET & BURNET, Dom. and Pnw, Land Sunfeyois, LEFEVRE BLOCK. Corner Sevmour and Hastings Streets, P. o. Box 664. VANCOUVER, B. C. Vancouver Dairy Co A. WEBSTER & SONS, Props. Choice - Milk • and -.Butter. Telephone 3OT. P. O. Box 696. 708 Granville St., VANCOUVER, B.C. Oueen Bros. Livery, QUEEN BROS.r Props, Georgia Street, VanCOUVer, B.C. Englewood Hole J. FORTES, Prop. i ; '1 f't. (■' I \ V- 130 Powell St., VANCOUVER, B.C. & I I .M t. 1 11 1 1 J W, TUFTS & SON, Wholesale Teas & Grocers' Sundries I ItKOKKRS & COMMISSION MCHTS. Granville street, VAJICOVyEH, B.C. Joshua Fletcher, * liiKOC'KltlES aiMl PK0VISiI01W»!i. > • 702 Granville St., VANCOUVKH, H. C. M. O. McLean Importer of — Wines, Liquors and Cigars, CM Granville Street, jj. VANCOUVER, B. C. W. M. MACKINNON, (Assoc. Member Institute C.E.) Manor House, Vomer Howe, ami DniiHmiiir Sireelx, VANCOUVER. B. C. BRITISH COLUMBIA Maccaronl andjerrnicelli Factory. JOHN SCUITTO & SONS. P. o. liox vj. Vancouver, B.C. Orders by Mnil tilled Tromptly. WATER SUPPLY ; Irrigation ; Water "' Power ; Bridges ; Striietuial Iron Work, Ktc, Office — Cor. of Homer and Cordova Streets, VANCOUVER, B.C. M J HENRY, Nurseryman & Florist. tireenhoiite and Nnrsery: tt04 n'esttiihtater Road, IViHcoMi'er, II. V. P. O. Address: Mt. Pleiisant, Vancouver, B.(; Fine Aerlimtttlsed Stock of Trees, Plants, Vines Shrub", Roses, Itulbs, etc , also Agricultural Implements al I^owest Cash Prices. p. LARSON, Prop. gH.3 AltUOTT STREET, - - - - - VANCOUVER, B. C. JOHN LECKIE, IMPORTER OF Fishing Supplies, Cotton Ducks, Twines, Oiled Clothingr, Gum Boots, Ropes, Blocks, Flags, Bunting, etc. A FVLh STOCK ACWAYS 0\ HAND. 631 GllANVILLE ST., VANCOUVER, B. C. AGHNT for W. & J. Knox's Celebiated Double Knot and Cured Salmon Nets, Twine, etc. Mv ( . Ill •\\\ ■I \ li' i. - ! 5 1- !,i;;.i{ rJ' . i: ■ j* lip m Si ;-'si Raymond Bros., Cliicago, III, mBo Builders of oomiilet« line of PULVERIZERS, CRUSHERS &6AILMIU.S The Raymond Independent Ball Mill is the most prac- ticable Ball Mill ever V^nilt for the reduction of Gold and Silver Ores, Portland cei.ent, Phosphate rock and all hard refractory materials to any degree of fineness. A Few BeasouB why it is the BEST. I St. It is the only ball Mill ever built having a uniform crushing and driving force applied to the balls independent of each other. and. With the sectional Driving Bed the greater the speed the greater the crushing and driving force. This is a valuable feature and one that no other ball mill possesses. 3rd. It can be run wet or ^tj also with air separation. Capacity one to four tons per hoifr. 4th. It has a direct -rolling motion and the balls are self adjusting, therefore has less points of friction than any other ball miU ever built. 5th. The sectional driving bed allows the balls inden- dent adjustment to uneven surface as if caused by running over large pieces of ore, and they act independently of each other. 6th. With the 'Sectional driving bed each ball is driven, therefore the ball in contact does not drive the ball ahead of it, as is the case in all other ball mills. 7*h. It h''s a greater crushing force than other ball mills, therefore has a greater capacity. 8th. The mill is arranged to prepare the material for either*amalgamation or concentration. 9th. The wearing parts are inexpensive and easily re- placed, as the mill can be opened quickly. proverbial term 999 years at a r with the except driveway aroun $35,0P0 and pave with clam shelle bridle paths an still in a state of it does, one of tl trations of the British Columbia in the Province, iable attractions big trees of th< acres of the point have been conver srounds, which ai der the managem^ Poiat Amateur I under whose am testb and field sp ball, lacrosse, b conducted at f Stanley Park was Stanley, now the ' the rustic arch st trance of the bri Park lodge was en on the occasion 01 official visit to Bri There is anothe at the east end limits where a ra< made, and where 1 bia Jockey Club semi-yearly meets Clark Park at the tremity of the city acres. The parks foregoing with th on English Bay, ' summer cottages the grounds at Jer site shore of Englif arm of Burrard stretch of some m tings, a pleasant Earnet, several m Capilano and Sej North Vancouver a Howe Sound are at immediate pleasur couver citizens, ai crease in pleasure j years roll on. The unrivalled boating couver holds the ac ship of the coast. SeiidtotheR£D~CR( wissewssmmss!^^ m i m\ mi i<f> ^ ■**: M. ROBINSON ^ii^^i^^^ a»0 Haatinffa Strtet, Weat, Vaneouver, B. V. VANCOUVER CITY DIRECTORY. 459 proverbial term of 90, or it may be 999 years at a nominal rental, and with the exception of a beautiful driveway around it, costing about $35,000 and paved for several miles with clam shells, and a number of bridle paths and shady bowers, is still in a state of nature, affording as it does, one of the best living illus- trations of the genuine, primeval British Columbia forest to be found in the Province. One of the invar- iable attractions to the visitor is the big trees of the Park. About ten acres of the point nearest to tlie city have been converted into recreation grounds, which are lease xt and un- der the management of the Brockton Poiat Amateur Athletic Association under whose auspices athletic con- testb and field sports — cricket, foot- ball, lacrosse, bicycling, etc. — are conducted at frequent intervals. Stanley Park was named after Lord Stanley, now the Earl of Derby, and the rustic arch standing at the en- trance of the bridge leading to the Park lodge was erected in his honor on the occasion of His Excellency's official visit to British Columbia. There is another park reservation at the east end adjoining the city limits where a race track has been made, and where the British Colum- bia Jockey Club Association holds semi-yearly meets. There is also the Clark Park at the south-western ex- tremity of the city, consisting of 7>^ acres. The parks described in the foregoing with the bathing grounds on English Bay, where a number of summer cottages have been bnilt; the grounds at Jericho on the oppo- site shore of English bay, the north arm of Burrard Inlet, a beautiful stretch of some miles inland; Has- tings, a pleasant summering spot; Earnet, several miles further east; Capilano and Seymour valleys in North Vancouver and the islands of Howe Sound are among the principal immediate pleasure resorts of Van- couver citizens, and these will in- crease in pleasure and interest as the years roll on. The inlet itself affords unrivalled boating faiiilities. Van- couver holds the arquatic champion- ship of the coast. The Vancouver Electric Lighting and Tramway Co., which controls the car and electric light services of the city, has put down 7>^ miles of track on the leading avenues, making a complete circuit of the city. The electric light portion of the com- f>any'8 operations supplies 136 arc ights and 2,900 incandescent lights. Cost of road and equipments was $420,000. The system of public works carried out by Vancouver is one of the most remarkable and complete on the Pa- cific Coast. The city has now excel- lent sewerage, waterworks and streets extending to all its inhabited parts. To epitomize, it has : 70 miles of streets opened, costing $ 260,000 11 miles of gravelled streets costing 20,000 6 milfs of macadam, costing 70 000 1 mile of bituminous rock pavement, costing 100,000 65 miles of sidewalk,costing 16,000 25 miles of sewers, costing . 200,000 35 miles of water service, costint? 700,000 5 bridges, costing 30,000 School buildings, costing. . 150,000 The total value of school premises is $295,000; tax receipts amount to $290,500; other receipts $119,000; total $409,600. In round numbers the value of buildings and improvements, irre- spective of municipal. Provincial or Dominion property, is assessed at $4,000,000; assessments on land, $16,000,000. The debenture debt is $1,926,450, in which are included $111,100 on the local improvement plan, $692,212 for water works, and $136,000 for schools. The value of public buildings not heretofore enumerated — Municipal and Government — is estimated at $250,000. and churches at $175,000. Capilano River, with a dam six miles up the valley, is the source of water supply for the city, and the water is the purest in the world. The revenue from the water works system, which is owned by the citi- zens, is about $45,000 for the year. ffQ O ►1 td O H 1-$ en o (-1- ft- I 3 ■< (X) li , " !;• '• 1 Send to the RED CROSS BREWERY FOR FINE LAGER BEER -VANCOUVER. B. C- m mm F. W. HART'S for Fnrnitnre »t anit »a CORUOVA BTBEBT, VANCOVVISa, B. C. C.F.F £ X A S L A K £ I C £ c o V A X c o u V E B There are 2,288 waier services, and 160 tire tiydrants. Vancouver lias ^as worlca as wel) as electric liglit service, a teleplione system and a district telegrapti and messenser service. Turning to trade and commerce, we And that Vancouver tias made progress quite as reinarlcable as that indicated in foregoing. Her exports for tlie fiscal year ending June 80, 18U3, were as follows : Products of the mines % ll.WH " fisheries 33,3% " forests 383,304 " " animals 21,816 " " agriculture . . 7,766 " " manufactures 106,733 " " miscellaneous 131,873 Total $695,842 Value of imports for the same year were: Free % 316,388 00 Dutiable 864,434 00 Total $1,180,822 00 Duty 280,318 63 Last year (1892) 44 sailing ships loaded in Burrard Inlet taking awav a cargo of, roundly, 40,000,000 feet o"f lumber, valued at $400,000. At the time of writing, the returns of 1893 for 10 months give exactly a similar number of ships loading as for the 12 months of last year, the average cargo being about the same, so that there will be considerable increase in the foreign export by ship over 1892. The tonnage of the coasting trade for the vear ending Julv 1st, 1893, was outwards 678,873 tons for 2,240 vessels. The total tonnage inwards of 278 British and foreign vessels was 288,300 tons. Inland revenue collections for 1892- 93 reported were as follows : Spirits $52,458 94 Malt 11,622 85 Tobacco 25,005 74 Cigars 6,083 20 Licenses 1,125 00 Petroleum 1,961 00 Other receipts 247 08 Total $98,463 81 The railway situation, in so far as it relates to Vancouver, is an interest- ing one. Of course, the C.P.R. Co. is the chief element in this respect. This Company has further decided to build a railwajr to and through Lulu Island to a poin opposite Ladner's Landing, from Vancouver. Last year the citizens voted a bonus of $300,000 to the Burrard Inlet and Fraser Valley Railway Co., to build a line, practically an extension of the Northern Pacific Railway, from Su- nias, at the Amorican boundary, to Vancouver. Owing to the financial stringencv, which has seriously affected the standing of the Northern Pacific Railway for the time being, the enterprise has been delayed, but recent assurances are to the etTect that work will proceed without much further delay. Westminster city gave a bonus of $250,000, and the Provin- cial Government guaranteed the in- terest for seven years on the same for the construction of a bridge across the Fraser from a point just opposite to a point within the Westminster city limits. Over this, which is to be a union traffic bridge, are to come the Northern Pacific and Great Northern trains (now running to South West- minster). In discussing the railway situation, it is impossible to overlook the influ- ence of the Westminster and Vancou- ver Electric Tramway, whereby two cities, twelve miles apart, have been bound together, and an hourly service each way for about fourteen hours a day firmly est. blished. There are sixteen and a half miles of track built, of which two and three quarter miles are within the limits of Westminster city and three miles within Vancou- ver. Closely related to railway commu- nication is that of steamship lines. Of this, 80 far as Vancouver is con- cerned, it is needless to say much of its geographical positionjiin relation thereto being long itgo generally ad- mitted. The line of Empresses to China and Japan is thoroughly estab- lished and the steamers make r^Tir'ar trips, heavily freighted each w*.': More recently a' line to AuiJL.uia has been inaugurated and with unex- A. M. BEATTIE WEEKLy AUCTIONS CITY MARKET, VAKCOUVER. B. C, pected success, i points to perm patronage. All now wanti wonderful syste of which the C. and essential lai cable on one ^< couver and' the ver and the Aus and a fast Atlanl Both are certain Locally and c has direct and re by steamshio w Nanaimo (daily monthly), San and all up and frequent but There is a ferry « tween Vancouvei point just opposi where extensive operated. Vanci ing rapidly and i able magnitude. Burrard Inlet point for the lun B.C. coast, at le the present. Tl its shores have i 700,000 daily or : annum. Industrially, oi interests, the Ter exceedingly well, sugar refinery, ex cement works, ca and jute works, lesser industries. Vancouver is watered, well d lighted. It has a rock pavement o with the intention tension. Though not an means, Vancouvei fine and substanti churches make i display both in pearance. There a splendid public st opera house, and national and athle r to large citi ver is in ever; place of residence' Red Cros mfm^m. C-r.FOREMAN,Tl,e CHEAP VANUOUVEB CITY DIRECTORY. 461 pectfld success, and every indication points to permanency and increased patronage. All now wanting to complete that wonderful system of communication, of which the C. P. R. forms the base and essential lait;1,Jlink, are a Pacific cable on one §ide, connecting Van- couver and' the Orient and Vancou- ver and the Australasia Archipelago, and a fast Atlantic line of steamships. Both are certain as the morrow. Locally and coastwise, Vancouver has direct and rei^ula'- communication by steamship with Victoria (daily), Nanaimo (daily), Portland (semi- monthly), San Francisco (weekly), and all up and down the coast at frequent but irregular intervals. There is a ferry service operating be- tween Vancouver and Moodyville, a point just opposite on Burrard Inlet, where extensive lumber mills are operated. Vancouver's fleet is grow- ing rapidly and is already of respect- able magnitude. Burrard Inlet is a concentrating point for the lumber interests of the B.C. coast, at least has been up to the present. The sawmills around its shores have a capacity of about 700,000 daily or 210,000,000 feet per annum. Industrially, outside of lumbering interests, the Terminal Citv has done exceedingly well. It now boasts of a sugar refinery, extensive iron works, cement works, car shops, cooperage and jute works, and a number of lesser industries. Vancouver is well built, well watered, well drained, and well lighted. It has a mile of bituminous rock pavement on its main streets with the intentio?! of still further ex- tension. Though not an old city by any means, Vancouver is noted for her fine and substantial buildings. The churches make a most creditable display both in numbers and ap- pearance. There are two social clubs, splendid public schools, a beautiful opera house, and all the fraternal, national and athletic associations pe- r to large cities. Socially, Van- ver is in every way a desirable place of residence, and in point of the enforcemepit of public order it is exemplary in relation to the cities of the coast. As to climate, it very much resembles the rest of the coast. Compared with Victoria, for instance, the precipitation is much greater, but the number of days upon which rain falls does not materially differ, while Vancouver is less exposed to winds. Altogether Vancouver has not only attained to a respectable status as a city, with some exceptional features of merit, but it is generally conceded to have prospects equal to any other city on the Pacific Coast. Its future depends largely upon the exertions of the people themselves, and upon the development of conditions deeply affecting the destinies of Vancouver, British Columbia, the Dominion of Ctvnada, and the British empire it- self. Vitncouver City Council, 1803. The City Council is composed of ten Aldermen, presided over by the Mayor. Election annually. Mayor, F. Cope. Alderman: (Ward I.) W. F. Salsbury, R. A. Anderson; (Ward II.) H. Collins, J. W. Hackett; (Ward III.) Wm. Cargill, H. P. McCraney ; (Wprd IV.) .T. L. Franklin, George Hob ion; (Ward V.) Wm. Towler, C. L. Brown. Park Commissioners — R. G. Tat- low, Phillip Fewster and C. G. Hob- son. License Commissioners — F. Cope, Mavor; G. I. Wilson, 8. Crowder, H. Mcbowell, and A. £. Shelton. City Officials — City Treasurer, G. F. Baldwin ; Accountant, C. Tetley ; Clerk, Thos. F. McGuigan ; Auditor, S. JameM ; Solicitor, A. St. G. Hamers- ley ; Poll Tax Collector, Wm. Suther- land ; License Inspector, M. G. Mc- Leod; Engineer, Thomas H. Tracy; Assistant Engineer, J. P. Lawson ; Street Superintendent, I. Stephenson ; Park Ranger, H. Avison ; Health In- spector, J. Brenton; Caretaker of Cemetery, Alex. McDonald; Medical Health Officer, A. H. Thomas, M.D. ; Caretaker Isolation Hospital ,J.Reith ; Plumbing Inspector, A. W. ScouUar; Secretary Waterworks, F. W. Boult- bee ; Foreman, W. P. Turner ; Pound- Q W O o o •! .! V Red Cross Brewery, Vancouver, B. C. . '1 '^•^^^•mf'mmm'mmmwmmm mmmm^ Odd O H O H 52; 1 OREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY - WINNIPEG. Drewry's Ale, Porter and Lager is Recommended by Phvaiciana Generally. 30 HI ■o c (« faO e So c X t. a M Q. c w o o ffi (/; Z o CJ 4fi2 BRITrSH COLUMBIA DIHECTORY. keeper, J. A. Reid; Superintendent City Hoapital, Miss Jean Macfie; Police Magistrate, G. A. Jordan; Cliief of Police, John McLaren ; Ser- geant of Police, V. W. Haywood; Chief Fire Department, J. H. Car- lisle. Public Schools. High School — Alexander Robinson, B.A, Principal; Central School — T. A. McGarrigle, B.A., Principal; West End School— F. M. Cowpr- thwaite, B.A., Principal ; East End School.T. H.Thom, Principal; Mount Pleasant School — G. W. Jamieson, Principal. Board op School THusTKES-Messrs. G. I. Wilson, Chairman; A. H. B. Macgowan, He . Sec; Vv. Brown, Henry Collins, Wm. Temileton, and G. R.' Gordon. Board of Trade. J. C. Keitli, President; G. R. Major, Vice-President; A. H. B. Macgowan, L'ecretary. Annual meet- ing f'vst Tuesday in Marc".i. Qnarte>"- ly meetings held first Tuesday ii March, June, September and De- cember. Libraries. Vancouver Free Reading Room AND I;i3KARY in Y. M. C. A. building, Hastings street. Secretary and Li- brarian, Edwin Machin. Y. M. C. A., 139 Hastings street west. The reading room free to all. A circulating library for members only. Evangelical Society Frl ■ Read- ing Room, 41 1 Hastings street. Geo. In wood. Circulating Library, S. T. Tilley, Cordovi street, near Carrall. Mosc of the benevolent societies have reading rooms for members and cheir friends; and a circulating li- brary for members only. Horticulture. The Horticultural Society and Fruit Growers' Association of British Co- lumbia has its headquarters at Van- couver. Officers for 1893 : John Kirk- land, Ladner's, President; T. Wilson, Harrison River, First Vice-President ; W. Knight, Popcum, Second Vice- President ; A. H. B. Macgowan, Van- couver, Secretary-Treasurer. Annual meeting held in January. Quarterly meetings at time of annual meeting and on first Tuesday of May, August and November, Fire Alarm System. Box No. 5 Granville and Drake sts. (] Bute and Barclay sts. 1-4 Burrard and Georgia sts. 1-5 Granville and Hastings sts. 2-3 Gamble and Cordova sts. 2-4 Hastings and Carrall sts. 3-2 Westminster Ave. & Powell St. 3-4 Oppenheimer St. & Carl Ave. 3-6 Powell St. Rnd Rayinur Ave. 4-2 Westminster Ave. & Prior St. 4-3 Eighth & Westminster Aves. 6-1 Sixth Ave. and Caroline St. 6-3 Twelfth & Westminster Aves. 6-7 Seventh Ave. & Granville St. 2-1 Cambie and Robinson sts. The following fire insurance com- panies are represented in Vancouver : Plui'nix, of London ; Liverpool, London and Glot > ; ..Etna, of Hart- ford ; Hartford, of Hartford ; Western, of Toronto ; British America ; Phcenix of Brooklyn ; Alliance ; Scottish Union and National Insurance Com 'y of North America — H. V. C. Ceperley, agent. Imperial; United Fire: Manches- ter; Eastern; Atlas — Innes & Rich- ards, agents. Commercial Union —Rand Bros, agents. Connecticut, of Hartford — Mellon, Smith & Co, agents. Lancashire, London Assurance Corporation — Wulifsohn & Bewickc, Ltd, agents. Guardian, Quebec — W.E. Graveley, agent. Pacific Coast J^'ire Insurance Co'y — E. Odium, manager. London and Lancashire, J. M. Whitehead, agent. Caledonian — Robertson & Comp'y, agents. PhcEnix, of Hartford ; National, of Ireland — H. P. McCraney & Comp'y, agents. Queen — A.H. B. Macgowan, av;ent North British & Mercantile— J W. McFarlaud, agent. IIMM BUll Royal— A. C. I Union Assurai of England— M agents. Northern— Wc London and t gan, agent. Albion Fire Ini —Douglas & Co, Churches Episcopal.— CI L.N.Tucker; St Fleweliing; St. t Fiennes Clinton Rev. Mr. Whittin Presbyterian.- E. D. McLaren, Rev. J. M. McLeo Rev J. W. McMil MllTHODIST.— H Coverdale Watso; R«v, W. AV. Baer Rev. 8. .). Tbompg Lin Yick Pang. First Baptist.- Mount Pleasant, ] First Congrk Ralph Duff. Society or Fr Street. Roman Cathoi, ( r^ady the Rosary,! Hosi: City Hospital, I twjitr. Cambie an Miss Jean Macfie, without means adr taining a certificate board, signed by a who can afford to p per week. Isolation Hospr of infectious diseai caretaker. St. Luke's Homi Pital and home fori heimer street, un* ment of Sistei Fran Alexander Hoc Mrs. Mary Howard, Cemui Situated on the I about two miles froi caretaker, Alex. Mc I SPILLMAN, WaU Paper, 617 Hastings Si. West. pED ..crc^ mififWffi, fj'um. f ^m.in,''- p^ ..,- WILLIAM RALPH, House Furnishings, - 24 Cordwa St„ Vancouver VANCOUVER CITY DIRECTORY. 463 Boynl — A. C. Stirrett, agent. Unic:: Assurance Society, Sun Fire, of England — McLachlan & Yates, agents. Northern — Wm SuUey, agent. London and Guardian — ^E.B. Mor- gan, agent. Albion Fire Insurance Association — Douglas & Co, agents. Churches and Pastors. Episcopal. — Christ Church, Rev. L. N. Tucker; St. Paul's. Rev. E. P. Fleweliing; St. Jame's, Rev. H. G. Fiennes Clinton ; St. Michael's, Rev. Mr. Whittington. Presbyterian. — St. Andrew's, Rev E. D. McLaren, M.A.,B.D.; Zion, Rev. J. M. McLeod ; Mount Pleasant, Rev J. W. McMillan. Mi;tiiodi8T. — Homer Street, Rev. Coverdale Watsor , Priiicess Street, Rev. W. W. Baer; -Mount Pleasant, Rev.. S. .1. Thompson ; Chinoae, Rev. Lin Yick Pang. First Bai»tist. — Rev. W. C. Weir; Motmt Pleasant, Rev. A.B.Lcrimer. First CoNCRKGATroNAi,. — Rev. Ralph Duff. 8o«;iETY OP Friends. — Granville Street. Roman Cathoi- c. — Church of Our Lady the Rosary, Rev. H. Eummellen Hospitals. City Hospital, Pender street, be- tween. Camhie and Ablwtt streets. Miss Jean Macfie, matron. Patients without means admitted free by ob- taining a certificate from the hospital board, signed by a physician; those who can afford to pay are charged $10 per week. Isolation Hospital, for treatment of infectious diseases, James Reith caretaker. St. Luke's Home, a private hoe- pltal and home for nurses, 311 Oppen- neimer street, under the manage- ment of Sistei Frances. Alexander Hompital, Fairvielv, Mrs. Mary Howard, matron. Cemotery. Situated on the North Arm road, about two miles from the City Hall ; caretaker, Alex. McDonald Public Buildings. Court House and Land Registry Office, corner of Hastings and Cam- bie streets. A. E. Beck, Court Reg- istrar; T. O. Townlev, Land Regis- trar; J. D. Hall, Shefiflf; R. J. Skin- ner, Forestry Inspector. City Hall and Offices, 125 Powell street, F. Cope, Mayor. I-Iarket Hall and Market, corner of Hastings street east and Westmin- ster avenue, A. M. Beattie, lessee. General Postopfice and Custom House, corner of Granville and Pen- der streets; J. Miller, Postmaster; J. M. Bowell, Collector of Customs; J. E. Miller, Collector of Inland Rev- enue. For Postoffices in the Province, see page 27. For Money Order Offices in the Province, see page 27. For Telegraph Offices in the Prov- ince, see pages 22-4. For Provincial Postal Rates, see page 24. For Foreign Postal Rates, see pages 24-5. For Commission on Money Orders, see pages 25-6. Canadian Pacific Railway Officials. General Superintendent's Depart- ment — H. Abbott, General Supt. ; J. D. Townlev, Asst. to Gen. Supt.; J. J. Mulhall, Chief Clerk; Private Seoy. to Genl. Supt., J. P. Geddes. Assistant Superintendent's Depart- ment — W. M. Downie, Asst. Supt. ; C. Mouat, Sec. Engineering Department — H. J. Cambie, Chief Engr.; H. B. Walkem, Asst. Engr. ; Paul Marinette, Chief Draughtsman. Freight Department — W. H. For- rest, Agent; T. Bradshaw, Chief Clerk. General Freight Department — W. 3rown, Asst. Genl. Freight Agent; J. T. Loutlt, Chief Clerk. General Passenger Department— Geo. McL. Brown, District Pas-senger Agent; E J. Coyle, Chief Clerk. Land Departnient — J. M. Brown- ing, Asst. Land Commissioner ; H. T. Paintsr, Ace untant Local Treasurer's Department — W. nd 1 QTQ .J' ^ - 1 "^ 1 ^iH^H o 1 o 11 ^ i !zh 1 o 1 ^ i ^ ' II km 00 i \m ^ !^ 1 ii^ O I IIH (/) i Mm| X o n r > in CO X z o RED :: CROSS :: BBEWERY :: LAGER :: BEER -VANCOUVER. B. C. mrr^ HPKPPMI mtmrn wm Pii«iiiPliPiiH^E M. ROBINSON MEBOHANT TAILOR | p ^ H90 Mattinga Street, Weat, Taneouver, B. C. £ X A S L A K £ I C £ c o V A N o u V E B B € 464 BRITIBH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. F. Salsbury, Local Treas. ; W. F. Osborne, Cashier; H, T. Wilgress, Paymaster. Mechanical Department — L. R. Johnson, Master Median ic; H. B. Gilmour, Locomotive Foreman Passenger Department — J. Sclater, Ticket Agent; J. J. Hillier, General Baggage Agent ; R. Robinson, Bag- gage Master. Purchasing Department — A. J. Dana, Assistant Purchasing Agent. Roadmasters' Department — J. Mc- Donald, Road master. Stores Department— A. W. Black, Storeke-per; C. Macaulay, Chief Clerk ; G. McDonald, Fuel Agent and Car Acct. Marine Supt. and Ship's Husband — J. A. Fullertop. Telegraph Department— Jas. Wil- son, Superintendent; John Fletch- er, Circuit Manager and Ciiief Oper- ator ; J. Dowling, Local Manager. Train Despatcher- W. O. Millei', Chief. Transportation. Rail — Canadian Pacific Railway to and from all points east daily; to New Westminster, three times per day. Steamhoat— C. P. R. Trans-Pacific Line to China and Japan monthly in winter and weekly in summer, Pacific Coast Steamship Co., arriv- ing and leaving every five days for San Francisco. C. P. R. steamer fortnightly to Port- land, Oregon. C. P. Navigation Company's steam- ers daily to Victoria, except Monday. Office, C. P. R. wharf. U.8.S. Co's steamer daily to Na- naimo. Office, Carrall street; also a tri-weekly service. Fortnightly service for Portland. Stage — There is regular stage com- munication to neighboring centres. Foreign Consuls. Chili — Maximo P. Morri8,for Chili. Jurisdiction, the Province of B.C., North-West Territories and Mani- toba; F. H. Pierce, IJ .S. Com'l Agent having same jurisdiction, excepting Victoria and district. Norway and Swekden-B. Springer, vice-Consul. Japan— T. Kitto, acting; jurisdic- tion, Canada. Hawaii— A. M. Beattie. Spain — A. H. Mellor; jurisdiction, provincial. Hack Tariffs. Onk-Horse Vehicles — From any place within the city to any other place, provided the time occupied does not exceed twenty minutes: For one or two persons, fMV; three or four peraonH, 75c. When the time occu- pied citft^ds twentv minutes : One or two put f^int l^ir; I href) or four per- sons, %2Ml. When the time occupied exceeds half an hour, hour rates are to be charged as follows; For one or two pers'^ns, $1.00 per hour ; ' 'iree or four iMTSons, $1.60; and ever; suhse- quenl hour after the first, for one ar two persons, $1.00; three or four per- sons, |1 .75. Two-HoRSE Vehicles — For any time not to exceed twenty minutes: One or two persons, 76c ; three or four persons, $1.00. For any time not to exceed half an hour: One or two per- Honn, $1.00; three or four persons, $1.25. For any time not to exceed half an hour, hour rates to be charged as follows: One or two persons, $1.50; three or four persons, $1.76; for each subsequent hour, for one or two per- sons, $1 .25 ; three or four persons, $1 .50. Fractions of hours at proportionate rates. TOLMIE k STEWAKT 45 AND 47 YATES STREET, VICTORIA, B. C. IMPORTERS OF WINES, SPIRITS, TEAS AND CIGARS. VAN (FOI Aalberg, Axel, I & Marstrand Westminster i Abbott, A M, cc hotel Abbott, F, clerk A., building Abbott, H, g< 801 Hastings V Abbott, J G L Hastings W, r Abbott, Hamilto 301 Hastings Abbott, Jonathi 4ve W Abels, Chas, car] Abercrombie & ' Cordova Abercrombie, W Co), res 615 Ha Abercrombie, W, Barnard Abernathy, J B, ave E Al)ernathy, R, R, Abernathy, J W, ave Abray.JT.hot tan, Cordova, i Acorn (Acorn & tate agent, res j. Acreman, Benjat 1338 Hornbv Aiaij, W, ehoemj Adatos, Miss A Lundy & Fletch Adams, Geo, ba res 1032 Pender Adams, Geo, labr Adams, Mrs, res A. M. BEATTIE, AUCTiOlER, Vancouver, B. C. IF «^i-j,iii- F.W. HART'S FOR CARPETS CORDOVA STREET, VANCOUVER. TANCOOVEB CITY DIRBCTOBY. 465 VANCOUVER CITY DIRECTORY. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. (FOR STREET DIRECTORY, SEE END OF LIST.) Aalberg, Axel, book-koeper, Doering & Marstrand Brow ary, res 410 Westminster rd Abbott, A M, carpenter, res Leland hotel Abbott, F, clerk, C.P.R., res Y.M.C. A., building Abbott, H, genl siipt C.P.R., res 801 Hastings W Abbott, J G L, barrister, etc, 619 Hastings W, res 801 hastings Abbott, Hamilton, clerk, C.P.R., res 301 Hastings Abbott, Jonathan, fireman, res 11 A-veW Abels, Chas, carpt, res 1144 Davie Abercrombie & Co, butchers, 103 Cordova Abercrombie, W J (Afjercrombie & Co), res 615 Hamilton Abercrombie, W, millhand, res 217 Barnard Abernathy, J B, carpt, 457 Seventh ave E A))ernathy, R, Royal City Mills Abernathy, J W, carpt, res 399 Sixth ave Abray, JT, hotelkeeper,Cosmopoli- tan, Cordova, res 2190 Quebec Acorn (Acorn & Mathews), real es- tate agent, res Englewood hotel Acreman, Benjamin, carpenter, res 1338 Hornby Athi|;, W, shoemaker, res 7 Water Adams, Miss Alice L, tailoress, Lundy & Fletcher, res 328 Powell Adams, Geo, baggageman, C.P.R. res 1032 Pender Adams, Geo, labr, res 225 Harris Adams, Mrs, res 328 Powell Adams, Herbert T, feed store, Dun- lop & Wilson, Westminster ave, res 321 Sixth ave E Adams, G R, painter, res 408 Carl ave Adams, Geo R, jr, res 408 Carl Addison, A G, printer, Thomons Bros, res Leland hotel Addison, Robt, carpt, Robertson & Hackett, res 519 Richard Addison, Robt, sawyer, Robertson & Hackett, res 520 Seymour Adolph, Albert, clothes leaner, res 221 Carrall Agnew, Miss E C, school teacher. Central School, res 614 Hornby Agnew, R 8, mgr, C.eapside Cloth- ing Store, res 614 Hornby Aide, Thos, cattleman, res Boulder saloon Airey, Albert, builder and contractor, res 527 Thurlow Airey, Albert (Holt & Airey), 725 Hastings W, res 631 Thurlow Airey, William, labr, res 614 West- minster ave Aiken, Allan, blacksmith, res 154 Water Aitchison, J N, tailor, 620 Hastings W, res 1217 Richards Aiiken, James, labr, rear Park Lane Aitken, Robert, merchant, res 61 Tenth ave Aitken, Robt, Ashford <& Co, 61 Tenth ave W Akroyd, H C, clerk, Innes & Rich- ards, res 1209 Flaro Alberts, Wm, watchman C.P.R. , res 66 Water Albinson, Jno H, engineer, res Hotel Vancouver Albion Hotel, Wood & Wood, props, Water :B.C. S3 Q O o Dl '■'■1 .,tj mv iwiipi wmm .Hl'toto *ii4,.l,i C. F. FOREMAN, WHOLESAlE AND RETAIL GROGE Comer Westtnlnater Avenue and Prineeaa Htreet, FaneoHver. U e8 e8 m .-3 OB •H O 466 BRITISH COLCHBIA DIRECTORY. Alcock, F C, landing waiter, Ocean Dock TQB D&vio Alcock.' T 0, Customs officer," O.P.R. wharf, res 1132 Barclay Alcock, W G, green grocer, 2406-7 Westminster ave, res Lulu Island Alden, W J, railroad contractor, res 310 Harris Alexandra Hospital, Mrs Mary Howard, matron. Seventh ave, Fairview Alexander, Fred, clerk, Land Regis- try Office, res 300 Alexander Alexander, Geo, Canadian Pacific Packing Co, res 818 Howe Alexander, Harry, law student, Da- vis, Marshall & MacNeill, res 300 Alexander Alexander, H O, law student, Davis, Marshall & MacNeill Alexander, R, tallyman, Hasting? Mill, 300 Alexander Alexander, R H, local mgr, Hastings Mill, 300 Alexander Alhambra Hotel, Thompson S, prop, cor Carrall and Water Allan, Edwd F, clerk, Russell, Mc- Donald & Co, res 729 Hamilton Alport & Freohette, props Tre- mont l»otel, 210 Carrall Allan, Edward, emp Thorpe & Co, res Sixth ave Allan, Fredk, clerk, Diplock & Co, res 825 Richard Allan, J D, clerk, Bailey Bros, res 739 Hamilton Allan, J G, clerk. Dominion Express Office, res 739 Hamilton Allan, John, tmstr, res 984 Westmin- ster ave Allan, John, cpntr, res 154 Water Allan, N, propr Edinburg saloon, res 120 Water Allan, R, 36 Cordova Allan, Thos, propr Balmoral hotel, res 2 Cordova Allan, Thos, machinist, res 428 Alex- ander Allan, Thos, labr, res 253 Prior Allan, Thos, labr, res 739 Hamilton Allan, T A, clerk, G L Allan, res 629 Hamilton Allan, Wm, lumber dealer, res 1132 Alberni Allan, W A, clerk, G L Allan, res Cambie nr Georgia Allan, W H, steward. Metropolitan Club, Edison blk, Richard Allan, W F, res 711 Cambie Allan Fred, flour, feed and produce dealer, res 13 Water Allan, OL, boot and shoe dealer, 13 Cordova, res Cambie nr Georgia Allardyce, J C, mgr Singer Mfg Co, res 420 Cordova Allen, P C> clerk, 607 Hastings W, res 825 fiichards Allen, H, shipwright, res 12 Hastings W Allen, James, labr, res rear 216 Keefer Allen, James, paintr, res 229 Princess Allen, J A, shipwright, res cor Cam- bie and Georgia \ Allen, Wm, painter, res Columbia hotel Allen, Wm, cpntr, res Twelfth ave | W nr Manitoba Altermalt, Steve, logger, res Colum- bia hotel Alverson, G, Cosmopolitan rooms, res I 224 Abbott Amen, G H R, clerk, V.G.C andD| Co, res 107 Abbott Amiraux, L, millhand Hastings Mill I Anan, Geo, book-keeper, Gurney Cab I Co, res 744 Powell Anderson, Alfred, barber, res 313 1 Georgia Anderson, Miss A, waitress, Union I hotel Anderson, B, trucker, C.P.R Wharf, | res 227 Barnard Anderson, Chas, grocer, res 104| Cordova Anderson, Chas, grocer and provlsionl mcht, 182 Cordova, res 816 Seymour] Anderson, David, Fairview, Sixth avel Anderson, David, warehouseman, resi 42 Water Anderson, Ernest, plumber, res 538 1 Proctor's bldg Anderson, Fred, barber, res 164| Water Andrews, Jas, confectioner, Ramtiiy] Bros Anderson, James, clerk, C.P.R, res 1031 Howe Anderson James L, sea .ij iain, ra-j tired, res 734 Seymour Anderson, John, mill! >rid, Leamy Kyle's Mill Anderson, John S, electrical cont ac-j tor and manufacturer's agent tldi-l sou building, res 418 ttichard-| son SEND TO THE RED CROSS BREWERY FOR FINE LAWEK BEEj VA.NOOUVWR, B. O. T m^ ^PPNIP Drenvry's Redwood' Brewery, Winnipeg. Drewry'B Ale and Porter Builds up and Strengthens the System. VANQOUVBR CITY DIRECTORY. 467 Anderson & Co, J E, grocers, 801 Georgia cor Howe Anderson, J E, (J E Anderson & Co), res Leland hotel Anderson, J G, inillhand, Leamy & Kyle's Mill, res Mount Pleasant Anderson, J J, labr, res 667 Sixth ave Anderson, Capt J L, master mariner, Market hall, res 734 Seymour Anderson, R A & Co.. real estate and financial brokers, bi5-317 Cam- bie Anderson, R A, (R A Anderson & Co) 315-317 Cambie, res Melville Anderson, R A, labr, rea Princess Anderson, Samuel, janitor, res 14 Cordova Anderson, William, mate, res New Fountain hotel Anderson, Wm, machinist, Cassidy's Mill, res 403 Drake Anderson, Wm, res 160 Water Anderson, Wm, res 1 Water Anderson, Wm, wood machine, Cas- sidy's mill, res 847 Homer Andrew, Emanuel, fisherman, res False creek, near Granville street bridge. James, carpenter, res Edwd, labr, res Ottawa Andrews, Princess Andrews, house Angrlo-Columbian Co, Ltd, (Lon- don, Eng), J D Mackay, managing director, 32 Water Angus, CliflFord, shipcarpenter, res 1323 Hornby Angus, Thoa, asst sewer inspector, res 116 Water Ansell, E G, watchman, Hastings Mill Co Ansell, Miss E, domestic, 410 Pender Anstie, H J, jeweller, Davidson Bros, res 521 Hornby Anthony, A, logger, res 624 lowell A.O.F, Court Pacific, No 7627, .laBon • ic block, Cordov'i Aptjues, R E, secretary, Dominion |& Foreign Trading Co, Masonic bile, res 1121 Barclay Appleton, F W, res 615 hornby Archibali, Captain R, "Empress of China," res 12.^7 Comox Arkfcll, Harry, rei> 1033 Melville Arkle, C, carpenter, Robertson & Hackett, res 520 Seymour Armstrong, A, dyer, 141 Twelfth ave Armstrong, James, labr, Sim's wood- yard, res Seven tla ave Armstrong, Johti. stenographer, res Englewood hotel Armstrong, J V, C.P.R. offices, Gran- ville, res 818 Hornby Armstrong, J W, pattern maker, B.C. Iron Works, res 1205 Richard Armstrongr, R W, (Armstrong & Spencer), barrister and solicitor, Whetham block, res cor Burrand and Pender Armstrong & Spencer, barris- ters, etc, Whetham blk, Cordova Armstrong, Wm H, contractor, res 1228 Comox Armstrong, W L, sawyer, New West- minster, res 818 Hornby Armstrong, Wm, carriage builder, London Carriage Works, res 43P Powell Armstrong, G, typewriter, C.P.R, res 537 Homer Arndt, Gus, res 102 Pender Arndt, L, foreman,. Spicer's Mill, res Sixth ave Arnold, William, labr, res 238 Bar- nard Arre, Frank, filer, Cassidy's Mill, res City hotel Arthur, E J, oarpt, res 19 Oppenhei- mer Arthurs, Oscar, carpt, 510-12 Richard Ashfield & Co, wholsesale com mchts, 207 Columbia ave Ashfield, Saml, (Ashfield & Co), res Elsmere house Ashford, Geo, C.P.R. employee, res 623 Princess Ashworth, A, labr Ashworth, £, 2nd fireman. Hotel Vancouver Astel, Uenrj^, res 741 Hamilton Astill, S, builder, res 611 Homer Ashworth, Wm, elk, H J Blaise & Co, res Heatly ave Atchison, William, sugar refinery, ren Raymur ave Atherton, C, clerk, C.P.R, res 301? Cordova Atkins, Jas, jr, warehouseman, res 125 Water Atkins & Johnson, truck and drav, 126 Water Atkins & Atkins, Medical Hall, 417 Hastings Atkins, J 01, (Atkins & Atkins), Hastings W, res 633 Homer GTQ o 1-i o W m H < 3 o i led Cross Brewery, Vancouver, B. C. m ,f:i S'l '(•1 ^i ' 1 mmfmrn iMipm wmm^mmmmB WILLIAM RALPH, Warn Air Furnaces,*""'"'"*'''- VANCOUVER £ X A S A K £ I C £ c o V A N C O u V E B O i 468 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTOBT. Atkins, T E (Atkins & Atkins), res 699 Hastings £ Atkins, J Milner, clerk, res 1016 Nel- son Atkins, J M, acct, res 125 Water Atkins, Thomas, marine engr, res 469 Seventh ave E Atkins, R 0, drayman, res 639 Hamilton Atkinson, T C, barrister, etc.. Bank of B.N.A. bldg, res New Westmins- ter Atkinson, Peter, pressman, News- Advertiser, res 648 Cambie Atkinson, P U, car sealer, C.P.R., res 546 Cambie Atkinson, C, cigar maker, res 546 Cambie Atkinson, Ed 0,maii clerk.C.P.R, res Fifth ave W near Quebec Atkinson, G V mail clerk, C.P.R., res 546 Cambie Aubrev, George, builder's clerk, res lllSHornby Austin, John, hotel-keeper, res 984 Westminster ave Avison, Hy, park ranger, Stanley Park, res Park entrance Awrey, Peter, res 522 Homer Aylwin, Geo, engr, Dougall blk, res 300 Abbott DOERING & MARSTRAND'S ALEXANDRA - LAGER "BEER -AND -PORTER" Hpecially recommended. Address: MOUNT PLEASANT. Telephone 439. VANCOUVER, B. C. Babington, Hume B, master mariner, res 170 Tenth ave Babington, .Tas B, master mariner,re8 170 Tenth ave W Badstone, E V. carpt, 688 Carrall, res 1 Proctor's bldg Baer, R, fruit stand, res 166 Water Baer, Rev W W, pastor Princess st Methodist church, res 434 Princess Bailey Bros, booksellers and sta- tioners, 160 Cordova, res 1109 Sey- mour Bailey, Bingly, carpt, res 728 Keefer bailey C S. (Bailey Bros), 160 Cor- dova, res 1109 Sejrmour Bailey, Miss Jennie, domestic, 1215 Robson Bailey, Miss May, dressmaker, res 717 Cambie Bailey, J S, mechanical supt Western Wire Mattress Factory, res 1553 Westminster ave Bailey, Robt, master mariner, res 825 Oppenheimer Bailev, Robt, Royal City Mills Bailey, Wm, (Bailey Bros), 160 Cordova, res 1109 Seymour Bailey, W & Co, builders and con- tractors, 716 Hastings Bailey, Wm, contr, res 1519 Georgia Bailey, William, loneshoreman, res 616 CJordova Bailing, Wm, longshoreman, 67 Cor- dova, res Germania hotel Bajus, Wm, Customs oflBcer, C.P.R wharf, rea 1138 Davie Baker Bros & Co, Ltd, importers and shipping agts, wholesale dealers in wines and spirits, etc, 407 Cordova Baker & Leeson, com merchants, whsale fruits & produce, 123 Water Baker, A D, clerk, freight office, C.P. R. wharf, res 1209 Haro Baker, Ben, barber, res Columbia hotel Baker E A, (Baker & Leesen), mer- chants, res 538 Georgia Baker, Frank, shoemaker, rea Hust- ings W cor of Abbott Baker, George B,carpt, res Eighth ave Baker, Wm H, baggageman, C.P.R, res 732 Richard Baker, J A, warehouseman, res 123 Water Baldee, Marcus, fur dealer, res 716 Alexander Baldwin, Oeorgret city treasurer, res 1124 Haro Balkwell, Arthur, street contractor, res Prior Balkwell, T B, clerk, Cuningham Hardwaie Co, Ltd, res 613 Cambie Ballard, Albert, cabnet maker, res 213 Harris Ballard, Alfred, carpenter, res 213 Harris Ballard. Alfred, jr, baker, res 213 Harris Ballard, A M, cabinet maker, 1651 Westminster ave A. M. BFiTTIE, AUCTIONEER. Vancouver. B. C. "W^WIIJ M. ROBINSON MEHOHAirr T AHOB eHO Haatingt Street, Weat, VmneoHver, B. O, VANCOUTEH CITY DIBEOTORY. 469 Ballard, Charles, clerk Bank of B.C., 233 Ninth ave Ballard, Frank, upholsterer, res 213 Harris Balling;er, William, contractor, res 51 Hastings Bain, Daniel, stonemason, res Thir- teenth ave near Manitoba Bandy, Henry, brickmaker, res 427 Harris Banfield, John J, insurance and financial agent, 411 Cordova, res 811 Hornby Banham, Alfred J, butcher. Market hall, res Barnard Banham, B G, expressman, res 1020 Eveleigh Bank of Montreal, cor Dunsmuir and Granville, Sweeney, C, mgr Bank of B. C., cor Richard and Hastings, Wm Murray, mgr Bank of B. N. A., Hastings st, W Godfrey, mgr Banyer, J W, clerk, T R Morrow Baptist Church, Seventh ave Barber, Arch, plasterer, Secord house res 401 Powell Barclay, Wm, delivery clerk, 42 Water Barker, Alfred, plumber, res 423 Princess Barker, Chas, clerk, Oppenheimer Bros, res 433 Princess Barker.H, cabinet maker, F W Hart, res Fairview Barker, R, plasterer, res Seventh ave Barker, Robert, real estate and insurance broker, 317 Cordova, Old Bank of B.N.A. building, res 313 Cambie Barker, Robt, (Williams & Barker) brewer, res Haro Barker, R £, cabinet maker, Hart's Furniture Factory, res Seventh ave Barker, R E, foreman, F W Hart, res Fairview Barker, Miss Kate, clerk postoffice, res 423 Princess Barker, Robt, C.P.R. operator, res 423 Princess Barker, William, res 423 Princess Barr, Mathew, plumber, Warren & Co, res 516 Richard Barrett, Miss E, waitress, res '205 Abbott Barrett, John T, coffee stand, 6 Hast- ings E, res Mountain View Barritt, H D, L.L.S.D., dentist, res 2801 Westminster ave Barrie, Jno, res 102 Pender Barron, £, carpenter, Robertson & Hackett, res 520 Seymour Barry, M, bridge carpenter, res 777 Keefer Barnard Castle, Manuel & Melville, props, res 862 Powell Barnes, Miss C A, teacher, East End School, res 694 Sixth ave E Barnes, Thos, longshoreman, res Gore ave Barnes, Frederick A, builder, res 694 Sixth ave E Barnes, Walter, restaurant prop, res 618 Cordova Barnett, John, carpenter, res Keefer Barnett, T E, electrical engineer. Van elec power house, res 640 Sey- mour Barnfield, A P, restaurant prop, res 618 Cordova Barnhart, PA, conductor C.P.R., res 1328 Pender Barnwell, T W (Frank & Barnwell), baker. Granville, res 1042 Alberni Barss, A K, book-keeper, res 9 Proc- tor's building Barrie, Robert, res 817 Richard Bartley, Geor(?e, compositor. World oflBoe, res 409 Powell Bartley, John, clerk grocery, res 409 Powell Bartley, Mrs, res 409 Powell Barton, Davis, Excelsior Factory, Goudron & Co Barton, James, Excelsior Factory, Goudron & Co, res Sixth ave, near Victoria Barton, JaS, Bal"inrnl Vintol pah '? Cordova Barton, John G, Sixth ave E Barton, Stephen, Royal City Mills Barton, R, Roval City Mills Barwick, Jno E, builder and con- tractor, res 1123 Barclay Barwick, Jno W, carpenter, res 1123 Barclay Barwick, P G, plumber, res 1123 Bar- clay Barwick, Wm, checker, C.P.R. wharf, res 1006. Alberni Basmusen, Jno, labr, res cor Robson and Granville Bates, John, stenographer. Masonic blk, res Oriental hotel Balmoral hotel, res 'Z carpenter, res 377 o m O ■ ■ o O o §o 'I PZZ O o o < 03 \ 1 1 ■• RED :: CE08S :: BEEWBRY :: LAGER :: BEER -VANCOUVER, B. C. r ■jtw,.,.iv^q8 O H o H Q F. W. HART'S for Furniture at and Ha COBDOVA STBEXT, VAJiCOVriSa, B. C. o o O K o U 470 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTORY. Bates, — , labr, res Ninth ave E Batterson, Wm, machine hand, Leamy & Kyle, res Lansdowne ave Battiscomb, J B P, clerk, res Hotel Vancouver Bauer« Frederick W. genl agt and auctioneer, 524 Granville, res 1042 Nelson (see advt, page 4^9) BaL'sman, John, expressman, res 711 Koefer Baxter, H E, labr, res 219 Oppen- heimer Baxter, Truman S, teacher, res Eighth ave, cor Victoria Baxter, Wm, labr, res 400 West- minster rd Biy "^/iew Hotel, Kent & Talcott, res 014 Cordova Bayley, Dan, sawyer. Spark Mill Bayley, Thos, labr, res 109 Thirteenth ave W Bayley, William, pressman, World office, res 130 Seymour Baynes, E C, carpenter, resrm 19, 22 Cordova Bayne, Louis, carpt, res 408 Keefer Baynes, Richard A, teamster, res 617 Seventh ave E Ba'-ley, Geo H, blacksmith, 1 Alex- ander, res 611 Barnard Bazley, Chas, blacksmith's help, res 511 Barnard B.C. Building Asstn, H T Ceperley, sec'y, 623 Hastings B.C. Cattle Co, Ltd., butchers, 202 Carrall B. C. District Telegraph & De- livery Co., Ltd, Crawtord, G E, mgr, res 23d Abbott B. C. Fruit Canning & Coffee Co, 1107 Homer, Walter Taylor, mgr B. C. Iron Works Co., Ltd, Alexander, JEW Macfarlane, mgr, J W Campion, secy and treas {see advt, front edge book) B. C. Land and Investment Agency, Ltd, cor Hastings and Homer B. C. Mills Timber and Trading Co, Royal City Mills bch, footofCarrall B. C. Sugar Refinery, Powell, W Prentice, sec B. C. Toilet and Towel Supply Co, 418 Hastings Beam, Wm, storeman C.P.R, res 1307 Richard Beams, Thos, cabinet maker F W Hart, res Prior Bearcroft, Miss Annie, domestic, 314 Alexander Bearcrof ! , Charles, labr B. C. Iron Works, res 307 Gore ave Bear an, W, grocer, res 667 Harris Beasly, Geo, boat house foot of Ab- bott, res 1122 Richard Beaton, John, res 170 Water Beattie, A Murray, lessee Mar- ket Hall, 333 Oppenlieimer Beattie, A Murray, auctioneer, Market Hall, 333 Oppenheimer {see advt, foot margins) Bebb, J, Hastings Mill Beaty, Fred, steward, New Fountain hotel Beaver Lodge, 182, T. A. Machinists, Good Templars' hall Beck, A E, Registrar Sunreme and County Courts, Court House, cor Comox and Bute Beck, Wm, labr, res Prior Beckett, L, res 36 Cordova Bedding, Wm, cpntr, res 233 Harris Bedstead, John, cpntr, res Beach ave Beecher, C M, vice-pres Hastings Mill Co Beer, Wm J, machinist, B. C. Iron Works, res 831 Richard Beggs, W F. merchant tailor, res 414 Cordova Behnsen, C L, cigar mfr, Kurtz & Co, res 148 Cordova Behnsen, C H, mgr, Kurtz & Co, 148 Cordova, res 723 Oppenheimer Belanger, Joseph, logger, res City hotel Bell. A, clerk, res 32 Water Bell, F Q, secy, Gurney Cab Co, Abbott, res 710" Granville Bell, H A, contr, 658 Granville Bellamy, H R, mining engnr, res 148 Cordova Bell, Miss Katie, domestic, res 820 Burrard Bell, J P, millhand, Hastings Mill Bell, John, foreman Bell, Joseph, labr, res 187 Seventh ave E Bell, Robt, builder, res 608 Powell Bell. Thos, tinsmith, res Y.M.C.A bidg, Hastings W Bell, Thomas, (Golquhon & Bell), res Y.M.C.A, bldg Bell, William, quarryman, res Eighth ave Bell-lrving, Duncan, physician, 432 Cordova, res 316 Alexander CR Bell-Irvi ins agei Bell-Irvini BeU-Irvi and com Belmont, - Ben & Chi Cordova Bendick, Kyle's M Bennett, G Bennett, M Bennett, H Bennett, M berni, cor Bennett, Mi Hastings Bennett, W der Bennett. J Barclay Bennett, P .; Benson, Mrs 39 Hasting Bently, Geo ward hous Bentley, W eller. Mar Homer I Benwell,« ropolitan ( res 873 Ho Berb, Mrs : Seymour Berg, R R, r Berkvist, Es Bernier, T hotel Berry, H„ ery Co, lOJ Berry, Percil ney Cab Cl bee Berteaux, Burrard . Berwick, Ari Besley, G B,l bott ■ Best, George nard Best, Robt. res 411 Ha. Bethune, Aid ave W 1 Bianchi, Per] cor Lansdd Bickell. CM Powell S, VANCODVEIl C. F. FOREMAN, Citv Grocer, vahcodyeb VANCOUVER CITY DIRECTORS. 471. Bell-Irvingr, H & Co, com and ins agents, rni 4, 432 Cordova Bell-Irving H, res 318 Alexander Bell-Irvuiff & Co, sliipping agents and com mchts Belmont, — , res 515 Richard Ben & Charles, shaving parlors, 40 Cordova Bendick, M, millhand, Leamy & Kyle's Mill Bennett, G, barber, res 314 Princess Bennett, Miss J G, domestic, Nicola Bennett, Hy, res 1133 Barclay Bennett, Miss Jane, domestic, res Al- berni, cor Thurlow Bennett, Miss Jennie, domestic, 824 Hastings W Bennett, W C, shoemaker, 527 Pen- der Bennett, J H, carpenter, res 1133 Barclay Bennett, P J, barber, 48 Water Benson, Mrs Margaret, confectioner 39 Hastings Bently, Geo, book agent, res Wood- ward house Bentley, W H, collector and trav- eller, Marshall & McCrae, res 314 Homer Benwell, J O, sec-treasurer, Met- ropohtan Club, teller Bank B N A, res 873 Hornby Berb, Mrs B, dressmaker, res 512 Seymour Berg, R R, res Nicola Berkvist, Exel, Royal City Mills Bernier, Theodore, logger, City hotel Berry, H A, mgr V.G.O. and Deliv- ery Co, 107 Abbott Berry, Percival, asst manager, Gur- ney Cab Co, res Fifth ave cor Que- bec Berteaux, G £, gentleman, res 620 Burrard Berivick, Arthur, Royal City Mills Besley, G B, boatkeeper, foot of Ab- bott Best, George A, plumber, res 667 Bar- nard Best, Robt. bartender, Dougall house res 411 Hastings Bethune, Alex, mercht, 102 Eleventh ave W Bianchi, Perrini L, stonecutter, Scotia cor Lansdowne Bickell, Charles, tallyman, res 411 Powell Biddell, A W, secretary, Diplock & Co, res Georgia Bidwell, gentleman, res 302 Cordova Biggar, I) R, hoseman. Van. Fire De- partment, No 2, Fire Hall, 716 Richard Biggar, Geo G, insurance manager of the Massachusetts Benefit Life, Boston, Mass, res 617 Powell Biggar, Wm, agent, res 213 Oppen- heimer Biggard, Pierce, clerk, C.P.R, res 302 Oppenheimer Billings, H M, res Leland house Bing Yuen, green grocer, 7i'6 Pender Birkholz, Olen, mason. Central hotel res 42 Cordova Bishop, Chas, shoemaker, G L Allan, res Seymour Bishop, F P, house painter, etc, 416 Hastings W Bishop, John, labr, res 140 Dupont Bjerre, August, seaman, capt sealer Beatrice, res 141 Sixth ave E Black, A P, mail clerk, res rear 1022 Barclay Black, A S, barrister, 302 Cordova Black, A W, storekpr, C. P.R, work- shops, res 1022 Barclay Black, F M, clerk. Bank of B.C Black, F W, bricklayer, res Prior Black, Gei), woodsman, res Glasgow . hotel Black, Miss Jessie, teacher, Mount Pleasant School, res Eighth ave Black, John J, stonemason, res 966 Park Lane Black, J, tailor, res Woodward house Black, R W, labr, res foot of Jackson ave Black, Walter, bricklayer, res Eighth ave Blackburn, C, Colonial hotel Blackburn, John F, painter, res Lome near Ontario Blackburn, Miss Marie, artist, res 162 Cordova Blackmore,W, architect, Masonic blk, Cordova Blackmore, W, jr, plumber. Masonic blk, Cordova Blackwood Bros, soda water manufrs. Gore ave and Harris Blackwood, A S, fmr, res 425 Drako Blackwood, Dudley, soda water, res Seventh ave near Carolina Blair, Wm T, contractor, res Ontario near Ninth ave > Q O CO o o "Z r WILIAMS & BARKER, RED CROSS RREWERl VANCOUe, B. C, D in CO en X I— • en 'iV' I ¥ ^ T E X A S I- A K E I C E c o V A X c o u V E B B C DKEWRrS Eedwood BREWERY. Winnipeg THBBM a091>B WAKBAITTMD TO KXXP IS AX.Z CXIMATMB. 472 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBICTOBY. Blair, Samuel, labr, res 1232 Richard Blake, J P & Co, biscuit manufactura 425-9 Hastings E Blake, Joseph, labr, res Nelson Blake, J J, barrister and solicitor, Masonic blk, Cordova Blake, Bobt, clerk. Hardy & Fulton, 62 Hastings W Blake, Robt, book-keeper, res 1104 Robson Blakie, Walter, warehouseman, res 126 Water Blaise, H J ft Oo, clothieis, etc., The Lion Clothing House, 169 Cor- dova, cor Cambie Blakie, Walter, clerk. Major Eld- ridge, res 634 Seymour B. L. Union, rm 17, 14 Cordova Blea, Miss M A, domestic, R H Morse Eighth ave, Fairview Bloomfield, Geo, res 133 Water Bloomfield, Edgar, accnt, res 417 Has- tings E Blum, Joseph, baker, res cabin, Hastings E Board Of Fire Underwriters, Geo Hobson, inspector, 313 Cambie Board of Trade Rooms, 522 Cordova, sec, A H B Macgowan Boardman, Saml H, plumber and fit- ter, 2027 Westminster ave, res Sixth ave N Boak, A A, book-keeper, Robertson & Co, res 1014 Robson Bodaly, W S, glazier, res Drake Bodwell, E A, dairyman, res 631 Homer Bodwell, Frank, (Bodwell Bros) real estate brokers, 627 Hastings W, res 1006 Georgia (Bodwell Bros) res widow, res 1006 Bodwell Treak 1005 Georgia Bodwell, Mrs, Georgia Bodwell, F V, ticket agent, N.P.R.R. 627 Hastings W, res 1005 Georgia Boehlofsky, Fred, HoflTman house dining room, Hastings Boeur, F, labr, res False Creek near C.P.R. bridge Boeur, I J, florist, res 1231 Hornby Bogart, James K, longshoreman, re's 638 Harris Bogart, James K, jr, deckhand U.S.S Co, res 638 Harris Bolton, Mrs, prop Woodward house, Harris Bond, S, logger, res 20 Water Bond, Mrs M, housekeeper, res 36 Goraova Bone, John, carpenter, C.P.R. shops, res 817 Richard Bones, John, capenter, res Ottawa house Boult, G A, clerk, 301 Cordova, res Twelfth ave. Mount Pleasant Bonner, John, restaurant keeper, RusB house, 417 Powell Boot, Mrs, charwoman, res Dunlavy ave. False Creek Boots, Will, rancher, res 217 Oppen- heimer Booth, Th C, builder, rm 9, 66 Cord- ova Boordman, S H, plumber and fitter, P box 827 Borland, Jamen, plasterer contractor, res Harris Borland, Robert, teamster, res 622 Princess Borley, Frank, timekeeper, C.P.R, res '713 Cambie Boston Millinerv, Miss M Logan, prop, Gravley blk, Carrall Booustow, C A J, apprentice, res 321 iSurrard Buoustow, J H, night clerk C.P.R. Telegraph Co, res 321 Burrard Boucher, F D, builder and contractor, res 1110 Davie Boudette, Joseph, carpenter, res 104 Water Boulder Saloon, W D Haywood, cor Carrall and Cordova Boult, Walter, com agent, Whetham blk, res rm 6, Twelfth Hve Boult, Walter, gentleman, res 203 Twelfth ave W Boult, John, elk, 607 Hastings W, res Mt Pleasant Booltbee, F W, secy City Water Works, City Hall, res 921 Hornby Bonltbee, John, barrister, etc, Bank of B.N.A. building, res 761 Hornby Boultbee, Walter, clerk, CG Johnson & Co, res 921 Hornby Bourdon, H 0, tailor, Wm Murphy, res Carter house Bonrden, Morace, tailor, res 154 Water Boutaille, R, cooper, jute factory, res 419 Abbott Bovyer, Harold, driver, 719 Pender Bowyer, John, feed mcht, 49 Twelfth ave W A. M. BEATTIE WEEKLr AUCTIONS CITY MARKET, VANCOUVSR. B. C WltUAM IHLPH, Tin, Iran and GRinitiiwira, v'l^^Vl'k VANCOUVER CITY DIRKCTOBY. 473 Bow Kee Chan, tailor, res 87 Dupont BowelL Jno M, Collector of Cus- toma, Granville, res 1207 Haro Bowen, David, res 102 Pender Bowen, F G, machinist, B.C. Wood Works Co, res Colonial hotel Bower, G E, 52 Cordova, res 331 Op- penheimer Bowes, George, clerk, res 331 Oppen- heimer Bowes, Miss S, president W.C.T.U, res 434 Princess Bowley, J Hugh, student-at-law, res 526 Hornby Bowman, Joseph H, carpt, res 307 Georgia Bowser, Frank, clerk, Customs dept, res 225 Sixth ave W Bowser A Lavell, barristers, Whethara blk Bowser, W J, (Bowser & Lavell), Whetham blk, rea 710 Granville Bowyer, Henry, clerk, Le Page & Co Boycii, George, driver, Doering & M Brewing Co, res brewery. Seventh ave Boyd & Clandening, contractors, Co- lumbia Hotel blk, Columbia ave Boyd, John F, seaman, res 523 Ham- ilton Boyd, J M, contractor, res 1529 West- minster ave Boyd, J R, machine hand, Cassidy'a Mill, res 1246 Seymour Boyd, Mrs R, dressmaker, res 827 Howe Boyd, T H, (Boyd & Clandening), contractor, res 605 Oppenheimer Boyer, Miss Lucretia, aomestic, res 940 Park Lane Boys, Frederick, painter, C.P.R, rear 625 Hamilton Bradshaw, Thos, freight dept, C.P.R. wharf, res 720 Hamilton Bradley, M A, barber, Lambert's, Holland blk, res Cambie Bradshaw, Jos, labr, res 125 Hast- ings E Bradstreet's Mercantile Agey, C. Z. r'>;ii V, agt, 308 Cambie Braid, Wm, lis Hotel Vancouver Branc, Wm A, compositor, News- Adv-.rtisei. res 826 Seymour Brandkoht, lienry, book-keeper, Le- land huie! Brandrick, James, agt, res 741 Ham- ilton 213 Adam, barber, res carpenter, res 817 W S Bransaka, Powell Bray, Thomas E, Hornby Brechin,' Robert, book-keeper. Cook, res 613 Gore ave Breeze, Frank, book-keeper, Wm Hamilton Mfg Co, res Hastings Breeze Fred J, supt Hamilton Mfg Co, Ltd, 12-3 Hastings W, res 1020 Barclay Breeze, J D, genl agt Confederation Life Assurance Co, 411 Cordova, res Barclay Bremner, E P, machinist, res 612 Seymour Brenton, John, health inspector, res Westminster ave cor Lansdowne Brereton, R R, drayman, Atkins & Johnson, res 632 Seymour Bride, Archibald, labr, res Fifteenth ave Bridge Hotel, Austin, John, prop, Westminster ave Bridge, Fredk, builder's labr, res 726 Barnard Bridges, John, blacksmith's helper, C.P.R. shops, res 1327 Richard Bridgman, E H, clerk O.P.R., res 651 Barnard Bridgman, Capt £ C, master mariner, res 651 Barnard Britton, E C, clerk, res 315 Carrall Britton, Frank (Britton & Burton), prop Albion saloon, 133 Water Broaciway, Ernest, rancher, res 217 Oppenheimer Broleck, E R, civil engineer, res 610 Howe Brocklesby, H A, book-keeper, R V Winch, res 730 Richard Brock well, David, brickmaker, res 99 Lansdowne ave E Brockwell. David, teamster, John McDowell, res 99 Lansdowne Brocton Point Amateur and Athletic Club, pres, Sweeney, hon sec and treas, A St G Hammersley Broderick, A E, janitor, Y.M.C.A., res Hastings, W Broderick, Miss G, clerk in "Sun Ban," Cordova, res Y.M.C.A.bldg, Hastings W Brodrick, Mrs, nurse, res 311 Hast- ings Bronchley, E, mgr, E G Prior & Co, res 464 Jackon ave Q O d O OD (D so ",,0 o WILLMMS & BARKER, REO CROSS SREWERY, VANCOUVER, B. C. HIJ !. y ..^-^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) //^.^^!^ 1.0 I.I Ik |28 ^ m 2.2 li m P^i'-^iJ4 < 6" »■ ScMices Corporation ?,3 \4iST MAIN STMIT WnSTM.N.Y. USM (716)172-4503 Q> ^\ iV ^ mm (^■^■■«piip^pP!iPiPPMf«P! ■<PPii|i*l^ifpii|liilpPW m. ROBINSON MEaOHAWT TAn^B eSO' Hmttinga Street, IFeat, Vancouver, B. O. O O ;-i C o a o o U c o CJ 474 BBITISH COLUMBIA DIBEOTORY. Brook, F, shoemaker, res 217 Op- penheimer Brook, Robt, clerk, C.P.R., res 812 Richard Brooks, Frank, res 102 Pender Brooks, Jauies, plasterer, res 948 Westminster ave Brotherhood Locomotive Firemen, 276 Pythian Castle Hall, 14 Cordova Bronse, Dr J E, physician, rm 5, 22 Cordova, res Haro Brown Bros, grocers, res 73 Water Brown, Alex, carpenter, res 734 Sey- mour Brown, Alex, res 73 Water Brown, Alex, grocer, res 223 Oppen- heimer Brown, A, starcher. Pioneer Steam Laundry Brown, A H, reporter, res 915 Gran- ville Brown, Charles L, real estate agent, res Fifteenth ave, near Westmins- ter ave Brown, Chas, sign writer, res 6 Proc- tor's building Brown, Chas H, contractor, res Eleventh avenue, nr Manitoba Brown, Miss Clifibrd, music teacher, res (Jeorgia Brown, Eriiest, rco 42 Oppenheimer Brown, Mrs £ A, dressmaker, res 321 Harris Brown, F, labr, res 219 Oppenheimer Brown, Miss Florence, domestic, 621 How^e Brown, Geo, motorneer, res Wood- ward house Brown, G A, clerk, J T Brown's, res 1032 Barclay Brown, O MoL, passenger agent, C. P.R., res 1124 Heaton Brown, Harry, logger, res Buss house, 417 I^owell' Brown, Harry, Customs oflScer, res 1124 Seaton Brown, H H, clerk, J T Brown's, res 1032i Barclay Brown, James, fishcurer, res^ 919 Homer Brown, Jas, bricklayer, res Fairview, Sixth ave Brown, John, carpenter, res Four- teenth ave, nr Sophia Brown, George, real estate agent, res Leiand hotel Brown, H K, Custom House elk, res 1124 Seaton Brown, John, mason, res Fairview, Seventh ave Brown, John, plumber, R A Townley Brown, John, machinist, C.P.R., res 1208 Richard Brown, Joseph, tobacconist, 7 Cor- dova, res 60 Cordova Brown, J T & Sons, grocers, 736 Pender, res 1032 Barclay, (see advt, p. 459) Brown, Mrs J, retired, res Georgia nr Homer Brown, Miss M, dressmaker, res 827 Howe Brown, Miss Olivia, domestic, Wood- ward house Brown, R T, elk, Innes & Richards, res 1032 Barclay Brown, Miss S A, domestic, res 516 Burrard Brown, 8 H, grocer, 73 Water, res 327 Oppenheimer Brown, Samuel J, labr. Thirteenth ave, nr Manitoba Brown, S W, clerk, res 73 Water Brown, T S, clerk, J T Brown, res 1032 Barclay Brown, Wm, (Mutrie & Brown), real estate, res 328 Hastings Brown, Wm, Asst Genl Frt agt C.P.R Brown, Wm, moulder, V.C.I. Works, res 3 Oppenheimer Brown, Wm, mariner, res Thirteenth ave E Brown, Wm, steam fitter, 615 Pen- der, res Mount Pleasant Brown, W E, elk 623 Hastings W, res 426 Oppenheimer brown, WH, Northern Pacific, res 744 Powell Brown, Wm P, cpntr, res 139 Seventh ave Brown, W T, laborer, res 154 Hastings W Browne, F H, pntr and kalsominr, res 249 Barnard Browne, John, cashier, frgt depot C.P.R, res 1043 Howe Browne, John, jr, printer News-Ad- vertiser, res 1043 Howe BrowUj Miss L, typewriter, 623 Hastings VV, res cor Georgia and Homer Browne, Walter, elk frgt dept C.P.R, res 1043 Howe Brown, Miss B, res 713 Cambie Browning, J M, land comr C.P.R, 643 Granville, res 1003 Georgia LARGEST ASSORTMENT of WALL PAPER at SPILLMAN'S, Vancoum F.W. Bruce, Ale: and Eigl Bruce, Al Hackett, Bruce, Da 12 Hastii Bruce, Geo grocery, : Bruce, Joh: Alexandc Bruce, Joh Bruce, J, C dova Bruce, Thoi Hastings Bruce,Wm, res Harri Brunell Pet Brunnette i beryard, Westmini Bruno, Jose house Brunswick, Brunt, Rob res 208 Hi Brusatori, C Brydone-Ja 2118 Wes) Brydone* Whetham Bryant, Jau Hastings Buchanan, res Fifth i Buchanan, & Co, 5]| Hornby Buchanan, house Buchanan, ! Feelv, ret Buchanan, Barnard Buck, Fran ave nr Qi Buckley, Hi Buckley, Pa Mills, res Buckoll, W Hastings, Budlong, F Buell, W S, Bufltt, Thof Bugnon. Mi 1020 Gecr Bugnon, M res 1103 ( Send to the R wjm 1 F.W.HART, Undertaker, CORDOVA STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. VA'.COUVEB CITY DIRBOTOBY. 475 Bruce, Alex, cpntr, res cor Carolina and Eighth ave Bruce, Alex, cpntr, Robertson & Hackett, 620 Scvmour Bruce, David, labr C.P.R, res rear 12 Hastings W Bruce, George, deliveryman Arcade grocery, res 804 Richard Bruce, John, longshoreman, res 204 Alexander Bruce, John, cpntr, res Eighth ave Bruce, J, Central hotel, res 42 Cor- dova Bruce, Thos, stonemason, res rear 12 Hastings W Bruce,Wm, timekeeper sugar refinery res Harris Brunell Peter, painter, res 20 Water Brunnette Sawmill, Office and Lum- beryard, Gow, John A, mgr, res Westminster ave, cor Prior Bruno, Joseph, bartender, Sherman house Brunswick, Carey Pat, res Hastings Brunt, Robt, fireman power house, res 208 Harris Brugatori, Carlo, labr, res Dufferin E Brydone-Jack, Wm D, M.D, res 2118 Westminster ave BrYdone*Jaok, A C, barrister, Whetham blk, res New Westmin'r Bryant, James D, cpntr, res rear 143 Hastings Buchanan, Donald, cpntr and bldr, res Fifth ave, Fairview Buchanan, R G, clerk, J A Skinntr & Co, 614 Hastings W, res 523 Hornby Buchanan, D, contractor, res Ottawa house Euchanan, D B, McLennan & Mc- Feelv, res 612 Hastings W Buchanan, W W, cooper, res 656 Barnard Buck, Frank, stonecutter, res Fifth ave nr Quebec Buckley, Harry, trainman, C.P.R. Buckley, Patrick, fli-eman, Hastings Mills, res City hotel BuckoU, William, pntr, Spillman's, Hastings, 21 Fifth ave Budlong, F L, builder, Sixth ave £ Buell, W S, barrister, res 1209 Haro Bufitt, Thos, cpntr, Sixth ave W Bugnon, Miss Annette, domestic, res 1020 Georgia Bugnon, Miss Josephine, domestic, res 1103 Georgia Bullock, A M, insurance agt, res 827 Hamilton Bullock, Mrs J Gray, res 827 Hamil- ton Bullock, James, labr, res 1703 Gran- ville Bulman, Geo R, machinist, rear 232 Keefer Buntzen, J, business mgr Y.E.R. & L. Oo, res 431 Harris Burchell, Charles, labr, shack off Carrall Burchell, E, telegraph operator, res Leland bouse Burdis, W D, private sec, Oppen- heimer Bros, res Princess, cor Campbell ave Burfitt. Benjamin, carpenter, i-es Sixth ave, near Bridge st Burge, C, diver's asst Burke, Henry J, cutter, res 314 Col- umbia ave Burnet, Frank, res 642 Homer Bnmet & Bumet,land surveyers, Lefevre blk, Seymour and Hastings Burnet, P, (Burnet & Burnet) Lefevre blk Burnet, H, res Imperial house, 419 Abbott Burnet, K JL, (Burnet? & Burnet) Provincial surveyor, res 610 Howe Burnet, Major P, res 610 Howe Burnett, B, schoolteacher, rmsY.M. C.A. bldg, res 662 Hastings W Burnett, Frank, student, res 1040 Barclay Burnett, J W, retired, res 1040 Bar- clay Burnett, Ralph, clerk, res 1040 Bar- clay Burner, H V, genl agt G.N.Ry, 315 and 317 Cambie, res Holland blk, Cordova Burns, Wm, labr, Doering Marstand B. Co Burns, Miss T, works Ramsay Bros, res 377 Seventh ave Burns, Chas, foreman Royal City Mills, Grand View Burns, Wm, bartender Hotel Van- couver Burns, Wm, shoemaker, 377 Seventh ave E Burns, Wm, shoemaker, 305 Hastings W, res Mount Pleasant Burns, J, jr & Co, manufacturers' agents, rm 2, 14 Cordova Burns, J, jr, agt Canada Paint Co ft) o C/3 o CI- DO O X t-H o X n r 1 en 2 en ?» C z 5 2 o en iH p ffiR ■'jM mi m I'm M to the RED CROSS BREWERY M FIKE LAGER BEER * VAMCOUVER. B. C. * T E X A S A K £ I C £ c o V A N C O u V 0. F. Foreman S Teas 1 Coffees ConiT WwtmimtT Avnn» md Prinw Strwt, Vancoavr, B. C. 476 BRITIBH OOliUHBIA DIRIOTORY. Burns, Ed, boiler maker. B.C. Iron Works, res 114 Alexander Burns, Jno, jr, manufs agt, 14 Cor- dova, res 1210 Robson Burns, Ghas, Uoyal City Mills Burns, Miss Carry, droBsmaker, 1020 Alberni Burns, Jas, newspaper editor, res 1020 Alberni Burns, Miss MairKie, milliner, res 1020 Alberni Burns, Herbert, electrician Vancou- ver notel, res 1020 Alberni Burns, Frank, printer, res 1020 Al- berni Burns, R, drug clerk, 601 Hastings W, res Leland hotel Burpee, Geo Fred, agt Federal Life Association over Bank B.C., res 818 Nicola Burr, Mra.liotel-keeper Retina hotel, res cor Water and Cambie Burrard Inlet Rowing Club, pres, Geo Turner, sec, D S Wallbridge Burrard Inlet Railway and Ferry Co, 729 Pender Burritt, Miss Hattie, dressmaker, Inglis ]>ye Works, res 528 Seymour Burritt, H' I), dentist, room 4, 302 Cordova, res Eighth ave Burritt, Osoar, contractor, res 145 Twelfth ave Burse, Walter, employee B.C. Sugar Refinery, res 1022 Robsou Burse, Wilson, carpenter, res 1022 Bobson Burton, A, engineer, rea 523 Beatty Burton, David, Britton & Burton, props Albion saloon, res 133 Watar Burton, Herbert, bartender, rear 237 Princess Burton, H F, clerk, Columbia hotel Burton, Norman E, millhand, Tait's Mill, res Columbia hotel Burton, J R, court stenographer, rms old Postoffice block, Hastings Burt well, R T, laborer, res 30iB Prin- cess Busby, Mrs Elisa, resFifth ave, Fair- view Buscombe, F. mgr J A Skinner & Co, re& 1030 Robson Buscombe, George, elk, J A Skinner & Co, res 512 Hastings W Buse, E, millowner, Buse Mill Co, Hastings, res 916 Howe Butcher, Fredk, labr, res Gore ave Bushong, Ivan, agt Kimball's safes, 821 Oordovu, res Westminster ave Butler, H £, res 628 Cordova Butler, John, longshoreman, res Powell Butler, T H, |K>lice constable, res Princess Buttimer, Miss Annie L, teacher, Central School, res 644 Homer Byrne, J D, real estate agent. Rand Bros, res 809 Howe Byron-Johnson, R, clerk, Wulffsohn & Bewicke, res Nicola Buxton & Rodney, tobacconists, cor Cordova and Cambie BttJCton, J M ft Cp, financial, mining and real estate agts, 528 Granville Buxton, Jolin M. mettalurgist, Granville, res Hotel Vancouver Boxton, S H, (Buxton & Rodney), tobacconist, cor Cordova & Cambie, res Nicola DOERING & MARSTRAND'S ALEXANDRA - LAQER BEER . AND - PORTER Specially recommended. Addrau: MOUNT PLEASANT. Telephone 490. VANCOUVCR. B. C. " Cabinet " Saloon, McLennan, F I), cor Cambie and Water Cady, James, painter, res Dufferin Cadv, Lewis, furniture store, res 146 Hastings W Cappiello, .Joseph, emp John Scuitto, res shack, Inlet Cain, William J, shoemaker, res 34 Powell Cairns, Mrs M M, furnished rooms, res 608 Burrard Calbick, Geo A, provincial constable, res 15 Cordova Calder, A, bartender, Glasgow hotel Calder, Geo, Royal City Mills Caldwell, John A, carpenter, res 215 Harris Caleo, Thomas, millhand, Hastines Mills A. M. BE ATTIE acctionekr, . a^praiseb . and CITY MARKKT. VANCOUVCR, B. C. 6ENRRAli OOMMiSSION MERvHAMT. ym Jhf«wry*n JBMLwood Brewery, wzkitipeo. All WholMala Daalen kaap Drawry'a Ala, Portar and Lagar In Stock. VANCnUVBR CITY OIBrCTORV. 477 Calkins, S F, driver, No 2 Fire Hall, res 728 Heymour Calland, T H, real estate ast, Thomp- Bon-Ogle blk, HastingB W, res 1128 Beaton Galley, Alex, accountant, 610, Hast- insB W, res Georgia CalliBter, John, clerk, HastingH Baw- mill, res 734 Sevmour Galliflter, John, house carpt, res 110 Westr ave Oally. — , law student, res 638 Georgia Calori, Angelo, Hotel Europe, 28 Powell Columbia Carriage Works, Duke & Wallace, 60 Hastings E ualwell, K S, police otficer, City Hall Gamble, H u, chief engr C.P.U, res 1030 (ieorgia Cameron, A W, chief engr, Fire Hall No 8, res 24 Hixth ave Cameron, Mins Bessie, dressmaker, res 810 Uarnard Cameron, E, carpenter, Koljertson & Hackett, res 520 Heymour Cameron, D H, contractor, res Glas- gow hotel Cameron, D M, millwright, res Glas- gow hotel Cameron, Miss Erne) ine, dressmaker, res 810 Barnard Cameron, Miss Evelyn, dressmaker, res 810 Barnard Cameron, James, millhand, Royal City Mills Cameron, Jos, engr R.C. Mills, res 425 Princess Cameron, Mrs J D, res 310 Barnard Cameron, Miss M, dressmaking, 106 Cordova, res 310 Barnard Campbell, A B, printer, World office, res 1001 Richard Campbell, Albert A, Life Insurance, Bnik of B.N.A. bldg, res 720 Homer Campbell, Mrs Annus, res 220 Prior Campbell, Archibald H, labr, res 1213 Hornby Campbell, Ghas, blacksmith. Gamp- bell Carriage Works, res Richard cor Nelson Campbell, Duncan A, oil dealer, 663 Beatty Campbell, Mrs D F, retired, res 728 Richard Campbell, D J, prop City Bakery, ree 60 Cordova Campbell, Abbott D J, City Bakory, 231 Gatipbell, D W, contractor, res 1218 F ornby Ga.npbeU, E K, piledriver, res 302 Keefer Campbell, Frank, moulder, V.C.I. Works, res 410 Barnard Campbell, Geo W, foreman. Royal City Mills, res 2114 Westminster uve Campbell, Grant, book-keeper, God- frey's hardware store, res 802 Hornby Campbell, Gregor, teamster, res 128 Water Campion, J W. sec'y and financial nigr, B.C. Iron Works, res 1130 Barclay CampV^ell, G W, salesman, Royal City Mills, res 2114 Westmin'rave Canii>bell, H 1), (McLean & Camp- IhjII), res 78 Water Campbell, Hugh E, electrician, Van. Fire Dept, 013 Homer Campbell, Howard, clerk, Fletcher's grocery, res 1213 Ilornby Campbell, H, furniture dealer, res 81 Powell Campbell, James, millhand, res Hastings Mill Campbell, John, barrister, (Cor- lK)uld McColi, Wilson & Campbell) res 1182 Comox Cuinpljell, J D, labr, res Glasgow hotel Campbell, J K, tailor, 320 Hastings, res 237 Princes Campbell, J R, clerk,J A LMcAlpine Campbell, Kenneth, elk, C.P.R., res 817 Hamilton Gampliell, Mrs, res 628 Harris Campbell, Miss M, dressmaker, res 728 Richard Campbell, Patrick H, labr, res 613 Homer Campbell, Peter G, carriage builder, cor Columbia ave and Oppen- heimer, res 717 Richard Campbell, P G, retired, res Eighth ave Campbell, Roderick, boot and shoe dealer, Hastings, res 817 Hamilton Campbell, W J, foreman, mechanical engineer, Fire Hall, No 1, res Water Gampbell, Rodr, jr, elk, R Campbell & Co, Hastings, res 817 Hamilton Campbell, William, millhand, Leamy & Kyle's Mill Q O d o 05 I T| If GOTO E.SPILLMAN FOR WALL PAPER and MOULDINGS Oi7 HAtTIHOS 8TKIBT. VANCOUVER, B. C. ill ^m mm iinippp^ 'L<i WILLIAM MIPM, Stoves and Ranp 24 Cordova St. , VANCOUVER bO -."">-£ 478 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTORY. Campbell, R & Co, boot and shoe mchts, Ontario fioot and Shoe Store, Hastiuga Campbell, William, clerk, News-Ad- vertiser, 420 Cambie Campbell, William, clerk, Thos Dunn & Co, res En^lewood hotel Campbell's Carriage Works, 102 Cor- dova £ Canadian Australian Com & Trading Co, Ltd. 430 Cordova Canadian Gten'l Electric Co, Ltd, H Pim, manager, 638 Gran- ville Canadian Pacific Packing Co, office, 52 Cordova Canavan, S J, prop. Rosin house, re? 160 Water Candron, H, fruits, etc. Market Sq Canessa, Jno, fisherman. False Creek near O.P.R. bridge Canning, John, mgr news depot. Hotel Vancouver, res 1317 Howe Canonica & Mowatt props Sunny- side hotel, res 1 Water Canonica, Louis, Sunnyaide hotel, res 1 Water Canonica, Mrs M, grocer, res 152-6 Alexander Caple, Norman, (Trueman & Caple), 302 Cordova, res 805 Homer Carey, J, clerk, 3-7 Hastings W Carey, Thomas, engineer, C.P.R, res 309 Ciirrall Carey, P, prop Brunswick Hotel, Hastings Careill, Wm, accountant, U.S.S. Co's Wharf Cargill, W, public accountant, 15 Cordova Carle, David, painter, res 403 Drake Catling, John, yardman, Crowder & Penzer, res 737 Harris Carlisle, J H, Chief Fire Depart- ment, No 2 Fire Hall, res 722 Sey- mour Carlson, Emma, waitress, res 6 Water Carlson, Miss L, cook. Union hotel Garmichael, P P, shingle sawyer, Cassidy's Mill, res 1014 Richard Carnahan, James, teamster, res 244 Keefer Carnovsky, Walter, draughtsman, res 334 Hastings Carnwith, Chas, tallyman, Leamy & Kyle's Mill Carf, George Phillip, machinist, res 1123 Nelson teamster, reu 504 clerk, F W Carrier, Mitchel, Harris Carriere, A, shipping Hart Carroll, Dr J T, res 628 Granville Carscaden, Peck & Co, wholesale clotiiiers, etc., 603 Granville Carscallan, Peter, waiter. Oyster Bay restaurant Carson, John, labr, res 1632 West- minster ave Carson, Owen, American restaurant, res 12 Hastings W Carson, Mrs Wm, boarders, res 515 Richard Carter, A E, contractor and builder, res 610 Princess Carter, Miss E, drossmkr, res Prior Carter, S B, contractor and builder, res 610 Princess Carter, Albert, store dept, C.P.R. , res Colonial hotel Carter, Chas H, lumberman, res 627 Barnard Carter House, Carter, L, prop, res Water Carter, Jno L, bartender. Carter house Carter, L, prop Carter house, res 154 Water Carter, Mrs, res Prior Carter, Nelson, brickmaker, Port Haney, res 1120 Seaton Cartright, Wm, stevedore Cary, George, contractor and builder, res 1208 Hornby Casement & Creery, bankers, 226 Cambie Casher, Mrs Mary, res 520 Pender Casement, R (Casement & Creery), banker, 226 Cambie, 726 Burrard Cashin, D M, sec-mgr Texas Lake Ice and Cold Storage Co, Ltd, 400 Cordova Cassady & Co, Sash, Door and Planint; Factory, False Creek Cassady, George, sash and door manufacturer, Cambie, res Hornby Casselman, B F, insurance agent, res 81 Thirteenth ave Casselman, R, harness maker, res 919 Oppenheimer Cassidy, Miss Annie, music teacher, res 401 Powell Cassidy, E 0, grocery clerk, res 405 Powell Cassidy, Herbert, hotelkeeper, res 401 Powell ESPILLMilN, FRESCOING. LEnKHOUSE-PMING. Vancouver I Red C Bf! M. ROBINSON MBaOHAHT TAII.O« aVO Aa«Mn0* Mreet> Weat, Yaneouver, B, C, VANCOCVEB CITY DIREOTOHY. 479 Caaeidy, Thos, grocer, 406 Powell Caseier, Fred, drugSclk, 601 Haslings I Wj res 620 Pender Cassillo, Wm, res Glasgow hotel Castile, John, builder, res Davie, cor Thurlow Cattell, Chris, upholsterer, 726 Hastings W, res 1023 Eobson Gates, Andrew J, ship cnulker, res 34 Sixth ave E Oates, John A, captain, tug Swan, res 34 Sixth ave E I Gates, Wm E, engineer, tug Mamie, res 134 Sixth ave I GateiD, Wm, engr, Keefer & Godden, res 122 Alexander Caughtrey, A R. mgr B.G. Gattle Co, Ltd, res 243 Keefer ■■ Caver, — , labr, res 402 Westminster rd Gawker, Miss Agnes, res 223 Barn- ard : Cawker, Charles, teamster, res 223 Barnard Cawker, Edwin, teamster, res 223 ! Barnard I Cawker, Richard, labr. Royal City i Mills Cawker, SamI, fmr, res 223 Barnard Cawston, Geo, clerk, B.C. Cattle Co, res 628 Hamilton ' Center, G L, undertaker, Lockhart & Center, res 729 Hamilton Central Hotel, Quann, Thomas, prop, Cordova Central School, principal, J A Mc- Garragle, B.A Ceperley, H T, real estate and insurl ance, Thomson-Ogle blk, res Hote- Vancouver Ceylon Tea Co, W A Clarke & Co, 132 Cordova Chaldecott, A H. solicitor, 636 Hast- ings W, res 1021 Melville Chaldecott, F M, solicitor, 636 Hast- ings W, res 1021 Melville Chamberlin, H W, gentleman, res 616 Burrard Chamberlain, Robt, labr, res shack. False creek Chambers, F, machine hand, F W Hart, rms Officer Crawford Chambers, G, res 170 Water Chambers, Henry, retired, res 732 Richard Chambers, Miss Minnie, school tea- cher. West End School, res 1116 Haro Champion, Samuel K, (Cha:>'ipion & White). 100 Dupont, res Front Champion & White, city scavengers, etc, 210 Abbott Champion & White, sand and lime, res 100 Dupont Chance, Edward, res 1 Water Chapman, Chas, Oyster Bay restaur- ant Chapman, Edward, clerk. Seventh ave N Chapman, E, salesman, 603 Hastings W, res Fairview Chapman, Harry, fish curer, res 211 Powell Chapman, Miss L, dressmaker, res 211 Powell Chappel, T B, salesman, Weeks & Robson, Thompson blk, 612 Hast- ings Chard, Chas, elk, McLennan & Mc- Feely, 823 Hamilton Charleson,D B, contractor, 918 Pender Ghardon, C M, builder .res 818 Richard Charman, Frank, iJustoms officer, res cor Pender and Melville Charlesson, J, Royal City Mills Gharleaon, D B, contractor, C.P.R Charleston, Jos, labr, Leamy& Kyle's Mills, res 26 Pender Charlton, Charles H, bricklayer, res 1655 Westminster Chase, George, carpenter, res 672 Princess Chase, Jeremiah, sawyer, Leamy & Kyle's, res 224 Sixth ave W Chase, W H, foreman, Leamv & Kyle's Mills Chaumette, E N,engr,Doering & Mar- strand's Brewing Co, res 523 West- minster ave Chaumette, Mrs M H, midwife, res 623 Westminster ave Cheney, Oeo A, mgr Hotel Van- cover Cherry, Fred, waiter. New Fountain hotel Chester, Wm, carpt, Robertson & Hackett, res 520 Seymour Chetham, Miss A, clerk, res 509 Richard Childs, Miss Agnes, prop Dougall restaurant, res 308 Abbott Chilian Consulate, McKay block, Richard, M P Morris, Consul, 723 Pender Chinese Mission, 726-727 Pender Chinese Methodist Mission, Dupont o o en O PC o dd PC o X > o o > C/) i i : 1 i ■ll i jii; « I RED CROSS BREWERY LAGERBEER ' % VA.NOOUVBR. B. O. 'Aii'» "", . " "' -r i. ■••fWl iPWii^iWIWP -,-^.lilM-.,4JJ.i'^WPii T. R. HARDIMAN P\ I:. T E X A S X A K E I C £ c o V A N C O u V E B PIONEEB ABT GALLEBT PRINT DEALER and SELLER, PRACTICAL CARVER, GILDER aiul PICTURE FRAMKR- 48() BBITIBH COLUMBIA DIBECTOBY. Chipchase, Robt, clerk of works, res 6 Water Chipman, J £, com mcht, Masonic blk, rm 4, res 817 Georgia Chisholm, George, brakeman, G.P. S, res 820 Howe Chisholm, Miss Hetta, tailoress, res 820 Howe Chown, I, traveling salesman, Curtis & Newsom, res 1126 Seymour Christie. Wallace G, marine engr, res Fairview, Seventh ave, South Christie, Miss K H, res 701 Hastings Christ Church, Rev L N Tucker, Geoi-gia Church of Our Lady the Rosary, Richard, Rev H Eummellen City Hall, 126 Powell City Hospital, Cambie City Printing Works, Trythall, W G, 60 Cordova City Hotel, Fairon, A, prop, Powell City of Vaacouver Building Society, S'Hastings £, Geary, G H, sec Clabon, A B, res Y.M.C.A., building, Hastings W Clabin, — , res 235 Princess Clair, Peter, retired, res 70 Cordova Clandenning, James (Boyd & Clan- denning), res 326 Westminster avA Clandenning, John, foreman, res 509 Powell Clarence Hotel, Foubert, F, prop, cor Pender and Seymour Clark, Chas, crockery and fancy goods, 136 Cordova, res Nelson, cor Bute Clark, Colin G, clerk. Bank of Mon- treal, res 661 Barnard Clark, E J, gentleman, res 411 Cor- dova Clark, E J, res Hotel Vancouver Clark, Geo E, gas works, res Ninth ave, nr Scott Clark, H C, clerk, Thompson Bros, res 332 Hastings Clark, James W, engineer, res 311 Georgia Clark, John F, grocer, Westminster ave, res 31 Seventh ave Clark, John, gardener, res Twelfth ave, cor Manitoba Clark, Joseph G, res 49 Lansdowne ave Clark, Joseph, labr, res 942 West- minster ave Clark, J F, grocer, Westminster ave, nr Seventh ave Clark, Mrs Nellie, dressmaker, res 812 Howe Clark, Robt, gents' furnishing, 224 Carrall Clark, R W, traveler. Major & El- dridge, i-es 633 Hornby Clark, N S, painter, res Columbia Clark, W A (Clark; W A & Co), 182 Cordova, res 606 Homer Clark, W F, painter, 2403 Westmins- ter ave, res 106 Sixth ave Clarke, Samuel, gentleman, res Clar- ence hotel, cor Pender & Seymour Clark, W, lather, res Terrace" No 7, Keefer Clarke, F S, gents' furnishings, 412 Cordova, res 1617 Robson Clarke, H M, surveyor's assistant, res rear of 636 Richard Clarkson, — , gentleman, res 520 Pender Clarkson & May ne, painter, 607 Pender Clarkson, Jos, painter, 607 Pender, res in rear of 607 Pender Clay, E F, Sunnyside dining rooms, 6 Water Clay, H V. labr Clajrton, Edward, grocer, 900 West- minster ave Clayton, George, engineer, Doering & Marstrand Brewing Co Clayton, George L, machinist. Four- teenth ave near Quebec Clayton, Isaac, labr, res Shore, north of Georgia Cleary, F J, real est agt, res 66 Water Cleaveland, James P, carpenter, res 248 Princess Clegg, A, driver, Fire Hall, No 1, res Water Clelland, Alex, teamster, J C Kerr, res 243 Georgia Clements, Mrs A, res 1037]Melville Clements, J, building superintendent, res 541 Howe Cleveland, Ernest, civil engineer student, res 326 Oppenheimer Cleveland, J P, carpenter, Robertson & Hackett, 620 Seymour Cleveland, Nathan, millwright, res 326 Oppenheimer Cleveland, E, clerk, Williams & Daw- son, 619 Hastings W, res Oppen- heimer Cliff, A A, mail clerk, C.P.R, res 626 Granville Clifford, James, fireman C.P.R, res 713 Cambie A. M. BEATTIE CITY MARKET, VANCOUVER. B. C. Weekly Auctions mm F. W. HART'S FOR CARPETS CORDOVA STREET. VANCOUVER mmm^m VANCOnVKB CITY DIBECTORY. 481 Clinton, H G F, rector, St. James' Church, res SU Oppenheimer Clousb, Ed, expressman , res 616 Princess Clough, H, baggageman, C.P.B, res 617 Richard Clough, J, caretaker, City Hall Cloup;h, Thomas, expressman, res 616 Princess Clouston, ThoB, locomotive engnr C. P.R, res 726 Hamilton Clowes, John, carpenter, res 1120 Granville Clubb, John, carp :nter, res 624 Sey- mour Clubb & Stewart, jlothing and fur- nishings, 328 Cordova Clubb, Wm, (Clubb & Stewart), res 546 Georgia Clute, J M, real estate agt, 605 Has- tings W, res Manor house Cluter, Frank, laborer, res 204 Harris Clutterbuck, Fred, locomotive engnr, C.P.R, re8 713Cambie Clyne, Hy, accountant, res rear 1106 Robson Clyne, H, com agent and acct, res 623 Hastings W Cochrane, Wm, plasterer, res rear of Harris Cookbnm. F, mgr R G Dun & Co, 536 Hastings W, res 1128 Haro Cocking, Cams, blacksmith, 24 Alex- ander, res 317 Harris Cocking, Fred, boiler maker, res 5 Proctor's building Cockaall, D, caretaker, res Vancouver Foundry Cody, P H, stonecutter, res 154 Water Coffey, Miss S, dressmaker, res 633 Richard Cohen, Mrs F, nurse, Alexander Hos- pital Coil, Wm, ship carpenter, res 1015 Homer Colbourne, Wm, draughtsman, res 428 Oppenheimer Coldwell, J A, painter, res 317 Georgia Coldwell, Chas A, 45 Eighth aveW Colp, Cooper, clerk, Wulflfsohn & Be- wicke, res 1024 Eveleigh Cole, Sylvanus, retired, 1506 Robson Cole, W R, painter, res 775 Keefer Coleman, Wm, rancher, rear 150 Water Ooleman, Oeorge, (Evans, Cole- man & Evans,) 165 Cordova res Comox Coll, S, barber, Lambert's, Holland blk, res Princess CoUontt A Co, wine merchants, Ferguson blk, Richards CoUcutt, Jamea, (Collcutt & Co) Ferguson blk, Richards, res 1320 Georgia Collins, Henry, dry goods merchant, 110 Cordova, res cor Hornby and Robson Collins, James, cpntr, res rear 626 Hamilton Collins, James, operator, C.P.R. tel, res 812 Richard Collins, J, conductor street railway, res 322 Dunsmuir Collins, Will, dry goods clerk, 110 Cordova, res cor Hornby and Rob- son Colonial Hotel, Diebel, A, cor Drake and Granville Callister, G F, elk, Hastings Mil, res 734 Seymour Colquohon & Bell, tinsmiths, eto, 330 Hastings W Colquhon, Robt, (Colquhon & Bell) res 816 Richard Columbia Brewery, brewers Colombia House, Dixon, Joh, prop, cor Columbia ave and Oppec • heimer Colwell, Robt S, police constable, res Helmcken, near Richard Combs, John R, carpenter, res 1224 Richard Comer, Chas, steamboat hand S.S. Cutch, res 111 Hastings E Comer, Henry, baker, res 227 Harris Comyn, res 915 Granville Conant, Harry, painter, res Colum- bia hotel Condre, Mrs H, grocery store, 917 Granville Conley, Chas, res 1202 Conn, Wm H, blacksmith, res Eighth ave Connors, Wm, engr, res 133 Water Connacher, U B, caretaker. Baptist church, res rear 605 Cambie Connacher, Mrs H B, ladies' nurse, res rear 605 Cambie Connell, — , longhoreman, res cabin south of Pender Connelly, J J, electrician, res Clar- ence hotel o o o 8 o t8^ El ) ! D. I. - IS r^ ii S'l i n t'C <5 C g ■ 1 ^ te >- F fed £ • k ipmij.^ ifMBnn ■WfMP!"P (!i.FORlAN,()or.WdiflsterAre.aDdPriDcessSt I drewr' f U d o Q fl C3 OB Ml 9 Pi e o« •H u o 482 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Connor, J, bidr and painter, res 633 Cambie Connor, Wm O, plumber, McLennan & McFeely. res 683 Gambia . Consulate of Hawaii, A Murray Beat- tie, Consul C.O.O.F., M.U.C., Loyal Lodge No. 02, B.C.L. & I. blk. Homer Coogan, Edward, tailor, res False creek, near C.P.R. bridge Cook, Alfred, process server, res Georgia Cook, A J, stair builder, res Quebec, cor Fifteenth ave Cook, Edward, teamster, W 8 Cook, res Hastings E, near Westminster ave Cook, Edward, contractor, re& Nelson Cook, Fred, butcher at Wriggles- worth, res 216 Westminster rd Cook, H E, seaman, rear 233 Princess Cook, John, bartender. Merchant's Exchange, res 1336 Burrhrd Cook, J R, asst undertaker. Lock- hart & Center, res 69 Cordova Cook, J V, tallyman Vancouver saw- mill, res Harris Cook, Robt H, builder, res 468 Sixth ave E Cook, Thos, shoemaker, res 628 Powell Cook, V E, labr, res rear 227 Harris Cook, William, dealer in sand and lime, res 232 Keefer Cook, Wm S, sand and lime dealer, 62 Dupont, res 206 Sixth ave Cooke, Alex C, painter, res 321 Car- rail Cooke, Miss Nellie, dressmaker, Hudson Bay Co, res 1020 Alberni Coombs, Edward, labr, res 306 Seventh ave E Coombs, F, fireman, C.P.R, res cor Georgia Cooper, Ernest, (Cornish & Coop- er, 318 Seymour) contractor, res 1062 Comox Cooper, John, engnr, No 2 Fire Hall, res 728 Seymour Cooksley, J, caretaker, bank of B. C. bldg, res Van boat club Cope, lYed, Mayor of Vancouver, res 1100 Haro Capihorne, 774 Homer Copp, Capt W H, shipbroker, Carrsll, res 821 Hornby Copp, Joseph, compositor, Marshall & McCrae, res 314 Homer Corbell, Joseph, millwright, res 628 Powell Coibell, Wm, seaman, res 628 Powell Corbett, Patrick, laborer, 181 Keefer Corbonld. McColl, WUaon & Campbell, barristers, Thompson - Ogle blk, Hastings Corbould, Gordon, E, (Corbould, McColl, Wilson & Campbell,) bar- rister, etc Cordiner, P, fmr. North Arm, res 209 Westminster ave Comisll A Cooper, contractors and builders, 318 Seymour res Lefe- vre block Cornish, B J, (Cornish & Cooper,) contractors and builders, 318 Sey- mour, res Lefevre blk Cornish, N A, res 912 Howe Cornwall, Alex, cpnr, res Hotel Van- couver Cornwall, J, labr, res rear of 160 Water Cornwall , Sam C, book-keeper, steam laundry, res 833 Sevmour Corrigan, G D, C E (Palmer & Corri- res Howe Cosgrove, Jas, labr, res 1129 Pendrell Cosgrove, Robt, labr, res Pendrell Cosgrove, Miss Rose, domestic, res Beach ave Cosman, W, & Son, tinsmiths, etc, 626 Pender Cosman, Wm, Cosman & Son, res 809 Homer Cosmopolitan Hotel, (A bray & Wellington,) res Cordova Costello, Miss B, domestic, res 427 Hastings Costello, Miss Bridget, domestic, res 944 Park lane Costello, John, fisherman, res 944 Park lane Costello, Miss Maggie, domestic, res 232 Keefer Costello, Miss Mary, domestic, res 944 Park lane Costello, M, hotel koeper, 978 West- minster ave, res 339 Westminster rd Costello, M F, upholsterer, res 944 Park lane Cotes, John, fireman Hastings mill, res 628 Powell Cottle, Chas, tmstr, res 716 Powell Cottingham, U W, res Leiand hotel Cotton, A H, city editor News- Adver- tiser, res 420 Cambie URfiEST ASSORTMENT of WAIL PAPER at SPIUMAN'S, VancoN Orawr Cotton, ] New8-A< Goughlin, CouKhlin, Goulson, < Seventh Goupland, Court Col Cordova Court Hou cor Hast Courtney, , rear 614 Coville, Jr AT. Co, Coivan, Ge HastingE Cowdray, C laundry Cowderoy, Alexande Cowie, Jat Carrall Cowperthw School, re Cox, Davis, Cordova, Cox, E, car] Cox, T, gro< and Cam Cox, Frank Cox, W T, I Seaton C.P.R. Cem creek Craig, D C, 660 Barn^ Craig, Harr Craig, Nath Seventh a Craig, Wm, Co, res 62; Orombie, J Hornby Cracknell, I 616 Burrai Oramm, J V Bell, res 8 Crane, — , n Crane, J J, c Co, res m Crawford, ( Hart, res i Crawford, J. Ltd, res 11 Crawford, J Abbott, rei RedCi mmmmmm DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY - WINNIPEG. Drawry's Ale, Porter and Lager <■ Recommended by Pbvalciana Generally. VANOOCVBR CITY DIRECTORY. 483 Cotton, F C, M. P. P, publisher, News-Advertiser, Condelf bile Coughlin, Mrff S, res 026 Homer Coughlin, F G, res 411 Hastings W Coafson, Chas £, shipbuilder, res Seventh ave, N Goupland, Jos, res Melville Court Columbia, No. 1, C. 0. F, 14 Cordova Court House and Land Registry Office cor Hastings and Cambie Courtney, John, longshoreman, res rear 614 Pender Coville, Jno, millhand, B. C. M. T. & T. Co, res 409 Drake Coivan, Georce H, barrister, etc, 619 Hastings W, res Tieland hotel Cowdray, G, engnr, Pioneer steam laundry Cowderoy, Wm, book-keeper, res 410 Alexander Cowie, Jas, clerk. Crown saloon, Carrall Cowperthwaite, Fred M, prin Central School, res Eighth ave Cox, Davis, H H, book-keeper, 303 Cordova, res Pender nr Thurlow Cox, £, carpt, res 816 Richard Cox, T, grocers clerk, res cor Georgia and Cambie Cox, Frank, res 102 Pender Cox, W T, mail agt, C.P.R, res 1102 Seaton ^ C.P.R. Cement Works, C.P.R, False creek Craig, D G, contractor's foreman, res 660 Barnard Craig, Harry, butcher, res 666 Princess Craig, Nathaniel, baggagemaster, res Seventh ave Craig, Wm, book-keeper, Ashfield & Co, res 621 Hornby Grombie, J Gordon, acct, res 1022 Hornby Cracknell, E C, teller, Bank B.C, res 616 Burrard Gramm, J W, tinsmith, Colquhon & Bell, res 816 Richard Crane, — , res 302 Cordova Crane, J J, canner,Steve8ton Canning Co, res 136 Keefer Crawford, G C, undertaker, F W Hart, res 23)^ Cordova Crawford, J, mgr. Baker Bros & Co, Ltd, res 1122 Robson Crawford, J E, mgr Tele Delivery Co, Abbott, res 610 Cordova Crawford, John, labr, res 344 Tenth ave W Crawford, Joseph, labr, res Ninth ave Crawford, Mrs J E, electrician. Elec- tric Treatment and Massage Baths, res rm 6, 610 Cordova Crawford, Thos, police constable, res Harris cor Hawks ave Crawford, Thomas, labr, res Ninth ave cor Columbia Creamer & Langley, plumbers' sup- plies, 216 Carrall Creamer, Jas S, (Creamer & Langley), 216 Carrall, res 20 Dunn blk Crean A Thomas, props Oriental hotel Crean Jno, prop Oriental hotel Creed, D, foreman C.P.R, res 309 Carrall Creery, A MoCreight, banker, (Casement & Creery), 226 Cambie res Beach ave cor Pacific & Jervis Cresswell, Edward, labr, res 1028 Richard Crickmay, A E, book-keeper, A Leask's, res 1348 Thurlow Crickmay, Ed, book-keeper, res 1348 Thurlow Crickmay, Wm,A.M.I.C.E,civilengr, 409 Richard, res 1348 Thurlow Crickton, B, res 102 Pender Criswell, William, plasterer, res 984 Westminster ave Critch, Miss E, res 624 Oppenheimer Critch, Henry, blacksmith, res Prin- cess Crocker, Thos, hotel-keeper, Ottawa house, Harris Crombet, Achimell, agt Pacific Coast Fire Insurance Co, res rear of 926 Park lAse Cronk, B M, carpt, res Grand View Crook, C, (Crook, C & Co), res 612 Cordova Crook, C & Co, real estate, finan;ial, loan and insurance brokers, 612 Cordova Crookall, Mrs John, dry goods store, res 217 Westminster rd Crookall, Jno, bricklayer, res 217 Westminster rd Cross, woodsman, res Glasgow hotel Cross, Charles W, cook, res 1311 Richard Cross, G B, book-keeper, res 620 Alexander Crosby, S, rea 774 Homer QfQ a> o |-» Cd O * 3 r-t- I 1^ Red Cross Brewery, Vancouver, B. C. ffmmmmmmmmi'i'iitm IPMI mm WILLIAM RALPH, Warm Air Furnaces,^vZrv?R T E X A S L A K E I C E c o V A N C O u V E B B C 484 BBITTBU COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Crosby, Miss Clara, domestic, res 620 Hornby Crosby Steam Oaofe and Valve OOt John S Anderson, 1^, Edison bldg, 418 Richard Crosby, J T, boot and shoe dealer, res 106 Uastinss E Crosthwaite, Mrs Kate, dressmaker, 162 Cordova Croston, Thomas B, res Scotia, nr Fifth Rve N Croteau, E, sec^treas B.C. Wood Wks Co, res Colonial hotel Crow, John, cigarmkr, res 621 Keeler Crowder & Penzer, coal and produce and ffeneral commission merchants 303 Cordova, wharf bt foot of Harris Crowder, J S, dealer in coal and wood, Harris Street Wharf, res 289 Keefer Crowe„S J, builder, res 1124 Se^our Crown Saloon, Decker & McKinnell, props, 218 Carrall Cruickshank, Geo, labr, B. C. Iron Works, res 214 Tenth ave Crump, Henry, florist Crunner, W JHerbert, carpenter, res Seventh ave CuUen, William, labr, res 247 Prior Cummins, Alex, logger, res Rich- mond hotel Cummins, A C, clerk, C.P.R, res 701 Hastings Cummins, F C, clerk, Bk Montreal, res 320 Heatley ave Cummins, Miss C, tchr, Heatley ave Cunningham, Chas, clerk, C.P.R, res 617 Richard t/unningham Hardware Co, 211 Col- umbia ave Cunningham, James, longshoreman, cabin south of Pender Cunningham, Mrs S R, dressmaker, 162 Cordova Cunningham, Weed, cook. Palmer house restaurant, res 626 Hastings Curran, James asst storekeeper,C.P. R, res 1206 Homer Currell, John, cutler, 31 Hastings E Cnrrie, A C, nightwatchman, C.P.R wharf, res 1047 Howe Currie, Miss Mary, waitress, Pacific hotel Currie, W, C.P.R, telegraphs, res 817 Hornby Currie, carpenter, 820 Hamilton Currie, Miss Martha, dressmaker, 606 Pender Curry, Neil, labr, 603 Hamilton Curry, Francis, carpenter, res 1128 Comoz Curry, Mathew, teamster, Cassady & Co^s, res 1024 Eveleigh Currell, J W, blacksmith, 614 Pender Cnrtia ft Newsom, hardware and stoves, 169 Cordova Curtis, Edward, millhand, Leamy & Kyle's Mill Curtis, E A, (Curtis&Newsom), hard- ware merchant, 169 Cordova, res 932 Hornby Curtis, William, labr, res 667 Harriet Curtis, A W, elk, C.P.R, res 917 Pen- der Cusack, Joseph, millwright, res Glas- gow hotel Customs Bonded Warehouse, No. 21, Granville Customs Bonded Warehouse, No. 9, 902 Granville Caatoms Office, 402 Granville, John M Bowell, collector, res 1207 Haro Cuthbertson, William, clerk, res 609 Richard Cyrs & Roberts, proprs Granville hotel, 20 Water Cyrs, Thos D, hotel keeper, res 20 Water MRING k MARSTRAND'S *§8 rCR BEER - AND - PORT! Specially recommended. Address: MOUNT PLEAS ANT. Telephone 490. VANCOUVER, B. C. Dafoe, J Roy, contractor, res Alberni Dairon, David, plasterer, Fairview, res Seventh ave Dairon James, plasterer, Fairview, res Seventh ave Dairon, William, plasterer, res Fair- view, Seventh ave Dalby, Geo, finisher, F W Hart, res Ontario house Dal by, Mrs, domestic, res Pender and Seaton Dale, Sep, labr, res 216 Keefer A. M. BEATTIB CITT MARKET. VAH COUVSR, B. C. Wecyy Auctions M. ROBINSON MgaoHAirr TAiioa 0»O Jl0»tingt Mtrtett Wett, Vaileouver, B, V. VANCOUVER CITY DIRECTORY. 486 Dalton, C G, J E Andereon & Co, res Nelson Dalton, Frank, teamster, res Third ave, Fairview Dalton, Jaa, Royal City Mills Dalton, Jno R, buildei-, les 316 Duns- muir Dalton &Thorburn, commission mer- chants, 160 Water Dalton, W T, draftsman, C O Wick- endens, res 1020 Eveleigh Dalzell, George, machinist, rea K3 Eleventh ave E Damson, George, canner, Brunswick Cannery, res 219 Westminster ave Dana, A J, purchasing agent, C.P.R., res 1230 Robson Danato, C, labr, res shack, West- minster ave Darcy, Harry, painter, res Columbia hotel Dar^ Wiu, clerk, store department, C^.R., res 660 Granville Darling, H, supt engr, U.8.S. Co, City wharf, res 618 Howe Darling, N D, commercial traveler, res Prior Darnley, C F, bookbinder, Marshall & McCrae Davenport, Miss, dressmaker, 618 Hastings W Davey, Alfred E, cleik, Carscnden, Pet c & Co, res 813 Hornby Dave. , Emmanuel, res 931 West- mirrter ave Davidson, Bros, jewelers, "Diamond Hall," 146-48 Cordova Davidson, C N (Davidson, Bros), res Burrard Davidson Miss Edna, waitress, rea 106 Cambie Davidson, John, loeger, res Powell E Davidson, John, labr, rea 266 Harris Davidson, John, labr, 263 Prior Davidson, Jno C, Carter house, 164 Water Davidson, Thoa, drv goods clerk, res 426 Harris Davidaon, — , P.L.8., res Gore ave, 6 Gore terrace Davidson, — , gentleman, rea 616 Richard Davie, Wm, fireman. Fire Hall No 3 Daviea, A R, logger, res 66 Water Daviea, Chaa, stonecutter, rea 776 Keefer Daviea, Harry, painter, res Columbia hotel Daviea, B P (Daviea. Marahall <& Macneill), Bank of B.C. building, rea cor of Burrard and Eveleigh Davies, Miss L F, tvpewriter, 619 Hastinss W, res 1128 Pendrill Davies, H H, book-keeper, Crowder & Penzer, 303 Cordova, res cor Pender and Thurlow Davis, Marshall ft Maoneill, barristers and solicitora. Bank of B.C. bldg Davis, Alfred, painter, C.P.R., rea 734 Seymour Davis, !vii. 9 Grace, domestic, 784 Burrard Davis, Henry, teamster, J C Kerr, res 243 ( 'ffor^ia Davis, J K, painter and wall paper dealer, 328-30 Cambie, res 606 Cam- bie Davia. Luther, barber, 302 Carrall, res 636 Richard Davis, Wm, tailor, res 138 Hastings Davis, W L, res over 315 Carrall, side entrance Davis, — . res shore north, S Georgia Davy, William, labr, res 1304 Bur- rard Dawe, E & Co, tailors, Holland blk, Cordova Dawe, A (E Dawe & Co), tailor, res 819 Richard Dawe, E, (E Dawe & Co) res 819 Richard Dawson, C, prop Gold house hotel, 66 Water Dawson, G H, (Williams & Dawson) civil engr, Thompson-Ogle blk, res 1113 Nelson Dawton, longshoreman, rea rear 614 Pender Deane, C V, agent, res 729 Hamilton Deane, E B, real estate broker. Con- dell blk. Homer, rea 1012 Haro Dean, Leonard, wood carver, Cas- sady's Mill, res 1122 Richard DeBeck, George W, Mackinnon,Mac- farlane & Co, Haatinga, res Quebec, cor Fifteenth ave DeBarr, Edward, res Tenth ave, cor Carolina Deck, Milton, fruit dealer, 317 Car- rall, rea 313 Haatinga Decker, John, saloon keeper. Crown ealoon, Carroll, rea 632 Homer DeForeat, Prof H J, artiat, oil colors, studio rm 14, FergtiRon blk, rea 409 Richard m O ■ 3D ■ o "J) D O c o % pm o o a. o < CO lt!l RED ::Cfi088 ::B2EWEEY :: lAGEE :: BEER « VAHCOUVXR, B. C. — * (A O H O H !zi O Q A 1-^ F. W. HART'S for Furniture »t an* »S CORDOVA aTMBXlT, VANCOVrxa, B. C. P Mi w o o U ffi C/3 O U 486 BBITISH COLUUBIA DIBEOTORY. Defreene, Fred, barber, 302 Garrall, res City hotel Delmas, Miss Bosie, domestic, 761 Hornby Delmonioo Hotel, Emerson, P F, prop, cor Pender and Seymour Delome, Jno, sawyer Spicer's shingle mill, res 12 Hastings W Dennis, Joshua, lab. ', res re<»r of 16 Hastings E Dennis, E P, patternmaker, C.P.R., res 1131 Homer Dennis, L M, barber, res 164 Water Denorfrey, Louis, labr, res 217 Prior Dennys, Cbas Duncan, book-keeper. World office, res 606 Cordova Denton, Edwin, labr, res 332 Harris DePencier, Henry, res 2226 West- minster ave Derouse, Alvin, engr. Lulu Island Cannery, res 1221 Richard Desantis, Tony, barber, res 68 Water Desereau, Chas, res 20 Water Desormier, Charles, res 316 Princess Desrosiers, M, tinning, plumbing and sheet metal work, 831 Gran- ville, res Seymour Desurall, Chas, logger, res City hotel Devine, H T, (Devine & Son) res 128 Cordova Devine, Hairy, accountant, 128 Cor- dova, res Sixth ave, near E Vic- toria Devine, John & Son, collectors and com agts, 128 Cordova, res Sixth ave. Mount Pleasant Devlin, Joseph, harness maker, B F Heney, Cfordova, res 1236 Rich- ard Devlin, J D, clerk, Drysdale's, res 825 Hornby DeWitt, J M, prop Ottawa house, cor Pender and Granville DeWolf, George, financial, mining and real estatebroker, 617 Hastings W, res 1203 Georgia DeWolf, John, book-keeper, Webster Bros, res 412 Barnard D'Gendron, Jos, labr, res 515 Oppen- heimer D'Gendron, Madam, dressmaker, res 515 Oppenheimer Diamond, C T, typewriter, 219 Cam- bie, res Comox Diamond, J H, clerk. Mutual Life Insurance, res Comox Dick & Shannon, the Misses, dress- makers, res 318 Westminster ave Dickey, Nathaniel, book-keeper, Fader's, res 907 Westminster ave Dickie, Alex, upholsterer, res 1313 Hornby Dickie, George A, electrician, Van Electric LiKht,res 51 Twelfth ave W Dickie, J A, driver. Weeks & Robson res 412 Hastings Dickie, Robt, bricklayer and stone- mason, res 1313 Hornby Dickinson, W J, moulder, res 628 Harris Dickson, Alex, clerk, res 658 Gran- ville Diebel, Albert, prop Colonial hotel, res 1300-4 Granville Dellburner, Geo, engr, res New Foun- tain hotel Dillon, James, cigar maker, Kurtz & Co, Glasgow hotel Dimond, Clias T, clerk, 219 Gambie, res Comox Dimond, John, electrician, 6 Richard res Comox Dimond, Mrs L, widow, res Comox Dimond, Miss L, vocalist, res Comox Dinsmore, Thos, clerk, C.P.R., res 820 Howe Dinsmore, William, shoemaker, 604 Westminster ave, res 121 Hastings Dinsmore, A, carpt, C.P.R. wharf, rea 536 Cambie Diplook Book 4e Stationery Co, Ltd, 605 Hastings \Y Diplook, A B, bookseller and sta- tioner, 606 Hastings W, res 1025 Nelson (see advt, p. 459) Dirk, Veen, baker, City Bakery, res 231 Abbott Discovidche, Edda, cook, Oyster Bay restaurant District Regristrar, Supreme Court, A E Beck Ditmars, W C, book-keeper, Jute Factory, res 810 Howe Dixon, C, clerk, F W Hart, les Le- land house Dixon, George, engr, U. S.S. Co, res 627 Richard Dixon, Gordon, labr, res 545 Camp- bell ave Dixon, James, sewer contractor, res 356 Barnard Dixon, John, res 102 Pender Dixon, Jos, prop Columbia hotel Dix9n, Robt, civ conductor, res 114 Westminster u Dixon, W C, Royal City Mills S, VANCOUVER ,..m C.F. FOREMAN, Thp VANCOUVER. B. C. 1 llU VANCOUVER, B. C, VANCOUVEB CITY DIRECTOBY. 487 Dixon, Silvester, carpt, res 545 Gamp- bell ave Dobsen, F S, millwright, res 430 Princess Dobson, Geo, millwright, Leamy & Kyle's Mill, res 430 Princess Dob'sunsky, Theodore, cooper,res New Fountain hotel Dockendorf, Wm, clerk. Market, res 926 Westminster Dockendorf, Wm, genl store, res 926 Westminster ave \ Dockerill, J G, clerk Supreme and Gounty Gourts, res 513 Hornby Dodd, Leonard, student, res 528 Hamilton Dodge, Thomas, cook, res 429 Drake Dodson, Joseph, baker, 17 Hastings E, res Sixth ave E Doeringr & Marstrand Brew's Go, brewers and bottlers, feeventh ave {see advt over initial Uttiirs) Doerinff, Chas, brewer, (Doering & Marstand) res cor Sixth ave and Carolina Doherty, Isaac W, grocery, res Que- bec near Twelfth ave Doherty, J H. Royal City Mills Doidge, L ti, carpenter, res Harris Doig, James, conductor, G.P.R, Fairview, Eighth ave N Dolan, Mike, labr, res Beach ave Dolan, P, blacksmith, G.P.R. shops, res 1327 Howe Dominion Building and Loan ASBOOiation, J J Bantield, agent, 411 Cordova Dominion Cartridge Co, Ltd, H W Maynard, nigr, McKay bldg, 412 Richard, res 422 Alexander Dominion and Foreign Trad- ing Co, Ltd, 219 Gamble Donald, Jessie, book-keeper, Boulder saloon Donaldson, D, mgr Y.M.G.A Donaldson, Jas, druggist, res Rich- mond hotel Donaldson, William, mill engr, res Second ave Doneho, John, sawyer, res 221 Harris Donelly, Miss Annie, dressmaker, res cor Georgia and Gamble Donelly, Miss Kate, cor Georgia and Gambie Donnelly, C H, bookbinder, res 409 Dunsmuir 234 res Donnelly, H, res rear of 310 Duns- muir Doran, John, stevedore, res 11 Proc- tor's bldg Doucet, Leonce, book-keeper, Oppen- heimer Bros, res 921 Hornby Dougald, Black, labr, res rear of 668 Granville Dougall, Mrs F, widow, res Gomox Dougall House, Wilson, David, prop, Abbott Dougall, Miss Marion, stenographer, Rand Bros, res Gomox Dougall, John, laborer, res 109 Heat- ley ave Dougan, J J, school teacher. East End School, res 733 Harris Dougherty, Jennie, dressmaker, res Prior Dougherty, James, ship carpenter, res Prior Douglas, A & Co, photographers, 615 Hastings (see advt, p. 649) Douglas, A (A Douglas & Go), 615 Hastings Douglas Boarding House, Mr Steven- son, prop, 815 Georgia Douglas, CS & Co, real estate, 139 Cordova Douglas, C S (G S Douglas & Go), Cordova, res 781 Hornby Douglas, Miss B M, domestic, 1211 Robson Douglas, Miss E J, domestic, 124 Gore ave Douglas, J C, wine and spirit dealer, 424 Cordova, res Richard (gee advt preceding street directory) Douglas, Kerby, painter, res Colum- bia hotel Douglass, Robt, teamster, res 307 Barnard Dowling, F W, local mgr, G.P.R. Telegraph Go Downer, .t F, labr, res Gore ave Downie, Wm, assistant supt, G.P.R., rm No 2, 634 Cordova, res 520 Hornby Downing, E H, plumber, res 322 Dunsmuir Downing, F B, painter, res 324 Duns- muir Downing, W, city traveler, res 125 Water Drake, W E, res room 7, 22 Cor- dova Draper, A W (Draper & Leithead), Granville Cigar Factory, res Pender > o w o o o w z *o r m X WILLliS & BARe, RED CROSS BREWERT. VANCOUVER. B. C. w in m in X m m DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY WINNIFEa Nothing but Thoroaghly Experienced Labor Employed at the Redwood. £ X A S A K £ C £ V A N C O u V E B 488 BRITIBH COLUMBIA DIRECTOBY. Draper, Miss L, saleslady, H H Lay- field & Co, res 642 Georgia Dresser, A W, architect, 528 Cordova res Eighth ave Drew, HE, bricklayer, res 1304 Sey- mour Droissart, Emile, labr, res cor Camp- bell ave and Prior Drummond, Miss M, domestic, 1124 Seaton Drysdale, Gordon, dry goods, millinery and mantles, 150 Cor- dova, res 806 Hornby (see advt p. 469) Dubberley, Jos, sailmaker, Empress of India, res 612 Davie Duchesnav, Edmund, civil engineer, C.P.R, res 877 Hornby Duclos, Adolph, carpenter, res 662 Princess Dudley, Miss Rose, waitress, res 66 Water Duff, Alex, stonecutter, res rear 417 Pender Duff, Rev Rolph, Congregational Church, res 534 Homer Dugen, E H, blacksmith, res Harris DuHamel, Frank, night watchman, B.C.M.T. &T. Co, res rear of 26 Pender Duhig, D D, miner, res 208 Powell Dnhig, Fred, machinist, res 208 Powell Duke, James (Duke & Wallace), Co- lumbia Carriage Works, Princess, res Vernon ave Duke, Thomas, clerk Foreman's grocery, res Vernon ave Dulois, Peter, prop Quebec hotel, Richard Dumas, Chas, logger, res City hotel Dunbar, Thos, res 6 Water Dunbar, Chas T, real estate agent, 606 Hastings W, res Leland hotel Duncan, Chas, commission agent, 4 Gore Terrace, res Gore ave Duncan, Mrs F H, housekeeper, Fifteenth ave near Quebec Duncan, Fred, labr, res 7 Proctor's building Duncan, Henry, fireman. Fire Hall, No. 3 Duncan. H C, Bank of B.C, res Sixth ave cor Quebec Duncan, J H, clerk, 301 Cordova, res 823 Hamilton Duncan, Thos, iron moulder, res 666 Harris Donlap, Cooke & Co, clothiers, gents' furnishings, 408 Cordova Dunlap, W S, merchant. Twelfth ave E near Carolina Dunlop, G W, carriage builder, 416 Seventh ave Dunnie, L, tailor, Morrison, 306 Cor- dova Dunn & Co, hardware merchants, 8 Cordova, res Georgia Dunn, Albert, clerk, Standard Oil Co, res 1130 Davie Dunn, Alex, brakeman, C.P.R, res 820 Howe Dunn, Henry, bridgeman, C.P.R, res 319 Keefer Dunn, Herbert, teacher of music, res 1333 Howe Dunn, James, engineer, C.P.R. shops res 1333 Howe Dunn, J T, brakeman, C.P.R, res 207 Oppenheimer ' Dunn, P T (Dunn & Co), res 914 Pender Dunn, Thos, (Dunn & Co), hardware merchant, 8 Cordova, rej 1103 Georgia Dunn, Thos, ship chandlery, 8 Water res 1103 Georgia Dnnn, Thos, carpenter, Royal City Mills, res 3 Proctor's bldg Dunn, T N, laborer, res 113 Hastings Dunnan, John, carpt, 1603 Westmin- ster ave Duplessis, Miss M, domestic, 8112 Melville Durgan, David, labr, res 454 Hast- ings Durham, Chas, labr, res Shore, north of Georgia Duthie, Miss C, tailoress, J Ludmin, res 512 Seymour Duthie, George, stonemason; res On- tario near Ninth ave Duval, John, woodturner, etc, res fear of 167 Water Duyer, Robert, elk, res 133 Water Dwyer, D, cadet, Salvation Army, res 128 Gore Ave Dyas, R H, rea 170 Water I^ke, F W, music dealer, room IS, Dougall blk, 306 Abbott A. M. BEATTIE WEEEY AOCl WLLIAM RHIPH, House Furnishings, - 24 Cordova St,, Vancouver VANCOUVER CITY DIRECTORY. 489 DOERING & MARSTRAND'S ALEXANDRA - LAGER BEER - AND - PORTER Specially recommended. Address: MOUNT PLEAS ANT. Telephone 499. VANCOUVER. B. C. Earle, Hy, carpt, Cornish & Cooper, res 1126 Comox Easier, Alex, stevedore, res 409 Prin- cess East End School, principal, T H Thorn Eastman, W, mgr, B.C. Cooperage and Jute Co, res 607 Hamilton Eaton, Chas, book-keeper, Rand Bros, res Leland hotel Eaton, A S, contractor, res 1334 Hornby Eaton, William, carpenter, res 1334 Hornby Eaves, Wm, teamster. Champion & White, res 1617 Westminster ave Eaves, Wm, carpt, 1617 Westminster ave Ebenezer L. O. Lodge, No. 1689, 14 Cordova Eddy Eleotrioal Mfg Co, elec- trical apparatus, Edison bldg, 418 Richard, Geo S Anderson, agt Edgar, Miss Annie, waitress, English kitchen, Cambie Edgar, Miss Jane, waitress, English kitchen, Cambie Edgett Bros, grocers, res 411 Harris Edgett, Arthur, master mariner, S.S. lona, res 411 Harris Edgett, F A, (Edgett Bros,) grocer, res rear 411 Harris Edgett, H A, (Edgett Bros,) grocer, rear 411 Harris Edwards Bros, photographers, 534 Cordova Edwards, A, waiter, Columbia hotel Edwards, A N, salesman, S T Tilley & Son, res 623 Hornby Edwards, Cap C, hotel propr, res 528 Howe Edwards, £ H. (Edwards Bros,) pho- tographers, res 523 Hornby Edwards, Q W, (Edwards Bros,) pho- tographers, res 623 Hornby Edwards, E W, res 523 Hornby Edmonds, U, fireman, C.P.It., res cor Georgia and Cambie Edwards, James, machine hand, F WHart Edwards, John, machinist, res 816 Oppenheimer Edwards, J, res 628 Howe Edwards, Lewis J, real estate agent and accountant, 403 Cordova, res Scott st. Mount Pleasant Edwards, Richard, blksmith, res 816 Oppenheimer Edwards, Wm, woodsawer, res 320 Princess Egan, James, C.P.R. employee, res 111 Hastings E Eggert, J S, jeweller, 317 Cordova, res 1032 Pender Eggert, Louis, cpnr, res 1032 Pender Eldon, George, gardener, res 1130 Alberni Eldridgre, CC, (Major & Eldridge,) Water, res 027 Richard Elsmere House, Frederick Revely, propr, Homer Eligh, Hamilton, dairyman, res 2905 Quebec Eligh, Jacob, police constable, City Hall, res 447 Westminster rd Elij5h, Wm, res 447 Westminster rd El kins, Miss Edith, domestic, res 873 Hornby Elkin8,S labr, res shore north Georgia Eldridge, David, seaman, rear 244 Princess Elliott, Anbrev, res 12 Hastings W Elliott, Claude, engnr, Fairview, Eighth ave Elliott, Mrs E P, res 1012 Hornby Elliott, F O, shipping clerk, res 410 Cordova Elliott, John, labr, res Fifth ave W nr Quebec Elliott, Miss Mary, domestic, res 826 Hornby Elliott, 'Wm, merchant, res 810 Richard Elliott, W, labr Elliott, W, nozsleman. Fire Hall No. 1. res Water Elliott, W G, news agent and tobac- conist, 326 Cambie, res 623 Homer Ellis, C, barber, res 306 Oppenheimer Ellis, John, labr, res AlDerni, cor Bute Ellis, J Wesley, engnr, Cement Wks, res 618 Seymour D O D O o SO) -V so H 8JS, o o CD U) o o IS I WMS & mU RED CROSS BREWERY, VANCOUVER, B. C. BI. ROBINSON MgaOHAKT TAII^R 09O HaaUnga Btreet, IFeat, faneoMver, B. C. O o o U PQ 0) a o o CJ o U 490 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Ellis, R Y, mail aieent, O.P.R, res 1102 Seaton Ellis, Thos, brakeman, res 66 Water Ellison, labr, res 357 Seventh ave Ellison. O W, res 2904, Quebec and Fourteenth ave Ellsworth, Misa E H, saleswoman, J A Skinner & Go, res 633 Richard Emanuels, G F, clerk, A G Thynne, res 8S3 Howe Emanuels, Miss Elizabeth, res 833 Howe Emanuels, Mrs S J, res 833 Howe Emery, Misp Margaret, domestic, res Melville Emery, William, labr, res shore N Emmard, Wm, butcber,res 214 Alex- ander Emerson, P F, prop Delmonico hotel, 605 Pender (see advt, p. 4-')!)) Emmersou, Charles, waiter, res Rich- mond hotel Enipey, Mrs L F, widow, res 1230 Robson Empire Mutual Loan ft In- vestment Co, Ltd, 519 Hastings W, A J Patterson, mgr England, Miss Ellen, res 1427 Robson England, James, clerk. Rand Bros, res 1028 Eveleigh Englewood Hotel, Mrs McDonald, proprietress, Powell English Kitchen, Mrs N W Walker, proprietress. Gamble Ensley, W A, prop Pacific Soap Wks, res 334 Oppenheimer Eperson, Vincflnt, carpt, G.P.R. car shops, res Seventh ave Epstein, Jacob, tailor, Wm Wills, res 322 Harris Errington, James, sawyer, Royal City Mills, res 40 Lansdowne ave Ettershank, Capt Wm, master mar- iner, res 530 Howe Euler, Fred, baker, res Germania hotel Eummelen, Rev H, Church of Our Lady of the Rosary Europe Hotel, Galofi A, res Powell Evans, Anna, waitress, res 230 Harris Evans, A G, hoseman, Fire Hall No. 1, res Water Evans, Coleman A Evans, com mchts, 167 Cordova Evans, David, mcht tailor, Cordova, res 622 Homer Evans, Ernest, blacksmith's appren- tice, res 320 Harris Evans, Ernest E, (Evans, Cole- man & Evans), res 1144 Georgia Evans, E, labr, C.P.R wharf, res 774 Homer Evans, Fred, Hudson Bay Co, res 512 Hastings W Evans, Miss E, waitress, res 230 Harris Evans & Hastings, printers, 423 Has- tings W Evans, Thos, (Evans & Hastings,) res 719 Seymour Evans, Herbt, cooper, res 320 Harris Evans, Miss Harriet, domestic, res 1120 Haro Evans, J, sr, stableman Evans, John, labr, res 230 ! f arris Evans, John, insurance agt, 411 Has- tings W Evans, Leonard, apprentice B.C. Iron Works res 320 Harris Evans, Thomas, labr, C.P.R Cement Works, res 513 Pacific Evans, Thos, agt Labor Bureau, res 320 Harris Evans, Thomas, (Mason, J & Co), 528 Cordova, res 320 Harris Evan«Tliomas, O. office Wulfisohn & Bewick, res 1219 Georgia Evans, Walter, salesman, Painton's music store, 305 Cordova, res 320 Harris Evans, Percy W, (Evans, Cole- man & Evans), res 1144 Georgia Evans, W H, marine engr, res 315 Keefer Eyeleigh, S M, architect, Hoffar's of- fice, res 805 Richard Everill, George, labr, res rear of 1231 Homer Extence, Henry, drayman, res 20i: Westminster ave M. W. FREURE WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER^.^^ 317 Cordova St., VancouytT, B. C. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Orders sent by mail receive prompt and careful attention. American and Swiss watches always on hand. E. SPILLMAN, WaU Paper, 6i] Hastings St. West. F. W. HART, Undertaker, vaZuver" VANCOUVER CITY DIBECTORY. 491 Fader, E J & Co, wholesale and retail fish dealers and gernl com merchants, 114 Cordova (see advt, p. 459) Fader, S, G.A. Com and Tradg Co, 430 Cordova, res 619 Homer Fagan, Jas S, tele operator, C.F.R, res 1016 Melville Fagan, Jos E, Customs officer, res 1016 Melville Fagan, Wm L, Prov Assessor and Collector, res 1016 Melville Fagan, Wm L, jr, tele operator, C.P. K., res 1016 Melville Fairbairn, Mrs A, genl merchandise, res 1556 Westminster ave Fairbairn, James, general storekeeper Westminster ave, res Heather Fairclough, Roland, C.F.R. offices, res cor Burrard and Pender Fairlie, Miss Mary, domestic, Hornby Fairon, Alphonse, prop City hotel, res 376 Dufferin Fakey, E, tallyman, Hastings Mill, res 401 Powell Fakey, J J, tallyman, Hastings Mills, res 401 Powell Falconer, P D, carpenter, Robertson Hackett, res 520 Seymour Fanning, Jno, labr, res 12 Hastings W Faraday, J H, accountant Bank of B.C. Farley, Geo W, collector and compos- itor World office, res 410 Pender Farley W H, agent, Dougall blk, res 306 Abbott Farley, W H, manager Parisian Toilet Co, Edison building, Richard Farmer, I D, retired, res 14 Hastings E Farmer, F, clerk, Ghas E Hope Farr, Edward, masonrv inspector, C. P.R., res 817 Richard Farr, John, carpenter, res 402 West- minster rd Farrell, William, m^r Yorkshire Guarantee and Securities Corpn, Ld, 301 Cordova, res 1215 Robson Farrer, Geo Ewd, investment broker, 307 Cordova, res cor Haro and Gil- ford Farrow, Jas, shipping agt, res 1037 Melville Farron, Geo, res 1037 Melville Farwell, R B, machinist C.P.R., res Colonial hotel Faulkner, Ben, labr, res Gore ave Fauquhier, Mrs C G, merchants, res 719 Homer Fee, T A, builder, res 1118 Robson Feedham, Chas, carpenter,Robertson & Hackett, res 1244 Seymour Ferguson, A G, res 815 Hastings W Ferguson, D, bench-hand, B. C. Wood Work Co, res Granville Ferguson, D, baggageman, C.P.R., res 913 Homer Ferguson, D J, carpenter, res 251 Georgia Ferguson, Edwd, book-keeper, res 821 Homer Fergudon, E, book-keeper, Evans, Coleman & Evans, res Hornby Ferguson, H S, res 160 Water Ferguson, James, tobacconist, 50 Cordova, res rm 2, Proctor's bldg Ferguson, J C, civil engr, res 614 Granville Ferguson, Roe, Roval City Mills Ferguson, R C, mgr B.C.M.T, & T. Co, rms 1, 432 Ferguson, RC, mgr Royal City Mills, Hotel Vancouver Fern, Samuel, motorneer, res 212 Westminster ave Ferris, H J, clerk, C.P.R., res 1320 Georgia Ferries, Percy M, book-keeper, Ram- say Bros, res 1320 Georgia Ferris, Mrs Wm, res 1320 Georgia Fetherston, R D, sawyer, res Eighth ave, nr Scotia Fewster, Ernest P, seedsman, &c., res 7 Hastings W Fewster, H W, machinist, B.C. Iron Works, res 7 Hastings W Fewster, Phillip, grain and feed mer- chant, 7 Hastings W Fidler, Miss G, dressmaker, rm 6, Dougall blk, res 306 Abbott Field, J H, C.P.R. telegraph, res 817 Hornby Filion, Frank, grocer, 316CarralI, res 328 Alexander Findlay, James, traveling agent, B. C. Iron Works, res Westminster ave, nr Fifteenth ave Find:ay, Peter, carpenter, res 1330 Hornby Findlay, W F, printer, res 164 Water Finglahd, Fred, foreman Granite Falls Quarry, res 66 Water Finlayson, J E, piano tuner and agent, res rm 8, 22 Cordova CD O w o' P- DO o en O n r > in in I— H o j^'i to the RED CROSS BREWERY F»R FINE LAGER BEER * VANCOUVER, B. C. • C. R FOREMAN, City Grocer, iggi E X A S A K £ I C E c o V A N C O u V E B B C 492 BRITISH COLU; r^BIA DIRECTORY. Finsen, F, Bailor, res 111 Hastings £ Fire Hall No 1, Water Fire Hall, Ninth ave Fire Hall No 2, Vancouver Fire De- partment, 724 Seymour First Baptist Church, Hamilton, Sev W C Weir, pastor First Con^ regational Church,Georgia, Rev Rolph Duff, pastor Firth, James, carpenter, res 306 Alexander Fisher, Franlc, butcher at G C Wood- row's Fisher, Geo B, Royal City Mills Fisher, Thomas, stevedore, res 958 Westminster ave Fisher, Thomas, bartender, res 984 Westminster ave Fisher, W B, book-keeper. Baker Bros & Co, Ltd, res 1410 Alberni Fitch, W F, Royal City Mills Fitch, W Geo, millhand, res 229 Barnard Fitzgerald, Edward, blacksmith, Co- lumbia Carriage Works, res Prin- cess, nr Heatley ave Fitzgerald, £dwin, blacksmith, Princess Fitzgerald, E R, conductor, C.P. res 529 Homer Fiizgerald, Michael, woodsman, 118 Hastings £ Fitzpatrick, Thos, labr, res Powell and Oppenheimer Fitssimmons, Wm, carpenter, res 1314 Seymour Fitzsimmons, John, res Clarence hotel Flanagin, Miss, laundress, Hotel Vancouver 1< landers, C, clerk, sugar refinery, res 862 Powell Fleishman, J, traveler jewellery, res 1035 Richard FlemiHg, Chas, shingle sawyer, R.C. P.M., res 4 Proctor's bldg Fleming, C A, Royal City Mills Fleming, Jas O, traveler, Ramsay Bros, res 735 Seymour Fleming, J W, second stewrd. Metro- politan Club, over old Postoffice Fleming, Robt, res 141 Water Fletcher, }. 'ex, builder, res rear of 730 Richard Fletcher, Geo P (Lundy & Fletcher), 16 Cordova, res 328 Powell Fletcher, H T, res 1613 Westminster ave res •R. res Fletcher, J, chief opr, C.P.R. tele- graph, 642 Granville, res Elsmere Fletcher, J, grocer, 702 Granville, res 622 Seymour (tee advt,p. 469) Flett, John, machinist, C.P.R. shops, res 1201 Richard Flett, J A, res 603 Cambie Flett, Miss M, nurse, 14 Cordova Flewelling, Rev £ P, clerk in Holy Orders, St. Paul's Church, 1226 Hornby Flewelling, Wm P, carpt, B.C. Iron Works, res Sixth ave cor Quebec Flitton, R H, (Fauquier & Flitton), genl com merchants, 334 Cambie Flynn, F, res 20 Water Foley, John A, Texas Lake Ice Co, res 311 Keefer Fonseca, Miss £, domestic, res 1125 Seaton Fonscea, J G, labr, 208 Gore .we Fonseca, J W, hardware. Tenth ave near Prince Edward Foote, H J, agent, 348 Ninth ave W Foote, James, cabinetmaker, G W Hutchings, res Clarence hotel Forbes, A M, clerk, R McDonald &. Co, res cor of Jervis and Pender Forbes, Isaiah, blacksmith, 28 Oppen- heimer, res 316 Powell Forbes, Norman B, engineer, Forbes' Wood Yard, res 621 Pender Forbes, R S, wood merchant. False creek, res 621 Pender Forbes, W J, cpntr, res Clarence hotel Ford, Aden C, tram conductor, res 418 Princess Ford. A E, clerk, res 1212 Richard Ford, J P, student, res 610 Howe Ford, C W, druggist clerk, res 634 Hastings Forey , Gerald, painter, res Fourteenth ave near Quebec Foreman, C F, gen grocer, 432 Westminster ave (see advt, top mar- gins) Forman, Geo, master mariner, res 321 Keefer Forest, Allan, carpt, Cassady's Mill, res 108 Water Forin & Chaldecott, solicitors, 636 Hastings W Forin, J A, Forin & Chaldecott, 536 Hastings Forrest, Alexander, conductor, C.P. R, res 641 Hornby A M BT! ATTTX! ADGTIONEER, • iPPHAISER - AND CITY MARKET. VAMCOUVCR. B. C. SEND TO Brewry's Redwood Brewery, Winnipeg. All Wholesale Dealers keep Orewry's Ale, Porter and Lager in Stock. VANCOUVER CITY DIREOTOBY. 493 Forrest, H, barber, Lambert's, Hol- land block Forrest, W H, freight agent, O.P.R, res 533 Granville Forsburg, Ghas O, tobacconist,Qrave- ley blk, res 426 Oppenheimer Forsyth, John cabinet maker, Rob- ertson & Hackett, res 609 Howe Forsyth, John, carpt, Robertson & Hackett, res 520 Seymour Fortes, J, prop Englewood hotel, 131 Powell {see advt, p. 459) Fortin, Herman, Royal City Mills Fortune, R, clerk, Postoffice, res 834 Hdrnby Foster, Horace, fmr, res 415 Princess Foster, H O, mgr Wellington Goal Yard, res Anderson blk, Granville Foster, H 0, book-keeper, Wellington Goal Yard, res 834 Granville Foster, J, fmr, res 416 Princess Foster, James, locomotive engnr, 0. P.R, res 713 Gamble Foster, Wm, fmr, res 415 Princess Foubert, F, prop, Glarence hotel, cor Pender and Seymour Fountain, Minatty R, res Cordova Fowler, — , labr, res 1108 Hornby Fowler, Archibald, clerk, Dr D H Wilson, res 1042 Robson Fowler, G E, dentist, res 323 Princess Fowler, E H, law clerk, Whetham blk, res 623 Homer Fowler, Miss Fannie P, Tele office, res 323 Princess Fowler, Fred W, foreman World of- fice, res 806 Howe Fowler, Geo L, clerk. Rand Bros, res 323 Princess Fowler, Miss Hattie, Tele office, res 323 Princess Fowler, Jas, marine engr, S.S. Em- press of China, res 815 Ho\»e Fowler, Richard, mechanic, res 806 Howe Fowler, Walter, teamster, Forbes' Woodyard Fox", Ed J, real estate, res Woodward house Fox, Frank, labr, res 8 Proctor's bldg Fox, James, mgr Ottawa housd, 612 Pender, res 902 Hastings Fox, J M, contractor, res 15 Hast- ings E Fox, P, labr, res 306 Prior Foziey, A R, mgr South Vancouver Brickyard, res 617 Homer Foxley, 7erry E, clerk, res 617 Homer Foxley, Miss E G, milliner. Cordova, res 617 Homer Foxley, Mrs R, res 617 Homer Foy, Mrs, domestic, res Gcoraia Fralick, M, upholsterer, res GL'sgow hotel Francis-Intveld, A, prof gymnastics, Y.M.G.A, res 916 Granville Frank & Barnwell, bakers and con- fectioners. Pacific Steam Bakery, 836 Granville Frank, Richard, baker, Granville, reb 617 Howe Franks, Thomas, caretaker Sailors' Rest, 334 Water Franks, Z, Krocer,Carrall cor Dupont Franklin, Aid J L, carpt, res 260 Bar- nard Franklin, H J, asst collector water rates, City Hall Fraser, Alex, engr, res Richmond hotel Fraser, Angus, contractor, res 1321 Howe Fraser, A G, tele operator, C.P.R, res 1380 Haro Fraser, Colin, bridge carpt, res 1321 Howe Fraser, D M, builder, res 428 Oppen- heimer Fraser, E P, carpt, res cor Powell and Campbell ave Fraser, Geo, telegraph operator, res Leland hotel Fraser, Miss Hannah, teacher East End School, res cor Powell and Campbell ave Fmaer, Herbert D, carpt, res 428 Op- penhetmer Frawr, Jsmes D, contractor, res 1321 How* FfMW, Jdm D, Royal City Mills FriMr, L 0» elerk, dry goods, res 428 Opprahalmer Fraaer, Miu M M, res 827 Hornby Fraser, Norman, wood dealer, res 927 Richard Fraser, Robert, teacher, res Eighth ave Fraser, Wallace, clerk.res 1321 Howe Fraser, Wm, operator, C .P.R office, res 1015 Howe Fraser, W G, contractor, res 1321 Howe Fraser, W H, carpt, res cor Powell and Campbell ave Eraser Valley Fruit Cannery Co, Ltd, 636 Hastings, A H Ghaldecott, sec Q O d O u $EHD TO IE RED CROSS BREWERY FOR FINE LAGER BEER, VA.MOOUVBR. B. O. mm z •at > OSS I' Ph OS P5-i ^ <d M w WILLIAM RALPH, Stoves and Rames 24 Cordova St. , VANCOUVER M. 494 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. a Q. OS w Oh O o u (/) l-H iz: o U Frechette, O T, rea 219 Carrall FrederickBon, L G, clerk, 215 Carrall, res Scott near Ninth ave Fredrickson, John, longshoreman, res water front foot of Powell Freeland, George, grocor, 301-303 Seventh ave E Freeman, G E, Customs officfar, res 1017 Seaton Freeman, Geo, gardner, res Kaymur ave near False creek Freeman, Thos J, wharfinger, U.S.S. Co Freer. Miss M A, 801 Hastings W French, Geo, clerk, Webster Bros, res 1330 Seymour Frent, James K, brickmason, res JEIarris near Hawks ave FrenrOt M Wt watchmaker and jeweler, 317 Cordova, res 719 Cam- bie (see adt over initial F) Freure, T C, millhand, Spencer's, res 719 Gamble Fripp, R Mackay, architect, B. G. Land Investment Go's block, res 1222 Pender Frodsham, Wm, painter, res Front cor Bridge Frome, Jules, fmr, res 636 Oppen- heimer Frome, Will, book-keeper Hastings Mill, res 640 Oppenheimer Frost, Nathan, book-keeper, Ontario grocery, res 109 Oppenheimer Froude, Miss V, stenographer, Davis, Marshall & Macueill Frizsell, Thomas, laborer, res 1203 Howe Frizzell, Mrs Thomas, dressmaker, res 1203 Howe Falcher, Hutta, cooper. Jute and Cooperage Works, res 1126 Homer Fuller, G W, plasterer, res 611 Dunn- Miller blk Fullarton, Louis, res 36 Cordova Fnllerton, J A, mgr C.P.S.S. Co, New York blk, Granville, res Hotel Vancouver Fuller, G W, contr, 22 Cordova Fulton, D, teamster, res rear of 29 Pender Fulton, J A, printer. World o£Bce, res 738 Seymour Furguson, house painter, res foot of Dunlevyave, False creek DOERING & MARSTRAND'S ALEXANDRA -LAGER BEER - AND - PORTER Specially recommended. Addresa: MOUNT PLEASANT. Telephone 4ag. VANCOUVER. B. C. G Gagnon, O A, cabinet maker, res 333 Hastings Gagnon, A, res 32-34 Cordova Gain, Henry, grocer and baker, res cor Victoria and Seventh aves Gain, John, labr, res Terrace No. 4, Keefer Gallagher, Wm J, journalist, res 622 Hornbv Galley, W H, mgr, Tye & Go's hard- ware store, res 324 Powell Galloway, Edwin, fruit dealer. City Market, res 561 Keefer Galson, John, millhand, Leamy & Kyle's mill Gamble, John, cpnr, Howe Gamble, Robert, stonemason, res 612 Seymour Gambrinus hotel, Swanson & Carl- son, proprs, Water Garden, Hermon & Bnrwell, survey- ors, 336 Gamble Garden, J F, C.E. (Garden, Hermon & Burwell) 336 Gamble Garden, John, clerk, 220 Hastings E, res Albemi, corThurlow Garden, Wm & Sons, tea and coffee importers, 220 Hastings Garden, Wm, tea mcht, 220 Hastings E. res Albemi, cor Thurlow Garden, W, clerk, Baker Bros & Co, res cor Albemi and Thurlow Garaeaw, Jos, apprentice, 831 Gran- ville, res Sevmour Garnier, Frank, shipcarpenter, Lea- my & Kyle's shipyard, res 2195 Quebec Garrett, R D, clerk, City PostoflSce, res 1113 Nelson Garrison, Charles G, builder, res 44 Dufferin Garvan, B, res 309 Carrall Garvey, A £, tel operator C.P.R, res Buraaby L SPIILMIUI, FRESCOING, LETTK HOUi;E-PiUNTINe,Vaiicoiiyer Garvin, resSOi Gaskill, ave Gas Insf spectoi Gass, Fn Kyle's of firid Gates, Gatter, J ACo, r Oatewo 152 Cor Gatewood 152 Cor change Gandil, V I wicke's, I Gauley, A Eripp's ( Gaulev, D 628 Ricl Gaureau, i res Fifth Gavin, Di Melville Gavin, Jo ave W Gawn, Wm Co, res 7 Gay, Alber res 525 P Geary, G K ver Buil Princpss Geddes, Da res Bould Geddes, Jol 823 Camb Geddes, J Abbott, G Geddes, Rol Richard Gendron, J, Hackett, i George, Rob George, We Seymour Gerard, AUe teen ave, c Gahausen, E Gerherdt, Nj Carl ave ' Gerkoff, Keefer GermaniaHo dova M. ROBINSON MgaOHAWT TJSiSSi S90 Baatingt Btreet, Wett, Vancouver, B. C. VANCOUVER CITV DIHKCTORY. 495 Garvin, John, building contractor, res 302 Oppenheimer OaBkili, George, painter, res Ninth ave GaB Inspector's office, J £ Miller, in- spector, Government buildings Gaas, Frederick, tallyman Leamy & Kyle's mill, res O.P.R. reserve, W of Bridge, Fairview Gates, G, carpenter, 526 Pender Gatter, J W, clerk, Carscaden, Peck & Go, res 815 Burrard Oatewood ft Spencer, dentists, 152 Cordova Gatewood, C H,(Gatewood & Spencer) 152 Cordova, res Merchants' Ex- change Gandil, V, clerk, Wulffsohn & Be- wicke'a, res 1024 Eveleigh Gauley, A J J, clerk, B Mackay Fripp's office, res Richard Gaulev, David L, painter, res rear of 628 'Richard Gaureau, A, glazier, Cassady's Mill, rea Fifth ave W, near Columbia Gavin, Duncan, retired, res 1129 Melville Gavin, John J, res 106 Twelfth ave W Gawn, Wm, tinsmith, M S Rose & Co, rea 734 Seymour Gay, Albert, engr B. C. Wood Wka, res 626 Pacific Geary, G H, sec-Ter City & Vancou- ver Building Societies, res 431 Princess Geddes, David, clerk, Boulder saloon, res Boulder saloon Geddes, John, elk, C.P.R. shops, rea 823 Cambie Geddes, J P, stenographer, H B Abbott, C.P.R., res 1102 Seaton Geddea, Robt J, engr, C.P.R., res 915 Richard Gendron, J, carpenter, Robertson & Hackett, res 520 Seymour George, Robt, builder, rea 20 Water George, Wm, shoemaker, rea 1208 Seymour Gerard, Allen, carpenter, rea Thir- teen ave, cor Sophie Gnhauaen, Emil, orewer Gerherdt, Nela, labr, rea Prior, cor Carl ave Gerkoff, K, labr, terrace No 3, Keefer Germania Hotel, Morman, Paul, Cor- dova Gerrard, Edwd, logger, res 20 Water Gerrard, Jno D, carpenter, res 1220 Robson Gerrard, Wm, planer, R.C.P. Mills, res 1220 Robson Gibb, David, contractor, res 1128 Barclay Gibbins, J, veterinary surgeon, res 623 Granville Gibbons, David, contractor city work res 483 Sixth ave E Gibbons, James, porter, Gold house, res 66 Water Gibson, Mrs Agnes, laundress, res 510 Dunsmuir Gibson, F J P, agent New York Life, res 106 Cordova Gibson, Mrs, res 718 Powell Gibson, Miss Margaret, domestic, res Thurlow Gibson, W A, Fashion Shoeing Shop, 24 Hastings W Giguere, Clophas, builder, rea 801 Richard Gilbert, Fred, stableman. Fashion Stables, res Nickel Plate restaurant Gilbert, H. Central hotel, res 42 Cor- dova Giles, Fred, clerk. Opera Resort saloon, res 600 Carrall Gill, Andrew, machinist, C.P.R., res 726 Richard Gill. J B, C.P.R. telegraph, res 817 Hornby Gill, J H, lumberman, res cor Ver- non ave and Hastings Gill, John, machinist, C.P.R., res 727 Richard Gill, Lester, drjr goods, H.B. Go's store, res 229 Sixth ave Gillchrist. Geo, baker, res 918 Oppen- heimer Gilles, James, bridge carpenter, res Ninth ave, near Prince Edward Gillespie, James C, Webster & Gill- espie, (if uunt Pleasant Bakery) baker, ref \ 59 Tenth ave E Gillespie, James H, lumberman, rea 311 Barnard Gillespie, machinist, B.C. Iron Wrks, res Englewood hotel Gillies. D W, mgr B Cattle Co, Ltd Gillie, Jno teamster, Jubilee D Hall, res 216 Abbott Gilmore, Wm, painter, Dufferin rear Carolina Gilmore, Hugh B, genl foreman, C. P.R. shops, res 1039 Nelson > Q o O dd o in »5 > > z D O > I RED CROSS BREWERY LAGER BEER VA.NOOUVSR, B. O, T. R. HARDIMAN T E X A S L A K E I C E c o V A N C o u V PIONEEB ABT GALLEBY 999 Cordova Btreet, yaneouft»r, B. O. PRINT DEALER and SELLER. PRACTICAL CARVER. GILDER and PICTURE k'RAMER. F. V\ B C 496 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Gilroy, Albert, sawyer, Tait's Mill, res 1810 Hornby Gintzburger, Morris, book-keeper, Oppeiiheiuer Bros, res 526 Gran- ville Gintzburger, S, tobacconist, Holland blk, res 610 Hastings E Gledhill, Miss Alice domestic, 1180 Melville Gledhill, J G, painter, res Shore, north of Georgia Glencross, E, upholstr, 518 Hastinsg Glenn, J, blksmith, res 329 Princess Glasgow Hotel, Westminster ave cor Keefer, A A Lansley prop Glover, Smith John, chemist and dentist, 810 Hastings Goad, — , res 774 Homer Godden, H G, (Keefer & Godden), res 1042 Robson Qodfirey ft Co, hardware merch- ants 144 C )rdova Godfrey, C A, salesman, ren 54 Eighth ave W Godfrey, George, laborer, res B each ave Godfrey, J J , barrister-at-law (Russell & Godfrey) res 1225 Georgiii Godfrey, T B, (Godfrey & Co), res 1112 Melville Godfrey, William, labr, res 276 Tenth ave W Oodfk>ey, Wm, mgr Bank of B.N. A, res Georgia Gold House, l3aw8on Co, Water Goldberg, F, fruit and cigar store, res 56 ^^ater Goldberg. D, I.X.L, Clothing Store, Cordova , res 640 Homer Goldberg. Z O, Cheapside Cloth- ing Store 77 Cordova, res 614 Horn- by Golden Gate Hotel, F G Twigge, cor Davie and Granville Golden, Max, fruit store, res 41 Du- pont Goldsmid, A P W, manager Van- couver Opera House Goldstein, A, general store, 213 Car- rail Goldstein Bros, tailors and gents' fur- nishings, 6 Cordova Goldstein, G, tailor, Wm Murphy, res 413 Abbott Goldstein, Wm, (Goldstein Bros), Star Clothing House, res 322 Harris Gomery, W H, operator, O.P.R. tele- graph, res 812 Richard Gooch, C H, gardener, 470 Ninth ave Goodmurphy, C, gentleman, res 2720 Westminster ave Goodwin, Charles, tinsmith, C.P.R. workshops, res 519 Drake Goodwin, W H, real estate agent, R C A Anderson & Co, res 813 Howe Goody, Mrs A, res 228 Piior Goody, James, real estate, res 228 Prior Gordon, E, book-binder, Marshall & McOrae, 314 Homer Gordon, G R. clothiers, gents' fur- nishings, &e, 74 Cordova, res 420 Oppenheimer Gordon, James, labr, res Seventh ave, cor Prince Edward Gordon, Robt, driver milk van, res 1157 Hornby Gordon, R W, res 613 Richard Gordon, Wm, labr, 628 Barnard Gorman, T H, Central hotel, res 42 Cordova Gormley, James, logger, res Russ house Gosse, John, fisherman. Eraser river, r<'8 Lome Uoase, Mark, fisherman. Eraser river, res Lome Gosselin, Albini, teamster, res 212 Harris Goudron, P & Co, manufacturers. Fifth ave, nr Scotia Goudron, P (Goudron &Go), res Fifth ave, nr Brunswick Goudron, Jules, hardware store, 424 Westminster ave Goudron, Mrs M, hardware dealer, 424 Westminster ave Gove, David, teamster, res Glasgow hotel Gow, John, A, salesman, res 60 Tenth ave Gow, Mrs Peter, res 436 Seventh ave Gow, R F, yard salesman, Brunnette office, res 436 Seventh ave Grace, W E (Holmes & Grace), wholesale liquor dlr. Water, res 706 Granville Grady, J J, police officer. City Hall Graham, Chas 0, builder, res 1324 Seymour Graham, Hugh, carpt, res 260 Eighth ave Graham, J A, traveling salesman, res 35 Hastings W Graham, John, clerk, Vancouver hotel Graham, res 132 Graham, hotel Graham, Hacket Graham, Graham, Hacket Grant, A Hamilb Grant, A, Grant, Al bia Co, Grant, An front, n« Bridge, Grant, Ch ver P.O. Grant, D P.O., 821 Grant, Ec Boultbec and Jer\ Grant, H, McCrae, Grant, Jno and Jerv Grant, J P McCrae, Grant, Rot and Thu Granville ville Granville, res 419 Granville Wat r Granville Pythian Graner, R, terrace Grassie, Wi Grassie, W Hastings Graveley, M estate, W 1602 Geor Graves, H, hotel Grav, E, dri Clarence 1 Gray, J K, i Gray, Edwd Gray, H, lal Gray, Miss ] ^ ing hall, r Gray, Peter, t A. M. BEAM, AUCTIONEER, Vancouver, B. C. . <:',■ r*.',- c. F. W. HART'S FOR CARPETS CORDOVA STREET, VANCOUVER. VANOOUVIR CITY DIRBCTOBY. 497 Graham, Miss Prudence, dreBsmkr, res 1324 Seymour Graham, Saml, logger, res Balmoral hotel Graham, ThoB, carpt, Robertson & Hackett, res 620 Seymour Graham, T, labr, res rear 121 Powell Graham, Wm. carpt, Robertson & Hackett, res 520 Seymour Grant, A B, clerk, C.P.R., res 740 Hamilton Grant, A, clerk, res 304 Princess Grant, Alex, traveler, Anglo-Colum- bia Co, 32 Water Grant, Andrew, Planing Mills, Water front, next East from Granville st Bridge, on C.P.R. reserve Grant, Chaa, mailing clerk, Vancou- ver P.O., res 822 Seymour Grant, Donald, clerk, Vancouver P.O., 822 Seymour Grant, Edward, law student, Jno Boultbee's office, res cor Pender and Jervis Grant, H, lithographer, Marshall & McCrae, res 314 Homer Grant, Jno, carpenter, res cor Pender and Jervis Grant, J P, lithographer, Marshall & McCrae, res 314 Homer Grant, Robt, retired, res cor Melville and Thurlow Granville Cigar Factorv, 900 Gran- ville Granville, Frank, real estate agent, res 419 Hastings Granville Hotel, Reid & Roberts, WatT Granville Lodge, K. of P., No 3, Pythian Castle Hall, 14 Cordova Gra'ner, R, labr, res Gore ave, 6 Gore terrace Grassie, Wm, carpt, res 1001 Homer Graseie, W H, watchmaker, res 719 Hastings Graveley, W E, insurance and real estate, Whetham blk, - rm 6, res 1602 Georaia Graves, H, barkeeper, Casmopolitan hotel Gray, E, driver, T Dunn & Co, res Clarence hotel Gray, J K, painter, res Ottawa house Gray, Edwd, groom, res 1103 Georgia Gray, H, labr, res 164 Hastings W Gray, Miss L, waitress, Algonia din- ing hall, res 813 Carrall Gray, Peter, labr, res 413 Drake Gray, Robt, blacksmith, res Prior Gray, T C, real estate dealer, res Eighth ave Gray, Thos, merchant tailor, res 322 Carrall Greaseley, J, res 823 Hamilton Great Northern ExjireBB Co, Berry, H A, agt, res 107 Abbott Great Northern Railway Of- floe, H V Burner, genl agt, 316- 317 Cambie Green, C R, elk, R G Dunn & Co, res 706 Granville Green, George, engr, res 1637 West- minster ave Green, Horace, millwright, C.P.R. shops, res 1226 Richard Green, J A, res 834 Granville Green, J H, florist and gardner, res 342 Powell Green, S B, janitor. Court House, res cor Hamilton and Pender Greer, Wm, car inspector, C.P.R, res 321 Carrall, Ist flat Green way, Hy, labr, res 218 Keefer Greenswood, Geo, boilermaker, B.C Iron Wks, res 211 Westminster Greer, Saml, fmr, res Sixth ave N Greer, Mrs Sam, res 916 Granville Gregor, L, confectioner, Tapley's, res 719 Cambie Gregory, Adolph, prof of singing, res 916 Granville Greig, Alex, fmr, res 330 Harris Greig, Mrs James, res Sixth ave Gresty, Mrs Mary E, res 618 Gore ave Grey, Miss Ellen M, student, 827 Hamilton Griffith, A, builder, res 831 Richard Griffiths, Albert F, book-kpr, Leamy & Kyle's, res 1024 Nelson Griffiths, Es ex, engineer. Red Cross Brewery, res 1006 Seaton Griffiths, E W,carpt, res rear 612 Op- penheimer Griffiths, Geo, labr, res Barnard Griffith, Griffith, (T Prest & Co), organist St Andrew's Presbyterian church, 307 Cambie, res rm 12, Old Postoffice blk, Hastings Griffith, Jos, res 60 Eleventh ave W Griffith, Jos H, carpt, res Lansdowne ave cor Columbia Griffiths, John, tram contractor, res 822 Powell Grigor, R A, baker, res 316 Cordova Groves, Job, labr, res 219 Oppen- heimer : B. C. o» Q O o • 9 I't ri U e8 e3 ^o o P« e o, •iH e C. F. FOREMAN, Cop. WestniDster Ave. and Princess St DREWI 408 BKITI8H COLUMBIA DIKECTORY. Grose, H, labr Grose, N, labr Grose, Frank, drayman, res 813 Hornby Gross, Miss Isabel S, res 813 Hornby Gross, Mrs Mary, res 813 Hornby Grasaman, A, second hand store, res 221 Abbott Grossman, A, gents' furnishings, res 212 Abbott Grosvenor, Mrs G W, music teacher, 121 Powell Grosvenor, G W, book-keeper, B. C. Iron Works, res 121 Powell Grour, Kalof, Royal City Mills Grour, Oscar, Royal City Mills Guav, Albert, mnchinist, B. C. Mfood "Works Co, res Granville Gunn, R L, bartender. Real Estate Exchanee, res 541 Hamilton Gusfver, Carl, fmr, New Fountain hotel Gnmey Cab & Delivery Co, 107 Abbott, H A Berry, mgr DOERING & MARSTRAND'S ALEXANDRA - LAGER BEER AND PORTER Specially recommended. Address: MOUNT PLEASANT. Telephone 4ag. VANCOUVER, B. C. Habermehl, Geo, stonemason, res Terrace No 6, Keefer Hack, C, Cosmospolitau rooms, res 224 Abbott Hackett, H, builder, res 615 Richard Hackett, J W, builder, (Robertson & Hackett), res 523 Richard Hager, Rev Abraham, minister, Ger- man Methodist church, res Fourth ave, Fairview Haggarty, Mrs, private boarding hse, res 235 Princess Hague, W E, cornicemaker, C.P.R, rear of 512 Seymour Haines, Arthur, real estate agt, res 321 Carrall Halawell, Mrs, res rear of 320 Prin- cess Haldon, J P, builder, res 1602 West- minstct ave Haldane, Adam, barber, 1)7U Weat- mlnster ave Hale, John Paul, labr, res 408 Dun- levy ave PIttll, Miss A, domestic, Algouia din- ning: hall, les 813 Carrall Hall. F 0, elk at Winch &Bower'8,re8 010 Keefer Hall, Jarius, carriagemaker, res 150(i Richard Hall, J D, Sheriff for County Van- couver, Court House, res Bunk B.N. A, bldg Hall, .John, butcher, 64 Eighth ave Hallj J R, real estate dealer, res 207 Prmcess Hall, John S, mar, Kamloops Cattle Co, res 54 Eighth ave Hall. J Z. real estate and insurance broker, 310 Cordova, res 1109 Nel- son Hall, Mrs T B, housekeeper, res 813 Burrurd Halls, R, engineer, res 810 Powell Hallander, ti, machinist, A McKelvio & o, Cres Glasgow hotel Hallett, Isaac H, barrister, Whetham blk, res 023 Homer Hambrook. Alf, green grocer, res 1010 Opoenheimer Hambrook, Miss Minnie, domestic, res 716 Powell Hamer, Albert Victor, carpt, res Fair- view, Seventh ave Hamer, A V, carpt, Cornish & Cooper res Seventh ave, Fairview Hamer, Joseph, longshoreman, res 429 Powell Hamilton Powder Co'y, H W Maynard, mgr, McKay bldg, res 422* A^lexander Hamilton Mannfaoturingr Co, Ltd, the Wm, Robert Hamilton, mgr. Hastings W Hamilton, Robert, mgr the Wm Hamilton Mfg Go, Ltd Hamilton & Kelly, family groceries and provisons, 219 Abbott Hamilton, Albeit. <!ook, Hotel Van- couvei , res 231 Georgia Hamilton, Alex, second cook. Hotel Vancouver Hamilton, C R, (Hamerslev & Hamilton), barrister and solicitor, Hastings, res 311 Oppenheimer Hamilton, J R, res 219 Abbott UIRGEST IISSORTMEIIT of WAll PMR at SPILlMilN'S, VancoM Ore* Harailtoi Grand Hamiltoi Dougal Haniiltor Westm Hamiltoi 30<J Ab Hamilton ton), CO Hamilt4 cor Has Hamilton ave E Hamera erslev i City "Ha Hammers! & Hackt Hamers] risters, Hastingi Hanufln, , Works, 1 Hanafin, M 126 Cord Hanbury, " drell Hancox, E res 1104: Hancock, I er, res 5<i Hancock, , Homer Hancox, Ja res 1104 I Handy, J Princess Hankey, A wicke, ret Hanscombe McCrae Hansel, Mri Hanson, Ha Openheimer Hanson, Thi res 226 At Harbor Mas Thain, Go^ Harcus, S, fi land blk, i Hardie, Thoi Campbell Hardimaii lery, 624 C Harding, Mif End Scho< Brunswick RedCi DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY - WINNIPEG. Drewry'a Ale, Porter and Lager ia Recommended by Phvelciana Generally. VANCOt'VKB CITY DIRECTORY. 49« Hamilton, Job, B, IlaHtings Mill, res Gnirul View Hamilton, J K. (Hamilton & Kelly), DouKttll blk, roH 300 Abbott Hamilton, Lyman, teamster, 812 Westminster ave Hamilton, Rol)ert, Dougall blk, rea am Ablwtt Hamilton, K J, (McMillan & Hamil- ton), com mercbacts, LSI Water Hamilton, Wm. prop Inland hse, cor HastinfSH and Granville Hamilton, J pj, mariner, 58 Eleventh ave K Hamersley, A St. Geo, (Ham- erslev & Hamiltun) city solicitor. City 'Hall, res 1125 Seaton Haminersley, Wm, carpt, Robertson & Huckett, res 520 Seymour Hameraley A Hamilton, bar- risters, etc, Thompson-Ogle blk, Hastings Hanufin, J P, machinist, B.C. Iron Works, res 126 Cordova Hanafln.MrsJ P,BandBox millinery, 12tt Cordova Hanbury,' Chas, machinist, res Pen- drell Hancox, Elijah, carpt, C.P.R. shops, res 1104 Nelson Hancock, H A, carpt, Cornish & Coop- er, res 567 Keefer Hancock, James, gentleman, res 520 Homer Hancox, James, carpt, C.P.R. shops, res 1104 Nelson Handy, J F, electrical engineer, res Hankey. A H, elk, Wulffsohn & Be- wicke, res 411 Hastings W Hanscombe, A, engraver, Marshall <& McCrae Hansel, Mrs L, nurse, 741 Hamilton Hanson, Hanse, logger, res 510 Op- Openheimer Hanson, Thos, Cosmopolitan Rooms, res 226 Abbott Harbor Master's Office, Capt Murray Thain, Government bldg, Pender Harcus, S, fruit and groceries, 2 Hol- land blk, res 2 Hastings E Hardie, Thos, cpntr, res Princess nr Campbell Hardiman, T R, Pioneer Art Gal- lery, 624 Cordova, rea 1414 Albemi Harding, Miss M L, teacher, West End School, res Sixth ave, cor Brunswick Hardison, J, rancher, res 62S Powell Hardy <& B^ulton, express and dray- men, res 62 Hastings Hardv, Geo G, expressman, (Hardy & Fulton,) res 325 Keefer Hargrave, James, bricklayer, res 51)1 Granville Ha.^reaves, James, millhand, Tait's Mill,refl Vermilyea blk Harkness, W J, electrician, res 206 Gore ave cor Powell Harling, .lames, cigar manfr, Carrall, res 818 Burr.ird Harling, Charles, oliimber, res 847 Homer Harold, Thomas, patternmaker, C. P.R. shops, res 2209 Richard Harper, Geo, stonemason, res 1162 Howe Harper, John, res 34 Water Harper, Miss Minnie, domestic res 524 Burrard Harper, R T, plasterer, res 11 Proc- tor's bldg Harper & Nye, organ repairers, 66 Cordova Harpur, H W, organist Cong Church, res 66 Cordova Harrington, Elmer, saddler, D Wil- son, Cordova, res 820 Hornby Harris & Maoneill, barristers, Whetham blk, Cordova Harris, Albert, police constable, Tenth ave Harris, Arthur, tmstr, rea 525 Pacific Harris, Chas, tmstr, Wellington Coal Yard, res cabin, Carrall Harris, Daniel, tmstr. Eleventh ave, cor Ontario Harris, E, police officer. City Hall Harris, Frank, rea shore north of Georgia Harris, Fred, checker C.P.R, res 60 Lanedowne Harris, George, starcher. Pioneer Steam Laundry, Richards, rea 1107 Hornby Harris, Harry, tmatr, res 630 Carrall Harris, Hubert, rea 1014 Robson Harris, H, cpntr, res 419 Harris Harris, James, baggageman, C.P.R., res 823 Hamilton Harris, R A, cpntr, res 424 Keefer Harris, R W. (Harris & Macneill,) rea 1030 Barclay Harris, Wm, bricklayer and stone- mason, res 1107 Hornby Harris, W B, res 164 Water «' I RedCross Brewery, Vancouver, B.C. UPPH^M! RTWl |H IH 1 "^ 1 1 p ' IBB m QTQ ! H fl iDBI:H'H "^ HI 2 <llll ^ mil en i llPi ^;!^ mllll ^ \^ mMM >-i ' Blill Ti "llHilll •-i lililii ^ IraB ^ i^Hil ^ ^ ill iKIIB m "^ n WmM ^ 'h Hi < ''^' mi ^ mi ^^iHiA if I - '. MtHlInN ^^■■^ ' 'i t |9>hH|I 9 !-'• :tt''>iJHs o 11 c mBm r-^ f^wHHffi tTi ill 111^ ("^ lUfflB (/} :|||M| i< iHiiHI » WMBMH p il^Hw § WH ■ liiiilHH <i vli^Hffl (x> ' W^KM iil m WILLIAM RALPH, Warm Air Furnaces,^Zco'uV/R £ X A S I. A K E I G £ c o V A N c o u V E B soo BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTOBY. Harris, Wm, jr, polisher and finisher, Pioneer Steam Laundry, res 1107 Hornby Harris, Wm, res cor Robson and Granville Harrison, — , electrician, Vancouver Street Kailway Harrison, — , Bell-Irving & Co, res rear 536 Richard Harrison, J R, Roval City Mills Harrison, Robt, labr, res 724 Barnard Harrison, W L, Royal City Mills Harrobin, Theodore, bldr, res Duff- erin W Hart & Co, furniture factory, False creek Hart, Frederick J, blksmith, Leamy & Kyle's Mill, res Eleventh ave, nr Manitoba Hart, F W, furniture dealer and undertaker, 23 Cordova, res 710 Cam hie Hart, James, blacksmith, Leamy & Kyle's Mill, Mount Pleasant Harten, John, labr sugar refinery, res Ninth ave, cor Scott Hartley, F W, clerk, Land Registrv' ofiBce, res Beach ave Hartley, Wm, miner, res 1314 Sey- mour Hartney, Miss M, teacher. Central School, res 616 Richard Harvey, Edward, clerk. Inland Rev- enue, res 1113 Nelson Harvey, Lindsay, canner. Fruit Can- ning Co, res 1427 Robson Harvey, R G, teller. Bank B.C., res 1113 Nelson Haslem, Sam, res 170 Water Hastingrs Sawmill, B.C.ni.T. & T. Co, Ltd, Burrard Inlet Hastings, T W, printer, res 320 West- minster ave Hastings, T, res Imperial house, 419 Abbott Hatch, A H, tinshop, 2405 Westmin- ster ave, res Thirteenth ave, cor Ontario Hatch, Geo W, yardmaster, C.P.R., res 305 Georgia Hatch, James, tinsmith, res Thir- teenth ave, nr Ontario Hatch, Ja3 H, stoves, tin, sheet, iron and copper worker, 227 Abbott Hatch, Thomas, longshoreman, res 423 Prior Haugh, Thos H, carpt, Robertson & Hackett, res 620 Seymour Hawe, George, deliveryman, Ontario grocery, res Barclay, cor Bute Hawke, Geo, res 102 Pender Hawkins, Fred, baker, Boston bakery, rear of 1214 Seymour Hawkins, F G, baker, Boston bakery, res 706 Seymour Hawman, J C, Royal Citv Mills Hawson, H T, clerk, C.P.'R., res 304 Dunsmuir Hay, A, teamster, res 100 Water Hay, Filman, boilermaker, B.C. Iron Works, res 211 Westminster ave Hay, George, dyer and cleaner, 214 Abbott, res 302 Cordova Hay, General J C, res Hotel Van- couver Hay, John, bk-keeper, res 741 Ham- ilton Hayden & Mylius, boat builders, etc, wharf betwn Cambie and Abbott Hayden, Hamilton, (Hayden & My- lius), 611 Hamilton Hayden, Lyman, cigar box manfr, (Hayden & Maxwell), 1018 Richard Hayden, W F, train despatcher, C. P.R., Vancouver, res 813 Hornby Hayes, George, millhand,Tait's Mill, res Hornby Hayward, Alfred, retired, res rear of 2709 Westminster ave Hayward, Miss, housekeeper, 1025 Seaton Havwood, V W, police sergeant. City liall Bayward, W, foreman. Fire Hall No 1, Water Hazlitt, Wm H, blacksmith, London Carriage Works, res 427 Harris Heaps, Edward H, commission merchant an'l machine agent, 6 Cordova, res 1129 Richard Healey, E F, landing waiter, res cor Carrall and Powell Heath, A E, miner, res Columbia hotel Heath, Fred, blacksmith, res 3 Proc- tor's buildings Hebden, Harry, res Sixth ave W Heck, Francis, stonemason, res 1108 Richard Hedges, — ,butcher. Woodward house HefTell, H R, acct. Bank B.N.A., res Eveleigh Heidkamphe, Fritz, bartender. Pal- mer house, Seventh ave Hellings, Chas, surveyor's asst, res S21 Carrall, first fl.it A. M. BEATTIE CITY BiARKKT. VANCOUVSP.. B. C. Weekly Auctions M. O/^PTTggmg MEROHAMT TAHOB «90 Haatiuga Street. Weat, Vancouver, B. C. VANCODVEH CITY DIRECTORY. 501 Helliwell, Harvey, millhand, res Secord bouse, 401 Powell Helms, Frank, labr, C.P.R., rea 1015 Homer Helston, W, lather, res terrace No 7, Keefer Hemlow, H, ticket agent W-V Tram- way Co, res 300 Oppenheimer Henderson, — , res 170 Water Henderson, J B, lumberman, res Powell E Henderson, Robt, (Henderson & Macdonald), Richmond hotel Henderson ftMaodonald, props Richmond hotel {see adt, page 4S9) Henderson, Robert K, miner, res 9 Twelfth ave W Henderson, Stanley, agent New York and Mutual Life Insurance Co, Whetham blk, Cordova, res 710 Granville Henderson, H M, elk, Mayor's oflRce, rea 613 Pender Henderson, T C, organist First Pres- byterian church, res 825 Richard Honey, B F, saddle and harness maker, Dougall blk, res 30(5 Abbott (see adt, page 45i>) Henning, Win James,carpt, res Sixth ave E cor Carolina Henry, Arthur, millwright, res 401 Powell Henry, John, groom, B T Rogers, 1608 Georgia Henry, Levi, labr, res 216 Barnard Henry, Marvin J, nurseryman, res 004 Westminster rd Henry, J R, school teacher, res Le- land hotel Htnry, Sidney, labr, res 215 Barnard Henshaw C G, com mcht, 410 Cor- dova, res 814 Nicola Hepburn, John, millwright, res 912 C)ppenheimer Herald , Mrs, res 72 Eighth ave Herald, Dr Dundas, physician, office, Dougall House blk, res 72 Eighth ave Herald, Dr Wilson, physician, office, Dougall House blk, res 72 Eighth ave Heritage, Dan, longshoreman, res 216 Abbott Hermon, E B, surveyor, (Garden - Hermon & Burwell), 386 Cambie, res 1231 Robson Hermon, Kikbusch, labr, res foot Campbell ave Herritt, Thomas H, milk dealer, res Ontario Herring, Robt, train dispatcher, res Leland hotel Herrod, P, brick layer, 727 Hamilton riertzburg, Fredk, logger, res Ger- mania hotel Hesketh, A E, carpt, res 102 Fifth ave E Hesketh, N R, civil engr, res 102 Twelfth ave E Hesketh, Robert, carpt, res 102 Fifth ave E Heslip, T, marine engineer, res 602 Princess Hesse, L Blair, clerk, McPhillips & Williams, barristers, etc, Hastings, res 824 Burrard Hesson & living, grocers, 100 Hast- ings E Hesson, Alex, grocer, (Hesson «& Irv- ing), res Cambie Hewett, Richard, gentleman, res 716 Richard Hewett, M W, surveyor's asst, res 321 Carrall Hewitt, Jos, prospector, res Eighth ave cor Carolina Hewton Bros, bakers, 214 Prior Hewton, F W, steward Hastings Mill Hewton, Robt, baker, (Hewton Bros), res 214 Prior Hewton, Thos, baker, res 214 Prior Hickey, Wm, foreman B.C.Iron Wks, res 308 Oppenheimer Hicks, Miss C, res 1012 Haro Hicks, Miss E, organist, 606 Pender Hicks, J A. cook, 606 Pender Hicks, Mrs J A, prop, Ontario dining hall, res 606 Pender Hicks, George, expressman, res 133 Water Hicks, Jos, millhand, res 154 Water Hicks, Valentine^ painter, C.P.R. car shops, res 165 Tenth ave E Hicks, Wm, machinist, B.C. Wood Works Co, res Quebec hotel Hicks, W E, machinist. B.C. Wood Works Co, res 606 Pender High School, Principal, Alex Robin- son, B.A Higgs, Jas, longshoreman, res rear 514 Pender Hill, John, teamster, 720 Cambie Hill, Chas W, clerk, S Harcus, res Y. MiC.A Hill, Fred, stevedore, res Columbia hotel O m O ■ m O O •Ji o o <2 "I O o O < 03 ii ' . ■■i u I KED "CROSS :: BREWERY :: LAGER :: BEER it VANCOUVER. B. C. * mi o H -^_ «5 H .A. « 9s «i mi w PL, o o CJ l-H O F. W. HABIT'S for Furniture at and 93 CORDOVA STREET, VAirCOUVER, B. C. T 502 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Hill, David, Royal City Mills Hill, George, res Richmond hotel Hill, John B, builder, res Sixth ave E cor Scotia Hill, Jno R, Royal City Mills Hill, Joseph, plasterer, res Davie cor Jervis Hill, N, planer, Hastings Mill Hill, Rooert, emp Jute Factory, res Davie cor Jervis Hill, R, lather, res 2170ppenheimer Hill, Miss S, forewoman, res Davie Hill, W M, book-keeper, Spencer's Shingle Factory, res Pender, near Thurlow Hill-Tout, Charles, tutor, Buckland College, res 800 Burrard Hillier, J J, baggage agt, C.P.R., res 1102 Seaton Hilly, Walter, messenger, res 217 Oppenheimer Hinson, W, prop restaurant, res 618 Cordova Hippell, John, electrician Hotel Van- couver, res 538 Georgia Hirschberg, M H, acct, over Bank of B.C. bldg, res 1204 Pender Hobson, Bros, boot and shoe dealers, 430 Westminster ave Hobson, C G, res 208 Westminster ave Hobson, George, (Hobson Bros), boot and shoe dealer, Westminster ave, res 411 Princess Hobson, G W, Inspector Board of Fire Underwriters, 313 Cambie, res 208 Westminster ave Hobson, J B, res Hotel Vancouver Hodson, F E, engr, res 125 Water Hodgson, Fred, collector. News- Ad- vertiser Hodgson, Miss Mary, dressmaker, res 1211 Richard Hodgson, R W, engr, res 1213 Rich- ard Hodgson, A, painter, 416 Hastings, res 731 Hamilton Hoey, J D, grocer, 500 Pender Hoffar, N S, architect, 9 Miller biock, res 324 Hastings Hoffard, S G, grocer. Rude & Co., grocers, res Keefer Hoffman House, S McDonald, prop, 135 Cordova Hoffmaa House Restaurant, F A Boelofsky, prop, 135 Cordova Hoffmeister, Henry, machinist, res 1203 Howe Hoflfmeister, Wm, machinist, Robert- son & Hackett, res 520 Seymour Hogg, Alexander, grocer, res 600 Westminster ave Hogg, Thomas, barber, res 206 West- minster ave Hogg, Wm, foreman C.P.R. yard, res 423 Harris Holland, Charles, carpt, res 950 Park Lane Holland, A G, re" rear of 513 Richard Holland, Saml, gentleman,res Sophia cor of Twelfth ave Holman, Hy G, tobacconist, 620 Cor- dova, res 1126 Nelson Holmes & Grace, wholesale wine and liquor dealers, 71 Water Holmes, Alfred, clerk, Hotel Vancou- ver, res 315 Georgia Holmes, William, clerk, res 66 Water Holmes, Christopher, carpt, res Six- teenth ave cor Quebec Holmes, Hy R, teamster, res Glas- gow house Holmes, S H, liquor dealer, res 66 Water Holt & Airev, plumbers and contrac- tors, 725 Hastings Holt, F H, (Holt & Airey), r^s 725 Hastings Homewood, Harry, labr, res 146 Alex- ander Hone, Robt, teamster, res 131 Water Hood, Frederick, laborer, res 210 Harris Hood, John, photographer, res 210 Harris ^ Hood, Wm, photographer, res 210 Harris Hook, Wm, baker, res 231 Princess Hooper, W, labr. Water Works Hope, Chas E, architect, 536 Hast- res 336 Alexandt^r Hopkins, James, teamster, Forbes' Woodyard Hopkins,T,bricklayer, rear City Hos- pital Hore, Rufus, mariner, mate steamer Comox. res 57 Tenth ave W Home, A P, real estate agt, 729 Pen- der, res 628 Broughton Home, J W, M.P.P, res rm 7, 432 Cordova Horribin, Miss, house maid, Leland hotel Horrie, W N, carpt, res 306 Keefer Horsman, Walter, photographer, res 805 Homer S, mmm C.F.FOBEMANJL VANCOUVER. B. C. 1 U^' VANCOUVER CITY DIEECTOBV. 603 Horton, Arthur, fireman, Hotel Van- couver Horton, N, labr, res rear 658 Gran- ville Hose, Jos, res 102 Pender Hoshell, Norman, engineer, Spicer's Shingle Mill, res 1124 Richard Hosker, E, storekeeper, C.PR, res 721 Hamilton Hosneder, Z, labr, Doering & M Brew- Co, res biewery Hossapk, A D, com agent, res 411 Cordova Hostens, Leopold, carpt, res Prior Hotel Europe, 23 Powell Hotel Vancouver, Geo A Cheney, nigr, Georgia, cor Granville Housely, Chas, engr, stationary, res Heatiey ave Housely, Chas, jr, wood turner, res Heatiey ave Housely, Walter, teamster, res Heat- ley ave Howard. James, moulder, B.C. Iron Works, res Englewood hotel Howard, Henry, spring maker, C.P . R., res 1236 Hornby Howard, Mrs, housekeeper, res 311 Oppenheimer Howard, Mrs M J, matron Alexan- dra Hospital, res Seventh ave. Fair- view Howe, James, painter, res Ninth ave Howe, Charles, woodsman, res 118 Hastings G Howell, S H, solicitor, res 105 Cor- dova Howell, Willoughby, teamster, res 317 Barnard Howes, J G, lineman, res 710 Barn- ard Howey, Fred, foreman Hart's factory, res 565 Keefer Howey, William, teamster, res 555 Keefer Howie, F, cabinet maker, F W Hart, res Princess Hughes, W B, foreman News-Adver- tiser, res 611 Hamilton Hudson Bay Co, general mchts, res 140 Cordova Hudson, Edward, engr, res Colonial h(>t«<I Hughes, B, res 102 Pender Hughes, Capt, (Scott & Hughes), res Elsmere house Hughes, James, plumber, Ralph's snop, res 40 Sixth ave E Hughes, Ernest, cooper, B.C. Jute and Cooperage, res Sixth ave near Columbia Hulse, Charles, shaving parlors, 322 Cordova Hunt, Edward, carpt, 1316 Howe Hunt, Mrs Edward, dressmaker, res 1316 Howe Hunt, George, painter and decorator, 330 Westminster ave, res 329 West- minster ave Hunt; George, jr, painter, res 329 Westminster ave Hunt, Miss Gertie, dressmaker, res 329 Westminster ave Hunt, Herbert, boiler maker, B.C Iron Works, res 640 Cambie Hunt, Miss Hilda, dressmaker, res 329 Westminster ave Hunt, John G, 540 Cambie Hunt, Laurence, tailor, E Dawe&Co, res cor Westm'r ave and Hustings Hunt, Richard, teamster, Champion & White, res 1617 Westminster ave Hunt, William, house painter, res 329 AVestminster ave Hunt, W, tailor, Johstone, Kerfoot & Co, res 540 Cambie Hunt, Lawrence, tailor, res 329 West- minster ave Hunter, Robert, millwright, res 1120 Pendrell Hunter, D McD, teacher, res 631 Cambie Hunter, Geo, clerk, T Dunn & Co, res 747 Hamilton Hunter, Samuel, contractor, res 747 Hamilton Hunter, Thos, contractor and builder res cor Melville and Thurlow Hunter, Thomas, carpenter, res 1305 Howe Hunter, William, music teacher, res New Fountain hotel Hurlimen, Jacob, machinist, C.P.R. shop, res 812 Richard Hurley, Michael, res 1 Water Hurst, Robt, labr, res Second ave, Fairview Hutchings, C F, res Hotel Vancovuer HutchingS, G W, furniture mfr, 134 Powell, res Eighth ave Hutchinson, J G ACo, "The Arcade," grocers rnd provision merchants, 112 Cordova Hutchinson, J G, grocer, "The Ar- cade," grocery. Cordova, res 804 Richard > Q O in O :^ d Dd o r ^--^ m X wen m X WILLUIMS & BARe, RED CROSS BREWERf, BUVER, B. C. il I'l.'i 'iit ■'.:■ m Drexvry's Redwood Brewery, Winnipeg. >\ Drewry's Ale and Porter Builds up and Strengtbens the System. E Z A S L A K £ I C £ c o V A N C O u V E B 604 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Huxtable, Wm, fireman, str Active, res 718 Alexander Hyde, Henry, teamster, res Eleventh ave cor Manitoba Hyland, Martin, cpntr, res Ottawa house DOERING & MARSTRAND'S ALEXANDRA - LAGER BEER - AND - PORTER Specially recommended. Address: MOUNT PLEASANT. Telephone 439. VANCOUVER, B. C. chu, F, Dougall blk, res 306 Abbott llingworth, Jas, furniture broker, 226 Abbott llingworth, Thomas, clerk, 226 Ab- bott llingworth, William, clerk, 226 Ab- bott mai, T, clerk, Japanese Consulate, res Sherman house Cordova imperial Opera House, 105 Pen- der ndependent Order of Oddfellows, Vancouver Lodge, No. 8, B. C. L. & I. block ndustrial Loan & Trust Co, Ltd, H L Moaely, prest, 625 Hastings nge, James, gardener, res 1315 Hornby nge, John, waiter, Hotel Vancouver nge, Mrs, res 311 Elastings nglis, Alex, dyer, 528 Seymour nglis, Peter, taxidermist, 619 Gran- ville, res Ontario house ngram, Albert, teamster, res 309 Keefer ngram, Chas, clerk. Foreman's grocery, res 625 Princess ngram, John Alfred, bank messenger res Thirteenth ave N S near Sophia nlet View Hotel, G P Schult prop, Heatley ave nland Revenue Office, J E Miller, collector, cor Pender and Granville Ismes, F C, (Innea & Richards), real estate agent, etc, Hastings W. res cor of Hastings and Burrard Innes & Riohards. real estate and insurance agents, 515 Hastings W In wood, Geo, fruit store, 522 Pender I.O.F, Court Burrard, No 347, Mas- onic blk, Cordova Ireland, Chas A, labr, res Terrace No 11, Keefer Ireland, W H. carpt, Robertson & Hackett, res 520 Seymour Ironsides, James, contractor, res 66 Water Irvine Chas, labr, res 10 Proctor's building Irving, George, plasterer, res Princess Irving, J A, grocer, (Hessin & Irving) res 337 Westminster ave Irwin, W H, assistant car inspector, C.P.R, res 513 Hornby Isbister, David, millhand, Leamv & Kyle's Mill Isolated Hospital, Jas Reith, care- taker, east end City Isaacs, Miss 8, cook, "res cor Georgia and Pender Ivenay, James, carpenter, res 416 Keefer Ives, Arthur, headporter, Vancouver hotel, res 1012 Melville Ives, H, res 922 Hornby Ives, W H, checker, C.P.R, res rear 940 Park Lane Izen, J, fruit and tobacco, 53 Cordova res Store DOERING & MARSTRAND'S ALEXANDRA - LAGER "BEER - AND - PORTER" Specially recommended. Address: MOUNT PLEASANT. Telephone 499. VANCOUVER, B. C. Jacks, Wm, labr, res 244 Princess Jackson, A D. barber, res 229 Abbott Jackson, Dr C A, dentist, 7 Oppen- beimer, res 1016 Nelson Jackson, Henry, res 102 Pender Jackson, Jas, rancher. Jubilee D Hall, res 216 Abbott Jackson, Tohn, labr, res terrace 9, Keefer A. JIJ8EATTIE WEEKLY AUCTIONS WILLIAM RALPH, Tin, Iron and Graniteware, y'l^Z^^^'^n VANCOUVER CITY DIRECTORY. 505 JackBon, Joshua, labr, res 607 Op- penheimer Jackson, J W, watchmaker and jeweler, 118 Cordova, res cor of Seventh ave and Quebec Jackson, Mrs M A, prop Jubilee dining hall, 216 Abbott Jacobs, Mrs 0, res 640 Homer James, D J, warehouseman, wharf, res 913 Westminster ave James, Miss M, waitress Leland hotel James, Hoiry, firemn, res 429 Harris James, Stanley, city auditor. City Hall, res 1321 Robson James, Thos, shoemaker, res 8 Hast- ings E James, Thos C, bricklayer, res 376 Sixth ave E James, Thos, shoemaker, A D Mc- Donald, Water, res 279 Sixth ave James, W H, tram conductor, res 632 Barnard Jameson, G W, principal, Mt Plea- sant School, res Ontario, nr Tenth ave Jamieson, David, printer, News-Ad- vertiser, res Glasgow hotel Jamieson, Wm, elk. Rand Bros, res 411 Hastings Janes, W, confectioner, Ramsay Bros Jarret, W, stage carpenter, res Opera House Jeffers, John, street car conductor, Wooiiwiird house Jefferson, Miss M, res 741 Hamilton Jenkines, W M, prop Queen's hotel, 104 Water Jenner, Fred J, Second ave S Jennes, Fred J, Second ave Jervie, C E, manufacturers' agent, res 730 Drake Jervis, E, printer, Marshall & Mc- Crae, res 314 Homer Jervis, John (O'Rourke & Jervis), liquor dealer, res 832 Oppenheimer Jewel, Frank, train baggageman, C.P'R., res Pender, nr Thurlow Jewish Congregation, room 18, 14 Cordova Jin & Tamora, Japanese goods, Sun Ban. 72 Cordova Jin, Japanese merchant. Sun Ban, Cordova, res 534 Homer Johnson, A,(Johnson& Atkin8),dray- man, cor Georgia and Cambie Johnson, Andrew, Royal City Mills shingle sawyer, res shingle sawyer, res Johnson, Atken, cook. Oyster Bay Johnson, A, tailor, 329 Hastings, res 825 Hamilton restaurant, res 810 Richard Johnson, Chas, Royal. City Mills Johnson, C F, saw filer, res 104 Powell Johnson, C Gardiner & Co, broker and secy Pilot Board, B.C. Land and Investment Co's block, res Fairview Johnson, Campbell CR, metallurgist, surgeon, assayer and mining engr, 442 Granville, res 1120 Haro Johnson. C Gardiner, commis- sion agent, B.C. Land and Invest- ment Co's blk, res Eighth ave Johnson, Chas, labr, res 213 Prior Johnson, D Porter, barber, 303 Car- rail, res Columbia hotel Johnson, Miss F C, principal, Van- couver Collegiate School, res 730 Burrard Johnson, F, Royal City Mills Johnson, Miss J A, res 1233 Haro Johnson, J, res 170 Water Johnson, J, machinist, C.P.R., res Colonial hotel Johnson, John, waiter. Oyster Bay restaurant Johnson, John, truck and drayman, res 311 Hastings Johnson, John, Royal City Mills Johnson, James L, fire inspector, C.P.R. depot, res 730 Burrard Johnson, Lacey, R, master mechanic, C.P.R. shops, res Beach ave Johnson, Martin, Royal City Mills Johnson, Oliver, millhand, Leamy <& Kyle's Mill Johnson, P J, clerk, Fairview, Sev- enth ave, S side Johnson, S, labr, res 411 Abbott Johnson, Wm H H, varnisher, mfr, res Fourteenth ave, nr Sophia Johnson, Wm, bricklayer, res Ninth ave nr Carolina Johnson, Wm, master mariner, res 334 Alexander Johnston, A E, cook. Oyster Bay res- taurant Johnston, Chas, painter, res 417 Drake Johnston, Cam{)bell, R. C, metallur- gist and mining engineer, 636 Granville, res 1014 Robson Johnston, George H, plumber, res 247 Georgia Q O d O (D > «^ so o WILLIAMS & BARKER, RED CROSS BREWERY, VANCOUVER, I C. \! mm M. ROBINSON MgRCHAKT TAIlOa 030 HaaUnga Street, tfeat, Vancouver, H. C. O o o • T-H OJ a o o U m a o CJ 506 IIRITISII COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Johnston, Dr. G D, physician and. snrgeon, 432 Cordova, res 1140 Georgia Johnston, Kerfoot & Co, tailors, clothiers, hatters and furnishers, 104 Cordova Johnston, I G, blacksmith. Westmin- ster rd and Eighth ave Johnston, J H, labr Johnston, James I, (Johnston & Ker- foot,) Cordova, res 449 Westmin- ster rd Johnston, J H, City Barber Shop, res 48 Water Johnstone, G F, foreman Cassady's Mill, res 829 Cambie Johnston, John, blksmith, res Prior Johnstone, James G, bacon ourer, Major & Eldridge, res 463 Dufferin Johnstone, Porter, barber, res Col- umbia hotel Johnston, R J, barber, City Barber Shop, res 48 Water Johnston, R N, Oyster Bay restau- rant, res Linton's boat house Johnstone, W A, cpntr, Robertson & Hackett, res 620 Seymour Johnston, Wm, labr, Ninth ave nr Carolina Johnston, Wm, gentleman, res Sev- enth ave nr Carolina Jonah, J G, engnr. res 1048 Howe Jones, Arthur, head porter Hotel Vancouver Jones, Alicet, labr, res 224 Princess Jones, Charles, delivery agt, News- Advertiser, res 334 Hastings W Jones, C H,sail maker, Water, res 202 Westminster ave Jones, 1), slate maker, res 435 Powell Jones, Edward, cpntr, res <}24 Sey- mour Jones, H Robson, pilot, res 523 Hornby Jones, H D, lighthouse keeper, Brockton Point, res Stanley Park Jones, H A, real estate agt, Cordova, res 1139 Georgia Jones, J P, millhand, Ijcaniy & Kyle's Mill Jones, J H, brakeman, res 66 Water Jones, J R C, Gold House Shaving Parlor, res 68-70 Water Jones, J F, watchman C.P.R, res 154 Water Jones, P J, collector and accountant, 411 Cordova, res Homer Jones, Robt, Royal City Mills Jones, Richard, clerk, shipping, res 92() Westminster ave Jones, W J, school teacher, res 628 Granville Jones, Wm R, propr Terminus hotel, 34 Water Jones, Wm, cpntr, res Fifteenth ave nr (Quebec Jopson James, building contr, res 811 Princess Jordan, G A, P. M, City Hall Jordan, Walter, barber, 227 Carrail, res 220 Westminster ave Jordan, Wm, bldr, res 1041 Richard Jordan, Wm, city fireman, res 207 Powell Judge, A P, solicitor, 519 Hastings W, res 604 Bnrrard Jowett, Mrs A E, confectionery and fruit, 636 Cordova Jowett, E J, waiter, Metropolitan Club, res Cordova Judge, Mrs J, retired, res 717 Homer Julian, T Ennor, architect, Holland block, cor Cordova Justice, H E, braekman, Secord house 401 Powell Jute & Cooperate Co, Ltd, False creek DOERING & MARSTRAND'S ALEXANDRA - LAGER "BEER -AND -PORTER" Specially recommended. Address: MOUNT PLEASANT. Telephone 4ag. VANCOUVER, B. C. Kaine, Chas, carpenter, Robertson & Hackett, res 520 Seymour Kalinowski, Frank, tinsmith, res 514 Cordova Kamloops Cattle Co, butchers, West- minster ave, cor Ninth ave Kane, E J, cigar maker, res 509 Rich- ard Kane, Miss L N, waitress Ottawa house Kappler, Jos, barman, res 175 Water Kauffeldt, Carl„ bottler, Alexandra Brewery, res Tenth ave E E. SPILLMAN, Wall Paper, 617 Hastings St. West. F.^ Kaye, \^ Kealy, ^ Granv Kearney son's ( res 120 Keat, H res En( Keays, ] Oppenl Keefer, C wick Keefer 122 Ale: Keefer,: 316 We! Keefer, .Tc res Bru: Keeler, Ninth a' Keeley, H Keelev, V res 211 C Keene,i;i ping bro Robson Keil, Jamt Keith, Art Keith, A J Keith, J C Keith, Mis McCrae, Keith, San res 814 P Kelly, A K Kelley, Ch. Kelley, Chj Kelly, Herl erty res' Kelly, Jos, Kelly, John Kelly, Mrs , Kelley, Job ings Kelly, Robe Oppenheii Kelley, Rob Kelley, Wm Kelley, Will Kelly, Willi; ^ 321Carral Kelly, Willii penheimei Kelly, Willi, ton blk, re Kempt, Johi ,,Kyle, real I Kemp, W A, y¥tfeRf F.W.HART, Undertaker, CORDOVA STREET, VANCOUVER, B. C. VANCOUVEK CITY DIRECTORY. 507 Kaye, W, labr, res 1152 Howe Kealy, A E, clerk, J M Buxton & Co Granville, res 311 Oppenheiiner Kearney, Miss A, milliner, G I Wil- son's dry goods house, Cordova, res 1206 Hornby Keat, H E, genl "grocer, 437 Powell, res Englewood house Keays, Miss Emma, stenographer, Oppeuheimer Bros, res 621 Hornby Keefer, Chas E plumber, r, s Bruns- wick Keefer & Godden, contractors, 122 Alexander Keefer, H F, (Keefer & Godden) res 316 Westminster ave Keefer, .lohn, mgr Keefer & Godden, res Brur.Hwick Keeler, Charles nurseryman, res Ninth ave N Keeley, Hy, caretaker. Central school Keeley, William, brakeman C.P.R., res 211 Oppenheimer Keene,W la, com mercht and ship- ping broker, 632 Cordova, res 1026 Robson Keil, James, draying, res 408 Georgia Keith, Arthur, labr, res 1152 Howe Keith, A J, mlllhand, res 814 Powell Keith, J C, n;s 1116 Georgia Keith, Miss, book sewer, Marshall & McCrae, res 314 Homer Keith, Samuel, clerk, Hastings Mill, res 814 Powell Kelly, A E, res 219 Abbott Kelley, Chas, labr: res Prior Kelley, Chas, Royal City Mills Kelly, Herbert, clerk, Fader & Doh- erty, res 734 Seymour Kelly, Jos, labr, res Prior Kelly, John, labr, res Prior Kelly, Mrs J F, res 608 Burrard Kelley, John, painter, shop 123 Hast- ings Kelly, Robert, commercial traveller, Oppenheimer Bros, res 621 Hornby Kelley, Robt, res 20 Water Kelley, Wm Royal City Mills Kelley, William, res 36 Cordova Kelly, William, surveyor's asst, res 321 Carrall Kelly, William T, labr, res 827 Op- penheimer Kelly, William, harness mkr.Temple- ton blk, res 36 Cordova Kempt, John, millhand, Leamy <& Kyle, reB 138 Thirteenth ave Kemp, W A, carpt, res 624 Richard Kemp, J A, contractor, res cor Ham- ilton and Robson Kendall, Dr, res Hotel Vancouver Kendrick, Josiah, plumber, res 262 Barnard Kendall, Miss, res Hotel Vancouver Kendall, James, machinist, res 401 Powell Kendall, Walter H, contractor, etc. Chamberlain blk, cor Carrall and Powell, res Hotel Vancouver Kennedy, George, res 170 Water Kennedy, J, Central hotel, 42 Cordova Kennedy, M, res 102 Pender Kennedy, William, porter,Oppenhei- mer Bros, res Cambie Kennedy, Robt, longshoreman, res Clarence hotel Kennedv, W H, salesman, Oppenhei- mer firos, res 1 cabin, near City Hospital Kennie, Thos, musician, res Wood- ward house Kenny, Joseph, labr, res rear of 536 Richard Kent, Arthur E, labr, res 217 Oppen- heimer Kent, H W, mgr N.W. and B.I, Tele- ghone Co, Lefevre blk, res 1102 eaton Kent, J W, clerk, res 523 Hamilton Kent, Mrs J W, res 523 Hamilton Kent, W D, baker, res 720 Oppenhei- mer Kent, W F, Bay View hotel, 614 Cor- dova, res 524 Burrard Kent, William, baker, Vancouver Bakery, res Oppenheimer nr Heat- ley ave Keoning, Louis, labr, res City hotel Kerfoot, Saml, stationery and toys, Westminster ave nr Seventh ave Ker, James, carpt, res 141 Seventh ave Ker, J B, retired, res Burnaby Kernaghan, John, carpt, res Lans- downe ave Kerr, Benjamin, carpt. res 54 Eighth ave Kerr, Hodson John, teacher, High School, res 328 Hastings Kerr, John C, drayman, res 243 Georgia Keir, Sydney, teamster, J C Kerr, res 243 Georgia Kersey, Henry, carpt, res 417 Keefer Kersey, William, clerk, clothing, res 417 Keefer (/} X O C/3 'if fl mi : ^1 r mi ■ IjlinSM ict I Send to the RED CROSS BREWERY f»R FINE LAGER BEER VANCOUVER, B. C. m^ fmmmmmmmmmmmm^ T £ X A S A K £ I C £ c o V A N C O u V C. R FOREMAN, Citv Grocer jancodver ^ ■/ ■ B C 508 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Kiel & Kerr, feed stables, etc, 216 Cambie Kilby, Fred, delivery.Welsh & Night- ingale, res Fifteenth ave Kilby, George, carpt, res Fifteenth ave nr Westminster ave Kilczenski, J, millhand, Leamv & Kyle's Mill King, Atwell, janitor, Govt bldgs, Pender King, Atwell, jr, messenger, Court House King, Daniel, engr, res Quebec nr Sixth ave King, Duncan, cooper, B.C. Jute and cooperage, res 233 Sixth ave Kingcombe, Edwin, draughtsman. City Hall, res 1404 Alberni Kinmond, R D, real estate agt, 105 Cordova, res 734 Burrard Kirkland, Miss Lizzie, dressmaker, res 102 Cordova Kirkpatrick, Thomas, shingle manfr. False creek, res Alberni KitO, T, Japanese Consul, Holland blk, 413 Cordova Kittson, H C, labr, 217 Oppenheimer Kneale, Daniel, carpt, res rear 412 Princess Knight, Martin, butcher, res 154 Water Knights of Pythias, Masonic blk, Cordova Knowdell, C D, carpt, res 1157 Hornby Knowdell, Edward, tinsmith, res 1157 Hornby Knowler & Macaulay, brokers and com agts, Holland blk, Cordova Knowler, W E, (Knowler & Macau- lay), res cor Jervis and Melville Knowler, W S (Knowler &Macauley), com merchant, Holland blk, Cor- dova, res 1224 Melville Kobald, Allan, warehouseman, res 125 Vrater Kolonoskie, J, apprentice, res 50 Water KurtB & Co, Pioneer Cigar Fac- tory, 148 Cordova Kyle, Andrew, Balmoral hotel, res 2 Cordova Kyle, Geo E, book-keeper, res Prin- cess A. O. LEASK COMMISSION MEROHAHT CUSTOMS BROKER, INSURANCE, STORAGE, FREE and BONDED, FORWARDING, ETC. TICKET AGEirrror all ATLiHTIC STEAMSHIP LINES, Telephone 53. P. O. Box 54. 621 Hastings St, Vanconyer, B. C. Lafond, Alfred, machinist, B.C. Wood Works Lafrancis, Peter, carpenter, res Clar- ence hotel Laidlaw, Archibald, setter, Leamy & Kyle's Mill Laidlaw, Miss J, dressmaker, res 524 Burrard Lake, C F, clerk, C.P.R., res 520 Granville Lalicu, Leopold, carpt, res Prior Lamarre, Geo, logger, res City hotel Lamas, Hy, labr, res 457 Prior Lamb, James, express, res Ontario, nr Ninth ave Lambert, J, barber, Holland blk, Cor- dova, res 533 Granville La Monte, Miss E, dressmaker, room 10, Dunn-Miller blk, res 617 Rich- ard Lamson, J P, asst city engr. City Hall Lanamay, G B, printer, res 708 Seventh ave Land Registry Office, T Towi ley, registrar Landry, Madam, dressmaker, res 515 Oppenheimer Landray, N> shoemaker, res 810 Powell Lane, S A, carpt, res 410 Cambie Langdale, A 0, blacksmith, res 517 Barnard Langdale, J R, house painter, res 517 Barnard Langdale, Mrs, res 517 Barnard Langdale, Miss M, res 517 Barnard A M "RT! A TTTS ADCTiONEER, ■ appraiser - AND XI.. MM.. M3J^JA X X xx;i ggjjpj^,^ COMMISSION MERCHANT. CITY MARKET, VANCOUVCR, B. C. Drewry's Redwood Brewery, Winnipeg. All yrholeaale Dealers keep Orewry'a Ale, Porter and Lager in Stock. VANCOUVBR CITY DIRECTORY. 509 Bar- Hast- Langdale, R S, printer, rea 517 nard Langdale, Sidney, driver, 616 ings W, res Barnard Langhorn, Edward, labr, res Beach ave Langham, Thos, driver, B.C. Cattle Co, res 228 Keefer Langis Dr H E, physician, rooms 1-2-3 Dougall blk, res 306 Abbott Langley, A A, prop Glasgow hotel, 501-505 Westminster ave Langley, T H (Creamer & Langley), hardware merchant, 218 Carrall, res 1333 Hornby Langlois, G D, salesman, Oppen- heimer Bros, res 1153 Hornby Langstaff, John, compositor, Mar- shall & McCrae, res 314 Homer Lungre, Joseph, logger, res City hotel Lapoint, Wm, drayman, res 715 Cam- bie Lantz, D, building contractor, res Ottawa house Liargen, P J, baker, res 1214 Seymour Larson, Emil (Mather & Larson), 324 Cordova, res 926 Richard Larson, Fred, tailor, res 313 Georgia Larson, P, prop Union hotel, 223 Abbott, {see ad t, p. 4S9) Larwill, A, recreation grounds, Cam- bie Lassen, E, carpt, res 161 Tenth ave Laughlin, Miss M, tailoress, res 60 Cordova Laughlin, Wm J, cabinet maker, res 467 Seventh ave E Laughlin, W J, carpt, Robertson & Hackett, res 520 Seymour Laursen, John U, resNinth ave Laursen, Viggo,clk, 523 Hastings W, res Ninth ave, Mount Pleasant Laurenson, J, elk, Innes & Richards, res 526 Granville La veil, H A (Bowser & Lavell), bar- rister and solicitor, res 932 Hornby Lavington, Miss Lilian, domestic, cor of Burrard and Eveleigh Law, David, carpenter, res 617 Cam- bie Law, James, grocer, res 817 West- minster ave Law, Jos, cook, Carter house, res 154 Water Law, Sam'l, cook, Carter house, res 154 Water Lawrence, C T, painter, res 1001 Homer elk, W Skene, Aubrey, laborer, Andrew, laborer, Charles, laborer. 605 res res res Lawrence, W C, Granville Lawrenson, Prior Lawrenson, Prior Lawrenson, Prior Lawrenson, John laborer, res Prior Lawrenson, R, laborer, res Prior Lawson, John T, carpt, Casssdy'a Mill, res 1231 Homer Lawson, Miss Annie, waitress, Clar- ence hotel Lawson, J P, asst City Engineer, res 526 Alexander Lawson, W R, stopecutter, res 1235 Homer Lawton, S, clerk, Gold house, res 66 Water Layfield & Co, H H, dry goods, 16 Cordova Layfield. H, (Layfield & Co), dry gds merchant, res 70 Cordova Layfield, Mrs H, res 622 Alexander Lazier, W N, res Leland hotel Leach, Thos, prop Imperial house cor of Abbott and Pender Leamy & Kyle, Commercial Saw Mill, False creek, ofiSce 334 Hastings, mills, Fairview Leamy, James (Leamy & Kyle) 334 Hastings W Leask, A O, Customs broker, 672 Hastings W, res 1225 Comox Leask, W, engineer, 615 Pender, res 825 Richards Leatherdale & Co, Fashion Stables, 108-110 Hastings E Leatherdale, Chas K, (Leatherdale & Co), Fashion Stables, res Columbia hotel LeatheiJale, Robt, (Leatherdale & Co), res 625 Westminster ave Le-Cappellain, J 0, mgr Dunn & Co, res 1027 Melville Leckie, J K, fishing supplies, ship chandler, etc, 531 Granville Leckie, R J, msr J Leckie, 531 Granville, res 1059 Richard Lee, Miss E L, nurse, res 212 Ray- mur ave Lee, H, laborer, Russ house, 417 Powell Lee, John, gardener, res 147 Eleventh ave Lee, John A, res Y.M.C.A. building, Hastings W Q O O o Q > SEND TO THE RED CROSS BRM FOR FINE LAGER BEER, VA.NOOUVBR, Bi O. WILLIAM RALPB, Stem and Riges 24 Cordova St. , VANCOUVER oc Iti OS M fao is pq w o o U O O I^e, H, retired, Hoffman house' Lee, T H, prop, Texadu Lime Works, res 212 Raymur ave Lee, TH, foreman, Texada Lime Co, wiiarf 100 Dupont, res 212 Kaymur ave Lee, Wesley, carpenter, res 008 Sey- mour Leeic, Wm, (Leek & Son), engineers, Pender, res 825 Richard Lees, Andrew, D J Mcljean & Co, 18 Cordova, res 909 Ridiard Lees, Todd, collector, a^ent for "Western World," room (>, 22 Cor- dova Leeson, E W, merchant, (Baker & Leeson), res 733 Homer Leiehvrc, F, carpt, res Howe Lefevre, S, stonecutter, res Ottawa house Legg, Cant Hugh, res 170 Water Legg, G T, agt United Trust Co, Ltd, res 610 Granville Leitch, Alex, res 1042 Barclay Leithead, J M, (Draper & Leithead.) Dougall blk, res 300 Abbott Leighton, Robt, book-keeper, res 1213 Richard Leiand hotel, Hamilton W, Has- tings Lelievre, Joseph, labr, res Quebec hotel LeMaistre, W de V, student-at-law, 519 bastings AV, res 311 Oppenhei- mer Lendry, Wm, boot and shoe maker, res 60 Water Leonard, G C, Oyster Bay restau- rant, Carrall, re's Quebec Leonard & Johnston, props Oyster Bay restaurant, Carrall, cor Op- penheimer Leonard, R A, contr and bldr, res 630 Georgia Leonard, R E, clerk. Rand Brng, res 1044 Barclay LePage, Lemuel, green grocer, west side Market, Pender, res 622 Eur- rard LePage, Miss Ethel, teacher, Central School, res 622 Burrard Lepoint, Chas, mgr B. C. Wood Works, Granville Leroy, Geo, labr, res Terrace No. 5, Keefer Lester, James, labr, Fairview, res Eighth ave Leslie, J, engnr. Tenth ave nr (On- tario, res power house Leslie, George, plasterer, res IIJHO Hornby Letherdale, I>an, tmstr, res Harris Letherdale, John, contr, res 501 Op- penheimer Lett, C A, agt Canada Life Assnce Co, res 919 Howe Letwinoff, P, tailor, res rear 24 Hastings W LeVard, Miss Pauline, dressmaker, res 716 Westminster ave Levero, John, labr, Hastings iSIill Levi, Carl, general store, 209 Carrall Levi, John, tailor, 318 Columbia avu Levi, J, cigar maker, res Ottawa house Levins, Wm, blacksmith, res Harris nr Hawke ave Lewellen, R T, marine diver, res 218 Prior Lewis, George, expressman, res 327 Carrall Lewis, H, pipe layer, res 741 Cambie Lewis, Henry Thomas, agt P.C.S.S. Co, C.P.R. wharf, res 532 Georgia Lewis, R G, res 1128 Seaton Lewis, Wm, tmstr, Champion ct White, res 1 Dupont Liberty, M, hotel propr, Sherman house, Cordova and Water Lifel, Chas, miller, res 984 Westmin- ster ave Lipsky, Alex, coffee stand, 6 Has- tings Lilburn, Miss Maria, dressmaker, 415 Hastings W Lilburn, Miss Maggie, dressmaker, 415 Hastings Lillie, John, tmstr, Wellington coal yard, res Prior Lillie, T W, foreman Fire Hall No. 2, res 721 Seymour Lilly, John, labr, res Prior Limpus, Alfred, painter, res 2 Grove Terrace Lindsay, Mrs Chas, res cor Burrard and Pender Lindsay, James, bldr. Sixth ave W Lindsay, Misa Jane, asst matron Childrens' Home, res 542 Homer Lindsay, S, labr, res Foreshire, False creek Lindsay, Wm, millhand, Leamy & Kyle's Mill Linklator A, tmatr, Pioneer Steam Laundry E. SPILLMAX, FRESCOING, LErTERi, HOUSE-PITIIIG, Vancoura \ M. ROBINSON MEROHAMT TAILOR a»0 Uattlnfi* Street, Weat, Vaneourer, II. V. VANCOUVER CITY DIKECTORY. 511 Linklutor, I), tinsiuith, res (120 Homer Linky, P, Hcufller, r^s 217 Oppen- heimer Linn, Mrs Mary, res 907 Howe Lion Clotiiinjj House, BlaiHC, H J & Co, props, res 1U9 Cordova Lipsett, Edward, sail, tent and awning maker, ($9 Water, res 734 Seymour Little, Mark, coppersmith, C.P.R. res 1314 Hornby Little, Miss Margaret, res 27 Front Little, Wm, fuel dealer, 814 West- minster ave Llewellin, R, diver, Lloyd, Pierce, jr, accountant, C.P.R. res 104 Fifth ave Lloyd, Pierce, boiler maker, S.S. Em- press of Japan, res 104 Fifth ave Lloyd, M T L. prop Palace Livery 1003 Pender (see adt preceding street directory) Lobb, TIjos, blacksmith, Westmin- ster rd, res 2706 Westminster ave Lobb, Wm S, agent, res Thirteenth ave Lobley, Arthur, surveyor's asst, res rear of 536 Richard Lobley, Chas H, surveyor's asst, res rear of 636 Richard Lo()kerby, Greorge H, res 906 West- minster ave Lookhart & Center, undertakers, 59 Cordova (see adt page 459) Lockley, Henry, blacksmith, Tracy's shop, 313 Columbia ave, res Inlet View hotel Lockyer, H T, book-keeper, Hudson Bay Co, res 1031 Robson Lodge, Wm, moulder, res rear of 14 Oppenheimer Loemans, A F, artist, res 530 Cordova Loewen, Chas J, real estate and fi- nancial broker, 605 Hastings W, res Lefevre blk Logan, Mrs D, retired, res 919 Rich- ard Logan, Miss Minnie, Boston Millin- ery, Carrall, res 919 Richard Logan, Miss, nurse, res City Hospital Logan, Mathew florist', res Front near Columbia L.O.L., No. 1616, Westminster ave London & Lancashire Life Assurance Co, 411 Hastings, G D Scott, mgr Longhead, Adam, clerk, O.P.R., res 308 Oppenheimer T^rimer. A B, clergyman, res 114 Twelfth ave W LoHCombe, Chas, clerk, Alhambrii hotel, res 2 Water Longh, Wm, book-keener, res 126 Water Louie, — , shoeblack, res 424 Oppen- heimer Loutit, Jas I, head clerk, C.P.R., res 1111 Robson Lorett, Robert, fireman, C.P.R., res 1329 Hornby Lorett, John, milk ranch, res Heather Lovett, Mrs Jas, res Heather Lowe, Edwd, res 014 Hamilton Loxley, Miss E G, millinery, 165 Cordova, res 617 Homer Loyal Western Star Lodge, 95, CO. O.F, Good Templars' Hall, .302 Cordova Loyal Western Star Lodge, F.L.T, No 96, Pythian Castle Hall, 14 Cordova Ludlow, Miss Isabella, tailoress, £ Dawe & Co, res Ninth ave, Mount Pleasant Ludlow, Miss Letitia, domestic, res Powell E Ludlow, William, labr.res 136 Eighth ave Luff, Saml, carpt, res 413 Granville Luke, Albert, carpt,res 146 Thirteenth ave Lulu Island Canning Co, mgr, Wind- sor, Charles Lundy & Fletcher, nicht tailors, 51 Cordova Lundy, Frank, lather, res 620 Davie Lundy, W J, (Lundy & Fletcher), res 620 Davie Lunn, Edwd, tallyman, C.P.R. wharf, res 109 Oppenheimer Lyman, William, cooper, res Barnard nr Campbell ave Lyne, Norman, clerk, Thomtc Dunn, res 8 Water Lynham, Ada, Ramsay Bros, Tb? 435 Powell Lynham, Mrs, res 308 Keefer Lynham, W H, driver, Gurney Cab Co, res 308 Keefer Lyon, A B, carpt, res 712 Barnard Lyon, A B, carpt, Robertson & Hac- kett, res 520 Seymour Lyon, Jno, book-kpr, J A Skinner & 'Go, res 1216 Robson Lyon, Martin, labr, res foot Campbell ave > o o in O o l-H •< « > 11 1 \ ll i 1 1 ||H 1 \ i ''■'1 i Iri i '. l## Jh' J. < E §fl^U| *l**[^ Iii RED CROSS BREWERY LAGER BEER VA.NCOUVBR, B. o. ^ mimmmm qpavupvpHMP T £ X A S L A K E I C E c o V A N C O u V E B B € T R HARDIMAN fioneeb abt oalleby I ■ III IIHIIUIIflflll «»» Cordova Sirtirt. ynneouver, Jl. C PRINT DEALER and SELLER, PRACTICAL CARVER, GILDER and PICTURE t'RAMER. 612 nRITIBH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Lyonee, Norman, clerk, res 411 Powell Lyte, E, carpt, rea 817 Hornby Lytton Hydraulic Syndicate, 609 Hastings W, Geo DeWoli, sec DOERING & MARSTRAND'S ALEXANDRA - L^QER BEER - AND - PORTER Specially recommended. Address; MOUNT PLEASANT. Telephone 490. VANCOUVER, B. C. M Macaulav, Charles, City Water Wks, res 6lf Gore ave Macauley, C H, clerk, C.P.R, res 810 Howe Macaulay, Janie8,(KnawIes & Macau- lay), res 710 Richard Macauley, R H, carpt, res Westmin- ster ave cor Nineteenth ave Maccaroni Factory, John Scuitto, prop, res 8 Alexander Macdonald, Angus, cigarmaker, Kurtz, res 827 Cambic Macdonald, Miss, sewing girl, F W Hart, res Princess Macdonald, Ge^-r^e, painter and paperhanger, n d 525 Howe Macdonald, .T.tfaincter, Forbes' wood- yard Macdonald, H, 'eamstr, Atkins & Johnson, res Georgia, cor Gamble Macdonald, Jno, checker, C.P.R, res 827 Cambie MacDonald, Wm S, electrician, Vane Elec Light, res Westminster ave, nr Fifteenth ave Macey, Arthur, lather, res Fair view. Seventh ave Macey, Charles, lather, Fairview, Seventh ave Macey, Ernest, bricklayer, res Fair- view, Seventh ave Macey, George, lather, res Fairview, Seventh ave N Macey, Hector, bricklayer, res Fair- view, Seventh ave Macey, Wm, plasterer, res Fairview, Seventh ave Macey, W 0, bricklayer, res Fair- view, Seventh ave niaoflRrlane,A ( MacKinnon & Mac- farlane), real tostate agent, 611 Hast- ings, res 612 Burraru (see advt. pre- ceding street directory) Macfarlane, A G, wholesale liquor merchant, 434-.36 Cordova Maoflarlane, J E W, mgr B.C. Iron Works Macfarlane, R C J, machinist, B.C. Iron Works, res 1119 Melville Macfie, J W, book-keeper, res Duf- ferin W Macfie, Miss, City Hospital matron, MacGili, J H, law student, Corbould, McColl, Wilson & Campbell Maoflrowan. A H B. secy Board of Trade, 522 Cordova, res 820 Richard Macgregor, J, Dom Publishing Co, res 720 Hamilton Macgregor, H, elk C.P.R, res 720 Hamilton Machin, Edwin, secy and librarian, reading room and library, res 1021 Melville Macisse, John, labr, res 614 West- minster ave Mackay, George, res Burrard, cor Dunemuir Maokay, G D, mgr Anglo-Colum- bia Co, Ltd, res 32 Water, cor Dunsmuir and Burrard Mackay, Mrs G G, widow, res 1310 Georgia MacCay, G G & Co, land agents, 720 Pencfer Mackay, H H, real estate agent, 927 Pender, res 1310 Georgia Mackay, Robert, painting itnd paper hanging, res 25 Hastings E Mackey, W T, res Beach ave, cor of Burnaby Mackee, Wm, woodsman, res Glas- gow hotel Mackenrot, Alfred, carpenter. Mount Pleasant P.O., res Seventh ave Mackenzie, Donald, carpenter, res Fairview, Sixth ave Mackenzie, D Roderick, dry goods clerk, Drysdale's, Cordova, res Sixth ave MacKenzie, Hector, elk, 623 Has- tings, res 1141 Melville Mackenzie, John, millhahd, Spicer's Shingle Mill, res Sixth ave MacKinnon, J M (MacKinnon, Mac- Farlane & Co), 611 Hastings A. M. BEATTIE, AUaiONEER, Vancouver, B. C. i! «l c. F. W. HART'S FOR CARPETS CORDOVA STREET, VANCOUVER . VANCOUVKB CITY DIRECTORY. 613 Maekiniion, Robt, rea 300 Dunstnuir MaoKlnnon.BIaoFarlaneA! Co. flnuncial, land and mining agents, ttll Hastings («ee advt. preceding street directory) MacKinnon, Wm, civil engineer, Condellblk, Homer, res 817 Georgia Muclaren, Jolin, seaman, res 50U Pender Muc-klin, Augustus, candy maker, Riui)8:iv'h Candy Factory, Hastings, res 405 Cordova Mackiin, Harry, confectioner, Kam- Huy Bros, res 405 Cordova Mackiin, James, res 405 Cordova Mackiin, James, clerk, Hessin & Irving, res 406 Cordova Mackiin, James A, clerk, Hessin's grocery store, Hastings, res 405 Cordova MacLean, M A, notary public, res 16 Cordova MacLcan, M C, notary public, 15 Cor- dova, res 888 Richard Macleod. J O, elk C.P.R, res 837 Hamilton MacLeod, J M, jr, grocer's (ierk, res 325 Opfienheimer MacLeod, Rev J M, pastor Zion Presbyterian Church, res 325 Op- penheimer MacLeod, VV D R, checker, C.P.R. wharf, res rear 513 Richard Macleuw, Jno, res 160 Water Macmillan, E H, groc"", 26 Cordova, res 530 Hornbv Maoneill, A H (Harris & Macneill), W hetliam bik, res 723 Homer , Macneill, C B (Davis, Marshall & Macneill), barrister, etc. Bank of B.C. bidg Maddams, C C, porter, res Seventh ave Maddock, Michael, cooper. Red Cross Brewery, res rear 515 Richard Maddox, M, res Imperial house, 419 Abbott Madill, E B, butcher, res 615 Ham- ilton Madison, S, inspector Magee, D, millwright Mag^ee, E A, barrister, and solicitor, Whetham blk Magee, Geo Edwin, fmr, res Eighth ave 8 Mahan, Ross, rea Hotel Vancouver Maher, E M, labr, res terrace 3, Keefer Mahon, E, rea Hotel Vancouver Mahon, E E, res 825 Howe Mahoney, W, res 1 Water Mahony, William H, engineer, res 306 (it>re ave Mahoney, E C, foreman, Hastings Mill Mahood, James, book-keeper, Tait's Lumber Mills, res Third ave Main, Miss Annie, domestic, 871 Hornby Main, David, carpenter, res 814 Gore ave Main, Thomas, house painter, res 518 Gore ave Main, Wni, res 1130 Davie Main, W.n, longshoreman, res 816 Gore u ve Mainlard Market, .86-88 Cordova Maitlard, Miss E, Ladies' Academy, res 611 Dunsmuir Major & Eldridge, pork packers and wholesale com merchants 125 Water, (see advt card board.) Major, G R, (Major & Eldridge) 125 Water, rea Nicola j Major Nicholas, gardener, 488 Prince ! Edward, res cor Twelfth ave Major, Philip, gardener, 488 Prince Edward, res cor Twelfth ave Major, William, gas works, res foot Dunlevy ave, False creek Major, William, labr, res 1235 Homer Malkin, J F, book-keeper, res 125 Water Malkinn, James, elk. Major & El- dridge, res 747 Hamilton Maney, Jim, logger, Russ house, res 417 Powell Manley, George, printer, News-Ad- vertieer, res rear of 512 Seymour Manley, J W, druguist, res 300 Keefer Manners, Mii^s L, dressmaker, rm 11, 410 Cordova Manning, G W, City Meat Market, res 168 Cordova Manor House, 603 Howe Mansell, C B, M.R C.D.S., rms 3-4 res 22 Cordova Manstiald, T H, baker,Bo8ton Bakery, res 708 Seymour Manson, Andrew, book-keeper. City Market, res 600 Oppenheimer Manson, Wm, auditor, C.P.R., New York block, res 1141 Barclay Manuel. Mrs S E, Barnard Castle, res 852 Powell o o o s ^ w I.V :B.C. B Ol C. F. FOREMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER Comer Weattninater Avenue and PMneeaa Street, yaneouver. mm o e8 09 •a" p< o {^ o 514 BRITIBH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Mara, Harrv. woodsman, res 118 Hastings fi Mara, Heman, woodsman, res 118 Hastings E Mara, Michael, res 141 Water Marion, gas works, res Woodward house Marrion, Robert, mgr fitting dtpt, Vancouver Gas Works, res 136 Keefer Market Hall and Market, \ M Beatty, lessee, cor Hastings and Westmin- ster ave Marani, C J, financier Canada Per- manent Loan and Savings Co, rea 820 Burrard Maroney, J, stonecutter, res Gran- ville Marrinton, Chas, jr, fmr, res Gore ave Marrinton, Chas, cook, res Gore ave Marrington, Chas, waiter, res Colum- bia hotel Marr, H C, butcher, Cordova, res 61 o Hamilton Marsden, Miss Bertha, domestic, res 1207 Haro Marsden, Hv, butcher, T"^! Granville, res 740 Bute Marsden, H, butcher, 704 Granville, res 740 Bute Marsden, Miss M A, milliner, Drys- dale & Co, res 740 Bute Marsh, Thos, logger, res Hubs house Marshall & McCrae, wholesale sta- tioners, lithographers and printers, 314-316 Homer Marshall, Alex, (Marshall & McCrae), res 1033 Georgia Marshall, Miss Bella, do^uiestic, r:c 918 Pender Marshall, Bca, butcher, res 208 Oppcnhtim-^r Marshall, D O, (Davis, Marshall & Macneill) barristers, etc, ros 1180 Com ox M/ir9hall,Edgar,uphol8terer, Seventh nve, res Raymead house Marshall, Frank, electrician Hotel Vanc'Uiver Marshall, J, teamster, res 716 Powell Marshall, Robert, (Marshall & Mc- Crea) ros 1033 Georgia Marshall, R, teamster, res 716 Powell Marsnall, W C C, livery and ex- press stables, 141 Water, res 716 Powell (see advt p. precedi \g street directory) Marshall, Thomas, plumber, Rose, Hastings, res Jackson ave Marahallsay, Jno, Royal City Mills Marsland, Reuben, moulder, res x '4 Alexander Marstrand, Otto, brewer, (Doer- ing&Marstrand) res 4 Sixth aveW, {see advt over initial letters) V5artin & Robertson, com brokers, 605 Granville Martin, A L, clerk, Land Registry office, res 1121 Georgia Martison, Bengta, labr, res 1023 Coniox Martin, Daniel, tram track foreman, res il52 Park Lane Martin, F X, clerk, Land Registry office, res 1121 Georgia Martin, Frank, tel opr, C.P.R, res 527 Hamilton Martin, George, clerk, res Burnaiiv Martin, Geo A, elk, Bank of B.N!A, res 952 Parjc ave Martin, L A, elk, land registr}-, res 1121 Georgia Martin, .Tos, boat builder. False creek east of Granville bridge Martin, Nelson, plasterer, res 1120 Pendril! Martin, Nelson, Royal City Mills Martin, Robt, (Martin & Robertson). Granville, res 526 Granville Martin, S, teller. Bank of Montreal, Granville Martin, William, res Hotel Vtincou- ver Martinson, Robt, millhand, Leaniy \ Kyle's Mill Mason &. Peterson, jewellers, 230 Cur- rail Mason, G S, wat 'hmaker. C^Iason it Peterson), res 610 Hastngt K Maoon, J & Co, employment offiw, 528 Cordova, res 612 Seymour Mason, .lohn, (Jno Mason & Co), o28 Cordova, res 612 Seymour Mason, John, labr. Grand View Mason, Mrs John, boarding, res 612 Seymour Mason, J S, (Mason & Peterson), jeweler, res 610 Hastings Mason, Percy, clerk, Harris & V»i'- neill, res 706 Granville Mason & Rf'-aCh Piano Co, Ltd, Miss B J I\ l .8, agt, 534 Homer Mason, William, carpt, res rear 216 Keefer Masters, Frank, res 1318 Howe GOTOE.SPILLMAN FOR WALL PAPER and MOULDINGS 017 HASTINO<« STREET, VANCOUVER, B. C. TJ7JS Masters, Stevedc Masters, Westmi Masters, ' Hacketl Howe Mather & 324 Cor. Mather, J Cordovn Matheson 217 Opj Matheson Powell Matheson, Oppenhi Matheson, ville Lui Matherson Oppenhf Mathews, Mathews, real esti hotel Matthews, Cambie Mathieson Mathieson res Rich Mathiepcii, Web iter Matso:i, Ai minister Matson, Be minster r Matson, Lo minster r Matthews, Kyle's M Mattinson,i i Keefer Mattinson, Hackott, Mattocks. Westmini Maurmann, 67 Cordov, Maxwell, , Presbyter penheime Maxwell, R^ well & Hd Sixth ave May, E H, c and Gran May, Miss _ Lansdown ] J RedG DREWRY'8 Redwood BREWERY. Winnipeg THESE GOOnS WAJtRANTED TO KEEP IN All, CLIMATES. VANCOUVEH CI""" DIEKCTOHY. 515 Masters, Fred W, book-keeper, B.C. Stevedore Co, res 422 Princess Masters, James, fisherman, 1514 Westminster ave Masters, Thomas, carpt, Robertson & Hackett, 5)20 Seymour, res 318 Howe Mather & Larson , merchant tailors, 324 Cordova Mather, Jas, (Mather & Larson), 324 Cordova, res 926 Richard Matheson, Ale.\, paperlianger, res 217 Oppenheimer Matheson, D A, lumberman, res 852 Powell Matheson, Geo, paperhanger, res 217 Oppenheimer Matiieson, Malcolm, mgr Moody- ville Lumber Yard, res 821 Cambie Matherson, John, carpenter, res 323 Oppenheimer Mathews, David, res 133 Water Mathews, Thos, (Acorn & Mathews), real estate agent, res Englewood hotel Matthews, Miss L, tailoress, res 540 Cambie Mathieson, Henry, res 624 Seymour Mathieson, Malcolm, bridge carpt, res Rich jiond hotel Mitthiepcii, Wm, cooper, Edmonds &. Web iter, res Quebec hotel Matspu, Anton, laborer, res 301)VVest- mi.ister rd Matson, David, laborer, res S09 West- minster rd Matson, Louis, laborer, res 309 West- minster rd Matthews, W H, mi'lhand, Lcamy & Kyle's Mill, Mt Pleasent Mattin8on,Alf, pattern maker, res 800 Keefer Mattinson, A, carpenter, Robertson & Hackett, 520 Seymour Mattocks, labr. Thirteenth ave near Westminster ave Maurmann, Paul, Germania hotel, res 67 Cordova Maxwell, Rev George, pastor. First Presbyterian Church, res 400 Op- penheimer Maxwell, Robt E, box factory. Max- well & Hayden, Richards, res 690 Sixth ave E May, E H, carpenter, res cor Robson and Granville May, Miss Lena, dressmaker, res 65 Lansdowne May, F B, res Bank of B C bldg May, Wm H, butcher, Mcintosh & Co, res 66 Lansdowne ave Mayne, Chas I, carpenter, Royal City Mills Mayne, Thos, (ClarksoQ & Mayne), 607 Pender, i --y Gore ave McAllister, Angus, machinist, C.P.R. res 612 Seymour McAllister, Miss A, telephone ofPce, rea 2706 Westminster ave McAllister, C J, blacksmith, London Carriage Works, res Mountain View McAllister, John, blacksmith, liOn- don Carriage Works, 30 Oppen- heimer, res ''405 Westminster ave McAlpint, Colin, shipbuilder, res 734 Seymour McAlpine, Dr L D, druggist, 311 Westminster ave, res 313 West- minster ave McAlpine, J A L, druggist, 228 Car- rail, res 749 Hamilton McAlpine, Mrs, res 329 Harris McArthur, Arthur, te" Jister, res 627 Oppenheimer McArthur, D S, labr, res 627 Oppen- heimer Mt^rthur, John, lumberman, res Gore ave Mc/.rthur, J G, clerk, dry goods, rea 627 Oppenheimer McAuley, C. clerk, Collins' dry gootls, res 236 Princess McBain, M, plasterer, res Clarence hotel, cor Pender and Seymour McBride, John, longshoreman, res 67 Cordova. Germania hotel MjBride, R T, cabinet make--, F W Hart, res Gordon Villa McBroom, Wm J, upholster, Ras- mussen Jros, res 646 Hastings E McBroom, W J, clerk, DMcGillivray, res 464 Jackson ave McCabe, Luke, labr, res 219 Oppen- heimer McCabe, Robt A, labr, rea 1013 Homer McCain & Menzies, contractors and bui' ';.ig movers, 16 Hastinge E McCain, C W (McCain & Menzies), res 16 Hastings E McCa'lv m, John, marine en), leei, res 6^ Oppenheimer McCalmnn, Colin, mgr, WG Warren, res 806 Richard P o o 1-1 dd O in H 1-! < Qfq O r-t- 73 is* i J? ' i iK-lt; Red Cross Brewery, Vancouver, B. C. ^mi Mm WILLIAM RALPH, Warm Air Furnaces, CORDOVA ST. VANCOUVER T E X A S L A K E I C E c o V A N C O u V E B B C 516 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. McOammon, C L, G.E., Keefer & Godden, res Leland hotel McCandlish, H, res 6 Water McCargar, Gilbert, brakeman, C. P. R., res 66 Water McCarthy. John, machinist, res Co- lumbia hotel McCarthy, Jno, boatman, res 515 Drake McCartney, A E, archi*,ect, Condell bit:; Homer, res 513 Powell McCartney, Hugh, expressman, res 1319 Hornby McCaskill, F H, stonemason, res P84 Westminster McCauley, C, pipe layer McClay, Alex, longaiioreman, res 217 Oppenheimer McClellan, J J, Valley Dairy Co, 916 Park Lane McClenathen, Arthur E, carpt, res Thirteenth ave W, nr Ontario McClintock, E S V, nsst acct, Bank of Montreal McCluskev, Geo, grocer, • es 96 West- minster rd MoColl, A J, Q.C-., barrister 1% soli- citor (Corbould, McColl, Wilson & Campbell) 519 Hastings W, res New Westminster McColl, Henrv, baker, City Bakery, res 231 Abbott McColl, James, clork, Hastings Mill, res 642 Alexander MoColl, J W, barrister and solicitor (Corbould, McColl, Wilson & Camp- bell) 519 Hastings W, res New West- minster McColl, John, jmttern mirker,C.P.R., res 1120 Richard McConaghy, John, plasterer, res rear 920 Oppenheimer* McCmnell, frank J, book-binder. Advertiser office, res 516 Richard McConnell, G S, wholesale clothing, 409 Cordova, res 11.30 Haro McConnell. Jas Q, traveller for G S McConnell, res 1130 Haro McConnell, James, sawyer, Royal City Mills, res 68 Lansdowne ave McConnell, Miss Jean, res 1130 Haro McCool, Samuel, teamster, Cham- pion & White, res 210 Prior McCord, W C, gold miner, res Secord house, 401 Powell McCore, Miss Minnie, domestic, res 813 Howe McConvey, Henry, expressman, res Tenth ave E, cor Prince Edward McCraney, H P 6: Co. veal estate and ins brokers, 411 Cordova McCraney, H P, real estate and ins agt, Cordova, res 1128 Pender McCraney,W, contr, 407 Cordova, res 611 Howe McCrea, John, clerk hardware, res 214 Westminster ave McCreerv,Jos frgt foreman C. ?.R, res 916 Hornby McCrimmon, A, lumberman, res 100 Water McCuaig, <ie'), '"rk, ' .^ Wilson, res 2,35 PrincesiS McCullough, Ri,-l A, ..lUir, res 305 Westminster rd McCurdie, A, lr)r, Cassady's Mill, res 1.308 Hornby McCurdie, John, labr, C.P.R, res 1308 Hornby McCutcheon, W H H, real es? te agt, res 829 Howe McDermid, Daniel, contractor, res 20 Water McDermid, Peter, washer. Pioneer Steam Laundry McDerinott, J, millwright, res cor Georgia and Cam bie McDermott, Patrick, labr. Pioneer Laundrv, res Sixth ave E McDonald, Alexander, boot and blioc mcht, 447 Powell, res 127 Jackijoii ave McDonald, Alexander, flrem .".. v J" R, res 713 Cam bie McDonald, Alexander, labr, .•■ «.'>5 i Harris McDonald, Andrew, roadmaster (. >' R Cascade div, res 814 Hornby McDonald, Angus, machinist Jubilee Dining Hall, res 216 Abbott McDonald, A D, cpntr, res 1131 Mel- ville McDonald, A, rdmaster, res rm 4, 634 Cordova McDonald, A, logging contr, res 35 Hastings W MfiDonald, Alex, yardman. Hotel Vancouver McDonald Bros, liver^. Oppen- heimer, cor Westmin.- :*r ; \;d Op- penheimer McDonald, A, foreman Electric Co, res Gore ave Mc7")onald, Colin, longshoreman ^es 616 Cordova A. M. BEATTIE CITY MARKST, VANCOUVR-R, B. C. Weekly Auctions j&;j M. ROBINSON MERCHANT TAILOR €90 Haatingt Street, West, Vancouver, B. V. VAVCOC /EK CITY DIRECTORY. 517 McDonald, D L, propr, Balmoral ho- tel, 2 Cordova McDona.'d, D A contr, res Glasgow hotel McDonaM, Donald H, bldr, res 629 Richard McDonald, D, logger, res 35 Has- tings \V McDonald, Donald, plumber, res 522 Richard McDonald, Daniel G, stonecutte/, Vancouver Marble Works, Front McDonald, George, book-keeper, res 542 Seymour McDonald, G E, fuel agt C.P.R, res 1102 Seaton McDonald, Henry, (McDonald Bros.) 31 Oppenbeimer McDonald, James, boom man Has- tinjis Mill, res Prior McDonald, J A, carpenter, res 235 Harris McDonald, J D, boot and shoe maker, res 46 Water McDonald, Joseph, (McDonald Bros,) 31 Oppenheimer McDonald, Joseph, cpntr, res 134 Cor- dova E McDonald, Joseph, jr, res 134 Cor- dova E McDonald, J J, telepraph opr, C.P.R ri s 1020 Robson McDonald, J B, lumberman, res 612 Westminster ave McDonald, Miss J, operator, tele- phone office, res 713 (Jambie McDonald, John, res 6 Water McDonald, Miss J, dressmaker, 23 Hastings E McDonald & Maroney, monuments, headstones, curbing, etc., Has- tings W McDonald, MisK M, boarding house, 713 Cambie McDonald, Maloolm, (McDonald & Henderson), Richmond hotel McDonald, Miss S, night operator telephone office, res 522 Richard McDonald, Peter, miner, res Six- teenth ave McDonald, R, logger, res 35 Has- tings W McDonald, Mrs S, prop Englewood hotel McDonald, W G, fireman. No. 2 Fire Hall, res 718 Seymour McDonald, Wm L, contr, res Glasj;ow hotel McDonald, Wm, stonecutter, Has- tings, res 937 Hornby McDonald, Wm, tmstr, Robertson & Hackett, 520 Seymour, res 612 Seymour McDonough,E M, real estate,C Crook & Co, res 13 Oppenheimer McDonough, Mrs, grocery, res 13 Oppenheimer McDougall, A C, street contr, res o'81 Harris McDougall, D. stonecutter, res Ot- tawa house McDougall, M, B. C. Sugar Refinery, res 852 Powell McDougall, T A, clerk, Keefer & Godden, res 830 Hornby McDowell, H, chemist and drug- gist, 10-12 Cordova, res 1036 Pender McDowell, H, & Co, chemists and druggists, 10 Cordova McDowell, Wm, prop Palace dining rooms, res 168 Water McDowell, John, produce and build- ing material, 630 Carrall, res 73o Hamilton McDowell, S A, marine engr res 414 Keefer MeEacl -an, Arch, carpenter, res 617 Richard McFall, James, dentist, New Foun- tain hotel McFarland, D A, Customs officer, Kootenay District, res 927 Hornby McFarland, Geo, school teacher, res 302 Oppenheimer McFarland, J W, financial, insur- ance and real estate agent, 161 Cordova, res 24 Gore ave McFarlane, Alex, sugar refiner, res 135 Hastings E McFarlane, Mrs Mary C, boarding house keeper, res 1329 hornby McFarlane, Miss Minnie, school teacher. West End School, res 1119 Melville McFee, John J, millhand, res 433 Powell MoFeely, E J, (McLennan & Mc- Feely) stoves and hardware, 122 Cordova, res 1136 Melville McGarrigle, Edwin, house and sign painter, res 319 Harris McGarrigle, John, moulder, res 607 Princess McGarrigle Mrs, res 607 Princess McGarrigle, T A, school teacher, res 607 Princess O m O ■ ■ o 130 a o I H o o Q. O < * CO tm\ w ' J .til 1 1 1 «H 1 Wm EED :: CE0S8 :: BEEWERY :: lAGEE :. BEEE -VANCOUVER. B. C- iPHH H Q F. W. HART'S for Furniture 9/ and 93 COBOOVA STJtEET, rAJfCOUriSS, B. C. ■a « •a c E o u Q. GO p w Oh o o U E (/) t-H O U 618 BRITISH COLUMBIA SIBECTORY. McGarrigle, P B, book-keeper B.C. Cattle Co, res 607 Princess McGee, John, carpenter, res 713 Cambie McGee, William, carpenter, 713 Cam- bie McGhie, J B, builder, cor Hastings and Granville, res 522 Ricliard McGillivray, Angus, res 1 Water McGillivray, DanJ, contractor. Sir Donald block, Granville, res 1021 ' "■ dova livray, John, labr, Tait's Lum- Mill res Eighth ave Mcuillivray, Wm, res 1 Water McGillivary, Wm, stonecutter, res Ottawa house McGirr, Wm, jr, purser S.S. Cutch, res 114 Carl ave McGirr Wm, hotelkeeper, res 114 Carl ave McGown, James, engr. Empress of India, res 1040 Alberni McGregor, D C, genl agt. Great West Life Assurance Company, res 816 Burrard McGregor, J, tailor, (E Dawe & Co) res 819 Richard McGregor, res 20 Water McGrigor, Davis & Son, res 819 Richard McGrigor, James, butcher, res Col- umbia hotel TtlcGuigan, James, Provincial police, res north Fourteenth ave, near Sophia Mounigan & Langris, physicians and surgeons, 306 Abbott MoOuigran, Thos,city clerk.res 330 Oppenneimer McGuigan, Dr W J, physician and coroner, rms 1-2, 3 Dougall block, 306 Abbott McGuire, Alex, Thorpe & Co, res 97 Sixth ave MoOuire, Dr O A, dentist, rm 8, 14 Cordova (see advt p. 459) McGuire, M J, blacksmith, rear of 321 Carrall McGuire, Robt, engr, B.C. Iron Wks, res 20 Fifth ave McHardy, John, res 720 Richard McHugh, John, hotelkeeper, Tre- mont hotel, res Carrall McHugh, M, hotelkeeper, Tremont hotel, res 637 Homer McHugh, Neil, retired, res rear of 719 Richard McHugh, Saml, candy maker, res No 4 cabin rear City Hospital McIUrey, Frank, logger, res Russ house. 417 Powell Mclnnes, James, fireman. Fire Hall, • Mt Pleasant Mclnnis, Miss Janet,res 917 Hamilton Mclnnis, W, res 1 Water Mcintosh & Co, 8laug..ter house, Front E Mcintosh, Jack, labr, res 219 Oppen- heimer Mcintosh, James, res 1 Water Mcintosh, W A, prop Mainland Meat Market, 36-38 Cordova, res cor Pender and Thurlow Mclntyre, A, book-kpr, Dunn & Co, res 309 Hastings Mclntyre, Miss Bella, domestic 1602 Georgia Mclntyre, Charles, wheelwright, res 613 Barnard Mclntyre, Duncan, carpt, res 713 Cam )ie Mclntyre, F, millwright Mclntvre, H, tele operator, Dougall blk,'res 306 Abbott Mclnt\re, Malcolm, labr, res Thir- teenth ave W nr Quebe>j Mclntyre, Miss M, res 309 Hastings Mclntyre, Saml, plumber, res 309 Hastings Mclsaac, Miss M, tailoresd, res 820 Howe Mclsaac, Miss N, tailoress, 504 Hast- ings, res 820 Howe Mclsaac, Miss D, tailoress, res 820 Howe Mclvor, J D, saloon keeper, 936 West- minster ave McKay, Alex, builder, res 147 Hast- ings W McKay, Daniel, carpeater, res 1001 Homer McKay, George, expressman, res 233 Keeier McKay & Mclver, Office saloon, 222 Abbott McKay, James, Impi house, res 419 Abbott McKay, Miss J, domestic, 1021 Geor- gia McKav, Miss Minna, school teacher, res Powell McKay, Thos, carpt, res 467 Seventh ave at :\ C. F. Foreman § Teas 1 Coffees Corner Westminster Avenue and Prince8B Street, Vancouver, B. C. VANCOUVER CITY DIRECTORY. 519 McKeatini;, P, labr, reb 167 Tenth ave McKee, Win C, builder, res 810 Horn- by Mckeil, W A, teamster, res 816 Gore ave McKelvie, Alex, mgr, A MoKelvie & Co, res 627 Barnard McKelvio. Alex, (A McKelvie & Co), Iron Wks, res 667 Barnard McKelvie, A J, chemist, res 522 Alex- ander McKelvie, Alex, sr, res 411 Powell McKenna, James, labr, res Terrace No 3, Keefer McKennell, C S, hotelkeeper, 530 Seventh ave E McKenzie, A, barkpr, Cosmopolitan hotel McKenzie, C E, bricklayer, res 520 Pender McKenzie, E, team9ter,B.C.Cattle Co McKenzie, H, elk, Vane Loan T. S. & G. Co, res 1139 Melville McKenzie, John, logger, res Glasgow hotel McKenzie, McLeod, delivery clerk. City Bakery, res <)0 Cordova McKenzie, Miss M, res 219 Westmin- ster ave McKenzie, S V, seacapt. Ship Staffa, res 1328 Seymonr McKenzie, Thomas, tinsmith, res 624 Seymour McKeown, James, labr, res Lans- downe ave McKeown, John, police constable. City Hall, res 813 Homer McKelvie, A «fe Co, machine shop, res Westminster ave cor Barnard McKiel, Andrew, teamster, W S Cook, res Gore ave nr Barnard McKil, John, jr, apprentice B.C. Iron Works, 314 Jackson ave McKil, John, caretaker. East End schools, res 314 Jackson ave McKim, .laB, res 1 Water McKinnell, A, Seventh ave E McKinnell & Decker, saloon keepers. Palmer house, 316 Cordova McKinnell, C 8, (McKinaell & Deck- er), saloon keeper, Palmer house saloon, res 639 Hornby McKinnon, Dan, stons cutter, res Prior McKinnon, D, laborer, res 523 Ham- ilton McKinnon, Thomas, driver, Boston Bakery, res 728 Seymour McKinnon, Thos, building contractor res 326 Hastings McKinnon, Wilson, clerk, Boulder saloon, McKinnon, civil engineer, res Doug- las house McKenzie, Mrs A, boarding and lodg- ing house 716 Westminster ave McKenzie, Daniel, carpenter^ res 630 Barnard McKenzie, Frank, shingle weaver,716 Westminster ave McKenzie, Miss Lillie, dressmaker, 716 Westminster ave McKenzie, Mrs, res 668 Harris McKenzie, Miss M, dressmaker, res 568 Harris McKenzie, Miss Ruby, dressmaker, res 668 Harris McKenzie, W J, cpntr, res 668 Harris McKenzie, Wm, steamboat engineer, res 638 Harris McKiiight, Herbert, grocer, 13 Hast- ings E, res Prior McLachlan, Charles, (McLachlan & Yates), 623 Hastings W, res 634 Homer McLachlan & Yates, insurance and financial agents, 623 Hastings McLachlan, Daniel, C. P. R. employee, res 1011 Howe McLachlan, P, Royal Citv Mills MrLagan, J C, jr, sec'y and treasurer World Printing and Publishing Co, res 617 Hamilton MoLagan, J C, mgr World Print- ing and Publishing Co, Homer, res 617 Hamilton McLaren, Rev E D, Presbt minister St. Andrew's Church, res 617 Bur- rard McLaren, John, Chief of Police, City Hall, res 733 Richard McLaren, W, logger, res 164 Water McLaren, W H, mining, res 610 Has- tings McLaren, J, dentist, Ferguson blk McLaughlin, A, barber, 68 Water McLaughlin, J, plumber, Mclennan & McFeely, res 4 Proctor's build- ings McLaughlin, — , carpt. Royal City Mills, res 219 Westminster ave McLean, Allen, grocer, 111 Hastings E, res 339 Powell McLean, Alex, plaster, res 339 Powell McLean, Alex, (McLean & Murray), Pacific hotel, res 318 Cordova > o o O o DU o r CO en X cn WILLIAMS & BARe, RED CROSS BRAVERY, VEOUVER, B. C. p T E X A S I. A K £ I C £ c o V A N C O u V E B DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY Winnipeg Notbing bat Tborougblv Experienced Labor Employed at tbe Redwood. 520 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. McLean, Alex D, butcher, Mcintosh & Co, res 448 Dufferin McLean Bros, contractors, 307 Cam- bie McLean & Campbell, proprietors Jub- ilee saloon, 78 Waiw. McLean, D, police constable, City Hall McLean, Dan, night watchman, res 401 Powell McLean, D J, clothier, Cordova, res 825 Hornby McLean, D J & Co, clothing, gents' furnishings hats and caps, 18 Cor- dova (see advt p. 45!>.) McLean, Donald, blacksmith, res 720 Barnard McLean, David, caipenter, res Keefer cor Campbell ave McLean, D M, Algoma dining hall, 313 Carrall McLean, Hugh, contractor (McLean Bros), res Eighth ave McLean, Harry, confectioner, Ram- say Bros McLean, J, barman, res 2 Cordova McLean, John, contractor (McLean Bros), res Eighth ave McLean, Lachlan, contractor (Mc- i^ean Bros), resCaiMbie, Eighth ave McLean, M, police officer, City Hall McLean, Miss Maggie, domestic, 606 Homer McLean & Murray, props, Pacific hotel, res 318 Cordova McLean, M G, wine and spirit meht, Cjranville, res 1045 Howe McLean, Miss Maggie, domestic, Oppenheimer Mclean, Murdoch, foreman. Port Moody Lumberyard, res 1820 West- minster ave McLean, Norman, contractor (Mc- Lean Bros), res Fifth ave McLean, Neil (McLean & Campbell), res 78 Water McLean, P W, carpt, resJUl Princess McLean, Peter, joiner, C.P.R. shops, res Sixth ave, near Bridge McLellan, A, engr, res 416 Seventh ave McLellan, Angus, contractor, city work, res Westminster rd McLellan, Dougald, labr, res 309 West rd McLellan, Dan, labr, res 309 West rd McLellan, Danl, stonecutter, res Ot- tawa house McLellan, Capt Eugene, master mar- iner, res Boulder saloon McLellan, Hugh, accountant, res 781 Keefer McIjcUan, Kenneth, teamster, res 619 Princess McLennan, A D, prop Pullman hotel, res 100 Water McLennan, Duncan, logger, res 170 Water McLennan, Findley, prop Cabinet hotel. Water, res "Seventh ave McLennan, John, hotelkeeper, res 323 Powell McLennan, Jno, bartender, res 170 Water McLennan, Miss K A, res 1042 Al- berni McLennan & McFeely, hard- ware merchants, ranges, stoves, general house furnishings, etc, etc, 122 Cordova McLennan, Maggie, chambermaid, res 66 Water McLennan, Neil, res 170 Water McLeod, Angus, res 1 Water McLeod, Mrs C, fruit and cigar stand, res 116 Water McLeod, Miss E, dressmaker, rm 6, 410 Cordov. McLeod, Miss E B, milliner, res 116 Water McLeod, John, seaman, res 510-12 Richard McJ^od, J S, clerk, Wilson's dry goods store, Cordova, res 603 Gam- ble McLewl, M, gaoler, license inspector, City Hall McLeod, Miss M, dressmaker, rm 6, 410 Cordova Mcleod, Malcolm, real estate agent, res 626 Homer McLeod, Norman, book-keeper, Rob- ertson & Hackett, 620 Seymour, res 634 Seymour McLeod, R, contractor, res 100 W^ater McMillan, Dougall, carpenter, res 1621 Westminster ave McMillan, Mra D, dressmaker, res 1621 Westminster Bve McMillan, Jno, re« 102 Pender McMillan, J A, clerk. Ideal Grocery, res 316 Oppenheimer McMillin, John, school teacher, East End School, res 412 Keefer McMillan & McLeod, "Ideal" Cash Grocery, 28 Cordova A. M. BEATTIE WEEKLlf ADCTIONS CITY MARKET, VANCOUVER, B. C. WILLIllM RmPH, House Furnishings, - 24 Coniova St., Vancoumr 11' VANCOUVER CITY DIRECTORY. 621 McMillen, Rev J W, Mount Pleasant PreBbyterian church, 102 Eleventh ave W McMillan, R J, clerk, res 131 Water McMillan, W D, carpt, res Clarence hotel cor Pender and Sevmour McMillan, W J, (McMillan & Hamil- ton), com mchts, res 131 Water McManus, Frank, locomotive engr, res 618 Princess McMorran, R A, res 231 Tenth ave F McMurry, Robert, sheetiron worker, res 239 Prior McNab, Allan, locomotive engr, C.P. R, res <)30 Homer McNab, Wm, fireman, C.P.R, res 713 Cambie McNair, Arch, shingle mill o\vner, res 349 Campbell ave McNally, Thos, labr, res rear of 154 Hastings W McNanght, Thomas, lahr, res 219 Op- penheimer McNaughton, D, carpt, res Glasgow hotel McNaughton, D, tobacconist, 4 Cor- dova McNaughton, Peter, book-kpr, 36-38 Cordova, res 1016 Pender McNeil, Aithur, hrakeman, C.P.R, res Boulder saloon McNeil, J, millwright, res Inlet View hotel, 109 Heatley ave McNeill, Wm J, salesman, Robert Clark, res 523 Hamilton McNichol, R, teamster, res 154 Water McNider, Q D, carriage painter, B.C. Carriage VVrks, Hastings E, res 825 Richard McNiven, J D, clerk, res 624 Powell McNutt, J W, carpt, res cor Vernon ave and Princess McNutt, Miss Esther, domestic, 823 Hamilton McPhaiden, D, master mariner, res 524 Alexander McPhil, J b, Royal City Mills McPhalen, D J, building contractor, res 209 Harris McPhee, A, res 20 Water McPhee, Jas, ship carpt, res rm 16, 410 Cordova McPhee, James, electrician, res 610 Cam hie McPhee, J, Royal City Mills McPherson, A, Royal City Mills McPherson, Miss A, stenographer, Godfrey & Russell, res 815 Georgia McPherson, Alex, res 70 Cordova McPherson, Annie, domestic, 1222 Pender McPherson, B J, clerk, Russell & Godfrey, Bank of B.N.A. bldg, res Georgia McPherson, Dan, logger, res Russ house, 417 Powell McPherson, E E, prop Bodega saloon, 217 Carrall, res Powell McPherson, Jno, res 1 Water McPherson, driver, F W Hart MoPhiUips, Lewis G, (McPhillips & Williams), Bank of B.C. blk, Hastings, res 815 Georgia McPhie, W H,fireman,No2 Fire Hall, res 718 Seymour MoPhiUips & Williams, barris- ters and solicitors. Bank of B.C. blk, cor Hastings and Richard McPhillips, Dr X, physician, Turner blk, res 815 Georgia McKinnon, Miss M, waitress, Carter house, res 154 Water McPoil, — , barber, res 213 Abbott McQueen, A, agent, res Hotel Van- couver McQueen, James, retired, res 1027 Georgia McRae, C C, carpt. Robertson & Hackett, res 520 Seymour McRao, Donald, locker, Customs, res 1022 Alberni McRae, Donald, logger, res 170 Water McRae, Danl A, teamster, res 397 Sixth ave E McRae, Duncan, Assistant Timber Inspecter, Court Houae, res Leland hotel McRae, G W, school teacher, Fair- view School, cor Hamilton & Rob- son McRae & Hall, B.C. Carriage Works, blacksmithing, etc, and carriage painting, 64 Hastings W McRae, John, elk, Tye & Co, res 214 Westminster ave McRae, John A, blacksmith, 64 Has- tings, res 381 Sixth ave E McRae, Malcolm, carpt res 841 Cam- bie McRae, M, carpt, Robertson & Hack- ett, res 520 Seymour McSorley, H, Painter, res 625 Thur- low McSorley, J, res Glasgow hotel McSwain, John, logger, res Richmond hotel o JO o o o — :■ < > 82. o o CD o o .i^ If WILLIAMS & eMER, RED CROSS BREWERY, VANCOUm B. C. M. ROBINSON Mg»OHAHT TAROR «90 HaaHngt Street, treat, Vaneouver, JB. C. in O O o O ^. *• ;-( o o CJ o U 522 BRITrSU COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. McTaggart, J, mechanic, res 800 Granville MoTaffgart, John L, (Tomlinson & McTaggart), flour and feed mer- chants, 326 Westminster ave, res 429 Hastings McTaggart, Mrs M, grocer, 809 (iran- ville McWade. John, iron melter, res 626 Harris Mead, Geo, latlier, res Gore ave. No. 1 Gore Terrace Meadows, George A, elk. R V Winch, Cordova, res Seventh ave S Mearns, (ieo, boot and shoe dealer, 1625 Westminster ave Mearns, W D, foreman, Hastings Mill, res 106 Dunlevy ave Medill, William, bricklayer, res 509 Richard Mee Charles, collector, res 243 Prior Mee, Charles A, mgr, Patterson's De- tective Agency, 413 Cordova Mee, Robt, engine driver, O.P.R, res 321 Carrall Meek. G E, hardware and grocer, 601 Powell Megher, P A, carpenter, res 460 Has- tings Meighan, William, labr, res rear 218 Keefer Meilling, Jno, warehouseman, 126 Water Mellon, Smith & Co, shipping, commission and insurance agents, .303 Cordova Mellon, Capt H A, J.P, (Mellon, Smith & Co), Spanish Vice-Consul, res 721 Nicola Melville, Chas, ledger-keeper, Bank B. C, res 1122 Robson Melville, William, Barnard Castle, 862 Powell Melvin, J G, watchmaker and jeweler 208 Abbott, res 210 Oppenheimer Menzies, Edward, engineer, res 1236 Hornby Menzies, John, builder, Lome W Menzies, J N, (McCain & Menzies), 14 Hastings E Mercier, A, carpt, Robertson & Hack- ett, res 620 Seymour Mercier, Archibald, wood turner, res 506 Pender Mercier. Miss M, waitress, Leland hotel Merkley, Mrs W, milliner, 111 Has- tings E Merrell, T M, gardener, Scott, near Twelfth ave Mershon, L H, real estate agent, Bank of B.N.A. bldg, res 824 Bur- rard Metcalfe, F, cari)t, Robertson &. Hack- ett, 920 Seymour Metcalfe, Matthew, teanisr, H Eligh, res 29()5 Quebec Metcalfe, W, carpenter, res 526 Gran- ville Methodist (Chinese) Mission, Dupoiit Rev Lin-Yick Pang Methodist Church, Homer, Rev Cov- erdale Watson MetropolitanClub.B.C.L. & I.Co's blk pres Mayor F Cope, sec'y J O Ben- well, cor Homer and Hastings Meytyer,J, hotel prop, Sherman house rea Cordova and Water Michell, Theophilus, car repairer, C.P.R, res 1220 Richard Middleinas, (ieo, baggageman, C.P.R res 231 Princess Middler. WiDi-^ru, blacksmith, res 72 Ninth ave Middleton, W, grocer, res 520 Pender Milds, Mrs, dressmaker, res 87 Duff- erin Miles, R J, fmr, res 454 Hastings Millard, Charles, clerk, C.P.R, res cor Pender and Jei vis Millard, E J, travelling auditor Dom. Exp Co, res 823 Howe Millard, H, elk, Land Registry Office, res cor Pender and Jervis Millenger, Chnrles, engineer, John Scuitto, res Hotel Europe Miller, Bertram, asst postmaster, res 618 Burrard Miller, F J, prop London Carriage Woiks, Cordova, res 618 Burrard Miller.George A, carpenter, res West- minster ave. near Fourteenth ave Miller, IS, milkman, res 1114 Hornby Miller, James F, checker, C.P.R. wharf, res 620 Seymour Miller, Jonathan, postmaster, res 518 Burrard Miller, J E, collector Inland Rev- enue, Govt building, Pender, res 1116 Haro Miller, J M, collection clerk, Bank of B.N. A., rea Douglas house Miller, Mrs Mary, prop Em pire hotel, 175 Water Miller, Wm H, carpenter, res 26 Fifth ave \ I F.W Miller, V\ muir Miller, W C.P.R., Milligan, Mill Mills, Dai Milling, Mills, Fn Seventh Mills, Isa ave Mills, Dr 6(i Cord Mills, R, Cordovr Mills, Wil ard S. M Millstdd, ( M'il Milne, C, res 735 Milne, F I 321 Bur Milton, Ai Richard Mintern, I Alexand Mitchell, Westmir Mitcliell, 518 Hast Mitchell, ( av-^ E Mitchell, J res Engh Mitchell, J Co, res 21 Mitchell, Water, n Mitchell, E Mitchell, R Eighth a' Mitchell, S, Kelvie & Mitchell, — Mole, Henr Mole, Henr Moll i son, B Vancouvc Monk, Capt res 416 K Montgomer; and Coopi ave I SPILLMAN, Montreal H^ cor Water Send to the R F.W.HART. Undertaker, CORDOVA STREET, VANCOUVER. B. C. VANCOUVER CITY DIRECTORY. 523 Miller. William, baker, res 411 Duns- muir Miller, W O, chief train despatcher C.P.R., res 620 Hornby Milligan, Charles, fitter, res Hastings Mill Mills, Daniel, Leland hotel Milling, Hantz, res 102 Pender Mills, Fred W, carpenter, res 144 Seventh ave Mills, Isaac W, clerk, res 192 Ninth ave Mills, Dr John A, physician, rms 4-5, 6(> Cordc va Mills, R, loot and shoe dealer, 20 Cordovr; Mills, WiUoughly, electrician Stew- ard i«. Mills, res 618 Seymour Millstdd, Charles, millhand, Leamy's M'il Milne, C, salesman, Weeks & Robson, res 735 Hamilton Milne, F A, labr, emp Cab Co, res 321 Burrard Milton, Arthur, lumberman, res 1223 Richard Mintern, Miss L, domestic, res 334 Alexander Mitchell, Fred White, merchant, Westminster ave, res 1021 Nelson Mitchell, George, mattress maker, 518 Hastings W, res Georgia Mitchell, George, fmr, ros Twelfth a\"^ E Mitchell, John, moalder, B.C.I. Wks, res Fnglewood hotel Mitchell, John, butcher, B.C. Cattle Co, res 288 Front E Mitchell, John, blacksmith, 144 Water, res 1116 Pendrill Mitchell, R, clerk, res 230 Abbott Mitchell, Robt, electrician, res 258 Eighth ave Mitchell, S, pattern maker, A Mc- Kelvie & Co, res 411 Powell Mitchell, — , carpenter, res 1318 Howe Mole, Henry, f mr, res 1025 Comox Mole, Henry T, res 789 Seventh ave Mollison, Miss, housekeeper. Hotel Vancouver Monk, Capt Frank, master mariner, res 416 Keefer Montgomery, Hector, engr, B.C. Jute and Cooperagj, res 72 Lansdowne ave Montreal Hotel, prop Mrs Mueller, cor Water and Cambie Montserat, F, first officer. Empress of Japan Moodie, John, labr, res Westminster ave and Thirteenth ave Moody, R, res 102 Pender Moody, Mrs, housekeeper, res 356 Barnard Moon, Frank H, lumberman, res 608 Oppenheimer Moore, H G, fruit dealer, Cordova, res 233 Princess Moore, Peter, contractor, res 66 Water Moore, Robert, labr, res 348 Tenth ave VV Moore, Thos, head waiter Hotel Van- couver Moore, Wm, bridge cpntr, res 66 Water Mooricatte, John, machinist, res 852 Powell Morris, J M, clerk, res 155 W !»r Moor.^, John A, millwright, res 235 Georgia Morant, J A, driver. Fire Hall No. 1, res Watei- More Katy, lodging house keeper, 324 Westminster Morency, Miss C L, dressmaker, res Montmorency house, 617 Richard Morency, Mrs Ellen, res Montmo- rency house, 617 Richard MorencV; h \, tailor, res 617 Richard Morency, v^eo L, cigarmaker, res 617 Richard Morency, Miss Lily, clerk, H H Lay- field & Co, res 617 Richard Morgan, E B, mgr, B. C. Land and Invst Co, res Comox Morgan, Frank, mgr bathing house, English bay, res Beach ave, cor Burnaby Morgan, F, res 774 Homer Morgan, Henry, blacksmith, res foot of Kaymur ave Morgan, H, bldr, res 516 Oppen- heimer Morgan, R, timekeeper, F W Hart, res 2311 Cordova Morgan, Yates, contr, res Thirteen^^h ave Morin, — , fireman, res rm 15, 410 Cordova Morin, Nelson, logger, res 413 Kpefer Morison, Geo C, fruit store, 200 Westminster ave, res 214 West- minster ave Send to the RED CROSS BREWERY FOR FINE LAGER BEER * VANCOUVER, B. C. — • P'Ut 0) o DO O in O n r a en X :\ '.I ;■ i . i 1 'Me i! H T E X A S L A K E I C E c o V A N O O u V E B B C C R FOREMAN; City Grocer, mmw. 624 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Morley, T, foreman printer, Marshall & McCrae, res Seymour MorninK, Mike, lumberman, res 612 Westminster ave Morrall, Frank, cabinetmaker, Rob- ertson & Hackett's factory, res 600 Howe Morrison, Alex, grocer, res GIO Op- penheimer Morrison, James, real estate, 103 Water, res 149 Hastings E Morrison, J W, mrcht tailor, 308 Cordova, res Homer Morrison, L F, hot'jlkeeper, res 216 I'rior Morrison, — , sawfiier, Spark's Shingle Mill, cor Georgi.% and Gambia Morrison, Thos H. blacksmith, res 202 Twelfth ave W Morris, Mrs A, rep 006 Hamilton Morris, Hannah, widow, res 527 Drake Morris, Joseph, butcher, res Germa- nia hotel Morris, M, who'.esale -jroduce, (Yates & Morris), red 135 Hastings Morris, M P, Chilian Consul, res 723 Pender Morrow, Geo, clerk, C.P.R, rea 532 Georgia Morrow, J W, acting postmaster, res 2209 Westminster ave Morrow^, M L, gentleman, res 411 Hastings W Morrow, T R, chemist and drug- gist, 426 Cordova, res 1025 Georgia Morse, Arthur, pntr, Cornish & Coop- er, res Columbia hotel Morse, H It, lumber mfr, Morse's Mill, Granville, res Eighth ave S Morton, Geo, measngr, bank of B.N. A M rtiuiore, Alfred, (Townley & Mor- timore), res 513 Howe Mortimore Bros, mcht tailors, 504 Hastings W Mortimore James, plumber, (Town- ley & Mortimore), res 613 Howe Mortimer, J W, ship carpenter, res 1325 Richard Mortimore, Sidney, tailor, (Morti- more Bros), 513 Howe Mortimore, Wm, tailor, (Mortimore Bros), res 613 Howe Mortimore, Wm, labr, res 613 Howe Mortingen, L, laborer, res 932 Park Lane Morton, F C, painter, res shore north of Georgia Morton, D, locomotive engr, C.P.R, res 721 Hamilton Morton, Jos C, salesman, 32-34 Cor- dova, res 412 Keefer Morton, Thos, mail clerk, res 505 Barnard Mosely, Levi, gardner, res 632 Harris Mosscrop, J, cabinet maker, res 1553 Westminster ave Mott, Geo, res 1 Water Mouat, A J, acct, Hastings Mill Mould, A J, wharfinger, Evans, Cole- man & Evans, res Sixth ave W, nr Ontario Mount Pleasant Methodist Churili, Rev S J Thompson Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church, Rev Mr Whittington Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, Rev A B Lorimer Mount Pleasant P.O., T R Morrow. postmaster Mount Pleasant School, principal, G W Jamieson Mountain View Boarding House, Mrs Thomas, prop, Oppenheimer Mowat, Chas, res 6 Water Mowat, C H, clerk, C.P.R.. res 1102 Seaton Mowatt, Dan, Sunnyside hotel, res I Water Moyer, S F, barber, res rni 13, 410 Cordova Moyer, S M, barber, Lambert's, Turner blk Moyer, Y.fi S M, dressmaker, res rni 13, 410 Ljrdova Moyls, Frank, baker, res Sixth ave, cor Ontario Morfey, H L, president Industrial Loan and Trust Co, Ltd, 62.) Hust- ings W Muddell, Claude, clerk. Nelson's drug store, Cordova, res 825 Cambic Muir, Alexander, grocer's clerk. Arch Muir, res 1011 Nelson Muir, Arch, grocer, etc, Granville, cor Hastings, res 1011 Nelson Mull , Mrs Catherine, restaurant, res II Hastings E Muir, T K, ship surveyor, res 1027 Barclay Muir, Thomas, res 917 Pander Muir, William, clerk, Arch Muir, res 1011 Nelson Muir, Wm D, storekeeper, Westmin- ster ave, cor Thirteenth ave Mulder, Mrs, widow, res 810 Howe ATVT HP! A TTTE acctioneer, - APPBiiSER and CITY MARKET. VANCOUVER, B. C. 6ENICRAI COMMISSION MERCHANT. SEKDTO Sirewry's Redwcxid Brewery, Winnipeg. All Wholesale Dealer* keep Drewry'a Ale, Porter and Later in Stock. VANCOUVER CITY DIRECTORY. 526 Mulhall, Jas J, chief clerk, C.P.R., res 1210 Georgia Mundv, J, res Imperial house, 419 Abbott Munn, Miss Agnes, domestic, 1103 Georgia Munn, Alex, grocer, 324 Carrall Munro, Allan, machinist, res 66 Water Munroe, Daniel, book-keeper, res 1325 Howe Munroe, Dan, rancher, rea 916 Op- penheimer Munroe, George, fireman, Leamy & Kyle's Mill Munroe, G N, book agent. Eighth ave Munro, John, stevedore, C.P.R. wharf, res 438 Seventh ave E Munroe, Jno, bartender, Jubilee Dining Hall, res 216 Abbott Munroe, K, labr, res 852 Powell Munro, Robt, lather, res 509 Richard Munro, Wm, real estate and mining broker, 517 Hastings W, res Bar- clay Munro, Wm (De Wolf & Munro), 609 Hastings W, res 1234 Barclay Murphy, John F, night watchman, Hotel Vancouver Murphy, J F, hotel clerk, res Beach Hve, cor Burnabv Murphy, Wm, merchant tailor, 69 Cordova, res 318 Dunsmuir Murray & Paterson, merchant tailors, 312 Homer Murray, book-keeper, McLennan & McFeely, res 530 Seymour Murray, Alex, jr, stonecutter, res 215 Thirteenth ave W Murray, Archibald (Murray & Pater- son), 312 Homer, res 658 Barnard Murray, C W, book-keepr, Cassady's Mill, res 15 Cordova Murray, Frank, res 1 Water Murray, Frederick, millhand, Cas- sady's Factory, res cor Robson and Hamilton Murray, James, fisherman, res Rich- mond hotel Murray, Jno (McLean & Murray), Pacific hotel, res 318 Cordova Murray, John, stonecutter, res 629 Hamilton Murray, Mrs Kate, res 460 West- minster rd Murray, Paul, labr, res Thirteenth ave near Manitoba Murray, Wm, mgr Bk of B.O, res cor Robson and Thurlow Musgrove, A C, carpt, Robertson & Hackett, res 520 *eymour Musgrove, A C, carpt, 1047 Howe Muskett, Albert, salesman, Cheapside Clothing, res 633 Hamilton Muskett, R A, salesman, Goldsberg's Cjothing Store, cor Abbott and Cordova, res 633 Hamilton Musson, B, painter, res rear 054 Princess Mutch, Jno, elk, Pacific Packing Co, res 818 Howe Mutrie & Brown, real estate agts, 58 Cordova Mutrie, H, real estate agt, (Mutrie & Brown), 58 Cordova, res 603 Ciimbie Myers, Edward, labr, res Tenth ave S nr Prince Edward Myers, D B, gentleman, res rear 1107 Hornbv Myles, Mrs B, dressmaker, Mrs D E Shooks, res 100 Dufl"erin Myles, James C, machinist, C.P.R. machine shop, res 1217 Richard DOERING & MARSTRAND'S ALEXANDRA - LAGER BEER - AND - PORTER Specially recommended. Address: MOUNT PLEASANT. Telephone 4ag. VANCOUVER, B. C. N Nadelman, L, grocery, 31 Dupont Nages, C T, contractor, res Holland blk Nalson, A, barber, res 48 Water Neeland, F T, secv Pacific Building Society, res 927 Homer Neidig, August, painter, res 672 Prin- cess Neil, Miss Jenet, milliner, res 418 Oppenheimer Neil, Miss Kate, milliner, res 418 Oppenheimer Neil, Robert, boilermaker, res 418 Oppenheimer Nelson, Capt Archibald, master mari- ner Q O o o o o (J) SEND TO THE RED CROSS BREWERY FOR FINE LAttEK BEEK, VA.NCOUVBR, B. O. WILLIAM RALPH, Stoyesaod Ranges 24 Cordova St. J VANCOUVER M.] o H C O Q n 8 ^ <« n£ w Ph o o U K PiJ O O 626 BRITISH COIiUMBIA DIRBOTOKY. Nelson, Au)?HBt, planer, res 836 Powell Nelson, Chas, chemist and druggist, 106 Cordova, res 1143 Melville Nelson, Ernest, tailor, T Gray, res 8 Hastings Nelson, James, upholsterer, res 316 Keefer Nelson, Jas, res 32-34 Cordova Nelson, John T, Market Hall, res 130 Gore ave Nelson, Jno, res Imperial hou<ie, 410 Abbott Nelfon, Joseph F, foreman, res 6(i6 Harris Nelson, Ole, millhand, Leaniy & Kyle'sMill, res Leaniy's Mill Nelson, J T, butcher, City Market, res 130 Gore ave Nelson, R, res 915 Granville Nelson, T, Central hotel, res 42 Cor- dova Nesbitt, Andrew H, customs broker, res 728 Pender Nesbit, George, blacksmith, C.P.R., res 1207 Homer Nesbit, John, C.P.R., res 1207 Hover Nesbit, Miss Marguerite, domestic, 814 Nicola Nesbit, Robt, CP.R., res 1207 Homer Netbitt, P J C, brakeman, C.P.R., res 164 Water Neusom, Jas A, mgr Cunningham Hardware Co, 169 Cordova, res 1411 Burrard Neusom, Wm, (Cunningham & Co) hardware merchant, Columbia ave, res 1411 Burrard News-Advertiser, Cotton, F C, managing editor, 420 Cam hie New Brunswick Hotel. Carey, Pat- rick, prop, 31-3-5-7 Hastings W Newcomb, J B, master mariner, res 400 Hastings New Fountain Hotel, Schawhn, EI, prop, Cordova Newitt, K.ite, nursery governess, res 1215 Robson Newitt, P J B, salesman, Vancou- ver Mfg and Trading Co, res Gran- ville Newman, Miss A, nurse, Alexandra Hospital Newman, MissB, music and physical ci'.lture teacher, res 624 Georgia Newman, Miss B, res 700 Granville Newman, Miss C, teacher, res 700 Granville Newman, H, clerk, Vancouver Land and Security Cop, IjiI, res 1031 Har- clay NewHom, J A, (Curtis ANewsoni) 150 Cordova, res 1411 Burrard Newsom, \V L, manager, Cunning- ham Hardware Co, Ltd, Columbia ave, res 1411 Burrard Newton, Miss, clerk telephone offict" res 1207 Haro Newton, Harrv J, cashier Hastinifs Mill NichoU, Miss E, nurse, res Alexan- dra Hospital Nicholl8,Mr8 Helen, res516 Burrard Nichols, Moses, shipcarpenter, res Lome, near Manitoba Nicholson, Capt M, master mariner, reh 532 Hornby >'icl'.olson, D, tailor, 329 Hastings W les Ottawa hou Nickel Plate R rant, C Moody, 15 Oppenhein Nicksoii, J J, . ....actor, res 1220 Melville Nioolls, Edward, solicitor, etc, Whetham blk, res 617 Hornby Nicoils, John, clerk, H P McCraney & Co, Cordova, res 617 Hornby Nicoils, J P, clerk, 411 Cordova res 617 Hornby Nicols, Daniel, tailor, res Ottawa house Nielsen. Jens, labr, Doering & Mar- strand, Brewing Co, res Tenth ave Nightengale, J P, grocer. (Welsh & Nightengale), res 2301 Westminster ave Nelson, Nils, engineer, F W Hart, res factory Niven, John, fmr, res 032 Oppenhei- mer Nixon, F, painter, res 411 Abbott Nixon, Sam, engineer, Robertson & Hackett, res 823 Hamilton Noble, Miss Annie, domestic, res 1104 Robson Noble, H, millhand, I-«amy & Kyle's Mill Noble, Miss Johanna, domestic, 1027 Melville Noble, John, carpenter, 62 Tenth ave W Noble, Mrs John, housekpr,Orphans' Home, Ninth ave cor Westminster rd Norris, Mrs Mary S, 219 Thirteenth ave W E, SFIlLMim, FRESCOING, LEnERIN6, HOUSE-PiTIKG, Vancoiwer North, ave Northern son pro Northern Frank Hasting Nugent, ]V tor's bl( Nunaniiik res 938 1 Nye, Mm Roboon Nye, A I>, Nye, C H, Nye, F, loi DOERIM ALE BEE Spt Address: MO 4ag. Oakley, — , Sash an( Georgia o Oben, Phil) Oben, Jno, Harbof O'Brien, H way offii Holland I O'Brien. « Home b chants' E O'Brien, Jo D. Co, re> O'Brien, W academy, Odell, Jno, Odium, Pro Co, Whei View hot* O'Dwyer, D Barnard 0'Flyn,Jno creek Ogilvie, Art ave cor Oi Red" M. ROBINSON MEBOHANT TAILOR M»0 Uaatlnfft Utrrel, West, tnnrnurer, H. C. VANOOUVHR CITY DIRKCTORY. 527 North, Samuel, police officer, Sixth ftve Nortliern Pnciflc Hotel, W J Robin- Bon prop, Powell Northern PuciHc R.R. Ticket Office, Frank V JJodwell, ticket agent, (127 UuHtinifH W Niijtent, M, brass flnieher, res 11 Proc- tor's blil)^ Nunaniiiker, B. elk, Baker & Tieeson's res !)38 Park Lane Nye, Miss A C, domestic, res 1031 Robdon Nye, A D, res 031 Hornby Nye, C H, clerk, res U31 Hornby Nye, K, lont;Hliorenmn, res 031 Hornby DOERING & MARSTRAND'S ALEXANDRA - LAGER BEER - AND - PORTER Spuciully recommended. Address: MOUNT PLEAS ANT. Telephone 439. VANCOUVER, B. C. Oakley, — , machine hand, Cassady's Sash and Door Factory, res cor Geornia and Gamble Oben, Phillip, res 020 Jervis Oben, J no, baker, res Chilco nr Coal Harboc O'Brien', H D, Great Northern Rail- way offices, 315-317 Cambie, res Holland blk, Cordova O'Brien, J M, editor, World office, Home blk, Granville, res Mer- chants' Exchange O'Brien, John, stableman, V.G.C. «& D. Co, rea 107 Abbott O'Brien, W E, Professor of Dancinf^ academy, B.C. L.I. blk Odell, Jno, labr, res 219 Oppenheimer Odium, Prof E, mgr Pacific Coast Ins Co, Whetham blk, res Mountain View hotel O'Dwyer, D M, house painter, res 637 Barnard O'Flyn, Jno, labr, res foreshore. False creek Ogilvie, Arthur W.carpt, res Twelfth ave cor Ontario Okanagan Cattle Co, F W Wil- liams, mgr, butchers, 010 Hastings Okanagan [>und and Development Co, Ltd, 721t Pen<ler Oldfield, Jno, contractor, res Eighth ttve Oleson, Rev C J, Lutheran church, res Prior Oleson, Jacob, carpt, res Prior Oleson, Ole, labr, res 023 Uarnnrd Oliver, (.Jeo, contractor, rear of 1121 Barclay Osier, Alex, labr, B.C. Iron Wks, res , 11-1 Alexander Oliver, Thomas, carpt, res 309 Sixth ave E Olmstead, A D, carpt, C.P.R. shops, res 1327 Hornby Olmstead, B, clerk, R Olmstead, res 1270 Granville Olmstead, R, groceries and provis- ions, 1270 Granville Olaen, Charles, cook, New Fountain hotel, res 27 Cordova Omand, John, night watchman, C. P. R. wharf, res 820 Seymour Omandson, P, labr O'Neil, Morris, tele operator, C.P.R, res 1380 Haro Onderkirk, H G, cpntr, res rear of 24 Hastings W Ontario Dining Hall, Mrs J A Hicka, prop, 50ti Pender Ontario Grocery, Wm Templeton, prop, Templeton blk Opera House, O Evan-Thomas, lessee, A P W Goldsmid nigr, rea 733 Granville Opera Resort Saloon, J J Sparrow, prop, 500 Carrall Oppeuilieimer Bros, wholesale grocers, etc, Powell cor Columbia ave Oppenheimer, David, mcht, (Oppen- heimer Bros), res Hotel Vancouver Oppenheimer, I, (Oppenheimer Bros), res Hotel Vancouver Oppenheimer, Sol, mgr, (Oppenhei- mer Bros), res Hotel Vancouver Orcluird, Mrs F, res 006 Hamilton Orchard, Miss Hester, rea 600 Hamil- ton Oriental Hotel, Crean & Thomas, props, 306-10 Water Oriental Hotel annex, 311-321 Cor- dova Oimsby, Edward, marine engr, res 429 Powell > o o O O o in l-H w >^ gen > O n > in ! '\ \0 \ W RED CROSS BREWERYLAGERBEER VA.NCOUVBR, B. O, mmrmam T £ T R HARDIMAK pioxeeb art gallery I ■ III llrlllUIITIflll «»» Cordova Street, yaneoutier, S, C PRINT DEALER and SELLER. PRACTICAL CARVER. GILDER and PICTURE FRAMER. L A K £ I G £ c o V A N c o XJ V E B B C 528 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRKCTOKY. Ormsby, Miss L, dressmaker, res 429 Powell Ormsby, Mrs, milliner and dressmkr, res 429 Powell Ormsby, Russell, confectioner, Ram- say Bros, res Oppenheimer Ormsbv, Ursen, lumberman, res 429 Powell O'Rourke, Jas G, (O'Rourke it Jer- vis), res 326 Hastings E O'Rourke & Jervis, liquor dealers, Templeton blk Orphans' Home, Ninth ave cor West- minster rd Orr, Miss Agnes, domestic, res 1111 Robson Orr, Hugh, mldr, ret 31() Barnard On, James, irnmigration agt, Cor- dova, res 1318 Georgia Orr, Miss J, Ramsay Bros, res 31t> Barnaid Orr, Mrs, res 310 Barnard Orre, C H, tmstr, res Glasgow hotel Orrell, Mrs Jane, (Summers & Or- rell), ladies' furnishings, res 648 Granville Orton, Arthur, Hotel Vancouver, res 307 Gore ave Ottawa House. J J I DeWitt, prop, cor Pender and Granville Otto, Fred, labr, res Terrace No. 1 Keefer Otto, John, labr, res Terrace 'So. 1, Keefer Ouellet, Geo 0, agt, res rear 333 Hastings Ouimei, O, plun.ber, res City hotel Owens, George, driver, Brewing Co, Western ave Owens, Jno J, cpnti, '•es 91 Sixth ave DOERING & MAHSTRAND'S ALEXANDRA . LAGER "BEER AND PORTER" Specially recommended. Address: MOUNT PLEASANT. Telephone 439. VANCOUVER, B. C. Pace, John, tmstr, res Seventh ave Pace, W J, book-keeper, D McGill- ivray, res Pender Paefke, Theodore, labr, res rear of 113 Hastings E Pacific Box Factory, Haydon & Maxwell, props, 1016 Richard Pacific Building Society, 3 Hastings E, Neelands, T T, sec Pacific Council, No t, R. T. of T, 14 Cordova Pacific Shorthand and Busi- ness College, John A Bates, mgr. Masonic block, Cordova Pacific Soap Works, W A Ensley, prop Pacifii; Varnish Works, Mt Pleasant ■Pacific Hotel, McLean & Murray, Cordova Pack, Chas E, mariner, res 812 Howe Pack, Miss J, res 812 Howe Paddon, W H, blacksmith, rea 500 Barnard Parier, Maxime, logger, City Hotel Page, Joseph, book-keeper, (i I Wil- son's, res 640 Seymour Page, Sidney, Marshall <& McCrae, res 1021 Melville Pagre Ponsford Bros, gents fur- nishers, 003 Hastings. [See adl bot- tom margiiig.) Page Ponsford, M, (Page Pons- ford Bros), res Richard Painton, J C, music dealer, 305 Cordova Painton, F J, Painton & Co, res Frenchay Cottage, Robson Pair.ter, U J, accountant, land vlept v'.P.R, res Eighth ave, Fairview P.*liter, Raphael, logger, res City hotel Palmer & Corrigan, civil engnrs, 40r) Cordova Palmer, Miss Hattie, res 638 ("eorgia Palmer House, Crean & Thomas, props, Cordova Palmer, H T, res 427 Princess Palmer, R E (Palmer & Corrigan), res 405 Cordova Palmer. R V, res 427 Princess Pame, Josephus, blacksmith (J & W ' Pame), 104 Cordova E, res 1226 Richard Pame, J & W, carriage bldrs, 104 Cordova E Pame, Wm, carviasre builder (J & W Pame), res 1327 Richard Parham, H J, labr, res terrace No !), y Keefer Park, C C, commission agent, res 326 Princess Parker, A C, butchr, res 302 Cordova A. M. BEAM, AUCTIONEER, Vancouver, B. C. ^'fri»mrti*niHm('<rp* v«*wf^ i), 126 va F. W. HART'S FOR CARPETS CORDOVA STREET, VANCOUVER. VANCOUVER CITY DIRECTORY. 529 Parker, A, butcher, Dougall blk, res 306 Abbott Parker, A C, Abercrombie & Co, res Turner blk, rm 17 Parker, C G, cab driver, Jubilee Dining Hall, res 216 Abbott Parker, Ed, painter, res rear of 154 Hastings VV Parker, Frederick J, cook, res Helmc- ken, nr Richard Parker, F W, clerk, C.P.E., res 441 West rd Parker, Jacob, carpt, res 624 Sey- mour Parker, iSarah J, midwife, res Uelmc- ken, nr Richard Farkes, A H, cigars, tobaccos and fruits, 145 Hastings W Parker, S H, painter, res Fairview, Seventh ave 8 Parker, S J, painter, res Fairview, Seventh ave Parkinson, Edwd, clerk. Inland Revenue, cor Pender and Jervis Parkinson, R H, surveyor, Dougall blk, res 306 Abbott Parsons, Geo, res 154 Water Parsons, Jno. logger, res 154 Water Partridge, Miss Emma, dressmaker, res Prior, nr Campbell ave Partridge, R, warehouseman. Baker, Bros & Co, Ltd, res Prior Pass, Miss L K, res 808 Hornby Paterson, A, clerk, res 32 Water Paterson, A Judson, genl mgr, Empire Mutual Loan and Invest- ment Co, Ltd, 519 Hastings W, res 1128Pendrill Paterson, JasC(Murrav & Paterson), 312 Homer, res 816 Richard Paterson, John, millh.ind, I^amy & Kvle's Mill, res Mount Pleasant Paterson, J C, tailor, Co-operative Clothing Store, res 816 Richard Paterson, Mrs S L, milliner, Charles Seymons, 604 Hastings W, res 526 Homer Paterson, R H, merchant, res 524 Seventh ave Patterson, Dan, master mariner, res 610 A'lvjxander Patterson, D C, boiler maker, res 304 Oppenheimer Patterson, Frank, emp Palace Livery Stables, res 1123 Pender Patterson, John, engr. tug Swan Patterson, John £, millhand, res 138 Thiiteenth ave Patterson, R, Valley Dairy Co, 916 Park Lane Patterson, W S, bailiff and detective, res Holland blk, Cordova Pattison, William, planer, Leamy & Kyle's Mill, res Mount Pleasant Pattinson, W B, gardener, res 332 Powell Paton, Geo, labr, res 219 Oppen- heimer Paul, James, carpenter, res 734 Sey- mour PauU, Alfred A, freight checker, C.P.R., res 414- Pender Paull, A H, baker, 512 Cordova, res ' 912-14 Seymour Paull, Miss Edith, tailoress, Lundy & Fletcher, res 914 Seymour Paxman, John, motorneer, res Wood- ward house Payne, G, expressman, Hudson's Bay Co, res 774 Homer Payne, Geo W, bricklayer and plas- terer, res 515 Barnard Payne, H T, baker, res No 5 cabin, rear City Hospital Payne, Mrs R H, res 516 Barnard Peach, John R, plumber, res 1129 Homer Peake, Jas, res Cosmopolitan rooms, 224 Abbott Peake, Thomas, tailor, B Simon, res Gold house Pearce, Thomas, grocer, res rear of 143 Hastings E Peard, Matthew, collector, World office, res 834 Hornby Pearcy, John, tram conductor, res 624 Seymour Pearsall, Chas, jeweler, 105 Cordova res 1400 Georgia Pearsall, Miss L, saleslady, George E Trorey, res 1400 Georgia Pearson, Joseph, machirist, res Col- umbia hotel Pearson, Thomas, 32-34 Cordova Pearson, Thomas P, mining engineer. Tenth ave Peck, E J, machinist, res 1309 Hornby Pedder, William, weaver, 614 West- minster ave Peel, Thomas, teamster, res 314 Has- tings Pierce, electrician, Van. E. Light Co, res 612 Seymour Pendola, Mrs A, res 1236 Seymour Penhale, Misa E A, matron, Chil- drens' Home, res 642 Homer \} o o a o HI ER, ; B. C. I ' f < i.'ia i!t1! til C. F. FOREMAN, Cor. Westmiflster Ave. and Priocess St u o e OB On «g h 9 P« e « a u e S30 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBBCTOBY. Pennsway, John, laborer, res Gore ave Penney, Thos G, porter, C.P.R, ter- ojinus, res 312 Howe Penney, T, 726 Hastings W Penaer, Ewd, (Crowder & Penzer) 803 Cordova, res 1040 Nelson Peppard, Hill, teamster, 812 West- minster ave Perkins, H F, carpenter, res Prior Percival, John A, carpenter, res 613 Gamble Perkins, Winter, mechanical engineer C.P.R. res Ninth ave N Perree, Charles, builder, res 719 Richard Perrier, Felix, logger, res City Hotel Perry, Arthur, steam fitter, 615 Pen- der, Clarence hotel Peny , C Z, city mgr Sun Life As- surance Co, 306 Cambie, res 550 Georgia Perry, Henry H, teamster, H Eligh, res 2906 Quebec Perry, H P, salesman, S T Tilley & Son, res Seymour cor Georgia Peter, Chris, shoemaker, G L Allen, res rear of Richard Peters, Miss B J, music teacher, agt for Mason & Risch Piano Co, res 634 Homer Peters, Fred, cab driver, res Jubilee Dinine Hall, 216 Abbott Peters, Joshua, baker, res 214 Prin- cess Peters, — , carpt, res 1329 Hornby Peters, Mrs, domestic, Woodward house Peters, W F, carpt, res 716 Keefer Petersen, Annie, res 141 Sixth ave Petersky, Simon, fruit dealer, 37-39 Cordova Peterson, August, labr, res 309 West- minster rd Peterson A, jeweler, (Mason & Peter- son), res Wbetham blk Peterson, E, seaman, res 619 Powell Peterson, Frank, boot and shoe mkr, res 140 Water Peterson, J P, labr, D & M Brewing Co, res Sixth ave and Scotia Petterson, H, cook, Germania hotel, res 67 Cordova Pettit, — , res 617 Richard Philp, C S, green grocer, etc, 170 Cor- dovo, res rm 13, 22 Cordova Phillips, Arthur, carpt, res Ontario nr Ninth ave Phillips, Charles, rancher, res 1713 Westminster ave Phillips, £ L, real estate agt, 623 Hastings W, res 1427 Robson Phillips, Frank, engr, C.P.R, res 66 Water Phillips, Geo F, carpt, res Lome Phipps, J W, acct, T Dunn & Co, res 829 Hamilton Phyeick, Thos, boiler inspector, C.P. R, res 812 Richard Pickering, W, C.P.R. oflSces, res 542 Georgia Pickthole, Jno, engr, C.P.R, res 1015 Homer Pidgeon, Miss Florence, dressmaker, Ferguson blk, res 1022 Nelson Pierce, Frank H, U.S. Consnl- ate, 522 Cordova, res Hotel Van- couver Pioneer Art Ck%Ilery, Theo R. Hardiman, prop 622 Cordova Pierce, Jno, labr, 1152 Howe Pierce, Richard, teamster, Leamy & Kyle's Mill, res Mill Pike, Simon, Morris & McLennan, res 931 Westminster Pioneer Steam Lanndry,D M Stewart, prop, 912 Richard Pioneer Stevedore Co, Ltd, res 14 Powell Piper, Robt, res Jubilee Dining Hall, 216 Abbott Pitt, R D, notary public and convey- ancer, res Sherman house, Cordova Pittenger, W D, real e8tate,190ppen- heimer, res Leiand hot')l Pitre, Severe, machinist, B.C. Wood Works Co Pitts, Wm, labr, res Beach ave Plant, Peter, logger, res 327 Carrall Plumber. Miss ML, waitress, res 35 Hastings W Plymouth Brethren Chapel, 111 Op- penheimer Podger, Charles, laborer, res 216 Keefer Polenz, Adolphe, labr, res Beach ave, foreshore Pollay, Geo, sewer inspec, res Quebec nr Seventh ave Pollock, Robt, moulder, res 312 Bar- nard Pomeroy, H A, res 1 Water Pomeroy, Wm, res 1 Water Poneford, Harold, (Page Ponsford Bros, 603 Hastings W, res 1120 Nelson at S, VANCUOffl DREWBY'8 Bedwood BBEWERY. Winnipeg THBBB a09DS fTABRAirTXD TO KXBP XJT ALI. CLIMATES. Mi VANCOUTXR CITY DIRBOTOBY. 531 Ponaford, Mrs Page, widow, res 1406 Alberni Pool, R H, car builder, O.P.R. car shops, res 72 Sixth ave W Poore, Fred, brakeman G.P.B, res 66 Water Pupplewell, — , barman, Terminus hotel, 34 Water Porter, Frank, millhand, Hastings Mill, res Prior Porter, Geo, Royal Gitv Mills Porter, George, blacksmith, res 735 Harris Porter, James, millhand, Gassady's Mill, res 618 Seymour Post Office and Costom House, J Miller, postmaster, Granville Potts, Fred Gbarles, real estate agt, res 68 Lansdowne ave Potter, John, contractor, res 813 Bur- rard Pound, George F, pressman, News- Advertiser, res 318 Harris Pound, George H, printer, res 318 Harris Pound, Wm, printer, res 318 Harris Povah, John S, builder, res rear 627 Homer Powe, Jos, blksmith, (J & W Powe), 104 Oppenheimer, i-es 1226 Picharil Powe, Wm, blksmith, C.P.R jps, res 1327 Richard Powell, Misp Annie, book-kpr, Drys- dale's, res 1229 Howe Powell, Jas W , millhand, Gassady's Planing Mill, res 1229 Howe Powell, Jno L, foreman job printing, News-Advertiser, res 133 Keefer Powell, Robt, labr, res Terrace No 6, Keefer Powell, Thos, contractor, Fairview, res Seventh ave S Powell, Thomas, carpenter, Russ house, res 117 Powell Powls & ^llitetaead, real estate, insurance and financial brokers 172 Gordova (see advt p. preceding street directory) Fowls, Jno, (Powis & Whitehead) 172 Gordova, res 521 Hamilton Powley, J, agt for J F Glark, import- ing tailor, rm 3, 66 Gordova Powers, Thomas, bartender, Clarence hotel, cor Pender and Seymour Pratlev, George, expressman, rea 1318 Hornby Pratt, James, millhand, res Turner blk, Cordova Prefontaine. A, cellarman, Evans, Coleman & Evans, res Gci>rgia PrefouUine, J, res Ghilco, near Goal Harbor Prenter, Samuel, elk, G.P.R., res 627 Richard Prentice, Jno, traveler for F R Stew- art, res 42 Water Prentis, Mrs, res 705 Oppenheimer Prentis, Wm, secy Sugar Refinery, res 706 Oppenheimer Prescott, J VV, book-keeper, News- Advertiser, res 650 Georgia Prest. T & Co, real estate brokers, 307 Cambie andLangley,B.G Prest, T (T Prest & Co) real estate broker, res cor Robson and Hornby Preston, Isaac, retired, res 1018 Rob- son Price, Joseph, labr, res rear of 1231 Homer Price Thos, trucker, C.P.R. sheds, res Gore ave Price, Wm, Central hotel, res 42 Cordova Prickard, Ed, house painter, res 716 Westminster ave Pride, J A, book-keeper, Royal City Mills, res 823 Princess Priestman, George, conductor, res 35 Twelfth ave W Princess Street Methodist Cliurch, Rev ^V W Baer Prior, E 6 &Co, imports rs agrictl i^iplements, Brenchley, E, mgr, 127 Water Prior, tiiincifl L, booii.-keeper, F W Hart. Tenth ave, near Columbia Prior, FH, painter, Tenth ive, near Manitoba Pritchard, John, .amster, res Thir- teenth ave, ne r Sophie Pritchard, Thomas, bricklayer, res 398 Westminster rd Procter^ Harry, paint'r, Procter's building, res 630 Cart i Prout, MiHs Emniii. vress. Colonial hotel Push, John S Wynn, solicitor, 619 Hastings W, res 515 Hornby Pugh, Samuel G, book-keeper, C.P.R res 709 Sixth ave Pullman Hotel, McLennan, A D, cor Water and Abbott Purcell, Saml, cook, res 108 Water Purchase, G, labr Purdon, William, machinist, B. C. Iron wks. res 136 Jackson ave Red Cross Brewery, Vancouver, B. C. ^ 'if ^ : it (/Q i^ii "^ J o ' I'i c/3 rhi! !zh 'i^H^ ^ -i H, B- '1 dd 1 •^ k't O :M W ;i!:| - 11 5" '. < M 2- (|l H^*^ 'ini' 'i ^' Wi C3 |i Orq 11 o m c (« f^ ' ■■;m ^ m <">■ mm ^ ill iHii % ^m ^ Hi «i -'^IM ^ :iaiM '"'i^nlll WILLIAM RALPH,Warni Air Furnaces, CORDOVA ST. VANCOUVER T £ X A S L A K E I C £ c o V A N C O u V E B B C 532 BRITISH COLVHBIA DIRBCTOKY. Purdy, Henry, brakeman C.P.R., res 237 Keefer Purdy, John, master luiiriner, res 412 Oppenheimer Purdy, R & Co, real estate, renting and insurivnce agency, 321 Cordova Purdy, R, (R Purdy & Co) real estate, renting and insurance agency, res 350 Ninth ave, Mount Pleasp.nt Purser, Wui, tinsmith, res 41 Oppen- heimer Purvis, A, clerk, C G Johnson & Co, Thurlow between Alberniv.nd Rob- son Purvis, Jno, wiper, C.P.R., res cor Thurlow and Alberni Pybus, Lieut H, R.N.R., chief oflBcer R.M.S. Empress of India, res 871 Hornby Pyke, J A, boot and shoe merchant, 302 Cordova Pyke, R S, salesman. J A Pyke, 304 Cordova, res 746 Hamilton DOERING k MARSTRAND'S ALEXANDRA - LAGER BEER -AND - PORTER Speoially recommended. Address: MOUNT PLEASANT. Telephone 439. VANCOUVER, B. C. Quann, Thoa& Son, proprietors. Cen- tral hotel, 42 Cordova Quebec Hotel, Duboin I'liter, prop Queen Bros, liver.\ stables, 608 tieorgia Queen, C F, (Queen lU-os), res Sey- mour Q,neen, E P, (Queen Bros.'.res Sey- mour Queen's Hotel, Win Jenkins prop, Water Qnigley, E A, elk, H.M.S. Customs, res 619 Hornby Quigley, M T, telegraph operator, C. P.R, res 1128 Robson Quigley, Thomas, contractor, res 61" Hornbv Quinn, John, sail maker, res 108 Water Quinn, W J, merchant tailor, 320 Cambie, res 931 Hamilton DOERING & MARSTRAND'S ALEXANDRA - LAGER BEER - AND - PORTER Specially recommended. Address: MOUNT PLEASANT. Telephone 4ag. VANCOUVER, B. C. R Rabjohns, Levi, mechan'-j, C.P.R. shops, res 1038 Nelson Radlet, F, millhand, Leamy & Kyle's Mill Radway, Thomas, cabinet maker, Shelton & Co, res rear of 572 Sey- mour Rafferty, Wm, res 912 Howe Rafter, Miss Alice, tailoress, T Gray, res 50 Eighth ave Raine, N, carpet layer, F W Hart, Westminster rd Rainey, Miss Margaret, tailoress, Murray & Paterson's, res 658 Bar- nard Rains, T, teamster, res rear of 29 Pen- der Railings, William, Royal City Mills Ralph. Ross J, elk. Hardware store, res 626 Princess Ralphf Wm, stoves and kitchen furniture, 24 Cordova, res 626 Prin- cess, (dee ad. top margins) Ralston, C C, Custom House Officer, C.P.R. wharf, res 1016 Haro Ramage, Stephen, saw filer, res 306 Princess Ramie, W A, contractor, Glasgow hotel Ramsay & Sons, confectioners, 48 Cordova Ramsay Bros & Co, Ltd, manu- facturing confectioners, 127 Has- tiii^;H 1''/ Ramsay. Jas, mgr (Ramsay Bros), res 735 Seymour Ramsay, Wm, sr, engineer, (Ramsay Bros), res 735 Seymour Ramsay, Wm M, foreman, (Ramsay Bros), res '35 Seymour Rand Bros, real estate, insurance and financial brokers, 100-102 Cor- dova Rand, C D, (Rand Bros; 100-102 Cor- dova, res 1020 Georgia A. M. BEATTIE CITY MARKET, VANCOUVER. B. C. Weekly Auctions M. •O^-Or-KfOrk-Kt MEROHAHT TAILOR AVO HaaUngt Btreet, ffett, Vdneouver, B. V, VANCOUVER CITY DIRKCTOR\. 533 Rand, E E, (Rand Bros), 100-102 CordovK, rcB 1020 Georgia Raney, James, blacksn'ith, 471 West- minster rd Rankin, H E, D. Ex Co, C.P.R. depot Rankin, John, clerk, Cubtom House, res 871 Hornby Rankin, John S, book-keeper, Scott & Hughes, res 532 Hornby Ranson, D W, millwright,' res 612 Alexander Ragmussen Bros, upholsterers, 143 Hastings E Rasmussen, Axel, upholsterer, (Ras- mussen Bros), res 143 Hastings Rasmussen, Thos, upholsterer (Ras- mussen Bros), res 143 Hastings RHthbone Lodge, No 7, K. of P., 14 Cordova Rattenbury, F M, architect, Holland bik, 413 Cordova Rawdingr, George, accnt, auditor and notary public, res 148 Cordova Rawlinj^s, W J, brass finisher, res 217 Harris Reach, J, Royal Citv Mills Read, J R, Royal Citv Mills Read, Thomas, fmr, res Twelfth ave, nr Westminster rd Reade, Robt, timekeeper, Royal City Mills, res Cosmopolitan hotel Reading, H, driver, B.C. Cattle Co Readings, Henry, Alhambra rooms, res 6 Water Reason, Ole, Royal City Mills Red Cross Brewery, Williams & Barker, props, Seaton (nee advt, bottom lines) Redding, Thomas, plumber, Townley, res rear of 719 Richard Reed, Archibald, carpt, Robertson & Hackett, res 520 Seymour Reed, D B, res 945 Westminster ave Reed, James A, pouadkeeper, res Front E Reed, John, chemist and druggist, 7(i Cordova, res 1018 Eveleiph Reed, Miss Lottie, dressmaker, res , 405 Jackson ave Reed, Miss Marie, clerk, Thompson Bros, res 405 Jackson ave Reed, William, cigar manfr, res 405 Jackson ave Regina Lodge 27(5 B.L. Firemen, Good Templars Hall, 302 Cordova Regina Hotel, Burr, Mrs S, prop, cor Water and Cambie Reiach, Miss D, domestic, 617 Burrard Reiach, Miss E, domestic, cor Rob- son and Burrard Reid, Miss Ada, domestic, Georgia Reid, Archibald, carpt, res Fairview, Seventh ave Reid, D R, grocer, res 910 Oppen- heimer Reid, F, shaving parlors, 608 Cordova Reid, Mrs F, dressmaker, res 606 Cordova Reid, Sir John, K.C.B., M.D., R.N., Fairview house, Seventh ave Reid, John J, traveller^res Richqiond hotel Reid, J .?, clerk, res 127 Water Reilly, Robt, longshoreman, res 219 Oppenheimer Remmie, iSol, bush foreman, res 401 Powell Rennie, Capt Mary, Salvation Army, res 128 Gore ave Renier, Peter S, brakeman, C.P.R. , res Sixth ave, nr St George Rennie, Chas, contractor, res 501 Hastings, Woodward house Rennie, David, res 6 Water Rennie, John, motorneer, res Wood- ward house Rennison, A W, clerk, grocery, res 551 Keefer Resem, Ole, millhand, Leamy & Kyle's Mill Revels, Joseph, watchman, Leamy & Kyle's Mill, res Bridge, Fairview Revely, Capt Fred, master mariner, res Elsmere house Reynolds, Jas, Royal City Mills Reynolds, Joseph, prof of music, res 531 Homer Rhatskiller Hotel, Schmidt, Mrs A, cor Cordova and Water Rhodes, H, acct and financial broker, 625 Hastings W, res 1128 Melville Rhodes, W H, clerk, res 1306 Howe Richards, Miss B, nurse, res 318 Alexander Richards, Miss M L, res Seaton, west of Thurlow Richards, Steven, (Innes & Rich- ards), real estate agent, 515 Hastings W, res Seaton, west of Thurlow Richards, Miss S C, res Seaton, west of Thurlow Richardson, Chas, brakeman, res 302 Dnnemuir Richardson, Chas, car repairer, C.P. R. shops, res .105 Pender m O ■ JO . m o o a O I §o om o o Ql o < Stt CO S BED "CROSS :: BREWERY :: LA(iER :: BEEB ♦— VANCOUVER, B. C. * so O H O o F. W. HART'S for Furniture 91 aiMl »a COHDOVA BTBEXT, TASOOVrKB, B. C. 0) c E o ^ n p w Ph o o O o U 634 BRTTIBH COLUMBIA DIBBCTOBY. Richardson, G, res 20 Water Richardson, Edwd, brakeman,| C.P. R., res 306 Pender Richardson, Miss Louise, milliner, res 306 Pender Richardson, Miss Maggie, dressmkr, res 806 Pender Richardson, Miss E M, res 1116 Seaton Richardson, Jno, labr, res 1143 Pen- drill Richardson, Wesley, L.D.S., dentist, 148 Cordova, res 804 Hornby Rioliniond Hotel, Henderson & MacDonald, props, 318 Cariall Rickards, S B, accountant, Bell- Irving & Go, 436 Cordova, res 1113 Nelson Rickards, Wm B, accountant Bell- Irving Go, 436 Cordova, res 1113 Nelson Rickers, John W, real estate, res 606 Princess Ridley, Abington, mill engr, res 420 Priiic6BS Ridley, Harold, Royal City Mills Ridley, Lou, Royal City Mills Riesterer, Robt, elk, Germania hotel, res Ninth ave Riesterer, Charles, barman, res 600 Cordova Righter, Mrs, res 29 Pender Righter, Peter, engnr G.P.R, res 309 Carrall Rigby, J S, res Hotel Vancouver Riley, W R, painter, 1324 Howe Ringel, Chas, rancher, res rear of 42 Water Risch, E W, piano tuner, res Leland hotel Ritchie, W Geo, cpntr, res 533 Ham- ilton Risteen, G F, conductor G.P.R, res 809 Hornby Roach, Miss Kate, dressmaker, H.B. Co, res 23 Hastings E Roach, James, express messenger Dominion Express Co, res 23 Has- tings E Roantree, M J, tallyman, res 422 Al- exander Robb, John, carptr, res 632 Oppen- heimer Robb, 8 R, city editor, World office, 710 Granville, res Delmonico Robb, Wm, res 373 Sixth ave E Roberts, Mrs C, nurse, res 318 Alex- ander Roberts, John, painter, cor Seymour and Robson, res 639 Hamilton Roberts, John P, clerk, Bank of B.N. A, res 805 Homer Roberts, John H, res 2461 Quebec Roberts, Robt, janitor, res 402 Gran- ville Roberta, T J, hotelkeeper, res 20 Water Roberts, — , engnr, res 59 Eleventh aveE Robertson, Dr A M, physician, office 404 Granville, res 1126 Georgia Robertson & Co, insurance and real estate agts, 307 Cordova Robertson, D, cpntr, (Robertson & Hackett), 620 Seymour, res 623 Richard Robertson, David, res 1125 Georgia Robertson, F M, elk, Innes & Rich- ards, res 716 Granville Robertson, G, tinsmith, res 720 Homer Robertson, Gideon, J. P, real estate agt, 307 Cordova, r:s 630 Burrard Robertson & Haokett, contra and bldrs, planing mill, sash and door factory, 520 Seymour Robertson, Hiram, J, sealer, res 487 Sixth ave E Robertson, Harvey, carptr, res 628 Powell Robertson, James, prop, Northern Pacific, res 744 Powell Robertson, Robt, clothing and mens' furnishings, 208 Carrall, res 823 Homer, {see advt p. 469). Robertson, Wm, cook. Oyster Bay restaurant Robertson, Wm, cpntr, res rear of 150 Water Robertson, W H, grocer, res 744 Powell Robertson, W R, elk, 301 Cordova, res 1125 Georgia Robie, H J, cutter, Goldstein Bros, 309 Carrall Robinson, Alex, principal High School, res 628 Richard Robinson, A J, collector. Telephone Co, res 615 Westminster ave Robinson, Arch, nightwatchman. Sugar Refinery Robinson, Miss Cecil, Ramsay Bros Robinson, David, uarpt, res 610-512 Richard Robinson, David, blacksmith, G.P.R. shops, res in rear 625 Hamilton GOTO E.SPILLMAN FOR WALL PAPER and MOULDINGS ei7 HASTINGS STRRET, VANCOUVER. B. C. C. F. f OBEMAX,Tha VANCOUVER. B. C. ' I IIV 13 > o ^ o O o W 1^ o w 2; o r l—H CO ]« rn wen ^ui en a: cn VANCnUVBB CITY DIBSOTOBY. 536 RobiDBon, F, res 1023 Eveleigh Robinson, Hugh, moulder, B.C. Iron Wks, rea Englewood hotel Robineon, Herman, teamster, res 813 Hornby Robinson, J, res 832 Howe Robinson, Jaa, team8ter,J McDowell, res 2 Proctor's bldg Robinson, Jas, blacksmith, C.P.R. shops, res 1201 Richard Robinson, Jos, expressman, res 111 Sixth ave W RoUason, Louis, mcht tailor, res 832 Howe Robinsoilj M, mcht tailor, 620 Hastings W, res 832 Howe (see a ivt top margini.) Robinson, R, baggagemaster, C.P.R. depot, rea Alberni Robinson, Robt, warehouseman, i-es 42 Water Robinson, Robt, elk, F R Stewart's, res 644 Homer Robinson, T F, steam fitter, res 517 Hornby Robinson, Thos, elk, Wm Urquhart, res Boulder saloon Robinson, Wm, blacksmith, C.P.R. shops, res in rear 625 Hamilton Robson, Chas W, (Weeks & Rob- sun), grocer, etc, rea 1142 Robson Rock, G L, res 774 Homer Rockett, Mathew, grocer, cor West- minster are and Howe, res 742 Hamilton Rodney, F J, (Buxton & Rodney), Sich's corner, res 532 Hornby Rodway, Jos, tinsmith, res 414 Pen- der Rodway, Thos, cabinet maker, 518 Hastings W, res 512 Seymour Roden, MiaaKate, cook,Pacific hotel, res 318 Cordova Roe, P D, tallyman, Cassady's Mill, res 716 Richard Roedde, G A, bookbinder, News- Advertiser Co, res 1416 Barclay Rogers, painter, res 313 Pender Rogers, A L, engr and artist, res 525 Thurlow Rogers, B T, mgr.B.C. Sugar Refin- ery, rea 1608 Georgia Rogers, Miss Fanny, waitress, Dougall restaurant, res 308 Abbott Rogers, Frederick, carpenter, res 20 Water Rogers, Jos, electrician, res Jackson ave and Prior Rolls, Dr Jas F,druggiat and chemist, 323 Carrall Romane, Benjamin, porter, Clarence hotel Romang, J, asst to city engr, res 524 Homer Roose, Capt Jos Bond, gentleman, res 542 Georgia Rosam, Danl, res 102 Pender Rose, Albert, Sugar Refinery, res 185 Hastings E Rose, Ministy, labr, res 209 Prior Rose, M S, plumbing and gas fitting, stoves, etc, res 172 Hastings W Rosin House, Cameron, J, propirietor. Water RoEpberry, Geo, plasterer, res Boul- der taloon Hoss, A, res 160 Water it-^ns, iL, prop Real Estate Exchange, res 541 Hamilton Ross & Co, saloon kpr. Real Estate Exchange, Sll Cambie Ross, Miss Ada, emp Ramsay Bros, res 4C7 Sixth ave Ross, David, carpt,Comish dc Cooper, res Columbia hotel Ross, Donald, Real Estate Exchange, res 641 Hamilton Ross, Donald, stonecutter, res 149 Eleventh ave W Ross, Frank, detective, C.P.R.ofl!:ces, Cordova, res 626 Howe Ross, John D, carpt, res Ninth ave cor Westminster Rosa, John F, manager Y.C.I.Wks, 649 Alexander, res 467 Sixth ave Ross, Kenneth, bartender, Boulder saloon Ross, Murdock G, baggageman, C.P. R., res 1121 Richard Rosa, W, carpenter, Rol)ertson & Hackett, res 520 Seymour Ross, Wm, fruit merchant, &c, 332 Cambie Rosselli, E, electrician, rm 17, 22 Cordova Round, Fred, engineer, res 212 Twelfth ave W Rougier, J G, dyer, res 14 Oppen- heimer Rounsefell, Fredk W, cashier, Van- couver Loan ofilce, 521 Hastings, res 1126 Robson Rounsefell, Jno, real estate agent, Holland block, 413 Cordova, res 1126 Robson Rowe, Victor, labr, rea Beach ave WIILIAMS & BARKER, RED CROSS BREWERY, VANCOUVER, 6. C. ■n mm \ T E X A S L A K £ I C £ c o V A X c o u V E B B C Drewry's Redwood Brewery, Winnipeg* Drewry'a Ale and Porter Builds up and Strengthens the System, WIUIJM 630 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Rowland, George, milk dealer, res 1303 Howe Rowley, J C, painter, 508 Pender, res 623 Richard Roy, Andrew, engineer, Empress of China, res rear of 613 Richard Roy, Ludeer, plumber, &c, res 802 Granville Roy, J, carpenter, res Cabins, rear Pender Rojyf, Peter, carpenter, res 833 Ham- ilton Royal City Planinsr Mills, B. CM. T. A T. Co., Ltd, False creek, R C Ferguson, mgr Roycraft, Miss, housekeeper, St. Luke's Home, 309 Oppenheimer Royds, Clement, master mariner, res 615 Princess Royal Templars of Temper- ance, Burritt's Hall, Westminster ave Rubinowitz, Ixtuis, Boston Cheap Store, res 211 Abbott Rude & Co, grocers, Keefer Rude. Hans, (Rude & Co) grocer Ruff, L, res 20 Water Rumble, J, carpenter, Robertson & Hackett, res 620 Seymour Rumble, John, stonecutter, res 1216 Homer Rumble, Thomas, labr, res rear 210 Powell Rummel, Chas, driver, D. & M. Bre- wery Co, res Brewery Runnalls, Richard, labr, res 607 Op- penheimer Runnalls, Oliver C, res 607 Oppen- heimer Runner, W D, clerk, res 605 Ham- ilton Russell, Miss Annie, domestic, 434 Princess Russell, t L, shipbroker, res 728 Pender Russell, Andrew, fmr, res 728 Sey- mo'ir Russell A Oodflrey, barristers and solicitors. Bank of B.N. A. building, Hastings Russell, F R McD, student-at-law, Russell & Godfrey, .res Pender W Russell, J A, (Russell & Godfrey) barrister and solicitor, res Hotel Vancouver RusB House, Thompson & Smith, props, 417 Powell Russell, James, scowman, W S Cook, res Keefer, near VVestmin- ster ave Russell, James, carpenter, Cassady's Mill, res 731 Homer Russell, John, stonecutter, res 1326 Howe Russell, McDonald 4c Co, auc- tioneers, etc, 62-64 Cordova Russell, William, marine engineer, res Woodward house Ryder, Robert, marine engineer, res 311 Powell DOERING k MARSTRAND'S ALEXANDRA - LAGER "BEER AND PORTER" Specially recpminended. Address: MOUNT PLEASANT. Telephone 4ag. VANCOUVER, B. C. s Sacred Heart Acadamy, 406 Duns- muir Sadris, W J & Co, jewellers, 622 Cordova Sage, Walter, butcher, Okanagan Cattle Co, res 424 Princess Sailors' Rest, Miss Grace V Reid, hon. sec-tres., 384 Water Saint John, B, lather, res 193 Seventh ave E Salsbury, Arthur, clerk,C.P.R. wharf, res 824 Hastings W Salsbury, W F, local treas C.P.R., res 824 Hastings W (see p. 537) Salsbury, Mrs, Kew Cottage Salvation Army Barracks, Cordova Same, Frank, pressman, Jno Scuitto, res Powell, near Columbia ave Sanders, Edwin, carpenter, res 416 Princess Sanders, Joseph, apprentice, B. C. Iron Works, res 416 Princess Sanderson, Alexander, laborer. 113 Front E Sanderson, J, longshoreman, res 620 Pender Sankey, F H, carponter, res 256 Bar- nard Sankey, L T, teamster, Hewton Bros, res 237 Prior San Quii Hastin Sansom, dova Sassarani Scuitto Sasseville res Citj Saunby, J ave Saunders, chant, ( Cambie Saunders, Bank of Sau", Day] ville Sayer, A Drake Sayer, San res 523 I Scarth, A CasMe, r< Schmidt, ( allev He Soho'fleld couver mi res 817 Gi Schooley, C Gurney ( Howe Schou, X C, tiser, 420 Schulte, H Germania Schwesingei C. Cattle < Schwahn, A Cordova, i bell ave Schwahn, CI hotd, res i Schwahn, E tain hotel, bell ave Schwahn, Fr res 73 Cord Sclater, Jam res 817 Hov Scoidone, Ch nard Scott, Arthur rm 6 Scott, — , wat( Front Scott, C A, poi ridge's, res ] A. M, BE ATTIE WEEKLV AUCTIONS^ CITY BIARKET, VANCOUVER, B. C, WIlllllM BAIPH, Tin, Iran and firanfeware, Vancouver VANCOUVKR CITV DIRBCTORV San Quinten, Sam, baker, res 427 Hastings Sansoni, Samuel, architect, 105 Cor- dova Sassarani, G, maccaroni maker, John Scuitto, res shack. Inlet Sasseville, Ghas A, brakesman, C, P. R res City hotel Saunby, Daniel, cooper, res 54 Eighth ave Saunders, Henry J, commission mer- chant, Cordova, res Kobson cor of Cambie Saunders, T S C, assist accountant, Bank of Montreal San', David, bricklayer, res 915 Gran- ville Saver, Arthur, laborer, res 513 Drake Sayer, Samuel, millhand, Tait's Mill, res 523 Drake Scarth, A H, prospector, Barnard Castle, res o52 Powell Schmidt, G, restaurant and bowling allev Holland blk, Cordova Sohofleld,F, J.P, clerk. North Van- couver municipality, Condell block, res 817 Georgia Schooley, C A, mgr Imperial Oil Co, Gurney Cab Go's office, res 911 Howe Schou, N C, sub editor. News- Adver- tiser, 420 Cumbie Schulte, Henry, longshoreman, res Germania hotel Schwesinger, Geo, slaughterman, B. C. Cattle Co Schwahn, A, prop Atlantic hotel, 73 Cordova, res Princess, near Camp- bell ave Schwahn, Ghas, clerk. New Fountain hotel, res 22 Cordova Schwahn, Edward, prop New Foun- tain hotel, res Princess near Camp- bell ave Schwahn, Fred, clerk, Atlantic hotel, res 73 Cordova Sclater, James, ticket agent, C.P.K, res 817 Howe Scoidone, Ghas, laborer, res 235 Bar- nard Scott, Arthur J, clerk, 411 Hastings W rm 6 Scott, — , watchman, G.P.R, res 284 Front Scott, C A, pork packer. Major & Eld- ridge's, res 1016 Kobson Scott, G D, insurance and mining broker, 411 Hastings W, rm 5 Scott, James, printer, res 730 Richard Scott, James, plasterer, res 323 Has- tings Soott A Hugliea, auctioneers and valuers, com merchants, etc, 506 Hastings W Scott, John, bricklayer, res 1510 Rob- son Scott, John, labr, res Beach ave Scott, Leonard, butcher, Mackintosh & Co, res 402 Georgia Scott's Lunch Room, 161 Cordova Soott, Capt S F,(Scott& Hughes), 506 Hastings W Scott, R B, carpenter, Seventh ave Scott, Thos, carpenter, Cassady's Mill res 720 Richard Scott, Thos, (Scott's Luuth Rooms), res 726 Hamilton Scott, T T, book-keeper, J W McFar- land, res 726 Hamilton Scrice. J, labr, res 633 Powell Scuitto, G B, Inlet View hotel, res 109 Heatley ave SouittO, John, grocer ,2 Alexander, res 6 Alexander Scurry, Ciias E, barber, 229 Abbott Scurry, H T, barber, 229 Aljbott, res 1003 Richaid Scoue, Miss Jennie, waitress, Seeord house Sooullar, A W, city plumbing in- spector, ros 1041 Robson Seagrave, John, emp sugar refinery, res I/utterm Searle, Mrs Jno, res 1012 Haro Seaton, Jas, barman, Sunnyside hotel, res 1 Water Secc.rd, Angus, carpt, 219 Westmins- ter ave, res 112 Harris Sehl-Hastie-Erskine Furni- ture Co, Ltd> 3:^-34 Cordova Seideiman, W'n, grocer, res Powell Sejohn, John, engr, Cassady's Mill, res 612 Seymour Senkler, J H, barrister and soli- citor, 512 Hastings W, cor Haro and Bute Sentell, A J, carpenter, res 411 Hast- ings Sei^tell, Edwd, property owner, res 411 Hastings Sentell, E B, larpenter, res 411 Hast- ings Sentell, Fred, shingle manfr, res Keefer r > .0 o WILLIAMS & em, RED CROSS BRW, VANCOUVER, B. C. M. BaBXNSON ^^^::^^ IF.W. M a; o o U r ^ • 1-H o S38 BBinSM OOUmUA OaUNTOBT. Sentell, O J, carpenter, res 411 HMt- ings Sentell's Lumber and Shingle Mill, eaat end Powell Seoborg, L, labr, Ottawa house Seroia, Jean, logger, rea City hotel Seventh Day Adventiata' Church, Harria Sewart, J, blackamith's helper Sewell, H F D, Bank of B.C., res 604 Rnrrard Seydone, Chaa, Royal City Milla Seymour. J R, ohemiat and drug- giat, 601 Haatinga W, rea 1038 Rob- Bon Seyner, Wm, labr, rea 309 West rd Shafer, Jaa, teamster, Coemopolitan rooms, rea 224 Abbott Shanks, James, laborer, rea 612 Gore ave Shannon, Miss, matron, Orphans' Home, Ninth ave Shannon, Wm, retired, red 1108 Haro Sharland, Miss E, domestic, 319 Harris Sharp, Arthur, labr, res 219 Oppen- heimer Sharp, C, res 6 Water Sharp, A F (A J Sharp & Co), res 617 Hastings W Sbarp, A J ft Co, tailors, 617 Hastings W («ee advt, p. 459) Sijarp, A J (A J Sharp & Co), res 617 Hastings W Sliarpe, K, carpt, Robertson & Haekett, res 620 Seymour Sharp, H J, clerk. Land Registry Office, res Nelson Shaw, A W, res 817 Richard Shaw, Miss Belle, res 1012 Haro Shaw, Chas W, salesman, 531 Gran- ville, rea 1104 Robson Shaiv, Heni7 C, barrister and solicitor, McPhillips & Williams, Bank of B.C. bik, Hastings Shaw, H P. Canada, Australian Com & Trading Co, Ltd, 430 Cordova, cor of Burrard and Barclay Shaw, James, res Seventh ave Shaw , Jas, teacher. High School, res 411 Hastings W Shaw, Wm, organ builder, res Gran- ville Shearer, A L, conductor, C.P.R., res 321 Carr II, 1st flat Shearer, Mrs Janet, res 716 Richard Shearer, John S, teamster, res 716 Richard Shearing. J B, tailor, 618 Oordova, rea Dufferin £ Sheaagreen, J, Dunlop-, Cooke h Co, 408 Cordova, rea Howe Sheldon, J H, Imperial Houae, rea 419 Abbott Sheldon, Wm, Impl Houae, rea 419 Abbott Shelton, A, Royal City Milla Shelton, A E. (Shelton it Co), 61S Haatinga W, rea Pender SUlOltOSA Co, furniture, carpeta and upholatery, 618 Haatinga W Shelton, H T, (Shelton & Co), 618 Haatinga W, rea 723 Homer ShorUr for Connty of Vaaoon- ▼or, J D Hall, Court Houae, rea Bank of B.N.A. bldg Shelton, Giles, car inspctr C.P.R, res 1012 EveleiKh Sheppard, S, Royal City Mills Sh^pard, R A, typewriter, Hastings Sherdahl, S, nurseryman. Rose Hill Nursery, res 610 Westminster ave Sheriff, J, res 774 Homer Sherman House, J Meyteyer & M Liberty, props, Cordova and Water Sherman, Ruyter S, engnr and sur- veyor, Condell blk. Homer, res 424 Princess Shields, Alex, wholesale wines and liquors, res Hotel Vancouver Shimisa, S, Chancellor of Japanese Consul, 413 Cordova, res 511 Howe Shirley, Thos, Sheriff's officer. Court House, res 717 Gamble Shoebotham, T B, barrister and solicitor, Holland block, Cordova, res Nelson cor Bute Sholbrooke, Joseph, contr, res New Fountain hotel Shook, D E, res 145 Hastings E Shook, Mrs D E, dressmaker, res 145 Hastings E Short, Benj J, mgr Lulu Island Can- ning Co, 1132 Pendrill Short, B H, painter, res 1206 Hornby Shotton, Allison, carpt, Roval City Mills, res 303 Sixth ave E' Shunn, Franklin, sawyer, Hastings Mill, res Grand View Shurgold, Edwin, expressman, res 41 Sixth ave W Siemens & Halske Electric Co, John Sanderson, agt, Edison bldg 418 Richard LARGEST nTMENT of ML PAPER at SPILLMAN'S, Vancouver ^1. Silla, Thoa, rard Silva. Franc rea Oarral Silverman, Worka, re Silverman, dova, rea Sim, W H, Weatmina Sim, Walter Weatmina Sim, Miaa Hornby Simon, Abe, Cordova Simon, B, n res 214 Ha Simons, S H Simons, Job res 306 Ab Simons, W, ] Simons, W, i Simpson, Jot bia hotel Simpson, Jol Haekett, n Simpson, Jol dova Simpson, J ] Haekett. r« Simpson, J V res 723 Kee Simpson, Mri mfr, res 72J Simpson, The ville cor Th Simpson, Wn Co, res 723 Simson, C, chandlery, ; Sinclair, Miss Georgia Sinclair, J insurance Hastings Sinclair, (J V 1406 Alhern Sinclair, W D 56 Cordova Sisson, T H, l Planing Mil Si wash Creek Geo De Wol ings W Skeffington, G res 12ia Ho Skene, C R, n ytotheREl F. W. HART, Undertaker, vSvK QfQ o •-J a. o C/3 n r CO TAMrouvBB omr dibiotobt. Sills, Tbos, maohiniat, rea 1S04 Bur- rard Silva. Francia, barber, 66 Cordova, rea Oarrall Silverman, B, tailor, Inglis' Dye Works, rea 528 Seymour Silverman, K, fruit dealer, 47-49 Cor- dova, res Harris Sim, W H. dc Co, woodyard, 1636 Westminster ave Sim, Walter H, wood dealer, 1636 Westminster ave, res 1127 Richard Sim, Miss Jesaie, domestic, 781 Hornby Simon, Abe, clerk, B Simon, res 61 Cordova Simon, B, mcht tailor, 61 Cordova, res 214 Harris Simons, S H, barber, res 68 Water Simons, John, barber, Douxall blk, res 306 Abbott Simons, W, Royal City Mills Simons, W, resY.M.C.A. bldg Simpson, John, painter, res Colum- bia hotel Simpson, John, cashier, Robertson & Hackett, res 826 Richard Simpson, John, carpt, res 610 Cor- dova Simpson, J H, mgr, Robertson & Hackett. res 620 Seymour Simpson, J W, janitor Masonic blk, res 723 Keefer Simpson, Mrs J W, cardboard box mfr, res 723 Keefer Simpson, Theodore, retired, rea Mel- ville cor Thurlow Simpson, Wm, elk, Mellon, Smith & Co, res 723 Keefer Simson, C, mgr, T Dunn, ship chandlery, res 8 Water Sinclair, Miss Jennie, domestic, 1140 Georgia Sinclair, J W & Co, commission, insurance and shipping agents, Hastings Sinclair, (J W Sinclair & Co,) res 1406 Alberni Sinclair, W D, mgr Vane Drug Co, 56 Cordova Sisson, T H, book-keeper, Royal City Planing Mills, res 1102 Seaton Siwash Creek Bedrock Flume Co.Ltd, Geo De Wolf, secretary, 609 Hast- ings W Skeffington, Geo, machinist, C.P.R, res 12io Hornby Skene, C B, res lilO Burrard 8k«ll«, Wi B.C. agent, S Green- abielda, Son & Co, Montreal, 605 Granville, rea 1147 Barclay SkiHicorn, Mrs H, widow, ree 521 Pacific Skinner, Jaa A & Co, wholesale and retail crockery and glaasware, 614 Haatinga W Skinner, Jeaaie, domeatic Skinner, Miss Kate, domeatic, 626 Homer Skinner, Mias Katie, domeatic, 1136 Melville Skinner, Mrs, s'amstresa, res 400 Princeaa Skinner, R J, Forestry Inspector, Court House, res 1227 Robson Slack, David W, sawyer, res 1322 Sey- mour Slade, Chas, labr, res 87 Thirteenth ave Slade, Jno, painter, res 906 Gore ave Slagg, Hy, machinist,6.C. Iron Wks, res 411 Prior Slater, — , res 774 Homer Slater, Miss B V, domestic, 220 Princess Slater, Gordon, clerk, Elliott's News Agency, res Georgia Slater, George F, millwright, res 621 Hamilton Slater, Miss L, domestic, 315 Op- penheimer Slater, Wellington, millwright, res 317 Georgia Sloan, Harry W, Sloan's restaur- ant, 26 Cordova (see advt p. 4S9) Sloan, Robt, carpt, res Prior Small, Wm, teamster, res Woodward house Smalley, Hugh, blacksmith, C.P.R. shops, res 716 Cambie Smalley, Jno, teamster, T Veitch & Co, res rear of 15 Hastings E Smalley, Wm, teamster, res Rich- mond hotel Smart, Mrs Ellen, domestic, res Hornby Smirl, T W, millwright, Robertson & Hackett's, res 919 Hornby Smirl, L T, carpt, Robertson & Hackett Smith, — , wagonmaker, E J Sproule, res Oppenheimer Smith Bros, upholsterers and carpet cleaners, 100 Seaton Smith & Freeland, grocers, 301-303 Seventh ave JO W X •z o to tbe RED CROSS BREWERY FOR FINE LAGER BEER -VANCOUVER. B. C. T E X A S L A K E I C E c o V A N C O u V E K B € C. F. FOREMAN, City Grocer, vANcivEi I DRf 5] 640 BBITIHH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Smith, E W, res 523 Hamilton Smith, Alex, boilermkr, res 418 Alex- ander Smith, Angus, Impl house, 410 Ab- bott Smith, A A, patternmkr, res 518 Alexander Smith, Mias A, cook, res 318 Alexan- der Smith, A B, acet. Hotel Vancouver, res Beach ave Smith, C M, Oyster Bay restaurant Smith, David, res 1Q2 Pender Smith. David A, (Smith Bros), up- holsterer Smith, Fredk, labr, res 11 Proctor's bldgs Smith, F H, expressman, C.P.K, res Granville cor Beach ave Smith, George, clerk, fish store, 716 Westminster ave Smith, George, carpt, res 718 Alexan- der Smith, Geo, driver, Kamloopa Cattle Co, res Westminster rd Smith, Harry, res 141 Water Smith, Miss H, boarding house, res 136 Hastings E Smith, Ira, res 916 Granville Smith, I 8, carpt, res 606 Pender Smith, James A, Smith Bros, 100 Seaton Smith, J A, B. C. Toilet and Towel Supply Co, 418 Hastings W, res Pender cor Thurlow Smith, J A, real estate, P.O. box 501 Smith, James B, book-kpr, Stewart's Produce Store, res 633 Cambie Smith, James, teamster, res 415 Harris Smith, James, Canadian Pacific Pack- ing Co, res 818 Howe Smith, James, porter, Crowder & Penzer Smith, John, logger, res 669 Harris Smith, J, laborer, res Ottawa house Smith, John, prop Russ house, res 417 Powell Smith, Joseph, laborer, res 1326 Howe Smith, J W, carpenter. Grand View Smith, Kenneth, liveryman, res 307 Keefer Smith, Mrs, res 659 Harris Smith, Perry, delivery clerk, (Smith Bros), res 1010 Alberni Smith, Robert, laborer, res 330 Alex- ander Smith, Robert, cpntr, 400 Sixth ave Smith, Stanley, prospector, res 114 Keefer Smith, T A, engineer, res 918 Oppcn- heimer Smith. T S, clerk, Ashfleld & Co, res 417 Hastings £ Smith, V, painter, res 605 Cambie Smith, William, carpenter, res 4L'ti Smith, Wm Jas, grocer, 301-303 Sev- enth ave Smith, William M, logger, res 1%') Hastings £ Smith, W B, carpenter, res rear 241 Princess Smith, >V C, law student, Davis,Mur- shall & Macniell Smith, W J, green grocer. City Mar- ket, res 1010 Oppenheimer Smith-Neville, Arthur (Mellon, Smitli & Co), 303 Cordova, res cor Bute and Pendrill Smith-Neville, Herbert, b' -k-keep»'r, U.S.S.Co. wharf, C rrall. res i-or Bute and Pendrill Smith-Neville, Pe ,y, sec'y and truas W. & V. Tramway Co, res cor Bute and Pendrill Smith-Neville, H, sr, collector, lea cor Bute and Pendrill Smitheringale, Miss, saleswoman. II. B. Co. Store, Granville, res SiT) Richard Smythe, Miss £, res 612 Seymour Smvthe, £ D, typewriter, Corbould, McColl, Wilson & Campbell, res 640 Say m our Smyth, b Elroy, student-at-law, 519 Hastings W Smyth, Rebecca, boarding, res 012 Seymour Snell, Daniel, laborer, rea rear 540 Richard Snellgrove, William, baker, res 427 Hastings Snowden, H L, lumber broker, res 610 Cordova Snyder, Miss Belle, tailoreas, Hol- land blk, Carrall, res 60 Cordova Snyder, Elmer, stevedore, res 51S Harris Soames, Sarah, domestic, lOlORobson Society of Friends' Meeting House, 913 Granville Soderstrow, P, Roval City Mills Solomon, Miss femily, grocer, HO Powell A M "RE A TTTE adctioneer, - appraiser - and -"■• ^^^* '■***■""■■■■'■■""' GENFm COMMISSION MERCHANT. CITY MARKET, VANCOUVER, B. C. Solloway, res 1306 i Somers, Joi ave, cor ( Somerville, Somerville, res Westr Sommervill Iron Wor Sontar, F, ( Bank of I Soule, W G Soule, W H Southcott, J Victoria, South Van Works oft Sowerby, CI house Spain, Cvn res 421 Di Spain, Edw res 423 Du Spain. Thos Spalding, Jc Sparks & i 1561 West Sparks, Jan minster a' son ave Sparling, R, res 602 Pri Sparrow, Jol Resort, coi 23 Fifth a\ Spaulding i furnishers Spaulding, i water), 13C Spehra, Fra Princess Spence, The Westminsi Spencer, O I barristers, 233 Dunle\ Spencer, VV ] 152 Cordov Spenciskie, Kyle's Mil Spice. Cornel No 2. res 9! Soice, Robt, Spice, R, 620 blk, Granv Spicer, H H, res 919 Ho Spicer's Shin SITOTH DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY - WINNIPEG. Orewry'a Ale, Porter and Lager ia Recommended by Pbveiclane Generally. VANCOUVER CITY DIBECTORY. 641- SoUoway, Alfred, flreman, C.P.R., rea ISOti Seyuour Somers, John, carpt, rea Thirteenth ave, cor Ontario Somerville, Mrs 8, ree 806 Prior Somerville, Capt Wm, 8.8. Nagasaki, res Westminster ave Sommerville, 8atn, machinist, B.C. Iron Worlcs, res Knglewood hotel Sontar, F, clerk, Bank of B.C., res Bank of B.C. bldg Soule, W G, stevedore, res 818 Powell Soule, W H, stevedore, res 350 Powell Southcott, J J, traveler, Wilson Bros, Victoria, res 724 Richard South Vancouver Brick and Tile Works office, rm 5, ltt2 Cordova Sowerby, Chas, electrician, res Secord houso Spain, Cvrus, car repairer, C.P.R., rea 421 Dutferin Spain, Edwd, car repairer, C.P.R., res 423 Dufferin Spain. Thos, jes 302 Cordova Spalding, John, labr, res Scotia Sparks & Jttayley, sawmill, rear of 1561 Westminster ave Sparks, James, lumber mill, West- minster ave, res False creek, Jack- son ave Sparlinx, R, public school teacher, res 602 Princess Sparrow, John J, hotelkeeper. Opera Resort, cor Carrall and Dupont, res 2.S Fifth ave W Spaulding & Vanderwater, gents' furnishers, 130 Cordova Spaulding, F J (Spaulding & Vander- water), 130 Cordova Spehra, Frank, labr, res rear 244 Princess Spence, Thomas, gardener, res 812 Westminster ave Spencer, O L (Armstrong & Spencer), barristers, etc, Whetham blk, res 233 Dunlevy ave Spencer, W R (Gatewood & Spencer), 162 Cordova, res Elleamere Spenciskie, P, millhand, Leamy & Kyle's Mill Spice, Cornelius, fireman, Fire Hall No 2. res 91 Granville, 2nd flat Spice, Robt, tailor, res 915 Granville Spice, R, 620 Hastings W, res Abe )tt blk, Granville Spicer, H H, shingle manfr, Caml>id, res 919 Howe Spicer's Shingle Mill, False creek Spiers, Jno, labr, res rear 658 Gran- ville Spillman, Edmund, fresco artist, 617 Hastings, res 536 Howe (see advl fool marqim, every 4th page) Spillett, Wm, labr, rea 240 Tenth ave W Spinks, J M, real estate agent, rea 1127 Pendrill Spinks, J M B, jr, student-at-law, Russell & Godfrey, res 1127 Pen- drill Spinks, R, student-at-law, 519 Hast- ings W, res 1127 Pendrill Spinks, T A, foreman, News-Adver- tiser, rea 420 Cambie Sprate, John, scavengr, res 322 Keefer Spring, T B, contractor, res 302 Op- penheimer Springer, B, com broker, Vice-Con- sul for Norway and Sweden, 219 Carnbio, res 1038 Robson Sprinjrer, L •?, clerk, Dom Foreign Trading Co, res 1038 Robson Sprott, Wm, watchmaker, res 307 Keefer Sproule, Ezra J, carriage builder, rea Culumbia ave Sproule, E J, blacksmith, 103-105 Powell Sprung, George, porter, Thos Dunn & Co, rea 110 Harris Squair, W H, res 102O Davie Stacey, W H, labr, res 164 Hastings Stafford, Wm, cook. Imperial house, 419 Abbott St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Rev E D McLaren, M.A.,B.D., rec- tor, res Richard and Georgia St. Andrew's Society, rm 16, 14 Cor- dova Stanford, Miss Emily, matron. Or- phans' Home, Ninth ave E, cor Westminster rd Stanford, James, carpt, res 321 Car- rall Stanhouse, A, millhand, Leamy & Kyle's Mill, res mill Stanners, James, blacksmith, C.P.R., res Third ave, Fairview Stapleton, C, laborer, res Eleventh ave Stark, James, drv goods merchant, 226 Carrall, rea"l027 Robson Stark, Water L, clerk, 226 Carrall, res 1027 Robson St. Arnaud, Edward, barber, 66 Cor- dova, res 916 Seymour Q O D O o o pa. o 05 h 'n w ^ SEND TO THE RED CROSS BREWERY FOR FINE LA(^EK BEER, VA.NOOUVBR, B. O. GC(J WmiAM RALPH, Skes and Raop 24 Cordova St. , VANCOTJ VEK > P8 O" O c M c (« JC » Q. a. OS PI W Ph o o U ob K pj:: o U 642 BRTTIBR COLUMBIA DIBBCTOBY. St. Arnaud, Edward, labr, res Prior, near Oampbell ave Ft. Ariiaud, John, barber, 65 Cor- dova, r«8 916 Seymour Starrett, Dan, conductor, G.P.R., res 66 Water Staunton, J, accountant, Y.M.G.A. bldg, res Hastings W Steele, Fred, expressman, res Gore ave Steele, Williuoi, express and baggage- man, res 339 Hastings Steele, Wm, res 102 Pender Steele. W B, machinist, C.P.B., res ^463 Quebec Steinman, Miss M, domestic, 811 Hornby Stephens, F B, salesman. Hart's Furniture Store, res Tenth ave, nr Columbia Stephenson, R, type machine opera- tor, World ofiSce, res 919 Richard Stephenson, Thomas, street supt, City Hall v^tergenburgei , Alfred, moulder, B.C. Iron "Worlcs, res Sixth ave, cor E- St Georae Sterling, David, clerk, C.P.R. office wharf Sterling, George, carpenter, res 250 Tenth ave Sterritt, R T W, insurance agent, Purdy & Sterritt, res 31 Lansdowne ave Stirtan, G S, carpenter, res 527 Howe Steves, — , tobacco and cigar dealer, res Seventh ave Stevens, Alfred, merchant, res 119 Westminster uve Stevens, Gaorge, mgr J Steveus & Sons, 66 Cordova, res Comox Stevbns, Geo, property owner, res 123 Gore ave Stevens, Geo, manfs agent, rm 12, 66 Cordova Stevens, Thos, labr, res shore north of Georgia Stevens, F, clerk, F W H«rt, res Tenth ave StevenSj, Wm, cabinet maker, res 1553 Westminster ave Stevens, W E, main layer, res Gore ave Stevenson &Rockett, general grocers, Woodward blk Stevenson, Dr E, (homoeopathist) rm 7, 120 Hastings E Stevenson, Geo, (Stevenson & Rock- ett) res Woodward house Stevenson, John, clerk, Tremont hotel, res Carrall Stevenson, Mrs Mary, domestic, 625 Howe Stevenson, R H, Douglas house, res 815 Georgia Stevenson, Thos, street inspector, res Glasgow hotel Steveson, Geo, grocer, Westminster ave, res Woodward house Steward & Mills, electrical engrs, rm 8, Whetham blk Steward, Jas, conductor C.P.R, res 6(> Water Steward, W F, (Steward & Mills), res rm 8, Turner blk Steward, W T, (Steward &Mill8),elec- tricians, rm 8, Whetham blk, res 815 Richard Steward, S, res 20 Water Stewart, Alexander, logger, res City hotel Stewart, Angus, mcht, (Club & Stew- art), res 646 Georgia Stewart, A C, school teacher,Mt Plea- sant School, res 2024 Westminster ave Stewart, A M, (Club & Stewart), 328 Cordova, res 646 Georgia Stewart, C F, watchmkr and optician, 666 Granville, res 1313 Sevmour Stewart, Daniel, labr, res 'fbirteenth ave S Stewart, D & Co, groceries and pro- visions, 206 Carrall Stewart, D M, teamster, res 211 Har- ris Stewart, F Roid,com mcht, 4? Water, res Nelson cor of Bute Stewart, F R, wholesale com mcht, 42 Water, res Nelson cor of Bute Stewart, H C, upholsterer, F W Hart, res Oriental hotel Stewart, Jas W, conductor C.P.R, res 527 Richard Stewart, Jno, labr, res 1024 Davie Stewart, J C, carpt,rea Clarence hotl, cor Pender and Seymour Stewart, N, t«amster, res 100 Water Stewert, Jas, labr, res 222 Keefer Stewert, J M, lumberman, res 512 Alexander Stewert, Hector, lumberman, res 612 Ale-ander St George, A Q, manufacturers' agt, res 66 Ninth ave L SFIlLMim, FRESCOIHG, LEFTERi, HOUSE-PillllTllie, kam M. ROBINSON MBHOHAire TAII.O« 090 Maatinga Street, ireet, Vancouver, B. C. VANCOirVRR CITY DIRECTOBY. 543 Stirton, G, carpt, Robertson & Hac- kett Stirrett, — ,C.P.R. trainband, res 411 HaBtingB W Stirrett, A C, agent Royal Insurance Go, 321 Cordova, res Fourth ave nr Mt Pleasant Stitt, J R, mgr Hastings Mill store, res 602 Alexander Stitt, Miss Una, Public School tea- cher, res 602 Alexander St James' Church, Rev H G Fiennes- Clinton, res Powell St James' Church, H G F Clinton, rector, 214 Gore ave St James'Church School,212 Gore ave Stokes, James, gardener, res Ottawa house St Luke's Home, private hospital. Sister Frances, Powell Stone, Chas, sawyer, Hastings ISTill, res City hotel Stone, C L, labr, res rear 216 Keefer Storey, Miss A, clerk, Drysdale & Co, Cordova, res cor Barclay and Bur- rard Story, Robt, scowman, W 8 Cook, res Keefer nr Westminster ave Stout, J P, agt Dominion Express Co, C.P.R. depot, res 915 Hornby Stovell, Jno, teamster, res 613 Powell St Paul's Episcopal Church, Rev E P Flewelling, rector, 1222 Hornby St Quinton, G G, painter, Robsbn & Granville St Quinton, Wm, baker, res cor Rob- son and Granville Strahan, Francis, cavpt shop, H06 Seymour, res cor Richard and Pen- der Strathie, Alex, contractor, res Georgia nr Homer Strathie, Duncan, carpt, res Georgia nr Homer Strathern, John, surveyor and engr, 313 Cambie, res 418 Princess Straube, V J, gun and locksmith, cut- lery, etc, 614 Cordova Stretch, T P, labr, res Seventh ave Strome, P, labr, res 322 Powell Struthers. Alex, bldr, res 404 Georgia Stuart, Allan K, draughtsman. City Engineer's office, City Hall, res 639 Richard Stuart, J Duff, book-kpr, Thomson Bros, res 926 Hornby Stuart, James, shipping clerk, Op- peheimei Bros, res 607 Hastings £ Stuart, J B, Bank of B.C, res 604 Bur- rard Stuart, Peter, clerk groctry, les 507 Hastings Stuart, Richard, driver, Fashion Stables, res Pacific hotel Studden, Fred, baggageman, C.P.R, res 241 Princess Sturgeon, Mrs T H, fruit store, res 219 Carrall Suckling, A E, clerk, C.P.R, res 324 Westminster ave Suckling, Henry W, engineer and patent office, 413 Cordova, res Horn- by Suckling, Mrs H W, res 834 Hornby Sudmier, J, merchant tailor, 46 Cor- dova res store Snlley.W. managing director, Van- couver Land and Securities Corpor- ation, Ltd, cor Hastings and Rich- ard, res cor Burrard and Smith Sully, machinist, B.C. Iron Works, res Englewood hotel Sully, J H, book-keeper, Forbes' Wood Yard Sullivan A W, real estate dealer, res 231 Oppenbeimer Sullivan. Charles, musician, res 231 Oppenheimer Sullivan, C E, shoemaker, res 513 Pender Summers, Miss B, (Summers & Or- rell), ladies' furnishings, 648 Gran- ville Summers, Miss C, (Summers & Or- rell), ladies' furnishings, 648 Gran- ville Summers, James, prop White Swan, 600 Cordova Summerton, Alfred, shoemaker, res 940 Park Lane Sumner, William, builder, res Eighth ave Sumner, William, carpt, Robertson & Hackett, res 520 Seymour Sunny Side Hotel, Cannonica& Mow- att, coi Water and Carrall Supreme Court, A E Beck, Dis- trict Registrar, Court House Sutherland, David, res 633 Cambie Sutherland, Jessie B, stenographer, McPhillips & Williams, Hastings, res Richard Sutherland, John K, druggist, H Mc- Dowell & Co, res 628 Richard Sutherland, William, Imperial house Abbott > o o o o ro o in > CO > O o > CO icouvef f^ED CROSS BREWERY LAGERBEER VA.NCOUVBR, B. O I T E X A S A K E I G E c o V A N c o u V E B B G T R HARDIMAN ProxEEB ABT Ja^Al.LEBY ■ ■ II* linill/llflfffll sag liordofia Btreet, VnneoUtier, B. C. PRINT DEALER and SELLER, PRACTICAL CARVER, GILDER and PICTURE KRAMER. 544 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBKCTORV. of Sutherland, William, collector taxes, rea G28 Richi rd Sutton, W J, com merchant, res 318 Princess Svanson & Cerolson, proprietor Gam- brinus Beer Hall, rea 13(( Water Svensson, G, laborer, Doering & M. B. Co, res Brewery Swalwell, R F, foreman, W G Warren plumbers, etc, 3G-8 Hastings W Sweedish Church, .Tackson ave Sweeney, Campbell, manager, Bank of Montreal, Granville, res 51() Burrard Sweet, U, insurance agent, rm 11 Whetham blk, res 915 Granville Sweetman, Professor, linguist, res Hnlundblk Swift, H, operator, C.P.R, telegraph, res 812 Richard Swift, J, clerk, C.P.R, freight sheds, C.P.R, wharf, res 715 Cambie Swinford, Mrs Mary, ()25 Richard Sykes, Arthur, carpenter, res Ninth ave nr Scott Sykes, John, hardware mercht, West- minster ave Syme, James, lawyer, res 734 Sey- mour Symons, Charles, millinery and goods. Golden Rule Bazaar, Hastings, rea 531 Hamilton Symons, Samuel, plumber, res Hamilton Symons, Joseph, musician, res Dupont Syson, John, res 102 Pender dry 604 631 119 DOERING & MARSTRAND'S ALEXANDRA - LAGER BEER -AND - PORTER Specially reoonimended. Address: MOUNT PLEASANT. Telephone 4ag. VANCOUVER, B. C. Tafte, Bredo, Royal City Mills Tacey, John, tinsmith, rea 626 Ham- ilton Tait, Arthur, millwright, res Third ave Tait, WUiam L. lumber mill owner, tele 354, res Third ave S Tait's Saw, Sliingrle and Plan- ing Mill, cor Second ave and Granville Takeshita, J, Japanese artist, res 515 Burrard Talcott, E W, prop Bay View hotel, res 1008 Robaon Tallman, S, bricklayer, res 310 Duna- muir Tanner, J, cook, Hastings Mill Tamura, S, Japanese merchant, Sun Ban, Cordova, res 522 Homer Tanner, J C, clerk, ticket office C.P. R.. res 1102 Heaton Tapley, J, jr, confectionery, 316 Cor- dova Tapley, John, expressman, res No. 2 cabin, rear City Hospital Tardif, Peter, builder and contractor, res 906 Howe Tarling, Arthur, labr, res 737 Harris Tartes, Joseph, saloon keeper, Engle- wood hotel Tassel), Chas, stone and brick contr, res 309 Barnard TatlO w, R O.prest Vancouver Loan , Truat, Saving and Guarantee Co, Ltd, 523 flastinga W, res 1120 Pen- der Taylor, Alex, carpenter, res 4 Proc- tor's buildings Taylor, Edward C, clerk, freight de- Sartment, C.P.R. wharf, rea 1004 elaon Taylor, Fred, Sharp & Co, 97 Sixth ave Taylor, Geo, Royal City Milla Taylor, G C, master mariner, res 811 Howe Taylor, G R, builder, res 1125 Richard Taylor, Jas, Royal City Mills Taylor, James, teamster, J C Kerr, res 243 Georgia Taylor, John, millhand, rea 421 Harria Taylor, J no H, logger contractor, res 152 Cordova Taylor, Robert, shoemaker, rea 54(1 Seymour Taylor, R B, res 43 Eleventh ave E Taylor, Walter, manager Vancouver Fruit Canning Co, res 1006 Nelson Taylor, W A, carpenter, Robertson & Hackett, res 520 Seymour Taylor, W A, carpenter, res 721 Keefer A. M. BEATTIE, AUCTIONEER, Vancouver, B. C. F. W. HART'S FOR CARPETS c CORDOVA STREET. VANCOUVER. VANCOUVKB CITY DIRECTORY. 645 Taylor, W S, painter and decorator, 403 Cordova, res <i06 Hamilton Taylor. Wm, machinJHt, B. C. Iron Worke, res Englewood hotel Taylor, Wm, Doujsall blk, res 306 Abbott Taylor, William, carpenter, res rear 1301 Howe Taylor, res 43 Eleventh ave E Tavs, Alex, teamster. Red Cross 6rewery, res 101!) Melville Teetzel, C W, agent Bell Piano Co Telford, Geo, labr, res 405 Drake Telford, Jno, labr, rea 405 Drake Telegraph Office, O.P.R., Jones, B A, operator, 230 Abbott Temple, Jno G, drayman, res 316 Currall Templeton, Wm, grocer, Ontario Grocery, res Barclay, cor Bute Templeton, Wm, harness shop, Tem- pleton block, Car rail Templeton, Wm, grocer, 328 Carrall, res 1139 Barclay Terminal City Building Society, 3 Hasting E, Geary, G H, sec Terminoa Hotel, Jones, W R, Water Ternan, Chalmer, canning factory, res 50 Eighth ave Terry, Guy, messenger, J A Gkinner & Co, 514 Hastings W, res corner Seymour and Georgia Terry, Peter, logger, res City hotel Tetley, Clias, city comptroller, res 1427 Barclay Texas Lake Ice and ColdStor- age Co, Ltd, 403 Cordova (see aide ma rain g) Texuua Lime Co,D J Campbell, mgr, wharf, 100 Dnpont Thwaite, William, (Thwaite & Co,) res Oppenheimer Thain, Murray Wilson, harbor master and port warden, 620 Cor- dova, res 1113 Nelson Thicke, Walter J, deputy registrar Sunrenie and County Courts, res 918 Hornby Thierstein, Miss Mav, laundress, Pioneer Steam Laundry, res Fourth ave Thile, Louis, baker, res Park Lane Thorburn, Robt, clerk, res 150 Water Thom, Miss A A, boarding, res 542 Georttia Thomas, G, cigar maker, res 422 Op- penheimer Thomas, Dr A H, physician and sur- geon, medical health officer, 415 Hastings W Thomas, G W, contractor, R,R,, res 968 Westminster ave Thomas, Hugh, painter, res Colum- bia hotel Thomas, H, caretaker, Brockton Point Grounds, res Stanley Park Thomas, Samuel, carpt, Robertson & Hackett, res 520 Seymour Thomas, S, Central hotel, res 42 Cor- dova Thomas, Walter, mgr, Vancouver Gas Works, res 134 Keefer Thompson, Albert, plumber, res 612 Seymour Thompson, Alfred, res 102 Pender Thompson, Alex, labr, res 618 Bar- nard Thompson, A C, prop Russ house, 417 Powell Thompson, A W, salesman, res Eighht ave Thomson, Bros, booksellers and stationers, res 108 Cordova Thompson, Chas, res 504 Howe Thompson, G B, book-keeper, W G Warren, plumber, etc, res 36-38 Hastings W Thomson, James, mgr, Hudson Bay Co. re . 1233 Haro Thompson, Miss L, waitress, Jubilee Dining Hall, 216 Abbott Thomson, Miss M G, res 1211 Rob- son Thompson, Miss Minnie, typewriter, G.N. Ry offices, Gamble, res Hol- land blic Thomson, M P (Thomson Bros,) stationer, res 1211 Robson Thompson, Nicholas, steamboat en- gineer, res 112 Westminster ave Thompson, Capt P N, retired, res 504 Howe Thompson, Samuel, prop AI- hambra hotel, res 2 Water (gee advt p. 459) Thompson, Rev S J, Methodist clergyman, res Thirteenth ave W, nr Quebec Thompson, Thomas, carpenter, res Prior Thomson, T A, vet surgeon, res 1032 Barclay Thompson, W E, res 504 Howe Thompson, Wm, plumber, res 612 Seymour O O JO D O o Sc -r_" CL fid ■a o o CD CD O O I.T II [, ; B. 0. 'ij??t'si'tid ilMi U C8 e O a On C. F. FOREMAN, Cor. Westraiflster Ave. and Priocess St. •N H 0g U o e •N o 546 BRITISH COLDHBIA DIRECTORY. Thompson, Wm, yardman, Crowder & Penzer, res Woodward house Thompson, — , watchman, Customs department, Ocean dock Thornburv, Frank, R.M.S. Empress of China, res 808 Hornby Thorne, Miss A, nurse, Alexandra Hospital Thorne, Fred C, f mr, res 318 Barnard Thorne, Samuel, fmr, res 1109 Nelson Thorp, G J, carpt, res 520 Harris Thorp, Wm, labr, res 660 Granville Tliorpe & Co, mineral water manufacturers, 97 Sixth ave(«e6 adl hack cover) Thorpe, Hills (Thorpe & Co), mineral water manufacturer, Sixth ave Thorson, Chas, brewer, Doering & M.B. Co, res Brewery Thurston, S H (Thurstbn, Wm & Son), res Ontario, nr Tenth ave Thoraton. Wm St Sons, im- porters and dealers, leather and shoe findings, 121 Hastings W Thurston. Wm, leather merchant, 221 Hastings W, res Ontario, near Tenth ave Thwaite, W T & Co, real estate agts, 11 Oppenheimer Thynne, A G, manfrs agt for metals, res Cambie Thynne, W F G, florist, Cedar Cot- tage, Nursery, res Cambie Tibb, John, carpt, res 228 Harris Tiddy, J R, master mariner, res 1240 Seymour Tidy, Thos, fireman, Fire Hall No. 3, res 72 Ninth ave Tierney, J J, contr, res 910 Pender Tierney, Wm, contr, res 910 Pender Tierney, Wm jr, electrician, res 910 Pender Tiffin, J B, lumberman, res 1380 Haro Tilley, Charles S, assistant purser, 8.S. Empress of China Tilley, S T ft Son, books and sta- tionery, 11 Cordova Tilley, S T, stationer, 11 Cordova, res' 621 Howe Timberlake & Co, real estate, loan and ins, room 2, 22 Cordova Timber Inspector, R J Skinner, Court House, res 1227 Robson Timberlake, F S, (Timberlake & Co,) rea room 12, 22 Cordova Timmina, Robt, barber, res 66 Water Timmins, R C, shaving parlors, 227 Carrall Tisdall, Chas E, importer and jobber, firesirms and sporting goods, 412 Cordova, res Thurlow Tite, Miss Margaret, cashier, res Dufferin Tite, Mrs S C, Dufferin near Quebec Tite, J Reynolds, clerk, E B Morgan, rea Dufferin Tobin. W, waiter. Metropolitan Club, res Hastings Todd, D, engnr, res 1 Water Todd, W G H, tinsmith, Curtis & Newsom, res Pacific hotel Todrick, James, res 629 Barnard Tofte, Bredo, labr. Gore ave, res No.5 Gore terrace ToUey, .lames, labr, res 1320 Hornby Tomlinson & MoTaggart, flour and feedmchts,329 Westminster ave (see adl, p. 459) Tomlinson, J A, (Tomlinson >& McTaggart,) res 326 Westminster ave Tomlinson, Mrs J E, res 631 Cambie Topping, W P, mgr, U.S.S. Co, City wharf, res 1138 Robson Torgsor, H, blacksmith, res 58-83 Proctor's bldjr Tothill, E F, book-keeper, res 123 Water Tothill, H, clerk, 917 Pender TouU, James F, carpt, Fairview, res Seventh ave Towers, Robt, labr, res Beach ave Towle, A H, architect, res 313 Cam- bie Towler, C W, driver, Abercrombie, res Dougal) house Towler. Geo J, reporter, World office, res Mt Pleasant Towler. W G, butcher, Dougall blk, res 306 Abbott Towler, Wm, alderman, bricklayer, res 136 Dufferin Townley, Arch, lather, res Terrace No. 7", Keefer Townley, John, tailor, res 614 Powell Tjwnley, J D, asst Genl Supt C.P.R, res 924 Hastings W Townley, Robt A, plumber and gas- fitter, res 165 Ninth ave Townley, T O, Land Registrar, Court House, res 1116 Seaton Tracy, John B, blacksmith, 317 Col- umbia ave, res 603 Oppenheimer TBI mmm DREWRY'8 Redwood BREWERY. Winnipeg THESE aoona waxranted to keep in azi, climates. VANCOUVER CITY DIRECTORY. 547 Tracey, M, labr, rea rear 216 Keefer Tracy, T H, City Engr, City Hall Trainer, B, res Colonial hotel Travis, Geo D, book-keeper, McMil- lan & Hamilton, res 1034 Barclay Traeger, H, brewer. Red Cross Brew- ery, res Holland blk Tregront, A E, mgr Westminster branch, YorlcBhire Guarantee and Securities Corporation, 900 Hast- ings W Tremont Hotel, McHugh, M, Carrall Trendell, J W, bandmaster, rea 718 Richard Trimble, Edward, teamster, res 191 Tenth ave Trodden, Miss Etta, dressmaker, res 1118 Robson Trorey, Geo E, ieweler, 105 Cor- dova, res 1222 Melville {see ndt pre- ceding street directory) Troughton, F T, res rm 18, 22 Cor- dova Trudgeon. E & Co, fruit and vege- tables, 548 Seymour Trudgeon, Israel, gardener, res Thir- teenth ave Trueman & Caple, photographers, rm 1, 302 Cordova Trueman, Robt, (Trueman & Capel), res 302 Cordova Truscott, C F, carpt, res 834 Gran- ville Trusdal, Wm, stableman, V.G.C. & D. Co, res Abbott Trusetta, Jaa, chef. Hotel Vancouver Trythall, Howard, printer,City Print- ing Wks, res 1131 Barclay Trythall, W J, printer. City Printing Wks, res 1131 Barclay Trvthall, Wm, printer. City Printing Wks, res 1131 Barclay Tubbs, Fredk, Turner, res 2 Proctor's bldg Tofts & Son, wholesale groceries, 714 Granville, res 623 Richard, {see adntpage 459.) Tufts, Wm, mcht, (Wm Tufts & Son), res 623 Richard Tulloch, Henry, labr, res rear of 1028 Richard TanstaU, S J, M.D, physician and surgeon, 66 Cordova, res 543 Ham- ilton Tupper, Alfred, machinist, B.O.Wood Wks Tupper, J H, blacksmith, res 1232 Seymour Turn bull, Adams, book-kpr, res Cos- mopolitan rms, 226 Abbott Turnbull, J B, timekeepr, C.P.R, res 302 Cordova Turner, C E, fruits, candies, cigars, 418 Cordova Turner, Edward, checker, C.P.R, res 517 Richard Turner, Geo, gentleman, res 411 Cor- dova Turner, J P, res 818 Hornby Turner, John, Custom House officer, rea 501 Hastings Turner, Miss S R, nurse, res 1008 Eveleigh Turner, Thos, labr, res 467 Prior Turner, W P, Supt City Water Wks res Glasgow hotel Twaddle, James, stonecutter, res 615 Gore ave Twambley, Wm, carpt, res Harris cor Campbell ave Twiford, Mrs H M, res 710 Granville Twigg, F G, prop Golden Gate hotel, 1200 Granville Twigg, J H, res Hotel Vancouver Twigge, Major-Genl, res Pender cor Seaton Twigge, S K, res Pender cor Seaton Tye & Co, hardware, 10 Powell Irlor, Theo, insurance agt, Bank B.N.A, bldg, res 1010 Haro Tyler, Wm, longshoreman, res 616 Cordova Tyler, Phineas, expreaaman, rea 211 Weatminster ave Tyson, A M, gents' furnishings, Cor- dova, res 550 Harris Tytler, Wm, Royal City Mills DOERING k MARSTRAND'S ALEXANDRA ■ LAGER "BEER - AND - PORTER" Specially recommended. Addren: MOUNT PLEAS ANT. Telephone 439. VANCOUVEK, B. C. United Brotherhood of Carpenters, 519 Hastings W Uffordf Albert, jeweler, Cordova, res 614 Hamilton {see adt, p. 464) P QfQ a> o p td O H •-i <i O r-t- !s Red Cross Brewery, Vancouver, B. C. V'. i :ri ■f,i m i ''itji WILLIAM RALPH, Warm Air Furnaces,^Zc°ouVE'R £ X A S L A K £ I C £ c o V A N C O u V E B B C 648 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Union Hotel, Larson, A, Abbott United States Consulate, Frank H Pierce, commercial agent, office, Bk of B.N.A. bide Uphan, J Fred, clerk R.C. Mills, res 527 Powell Urch.\»' G, forem'ncrematorv,Cham- pion & White, res Front Urquhart Bros, liquor dealers, 37 HastinKS E Urquhart, Francis, driver, Gurney Cab Co, res 239 Georgia Urquhart, Hugh A, (Urquhart Bros), res 37 Hastings £ Urquhart, James, Gurney Cab Co, res 239 Georgia Urquhart, John, wholesale liquor, 319 Hastings Urquhart, Thos, res 141 Water Urquhart, Wm, ston. ;utter, res Thirteenth ave W, nr Manitx)ba Urquhart, William, wines, liquors and cigars, 201 Carrall, res 210 Westminster ave U.S.S. Go's Wharf. Topping, W F, mgr, foot of Carrall DOERING 8c MARSTRAND'S ALEXANDRA - LAGER "BEER -AND - PORTER" Specially recommended. Address: MOUNT PLEASANT. Telephone 499. VANCOUVER, B. C. Vachon, Edgar, clerk, res 119 Oppen- heimer Vachon, Mrs E, housekeeper, 119 Oppenheimer Van Bremer, Capt, res Leland hotel Vancouver Bakery, Jno Scuitto, prop, 4-C Alexander {see adt, p. 459) Vancouver Boating Club Vancouver Candy Factory, Ramsay Bros & Co, 127 Hastings E Vancouver Childrens' Home, 542 Homer Vancouver City Foundry, McKelvie & Co, Westminster ave Vancouver City Iron- Works, Alex- ander Vancouver Club, president, J M Browning, hon secy, H Bell- Irving, Hastings, foot of Hornbv Vancouver Dairy Co, 708 Gran- ville, Alex Webster & Son, props Vancouver Drug Co, W D Sinclair, mgr, 56 Cordova Vancouver Electric Railway & Ugrht Co, Ltd, Barnard Vancouver Free Reading Room and Library, Y.M.C.A. bldg, Hastings, secy, Machin, Edwin Vancouver Gas Company's Works, Keefer Vancouver Gas Co's office, Rand, C D, secy, 100 Cordova Vancouver Gurney Cab and Delivery Co, 107 Abbott Vancouver Hotel, Cheyne, G A, cor Granville and Georgia Vancouver Lodge 10, I.O.G.T., Good Templars Hail. 302 Cordova Vancouver L.O. Ix>dge, No 1560, 14 Cordova Vancouver Land. & Securities Corporation, Ltd, Wm Sulley, mgr, 500 bastings W Vancouver Loan, Trust, Sav inffs A Guarantee Co, Ltd, H T Ceperley, managing director, 523 Hastings W (see advt, top space, front cover) Vancouver Manufacturing & Trading Co's Factory, False creek Vancouver Postage Stamp Co, E F Gordon, mgr, rm 6, 66 Cordova Vancouver Sawmill, Webster & Co, Ltd, False creek Vancouver Sawmill Co's Yard, Mc- Lean, M C, mgr, foot of Cambie Vancouver Soap Company's Factory, Keefer Vancouver Varnish Works, office, 303 Cordova Vancouver Smelting & Miningr Co, H T Ceperley, secy, 623 Hast- ings W Vancouver Wood Works Co, Ltd, Granville Vanderwater, J S (Spaulding & Van- der water), res 130 Cordova Van Dusen, David, carpt, res Tenth ave, cor Columbia Van Home, C, Bank of B.C. bldg Van Norman, E, jeweler and en- graver. Mason & Peterson, res 230 Carrall Vasie, Dave, tallyman, res 401 Powell A. M. BEATTIE CITY BIARKET, VANCOUVER. B. C. Weekly Auctions M. BOBINSOX MEROHAWT TAILOR ano Haatinoa Street, Weat, Vaneouver, B. O. VANCOUVER CITY riRECTORY. 549 Van Winkle Consolidated Hy- draolio Mining Co. Ltd. Geo De Wolf, secy, 609 Hastings W Vaughan, Aubery E, clerk, Oppen- heimer Bros, res 826 Burrard Vaughan, H S, clerk, 523 Hastings W, res 1106 Robson Vaughan, J, cpntr, Robertson & Hackett, res 520 Seymour Vaughan, S, res 1106 Robson Vaughan, VV, res rm 1, 22 Cordova Vaughan, W, com agent, 1 Miller blk, Cordova, res 826 Burrard E Veitch, Thos, teamster, res 915 Homer Venturo, Anton, fish dealer, 65 Cor- dova, res Sunnyside Verclello, P, labr, res City hotel Vermilyea, W, res 915 Granville Vernon, E K, clerk. Land Registry office Vernon, M P, shipwright, res Prior Veysey, Mrs A, res 811 Hamilton Veysey, Chas, clerk, B.C. Sugar Re- finery, res 811 Hamilton Vicars,' Jas, Royal City Mills Vicars, Joseph, planer foreman, R.C. Mills, res 412 Princess Vice, George, harness maker, D Wil- son, res 730 Seymour Vick, Geo HA, chief steward, R.M.S. Empress of Japan, res 838 Hornby Victoria Hotel, Johnston, Alex, Westminster ave Vincent, H G, rancher, res rear of 150 Water Vincent, Richard, cooper, res 510-12 Richard Vincent, Robt, carpenter, res 1331 Richard Vinchie, Louis, labr, res False creek, near C.P.R. bridge Von Ginther, Dr A, manufacturer of 'patent medicines, 401 Cordova {see adt, p. 464) Vosper, Francis L, labr, res 2634 Quebec Vosper, Miss Mary, domestic, 527 Howe DOERING & MARSTRAND'S ALEXANDRA - LAGER BEER - AND - PORTER Specially recommended. Address: MOUNT PLEASANT. Telephone 439. VANCOUVER. B. C. w res 68 1020 Wagg, Geo, fruit and grocery store, res 108 Water Wadds, Bros, photographers, res 518 Cordova Wadds, David, (Wadds Bros) photo- graphers, 518 Cordova, res Hamil- ton Wadds. G T. (Wadds, Bros) photo- graphers, 518 Cordova, res Hamil- ton Wade, Philip, res 820 Howe Wagner, Alex, gentleman, Sixth ave W Wait, D P, res 102 Ponder Waite, David, contractor, res Nelson Walden, George, artist, res 138 Thir- teenth ave Walden, McM,fmr, res 138 Thirteenth ave Walford, F, butcher, H Marsden, res Georgia Waling, Frank, millwright, res New Fountain hotel Walker, Alonzo E, engr, C.P.R. , res 913 Richard Walker, Chas, blacksmith, res Wood- ward house Walker, Geo, architect, res 513 West- minster ave Walkem, H B, civil engineer, C.P.R, offices, res cor Burrard and Pender Walker, James, labr, res Terrace No. 11, K.efer Walker, John, architect, res 309 Georgia Walker, Miss L, domestic, res Nicola Walker, Mrs, res 218 Harris Walker, Mrs N W, prop Palmer house restaurant, 313 Cordova Walker, Samuel, fmr, res 218 Harris Walker, Thomas, steward, res 816 Hornby Walker, Thomas C, marine engineer, res 457 Seventh ave Walker, Thos, grocer, res 828 Powell Walker, W H, florist, cor Georgia and Howe, res 1405 Burrard Wallace, Alfred, boatbuilder, res 1113 Richard Wallace, A, clerk, City Bakery, 231 Abbott Wallace, James, blacksmith, B. C. Carriage Factory, res 219 Westmin- ster ave «> * ti ;i|: BED :: CROSS :: BREWERY :: LAGER :: BEER it VANCOUVER. B. C. * OS O H O < H o; Q P3 1^ F. W. HART'S f or FiLrnitnre »t atUl »a COBItOVA STJtBXT, VAIfCOUrXB, B. C. P w o o U ffi l-H o U 650 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Wallace, James A, (Duke & Wallace) Columbia Carriage WorkSi Oppen- heimer Waller, Robt, res 1130 Davie Wallis, George, printer, Marshall & McCrae, res 314 Homer Walsh, C A, longshoreman, res 609 Powell Walsh, E, longshoreman, res 609 Powell Walsh, Geo R W, longshoreman, res 609 Powell Walsh, W C, longshoreman, res 609 Powell Walsh, W H, Australian Fruit Store, ree 663 Barnard Walsh, W W, longshoreman, res 609 Powell Walter, Taylor, mgr B.C.F.C. & C.Co. , res Nelson Walton, C B, restaurant, Atlantic hotel, res Dougall house Walton, Henry James, traveler, Evans, Coleman & Evans, res 14 Thompson-Ogle blk Ward, Arthur, sign writer, 403 Cor- dova, res 519 Richard Ward, Edw Wm, elk, B.N.A, res 1034 Nelson Ward, E Maurice, com merchant, res 1034 Nelson Ward, Herbert, machinist, B.C. Iron Works, res 510 Richard Ward, John, stevedore, res Seventh ave Ward, John H, elk, freight depart- ment, C.P.R, 510 Cordova Ward, Talbot, turner, res 739 Hamil- Wardhaugh, Wm, com traveller, res 431 Powell Warren, Miss, teacher of singing, res 814 Nicola Warren, H B, engineer and surveyor, res 941 Hornby Warren, W G, roofer, })lumber and sras fitter, heating engineer, 36-38 Hastings W Wastell, W G, architect, res 1212 Richard Waterman, Mrs N, res 225 Carrall Watson, Rev Coverdale, pastor. Hom- er Street Church, res 621 Homer Watson, H A, bartender, Russ house, res 417 Powell Watson, H H druggist, 630 Granville res 1010 Robson Watson, J, labr, res rear 622 Princess Watson, John, fireman, Russ house, res Harris cor Raymur ave Watson, James, engineer, res 422 PenUer Watson, Miss Minnie, domestic, 809 Hornby Watson, Robert, stonecutter, res 1321 Hornby Watson, T Frank, Custom's officer, res 1113 Nelson Wattie, James, laborer, res 916 Gran- ville Watts & Trott, boat builders, etc, wharf between Cambie and Abbott Watts, Thomas, mining engineer, res 406 Oppenheimer Watts, W, upholsterer, F W Hart, res Cemetery rd Watts, William, boat builder, res 624 Hamilton Weaver, Mrs Lucy, res 308 Pender Waverley Hotel, Fleming & Brownlee Props, cor Georgia and Seymour Wayte, Walter J, supt Sugar Refinery res Powell Weart, J W, mgr Western Invest- ment, Savings and Trust Co, Ltd, 102 Cordova, res cor Thurlow and Pendrill Weaver, S, London Ix)aa Office, 319 Carrall, res 624 Burrard Weavt?r, Mrs, res 505 Barnard Weaver, Mrs, L, 308 Pender Weaver, 8 D, London Loan Office, 319 Carra 11 Webb, F M, elk, C.P.R, stores, res cor Thurlow and Alberni Webber, — , barber, res 536 Richard Webster, Alexander, prop Van. Dairy Co, 708 Granville, res 713 Richard Webster, A C, grocer, Webster Bros, res 1200 Seymour Webster Bros, grocers, 1200-1202 Sey- mour cor Davie Webster,Clarence, machinist, res Col- umbia hotel Webster, Capt, agent Oceanic S.S. Co, res Edison bldgs, Richard Webster, David, elk, (Webster Bros), res 1301 Seymour Webster & Edmonds, office, Abbott Webster & Gillespie, bakery and grocery, Tenth ave Webster, James, baker, (Webster & Gillespie), res 159 Tenth ave Webster, James R, grocer, (Webster Bros), res 1200 Seymour . GOTO E.SPILLMAN FOR WALL PAPER ahd MOULDINGS 0x7 HASTINGS STRKET. VANCOUVfiR, B. C. C.F. FOREMAN, Thp VANCOUVER. B. C. i Uv id & VANCOUVER CITY DIRECTORY. 551 Webster, Wm, clerk, (Webster Bros), res 1200 Seymour Weeks ft Robson, groceries anil provisions, wines, liquors and Clears, cor Seymour and Hastings W (nee adt,p. 464) Weeks, O W, (Weeks <& Robson), cor Sevmour and Hastings Weeks, W S, real estate agent, res 525 Hornby Weir, — ', labr, res 774 Homer Weir, John, elk, Davis, Marshall & Macneill Weir, Rev Wm C, Pastor First Bap- tist church, res 604 Hamilton Weirs, Thos, longshoreman, res 616 Cordova Wois, Wm, Royal City Mills Weiss, Albert,' cigarmaker, res 422 Oppenheimer Weiss, Wm, blacksmith, res .22 Op- penheimer Weiss, Wm jr, labr, res 422 Oppen- heimer Welsh, Edwd, cigarmaker, res 506 Pender Welch, Miss Louise, laundress, res 506 Pender Wells, M R, machinist, res 1234 Sevmour Wellington, Chas, prop Cosmopoli- tan hotel Wellington Coal Yard, J R Foster, mgr, res 550 Carrall Welsh & Nightingale, grocers, cor Ninth and Westminster aves Welsh Bros, flour, feed and pro- duce, 113 Water, {see advt p. 4S!^-) Welsh, E B, com mcht, (Welsh Bros,) Water, res Thurlow Welsh, Fred W, grocer, (Welsh & Nightingale,) res Eighth ave Welsh, Howard, photographer, res Glasgow house Welsh, James, foreman Tel Co, Le- fevre blk, res 506 Richard Welsh, Mrs L, furnished rooms 411 Hastings W Wesbrook, G W, shaving parlors, 532 Cordova Wesley, H, res cor Robson and Gran- ville Wesley. J, waiter, Hotel Vancouver, res 810 Richard W(!8tern Investment, Savings & Trust Co, Ltd. Weart, J W, mgr, 102 Cordova West, Mrs, charwoman, res 211 Prior Westcott, Delbert Mortimer, boiler maker, res Fifth ave Westcott. Winfield Scott, contr, res Fifth ave West End Livery Stable, next north of 622 Hornby West End School, principal, F M Cowperthwaite Westerlund, O, sealing captn, res rm 12, 410 Cordova Western Dredgingr Co, Ltd, R A Anderson, Pres ; N McLean, SecrTreas, 307 Gamble Western Star Lodge, No. 10, 1.O.O.F, 14 Cordova Western Wire Mattress Factory, 1551 Westminster ave Westminster & Vancouver Tramway Office, 4 Hastings E Westlev, Miss Lily, domestic, 721 Cambie Weston, A C, seaman, 8.S. Premier, rea816 Richard Wetzel, C C H , boot and shoe dealer, 223 Carrall, res 620 Hastings E Wetzel, Henry, bookbinder, res 620 Hastings Wetzel, Miss Lavina, tailoress, res 620 Hastings Wetzel, Miss Louisa, dressmaker. Miss Cameron, res 620 Hastings Wetzel, Oscar, labr, res 620 Hastings Whatmore, ft C, painter, res 936 Powell Wheaton, Levi, caulker, res 1309 H< rnby Whoeler, Wm H, architect, Holland blk, Cordova Wheeling, Thos, labr, res 617 Cambie Whe'Mng, Nathaniel, labr, res 617 Cambie Whibley, F G, accountant, res 623 Hastings W Whiley, C W, kook-keeper, Evans, Coleman & Evans, 66 Water Wliipple, Mrs Mary, res rear of 609 Powell Whipple, Thos, carpt, res rear of 609 Powell Whiston, Thos, foreman fireman, Fire Hall, Mt Pleas, res Quebec Whitaker, Alfred, res Thirteenth ave nr Ontario Whitaker, R A, elk, Armstrong & Spencer, Whetham blk White, A W, carpt, res 1209 Homer White, F, elk, Anglo-Columbian Co, Ltd, res 1128 Seaton > o w o in o !^ o m m z *o r in O :^ w m in in X m n- WILLIAMS & HR, RED CROSS BREWERY, VANCOUm B. C, DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY vinnipeo Nothing but Tboroughlv Experienced LaAor Employed at the Redwood. £ X A S A K E I C £ c o V A N C O u V E B 552 BIIITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. White, Jas, shoemkr, G L Allan, res 13 Cordova White, Jno, photographer, Oppenhei- mer cor Carrall, res 24 Sixth ave White, Joe, boilermkr, C.P.R. shops, res 721 Cambie White Swan Hotel, Summers, James, prop, cor Sevmour and Cordova White, Wm W, (Champion & White), Diipont, res Front Whitehouse, C 8, laborer, res 549 Whitehouse, H, Royal City Mills Whitehead, Andrew, labr, res cabin, Hastings E Whitehead, J M, (Fowls & White- head), 172 Cordova, res 521 Ham- ilton Whitehouse, Mrs, res 540 Keefer Whitehouse, T E, labr Whiteley, Ed F, plumbti McLennan & McFeely's, res 487 Sixth ave Whiteley, Thos B, expressman, res Fifth ave coi Brunswick Whitman, E R, teamster, res Tenth ave nr Columbia Whitmore, Jno nightwatchman, Cas- sady's Mill, res 618 Seymour Whitman, Marcelous, teamster, res Eleventh ave E cor Carolina Whitenack, A J, grocer, res 812 Hastings Whitenack, W H, clerk grocery, res 812 Hastings Whitnall, Archibald, C.P.R. offices, res 834 Hornby Whitton, F C, patternmaker, res 542 Georgia Whiteside, Thos J, carpt, resNintli ave nr Scott Whitson, Miss Mary, domestic, 1027 Robson Whitson, Miss M, saleswoman, Glas- fow house, 1027 Robson littler C K, barber, 211 Carrall, res 414 Alexander Whitty , E J, private boarding house, 917 Pender Whitty, E J, jr, res 917 Pender Whitty, S, billposter, Opera house Whitworth, Edwin, machinist,C.P.R, res 639 Homer Whitworth, Miss L, tailoress, Wm Murphy, res 539 Homer Whitworth, Percy, printer, World of- fice, res 639 Homer Whitworth, Wm, marine engr, res 539 Homer AVickenden, C 0, architect, rms 2-4, Lefevre blk, res 1044 Pender Wiegand, C, mgr, Sehl-Hastie <k Co, res 411 Keefer Wiffen, W 8, elk, Land Registry of- fice, res rm 24, Lefevre blk Wilband, C A, baker, res 902 Nelson Wilband, E 8, plumber,res 902 Nelson Wilband, V, retired farmer, res 902 Nelson Wilbers, Jno J, steward, Hotel Van- couver, res 825 Howe Wilberforce Lodge, No77,S.O.E.B.S, 14 Cordova Wilcox, Edward, electrician, power house. Westminster ave, res 713 Cambie Wilcox, Jas, conductor.res Ninth ave Wild, A, w.ireh'seman, res 113 Water Wild, H, res 19 Pender Wilgress, H T, paymaster, C.P.R, res 1226 Robson Wilke, L«30, foreman, Granville Cigar Factory, res Ottawa house Wilkes, J, moulder, res 630 Harris Wilks, Miss Frances, domestic, C B Macneill, Robson Wilkinson, Miss, nurse, lOOSEvel. igh Wilkinson, Jas, millhand, Hastings Mill, res Lansdowne ave Wilkinson, Julius, oil mcht, agt for Sir Charles Price &Co, l^oudon, res 542 Georgia Williams & Barker, Red Cross Brewery, 1026 Seaton Williams,' Arthur, stonecutter, res Eighth ave WilUams, A, (McPhillips & Wil- liams) barrister-at-law, res 1339 Barclay AVilliHnis, Chas, edger, Leamy &, Kyle's Mill, res Mount Pleasant WilfianiH, Chas W, sawyer, res 2709 A\o¥tir.in8ter ave Williams & Dawson, land serveyors and civil engineers,re8 519 Hastings W Williams, Edward, moulder res 721 Oppenheimer Williams, Ed, Royal City Mills Williams, Francis, tailor, res Beaci'. ave Williams, Fred, longshoreman, res water front foot of Powell Williams, Geo, shoemaker, Pyke & Co, res 135 Hastings Williams, George, plasterer, res 930 Park Lane A. M. BE ATTIE WEEKLY CITT MARKET. VANCOUVER, B. C. WILLMM RmPH, House Furnbhings, - 24 Cordova % Vanwer VANCOUVER CITY DIRECTORY. f)53 Williams, Geo, clerk, Rand Bros, res 721 Oppenheimer WiUiama, Geo H, labr, res Grand View Williams, Jno, (Williams & Bar- ker) Red CroBB Brewery, res 1025 Seaton Williams, John 0, clerk, res 606 Hastings W Williams, J T, (Williams <k Dawson) 610 Hastings, res ti50 Granville Williams, J P, pluDiber, res rear of 710 Richard Williams, Capt J, master mariner, res 312 Oppenheimer Williams, Henry M, builder, res 309 Westminster rd Williamson, John, longshoreman, res 219 Oppenheimer Williams, P P, millhand, B.C.M.T.& T. Co, res 324 Dunsmuir Williams, R P, Royal City Mills Williams, S, (Williams & Dawson) surveyor and engineer, res 519 Hastings W Williams, Sidney, res (550 Granville Williams, T W, mgr, Okanagan Cat- tle Co, 14 Hastings E, res 721 Princess Williams.. T W, butcher, res Princess Williams, Wm, longshoreman, res shack near Sugar ReHnery Williams, — , foreman Jute Factory, Cambie, res 614 Hamilton Williamson, A A, A Douglas & Co, res 616 Hastings W Williamson, Miss Delia tailoress, E Dawe & Co, res Seymour Williamson, Geo E, builder, res Westminster ave, cor Fifteenth ave WiUiamson, Thomas, accountant, auditor, &c., office of de Wolf & Munro, 609 Hastings W, res 532 Hornby Willis, Walter, marine engineer res 635 Richard Wills, Wm, tailor, 6 Holland block, Garrall, res 513 Westminster, ave Wills, Charles G, painter, res 936 Powell Willmon, John, time-keeper, C.P.R., res 614 Hamilton "Tilson, G I, dry goods merchant, 322 Westminster ave Wilson, F G, bridge carptenter, res 853 Princess Wilson, William, tailor, res 418 Keefer Wilson, Albert, labr, res 3 rear of 14 Oppenheimer Wilson & Dunlop, commission mchts, 929 Westminster ave Wilson, Bros, wholesale grocers, 605 Granville ^ Wilson, Alex, carpenter, res 612 Sey- mour Wilson, A, carpenter, Robertson & Hackett, 520 Sevmour Wilson, A S, Royal City Mills Wilson, Mrs B H, retired, res 140 Hastings E Wilson, Charles, builder, res 822 Seymour Wilson, Clias, barrister, (Corbould, McColl, Wilson & Campbell) Hast- ings W, res 710 Granville Wilson, Chas, Hotel Vancouver Wilson, Chas, stevedore, rm 11, 588 Proctor'H building Wilson, Dr D H, physician, 120 Cordova, res 1042 Robson Wilson, David, saddler, Cordova, 820 Hornby {see adi, p. 459) Wilson, I), prop, Dougall house bar, res 312 Abbott Wilson, Miss Ellen, domestic, 818 Howe Wilson, F P, clerk, McLennan & Mc- Feely, res 817 Hornby Wilson, G T, dry goods merchant, 300 Cordova, res 626 Seymour Wilson, Hugh, carpt, Cornish & Cooper, res Columbia hotel Wilson, James, supt telegraph dept, C.P.R., Granville, res 1310 Robson Wilpnn, Miss Janet, secy to supt C.r.R. telegraph, res 1310 Robson Wilson, John, teamster, Leamy & Kyle's Mill Wilson, John, mcht, res Twelfth ave E, cor Scott Wilson, John, blacksmith, A McKel- vie & Co, res Bridge hotel Wilson, Mrs H, res 1044 Hornby Wil on, Wm M, printer, res 1329 Howe Wilson, R J, painter, 423 Hastings W, res 154 Water Wilson, Wm, machincman. Royal City Mills, res 2607 Westminster ave Wilson, Wm, tailor, B Simon, res 418 Keefer Wilson, Wm, clerk, Curtis & New- som, ree 418 Keefer Q O d O do (D r > so 3 o f« & B. C. M. ROBINSOX MEBOHAHT TAIlOa H»0 BatUngt Btr«et, Wett, raneowver. B, C, O O OS c o PQ o o O d o CJ 664 BRITISH COLUMBIA OIBEOTORY. Wilson. W A (Shelton & Co), 618 HaBtings W, res Condell block, Homer Wilson, W B, res 411 Cordova Wilson, W F, book-keeper, Caesady's Mill, res 1044 Hornby Winch A Bower, foreign and do- mestic fruits, fish, gaine, and dairy produce, res Cordova WiBch, R V (Winch & Bower), 62 Cordova Windsor, Charles, mgr, Lulu Island Cannery, res 624 Oppenheimer Winskill, Chris, cooper, B.C. Cooper- age, Cainbie, res 741 Hamilton Wintemute, Miss Annie, clerk, Post- office, res 1112 Davie Wintemute, Benj, fruit tree agent, les 1112 Davie Wintemute, B P, clerk, res 1112 Davie Wintemute, Chas, machinist, res 1112 Davie Winter, Geo, labr, res 219 Oppen- heimer Wise, E, mattress maker, F W Hart, res Seymour Winters, A E T, res 1031 Barclay Wise, James, pensioner, res Prior Wisse, Jacob, wood turner, res Que- bec hotel Wiser, Miss A, dressmaker, res rm 13, 410 Cordova Wishert, C, longshoreman, res 133 Water Witikef, Frank, Hastings Mill, res 312 Columbia ave Witherby, P, res 321 Carrall Witlirow, Samuel, gentleman, res 60 Twelfth ave Witt, L R, book-keeper, res 916 Howe Wize, Arthur, carpenter, res 516 Richard Wize, Chas, upholsterer. Harts' Fac- tory, 618 Seymour Wize, Harry, builder, res 516 Rich- ard Wonder, Geo, com agent, res rm 10, 410 Cordova Wood, A N, blacksmith, res 306 Pender VVood, Ernest, res 306 Pender Wood, — , trainband, C.P.R., res Condell blk, Homer Wood, Chas A, clerk, Hudson Bay Co, res 140 Cordova Wood, Miss Florence, domestic, 1116 Seaton Wood, George, bricklayer, res 1038 Nelson Wood, Geo, nightwatchman, B.C. Iron Works, res 720 Oppenheimer Wood, James, labr, res 241 Eighth ave W Wood, John, labr, Forbes' Wood Yard Wood, Joseph, builder, res 604 Bur- rard Wood, J G C, canvasser, News-Ad- vertiser, 420 Cambie Wood, Miss, book-sewer, Marshall & McCrae, 314 Homer Wood, Robert, clerk, McDowell's Drug Store, res 604 Burrard Wood, W H, clerk, News-Advertiser, 420 Cambie Wood, W H, carpt, Thirteenth ave cor Quebec Woodaman, Thos F, blacksmith, W. and V. power house, res 129 Has- tings E Woodburn, A J, telephone inspector, Lefevre blk, res 816 Georgia Woodean, W T, lumberman, res 935 Hornby Woodland, Jas, mgr, Kamloops Cattle Co, res Glasgow hotel Woodroofe, R, chronometer and watchmaker, 4 Cordova Woodrom, John, butcher, 800 Gran- ville, res 828 Seymour Woodrow, Jno C, butcher, 800 Gran- ville, res 828 Seymour Woodruff^ EL, waiter, Hastings Mill Wooils, C A, book-keeper, Hudson Bay Co, res 306 Abbott Woodson, Geo, barber. Cosmopolitan rooms, res 224 Abbott Woods, J G, mgr, Leamy & Kyle's Mill, ro' 334 Hastings W Wootton, T H, expressman, 725 Has- tings W, res 312 Howe Woodward, res 519 Barnard Woodward, Chas, gen store. Wood- ward blk, res 400 Fifth ave Woodward, Chas, elk, C.P.R, res 620 Princess Woodward, G C, C.P.R. telegraph office, res 817 Hornby Woodward, Herbert, mas^er mariner res 620 Princess Woodward, R P, electrician, les 620 Princess Woodworth, A B, carpt, Robertson & Hackett, 520 Seymour E. SPILLMM, Wall Paper, 617 Hastings Si West. F. W. HART. Undertaker, vSverTc. VANCOUVER CITY DIRECTORY. 665 Woodworth, Blake, carpenter res 265 Georgia Woodworth, Cap J H, master mariner rea 812 Howe World Offloe, John C McLagan, manager Worsnop, C A, elk. Custom House, rea cor Thurlow and Alberni Wray, John, labr, Raymur ave False creek Wrede, Bernard, hotelkeeper, res 316 Carl ave Wriggles worth, Isaac, butcher, 215 Weatininater rd Wright & Mitchell, dining dept. Coa- mopolitan hotel Wright, David B. logger, rea 1314 Seymour Wright, Frank, elk. Weeks & Kobson res 1033 Melville Wright, Frederick, butcher, o02 Cor- dova Wright, F R, butcher, Abercrombiti, rea Turner blk, rm 17 Wright, Hy, clerk, Scott & Hughes, auctioneers, Haatings W res Thur- low Wright, H, rea 133 Water Wright, Joseph, painter. Star Wall Paper House, res ()05 Cainbie Wright, St. John Hy, res Thurlow Wright, Leslie, clerk, stationery dept, C.P.R, res 632 Georgia Wright, Thos, res Thurlow Wright, P F, salesman. Week & Robaon, rea 1033 Melville Wright, W D, electrician, res 618 Hastings W Wright, W, clerk, R V Winch & Co, rea 1033 Melville Wright, — , rea 774 Homer WmfllBohn & Bewioke, Ltd, bankera, real estate and financial agts, 524-526 Cordova Wnlffs'ihn, Johann, banker, (Wulffsohn & Bewicke,) 524-26 Cor- dova, rea Georgia Wnrst, G, slaughterman, B.C. Cattle Co Wylie, Patrick, longshoreman, rea 438 Seventh ave Wynn, T G, police constable, C.P.R. depot, res Pender near Thurlow Wye, 8 A, plumber, 615 Pender, rea Hamilton DOERING k MARSTRAND'S ALEXANDRA - LAGER BEER - ANO - PORTER 8peoially reootninended. AddreM: MOUNT PLEAS ANT. Telephone 4aS. VANCOUVER, B. C. Yarco, Wm, butcher, res 417 Harris Yargan, Adole, tmstr Tait's Mill Yates & Co, com mchts, 155 Water Yates, Alfred H, partner, YateaA Co 165 Water Yates, Chas F, (McLachlan & Yates), 623 Hastings W, rea 504 Seventh ave, Mt Pleasant Yates, John, millhand, Tait's Mill, Third ave, Fairview Yates, Richard, draughtsman, rea 302 Cordova York, F M, mgr, 3.C, Stevedore Co, 306 Gore ave Yorkshire Guarantee & Se- onrities Corporation, Ltd, mgr, Wm, Farrell, 301 Cordova Young, D R, bldr, res 411 Cordova, res cor Seaton and Thurlow Young, F H, mcht, res 831 Howe Young, Herbert, elk, Robertson &Co 307 Cordova, res 413 Princess Young, James, carpt, rea 413 Princess Young, James, messenger Dom Exp. Co, res 623 Howe Young, Mrs James, res 623 Howe Youngs, Irving, plumber, Warren & Co, res 612 Seymour DOERING & MARSTRAND'S ALEXANDRA - LAGER BEER AND PORTER Zeigler, A H, pntr, res Seventh ave E Zeninaberg, Simon, labr, Forbes' Wood Yard Zimmer, Prof, L, herbalist, res 110 Abbott Zviltanovich, M, cook, res Columbia hotel (/Q o 3 o O X n r i> in a t-H in o !t -:t!,' Send to the RED CROSS BREWERY M FINE LAGER BEER -VANCOUVER. B. C- T E X A S L A K £ I C E c o V A N C O IT V E B B C C. F. Foreman s Teas 1 Coffees Comer Westminster Avenue and Princess Street, Vancouver, B. C. 656 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRKCTORY. mmm city street directory. (For Householders, see Alphabetical List.) CITY LIMl.S. Commencinj; at the eastern boun- dary of district lot 184, running west- erly along the shore of Burrard Inlet and £n<^lish Bay to a point in district lot 540 Thence easterly along the southern boundary of district 540 to the eastern boundary of district lot 264a; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of 264a and 184 to the point of commencement. FIRE LIMITS. Commencing 'd the interjection of a line drawn parailel to Oolumbia avenue, at a distance of i'^0 feet therefrom, on the ea?t side with the shore of Burrard InJei; thence south along the said line, which is distant 120 feet east from and parallel with Co- lumbia avenue aforesaid, to its inter- section with a line 120 feet south of Dupont street ; thence westerly along a line 120 feet south of Dupont street to a point 120 feet west of Carrall street; thence westerly in a direct line to a point on Eeatty street, 120 feet south of Pender street, between Pender and Dunsmuir streets ; thence weaterly, parallel to Pender and Dunsmuir streets with the centre of the lane running between Seymour and Granville streets ; thence south- erly along the csntre of the said lane to its intersection with the centre of Robson street ; thence westerly along the centre of Robson street to its in- tersection with the lane running be- tween Granville and Howe streets; thence northerly along the centre of the said lane to its intersection with the centre of the lane running be- tween Dunsmuir and Pender streets in block 32, subdivision 541 ; thence westerly along the centre of the said lane to its intersection with the centre of Howe street; thence north- erly along the centre of Howe street to a point opposite the lane in block 16, subdivision 541 ; thence easterly along the centre of said lane to a point opposite the eastern boundary of lots 13 and 14 in block 15, sub-division 541; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of said lots to a point at low water mark; thence easterly at low water mark on the south hore of Burrard Inlet to the point of commencement. ABBOTT — Runs south-west from CU.y Wharf to Pender, Ward 2. East Side. Bell-Irving & Paterson Besley, G B Webster & Edwards Water street interkectB. 110 Zimmer, Prof L 208 Melvin, J G 210 Champion & White 212 Grossman, A 214 Hay George 216 Jackson, Mrs M A 222 McKay <t McKiver 224 Alverson, G Hack, C Woodson, Geo Schafer, Jas Peake, Jus 226 Hanson, Thomas Turn bull, A Illingworth, James lUing worth, Wm lUinnworth, Thomas The B.C. DistriiJt Telegraph and Delivery Co Mitchell, R 230 A Tlf ' "Q-E A TTT"E ADCTIONEER, - APPRAISER - AND .A.. ITX. .D AX^ J. M. J. A ggjjp_„^,^ COMMISSION MERCHANT, CITY MARKET, VANCOUVER. B. C. Drenvry's Redwood Brewery, Winnipeg. All Wholesale Dealers keep Orewry's Ale, Porter and Lager in Stock. VANCOUVER CITY DIRECTORY. 567 Telegraph OiCce, JontiS, R A Cordova Street intersects. 306 Herald, Dr Wilson Langis, Dr H £ McGuigan, Dr W J Farley, W H Woods, C A Kerfoot W J Hamiltoii, J R Heney, F F Kellv, A Leitiiead Mclntyre, H Ichu, F Hamilton, Robt Dylte, F W Parkinson, R H Taylor, Wm Aylwin, Geo Parker, .Tohn Tow) Sirnons, Jas i? idler. Miss J HastiiiKS Street intenectB. 308 Ohilds, Miss A Rogers, M.ss F 312 Wilson, Tj West Side 107 O'Brien, John Trusdal, Wm Great Northern Express Co Berry, H A Bell, F J Amen, G H R Vancouver Gurney Cab and Delivery Co 206 McLennan, A D Barrett, Miss E Water Street intersects. 211 Rubinowitz Louis 213 Woodson, G C J\tcPoi: 219 Hamilton & Kelly Hamilton, J R Kelly, A E 221 Grossman, A 223 Carlson, Miss L Anderson, Mias L Larson, T 227 Hatch, J H 229 Jackson. A D Scurry, H T Scurrv, C E 231 Uirk,"Veen Wallace, A McKenzie, McL McCoU, Honrv 411 Johnston, J H Campbell, D J Johnson, S Nixon, F Cordova Street intersects. Metropole Hotel vacant Hastings Street W Intersects. 413 Goldstein, G 419 Leach, Thos ALBBRNI — Runs north-west from Burrard to Chilco, Ward 1. Sou'ui Side. 1006 Barwick, Wm 1010 Smith, Jas A Smith, David A 1020 Burns, Jas Cooke, Miss Nellie Burns, Miss Carry Burns, Miss Maggie Burns, Herbert Burns, Frank 1022 McRae, Donald 1026 Vacant 1028 Vacant Garden, Wm 1042 Barnwell, T W McJjennan, Miss K A 1040 McGown, Jas Garden, Jiio Bennett, Miss Jane Tliurlow Street intersects, Vacant Kirkpatnck, Thos 1130 Eldon, Geo 1132 Allan, Wm Bute Street intersects. Ellis, John Jervis Street intersects. Dafoe, J Roy Brougliton Street intersects. 1404 Kingcombe, Edwin Page-Ponsford, Mrs 1412 Fisher, WB 1414 Hardiman, T R Nicola Street internects. Robinson, R Cardero Street Intertects. Q O o 2 -. ii ^-'; .ID TO THE FOR FINE LA WEK BEER, va.i>joouvb;r, b. o. wmmm O H o o fILLIAM RALPH, Skes and Ranes 24 Cordova St. , VANCOUVER o "O c <« hO c 'Sb e tt X I. « a rt a. G J U) • W o o U en l-H O U 668 BBITIBU COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. ALEXANDER — Runs east from Carrall to Hawke ave, Ward 3. North Side. B.C. Iron Wks Co 1 Bagley, Geo H Vancouver City Iron Wks 2 Scuitto, Jno 4-6 Vancouver Bakery 8 Maccaroni Factory 24 Cocking, Carus Lee Sing 114 Osies, Alex 122 Keefer & Godden 144 Marsland, Reuben 146 Homewood, Harry 152-154-166 Canonica, Mrs M South Side. 204 Bruce, J 214 Emard, W Gore Avenue Intersects. 300 Alexander, R Alexander, F Alexander', H 306 Frith, J 324 Bell-Irving, D Bearcroft, Miss A 318 Bell-Irving, H Richards, Miss B Roberts, Mrs C Smith, Miss A 328 Filion, F 330 Smith, R 334 Johnson, Wm Minturn, Miss L 336 Hope, C E Dunlevy Avenue intersects. 410 Cowdery, W 414 Whittier, C K 418 Smith, A 4?2 Roantree, M J 428 Allan, N Allan, Thos Jackson Avenue Intersectf. 502 Stitt, J R Stitt, Miss Una 510 Patterson, Dan 512 Stewart, J M Stewart, H 518 Smith, A A 520 Cross, G B 522 McKelvie, Mrs J Say field, Mrs H McKsrlvle, A J 524 McPhaiden, I) " 626 LawBon, J P Jackson Avenue intersects. 542 McCoU, James 612 Alexander, — Heatley Avenue intersects. 716 Baldee, M 718 Smith, Geo Huxtable, Wm BARCIiAY — Runs north-west from Burrard to Stanley Park, Ward 1 North Side. 1027 Muir, T K 1031 Winters, A E T Newman, H 1121 Apenes, R E Oliver, Geo Thurlow Street latersects. 1123 Barwick, P G Bar wick, Jno W Barwick, Jno E 1131 Trvthall, Howard Trvfhall, Wm Tivilmll, W J IIHH Hcmiett, H Bennett, J H 1137 Skene, Wm 1130 Templeton, V 'n Williiims, A 1141 MniiHon, Wm Broughtf)n Hireet intersects But* street intersects. 1415 Roedde, G A 1427 Tetley, Chas Nic«la Htreet intersects. South Side. 1018 Lough, Wm 1020 Breeze J D Breeze. F J 1022 Black, A W Black, A P 10.30 Harris, R W 1032 Brown, J T Thomson, T A Brown, T S Brown, H H Brown, (J A 1034 Travi?, G D 1040 Burnet, .1 W Burnett, Frank Burnett, Ralph 1042 Leitch, Alex 1044 Leonard, R E Thurlow Street intersects. E, SPIILMAN jmiNG, LEITEBIIIG, HOUSE-PiTINe, VanMer I ^^D M. ROBINSON MBBOHAHT TAH.OB ago HatUnv Street, irett, Vaneouver, B. O. VANCOUVER CITY DIRECTORY. 569 1124 Sinclair, J W 621 Vacant house 1128 Gibb, David Carl Avenue intf rtects. 1132 Alcock, T C 623 Oleson, Ole 1136 Campion, J W 627 Carter, C H Bute Utreet intersects. 629 Todrick, J T Munro, Win Todrick, J JervlB Street interseets. 637 O'Dvvyer, D M 661 Clark, C G Bridgeman, E H BARNARD— K una east form False Creek to boundary, Ward 4. litiigrinan. E f53 Walsn, W H (57 McKelvie, Alex North Side. Lyman, Wm Griffiths, Geo 209 Vacant house Howe Avenue intersects. 213 Vacant house 216 Henry, Sid Sot'TH Side. Henry, Levie 217 Abfcromhie, W Warehouse vacant 223 Caw»;er, Miss A Vancouver Electric Railway | Cuwlcsr, Ed Si Light Co, Ltd OawUer, Chas 238 Arnold, Wra 'Jawker, Thos 260 Franklin, J L Cawker, S, jr Cawker, S Franklin, H J 262 Kendrick, J 227 Anderson, B Gore Avenue Intersects. 229 Fitch, W G 235 Scoidone, Chas 249 Vacant 307 DouRlass, Robt 256 Sanke . F H 312 Polio, ., R 316 Orr, Mrs 318 Thome, F C Gore Avenue Intersects. 366 Dixon, J 300 Tossell. Chas Moody, Mrs 311 Gillespie, J H Dunlovy Avenue interteets. 313 Vacant house 315 Vacant house 317 Howell, W 410 Campbell, F 412 DeVVolf, J W 319 Cameron, :Mr8 J D Jackson Avenue interseets. 505 Weaver, Mrs INIorton, Thos 566 Buchannan, W W Carl Avenue intersects. Jackson i. venue Intersects. 618 Thompson, Alex 507 Vacant liouse 624 Vacant house 509 Paddon, W H 628 Gordon, Wm 511 Bazley, Clias 630 McKenzie, Dan Bazley, Geo 632 James, W H 613 Mclntvre, Chas ()56 Vacant house 615 Payne, Geo W 658 Murry. A i'ayne, Mrs R H 660 Craig, D C 617 Langdule, Miss M 062 Vacant house Lanj^dale, S Langdale, R 8 Heatley Avenue intersects. Langdale, J R VIO Hawes, J G Langdale, A 712 Lyon, A B 720 McLean, Don Langdale, Mrs 619 Vacant 724 Harrison, R 566 Vacant house 726 Bridge, F 5;«7 Best, Geo A Hawks Avenue intersects, > Q o o o o in I— ( > • ;H > If 2: Rs n 'iiiH > ijlHI ^ , ii|M| in ' i 11 ■i R^D CROSS B^REWERYLAGERBEER T £ X A S L A K £ I C £ c o V A N C O u V £ B B O T R HARDIMAN pioneeb abt galleby I ■ III llttllvllfinil 099 Cordova Street, raneouver, B. O. ■ PRINT DEALER and SELLER, PRACTICAL CARVER. GILDER and PICTURE KRAMER. 560 BRITISH COLDHBIA DIRECTORY. BBATTY — Runs from Pender, Ward 2. West Si»e. Vacant liouse 523 Burton, A 531 Shack 663 Campbell, D A BEACH AVENUE— Runs north- westerly from Burrard to Stanley Park, Ward 1. North Sidk. Johnson, Lacey R Jervig Street intcnects. Hartley, F W Nicola Street Intersects. Williams, Francis Bidwell Street intersects. Vacant Chilco Street intersects. Creery, McCreight South Side. Mackey, W T Morgan, Frank Vacant Smith, A B Denman Street intersects. Murphy, J F Polenz,' Adolphe Rowe, Victor Towers, Robt Langhorn, Edwd Bedstea'i, Jno Pitts, Wm Godfrey, Geo Dolan,'Mike Scott, Jno BOUNDARY AVENUE-Runs north and south from Powell to False Creek. BRIDGE, Fairview. West Side. Chase, W H, Revelo, Joseph BROUOHTON — Runs south-west from Coal Harbor to English Bay, Ward 1. East Side. 628 Home Pender Street intersects. BRUNSWICK, Mt. Pleasant East— Runs south from Fifth ave to boundary, Ward 5. East Side. Keefer, J G Sixth Ave intersects. BURNABY— Rune north-west from Burrard to English Bay. North Side. Garvey, A E Burrard Street intersects Ker, J B Thurlow Street intersects. Martin, Geo Bute Street intersects. BURRARD — Runs south-west from railway to English Bay. East Side. Hastings Street Intersects. Innes, F C Pender Street intersects. Lindsay, Mrs Chas 516 NichoU, Mrs Helen 518 Miller, Jonathan 522 LePage. L 524 Kent, W F Trinity College Mackay, George Dunsmulr Street Intersects. 604 Wood, Joseph 608 Cairns, Mrs M M 612 Ma'jiarlane, A 616 Vacant 620 Berteaux, G E 624 Weaver, S 028 Vacant 630 Robertson, Gideoa, J.P 632 Christ Church 730 Vancouver Collegiate f .hoot Johnson, Jas L OeorKla Street intersects. 321 515 617 A. M. BEAM, AUCTIONEER, Vancouver, B. C F. W. HART'S FOR CARPETS CORDOVA STREET, VANCOUVER. VANCOUVER CITY DIRECTORY. 561 734 Kinmond, R D 800 Buckland College Robson Street intersects. 816 McGregor, D Vacant lot 818 Harling, James 820 Marani, C J 824 Mershon, L H " 826 Vaughan, W Sulley, W West End Fublic School House and Grounds from Helmcken until Nelson Htreet intersects. Vacant lot Davie Street intersects. Vacant lot Drake Street intersects. 1804 8ills, Thomas Vacant lot 1336 Cook, John Vacant lots ,< radflc street intersects. West Side. 321 BosuBtow, J H Bosustow, C A J Milne, T A 515 Takeshita, S Davies, E P Melville Street corners. Lavington, Miss Lilian 617 McLaren, Rev E D Reiach, Miss D Georgia Street intersects. Alborni Street intersects. A'^acant 717 Vacant 721 Vacant 755 Vacant Davidson, C N 813 Poller, John 815 Gatter, J W 6H> Vacant 821 Vacant Haro .■street corners. Vacant Old School House Barclay Street corners, e haw. H P Storey, Miss A 1110 Sirene, C R Davie Gtruet intertects. Buruaby Street intersects. 1405 Walker, W H 1411 Newsom, Wm Newson, Jas A Pacific Street intersects. BUTE— Runs south-west from Coal Harbor to English Bay, Ward 1. East Side. 740 Marsden, Hy Marsden, Miss A Alberni Street intersects. C AM B IE — Runs south-westerly from railroad track, Ward 2. East Side. 216 Kiel & Kerr 226 Casement & Creery Cordova Street intersects. Thyniie, W F G Thynne, A G Emanuels, G F 326 Quinn, W J, 328-30 Davis, J K 332 Ross, Wm 334 Fauquier & Flitton 336 Garclen, Hermon & Burwell Hitiitings Street intersects. 410 Lane, S A 420 News-Advertiser Prescott, J W Schow, N C Cotton, AH Campbell, Wm = Wood, J G C Wood, WH Hodgson, F Spinks, T A Powell, Jno L Roedde, G A Pender Street intersects Alleyway intersects. City Hospital Pender btreet intersects. 636 Dinsmoru, A Nine vacant lots 510 McPhee, Jas 540 Hunt, Wm Two vacant lots 546 Atkinson, Peter Dunsmnir Street intersects. 710 Hart, F W Donelley, Miss Kate Georgia Street intersects. 722 Johnstone, W A • 4 ft : CM : BREWERY, - JANCOUra, : B. C. o o o ,J^ll m ''.mm ,11 t ,F *W :::. m OB U o e3 u o o d On •H d u o G. F. FOREMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER Comer Wettmin»ter Avenue and Prineeea Street, Faneouver, I)£E 662 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. 720 Hill, John Four vacant lots Vancouver Saw Mill Co Hayden & Mylius WliRTf between Gamble and Abbott. Watts & Trott West Side. 219 Vacant Sprayer, B Buxton & Rodney Cordova Street intersects. 305 Bradstreet's Mercantile Agy Perry, C Z 307 Prest, T & Co McLean, Bros 311 Real Plstate Exchange 313 Towle, A H Strathern, John Board of Fire Underwriters 315-7 Anderson, R A & C o Great Northern Railway 319 Vacant office 321 Vacant office English Kitchen 325 Elliott, W G Vacant lots Hastings Street intersects. High School 605 Connacher, H B 603 Mutrie, U DHnsmuir Street intersects. 605 Davis, J K 613 Percival, John A Two vacant lots 607 Vacant house 615 Vacant house Four vacant lots 617 Law, David 631 Tomlinson, Mrs J E Eight vacant lots 633 Connon, J Allen, J A Georgia Street intersects. 711 Allan, W F 713 McDonald, Miss M 717 Shirley, Thos 715 Lapoint, Wm 710 Freure. M W Four vacant lots 721 White, Joseph Two and a half vacant lots 731 Spinks, T A Kobson Street intersects. Six vacant lots 741 Hooper, Wm 823 Geddis, John 821 Matheson, M 827 Flitton, R H Muddell, Claude 829 Johnstone, G F 827 Macdonald, John 841 Falconer, Peter D CAMPBELL AVENUE-Runs south from Powell to Bay View, Wards 3 and 4; Hastings street divides. East Side. Vacant house Prior Street intersects. Vacant blk Barnard Street intersects. Vacant house Harris Street intersects. Vacant blk Kcefer Street intersects. Vacant blk Hastings Street intersects. Vacant blk OppenhelMer Street intersects. Fraser, W H Eraser, E P Brehut, Well Fraser, Miss H Powell Street intersects. West Side. Droissart, Emile Prior Street intersects. Herman, Kirkbusch Lyon, Martin 545 Dixon, Gordon Princess Street intersects. Vacant block Keefer Street intersects. Vacant block Harris Street intersects. Vacant block 349 McNair, Arch 646 Dixon, S CARL AVENUE— Runs south from railway track to Grove street, Wards 3 and 4. Hastings street divides East Side. 114 McGirr, Wm Alexander street Intersects. Bui a Opi Pof 4 4 4 Has Kee Prlt Prio Han Harr Grov Wksi Alexi Powe Oppe 3i: Hatti CARR Wh Mil; Hae and East I Cordo 200 202 204 206 208 212 216 218 224 226 S, VANCODVERl . ^, Ar^.v.-^--'. DBEWEY'S Redwood BEEWERY. Winnipeg TBESE GOODS WABBAlfTHO TO KBEP IX AZZ. CZIMATES. VANCOUVER CITY DIRECTORY. 563 Vacant block 228 McAlpine, J A L Burrard Inlet intersticts 230 Mason & Peterson 316 Wrede, Bernard Oppenheimer St«eet intersects. Oppenhelmer Street IntersectB. Oyster Bay Restaurant Vacant block 302 Davis, Luther, Graveley blk Powell Street intersect*. Boston Millinery, Gravely block Farsburg, C G, Graveley blk 318 Richmond Hotel 322 Gray, Thos 408 Adams, Geo R 4(H$ Vacant house 404 Vacant house HaRtlngs Street latersectg. 324 Munn, Alex Vacant block Tem pletoD , W m , Templeton Keefer Street Intersects. block Vacant block Templeton Block Princess Street Intersects. Ontario Grocery Vacant block O'Rourke & Jervis Prior Street intersects. Hastings street intersects. Vacant block Vacant, 1 Holland blk Karnard Street Interjects. Chinese Store, 2 Holland blk Wing, Chinese Store, 3 Hol- Vacant block Hams Street intersects. Vacant block land blk Wing, 4 Holland blk Willis, Wm, 5 Holland blk Grove Street intersects. West Side. 424 Yee Ah Franks, Z Vacant block Dupont street intersects. Alexander Street intersects. 500 Opera Resort Vacant blk 530 McDowell, John Powell Street intersects. Proctor Vacant blk Tubbs, Fred, 2 Proctor's bldg Oppenheimer Street intersects. Dunn, Thomas, 3 Proctor's til 311 Jones, Robert bldg Hat tings Street intersects. 538 Proctor, Harrv, Proctor's bldgs 540 Chinese Vacant blks Jessop & Arnold, Pacific Iron Works CARRALIi — Runs south from City 560 Wellington Coal Yard 558 Royal City Mills Warehouse Wharf to Royal City Planing Mills. The east and west sides to 566 RoyalCity Mills Warehouse Hastings street divide Wards 4 Royal City Mills and 2. West Side. East Side. U.S.S. Co, Firth, James CordoTa Street intersects. U.S.S. Co, Darling, Henry Haywood, W D 200 Vacant 107 Hong Chong Copp, Cap W H 202 B.C. Cattle Co, Ltd Water Street here. 204 Vacant 201 Urquhart, Wm 206 Vacant 205 Stewart, D & Co 208 Robertson, R Salvation Army Barracks 212 Tremont Hotel 209 Levi, Carl 216 Creamer & Langley 211 Whittier, C K 218 Crown Saloon 213 Goldstein, A 224 Clark, Robt 217 McPherson, E E 226 Stark, James, Glasgow Hse 219 Sturgeon, MrsTH (CWJVERi RED CROSS BREWERY LAGERBEER lil; .ll"i VA-NCOUVBR, B. ©. WILLIAM RALPH,Wann Air Furnaces, CORDOVA SV. VANCOUVER M. ^ E X A S A K £ I C £ c o A N C O u V E B 504 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRBOTORY. Frechette, O T 221 Adolph. Albert 223 Wetzel, C C H . 226 Waterman, Mrs 227 Timmins, R C Jordan, W E Cordova Street hore. 309 Carey, Thos Goldstein Bros Robie, H J 313 McLean, D M Gray, Miss L Hall, Miss A 315 Filion, F Britton, E C Frederickson, L C Davis, L Temple, Jno G DeckM Weaver, S Weaver, S D McGuire, M J Hewett, M W Stanford, Jas Haines, Arthur Greer, Wm Witherby, P Kelly, vim Shearer, A L Mee, Robt Cooke, A C Hellings, Chas 323 Robbs, Dr Jas F 327 Plant, Peter Lewis Burchell, Chas 317 319 321 CEDAR, Mount Pleasant, West — Runs south from First avenue to boundarv. CENTRE, Mount Pleasant, West — Runs south from North Arm Bridge to boundary, Ward 5 CHILCO — Runs south-west from Alberni to English Bay, Ward 1. Wbbt Side. Prefontaine, J Obcn, Jno COMOX — Runs north-west from Burrard to Stanley Park, Ward 1. North Side. 1023 Martinson, B 1025 Mole, Henry Dougall, Mrs F Morgan, £ B Dimond, Mrs L Dimond, Jno Dimond, C T Dougall, Miss M Sharp, Hy Jos Thurlow Street intergectR. Vacant Bute Street intersectfl. Unfinished house 1226 Leask, A 1227 Archibald, Capt Jcrvis Street IntersectN South Side. 1126 Earle, Henry 1062 Cooper, Ernest Burrard Street intersects. 1180 Marshall, DG 1140 Vacant 1128 Gurry, Francis Armstrong, W H Jervis Street intersects. 1180 Beck, A E 1182 Campbell, Jno Bute Street interseetB. Stevens, Geo Broughton Street intersectn. COLUMBIA AVENUE - Runs south from Alexander to Dupont, Wards 3 and 4. East Side. Sproule, E J Powell Street intersects. 308 Kuno Chi 312 Witekeif, Frank 314 Barke. H J 318 I^vi, John Hastings Street intersects. 414 Vacant 418-20-22-24 Columbia block va- cant Dupont Street intersects. West Side. 209 Vacant 207 Ashfield & Co A. M. BEATTIE CITY MARKET, VANCOUVER , B. C. Weekly Auctions 21 21 21 21 31 COLU — R Waj CORD fron Wai Richa Norte 7 n 13 16 17 21 23 23» 25 27 37- 33 45 47- 61 59 65 67 69 73 77 103 105 186 137 139 166 159 161 RED:: sv. >m 11. M. ROBINSON MEROHAWT TAILOR ffVO aaatinga Street, Weat, Vaneonver, B. O. ins nt, VANCOUVEK CITY DIRECTORY. 565 211 Cunningham Hardware Go, Ltd 217 Vacant 215 Vacant 213 Vacant Boyd & Clandening 317 Tracy, J B COLUMBIA, Mount Pleasant — Runs from Creek to boundary. Ward 6. CORDOVA — Runs nortli-westerly from Carrall to Railwav Depot, Ward 2. Richards Street diTides. North Side. 7 Brown, Joseph 11 Tilley, ST& Son 13 Allen, G L * 15 MacLean, MA , Lundv & Fletclier 17 Goldburj?, D 21 Hart, F W 23 Hart, F W 23>^ Hart, F W 26 Rubenowitz, L 27 Schwahn, E, New Fountain Hotel 37-39 Petersky, Simon 33 Fountain Saloon 45 Sudmin, J 47-49 Silverman, K 61 Simon, B Lockhart & Center Ventura, Anton St Armand Mawmann, P 69 Murphy, Wm 73 Schwahn, A, Atlantic Hotel 77 Goldburg, Z G Cosmopolitan Hotel 103 Abercrombie & Co 105 Kinmond, R D Howell, S H Cameron, Miss M Pearsall, Chas Trorey, Geo E 186 Hoffman House Restaurant Hoffman House 137 Wilson, D 139 DouKlas, C S & Co 156 Foxley, Miss E G 159 Curtis & Newsom 161 Scott's Lunch Rooms 59 65 67 161 Macfarland, J W Whetham block Armstrong & Spencer Brydone-Jack, A C Harris & Macniel Graveley, WE Hallett, Isaac Magee, E A 167 Evans, Coleman & Evans 301 Yorkshire Guarantee & Se- curities Corporation, Ltd 303 Mellon, Smith & Co Vancouver Varnish Works Crowder & Penzer 305 Painton, Fred J 307 Robertson & Co Farrer, Geo E 311-321 Oriental Hotel annex 313 Walker, Mrs N W, Palmer House Restaurant 315 McKinnell & Decker 317 Freure, M W Masonic Block Chipman, J £ Bates, John A Pacific Shorthand and Bus- iness College A.O.F. Court Pacific, No. 7627 I.O.F, Court Burrard, No. 347 Knights of Pythias Blake, J J 319 Hall, J Z Blackmore, W 317 Barker, Robt 321 Purdy, R & Co Stirrett, A C Bushong, Ivan Sherman House Vacant lot 401 VonGinther, Dr A 403 Taylor, W S Ward, Arthur Edwards, Lewis J 405 Williams, John S Palmer & Corrigan Macklin, James 407 Baker Bros & Co, Ltd 409 McConnell, G S 411 McCraney, H P & Co Banfield, John J Holland Block Shoebotham, T B Wheeler, Wm H Patterson, W S Dawe & Co Gintzburger, S ^ Q O o S 9 9 ns RED :: CROSS :: BREWERY :: LAGER :: BEER * VANCOUVER. B. C. * ■.•'■ iT, i Oo: Hg H Q F.W.HART, Undertaker, CORDOVA STREET, VANCOUVER, B. C. C.f « •o o I. a jt t. o GO P P w Oh o o u o a §66 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTORY. Lambert. Joe Jalian, T Ennor Breeze, J D Clark, E J Knowles & Macaulay Turner, George Jonei), P J, Hosaack, A D Nicolls, J P Young, D R Wilson , W B 413 Rattenbury, F M Suckling, H W Shimizu, S Kito, T Imai, T South Side. 2 Allan, ThoH McDonald, D L 4 Woodroofe, R McNaughton, D 6 Goldstein, Bros 8 Dunn & Or 10 McDowell, H & Co 14 Vacant 18 McLean, D J & Co 20 Mills, R 22 Mansell, C B 24 Ralph, Wm 28 McMillan & McLeod 32-34 Sehl-Hastie-Erskine Fur- niture Co, Ltd Wiegand, C 36 Bond, Mrs M 36-38 Mainland Market Quann, Thos & Sons 46 Ben & Charles Ferguson, Jas 48 Ramsay & Sons 50 City Printing Works, Try- thall, W J 52 Winch & Bower 56 "Vancouver Drug Co 68 Mutrie & Brown Ufford, A Evans, David 60 Campbell, D J 62-64 Russell, McDonald & Co 66 Tunstall, Dr 70 Clair, Peter 72 Jin & Tamura 74 Gordon, G R 76 Reid, .Tohn Abbott Street intersect!. 100-2 Rand Bros 100 Vancouver Gas Co office 102 The Western Investment, SavinsH & Trust Co, Ltd Campbell Carriage Works 104 Powe, J & W Johnston , Kerfoot & Co 106 Nelson, Chas 108 Thomson, Bros 110 Collins. H 112 Hutchinson, J G & Co McLennan & McFeely 114 Fader, C J & Co 118 Jackson, J W 126 Hanafin, Mrs Hanatin, J P 128 Devine, Jno & Son Vacant 130 Spaulding & Vanderwater 132 Clark, W A Co 134 McDonald, Joseph 136 Clark, Chas 138 Vacant 140 Hudson Bay Co Wood, C A 144 Godfrey & Co 146-148 Davidson Bros 150 Drysdale, Gordon 160 Bailey Bros 164 Anderson, Chas 168 Manning, G W 170 Philp, C S Powis & Whitehead Cambie Street intersects. Buxton & Rodney 300 Wilson, G I 302 Burritt, H D 306 B.C. Land and Investment Co I 308 Morrison, J W 322 Hulse, Chas 324 Mather & Larson 326 Heney, B F 328 Clubb & Stewart 316 Tapley, J, jr 318 McLean & Murray 408 Dunlap, Cooke & Co 410 Moyer, Mrs S M 412 Tisdall, Chas E Clarke, F S 414 Beggs, W F 418 Turner, C E 420 AUardyce, J C 424 Douglas, J C 426 Morrow, T R 430 The Canadian - Australian Com & Trading Co, Ltd 432 Home, J W 434-36 Macfarlane, A G Richard Street interstcts. GOTO E.SPILLMAN FOR WALL PAPER and MOULDINGS 017 HASTINGS STREET. VANCOUVER, B. C. 5( 6 5: 5] 52 5!! 52 52 53 63 53 Seym 60 62 62: 62- 621 60 601 61 ( 6.5 614 616 61J 63(] C.P.R. Brid West Easts S»uth DAVIE Hon 2;Ri North 1130 South R'cliar 612 S aymot 616 620 C. F. FOREMAN, City Grocer, mcmp IGS VANCOUVER CITY DIRECTORS. 567 606 Moore, H G 1020 Squair, W H 612 Crook, & Co Burrard Street intersucts. 514 Straiibe, V J 1024 Steward, Jno 518 Shearing, J B 1110 Boucher, F D Waddi, Bros Thurlow Street intursecti. 620 Vacant 622 Board of Trade 624-26 Wulffaohn & Bewicke 628 Mason, J & Co 530 Loemans, A F 632 Wesbrook, G W 534 Edwards, Bros 1112 Wintemute, Miss Annie Wintemute, Benj Wintemute, B P Wintemute, Chas 1130 Waller, Robt 1138 Bajus, Wm 1144 Abels, Chas Seymour Street Intersects. Hill, Robt 600 Summers, Jas But* Street interseets. 620 Hoi man, H G 622 Sadris, W J & Co Hill, Joseph 624 Hardiman. T R 628 Butler, H E 606 Reid, Mrs F DRAKE — Runs north-west from Homer to Burrard, Wards 1 and 2. 608 Vacant 610 Snowdon, H L North Side. 6 .2 Heaps, E H 401 Boddly, W S 614 Kent & Talcott Homer street Intersoctt. 616 McDonald, Colin 403 Anderson, Wm 618 Barnes, Walter Carle, David 636 Jowett, Mrs A E 406 Telford, Geo Telford, Jno C.P.R. RESERVE— Runs west of 409 Coville, Jno Bridge street. 413 Gray Peter West Side. 417 Johnston, Chas 421 Vacant Gass, Frederick 426 Blackwood, A S East Side. 429 Dodge, Thos Rlcbard Street intersects. Grants' Planing Mills 516 McCarthy, Jno g»uth Shore of False Creek intersects. 619 Goodwin, Chas Forbes' Wood Yard 623 Sayer, Arthur 527 Morris, Hannah Seymour Street intersects. DAVIE — Runs nortti-west from Homer to Denman, Wards 1 and 730 Jervis, C E 2 ; Richard street divides. North Side. Howe Street intersects. Castile. Jno 1130 Main, Wm Dunn, Albert DUFFERIN, Mount Pleasant — Runs west from Westminster avenue to junction with Fifth avenue. South Side. North Side. Robinson, Jas 40 New bouse K'ChHrd Street intersectg. ■ ^ 44 Garrison, Chas G Flett, Jno Shearing, J B 612 Dubberly, Jos 136 Towler, Wm B 3ymour Street Intersectg. 448 McLean, A D 616 Hanna, J J Brusatori, Carlo 620 Lundy, Frank Cady, James Lundy, W J Quebec Street intersects. WIUIIMS & BARe, RED CRO SS BREWERY, VANCOUVER. B. C. o o ro o w z o r m X ?> rn ."CO m X in m ,Vi, U \ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 i 2.2 iiiim = I— Photographic Sdences Corporation ,>J WIST MAIN STRUT V¥18$TII!.N.V. )4SM (716) £«:'>4S03 <e^ Drewry's Redwood Brewery, Winnipeg. Drewry's Ale and Porter Builds up and StrenKttaens the System. £ X A S L A K E I C E c o V A C O u V E B 568 BRITISH COLUUBIA DIBECTOBY. Seagrave, John Tite, J Reynolds Tite, Mrs S Tite, Miss Margaret Ontario Street Intersects Horrobin, Tbeo Macfle, J W Manitoba Street intersects. Westminster Avenue interseots. 83 Schweger, George 85 Vacant 87 Miles, Mrs 376 Fairon, Alphonse Prince Edward Street intersects. Vacant South Side. 421 S pain, Cyrus 423 Spain, Edward New House 453' Johnstone, Jas 6 Carolina Street intersects. Gilmore, Wm DUNLEVY AVE-Runa from Railway track to Wards 3 and 4. Hastings street Divides East Side. ' 106 Mearns, W D Alexander Street intersects. 110 Grose, Henry Vacant block Powell street iasterseoti. 316 Gargill Oppenheimer Street intersects. 408 Hall, John P Hastings Street intersects. 410 Vacant House Vacant block Princess Street intersects. Keefer Street intersects. Harris Street interseots. Barnard f treet intersects. We8T Side. 107 Vacant house 111 Vacant house Powell Street intoraeots. 233 Spencer, O L Oppenheimer Street interseots. Vacant block Hastings street intersects. south Prior. Vacant block Princess Street intersects. Keefer Street intersects. Harris Street intersects. Barnard Street intersects. Vacant house Prior street Interseots. DUNSMUIR— Runs north-west from Seattle to Burrard, wards 1 and 2. NoBTH Side. Richard Street divides. 409 Donnelly, E H Homer Street intersects. 411 Miller, Wm 611 Maitland, Miss E Seymour and Richard Streets intersect. South Side. 300 Mackinnon, Robt Gamble Street here. Hamilton Street intersects. 302 Richardson, Ghas 304 Uawson, H T 310 Tallman, S Donnelly & Co 316 Dalton, John R 318 Murphy,Wm 322 Downing, E H Collins. J 324 Downing, W Homer Street intersects. 406 Sacred Heart Academy Bichard Street intersects. 610 Gibson, Mrs Agnes 614 Vacant 616 Vacant WiLLIill DUPONT— Runs east from Carrall to Westminster ave, Ward 4. NoBTH Side. 9 Chang Kee 6 Paw Wo & Co 11 Thomas, Fannie 15 Hong Wo 17 Hing Kee 21 Wing Hing Lung A Co 26 Kong Man Lung 29 Wing Sang & Go 31 DuLee 31>^ Shooting gallery 33 Hune Hing & Co 3{ 37 39 41 43 45 105 135 South 12 18 20 22 26 24 28 34 36- ' 42 48 52 100 102 I 106'! 122 i 124 2 126 ] 140 ] < EIOHTI Pleai from 1 4 and divide Nobth E y I Westmin Scotia &t Quebec E 45 C 241 V Oatario ! B B F I Victoria I Prince Ei B A. Ji^BE ATTIE WEEKLY AOaiONS WILLIAM MPH, Tin, Iron and Gianiiewaie, vA^^rVEB St. VANCOUVEE CITY DIBECTOEY. 36 Nadelman, L 37 Bowk^e Chan 39 Lock Kee 41 Gollen, Max Mah Num 43 Chinese barber 46 Carter, Mrs L 106 Columbia Block Japanese immigrant rooms 136 Beattie. A M South Side. 12 Wing Yuesn & Co 18 Joss House 20 We Luny 22 Wing On Tai & Co 26 Quong On 24 Josa House 28 Jan Kee & Co 34 Chinese Boarding House 36-38-40 Chinese Board'g Hse ■ 42 King Tong 48 Sang Lung Co 62 Cook, W S 100 Champion & White Lee Yee 102 Sing Kee Hip Yuen 106 Tai Chee 122 Sam Gee 124 Ah Ing 126 He Chong 140 Bishop, John Chinese Methodist Mission EIGHTH AVENUE, Mount Pleasant — Runs east and west from Westminster avenue Wards 4 and 6, Prince Edward street divides. NoBTH Side. McGillivray, John Lester, James Westminater Avenue intersects Scotia btrcet intersects. Quebec Street intersects. 46 Caldwell, Chas A 241 Wood, James Oatario Street intersects. Black, Walter Black, Miss Jessie Fraser, Bobt Bruce, Alex Victoria Street intersects. Prince Kdward Street intersects. Bruce, John 260 Graham, Hugh 268 Mitchell, Robt Brunswick Street intersects. New house Featherston Bell, William South Side. Elliott, Claude, Magee, Geo £ First Street intersects. McLean, John 64 Godfrey, C A Welsh .'Fred / Hall, John Kerr, Ben Saunby, Dan 72 Vacant Herald, D Herald, Wilson Herald, Mrs Quebec Street intersects, 133 Vacant Saulsbury. Mrs 136 Ludlow, Wm Ontario Street intersects. Williams, Arthur Columbia Street intersects. Thompson, A W Hutchings, G W Vacant Baxter, Truman S Vacant Hewitt, Joseph Carolina Street intersects. Baker, Geo B Campbell, P C Conn, Wm H Scott Street intersects. Munro, G N Public School, Vacant house Birch Street intersects. Morse, H R Gray, T Alder Street in tei sects. McLean, Lachlan Doig, James Painter, Harry J Vacant house Oak street intersects. Vacant house Laarel Street intersects. Vacant house Willow street intersects. 669 Q O o OD f+ (D p^ dd o IS I ILUMS & IlilRKER, RED CROSS BREWERY, VMICOUVER, B. C. M. ROBINSON MBHOHAirr TAHOH H90 Hattlngt Street, West, Vancouver, B, C. 1 I O O Oj Vh c o CJ in Oh o o O 0^ G O u 570 BBITISII COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Johnson, Alder street intenects. Gowperthwaite, F JVI Dresser, A W Sumner, Wm Ash Street Intersects. Oldfield, John EVBLEIQH — Runs north-west from Burrard to Thurlow, Ward 1. South Side. 1004 Vacant 1008 Wilkinson, Miss Turner, Miss S B 1012 Shelton, Giles 1018 Reed, Jno 1020 Banham, R G 1024 Curry, Mathew Cole, Cooper 1026 Vacant 1028 England, Jas Thurlow Street Intersects. North Siob. 1009 Vacant 1023 Robinson, F Burrard Street Intersects. 1025 Vacant 1029 Dalton, W T 1031 Vacant ELEVENTH AVENUE, Mount Pleasant— Runs east and west from Westminster ave, Wards 4 and 6. Prince Edward btreet divides. East Sidk. 43 Taylor, R B Westminster Avenue intersects. Whitman, Marcelous Carolina Stre<'t intersects. 43 Tavlor 63 Hamilton, J £ Dalzell, Geo 69 Roberts North Side. 147 liCe, John 149 Ross, Donald Quebec Street intersects Westminster Avenue intersects. Stapleton, C Columbia Street intersects. Vacant Manitoba Street Intersects. 189 Hatch, James H Ontario Street in'ersects. Westminster Avenue inturseeta. South Side. 60 Griffith, Joseph Quebec Street intersects. 102 Bethune, Alex McMillen, Rev J W Ontario Street intersects. Harris, Daniel Hyde, Henry Manitoba Street intersects. Brown, Chas H Hart, Fred J Abbott, J Columbia Street interseots. FALSE CREEK. Nobtu Side. Chamberlain, Robl Lindsay, S O'Flynn, Jno C.P.R. shops Martin, Jos Andrew, Emanuel Vinchie, Louis Canessa, Jno Coogan, Edward Boeur, F nrTH AVENUE, Mount Pleasant— Runs east ar d west from Westminster avenue, Wards 4 and 6. Prince Kdward Street divides. North Side. Atkinson, Ed Berry, H A Quebec Street iuterseota. Berry, Percivial Buck, Frank Elliott, John Quebec Street interreoti. 21 Buckoll, Wm 23 Sparrow, J J Scotia Street intersects. South Side. McLean, Norman Westcott, Winfield S Buchanan, Donald lit SPILLMAN, WaU Paper, 611 Hastings St. West. "T" F. W. HART'S for Furniture 91 ana »a COaJDOVA aXXEXT, VASCOVVXIB, B. c. VANCOUVER CITY DIBBCTOBV. 671 NoBTH Side. 20 McGuire, Robt Wettmlnster Avenue Intenects. 26 Miller, Wm R South Side. 102 Uasketh, Robt Heaketh, N R Uesketh, A £ Scotia Street inteneots. 104 Lloyd, Pierce, jr Lloyd, Pierce Whitely, Thos B Barton, James Barton, Davis P Goudron & Co Goudron, P New house Gauvreau, A FIFTEENTH AVENUE,BIoimt Pleasant— Runs east and -west from Westminster avenue, Wards 4 and 5. Prince Edward Street divides. North Side. Kilby, George Jones, Wm Duncan, Mr.": F H South Side. McBride, Archibald Brown, Chas L FIR, Mount Pleasant West- Runs south from Greek to boun- dary. Ward 5. FIRST AVENUE, Meant Plea- sant—Runs west from False Creek. FOURTEENTH AVENUE, Mount Pleasant— Runs east and west from Westminster ave. Wards 4 and 5, Prince Edward street divides. Sophia Street intersects. NoBTH Side. CuUum, Garrolton Brown, John South Side. Quebec Street Intersects. Clayton, Geo L Forey, Gerald Johnson, Wm H H McGuigan, James FOURTH AVENUE, Mount Pleasant— Runs west from False Creek. South Side. Thierstein, Miss Mary Hager, Rev A 27 FRONT, Mount Pleasant — Runs south-east from Westmin- ster avenue to Prince Edward street and west from Westminster avenue to Columbia street, Ward 5. East Side. 284 Scott 288 Wurst, G Mitchell, John B. C. Cattle Co McDonald, D G Little, Miss Margt Scotia Street Intersects. 113 Sanderson, Alex 116 Vacant Reed, James A, City Pound Mcintosh &, Go's Slaughter House Logan, Mathew Columbia Street Intenects. Crematory here. White, Wm Japs Champion, Sam K Urch, Walter Bridge Street intersects. Frodsham, Wm GEORGIA- Runs north-west from Beatty to Inlet, Wards 1 and 2. North Side. 231 Hamilton, Albert 236 Moors, John A 239 Urquhart Francis 243 Kerr, John W 251 Ferguson, D J 256 Wood worth, Blake B o tn DO o n r sen .-a CO o to Send to the RED (MS BREWERY FOR Fll LAGER BEER -VAMCOUVBR. B. C- iip T £ X A S Ii A K E I C £ c o V A N C O u V E B B G C. F. Foreman § Teas 1 Coffees Comer WeatminBter Avenae and Princew Street, Vancottver, B. C. 572 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTORY. 247 Johnston, Geo H 305 Hatch, George W 807 Bowman, Joseph H 309 Walker, John 311 Clark, James W 318 Anderson, Alfred 315 Holmes, Alfred 317 Coldwell, J A Brown, Mrs J Strathie, Alex Green House and Nursery 801 Anderson, J £ & Co 813 Brown, Wm 815 Woodburn, A J Douglas House, R H Steven- son, prop Christ Church. Episcopal 1003 Browning, J M Bodwell, Frank Bodwell, Mrs 1021 McGillvray, D McKay, Miss J 1026 Morrow, T R 1027 McQueen, Jas 1033 Marshall, Robt Marshall, Alex Bentley, W H Thurlow Street intersects. 1103 Dunn, Thos 1119 Varant 1121 Martin, F X Martin, A L 1125 Robertson, Dr A M Robertson, David Robertson, W R Bute Street Intersects. 1139 Jones, H A 1203 De Wolfe, Geo Wulffsohn, J Vacant Godfrey, Wm Godfrey, J J Foy, Mrs Bidden, A W Vacant Jervii Street intersects. 1519 Bailey, Wm , Brsughton Street intersects. South Side. Homer Street intersects 402 Scott, Leonard 404 Struthers, Alex 408 Keil, James Richard Street interseets. Congregational Church Leonard, R A 546 Clubb, Wm 650 Perry, C Z Seymour Street intersects. 604 Waverly Hotel, 608 Queen Bros 632 Lewis, Henry J 638 Baker, £ A 614 McGillvray, D 624 Newman, Miss C Newman, MisE B Granville Street intersects. Hotel Vancouver Burrard Street intersects. 1020 Rand, C D 1030 Cambie H J 1116 Keith, J C Thurlow Street intersects. 1140 Johnston, Dr G D 1144 Evans, Percy W Evans, Ernest E 1202 Conley, Chas Bute Street intersects. 1210 Mulhall, J J 1310 Mackay, H H Jervis Street interaeota. 1318 Orr, James 1320 Ferris, H J Ferris, PM CoUcutt, Jas Ferris, Mrs Wm 1400 Pearsall, Chas Broughton Street intersects. 1408 Vacant Mcola Street intersects. 1502 Graveley, W New house 1512 Vacant 1608 Rogers. B T GILFORD — Runs south-west from Coal Harbor to English Bay, Ward 1. CK>RB AVBNUK— Runs south- easterly from the Inlet to False creek, Wards 3 and 4 ; Hastings divides. East Side. 206 HarknesB, W J Powell Street interaeota. 124 McFarland, J W Douglas, £ J 128 Rennie, Mary Capt Dwyer, Duriah 208 212 214 306 A. M. BEATTIE CITY MARKET, VANCOUVBR, B. C. . APPRAISER - AND 6ENRRAI COMMISSION MERCHANT. Drewry's Redwood Brewery, Winnipeg. All Wboleaale Dealers keep Orewry's Ale, Porter and Lager in Stock. VANrOCVKB CITY DIBECTOHY. 573 130 Nelson, J T Vacant blk Alexander Street intenects. Princess Street intersects. Vacant block Mead, Geo, 1 Terrace Beecher, C M Limpus, Alfred, 2 Terrace 208 Fanacea, J G Vacant house, 3 Terrace 212 St. James' Church School Duncan, Chas, 4 Terrace 214 St. James' Church Tofte, Bredo, 5 Terrace 306 York, F M Grawer, R, 5 Terrace Mahony, Wm H Davidson, 6 Terrace Oppenhelmer Street intersects. Keefer Street Inteiseots. 416 Vacant house 613 Brechin, Robert Hastings Street intersects. 615 Twaddle, James 418 Vacant 617 Macaulay, Chas 606 Vacant shack 619 Vacant house Princess Street intersects. Harris Street intersects. Blackwood, Bros 508 Vacant shack Barnard Street intersects. 610 Vacant house 612 Shanks, Jamea Vacant blk 516 Vacant house Prior Street intersects. 513 Main, Thomas South Side. Gresty, Mrs Mary Vacant blk Marrinton, Chas Marrinton, J C Keefer Street intersects. Faulkner, Ben 814 Main, David 816 McKeil, W A GRAND VIEW. Barnard Street intersects. lot 264 A, blk 63 Main, Wm Williams, G H Vacant blk Mason, John Harris Street intersects. Shum, F 906 Slade, John Raine, N Prior Street intersects. Burns Chas Hamilton, J B North Side. Lot 264 A, blk 137 Butcher, F Barnes, Thos Stevens, W E Cronk, B M Smith, J W Downer, J F GRANVILLE— Runs south-west Steel, F from Cordova to Bridee street. Price, Thomas Ward 1. Pennaway, J McDonald, A East Side. McArthur, J 400 Muir, Arch Vacant blk Hastings West intersects. Alexander Avenue intersects. Cordova Street Iiere 402 Roberts, Robert West Side. Customs OflSce 121 Vacant 123 Stevens, Geo Robertson, Dr A M General Poatoffice 524 Bauer, F W Powell Street intersects. 526 Lake, C F 307 Bearcroft, Ohaa Laurenson, J Oppenhelmer Street intersects. Martin, Rabt 307 Orton, Arthur Cliff, A A Hastings Street intersects. Metcalfe, W Q O O ^D TO THE RED CROSS BREWERY FOB FINE LAum BEER, VA.NOOUVBR, B. O. ri h ;ll 1! 4 il!:)! CO O H H O WimiMRALPff, Stoves and Ranges 24 Cordova St. , VANCOUVER bO c M bO C '5b c t» X u « a Id D. H M 1^ w pL. o o U o O 674 BRITIBH COLVUBIA DIRECTORY. Gintzburger, M 628 Buxton, J M & Go 612 Vacant DanBmuir Street interaects. Bank of Montreal 614 Ferguson, J C 616 Legg, G T 618 Vacant stores ^ 628 Jones, W J 680 Carroll, Dr J T McDowell, H & Co 636 Johnston, Campbell, R C 638 Canadian Genl Electric Co, Ltd 642 New York blk Telegraph Co, C .P. R. 646 C.P.R. offices 648 Summers, Miss B Orrell, Mrs Jane 660 Williams, Sidney Williams, J T Darg, Wm 656 Stewart, G F 668 Horton, N Bell, H A Dougald, Black Spiers, Jno McLean, M G Dickson, Alex 660 Thorp, Wm Lockyer, H T Thomson, James 700 Newman, Miss Rasmussen, Jno St Quinton, G G 802 Roy, Ludger 834 Green, J A Foster, H Truscott, C F Unfinished blk 836 Frank & Barnwell Smithe Street inteneetR. 900 Cigar Factory 902 Bonded Warehouse No 9, V.R Vacant blk Nelson Street '.nteraectg. 1110 Crump, Henry 1120 Clowes, Jno Helmcken Street IntersectB. McKenzIs, Jno Maroney, J 1200 Twigg, F G 1270 Olmstead, R Olmstead, B Drake Street interseots. 1300-4 Diebel, Albert 1312 Vacant Vacant blk Pacific street Intersect!. West Side. Cordova Street here. Hastings Street West intersects, 413 Luff, Sam Newman, Miss B Pender Street intersects. Georgia Street intersects. East Side. 702 Fletcher, J ^m^^mtj ^ 9^^MfMM% 794 Marsden, H 631 Leckie, J McGillivray, D Leckie, J R 706 Mason, R> Shaw, W Grace, W E 633 Forrest, W H 708 Webster, Alex Lambert, J 710 Robb, S E O'Brien, J M Bell, F G Dunsmuir Street here. Bowser, W G 601 First floor vacant Wilson, Chas 603 Carscaden, Peck & Co Henderson, Stanley 606 Martin & Robertson Twiford, Mrs H M Wilson Bros 712 Customs Boaded Warehouse Skene. Wm No 21 Laurence, W 714 Tufts & Son Ontario House 716 Robertson, F M Inglis Peter Gibbins, J Harris, Wm Robaon Street intersecte. Georgia Street intersects. 800 St Quinton, Wm 733 Opera House Robson Street Intersects. May, E H Wesley, U 809 McTaggart, J Woodrow, J C McTaggart, Mrs M L SPILLMill, mm, LETTERING, HOUSE-PillllTlliG, Vancoim | Red Crc i;«r *"i**y! M. BOBIXSOX MEROHAWT TAILOR eHO Uaatingt Street, ire»t, Vaneouver, B. C. VANCOUVER CITY DIBEOTORY. 575 813 Vacant Sam Wing 831 Dcsrosiere, M Garneaw, Joa Bmlthe Street intenects 913 Society of Friends 915 Sweet, O D Brown, A H Nelson, R Wattle, Jas Francis, Prof Francis Gregorj , Adolph Vermilyea Greer, Mrs Sam Saul, David Hargrave, Jas Smith, Ira Comyn Spice, Kobt 917, Condre, Mrs Spice, C NelBom Street intersects. Vacant blk Helmoken Street intersects, Vacant block Davie Street here. Vacant block Drake Street intersects. Vacant block Pacific Street intersects Vacant block Beach Avenue intersects, Newitt, P J B Smith, F H 1708 Bullock, Jas GROVE AVENUE— Runs east from Grove Crescent to Grove Crescent, Ward 4. OROVB CRESCENT— Continu- ation of Jackson ave to Heatley ave, Ward 4. HAMILTON - Runs from Hastings W Ward 2. south-west to Smithe, East Side. Court House Pender Street intetsecta. Dunsmuir Street intersects. 600 First Baptist church 604 Weir, Rev Wm C 606 Morris, Mrs A Orchard, Miss Hester Vacant lot 614 Wilmon, John Vacant lot 620 Vacant house 624 Watts, Wm 626 Fox 628 Gillies, D W Five vacant lots tieorgla Street intenects. Six vacant lots 720 Macgregor, J Four vacant lots 726 Scott, Thos Seven vacant lots 740 Grant, A B Seven vacant lots Robson street intersects. Seven vacant lots Vacant house 820 Currie 826 Vacant Eleven vacant lots Smithe Street intersects. West Side. 617 McLagan, J C Pender Street interaecis. 521 Whitehead. J M 523 Kent, Mrs John W 527 Martin, Frank 581 Symons, Chas 638 Muskett, R A 637 Macleod, J P 639 Atkins, R 641 Ross, Donald 643 Tunstall, S J, M.D. 645 Vacant house 547 Vacant house 603 Curry, Neil Dunsmuir Street intersects. 606 Runner, W D 607 Eastman, W 609 Vacant house 611 Hayden, Hamilton 616 Madill, E B 617 Hart, Mra M 619 Vacant house 621 Slater, Geo F 626 Robinson, David Boys, Frederick Tracey, John 627 Johnson, B 629 Murry, John Four vacant lota > o o o o W Pd O X > H en > a n > Red Cross Brewery, Vancouver, B. C. M i T £ X A S L A K E I C £ c o V A N C O u V E B B O T R HARDIMAN pioneeb abt gallebx I ■ III llnllUllflftll e»» Cordova Bireet, raneouver, B, C. PRINT DEALER and SELLER. PRACTICAL CARVER, GILDER and PICTURE rRAlIER. 576 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. 639 Roberta, John V 1100 Cope, Fred Georgia Street intenectB. 1108 Shannon, Wm 721 Hosker, E 1116 Chambers, Miss Minnie 723 Donaldson, D Miller, J E 726 Clouaton, Thos Farrer, G E 727 Herrod, Peter Cor of Haro and Gilford. 729 Center, G L New houses 731 Hodgson, Arthur 1120 Johnson, Campbell Vacant lot 1124 Baldwin, Geo 735 McDowell, John 1128 Cockburn. F Vacant lot 1130 McConnell, G S 739 Allan, Thos McConnell, Miss Jean 741 Brandrith, James 1132 Vacant 743 Rockett, Matthew 1134 Vacant 746 Pyke, R 8 747 Hunter, Saml Bute Street intersects. Barker, Robt McAlpine, John Jervls Street Intersects. Robson Street lutertiectB. 1380 Tiffin, J B 811 Veysey, Mrs A Fraser, A C One vacant lot O'Neil, Morris 815 Vacant 817 Campbell, R Two vacant lots Broughton Street intersects. 823 Harris, James HARRIS— Runs east from False 825 Johnson, Andrew Creek to boundary. Ward 4. 827 Bullock, A M 829 Phipps, J W North Side. 833 Roy, Peter Woodward House, Bolton, Mrs HARO —Runs north-west from Bur- rard, Ward 1 209 McPhalen, D J 211 Stewart, D M 213 Ballard, A North Side. Ballard, Frank 1015 Ralston, C C Ballard, A, jr Ballard, Alfred 1019 Vacant Thurlow Street intersects. 215 Caldwell, J A 1153 Vacant 217 Rawlings, W J 3, *.\J*j ¥ nx^cftAAU 1207 Newton, Miss ' Bowell, Jno M 221 Donehoe.John 225 Adams, George 227 Cook, V E Bute Street Intersects. 1209 Baker, A D Comer, Harry 233 Bedding, Wm Akrovd, H C Senkler. J H 235 McDonald, J A 255 Davidson, John Buell, W S Brouse, J E 1233 Thomson, Jas 317 Cocking, Carua Gore Avenue intersect*. 319 Sharland, Miss E Johnson, Miss J A McGarrigle, Ed South Side. 321 Vacant 1010 Tylor, Theodore 329 McAlpine, Mrs 1012 Deane, E B 331 McDougall, A C Searle, Mrs Jno Dugan, E H Hicks, Miss 411 Edgett, A Shaw, Miss Belle bunlery Avenue intenects. 1028 Vacant Edgett, F A 1030 Vacant Edgett, H A Thurlow Street intersects. 416 Smith, James A. M. BEAHIE, AUaiONEER, Vancouver, B. C. F. W. HART'S FOR CARPETS CORDOVA STREET, VANCOUVER. KKK' 1 VANOOCVEB CITY DIRECTORY. 577 O 1 1 1 1 O M ■ w' 1 417 Yarco, Wm Pound, Wm 30 ^'i' f uk I 419 Harris, H 320 Evans, Thos 1 a I 421 Taylor, John Evans, H D i 'Km I 428 Hoffg. Wm 426 DavldBon, Thos Evans, E Km' 1 Evans, W tO Ek I 427 Bandy, Henry Evans, L ^H ■ 429 James, Hy 322 Goldstein, Wm Epstein, J z ■ 'Mllil ■ 431 Buntzen, J HiiN I Vacant bik OunlevT Avenue Interieota. i) ffimi 1 JkckBon Avenue interaeoti. 330 Greig, A S 'i' Mil ■ 656 Duncason, Thos 332 Denton, E [IjaM 1 Carl Avenue interiecti. Vacant blk P) ^ 'iwl ■ 1 657 Bearman, W Jaokion Avenue intenecti. 1^ '[■ i|^B| 669 Smith, Mrs 604 Carrier, M IwM Smith, John 518 Snyder, E 1? i Crocker. Thos 667 Curtis, Wm 520 Thorpe, G J 526 McWade, John WKk uIbmI 733 Dougan, J J 528 McDonald, A wuffln Heatler Avenue intersectg. Campbell, Mrs 0— • '1 iHiJHJ 735 Porter, Geo 630 Wilkes, J < «-♦■ ill! IKmBI 737 Twiling, A Cook, J V Hawked Avenue intersecta. "Vacant 532 Mosely, L ► ^ ' ';*' ' l^mSj 550 Tyson, A M 568 McKinzie, Mrs McKinzie, W J M False McKinzie, Miss M nlHll Campbell Avenue interaecti. McKinzie, Miss R n.^RlJ Watson, John Bruce, Wm Carl Street Intersects. 628 Dickinson, W J 5-« !.■ ii| Iton, South Side. Seventh Day Advent Ch 638 Bogai t, J K 82. rr in 100 Crowder & Panzer Bogart, J K, jr McTCinzie, Wm |hm|^H , 108 Swalwell, R F jjifl^ffi 110 Sprung, Geo Boreland, J ra^UH Rounsfells' warehouse Letherdale, Dan mV^i 112 Cochrane, Wm 666 Nelson, A HKfn 204 Cluter, Frank Nelson, J ^Hw 208 Brunt, Robt Heatley Avenue Intersects. M^^B 210 Hood, John Hawks Avenue here. awBIW Hood, Wm Crawford, Thos ImB^ Hood, Fred Levins, Wm 212 Gosselin, A Frent, James K '['liiliiWIiM 214 Simon, B 218 Walker, Sam Walker, Mrs Twambley, Will Campbell Avenue intersects. Pocki 228 Tibb, J 230 Evans, J HARWOOD — Runs north-west Evans, Miss E from Burrard to Bidwell, Ward 1. 1 Evans, Miss Emma 1 Evans, Mies Anna HASTINGS, EAST— Runs east »a> ■ i| ^|Mi ! ■ Evans, J from Carrall to boundary, north ^Bh I 234 Doidge, L G aide, Ward 3, south side, Ward 4. ]-\ h9H 1 Gore Avenue intersecta. 310 Alden, W J North Side. TO ! mEi 1 312 Silverman, K Terminal City Building o ^^■10 1 Silverman, B Society 3 City of Vancouver Building o 1 I^Hhj I 318 Pound, Geo F !^hI 1 Pound, Geo H Society ^ if n xcl Ri : CROSS : BREW ERl L - mm m : B. c. ■ Kl wnf^^^m mm U;'- ■ OB 8 O e8 e O « e o« .4 OB •N e G. F. FOREMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER J DREWI — — ■ _ — . , f ■ Dro« 578 BRITISH OOLUHBIA DIRBCTORY. Pacific Building Society 11 McKnight, H Muir, Mrs Catherine 15 Fox, J M 17 Balcery 10 Dodson 25 Roach, James McDonald, Miss J Mackay, Robt 31 Currell, John 33 Ching Kee 37 Urquhart, Bros 39 Benson, Mrs M 51 Dockendorf Ballinger, Wm 105 Ci-osley, J P 111 Fensen, Fred Merkley, Mrs W McLean, Allen Egan, James 113 Paepke, Theodore Dnnn, T M 123 Kelley, J 121 Dinsmore, Wm 123 Kelley, John 127 Ramsay Bros 129 Woodaman, Thos F 133 Canada Paint Go 135 Smith, Miss U 137 Shack vacant 143 Pearie, Thos Rasmussen Bros 145 Shook, Mrs D £ Galloway, £1, Market squr 309 Mclntyre, Miss M Mclntyre, A Mclntyre, Sam Oore Avenue Interaeots. 311 Inge, Mrs Boehlofsky, F Johnson, J Brodrick, Mrs 313 Deck, M 319 Urquhart, J 338 Scott, James 325 McEinnon, Thos 329 O'Rourk, J G 333 Oaellet, Geo O Gagnon, A 339 Steele, Wm Dunlevy Avenue Intenects. 411 Sentell, G J Sentell, A J Sentell, £ B Sentell. Ed 419 Granville, F 427 CoBtello, Miss B San Quinten S 426 Blake, J P & Co 427 Snellgrove, Wm 429 McTaggart, J L 501 Turner, J Jackson Avenue interucti. 507 Stuart, P Stuart, J 701 Christie, Miss K H Cummins, A C Heatley Avenue Interiecta. 719 Grassie, W H South Sidb. 2 Harcus, S 4 W & A Tramway Office 6 Barrett, John I 8 James, Thomas, 10 Whitehead, Andrew 8 Blum, Joseph 10 Farmer, I D 14 Okanagan Cattle Co 16 McCain & Menzies 50 Columbia Carriage Works 100 Hessin & Irving 104 Sing Kee 108 Fashion Stables 118 Fitzgerald, Michael 120 Stevenson, D £ 130 City Water Works 138 Davis, Wm 220 Garden, Wm & Sons 226 Gunn Lee Que Sin^ Young Sing Wong, Tem Hing Quong Meh Hiya Ching Tung Oore Avenue inteneeta. 314 Peel Thos 324 Hoffar, N S 328 Brown, Wm Kerr, H J 332 Clark, H C 334 Carnovsky, W Dunlevy Avenue InterBeets. 400 Newcorab, JB Carl Avenue Inteneets. 454 Miles, B J Durgan, D 460 Megher, P A Jackson Avenue Intersects. 610 McLaren, W H Mason, J S 620.Metzel, CCH 634 Heatle] 810 812 Campb« HASTIK west Wardi divide North fi 7 f P F Carrcll B 35 \ L G M V Bi 313-5 C( Bi M< Tt 121 Th Th AbbO' e Str 143 Va Pa Ab Hil 147 Ca< Mc Bai Kei Bel Bui Sim Stai Bro Bra Lee, Don Mac 305 Cam 327 Can 331 Vaca S, VANCODVEB I RED ( R J DRLWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY - WINNIPEG. Orawry'a Ato, Porter and Lagtr Im Jtecommanded by Phvaician* Generally. VANOOCVBB CITY DIRECTORY. 679 T3 \ f Metzel, F Six vacant lots Metzel, H Homer Street iaterseoti. a> Metzel. MiiB L Two vacant lots 634 Ford, C W 409 Vacant offices ^ ^^^ Heatley Avenue intenecti. 411 London and Lancashire Life 810 Glover, S J Assc'e Co 812 Whitenack, A .T Scott, G D o Whltenack, W H Welsh, Mrs L Hi Campbell Arenue Intenecta. Burton, J R Evans, John E CA) Scott, Arthur J ford HASTINGS. WXST-Runs north west form Carrall to Burrard, Wards 1 and 2. Richard street divides , Coughlin, T J Griffith, Griffith Jamieson, Wm Brown Bros Co Shaw, Henry C North Side. Shaw, James 1 Best, Robert Od 1 7 Fewster, Phillip 415 Thomas, Dr A H 1 Fewster, E P Lilburn, Miss M 1 FewHter, H W 417 Atkins & Atkins »-1 1 Carrall Btreet interaects. Vacant lot O 1 35 Vacant 423 Evans & Hastings Leach, Thos Five vacant lots Graham, J A Richard Street intornects. • McDonald, A Bank of B.N.A. Vacant 515 Innes >.^ Richards H Breeze, Frank 517 Vacant office 313-5-7 Carey, Patrick 519 Hamersle^ & Hamilton Davies, Miss L F Carey, J Baker, Frank Paterson, A J McDonald & Maroney The Wm Hamilton Mfg Co Empire Mutual Loan & In- <! 0) vestment Co, Ltd Ltd Cowan, Geo H 121 Thurston, Wm Calley, Alex Thurston, S h Williams & Dawson H^^ AbbO' c Street intersects. Corbouid, McColl, Wilson & H-k • 143 Vacant Campbell QfQ Parkes. A H Hunter, D McD Abbott, F U.B. of Carpenters Hill, C W 521 Vacant offices ^ 147 Cady, Lewis McKay, Alex 523 Vancouver Loan, Trust, Savings and Guarantee o Bambridge, W T Kerr, Jno H Co, Ltd Ceperley, A T Bell, Thos Four vacant lots r-t- Burnett, B Seymour Street intersects. Cfi Simons, W 601 Seymour, J R Staunton, J 603 Page Ponsford, Bros r-h Broderick Loewen, Chas J C/3 Broderick, Miss G Clute, J M \^ * Lee, Jno A Dunbar, C T < ■< Donaldson, D 607 Diplock Book & Stationery Co, Ltd ] Machin, Edwin 305 Campbell, R & Co 609 De Wolf & Munro 327 Campbell, J K Van Winkle Consolidated 1 331 Vacant house Hydraulic Mining Co, Ltd t P I RED CROSS BREWERY UGERBe VA.NOOUV»R, B. O. WILUAMRALPB, Stoves and Ranges 24 Cordova St. , VANCOU YER M. ] w T 680 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTOBY. £ X Williamson, Tboa Stacey, W H 611 Mackinnon, Macfarlane & Gray, H Co 172 Rose, M S A 613 Vacant store Inns of Court Block 616 Douglas, A & Co Hamilton Street interseets. S 617 Spillman, E Sharp, A J & Co Court House Gamble Street intersects. L A 621 Leland annex 623 McLachlan & Yatea Clyne, Henry Clyne, H Phillips, E Lindsay South Vanc-)uver Munici- 330 Colquohon & Bell 334 Leamy & Kyle 416 Bishop, F P Five vacant lots Homer Street intersects. palitv Office 626 Rhodes, H , B.C. Investment Co's block K Five vacant lots Mozley, H L 416 Hodgson, A E Industrial Loan and Trust 418 B.C. Toilet and Towel Sup- Co, Ltd ply Company Bank of B.C 627 Bod well, Frank V Northern Pac R.R. Ticket 500 Vancouver Land & Secur- I Office ities Corporation, Ltd, Granville Street Intersects. Wm Sulley C 726 Holt & Airey Cattell, C Richards Street Intersects. 604 Mortimore Bros Howe Stie«t intersects. Symons, Chas £ c 726 Wootton, T 801 Abbott, H 816 Ferguson. A G Vancouver Club Eight vacant lots Innes, F C 506 Scott & Hughes 510 Vacant store 612 Senkler, J H 514 Skinner, Jas A & Co 518 Shelton & Co 536 Forin & Chaldecott Dun, R G & Co o Burrard Street intersects. Hope, Chas E South Side. Fraser Valley Fruit Can- V Cftrrall Street here. 12 Carson, Owen Elliott, Aubrey All rT nery Co, Ltd Chaldecott, F M Store building Weeks & Robson A Allen, H Fanning, John Deloine, John 616 Okanagan Cattle Co N Seymour Street intersects. Bruce, David Davenport, Miss C Bruce, Thos Wriaht, W D 620 Robinson, M 24 Letvinoflf Gibson, W A 622-24-26 Leland Hotel Onderkirk, H G Vacant lot u 36-38 Warren, W G 632 Muir, Archibald McCalman, C Six vacant lots V Thompson. G B Swalwell, RT Oranville Street intersects. E 62 Hardy & Fulton 716 Bailey, W & Co Blake, Robt Eight vacant lots B 64 McRae & Hall Howe Street intersects. Abbott Street intersect!. Vacant shack 118 Gun Long 824 Salsbury, W F B 164 McNally, Thos 900 Tregent, A E Parker, Edward 924 Townley, J D n Brown, W T Hornby Street intenwcts. A. M. BEATTIE CITY MARKET. VANCOUVKR, B. C. Weekly Auctions HAWI fron San East i Prion Harrli Keefei Princt flastlr Oppen Powell West Oppen Oppen Hastln Prlncei Keefer Harris Barnai Priors HELM( from 1 and Richan HEMLO Wes to boi HEATL] south Prior, street East Si Powell 8 Alezand 320 C C 320 C C Oppenhe Princess t. 1 1 i«r nnnTwanw mikohant taiiob mi SB 1 eao HaatingB Street, WeH, Vaneourer, -B. C [^^ IHII — 1 -H 1 ja N iniB VANCOtVEB CITY DIRECTORY. • 581 •^ f. t H HAWKES AVENUE— Runs south Vacant blk III from Alexander to Creek, Wards Hastings Street intersects. ^£ w HI 3 and 4. Hastings street divides. Ash worth, Wm ^ 1 |; ml East Side. Barnard Street Intersects. R. ^! 1 Prior Street Intersects. Vacant blk r mi 1 Harris Street iiitertects. Harris Street intersects. ^e I, I ■li Keefer Street intersects. Vacant blk 3^ .[i ' ii^Sll Princess Street intersects. Keefer Street intersects. ea rl9n flastings Street intersects. Housely, Chas ^ '''\ ■■ iviln Oppenlieimer Street intersects. Housely, Walter m .■■'^' 1 ||t^flfi| Powell Street intersects. Housely, Chas, jr Vacant blk Prior Street Intersects. 'li'^i ock West Side. «« w ' : ,1 ■ i; * 1 'HSBi Oppenhelmer Street intersects. West Side. ;-. 1 HnSS 1 Oppenhe'imer Street intersects. £3 up- Hastings Street intersects. Vacant blk i- ■ Princess Street intertects. Hastings Street Intersects. '■* ■ Keefer Street Intersects. Princess Street intersects. O 11 hMEBH cur- Harris Street intersects. Keefer Street intersects. Ltd, Barnard Street intersects. Prior Street intersects, ^ Stone foundation for bldg HEIiMCKEN — Runs north-west from Homer to Burrard, Wards 1 and 2. Harris Street intersects. 729 Fowler, C M Fowler, A E Barnard Street intersects Prior Street intersects. False Creek here. Alexander Street Intersects. 109 Scuitto, G B ^OKI ||iHhII Richard Street intersects. Dougal, John LJ 1 r(___ Colwell, Robt S Parker, F J Parker, Sarah J Janes, William McNeil, J Luckley, H Vacant blk 1 jan- HBMLOCX, Mount Pleasant Oppenhelmer Street intersects. 749 Robertson, W H X IMra 1 West — Runs south from Greek Powell Street intersects. ^-H to boundary. Ward 6. r^ HEATHER, Mount Pleasant West — Runs south from Creek t HBATLEY AVENUE - Runs to boundary. Ward 5. ^P south from railway track to Prior, Wards 3 and 4. Hastings East Side. i street divides . Lovett, John 'fW^m^BStau East Side. Fairbairn, Jas Lorett, Mrs James 5 'W^lm Vacant blk Powell street intersect!. Vacant blk HOMER— Runs south-west from s Cordova to Drake street. Ward 2. Alexander street intersects. 2 2, 320 Cumr^ins, Miss M C East Side. It Cao Itala, Miss Condell block ■< 320 Cao, Mrs Schofield, F, J.P. Cummins, F C Wood, — ? Oppenhelmer Street intersects. Cotton, F C, M.P.P. rf« Vacant blk McCartnev, A E s Princess Street intersects. MacKinnon, W M K inn^ KED ::CK088 :: BBEWERY :: LAOER :: BEER a ■lUl ij ^ VANCOU\ nCR. B. C. It , « F.W.HART, Undertaker, Rl" CORDOVA STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. C.F oc Ul > 9° O O Q « ■o c v E s Q. k o OS p? p Hi a:; Ph o o O o u 582 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Deane, E 6 Sherman, Ruyter S 312 Murray & Patterson B.C. Land and Investment Go's block Independent Order of Odd- fellows, Vancouver Lodge No. 8 314-316 Marshall & McCrae Hastings Streets intersects. 6 Vacant lots 820 Vacant C.O.O.F., M.U.C., Loyal Lodge No. 92 O'Brien, W E Tripp, R Mackay Metropolitan Club Hastings Street intersects. Johnson, C Gardainer & Co World Office Lane intersects. 6 Vacant lots Pender Street intersects. 4 Vacant lots 620 Hancock, James 622 Evans, David 624 Romans, J 626 McLeod, Malcolm 628 Vacant house 630 Hanna, J J 632 Decker, John 2 Vacant lots 634 Peters, Miss B J 640 Vacant house 542 Vancouver Childrens' Home Dunsmutr Street intersects. 606 Clark, W A 4 Vacant lots , , 620 Vacant house 624 Vacant house 626 Vacant house 628 Vacant house 630 McNab, Allan 4 Vacant lots 640 Goldberg, D 642 Burnet, Frank 644 Robinson, Robert 11 Vacant lots Georgia street intersects. 720 Robertson, G 8 Vacant lots 772 Vacant house 774 Tenement houses Eight vacant lots Robson Street intersects. Vacant house Five vacant lots Morrison, Jno Vacant house Smitbe Street intersects. Twelve vacant lots West Side. Elsmere House Pender Street intersects. 621 Watson, Rev Coverdale 529 Fitzgerald, E R 531 Reynolds, Joseph 633 Vacant 636 Vacant 537 McHueh, M Armstrong Church Methodist 639 Whitworth, Wm Whitworth, Edwin Whitworth, P ' 611 Astill, S Vacant Dunsmuir Street intersects. 613 Campbell, Patrick H Campbell, H £ 617 Foxley, A R Foxley, P E Foxley, Miss E G Foxley, Mrs R 619 Fader, Silas 623 Elliott W G Fowler, E H 627 Pavab, J S 629 Linklater, D 631 Bodwell, E A 633 Atkins, J M 717 Judge, Mrs J Georgia Street intersects. 719 Farquhier, Mrs C G 727 Vacant 729 Campbell, Albert A 731 Russell, James 733 Leeson 805 Roberts, John P Robson Street intersects. 805 Caple, Norman Horsfall. W 809 Cosman, Whitfield Cosman, Wm 813 McKeown 823 Robertson, R 847 Anderson Harling, Chas Lee Chong 916 Veitch, Thos Smitlie Street inte i sects. GOTO LSPILLMAN FOR WALL PAPER and MOULDINGS 017 HASTinOS STREET. VANCOUVER. B. C. 91 92. 92 lOO: lOK iio: Helm 1117 1126 112S 1131 1205 Davie 1207 1209 l'211 1216 1231 1231 1235 1237 HORNI Hast Wan East 620 lender 630 532 614 Dunsmi 614 622 i { Georgia 802 Robson 804 I 806 808 810 812 814 816 818 \ I iT, C. F. FOREMAN, City Grocer jjycoDYj VANrODVBB OITY DIBEOTORY. 688 919 Brown, Jas 925 GouKhlin, Mrs I 927 Neelanda, T F 1001 Grassie, Wm Lawrence, C T McKay, Daniel 1015 Coil, Wm Pickthole, John Helms, Frank 1107 B. 0. Fruit Canning and Coffee Co Helmcken Street interseots. 1117 Ireland, W H 1125 Fulcher, Hutta , 1129 Peach, John B 1131 Dennis, E P 1205 Curran, James Davie Street Interaectg. 1207 Nesbit, Geo Nesbit, John Nesbit, Robt 1209 White, A W 1211 Hodgson, Fred 1215 Rumble, John 1231 LawBon, J T 1231 Everill, Geo Price, Joseph 1235 Lawson, W R Major, Wm 1237 Vacant shack HORNBY— Run:i south-west from Hastings West to Pacific avenve. Ward 1. East Side. 520 Miller, W I'ender Slii;eet interaecta. 530 Macmillan, E H 532 Nicholson, Capt N 614 Agnew, R S Ounsmulr Street Intersects. 614 West End Livery Stables 622 Gallagher, W J C.P.B, vacant blk Georgia Street intersects. 802 Campbell, Grant Robson Street intersects. 804 Richardson, Wesley 806 Drysdale, Gordon 808 Thornbury, Frank 810 McKee, W C 812 Vacant house 814 McDonald, Andrew 816 Walker, Thos 818 Armstong W L 820 Wilson, David 830 Vacant 832 Vacant 834 Suckling, Mrs H W 836 Vacant 838 Vick, Geo H A Smithe street intersects. 916 McCreery, Jos 918 Thicke, W J 922 Ives, H 932 Curtis, E A 1006-8-10 Vacant Nelson Street intersects. 1012 Elliott, Mrs E P 1022 Crombie, J Gordon 1024-26-28 Vacant 1038-40-42 Vacant 1044 Wilson, W F 1108 Fowler, — Helmcken Street intersects. 1110 Vacant house 1114 Miller, I S 1116 Vacant house 1118 Aubrey, Geo 1206 Short, B H Davie Street intersects. 1208 Gary, Geo E 1222 St. Paul's Church 1226 Flewelling, Rev E P 1236 Howard, Henry 1306 Vacant house Drake Street Intersects. 1308 McGurdie, John 1310 Gilroy, Albert 1314 Little, Mark 1318 Pratley, Geo 1320 Toll«y, Jas 1326-28 Vacant houses 1330 Findlay, Peter 1332 Acreman, Benjamiu 1334 Eaton, A S 1336 Leslie, Geo West Side. 513 Irwin. W H 515 Irwin, W H 517 Robinson, T F 519 Vacant 621 Anstie, H J 523 Edwards, E W 525 Weeks, W S 639 McKinnell, C S 541 Forrest, Alexander Dunsmuir Street Interseoti. 616 Vacant 617 Nicolls, Edwd > o o en O d o CO w z o r cn X .»cn pen c/) X C/) IGS I WILLUMS & wm RED CROSS BREWERY, VEOUVER, B. C. ,^S.. i^^ii T £ X A S L A K E I C £ c o V A X c o u V E B B DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY Winnipeg Nothing but Tboronghlv Experienced Labor Employed at the Redwood. 584 BRITISH COLVUBIA DIRECTORY. 619 Quigley, Thoa 621 Kelly, Robt 631 Nye, T 633 Clark, B W Qeorgia Street inteneoti. Gassady, Geo 761 Boultbee, John 781 Douglas, G S Collins, Henry Bobson street intersects. 809 Risteen, G V 811 Banfield, J J 813 Gross, Frank 817 Bray, Thos £ 821 Gopp, Capt W H 825 McLean, D J 827 Eraser, Miss M M 871 Pybus, Lieut H, R.N.R 873 Benwell, J O 877 Duchesnay, Edmund Bmithe Street intersects. 915 Stout, J P 917 Vacant house 919 Smirl, T W 921 Boultbee, F W 925 Stuart, J Duff 927 McFarland, D A 935 Woodean, W T 937 McDonald, Wm 941 Warren, H B Nine vacant lots Nelson street intersects. West End School Helmcken Street intersects. 1107 Harris, Wm Myers, D B 1163 Langlois, G D 1167 Knowdell, D DsTie Street interseets. 1213 Campbell, D W 1225 Vacant 1231 Boeur, I J 1235 Menzies, Edwd Drake Street intersects. 1301-3 Vacant 1309 Peck, E J 1313 Dickie, Robt 1316 Inge, James 1319 McCartney, Hugh 1321 Watson, Robt 1323 Angus, Glifford 1327 Olmstead, A D 1329 McFarlane, Mrs M A 1333 Langley, T H Pacific Street intersects. HOWE — Runs from railway depot (entrance Hastings street) to Pa- cific ave. Ward 1. East Side. 312 Penny, Thos G Wootton, T H 504 Thompson, W E Pender Street intersects. Hastings Street W intersects. Thompson, Ghas Thompson, Capt P N 618 Darling, H 520 Vacant 622 Vacant 528 Edwards, J Edwards, Capt C 630 Ettershank, Capi Wm 610 Ford, J P Brobeck, E R Burnet, K L Burnet, Major P Dunsmuir Street here> Tennis court grounds.C.P.R Opera and G.P.R. hotel grounds Oeorgla Street intersects. 808 Vacant Robaon Street intersects. 810 Wright, L H Mulder, Mrs Macauley, C H Ditmarsh, — 812 Clark, Mrs Nellie Pack, Miss J Pack, Ghas E Woodworth, Capt J H 816 Crickmay, £ J Grickmay, A E Grickmav, W 818 Mutch, Jno Wilson, Miss Ellen Smith, James - Canadian Pacific Packi'g Co 820 Mclsaac, Miss D Mclsaac, Miss M Chisholm, Miss Hetta Dunn, Ale£ Densmore, Thos Chisholm, Geo 830 Vacant 832 Robinson, L 906 Tardif, Peter Smlthe Street iaterseets. 912 Rafferty, Wm Cornish, N A 603 609 613 617 619 «S3 821 A. M. BEAHIE AUCTIONEER, VancoDver, B. C. WILLIAM BALPH, Tin, lion and Graniteware, vancoTveb VANCOUVEK CITY DIRECTORY. 585 914 Vacant 809 Byrne, J D 916 Witt, L R 811 Taylor, G C Buee, E 813 Goodwin, WH 1000 Vacant 816 Fowler, James Nelson Street interiects. 817 Sclater, James Vacant 821 Ferguson, Edwd Helmcken Street Inteneets. 1218 Vacant New house 823 Millard, E J 826 Wilbers, John J 827 Boyd, Mrs R 829 McCutcheon, W H H Davie Street Interseeta. 831 Young, F H 1806 Rhodes, W H 833 Emanuels, . Mrs S J Drake Street intersects. Three vacant lots 1308 Vacant Smithe Street intersects. 1316 Hunt, Mrs Edward Two Vacant lots Hunt, Edward 907 Linn, Mrs Mary 1318 Masters, Thos . 909 Vacant Mitchell, — 911 Schooley, C A Masters, Frank Riley, W R 913 Ferguson. D Two vacant lots 1326 Smith, Jos 917 Spicer, H H Harper, Geo 919 Lett, C A 1152 Kaye, W Eight vacant lots Keith, Arthur Nelson Street intersects. Pierce, Jno Two vacant lots 1322 Vacant 1009 Vacant West Side. 1011 McLachlan, D From Hastings Street to Pender, vacant 1013 Vacant loU. 1015 Eraser, Wm Pender Street intersects. Four vacant lots 509 Forsvth, Jno' 1025 Vacant 511 McCraney, W 1027 Vacant 513 Mortimore, Jas 1029 Vacant 516 Vacant 1031 Anderson, Jas 621 Tilley, S T Four vacant lots Two and a half vacant lots 1041 Vacant • 525 Ross, Frank 1043 Browne, John 527 Stirtan, G S 1045 McLean, M G 529-33 Vacant 1047 Musgrove, A C 535 Spillman, E 535) Vacant house Three vacant lots Helmcken Street intersects. 641 Clements Fifteen vacant lots Dunsmuir Street intersects. 1161 Hoflfmeister, Wm 603 Manor House Eight vacant lots 609 Vacant Davie Street intersects. 613 Vacant 1203 Frizzell, Mrs Thos 617 Frank, R Four vacant lots 619 Vacant 1213 Vacant bouse 623 YounK, James Eight vacant lots 621 Vacant 1229 Powell, James W Vacant lots from 623 to 1233 Vacant Nursery 1235 Vacant Qcargia Street intersects. Six vacant lots Vacant O.P.R. block Drake Street intersects. Bobson Street intersects. 1301 Taylor, Wm, in rear 803 Vacant house 1303 Rowland, George 805 Fowler, R 1305 Hunter, Thos o o a o I mm & DARKER, RED CROSS BREWERY, VANCOUVER, R. C. i «90 Sa«(ln0« Afreet,. W%»t, raneowrer, Jt. C ■ • <K' • 686 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. ■ 1307 Vacant house * Vacant blk 1309 Vacant house Oppenheimer Street Intersects. Vacant lot 405 Reed, William 1317 CHuning, John Reed, Miss M Dun O O 03 1321 Fraser, Angus 1325 Russell, John 1327 Dolan, P 1329 Wilson, Wm M Reed, Miss Lottie Princess Street intersects. Vacant blk , Lefevre, F Hastings Street intersects. • Gamble, John 464 Brenchley, E Wi 1333 Dunn, James McBroom, W J <M 1335 Monroe, Daniel Baptist Church, Rev Mr Hall, pastor fl Four vacant lots Paclflc Street intersects. Keefer Street intersects. o Vacant blk CJ Harris Street intersects. JACKSON AVENUB-Buns Vacant blk south from railway track to Barnard Street intersects. Prior, Wards 3 and '4. Hastings Sweedish Church , street divides Johnson, P H East Side. Prior street intersects 411 C/} ;-4 136 Purdon, Will Boultom, H W 41i 417 _, PnwAll fltrAAt InfArnAntfl C-) « VVTOil ObiWt lilliOrBOClSi Vacant block JBRVIS — Runs south-west from 521 549 T3 Alexander Street interbectsr Vacant bik Coal Harbor to English Bay, Ward 1. ^^^H 308 Vacant house 306 Vacant house East Side. Carl A 304 Vacant house 626 Oben, Phillip 651 565 D3 Oppenheimer Street Intersects. 310 Vacant house 661 711 312 Vacant blk KEEFER— Runs east from False Princess Street Intersects. Creek to boundary. Ward 4 TTAfttlp Vacant blk Hastings Street intersects. North Side. 715 721 723 a 314 McKie, John 113 Vacant shack Vacant blk 119 Vacant '■ Coo Barnard Street intersects. 121 Vacant 775 Hawkc 777 ^ Marshall, Thomas Harris Street intersects. Vacant blk 131 Corbett, Patrick 133 Powell, J L 135 Crane, J J 233 McKay, Geo ^Hki Keefer Street intersects. Westminster Avenue intersects. 781 Wr' oa False Creeic here. Sparks, James 237 Purdy, H 239 Crowder, J S South ^^r Bayley, Daniel 243 Coughtrey, A R 307 Sprott, Wm I ^ Vacant blk Prior Street Intersects. Smith, R 114 C/3 West Side. Gore Avenue Inten ects. 134 • 1-H 309 Ingram, A 311 Faley, J A 136 Vacant blk 216 Alezap-ler Street intersects. 315 Evans, W H 125 Vacant house 319 Dunn, Hv o U 127 McDonald, Alex 321 Forman, Geo Powell Street intersects. 325 Hardy, Geo G . E. SPILLMAN, WaU Paper, (iii Hastings St. West. F. W. HART'S for Furniture 91 aiMi »s Connors stbext, tascovyxb, b. c. VANCOUVER CITY DIBEOTORY. Hoffard, S G Rude & Co Eude, Hans Dunlevy Avenue intersects. Ireland, C A Parkham, H J Jackson, J Clark. W Townley, A Walker, James Powell. Robt Habermehl, Geo Helston, W McKenna, James Gerkoff, K Leroy, Geo Otto, Fred Maher, £ M I Gair, John ' Otto, John 411 Wignd, Chas 413 Morin, Nelson 417 Kersey, Wm Kersey, Henry 621 Grow, John 649 Whitehouse, Mrs Whitehouse, C S Whitehouse, T E Carl Avenue intersects. 551 Rennison, A W 665 Howey, Fred Howey, Wm 561 Galloway, E 711 Bausman, John Heatley Avenue intersects. 715 Peters. W F 721 Taylor, W A 723 Simpson, Mrs Simpson, J W 775 Cole, W R Davies, Chas Hawkes Avenue intersects. 777 Barry, M 781 McLellan, H McLean, D South Side. Vancouver Gas Works MacGill, J H 114 Smith, Stanley 134 Thomas, Walter 136 Marrion, Robt 216 Podger, C Tracey, M Dale, Sep Allen, J Mason, Wm 587 Stone, G L Green way, H 218 Meighn, Wm 222 Stewert, James 228 Langham, Thos 282 Cook, William Gostello, Miss M Bulman, G R 244 Carnaham, J Orove Avenue intersects. 300 Manley, J W 302 Campbell, E K 306 Horrie, W N 308 Lynham, W H Lynham, Mrs 316 Nelson, James 318 Robson, T H 322 Sprat, John Dunlevy Avenue intersects. 408 Bayne, Louis 412 McMillian, J 414 McDowell, S A 416 Ivenay, James Monk, Frank 418 Wilson, Wm 424 Harris, R A Jackson Avenue inlersects. Vacant blk Carl Avenue intersects. Sentell, Fred 610 Hall, T B 728 Bailey, Bingly Hawkes Avenue Intersects. 801 Mattinson, A Campbell Avenue intersects. Robinson, A Keefer Street East ends. Barnett, J Cambpell Avenue intersects. LANSDOWNE AVENUE, Mt. Pleanant West— Runs east from Westminster avenue to Scotia, and west from Westmins- ter avenue to Dufiferin, Ward 5. North Side. Griffith, Joseph H Kernaghan, John 31 Sterritt. R T 49 Clark, Joseph G Westminster Avenue interseett. 63 Potts, Fred C QfQ a> o en O' •-! DO o C/3 Send to the RED CROSS BREWERY F»R FINE LAGER BEER * VANCOUVER, B. C. • • c. F. FOREMAN. Thtf mw m(\m Dreij T VANCOUVER. B. C. ' lUV VUUill VMllil/VUll t 588 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. E X 66 May, Win H Gledhill, Miss Alice South Qutbec Street interseota. 1143 Nelson. Chas 902 A Shack Bmte Street Intersects. WA McKeown, J as South Side. 1 S Betterson, Wm 1012 Ives, Arthur Hornl Mftnltoba Street interiects. Burrard Street intersects. Ontario Street intersects. 1016 Fagan, Wm L, jr Qranv ' 99 Brock well, David Fagan, Jas S 1004 li Scotia Street intellects. South Side. Fagan, Wm L Fagan, Jos £ 1030 Anderson, R A 1016 A Wilkinson, Jaa Grant, Robt 1020 40 Errington, Jas Hunter, Thos 1022 K E 60 Harris, Fred Thurlow Street interseeU. 1024 72 Montgomery, Hector 68 McConnell, James 1112 Simpson, Theodore Godfrey, T B 1034 Coupland, Jos 1128 Rhodes, H 1038 LORNE. I North Side. Skinner, Katie 1136 McFeeley, Edmonds 1040 1042 Blackburn, John F McFeeley, E J Thurlo C Ontario Street intersects. 1220 Nickson, J J 1104 Phillips, Geo F Bute Street intersects. E Nichols, Moses . Trorey, Geo E 1120 South Side. 1224 Knowler, W S 1126 Bute St Manitoba Street intersects. NELSON— Runs north-west from c o Gosse, Mark Homer to Stanley Park, Wards Gosse, John 1 and 2. Richard street divides. NICOL/ Menzies, John North Side. 1011 Muir, Alexander Coal Ward Easts Muir. Wm Muir, Arch from Burrard to junction with V Pender, Ward 1. Burrard Street intersects. Clark, Chas 814 A North Side. Stewart, F Reid 1019 Tays. Alex Shoebotham, T B X 1021 Machin, Edwin Bate Street intersects. Chaldecott, ¥ M 1021 Vacant 818 Chaldecott, A H Mitchell, F White HaroSt Page. S 1025 Diplock, A B Wests K: ^ 1027 Le Coppellain, J 1033 Arkelf, Harry Cook, Edward 1039 Gilmore, H B 721 V ^ Wright, W Thurlow Street intersects. Wright, Frank 1109 Thorne, Samuel W V 1037 Clements, Mrs A Hall, J Z Farron, Geo 1113 Garrett, B D Albeml E Farron, Jas Thurlow Street intersects. Rickards, Wm B Rickards, S R J B 1119 McFarlane, JEW Dawson, G H McFarlane, R C G Watson, T F NINTH ■ McFarlane, Miss Minnie Thain, Murray W ant- B 1129 Gavin, Duncan Harvey, R G Westi 1235 Vacant Harvey, Edward and 6 1139 McKenzie, H 1123 Carr, Geo P Prince I A M BT! A TTTT! adcti&neer, ■ appraiser • and XT. J.fJ.. X9 Axa. X X Afi ggj„f„^,^ COMMISSION MERCHANT. CITY HARKKT, VANCOUVER, B. C. SEND TO Drewry's Redwood Brewery, Winnipeg. Drewry'a Ale and Porter BuUda up and Strencthens the Syst em. VANCODVBB CITY DIRECTORY. 580 South Side. 902 Wilband, V Wilband, E S Wilband, C A Hornby Street inteneotg. Blake, Joseph Granville Street Intemeots. 1004 Taylor, Walter Taylor, Edward 1016 Jackson, DrC A Aitkins, J Milner 1020 Waite, David 1022 Pidgeon, Miss Florence 1024 Griffiths, Albert F 1034 Ward, E Maurice Ward, Edward W 1038 Babjobns, Levi Wood, Geo 1040 Penzer, Edward 1042 Bauer, F W Thurlow Street Intersects. 1104 Hancox, Elijah Hancox, James 1120 Ponsford, Harold 1126 Holman, H G Bute street intersects. NICOLA — Runs south-west from Coal Harbor to English Bay. Ward 1. East SiDB. Coleman, Geo Berg, R R 814 Henshaw, C G T Warren, Miss Nesbit, Miss Marguerite Walker. Miss L 818 Burpee, Geo F Haro Street intersects. West Side. 721 Mellon, Capt H A Major, G R Bennet, Miss J G Byron, Johnson R Albernl Street intersects. Buxton, S H NINTH AVENUE, Mt. Pleas- ant — Runs east and west from Westminster avenue. Wards 4 and 6. Prince Itdward Street divides. North Side. Perkins, Winter Vacant shack Keeler, Chas Bridge Street intersects. Sykes, Arthur Johnston, Wm Johnson, Wm Carolina Street intersects. Clark, Geo C Fire Hall No. 3 Cameron, A W Davie, Wm Duncan, Henry Mclnnes, James Whiston, Thos 173 Cartright, Henry Cartright, Wm Quebec Stceet iatersects. 181 Vacant 233 Ballard, Chas Ontario Street intersects. 349 Vacant Manitoba Street intersects. Howe, James Gaskill, George Prince Edward Street intersects. Laursen, John U Wilcox, James • Lawrance, Wm C Westminster Road intersects. South Side. 66 St George, A Q 68 Vacant 72 Tidy, Thos Middler, Wm Quebec Stieet Intersects. 190 Vacant 192 Mills, Richard Mills, Isaac W Ontari.. Street intersects. Manitw'iA Street intersects. 348 Foote, H J 350 Purdy, Ralph Crawford, Joseph Crawford, Thos Columbia Street intersects. Mainland Brewery, vacant 470 Gooch, C H Methodist Church Wettminster Avenue inlerseots. o m O ■ JO m O O 130 D O O o m 3D O o 5. o < CO SEND TO THE RED CROSS BRra FOB FINE LAOEK BEER, VA.NOOUVBR, B. O. Pi O H WILIUM RAIPH, House Furfliinj^ - 24 Cordova St., Vantomer 111 > O o M o Q Q 9 a •a c «i M c M e M X k « a i« a. to c < £ W Ph o o U (/) t— • O u 590 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. 50 Dernan, Cbalmer . Rose, John D Westminster Road intersects. Shannon, Miss Orphans' Home Stanford, Emily Noble, Mrs John 165 Townley, R A Mount Pleasant School Prince Edward Street intersects. Gillls, James Soott Street intersects. Hartin, John Whiteside, T J. Mayne, Chas J Bates ONTARIO, Monnt Pleasant- Runs south from Front to boun- dary, Ward 5. East Side. Duthie, Geo Phillips, Arthur Herritt, Thos H Blair, Wm Jameson, G W Langstaff, John Thurston, Wm Thurston, S H OPPENHEIMBR — Runs east from Garrall to boundary, Ward 3. North Side. 1 Jackson, C A 13 McDonough, Mrs 15 Nickel Plate Restaurant 19 Teetzel, C W 21 Lund P 31 McDonald Bros 41 Purser, Wm 109 Lunn, Edward 111 Plymouth Brethren Chapel Columbia Avenue intersects. 113 Cabins vacant 119 Langis, Henri, M.D. Columbia Hotel, Dixon, Jos 207 Dunn, J T Westminster Avenue inteiseats. 211 Keeley, Wm 213 Bicwaa, Wm 217 Hilly, Walter Kittson, H E Brook, F Mathersou, A McClay, A Mathefson, Geo Boots, Will Broadwav, E Kent, A'E Llnky, P Hill, R 219 Paton, Geo Mcintosh, Jack Reilly, R Williamson, J Baxter, H E Winter, Geo McNaught, T Clay, H V Groves, Job Brown, F Sharp, A Odelf, J McCabe, L 223 Brown, A 231 Sullivan, Chas Sullivan, A W 309 Roycraft, Miss Sister, Francis 311 Howard, Mrs Le Maistre, de V W Kealy, A £ Hamilton , C R 313 Clinton, H G F 315 McMillian, J A Slater, Miss L 323 Matheson, John 325 MacLeod, J M, jr MacLeod, J M 327 Brown, S H 331 Bowes, Geo 333 Beattie. A M 501 Letherdale, John Jsclcson Avenue intersects. 603 Tracy, J B 515 D'Gendron, Jos liandry, M D'Gendron, M 606 Boyd, T H Carl Avenue intersects. 607 lunnalls, C JacVson, Joshua Runnalls, R 627 McArthur, A McArthur, J G McArthur, D S 706 Prentis, Mrs Prentis, Wm^ Heatley Avenue intersects. 721 South 14 30 208 UtRGEST ASSORTMEIT of WALL PAPER at SPILLMAN'S, Vancouver 420 G( 422 W W W Tl 424 Lc 426 Bi 428 Fr Fr Fr Co Jackson A . ROBINSON "gaOHAHT TAIIOB 0VO JZ«i*NH9« Btreet, %r«»t, Vaneouver, B. C. VANCOUVER CITY DIBBCTORY. 591 721 Williams, Geo WilliamB, Ed 723 Behnsen, C H 826 Bailey, Robt Uawkei) Avenue interiects, 827 Kelley, Wm T 919 Caaaelman, R Campbell Avenue intonects. South Side. White, John 14 Wileon, Albert RouKier, J G 20-2 Townley, R A 28 Lee Sane Forbes, laaiah 30 McAllister, John London Carriage Works 208 Marshall, Ben Duhig, F 210 Melvine 220 McConaghy, J 300 Hemlow, H 302 Spring, T B Biggard, P Garvin, J McFarland, Geo 304 Patterson, D G SOB Ellis, C H 308 Hickey, Wm Longhead, A 312 Williams, J 326 Cleveland, N Cleveland, E 330 McGuigan, Thos McGuigan, W J 334 Ensley, W A Dnnlevy Aveaue intersects. 400 Maxwell, Rev Geo 406 Watte, Thos 412 Purdy, John 418 Neil, Robt Neil, Miss K Neil, Miss J 420 Gordon, Geo R 422 Weiss. Wm Weiss, A Weiss, Wm, jr Thomas, G 424 Louie, — 426 Brown, E 428 Eraser, D M Fraser, H D Fraser, L G Golbonrn, Wm Jacluon Avenue Interseota. 610 McCallum, J Hanson. H 512 Griffiths 516 Morgan, H 624 Wiadsor, C Critch, Miss K Carl Avenue intericcts. 600 Vlanson, A 608 Moon, F H McLean, Miss M 610 Morrison, Alex 632 Robb. J Nivens, John 636 Frome, Jules Frome, J M 640 Frome, Will Heatley Avenue intersects. 720 Kent, W D Wood, Geo Uawkes Avenue intersects. 816 Edwards, R Edwards, J 832 Jervis, John Campbell Avenue intersects, 910 Reid, D R 912 Hepburn, John 916 Munroe, Dan 918 Smith, T A Gillchrist, Geo Raymur Avenue intersectB. 1010 Smith Ham brook, A PACIFIC — Runs north-west from Richard to jnnution with Beach avenue and Broughton, Ward 1. North Side. 513 Evans, Thos 517 Vacant 621 Skillicorn. Mrs M 525 Lepoint, Chas Oramville Street intersects. PARK LANE— Runs south Prior street, W ard 4. East Side. 914 Vacant house Prior street intersects. 916 Patterson, R McClellen, J J 918 Vacant house 922 Vacant house 926 Aitken, James from > o o O O C/3 % > 2: a n > en Red Cross Brewery, Vancouver, B. C. ■'.■ m 1 .-^ii T R HARDIMAN p^neeb abt galleby ■ ■ II* limiUIIIinil 0»» Cord^vm atreti, Vaneouver, B. O. PRINT DEALER and SELLER, PRACTICAL CARVER, OILDER and PICTURE IRAMER. E X A S L A K £ I E c o V A N C O u V E B B € 602 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIHBCTORY. Vacant house Emerson, P F Croinbet, Achimell Beymour street Inteneota. 980 Williams, Geo 607 Ctarkson, Joseph 936 Vacant house 938 Nunamaker, Bg Clarkson & Mayne Vacant lot 940 Ives, W H 613 Henderson, H M Boyer, Miss L 616 Leek, W Sunitnerton, AH Eleven vacant lots 932 Mortingen, L QranvlUe Strest Interiecta, 944 Costello, Miss Maggib Costello, Miss Mary Costello, M F Costello, Miss B Oostelio, John 948 Vacant shack 960 Holland, Charles 952 Martin, Daniel 719 LePage, L 721 Leask, A 723 Chilian Consulate Morris, ^t P 726 Bing Yuen 725-27 Chinese Mission 729 Burrard Inlet Railway and Ferry Co Home, A P 950 Black, John G Mackav H H PENDER— Runs north-west from Okanaijan Land & Develop- ment Co, Ltd Beattie to junction with Georgia, 733 Vacant Wards 1 and 2. Two vacant lota Richard Street divideB. Vacant blk North Side. Howe street Intersects. 21 Vacant Fourteen vacant lots 25 Du-Hamel, Frank Hornbjr Street Intersects. Charleston, Jos 917 Whitty, E J McLennan & McFeely Jewell, Frank 29 Fulton, D Hill, W M Rains, T Cox-Davis, H H Righter, Mrs Smith, J A 105 Imperial Opera House Vacant Wynn, T G Abbott Street interaects. Court House 1003 Lloyd, M T L Vacant Gamble Street Intenects. 1123 Patterson, Frank Two vacant lots Twigge, Major-General Twigge, S K Hamilton Street InterseetB. 305 Richardson, Chaa 309 Fuller, Geo W South Side. 313 Rogers Central School Four vacant lots Cambie Street Intersects. Homer Street interaects. 411 Lee Wo 417 Duff, Alexander, in rear 421 Watson, James Block building City Hospital General Ward Beatty Street intersects. 102 Milling, Uantz Four vacant lota Richard street intersects. Hamilton Street intersects. 509 Jim, Canada laundry 613 Sullivan, C E Three and one-half vacant 806 Green, S B Wood, AW 308 Wearer, Mrs Lucy lots Eight vacant lota' 525 Vacant Homer Street intersects. 527 Bennet, W C 410 Farley, George Delmonico hotel 412 Vacant house 602 606 608 610 Thurlow Stre< 1120 Tatloi Vacai 1128 McCn Bute Street Int A. M. BEATTIE CITY MARKET, VANCOUVER. B. C. WEEKLY ADCTlONSIfiD •rgi.1 F. W. HART'S FOR CARPETS CORDOVA STREET, VANCOUVER. VANCOUVBR OITT DIRECTORY. 693 414 Rodway, Joseph 500 Ho«y, J D 1204 Vacant Pace, W J Richard Btnet Inteneota. 502 Hicks, Mrs J A 1222 Fripp, R Mackay Forbes, R S 606 Ontario Dining Hall Forbes, A M 608 Rowley, J C Jerrli Street lotenecta. 610 Vacant store 1328 Barnhart, P A 612 Vacant store Grant, Jno ' 614 Currell, J W Millard, Chas Two vacant lots. Millard, H 620 Gasher, Mrs Mary Cliarman, F 522 Inwood, George Purkinson, Edwd 524 Vacant store Grant, Edwd 626 Cosman, W & Son ...^— . Clarence Hotel PBNDRILL — Runs north-west S«yinottr Street interseott. from Burrard to Stanley Park, 606 Vacant store Ward 1 Vacant lot North Sidk. 612 De Witt, J M Ottawa House Gibb, David PoHtoffice Cosgrove, Robt, rear 1127 1127 Spinks, J M 1129 Gosgrove, James Inland Revenue Office Gas Inspector's Office Custom House harbor Master's Office Martin, Nelson 1143 Richardson, John Smith-Nevile, Percy Smith-Nevile, Arthur Smith-Nevile, Herbert •ranTiUe Street Interseota. South Side. Two vacant lots ■^^ *^ »^ ^ «A ^./AA^ANA 728 Nesbitt, Andrew U Hanbury, Chas Russell, A L Bumtrd 8t(%et interieeta. 730 Vacant Weart, J W 732 Webster, Capt Wm 1116 Mitchell, John 784 Vacant store Thurlow Street Intersects. 736 Brown. J T & Sons 1120 Hunter, Robt Vacant blk 1128 Paterson, A J Howe Street InterBect*. 11S2 Short, Benj J Five vacant lots Hornby Street interseetB, PRINCE EDWARD. Mount 910 Tierney, Wm Jn4 Dunn, P T from False Creek to boundary. . &18 Charleson, D B divides Wards 4 and 5 1016 McNaughton, Peter 1032 Eggert, J S East Side. Eggert, Lonis ' 488 Maior. Philip Major, Nicholas Eggert, Geo Eggert, David Adams, Geo 1036 McDowell, U PRINCESS— Continuation of Da- 1044 Wickenden, pont street. Ward 4. Mcintosh, W A North Side. Thurlow Street interseoti. 207 Hall, J R 1120 Tatlow, Capt R G 229 AUen, J Vacant 231 Hook, Wm 1128 McCraney, H P Middlemas, Geo Bute Street InteneoU. 233 Cook, H E S IfiED : CROSS :B1W1Y,-VANC0DFER,:B.C. Q O d O H ill' ! >i -J- m U O e8 U 4* a o e3 On pqg u Q O •H d e C. F. Foreman S Teas 1 Coffees Comer We»tinln«ter Avenue an<l Princei^ Street, Vanconver, B. C. 694 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Moore, H G 236 HaKffarty, Mrs Clabin McCuaig, Geo McAuley, 237 Burton, H Campbell, J K 241 Smith, W B 32;! Fowler, C E Fowler, Geo L Fowler, Miss H Fowler, Kiss F 320 Glenn, J Grove iVvenue intersects. 241 Studdin, Fred 409 Easier, Alex Danlevy Avenue intersects. 411 Hobson, Geo 413 Young, J 416 FoHter, William Foster, I Foster, H 423 Barker, Robt Barker, Wm Barker, Chas Barker, Miss Kate Barker, Alfred 425 Cameron, J 427 Palmer, H T Palmer, R V 429 Smith, Wm „ 607 McGarrgile, J McGarrgile, P B McGarrgile, T A 615 Royds, C 619 McLellan, K 623 Ashfurd, Geo 625 Ingram, Chas Williams, T W Hektlejr Avenue Intersects. Fitzgeralds, Ed 811 Jopson, J Hawkes Avenue Intersects. 853 Wilbon, F G Rchawn, Ed Schawn, A 911 McLean, P W Campbell Avenue intersects. Anderson, R A Rsymur Street intersects. South Side. 220 Foreman, C F Blatter, Miss B Y 224 Jones, A 230 Wy Kee Jim Fee 244 Jacks, Wm Spehra, F Eldridge. D 248 Cleaveland, J P Gore Avenue intersects. 304 Grant, A 306 Ramage, S 808 Burtwell, R T 314 Bennet, G 316 Desormier, Chas 318 Sutton, W J 820 Edwards, Wm Hallawell, Mrs 326 Park, C C nunlevy Avenue intersects. 400 Skinner, Mrs 412 Vicars, Jo Kneale, Dan 416 Sanders, Ed Sanders, J 418 Ford, A C 420 Ridley, A 422 Masters, F W 424 Sherman, R S 430 Dobson, F S Dobson, Geo 434 Baer, Rev W W Bowers, Miss S Russell, Miss A 602 Sparkling, R Heslip, T 006 Rickers, J W 610 Carter, S B Carter, A E 616 Clough, Ed Clough, Thos 618 McManus, F 620 Woodward, R P Woodward, Chas Woodward, H 622 Borland, Robt Watson, Jack 626 Ralph, Wm ' Ralph, R J Heatley Avenue intersects. 654 Vacant Musson, C B 656 Craig, Harry 662 Duclos, A 672 Neidig, A Chase, Geo Hardie, Thos Burdis, W D Campbell Avenue intersects. I SPIILMMI, ISCOING, mm, HOOSE-PiTING, Brewry's Redwood Brewery, Winnipeg. All Wholesale Dealers keep Ore wry'* Ale, Porter and Lager in Stock. VANCOUVER CITY DIRECTORY. 595 ^ Handy, F E Powell, Thos Oritch, H Lee, H n> . Irving, Geo Gormley, J Butjer, F H Andrews, James Bonner, J Maney,J ^ Mclllroy, Frank Thompson, A C o Smith, John POWELL— Runs east from Carrall Russ House to boundary, Ward 3. North Side. 429 Ormsby, U Ormsby, Rusa Hamer, J C/3 23 Hotel Europe Galori, Angelo 31 Campbell, H 49 Citv Hotel 103-5 Sproule, E J Ormsby, E Ormsby, Mrs Ormsby, Miss L 431 Wardhaugh 433 McFee, John J 435 Jones, D 437 Keat, H E 439 Armstrong, Wm 509 Clandening, J 121 Grosvenor, G W 127 McDonald, A 207 Jordan, Wm 211 Chapman, Miss Chapman, H 213 Bransaka, A Jackson Avenue ioterseots. O C/3 511 McPherson, E 311 Ryder, R 513 McCartney, A E Gore Avenue Intergeots. 519 Peterson. E 527 Uphan, J F 533 Serice, J Butler, J 601 Meek, G E • 323 McLennan, J 339 McLean, A 401 Cassidy, H Helliweil, H Scove, Miss J Carl Avenue interiects. Remmie, Sol 609 Whipple, Mrs M Henry, A Fokey, J J Fokey, E Walsh, W W Walsh, E Whipple, T < McLean, D Walsh, Geo R W ^^B^ Johason, C F Walsh, W C H ' Vasie, D Walsh, C A h- » . Kendall, J 613 Stovell, J 3 (7Q Barber, A 617 Biggar, G G McCord, W Lud ow, Miss L Justice, H E Wayte, W J Cassidy, E Cassidv, Miss A Someroy, Danlevy Avenue Intersects. Columbia Brewery Gerhausen, Emil o Henderson, J B Sentell's Lumber Mill 405 Cassidy, Thos South Side. n- 409 Bartley,Johu l=h Bartley, Mrs 10 Tye & Co Bartley, Geo Kendall, Walter H <-»- 411 Lvones, N 12 Vacant C/2 Bickell, Chas 14 Pioneer Stevedore Co McKellvie, A, Sen 22 Wan Bee '^ Mitchell. S 30 Soloman, Miss Emily 417 Watson, H A 34 Cain, WmJ McPherson, Dan Oppenheimer Bros 126-28-30-32 Englewood Hotel Brown, H 5 Marsh, Tboi 134 Hutchings, G W • RED CROSS BREWERY UGER BEER i VA.NOOUVWR. B. O. WEIMRALPa, Stoves and Ranes 24 Cordova St. , VANCOUVER M T £ 696 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBBCTOBY. • 208 Duheg, D D Munroe, K X 210 Rumble, T Morriette, J Qore Avenue intersects. Matheaon, D A « A S 234 Galley, W H 816 Won Lung 316 Wo Sing Hun Wong Flanders, G » McDougall, M 936 Wills, C A Whatmore, R G Jim Kee Tictoria Drive intersects. Sang Wong AhFoo Seidelman, W I. Davidson, John Ah Sin Fitzpatrick, T A Ah Woong Nee Hong Jim Kee 322 Strome, P PRIOR— Runs east from False K Greek to boundary, Ward 4. 328 Adams, Mrs NoBTH Side. £ 332 Pattinson, W B 342 Green. J H 209 Rose Ministy Cr7«« ^^ I v/x^a* I %f i.i Westminster Avenue intersects. I C DunleTy Avenue Intersects. 350 Soule, W H McKay, Miss M 624 Anthony, A 628 Robertson, H Carl Avenue intersects. 211 West, Mrs 213 Johnson, Ghas 217 Denorfrev, L 237 Sankey, L J 239 McMurry, R 243 Mee Ghas £ 608 Bell, R 247 Cullen, Wm 614 Townley, John 263 Allan, Thos 616 Forbes, J Davidson, John 618 Cotes, John 411 SUgg, H c 624 McNiven, J D 628 Hardison, J Corbell, J Cook, Thos Corbell, Wm Dunlevy Avenue intersects. 423 Hatch, Thomas o 457 Turner, Thomas Lamasi Hy Sloan, R Heatley Avenue intersects, Black, F W V A N 716 Marshall, W C Jackson Avenue intersects. Marshall, R Marshall. J Hambrook, Miss Cottle, G 718 Gibson, Mrs 724 Robertson, J Venron, M P Darling, N D Oleson, Rev C J Johnson, J Heatley Avenue intersects. G 744 Brown, W H Gray, R Robertson, W J Perkins, H F Anan, Geo McKinnon, Dan Robertson, W H Vacant house U 810 Landray, N Halls, R McDonald J Carter, Miss E V 814 Keith, Sam Carter, Mrs Keith, A J Partridge, R E 818 Soule, W G Hostens, L 822 Griffiths, J Porther, Frank B 826 Nelson, A Uawkes Avenue Inteneots. 828 Walker, T St. Arnaud, Ed B 852 Barnard Castle Melville, W South Side. Manuel, Mrs S E 208 Vacant house n Scarth, A H 210 McOool, S E 2 Gor 3 3i Bun J«ck» Carl , HeatleJ QuebeI Runcr dary,[ £abt 8iJ 2190 A. M. BBATTIE CITY MAKKKT, VANCOUVER, B. C. Weekly Auctions £ :t|,v M. ROaiM'SOia' MEBOHAl fT TAILOR 090 Maatings Street', West, Vaneouver, B. C. Be VANCOUVER CITY DIRECTORY. 597 214 HewtoD Bros HewtOD, Theo Hewton, Hobert Peters, Joshua Thile, Louis 216 Morrison, L T 218 Lewellen, R T 224 Wha Lee 226 Campbell, Mrs A 228 Goody, James Goody, Mrs A 248 Vacant house Gore Avenue Interaeets. . 802 Vacant store 306 Fox, P Somerville, Mrs S Dunlevy Avenne inteneota. Boot, Mrs Furguson, J D Major, William Vacant shack Wise, James Doughtery, J Dougherty, Miss J Jackson Avenue Inteneeta. Rogers, Jos Beck, Wm Black, R W Balkwell, A Vacant house Carl Avenue iBteriectB. Gerherdt, Nels Kelly, Chas Kelly, John Kelly, Jos Thompson, Thos Lalicu, Leopold Beams, Thos Beams, Thos, jr Lawrenson, John Lawrenson, R Lawrenson, A Lawrenson, Aubrey Lawrenson, Chas ' Lilley, John Beatley Avenue intersects. Morgan, Hy Freeman, Geo Wray, John (QUEBEC, Mount Pleaaaat— Rune south from Front to boun- dary. Ward 5. East Side. 2190 Abray, J T 2596 Vacant 2634 Vosper, F L 2904 Ellison, W West Side. King, Daniel 2195 Garnier, Frank Pollay, Geo Leonard, G C Wbiston, Thos 2461 Roberts, Jno H 2463 Steele, W B 2651 Doherty, I W 2906 Eligh, Hamilton Perry, Henry H Metcalfe, Mathew DeBeck, G W RAYMUR AVENUE -Runs south from lime kilns to com- mencement of Grabtree lane, Wards, 3 and 4. Hastings divides. East Side. Barnard Street isteTBects. Harris Street intersects. Keeler Street intersects. Princess Street intersects. Haatlngs Street intersects. Vacant house Atchison, Wm Vacant house Oppenlieimer Street intersects, 212 Lee, T H Lee, Miss E L Powell street intersects. East Side. Oppentieimar Street intersects. Hastings Street intersects. Princess Street intersects. Keefer Street intersects. Harris Street intersects. Burrard Street intersects. Prior Street intersects. RICHARD— Runs south-west from Cordova to Pacific avenue. Ward 1. East Side. 606 Welsh, James 608 Vacant 610-12 Vincent, Rich 616 Wi«e, Harry t0» »« Q O d O r s • n BED :: CE088 :: BEEWEEY :: LAGER :: BEER /■ i^ ■■ ti -VAMCOUVBR. B. C- F. W. HART, Undertaker, v=m^ac O H Q < H o Q "^ a E S OL I hO c !o o -9 P w PL, o o U O u Ci. 522 McGhie, J B 526 Y.M.I, bldj? 536 Davis, Luther 540 Snell, Daniel Catholic Church 624 Kemp, W A 626 Gauley, David L 628 Robinson, Alex Sutherland, Wm St. Andrews' Church 710 Macaulay, Jamea 716 8hearer,'Mr8 Jannet Shearer, J 8 718 Trendell, J W 720 McHardy, John Scott, ThoH 724 Southcott, J J 728 Campbell, Mrs D F 730 Brocklesby, H A Scott, Jas 732 Chambers, Henry Baker, Wm H Robson Street intersects 800 McCalman, 810 Holmes, H R 812 Physick, Thos Brook, Kobt 814 Vacant 816 Weston, A C Cox,E 818 Chardon,CM 820 Macgowan, A H B Smithe Street intersects. 912 Pioneer Steam Laundry 912 Cornwall, S C Harris, Wm McDermid, Peter 918 Cowdrey, G NelFon Street Intersects. Carmichael, P P 1016 Hayden & Maxwell 1018 Hayden, Lyman 1020 Cresswell, Ed 1028 Tullock, Henry Helmcken Street intersects. 1108 Heck, Francis 1106 Hall, James 1120 McColl, John 1122 Beasly, Geo Dean, Leonard 1124 Hashell, N Davie Street intersects. 1208 Brown, John 1212 Wastell, W J Ford, A E 1220 Mitchell, Theo 1224 Combs, J R 1226 Powe, Joseph 1232 Blair, Samuel Drake Street intersects. Smithe Street intersects. West Side. Davis, Marshall & Macaeill Burpee, Geo F 409 Pidgeon, Miss F Crickmay, Wm De Forest, Prof H J 600 Medill, Wm Pender Street intersects. 511 Vacant 513 Roy, Andrew Peter, Chris 515 Maddocks, Mathew 517 Turner, Fdward 519 Ward, Arthur Addeson, Robt 523 Rowley, J C Hackett, J W 525 Vacant 527 Dixon, George 613 Gordon, R W 617 Morency, Mrs E 623 Tufts. William 625 Swinford, Mrs M 627 Eldridge, C C 629 McDonald, D H 633 Coffey, Miss S 635 Willis, Walter 639 Stuart, Allan K Congregational Church Georgia Street Intersects. 713 Webster, Alex 715 Beggar, D R 717 Campbell, P G 719 Perree, Chas 726 Gill, Andrew 727 Gill, John 729 Sterling, David 733 McLaren, John 801 Giguere, Clophas Robson Street intersects. 805 New house 815 Steward, W T • 817 Farr, Edwd 819 Dawe, Albert Dawe, Elijah 825 McNider 831 Griffith, A 833 MacLean 835 Vacant 909 Lees, Andrew E 9? 3 Walker, Alonzo E 9 9 10 Neli m m ii( iw 11] Helo 112 112 112 112( 120 Darie 120£ 120f 1213 1217 1210 1221 1223 1225 1235 1305 Drake 1307 1311 1313 1325 1327 1331 ROBSO Beatf and Richarc North 1023 1027 1031 1033 1041 1 ThurloM 1111 Bute Str 1211 GOTO E.SPILLMANFORWALLPAPER AND MOULDINGS 817 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER, B. C. ■> ,s, O; rnm^m^ iPiMi fin^vpp C. F. FOREMAN, Cor. f esttnster Ave. and Princess St VANCOHVKR CITY DIRECTOH\. 699 915 Geddes, Bobt J 1215 Farrell, Wm 919 Logan, Mrs E 1227 Skinner, R G 925 Mather, Jamea 1231 Herman, E B 927 Fraaer, Norman 1321 Jamea, Stanley 929 Vacant 1326 Gibaon, T J P 1001 Campbell, A B Broughton Street Intersects. NeUon Street laterRects. 1427 Phillips, E L 1003 Scurry, T H England, Misa Ellen. 1035 Fleishman, J Harvey, Lindsay 1104 Jordan, Wm Nicola Street intersects. 1059 Leckie, R J 1517 Clarke, F S 1113 Wallace, Alfred Gardero Street intersects. Helmcken Street intersects. South Side. 1121 Robs, Murdock G 1125 Taylor, G R 1008 Talcott, E W 1127 Sim, W H Burrard Street W intersects. 1129 Heaps, Edward H 1010 Wataon, H H 1201 Flett, John Soames, Sarah Darie Street Intersects. 1014 Harria, Hubert 1206 Armstrong, J W 1209 Harold, Thoa Boak, Albert 1016 Scott, C A 1213 Hodgson, R W 1018 Preaton, laaac 1217 Myles, Jamea C 1020 McDonald, J J 1219 Vacant Johnston, J W 1221 Derouse, Alvin 1022 Burse, Walter 1223 Milton, Arthur Burse, Wilson 1226 Green, Hoiace 1026 Keene, W L 1236 Devlin, Joaeph 1030 BuBcombe, F 1306 Foo Long 1038 Springer, L J Drake Street Intersects. Springer, B 1307 Beam, Wm 1042 Wilson, D H 1311 Croas, Chas W 1104 Blake, Robt 1313 MacDonald, John W Shaw, C W 1326 Mortimer, J W Thurlow Street intersecto. 1327 Powe, Wm 1106 Clyne, Hy 1331 Vincent, Robt Vaughan, S 1118 Trodden, Misa Etta ROBSON— Runs north-weat from Bsatlie to Water Front, Warda 1 and 2. Richard Street intersects. Fee, T A 1120 Painton, F J 1122 Melville, Chas Crawford, Jno 1126 Rounsefell, Jno NoKTH Side. Rounaefell, F W 1023 Gotten, Ghria 1128 Quigley, M T 1027 Stark, James 1138 Topping, W F 1142 RoWn, W Stark, W L 1031 Lockyer, H T 1216 Skinner, Jeasie 1033 Seymour, J R Lyon, Jno 1041 ScouUar, A W Burna, Jno, jr Thurlow Street intersects. Bute Street iutersects. 1111 Loutit, James I 1220 Gerrard, Wm Vacant block Gerrard, J D Bute street intersects. 1226 Wilgreas, H T 1211 Thompaon, M P 1230 Empey, Mrs L F Douglaa, Mrs B M Dana, A J Thompaon, Misa M G 1310 Wilaon, Jas > Q O o O W 1^ o m 2; o r in O I" w wen en •-1 en )!' ' ! t'l' ^'\ m^ li i| li'' 71 |i , ■ i \m i\i IGS i WILLIAMS & IIARe, RED CROSS RREWFRY, VAIICOUVER. B. C, mism mm DBEWEY'8 Bedwood BREWERY. Winnipeff XHBaiS aOOna trASRAJTTXlD to KXXP in ALI. CLIMATHa. E X A s L A K E I c £ c o V A N c o u V E B B c 600 BBITIBH COLUMBIA DIBECTORY. Wilson, Mies Janet JerviB Utreet InteraectB. Vacant blk 1506 Cole, Sylvanus Nicola Street loteraects. 1510 Scott, Jno Saunders, Henry J SCOTIA, Moont Pleasant E— Buns south from Front street to boundary, Ward 5. Wbbt Siob. Groston, Thos B East Side. SpaldinK, Jno Bianchi-Perrini, L SOOTT— Buns from Twelfth Ave. West Side. Merrell, T M East Side. New house Frederickson, L C SEATON — Runs north-west from Burrard to Jervis, Ward 1. North Side. 1017 Freeman, C E 1025 Williams, Jno Williams <& Barker 1126 Hammersley, A St Geo New house Richards, Steven South Side. 100 Smith, Bros 1006 Griffiths, Essex Thurlow Street Inteneets. Young, D J Vacant 1102 The WiRwam Kent, H W Sisson, T H Geddes, J P McDonald, G E Mowat. C H Hillier, J J 1116 Townley, T 1120 Carter, Nelson 1124 Brown, G McL Brown, Harry 1124 Drummond, Miss Mary 1128 Lewis, R G Calland, T H White, W Bute Street intersects. SECOND AVENUE, Mount Pleasant, West— Runs west from Centre to boundary. Ward 6. South Side. Hurst, Robert Water Front here Tait's Saw, Shingle Planing Mills and SEVENTH AVENUE. Fair- view — Runs east and west from Westminster avenue to boundary Wards 4 and 5. Prince Edward street divides. NoBTH Side. McLennan, Findlay 80 Clark, John F 48 Vacant 96 Jackson, J W Quebec Street interaeotg. 144 Mills, Fred W Ontario Street interMcti. Crummer, W H Scott, R B Marshall, Edgar Reid, Archibald Toull, Jas F Brown, John Coulson, Chas E Macey, W C Hemlock Street intersects. Dixon, David Creek intersects to westward. Mackenrot, Alfred Doering & Marstrand Brew- ing Co Heidkamphe, Fritz Brunswick Street intersects. Gordon, James 306 Coombs, Edward Prince Edward Street intersects. Ward, John Gain, Henry Victoria Street intersects. A. M. BEAHIE, AUCTIONEER, Vancouver. B. C. WILLMM RALPH, Tin, Iran and Grantee 24 Cordova St. ) VANCOUVER • VANCODVKB CITY DIRECTORY. 601 486 Gow, Mrs Peter Howard, Mrs M J 438 Munro, John Parkes, S J Wylie, Patrick Cedar Street intersects. 600 Yates, Chaa F Vacant lot Carolina Street Intersects. Powell. Thos 524 Paterson, R H Christie, Wallace G Bell-Irving & Patterson 530 McKinnell, C S Johnson, P J Birch Street intersects. 604 Graham, Thos Reid, Sir John, K.C.B., M. Soott Btreet Intersects. D., R.N 708 Lanaway, G B Barker, Robt Maddatns, C G Creek Intersects to Westward. McKinnell Eperaon, Vincent Mieddonp, Geo A End of Seventh avenue. South Bide. Ash Street intersects. Barker, R E Baptist Church. Shaw, James Westiplnster Avenue interaeets. Shaw's stable Armstrong, James Steve's 139 Brown. Wm P Quebec Street Intersects. 141 Ker. James SEYMOUR— Runs south-west from Ontario Street Intersects. Cordova to Pacific Ave, Ward 1 Sootla Street interseets. The West Side of Seymour St. was 187 Bell, Joseph accidentally omitted by the enumer- 189 Mole, Henry T ators having charge of this district. 191 Brent, F L The discovery was made too late to 193 Saint John, B have ALL the names appear in the Craig. Nathaniel regular alphabetical list. Prince Id ward Btreet Intersects. West Side. 301-303 Smith & Freeland Smith, Wm Jos Freeland, Geo Lefevre blk Burnett & Burnett 317 Brown, W Victoria Street intersects. 319 Meakin, W J 357 Ellison 321 Burnet, P 377 Burns, Wm Burnet, K L Johnston, Wm N.W. & B.I. Telephone Co, Blackwood, Dudlev _ _ tr 7 Ltd 415 Dunlop, G W McLellan, A Hastings Street intersects. 413 Jim Lee Carolina Street intetsects. Lane intersects. 517 Baynes, R A Zeigler, A H 457 Laughlin, Wm J McKay, Thos Walker. Thos Delmonico Hotel Pender Street intersects. Vacant store 519 Muir, Mrs A Abernathy, Jas B 521 Sweet, Silas Pace, John 525 lUinj^worth, Jas 459 Atkins, Thomas 529-31 B ack, T T Scott Street intersects. 535 McPherson, VV'm Stretch, T P Dunsmulr Street intersects. 667 Anderson, J J 641 Newett, T H Sleeth, Robt Georgia Btreet intersects. Hamer, Albert Victor 701 Waverlv Hotel Alexandra Hospital 709 Queen, Chas ^ ^W'l C. i WIllUMS & BARKEB, RED CROSS BREWERY, VANCOUVER, B. C. mi'fi'rrfmf mmi IMP WWW^ ■P ^^m M. ROBINSON MEBOHANT TAILOR rtVtf Sattingt BUreet, We»t, Vaneouver, Jl. C, P. J O O Cj o U <v o o U a o U 602 BRITIHH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Queen, E P 715 Boyd, Jas M 717 Vacant 719 Alcock, Mrs M J 721 Lillie, T W Scott, 8 N 735 Batnsay, Jas 741 Ponsford, Mrs Page 809 Deroaier, M 811 McDonald, Mrs A Bath, Wm Robson Street intersects. 813 Selwood, Thos 819 Johnstone, John 821 Moss, Jno 823 Taylor, G M 826 Britton, E C 829 Ireton, Jas 831 Kitt,* Ledger Arthur 833 Brown, W S 885 Walker, A E 901 Grady, J H Smithe Street intersects. 907 Shaver, N 925 Armptrong, David Armstrong, Kobt 927 Hickey, P J 929 Wolfer, Jos 936 Beaty, Jno 941 Hamblin, 'W J Nelson Street intersects. 1005 Moscrop, Thos 1017 Vacant house 1109 Bailey, Chas Bailey, Wm Bailey, Mrs M A Helmcken Street intersects. 1111 Anderson, Cbas 1121 Johnston, R J Johnston, J H 1123 Boardman, Chas 1206 Barclay, Wm Davie Street intersects, 1211 McVety, Mrs F 1213 Parker, Arthur 1239 Henry, C E McKenzie, A 1255 Frazer, A M 1301, Smith, E S Webster, D M Drake Street inierseots. 1303 Spettigue, Mrs J V Spettigue, W S 1307 Flett, M Mills, H Mills, F 1313 Steward, C F 1415 Vacant 1317 Cowdrey, Geo 1319 Davidson, Wm Davidson, Jas Davidson, A C 1321 Lang, Sarah I Lang, Artliur 1323 Peters, Chas Latham, Wm 1325 Vacant 1327 Roberts, Sam McDougall, Dan 1329 Sheehan, D W 1333 Harmer, F H East Side. Hastings Street intersects. Fender Street Intersects. 318 Cornish & Coope/ C(>rni8h, B J Cooper, Ernest Earle, Henry Wilson, Hugh Robs, David Hamer, A V Hancock, H A Morse, Arthur 512 Manley, Geo Radway, Thos Hague, W E Berb, B 620 Robertson & Haekett Graham, Thos Chester, Wm Arkle, C Reed, A Masters, Thos Clowes, John Woodworth, A B Taylor, G R Stirton, G Musgrove, A C Haugh, Thos H Bruce, Alex Cleveland, J P Taylor, W A Thomas, Sam Sharpe, K McRae, C C Irelaud, W H Barron, E Falconer, P D McRae, M Gendron, J Rumble, J Sumner, Wm Hamersley, Wm E SPILLMAN, WaU Paper, 617 Hastings St. West. :^ mk \ • F. W. HART'S for Furniture »l an* 93 COBOOVA STXBBT, TANCOVVMR, B. C. VANCOUVER CITY OIREOTORY. 608 Morrall, F 622 Fletcher. -Joshua B Cameron. G 624 Pearey, John Johnston, W A Glubb. John LauKhlin, W J Jones, Edwd Vaughan, J Parker, Jacob BobertBon, D McKenzie, Thos Mattinson, A Metcalfe, F Mathieson, Henry 626 Wilson, Geo I Feedham, Ghas 632 Brereton, B R Forsyth, John, 640 Page, Joseph Mercier, A Boas, W Smirl r T 642' Vacant GeorKta Street intersects. Smirl, F W 706 Boston Bakery, T H Mans- Graham, Wm field, prop Nixon, Sam 706 Hawkins, FG Hoffmeieter, Wm 716 Ward, John Addison, Robt 718 McDonald, W G McDonald, Wm McPhie, W H , McLeod, N Lake, Thomas Simpson, J H 722 Carlisle, J H Kaine, Ghas 724 Fire Hall No 2, Vane Fire Lyon, A B 622 Wilson, A Dept Spice, C 528 Inglis, Alex Biggar, D B Silverman, — 728 Cooper, John Burriti, Miss H Calkins, B F 530 Chinese Laundry Eussell, Andrew 534 McLeod, Norman McKinnon, Thos Blakip Walter 730 Bayley, Wm 636 Vacan.. 732 Anderson, Jas L 538 Vacant 738 Fulton, J A 542 McDonald, Geo Robson Street intersects. 646 Taylor, Bobert 816 Anderson, Ghas 548 Trudgeon, E & Go 820 Omand, John Ounsmuir Street Intenwcts. Smithe Street Intersects. 606 Straban, Francis 822 Grant, Donald 608 Vacant 826 Brand, Wm A 612 Mason, Mrs John 828 Woodrow, John Smythe, Miss B 908 Fee, Wesley Smythe, Miss E Mason. John 910 Vacant 912-14 Paull, A H Bremner 916 St Arnaud, E D Gamble, Bobt 920 Vacant McAllister, Angus Nelson Street intersects. Young, Irving Thompson, Albert Helmcken Street intersects. 1124 Crowe, S J Thompson, Wm 1J26 Chown, T Pierce Davie Street intersects. Wilson, Alex 1200-2 Webster Bros 618 Ellis, J Wesley 1214 Largen, P J Porter, James Hawkins, Fred Seiohn, John 1216 Vacant Wize, Ghas Mills, Willoughly 1232 Tupper. J H 1234 Wells, M B Whitmore, John 1236 Pendola, Mrs A 620 Miller, James F 1240 Tiddy, J E p a> o »-$ o C/3 n r > in m in X o I IS M to the RED CROSS BREWERY FOR FINE LAGER BEER if VANCOUVER. B. C. • C.F. FOREMAN, Tho VANCOUVER. B. C. i Uv E X A S L A K E I C E c o V A N C O u V E B 604 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. 1242 Vacant 1244 Feedhatn, Chas 1208 George, Wm 1246 Boyd, J R Drake Street intersects 1300 Vacant store 1.S04 Drew, H E 1806 Salloway, Alfred 1808 Vacant 1314 Wright, David B Fitzsimmons, Wm Hartley, Wm 1820 Vacant 1322 Slack, David W 1324 Grahau], Chas O 1326 McKenzie, S F 1330 French, George Dubois, Peter, Quebec Htl SHORE — North of Georgia street. North Side. Bhore Front here. Emery, Wm Davis, Mrs Clayton, Isaac Harris, Frank Stevens, Thos Gledhill, J B Morton. F C Elkins, S SIXTEENTH AVENUE. North Side. Quebec Street interBeots. Holmes, Christophet WeBtminater Avenue InterBeets. McDonald, Peter SIXTH AVENUE. Fairview- Runs east and west from West- minster avenue. Wards 4 and 6. Prince Edward street divides. North Side. 4 Marstrand, Dearing &* Mar- strand 24 Cameron, A W White, John 28 Lindsay, James 34 Cates, John A Gates, Wm E Gates, Andrew J WestmluBter Avenue interiectB. 40 Hughes, James Hill, John B Scotia Street intersectB, Dodson, Joseph Budlong, F L 58 Wagner, Alex 72 Pool, R H Duncan, H C Quebec Street InterBeota. Keefer, John G Brunswick Street Intersects. 106 Clark, W F Hebden, Harry 224 Chase, Jeremiah Mould, A J Prince Edward Street interseets. Devine, Harry T Devine, John Victr.ria Street intersects. 394 Vacant Stei^enburger, Alfred Renier, Peter S St. George Street intersects, 296 Cook, Wm Brunswick Street intersects. 468 Cook, Robt H 490 Smith, Robt 590 Maxwell, Robt E Carolina Street intersects. 694 Barnes, Frederick A Barnes, G A Boardman, S H Greer, Samuel South Side. 39 New house 41 Shurgold, Edwin 91 Owens, John J 97 Thorpe & Co Mineral Water Scotia Street Intersects. Flewelling, Wm P Quebec Street intersects. Ill Robinson, Joseph 141 Bjerre, August Peterson Miss A 225 Bowser, Frank 229 Gill, Lister 233 King, Duncan Hughes, Ernest Buriitt, Thomas Burfitt, Ben McLean, Peter Bridge Street interaectB. Prince Edward Street intersects. 303 Shotton, Allison A M "RTl A TTTE ADCTIONEEB, . APPRAISER - AND JA,. ITJ.. X»XiXA.X XXXi 6EUFRAI COMMISSION MERCHANT. CITY MARKET, VANCOUVER, B. C. wm PPHPP 3^ Drewry's Redwood Brewery, Winnipes* Drewry'* Ale and Porter Bnilda np and Strengthena the Syatem. VANCOUVEB CITY DIBECTOBY. 60i 309 Oliver, Thoi. 321 Adams, H T Victoria Street interaacts . 373 Robb, Wm 375 James, Thos C 377 Barton, John Q 379 James, Thos 381 McRae, JohnA 397 McRae 399 Abernathy, Jno W St. Qeorge Stre«t intoraeoti. 467 Ross, John F 483 Gibbons, David 487 Robertson. Hiram J Whiteley, Ed F Henning, W J Carolina Street intenecti. 571 Doering, Chas G McDermott, Patrick 709 Pugh, Samuel G 711 Vacant Moyls, Frank North, Samuel Brown, Jas Anderson, David Mackenzie, D Ash Street interiectB, Arndt, L SOPHIE, Mount Pleasant- Runs between Westminster avenue and Westminster road. Ward 5. Holland, Samuel STANLEY PARR. East Side. Avison, Henry Thomas, H Jones, H D TENTH AVENUE, Mount Pleasant — Runs east and west from Westminster avenue, Wards 4 and 6. Prince Edward street divides. North Side. Weatminster Avenue interaeots. 50 Gow, John A 52 Noble, John 70 Vacant Quebec Street intersects. 170 Babington, James B Babington, Hume B , Ontario Street intersects. 176 McKeating, P 214 Cruickshank, Geo 240 Spillett, Wm 260 Sterling, George 276 Godfrey, Wm Manitoba Street intersects. 344 Crawford, John 348 Moore, Robert VanDusen, David Columbia Street Intersects. Prior, Francis L Prior, F H Stephens, F B South Side. Vacant Temperance Hall 55 Vacant 57 Hore, Rufus 61 Aitken, Robert Leslie, J Qnebeo Street intersects. 159 Gellespie, Jas C 161 Lasson, E 165 Hicks, Valentine 191 Trimble, Ed 231 McMorran, R A Luke, Albert 251 Taylor, Fred Edward Street intersects. Vacant Myers, Lv.«rard Fonseca, J W Harris, Albert Pearson, McConvey, H Prince Edward street intersects, Mount Pleasant School Westminster Road intersects. Kauffelett, Carl DeBois Columbia Street intersects. Whiteman, E R Vacant Scott Street intersects. THIRD AVENUE, Mt. Pleas- ant, West— Runs west from Centre street to boundary, Ward 5. North Side. Vacant house Mahood, James Cfl o SEND TO THE RED CBOSS MM ^"'KT^^.^Sil'^F'^ WILLIAM RALPH, Wann Air Furnaces,"*""^^"^- VANCOUVER o H Q < P or; Oh o o CJ E o a 606 BRITIBH COLUMBIA DIRBOTORY. I South Side. StanuerB, Jaa Dal ton, Frank Vacant house, Tait, W L THIRTEENTH AVENUE, Mt. Pleasant— Runs east and west from Westminster avenue, to boundary,Ward8 4 and 5. Prince Edward street divides. North Side. Weitmlnster Avenue intenecti. Mattoclcs Brown, Wm Ingram, John A 109 Bayley, Thomas 138 Kempt, John Walden, Wm Walden, Geo Patterson, John E Sophie Street inteneots. 146 Luke, Albert Prince Edward Street Intersecti. Trudgeon, Israel Mclntyre, Malcom Somers, John 209 Norris, Mrs Mary 215 Murray, Alex, jr Brown, Samuel J Murrav, Paul Bain, i)aniel South Side. Stewart, Dpniel Lobb. Wm fc! 21 Casselman. B '? Slade, Charles Pritchard, Tno Sophie Street Intersex ts . Gerard, Alien Morgan, Yates Ihrince Edward Street intersecta. Wood, Wm H Thompson, Rev S J McGIenatben, Arthur F Whitaker, Alfred Hatch, James Urquhart, Wm THURLOW — Rubs south-west from Inlet to English Bay,Ward 1. East Side. 846 Crickmay, W Welsh, £ B Gibson, Miss Margaret Vacant Montserat, F Wright. St John Henry Wright, Thos Wright, Hy West Side. 523 Vacant Rogers, A Lee 625 McSorlev, H 527 Airey, Albert Melville Street Intenecta. Worsnop, Capt Webb, F M Tisdall, Chas E Purvis, John Robson street interaects. TWELFTH AVENUE, Mount Pleasant— Runs east and west from Westminster avenue to boundaries, Wards 4 and 5. Prince Edward street divides. North Side. Henderson, Robt K Weitmlniter Avenue InteriectR. Read, Thos Mitchell, Geo CaroUriA Street Interiecta. Dunlop, Wm S Scott Street In^ereecta. Wilson, John 36 Priestman, Geo 49 Bovyers, John 61 Dickie, Geo A 141 Armstrong, Andrew 145 Burritt, Oscar Ogilvi^, A W 203 Boult, Wlter Ontario Street Interaects. Weatmlnater Avenue Interaecta. South Side. 4 Vacant 12 Vacant 60 Withrow, Sam Quebec Street Interaecta. 106 Gavin, John J 114 Lorimer, — Ontario Street interaeeta. 202 Morrison. Thos H Clark, John 212 Rounds, Fred UIRGEST ASSORTMENT of WALL PAPER at SPILLMAN'S, Vanwr ■ Red Cl I M. ROBINSON mHOHAHT TAIIOB 6VO HmiUngt BIrett, Iftal, Vaneouvert B. O. VANCOUVER CITV DIBKCTORV. 607 VXIiNON AVENUE. Chipchase, R East Side. Sharp, C Rennie, D McNutt, J W Mowat, Chas Duke, ThoB Dunbar, Thos Duke, James McCandlish, H Gill, J H McDonald, Jno HiBtingB Street Intenecti. 8 Dunn, Thos Vanant block Simson, C Oppenheimur Street Interieot*. Vacant block Lyne, Norman Fire Hall. No 1 Hay ward, W Powell street intenecti. Clet;g, A Vacant block Jordan, Wm Hasting! Street iDterBectr. Vacant Campbell, H Evans, A G PflncesH street interaectR. Morant, J A Elliott, W Campbell, W J WATIR— Runs north-west from 26 Cyrs & Roberts 32 \fackay, G D 34 Jones, Wm R ' Carrall to junction with Cordova, Ward 2. North Side. 42 Rengel, Chas Stewart, F R 1 Canonica & Mowatt 46 McDonald, J D 5 Clay, E F 48 Johnston, R J 7 Adair, Wm Johnston, J H Jones, C H 50 Straube, V 13 Allen, Fred 56 Goldoerg, F 17 B.C. Cattle Co stables 58 Vacant 69 Lipsett, Edward 60 T^ndry, Wm 71 Holmes & Grace OR Dawson, C 73 Brown Bros 68 Jones, J R C 101 Morrison, Jas 74 Vacant Abbott Street intersects, 78 McLean & Campbell 118 Welsh Bros Abbott street intet sects. 123 Baker & Leeson 100 McLennan, A D 125 Atkins & Johnson 104 Jenkins. W M Major & Eldridge 108 Wagg, Geo 127 Prior, E G 116 McLeod, Mrs C 131 McMillan & Hamilton Angus, Thos 133 Burton, David 118 Tung Lee Britton, Frank 120 Allan, N Duval, Jno 135 TaiVo 136 Svanson & Cerolson 140 Peterson, Frank 141 Marshall, W C Mitchell, — 155 Vates & Co 160 Dalton & Thorburn 167 Dak Lee 154 Carter, L 169 On Chong Gamble Street intenecti. 175 Miller, Mrs Mary Carter, Jno L 150 Cornwall, J Coleman Wm Vincent, H J South Side. Robertson, Wm 160 Canavan, S J 2 Thompson, Saml 164 Anderson, Fred Carnall Street here.' 166 Baer, B Loseombe, Chas 168 McDowell^ Wm 6 Readings, H 170 McLennan, Finlay i Red Cross Brewery, Vancouver, B. C. p IMP T E X A S L A K £ I G £ c o V A N c o u V E B T R HARDIMAN pioneeb abt galleby I ■ IIk imilUIITInll «»» Cordova Street, Vatteouver, B. C. PRINT DSALER and SELLER, FRACTICAL CARVER, GILDER and PICTURE KRAMER. 608 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. 200 Regina Hotel 306-316 Oriental Hotel Vacant lot Sherman Chop House 332 Sherman House Vacant lot 334 Sailors' Rest Knowler «& Macaulay's ware- house 342 Baker Bros Co., Ltd 344 Vacant store 346 Vacant store Smith's restaurant Knowler & Macaulay Dawe, E & Co Lambert, Joe Gintzburger, 8 WATER FRONT. Mahoney, E C Hill, N Newton, H J Mouat, A J Shepperd, R A Woodrulf, E L Hewton, F W Tannen, J Bell, J Williams, Wm Frederickson, J Williams, Fred WESTMINSTER AVEN'JE- Runs south from Alexander to boundary. Ward 3 to Hastings, Ward 4":rom Hastings to False Creek Bridge, Ward 5 from False Creek Bridge to boundary. East SiOb. 112 Thompson, Nicholas 114 Dixon, Robert, 116 CoUister, Johri Powell Street intersects. 200 Morison, Geo C 282 Jones, C H 206 Hogg, Thos 208 Hobson, C G Hobson, G W 2i0 Urquhart, Wm 212 Fern, Samuel 214 McCrf^, .Tohn 220 Jordan, Walter Oppenheimer Strmt interse^ti . 316 Keefer, Hugh 318 Dick & Shannon 320 Hastings, T W 322 Willson, G I 324 More, Katy Suckling, A E Vacant livery stable Hastings Street intersects. 326 Tomllnson & McTiiggart 330 Hunt, Geo 424 Goudron, Mrs M Goudron, Jules 430 Hobson Bros 432 Foreman, C F Princess Street intersects, Skyes, John 600 Hogg, Alex 604 Dinsmore, Wm 612 McDonald, J B Morning, Mike 614 Airey, Wm Marcisse, John Pedder, Wra Woodward, Chas Stevenson & Rockett Stevenson, Geo Keefer Street intersects. Harris Street intersects. 700 Vacant house 716 McKenzie, Mrs A 718 Vacant bouse nernard Street intersects. 812 Spence, Thos Hamilton, Lymau Peppard, Hill Little, Wm Prior Street Intersects. 900 Clayton, Ed 904 Vacant house 906 Vacant store 926 Dockendorf , W m Dockendorf, Wm, jr 936 Mclvor, J D 942 Clark, Jos ^ Park LAne intersects. 948 Brooks, Jas 954 Vacant store 958 Fisher, Thos 962 Wha Lee 962 Jim Lee 968 Thomas, G W 97ft Vacr-.t house 972 V: ^: ".t house 976 Haldane, Adam 978 Costello. M 984 Austin, John Fisher, TUos A. M. BEi^TTIE WEEKLY MTV MABKCT VAMnOdT/CB B r« »» X4A4AAM * CITY MARKET, VANCOUT'BR, B. C F. W. HART'S FOR CARPETS CORDOVA STREET, VANCOUVER. VANCOUVER s.ITY DIKECTOKY. 609 McCaskill, F H Lifel, Chas Ciiiawell, Wm Allan, John 1502 Haldon, J P Front Street Intersects. 1514 Masters, James 1532 Shack vacant 1524 Shack vacant 1526 Vacant store 1532 Carson, John 1534 Storehouse vacant 1536 Vacant 1552 Owens, Georgt 1820 McLean, Murdock Dufferin Street iuiersects. Brenton, John 1920 Vacant Lome Street liilersocta. Lr.iis(luwne Street interseets. 2024 Stewart, A C Fifth Avenue intersects. 2026 Board man, 8 Extence, Henry 2028 Store vacant 2030 Vacant store 2114 Oanipbell, G W Sixtli .\yonue Interseets. 2ns Brydone-Jack Wm D, M.D Wpst Side. 117 Stevens, Alfred 209 Gardiner, J' Powell Street intersects. 211 Greenwood, Geo 219 Secord, Angus McKenzie, Miss M V^acant store Oppenbeimer Street intersects. 313 Vacant stpre McAlpine, Dr 325 Glandening, James 327 Vacant .329 Hunt, Lawrence Hastings Street intersect*. Market Hall Helson, J T Beattie, A M Dupont Street intersects. 501-3 Glasgow Hotel, A A Lang- ley, prop 613 Bushonc, Ivan 515 Robinson, A L 523 Chaumette, Mrs Ohaumette, E N 525 Leatherdale, Robt 553 Vacant 555 McDowell, H & Co McKelvie, A & Co Brunnette office and yard Prior Street .'itersects. 817 Law, James 905 Lockerby, Geo H 907 Dickey, Nath 913-15 Somerville, Thos 913 James, D J 919 Vacant 923 Shack vacant 929 Wilson & P-inlop 931 Pike, Simon D^.vey, Emmanuel 937 Devine's feed end wood shed 941 Vacant 943 Vacant 945 Reed, D B Donate, C Vacant shacks 1503 Dunnan, John 1529 Vacant stc e 1535 Sim, W H & Co 1537 Green, Geo 1551 Western Wire jMaitress Fac- tory • Ballard, A M 1553 Sparks & Bailey 1555 Fairburn, Mrs A Charlton, C K (rurnev Cab Co. Stables 1613 Fletcher. H F 1617 Eaves, Wm 1621 McMillan, D McMillan, Mrs D 1625 Meariis. Geo Dutferiu Street intersects. Rock Bottom Grocery Mnir, W D Lavfield, H H Mitchell, L W Knights of Pythias Clark, J L Kerfoot Samuel Webiter & Gillespie Webster. James >^o9 Mount I'leasant P O 2209 Morrow, J W 2225 DePencier, H k;i() th Avenue Interseets. 2? )1 Burritt, H D, L.L.S.D Welsh & Nightingale Welsh, Fred W Nightingale, J P o o O O :z: S I RED : CROSS : BREWERY, - VANCOWER, : B. C. ^H HI i8l \ e o o as ho p< o Q « •N o C. F. FOREMAN, Cor. WestiDster Ave. and Priflcess St 610 imiTISll COLUMBIA DIRKCTOKY. Kilby, Fred Burritt's Hall Ninth Avenue intersects. K.imloops Cattle Co Hall, John 8 Smith, George 2403 Clark, W T 2405 Hatch, A H McAllister, Jno Alcock, W G Tentli Avenue intersects. Kleventli Avenue intersects. 2607 Wilson, Win Cauker, Rich Twelfth Avenue intersects. 2705 Lobb, Thos McAllister, M'ss 2709 Williams. Chas W Ha" ward, Alfred 2713 Phillips, Chas Moodie, John Fifteenth Avenue intersects. MacDonald, Wn. Macauley, V. H W iamson, G E Findlay, James Millar, Geo A Fourteenth Avenue intersects. Thirteenth Avenue intersects. Muir, Wm D 2720 Goodmurphy, C New house WeBtminstcr Koad intersects. WESTMINSTER ROAD, Mt. Pleasant — Huns south-east from Westminstei- avenue, junc- tion of Seventh avenue to boun- dary. Ward 5 East Sid's. 12 Lobb, Thomas Ninth Avenue intersects. 06 McCluskey, G Presbyterian Church Johnson, I G 398 Pritchard, Thos Tenth Arenue inters^cit. 400 Baxter, Wm 402 Farr, John Caver, — 416 Aalbufg, Axtel 460 Murra' Mrs Kate 4C6 Vj API £t I Church 610 Shfcidahl, S Rose Hill Nursery 604 Ht.iry, M J Twelfth Avenue intersects. Wkst Sidk. 215 Wigles worth, I Cook, Fred 217 Crookaii, John Crockali, Miss J Tenth Avenue interrectii. 305 McCullough, R A 307 Williams. M H 309 McLellan, Dugald McLellan, Dan Kerfoot, Saml Matson, Anton Matsoii, David 441 Farker, F W 447 Elinh, Wm Eligh, .Tacob 449 Johnston, Jamed i 471 Ravey, James 489 Vacant WILLIAMS' B. C. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Is an Annual Publication, and furnishes Complete and Reliable Information as to the K.^"^. urces of the Province, with a FULL LIST OF Ki .S 0E> r8. Revised and Corrected up to December of each year. -I'j^ioie], S5.00 E, E- r ■■'iv'r.t~i^--\ «/. l^*<^mtJOii^ ^' ^./^uif tm. B« B> Wmjiw AMii ram -SN'.ii — w- I^VlD Wti fi ister /Rills. ^^Amf^AGTUftgir^ ^1 Split Peasl «->=- -OATS, wheat;pea^a^ l&ecl.: Wheat, > , "I • i7« Flour, Barley, Feeds^ \ !i I ; '! :ii '^. ' ^ %- ••* ■ -• i;4^B^f||ll ^a-R^ fmSi^^^*' <^''\iK:!^M: irassteJB f' '> A. G. GAMBLE, NOTARY Public. F^^t^ C- ^ - Woods, l *wd s uRveYow y VeeBS Ei SAfflBLE, m Lanil Immn, Real Estate ai Filial Aients ^^1 CONVEYANCERS. ETC. ^■ INSURANCE. ■1 Assurtincc Co., of Toronto. rtsii ranee Co., of Hartford. Hat:.ord Insurance Co., of JIartford. Scotti.sh Union and National, of Sdlnhnrgh, Scotland. New York Life Insurance Co. Travellers' Accident Insuranci* Co. Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. (.Marine). General Aqents For Westminster Slate Company, (Limited), Pitt River Stone Quarry, Gr.anite. • " Newcastle Isl;ind Sandstone. ■* Steamer " Kildonan " ,ind Scows. DV^OaSTE-Y" TO LO.A.Tsr IN : ANY : AMOUNTS : AT ■ RKASON AISLE : RATES : ■)»Sll£OOOS Sk CK7UCBL.E.«- S38 COLUMBIA STRCCT, NEW WESTMINSTER. OK : INTEREST P. O. BOX 264. HENKY Y. EDtlOMeS, P -e sldwit JOHM J. JQIIE8. Manager. A. CORDON MMBLE, Sec'y . The V/estri)in8ter Slate Gorripariy, -•^>>{UMITED.)<<^-- ^^ bUARrUES AT JERVIS INLET, B. C. 0^ii Incorporated March Igth, '»M. Capital SIOO.OOO I n Sha r es of t lO Each. 1^ &0(j ©\s — SL.A.TE EOOB'IITG Cuwpared in Cost ftnd Durability with Oilier Roofing Materials. ai;)»^V MATERIAL. Si^ej > Sl.ate ~ Ori^nal Cost per Squa e.- Tin STiV'-v). sl,;inglcs ; Galvanized Iron.... SrVjii Ciai' vanized Sliing^les $io.oo 7.00 .11.00 7.00 Annual Cost : Total Coat [ r -r per Square, per .Square.! ' *" Total Cost in 60 Ye;irs' Life Given to Slate Roof. Nil 40c. see. 4UC. 40c. $ia.oo Co years Knt>wn to have Listed over 100 years. $,ii.oo p';r square. 44.00 *' 76.00 " 59.00 1 voo 1 r.oo i.S 19.00 120 u.Ho J 12 Franie Buildings Will Carry Slate Just as Well as Shir)gles. i^^ \ coRKmsi'ONomNCE sCLiciTED. ADommss Mki The LUe-stminster Slhite Company, litd., F'^^I^J 638 COLU<WBIA STREET, . . .... Nfv WESTMINSTER, B. G. ''-Vl».V-t.\ V ■ mi M im Mi M m m^ Wi L mi ch. ! 'ii 1 11 m mi l_ m% - • 1 1 ! J. L. BROWNE, PHOTOGRAPHER, New Westminster, - B. 0. G. T. BURNETT, Member of the Pharmaceutical Societies of Great Britain and Victoria, B. C. West - End - Pharmacy, Opposite Messrs. Reid & Curries' Foundry. 746 Columbia Street, NEW WESTMINSTER, B.V. SPECIALTIBS : Blood rurifier anil certain ciinM'or Boils. Ancient hoaling ointment, used for nioiv than L'OO yearn. Infallible remedy for Worms. Ancient healinji Oils for all recent wounds in MAN or BK.VST and the far famed Pectoral or Cough Drops. ll' ' Parnell & GUNN (Successors to A. DesBRISAY.) f bbiilc and Rftiiil Grori Headquarters for Swain & Murchie's Bread. \\n ALSO ItEAI.KUS IN OHOICK BLENDKH TKAS. BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES IN THE CITY. COLUMBIA ST., OPPOSITE G.P.R. STATION, NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. p. O. Box 405. Telephone 74. Western Fistienes & Trading Co ==^ r.I MIT KU, ---=----- WlIOLKSALK AND Exi'ORT Fish and Game Merehants Fups and Skins Bought and Sold. Fresh and Salt Salmon a Specialty. Dock and Warehouses, Front St. Freezer and Ice Houses. Lulu 1*. n. U()\ 4411. f;. NEW WESTMINSTER, B.G. THLKrHONK XO. (>. 24 -■"■ti'iT'"' ""•" ■■i^'^ ^'-^''^'r?'~-irx^ •• ■ jf" ' THE LEADING BICYCLE FIBM. Vj THERE ARE NO "CYCLES MADE SUPERIOR TO THE ->i CATALOGUES FREE. Centaur, Premier, AND Raglan and very few approach them in Speed, Design, Durability and Finish. World's novice one mile record, L'.'28 ; world's twenty-live mile road record, ()! niiuutes ; live mile N.C.I', championship ; nine-tenths of all English Chal- lenge Cups, and thousands of other races won on these machines. ■li We want res popsilile pns Mng merchants or others to re- preseiit lis at e very imp r- taut pint ill B.C. E.C.HILL, Mgr. 'Cyole Dept. GEO. F. BOSTWICK, Canadian Representative, 24 Front Street, W, = ToRONTO. ( -' (■• WlSMlPifr^ XAir., sad - GRANtap^S^ - YANcouyii, B» a Miiiifl^ Sim > fV «ll , tlll! t«lM I"%/' . Foil aoi^j of l4|iiiiwr1Knii»E^ Tnuwformert, Siritehei, ete., ttc. trrricd j^ idt'lr%di ttona, AddieMall oonwi^oiideiMe to the Oomi^y ;.^^ mmsmomx i^^mAMt. •-V,?''f Mi**-. t«fV>* Otttiatmlt. ijAj|>#Bld Woiid. Ktftor'H '>-• •-• ♦ trr V* ' » ' •■ ;• ■■,• • • • ■*•■* •'•*■* ^V Wff ■■ y- ! vr^y* •,'■• * ".« • ♦■•■••• •; • r«i*«... • • •■•. •m*^*' - Ifi'i.iV*. ••.._•.'•»».•..■•• •••i.'*>»^.'^««Iulttil|L.: fJEf 'V •••*'» • i • • -M » • • • ' 'V p4"(^» ?'».»-j-*- '•> •"•♦■••• ^•-'•A'** ♦•■•"••-• • » *■ • •'•,•.♦ •tA\*^^' ! ■ •'v^^iS^ifiiL' -^-ii <f ^v,»?t y-w*'* %••'•' \ I Mfti ui?ii WOODS ^ GAMBLE mm^^ 538 COLUMBIA STR«:F.T, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. NEW WH8TMINBTER CITY DIRECTORY. Gil NEW WESTMINSTER. New Westminster is well called the Ro' al City. Those who are re- sponse ole for the nomenclature were sani? uine that the name was not too pre.«ntiou8, realizing, as thev did, tbd unlimited resources of ttie dis- t/ict in which their fair city was cradled. And that their expectations have )0 far been justified, no one who has watched the (growth of New Westminster will dispute. Within the past dozen years what was then little better than a hamlet has grown into a city, the population of which, according to last official census, was 6^641. This figure has increased con- siderably since that date, and is every 3^ear being still further swelled. There is ever a large floating popula- tion in New Westminster, the sur- rounding country being well settled, and trade is brisk, though of a fluc- tuating character. For instance, when the canneries are in full swing, during the flshing season, an im- mense business is done. Mining op- erations, when active, also affect the Boyal City beneflcially ; but her per- manent and ever increasing indus- tries, chief among which are lumber and milling, are those which are mainly depended upon. New Westminster is charminglv situated on the north bank of the Fraser river, fifteen miles from the mouth, and is the headquarters of the salmon canning industry. The Fraser is the most important river in British Columbia. Not alone is it navigable for a very considerable dis- tance, but it flows through one of the richest agricultural, timber and min- ing districts in the country. A large fleet of steamers do a lively business on the ' river, making regular com- munication with all important points, and also keeping up a steady service with Vancouver, Victoria, Nanaimo, Portland, etc. It is the fresh water terminus of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and the western ter- minus of the Great Northern. With the latter system it is connected by the New Westminster Sf^'uhern (a road which owes its exist*, ace to the energy and enterpriseof the citizens), thus affording direct railwav com- municat'on with Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, San Francisco, and the whole American railway system east and south. An electric tramway con- nects New Westminster with Van- couver, the twelve miles intervening being accomplished in less than an hour. The line is energetically worker', ^nd will no doubt be consid- erably < i.arged as increased traffic warrants the extension. With that liberality characteristic of t;.e people they have handsomely bonused an enterprise for spanniug the Fraser, opposite the city, by means of a sub- stantial union traffic bridge. The citizens have voted a sum of $250,000 for this object, and the Provincial Government have guaranteed the in- terest on same for seven years, so that work will be pressed forward without delay. Over this bridge will run the Northern Pacific and Great Northern trains, and this will more than ever make the Royal City the great commercial centre which she aspires to be. New Westminster enjoys an excel- lent and abundant supply of water — ample for domestic, commercial and fire protection purposes, xne source of supply is Co^uitlam Lake, distant about twelve miles, and as this great sheet of water is at an riltitude of some 435 feet, the gravitation system T, J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Faints, Oils and A^ricnltnral Imleients. Columbia Street, NBW WESTMINSTER, B. C. i ?:• - 'IS ■M^' Safes and Vault Doora. Canadian Fire Ina. Co., The '^.ondon ft Canadian Ltd, The Federal_Life Aaa. Co., The J. ft J Taylor, T S A N A ]sr D A L E L. J. COLE ^Ti^:^: . _. lora. Secretary of the Royal City BuildinK Society, Secy-Treaa. of the Standard Loan and Savlnga Co. NEW WKSTMINSTER, B. C. ayli oft G R O C E R N E W W E S T M I ]sr 8 T E R B C 612 BRITIBH COLUMBIA DIRROTORY. is used in conveying the precious liquid. The works, costing in tlie neighborhood of !(i500,000, are the property of the city, and j)rove a valuable asset. A capital sewerage system and eflS- cient sanitary inspection tend to nialie Westminster an exceptionally healthy quarter, wliile its public men are ever alive to the interests of the city, and are indefatigable in their exertions to pn^mote its welfare. The buildings, public and private, are such as wouli be a credit to any community — indeed the casual ob- server has been heard to hint that this particular feature has been over- done. But tiiose who make the place their home, those who have a sub- stantial stal.e in tiie place, know better, and the willingness with which they invest their hard cash is an undoubted proof of their faith in the stability of the city of the Fraser. The streets are well kept, well drained and well lighted, all being done with a thoroughness and econ- omy highly creditable to the city fathers. Being e.i&y of access from all parts of the province, New West- minster has been selected as the site for many of the more important pro- vincial institutions, including the Penitentiary, Lunatic Afeylur, , Cen- tral Prison, Court House, etc. The Public Library is a fine building, and is as liberally patronized as it is well stocked witli literature. It is lighted throughout by electricity, as are also all the more important building. Westminster is also a cathedral ci ;/. All the religious denominations ( re well represented, as are the varii us fraternal and benevoleat societit s. There are three fire halls we:l equipped with modern appliances, and m charge of Chief T. Ackerman, and an efficient brigade. Westminster City Council and Offi- cers, 1803. The election of Mayor and ten ald- ermen takes place annually, on the first Monday in December. The council meets once a week at the City Hall for the dispatch of business. The board is composed as follows : Mayor: — D. S. Curtis. Aldermen : — Ward 1, Jos. Jagger and Jas. Cunningham; Ward 2, A. M. Herring and Thos. Owens ; Ward 3, Thomas R. Pearson and Wm. A. Duncan; Ward 4l Thos. GiflTordland Jas. Lord ; Ward 5, Wm. H. Keary and Geo. Mackenzie. Offickus:— City Clerk and Collec- tor, D Robson; Treasurer an<l Assess- ment Commissioner, W. T. Cooksley; City Eneineer, Wm Noot : City Solic- itors, Corbould, McColl, Wilson & Campbell ; Auditor, C. G. Major; Police Magistrate, T. C. Atkinson ; Chief Officer, William Huston ; Ser- gent, John Carty; Lock-up keeper, A. G. Smith. There are also seven police constables. Waterworks : — Engineer, A. E. Hill, C.E. ; Commissioners, J. C. Armstrong, W. A. Duncr.n and Geo. Turner, C.E. Source of supply, Co- quitlam Lake, distant fourteen miles. Fire Dsi'artmext : — C hief, T. Ack- erman. There are three fire halls, No. 1 on Columbia street opposite Lytton Square; No. 2 on Royal avenue, near Sixth street; No. 3 on Front street at foot of Begbie street. Board of Trade. Pre i lent, T. J. Trapp; Vice-Pres- ident, John Wilson; Secretary -Treas- urer, D. Robson. Council: C. E. Woods, E. A. Wyld, C. G. Major, W. H. Keary, John Reid, D. J. Munn, W. A. Duncan, D. S. Curtis ; Secre- tary, D. Robson. Libraries. Public Library and Reaoins Room, Columbia street, near Postoffice, free. Y. M. C. A., corner Columbia and Church streets. Reading room free ; circulating library for use of mem- bers only. St. Patrick's Hall Library, Co- lumbia street, free. Open each even- ing from 7 to 9. Sundays from 2 to5. Several of the local societies have reading rooms and libraries for the use of members and their friends. Hospitals. Royal Columbian, at Sapperton, was established in 1852. It is non- W. E. F ALES, Fumiture Dealer and Undertaker p. O. Box s8. ColnmbU St and Cor. Agnea and McKensle. Sts, New Weatmlnater, B. C. ladlan ■ Rvlor. I i ■ m SB MlMli.! ' ■ mw^ WOODS & GAMBLE, FINANCIAL AGENTS. 538 COLUMBIA STREET, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. NEW WB8TMIN8TBR CITY DIRECTORY. 613 denominational. An order for ad- mission must be signed by two mem- bers of the board. St. Mary'h, under tlie charge of the Sisters of Charity of Providence, is situated at the corner of Agnes and Merivale streets. It affords accom- moilation for 50 patients, and is free to all. Patients are permitted to select their own physicians. Postoffice. Postmaster, J. C. Brown ; Assistant O. E. Darling. Wicket delivery from 9 a. m. to 7 p.m. Money order office and Savings bank, daily from a. m. to 4 p.m. The office is closed on Sundays. For Poatofflces in the Province, see page 27. For Money Order Offices in the Pro- vince, see page 27. For Telegraph Offices in the Pro- vince, see page 22. For Postal Kates, see page 24. Banks and Bankers. For a list of banks and bankers throughout the Province, see page 30. Churches. Church of England — Holy Trinity Cathedral, Rt. Rev. Bishop Sillitoe, D.D. ; Rev. H. Irwin, M.A., and Rev. H. H. Gowen. St. Mary's Church, Sapperton, Rector, the Venerable Archdeacon Woods. St. Paul's Reformed Episcopal Church, John street, (opposite Orange Hall) Pastor. Rev. Dr. Reid, Rev. T. Haddon. St. Peter's Pro-Cathedral, corner Blackwood and Columbia streets. Rt. Rev. Paul Durieu, O.M.I. , Bishop of New Westminster. Rev. J. M. Fayard, O.M.I., Vicar-General. Rev. M. Ouellette, O.M.I. , Pastor; Rev. F. Jayol, O.M.I. ; Rev. A. Donten- ville, O.M.I. ; Rev. M. Morgan, O.M.I. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, corner Carnarvon and Blackwood streets. Pastor, Rev. Thos Scouler. Presbyterian Church West, corner Sixth avenue and Twelfth streets, for morning service, and Knox Church, corner Columbia and Sherbrooke sts., Sapperton, for evening services. Rev. W. G. Mills, B.A., and Rev. W. R. Ross. Baptist Church, Agnes street, east of Mary street. Rev. J. H. Best, pastor. Central Methodist Church, Sixth street. Revs. T. W. Hall, T. D. Pearson, and H. L. Louering. West End Methodist Church, Sixth avenue, near Twelfth street. Pastor, Rev. J. P. Hicks. For complete clerical directory, see pages 17 to 21. Dominion and Provincial OfTicials. For Dominion and Provincial offi- cials in New Westminster, see pages 6 to 15 Clubs. Westminster Club. — Columbia st. President, G.D. Brymner ; Vice-Pres- ident, A. J. McColl; Secretary, J. S. C. Eraser. Transportation. Railway. — Canadian Pacific Rail- way to Vancouver, (distance 25 miles) three times daily, calling at and mak- ing connection with the eastern and western express trains at Westmin- ster Junction, nine miles ; the South- ern Railway and the Westminster and Vancouver Electric Tramway. Steamer. — The Canadian Pacific Navigation Compy's steamers ply tri- weekly to Victoria and way ports ; also to Hope and Chilliwack. There is regular fortnightly service from Stan- ley docks ; semi-weekly to Nanaimo, Vancouver, Coraox, etc. ; daily between city and Ladner 's ; a ferry ser- vice to South Westminster (Surrey) hourly ; and to all important points. The Westminster and Vancouver Tramway Company, Limited. — The New Westminster- Vancouver Tram- way which connects New Westmins- ter and Vancouver, gives an hourly service, and is one of the best equipped electric lines in the coun- try. The company was incorporated in the year 189i), with a capital stock of $1,000,000. Work was begun in the same year, and completed in August, 1891. Since the time th') road was opened to traffic it has been most liberally patronised, the public l-H o X H to > '-' I" to w ^ B H ^^ > a Ti :^ L J. TRAPP & CO.. Hardware, Paints, Oils and Aisricnltnral Iiplements. Golnmbia Street, NEW WE8TMINSTBB, B. C. s A N A N D A L E G R O C E R E W W E S T M I S T E B B C AND MACHINE WORKS! U14 BKiriHU COLUMBIA OIRECTOKY. fully appreciating the excellent, safe and Bpeedy service provided. The line is fitted up with 40 pound i»teel "T" mils, and is splendidly ballasted throughout. The cars travelling at a high rate of speed glide over the gooil and even road bed with very little oscillation, which is a source of great comfort and pleasure to travelers, not often found on an electric road. The power house is situatu about three miles from Westmiii'ror, on the way to Vancouver, and i^ at pre- sent equipped with four bi-p^lar dy- namos, two of 200 horse-p'j v.er capa- city, and two of 160 hmso-power, besides all the other necCHJiiry equip- ments for the running of a first-class system. The company have ten cars in use. Six of these are large and comfortable, being especially pro- vided with ' double trucks for the through service, four have 50 horse- power electrical equipment, and three, including the baggage car, have (iO horse-power motors. There are seventeen miles of road in operation. During the past year the company have completed a short line exten- sion of about three miles between New Westminster and the power house, whereby the distance to Van- couver is reduced by three miles. A still further extension of the electric tramway to connect these cities with the magnificent farming lands of Lulu Island, is projected, and will ixiaterialize in the near future. The o'Bcers of the company are: Presi- 'Jent, D. Oppenhemier; Vice-presi- dent, B. Do '^B•, Secretary-Trea- surer, P. N, 1 ; Traffic Manager, G. F. Gibso VEXj. BY THE PALATIAL STEAMERS OF Ik : CaDaiian : Facile : Navi -lilMIXBD- VICTORIA, Manager, General Agent, Assistant Manager, Gen'l Passenger Agent, Secretary to Manager, - B. C. JOHN IRVING G. A. CARLETON F. W. VINCENT C. S. BAXTER J. G. PULLINGER Abbott, :! Lunatic AbercroDil Laidlaw land Ackernian fire dept Adams, Pi Dock squ Adams, hi Eighth I Adams, Go Twelfth Adams, Jol Adams, Mill, res . Adamson, 1020 Thir Adamson, Third aye ■^tna Insnr Columbia Ailes, Emi hotel Ainsworth, bia, res 80 Allen, Alfn Doherty, i Allen, Chas, Allen, Edwa cord Allen, G F, Aljen, GG, Allen, Thog, Allison, Wi: , B.C, res 67 Anderson, Market Ancient Ord< sec'y W. E. FAIE8,FnmitnreDealeraiid Undertakerl t. J. Tfim P. O. Box 58. Columbia St. and Cor. Agnes and McKensle Sts., New Weatminater, B. C,| ^5S tl»>«|l»>«'>W J^m'Vt.mf. , 538 COLUMBIA STREET Naw Weatminstar, B. C. NEW WK8TMIN8TER CITY DIHEOTORY. 615 NEW WESTMINSTER CITF DIRECTORY. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. (FOR STREET DIRECTORY, SEE END OF LIST.) Abbott, Alexander, plumber, Prov. Lunatic Aayluin, ren 839 Koyal ave AbercroDtbie, Alex, night watchman, Laidlaw'a Cannery, res Cumber- lantl Ackerman, Theron, chief engineer, fire dept, res 234 Seventh Adams, Peter, stevedore, res shack, Dock square Adams, David, delivery man, res 99 Eighth Adams, George.grocer, 27 Eighth, res Twelfth Adams, John, carpt, 146 Columbia Adams, J, millhand, Brunette Saw Mill, res Leopold Place Adamson, D H, clerk, 8 H Webb, res 1020 Third ave Adamson, W T, surveyor, res 1020 Third ave iGtna Insurance Go'y of Hartford, 688 Columbia Ailes, Emily, waitress. Occidental hotel Ainsworth, John, bookseller, Colum- bia, res 80 Eighth Allen, Alfred, tailor, Campbell & Doherty, res 52 Sixth Allen, Chas, fmr, res Sixth ave Allen, Edward, purser, str Bon Ac- cord Allen, G F, mechanic, 513 Front Allen, G G, millhand, R. C. P. Mills Allen, Tho?, contractor, 802 Brunette Allison, William, accountant. Bank B.C. res 671 Third ave Anderson. Alex, fish dealer. City Market Ancient Order Foresters, J C Digby sec'y Anderson, Alex, baker, res 230 Sixth Anderson, Andrew, cook, Royal Col- umbian Hospital, res 806 Colum- bie Anderson, A, watchman, C.P.N. wharf, res Odd Fellows' bldg Anderson, Emily, waitress. Depot hotel Anderson, Hilda, domestic, T J Arm- strong, 93 Sixth Anderson, James, fishmonger, Rus- sell house Anderson, Jas. mgr Western Fish- eries & Trading Co, res 825 Fourth ave Anderson, Maggie, tailoress, Camp- & Doherty, res Sixth Anderson, Martin, res Columbia Anderson, R, night watchman, Prov Lunatic Asylum Anderson, R F, hardware (Camp- bell & Anderson), res 714 Royal ave Anderson, W, millhand, R. C. P. Mills Anderson, Wm, car inspector, C.P.R, res 100 Tenth Andrzejewski, J W, prop City Brew- ery, res 755 Agnes . Ankers, John, water inspector, 902 Columbia Annandale, T S, grocer, etc, Col- umbia, res 629 St. George Annandale, T S, assistant, T S An- nandale Antwerp, Van W F, locomotive engi- neer, C.P.R, res 249 Sixth Arbuckle, Mathew, chief engineer, Btr Transfer Archibald, Alex, teamster, res Cum- berland Archibald, Alex, driver, New Van- couver Co"! Co'y, res Sapperton T. J. TRAPP & COm Hardware, Paints, Oils anil Agricnltnral Golambla Street, NBW WESTMINSTER, B. C. !i :i iiil ppffppi DUPOHf BLOCK, L. J. COLE COLUHBIA STREET, NEW W: Hot try Puhlic, Oonveyaneer, A.eeount( Jtentt mnd Aeeounta Settled. TIUK'STER, B. C. »t an<f AMiitort ISataiee Mar.affed. T S A N N A N D A L E ^3 •^ s G R O C E R E W W s T M I S T. E B B C 616 BRITIbH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Archibald, Wm, apprentice at Van- stone's.res Sixth street cor Seventh ave Archibald, Wm, contractor, 620 Sixth Archibald, J M, contractor, res cor Sixth Armour, Samuel, book agent, res 233 Seventh Armstrong, A J, contractor, res 710 Agnes Armstrong, J K, laborer, 64!^ Colum- bia Armstrong, M J C, Merrivale Armstrong, Mrs E J, /es 710 Agnes Armstrong, R W R, compositor, Com- merfiil Printing Co, res St. Mary Amtatrong, Thomas J, sheriff, Court Pxouse, res 93 Sixth Armstrong, T, millhand, R. C. P. Mills Armstrong, W G, tailor. Provincial Jail, res Agnes Armstrong, W J, res 94 Sixth Armstrong, W L, shingleman. Bru- nette Mills, res 701 Columbia Ash, Samuel, millhand. Brunette Saw Mill, res Columbia Atkins, Richard, guard, B.C. Peni- tentiary, res Keary Atkinson, T C, police magistrate. City Hall, res Third ave Atkinson, T C, barrister and solicitor (police magistrate) Masonic block, Lome, res 1010 Third ave Austin, Charles, carpt, Turnbull & Working^ res Eighth Aiistin, Chas R, oarpt, ros 346 Eighth Austin, W R, fmr, Columbia cor of Austin rd Ayling, H, engin<)er, res Fifth ave Bailey, M, city scavenger. City Hall, res Auckland Baker, B, elk. Woods & Gamble, res Queen's hotel Baker, Mrs Jennie, bakery and con- fectionery, 449 Columbia Baker, Capt Richard, master mariner> str Edgar Baker, Wm, driver, Mrs Baker, res 449 Columbia Ballantyne, J B, salesman, 626 Col- umbia, res Agnes Balmain, — , engnr, res Begbie blk Baine, O, contr, res Mc^'att ave, Darcy, A F, E Wyld, mngr, D Brym- Band Hall, Royal bandmaster Bank of B. C, A 540 Columbia Bank of Montreal G ner, mgr, 630 Coh mbia Bennett, J D, watchmaker. (12 Col- umbia, res 42 Mary Banton, F W, butcher. City Market Barber, H C, millhand, res 701 Col- umbia Barberry, M, factory hand, res 701 Columbia Barclay & McGregor, boot and shoe store, 21 Eighth Barclay, D, elk, res 629 Eighth Barclay, W G, millhand, R.C.P.Mills Barnes, Jas, cabinetmaker, res 212 Ninth Barreau, M, engineer, str Gipsy, R.C.P.Mills Ba rrett^ Geo E, cpntr, res Emory Barwiok, Henry, ins agt, rooms 17 and 18 Dupont blk, res 233 Sixth Batchelor & Quine, B.C. Milling Co, Front Batchelor, J D, (Batchelor & Quine), B.C. Milling Co, Front, res 68 Biackie Batt, R H, poundkeeper. City Hall, res Thirteenth Bawler, P. electrician, Electric Power lioiTse, res Queen's hotel Piiylies, Joseph Nicholas, bricklayer, res Sixth Bayard, Frank, cigarmaker. Mainland Cigar Facty, res Queen's hotel Bayley, Rev H E, Methodist mnstr, res Keary B.C. MiUing A Feed Co, Front, Batchelor & Quine, proprs Beadle, Wm, bricklayer, res 350 Second Beal, Harry, engnr, res 21 Hospital Beaton, J, fmr res 513 Front Beattie, Jas, plumber, Cunningham Hardware Co, res 1022 Quebec Beaupion, Moses, saddler, res Depot hotel Bebb, E H, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Beer, A J, bank clerk, res 169 Second Beer, E L, teller B. of M, 630 Colum- bia, res Queen's ave Beer, James, grocer and cooper, res 770 Columbia Beggs, John, tailor, res 413 Eighth Bell, Hartle, tailor, Capbel I & Doher- ty, res Holbrook house, Front W. E. FALE8, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker P> O. Box s8^ ColamMa St. and Cor. Acnea and McKmisI* Sta., Now Weatninotar, B^ C. BeU-I impo Bell, J hotel Bell, Eight Bell, M Bell, Re Bell, R res Pr Belyea, Bendle, res 35( Bennett, mill, r Bennett, Bennett, res Eig Bennett, res Ten Benson, J Benson, Sixth a Bentley vincial ] Berreau, 1 254 Ten I Best, Esth Best, Hug] Best, Jami Best, Jose Best, Rev res 701 1 Best, Robe Best, Sam I Best, Saml perton Biartz, W Albert Ci Biggins, Sa Twelfth BUlodeai ^ res 645 Ai Bmden, h, mill, res / Bishop of N „ A W SillK Black, Jas, res 1130 F Blackburn, _ Agnes Blaokie. J 603 Front Brackman «j Dock. Froi Blackburn, Sawmill Blair, Miss, t ;_ ■<f.j i x s J Sf : n f ^ 538 COLUMBIA STREET New Wtstmlrster. B. C. NEW WESTMINSTER CITY DIRECTORY. 617 Bell'IrvingTt Patterson & Co, importers and shipping agts, Front Bell, Joseph, chief cook, Guichon hotel Bell, Obadiah, wheelwright, res 31 Eighth Bell, Mrs Olive, res Sixth ave Bell, Robt, cpntr, res 781 Princr ^s Bell, K B, drug elk, Macpherson's, res Princess Belyea, Harry, tmstr, res 836 Agnes Bendle, '.Vm, glazier, B.S.M. Co, res 360 Columbia Bennett, G, millhand, Brunette saw- mill, res Hospital Bennett, J D, jeweller, res 34 Sixth Bennett, Joseph, boxmaker, B.S.M. res Eighth ave Bennett, Karl, barber, 629 Columbia, res Tenth Benson, B, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Benson, Hy Christian, labr, 1033 Sixth ave Bentley, R J, M.B, med supt Pro- vincial Lunatic Asylum Berreau, M, engnr, R.C.P. Mills, res 254 Tenth Best, Esther, dressmaker, res Eighth Best, Hugh, tmstr, res Brunette Best, James, res Brunette Best, Joseph, teamster, res Brunette Best, Rev John H, Baptist minister, res 701 Fourth ave Best, Robert, teamster, res Brunette Best, Samuel, teamster, res Brunette Best, Saml, fmr, 513 Front, res Sap- perton Biartz, William, gardener, res 45 Albert Cres Biggins, Samuel, contractor, res 635 Twelfth Billodean, PO, prop Depot hotel, res 646 Agnes Binden, H, machinist. Brunette Saw- mill, res 701 Columbia Bishop of New Westminster, Rt Rev A W Sillltoe, res 360 Carnarvon Black, Jas, cashier, C.P.R. station, res 1130 Fife Blackburn, Robt, laborer, res 874 Agnes Blackie, J M, wines,liquor8,cigarB, 608 Front Brackman & Ker's Wharf, Stanley Dock, Front E of Sixth Blackburn, R, millhand, Brunette Sawmill Blair, Miss, typewriter, res 62 Sixth Blair, Miss Susie, typewriter, 40 I^orne, res Mary Blakely, Geo, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Blakely, JS,engr, R.C.P. Mills, rp.a 346 Eleventh Blaker, R C, auctioneer, Columbia, Curtis blk, res Burr blk Blee, Arthur, cigar maker, res Vic- toria Blee, W, bootblack, McKenzie, res Victoria Bloomfleld, Chas (Bloomfield & Son) res 742 Royal ave Bloomfield, Miss Dorothy, music teacher, res 243 Fourth ave Blomfield, F C, clerk, Bank Mon- treal, res 243 Fourth ave Bloomfield, H & Son, stain and leaded glass manfr, res 742 Royal ave Bloomfleld, H, (Bloomfleld & Son) res 742 Royal ave Blood, Walter, barber, Frank De Grey's, res 421 Agnes Board of Trade, Pres, T J Trapp, Sec, D Robson Boggs, Dr, physician and surgeon, res 66 Sixth Bole, W Norman, Judge County Court, Court House, res 409 Agnes Bolte, H, porter, Hoi brook hotel Bond, Jas, teamster, res 228 Ninth Bonson, Mrs L F, res 215 Carnarvon Boodie, W, lineman, electric power house, res 621 Columbia Borrie, James, gardener, res 320 Royal ave Borrie, Robert, brickmaker, res 320 Royal ave Beshimo, R, millhand, R.C.P. Mills L )urne, Fredk, agent News-Adver- tiser, office Begbie blk, res 730 Royal ave Bourne, F, book-keeper. Common- wealth Printing and Book-binding Establishment, res Agnes Boutilier, F & Co, fish dealers. Market wharf, Front Boutilier, Francis, (Boutlier & Co) res 321 Columbia Bowen, G E, conductor, res 608 Co- lumbia Bowers, Wm, labr, res Cosmopolitan hotel Bowler, P T, city electrician. City Hall, res Queen's hotel Bowman, J R, reporter, Columbian, res 443 Agnes ii^ 9? its ! 1 !-]:'-' m T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Paints, Oils anH AiEricnltaral Mplenieflts. Columbia Street, NBW WBSTMINSTEB, B. C. . . I I \ ■ WESTMIIISTEe FOUIIDBy Alio MACIE ims %^ woci T S A X N A N D A L E G R O C E R ]N' E W W E S T M I S T E B B C 618 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Box, Duncan, police constable, res 321 Columbia Boyard, Frank, cigar maker, res Queen's hotel Boyce, Alec, horseshoer, res Victoria Boycotte, W H, shorthand teacher, res Fourteenth Braokett, J A, marble cutter, Colum- bia, res 349 Twelfth Brackman & Ker MilliugrCo, millers, hay and feed dealers, 543 Front Branchley, A, porkpacker, res 313 Third avenue Bray, Mrs, dressmaker, 624 Colum- bia, res Eighth Bray, D W, night watchman, res 424 Eighth Bray, D W, jr, carpt, res 424 Eighth Brav, G H, janitor. Court House, res 246 Second Breadner, R, millwright, res 1302 Fifth ave Bremen, Wm, labr, res Cosmopolitan liotel Brennan, J S, millhand, R.C.P. Mills r-enchley, Wm, upholsterer, Winte- mute Bros, res Twelfth Brewster, G W, canneryman, res 143 Wellington Brown, W R, millhand. res R.C.P. Mills Bride, Harvey, hack driver, res 99 Eighth Brighouse, Mrs, rjs Agnes Briggs, T L, mgr, C.P.N. Co, res 248 Royal ave Brine, A J, dry goods clerk, 627 Col- umbia, res Third ave Brine, George, drv goods clerk, 627 Columbia, res 'fhird ave Brimey, Mr, mechanic, res 2 Keary Broad, Frank, butcher, Front, res 239 Fourth ave Broad, F, butcher, 609 Columbia, res Sixth ave Brodie, — , lime worker, Electric Light Works, res 836 Agnes Brodie, W, electrician. Electric Light Works, rea Central hotel Brook, C H, Customs (temporary), res Begbie blk Brooke, Herbert, clerk to superin- tendent. Court House, res Begbie blk, Columbia Brookes, Ed W, machinist, res 222 Fourth ave Brown, A, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Brown, Arthur, setter, B.fe.M. Co, res Cumberland Brown, Geo, fisherman, res shack, bank North Arm Brown, C E C, dental surgeon, res 245 Fourth Brown, C H, res Men-hants' hotel Brown, Harry, labr, T J Trapp's, res 413 Agnes Brown, James, millhand, B.S.M. Co, res Harvey Brown, Miss Jennie, milliner, at Harvey's, res Queen's hotel Brown, Jno C, postmaster, res cor Fourth St and Third avf Brown, Jno, fishernan, res 1121 Co- lumbia Brown. Joseph, gene -al merchant, res 420 Eighth Brown, J L, photographer, Colum- bia, res Eighth Brown, J, butcher. City Market, res Cloverdale Brown, Lou, sailor, res Merchants' hotel Brown, Miss, milliner, 604 Columbia, res Queen's hotel Brown, Miss M S, teacher, Boys' Public School, res 2115 Fourth Brown, Owen, fireman, 8. S. William Irving, C.P.N. Co Brown, William, drayman, res 757 Carnarvon Bruce, Henry, c^rpt, res 830 Agnes Bruce, Henry, labr. Royal Columbia Hospital, res 801 Columbia Brumskill, Mrs AM, res 227 Royal ave Brnnette Saw Mill Co, Sapperton Bryan, Alfred, drv goods store, Col- umbia, res 663 Third ave Bryan, Clara, housekeeper, 663 Third ave Bryan, George, dry goods store, Col- umbia, res 663 Third ave Bryan, John, rea 663 Third ave Brydone-Jaok, A C, barrister, etc Curtis blk, Columbia, res 92 Eighth Brymner, G D, mgr Bank of Mon- treal, res Park Row Bryson, J S, teamster, Ontario Bryson, J 8, stableman, R.C.P Mills res Ontario Bryaon, Melville, millhand, res On- tario Buchanan , Mrs res 4 Keary Buck, J J, 8teamfltter,VanBtons'8, res Cosmopolitan hotel Bucklam ave Buckley, ave Buckley, Budd.Jo] ave Buie, Jo] block Bullen, I Second Burr, Bei tiary, 52 Burdew, A oarvon Bu-dew, J Cirnarvc Bi'vess, c res Richi Burgess, H ^ res Richr Burke, Bei Bomaby Lome, PI collector Bur 3, E, c< 74 Sixth Burns, T, ni Burnett, Dj cor Prince Burnett, E, res Colum Bomett, ( „ 746 ColuD Burnett, H . keeper Cu Burpee, F \^ res Armsti Burr, B, gua Burr, George Hardware Burr, Joseph ^ res 633 Cui Burr, W H, ] Burrard Inlei Telephone block, Co manager Byrne, >, fn ^ifth and 8 Caddeli, D, m Ca ahan, Geoi Calbick, Anni Columbia, W. E. FALE8, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker I r. j. trapp p. O. Box s>. Colombia St. and Cor. Akbm and McKcnsie Sta., Naw Wtstmlnator, B. C. C WOCiS * k GAMBIE, FINANOIAL A0ENT8. KJ U/ \j COLUMBIA STREET, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. NEW WESTMIK8TER CITY DIRECTORY. 619 Buckland, KGbt, builder, 233 Founh ave r Buckley, Mrs A B, res 1006 Royal ave Buckley, Eli, apprentice. Mainland Cigar Factory, res 134 Royal ave . Budd, John, fisherman, res 1023R oval ave Buie, John, Customs officer, Begbie block Bullen, R G, elk, Bank B.C. res 169 Second Burr, Benjamin, guard at Peniten- tiary, 526 Columbia Burdew, Aaron, teamster, res 763 Car- narvon Bu'-dew, Joseph, teamster, res 763 Carnarvon Ei'^^ess, Geo, millhand, B.S.M. Co, res Richmond Burgess, Henry, millhand, B.S.M.Co res Richmond Burke, Bert, porter. Queen's hotel Bumaby Munioipalityj office 46 Lome, Philip Alexander, clerk and collector Bur 1, E, contractor. Burns' blk, res 74 Sixth Burns, T, miller, res 1029 Fourth a Burnett, David, laborer, Sixth a. cor Princess Burnett, £, box maker, B.S.M. Co, res Columbia Bnmett, George T, druggist, etc, 746 Columbia, res 231 Second Burnett, H J A, secretary and book- keeper Currie & Reed, Ves Fifth ave Burpee, F W, patternmkr, 321 Front res Armstrong Burr, B, guard B.C. Penitentiary Burr, George, tinsmith, Cunningham Hardware Co, rea Columbia Burr, Joseph, guard Provincial Jail, res 633 Cunningham Burr, W H. Burr blk, res Columbia Burrard Inlet and New Westminster Telephone Co'y, Ajrmstrong- Young block, Columbia, G C Hodge local manager Byrne, P, fmr, res Fourteenth bet Fifth and Sixth ave Caddell, D, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Calahan, George, elk, res 835 Agnes Calbick, Annie, elk Robinson's store, Columbia, res 160 Second Calbick, Charlec, exprftpsiaau, res 156 Second Calbick, Emma, typewriter, Brydone- Jack, res 160 Second Calbick, Fred Wm, clerk, Bennett's store, Columbia, res 160 Second Calbick, John A, contractor, res 156 Second Calbick, Wesley, carpenter, res 160 Second Calbick, Mrs W A, widow, res 160 Second Caldwell, John L, book-keeper, 510 Columbia, res 440 Agnes Calder, Miss Lizzie, clerk, Postoffice, res Third ave Calder, Wm, dry goods elk, 627 Col- umbia Calder, Win, yardma^ter, C.P.R, rea Third ave Calhoun, Miss F E, stenographer, 636 Columbia, res 119 Albert Ores Calhoun, H, apprentice, 321 Front, res Albert Cres Calhoun, J, clerk Postoffice, res 5» Mary Calhoun, S H, aHsistant, Front Street Mills <'alhoun, S J, merchant, IIP Albert Cres . iillioun, ^liss L F, dressmttki'i 11 ' Albert t'les Calhoun Wilfred, elk Postoffice, res 59 Sixth Callaghan, Gtorge, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Cambridge, J J, deputy reg' frar Supreme Court, res Begbie block, Columbia Cameron, Miss A E, d wsmaker, Mies McDougall, res Second Cameron, Christopher, factory hand, B.S.M. Co, res Keaiy Cameron, Clarence, milili:i , B.S, M. Co, res Keary Cameron, D A, clerk, Mi Dale's, res 619 Victoria Cameron, Jos, teamster, B.S.M. Co, res Keary Cameron, J D, labr, res Second Cameron, Margaret, dressmaker, Miss Sutherland's, res Second Cameron, Peter, shingle hand, B. S. M. Co, res Keary Cameron ft An'deraon, hardware and crockery merchants, res 616 Columbia Campbell, A, millhand, R.C.P. Mills I— H o X H O 2^ > J— I CO X > o a > 2; O G i ,! T.J.TRAPP&CO.,u...„ut»,x».u., Columbia Street, NEW WBSTMIN8T£B, B. C. m^ J. ^ J. TAYLOR, SAFES AND VA|[^f500RB T 8 A N A N D A L E G R O C E K E W W E S T M I S T E B B C li. J. Celo, Agent, Dupont Block, New Westmi) 620 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIHKCTORY; Campbell & Andereon, stores, res 617 Front Campbell & Doherty, tailors, Curtis blk, Columbia Campbell, A O, (Campbell & Ander- son,) res 718 Royal ave Campbell. Charles A, clc-ihik>g and gents' furnishings, 601 Columbia, res 726 Royal avc Campbell, Chas A, clerk 'Campbell's, res 726 Royal ave Campbell, Colin S, keeper, Prov Lunatic Asylum Campbell, C S, printer, res 112 Col- umbia Campbell, C S, printer, 510 Colum- bia, res 167 Carnarvon Campbell, Miss Flora, tailoress, Campbell & Doherty, res Sixth Campbell, John, barrister, etc, Lorne, res Vancouver Campbell, John, clothing and gents' furnishings, 601 Columbia, res 726 Royal ave Campbell, John, carpenter, res Har- vey Campbell, John A, clerk, Campbell's Corner, res 726 Royal ave Campbell, J G, merchant tailor, Col- umbia, res Cunningham Campbell, Kate, dressmaker, Miss Sutherland's, res Sixth ave Campbell, Miss, Ogle, Campbell & Freeman, Guichori blk, Columbia Campbell, Mary, domestic, 083 Third ave Campbell, T A, assistant, 604 Colum- bia, res Royal avt Campbell, A\ in. Fire l>ept, No 3 Fire Hall Canadian Order Foresters, E L Web- ber, sec Canadian O.O.F., E A Dalziel, secy. Pioneer Lodge No 93 Cannings, W, millhand, R.C,P. Mills Card, Capt J L, master mariner, ferryboat Surrey, les 37 Begbie Carleton, G W, millhand, B.S.M. Co, Brunette Carman, F E, motorneer, res 608 f^c- lumbia Carr, Miss F, book-binder. Common- wealth, res Twelfth Carroll, W J, hospital overseer, B.C. Penitentiary, res 514 Columbia Carter, C H, ledger keeper, 540 Col- umbia, res Second Carter, J C, clerk, res 169 Second 7- Cartv, John, sergeant Rty police, res cof Tenth and Fourtl ave Carty, N C, clerk. Ogle, Campbell A Co, res Fourth ave Case, Frank, composite!, Columbian office, res Queen's hotel Case, F H, prints i, 610 Columbia, res Agnes Cash, James, hotel proprietor. Mer- chants' Exchange, Columbia Cassidy, William, book-keeper, Mr Ewen's, res Depot hotel Cave, Edward, fisherman, res Dock square Carr, Henry, fi.^herman, res Dock square Cederburg, A,caipent6r and builder, res Auckland Chalmers, William, millhand B.S.M, Mill Chalmers, Wm, millhand, res Bru- nette Chamberland, C, millhand, B.S.M., res Cumberland Chamberlain, H C, carriage builder, Coaimbia, res 726 Fifth ave Chamberlain, Walter, watchmaker, T Gilford's, res 514 Ash Chamberlin, J C, res 514 Ash Chai'ibers, J, cook, Provincial Luna- tic Asylum Chambers, Samuel, millhand, B.S.M, res Columbia Chambers, Wm, millhand, B.S.M. res Columbia Chappell, J, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Charleson, Alex, lumber dealer, res 667 Third ave Charnock, G, gen sec Y.M.C.A., 617 Carnarvon Chartres, A, millhand, B.S.M., Mill Cherry, Miss Carrie, domestic. Oak Cherry, J B, barrister, Armstrong- Young, blk, Columbia, res Princess Cherry, Wm, labr, res 630 Princess Chesnut, Rev E B, Presbyterian min- ister res Keary Chinese Mission, 343 Front Chishulm, H, engr, steamer Bon Accord Church of England .West end Mission Church, Tenth, bet Napanee and Fifth ave Churchill, Isaac, fisherman, res Cari- boo City Market, Front, E of Sixth res res res Citv Mark< City Trei City Hall Clanson, ^ Clapp, Cha bia, res G Clark, Jose; Mill Clark, Miss Clark, Willii rco 101 R. Clark, Wrc Eickhoff ] Clarke, Edw Clarke, J A, res 432 St Clarke. Will ter, Rouss Royal ave Clarke, W, d res Eickho Clarke, W j . Mills Ciarkson, Mi Clarkson, Jos hotel, Colli Clarkson, Jog res Columb Clarkson, Wr Cliff, C, tinw res Third a Clinton, H F, res 124 Wei Closson, Wm, ave Clute, J s and Inspect Province of Clute, J S jr, I bia, res Thii Cameron, D A Kenzie, res Coatham, W School, res J Cobb, G H, cp Cochrane, Jo Transfer Codlip, T H, Agnes Col beck, Fred umbia, res S Cold well, Geo Leith Cole, L J & conveyancers room 19, Dup Cole, L J (Cole Cole, Jos, mini: W. E. FALE8, Furniture Dealer andUndertakeif T. I TRAPP j p. O. Box S%. Colnmbla St. and Cor. Agnet and McKemie St*., New WmtmiMtc^, B, 'i) Ui LAND - SURVEYORS 538 Columbia Street, New Westminster, B. C. NEW WESTMINSTER CITY DIEECTOFY. 621 Citv Market Cattle Stalls, Front City Treasurer, W T Coatsley, City Hall CUinson, W, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Clapp, Charles, driver, 613 Colum- bia, res Tenth Clark, Joseph, millhand, B.S.M., res Mill Clark, Miss Sadie, res 34 Blackie Clark, William, salesman, Rousseau's re^ 101 Royal ave Clark, Wm', fire department, res Eickhoff hotel Clarke, Edward, res Russell house Clarke, J A, Capt, engr, str Samson, res 432 St George Clarke, William, boot and shoe cut- ter, Rousseau's, 625 Columbia, res Royal ave and First Clarke, W, driver B. & K., 541 Front res Eickhoff house Clarke, W A, expressman, R. C. P. Mills Clarkson, Miss H M, res 521 Fifth ave Clarkson, Joseph, carpenter, Grotto hotel, Columbia Clarkson, Joseph, millhand, B.S.M., res Columbia Clarkson, Wm, res 665 Third ave Cliff, C, tinware, stoves, &c. Sixth, res Third ave Clinton, H F, barrister, 604 Columbia, res 124 Wellington Closson, Wm, sawyer, res 819 Royal ave Clute, J S, Registrar of shipping and Inspector of Customs for the Province of B.C., res 711 Third ave Clute, J S jr, barrister, 604 Colum- bia, res Third ave Cameron, D A, asst undertaker, Mc- Kenzie, res Victoria Coatham, W C, prin Boys' Pub School, res 317 Queen's ave Cobb, G H, cpntr, R.C.P. Mills Cochrane, John, deckhand, stmr 'transfer Codlip, T H, barkeeper, res 172 Agnes Colbeck, Fred, watchmkr, 712 Col- umbia, res Second Coldwell, Geo A, printer, res 1019 Leith Cole, L J ft Co, notaries public, conveyancers, and accountants, room 19, Dupont blk Cole, L J (Cole & Co) res 617 Ash Cole, Jos, millhand, B.S.M, res Mill Cole, Jos, millhand, B.S.M, res Brun- ette Cole, J P, elk, Dunn's hdware, res Queen's ave bet Ninth and Tenth Colhoun, Miss Florrie E, stenograph- er, res 119 All)ert Cres CoUingridge, Miss Bertha, res Keary Collier, W, propr Central hotel, 771 Columbia cor Alexander Columbian Hotel, Kennedy Bros, proprs Columbia Methodist College, 410-418 Ash, prin Rev. Robt Wnittington, M.A.B.S; lad' nrin. Miss L H llurlburt, M.E!:. * Commercial Ui\ion Assurance Co. of London, Lowenberg, Harris & Co, agts, rooms 17 and 18, Dupont blk Commonwealth Printing and Book- binding estabt, Dupont blk, ground floor Connes, Mrs S E res 116 Tenth Confederation Life Association, 536 Columbia, Major & Pearson, agts Connor. E, agt, Russell house, res 505 Carnarvon Connor, James, gardner, res Princess Connor, Misa J, clerk, Postofflce, res Princess Conway, M, watchman, St. Mary's Hospital, Agnes Cook House, R.C.P. Mills Co, res 1083 Columbia Cook, Mrs, res 177 Agnes Cook, James, hairdresser, Mark's Hairdressing Saloon, Royal ave Cook, Wm, tallyman, B.S.M.res Bru- nette CookSley, W T, City Treasurer, Eighth Cooper, Dr H M, M.D, res 509 Clark- son Cooper, Capt G H, master mariner, str Corsair, res 425 Victoria Coots, A, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Coots, Thos, millhand, R.C.P. Mills, res 620 Twelfth Coquitlam Dyke Commissioners, 538 Columbia Corbett, W J, tinsmith, res Fifth Corbould, Gordon, Ed, M.P, bar- ister, Lome, res 119 Third Corbould, McColl, Wilson ft Campbell, barristers and solici- tors, Lome Cormack, Miss B, dressmaker, 616 Columbia, res Tenth o X H w O en 2^ > ^ en X w SI CO M z (0 P) > o a > o a ^'' ll! T. J. TRAPP & CO., Harllware, Faints, Oils anil AgricnltDral Iiplements. Colambia Street, NEW WESTMIN8TBB, B. G. WESTMINSTER FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS GiNNINfi MACHiNM AND DIES. T S A N N A D A L E G R O C E R E W W E 8 T M I S T E R B C 622 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Cornish, A 0, accountant, res 629 Sixth ave Corrigan, C S, land registrar, res 69 Merrivale Coroner for the City and Dis- trict of New Westminster, Capt Geo Fittendreigh Cosens, Edwd, plumber, Vanstone's, res 319 Armstrong Cosens, GTS, asst collector. Pro- vincial Land Office, res 18 Keary Cota, P, cpntr, res Third ave 'bet Thirteenth and Fourteenth sts Cota, George, steward, St Mary's Hospital, Agnes Cottage Bakerv, 766 Columbia Cotton, A F, C.E, res 506 First Coulthard, A £, accountant, res 409 Agnes Coulthard, F J, real estate broker, Loewenb«rg, Harris & Co, res Fourth Coulson, Geo, factory hand, B.S.M, res Keary Court Union, King Solomon, No 17, Masonic blk, Lome, Secy, J B Bal- lantine Court Union, No. 9, A.F. & A.M. Masonic blk, Lome, Secy, W McCoU Cousens, GTS, Collector Prov Rev- enue Tax, Court House, Keary res 527 Sapperton Coutts, Alexander, blacksmith B.C. Penitentiary, res 693 Columbia Cox, John S, steward, R.C.P. Mills, res 540 Thirteenth C.P.R. Freight Shed, Front CP.R. Station, junction Colum- bia and Front C.P.N. Go's Warehouse and Wharf, Front bet Begbie and McKenzie Crake, Fred, watchmaker, 605 Col- umbia, res 738 Queen's ave Crake, Miss Laura, mission teacher, res 711 Royal ave Crane, Jos, labr, res Cariboo Creiffhton, J W, agent Vancouver Coal Co, Sixth, res 38 Lt'opold Cressell, W, plumber, etc, res Colum- bia Oroley, James, clerk, Mr Brydone- Jack, res 02 Eighth Croll, James, mechanic, res Regina off Third Croll, Jas, callman. No. 1 Fire Hall, Columbia Crowley, P, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Cross, Gerald U, miller, res 462 Second Cross, Mrs, res 190 Dickinson Cross, G H, employee B.C. Mills, res Dickinson Cross, Robert, retired, res Fourth ave Crowe, A J, carpenter. Pacific Coast Lum Co, res Cariboo Crowe,Thos A, sawmill hand, R.C.P. Mills, res Agnes Cummings, Allan, blacksmith, res 208 Agnes Cunningham Hardware Co, 716 Co- lumbia Cunningham, Geo, blacksmith, 39 Eighth, res 748 Royal ave Cunningham. G, jr, clerk, Cunning- ham Hardware Co, res 234 Sixth Cunningham, Jas, merchant, Mt Agnes, res 731 Agnes Cunningham, Jas. insurance agent, office 521 Carnarv on Cunningham, J H, mgr Cunningham Hardware Co, res Third ave Cunningham, Norman, clerk, res 618 Columbia Cunningham, Thoe, fruit raiser, res Third ave Cunningham, W S, carpenter, res Seventh ave Currie, Abraham, millhand, T?.e 513 Ash Currie. A, inortiser, R.C.P. Mills Currie, D, book-keeper, res Depot hotel Currie, Wm, blacksmith, (Currie &, Reed) res Ash Curtis Block, Columbia Curtis, D S. Mayor, chemist and druggist, 617 Columbia, res cor Merrivale and Carnarvon Cum Yow, J Q, tobacconist, Colum- bia, res 1060 Cornwall Cum You, W A, court interpreter, res Cornwall Cum Yow Bros, tobacconists, 821 Columbia Cussack, Wm, labr, res 1026 Fifth ave Customs Department, P. 0. building, Columbia, Customs ware- house, 521-3 Front Cuthbertson, James, fmr, res 174 Agnes W. E. FAI/E8, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker p. O. Box s8. Columbia St. and Cor. Agnes and McKensle St»., New Weetminster, B. C. mmfK- LAND - SURVEYORS 538 Columbia Street, New Westminster, B. C. NEW WESTMINSTER CITY DIRECTORY. 623 Daily Colmnbian newnpaper, Kennedy Bros, props, 510 Columbia Dalglish, W D, shipping a(;ent, Keed & Currie, 327 Queen's ave Dallas, Jno, glazier, R.C.P. Mills Dalziel, £ A, painter, etc, res Sixtk Daniels, Joseph, res Central hotel Darey, A F, bandmaster N. W. City Band, res Seventh ave Darcy, Edward F, carpenter, res Seventh ave Darling, O. £, assistant Postmaster, Dominion bidg, res Royal ave and St. Ann Douglas, B, first floor, 604 Columbia Daulton, W, gardener, res Royal ave Dauphine, Wm, \jook-kpr, Buultillier F & Co, cor Fourth and Twelfth Davenport, H, millhand, B.S.M. Co, res Columbia Davidson Bros, watchmakers and jewellers, 612 Columbia Davidson, Annie, Lieut Salvation Army, officers quarters, Blackie Davidson, John W, laborer. Cosmo- politan hotel Davidson, Wm, harnessmkr, B Doug- las, 509 Carnarvon Davie, F, fisherman, res 1408 Sixth ave Davis, Frank, laborer, res 1408 Sixth ave Davis, Geo £, tobacco and fruit store res 44 Blackie cor Carnarvon Davis, Thos, res Cosmopolitan hotel Davidson, Wm, harnessmkr, B Doug- las, ree 406 Royal ave Davy, J G, fmr, res 200 Agnes Daw, Albert, mate str Belle, res 302 Mowatt Daw, Albert, fisherraau, res Auck- land Daw, A, mate str Belle, R.C.P. Mills Daw, John, plumber, res Auckland Daw, Saml, sr, fisherman, res Auck- land Daw, Samuel, jr, carpenter, res Mow- att Dawe, John, steamfitter Yanstone's, res Tenth DawEon, John, labr, res Cosmopolitan hotel Day, A F, labr, res Tenth Deane, Char, C.E, res Agnes Deane, J R C, C.E, res Agnes De Beck, C H, tug owner, 644 Colum- bia De Beck, Mrs Elizabeth, widow, 157 Fourth ave De Beck, H L, secretary, B.S.M. Co, res 101 Royal ave De Grey, Frank, bair dresser, etc, 710 Columbia De Lisle, J, labr, res 64 Blackie Demers, N, book-keeper, Guichon hotel, Columbia Dennis, W H, coalhand, str William Irving, C.P.N Dennison, John, labr, res Princess Dennison, J, keeper, Prov Lunatic Asylum Dennisou, Thos, labr, res Princes D...-.ih, <nhas N, carpt, B.C. Peni- tentiary Devlin, Frank, Indian agt, P.O. bldg, res Queen's hotel Devoy, John,as8t steward Royal Col- umbia Hospital, 805 Columbia Devoy, John, steward, R.C. Hospital res 21 Hospital Devoy, Maud, dressmkr. Miss Suth- erland, res Sapperton Devoy, P A, staDlcman, res Central hotel Dickenson, A, motorneer, res 1033 St Andrews Dickenson, W E, teamster, res 822 Agnes Dickinson & Leckner, barbers, 781 Columbia Dickinson, M K, accountant, E M N Woods, res 213 Armstrong Dickinson, Mrs Robert, res 213 Arm- strong Dickinson, William, res 213 Arm- strong Dickson, Miss Bella, school teacher Sapperton Pub School, res Keary Dickson, H, salesman, 626 Colum- bia, res Sixth Digby, Chas, steward. Royal Colum- bia Hospital, 805 Columbia Digbv, George, bricklayer, res 805 Columbia Digby, George, millhand, B.S.M. Co, res 810 Columbia Digby, John Chas, plumber, res H05 Columbia Dillabough, Miss E, operator, N.W. & B. I. Telephone Co'y, res Fifth ave Dillabough, Matt, police constable, res cor Fifth ave and Ninth Sh>' 9p T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Faints, Oils and AgricnlM Iisleients. Golambia Street, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. r. ^^ wwiinHmp wm T S A N N A N D A L E L J. COLE REAL ESTATE AND -INSURANCE Dupont Block, Columbia St., New Wet tminater, B. C. !<j a; §^ G R O € E R E W w E S T M I I^ 8 T E B B C 624 BRITISH COIiUHBTA DIRRCTORY. Dillabough, Miss M, operator, N.W. & B. I. Telephone Co'y, res Fifth ave DJHney, Ed, carpt, res Eleventh Disney, Harold, carpt, res Eleventh Ditchaui, Rev G, Anglican church clerjjyman, Eraser River Mission, res Keary Divino, M.millhand, R.C.P. Mills Dixon, H, clerk, Shad well & Co, res 34 Sixth Dixon, Mrs Isabel, Keary Dixon, Robert, fireman, No. 1 Fire Hrll, res 62 Sixth Dion R B, driver, No. 1 Fire Hall, Columbia Dockrill, G M, LL.B, solicitor, etc rm 5, Masonic blk, Columbia, res 454 Sixth Dockrill, Miss M, school teacher. Central School, res 730 Royal ave Docksteader, Cecilia, dressmaker, res 861 Ajtnes Doe, J C, boxmaker, B.S.M. Co, res Richmond Dohen, A, cigar maker. Mainland Cigar Factory, res Occidental h 'si Dominion Express Co, res 820 \.ol- umbia Dominion Lodge No. 4, I.O.G.T., Dupont blk Columbia, meets in Te . plars'Hall Dominion Plate Glass Insur- ance Co, A B Mackenzie & Co, agents Dominy, Thos, police constable. City Police force Dorainy, Henry, job printer, Victoria, res Oxford Donnage, J A, messenger, Bank of Montreal, rer. 821 Columbia Donahue, Ohas, upholsterer, Winte- mute Bros Dough, Geo, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Douglas, Alexander, labr, res Seventh ave Douglas, B, vice-president, Vane & N.W. Tram Co, res 221 Carnarvon Douglas, D, merchant, 605 Front, res Royal ave Douglas, Harrv, deckhand, S.S. Wm Irving, C.P.N. Co Douglas, John, res Fourth Douglas, Joseph, deckhand, S.S. Wm Irving, C.P.N. Co Douglas, Peter, salesman, 624 Colum- bia, Geventh ave Doyle, James, guard, B.C. Peniten- tiary, res 504 Columbia Draper, B E, grocer's clerk, 613 Col- umbia, res 442 Agnes Draper, J M, clerk, res 314 Royal ave Draper, W N, surveyor, res 314" Royal ave Drinkwater, Jos, poultry stand. City Market Duffy, P, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Duncan, — , clerk, res O'l Sixth ave Duncan, W A, insurance agent, 24 Sixth, res Duncan blk, Columbia Dunlop, Joseph, millhand, B.S.M. Co, res Cumoerland Dunlap, Wm Ed, motorneer, res Princess Dunn, C C, teamster, res 7.S5 Royal ave Dunn, Mrs Geo, res.736 Royal ave Dunn, H K, clerk, Customs Dept P.O. bldg. res 144 Seventh Dunn, L, cook, res 235 Roval ave Dunn, M C, filer, B.S.M. Co, res Keary Dunn, "Wm, filer, B.S.M. Co, res Keary Dunnage, J A, messenger, Bk Mont, res 321 Columbia Dunning, S, boomman, B.S. Mills, res Columbia Dunlop, W, motorneer, res 608 Colum- bia Dupen, James, tailor, res Central hotel Dupins, R, gardener, res Allies Durieu, Rt Rev Paul, O.M.I., B.C. Bishop of New Westminster Dupree, J, res Central hotel Dyer, Charles, trade instructor Peni- tentiary, res 628 Columbia Dyer, Fredk, fireman, C.R.R. Co, res 62 Sixth Dynes, Charles, store clerk, B.S.M. Co, res Mill Dynes, Ralph, stableman, B.S.M. Co Dyson, Edward, carpenter, Turnbull & Working, res Sixth Dyson, Wm, steward, str Transfer, C.P.N. Co Eagles, Chas, barber, 751 Columbia, res 811 Royal ave Eagles, Chas F, asst steward, 604 Columbia, res Royal are W. E. FALE8, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker p. O. Box 58. Columbia St and Cor. Agnes and McKenxle 8t«., New Westminster, B. C. WOODS & GAMBLE 538 COLUMBIA ST. Mew WcatmlnaU.-, B. C. wmmmmmm INSURANCE. NEW WBHTHINBTER CITY DIRECTOUY. 625 Co, Earle, Chris, labr, res Cariboo Eastern Fire Assnranoe L J Cole, agent Easthope, F, assistant 620 <Goluinbia, res Douglass rd Easthope, George, bell boy, Colonial hotel, res 093 Columbia Eastman, G P, janitor, Dupont blk, rm 41 Eaatman, Hy Alfred, real estate agt, 234 Fifth ave Eastwood, H, reporter News- Adver- tiser. 631 Columbia, res Grotto hotel, Columbia Ettcnrdt, Mrs J, res 233 Seventh Eckret, Alfred, school teacher, res Keary Eckstein A Oasmor, barristers, etc, Curtis blk, Columbia Eckstein, Louis, barrister. Eckstein & Gayfior, Columbia, res Fourth Edmonds, Hy L, student-at-law, 40 Lome, res First, cor Queen's ave Edmonds, H V, res 240 First Edmonds, Walter F, student, res 240 First Edmonds, VV Humphreys, barrister, res 240 First Edmunds, Chan, labr, res 843 Agnes Edmunds, C E, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Eason, G H, fireman, str Belle, R,C. P. Mills Edwards, Albert, expressman, res 941 Belleville Edwards, Mrs Marv, widow, res 941 Belleville Eickhoir House, 747 Front, J Nicholson, Prop. Eickhoff, Fred, prop general stoie, 743 Front, rea 751 Carnarvon Eickhoff, Henrv, res 221 Second Eickhoff.H VV, waiter, 604 Columbia, res Carnarvon Elchinke, M, machinist, res 120 Mc- Innis Electric Power House, Tenth, bet Agnes and Carnarvon Elley, Reuben, prop Merchants' Ex- change, Columbia EUingsworth. Jas, fisherman, res North Arm House Elliott, Duke, dry goods clerk, Mer- chants' Exchange Elliott, Henry, res 67 Eighth Elliott. J E, clerk. Campbell & An- derson, res "The Coop," Agnes Ellis, Miss F E, stenographer, res Mowat Ellis, Jno, shoemaker, Columbia Emerson, George, n)illhand, B.S.M., res 45 Hospital Emerson, Merton, carpenter, res 45 Hospital Emerson, Walter, carpenter, &c, res 45 Hospital Emery, John, deck hand str Transfer English, M M, cannery owner, res Royal ave Erkkila. Isaac, millhand, B.3.M., res Mill Evans, Frederic, ofHcial steno- grapher. Court House,res Eleventh Ewfin, A, salmon cannery propr, res 46 Begl'ie Ewen, L M, mechanic, res Columbia Eycoff, Wm, wiremar, Electric Pow- er House, res Second Eyles, Emily, waitress, Occidental hotel, res .S50 Second Eyre, Nicholas, blksmith, R"yal C.P Mills, res Cornwall Fader,Ike, clerk, Royal City Meat j Market, res cor ' Douglas and i Hamilton I Fagan, Dr. D, 50 Blackwood I Fagan. Mrs. res 356 Carnarvon i Faldingr, Wm Hy, Registrar Law I Courts, res 232 Second Falt»'a Warehouse, cor Agnes and McKenzie Fai?8, John L, asst undertaker, Mc- Kenzie, res Victoria Fales, W E, furniture dealer and undertaker, Masonic blk, Colum- bia, cor McKenzie, res 619 Victoria Falk, Andrew, fisherman, res Auck- land bet Tenth and Eleventh Farmer, W J, clerk in Land OflSce, Keary Fagan, WmL, asst collector, Court House, Vancouver Favard, Rev father, prin St Joseph's Hall, Columbia Federal Life Assnranoe Co, L J Cole, aet. Feeney. P, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Felnsley, Miss Rosa, waitress, Gui- chon hotel Fenton, R, fisherman, res W side of road across bridge io SCO > ■ id) I— 3 M T. J. TRAPP & CO., Harllf are, Faints, Oils and MEricnltoral Mplemfints. ColnivbU Street, NBW WESTMIN8TEB, B. G. WESTMINSTER FOUNDJIY AND MACHINE WORKS 8 A N :n' A D A L E CANNIMO MAJCHINERY AMD DIES. i G R O € R N -E W W E S T M I N S T E R B O 626 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRBCTORY. res 699 Ferguson, A, purser, stmr Wm Irving Ferguson, A H, janitor, Mary, res 844 Royal ave Ferguson, A H, engnr, R.C.M, res 844 Royal ave Ferguson, John, baker, res 23 Eighth Figg, T R, J.P., res 1037 Third ave Fillmore, Maria, asst matron Provin- cial Lunatic Asylum Finnegan, P, guard B.C. Penitentiary Fire Hall No. 1, Columbia Fire Hall, No. 3, 748 Front Fire Hall, No. 4, Keary Firemans' Fund Insurance Co, (Marine) 538 Columbia, Woods & Gamble Agts Fisher, C C, clerk. Court House, Princess Fisher, D, cook, B.S.M, res Mill Fisher-Birch J, res "Rosslyn," Third ave, cor Seventh Fisher, W, clerk, res Princess Fitzgerald, Edward, labr, Sixth ave Fitzhenry, Walter, lath cutter, B.S. M., res Columbia Fitzsimmons, James, deputy warden B.C. Penitentiary Fleger, J, millhand, B.S.M. , res 38 Hospital Fleming, S A, fireman, B.S.M., res Columbia Fletcher, A Sidnev, accountant, Cor- bould, McC'll,Wilson& Campbell, res Third ave Florence, George, baker, 23 Eighth, res 908 Fourth ave Flumerfelt, Wm, carpenter, B.S.M., res ] G Hospital Flux, John Geo, labr, res 816 Royal ave Flux, Sarah Mrs, widow, res 816 Royal ave Foley, J B, fisherman, res 1010 Queen's ave Foley, M L, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Fook Sang, Chinese store, Mclnnie Foot, R, basket maker, res 1003 Third uve Ford, Miss L M, assistant, 620 Col- umbia, res Seventh Ford, R, tailor, Campbell & Doherty, res Tenth Foiin, John Andrew, barrister, &c, 42 Lome, rea Begbie blk, Co- lumbia Forin,Peter M, law student, 42 Lome; res Begbie blk, Columbia Forrester, Frank, surveyor, etc, res 769 Carnarvon Forrester, Jno, teainer, R.C.P. mills Forrester, N W, teaming, R. C. P. Mills Fortune, J R, machinist, re« Four- teenth Foster, J B, cook, res 342 Eleventh Foulds, P J, book-keeper, A Godfrey, Columbia, res Ninth cor Queen's ave Fowler, A, fireman, str Bells*, R.C.P. Mills Francis. Jos, fisherman, res west side of road across bridge Eraser, A M, engineer, R. C. Mills, res 435 Eighth Fraser, James, watchmkr, 21 Church res 31 Elliott Fraser, J S C, accountant, Bank of Montreal, (i30 Columbia Fraser, G S, wood cutter, res 340 Eighth Fraser, Lyman, steward, str Edtrar Eraser Valley Meat Market, 763 Col- umbia, mgr H Keightley, res Tenth ave nr Sixth Fraser, W C, clerk, C.P.K, res 31 Elliott Frederic, William, engineer, res 823 Agnes Freeman, Harry, bartender. Depot hotel Freeman, Ralph P, dry goods inrcht, Ogle, Campbell & Freeman, res Royal ave Freese, John, miner, res 117 Alice French, George H, river iiiun, ree (iO Eighth French, John, fisherman, res Auck- land French, W S, special constable, Prov Gaol, res Eighth Frichette, N, millhand, B.S.M. res Brunette Frrdz, Wm, cigar maker, Mainland Cigar Factory, res 750 Agnes Fuchow, Felix,' labr, res Thirteenth Fulton, Ethendge Capt, master mar- iner, "The Gipsy," res 612 Brant- ford Fulton, Frank, blacksmith, Currie & Reid, res 426 St George Fulton, Fred, fisherman, res 608 Brantford Fulton, Hv, millhand,R.C.P. Mills Fulton, Scott, engineer^ B.S.M., res Brunette W. E. FALE8, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker JF. O. Box 58. Colnmbia St. and Cor. Agnes and McKenzle Sts., Ifew Westminster, B. C. i WOODS A GAMBLE insurance. 538 COLUMBIA STREET. NEW WESTMINSTEft. B. C. NEW WESTMINSTER CITY DIRECTORY. 627 Fuoco, Felix, raillhand, Pacific Coast Lumber Go Furnace, Ttiomaa, labr, 1020 Fourtti avn Furnace, Win, sr, labr, west side of road across bridge Furnace. Wm, jr, millhand, Pacific Coast Lumber Co G Gaegman, Geo, res Central hotel Galbrath, Alec, labr, res Second Galbraith, David L, ^Galbraith Bros) Tenth, res 760 Queen's ave Galbraith, Hugh, carpt, (Galbraith Bros), res 720 Queen's ave Galbraith, Jas L, (Galbraith Bros), Tenth, res 750 Queen's ave ' Galbi^iith, John H, (Galbriath Bros), Tenth, res 750 Queen's ave Galbraith, J F, publisher, G39 Front Galbraith & Kobinson, publishers, 039 Front Galbraith, Wm S, (Galbraith Bros), Tenth, res 750 Queen's ave Galbraith Bros, sash and door fac- tory ,Tenth bet Agnes and Carnar- van Gallafeher. Jas, Cosmopolitan hotel Galoshi, Andrew, fisherman, Dock Square Gamble, A Oordon, (Woods & Gamble) real estate and insurance, 538 Columbia, res 34 Leopold Gamble, Miss E, chambermaid, res Guichon hotel Gamble, Miss J M, waitress, Cosmo- politan hotel Gamble Ruth, machinist, res Central hotel Gamble, Mr, Vancouver st Garditier, W H, freight foreman, C. P.R. station, res Auckland Garland, Miss Mary, domestic, res 29 Church Gaudin, Andrew, butcher, 753 Colum- bia, res Ash Gaudin, Andrew, carpenter, res 513 Ash Gaudiner, G, millhand, Pacific Coast Lum Co Gavins, Miss A, waitress, 628 Colum- bia Oaynor Jas E, (Eckstein & Gay- nor) barrister, &c, Burns-Curtis blk, Columbia, res 203 Columbia Gaymon, J G, book-keeper, 604 Co- lumbia, res Eighth Gibson, F, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Gibson, G F, tratfic mgr to the Van & New Westminster Tramway, 138 Columbia Gibson, machinist, res Begbie block Giddings, F, bartender, Guichon hotel, Columbia Gifford, ThOS, watchmaker and jeweller. Pub Librarv bldg, Colum- bia, res 230 Third Gilchrist, P W, grocery clerk, res 27 Eighth Giles, George, metal founder, Currie & Reed, res Sixth Giles, R, miller, B.C. Mills, Front Gill, Fred, miller, res 119 Albert Cres Gill, G H, millhand, B.S.M. Gill, James, bricklayer, res 718 Agnes Gillanders, C W, fmr, Sapperton Gilley, Miss Annie, school teacher, res' 725 Queen's ave Gilley, G E, machinist, Currie & • Reed, res 725 Queen's ave Gilley, Capt G W. master mariner, the Eva, res 835 Agnes Gilley, Herbert, teamster, res 725 Queen's ave Gilley J R, coal merchant, res 360 Tenth Gilley, Miss Mildred, tailoress.Camp- >. 1 & Daherty, Columbia, res uighth Gilley, Miss Nellie, tailoress, Camp- bell & Doherty, res 725 Queen's ave Gilley & Rogers, coal office. Front, bet Eighth and Begbie Gilley, Miss S A, seamstress, res 725 Queen's ave Gilley, Walter, gardener, res 725 Queen's ave Gilley, Walter R, drayman. Front, res" 861 Agnes Gillev, W A, contractor, Gilley & McLean, res 248 Eighth Gillie Bros, teamsters and draymen. Front Gillie & Rogers, bet Eighth and Beg- bie Gillie, J R, coal merchant, (Gillie & Rogers,) Tenth, bet Eighth and Begbie Gillie, W R, coal merchant and team- ster (Gillie & Rogers) res 861 Agnes bet Eighth and Begbie Gniohon, L, prop Guichon hotel, Columbia oa lo ^ P) M ST) I T, J. 'TRAPP & CO., HaMware, Paints, Oils aM Agricnilnral Mplemeiits ^ Columbia Street, SEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. IT fl/lT.V! AfMitfbrTIi* CauMltaB tin Im, C«, __,. • «l • \J\fAjXl rTr* IM. Co.. Ltd, Tb* radani Lift Am. Co., Tha J. . B. - Safta and Vault Ooora^ Standard Loan and Saving* Co Saeretary o'f tha' Royal City Bulldlnc Soda'i - Nxw wicstminBter, Tha London * Canadian " "" " »J. Taylor, . Traaa. oTtha C. 8 A N N A N D A L E S G R O C E R N E W W E S T M I S T E B B C 628 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Onlohon Hotel, C E Rocs, mgr, Columbia Glover, F R, city editor Columbian, 510 Columbia, res Fifth avo Godfrey, Alexander, hardware mer- chant, Odd Fellows' blk, Columbia, res 150 Seventh, cor Queen's ave Godwin, K H, printer, 030 Front, res Depot hotel Goe, Frank, Pac Coast Lnm Co, res Auckland Goe, W M, shingle weaver, Pac Coast Lum Co, res Auckland Gonnmer, Jiimes, retired, res 145 Tenth Goodman, Miss J, dressmaker, res 421 Agnes Gordon, A C, millhand, R.C.P.M Gordon, A L, salesman, U02 Colum- bia, res Fourth Gordon, Hugh, shipper Royal City Mills, res 812 Cunningham Gordon, H A, chief clerk, 004 Colum- bia, res 321 Queen's ave Gordon, H, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Gordon, J A, merchant, Ceylon Tea ^ Co, Agnes Gordon, Mrs J A, Registry office for servants, res Agnes Gordon, R G, first assistant. Boys' Public School, res Duncan Batch- elor Gordon, W H, ticket agent, C.P.R, 425 St. George Gosling, A, labr, res Brunette Gough, Harry, bartender, Merchants' hotel Gouldhammer, Henry, cigar maker, res 7.S6 Agnes Gow, James, contractor, res 120 Wel- lington Gowdy, Mrs M J, res 831 Columbia Gowen, Herbert H, curate, West End Mission Church, res 521 Ash Graff, Sophie, chambermaid, Hol- brood hotel Granger, RTF, third clerk. Court House, res Oak Grant, Mrs A, lodging house keeper, res 613 Carnarvon Grant. Capt C D, fishery guardian, res 146 Second Grant, C D, compositor, Daily Col- umbian, res Cornwall Grant, Edw, miner, res Brunette Grant, Geo Edward, section foreman, Westminster Tramway, res Sixth ave Grant, C J, compositor, 510 Colum- bia, res Agnes Grant, G H, elk, Campbell & Ander- son, res 613 Carnarvon Grant, G W, architect, Armstrong- Young block, Columbia, res 734 Queen's ave Grant, Peter, chief elk Customs Dept P.O. bldg, res Cornwall Grant, Capt W P, master mariner, res 145 Fourth avo Grant, William, carpt, res 33 Church Grant, W C, butcher. City Market Grant, J 8, engineer, Electric Power House, res 136 Seventh Grant, Miss M, waitress, res Queen's hotel Graves, B H, conductor, C.P.R, reb 744 Aanos Gray, A W, clerk, Westminster Meat Market, res Third Gray, David, butcher, Columbi:^ res 33 Church Gray, Geo, fruit and con' jtioner/ store, 742 Columbia, ret, J47 Royal ave Gray, John, butcher, Columbia, res 33 Church Gray, Johnston P N, student-at-law, W Myers Gray, res Agnea Gray. J C, prop Occidental hotel, cor Columbia and Begbie Gray, J R, prop Westminster Meat Market, res Church Gray, M, fireman, str Dunsmuir, ren 190 Mclnnes Gray, Michael, res 33 Church Oray, W Myers, barrister and solicitor, 31 McKenzie, res 101 Agnes Gray, Thomas, contractor, res 230 Second Greame, Ed A. res 232 Second Great Northern Express Co'y, Wright Bros, agts, 609 Columbia Great Western Life Assnr- anoe of Winnipeflr> 804 Colum- bia. F H Robson, agent Gre^n, A R, C.E. res 136 Royal ave Green, J M, messenger, 540 Colum- bia, res South Westminster Green, Walter, millhand, B.S.M. res Eighth ave Green, William, labr. res Thorn rd Gregory, A, sawyer, i ..jiflc Coast Lumber Co. res Auckland Gregory & Co, G H, upholsterers, Columbia W. E. F ALES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker p. O . Box s8. Colnmbla St and Cor. Agnaa and McKansio. Sta, Now Waatminatar, B. C. WOODS & GAMBLE, FINANCIAL AGENTS. SSS COLUMBIA 8TKBET, NEW WESTMINSTER. B. C. h n NEW WEBTHINBTBR CITY DIRKOTORY. 629 Gregory, Misa Clara, res 430 Seventh Gregory, George, upholsterer, rea 486 Seventh Gregory, G H, upholsterer, (G H Gregory A Co), rea John Gregory, Leo, aawyer, Pacific Coast Lumber Go Gregory, S, upholaterer, rea John Gregory, Wm, expreaaman, rea 486 Seventh Greig, Rev G B, Preabyterian minia- ter, rea Thirteenth Greig, W R, painter, 436 Columbia, res 320 Second Grier, Jas,enKineer, rea 622 Twelfth Grotto Hotol, Columbia corner McKenzie, G R Small, prop Guertin. Rev F, O.M.I, Roman Cath- olic Chaplain, B.C. Penitentiary Oueat,, Mrs Jane, res 168 Fourth ave Gueat, J J, grocery clerk, rea 168 Fourth ave Gueat, T D, clerk, rea 163 Fourth ave Gundry, A A.watchmaker, F Crake'a Columbia, rea 62 Sixth Gunn, Alexander, labr, rea Sixth ave Gunn. David, gr«cer, Columbia, res Thorn rd Gunn, Hugh, Asylum keeper, res 466 Sixth ave Gunn, James, Government foreman, rea Sixth ave Gunn, John, labr, rea Sixth ave Gunn, J, milkman, rea Eighth ave Gwennap, Thos, stonecutter, rea 1017 Sixth ave Hacker, Mra, lodging houae keeper, rea 34 Sixth Hadden, James, machiniat, res 1029 Third ave Haddon, Rev Thoa, Reformed Episco- pal Church, res 880 Fourth ave Hagman, Jno, res Auckland HaUey, Ernest, gardener, rea Cariboo Haine, Arthur, hack driver, res De- pot hotel Haines, A W, conductor, res 608 Columbia Hall, Dr F W, physician and surgeon res Queen's hotel Hall, George, canneryman, 818 Bru- nette Hall, Dr H E, dental surgeon. Bums- Curtia blk, Columbia, rea Third Hall, James, stonemason, res 818 Brunette Hall, R J, school teacher, res Ash Halliburton, Peck, carptnr, resKeary Hall, Dr T S, physician and aurgeon, Begbie blk, Columbia Hall, Rev T W, Methodiat miniater, rea 60 Sixth Hamilton, Alex, marble cutter, Co- lumbia, rea Royal ave Uamley, Fred, clerk, rea Third ave Hamley, Mra, widow, rea Third ave Hampton, Robt, boat-builder, rea Depot hotel Handcock, Miaa M J, domeatic, G D Brymner'a, 128 Firat Hiinnah, John, chief ateward atr Wm Irving, C.P.N. Co Hanaburr, Capt, master mariner, str Gladys Hardacre, Josh, cook, res 869 Royal ave Hardman, A, plumber, res 619 Ash Uargreaves, Cfeorge, painter, res 847 Agnes Harling, G T, res 16 Keary Harling, T, teamster, Central hotel Harling, T J, millhand, B.S.M. Co, rea Keary Harper, J, keeper Prov Lunatic Asy- lum Harris, J, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Harris, T, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Harris, W, motorneer, res 608 Colum- bia Hart, F J, insurance clerk, Masonic blk, res 322 Royal ave Hartford Insurance Co, of Hartford, 638 Columbia Harvey, Archie, plumber, rea Mer- chants' hotel Harvev, Henry, general nerchant, 340 Front Harvey, Jas W, dry goods merchant, Columbia, res 717 Queen's ave Harvev, Mrs M, prop Cottage Bakery, 766 Columbia Harvey, William, carpenter, res Sixth ave ' Havelock, Thoa, teamater, res 223 Fourth ave Havelock, Thos, driver, res Fourth ave Hawkins, Geo, fisherman, res Four- teenth Hay, H, contractor, res 201 Carnarvon H»rea, George, res Hotel Douglas, Columbia o X H C I— I X 3 2 R i ^^ s I H D > o > a I T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardwaie, Faints, Oils and AjEricnltoral Mnlements. ColambU Street, NEW WBSTMINSTBB, B. C. p UNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS, s A N N A N D A L E «4 G R O C E R N W W E S T M I N 8 T E B B C Hayee, M, general merchant, 340' Columbia Hazel, Thoa, gardener, res RusBell house Heard, Geo E, hack driver, res {)9 Eighth Heara, Robt, livery stables, Colum- bia, res 90 Eighth Heard, Wm, chore boy, Livtrpool Arms, cor Royal ave and Eighth Heaton, C L, mechanic, res Keary Heaton, L, factory harid, B.S.M. Co, res Kec 'v Heaton, Robert, mlllhand, B.S.M. Co, res Richmond rd Heedland, C, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Heffern, A, teamster, res 833 Agnes Heifren, H, driver, J E Wiee, res Holbrooic house Heidland, A labr, res 111 Twelfth Heimerie, Harry, clerk, ((25 Colum- bia, rea Ninth and Third ave Eenderson ^ Keitb, barriaters, etc, til7 Clarkson Henderson, Alex, B A, (Hender- son & Keith,} barrister, etc, 617 Clarksoa, res 186 Royal ave Henderson, R A, dyer and cleaner, res 702 Columbia Henley, Joseph, soda water maker, Cunningham^ res Eighth Hennesey, David S, canneryman, 148 Second Hennessey, A M, boot and shoe maker, 624 Tenth Henry, Charles, watchman, R. C. P. Mills, res 1041 Quebec Henry, T, rea 107 Twelfth Herd, Alec A B, buaineaa agent, rea Emory, off Second Herring, A M, chemiat and druggist. Sixth Het.in^'s Opera House, Carnarvon, cor Sixth Hiuka. Mrs, 4 Keary Hicka, E, factory hand, B. S. M. Co, rea Keary Hioka, Harvey, laborer, lea Fiah Hatchery Hicka, Rev J P, Methodiat miniater, Aah Hifjiginaon, T S, inapcctor Crown timber lands, res 619 Carnarvon Hi'and, Thos, teamster, rea 708 Royal ave Hill, Albert J, civil engineer and Provincial land surveyor, Dupont block, rm 24, rea Fourth Hill, E D, millhand.R. C.P. Milla Hill, F T, druggist, D 8 Curtis & Co, res Fourth Hillison, Hans, assistant engineer, Eleotrio Power House, res Ash Hinckley, Salem, ox teamster, res Merchants' hotel Ilinsworth, J, clerk, Morey & Co, res 80 Eighth Uird, Edwin merchant tailor, Colum- bia, res 138 Seventh Hohbs, David, millhand, B. S. M. Co res Columbia Hodge, O C, local manager, N. W. & B. I. Telephone Co, res Armstrong- Young block, Columbia Hogan Bros, proprs Telegraph hotel, Front Hogan, Robert, (Hogan Bros) propr Telegraph hotel. Front Hogan, Wm, (Hogan Bros) propr Telegraph hotel, Kront Holbronk House, 701 Front Holbrook House dining room, 705 Front Holden, W H, propr Russell hous<^ res 506 Carnarvon Holliday, G L, fisherman, shack. Dock Square. Holmea ft Sbarjpe, dentol sur- geons, 640 Columbia Holmes, Dr A J, dental surgeon, 640 Columbia, res 246 Sixth Holt, Claude E, chief nlerk Land Registry office, 209 Columbia Holt, Eban F, general store, 750 Columbia Holt, S F, chicken ranch, 14 and li Fifth ave Holy Trinity Church, Episcopal, Rev W West, rector. Church st Homer, A B, clerk. Court ilouse, res Agnea Homer, Mr C W, clerk Dominion Land office, 161 Agnes Homer, J A R, 1-61 Agnea Homer, Miss M F, teacher. Girls' Public School, Agnes Hopkins, J T, keeper Provincial Lunatic Asylum Hopkina, Mary, domeatic, 402 Third ave Hopper, Fred, ateward, Guichou htl House. W '1, keeper, Prov Lunatic Asylum, res 723 Colnmbia Howay ft Held, barristera, etc, Armstrong- Young blk, Columbia Howay, Wm, carpt.res Eleventh W. E. PALES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker P.O. Box St. Celnnbia8t.aB4Cor.AgaMaadMeKtui«8ta., New Wwtmlnattr.B.C. 538 COLUMBU STREET New WcatminBter, B. C. NEW WRHTMINHTRK CITV DIRBOTORY. K31 Howay, Fred W (Howay & Keid) res Eleventh Howden, Robt, iabr, res 86U Royal ave Howden, Win, painter, res 04 Tenth How!flon,Ar:hur,teacher, res Seventh ave Howison, Mrs M, res 609 Agnes Hoy, II (Shirley & Hoy), stove dealer, Columbia, res Carnarvon Hudson, Iflaac, painter, Welch & Son, res Oakland Huff, S, rea Fifth Hughes, Henry, cook, Holorook house Hughes, Miss Julia, stenographer, res Fourth ave Hughes, Miss Lottie, domestic, res 234 Seventh Hughes, Mrs L Z, widow, res 628 Queeri's ave Hughes, T. millhand, R.C.P. Mills HuTband, Martin, Iabr, res Hoi brook Hume, James, boxmaker, B.S.M. Co,- res Columbia Hume, John, carpt, B.S.M. Co, res 24 Hospital Hume, Robt, printer, res 866 Colum- bia Hume, Mrs Robert, res 856 Columbia Hume, R H, compositor. Common- wealth Printing & Bookbinding Co, Sapperton Humner, Chas, slaughterman, 758 Columbia, res Central hotel Hunter, Thos, salesman, 2.S Eighth, res 908 Fourth ave Hunter, Thos, teamster, res Glouces- ter, off Seventh Hunter, Mrs, res 612 Agnes Hurtley, Customs ofllcer, Begbie blk HtUton, W, chief of police, res cor Carnarvon and Merrivale hutcherson, Miss, tailoress, Hird's, res Sapperton Hutcherson, Stella, dressmaker, Miss Sutherland's, res Sapperton Hutchinson, Geo, res 686 Columbia Hutton. W, purser, 8 8. Transfer, C.P.N. Co Imlah, John, stonemason, res Regina Independent Order of Foresters, Court Eraser No 677, Dupont block Columbia Indian Department, P.O. bldg, Col- umbia Inland Revenue Department, P.O. bldg, Columbia Innes, Clias, elk Bank of B.C, res 160 Second Innes, Geo H, weaver, res Fifth Innes. .Toe, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Innes, John, artist, Bk of B.C. block, res Burr blk Innes, John, sash and door factory, R.C.P. Mills Insley, Caut A, res 112 Columbia Insley, Asoerv, res 112 Columbia Inspwitor of Cnstoms, John S Clute, P. O. bldg, Columbia International Hotel, T Levy, prop. Third ave Insley, .lohn, 112 Columbia I. O. Odd Fellows, Herbert T Kirk, sec'y, Royal City Lodge, No. 13 I.O.O.F, New Westminster Lodge, No 3, Geo H Grant, sec'y Irwin. George P, mechanic, res Col- umbia Irwin. Kev H, Bishop's chaplain, res .S60 Carnarvon Isaac, J,, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Jackson, Adam, guard Penitentiary, res 141 Albert Cres Jackson, Alfred, baker, res Depot hotel Jackson, A millhand, R.C.P. Mills Jackson, C, millhand. Pacific Coast Lumber Co Jackson, F, printer, 514 Columbia, res Depot hotel Jackson, Oliver, foreman tinsmith, Cunningham Hardware Co Jackson, William, shipper. Winter- mute Bros, res Albert Cres Jaggers, Joe, machinist, R.C.P. Mills James, C, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Jamieson, C M, brewer, res 6.S6 Col- umbia Jamieson, Rev R, P'^testant chaplain B.C. Penitentiary Jamieson, R A, brewer, res 1.36 Col- umbia Jaques, Mrs A M, boarding house, res 160 Second Jardine, Jno, clerk R.C.P. Mills, res 840 Royal ave 2 o X O CO r c P) Z X O > n < > z o T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hgrfl^are, Paints, Oils and AjETicmtoral Imnlements. Colomblft street. NEW WBSTMINSTEB, B. C. DUPOirr BLOCK, L. J. COLE COLUMBIA STREBT, NJCW WESTMINSTER, B. C. Jfotmry PubUe, Oon«0|r«Me«r^ Jleeountani and Auditor, Xttateg Managed. •ry Si lent* mitd Aeeounta Settled , tile s A N N A. N D A L. E ^ G R O C E R N E W W S T M I S T E B C Jardine, Robert, manager Royal City Mills, res 442 Sixth Jeffcott, J £, chief engineer, etr Wm Irving Jeffrys, B, stoker Jeffery, Fred B, tinsmith, Shirley & Hoy, res Liverpool Jemmett, W S, Prov land surveyor, 540 Columbia, res 30 Dufferin Jennings, Mrs J F, res 193 Dickinson Jennings, the Misses, dressmakers, res 1U3 Dickinson Jenns, E A, barrister and solicitor, 40 Lurne, res 191 Agnes Jensen, J U, boat builder. Dock Sq Jensen, Martin, cpntr, Galbraith & Sons, res 39 McKenzie Jephson, Wheeler & Ross, land sur- veyors, 604 Columbia Jewett, W G, factory foreman, B.S.M res Keary Joe, Ah, third cook, R.C.P Mills Johnson, Andrew, res 30 McNeely Johnson, A G, metal worker, res 615 Victoria Johnson, B, nurse, res 615 Victoria Johnson, Edward, merchart, res 766 Columbia Johnson, Emma, assistant, res 331 Queen's ave Johnson, Miss Emma, clerk, res 215 Fourth ave Johnson, Miss Esther, housekeeper, res Brunette Johnson, Miss E, saleswoman, 624 Columbia, res Third ave Johnson, Harvey, elk. Major & Pear- son, res 215 Fourth ave Johnson, James B, station agt, C.P.R res 251 Eighth Johnson, Jos Albert, bricklayer, res 819 Royal ave Johnson, J B, merchant, res 608 Agnes Johnson & Mackenaie, grocers, 362 Second Johnson, Mrs, widow, res 215 Fourth ave Johnson, Olen, miilhand, B.S. Mills Johnson, Robert, lumberman, res 5 Keary Johnson, Thomas, storekpr, B. S. M. res Douglas Johnson, W, res 434 St. Georee Johnson, W L, Owen's Shingle Mills, Gambler Island, Howe Sound, res 1027 Queen's ave Johnson, Alex, saw filer, R.C.P. Mills res Cornwall Johnson, A G, cornice maker, Van- stone's, res Fourth ave Johnston.Geo B, clerk, W Johnston's, res 635 Agnes Johnston, John, clerk, Registry office, res 635 Agnes Johnston, Jas, res 962 Queen's ave Johnston, \/m, boot and shoe dealer, Public Library blk, res 635 Agnes Johnston, W B, elk, Public Library blk, res 635 Agnes Johnston, W, restaurant keeper, Eickhoff house Johnston, W, miilhand, R.C.P. Mills Jones, Benj, plumber, res Leith Jones-Dash wood, W A, clerk, Land Registry office, res 76 Eighth .Tones, Hugh W. miner, res Auck- land, bet Tenth and Eleventh Jones, Humphrey, slate quarryman, res fjeith Jones, H O, carpenter, res Auckland, bet Tenth ana Eleventh Jones, J J, mgr, Westmr Slate Quarry, res Royal ave Jones, Miss M E, operator, N.W. & B. I. Telephone Co, res Royal ave Jones, O, miilhand, R.C.P. Mills Jones, 'Thos, jr, hotel clerk, res Queen's hotel Jones, T, miilhand, R.C.P. Mills Jonos, W R, teller. Bank of B. C. res Royal ave Jordan, Arthur, cook. Queen's hotel Julien, E, miilhand, R.C.P. Mills Julian, R E, Provincial constable, res 361 Agnes Jenkin, Con, teamster, res 753 Car- narvon Kaye, Mrs, res 120 Alice Kehoe, Harry, bartender, Holbrook house Keiury,WH, J.P., asst storekpr and schoolmaster. Penitentiary, res 550 Columbia Kearv, Mrs, res 311 Carnarvon Keay, Mrs W G, res 210 Rojal ave Keay.W S, clerk, Customs Dept, P.O. building, res Royal ave Kee, Sing, Chinese storekeeper, 937 Columbia Koir, Cathel, tailor, Campbell & Do- herty, res 62 Sixth W. E. FAIE8, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker «. O. Boa sS> Cahuabla Bt aad Cor. AfMt and MeKtult Bta, Ntw Wmtrntnatar. B. C. 538 COLUMBIA STREET New Wettminater, B. C. NEW WESTMINSTER CITY DIBECTO&lT. 633 Keitb, C S, barrister, etc (Hender- son & Keith), 617 Glarkson, res 461 Fourth ave Keith, £ B, Crown Livery Stables, Carnarvon, res Fourth ave Kelly, Fred, callman. Fire Hall No 3 Kelly, Fred, upholsterer, Wintemute Bros, res Agnes Kelly, James, blacksmith, Currie & Reed, res Agnes Kelly, John, chief engineer, Fire Hall, res 835 Agnes Kelly, Thomas, assistant, 616 Colum- bia Kelly, Wm, driver, Campbell & An- derson, Columbia, res 1018 Fifth Keenan, J, miilhand, B. S. M., res Keary Kendal, miner, Brunette Kendal, D N, millwright, res Gum- berlan'l Kendal, I N, fireman, str Brunette, res on Cumberland Kendal, J, merchant, res Russell house Kendall. D L F, millwright, B. S. M., res Cumberland Kennedy Bros, propra Daily and Weekly Columbian, 610 Columbia Kennedy, B S, com^iositor, 610 Colum- bia Kennedy, Con, boatman, Brunette Saw Mill, rea Brunett^ Kennedy. George, Daily Columbian, 610 Columbia Kennedy, James S, architect, 613 Columbia Kennedy, John, correspondent, 610 Columbia Kennedy, J Bj director, Royal Agri- cultural Society of B, C Kennedy, J B, Brunette Mill Co, res 732 Columbia Kennedy, J D, filer. Pacific Coast Lumber Co Kennedy, J M, Daily Columbian, 610 Columbia Kennedy, Robt, Kepnedy Bros, 610 Columbia Kennedy, Thomas, tinsmith, 610 Columbia Kennedy, William, contractor, 610 Columbia Ker, W H, manager Brackman&Ker Milling Co, res 84 Sixth , Kerr, Geo, miilhand, K. C. P. Mills Kerr, John, clerk, 46 Lome, cor Tenth, Queen's ave Kerr, J, clerk, real estate, 46 Lome, 1001 Queen's ave Kevis, Charles, miilhand, B. S. M, res Hospital on Keary Kevis, Chas W, sawmills, Kearv Kilby, Thomas, milkman, res Thorn road. Eighth av Kildonan ^Steamship Company, 638 Columbia, Woods & Gamble, agts King, U R, conductor West dc Van Tramway Co, res 624 Ash King, John, landscape gardener, 302 Royal ave King Solomon Lodtce, A. F. & A. M, J B Ballantyne King, T R, hotel keeper, 744 Columbia KiuK, Wm, tallyman, R . C. P. Mills, 73 Tenth King, W R, architect, 624 Ash Kirk, Herbert, tinsmith, Shirley & Hoy, Columbia, res 99 Eighth Kirk, H D. clerk, Shirley & Hoy, res Columbia Kirk, Miss, boarding house keeper, res 62 Sixth Kirkland, Edmund L, assessor and collector. Court House, res Ninth Kinsey, Miss Cissy, 462 Second Kinsey, John, tinsmith, 462 Second Kirkup, John, shoemaker, 626 Clark- son Knight, E J, engineer. Fifth ave Knight, J E, millwright, 336 Columbia Knight, M, book-keeper, res Fourth Knight, M T, clerk, Prov Lunatic Asylum, res cor Fourth and Sixth ave Knights of Pythias, F M Eddy, Sec Knott, Hy Wm Howard, barrister. Masonic blk, Lome, res 112 Colum- bia Knudson, Chas, machinist, res Merchants' hotel, Columbia Knudson, H, miilhand, R.C.P. Mills Knutsen, Herman, app^-entice. Main- land Cigar Factory, res Ash Kolthammer, H, cigar maker. Main- land Cigar Factory, res 740 Agnes Kwong ManTai&Co, Chinese mchts, 629-27 Front Kwong On Wo & Wing Kee, impts Chinese merhadise, 626 Front Kwong Wing Lung, Chinese mcht, Carnarvon, cor Mclnnes Kwong Yuen Ling & Go, Chinese mchts, 437 Front I b9 13 T. J. TRAPP & GO^ EarlwaR, Faints, OUi ail Africiltnal iniliinjiti. CoUiakU SWMt, mw WISTMINSTlIt, a C. *ESTMIIISTER FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS ^^mm^m T 8 A A N D A L E AND DIES. 9 G R O C E R :n' E W W E 8 T M I S T E R B C 634 BBITI8H COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Labelle, Hugh, shopman, res 715 Front Labelle, Uric, clerk, McDonough, Front, rea 28 Begbie Ladoux, Mrs, widow, res Emory Laidlaw, Mrs James, cannery owner, res Royal ave Laking, Wm, millhand, Pac Coast Lum Co Lancashire Fire Insnranoe Co 536 Columbia, Major & Pearson, agents Lane, James, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Lane, J, clerk. Commercial Printing Co, res 617 Carnarvon Lane, O J B, bookbinder. Common- wealth, res Dupont blk Lane, — , millhand. R.C.P.M., res Ontario Langley, Capt W, mariner, res 99 Fourth LaPlante, Edward, boomman, B.S.M, res Brunette Latham, Peter, caretaker, Queen's Park, res 343 First Latham, Arthur, teamster, res 60 Eighth Landers, Thos, Great N.R.R. em- ployee, res 62 Sixth Lavrop, W, millhand. R.C.P. Mills Lavelle, Michael, guard, Prov Jail, res 236 Sixth Lavery, A L, baker and confectioner. City Bakery, res Begbie block, Co- lumbia Law, X, sash and door factory, R.C. P. Mills Law, Robert, assistant teacher, High School, rea 223 Fourth ave Law, W Wallace, mgr Davidson Broa, rea 612 Columbia Lawrence, G, stiokerman, R.C.P. Mills Lawrence, Hy, fisherman, rea North Arm Laurance, Wm, Coamopolitan hotel Leamy, A, barrister and solicitor, rm 15, Dupont blk, res 161 Albert Crea Leamy, James, contractor and mill owner, res 205 Agnes Leberry, John, butcher, res 701 Sixth ave Leduc, Joseph, millman, rea 17 Keary Lee, Mrs Margaret Ann, res St. Ann Lee, Miss Martha M, rea St Ann Leeming, W, millhand, R.C.P. Milla Leman, W H, plane filer, R.C P Mills, res 346 Eleventh Lennie, H H & Co, stationery, fancv goods, music, etc, Y.M.C.A. blk, res Columbia Lennie, H H, (H H Jennie & Co), Columbia, res Third ave Lennie, Miss Maggie, elk, H H Lennie & Co, res Third ave Lennie, Robt, mcht, Columbia, res Third ave I^nnie, Robt S, law student, T C At- kinson, res Third ave Lennie, Miss Rosa, clerk, H H Len- nie & Co, res Third ave Leslie, Arthur, musician, 631 Col- umbia, res Grotto hotel, Columbia lietsonj Moor, machinist, res 233 Dickinson I^vy, T. hotel keeper. International hotel Levy, W, bartender. International hotel I^ewis, Mrs C E. res 216 Agnes I.«wi6, Dan, soda water bottler, res Merchant's hotel, Columbia Lewis, G L, labr, R.C.P. Mills Lewis, Jno, millhand, R.C. Mills liewis, L A, cashier, B.S.M, res 219 Sixth Lewis, Thoa, market clerk. City Mar- ket, rea Cornwall Lewis, T 'J, clerk, B.S.M, ree 219 Sixth Lewis, W, waiter. Colonial hotel, res 623 Columbia Lewis, W H, foreman. Common- wealth, rea Burnaby Lewis, W L, labr, res Cosmopolitan hotel, Columbia Linsey, I^aac, fireman, atr Transfer Liater, Mrs, res 43 Merrivale . Lister, R B, tailor, res Provincial jail Little, R H, millhand, B.S.M, res Keary Liverpool Arma Saloon, H Matheson, propr, Dupont blk, Columbia Liverpool. London ft Globe In- ■nranoe Oo, A B Mackenzie & Co, agta Livingstone, Elisabeth, domestic, res 684 Third are Lobb, T G, agt Toronto Impl Silver- ware Co, res Fourteenth Lodging house, R.C.P. Mills, cor Eleventh and Columbia W. E. FALE8, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker p. O. Box 5*. ColnmMa St. ud Cor. Acnoa and McKtiurio Sta., New WMtmiiwter, B. C. IS i: WOODS & GAMBLE, FINANCIAL AGENTS. 538 COLUMBIA STREET, NEW WESTMINSTER. B. C. NEW WRBTMIN8TBR CITY DIRECTORY. «35 Logg, Frank, tailor, Campbell & Doherty, res 90 Eiehth London ft Canadian Fire lo- BVfiranoe Co, A B MacKenzie & Co London Fire Assuranoe Co, Lowenberg, Harris & Go, agts, rma 17-18, Queen's hotel London A Lanoashire Fire In- surance Co, A B MacKenzie & Co, agtB London Meat Market, 709 Front Lord, James, cpntr, res 321 Second LowenberflTf Harris ft Co, rms 17-18, Dupont bik, Columbia Lord, J E, res 87 Eighth Ix)yai Ix)dge, No. 93, C.O.O.F, Du- pont blk Loye, Win C, boot and shoe maker 25 McKenzie, res Grotto hotel Lumber Yard, E.C.P. Mills Co, cor Columbi,^ and Eleventh Lumena, Mary, staff teacher, Bt Ann's convent, Albert Cres Lund, A O, cooper, res 28 McNeely Lusier, John, foreman, res 201 Fourth ave Lyal, David dc Co, booksellers and stationers, musical instruments, etc, 618 Columbia Lyal, George, (Lyal & Co), 618 Col- umbia Lyons, H A, boiler maker, res Mer- chants' hotel, Columbia Lyal, Mrs, 124 Columbia Macaskill, Malcolm, ship carpenter, R.C.P. Mills, res cor Mclnnis and Agnes Macbonald, — , book-keeper. Gamp- bell & Anderson, res Begbie blk Macdonald, Mrs A C, school teacher, res 824 Milton Macdonald, David, tailor, Campbell & Doherty, res 64 Blackie MacDonald, H, timber cruiser, res 802 Columbia Macdonald, J M, (Macdonald Bros), grocer, res Queen's hotel Macdonell, John S, homestead in- spector, res 151 Queen's ave Maces. Marene, fisherman, res shack W side bridge MacFarlane, A G, res 610 Columbia MacFarlane, R M, merchant, res 610 Columbia MacFarlane, William, cpntr, res 868 Agnes MacGillivray, W, millhand, res 21 Keary MaoOregror 4c Kerr, bakers and confeotiuners, res 23 Eighth MacGregor, C C, baker and confec- tioner, res 23 Eighth Mackenzie — , cannerymati, res 340 Second Maokenaie, A B & Co, real estate and insurance agts, 607 Columbia Mackenzie, A B, real estate and in- surance agt, 609 Columbia, res Gui- clion hotel Mackenzie, George, shoe maker, B.(J Penitentiary, res 508 Columbia Mackenzie, H, cpntr, R.C.M. res 833 Royal ave Mackenzie, John, agent Dominion Lands, res St. Patrick Mackenzie, M J, bartender, res Cos- mopolitan hotel Maclean, D, expressman, res Cosmo- politan hotel Maclean, I M, M.D, physician and and surgeon, Columbia, res 709 Agnes MacLachlan, W, millhand, res 21 Kear^ MacNeil Alex, res Brunette Macpherson, Daniel, book-keeper, R. CM. res 523 St. George Macpherson, R G, druggist, Burns- Curtis block, Columbia, res 801 Eighth Macpherson, Mrs, widow, res 623 St. George Macpherson, Thomas, res 523 St. George MacQuarrie, D, boot and shoe maker, 433 Columbia, res 208 Royal ave MacQuarrie, G, shoemaker, res 208 Royal ave MacQuarrie, N H,asst treasurer. City Hall, res Second Magnone, Carlotta, res 107 Twelfth Masee, J^ohn, electrician, Elec Light Works, res 62 Sixth ave Maguire, Miss A, waitress, Queen's hotel Mahoney,MiBS Bessie, milliner's asst, 604 Columbia, res Royal ave Mahoney, John, clerk. Court House, res 833 Royal ave Mahoney ,[Jos, tinsmith, Cunningham Hardware Co, res Royal ave 1—4 o H CD o > 60 H t > o a ■Mi4r \.:, :•■* T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Paints, Oils and AiEricnltnral Imnleients. Colambla Stre«r, NBW WESTMINSTER, B. G. T 8 A N A N D A L E 8a G R O C E R E W w E S T M I 8 T E B » C J. Sd J. TA^tOR, »AFES AND VAULT BOORS Zi, jr, ColOf Agentt Dupont Block, New Westminster, B. C. 63& BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Mahoney, Miss M, assist, 604 Colum- bia, res 833 Royal ave Mahoney, Mrs M E, widow, res 833 Royal ave Mainland Cigar Factory, W Tietjen, prop, 706 Columbia , Major & Pearson, real estate agts, res 536 Columbia Major, C G, (Major & Pearson),real es- tate & insurnnce agt, Columbia, res 621 Fifth ave Malins, Arthur, (McKenzie & Ma- lins), real estate agent, res 136 Royal ave Malins. A M, elk, 604 C -lumbia, rea 112 Columbia Mallette, C E, nairdresser, Walker's, res Queen's hotel Malins, E Owens, book-keeper, An- drew Leamy, res Royal ave Mallette, Vital, barber, Mackenzie, resQueen's hotel Manohester Fire AsBuranoe Co. F 6 Turner & Go agts Maninau, Stephen, butcher, res 615 Agnes Mansan, J S, tailor, res Victoria Manson, Wm, res Queen's hotel Maple Ridge Dyke, Commissioner's office, 538 Columbia Marshall, Bnnjamin, drayman. Royal Transfer Co, res 639 Agnes Marshall, Colin, hoseman, Fire Hall No 3 Marshall, E, deckhand, str Belle, R. C.P.N. Co Marshall, E, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Marshall, H M, cpntr, res 616 Brant- ford Marshall, J, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Marshall, Mrs, domestic, 413 Agnes Marshall, R, foreman. Fire Hall No. 3 Martin, Andrew, deckhand.S.S.Trans- fer, C.P.N. Co Martin, D, ship cpntr, res Fourteenth Martin, D, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Martin, £ b, teamster. New West- minster Brewery Martin, Jessie, domestic, 246 Second Martin, J Angus, canneryman, res 829 Royal ave Martin, John, baker, City Bakery Martin, Joseph, labr, res Merchants' hotel Martin, Malcolm, ship cpntr, R.C.P. Mills, res Fourteenth Martin, M, teamster, brewery, res 636 Columbia Martin, Mrs, Begbie blk Martin, Misa Mary, tailoress, Hird's, Columbia, res Twelfth Martin, Thomas, J, waiter, CAlonial hotel Mack, Robert, carpenter, res Central hotel Mason, Daniel, labr, res 839 Brunette Masonic Hall, Masonic bldg, Lome J J Forrester, janitor Massecai, Ada, capt Salvation Army, officers' quarters, Blackle Masters, E, porter, res 771 Columbia Masters, J K, waiter, res 771 Colum- bia Mather, William, laborer, res 87 Mc- Innes Mathers, Hy, res 714 Queen's nve Mathers, Miss, res 714 Queen's ave Mathers, W J,meat and produce mcht, Front, res 714 Queen's ave Mathers, W J, Ker Milling Co, 543 Front, res 714 Queen's ave Matheson, A H, clerk, res Cornwall Matheson, A, saloon keeper, Liver- pool Arms, Columbia, res Cornwall Matheson, G A, messenger, C.P.R. station, res Cornwall Matheson, M, tailor, res Cornwall Matingor, Jas, hairdresser with Mr Scott, res Carnarvon Matson, A, millhand, B.S.M. Co, res Mill Matson, Nels, millhand, B.S.M. Co, res Mill Mann, Alfred, drayman, res 858 Agnes May, Edwd, clerk. Bank of Montreal, res 245 Sixth May, Robt, steward, Westminster Cflub, Columbia, res Douglas hotel McArthur, John, bricklayer, rea Sixth, cor Princess McAskill, M, ship cpntr, R.C.P. Mills McBathe, Jas, cpntr, res Third ave McBride, E G, student-at-law, Mc- Bride & McKenzie, res Sapperton MoBride, Arthur A, J. P.. warden B.C. Penitentiary, res 562 Columbia MoBrlde, Riohard, barrister, etc, 29 McKenzie, res Sapperton McCallum, P P, clerk, res Holbrook house, off Blackie McCarthy, Harry, tailor, D Shana- ban, re's Holbrook house McGauley, George, res Merchants hotel W. E. PALES, Furniture Dealer andUndertakei Colombia St. aad Cor. AgnM and McKwBsi* Sta., New WMtmlMter, B; r P. O. Box a9. LAND - SURVEYORS 538 Columbia Street, New Westminster. B. C. PI NEW WE8TMIN8TKR CITY DIRECTORY. 637 McCauley, Mies J, res 430 Third ave McChesney, David, boom-man, B.S. M. Co, res Columbia McCIuskey, R, millhand, B.S.M. Co, res Kearv MoColl. Angus John (Corbonid, McCoU, Wilson & Campbell,) bar- rister, Q.C., Lome, res 29 Black- wood MoCoU, J W (Corbould, McColl, Wilson & Campbell), barrister, etc, res 408 Third ave McColl, Neil L, clerk, Annandale, T 8, res Ninth McColl, Thos, overseer. Royal City Mills, res Sixth ave McColl, Wm, real estate, F G Turner & Co, Columbia, res 234 Ninth McColm, T. millhand, R.C.P. Mills McConnell, W, millhand, R.C.P. Mills McCormick, J, filer, B.S.M. Co, res 701 Columbia McCowan, D, keeper, Prov Lunatic Asylum McCbwan, Edith, asst matron, Prov Lunatic Asylum McCorvie, A, contractor, 621-3 Colum- bia, res Colonial hotel MoCreiKht, Hon J F, Judge Su- preme Court, res 221 Columbia McCrimmon, D J, foundry nand, res Bonson McCulloch, A, R.C.P. Mills, res 1034 Queen's ave McCulloch, James, stonemason, res Princ6HS McCulloch, T W, merchant, res 22 Bushby McCullocli, T C, fish, fruit, &c,mcht, (Williams & McCulloch) Bushby McCullock, A, millhand, R.C.P. Mills McCullock, R, millhand, R.C.P. Mills McCullock, D, millhand, R.C.P.M McDonald, Alex, millhand, B.S.M. Co, res Mill McDonald, Alex, apprentice. Main- land Cigar Factory, res Royal ave McDonald, A S, book-keeper, Camp- bell & Anderson, res 442 Agnes McDonald Bros, grocery store, 720 Columbia McDonald, D A, contractor, res 402 Royal ave McDonald, James, watchman. Royal Columbian Hospital, res 806 Col- umbia McDonald, J D, hotelkeeper, Cosmo- politan hotel, Columbia McDonald, J M. grocer's asst, 720 Columbia, res Duncan Hall blk McDonald, Hugh, foreman logging camp, B.S.J\l. Co, res Columoia, Sapperton McDonald, R C, (McDonald Bros) grocers, &c, 720 Columbia, res 94 Fourth McDonald, W, fmr, res 211 Twelfth McDonald, W A, wharfinger. C.P.N. wharf, res Odd Fellows' blk McDonough, Chas, grocerv store, res 715 Front M'jDougall, Miss A J, teacher Bovs' Public School, res 227 Third ave' McDougall, Miss B S, dressmaker, 615 Columbia, res Third ave McDougall, Miss M E, dressmaker, 615 Columbia, res Third ave McEwen, Miss, res 714 Royal ave McFarlane, A G, mgr, Bell-Irving, Patterson & Co, Sapperton McFarlane, J H, Hotel Douglas, res 628 Columbia McFarlane, R M, clerk, Bell-Irving, Patterson & Co, res Sapperton McGalliean, Peter, deliveryman, Mc- Donald Bros, res Burr blk McGaskell, Malcolm, ship carpenter, res 835 Agnes McGee, J, trimmer. Electric Power House, N E cor Victoria and Mary McGennis, Mrs, res 221 Columbia McGilvray, Wm, tallyman, B.S.M. Co, res Keary McGillivray, D'C, guard Penitentiary, res 516 Columbia McGillivray, Neale, retired, res Fourth ave McGillivray's Foundry, east side of road across bridge McGinnis, R H, bartender, Colonial hotel, les 623 Columbia McGonigle P, driver, McDon> Id Bros, 720 Columbia Mclnnis, D R, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Mclnnes, Edward, res 1019 Leith ' Mclnnes, Jas L, ex-policeman, res 1019 Leith Mclnnes, Mrs, res 221 Columbia Mclnnes, Thomas A, steward, B.C. Penitentiary Mclnnes, Wm, grocerv clerk, 27 Eighth Mclsaacs, Miss M, domestic, 738 Queen's ave h— t 80 > ^ i to ffl Kj ■ > o c CO a > T. J. TRAPP & CO., Harm are, Faints, Oils anH AuricDltaral Mplemeots. Colombia Street, NEW WESTMINSTBK. B. C. : i If lii \m 1 :T 1 <^ ,5. MMINSTER FOUNDRY AND MXCHi WORKS CiNNDift MACHINERT AND DIES. T S A N A N D A L E "^ hi G R o € E R E W W E 8 T M I N S T E R B C 638 BRITIBM COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Mcintosh, C, wood turner, Galbraith & Sons' sash and door factory, res Depot hotel Mcintosh, Alex, carpenter, Sapperton MoIntOBh, R W, canneryman, 513 Front Mclntyre, W T, laborer, Sapperton Mclver, James, laborer, H. B. Co Mclver, Kenneth, laborer, Cosmopol- itan hotel, Columbia McKay, A, box maker, B. S. M. Co, res Columbia McKay, Stephen, res Merchants' hotel McKee, Hamilton, guard B. C. Peni- tentiary. 510 Columbia McKeen,"B. millhand, R. C. P. Mills McKenna James, cook, B. 8. M. Co, rea Mill McKenzie, D, railway engineer, C. P. R. Co, rea 431 Agnes MoKenzie, John, D.L.S, agt Do- minion lands, res St. Patrick McKenzie, George, shoemaker, 508 Columbia McKenzie, H, cpntr, R. C.P. Mills McKercher, Alec, teamster, 840 Royal avenue McKinnon, L, mate, str Edgar McKnight, Geo, metal founder, Cur- rie & Reed, res Second McLachlan, D J, clerk, B.S.M. Co, res Keary McLachlan, D S, clerk, T J Trapp & Co. res Sixth McLachlan, G W, bartender, Eickhoff House McLachlan, M, fisherman, res 228 Tenth McLaughlan, Andrew, axeman res 1401 Fourteenth McLaughlan, Wm, 1401 Fourteenth McLaughlan, J, plumber, res 1401 Fourteenth McLaughlan, Robt, tinsmith, Shirley & Hoy, 531 Clarkson, rea Fifth ave and Fourteenth McLaughlin, David, carpenter, 1039 Sixth av McLaughlin, D, millhand, R.C.P. Mills McLaughlin, R, hardware clerk, at T J Trapp's, rea 59 Sixth McLaughlin, contractor, Begbie block McLean, D. millhand, R.C.P. Mills McLean, A, millhand, R.C.P. Mills McLean, James, blacksmith. Bru- nette Saw Mill, res 713 Columbia McLean, J, millhand, R.C.P. Mills McLean, Laughlin, laborer, 1019 Leith McLean, L, millhand. Pacific Coast Lumber Co McLean, res 215 Fourth ave McLellan, G H, engineer, str Brice, res Cornwall McL Han's warehouse, str Delaware's wharf, res Front McLennan, Alec, mate, str Wm Irving McLennan, Jas, carpenter. Queen's hotel McLeod, Alex, Caledonia hotel, 61.{ Front McLeod, Alex, dining room, 515 Front McLaod, A H, saloon keeper, J^iver- pool Arms, Columbia McLeod, Dan, res Cosmopolitan litl McLeod, D M, tallyman. Royal City Mills, res 840 Roval ave McLeod, D, millhand, R.C.P. Mills McLeod, J M, gardener, Colunihia, res Port Moody rd McIiCod, Murdoch, res Cosmopolitan hotel McLeod, W, res 344 Second McMartin, A, labr, res cor Fourteenth and Fifth McMartin, Miss Eug**nie, school teacher, res Sixth McMartin, H A, clerk, Bell-Irving, Patterson «Sc Co McMartin, Isaac, cpntr, res 510 Twelfth McMartin, James A, clerk. Customs Dept, res First McMartin, Jane Sophia, sciiool teacher, res 516 Twelfth McMartin, John A, deputy slieriH", Court House, res Colonial hotel McMaster, Daniel, guard, B.C. Peni- tentiary McMullen, Miss Jane, waitress, Hol- brook house, res 58 Blackie McMullen, Jean, fireman, stijir Kd- gar McMullen, Mrs la, widow, res 58 Blackie McMurphy, D. engineer, res 1027 Third ave McMurphy, Geo, clerk, Royal City Meat Market, res 1027 Third ave McMurphy, Jas, plumber, W E Van- stone, res 1027 Third ave W. E. F ALES, Furniture Dealer aud Undertake p. O. Box 58. CoIamMa St, and Cor. Agnea and McKensie Sts., New Westminster, B. McMur Third McMur ave McMurj ave McMurr 1027 i McNab, res 42S McNair, ,,Eightli McNama McNeele; Co, res McNeelei ham McNeish, Hatche; McNiven, McNiven, Peniteni McNulty, , Co, res 1 McPhaden McPhaden McPhersor McPhersoi McPhersor T,,t|ary, rei Mctjuarrie Second McQuarrie, McQuarrit Co, res I McCiuarrv. McCoU; Third MoRae, Ah Columbia McRae, FJ„ ^ bia, resF McRae, Lot; bia, res McRae Wir res First McRae, \\'n res Pine McKory, .jol res Coluni McSwain, Tl ,,<^0; res Os- McWhirber, McWhirber MilJH McVVhirter, maker. Six t.Ttrapp LAND - SURVEYORS 538 Columbia Street, New Westminster, B. C. NBW WKSTMINSTKR CITY DIRECTOIiY. 039 McMurphv, Jno, cpntr, res 1027 Third ave McMurphv, Robt, logger, res Sixth ave McMurphv, R, logger, res 1027 Third ave McMurphy, Wni, cannervinan, res 1027 Third avenue McNab, John, Inspector of Fisheries, res 429 A^tnes McNair, David, mill owner, res Eighth McNamara, James, res 811 Columbia McNeeley, James, millhand, B.S.M. Co, res Mill McNeeley, John, rancher, res Dur- ham McNeish, Thos, caretaker. Fish Hatcliery McNiven, John, guard at Peniten- tiary, res 620 Columbia McNiven, 'John, messenger, B.C. Penitentiary McNulty, Patrick, millhand, B.S.M, Co, rea Brunette McPhaden, D, res 380-326 Twelfth McPhaden, E, millhand, K.C.P.Mills McPherson, D, cook, Occidental htl McPherson, D, clerk. K.C.P. Mills McPherson, S, tailor, B.C. Peniten- tiary, res Columbia Mctjuarrie, A, contractor, res 836 Second McQuarrie, J T, res {536 Second McQuarrie, Robert, engineer, B.S.M Co, res^Keary Mctiuarry, Wm G, clerk, Corbould, McCoU, Wilson & Campbell, res Third McRae, Alex merchant tailor, 730 Columbia, res Fourth McRae, Flora, tai;orese, 730 Colum- bia, res Fourth McRae, Louisa, tailorees, 7.S0 Colum- bia, res Fourth McRae Wm, sr, tailor, 730 Columbia, res First McRae, Wm, jr, tailor, 730 Columbia, res Pine McRory, John, teamster, B.S.M. Co, res Columbia McSwain, Thomas, millhand, B.S.M. Co, res Oswald McWhirber, A, millhand, R.C.P.Mills McWhirber. M, millhand, R.C.P. Mills McWhirter, James, boot and shoe maker, Sixth ave Mead, Geo, jr, accountant.Vanstone'a, rea Holbrook house Mechanics Institute, Public Library block, Columbia Medley, Wm, laborer, res 113 Tenth Mercier, George, cabinet maker, R.C. M, refi 867 Agnes Mercier, Geo & Co, cabinet makers, 42 Blackie Mercier, N, carpenter, R.C.P. Mills Met«^alf, Margaret, charwoman, Four- teenth Metcalf, Thos, fisherman, res Four- teenth Methodist Art Class Room, Public Library building, Columbia Methodist Chunth, Sixth ave. Rev J Hicks, pastor Methodist Church, Rev TW Hall, res 56 Sixth Methodist Chapel, Keary Migiione, Guido, carpenter, 117 Royal ave Millard, MIrb B L, 2nd assistant teacher Girls' Public School, res cor Elliott Millard, Chas T, tobacco and fruit store, 749 Columbia, res Agnes, cor Elliott Millard. Charles T, merchant, 199 Dickinson Millard H, clerk, res Agnes Miller, G A, clerk. Court House, res Sixth Miller, .Tames, real estate agent, res Sixth Miller, Jas, baker, B.C. Penitentiary Miller, Miss J, school teacher, Sap- perton Public School Miller, M.o, artist, res 427 Agnes Miller, Wm, laborer, Eickhoff house, Miller, W, police constable, res Fourth ave, bet Eleventh and Twelfth Miller, W H, carpenter, res 1026 Fifth avenue Milley, Wellington, police constable, res Fourth ave Milligan, D S, farmer. North Arm, res 713 Agnes Mills, cigar maker, Tietzen's, res 750 Agnes Mills, Jos, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Mills, Jos, engineer, R.C.P., res 1045 St Andrew's Mills, I C, cigar maker, Mainland Cigar Factory, res Holbrook house X dd w Q 3 ■<- (D ' hit m T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hamware, Faints, Oils and Asxicnltnral Mpleients. Columbia Street, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. T T CCW V ^^^^ ESTATE AND INSURANCE JU* J • \J\J ±^Lj Dupont Block, Columbia St.. New Westmliittcr. B. C. ih 8 A N N A D A L E G R O C E R E W W E 8 T M I N S T E B B C 640 BRITI8H COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Mille, William, laborer, B. S. M. Co, res 809 Brunette Millward, John, millhar.d, R.C.P. Mills Minttaome, M W, Toronto Shoe Store, Columbia, res Sixth Minty, James, barkeeper, Occidental hotel, 738 Columbia Murchie, D, undertaker, 85 Sixth, res 447 Atones Mitchell, Machanic, res 753 Carnar- von Mitchell, P L, handsaw sharper, K. C.P. Mills Mitchell, Niel, teamster, res Sher- brook Moffat, Joseph, miller, ' Front Montgomery, J B, foreii .i, B.S.M. Co, res 802 Columbia, Sapperton Moore, Miss Florence, waitress, Gui- chon hotel Moore, H, cook, Occidental hotel Moore, James, labr, res Cosmopolitan hotel Moore, J H , trapper, res 1001 Fourth ave Moore, Mies Mabel, waitress, Gui- chon hotel ' Moore, R A F, printer, 039 Front, res Occidental hotel Moresby, Wm C, student-at-law, Corbould, McCoU, Wilson (.^Camp- bell, res Ontario Moresby, Wm, warden. Provincial Jail, res Ontario Morey, Henry, bookseller, 236 Colum- bia, res 84 Eighth Morien, W, res Merchsnts' liotel Morrison, Angus, res Cosmopolitan hotel Morrison, Aolay, barrister, etc, Masonic blk, Lome, res 112 Colum- bia Morrison, A C, section foreman, C. P.R.,res601 Columbia Morrison, F E, 2nd aest Boys' Public School, res 604 Columbia Morrison, Herman, factory hand, B. S. M. Co, res Columbia Morrison, N D, stonecutter, res Fourteenth Mortier, Wm A, restaurant keepe>'. Merchants' house, Columbia, res 350 Twelfth Mosdenn, Jno, fisherman, res shack, Water Front MoBier, W, shirt maker, res Central hotel Mounce, R G, mate, etr Surrey Mowat, Max, fish dealer, res 447 Fourth ave Mowbray, Thomas, cpntr, res 246 Fourth Mair, T A & Co, chemists and druggists, Duncan & McCoU blk Muir, S A, drug clerk, T A Muir & Co, Duncan & McColl block Mnir, T A, chemist and druggist, Duncan it McColl blk, res Dufterin and Royal ave Mnldoon, E J, guard B.C. Peniten- tiary, res 695 Columbia Mullen, Robert, lumberman, res Sherbrooke Mtinday, Edward, millhand, B.S.^I. Co, res Columbia Munday, George, boxuiakcr, B.S.M. Co, res Columbia Munday, Geo,engr, res 862 Columbia, Sapperton Munday, George A, lather, res 862 Columbia Munday, Harry, millhand, B. S. M. Co, res Columbia Munday, James, millhand, B. S. M. Co, res Columbia Munn, Angus, res 721 Fifth ave Munn, 1) J, cauneryman, res 721 Fifth ave Munn, L G, canneryman, res 721 Fifth ave Murchison, A T, capt fctr Belle, R. C. P. Mills, res 1037 Third ave Murchie, D, undertaker and furniture ilealer, res 447 Agnes Murchie, E, pressman, ommon- wcalth Printing and Bookbinding Establishment Murchie, John, storekeeper, R.C.P. Mills Murchie, P, printer, Commercial Ptg Co, res 447 Agnes Murchie, W, aast undertaker. Sixth res 447 Agnes Murchie, W, clerk, D Murchie's, res 447 Agnes Murk, Henry, hairdres8er,bath house 629 Columbia, res Curtis blk Murphy, J W, elk. Grotto hotel, res 631 Columbia Murray, 0, painter and decorator, 435 Columbia, res 704 Fourth Murray, Mrs G B, housekpr, res 219 Second Murray, J, salesman, 624 Columbia, res 219 Second W. E. FALES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker p. O. Box 58. Colnmbia St and Cor. AgnM «nd McKwule Sts., New Weatmiiuter, B. C. WOODS & GAMBLE 638 COLUMBIA ST. Naw Wntmlnater, B. C. INSURANCE NEW WBBTMINBTER CITY DIRECTORY. 641 Murray, J M, clerk, H B Shad well & Go, res 442 Aftnea Murray, William, butcher. Oak Mutual Ufe Insurance Co, of New York, A B Mackenzie & Co agentd N National Fire Int.nranoe Co, of Ireland, L J CoIq agent National of Ireland Fire Insurance, 536 Columbia, Major & Pearson, agents Nealson, Alfred, cooper, res 770 Col- umbia Neeley, Adolf, tallyman, B.8.M, res Mill Neeley, John, millhand, B.S.M. res Columbia Nelson, N, brewer. City Brewery, res 350 Elevimth Neil, Richard, butcher, 753 Columbia res Mary Neilson, Miss Christine, dressmaker, 210 Agnes Neilson, Jas F, mechanic, 321 Front, res 210 Agnes Nelson, Alfred, cooper, 32 McNeely, res Gloucester Nelson, N, brewer, 746 Cunningham, res 350 Eleventh Nelson, P, butcher, B.C. Market, res 721 Agnes Newcastle Island Sandstone Offices, 538 Columbia Newin^ton, H H, machinist, Beed& Currie's, res 29 Church Newington, S, clerk, Reed &. Currie's, res 29 Church Newman, Geo A, millhand Sixth ave Newman, Geo, ship carpenter, R.C.P. Mills, res Sixth ave Newman, John, labr, fish hatchery Newton, A, stonemason, 631 Colum- bia Newton, E J, harness and saddle mnfr, 542 Front, les 421 Fourth New Vancouver Coal Comp'y, coal shed and office. Front New Wellington Coal Office, J WCreighton agent, cor Columbia and Fifth New Westminster Brewery, proprs C M Jameson & Co, Sapperton, 656 Columbia New Westminster Building Society, Sixth New Westminster Fiah Curing Co'y, 381 Front New Westminster Gas Company, cor Twelfth and Third ave New Westminster Mills, flour and feed. Front New Westminster Public Lib- rary and Readinff Rooms, J Peacock, librarian, Columbia New Westminster Telegraph Office, Y.M.C.A. blk. Columbia New York Life Insurance Co, 538 Columbia Woods & Gamble, agts Nicholson, Charles, canneryman, 635 Fourth Nicholson, Jos, propr Eickhoff hotel Nicholson, Neale, mason, res 249 Fifth ave Nicks. Miss Ellen, 601 Brantford Nobles, E B, driver. Fire Hall No. 3 Noble, Hy, labr, res 250 Tenth Noot, W Frank, architect, Curtis blk, Columbia, res 440 Ash Noot, Wm,engnr, City Hall, res Ash Nordran, O B, under cook, Guichon hotel Nordran, T, under cook, Guichon hotel Norris, Geo P, hairdresser. Murks' hairdressing saloon, 629 Columbia, res Curtis blk North American Accident Ins Co, F G Turner & Co, agts North America Insurance Co, 530 Columbia North British Mercantile In- surance Co, A B Mackenzie & Co, agts Norwich & London Accident Insurance Association, A B Mackenzie Co, agts Notch, H, Solr, res 112 Columbia Nuns of Our Lady of Charity of Re- fuge, orphanage for boys and girla, Columbia O'Brien, F M, mgr N W Foundry and Machine wks, 321 Front, res 84 Sixth Occidental hotel, 738 Columbia Occidental restaurant, 734 Columbia "2 SCO 2" M -»c P> 3 Q. -n c T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Paints, Oils and AsjicnlM Mplemts. Colambia Street, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. 01 ■ '.*! m WESTMINSTER FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS. T A N N A N D A L E CANNING MACHINERY AND DIBS. ■« G R O C E R E W W E S T M I N S T E B B C 642 BBITI8H COLDUBIA DIBKCTORY. O'Connor, Arthur, guard, Prov jail, res Clinton place O'Connor, Miss M, domestic, Mrs Baker's, 449 Columbia Oddy, Ed, bUssmith, res 1027 St An- drew Oddy, J, checker, C.P.R. station, res St Andrew Oddy, R, R.C.P. Mills Odin, Capt Frank, etr Irving, res Seventh ave O^le, Campbell & Co, gents' furnish- ings, 611 Columbia Ogle, Campbell & Freeman, dry goods mcnts, Guichon blk, Col- umbia Ogle, Edmund, dry sroods mcht, Gui- chon blk, Columbia, res Granville Ogle, E W, mcht, (Ogle, Campbell & Co), 611 Columbia, res First Oliver, Jos,engnr, str Edgar res Third Oliver, Sidney, salesman. Win temute Bros, Liverpool Olivet Baptist Church, Rev J H Best, pastor, res 448 Agnes Olsen, O, watchman, C.P.R Oudin, Capt, mariner, res 336 Col- umbia O'Neil, Dan, tmstr, res 243 Tenth O'Neil, Hankey, expressman, res Merchants' hotel, 46 Columbia O'Neill J, messenger, N.W. Tel.office, res 237 Tenth Ontario Mntaal Life Assor- aaoe Co, 604 Columbia, H W Ross, agt Orfurt, Peter, res 258 First Osborne, Joseph, night watchman, res Sixth Ovens, Alderman Thos, blacksmith. 81 Eighth, res Third ave Over, A, butcher, res 719 Columbia Pac Coast Lumber Co, J G Scott, mgr Paoifio Canadian, weekly, mgr W J Robinson, res 6i39 Front Parke, John, labr, res 568 Eleventh Parker, Wm, fisherman, res Mer- chant's hotel Parker, Wm, cigar maker, Mainland Cigar Facty, res Queen's hotel Pamell ft' Onnn* groceries and provisions, res 807 Columbia Pamell, Edward, (Parnell & Gunn), Columbia, res Sixth Parsons, Chas, apprentice. Mainland Cigar factory, res Cunningham Parsons, Mrs Eliza, housekeeper, A C Wilson, res 408 Roval ave Partridge, A R, book-keeper, 716 Front, res Occidental Passage, W, Star Laundry, res Cun- ningham Patchell, W A, guard, res 960 Col- umbia Patterson, Andrew Lyle, labr, res 26li First Patterson, Jno R, blacksmith, res 430 Third ave Patterson, Walter, elk. Customs dept, res Queen's hotel Patterson, photographer, res Begbie blk Paul, Emil, cigar maker. Mainland Cigar Factory, res 760 Agnes Paul, E D, cigar maker, res Queen's hotel Peacock, Julian, librarian, New West- minster Public Library, res 134 Wellington IPeart, James, labr, res 87 Mclnnes Pearce, 8 J, sanitary inspector. City Hall, res Milton Pearson, Rev T D, Methodist minis- ter, res 612 Fifth ave Pearson, T R, real estate agent, 636 Columbia, res 725 Royal ave Peck, George, millhand, B.S.M., Co, res Alice Peck, Wesley, ship cpntr, res 148 Wellington' Peck, John, mgr, Reed & Currie, Co- lumbia, res Queen's ave Peeb'.eb, Peter, cpntr, res 263 Seventh Peeie, M, res 267 Fourth Peele, S G, apprentice printing, 610 Columbia, res Fourth Peele, OD, pressman .Commonwealth Printing and Book-binding Estab- lishment Peele, Percy, compositor. Pacific Canadian, res Queen's hotel Peele, P R, printer, 639 Front, res Third ave Peers, Alexander, res 621 Fourth ave Pepper, Thos, cpntr, R.C.P. Mills, res Depot hotel Percy, R, fisherman, i-es shack Water Front, bet Eleventh and Twelfth Perdue, A, driver, New Vancouver Coal Co, From , res Carnarvon Peters, A G, engr, reb 138 Wellington W. E. F ALES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker p. O. Box 58. Columbia St. and Cor. Agnea and McKsniie. Sta, New Weatmlnater, B. C. WOODS 4c GAMBLE insurance. 538 COLUMBIA STREET, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. NKW WKBTMINSTER CITY DIRBOTORY. 643 Peters, H W, millhand, ree 138 Wel- lington Peters, J B, tram conductor, res 264 Second Peterson, Chas, cpntr, res Thirteenth Petrie, C A, cpntr, res shack, North Arm, Fraser River Petrie, J D, cpntr, res shack, North Arm, Fraser River Phenuc Fire Insuranoe Co of Brooklyn, 714 Columbia, F G Turner & Co, agents Phwnix of Hartford Fire Insurance, 636 Columbia, Major & Pearson, asents Pmlip, Alexander, conveyancer and notary public, 40 I orne, cor Tenth, res 1001 Queen's ive Phillips, J E, warden, Pro/ Lunatic Asylum, res 402 Asnes Phillips, J E, clothier, et;:., 700-11 Columbia, res 321 Queen's ave Phillips, Mat, book-keeper, Phillips, Columbia, res Agnes Pitt River Stone Quarry Offlces, 538 Columbia Pittendrelgh, Capt, coroner and stipendiary magistrate, res Second Pittendreigh, J, repairer, N.W. & B. I. Telephone Co, res Second Pickles, Carey, planer, R.C.P. M'lls, res Agnes Plester, James, cpntr, res Durl am, off Fourth Plester, James, asst brewer, 746 Cun- ningham, res Park rd Plester, Harry, labr, res Durham Police Magistrate, T C Atkinson Poingdestre, Mrs S, res Fifth Pollard, Henry, millhand, B.8.M., res Koary Pollard, Jo'hn, millhand, B.S.M., res Keaiy Pollard, W, labr, res Fifth ave Postlethwaite, Miss E, res Pine Postoffloe, J C Brown, postmaster, 630 Columbia Power, Richard, master mariner, atmr Gladys, res 707 Fifth ave Presbyterian Church, cor Sixth ave and' Twelfth, minister. Rev J B Greig Presbyterian School House, 34 Hos- pital Preston, C H, logger, res Merchants' hotel, Columbia Preston, Robert, lumberman, res 703 Roval ave Preston, George, shoemaker, Rous- seau's, 626 Columbia, res Sapper- ton Preston, Neville, machinist, Reed & Currie,reQ Roval ave, cor John Preston, R, millhand, R.S.M., res Columbia I'/eston, W, shoemaker, res 702 Col- umbia Pretty, C F, « ncher, res Sixth Price, Thos, labr, res 863 Royal ave Pride, W A, fish dealer. Ash Publlo Library, Peacock, Julian, librarian Public School, bet Sixth and Seventh, on Royal ave Queen's Hotel, G H Williams, prop, Columbia Quilty, Thomas W, chief keeper Pen- itentiary, res 163 Albert Ores QlUne, F F, Batchelor & Quine, Mills, res 322 Carnarvon Quon Lung, butcher, 405 Front R Radley, James, cook, res 58 Blackie Rae, J D, grocer, 613 Columbia, res Fourth ave Rae, Mrs William, dry goods, millinery, &c, 627 Columoia, res Third ave Ramsay, A, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Rand, A E, real estate agent, Cur- tis blk, Columbia, res Queen's ave, cor Eiehth Randolph, Miss, res 360 Carnarvon Rankin, J V, storekeeper. Royal City Mills, res 417 Fourth Ransom, Ada, domestic, res 249 Sixth Ransom, W B, teller. Bank of B.C. res DufferiH Ray, J D, grocery store, Columbia, Fourth ave Raymond, Geo R, hotelkeeper. Colonial hotel, 623 Columbia, res 588 Third Ave Read, H T, merchant, res 412 Royal ave Royal City Planing Mill Co's ware- house, 1067 Columbia Reed, Ellen Ann, domestic, res 232 Second 1^ go 309 2" So 3 Q. "n c xN L J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Paints, Oils and Agricnltnral Implements Golambia Street, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. G. T S A :Nr IS" A D A L E T, T ntW Xli Annt for The Canadian Fin Ini. Co., llie London ft Canadian Xl. «l . \J\JJLlXt Fire Ins. Co.. Ltd, Tlie Federal Life An. Co.. The J. ft J Taylor. Safes and Vault Doors. Secretary of the Soyal City Building Society. Secy-Treas. of the Standard Loan and Savings Co. NEW WESTMINSTER. B. C. 3 G R O C E R E W W E fi T M I S T E B B C 644 BRITISH OOLUUBTA DIRBOTORY. Bred, John, foundryman, Reed & Currie, res 435 Agnes Rees, Richard, bottler, Cunningham res 230 Fifth ave Reformed Episcopal Chnrch, Rev J Reid, D.D Reichenback, F, cutter, Royal City Meat Market, res Eighth Reiohenback, Jos, prop Royal City Meat Market, cor Douglas and Hamilton Reid, Rev John, D.D., Rector St. Paul's Refd Episcopal Church, res Royal ave Reid, John, blacksmith, (Currie & Reed), res Agnes Reid, Lp 'rence, labr, res 610 Sixth ave Reid, Mary, laundress, Prov Lunatic isylum .^eid, R L, barrister, (Howay & Reid) Columbia, res 640 Eleventh Reith, Frederic, res 251 Sixth Rennla, J, millwright, R.C.P. Mills, res 124 Mclnnes R.C.P. Mills, boat repairinjc dept. Dock square Reynolds, K, milihand, B.S.M., res 815 Brunette Riach, James, carpntr, res 64 Blackie Richarson, J, expressman, res 104 Tenth Rickman, R J, Ijook-keeper, Royal City Mills, res 402 Third ave, cor Fourth Ridley, Miss A, waitress, res 628 Columbia Riske, L W, miner, res 711 Queen's ave Ritchie, Capt, master mariner, res 425 Fourth Ritchie, Geo, clerk, Annandale, T 8, res John Ritter, Raphael, packer, Royal Co- lumbia Uospitd, res 801 Columbia Roading, Sullivan, painter, res 99 Eighth liooertson, Chas, cabinet maker, Wintemute Bros, res 66 Eighth Robertson, George, jailoi', Provincial Jail Robertson, J C, plasterer, res Princess Robertson, I N, tele opers >4 Sixth operator, res Peniten- Robertson, R J, guard B.O tiaiy Robinson, Capt, res 196 Columbia Robinson, Charles, clerk, res Ash Robinson, C I, bartender. Hotel Douglas, res 628 Columbia Rob:.ison, Miss £ £, 1st asst Girls' Public School, res Queen's ave Robinson, F R, pork packer, res 813 Third ave Robinson, F, bartender. Hotel Doug- las, 628 Columbia Robinson, J, motorueer, res 608 Col- umbia Robinson, T R, butcher, res 631 Front Aobinson, W J, mgr Pacific Can- adian, weekly paper. Fourth ave, near Seventh Robinson, Wra, milihand, B.S.M., res Brunette Robson, C J, fruit and confectionery, 622 Columbia, res 421 St. George Robson, D,city clerk, City Hall, res 711 Royal ave Robson, F H, insurance agent, 604 Columbia, res 426 Queen's ave Roderick, Sister Superintendent St. Mary's Hospital Rodick, Thr uas, fmr, res Royal Co- lumbia Hospital Rogers, Capt, str City of Nana- imo, res 131 Albert Cres Rogers, Miss E, school teacher, res 202 Ruyal ave Rogers Miss E, principal Girls' Pub School, res 202 Royal ave Rogers, J W, coal merchant, Front, bet Eighth and Begbie Rogers, J, purser, res ir'l Albert Cr^s Rogers, the Missss, res 131 Albert Crea Rogers, Mrs, res 202 Royal ave Rogers, L. coal merchant, Front Rolling, W H, logger, res 4-iO Four- teenth Rolph, A F, foreman. Wood, Travis & Co, res cor Fourth and Sixth ave ROOS. C E, mgr Guichou hotel, Co'umbia Roscoe, Thos, painter, Welch & Son, res Fifth ave Roseburgll, Chas, mgr, T J Trapp & Co, Park rd Rosebrough, Saml, fmr, Albarni V.I., res Keary Rose of Columbia Lodge No 115, Sons of England B.S., W H Boycott, sec Ross, Andrew W, agent, ist floor, 604 Columbia, res Fourth ave Ross, Chas, saleGmau, 349 Front, res 86 Eighth W. E. FALE8, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker p. O. Box sB- Columbia St. and Cor. Ajpies K«d McKencle Sts.. New Westminster, B. C. WOODS & GAMBLE, FINANCIAL AGENTS. S38 COLUMBIA STREET. NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. NEW WESTMINSTER CITY DIRECTORY. 615 Ross, Chas, clerk, Harvey's Grocery, Front, res 86 Eighth KosB, Flora, matron, Prov Lunatic Asylum Ross, H G & Co, l< '• Life & Marine Insurance ageiilH, Douglas- Elliott blk, res 606 Colunibia Ross, H G (H G Ross & Co), res 322 Royal ave Ross, Jno, R.C.P. Mills Ross, John, fisherman, res lOOl Sixth ave Ross, Joseph E, G.E. and surveyor, Douglas-Elliott blk, res 607 Clark- son Ross, Michael, isherman, res Mer- chamts' hotel, Columbia Ross, :i, prop fruit store, res 732 Coluribia Ross, Rjbt, bjok-keeper, T J Trapp A Co, res 174 Apnea Rose, Wm, R.C P. Mills, ren 961 Queen's ave Rousseau, J. boot and shoe dealer, 626 Columbia, res cor Fourth ave p.nd Sixth Rowan. M, res Central hotel Rowe, W J, fisherman, res 613 Brant- ford Roxburgh, Mrs, doj;iestic, Dr Coop- er's, Clarkson Roxburgh, Wm, labr, res 874 Agnes Roxburgh, Wm, labr, P.O. bldg. Fisheries Dept Roy, Peter, cpntr, R.C.P.M., res Depot hotel Royal Agrricultaral A Indus- trial Society of British Col- ombia, A B Mackenzie, sec Royal City Building Society, rm 19, Dupont blk Royal City M arket,704 Columbia Royal City Planing Mill»> Columbia, bot Tenth aud Twelfth Royal Columbian Hospital, 801 Col- umbia Royal Fire Insurance Company of Liverpool, 604 Columbia, A" W Ro3B, agent Roya'. Fire Insurance Company, 604 Columbia Royal Templars of Temperance, Miss is. Williams, sec Rndge, W, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Ruahton, E bellboy, Guichon hotel Rushton, H, bellboy, Guichon hotel Rushtois Jno,'R C.P. Mills Russell House, \Y H Holder, prop, res 505 Carnarvon Ryal, H, drug clerk, Curtis & Co, res 62 Sixth Ryan, Peter, engr, Scott's Shingle Mill, res 626 Twelfth Ryan. Pat, deckhand, stmr William Irving, C.P.N. Co S SabourJn, E, contractor, 595 Brunette Saint, Joseph, millwright, B.S.M.Co, res Hospital Salvation Army Barracks, 41 Eighth Samuels, J, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Sanders, H J, butcher, Robinson's pig ranch Sands, Jno, carpenter, North Arm Sapperton Public School, Columbia Saunders, Herbert, butcher boy, res Russell house Sawyer, James, carpentev, 217 Oak- land Sayer, Joseph, fireman, 213 Oakland Saver, Robert, salesman, B.8.M. Co, res St Patrick Sayer, Thomas, laborer, Seventh ave Sayer, Thomas, millhand, B.S.M. Co Sayers, Jos, fireman. Electric Power House Schetky, G L, manager. Ogle, Camp- bell & Co, res Royal ave Schmidt, Godfrey, tobacconist, 629 Columbia, res 76 Eighth Schofleld, W, carpenter, res 212 Ninth Schotton, Horatio, pl;iraber, at W E Vanstone, res Fourth and Cunning- ham Schrosder, J, millhand, R.C.,. . Mills Sehwarz, F, restaurant, 628CoWmbia Scievwright, Mrp, 665 Third ave Scott, Mrs Chas, widow, res Thorn Road, Eighth ave Scott, Jacob, carpenter, res 835 Royal ave Scott, Mrs James, res 439 Agnes Scott, James, gardener, Thoin rd Scott, Jean M, tailoress, Campbell & Doherty, res 853 Royal ave Scott, John, milltaan, 21 Keary feoott, J G, manager Pacific Coast Lumber Co, 324 Royal ave Scott, J H, janitor Begbio block, rm No 9 Scott, Wm, lumberman, res Thorn rd > l-H c X H w 80 r CO Ci 2 ^ t p)- to ' > a JO c !f] •'.. I.I ' ■ ! ' r :■#• il II '^ mm. Mm T. I TRAPP & CO., Hardware. Paints, Oils and Aj^ricQlM Imleots. Columbia Street, NEW W£STMI>:STEB, B. C. 1 AND MACHINE WORKS. s A N N A N D A L E G R O C E R E W I s T M I 8 T E R B O 646 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Scott, B, res Merchants' hotel Scott, W H, hair dresser, 823 Colum- bia Scottish Union and National, of Edinburgh, Scotland, 638 Columbia Scouter, Rev Thomas, pastor, St An- drew's Presbyterian Church, res the manse, 319 Carnarvon ScouUar, E S, merchant, 736 Royal ave Seagrave, Charles, compositor. Com- monwealth Printing and Publishing Co, res 62 Sixth Seeley, Thos, laborer. Cosmopolitan hotel Sennal, Rev Robert, minister. Third ave Setson, M, machinist, 321 Front, res Armstrong Sewell, F, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Seymour, Allen, tram conductor, res 245 Sixth Seymour, Chas, res 245 Sixth Seymour, Chas, mate, str Glayds^ res 245 Sixth Seymour, Geo, elk, res 245 Sixth Seymour, Geo, bailiff. Court House, res Sixth Shackleton, Thos Alfred, dynamo tender, Electric Power House, res Durham Shadwell, H B & Co, dry goods and clothing, 626 Columbia ShadwoU, H B, dry goods store, Col- umbia, res "Belle Vue," 689 Third ave Shanahan, D, mcht tailor, 710 Colum- bia Sharp, R P, architect, office Colum- bia, res 239 Fourth ave Sharpe, J H, clerk, R.C.P. Mills Shaw, C W, res Central hotel Shaw, F, Electric Power House, res Mowatt Shaw, John D, insurance agent, 604 Columbia, res Queen's hotel Sheaves, Thomas, fisherman, res Fourteenth Shenihan, — , tailor, res 617 Cftrnar- von Shepherd, Arthur, aas'nt Prov lan^ agent, 122 Cohimbia Sherwood, R C, compositor, res 58 Sixth Shiels, C E, conductor, 608 Columbia res 617 Carnarvon Shiles, B W, conductor, res 617 Car- narvon Shiles, D A, agt, 608 Columbir: Shiles, D A, elk, Tramway office, res 617 Carnarvon Shirley &.Hoy, stoves and tinware Columbia Shirley, J H, (Shirley & Hoy), stove dealer, Columbia, res Eleventh Short, William, cpntr, B.S.M. Co, res Richmond Shotton, Horatio, plumber, res Rus- sel house Shouldice, John, labr, res Brunette Sillitoe, Rt Rev A W, D. D. Lord Bishop New Westminster, res 360 Carnarvon Simcock, Hy, ship carpenter, res 835 Agnes Himcox, Hy, proprietor Cosmopolitan hotel, res Columbia B'lmm, O, lKK)mman, B.S.M. Co, res Himyeim, 'thos, guard Penitentiary, rps b^'I Columbia SimpHon, Mrs, res 798 Brunette Sinclair, Magnus, shipjx'r, res Royal ave Hinclair, Marshall, grain and produce mcht, Front, res St. George Sinclair, M, fisherman, res Quebec Sinclair, W J, boot and shoe dealer, 603 Columbia, res St. George Sisters of Charity of Providence, St. Mary's Hospital, Agnes Slack, E, millhand, B. S.M. Co. rea Brunette Slater, Wm, millwright, Royal City Mills, res 753 Carnarvon Slater, Wra, blacksmith, 31 Eighth, res Cumberland ^fOsn, Joseph, cpntr, ree 157 Fourth ave Sloan, W J, tram conductor, res 108 Columbia Small, G R, propr Grotto hotel, 613 Columbia Smalwell, Mrs C, res 91 Fourth Smedley, Harry, bricklayer, res Queen's hotel Smith, Carter J, bldr, res 429 St George Smith, James, fisherman, res Mer- chants' hotel Smith, Miss E J, dressmaker, Mrs McDougall's, res Albert Cres Smith, H T, motorneer, res 608 Col- umbia W. E. FALE8, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker p. O. Box 58. Columbia St. and Cor. Agnea and McKenxie St*., New WoBtmintter, B. C. 538 COLUIBU STREET New WeBtminster, B. C. NEW WE8TMINSTBB OITT OIBECTOBY. 647 Smith, Dr DeWolf, phyBician and surgeon. Medical Health Officer, res 97 Sixth, Royal ave Smith, James G, res 219 Second Smith, John, b'ackamith, res Thorn rd. Eighth ave Smith, John, genl agt, res Russell Smith, Joseph, elk, res Cential hotel Smith, Jos, woodturner, R.C.P. Mills Smith, J D, blacksmith, B.S.M. Go, res Eighth ave Smith, Miss Lilian, domestic, res Royal ave Smith, Mrs, nurse, res Third Smith, Mrs, red 732 Columbia Smith, P H steward, res 332 Front Smith, P N, 608 Columbia, res Hotel Douglas Smith Thomas, millhand, B.S.M. Co, res Keary Smith, T D, finisher, Wintemute Bros, rts Caledonia hotel Smith, W F, fruit tree agt, res Rus- sell house Smith, Wilber, drayman, res 868 Agnes Smith, W M, res 223 Sixth Smither, Alfred, accountunt, res 356 Twelfth Smither, Russell, cpntr, res North Arm, bet Eighteenth and Twen- tieth Smyth, P, tmstr, B.C. Penitentiary Snell, C K, dk, Campbell & Ander- son, rea 442 Agnes Soden, Mabel, domostie, res 124 First Souter, Elliott, meclianic, res Mer- chants' hotel, Columbia Souter, — , flsh packer, res 843 Agnes Sparrow, N Gr, res Central hotel Spitall, Mrs, dressmaker, 615 Colum- bia, res Sapperton Spittal, Thos, niillhand, B.S.M. Co, res Hospital Spracklan, W J, fisherman, res shack water front Sprott, John, road inspr, Prov govt, res 738 Third ave Stacy, A R, book-keeper, R.C.M, res C12 Agnes Stacy, L C, sawyer, B.S.M. Co. res Keary Stacy, Ross, millhand, B.S.M. Co, res Koary Standard Loan and Savings Co, rm 19, Dupont blk, L G Cole & Co, agents St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 47 Blackwood, Rev T Scouler St Ann's Convent School, Albert Crea Starks, G E, fisherman, res shack, North Arm Staratt, J J, cpntr, res 518 Ash Starrett.V*' D, ^'umber.res 228 Ninth Statrn, Pete/, prot -tf music, res 151 Ei/hth Steed, H, fisherman, res shack. Dock- yard square Steen, Geo, cpntr, B.S.M. Co, res 28 Hospital Stein, W T, chartered acct, Carnar- von, rei 442 A'inea Stevens, Miss B, res 324 Royal ave Stevenson, R P, tallyman, B.S.M.Co, Hospital Stevenson, Robt, laborer, res 874 Agnes Stewart, Alex, millwright, B.S.M. Co, res Keary Stewart, David, agent for pianos and organs, res 62 Sixth Stewart, D , tailor, Campbell & Doherty, red 70 Lome Stewart, Finlay, guard. Penitentiary, 502 Columbia Stickney, S E, fruiterer, 779 Colum- bia, res Twelfth Stickney, Wm, 753 Carnarvon Stinchcombe, E, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Stirsky, Mrs E C, second flat, Curtis block, Columbia St Mary's Church, Sapperton, Epis- copalian, Ven Rev A T Woods, pas- tor, res 620 Columbia St Mary's Hospital, 81 Merrivale Stoddard, Thomas, teamster. Third Stoess, Chas A, C E and Prov land surveyor, 604 Columbia Stone, vVilliam, millhand, B.S.M. Co, rea Brunette Storey, Jno, hoseman, Fire Hall No 3 Storey, J, electrician. Electric Light Works, res Central hotel Stott, William, foreman of Westmin- ster City Water Works, res 12 Kearv Stout, H, machinist, Currie & Keed, res Ash St Peter's R C. Church, Blackwood Stracy, A R, book-keeper. Royal City Meat Market, res 612 Agnes Stramberg, H M, principal High School, res Sixth Stratton, Mrs E, dressmaker, res 86 Eighth t-H o X H td O in > 1—1 'X > o a > O A i ;lli 1 w « % m m T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Paints, Oils anil Agricnltaral Mpleients. Columbia Street, NEW WESTMINSTEa, B. C. fiUPON-r BLOCK, L. J. COLE COLUMBIA STREET, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. Jfotarv PubUot Conveyaneert Aeeountant and Auditor, Menu mnd Aeeountt Settled. lSatate» Managed. 8 A N N A. N D A L. E G R O C E R N E W W E S T M I s T E B B C 648 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBEOTOItY. Street, Misa F, operator.N.West & B. I. Telephone Co, res Agnes Street, George, res 513 Carnarvon Street, S (jr, tram cond, 608 Columbia Street, W S, mechanic, Agnes Strickland, F G & Co, machinery dealers, Columbia Stirsky, F, watchmaker, 613 Front Strople, Norton, principal, Sapperton Public School, res 802 Columbia Sulley, J £, carriage maker, Blackie res 441 Sixth Sullivan, J, clerk, res Agnes Sullivan, Robt, night watchman, res Depot hotel Summers, Wm, carpenter, 421 Eighth Snn Idfe Assnranoe, agt, H Bar- wick, rms 17-18 Dupont blk Snter, J R, mechanic, B.C. Mills, res Pine Suter, J N, res 219 Armstrong Sutherland, Alex, Evangelist, res Keary Sutherland, Angus, boatbuilder, res Keary Sutherland, Geo, plasterer and slater, res Quebec Sutherland, John, capt, stmr Bru- nette, B.S.M. Co Sutherland, Miss, dressmaker, Dan- oan & McColl blk Sutherland, Miss E, dressmaker, Miss Sutherland's, Duncan & Mc- Coll blk Sutherland, Wm, plasterer, res 1031 Quebec Swain, Gad, deliveryman, Parnell & Gunn, res Sixth Swanaon, G, rea Cosmopolitan hotel Taylor, C, millhand, B.C.P. Mills Taylor, G, sash and door factory, B. C.P. Mills Taylor, Herbert, cabinet makei. Wintemute Bros, rea St George Taylor, Wm, rancher, res 100 Seventh Telegraph Hotel, Front, Hogan Bros, props Terhume, M G, master mariner, res 713 Columbia Teskev, James, cpntr, res 701 Colum- bia Texas Lake loe A Cold Stor- age Co, Front, bet Begbie and Eighth Tether, Edwd, fiahcurer, res Brunette The Coop, J E Elliott, res 442 Agnes Tai Kee, Chinese store, Mclnnes Tai Sang & Co, Chinese store, Mc- lnnes Tait, E G W, draughtsman, res Eleventh, bet Third and Queen's aves Tait, E R, millhand, B.C. P. Mills Templars' Hall, Dupont blk, 3rd flat, meets every Wednesday Tanasee, A, flstierman, res Four- teenth, bet Fifth and Sixth Tarry, James, millhand, B.S.M. , res 20 Hospital Tate, — , sawyer, res 86 Eighth Thew, Mrs. res 848 Columbia Thifoult, Thos. boom-man, B.S.M. Thomas, Jos, labr, res 8.W. cor Cari- boo and Thirteenth Thomas, Sampson, guard, B.C. Peni- tentiary Thomas, W, res Vancouver Thompson, Jno, shoemaker, res S.E. cor Columbia and Eighth Thompson, J D B, book-keeper, An- nandale, T S, res St Patrick, bet Fourth and Fifth aves Thompson, S J, photoerapher, Col- umbia, res Burr blk Thompson, William, labarer, res 87 Mclnnes Thompson, W H, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Thomson, J L, cpntr, res 612 Brant- ford Thomson, W, clerk, res St Patrick Thornber, Liwrance, caretaker, Cen- tral School, res 60 Eighth Thornton, Thos, labr, res Seventh iive "Tickey, Agnes, domestic, 689 Third Tidy, S G, rea 1028 Fifth ave Tietjen, Wm, prop Mainland Cigar Factory, rea Columbia Tisdale, A, apprentice, Vap'^tone's, res Sapperton Tisdale, Joseph, boat bunder, res Keary Tolmie, A J, prop Hotel Douglas, res 628 Columbia Tompkins, Hiram, book agent, i ^ '!:-:3 Sovouth Tompkins, Hiram, agt res Koary Tornev, B J, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Toronto Shoe Store, prop M W Minthorne, Dupont blk, Columbia Tovey, H T, clerk, Bank of Montreal, res 169 Second W. E. FALES, Farniture Dealer and Dnderiaker p. O. Box 58. Columbia St. and Con Agnu and MoKanKl* 8U., New Wfatminiltr, B. C. 538 COLOMBIA STREET New Westminster. B. C. NEW WESTMINSTER CITY DIRECTORY. 649 Townley, E, real estate and insur- ance agt, 1 and 2 Curtis block, Col- umbia Townsend, H R, Land Begistry Office res Rose Lawn, Third Townsend, W B. J. P, res "Rose Lawn," Third Townsend, W E, bricklayer, res 235 Fourth Trapp, T J & Co, hardware mchts 7I» Columbia Trapp, T J, hardware merchant, Columbia, res 413 Agnes Travellers' Aocident Insor- ance Co'y, 538 Columbia, Woods & Gamble, agents Travis, W H, fish saltei, res Fourth ave Tregent, A E, mgr, Yorkshire Guar- antee and Securities Corporation, Ltd, res 612 Columbia Treglown, John H, miner, res 32 Beg- bie Treglown, William J, miner, res 32 Begbie Treglow, William, miner, res 32 Beg- bie Trew, Archibald, mail clerk, C.P.R. res Sixth ave Trewartha, Joseph, teamster, B.8.M. res Keary Treguma, George, yardman, R.C.P. Mills Trowse, Mrs J, dressmaker, res 729 Fifth ave Tucker, II, millhand, B. S. M. res Brunette Tulaaieen improvement Hyadraulic Co, Ltd, Sixth Turnb'ill, Geo, contractor, (TurnbuU A Working), res 121 Third ave TurnbuU, James, builder, r«s 843 Agnc'j Turnbull & Working, contractors and builders, 624 Clarkson Turnbull, William, contractor, res Sixth ave Tomer, FQA Co, real estate and insurance agts, 714 Columbia Turner, Geo, civil engineer and sur- veyori res 738 Royal ave Turner, Geo, office boy,L J Cole & Co res 824 Milton u United Lodge, A. F. and A.M. Wm McColl, sec'y United Fire Insurance Co'y, of Manchester, England, H G Ross (& Co, agts Vachon, Al, prop Holbrook hotel Vancouver and New West- minster Tramway Company 608 Columbia . Vanstone, W E, plumber, 33 Sixth, res Fourth Varniere, Chas, miner, R.C. H-^spital res 801 Columbia Vass, Mrs C M, widow, res 149 Eighth Vidal, J H, elk, Land Registry, Fifth Vienna, Hy, fisherman, Westminster Fisheries and Trading Co, res North Arm Vienna, W H, mar fishing depart- ment. Western Fisheries and Trad- ing Co, res North Arm Bank Vienna, Wm, fish market, Columbia, res North Arm w Waggoner, F, res Merchants' hotel, Columbia * Walberg, B, cigar maker, Mainland Cigar Factory, res Occidental hotel Walker, David, barber. Hotel Douglas Shaving Parlor, res 609 Victoria Walker, Dr R Eden, M.D, res Fourth Walker, Walter, J, real estate and accountant, Bk B.C. block, res Burr blk Walker, W B, gardener, res Fourth ave Walker. W W, res Sixth Walmsley, Edward, mlUhanu, H.S.M. Co, res Cumberland Walmsley, Edward, labr. Brunette Go's Mills, res 837 Brunette W>-'lmslev, Henrv, labr, Brunette Co's Mill, res 837 Brunette Walmsley, James, watchman, C.P.R, res 10 Keary Walmsley, John, elk, C.P.R. station, res Sapperton Walmsley, John, elk, C.P.R. Co, res 10 Keary Walmsley, Leslie, millhand, Brunette Mills, res Keiiiy Walmsley, Thomas, sr, 10 Keary M Q K DO fo o C • CI a) ■ ■ io I' C '-1 ^ T. «l. TRAPP & CO., Harilware, Paints, Oils and Ajo^icQltaral imiileients. 1 olnmbia Street, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. •ii-T •I Ml-" IS .it t ■ it, '! m i\ \k ^' m WESTMIN^ER FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS <»""E»«'<'' AND DIES. T S A N A N D A L E s G R O C E R :n' E W W E S T M I ]sr s T E R B C 650 BRITiaU COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Bru- res Walmalev, Thomas, millhand, nette Mills, res 10 Keary Ward, Jake, millhand, B.S.M., Richmond Ward, T E, carpenter, Guichon hotel Warden, IJarry, fmr, Sapperton Ward, Miss Louisa, res St. Patrick Warden B. C. Penitentiary, E McBride Warren, Miss M J, tairoress, Camp- bell & Doherty, res 99 Eighth Warren, Mary Jan'e, tailoress, Camp- bell & Doherty, res Eighth Warwick, Cnas, Government agt, Court House, res Royal ave Washington, Geo, millhand, R.C.P. Mills, reb 1129 Columbia Washington, Jno, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Waterman, W, mining engineer, res Sixth Watson, Edward, butcher, Reichen- back, res 1410 Sixth ave Watson, J H, foreman, No. 1 Fire Hall, Columbia Watson, T, slaughterman, Royal City Meat Market, res Sixth ave Watt, James, 319 Front Watt,Jame8, labr, rea 687-9 Columbia Watt, James, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Watt, John, res 687-9 Columbia Watt, J, engr, ferry boat, res 650 Royal ave Watt, Peter, labr, res 687-9 Columbia Watt, William, millhand. Brunette Sawmill, res Columbia Watt, Wm 8. engr. B.S.M. str Iris Watt, William, millhand, Brunette S.M. Co, res 687-9 Columbia Watts, James, chief engr str Surry Webb, S H, gunsmith, Burns-Curtis blk, Columbia, res 318 Carnarvon Webber, E L, book-keeper, res 604 Columbia Weber, C E, butcher, 753 Columbia, res Tenth Webster, Ernest, box maker, B.S.M, rea Brunett Webster, Joseph, oiler, B.S.M., res Brunette Webster, Josogh, sawyer. Brunette Go's Mill, res 837 Brunette Webster, J A, sawmill prop, res 229 Columbia Welch, <r V & Son, painters and dec- orators, wall paper,&c, res Agnes Welch, H H, (Welch & Son) painter and decorator, res 259 Third Welch, G F, painter and decorator, (Welch & Son) Agnes, res Seventh ave Welch, Hy, retired, res 247 Seventh Welch, Lilian, tailoress, Campbell & Doherty, res Seventh ave V.^ellber, G, aast bartender, Guichon hotel Weller, Alfred, sailor, res 64 Blackie Wellon, C J, mariner, rea shack, Dock square Wells, Nelson, carpenter, res 473 Seventh Wells, Norton, factory hand, B.S.M. Wells, Thomas, millhand, B.8.M., res Mill Wells, Thos, millhand, res 701 Colum- bia Wells, Wm, wood turner, B.S.M., res Brunette Wells, Wm, factory hand, B.S.M, res Brunette Wellwood, Robt G, milk dealer, 617 Brantford Welsh, Daniel, carpenter. Third, bet Third and Fourth ave Welsh, Miss Ella, domestic, atJ L Brown's, Mary, cor Columbia Welsh, F, dentist, room 5, Duncan & McColl block, res Colonial hotel Welsh, Wm, fireman. Electric Powwr House West, Miss Annie, domestic, 521 Fifth ave West End Pharmacy, G L Bur- nett, 746 Columbia Western Assurance Co, of Toronto, agency 638 Columbia Western Fisheries and Trad- ing Co, Ltd, 737 Front West Side Day School, 613 Twelfth, R J Hall, principal Westminster Foundry and Machine Works, 321 Front Westminster Ice Co, Front bet Eighth and Begbie Westminster Meat Market, Gray Bros, 744 Columbia Westminster Slate Company, Ltd, 638 Columbia Whaite, Thomas, tallvman, Columbia Wheeler, A O, land surveyor, 604 Columbia, res 118 Columbia Whelpton, Joseph, laborer, res Oak- land, off Third White, A E, book-keeper, Cunning- ham Hardware Co, res Fourth ave White, Mrs E, Fourth ave W. E. FA LES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker p. O. Box s8. Columbia St. and Cor. Agnes and McKcnzle Sts., New Westminster, B. C. WOODS & GAMBLE, FINANCIAL AGENTS, S3S COLUHBIA street, new WESTMINSTER, B. C. NIW WESTMINSTER OITY DIRECTOBY. 681 White, J C, agent, res 683 Third ave White, Rev J fl, secy Methodist College, Sixth, res Fourth ave White, Thomas, miIlhand,B.S.M, res Columbia White, T C, stenographer and type- writer,Dominion Lands, P.O. build- ing, res 613 Carnarvon Whitehouse, S J, carpenter, res Corn- wall Whiteside, Arthur M, student at law, Corbould, McCoU & Co, res 819 Fourth ave Whiteside, D, Government messen- ger, 819 Fourth ave Whiteside, Wm Jas, barrister, etc, 323 Lome, res Queen's ave Whiting, A, tegetable stand. City Meat Market, res Burnaby Lane, Front, erst of Sixth Whittaker, H, yardman, R. C. P. Mills Whittendale, James, millhand, B.S. M, ree Cumberland Whittendale, John, night watchman, B.S.M. Co, res near Cumberland Whyman, Edward, janitor City Hall, res Sixth Whyman, Edward, landscape gar- dener, 451 Sixth Wiggins, John, farmet, res Twelfth, cor Seventh ave Wilcox, Solon, painter, 26 Blackie, res 848 Agnes Wild, — , book-keeper, Bell-Irving & Paterson, res 169 Socond Wilde, Joseph, canneryman. Depot hotel Wilkinson, Hy, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Willey, Miss L, housekeeper, res Seventh ave Williams, EUen,domestic,234 Seventh Williams, Geo H, propr Queen's hotel, res Columbia Williams, G, 307 Carnarvon Williams, Guy, millhand, B.S.M. Co, res Brunette Williams, Harry, Cosmopolitan hotel, Columbia Williams, H H, keeper, Trov Asy- lum, res 732 Third ave Williams, H J, jr, bartender. Queen's hotel Williams, J, millhand. R.C.P. Mills Williams, J L, Star Laundry, Cun- ningham Williams, Louis, owner tug Blonde, res 727 Columbia Williams, Major, glazier, Galbraith & Sons' Sash and Door Factory, res Carnarvon Williams, Major, boxmkr, B.S.M. Co Williams, Miss M M, teacher of music, res 723 Third ave Williams, Miss P, operator, N.W. & B.l. Telephone Co, res Royal ave Williams, W G, fmr, Surrey, res Brunette Williams, W G, fireman, Pac Coast Lumber Co Williamson, Chas, labr, res 874 Agnes Williamson, Lawrence, cook, Mor- tier's restaurant Willis, A J, cook, Guichon hotel Willis, A J, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Wilson, A C, florist, res 406 Cunning- ham Wilson, Chas (Campbell, McColl, Wilson & Campbell), barrister, etc, res Hotel Vancouver Wilson, Chas, book-keeper. Colonial hotel, res 623 Columbia Wilson, Miss Emma, music teacher. res 45 Albert Cres Wilson, H A. mgr, N.W. Telegraph oflice, res Sixth ave Wilson, Hugh, telegraph operator, res Sixth ave Wilson, Jacob, boatbuilder, L Wil- son's boal house, res S.E. cor Car- narvon and Begbie Wilson, John, mgr, B.S.M, Co, res 117 First Wilson, J T, clerk. Court House, rea Twelfth Wilson, Leonard, boatbuilder, res 45 Begbie Wilson's Boathouse, foot of Tenth Wilson, Ralph, cpntr, res Sixth ave Wilson, Robert, insurance agent, res 46 Albert Cres Wilson, William, boom-man, B.S.M. Co, res Columbia Wintemute, A, carpenter, res 524 St George Wintemute, Bros, furniture dealers, 429 Columbia Wintemute, Geo M, accountant, Wintemute Bros, res Third ave Wintemute, John, furniture dealer (Wintemute Broe), res Liver- pool st AVintciin.te, Joseph, cpntr, res 217 Third j,ve o X H O in 2^ m X o > m o a 2; !'■'!! T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Paints, Oils and Agricnltnral Columbia Street, NEW WESTMINSTBE, B. C. ..Mt^'inii$&iL-\,,^^: T 8 A N A D A L E J, & J. TAYLOR, SAFES AND VAULT DOORS Xi. jr. ColOf Ageutf Dupont Block, New Westminster, B. G. 1^ G R O C E It i^ E W W E S T M I S T E B B C Wintemute, Robert, furniture dealer (Wintemute Bros), res Queen's ave Winter, John, steward, Colonial htl, res 607 Clarkson Wise, James, J. P., general dealer, 619 Front, res Royal ave Wise, John, mcht, res Koyal ave Wise, J M, Carnarvon, res" Depot htl AVise, J W, wharfinger, res 619 Front AVitt, Louis, cigar maker. Mainland Cigar Fcty, res Cosmopolitan hotel A^'ize, J E, coal and wood mcht, Col- umbia, res Begbieblk Wize, Wm, fmr, res 1017 Royal ave Wolfenden, G J, book-keeper, res 223 Fourth ave Wolfenden, Wm, deputy coUec or inland revenue and gas inspr, P.O bldg, res 216 Third ave Wohnsley, Jas, wchmn, res Sapperton Wolz, Wm, cigar maker ,Tietjen'B, res 760 Agnes Wood, Travis & Co, fish canners. North Arm, Fraser river Wood, Miss A, bookbinder. Com- monwealth Pntg Co, res Eleventh Wood, A B, factory hand, B.S.M. Co, res cor Keary and Brunette Wood, Charles, fish curer, res Fourth ave, cor Fifth st Wood, Mrs Henry, boarding house keeper, res 29 Church Wood, Miss Rendel Hilda, stenog- rapher, Masonic blk, res 29 Church Wooa, James, millwright, All>erni V. I, res Keary Wood, Miss M, milliner, 627 Colum- bia, res Church Wood, Wm M, labr, res Tenth bet St Andrew's and Belleville Woods A Gamble, real estate, and land surveyors, 638 Columbia Woods, S E, foreman, sash and door dept, R.C.P. Mills Woods, Chas E, C.E, (Woods & Gamble) res 142 Columbia Woods, C, real est agt, 538 Columbia, res 142 Columbia Woods, Mrs Dvke, res 790 Brunette Woods, E nt N, barrister, etc, 27 McKennie, res cor 8t Ann's and Royal ave Woods, G H, millhand, R.C.P. Mills Woods, J, cpntr, R.C.P. Mills, res 230 Ninth Woods, Samuel, real estate agt, res Third ave Woods, Rev Philip D, St Mary's, res Columbia, Sapperton Woods, The Ven Arch, rector St Mary's, Sapperton, res Columbia Woods, Wm, cook, Queen's hotel Woods, Miss W, milliner's asst, 604 Columbia, res Sixth ave Woollen Mills, 301 Front WooUiams & McCulloch, fish, fruit and game mkt, Dupont blk Woolliams, Jno H, (Woolliams & McCulluch), City Market, res 22 Bushby Working, Honer, book-keeper, Mow- att Fish Co, res 412 Royal ave Working, J, contr, res 941 Belleville Working, J D, (Turnbull & Working) contr, res Tenth Wray, Mrs Wm, res 663 Third ave Wriffbt Bros, fish, fruit and game dealers, Begbie blk, (gee advt side margins). Wright, Chas, mcht, res B gble blk Wright, W, cpntr, R.C.P. Mills Wright, Frank, merchant, Begbie blk Wvatt, W, carpenter, R.C.P. Mills Wyld, E A, mgr. Bank B.C, res 634 Third ave Wyld, L H, elk, Bell-Irving, Pater- son & Co Wyld, Wm, fisherman, res Sixth ave Yardloy, Miss, domestic, Russell hse Ying Tai & Co, labrconts, 61 Tenth E Y.M.C.A. Rooms, cor Colum! ia and Church Yorkshire Guarantee and Securities Corporation, Ltd, 612 Columbia, Tregent, A £, agt Yondall & Sinclair, genl com mchta, Front Youdall, Hugh, (Youdall & Sinclair), grain and produce mcht, Front, res St George Young, Capt C S, str Bon Accord Young. Harry A, capt str Iris, res Columbia Young, H, warden, Prov Asylum, res Columbia Young, Murdock, steamboatman Young, Wm, res Central hotel Zelazny, A, cigar maker. Mainland Cigar l?acty, res 810 Agnes W. E. FALE8, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker p. O. Box 58. Columbia St. and Cor. Agnoa and McKonsle Sto., New Weatminater, B. C. LAND - SURVBYORS 638 Columbia Street, New Westminster, B. C. NEW WE8TMIN8TBB CITY DIRECTORY. 653 (For Householders, see Alphabetical List.) OITY LIMITS. Commencing at a point on the right bank of the north arm of the Fraser River, the south-west boundary of suburban block nine; thence north- westerlv alonf; the centre of the street which forms the westerly boundary of suburban blocks nine and twelve to the centre of the street which forms the northern boundary of subur- ban lot twelve; thence in a north- easterly direction along the centre of the street which forms the northerly boundary of suburban blocks twelve, fourteen and four, and its production to its intersection with the Brunette River; thence inn southerly direction, following the right bank of the Bru- nette River, to a point of suburban lot 7, block 8, would intersect the said right bank of the Brunette River ; thence in a southerly direction and the easterly boundary of the said lot 7, block 8, to the right bank of the Fraser River ; thence southerly along a prolongation of said easterly boun- dary of said lot 7, block 8, to a point 350 feet below high water mark; thence, following a line parallel to the above lines of said right bank of Fraser River, to a point 350 feet below high water mark, and on the production southerly of the centre of the street forming the westerly boun- dary of suburban lots nine and twelve; thence, in a north-west- erly direction to place of bejgin- ning. Also all that other piece or tract of land as follows : — Begin- ning at a point at which the west line of lot 4, group 2, New West- minster District, produced north- wardly, intersects the southern boun- dary of the clcy, and thence south- wardly along the said {west line of lot 4 produced, and the said west line of lot 4, distant triree chains from the southern shore of the Fraser River ; thence eastwardly and at right angles to the said west line of lot -4, thirty chains, more or less, to a point on the east line of lot 2, group 2; thence northwardly along the east line of lot 2 to the southern shore of the Fraser River; thence westwardly along the said shore line of the Fraser river to a point on the west line of lot two ; thence northwardly along the west line of the said lot 2 and the west line of the said lot 2 produced, thirty- three chains, more or less, to inter- section of the southern boundary of the city; thence westwardly along the southern boundary of the city to the place of beginning. Also the eastern end of Lulu Island, known as a Government reserve, and the island known as Poplar Island. KIRK LIMITS. Commencing on Columbia street at a point where the easterly boundary on Blackwood street produced, inter- sects the southerly boundary of Col- umbia street; thence southerly at right angles to the said southerly boundary of Columbia street to Front street; thence westerly along said 'treet to McNeeley street; thence northerly along McNeely street to Carnarvon street; thence easterly along Carnarvon street to Sixth street ; thence southerly along Sixth street to Clarkson street ; thence east- erly along Fourth street to Columbia street ; thence easterly along Colum- bia street to the point of commence- ment. o X H Cd o in in > o a q > o JO en J ■ ' T. J. TRAPP & CO., larlf are, Faints, Oils anil iiricnlU Iislenents, I i I if m 1.1 if I :1! i St I , 1 UlUMI) Columbia Street, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. G. iiiiil MiiiiiiiiiMMl WESTMIHSTEB FOUUDBy AND MACHINE WORKS ^*TJf ™^ T S A N N A N D A L E ^ o G II O C E R E W W E S T M I S T E B B C 664 URITI8II COLUMBIA OIRKCTOKY. from Dufferiii to AGNBS-Kuna Tenth. North Sidk. 91 Vacant St. Ann Street interMootR. 161 Homer, J A li Homer, A B Homer, W 101 limy, W Myros Univ, Johnson, P M 177 Cook, Mrs 204 Millard, Chas T Klllott Street intonootN. 1»1 Jenns, K A 205 I^eamy, Jamea Comray, — Duuuia, R Kmiorick, Sister Sister of Charity of Provi- dence MerrUale Street interRooti. Cote, George 366 Vacant 359 Vacant 361 Julian, R E Pickles, Carey Crowe, Thos A Sullivan, J 400 Bole, W Norman Coulthard, A E Fourth Street intersects. 413 Brown, Harry ' Marshall, Mrs Trapo, T J 421 Goodman, Miss J Blood, Walter 427 Miller, Mrs 429 Vacant 431 McKenzie, D 436 Reed, John 439 Scott, Mrs James 441 Vacant 443 Bowman, J R 446 Vacant 447 Murchie, P March ie, W Murchie, D Dean, Charles Dean, J R C Vacant store Rosco, Thos Sixth fitreet intersects. Hudson, Isaac Welch, H H Welch, G F Welch, G F & Son Gordon, Mrs J A Gordon, J A Vacant store 607 Street, Miss F 609 Howison, Mrs M 615 Manihan, Stephen 021 Nelson, P 626 Vacant 636 Johnston, l}eo B ■ Johnston, Wni I) Johnston, John Johnston, Wm 639 Marshall, Ben 746 Billodeau. P O 706 Armstrong, A J Armstrong, Wm Geo Armstrong, Mrs K J Brighouse, Mrs 709 Maclean, I M Seventh Street intersects. 713 Milligan, D S 731 Cunningham, Jus 755 Andrzejewski, J W 823 Frederic, Wm 833 Hettern, A Blackie Street interHects. 835 Kelly, John 843 Souter, — Edmunds, Chas Turnbull, James 847 Hargravtis, (teorgo 849 Vacant 866 Vacant 861 Docksteader, Cecilia Gilley, Walter R 867 Mercier, George 835 Brodie Simcock, Hy McGaskell, Malcolm Calahan, Geo Gilley, Capt G W South Side. 172 Cudlip, T H Sarnia Street intersects. 174 Ross. R E Cuthbertson, .Tas 200 Davy, J G 208 Cummings, Allen 210 Neilson, James Neilson, Miss C 216 Lewes, Mrs C E Fourth Street intersects. 402 Phillips, J E 442 Hodge, G C Stein, W T W. E. F ALES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker p. O. Box s8. Columbia St. and Cor. Agnea and McKensle Sts., New Weatmlnater, B. C. LAND - SURVBYORS 638 Columbia Street, New Weatminster, B. C. (ir>5 NRW WKBTMir^HTKB CITY OtHKOTORY. 442 Murruy, J M Hnell, C K McDonald, A 8 Draper, B B Klliott, J K Olivut BupliHt Church Hixth Htretit liitemectn. (108 JohiiHon, J B «12 Stacy, A R Hunter, Mra Falc'H WarehouHt! Kubaon, D CookHley, W J"' CorJxjuld, McCoil, Wilson & Campbell Noot, Wm Bowler, P T MacKcnzle, A B MacQuarrie. N H Kmith, Dr DeWolf Pearce, 8 J Bitt. II H Whyman, Edward Peacock, Julian Atkinaon.T 8toll, W Forrest, Frank Bailey, M Latham, Peter Board of Trade, T J Trapp, ^res Wilson, J^ohn Robaon, D Wowls, C E Wyld, E A Major, C G Keary, W H Reed, John Munn, D J Duncan, W A Curtis, D S Lorn« street i.iterBeots. 718 Gill, James 724 Vacant 730 Vacant 738 Goldhammer, Hy 744 Gravea, B H 750 Wolz, Wm Paul, Emil Mills 754 Vacant 758 Vacant Eighth street InterBecti 822 Dickenson, W E 826 Vacant 830 Bruce, Henry 832 Zelazay, Albert 8.S» Belyea. Harry H40 Vacant 844 Vacant 854 Hu^hcH, Henry 848 Wilcox, 8olon 858 Munn,Alired 8mith, Wllber 802 Vacant 808 Macfarlane, Wm McttnneM Ht«ciit InterNcelii. 874 WillianiHon, Chas Wtcvenson, Robt Roxburgh, Wm ALBERT CRBSCBNT-Runs from Columbia to ColumbuH. Wkht Hidk, 45 Wilson, Robt Biartz, Wm Wilson, Mies Emma St. Anns' Convent Harnia Street Interxt'ctN. 119 Gill, Fred Calhoun, Miss L F Calhoun, 8 J Calhoun, Misa F £ St. Ann Street iutersectt, 131 Rod^era, Capt Rodgers, J Rodgers, the Mieaes 141 Jackson, Adam 161 Leamy, Andrew 163 Guilty, Thos Wellington Street Intersects. ALEXANDER— Runs from Col- umbia to Carnarvon. East Side. 23 Vacant store 25 Ijee Sam 27 Vacant 29 Vacant 31 Vacant West Side. 32 Vacant ALICE — Runs from Bushby to First atreet. South Side. 113 Jordan, Arthur 117 Freese, John Q 1 m X m H 1 1 a fl 1 1 PO u il la M PI IP) A i 3 i 1 to ! 1 s- ^v •1 13 ■ K 1 10 i m ■ H- <i\ Hi 9 rK .h 1 •i : m% 9p :'| 11 % I 1 1 i-t ' ' i 1 H c !i M !: 1 T. J. TRAPP & CO., Harilware, Faints, Oils and AgricnltQral Mpleients. Columbia Street, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1/. m. 1.0 I.I ■50 •^" ■ 2.5 2.2 us u lAO 2.0 ^ 1.25 |||.4 Ui^ < 6" - ► Photographic Sdences Corporalion 23 Wl^r 'liAIN STRUT WEBSTIR.N.Y. 14SS0 (716)S72-4S03 m T T rOT F ^E^ ESTATE AND INSURANCE Lj» ]• \u\J X^Lj Dnpont Block, Cotambia St. New WMtmlnster. B. C. s A N N A D A E aft « ® » G R O C E K K E W W E S T M I S T E B B C 656 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBECXORY. 120 Kaye.Mrs Dufferin Street Intersects. Bashby Street intersects. ARMSTRONG— Buns from Elliott to Blackwood. North Side. 213 Dickinson, Mrs Dickinson, Wm 219 Suter, J K 317 Vacant 319 Cosens, Edward South Side. 222 Vacant ASH— Runs from Fourth avenue to Sixth avenue. East Side. Stout, H 413 Vacant Robinson, Chas Pride, W A Prescott »-treet intersects. Hall, R J Hicks, Rev J P Currie, W C Currie, Wm 513 Gaudin, Andrew Currie, Abraham Fifth Avenue intersects. 517 Cole, L J 519 Hardman, A 521 Gowen, Rev H H West Side. 410-18 Columbian Methodist College, principal, Rev R Whittln^ton; ladjr prin- cipal. Miss L H Hurlburt Fourth Avenue intersects. 426 Vacant 440 Noot, W Frank Noot, F Noot, Wm 614 Chamberhn, J C 518 Starratt, J J 524 King, H R King, W R AUCKLAND- TweHth. North Side. -Runs from Tenth to Hagman, Jno Falk, Andrew Daw, Saml, sr French, Jno Daw, Albert Daw, Jno Cederburg, A Bailey, Marshall Jones, H O Jones, Hugh W Eleventh Street intersects. South Side. Empty house Goe, Wm Goe, Frank Gregory, A Gardiner, W H Elev«nth Street Intersects. BEGBIE— Runs from Front to Car- narvon. East Side. 7 Eickhoff House 9 Empty store 11 Rear entrance Occidental Hotel 37 Card, Capt J L 41 Vacant house 45 Wilson, Leonard Carnarvon Street intersects. West Side. Empty store Columbia Street intersiicts. 28 Labelle, Uric 32 Treglown, John Treglown, Wm Treglown, Wm J 46 Ewen, A BELLEVILLE— Runs from Ninth to Eleventh. North Side. 941 Working, Jno Edwards, Albert Ninth Street intersects. W. E. F ALES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker p. O. Box s8. Colombia Bt and Cor. Agnaa and McKaiula Sta., Haw Waatmiaatar, B. C. ipi WOODS & GAMBLE 538 COLUMBIA ST. New Westmlnater, B. C. NEW WBBTHINSTEB CITY DIBECTOBY. 657 BLACKIK— Runs from Columbia to Royal avenue. East Side. 47 Vacant house Davidson, Lieut Annie, S.A MaBBecar, Capt Ada West Side. 24 Vacant house Odin, Capt F 34 Clark, Miss Sadie 40 Lee Sing 42 Mercier, Geo & Co 44 Davis, Geo E 68 McMullen, MisB Jane McMullen, Mrs M Radley, James 64 Macdonald, David Weller, Alfred De Lisle, J Ri%ch, James 68 Batchelor, J D 86 Vacant Macdonald, David BLACKWOOD— Runs from Col- umbia to Agnes. East Side. St Peter's Church 39 McColl, Angus John, Q.C McColl, A J Carnaryon Street inteneotB. 47 St Andrew's Presbyterian Church Scoular, Rev J Dickinson Street intenerts. St Louis College West Side. 50 Pagan, Dr 74 Fayard, Rev Father BONSON. East Side. McCrimmon, D J Royal Avenue intenects. BRANTFORD— Runs from Sixth to Seventh streets, above Fourth avenue. NoBTH Side. 601 Nicka, Mias Ellen 613 Rowe, W J South Side. 608 Fulton, Fred 612 Thomson, J L Fulton, Cant Etheridge 616 Marshall, H M BRUNETTE— Runs from Colum- bia to Brunette river. NoBTH Side. 790 Dyke, Woods, Mrs Keary Street intersects. 792 Vacant 798 Simpson, Mrs 802 Allen, Thomas 808 Vacant 812 Vacant 818 Hall, George Hall, James Grant, E MacNeil, Alex Shouldice, John 830 House, vacant Gosling, A Kendal Williams, W G Williams, Guy Tucker, H Chalmers, Wm Stone, Wm Carleton, GW Cook, William Tether, Edward Cole, Joseph Robinson, Wm Slack, E Sabourin, E South Side. 837 Webster, Joseph Walmsley, Edward Walmsley, Henry Mason, Daniel La Plante, Edward Frichette, N Simon, O Reynolds, Robert 809 Mills, William Wells, Wm Keary Street intersects. Best, James Best, Hugh Best, Robert Best, Joseph Best, Samuel Johnson, Miss Esther O SCO Sw' •^ zr iO PC T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Faints, Oils aM A][riciiltDral ImlenieDts, ColnmbU Street, NBW WESTMIN8TBB, B. G. m ^i 'if 4 WESTMINSTER FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS. CANNING MACHINERY AND DIES. 11 !: s A N N A N D A L E El G R O C E R N E W W E S T M I N S T E B B C 668 BBITIBH COLDUBIA DIRECTORY. BUSBBY— RunB from Columbia east to Royal avenue. Wbbt Side. 16 Vacant 22 Woolliams, John McCuUoch, T W Hart, P J 26 Vacant Alice Street intenects. CARIBOO. North Side. Roscoe, T Hailey, Ernest Crane, Jos Earle, Chris Churchill, I Thirteenth Street intersectB. Thomas, Jos Crowe, A J CARNARVON Runs from El- liott to Eleventh. North Side. 318 Webb, S H Merrivale Street intersectB. Elliott Street intersects. 322 Quine, T F 328 St Peter's Gymnasium 360 Bishop of New Westminster Irwin, Rev H Fourth Street intersects. Holy Trinity Church Loiae Street intersects. Alexander Street intersects. Eighth Street intersects. Blackie Street inter«ects. Mclnnes Street intersects. 944 Kwong Wing Lung 058 Empty house Matmgor, James Corrigan, C S Railway and Tramway intersect. South Side. 201 Hoy, H 216 Bonson, Mrs L F Blackwood Street intersects. 221 Douglas, B 307 Williams, Mrs G 311 Keary, Mrs Andrew's Presbyterian 617 310 Scouler, Rev Thos 327 St Church 366 Pagan, Dr 606 Russell House 609 Davidson 613 Street, Georae 61d Hittginson, T S Williams, Major 521 Cunningham, James 623 Store vacant 625 Vacant Sixth Street intersects MoKensie. Rear entrance to Court Hse Lome Street inteneots Begbie Alexander ends here 569 to 79 Vacant Fourth Street intersects. Herring's Opera House 613 Grant, Mrs A Grant, G H Shenihan Shiles, B W Shiles, D A Charnock, G A White, T Lane, J Sixth Street intenects. 646 Box, Duncan McKenzle Street Interseets. Miller, W Dillabaugh, ''fatt Donimy, Thos Huston, W Carty, John Lome Street intersects. 751 Eickhoff, Fred 763 Slater Mitchell Junkin, Con Burdew, Joseph Stickney, Wm Burdew. Aaron 767 Brown, Wm 759 Forrester. — 943 Chinese house CLARKSON-Runs to Lome. from Fourth North Side. 601 St Leonard's Hall Church Street intersects. 607 Store, vacant 600 Roxburgh, Mrs W. E. F ALES, Furniture Dealer and Undertakei p. O. Box 58. ColnaMa 8t sad Cor. AgBM and HeKaasl*. Sto, Now Woattuiimtor, B. r KS. I WOODS & GAMBLE insurant 538 CO1.UHBIA STRl ET, NEW WESTMINSTER. B. C. NEW WEBTH NSTER OITT DIRECTORY. 659 Cooper, Dr H M 631 McLaughlia, Bobt Jeffery, Fred B Shirley & Hoy 607 Boss, Joseph E Winter, Jotm Clarkson Street intersects'. 613 Vacant 617 Henderson & Keith 621 Connor, £ A Rousseau's Factory 625 Kirkup, John McKenzie Street intersects 627 Vacant SouTB Side. 402 Vacant Church Street intersects. 618 Colonial Hotel 624. Turnbull & Working Austin, Charles Dyson, Edward •' Clinton Place," O'Connor, Arthur CHURCH— Runs from Columbia to north of Clarkson. East Side. 17 Vacant Columbia street intersects. 21 Fraser, James 25 Vacant 29 Newington, H H Newington, S Wood, Mrs Henry Wood, Rendel Hilda, Miss Garland, Miss Mary CUrkson Street intersscts. 33 Gray, Michael Gray, David Gray, John Grant, William West Side. 26 Store, vacant Clarkson Street intersects. 34 St Leonard's Hall Holy Trinity Church, Epis- copal COBURG— Runs Royal avenue. 01 Vacant from Agnes to COLUMBIA, Sapperton— Runs from AlL)ert Crescent to city limits. West Side. B.C. Penitentiary Insane Asylum 604 Morrison, Frank Morrison, A C 610 MacFarlane, A 6 MacFarlane, R M 620 St Mary's Church Woods, Rev, Phillip D Wood's, Ven Archdeacon 636 Martin, E B Jamieson, R A Jamieson, C M Post Office McLachlan, D J Brunette Saw Mill Co 642 Martin, Miss Armstrong, C H 644 DeBeck, Capt 650 Vacant 652 Vacant Irwin, Geo P Nuns of Our Lady of Charity of Refuge Sister Mary of the Good Shepherd 686 Hutchinson, G 702 Preston, W 710 Vacant Hume, James Whaite, Thomas 732 Smith, Mrs Kennedy, P B Fleming, Svdney 744 King, T R ' 766 Johnson, Edw 802 Strople, Norton McDonald, A Montgomery, J B 848 Thew, Mrs 850 Bendle, Wm 856 Hume, Robt Hume, Robt M 862 Munday, Geo , Munday, Geo A 902 Ankers, John 960 Patchell. W A East Side. 651 Vacant s^re 655 New West'r Brewery Jameson, R Martin, E B 669 Chinese washhouse SCO n ^§ 6D -J H hO CD — C ill I ■if i >| nil "If vm !iS S T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hariware, Paints, Oils aM AjEriceltaral Columbia Street, VBW WESTMINSTfiS, B. C. L. 5^ 1 G R O e E R N E r w ■> w P- E a , s ■f T M I a: :n- :l s 'L, T f B rl'- K ^^' ' -■;• B J#t#\T T! Axent for The Canadian Fire Ina. Co., The London ft Canadian • %J\MAjJCt Fire Ins. Co., Ltd, The Federal Life An. Co.. The J. ft J Taylor, and Vault Dooru. Secretary of the Royal City Building Society, Secy-Treaa. of the T^ Safe* Standard Loan and Saving* Co. NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. s A 'N N A N D A L E 660 BBITISH COLUMBIA DIBKCTOBY. 663 Vacant Boulevard Street Intersects. 669 Vacant store 131 Gaynor, J E 196 Robinson Capt Watt, \^'m Watt, Peter Elliott street interstcts. 687-9 Watt, James 209 Holt, Claude £ Watt, John 217 Vacant 693 Coutts, Alex 219 Vacant 696 Muldoon, £ J 221 Mclnnes, Mrs 699 Bennett, G 701 McOormick, J McCreight, Judge McGennis, Mrs Barber, H C 229 Webster, J A & Co Barberry, M Merrivale Street intersects. Armstroug, W L Wells, Thos Binden, H Tesley, James 713 McLean, James Terhune, M G 715 Vacant 717 Vacant 719 Over A 303 Vacant 311 McNamara, James 319 Vacant . 321 Boutilier, Francis Donnage, J A Box, Duncan 331 Gowdy, Mrs M J Fayard, Rev Father 1 XCr V/VCI, XX 723 House, W T 727 Williams, Louis St Peter's Church Blackwood Street intersects. 801 Bitter, Raphael Ewen, L M Rodick, Thomas Cressel, W Royal Columbia Hospital 803 Strople, N Bowler, Pat Grant, Miss M Hospital street ends here. Maguire, Miss A Keary Street intersects. Fourth street intersects. 806 McDonald, James Queen's Hotel blk Levoy, John Vacant store Anderson, Andrew Queen's Hotel Digby, Geo Williams, G H Digby, John Ghaa Williams, H J Digby, Chas Jones, Thos, jr Young, H A Case, Frank Young, H Parker, Wm Dickson, Miss Bella Peele, Percv Morrison, Aulay Miller, Miss J Sapperton Public School Manson, Wm Austin, W R Mallette, C £ McLeod, J M Shaw. J D Brunette Street intersects. Jordan, Arthur Gillanders, C W Warden, Harry Holmes. Wm Woods, Wm Burke, Bert MacdonaJd, J M , Mclntyre, W T Mcintosh, Alex Smedley, Harry La very, A L Martin, John 407 Muir, T A & Co COLUMBIA, City — Runs from Begbie block Albert Crescent to Royal City Forin, M Peter Planing Mills. Forin, John Andrew NoBTH Sins. Cambridge, J J Brooke, Herbert Albert Creseent intersects. Vacant store Miller, G A Hall,TS,M.D Scott, J H Leopold Place here. W. E. FALB8,FurnitureDealerand Undertaker F. O. Mm t9. C«lanbte St mad Cor. Agnas aad HcSanaie Utm., Haw Waatmiaalar, B. C dian rlor, ftbe 1 p WOODS & QlmOM, FINANCIAL AGENTS. 538 COLUMBIA STREET. NEW WESTMINSTER. B. C. iii NEW WESTMINSTER CITY OIBECTORY. 661 Wize, J E Johnston, Wm Gibson Johnston, W B Wright, Chas Johnston, G B Mclennan, James Vacant store Boyard, Frank Hutcherson, Stella Paul, E D Sutherland, Miss Baker, A Welsh, F Hall, Dr F W Mechanics' Institute Brown, Miss Jennie Board of Trade Rooms Bichardson Peacock, Julian Martin, Mrs N.W. Public Library Buie, John 539 Postoffice Lennie, H H & Co McLeod, Angus Sixth Street intersects. Brook, C H Chamberlain, Walter MacDonald Giflford, T Cambridge, John Darling, E McLaughlin Connor, Miss J Balmain 601 Campbell, John Patterson Campbell, Chas A 603 Sinclair, W J Hurtley Forin, Jno A 605 Crake, F Forin, P Gundry, A A Wright, Fbas 607 Mackenzie, A B Wright, Crank 609 MacKenzie, A B & Co Burr blk Royal Agricultural and In- Three vacant stores dustrial Society of B.C Great Northern Express Co Burr. W H Thompson, S J 611 Schetkv, G L , . Blaker, R C Ogle, Campbell & Co 613 Draper, B B McGalligan, Peter Walker, Walter J Clapp, Charles Innes, John Rae, J D 429 Wintemute Bros 615 Spittall, Mrs Wintemute, Geo Cormack, Miss B 431 Vacant McDougall, Miss M £ Smith, Miss E J Smith, T B 4S3 MacQuarrie, D Cameron, Miss A E 436 Murray, C McDoueall. Miss B S 617 Ryall, H Greig, W R Church Street here. Hill, F T 437 Vacant Curtis, DS 441 Vacant 619 Store, vacant 443 Vacant 621-3 McCorvie, A 449 Baker's Bakery N.W. Telegraph Office Wilson, H A Colonial Hotel 623 Raymond, Geo R 626 Clarke, William Robinson, Ira N Preston, George 501 O'Neil. J Rousseau, J Y.M.C.A. rooms Heimerle, Harry Brydone-Jack, A C Muir, 8 A 627 Rae, Mrs William 629 Schmidt, Godfrey 605 No 1 Fire Hall Murk, Henry Ackerman, Theron Bennett, Karl Oroll. Jas Norris, GeoP Watson J H 631 Small, G R Dixon, R B 633 The Grotto Hotel Methodist Art Glasaroom MeKenzle Street intersects. 2 o X H p w 2"^ C/5 X to 2C GO ^ ' > a T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hamware, PaiDts, Oils and AjETicnltnral Iislements. Colnmbia Street, NBW WBSTMIN8TBB, B. C. ,j[ ■II I £111 1' 11 1 'i ■- 1 Jlif If ? 1 WEOTINSTER FOIDRY and maohine works. W( A N A D A L E _ N. OB *< H « © ^ ^ « Ifc i: G R O C 1'- E i" R • N E r '■ W : W ' E S i ■ T M !■ I N '{' S f T f-= E i B i-' B C Eckstein & Gaynor Howav & Reid Cassidy, Wm Moore, Miss Florence Townley, G R, rms 1 and 2, Oartia block Stinky. Mrs £ G, second . flat Curtis block Store, vacant 709 Phillipa, JE 719 Trapp, T J & Go Lome Street intersects. Oddfellows' block Begbie Street Intersects. Reid & Gurrie, Iron Works 747 Millard, G Small, G R 753 B G Cattle Co 771 Collier, W Collier, jr Eighth street intersects. Depot hotel Dickinson & Lechner 806 Vacant stom 807 Parnell & Gunn 821 Ciimyow Bros 823 Scott, WH McDonald, J D Cosmopolitan hotel McKay, Stephen Merchants' hotel 839 EUey, Reuben Merchants' Exchange hotel McNeely Street intersects. 943 Cleveland hotel Breman, J R Tenth Street intersects. 937 Kee Sing Empty store Lumber yards R.O.P. Mills 1067 Warehouse, R.C.P.M. Co 1071 Warehouse " 1077 Store ' " 1079 Store " Lodging house Lumber yard Bryson, J S 1121 Brown, Jno 1125 Empty cabin 1127 Empty cabin 1129 Washington, Geo Royal City Planing Mills South Side. 112 Insley, Capt A Insley, Asoery Insley, John Knott, Henry Wm Howard Morrison, Aulay Notch. H Campbell, S Malina, A Albert Crescent Intersects, 118 Wheeler, A 122 Shepherd, Arthur 124 Lyal, Mrs 136 Vacant Dufferin Street intersects. 138 Gibson, G F 142 Woods, Chas E 146 Adams, John Buihby Street {"xtersects. Reid, Mary Boulevard Street intersects. Hamilton, Alex 336 Knight, J E Oudin, Capt 340 Hayes, M 352 Hop Wan 400 Wing Chong 610 Daily Columbia Office 614 Jackson, F 616 Vacant 518 Kennedy, Jas 530 Strickland, F G 636 Major & Pearson Major, G G Pearson, T R Calhoun, F E Johnson, H E 538 Baker, A Woods, C Westmr Slate Go, Ltd Coquitlam Dyke Commis- sioners Maple Ridge Dyke Commis- sioners Pitt River Stone Quarry Offices Newcastle Island Sandstone Offices Woods & Gamble 640 Green Innes. C R Jones, W R Bullen, J R G Carter, C H Sharp, R P Jemmett, W S Bank of British Columbia Wy\d. E A Allison, Wm Ransom, W B Mc W. E. FAIE8,FurnitureDealeraiid Undertaker p. O. Box s8. Colmnbla St. and Cor. Agnes and McKensie Sts., New Weetmineter, B. C. T.J.r [S. m COLUIBIi STBEET Haw WMtmliiBter, B. C. rd IB- is- ry ne NEW WB8THINBTBB CITY DIBBOTORY. 668 Holmes, A J Peele. G D 602 Gordon, A L Seagrave, C Harvey, J W Murchie, £ 604 Gaymon, J G Independent Order of For- Edmonds, H V esters Campbell, T A Dominion Lodge, No 4, I.O. Harvey, J W G.T Douglas & Elliott Gordon, H A Loyal Lodge, No 93,C.O.O.F Annandale,TS Webber, E L Wood, Miss A }trown. Miss Hume, R H :,'laboney, Miss M Carr, Miss F Mahoney, Miss Bessie Woods, Miss W Bourne, F Boyal City Building Society Cole, L J & Co Boss, Andrew W Clinton, H F Standard Loan and Savings Clute, J 8 Company Malins, A M Turner, Geo Bobson, F H Cole, L J ShaW: John D Hill, A J Jephson, Wheeler & Boss Eastern. C P StoesB, Chas A Coulthard, F J I Douglas, B Leamv, A Mav, Bobt Melvins, E Eagles, Chas F Barwick, H Eickhoff. H W Sun Life Assurance Co 606 Vacant Liverpool Arms Saloon 608 Vane & N.W. Tram Co Matheson, A 612 Davidson Bros McLeod, A H Yorkshire Guarantee and Hea»d, Wm Securities Gorporation.Ld Toronto Shoe Store Law, W W Menthorne, M W Tregent, A E Shirley & Hoy Kirk, H D Stein, W T 616 Campbell & Anderson 702 Henderson. B A 618 Lyal, D & Co 704 Boyal City Meat Market 620 Ford, Miss S M Reichenbauk, Job Easthope, F Tietjen, Wm Thompson, S J 706 Mainland Cigar Factory, 622 Bobson, C J 708 Empty store Calbick, Miss 710 Baker shop, F DeGrey 712 Bennett. J B 624 Murray, J Johnson, Miss E Colbeck, Fred DouslaBB, Peter 714 Turner, F G, & Co 626 Shadwell, H B & Co McColl, Wm 628 Tolmie, A J Turner, F G 680 Hotel Douglas Bank of Montreal MeOlIliTray'B Alley iiitervects Dunnage, J A • 716-718 Cunningham Hardware Co 720 McDonald, PM McKenzie Street Intersects. Dupont Block McDonald, R C Templars' Hall McGonigle, P Commonwealth Bookbind- 722 Gaynor, Jas E ing Establishment 724 Emptv store Lewis, W H 726 Morey, H Lane, O A B Hains worth, J Armstrong, B W R 730 McRae, A, tailor shop o X H 80 I' coC/) si; O a > JO a T. J. TRAPP & CO., Emlwani, Falits, Oils ail Airieiiltiiral MileneDts. ColnmbUt Street, MKW WE8THIN8TI!B, B. C. Mi m m I^lp "W WWPIlfi ^ BUPOM-r BLOCK. L. J. COLE T S A N N A N D A L E G R O C E R N E W W E S T M I S T E B C COLUMBIA STBBBT, MEW WEBTMIM8TEH, B. C. Jfot»rp J>wtH«t Convetfttne^r, Aeeauntant mtUi Auditor, M«nU mnd Aeeountt 8eUUd. K»tatt» Managed. 664 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. McRae, Wm 732 Robs, M 734 Occidental Restaurant 738 Occidental Hotel Begbie Street tntergecta. 742 Fruit & Confectionery Store Gray, Geo 744 Westminster Meat Market, Gray Bros 746 West end Pharmacy 746 Burnett, G T 750 General store Holt, E F 762 Hep Lee 766 Cottage bakery Harvey, Mrs M 770 Beer, James 770 Nealson, Al Gregory, G H Gregory, 8 Empty store Wize, J E Eastman, H A Hefifren, H Thompson, J Thompson, Jno New Wellington Coal Office Empty store Ellis, Jno • 820 Dominion Ex Co Johnson, J B Black Gordon, W H Gardiner, W H Walmsley, John Fraser, W C Oddy, J Walmsley, Jaa Front Street intenects. Station C.P.R CORNWALL— Runs to Eleventh street North Side. from Tenth Young, Murdook Matheson, G A Matheson, H U. Matheson, M Grant, R Grant, C D Eyre, Nicholas Johnston, A Kfatheson. Alex Eleventh Street inteneota. SoDTH Side. Whitehouse, S J 1016 Emi)ty house Lewis, Thos Tenth Street Intenecti. 1060 Cum Yow Cum Yow, W A Com Yow, J Q McLellan, G B Empty house Columbia Street Intenecti. CUniBEIlLAND, Sapperton. North Side. Chinese shacks Richmond Street lnter«ecta. Kendal, I N Kendal, D L Slater, Wm Straet Intertects. Dunlop, J Whittendale, John Abercrombie, Alex Street intersecta. Walmsley, Edward Whittendale, James Sixth Ayenue here. Archibald, Alex Seventh Street intersecta. Eighth Street interaecta. C U N N I N G HAM— Rubs Windsor to Eighth. North Side. Henley, Joseph 406 Wilson, A C Parsons, Mrs Eliza TjpA Ah 633 Burr. Joseph 746 Vacant South Side. 312 Gordon, Hugh 514 Vacant 536 Vacant Campbell, J G 746 Andrzejewski, J W 750 Vacant Passage, W Williams, J L Fourth street intersecta. from W. E. FALE8, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker P> O. Box sS> Colombia St. and Cor. Agnes and MoKensl* Sta., New Weatminatar, B. C. 'k 538 COLUIBIA STREET M«w WMtmlnater, B. C. NEW WE8TMINBTKB CITV DIRECTORY. 666 Sixth Street InteneoU. McNeeley, John Plester, James Burr, Joseph Seventh Street intergecta. DICKINSON— Runs from Sarnia Plester, Harry to Bluckwuod. EIGHTH AVENUE-Runs from East Side. First to city limits. 190 Cross, Mrs North Side. West Side. 624 Bray, Mrs Kilby, Thomas 193 Jennings, Mrs J F Smith, John Jennings, the Misses 199 Millard, C T Scott, Mrs Chas South Side. Xlliott btreet Interseota. 283 Burpee, F W Green, Wm Letson, Moor Columbia Street intersects. Adams, George Adams, Jno Kelley, George DOCK SQUARE. Adair, Peter Gunn, J Steed, H First Btreet intersects. Rallv ay Track here Tenth Btreet interciects. Bonnd house, C.P.R Galoshi, A Brown, G EIGHTH— Runs from Front to city limits. HoUiday, G L Jensen, J H East Side. Cave, Ed Cave, Hy R.C.P. Mills, boat repairing dept McKenzie, M Newman, G Mellon, C J Martin, M 21 Barclay & McGregor 23 McGregor, C C Ferguson, John 27 Adams, David Adams, George Mclnnes, Wm Gilchiist, D W 31 Bell, Obadiah 35 Vacant store DUFFKBIN— Runs from Columbia 41 Salvation Army Barracks to Royal avenue 67 Elliott, Henry ▲nice street intenecU. Agnes Btreet intersects. East Sidr. 77 Vacant house A^#>uA ^JMMJMk* 81 Vacant house 99 Vacant , 87 Lord, J E Ro7«l Avenue here. ' Cunningham Street intersects. Duffierin Street intersects. 99 Heard, Robt West Side. Warren, Miss M J Kirk, Herbert WeUlngton Btreet intersect*. 30 Jemmett. Capt W S » ^b4h4 » •• y -m-^ ^^« ^^^i* * V Roading, Sullivan Logg, Frank Adams, David Bride, Harvey DURHAM— Runs from Second to Fourth. Heard, Geo E North Side. Royal Avenue intersects. 147 Vacant house Fourth Street intersects. 14P Vass, Mrs C M Shackleton, Thos Alf McNair, David M X o © • h gCD iff Be r C % I I i .1 M % « 51 1 j' i ■ km m •H T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hamware, Faints, Oils anil Aericnltnral imnlenients. Golnmbia Street, NBW WESTMINSTER, B. C. ■pPffpPWpipil^iPliipi^PPiBPBii^^ppiP^^IPI^^ mmm mmm mm m wm m& ^^±*^^ 8 19 S AMD DIES. N N A N D A L E G R O C E R E W W E S T M I 8 T E B B C 666 BRITISH COLUMBIA OIRBCTORY. 151 Staton, Peter • 261 Johnson, Jamea B Third Avenue Intersecti. Fourth Avenue interaects. 413 BegKB, John 421 Summera, Wm 435 Fratier, A M Fifth Avenue interaeoti. Henley. Joaeph Brown, J L Seventh Avenue inteneota. Reichertbach, Joseph Beichenbach, Franc Fader, laaac Beat, Esther 629 Barclay, D West Side. 48 Caah, Jamea 60 Latham, Arthur Thornber, Lawrence 62 Vacant 66 Sobertaon, Chaa French, Geo H 76 Schmidt, Godfrey Jonea, Dash wood, W A 80 Aina worth, John 84 Morey, Henry 86 Stratton, Mrs E Tate Rosa, Charles 92 Brydone-Jack A G Orolev. James MacpKeraon, B G Bryoone, Jack A 248 Gilley, Mildred Gilley, W A 302 Ovens, Thos, alderman Ninth Street intersects. 340 Fraaer, G S 346 Austin, Chas R 420 Brown, Joaeph Brown, Santo St. Andrew's Street intersects. ' Eagle, Chaa Vacant hou e Cookaley, WT ELEVENTH— Runs from avenue to Sixth avenue. East Side. 361 Empty house 461 Empty house Napanee Street intersects. Royal 661 Woods, A E Sixth Street intereects. Maple Street intersects. Eleventh Street intersects. Twelfth Street intersects. Queen's Avenue intersects. Sait, E G W Whittaker, Hjr Evana, Frederic Wbbt Side. Shirley, J Dianey, Harold Disney, Ed Vacant 842 Foster, J B 346 Blakely, J S Leman, W H 360 Nelson, N 540 Reid, R L Howay, F W 658 Parke, John ELLIOTT — Runb from Columbia to Agnea East Side. Armstrong Stieet intersects.' 31 Fraaer, Jaa Agnes Street intersects. Olclcinson Street inierseots. Carnarvon Street intersects. Elliott Street ends EMORY— Runa off Second street. West Side. Herd, Alec A B Ladoux, Mrs Vacant 321 Lord, James Vacant house Barrett, Geo E FIFE — Runa from Queen'a avenue Eabt Side. Toronto Place to 113 Black, James 117 Nutson, Chas 121 Johnson, Emil 125 Vacant W. E. F ALES, Furniture Dealei mi Undertaker | T. J. TRAf p. O. Box 58. Colnmbia St. and Cor. Acnea and V :Kpp.x1o »\^„ New Weatminater, B. C. s'v.l' wm m WOODS & GAMBLE, FINANCIAL AGENTS. S3S COLUMBIA STRKET. MEW WESTMINSTER. B. C. NKW WIBTHINBTBB CITY OUBOTOliY. 667 AVBMUl!— Rana from Firit vtreet to city limita. NoBTH Sins. 419 Burnett. H J A 449 Nicholson, Neale Croll, Jamea Sixth StrMt Inteneota. 521 Major. C 6 707 Power, Richard T Seventh Street Intenecta. 721 Mann, D J Munn, Angus Munn, L G 726 Chamberlain, H C Aih Street Inteneolii. 729 Trowse, Mrs J 783 Vacant 786 Vacant St. Barnabas Church Parish Rooms 1018 Xally, Wm t'ota, P South Sidb. 220 Clover, F R 230 Rees, Richard 234 Eastman, Hy AH 612 Pearson, Rev T D Burnett, H J A Knight, E J 1026 Cusack, Wm Miller, W H 1038 Tidy, 8 G 1302 Breadner, R Vacant house Pollard, W Hoy, Ah Holt, S F Ayiing, H FIFTH STREET— Runs north from Third avenue to city limits. East Side. Vidal J H Vidal James H P<>ingdestre, Mrs S ^ Corbett, W J Huff, S Innes, Geo H FIRST STREET— Runs Agnes to city limits. . East Side. 117 Wilson, John from Edmonda, Hy L 848 Latham, Peter Fourth Avenue interaeoti. Royal Avenue interiecte. West Side. 124 Stoess, Charles Soden. Mabel ' 128 Brymner, G D Handcocks, Miss M J Edmonda, Walter, F Queen's Avenue fntenects. 240 Edmonda. H V Edmonds, W H Edmonds, Henrv L 258 Orfurt, Peter 262 Patterson, A L Cotton, A F Fourth Street intersects. FOURTEENTH — Runs from Fraser River Co Tenth avenue. East Side. Sheaves, Thos Hawkins, Geo Metcalf, Margaret Metcalf, Thos McMartin, A Fortune, J R Lobb, T G 440 Rolling, W H 640 Batt, R*H Morrison, N D Byrne, P Martin, D Martin, M West Side. 1401 McLaughlin, A McLaughlin, R McLaughlin, J Boycott, W H FOURTH AVENUE-Runs from First street to city limits. North Side. 143 Vacant 157 De Beck, Mrs Elizabeth . Sloan, Joseph 163 Guest, Mrs Jane Guest, T D Guest, J J Second Street intersects. 201 Lusier, John o H GO H X > SO CO ^ > a a T. il. TRAPP & CO., Eailwaie, Faints, Oils ml Aericnltnral Irilneits. ColnmbM Strut, NEW WESTHINSTKlt, B. C. .1':'' i !.. l' m U I' I) '''■Sf'M i\ii mm iPPPiilliilPiiPiiP wm ppqiniiiiPiiiiiiiP M- T S A N N A N D A L E J. ^ J. TAYLOR, SAFES AND VAULT DOORS Ii, J, Cole* Agentf I^upont Block, New Westminster, B. G. Si G R O C E R E W W E S T M I 15" S T E B C 668 BRITISH COLUUBIA DIRBCTOBY. 215 Johnson, Mrs Johnson, Harvey Johnson, Miss'Emma McLean, — 223 Wolfenden, E J Law, Eobt Havelock, Thos 233 Buckland, fiobt 239 Broad, Frank Sharp, R P 243 Blomfield, Miss Dorothy Blomfleld, F C 461 Keith, C S Keith, E B Fifth Street intertecti. 521 Peers, Alexander Sixth Street intersect*. 701 Best, Rev John H 819 Whiteside, D Whiteside, Arthur M Whiteside, Daniel 1001 Moore, J H 1029 Burns, T Hughes, Miss J K ' South Side. 222 Brookes, E W 224 Gross, Robt Milley, W 246 Mowbray, Thos Third Street iotergecta. McGillivray, Neale Oak Street Intersects Hughes, Miss Julia White, Mrs E White, Alfred E Vacant house Travis, W H Wood, Charles Ray, J D 424 Bray, D W Bray, D W, jr 830 Haddon, Rev Thos Robinson, W J Seventh Street intersects, 908 Hunter, Thos Florence, Geo Walker, WB 1020 Furnace, Thos FOURTH— Runs to city limits. East Side. from Columbia 87 Vacant 91 Vanstone, W C Smalwell, Mrs G 99 Langley, Capt W Hutton, R T 235 Townsend, W E 246 Brown, CEO 267 Peel, Mrs Brown, J C McRae, A 417 Rankin, J V Douglas, John Fourth Avenue intersects. Eckstein, Louis 421 Newton, E J 425 Ritchie, Capt 435 Nicholson, Chas 447 Mowat, Max West Side. Clarkson Street intersects. Carnarvon Street intersects. Walker, Dr R Eden Coulthard, F J Victoria Street ends. 74 Phillips, J E Agnes Street intersect*. Cunningham Street intersects. 90 Empty 94 McDonald, R C Boyal Avenue intersects. 120 Hill, Arthur Hill. Albert J Knight, M FRONT — Runs east and west along Eraser River North Side. B.C. Milling and Feed Go New Westminster Flour and Feed Go Batchelor, J Vacant 301 Woollen Mills 308 Vacant 306 Vacant 319 Watt, James .321 Westminster Foundry Go Letson, M Neilson, J F O'Brien, F M 327 Vacant 320 Vacftn t 331 New Westminster Fish Cur- ing Co 330 Vacant 341 Vacant W. E. FAIE8, Furniture Dealer .nd Undertaker Colnmbia St. and Cor. Agnn and McEansie Sta., New WMtmineter, B. C. P. O. Box 58. • in t infili I Ui i ii tU'a I I . '' ' V' jtyTffi' LAND - SURVBYORS 638 Columbia Street, New Westminster, B. C. NEW WESTMINBTBR CITY DIRECTORY. 669 343 Chinese Mission 347 Harvey, H 349 Eoss, Charles Harvey, Henry 363 Vacant 365 Vacant 369 Vacant 365 Vacant 367 Vacant 375 Telegraph Saloon 377 Vacant 379 Vacant 403 Yuen Kee 405 Quon Sung 407 Vacant 418 Vacant 415 Vacant 417 Chinese Laundrv 419 Chinese Co 421 Vacant 427 Wing Sung 429 Vacant 436 Vacant 437 Kwong Yuen Lung & Co 439 Hop Lee City Market Cattle Pens 613 Allen, G F Best, Saml Beaton, J Mcintosh, R W McLeod, Alex 615 McLeod, A 519 Vacant 623 Customs Warehouse 626 K«rong On Wo & Wing Kee 529 Kwong Man Tai & Co 631 Vacant 633 Vacant 535 Vacant 637 Vacant 639 Brackman & Ker Milling Co Ker, W H 641 Clarke, W 643 Mathers, W J 603 Blackie, J M Mary Street Interseots. 606 Davison, W Douglas, D 607 Vacant 609 Vacant 611 Vacant 613 Stirsky, F 616 Vacant 617 Campbell & Anderson 619 Wise, Jas, J P Quine, F F Wise, J W MoKenile Street interBeots. 686 639 701 321 Burpee, F W 321 Calhoun, H - 631 Robinson, T R Vacant Godwin, E H Peele, P R Moore, RAF Galbraith & Robinson Galbraith, J F Robinson, W T Holbrook House Vachon, Al Kehoe, Harry Bolte, H Hughes, Harry McMillan, Jennie Groif, Miss Sophie 705 Holbrook House, dining rm Bell, Hartley 709 London Meat Market 711 McDonough, Charles' Gro- cery Store 715 Labelle, Hugh Partridge, A R McDonough, Chas McQlUlTray'8 Alley intersects. Wvld. L H McMartin, H A McFarlane, A G McFarlane, R M Bell-Irving, Paterson & Co Yondall & Sinclar 733 Empty shop 737 Vienna, W H Anderson, Jas 739 Westminster Fisheries A Trading Co 737-41 Eickhoff Hotel Bonanza Restaurant 749 Empty store 807 Empty store South Side. 332 Smith, P H 642 Newton, E J 628 Ridley, Miss A Gairns, Miss A C.P.R. Station C.P.R. Freight Shed Westminster Ice Co Gilley & Rogers Uilley Bros Gillie, J R Gillie. W R Rogers, L Rogers, J W Texas Lake Ice and Cold Storage Co o X H 80 > •— I w > z d JO G O > T. J. TRAPP & CO., Earlf are, Faiits, Oils ail AiriciiltDral Impleiiieiti. ColmiU* Street, NEW VBSTHIIISTSB, B. C. iM\ ' m m m m I* ii'Kli IP mmm foundry and machine works CANNINe MACHINERT AND DIES. s A N N A N D A L E G R O C E R E W W E 8 T M I N S T E B B C 670 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTOBY. Fire Hall No 3 748 Kelly, Jno Marshall, Golima McLellan's Warehouse Warehouse, Westmiitster Fisheries and Trading Co Vienna, Hy Lawrence Hy Wyld, Wm Davies, Frank ' Warehouse C.P.N. Co'swharf and ware- house Briggs, T L McDonald, W A Anderson, A New Vancouver Coal Co Creighton, J M Archibald, A Perdue, A Crane Stanley Dock, Brackman & Ker Warehouse Old Wellington Coal Shed, Stanley Dock Boutilier, F «S; Co Dauphine, Wm Sinclair, M Boutilier, F City Market Brown, J Grav, D Grant, W C Woolliams, Jno H Fraser Vallev Meat Co Banton, F W Anderson, Alex Drinkwater, J P Whiting, A Surrey Ferry Landing Em pty warehouse Warehouse, T F Sinclair & Co Warehouse, B.C. Milling Co ORAMVILIili — Buns from Royal avenue to Vancouver street. NoBTH Side. Ogle, Edmund 116 Vacant OLOUCESTE R— Runs from Seventh to Fife. ' North Side. Nelson, Alfred Hunter, Thos House vacant 730 Lawson, W South Side. 732 Neilson, Cooper Cumberland Street intersects. HARVEY. West Side. Campbell, John Brown, James HASTINGS. South Side. 120 Vacant 130 Vacant HOLBROOK-Off Blackie. South Side. McCallum.PP Hulband, Martin NoBTii Side. Vacant house HOSPITAL ST., Sapperton. North Side. 21 Beal, Harry Devoy, John Columbim Street intersects. Stevenson. P R 46 Emerson, Walter Emerson, George Emerson, Merton Vacant Spitall, Thomas South Side. 16 Flumerfelt, Wm Columbia Street intersects. 20 Tarry, James 24 Hume, John 28 Steen, George 34 Presbyterian School House 88 Fleger, J Ridimond Street intersects. Saint, Joseph W. E. F ALES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker p. O. Box sS> Colombia St. and Cor. Agnto aad McKnulo Sta., New Weatmlaater, B. C. HPHBPBBHP" ■J -iljllt LAND - SURVKYORS 538 Columbia Street, New Westminster, B. C. NEW WESTMINSTER CITY DIRECTORY. 671 KEARY, Sapperton. North Side. 3 Vacant Heaton, C L 5 Johnson, Robert No 4 Fire Hall - Methodist Chapel Tisdale, Joseph Bayley, Rev H E 16 Hailing, G T 17 Ledack, Joseph 19 Vacant 21 Scott, John MacGillivray. W MacLachlan, W Goulson, George Collingridge, Miss Kevis, Chas W Peck, Halliburton Stewart, Alex Vacant Tompkins, Hiram Eckret, Alfred Armor, Samuel Dixon, Mrs Dixon, Miss Belle Cousins, GTS Pollard, Henry Jewett, Wm Chesnut, Rev E B Farmar, W J Rtchmond Stieet intersects. South Side. 2 Binney — 4 Buchanan, Mrs Hicks, Mrs 10 Walmsley, James Walmsley, John Walmsley, Thos Walmsley, Leslie Walmsley, Thos, sr 12 Stott, William 18 Cosens, GTS Ditcham, Rev D Columbia Street intersects. Stacy, Lyman Cameron, Joseph Cameron, Clarence Cameron, Peter Cameron, Christopher Little, R H Trewartha, Joseph Atkins, Richard McQuarrie, Robt Smith, Thomas Sutherland Alex Sutherland, Angus Pollard, Hy Wood, Jas h'osebrough, Saml LEITH. North Side. Vacant 1019 McLean, Laughlin Mclnnes, Jas L Jones, Humphrey Jones, Benjamin Coldwell, Geo A Mclnnes, Ed LEOPOLD— Runs from Columbia to Royal avenue. 34 Gamble, A Gordon 38 Creighton, J W Royal Avenue intersects. LTVERPOOL— Runs from Fifth to Sixth street. 527 Oliver, Sidney Nicholson, Christine 529 Miller, Miss E Annie Wintemute, John Jeffery, Freidk LORNE— Runs Agnes West Side. from Columbia to Masonic Hall, Masonic blk Corbould, McColl, Wilson & Campbell McColl, Wm Ballantyne, J B Ross. A G & Co 46 Philip, Alex Langley, Capt W Hutton, W 70 Stewart, D C LULU ISLAND, aoross Bridge Pacific Coast Lumber Co Gregory, Leo Goe, W M Goe, Frank Ryan, Peter Gardiner, G i i TMf P & CO., Hamware, Faints, Oils and AiEricDltnral ■': :'ll i I ! ■iii 'II . Tl ^l^-. Colambia Street, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. G. PA 2 T T rOT P SEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE ■i^t J* \J\J l^L^ Dnpont Block. Columbia St., New WMtminater. B. C. s A N N A D A L E S4 ^ G R O C E R E W W E S T M I N S T E B B 672 BBITIBH COLUMBIA DIBBCTORY. Fuoco, F BIoINNBS— Rune from Front to McLean, L Queen's avenue. Laking, Wm Farnace, Wm East Side. Kennedy, J D 87 Thompson, Wm Jackson, Peart, James Williams, W G Mather, Wm Crowe, A J Hobinson's Pig Ranch West Side. Sanders, H J 22 Chinese house Furnace, Wm 24 Chinese house McGillivray'a Foundry 26 Chinese house Olaen, 28 Chinese house Maces, M 30 Chinese house Francis, Jos 32 Chinese house Fenton, B 34 Chinese house TaiSang&Co 120 Elchinke, M 124 Rennie, J MACKENZIE— Runs from Col- 126 Empty house umbia to Agnes. 190 Gray, M ll^AHT f^TTlIT Malette, V MoNEBLY— Runs from Front to Walker. D Carnarvon. Blee, W 23 Vacant 25 Loye, Wm C HERRIVALE— Runs from Colum- | 27 Dickinson, M K bia to Royal ave. 29 McBride, E G McBride, Richd East Side. Clarkson Street intersectg. 43 Lister, Mrs 31 Gray, Johnson, P.M 53 Huston, W Gray, W Myers 36 Vacant 69 Corrigan, C S 63 Armstrong, J C 39 Jensen, M Agnes Street intersects. 41 Vacant 81 St Mary's Hospital Drill Shed Cunningham Street intersects. 45 Vacant 44 Curtis, D S Peebles, P Carpenters' shop Cam»rvon Street intersects. MILTON— Rune from Eigh^^ to Vacant Ninth. Fales, John L 824 Macdonald, Mrs A C Victoria Street interfects. Cameron, D A Agnea Street intersects. MOWATT. Fales, W E East Side. McColl, Neil Ritchie, G Havelock, Thos Dominie, Thog Ellis, Miss F £ West Side. Wkbt Side. Dan, Saml Woolliams & McCuUoch Dan, Albert WooUiaras, J H Shaw, F McCulloch, T C Blaine W. E. FALES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker / p. O . Box 6*' Colwnbta St aad Cor. Acbos and lleKoiul* Bts., Maw Woatmlnator, B. C./ WOODS & GAMBLE 638 COLUMBIA ST. New Weatmlnster, B. C. NEW WEBTHINSTEB CITT DIBECTOBY. 673 NINTH— Runs from Queen's ave to Sixth ave. East Side. Foulds, J P Kirklaad, L Edmund West Side. 212 Barnes, James Schofield, W 228 Bond, Jas Starrett, W D 230 Woods, Jno 232 Elley, Reuben 234 McColl, Wm McColl, Neil Third Avenue intersects NORTH ARM. NoBTH Side. Smither, Russell Sands, Jno \ OAK— Runs from Fourth to Third avenue between Third and Fourth streets. « East Side. Granger, RTF IVturray, Wm West Side. Cherry, Carrie Faurth Street interaecti. OAKLAND-Runs Third street. NoBTH Side. from First to Whelpton, Joseph 145 Grant, Capt W P 214 Sayer, Joseph 217 Sawyer, James ONTARIO— Runs from Toronto Place to Mclnnes street. NoBTH Side. Moresby, Wm, Provincial Jail Lister, R B, Prov Jail Robertson, Geo, Prov Jail South Side. Bryson, J 8 Lane, — Bryson, Melville Moresby, Wm C OXFORD— Runs from Tenth to Eleventh. PARK ROAD— Runs from First street to Clinton Place. Plester, James Roseburgh, Chas PELHAM. Sprott, John PINE— Runs from Third to Fourth avenue. East Side. McGillivray, Neil McRae, Wm Suter, Mrs Suter, J R Suter, Miss Postlethwaite, Miss £ PRINCESS— Runs fiom Sixth to Eighth street. NoBTH Side, 781 Bell, Robt Dunlop, Wm Ed Fisher, W Fisher, C McCuUocb. James Dennison, Thos Dennison, John Robertson, J C Two empty houses South Side. 630 Cherry, Wm 632 Cherry, J B Empty house Conner, Jane QUEBEC— Runs Eleventh. NoBTH Side. from Tenth to 1031 Sutherland, Wm Sutherland, Geo SCO Sco" S13 "n c T. J. TRAPP & CO., Harllware, Paints, Oils and AErlcnltnral ImleieEts. Golambia Street, NBW WESTMINSTER, B. C. n\ m ill if i!i W- pppppHmMi WESTMINSTER FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS. T A N N A N D A L E G R O C E B N E W W E S T M I N S T E B B C CANNING MACHINERY AND DIES. 674 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTORY. Sinclair, M Galbraith, John H 1041 Henry, Ghas Galbraith, David S South Side. Galbraith, W S 962 Johnston, Jas 1022 Beattie. Jas 1034 McGuUoch, A « Mclnnes Street intersects. RAMAOE— Buns f rom McNeeley to Mclnnes. QUEEN'S AVENUE-Buns from First to Fraser Biver. North Side. North Side. 317 Ooatham, W C Band, A E 915 Young, Mattie Baker, Gapt Biciid 917-21 Vacant McKinnon, L 321 Gordon, H 323 Whiteside, W J REOINA— Buns from Second to Vmirth 327 Dalglish, W D 331 Phillips, J M:\jKXl bU. Imlah, John 327 Phillips, J E 331 Johnson, Emma 417 McBroom, David RICHMOND— Buns from Cumber- 537 McMartin, James land to Fourth avenue. McMartin, John Empty shack McMartin, Uarry Richmond Street intersects. Wintemute, Eobt Short, William Gilman, Emily 623 Hughes, Mrs L Z 711 Eiske, L W 717 Harvey, Jas W Heaton, Bobert Burgess, Hy 725 Gilley, Herbert ROYAL AVENUE -Buns from Gilley Walter First street to city limits. Gilley, G Emerson 801 McPherson, B G North Side. 961 Boss, Wm Jones. W B Gole J B Smith, Miss Lilian Ninth street intersects. First Street intersects. 1001 Philips, A 101 Debeck, H L Kerr, J Clark, Wm 1007 Vacant Laidlanr, Mrs James 1009 Stout, H English, M M 1013 Foley, J B Clinton Place intersects. Queen's Avenue intersects. 227Brun8kilI, MrsA M 1027 Johnson, W L 237 Hamilton, Alex Whiteside, Wm James Third Street intersects. Peck, John 703 Preston, Bobt South Side. Preston, Neville 334 Grant. G W Heland, Thos 426 Bobson, Fred H Sevent'i Street Intersects. 714 Mathers, W J Public School Mathers, Hy 726 Vacant 711 Bobson, David Grake, Miss Laura 734 Grant, G W 725 Pearson, T B 738 Mclsaacs, Miss M Eighth Street intersects. Grake, Fred 735 Dunn, Mrs Geo 7oJ Galbraith, Jas L Dunn, G W.E.FALE8, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker ■' fTTfi p. O. Box 58. Colnmbia St. and Cor. Agnes and McKensie. Sts, New Westminster, B. C •* I WOODS &i GAMBLE MMM^ S38 COLUMBIA STREET, NEW WESTMINSTER. B. C. NEW WEBTMIN8TBB CITY DIBEOTORY. 675 Dunn, L 322 Ross, H G 811 Eagles, Chaa Doulton, W 819 Johnaon, Jos Albert Hart, F J Closson, Wm 324 Stevens, Mies B 829 Martin, J Angus Scotl, J G 833 Mahony, John 402 McDonald, D A Mahony, Mrs M E 406 Davidson, W M MacKenzie, U 408 Wilson, A C 839 Abbott, Alexander Parsons, Mrs E 847 Vacant 412 Read, H T 853 Scott, Jacob Working, Homer Scott, Jean M 422 Wise, James 863 Price. Thos Wise, John 865 Empty cabins 480 Jones, J J 869 Hardacre, Josh 434 Schetky, G L Howden, R Bixth Street intersects. 871 Empty houses Warwick, Chas 1117 Mignone, Guido Reid, Rev John, D.D Watt, J 714 Anderson, R F 1017 Wize, Wm McEwen, Miss Vacant houses 718 Campbell, A 1023 Budd, John 726 Campbell, John Stramberg, H M Campbell, Chas A Law, Robt, B A Campbell, John A Rogers. Miss E Robinson, Miss E E Campbell, Thompson 730 Bourne, Fredk Millard, Miss B L Dockrill, Miss M Homer, Miss M F 736 Scoullar, E S Homer, Miss M S 738 Turner, Geo 742 Bloomfield, H & Son Coatham, W C Gordon, R G 748 Cunningham, Geo Morrison, F E 762 Vacant Dockrill, Miss M Eighth Street intersects. Brown, Miss M S 816 Flux, Mrs Sarah Bixth Street Intersects. Flux. John Geo New Westminster City Band 840 McKercher, Alec Hall Jardine, B John Darcy, A F McLeod, D M Fourth Street 'i'.ersect8. 844 Ferguson, A H McDougall, Miss A J. 872 Vacant houses Cunningham, George 1006 Buckley, Mrs H B Freeman, Ralph P Schatky, Geo L South Side. 136 Green, A R Henderson, A Vacant boarding house Malins, Arthur SECOND— Runs from Clinton Place 202 Rogers, Mrs to city limits. 208 MacQuarrie, D East Side. 8t. Mary Street intersects. 143 Hennessey, D S 210 Keay, Mrs W G 169 Jaques, Mrs A M 248 Briggs, T L 219 Smith, James G 802 King, John Murray, James 314 Draper, J M Murray, Mrs G B Draper, W N 221 Eickhoff, Hy 320 Borrie, Robt 2S1 Burnett, Geo T Borrie. James 329 Greig; W R Fourth Street Intersects. Fourth Avenue intersects. o H w SCO i &> 2- So "n c T. J. TRAPP & CO., Harllware, Paints, Oils and Afipricnltnral Imleients. Columbia Street, NEW WESTMINSTBB, B. C. LT f%t\T.V. Amnt fsr The Caoadlan Fir* Ins. Co., 11m London 4t Canadian • W • \J\MJuXt wTn Ina. Co., Ltd, The rederal LifSt Aaa. Co.. The J. ft J. Tavlor. Safea and Vanlt Doors. Secretary of the Royal City Bnlldlnf Society, Secy-Treaa. of the Standard Loan and Savings Co. NSW WkSTMINSTER. B. C. s A A ]sr D A L E © » G R O C E R N E W W E S T M I S T E B B C W0( 676 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBEOTOBY. Pittendreigh, Gapt Clute, J S, jr Wbst Side. 146 Grant, Oapt D 156 Galbick, John A Calbick, Ghas Galbick, Mrs W A - Galbick, Wesley Galbick, Fred Wm 232 Falding, Wm Hy Greame, Ed A Reed, Ellen Ann 236 Gray, Thos 240 Vacant 246 Bray.GH Martin, Jessie 264 Peters, J B McQuarrie, A McQuarrie, N T 336 Lee Ah 340 MacKenzie, — 344 McLeod, W 350 Beadle, Wm Eyles, Emily 362 Johnson & Mackenzie Fifth Avenue inteneots. Vacant 610 Gameron, J D Galbraith, Alec SEVENTH AVENUE - Runs from First street to city limits. NoBTH Side. Cunningham, W S Oden, Gapt Frank Darcy, Edward F Sayer, Thos Douglas, Alexander Vacant Howison, Arthur Willey, L South Side. Thornton, Thos Welch, Lilian Welch, G F SEVENTH— Runs from Agnes to Sixth ayenue. East Side. Reformed Episcopal Church Cunningham Street interseoti. 229 Vacant Queen's Avenue intersects. Godfrey, A 233 Armour, Saml Tompkins, Hiram Eckardt, M.-s J 237 Vacant 241 Young, Gapt G S 247 Welch, Hy 263 Peebles, Peter 463 Wells, Nelson 465-7 Vacant West Side. 100 Taylor W Cunningham Street inteiseots. Agnes Street inlerseots. 132 Linn, James Linn, John 136 Grant, James S Ritchie, George 138 Hird Edwin 142 Vacant 144 Dunn 150 Godfrey, Alexander 234 Hughes, Miss Lottie Ackerman, Theron Williams, Ellen 436 Gregory, George Gregory, Clara Gregory, Wm SHERBROOKE— Runs from Bru- nette to Eighth avenue. North Side. Mithell, Niel Mullen, Robert Presbyterian Church SIXTH AVENUE — Runs from Yoik to Twentieth. North Side. 465 Gunn, Hugh Gunn, John Gunn, Alexander Gunn, James Fourth Street intersects. 467 Vacant Dalziel, E A Neil, Richard Wilson, Ralph Bell, Mrs Olive Wilson, Hugh 621 Duncan, — Grant, Geo Ed Cornish, A C Seventh Street intersects. En6 7 Ash m 10] lOJ 10£ SOUTJ Thir< 140{ 141C SDETl limi East 9 Colum S3 Clarks< 36 47- 59 W. E. FALE8, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker p. O. Box 58. Columbia St. and Cor. Agnes and HcKenale Sts., New Westminster, B. C. WOODS & GAMBLE, nNANCIAI AGENTS. 53S COLUMBIA STREET, NEW WESTMINSTER. B. C. NEW WESTMINSTER OITY DIRECTORY. Harvey. Wm End of Seventh Street. 701 Leberry, John Trew, Archibald Aab Street intersects. McWhirter, Jamea McCall, Thos 1001 £o88, John 1017 Gwennap, Thos Newman, Geo A 1033 Benson, Hy Christian 1039 McLaughlin, David Fitzgerald, Edward Vacant house Methodist Church South Side. Third Street lnterseo48. Beid Lawrence Vacant house Osborne, Joseph Turnbull, Wm McMurphy, Robt Allen, Chas 1408 Davies, F 1410 Watson, E Vacant SIXTH — Buns from Front to city limits. East Side. 9 Walker & Go Tulameen Improvement & Hydraulic Co, Ltd Kettle River Goal Go New Westminster Building Society Columbia Street intenect8. Custom House Post Office S3 Dawe, John Clarlcaon Street Interteots. 35 Murchie, W Murcbie, D 47-65 Vacant 59 McLaughlin, B Armstrong. — Sherwood, Bichd « Calhoun, Wilfred Dyson, E J Hardman, A Victoria Street intersect!. Cliff. C 85 Herring, A M Agnes Street Intersects. Dalziel, E 03 Armstrong, Thos Ander'^on, Hilda Cunningham Street intersects. 97 Smith, Dr, DeWolf 219 Lewis, L A 223 Smith, W M Barwick, Hy 235 Lavelle, MJchael 239-41 Vacant 243 Cunningham, Geo, jr 246 Seymour, Allen Seymour, Ghaa Seymour, Geo May, Edward 249 Bansom, Ada Antwerp, Van W F 251 Beith, Frederic White, Rev J H 441 Sully, J E 451 Whyman, Edward Brantford Street intersects. Fifth Street intersects. Belmont Street intersects. Miller, James Parnell, Edward Pretty, C F Seventh Avenue intersects.' Minthorne, M W West Side. Browne, J L Welsh, Miss Ella Clarkson Street intersects. 30 Vacant 34 Stramberg, H M Hacker, Mrs 44 Vacant Carnarvon Street intersects, 50 Hall. Bev T W Methodist Church Victoria Street intersects. 62 Bval, H Magee, John Dixon, Bobert Blair, MiHs Gundev, A A Keir, Oathel Kirk, Miss Dyer, Fredk Stewart, David Seagrave, Chas Landers, Thos Allen, Alfred 66 Boggs, Dr 74 Burns. E Agnea Street intersects. 677 pi o X H CO 80 ^- > GO :i (9 ^M W to > 2; a *,;] H\ 4 1 m T. J. TRAPP & GO., Hardware, Faints, Oils ami Aicriciiltiiral ColnmbU Street, NBW WB8TMIN8TBB, B. C. WJP^^^B^ mmmm mmmm^ mmmm WESTMINSTER FOIDRY and machine wobk| s A N N A N D A L E 55 G R O C E R E W w E S T M I S T E B B C 678 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBBCTORY. Ounninghftm Street Interaects. ArmHtrong, T J 94 Armatrong, W J Royal Avenue Interseots. Queen's Avenue inteneeta. 216 Vacant 230 AndenoD, Alec 246 Holmes, Dr A J PreBCOtt Street interaeots. 442 Jardine, Sobt Brantford Street interaecta. 454 Dockrill, G M Fif rh Avenue interaecta. 620 Archibald, Wm Archibald, J M Princeaa Street interaecta. Burnett, David McArthur, John SIXTBBNTH— Runs from Fraser River to Tenth avenue. East Side. Tanasee, H Vacant lots ST. ANDREW— Runs from Eighth to Eleventh. North Side. 1021 Vacant house 1027 Oddv, Ed 1038 DicliinBon, A 1046 Mills, Jos Lee, Mrs M A Lee, Miss M M ST. OEOROE— Runs from Fourth to Sixth North Side. 425 Gordon, W H 429 Smith, Carter J 623 Macpherson, Thos Macphersou, Mrs Macpherson, Dan'l 629 \nnandale, F S South Side. 427 Fulton, Frank Fulton, F Sinclair, Marshall 432 Clarke, Capt J A Youdall, Hugh 434 Johnson, W 622 Vacant 524 Wintemute, A ST. PATRICK— RuDB from First to Second. North Side. Mackenzie, John Sayer,. Robt Ward, Miss Louisa South Side. Thomson, W TENTH— Runs from Front to city limits. East Side. Wilson, J Wilson's Boathouse Wilson, L 47 Yung Tai & Co 49 Ying Tai & Co 81 Ying Tai & Co 53 Chinese house 67 Chinese house 59 Chinese house 67 Chinese house 71 Vacant 73 King, Wm Vacant house Queen'a Avenue interaecta. 113 Medley, Wm Mercier, N Vacant houses 137 Feeney, P 146 Gonnmer, Jas Carty, Jno Queen'a Avenue interaecta. Vacant houses 243 O'Neil, Daniel Day, A F Wood, Wm M West Side. 44 Sam Kee 94 Howden, Wm 100 Andrews, Wm Royal Avenue interaecta. 104 Richardson, J Quebec Street interaecta. ^10 Vacant 116 Corner, Mrs S E Vacant store Carnarvon Street Interaecta. Electric Power House Bawler, P Grant, J S Shaw, F THIB Fit Nort 24 Tliin 31 32 6a m 66; 67] L J. TRAPP & CO., Hamware, Faints, OUs anil AiEricnltiiral Colombia Street, NEW WBSTMIN8TBB, B. C. 538 COLUlBIi STREET If aw WMtmlnater. B. C. NEW WBBTMIMBTER CITY DIBKOTORY. 679 Htllison, Hana McGee, J Sayers, Jas Welsh, Wm Eycofl, Wm Shackleton, T Brodie, W Galbraith & Sons Mcintosh, G Williamfl, Major Jensen. M Methoaint Church 228 McLachlan, M 250 Noble, Hy 264 Berreau, M 360 Gilley, J B 624 Hennessey, A M Ford, R Keiehtley, H Weber, E Church of England Gowen, Herbert H THIRD AVXNUE-Runs from First street to Fraser River. North Side. 246 Wintemute, Geo Webber, M Stoddard, Thos Third Street intersects. 313 Robinson, F R Branchley, A 320 Lennie, Rev Robt Vacant Pine Street intersects. 416 Cunningham, J A Cunningham, Thos 663 Bryan, Clara Bryan, Alfred Bryan, Geo Wray, Mrs Wm Br^an, Jno 666 Scievwright, Mrs Clarkson, Wm 667 Charleson, Alex 671 Allison, Wm 683 Campbell, Mary White, J C 689 Tickey, Agnes Shadwell, H B 699 Fisher, Birch J Harper, John Seventb Street intersects. 711 Clute, J S, sr 723 Williams, Miss M M Vacant Ovens, Thos 1003 Foot. R Tenth Street intersects. 1027 McMurphy, G McMurphy, Jas Murchison, Gapt A T McMurphy, D McMurphy, R McMurphy, Wm McMurphy, John McMurphy, Jas 1029 Hadden, Jm 1031 Vacant 1037 Figg, T R 1033 Vacant Levy, W South Side. 402 Rickman, R J Hopkins, Mary 408 McColl, J W McCoU, Jas Wm, jr Hotel Vancouver Wilson, Chas 430 Patterson, John R McCauley, Miss J Fifth Street intersects 688 Raymond, Geo 634 Livingstone, Elizabeth Wyld, E A 732 Williams, H H 738 Sprott, John 1002-8 Vacant h >usea 1010 Atkinson, T C 1018 Boles 1020 Adamson, D H Adamson, F Adamson, \V*'£ Uowat street intersects. MuBethe, Jas Hamley, Fred Hamley, Mrs Vacant house Calder, Wra THIRD— Runs from Royal avenue to Sixth avenue. East Side. Corbould, Gordon Ed, M.P. Oliver, J E Smith, Mrs 217 Wintemute, J 259 Welch, H H Welsh, Daniel "Rose Lawn," Townsend, WB, J.P Townsend, H R o X H W 80 s" 81 CO « H ^^ > o •fflv M t T. J. TRAPP & CO., Harllware, Faints, Oils and AjEricnltoral Iipleients. Colnmbi* Street, N£W WESTMINSTER, B. G. BUPONT BLOCK. COLUMBIA 8 TmXET, MBW WIBTMIMSTBK, B. C. T ▼ ^^\T "E* Ifotmrif PM6H«t CaM«ey<Mt«*r. AeeoHntmmt mnd AudUmr, Jja U« \j\JJLdJCl Menu mttd A««omnt« Betiled, JCcfatea Jr«w«0»4. d: 8 A N N A. N D A L E G R O C E R N E W W E S T M I N S T E B BRITIBH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. West Side. 230 Oifford, Thomaa Fletcher, A Sidney McQuarry, William G Oakland Street Inteneoti. Fifth Street Inteneoti. Hull.DrH E Granger, RTF THIRTEENTH— Runs from oer River to city limits. East Side. Vacant houses West Side. Peterson, Chas Greig, Rev G B Fuchow, Felix 640 Cox, Jno S Fra- THORN ROAD. Scott, James Scott, Wm Gunn, David TWELFTH— Runs from Auckland to Tenth avenue. East Side. 107 Magnone, Garlotta Henry, T 111 Heidland, A 121 Vacant house Queen's Arenue Interiecta. 211 McDonald, Wm New Westminster Gas Co Thomas, W Jeffreys, B 349 Brackett, J A 375 Vacant store Fourth Avenue Inteneoti. 613 West Side Day School, R J Hull, principal 626 Ryan, Peter 636 Biggins, Samuel McMartin, Miss Jennie Presbyterian Church West Side. 330-32 McPhadden, D Chinese shack 360 Mortimer, W 866 Smither, A 616 McMartin, J McMartin, Miss Jane Sophia 620 Coots, ThoB 622 Grier, James Wiggins, John Seventh Avenue Inteneoti, Wilson, J T Stickney, S E Adams, George VANCOUVER— Runs east Cook to Granville. Gamble, — Campbell, John Fagan, W L from VICTORIA. Osborne, J 426 Cooper, Capt G H 439-447 Vacant houses sixth street Inteneoti. 609 Walker, David 616 Johnson, Mrs B Johnson, A G 619 Fales, W E Cameron, D A Fales, John Boyce, Alec WATER FRONT. North Side. Vienna, Wm Ellingsworth, Jos Petrie, J D Petrie, C A Wood, Travis* Co Rolpb, A F Starks, C E International Hotel Levy, T Spracklan, W J Percy, R Mosdenn, Jno Sawmills Shipyard WELUNGTON-Runs from Albert Crescent to Bushby, east of First. North Side. 120 Gow, James Hastlnga Street inteneoti. 124 Clinton, H F 134 Peacock, J DuffiBrln Street Inteneoti. 138 Peters, A 6 Peters, H W 148 Brewster, G W Peck, Wesley W. E. FALES, FunLiare Dealer and Undertaker p. O. BOK 58. ColWBMa St and Cor. Jigntm maA llcK w >«l s Bta.. Mew Waatmlaater. B. C. He Lei Kii Bat Dui Col Fra Kei Mil Wa Ste Sell Bro Can Gra Rol Rot Gra Boy Gra Ree Atk Cari Call Dev Edv Fan Ha^ Hiri Mae McC McI Raw Rho Will Bail Ben Ben Bro^ Bun ES DREWKY'8 Bedwood BREWERY. Winnipeg THEBE e09Da WAXRASTEO TO KEEP IS ALL OLIMATEB. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 681 IFII ACADEMIES. (See Colleges and Schoolt.) ACCOUNTANTS. Helliga, Wm, Leigh, W L, King, A W 0, Bate, Mark, jr, Durrant, C W, Cole, L J, Fraser, J S C, Keay, W H, Millbr, Jas, Walker, W J & Co, Stein. WT, Selkirk, Robt, Brockling, H Cameron, H B, Granthane, G F, Robinson, Tbeo H, Robinson, Frank, Grant, S L G, Boyd, John C, Graham, A, Reed, Thos P, Atkins, J .VI, Cargill, Wm, Calley, A, Devine, John & Son, Edwards, L J, Faraday, J H, Hawson, H T, Hirschberg, M H, Masters, F W, McGalman, 0, McDonald, Geo, Rawdinf;, Geo, Rhodes, H, Williamson, Thos, Baines, Wm, Berridge, Geo, Berridge, Frank G, Brown, P, Barrel!, F, Albern* Lowe Inlet Moodyville Nanaimo do New Westminster do do do do do Oway-Keno Port Essit-gton do do do Revelstoke Rivers' Inlet Quesnelle Skeena River Soda Creek Vancouver do do do do do do do do do do do do do Victoria do do do do Chambers, Walter S, Coles, J FH, Dan by, W H, Kent, C, Lowe, W S B, Macdonald, C N» Peirson, Joseph, Russell, Thos, Sargison, G A, Sargison, F R, Hchwengers, Peter, Shedden, Geo, Sayward, J A, Sparrow, W G, Welch, E E, ADJUSTERS. Wyllie, Chas E, Victoria do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Victoria AGENTS-ADVERTISING. Vancouver Bill Posting and Advertising Co, Vancouver AGENTS-COMMISSION. (See CommiBaion Agentt.J AGENTS— GENERAL. Bainbridge, W H, Victoria Byrne, Andrew, do Hall, Goepel & Co, do Warren, Capt J D, do Bauer, Fredk W, Vancouver AGENTS— SHIPPING. (See CommiMton Merchants.) AGENTS— MANUFACTURERS. {See Commission MerchanU.) w n- E SPEMAN, M Paper, 617 Hastings St. West. .-; 1 i •ii'ii ^^ I 'm ^; wmm ROCK AND ORE BREAKERS Minins MaoUnery GATES IRON WORKUHnU.U. s A N N A D A L E G R O C E R E W W E S T M I S T E R B C 682 BRITISH COLUMBIA OIHECTORY. AGRICULTURAL ASSOC'NS. Bloomfield, Jas, Victoria Inland of B.G, ' Kamloops fiayne, Rich R, Day, Robt S, Evers & Keith, Goddard, S M, do do B.C. Agricultural Aaso'n, Victoria do do AGRICULTURAL IMPMTS. Hooper, Thos, do Mellard, Samuel, Chilliwack Mallandaine, Ed, do Prior, E G & Co, Kamloops Mallandaine, Ed, jr, do Reily & Donald, Kelowna Muir, A Maxwell, do Cunningliam Hardware Co, N.West'r Sorby, Thos C, do Strickland, F G & Co, do Soule, C J do Campbell & Anderson, do Schroeder, Julius 0, do Nicholles & Renouf , Vernon Teague, John, do Marvin & Tilton, Victoria Tiarks, John G, do Mathews, Bichards <& Tye, do Wilson, W Ridgway, do Nicholles & Renouf, • do Prior, E G & Co, do ARTISTS. Shrapnel, Ed, Victoria AMMUNITION, SPORTING Quentin, Rene, do #^^^^W^^% ^^9^^^ Innes, John, New Westm'r GOODS; ETC. De Forest, Vancouver (See Ounamiths.) Loemans, A F, do RIALS AND ARTISTS' MATE AMUSEMENTS. ART DEALERS. (See TheatreB and Halls.) Lennie, H H & Co, New Westm'r 1 ■■■ Hardiman, Theo R, Vancouver ARCHITECTS. Sommers, Joseph,' Victoria Wkeeler, Arthur, Armstrong Fabian, F, Harrison River Easton, Jas, Kaslo ASPHALT. Gregg, F T, Nanaimo Pacific Asphalt Coy, agts. Honeyman, John .1 do J E Crane & Co, Victoria Kelly, James, do O'Dell, Wm, do Jowatt, Wm A, Nelson ASSAYERS. Grant, G W, New Westm'r Martin, Ed A, Barkerville King, W R, - do Harvey, W P, Golden Sharp, R P, do Bucke & Hultain, Kaslo Kennedy, James, do Noot, W Frank, do Clymo, Wm, Neitzel,Carl&Co, do do Crawford, Wm, Stevestoo Bryan, A, Ellis, Geo R, Nelson Blackmore, Wm, Vancouver do Dresser, AW, do McCuUoch, Mr, New Denver Fripp, R Mackay, do Lambly, CAR, McCallum, T J, OsooyoB Hope, Chas E, do do Julian, T Ennor, do Hoedich, A H, Revelstoke Towle, A H, do Roeser, 0. do McCartney, A E, do Rattenbury, F M, .do ^^ ** ^rf mj ^-f • f ^^ J Walker, J, do Wickenden, CO, do ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Wheeler, W H, do (See Barristera and Solicitors.) ( T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Faints, Oils anH AflxicnlM Iiplemts. ColiiiBbia Street, NEW WESTMINSTBB, B. C. C.F. FOREMAN, Tha VANCOUVER. B. C. lUv CLASSIFIED BUBINBSS DIRECTOBY AUCTIONEERS & VALUATORS Boadley, Thoa, Kamloops Bich, H N, • Ladners Jowett, W A, Nelson Dempster, Chas & Co, Nanaimo Forester H & Co, Local and Provincial Auction- eers and general com- mission merchants, do Blalcer, E C & Co, New Westm'r Trapp, T J & Co, do Beattie, A M, Vancouver Bauer, Fredk W. do Mason, J & Go, do Purdy, R, do Russell, McDonald & Co. do Scott <& Hughes, do Byrnes, Geo, Victoria Clarke. W R, do Cuthbert, H & Co, do Davies. J P & Co, do Furnival, Wm, do Hi rdaker, W T, do Davies, R J, Vernon BAKERS AND CONFECTNRS. Lay, Thos, Chilliwack Wilson, J, Comox McLaren, Wm, Cowichan Ga«lietto, M & Co, Kamloops Smith, J S, do Kuester, Gustave, Kaslo Otto & Co, do Plumeridge, Jas, Mission Skea, Jno, Langley Bernhard, F C. Nanaimo Union Bakery, F Rowbot- ham, prop. do Smith, A J, do Smart & Thome, do Vienna Steam Bakery, do Wilson & McFarlane, do Farlev, F J, Nelson City Bakery, Lavery, A L, New West Baker, Mrs J do McGregor & Kerr, do Harvey, Mrs do Helsher, P, New Denver Shannon, Bd, do Evans, Wm Northfield Bailey, T J, do Lewis, O, Revelstoke Robson, R, do Adderton, Jas, Rowbottam, Robt, Campbell, D J & Co, Blake, J P & Co, Mount Pleasant Bakery, Webster & Gillespie, Frank & Barnwell, Hewton Bros, Largen & Mansfield, Ramsay Bros, Scuitto, John, Tapley, John, Walker, T, Burt, S S, Clay, Henry, Haynes Bros Jordon, Wm, King, S E B, Lucas, H C,Liverpool Bakery, do Marshall & Co, Domestic Bky, do McMillan Bros, do Newman & Morse, do Plymouth Bakery, Munford, Kenward & Renwood, Smith, M R & Co, Wille, Louis, Wilson, J J, Young, M & L, New England Bakery do London and Vane Bakery, do Union do Vancouver do do do do do do do do do do Victoria do do do do do do do do BAKING POWDER. Stemler and Earle, Victoria BANKS AND BANKERS. (See Page 30, also Deposit and Loan Companies.) Bank of B. C , C R Slater, manager, Kamloops Bank of 8. C, G Williams, manag )r, Nanaimo Savings Bank, do Bank of B.C., Nelson Bank of Montreal, A H Buch- anan, manager, do Bank of B.C., New Westm'r Bank of Montreal, do Bank of B.C., Vancouver Bank of B.N.A., do Bank of Montreal, do Wulffsohn & Bewicke, do 9p n o o td CD m n o o o s I I: Jtii m W.E. FALE8, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker p. O. Box a8. Columbia St. and Cor. Agnea and McKenzle Sts.i New Weatmlnster, B. C. m •W¥IP»|IP| WILLIAM RALPB, stoves and Ranges 24 Cordova St. ,VANCOTJVEB Dl Si JS OS ^ Oh (M 9 © :S g ^ b g >a c8 1 1 684 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Casement & Creery, Vancouver Gold,E, do SaviDgs Bank, do Vancouver Loan, Trust & Guarantee Co., do Bank of Montreal, G A Hen- derson, Agent, Vernon Bank of B.C., Victoria Bank of B.N.A., do Dominion Savings Bank, do Green, Worlock & Co., do Bank of Montreal, do B.C. Land & Investment Co, do BARBERS. Cronier, W J, Miller, Wm, Matheson, J H, Morrison, Alex, Haine, £, Higginson, G, Harrison Baynton, James. Duhamei, H, Kinnee & Comer. Cohen, James A, Dailey & Graham, Pratt, John S, Robinson, Jas, Bennett, Karl, Murk, Henry, Norris, George P Scott, M, DeGrey, F S, Eagles, Chas, Dickinson & Leckner, Walker, David, Morris, Thos, Coyle, Daniel McNeill, A, Tolmire, J, Bruce, John. Anderson, Fred, Ben & Charles Hulse, Chas, Johnston, J, Jones, J R G, Lambiert, Jos, Reid, F, Scurry, H T, Timmins, Robt, Wesbrook, G W, Whittier, C K, Watson, P, Chilli wack Comox Donald do do Hot Springs Kamloops do Kaslo Nanaimo do do do New West'r do do do do do do do Northfield do Revelstoke do Union Vancouver do do d) do do do do do do do A'^ernon Geiger, T, Victoria Abrams, A J, do Weber, H, do Benson, A J, do Driard Shaving Parlors, do Russell, Geo, do Sillman, W, do Vigelius Bros, do Whittaker, W, do Gribble, C H, Wellington Leighton, J F, do BARRISTERS AND SOLCTRS. Sprague, HEM, Donald Cochrane, W M, Kamloops Fulton, F J, do Whittaker, W H, do Keland, C W, Vernon Mclnnes & Mclnnes Nanaimo Potts, C H B, do Sinnpson & Simpson, dn Yarwood & Young, do Smith, A G, Nelson Atkinson, T C, New West'r Eckstein & Gaynor, do Brydone-Jack, A C, do Corbould McColl, Wilson & Campbell do Cherry, J Briscoe, do Morrison Auley do Knott, H W, do Jenns, E A, do Clute, J S, do Dockrill. G M, do Edmonds, W H, do Gray, W Meyers, do Clinton, H F, do Forrin, J A, do Henderson & Keith, do Leamy, Andrew, do Whiteside, W, do Woods, E M N, ' do McBride, Richard, do Howay & Reid, do Kerr, —, New Denver Harrison, L R, Plumper Pass Eckstein and Gaynor, Vancouver Abbott, J G L, do Armstrong and Spencer, do Atkinson, T C, do A M m? A TTTT! ADCTIONEER, . APPRAISER • AND A.. J.TJ.. X»Xi.£l. A AAA ft^jW COMMISSION MERCHANT CITY HAKKBT, VANCOUWR. B. C. B D DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY ^i^nipeo NothinK bnt Tborongtalv Experienced Labor Employed at tbe Redwood. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIBECTOBY. 685 Beck, A E, Vancouver Black, A S, do Blake, J J, do Boultbee, John, do Bowser & Tiavelle, do Boyd, Alex J, do BrydonenJack, A C, do Campbell, John, Chaldecott, F M, do do Corbould. McColl, Wilson & Campbell, do Cowan, Geo H, do Davis, Marshall and Macneill, do ' Forin & Chaldecott, do Hallet, J H, do Hammersley and Hamilton, do Harris and Macneill, do McColl, A J. do Magee, E A, do McPhillips & Williams, Nicolls, Edward, do do Russell and Godfrey, do Schofield, F, do Sewkler, J H, do Shaw, Henry C, do Shoebotham, T B, do Tuck & Black, do Belyea & Gregory, Victoria Bodwell & Irving, do Crease Lindley, P, do Davie & Cassidy, do Drake, Jackson &Helmcken, do Dumbleton, A S, do Eberts & Taylor, do Fell, T, do Hall, H G, do Hunter, Gordon, do Innes, Alex S, do Langlcy, W H, do Luxton, A P, do Mason, C Dubois, do McPhillips, Wootton & B ar- nard, do Mills, S P, do Pootey C E, do Pemberton. C C. Schultz & Morphy, do do Walls, John P, do Wootton, S Y, do Yates & Jay, do BATHS. (See Barbers.) Leander Baths, G C Meeher, mgr, Victoria San Francisco, do BAZAARS AND FANCY GOODS Bose, Wm, Chilliwack Bickford, MrsW, Victoria Gribble, H, do Soho Bazaar, A F Turner, do Newbigging & Anderson, do Vigor, Mrs M A, do Indian Bazaar, J J Hart, do BAZAARS-JAPANESE. Sun Ban Vancouver Futcher, .'hosS, Victoria Davidge, F C & Co, do BEES AND INCUBATORS. Smith, J S, Chilliwack BILL POSTERS. Vancouver Bill Posting and Advertising Co, Vancouver Davis, Albert A, Nanaimo Neal, Wm, Victoria BISCUIT MANUFACTURERS. Blake, J P & Co, Vancouver Smith, M R and Co, Victoria BLACKSMITHS. McBae, Donald, Agassiz Kirkpatrick, Thos, A berni Brown, Jno, Armstrong Schneider, Henry, do Lehman, Isaac, Ashcroft Smith, J C, do McArthur, Alex, Barkerville Wintrip, Ed, do McFadyen, L, Barr, Henry, Beaver do McDonald, Colin, Bonaparte Mercer, John, Chilliwack Nevin, D, do Johnstone, F W, Claxton to LARGEST ASSORTMEIIT of Wlill m at SFILLMAII'S, Vancoumr f 'I ■ii' m HfPSppp w^mmmimmmmmmK^ ROCK AND ORE BREAKERS Bflnins Maohinery GATES IRON WORKS, CHICAGO, U.S.A. s A N N A N D A L E G R O C E R E W W E S T M I S T E B B C 686 BRITISH COIiUHBIA DIRECTORY. Gharlera, Henry, Uren, Jas B, McDonald, G F, Spray, T 0, Starr, Jno H, Bakewell, Jas, McKenzie, J W, Bennison, Wm, Smith, Wm, Barras, Sam, Glaxton Clinton do Clover Valley do Comoz do do Goutlee do Kelly, F A, Coquitlam Municipality Newhouse, A, Adams, Geo, McLearn, J, Stainton, F, Gordon, Robt, Mathie, Jas, Brownwell, A, Grassie, Jas, Street, A J, WenslOT, W, Drew, R, Westwood, B, Dixon, ThoB, Wilson, Carl, Lowry, Jas O, Burguest, A, Manuel, G, Willard, Chas A, Bartleman, P, Ryder, Roland, Briscb, Victor, Raven, Geo P, Harmon, F, Harmon, S, Moody, Jas, Bingham, J E, Deacon, J A, Hamilton, Jas, McDougall, Thos, Barr, Robt, Gummusky, B, McQueen. Wm, Ryder, R, Crozier. J H, Mcintosh, W J, Murchison, Jno, Schneider, Henry, Smith, Jas, Blackford, H, Wallace, Jas, Traves, Jas, Nicholson, £, Fortier, A, Byers, Wm, Morrison, T, Allen, PA, Cobble Hill Delta do do Donald do Duncan's do do Esauimalt East Wellington do Elgin Fort Steele French Creek Genoa Golden Grand Prairie Hagan Hope Johnson's Landing Kamloops do do do Kaslo do do do Keithlev Creek 'do Kelowna Keremeos Lac La Hache Langley Langley's Prairie Lansdowne Lower Nicola Lytton do Metlakatia McPberson's Mission do do " Moodyville Barrett, T, Delong, E Armstrong, I J, Craig, Ralph, Donaldson, J M, Heddle, Robt, Renwick <& Horne, Belyea, Jno, Comoierford, J, Harvey, Jno, Keefer, George, Cunningham, Geo, Ovens, T, Cummings, Allen, Patterson, J R, Raid & Currie Iron Wks Co, Slater, Wm, Smith, John, Riley, Wm, Brown, Wm. Blanchard, H, Morris, Richard, Thompson, N, Johnston, Geo, Dairy mple, Wm, McLearen, D D, Toye, Thos, Garrigan, Peter, Cameron, J R, Peddel, H, Bussanich, J, Deranger, E, Carson, Alf, Robertson, Wm, Lewis, Thos, Trueberiy, Geo, Little, T G, Rose, H, McDonald, John, Bartleman, P, Cavin, R S, Sandover, Stephen, Stillman, W L, Malcolm, Jos, Silverson, Geo, Wilson, A, Bergquist, M, Gray, Jas, Charters, W B, Hogan, J, Lyne, Wm, Addison, Chas, Peebles, John, Pritchard. Robt, Gibson, John, Gibson, Wm Wadsworth, P, Nakusp do Nanaimo do do do do Nanoose Bay Nelson do do New West'r do do do do do do Nicola Lake Nicomin North Bend Northfield Okanagan Mission 150-Mile House Osooyos do do Pavilion Mountain Pilot Bay Plumper Pass Port Guicbon Port Haney Quesnelle do Revelstoke do River's Inlet Rock Creek Roger's Pass Saanich do do Salmon Arm Salt Spring Island do do Sidney Shortreed Sooke Sidney Soda Creek Spallumcheen Stimley do Steveeton do St. Elmo L J. TRAPP & CO., Harllware, Paints, Oils and AjEricnltnral Implements Colnmbia Street, NBW WESTMINSTER, B. C. VICTORIA TRAMSFER CO., LTD. ^S^nl^'i^ ft to any part of the City. Their 'aniages meet all Boat* and Trains. 81 and 83 Bronshton StoMt. Viotorla. B. C. T«l. 189. ., mm CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 687 Horwell, Albert, Forsyth, Wm, Wells, W L, Denton, Jno, Mssnoni, M, McKenzie, John, Smith, Jas, fiazley, G H, Campbell Bros, Cocking, C, Edwards, Rich, Forbes, Isaiah, Glenn J J, McAllister, John, Mitchell, John, Morgan, H W, Morrison, T H, Powe, Jos «Sc W, Sproule, £ J, Bernie, Alex, Schultz, Harry, McMuUen. A J, Johnson, Aaron, Bryant, W C, Andrews, G, Grimm, Wm, Hodge, Wm, Ledmgham Bros, McGregor.KniKht Morrison, Jas, Powell, W, Kendall & Hay, Robertson, J, Russell, David, McLean, John, Meston, John, Walker, R, Myres, Al, McDougall Thos, Knight, Ebenezer Andereon, D D, McDonald, M, Mitchell, Hugh, Callan, P. Lalonde, Jos, Lyne, Wm, St Elmo Sumas do Union do do do Vancouver do do do do do do do do do do do Vernon do do do Victoria do do do do & McKitrick do do do do do do- do do do Waneta Watson , Webster's Corners Wellington do do William Lake do do BLANK BOOK MANUFRS. {See Bookbinders.) BOARDING HOUSES. Murray, Geo, Grey, Mrs 8 Hughes, Hy, Armstrong Chemainus Donald Seacott, N, Donald Pratt, John, Golden Fox, J, C.P.R., Kamloops Snider, Mrs W H, do Bulman, W, Nanaimo Hickman, John, do Steele, Win, do Anderson, John* sr, Northfield Dobeson, Mrs, do Griffiths, Mrs, do McCane, Samuel, do Rogers, D, do Smith, Mrs, do Leigh, Jas, North Bend Armstrong, Thos, Port Haney Leather, S, Quamichan Anderson, J L, Vancouver Berryman, D, do BoltoB, Mrs M, do Ellesmere, Mrs Revely, do Haggarty. Mrs, do McKenzie, Mrs A, do Russ, Mrs McDonald, do Crowther, Mrs, Victoria Douglas House, do Howard, Mrs E A, do Iredale, W, do Thistle, The do Revere House, do Roccabella, Mrs S P Tuck, do Pinkerton, Mrs, do BOAT BUILDERS. Brown, G M, Benoit & Son, Woodward, Wm, Adams, Thos, Cosonlicb, Antone, Vidulich, Antone, Quinn, L, Cockle Bros, Rudlin, Wm. {See N.W. Coast.) Stephen, Isaiah, Goldsmith, T J, Shaw, J & Son, Watson, S, Sutherland, Angus, Tlsdale. Joseph, Wilson, L, Hunt, G M, N.W. Coast. Co'-kle, J & W, Duckrill, Joseph, Matthews, C L, Shepherd, £, Balfour Brownsville Delta Esquimau Guichon do Kamloops Kaslo Metlakahtia Nelson do Nanaimo do New^ West'r do do Oway-Keno Pilot Bav Port Moody Port Simpson Quesnelle o o (/) n o o 7 50 H W. E. FALES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker F. O. Box 58. ColumbiaSt. and Cor. Agnes and McKenxie Sta., New Westmineter, B. C. H 14! Hi mmmmm WILLIAM RALPH, Wann Air Furliaces,''*"""'^*''^' VANCOUVER S5« ^S cm CO -a J3 09 688 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Hayden & Mylius, Coulson, Chas E, McAlpine, C, Watts «& Trott. Allen, Wm, Askew, Geo F H, Aubin, C W, Jones, T C, Mcintosh, Dan, Foot & Co, McDonald, Alex C, Robinson, J J, Trahey, Thos H, Turpel, W, Walker, D G, Watson, A, sr, Vancouver do do do Victoria do do do do do do do do do do do BOILER MAKERS. B.C. Iron Works, Vancouver Vancouver City Foundry, do Albion Iron Works, Victoria Kobertson, John, do Spratt & Gray, do Victoria Iron Works Co, do BOOKBINDERS. Commonwealth Co, News- Advertiser, Roedde, G A, Miller, Munroe, Williams, R T, New Westm'r Vancouver do Victoria do BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Slavin, W T, Harris, W, Pimbury, E and Co, Raper, Raper & Co, Turner, Bros, Lennie, H H & Co, Lyal, D &Co, Morey, H & Co, Beckerton, S, Bailey, Bros, Diplock Book and Station ery Co, Ltd Marshall & McCrae, Thomson Bros, Tillev, 8 T & Son, Trythall, W, Hibben, T N & Co, Jamieson, Robt Kam loops Kaslo Nanaimo do Nelson New Westm'r do do Revelstoke Vancouver do do do do do Victoria do Johnston , J & Co, Turner, A F, Wilby, W & J, Cann, M, Victoria do do Vernon BOOT AND SHOE MANFRS. Ames, Holden Co, Victoria BOOT AND SHOE DEALERS. Wetzel, F, . Chilliwack Johnston J, do Rollings, Edward, Comox Plorcia, N, Donald McLean, Alex, Kamloops Quinn, Lawrence, do Hughes. Ed, Hilbert, Richard, Nanaimo do Orr & Rendell, do Taite, Andrew, do Whitfield, Geo, do Barclay & McGregor, New Westm'r MacQuarrie, D, do Hennessev, A M, do l^ye, W C, do Johnston, Wm, do Minthorne, M W, do Rosseau, James, do Sinclair, W J, do Wintemute, Alf, do Allan, G L, Vancouver Baker, Frank. do Campbell, R & Co, Crosby, J T, do do Dinsmore, Wm, do Hobson, Bros, do Landray. L, do McDonald, Alex, do McDonald, J D do Mills, R. do Pyke, J A, do Wetzel, C C H, Baker, J H & Co, do Victoria Cavin Bros, do Erskine, A B, do Fullerton, John, do Irving, Thomas L, do Mansell, H, do Maynard, Geo H, do Maynard, James, do Smyth, Wm, do Gordon, W C, Vernon VICTORIA, B.G. -- -*•- B.G. mmmmmm DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY - WINNIPEG. Drewry's Ale, Porter and Lager Is Recommendea by Ptavaiclan* Generally. CLABBIFIED BUSINESS DIRBOTORY. 680 BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. (See aho Dealers.) Parkinson, Richard, Alberni Addison, Ghas, Armstong Sheplierd. G L, Barkerville Breen, J I, Clover Valley Jenkins, Jas, Duncans Delander, A J, Kaslo Gray, Jas, do Livingston, W B, do McLean, A, Kamloops Simpson, Geo, Langley Addison, Chas, Lansdowhe Jonson, E, Lund Nicholson, D, Mt. Lehman Allison, J, clogmaker, Nanaimo Fairbairn, J G, do Graham & Taylor Nelson Harris, E VV, do Taylor, J A, do Clark, Wm, New West'r Bennett, Wm, Port Haney Toye, W C, Port Kells Picard, E, Revelstoke Falconer, John, Steveston Brown, W S, Vancouver Goi-don, W, do Anoerson, David, Victoria Andrews, J, do Larmen, Jas, do Bead, John M, do We=.t, B H, do Whitfield, John, do Irving, John, Wellington Anderson, Andrew, Whonnock Beggam, A C, do BOX MANUFACTURERS. R.C.P. Mills, New West'r Pendray & Co, Victoria Williams, R T, do Simpson, J W, Vancouver Maxwell & Hayden, do BRASS WORKS. (See Foundries and Machine Shops.) Nanaimo Foundry Albion Iron Works, Victoria BREWERS. Empire Brewery, P Weigle, Propr, Hasenfratz & Co, Nanaimo do Union Brewery, Nanaimo Riesttrer & Jeizener, Nelson Andrzejewski, J, New West'r Jamieson, C & Co, do Allan, O H, Revelstoke Doering & Marstrand, Vancouver Kappler & Gerhauser, do Williams & Barker, do Ochsner, Jas Vernon Fairall, Hy S, Victoria Hasenfratz & Law son, do Leahy, John, do Victoria-Phoenix Brewing and Ice Co'y, do BRICKMAKERS. Lambert Bros, Chilliwack Jackson, M, Kaslo Summerhayes, A, Nanaimo LePointe, A & J, Pilot bay Beckett & Co, Port Haney Haney, Thos, do Hemborough & Co, Port Kells Worreld, F, do Port Uanev Brick, Tile and Pottery Co, New West'r Keefer & Godden, Vancouver South Vancouver Brick and Tile Works, do Vancouver Brick Co, do McLennan, Jno, Vernon Baker Bros, Victoria Baker, Jas, do Elford & Smith, do Humber, Maurice, do Coughlan & Mason, do B.C. Pottery and Terra Cotta Works, do BRUSH MANUFACTURERS. Doughty, G & J, Victoria BUILDERS. (See Contractors.) BUILDING SOCIETIES. Dominion Build'ng and Loan Association, New Westm'r New Westminster Building 9p sr \ mmm i ■4U iW Ml •I $ Bl Js« ROCK AND ORE BREAKERS I niTCC IDnV W(\m Ul s A N N A N D A L E G R O C E R N E W W E S T M I N S T E B B C 690 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBBOTORY. Society, Nanaimo Citizens' Building Society, do Terminal City Building So- ciety, Vancouver Vancouver City Bldg Soc, do B.C. Building Aasociation, do Pacific Building Society, do Mount Tolmie Home Build- ing Association, Victoria Queen City Building Society, do Dom Bldg and Loan Ass'n, do Van Island Bldg Society, do Victoria Building Society, do BUTCHERS. Bohanon, S H, Campbell, Wm, Williamson, F H, Bennett, Richard, Jones, Robert, Bone, Thos, Quenel, £, Quenel, J, Campbell & Nevard, Howe, A, Howe, Geo, Fitzgerald, Joseph, McKay, Robt, Hathaway, J, Hull & Trounce, Cathcart, J, Churchill, S, Woodley, W, Sherman, Geo T, Hull, Bros & Co, McArthur, A S & Co, Newbury, F, Smith, Jas, Develle, Peter E, Smith, Wm, Wilson & Perdue, Carstens, F, Graham, J, Williams. Thos, Cusack, Wm J, Kilroy, Patrick, McTavish, Peter, Tretheway, A, Hall & Brett, York & Pilling, Magher & Carscaden, Beckley, D H, Cosmopolitan Market, Hemans & Walmsley, Hull Bros, Quennell, E, Alexandria Armstrong do Barkerville do Cedar do do Chilliwack Chemainus Comox do Delta do Donald Duncan's Eburne Golden Guichon Kamloops do do do Kaslo do do Keithley Creek Langley Lansdowne Lillooet Lytton Maple Ridge Mission do do Nakusp Nanaimo do do do do Barrett, A, Burns, Mclnnes & Co, Oats, Jno, Wilson & Perdu, Hull, Leeson & Co, Gray Bros, Gray, R T, Banton, F W, Fraser Valley Meat Market, Mathers, W J, Grant, W G, Manahan, S, Reichenback, J, B.C. Cattle Co, Ltd, Nelson do do do do New Westm'r do do do do do do do do Ehrmamtrant & Madsen,New Denver Atkeson, Jas, Roberts, 8, Swalbell, W, Blace, H, Kerr, R D, Blace, H, Bohannon, Samuel H, Hagarty, M M, Fleming, W. Hull Bros & Co, Marshall, J, McCarthy & Co, Powers, theo. Sweet, Kenneth, Fulton, Arthur, Harrap, E, Mycock, H, Simpson, £, Jones, Robt, Jones, Elias J, Steves, J B, Day, W T, Sweet, K Anley, Frank, McKay, D W, Miller, C, Abercromoie & Co, Kamloops Cattle Co, Nevard, Wm, Nelson & Bansman, B.C. Cattle Co, Madill, E B & Co, Marsden, Henry, Mcintosh, W A & Co, LePage, L, Okanagan Cattle Co, Hall, Jno K; McKinnon, Jno, Thomas, Dell, Goodacre, Lawrence, Queen's Market, Victoria Parker, John, do Northfield do Okanagan Mission do Osooyos Spallumcheen Quesnelle do Revelstoke do do do Rock Creek Sea Island Saanich S. Saanich do Sidney Stanley Steveston do do do Union do Vancouver do do do do do dc do do do do Vernon do do T. J. TRAPP & CO., HarHware, Faints, Oils and Ai^ricnlU Implements. Golnmbia Street, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. G. F. W. HART'S for Furniture »l an* »a COBDOVA STBEBT, VASCOVYBB, B. C. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Porter, R, & Sons, Stevens, Allen, B.C. Cattle Co, Van Volkeaberg & Co, Mitchell, John, Hull Bros & Co, O.uennell, E, do do do do do Wellington do BUSINESS COLLEGES. Pacific Shorthand Business College, Vancouver CABINET MAKERS. (See Furniture.) CANDY MANUFACTURERS. (See Confectioners.) Mason, John, Nanaimo Campbell, D J & Co, Vancouver Ramsay Bros & Co, do Clav, Hy Victoria McCuUoch, G A, do Li; ley, H A, City Candy Factory, Rogers, C W do do CANNERIES, SALMON. (See page S2,) CANNERIES, FRUIT, Melhuish, Geo, Chilliwack Harlock Pkg Co, Fraser River B.C. Fruit Canning & Pre- serving Co, Victoria CARPETS. (See Furniture Dealers, Drapers, &c.) CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKERS. Lehman, Isaac, Marshall Bros, Ingleby, Geo, Grassie, W, Raven, G P, Ashcroft Chilliwack Delta Dutacan's Kamloops McDonald & Andrews, Nanaimo Craig, Ralph, do Chamberlain, H C, New West'r Reid & Currie, do Sulley, J E, do McElhinney, H B, Steveston Sproule, E J , Vancouver Campbell, Peter G, do Columbia Carriage Works, John McAllister, prop, London Carriage Works, Miller, F J, prop, Pame. J W, Dunlap, G W Powe, J & W, Johnson, Aaron, Fisher, I J J, Brayshaw, Thos M Brobker, Thos Dempster & McLaughlin, Grimm, Wm, Ledingham Bros, Mable, W J, McGregor, Knight & Mc- Kittrick, McKenzie, Jas R, Meston, John, Neelands, E H, Powell, Wm, Radford, Wm, do do do .do do Vernon Victoria do do do do do do . do do do do do do CEMENT WORKS. Canadian Pacific Cement Works, Vancouver CHEESE FACTORY. Wells. A C, ChilliwR k CHEMICAL WORKS. Moore, Fisher & Hale, Victoria CHEMISTS. (See Druggists.) CIGAR MANUFACTURERS. Gable, Phillip, Nanaimo Newman, Adolph, do Tiejen, Wm, New Westm'r Kurtz & Co, Vancouver Granville, Cigar Factory, do o o h—l C/3 . n o o W St* «0 CO Q O 55 H gw |Q ="0 W. E. FALE8, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker p. O. Box 58. ColambiaSt. and Cor. Agnes and McKenzie Sts., New Weetminater, B. C. i "•''^'''■'■'^'^^^^^'"''^'^■"^^'■■"•■■■Plwlppiipp mmm M. ROBINSON M'HOHAT TAILOR MO Haattnga atreet, Weat, Vancouver, B, O. M 96 « ,a ed ■*A ^ «M « o ^ 00 -«-> »H 4> £:> F^ .a 3 1 1 e« , U EH 692 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRKCTORY. Bantly, M, Victoria Stoess, Chas A, New Westm"* Cohen, Mercado, do Carey, J W, Saanich Kurtz & Co., do Bowman, Amos, Upper Sumas Schnoter, A, do Waxstock Bros, do Levi, B, do Coryell & Burnyeat, Vernon Broleck, E R, Vancouver Burnett, K L, do Burnett, P, do Cleveland, Ernest, do CIVIL ENGINEERS AND PROV. Corrigan, G D, do LAND SURVEYORS. Crickmay, W, do Ferguson, J C, do For list of Provincial Land Surveyors Ferguson, D J do for B.C., see Provincial In- Garden, Bur well & Herman do formation, page 14. Lawson, J P, do Faber. A D, Alberni McKinnon, Wm, do Smith, G A, do Palmer, Robt. do Pelley, R S, Armstrong Strathern, John, do Wheeler, A, do Tracy, Col T H, do Busk, C W, Balfour Warren, Bauer & McCartney, do Canavan, Harold W, Blaine Williams Bros & Dawson, do Allan, Wm, Bridge Creek Gore, Burnett & Co, Victoria Tytler, F J, Chilliwack Thompson, Capt, do Curtis, Jas M, Comox Goins, A S, do Mackay, A E, do Drabble, Geo F, do Gray, J H, do Griffith, T E, Donald Hamlin, L B, do Fry, Hy, Duncans Henderson, H S T, do McVitar, Thos, Fairmont Springs Jorgensen, G E, do McKay, Wm, Huntington Ellacott, C H, Kaslo Keefer & Smith, do Keen, John, do McMillan, J A, do Ijcech, P J. do Mohun, Ed, do Warren & Bauer, do O'Reilly, Fredk, do Pelly, R 8, C.E, Lansdowne Pemberton, F B, do Drlscol, Alf, Loch Erroch Perry, Chas E, do Booth, Jos, Nanaimo Solly, L H, do Hayland, A R, do Bowen, A S, Waneta Bogle, David B, Nelson Campbell, T C, do Farwell, A S, do Hodgins, A E, do Perry, C E, do CLOTHING OUTFITTERS AND GENTS' FURNISHERS. Mackay, W D, Pilot Bay Champion, Jas, Quesnelle Forks Barchard, E E, Revelstcke Maclure, John, Riverside Balmain, J W, New West'r Cotton, A F, do Draper, W N, do Turner, Geo, do Walker, GW, . Chilliwack Henderson, S J, Kaslo Browne, T L & Co, Nanaimo Abrams, Jas, do Beveridge, Wm, do Lewis, W W, do Caldwell & Lewis, do Davies, T L, do Woods & Gamble, do McGregor, Jas, do Hill, A J, do The Box Clothing Co, do Jemmett, Capt, do Jephson & Wheeler, do Campbell, C A, New Westm'r Johnson, J B, do Deane, Chas, do Harvey, J W, do Ogle, Campbell & Go, do Phillips, J E, do Deane, J R C, do Rosp, Jos E, do BLANK BOOK MANHFAdTeM B. T. WILLIAMS »S Br»ad St., Vietoria. wm mm ■ip »R DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY yjNNrPgg b as n er la ta ND ack aslo imo ;m'r Notbing but Thoroughly Experienced Labor Employed at the Redwood. CI.A8flIFIKI> BUSINEBH DIKECTORY. 603 Shadwell, K B & Co, New Westm'r Clark, R, Vancouver Clarke, F &, do Club & Stewart, do Dun lap, Cook & Co, do Goldberg, D & Co, do Goldberg, Z G, do Gordon, Geo R, do Goldstein Bros, do Johnston, Kerfoot & Co, do McLean, D J & Co, do Ponsford, Page, do Robertson, R, do Stirtan, G 8 & Co, do Spauldint; & Vanderwater, do Tyson, A M, do Cameron, W G. Victoria Carmichael, W N & Co, do Frank, Eli, San Francisco House, Gilmore & McCandless, do Graham, Thos M, Blue do Front Clothing and Tail- oring Store, do Holmes, Arthur, do Isaacs, Jacob, do Jeffree, W J. do Lukov, J, do Marks, M, do Marymont, H, do Reid, Samuel N, do Robertson, Robert, do Russell. McDonald & Co, do Rutland, H & Co, do Williams, B & Co, do Waller, Henry, do Wilson, W & Co, do Macmutrie, Andrew, Wellington CLOTHING MANUFACTURERS Carscaden, Peck & Co, Vancouver Pearson, T B & Co, Victoria Piercey & Co, do COAL COMPANIES. ((See also Collieries.) North Thompson, Kamloops Anthiacite& Canmore, agts, C Gardiner, Johnstoue & Co, Vancouver COAL AND WOOD DEALERS. King Atwell, Mt Lehman Union Colliery Co, Comox East Wellington C C, E Wellington Van Coal and Land Co, Nanaimo Creighton, J W, New Westm'r do do do Vancouver do do Victoria do do do do do do do do Kettle River Coal Co, Vancouver Coal Co, Wize, James E, Crowdor & Penzer, Dobson fi Co, Evans, Coleman & Evans, Bannerman, A M, Broderick, W, Drake, W T, Hall, Goepel & Co, Howe, A C, Janlon Wharf Co, Kirk, L M, Macintosh, S F, Perry, Jos, Victoria Coal, Wood & Lum- ber Co, Walker, Walter, Warren, Mrs H, Wellini^ton Collieries, R Dun smuir & Sons do do do do COFFEE AND SPICE MILLS. Stemler & Earle, Victoria COLLECTORS. Metcalf, E, Cassiar Anderson, W B, Comox Dennis, G, Fort Steele Hunter, Hugh, Granite Creek Bennet, John S, Kamloops Devine, John & Son, Vancouver Kemp, James, do Baker, Harold H, Victoria COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. Indian Industrial School, Kamloops Praeparandi Institute, Metlakatla Girls Central, do Industrial, do St. Ann's Convent, Nanaimo Public School, do B.C. College, New Westm'r St. Ann's Convent, do l-H o H 2^ m X o > 0) z w ^ ' > 2; o E. SPILLMAN, Wall Paper, 6i] Hastings St. West i\ n ^ ',i-' it SSPHit!? SSL^ii^,"! I GATES IRON WORKS, CHICAGO, U. S. A. A N A N D A L E (4 b; »3 « G R O C E R E W W E S T M I S T E B B C 604 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. St. Louis College, New Weatiii'r Sacred Heart Academy, . Vancouver Angela College, (Ladies) Victoria Church of England Chinese Mission, do Collegiate Institute, do St. Ann's Convent, ^ do Victoria College, * do All Hallows School. Yale COLLIERIES. Union Colliery Co, (Union), Comox New Vancouver Coal and Land Co, Nanaimo East Wellington Coal Co, East Wellington Dunsmuir, R & Sons, Wellington CONSULS. Mellon, Capt H A, (Spanish Vice-Consul, Vancouver Kito, T, (Japanese), do Pierce, F H, U.S. Vice-Consul, do Meyers, Levi W, U.S, Victoria Rithet, R P, (Hawaaian), do Turner, Hon J H, (Italian) do Ward, Robt, Royal Swedish and Norwegian, Lowenberg, Carl, (German), Smith, T R, Belgian Consul do do do COMMISSION MERCH'TS AND MAMFHS' AGENTS. Gladwin, Waiter B, Nelson, A M, Bennett, J 8, Carment, J J, Ide&Bird, Norman, M H & Co, Wright, A J, Marsh, Geo, Forester, H & Co, Jowett, Wm A, Bell-Irving & Patterson, Brackman & Ker, Kendal, J K. McOuUoch, T W Wright Bros, Youdall & Sinclair, Anderson, Jno S, Ashcroft Chilliwack Kamloops do Kaslo do do Nanaimo do Nelson New West'r do do do do do Vancouver Baker Bros & Co, Vancouver Baker & Leeson, do Bell-Irving & Co, do Boult, Walker, do Burns, .1 , do Canadian-Australian C«m- mission and Trading Co Ltd, Chipman, J E, Clyne, H, Colicutt. J & Co, Dalton <^ Thorburn, Devine, J & Co, Evans, Coleman & Evans, Farquier & Flitton, Heaps, Edw H, Knowler & Macauley, Leask, A O, Macauley, Jas, Major & Eldridge, Martin & Robertson, McMillan & Hamilton, Mellon, Smith & Co, Parks, C C, Sinclair, J W & Co, Stewart, F R, Thynne, A G, Saunders, H J, St. George, A Q, Vaughn & Co, Wade, M E, White. W W, Wilson dc Dunlop, Yates. A H & Co, Yerex, Alex, Alice and Ault, Anderson, £ G & Co, Bluth, H, Byrne, Andrew, Australian Producers and Manufac- turers' Agent, Board of Trade bldg, Clearihue, J & A, Crane, J E & Co, Crawford, Jas, Curwen, Chas, Davidge, F C & Co. Davies, J P&Co, Earle, Thos, Earsman, John, Englehardt. J, Findlay, Durban and Brodie, do Godson, C A do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Victoria do do do do do do do do do do do do do J. TRAPP & CO., HarHware, Columbia Street, NEW 1, Oils and AuriCQltiiral Iiplements. WESTMINSTER, B. C. iiAi ver ria i ': C-i'-FOREMAN,T|,eCBMP OliABHiriRD BUSINKSB DIBKCTOBV. 605 Gray, A B A Co, Hartman & Nedek Victoria MacIntoBh, A W, Naksup do Nault, T, do Higttinbottom, R W, do Dickson, A, Nanaimo King, OhaB R, do Frost. G H, do King, CH, do McAdie, Henry, do Loewenberg & Co, do Morrison, N, j: MackenBie, W G, do McDonald, A, Maonaughton, A £, Martin & RobertBon, do Nash, A, do do Olmstead, Chester, do Mason, TG, do Sharpies, I, do Mitchell, Jas. do Shaw, W N, Bam bury, W, Bell. R Cameron, Bros, Daniels, D P, Duhammel, H, Hanson & Hilton, do Mitchell, Victor. do Nelson do do do do do Robertson, Arthur, Shaw, G C Thompson & King, Todd, J H & Son, do do do do Turner, Beeton & Co , do Hill Bros, do Ward, Robt & Co, Ltd L, do Keefer, A F & G J, do Wey, Jos W, do McDonald, J, do Wilson Bros, do McGuigan, G J, Melville, S A, do do Wier & Bremner, do Mcuat & Co, do Nightingale, R, do CONTRACTORS. Whalley, E P, Whitehead, Wm, do do Pinkerton, Robert, Albemi Biggins, Samuel, New Westm'r Fearn, Walter D, Ashcroft Burns, E, do Rtuch, Ed, Balfour Calbick,J A, do Stevenson, M, Chilliwack Cederburg, PAT, do Elliott, J B, Delta Gilley & McLean do McDonald, James, Donald Armstrong, A J, do Oliver, Geo, Eburne Archibald, J M, do Dolan, Andrew, Field Allan. Thos, do Cowan. Geo, • Fort Steele Buckland,Robt, do Flood, W L, Hope Gow, James, do Worth, J'", do Gray, Thos, do Livingston, — , Huntington lioamy, James, do Ranch, Elmere, do Sabourin, E, do Ross, Chas, Kamloops Hoy, H, do Bremner, D, Kaslo Kennedy. W do Cameron, D S, do McQuarrie, A, do Foster, John, do MacLachlan, Dan, do McDonald, A L, do McCorvie, A, do McLean, L, do Scoullar, E S, do McPhee, A R, do McDonald, Dan, do Smith & Fielding, do Turnbull & Working, do McKay, D, Keithley Creek Williams, H J, do Pearce. T, do Cameron, James, New Denver Raymer, M, Kelowna Drake & Southerland do Smith, Thos, do Clark, John, Nicola Lakr Bothwell, A 8, Keremeos Oliver, Geo, North Arm Elliott, J B, Ladners Imbert, D I, Plum per Pass McLellan, John, Langley Robertson, A, Port Haney Chiaholm, Robert, Lillooett Carrington, W, Revelstoke Lehman, Thomas H, Mt. Lehman Helstrom, John, do PendigUBt, D, do Tapping, R, do Wilband, J, Mission City Hanson, R, do e ftr- o e o ►^» oM pi o e O W.E. FAIE8, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker p. O. Box s8. Colnmbia St. and Cor. Agnes and HcKeiule Sta., New Westminster, B. C. o H ml (I mmm mil RALPH. Stoves and Ran ^^„ 24 Cordova St. g"0, VANCOUVER 5 i M ^ 11 -a »« p.. 09 00 « S g fee , g * P4 a! o .-J 696 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTOBY. Little, T G, Brown, J G, Stelly, Geo, Hewett, Maik, Mann & Co, Cummini^H, Jas, McDonald, D W, Sharpe, James, Peacey, W, Armfitrong, Peter, Airey, Albert, Armstrong, W H, Bailey, W & Oo, Ballinger, Wm, Barnes, F A, Bar wick, Jno E, Bell, IVobt, Blair, W T, Borland, J, Boucher, F D, Bovd & Clandening, Budlong, F L, Campbell, D W, Carter, A E, Carter, S B, Carter, Nelson, Cary, George, Charle8on,D B, Cameron, D H, Cnstile, Jno, Cook, E, Cook, W S, Cook, Robt, Cornish & Cooper, Crow, S J Defoe, J Roy, Dalton, Jno R, Dixon, Jas, Farrell, W T, Fiett, J A, Foley, C, Forbes, R 8, Foster, Tames Fee, T A, Fletcher, Alex, ' Box, J M, Franklin, J L, Fraser, D M, Eraser, W G, Fuller, W, Garrison, C T, Graham, Chas O, Griffith, A, Garvin, J G, Gibh, David, Gibbons, David, Robertson & Ilackett, Revelstoke Saanich do Sidney Sooke Soda Creek do Pteveston do Unior V^ancouver do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Haldon, J P, Hill, J B, Hunter, Thos Saml, Ironsides, Jas, Jopson, Jas, Keefer & Godden, Kemp, Jas A Kendall, W H Lantz, D, Leonard, R A, Letherdale, John, McCuUough, McDermid, Daniel, McKay & Menzies, McLeod, R, McDonald, Duncan, McDonald, W L, McGhie, J B, McGillivray, D, McKee, W C, McKinnon, Thos, McLean, Allen, McLean, Hugh, Mcl^ean, L, McPhalen, D J, Moore, Peter, Morgan, H, Naggs, Olfifleld, Jno, Oliver, Geo, Pike, J B, Perry, Chas, Potter, Jno, Poralv, John S, Powell, Thos,. Quigley, T M, Rennie, Chas, Sentell, E B, Spring, T B, Tardif, Peter, Thompson, Tierney, John, Westcott, CtL^i W S, ^Vhitead, Chas, Barnes, Fred, Cro«ell, T E, Cameron, W F, Auld, Jas R, Baker, «ia». Beam, Eli, B.C. Paving & Roofing Bell, John, Bishop & Sherboitrne, Bragg, Ed, Bruce, Ge'^, Burgess, u V, Burns, W C, Vancouver do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do dr. do do do do do do . do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Vernon do do Vict iria Co, do do do do do do do do do A. M. BEATTIE CITY MARKST, VANCOUVER. B. C. ADCTIONEER, - iPPRAISER ■ AND eENfniAL COMMISSION MERCSAflT * *¥V t».V«»!*>ir6i!WW«**« « St. ER ver : n DREWRY'8 Eedwood BREWERY. Winnipeff THKaE OOOnS IVABRAJfTEU TO KEEP IX AIL CIIIUATES. CLASSIFIED BliSINESS DIKECTOhY, ()97 Cameron, H, Carter, J W, Catterall, T, Chance, Wm J, Christie, Thompson & Co, Clayton, W M, Dean, John, Elford & Smith, Elliott, Thos, FuUarton & McDonald, Gray, Saml, Green, Horace, Haggerty, John, Harrison, Eli, Harrison, J D, Humber, Maurice, Hurst, W 8, Jeeves, Geo, Lane, Vernon, Lant;, Wm, Lindsay, Geo, Lorimer, W, Matthews, T H, Maynard, Chas, Mayo, N C, McDonald, H H, McDowell, J B, McEachern, John, Ml Farland, Geo, McGregor, M, McKillican & Anderson, McPherson, John, Mesher, Geo C, Moffatt, Thos Munday, H E, Murray, Bros, Parsell, David, Paterson, Thos W, Finkerton, Robt, Plowes, Robt, Roper, Chas, Russell, Jabez, Sinclair, T F, Smith, W J, Snider, W Henry, Stelly, Geo, Styles, Thos, Treiablay, Alexis, Thomas, J E Turner, John, West, T P, Flagher. Wm, Warnick, L, Nicholson, Dan, Victoria do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do DO do do do do do do do do do do do do Watson Webster's Corners Wellington COOPERS. Lund, A O, New Westm'r Nealson, Alfred, do Keill, J, Sooke Dinsmore, Ab, Vancouver Jute & Cooperage Co, Ltd, do Englehardt, P, Victoria CORNICE MAKERS. (See also Galvanized Sheet Iron Mrfs, Cunningham Hardware Co, N. Wes'r do do Vancouve Victoria do Gow, James, Vanstone, W E, McLennan i« McFeely, McLennan & McFeely, Perry, W H, CROCKERY AND GLASS- WARE. Sehl, John, Nanaimo Robson, C J, New Westrr^'r Clark, Chas, Vancouver Creamer & Langley, do hart, F W, do Sehl, Hastie (" Erskine, do Skinner, J as A & Co do Brown, R A, Victoria Jewell, Henry, do Lemm, J A, do Powell, Geo & Co, do Sehl, Hastie, Erskine Co, do Simpaon, Geo L, do Salmon, E J & Co, do Weiler Bros, do CORDAGE. LeckJA, J, Vancouver M.&H.A.F0X t Carry the meat complete stock of POCKET KNIVES, RAZORS, SCISSORS, TABLE CUTLERY, Etc. strops and a Complete Line of Shaving Materials, Flshins Tackle. Pipes, e^c. 78 GoTeifliDent Street, Victoria, B.C. p. O. BOX 'iS4. o X H > O > o a E. SPIILMIW, mmm, \mE, HOUSE-PITING, Vnnir 'A SKMSSSJIIfiATBIIiOlllBIB, U,U, FOFD s A N N A. N D A L E ^ r «1 G R O C E R E W W E S T M I If S T E R B C 698 BRITISH COLDUBIA DIRECTOBv, CUTLERY, ETC. {See Hardware.) Fox, M & H A, Victoria CUSTOM HOUSE BROKERS. Logan & Aitchison, Leask, A O, Nesbit, Andrew, EnKlehardt, J F. Finlaison, Chas S, Rayner, T G, Kaslo Vancouver do Victoria do do DAIRIES. Currell, Jno, Guerin, Ed, Abel,Wre, Felker, J R, McCarthey, — , McKinley, A I, Raines, Walker -k Co, Bell, Jab, Purver, C T ^ R E, Mcl^ean, D Atkinson, T L, Vancouver Dp.iry Co, Valley Dairy Co', Carnsew Dairy, Victoria I»airv, Buena Vista bairy, Rosebank Dairy, Oaklands Dairy, Lockend Dairy, Glendennin^,!, Fairfield Dairy, Vancouver Kamloops Lac La Hache do do do Nanaimo Nciih tSaanich Riverside Soda Creek Sunias Vancouver do Victoria do do do do do do do DANCING ACADAMIES. Oliver, J, Victoria DENTISTS. Jones, AVm A, Curry, Dr W J, Brown, C E C, Hall, Dr H E, Holmes & Sharp, Gatzen, H, Barritt, H D, Fowler, Ed, Gatewood & Spencer, Glover, Smith J, Jackson, C A, Barkerv'lle Naraimo New Westm'r do do Parksville Vancouver do do do do Mansell, C B, McGuire, G R, McFall, Ja«, McLaren, J M, Richardson, W, Baker, A R, Hartman, S M, Hall, Dr Lewis, Haughton, Jamea, Jones, T J, Quintan, W J, Verrlnder Bros, West, A C, Varjouver do do do do Victoria do do do do do do do DRS. ^mmm bros. DENTISTS. Boom 17, FiTe Sisters' Block, Cor. Fort and Government Sts. ARTISTIC DENTISTRY in aU ito mod- em improvement.'', both opeiative and MecbanicRl. MI^SPECIALTIES. — Transplantation ana Implantation of the Natural Teetb, Oral Surgery, Orthodontia, Gold and Por- celain Crown and Bridge Work DEPOSIT AND LOAN CO'YS. (See also Building Societies nvd Eunkf and Bankers.) B.C. Loan and Investmeiu ' V B.C. Deposit and Loan Cn Vane Island Loan and linai. ; it ';t ! j B.C. Corporation, Ltd Lia .'°. 'ty Robt Ward & Co, managers and agents Dom Building and Loan Association, New Westminster Fi-aser Valley Land and Improvement Co, A B Mackenzie & Co, agents do Liverpool Land Improve- ment Co do New Westminster Building Society, W J Walker , (>c DETECTIVE McNaughton, E D Patterson, W S AGEkCIES. Victoria Vancouver T. J. TRA°P & CO., Hamware, Paints, Oils and AiEricnltnral Mileients. Colombia Street, NEW WESTMINSTEK, B. C. Wil re Can: Clay Duh Sain Sum Ricl Stan Begf Braj Cana Forr Jack McE Man Suth Well Sea -I MilU D'G« Dick Gibt Ham Kirk Lesli McD Man: McD Myle McL Pack Pato Pida( Reid Rich Sumi Woo< Andc Batei Clvdi Hutc Sper Stevt Your Wool W.] s U. POPULAR PRICES AND BEST OF GOODS AT THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE Clarence Block, Cor. Yates and Douglas Sts., Victoria, B. C. uver )ria IS. Cop. mod- i and ation 'eeth, IPor. YS. and later ;oria uver aents. DIAMONDS, ETC. (See Jewellers.) DIRECTORY PUBLISHERS. Williamb' B.C. Official Di- rectory Co, Ltd Victoria DRESSMAKERS. (See alto Dry Ooods.) Campbell, Miss B Ashcroft Clayton, Miss Minnie Nelson Duhamei, Mies Cora do Salmond, Miss Duncan's Summer, Mrs do Richardson, A A Nanaimo StHnnard & Co do Beggs, Miss E New Westminster Bray, Miss E do Catneron, Mi&s A do Forrest, Miss I do Jackson, Miss E S do McDon^rall, Misses do , Marshall, Miss J do Sutherland, Miss do Well &Wi''!ams, Misses do Sea 'B, Miss Bessie Plumper Pass Miller, Miss G Shortreed D'Gendron, Madame Vancouver Dick & Shannon do Gibbons, Miss M do Haniblin, Mrs J P do Kirkland, Miss L do Leslie, Miss Emma do McDonald, Miss J do Manners, Miss L do McDonald, Mrs A do Myles, Mrs do McLeod, Miss Emma do Packe, Misp Jennie do Pa ton, Mii-js Victoria do Pidgeon, Misses Reid, Mrs F do do Richardson & Reid do Summers & Orrell do Woodhouee, F do Anderson, Miss H C Victoria Bates, Miss E A do Clyde, Mrs Albert J do Hutcheson, James & Co do Spencer, David do Stevens & Jenkins do Young, H & Co Wooldrige, the Misses do do DREDGING COY'S. Western Dredging Co, Ltd, Vancouver DRAYMEN. (See Express and Drayage.) DRUGGISTS. Henry, J, M D McConnell, Roderick Jessop. Grant Clark & Co Harding, A W Atkins, G H Gilpin, E M Livirs, J W Offerhaus, E J Nelson, Chas Thomas, Dr G W Hardy, Thomas McCartnev, W Pimbury, E & Co Proctor, H Gibson, Jno Teetzel, W F «& Co Burnett, G T C' "tis, D S & Co Herring, A M McPherson, R G Muir, T A & Co Parks, John A Williams, G H Scharschmidt, Dr Percy Atkins & Atkins McAlpine, J A McDowell, H & Co McKelvie, A J Morrow, T R Nelson, Chas Reed, John Rolls, Dr J F Vancouver Drug Co Watson, H H Taylor, Richard N Bowes, C H & Co Campbell, D E Cochrane & Munn Dean & Cryderman Hall & Co Henderson, J N Jackson, W R & Co Langley & Co, Moore & Co, Morieon, George Ainaworth Comoz Chilliwack Kamloops do Kaslo do do Lansdowne Mission City Nakusp Nanaimo do flo do Nelson do New Westm'r do do do do Pilot Bay Revelstoke do Vancouver do do do do do do do do do Vernon Victoria do do do do do do do do do o o in tr 9p O o o m n o o p o O W. E. FALE8, Furniture Dealer and U :dertaker p. O. Box 58. Columbia St. and Cor. Agnea and McKentle Sta., New Weatmlnatar, B.C. ■I 41! 1M * C. F. FOREMAN, City Grocer, vamoiiter C±3§ d I ^ 4) p4 ,4 «s -M P4 «M o O) ,0 OB 53 U « ^ i « 1 £ I I>r< 700 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTOBY. Shotbolt, Thomas Victoria Chemical Co Patten, W N Victoria do Wellington DRY GOODS (WHOLESALE.) Carscailen, Peck & Co Hudson's Bay Co Skene, \Vm Caton, J A T & Co Hudson's Bay Co, Lenz & Leiser Piercy, J & Co Pearson, T B & Co Turner, Beeton & Co Vanconver do do Victoria do do do do do DRY GOODS (RETAIL.) {See also Dressmakers.) McArthur & Harper, Smith, R E, Hudson's Bay Co, McGregor, J' Richardson, A A Spencer & Perkins Sloan & Scott Stannard, J S «& Co Stark, J Stevenson, C E&Co Delaney, James Gilker & Wells Bryan, Geo Campbell, John Harvey, James W Ogle, Campbell & Freeman Rae, Mrs W Shadwelt, H B and Co, Collins, H Kam loops do do Nanaimo do do do do do do Nelson do New Westm'r do Drysdale, Gordon, Hudson's Bay Co Layfield, H H and Co, Page-Ponsford Bros, Skene, Wm, Stark, James Summers & Orrell Symons, Chas Wilson, G J, Woodward, Chas, Craft, Wm, Hampson, Wm S & Co, Haughton, Thos and Co, Hewartson, Mrs W, do do do do Vancouver do do do do do do do do do do Victoria do do do Horner, J & Co, do Hutcheson, J and Co, do Lindsay, David, do Macdonald, John & Co, R E Cooper, agt, do Macintosh, W R, do Maclure, Fred S, do Partridge, John, do Pearson, T B and Co, do Russell, McDonald and Co, do Rutland, H & Co, do Spencer, David, do Stevins & Jenkins, do Vigor, Mrs A, do Wilson, Wra.A J dd Young, H & Co, do Cook, E & Co Wellington McMutrie, A, do B. C. Steam Dye Works 142 JOHNSON (near Blanthard) VICTORIA, B. C. The Largest Dyeing and Cleaning Estab- liahment in the Province, LADIES' and GENTS' GARMENTS of all Oeacriptions Cleaned or Dyed and Fretaed Equal to new. GENTS' CLOTHING Neatly REPAIRED. DRY CLEANING A SPECIALTY. HEARNS, McCANN & RENFREW, PBOPRIBTOBa. Tele, 900. DYEING AND CLEANING. Nanaimo Dye Works, Frank Charlton, prop, Nanaimo Henderson, K A, New West'mr Armstrong, A, Vancouver Hay, Geo, do B. C. Dye Wo<'!:s, Hearns, Renfew & McCann, Victoria Paisley Dye Works, do EARTHENWARE. (See Crockery and Glcutware). Kan City City City Citv Vict Natl un Stew Geni Sauc Alia Alex Cut! Bow Sha\ Cam Com Stevi Stevi McM Ahei EL Can; C< Edd B.C. Edw Mas Pur( Tim E^ M. ROBINSON MgROHAKT TAIIOR «90 HaaHttfft Street, Weat, Tanei»uver, B. O. I ■■■iii Drewry's Redwood Brewery, Drewry's Ale and Porter Builds up and Strengthens the System. CI'ABSIFIED BC8INEB8 DIRECTOHY. 701 ELECTRIC LIGHT CD'S. Katnloopa Electric Light Com- pany, Kamloops City Elec Light Co, Nanaimo City Elec Light Co, New Westm'r City Elec Liglit Co, Vancouver City Elec Light Worlts, Victoria Victoria Electric Light Co, do National Electric Tramway and Light Co, do ELECTRICIANS. Stewart & Mills, Genier, G, Saucier, J E, Allardyce, J L, Alexander, D, Cutler, Geo, Bowler, P, Shaw, Fletcher, Canadian Gen Elec co, Connelly, J J, Steward & Mills, Stevens, G Mc Micking, R B <& Co, Ahearne, Jos, Kaslo Kam loops do Nanaimo do do New Westm'r do Vancouver do do do Victoria do ELECTRICAL MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES. Canadian G«neral Elactrical Co, Ltd, Vancouver Eddy Electricul Mfg Co, do EMBALMERS. (See Undertakers.) EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. B.C. Employment Agcy, Edwards, L"J, Mason, J & Co, Purdy, R, Tim Kee, Vancouver do do do Victoria ENGINE BUILDERS AND BOILERMAKERS. (See Foundries and Iron Works.) ENGRAVERS. Bloomfiield & Son, Innee, John C, Crowr.her, Geo, Philipps, W H, New Westm'r do Victoria do EXPRESS COMPANIES. B.C. Express Co, Ashcroft B.C. Express Co, 108-Mile House Dominion Express Co, F Oliver, agent, Victoria Wells, Fargo & Co, Agents Green, Worlock & Co, do EXPRESS AND DRAYAGE. Lewis & Baker, Kaslo Mission City Transfer Co, Mission Jones, David, Saanich Atkins & Johnson, Vancouver Heaney, J & A, Victoria Victoria Truck and Dray Co, do Victoria Transfer Co, do J Bennett, do FANCY GOODS. (See Stationers and Dry Goods.) Grant, Alex, Murray, Geo, Rose, VVm, Kalaf, N. Street, Mrs, Logan, Miss F, Summers & Orrell, Bickford, Wm, Armstrong do Chilli wack Nanaimo New Westm'r Vancouver do Victoria FARM MACHINERY. (See Agricultural Implements.) FEED. (See Flour and Feed.) FEED STABLES. (See Livery, Feed and Sale Stables.) FINANCE AGENTS. (See also Banks.) McKenzie, C C, Nanaimo M Dd o o • GO r LARGEST m\\m of WAIL PAPER at SPILLMAN'S, VanMr T S A N N A D A L E SiWSLK^Jl fiATES leON WORKS, CHICAGO, U.S.A. 3 G R O C E R 1^ E W W E S T M I N S T E R B C 702 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Rand & Miller, New Westm'r FLOUR AND FEED. Mackenzie, A B & Co, do Rosa, H G & Co, do HoBsack, Jos, Langley Townley, C R, do Carney & Barrett, Nelson Woods & Gamble, do B.C. Milling and Feed Barker, Robt, Vancouver Co's Mill, Batchelor Devine, J & Sor do Quine, New Westm'r ; Casement & Creerv, do DeWolf, Geo, " do McFarland, J W, do Rand Bros do Rhodes, H, do McLachlan & Yates, do Wulffsohn & Bewicke do Austin, J J, Victoria Baker, E Crow. do B.C. Land and Investment Agency, do Croasdaile, H £, do Dalby & Claxton, do Allan, F, Vancouver Bowver, Jno, do Devine, H T & Co, do Galloway, E J, do Tomlinsbn & McTaggert, do Welsh Bros, do Fewster, Phillip, do Keel & Kerr, do McDougall & Park, Vernon Baker, R & Son, Victoria Clay, Sam, do McLachlan Bros, do 1 Garesche, Green & Co, do ■ Heisterman & Co, do FEED AND PRODUCE. Johnson, E M, do Jones, A W & Bridgman, do Sere and Co, Victoria i Lowenberg, Harris <& Co, do Morrow, Holland & Co, do FLORISTS. More A W «& Co, do Blunt, Joseph, Cedar i Bayley, Thos, Esquimalt rd Davis, Jos P, Nanainio FISH CURERS AHDCANNERS. Scott, R. do Home, R D, Somenos Ewen & Co, New Westm'r Mcintosh, R W, do Crump. Henry, Vancouver Green, J H, do m Wood, Travis & Co, do Henry, M J do Dodds, Wm, Victoria 1 Archibald, Wm, do S FISH AND GAME. Higgins, John T, do Johnston, P T, do 1 Anderson, Alex, New Westm'r McTavish, G A, do n Boutilier, F & Co, do Moss, Jas, do m Vienna, W H, do Wright Bros, do Norman, Wm, do 1 9 Woolliams and McCulkich, do FOUNDRIES AND MACHINE 1 Anderson, Chas, Vancouver SHOPS. l| Fader, E J and Co, do fl Winch, Bower, do (.Tee also Brass Works and Machinists.) ■ Ord, Jno, Victoria Dobeson, T & N W, Nanaimo I Vaio & Brooks, do Wenborn, R J, do Vienna, Geo, do Ovens, Thos, New Westm'r Brown, Peter, do Reid & Currie do Westm'r Foundry and Machine Work's, do FLOUR MILLS. Vancouver City Foundry, Vancouver B.C. Iron Works, do (See Mills.) McKelvie & Co, do \ I J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Paints, Oils and AgrlcnlH Iipl[::]eii!s. Golambia Street, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. mn mmmm Iflf^TaDIA TDAUCCCD l^fl I Til Check Banage to any part of the City. Tbclr flulunlA IKAnOrCn UU.| LIU. Wagon* and carriage* meet all Boats and Train*. 81 and 83 Bronshton Street, Vlotorla. B. O. Tel. 189. CLA88IKIEO BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 703 Albion Iron Works, Victoria Spratt & Gray, do Victoria iron Works Co, do Robertson, John, do FRUIT CANNERS. Melliuish, Geo, Chilliwack B.C. Fruit Canning Co, Vancouver Fraaer Valley Fruit Can- ning Co, Ltd, • do B.C. Fruit Canning and Preserving Co, Victoria FORWARDERS. Gladwin, W B, Wardle, Jas, Morrisay, J, Leask, A O, Major and Eldrldge, Ashcroft Hope do Vancouver do FOUNDRIES. (See Iron Works.) FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY Grtnt, Alex, Murray, Geo, Sinclair, Geo, Cavalskjr, Geo, Izen,.r,li8s L, May. A, Rawlinson, H, Walker, Mre Geo, Gray, Geo, Munn, A, Ross, M, f Robson, C J, Stickney, S E, Benson, Mrs M, Fromme, J M, Goldberg, F. GoMen, Max, HarcuB, H, Hogg, A, Inwood, Geo, Izen, J, McDonough, Miss Moore, Horatio G, Munn, Alex, Petersky, Simon, Ramsay, Bros & Co, Ross, W B, Armstrong do Kamloops Nanaimo do do do do New Westm'r do do do do Vancouver do do do do do do do do do do do do do Ltd Tapley, J, Turner, C E, Walsh, W H, Clay, Henry, Lilley, H A, McClilloch, Geo A, Roarke, M, Rogers, C W, Vienna, G, Wagg, Edwin, Vancouver do do Victoria do do do do do do FUEL (See Wood and Coal Dealers.) FUNERAL DIRECTORS. (See Undertakers.) FURNISHED ROOMS. (Set also Boarding Houses tt Hotels.) FUR DRESSERS. Churton, A, Victoria FUR DEALERS. (See also Hides and Skins.) H.B. Co, Baldee, M, Borne, Walter J, Bornstein, H, BoBcowitz. J & A, BoBCowitz & Sons, Hudson's Bay Co, Logan, Geo, Lubbe, Theodore, Ullman, Joseph & Co, V^ancouver do Victoria do do do do do do do FURNITURE MANFRS. Mercier, Geo & Co, New Westm'r Murchie, David, do Wintemute Bros, do Wild, M, New Denver Hart, F W, Vancouver Vane Mfg & Tdg Co, Ltd, do Sehl, Hastie and Erskine, Victoria Weiler Bros, do o o n o o t- o O Q O H i> O H O W 00 W. E. FALE8, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker p. O. Box s8. Columbia St. and Cor. Agne* and HcKenzie Sts., New Weatminater, B. C . ow WILLIAM RALPHJam Air Furnaces, CORDOVA ST. VANCOUVER H I »*■■■ =51 pui oi H^a 1 OS ff-4 4(1 .4 1^ -«-' Cm « © pQ v> ■*-> Vi 0) ^ ^-( Ol « ■t.' »» 02 gS k Eh • 704 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. FURNITURE DEALERS. Hamill & McLeod, Gillanders, \ H, Gordon, M P, Aldous, H, McDonald, Jaa & Co, Hamill & Co, Hilbert, John, May, J, Sehl, J J, Foster, H, McDonald, J & Co, Fales, W E, Gregory, G H & Co, Wintennute Bros, McDonald & Co, Hart, F W, Cady, Lewis, Campbell, H, Hutchlngs, G W, Sehl, Hastie and Ersklne, She)ton and Co, Smith Bros, Esnouf, R B, Ker, W C, Lowell, Hy R, Powell G and Co, Salmon, E J & Co, Sehl, Hastie and Erskine, Shore & Anderson, Weiler Bros, Sehl, J J & Co, Thompson, J A, Armstrong Chilliwack Kani loops Kaslo do Lansdowne Nanaimo do do Nelson do New Westm'r do do Revelstoke Vancouver do do do do do do Victoria do do do do do do do Wellington do \ GALVANIZED SHEET IRON MANUFACTURERS. Saul, Fredk, Victoria Cunningham Hardware Co, N.West'r Swalwell & Vanstone, do Scoullar & Co, Vancouver Cooley, Hy, Victoria McLennan and McFeely, do Perry, W H, do GAME. {See Fish and Oame. ) GARDENERS. (.See Landscape Oardeners.) GAS, WATER, AND STEAM FIXTURES. (See also Plumbers.) GAS COMPANIES. Nanairao Gas Co, Nanaimo New Westm'r Gas Co, New Westm'r Vancouver Gas Co, Vancouver Victoria Gas Co, Victoria GENERAL DEALERS. {See also Retail Orocers.) t" General Dealers," mean those that deal in groceries, boots and gen- eral supplies, both wholesale and re- tail. Monroe, F, Moi'rissey, E A, White, Herbert, Oiegerich, Henry, Green Bros, Huff, G A, Saunders, F P, Alport, J P, McKay, Angus, Frigon, Edw, Simpson, H, Ebbargill & Co, Wood, Robt, Bailey, Wm, Foster, F W, Balfour Trading Co, Kelly, A, Rogers, S A, Clayton, John, Allan, Wm* Pike & Beeton, Ackerman, Jos Rogers, H N, Duck Kee, Gee Zep, H.B. & Co, Lewis, S G, Pottinger, David, Dester, G, Ashwell & Sons, Ferris, W F, Henderson Bros, Irwin, B A, Rudland, Jas, Orlando, G B, Abbotsford do Agassiz Ainsworth do Alberni do Aldergrove do Alert Bay do Armstrong do Ashcroft do Balfour Barkerville do Bella Bella Brio^re Creek Brow nsville Burgoyno Bay do Cache Creek do Cassiar Chemainus do Chilcoten Chilliwack do do do Claxton Clayton vicroRiA, Wi CORDOVA ST. VANCOUVER ^ND STEAM ES. mbers.) ANIES. Nanaimo I, New Westm'r Vancouver Victoria EALERS. I Orocers.) 8," mean those , boots and gen- holesalo and re- Abbotsford do Agassiz Ainsworth do Alberni do Aldergrove do Alert Bay do Armstrong do Ashcroft do Balfour BarkerviUe do Bella Bella Brid^re Creek Brownsville Burgoyno Bay do Cache Creek do Cassiar Ghemainua do Chilcoten Chilliwack do do do Claxton Clayton pREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY • WINNIPEG. I Orewry'a Ale, Porter and Lager !■ Recommended by Physician* Generally, 1' 1 CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 705 Bell, E, Clinton Wardle, James Hope Foster, F W, do Chong Kee do Hill, R B, Cloverdale Hunter, Hy do Galbraith, J F, do Gibson, R H, Howe Sound Farnsworth, J, Clover Valley Morrisey, Frank Huntington Galbraith, J F, do Truswell, S E, do Porter, Jas T, Cobble Hill H.B. Co Kamloopa Duncan Bros, Coinox Gaglietto, M & Co do Holmes, J B, do Man son, J do McPheel Jos, do McArthur & Harper, do Kelly, R B, Coquitlam Municipality Smith, K E do Corfleld, Geo T, Corfield Aberneth.^v & Pickney, Kaslo | Aruytage, H D G, Coultlee Allen, Mrs E W, do Cair & Co, do Casejr, H, Geigmch, C, do Blair, Gilbert, do do Ordano, G B, Cowichan Groneweg, G, do Kelly, Ed, Cranbrook Green BroR, do [See Fort Steele.) Hayes, J C, do Hauck, GuB, Delta Mclnnes. A, do {See Ouichon,) McKenzie, R & Co, do Hinchliffe, 8, do Plunkett, C E, do McNeely, Thos, do Potter, W A, do Harper, Jas, jr. Departure Bay Lequime Bros Kelowna Fos;er, Wm, do Veith & Borland Keithley Creek Place, J S, Dog Creek Coulthard, Jno Keremeos Sing Lee, do Daly, Thos do Kimpton, R A, Donald Spraggett, E Kettle River Manuel & Ruttan, do Crosier, Chris Koksilah Patmore, Robt W, do Tinglev, C H Lac La Hache Bazet. Chas, Duncans H.B. Co Jjanglev Jaynes, W P, do McLelland, Murdoch do • Fburn, W H, do Riddell, R W Langley Prairie Gowen, Geo, East Wellington Lang, D A Lardeau City Eburne, W H, Eburne Smith, A W. Lillooet' Nicholson, Jos, Elgin Long, Jno, do Harvey, Oliver, Enderby Ordini, Mrs H, do Clayton, Fredk, Fuller & Goodwin, Esquimau "hair, C A, do do Ordino«& Santini, do Carlin & Lake, Field London Bros, Lulu Island Baker, Lt Col, Jas, l*ort Steele Green, John, Lund Galbraith, Robt L T do Pearson, Jas, Lytton Griffith, D, do Stevenson, A, do Kelly, E M, do Rabagliati, B, do Dwick, .F A, Golden Walsh, Wm, do Lang, F, do H.B. Co, Massett Cook. F P, Granite Greek Robaon, W M, Mayne Island Rabbitt, Thos, do (See Plunwer Pass.) Fremento, P, McP Blackburn Bros, Grand Prairie person's Station Clemes Bros, do Debrisay, Melville, Mission Clemitson R M, do Thompson, E J, Mount Lehman Sherman & Hinchliffe, Guichon Langley, J G, do Brown, Wm, Hall's Prairie Bower, Gideon, Moodyville Thrift, Hy Thos, do Bourne, J, Nakusp Lazenby, Bros Deen, L do Lemon, R E, do Harrison River Bigelow, Geo A & Co Nelson Menton, E do Bigelow, Geo, do Spring, Capt H.B. Co Hesquiat Hume & Co, Nelson Hope Lemon, R E, do 9p K &) dm, vicroRiA, B.G. S, VANCODVER mm T 8 A N N A N D A L E SSI!i^nl"ffiL"S^^^^^^^ GATES IROK WOBKS, CtllCilGO,U.S.Ili! J «4 G R O C E R N E W W E S T M I N S T E B B C 706 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Bevilockway. Geo, Nanaimo Cavalsky, (jeo, do Uelbert, Edwd, do Hilbert,.Kich, do HirHt Bros, do Hobbi>, J H, do Hoggan, Wm, do Home, A G & Son, do Johnston, A R & Co, do Kenyon, T. do Langton, W M, do Manson, Lawrence, 4o McCush, John, do McCutcheon, C, do McDonald, D 8, do McMillan, J H & Co, do Nanaimo Equitbl Pioneer Soc do Scott, Gapt S L, Young, Jas, Parbin, John, Bourne Bros, Ehrmamtrant «& Brown Joseph, Eickhoflf, Fied, Harvey, H, Havesi M, Holt, E F, Johnson, Ed, McDonough, Chaa, Parnell and Gunn, Wise, Jas, Armstrong, G B, Woodward. R M, Howse, A E, Lyons, J and £, Jany and Crossan, Jones, Samnel, Rumming, ^'redk, Syndicat, Francais, Brentzen, Paul, (See Port Simpson) Cameron, A, Cunningham, Geo, Cunningham, RcIit, Hudson's Bay Cc {See Port Simps m). Jacobson, Victor, McEwen, Alex. Rothwell, Frank, Brackman, Hy, Lequime Bros, Veith & Borland, Eagle & Paxton, Pinchbeck, W. do do do New Denver Madsen, do New Westm'r do do do do do do do do Nicola do Nicola Lake North Bend Northfleld do do do Northwest Coast do do do do do do do ITorth Saanich Okanagan Mission 150-Mile House do 170-Mile House Morrison, C F, Oway Keno, Northwest Coast Kruger, Theo, Osoyoos Fairless, W, Lee, Wm, Hirst, A, Manning, W J, McCuddy, W, Wade, A H, Galena Trading Co, CoUinson, W T, Robson, W M, Powell, F G, Johnson, W, Monison, M K, Carr, John, Docksteader, Dan, Sinclair and Carr. Dale, J M, Lazenby Bros, Latta, J and Sons, Tayes, Jos, Jaynes, W P, Reid and Johnston, H. B. Co, Veith & Borland, Charters, Robt, Corfield, Geo T, Wylie, E W, Bourn(< Bros, Coursier, H N, Gilker and Wells, Hum'!, CB&Co, Mornssey, Ed, Cameron, H, McGuire, Chas Alex, Shaw, T, Akerman, Joa, Bittancote, E J, Rogers, H, Jane, John, Sweet, Kenneth, Porter, S T. Shortreed, R T, McBryan, A, Ross, J, Forrester, Col E, Dickinson, L, Dunlevy, P C, McLeese, Robt, ' •■ Kier, Jas, Milne, Ed, Cameron, W F, Murray, John, Barrick, J B ClemeSi A, Curnow, Rd, Woods & Campbell, Black, Neil, Houston, Glen, Osoyoos Pavilion Mountain Parksville Penticton do do ' Pilot Bay Plumper Pass do do Port Essington do Port Hatiey do do Port Hammond do Port Kells Port Moody Quamichan Quesnelle do Quesnelle Forks Quilchena do Read Island Revelstoke do do do Riverside Rock Creek Salmon Arm do Salt Spring Island do do Savonas Sea Island Shawnigan Shortreed Bhuswap do Sicamous Sidney Soda Creek •■ do Somenos Sooke Spallumcheen Spence's Bridge do do do do Souzzum do Mashiter, Wm, Squaraish Valley T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Paints, Oils anil AippicQltoral MDlemeots. \^ Columbia Street, NEW WESTMIN8TBE, B. C. J" in, CHICAGO, U,S. A' OsoyooB ; Pavilion Mountain Parksville Penticton do do 0, ■ Pilot Bay Plumper Pass do do Port Easington do Port Hatiey , do , do Port Hammond do , Port Kells Port Moody Quamichan Quesnelle do Quesnelle Forks Quilchena do Kead Island Revelstoke do do do Riverside Rock Creek Salmon Arm do Salt Spring Island do do Savonas Sea Island Shawnigan Shortreed Shuawap do Sicamous Sidney Soda Creek do Somenos Sooke Spallumcheen Spence's Bridge do do do 11, do Souzzum *do Squaraish Valley F. W. HART'S for Furniture »i ana »s Connor A stxext, vAycovvBB, b. c. lex, I pltnral Umiemiits. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 707 Dodd, L M, Peebles, John Blair, W T, Bull, Mrs H A, Forlong & Sexsmith, Kalahue, Robt, McKay, Wm, McLeod, E E, Sisson. W H, Trites, W A, McGillivray, D, Miller, David, Ghurchland, J, Topping & Hanna, McKim Bros, McLean, Jas B, McLean, T D, Hall, Robert, Manson Bros, Wilmot, F, Dockendorf, W, Fairbairn, Mrs A J, Fairbairn, James, Whitenack, A &J, Cameron, W F, Langman & Sills, Hudson's Bay Co, Martin, W R, Sl.atford, W T, Megaw, W R, Hudson's Bay Co, Powell, Geo, Hanson, Nils, (See Fort Steele) Griffith, David, (See Fort Steele) Keith & Beebe, Arhuton, E R, Wilson, W A, Kempton, David, (See Fort Steele) Bickle, E W & Co, Cook, E & Co, Haggart, H D, Jones, Walter & Co, Kelly, R B, Smith, Geo A, York, L C, Eagle. W, Creighton, D J, Johnston, R L, Stanley do Steveston do do do do do do do Sumas do Surry Centre Trail Creek Union do do Valdez Island do do Vancouver do do do Vernon do do do do do Victoria do '.Vasa Wild Horse Creek Waneta Watson Webster's Corners Windmere Wellington do do do Westm'r Junction Whonnock do Williams Lake Yale do GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. (See Clothing Outfitters.) GLASS DECORATORS. Bloomfield, H, & Son, New Westm'r GLASSWARE. (^ee Crockery.) GLAZIERS. (See Painters.) GRAIN DEALERS. (See Flour, Feed, Etc.) GROCERS, RETAIL. (See also Oenerul Dealers.) Fuller & Goodwin, Coburn, W H, Exley, AR. Heddle, W T & Co, Hirst Bros, Home, A G «& Son, Johnston, A R & Co, Parkin, Jno, Manson, Laurence ' McKeen, N C, Rowe, R H, McLean, H, The Tea Company, Lindsay & Aldons, Adams, Geo, Armstrong, R J, Beer, Jas, Brown, Joseph, Cross, Bros, Green, A R, Johnson & Mackenzie, McDonald Bros, McDonough, Chas, McKinnon, John, Rae, Jas D & Co, Wise, Jas, Annandale, T S, Anderson, Chas, Anderson & Co, Bearman, W, Brown, Bros, Brown, J T & Sons, Cassidy, Thos, Cannonica, Mrs M, Condre, Mrs H, Esquimau Nanaimo do do do do do do do do do do do Nelson New Westm'r do do do do do do do 4o do do do do Vancouver do do do do do o o l-H (/) 33 n o o id IP o w B. C. W. E. F ALES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Columbia St. and Cor. Agnea and McKenzie Its., New Wntmlnater, B. C. a (6 H m ^ PQ ?*» 9W 1 p. O. Box s8. M. ROBINSON Mg«OHAWT TAILOR 990 Ha»ting» Street, West, Vancouver, B. C, ■ f. k.' Is I «M o CD i •'^ CO 708 BRITIBU COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Clark, J F, Vancouver Claj^ton, Ed, do Davis, W L, 'no Dogherty, J W, do Edgett Bros, do Filion, F, do Fletcher, J, do Foreman, C F, do Franks, Z, do Freeland, Geo, do Gain, Hy, do Hesson & Irving, do H.B. Co, do Hutchinson, J G & Co, do Hoey, J D, do Irving, J A, do Keat, H E, do Law, James, do McDonough, Mrs, do McLean, Allen, do McCluskey, Geo, do McTaggart, M, do Meek, G E, do Middleton, Walter, do Munn, Alex, do McKnight, H, do McMillan & McLeod, do Morrison, Alex, do Muir, Archie, do Nadelman, L, do Phillip, C S, do Reid, D R «& D J, do Robertson, W H, do Olmstead, R, do Russell, McDonald & Co, do Rude «& Co, do Scuitto, John & Co, do Smith & Freeland, do Stevenson & Rockett, do Stewart, D & Co, do Templeton, Wm, do Wagg, Geo, do Walker, Thos, do Webster, Bros, do Weeks & Robson, do Welch & Nightingale, do Whittenack. A J, do Winch, R V, do Auld, W E, Victoria Acton, Levi, do Bachelor, Wm, do Beaumont, C J, do Blair & Gordon, do Bossi, C, do Bossi, A V, do Bownes & Creadon, Brown, Geo H, Brown Bros, Campbell, S G, Cameron, Chas N, Came, Fredk, Carpenter, A M, Clay, Saml, Cox, James, Dickinson, L, Dwyer, W J, Erskine, Wall & Co, Fell & Co, Fee, D F, Franck, J H, Fell, Jas, Grice, J & Co, Hall & Renouf, Hawkins, John, Hillard, Jos Jackson, B ' Jameson, Johnson, Johns Bros, Lapierre, Horace, Leonard, Jno, Lester, Hy, Mewburn, W B C. ' McDonald, John T, McMillan Bros, McNiffe W, Meld ram, J W, Moody, T G, Munroe, Geo E, Ravner, Thos C, Rooertson, A G, Ross Oixi H & Co, Rowbotham, A J & Co, Rusta, Andrew, Saunders, Henry, Schoen, Sigmund, Speed Bros, Shilling, F M, Smith, J C, Thompson, Wm, Ward, John, Wille, Louis, Wilson, Mrs P, Wrigglesworth, J, Watson & Hall, Gould, I, Victoria do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ^ do do Wellington R. T. WILLIAMS ii« Br*«Ml Bt., VietorUt, \.t . .:■ ,.\-.^ DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY E^J^i^M Nothing but Thoroughlv Experienc<!d Labor Employed at the Redwood. I CI.ABHIFIED nUBINEBH DIKECTOKY. 70JI GROCERS, WHOLESALE. Baker Bros & Co, Vancouver Hudson's Bay Co, Oppenheimer Bros, Tufts & Son, Wilson Bros, Alice & Ault, Earle, Tiios, Fell & Co, Hudson's Bay Co, Leiser, Simon, Rithet, R P & Co, Saunders, H, Todd, J H & Son, Wilson Bros, do do do do Victoria do do do do do do do do GUNSMITHS. Rusliton, Francis, Mathews, A G, Webb, S H, Straube, V J, Tisdate, Chas E, Barnsley & CoUister, Pardoe, Chas, Short, Hy & Son, Kamloops New Westm'r do Vancouver do Victoria do do HARDWARE. {See Agricultural Implement Dealers.) Hammill & McLeod, Armstroni; Cawley. S A, Chilliwack Mellard, Sam, do Stoddart, David A, Clinton Nicholles & Renouf, Enderby Prior, E G & Co, Kamloops Vair, J as, do Byers' Hardware Co, Kaslo Armstrong, W J, Lansdowne Langton, W M, Nanaimo Pleace, J H, do Van Houten and Randall, do Cameron & Anderson, New Westm'r Campbell & Anderson, do Cunningham Hardware Co, do Dunn, Thoa & Co, do Godfrey, Alex, do Trapp, T J & Co, do Vanetone, W E, do Creamer & Langley, Vancouver Cunuingham Hardware Co, do Curtis & Newson, Dunn & Co, Fonseca, J W, Godfrey, & Co, Hamilton, Wm Mfg Co, McLennan and McFeely, Meek, Geo E, Tye & Co, Goudron, Jules, Prior, E G & Co, Ralph, Wm, ScouUar, AW, Sykes, Jno, Nicholles & Renouf, Prior, E G, Armstrong, W J, Brown, Robt, Currall, Wm D, McGregor, A & Sons, Marvin & Tilton, Matthews, Richards & Tye, Nicholles and Renouf, Perry, W H, Prior E G & Co, Phillips, Geo, Powell, Geo, Shore & Anderson, Wilson, W & J, Thompson, Jno A, Vancouver do do do do do do do do do do do do Vernon do do Victoria do do do do do do do do do do do Wellington HARNESSMAKERS. Collins, David, Hancock, Wm, McKay, L, Newton, E J, Robinson & McRae, Millikan, J W, McCallum, Wm A, Myers, C W, Doule, Wm, Leckie, J, Davidson, E C, McLaren, D, Livingston, W B, Frane, Wm, Frayne, Rich, McNeill, Ed W, Barrett, F T, Douglas, B, Newton, E J , Stuart, Geo, Barrett, Thos, Driscoll, E, Cooper, H C, Armstrong do Ashcroft Brownsville Chilliwack Clinton Delta Duncans Fort Steele Howe Sound Kamloops do Kaslo Kelowna Lansdowne Nanaimo do New Westm'r do Nicola Lake Steveston Vernon do o X H O in c 23 m X o > PJ z w > O g t. SPIILMAK, Wall Paper, foj Basflngs St West. ^""^^ T S A A D .A L E as ^ 2^ il G R O C E R E W W E S T M I S T E B B C ROCK AND ORE BRIFAKERS Mlnins Maohinery GATES IRON WORKS 710 BBITIBH COLUMBIA DIBECTORY. Heney, B F, "Vancouver Tempieton, Wm, do Wilson, D, do Heron, Rott, McKenzie, Jno, Norria, Fredk, Victoria do do HAY, GRAIN AND FEED. {See Flour and Feed.) HERBALISTS. Hardy, Thos, /immer, Prof Geo E, I'lsh, Thos, Nanaimo Vancouver Victoria HIDES AND SKINS. (See Fvr Dealers.) Bissinger & Co, Victoria Bornstein, H, do HOSPITALS. Royal Hospital, Barkerville Donald Hospital, Donald Rayal Naval, Esquimalt Roval Inland, Kamloops Caledonia. Metlakatla Nanaimo Hospital, Nanaimo Private Hospital, DrPraoger's do Vericona Home, do Royal Columbia, New Westm'r St Mary's, (R.C.) do City Hospital, Vancouver St Luke's Home, piivp-ie, do Alexandra, do Royal Jubilee, Victoria Ensor Institute. do St Joseph's, (R.C.) do Old and Infirm, do HORSESHOERS. (See Blacksmiths.) HOTELS. Riverside, Morrisey, E A, prop, Abbottsford ?lcRae, Mrs, Aeassiz Probert, Mrs R, (U> Devlin, Thos, Ains worth McKay, Adam, do McKinnon, A A, do Columbia House, J McNeil, prop, do Olson, Chus, do Windsor House, R McLeod, prop, do Sareault, M M, Albe rni Barrow, Thos, Alexandria McJnnes, Alex D, do Armstrong Hotel, F W Fleteher, prop, Armstrong Asncroft, Wm Lyne, Ashcroft prop, Ashcroft Cargile, W R Puckett, do Balfour Hotel, G W Gallop & Sons, prop, Andrew Kelly, C House, Jacob Mundorf, Hardy, Thos, McCauley, Thos, Southerland, J, Jas Punch, Geo Stevenson, Georjte Taylor, Balfoilr Barkerville do Bonaparte Boundary Creek do do Brownsville Cache Creek Cedar Horshoe Bay Hotel, M Howe, prop, Chemainus Lewisville, 8 G Levels, do Harrison Hotel, Mrs M Harrison prop, Chilliwack Queen's Hotel, G F Lundy, prop, do Kir by, H, Claxton Cimton, Marshall & Smith, Clinton Tjominion Hotel, R Walker, do f!argile, Wm, do Starr Hotel.J Starr,pro,Clover Valley Cobble Hill, J T Porter, Cobble Hill Haslam, James, Cilwood Graham, Robt, Comox Lome, S J Cliffe, do Elk Hotel, do Riverside, J J Grant, do Sharp, William, do Kelley, R B, Coquitlam Munici'ty Coutee, Alex, Coutlee Ordano, G B, Cowichan Price & Jaynes, Cowichan Lake Lake House, A C Fraser, do Delta, T McNeely, Hicks, H A Hicks, Waddell, John L, Harper, Jos, Seely, Wm, Alderlea, D H Adams, Quamichan, C H Dickie, Delta do do Departure Bay Ducks Duncans do T. J. TRAPP & CO.. Hardware, Colombia Street, NEW ;, Oils anil AflTicnltnral WESTMINSTER, B. C. \iiip^.iW«(»*e/wr"r!«i'^ . Sx^SSBM C.F. FOREMAN, Tha VANCOUVER. B. C. IIIW CLASSIFIF.D BUBINESB DIBECTOKY. 711 Forest, T Forest, Donald Woodbine, Mrs P Murphy, do Selkirk, Geo Southerland, do Elgin, J Nicholson, Elgin Enderby, Lambly Bros, Eiiderby McCarter, Jos A, Errington Trentham, Bayley, Jos, Esquimau Esyiiimalt, Jas E Day. do Coach & Horses, W B Smith, do Globe, Chas Fish«?r, do Howard, J T Howard, do Parson's Bridge, R Price do Ship Inn, Harris & Carr, do Four-Mile House, B Gouge, do New Inn, Jno Doran, do Brewer, Sam, Fairmont Springs Monarch House, A Hanson, Field C.P.R. Hotel, do Chas Levett, Fort Steele Glacier House, H A Perley, Glacier Barnes, H W, Galena Queen's, J C Greene, Golden Kootenay, H Connacher, do Goldstream, J Phair, Goldstream Port Guichon, Sherman & Hinhcliife, Guichon Henderson, John, Hagan St Leonards, Spink, — , Hall's Prarie St Alice, Brown Bros, Harrison Hot Springs Burton, Jas, Harrison Hot Springs Knight, Wm, Harrison Hot Spiings Royal Oak, Duval, L, prop. Heal Stephens, John, do Galloway, Chas, Hope Corri^an, Jas, di American, McKay, Alex, Huntington Huntington, Pomeroy & Co, do Swan, Anderson, Illecillewaet Richardson, Thou, do Sanberg, Olie, do Windsor Hotel, Anderson, S, do Colonial,Latremouille,J P, Kanloops Cosmopolitan, Ratchford, J, tio Dominion, Nelson, F W, do Grand Pacific, Unwin.W L, do Oriental, Peterson, John, do Cojur d'Alene, Ward, — , Kaslo Adams Hotel, Adams & Cum- niings, do Montana Hotel, Beattie & Saunders, do Bruce, D D, do Kaslo Hotel, Carson, T L, do Edianus, M, do DardaneUs, Coy, E E, do Grand Central, Fletcher, A, do Leland, Devlin & McKay, do Ottawa, McAndrews & Mur- cheson, do Palace,Mahoney& Lundberg do Great Northern Hotel. do Baldwin House, do McLaren, Jno, Kettle River Koksilah, Boal, Jas, Koksilah Commercial, Towle, Mrs £, Langley Brown, Peter, do McLeod, Robt, Lardeau City Allen, Mrs J, Lillooet Globe, Hautier, A J, Lytton Baillie, J McKnight, do Fremento, P, McPherson Mayne Island House, Robson, Wm, Maj-ne Island {See Plumper Pass.) Hotel Mission, Mission Mills, F, do Monison, Jno, do Central Hotel, do Windebank, H, do McPherson, Alex, Moodyville Madden, H, Nakusp Phair & Thorburn, do Thomas, H S, do Balmoral, J Hough, Nanaimo Bav View House, McKeen, JB, do Britannia, Hindmarsh, R, do Central, Thompson, J A, do Commercial Hotel, do Crescent, Bennett, Jas, do Grand, Wm Steele, do Identical, Jno Morrello, do Italian, J Humphrey, do International, F Parks, do Nanaimo Hotel, Gough & Evans, do Newcastle Hotel, E Donlan, do Occidental, G Steffen, do Old Flagg Inn, J E Jenkins, do Opera House, W K Leighton, do Oriental, John C Eraser, do Palace, Thos Peters, do Park. Mrs E Evans, do Provincial, Mrs A Miller, do Royal, Jos Guffolo, do Talbot Hotel, Jno Perry, do Wilson, Walter Wilson, do Windsor, H Dempsey, do Flint, F W, Nelson Gallop, R, do Belleview, Isaac Holden, do W.E. FALE8, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker p. O. Box 58. Colnmbia wt and Cor. Agnea and McKensie Sta., New Weatminatar, B. C. o o e o « Pi Q e H P O -m ^ m mm ' WILLIAM RALPH, Stoves and Ranges 24 Cordova St. } VANCOUVER go a m 3 t =3 ••1 I- II ^1 -a « e « S H * o A tt ^ • g » « b; • o CJ) PQ -J* 712 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Nelson do do • do do do do do do Lewis, J B, Nelson, The, Marks & Van Ness, Ward & Corning, International, Dawson & Craddock, Grand, Hansom & Lowen- berg, Kootenajr, Alex Johnson, Silver King, J Johnson Madden House, T & H Madden, Phair Hotel, Miss S Camp- bell, Stanley Hotel, Mrs Mc- Donald, do Tecumseh, Riesterer, Chas, do Getting & Henderson, New Denver Thornburn, G, do Brownsville, Jos Punch, New West'r Caledonia, R W Mcintosh, do Central, Wm Collier, do Cleveland, Jas R Brennan, do Colonial Geo Raymond, do City Hotel, F Raith, do Cosmopolitan, McDonald & Co, do Depot Hotel, P O Bilodeau, do Douglas, A Tolmie, do Eickhoff House, J Nicholson, do Grotto, Small, do Guichon Hotel, L Guichon, do Holbrook, Al Vachon, do International, Thos Levi, do Mchts Exchange, Jas Cash, do Occidental, J C Gray, do Queen's Hotel, Geo Williams, do Russell House, Matthew Gray, do Telegraph, Hogan Bros, do Barry, Smith, Robt M, do Smith, Clair, Fink, H & Jno, Fraser Canyon (C.P.R.) Webb, Jno, Horth, Chas, Wall, Thos, Wright, Alex, Lequime Bros Christian, Joseph McDonald, A, Allan, W, Kline. FR, Honainger, A W, Nicola Lake North Bend House do do Northfield do North Saanich Okanagan Mission do do 100-Mile House OsooyoB do Hansen, A, Palliser (See Golden.) Hirst, A, Parksville Shurber, Jos, Penticton Blanchard, Jos, Pilot Bay Dockpteader, Mrs, Pitt River Mdows Port Guichon Hotel, Port Guichon Dale, J M, Port Hammond Cosmopolitan, Docksteader, Mrs D, Port Haney Caledonia, McCoskery, Geo, Port Moody Williscroft, W, Port Simpson Golden Eagle, Belanger.G, Quesnelle Occidental, McLean, John, do O'Rourke, E, Quilchena Central, Abrahamson Bros, Revelstoke Columbia Hotie, Brown & Clarke, do Stockholm House, Stone, J, do Victoria Hotel, Cowan, W, do Union Hotel, Brown, H A, do Morrisey, E A, Riverside Robson, L Leveque, Robson Haddicum & Co, Rock Greek Mount Newton, Suanich Royal Oak, L Duval, Lake Die Kemp, John, S Saanich Henderson, John, do Rural Hotel, McKenzie, Alex do Stevens, John, Brown, N H, Ferguson, A, Sweet, Kenneth, Keonig, Geo, Chase, W, Lake View Hotel, E Fores- do Swan Lake Savonas Ferry Sea Island Shawnigan Lake Shuswap ter, Bissett, W A, Dunlevy, Peter 0, McLeese, Robt, Cartwright. — , Clemes, Archie, Curnow, Richard, Winters, Jane, Stanley Hotel, Commercial Hotel, F N Trites, Blair, W T, Durick, Jas C, Davis, Samuel, Victoria, Grant, Alex, Vernon, H Mcintosh, Sicaroous Sydney Soda Greek do Spalluincheen Spence's Bridge do do Stanlev Coldstream, H G MuUer Steveston do Thunder Hill Union Vernon do do A Hi' HT! a TTTT! ADGTIONEER, . iPPKAISEK • AND CITY MARKET, VANCOUVBR. B. C. DBEWRY'8 Redwood BREWERY. Winnipeg THKSE 0001*8 WAKHAyTEU TO KMEP Ilf AlZ CLIMATEa. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIUECTOBY. 713 Kalemalka, W G Meakin, Vernon Okanagan, Gideon Milligan do Albion, Mrs Wood, Vancouver Alhambra, S Tliompson, do Atlantic, A Schwahn, do Balmoral, Allan & McDonald do Barnard Castle, Melville & Manuel, do Bridge Hotel, John Austin, do Brighton House, G Black, do Brunswick Hotel, P Carev, . do Cabinet Hotel, F D McLen- nan do Carter House, L Carter, do Central Hotel, Thos Quann, do City Hotel, A L Fairon, do Clarence, F Foubert, do Colonial, A Diebel, do Columbia, Jos Dixon, do Cosmopolitan Hotel, Abray «& Wellington, do Delmonico, P F Emerson, do Dougall, David Wilson, do Edinburgh Hotel, N Allen do Englewood, Jas Fortes do Europe, A Colori, do Glasgow, A Langlev, do Golden Gate Hotel, F G Twigg, do Gold House, C Dawson, do Granville Hotel, Reid & P erts, lo Foffman House, S McDonalu do Hotel Vancouver, C.P.R. Co, do Hotel Montreal, R Piper, do Imperial Hotel, T Leach, do Inlet View Hotel, J B Schult, do Jubilee, R Henderson, do Leland House, W Hamilton, do Manor House, do Merchants' Fxchange, W J Meakin, do MontreRl. Mrs Mellor, do Northern Pacific, W J Robin- eon, do Occidental, do Ontario House, J Brown, do Oriental Hotel, Crean & Thomas, do Ottawa House, C Sherdahl, do Pacific Hotel, McLean & Murray, do Palmer House, Crean & Thomas, do Pullman, A & D McLennan, do Queen's Hotel, Wm Jenkins, do Quebec, Peter Dubois, do Regina Hotel, Mrs S Burr, Vancouver Richmond House, Henderso;) ik McDonald, do Russ House, i'hos Smith, do Rossin, J Canovan, do Secord House, do Sherman House, Meytyer & Liberty, do Stag and Pheasant Hotel, B Wrede, do Sunnyside Hotel, Mowatt & Canonica, do Terminus flotel, W R Jones, do Tremont Hotel, McHugh, do Union Hotel, A Larson, do Victoria, A Johnson, do Waverlv Hotel, Fleming, do Albion Hotel, GHBattage, Victoiia American Hotel, do Angel Hotel, F Carne, do Balmoral, F W Garland, do Brunswick, J A Grant, do Barnes House, T J Burnes, do Burnside, M Rowland, do California, A Bechtel, do Clarence, Wishart & Mel- dron, do Coloniiil-Metropole, do Colonist, Chas Muriset, do Commercial, H Noble, do Ci'Hniopolitan, John Begg, do Dallas, W Jensen, do Dominion, Stepiien Jones, jr, do Df iiiunico, Peti i^ Jackson, do Driard Hotel, Redon \ Hart- nagle. do Empire Hotel, A P Biigg», do Grand Paciii. Hotel, J Sauer, do Hotel Victoria, P T Patton, do Leland, Atary T Cole, do Mount Baker Hotel, Oak Bay Beach, J A Virti , do New York H^t.' Mrs John- son, do Occidental, K H Berryman, do Oriental, Wm McKeon & Son, do Poodle Dog; L Marboeuf, do Pritchard, John B Jones, do Queen's, Richards & Hughes, do RusB House, do Telegraph, Jonathan Merri- field, do t— H o a H o 2 ^ X > g; o r > a c L SPILLMAN, FraiNG, LEnERING, HOUSE-PAIIITIIIU«unir i 14 \ ' ! &3 g G R O C E R E W w E S T M I I^ S T E B B C wmimmm SPHii"? SlcKJI I GIITES IRON WORKS, CHICAGO, U. U. s A N A N D A L E T 714 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Vancouver Hotel , F J Dawley do Victoria Gardens, R C Davies do Western, Geo Walker,- do Willows Hotel, do Windsor, Alex McDonald, do Wilson, W K TuUoch, do Clark, T W, Watson Flagherty, Jas, do Jarvis, Fred W, do Moody, H H, Wi^bst^r's Corners Watson, Jno A, do do Wellington, George W Ken- nedy, Wellington Graham, Geo, Wellington East Junction, R B Kelly, West'r June Kelly, R B, Westm'r Junction Morand. Lewis, White Valley Winderruere, Jas Stoddani & Geo Geary, Windemere Reevesbech, Mrs J E, Yale Ward, W H, Station hotel do HOUSE FURNISHINGS. (See Furniture Mfrs and Dealers, also Plumbers aud SteamJitters.J Cunningham Hardware Co'y, New Westm'r Swalwell & Vanstone, do Hart, F W, Vancouver McLennan & McFeely, do McLennan & McFeely, Victoria Sehl, Hastle, Erskine Co, do Weiler Bros, do HYDRAULiC COMPANIES. Laura Hydraulic Co, Kettle River Tulameen Improvement c*l: Hydraulic Co, Ltd, W J Walker, New Westm'r ICE DEALERS. Fraser River Freezing Co, Port Haney Westm'r Ice Co, New AVestm'r Texas Lake Ice and Cold Stc - age Co, Vuncouver Vancouver Ice Co, do B.C. Ice Co, ^'ictoria Baker, Jas, Victoria Victoria-Phoerix Brewing do and Ice Co, Ltd, do IMMIGRATION AGENTS. Jessop, John, Victoria Orr, James, Vancouver INDIAN CURIOS. Hart, J J & Co, Landsberg, F, Victoria do INSURANCE AGENTS. (See also Real Estate and Marine Ins.) Leighton, W K, Nanaimo Wolfe, Marcus, do Planta, A E and Co, do Moir. J W, do Barwick, H, New Westm'r Cole, L J, do Cunningham, J, do Lowenberg, Harris & Co, do Mackenzie, V B & Co, do Major & Pearson, do Townley, C R, do Rand & Miller, do Robson, F H, do Robs, H G & Co, do Shaw, J D, do Woods & Gamble, do Allison, R H, Vancouver Breeze, J D, do Bullock, A M, do Burpee, G F, do Campbell, Albert A, do Casselman, B F, do Evans, J E, do Gravelv, W E, do Goodwin, W H, do Hall, J Z & Co, do Innes & Richards, do McGregor, D C, do Mellon, Smith & Co, do Paterson, A J, do Perry. C Z, do Scott, G D, do Stanley, Henderson, do Sterritt, R T W, do Sweet, O D, do Willis, 8 H, do T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Faints, Oils and AiEricQltDral IiotantSp Colombia Street, NEW WESl'MINSTEB, B. G. POPULAR PRICES AND BEST OF GOODS AT THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE Clarence Block, Cor. Yates and Douglas Sts., Victoria, B. C. CLABSIFIEO BUBINKSS DIRFITOBY. 715 Vernon Victoria do do do do do do Pettit, F W, Bailentyne, C G, Crane. J E, Croasdaile & Co, Earsman, John, Findlay, Durham A Br xlie. Hall, Goepel & Co, Kinsman, J E, Ward, Robt and Co, Ltd Liability, Morrow, Holland & Co, Nuttat, Thos C, Pemberton & Son, Rithet, R P and Co, Ltd Lia, do Scaife, A H, do Warren, Capt J D, do do do do do INTELLIGENCE OFFICES. (See also Employment OJices.) Tim Kee, Store st, Victoria IRON WORKS. Dobson, T & N W, McKelvie & Co, "\ Pacific Iron Works. Nanaimo '^ancouver do B. C. Iron Works, do Albion Iron Works, Spra't & Gray, Victoria Iron Works, Victoria do do JAM MANUFACTURERS. {See also Fruit Canneries.) B.C. Fruit Canning & Pre- serving Co, Ltd, Victoria Fraser Valley Fruit Cannerv Co, Ltd, Vancouver JAPANESE GOODS. (See also Japanese Bazaars.) | Koniatsu, New Westm'r Jin & Tamura, Oriental Trading Co, Davidge, F C «& Co, Vancouver do Victoria Futcher, T S, do Nagano, J M & Co, Mortin, C, do do JEWELLERS. {See also Watchmakers.) Eouncefell, J, Chilliwack Donald Kamloops do Nanaimo Kaslo Nelson do New Westm'r do do do do Vancouver do do do do do do do ' do do do Victoria do Alexander, W, Saucier, Jean E, Stevenson, W H, Roberts, W R, Dunfee, J H, Hunt & Dover, Gascoin, W V, Crake, F W, Davidson Bros, Erase, Jas, Gitford, S, Bennett, Jno T, Anstie, H J, Davidsoi> Bros, Eggert, Jules S, Grassie, \/ H, Jackson, J W, Mason & Peterson, Melvin, J G, Trorey, Geo E, Pearsall, Chas, Sadris, W J & Co, Ufford, Albert. Challoner & Mitchell, Claussen, J, Dasonville, J. Davidson Bros, Jenkenson, Wm, Kingham, Joshua, Lange & Co, Pennock & Lowe, Redfern, Chas E, Wenger, Jno, Merman, E, do do do do do do do do Wellington JOURNALISTS. VIcKenzie, J E, Galla/her, W J, Jackson, H W C, Houston & Ink, Bowman, J R, Hurd, Alex, Northy, R W, Stewart, A K, Bailey, J S, L.L.R, Carlev, David Smitli, C Dell, Houston, Robt, editor Templeman, W, Nanaimo do Kalso Nelson New Westm'r do Revelstoke Vernon Victoria do do Times, do do o o 9p O o o dd a. ►-! m n o O o •-1 W. E. PALES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker p. O. Box s8. Columbia St. and Cor. Agnea and McKensie Sta., New Westminster, B.C. C. F. FOREMAN, City Grocer, im™ P-H v/ 716 BlilTISB COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. sS 1 •iH -♦-» OS 9i fld ^ «M « o pa 00 -M »M 0) g F-4 -«iia fl0 1 h En Lawson, Hy, editor Colonist, Victoria Ellis, W H, do JUTE AND COOPERAGE. Jute & Cooperage Co, Ltd, Vancouver LITHOGRAPHERS. Colonist Printing & Pub- lishing Co, Ltd Victoria Victoria Lithograph Co, W R, Creech, do Grant, J B, Vancouver Marshall & McCrae, do LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES. Armstrong Ashcroft Brownsville Chilliwack Duncans Kamloops Kelowna prop Nanaimo do do do do Patchelt, John, Haddock, Chas, Punch, Jaa, Bartlett, D, Price & Shaw, Costly, Thoa, Thompson Bros, B. C. Livery Stables, Jos Ganner City Transfer Stables Cocking, J H, Keddy, Wm, O'Brlan, L, Thompson &Scoville,I.X.L., do Bremner, D, Watson, Jno, Wilson, W, Gilley Bros, Crown Livery Stable Royal Transier Co, Steves, Freeman, Steves, W H, Hanna, W J, Harvey, M A, Marshall, W C C, McDonald Bros, Leatherdale & Co, Lloyd, M T L, Queen Bros, Vancouver G, C and D Co, Fletcher, D C, Gardiner, W Simmons Bros Wright & Lawrence Barlow, Thos, Nelson do do New Westm'r <io do do do Vancouver do do do do do do do Vernon do do do Victoria Bowman, G W, McDowell, Jos A, O'Neill, Fred, Victoria Transfer Co, Kilpatrick, Robt Victoria do do do Wellington LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS. (<Se.? Dry Goods also Notions.) LAND AGENTS. (See Real Estate.) LAND COMPANIES. (See also Real Estate.) LANDSCAPE GARDENERS. Campl)ell, Jno, Campbell, Wm, Howell, ii'fred, Pont, James T, Victoria do do do LATHS, SHiNGLES, ETC. {See Mills, Lumber.) LAUNDRIES. Clarke, Mrs M, Nelson M-^ader, Mrs W, Robson Victoria Steam Laundry, Victoria Pioneer Steam Laundry, Vancouver Vancouver Steam Laundry, do LAWYERS. (See Barristers and Solicitors.) LEATHER MERCHANTS. (See Boot and Shoe Dealers.) Thurston & Sons, Vancouver LIME, PLASTER & CEMENT DEALERS. Patterson, Jas, Raymond, J, Chilliwack Cobble Hill J M. ROBINSON MEROHAirr TAII.OR «90 Haattngt Btreet, Wett, Vancouver, B. C. Dremrxy's Redwood Brewery, Winnipeg. Drewry'a Ale and Porter Builds up and Strengthen* the System. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIBECTORY. 717 Cook, W S, Vancouver McDowell, J, do San Juan Lime Co, do Wriglesworth & Co, Victoria LIQUORS, WHOLESALE. (."Tee Wt.v.ci and Liquors.) MilliKan, Gideon, Donald Mahrer, Wolf & Co, Nanaimo Hudson's Bay Co, Vancouver Douglas, J C, do Holmes & Grace, do O'Rourk & Jervis, do Urquhart, Bros, do Hudson's Bay Co, Victoria Pither & Leiser, do Tolmie & Stewart, do California Wine Co do LOCKSMITHS. (Also iiee Blacksmiths.) Currell, J W, Vancouver Smith, Arthur, Victoria LODGING HOUSES. (SeeHotels and Furnished Rooms.) LUMBER MERCHANTS AND DEALERS. (Also see Mills, Murray Bros, Cassady, Geo & Co, Hill Bros. Wharton, M, Foley, M L, Charleson, Alex, Street, Herbert, Gcnelle Bros, Smith, Sam R, Snowdon, H L, Allen, Wm, Boggs, A G, Tiffin, .Tohn B, Endean, J W, Muirhead & Mann, Morrison, £, Sayward Milling Co, Lumber.) Mission City Nanaimo New Denver do New Westm'r do Sumas Tapping Siding Vernon do do do Vancouver Victoria do do do MACHINERY. (See Foundries and Machine Shops.) (See also MACHINISTS. Foundries and Shops.) Machine Dobson, T & N W, Nanaimo Wenborn, R J, do London Machine Tool Co, Reid & Currie, agents, New West'r McGillivray, D, do Ovens, Thos, do Reid & Currie Iron Wks Co do Westm'r Foundry and Machine Works, do B, C. Iron Works Co, Ld, Vancouver Hamilton Mfg Co, Vane City Foundry & Ma- chine AVorks, Albion Iron Works, Robertson, John, Lptatt & Gray, Victoria Iron Works Co, do do Victoria do do do MARBLE WORKS. Henderson, Alex, Hamilton, Alex, Vane Marble Works, McDonald & Maroney, Fisher, Jas, Mortimer, John, Phillips, Jos E, Rudge, Geo, Nanaimo New Westm'r Vancouver do Victoria do do do MARINE INSURANCE. (See also Insurance.) Lowenberg, Harris & Co, New West'r Rand & MiHer, Bell-Irving & Co, Leask, A O, Rand Bros, Wulffsohn & Bewicke do Vancouver do do do Findlay, Durham & Brodie, Victoria Hall, Goepel & Co, do Heisterman & Co, do Rithet, R P & Co, do Ward, Robt & Co, Ltd Lia, do Warren, Capt J D, do Turner, Beeton & Co, do Lowenberg,||Harria & Co, do Clarke, Capt W R, do (D mm m\\m i wall m ^ wmm, hmm ^^ L T S A N A N D A L E Sa G R O C E R E W W E & T M I S T E B B C SSiiiSPSL^KlfillTESIIIOIWOBKS, CHICAGO, U,S/ 718 BRITISH COLOMBIA UIREOTORY. MEDICAL REGISTER. (iS«e Physicians and Surgeons, also Pro. Information, pages 16 and 17.) METALLURGISTS. Colquhon, A J, Harvey, W Pellew, Golden do MERCANTILE AGENCIES. Dun, R G «& Co, New Westm'r B.C. Mercantile Agency, J E Church, mgr, Victoria Dun, R G «& Co, J B Giffen, mgr, do Bradstreet's, J B Gordon, supt, do MERCHANT TAILORS. Chilliwack Departure Bay Kamloopa Nelson Nanaimo do do do Walker, G W, Evans, J, Savage, J, Odell & Squire, Patterson, Buckle & Co, Caldwell & T is, Morgan & Coiuerford, Wray, J R, Campbell & Doherty, New Westm'r Hird, E. Matheson Bros, McRae, M A, Shanahan, D, Smidt, Jos, Law, W J, Beggs. F W, Campbell, J K, Dawe, E & Co, Evans. David, Gray, Thomas, Mather &. Larsen, Mortimore Bros, Morrison, J W, Murphy, W, Quinn, W .1, Robinson & Co, Simon, B, Sharp, A J & Co, Sudmier, J, Berwin, 8, Calvert, John, Campbell, D, Gilmore & McCandless, do do do do 160 Mile House Revelstoke do Vancouver do do do do do do do do do do do do Victoria do do do Graham, Thos M, Gregg, A k Son, Jackson, G R, Kinnaird, Walter D, Leask, J C <& Co, Matthews, R J, McCallum, John, McCorkall & Wall, Pierre, J T, Potts, H A, Roberts, Richard, Sharp, D, Sprinkling, W A, Fraser, WG & Co, Victoria do do do do • do do do do do do do do Wellington MENS' FURNISHING GOODS. {See also Clothing and Merchant Tailors.) MILLINERY. (See also Fancy Goods.) Rose, Wm, Morgan, Mrs C E. Coursier, Mrs H N, Millington, Mrs, Vigor, Mrs M A, Woolridge, the Misses, Bickford, Mrs W, Bates, Mrs K A, Chilliwack Nanaimo Revelstoke Kaslo Victoria do do do MINING BROKERS AND GO'S Anderson, H, Ainsworth Wright, G B, do Kamloops Mining Bureau, Kamloops Bonanza Mining Co, Lillooet Vancouver Enterprise Min- ing Co, do Victor Hydraulic Mining Co do Lillooet Hyd Mining Co, do Mina Placer Mining Co, do Scum Scum Mining Co, do Dandv Mining Co, Nelson Silver King Mining Co, Hall Bros, mgrs, do Kootenay Bonanza Mining Co, W Hall, mgr, do Poorman Mining Co'y, J Davenport, mgr, do R^-ttler Mining Co, Osooyos Spokane and Great Northern Mining Co, Boundray Greek T. J. TRAPP & CO., Hardware, Faints, Oils and Asricnitnral Implement! Colcmbia Street, NEW WESTMINSTBR, B. C. (»* nan D. Box HICAGQ, U^.' llflCTORIA TRANSFER CO., LTD. 21 and 23 Brongliton Street , Vlotoiia. B. O. T«1. 129. Clitck Bana|i) to «ny part of the City. Thair Wi.gona and C.trriaKe* meet an Boat* and Trains. Victoria do do do do . do do do do do do do do Wellington HING GOODS. and Merchant rs.) <ERY. ncy Ooods.) Chilliwack Nanaimo RevelBtoke Kaelo Victoria do do do isea, >i ERS AND GO'S Ainaworth do Bureau, Kamloops Lillooet )riBe Min- do kliningCo do ns Co, do ig Co, do g Co, do Nelson K Co, Hall do sa Mining do Co'y, J ^ do OsooyoB ,t Northern Boundray Creek CLASSIFIED BUSINESh DIRECTORY. no Van Winkle Consolidated Hyd Mining Co'y, Ltd, Vancouver Thunder Hill Mining Co, S Aspland, secy, Victoria MORTGAGE LOANS. {See also Loan Brokers.) MILLS, (LUMBER.) (.See also Mills, Shingle.) 8ereault, M M, Alberni Nasan, J B, Barkerville Clark & Mclntyre, do Halpenny, Jos G, Beaver Creek Columbia River Co, W G Neilson, Beaver Victoria Lumber and Mfg Co, Chemainus Knight Bros, (Popcum) Chilliwack Barker & Street, do Morton Bros, ' Clover Valley Urquhart Bros, Comox Hughett & Mclntyre, Cowichan Grant & Kerr, Delta Gaspard, J, Dog Creek McKinnon & McKinnon, Duncans Mather, Robt D Fairmont Springs (see Fort Steele) Hughitt & Mclntyre, Genoa Gre>,^n, P, Georgetown Williscroft, Geo, do Mackay & Co, GriflSn Lake Bower, Jos, Hartley Bay Martin Bros, Harrison River Huntingdon Lumber Co, Huntingdon Shuswap Milling Co, Kamloops West, Hy, West, Jas, Boville, John A, Patten, L W, Woodward, R M, Dixon, A B, Fortier & Sons, 'Purdy, Ruben, Moodyville S M Co, Haslam, Andrew, Cassidy, Geo A Co, I)avieB& Tolson, IBerry, Thos, Grant, Robt & Co, HowBe, A E, plill Bros, barton, M, Langley do Langley Prairie I^nsdowne Lower Nicola Mission do do Moodyville Nanaimo do Nelson do Wellington Nicola Lake New Denver do B.C. Mills, Timber Trac ing Co, Brunette Saw Mills R.C.P.M, Williscroft, Geo, Pinchback, W, Mclntyre, Peter, Lee, Wm, Davis, Saywtird Co, Reid & Johnson, Hunter, Thos, and New Westm'r do do Northwest Coast 170-Mile House Osoyoos Pavilion Mt Pilot Bay Quesnelle Rockfard Shawnigan Lake Lumber Co, Shawnigan Hawks, F J, Soda Creek Steveston Lumber Co, Steveston Toronto and B.C. Mining and Lumber Co, Sidney Genelle Bros, Tapping Siding B. C. Mills, Trading and Lumber Co, Vancouver Brunette S M Co, do Cassady, Geo & Co, do Commercial Saw Mills, do Hastings Saw Mills, do Leamy & Kyle, do Michigan Lumber Co, do Moodyv'lle S M Co, do Morse's Milling Co, do Royal City P M, do Sparks <& Bay ley, do Vancouver Saw'MillH, do Adams, D F, Victoria Hughitt & Mclntyr^^, do Lemon, Gonnason & Co, do Sayward Milling and Timber Co, Ltd, do Moodvville Saw Mill Co, agt 7t P Rithet & Co, do Muirhead & Mann, do Shawnigan Lake Co, do Taylor Mill Co, do Smith & Clerin, Vernon Hanson, Nils, Waso {See Fort Steele.) MILLS, (FLOUR.) Tretheway, Jas, Chilliwack Columbia Milling Co, Enderby Howse, A E, Nicola Lake Reid & Johnston, Quesnelle Hall, Ross and Co, Victoria Brackman & Ker Milling Co, do B. C. Milling and Feed Co, N. West o o n o o ON I ft cnltaral B. G. \ E. FALE8, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker ). Box s8. Columbia St. and Cor. Agnes and McKenzie Sts., New Westminster, B. C. "A O Q O > o H . O • .11 SWHl WILLIAM RALPH, Warm Air Fumaces,'^'""'^""' VANCOUVER P-i c^ •*d 1 13 ^ ^ -«-) «M « o pS OQ ■4^ s ^ i pm^ V s> -M > (yj « *3 1 Eh 1 720 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. MILLS, (SHINGLE) (See also Mills, Lumber.) Lickman, F, Trethewey, Jag, Haslam, A, Johnson, \V L, Brunette Sawmill Co, R.C.P. Mill, Reid & Johnson, Robinson, J R, Creely Creek Co, Henderson Bros, Kirkpatrick, Thos, Spice'r, H H, Taite, W L, Sentell'a Lumber and Mills, Chilliwack do Nanaimo New Weatm'r do do Quesnelle Revelstoke do Vancouver do Shingle do do do MILLS, (WOOLEN) Westminster Woolen Mills Co, Ltd, Thos Kerr, mgr, N. West MUSIC AND MUSICAL IN- STRUMENT DEALERS. Spear, W J, Nanaimo Turner Bros, Lennie, H H & Co, Painton, F J & Co, fjombard, Chns A, Waitt, M W & Co, Nelson New Westm'r Vancouver Victoria do NAVIGATION COMPANIES. Columbsa and Kootenay, Kamloops Columbia and Kootenay, Revelstoke Columbia River Trans Co. do Union Steamship Co, Vancouver Canadian Pacific, John Irving, mgr, Victoria NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS. (See Prov. Information, p 36.) NOTARIES PUBLIC. (See also Prov Information, p 12.) Wellburn, H 0. Duncans Mcintosh, W J, Langley Dunn, W R, Mission Sproat, G M, Nelson Armit, L M, New Denver Archer, W C, do Kerr, W, do Newton, W M, Pilot Bay Thompson, F W, Revelstoke Drummond, Arthur, Squamish Valley NURSERYMEN AND FLORISTS Coverdale, Thomas, Chilliwack Mahler, T H, do Hutcheson, Ernest, Delta Henry, G W, Hatzic Holmes, G, Nanaimo Latham, Peter, New Westm'r Wilson, Alfred C, do Anderson, A, Port Haney Webber. D C, Port Hammond Henry, G W, do Berrow,A, Salt Spring Island Layritz, Grahain Murray, John, Spence's Bridge Steves, W H, Steveston Henry, M J, Vancouver Keeler, Chas, do Mattock. H, do Dodds, Wm, Victoria Jay, Geo, Johnston. P T & Co, do do Knight, Geo A, do McTavish, G A, do Moss, H T, do Ohison, Andrew, do Williams, Thos W, do NURSES. Ceaser, Mrs M, Saanich McGregor, Mrs J H, Victoria McLaughlin, Miss £ do OIL WORKS AND MCHTS. Vancouver Oil Works, Alberni Skidegate Refinery, Qn Char Island Wilkinson, Julius, Vancouver • vicruRii, ) B.G. 12.) DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY - WIHNIPEG. Drawry'i Ale. Porter and Lager !■ Recommended by Phvelciana Generally. CLASSIFIED BUSINESa DIRECTORY. 721 OPTICIANS. Davidson Bros, New Westm'r McPherson & Thompson do - "- "^ do Vancouver Victoria do do do do Stewart, F, Davidson Bros, Hyatns, B S, Davidson Bros, Nolte, F W and Co, Kingham, J and Co, Sedfern, CbasE, OYSTERS. Brenton, John, Page, David, Cedar do PACKING COYS. Canadian Pacific, Vancouver PAPER MILLS. B.C. Paper Mills, B.C. Paper Manfrg Co, Alberni Victoria PAINT MANUFACTURERS. Canada Paint Co, Victoria PAINTS AND OILS. Murray, C Welch, G F «& Son, Pleace, J H, Bucklee & Eden, Tye & Co, Campbell, D A, Crei^hton, Fraser & Co, Lettice, R, Harrison, Eli, McQuade & Son, Nicbolles & Benouf Sears, Jos , New Westm'r do Nanaimo do ' Vancouver do do Victoria do do do do PAINTERS, (HOUSE AND SIGN.) Marshall Bros Chilliwack McDonald & Henderson, do Oriffin, T, Duncans McWbinney, A A, Delta Baker, W P & Son, Howe Sound Bacon, Chas, Kamloopa Davis, Hy, « Morris, A, Solloway, Thos, Deighton, Wm, Fortier, L, Abriel, T, Bucklee and Eden, Foster, Bros, Mace, Alfred H, Nash, A, Hughes, A, MillB, J A, Bennett, Geo, Dalziel, £ A, Murrav, 0, Welch, GF& Son, Hoppe, Chas, Van Doen, M, Castleton, H, Jones, J M, Smith, S G, Coin, Jas, Pifiiard, R. Clarkson & Mayne, Bishop, F P, Davis, J K, Forey, G, Frodsham, Wm, Hodgson, A, Hunt, Geo, O'Dwyer, D M, Ward Arthur, Spillman, E, Bailey, H H, Baker, Fred Wm, & Harrison, Eli, Hinds, Frank, Lissett, Jas, Lettice, R, Mellor & Co, Myers, Geo, Ottaway, V E, Rendell, H B, Sears, Jos, Sturdy, F & Sons, Kamloopa do Mission do do Nakusp Nanaimo do do do Nelson do Port Haney New Westm'r do do New Denver do South Saanicb do do Steveston do Vancouver do do do do do do do do do Victoria Sons do do do do do do do do do do do PAINTERS, (CARRIAGE.) Gribble, J E. Ledingham Bros, Victoria do PAPER HANGERS. (See also Painteri.) , 9p f S, VANCOUVER m Tl li .j ii iM i fumtm mimmiimiattmiitm i^iiiiili^iii ^ T 8 A N N A N D A L E •4 G R O C E R N E W W E S T M I S T E B B C Sffl!i^°fJ£^l GATES IRON WORKS, CHICAGO, U,U. 722 BBITIBH COIiUHBIA DIRECTORY. PAWNBROKERS. Aptaker & GoldBtein, Aaronson, A A, Landeberg, F, Vancouver Victoria do PHOTOGRAPHERS. CummingB, Robt. . Lillooet Coughlan, Wm, Nanaimo Bampson, John, do Brooks, EC, do Needland Bros, Nelson Stanley Bros, do B.C. Photo and Fine Art Studio New Westm'r Paterson, M, do Thompson, S J do Sunbeam Photo Studio do Bevelstoke Vancouver do do do do do do do Vernon Victoria do do do do do do do Wellington Francis, E W, Bailev, C S, Douglas, A & Co, Edwards Bros, Hood, Jno & W , Trueman & Caple, Wadds Bros, Welsh, Howard, White, John Woraan, A D, Butcher, Arthur, Evres, E J, Fleming Bros, Lowe, Skene, Savannah, J, Jones & Co ' Maynard, Mrs K, Merrill, Joseph, Uren, Jno, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS {See also Medical Register, pages 16-17.) Scharkchmidt, P, Comox Strooher, W D, do Beadnell, Creo, . Denman Island Campbell, Wm Bell Donald Farwell, A A, Harrison Hot Springs Forbes, A, Howe Sound Port, M D, Huntinjjton Grozier, R I J, Koksilah Henry, J H, Nelson Oliflford, Ohas, ■ N. W. Coast McLean. E, Revelstoke Clarke, James. Soda Creek Beckingsale, D, Vernon PIANO AND ORGAN MFRS. {See Musical Instrument Dealers.) Carter, T & W, Mason & Risch Co, Ltd, Miss B J Peters, agt, Kirkman & Sons, Robert Ward & Co, agents Vancouver do Victoria PLANING MILLS. (See also Mills, Lumber.) Haslam, A, Nanaimo Royal City Planing Mills, New Westm'r Brunnette Saw Mill Co, do Gray, Samuel, Victoria Muirhead & Mann, do PLUMBERS AND CiVSFIT- TERt. {See House Fur shers, also Cornice JauAers.) Mover & Wheeler, Kaslo Roaier, Peter, Mission Pleace, J H, Nanaimo Van Houten & Randall, do Cunnineham Hardware Co, N. West Cressell, Wm, do Starrett, W P, do Vanstone, W E, do Boordman, S H, Vancouver Desrosiers, M, do Holt & Airey, do McLennan and McFeely, do RobertHon, H J, do Rose, MS, do ScouUar, A W, do Warren, W G, do Barker, A, Victoria Baynton, Ed do Braden & Son, do Burns, L G, do Clarke and Pearson, do Colbert & Warner, do Downer, H G, do McLennan & McFeeley, do Norris, G F, do Stamford, J L, do Victoria Plumbing Co, do Waller, Thcs E. do Watson & Geigor, do Wilson, A & W, do J : r T. J. TRAPP & GO., Harm are, Faints, Oils and Agricnltoral Mslemeuts. Colnnibi* Street, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. G. m IFRS. leri.) couver do ictoria naimo BStrn'r io ictoria lo 'titce Kaslo isaion laimo lo West !o o o ouver o o o o oria a * ^ F. W. HART'S for Furniture rt an* »3 COBDOVA STXtlXT, TANCOUVEB, B. C. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 723 PORK PACKERS. Major & EldridRe, Vancouver POTTERIES. B. C. Pottery and Terra Cotta Wks, Ck>nBtance Gove, W H Bainbridge, Secy, Victoria POWDER GO'S AND WORKS. Hamilton Powder Co, Northfleld Hamilton Powder Co, H W Maynard, mgr, Vancouver Curtis & Harvey, agts, R Ward & Co, Victoria Hamilton Powder Co, H J Scott, mgr, do PRESERVE MANUFAC'RS. See Fruit Canneries, also Jam Mfrs. B. C. Fruit Canning and Pre- serving Co, Victoria PRINTERS, (BOOK AND JOB.) Jackman, W T, Chilliwack McCarter, T A, Errington Inland Sentinel Printing Co, Kam- loops Free Press, Nanaimo Keller, Lukey & Co, do The Telegram Printing Co, Gallagher, W J, mgr, do Commonwealth Co, Ltd, New West- minster Kennedy Bros, Brake, Chas, do Nelson Francis, E J, Revelstoke Evans & Hastings, Vancouver News-Advertiser, do Marshall & McCrae, do Thompson Bros, do Trythall, W J, do World Printing & Pub Co , do Cohen, Jas A, Victoria Colonist Printing & Pub Co, do Miller, Munro, do Boarke, Thos, do Waterson, H G, do PRODUCE, FLOUR AND FEED. (See also MilU, Flour and Feed.) Brackman & Ker, New West'r Marshall, Sinclair, Bell-Irving, Paterson & Co, do do Steves, J B, Steveston Allan, Fred, Vancouver Blake, J P. do Crowder & Penzer, do Devine, H T & Co, do Fewster, P, do McDowell, John, do McMillan & Hamilton, do Yates & Morris, do Stewart, F K, do Welsh Bros, do Winch Bros, do Baker, R B & Son, Victoria The Brackman & Ker Milling Co, do Hall, Ross and Co, do McLachlan Bros, do Sere & Co, do Vaio & Brooks, do PUBLISHERS. (See also Newspapers and Periodicals.) The Telegram Printing Co, Nanaimo Jackman, W T, Chilliwock Commonwealth Co, Ltd, New West'r Galbraith & Robinson, do Galbraith, J F, do Coy, C, Ka^lo Anderson, Foote & Co, Vancouver Dominion Pub Co, do News-Advertiser, do World Printing and Pub Co, do Colonist Print and Pub Co, Victoria Times Print and Pub Co, do Williams Official B C Directory Co, Ltd, do Miner Print and Pub Co, Nelson PUMP MAKERS. ((See Plumbers and Hardware Mchto.) Street, J, Duncan's Pitcairn, W D, Vernon RAILROADS. (See Transportation Go's.) W. E. F AIE8, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker p. O. Box fiS. Columbia St. tuid Cor. Agnes and McKensie Sts,, New Weatminater, B. C. o o w n o o w d CO O H > Q H O W PCO m iMHI M. ROBINSON MBBOHAMT TAIIOB €90 BaaUngt Street, Weat, Vaneo%H)er, B, O, I ■'I P-4 I 5 ^ ra 724 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTORY. REM. ESTATE AND INSCE. Wright, G B, Ainsworth Retalick, John, do Gerbrich, W H, Blame Ilawthornethwaite & Co, do Mellard, Sam, Ghilliwack Paisley, L W, do Bent, J H, do McMillan, Jiiu, Gloverdale Rashdall & Costerton, Enderby McEliQon, D R, Hall's Prairie Martin, J B, do Trnswell, T F, do Jones, E H, Kamloopo Saucier, J E, do Mara, J A, do McArthur & Harper, do Ashiy, N & Co, Kaslo Burton, A F, do Trawiey, J E, do lIorrocKB & Co, do Hughes, F, do Kane, Geo T, do Kune, D P, do Norquay, Thoa, do Rand & Miller, do Retallick, J L, do Richardson & Bealey, do Roadley, T J, do Walby, W H & Co, do Mission City Land Co, Mission Dunn, W R, do Prest & Co, Langley Haywood, WE, do Applewaithe A Co, Nelson Ashley, H, do Chadbourn, F C, do Jowett, Wm A, do Hamber, C S F, do Houston & Ink, do SelouB, H, do Birchall, C B, . Nanaimo Dempster, Chaa & Co, do Forrister, H, do Hardy, Chas, do Hawthornthwaite & Co, do Lbighton, W K„ do McBain, G A & Co, do McKenzie, C C, do Planta, A E and Co, do Roe, Edward, do Smith, Donald, do Wolf, Marcus, do Ooulthart, F J, New Westm'r Cole, L. J, do Lowenberg, Harris & Co, do Mackenzie, A B «Sc Co, New Westm'r Major & Pearson, McKenzie, Malius, Philip, Alex, Rancr& Miller, Ross, H G & Co, Townley, C R, Tregent, A E, Turner, F G & Co, Walker, W J & Co, Wilson, Robt, Woods and Gamble, Archer, W C, Hughes & Herlin, Pilot Bay Townsite Co, Fitzpatnck, John, Shaw, C E, Pattison, D C, Drummond, W J, Sweet, D. Costerton Bros, Acorn & Matthews, Anderson, R A & Co, Banfield, Jno J, Bewicke & Wulffsohn, Bodwell Bros, B. C. Investment Co, Brown, C L, Brown, Geo, Buxton, J M <& Co, Calland, T H. Ceperley, H T, Cleary, FJ, Clute, J M, Dean. E B, Brook, C&Co, Devine, J & Sons, Geo DeWolf, Douglas <& Go, Edwards, L J, Fox, Edward J, Goodwin, W H, Goody, J, Granville, F, Graveley. W E, Haines, A, Hall, J Z & Co, Home, J P, Innes & Richards, Jones, H A, Kimmvnd, R D, Loewen, Chas J, Mason, J & Co, McCraney, H P, McFanane, J W, Mackay, G G & Co, McLachlan and Yates, do do do do do do do do do do do New Denver do Pilot Bay Port Haney Revelstoke Saanich Steveston do Vernon Vancouver do do do do do do do do do do do da do do do do do do do do do do do do do do ' do do do do do do do do do BUNK BOOK mmmwSi B. T. WILLIAMS M »r»md Bt„ ntHmrim. LOR Btm'r o D o D mver .BSLJ :aney atoke inich 9Bton non uver *' DREWRY'S REDWOOD BREWERY winkipeo NothioK but Thoroughly Experienced Xabor Employed at the Redwood. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 725 Mackinnon and McFarlane, Yanc'r McCutuheon, W H H, do Mershon, L H, do Mellon, Smith & Co, do Munro, Wm, do Morrison, Jas, do Mutrie & Brown, do Patterson, A J, do Phillips, E Lindsay, do Pitt, R D, do Pittenger, W D, do Powis & Whitehead, do Prest, T & Co, do Band Bros, do Bickers, Jno W, do Robertson & Co, do Rounsfell, Jno, do Schofield, Fred, do Spinks, J N, do Tatlow, Capt R, do Thwaite, W T & Co, do Timberlake & Co, do Young, D R, do Austin, J J, Victoria Baker, E Crow, do Bainbridfie & Co, do Ballentyne. C G, do Brownlee, J H, do Bc^gs, B & Co, do B.C. Land & Investmnt Agcy do Cameron, C, do Carmichael, H & Co, do Church, J E, do Cooper, Geo A, do Crane, J E & Co, do Croasdaile, H E & Fo, do Croft, Henry, do Dalby & Claxton, do Danby, W H, do Earsman, John & Co, do Flint & ProsBor, do Williams, Ben, do Green, Chas, do Hall, Goepel & Co, do Heisterman & Co, do Irving, Robt & Co, do Johnson, EM, do Jones, A W & Bridgman, do Jones, Wm, do Lee & Fraser, do Lowenberg, Harris & Co, do McKilligan, J B, do Mason, W H, do McPherson. Alex, do Milligan,Thos, do Monteith, Wm, do More. A W & Co, do Morrow, Holland & Co, Victoria Pemberton & Sou, do Perrin, Geo A & Co, do Quick, F G & Co, do Rayner, T G, do Scaife, AH, do Swinerton & Oddy, do Toller, A, do Tolmie Land Co, do Vane Island Investment Co, do Williams A & Co, do Yates, H M, do Hawtbomthwaite & Co, Wellington Potts, A, do Nesbitt, J A, White Valley RESTAURANTS. Bon Ton, Kaslo New York, do Leland, do Phillips, Chas, Nelson Matheson. H, Nanaimo Philpot, W H, do City Restaurant, Grotto Restaurant, F Schwaitz, do Algoma, Vancouver Oyster Bay, props Bower & Gaydon, Barnfield, A P, Carson, Owen, Nickel Plate, Sloan, H W, C.P.R., Mrs Summers, Jubilee Dining Rooms, Mrs T Gorman, Palace, W McDow, Spa Cafe, P F Venables, Saunders, Mrs, Crossman, G, Croft, W, Adelphi Sample Rooms, Thistle Restaurant, Mrs B Powell, Vincent, Thos, Poodle Dog, L Marboeuf , prop,do New York, McNeil, Albert, do New England, Young Bros, do New Westm'r do do do do do do do do do Victoria do do do do RICE MILLS. Hall, Ross & Co, Victoria l-H o X dd 2 ^ in > w 2 Id »^ > 2; o MS E. SPILLMAN, Wall Paper, 61] Hastings St. West. fmmwn ^mmff^ 5ffllii!?M^r^MGiiTB s A N N A D A li E G R O C E R E W W E S T M I K S T E B B C CH!CIIGO,U.U, 726 BBITISH COLUMBIA DIBECTOBT. ROLLER MILLS. (See Mills.) RUBBER STAMPS. Roarke, Thos, Victoria SADDLERS. {See Harness Makers. SAIL AND TENT MAKERS. Jones, C H, Lipsett, Ed, Burnes, A H, Jeune, F, Vancouver do Victoria do SASH AND DOOR FACTORIES Hamill & McLeod, McCallum, D, .McCallum, D, McLellan, D M, Haslam, Andrew, Galbraith & Son, R G Planing Mills, Gasaady, Geo & Co, Morse'e Mill, R G Planing Mills, Robertson & Hackett, Vane Mfg & Tdng Go, Gray, Sam, Muirhead & Mann, Taylor Mill Go, Lemon, Gonnason an Armstrong Kaslo Nelson do Nanaimo New West'mr do Vancouver do do do do Victoria do do d Co, do Ltd, SAUCE AND VINEGAR MNFRS (See eUo Vinegar Works.) Brady, H J, Victoria Falconer, J H, do Pendray, W J, do SAW MILLS. (See Mills, Lumber.) Brewer, Ghas, Street, G L, Armstrong Chilliwack Street, Herbert, McKinnon, Angus, Wharton, M, Hill Bros, Chilliwack Duncans New Denver do SCAVENGERS. Martin, J, Champion & White, Doharty, Jno, Hansen, P, Lines, Edw, New West'mr Vancouver Victoria do do SCHOOLS. (See Colleges.) SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. Goldstein, Aaron, Grossman, A, Bond, Mrs Martha, Cooness, S, Knight, Mrs, Pointer, N, Vancouver do Victoria do do do SECOND-HAND FURNITURE. Lowell, Hy, Pagden, Ghas, Simpson, Geo L, Salmon, £ J, Victoria do do do SEWING MACHINES. Geogehan, F, Brenchley, E, AUardyce, J C, Ireton, Jas, Ouelette, G 0, Teetzel, ChasW, Adams, W H, Fawcett, R W, Fletcher, Thos W, Nanaimo New Westm'r Vancouver do do do Victoria do do SEEDSMEN. (See also Nurserymen.) Steves, W H, Steveston Fewster, E P, Vancouver Jay & Co, Victoria Johnston, PT, do T. J. TRAPP & GO., Hardf are, Paints, Oils and AjEricnltnral Inmleients. Colqinbia Street, NEW WSSTMINSTBR, B. C. «Mi :i C.F. FOREMAN, Tho VANCOUVER. B. C. 1 UW CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIBECTOBY. 727 SHINGLE MILLS. {See Mills, Lumber, also Mills, Shingle) SHIP BUILDERS. {See Boat Builders.) SHIP CHANDLERS. Tye & Co, Fraser, G A & Co, Leckie, J, McQuade & Son, Marvin, E B & Co, Vancouver do do Victoria do SHIPPING AGENTS. {See Commission Merchants.) Baker Bros & Co, New Westm'r Bell-IrvinK & Patereon, do Baker Bros & Co, Vancouver Bell-Irving and Co, do Cbipman.JE, Copp, Capt W H, Farrow, Jas, Johnston, C Gardner, do do do do Major and Eldrldge, ' Mellor, Smith & Co, Russell, A L, Rithet R P & Co, do do do Victoria Turner, Beeton and Co, do Ward, Robt and Co, Ltd, Lia, do SHOEMAKERS. (See also Boots and Shoes.) Parkinson, Richd, Shepherd, Guy L, Breen, John J', Rollings, Edward, Pelorcia, N, Quinn, L, Nicholson, D, Allison, Jos, Campbell, Walter, Reynolds, H, Whitfield, G, Hennesy, A M, McQuarrie, Daniel Preston, Geo. Graham, W H, Alberni Barkerville Clover Valley Comox Donald Kamloops Mt. Lehman Nanaimo do do do New Westm'r do do Nelson Harris, E W, Taylor, J A, Bennet, Bros, Beckerton, S, Addison, Chas, Falconer, Jno, Adair, W, Bennett, W C, Bishop, Cbas, Brooks, F, Burns, Wm, Cain, Wm J, Cook, Thos, George, Wm, Lund, O P, McDonald, Alex, Mearns, G, Andrews, Jas, Davis, D, Gosnell, J H, Larman, Jas Read, John M, Shade, Geo, Sullivan, C E, West, Byron H, Nelson do Port Haney Revelstoke Spallumcheen Stevesten Vancouver do do do do do <lo do do do do Victoria do do do do do do do SIGN PAINTERS. {See Painters.) SLATE QUARRIES. Westm'r Slate Co, Ltd, New Wesm'r SMELTERS. Kootenay Lake Reduction Co, Pilot B Vancouver Smelting and Mining Co, Vancouver SOAP MANUFACTURERS. Nanaimo Soap Works Pacific Soap Works, Vancouver Soap Co Pendray, W J & Co, Electric Soap Works, Nanaimo Vancouver do Victoria do SODA WATER MANFRS. Fortune, W, Kamloops Kapps, Chas, Kaalo Eureka, Soda Water Works,Nanaimo Henley, Jos, New Westm'r Thorpe & Co, Vancouver W.E. FAIE8, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker o o o *d (D oM p pi Q e , O. Box 58. Colnmbla 3t. and Cor. Agne* and McKmui* St«., Haw Weatmlnater, B. C. mum flLUAM RALPH, Stoves and Raop 24 Oordoya St. jVANCOUVEB •5 •! •a 3 i < g il ^1 &s u2 ■Cm IS 9 to h S g .a ce te . o c^ w I t o OS CO 728 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Mitchell, John, Morley, Chris, Phillips A and Son, Thorpe and Co, Vancouver Victoria do do SPICE MILLS. Stem ler & Earle Victoria SPORTING GOODS. (See Ounsmiths.) STAIR BUILDERS. Gray, Sam, Victoria Cook, A J, Vancouver STATIONERY. (See Booksellers.) STEAMFITTERS. (See Pluynbers.) STEAMSHIP AGENTS. (See also Navigation Companies.) Mara, J A, Kamloops STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPEWRITERS. Bates, Jno, Burton, J R, Bass, Oscar, Jones A M, Gilbert, Justin, Vancouver do Victoria do do STEVEDORES. P.S. & B.C. Stevedore Co, F N York, Pres, Vancouver B.C. Stevedoring Co, F N York, Free, Victoria McDermott, M, do STONE CUTTERS. Hamilton, Alex, Morrison, N D, New Weatm'r do Hay, Geo, Fisher. J, Mortimer, Jno, Phillips, J E, Rudge, Geo, Nanaimo Victoria do do do STONE QUARRIES. Jones, George, Ryan, R G, McGregor, Alex, Hooson, Messrs, Keefer & Godden, Duncan's Koksilah McPhersons Pender Island Vancouver Rudge, Hooson & Gray, Victoria STOVES AND TINWARE. Archer, F E & Co, Kaslo Pleave, J H, Nanaimo Van Houten & Randle, do Kirkup, Wm & Co, Nelson Cunningham Hardware Go, New Westm'r do do Revelstoke do Vancouver do do do do do do do Vernon Victoria do do do do do do do do Cliff, C, Shirley and Hoy, Kirkup, Wm, Pritchard, Ed, Colquhon & Bell, Cosman, W ik Son, Hatch, Jas H, McLennan & McFeeley, O'Toole, J M, Robertson, H J, Rose. M S, Scouilar, A W, Armstron^r, W J, Clarke & Pearson, Kelly, S L & Co, Lewis, Lewis, McLennan and McFeely, Perry, W H, PhilliDB, George, Powell, Geo, Wilson, A & W, Wood, W H, SURGEONS, (VETERINARY.) Taylor, A De R, Delta Adame, M, • Kaslo Gibbins, Johnson, Vancouver Thomson, T A, do Blanchard, M G, Victoria Hamilton, Robt, do Roper, Fred S, do Tolmie, S F, do A. M. BEATTIE CITY MARKBT, VANCOUVER, B. C. iPPRAISEK ■ AND mmki COMMISSION merchant DEEWRY'S Redwood BREWERY. Winnipeg XHBBB GOOnS WAItnASIXlJ> TO KBJEP XN ALI, CZIMATE8. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 729 SURGEONS. (See aho Physicians and Suryeons.) SURVEYORS. (See Civil Engineers, also list of Prov. Land Surveyors, page 14-) SUGAR REFINERIES. B. 0. Sugar Refinery, Vancouver TAILORS. (See Merchant Tailors.) TAXIDERMISTS. Cockle, J W, Inglis, Peter, Pound, W C, Dobinson, Joseph, Kermode, Frank, Lindley & Foster, Whittaker, S, Nelson Vancouver Vernon Victoria do do do TANNERIES. Ross, Jbo D, Kamloops B.C. Tannery, Nanaimo Mainland Tannery, J Rous- Beau,prop, New W^estm'r Hock Bay Tannery, Victoria TEA DEALERS, (WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.) (Also see Grocers.) Ceylon Tea Co, New '^estm'r Ceylon Tea Co, Vancouver Gordon, Capt C, do Scott, Tbos, do Garden, W & Sons, do Gait, G F & J, do Bayne, S H K, Victoria Faulkner, Jno, do TELEGRAPH GO'S. C.P.R, Telegraph Co, J A Callaghan, mgr, Nanaimo W Christie, mgr, Victoria B.C. District, Telegraph and Delivery Co'y, Ltd, mgr F G White, Victoria ani Vancouver TELEPHONE GO'S. Kamloops Tel Co, Kamloops Nanaimo Tel Co, Nanaimo New Westm'r and Burrard Inlet Tel Co, New Westm'r and Vancouver Vic t.nd Esquimau Tel Co, Victoria TIN AND SHEET IRON WORKERS. (See also Cornice Makers.) Munro, James, Stoddard, D, Moore. Jos A, Perry, W H & Co, McLennan & McFeely, Desrosiers, M, Chilliwack Clinton Delta Victoria do Vancouver TOBAGGONISTS, (RETAIL.) (Many of the Dealers Grocers and Candy sell Tobacco.) Bain, Alex, Cress & Harrow, Williamson & Jones, Bloxheim, Jas, Cavalsky, Geo, Hilbert, R, Hilbert, S M, Coyle, D, Ross, M, Cum Yow Bros, Mahon, Frank, Nages, F T, Schmidt, G, Atkins, T £, Brown, Jos, Buxton & Rodney, Cohen, J, Ferguson, Jas, Forsbury, C G, Gintzbur^er, S, HarcuB, Sinclair, Holman, H G, Draper & Leithead, McDonald, Aena, McNaughton, Donald, Moore, H G, Kamloops Kaslo do Nanaimo do do do Northfield New Westm'r . do do do do Vancouver do do do do do do do do do do do do I SPIlLMAll, ISCOING, LERERING, HOUSE-PJUNTINGJancoM o X H td O m c in X o > O > 2: o a ■MMMMMMMlrtlMIl MiaMMliiM T S A N N A N D A L E ROCK AND ORE BREAKERS Mining Maohinery S St) G R O C E R E W w E S T M I !«■ S T E B B C GATES IRON IRIS, CHICAGO, U,U. 780 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTOBY. Parka, A H, Sturgeon, Mrs Thos, Carmichael, J B, Gnristie, Wm, Hart, David, Lang, Ghas, McDonald, Peter, Nathan, W C, Roarke, M, Salmon, H L, Salmon, Maurice, Wagg, Edwin, Wheeler, Wm H, Wlietstone, Abraham, Vancouver do Victoria do do do do do do do do do do do TOBACCONISTS, (WHOLESLE) (Also see Ctiar Man'/m.) Aaronson, B, Nanaimo Draper & Leithead, Vancouver Kurtz & Co, ' do Kurtz & Co, Victoria TOILET AND TOWEL SUPPLY CO'S. B.C. Toilet and Towel Sup- ply Co, Vancouver TOYS AND NOVELTIES. Gribble, Hv, Wilby, Wm, Victoria do TRADERS. (See General Dealers.) TRANSFER CO'S. {See also Express and Drayage.) TRUCK AND DRAYAGE. (See Express and Drayage.) TURKISH BATHS. Turkish Baths, Victoria UNDERTAKERS. Gordon, M P, Hilbert, John, Kamloops Nanaimo Nicholson, J, McAdie, Hy, Fales, W E, Murchie, D, Howson, R, Grant, Alex, Hart, F W, Lockhart & Center, Taylor, W J, Hayward, Chas, Ha'nna & Taylor, Storey, Thos, Nanaimo do New Westm'r do Revelstoke Union Vancouver do do Victoria do do UPHOLSTERERS. {See also Furniture.) Cattell, Chris, Vancouver Rasmussen Bros, do VARNISH WORKS. Pacific Varnish Works, Vancouver Canada Paint Co, Victoria VETERINARY SURGEONS. (See Surgeons, Veterinary. VINEGAR WORKS. (See also Sauce and Vinegar Works.) Falconer, J H, Victoria Pendray, W J, do WAGON MAKERS. (See Carriage and Wagon Makers.) WATCHMAKERS. (See also Jewellers.) Claussen, A, Howarth, J H, Saucier, J E, Stevenson, W H, Brown, Jos N, Counter, M R, Roberts, W R, Stewart, W, Yuill, S B & Co, Hunt & Dover, Jistzkowiez, C, Sturskey, F & J, Delta Kamloops do do Nanaimo do do do do do Nelson do VVv . T. J. TRAPP & CO., HarilwarG, Faints, Oils and Agricnltaral Iislements. Golnmbia Street, NEW WB8TMINSTEB, B. G. Nanaimo do WeBtm'r do evelstoke Union anoouver do do Victoria do do do do do ranaimo do do do do do Neleon do POPULAR PRICES AND BEST OF BOODS AT THE CEHTRAL DRUG STORE Clarence Block, Cor. Yates and Douglas Sts., Victoria, B. C. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIREOTOHY. 731 Bennett, John D, New Westm'r Collcutt & Co, Vancouver Davidson Bros, do Douglas, J C, do Golbeck, Fred, do Lee, J, do Giflford, T, do Marshall & Smith, do Crake, F W, do McLean, M G, do Morris, T, Northfield O'Rourke & Jarvis, do Barber, J Guy, Revelstoke Shields, Alex, do McLean, T D, Davidson Bros, Union Vancouver California Wine Co, F Jack- son, mgr Victoria Freure, M W, do Hudson's Bay Co, do Jackson, J W, do Pither & Leiser, do Eggert, J & Go, Grassie & Co, do do Harrison, Wm, do Rusta, A, do Mason & Peterson, do Melvin. J G, do 1 olmie & Stewart, do iStewart, C F. Trorey, Geo E, Woodroofe, Bicli, do do do ^ WIRE MATTRESS MNFRS. Davidson Bros, Jenkinson, W H, Victoria do Western Wire Mattress Factory ,Vanc Kingham, Joshua, Lange, G W A & Co Marshall, Chas, (in do WOOD AND COAL MOHTS. Pennock & Lowe, Wenger, J, Redfern, Chas E, do do do (See also Coal and Wood.) Bannerman, A M, Victoria Verbiest. Peter, do LIQUORS, Fraser, Norman, Vancouver Sim, W H & Co, do WINES AND (WHOLESALE.) WILLOWARE. Mahrer, Wolf & Co, Nanaimo (See Crockery, Glassware and Furni- Baker Bros & Co, Vancouver ture Dealers.) SEND IN YOIIR ORDER EARLY -FOR THU- B. C. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY I IF YOUR BOOKSELLER CANNOT SUPPLY YOU, ORDER FROM THE HEAD OFFICE, BRCAE) STREET, - - VICTORIA. B. O. W. E. FAIE8, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker P* O. Box s8. Columbia St. and Cor. Agnet and McKenzie Sta., New Westminster, B.C. o o K n o o Id 5 D ts > O Q O >■ O H O W POD mimmmmmmmm tammm""**^ f^ ROGK AND ORE BREAKERS I nmo iDnil mm CHICAGO, U,S,ll, 732 BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. Dominion Census Returns, 1891. The following is an abstract of the result of the population of Canada, by Provinces, from a summary of the census of Canada, laid before Parlia- ment: Nova Scotia 460,523 New Brunswick 321,294 Prince Edward Island 109,088 Quebec 1,488,586 Ontario 2,112,989 Manitoba 154,442 Assiniboine, Saskatchewan and Alberta 61,487 British Columbia 92,767 Unorganized 32,169 Total population 4,823,346 The t>opulation of the leading cities of British Columbia, is given as fol- lows: •Victoria 16,849 Vancouver 13,685 New Westminster 6,641 Nanaimo 4,695 The population of the five British Columbia Dominion Electoral Dis- tricts is as follows : Westminster 34,000 Victoria 18,633 Vancouver 18,229 Yale 12,000 Cariboo 10,000 *Civic Census taken October, 1891, 23,153. 'eS 1 •M -*A <t^ tt -a :S Pm <M « o 5 s v s i t 1 flS 1 u H The Seal Fisheries. During the past year fifty-four schooners cleared from Victoria for the hunting grounds, and secured the largest catch in the history of the in- dustry, viz., 69,741 skins. The catch is made up as follows : B.C. coast 26,678 Japan coast 29,107 Russian side 11,956 Indian catch (canoe) 2,101 69,741 The number of hands employed was 1,238; of these 432 were Indian hunters. The result of the Behring Sea arbitration is not at all favorably received . by the sealers, who claim that it will materially lessen the catch without affording that protec- tion which the arbitrators claim for it. Nor has the price realized for the skins in the London market, this sea- son, been satisfactory. On the whole, there is reason to believe that the in- dustry has received a severe check, aud sealers are feeling gloomy as to the future of the business^. Some of them have determined to make Japan their winter quarters. Should their example be followed by the others in the trade, it will mean a loss to Vic- toria of several hundred thousand dollars a year. Borrowing and Worrying. "He who goes a borrowing, goes a sorrowing," is a trite old saying, but it does not appear to applv to that numerous class of tormentors who are constantly borrowing Directories. The price of Williams' B. C. Offi- cial Directory places it within easy reach of every business man, so that there is no excuse for persecuting bona fide subscribers. The persist- ent borrower — who is also the per- sistent "kicker" — borrows the direc- tory for "a few minutes." These few minutes invariably mean a few hours or a few days, and would extend over a few weeks or a few months, if the book were not recalled. They are not stranpers, to whom every direc- tory in circulation would be freely opened, but permanent residents and so-called business men. To such an extent has this borrowing practice grown that merchants who do not care to say no to the intruder, are frequently obliged to keep an extra copy for the especial use of this class. To avoid all this trouble we will allow parties to consult the directory at our office free of charge, but we will not allow the book to be carried away. Subscribers will ple«ise note this, and act accordingly when the borrower calls. G. c/: p. a. M. ROBINSON MgHOHAHT T AII.Oa 990 MaattnffB Street, Weet, Vaneoueer^ B. <7. mm mmmm GO, m, employed rere Indian 16 Behrin|{ 1 favorably who claim lessen the hat protec- s claim for zed for the 3t, this sea- the whole, bat the in- vere check, loomy as to \. Some of nake Jajpan louid their le others in loss to Vic- 1 thousand Trying. ring, goes a saying, but )ply to that ehtora who Directories. }. C. Offi- within easy lan, BO that persecuting Dhe persist- io the per- 9 the direc- These few a few hours extend over nths, if the They are every direc- J be freely isidents and To such an Qg practice who do not itruder, are p an extra if this class, ible we will le directory rge, but we Q be carried plenae note when the rAILOR CANADA PAPER CO. CO Oh Oh -; MAlTVI'AOXVMEIta Of . News, Book and Colored Printing Papers, White and Tinted Writing Papers, Manilla Wrappings, Hosiery, Sugar and Bag Papers, Enamelled and Lithographic Papers, Envelopes and Envelope Papers. Tags, Cards, Cardboards, Etc., Etc. .• IXPOXTEBS OP : / Writing and Jobbing Papers, All Requisities for Printers, Bookbinders and Stationers. HAVE A FULLY EQUIPPED ENVELOPE FACTORY. HEAD OFFIO-" AND WAHEHOUSE : *^SS^*sti^t, MONTREAL, Btancli Housei IS FROIT STREET, WEST, TOROITO, Mills— Windsor Mills ; Springvale Mills; Output, 26 tons daily. The Paper In thla Book was manttteetnred by the Canada Paper Co'y. IM M. & L. Samuel, Benjamin & Co., IMPOKTERS AND DEALERS IN BRITISH, CONTINENTAL Mi I AMERICAN, CANADIAN METALS, TIN PLATES, ETC. 1 28-30 rBONT STREET, WEST, - - - Toronto, Ont. Prox I morn WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR Ontario Lead and Barb Wire Company's Manufactures. Metallic Roofing and Lathing Company. "Common Sense" Binder Twine. Ilnsmltlis', Steamflttefs' and Plumbers' Supplies a Speclalt{|. w Prompt Attention Given to Letter Orders and General Enquiries for Mining Supplies. English House: s^**^H^°n^& smjAira, ■ o 164 Feaolmroh Street, IiONDON, E. C. SHIPPING OFFICE : 1 Bnmford Place, LIVEBPOOL. Correspondence solicited in connection with general import or export trade. V '"^^ HL^Iu Samuel, Benjamin A? Co. Co., I ■ Victoria Daily Times :an. SADUS 3nt. factures. ig Supplies- DON, S- C* Published daily (evening,) and weekly by the TIMES PRINTING AND PUBLISHING COY, LTD. 35-37 YATES STREET, VICTORIA. ManaBE«r and Bdltor. WNf. TKlVf F>I«SIVIA.ISI. Daily, $10 per annum ; weekly $2 per annum, in advance. jUaily British Columbian, Office : cor. Columbia Street and Lytton Square, * IProprietora and Publi»herB, KENNEDY BROS. New Westminster, B. C. Issued daily each afternoon except Sunday, and weekly each Wednesday morniuK. Daily Telegram, : : : NanaimOy B. C. : : : W. G. Gallagher, Manager. $8 per annum in advance. THE i Daily IVews-/idvertiser VANCOUVER, B. C. F. C. COTTON, Managing Editor. Subscription, $8 per year. THE WEEKLY NEWS-ADVERTISER, $2 PER ANNUM. .i^~^i>^ . J T ^-■• r > . THE BRITISH C0LV>AB1A Conmerctal J^tr' AdvertiBing B»^ • *;«r, »2.00 per Year. ^^itor. BubBcripUon »2. ^„ ^. caR«V 'U.. Manager. 0«>o® ■ " _ ===== °T^tb:si . ^ Minins. Review Okanagan ^^i^Z^t^^^^- „ .t.«aV,«A Weekly aVr^^TTintMior oi BrlUsn v — ^«a. •1 ■•> T w^BKB. Manager. ' Nanatmojrffj:^ ' J cMUor GEO. NORR'S. ' .««.*«•. proprietor and Edrtor, a ^^ ^.h^^-^J^^ f[ ;*«■■ Ui D. 8. CURTIS & CO DISPENSINC CHEMISTS A'^ze/ KJrotto Hotel <*. Jl. aatATjIj, Proprietor, Cor. Columbia arid McKenzie Sts, NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. Guichon Hotel COLUMBIA STREET, New Westminster, B.C. O. E. MOOS, Manager- OCCIDENTAL HOTEL J. O. OR AY. I Top. Cor. Columbia and Begbie Sts., New Westminster, B. 0. ROYAL CITY MARKET, J. RCirHBNBACH, Dealer in Fresh and Salt Meats Mew W«stinln«ter, B. €. T. A. MUIR & CO. t)BUG6HSTS 511 Goiurobia Street, NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. Wintemute Bros. Whbletale and Retail Dealers in and Hanufactute;a o( ^...' . FURNITURK. Colutnbla Street, ' NEW WESTMINSTER, ..., B.l F.Welsh, L.D.S -DENTIST. — Dunean MeCell Blk, Columliia Stre New Westminster, B. C. THE GLOBE HOUS MBS, WM. MAE. 103 Columbia Si., N.Westminster, B. THOMAS RYA)f , WHOLESALE BOOTS & SHOE WINNIPEG, MANITOBA. <^ Elchoff Hou JOS. NICHOLSON. Prop. Oor. Front and B«ftbie St NEW WESTMINSTER, - ute Bros., a Ketall Dealers in tuters ol 4-' j «(>{» Mreet, ; iSTBBi - -' ^ sh, L.D.S MTI8T. — Bik, Columbia Stre (Stniinster, B. C. J. irar. «*«• mm !!i?w ^ a. N. Westminster, B- WHOLESALE S & SHOE -1 off Hou |3 , NICHOLSON. Prop. ESTMINSTBR, •