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X Your of the Chriftian JEra^ 1795. r ■ . , And from tk^ Crettioii of the W(Mrld« according to ClironoloQr» 5743 ; being the Second after Bi»»tile or Leap Yo^r : , And in the rmr fifth Year, of theJteignof Hit Majel^Km0JGEORQE the Third ; contuning 365 l^y»» WBtnim It coMTAiirin RIES SUNa^ MOON'S RISING and srrnNO, - MCk>N^ PLAC£:and AGEr . ra^E of HIGH WATER at HA- UFAX, ■"t The ECUPSES of the LUMtNA- 1 MPQIf • APOGEEm4?l|GE6££. EQUATION of TIME, lEASTSftFASTSofAeCHllXCHl STTTlNGSoft^ feveial COVtTS and SESSIONS' Hi thit PRO- The Vfcv of HAl(I7AX, was taiken from FosTtn's, onihi EaSam Ide of ttie HailNwiri - .'o M CALciiLATiD r6it TRi MtRioiAir c^y " HALIFAX^ in NOVA-SCOTIA, ;>/i Lat. 44O 44' Nortih, anid 4 honrt 14 minntet Wel^ Lqngftude from LONDON} but wiUfenre without fen&ble Error,; for any part of thcfrovincc. Bir M fi T O N I C U S; T* iit !sAaC KEWfbN's Epitaph by Mr. P0>^. V Nvnire an^ Nat(trc*s Lav^ layhidin Nigbt, •« GodftidLaT NtwtoNBB, aM di %»a Li^i," 'HALIFAX: ^^•^^^■'^^■^' 03! n Pnatedandfold by ANTHONY H£NRY» at his Printlng.Qicc, inSa^k- ville-Street, Comer of Grafton>Str^. U^iiiiU » . »' ^ mtk ^^b^ij^^.,^ ^ii B .V 1^ ■ ■ ■ ■■ " ' ■ —————ill Eclipfet for the Year 1705. Here win be Ponr Edipfct in thit Year, TWo of the Siin and Twoofthe Moon, in thcToUowiag Order« vi2 : ThVfir|«Hlibe,oftfafe$ttnonllMl 8ot)i. Da/Af Uinntrv,>vifib|n in tyriirc of th« WWI4. J4r at 7h. i;^«i. ittMf a, ^ in lonj.i i«r. on die Meridian ac8h. zv. in Loog^. 173^. ^of Eaft, La(. 25*. 15'. North. The Second will be of tliis Moon, on the 3d Day^ of Febniarjr, VifiUo if the Weather be dcir, by Odcdlation as follow«» viz: . 9 2 Ecliptic Oppofition • End ■*' ' ■ \m .'■ :: ^ Dnration > * '^D>$»^lipfed70. 28>;on !»:*• The Thttd,: will beof the ^ i| 3b, 1 719 • Morning. Soqth. O «(iUbe centra^ in Long. 64?* 4S<. Eaft^.ppfl L^tl lo^. 15^^ South. Limb. pbutnt Time Aftenfooft. The Fonrth will be of the Meoti^n the 5 id Day of July, isviEbTe, by Calculation aa follows, viz r'?!^^^'^'' H '. » - Be^hnihg . 2 38 25 1 ,^ Mid41e * - 3^ 34 1 0.1 Apparent Tine •' ' EcHpticOppofitioa 3 44 57 f Afternoon. End , p - 4 2? 57 J Dtovtion . r > 4' 3' S^ts fidipfed 2<'. 51'. on )V North Limb. Vulgar Notes for the Year tj^s. DomihicaT, or Stindf y Letter Golden Number, " ' - Epaft, - >. 1'** Cycle of the Sun,- Roman IndiAion,^^ •* Sanday*s after Epijphafly, Septuagelima Sunday, Feb. D 10 9 la I Pull Moon before Eaftdr^ A^ril 4 Eatter Sunday. . April \ Rogadoti Sunday, • May 10' Afcenfion Day, « May 14 Whttfunday, • May 24 TTinity Sunday, • May ji r Sunday's after Trinity, X5 AmWedneraay, Februar^^ |8 ; Advent Sunday, November 29 ^P^. ■»>'wy:V:'"»'^. <:rv O HmSuo* # Mart» > TJif Moon, U lapiier. "'ilQcor^iia •ff»^ ' t ' " *^ ^^i^F 4 CMj«aAioii, or ng|i|ltiitpati*llit^e fime Longi|i|de. Cl Qgardle, it if]^ thty tft 9-iW' r-"*"^M r? HE iSthofthif month, anno 1546, died that famout Refor|ner, _ L VT H I a, who ftruck the grett blow topapiil tyranny in Enropt* He'wft reaarjcably tmp$t^^r7xor will command hufint/s-^httfint/sy votahh ; and wealth an ca(y and honourable rciiremcnt when age fliall require it. --: MM riiriH jmrnttmrntm MMi ir*wV^V^ «•. *•!■ ••JU^-WM**^ li^ita rfUb The N«mct>«nd Chartdert of the Twelve Sigtit. IT Arlet xrG4ftini Scorpio HI Capricom yf ^Sagiittiiiu Sg AqMiini 1^ ^iicief. ^"j. ^H^ 9 Venut, will be Evenint Star, the ift Ow of January, then Morning Star, 10 tEte 15th Day of Duober.— Thence evening Star, to the End M the Year. Tl Japiter, wilt be Evening Star, until the 4th Day of January, then Morning Siar, td die t^th Day of July, and thence Evening ^tar, tc^ (bit Efldofthe Year. ■ ■ . I ' ll I 1 . • 1 ' 1 ' . ■ II ! ■ »; -■ I ■» HE who would oat* Kve hn next heir, muft rife by times* and walk abroad in the fields : jroar feet and head in dew ia whole- fomer than 'Onder the Iheeta j but he that Willis with bad company hid better ftay at hone. A Rich' farmer's Ton, who had bean at the univerficy, coming home to A'iftt his father and mother, and being one night at fupper with. them 011 a couple of fowls/ he told them, that by /«ff> and ahtJlf m^e, he could prove thofc two fowls to be three. Well, let ut hear, faid the old man. Why, this, cried the fchohr, is «««, attd this, con- tinued he, ittnuoy twotndofte, yott know, make three. Sihet ytu hffve maJt it tut/e nuelly anfwered the old TmTi,your mother /hall have thefrfl f0tult I fihe and hole- lome ipper ritb he«r, COS' t yw have Ufor LJANUAkY begins on a Thttrta«y, hith XXXI Diy<. 1795- PttU Moon« Monday 5U1. 5^^ b6nn 9m miAUtes, morpins. Lnft Qnarter, Tqefday I3th^ oh 37m monung, Ifoy liiMon, Tji^day aotb* 7h 55m ^^ - tftcrooon. Fifft Qjjiurter, T;^d4ay 27th, 4)1 49m aftprnoon. Snn cntert JgurnHms (® fg) Monday 19th, yh xtteL atternoon DD I. a cntert Aqumrimi jg g; Monoay igtn, W1 RemaiKable 'Dajrt, Al^>eett« Ir. O ^1 Df Watther, Ac. &c. |ii.m.h.| T CincvMcis. Cli^ iflB. 8(. 7 39 s|s n 3«m TTTi place. ,_, ^atSTi Inf. 6 © « 4^ 46in.iit. {6lh7 39 5 ^^47 •d. Sunday afisr Cum fSTMAs.£^{j/<, ^itui, ctaa. ^ Gf/jid, St. Matthew, clupt. ai . verie ig. |g Dayt IcngJi 8 houn 44 min 10 If 12 r, 1 /. H. M t 4 11 'I H. W, H • M • 440 I 34 6 28 yer. 4 7. p|sd after Ciurift. MiddlipgTidef. Inf d OK4oh.4i6ni. afternoon. B^IPHAMT* CI. ^ 6m. 25f ♦ • * (7*« f«> 8h 5ni. af. 7 36 5 St. LvciAM. Mortmdtroit mnd ptrhafs raint EJiJii^. Rom. >8. 1, d^r/. St. Lu k e «> 41 . D»y» Icngdi 8 h. «3 L2 37 36 35 5 34 5 7JUL1 50 3 18 ^51 2^21 1$ 30 28 ao 1019150 ty 6 »3 O ;i •7 18 IS 6 11 rife. $ $7 7 II 8 28 9 49 \SL3l ift. aft. £pxrH. ModehikTidfs. St. Hilary, B. CI. faftjom* iSf. 69% Snonucrraih Apogee. thtfi days. 7*8 fo. 7h. (39m. afternoon 32 5 3« 5 305 «9 5 7 a8 5 7 •*? 5 7 26 5 ;rfk 6 J 5 '7 i8 5 »oni*f9 22 51 5/ 2 rT- 28 20 21 < 23 24 26 morn, o 28 « 4« 2 56 3 10 4 20 % «4 7 22 8 15 853 941 to 30 IJ 18 12 6 ^6ta. 12 54 « 44 * 34 3 »4 4 »4 5 4 ^ ^4 3.] EpifiU, Rom. 12. 6. Go/pet Si, Johns,!, payi length qh. lom 18 «9 20 21 22 a4 Q|2di|U^^.£psPH Char. aay kept. . Queen (Birlh-da, , Fabian« Bp. / g>PcUpfed inv. Ag^et, V. LouUxyi.Qf Fr. be. ViiicentyM. 9 S^. (head. 1793. f; Station. \^t^aiw, and fime rain. H *4 23 22 21 5 20 5 19 1 o%fio 13 >» 26 3c l«o^ 7 *3 58 8K 2 22 \% 27 28 I 2 3 4 6 7 28 fets. 6 40 756 9 12 6 40 7 S4 8 10 »55 9 40 10 25 11 10 \»1 EpifiU, 1. Rom. 12. 16. Go/pel. St. Matth. 8. 1. D. length ^. e4m. 3d aft.Bpip CoDv.of St. Paul 2^D 26 2 3 »7 28 3o|6 3> 7**« fo. 6. 55« af. do. f 13. 4, Pr. Aug.Frd. b. 1773. #Peri. _ ifcw comes cold CI. f. I3fn. 38f. agMH, Ki Char. I. Mart. ApUafant /H9nu fterm tJfottt tbe/t days. 185 165 »S 5 6«y»29 201 40 5b o »9 9 14 5f 3ni2 »3 5 »« 5 17 6 0SS50 ■?«■■■■■?■ S 6 8 9 10 II 10 28 *« 53 morn 46 1 48 2 55 3 45 ^1 -'••(r»«« •»!»■»•■ H, FEBRCIARY liigim on a Sandtf, liath JdiCtlXl Ikff. 179$.' Full Moon, Tuefaay 3d day, «t 1 1koarf» i4 mbattt* ilk«hulOli. if»ftQa«^r, Wednefdajr iith ph 14m sil^- NcMrMoon, Tharfday 19th Ik 51a flNtcam. FiritQjiarter.TJMirrdi^ a6Ui ek 49m menBo^. iwmmFifiitt (0 yy^Wcdn^ ay Hfli, "reh, .19m, ItocaM. M|W Renurkabla Days» Afj^bOt, Ir. O /I »TI|r. J'.lirrWj, D ID Weith^, fee ^. . |m . m . m. Place. I A n . ti It. W , — . — '• I A R* ai •iv* l- «»*i » ni l I U " ■' T - ■-.! > i II I I I , n I I .. ■ I T I I I | » || c J J[/(/f/r. I Cor. 9. 24. GfAtASc. Matth. so. 1 . t>. length dh. MM. ^BP^p^— III I i i UL J ■ ■ ■ I' m il iii » • hii i w nm >i II i| m p i ' i its 3 4 i 7 D|Si r r t; A . S^ndty. B ^t Fttrificattoik of d. V> Maiy. Sop. ^ ttf rih. 461*. efte nwa. I .t>£cliFf«3! 10 ae 10 ijfif 14 6 ] £pi///e. a Cor, n 19 (fo/^tl. St. Lake. 8.4. D. length 9h. ^6fn. 8 9 ic II 1^ >3 »4 SixAoiiiMA Sunday. 9 Apajgee , Mttdtrate nuemiiiri 3 Off af.C].f.i4m.38C (7*1 Co. 5 h. ^am. if. Valentine. « 5 > * 5 5 57.6 6 53 6 [6$i 6 13 I »4 $7 18 . 42 0/4' la S' 25 14 •9 ao 21 »5 I 38 II a8|ia a mom. o 43 t (8 a a8 3 lii 4 6 4 47 4 >8 5 «8 y |^i)g/.. I Cor?i^:i'.'^^jyrV:gt. Luke ij 3«. P«y« length lih.ato- «5 16I >7' 18 «9 20 2i D|Qu(M<)j7ACBfiMA Sondty. 7*1 to. ch. 33m. aTt. 6 48 6 A/«r«ySrM(; or Pretty ftiUTidei. Ci.f. ijm.sSr. 7*sro, 5.14. tf 6 49 ^ 6 43 6 6 41 6 6 39 6 7Hf57 21 a 4^3* 2 18 23 »K37 17 8 26 6 3a »7 7 «» 2S 7^8 «!? 8 jc • fett. 1 651 2 7 6 1** di 9 •650 ;7;jo 8 IS 9 4$ i t r 8.3 A/f>^/g 2 Cor. 6. I. Gt/pel. St. Matth. 4. l. p;iengthi (Sir; 44111. 22 «3 24j^ 25 26 »7 Pfift in Lent. * tf ? Pr. OdUvius born. ^ Perigee St. Mattliiai. Pr.iAdol. Fred. 6 y> h (born 1774. S}Cl.f.i3m.iar. 7*8 f. '*! ji luaty/no'wjferm, about this timf. 6 38 6I16 34 6 37 6 IK 14 6 36 6 15 45 35 6 on 1 6 34 6 14 o 6 33 6 27 42 5 32 611SS 7 8 ailifO |3Q ^ 9 36 |o 5 II 59 nom. 052 I 42 II JI5 •a,! 3 I a 58 I '53 a 48 3 !43 mmmmm /^'OU^nMAf^d^/^^jfiAAf M D , ■/ I •o fl 12 if fl ;? •9 ao fl H 26 »7 28 151 5»'i '^5r?^ »">4 .>. > /^ ito* III. .CH begintoii • londay, htth XXXI Diys. 179;, Fall Mo(M» Tkttrfday, 5th ^» at o hours* 5 a minutes, afternoon. LjiftQotrter, Friday 13th jh* 5m afternoon. Newr Moon, Friday . soth ^h aSm afternoon. Pirft Qyarttr> Prid4y 37 th loh In forenoon Sun cptcra Ariftt {0*t) Friday apth, loh, 39m> forenoon. Remarkable Days, AfptAi« WeiJ^her, fcc. ftc. (r. O '• M.M.H. Viiicf. 4. I. C^/^« St. Matt^. 15* ai. Place. r. >/ H. M H. W. K. M , in Lfcift.> ht. Dtfvidi 15 30 6|s40i7 (a. fl ram. jgf. ^ f 1i ^ r 5«»«v er raw, 6 «^0«/ /«ytteim|th nh. 5» iia 16 a 37 3 4 3 38 rife. 6 49 « 4 ♦ 3« 6 a4 7 >7 8 10 q 46 if /<. E^jNet ^. I. Oojfti. ik.Lttlte at. 14. Dayi length tiht torn inLaNt. Stationary. Apogee. Siti*my ^ higk ntrindr. CI. faft lom. ijf. c iSiTtgoty, M. Of. Elofl. % o Driwngnuiiuf, rain •^ £J^t^/ ^ /3 i ^C09%Ji^ IV. A?ftlL bogins on a Wednefday, hath XXX Days. 1795. Fall Moon, Saturday 4th d.iy, at 5 hours, $6 minutt9> Lail Qiarter Sun J:iy 1 it!i,- • 81t 5001 ^w Nev Moon Suni^y i>9tit, 4b 6ni Firft Quarter Saturdxy 251^^ 9!^ »5inr Si|n enteri 7a«rit/ (0'ti) Sutriay igtb, »ih iSi*. morning, forenoon. . jQsorning. night. mghC. M D ;^t Remarkable Days, Afpcfibs, D| Weather, &c. &c. I 2|S' All Fools. J^Sta. Cl.f.jta.551' ^ > tf- (7«s fcr 1 1. ».af. r, O" .Good Friday. A'kim'vyfihrm z pj; 7 St. Ambrofe. e/imnci and raiH. fi.M. 4.H.I Place. |< 4^» 7 iinR40 4,07 5 37 7 ,«3. 491' 3 ^7 5» 12 '4 O 3.43 4 >2 4 32 rife. H. w. (I. M. ■t ,5 44 1631 \j zz 8 12 4] ^pifilt' Cbl. 3. IV Gofptl. St. John S6k s-. Dkys Icn. JabT^SST c DEBafter Day.- A^Apoeee k tc 720- 46E16I 9 Slo 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 16 «7 I18 W DEiSafter Day. [Eafter Monday. Eafter Tucfday. FUafaKt Jkofwers aad'Varia'' nvinds. CI;, faft iffl. 7*»T. ioU.-3pn(i>ar. ble^ 29 46 23 30 5Jf24 17 XI 129 zSjzi |( » 61 9 of 10 55FiO 36 11 48|h;£4 aoin)om^ii»iia I 58|i2'5t f»7 18 »9 111^4.6 zaf^ 3 2^ I 46 i >53 Epijlle,. tSu Johaj. 4. Gofptl. Str John bo. 19. l^ y tfen. ish. 10m. 12 'V ift after Eafter. Low-Sunday Fint Jlprii weather for feveral dayt togt'tber 5 25 7 5 24 7 5 22 7 ) 20 7 k i« 7 *>\6 J If- - (7*8 f toh^ 17 7 16 7 H 19 7;ri5 30 35 4K24 18^ 43P7 3T28 r8 35 M 26 28 29 Ajlorm ii verv ittar, i6] Ep'Hie^x St. Peter g. 19. Go/pel. St. John to. ti. Da ys ad af. Eafter. AJphcge. #Fer.|j; 147 3 48 - 4 2b S 2 5 25 6 2 6 19 2 34 3 22 4 «o 4 58 i i22 I 2C 21 22 21 24 2? 2;' 27 28 3o|5 CHigh Tides. Ch fl. tnr. 25 A 7**8 f. 9. 53. af Shafunt neatber St. George: St. Marie. Prs ■ Mary boni 17761 p «« 7 5" 7 f 9 7 < 7 ■19 11 4 n 2o|^ 2 9 7 r33828 17 20 0^44 en. i3h. 39m. 8~Tq feta. .7 4S 18 s? 9 59 10 57 11 47 morn . 8 58 i9 46 »o 34 11 22 12 |o 12 c8 ft) 3 4 EpiJUe. 1 St. Pfcf. g.^rt. GcJ^x'l. St. Jt>lm t6. 86. Days length fjh jam. 3d aft. Eai^cr. ChTi smv zzf V^ic. C I74£r. 7*'sr. 9^30; af //«? ficathsr ends CI. flow im. 59(>. 5 4 4 > 3 7 •; r 7 t^a. hiafnth ,| o 7 4 59^ « ^6 4.' 21 8»»R4i 20 53 2^54 7 9 ic II 59 1 31 « 59 2 23 2 43 t 46 2 3,4 3 22 4 IC 4 58 ■«•■ ^. 3 4 c lit so ■ ■ I »7 lb »9 20 2' 21 at" 3' ^4 z 12 ' f A i ,\ f .M^^jt,.-.^.. - > V.' MAY begin J on a Friday, hath XXXI Days. 1791;. , FjiUMoon, Sundav 3 day, at 10 Iuiuts, 29 minutes, night L^ftQaarter, Monday nth, 8h . 34m night. New Moon, Monday i8th, «ik .34m foncnoon, Firft 'Quarter, Moaday 25th, loh 19m forenoen. Sun enters Gemini, (0 n) Wedncfday 20ih, nh. «;om^ night. M - - -^-- - -- D 3 Reuiaticable Days, Alpefts, Weather, Ale. ttc. 6ist.PhIl ftjames. CI. 0. 3m. ti 7 (y»f fetph. g p g r. o * H.M.H 58 8 578 D's Place. I4i<&50 26 41 12 r. P i. H. M «iLL*a 12 2 H. H. W. 5 46 6 J4 18} ^/t^/<.gt, James t. ij, Gd/)>el. St. John t6. .5. Dayslength i4h. lom. c 614 ath attcr Batter, Inv, Crofs. { • Apogee ; Plemfant^onuerf. CI. fl 3tn.38f. 7*sfet8.56af i 14 2 I ao 20 23 FUafant hotutrs. ! 4 15 8j <*»»136 4 54-8120 29J15 t P 5« 49 4^ 2/24 l'4 ^^ 126 ^ rile. i6| 9 z% 1 71 10 36 «81ii 81 8^37 I glmorn. !o 59 -zoi o 48 tjl] t£^jyf/f. St. James J. «a. G*ffiti. St. John 16. Jt3. Dayslcniah I4h. eHm 7 8 9 9 46|«o a; 22 10 4^ »« 34 12 22 Dlgth at. Eader. , Rogittion -Sun 7*» let 8. " ^ 45 8 16 30 ' '.fUaJkni ^weather , abimi' 4 44 • thefe dayu : \ 42 AfcenfionDay. HoIyThurfday 4 41 ( St. Peters & Mlquilon, taken b>' f 40 8 CI fljijhi.t^Sf. (G.Qgilvie i7 9vl4 39 8 4 46 k ^5 «9 A^ • 3X27 «»7 35 I2«V 9 27 «;: 24 25, 26 -7J as 35 59 16 33 I 1 2 3 4 10 58 46 40 5 34 6 28 Epljllg, \ St. Pet. 4. 7. GafpH; St. John t,j. 26. Djy< length 14^. D| Ale. Day. Perigee. Fuji tides this chaz\ge. Q^ CharL bora ij^p \. 4 5 Bl «5 26 *7 28 ^9 30 CI. fl. 3m. 46f. 7*sf, 7. yg. «f. ^P^«. Eliza, b. 1770. a P )^ Mtrermin about theft dayj. ASTiTlT 438 4 36 4 35 4 34 4 33 4 3* t2« ?5 «7 3oi 12039 27 3« ll9S5f> 25 58 9:130 28 I a 3 41 4 17 fet;. 8 4^ 9 53 10 51 »i 34 5] morn 7 8 22 16 9 4 9 5* 10 40 fl 28 12 16 G ^g/. "St. J ohn 14. 15. Da yt Ten. i4h. 58m. Whitlundiy. , ^^ 3.59. noor.U 31 8^ VVhit-Mot. Sup.^ § 0.16. ro 4 30 8 Whit-Tuefdty. Au.ill.A.B.C. 429 8, Cl.fl.3m.i5r. (7»S7h.38ra. af 4 28 8 P leaf ant growing lueatber, 4 27 8 K.Cha. 11. reft. forftvtral 4 26 8 »^c. J>:1^ ifays iagether. j. 26 H jg] Ipifllfy Rev. 4'."i. Gofpel.. St. 3 i m frt nity Sunday. # 4 pogee " 34 519! 16 17 38 29 47 11^46 23 4«i 5»»13' 61 8 9, 10 II 12 O I 1 t 2 2 1 53 21 45 7 26 43 $, f I t 3 4 5 5 4 52 40 28 16 4 52 lom. ohn 3. I. Day* length 1511 4 25 8|i7 25I13I 3 35| to 4^1 'H I- ^!ii«^^^^^?^IIiZ^»;i^^^5;i^^^SI2^^A{^ "7 * ^^fpi^l^w^^^- — V' r m^* 6.v« 4t^- f^atr. 4lsh^ti^e^A ^ ..rnti.S • */g4 VI. JUNE begins on % MoikUy, iuth XXX Dayt. 17^$^ full Moon, Tucfday xdd«7,«c I hovr* 47 minatet, tfternoon Laft Qjaarter, Wedoefday loth, 4>i ]<>m aKNrnbg' New Moon, Tuefday 16th, 6h 54m viternoon* Firft Qiuurter, Wedaclday 24*. ih 71a morning* Sun enter) Cii«r«r, (00) Sunday tift. 8h. 31m. ferenoon* MlWi Kem^r&able Payi, Afpeai, DO Weather, Ac ^. zlNicomediBs. Cl.fl.x.)6f^ ^^$ 4 *4 ^ 3J Brijkvnwis, (7*«f.7.53. af. 4 X4 8 41 , gndfirhapf rain and 4 S3 S 5| 1738. tbinder. 6|Pr. Em. Aug. b. I77r. Bonif. 7|Cl.fl.iin 47r. 7*6r.2h.2iHi.m Pl«ce. 2911171 ll^xi 13 s8 4 «3 «| 5HP43 4 22 8 4 2f 8 18 6 o:;;4o >4 P 16 >7 18 «9 r. ) /. H. M rHe. 9 56 10 42 II 22 R. W. 7 22 8 IP 8 58 9 46 »P 34 II 12 83] Epijle. i,St/John, 4. 7. Go/fie!. St. Luke 16. ip« bayi; leo. ^5^^. torn 7 8 9 10 II 12 »3 D 2 3 4 5 6 I ft ah. Trinity. Hat and dry nvtather a/evt ^"J'i ^/ttfwardj Prs. Amelia borp. tinder St. Barnabas. Cl.fl.50f. 7*^1 ri. 4 so 8 4 so 8 4 20 8 4 20 8 4 20 8 Jhrfvotrt vtry ( m.L 20 8 21 50 frequent, ^Perigce.|4 20 8 ;i »7 291 9H49 .»3 *5 7V29 6 b 28 20 21 22 *4 26 11 57 morn. 52 1 i? I 29 1 46 2 6 is 10 146 »{34 410 5 * ^\r'EpiJtU. I, StJoh. 3. jg. Gojpet. St. Luke 14. 16. p«y« len. i^h. asm' -— III. . I . ^ I I. L ■ ■ ;' ' ,, '■ ! '' )4'D >5 16 »7 18 196 2d aft.Triij. P ha/a'nt ^rov:ing nveathtr, CI. fa^ I2r. 7*6r. i.4i.m. St. Alban* . (Middling tides. AUre rain ahut thefe days 6 » tf Tranf. ofEd. K, ofW. Six. 4 19 8 4 19 8 4 19 8 4 19 8 4 19 8 4 19 8 4 19 8 21 18 6pi4 »i 7 5«48 20 1 1 4SI1C 17 44 'J O I 2 3 4 * 33 3 «» lets. 84s 9 30 to 10 5 54 648 7 40 8 34 9 2$ Id 18 2c|7 I Irani, ot td. a., ot w. 5«x. 4 19 b 17 44 4 10 44|!ii 8 25I Epijlle. \ Si. Pet. 5. 5, CofpH. St. J-uke 15. 1. Days lengtii ^.^h. aam. — -• ~- •■■' ^ _ I .*l\ i .H.i, '! ^ ." .1 I. Ill ' I I'll ' « » l | J. l .l'i ilWI. 21 22 25 26 6 3d after Trinity. CI. faft im, 3of. Cre^wiftg 'vof^ther St. JohnBaptill. A } "U f>ti fame fog. Longeft Day. 7*srio.59. mo Apogee. 4188 27 7 D y 1; g/. StVLykc 6. 36. D.ayy|ci)gth ijh. t^p, ' 28 29 30 '*" 4th af. Trinity. Gr. Elqn. tf St. Peter. 8 > ^ pttafmt CI. faft jOT.iof. 4 18 8 4 18 8 *vueaiher:\\ J9 8 ^J4^^:ia^.^e«n;^^ 3T 26 57h«| » 50 5 >»• 7X57 «.^| 2 29 5 5< 20 4|mI 3 »6|6 J3.I 1 . ' "-MV! * Matf(Ji 9 3 7 8 9 IP • t 12 »3 »4 ! fA St. Luke 5. i. Dayrlfn. igh. i>m . 7 «4 » 4 852 7 It •r 12 »4 »S14 17 1^ ai ae 23 $th after Trinity. |4 >* 8 7*sri cii. 1 9m. morning. U x & Gl.faft4in.isf. Ph0fanffl>rVMrt\^ it % 4 S^3 i> 4 *3 * 4 »4 ^ «t. |Ci)Un. ~ witktbmndir plo. f. sm. # P«!!8«5 f ^? « 23 30 6X$e 2Q 10 20 '23 4*jri» rs ii ^U24 16 46 »9 2i 22 .*4 *5 9 3$ 10 20 »9. 37 ».« 54 ;i 14 II 38 io 28 II 16 12 4 •« 54 1 48 '2 42 il5 0th af. Trm>ty> \f Stationary. 4 26 8 i a 14 <6|ni<«rn. 4 30 fa. J ^ '^: '■■ P/i^uHt grfiuittg 4278 iMcatbtr^ ^ 28 8 Swithin B. 4 29 8 Occl. i^viC C|. f. 5m. 35f \ JO 8 !(7.*sriiiih>}7ni.i>f> Mid -tides 4 31 8 4 3» *k 15 4^27 00 It 28 14 30 »s i2$t2l I a; 4^ 2 ■ Tj ^ — o. 5e I 41 » 531 fcts. 8 37 9 7 5 24 6 18 7 10 8 4 8j5* Epifile. Rom. 6. 49.^ C^/>-'.!'*['' ^'^^' ■ Pog days ^in.. ^ /w gr^itt^ Foggy Midri^ngi. ' ^<;/^». U 141 a|,*8^ . T- ■ ji - X ■ - - .- ^ -T - ■ .• -- ^ « ' 44 I 31 i6^ ^iipi^ti "^10*^*9. rt; Co/pti. $i, KtotA. 7. 15. Dayt e o> i4>^4oi )iiVj foggy Aaarningi. jeq/cn, 4 3* 8 })t. Jame<|^ ^p v|4 39 8 4 33 8 4 34 8 4 35 8 8*54 21 40 4 9 59 4A-7 4 36 8 16 20 4 37 8 28 21 10111,17 i« IPi 9 35 10 17 610 55 10 5 a 8 9 10 «B II, t6 '»' 4 J 12.5*1 28 26 27 S 30 Ii: 8th tf. ' Tfinf. Inf, ^ If 1 1 ^ 1 .fo (St. Amie^) Cl.f,6m«5f. I ' \8V' «!».■ - « Vlll. AUGUST, begins on a Saturdty/ hath XKXI. Day^. 17^5. Laft Quarter, Friday 7th day* at a hoan, 33 minuta, afternoon. New Moon, Friday I4tk ih 39m FirftQaarter, Saturday tad iih tarn Full Moon, Siraday 30tk ah 23m Sun cm ert, yjrgt, jQ^) Swiday ajd^ ih. 4;m. w afternoon* forenoon, morning. wornhig. O Remarkable Days, MptSU, Weather, tec, kc. I, jr. O /. fil.M.H* ilTJ Lammas JiC^y. CI, (alt sm. Sjf |4 i4~9 Place. 19x41 A. 16 H. M H. W. H. M. 7 S8 ft] tfifiU, I Cor. lo. t. &« ^aJg i lochat.'i'rinity. ^ ITr I4 5} 8 11 S50 24 1 1 33 3 37 St. Lawreqce. Gl.f.4ro:58r. Prs.ofBir.b.1737. 7*» Pr. of Wales b. 1 762. d » $ 6 }^ S 8 P'ii' t'lea/ant gr, Eloa. ^ Jbtitutri CI ■ faft 4m . 8f. ahwt the/e days V548 4 55 8 f56 8 4 57 8 ♦ 58 £59 Ipifik. , t Cy- tiS » }-> Gofp'i' St. Lokc , 1 I ith a^; TJan. Pr. Fred. b 17% ' (7*»ri. 9. 36. af. ThuttiUr and tigbting JL faft jm, I jf, And ^tr haps bail. P. W. H. i>. 1765. # Apogee. (7*8 rifeqh. 17m. af t 5 5 5 5 5 7; 2 7 4 7 5 7*f 7 7. 8 7 25 56 9S56 *3 47 7«27 *o 551 4^ 4 26 '4'3« 5 126 6 20 7 »5 8 10 ^^ 8j8 I. 9. D » ^!en. ii^* |_ 9 46 morn. I 29 »8| 3^ 44 ffts. 7.40 02 39 12 A 4} 4 15 18 ic 8 4 8 26 8 46 9 3 9 «3 9 47 «o 34 11 22 12 10 u 58 146 n f. W. tl.*o.i705. 9 Apogee. 5 8 7 IS ic .7 9 47 i 40 2 7 (7*8 rife qh. 171^. af t, c 9 7 o/. 2 >|io. 22 2 34 14] EpiflJe.*' 'sCor. ^.4. G«Jp<\. St. Mark 7. 31. Payslcn.jgh. gjRyn. [3 D i2tha^1>iftityv S J)il^ J5 »» vl" 57 9'* 5|'3 *' r4 ^ St; Bartholomew. 5 13 7 *3 J9 *• 1 ' f4 4 "^ 3.S St; Bartholomew. Sthnvers in mfmy placet, \^ CI', ^ft tra. 3 if. 7*s ri.)8.59. af tut tt6t lajdfieatber 6 (St. AuguIUne. - for the hmrvg/t, TiTx — ■ ■ — &q/'pei. 13 »5 «7 18 20 7 «'2 23 59|t«|ri 54 4 10 61^13 It mora 4 48 18 44 12^ I 45 5 26 tir>ji,3 a 53.-^ 4 14 46 14 4 12 6 42'! 28 adi5 5: 27 ! 7 20^ lyi Icn. igh; t6m*JtUi\ G»l. i8. |6'. D|£3th a^. Trinity. ' 15227112X15 fiJcrMif; (Mi4dHpg Tides, jj 24 7|j6 2S r < - o •7 rile. 7 P. rrya 81 8 46 - y I (K. SEPTEMBER, begint onaTaefday. bath JtXX Daya« 179$. LaftQ^*rter, Saturdaji Da/» ac , houn Nevr MOon, Sunday 1 ^tb ah Ftrft (garter, Monday 21ft 5b Pull Moon, Monday zSch oh S«Mi enters. Libra , (0iO>) Tuefday zad. Ml v| Remrkable Days. AfpeiU, 0iDt Weather, fee. &c. I }tGildi». yCa nfis Sb.^ym. alt . s 4BLondoa Durae 1666k CX S. 5 |0og daya ead. 4,61 Perigee. 43 minotes, afternoon. 3 am morning. 25m morning. iiin afternoon. I oh >8m; night. I H.M«li4Pl»0«» A. 5 5 5 ^ 7 s8 7 25 24 30 7 •TWI' 33 IOV53 9tf54 7^24 20 «n36 r. > s. H. M |H. w: •8 7 *^^ 9 34 197 42 10 ^2 8 611 to *« 8 3611 5; I 9 12 12 46 W 6lDli4xh aft. iVinity. 6 > lb «3 10 5 11 S 127 a Cl.fl. im.33f. Efn^, Gal. ,5. i6» gi^a/. St. Lnke 17. n> Day»lcn. tghT^gom . BiMuthns. '(7*8r.8h.i9m.aft. Mad. o^ B.ViM«ry. Stt|^. 4 )^ Cl. flbv7 2m.5^5|f. God prtfirn/e us from 'winds and hurricanes. 7*s riie Sh. inu afternoon. 5 45 7^9 56^81 3 36 5 5 35 7 36 7 i 6032 "38 39 4« rS 44 7 22 40 20 tl 3^38 »6 53 1&IR48 *3 *4 25 26 27 *9I 10 I I 41 to 59 2 ^6 morn. 3 ^1 I 20 4 26 2 24 4 5» 5 *» 6 16 7^10 *7 5^ iSSfCl. iIow6in. »^9b 38] tl •7 4 9 fett. 7 8 7 44 8 14 8 8 4 9 40 iilOlirth 4ft. Trinity. 61 W l5 45 7{*5 «« *4 « HoljrCrori. OUHow 4m. 36f. 5,^7 7 7*^56 *l ^ L '^ J : J^ihitsikMi 487 «o 12 |6 4|7*« rfle 7hi 43rti> alt. . 5 5© 7 all 19 Latnberc. - *with rain, 5 52 7 # Apogee. 5 53 7 fe ^5 7fr#59^ (ytf/^cr. Mt. Lufce/. r>t Days Icftgtff lal.^in. JB7l I^t/g?g. Gtf. 6. ;'i'. Ga^er, ;Sh IWftiKlL 6. a4> .Day l:^<. ^pftfcf. 4. 7 > I 9 10 II 12 •3 9 4C »o ,34 11 36 Aiora I %\ z tv 3 37 Distil attcr Trinky. . . K 57 7^*9 5* > ^t..Maithew.-7* 5 58 7! iltfso King iQECX Ui. crowned 1761. 5 59 7 14, i l^StattoTvarv. CI. dbw 7m. 44^ 6 o 626 yo Mermngs'mnd evtsings femt j5 I 6 * g^Zi }) Stat, tuhat coi>ler thatroflate, 6' 2 6 122 37 ■»t. Cypf-iai^. , hui p lea/ant. ^ 36 6X21 1.^ .tiof^r^ 3t« K»Kc 14. ^> Da ytier.j;. uh^«;om 1 40 2 a8 3 16 4 4 4 5^ 5 40 6 2« ^7 28 29 30 rr'i 7th aft: Trinity, vc. > j^ CI. flov* 9m a6f . High tides. St. Miciiacl. PVi.Royai b.r766. St. Jcronje. Eafterly nuindsk 6 6 6 6 S 6 76 9<^ II 6 26; 3?fi4 •9 55 4«53 O 16 »7 4 rife 5j 7 8 23 ■38 7 16 3 6 85-4 9.42 f^\ / 7 :r ; :? ^ ' ^"- — "^S -■.».•• ^ h 1} :fi «< «MH pC. OCTOaSft begina bti i Thiirra»f h«th XXXI D«yf. 179$. ;lL«ft Qiitrter, Mondty, ^thday, 3 houri, t mlniste, mon^ing^ Nevr Moon, MoAtl«r, 12th 6h 7m •ft^rnoon. • Firft Qaarter, Tuefda/i 20th loh 57111 night. Full Moon, Tuefthy, 27th 8h > 39m night. . Sm enters Scafph^ (-O^) Friday a 3d>-6h. iom« . 'a«ornmg. & KUW ^5 4? i 7 R'^martibife Dayi, Afpo^s, jrV O /. Weaiiher, &c. lee. Ih.m.h. Remigiu^. C). flow lOm. i4C (7*« ^i.6li.cont bw. 1^ 4. GoJp*L dt. Matth. fii 34. Dayslen^ nh.>4m. 10I7 i8thif.'triiiity. CI. (low inn. fcT., 7'*s ru6h.32ia. at! Co»t mcr^in^ ^ i H Cloudy • am4-f«rbajl^ \gi6 b^ 18 »9 21 jS 22 $! H 6 zl 17 2 oils '3 44 *o 41 911826 2« £2 21 27 OKtfli . * 3^ 2 CO 4 ? 6 ^ 12 J« I 42 S 3 4 5 i. 3* 22 12 .2 5« 41] Epifiie, kplTer.4. 17. Qqfpft St.>bt(b«o. i. ..liiv«l«n. iihlivi. 1 1 D lathaf. Trtnitf. ^••nte6h. 5 28 6 4A22 28 7 C2 6 At »3 16 17 19th af. Trtniqr. 7*«nfe6h. (ifiiK.afti Trantf.t^Ect.Gernf. O ? Gl. ft. ijTtK 57/. • ^il|». 50 4c] E^tjUe. ^jl^t. 5. igi dtt/pef.Si. Matih. ga. t. Dayslen, tbh. 4tttr 18 »9 £0 tl aa »4 43 aoth af. TriAity. $t. Luke. 09% (Cl.(l.i4m.46r. Aftam Mhntt tbtjk days, 7Hrire5h.36m. aft. * a T( O 4b* 461*1^ mctningk (Clo.flow 15m. a^r Gr. £Ion. $ 39 40 4* 43 48 28 8 loltf 4 ia li 4-5* 36 17 23 14 1-6 t 7 9 ic II 12 8 40 9 3^ mbirn , ati 12 28 I 16 to 45 JL 4 3 ;4» 4 4^ 3 37I t at *5 26 »7 28 29 30 3» 'fpiJtU. fephe?f. 6. 10. Gg/>^/. St. John 4, 46." D ayt leii. l oh. aam 4 Sj <5 18 60 7 8 21ft af. Trio. K.^ Ac, K. Geo. III. Pr. 1760. (Crifpln (7*s I* jh ijin, sU't. St. Simon and Jude. mM it expitStd abattt Cl.(Li6in.iir. A ftorm I Per thit time. 49 ?» 5» 54 58 28 t% I|TI7 ?8 9 ijb29 s8 40 ;3«46 i8 31 «3 «4 O 16 «7 ii> ?9 5'* rii«. 6 36 7 3» 7 58 8 48 9 3^ 10 34 11 14 l^- I s I '/a.4ti H ' ^j g tf%' * ,^M^ *'»«6>=^1 ^^m dimmim ■h .Qa%fter,__ Vuefday 3d day • ic 1 Ikiiiii* t6 nuntttei, atteraooa WedndtUv t»tir MQdarter. Tlurfdav iAth» ^iflM^. Tharfda^ ii^i iih 7k 57m tin M Mbdi. Tharfda^ t6cli^ ^ fh i8m M ih^ Jtltii i Mj I it J^t 1. y 1 .1 H d r i g i II ■ III. I I. ~ • ■■ i .f . iOMBpOB. tfternbon. morntBg. ttiornifig . r«y'4i^Ti(B>ftjUBii; ,; ij 121 26 5-* SI i f lib II — ca. ion. %4m. '», 4 It S* I 4«» a tf tfPli id after Tmt: Paii>A.'SopHi47 rile 9 4» 10 $4 mofn. i^S» 4 4 ka. 9*: 4IMI. ^"^•01 Br 4tii4(naft mB&\^h 91 7 10 S 7; II Dl24th aftcrijiiin. laf. i ( ' FT S 7 r45 7 i^ J 9f LtBcUn.', - St. Hwu, 9. 18. 7lttS9|<9 19 J« «ti*4 IX I M l* 39|sH ^ 37 111 $ 40 6 t8 7 to I '4 TM9 * 9 50 o$8 5 7 19 $ 7 -ao 5 7 «l 5 7. X^ 5 It ai ^ 6^97 »« ?S i«4 ♦S »7 16 9 9ICT4 «* 47 D^yi l ea, flh* t82 M a6 9 i7 10:35 II 37 r»erB i» 14 I z I 50 s 4C 4 1^ fe/ >■ ^i f. i [7 -^ Slat ■ 7 jj 5 » 1 i 9 i a /i ^U.'MrOh' i^-mah pfifmra. r a6 5 6 1^ 14 i^ Pulptfbf Qid;b. 1743;.: 8'y tf^ 7 «7 J ki 87.14 Cr.ffai ?>»riif Hyf^ m.^t . aj > at. 7 a8 5 (!jD40|o 4>4^Af. Koin- 18- ^ ^#v«itu i^ > $ Andn^. i ill.'ifl., 101^. 58f kSyiJ^. 7 !• « i> rife. 6 40 J t 6 ^8 7 a6, « »4 9 » 7 3« Sh' 42|«^l 7 48 7 3 s 51 5fti4f» \ / IN f9fTI ^(). »-"««..r:7!i rv XII. DEC£MBBR Kgimonti Toefday, Inth XXXI Dijrk; (795.: New Moon^ , Frk^jp- • iic^. ?'» ' *«• =^iaJ"* TifffWW Fun li^n, F5i4-^ ,j:*5ftfs. v.;/' r^ivt. -i-iirrrtt— '., w. l ^ ■ ' * . -It w:ib. i ci. i*|fo, 1 1 h.x. [f5 >■ «l :4jlh-'JbakMM< .«* 1*9^ ;i<^:..»- '5 _.' ■ ■ 1.4. 7 ■«> g^ ' |7'.37'S »*. *6l< ^ . riiAipo|^.b;395ari It 6 Ck aof {^m^ilC Md hJ#H thfes 7 49:5 i« * d lt 7fe!»¥ ^ i^.n '' (dWinje.|74 40'y2 .5 «9 54 It 7>v4a^ J iJMii jO ^»7 28 30 M^^uyX ^om.ajCnighCk /t 40 5 1 1 ^a^p^-io' s6 . 3 if. 7 40 5 a'4 ' «4 «o|rtj.'#i 7;.^ 1' kfsildiA rv7 Itfbj^lH- alb '<(Wl< - f"' ft ri|4^ ^,X *■>_>. if% ■u ^ ' V 1. c , >t > lifip^f'wr'wp^v, w,'-» • — ' s- . • - ~—r-.— — .-fnnra 'jp » >\i -p s^ 5^ ^'#-" ^ T'V # '•: "l n. ■- M w 41 ■^; iiki' << ,'■ .. Ki ■ i'-::^ ' -s^^^ c ■■•• . > > • VI ION? vnder the (f^oomMuid ^tl^ Hpn^nW* ^BORGR MDRIUY* Francis Pfl^ff^J^fcil? Wi? j Charles Rowle/*— 2a Lietit. Thomas Maxtotte.— 4ch Lieut. ^CiiMrlM.Apthacp«i>|ihUeD(>.' , John Renniti<---6th Lieut^ Murdo Doir i t t e t ■ M afteh David Patterfon.-^urgeon* ' to the Admiral and Porfer. M.C.Coki.i-CatJtMii.1^ - ' Ai C o U i ns. I i ftLieat.iMasU>4^ J. Atcherly.-i^zdLieat/J ! 1 ' ! :r i Alexandeil ) . fiatli li%;-'i*Cliffiaitt'. Francis Loveda7.«-*>ift Lieni. i : Edward N(!pMii.-i.*dJtiiciil6. John Alezander.— 3d Li'eUf. Aaftan Ternan.— -i|th Lieut. • • fc? T ! WiWmfk^jrf^^i, Robert ^WWi W«« l^^iJ, THBTISr-sft Guni. TM HqA« AlliftiidwF.ibKliiMe; Captain^,,; ;,:,—'. -.V. .'-J .'' John L|i»iBitr,M»A I4ottt»d : George Tftbif^iTTrad l»wU . i , ' John 3«rrf^-»3d Uwt. r / T ( And rfw MwrHf —iMtftfT. fflMaa Siiters.— Sargeon. Thomas Phelp.— Porfer. Samuel Peter Fofesn— 5th Lieut* ^oiuiSincU***^ Lieut. Benjamin Spencer.— Matter, JoJi^^ri^.;#^argMn. , ; i Robert Farquharb—j^urJIJ^r, J /" AFRICA; ' ' 4^43wn • ^ ' RoddamHttim^ji ?fa:,r»R«;:fl^iiBv Rol^ert'Perc^ f-r^d Li««n Tho. Holihes Tidy.^A Litut. . > John *P. Rodd.M'lth Lieut/' John Qulvie.;— 5th Lieut. • ^ajrd.-^AAing Lieut. — — pQl|cooche6.r-Ru0ia&Lieut. Peter Peterfon.— Matter. James Farquhar.— Surgeon. il'QtSB^AUbS^Gint^ iiiT Robert liifnrray, £rq;-*Captaihl Charles WoUaiUm.— ift Lieut. Edward Ifanlum.-^3d Lieut. ^-'^ Li^^0^y;«^-^Rttffian Lieut. George Aiid^ewM.^^Matt^K' John Tyfoni— Purfet. R. D. Stuart.-^Lieut. Marines^ C» V:..?enfpfe, «fq;— Captain. ThomaaTiieiium.TTitt kif^ut.; Robert ShipfM;— ad Lieut. Jbhn HbningiWorth.'— 3d'Lietit. — r- Saltanoye.-P-Ruffian Lieut. WiUiam tawfon.*-Mai|ier. , Jofeph Fleming .—Surgeon . Giliiei Macbean.— iPurfei'. ''m i B\ -1^ ft; ^ \ R. I. Htncock.— lit Lieut: '^ - J. R. Saville.— ad Lieut. Thomu JtadaumfeZ-^ftehl^' '^ lUckSlPillboeiU^IieoV. Mik^W^. | TEflSBB, a8 Gum. John 0«kei Hatdy^ Efq;— >Captain jtfhft MqiAkiM.^ift Liettf.^ ' n J. H. Tait.— ad Lieuft/' n '' Mathew di)ivc^««Mldtor^l «'.(. i i Wm. Cath«fr.<^9«ugebiiT ^'r^^ v> Edward L««iber<.>i-4'iir(W.' < ' BOHHiki BaUdc^^Mttt; Mtfiifati. •• ■' ^ • •' ■■■ -' '■ I ^ 1 i^iiiiii . Vlreetiet^ift Lkat. 'John Milne.— ^4 M^^** Sliii|(bir SihiprM^.>ufihfter, Robert f^firfoa^tYi^SQrg^A, Jaioef'ftowai^^Pnrier. , John Phiiyit.««ilii^ac:- l^ai^rieff. PRISON 8 AiF^tUKITY, Lieut. J^hil Rof i^«i*-Coiimiaodcr .1 -• • ,; > •' ■ ;■>; ;jv::l .' ■■. ;,•"■'.'--' '■••■ *. •■,•'1 ! ■' f ii Daniel Lnrmaii.— fUq; r '> . j |/ i.ii'«*.*M*«Maii««^ — .••it. Honorable Richard Bulkeliy, f^ffpOi^r-tia^t ,i.i[-.] vAnVi-K^lf-, TH0ifAaJlAkciii,3£li|»>'AdjataDtiGenerali''^ ;— . ).'>^7 J kj jtiH Ph I Li r Van €o rtlai) o, £% .ASid*du>Camp to die'GbV«rDOr« ' ' .;. r .-Ti OFnC£RS of die ift BATTAUON of HAUFAX .MILITIA. ifreySch>^«. Nicholas Smith. Jacob aatd, a.. 'Wil)!ain Lyoii« L William Milieu Thom^Fiins. •.; '.Ti LieUt.CblMet. fjohn Creightdn. John.Gep.,Pyker- Winck. XUap. Major. " • diarres Gedmt. WUlhitt'LaWlor. iCdpi. Umuttdiit: Captaitu.l : - Jmie$,Craghui(l . Stndhaa, h.d. Jirfi hteiitfaHt'. [ k I J ixx^azcsxi ■%r^ t ' r 4- n J riH mtiitifjiWjtfSii OFnCERSdf ihe sd BATTAUON of HALIFAX MILITIA. •U-; ... N^y/ ; ■ '! --^ ColMil^ {DurielWood J. M. F.Bullieleir Samuel Mercer 1 I lUut, C^ltwL WaUnn CochriD Major, Rich, j: UniMke Csptaiiu. Andrew Beldhcr, Alex. BiynerovbD J. Wita.Scliwaru -i-— Sbtbtrlaml Cluirle»Mdm» \ OMiftuH Conner ' WtlUam Floycr Gcoige M'Intoik JuBct Cochran - .s Cot, CgnhundoMt. Hon« A* Biyner LieutenMt Coiomel Geo.Oefdian^ Major, Col. S. OmpbeU Captaiast Will. C. Toogc ]ohn M*Monagie fohn Emerfon .tell. Cannt ^ Keneth M'Dbnald John Liwfbn A. Hinfliclwrdod' J. George Wmr • liPlnnek^ Capt. Lieutenant. Rtofua Fairbanlu BrHt^iC^pt.LUnt. Tobia^MJllcr Fir/i;Ut^tenantt\ ftttijdi Sinhh lUiaiiiUdrthtt ^Unei Foreinibi Tho.Cochran^jin. M. 1^, FraacUm Alex. Creiijhtdn Wm John Moody " --^Baycf , Wn. UiM Patrick 0;Bnei| < RicKJrafiiu ,: Geoi^SinikK ThomuLWiatTon-;. B^j«£ii fitter ' I . Lf "> I R{ Benjaoun V^ier - John Shey . Pelcs'Standferd Conlbuit Chufcfc.. Cabt, Lieutenant, ohnVai} Niqirde^ Vr/K Lpmienantt, \chn Irifb, . M> frabckUn onathan Snelling Jehu Moiher obert M'Hcffey MIUTIA^ ; ..'! Loran Oewolf Goold N«rihup >\ David Whiddea ;Wi)lipni$mitli ; John Brown Sec,* Lie%ttMim* John'Hammil p. Rydolph, jun. William Shey Wil. Des Barres ^httM Oimock Stephen X^Utafl Peter if'.Va^onn. ^uhhLwii^m ;/ ohn MdrnTbtt ' ilnei Fitzgetald Jamet Croutcher Alex.lph James Hall John BatK ' Stephen JJoJgcs B. R,. B^ATiiily , Aajitiant. Willtatn Prince Quurter-Majicr. Foftor Wobdberry •| I I ' ^ is' "■J I if, m M > m]» «i n »> lui p*""*"' .,*r<*- I \ feV OIGBY REGIMENT ct MILITIA. I, Lituttntmt Cohntl UiM Hatfield Iliie.Rioop Captains, JofanRni - CtUkiii'' ' TheinuBirehjr Lieut, (fohtul, Alexnder Howe Capiaim, ReberiRolto WiHiamAViUdt iohn Stewart . Upham Jonaa WilTiaiD Baily John CofeoMo See, Lieutenants Ainoi Dillon Jame^ flivei l&ae TjgM Bcnia.XlW(e«c;iB *T< lf0VA^COTIA LEaiOfir. R. HanluolM Lieuten^ts, Rpbert Roiunron Phineaa llUle^ WiUiktaA/finoctl JoTcj^ Dmett udUm^mmsi CiMrlesDqwftU Peter wf^^ John Ak'ini Nathaniel Payfon Qmrter M^r. Mn tAoKhfA 44iuil*9t» qbr»fW.;ABnIaa ;•/; >;'^ r.:, .ia'w 'M ti.t ,j>'^ •Cotonet^ ThomuMtlUdge Lieutenant Ctmel John Taylor Peter DowfiUt ACADIAN MILITIA, CDVNTVi^.AIf NAPOLtS; :> ^.-^nu. Captains. R. HaDkiarMi' 1 WH. Jetinfian Ghulea £. Raacp Diaries Dowfett AmantLanoo jofepfi laowrett John Moody Jdhn'Traft0it' £nfi0ns» Rondolph aco& Comwalt Adjutant* iJohoJSiilpwJR ' 2uflrtitr-Sfafier'^ Ijacot I £< m t^aii^ JpolfQa 9d REGIMENT KIN<^a COUt^TY ifl£mA. ;r ! Colene/. Philip V.Cortland Lieut. Colonel. Jonathan Crane Mcjor. Samuel Leonard Captains. . William fiiOiop Frtneis Ferkkn, Gurdort Oenifpn ElUha Dew6K Capt. Lienten^nt^j David Dentfim Lieutenants. John Tho. Hill John Bidhop Sherman IfcinirM Chenezer .F>-T4>is inconvenience may bie avoided in fu- ture, by the Commanding Officers of the Qjerptdive Regimenu favouring me in feafon with corred return.] L \ > \:: ..^w'-TSr:^^^^-*' "i-^'-WV^ti , tf l^n tidi MoDtk in tlw yui' 1795. •I 1>. M, H^HH «s «5 IS a 17 a7 ljf| 8 '3, 34 • ■ o- H H »3 a M 16 >3 ,» |H «7 ai . t «3 18 *3l -* »7 io «3| 4 8|*5 16 2»7.-.rwr<5*9« 4. H •« «« • .3 ^ *5 I 2 io .i4 -5, o 14 9 a is' Ml a., «5 9041 21 2& I 12 If! 20 9^^ 4|mJ 10 18 21 9|i# 7-2 «9 T »5l (4 56! 14 2^3'|»^ *9i* 2438 28 «7 »7M4 4«6 '3|4 48 '4 I /' ,-'•■ \x w—i «a—< tx i i ffm i W Wi I mmf ■PIP Pf wincf qf^^O V A-SCOTI A, 1 HIS EXCELLENCY „ _ The Riomt Hok. GUY Lord DOR CHE Srt% Captain-Ccftera) ^wi Guv^froot in Chiff^ i|i and over His M'jeft)i't Province of Nova'Scotia t Quebic : NfiW-BauMiwicx land jhf ir DepeQdcRCKt, ^r. (?f^ ^f. .:vo:i . His EKCttLEHfjv jQHIil WE|^tWO»THi Uiitt Lieutcoant-KSovcrnor.ard ConntamJer in Cntef.' in and oyer Uic Proviflce pf Nota-S'cotia, (jtf, ttf. &r. ff»», TlionM Andrew S(raiiic« «— ' Rtrharrf Bullieiejr^ — ^ Henry Nf wcoiit «-•>• Alexander Brjrmtl; ' ^ ■■ ■■ Ifaac Defchanopi, — — Thpmaa Qochran, HIS MAJESTY** COUNCrt.' »'. //rar. Chartfs Morrta, — — Job^ Halijbttrton^ t ' — — • Henry DMnciaj — — S. S. Blow«rflt — V 1 '' MEMBERS or ch« HOUSE of ASSEMBLY. I". ! J.M.I^reieaaikfJeV 1 jonaihafi Sterna iRfii La^reBCr HaitjQlorBe |'^*9 Mif had Wal^M^. J Tkomaa Milicd^tf. £iq{ ' Mr. James Moodjr. Ctumiy'^ff^mltrlaiii^ ^WUfiam Freeman, Efqs Mr. Samuel £iii|bf«e. eifcina ' Ir/Um ' Beoajah Collina, l/^X!!.; Jph9 Wili>»ni SchwariXi, Er<|( Mr. Edward Jamer. (^OMifty if Shiiifrne^ Sicphch' i^fcin'oer, hiq; Mr. Jamea Humphrici^ Cwviy af h^fftt* i^ji Hfflor M*Cltan, l^>;,ri ' William Coinam Tdnge, J '*>T'* !^^!^:!. ,s IC ■ 11, Benjamin tfeichcr^ E'liha Oewoir, Efq*^. County ^^th Thoinits CiitUrr I Jfli|ip>t^arf. '.;}■ ■■■' Jdb«Oe«»|eP>ke. 1 g^., Wuliam Cochran, J *''^"* (Jtjjlvw. Chat Ira pickfon, l^f^ ; lenjond^j, Mr. R. %» Elbif ncijii. Jiim4p9tii, Tl>o«s Barclay • E^q^ ' QrMii^, Ah*VH0*^«at'Jil />^i^., , Mr. Qesrjr ||\v(Kcf|ord Li^f^Pftil, Mr. ivntviet Hi^tt. ,SV4rk t. qanp^ell. Elq; JSnttffigtM, John Scr|eani^fifqt r«r4««^' *^^ S.«fbblf .^«9l £1^^^. j;M^MuRagl$. $I^i. AWfr4. '$httbMt^t««>«lla|yi|( /^«r/lr. ' Samuel Lc^rdcJ^;^ ^s ,iV ioi Curii^l/O. Mr. \^int QaK^^j, j;, ';. B. Franklin; C/tri, sMmamm \ ,1 1 mt X* • J ^ 2 PM V. fm J NA •- iSh • •< / Hn — ■^ JU C«|ii vC ^- Coui '^ > mi ^£0M F ^ m C^M ti [<^i t ^' mui 'V 'w I 4 I <-1*.' mmm StcritMj MiJ Regifttr^o(tht\Proktt^a.r 0tid\.uri( t» bit Majtfift Cotm* cii, John Micliae) Fre)(> Bulkcl^, £l^ V ' 4 ^mi T 4^4. , ^^jH|8 lilAJitSTrs Sl/PRMft tdURl; ^iir'ihe Province. Atflm^4^/« Tiu>in«s. Ajidr«w.Scr««gr,- C^>/^7*/^'^^* » J.'mes B!«ni.>n, E0r«/4!r<«. | f, M. F. Btflkelcy, Eiq; Mar>i/. M*«pi^ .r.,'<. ..,^.j! 44 JU>TICPSof ihelMFJiRlOH COVRi «i CUMMUN PLEAS. C9^f^ »f%ili/ax.^Htnfy J^ewtor. Jjntth»n Binncy, francU vQVctn, Michael W«i.«c«f, ar.0 Daniel W^cod, tfq»«. ^t-**Ale*andef"Howe, Jlfiah, Oavid Seabory, , 'niomai iiiiiiilid^t;. ^fqrs. CouHtyt/Lunenburg,^]tit.n Creighton, Joseph Perneue, P, C. Jeffeo, Jon 41^54 It pre fcou, I. L, Rudolf, Efqrs. Kiif/^piy -«.John Burbidge, John t^niplnan^ and EliOit. Deyrolf, Ccuiiyi/^Mir/dnd-^Edmii B«»n>n, Gcbrge lalwr. tnd Wiaiam Frecniart/fiowi';^ Ptrrow, and t h*titt t.ku, t q»». . " ^iirt**iO<»»>»,— ^fmecB Perk n», Williuo. Joi^nftof.c,i5»«ijiel Free- , iniii; .It^ Bt^M'h'toflrni, Eqrs, ^ ''^ '^ . Gn^^^«r^/V.^0eWr|[e H. Itoonk. Geotge Defchanrps, Joftph SrS>y Hift6. 'M^Ltfhf and !Vdli*ii.' Com f ni T»iin ( ba.genr, E'^^r*. •■'■'■ ■■ '-^'VS • ^ :■ ^ J^j^ii'.;/- U>«>W^£^T«r«!«f(i/&,— l»bnCr«wUx»N*^'^*'' Uilcy. «ndS,S. Poole fmtu^inthDifirWlfCafhiJI^,^l*^nt% Fulton, John Frafcr, I Hugh Dei)'oor;» John Rof8» Md'Robert Pagan, ^qr*. « ' |^«tr^^^.4rJohBSie#ar..Niili. jHubuei. (^eorgc Daiykint, Tliom^a Cvflcr, iSPd |tu>C8 Sievrart; Elqr'* JUVtiC;E$ of ih« l'W»Wfi cbrovfiiottC ihe PROVINCE; Rictardjoh.. UnilcVff; '.'f*'^"- \ UHMiii^iidHtf I k"'i i 1 i- ! (it ii»m ■MaHM«Mi«)»>. ■ «»* l«?v'< J V ■**■■* ngig m^'^fmm^ ;*Tr? ■;j> I Shtrlocit, John GearcpTP/||«. Ifl^hfid ilM(li.^ini^d»^!>e^1^ip Inr, Alexander SathcrUod, W|P. §^tMfl•M//n»«•• C#M|^lfit* Wiilian Jordan. If icHmI ^oi|f«i^ jM»flf,Q»tti|f i> WiUto^^^jicll- 0«viV. Qea. ftfd«to# |. latler BMltr^ Wtti,: IPkOai^on, John PAi|ippe« Piiilip. Vm qMiI|^, JMMiael .Wd|iqe» l«fns» FuUm. ^liaMihM, Jtnies rdiir, f oKb ffii^rnsVClia^e^lKckfo^,; 1mm Tapper, .Robeit- Archiibifd, J^ll .£ ri(ur« ifigli ^cpdllii'. JohB Rof*, Andrew Belf her, ^VfiHien^ Forrytb, Jimei Pacnam. John Solomon. Charles HilU. ht^ttmci HarHkorrfe, Iftiehard iCnillon, Philip Marchintoh, Jooaihaa hn pavrfiin, John WilUam Se hwrt o , James ArHiiiiald, Jiimes SitcMrieod^' Nicholat Pnrdoe- Oldinf , ^ToKirtr.'WnnfntsVorge Debloti, £dw«rd Mortimer end ^lobert -Ccddes, £rqrt.. ■ .-,. ,:.;:;.. F0r tie DJJiria t^CohheJitr^formrh c^d CeitouiJ, iiietuditig Tatm^ JSoucie Sayt'MftJ tht HaHfonranJf^tthmnt'luflkanical^^^^ amften j »ij[9 iht Sttitements of Fiao^ nnd Harbttiir catttd'fiM'Mi^h^^ James Fulton; John Mahain; Jtmtr YuiU,/; ItlrlH^, ft#be>t FkiUl^> fof»^. Charles Duiron* Klhktm Tuppc^ Rpbeit Archibald, jdh^ Praftr/Hvgh Deeobh, iiiif John Rofs, Efqra. ' >'^ ^ Cttmiy 9fJmpMffilik» Pb^eai tovet» Cfbriftopber Prip^e.^S. K^cj^J^ns B. James, Thomas fiarclay, Thomas Miilidge, Din. Itiiac Bra'tivn, liasfc/Sbnnel , ^ifuel Ci) ^fle^ JKHcha^d Ua ij^ .JL«9.R^do|f^ L jV,..§<;^W^f^^ * Cafper Woolen*»tJf*^»f;,<^,^4[«fr,\jL6bn Martin^ |,,P9^.g* ^hf, 'KiK^t CbiuMy, Jbfhn « ^it<^ft4«« tiv^dljr . Chi^miol -joiw > ^hfpQram John Biiftop, junr. Jonai haii' Crave, |o«at)ili|l Jlhea^mah, Ovitil-n DenniIob7Difii^t»g wni, BU' w wd pottt, '- Robert WtHcerj-ioIrr Frafer, Biiiha tWWr, 0enJitial«A B^etcli^, ^"blfii Cktnpki\f,%w. i Campbell, Thomas Rirtchford, and BenJi|ipjly^;^e{»riOi Gray, Joho Moore, and ElcaaerTayior, Kl^tu :, t ;^ 4 '^♦■' 'u »««! * '\ WillUai Pretp«i» <9le9rf« lOskr; fear. Stephea Tattle* flraptli^ Lvibft John %6w|Mtf« and Alpkoai ftift Omniy. Simeon :Baikini,SanaelBiaaiiini, Bilfr. Nkholt, Nathan Topper, '^^^Vi^m9fin,'WxxkiMt^fimvck9. it«i|tli Oftllini, ■-'—*- Tay lor» EfqriJ ^ -^ ;"> - - . . , . , hg»ay».Qoo> I>ifehanipt, Jeremiah Northnp, iafttfll»li^|. BtaifiifaA/Jc.«m4l(J0la«. Q4»ip. Bonjamin DeMml^cHtek »9Kii|4 Coci«i»T9»t'»! Otho Sellifliiirv7|9l|l»<' Snelline,^M9CoUa»':;ilt^ool4iianr» Shobal DimQck^l. Wilkkffr» JohnChamber«,a3id WilliamiMBcb, Erqrfl» ^ awlejr, R[on%m M'Wnnd* i Dnrfee, ^n)ui|'ui;Ol«!iik David TI|ompfpni^Jo(hva Proft»lohn Homer. John GoCiu John Servant, B^nevorril^iihv*; AI^«^XMklt^8^8lM«k»P^^B^amin Barnard, ISid^ioaWhit^^^^^ 8a«iifKCiito|»lMHvX>i^or^pHnfall,IUchard^iBii]baald»Bd«v^ Biiulftj F ^Biuuui D e ntr a m Si df N ai h , Mfk%tM, U m w\ l l arfhdl» and Jamei Kelly, E%rtfl' , - w . . . :L \Counti of Sydkef, Ttm» ij@^l>]!> George DawMni^ h^V^ Marfliaf, Dani^ M*Ne?l. Tho^ ^i||^, Li/ord U&il4ron; Rt;P. 6rpWn. ; f rifc. Tioi. Wn HifrUhy, Qe«rge Vi^lu'tm^g Rathaa Hobbcll, i \ l^^taar^Thoinae CiiUjer, ^ryan lleighfffi« BlUhatf CnnnVig- ' I hiw,„J«met Steiiarv Wau. Arouhftot* 1^^ M'Cona. WUnam ' j Campb^, J9t(9jfiffm»*9!l^ ik^i^^SS?^^' ?^«- i i COMMISSIONERS for taklig' ^^ti lliii in the t^^^ty on Ac- I ttons dejMadihg' in the Sopreme-Court. fmiafaJit': Jof. Winmettfm? tsi^lmrnt'r Wic Martin, Efq» ;^r»«M/il^: >3hnBiirbidge.£rq;i/>/j^4yr Richard HtN. Bfq; %r#«»; Samuel Oenoifon^Brq^ I CuM^rr/affifrGhiBalMfto' EfqJ w«^: Geo. Defchamps, E/qi J CtfA-^z/ftfr .r Jwnei £t(It((>n, Efq; » i . i » ' J > \ JUDGES of the COURT for (hvmQBA'VE.oSmiiJL%, ^c, CKl'^le^ Mbrrir, B(q« I iitngatt Gkntr^l. ' \0^Hmtyvfj^niif»l{in^ WtlHam VJ^iinietr, . *"-—•- ^-^- - Handley Chiaman,. J')i^nr.C«eiigHcon» Edward Baron « J jhn Stuart, Efq ri. J- i^oanry of CumhtrUnd r titfity Oj' h:yi. u U i 1 i 4k:: [.V -if'/ • ' !'»)| j J ill . »- »»»i ' A-t >" ' ^l>^' i f " Xg .W " . ' V ' J ' < '':^J" ^«^ tMm rilHMiMMX 'mttmm *?f.rf< Jdhn Sliyier^ Bfqt I. r ,t'^!'^ ■ C»mftpai*r^ . -a John Ne«vton. Bfqs S»m$f9r tmi ^»mf(3kfC ^ t/. . '•' -Mr. Rowland ii«««ic;'-^<^ . ;G«4tfm;.. : v.-s.o,> \V^M■: Hamaiond Green, iii*niii- ji Wi**> p^ 4! OFFiCBkS far cotleftiiil tN^ .PROVINCIAL DUlilBSw ^■' ,a JoHi Chi |icilry^;KewtOT<,jujirp^irotc r i»*y ^^wrrArr. ''^i" .r ' Cgilidtr of Light Houfi putia. I -i • • ? f : *r * W .Tt' • t, '. » v^ :4■^J'.'? ' -<* *>.•!). J '^l Ml T . - A. vrvTT- Kifch. J. Uniicke/. ,v i,! }oii»(h«a Siertt«t v S • »' I < Jimes Stewart, Sprqo^ei/: . Edwtrd B^ Bf«»(o»^ y- — , - .. — — Pofttt HMcMnfooi \^ > . ^ '{ T, U s • . - i ' > ^ v. * J U t Colin Carophell. Era , ^ . ^nv^J^t^^!'!(J' Nlchoiw Purdue? OidingjErq; Ptilou. PdegWifwtll, Efqt^^^" *-<..; iV' Ankiip§Hfi^'''' * d _ AtHActrAi ^ I I Tucfdajr nl AtWiKDSO AtHOfcTOK Court arWi At A«ri«A»oi Hoitcn. At Am R IKS •n theSprin .^.LL iURVEYOR GENERAL rifWOaDyiW* he Proviner'ofMOVA- » f COrr/f, tflld-iU dther Hi«Mi»|cfly^t Terrlwriei l» NORl H« ,| AMERICA. ,rv- .;,.-•■--« hi ^ ./*v.r..«.';.j v '.'^ ^ . His ExcELtENcv JOHrf^fi^ItJvbRTHr«!q^•f^J ■':;'; At HAfcrrAx and f'eeond 1 At AKVA?Ot At LtrwtNBu Oftoher. AtHoHTow At Livxitro( November. At YAXMom At.A,M8ERsi AtSHtiBiritr Tuefd-iy (,f } CotcHtsT|;i^ DiftriaofpJ ♦'f January, «r AtWtwtfsat AtMAiicRes of'paobcr. At ffoiif"oM : Tuefday of t At Ai*MAi>o'ti At LwktMtui Oftober. At Hoitov At ftVERfcfO Oftohfrr, At Bauki^.^.^ AtYftni^ouT. At Amkf.ust CoLCHiSTtK th« l>)xvnlh.ip TuefJav of fl At SBKLiiTKlk At Wijuttox , AtMANc.HlSt Oftober.^ ■*»n^ • — — . j ^" fk Outiii. .Wi'--' ,c*T./.NWl ^v.OUl Sittings of the Courts an4 Sefllohs in this Prpvince^ SUPRBMS COURt. At HACtv AX ^^The firft Tuefday of April, fecond TuiBft^ay of Julj^, ttcA fe^iid Tutfday of Oaoher. / ' At WtKDSO* :-^^r»fhcihirdThBrfdiirof Mtrand Sftjitember. ' ' ' At Ho&TOK :— iln King's Cdunty nn the Monday dest f ttlowing tfle fihiits df fa*d Coun atWindfor; > At Ann Af 01 IS •— On Mphilajr n»it following tKe fitting of tho bid Coun tt Hoitnn. . , ' l " At AMRiftST :--«OntheTuefday follewihgihe fitting of laid Cgurt at Anhifplii In theSprine! of the Veil". ' '- I . ' - ■ ' ^ ■ \~.i I • ' .-iM V ,1 iiVi.-'i': -i '%',\-' -1 x-'rVy .. IMFEKIOR COURT oi COMMON PLEAS. •\ . At HAtiTAX •—On the fecond Tuefdiy of Ma^ch,fecowiTUerf^)Aober.' At, Km BEAST :— On th«^ chird Tuefday of Mklreb a()d left Toffday pf Ofiober. , At Shilbitii KK :— On the firft Tueiday of March^ firft Tuefday of July, and firft Tuefdny of N(»vemher. ... CotCHtsT^R !— At On/Ii\r, onthe.firft Tuefday '^ I "^t» •* Walmfley in the' Diflria of Pidlou, "on the third Tuefday of July, at On^pw, oiv^^e fti;ft' Tuefday «»f January, and at Walmfley aforefaid on the third Tuefday of January. At WtNtiSAi ti^n the firft Tuefday oFApril, indtbe left Tuefday of Oiftoher. At MANcACSTBfti'^Onthefccon^Tuefdaycf M#y^ t.6r. At r.fVER*ref4id, on the firJl Tuefday of ()fliibr. At SBELBiTKIitil i^-^tt the Uft Tuefddy of Match, and the faft 'tuefday of Ottcher. - , ...... At Wi NftsoTl :~0n the firft Tuefilay of Apiil, and the laft Tuefday of Ot'^obef. At MANCHtsTta :rT-The foeondTuefday of May^and the fucwn'd Tuefday oi Oftobcr^ * i&b ! ^1 ■wn ^ III > » i n > Yc»r*8 Day i8th ditto.— Qjeen Chatlo;ic*> Birch Diy. I7ih Marfch— St. Patrick Z^i Apj-il— St. George 4Pb Jane-^ICing'a Birth Day., I2'h Aogu ft. —Prince. of Wales Birth Day. > V, ; ;-,, r it i Sw'p\-*iiJearpe III jctawppd. ij.h Ga.ber.— Gco#gn. .3othJ^jVv:tnb«i— -5t. An3>?w., HOLlDAY^iobfervcd at :h;, SBCRETARY's OPPrpE*. Nev* Yeat'j Day. iCing Charles Mai tyr ot. Patnck Lady D*y . St. George Refla ration CKa. 2d King's Binb D*y St. Jjho Pr. of Wj'cs b, J Gorona(ior) ^Mickaelma& D^y IAcfttiion PovvderPiot I $!. Andrew' I Chriilm.s D^y ttmHtm ■UuMMki ■MM* »* liii 3!6th 7 Chriilmaa. Z7 h > 2.> 3 Ho iU*w *. ,GoQiF<:id»y- > Earter Mindly lL*ll«r TuefUay ' Wh-tfuo MbutUy' Whjifuo Tucfdisy .1 '■^ V ?' J 1 ' # -/r'^ ■-•i, ^ '■■ i i *i '■^' • A- ax. •••I) ^i m> bebfl * .to ) «' . 't I JO, ! * - , _ '■'1 J tj [Ac TKEin^f |Tiy iKel^m^iy ^ ^ t ^ii ^T NC£. 1 Conntjr of Halifax. Poller Hai^binfon, junr. Coant)r of ANNAfOLit. WillUm Winnietf, Efqj County of Cumberland. Henry Purdy, Efqi County of LUNBNBVRG. Benjamin Kniut, Efqi Kimq's Covmty* John Tho. Mili, Efqj QUBEN*« COUMTT* Elkanah Freeipan.E'rqi County of Ha NT'* Benjamin De«vo1f,' Efq; Councv; of Shslbh.i^hb. Ebenczer Parker,, , ,^ CoiUa^yof Sydnjy. W. B. (iulme, Efq)/ \ The GOVERNOR% Hit Excellency the Governor, The Hon. Richard Bulkeley, " Henry Newton, Vice. ' Alexander Brymef, ■' I Thomas Cochran, ' Charles Morrif, ■ I !■ ■ John Haliburton, « S S. Blowers Gregory Townfeod, Efquire. ' Mr. James Kavanagh, Edward Brenron, Efq; James Stewart, E(q; Charles Npva^Scnti a, George Smith, B^q; FlKECOMP.ANY.,,;,,i,o^,.,^ John Soloroan, Efqalfe: George Debiot;, Efq; ' I. M^ Freke Bulkeley, Bfqi, Pr. CUike, ti^t^Jnh.] >Joh« Newton, Efq; ' ^^ *'i John Slayier, Efquirt; ^ ''« Judge Brenton, ;'^ v James Gamier and' Chttk, Reirertfn^ Mr. Jones, Alexander Bry mer," The Chief juliice. , Reverend Mr. Stan/er. George Brioley, Efquire. Reverend Dr. Brown. FIRE ENGINE COMPANY for the Benj. Bridge, Copt. Wtiiiam Milward BphraimWhiftonjuB. Mark Mullen Samuel. King Daniel Weir John Head Nicholas Smith Stephen Dupee Edw. G. Wifdom Francis Scevepa John Irvin TOWN of HALIFAX. Philip Fofs Edmund Pbdoa Thomas Adama Michael Perkins William Hogg John Stewart. For tlie information of Travellers between WINDSOR and PARRSBORbUGH. THE Parrfbcrough Packet , Saili regularly between Windforand Partlboroggh twice in ercry Week, and occafionalljr three tiires) but is alwayaat Wiod- for evetr'^uefday in the Summer Seafon( Wind and Weather permitting) fo as to Sail. from tl>ence fur Parrihnrougb, the firft High Water that happens at, or after, Twelve o'clock on that Day. — The pallage Money for each Ferfon is fivie Shillings : And th& Freight for Hnrfes or Neat Cattle, is Seven Shillings and Six pence per "Heid— The veffel ii Pony two Tons Burthen, and hath good icj^mmodaiion for Paflengers : — Andiikewife for taking over Horfes, Neat Cattle and Sheep, &:p. r, tj i-T if " ) V" *¥ ^mm OFFICERS of Hit M^TuyVNAVAL-YAkD. Hoo. Henry Dttican^ Bf(j; Cfmmiffitmr, Ticu» LiVr«,^fq) BlUi Marfhtl, W(^i Thomii R«4(f , ^rG£MiaAL J^is ^oye,\ Htghnefs PrincQ EDWARi^. i Major ^^i^ig^d^t John YefeXi Fort Mojor, George Smith, CommanetittgRo/alEngineer ,fL\i\Xl. W. B-rfet, Commiffan ^ Stoukje'^r General, G.'drioley. Efq; JJ/iftantCommiffary General, Pro* *vifion Branch, Geegor/ Town- fend, Efq^ ^Jfijldnt Cotn.GeMeraJfFuiJiBrancb, R. JohriftfA. Eiq; CotamiJJary of Mufters,, William ' Pji'ic'r* Eiq; Deputy BarrMfA Mafter General, J4mes Pu^n^nij, Efq; Ord. Storekeeper, QUmi^at Hqri(VlA Elq; BarrmkUafttrt S. H. Binney.Efq; Qk, of the Che^e, Jamea Spry Heaioo,Erq; Deputy Pajmafter to jhe Forces, Hon. Alex. Brymer. Comptroller ofArmyAccountt, James M. F. BuUeley, Elq; Surgeon to tbeGarrifon, U.MYiND>0?., Affiftant Commiffary of Proviftone,^ b, Uammili. Afftftunt Sutgeon, John Boyd. ♦ ^ . ! ijif;il;)4 <^ & ■ ■ : ( Bi Spry Ftrcest V James Intirc;. irtiUtry, ♦ ^ eat. )y6. IWM> OFFICERS of Che REOIMfiNTStMdar MAjo&.GaKSKAL Uif Royal Ht^bBeft prince euWARD. Majtr. Thomai Defbrifaf ROYAL ARTILLERY. tC»ptai» LipittmM, Henry Rogers. .1 . firfi UtHumfH, I John Nuttini;. SEVENTH REGIM^NT^(or ROYAL FUSILIERS.) Cehntl. HURoyalHighneft. Prince £d w A a » .— M Mj .Gen. Lfnr Ct/«wA John Defpirrf. Ma/gr. Anthony Lewit Layar4. Captain$. Jame* Burrowes.»-B. M. Wm.O. Hughes.— >B.M. Walter Cliffe.— L'. Ma). Thomas L'Eftrange. Tho. Sawmarez.— >3.Ma. Henry James Rcyoeit. Jamea Shutilcworch. Captain Lieuunakt* Robert Walker. LimrMxff. Auguftus Prevoft^. Fredefiek Hardyman. , Charles Demville. "fidmune ]. Byng. lobfrt 9^»' . KTUliaoi Seymuur. ohii Birmingham. anii^a Macdoncll. ao^is Pea«hey. ' ■■ BurrowM. Thomas Ogle. Robert Naflau Suttaiu Thonuf Deani Chapiain, Jno. WetherdU. A4juMtt. Frederick Haidiman. Sfuarter Ala/ltr, Roben Walker. Surgeon. George H^zeltoo. Mate. George Heokell. ROYAL NOVA SCOTIA REGIMENT. CakneU John Wentwoith Lieutenant Colontlt» Francis Kearney Samuel.V. Bayard Major. George H. Monk Captaint, Jamep Moody iohi) SoliimoB ones Fawfbn leilor Maclean AlexaAder Houre Cbriftopher Aldridge tiiuttnantt Thomas Fiufimona John M'Colia Alexander SutherJand Donald QaipipbeU Philip Van Cunland Anthony Geo. Kyih jchn Hieriihy Job BeoQct Clarke lohn Weeks Winekworth Tonge Charles Thomas I'homas Morris Delancy Barclay Brenton Haliliurton William Bayard Michael T. Scott William CoK Jolhua W. Weeks • Etffint. Benjamin Janaea Eric S uiherlafid John Fitxfimona John G. Grebcn Philip Kearney George H. Monk CkaplUm^ Robert Sunfer Adjutant, Winckwonh Tonge jitter Mifitr, John Allen Surgetn, John Fralet Matt. Jonathan W. Clarke TABLE, Of the Rates of Pqstacb, as cftablifhcd by A£l of Parliament. RATES of PuAage of 6nt;leLeiMts in ENGLAND. J_ Biritift Pence. jn^ROM any ptd-Qffice in England, to any Place not exceeding one ftage, J7 from, fiich office, — - ' ^ » , To any pl^ea above one, and not eacaediiig two ftages (rom.iucb office, and not paffing chrq* Londen. 3. To any plic«: iSove tvyaT ft'agei, not iarceeding 80 mWki, and not pafling^lhro' .- . . ♦• —^ — ' ' I I I y^Mi'"** 7 r^ J '•» (.»*. •< < A^t-^Ja 5* 4. 5. To tnr place ab^v« to, tad not cntediflf (50 milu, aad opt piun«s iHca* London. . *..... * ; ){ To any place abova 1 50 mtlai, and not ptflin^ thrs' London; \ > scoriuANOi. Between London and Bdinburgli, Dumfricflf or Cockburnrpeth. Prom 'injr p^y place in the fame Kingdon.abar&sajuulne exceeding 80 miles, and not paffingthro'Edindvrgb. , , f» . . To«ny plase in the fameKfaigdoaifV ^f^Pi\^ *i^ '^*^'^h I, and not piffling through Edinburgh. r. .....y, iToany pli|C4f above 1 jo miles, xnd itpt paffingtbrnugh Edinburgh. • , 'Betureen Port Patrick in Sbtland and Doma^hadee in Ireland^ byj^arlief Bnais, ovf rand above all (|thcr Rates. '- ,^ 2, Letcersto and from any p«rr of England and atijfpart of Scotlan^^ >?°' 1 pi fli nf tbroufih London. Edinburgh Dumfrietj or Co|il^urnfpeth,«e not i 7. chargeable, it fingle higher (hsn ~ ; ' Letter* to and from Gl«rg')ur, or th^interrne^i.ue places., by CarliAey arn not to pay anr higher rate of pottage than if Tent through Edinbut gh. IRELAN0.,, • Retrveen Londin and Dublin, 1>yw4y of Holy Bf §4. , , - Between Londjn aaJ Dublin, by wsy pfCarlifle and.l'ort Pit:| I toanypthet port within the fame pominioni. For the Inl^ftd convay^nce of Leiterf ,. in the iaidRominions,from any poft- » office fy any pUce not exceeding 6o Englilh milet, andinot palling tiirough L <# 6. 12. 12. I. 10. a ehiefoflice, - .. - For any diltance above $0, and not eotceeding too Englifli miles 4o4 not pafj^ngthroMgh axhicf o^ce. - '^ v , For any'diitance above too, and not excMdiffS too Englifli miles, iiqdnoe . pairing thrpogha chief office. - - For any diffance .ah?>ve zoo, and not exceeding 300 Englifli miles and nptpaf- fing through a chief oftiee. .- - For any diftance above. 300, and not exceeding 400 English miles and not paf- . fiflg-throughacbicfaVfiice.. , .-.,..- ,' ..^ "• '*• And f I in jiropoition, t^e poftage iticreafing Two-pence^ on every fingle let- ter for every lOu miles. SHIP LETTERS. - For the port of every letter or picket of letters, in any parCrtf' hisMajef- ty's dominions , diredted to or coming from, oahoa'd of any (hip, over and above the rntAsbt'fore-mention&d^ ' - - • F'lr every letter or packet cominp from on fliip-bosrd, for the Town where landed, or the delivery thereof, one penny, wiih the peony paid to the mafter, mariner, or pafTenger, bringing the fame ; being for eveqr fuch letter or packet. ' - i r. ^ •*1fWi^W\"*B ». •. 5. 4. 7. n 2. $0 3> \i 4> «» 5. : b. ef >• ! } 7. 1 tft not to ■-■ 6. 12. - >VC 2. ? ids ., L^« 12. on* qni. 4' ft-1 no* ■6, , 09« ' k ^ -■ ( ■ 1. *f- lo. if- _ ^ ,1 12. et- 3j^^ . ■ ■1 f. ^") !} 2. J c# X' -r I" tL J 1^ FOREIGN LETTERS. TImm muft be palii at Halifax, wich all i«ti»re for anf «f the f>liowla({ placet, tb« diflcr«at.Rate* jfpoftag^ at under m'eiicioittd lS« fiiigle'letteia and fj in priporibn, \iitltH ^'itt in ur anjr poti oflice in tW Coumrjr. iMre inuit be added the pnllaKe between char nflice and HtliUx , without which ther cannot be forwardk^i. There iuie all perfoni ire to take particular ntttlce thereof, 19 prevent th« nrCeBiyuf ' (heir lecteri being opened and returned for the (wiAage. Toanjrpart of Holhnd, France or Flaodera (or,to the Town nf Genevain Swiiterlaad through France.) - • £0 1 o o a o a 3 o^a. o"*a 0*2 o o O I To an/ put oC Spain or Portu;:al, throiigh Franee,o^ by Lifbnn. Toanjrpirt of Italy, Sicily, Turkejr, Switzerland, Alf, Rtf«a Md lUjsni iCri!%iH.«frt»a $fe?P.»ite.>loy*n<* •«>«» Flindera, ToGibmlur w ■< / f , . ii -. . To'aiiy part of thi^ Unttlrd Stetea of Ataertct, pidiet p6iage to New-Ywrk. To thtf Bxftiliitfiei. . Note. AUi doiibler (rleble end other lencrs «nd pacqueti whttA* er • (except by the pfnny poft) pay in proportioir to the refpeAive ratea of fingle leiteri before i'peei- , i-Scot!a, New-Biunfwick, and Canada, with the' Kates of PoAage or a- fingle Letter to, or from HAiifax, in Sterling Money, I. a. d. 1, *. Witidfor, Hurton, or Parrfborouph, Annapolis, CumLeiliitd,Digby or St. John, Frederiflion, Quebec, Thite Rivers or Eerthier, o o 1 i 4 6 R lo 6 Montreal, Ceteau du Lac or Cornwall,.. MatildAor AuguAa, Kint;llun^- N■' u i> u o 10 o 2 4 i 4 NO rE.~^TIte foiegoing Rates bciitp; fora ftagle Letter, it it ta be obfeived that a d )uble letter tnuft pay double rhti Sum mentioned iu this TaliU } atrultle Letter, tiiiee (imes the fjm, and nn ounce weight fjut tiAes the fiini, and fo iu propor- tiait. accountins; every ounce weigtit equal to four fin|;le Letters - *\»* The ntaili f.>r the iforeifttiuioned Places, ar« clefed it the Poft-OtBcfeat Ha- 1 Cix, eik ovety Monday at eight o'clock in the ieveoin{r«— Letters that ate tuteuded . for th ife Mailt mutt' be pHt into-ih<: Otiioe by feven o'clock^ •> ■■' ■' >!■ ' 11 II I I ■ ,1 ■—— ^»— — I . V v '/ .^ M AN ACCOUNT OP BUOYS. Ltid down for the bcitisr Ouidince of Shlpi, Uilini in ind oa»>of HALIFAX HARBOUR. WhirtflmciJ, LittfbAeld Rock .■i ; Tirn>v M«rt Rock, bcttrecn Ckc- dtboClo aod the Litch- . .field Rock. ^ Point Pleafant Shoal, the Saoth Baft part. Shoal between CornwalHa and" George's Ifland, . 15 Feet. Ca/avf •ftht Bittjt. Wh } 21 — ss — JO — bite. Ditto: Dkto. •^ .!*!.' Red. 1 DISTANCB between HALIFAX and ANN APOMi- ROYAL, with the Hottfea of .Bntertainmcn ton the Road. lifM<*> Milei. To Fort Sackvtile, 10 To Wenrnin Farm, Weft, 5 T iBgHnton Farni,M*Lenn8h, 6 ToObrien'a, . 2$ To Pence** Farm, 3 To Rudolph's Wood worth, 5 Ti Mnntxgue Houfe;Scot, 6 To Windfor, Hall and Rofs, 8} 45 From Windfor, to ibe Ferry ' Hottfe, Filfflooth, To Fowter'i, Horton, To Peck'r, dd. To Willoogby's, Farm. To Stedmnn'f, ToBufkirk'aAyletford, To Dodges in Wilmot, ' To Leonard's In do. . To Hick's Ferry, To AanafiQlis Ferry. r ■ a % 4i 5 12 8i >»l Si 'S »5i DISTANCE from HALIFAX to PICTOU. on the New Road via MILES. MUdQUADOBOlT, viz. From Halifax, aCroTs cbe Ferry to Dartmouth To Prefton, Bradley's, To Mr. Pntman't Farm, To Mr. Porter's, do. - To Mr. Vt^m. M»Kecn*«, • To Mr. ieckie'a, - To Mr. Robert Archibald'?, Efq* To Mr. Robert G?ddes'p,|- To Mr. Alexander Henry's, To Mr. Robert Dunbar's (firll Scttleipeni) on the Weft Branch ol tiheEalL River of Pia^u. 26^ To Mr. William M'KayS. 8 To John Frafcr, Efq^ 7 A ciOfs the Haibour to Wamfley Conri-lIouO?. t . * Crofs Road from Archibald's to Scott at Truro 20 miles, f From Geddes'i, to Sheet Harbour Mill, about 23 miles. ■s It »3 4 4 ^*1 ir 93* «5J:K-' '^f ii ,.•^1 Ml »i»k