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Un des symboles suivants apparattra sur la dernlAre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole — ► signifle "A SUIVRE", le symbole ▼ signifle "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure aro filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. pouvont Atre filmAs A des taux de rAduction diff Arents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre roproduit en un soul clichA, 11 est filmA A partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche A drolte. et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants iliustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 S 6 THE FIRST ANNUAL REPORT OF THK INCORPORATED CHURCH SOCIETY or THE Moctst of ^nron. FOR THE YEAR ENDING MAY 31st, 1859. TORONTO: PRINTED BY ROWSELL & ELLIS. 1869. OFFICERS or THE (lll)urcl) 0ocietL) of tl)e JDioceee of ^urou. Prcsitidtt: THE RIGHT HKVEREND THE LORD BI8H01' OF TUB DIOCESE. REV. C. 0. DROUQH, A.M. REV. R. VLOOD, A.M. THK HON. O. J. GOODHUE. L. LAWRASON, ESQ. A. SHADE, ESQ. ADMIRAL VIDAL. Atanbtno Committre: REV. ST. Q. CAULFIELD, A.B. «« J. SMYTH. « A. TOWNLEY, D.D. « E. PATTERSON. " E. L. ELWOOD, H.A. " J.O.R. SALTER, M.A. « F. W. SANDYS. " A. NELLBS. « J. PADFIELD. •< J. MoLEAN, M.A. C. M0N3ARRAT, ESQ. J.HAMILTON, ESQ. DR. PHILIPS. DR H. GOING. B. BAYLEY, ESQ. G. RYLAND, ESQ. P. ROE, ESQ. R. JELL, ESQ. T. HOWARD, ESQ. H. OROTLBY, ESQ. J'mantt C0mmUte(: JAMES HAMILTON, ESQ. I C. MONSARRAT, ESQ. JAMES HAMibiVW, "a'^.^jjjj ^^^ SECRETARY. ttrta* urtr : 0. MONSARRAT, ESQ. T. H. BtrCKLEY, ESQ. I A. O. SMITH, ESQ. REV. J. WALKER MARSH, M.A. PASTORAL TO THE CLERGY AND LAITY OF THE DIOCESE OF HURON. My Dear Brethren, — At the request of the Church Society of the Diocese, I address you upon the claims which that Society has upon all the members of the Church for increased exertions in its behalf, and for liberal support, to enable it efficiently to discharge the duty for which it was at first organized. Circumstanced as the Church now is, almost entirely dependent upon the voluntary contributions of its members for the extension of its ministrations in many remote and heretofore neglected townships, it becomes the imperative duty of its members to do what in them lies to provide means whereby the Society may be enabled to support the Ministers of Christ while they labour to propagate the Gospel in every part of the country with which we are more immediately connected. The duty of man to devote a portion of that substance which God has so liberally bestowed upon him to be used immediately in His service, has been recognised in all nations, even in countries where men have not enjoyed the blessings of revelation ; but in God's holy word this duty is pointedly presented to us, and strongly enforced by the highest motives. Under the law the Israelites were commanded to devote at least one-fifth of all that the Lord had given them to religious and charitable uses ; and the frequent reference which we find in the New Tes- tament to this provision of the law, proves most conclu- sively that the duty remains the same, although it is not now enforced in the same way in which it was under the law. At the present time, when by the good hand of our God upon us, our fields teem with plenty, and those fears which so recently cast a gloom over all ranks in the community, have been dissipated by the promise of a most abundant harvest, it surely becomes us to mark our gratitude and thankfulness to Him, who has not punished us as we have deserved, but has in answer to our prayers *' given and preserved to our use the kindly fruits of the earth, so that in due time we may enjoy them.'' We hope and 6 PASTORAL. trust that the Missionary Fund of the Church Society will prove, this year, that the members of our communion re- cognise Ihe gracious hand of our God in this merciful interposition in their behalf, and that they will evince their gratitude and thankfulness by liberal gifts of the first fruits of all which the Lord their God has bestowed upon them. I will sum up in a few words the spiritual wants of the Diocese : this will furnish the most cogent argument in behalf of the Church Society. There are in the Diocese 137 townships, all more or less settled. In each of these there should be, at least, one Clergyman ; but at present there are but fifty-nine Clergymen to perform all the duties of the Diocese. Several of these are exclusively engaged in towns, and cannot extend their labours beyond them. There are five missions to the Indians, three of which will be entirely dependent upon us, as the government has withdrawn all assistance from them ; and, unless the Church Society is enabled to support the Missionaries which labour amongst this people, these missions must be entirely fpyen up. The Missionary object is that which our Church Society from the beginning has always kept in view ; but there are other objects which call loudly for our attention, and which we are most desirous to take in hand, so soon as the funds of the Church Society enable us to do so. Amongst these is the establishment of a Depository for the sale of Bibles, Prayer-books, and religious publica- tions. The want of this has been greatly felt in the Diocese, and we hope ere long to be able to provide such a Depo- sitory in the city of London. The Church Society appeals to you, my brethren of the clergy and laity, to aid it in the performance of these works, which have for their object the propagation of that blessed Gospel whereby alone God can be glorified in the salvation of immortal souls. I would, with all earnest- ness, press this appeal upon you ; and may He who has the hearts of all men in His hand, incline you to do that which may redound to His glory and to the good of His Church, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Believe me, My dear Brethren, Your faithfiil servant for Christ's sake, BfcNJAMIN HURON. Augwt Bthf 1859. CONSTITUTION OF TUB tfgnrt^ Simi^ of i\t ^mm of Pnron. koorrwD BT nil booiitt and oomfirmid by tub bishop, siptbnbir 22i(D, 1868. INCORPORATED FOR PROMOTING THE FOLLOWING OBJECTS: FiBBT — For the enoooragement and support of Missionaries and Glorgymen of the United Churoli of England and Ireland within the Dioocae of Huron, and for creating a fund towards the augmentation of the stipeuds of poor Clergymen, and towards making provision for those who may be ine^acitated by age or infirmity, and for tho Widows and Orphans of the Clergy of the said Church in the said Diocese, SiooNDLT — For tho encouragement of Education, and for the support of Day Schools and Sunday Schools in the said Diocese, in conformity with the principles of the said Church. Thibdlt — For granting assistance, whore it may bo necessary, to those who may be preparing for the Ministry of the Gospel in the said Church, within the said Diocese. FovBTHLT — For circulating in the said Dioooao the Holy Scriptures, the Book of Common Prayer of the said Church, and such other Books and Tracts as shall be approved by the Central Board or Managing Committee of the sud Association. FirrHLT — For obtaining and granting aid towards the erection, endowment, and maintenance of Churches, according to the establishment of the said Church, in the said Diocese ; the erection and maintenance of Parson- age-houses ; the setting apart of Burial-grounds, and Church-yards ; the endowment and support of Parsonages and Rectories, according to the same establishment, and the management of all matters relating to such endowment. I. That before the Society shall enter npon any business at any of its meet- ings, the following Prayers shall be sud : — 8 CONSTITUTION. Prevent us, O Lord, in all our doings, with TInr most gracious favour, and further us with Thy continual help ; that in all our works, begun, con- tinued, and ended in Thee, we may glorify Thy Holy Name, and finally by Thy mercy obtain everlasting life, tlwough Jesus Gluist our Lord. Amen. OoD, from whom all holy desires, all good counsels, and all works of piety and charity do proceed, we beseech Thee to visit with Thy favour our Sovereign Queen Viotobia, and so rule her heart, that she may in all things seek Thy honour and glory. Prosper with thy blessing the designs of this Society. Comfort with Thy grace those benefactors who contribute to its Hupport. Bless the ministry of Thy servants, the Clergy ; the endeavours of all who are engaged in spreading the knowledge of true religion in this Province, and the labours of those Missionaries who are promoting the same in foreign parts. And may Thy Holy Spirit direct all our consultations to the advancement of Thy glory, and the good of Thy Church, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. " Meboifvl God, who hast made all men, and hatest nothing that Thou hast made, nor wouldest the death of a sinner, but rather that he should be converted and live: have mercy upon all Jews, Turks, Infidels and Heretics, and also upon all those heathen nations upon which the light of Thy glorious Oospel hath not yet shone ; especially the Indians of this con- tinent. Bless the means used for their civilization and conversion, and take from them all iguorauce, hardness of heart, and contempt of Thy Word : and so fetch them home, blessed Lord, to thy flock, that they may be saved among the remnant of the true Israelites, and be made one fold under one Shepherd, Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen. " OuB Fatheb, which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy king- dom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil ; for Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen." AND WHEN BUSINESS IS ENDED. " Almighty God, Father of all mercies, we Thine unworthy servants do give Theo most humble and hearty thanks for all Thy goodness and loving- kindness, to us and to all men : more particularly for the providential support by which this Society hath been enabled to spread abroad the knowledge of Thy sacred truth. But above all, for thy inestimable* love in the re- demption of the world by Thy blessed Son ; for the means of grace and for the hope of glory, which Thou hast given us, in the same our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ : to whom with Thee and the Holy Ghost be all honour and glory, world without end. Amen. " The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellow- ship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore. Amen." I!. That the Society shall consist of the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, and of all Clergymen and Laymen who shall contribute to its funds. ra. That the Lord Bishop of the Diocese be President, and the Dignitaries within the Diocese be Vice-Presidents of the Society. IV. That the Corporation shall consist of the Bishop of the Diocese, of the members appointed by the charter, and of so maoy of the other members CONSTWCTlON. 9 ' M shall be elected members of the Corporation at the meetings to be from time to time holden, on the days and at the place appointed by the by-laws of the Corporation for its stated meetings. V. That every incorporated member of the Society shall subscribe not less than five dollars annually, to the funds of the Society, or contribute not less than fifty dollars in one sum, or land to the value of one hundred dollars ; and it shall be the duty of the Secretary, at the meeting in the month of June in each and every year, to make a return of those who have not paid up the five dollars for the year ending the 81 st day of May previous, and if not paid within the ensuing three months such defaulters shall cease to be incorporated members of the said Society. VI. That there shall be a Standing Committee (three of whom shall be a quorum) to prepare the business for the meetings of the Society. That the President, Vice-Presidents, and Secretary be ex-offieio members of the Standing Committee. That the other members of the Standing Committee, not exceeding twenty in number, being ten Clergymen, and ten Laymen, shall be elected by the Society, out of its incorporated members, at the Annual Meeting in June. VII. That the Society shall at their annual meeting in each year, choose one or more Vice-Presidents, in addition to the Dignataries; one or more Treasurers ; two or more Auditors ; one Secretary : and such other officers as shall be thought necessary, provided that none but members of the Society be eligible to any office. VIII. That the paid officers of thp Society shall be the Secretary, and an As- sistant if required, and that the former shall furnish security to the satisfaction of the President and Standing Committee. IX. That if any vacancy occur by the death, removal, or resignation of any officer, the President shall appoint a successor until the next meeting of the Society. X. That the Society shall meet in London, on the second Thursday in the months of March, June, September and December, and the Annual Meeting shall be held during the week in which the Synod meets ; and that the President or Standing Committee have power to call a special meeting of the Society at any time. XI. That no act done in any meeting of the Society shall be valid and eflfectual, unless the President or some one of the Vice-Presidents shall be present at such meeting. XII. That with regard to all meetings of the Society, and to the making, altering, or repealing any by-laws, rules or regulations, it is to be specially noticed that by tiie act of the Legislature, 7 Vic, oh. 68, it is enacted that no act of the Society, or meeting of the Corporation, shall be valid unless six persons of the Corporation, at the least, shall be present, and the major B 10 CONSTITUTION. part of them oonsenting thereto. And, further, that no oonstitution, b;-lav, rule, or regalation of the Society ; nor any abrogation, repeal, change, or alteration of the same, shall be of any force or effect until it shall have been confirmed by the Bishop in writing, under his hand. XIII. That minutes of all the proceedings of the Society be taken, and that at each meeting of the Society the minutes of the preceding meeting be read by the Secretary, and signed by the Chairman. XIV. That the accounts of the Society be dosed on the Slst day of May, in each year, and that tlie same be audited within one month from that date. XV. That the Secretary conduct the correspondence of the Society, take minutes of the proceedings of the general meetings and committees, prepare the annual report of the Society, attend meetings of the branches through- out the Diocese under the direction of the President, and take the super- intendence of the affairs and the accounts of the Society in all its depart- ments. XVI. That in order moi*e fully to promote the objects of the Society, each congregation, in the person of its clergyman and churchwardens, shall be a sub-association in correspondence, through its chairman, the clergyman, with the Parent Society, )<.nd may be denominated " Tht Parochial Atao- ciation of ike Church Society." The Committee, which shall consist of the above named, with power to add to their number, shall meet so often and at such periods as they themselves decide to be most convenient, inviting the co-operation of all the parishioners in their deliberations and designs. They shall collect subscriptions and donations from the members of the Church, in such manner as they shall deem most effective, and endeavour, by every means in their power, to augment the resources of the Society. All moneys raised to be transmitted to the Secretary of the Parent Society. XVII. That four collections be made annually, the proceeds of one of which shall be devoted to the Widow and Orphans' Fund, and that of the other three to Missionary purposes ; and at such other times and for such purposes as the Bisho]) may direct. The collections to be forwarded to the Secretary of the Society. It shall be the duty of every clergyman to give notice of these collections, and to call the attention of their congregations to the importance of the objects, and their claims for liberal support. (I \ pr e It d RESOLUTIONS PASSED AT THE FIRST GENERAL MEETING, HELD ON THE 22nd JUNE, 1859. \ ♦ The Annual Meeting of the Church Society was held in the City Hall, London, on Wednesday evening, June 22nd, 1859. The chair was taken by the President, the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, at 7 o'clock, p.m. The Bishop read the appointed prayers. The Secretary read the report. It was moved by the Hon. G. J. Goodhue, seconded by the Rev. E. L. Elwood, A.M., — 1. That the Report now read be adopted, and that it be placed in the hands of a Committee, to be appofaited by the Bishop, for the purpose of having it printed. — Carried unanimoutlt/. Moved by L. Lawrasoic, Esq., seconded by the Rev. F. W. Sandys,— 2. That this Meeting, while acknowledging the expediency and necessity for the establishment of a Church Society for the Diocese of Huron, rejoices in the continued prosperity of the Church Society of Toionto, and desires, at this the first annual meeting of the Huron Society, to record its heartfelt prayer that the blessing of God may be vouchsafed to both Societies in the furtherance of those holy objects for which both were established. — Carried wianimouily. Moved by Rev. St. George Caulfield, A.B., seconded by Rev. J. McLean, M.A., and supported by Rev. Dr. Helmuth, — 8. That this Meeting rejoices in the continued prosperity of the great Church Societies of the United Church of England and Ireland, through whose means the Church is enabled to send out Bishops and Missionaries to preach " the glad tidings of salvation" to the utmost bounds of the known world. — Carried unanimoutli/. Moved by the Rev. J. Smtth, seconded by the Rev. Dr. Shortt, supported by the Rev. C. C. Brough, A.M., — 4. That this Meeting, deeply impressed with the spiritual destitution pre- vailing throughout many parts of this Diocese, which in great measure de- pends for supply upon the voluntary contributions of Churchmen within the same, acknowledges the duty of all to contribute according to their means, to enable the Bishop and Society to fill up the vacant parishes, and to extend the ministrations of the Church in the destitute parts of this new Dioceec. — Carried unanimoutlt/. FIRST ANNUAL REPORT PI 9l)c hnoxpoxatti <ill)urct) Societg OF THl DIOCESE OF HURON, PRESENTED AT THE ANNUAL MEETING AT LONDON, HELD ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22iid, 1859. In presenting their First Annual Report the Standing Committee would commence by taking a brief retrospec- tive view of the circumstances which led to the forimation of this Society. It is well known that the subject of the division of the. late Diocese of Toronto had been long anticipated ; and to bring about this object steps were taken from time to time at the suggestion and with the approval of the Bishop of the Diocese. Many difficulties were encountered, but by the zeal and energy of the persons actively engaged in the iwork, and by the liberality of Churchmen generally throughout the Western Division of the Diocese, these difficulties were surmounted, and the endowment for the new See so farxiompleted during the spring of 1857 as to meet with the G^yernor-GeniBraPs approval and permissioa. to proceed to the election ofa Bishop for'tlie Western part of the Diocese of Toronto, now the Diocese of Huron. This Diocese, then, having been fully organized, by the election of its Bishop in July, and his consecration by the Archbishop of Canterbury on the 28th day of October, 1867, it was felt by Churchmen within the Diocese that a separate diocesan organization was both expedient and necessary for the efficient working of the Church, and for interesting the people generally to contribute more liberally to the support and extension of the ministrations of religion in their particular Diocese. REPORT. u Soon after his return to his Diocese the Lord Bishop summoned a meeting of the Clergy and Laity to meet in London, to form a Church Society. In obedience to the summons a meeting was held in St. Paul's School House, on the 27th day of January, 1858, 1 and the Church Society of the Diocese of Huron was then \ formed, and the Bishop was empowered to apply to the Provincial Parliament for an Act of Incorporation. The Hon. M. Foley, M.P., was entrusted by the Bishop to introduce " the bill'' into the House of Assembly, and the Hon. 6. J. Goodhue took charge of it in the Legislative Council ; and to the exertions of these gentlemen the Church Society is in great measure indebted for the " Act Incorporating" this Society, which received Her Majesty's assent on the 24th day of July, 1858. The Society met again in September, the 21st and 22nd, and after careful deliberation adopted the Constitution, which was sanc- tioned and confirmed by the Bishop on the 22nd of Sep- tember, 1858. Thus, then, the Society has been in opera- tion only eight mor ths when your Committee is called upon to make their first Annual Report, and though they cannot yet look back upon much work as done by this Society, they can confidently look forward, in dependence on God's blessing, to the great results which they firmly believe will follow when Churchmen generally are fully awakened to the spiritual destitution prevailing in many parts of this Diocese, and when, through this Society, their combined efibrts are systematically employed for the alleviation of the same. Still, the past has not been without some fruit, and short as has been the period since the Society has been fully organized, its income has reached the creditable sum of $3,540.88, and this sum would have been largely increased had all the Parochial Associations made collections ; but owing to the end of the financial year being changed at the March meeting from December 31st to May Slst, few of the Parochial Associations have made any return, most of them havipg previously arranged to make their collec- tions during the coming autumn ; your Committee, there- fore, confidently anticipate a large increase from this source during the ensuing year. During the months of January, February, and March, deputations appointed by the Bishop attended meetings for the Church Society in almost every congregation of the Dlpcese, when Parochial Associations were formisd, and although, owing to the change in the financial year 14 REPORT. already stated, few have sent in subscriptions this year, still your Committee believe that these meetings have been attended with beneficial results, and therefore they would recommend that the same system be pursued in future years. Three collections have been made for the Church Society during the past year, viz., two for the Mission Fund, and one for the Widow and Orphans' Fund. I MISSION FUND. The receipts for the Mission Fund from all sources have been $1,254.65, out of which $330 have been expended. No regular system has yet been adopted in the expendi- ture of this fund ; ^ut advances and grants have been made to several Missionaries by the Lord Bishop as ap- peared necessary. This will naturally be the chief branch of the Society's operations, and there will be required a large sum annually for the support of Missionaries in the newly settled parts of the Diocese ; and also for supplying the Indians within our bounds with the ministrations ot the Church. The Church Society of Toronto has continued its assistance to the Indian Missions within the Diocese of Huron up to the present time, and during the past year has expended $682.50 on this object ; but from July next these missions are left to the care of this Society. WIDOWS AND ORPHANS' FUND. One collection has been made for this fund, which has produced, including a donation of $5, $481.59 ; and steps have been taken to commence an investment on behalf of this fund ; but, as this fund will be greatly affected by the action which may be taken in the division of the funds in which this Society is interested with the Toronto Church Society, nothing has yet been agreed upon with respect to the future management of this fund. Your Committee, however, fondly hope that there is now every prospect of a speedy arrangement being made of all matters in which the two Church Societies are interested ; in the mean time, they trust that this fund may be spared any claim- ants upon itj and they would strongly recommend that a by-law be adopted by the Society, as soon as possible, for the management and disposal of this fund. Steps have been taken to endeavour to affect a satisfac- tory division of the funds and property in which this REPORT. 15 Society is interested with the Church Society of Toronto, of which we formerly formed a part, and for which the act incorporating this Society provides ; and although much delay has arisen, and many obstacles seemed to be in the way, your Committee trust that the plan now adopted by both Societies for settling these matters will soon lead to a satisfactory result. All which is respectfully submitted. APPENDIX. r^ CO IN > 8 CD a I. m el a <s n H •A H 5 <S ,** TS "S ^ a g « S S «». 00 (3 III III H PL, >S -a Em a V OD go s s 0» lO O O O <0 iH U3 «0 O O O '« t« 00 to Tjt 00 OtBStxrHOit^ doo eo »o •* ■* eo o r-t 91 CO o CO 1-- k. .a 1 H • ., O -•I H OQ n s APfBMDIX. IT COLLECTIONS RECEIVED FROM EACH COUNTY, FROM; SEPTEMBER, 1858, TO MAY 8lBt, 1859. ^ || f. Collections from Oct., 1 858, to May 81st, 1859. Counties. Parochial Association Oct., '58. Missions. Jan., '69. Widows and Orphans. April, '69. Mission. Middlesex Brant $ Cts. 846 82 82 70 88 65 98 89 37 50 63 05 77 90 81 45 88 25 226 00 $ Cts. 89 67 61 25 90 61 18 25 11 61 10 00 11 85 59 00 55 50 75 71 35 25 46 12 $ Cts. 112 75 48 50 67 65 12 57 8 07 22 00 13 50 86 18 62 25 67 44 20 50 10 83 $ Cts. 88 61 22 86 Bruce 11 25 Elsin 40 65 Emoz 14 64 Grey 9 27 Huron 60 02 Kent 13 85 Lambton ..........4 . ». 88 72 Norfolk 41 18 Oxford 58 08 Perth 17 60 Waterloo 10 67 $1080 71 668 82 476 59 416 66 Stations, 59 At. 9.47,9^ Statioi}i^,£5 Ay. 8.66|| Stations, 63 At. 6.61|| ^ at g 13 i OQ I H pt^uodiooai Dm O 8 APPBNDIX. u 1^ 5 o S ^ S :SS3S : jSSS I I 8 :8 iSSSiS :8 I O 94 S :m » ^ $ '9 I Ip 1 88 00 U3 888 •f « us 2 J n O H O C3 § 1 If til I I a 'it S3 ^(S 88§^ 04 * • :e4 : CO Mt»e4 16 ts PS 1 J ril I > APPBNDIX. 1» f^ CO :•-)«-) s 3 t S3 I8SS888 eooociei » 839S jlS I |8 oi s «■ I i% •4*3 1 1^ II £ o Sh t t : : s o I i I to Id w oQvR ^11 MM 11 Phl^ ^1 i^ s H 8 a & t i: m o .a 02 ^ ^ ? a I n P4 H Pm IP APPENDIX. ■2 s so OQ i QQ' 2 {MIMOdlMOl JO i«qann I O O 8 I 2 8S^S I i 82SI « 5IJ22 s; r» ©.H 0» 5 i ! s 00 : : CO 8 »- •• s 8 e 8 i-«eifH CO U «0 a a 32 3" QQQQm ?a_ o H & o U i I n fa o H O 1^ »4 o •3 .3 13 S « II < QQ OB "S B -23 APPINDIX. 21 I n2 I- iQ to 00 iri :::::: • ••••• S 8 ! :::::: S8 s • 22 APPENDIX. 00 CO O H H n I o p i £ ocoi-eo 5 0003M «D ^- iO« r-t i-H 00 lO ao'<<<ocoe5 joo «0 tO^t»Cie0 !iMi-l >0 'uaqnian patwodioani JO joqronii U3 o g fa o H o 5 C4 00 t-> TO e4 4& »2J--*'-- (N CO SoS t»<o eo M i-< IN ;ci<oeoi»<oiaQo S Of • o • U S :^ : S& ^ CO «o o 00 CI M eo t» I- •* <D ; 3 o) t« o> 10 e^ i-i ii-i 5 CO > o eo :8 :S '■la i(o CO • CD • ;>o U3 00 N 1-1 eo 05 pH <N e cs 91 1 OQ : : cs 4:r^ S « li^^oo•••§1l| ►? -3 .S <N "-9 Ph 3 »? I. a •« o o I O fa o H O o PL4 .s APPENDIX. 28 8§8S g 1-1 5 : :S I-. : :eo o 1 rH 1 6 00 10 00 4 50 o lO eo : :© eo ; jO o : :-* eo eo o 17 25 11 00 7 00 eo 35 12 iboo to 33 25 226 00 s (O §5 C^lHO (MrH v I ' 00 OB "a a i^s H O H O CO ^ PS 1&S 1*1 qqqqS o s fa O EH o 1^ '3 ^1. 24 APPENDIX. COLLECTIONS SENT TO THE TREASURER OP THE CHURCH SOCIETY PREVIOUS TO SEP., 1858, FOR MISSION FUND. CLERGYMAN. CONQREaATION. April. Joly. 1MAL- Rev. J. Smyth « Rev. << J. Padfield... F. Evans ... << tt A. Elliott ... A. Mortimer << J. C. Usher. F.W.Sandys St. Mary's, Warwick St. Paul's, Wisbeaoh St. James, Brooke Trinity Church, Burford* ... Trinity Church, Simooe* Port Dover* .'. Vittoria* Trinity Church, Onondaga ... St. Anne's, Adelaide Strathroy Grace Church, Brantford* ... St. Paul's Church, Chatham. Trinity Church, Howard Collections at Church Society Meetings, Aylmer .... Delaware . Stratford . Wardsville . Florence Aughrim.... Newbury . Mooretown. Froomfield . Donations to the Mission Fund. The Bishop of Huron The Hon J. H. Cameron H. C. R. Beecher, Esq Member of Church of England, per Rev. McLean Donation to W. & 0. Fund, Admiral Vidal .. J. $ Cts. 60 88 92 6 00 17 26 1 1 60 40 11 00 88 70 15 00 44 80 46 4 26 10 66 21 00 18 00 4 00 8 00 15 00 8 86 $ Cts. $ Cts. 8 86 10 00 182 68 40 00 20 00 10 00 2 00 5 00 74 60 72 00 500 * Sermons preached by the Bishop. APPENDIX. 25 STATEMENT OF EACH FUND IN DETAIL. H V > Cr. AJJNtJAI, SUBSCRIPTIONS. Dr. By Gash received $ Cis. 390 00 To Credit $ Cots. 890 00 ,. Qt. WIDOWS AND orphans' FT3ND. Dr. ^ Cts. By Cash received Collection 476 69 By do. Donation... 5 00 Balance to Debit S19 53 $801 12 $ Cts. To Catih invested in 25 Shares in county of Mid- dlesex B. So. (25 Shares representing $5000.00).. 801 12 » $801 12 so s > Cr. MISSION KUSD. Dr. $ Cts. By Gash received Two Collections 976 47 By do. Donations 72 00 Do. Collections after Ch. Society Meetings 74 60 Do. Collections received by Treasurer previous to Sep. 1858 132 68 $1254 66 $ Cts. To advanced to Rev. E. Sullivan 40 00 Grant to S. Busby, Gate- chist 50 00 Advanced to the Bev. E. Sullivan 40 00 Advanced to the Rev. R. J. Roberts 40 00 Grant to do 40 00 Grant to the Rev. I. Mid- dleton 40 00 Advanced to the Rev. J. Canniobael 40 00 Advanced to Rev. B. J. Roberts 40 00 Balance to Credit... 924 66 $1264 66 36 Cr. EXPENSES OB APPENDIX. OBNBBAL PCBPOSES ACCOU.NT. Dr. By Balance, old aeoonnt in Gore Bank Gash rec'd for Pamphlets Do. do. do Do. do. do. Dnianee to Debit ^ Cts. 309 47 16 12 6 34 2 00 14 87 $348 80 To poid by Treasurer as "nei? his nccouiit.. •>>...• $ Cts. 100 86 Rowsell for vol. of Synod proceedings ....>..... Printing Pamphlets. ... Taylor and Wilson for Engraving Seal, and for the Press 2 00 90 00 12 00 Expenses of Deputation attending Church So- ciety Meetings Printing Circulars, &c. Account Books 73 34 9 00 5 50 Postage, Stationery,and Expenses incurred by Secretary 56 00 $348 80 Cr. PAMPIILKTS ACCOUNTS. Dr. $ Cts. I $ Cts. By Cash rec'd for Pamphlets j To Carried to General Pur- ' sold 24 46 1 poses Account 24 46 <|> Cr. PABOCIUAIi ASSOCIATIONS. Dr. By Cash received $ Cts. 1080 71 To Credit $ Cts. 1080 71 Cr. BALANCES. Dr. $ Cts. By Par. Associations... 1080 71 Mission Fund .kk..». 924 65 Annual Subflcriptions ... 390 00 2395 36 834 40 By Balance on hand $2060 96 $ Cts. To General Purpose Fund. 14 87 Widows and Orphans' F. 319 63 $334 40 MEMBEHS OF THE CHURCH SOCIETY OF THE DIOCESE OP HURON. ^* (^ LIFE. The Bight R«Terencl the Lord Biahop of Huron. INCORPORATED BY CHARTER. Bayley, B. Beeoher, C. H. U. Bottridge, Bev. W. Boomer, Rer. M. Broiigh,ReT.O.C. Oanlfleld, Uer. St. 0. Dewur, BeT.lCH. Deweon, Dr. Elliott, Rev. A. Elwood, Rer. E. L. Flood. Rer R. Canquler, Rer. f. O. Qeddes, J. C. OoQdbne, Hon. J. tt. Olbaon, Rer. J. C. Oaone, Rer J. Hnron, Lord Biihop of. Stptember 2l8/, 1858. Bentley, B. Olotworthy, Rer. W. Orottyi H. Oronyn, T. Ellis, A. Farrell, S. W. Gllmui,B. aoing, Dr. H. Qordon, Rer. R. Orsnt, Rer. F. W. Hurpnr, Dr. A. Ilerdsmmn, R. , Hughes, Ker. T. Burst, Rer. J. Kingston, 0. J. McliMn, Rer. J. MUler, J. B. Mookridge, Rer. J. Malholland, Rer. J. Q. Fearoe, J. Teuton, A. PhUips, Dr. Pinekney,Rer.T.A. Tausittut, H. Tioars, Rer. Johnstone. WUaon, OrowelL Wood, Rer. W. Z>«oe»ifter 0, 1868. Ounaron, Hon. J. H. Ohisbolm, H. OlarLi,O.T. Going. Dr. F. B. Huaiuton, J. Marsh, L.R. Paters, 8. Awty, FolJamlM. Holland, Rer. H. Jessopp, Rer. H. B. Jamlegon, Rer. A. Johnson, Rer. B.C. Kennedy, Ker. J. Lawrason, L. Lampman, Rer. A- Maek, Rer. F. Marth, Rer. J. W. Monsarrat, 0. Mulbolland, Rer.H.R. Mortimer, Vxvi A. XelleR, Rer. A. Padfield, Rer. J. Patterson, Rer. E. Rerell, Rer. H. Rally, Rer. W. B. ADMITTED BY VOTE. Bncke, Dr. E. H. Carroll, &. M. Copeland, James. Clirk, Antrobns. Ellis, H. Erans, Rer. W. B. Farrell, Mrs. FUhloigb, John. Oough, Mrs. Hicks, John. Howard, T. Jarris, O. R. Jell. R. W. Johnston, Dr. T Jones, E. R. Liriogston, W. Lucas, George. Middleton,Rer.I. O'Connor, J. M. Padfleld, James. Pousett, P. T. Roberts, Rer. R. J. Robinson, Judge C. Ratb, W. Sanders, Rer. T. E. Scott, Alexander. Sulliran, Rer. E. Vidal, Mrs. Wood, E. J. Salter, Rer. J. G. B. Baiter, P. J. Stlnson, Rer. B. R. Sandys, Rer. F. W. Smyth, Rer. J. Sba-Je, A. TaUburd, F. Townley, Rer. A. Townley, Mrs. Usher, Rer. J. 0. Vidal, Admiral. Tidal T. G. Vidal, W. P. WUIiams, Rer. A. Wilson, J Warren. E. K. June 22, 1869. Acheson, J. Buckley, T. H. Cary, Joseph. Oarmichiiel, Rer. James. Fol6y, Hon. M. Qrasett, Rer, E. Hardy, J. M. Harte, Daeres. Haines, Bar. S, C. Hutchinson, Rer. A. Hutchinsou, Her. J. Lee.V.C. Maoartney, Frederick. Nilas, W. H. Ryall, Edward. Robson, jeremiah. Shortt, Rer. Dr. Smith, A. G. Tighe, Rer. Stearne. Watson, Robert. JwM S4, 1869. Armstrong, William. Brooke. John B. BnrwoU, Leonidas. Burwell, Brock. Cooper, Judge. Elliott, William. English, James. Haycock, Frederick. Hodgetts, Captain. Hosg, Henry Qharles. JeweU, George. Johnson, James. Lawford, Thomas W. Lawrason, W. L. Lefroy, Anthony. MoOrae, Thomas. HoQregoi, Dnnoaa. Mortimer, Herbert Nieholl, Robert. Pazton, Thomas. Pegley, Dr. PoweU, Ambrose. Rolls. Dr. 0. Shoabottom, Wm. Jar. Btsson, 0. 0. W«ltaGe,WiUiam. Wells, Jndfa. Wilson, Oaptidn Thompaoft. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE CHURCH SOCIETY, DIOCESE OF HURON. ^ * Thett paid after the booki were closed, for tchich credit will be given Count}/ of Middlesex. LONDON. Huron, Lord Binbqp ■ Do. do. to M. F. Bayley, B ' Beecher, II. C. R. ••• ' Do. MiMR. Fund... ' Ooodbue, Hon. O. J ' Lawraron, L ' '.Vlonserrat, Wilson, J ■fironyn, V *tGolng,Dr. H f(]ordon, J<ev. R "Harpur, Dr. A ' HUKhes, Rev. I Philips, Dr. Stei henson, James.. 'McLean, Hot. J Watson, W Petitrs, S Uami.ton, J $ 10 00 40 00 6 00 ft 00 10 00 ft 00 5 00 6 m 6 0^ ft 00 ft 00 6 00 & 00 5 00 6 00 5 00 5 00 6 00 ft 00 6 00 LONDON TOWNSHIP. X St. John's. tBrough, ReT. C. C... 6 00 JByland, Q 6 00 St. George's. (Collected bv Visa Margaret and Miss Mary Robson.) to. Robeon, 6 00 John O. Robson 100 ElUabeth Robson ... 1 00 JanuTbexton Q SA Robert Thexton 25 John Thexton 26 Joremiah Robson 4 00 A Churchman 1 00 Mrs. J. Robson 60 Mrs. Akister 26 John Lamb 1 00 Mn. U. Roberta 26 Kdward Roberts 60 James Roberts 26 John RoberU 26 Richard Lowther ... 26 W. Heard 26 Nary MerrUli 26 BarT«y Hall 60 William Umbert ... 60 in next year's account James Hodgins 50 Willism Stanley 1 00 Mrs. Stanley 50 Thomas W. Stanley 1 00 Kdward Sla: ley 1 00 Mrs R. Waugh 25 A debtor 26 »lr.R.Waugh 100 (Collected by Mrs. Lionel and Miss Ellen Shipley.) A . thur Thirl wall, Sr. 50 Arthur Thirlwall, Jr. 60 David Miller 25 Lionel Shipley 6) JohnDodd 50 William Dodd 26 Thomas Gibcon, Jr... 60 Lionel E. Shipley..... 50 Robert Knowlcs 2ft Edward Shipley 60 Thomas Shipley 50 Mary Ann Thirlwall 50 Joseph Walker 50 ■loseph Charlton 60 Thomas Ulaylock 60 Kdward Stonehouse 26 James Robson SO A Churchmen 60 William Parker 26 Sundry Bums u 25 (Collected by MiM Margaret Calvert.) William Calvert I 00 Robert Calvert 50 Ann Calvert 60 John Robiion 60 Jamex Kobson 50 Reginald Robson 60 Arn Kobson 50 Isabella Robson 26 MaryShanklin 25 Henry H. Ward 60 Mrs. Ward 60 John H. Sharpe 60 (Collected by MIrs Marianne Truborn andMira A. Shipley) William Shipley 1 00 James Bowey 10 Andrew Truborn 50 John DavidFon 10 Mrs. John O'NeU 2A Joseph Rowell 26 Uarianne Truborn... V ^ Ann Shipley 26 (Collected by Mrs. Bowman and Miss J. Robaon.) Mr. J. Bowman 2 00 Mr. James Hartwick 26 Christopher Walker 60 Richard Huxton 26 Nathan Hodgson 26 Robert Little 26 William McAnlcs ... 25 Mrs. Richard Porter 26 Mary Friendf<bip 25 Samuel Friendship ... 25 Joseph Uildiid 25 William Dpsett 26 Richard Stephens Mrs. .1. Murphy ... Mrs. J. Bowman ... Charles l{olM>on .... WillismBond Joseph Uund ■ Mrs. Roach Oliver Wilson William Martin ... John Stephenson... Andrew Kobson .... Jane Kobjion Edward Walker .... Klchard Gibson .... Thomas Wright ... George Henderson. James Murphy Sundry sums CARLISLE. (Collected by Miss E. Wright and Miss D. Hopkins. A Friend 25 Robert Scbram 60 William Hoston 60 JohnOodkin 26 Mrs. Haskett 26 Mr. Hodgson 100 A Friend 26 Mr. Piper 26 Mrs. Overholt 2ft Mr. Saulsburg 0.10 .loseph Revington ... 25 Mr.Gllbian 25 Mr. Hodgson 26 Mrs. lionggtaff 26 Ei:zabeth Shipley ... 96 John Rowell 60 William A. Wright... 12i Henry Ruttledge 25 William Shipley 26 Rev. W. Fleleher 26 sa 60 26 60 50 026 25 25 87 26 2ft 12^ 26 25 12i 50 5U t Incorpoiate muabwn. t Mo parochial list of namei of rabMrlben wnt nOLLECTIONS. 29 4 Mn. Morton MuyCowlter .... WUIiam Rower.... Mn. Kuttledg«.... Thonat Brown.... John Uuntrr Bmma Hopkini . A Churobiukn .... .fohn CNeill John ToppiDK .... jHmeH Anstone..., Thomas Topping , .Vfiiend Allan Hedley .... Mn Osbornu , Mra. Wilson James Barnes ... Adam Scott Mn. O'Leary MarvKynon Dr. Hopkins Sundry Rums ... DKLAWABK. fFlood, Rot. K ... +Jell. R. W fUvingston, W. tPri0B,B V2X 026 012t 8A 026 025 OIU 060 U2A 02A 025 01 012; 025 100 25 025 100 026 0121 100 071 500 500 5 0(1 600 (Collected by Miss Gamett.) H Graham 2 00 H Jell 1 00 RGarnett 100 W Curling 100 R Jell 1 00 R Branton 50 TI Johnstone 50 R Hammond 60 J Johnstone 1 00 D Johnstone 25 (Collected by Miss Johnstone.) Wm Weld 2 00 Wm Cnrling......... 1 00 Miss Shankland 60 David Johnstone 60 Johu Johnstone 1 00 Oeor;ceGowanloch ... 60 MrH Young 26 MraGowanloch 25 Friend 60 Stephen Weld 50 •Tohn Auld 60 Alfred Wallis 25 Mn Graham 1 00 Henry Johnstone 60 R Hammond 60 UJell 10!) A Patterson 25 J Anderson 60 RGarnett 100 Miss Johnstone 50 (Collected by Miss Seabrooke.) RnvR Flood 200 Mrs Seabrooke 1 00 Mrs Beverage 60 Mrs Dain 25 Mis Jfffera 60 Mrs Parrot 1 00 Mrs Sawyer 50 (Collected by Miss Springer.) James A Lyman 2 00 JWFairchlld 100 JDutton 100 (OoUeeted by Miss Bullen.) W F Ballen 1 00 Mn W F Bullen n 60 Geo Banes 60 Friend 25 MnCrellin 25 RWJell 2 00 (Collected by Miss Bnrw.U.j Geo T Burwell 60 Robert Robinson 1 John Cox 60 JohnProwso 25 Thos McDonald 37^6 Thos Price 2 00 John Blaquiere 60 Robert Price 60 John Scott 80 •M Scott 25 ME Scott 25 Mn Scott 25 John P Bateman 60 John Gowanloch 25 J B Burwell 1 00 Mn Burwell 50 Miss LL Burwell 6U KDWARD8BVBGH. tRcT. A. Slortimer ... 6 00 KATESVI1I.K. ♦fR-Bentloy 6 00 County of Brant. BBANTFOBU. tUsher, Rev. J. C 10 00 fj.O.Geddes 10 00 PARIS. • Rev. A.Townlcy 5 00 Mrs. Townley 5 00 J. A.Penton 5 00 Joseph Carey 20 00 DWHarte 6 00 'FC Macartney 5 00 KdwardRyall 3 00 The Misses Carey 5 0O O Brown and ftmily., 5 (10 MnPenton 3 00 JCOverell 200 ThosTatc 2 00 Miss Townlov 2 00 T M Munn ..'. 2 00 Thos Clark 2 00 Wm AUchin 2 00 Hiram Capron 1 00 MissNesbit loo JLougheed 100 TByall 1 OO T A Richards 1 00 Mrs Terwhyt 1 00 D R Dickson 1 00 Mr Forbes 1 00 J W Acres 1 Oft Henry Penton 1 00 Wm Sharp 1 00 Wm Evans 23 WFussel 1(10 Mn Pattenon 1 00 Miss Ryall 1 00 J W Stephens 100 OeoClnde 100 Felix Dnffln 100 TMaulsou 5U Mr Saxbey 60 Mrs Blake 60 A Haines CO J Henderson 26 Friend 25 Mrs Palmer OSS BUAFORU. tRev. J Padfleld 6 00 OKONDAOA. fRev. J. W. Grant ... 5 u(t fR. Herdsman 5 00 MOHAWK AND TV8CAB0BA tRev. A. Nelles 6 00 fRev. A Elliott 5 00 County of Elgin. ST. THOMAS. fRev. St. G 5 00 fJ. B. Miller 6 00 fP.Roe 6 00 POBT STANLEY. fRev. J. Mockridge... 6 00 tE.E.Warwn 6 00 POBT BVBWELL. *tReT H B Jessopp ... 6 00 TTRCONNEL. tRoT. U. Holland 5 00 fJ. Pearce 6 00 County of Etaex. AMHERSTBVBY; fRev.P. Maek 6 00 fRev. J. Hurst 6 00 (Collected by Miss Archer.) JNPeto 2 00 Mrs A E Archer 25 MnE Archer 25 Mrs A Uackett 26 Henry Mean 60 James Baker 50 • Mrs SDuncanson 25 Daniel Doherty 1 00 Edmund Andenon ... 1 00 John Bell loO Mrs J Atkinson 50 John A Kane 25 M J Salmon 60 Mrs J Hamilton 100 Mr Stronts 1 On Mn Dixie 100 Thos I'Rxton 5 00 MreC Brown 50 James Hedley OSO Mrs Hurst 1 DO Wm laylor 30 Mr Lavory 26 F Conroy 26 Mr Ueal«y 25 MrsMcVeety 100 David Menzics 25 Mrs A O'.Madden J.O 26 Mn W Horseman ... 60 Geo Odette 26 t Incorporate mamberi. 30 COLIiKOTIONS. (Collected by MIm Nelion.) Mr* Gordon 4 00 Mti Hill 1 00 Mrt Bailoy 1 OU Mr Boyle 100 Mr Garrett 1 0» MrWlUon 1 no Mrs H Mcars 1 m Mm Biirtlett V^'t Friend U.i (CoUocttd by Soraeant Wll kInROU.) J Wilkinson 2ft UHyde 2S W Splnka " f'O J Bonnutt 13i^ W Robert* 25 RCriiwoll 12}^ J Irwin 12*^ TB»lley 25 J Booth 20 JHoyla 20 W Smith ; 25 (C!olIected by Mrs Ilarling.) W Honner 25 Mrs I'uttyplcco fill Migs Pattypliw r.O Mrs J I'attyplece 0»7 Mrs MiiEon 80 Mrs Tofflemire n^i MrsHarlIng 25 (Collected by Mrs Gatileld.) MrsBarkus 25 Miss Montgomery ... n &0 Miss R Montgomery 25 .Mr Montgomery SO Miss J Montgomery 30 MrsBerthelot 5U Mrs Bell 25 Mrs Gaaeld 25 Mr King 25 J Morgan 25 SANDWICH * WINDSOR. tRev. E. II. Dewar ... 5 00 •tDr Dewson 6 00 +P J Salter 5 00 Count}/ of Orel/. OWEN SOUND. tReT AHR Mulholland 5 00 County of Huron. % OODERICH. fRevELElwood r>UO BIDDCLPII. (CcUeeted by Miss M. Lynch. J Lynch 100 W Howard 50 JCorbett 00 RMahon 60 R Porte 50 J Gullet 100 S Bradley 50 F Jones 50 DSchoaff. 50 WDCadinan 25 WMayo 25 C Ashburg 100 MWaldon 50 MFox 25 RDagg 25 CAlway 25 Friend 25 GHodgins 75 Friend 25 Friend 25 J Rwing U fiO WKent 25 W Porte 25 OWHodRins «2.'. MrBrowu 25 8 Bennett 25 B Stanley 60 G Hodglns 25 LSholdice 25 D Alway 60 M Lynch 60 F Lynch 25 M Porte 25 J Cunningham 25 Mrs Bryant 012^ MrsArmitago 12<, Mrs Atkinson 25 Mrs Harris 25 Mrs Ryan 25 Mrs Hamilton 50 M Hodglns 25 OHodgins 25 MNeir. 12}^ MrsEwIng 75 j WHLowe 25 Sundry Bumu 26J^ (Collected by Miss ftlary Jnne Carter.) Mrs J Galbraith 100 J Morgan o 60 Mrs G Carter « 50 JScilly 25 W Hodglns 25 X Atkinson 25 J Hodglns Jn 25 JCourcy 25 TCourcy 25 Mrs J Hodgins 37^ JohnDagg 25 R Glendinnlng 50 A Hodglns, sen 25 Mrs R Sales 25 M Gibson 25 RBrophy 60 T Bradley 50 Mrs W Carter 25 J Case 012}^ J Simpnou i 60 Mrs G Hodglns 60 H Hodglns 25 Mrs Clatterham 25 County of Kent. CHATHAM. tRev FWSandys (1859 and ISeO) 10 00 tRev T A Pincknoy... 5 00 X MORPKTU. fRovA Lampman 5 00 County of Lambton. DAWN. tRevJGunne 5 00 MOORE. tRerAWUUams 6 00 fAdmlral Vidal t Do. do.W*M Austin, R Booth, G Boulter, Mrs Best.W Beemer, Mrs R Ilaxter, R Ilaxter, Mrs Baxter, Isaac Biddle, J Biddle, Mrs Boulton, Mrs J Baio, M Beaton, Mary Brown, N Bradlor, U Chislett, J Cowan, J sen Cowan, J Cowan, T Caiteo, B Cowan, J Jnr Cronkhit, D Creighton, F Courtney, Mrs J Collected at Trinity Church Collected at St.M«ry'a Dobson, Mrs Dobson, Mrs F4ward8, S Farquharson, J Farquharson, A Featherston, J Fisher, Miss Hughes, Mrs Hafliday, Mrs Johnston, Mrs A Kingston, Miss Laba, I Little, Miss A Little, MissK Lewis, J Major, J Major, F Mijor, Mrs A Mowbray, Mrs McDonald, Mrs W ... McGuire, Mrs Miller, U J MoKeWey, A MoPherson, W Morricon, J Nalty, S Payne, J Payne, J Penyman. J Richmond, R Raspberry, Miss M ... Sutherland, Mrs G ... Sutherland, Mrs A .. Sutherland, T J Sutherland, Miss Stonehonse, Mr TurnbuU, Miss Turnbull, R Williams, Mrs Warwick, J Warwick, Mrs J Warwick, J Jn Warwick, H Whitney, Mrs Wallace, Mrs.^ Wilson, J Wilson, Mrs & Miss.. Wilson, Mrs R Wright, Capt W E . 600 500 OfiO onu 012 26 26 026 012 018 100 060 100 026 26 060 25 060 025 6U 100 026 IW 060 100 U25 1 87 6 (K) 25 25 6i> 25 026 100 026 026 2 CO 36 25 25 026 26 026 060 60 026 26 026 87UJ 100 200 . 60 60 . 060 100 60 , 26 026 012Ji 026 , 100 . 100 . 25 . 100 . 25 . 026 . 1 00 . 100 . 26 . 12 . 012 . 26 . 025 . 100 . 1110 . 026 .2 00 ^ Incorporate members. X No parochial list of namei of rabicriben lant. COLLECTIONS. 81 Wflght,MiM 100 Wright, MImH ira Wright, Mn 012 Wheattoy, Mr 36 Wbeatiey, T 10 Wllaon, J 2S Yatea, W U 60 Donstioni of imall a- mounta 100 Varqtthanon, AJnr... Ua6 WABWIOK. tBcrJOOilMOii 6ro fOJKlngrton 6 00 WALFOI.X I8LAM>. fRer A Jami«fon 6 00 County of Norfolk. 8IM0OE. fReT J Mulholland 6 00 *tE;OUiiwn 6 00 rOBT DOVER k YITTOBIA. fReTJVlcan 6 00 ColPotta 2 00 MrsPotta lOO J Ck>Temton 1 00 MrsWMeCall 100 Mr Shannon 26 Mm Shannon 26 W Wllwn 1 00 MraWllBon 100 MrsJPotU OfiO BL Potts IdO Mrs B Potts 100 MrsSMoCall 60 N Walker 1 00 J B Woolnough 4 GO PWRapalJe 100 Mirs P Bapalje 100 WAIiSINQHAM. tltoTWWood 5 00 (Collected by Migg Potter, Rowan MUla.) WTapley 100 Mra Newlove 25 H Stewart 50 WMoKinnon 25 E Smith 100 O Burrows 100 MrsQuinton 23 S Potter 25 Mrs Martin 012 J Cozens 25 T B Belbolfe 1 00 Mrs Pool 012 O Biddle 1 00 D R Burrowp 1 OO Mn Hutchinson O 25 G Pretty 60 Mrs Proughton 25 D McKeneie 25 LoTeless o 25 Mrs A Higgins 50 J Groom o 12 ACrosby 012 BOlirer 012 Mrs Pretty 25 A Burrows 3 00 JAihford Oia J Asbford 26 (Collected by Miss Ilntehin- son, Rowan Mills ) Miss Hutehinmn 1 00 Miss L Uutcbinion ... 1 00 Mrs Pitman :>0 Mrs Broker 25 (Collected by Mrs. S. P. Ma bee. Port Rowan.) SPMabee 100 Mrs Mabee 60 Mrs Lee 26 Friend 010 W Jackson 14 (Collected by Mrs Aoton, Port Rowan.) H Ao«on 1 00 D M Burrows 1 00 DM Cook lOU Min Backhouse 060 A D Waterhouse 60 .TBaris 60 D Wright 60 JDedrick 50 Capt Baker 60 Mr faxton 25 JOakcH 25 RBackhouse 25 JSauft 25 J Fry 25 MrsHDedrick 25 Mrs Curry 25 Mrs Woodward 25 Mrs Stone 25 MrsWDedrick 2.') ETisdale 25 A McLennan 25 WTapley 25 — Sbepbard 25 M Higgins 25 B Perry 26 FBouck 25 H Procunier 25 W Bingham 12J^ Friend 12t<5 NAHotchkiss 012i^ K Saxton Vi% Friend 12A H Woodward 25 Capt Mure 25 Friend VX Miss Deaso 25 Miss Boothe 25 (Collected by Miss Stephen- son, Port Rowan.) A McLennan I 00 J M Tweedale 1 OO W Smith 1 00 J Killmaster 1 00 W H Stephenson 2 00 Rev W Lund 60 E M Procunier 50 JWLea 50 H Smith : 25 RlUchardson 75 EWolvin 60 A Mite 5 00 E Waterhouse 60 M Davis 50 J McLennan 50 W Smith 50 J Ellis 50 E Price 25 J Raymond 25 J Anderson 25 A Saxton 25 A Countryman I2J4 SSnow 36 Rev — DeBolce 1 00 Friend 12V^ (Collected by Mrs Wyld, Port Rowan.) FWyld 100 Mrs Barrptt 26 Mrs O H Barrett 26 H M Barret Jn 86 Friend U 26 (C!olleeted by Miss MoCall and Miss Wood, St. WlUUms.) MrsDMeCall 60 DMcCall 100 Mrs Wood 100 O Daumwart 1 00 JDWIllard 3 00 BAHcCall 26 J A Backhouse 1 00 Miss M Backhouse ... 26 Mrs Kitchen 60 Mr. Procunier So MrBrandow 025 W Drandow «. 75 M J Newkirk 1 00 D Procunier 25 Mrs Johnston 25 Mr Johnston 25 Mrfi Reeves 25 E Newkirk 25 AN Barber 25 J Francis 25 (Collected by Hogg, Rowan Mills ) U Riddle 60 LCook 100 *Dr Franklin 60 *L Brown 60 ,DrDonolly 100 County of Oxford. WOODSTOCK. *tRevW Bettridge('69 A'OO) 16 00 fRevHRovell 5 00 Mr Auchinleck 2 00 W Auohinlock 2 00 Mrs Cottle 5 00 W Mills 5 00 CCuiater 60 WEcclestone 50 W Warwick 100 J PeerA son 2 00 Friend 50 Friend 60 J Green 100 U Morris 1 00 Mrs Gilpin 2 00 Mr Sherwood 100 JHowdcn OSO CPope 100 T Brown 1 00 Friend 60 JBartley 60 J Blow 80 H Taber 60 J Chambers 100 J Wilson 26 D Peacock 1 OO G Edgar 1 00 W Thomson 100 f Incorporate memberc. f 32 isar.Jx.noti. fRnr J W Marab S 00 tllCrotty (.00 tAMoKwon ft "0 KA8T ZdllllA. ♦Kmniuler, Il«v K D... .'• nO AnnHtroiiKi A 1 .'.O Hale, II 1 on Burro»'i>H, ^ii'H iiOO Bumiwcs, MIsH A 'J (") nurrowc!<, A 'iw Calntor, J IfiO • •alitor, H Uf>o *ColHn^O 100 Cro»H,T 1 oo Oonnldyon, .1 1 tu) ttonaldfuD. W 1 00 Dawpon, Mrs I 00 KanquliT, Ml?(( 100 FriMlle, 8 100 Ilnrwood, A 1 oo KIng.O o.'iO Uockett, n 1 Oi .Skoltou, a 1 no Sbadwick, II Onu Shadwick, Mw II io Thwalte, .1 100 Turnur. .1 1 00 Varey, R 100 Woou,.1 2 00 Rowo,T 100 Cal8tpr,I o,-,o DASTWOOU. titov C .lohiison 5 00 *tll Vanpittart 6 00 Mrs C C .Tolinson 1 oo Mi.iB M Jubiison 25 WJohMon 25 Misii K lobuson 15 GAtklll I ou rOLLECTIONS. : Mrti .1 Kiibliifiou 100 i MrsTtiriK-r 1 (HI ' Mr HrfJhu,0 W B... 60 ; Mr»8ii»w 25 MriiM lloruii 25 NtlHWICII. 1 ; tH'-< •' Kfiinwly fi 00 [ Coiiiiti/ of Perth. i STKATiOUl'. i tUi'v K I'litternon .'> 00 (ColliTtcd by Mini U MIsH Janivf.) CltJarvin .T K Bridges HUIIi'Kiion MrH II II I^i' J IlollliOU l» Wat«on OHurnn DT Diilley :< Ij llchnrtN V M AtkiiiKou A liortibniii \v i: •ImuIvkuu Mrslliiv MrH K WlllluinM Mrs Smith Mrs Kowlaud Mr« VV Iloblntion Mrs Alliiu Mrx A MoDtcitb WStrow^er W 11 Mitchell TFCorry DO Small \V Hbbs Mr 'fown&end 3 Powell Mr Farrow Mrs Irwin Mrs Wilson Mrllastie I IS uml< Mrs J Draper OM Mrs Welsh 2 CO (Oileeted by Miss Malngay.) J A MoCartliy 36 J D Hanson 3A A Bailey 2 00 Mrs James 1 00 J Johns 060 J Woods 26 MrsVanstone 26 Mrs J James 1 00 J 8 Smith 2 00 WUIIine Ue2U Mrs Boucher S7V« ST. MAKY'm. 2 00 2 0U tBevJSmyth h OO 60 60 1 MITC'HELI.. 25 2 00 i fRevWB Bally .\0"i 1 00 50 County of Waterloo. 1 00 1 00 X OALT. .'lU loo KovM Boomer tA Shade floO 5 no 25 loo Khi BKUL1N. 25 2.'> tK«v K R Stlmson. ... s no 2.1 loo CR0S8IIILI.. 1 no oco tKevWClotwortby... 600 1 00 100 loo loo 050 fHon. J. U Cameron, M. F fliRMarah.Hamiiton fH Mortimer.Toronto 20 00 600 600 IJH) 050 50 25 Member Ch. of Engd., per Rev J McLean, M.F 2 00 t Incorporate members. t No paroefaUI Ustof Biousof robaerlbers cent.