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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, 11 est film6 d partir de I'angle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas. en prenant le nombre d'images n^cossaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 \ .>-. ,v 1 l/ BRITISh COLUMBIA . . . MINES . . . The. Red riountain View - - - O Gold Minrng ® Company. ^^ \ w .^ ^ "K'-i^ ^^ ^ 1. 1 The red MOUNTAIN VIEW GOLD MINING COMPANY. Operating the VIEW MINE under a Crown Grant from the Canadian Government, No. 645 dated 13th August, 1896. This Company was Incorporated In 1896, under the laws of British Columbia. CAPITAL STOCK aiiiCK, . . 1,000,000 Shares Of the P;,r Value of $1.00 each. issued as Fully Paid and Non-Assessable. 300,000 Shares aie spt ncn« f oucires aie set aside to provide for the development of the property OFFICERS OF THE COMPAlfY : W. G. JOHNSON, I.N.CAMPBELL. . . " " . ''"''''"*• D.M.LINNARD. . Secre. "^T""'^"^ Secretary and Treasurer W. H. HASKINS, . Mine Manager. TRUSTEES : JUDGE WILLIAM W. SPINKS. I. N. CAMPBELL, ,,, ^ . W. G. JOHNSON. l^n ^ i 'HE property h situated on the north-western ~ slope of Red Mountain, about 3,000 feet northerly from the " War Eagle " mine. It is bounded on the north by the'*Peak"and''Snovv.Shoe" mining claims, and on the east by the - Southern Belle;" on the south by the " Con- solidated St. Elmo "and «'St. Elmo," and on the west by the - Peak " mining claim The ''View" mining claim is 945 feet long on the strike of the vein. It has two strongly marked veins upon the surface. The strike of the many parallel veins of this district are practically east and west. The adjoining claims to the " View " all show well. The development work on the -View" pro perty consists of one tunnel nearly ,00 feet in length run on the south vein, which shows ore all the way with average width of three feet, assay- ing well in gold, silver and copper. At present two shifts of men are working at this point. A shaft ten feet deep has been sunk on the north vein, which also shows ore. This vein is very strong upon the surface, in many places bemg 20 feet in width. The surface showings on the claim are con- sidered equal to those on any other part of Red Mountain, and exhibit in a marked degree the best characteristics of the camp. The assays have been from $8.00 to $41.00 per ton. The transportation facilities from Rossland will shortly be ample, as the Red Mountain Railway is expected to be running by October, when it will connect with the whole railroad system of the United States. The special advantages of the «' View " have been referred to in the prospectuses of several mines recently offered in the Rossland district, and the consensus of opinion among mining men is that this properf- will be one of the lead- ing mines in the camp, and every report we re- ceive fully corroborates this view. We have only a limited number of shares of -Red Mountain View" for sale and we confidently recommend it to our clients as one of the most favorable claims we have investi- gated. Copy of article in W^^ Mining Journal Raihvay and Commercial Gazette, o^ London, Eng., Aug. 8th, 1896: "Mining Notes From British Columbia." "The handsomest Copper Ore ever seen in the Trail Camp is in the 'View.' The 'View' deserves to take place beside the City of Spokane and Monte Cristo in the wav of fine showing ore. The tunnel is now in about thirty feet, and the last shots put in reveal .' three feet of clean, solid copper as handsome as ever seen. It is a chalcopyrite running from 15 to 20 per cent, copper, and carrying from $5 to $6 in gold. It is of a shipping quality, and the ' View ' will now be reckoned among the first of the junior mines of the camp." RossLAND Miner, September 4th, 1896. ••View" Has Shipping Ore~St. Elmo Has Opened the Vein on its Ground - An Interesting Situation. One of the most attractive looking- ore dumps now in the camp is that of the " View." The shaft which is being- sunk on the ore shute, opened in the tunnel, is now down 12 or 14 feet! There are two good walls and about five feet of mixed ore between them. Fifteen inches of this ore is solid, clean chalcopyrite. It runs fully 15 per cent, copper and is very much like the ore now being taken from the new shaft in the cliff. The - View " ore is of shipping quality and as It accumulates on the dump it gives an assur- ance that the -View" is going to be one of the successful mines of the camp. The Superintendent of the ''St. Elmo" has been following up the "View" ledge and has traced it into the -St. Elmo" ground where he has opened it and discovered ore very similar to that found on the - View." The ledge is stronjr and well marked and was traced without much trouble. The "St. Elmo" people will concentrate all their work on this ledge for the present and are very confident of opening up a fine body of ore. The •♦ Southern Belle" people are getting ready to commence development work, and the first thing they do will be to trace the ♦' View " ledge into their ground and to drive a tunnel on It. It will be seen therefore that the •♦ View " occupies a very important position not only with reference to itself but as a near neighbor to the "St. Elmo" and ''Southern Belle." 53 853^18 BRITISh COLUMBIA ... MI/NES . . . The. Red riountain View - = = O Gold Mining O Company. \ n