o 'Sf*js>'. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) A 1.0 ^^ 1^ ^^S itt I2ii a 2.2 II s^^ y£ L25 mu 11.6 6" Sciences Corporation *.- 33 WIST MAM STRW Wltmi,N.V. 14910 (716)173-4903 4^.^ i CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHM/iCIVIH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Instituta for Historical IMicroreproductions / Inttitut Canadian da microraproductions historiquaa miimmm\h CeiBIFAlilSOll ?'.. .■■ 9K^BBir %\t Partt rf% -f ^ f t||t Infkirfrj m mi AMD THAT QP THE LATE 104™ REGIMENT IN 1813. lif>at oJ ^js-^.-:i FROM NEW BaUNSWICK TO QUBBSC. '^^ ^4^ £•«* ,tC*f i^mi. ■:4 •u?4.,««K(ii4i,:..- Al^iSOt RiMA.R VLS .^ih ! ^ mi'H jd :i'.)<^'■^^t■'^^r,n»'\o lipq t ••■-'[ ,n'}ju irfy.h g«irti*ii ,_, Jf-'-H' v,vi i ;';« iujkjri. » Wt703 vfiiO aa.^!fiff ,i!'>?l9« ij tif. wii io » •'^■jB oi i* ii> mj »a •ir » i>-iM jai |p t i , -»f aua/U\(} loHa e«»/ o«{^ ^t'^boi>U Tjoii-'Ja gftilA^ia >{')iii*. i»Bl .rJiJj olf .qatiiO oiJ -•j;'5<:[,.Jiy^.l>1*|'i:!cIf)fii/rft»9Jl « i>r4 .otjioioT "icf lit (i4s«i M so Si %tf [ Hiioiiiy/i.TM:.: -.\.\ ■ ^^ ;;-!i 11, M, J j!(3 nam sslT "li^'flWiSP.; IS a 1 1% 4 ^ M n tkt E^ir. o/tiU BriHtk Standard. SiB, — ^In yoor inrae of the 15th inst., the 43rd Light Innntry from Fredericfon, in New Bransvlok, to Quebec, in the year 1837, — whidi the Iron Duke 3»id " was the only miljl^j aohieTement performed by a British officer {hat he iMdly envied." Permit me. Sir, as the la«t offie«r«n the Mfj»r ^¥ ^^\^pf^ i ii^tiMUi mbiM^^iA ISS meat, to maWlWEVTe&iftB, V'^y <»f ««»°^I«^^^ 1^^^^ TtoQa, hetween the miarch of the above Regiment, in I8ST, and the late 19^|feg^u^ i^^^ war of 1812. The narrative, says, " the 43id were provided with moocaiina and two blanket! each, iMid iledi for the conveyaace of the mei, each holding eight" The 104tii wer« FOv>*fd l%Higp» with fiom ioar tq ilx ftet «^iBOir under a t4t of gnow-sho^ moocaiina, and one tianket theijj»eilj a denM forert in ftont^ nod naught but eadi, and onft tobagan (Iiidiatt Aftjg^ TJ^f^ tw« ijftigfy' j | L^*'M lff' over their htedi« The two men. " The train of ft ^^^w4P»^ j^^ olikiiiiliottm, paay) conai|rted of 14 doid»ioifA^gK#|»n^%»(^p^i^|^<^^ t^ taining eight mea, provlaioni, ammnniti|>n, and nWied at the end of ibe march td the &niiih^ tte«|^j;iyfl^ w«caapl« At^ good ofittldnd; and when Tha ttahs bayond Om Mttlemeu^ they had }og hnti i» ale^j iadg4 htm ftw and fip beHMe^^bigr anrtliave ■baggage, tha. latter limited to on^ nnd one eaipet-bag to each oJBlGer.'* a the 104th until the sic divisions, eoiwpiising alto- illlfpere on the wing into the Itteafi M^'buren mtemr." I wiKk each sneceedbg day a company oi tlM V69mkm06mS^ unto lO dltialoai, com- prinng42 offioeia and 1000 men, were 1191 on the wing, baton saow-ehoei, withont a tmoh* or mark on a tiei^ for a march of lomo hanchsd for night. The 0»t tbtng fait to the stem of the tobagan, Ind^Mioi. wU^«MaT«liM» WcHtefl Hkt m mOfiiiM^ '®tSf1«?lEl*'^'^ "Tht olBeeni oi the 48id weva partt|M4Mtt anions enrpetbag." of iSm IWk tn » . wUhm, vateii thsj ood4 olH^ tronU iM»k in hnwiw, Thii 3foolK«ho««i f4ot kjWjM of 9o«iMio^ Imd # ljr«n|ki«n4ln«d, Hsnnti thai aprvka fioir Mp) «ttd Klt.thtisMdMsjImi oeUam^ we then stuck iqrbrwih At the aides and eadsi oatting atsji^in thtinniw for «n»e|NMidoor«^ The man «it, down hoid^wood and eoBV(i|«d the ftiii fliti tiiMrtj|illli, Mifti <^ tihi tiMdMr ten %iiililtMkWfnivM4 U or 14 iltn on an o w is h aea-tn ensp f thj ky, frwn tha mmf to tlMownp. W«J^Ml9t|#«hiekeani|%«f«n» etdnt o»he«MK Mi ^ ttt «&) t|iklftth» "Qjitb^llll «i(W}||noiwipliMI»|ip«fitlMikkilffo%lMia ^A#4ImI llMnaiktndaaiiiiate^liib.iddkiinrdko«idalai lilt fl^ iiil-t^liliMiW.- iar Attiflikfaai^iafaur Aa '■^'i^% ., i iifJ'tfiil.l fire #98 otw wMt^ Qnl^; an4 we miglbi^ tu^' wl^cli ever side we liked.; «9Q to t^U the liriith, Ve «bine- t%^«^ kept turning ifhe wholie ^igH ^<*^'l>t tli^ g[^4r wWpb itood like iniarble, altkouglb «om^ oi? dqr^log-pites n^ere 14 feet loijg an^ fbnr feet hig% Tiiei evening witre an^tm cUerful ieon-! vywati(in j 'i»nd btttsta of l4Qghtflir,Wre fnqaeniij l^eai^ from camp to oamp— |iU good komonr, happen what w^d-rHalthongh it may he the, brttil which had ovei4iang tC)4 9rach woaldl;tala Hpjij ai|id ieaT« OoIt the.naked wcjib for ihe reii of ^' nighit, M was the case in the Qficens' camj^^ th(s' coloqii <)|^. ii^[iinent haVm a Teir'niKrfinr' ^ikii^; l%e ^^e Bounded ^ hooiri iNtfore^ day, to (iook am e#t (^hich t6w:aii|^ the Iadt,wai vet^ anlple time) ij ind we akWetf otf* as soon as it w«| lighienqngh to ate that w^ did n6t,We , an^thto^ bdilili ' the 43rd oompIaine«r of the ^ « ^eilurniatJEij^ it> that theg^ lUkfl t6 We their ho^J' i!^^\h^«^ 4i< a^ineokkVeni«me«;| the T04th^ as llbey b^ no no roofii to prerent iV aadtliaSit^ ^Ht^iOai) «>i«to^ned of iiha,Knig1^: ro^ - iTt ^"bdiMid l^-^i^ «iti-^'Hi' niaitVdif'bn %' ^ tM'1^iS^"'m^' htSktam mki- oTi^fnre'; teo4pt w^a o^l^; ^to make a pottage jpast fiUli or etifrt^^^imitt left ttb' ^MMJ^tta Lake. We Hm fc that di«idea the watars thit^^^^ LdWiwea ai4 n^yit-V^i'^ilM' the lalH^ftNff ftfi^M^Mmt^Witf^j#^ rent m ^liiillN|im^lHM^ the track j » «4s4rtap«ip^M Ow although ti»lo«i9i»Ji|te ^ ooakpariso^ aa tlM prowkitewwe iUMfaiillMdy iifWh«rbeeftv9« short «ll»fMM« anwr 4aya } ]r«t# tt« ak^t tf our pfifaMcNM^ me ha4 glHlw»%i«rty faragli. Some of tiM men weold rth Ih* t^thaMns 4bwB 4he hShf siktiag oa thm» adi fMM it^nibfly capatea. Oar Uf \Mk Amm t if rtii t dia d o^|' including binie^, wiih 10 ounces , of bilieuii^ camw very j(^i^ short of i^'hait was ainolntely i^ecauaiy to sjapplv t^ ^riivihgs of nati^ for ^4 hbnrs(howlhKbiuuten^ iif we had been inarehing ii^ dbg dayStVe sii^ouid ^ hkd^t^e'lA^e 'li^tions)^. ' f ungef .icioi^c^ hbli ofUeir thoughts that' there was no conyer- satibn! tburards the last, frbn^ m^min^ tp nkht, ittid'i mik^^add, 'from night. unffljm^ro^^ bnj iit)but (?hHstin8ii '^nners. roast beef, pj^ipqi: pud- dings, \ar}^j»f si^ck, iin<|ilhing niy Md^4Iide8 Wt die t» and a botUa br «^. T!kwi aooa^iiifip^redf «ii(nn|,iiri«d.for ttMda { iitti to our glMt latbn- ishmeilrii|iiha told «• H«aa alt there was. We conid aot «ott0ei«« how" the eontftetor could iiilri at^kW^tabtpM^ wiA iMtd oi 'into a|Mh a Jiiifiilabii aMttMi^ii. W^ aiada for the d6or, wiat/ttfTl^liitoilioii Hf letting « iMMty bmoI at'tlvftni ^j^M. A wife ««ftbf al Aa 4oor «|Aa«toMle dNwr Mfi» flu aklat Ibr «i to •Mtir-irtiidr iinr'4lj£ -til MiAe hh» iilve Atri*' tjUfttMUtf hMW WMSNBva inHlwawififiwi^ vafv 1^ HtMJWi'MH «»l iwlt«(l|~ia^««itU- c tabic oa Col. Moodie and tho rO' roninder of the officers entered. Tho verj smoU mitigated tlicir anger, and they had to confoHS thot wc had more than atoned for tho grove mis- take wo had made, in eating and drinking what waa intended aa a snack for all— a poor snack for csquiniaux like us. Snow-shoes and toba* gans went into store that night ; and beef, rum, and buscuit were served out to the men. Tho rest of tho march we had houses to sleep in, and received kind treatment frpm the inhabitants. Wo croased on tho ice, and entered Quebec on tho 27th day, 1000 strong, without losing a single man ; rested ten days, and marched off on ti|>-ton, for the seat of war in Upper Canada. "Canada," says the ^rmy ^ Nary Gazettef '•' will bo largely strengthened, and our tlioughts are occupied with the safest moans of reinforcing her." To which, I bog leave to give tho follow- ing answer : — I marched from St. John, N. B,, to Quebec, nearly half a century ago, when the country wua almost in a state of nature, and assisted in bringing through 1000 men, without the loss of a single individual ; from which ozpc- riencc, I am perfectly persuaded that troops can Kow come out in steamers, in the depth of winter, land at St. Andrew's, 50 ndUi nearer the mouth of the Bay than St. John, and, with the assist- ance of a Provincial officer, brought safely through to Quebec. Though the later in the sea- son the more difficulty there will be^ on account of thq snow-drifts, the men nq^ wallicing on snow* shoes, as we did, but carried by rail and sleighs. J, therefore, confidently f^ssei^ that the best and shortest ronte for troo|)S coming firoin the British , Isl^s to Canada, ail^r the St. Lawr«pce iff doied b; i«e, is b^ tbf. PofI <^ 9i Aninw% ia tiw ••>08 *)HOliT ..■.. . .. •; , • ,' ) i;i *j4 j 0,1061 tt,A.l-»v>f<^j! '>;■. i'i-a .Ml, -jnodi i!ii Ktfir jiiu bf-i' -w's ..■ffViai.I ■ :h ;fiii-j jf jhaia >'ff .itoU&ai^ddt^ii'i-i'iimb . , ,1 -ol atiirfa eiJ afeii^ wsib eft^-n«b » dnw ■l-iii athb «tiIJ ttbcixt haa Mb 3* doiilv/ ijiaa •f *ii»T .^)(i:n-i(i'A .i'li *nl* flO ,ttt!>vrri« &n njdit »yif« aiyw )nif» .■)S"o^ tfi* •ti ^Sfi-iiiir 5&s»j8j>v! bare .h^uit ,f>,?ii!ffij .holWi Bay of Fundy, so long aa we are at peace with the United States. It is the most southern port in British America, in latitude 45*4' 13" N., and longitude G7 <=> 3' 58" W. Distance from tho Western const of Ireland 2386 miles, a capacious and safo harbour, open all winter. St. Andrew's is about 370 miles from Quebec (before tho Ash- burton treaty, by Major Youlo's, Royal Engi« neers, survey, 260), about 200 of which, troops can now be curried by rail, tho intermediate space by sleighs, which is tho shortest roiito between the Atlantic and Quebec on British territory. Fur instance, it is 80 miles shorter than by St. John, and 260 shorter than by Halifax. To sup- port tho nautical part of my assertion, I quote u few lines from Admiral Owen. He says : "I commanded tho Columbia, a man-of-war steamer, six years on tlie coasts of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland. I have traversed all the parts between Chignccto or the northern shore and the Bay at all seasons, with- out danger or difficulty. The navigation is at all times safe, and commodious ; and In general, it may be said, it offers greater facilities for safe navigation than common, and much greater than any other ports of the cua^td, of, ^QVfk ^cotia or Newfoundland, ' . yV/ ..v-VJ. , , W. F. W. OWEK, / JRear Admiral^ and fait Naval Surveyor qfthi Bap JSfoiifl i(il[)t')i,'p'»t1'bl(?o*ff bjia ,rtJ»ril co^ailli' . tu»'>iilA -A'^m tdi bflfl .yihithf ii^isi e to%> ^i; i ■i\mb "jrf ;>'7ilw j,*u