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H> 'Cv - A. j!i,v, v>ir 1 -> v-Wit^j|..^j*^^*jftfeSig ii^^tli^B^iJ^" '■•^S*<#SiPffJ^f^r^^^&iaip^. r'"-^ I'r^T ' •e r-// it /. ■% BY-LAWS •»i Aim m RULES OF ORDER ; OB" -«v»' •^ '*!■ ^UMUSHiEO BV ' ORPER OP THtf OlTV OO^I^iLi » ; ^ fyvri' [y < ;'^ a¥ issoe omusxiAn adtocatk omcBf ftintt irtanb 1864* .■ . ■'. ■■■•;-*i.'' - .s.J. ' .-v ' #A3i ffti; — ^m •'~i ' ^. €- /: ►•^^ .;, J^..' ,.'-■■.,,.' . «- ■ ^ ■ . ■ . ■ '. ■ ■ ; ' ■ ■ • '■ ■ (^^^ .^4i^ ^ - ::'-v'^'--.:-.; :' .''■'.■■■ " •■ '^ . .''■■■ '^ '^''"' ;■■:•..! v; -v ■ .'".■■'■ ■"■'^■> ■ ■ ■ * • * ■ - • • • > ' ' •■ .;■-.. ' _ , ■ " ■ . ■■■ _ , ■ ' ■■=.:-■" .;•.;•■■.....■•.- ,•^*^- ■■ . < ' ■■'■■, .. ■• '" . "' - ■ ..-■ ,-. . ■.. ■■■ ' • •• ■ V ■ •• •• •:/ • .•»• ■ ■ '. , '■ ■ • ■ - ■ . " ' - ...., .■■•,^ ;;;.;. : ..-.•j-V ■-■■■- '■'■:,:■■■ ■ ■■•■:';■•-■ : ■:'■■.■■■■:■' ■/»•■: S:-^ ■ ■■ ■'.*•• - ■ :■' ■.'.'/■■ ■'■-.'' ' • ■ ' ■ .•v.- ^- ■ ,. ■ ...■•• ■•■- ■■ ■ > : ■; ,'• ■. " t : ' ,. . ■■■■:•■ ■_:.,'■ -\ ■■; ■ . " . ' ' - " '■<''■ ^ .-.'.■. ' _\ ' ■ ,.'■".■■ :■■*..'" '.-... , ''•"'.■.'■..'. ','' -^ p>; ^^:-/.:'-:-'^''^\ ■■■■;.' ,/■'.:. ■:/-■-•■■ :,■'';' ■::::■ -''-'' ^ ':.;l '. "■-.;■■■■--: Kfel- \ .■■■.■■' ■ • ■■ - .. : ■,. ■ ■ ■..'.»• W ■ ^ ■ "'■■"- ■ ■•■ ■.■ ■ ':■'■'■ ■'■ ■ -V. ' :. -. , fe'"' .■.7"'.' ljfe,7 ' ^^ ■"■■'•;■ •■■ . ., '..'\\ . ' . Hkj^^.-'^ ■.,"■.: '.-:1!S.'''".:' ■'? ^^HH|^_.%^' '.':■ • ;■• ' ■ , :^A:-;:fc.-- '■--■"----i ■ ./. :^-^.4aJ^^^■ ■■"" ^■,-.:.- ^^^^^^^^^^^^HffitiC ' -' -■■ • -3rrgyjg.T.-ya;^ -.-■ .-■ i: // " '''•'■^iiajfain' Vf'~"' ■•■ ' *' '-' ■~*ij ^^^^^^^^^^HBkCIJ^W_W:..'' ^'^ >'.:".'■;•". .-.•",..■/, ■- -i.-CJiuti^^-^^iL: i •' -■ ■ ■ :■"" ':■■:::: 1854/ ■";■ 1^- / *♦*■ CHAiftlJES MAGlIJi, i%^ ■>■ ->f. Siiittmn : 5<. PatrieVi tVurd—J). B. GALBBEAItH, D. STUART. Bt. 6earg^$ W»rd^W, L. DISTIN, D. PRINOtE. ' 8t.Mary'$ Tr. Jr., JOHN HcCUAlO. ifif<. 0«or^'« mird-^. MITCHELL, JOSEPH FAULKNOB. Bt. Marf$ Win*— W. J. SUNLEY, J. T. OILKISON. Tat.Andrtv't Wirct--T, BRANIOAN, P. B. S^PHNv SLLamrenet Ward^-3.^. PALTON, T. DAVIDSON. ©fljrrw 0f tie «0tiMrratt0ii. Mbsskb. BURTON & SADLEIB, City SoUdton. MnsRS. HODOINS & PETERS, City EngiQeen. OEORGE H. ARMSTRONO, ^plioe Magutrata. R. W. KERR, Chiamberluni . : V > 'JOHN KIRBY, Ci^y Qerk. itoWlN HENWOOD, City Physiciaii. JOSEPH ROLSTON, Iiuq;»eotorof Weights and MeararM. JOHN DAVIS, Clerk of the Market JOHN MOORE, Health Officer. JAMES UcCRAC^EN, High Bailiff. JOHN CARRUTHERS, iphief Coiutable. WILLIAM MONTGOMEltY, Constable. JOHN FiTZPATRICK, g| do. WILUAMWEST, ~ do. JOSEPH KAVANAH, > do. PETER tERRIS, do. P. MoOLOOAN, do. ROBERT BIBLB, do. JOHN WILSON, Si^erintendent Honae of Industry. BOBBBT LAWBIE, Street Inspeotoft JAMES GAY, SupeiintoDdent of CenMtery. - O. BBADSHAW, Woodlnapeetor. * ■ftllip ^ Wp fTjrft, T^t w^y. r H ft ' i V»<»^" ■^. . '\ / / re / '■■ ^^^r •^^L^ Vy t- :. :'' ■- ■■"" ■.•■4:-> ':'.'■■ "■ -♦ ' ■■ -^ '■ ■ ' ■'. .' ■■■ \ :■ ■ ■ p— -• ., L h^r- "■ .^ ■ ^ V*- ' '■■■ '■'■ • "■ ■ - 1 ■ ■ .■ ' ■ .'■ \ *■■ M -Jr '. . . *VP\ ' ^M ^^m»ii: -^ ■ ky RULES, ToRemUte the Proceedinaa in the ^i^ (7^wc*2 of (he ' QUy of Hamilton, 1 That the Rei^lar Meetings of the Council shaU be held on each alternate Monday, at' seven o clock F. M, and if at that.honr there is not a quorum pr^ent, the Mayor may take^ the Chair and adjourn w^in tn© consent of the majority then present. % That whenever a meeting may be required for spe- «>*<>* m The preflentation of Rei^rta from *^f Committee«;accori-ted upon by the appropriate CoAnaitte^, ™1^ »* ^y ap^ that the Co^ttee has neglected to fulfil its duty. . , , . 8 That every motion or resolution shafl be in wri- ting and read by the mover, and when duly moved and Snded, and stated bvthe Mayor or presidmg officer, ahall be open for conrideration. _ _ 9 After a resolution has been duly stated, it shall be deeinedto be in poesession of the Council, but it may Sr^ltoi^ at ^ time, with the sanction of ^e Council. , 1, V,^ Ai.^ ^^ 10 When any resolntioii is imder co^deration, no the table—, the previous Question,— to postpone, tp y ^to mM: ^i^shallhiwe |3:ecede^^ r' / Cfnr COtJKOIL OrP IIAMIttON. the order in which they are arranffed ; the first and tjhird of which ahall be decided without debate. 11. When any Member deHires to speak, he shall rise his place and address his remarks to the Mayor, or jsiding officer, confine himself to the question ana avoid rsonality, Should more than one Member rise at le, the Mayor or presiding officer shall determine who entitled to the floor. • 12. No Member, other than the one proposing a question or motion, (who shall be permitted to reply,) shall speak more than once, without the leave or the Comicil, except in explanation of a. material part of his remarks which may have be6n misconceived, but then he is not to introduce new matter.^ J 8. ThejMayor'or any Membei* may call a Member to order ^^li^ speaking, when the debate shall be sua* pended, and the Member shall not speak until the point of order be detennined, unless to appeal fi'om the de- cision of the Chair. — ^All appeals shall be decided with* out debate. % ' 14. Every Member present when a Question is ^t shall vote thereon, unless the Council shall excuse him^ or unless he be personally intei^ested ih the qti|||bioii» in which case he shall not be obliged to vote. 15. When the Mayor or presiding officer, is putting A guestion, no Member shall walk out of, or across die House, or when a Member is speaking, shall taaj othel^ Members hold cBscom'se, which may interrupt hu% not pass between him and the Chair. 16. That any member of the Council may of iigh% require the question or motion in discussion, to be read £otr his information at any period of the debate, but not so as to interrupt a Member speaking. 17. That upona division in the CouncQ, the names of tliose who vote £>r, and those who vote against tibebuM^ tioD, shall be entered upon the Minutes. - ^ 'v \i4 \. _ ftVLES OF ORDER OF TnB ■•5 .....•••♦•^•••••••••••••»***** ....-«-•—••••»••""••"• 4U "'A-- 18. A motU to adjourn Bliall always be in order, and., need not be in writing. Ifi Tliat anv propoBed By-Uw U inil'oduceil by a ^ motion for a Committee to bnng it m, or by a repon of a Committee. 20 That any proiSoscd By-I*w bIioII receive three Beveral «i^l.n^ 1'"* »»* '""^^ than two on the same fvenhir^S with the unanimoiw consent of the Mm- b^rKt. The Clerk shall certify the reading and . the t&ne on the back of the By-Law. 91 Anv Membei-, TVPesenting Memorials or other-pUr «,« addS to tU CounciCshallbeacconntablettat Cy d^nTcontain impi-oper or impertinent -matter. 22 That the Mover of a Special. Committee sholj 1m Chaimarof the same, and whenever any Measure 18 refS to a Committee, the int.-oducer_of the Mea.- ^ Aall be aMemberpf the Committee instiuct^d to consider it. ' ' ' \ ^\ 23 Whenever itliall be Moved and ^Resolved that the Conncil eo into Committee of the whole upon any ' auesi^^ the^^^^ or presiding officer shall leave the fir^d L3 a^C the Committee, who &re?ortE proceedings^ the Mayor o™^^^^ ; officer on his resniming the Chair. The Rules of the CoSshdl bTobserfedin the Committee of the wh^k. except the roles relating to the yeas and nays, and hm- itmg tbe number of times of speaking. . ^ 24 That a Motion in Committee, to rise and report the Question, shaU be decided wi^out debate. 26 That the Standing Committees ^hsllhe as fol- lows: 1st, on Rnance ; 2nd, on lire and ^ Water; S^d, - Streets, ^de-walks and Gas ; 4th, Jtf aricete^d Market Block? 6th, Police ; 6th, Grievance ; Yth, Hospital and Cemetery. Each to confflst of five naembers. - 'J- CITY COUNCa OF HAMIJ.TON, L order, and ^ - *♦] 2(5. ifo mbnoy arfpropriation hIiuU bo ftnully acted tipon by the Council, until it hIuUI have been referred to the Standing? CQiiimittee on Finance ; aod no money Bhall be paid by tire Chamberlain until ordered by th^ CouncH, and Buch order uigned by tlieMajpr or proBi- dinif' officer. „ , , . -i^^ " 27. When a blank itt to \w filled, the question ^mL be firat taken on the highent sum or number, and on thw" longest time, proposed. , . ' i. ^ir^ ' 28. On the call of any Member, a majonty of thoee present, may demand that the previouH qtk'Rtion may be put, which flhall always be in this form : "Shall the mam question be now put T and until it is decided shall preclude all amendments to the mmn question, and - all ftirther debate. ' . «^. .?. - . . 29. After aily question, except one of mdefinite post- ponement, has been decided, one Member, who voted m the iMjority, may, at the same time, or at a subse- quent meeting, move tor a reconsideration thereof, bnt no discussion of the main question shall be allowed un- less reAionsidered ; nor shall any question be reKJOnsid-- ered more than once. ;. 30. That any one or more of these Rules may be at any time tempoi-arily suspended, with the consent of two-thirds of the membei-s present. 81. That the members of the Council shall take their places in the following order :— The membere for St George^s Ward to occupy the table in the centre ; those- for St^ Lawrence, the Easterly poi-tion of the Noi-them table ; those for St. Mary's, the Westerly portion of the satae ; those for St. Pati-ick's, the Easterly portion of the Southern table ; those for St. Andrew's, the West- em portion of the same. Members jnay Bxchan^e seats by mutual consent • * » 82. That all Chairmen of Standmg Conmiittees shall keep muiutes of their proceedings in a book to be fur- nished for that purpose by the Clerk, such book to b#^^ left with the Clerk at the expiration of office. " «^.'^l ^ ^ X: ^ .y. f'- ''' >'«'... BYLAWS or THK CITY OF HAMILTON. -•'••■ be CK- Mw J BY-LAW Na LXVJIL ON MARKETS. , Whereas it id expedient and necessaiy to pass a By-Law to regulate the Public Maitets jof the City of Hamilton: Be it thei*efofe '- . enacted, by the Mayor, Aldermen, and Com- ' moAalty or the City of Hamilton, in "Council assembled; " under the Uppef Canada Muni- dpal Corporations ActisC^ § 1. That no person shall expose &i» sale JJJJJ*^,' any Meat, Poultiy, l^gs. Butter, Cheese, fresh Efc fish, or any other kind of Provision, or ciwp produce within the City of Hamilton, at any Djace but the Public Markets, without having nrst paid the Market Fees thereon, hereinat I ter mentioned I and that no person but Butch- - l^rs shftU sell any Meat in less quantity than by the quarter, and such Butchers shall not expose any Meat for sale at any other place I than the Market Stalls, or at such other places as the Council by Besolution shall graiit them \ leave to seU^at ; provided always ftat no fees shall be charged on Wheat intended for ex<* portation, afiker Ist^nne next. § 2. That fron]( and after the said day, no SS^JSlS^, person shall ejiercise the trade of a Butcher «»• within the said City, without being previous* - ly licensed by the Mayor so to do, who is -<■■■ ■ 12 BY-LAWS OF TIIE r~ Ntuaance* No Forestall* infftobeallow- -!:>>' m> hereby authorized to issue such license under the City Seal ; and "any pereon selling meat by the -carcase, or quai-ter, or in *less quanti- ties than quartei-s, shall be deemed a Butcher for the purposes of this By-Law ; and that the duty on such license shall be at the rate of 5s. per year ; and all licenses shall expire on the fii-st day of June, or the fii-st day of - December in each year • and that no persons except Butcheit"!, shall sell in less quantities than by the quai*ter. § 3. That from and after the passing of this By-Iiaw, no ])erson shall bring into or leave about>k^^arket aijy hides, oftal, or any refuse or animal or vegetable matter that might occasion nuisance. § 4. That no pei-soii shall buy any ai*tiele of provision, food, or produce in thesaid city, on which the mai'ket fees are hereby required to be paid, for tlie purpose of rebelling the same, or any part* thereof, until after twelve o'clock, noon, nor shall any pei-son forestall or en^'oss any of the aforesaitf articles of pro- • "" visions, food or produce, within this city, un- til after that hour. T»intedMeat § 5. That uo pei*son shall expose or oflfer nottobeexpo-^ « , •.! • ^1 • •. x • j. j Bcd for sale. lor Sale withm the city, any tainted or un- wholesome Meat, Poultry, Fish, or aiiicles of Food ; and that it shall be the duty of ^he Clerk of the Market to inspect all Meats and other articles of provisions so exposed for sale, and if any sUch meat or other article^_iQQd ■I ' shall be found so exposedr^>r"saIe^ proee- , cute |;he pffejider, and to inform the Mayor or '^one of the Aldermen or Councillora of any such tainted or unwholesome meat, or other . a;iacles of food found within the city. And i CITY OF HAMILTON. 18 that it shall be lawful for him, under the di- rection of the Mayor, or any one of the Al- dermen or Councilloi*8, to seize and destiw all such tainted or unwholesome Meat, Ponl- try, Fish, "or other article of food so found, wnether the same has been exposed for sale or not^ ^ stalls to be an- § 6 That the Market Stalls shall be of-nnauypatup fered for sale annuaUy to the highest bidder, '"'■*•* but not under upset prices, which prices shall be fixed from time to time bv resolution of the Council, and all leases of, and teims in said Stalls, shall expire on the firet day of June in each year, " and if all the Stalls shall not be sold at such annual sale, or if any Stall shall become untenanted during <5he year, it shall and may be lawful for the Council to sell or let the same, eithisr by public sale or • private contract, and for such pnce and period as the Council shall think proper, provided such period shall not extend beyond the first day of June, then neirfc follomng. And the rent or price of siich Stalls shall be payar [ble monthly, in advance, to the Chamberlain, id if any butcher shall neglect to pay such • [rent, for one week affcer the same is demand- led by the Chamberlain, his lease and term in [the Stall shall therej)y be forfeited, and snch Jtali may ihereafter be sold to the higl^st \^ )idder. Tha#©M;h^tall shall be numbered ^ )efore it is somf^and shall be knoi;^ b»y such [nuinber. And before any such sale shall be I binding on Jilie rCity Council, the jpnr^haser shall sign a lease of the same, which may be in the^)llowing form :— "^ *«Thli ^^^ day of ; . Ileand IhrniFMrnof the City Oounoil Stidl, No. - in the Market^ to hold the same until for the sum of fts T u BY-LAWS OP/ THE pnyablo montlity in advance, sufaiaot to all By^-Lawt of the City of Hamilton, and Marketf Regulationi affoctinff tha sanio." II ° . • No. underlet CsSu-A^^ *^»* «o Pereou Mving a StaU or Stand- ing in any of the MMOcets of the city, shall J V underlet or assign it,/or place, or leave any "j^ one in the same, i/nder pretence 9f taking charge thereof, ythout the consent of iho City Council, andAny such act shall be a for- feiture of all intj^'est such pei'son had therein ; and it shall Wthe duty of each butcher to keep his St^in a clean and sweet state. to t!?ue wlr- § ^« That it shall and may be lawful for r«it for Rent, the Chajiberlain of the City to issue a wai^ rant, and for such puipose to use the City Seal dii-ected to any one of the City Constables, to seizo^any butcWs meat in any Market StalL fwthe an-eare of rent for such Market StalL *nd in case such rent shall not be paid, with- six houi-s after such seizure, and notice thereof in *wiiting, fut np in three places in ^■; the Mai-ket, specifying the meat seized, the cause thereof, and the time the same will bo offered for sale, such Constable shall sell soeli meat, or so much thereof as will satisfy the said rent, to the highest bidder ; Provided a?M;«y*, that it shall not be lawful for th« meat of a subsequent lessee of a Stall to bo seized for tlie aiTears of rent of a previoiw te^ nant thereof : ■ S£fZ? ®i5 \ ^,^- ''^* ^^ Butcher, Huckster, or Grocer topurehaSebe-shaUj on any pretence, directly or indirectlY forei2o'ciock. purchase or contract for, or cause to be jmp. - chased or extracted for^ any kind of Mea^ Provender, Provisions or Produce before th« ^ ^ hour of 12 oVjloek noon of any day; in tha V city or markets. \ > VSi'VM CITY OF HAMILTON. 15 § 9. That no Butcher or 6ther pereon shall ^^'f^- keep acny Dog or Bitch in or about the Mai^ kets or places designed for the sale of Meat. Auotidileen § 10. That no person shall sell or expose for sale any Goods or Chattels, or any ^Ani- mal by Auction in said Market, or in the ' Macrket j^rounds^ or in any of the streets im- mediatefy adjoining or opposite the same^ af- - ter pMf Imt day of June next. fll. That it shill be lawful for Farmers SfQuSSr?^ Butchers to sell mciat by the quarter or in greater quantity in the Mai'ket gi-ounds^ af- „ter the 1st day of June ne^ § 12. That whenever any Butcher has ob- JjV'*'®" *>*»: tun^ penmssion from the City Council to Mon'SSS^ selj^ttieat elscrwhere thaninthe»Jai-ket ; suchSlJM'nrkS *" Batcher shall pay for such permit five shillings per ammm, to the Clerk of the City Counm at his office, and such Butcher shall be liable to all the provisions of this By-Law, and for Hie pawent of any- fines that ;may be impos- ed on Lim to his violation of the same. \ . §JL3. That no berson shall keep a Slaugh-g'*^"*^*®' 1 terSonse withinlli^ city or the liberties there- \" lot, without special resolution of the Council jin that behalf nor play at any game, or lie [down, or sleep, or behave in a disorderly, noi- iBy or riotous manner, nor use profane or ob* ^seene language, or otherwise conduct himself in an offensive manner, in and about the said Market ot Market grounds § U. That the Market shall be opened **•*•*» «veiy im)niii», (Sundays excepted,) by the Caerk of the Market^ at mx o'clock between ■-^ vv't:^--::!:'^:^;''^-. "■■;■■■ •■■;;.■■-■ ■v- ■■■■■•"■ \ BY-LAWS OF THE i,- ^. 16 the first day of March and the first day of November, atid at seven o'clock during, the I'est of the year, and shut at four o'clock eveiy evening all thg^^ year roniid, except Saturdays^ when the Markets shall he kept open till nin6 o'clock. P. M." B.7«>d8t»w g i5;^,Xhat all Hay and Straw bmught to the city and exposed for sale/ shall be brought neai* the Hay Scales, and the peraons bringing the same ghall place their waggoiis^or dther vehicles ifi such place and order as the Clerk of the Market shall direct. fdaoed when Weights and HeMuret. V^ '- ■*, ■ ^'"''''hlhwJ* § ^^* Tliat when any wa.ggon or other ve- diraoto. hicle shall be brought to the Market, contain- ing any article to be sold oi'^ retailed out of such waggon or vehicle, the pei-son bringing the same shall place it in such order^ and take the animals drawing the same therefrom, and remove such waggon or vehicle .when the ar- ticles are sold out, as the Clei^ of the Market shall direct. § 17. That all pereqns selling Meat or oth- er articles of provision by weight or measure, in the city, shall provide themselveb with Scales and Weights and Measui*es, regularly marked, stamped, and duly adjusted oy the City Inspector of Weights and Measures, ac- cording to the lawfulstandard, and no person shall sell by less weight or measure than such standard. And it shall be lawful for the In- OT)ector of Weights and Measures, to seize and destroy such as are not according to such standard ; and all articles of provision sold by weiffht or measure, which shall be brought in- to tne mai'kets, and shall [prove deficient in weight or measm'e, shall be forfeited and' sei- ■ ■ ■ t 'm 'i tl '. ..'V CITY OF HAMILTON. BS BY-LAW No. LXXI. ON STREET8 AND SIDEWALKS. Whkreas it is expedient to consolidate and i amend tjie By-Laws and Regulations relating to the Streets and Sidewalks in the city of [Hamilton. \ \y *| Be it therefore enacted t)y the Mayor Al- J dermen and commonalty of the City of Ham^ ilton in Council assembled, " under the Upper Canada Municipal Corporation Acts :'' \ _, _ § 1. That eveiy pei-son in the actual pos-snow •»* Jm session, or having charge of any house, or oth- "*""*' er building, or piece of land, or «,ny part there- of, in fi-ont of which there is or shall be, a sidewalk, shall, by 12 o'clock noon, of each day, except Sundays, clear off and remove all [snow and ice from such sidewalk: Provided always, that such snow and ice shall not ^ be thrown into the gutter in front of such side- walk. ' ■ ■ : ,^^- " -■; , ■''''' § 2. That no pei-son sball Allow, snow orsnow and ie% [ice to remain on the roof of ^Miyr building he *^™°* '^**'- Bhe%r they may occupy, wn, or have the charge of, so as to cause any reasonable appr^ [hensiou of danger therefiwn, \ §^3 That no persOiVBhall by any animal, inemnbranoM vehfele, lumber, b|flldmg, or other matenal Jd*o*S aS?"°^' or thin^, or in an^ way whatever, directly or ^^®®*^ **• indirecSy, inoumoe^ or allow to remain in- cumbered, or injure or foul any sti'eet, square, \ lane, walk, sidewalk, road, bridge, sewer, or shore, now laid out and erected, or bein^, or hereaJ^r to bhHtruction8 whatHoever, which may project into or over any public street, lane, alley, square or road in the city of Hamilton or liboi-tiea thereof. § 14. That every pereon who may p^ider R«moT.»^ the 7th Section, lay building matenals in the ' streets, shall cause all the timber, building ma- _ terialfl and rubbish aiising therefrom to be re- moved from such streets when ordered so to do by resolution of the City Council, under a penalty not exceeding five pounds, for eveiy tweoty-four hours the timoer, matenals, or rubbish shall be and remain in such street after a copy of the order to remove the same 'shall be served on such person, or left at his dwelling house, V § 15. That all proprietor, or occupants, or cciinrdjorj person or persona havmg charge of any house iSTptSlrepdr. or building in the city, having cellar-doors made in the foot-path, or sidewalk, opposite their premises, shall constantly keep tfie side- doors in. good repair, and shut after dark, nor leave the said cellar-doors open inr tjie d^y time for any gi'eater length of time than may be reasonably sufficient for filling into or out of the same such goods, wood pr eflfects as may be intended to be introduced into or taken out of such cellai' ; and during the time the said cellar door shall remain open in the day time for the purposes aforesaid, itshidl /he the duty of the proprietor or occupier of said premises, to put on each side of the open- - -ing of sueh ^ellai^dooiMi-aqffioi e nt fflftTfl, to -X,^:- » '■ % 88 BTrLAWS Ornatnontal tTMfl. «.. f?V,^ BUoding Coni< inUt«« on HirMto. Hinging bellt. boat least three fo6t/high, so as to prot( passengei-s from iiO"*'y» under the pt'^uj nereinattor mentionetl, to bo recovered froln the proprietor, occupiei*, or person pr [)ei'HonB having charge of any such house or building. § 16. Thttt it shall and may be lawful /or any person or pei-sons who nia^ l>e desirous of planting ornamental trees m any street within the t^i^of Hamilton, to make appli- cation in w^jpifig to the Standing Comnuttee on Streets and Sidewalks, appointed by the' City Council for the time being, for permi»' sion to plant such trees, and for such peraon or pereons, after having obtained sucn per- mission, to proceed to plant the same. § 17. That-all such ornamental trees shall be planted under the direction and superin- tendence of the Stan(lingJ||J|||bJj^ittee on » Streets and ^ewalks, or B^SSHm ^ %i^ may appoint to attend to tWKKMt^n that IK- half, § 18. That any person who shall wilfully or maliciously injure, deface, or otherwise Itroy any ornamental tree or trees that is *~^» o;|^eveafter may be planted in any street of th^0[3 city, shall, upon complaint and con- viction thereof, be fined a sum not less than ten shillings, and not more than &ve ponuds, with costs, to be levied of his, her, or theii* goods and chattels; and in the event of fflifficient goods and chattels not being founa|to be imprisoned for a period not to exceed thiily days. § 19. That no person shall ring a bell or blow a horn, or shout, or make other^usual noises in the streets, or other puWic place,' ^t^Anf «^ I ftwfnl or rea aoTiitblft flftnae. J" -^ / lerwise 1 ^.•r «.: 1 aTY OR UAlULTOfr. ^' 89 ^•••••^••••••■•■^••••••••■•••* ••••"•••••"•'"•*"* •*****•' ■lwi»»««« > »» «— *■» >■ $ 20. Thfttiio person Hhnll ncle or dny0«f„"«2:,J«^ on any Hidowalk or [wrmlt any house or ve^^i^. hiclo to stantl on any flidowalk or crofiwng or leave any home or hornc^B in any Htroot, laae, • *. or alley untied, or taHton any horee in aiyf street or lane, ho that such hoi-HO, or the lii^ with which the hoi"80 m ftiHtenod, shall ol)8truc4 ; the jpasrtage of i)oi'flonfl on any part of, an^ , sidewalk, or drive with a sleigh without at least two bells attached to the harness, or ride or drive, or cause, or permit to be rode or$ . driven any hoi-so or hoiijes or cattle in any of i^. the publi<5 ways, streets or lanes of the city at * — an immoderate rate, or without proper cau- tion against doing injui-y to foot paaseugerB. § 21. That it shall and may be lawful for^J;^' the street Inspector or. any of the City Con- stables to arrest any person or persons conii" mitting any breach of the -preceding section, and to carry him or them before the Mayor, Polipe Magistrate- or any of the Aldermen. § 22. Thatnopei-son shall take or excarj^^^ vate any aaiid from any street, road or lane within the city without the permission of the City Council, first obtained for such purpo^, . ' § 23. That from and after the passing ofjJ^enfc«»<»- tliis By-Law, no pei-son shall commence to build, ere6t or place any wooden building or buildings, of which the sides or ends shall be of wood, larger than ten /eet square; neither shjJl they continue or uphold any such wood- en building commenced hereafter, in that part . of the City, comprised within the following limits, viz: Ma^et or King William Streets, ^ li ^^ on the north ; Mftry and Walnut Streets on the east ; Brougham and Main Streets, on tho .. t .3 ■/ - -'S F ■ . Si 1 '^^'■»v T'<; 40 Bt^LAWS OF TIIK log*. south ; and Bowery and Bay Streeta, on the west ; and no ))uil(iing within the above lim- itS Bhall be covered MfitU Hhhigles tVom and after the passing of thiH ByLiiw without a good coat of mortar, Iialf an inch thick, btjing laid on the roof boards directly under the shingbs. ^1 § 24. That ^no pewon shall pommence to buSd, erect or place any wooden building larger than ten feet square, neither shall they continue or uphold any such wooden building commenced hereafter, m that other part of the Cjty comprised within the foUowmg limits viz : Vine and Gore Streets on the north ; Mary and Walnut Streets, on the east ; Ty- burn Street and Maiden Lane, on the south ; Bowery and Bay Streets, on the west ; ugless i^uch building be lathed and plastered off the outside, with three good coAs of mortal* or with two such coats of mortar and one of rough-cast, or stucco ; with a coat of nioi'tar not less than lialf an inch thick, on the roof boards, immediately under the shingles . § 25. That any pei-son who shall hereafter erect any building or buildings in this city of stone or brick sh^l make the party walls not less than one foot thick in the clear, if brick, and two or.m9re stories high-; and not less than eighteen inches, if of stone, and two or more stories high ; and shall so an*aiige the joists as to prevent their communicatmg fire thi'ough the wall : That is, the joist holes shall not extend ^over half through the wall on, either side, and shall not correspond, but be at least four inches in the cleai*, the one 'from the other. § 26. It shall not be lawftil for any person or persons carelessly or maliciously to Tbreak^" Pi^y waUa. Breakinf; 4> ■^- cm OF RAMlLTOir. 85 § 2. That during the 4^y time it shall be W**' the duty of the Police to see that all nuisan- "^ ces in any part of the city are removed there- from at once; that the waggons are properly placed in and about-the market grounds, and that good order k mfOntained therein. > ' '*.''-.' "" ' ,' ■ "'■' - § 8. That the High Bailiff shall have the "'«»> b*"!* *• charge and management o^ the Constables ; co«ibKP *' and, in his absence or sickness, the senior offi- cer shall have like power. , J 1 4. Thatthe Police Constables shall obey all o»>«yi«>ft »»•• ere and Oii'ections of the High BaUifforSSSS.'- ^f" senior officer, in command ; and any refusal to execute, or contempt of ordere, "shall be met with dismissal and forfeitm-e of a month's ^^' ■■.* ' ■■■'■.■ S 5. That two of the Constables shall p4. Night w«tch. trol the city every night until 11 o'clock, and on Saturday nights until 12 o'clock, to see tjiat airinn-keepers and othera comply , with wieByLaws. . *^f^ xi^^T?: ?^*.,®^^ Constable shall i-eport to cowtaw.. to the BghBaihff, every moniing, the particu-ZSJ.^:*^ lars of the previous day aid ni|ht, who shall: enter m his register the naine of th6 man, and the substance of the repoi^t § 1. That in case of fire, the Policemen shall ?•» *<>»>•"»« repair to the PoKce Office to see that the bell '"^• M rang^and the engines and reservoii-s are sent to the fire. / l-i^: '^l ^Policemen, when on duty, must Department of extubit perfect command of temper, umnoved "*"' by^anjr language or threate that may be usecL andhis whol^ attention must lie gi4i to iS ,v^ I' ..'■••. ■■f'. 26 BY-LAWS OF TItK Poiio«n«n to •rreat, fcc. 8aUr{08> V A 8 9 ThI Policemen shall arrest any person vi^atinff the law by committing a telony or ridemeanor, or caiing a disturbance of peace and good order. e 10 That no Policeman shall receive, di- redily or indirectly, any^ rewurd or fee, pi^ other compensation than his salary. ^f — — — — ■ < » ■ ■ ' — ■ BYLAW No. LIX. ■"'.':' N> V ON WOOD. , fPa$»ed May 6th, l^±r WiiEBBAs it itf necessary to am^nd the By- Law now in force relating to the Inspection and Bale of Firewood and Shmgles. Be^ therefbi^ enacted, by the Mayol^ Al- ' dermen, and Commonalty of the city of Hur milton, in Council assembled, " under th^^^ per Canada Municipal Corporatipn Acte : luspeewr. SI. That there shall be appointed annual- Ivone Measurer and Inspector of Fuwood wid Shingles in the city of Hamilton. N^toofifer ; § 2. Thatno person shall expose for^e. Wood for Mje,. ^^ ^ f the city except in that part ot SaS/^'i^e^^Jr^in Kmg Street, between Jok and Huffhson Streets, any fii-ewood by the load, or m quantities less than five cords, unless the same &hall have been measured, and the qua^ titv and quaUty marked by the Measurer and Inspectbr, appointed as aforesaid ; nor shaU anrpei-son offer wood for sale unless the pnce p^ cord is speafied by him for the same. ^ , 8 a Thatlihe Lispector ihall mark, in a 5S;;Sj8eiiira ig^ble ^d couspicuous manner, upon the -,p,:y. CITY OF IIA>IILTON. ^T wood, when measured, the cords or parts of a cord contained therein, and the quahty — such as No. 1, 2, 8, or 4 — and he shall give. the seller a written or printed certificate, of which he shall keep a coiTect duplicate in a book, which he shall present to the Council and Chaiiman of the Mai*ket Committee, once in every month, which the seller shall exhibit when requested, and upon the wood being sold, give to the buyer. / Not to offer •leu for § 4. mt no person shaU expose for sale, g,'^^^ .or at any other place m this city than at the •*•« except in wood mai-ket, on the Gore aforesaid, any"*"**'"'"*' shingles, unless the same shdl have been measured, inspected, and marked, as before mentioned witn regai'd to wood ; the quantity specified in thousands or parts thereof; and ,; the quality, as No. 1, 2, 3, or 4. Cei-tificates to be given and exhibited, as in the case of wood above, mentioned. § 5. That the Insp^ctoi* shall receive from Fee. the Seller a Fee — for eveiy Load of Firewood, two-pence, and for every bundle of shingles, one-penny, § 6. That the said Inspector shaff be gov- ?KSd^ erned in hia rule of measurement and inspeo- shioK^w* tion by the rules observed by the Inspectors and Measurers of Government Firewood in this Province, so far as known ; and that he shall measure all lengths of wood from Calf or Scarf to Point ; and that he is hereby authoi^ wed and required to jplace all teams loaded with wood and shingles in a line along the centre of the said "Gore;" and any pei-son bnnging firewood or shingles into the 5ty for / sale, wh '.^ *^ ' '^J^TF' ^'■i-7'^?^^^j«SfJ 28 BT-LAWB OF TIIE with thifl By-Law, or shall leave the line be- fore he has sold or disposed of his wood or shingles, or shall loiter about the streets with > his load, shall be liable to the penalty herein- after mentioned. ,^ . v/' .1 ,,, '■'.'*■_'' ^ ■■■•■ , iiwpMtor to ft 7. That the Fees for the Measurement of giyMourity. ^^^ ^^ Shingles shall be sold and accoun- ted for in such manner ; and the purchaser of the same, who shall be th^ Wood Inspector, shall give such security to the Mayor, Alder- I; men, and Commonalty of the City of Hamilr ton, for the general performance of his office and for the payment of the purchase-money, and in such proportions, and at such periods as the City Council shall from time to time, previous to the sale thereof, by resolution adopt: Provided, that if such Wood Inspect- or shall wilfully break any provision of this By Law, or wilfully misbenaye himself in his office, he shall not only be liable to be fined for such offence, but, on conviction thereof; he shall also forfeit his said, office, and the City Council may thereafter re^U the said fees for the remainder of the year. Firewood, § g. That all Firewood and Shingles which ^^iSpectod shall at any time be brought to this city, and stored or deposited in any yard or other place, and which tnereaffcer shall be sold and carted from such yard or other place, shall, when sold, be inspected in like manner, and under the same regulation as Firewood and Shingles sold in the Wood Market ; and the seller of the same shall be liable for paytaent of the fees of inspection and measurement. ffiSSSSwii § ^ "^^^ ^* ^^^ ^^^ ^ lawful for any pep- wood, Jko. son or persons to deface or obliterate the /^ ■1 ^^^, " CITY or HAiat/roN. 89 / mark or measnrement made on any Firewood and Shingles made by the Wood Inspector. § 10. That any person infringing the pro- Peod visions of this By-Law, or any part thereof shall, for every such offence, be fined a sum of money not to exceed five pounds, with costs; and m default of payment thereof shall and may be committed to the Common Gaol of the United Counties of Wentworth and Hal- ton, for apeiiod not to exceed thirty days. ■8. :X « ♦'» BY-LAW No. LXVn. FIBE BBIQADE, rPoMKd May6th,lKa.J Whekeas it is necessary to amend the By* Law now in force relating to the firemen and Fii'e Companies. •' -^ Be it therefore enacted by the Mayor, Al- dermen, and Commonalty in the city of Ha* milton, in Council assembled, "under the Up- per Canada Municipal Corporation Acts :** § 1. That from and after the passing of Bnx»«i. this By-Law, all By-Laws having reference to Firemen and Fire Companies ai*e hereby re- V pealed. J 2. The " Hamilton Independent Fire Bri- offloenoCFir« e" shall consist of one Chief Enmneer and "''*^ Assistant Engineers, one Hook and Ladder Company, one Hose Company, and such num- ber of Firet and Second Class Engine Compar mes and Portable Reaervoiis, as may be found necessary. The Brigade to be under the man- _ ^^^^ ^^ a-Committee, to be compoeed of the Chief and Assistant Engineers, (Sficere of .:.-("' y^^pwp^ '•' BO r BY-LAWS OF Tim Wate^; Conuuittee, appointed by tue ^ny CoonciL ' 8 R It flhari be the duty of the Chairman of " - ^ - ' '>h!Fire a d Wat^r Committee, appointed by fh«S)rcU tb^t with the Co^^^^ . o^J^Q .iVa shall be a member thereof, andSnlations from time to «n.e m'^fjo^, "e Bai(V Blie Brigade, relating t^ the duties ot the said Oommittee. ^ E«..«« .- 8 4 The Chief Engineer and A»i«tant^- S2S, .i«t.d. 9 *• V" 11 1^ elected annually, by the mem- Kfr^ thediflferent Companies composmg the tel a^dXoBhallals^electfromth^iirowB nSffi own officer8,in such maimer and ^T timZ m they may think proper, and Enritaeers and officers to the atyUerKjiw Stration ; and the Committee of Mwiaee^ S Id the C<.mpam«fl.jnflyj8» such By- S^^fOT their own govlSnmeht as awfotre- JH^ant to this By-fi.w or the generallaws of the city. q^E,^>«» § 5. The Chief ^^^^,^^"2 Setto« (ipreddl. ^°, -t gii fires, and preside at aU meetings • T^hAri^aBd Committee of Manage- ot the »n^» T.^. the Bole and absolute - "'S^rieS Snrand other Stations, SL Poitable T^H and all otherapp^ . S^i^^ted with the Fire Brigade £d . • S^all carters and othen. who may beaitog noting in extinguishiw &^ !?"4jl«i^ • • k auAori^ to CBMe to be demobshed^ orto ~ , ^. W^^S«Ubnil^fen-«.«;^t stouctions that may be deemed necewarj^ w ■ " ** I ■■.-■■"".■ ' \ ■ ^'l.A i fe iJ U.V. >•».' N \' iw^' iws^iif #«« A T^ 'T'^^^ia^ip' T «^ . ^'^-' t 7^ ■^ , ' , .n,-' .1 ,-- •-•>- -55^ CITY or HAMILTON. 81 i.V «#*• an-08t the progreflB of any fite, In tlie at)-l5^^. <^ ^ Hence of tne Chief Entpneerf it nhall \m the KnRinm.r, iim duty of the AnHifltant Kiiginoera, in the order Ulit'KiiKilSI' of their aenimity, to have the authority, and*"** ** perform all the dutiee devolving on the Chief. In the abnence of AflHistant Knginoers, the Be- nior Captain present (excepting Captains of ^, , Second-CluHB Kngines) to have tne same {M)wer '■/ and authority aa the Chief and Amintant Vm- ^^ u- ,. gineera ; ana the Chief l^^ngineer, AHHintante, .* and officer in co^imand or any Company of " ^ , the Fii'e Bngade at any Are, shall have fiill Hf power to oroer pny person or persona to assist ni extinguishing such Are, and oy reporting to the Stipendiaiy Magistrate the names of any , person or persons wilfully neglecting or refu- sing to obey such ordei-s, they shall oe liable to the penalties hereinafter provided. § 6. The City Council shall pay all necessa- '*"''" <'••"»<'" <« ry expenses for the repainng of appai'atusforrcpain. the Brigade. The officers in command of the different Companies ai'e authorized to get ne- cessary repairs done to the apparatus' under his control, such accounts to oe certified by the Chief Engineer, and paid by the Council on his order. For new appai'atus, the con^ sent of the Council must be obtained. The / Council shall pay annually to the order of the officer in command of each Company, for the purpose of cleaning, and keeping in efficient order, the apparatus of the Brigade, the fo£ lolring sums, viz : — For each J^t Class En- gine, the sum of four pounds currency; for each five hundred feet of Hose, four pounds currency ; for the Hook and Ladder Carriage, four pounds cniTency ; and for each Second Class Engine, the sum of two pounds currency ; *'- in quarterly payments. ■ f 'Ki ^ a p-=i!^?W5^^^^' 82 BY'LAWH 0¥ TOT ' V, , r-i. ft 7. That the annual ^rant l)« ^a^le to 1 1^ , Hamilton Indopendtmt l^re Bnf a(ie ot MOO, for the better organization and Hup|)ort ot the Baid Brigade> lieu of all premium. a« * , . e -^«*«.i u» fhmriniiiicil. said amount surer ot saui nrigaue. uv i-ii" vy»«. — ^.- — r on the order of the Cl^ef Engineer, to Qom- mence with the paurdng of the By-Law.-^*, ,.™«.«u, .- § 8. That when any member of any Com- tiZt^ pSny of Firemen in thi« city, which u or may ft»m8ut.a j^ i-etmlarly enrolled, has i-egularly and taitu- ^ folly Berved for the npace and term of Beven years consecutively in the Bame, the member shaU be entitled to receive^ upon producmg — due proof of his having lerved seven yeara con8ecutively> as aforesaid, a certificate from the Clerk of the Common Council of the city that he has been reLmlarly enrolled and ser ved as a member of the smd Fire Company for the space of seven years ; which certificate sball exempt the individual named therem from the payment of any pereonal Statute La- bor Tax thereafter, and from serving as aJu- ror 6ft the trial of any cause in any Court of Law within this Proymce. ^ 8 9. And be it foi-ther enacted, that wiyPJP' son being convicted of an infringement ofthis By-Law, shall be liable to a fine, tiot to exceed five pounds, and not less than one, and in de- fault of payment, to be committed to the com- mon gaol of the^ United Counties of Went- worth and Haltbn, for a period not exceedmg PaMlty. Iliirty days. /•J 'T«*NM****»««a«»***««a*«««
t ^ FIrawood not to b« placed on tli^ limitiiof thn mi^iI City and ItbertiM, (tix- ^ cept OH li«r(jiniin:<4' pix»vidocl with fi^ixict to buildin fi Afid hiiilfiinii^ rimtc ialiv) ^ithout a llceQ9« horn tho City C.*ouiicil for fjti^ ptirfHMo. RtniSJ'jM... S *• Th*** "*> pcFHoii hIiaII cast' or throw, iM>t to bfl cMtor eause to lie cant or thrown, into any pnhlio • •ay '8ti*««tM,Ht or par- cel of grouml'in wud City, and wwhintf to build, to lay buihling niat«»nali4 m t\\o publi© i •trtHitrt or highway, in front of Haid lot or |>ioc« of lttno«i- ting said materials, without the consent of the persons owning on the two side* ; or in case that is refused a special iMnniission granted on a regular application to the City Council ; And provided also, that if the part^r owning on Jhe opposite side of the street wishes to build at^ the same time, each party shall, in that case, be restricted to the use of one-third of aaid street instead of the half ; which street, in the way aforesaid, they m^y peaceably and law* fully occupy for such reasonable time as may be necessary to complete said building or buil- dings. § 8. That it shall and may be lawful forjow^j* any person or persons hereafter building* in the swd city, or who have already got buil- dingtJ in sida city, to excavate in front of their said buildings or lots, so as to erect area Walls and procure areas fpr basement stories, said areas not to exceed, eight feet in the clear, ex- * elusive of the walls, ^d to be well an^d sub- stantially covered with such timbers and ma- Im. ■^4. 9' i'?4J ■m \ 1.-' . ■*;ir.t^lSiiti !S-^«g^r™^?s^^«'T!WBrK?ip^'^e''53'^®'|p''OTaMa^p>'«W'rv'v^ F «j f^^pr ■|R I'^'^f^'"-^"' , i M • -W BuavAiioiw. pUnk*, iM. •t4Uwi or niB tmiiilft M to render the fbotirayfi mh and ■»• euro. § 0. That each anil every pernon who nhAll excavate for the erection of walli^ or fbr any other purpole, in or near the Ntdewalkf or in or near Any othor place fVcquentcd by the piibru', hIiiiII put up a ^?; mmm -.mfr'^vi'^p^-.'.'^^mii WW''^'^W^' cm Of UAMSLTOV. 8T f. ■' \^ ''- w by Mnolution nnd^r thfl ^ of th« «ity. •«■ tComi^ ami ♦lirfl^'t thoOity Hurveyor or oth«r omcm- <»f th« city «if lUinilton, to remojr* and Uk« away any a«K>r^q»S |K>rche«, railinw or other «riti<»nM. i)roj«otu>n^ or obttmctioni I whatiKHiv«r. which may projttct into or ov«r •ht public iitr«et, UniN alley, H■,"*- /%•,, M BY-LAWS OF THE OrniMiiental treei. W be at least three feet lugh, so as to protect passengei's from injury, under the penalty nereinafter mentioned, to be recovered from the proprietor, occupier, or person or pereons havmg chai'ge of any such house or building. § 16. That it shall and may be lawjftil for any person or peraons who may be desirous of planting ornamental trefes i^ any street wi&in the citj of Hamiltgn^ to make appli- cation in writing to the Standinjg Committee on Streets and Sidewalks, appointed by the — City Council for the time beinff. for permis- sion to plant such trees, and" for such peraoh or persons, -after baving obtained such per- missio% to proceed to plant the same. SteadingCoiiH .\g l7. That all such oiTiamental trces shall Sl^to?" be planted under the direction and^superin- t . tendence of" the Standing Committee on I Streets and Sidewalks, or suclroflacer as they ' may appoint to attend to that qjity in that be- ■-:;.-:-.-^hal£ ' ■, ■,<■■■; ■ ' ■' ,'..:-.\ Peftdag w § 18.:Tliatan3r person w&) J^all wilftilly iqjvriiiR trees. ^^ maliciou^ injure, deface/ or otherwise destro/ any ornamental tree or trees that is are, or hereafter may be planted in any street of the said city, shall, upon complaint and con- viction thereof be fined a sum not lees than _ . ten shillings, and not more than five ponuds, with costs, to^be levied of his, her, or their goods and chattels ;" and-' in the event of sufficient goods and chattels not bei^ fojmdj to be imprisoned for a period not to^ exceed thirty days. . Ringing beDi. § 19. That no pcrson shall ring a bell OF blow a horn, or shout, or make other unusual 'noises in the streets, or other public place, without a lawful (MM.'ea 8 Qnable =^wBei= »*«■■: CITT OS" HAMILTON. 80 „...- ...fj^^-r- 8 20 That no pei-son shall lide or drive Jg on Sde- ""* onWXalk o? permit ^<>^^^^'^ hide to Stand on any sidewalk or crosane or leave any W-se or hoi-ses many street. lan^ or alley untied, or festen any horse m^ai^ street or lane, so that such hoi|V^*lie lines wi4 wWch the hoi-se is fastened, shalk>b8truet the passage of persons or to turn the stop cock of the same, !unless»du]y authorized tb do so, nor to hang or place any gooda or m(girchaiP' dize of any description on any of th(9 said lamps or lamp posis for thejpurpose of sale or for any other purpose, nor to place ^y goods, boxes, wood, or other heavy material against the same, nor to climb upon or hitch any horse or horaes, or any other animal to any of the same, tinder the penalty hereinafter mentioned. ^** § 27. That all By-Laws and parts of By^Eepeai of By. Laws relatmg'to streets and sidewalks be and^'^ the same aiy hereby repealed ; pix)vided al- ways that any proceedings gainst any per- * 9on or persons for a breach of such By-Laws or parts of By-Laws committed before the passmg of this By-Law shall be valid, and the party or parties shall on conviction be liable to the penalties in such By-Law contained. § 2$. That any person violating this By- Penalty. . ILaw or any section thereof, shall upon con- Ivictionbefoi'e the Mayorj Police Magistrat(|,jor ^ [any • * ,*^ ■■ ■> ' v> « V l..>.i « »f X. orry op HAMiLToii . 4d § 7. That no person shall fire any gun or Firing gow, other fire anna, or fire or set off any fire ball, sqmb, cracker or fire works within.the City. , § 8*^ That any person who shall keep aoamwing gambling house shall be liable to the penalties *"*"**• ereinafter mentioned, and the Mayor or any * one of the Aldermen, or any acting City Constable may enter into snch gambling house \ and seize and destroy Ronge et Noir tables and other devices for gambling. ^ § 9. That it shall be the duty of every res- Privy on lot ident owner of ev^ry inhabited lot in the Gity and of the occupant of e veiy lot, when the ' owner thereof is a non-resident, or the agent therebf, to prov^e aiidi:eep upon such lot a convenient neces^ry, with a va^t at least si^ feet deep J kny person violating the provis- ions of this secti6|i, shall forfeit and pay a pen- alty of ten shillings fpr every twenty-four hours he or she shsJl neglect to provide such necesJ^Euy ; Provi^ed^HVays, that no person iorpe^ns shall after ihe passing of this By- [Law, ^rect any Twivy, dess-pooT, or hog^ty, dthoiit having nrat obtained pero^^ [le cdnstilntea anth^l^es^near a^ ' ' Kmnin^ the mdewalkMn any street within the hity,mors^all lie, she, or tibey permit any- ^ 1th or ofifemvo matter tordn ftom any place rithin th|i!r premises oyer or tinder aqy rader ralk, gate or entrance, or into th^ streetSilanes, Ueys, courts or public sqifares pf the City, >r be sulfect to the pains and penal|iie8 herein-> [after mentioned. V * ''"' " ;/• i'J § 10. That from the tune last aforesaid, n^ iSibi not to be [tub or other receptacle shall be removed from SS^TL*^ any pnvy, vaiaivBu^ otee^ or any of- ^^ 44 i: .^... ^ 9ir*J«AW8 6f T£m lOM lo • 1- feosive matter or dead crease, except bfetweenr the hours of ten at night, and five yi the mor« ningf under the penalty hereinafter mentioned for each offence, nor snail any pei'Sbn under the like penalty, emptj, cai*t, or lay the con-, tents of any such tup, or other receptacle out of any privy, sink, vault or cess-pool, within the limits of this City, or in any street, alley, ~ or public square. ^ ' 25l!S*2d** ? ^^' ^** ^'^^ ^^^ after the passing 6f buuding^&o., this By-Law, it shall be lawful for the said "'Jy^KCounciVorpthe Board of Health for the time «d ea£h. ice. ..■i ^ r^ . < being, to direct ahd 'authorize any .bf the City Constables or oth0l^ suitable perepn, to enter in the day time and^^^i^^^ii^to any building of any kind^ oellar/ioj^ of ground, alley, fsinl^ cesB-pool, yiHilt pr privy, whidh hel or ithey may have reason to believ^vare foul, ii^oum- bered with rul^bish, damp^ ^unk^n and iQ con- structedfimd n^i^ direct ^he cleansing/ alter- ing, imending, mHn^^ or draining t^ same, and the removal of Ml nuisances in aha about the same, bjrthe owner or occupant of any b)iilding, 161^ Cellar, sink, vault, cess-pool or privy : airy ju^on who shall refiise to copiply with the mre#ion of the said City Constaole or other suitable person duly appointed by the authority aforeaaidvin their l^half, shall forfeit and pay the penalty Weina^r -men- tioned, for each offence, and the sidd't^uncil or Board of Health, shall have authority; at their election to enforce and execute the airections ^o given at the expense of the owner or occu- pant as a penalty ; provided such eiq>eofle aoefl not exceed the ^umpf &ve pounds. .DflMritiogof 12. l^t any peiBon tiIiio, alter the pas* nng of this By-Law, shall deposit or cause to ■7^ .^ crnr of haiuplton. 45 ;■>■<«■*•«.«*« be deposited/any^dead aniriial, fish or pntnd meat, entrails, brblcen bottles, decayed vege- ^ tables, or any offensive substance, in or upon ^ ;* any public street lane or alley, or above the surface of the ground on any lot, or shall de- posit^ any dead animal or puti-id cai'case, or any other substance which is now or shall hereafter be prohibited from^ being dejjosited in any of thie streets, lanes or alleys* in the ' said City, or any owner, possessor, or o(?cupant ' ■ ^ of any lot, or the owner, occupiei*, or tenant m of any house, building or cellar who shall suf- ; fer or permit any stagnant or filthy water, or 1^ , _^J!: putiid or unwholesome meats, decayed vege- tables, or other offensive substance to remain on his or her lot, or in his or her house, or other building or cellar owned or occupied by him or her or intds or her charge within the ■ limits of this City,*he, she or thev, shall for- -"'^ feit and pay a penalty as hereinafter mention^ V ed; for each offence, a^d shall also pay to the CSty of Hamilton, the expense and charge which the sai^ Corporatioil shall be put to in removing or abalang any such nuisance, and theMayor or Police Magistrate, or any one of * the Aldernlen, with the City Constable, oy any person or pei'sons in aid oi him or then^ may, at any time in the day time, enter into or upon any house, out-house, cellar or < other place, and remove or abate such nuipa^ce' in 8u6hmanneriis he or they should judge best: and anjrperson obstructing or hindering such ^}^^^^^^^^ ]!llayor;]S)lice Jifogistrate, Alderman, member j of the Board of Healthy Constable or person >v„ V ' ealled in aid, in his or their duties as nerein 1 set forth, shall iforfidt and pay a penalty not ; . .exceeding five pounds. -"T-r~';:^":r"'''-^';"'^''^"'"^^^^^ § la That from ahid after the passmg of M«mrM, W 46 DY-IiAWS OF TIIE this By-Law, all pei-sona keeping hoi-ses shall put up the manure in heaps, and shall remove the same at least every spring and fall, and oftener if the Health Officer sftall deem it a nuisance, but where hogs are kept and the manure heap is in common, then the satoe shall be removed monthly and that all pig-sties be cleansed weekly, or be considered and treated as a nuisance, with the penalties attached as set forth in section X2th of this By-Law. cometry, &c. § 14. That no person or pei-sons shall hete- -^ - after inter any corpse, inan^ctimetiy or other • , place in the said City, unless m vaults or graves at least five feet deep, and without removing disturbing, or exposing any other body, or coffin, undeiv>^e penalty hereinafter mention- ed, fol* each ^fence. offlccrBofcity. § 15. That herieaftei* it shall be the duty of the City Hi^h Bailiff and City Constables, to aid and assist to carry into effect the pro- visions of this By-Law. § 16. That a tax of five shilHngs ^haU be imposed on the owner or ownere^ harbourer or narbourere residing within the said City, of every dog exceeding the age of six months except one dog owned by any fanner vithiii the said "Gty. . \v § 11. And ihat such owners and harboto^ era of dogs shall put and keep collai'S on sucli dogs with the name of such owner engraved on the outside of the said collar, and that- it shall be lawftd for the said City Council %;. resolution to order the destimctipn o^ and for the City Constables or any otl|er inhabitant of said City to destroy any such dog "or dogs found mnning fit lia*ge within the City not Tozonddgtu Owners of doge. t :/■: ■^ CITY OF HAMILTOK. 47 ....Jj*ff,*!.*,— ■- -•r claimed bV any pereon.as the "owner therebf, aftoif a J^dclamation signed bv % Mayor shaHhave been publislied two days, v, 8 18' And that it Sliall bfe lawful %V tbe Proclamation. Mayor by such resolution of the Council to - . issue his proclamation ordering that dogs fthall not run at large during the times mentrdl^ed in such proclamation, and that every owny or harbourer of any dog running at large con^, traiy to such proclamation, shall be hffble to be fined a sum not to exceed five pounds for each breach of such proclamation to be i;ecov- _ „ ered with costs upon complaint and conviction before the Police Magistrate, Mayor or any ot • die Aldermen of the s^d City. §"19. That it shall not be lawful for any Houjej^of " persottor pei-sons to keep any house or hou- ses of Hl-fame within the City of .Hamilton under a penalty not to exceedfiive pounds for eveiy breach of this By-Law, to be recovered with costs by complaint and conviction before the Mayor, Police Magistrate, or any one or more of the Aldermen ofthe City. '"^ inhabiting or frequenting any house or houses of Dl^fame within the City, shall upon convic- tion thereof as aforesmd be subject to the pen- alty hereinafter mentioned. ralk 21. That all common ^roj^tutes or ^ht^^^^^ waliceis wandering in the sheets and high- ways of the said City or liberties, not giving a satisfactory account of themselves, /Shall be deemed vagrants, vagabonds tfnd disorderly pereoDB wifldn the meaning of this Act i -n ^i^VjH-"-' ■■ «?■;;, 48 , BY-LAWS OV THE Indecent ezhibitioMi beggwt. § 22. That all pcraons openly exhibiting or exposing in any street, road, or public place in the said City or Liberties, any indecent ex- * hibition; and all pereons wandering abroad, or placing thenteelves in streets, pablic places, highways, courts, or passages, to beg or gather alms, or causing, or proctning, or encouraging any child or children so to do, or endeavoring by the exposure of wounds or deformities to effect the same purpose ; and all pei^ons who shall be apprehended in or upon ainy dwel- — — ling-hottee, ware-house, coach-house, stable or out-hoi|se, or area, or in any eticlesed yai*d, garden, or place within the said City or lib- erties, and shall not be able to give a satis&o- ' >*/ tory account of themselves ; ana all persons impwtMrei. 'imposing or endeavoring to impose upon any ,^ pei'sons, or chaiitable institution, by any false . or fi'bdulent representation, either verbally oi^ in writing, vnth. a view to obtain money, op some other advantage or benefit, shall be deemed va^ants, mendicants or beggars with* in the trae intent and meaning of &is Act § 23. That all peraons who shaU be found drunk in any street, higbwa^r, lane^ or public Slace in the said City or Liberties, shall be able to arrest and punishment nnder this Act, in the same Imannei* as is provided in ^he cases of vagrant, vagabond iMid disorderly p^ .sons.. '■' -:\'^ :.' ■■■■■■'■ § 24. That if any vagrant, drnniken, or dis^ orderly person shall be round offendiiig against tins Ac^ it shaU- and may be lawfmfor any Constable^ or any other person whatsoever, without any warrant for that purpose, to ap prehend such person so found ofiending, and ca rry a nd co n v ey, o r ca u se t o b e ciu *r iS-au d- DirluikMpds* i«anrMt -ragnntr dmnkards, >#J- t ]- 'city of HAMILTON. conveyed, such pci-son, when so ajiprehend^d, before thq Mayor, Police MagiBtrate or any Alderman of the said City, or to the nearest PoHce station, there to be kept until such peiv son so apprehended can, with all convenient speed be, brought before the Mayor, Police Magistrate, or some Alderman of the said Citjr. ■ ** .: 49 V § 25. That when any vagrant, vapbond, Vagjntj. &o^. ,> drunken, or disorderly peit^on, mendiQant or&o. ^reet beggar, shallbe apprehended by .any . 7 ^^ : pei-son as aforesaid, aird brought before the / Mayor, Police Magistrate or any Alderman -/:. of the said City, it shall'and may be lawful for the said Mayor, Police Magistrate ot Al- derman to examine the person or pereons ap- / ■prehended, and to take the evidence upon, oath of any pei-^on as to the matter alleged and charged against the person or persons so >^ — n * apprehended; and if such matter be proved, to fine such peraon orpei-sonssoapprenended any sum of money not exceeding five potmds and costs, and in default of payment of said fine, to commit guch pei-son or pei-sons to the common giaol, for a period not to exceed thirty days. § 26. That from and after the passin]K^ofR«P««"nf« this By-LaT^, all By-Laws and pai-ts of ^y- Laws for the prevention, and spppress^n of nuisances sjall be, and the &&mi are hereby repealed ; Prcwided alwdys, that eveiy pro- ceedhig agsdim any person or persons for a breach of sucn By-Law or parts thereof, com- mitted before the passmg ot this By-Law, shall . be valid, and the person or persons shall, on cpnviction, be liable, to i^e penaltiew herein -■ M contiuned. .* ■■ >v 'W"f" 60 BY-LAWS OV TUB m »il»«a» FaakluoMiAi. § 27. That any pewon violating this By- Law, or any Bcction th«rodt shall, upon con- viction before the Mayor, Police Magistrate or apy of the Aldermen, be liable to a toe not exceeding five pounds and coste, or in de- fault of payment to be impinsoned for at«nn not to exceed thii-fy days m the gaol of the United Counties of Wentworth and Halton. ■ » ■ .,wnefTB thereof- shall have paid, over and above any claim for . damages for the trespass and the penalty, the / ^ sums following— that is to say : for every ;. horse or head of fiomed cattlci, one shilling and three pence eiich ; for every sheep, three pence; and for. every hog, one shilling and ..^ , thi-ee pence; which sum shall go to the pound ^ keeper mlm fees for impouncung l^ie; sap^e. ^ . '•■ ;•'-■.'■■ - .'' ■ ;■■':'; ,■.-'■ --Z'"^ ' , . / § 4. That whoever any horses, horned JJjiJ>«Jj^ cattle, sheep, goats or swine which have been catSei^w. trespassing or running at large, contrary to - this law^aJlbe impounded, ili shall be the ' \ ' duty of the pound-keeper to feed the same . ^(but not untu they have been impounded Welve hours) and for so doing, he shall be « entitled to demand and receive the following allowancel, over and above his fees aa PouncU^^^ft* - keeper— namely : for every horse, one shil- fiag and three pence perday; for every head ^horned cattfef one shilliiig per day; for eveiry sheep Or ^at, six pence per day ; and ._ ,_ ' Z, . for every hog, mx penee per digr ; for tnfke JB . tt^ geese, t&ee pence ; geese to be sold in. .../ . .V: 83 BT-IJk,W8 OF THE ■/ K«i«u.b. R 6, That in all cases the ponnd-ke^per T«.taf«» , ?, ;^thm forty-eight, and not befo^ twen- ?y^o Aui^ aL/the diBtress shall have teen imponnded, cause notice thereof m wnt- KJaffixedontheponndgate andmthr^ . otfemost of the conspicuous PFt?/*l«l*y which notice shall give a P«?'°T v^^! tioiofthe dbtress, aud *«». ^f y. 5^^" Mid where the same is to be sold ; and if the CeT of such distress, 01- some Other p^n riis or her behalf, shaU not withm fifteen B.V.«ao«i !^™ after the same shall -have been affixed SSliSirtrrtaeem the same, by ^paying the charges widinisd.,.. .^g pound-teeper.and the penalty and da- maf?es, if any, it shalland may be law^l for ™Eound-keepef to cause suph distr^ tobe • S^d, after ^ducting his legal charge^ to ^v the damages, if any, to the person enti- S thereto, «Sid'the penalty tothef^nber- ■ lain of tie dty for ctty pm-poses, a^dfte over- X if any, to' the owner or owners of sndi It^ if kown; if not known, to the Cham- •hprlain- and if not claimed withm ttoee I ^S 'after being received by-the Chamber- • W to be applielfcy him to City purposea S 6 That if the owner of any distr^ tar kl damage feasant, or any Pfson _on ha^or hOTbeha^shall appear, and shall dispute the ^on^t.of'damag^ claimed, it shdl ^d^my behlwfiilfor the poundieeper to suimnMi . ttaee disinterested freeholdera^o^lwnseU^ ereto assess the damages; and if the .thyee Lrsons shdl not agre?, the determination of • I maioriify of them shall be conclusiv* as _to thrSges, and they shall give in wntmg totheSwceeperastatomentofthe amount ■ ^ of the^amages so assessed bjr.them, and pK. . ^ accorlng tothe proviMonfl of the Act Int YietoriH, fliap- 2^- 4" ^^ •^. CITY, OF HAUHLTON. 68 ft '7 TViftt when anv horses, homed cattle, BliS^of socS 3^S lai^e witEin the CUy, contearv to Uw BhaU be impounded, it shall be the duty • Kpound^eepr forthwith to give iKrtice • toth^HighBaih'ffof8uchdi9tr^,«idotthe . ^ M^ ornamea of the pereoM who delivei-ed ti^r^e at the poundrinorder to the recov- ery of the penalty imposed by this law. , 8 8 That the owner of each and etery p»-nr. hoile/ox, bull, sheep, goat, or swme, taken runriW at lar^ ift the City, shall pa^the foK ^ . C^penaltils, over^d above &e cha.-^ of thi V""d-keeper-(that is to say) ?op ^ -.- - 'every Btaiion, the sum of two pounds ; for ; evSy Xr ho^e, mare, gdding,oi:a8S,toe shill&igs and nine pence ; for every .^f"**" shillinS; for every *, three^ shihngs .md nine pence ; ^or everv sheep, two shaimg, ^ evei7 hog, five stolings; and for every goose, niie pence ; to be reeoverd be^ the loHce Ma^ti-ate, or any one of the Alder- men of thicity, either upon conf^on of the parties complained o^ or upon prbof upon the the oath of one or moi-e credible Witaesses. 8 9. That it shall notbe lawful for any wv- SS"^"^ son or persons, between the first day of ^o- ^'Sil*. vembei-andthefirat day of^prd, to su^ April, his, her, or their homed cattle to run at large in any part of tile city or libei-ties. . . ^ 8 10. That it shall and may be lawful for a»t«»J3Jt^ anl one to drive any homed cirttle so found p«.«d. rnining at large within the limitB, m the last mentionedclause described, to the pound.; and it shall be the duty of the ponndieeper to im. pound tiie same until -the penalty of two^hU- , ^^ - fe^six pence> paiS, over and abovep«d.,*« :■' ■ ■ ■■■■• . . ■■ ^:-: y ■■■ ■ :'^..-r-::. ■. ■ - :^ ". : .. ■ u BT-LAWS OF THE —"——#•7 '— — ■ iimoJ' 9q} iCq p9A|909I A«a CO to e« s H I I O « t «" to « bfi I § I O H » CO ei ot 00 00 00 »*4 ^4 1-4 I 11 i .s »-3 o". if ^ I ^-- '-* #^. ( * / ♦ y^ -^ "V -'^ :p 56 UY-IiAWS /OB^ THU ^«.....*.«>#ihif •• Half-yearly., retdrns atul uupoob Owner or agent of any dutreu may to^eOm § 1^' Thattjie pouuii-kQeper shall, wheja ^ pS"^od- making hia half-yearly-retuiii^'pay over to thie teJroXcedfor^Chamberlan all tife moneys received by hiifi in-™H,^n. ^^j^jjg ti^^ half-year, which are directed hy J^s Act to be paid to the Chamberlain ; and moreovier, that tho^said pound-keepei' shall at all times produce hia book for the inspection . of any |nember of the Corporation,, upon re- •quest to him made for the purpose. , § iLThat it fthall and ma^ be^awful for the owner, or the )igent of the owner of any ^JSft fo"Lny hor^e,' hora^d cattle, sheep^ ^oat, or swinp, aa toihe X'tS fh^ case uaay be, to lodge a complaint before or for uniawfui the Major, any Alderniah of ithefeflid city, or •Jbar^efi Polico Magistmfe a^ainst any pound-keepex*, * for iiny injustice which said owner or agent may deem to have been done to'ldm, regard- ' -ing the "feedings or a^jmlawftdoharges made ' by said pound-keepei*^ and should such com- Slaint be proved to the satisfaction of the [tyor. Alderman, or Police Magistrate, it - shall be lawful for him or them to impose a fine upon .such pound-keeper, not exceeding five pounds ibr ©veiy such offence, or to sus- pend such pound-ieeper until the pleasure of the Council shall be known th'eron. I 15. That every pound-ke^er, before en- teiing upon the duties of his office, shall give a bond, with two sufficient sureties, with a pen- alty of twenty pounds uppn eack, conditioned that the said pound-keeper shall well and fiiith- fhlly discharge the duties of his office, and shall regularly pay over all. moneys which may come into nis hands as poimd-keeper for, thatpurpose. , c . > ^ § 16. That a fence mad^ of - railjB either Btaked or ridered, or locked at the comerSy bond. ▲ lawfaifenoe. . , -.-i > \ . CnY\ OF HAMILTON. f* 5r being not less than five feet higli ) and a fence /• made of Boards and posts, four feet, high iHall " ' be deemed and be.a la^M fence ; and that * , . the Police Constabjps of the city shall be the ^•»*»-^^«»p»v fence viewers jn the city of Hamilton and the ^ libei'ties therfto^ and shall act as such. § iC That »any person ^ty of any infrao- p«»»««^ * tion of* anv of the provi^ons, sections, of / t dauses of'this By-Lawy shall, upon conviction^ - thei^eof, forfeit and pay a sum of tnoney not ' ' V to exceed fiye pounds, an4 in default of pajr- >-i inent, shall '^d niay. be committed to 'the / cbncimon gaol of the tjmt|ed Comities of |V5ent-, i ^ worth and Halton, for a period not to ©a^ceed ; v thirty days/ ^ %\ . \'- . \y. -.■ Cy:'': *:: ^^:i■'f^■ ^ .♦.■.• "' ■ i< -';■ 4- '■* -^ya BYLAW No. U: ON BAILBpAp BtOO^ ■;. > .1 To mih&rize ihs SiibsoHjf>U(m' of £100,000 Whereas by an Act passed m the present Aot^^atborist Session of Parliament, entitled « A^ Act to ffitW^I enSpower Mimicipal Coijorations to subscribe J^"*' ' for stock in the Great Western Railroad Com- ^ ~. - pany, or otherwise to aid in comj^letin^ iJiat undertaking," the Common Council of the dty of Hamilton are vauthorized to subscribe fyr ^f ]|Timber of shares in the capital stock of . ^ the i^aiid^^po^^ and to issue Bebentni^ '^ pa^Miib]^ at such times and for Buqji suxnlB, wii^ or Tmhotot interest^ ^^^ 'think^niiaet, ./■.-^.,;_::; \ ^;/x\ ^ - - .-•If. ■ '0$- ■'■..r : l;^ I ■'■« . 6$ N BY-J*AW8 OP THE COnMnt of of gnali Eleo iton* -^ ^ayorto BUMcribe for ■»" i j > r Aje^ wherea^the said Council, by and with the consent first had and obtained of a major- ity of the qualified electors of the said city^f Hamilton, pt^sent at a meeting duly called for that purpose, by public advertisement, containing a copy of this By-Law, ill the man- ner by the said Statute provided, have agreed td subscribe for 4000 shai-es in „the capital stock of the sidd Company. Be it therefore enacted by the Mayor, Al- dermen, and Commonalty of the city of Ham^ ilton, by and with such consent so obtained, as aforesaid : ^ . § 1. That the Mayor be authorized, and he is hereby authomed and empowered, to sul> scribe for and on behalf of the City Counca], for 4000 shares in the capital stock of the said Company. ;"• ■ ;:;■:::.; •-■■-^■■^;;^:V. •.::;/ i, ■ § 2. And be it enacted that the Mayor for the time being, shall have powet, and he is hereby authoiized and reqmred, from time to time to Msue debentures in payment thereof in sums not less than -625, m the same pro- proportions; and at the same times as the calls upon the stock shall be made answerable in the case of other shareholliers. t8. And be it further enacted that the Debentures shall bear interest from the date thereof; at and after the rate of 6 per 1^ cent, per' annum, payable at the office of the . Chamberlain, htdf-yearly, on the first day of ibterest paya- May, and the fii-st day of November in each 2?Nov^ i.'t. ye&r, md shaU be signed by the Mayor, and countersigned by the Chamberlain^ and shfdl m have coupons attached thereto, for the said Mayor to lasne DeDentores. 'To bear interest. -■i:" Oiry OV HAMILTON. 59 •V ' interest^ Uiitialed hy the Mayor and Cham- berlain. -■.■:,/■■/•• . v-v- ./'■•:'' "-"■-;. ' - . ti^ S 4 And be it enacted that the Deb^itnres Debentum to so to be granted shaU b^ payable as follows : ^ ^""«^' ' thatistosay:^ ,■.."- ■'■■■■''^\^'''\S^':'':' ''''\:\ ■ \ '' The suni of ^2500 on the first day *>f No- vembeis 1856, and $ like sum in each year ; thereafter^ until thejftrst day of Ndyembe^ 1860, induave. „ , ^ l NovemVor liti 1861, the mm of..,,....V..»...*JBMOg.- ; ', ~ IT "' 1862; '* " .^i...... 4000. '*'■■ ..i883| ^■■.;«;»r." ■" »...,..>.,.. v.. •^.^ " 1865, " .'.*;.w....i... 70 "' 1866, ^ " ......-, i....»^%12,500. -^."i rate. § 6. And be it en^acted that for the^ay-speeiU mentof theiaid debt there sliall be levied and raised npon the whole rateable property . within the said city of Hamilton, and the lib- erties thereof a special rate in eaph year, oyer - and at)ove and in Mdition to all other rates ' whatsoever, as follows, that is to say : In each year until the year 1865 inclu^ve, a rate of,' Is. in the pound; duiing the veai-s 184«, I'SSY, 1858, 1869, I860, s^rm of Is. Sd in the pound ; during the vears,Jp86l, 1862, 1B63, 1864, 1866, a rate of Is. 6d, in thepounj; ' during the years 1*866, 186t, 1868, ,1869 Ja rate of 2s. in the pound ; and in the yeai' of Our Lord 1870, if the said debt shall not have been paid and dischai^ed previously, a rate of 6s. 4d. in the pound. , I 6. Provided fJways, and it is hereby en- Proviso, acted that the City Council shall not at any . time or times hereafter sejl or dispose of the said shares, or any of them, except for the purpose of bnyix^ in or liqmdating said De- •V ■fR'. . ■■>^-^i^ -:.:... h 60 BY-LA W9 OF THE .^i»f. *— -i. r bentui'es, or otherwise securmg the due pay- ment thereof ) of^'tlSrentSlJ § ^' -^^ provided also, thaf nntil the to be iMued. whole of the said Debentures shall isue, there shall be so levied and raised in each and every year, for the payment of the Debentqpes ac- tually issued, a portion only of the said rates hereby setUed, to be levied and raised,;>^ap- ing such a proportion to the rates hereinbefore settled, as the Debentm^es actually issued shall beai' to the foil amount authorized to b© v-^^---— ■ issued. .-.-;- - ,1-- w; ^ :---.. --^-, -^-■.^- -- yf City debt £18,53711 " ^ ' ' ♦' * > BYJiAW No. Li , ; X)ir IWE DBBT OF THE Omf.^ ' * A By-Lcm U>protMefoflr the gradu^ extmo- lion of part of the JjM of me Oitt^fHcmv ' iUon. ^ _ ■,-^-- ':-■■■■■■■.■■•■■!:-..; '" ' Whereas, the debt, bona-fide due by the of Hamiltoli, on the first da^ of January, 849, amounted to the sum of eighteen thou- " five hundi'ed and twenty-seven pounds leteen shillings and eight penpe ; and where- ' as it ia expedient and necessary to provide for Itsgra^ Be it thereforp enacted by the Mayor, Aldennen, and Commonalty of the city of ■ . Hamilton, under the apthority of the Act 12 , ■ Vic, Ghap. 81, and with the approval, of His Excelleiicy the Governor General of this Pi*o- V vince in CcninciL Debentnree to § 4- That It shall and Hiaybe lawM to ia- be iaroed. Bue Debentures in sums of not less than twen* ■c .. '"K-'fe^. «t<<\ f ■ ■■ 4] .A CITY OF lIAMItTON. 61 .-..X. *r ■ m •«r»(|i««l#»«»«*»-*«-«J^-*"« ty-flve pounds, to the holderaof securitiefl, is- . .:^ Bued by the city of Hamilton, for debts incniv red prior to the Ist day of Januaiy, 1849, and toother parties willing to advance money to liquidate the same: Frovided always, thatPA)vi.o. the amount aforesaid, shall be actually ^iniin- - ; ished by the partial payment of the same, at - • the rate of one thousand pounds yearly, until- the whole is fully paid, : § 2, That all Debentures issued.ukder au- f^^al^JJ *° thority of this By-Law shall. bear iiiterest a^^^jAjg;^** the rate of six per cent, per annum, pay:able^ -y j-^^,^^ half yeai-ly, and shall be signed by the May- ; . or, sealed with the City Seal, and counte^isigli- r ■ ed by the Chamberlaiij, and shall be made / £1,000 redact- — r-j ~7 4oa •BlUMUy. .^^^ ^ , „__ sduc^d as afore- said, by the annual reiiemption of one thou- sand pounds. And whereas, the'sim of five thousand seven £5i^^ hundred and seventy-five pounds and fif- note*, out- teen shillings, was outstanding on the first day jJJ., i&). -. of January, 1850, in Corporation Notes or Debentures, of the value of five shillings and I ten shillings each, payable one year after date. '- ■ ^ .■ •:■■■'■-:■ J'- .^'■: ■■" ■ ■: ■ . ' ■' ■ ■ ' v Be it also enacted by the Mayor, Aldermen arid Cotnmonalty of the city of Hanulton un- ' der the authori^ aforesaid, ^ ■ w § 3. That it shall and may be iawfol ^ia-gjjj" «>b» sue in the place "of the said Notes as they shall &1 due, when the holders thereof are willing to receive the same in exchayoge/^ "eir Notes to an amount not exceedin^^ m the present year, tha sum of J65,500, and in each -ip. A - -•■ . «i, ...■;..■■ ^w^^ * 62 41 3Y-LAWg OF THE %r •••vv««»»*»«»'« »|i»4M|W«lf u< sncceeding year an amount legs bjr JB260 than the amount iaaued in the year ii^mediately uiductionof preceding it, until the whole amount of the XJtto yearly. ^.^ Notes are fuljv redeemed and paid, and^ that said Notes shall be signed by the MayCr and pountereigned by the ChambjBi'Iain. ^ [Approved of by m« ExoellQncy the Oovernor CFoneral In Council, 3rd April, I860.] ^ * . BY-LAW No. liXXni £.'iO^. /'' ON TIIE GREAT WESTERN RAILROAD OOMPANT. fPa$ud^ardJuM,l9S2,J Whereas, this Municipality subscrfbed for four thousand shares or one hundi'ed thou- sand pounds,, in the capital stock of the Great Western Railroaa Company, subject to the condition (under a resolution of said Company) that omy fifty per cent.^ or, fifty thousand pounds, would, be called in and pay- able. /■lit ■.'J--'^:-' ',y-f^' »'."ir«fji-' Whereas, by a subsequent resolution of the said Baili^oad Company, the Shareholders were called upon* to reduce l^heii* shares one ■ « ■ ' ' ' ' Whereas, this Corporation has issued its Debentm-es to the extent of fifty thousand gounds, being fifty per cent upon the stock eld in the said Great Western Kailroad Com- And wiie#as, it is desirable to consotidnte said stock, by reducing the same to twothon^ sand shares. » ral in Coanoil, OITY OiP IlAMlIiTOK. •« ^l^*^*** ********** *** 68 •«••• ■ «. jm' '^' ''"'■■■'- ■ ''VUmv •*****'?*** ****t^***^****** It ifl tteretbro expedient t(\ amend By-Law No. 61, entitled a By-Law " To mUhonzs the subscrmt/Um of One Btmdred Tliousamd ^-^PmmasStoohm the Great We^tetfi Hailroad (7«rc^r ilton in Council assembled, " under the Upper Canada Municipal Co^rations Acts,'' and it is hereby enacted, Tha^he number of shares _^__ subscribed for, under and Dj^authority of said \ By-Law No. 61, be reduced tbstffo^nousand shares, and that the stock to be held by this Council, shall be fifty thousand pounds, or two thou£»nd shares paid up ftock. r?f/- ^r'- -•^^ "4 ■' BYLAW No. LXI. >BAL SCHOOL. 1,^- .Ji lb cmthyHze the issue of Debentures for the erecPum of a Cmtrd Schody cmd for other jmrposes. .^ Whereas the Board of Trustees for Common ^g^j ir,. Schools of tlie city of Hamilton,have presented estimates of the cosiof th6 erection of a Cen- tral School, wnotmting to the sum of three liousand two hundred and twenty^one pounds seventeen shillines ; and whereas it is neces- sary to proVidefor the same, and for oth^r expenses connected with the Schools of this city by the issue ^f Debentures. -^ Ik ^j ..J?. 64 « ' »..-- •^••••••»** ,...»•»••••••**••*" " BX-I^WS Off TIIK ?, • tea «•••*•«« •«:•** Dflbentorot to ,. be iMued. Be it therefore enacted by tU Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty ot tbe Chty ot .Hamilton; in Council imeuM under the authority of Act 12th Viptorift, Chap. |1. ft 1 ThatitHhallandmaybe'UwfbltofeBUe' delenturc^ for such amonnte m may be from time to time required, for the P«n>o«cfl above ; . Lmed,influniBofnotle^than£25,andn^^^ • to exceed in the wholo^the «««\«(.^^*^ Band pounds, and that the same shall be signed — ^— by m Worship the M^or^d ConntersigneO^ ^ • bv the Chamberlmn. ' ; ^^ V *- At.ixpercent: ft 2. That the sald t>ebenttires A^ bejr intei-est from the date hereof, at and after the rate of 6 per cent per annum— payable hall- vearly at the office of the Chamberlain, on the first days of June ajid December m each ' V---.. year. . . ■■■;'.■., v- 8 8 That the Debentures so to be granted shall be payable as follows, that is to say; The sum of five hundred and fifty poundB on the first day lof December, 1852. The sum of six hundred pounds on the flrsi day of December, 1863. i' ^, The sum of six hundred and fifty pounds a 1 _im the first day of December, 1864. ^ The sum of seven hundred pounds on the first day of December, 1855. _.. . The sum of seven hundred and fifty pounds on the first day of December, 1856. __^ And the sum of seven hundred and fifty : X. pounds on the first day of December, 1867. gpeoiinrteof § 4. That foF the payment of the saidDe- in the £. ijentures, and the mterest thereon, there shall be l e\ 4e4an d ra ifl ed upon t h e whole rateable^ PayiblA lat December In e«oh year. ■Jfe layor, !ity of er the 81. > [) from I above nd not ir thou- I signed reigned ill bear fter the )le half- lain, on in each granted say; ' ponnds the first pounds - B on the ^ ponnds and fifty said D©-" lere shall > rateable CITY Of HAMILTOlf, # M ■ A . .« !■■ ■ , . • * ^^ property within the said city of Hamilton and j^ the liberties thereof^ a special rate of two ^ pence in the pound, over ^^jtepfe'"^. i 111* i5 •-»' ctof Incorpo- 'tidn.. 1^' V ITo^stend Victoria Avenue across iTingSt^ and through and over the property of Thoa* Stineon^ Esquire. \ * -^ Whereas; the City Council of the city of RecUai of the Hamilto|i are enabled and authorized, by iz" ' ' tueof and tinder the authority of an Act j^SES^ Bed by the Pai'liament of Canada, intituled ^ An Act to alter and amend the act incorpo- rating the Town of Hamilton and to erect the, same into a Gty," to sttop up, alter, or divert^ any public highway, street, or laiie, or to lay \ out any new sti'eet or highway^ or eirtend ftny '^^ street already laid out : )% v ^. ■ ' ' -^ And whereas, |i certain street called y ic- viotorin a toria Avenue has been lately laid out and opened, near the east end of the said city of Hamilton, and crossing King Street, injthe said city, through a certain survey of dty lots, laid out by Hugh B. Willson, Esquire^ on both sides of said King Street ; ,< noe. ' And whereasj Thomas .Stinson, Squire, pi«ce or Land owns ft certain piece or strip of land on thegJJUJj"**"T* south side of the said King Street, lying b^ tween the said survey of the said Hugh B. < '\- "XCommonalty of the city of 'Hamilton, in coun- icil assembled, ^ under the authority of ihsi -^XJpper Canada Municipal CorporaUons Acts.*^ nahdi § 1- "^^^ no pei-son shall, a^r the passing a?SrSSche.,of this Act, drive any coach, omnibtis, cab, **^'^'^**" carriage, or other vehicle, for the carriage of out license. OTTT OP HAMII/TON. er -^tf.;.,....,.........;. passengere for hire fr(Mtt one place to another, within the limits of the city of Hamiltonrtwd # the hberties the^df ; nor shall any p^n dnve any sled, cart, truck, dray, or other caiv nage, for the transportation of any goods, wares, or merchandise, fire-woodj or any oth- er thmff whatever, within the bonndaries "of " the said city an^ liberties, without being li^ censed so to do by the Mayor or two Aider, men ; Provided always, that this By-Law shall not extend, or be construed to extend, to any ^ keeper of a Livery Stable within the said citt and liberties, who shall not with ^his vehidea- ^ occupy any. of the stands hereinafter named v and described. /^T § 2. That the Mayor or ^y two Aldermen, HI^V** <* t''* may hcense as ar driver of a coach, omnibus iSeSrSiaS cab or other such vehicle, to be used for the '**^**'' carnage of passengers for hire, or as the dii- jer^ a cart, truck, dray; or other carriage, for the transportation of goods, wares^meiv ' chandise, ^-e-wood, or any other thing what- ' > ever, Withm the citycffHanulton andfibertiefl > iany - P<"inds..-- .. ■■.■■.■-..:, .ii^: :, V •■;, ;,:.:: ;.,:'r'Vo'-;; ^ BWevery cab, cart, or other vehicle, drawn "^^ v oyoneJiorse, the sum of two pounds. - . - ^ every cart, tnw*, dray, or other such ! ^ "^ «M™§e for ilie transportation 6f Ibods, the 'V 4^^ sum of one pound ten shillings. • -y .n •■;■ ^^ '■:-■■ -ji- QS BY-LAWS OF THE .i..,.. Boud. ?<;^' License not to be ^wignod. ^'Expiration of -license. StaQd for ' '^'" . '■ > § 6, Thp.t the following ^escribo4"^Iace shful be the only stand on which it sh^ be lawful to place for hire, coaches, calbs^ ox other ^uchBke vehicle in Slimmer, or corresponOing OITY OP HAMILTON. V" Bclared iliisBy- notaa- one ve- sona or ^be. b license ooDibtis^ track, the pe- ro, sure- ids ten id also • wMch L or pep- I license scpach^ r other I for so beinf on tl ler this ndayin dnpon ereina^ ►r regis- Jr6Iaee ihallbe HC other )on4ing -(.-».. 9 69 vehicles m winter, viz., that part of the Gore between Hu^hson and Jam® Streets : Provi- ^L3l ^f^^^l^ ^^ ^" "^^^ 1^^» with *^e ^horses heads directed towai-ds Jame^Sti-eet. V § 7. That in eveiy case when the ab * • (,'«b-driveni' cfaarg[cs. Second Diflri Dion. Por hour. The prices whicli may be chat^ "by the ' owners or drivers of cabs are as follow^: i^r^t Divuion. 1. For coi^Veyuig one p^enger from wijr v of the wharves or stand to ^ny place within the iii-st division, and vice versa, seven pence half penny : and for every additional p^i»on three pence thi*ee farthings. "^ 2. For owiv^ying one passenger from Miy of the wharves or stand to any place within the second division, ,wid vice versa, one bM- ^ ling A^d for ev^ additional person, th^ * pence^hree farthings. ^ , a Time per honr : one shilling and ten pencliialf penny for the fii-st honr ; xme shit fing and three pence for every subsequent hour.;.. -■■ ^.v;^;_ ■;. ■ ' . ' \, Tariflf of car^- Tariff of Cartage as follows J '*" i; For each load from any of tlie^?^ FimtDivision. ^^. ^^^^ ^ any place within the first division, seven pence half penny ; to ^any place within^ the second division, one shiUing.. 2 For wood per cord, and ftimiture by the load, from any of the whams or stand^ any place within the first division, one jhiK ling and three pence ; to W. place withm • the second division, one "shilbng and nine pence.-,: : . •■;■"■'■■■■ 8 10. That it shall be lawM for ]^eownr T^r'^yde^er or diivei- of such horses, cab, liackney ttiaod prompt ^^u omnibus, cart, or other carnage,^ to ae- ' • hire of th^rson hiring or usmg, anft^evejy person refoffliig to pay the^same fOTthwith, shall and may be fined a* hereinafter men- tioned. Second Divl ■ion. * "! \> ''thmiif.w dri- e>/ .1 cny OF HAMii/roN. A »i ••*aF**'*^***'**#*«*«*««*« «*iB»^*«.^*q». §11. Tlj^t whenever sti^ets form the S?*^? •t fl* ' bounty of the above described divisidns, ' ' ■""• ' ^ ,V ' beconsidered to be included within the divi^ ' fiion to which the said street 'Shall have firat m been named as a boundary. ''* > ; - t * \ : § 12. I^at it shall not be lawful for the overcimr^jing. Owners or diivers of any coaches, cabs, or other vehicles, fi:equentin^ the publ^c^8tand8 . pf this city to demand or exact for<^ the con- veyance bt^ersons from one place to anoth- er in the sold city or liberties, in auclj coach- es, cabs or' other ;^fc|hi«l^ higher rates or . >^el charges than those mentioned and specified ' aforesaid, whether* the same shall J>e estima- teidby distance or 'by time. ; ru^ . ^ • § 18. Thiat any person or pewns engaging Bxtm chan^ sncn coach,, cab, or other vehicfe,.wh%5ian *^'^S^"®''- detain the sanie at his or her place of desti- uatidn, not more than five mjnntes, shall be entitled to return in t^e 8ame%> the,place of depfurtnre, withont paynient of an^^addition- al fare : Spoyided that should such d^ntion ertendbeyond five minutes^ but noT-tp a qviai^r bl^aii honr, any such driver or owner sliaU beentMedtocharge Jmd^^^ paid one^half ■ .••'■■">■■ ' ■ .. ■ - ' i L* ' - ■ "■ ■- ■ , '. .' Jf:- .'" :;■....■ .".•"' - '. . • ■ I ■".- "- :-''■' '. 1 ' •■ ■ ' ;'S-- ■ ■ ■ s- ' - : :'■; " --^ .'.i:.::: ■: '.;. . „ j.,:.,>^ = . ':'. . # ::.,5j: ■■■:■;■" 4 ' '■'._ ■•»• -'■•-■' .:. ^.'-irr ■ - " » • '■■ " ■ . • .-■ : >^ ■ 1 ■ ■•■■i-TM-. " ■•■" - ■>■■■"•.-■■■ :.■■■ i . i ■ :4- - ■■'%''- ■ -..a.-Ji,-i'^,.-.:-i.i---%--^-:--i-t---'"* .eiitjeliica _ ,, ciHTH, or ) 'I 5^i:-.:J - .I«i vv. V- Sf the conveyance ,,.^^ u ».w=«*- uty and libertie^j ^^^ . ^j,j^^ ™«« ^iai&j rates in the above t»riff\> fel^^^om.a?! after the hour of m^n h^ iM)ckin^e;eveiimg^frQra the first of Octo- W^ ^M the thirtietl^of h^x^, i^d niise e'clbck^;;^ ] l; 1 ' 1^ jfe^ J*ay ^Z*^® first of October.; ^^ ^ 'i'^i^h.re catted -• any^person yailinfi: ont any caiv «?**^'i^^ i^ik citrtL. cabv Hs other vehiclfe, n*om its ^^^S^fxn either of Hiie stim^f, estabhshed by^ s V '^ :!«&& iytlaw; and not femploying th^aamQi],, ' ^r^- 8^ be* ield and boundio |«y^to the 6wn^[ ; ' ^,^^iSriy# the lowe^ rate ' ^p^^^' .jk ^. r f )^J cfer OF iiXinti/roK. 7a t v,§j,'Qi That every coach, omnibu8 or cab, Jj^p" *<> ^« i|l«^^feftf(nven or used in the night, unless it be ^^^^^ihght, shaE haMO fixed upon some con- ^ ^ wWi®"® pai-t of the outside, in front thereof, > 'sides, and having the number of cei-tificate of regf try thereof, in plain le^le %ures of at - . le£«t one inch in length, pamted with black pamt upon each of the said lamps, (and, no other figujre or devicej) in such manner thdt the same may be distmctly seen and known,- § 20. That there shall be affixed inside T«riff of rate. • every coach, cab, orsuchlike covered vehicle, **'^«»®*«^' in a conspicuous place, a card on which shall 'be piinted in plain legible charactei-s, the number of the vehicle, name of the owner or owners, and tarifi" of rates, the latter to be - furnished by th(^ Corporation. 1 I 21. That every owner, diiver, or pei-sonNumbef ofvc- having char^ of mj coach, carriage, or cab JJ'^J^^^rSbJ as aforesaid, in the said city, shall, upon being 8»^»n- requested so to do, give the jtimiber of hS yemcle, the name M^hi^W^ and • to place of a^od©!^ ^^^ .r^.^.- • UK § 22. That C^^ provisions of th^foi'^iW^i^^^^ lections of this By-law, ^except thdse'in^efer^SlSJSi^ "* ence to l|in|)S, shall apply, and be held to^*^' appljr to sleighs, and winter vehicl^n of %h^^ ^ d[e8cription which shall be used for hire in,.the said city and libertiei^. , ^ «w^ § 23. That theltol^^ng described place^vg''%S!K*«»'^ flhall be the only spiliNgiig city, on which.*"^'^^" •; it shall be lawM .to^ace for hire, ,caiiB,.v^ truck^ or such like Y^hicles, and correspontl- ' ing winter v^icles,^^, ti»at part of the Gore ; ' iSst of John Street ; ju^vided the vehicles ' • > ■ i ■«.. " t?¥5 "^!?^||1?,, tJUrM '■ < -C M t4 /I ■ ' BY-LAWS OV tBE , J m^mtmmd^wmm'ii^^m ■m » » ti ' i i >»iyy #» f X •••••.••^^•••♦•••••••••^•••*" Ibe rangjed in angle line, with the horses* headfi f directed towards James Street ^ piiJSd.*" ** § 24. That each cartman, as sooii as licensed, ; fih& \ Aid to be ren- dered to City Anthorities. i.h A. '../ .•..crrr of nAMiriflPoir/^' ■'.''■-: ■' , ■ ' ■ ' ■■ ■■" ' '-; '■-■.'.'' '•-».', ' "/. . j i. " " ■ . '"'''' t ' ■ /• Constables, by aiding anyf^asisting witElliB cart or other vehicle, in the conveyance' to piison or elsewhere, o£any pei-son'or poreons, aiTested for any offence tirithin 1^he *city or . liberties. • / v'' 75 § 29; flRt it 'shall not be. law^l for thetJrfvenj of diivw-s, or ownei-s of any cart, truck, or any o&f 1o S! other such vehicle to demand or exact for the It rS»^. transport of any goods, wares or mjerchandise, ^''*^' fi-ona one place to another, tvithiii the said cit^ of Hamilton or libei-iiis^ ,bigh# X'ates V tj^ / charges than those naeittiojied and speci- fied already, except as regards the article of H. coaJi" for which ihe caHei-s may charge per ;load;in8l«ad of per bushel, if they thiijk pro- sper so to do, according to ttej!ate$ in that' 'VTtehalf -.-.,; .-..,./.■ ' '^ § 30. That eacli drii;er ov owner of a cart. The nmoiint of truck, or other sucMettole for hii^^ shallj if ^*'*^ '^ required, caiTy^^ a sufficient lB^ad,'*fchat is to say, so ranch as cmi be conveniently stowed in lua cart, wagffon, tipuck W other vehicle, and as 19 reasonable ,foi: on^ or niore horaes, as the case may be^ \ V .§ _^3i. That any calflKvwhb shall be on the carter, shau stand aforesaid, unem^y^, shall be held to&r°™°^***' accomradatei the firet pei-sOn who shall offer . him employment, and that nbr carter shall re- ^ * main and loiter ab4|t ' unemWyed in any other place than on Sie stand aforesaid. »« _§ 32. That all caii^ra and pel-sons emplo: ed. as carta^n, within the said city or fir" ties, shall be^ble-bodiedjnen, and capa loading his cart, wagg^Wlbther vehicldLand sh^ be provided with good hoi-ses, ai^M)- '-' .0 7 % ff^t \ ■\ ■ '"< ■! ■ ' -r /•' ./ \». »*• / / !->■. "" to ►V «( »ti«*.li««»'««*«l«<«***" arivlF' 'f! .■■■:•: v.. . Not to ttl-nao honM. ,♦ Btantial vehicles, and htirae88,'lnaB their hors^Jwith care. , ^^j. \€ / k .. >' It W carter, cab drivei*, or other^ persdn^^^li Vnreasonably, or cruelly, or otherwfel iltuse any hoi-se, or oAer animal under 'Jfitf care, within the said dBy or libei^ .ties. \., wai«.m.tto ' § 84/ That |o person shall c*rt water or ^ beowtedon other articles, oT fihall causo Water or Other "' *^* ^ .ai-ticl^ to be carted on « Sunday, unless in \ case (Sfire or other emergenc y. -^ — :^ — ^ ftmergencyr CTU&c not § si. That all , carte, wagons or other to drop p^of vehicles, used in this city or«}ibertie8, for the ^ ^'^*""®^ transport of loose m^eriSb, Ijhftll be;.;: ^{" Begtai*^ that i^y^ai^B^ '^ £££J^r' oymeror ownei-s of%if ^^^' ^' camlfee, '•*• cai,*^ truck or other yehide, kept^^j.tlSed|Dr ^^ the c^niagfe of paesengeiiTl an^gdills for hii-e, i:^" withiiilthtf said city otr lib€M| jfaereo^ wlia may |ifeke#tif a Heeisft for flpsflle, to cause: ' '^.hi|i|2ii' tier ttame to be^egist^-«d and entered • "^Tjiok to vbe kept fer thajb pui-pose, as ' K hVein^r pA)vided, on" or before ,the first '" Monday in - November, ill each and eyety ^ear, and to receive a ceiiaficate of his registry and numbei's, to be attached to his horse and Vehicle in the maimer the Supeiintendent hereinaft^ mentioned shall dired;. • l\ - 'J&F' -.'•-■ , ■ ■ ■ -. . ■ . ■ >>• , ijv i ail an ■ '\ • in| ve , tai ^ all ^ SOI . rei dr Nc tifi ' ed - ant ' an< r . ■■ "SOI ^ei . lini try vel f doT car ■*dfc snperintend.. | 87. Tha^ a Suitable and proper person ^^ T sh& be .appointed by the Common Council ■ •' of Sikid city, tb superintend the regulation and \ '^C »iirra^^ of'coa(^e8^ cabs, carts, trtMjks ' and ^ other vefeles for liire, whose duty it ■■ ■ -. ^ - oui nni ha^ I ,«*A.«<^ .t Ornf J0¥ IIAMILTOK. 77 ^■^ .'«■. * . ' ' ^ ■ , . shall be to visit the public HtaiidH, and »]] ' placefl where Such coaches, cal)fl, cart«, trucks, and otHbr vehicles are permitted to stand, and enforce the rules and regulations rc^spcct- im such coaches, cabs, carts, truclft or other veTiicl68, ap.d the drivei-s thereof, and to main- ,; tain order toonj^t the same, and prosecute all offendere iigainst this law. B8^ That it shall be the duty of said per- suporintend- 8on so %be appointoiS, to keep books ofnlkoniSgi.. ^ registiy, .■bvrliich shall bo entered every year *'*^- ^il# names W^oachmen, cabmen, cartmen, and~^^ ^ drivers of e|N|^ kind of vehicle for hire, with- ■ in the said city'a^liberties, and he is hereby ^uthoiized, on an^fter the flm Monday in November, in ^ach and eveiy yeai*, to issue cer- tificates of registry and humbera to be atach- ecj in the manner ip shall direct to the hoi-ses and vehicle of all coachmen, cabmen, ca;*ters, and drivers of other vehicles for hii-e, for all »#hich certificates and numbere, the said per- -8on so to be apjfointed, shall be entitled to demand and exat^Jpr, and on behalf of the Corporation :— FiBsi, For every certificate of reigistiy and numbel^ of a cai-t, fifteen shil- lings. — Second, For eveiy certificate of regis- try and double number of a cab, or other v^ele drawn by one horee, twenty shillingft.'y ; , y?r^THiBD, For everj^cie^ificatp of registry and . double number of a coa;i[^, omnibus or other carriage, drawn by two or more horses, thirty ■■^^ffi'^: y;"'"-':'-:-:''^"-^-:"''-:"----^",. •;;';*-V.^"^ ■'.'•■ •■■■■■'■ ■ ,- .; , • § 89. Hat no pereon- shall exchange, lend Numbei* not out, or permit to be used by othere, not in ^ *^ ^*°* * his, her, or their enip%, his, her, or their number or numbers, for whi©h certificates have bieen taken out, or shall have a number I " I " ' ■ ■■ m il II 11 ■ !■■! ^1^— .^t—^M-^^ I I ■ I III 11 I II I ■■ Ill 111 ■■■■^■^1^— — -— p^^l— — .IT— » ■ -^^^w^J du*. :K w in BT-LAWB -OF TIOB on their ho»o, coacb, cab, cai^t or other vehicle, different from the number registered The Mayor dto. § 40. That it shall be lawful for the o^^""^ Mayor, for the tiuAU being, or in his absence any two of the Ald^i-men, in his or their dis- cretion, to suspendkoi- displace any diiver of any coach, cab, cart^ truck, dray, sled, sleigh, or other carnage licensed under this By-law, for any misconduct; and no pereon who shall have been so suspended, or displaced, shall hereafter drive any coach, cab,. cart, ti*uck, dray, sled, sleigh or other carriage, without" being permitted in writing so to do by the Bald Muyor for the time being, or the said Aldermen by whom he was suspended. Penaitiet. § 41. Thjit any peraon guilty of any infrac- tion of any of the provisions of this By-law, shall, on conviction oefore the Mayor, Police Magistrate, or any one or more of the Alder- men of the said city, forfeit and pay at the discretion of the Mayor, Pcjice Magistrate, Alderman or Aldermen convicting, a sum of money not exceeding five pounds for each offence ; and in default of payment of any fine imposed for the infraction of any of the pro- visions of this By-law, together with the costs of prosecution, it shall and may be lawfu^ for the Mayor, Police Magistrate^ ^Aldermao or Aldeiinen, convicting as aforesaid, to issue his or their warrant to levy the amount of , fine and costs, by distress and sale of tha offender's goods and chattels ; and in case no sufficient distress to satisfy the amount of fine * , and costs sh^l be found, it shall and may l>e ^ lawful for the Mayor, ^lice Magistrate, Alderman or Aldeimenaf aforesaid, to com- mit the offender or offenders to the Common ..» '§^ ^* • CITT OF HAMILTON. 19 ^*?^ /?^ *^^ ^^^^^ Counties of Wentworth and Halton, for any penod not ejtceeding (Th« «bov« By-Lsw U Amondfld undar Bj-Law 104.] -•-•i . . BY-LAW No. CIV. TO AMEND BY-LAW ON- CA09, OABTO, AC. (Pa$ied MlTIhcembtr. IW3.J ' Whereas it ig necessaiy to amend the By^ law on cabs, carta, carriages, <&;e.j Be it therefore enacted by the Mayor, Al- dermen and Commonalty of theCityof Ham- i ilton, in Council aaaembled, undet and by vir- tue of the Upper Canada Municipal Corpora- taons' Acts : § 1. That it. shall not be lawful for any peiv ^''▼w not to son in charge of any coach, cab, cait or ot^er rntjiS/Si"' vehicle for hire in the City of Hamilton or the liberties thereof, to neglect or refuse to em- plo)r his hoi-se or hoi-ses, coachydart, cab ' * carriage or other vehicle for M^Mi-son or persons, when required, unless%j^e then actually employed. (The fact of his bein^ . unemployed shall be that, the said coach, cab ' cart or other vehicle of said pei-son is on any ^ of the stands mentioned in said By-law, or at the railway depot, or the steamboat landings in said city.) / ° , § 2. TJiat the owner or ownei*8 of any such Security to be coach, ;cabi cai-t or other vehicle foiv hire, as t™ of cIb?E: atoresaid, shall give notice to. the City Clerk • withm twenty-four houi-s after hiring any and every of the drivei-s of said vehicles, and shall ' then give security to the Municipality of the City of Hftmi I ton^ h im fldf^a^tbo^ponal sum of f t .A; I" li- •f.':'^ ■'^V'* I ■•<*'•' ■:•■•■ 80 liY-LAWS OF TItE . y 8e« that tfi^tanff of r^s ^ ^ .:f :^" ;g ia affiiedii^de s^e^cabs, coaches aiidattej- ^^' - -;'. ^|]Ji4esfi^hiifi^;to^io^^ ^e a^«^ek.fe^^ , Ih^ PMcelt^ . %y jjinissiob/n^ : ■ ■i;.'.'' ■rf*-4. fj ^^^ |: Pill^eflyiattdsecoi^^ Vpre^'tarfi relating to the darters; be=.% lealed; aad^^at ^tte ftfewipg rates be W^^t '^- r^'^V* ■ -:';.^4^^ '*',. f- ^EroBp. Bny ^|toB ia SSrsik -Pyisi^ : ,aijy ot^i©^ l4a^ in. &$. same li^ji^on, tin< ' /.*iai(5w1^;fen|iei;ice^ -:-M''^rom anf pIplB^in^e ESi^^ivi^onio; ■P^^my oth^plac^ M tte:«apie ©ivj^on, e^er <^^ Wt,^ one smiling and three |>eiJd^^ . |. g ^ ;;^ . .''•^v'l' ^>'-: ;,.^A*\'^-: JZ" — T :*lf sfefefeir. J ) rv. ^' (;|TY OF JUMILTOX^,. 81- *, I" ^ ^Fi'om any place in the Firet Division to - atiy place m the Becoiid Division, and vice verea, under ten cwt^ one shilUng and six- jjfi^ jPv]1C6» • ' - fc 41 - : Fi-ora any place in the Eirst Division to any ' -^ place. m the Second Division, and vice vei»i pyer ten, Q^vt.,. two shillings, . ^' -' ^ , " f.,f t: ^^*^^* *^? present tariff of charges t«w. foi cal)s, carnages, ne shilKng; foi- each additional per- , son, tni-ee .pence.. ^5 • -' ^ ,i.} A From ^y^ac#vithin the Fim or Second t DiYision,;tQl|ry^a(^within'thesame Divi-^ ^ W.8evej[ pence half-penny:; fir -eachMdi-! tionaj.pei'son^hree pence. ' . .' 1P ^ ^ ^.C^g^'UeVlour: Fbr flret hour two shil- •^ S^r/ ' K F?^^^ ' '^^^ additional, hour ^ . -after the second hour, o^e shilfing^ ^i^ten \ - 'pence half-penny.\ ;..' - . ^ \, IfH h (*< •*' K> 7 ;' * 'i^i '■■t'.: »».■ * •- '•■ . ^Vt< n.. Bep^d. ^$' •BY-LAWS OF THE -Penalty. ' 8 f That all sections andparts of said By- law inconsistent with this By-laW shall be, and the ^me are hereby repealed. 8 9: That any person guilty of a^ infi'ao . tion of this By-law, shall, for every offence, on <5onviction before the Mftyor, Police Magis- trate, or any of the Aldermen of said city, forfeit and pay to the uses of the said city, a Sum n6t to exceed five pounds and costs, and in default of payment of the same, shall and maybe committed tothe gaol of the United Counties of Wentworth and Halton, for a peiiod riot to exceed thirty days. -^ i^ m^AWl^'(^i^ By4aw to moMeike (Mparation of tjie OiW of ffamiltmto'mbsor'ibe foi^ fourh't^ed Shares m the Stock oftU Gait and Guelph Bailway. (Pamd ^tU November, 1853.; ■ '/ ifV \;: ;. u Whereas the Railway Clauses Consolid^on Act declares that it shall apply to eveiy Rai^ Way which shall by any Act which^ shall thereafter be passed be authorized to be con- sti-ucted.„ And whei-ean an Act of the Paiaia- ment ofthis Province, passed in the sixteenth year of Her Majesty'ipiK", entitlejl, An Act to authonze the construction of a Kailway frcnn Gait to Guelph,"^ authorizes the said Company to make ajjd complete a Rail way, to be (^kd " The Gait a»d ^"^^ Railway Company." • And whereat also the Railway Clauses Con- solidalion A&t provides that Municipal Corpo- rations in this Province may subscribe for any ■ ir of shares in the capital stock of, or :#- lend sunj, from or ^1 to b( byt] pow( Vy. and i .scrib( Bility less ^ have .'ii urj 'W. / . ,\' , >•• , :: :#- « ■ ■ <■ » ■ - ■• *■ ■■v^.•■ CITY Q|.\ HAMILTON. ' f^li^"^* ^uaranteo^ the payment of any sun^ ot rn^ey borrowed by any such Companr from any Corporation or pei-son^, or enforse^ oi parantee the payment of any cbbentui-e to be ^ue4 J,y such Company for the money by them borrowed • ^d tW theV shall have powe^rto assess and W|:Om t«ne to time, upon , the whole rateable' pix)perty of the Mumcipalit^ a sufficient sum for thfei td dis- a«yfr x^® l^y^ engagements contracted ; ai^hat no Municipal Corporations shall sub^ scnbe for stock m, or mciir any debt or liar ^J^^^t^ ?r the ^ecid Act, un- less^nd untd a ByJaw/ t(, ' fckt |fect, shall Ha^ be^,to^ade and adopfed^ith t(r ^*i;'. r'^i" ; ^ •./. / W J' '■ elertow of the Mimicinafity, to be a«certaiaed m.s^ mtoner as Ml he aetermined by the 8m«%.law, after pnblie advertisements ttere-' Of, (fining a copy of sBch proposed By^Jkw, h^v^ffefen inserted at least four times in k<* nV3m.e^pnnted within the. limits ?»t& Municif^ality. :■ '*(>?*^ And where^ the Mayor,' Aldermen aiid Commonalt^^of the city of Hamilton, as on6 of the Municipal Corporations therein intend- ed, by j«id with the consent first h^ and ob- tained in manner hereinafter mentioned, of a Majority of the qualified electors of the said 5ity;.p|-es^nt at a meeting duly called for that pm-pose by a public advertisement containi&ff acopjr ot this By-law, inserted ^ least fc times m each ^Jj^per within th^'liats of the said city of Hamilton, in th^ manner by: ^e said Act provided, and held atthe Cii BM,mthe8aidcity of Hamilton, onMondal ^ the twenty^rst day of November, in the ye^ 9t our Lord, one tfiousahd ^ight hundred*^d^ 1 V P i. ■ f> \'f , • p -Ay: , ^ *'W(i ^i/ • ■ ■ ■ >. % «■ .i-'/y-'^'v- y _u ., I i 7 /.,; S, iTSX*\ '\ f SV^ \: 84 ^ BTrLAWS OP TJflS •• • Mayor autho> rized to Bub- ncribe for 4000 •bares in Gait and Guelpb Bailway. ^' \ / *■' liayor autbo- rized to iBsne PebentureM. A I*. jt>6bentfirc;a to bcMirSperrMlty 4it(»|^tper«B- fifty-three, have agi-eed to subscribe for four hindred -shares *in the capital stock of the - Gait and Guelph Railway Company, ui)onih^ conditions that the debentures hereinafter , mentioned shall be takep at pai-bj the said , Company for said stock. : Be i* THiBRfi^^RE ENACTED by ^ Mayor^ Aldermen and Commonalty of the city of Hamilton, in Council assembled, under and by virtue of the Upper Canada Munieip»l C<«^' poration Acts— and by and with such consent of a majority of the qualified electore of the said city so obtained as hereinafter mention^ ed; that the Mayor be, aiid.^he is ]\^^'^}7 - authorized and empowered, t^ subscnbe for and in the name, and on the behalf of the City Council, for four hundred/hares m *he capital stock of the Gait aM Guelph Rail- way Company, upon the jjpiuiition above re- cited. '%j .] . § 2. That the Maybi^diP' the city for the time being, shall have ^ower, and he is here- by authorized and recjub-edfrom time to time, to issue 'debentures in payment of the said stock, in sums of not- less than twenty-five pounds each, in the same propoi-tions and at &ie same times, as the - calls upon the stock shall be nia^e answepble in the case of other shareholdere. » " -> - ,; 1^3. That^thfe sftid> debentures shap bear iniUrest frc^m the dates thereof, respectively, rfl at thip rate^ of six pei\centum p^r an^um, . which iiit^rest shall be^parvable a^h^ office , «* ^ ^4.^ • ^ : with S( ' and se ^ our the th^ fter laid ^or, of I by sent the bioBr for the *he " Railr ; e re- the lere- time, said r-five id at }tock )ther bear ■»:■ office ; >}. *l^ -^ '• ,* •-i t. wtif OF lumLTon. > .t /\ \*»4 «' .86 ' ' r w lA* > « « * i>M> « '*t berfaiii of the said city, Mdlhill have cou^ poife ^jttached to each, tor the said interest with^he signature or initials. of tlie Mayo? and Treasurer theretd. And the said de^feii:^ ^tures-shall be .payable twenty years after their date, and issued with a proviso thatcthe said Council maj redeem them at any time after five years,^if they sWl desire tben:sp«ci«,^tet«:^ ' tuies so given for the said stock, and«the half ^«*«^''^- / yearly interest thereon, there shall be. levied - ^ - '- and raised upon the whole mteable property., f - both real and pergonal, within the ^i(f cit^^^-f " fi^jpecial-rate m each year over and abovi^^ r— > ■"!. ,■«' ' and m addition to ^11 other rates whatever as fblloT^s, that is to say :^ -^ ^, In eadi jear after the present jeair, oiie^nepennr m- •> \. thousand eight hundred and fifty.fehree, until '""'^ • andv.mcluding the year one thousand ei^ht liundred and seventy-two, a rate of one penny - f. - vint^ pound upon the rateable property cJ: T"^ ifhe^id citi, ^ " . : -v^ * ^ '^J^I^^'°^ *°T*"*^ eight hBnarfido.e.biiH„g . ' J ,; l^^enty-t'^o. . tte sum of one shiUinff and ""-""y": J te tevenpou^eia the pound, upon kWeS''""*'"'""^ . „ proper^ in the city, to pay the intereat on the ■ • I/. •■• d^nt,»^foi. th»t jeariand the said- debenl' t/:^ J ,• •: ■f?,: P«5^=?>'**''»^AT^ that if the wh»le - • ' ' ''-' "• '■ ^.*« ^tud^l>entee8 *oul4 n(*t fecofe« -•., ../^W aM se^^ ^j: b^leyfed and*!^^ as sl^all be soffltaMt > : y^^^^^ j^^e >of . Wi* i^ii^^^ ^: ^ 7 wi^ so. mijcji of i fether. r^ of i^^^Dlfc ■ /and^^ft^gel^j^^^ e J -.'« * ' I-;, J --.I"'' '' '■<■ !.^- ' -ft 4 , ,'''' ■** - , - . , . '^^ — — i- . '* ■" a'H. ■ ■■ ■ - "»: r^, : ^.-/^'s. \ :^ :t ; 86 BY-LAWS OF THE, • •• V*** mm*^f.^mwmm •■ m m ■* -t^t ' - • - - kbk-jproperty for the next succeeding year, anSifery succeeding year^ until the said de- ^Biflres* ^il thi? intere^Uhereon^ shall b^ ■-. .-. ■' ■■■■'■'•^rr '::■[■,, ,. ,-■ ' Mr^-.: y ■■■:.■.■/.•.„ C "That, the said Council shall not at any Ji.\ t)«ier|vii3e .«6curiug -th^ ^e payment thereof. ^ J - . . •A3fiy Provided A&AxSj that untij the whole. '■] f'f tiiie 4id de|)en1^iii!eB.sh^ll;is8ue^ there shall ° e^ levie3:?iitod'raise(i i« each Imd j 5», ''^^ 4 ' " ^Ve^vfoi*^^. payment of^' the debentaires a6- j ^. i C^ Jbi^te^sued, k.p6yti(^only of ,th€^ said ratea £^. -^ r'^^7 V* here% 8fifttled.3bd 1)6-% ]beai^> -. "' : i i " ° 'fo^sui^ Woportion 4;uut aut^ionzed to ba^^i^^ h ".• •«^ •"^x„^,' ;.*i,."i ft* rt TVi'iil^ nrttr rt vAt'iS^a oT amount coUect- " in tl the - f ^ fifty- that s^id sencf shall be tl .Aide then tibe € r; four ] "of amount coUect- be»' r> ^th mtr wlietl the ai • iand I ^'f^^j^ , -, p ,^ '.^lectpi ; ' $idBng, * ,^- pi^rson , ilnme^ ■'":• IMlumci sMItJ -or *^ha approv .. ...,.- -^ ^quidM^^' oft^liiJ>aid:tlebente^^ h ..v*^^ ^" *: " ■ . .^o„ fflLpmeeed^ of sale^ ^M any pf #e said :a^ t,;^^*f * . ;• \^t6c^ and all^Mvi^nfe^ momeferi-eceaJ^ed, [-; '•"-^/'^* -'^"''- ' and ^\s^^'^^t('^h^ .' ;-% V""°'-n^" V" (i^ re^jpei^t^of siwk:^^ " S ' " ci,A««t oTihe;- -i 1 1^hail^i^?c8nsent -^of t^ naajojfity: U^ •. ' - *^;^f Vr "^J^^ftbe tbe qualifMd f lectori of^^the^Baid ^'' to the-^ 5 1:, r •'*: ^ . triKSM^am^ at Qitv Cotincil of th^ sSid City sutj^i'ibing tbr ^r- ;, S^^Sr'^ r'^ foii 4ui4r^d .k W A th^^ ca#ai stoSk ^^ , ' ' ^j^islSped at'a,p«t)li(*ti|^etii%^ held^/ V ■' *• 14 w J«i!)'' t£X ■"■^:).y ^^'l'; ^Mf ^;that aJJ iwcesaa; -' Aldern names; I tbe Mt •I .',.» ^ *;"«■ I*"'.' - -»-" ^1 ; 87 ear, de- m. any ,«.\ ■'V! *eo£^ .' lole hall " 3a6- atek t' iear-> kail ■ J 18-' tect- the Ml isaid e or ;»'"' -f* the" ihaU x" ■■■■ -vll^ ; : ^ ,■;. <^'^tv. of jiamilton.. :■.'.' ";■..■ " ... ■•.-. ■ -: ■ Si^t^^J^i^f V^*^''' "'^y- on Monday ('' the twenty-flrst day of November, in theye^ ' "' fiftv^hr^ rf *'"'?r ? »» his al> '. Si '* l^^.f fte^ Aldermen of the said citv ' ^ 'rtl t.i.*''*" *''*'' submit to the electom tnen and there present, the qnestion— « ShaU - ' the C,1iK>onncirof the said citjr suLribe for - ^^^w«y Company, according tofthe provisions^ . whether, m-his ojpmion, the maioritv jsfo/v- .fte <^rova^ orX,pp^va^ of ihe^S^ : - V «, '1 [ ■■■— ■ ;—v;--:-r--;-- T-— . « ■■ X „' -Iv" . ■ .--v-""'-- 1 ' ■ i - • 1, „•• 9 s (f ^ _^w ^1 -v 88 BY*I.AW8 OF TliK ««■.■.- • to vote^ notwithstanding their not being resi- dents of the wai-d in which said polling place is held. - ' &aiSS^ § 9. The^ person presiding nhall adjourn following day. the Doll at four o'clock on the day ot meeting until ten o'clock in the forenoon of the follow- ing day, not being a Sunday or statutory ^ holiday, when the poll shall be continued as on the iii-st day, but shall be closed at four o'clock of such second day ; and that said poll shall be kept open a third and fourth daj^ fi'om ten o'clock in the morning until foiir o'clock in the aftenioon ; it shall be closed a* ^ any time on the first, second, thii'd or fourtk y % days, if one half hour shall elapse without a? vote being recorded, i^ ' . SiS;tSr § 10. At the close of the po^ the By-law^ be pregi(Jing shall count the "yeas'' ^d the approve o . u jjays," and ascertain and c^i-tity, for the infori^ /" mation of the Council which ori^nated the' ' By-law, whetlier the majority is for the ap* proval or the disapproval of *tiie said By-law, i and such .certifici^e shall be countersigned by the Clerkof the Municipality?, acting as Secre- taiy of ' the ijieeting, an.d Jkepjb by film with. * the poll list arfi^fi^^t^e recoi^(!8 of his office., § 11. Thijt ttt^^y-Ja^ shall %e inserted fom* tim€s jys'eachhewsp&peir printed within the said^M previous;1^ the tty^nty-first day ofSov^mbeuneXt %- -■""■' ■ *■ ■ ■^■■-"^ ■■ ' S~ -lam to b« rertised. ;4^' :%2I«PAW No. XS. ■%'■: ■V. ib ul m TOere&8;.at^&^ flia^^ to :ek ■B3 » ■ betwe ° Bonth «aid 8i np(i*ij m (iilcifi Xaw^ t ibllows, • Com ed on t -^the nor %& course k)n th« i westerf^ Ihie mn ed ou 1 south J l^'ectio] wn witl limit of the plan the said fiBX feet To effm M ■ f ; ■";■ ?^ ': Wher( i|^ the accoi along the ■ib'- i. J ! /?■;:" fc"; ,R ■ ';m 'W:"^ ,\S-'':'' ^L<.._ I ' U I, i •'•"-A- J*«»*M*« f. ' CITY OF HAMILTON. « ', ..-, — ... i -—...,•'... ' ' ■■■*'■ » ■ betweenthe ^^h'side of King street and the ; south side of York street, and whereas the »; said street has been surveyed and reported ap# by the City Surv^eyor : ^ " .n^^^^^^^^'^^^'tf^^^ ^^^ ^i*7 Conn. . ^ll of the citv of Hamilton, in Council assem* bled, mider the authority of an Act, 9th Vic. ■ ufti^To*,';;, ■ ••■,..■ * _ That from and after the pa^nL' of this Bv- .I;7f the hmite of said street shall be i ' /^Commencinjg.at the stone monument plant h™.,^' ed on the westoriy rfde of Hess sti-eet and on ^Sffl thj, north 9|de of king street ; from thence on *T"^ .^/tr "^w r ^** . t' <"«*• *° a post planted tfe ■ ' •:on,the so^h ime of York street, shalf be the i^ westerly hmit of said Hess street ; and tLt a ^e mnmng from the stone monument plant. , I on tfae e?e* «ide of Hess street anS the ' south side of York street, i-unning in the fi^ection south 20 o 80 west, to its fnt^rsect. *n with King street, shall be the easterly W of said Hess street, in accordance with It P^ S^ ■^P*"'* "/*''« ^■«' City Surveyor ; , ^^d Hess street having a wi/tlx of &y! ,^.f" c ^ BY-LAW No. XXXni. GEORGE AND, HANNAH 8TEEETS. Whereas it is expedient and neces^ for™. , rtonr the south side of the block of land in ^§nnger^ Survey, jthe property of Arthur ^ I "ff- ■■Illl.- "W i;"' '■ :^:f >•' f.--' •\: .•■>»■ ■^■*\ l'^. '/r. 90 mr-i^ws OF Tiiic »««»«■•-•-•• ' Bowen, Esquire, eq.ual to th(B lengtli and • breadth of George street, on ilio south suie ot ' thesakl block, shouhl be opened, and that the said land now fonning George Mreet, . • should bo Bubstitttted for the hmd ot Arthur Bowen,8o m to continue Hannah ^treet to v . ^^ Walnut street ; and dub notice having beeit^ I ^ ffiven as the law directs and sets forth m the . . Act of Incorporation of the city of Haradton, forty*eighth secti^^ , jted by the City Council in, in Council assembled, ih Vic^ Chap. Y3., Haonah street defioDd and Beittherefo of the city ^of under authority !..«,«. «-c. That from and after the passing of this By- ifaiikSf. Law the street cotnmonly known as H^nah sti-eet, in the survey of the late George Ham- ■ ilton. Esquire, shall be canied through in a dii-ect continuation of a breadth of sixty-six feet to the west side of WaWut st^et, and that the allowance for a street oyer at the south side of said continuation, shall be established for, and ^ven into possession of the said Aj> thur Bowen, Esquire, his heirs and assigns, in lieu thereof BYJuAW No. XXXn . ON ASSIZE AND WEIGHT OF BEEAD. ' /Passed 26th June 19^^ J Whereas it is exp^ient and nece^aiy to pass a By-Law to provide for the Assize and W eight of Bread, and to secure to the citizens and olhers a wholesome article of food, within the eity of Hamilton, under the forty-second section of the Act of Incorporation : ., Be it therefore enacted, by the City Council of the city of Hamilton, in Council assembled. . f* red ma ,:?- m or meal, or shall sell the same contrarytothe * ' !: i precedmg section of this law, such persoa shall "'*''■ ^ "■" c«*™»^ a^*pay not exceeding the sum^ of five ■ * pound^ tor «very such offences /; ^ , "ri^ir^A . ^ a That a»jloaf bread offered foi ^h msd^m^'- this citv not m conformity with the provisions ^'^: ? ' .? of this law, shaU be forfeited and be seized / > : ^^ and disposed of for the use of the eaid city. ^ ; ^ ■ -^§ 4. That the loaves. shaU b\ quartern Pourpouoa,'" loaves- of four pounds, and a half qiki-tem of '"•^' two pounds. ,* '^--^ V ' . ■ ■ " ■'. *■' '■'■'-'9 ■ \ ■" ':'■■■ ■«" .','■'"■,:•■■■; -'^ , .1 ^v That the purchaser noay demand that B«kw to - his bread be weighed at the tim^ 93F delivery ^«*«h' " * and that the baker or vender d6-.weiffh it ac^ ^ cordinffly. ■ ; -§ e^That^nrMkeror yender 6f ^rea *+'».- -*?. ■ .,?«': »'' A ii' ^ , ««•' #• «© %) \ l'> \^ « Ss. .)-^-^' >^r IMAG^ EVALUATION reST TARGET (Mi;.3) ^ /. ■«»•. /■ ■f. 1.0 y 1.1 itt Ui u IS 23 20 11-25 HU m HUM 1.6 . y\ "^. . "N **,■ :\ >^e, by the rr . 1 , «- City Council or Board of Health ; tod who SrinJVS shall hold his or their offide during the pleas- ure oi the L.y^^^ Council and receive for his or ■x Council. ure their services such remuneration as shaU be hereafter established for such pui^pose by the Council ; or audited and allowed, in the same manner that other accounts against the city are. >^ 4. That when any disease of a malignant or mfectious character shall be discovered to •exist in any dwelling-house, or outrhonse, tern- the same. ' Board of Health to com- pel the occu- pant of *ertaiu ^^^ ^„w , ?emove*from tmi'&i^j occupied as^a dweUiug within the ci- ''• ty, situa^ted in an jonhealthy or crowded pai-t thereof; or in a neglected or filthy state, or inhabited by too many persons, it shall aiid may be lawful for said Board of Health, with th/ authority of the City Council, ^ven by resolution upon the recom^le^dation of said physician, at the proper cost iand charges of the city, to compel the Inhabitants of any such Dwelling-house,'or out-house, to remove therefrom, and to place theni in sheds, tents, CITY OV HAMILTON. 95 means can be takei)J)y said Bpard, with the authority of the Council given as aforesaid, for the' cleansing, ventilation, purification, and disinfection of such Dwelling-house or out- house, • ' _ § 5. That it^ shall be the duty of such And to report JJoai'd ot Health, as often as necessary, to re- ml!Lu'>"h' port and recommend to the City Council the <^ityCoVnc*i appointment of such officei-s as are not herein cSy'ou" thu, named, and other pei-sons, "as in their judg^ '^^''*^- ment shall be required to attend the sick, to ' caii-y into effect Mie provisions of this By-Law or any other hereafter to be passed, or any order of the City Council or Board of Health respecting the matters herein contained, and for the general health'of the city, and that remuneration be paid to the same : And all such ofl^cers and pei^ons shall receive their appointment ft-om the City Council, except in cases of emergency,* when the Board of Health may employ them until such report and re- commendation' can be made to the Council. And all contracts shall be made, and supplies . obtained, by such Board, with the authoritv .%%" '"'^ of the City Council given as aforesaid, and all debts and disbursements contracted and made, of eveiy nature, for the objedircontemplated' by this By-Law, shall be ajidited before the same ai-e paid, in the 8$^e manner as oiler accounts against the _^§ 6. Tliat if anyberaon shall wilfully dis-^«, .^ obey or resist ani^ jawM order of the said diS^g ' Board of Health, Wlany officer or person duly Stf^^"* ^pointed according to the provisions of this By-Law, or shall wilfully violate any rule, order, or regulation, made and declared under this By-Law, or the power vested in the City "^ . \ ' - - . ' ■'- ..'... ■ ..''■'■- -4, 96 B1-LAW8 OF Tilt: •••••r ■•" Council, for any of the purposes herein men- tioned, or shall mlM\y resist or obstruct any pei-son appointed according to this By-Law, m the due execution of his duty, such pei-Son upon complaint and conviction thereof accord- ins? to the provisions of the Act, 9th Victona, chapter T3, entitled. An Act "to alter a/nd amend the Act Irworporatmg the Tmn o^^ ffamiltm, a/nd to ei'ect fJie satne hito a City^ shall he liable to be fined a sum not exceed- ing Mve Potmdf*, besides costs, to be levied on his goods and chattels, for the general use of the city, and in default of payment, to be im^ prisoned for a pei-iod not exceeding thirty daijs, according to ithe pi-ovisions of the said Act inthat behalf \ Euhrand Regtdatm.9far the guidance of the Health Officer, ajmymled under the Ham- iUm Board of Health. 1st. It shall be the duty of the Health Kluthr" Officer to visit the Sti-eejbs and Lanes of the .treets, &c. ^.^^^ ^ ascertai'ii ifauy filth, manure, or other . '■/' offensive matter exists \in quantity, so as to endanger health, and if so to cause the same to be removed, eijbher bj^ the scavengei-s ap- :^ pointed by the ^Corporation, or those working :. ttnder the Board of Health, and deposit the same in such places as may be appomted for that purpose by the City Council. 2nd. It shall be his duty also to visit the Yards of Private Dwellings, Taverns, Hotels, and appei-tainei-s to other buildings, to as- certain whether any manm'e or other offensive matter exists therem, and either to order the' frsame to be removed, forthwith, or to cause same tk) be removed/ chai'ging the expense thereof to the pai-ty impKcated, and in the And yards, dwelfings. riTy OF HAMILTON. t)7 fevent of interniptiou or refusal to pay stwh chame for removal, to complain of the same ' to the j^hce Magistrate. » . ■: ^ 3ra. It shall be also his duty to viHitDAvell-nwdii... liig Houses Vhere pei-sous.may be suspected ''"""''»• ot lyiri^ ill with contagious diseases, and to order the removal of same to the Public Hos- pitals, and in the event of neglect or refusal • .- to complain to the Police Magistrate. V • ; 4th. It stall be his duty, to see that the To .«,o «.« bodies of pei-sons dying of dieases, be buried .tSnarr'* m proper time, before danger can arise from ^•»'"'*'*' ••> * decomposition. iToper timo. ««i^ V^f ^' ^""^ ^"^ ^* *^^ properp.vic,tobo season ol the year, to iiscertain if privies «'"i'""^- whether m public or.in private premises, re-' qmi-e to be emptied, and either to order the same to be done or to remove the deposit by means of the afoi'ementioned scavengei-s, chai-i ingfor such removal a fan- rate, piSportionect to the service ; and in default of same being attended to, to complain to the Police Ma^^i^ trate. ° . aU drams, whether private or pubHc, and tofT''^'^^^ report those in the streete to the City Councn. tfrS-po. and regarding private drains, to order same ''''"'"'**'• to be remedied, or cause it to be done chai-ffl mg thei-efor ; and in the case of neglect Or refusal^ to complain tothe Police Ma^trate. . BY-IAW ]^. ixXL Whereas It is expedient and necessaiT to r l) ?« s a By-law . to p rov ide for keeping bilb ot ^* 98 nY-LAWrt (7F TUK inoi^tulity within the city of Hamilton, un^ ^^^^ \. ■V '/'■■ v under ation: ouncil waera- ay of' , within ' ;on oi* ground ied re- Clevk 'he re- named ng the pation, deaths Q, and 3marks ysician aay l?e the re- ing the le city, IS that ;ronnd8 sexton^ Iso the iate of tmilton, jther a n here- le City )k to be ch pur- ly Buch VITY OP HAMFU'ON. Name, FOim OF l»MVSI(;iAN'S KCTiritx" RosJdciico.J Occupation. Formt. IMftcc of Uiith.jAgo.lCauso of Death. — ■ -. ■ , ~_^-- _____ Ph^ynicia FORM OF THE KKTURNTnTT^Fi^^XTON! Nome. I RcBidtiucc ()ccuimtioD.| Place of ^irtli JAte.jTi.no of Bnriol. "^ I 90 «extoh or pei^on having charge pf any Buch burial ground, fit.hng to niaSe such returns, upon (.otnplamt and convictioiL therefor, shall be liable to be fined a sum not exceeding five pounds with coste, to bo levied out of his ^oods and chatties, and in the event of suffi- cient goods and chatties not being found to Je^l>n.ned ibr a peri^^ "~ ~~- . tiexton. BY-LAW Na LXXXVL ON INNS, TAVERNS, ALE AND BEER HOUSES. " (PaMcrf ZJer. 1^2«rf, 1852.) Whereas it ig expedient and necessaiy to consolidate the By-laws now in foixie relating to Inns, Taverns, &c., 4 are hoUI, nhali b^ md tlioi Haino aro lieroby rcpoaloU. § 2. Tlmtnopoixoiiorpei-HonsHHlunfibtain I?h"11' *!..>. mOi' ^><^ ontitlod to obtain from tlu5 Innpoctoi-H luiiMJctom. of I louHoH ot rublic hntertammcmt, a certin- cato for a lic(;nso within tlui Haid city or libor- tiefl thereof^ for tlu? purpose of keeping' ai\ Inn, Tav(U'n, Al(5 or Hecr lloui^e, or house for Rolling HpirituoujH liqnoi*H, or otht»r liou«e for the reception and entertainment of the public, whore ferniented or other manufactured liqnorrt are aohl, to bo dnmk therein, unless lie, she, or they, shall have the necessary ^- commodation hereinafter mentioned, in order to obtain a certirtcate for a license to keep an Inn, or Public House, and have paid the sum of Eight Pounds for the same tp the Clerk ; ^ nor siiall Iks «be, or they, obtain sueh certifi- cate, unless, he, she, or they shall enter into a * recognizance, to be taken by the City Clerk, %2?y''**°^« of Forty Pounds, with two sufficient sureties, in Twenty Pounds each, to keep apod order in bis, her, or 'their house, and to observe, ful- fil, and keep all and every the rule^ and reg- ulations of the Corporation that may then or at any time be passed during the continuance # of such license, nor unless he, she^ or they, shall produce to the said Inspectoi'S at then* regular meeting, at the time of applying for their certificate, satisfactory proof that he, she, y or they, is a pei'son of good moral character \ and sober habits ; and has caused a notice in , \ writing in the form of Schedule A-, to be ^ .^ \ served on the Inspectors, and also posted, and ixStcdiathveethat tho samo has remained posted in at least three public places in his, her, or their imme- hft [neighborhood, at leaat six clear days places. e/.v- ^iatft ^neighborhood. sion sha] L^- thai * ., ■"»* •I*- . dTYOK WAMfLTON. 101 al"'rr^"^ '^ .<-;Hflc.at. fh,n! the City tit Ik, c,t Ins lu,., or tUcMi- having., mterod inti 01 OtIlCl- „|tl(„N not »|.ii' t„„„H, Victllllllillj liHliiricnt of l.fc,, „„tur.., without Iiavinu fi,.«t piii.l the City Clerk tl.o mm of Four I'ouikIk . ' ways, tliat uotlung Iier«m coirtaiied slmll 1,0 ""'"""■'.•■".n rieis and eatmg hojises, and not as Inns • but thatacert.Hcateanaiice.,semay\^^ted V to them notwithstanding the 41 Sf «aid uoltr fo^LlH^i'r'^" '""'??. "^""^ 8piri<.P.«,„.„m„, uons 01 terniented honors, within theCitv ofr""'"' V Hamilton or the Dfeeitieg thereof, .w tLnt'Sr'"'" teng duly licensed according to the movI «}on8 of tL Act, or any Act of this pSe shall on, conviction forfeit and pay a snT of l*f- tZf^ "''* H'^ o"« P«->"df nor morf than five pounds, for each offence, and anv personwho^h nll ^^ ll nny albeit of lUUew J \v'* 109 M%-I.AW8 OK TIIK no voliMS ami f^vo to it« |miTliiW(a>*nny w'uuh or spiritiioim or ft)rMU'ntt'(«'i't i»nr- ^vay-farin^ j)eiw)ns, all tippling', dram-drink- ' ing, and liabitnal- resort thereto are strictly pmhibited, and en[)ecially that no apin-erttice, journeyman, servant., or hired num, shall bo permitted to resort to, or frec^nent the l)ar- room, or abide about the premises as an idler or dram-dnnker. RiRTitoboput 2nd. That in every instance a .sufficient "•'• sigh shall be placed in a conspicuous j)art of \ the premisa**, sliowing in legible chai'acters \ th6 name of the ,.pei*son who shall Irnve ob- tained the license, whereby the Inn, or tavern fiiiaU»be knawn as suck, and at all times eveiy ^ tav^n-keeper shall keep and provide good ' and wholesome provisions and drink for his > guests, clean and corafoi-table beds, not less than four, other than for family use. \j Servant to toe 3rd. That evciy Inn-lveeper shall have a in ""e-*!""*-*- servant in attendance, to take eliai-ge of any horee, or hoi-ses of travelers ffespi*titig to his house, and shall see that justice is done in feeding, watering, cleaning, and taking cai*6 of them; \ 4 "«. I CITY OK ^r.UIIMO.V. loa 'I- •-•••rf. ' -.)i,?i?'i T'"(''''*-«««'-y nttP'nt>'o'w<>Hntoxicatinffliqnom to trnveleiv, or I,oa.-d«w, on tl^ iprd'H day.f V','' ^i!!''.''* Inn-teeners be reonired (!oa- _. nftord 8nfti«i the ballroom, and that no store or crocerv Be of anhn"^ **'^''-'*** used for tffe purpose 8th. That everyilnn-feper or other person ri™, , having obtained a license'^to seU spii?^u^KK.l hquors, or ale and beer, ahali shut up his bar cosed, for the mght eicept oa SaturC oSv^SnJh?"^ bejcept open ptU i. , _^ §> That whetoevjr any person mhimrvmonn for license for, any of the purposes afcreSai|SK«'»t«t«^\ ■shall have obtained a certificate from the fo!2SilSSr spector, as aforesaid, it shall be otli^atonr upon such persoti, and he, she, or they are re- qmred to take out such Ucensfl fnHliwUy . 1 ;l \,'^- ^i. ■C5 104 RY-I.AWS OK niE ^' d^ IjicPiwe t«» bo • 8 7. No pei-son or pei-sons slmll tippl^ or allow oi- permit tipplin- in iKis, her ^or their. Inn, tavern, grocery or hovuse of^pubhc enteiv tainment, or sluill revel or publicly exhibit himself Qi- hei-self in a state of intoxication, or shaU brawl, or use profane language in the city or the libei-tles thereof on the Lords dJ«y commonly caUed Sunday, under the penalties hereinafter mentioned. ^ ..Keu-«u...„ 8 8' That air licensfeg issued under the' KfVeS^. authority of this By-law, shall be in force from ^ the date thereof, until the last day of Jebru- -> ary then nbxt ensuing. Repeaiedun. § '9. AiidHshall bc lawful fbrihe Revcnue derUy-iaw86.jj^pgg^^.^ Qjj ^^ productiou of such cei-tih- cate as afoi-esaid, and on payment of the Im- perial duty, to give to such pei*son orpei-sons therein named a License for the purposes m thfe act mentioned. § 10. Tliat the sum to be paid for a license f^ce'ho'S^e.to keep a temperance house for the accom- modation of travelers shall be one pound per anmim. A copy of the § 11. That pei-sons Kcensed or to be licen- ?utu Lbm- ^ed as aforesaid- shall keep in a conspicuous a^^*" " part of his, her, or their bar-room, or m the moBt public "room of his, her, or their house, when no b^r-room exists, a copy of this Act SCHEDULE A. yorm of plication. Notice is hereby given, that appiidatfon will be made by th6 Undersigned to the In- spectors of houses of jpublic entertainment,/;on tKe <%crf 185 , for alicetase to sell spirituous liquoi-s, (or Ale^ and^Beer, as \ he at i / OX'S now elec libe] corp pel's pub] liquc pei-s^ nousi othei ordii of ^j purp( . exam on th after; major purpo qualif of th€ cates 1 sum p such li 'anteP«'"A least once every / montt^ and see that allf the requirements ■ < . ■ ■ ernment of the Hous^ of Industry and Hos- pital, ; Be it therefore enacted, in Council assem- bled, under the "Upper Canada Municipal Corporation Acts," / Physician, &.C., to be •ppointed. Phyeician and Superiiitetf- dent to tiiake arrangementB. PbyBician to ▼isit patients daUy.' Physician*! duti^ ^ Physician'! duties. Patients may be recom- mended by Pbysioian. That all i-ules and regulations heretofore made, be, and the same are hereby repealed. § 1. That there shall be t^ppointed one Hospital Physician, one Superintendent and Matron, at a salaiy to be determined on by $he Council. - § 2. The Physician and Superintendent shall make such arrangements among;, them- selves, as they may in their judgment deeni necessary, 'but not to be repugnant ^o this By-lawi § 3. The Physician shall visit every patient who may be atflicted with an acute d.iseafle, at least once a day, and oftener if necessai*y. § 4, At such , visits the Physician shall en- quire whether his directions and prescriptions have been carefully observed ; he shall attend to the neatness and ventilation of the^ wards, and give such directions on those subjects as may be necessary, to the Superintendent. He shall' direct the Superintendent to report to the Chairman of the Hospital Committee, such patients as arfe in a proper condition to leave said Hospital. ' . ^^ § 5. The iPhysician shall, if prevented from attending said Hospital, procure some other Physician to attend in his stead. ' § 6. Any Physician may recommend to his Worehip the Mayor, or the chMrman of said . committee, patients to be admitted ; but the . " ■'d.'^'-i'Ji^i^^.. CITY OH- lIAMII/rON. {q5 said pei-soiig may refuse or adfnit patients so rceom mended, at their discrotion. whtrLlL?^ extraordinary or pressing case, supennton- . wneie great mconvenience would result from '''">♦? •'^•^"^I* waiting for the approbation of the said pe?-' V sonsJierem named, the physician may At the Supermtendentto receive a patient imme- - diately ; and m case of sudderi accident the bupermtendent may receive patients without ^commendation; but the Superintendent must give early mformation of every such case to the said chairman who may permit the patient to remain in the Hospital or not as shall appear to him discreet and propei^ § 8. No capital operation, except in cases capital ot immediate danger, shall be performed, with- r^tuT*"* . out the previous approbation of the said Com- «"'»'°»"«^- mitte<^nor without inviting two other Phv- simns m the city to be present at the operL - § 9. The Superintendent and Matron shall be Stewai-ds of the Hospital ; they shall have the general charge thereof, and see that the regulations of the Committee and the direc- tions of the Physician are carried into effect. . J- ^^' "^^7 ^^?P pm-chase, under the di- rection of the said Committee, fuel, provis- wns, and aJl other storeg for the use of the Hospital, except medicinea .§ 11. They shall keep, under their key, all wines spiiiVsugar, molasses, unmade inens and blanketmg, and aU other stores and ne- cessanes. v~ - ..^1 ^^il T^^y ^^ ^®^ that the outer ffates are locked at a seasonable hour every even- 1 y Supennton- (iejit's and Matron's duties. Superinten- dent's and Matron's duties. Superinten- dent'B and Matron's duties. Gates looked. t&?-t-&'%-«^*^MM--.-'S''> 'kh%£ N-.. "••■i!*"' m 110 BY-LAWS pF THB Wine* aod •pints. AU articles to be entered in a pass-bopk A book W and Bhall not suffer any patient to 50 ont ot' the Hospital without i^pocial permission, and they shall visit eve^y Ward at least once every day, and oftener it necessary. S 13. They sl'all take particular care that no wines or spirits are used in tlie Hospi^, except by the direction of the Physician, for use of the patients/ / ; 8 14 The Sui4rintendent shall cause all ' articles'purchnsed for their departments to be • immediately entered by the pei-son of whom they are purchased, in a pass-book i)rovided for that purpose, with the daJte, quantity, kind and price of the articles. A book S 15. He shall keep a book^in which the S^^'^'?-h*ii physician shall enter his directions for the pur- rSr' -"Se of medicines, &c., with the date and Kr quantity to b(3 purchased, and signed with the initials of his name ; and the Superintendent shall purchase of^the person or i)ei'^Qns ap- pointed for that -purpose by the said Commitr ^^ ' tee, and none, other, the articles so ordered ; bul he is strictly forbidden to purchase any- thin^", except in pursuance of such directions, pre^ously entered as aforesaid. AU book, and § 16. He shall % before the said Com- papBo.ji.hp mittee, whenever required to do so, all books SiSife:; and papers connected with the Hospital; and ' the Chairman of said Committee is herebf : authorized to furnish the Superintendent aU books that may be deemed necessaiy for the use of said Hospital. / ' P^ni. § IT. He shall see that if an^ patient^ dSriouBofthe j-2^erou9lv iU ; M ^^^^ enqmre whether he ^Sre^iV is dlsirous to converse with any religious per- ■I' '^.-:'^- CITY OF HAMILTON. Ill son, and he shall in\ite the pereon flo desii'ed by the patient to attend, and while such peiv son is present shall see that the other patients in the ward behave with decorum. .This duty to be imperative on the Superintendent. 18. When a patient is discharged, the superinten- Jan. Superintendent shall cause his uAuie to beJ^bJokceluu? entered in the book provided for th^t pur-P'^"«"J'~ pose, mentioning jiim as cured, relieved, in- curable, or disorderly. On the decease of a patient, he shall so cause lii^ or her name, and the time of his or her docease to be entered in the Register ; the body to be conveyed as soon as it conveniently may be, to the hearee or to the friends (provided said friends get the sanction of the Mayor or the Chairman of the said committee) of the deceased, for inter- ment, and shall be interred according to the wishes of the deceased or friends, and the Superintendent shall be I'esponsible for the execution of this duty as aforesaid. # ^ 19. If any pei-son or persons in the superinten- Hospital shall use profaiie language, (disregard Jj^Vns'^^*''' the By-laws and r,4gulations, or otherwise °»»^«'»»'">«- misbehave, it shall be fhe duty of the Supers intendent to report the oftenders in writing to^he said Mayor or Chairman*^ and when a panent dies leaving clothes or other articles v>-^ of value, the Superintendent shall repoi-t the same to said Committee, who shall make a minute pf such report, and give him the neces- sary directions. § 20. If the Physician, Superintendent, or Matron or Matron that may be appointed by theJ^XTgae council from time to time, shall become unfit *»''^'"' w^^" to execute his or her office, or shall misde-**^**' mean themselves in their office, contrary to. 112 BT-LAjrS OF THE this By-law, or refuse or neglect to execute the «ame, the corumittee or any membere of the corporation, niay prefer against them or either one of them, a complaint in writing to the Chairman of said committee, at a legal meeting, and thereupon a notice of the said A comprint, to com plamt shall be ^iven to the person com- chmnuonof planed of, and a tmie shall be appointed committee, ^^^t Icss than three days after service of the said nptice,) for the pei'son complained of to make his or their def p o n o d not ^U ) wuwad thirt y daya i - -r. ". ■ V \- ''.¥ If, jf^' , ,/Sf,"?r f^'. # '^'iw' •/ /: V -■>^:::M:, 118 ■ f}' -■ *;■■■> V ■ < •I •'( ■ . ;: ^ ».k•A•»««k■«•f^yr •••••* BT-J5*4,W8 OF THE BY-LAW No. LXXXm u. A. - ^^ ^Paweti 24/A JVw«m6«r, 1858.; Whereas application has been made to open an Alley from East Market to Rebecca Street, twelve feet wide, as hereinafter described: Be it therefore enacted by the Mayor, Al- f deymen and Councillore of the city of Ham- Uton, in Council assembled— DcMriptioDof Mthat from and after the passing of this /"•y- Act, the limits of the said Alley shall be aa - follows:^ — EMtiiaAetto " Commencing at the north-westeiiy limit of Bebecflast. jj^st Mai^Jset Street, at the distance of twenty^ eight feet on a cbui'Se of south sixty-five oe^ grees and forty-five minutes east from the eas|r erly foundation wall of the Engine House or Police Office ; thence north twenty-four de^ grees and fifteen minutes, east two hundred ^^ -- and seventy-four feet, more or less, to the south limit of Rebecca Street ; the said Alley to be twelve feet wide, and on the west side of the above described line. BYiAW Na LXXXIV. ^ * ON FIEES, THREATS TO OlTlCTaSS, &0. {Pasted 8tk December, ISSa.) whishaji § !• That the Mayor or any of the Alder- have command men or Councillors present at any. fire, shall at fires. y^^^^ full power to Order any pereon or per- ^ ^ sons to assist in extinguishing any such fire, ' . and shall report to the Police Magistrate, on the following morning, the names of any jjei^ fion or jpersons refusing or wilftdly neglecting to renijkr snch assistance, who for sach refa- /_.. "f CTTY OP HAMIITOIT. 119 mSd" ^"^^" '' '^' penalty hereinaf^r'"""'" it !irfirl''?i'?i ''"*""'* '^■^^ «''«" attend R«^^ at all fires for the purpose of eupplying wat«r for the extaflgttishmg thereof K-efS^ .^ther necessary assistance, and that the f^ . lowing premiams be awarded to cartera and othei-3, upon ceitificate of the Engineer or other officer in command :— ■ ^ * *2v- *?* ®"S'°,® °" *« ground in actual W ^r? ''••d«r{.»';*J>at has commenced thro^ tag water on the fire, lOa - to any engine m the city, reservoir, or other.- ' wise, the sum of 10s. For every second, Ss. For the third and subsequent. Is. 8d. tn ^r'J^^i. T^"' *** °° <"^«-*e entitled b^n^J t }^ "^/''^ premiums, whose punch- ' |^°«»?**'"'e«-fo>'rths full when deUvered to t^eliigme, nor unless the said carter orother person remam at the fire when not employed -^^ water until di^hai^d 4^^ IC^IT °^ ^d, or 4od and lime,^^'**'^- through any wfeden floor, in any house or V feaJding withm W city W libU^ a^^ te!f?W *H* W ^ inches '<;l2 between the pipe and 1*e partition of the floOT unless such pipe passes through astow K«L*'„J5**i?-''*^"P??*°'" o«enp«»t8 of anysto^itt*-' house or bmlding within the i^^tr, shaUiSlS.^. BT-LAWB 6F IfiB V permit anm pipe-hole, not in use, in aaj clunr ney in sucl nouse or building, to remain open, and not closed with a stopper of mealt or trther incombustible material. itave-pipe. § 5. That no occupant of any house or J«sed through premises, shall pass, or keep passed throng^ nidea of roofS ^he top of anv house, any stove-pipe, unl^ -^ *''"""*'• the same shall be passed through stone, WC other incombustible material ; nor shall any such occupant allow any such stove-pipe tc pass through the side of any bpilding what- : 'ever, $toye.tobe.t § 6. That na pcrson or peMons §hall, hcro- lewt 7 inches after, place any stove in any house or build- fjrom the floor. ^^ j^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^.^^ ^^, liberties, without leav^ ing nine inches clear from any wood-work,- immediately ' above such stove, and seven inches from any wood-work opposite the sides of the same, and at least seven inches from the floor ; and all stoves shall be furnished with a metal ashrpan, to be placed under the door of said stove ; also, a wooden foi*m cov- ered with tin, or one of other metal, or a platform of brick-work under said stove. ifec Ladders to be faitened thweto. § 1, That no proprietor or proprietors of any house or building, in whicn there shall be one or more chimnies, within the stud city, shall neglect or fail to have on his, her, or their houses or buildings as aforesaid, one or more laddei's, or shall neglect to have all lad- ders to chimnies well and safely fastened thereto with iron hooks, or shall neglect or refuse, for eight days after being requii*ed bj ahy of the police Jarce to funush or repair' the same, as the case may be. § 8^ fli^ to ) combusi suming in the si ip two 1 them UB or keep hghtea^< stable, H or candl so as to; from. in his < 1 or m £ ers wo where st material any of t] yards of vessel or . 10. place or 1 or fii-e-ph wooden v in his, he] said city i shed, or s] hay, straT .uncovered on any lot of any btt § 11. T or discharj arms, or si "^^ CITY OP HAMILTON. 121 :^- flj^ That no person or pef8ott8 8hiiU'Bet8h.vta«, m^to any shavings, chnps, stratvr, or other S'^'t^T' combustible matter, for tfie purpose of con-^^'^A^"-' suming the same in any street^ square or lane "*^ ""'' in tlie s^id city, or within any enclosure, with- m two hundred feet of any building, orleave them until they ai-e consumed j or shall eari-y of^keep, or suffer to be carried or kept any tehted^ candle o^^ stable, withm the said city, unless such lamp or candle be enclosed in a lantef'm or shade; m as to prevent any accidents from fire there- . §9. l^at no person shalFstn^e or have wn \,. in Ls or her possession any lighted ci^ar ov^^^^^':'' Pipe m any stable, carnent^ cM&t^^^'' ^hU'^^^^'h ^^ ^*^^^* «^^P' or building #here Straw, shavings, or other combustible ^L J'i '*^?H '^"^^' lanes, or coiJ^ yards of the said city, except in some covered vessel or metal fire-pan, '^''*'"'^. K^nl^** Myasie8,Temovem stoves JXr'"^" op toe-places, in any wooden box or otter wooden vessel, or near any wooden partition ■■.H.'»er, or their honse or hous^ in the SMd city and hberties, or in any ont-fonse or sh^ or shaUpkee, or cause to U placed, ai^^^^ iay,^^traj^ or other combnstibfe materii ; i uncovered, m his, her, or their court-ya^^ ^A^\. "^^ "" P*'*"' <"■ Freons shall flre„ . ' oragchaige any gn„, fowlSig^piece or CgSSS.""-- anna, or stJall set fire to anflrWker, sq^ s~. i^ BT-LAW8 OF THE Conoealing penonB. -A . serpent, op other fire-works in anjr of the- streets, squares, or lanes of the said city and liberties. Tbrtatstooffl- § 12. That it shall not be lawM for any **"• person or persons by words, threats, violence, or otherwise, to hinder or obstruct the High ^^, BaiM, or any of the city constables, or any ■^perion ^wfully employed or authoiized by 4 feeifir in wresting any person chained wim • ■:':':''^.\:'''^my offence ligainst the laws of the rrovin or acainst any of the By-laws of the city,' % (agamst whom any warrant shall be issued,)*" > or who shall 1s>e charged as will kwfully au- thorize any cityNofficer, aforesaid, to arrest any such person or peisons charged as aforesaid. § 13. That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to deny or conceal from any^uchoflfeer, as aforesaid, any such person or pei-sons chai'ged as aforesaid, for the pur- pose of preventing any such person or per- sons from being arrested under such warrant § 14. That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to cut Ice in that part of Burlington my lying in front of the city, ex- cept west of a line drawn north fi'oin the- ou- ter end of the wharf occupied by^ Mr. ' Cook, and that any person cuttmg ice in any such part of the Bay shall surround the hole made thereby with brash, so that any pei-son pa&- sing over the Bay may not suffer any damage ; and that any person guilty of a breach of this By-law, shall DC liable to be fined a sum not exceeding five pounds, with costs, or in de* feult of paynaent of such fine and costs, inay be imprisoned for not more than thirty dajs in the common gaol of the United Clounties of Wentworth andHaltpn. Oaioa' Z' -X- j" '?». v / ' fllTTOF HAMILTON. 115 .,/' taon of this By-law, shaU upon co^ction, be liable to be fined a sum not exceeding five pounds for the use of the city, and in default of payment be imprisoned in the gaol of the Umted Counties of 'Wentworth and Halton ' tor a penod not to exceed thii-ty days * ¥-v . V^^ XCI ON THE INTEBMENT OF THE DEAD. v ' (PoMed lit June, 1^,)'>' , . WhOTew it is necessary to regulate the in- terment of the dead in tie city If Hamilton : Be it therefore enacted by the Mayor, Al- - dermenand Commonalty of the city of Ha- miltwi, m^Coraicil assembled, "under the Up- per Canada Mumcipal Corporations Acts"^ That no person shall dig or open any erave v n \ w or cause or m^ocure anyfrave to WdK^^SSn*?^ opened, OT sC^ mter oj^fepbsit, m any g?^^^ m the c% of Hamilton or the liberties thereof 2? "' *''^"'' S^tS®^^^3^' except in the Burlington or ' »t. IWs Cemeteiy, without the cogent of tiie Mayor w Chairman of the Cemetery Committee bem^ fi^ ' ^nsent shaU only be given iathecase of per. sons havmg land m tiie present buryW' CTound, or whose r^ations have been buried there.- '-^i ■■■':. ■, j ,: •• ^ V § ^- Thattte Supei-intendent of the Bnr-S"P«^t«nd'nt ^ntJemetery shall see that the Rules and £^"2 Sfe^ Keguktions of the Burliiiton Cemetery are '"'^• IZ ^^^^^l^^oneysreceived by himby . virtue of his office. ^ ^ * :V.....'-- .'f ^'^^:' . ■ ■ VI '" ■ . :'i* ■'A ^H •■■ .», - i H "■ .'I W ,. w «,> ^1 1 I i-'^'S^^^fr ^'^ it » t ", f ip*- ar -»~^i•=^«^^W;^ ^ Nrr** r"^ » *'^P^ «* . »• ""' ^ w« BY-LAWS Oi)' TUB 7 §(8. That the City Clerk shall enter in a Book to 1)6 ^^ ^_ toSnlSr'the*' book, kept for that purpose, the number aad wwib«rofiot.,pj^^ of the lot sold, the date of purchase .,^. ■«■; ■N.r:y- aftd,^tT3ie name of purchaser thereof ;, and on pfliyment of the price of said lot, the Qlerk shaU make out a deed thereof and the Mayor *; 18 required to e^tecute the same, and affix thereto the corporate se^l of Jijie city of Ha- ': milton. ' ■^.- : ■ ■.■:\-'-^'K'*: '■ 'l-^^"- pena'ty. § 4. That au^ pereon violating any of the provisions of this By-law shall be fined a sum of Haopey not to exceed Fiy

*«- The sum of five hundred pounds on the first day of December, 1857. The sum of six hundi*ed pounds on the fii-st day of December, 1858. The sum of six hundred pounds on the fiiostday of December, 1869. The sum of six hundred pouiids on the first ^ diayvof December, 1860. I The- sum of ^ hundred pounds on the first day of December, 1^1. . And lih© sunx of mx hundred jpounds on the ;^ fijrst day of December, 1862. § 4. For the payment of the said Deben- speoiai nte to tures and the interest thpreon^ there shall be S^Sto*" levied! and iiaised upon the whole rateable ^°*°""- prtmerty ^within the ^aid Citjr of Hamilton, and the liberties thereof a special rate in each '»., ...^"^V aU .« \ 7"- *■• , '^ff < •i*;" id •.*T*^^4p^^^^"' ' m BT-LAW8 OF THB / ofBf year, over and above, and in addition to aU other rates whatever, as follows, that is to say: in each year until the yeai* 1857 inclusive, a rate of one half-penny in the pound ; and during the years 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861 and 1862, » rate of two pence in the pound in , each and eveiy yeai*, until the said Deben- tures shall be folly redeemed and paid. \, ■#■ . BY-LAW Na XCIH To determine a method of drfrayingjh o^ of constructing Sewers. {Pa$sedldtkJune,lW3,) Be it enacted by the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the City of Hamilton, in Council assembled, " under the TJppeir Canada Municipal Coi-porations Acts.^ That in foture, the expense of constructing Sewei-8 in the City of Hamilton, be paid out of the general Revenues of the dty. ■■. V ■ : » ' ' • " — ■■■ BY-LAW No. XCIV. ■ ■ .BBFKAL. '■ Whereas it is expedient and necessary to pass a By-law to repeal By-law No. 12, and also to repeal clause No. 11 in By-law^o, 68: Be it therefore enacted, by the IkPyor^ Aldei-men, and COmmoEalty of the City of Haidlton, in Council assembled, "under the authority; of the Upper Canada Mtmidpal Corporations A^ts.** • That from md after the pasang of thiB By- law, By-law No. 12, and clause No. 11 in By- law No. 68, be, and ihe^ same are h^by rer'"^'^ - -^^■-■- - ■•■'■■ 1^.- ihauik / ih Whei Session* authoriz a loan € date th€ the Maj the City by way benturei thousani Debent! And ' of the ( was^K And/ requirec of the i] pounds, two pe p^ce i] Be i Alderm Hamiltc That Mayor < him ap] any per ate,whc npontfa mentio]] impo6e<^ 'the wh< - ■ '-■i-'v,/--- ' ■ •■ -. ■■■' \. ■ ■ ■>. t rf-J-- ^^", f» CITY OF HAMILTON. (m ^ BYXAWNo. XCV. Ibauthforize the timing of Debentwreaj wnder y ihe Aot l^th Victoria, Chap. 95. Whereas, by an A,Qt passed in the last Preambio.*.;^ ^ : yBeemon of Parliament, entitled " An Act t6 authorize the City of Hamilton to negotiate , a loan of fifty tnousand pounds to consoli- * date the city debt and for other purposes," the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the City of Hamilton, are authoiized to raise by way of loan, upon the credit of the De- bentures of the said city, the sum of fifty thousand pounds, and it la expedient to issue ' Debentures thereunder. 'iv ^ ' A And whereas the whole rateable property Amonnt of of the City of Hamilton, for the year 1852, S5*for ifiaT was £106,268 Is 4d. And whereas the annual rate in the pound Rate ot u. in required as a specified rate for the payment *^<>p«'»°<*- of the interest of said sum of fifty thousand pounds, and the creation of a sinking fund of two per cent to pay the piincipal, is nine pence in the pound. Be it therefore enacted, by the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commoiialty of the City of Hamilton, That it shall and may be lawful for the 4:50,000 to be Mayor of said city, or for any agent to be by SnJti^ ^'^ him appointed, to raise by way of loan, from _ any person or persons, body or bodies corpor- ate, who may be willii^ to advance the same, npon^ihd credit of the Debentures hereinafter mentioned, and the special rate hereinafter ^ imposed, a sum of money not exceeding in the whole fifty thonsand pounds, and to cause .■«'' / ■ -T.' .'r '„ *.' ;•',' », m BY-LAWS*" OF TI^ • ••■•'••- k*** ; tho8Ufiie to be paid ipto the hands of the Chamberlain, for the purj)09e8 in the $hird clause of the flaid act flpecitled. / "i^J And be it further enacted, >^S ' myono^m That it fthall and may be lawfW f<5i: the l.±r:" '" Mayor of the city, for the time b^ii^, to cause or (lirect to be issued, Debentures under the corporation seal, in s^ch sum of not less than twenty-five pounds, and not^ceedmg m the whole the said sum of ftfty %u8and pounds, as any person or peraons^ body xfF bodies cor- porate, who may be willing to loan on the credit of «uch Debentures may reg^. * And be it ftirther enacted, DebentBw. to That the said Debentures shall be sig^jed !?,X'r'rndby the Mayor, and countei-signed bv the *™ »tSh;d CJhamberlain of the city, for the time being, poo. .tt«,hed.v^^ Bhall have coupons attached for the pay- mentofthe interest thereon, which interest shall be payable semi-annually, and the pnn- cipal monies thereby secured, shall be payable at such time, not exceeding twenty years from the dato thei-eo^ as the Mayor shall decide on, and shall, as well as the intorest thereon, be payable at the office of the Chamberlain of the city, or such other place or places as, the Common Council sHall, by' resolution, from \ time tb^e appoint, and as shall be deagnatr ed in the 8ai4 Debenture«i. And be it further enacted; sp^ii riue of l?hat for the payment, satisfaction and dis- sStothepound ciiarge of the said-Debentures and the mte^ tobeievied. ^^g^^^ ^herc shallbe levied andraisednp. on the assessed value of all rateable property in the said city and the liberties thereof over and abov e and in sdd i tiofrto *ll ^^ V M ^ •^■■' • t t'lr^Yt'^W^W' '"Wf"^' aTY OP IIAMILTOK. 129 •4, whataoever, a special rate of nine pence in the .pound in each and every year, until the full payment and redemption of said Debentures and interest : Provided ahvayn, that until the whole of the said Dobentures^HhuU bo ia.^ued, th^re shall be ,bo levied and rained' in each year- for the payment of the fiaid Dohcntures actually issued, and the interest thereon, a por- tioninly of the said rate hereby settled to be levied and raised, bearing such a proportion of the rates hereinbefore settled as the De- bentures actually issued shall bear to the whole amount of Debentures hereby, autho- rized to be issued. BY-LAW No. XCVL V REPEAL. < (PflMci 4»>■ ^ BY-LAW No. C. To regdaU ihs eck (^ SpirUuma ar^J^ lAqmrs withm the ^rawnda^m which ths Fr&mnGM AgrMturd -Efc^^^ftjn w held, cmdxm the grcmda ad^(u;ent thereto, fPoited Uh Oetober, 1910.) Whereas, by the Act Uth and ISih.Tio, SXAvch,p. 120, k » eiia«!ted that wherever any t.?2Sltb.par^ to whom a license to keep a honse of chap. 120, It ifl enaciwi xiuM, wix^x^,-. --jr ^ to kom a license to keepa hou^ tmbfic entertidnm entBhall have Beengraatef - ^m'Ti^ rF:- p n blic entertaipmeni>«uiwi u»^ ^ r ?r.TnT.V ?p2'i"«di*v^de8ire to fiirmBli such ^efr^«hme^i^ « by -I?- ^^SF^'^tf if-l\W -f ti"1^i=^' • -w-^^i-w, ?«^'^«^tN?^>»'^pf«PW?teraPf omr or lUMiLToif. ■!?• mmm«^t»mmmmm»mmmmm>mfii»^»mmmm»*»m»»mmmmwmmm*mm ISl law he b permitted to do in tbe honse for which he has obtained a license, at any place out of his' said houHe but within the lirnrte to which such license extends, or to remove from the house for which the same shall have been granted into another house in the same town- ihip, incorporated village or town, or city, and to keep a house of public entei*tainment therein, it shall be lawftil for the Inspectors of Houses of Public Entertainment for such township, incorporated village, or town or citj, or a majority of such Inspectors in their dis- cretion, but subject always to any By-Uw which'mar have been made in that oehalf by the municipal authority of the locality, to en- dorse on such license a permission to the party to whom it was granted to furnish, such yo- 'fi'eshments as aforesaid: ^ And whereas certain peroons are about ap- plying to the said Inspectors for permission to sell spirituous and other liquore on the said grounds : ^ Be it therefore enacted by the Mayor, Al- dermen and Commonalty of the city of Ha- milton, in Council assembled, " under the au- thority- of the Upper Canada Municipal Cor- porations Acts"^ — That before snch permission is given to any p«pnent of peiBon or pei-sons, by the said Inspectdrs, or^^JJJbSJj a majority of them, he, she or they shaU payjujjj^jj^ to the City Chamberlain for the time ^bein^qnon. V the sum of twelve p6nnd9 ten shillings ;; and that until such payment, any such permission or endorsement of his, her or th^ license shall be void and of no eSecL And be it enacted, that if any pers on orpewitj. pefsVMH sLall se l l o r ex p ose f ornwfe^i ;-,\ ^r -sivf ■A J fit # 'm 1^ « H '( i V ^i* «^ , ,wP 1p . f ' ni I . tltkl > 132 * ^Preamble. BY-LAWS OF THE •■\'— ■ .tf ■ rf* afLO said grounds on which the said Exhibition is held, or on the grounds adjoining or contigu- 0U9 thereto, any spirituous or other liquors, without having fii-st paid the said suin of twelve.pounds ten shillings, as aforesaid, he, she or they shall, upon convictioia thereof be- "foro the Mayor, Police Magistrate, or any of • the Aldermen of the city, fbi^it and pay for each offence a sum of money not excegdmg ^ fiye pounds, oiie half of which to be paid to the informer, and the other half to the Cham- berlain, for the use of the city : And it shall and may bo lawful for the Mayor, Police Ma- gi>4trato, or Alderman, as aforesaid, to i^sue his warrant to lew the) amount of fine and costs, by distress and* sale of the offender's goods and chattels ; and in case no suificient distress to satisfy the aniount of fine and costs shall belbund, or in default of payment of the same, shall be committed to the gaol of the United Counties of Wentworth ant Halton for a period not exceeding thirty daf '•' J, \BY^AW No. CV, For lAcmsing Auctioneers^ ShopJceeperSj do. {Pamd 6^A#MMMWiM^TyV»fM»»^^»^fi*»^^^*»^^^^i^ ^A^W^i'^'*^^^^VO>>rf^A«^^*«^iV^^^^^V^^^^%^^^^ flftnd eighi hundred and fifty-four, and on or . before the fifteenth day of February in each succeeding year, there shall be taken out from the City^ Clerk for the time bem^, by all per- sons who shall "within the said city keep or have in their posiession, or on their premises, any billiard-table or tables set up for hire or gain, du'ectly or indirectly, or being in any ouse or place of public entert^nment, or house or jnace of public resoi't, whether such billiard table be used or i not ; and that for the license on each table there shall be paid the sum of twenty jpounds And be it further enacted, that the licenses uoense to b« mentioned in this By-law shall be signed by S(^,^idto the Mayor, or sealed with the cily seal, anajj^^j^j** "^ issued and countersigned by the City Clerk, ""^ who shall keep in a l>ook for that pui*])ose, a ^ true record, or the number of licenses issued, to whom and when the same were issued, an^ the amount paid therefor ; and that all lie ses shall^ extend and be in force for one yc \ from the fifteenth day of February in «ach year, on whiah day they shall be dated. . ?^ And be it ftirther enacted, that any person pendty. brel^king'any^ of the provisions of this By- law, shall, upon conviction thereof before the Mayor, Police Magistrate, or any of the Al- dermen of the said city, forfeit and pay for each offence a sum not exceeding five pounds, or, in default of payment of liie same, shaU be committed to the gaol of the. United Counties of Wentworth and Haltoo^ for a pe- riod not exceecD&g thirty days. ^ And be it fuirtlier enacted tibat j^ By-law shall come into Icffce on the fifteentli day of February,. 1854. mf^t. 18^ .^x- BT-JLAWS OF THR % ^ BY-LAW No. CVI. To anmid By-Law Ko. 105, on Auctioneer ^ , ^ ^^ (^11(1 other Jjicens^a, , „ ^Pa«»«f 3rd ilpnl, 1854./ . ' . - . Whereas it is necessaty to passa By-law to amend By-law Na 105 : ^i Be it tUerefore enacted by the Mayor, Al- dermen, and Commonalty (^ *e eity of Ha- . mUton, in Council assembled, ^^iit»ier the Up- , per XJanadaMunicipal Corporations Acts — mendmentdf ^That in Che tot section, in the said' By- *^'"'' '""• law, after the word « retail," be insei-ted, ^ m quantities not less than one quart; and not di'ank on the l^remises." And be it further enacted, that in Section Number 2, in said Bv-law, the Auciicmeer licences be ten pounds, in place x)f fift^n ^ pounds ; and also that m Section iNo. 4, Bil- Hwd libles be ten pounds each, msteaa <>t tiweiity pounds each. >^, BY-LAW No. CVII- ; * ; • ToEMMslta Board of Worhs. ^ . Whereas it is expedient and necessary, in. consideration of the large imptovemente now in progress and in contemplatipn withmlilie. the limits of ibis city, to est^^lwh ^ Board ^^ '.Works:— , ■.;■'•.:■■ '^^. :;';/•' ■^■■-.^'"' ■•':■ * Be it therefore «nafet^ by the Mayor, AV dermen and Com^pona^ty, M Council asfiem- . , bled:— ' ; ^ . _. 8 1 That from «iid after thepaasing'oftliis B^law, there shaJJ be ^ Board of WoriseoteV lished. / ' . . \ ^^WTS^SfSffRPOTSC X \ CITY OF lUMILtOK. 187 J § 2r That the iAid Board cbnaist of five ^ membere of the Coancil, one from each Ward. r re- Connoil § 3. That the members constituting said Board sdall, fi'om time to time, be selected and confirmed by resolution of CouncD. ^^ I 4. -That it shall be the duty of said^ard^'^'J^ torepwttothe Council, when required, all port to Co mattei^ connected with the improvements men?!£cf( under their supervision, and to suggest any alteratipns or additions they may deem aa- visable for the public interest ; and also- to make such suggestions to the Council, from / time tO' time, with regard to any new work or improvement which t^e aforesaid Boai*d -\ of Worksmay deem advisable to be undeiv , tak^.-!} " ^^ '--. ,. '. -X'> ■ . ■ - :---~-rry:7^ § 6. That^y shall be empowered to ap-^Tffi^S j)ly for and oD^m the opinion of any profes- of workt. sional gentleman they may select^ if, in their ' judgmentjmismanagement has occurred in the construction pf any of the public works.; ^. • § 6. Thainii the evei^t of any Mlure on the part of Contracljors or others employed by tnem, to fulfil or cany on the work so con- tracted for in JEiccordance with the articles of . i^eementj Md Board shall ha.ve. the power, in conjunction with>^e City i^gineer for the A" Mme being, to Suspend sucn work until such 'time as th^ Council «hall take actioi and de- cide therein. . V . ' ■'•... '. • ..'■ ..-■.■■"■:. -■■'■■., „ -ST. That the Works which the s^d Board. shaE^take under theii* supervision shadl be SUC& ad shall be 'designated by the Council from time te time, and to wHicn their atten- tion shall b^ specially directed. , » . T ♦ * \ f :.-">' \». A f* d .^' ^>(^^^ t'fi.j?^''!f\'^ iB^Jgpf ^^«^H@Pf«l?77''' ^f •'■f A- 188 , , ..i... -J. .-'■••■ BY-LAWS OF THE BY-IAW No. CVni. ) ^ ^ ^eerOed at oertam Meetvngs of ths i^rean. WeatemMmlway Gcmpmy. .piyof Whereas it iflcooflidc^eda^ SSTJ _Tr*Xf. tKk MumcapaUty being the h^^^^^ rtpdityof Whereas it is consiaeioix ««^-: — T, , i ^ deSberatioiM sr ot vsx^ ^ i^Si ^^^ \\a vote upon anv and Sf the O.W.11. y^ represented and give its Y?l *^«„ vi snb- em Railway Company :■ • , ^ . Be it «ierefo« enacted bv the Bfoyon At perSada Mnnidpal Corporatioiu. Aete - bil^rfaLe withtiie kuown viewB of to " ■ Ooimdl. V ^ ■■■■'■■ btm-a:w No. ei , ON ooAia. fPoiaedVrtk October, 19S&') ,^r^^ Whereas H is expete^ "^•^^^ pass a By-law to regulate the sale 01 emu V STdty of Hamilton: *. ^ Beiti dermen i ilton, in 'thority < poration '^V city sha the Clei party a person 1 load, in of the < same is deinan< every 1 thesui § 3. sions i; for ev< the M * be m pound menti the a Went excee< ■^'if^'^mmmmm :';''j'"^^ OITT o)f HAMILTON. 189 .......•^•••s« Be it therefore enacted by t^« ^aW, il- ; dermen and Commonalty of the City of Ham- ilton, in Comicil asBembled, "under th^a^ .thority of the Upper Canada Mumcipal Cor- porationB Acts:" V > • a 1. That all pereoM 8elKng coals in^hiscojutob..^ city shall cause tte same to be weighed by ciAn^f it. the Clerk of the Market,, who sHaU give the party a ticket containing , the name of tUe Cson for whom weighed; the weight of i^ : loftd, mcluding the waggon, and the quantity of the coal weighed, m the denomination the . same is usually Bold,if requested; S 2 ThattheClerWshaUbeauthoiT2edtoci«k>»^^^^ deSiand and receive, as^ a fee fore^ every load of coal weighed at the City Scales^ _ the sum of sevenpence halfpenny. S3. That any pei-son infiiiging the provi-i^*y- gi<^ofthi8By4w,braiiy part1*^o^^ v : for every stichoflfence,upoiM5^0ti{)nl^^ the Mayor, Aldermen or P<^ce M^gffiti^te, - * be iM a sum of money not to exccipd five pounds, with costs ; and in defeult ^ pay- Sent ihereot shall and mjY becommitted to liie common gaol of tlie xUed^ Comities of Wentworth and Halton for a p^nod not to exceed thirty days. - ■4 -> .\.. -v.-.^ «'\.«/ '■■■ ".< ■ -t ■ -.-t J ;-j. : :. .■;'..'^.;.> ii'nil'iA-riiiliinititilii. .'Im^ r^KJ^ fs . i" ■. INDEX. Allky from East Mai'ket to Rebecca Street, Atictioneers— Licensing of, . *. . Auctioneers- Incense — Amendment, . vBbead-^ Assize and Weight of^ . !^ard of Health, ,. • ... Ball Alleys, . 99 «« «» « " Amendmei^ 107 Biterment of the Dead, . . , . ,' 12B 11 9r MaMEE^ OF THE CtTY, . y • ^ V * Mortality— KeejringBiUsoi^iSk. ^ /" IIB . 182 isa 90 92 112 186 68. 66 79 124 188 60" 127 112 ^9 118 V 62 > /. 'IPBHI^WiJip' W^^ INDSZ to BY-LAWS. Ul « • « ■ • 4 • ra • • ■ 41 22 24 60 5 67 82 129 129 NufflAMCKS, . , .' '-M ; • .*■'■*. * PouoE OFFiOB-^-8y«tem of Coildncting, .. Police Force— Duties of . . ♦ Poimd, Poimd-kceper, Fencefl, «to(Si'^^ \- • .- • ' Rules and JObdbrs op the CouNCiti,. Railroad Stock —Great Western Kailroad^Co, « " Gait aod Guelph Railway Co, Repeal of By-law 12, and Clause 11 in By-law 68, 126 Repeal of By-law No. 82, RftUway Stock— Sale of Strkets and Sidewaekb, . . Surface Drainage, •. , . 'Sewera— Cost of Constructing, . "^ Spirituous liquoi-s— Sale of on Exhibition Grounds 1 30 . Shopkeepers— Licensing of," ... 132 V^OTOBiA Avenue,, . Wood and StoNOUs,— Measurement of, ' Wood — Fees on, . . . " Amendment, . Weights and Measures, . 33 114 126 65 30 21 2« 116 ^ai< 4;-'- • [ mPiPW wmm- ■/■:.- 1