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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Il 3063 F O R M O F P R A Y E R AND THANKSGIVING T O Almighty GOD; To be ufcd In all Churches and Chapels throughout England^ the Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berwick upon Tweed, on Thurfday the Fifth Day of May next, being the Day appointed by Procla- mation for a General THANKSGIVING tp Almighty God, for putting an End to the late bloody and expenfive War, by the Gonclufion of a juft and honourable Peace. 16^ rpt£i Ql^aieas'^ Special Commanir« LONDON: Printed by Mari Baskett, Printer to the King's moft Excellent Ma- jefty i and by the Afllgns of Robert Baskett, 1763, > i < ' "^n :,^ m' m, '; \ J.: ■ •I ■■ i : i '•iB.«,»^, A M ' O •"*•«***», II ■««i jt o ■•«-v^j, . ;*5' ■ M' ■ C'l •HP T'f f*" t -'^ ■4.. f '^. ■"* ?» (:• 'r '.:^ .' ■..;• ',...; '.J-i S.I ' I *♦ '-• / >^*^*{:ii^: vv^i itr ■ IL % .;•!) o 1 f^ (\ Tj^ i^ t'\t !:• ?o f'^ «... 1. ? .• ♦ t«< t ff'l4 M e ni If -.<4 [5] ■ a if : 4.»;^'*.. t ..; },■:'' « •Ill's. .t J t ^- 4. J' t i 1. , . : I A Form of PRAYER '%'* '•'•I .- :» AND Thanksgiving to Almighty God; ^o be ufed in all Churches ^nd Chapels throughout England^ the Dominion of Wales^ and Town of Berwick upon Tw^f^, on thurfday the Fifth Day of May next, be- ing the Day appointed by Proclamation for a General THANKSGIVING JO Almighty God, dfff. ^ The Service Jhall be the fame with the ufual Office for Holy- days, except where it is in this Office otberwife appmnted, TI At the Beginning, the Minijier Jkall read with a toua Voice the following Sentences ; and after them the Ex- hortation, Dearly beloved Brethren, (^c. WiU give Thanks unto the Lord according to his Righteoufnefs : and I will praife the Name of the Lord mofl: High. Pfal. vii. 18. : A3 • ''My I 6 Morning Prayer. My Soul fliall be joyful in the Lord : it (hall re- joice in his Salvation. Pjal. xxxv. 9. Serve the Lord with Fear : and rejoice unto him with Reverence. Pfal. ii. 11. f Inftead of the Venite, this Hymn JhaU he ufed, LORD, how were they increafed, that troubled me : many were they that roife againd me. Pfal. iii. I. ' -^ But thouy O Lordy art my Defender : thou art my worjhipy and the lifter up of my Head» ver. 3. 1 did call upon the Lord with my Voice : and he heard me out of his holy Hill, wr, .4. I laid me downy and flepty and r of e up again : for the Lord fuflained me. ver. 5. Salvation belongeth unto the Lord : and thy Blef- fing • *? upon thy People, ver, 8. / will come irto thine Houfey upon the multitude of thy Mercy : and in thy Fear will 1 worjhip to%vard thy holy ^Temple, ver. 7. For we gat not the Land in Poffcf](ion through our own SvVord : neither was it our own Arm, that helped ws. xHv, 3. But thy right Handy and thine Arm^ and the Light (^ thy Countenance : becaufe thou had(i a Favour unto us. ver. 4. Thou haft been my Suc^ur : leave me not, neither frofakeme, O God of my Salvation, xxvii, 11, ... . Unto ^4 *'. my I he r the Jkf- tby holy out P^ to us, iither Unto Morning; Prayer. ! A f Unto tbee^ O God^ mlil pay n^ VeHfs : UMio thee w'/l I give nanks.. PftL W. la. Thou hadk Jiot Ihut ne up into thi Hand of the Enemy : iMal: halt fet my Feet in a large RocKm. xxfci. 9- ^ ^ J .^\<\\^\ The Lord hath given Strength unto bis People : the Lord bath given bis People the Bhffing of Peace. xxix. I©. H ' Glory be to the Father> and to the Son : and to the HolyGhoftj As it was in the Beginnings is now^ and everjhall be : World without end. Amen. , ^ I I '. 11 1 ■?. H ^ Prefer Pfahns, CXI, CXXV, CXLV. v. . ^ ^:'A Firjl Leffon, Ifaiah XII. ^ \ \., Te Deum. Second Le/on, St. Matth. V. v. i 16. ) Jubilate Deo. vi>U: ;i 7*^ Creed, S?^. to the End of the Lord's Prayer. .: f Then the Prieft ftfinding upy fiall fay^ -ij!!! PrM. O Lord, fhew thy Mercy upon us. ru^tK Anjw, And grant us thy Salvation. . i .ti. • .■ ■ '"V V. 8 Morning Prayer. VI Prieft, O Lco-d, fave the King. -"^ Anfw. Who putteth his Truft in thee. *: Friefl. Send him Help from thy holy Place. ^ Anfw, And everm.ore mightily defend him. . Prieft. Let his Enemies have no Advantage againfl! him. • Anfw. Let not the Wicked approach to hurt him. Priefl, Endue thy Minifters with Righteoufnefs. Anfw, And make thy chofen People joyful. Priell, O Lord, fave thy People. , U/^D Anfw, And blefs thine Inheritance. 'j-L) j'cl; PrielL Give Peace in our Time, O Lord. Anfw, Becaufe there is none other that fighteth for us, but only thou, O God. Prieft. O God, make clean our Hearts within us. Anfw. And take not thy Holy Spirit fi;om us. ^ Injiead of the Jir/i ColleSt for the Day^ the following Prayer jhall be ufed* OGod, who nilefl: over all the Kingdoms of the World, and with infinite Wifdom exercifeft Judgement and Loving-kindnefs in the Earth j we acknowledge ouiTelves to have deferved, by our great and manifold and long continued Provocations, much heavier Sufferings and Burthens, than thofe which thou broughtell: upon us in the late War. We adore thee for cori'cding us in Mercy, for maintaining our Right and our Caiife, n^withftanding our Sins, lift- ing up our Heads above our Enemies, and finally giv- ing us Peace on all Sides round about. Inclirve us Z effeduaily, f Morning Prayer. 9 ainft im. T . t ^ :h for n US- lowing )f the jrcifeft ; we great much Iwhich adore |g our ;, Uft- ly giv- line us uaily efFt'(5lualIy, ever hereafter, to ftand in Awe of thy ChalHrements, and preferve a Hvely Senfe of thy Fa- vours i to hold faft the Profeflion of our Faith, with- out wavering, and excite one another to Love and good Works ; to become as remarkable for our Gra- titude, as we have been for our Deliverances and BlefTmgs ; and (hew Mankind the Happinefs of the People, who have the Lord for their God. Hear us, O heavenly Father, through the Mediation of thy dear Son ; to whom with thee, and the Holy GhofV, be all Honour, Praife, and Thankfgiving, world with- out end. jimen, ^ In the End of the Litany y which Jhall he ttfed on this Day^ after the Colle6l [We humbly befeech thee] fiall be faid this Prayer following, OLord, the Creator of the Ends of the Earth, who hafl made of one Blood all Nations of Men } Grant us to walk in fuch Equity and Wifdom towards the various People, with whom we;.are con- cerned, that we may provoke none of them to do Evil, but be inftrumental in turning many from the Error of their Ways, by our good Examples, and meek Zeal for promoting thy holy Truth. Difpofe them to peaceful Thoughts and Counfels, that we may enjoy, by mutual Intercourfe, thy manifold Boun- ties : Open their Eyes, tt^t they may fee the won- drous thmgs of thy Law, and haften the Time, when all Men (hall know tliee, and all be righteous, for the fake of Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen. B *? The [ 10] > The Communion Service. ^ After the ColleSl for the King [Almighty God, whofe Kingdom, Gf^*.] the following Jhall be ufedin^ V flead of the ColleSi for the Day, MErciful Lord, who haft given thy Servants Reft from their Enemies, give us alfo Under- ftanding to fee, and Uprightnefs to follow after what- foever things belong to our Peace and iafting Wel- faiC. Direft the Views and Steps of our gracious Sovereign, and of thofe who are confulted and em- ployed in publick affairs ; that they may Judge and a6t prudently and rightly in relation to the exten- five Interefts, religious and civil, of his whole Do- minions. Unite the Hearts of all his Subje(51;S, every where, to fecond thefe beneficial Undertakings ; and crown them with fuch complete Succefs, that his Kingdoms may become a J^raife in the Earth. Grant this, Almighty Father, for the Sake of thy Son, our blefled Redeemer. Amen, \ \ ■'* ^'I 8 ■? Ihe I lOUS ' ■? •' em- and cten- Do- svery and ; his Jrant 'i'-' our Ihe ■£' The Communion Service. \ ii HheEpiJlle. Gal. V.Ver. 13 26. ' ' BRethrcn, ye have been called unto liberty j only ufe not liberty for an occafion to the flefh, but by love ferve one another. For all the law is fuU filled in one word, even in this ; Thou (halt love thy neighbour as thyfelf. But if ye bite and de- • vour one anothe>\ take heed that ye be not con- fumed one of anothei'. This I fay then, Walk in the Spirit, and ve fliall not fulfil the luft of the flefh. For the flefh lufteth againft the Spirit, and the Spirit againft the fle(h: and thefe are contrary the one to the other ; fo that ye cannot do the things that ye would. But if ye be led by the Spirit, ye are not under the law. Now the works of the flefh are manifeft, which are thefe, Adultery, forni- cation, uncleannefs, lafcivioufnefs, idolatry, witch- craft, hatred, van.ince, emulations, wrath, ftrife, feditions, herefies, envyings, murders, drunkennefs»* revellings, and fuch like : of the which I tell you before, as I have alfo told you in time paft, that they which do fuch things, fhall not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-fufFering, gentlenefs, goodnefs, faith/ meeknefs, temperance : againft fuch there is no law. And they that are Chrift's, have crucified the flefh, with the afFe6lions and lufts. If we live in the Spirit, let us alfo v^lk in the Spirit Let us not be -lefirous of vain-glory, provoking one another, envying one another. B X ' _ <rhe I flllJM II iMlll •Mill M' 'URM 12 The Communion Sei vice. 7'be Go/pel. St. Matthew V. Ver, 43 48. YE have heard that it hath been faid, Thou flialt love thy neighbour, and hate thine ene- my. But I fay unto you. Love your enemies, blefs them that cuife you, do good to them that hate J6\x^ and pray for them which defpitefuljy ufe yo^, and perfecute you : That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven ; for he maketh his fun to nfe on the evil and on the good, and fendeth rain on the juft and on the unjud. For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye ? do not even the publicans the fame ? And if ye falute your bre- thren only, what do you more than others ? do not even the publicans fo? Be ye therefore perfe6l, even as y€ur Father which is in heaven is perfe^. 5 Then /kail folhw the Nicene Creed : and after that' the Sermon, ^ jf/ter the Prayer [for the whole ftatc of Chrift's Church] Jball follow \ A Prayer for the Reformed Churches, OG O D, the Father of Mercies^ we prefent our SuppIication9 unto thee, more efpecially on behalf ot our Reformed Brethren, whom, blefltd be thy Name, thou haft hitherto wonderfully fupported. Make them perfe^, ftrengthen, ftablifh them : that they may ftand faft in the ^^jiberty wherewith Chrift hath made them free, and adorn the Doftrinc of God our Saviour in all things. Preferve the Tranquillity of b . thofe, our on be cd. hat ift Jod of )fe, The Communion Service 13 thofc, who at prefent enjoy it : look down with compafflon upon fuch as are perfecuted for Righte- oidheis fakc} and plead thy caufe with the Oppref- fors of thy People. Enlighten thofe, who are in Darknefs and Error ; and give them repentance, to the Acknowledgement of the Truth : that all the Ends of the World may remember themfelvcs, and b& turned unto the Lord; and we may all become QtK Flock, under the great Shepherd and Bifhop of our Souls, Jcfus Chrift, our only Mediator and Ad- vocate, jimen, T[ ^ Prayer for Unity, OG O D, who makefl M^n to be of one Mind in an Houfe, we earnedly befecch thee to ex- tinguiih the Animofities, and heal the Divisions, of tlie People of this Land; Put away from us all Bitternels and Wrath and Evil-fpeaking and Envy : that our Hearts may be firmly knit together in mu« tual AifFeddon, in Zeal for our Religion and Laws,, in dutiful Obedience to the King, and all fabordi- nate Magilbates y that we may fludy to be quiet,, and do each our own Bufinefs y following the things^ Iwhich make for Peace,, and wherewith one may ledify another j to the Honour of thy Gofpel, and jthe Salvation of our Souls, through the Merits of our Redeemer Jefus Chrift. Jbnen, GRANT, we befeech Aee, Almighty God, that the Words which we nave heard this day with ^our outward Ears, mr;, through thy Grace, be fo grafted 91 -i^--' ^^*' '■■■■"■'*■•*■'" f»-.--A.. i--^ ,! -'■'n i mrlH 14 The Commuiuon Service. 11 grafted inwardly in our hearts, that they may bring forth in us the Fruit of good Living, to the Honour and Praife of thy Name, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. j4men, /• / . ALmighty God, who haft promifed to hear the petitions of them that alk in thy Son's Name ; We bcleech thee mercifully to incline thine ears to us that have made now our Prayers and Supplications unto thee ; and grant, that thofe things, which we have faithfully aiked according to thy will, may ef- fectually be obtained, to the relief of our neceflity, and to the fetting forth of thy glory, through Jefus Chrift our Lord, jimen. r** f Then the Priejl (or Bijhop, if he be prefent) Jhall let them depart with this Blejjing: THE peace of God, which pafleth all underftand- ing, keep your hearts and minds in the know- ledge and love of God, and of his Son Jefus Chrift our Lord : and the bleffing of God Almighty, the Fa- ther, the Son, and the Holy Ghoft, be amongft you, and remain with you always. Amen, ,,■4 ' '^^. m FINIS. lay bring Honour irift our / hear the ! Name ; 3rs to us lications hich we may ef- leceffity, gh Jefus Jhall let erftand- ' know- s Chrift the Fa- jft you, m