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Ontario Agricultural College and Experimental Farm, Guelph, under control of the Minister of Agriculture. .' James Mills, M.A. Thomas Shaw A. E. Shuttlkworth, B.A, J. HoYKs Panton, M.A., F. P. C. GiiENSinE, V.S. . . H. H. Dean, B.S.A. E. Lawhence Hunt, B.A Captain Walter Claukk C. A.. Zavitz, B.S.A. H. B. Sharman, B.S.A. .. A. McCallum . . . . President. Professor of Agriculture and Farm Suj)erintendent. Sc. . . . . . . . . Professor of Chemistry. G.S. Professor of Natural History and Geology. Professor of Veterinary Science. Professor of Dairy Husbandry. Assistant Resident and Mathematical Master. Instructor in Drill and Gymnastics. Experimentalist. Assistant Chemist. Burnar. ADVISORY BOARD. C. C. JAME.S, M.A., Secretary John I. Hobson, Chairman Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Toronto. Mosborough, County of WeUington. r. ULLMTIN LXXXV WEEDS. AND MODES OF DESTROYING THEM. That weeds prevail to an alarming extent in the Province of Ontario is patent to every one who has given the subject any atten- tion. Th*t they are on the increase is more than probable. The complete eradication of the more noxious forms of weed life has come to be looked upon as an impossibility by many engaged in tilling the soil, a view which tends to paralyze the efforts that would otherwise bo put forth to destroy them. The loss which they cause to the farmers of this province in the large amount of plant food which they take from the soil every year is very great, and the labor ex- pended in efforts to destroy them, often to little purpose, probably represents a still greater loss. Some of them, as the Canada thistle, are pretty generally distributed over the country, and are known to every one, but others, as wild flax, are as yet confined to certain sec- tions, from which they are continually being distributed by the various agencies concerned in their i)ropagation, and frequently they obtain a foothold from which it is diflicult to dislodge them, before their pres- ence is known. Objects of (he Bulletin. The chief of the objects of this Bulletin include the following, viz. : 1. To furnish information, through illus- trations and otherwise, as to the appearance and habits of growth of the more troublesome forms of weed life which infest this country, that their presence may be at once detected when they are brought into centres where hitherto they have been unknown. 2. To outline certain important general jirinciples that anply, though not always equally, to the destruction of all forms of weed life ; and 3. To give specific modes of destroying the more troublesome forms of weed life which infest this province, that are not necessarily costly, and many of which have been proved in our experience at this station. rosslble Achievemerd. In reference to the destruction of the more noxious weeds, our contention is, first, that the more troublesome forms of weed life can be eradicated on every farm in Ontario, if the farmers decide that so it shall be. Second, that this can be accom- plished without heavy outlay when it is done in a certain way. Third, that when weeds are once eradicated it will be easily possible to keep them so with but little outlay. And, fourth, that the profits will be much larger where the farms are kept free from weeds. When we say that the more troublesome forms of weed life can be eradicated, we mean that they can be removed so completely, that they will cease to interfere with any rotation that may be desired, that they can be completely banished from every farm, except in so far as the seeds are brought again by natural and other agencies, and thai when so brought, with the necessary vigilance these in turn can be easily destroyed. That this work can be accomplished without heavy outlay has been fully demonstrated in our experience at this Station, as stated more fully in the Annual Report for 1891, wherein we claim that the whole farm was brought to a clean condition in three years without the loss of a paying crop, and without resorting to the bare fallow, while in a number of instances two crops were grown the same rea- son. The only outlay for which thero was no direct return was labor spent in hand pulling and spudding, which in the three years amounted to not more than $250. The assumption that when weeds are once well overcome, it will not be difficult or costly to keep them at bay, is surely reasonable. That they will come again and keep com- ing is certainly true. But to affirm that it will cost more to keep them wholly at bay than only partially so, as is sometimes done, is certainly illogical. Our experience during the past year has taught us, that a one hundred acre farm when once iu a clean condition, may be kept so where the general methods of cultivation are good, without expending a larger sum than $25 per year in spudding and hand pulling. That the profits will be nmch larger when farms are kept free from weeds is also apparent, since they then use less of the nutriment in the soil thiit should go to sustain the plants, they injure them less through crowding and overshadowing, and there is certainly less labor involved in subduing them. Agencies in Weed Distribution. The various agencies by which weeds are distributed are well worthy of attention. Sometimes they are wafted incredibly long distances by the winds of heaven, and are in tliis way distributed over areas widely separated from one anofhcr ; at other times they are \iolently shaken out of the seed puiis in which they grow, and driven along over the crusted snrfac(3 of the snow for miles at a time. Birds carry them to and fro in their innocency in seeking supplies of food for themselves and their young. Sometimes these( ds are caiiied by wild animals when seeking their winter stores. At other times the seeds are carried in the droppings of domestic animals from tield to field, and those which adhere to the coat are in this way carried to other centres. Some varieties are borne down upon us by the floods which swell the watercourses coming down from infested farms ; oftentimes we buy them in the seeds we pur- F^P^ 5 chasofrom abroad, and very of ton they are brouf»ht to us by tlie tlir(;sh- ing machine from a npi«^hbor's farm. And yet again we br.y th(^m in the manures that we purchase in cities, towns and villages, and in fodder HuppiifM that come from distances more or less remote, while many carry tiicm from field to field in the manure made upon the farm. It sliould lu^ kept in mind at the same time, that tlicn; are but two ways in which weeds may increase through thtur own inher- ent powers, viz., by maturing their seeds, and by means of creeping rootstocks which push their way through the soil, and in this way form new plants. Happily these are both under our control, so that where weeds are allowed to multiply, it is because suitable measures are not taken to destroy them. General Piunch'Les to be Obseuved in Destroying Weeds. is ire Ay tre There are certain general principles to be observed in destroying weeds, which will be found very helpful in conjunction with the more specific modes that may be recpaired. These include the following : 1. Study tli^lr habits of (jrowth. We should not only study the habits of the growth of weeds, but we should adapt our methods of subduing them accordingly. Weeds are classed as annuals, bien- nials and perennials. Annuals complete the cycle of their existence in a single year. When annuals are prevented from ripening their seeds upon any farm from year to year, the time must come when that class of weeds will be completely destroyed. They would be destroyed in a single year, but for the fact that many of the seeds, because of the oily coating in which they are encased, have great power to resist the influences of decay, hence they may remain in the soil for years, and yet retain their vitality. The etFort then in. de- stroying annuals, should be first, to prevent them from maturing seeds, and second, to adopt such modes of cultivation as will most quickly force them into germination, that they may be destroyed. These modes include autumn cultivation and the growing of root crops. Biennials complete the cycle of their existence in two years, many of them are characterized by a tap root which goes deep into the soil. During the first year large quantities of starch are stored up in the root, and this is utilized during the second year in produc- ing an abundance of seed." It follows therefore, that any mode of destruction that may be adopted that will prevent this class of weeds from reproducing seeds, will also, in time, effect their destruction. This class of weeds cannot well resist the influence of good cultiva- tion, hence we find them most common in old meadows, pastures^ along road-sides, and in by-places generally. In such places per- sistent cutting must be resorted to. 6 Perennials live from year to year. Of these there are two classes — the simple, and the creeping perennial. The simple perennial is reprocliicod from seed only. The ox-eye daisy is a type of this class. The creeping perennial is not only reproduced from seed, but is also propagated by me\n8 of rootstocks, which push through the soil. These rootstocks are filled with latent buds, each one of which is capible of sending up a fresh plant under favorable conditions. These favorable conditions are heat and moisture, and a IVesh im- pulse is also given to growth when any disturbing influences, as breaking off from the parent stem through cultivation, is brought to bear upon the roots. Hence it is, that cultivation in moist weather is more likely to promote than to hinder their increase. The Canada thistle furnishes a familiar example of a creeping perennial. In de- stroying perennials, we must labor to smother them, or to bring the roots to the surface by cultivation, where they will perish by ex- posure. Any mode of destroying them will be found effective in one season, that will prevent them from breathing through the leaves for several months in the season of growth. IJut where the attempt is made to destroy thera by cultivation which is only partially effective, the residue of the plants left in the land are given exceedingly favor- able conditions for development, owing to the loose condition in which the soil is left. Whenever the attempt is made, therefore, to destroy creeping perennials, they should bo crushed out, root and branch, in one season. They will come again through seeds that will linger in the soil, but due watchfulness will soon succeed in re- moving them. 2. Drop certain crops out of the. rotation. In the war with weeds it is usually greatly advantageous to drop out of the rotation for a time, such crops as allow the weeds which infest them to ripen. Some weeds, as for instance pigeon weed and wild flax, ripen their seeds early, as in winter wheat and hay crops. Others, as ragweed, ripen their seeds late, as in the second cutting of clover. In com- batting these various classes of weeds, therefore;, the work will be greatly facilitated by dropping the crop out of the rotation for a time in which the weed ripens. As many weeds, however, grow in every variety of crop, this mode is not so applicable to them. 3. Adopt methods of eradication to conditions of soil and climate. These conditions have an important influence on the growth of weeds. The Canada thistle for instance, can be destroyed in clay soils vith a stiff subsoil, by turning the land into pasture and mow- ing them twice a year at certain seasons for a limited number of years. On other soils of more open texture, this mode of eradicating ihem would not succeed. 4. Allow no seeiln to niuturfi. Wo should not allow any seeds to mature where it is possihU to prevent it. It may he very dillicult to accomplish this at first, when we undertake to clean a farm, but generally speakinj? it may he larj^oly prevented by modifying the ro- tation for a time. Tiie specific modes of hinderinf? weeds from ripen- ing will vary with the species of the weed, and also with the crop. These will be given in ])art at least, in a subse([uent portion of this Bulletin. 5. Exercise Care tn imrchasliui Seeds. The necessity for exercising great care in the ])urch»8e of new seeds will be a|)paient, when we call to mind that it was through this medium that nearly all the foreign weeds came to us that we now possess. They should not only be purchased from reliable seedsmen, but where their presence is detected, they should at all hazards be removed before sowing the grain. They are oftener carried in the seeds of clovers and grasses than in those of cereal grains, hence a particular care should be exer- cised in the introduction of these. G. Give Thrc.shivtj Machines due Attention. When these come from farms infested with weeds, they should be thoroughly swept before commencing their work, and also allowed to run for a little time when emjity to further clean them. Sometimes it is thought advisable for a number of farmers to protect themselves from invasion, by clubbing together and purchasing machines to do their own threshing. 7. Give Attention to Sergei, ingsjroni the Fanninr/ Mill. It maybe wise in many instances to burn the chalf and screeninu;s which are of little or no value, that have come from winnowed grain. I'he infe- rior portions of the grain, u-sually termed screenings, may be boiled or ground before being fed. 8. Groio Hoed Crops as far as practiadjle. Hoed crops should be freely grown as far as possible, more especially during the clean- ing period. Opportunity is thus given for combatting almost any form of weed life, at almost any period of the growing season. The frequent stirring of the ground is very helpful to the germination of the seeds in the same. Heed crops are much more efiective as aids in destroying weeds when due attention is given to the cultivation as late as this may be done without injury to the crop. 9. Grow Clover and Lucerne. Of the different varieties of clover, the common red is decidedly the most useful for purposes of weed destruction. But few kinds of weeds ripen before this variety of clover, and as it may be cut twice in the year, it is specially helpful in the fight -with perennials. Its smothering tendencies are no less helpful when it is a good crop. Lucerne is even more valuable than clover for tlie purpose indicated, as the cuttings of the lucerne are 8 ', (I'l'oio'Ji. Wends cnn much mire easily b;) kept in check wlusro the land is stimul.itiid to a vii,' )rous production. When the growth of the crops is strong, m )reesp;)cially (virly inthos(MS)n, many forms of weeds art; loft Ijdiind in the race, (irowing good crops is another name for good farming, hen.;e good Tariuing is in its ilf a great hindrance to the multiplic.iuori of w !eJs The spread of woeds is always much more raoid in imo )verisheil fnrms. Growth may be stimulated by improved cultivation, by the appli- cation of rainures, artidoial or lumemadc, and by growing catch crops for turning under. 12. Giue Attention to Antiimri CaUhafion. By autumn cultiva- tion we mean, the tilling of the soil after harvest, with a view to the destroying of weeds. No other mode of destroying we'ds will pro- bably be found so efficacious for the outlay as this. As soon as the crops are removed, the land that is not sown to grasi shjuid be gang- plowed. All weeds thac are then growing above the surface are turned under. The seeds of others lying in the soil are encouraged to germinate, and these in turn are again destroyed by htrrowing or cultivating, or by the late autumn plowing that precedes the advent of the winter. Catch crops may sometimes be grown on lands plowed at this season. 13. Do the Work Tlwroughlij. When the eradicxtion of weeds is undertaken, it should bs as complete as possible, and done in the shortest possible time. The cheapness of the process is usually ia direct proportion, first to its completeness, and second, to the brevity of the period occupied in doing it. 14. Maintain Cleanliness when Secured. When cleanliness has been secured, it should be maintained from year to year. To effect this two things at least require to be done. The general manage- ment of the farm must be good, that good crops ordinarily may be grown, and every portion of it must be gone over once or twice a year with the spud, except the part devoted to hoed crops. When lands have once been made fairly clean, one person will have no difficulty in going over ten acres a dxy with the spud, and removing from the same all noxious forms of weed life. We have proved this over and over again in our own experience. 9 IT). (!<).s//i/ MrfJioh. Two Mio 1<'H of (Icstroyini; weeds are tr('(|U('ntly adopted whirli aro jjood \\\ tliciiisclvf's, l»iit which wo da not favor, lu'caiiso of their c^ostliiK'ss. We ref<;r tothn barr f.iUow piocoss, and to tho destroy iiij^ of thn 8( oJh throni,di the fcniK'nta- tion of tin? nunurc. l}oth are very cypfitihivf, the former in tho labor involve(i, and thi; later in the h>i.s of nimih nitrogen in tho manure. Sl'KCIFlC MODKS OF DK.SrilOVIN(; OUli MOST TliOUIiLKSOMK WkKDS. Nearly all tho modes of dcvstroyiiii; th( difli^rent \ve(vh treated of under this headinij; we hav(! pnjved in our own experienco, Sk«>tches of ea(th weeil have 1» 'en prepare! from li\itiij specimens, which show the habits of rof)t ijrowth as wiiU as of tho portion abo\e £[roun(l. We shall ajx'ak of ehfven of the moie troublesome weeds that disturb tho ai,'riculture of Ontario. These are the (.*anada Thisth^ the Corn Sow Thistle, Ooucli Grass, the Ox Eye Daisy, *>he Burdock, l>lueweed, Wild Mustard, Wild Flax, Pigeon weed, Ragweed and the Wild Oat. The Canada Thistle. The Canada Thistle {Clrsiicm arvensa), is a creeping perennial, which grows to the height of two to four feet, according to the character of the soil. It u so universally known in this country, that nothinii m ire nneds to he said in regard to its appearance.. This weed courts up early in May, and continues to grow until the time of severe frost in autumn. It comes into blossom in July and August, and also matures its seed in these months, but more especi- ally in August. The Canada Thistle will grow in nearly all kinds of soils, but in mucks, with moist bottoms, it does not find a congenial honae. It grows amid all kinds of crops, and the seeds ripen along with all the cereal grains, several of the clovers, timothy, and other grasses. It is propagated by means of the seeds, and also through the medium of rootstocks, more especially the latter. The rootstocks, which penetrate the soil horizontally to great distances, are filled with ' 'tent buds, which, when the roots become broken, as by the dis- turbing influences of cultivation, at once spring into vigorous life. The seeds are not only wafted incredible distances with the wind, but they are also scattered through the medium of the seeds of all kinds of cereal grains and some of the clovers and grasses. They are also carried in the manure, 10 ; The following are some of the modes of dealing with this intruder : 1. Drop out of the rotation so far as practicable all such crops as allow the thistle seeds to ripen before these are cut, until infested dekh hive baen dealt with. 2. Pl3w tliB Iciud immediately after harvest. Plow shallow with any kin I of plow that will cut the thistles off clean without breaking otf the creeping rootstocks. Keep the thistles from breath- ing abDve ground until the late autumn plowing, which should be Canada Thistle (Cirsima arvcnsf.) deep, for the sake of th« crop which is to come after. In the spring keep the thistles under by the use of a suitable cultivator, until the time of planting a crop of corn, roots or rape. Give the crop thus planted the horse hoeing necessary to keep down all weed growth, and also keep the thistles cut out of the line of the rows by hand hoeing. Go over the crop if necessary once or twice after the horse cultivation ceases, and there should not be one thistle left. The most effective part of the work has been done the preceding autumn providing the weather at that time has been dry. 11 3. Plow the ground deeply in August. Saw rye early in Se{>- tember at the rate of 2^ to 3 bush, per acre, and cut the following spring for winter fodder. Then plow the ground deeply with any kind of plow that will eflfectually bury the stubbles. The jointer with skimmer will answer very well. Then roll at onoe to conserve the moisture. Harrow once a week until it is time to drill the ground for rape. Drill about the last of June or first of July by using the double mould board plow. The drills miy be 22 to 24 inches apvrt. Sow at once with rape by using the ordinary turnip drill and then cultivate and care for as described in section 2 above. In our ex- perience at this farm we have found this mode of destroying the Canada Thistle to be very etiective. 4. Plow under pasture land in June, or land from which a crop of hay has been removed early in July. Wc/k the land thus plowed upon the surface, so that all thistles will be kept under until the time of sowing winter wheat. Sow the wheat with clover and repeat the process if necessary, after having cut one, two or three crops of the clover. This method is applicable to stiff soils, where winter wheat can be grown. In sections where winter wheat will not grow, substitute for it rye, spring wheat or barley, as may be desired. 5. Where the land has been sown to clover, cut the crop twice for hay, or once for hay and once for seed. Then follow with a hoed crop properly cultivated. The smothering influences of the two crops of clover in one season, and then two cuttings, are very helpful in reducing the thistle. 6. When the thistles are well brought under they should be kept 80 by the use of the spud. The grain fields should be gone over before harvest to prevent the thistles from blossoming, and after harvest the meadows and fields sown to grass. So far as the destruc- tion of the thistle is concerned, spudding after the blossoming season is more effective than when this is done sooner. Two or three cuttings with the sj)ud after harvest punish the thistles very badly. We have found that by spudding two or three times a year in the autumn, the thistles soon disappear from the fence borders and bye- places generally. 7. In removing thistles from permanent pastures, we must be governed by the character of the soil and subsoil as to our mode of proceedure. On stiff clays two or three cuttings a year with the ficythe or mower for a limited number of years will suffice, but in open subsoils the spud will have to ba resorted to. The first cutting however may be done with the scythe, just before the thistles reach the blossoming stage. 12 The Sow Thistle. IM There are several varieties of this weed, some of which do not give serious trouble to cultivation. It is not an easy task to classify tlio ditieient varieties, but it will be suilicient for our purjiose 1h re to confine our remarks to the variety known as the Corn Sow Thistle (Sunchns orvent^is), whicli is l»y far tli« most troublesome of this family of plants. The Corn Sow Thistle is a creeping perennial. The plant lias an n])riii;ht habit of growth. It grows to the lieightof one to three feet and sometimes it attains to a greater lieiglit when the soil is cimgenial. Like tlie Canada Thistle it is somewhat branched toward the top. The sten)s are rather hairy or bristly, especially the liower stems. The prickles upon the leaves are harmless. The stems are hollow, and wiien wounded a milky juice exudes from them. The blossoms are yellow and the plants are great producers of seed. Sow Thistle (Sonchus olcraccus.) The corn sow thistle makes its appearance in May, and continues to grow until autumn. It •lossoms in July, and matures its seed* in July, August and Septei ber. It will grow in any kind of soil^ but is most at home in rich moist 1 oams, and it gives the least trouble in stiff clays. ■ ■ ■-if-.; ; ' !L ' ^., :-rrJ ^ ^ 7 ZT - r^^_ 18 This weed infests all kinds of crops, and it ripens its seeds some- what earlier than the crops amid which it grows. The only excep- i/ions pro^ibly are red clover and lucerne. It is propagated by means of the seeds which float about in the air, owing to the downy attachment which they possess, and as the seeds are very numerous, they increase very fast in the neighborhood of where they are allowed to ripen. This plant also propagates rapidly by means of its nutrer- ous rootstocks, which contain a very large number of buds, as shown in the sl.etch. The seeds are also conveyed in those of grains and grasses. The modes of destroying this intruder are essentially the same as those given for the eradication of the Canada thistle. Couch Grass. Oouch grass {Triticum repens) is known by a great variety of names, of which quack grass is the most prominent. It is a creeping perennial, the rootstocks of which are so numerous that they soon iill the soil. They resemble considerably the roots of June grass {Poa prateuse)^ but they are much larger and stronger and more vigorous in 20 li f 3. When fields containing blueweeds are pastured closely during the early part of the season, tlio growth of seed will be very much hindered. But this agency will not alone suttice to eradicate it. Wild Mui^tard. Wild Mustard {Shiapia arvensis)^ is one of the most difficult of weeds to dislod;,'e where the plants get an extensive foothold. Owing to the extraordinary vitality of the seeds, it requires many years to destroy all the plants, as they continue to come up in the successive crops. This plant is more or Less branched, and has a brightjyellow Wild Mustard (Brassica Sinapititruiu,) blossom, which can bt seen long distances away. In the early stages of the growth, the plants resemble those of the radish or fall turnip. The seeds cannot easily be identified from turnip or rape seed. Wild mustard is an annual. It comes up early in the season and grows rapidly. The seeds continue to germinate as long as the sea- son of growth lasts. It matures an immense number of seeds in pods 21 about an inch in length. The first (lowers appear early in Jimr, and the lute plants will produce ae»^dH on into September. Usually it is about eightcMm inches hii;[h, but sometituen it grows consideral)ly higher. As it cannot witlntand scjvere frosts, it is not found to any considerable extent in meadows, or pastures, or winter grains as wheat or rye. This plant will grow in any kind of land, but not equally well. It is most at home in friable limestone soils, that possess good drain- age, but it will also grow in great luxuriance on prairies containing much humus. It grows vigorously in all kinds of grain crops sown in the spring, and it usually ripens its seeds before the grain is ripe amid which it grows. Wild mustard is propagated by means of various agencies. Some of tlie seeds are cairied by birds, but usually they tind their w&.y to new centres in seed grain. The threshing machine carries them from farm io farm. They are also carried in the droppings of cattle and in the manure. The following are among the more effective modes of fighting this ■weed : 1. Drop out of the rotation, as far as possible, the spring cropa amid which the mustard grows, until the infested fields have been subjected to a cleaning process. Grow hoed crops at the same time to the greatest extent possible. 2. Crow rye followed by rape, as described in section 3, when speaking of modes of destroying the Canada thistle. Follow the rape with barley or spring wheat sown with grass seeds. If the mustard plants in the spring grain are not too numerous, remove them by hand, otherwise cut the crop for fodder before the mustard is ripe. Where necessary, follow the meadow or pasture as the case may be, with a crop of corn, managed as described in section 3, given below. Spring grains .sown with grasses should follow the corn. 3. Give careful attention to autumn cultivation. This reduces the number of the seeds in the upper layer of the soil. Plow deeply before winter for the sake of the crop that comes after, and to ex- pose aviolher section of the soil. Cultivate carefully in the spring until cime to plant corn or to sow rape. Follow the hoed crop with sprijg grain sown with grasses. If thought necessary, a second hoed crop may follow the first before sowing with grass seeds. 4. Sow with rye in autumn, as described in section 2. Cut the rye for hay or ensilage, or plow it under for a green manure. Then cultivate occasionally after the ground has been plowed until the time for sowing winter wheat or rye. The wheat or rye, as the iRitl 22 case may be, should be sown with grass seeds. The few plants which may grow in the wheat or rye, may be removed by hand. What- ever method may be adopted at first, hand pulling must be resorted to before the work can be completed. WiU Flax. Wild Flax {Camelina sativd), sometimes known as False Flax, is an annual which usually grows about eighteen inches high, but sometimes it grows considerably higher, and when in thick masses many of the plants attain thu height of only a few inches. After False F\&x [Came'ina sativa) the blossoming stage the upper portion of the plant consists mainly of stems and seed pods, as shown in the sketch. The blossoms are small, and of a pale yellow color. This plant is very hardy, and can well withstand the influences of frost. It is more inclined to come up in the autumn. The seeds, which are very numerous, are easily shed. They have some resem- 23 blance to the Hmdfi of the common ilax, but are inucli smaller. It is a weed that will grow in ajiy kind of soil ada^'W to the growth of winter wheat or meadows. Wild Ilax infests winter wheat, rye, meadows and pastures. It does not usually grow to any considerable extent in spring crops. When thus found the plants may have germinated in the autumn. This plant is propagated in the seeds of the crops amid which it grown, in the farmyard ipanure, and also to some extent in the drop- pings of cattle. But the seeds are carried to a greater extent in timothy seed than in that of any other crop. The following include the principal modes of destroying ib : 1. Modify the rotation by dropping out of it for a time in the infested fields such crops as winter wheat, rye and meadows. Grow spring crops instead. One of those may be a hoed crop. 2. Grow two hoed crops in succession when the other conditions will admit of this. 3. Grow rye followed by a hoed crop ; but the rye must not be allowed to ripen. General observations. 1. In the conflict with this weed grass seeds should invariably be sown along with spring grains, as wheat or barley. 2. Autumn cultivation is all important, owing to the natural tendency of the weed to germinate at that season. 3. When wild flax is found only in certain patches in meadows, the infested parts may be cut and used for soiling purposes. 4. When Lucerne can be substituted for meadow, the first cutting would take place before the flax is ripe. Pigeon Weed. Pigeon weed (Lithospermum arvense), sometimes called Red- root, like wild flax is an annual. It usually grovs from eight to sixteen inches high, but sometimes in rich soils it is considerably taller. It is more or less branched in its habits of growth. The leaves have a somewhat lighter tinge than those of cereal grains and grasses. The flowers are small, and of a pale white color. The seeds are abundant. They cluster along the stems, and they are possessed of much vitality. Pigeon weed, like wild flax, usually comes up in the autumn of the year previous to that in which it matures its seeds. The blos- soms appear during the latter part of May and early in June, hence the seeds ripen before our meadows and winter cereals are cut. Its presence is most easily detected just when it is coming into bloom. It will grow in any kind of soil that is dry, but is most partial to fiandy loams. 24 W. r \ H This weed is troublesome only in crops which mature their seeds early, and which have been sown the previous year. These include winter wheat, rye and meadows, and it is also found in pastures. Pigeon weed is more commonly propagated through the medium of seed grains, as those of wheat and rve, and of giass seeds, as those- of timothy, mammoth clover and alsike clover. It is not carried in. Pigeon Weed (Lithospcrmum arvcnse.) the seeds of common red clover. Other agencies in~this"'work are birds, quadrupeds, and threshing machines. It is also distributed in the manure. The more effective modes of fighting this weed are essentially'the same as those given when treating of wild flax, as these two weeds bear much similarity to one another in the crops ' which they infest> and also in their habits of growth. 25 :r soedg include l-fcS. lediura 8 those Tied in. Ragweed. Ragweed (^Ambrosia Artemlsoefolia) is an annual which pos- sesses a slender and much branched stem. There are several var- ifctlc's, but the one shown in the sketch is by far the most trouble- some. It more commonly grows to the height of 15 to 21 inches, though in some soils, under favorable conditions, it will grow to the height of four feet. The leaves are much serrated in the outer edges, k are- ed in ly'the weeda nfest> Rag Weed {Avibrosia^Artemisoefolia.) hence the name. The blossom has something of a yellowish tinge. The buds are small and round and dark in color when ripe, are very numerous, and are chiefly produced on the outer portion of the branches. They are so light that they float readily in water, and are possessed of great vitality. 26 Hi If f > I ••', li- Ragweed grows late rather than early in the season, so much so that it does not usually ripen its seeds in the cereal crops or in meadows before they are reaped. But in the stubbles, of these the plants continue to grow if not disturbed. They blossom from July onward until the time of frost, according to the attendant conditions of growth. Ragweed will grow in all soils free from stagnant water, but it very much prefers friable and loam soils, containing a large amount of humus. It revels in black loams and mucks, bnt does not make much headway in stiff clays. It matures its seeds in the stubbles after the crops have been removed, in late grain crops, and in clover cut for seed. It is propagated in the seeds of late maturing cereals, mammoth and alsike clover, and timothy, but more especially in common red clover. The seeds are also distributed by threshing machines, birds, the domestic animals of the farm, and in manures. But no agent is probably more potent in distributing it than water in time of freshets. The following include the more effective modes of destroying rag- weed : 1. Modify the rotation suitably, and give special attention at the same time to autumn cultivation. As soon as the cereal crops are reaped, the ground should be gang-plowed, or plowed in any way that may be desired. It may then be stirred occasionally before the late fall plowing. Autumn cultivation is particularly helpful in the destruction of ragweed. 2. Grow hoed crops as described in section 3, when treating of wild mustard. 3. Use the mower in the autumn. This can be done when fields are newly sown with grass seeds. Pastures and meadows may be treated in the same way. This will prevent the seeds from ripening in these. General observations. 1. When infested meadows or pastures are to be broken up, this may be done, where practicable, before any of the seeds ripen. 2. When the plants are well reduced, hand spud- ding will soon complete the extermination of this weed. 3. Sheep may be made to render substantial service in cropping this weed while it is yet tender. The Wild Oat. The wild oat {avena fatiid) is an annual. It bears considerable resemblance to the common oat, but there are some distinctive points of difference. In the wild oat the chaff scales which adhere to the grain are thick and hairy, while in the cultivated varieties, in [27 they are not so coarse and are hairless. The wild oat has a long stiff awn, usually twisted near the base; in the cultivated varieties this is entirely wanting, or if present, is not so stiff and is seldom bent. The gram itself is light, being chiefly made up of hull Wild Oat {Avcna fatua.) This plant matures its seeds in crops of winter wheat, rye and all kinds of spring cereals. It so closely resembles the cereals amid which it grows until the time of coming out in head, that it is prac- tically impossible to remove it by hand before that time, unless when found growing in a crop of peas. Jt luxuriates in soils well adapted to the growth of cereals, as clay loams, but will grow in nearly all kinds of land. The seed possesses great vitality. This weed is brought to new centres chiefly through the medium ot the seeds of cereal grains, but it also comes down at time of high water from infested fields to lower levels. It is further distributed to «oine extent m the manure, in the droppings of cattle and throu-h the medium of the threshing machine. 28 I l!i V The following modes of combatting the wild oat will be found effective : 1. Grow hay, pasture, fodder crops and hoed crops as much as possible until the oats are much reduced, and drop cereal grains out of the rotation so far as practicable for the time being. 2. Break up sod land in the month of June. Cultivate and harrow occasionally until the time of sowing winter wheat, that the seeds of the oats may be induced to germinate in the upper section of the soil. Sow the wheat with grass seeds, and when the meadow is broken up again repeat the process. 3. Give attention to autumn cultivation, and follow with a hoed crop, as described in section 3, when treating of wild mustard. 4. Grow a crop of rye for fodder, ensilage or pasture, as the case may be, plow the land in June, and manage as described in section 2, above. 5. Cultivate in the autumn, sow early in the spring with oats, peas and vetches, and cut and cure as a fodder crop, and follow this with autumn cultivation, or with a crop of rape grown in drills. 29 AN ACT TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF NOXIOUS WEEDS AND DISEASES AFFECTING FRUIT TREES. Ji. S. O. 18S7, chap. 202, avicnded by Vic. 53, chap. 59 ; and by Vic. 54, chap. . Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : 1. Where used in this Act the term "non-resident land" shall apply to a lands which are unoccupied, and the owner of which is not resident within the municipality, and the term "resident lands" shall apply to all lands which are occupied or owned by persons resident within the municipality. 3, It shall be the duty of every occupant of land, or, if the land be unoccupied, it shall be the duty of the owner — (1) To cut down and destroy all Canada thistles, ox-eye daisy, wild oats, rag- weed and burdock growing on his land, and all other noxious weeds growing on his land, to which this Act may be extended by by-law of the municipality, so often each and every year as is sufficient to prevent the ripening of their seed, pro- v\dnd that such cutting or destruction does not involve the destruction of the growing grain. (2) To cut out and burn all the black-knot found on plum or cherry trees on his land so often each year as it shall appear on such trees ; and (3) To cut down and burn any peach, nectarine or other trees on his land in fected with the disease known as the yellows, and to destroy all the fruit of trees su infected. 3.— (1) The council of any city, town, township or incorporated village may, by by law, extend the operation of this Act to any other weed or weeds, or to any other disease of grain or fruit trees or fruit which they declare to be noxious to husbandjry or gardening in the municipality ; and all the provisions of this Act shall apply to such noxious weeds and diseases as if the same were herein enume- rated. (2) Sach council may and, upon a petition of fifty or more ratepayers, shall, appoint at least one inspector to enforce the provisions of this Act in the munici- pality, and fix the amount of remuneration, fees or charges he is to receive for the performance of his duties ; and in case a vacancy shall occur in the office of inspec- tor, it shall be the duty of the council to fill the same forthwith. (3) The council of any township in which there are any large tracts or blocks of waste or nnoccupied land, may upon the petition of not less than thirty ratepayers, by by-law, suspend the operation of this Act, in respect of such waste or unoccu- pied lands ; the by huv to define with sufiicient clearness the tracts or b'ocks of lands so exempted ; such by-law to remain in force until repealed by 8uch coimcil ; and until repealed the lands therein described shall be exempt from the operation of this Act. (4) The council may pass a by-law dividing the municipality into such sections or divisions as may be necessary for the carrying out of this Act, and may appoint inspectors for such diviisions whose duties and powers shall in all respects be the .«ame as that of the township inspector. 30 4.— (1) It phall be the duty of the inspector to ^ive or cause to be given notice- in writing to the owner or occupant of any land within the municipality wheieon the said noxious weeds are growing ani in danger of going to seed, (and in the case of property of a railway company, the notice shall be given to any station master ot the cf>mpaiiy resident in or nearest to the municipality), requiring him to cause the same to De cut down or destroyed within ten days from the service of the notice ; and it shall be tlie duty of the inspector to give or cause to be given such . notice for the first time not later than the 10th day of July in each year, or such other earlier date as may ue fixed by by-law of the municipality. (2) In case such owner or occupant of land (or, if it be railway property, then the station master uj)on whom notice has been served) refuses or ncglec'-s to cut down or destroy all or any of the said noxious weeds within the period aforesaid, the in- spector shall enter upon the land and cause such weeds to be cut down or destroyed with as little damage to growing crojjs as may be, and he shall not be liable to be sued therefor ; or the inspector, instead of entering upon the land and causing such weeds to be cut down or destroyed, may lay information before any Justice of the Peace as to such refusal ov neglect, and such owner o" occupant shall, upon conviction, bt; liable to the penalties imposed by Section 10 of this Act. (3) But no inspector shall have the power to cut down or destroy no\i(,ns weeds on any land sown with grain ; and where such noxious weeds are grown upim non- resident lands it shall not be necessary to ' give] notice before proceeding to cut down or destroy the same. 5. — (1) The inspector shall keeji an accurate account of the expense incurred by him in carrying out the provisions of the preceding sections of this Act with re- spect to 3ach parcel of land entered upon tlierefor, and shall delivei a statement of such expenses, describing the land entered upon, and verified by oath, to the owner or occupant of resident lands, re(|uiring him to ^\\y the amount. (2) If any owner or occu])ant of land amenable untier the provisions of this Act deems such expense excessive, an appeal may be had to the said council (if made within thirty days aftei the delivery of such .statement), and the said council shall determine the matter in dispute. (3) In case the owner or occupant of resident lands refuses or neglects to pay the same within thirty days after such request for payment, the said claim phall be presented to the council of the municipality in which such expeuoe was in- curred, and the said council is hereby authorized and required to audit and allow such claim, and order the same to be.paid from the fund for general purposes of the said municipality. 6. The inspector shall also present to the said council a similar statement, verified by oath, of the expenses incurred by him in carrying out the provisions of this Act upon any non-resident lands ; and the council is hereby authorized and required to audit and allow the same, or so much thereof as to the council may seem just, and to pay so much thereof as has been so allowed. 7. The council of the municipality shall cause all such sums as have been so al- lowed and paid by the council under the provisiims of this Act to be by the clerk severally placed on the collector's roll of the municipality against the lands de- scribed in the statement of the inspector, and to be collected in the same manner as other taxes imposed by by-laws of the municipality. 8. If written complaint be made to the inspector that yellows or black-knot exist within the municipality, in any locality described in such comjjlaint, with reasonable certainty, he shall proceed to examine the fruit trees in such locality, and if satisfied of the presence of either disease he shall immediately give notice in writing to the owner or occupant of the land whereon the affected trees are growing, requiring him within five days from the receipt of the notice to deal with such trees in the manner provided by section 2 of this Act. 31 . It shall be the duty of the overseers of hi[i;hways in any municipality to see that the provisions of this Act relating to noxious weeds are carried out within their respective highway divisions by cutting down or destroying, or causing to be cut down or destroyetv at the proper time to prevent the ripjning ot their seed, all the noxious weeds growing on tho iiighways or road allowances within their re- spective divisions ; such work to be performed as part of thq ordinary statute labor, or to be paid for at a reasonable rate by the treasurer of the municipality, as the council of the municipality may direct. 10,— (1) Any owner or occupant of land who refuses or neglects to cut down or destroy any of the said noxious weeds, after hotice given by the inspector, as provided by section 4, or who knowingly suffers any of the said noxious weeds to grow thereon, and the seed to riper, so as to cause or endanger the spread thereof, or who suffers any black-knot to remain on plum or cherry trees, or keeps any poach, nectarine or otlier trees infected with yellows or the fruit of trees so infected, shall, upon conviction, be liable to a line of not less than $5 nor mor^; tlian $20 for every such offence. (2) Any person who knowingly sells or offers to sell any grass, clover or other seed, or any seed grain umong which there is seed of Canada thistles, ox-eye daisy, wild oats, rag-weed, burdock tir wild mustard shall, for every such offence, upon couvictitm, be liable to a tine of not less than $5 nor more than 820. (3) Any person who knowingly offRrs for sale or shipment or sells or ships the fruit of trees infected with yellows, shall, upon conviction, be liable to a fine of not less than S5 nor more than !$20. (1) Every inspector, overseer of highways or other officer, who refuses or neglects to discharge the duties imposed cm him by this Act shall, upon conviction, be liable to a fine of not less than 810 nor more than S20. (5) Any jjerson who sows any wheat or other grain knowmg it to be infected by the disease known as smut, without first using some proper and available remedy to destroy the germs of such disease shall, upon conviction, be liable to a tine of not more than $20. 11. Every offence against the provisions of this Act shall be punished, and the penalty imposed for each offence shall be recovered and levied, on summary conviction before any Justice of the Peace ; and all fines imposed shall be paid to the treasurer of the municipality in which the offence is committed, for the use of the municipality. 12. The council of every municipality in Ontario shall require its inspector, overseer of highways and other officers to faithfully discharge all their duties under this Act.