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Un des symboles suivants apparaTtra sur la darnlAre image de cheque microfiche, aaion Ie cas: la symbols — »- signifie "A SUIVRE", Ie symbols ▼ signifie "FiN". iVIaps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure ara filmad beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartea, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent *tre filmte A dee taux da rMuction diff Arents. Lorsque Ie document est trop grand pour Atra reproduit en un seul clichA, 11 est filmA A partir da I'angia supArieur gauche, da gauche k droite, et de haut an bas, an prenant la nombre d'imagas nAcessaira. Las diagrammas suivants illustrent la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 BRn P) n NORTH AMERICAN BOUNDARY. SUPPLEMENTARY REPORTS RELATING TO THE BOUNDARY BETWBEN THE BRITISH POSSESSIONS IN NORTH AMERICA W ! AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, UIirSER THE TREATY OF 1783. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty, 1842. LONDON: PRINTED BY T. B. HABBISON, ST. KABTIN'S LANB. LIST OF PAPERS. 1. Vigcount Palmerston to Lieutenant Broughton and Mr. J. D. Featheratonhaugh Foreign Office, June 1,1840 1 2. ViEcount Palmerston to Captain Broughton and Mr. J. D. Featherstonhaugh Foreign Office, May 3,1841 3 3. Captain Broughton and Mr. J. D. Featherstonhaugh to Viscount Palmerston Quebec, November 28, 1840 4 Inclosures : — Levelling Registry of the due North Line from the River St. John to Beaver Stream • « • ' Registry of state of Instruments on arriving at the Grand Falls, August 14, 1840 38 Record of Barometric Observationa • • . . 38 4. Captain Broughton and Mr. J. D. Featherstonhaugh to the Earl of Aberdeen London, February 11, 1842 57 Inclosures:— Explanation accompanying the Barometric Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . 59 Comparison of Barometers .. .. .. .. .• •• •• ..61 Record of Barometric Observations made at the Fixed Observatories, and at the Prin- cipal Stations along the line of Survey 62 Comparison of Barometers .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. HI Abstract of Heights, as deduced from the Barometric Observations .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 113 Section referred to in the Report dated Quebec, November 28, 1840. Map aud Section referred to in the Report dated London, February 11, 1842. SUPPLEMENTARY REPORTS BELATINO TO THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE BRITISH POSSESSIONS IN NORTH AMERICA AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, UNDEK THE TREATY OF 1783. No. 1. VUcount Palmerston to Lieutenant Broughton and Mr. J. D. Featherstonhaugh. Gentlemen, Foreign Office, June 1, 1840. COLONEL MUDGE and Mr. Featherstonhaugh, the Commissioners who were appointed on the 9th of July, 1839, to explore and survey the Territory in dispute between Great Britain and the United States of America, having been prevented by the advanced period of the season, from completing their examination and mrvey of that portion of the Boundary Line claimed by the United States, which lies north of the St. John, and in the vicinity of the River St. Lawrence ; and Her Majesty's Government having determined that such examination and survey should now be completed, i have to acquaint you that you have been selected as joint-surveyors for that service. I have accordingly to instruct you to lose no time in preparing the equipments and in selecting the instruments which will be requisite for this expedition, and you should get ready to proceed thereupon with the least possible delay. It is intended that you should embark on board the steamer " Britannia," appointed to sail from Liverpool for Halifax on the 4th of July. Upon landing at Halifax you will proceed forthwith to Fredericton, and you will there place yourselves in communication with Lieutenant- Governor Sir John Harvey, who will be instructed to furnish you with all requisite assistance and advice. You will be accompanied from hence by Corporal Mc Queen, of the Royal Sappers and Miners, who was in the service of the Commissioners during the whole of heir expedition in 1839 ; and you will take with you, upon your survey, such further assistance, either from the Sappers and Miners stationed in New Brunswick, or from the civil surveyors of that province, as, after consulting with Sir John Harvey, you may find necessary. But if upon your arrival at Halifax you should there find any Sappers or Miners who have been employed on the topographical surveys of Ireland, and who are familiar with the use of instruments, you are authorized to request Sir Colin Campbell, Her Majesty's Lieutenant- Governor of Nova Scotia, to direct two of them to be placed under your orders. After completing your arrangements at Fredericton, you will proceed to the point where the exploratory due north line which was marked out ; I Uklf 1 : ■ ii 1 by the British and American Commissioners in 1817 and 1818, from the monument at the liead of the St. Croix, intersects the River St. John, and from that point of intersection, you will proceed along the said line to its northern termination, where it intt r«ects the waters of the Metis ; examin- ing and recording the character of ilie country through which the said line runs, and ascertaining by spirit-levels and by barometrical obser- vations, the heights of the principal points thereof. It would be desirable that from the northern extremity of the said exploratory north line, you should proceed westward along the line of boundary which is claimed by the United States as far as the head of the Connecticut, and that you should continue your survey along the whole of that line. But the difficulties and impediments which would obstruct your progress through the first portion of the wild district through which that line passes, might be so great, that if you were, in the first place, to make an accurate survey of that portion of the line, you would not have time to examine before the end of the present season, other and more important parts of the said line ; and therefore 1 think it better that you should reserve a minute survey of the first part of the line above-men- tioned, until your other labours shall have been concluded. I have accordingly to direct that, from the northern extremity of the above-mentioned exploratory north line, you should descend the Metis to its mouth in the St. Lawrence, accurately observing and recording the number of feet which the Metis falls during its course. You will thence proceed westward along the south shore of the River St. Lawrence, making as you go along such general observations as may be practicable as to the character of that part of the country on the south side of the St. Lawrence, along which runs the line that is claimed as the boundary by the United States ; and for the better accomplishment of this purpose, you will occasionally ascend such of the streams falling north- ward into the St. Lawrence as may afford you facilities for ascertaining any important facts. In thus proceeding along the southern shore of the St. Lawrence, it will be your duty to explore and survey, with all possible accuracy, that portion of the line claimed by the United States which extends from the height of land nearest to the sources of the River Quelle, and which, upon a map of the American surveyor, Hiram Burnham, alJuded to at page 43 of the Report of Commissioners Mudge and Featherstonhaugh, is laid down as passing by the heads of the River Du Sud, and running to the north-west head of Connecticut River. You will take the height of points «s you go along. But you will lie particularlv careful to note the cha- racter of the country, at any point at which the line claimed by the United States, as traced on the before-mentioned map of Hiram Burnham, may strike away from any elevated range of Highlands through which it may up to that point have been carried, and may stretch across any con- siderable tract of low and level land in its course towards the heads of the River Connecticut, dividing in its course, according to Hiram Burnham's map, the sources of the River Du Sud, the sources of the Etchemin, and the eastern sources of the River Chaudidre, from the sources of the Mittay- waquam and the south-western sources of the River St. John. Having made your observations at the point where the line claimed by the United States is represented on the map of Hiram Burnham as striking away from the elevated range of Highlands laid down upon his map, it will be your duty to proceed ahmg the line of Highlands repre- sented on his map as dividing the sources of the rivers last-mentioned, to the north-western head of the Connecticut River. From the sources of the Connecticut you will proceed to examine the country lying to the westward thereof, in order to ascertain at what distance from the sources of the Connecticut the forty-fifth parallel of north latitude is intersected by the range of elevated land, which, upon Map A of Commissioners Mudge and Featherstonhaugh, is laid down as extending in a south-westwardly direction from the sources of the Onelle to the forty-fifth parallel of north latitude. The object of this examination will be to ascertain whether the range of elevated land last-mentioned, and that more soirthem range, which, as a laid down upon Map A, passes by the sources of the Connecticut, are separated from each other by any conHi(l-.Table distance of Hpace, and whether the intervening district is a mountainous region connecting those two Ridges by a tract of country of a similarly elevated character, or whether that intervening district is comj)aratively flat and level, and separates those Ridges by the interpositioit of a country of a difl'erent character? Having completed the survey of the above-mentioned portion of the Disputed Territory, you will transmit your Report thereof to this depart- ment with the least practicable delay ; accompanying that Report with a copy of the Barometrical Register which you will have kept, recording the various observations you may have made for ascertaining the elevation of the country, and adding thereto a copy of the record of your daily operations by spirit-level from the River St. John to that point where the exploratory due north line intersects the waters of the Metis. To this you will annex sections of the elevations of the country along the lines which you are directed to survey, and a map of the same ; accompanying the whole with the daily remarks you may have made with reference to the elevations of the lines of country you will have traversed. If after the execution of this service, you should still have sufficient time to majie any further progress before the season becomes too much advanced, you will then proceed to complete an accurate exploration and survey of the portion of the American line which lies between the River Metis and the sources of the River Quelle. But if the winter should set in before you have completed your surveys of the country between the point where the exploratory due north line intersects the waters of the Metis and the sources of the Quelle, you are further instructed to remain, one or both of you, in America during the ensuing winter, and to take the earliest opportunity, when it shall be Eracticable, of finishing the survey of that part of the American line lying etween the sources of the Quelle and the waters of the Metis, trans- mitting, with the least possible delay, to this department, a detailed report of your proceetlings. If this contingency should occur, further instructions will be transmitted to you as to tne period of your return to this country. I am, &c., (Signed) PALMERSTQN. " ' 'mi No. 2. Viscount Palmerston to Captain Broughton and Mr. J. D. Featherstonhaugh. Gentlemen, Foreign Office, May 3, 1841. HAVING completed the survey of the exploratory due north line to its termination, and descended the waters of the Metis to the mouth of the river of that name in the River St. Lawrence, you will now defer the execution of all that part of your instructions of the 1st of June, 1840, which relates to the immediate examination in a direction westward from the termination of the exploratory dne north line, of that part of the line claimed by the United States ; from thence to the head of tne Connecticut, making the examination of all that part of the country comprehended between those two points ; as it is detailed and enjoined upon you in your above-mentioned instructions, subsequent to the investigations which I am now about to instruct you to make in the first instance, and leaving it to be examined at the close of the present season. Instead, therefore, of proceeding from the waters of the River Metis to the immediate examination of the country lying to the westward, you will proceed, in the first instance, to the head waters of the Connecticut River, and from thence in a north-easterly direction along the Highlands which lie between the waters of the Chaudidre River and the waters of Kennebec River, — as laid down in Map A of the Report of Colonel B 2 I 'S. iii'-ii m (> Mudge and Mr. Feathcrstonhaugh, — to the Kennebec Road leading to Quebec, taking the elevation of all the highest summits of this chain of Highlands with your barometers, including Bald Mountain and any other conspicuous summits not too distant from your line of operation. From the Kennebec Road before-mentioned you will follow the continuation of the chain of Highlands before-mentione"t will be fouud of tne mean reaults of all the obHervationa made ai the Beaver Stream, at the termination of our line, and at ' lie different stations during the course of this river. It would be superfluous further to take up your Lordship's time with the account of the Torious difficulticH we had to encounter in the course of thlM long journey, or to dwell upon the many hardships we had to endure wo only trust your Lordship wdl do us the justice to believe we under^ went them cheerfully in the execution of this important duty, and that no pains were spared to ex[ieditc the commissicm as far as was practicable. On arriving at the River Ouellc, we were overtaken by snow, which precluded our re-entering the forest, although prc{)arations were mode for that purpose, and we were eventually driven into Quebec by the severity of the weather. Knowing the importance of transmitting our information to your Lordship at an early period, we have used unremitting diligence in pre- paring our Report and section, and copies of all our notes in order to lay them before your Lordship as soon as possible after the close of our field duties for the season. We have, &c., (Signed) W. E. DELVES BROUOHTON, Royal Enginetrt. (Signed) J. D. FEATHERSTONHAUGH. Levelling RegUtry ^f due North Line from ikt Riner St. John to the Beaver Stream. No. ' tt BUtioo- 1 JtaUnoe ill r<>et from tlui tW«r St John. BMk BiRhl. KlTor m. John. BMUika. ] •0-00 ri.8t.John,«bv.Gd.FalliJ 30 9-92 1-16 8-76 8-76 Auguft 24. 2 77 11:11 1 -.35 9-76 18 52 3 lUU 10-04 0-50 9-54 18-06 4 212-5 10-98 0-35 10-63 38-01) 5 247 11-49 0-15 11-27 49-96 6 272 10 -U 0-31 10-29 60-25 7 8 207 I0'8I 0-16 10 -65 70-90 329 11-75 0-08 11-67 82-57 lUrdwood, Yellow Birch, i 401 11-40 0-27 1113 93 -40 and Maplu. 10 451 5-70 0-00 5-70 99 -40 11 724 0-00 0-37 0-37 99 -0.'! 12 899 10. 7C 0-68 10-08 109- 11 13 1,331 8-70 2-68 G-02 115-13 14 1,770 711 0-51 6 60 121-73 16 2,110 8-07 0-40 7-67 129 -40 16 2,581 7-71 4-91 2-80 1.32-20 17 2,8G1 8-97 0-49 8-48 140 -6S 18 2,999 11-80 0-77 11 03 151.71 ID 3.210 10 09 0-56 9-53 161 -24 20 8,3C7 11-83 1-10 10-73 171 -97 1 3,504 11-24 0-16 11-08 183-05 2 3,G04 5-04 1-47 3-57 186-62 3 3,809 11-37 0-21 11-16 197-78 4 4,044 10-73 1-18 9-55 207-33 5 4,324 4,885 5,347 5,721 9-90 4-43 2-07 6-05 7-83 1-62 215-16 213 -.54 Bench mark, No. 1. ' 7 8 8-33 12-56 0-31 2-90 8 02 9.66 8*1-56 231-22 August 25. 9 0,035 9-95 0-30 9 -65 240-87 30 6,370 12-44 0-43 1201 252-88 1 6,670 12-44 0-67 11-77 264-65 2 7,110 9-98 3-66 6-32 270-97 3 7,703 4-57 4 2G 0-31 271 -28 4 5 6 8,219 8,465 8,520 0-69 17 -.36 11-22 4-65 l-8« 7-41 3-96 15 -50 3-81 267-32 282-82 286 -63 B«nch mark. No. 2. ' Auguit 26. 7 8,570 7 41 1-37 6 04 292-67 8 8.740 11-09 013 10 -96 803-63 9 8,9-20 11-05 1-50 9-55 313-18 40 9,095 11 12 0-14 10-98 324-16 1 9,280 10-72 0-47 10-25 334-41 2 9,440 10-62 0-34 10-28 344 -69 3 9,580 10-84 84 10-00 354-69 4 5 9,780 10.045 10-81 10-50 1 06 3-80 9-75 C-70 864 -44 371-14 Hardwood. j c 10,320 3-80 8-01 4-21 366 -93 7 10,720 1-49 7-38 5-89 361 -04 8 10.970 1-72 2 00 0-28 360-76 9 11,150 2-80 8-12 6-12 354-64 50 11,380 018 10-17 9-99 344-65 1 11.410 0-29 13-88 13-59 331 06 2 3 11,490 11,590 0-60 0-62 10-46 10-89 9-86 10-27 321 -20 310-93 4 ll,6t)0 0-50 10-88 10-38 300-55 5 11.8-20 0-21 10-98 10-77 289-78 G 11,950 0-29 11-01 10-72 279 -06 ■ 7 8 9 60 12.040 12.160 12.370 12,590 0-57 0-33 0-74 0-88 10-93 10-78 11-10 8-93 10-36 10-45 10-36 8-05 268-70 258-25 247 -89 239-84 1 Cedar swamp. ] Small brook running west. 1 12.835 4-98 0-93 4-05 243 -89 2 13.070 10-92 0-85 10 07 253 -96 3 13,345 11-01 0-21 10-80 264-76 _ 13,345 264-76 Carried over. -^i '■' . The intar«ction of the River St. John by .ho exploratory due N«th Line, bu been deteminod to be 300 fert abOTO high tide at Cliapel Bar in the River St. John. 8 LeTelling Register.— Cbnh'nuecl. No. DiflUM !o feet ' Back Fore Total of Stetioa. ftgmthe Birer St. John Sight Sgh*. Difftrenoc , bciftht in feet above the Biver St. John BcBMtkl. 64 13,345 13,5/0 7-46 1-34 612 264-76 270 -88 Brought up. 5 13,790 11-00 1-32 9-68 280-56 6 13,920 6-57 4-30 2-27 282 -83 7 14,280 4-30 1-24 3-06 285-89 8 14,490 4-56 4-56 0-00 285 -89 9 14,720 4-56 2-20 2-36 288-35 70 16,190 G-96 4 08 1-23 289 -48 1 15,660 3-52 2-24 •28 289-76 2 16,035 3-68 1-21 2-37 292-13 3 4 16,420 16,830 9-78 2-34 3 91 7-25 6-87 4-91 298-00 293 -09 Bench mark, No. 2. August 27. 5 17,420 2-81 2-87 0-06 293 -03 6 17,960 7-48 1-96 5-52 298-55 7 18,210 6 35 0-97 5-38 303 -93 8 18,670 4-63 2-0:, 2-60 306-53 9 19,220 2-80 4-54 1-74 304-79 80 19,810 8-41 3-55 4-86 309-65 1 19,990 4-98 0-37 4.61 314-36 2 20,260 11-66 0-32 11-34 325 -60 3 4 20,620 20,850 7-43 8-63 0-14 0-11 7-29 8-52 332-89 341-41 Cedar swamp. 5 21,220 3-08 0-78 2-30 343-71 6 21,490 5-87 0-89 4-98 348-69 7 21,720 10-33 1-33 9-00 357-69 8 21,910 917 1-54 7-63 365 -32 Birch and Maple. ] 9 22,160 9-80 0-52 9-28 374 -60 90 22,320 11-27 0-47 10-80 385 -40 1 22,460 11-30 1-09 10-21 395-61 2 22;620 10-30 1-67 8-63 404-24 3 23,020 12-11 1-05 11-06 415-30 4 23,420 10-23 4-50 5-73 421 -03 C 23,920 4-50 510 0-60 420-43 6 24,120 6-08 4-50 1-58 422 01 7 24,352 4-50 7-07 2-57 419-44 Bench mark. No. 4. 8 9 24,865 25,242 0-77 10-64 2-47 1-19 1-70 9-45 417-74 427-19 August 28, at 163 of 513 reserved road run- 100 1 25,645 25,955 6-38 ! i -60 1-17 1-25 5-21 10-35 432-40 442-75 ning east and west. 2 26,365 7-50 1-18 6-32 449-07 3 26,870 9-65 4-33 5-32 454 -39 4 27,320 2-61 10-44 7-83 446 -56 5 27,655 2-62 10-28 7-66 438-90 6 28,065 2-84 4-94 2-10 436-80 7 28,555 2-31 10-73 8-42 428-38 S 29,015 100 7-01 6-01 422-37 9 29,275 1-47 10-24 8-77 413 -GO 110 29,475 1-82 11 01 919 404-41 1 29,713 0-(J6 10-70 10 64 393-77 2 30,030 2-34 1-30 104 394-81 Bonch mark, No. 5. 3 30,277 7-23 1 -88 5-35 400-16 August 29. 4 30,615 5-28 2-30 2-98 403-14 5 30,975 1-66 8-95 7-29 395 -85 6" 31,267 l-IO 5-59 4-49 3!)1 -36 7 31,483 5-62 1-97 3GJ 3.95 01 8 31,788 6-73 107 5GG 400-67 32,093 5-97 2-58 3 -M 404 06 120 32,416 7-19 1-70 5-49 409-55 1 32,672 12-51 1 -20 11-31 420-86 2 32,952 12-30 1-37 10-93 431 1 3 33,252 10-45 4 00 G-45 438 ■.i4 4 33,567 4- 00 4-75 •75 437 -49 5 33,«55 2-*8 1111 8 -63 4-28 -KG Cedar swamp. G 34.320 3 GO 10 -58 G-98 421 -88 7 34,458 0-74 7-82 7-08 414-80 fi 34.7 !H 5 -CI 4 94 0'G7 Ii5-47 9 34,9fil 3-94 019 3-75 419 L>2 Carried up. 34,961 419-22 $ Levelling Register. — Continued. No. of Stotion. Diatwice in feot from the River St Jolin. Buk Sight. Fore Sight. DiffeKDce. Total height in feet kbore the River St. John. Benurki. 34,961 419-22 Brought up. ; 130 35,150 9 22 0-35 8-87 428 09 1 35,323 12-46 0'66 11 80 439-89 2 35,669 2-31 115 116 441 -05 3 35,975 3 44 115 2-29 443 -34 4 36,166 1-65 1-21 •44 443-78 5 36,449 3-13 2-12 1-01 444-79 6 36,645 11-53 0-57 10-96 455-75 7 36.760 12-90 •87 12-03 467-78 8 36,973 12-67 •09 12-58 480 -36 9 37,036 13-48 •11 13-37 493-73 140 37,204 10- 1-53 8-47 502-20 1 37,372 5-66 10-83 5-17 497 -03 2 37,922 10-21 9 23 •98 498-01 3 38.328 8-91 63 8^28 506-29 4 38,543 11-70 106 10 64 516-93 Hardwood, Yellow Birch, | 5 38,962 12-13 134 1079 527-72 Maple, Pine. G 39,589 11-40 8^64 276 530-48 7 40,043 3-35 11 05 7.75 522-73 8 40,479 215 1097 8^82 513-91 9 41,052 -95 7 64 6 69 507-22 150 41,404 •22 7-55 7 33 499-89 1 42,006 2-91 7-30 4-39 495 -50 1 2 42,551 1-57 11-57 10- 485 -50 Spring. 3 43.094 3-65 4-56 •91 484-59 4 43,542 8-14 1-36 6'78 491-37 5 43,952 4-63 9-90 5-27 486-10 6 44,387 116 11.38 10 -22 475-88 7 44,687 1-83 5-27 3-44 472-44 8 45.234 3-13 3-82 -69 471-75 9 45,624 1062 •55 10-07 481 -82 Bench mark, No. 6. 160 46,151 13-79 P70 12 09 493-91 August 30. 1 46,808 1310 4-75 8-35 502 -26 Cedar swamp. 2 46.940 112 10 90 9-78 492-48 3 47,322 -58 5 39 4-81 487-67 4 47.890 3-42 11-89 8-47 479-20 5 48,222 -43 10-25 9-82 469-38 C 48,502 •86 2-02 1-16 463-22 7 48,953 8-33 -55 7-78 476 00 8 49,258 6-46 -69 5-77 481 77 9 49,572 2-61 3-48 -87 480 90 Hardwood. 170 50,175 4-81 6-64 1 -83 479 07 1 50.6.14 3-49 6-51 3-02 476 05 2 51,270 -04 10 73 10-69 465 ^36 Cedar swamp. 3 51.8.30 2-56 3-38 -82 464 54 4 52,336 5 15 192 3-23 467-77 Bench mark. No. 7. 5 53,040 6-73 1051 3-78 463-99 August 31. G 53,186 -63 1084 10-21 453-78 7 53,566 •44 10-39 9-95 443-83 8 53,850 •11 1070 10-59 433-24 9 54,297 1-80 7 •78 5-98 427-26 Cedar swamp. 180 545-2.-, 5-98 •91 5 07 432 -33 1 55,078 4 81 174 3 07 435 -40 2 55.396 8 07 •76 7^31 442-71 3 55,932 12-58 1-29 1 1 ^29 454 00 4 56,486 3-41 11 15 7^74 446-26 5 56.771 •73 11-24 10 51 435-75 (i 56.871 •53 10 75 10 22 4-J5 -53 7 57,064 •00 1 1 52 1152 41401 8 57.476 •32 ir'io 10-88 403 13 9 57.996 •51 1076 10^25 392^88 190 58.432 6^85 1()^«7 3-82 389 06 1 59.026 115 ir48 10 33 ;!78'73 Brook runniujr west hito 2 59,356 7 -53 •47 7^06 385 • 79 the UnmA Itiver 3 60.056 13 -ai 11-40 1-91 3S7^"0 At 290, lar^o brook run- •4 i 60.676 •S6 11 44 10 '58 377 •Pi uiii^ wi'st. 5 j (11,052 5 68 1-53 4 15 ;iHl ••-'? I'arrlod over. (11,052 381-27 '\ t .'1 ' S t i 1 10 Levelling Register. — Continued, No. Diatanoe infect BmIc Foro Totil ofSUtioo. ftomtba Biver St. John. ffigfat. Sight. DiffaRDM. height iu faet aior6the River St. John. Bemaduu 61,032 331 -27 Brought up. 196 61,497 3 40 10 33 313 376-14 7 61,907 •90 8 35 7-45 368 -69 8 62,549 2-72 7-99 5-27 363 -4r; At 542, large brook run- 9 62,934 5-21 3-24 1-97 363 -39 ning north-east. 200 63,393 4-58 •57 4-01 369 -40 1 63,629 10 02 •17 9-83 379 -25 2 63,985 1-53 •26 1-27 380 -52 3 64,453 9-22 1^87 7 33 387-87 Bench mark. No. 8, 4 64,734 10 79 r83 8-96 396-83 September 1. 5 65,271 10-99 4 16 6-83 403 66 Cedar swamp. 6 65,866 10-41 •43 9-96 413-62 7 66,220 8-16 161 6-55 42017 8 66,646 8-29 6^68 1-61 421 • 78 9 67,005 3-03 877 3-74 416-04 210 67,461 2 04 1-95 •09 416-13 Hardwood. 1 67,908 7-85 1-05 6 80 422-93 2 68,283 12-76 -41 12-35 435 -28 3 68,728 2 09 8-19 6-10 429-18 Cedar swamp. 4 69,421 3-42 3-67 •25 428-93 5 70,281 2-47 10-92 8-45 420-48 Hardwood. 6 70,640 1-67 10-80 913 411-35 7 70,754 •39 10-93 10 34 401 -01 8 70,864 •37 10-73 10^38 390. 63 9 70,95 <) •35 11 30 1095 379-68 220 71,09. •31 10 94 10 43 369-25 Cedar swamp. 1 71,213 •40 11 60 11-20 358-05 * 2 71,308 •17 1113 10-96 347 -09 3 71,412 •09 nil 11-02 336 -07 4 71,562 •00 11 05 11-03 325 -02 5 71,690 -36 10-67 10-31 314-71 6 71,809 •30 10-88 10-38 304-33 7 71,931 •57 10-46 9-89 294 -44 8 72,039 •14 11-40 11-26 283-18 9 72,136 108 10-56 9 48 273-70 Top of steep bank. 230 72,196 •37 10-49 1012 263 -58 1 72,331 •39 10-79 10 40 253 18 2 72,488 134 9-63 8-29 244-89 3 72,693 1-87 8^77 6 90 237-99 Strm. 30 ft. wide mng. E. 4 72,953 2-29 1-11 118 23917 Rivulet running east. 5 72,996 11^ 1-48 9 32 248 -69 Rivulet running east. 6 73,138 13-24 -60 12^64 261-33 Hardwood. 7 73,349 11 33 •63 10 70 272 03 8 73,871 8-68 9 63 0-93 271 -08 9 73,949 5-84 •64 5-20 276-28 Cedar swamp. 240 74,183 11-79 1-47 10-33 286-60 1 74,683 8-05 2-78 5-27 291-87 2 74,933 5 09 •91 4-18 296 05 3 75,259 3-15 2-79 -36 296-41 4 75,730 3-29 7^50 4-21 292-20 5 76,051 1-54 8-34 6-80 285 -40 6 76,416 1-33 6-81 5 -48 279 •^2 7 76,675 •94 8-40 7-46 272 -46 8 76,925 5-93 1-83 410 276-56 9 77,239 2-37 9-38 7 01 269 -55 250 77,383 1-11 10-74 9 63 259-92 1 77,512 1-34 10-95 9-61 250-31 2 77,631 •00 13-08 13^08 237 -23 3 77,750 -76 10-99 10-23 227 00 4 77,820 1-90 10 -99 9-09 217-91 5 77,867 1-54 10-92 9-38 208 -53 C 77,934 •24 10 03 9-79 198-74 Swampy bank. 7 77,990 -57 15-98 15-41 183-33 SeptembiT 2. 8 78,026 -00 16-25 16-25 167-08 9 78,089 1-83 5-70 3-87 163-21 Level of water in Grand River. 260 78,127 4-20 4-17 ■03 163 •24 Widtlt of river at U 1 15ft. North bank of river, 14 m., 4,507 ft. 78,427 163-24 .?-*** ■t'.i^JI'W*' rf^wj" u Levelling Register. — OnUinued. No. ' of SUtion. DiiUnco in feet from the BMk Kght. Fore Sight. ToUl height in (eet jbov« the ^ iswk*. River St. John. River Bt. John. 78.427 163-24 Broogbt up. 261 78,777 6-87 4-32 2-55 165-79 2 79,457 2-70 5-21 2-51 163-28 3 80,143 2-56 7-47 4-91 158-37 4 80,624 3-88 4-11 -23 158-14 5 80,903 3-57 8-35 4-78 153-36 Level of water at a bend 6 81,083 8-35 4-20 4-15 157-51 of the Grand Hirer. 7 81,690 3-02 4-92 1-90 155-61 At 213 feet from the 607 level of water at an- other bend in Grand R 8 82,103 2-50 8-21 5-71 149 -90 Level of water. 9 270 82,267 82,504 8-21 9 -.54 -72 •68 7-49 8-86 157-39 166-25 I4MI0 ^ 1 82,612 10-78 -09 10-69 176-94 (^ iM-as 2 82,701 10-33 -84 9-49 186-43 ia»24 3 82,940 7-04 •87 6-17 192-60 4 83,177 3-22 10.07 6-85 185-75 Bench mark, No. 9. 5 83,336 1-45 8-00 6-55 179-20 September 3. 6 83.614 8-95 -76 8-19 187-39 Rivulet running to west. 7 83,722 11 27 -93 10-34 197-73 Cedar s,famp with soft 8 83,860 10-16 •00 10-16 207-89 and deciduous wood. 9 84,007 12-26 •59 11-67 219-56 280 84,163 12-52 •03 12-49 232 -05 1 84,312 10-76 •65 10-11 242-16 2 84,449 12 07 •45 11-62 25.-'. -78 3 84,618 11-71 -24 11-47 265-25 4 85,038 11-14 2-26 8-88 274-13 Cedar swamp. 5 85,336 10-20 •50 9-70 283 -83 , 6 85,526 1216 ■00 12-16 295-99 7 85,696 10-72 •34 10-38 306-37 8 85,842 10-63 -35 10-28 316-65 ; 9 86,024 12-21 -00 12-21 328-86 ^ 290 86,182 11-86 •40 11-46 340-32 ^ J 86,355 13-62 •00 13-62 353-94 2 86,444 11-00 •15 10-85 364-79 3 86,590 10-88 1-09 9-79 374-58 4 86,708 10-93 •01 10-92 385 -50 5 86,950 7-50 11-12 3-62 381 -88 C 87.003 •23 10-79 10-56 371-32 Cedar bottom. 7 87,085 •66 11-26 10-60 360-72 8 87.306 •12 11- 10-88 349-84 9 87,492 10-49 •00 10-49 360-33 300 87,791 13-04 •19 12-85 373-18 1 88,106 7-27 •76 6-51 379-69 2 88,180 10-55 •08 10-47 390-16 3 88,323 13-27 •31 12-96 403-12 4 88,426 12 02 P86 10-16 413-28 5 88,531 11-94 •00 11-94 425 -22 C 88,611 11-63 ■52 nil 436-33 7 88,697 11-44 •60 10-84 447-17 8 88,751 11-44 -08 11-36 458-53 9 88,809 11 44 •00 11-44 469-97 310 88,883 11-28 -00 11-28 481 -25 1 89,165 8-16 -.30 7-86 489-11 2 89,2.35 10-73 -23 10 -.TO 499-61 3 89,477 7^87 10-60 2-73 496-88 4 89.998 5-83 11-40 3 -.55 491 -33 5 !)0,104 1-24 11-55 10-31 481 -02 (i 90,162 -02 11-52 11-50 469-52 7 90.220 •00 11 02 1 1 02 458-50 8 90,548 •68 6-43 5-75 452-75 9 90,635 10-73 •40 10-33 463-08 320 90,688 11 34 -13 11-21 474 -29 1 !)<>,801 9^20 •26 8-94 483 -->3 2 90,884 12-00 •17 11-83 495 -06 • ) ;»),979 1 1 -.•??, •4) H)-9-J 503 -98 4 91,316 7-30 10-76 3-46 502-52 Carried over. 91,316 .502 -52 ca 12 Levelling; Register.— Continued. Ko. Diituicc in feet Buck Fore Total of Station. from the River St. John. Siglit. Sight. DilTerenee. licislit in feet above the River St. John. Renurlu. 91,316 503 52 Brought up. 325 91,488 •23 10 89 10 66 491 86 , 6 91,632 •98 10 95 9 97 481 89 7 91,928 •61 6 72 6 11 475 78 8 92,152 1-28 '11 21 9 93 465 85 9 92,453 •42 1 07 65 465 20 330 92,661 10 02 1 10 8 92 474 12 1 92,827 10 89 1 47 9 42 483 54 2 93,023 1013 3 04 7 09 490 63 Bench mark, No. 10. 3 93,343 9-93 7 55 2 38 493 01 September 4. 4 93,569 1-91 11 43 9 52 483 49 5 93,676 2-28 11 10 8 82 474 67 6 93,767 r43 10 83 9 40 465 27 7 93,931 •53 9 72 9 19 466 08 Cross a ravine 15 ft. deep. 8 94,025 •82 11 38 10 56 445 52 9 94,223 1-35 12 24 10 89 434 63 340 94,417 141 10 78 9 37 425 26 1 94,484 •34 10 55 10 21 415 05 2 94,508 •53 11 00 10 41 404 64 3 94,768 2^95 10 34 7 39 397 25 4 94,932 2 16 5 54 3 38 393 87 5 95,140 4 02 10 47 6 45 387 42 6 95,446 125 9 60 8 35 379 07 7 95,603 121 11 85 10 64 368 43 8 95,770 •84 10 70 9 86 358 57 9 95,953 l-\2 11 22 10 10 348 47 350 96,063 •80 10 91 10 11 338 36 1 96,223 •74 11 39 10 65 337 71 2 96,659 •50 4 97 4 47 323 24 3 96,999 5^78 6 30 52 322 72 4 97,183 164 4 46 2 82 319 90 At 100 to 183 small brook 5 97,592 11 09 48 10 61 330 51 west. 6 98,077 4 03 7 19 3 16 327 35 7 98,479 341 1 97 1 44 328 79 8 99,001 5-53 2 74 2 79 331 58 9 99,605 1041 82 9 59 341 17 360 99,947 10-36 1 08 9 28 350 45 At 400 small brook vest. 1 100,183 1014 1 82 8 32 358 77 2 100,386 10 -.38 1 05 9 33 368 10 3 100,702 10-67 2 10 8 57 376 67 4 100,998 9^82 2 84 6 98 383 65 5 101,310 11-31 94 10 37 394 02 6 101,516 10 04 82 9 22 403 24 7 101,638 10-48 2 17 8 31 411 55 8 101,953 10-28 1 63 8 65 4*20 20 9 102,164 5 62 2 66 2 96 423 16 Bench mark. No. 11. 370 102,469 6 06 2 83 3 23 426 39 September 5. 1 102,969 ■/■e" 1 27 6 40 432 79 2 103,331 8-90 1 19 7 71 440 50 3 103,832 9-84 1 04 8 80 449 30 4 104,357 6-10 5 14 96 450 26 5 104,647 3 -32 8 76 5 44 444 82 105,445 3-95 6 35 2 40 442 42 7 105,468 3-47 3 61 14 442 28 8 105,702 2-47 10 51 8 04 434 24 9 105.961 2-95 8 20 5 25 428 99 380 106,198 1 -35 11 23 9 88 419 11 1 106,398 2-15 10 92 8 77 410 34 2 106716 6-45 2 95 3 50 413 84 3 107,;)30 3-57 2 50 1 07 414 91 4 107,920 4-90 4 63 27 415 18 5 108,248 2-60 3 52 92 414 26 C 108,546 6-13 96 5 17 419 43 Bench mark, No. 12. 7 108,744 8-71 1 69 7 02 426 45 8 108,915 12-68 94 11 74 438 19 9 in9,(i;i2 11 -41 75 )0 66 448 85 390 109,211 4-21 1-51 2-70 451 -55 Carried over. 109,211 451-55 }» Levelling Register. — Continued. \\ No. of Station. DUtaneo in feet from the Rlrer St. John. Back Sight. Foro Sight. DifTerence. ToUl height in feet above the River SL John. Remarki. 105,211 451 -55 Brought np. 391 109,565 10-27 102 9-25 460-80 2 109,881 7-21 -80 6-41 467 -21 3 110,000 12-86 •08 12-78 479 -99 4 110,170 13-95 •46 13^49 493-48 5 110,413 10-57 •82 9-75 503 -23 Burnt land begins. 6 110,900 9-29 1-86 7 43 510-66 7 111,170 5-37 9-20 3 83 506-83 8 111,288 2-94 10-73 7-79 499 04 9 111,414 •65 1114 10-49 488-55 400 111,474 •71 10 49 9-78 478-77 1 111,530 •18 IPSO 11-32 467 -45 2 111,585 •30 10-34 10-04 457-41 S 111,775 •00 11-11 11-11 446-30 4 111,839 •17 10-82 10-65 435-65 6 111,953 •35 11-15 10-80 424-85 6 112,028 •48 11-09 10-61 414-24 7 112,139 •00 11 06 11-06 403 18 8 112,216 •65 11 37 10-72 392-46 9 112,286 •00 U32 11-32 381-14 410 112,382 •08 10-86 10-78 370-36 1 112,475 •14 11-26 11-12 359 24 2 112,536 •62 11-20 10-58 348 • 66 3 112,599 -00 11-58 11-58 337 •OS 4 112,650 •82 11-25 10-43 326 65 5 112,708 •00 10-98 10-98 315-67 6 112,778 •69 11-19 10-50 305 17 7 1 12,824 •48 10-81 10-33 294-84 8 112,874 •11 10-67 10-56 284-28 9 112,927 •45 11-80 11-35 272-93 420 112,982 •15 11-30 11-15 261-78 1 113,058 •30 11-08 10-78 251 00 2 113,110 •48 10-82 10-34 240-66 3 113,180 -02 11 ^46 11-44 229-22 4 113,225 -84 11 20 10-36 218-86 5 113,280 •24 11-13 10-89 207-97 6 113,384 1-07 11-24 1017 197-80 7 113,612 •72 9-61 8^89 188-91 8 113,755 195 9-40 7-45 181-46 9 113,928 •88 6^66 5-78 175 •68 430 114,544 3-09 6-78 3-69 171-99 1 115,038 3-63 5-49 r86 170-13 2 115,732 5-48 3-56 192 172-05 At 100 ft. crosies small 3 116,467 316 7-34 4-18 167-87 branch of Wagan rng.W. 4 117,021 3-92 1-96 1-96 169^83 At 540 crosses Wagan 5 117,632 2-97 2-87 •10 169-93 running E. water 3i ft. k> 118,366 2-55 2-84 •29 169-64 lower than 554. 7 119,191 5-22 10-86 5-64 164-00 8 119,821 6-13 3-94 2-19 166-19 9 120,097 2-25 9-84 7-59 158-60 440 120,486 3-81 6-17 2-36 156-24 1 120,858 5-66 5-14 •52 156-76 2 121,108 7-66 1-43 6-23 162-99 3 121,497 11-62 2-54 9-08 172 07 At 50ft. main Wagan nig. 4 121,837 7-75 •67 7-08 179-15 E., water 9 -92 ft. lower 5 121,951 . 8-22 1-54 6-68 185-83 than station 442. U 122,043 10-04 101 9 03 194-86 Bench mark. No. 13. 7 122.171 9-72 -65 9 07 203-93 September 6. 8 122,287 10-73 -88 9-85 213-78 9 122,427 9-60 -16 9-44 223-22 450 122,620 10 -45 •C9 9-76 232-98 1 122,788 11 69 -64 1 1 o:, 244 03 2 123,128 5 -62 1104 5 -42 238-61 3 123,350 104 10-84 9-80 228-81 4 123,530 1 -30 11-39 10 09 218-72 5 i2o,t;4.s •93 8 -36 7-43 211 '29 G 124,161 4-25 8-02 3-77 207 -52 Carried over. 124,161 207-52 1 14 Levelling Register. — Continued. No. Dirtanee in feet Back Fore ToM ' of SUtion. frnm the Birer St. John. Sight Sight. DIflbrcnee, height in feat mbovo the River St. John. Bemarki, 124,161 207 -52 Brought up. 457 124,543 4-49 9-48 4-99 202 -53 8 124,983 114 1092 9-78 192-75 9 125,406 3-32 717 3-85 188-90 460 125,754 1-33 •22 1-11 190 01 1- 126,016 2-28 •29 1-99 19200 2 126,643 8-73 11-34 2-61 189-39 3 126,993 •41 11-49 11-08 178-31 4 127,063 •41 11 31 10-90 167-41 5 127,100 •89 10 88 9-99 157-42 6 127,227 •68 11.57 10-89 146-53 7 127,709 1-42 4-57 314 143 38 8 128,139 3 95 4 98 103 142 35 9 128,189 11 82 16-70 4 •88 137 47 Level of water in Rcsti- gouche, river 50ft. wide. Water at Grand River, 128,189 137 47 163-24 470 128,349 16-70 214 14 56 152 03 137-47 1 129,012 129,464 5 63 11 50 2-46 •59 3 23 1091 155-26 16617 2 ft. 25 -77 diffce. of level. 3 129,697 7-48 141 6 07 172-24 24III. 1,469 ft. fnm St. .Tohn's 4 129,925 7 74 147 6 27 178-51 9ni. 8,242ft. from Onmd H. 5 130,088 1018 2 40 7 78 186-29 Bench mark, No. 14. 6 130,238 10 ^24 •90 9-34 195-63 September 7. 7 130,388 8^42 •87 7 55 203-18 8 130,555 10-91 148 9-43 212-61 9 130.759 8-36 2 36 6 00 218-61 480 130,971 8-61 •97 7 64 226 -35 1 131,158 9-86 •73 913 235 -38 2 131,364 13 60 •60 13-00 248-38 3 131,814 8-86 198 6-88 255-26 4 132,214 10 65 143 9-22 264 -48 r> 132,464 4 95 3 05 1-90 266-38 6 132,664 984 1-64 8-20 •274 -58 7 132,831 11-87 -06 11-81 286-39 8 133,071 6^61 •49 6-12 292-51 9 133,221 11-98 1.76 10-22 302 -73 490 133,394 12-88 -50 12-38 315-11 1 133,564 11-44 2 04 9-40 ,324-51 2 1.33,726 11-35 -44 10-91 335 -42 3 133,886 13-81 -90 12-91 ;548-,33 4 1.34,017 13-00 •74 12-26 .360-59 5 134,146 10-62 136 9-26 369-85 G 134,284 11 -45 •37 11-08 380-93 7 134.544 11-29 •40 10-89 .391 -82 8 134,663 13 05 ■47 12-58 404 -40 9 134,850 9-16 •53 8-63 413-03 500 1.34,909 12-35 •70 11-65 424-68 1 135,017 14-25 -72 13-53 43821 2 135,107 12-30 -45 11-85 450-06 3 135,287 13-11 •11 IS- 463 -0(i 4 135,387 13-80 •20 IS -60 476-66 5 135,487 K; 33 103 9-30 485-96 6 1.35,651 12-60 •80 11-80 497-76 7 135,955 14-25 •18 14-07 511 -83 8 136,255 7-68 131 6-37 518-20 9 136,.528 7-80 2-98 4-82 .523 02 510 136,768 10-16 1-30 8-86 rm -88 1 137,026 11-70 2 -36 9-34 541 -22 2 137,276 9-64 1-21 8-43 .'>49-6J 3 137,424 10-83 1-08 9-75 .'559 -40 4 137,636 12-74 1 08 11-66 571 -06 5 137,836 12-56 -77 11-79 582-85 138,086 7-40 2-75 4-65 587 -50 Bench mark. No. 13. 7 138,586 8-66 5-92 2-74 590-24 September 8. 8 139,042 5 75 2-50 .•i-25 593 -49 3 i 139,372 510 6-12 1-02 592-47 Carried over. 139,372 592-47 16 Levelling Register. — Continued. New Diitanco in feel BmI( Fore TotiJ froDi tho DUTerenee, height in feet kbovethe Renutrlc?. of Station. Sight. Hght. Blrer St. John. River St. John. 139,372 592-47 Brought up. 520 139,G0O 10 59 Ill 9 48 601-95 - I 139,800 13 06 2 20 10 86 61281 2 139,950 10 95 1-59 9 36 622^17 3 140,250 8 87 5-91 2 96 625-13 4 140,550 2 83 9 39 6 46 618-67 5 140,865 2 52 8-84 6 32 612-35 6 141,065 2 82 11 92 9 10 603-25 7 141,615 4 99 IPSO 6 31 596 -94 8 141,865 1 57 13-36 11 79 585-15 9 142,165 1 49 12 59 11 10 574 05 530 142,465 65 11 90 11 25 562 -80 1 142,665 2 25 919 6 94 555-86 2 142,815 1 23 914 7 91 547 -95 3 143,115 5 04 193 3 11 551 OG 4 143,352 6 65 318 3 47 554 -53 5 143,588 10 23 107 9 16 563-69 6 143,977 6 91 ■81 6 10 569-79 7 144,377 5 84 108 4 76 574 55 Bench nark, Ko. 16. 8 144,627 7 64 2 27 5 37 579 92 SeptcmbtT 10. | 9 144,877 7 27 113 6 14 586 •OG 540 145,177 8 07 2-80 5 27 591 ^33 1 145.477 6 31 3 22 3 09 594 42 2 145,760 8 •68 1-88 6 80 601 -22 3 145,960 8 •21 4-50 3 71 604-93 4 146,360 4 50 8^50 4 00 600-93 5 146,710 3 •41 6 65 3 24 597 -69 6 147,310 9 23 2 05 7 18 604 87 7 147,710 4 •67 3^18 1 49 606 36 8 148,154 5 •64 7-68 2 04 604 S-i 9 148,327 1 03 10^84 9 81 594 51 550 148,613 2 41 6-60 4 19 590-32 1 148,852 1 •28 11 23 9 95 580-37 2 149,199 1 04 8-61 7 57 572-80 3 149,749 69 9 46 8 77 564 03 4 150,119 2 65 8-25 5 60 558 -43 5 150,269 1 29 11 80 -10 51 547-92 G 150,506 1 37 1085 9 48 538 -44 7 150,626 59 12 06 11 47 526-97 8 150,726 00 14 -23 14 23 512-74 9 150,798 1 02 11-66 10 04 502 70 560 150,863 64 10 12 9 48 493^22 1 150,983 16 11 00 10 84 482^38 2 151,063 00 1061 10 61 471 ^77 3 151,168 1 54 10^20 8 66 463-11 4 151,474 3 34 8^62 5 28 457 83 5 151,674 2 54 664 4 10 453 73 6 151,974 3 88 916 5 28 448 45 7 152,174 1 49 8 29 6 80 441 -65 8 152,424 2 37 9 43 7 06 434 -59 9 152,524 1 55 10-74 9 19 425 -40 570 152,774 3 61 7 55 3 94 421 -46 1 153,074 1 04 5-27 4 23 417 -is 2 153,374 5 99 2 35 3 64 420-87 3 153,636 5 79 1-77 4 02 4-24-89 4 153,836 4 91 3 96 95 4-25-84 5 154,136 7 38 2-93 4 45 430-29 G 154,234 6 71 2-02 4 69 434-98 7 154,317 9 79 -42 9 37 444-35 8 154,443 10 55 •49 10 06 4,54-41 9 154,607 7 62 2-02 5 60 460 01 580 154,672 10 92 105 9 87 4G9-8H 1 154,812 8 60 •77 7 83 477-71 2 154,974 10 22 ■80 9 42 487-13 3 1.55,061 9 45 •73 8 72 495-85 4 irtHAll 11 .1;-. 1-46 89 505-74 5 155,258 11 12 117 9 95 515-69 Ciirried over. 155,258 515-69 !l' 16 Levelling Register. — Continued. ■ Distance in feet Boclc Fore ToUl from the Differenoe. height in feet ■bore the Bonurki. of Station. Sight. Sight. River St. John. River St. John. 135,258 513-69 Drought up. 586 155,:i36 nil 1-28 9-83 525 -62 7 155,440 10-51 •07 10-44 535-96 8 155,516 9-27 •25 9-02 544-98 9 155,566 8 61 •12 8-49 553-47 ncnch mark, No. 17. 590 155,646 10 00 1-44 8-56 562-03 September 14. 1 155,701 11-41 •97 10-44 572-47 2 155,784 10 -.38 •03 10-35 582 -82 3 155,878 10-30 •43 9-87 592-69 4 155,960 11-55 -00 11-55 604 -24 5 156,103 10-99 •29 10-70 614-94 6 156,433 6-69 9^60 2-91 612-03 At 175 ft. (170th M.T.) 7 156,589 2-90 10-40 7-50 604-53 8 156,958 11-31 2-00 9-31 613-84 9 157,430 9-60 1-89 7-71 621 -55 too 157,544 10-07 -62 9-45 631 -00 1 157,737 11-91 -29 11-62 642-62 2 157,S66 10-54 •28 10-26 652-88 3 158,034 10-45 1-53 8-92 661 -80 4 15M83 10-67 9-56 1-11 662-91 5 158,578 1-79 10-62 8-83 654 -08 (i 158,758 1-21 11-05 9-84 644-24 7 159,066 1-57 11-14 9-57 634-67 8 159,308 •99 3-15 2-16 632 -51 9 159,572 10-79 1-10 9-69 642-20 GIO 159,802 11-42 •09 11 -.13 653 -53 1 160,002 7-31 •79 6-52 660 -05 2 160,184 11-54 •85 10-69 070-74 3 160,408 9 01 •00 9-01 679-75 4 160,534 14-01 •53 13-48 693-23 5 160,801 10-35 •32 10-03 703-26 6 161,116 5 -85 9-57 3-72 699 -54 7 161,421 2-24 9-86 7-62 691 -92 8 161,738 2-60 11-14 8-54 683-38 9 161,904 1-38 10-58 9-20 674-18 620 162,007 -02 11-41 11-39 662-79 1 162,249 •22 8-66 8-44 654 -35 2 162,711 1-71 6-33 4-62 649-73 3 163,126 8-73 1-67 7-06 656-79 4 163,366 8-88 1-34 7-54 664 -33 5 163,542 10 -.39 •06 10-33 674-66 6 163,684 10-19 1-76 8-43 683 -09 7 163,854 10-83 1-03 9-80 692-89 8 163,993 9-52 1-42 8-10 700-99 9 164,141 11-65 1-49 1016 711-15 C30 164,403 9-89 1-11 8-78 719-93 1 164,529 11-45 -58 10-87 730-80 2 164,686 9-41 2 02 7-39 738-19 3 165,231 8 -.54 9-07 -53 737-66 4 16.5,416 4-51 9-89 5-38 732 -28 6 165,506 -73 11-14 10-41 721-87 6 165,818 2-70 10-03 7-33 714-54 7 165,937 2-37 1 1 -09 8-72 705-82 8 166,061 ■92 916 8-24 697-58 9 166.121 9-16 -00 916 706-74 640 166,228 10-39 1 -39 9 00 715-74 1 166,.307 11 -85 •70 11-15 7-26 -89 2 166,386 10-89 -27 10-62 737-51 3 166,468 11 13 1-22 991 747 -42 4 166,573 12-21 -49 11-72 759-14 5 166,676 11 00 -74 10-26 769 -40 6 166,765 11 13 -94 10-19 779-59 7 166.861 11 SO -.-iO 1 1 -.TO 790-89 8 166.')9l 14 -52 -77 1 .'! • 75 804-64 9 167,406 8-60 5-54 3 06 807-70 C.JO 167,611 2-33 10-1.'5 7-ii'l 799 -HW Bench mark, No, 1°-. 1 167,756 -06 10-46 1 10-40 789 -48 September 15. Carried over. 167,756 789-48 i 17 Levelling Pcgister. — Or: '.'^ed. No. DiaUnoe in fuet Back Foro ToUl from tho Difleronco. lioijfht ill feet BeDurki, of SUtioD. River St. Julin. Sight. SiKht. alxive tliu Itivor St. John. lC7,75fi 789 -48 Drought up. 653 167,861 1-81 11 02 9 21 780-27 3 167,965 102 10-69 9-67 770-60 4 168,065 •42 10-42 10-00 760-60 5 168,196 12 10-83 10-71 749-89 6 168,287 •70 11-24 10 -.54 739 -35 7 168,373 •.oo 10-72 9-82 729 -53 8 168.526 •40 1-62 1-22 728-31 9 168,673 9-98 1-44 8 -.'54 736-85 660 168,770 11 60 0-70 10-90 747-75 1 168,868 11 09 0-52 10-57 755 -32 a 169,011 11 ^83 1-70 10-13 768-45 3 169,111 1118 2 -04 9-14 777-59 4 169,473 11 32 1-71 9-61 787 -20 5 169,818 3-81 7-18 3-37 783 -83 6 170,076 4-22 10-13 5-91 777-92 7 170,261 2 35 10-94 8^59 769-33 • 8 170,455 r89 10-58 8-69 760 64 9 170,500 •42 11-44 11-02 749-62 • 670 170,821 •27 1111 10 84 738-78 1 171,311 2-46 8-55 6-09 732 -69 2 171,831 5 47 8-34 2-87 7-29 -82 3 171,979 2 45 10-90 8-45 721 ^37 4 172,161 160 10-75 9^15 712^22 5 172,335 •37 11-39 11 02 701 20 6 172.467 •57 10-75 10^18 691 02 7 172,551 •67 11-02 10 35 680 ^67 8 172,673 •32 11-24 10-92 669 75 9 172,852 •68 11-04 10-36 659 ^39 680 172,991 1-.38 11-25 9-87 649 ^52 1 173,121 •37 11-00 1063 638 •sg 2 173,328 139 10-70 9 31 629^58 3 173,586 1-62 11-20 9-58 6-20 •00" 4 173,766 •19 1091 10-72 609 -28 5 173,961 •38 11 43 ir05 598 -23 6 174,129 2-34 11 04 8-70 589 -53 7 174,211 •57 11 39 10-82 578-71 8 174,311 •24 14 00 13-76 564-95 Brook running west. 9 174,461 14 00 10^80 3-20 568-15 690 174,736 7-30 9 02 1-72 566-43 1 174,836 •31 10-66 10 -.35 556 -08 2 174.891 •57 10-73 10-16 545-92 3 174,941 •52 11-15 10-63 535-29 4 174,981 •41 10 -.58 1017 5-25-12 5 175,031 •66 11-17 10-51 514-61 6 175,081 •19 1 1 -20 11-01 503-60 7 175,205 •26 7-42 7-16 496 -44 Surface of water in brook. 8 175,461 6-29 -95 5-34 .501 -78 9 175.561 1011 -00 10-11 511-89 700 175,761 10 04 •17 9-87 521 -76 1 175,826 10 10 •24 9 -86 531 -62 2 175,917 10-65 •55 10-10 .541 -72 3 176,001 1046 -00 10-46 552-18 4 176,161 11 56 1-24 10 -.32 5G2 -.50 5 176,486 10 23 -52 9-71 572-21 6 176,973 8-97 9-60 •63 571 -58 7 177,179 2 08 9-28 7^20 564 -38 8 177,349 2 37 10-30 7-93 .556 -45 9 177,451 •45 11-06 10-61 545 -84 710 177,511 •00 11-31 11-31 534 -53 1 177,641 •54 8-13 7-59 526 -94 Bench mark, No. 19. 2 177,737 8 •OS •21 7-84 5.34-78 September 16. 3 177,824 10-93 •13 10-80 545-58 4 177,841 12-30 •65 11-65 557 -23 5 177,888 10-65 •47 10-18 567-41 6 177,935 10-91 33 10-58 577-99 7 178,006 11-20 1^44 y-76 587-75 Carried over. - 1 178,006 587-75 i . ft >^ w Levelling Register. — Conitnu^d. No. Dlitwic« In feet Itack Pore ToUl ftoni tho Diffnvnee, hnlght in Aiet Kanntkt. of SUtion. Sliht SiRht above tlw Rirer St. J' hn. River at John. 178,OOG 587-75 Brought up. 718 178,053 10-68 •61 10 07 597 -82 9 178,101 0-33 ■79 8-44 GOG -36 720 178,199 11 02 -89 10-13 616-39 1 178,301 UIO 1-64 9-56 623 -95 •i 178,411 9-65 •54 911 633 06 3 178,501 1117 •22 10-95 646 01 4 178,549 9-31 •14 9-17 655-18 6 178,59G 12-53 •25 12-28 667 -46 G 178,679 11-48 •25 1 1 -23 678-69 7 178,748 11-08 •13 10-93 689 -63 8 178.818 11-64 •20 11-44 701 -06 9 178,891 10-23 •02 10-21 711-27 730 178,977 10-41 •90 9-61 720-78 1 179,076 11-54 •36 1118 731 -96 2 179,191 10-20 •48 9-72 741 -68 3 179,373 13-02 •96 12-07 753-75 4 179,578 14-48 130 13-18 766 -93 5 179,961 5-60 6-13 -55 766 -.18 C 180,111 •91 10-52 9-61 756-77 7 180,261 -75 10-89 10-14 746-63 8 180,455 -30 10-86 10-56 7.36 -07 9 180,796 1 -08 5-25 417 731 -90 740 180,991 10-85 -94 9-91 741 -81 1 181,386 13-37 121 rJ-lG 753-97 2 181,813 3-54 8-69 5-15 748-82 3 182,024 1-26 10-97 9-71 739-11 4 182,111 •51 11-15 10-64 728-47 5 182,231 •7G 11-14 10-38 718 09 6 182,329 •16 1104 10-88 707-21 7 182,411 •00 10-80 10^80 696-41 8 182,514 •10 1119 11-09 685 -32 9 182,601 •09 1119 11-10 674 -22 750 182,679 •16 10-64 10-48 663-74 I 182,761 •99 11-32 10-33 653-41 2 182,873 r79 11-24 9-45 643-96 3 182,961 •70 9-10 8-40 635 -56 4 183,145 7 09 •00 7-09 642-65 5 183,317 11-86 P85 1001 652-66 6 183,529 10-64 •35 10-29 662 -95 7 183,716 12-33 •78 11-55 674 -50 8 184,261 7-53 1018 2-65 671 -85 9 184,5-.>1 3-65 10-30 6-63 665 -20 7G0 184,721 1-21 11-32 10-11 655 09 1 184,873 1 -06 10-72 9-66 645 -43 2 185,021 1-88 10-70 8^82 636-61 3 185,145 -41 10-94 10 53 626 08 4 185,221 -64 10-44 9^80 616-28 5 185,396 4-79 1 -93 2^86 619 14 6 185,565 10-47 1-51 8-96 628 10 7 185,761 13-60 -99 12-61 640-71 8 185,986 12-82 1 -23 11-59 6.52-30 9 186,296 10-44 1 -77 8-67 660 -97 770 186,661 7-98 1-82 6-16 667-13 186,961 4-53 4-15 -38 667-51 2 187,073 1 -93 10-11 8-18 659 -33 3 187,381 105 10-88 9-83 649 -50 4 187.521 1-20 12-70 11-50 G38 -(JO 5 187,631 100 10 89 9-89 6-J8-11 6 187,731 1-28 10-74 9-46 618-65 7 187,821 1-15 10-44 9-29 609 -36 ' 8 187,915 •15 10-84 10-69 598-67 9 187,971 *.6 10-90 10^44 588 -23 780 188,046 J7 18-80 13-13 575-10 1 188,121 -31 10-74 10-43 564 -67 2 188,206 -96 10-87 9-91 554-76 3 ISB.'JSl •19 10-57 10-38 544 -.-^S Carriel over. 188,281 544-38 Lv««itlBf Reenter.— OmHiMMl. ■ No. DiMuK!« In f«it llMk FViro TiHkl of Otetion. 1 from the ftWer SU John. H^lit INlhni>ca.| h«i||ht lii iMl Sight. "b""" «•" Biver 8t. John. 188J81 544-38 Drouglit up. 784 188,39G •29 11-18 10-89 583 49 S 188,461 1 07 10-38 9-81 524 18 6 188,S3( 169 16-96 9-27 514 91 T 188,583 1-24 10-72 9-48 .503 -48 H 188.686 •80 13-94 13-14 492-29 9 188,749 •75 15-97 13-22 477 07 790 188,801 •44 14-49 14-06 468 OS 1 188,853 •16 15 -23 15-07 447 -95 Bench mark, No. 28. 2 188,886 ■91 15-61 14-70 433 -25 September 17. 3 188,911 •62 15-54 14-92 418-33 4 188,051 •48 15-06 14-58 403 75 5 188,983 •46 15-5) 15-06 .188 70 (J 189,006 2 07 15-43 13-36 .375 -34 7 189,021 3 45 13-75 12 -.30 363 04 8 189,036 2'S6 15-97 13-42 349 -62 9 189,051 3 54 13-55 10-01 339-61 Surface of water in brook. 800 189,096 13-35 4-96 8-69 ,348 -20 I 189,111 9-82 •16 9-66 357 -86 a 189,146 12 04 -05 11-99 369 -85 3 189,189 12-37 •33 12-04 381 -89 4 189,461 IS -59 1-71 11-88 393-77 5 189,581 11-85 •23 11-62 405 -89 C 189,653 16-23 •10 1613 421 -52 7 181,741 14-34 •00 14-84 435 -86 8 189,818 14 -43 •70 1373 449 59 9 1H!),973 16-82 •89 15-93 465 52 810 1 1)0,087 1 1 -95 •77 11-18 476-70 1 190,211 13-55 1-08 12-47 489-17 2 190,361 12-01 -33 11 -68 .300-85 3 190,513 10-64 •57 10 07 510-92 4 190.878 10-57 9 -.36 1 '22 312-14 5 191,161 •48 14-75 14-27 497-87 G 191,361 8-28 -02 8-26 506-13 7 191,521 12-49 -09 12-40 518-53 8 191,684 11 -35 •45 10-90 529 -43 9 191,811 1 1 -40 •38 11 -02 540-43 820 191.929 18 98 •47 13-51 .353-96 1 192,047 14 06 -34 13-72 567-68 . 2 192,176 15 -50 Ml 14-39 582 -07 3 192,285 13-30 •48 12-82 394 -89 4 192,406 11-48 •28 11-20 606 -09 5 192,487 13-80 •11 13-69 619-78 (i 192,367 15-61 -68 14-93 634-71 7 192,861 11-43 4 -85 6 -38 641 -29 8 193,077 79 12-32 11-53 629 -76 9 193,183 -56 10-89 10-33 619-43 830 193,311 •95 13-95 15-00 604 -43 1 193,387 123 17-91 16-68 387 -73 2 193,491 -11 16-13 16-04 371 -71 3 193,588 •08 16-12 16-04 355-67 4 193,683 •32 16-33 13-81 539 -86 5 193,757 •67 13-81 13-14 324-72 (i 193,821 •08 16-33 16-25 .308 -47 7 193,882 •19 16-09 15-90 492 -57 8 19.'5,956 •24 14-01 13-77 478^80 9 194,018 •58 13-63 15-07 463 73 840 194,077 •66 16-60 13-94 447-79 1 194,101 •41 13-67 15-26 4.32 -33 194,141 •00 16-36 16-36 41617 3 194,186 •33 13-58 15-23 400 94 4 194,2.33 •39 16^92 16-53 384^41 5 194,261 •92 16^86 13-94 368^47 (i 194,289 2^81 15-81 13-00 335 ^47 7 194,311 •29 16'39 16-30 339-17 8 194,336 •65 15 56 14-91 324 -26 9 194,370 •07 !5^52 13 -46 .308 -81 Carried over. 194,870 308 •SI I li I'i 1)2 20 Levelling RcgiHtcr. — Continued, No. UulaiK'o in feet fraiii tho lUck F»re 1 Differcnci-. t hi< .mIl». of Blalian. HigbU ,S'h"' RWcr 8t. John. , ,.. rS*. ■'* 194,370 308 81 Brought up. 850 194,389 3-35 i»H n-44 29.5-37 1 I94,4l(i 2- 93 1(1-61 If -68 281 -69 2;o 62 fwt. a l!M.r.7U 418 l^^ uo-/ 270-62 Suriaii- •' water in nmin a I94,GG1 ir,'Ji ■m Al-aa 285-84 ■treom n ^It-nipticuok. 4 I94,(ING 10-70 •i« Mm 206 -44 rt l!14,7a9 8-4.5 1 -05 ' f? a03'84 September 18. i> iy4,7«l 10-31 -1-J HI m $H 03 7 I94,7HG 11-13 -01 11 -12 ,T!"V15 H 194,8-29 12 03 •10 11-93 33-7 -08 !> 194,870 12-34 -00 12 34 349-42 aco 194,911 12 85 •26 12-59 362 01 1 194,933 10-72 -26 10-46 372 -47 •2 194,y(i» 12-2.5 -24 12 01 384 -48 3 19.5,073 14-72 -18 14 -.54 399 02 4 19.5,201 1216 4 00 8 16 407-18 5 19.'),.528 4-00 5-22 1 -22 405 -96 (i 195,«21 2-GI 11-71 9 10 396-86 7 19.5.G91 1-19 1 1 -28 10 09 386-77 H 19.5,7(i9 ■50 1 1 '26 10-76 376 01 1) 19.5,9«9 •83 10-83 lO-OO 366 01 870 19G,19(! 5-59 -12 5 -47 371-48 1 19G,404 11 -59 1 -38 10-21 381 -C9 '^ 19(J„'>2H 9 03 -17 8-8C 390-55 3 19«,GUG 17-52 -.50 17-02 407 -57 4 I9(i,78G 15-99 •42 15-57 423-14 5 I9G,!)G7 I4-7G •38 14-38 437 -52 G 197,200 U-24 ■72 10 52 448-04 7 197,.521 \4-05 •34 13-71 461 -75 K 197,(i81 3-;w 1 1 33 7-97 453-78 9 '»",7G1 -7^ 10-49 9-71 444 -87 8H0 1!'- 'Ml •53 1 1 -(M) 10-47 433-60 1 I!i-,i;l(i •72 10-72 10 00 423 -60 •2 19S,IG1 •4(, 10-91 10-45 413-15 3 198.311 104 10-66 9-62 403 -53 4 19f<,3,Sl •9(i 11-03 10-07 393 -46 5 198,441 •63 15-79 15-16 378 -30 G 198,-)()1 •23 15-67 15-44 .362 -86 7 198,,5Gl •77 14-97 14-20 34H-6G 8 198,G11 •99 15-80 12-16 .333-85 890 198,751 198,921 •5,-! 8-62 12-69 ■38 14-81 8-24 321 -G9 329 -93 Drook running cast, water 2 feet lower. 1 198,9G8 15 62 ■21 15-41 345 -24 2 199,021 14 95 •28 14-67 3i;o-oi 3 199,1.)1 16-78 •65 16 13 376-14 4 199,301 15-61 •29 15 ■;!-.> 391 -46 5 199,301 12-53 •00 12 ■: 403-99 G 199,491 1 1 09 •39 10-70 414-69 •T 199,GG1 14-80 •39 14-41 429-10 199,77G 14-55 •00 14-55 443-65 9 199,991 16-18 1 -23 U -95 458-60 90O 200,091 15-72 ■00 15-72 474-32 ) 200,343 14 -24 •74 13-50 487 -H2 2 200,4 G8 15 -.32 ■58 14-74 502 -56 3 200,G01 1411 ■00 1411 516-67 4 200,741 16-32 •08 I6-J4 532-91 5 200,883 18-11 1-52 l(;-59 549 -50 G 201,097 10-92 -.34 10-58 5;!0-08 7 201,311 11 -19 •77 10-42 :w0-.50 8 201,479 10-92 •84 10-08 n-jp 9 201,G41 7-80 10-73 2-93 i>. -A 910 201,743 ■C9 15 02 14 -34 -'' u .' -, 1 201,HG1 •36 8-20 7-84 ■■v.h ■■> 2 201,891 8-20 •07 8-13 bT'i-:-: 3 201,961 12-80 •11 12-69 07i.'i:,- 4 202,021 l.-;-88 •58 13-30 .'.■(^"•59 , 5 202. ! ! 9 H -31 •04 11-27 F.m-m Carried over. 202,119 600 86 «1 I \ IE Levelling RcR »tor. — ( Jonlinued. No. niiUnvn in U ct llai'k Fon ToUl from till' 3ilfiircner. hal||lit in fm-t Htaukik: of SUtlon. HlKl.t. HlKhe. ftiNtVO til** Rlvor 81. John. Rivir m. Julin. 303,110 6(M)-8G llrouKlit ii|i. 010 303,211 15 SG •34 14 -92 615-78 7 303,391 15 12 •39 14-83 630 -Gl H 303,40 i 13 53 -33 13-30 (i43-91 9 303,.'i41 1703 -76 16-27 6G0 - 1 H 9'iO 303,(i73 13-84 •51 13-33 673-51 1 303,HM3 l(i-73 •.14 1638 (i8!)-89 •i 30a,0(il 13-74 a\ 13-23 703-13 a 30.'l,31l IG'40 •15 16-35 719-37 Bench murk. No. 21. 4 303.401 15-93 •37 15-66 735 -03 SoptfrnlMr 19. ft 3(13,711 19-41 •74 18-G7 753-70 <; 3(M,004 15-71 •99 14-72 768 -42 7 204,3(l(i 14 '4G ■47 13-99 7N2-41 H 304,411 14-3G •51 13 -■,5 7I»6^16 3 305, IHG 13-37 OVi 4-35 H)0-41 oao 305,39 1 -G3 •Id •4N 800-8!) 1 205,4(i9 1 1 -58 •0.! 1 1 - -.6 812-45 2 305.573 17 -M •51 lG-65 829-30 3 305,«H(; 17-18 1 •47 16-71 846 01 4 205,821 15•^u •33 15 -57 86 1 -58 5 205,9H(i 10 •.'53 ■46 16 07 877 -65 (i 20«,17(! lG-79 •41 16-38 894 -03 7 20(i,3H4 13-94 •31 13-73 907-76 H 30(i,531 13-3G •17 13-39 921-15 9 30(i,70(> Hi -04 ■49 15-.-)5 936-70 940 307,Ofil 15-41 •65 14-76 951-46 I 307,331 15 -SG ■44 15 12 966-58 ■2 •.i07,43(i (! Ml •62 5^84 972 -42 3 307,838 14-49 9-70 4-79 977 21 4 307,9(il •55 15-08 14-53 962-68 5 308,031 -G9 15-38 14-69 947 -99 G 308,111 •07 13-36 13-19 9.14 -W) 7 30H,1«1 •87 14-35 13-38 931 -42 8 308,231 ■90 15-80 14-90 906 -53 9 308,301 •58 15 -.34 14-76 891 -76 950 208,3(<1 1-10 15-86 14-76 877 (10 1 308,411 •44 - •) -34 14-90 862-10 2 308,4(19 -00 14-67 14-67 847-43 3 308,53(i -11 17-30 17-09 8;i0 -34 4 308,579 •05 15 -67 15 -(i2 814-72 o 308,(i25 •39 16-51 IG -22 798 -50 (i 208, (i 7 G •GO 15^56 14-96 783 -54 7 208,7 1 1 •IG 13 -.36 15 -'20 768 -34 8 308,749 •OG lG-37 16-31 752 03 9 2()S,77G •80 15 -73 14-93 737-10 9G0 208,811 ■17 16^49 16 -.32 7-20-78 I 208, M4(; •52 16-00 15-48 705 -30 2 208,9(il IG-(H) -54 15-46 720 -76 Surfnre of wntcr in brook 3 209,0(il 16 -GC ■30 16-46 737 -22 running west. 4 209,181 12-25 ■36 11 -89 749-11 4I ' ■_'0",78G 18-10 -93 17-17 766 -28 6 i ■1<-.144 G-'! 1 -14 6-19 772-47 7 ' i.KMil 8-,,. 1-14 7-24 779-71 2i'J,G73 15-04 -04 15 -00 794-71 9 210.9-'G 14-73 -00 14-73 809 -44 97() 211,331 1 1 -99 2-49 9 -50 818-94 \ 211, GCl 4-38 7-09 2-71 816 23 2 211,N(il 1 -06 15-38 14-22 802 01 3 212,011 1 GG 14-53 13-87 789-14 4 212.239 1-76 13-57 11 -81 777 -.33 5 212,381 1-73 10-29 8-56 '68-77 (i 212.7(;9 14-67 ■11 14-56 785 -33 7 212,9G1 13-41 •22 13 19 796-52 8 213,1G7 12-53 1-27 11 -26 807-78 9 213,371 12-10 -95 11-15 818-93 98U 21.3.57G 14-G7 1-50 13-17 832-10 J 2!.3.7(il 13-77 •92 19-84 844 -94 Carried over. 213,761 844-94 V 't!i 22 Levelling Register. — Continued. No. Dirtwee in feet B*ek Fon Ti>tal from the Dtftram haiglit in feet kboTO the aemuki. of SUtion. f'^K*- Siglit. BimStJolm. Biver HU John. 213,761 844-94 Brought up. 982 213,967 13-47 2-92 10 55 855 -49 3 214,311 8 08 4-54 3 34 859 -03 Bench mark, No. 32. 4 214,461 9-73 •58 915 868^18 September 20. 5 214,551 15-39 •04 15 35 883 ^53 6 '214,611 16-44 •14 16 30 899 •SS 7 214.661 17-65 ■14 17-51 917 34 8 214,801 17-35 •47 16-88 934 -22 9 214,934 15-31 •00 15-31 949 ^53 ; 990 215,011 14-83 •23 14-60 964-13 1 215,181 13-60 -23 13-37 977-50 2 215,386 13-98 •91 13 07 990-57 3 215,751 9-46 •09 9^37 999-94 4 216,019 5-57 14^90 9-33 990-61 5 216,191 •20 15-07 14-87 875-74 6 216,481 1-13 13-89 12-76 962-98 7 216,761 -77 15 58 14-81 948^17 8 217,061 1-35 6-72 5-37 942 80 9 217,211 11-50 •32 11 -18 953^98 1,000 217,331 14-57 •79 13-78 967-76 1 217,451 1613 •74 15 -39 983-15 2 217,611 12-55 •56 11-99 995-14 3 217,711 i2-78 -12 12-66 1,007-80 4 217,791 14-74 •66 14-08 1,021 -88 5 217,886 1810 -22 17-88 1,039-76 6 217,979 15-87 -35 15-52 1,055-28 7 218,111 15-21 •08 15-13 1,070-41 8 218,183 14-73 •05 14-68 1,085 09 9 218,294 13-61 -37 13-24 1,098 ■ 33 1,010 218,561 13-47 4-00 9-47 1,107^80 1 218,711 4-00 10-95 6-95 1,100 85 2 218,813 -39 13 45 13-06 1,087 79 3 218,891 -60 15 88 15 -28 1,072 51 4 218,961 -25 13 22 12-97 1,059 54 5 219.026 -62 15 50 14-88 1,044 66 6 219,101 -54 15 -S". 1531 1,029 -.•)5 7 219,161 -00 13 61 1361 1,015-74 8 219,224 ■23 14 20 13 97 1.001 ^77 9 219,279 ■63 15 51 14^88 986-89 1,020 2iy,:!CI -43 15 63 15 20 971 -69 1 219,411 139 15 ■SH 14 '49 957 -20 2 219,486 ■74 14^66 13 92 .943-28 3 219,611 ■22 1481 14 59 92.S-69 4 219.711 1 -02 16 57 15 55 913-14 5 219,804 ■00 1716 17-16 895-98 C 219,891 -48 16 50 16 02 879-96 7 219,976 -58 15-97 15 -39 864-57 8 220,091 -93 1719 16-26 848-31 9 220,311 1 -78 1462 12 84 835 ^47 1,030 220,461 1 SS 13 23 11 25 824^22 1 220,561 146 13 91 12 45 811 ^77 llench mark. No. 23. •2 220,661 -43 14-82 14 39 797 ^38 September 21. 3 220,781 1 -66 13-37 : 11 ■?! 785 ^67 4 220.961 1 09 1 1 -45 10 36 775-31 ■) 221,291 3 67 •49 i 3 18 77S-49 <; 221,381 13 20 •24 1 12-96 791 -45 7 221,511 12-15 •^6] 11 -79 803-24 8 221,588 1 15 20 •42 ! 14-78 818-02 y 221,679 Ki.'iO •25 : 13-25 831 '27 1,040 221,811 I4,")8 •63 ' v.]- 845 -22 1 221,923 i 14-54 •53 i 1401 .'<59-23 •J 221,991 ! 16 32 •43 i 15 -89 K75-12 3 222,109 1619 ■•*' 1 15-72 890^84 4 222,191 15 29 3-00 12-29 .903-13 5 222,284 3-00 16^02 13-02 890 ■ 1 1 6 222, i i 1 ■99 16 -41 '-,■42 t;74C9 7 222,461 -64 15 49 14-85 859-84 Carried over. 222,461 j .S59-84 2» Levelling Register. — Continued. No. Distance in feet Bimk Faro Total fipm tho Difference. lieight in hot Senuukaa ofSUtion; Sight. Sight BbOVf, Ui- River St. John. River St. Jo'ni. 222,461 859-84 Brought up. 1,048 222,507 •46 15-82 15-36 844 -48 9 222,557 •00 16-39 16 -.39 828 -09 1,050 222,591 •00 16-58 16-58 811-51 1 222,646 •48 16-35 15-87 795-64 2 222,673 •22 16-11 15-88 779-76 3 222,711 •53 15-82 15-29 764 -47 4 222,749 •21 17-07 16-86 747 61 5 222,800 •48 1600 15-52 732 09 G 222,854 •74 1611 15-37 716 72 7 222,895 •44 1657 16-13 700 59 t 8 222,961 •31 1616 15-85 684-74 9 223,005 •58 1666 16-08 668-66 1,060 223,067 •08 lG-70 16-62 652 04 1 223,111 •41 1618 15-77 626-27 2 223,181 •00 16-30 16-30 619-97 3 223,253 •74 15-48 14-74 605 -23 4 223,299 •63 15 05 14 42 590 81 5 223,357 •20 lG-03 15 83 574^98 G 223,397 •09 15-71 15 62 .559 36 7 223,587 1-82 17 31 15-49 543^87 8 223,673 •75 15-94 15-19 528-68 9 223,722 102 15-90 14-88 513-80 1,070 223,861 •45 16-28 15 '83 497-97 1 223,921 •11 16-55 16^44 481-53 2 223,961 •39 15-79 15-40 466-13 3 224,001 •00 16-14 16-14 449-99 4 224,061 •10 12-00 11-90 438 -09 5 224 -71 13 00 13-00 100 437 -09 7 224,371 224,591 2-37 6-84 9-74 11-50 7 -.37 4-66 429-72 425 -06 Brook running east. 8 224,701 11-50 -09 11-41 436-47 9 224,757 17 10 -57 16-53 453-00 1,080 224,851 14 01 -07 13-94 466-94 1 224,898 14-70 -07 14-63 481 -57 o 224,941 14-98 -95 14-03 495 -60 3 225,01 1 16-50 -64 15-86 511-46 4 225,111 16-87 -01 16-86 .5'28 -32 5 225,186 15-87 1-15 14-72 .543 04 C 225,291 13 74 •19 13-55 .556 -59 7 225,381 16-80 •05 16-75 573-34 8 225,476 12 09 •42 11-67 585 -01 9 225,549 13-54 •12 13-42 598 -43 1,030 225,621 16-19 •54 15-65 615-08 1 225,688 13-24 -02 13-22 627 -30 2 225,776 13-65 1-01 12-64 639 -94 3 225,883 16-45 -16 16-29 656-23 4 225,961 15-25 -21 15 -(H 671-27 5 226,011 12-76 -23 12-53 683-80 C 226,072 14-54 -04 14-50 698 -30 7 226,144 16-11 -11 16-00 714-30 8 226,181 16-50 ■34 16-16 730-46 !> 226,276 15-35 -25 15-10 745 -56 1,100 226,373 13-77 -46 13-31 758-87 1 226,473 lG-20 -07 16-13 775-00 2 226,561 13-12 -01 13-11 788-11 3 226,652 15 -.38 -06 15-32 803 -43 4 226,708 16-22 -69 15-53 818-96 ") 226,767 16-39 -28 16-11 835 -07 i; 226,S11 16-18 -14 16-04 851-11 7 226,880 17-19 -00 17-19 S68 -30 8 226,943 17-36 -19 17-17 885 -47 9 226,991 16-95 -28 16-67 902-14 1,110 227,001 17-09 -25 16-84 918-98 1 227,121 16-93 -03 16-90 035-88 2 227,201 15-85 1-04 14-81 950-69 3 227,-'y 1 9-5a 4-00 5 -58 956 -27 227,291 956-27 Carried over. r i 24 Levelling Register. — Continued. No. Distance in feet Back Fore Total from tile Oiffi-ronce. height in feet Remarks. of Sution. River St. .Tohn. Sight Sight. above the River St. John. 227,291 950-27 Brought up. 1,114 227,381 4 00 10-62 6-62 949 05 5 227,641 •63 317 2-54 947 11 Bench mark. No. 24. 6 227,721 9-42 •38 9-04 950 15 September 29. 7 228,141 12-55 129 11-26 907 41 8 228,280 16-20 •20 16-00 983 41 9 228,661 15-70 4 00 11 -70 995 11 1,120 228,746 4 00 12-34 8-34 980 77 1 228,801 1-26 15-66 14-40 972 37 2 228,888 •86 16-20 15-34 957 03 3 228,969 •95 16-49 15-54 941 49 4 229,081 119 16-46 15-27 926 22 5 229,225 •94 15-59 14 05 911 57 6 229,321 1 03 16-55 15-52 896 05 7 229,411 •57 15-87 15 30 880 75 8 229,591 136 15-27 13^91 866 84 9 229,991 5-29 13-70 8 41 858 43 1,130 230,191 •52 7-35 6^83 851 00 1 230,421 3^67 15-58 11 91 839 69 2 230,491 147 15-52 14 05 825 64 3 230,581 •75 16-53 15-78 809 86 4 230,691 12 00 -48 11-52 821 38 5 230,770 15 20 •04 1516 836 54 6 230,876 16 40 •14 16 20 852 80 7 230,996 15-97 •57 15^40 868 20 8 231,052 16-00 •20 15^80 884 00 9 231,283 15-41 •61 14 80 898 80 1,140 231,373 15 92 •42 15 50 914 30 1 231,48' 15 47 •23 15 24 929 54 2 231,601 17 ^89 •83 17 06 946 60 3 231,779 14 20 •31 13-89 960 49 4 232,001 6-31 1412 7-81 952 68 .') 232,191 •85 16 00 1515 937 53 6 232,286 16 00 •22 15-78 953 31 7 232,410 15-39 -01 15-38 968 69 8 232,508 12-57 •09 12-48 981 17 9 232,595 13-40 •28 13-12 994 29 1,150 232.691 1G'31 •43 15-88 1,010 17 1 232,903 16-37 •55 15-82 1,0-25 99 2 233,280 8-78 •75 8 03 1,0.34 02 3 233,395 15-84 •65 15-19 1,049 21 4 233,498 15-29 •25 15-04 1.064 25 5 233,587 13-72 •02 1310 1,077 35 C 2.33,091 15-43 ■09 15-34 1,092 09 7 233,811 15-48 •05 14-83 1,107 52 8 233,951 14-48 -10 14-38 1,121 90 9 234,021 14-89 •14 14-75 1,136 05 I.IGO 234,111 15-08 •34 14-74 1,151 39 1 234,205 17-08 •10 16-98 1,168 37 2 2.34,291 15 -28 •37 1491 1.183 28 3 234,301 16-98 •10 16-82 1,200 10 4 234,443 16-82 •03 10-79 1,216 89 5 234,528 15 17 •15 15-02 1,231 91 G 234,009 15-89 •34 15-55 1,247 40 7 234,711 17-68 •25 17-43 1,204 89 8 234,879 10-01 •28 10-33 1,281 22 9 235,141 10-58 4 00 -58 1,287 80 1,170 235,341 4-00 15-21 11-21 1,270 59 1 235,451 1 -.33 10 00 14-07 1,201 92 2 235,501 •97 10-98 10-01 1,'245 91 3 235,051 1-15 15-92 14-77 1,231 14 4 235,711 •40 10-18 15-72 1,215 42 5 2.35,791 •44 17-97 17-53 1,197 89 r, 235,881 •73 17-17 10-44 1,181 45 7 235,901 •80 16-28 15-48 1,105 97 8 230,031 •53 17-33 10-80 1.149 17 9 230,101 •H5 10-98 10-13 1,133 04 Carried over. 236,101 1,133 O-* ^W^^"" :26 Levelling Register. — Continued. No. Diatuce in feet Back Fore Total of Station. from the River St. John. sight Sight. Difference. height in feet above the River St. John. Remarlu, 236,101 1~ 1,133-04 Brought up. 1,180 236,161 •75 16-93 1618 1,116-86 1 236,231 •00 16-50 16 50 1,10036 2 236,301 •44 15-32 14 •as 1,085 48 3 236,370 •34 17-03 16^69 1,068 79 4 236,419 •69 16-75 16 06 1,052 73 5 236,473 •39 16-84 1625 1,0.36-48 6 236,511 180 19-50 17^70 1.018-78 Small stream running cast 7 236,591 19 50 -37 19-13 1,037-98 8 236,636 15 •26 •69 14-57 1,052-48 9 236.681 14 55 •63 13-92 1,066-40 1,190 236,751 12-44 r32 11-12 1,077-52 Bench mark. No. 25. 1 236,891 16-52 1-10 15 -42 1,092-94 September 23. 2 236,982 15-49 •26 15 -23 1,108-17 3 237,061 15-08 •23 14-85 1,123-02 4 237,141 15-30 •67 14-63 1,137-65 5 237,227 15-78 •52 15-26 1,152-91 ti 237,311 15-96 •20 15-76 1,168-67 7 237,484 15-40 •44 14-96 1,183-63 8 237,748 5-52 15 27 9-75 1,173-88 9 237,821 -38 17 28 16-90 1,156-98 1,200 237,891 -28 i 16 02 15-74 1,141-24 1 237,961 -(:.4 1 15 73 15-09 1,126-15 2 238,01 1 -87 16-40 15-53 1,110-62 3 238,091 -46 15-86 15-40 1,095-22 4 238,151 71 14-84 14-13 1,081 -09 J 5 238,213 -15 15-56 15-41 1,065-68 6 238,291 -38 16-23 15-95 1,049-73 7 238,346 1-09 16-93 15-84 1,033-89 8 238. -I'M -39 16-34 15-95 1,017-94 9 238 1 -57 16-84 16-27 1,001-67 1,210 2.38,561 2-07 20 00 17-93 983-74 1 238,666 20-00 -47 19-53 1,003-27 2 2.38,719 15-39 •35 15-04 1,018-31 3 238,811 14-00 •68 13-32 1,031 -63 4 238,971 15-80 •37 15-53 1,047-16 ; 5 139,101 17-15 •36 16-89 1,064-05 6 239.341 14-58 -81 13-77 1,077-82 7 2.39,461 8-84 3-00 5-84 1,083-66 8 239,696 3 00 13-87 10-87 1,072-79 9 239,821 1-39 16-40 15-01 1,057-78 1,220 239,945 -62 16-68 16 06 1,041 -72 1 240,01 1 1-23 16-91 15-68 1,026 04 2 240,091 •50 16-29 15-79 1,010-25 3 240.161 -36 16-10 15-74 994-51 4 5 240,230 240,257 -36 -00 16-67 11 -66 16-31 11-66 978-20 966 -54 Surface of brook E. 6 240,301 10-73 18-73 8 00 958 -54 7 240,417 18-73 -20 I 18-53 !)77-07 8 240,491 13-83 •22 13-61 !)!)() -68 9 240,561 15-65 -03 15-62 1,006-30 1,230 240,611 15-25 •24 1 15-01 1,021-31 1 240,701 14-26 •07 14-19 1,035-50 2 240,783 14-64 •16 1 14-48 1,049-98 3 240.S36 14-14 •50 1 13-64 1,063-64 4 240,886 13-55 •31 13-24 1,076-86 5 240,956 16-95 •12 16-83 l,0i)3-69 6 241,017 1414 •48 13-66 1,107-35 7 241,071 13 07 •15 12-02 1, 1-20 -27 8 241,133 12-04 •48 1 1 -56 1,131-83 9 241,205 14-24 •22 14-02 1,145-85 1,240 241,311 14-11 •04 1 14 07 1,159-92 1 241,461 14-24 •06 14 IH 1,17410 2 241,876 16-73 •87 15-86 1,189-96 3 242.146 10-19 4 00 6 19 1,196-15 4 242.331 4 'Oil 14-08 ! 10 -08 1,186 07 5 242,431 -.S3 15-02 : 14-1.1 1 ! i. 171 -MS Carrioil over. 242,431 1,171-88 H II' I'! ~~ i f I .| i; I* Btt 26 Levelling Register. — Continued. No. Distance in feet BMk Fore Total from thn Diffisranee. height in feet Ronuulu. of Station. IKVUI UlU Kiver'St Jolin. Sight. Sight. above the River St. John. 242,431 1,171-88 Brought up. 1,246 242,541 •44 17-65 17^21 1,154-67 7 242,611 •92 16-28 15 36 1,139-31 8 242,686 •63 16-51 15 ^88 1,123-43 9 242,755 •36 17^06 16-71 1,106-72 1,250 242,811 •28 16 62 10-34 1,090-38 1 242,872 •32 16-50 16-18 1,074-20 2 f 12,946 •95 16^18 15-23 1,058-97 3 243,003 107 17^53 16-46 1,042-51 4 243,141 ■53 16-57 16-04 1,026-47 5 243,181 102 16-48 15 -46 1,011-01 6 243,311 1-49 17-74 16-25 994-76 7 243,383 {•20 16 05 14-85 979-91 8 243,511 •12 15-03 14-91 965 00 9 243,676 104 15 -68 14-64 950-36 1,260 243,773 103 15 -07 14-04 936-32 1 243,861 P69 15-85 14-16 922-16 2 243,903 ■69 6-69 6-00 91616 Bench mark. No. 26. 3 243,981 •31 17-85 17-54 898-62 September 24. 4 244,061 P23 16-50 15-27 883 -35 5 244,141 •20 16-63 16-43 866-92 6 244,211 •42 15-56 15-14 851-78 7 244,368 •91 17-55 16-64 835-14 8 244,452 106 16-49 15-43 819-71 9 244,511 ■81 16-82 16-01 803-70 1,270 244,553 •19 16-85 16-66 787 -04 1 244,595 •37 16-63 16-26 770-78 2 244,811 •20 30-80 30-60 740-18 3 245,003 30-80 2-69 28-11 768-29 4 245,031 1677 ■75 16-02 784-31 5 245,094 13-50 •16 13 -.34 797 -65 6 245,193 14 65 -57 14-08 811-73 7 245,315 13 04 1-08 11 -96 823-69 8 245,407 13 01 •22 12-79 836-48 9 245,528 16-39 ■95 15-44 851 -92 1,280 245,614 13-75 •10 13-65 865 -57 1 245,679 15-88 •60 14-98 880 -55 2 245,761 14 94 •49 14-45 895 -00 3 245,861 13-02 •23 12-79 907-79 4 245,934 14-50 •16 14-34 922-13 5 246,061 16-36 1 ■IS 15-23 937 -36 6 246,155 14-67 ■45 14 -22 951 -58 7 246,294 14-37 ■52 13-85 965 -43 8 246,411 13-93 •59 13-34 978-77 9 246,583 16-03 •02 1601 994-78 1,290 246,688 16 02 ■76 15-26 1,010 04 1 246,780 13-48 •78 12-70 1,022-74 2 246,918 16-67 •51 16-16 1,038-90 3 247,010 15-10 ■77 14-33 1,053-23 4 247,132 15-66 ■24 15-42 1,068-65 5 247,295 15 -.30 1-16 14-14 1,082-79 6 247,;J98 12-73 ■35 12-38 1,095-17 7 247,507 14 04 •22 13-82 1,108-99 8 247,777 13-50 ■78 12-72 1,121 -71 9 247,927 14-67 •43 14 -24 1,1.35-95 1,300 248,073 13-70 •62 13 08 1,149-03 1 248.191 14-98 1 02 13-96 1,162-99 2 248,317 14-99 1 14 13-85 1,176-84 3 248,421 15-20 2-88 12-92 1,189-76 4 248,525 13-10 -58 12-52 1,202-28 5 24,Sw49 16-11 1-13 14-98 1,217-26 G 248,!-(il 17-40 1-79 15-61 1,232-87 7 249,075 16-96 -28 16-68 1,249-55 8 249,'>(;i 15 -80 -88 14 -92 1,-264-47 9 249,424 14-88 -36 14 -52 1,278 -'If) 1,310 24n..-i(il 10-61 in 9 -50 i,aaK-49 1 249.811 8-64 •66 7-98 1,296-47 Carried over. 249,811 1,296-47 37 Levelling Register. — Continued. No. Distance in feet Back Foro Total from tliG Difference. hciiht in feet above the Benurlu. of SUtion. ■ ■VU. LlIU Sight. Sight. BWer St. John. Biver St John. 249,811 1,'296 -47 Brought up. 1,312 250,013 4-40 13-07 8-67 1,287-80 3 250,170 •84 16-44 15-60 1,272-20 4 250,399 1-84 16-37 14-53 1,257-67 5 250,680 1-50 13-99 12-49 1,245-18 (i 250,957 1-89 9 38 7-49 1,287-69 7 251,261 3-63 4^58 -35 1,236-74 8 251,652 6-80 P98 4-82 1,241 -56 9 251,896 UOO -88 1012 1,251 -68 1,320 252,089 12-36 1-44 10-92 1,262-60 1 252,370 15-58 1-60 13 98 1,276-58 2 252,718 7-57 14-16 6-59 1,-269-99 3 252,81 1 -26 16-63 16-37 1,253-62 4 252,897 •45 16-95 16-50 1,237-12 "^ 252,955 •40 16-92 16-52 1,220-60 6 253,01 1 •48 16 •SS 16-37 1,204-23 7 253,061 -77 16-ti3 16-06 1,188-17 8 25.3,118 -32 16-35 16-03 1,172-14 9 253,169 110 17^28 16-18 1,155-96 1,330 353,221 -80 16-35 15-55 1,140-41 1 253,272 -43 16-61 16-18 1,124-23 2 253,329 •79 17-27 16-48 1,107-75 3 253,382 ■15 17 03 16-88 1,090-87 4 253,446 -39 16-88 16-49 1,074-38 5 253,504 ■67 17-31 16-64 1,057-74 C 253,561 •21 16-62 16-41 1,041 ^33 7 253,614 -17 16-88 16-71 1,024 62 8 253,684 -49 17-29 IG-80 1,007 ^82 9 253,735 ■64 16-08 15-44 , 992 -38 1,340 253,799 •64 17-01 16-37 976 01 1 253,853 •62 16-79 1617 959 -84 2 253,896 •54 17-60 17-06 942-78 3 254,068 •70 14-88 14-18 928 •GO 4 254,176 1-23 16-65 15-42 91318 5 254.211 •15 17-47 17-32 895 -86 6 254,236 •10 16-35 16-25 879-61 7 254,261 116 16-68 15-52 864 -09 8 254,341 4-80 35-80 31 -00 833 -09 9 254,596 35-80 2-34 33 -46 866 -55 1,350 2.i4,671 13-88 5-36 8-52 875 -07 Bench mark. No. 26. 1 254,806 15-90 2-90 13 -CO 888-07 September 20. 2 254,908 11-42 1-21 10-21 898 -28 3 254,961 12-31 -32 1199 910-27 4 255,046 13-52 •28 13-24 9'23-51 5 2.-)5,167 14-80 1-27 13-53 937-04 G 255,361 12-45 1-41 1104 948 -08 7 255,561 7-84 -81 7-03 955 11 8 255,873 3 00 13-27 10-27 944 -84 9 256,076 1-87 14-00 12-13 932-71 1,3G0 256,181 -55 23-00 22 -45 910-26 1 256,273 23 00 •32 22 -68 932 -94 »_) 256,361 14-30 1 -90 12-40 .045 -34 3 256,809 2-79 17-24 14-45 9.30 -89 4 256,942 1-42 16-87 15-45 915-44 "i 257.027 •17 16-80 16-63 898-81 G 257,094 .50 16 57 16 07 882-74 7 257,161 •79 16-47 15-68 867 -06 8 257,239 •35 17-29 lG-94 850-12 !) 257,280 -.54 16-87 16 -.-13 833-79 1,370 257,343 •23 16-95 16-72 817-07 1 257,379 •00 16-78 16-78 8(K) -29 •) 257,424 •00 17-56 17-56 782-73 3 257,461 •41 16-94 16-53 766-20 4 257,521 •16 16-77 16-Cl 749-59 5 257,561 •10 17-62 17-52 732 -07 C, 257,611 •28 16-37 16-09 715 -.OS 1 257,719 -33 16-96 16-63 699 -35 Carried over. 257,719 699 -35 p £ 2 i'i I 28 Levelling Register. — Continued. No. DuUnce in fe«t BmI[. Fore Total fn>m the Difl-cronce. height in feet Remark!. of BUUon. River 81. Jolin. Sight. Sight. above tlio River St John. 257,719 699 -35 Brought up. 1378 237,776 •56 17-24 16-68 682-67 9 257,821 •55 17-29 16-74 665 -93 1380 257,879 •20 16-43 16-29 649^64 1 257,911 •81 16-73 15-92 632-72 2 257,927 143 17-26 15-83 617-89 3 257,957 •.38 16-83 16-45 601 -44 4 258,015 •35 16-55 16-20 585 -24 5 258,096 •34 77-62 17-28 567-96 6 258,121 •10 15-21 1511 552-85 7 258,161 9-69 1319 3 50 549-35 Large brook running east. 8 258,476 1319 -11 13 08 562 -43 Level of water. 9 258,579 17-20 •18 17 02 579 -45 1,390 258,661 1611 •66 15-45 594 -90 1 258,81 1 13 46 •19 13-27 608-17 2 258,921 13-60 •76 12-84 621 -01 3 259,061 11-78 •54 11 24 632-25 4 259,109 14-62 •80 13^82 646-07 5 259,151 14-92 •69 1423 660-30 6 259,203 17 •SO •71 1679 677 09 7 259,289 1523 •59 14 64 691 73 8 259.355 14^17 P12 13 •OS 704^78 9 259,471 13 63 •58 13 OS 717-83 1,400 259,593 14^40 •20 14^20 732^03 1 259,695 14-56 •47 14 09 746-12 2 259,871 11-97 1-50 10-47 756-59 3 259,977 13-44 P64 11 -80 768-39 4 260,071 14 25 •50 13 75 782^14 5 260,231 16-76 •54 16-22 798^36 6 260,531 13-71 4-00 9-71 808 ^07 7 260,635 4 op 17-13 13^13 794 ^94 8 260,771 -51 6-64 613 788 •SI Bench mark, No. 28. 9 261.031 3-34 •66 2^68 791 -49 September 26. 1,410 261,111 14-62 •42 14-20 805 ^69 1 261,171 12-94 •44 12-50 818-19 2 261,231 10^57 •11 10-46 828-65 3 261,315 12^19 •56 1 1 -63 840-28 4 261,411 12-65 •14 12-51 852-79 5 261,487 13-25 -14 1311 865-90 6 261,579 13-24 -11 1313 879 -03 7 261,681 16-79 -00 16-79 895-82 8 261,765 15-45 -47 14-98 910-80 9 261,956 16-68 -00 16-68 927 -48 1,420 262,051 14-88 1-21 13-67 941-15 1 262,171 16-67 -.54 16-13 957 -28 2 262,256 15-39 -09 15 -.30 972-58 3 262,341 12-80 -00 12-80 985 -38 4 262,441 13-73 -09 13-64 999 02 5 262,491 12-81 -34 12-47 1,012-49 6 262,565 14-33 -15 14-18 1,026-67 7 262,621 14-87 ■00 14-87 1,041 -54 8 262,686 13 09 •11 13-79 1,055-33 9 262,721 12-47 -16 12-31 1,067-64 1,430 262,771 14 07 -32 13-75 1,081 -39 1 262,826 16-43 -00 16-43 1,097 82 2 262,876 15-87 •03 15-84 1,113-66 3 262,951 16-98 •00 16-98 1,130-64 4 263.006 14-24 -02 i 14-22 1,144-86 5 263,047 15 -HO 1-26 14-64 1,159 -.50 6 263,101 15-48 1-62 1 13-86 1,173-36 7 263,171 14 -49 •13 14-36 1.187-72 8 263,211 11-84 1-35 10-49 1,198-21 9 263,271 15-34 •01 15-33 1,213-54 1,440 263,336 15-81 •(K) 15-81 1,229 -;i5 1 263,396 14-41 -52 13-89 1, '243 -24 2 263,466 14 -35 •32 ! 14 03 1.257-27 3 263,531 13-99 1 -00 13-99 1,271-26 Carried over. 263,531 1,271-26 29 Levelling Register. — Continued. Uo, DUUnee in foot Book Fore Total of Station. from the Sight DilTeKUcc. Siglit. height in feet above the Bemariu. 1 liver St. John. Kivcr St. John. 263,531 1,271-26 Brought up. 1 1,444 263,621 1311 •00 1311 1,284-37 5 263,706 16-59 •00 16-59 1,300-96 6 263,898 4 00 10-30 6 -.10 1,294-66 7 264,002 1-90 14-04 12-14 1,282-52 8 264,061 1-73 10-32 8-59 1,273-93 ] Bench mark, No. 29. 9 264,121 •59 16-58 15-99 1,257 -94 1,450 264,181 •79 16-61 15-82 1,242 -12 1 264,234 •50 17-11 16-61 1,225-51 2 264,270 •23 17-43 17-20 1,208-31 3 264,328 •21 1681 16-60 1,191-71 4 264,371 •35 16-20 15-85 1,175-86 5 264,448 •20 1710 16-90 1,158-96 6 264,487 •46 17-12 16-66 1,142-30 7 264,528 •09 16-85 16-76 1,125 -54 8 264,571 •00 16-77 16-77 1,108-77 9 264,621 •13 16-41 16-28 1,092-49 1,460 264,659 •42 16-04 15-62 1,076-87 1 264,708 •49 16 01 15-52 1,061 -35 2 264,746 •03 17 30 17-27 1,044-08 3 264,781 •38 7-52 7-14 1,036-94 4 265,921 •00 750^24 750 -24 286-70 5 266,921 750 -24 •00 750 24 1,036 94 Brook 750-24 fe«t lower 6 267,271 7-86 3-98 3-88 1,040 82 than this station. 1,140 7 267,571 12-25 2-29 9 96 1,050^78 feet distance, sighted 8 267,866 4^19 2-17 2^02 1,052^80 across the valley. 9 268,181 7-85 8-91 106 1,051 ^74 1,470 268,431 2-65 14 22 11 ^57 1,040-17 1 268,581 3-36 11 31 7-95 1,032-22 2 268,841 5-67 •45 5-22 1,037 -44 3 268.911 13-64 •89 12-75 1,050-19 4 268,966 14-78 105 13-73 1,063-92 5 269,086 16-32 -00 1632 1,080-24 6 269,141 12-69 1-94 10^75 1,090-99 7 269,221 1373 •00 1373 1,104-72 8 269,306 15-64 •51 15 13 1,119-85 9 269,371 14 -26 •73 13^53 1,133-38 1,480 269,429 11-49 •55 10^94 1,144-32 1 269,495 11-42 •71 10-71 1,155-03 2 269,551 15-69 1-26 14-43 1,169-46 3 269,671 11-60 1-09 10-51 1,179-97 4 269,746 13-16 2-43 10-73 1,190-70 Bench mark. No. 31. 5 269,821 13-30 •11 13-19 1,203-89 September 26. 6 269,939 16-28 •76 15-52 1,219-41 7 270,242 14-60 2 08 12-52 1,-231 -93 8 270,607 8-65 15-29 6-64 1,225-29 9 270.702 -95 16-70 15-75 1,209-54 1,490 270,772 106 15 -42 14-36 1,195-18 1 270,867 -92 15-90 14-98 1,180-20 2 270,918 1-20 16-81 15-61 1,164-59 3 270,980 107 15-83 14-76 1,149-83 4 271,037 •65 16-84 16-19 1,133-64 5 271,095 •41 16-97 16-56 1,11708 6 271,160 -29 16-79 16 -.50 1,100-58 7 271,214 -79 16 ■r9 16-20 1,084 -38 8 271,262 •57 17-00 16-43 1,067-95 9 271,303 013 17-68 17-55 1,050-40 1,500 271,347 100 2'i -00 21 00 1,029-40 1 271, 369 22 -00 8-90 13-10 1,042-50 2 271,506 1 -95 12-20 10-25 1,032-25 3 271.880 •79 16 06 15-27 1,016-98 4 272,022 2 or 16-93 14-93 1,002 05 5 272,072 •99 8-23 7-24 994-81 6 7 275,122 -on 814-7(1 814-70 18011 277,322 RH-70 -oo 814-70 994-81 Brook 814-70 feet lower R 277,422 15 -8S -8-. 15-07 1,009-88 thaii this station. 3,050 9 277,476 la-b-) 1-oi- 12 -2J 1,022-13 feet distance, sighted — across the valley. 1 277,476 1,0-22 13 Carried over. 1 ! PI ■ m 30 Levelling Register. — Continuid. ii No. DitUuco iu fee t D*ek Fore Tot»l Aom the Diifercnco.! Iwlght in fuet RoQurks. of Station. River St. John Sight Sight. above the River St. John 277,476 1,022 13 Brought up. 1,510 277,518 1315 •00 1315 1,035-28 . 1 277,597 13-52 •13 13 39 1,048 67 2 277,652 12-80 149 11 31 1.05a -98 a 277,737 11-96 114 10 82 1,070-80 4 277,902 1112 2 11 9 01 1,079-81 5 278,')72 7-79 4 00 379 1,083 60 G 278,252 4-00 14 03 10 03 1,073 57 7 278,272 2-43 14 26 11 83 1,061-74 8 278,362 -41 1224 11 83 1,049 91 9 278,412 ■46 14 08 13 62 1,036-29 1,520 278,442 -18 15 91 15 73 1,020 56 1 278,482 •86 15 25 14 39 1,00617 2 278,517 •34 15 75 15 41 990 76 3 278,537 •77 1618 15 41 075 •Sa 4 278,572 2-92 16-31 13 39 961 96 5 278,592 •71 15 38 14 67 947^29 « 278,604 2-68 10 86 8^I8 939 • 1 1 7 278,624 •47 15 79 15 32 923 • 79 8 278,647 1-53 1571 14^18 909 ■CI 9 278,682 2-75 16-49 1374 895 •N7 1,530 278,716 •03 15 99 15 96 879-91 1 278,747 •19 15 44 15 25 864-66 2 278,802 •67 15 05 14 38 850-28 3 278,825 •58 1516 14^58 835-70 4 278,862 113 15-53 14 40 821 -30 5 278,907 •45 10-53 10 08 810-22 6 278,962 •47 1616 15-69 794 -53 7 279,027 155 15-87 14-32 780 21 8 279,072 120 15-53 14-33 765 ^88 9 279,112 •93 1616 15 23 750 65 1,540 279,137 •05 16 08 16 03 734 62 1 279,172 1-60 1731 15-71 718-91 2 279,202 1-60 15 39 13-79 705-12 3 279,228 1-73 16 39 14 66 690 -46 4 279,257 •15 16 09 15 94 674 -52 5 279,292 •29 15 96 15-67 658 -85 6 279,322 •55 1713 16 58 642 27 7 279,357 ■55 15 70 1515 627-12 8 279,417 155 15 33 13 78 613 34 9 279,452 I -60 16-63 15 03 598-31 1.550 279,512 ■31 16 95 16-64 581 -67 1 279,547 •39 16 ■OS 15-64 566 -03 2 279,592 •08 17 05 16-97 549 06 3 279,622 ■00 15 74 15-74 533 -32 4 279,682 1 80 15 -46 13-66 519-66 5 279,712 ■34 16 06 15-72 503 -.94 ti 279,737 183 14 72 12-89 491 05 7 279,772 ■88 15 46 14-58 476-47 8 279,822 ■39 15-41 15 02 461 -45 9 279,872 172 15 59 13-87 447-58 1,5 CO 279,912 1 50 14-91 13-41 434 ■ 1 7 1 279.942 1 33 16-.'J6 15-03 419-14 .) 27,'),967 ■59 17 00 16-41 402-73 ;! ■ 279,997 •65 14^93 14-28 .•!88 -45 4 2HO,022 ■41 1419 13-78 374 -G7 5 280,062 •00 15 60 15-60 359 07 G 280,114 1^19 15-28 14 09 344-98 7 280,152 1 -73 14-69 12-96 332 -02 H 280,222 1 02 ] 16 00 14-98 317-04 9 280,324 ■96 15-30 14-34 .•J02-70 1,570 280,492 511 13 19 8-08 294 -62 I 280,532 3 80 14 86 1 1 -06 283 -56 ') 280,542 114 15 68 14-54 269 -02 3 280,567 4 02 14-90 10-88 258-14 4 280,667 2 69 1 1 -25 8-56 249 -58 I?ench mark, No. 32. 5 280,713 101 ICOl 15 00 234 58 SeiilfUibt'i- 27, L'arried over. 280,713 234 -58 31 Levelling Register. — Continued. No. Dittaneo in feel Uaek Foro Tatkl ham tho Dillurencp. height in foet Renurlii. of SUtloD. Sight. Sight. •bnn the Rirer St. John. River St. John. 280,713 2.34 -58 Brought up. 1,570 280,799 1 15 15-86 14-71 219-87 7 280,857 ._,.j 16-23 16 01 203 -86 8 280,922 •18 16-74 16-56 187-30 9 281,034 1-27 15-82 14 -55 172-75 1,580 281,117 1-79 15-72 13-93 158-82 1 281,122 8-68 13 05 4-37 154-45 Level of (Inm at Islnnd 2 281,572 13 05 4 00 9-05 163-50 15 foet across. 3 281,807 4 00 8-97 4-97 158-53 Level of Wftter in thr rivi-r Quatawamkodprwiciv. 158-53 Q. 100 ft. wide. 281,807 158-53 137-47 U. 4 282,022 8-97 5-70 3-27 161-80 163-24 G. U. 5 282,382 6 64 1-28 5-36 167-16 6 283,597 12-47 315 9-32 176-48 7 283,677 15-30 -72 14-58 191 -06 8 283,731 14-96 -14 14-82 205 -88 9 283,862 13-47 •43 13-04 218-92 1,590 283,922 13-48 -41 13-07 231 -99 1 283,972 15-27 1-30 13-97 245-96 2 284,031 15-68 -69 14-99 260 -95 .3 284.077 15 -47 1-12 14 .35 275 -30 4 284,164 15-63 2-25 13-38 288-68 5 284,260 12-70 •48 12-22 300-90 6 284,372 13-92 •16 1376 314-66 7 284,422 15-92 -68 15 -24 329-90 8 284,467 16-98 -79 16-19 346 -09 9 284,522 16-48 •68 15-80 361 -89 1,600 284,607 16-44 -50 15-94 377 -83 1 284,704 12-67 1-00 11-67 389 -50 2 284,779 16-13 1-27 14-86 404 -36 3 284,822 16-28 -85 15-43 419-79 4 284,882 16-68 •23 16-45 436-24 .-) 284,934 16-62 2-80 13-82 450-06 G 284,972 16-24 2-50 13-74 463-80 7 284,992 16-20 2-14 14 -06 477-86 8 285,034 17-18 2-26 14-92 492-78 9 285,060 16-08 1-91 14-17 506 -95 1,610 285,080 16-41 2 01 14-40 521 -35 1 285,116 16-72 3-03 13-69 535 -04 2 285,147 15-79 2-68 1311 548-15 3 285,195 15-70 -28 15-42 563-57 4 285,237 16-70 2-85 13-85 577 -42 .5 285,270 15-28 2-33 12 95 590-37 6 285,322 16-70 2-40 14 30 604 -67 7 285,.357 16-32 2-07 14 25 618-92 8 285,377 16-24 2-95 13-29 6.32 -21 9 285,407 17-69 1-82 15-87 648 -08 1,620 285,462 16-35 -03 16-32 664 -40 1 285,482 16-63 2-62 14-01 678-41 2 285,522 17-44 1-52 15-92 694-33 3 285,579 14 -58 -21 14-37 708-70 4 285,617 16-68 2-40 14 -28 722 -98 5 285,649 17-00 2 -53 14-47 737 -45 6 285,689 16-76 1-83 14-93 752-38 7 285,728 18-21 1-49 16-72 769-10 8 285,752 16-69 1 -33 15-36 784 -46 9 285,774 16-97 2 11 14-86 799 -32 1,630 285,794 17 07 1-81 15-26 814-58 1 285,8;)1 18-01 1-22 16-79 831 -37 2 285,.S62 16-76 1-46 15 -30 846-67 3 285,877 16-90 2-30 14-60 861 -27 4 285,914 16-95 2 -05 14-90 876-17 5 285,942 16-35 I -65 14-70 890-87 G 285,962 16-74 2-35 14-39 905 -26 7 286,005 17-32 2-15 15-17 920 -43 H '2S(;,n37 17-21 2 05 15-16 935 -59 9 286,102 15 -82 •14 15-68 951 -27 Carried over. 286,102 951 -27 I Levelling Register. — Continued. i No. Dbtauoo in fiiit Dacli Fore] Tot»l ttuiax the DifTerenee. height ill feet ■buvH tho Iti'marlit, of Station. SiKht. Bight. Rinr 8t. John. Rirar St. John. 286,102 951 -27 Drought up. 1,C40 286.142 1 7 53 2 42 IG-U 960-38 1 286,182 17-38 2-39 14-99 981-37 '2 286,227 1617 1-86 14-31 995-68 :i 286,2.')2 16 05 1-10 14-95 1,010-63 4 286,292 16 '27 •69 15-58 1,026-21 5 286,322 16-96 •07 16-89 1,043 10 6 286,352 16-84 •43 16-41 1,059-51 7 280,38.5 16-80 •31 16-49 1,070-00 8 286,418 16-87 •19 16-08 1,092-68 9 286,440 15-98 •29 15-69 1,108 -37 1,630 280,476 14-53 •32 14-21 1,122-58 1 286,.')02 16-25 •39 15-86 1,138-44 '2 286„')34 16-00 •00 10-00 1,154-44 3 286,.')92 10 -00 •00 10 •oo 1,170-44 4 286,0.-i2 15 -55 •11 15-44 1,185 88 J) 286,752 15 -48 •89 14-59 1,200 37 G 287,052 16-58 1 -50 15-02 1,215-49 7 287,672 2-30 10-30 8 -00 1,207-49 8 287,852 12-10 -28 11-83 1,219-32 9 288,059 10 04 •27 15-77 1,235-09 l.fiCO 288,217 14-73 -11 14-02 1,249-71 1 288,350 17-45 -00 17-45 1,207-10 2 288,477 15-15 •12 15-03 1,282-19 3 288,572 15-89 •16 15-73 1,297-92 4 288,662 15-59 •21 15-38 1,313 -.30 f) 288,799 16-47 -16 16-31 1,329-61 G 288,895 16-23 -31 15-92 1,345 -53 7 289,047 16-58 •40 16-18 1,.361 -71 8 289,317 15-04 4^87 10-17 1,371-88 9 289,577 4-87 15-87 11-00 1,360-88 1,670 289,732 2 13 17-28 15-15 1,. 345 -73 1 289,829 •91 16-90 15-99 1,3-29-74 2 289,967 •66 16-91 10-25 1,313-49 3 290,083 •41 16-58 16-17 1,297-32 • 4 290,192 •40 16-50 16-10 1,281 -22 5 290,342 1 -34 16-51 15-17 1,260-05 6 290,467 •65 17-00 16-35 1,249-70 7 290,642 17 00 -75 16-25 1,205-95 8 290,745 15-32 •28 15-04 1,280-99 9 290,887 13-90 •48 13-42 1,294-41 1,680 291,010 1514 •35 14-79 1,309-20 1 291.177 15-00 -.35 14-65 1,323-85 2 291,302 13-68 -07 13-61 1,337-46 3 291,417 15-37 •10 15-27 1,35-2-73 4 291,533 10-82 •26 16-56 1,369-29 5 291,629 15-92 •57 15 -.35 1,384-04 6 291,8.32 16-57 •13 16-44 1,401 -08 7 2,02,117 1 1 -36 2 00 9-36 1,410-44 8 292,487 2-00 17-59 15 -,59 1,394-85 9 292,687 •59 14-94 14 -.35 1.380-50 1,690 292.992 -08 17-27 17-19 1,303-31 1 293.277 1 -09 16-78 15-09 1,347-02 2 293,537 1 -41 16-55 15-14 1.332-48 3 293,817 -03 21 -00 20-97 1,311-51 4 294.207 21 00 2 -40 18 GO 1.330-n .5 294,454 12-82 •93 11-89 1,342 00 Renoli mark. No. 3." 6 294,629 14-38 -72 13 06 1,3.55-00 Sfpteniber 30. 7 294,777 16-07 •20 15-87 1,371 -53 8 295,017 8-10 100 7-10 1,378-63 9 2,95,317 1-00 15-00 14-00 1,304-03 1.700 295,607 -40 13 16 12-70 1,351-93 1 295,902 •44 17-75 17-31 1.334-62 2 290,311 •59 1 1 -.30 10-71 1,323-91 3 29G.852 2-93 15-53 12-00 1,311-31 4 290,997 1-19 17-13 15-94 1. -295 -37 5 297,117 ■7-1 10-32 15 'u8 1,279-79 Carried over. 297,117 1,279-79 33 Levelling Register. — Continued. No. DUUnee In feet lUck Kor» 1 OtIbranM. ToUl h«iKht in fiict RcnurU. ofStolion. from the RWer 8t John. Highl, Sight. Rivor 81. John. 297,117 1,279 79 Drought up. 1,700 297,220 •00 15-28 13 -28 1,264-31 7 297,3H2 ■58 17 02 16-44 1,248 07 8 297,5«(J ■82 17 07 \6-25 1,231-82 9 297,807 1-41 15 72 14-31 1,217-61 1,710 298,147 •74 108 .34 1,217 17 1 298,477 11 .33 ■22 11-11 1,228-28 a 299,087 9 30 14-38 4-88 1,223 40 3 299,217 •85 17 04 1619 1,-207-21 4 299,332 •94 17 53 10-59 1,190-62 5 299,422 •64 1G49 13-83 1,174-77 6 299,517 •61 16 93 16-32 1,158-45 7 299,628 •64 17 56 16-92 1,141-53 8 299,703 144 16-07 14 '63 1,126-90 9 299,870 •70 4-53 3 83 1,1-23 07 1,720 1 :100,017 13-71 •36 13 35 1,136 42 300,297 1511 -83 1428 1,130 70 October 1. a 30C,637 15-53 1-16 14 37 1,163 07 3 300,928 10 29 ■00 10-29 1.175-36 4 30 ',".02 1275 -18 12 57 1,187-93 5 .101,299 15 35 •76 14 ■59 1,202 32 6 301,717 11-70 2 00 9 70 1,212 22 7 302,017 2 00 17 29 15 39 1,196 93 8 3G2,217 118 24 00 22 82 1,174-11 9 302,b23 24 00 10 35 13 65 1,187-76 1,730 302,797 •89 1515 14 26 1,173-50 1 302,905 -42 16 69 16 27 1,157-23 2 302,977 100 1613 15 13 1,142 10 3 303,000 •00 15 48 15-48 1,126-62 4 303,227 •79 15^85 15 06 1,111-56 I 303,427 •17 16 ■5.' 1038 1,095-18 304,129 7 65 •59 7 06 1.102 •?4 '■ 7 304,3.17 15 10 -36 1474 1,116-98 i ^ 304,514 15 90 -35 15-55 1,132-53 9 304,C05 15 26 -05 15-21 1.147-74 1,740 304,717 15-32 •13 1519 1,102-93 1 304,877 15 02 -33 14-69 1,177 02 2 305,017 16-44 1-73 14-71 1,192 33 3 .105,332 2-67 16 46 1379 1,178-54 4 305,507 140 14-81 1341 1,105-13 5 305,C37 105 16 05 15 00 1,150-13 6 305,777 •69 16 29 15-60 1,134-53 7 305,874 -67 16 90 16-23 1,118-30 8 .306,087 •46 1713 16-67 1,101-03 9 306,224 •42 17 44 17 02 1,084-61 1,730 306,432 •79 16 75 15-96 1,068-63 1 .306,602 •36 14 94 14-38 1,054-07 2 .307,474 •El 1677 13-86 1,038-21 3 308,047 •51 17 22 16-71 1,021 -30 4 308,323 1-70 16-70 14-47 1,007-03 5 308,592 •66 16 59 13-93 991-10 6 308,777 •67 15 86 13-19 973-91 7 308,917 •65 16-95 16-30 039 01 8 309,057 •69 13 95 13-26 944 -33 9 309,297 113 17-85 16-72 927 -03 1,7C0 309,511 •47 15-12 14-65 912-98 1 309,697 •13 15-78 15-65 897-33 2 .309,799 -73 13-99 15-26 682 -07 3 309,917 •68 26-00 23 -32 850-73 Brook running west. 4 310,097 26 00 1-02 24-98 881-73 5 310,317 13 00 -61 12-39 894-12 6 310,617 9 84 -78 9-06 903-18 7 311,037 12 30 1-05 1 1 -25 914-43 8 311,425 13 06 •11 12-95 927 -38 9 311,667 1601 •57 15 44 942-82 1,770 312,125 14 00 -73 13 27 950 09 1 312,517 10-86 4 00 6^86 962-95 312,517 902-95 Carried over. Il>i .( ill; M Levelling Register . — Continued. No. UiiUnec ill (ixit fWiin tho B«k Fiiro niRhnnos Totel htishl in feci ■bovttlM of Htation. Mght. Hight. River St. .Tolm. Rivvr St. .lulm. 312,517 962 -95 llrought up. 1,773 312,817 4 00 13 •91 9 -91 953 -04 3 313,00ft 2 31 14 47 1216 940 -H8 4 313,417 2 13 15 21 13 08 927 -HO S 313.737 •42 16 93 16-51 911 -29 (> 313,977 2 02 16 94 14-92 896-37 7 314,107 •52 1641 15-89 880-48 8 314,23ft •flft 1659 16-04 874-44 !) 314,;i32 •71 16-99 16-28 848 16 1,780 314,43ft •37 \C,M 15-96 8.32 -'JO 1 314,ft07 1 17 16-74 15 ,^7 816-63 ■2 314,(i07 •34 17-24 16-70 799-93 3 314,(i!)2 •49 16 45 lfl-96 783-97 4 314,7(i7 •19 17-32 17-13 766-84 ft 314,847 •83 16-91 16-08 750-76 6 314,923 136 16-11 14-75 736-01 7 3Ift,007 •81 17-51 16-70 719-31 H 3lft,112 •70 17-77 17-07 702- '.'4 9 31ft,20ft •77 Ifi-46 15-69 686-65 1,790 31ft,329 •06 15-71 15-65 670-90 1 31ft,587 •19 16-40 16-21 634-69 2 31ft,802 •48 16-29 Ift-81 638-88 3 31ft,877 •a4 12-08 1 1 -.54 627 -.34 n<>nch mark. No. 34> 4 315,942 •08 15-00 14-92 612-42 October 2. 5 31(i,017 •75 I6-S9 15-84 596 58 () 316,047 •87 16-99 16-42 580 16 7 316,097 •74 16-60 15-86 564 30 8 316,132 •49 16-79 16-30 54« 00 9 316,187 •40 16-64 16-24 521 -76 1,800 316,217 ■14 16 35 16-21 515-55 1 316,417 •64 6-67 6-03 .109 -52 Water in .States Drook, 2 316,492 6 67 -86 5-81 515-33 1 8 feet wide. 3 316,517 16 '8ft -(Ml ie-85 532-18 4 316,569 1517 -13 15-04 547^22 5 316,617 13 50 •04 l;i-46 560-68 a 316,642 1601 •07 15-94 576-62 7 316,682 15 90 •39 15-51 592-13 8 316,737 15 75 •28 15-47 607 -GO 9 316,832 16 47 •52 15-95 623 -5ft 1,810 317,003 10 53 •15 10-40 633 -95 1 317,267 12 51 4 00 8-51 642 -46 2 317,505 4 00 13-76 9-76 632-70 3 317,547 145 16-01 14-36 618-14 4 317,611 •04 17 -.15 17-31 600-83 5 317,652 •75 16-63 15-88 584 -95 6 317,717 •42 16-62 16-20 568-73 7 317,842 5 -27 4-04 1 -23 569^98 At too il., small brook £. 8 317,892 16 22 •23 15-99 585^97 9 317,923 16 39 •12 16-47 602 44 1,820 317,967 16-81 •12 16-69 619 13 1 318,007 14-60 •69 13 91 633 -04 2 318,137 13 98 •35 13-63 646-67 3 318,317 17 21 1 15 16-06 602-73 4 319,062 16 21 1-97 14-24 676-97 5 319,367 10-50 -88 9-62 686-59 (i 319.630 15-60 -02 15-58 702-17 • 7 319,907 11 70 -.50 11-20 713 -.37 8 320,147 15 •GS 1 -52 14-16 727 53 1) 320,407 13 70 •52 13-18 740 71 1,830 320,616 17 09 •62 16-47 75718 1 320,775 1418 •60 13-58 770-76 2 320,982 15 22 •43 14-79 785 -55 3 321,217 14 60 1 20 13-40 798-95 4 321,393 13 04 •05 12-99 811-94 5 322,177 11 73 2 43 9 -30 821 -24 G 322,817 3-81 10-43 6-62 814-62 7 323,337 1-42 14-22 12-80 801 -82 Carried over. 323,337 801 82 86 Levelling Regintcr. — Continued. I^a. DUUnca In fxl ' IWk futv Tatal from tho Uiu Ht. John. Dllfcronoe.l haight in r««t jHtv* Ik* lilrer Ht. John. Bcnurk^ | alBMkm. Hilhl. BIkIiI. J 323,837 HOI H'J Brought up. 1 1,83H 323,G57 ^•oo 1615 14 15 787 67 u a23,U77 1-45 15-15 13-70 773 -97 ' l,H-4() 1 324,012 1 62 II -90 10-28 763 69 It iich mark, Nu. 83. 324,137 •90 14-59 13-69 730 -00 October 3. a 324.329 107 IG'37 15-30 7.'M-7(» :) 324,517 11.1 16 22 15-09 719-61 4 324,7r.7 •II 14 23 14 12 705-49 fi 324,937 ■86 16 99 15 -cm 690 40 G 325.187 142 15 57 14 15 676-25 7 32.5,332 1-97 15-11 1314 663 ■ 1 1 8 325,429 •34 15-53 15 19 647 -92 g .325,477 •00 15-33 15-33 632 -59 i.sno 32.-),747 2-68 1 -74 -94 633 -33 At 60 ft., imall brook E. 1 325,835 14-52 -00 14-53 648 -05 2 325,897 I2-H4 •41 12-43 660 -48 3 325,997 14-28 •70 13 .56 674 -03 4 326,147 13 -42 1 •SB II 84 685-87 5 32G,537 II -86 1-85 10 01 695 -88 6 327,037 7 -SO 1 -37 G-52 702 -40 7 327,3«7 10-39 1-09 9-30 711-70 8 327,G77 8 -.59 2-19 G -40 71810 9 327,8G7 14 -2S -34 13-91 732 01 1,8GU 328,045 16 -OS -14 15 -91 747 -92 328,247 IG-98 -03 IG-95 764 -87 2 328,.')07 15-31 •19 15-12 779-99 a .328,845 13-54 •GG 12-88 792 -87 4 329,752 10-91 4-34 G-57 799 -44 A 330,207 3 -.50 12-28 8-78 790-66 G 330,G77 1-74 14-59 12-85 777-81 7 330,937 •93 2 13 1 -20 776-61 Small brook E., 4 ft. lower. 8 .331, .587 7-48 5-70 P78 778-39 3 331,712 7 -92 •5G 7-36 785-75 1,870 332,2G5 G-70 \-8\ 4^89 7rM»G4 1 332,512 1 1 -08 •77 10-31 800-95 2 332,782 12-99 •89 12-10 813-05 • a 333,052 lG-48 35 16-13 8-29 18 4 333,282 12-92 •38 12-54 841 72 5 333,432 17-00 1 -38 15-62 857 -34 G 333,G27 15 SO -GG 15-24 872 -58 7 333,882 15-00 •45 14 ,55 887-13 H 334,287 13-57 4-(K) 9-57 896-70 !) .•134,577 4 00 1404 10-04 886-66 1,880 334,815 1 -09 1C21 15 12 871 -54 1 334,!!8G •J3 1719 16-66 Sa4-88 2 335,052 105 13 92 12-87 842 01 3 335,117 115 15 ^38 14-23 827-78 4 335,1 G7 -10 15-31 15 -21 812-57 5 335,197 -44 10-75 10-31 802 --2G G 335,287 •80 1 9 -.50 18-70 783 -5G 7 .•135,437 19 -.50 1 05 18-45 802 01 H 335,507 15-31 -.52 14-79 816-80 9 335,580 IG-31 •40 15-91 832-71 1,890 335,G72 15 17 •49 14-68 847 -.39 1 335,833 13-30 •44 12-86 860-25 2 33G,OG7 12-52 2 -58 9 -94 870-19 3 33G,G32 9-19 4-G7 4-52 874-71 4 337.122 7-50 G -25 1 -25 875 -96 r, 337,392 3-11 9 -93 6-82 869-14 G 337,G32 1-62 Hi -42 14-80 854 -.14 7 337,742 -91 lG-45 15-54 838 -80 8 337,822 -70 15-52 14-82 823-98 9 337,887 •45 14-88 14-43 809 -.55 1,900 337,949 •70 16-04 15 -34 794-21 1 338,012 1 •.•i5 15-G4 14^-29 779 -92 o 338,051 •37 12-40 12 03 767-89 3 338,242 •28 lG'2'.a 15-S-t __ e% 751 95 Carried over- 338,242 751 -95 f2 36 Levelling Register. — Continued. No. Distance in feet Back Fore Total Difference hei|;lit in feet Bemarlo. of SUtion. River St. John. Sight. SiRht above the River St. John. 338,242 751 95 Brought up. 1,904 338,292 •88 14-89 14-01 737 94 5 338,3.52 ■24 6-35 6-11 731 ^83 States brook E., 2flt. lower. 6 338,.543 13-64 •35 13-29 745^12 7 358,587 15-53 •36 15-17 760 ^29 8 338,847 11 00 •43 10-57 770 ■se 9 338,944 15-96 •01 15-95 786 ■SI 1,910 339,237 15-52 •10 15-42 802^23 1 339,507 M-92 4-00 10-92 81315 2 339,917 4-00 11 ^50 7-50 805^65 3 340,437 3-88 1 -88 2-00 807 ■65 4 .340,717 15-70 •68 15 -02 8-22 ■ 67 5 340,912 15-71 •52 15-19 837 ^86 6 341,107 16-70 •54 16-16 854 02 7 341,231 16-98 1-23 15-75 869^77 8 341,367 17-54 •35 17-19 886 -96 9 341,562 17-71 •09 17-62 904 -58 1,920 341,782 16-73 •26 16-47 921 05 1 342,002 18 00 •27 17-73 938^78 2 342,197 14 -.54 •42 14-12 952-9 3 342,637 18 00 100 17 00 969-9 4 342,887 9-10 3^82 5^28 975-18 d 343,417 3-82 11 41 7^59 967 -59 6 343,947 1-50 10 69 9^17 958 -42 7 344,327 2-76 1 ^87 •89 959^31 8 344,567 6-44 ■46 5^98 965-29 9 345,482 3 -68 4^08 •40 964 -89 1,930 345,937 3-37 10 86 7^49 957 -40 1 345.974 11-41 22^78 11 37 946 -03 2 346,367 22-78 1 10 21 ^68 967-71 3 346,737 14 -80 1 -m 13 20 980-91 4 347,412 16-70 1 -47 15 23 996-14 .5 347,832 17-10 ■66 16^44 1,012-58 6 34S,207 16-93 1 54 15 .39 1,027-97 7 348.437 7-83 3 ■SO 4^03 1,032 00 8 348.687 3-80 2 '50 1 ■ol- 1,033 -30 9 349,387 4-46 140 3-06 1,0.36-36 1,940 349,622 17-20 ■79 16 41 1,052-77 1 .349,837 17-83 •32 17 51 1,070-28 2 350,052 15-47 ■66 14^81 1.085 09 3 350,337 13-20 1 ^62 1 1 -58 1,096-67 4 350,637 12-59 141 11 18 1,107-85 5 351,137 17-11 3^88 13-23 1,121 -08 6 351,477 3-88 \\-n 7-89 1,113 19 7 351,737 2 -95 16 .30 13-35 1,099^84 8 351,957 1-27 17^02 15-75 1,084^09 9 352,137 -89 16^85 15-96 1,068 13 1,950 352,267 1-16 16^57 15-41 1,052 72 1 352,449 -18 1 7 ^07 16-89 1,035-83 2 352,597 -89 15^59 14-70 1,021 13 3 352,752 -56 1617 15-61 1,005-52 4 352,897 -87 16 ^96 ! 16 09 989 -43 5 353,043 -78 16^23 1 15-45 973-98 6 353,197 ■49 1 7 ^06 ! 16-57 957-41 7 35.3,287 107 17^09 1 16 02 941 ••39 8 ,353,377 ■.34 17^46 ! 1712 924 -27 9 353,487 -33 17-22 16^89 907 -38 1,960 353,637 •80 6 83 6 03 901 -35 1 353,737 6-07 7^80 1 -73 899-62 2 .353,887 7-80 2 15 5 -65 905-27 3 354,087 10^09 1 ■Hi 8^93 914-20 4 .354,337 13 -.50 1 ^25 12 25 926-45 5 354,.387 18-01 ■52 17^49 943 -94 6 .354,517 17 07 ■55 16-52 960-46 .",54,637 15-79 •95 14^84 975 -30 8 .354,937 13-58 4 00 9^58 984 -88 9 .355,107 4 00 15-43 11 43 973-45 Carried over. 355,107 973 45 87 Levelling Register. — Continued. No. Diitonco in feet Bask Fore Total front tlio Difference. height in feet above the Bemulu, of Station. ■ ■Vll> kltW Sight. Sight, River St. John. River St. John. 355,107 973 -45 Brought up. 1,970 355,195 1-82 7-82 GOO 967 45 1 355,212 7-82 1-82 GOO 973 -45 2 355,368 1 -82 1612 14-30 959-15 3 355,490 1-23 16-65 15^42 943 • 73 4 355,500 2-20 17-62 15 -42 928 31 5 355,690 1 23 8-39 7-16 921 •IS Brook running E. b* 355,750 8-39 4-65 3-74 924 89 7 355,900 13-97 •45 13-52 938-41 8 356,020 15-22 •45 14-77 953-18 9 356,200 15 -92 •39 15-53 968-71 1,980 356,690 17-55 •23 17-32 986 -03 1 357,100 7-08 216 4-92 990-95 2 357,800 15 -52 4 00 11-52 1,002 -47 3 358,100 4 -CO 15 40 11-40 991 07 4 358,410 1-41 14-02 12-61 978^46 5 358,580 1-09 15 98 14-89 963 57 6 358,700 1-03 16-98 15-95 947-62 7 358,800 •64 17-12 16-48 931-14 8 358,900 •50 1715 16-65 914 49 9 358,985 ■04 16 93 16-89 897 60 1,990 359,100 •35 17^28 16^93 880^67 1 359,450 •74 1613 15 39 865 -28 2 359,630 2-38 14-54 12-16 853 12 3 359,750 104 16-37 15-33 837^79 4 359,810 •99 9^80 8-81 828-98 Bench mark, No. 37. 5 359,900 •39 16^80 16-41 812^57 October 6. 6 360,075 •70 16-44 15-74 796^83 7 360,218 •00 16-29 16-29 780 -54 8 360,390 144 16-67 15 -23 765-31 9 360,475 ■00 17-28 17-28 748-03 2,000 360,604 1-69 14-34 12-65 735-38 1 360,928 2-57 1715 14-58 720-80 2 361,117 1 -57 1696 15-39 705-41 3 361,617 2 12 14-94 12-82 692 59 4 361,792 1 -28 6^84 5-56 687 -03 5 362,218 3 -01 9-11 6-10 680-93 G 362,520 1-82 12-44 10-62 670-31 Bench mark. No. 38. 7 362,825 3-01 7 -22 4-21 666-10 Beaver Stream. 362,825 666-10 CS mile s, 4,785 fc ct. i; HlWS'i^ ABSTRACT. Height of water in fJrand River, above the St. John . . . . 163 '24 feet. Ditto in Ili'stigouche 137-47 Ditto in Quatawamkodgwick .. .. .. .. 158-53 Ditto in Beaver Stream, . .. .. .. .. 666 • 10 (Signed) W. E. DELVES BROUGHTON, Royal Engineers. (Signed) J. D. FEATHERSTONHAUGH. 5 J8 Registry of the State of Instruments on arriving at the Grand Falls. August 14, 1840. Th. A- Th. D. A 29-252 68^ 68^ Troughton's. No. 1 .... 29-293 68i „ lvr.-™.«'. No. 2 .... 29-288 68* „ pewmans. 411 743-3 20 20 413 748-05 , 414 743-15 „ „ Bunten's. 416 743-0 „ „ 418 .... 748-1 „ Mbmorandum. Newmkn, Mo. 1. Do., No. 9: Capacity jV A- Neutral Point 29 -802 29 -802 Capillarity Att + -042 + -042 1000 1000 Temp. Fahr 68" SB' Record of Barometric Observations. Data and Time. Station. Bar. Heiglit. Th. A. Th. D. Remarks, &c. 1840 August 24, 8 A.M. Grand Falls • A. No. 1 411 29 134 29-148 740-1 68 67i 20 C9 North wind ; cloudy and threatening rain. 12 A. No. 1 411 29 -234 29-246 741-3 691 61i 21 70 4 P.M. A. No. 1 411 29-30 29-314 742-7 70 70 21 VO August 25, 8 A.M. Grand J'alls A. No. 1 411 29-526 29 -524 747-6 59 57J IG 61 North-west wind ; cloudy. 12 A. No. 1 411 29 -534 29 -540 748-0 G5i 65l 19 66 4 P.M. A. No. 1 411 29 -520 29-526 748-2 7 'J 72 22i 72 August 26, 8 A.M. Grand Falls A. No. 1 411 •29 -562 29-564 747-7 50} 491 11 51 J Wind north-wi'st. 12 A. No. 1 411 59-554 29-562 749-2 69 68 21 69 4 P.M. - A. No. 1 411 29 -564 29 -550 749-2 '•21 72 23 73 • The ObKcrvatory at tlie Ornuil Falls is 109 feet above the surface of tlic St. John, nt its intowcction by the exploratory duo Nortli Liue. 39 Barometric Observations. — Continued. i|Mi Dato and Time. Station. Iter. Height. Th. A. Th. D. Bemarks. 1840 August 27, 8 a.m. Grand Falls A. No. 1 411 29 -620 29-616 749-7 53^ 51i 12 54i Wind north-west. 12 A. No. 1 411 29-652 29-654 753-0 74} 72 •24i 76 4 P.M. A. No. 1 411 29-646 29-666 752-8 74J 74 24 75 August 28, 8 A.M. Grand Falls A. No. 1 411 29-762 29-756 755-0 61 59i 17 63 Wind sonth-oast ; clear weather. 12 A. No. 1 411 29-734 29-750 755-1 73 72 23 73 4 P.M. A. No. 1 411 29-684 29-70 754-2 76 75i 24^. 76 August 29, 4 A.M. Grand Falls A. No. 1 411 29-704 29-714 753-9 62 61 17 63 Wind south ; heavy and cloudy wea- ther. 12 A. No. 1 411 29-712 29-720 754-2 72 70i 22J 73 4 P.M. A. No. 1 411 29-684 29-692 753-7 75J 75 24* 76 8 A.M. On due north line station. No. Ill, p. 8. 2 413 414 416 418 29-388 746-6 747-1 746-3 746:9. 60 15 15 15 15> 60 August 30, 8 A.M. Grand Falls A No. 1 411 29-C34 29-650 752-4 60i 60 16 61 Wind south. 12 A. No. 1 411 29-612 29-624 752-1 67 66J 20 68 Wind south-east ; cloudy. 4 P.M. A. No. 1 411 29 -562 29-582 751-0 68' 68^ 20f 68J- Wind south ; cloudy. 4 P.M. On due north line station. No. 173, p. 9. 2 413 414 416 418 29-188 740-8 741 740 740-9 68 19 19i 19i 191 66 August 31, 8 A.M. Grand Falls A. No. 1 411 29-364 29-;iSS 745-9 64 C3i 13 64 Wind south ; cloudy. ' 1 i 40 Barometric Observations. — Continued. h 1 11 33} Frosty. 12 413 414 416 752-8 753 - 1 752 ■20} 20} 20} 4, p. 33. Height. Th. A. 2 413 414 4l(i 418 2 413 414 41G 418 A. No. I 411 A. No. 1 411 A. No. 1 411 2 413 414 4Iti 418 413 414 4l(i 418 A. No. 1 411 A. No. 1 411 A. No. 1 411 2 413 414 416 418 2!) -Hie 29 '.5U'J 747 8 29 S7C 29 -590 749 1 A. 29 568 No. I 29 -382 411 749-3 28 -472 722 -4 722 4 722 3 722 -5 28-484 72'.»-6 723 -0 722 -5 722-4 29 -490 29-512 748 -2 29 -5.58 29 -5ti8 749 I 29 -598 29 -C()2 749-4 28-410 721 721 720-9 720-8 28-7.'52 7-29 -d 730-2 729-8 730 29-842 29 -Has 7.'>4 -0 29-840 29-842 75G-C 29-830 'J9-830 756-8 28-976 731-5 735-4 735 -0 734-4 37 36) 53 52 I2J 60 60^ 16 44 8 8 8 8 54 13 13 13 13 45 44 i 7 58 58 14} 57i 57 14 49 10 10 10 10 50 10 10 10 10 34 33 1 Th. D. 54 54 13 29 li H U I* 37 Mi 60} 44} Ramarki. 45J 58 58 51 i 49 33J 47} 48} 47} 9 51 29 Wind south-west : dark fo^ and frosty. Wind north-west. Wind iouth'Wcst. Wind south-south' writt ; thick fog. Wind north-wrsf, blowing hard. Wind north-west, moderating. Wind north-west; frost. Wind north-west. Wind south-west. Hard frost; mercury rising fast. 40 Baromrtric Observations. — Continurd. D«t4i ind TliM. BUUon. Bm. Hdlhl. Th. A. Th. U. Remnrki. IH40 October 1, 4 I'.M. At itation on the rivulet . . 2 413 414 416 418 29-280 743-2 743 -3 742-9 743-7 41 S a 3 3 41 October a, 8 A.M. (trand Falli A. No. 1 411 29-810 29-810 735-8 33 '4 33 VViml weit-south- west; frost. 13 A. No. 1 411 29-789 29 800 73G 41^ 40 42 42 Wind west-south- west; niu. 4 P.M. A. No. 1 411 29-778 29-778 735-7 43} 43 71 45 Wind iouth-soiith- caat; misty. 8 A.M. Same placo m last evening. 2 413 414 416 418 28-230 742-9 743-2 742-7 742 -5 29) 1 1 I 1 29} 4 p.m. Oil marffin of the Caribou Plain, station 1,868, p. 35 2 413 414 416 418 29-000 736-4 736-5 736-5 736-7 42 3 5 S 5 41* October 3, 8 A.M. Grind Falls A. No. 1 411 29 -602 22-612 731-8 48 47} 8} 48 Wind south-south- east; misty. 12 A. No. 1 411 29-478 29 -492 748-9 54 53} 12 54} WinH "ruth-soiuh- rain and mist. 4 P.M. A. No. 1 411 29-344 29 -360 745 -3 59 58} 15 a.'M Wind aouth-aouth- cast ; ronstant rain. 8 A.M. Station lanii- an last evening, 1.868, p. 35. 2 413 414 416 418 28-842 731 -8 732 -2 731 -G 732-1 4G,; 8 8 s 46} 4 P.M. Four feet above station 1,907, p. 36. 2 413 414 416 418 28-610 725 -8 725 -9 7^>3-7 726 1 55 13 13 13 13 55 October 4, 8 A.M. Grand Falls A. No. 1 411 29 -432 29 -442 744-9 39 38^ 4 39 Wind south west ; rain. 12 A. No. 1 411 29-418 29 -426 745-4 10} 50J Wind south-west ; clearing. 4 P.M. A. No. 1 411 29 -396 29-410 745-3 54 54 12} 54} Wind south-west. 50 Barometric Observations. — Continued. 1 Date and Tuna. Btetign. Bar. Height Th. A. Th.D. BoBafka. 1840 October 4, 8 AM. Four feet abova station 1,907, p. 36, same as yes- terday. 2 413 414 416 418 28 -683 727-9 728-1 727-5 728-2 37 3 3 3 3 37 Uasettled squally vreather. r ; 12 1 i Same place 2 413 414 416 418 28 -692 727-0 727-2 727-0 726-9 46 8 8 8 8 46 More settled. 4 P.M. Same place 2 413 414 416 418 28-626 726-7 726-7 726 -6 726-3 45 H 46 Calm. ' October 5, 8 A.M. Grand Falls A. No. 1 411 29 -494 29-512 746-7 45t 45 74 45i Wind south-west. 12 A. No. 1 411 29 -454 29 -468 746-9 53^ 53 12 55 Wind south. 4 P.M. A. No. 1 411 29-384 29 -402 746-2 64 63J m 64J Wind south-south- west. 4f.m. October 6, 8 a.m. At five feet above itation 1,977, p. 37.i 2 413 414 416 418 722-9 723-2 722-9 723-5 44 6 6 6 6 43 43 Weather — raining very heavily. No. 1, which came up with the others too unsettled to register. Grand Falls A. No. 1 411 29 -396 29-412 74: -1 49| 49^ 10 49i Wind south-west; rain. 12 A. No. 1 411 29 -426 29 -440 745-4 49i 49i 10 50 Wind north-west; clearing. 4 P.M. A. No. 1 411 29 -450 29 -462 745-9 54 531 12i .55^ Wind south-west. 8 A.M. At same station as last evening. 2 413 414 416 418 28 -450 721-9 722-4 722 1 722-3 39 H H 38i Rainy bad weather. 4 P.M. On Beaver Stream, at due north line. 413 414 41G 418 731-4 731 -5 731-4 731-8 9 9 9 9 47 October 7: 8 A.M. A. No. 1 411 ■29 -ti4G 29 650 750-3 37i 3Gi 3 37i Wiiiil north-west) frost. ^ — - — -" ' 1 Barometric Observations.-— Canttniiedf. DateiadTtaw. SUIfeB. Btf. Height. Tkl. Th.D. JUaukk 1840 October 7, 12 Grand Falls A. No.1 411 29-724 29 -724 752-3 44 43i 7 44 Wind north-west. 4 KM. A. No. 1 411 29 -744 29 -744 752-5 484 48 9* 484 Wind noitli-west. 8 A.M. Camp oa Beav«r Stream, same as last evening. 413 414 416 418 734-8 735-2 734-8 734-7 -\ -* -* 324 Hard froat. 12 Same nlace 413 414 416 418 737-8 738- 738-5 737-9 8 8 8 8 40 K^^*1W^J fc#»«»^^*^ ••*« SV •••• ■• 4 P.M. Octob«r 8, 8 a.m. Grand Falls A. No. 1 411 29-786 29-790 753-9 33 31 1 34 Arrived too late from exploring. Wind north-west ; frost. 12 A. No. 1 411 !?9-7.30 29-740 754-9 56 55 13§ 564 Wind south-east. 4 P.M. A. No. 1 411 29 -630 29 -640 732 9 60 59| 60 Wind south-east and south-west. 8 A.M. Same station as last erening 413 414 416 418 739-2 739-3 739-0 739 -H -14 29 Octobor 9. 8 A..M. Grand Falls A. No. 1 411 29-772 29-774 755- 1 36 2 35 Wind north-west; fiVit. 12 A. No. 1 411 29-810 29-812 755-8 40 40 4i 43 Wind north-wett; strong wind. 4 P.M. A. No. 1 411 29-784 29-786 753-7 43 43 43 Wind north-west; blowing hard. October 10, 8 a.m. Grand Falls A. No, 1 411 29-8-28 29 -830 757-0 34 34 li 34 Wind north-west; Urd frost. ^J ■ «*«m«A m^ ^m* atfttv* ■*■*■■ •• 12 A. No. 1 411 29-760 '29-768 735-9 40 39i 40 Wind north-west. 4 P.M. A. No. 1 411 29-696 29-706 754-4 AH 43i 44 Wind north-west. Octubt-r il, 8 a.m. (J rand Falls .•■ A. No. 1 411 29-348 •29-364 743-5 32 31 32 Wind south-west ; hard frost. m^ A 1*AA\4 & V«AbM 9 % V*** *■ «V ■• H 2 11 Barometric Observations.— Continued. Date and Time. Station. Bar. Height , Tb. A. Th. D. RenuurkiL 1840 October 11, 12 Grand Falls A. No. 1 411 29 -242 29-262 742-9 39i 39l 39* Wind southwest; misty. 4 P.M. A. No. 1 411 29 064 29 -088 738-4 42 5i 42 Wind south; dark mist. 8 a.m. Five feet above the Beaver Strcani, at about six miles below north line. 413 414 416 418 730-3 730-2 730-3 730-2 -1 -1 -1 -1 30 12 About nine miles bi'low the north line, at the head of the Lake forming the mouth of Beaver Stream, five feet above water 413 414 416 418 729-1 729-0 729-2 5 5 5 36 - October 12, 8 A.M. Grand Falls A. No. 1 411 28-844 28-870 "31-3 46 46 n 45* Wind north-west; heavy rain. 12 A. No. 1 411 28-900 28 -928 732-2 44| 44^ 7 44* Wind north-west; clearing. 4 P.M. A. No. 1 411 28-964 28-990 733-6 44 44 6J 44 Wind north-west; cloudy. 8 A.M. About one mile on Lake Metis, twenty feet above water. 413 414 416 418 719-6 719-9 719-8 719-7 4 4 4 4 38 12 About two miles below the Lake, five feet above water. 413 414 416 418 722-6 722 -5 722 -3 722 - J 4} 4J 4 29 October 13, 8 a.m. Grand Falls A. No. 1 411 29-186 29-202 738-9 .37 i 37 3 37 Wind north-west; rainy. 12 A. No. 1 411 29-206 29-224 739-6 41 41 5i 41* Wind north-west ; snow. 4 P.M. A No. 1 411 29-232 29-246 741-0 42} 42 6 42* Wind north-west. 8 A.M. Camp Iiulf-way down soroiid Laki', ten feet above water. 413 414 416 418 730-7 730-8 7.30-6 730 -4 21 2i 2] 37 12 Five miles lower down the stream, five feet aliove the water. 413 414 416 4IG 732 -3 732 -4 7.1-2 -4 732-4 •H 5} 5i 38 ^- ftS Barometric Observations. — Continwd. Dsto knd Time. Station. Bar. Height. Th. A. Til. D. RemarksL 1840 October 14, 8 A.M. Grand Falls A. No. 1 411 29 070 29 -090 738-5 37 36^ 37 Wind south ; slight frost. 12 - A. No. 1 411 29-028 29 -046 737-4 44J 43^ 6J 44| Wind south-south- west ; rain. 4 P.M. A. No, 1 411 29-102 29-124 738-1 50 50 lOi 50i Wind west ; rain. 8 A.M. On Metis, at the end of first portage, eight feet above water, below Small Falls. 413 414 416 418 732 -6 732-4 732-4 732-2 2 2 2 2 35 Portage about one mile and a quarter. 12 On banks of the Metis, about six miles below last camp, five feet above water. 413 414 416 418 735 -5 735-6 735-5 735-9 6 6 6 6 42 4 P.M. At the Fourcho of the Itiver Metis; direction south-south-east; five feet above water. 413 414 416 418 742-2 742-4 742 -f^ 7 "5 5 5 5 40i October 15, 8 A.M. Grand Falls A. No. 1 411 29-352 29 -358 742-4 351 35 2i 351 Wind south-west; hard frost. 12 A. No. 1 411 29-386 29-400 743-1 42 4H 42 Wind north-west. 4 P.M. A. No. 1 411 29 -424 29 -438 744 1 42 42 5* 41i Wind south-west. 8 A.M. Camp on banks of Metis, about seven miles from Fourehe, five feet above water. 413 414 416 418 750-8 750-9 750-7 751-1 1 1 1 H 34 12 About one mile above the (ir.iiid Portage, twelve feet uliove water. 413 414 416 418 753-1 753-1 752-9 753-3 6 6 6 6 42 October IG, 8 A.M. Grand Falls A. No. 1 411 29-568 29 -580 749 29 28 -2 28i Wind north-west ; hard frost. 12 At fen miles above llu"(irand Falls uu Uiver St. John. A. No. 1 411 29-774 ■JO -790 756-7 43 ■ 6 46 Wind north-wost ; some snow. IJarometer three feet above the level of water. 4 P.M. The Observations at the (inuid Falls wire liiscou- tinned to-day at 8 a.m. III 54 Barometric Observations. — Continued. n J* '•i 'f5 Date lad Tinw. Sution. Bar. Height TtA. Th.D. «-«*. 1840 October 16, 8 A.M. Mouth of Metis River: high-water mark. 413 414 416 418 767-3 767-2 767-0 767.3 2 2 2 2 34 12 413 414 416 418 768-9 768-9 768-7 769 5* 38| October 17, 8 A.M. Twenty-one miles above the Grand Fal'.i, on the Kiver St. John. A. No. 1 411 29 -994 30-006 761-6 361 38 14 33 Wind north-east. 12 Grand Island A. No. 1 411 30-018 30 -032 762-0 43} 40 5* 38i 8 A.M. Mouth of River Rimouaky, high-water mark on St. Lawrence. 413 414 416 418 774-1 774-4 774-2 774-4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I October 18, 8 A.M. At the foot of Little Falls on the River St. John, or mouth of the Mada- WBska. A. No. 1 411 29 -986 30-006 761-5 29 -1 31i Wind north-west; hard frost. 12 North end of Bamrrd Island, eight miles above Little Falls. A. No. 1 411 29 -952 29-974 760-9 S7i 52i 12 54 6 A.M. Ten feet above hig-h-water mark, Riviere dc la pointe au Mc, one league from Trois Pistoka. 414 416 773-6 773-6 -1 -1 -2 -2 12 Mouth de la Riviere lie la pointe a la Lou]>c, four feet above high-water mark. 413 418 774-1 774-1 7 7 4 October 19, 8 A.M. Entrance of Lake Tcmis- quata. A. No. 1 411 29-730 29 -740 .'54 1 37 38 1* ,34 Wind west-so\itli- west; hard frost. Two feet above water. 12 North end rock in Lake Tpmisquata, nine miles below head of Lake. A. No. 1 411 L'9-638 2!) -650 75'.' -8 49 48i Si 48i Wind south. Two feet above water. 4 P.M. At barracks on Teraisquata Lake. A. No. 1 411 29 -562 29 -584 750 9 51i m 51i Wind south-west. Two feet above water. 8 A.M. High tide. River du Loup. 413 414 416 418 767-3 767 1 766 -9 767 7 7 6i 5 56 I I Barometric Observations. — Continued. Date and Time. Station. Bar. Heiglit. Th. A. Th. D. Remarks. 1840 October 19, 12 High tide. Kiver du Loup. •113 414 416 416 765-2 765-2 765-0 10 10 10 9 Broken. October 20> 8 A.M. Barracks on Lake Temia> quata, M yesterday. A. No. 1 411 39-414 29 -444 747-2 18 63 Wind west-south- west. 12 Opposite thirty-three mile post, on portage. A. No. 1 411 28 -828 28-834 732 -3 56i 571 14 56 Wind west. 4 P.M. Top of Loon Mountain, on portage, within 300 yards of twenty-nine mile post. A. No. 1 411 28-398 28-414 721-2 501 51 101 501 8 A.M. Same place as yesterday, at Du Loup. 413 414 416 759-2 759-5 750-1 13 131 131 12 12 12 4 P.M. Same place 413 414 416 760-9 760-9 760-9 13 101 10 10 10 October 21, 8 A.M. 100 yards north of twenty mile post, on portage one and half feet above water. A. No. 1 411 28-978 28-990 735-7 40 40 31 361 Wind north-west. On small stream. 12 At the bridge over the St. Francis, level with water. A. No. 1 411 29 152 29 174 740-4 521 54 11 511 Wind west-north- west. 8 A.M. High water mark. Riviere du Loup, as yesterday. 413 414 416 764-6 764 -5 764-5 n 7 ' 7 7 13 Same nlace 413 414 416 764-6 764-5 764-3 11 J UJ Hi 101 10} 101 4 P.M. 413 114 416 762-6 762-7 762-5 HI 111 11 10 10 10 '11 51 "Sf'f-'.l 56 Abstract of Barometric Observations made at Beaver Stream and various Stations on the Metis, to its Mouth in the St. Lawrence, above high tide at Chapel Lj,r, in the River St. John. At Boavcr Stream 1,012 feet. Six miles below North Lino . . . . . . . . . . . . 954 Nine miles below North Line ., .. .. .. .. 902 First Lake Metis 847 Two miles below Lake . . . . . . . . . . . . 820 Second Lake Metis 779 Three miles below Lake . . . . . . . . . . . . 743 Seventeen miles below Lakci at the Portage, .. .. .. 615 Six miles below Portage . . . . . . . . . . . . 455 Fo\irche to the eastward . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 Seven miles below Fourcho . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 One mile above the Falls .. .. .. .. .. .. 137 Mouth of the Metis River -130 57 No. 4. Captain Broughton and Mr. J. D. Featherstonhaugh to the Earl of Aberdeen. My Lord, London, February 11, 1842. WE have the honour to report, for your Lordship's information, that in pursuance of the instructions dated 3rd of May, 1841, received from Viscount Palmerston, we proceeded to make an exploration of the country named in those instructions ; the result of which we now submit to your Lordship, accompanied by a general plan of the country and a section of the line passed over, together with a registry of the barometric observa- tions taken along its entire course. On the 21st of June, we proceeded from Quebec to the extreme western point on Lake Memphramagog, when having ascertained that it was bounded on its western side by a chain of lofty mountains, we passed as near as practicable along the 45° north lat. to its intersection with the Connecticut River. This portion of the country is mountainous and broken, and is deeply indented by streams. On ascending the Connecticut from the 45° north lat. to its head, we crossed its tributaries on the western side, including Hull's Stream, Indian Stream, and Perry's Stream ; these being the three largest which occur, but which arc all inferior in volume to the main stream or Con- necticut.* From the head of the Connecticut (which is a small lake) the country becomes extremely mountainous ; the general direction of the chain north-easterly, averaging at least 2,500 feet above the tide water in the St. Lawrence at Quebec, an ' presenting a visible mountainous elevation of about 800 feet above the general level of the country as far as the monument on the Kennebec road. On arriving at the Kennebec road, we visited the highest summit of the Bald Mountain Ridge, elevated about 3,624 feet above the tide water at Quebec. This is a spur breaking off from tiie main Ridge about six miles south-west of the monument on the Kennebec road, which, pursuing an easterly direction, divides the branches of the Moose River (a tributary of the Kennebec) from the Penobscot waters. An extensive view of the country was obtained from this mountain, with which the result of our subsequent explorations fully agreed : con- firming the fact, that the chain of Highlands from the Connecticut River, on reaching the sources of Mefjarmette, continues on in a north-easterly direction, crosses the northerly branches of the Penobscot, and then becomes identified with the Keeaquagum mountains, south of the St. John : whilst the country between the Metjarmettc and the Etchcmin presents the appearance of an extensive plain, bounded on the north, by a chain of lofty mountains, stretching far to the west, and occupying the line of Highlands which is the continuation of that line claimed by the United States. From the monument on the Kennebec road to the Metjarmettc the Range continues more northerly, and is of a somewhat lower elevation, averaging about 2,200 feet above the tide water in the St. Lawrence at Quebec, and presenting a visible elevation of about 600 feet above the general level of the country. The chain of mountains continues as stated above, in the same north- easterly direction, broken through in many places by small br.inches of the Penobscot, until it reaches the southern sources of the St. John, where, dividing them from the Penobscot waters, it becomes identified with the Keeaquagum mountains, as laid down upon Map A accompany- ing the Report laid before Parliament in 1H40. • No doubt can possibly exist to any one who has travelled this portion of the country, as to neither of the above Tributaries being the main river Connecticut, as has been asserted. I i«, 58 On leaving this continuous chain, at the heads of the Metjarmette, to cross the plain to Lake Etchemin, which lies nearly due north from thence, the country assumes a totally different character, and may be represented in general terms as a flat morass ; for the highland features cease altogether, and no chain or ridge is any longer observable to break its flat character. It is true, that an isolated mound here and there occurs, and that, like many other table-lands, it is an elevated flat ; Lake Etchemin, which is upon its extreme edge, being alwut 1,248 feet above high tide in the St. Lawrence at Quebec; out many parts of the plain are lower than Lake Etchemin itself, and for miles around, nothing IS to be seen but a country of similar appearance. This portion of the country was twice explored on different lines, and on both occasions we came to the same result, viz : Tnat thia it an extensive plain about twenty-five miles in breadth, intervening and cutting off the Highlands claimed by the United States of America, from any connection with the Range extending from the heads of the Connecticut to the heads of the Metjarmette, these Highlands being, however, represented on the American map of Mr. Bumnam as existing and crossing this plain between these points. In a north-western direction from Lake Etchemin, and distant about five miles, a lofty Range, which, as has been before stated, is the continua- tion of the line claimed by the United States, crosses the River Etchemin and the road to Quebec, and continues to the south-westward ; whilst the same chain running from Lake Etchemin in a north-easterly direction, divides the waters of the Du Sud from some of the western sources of the St. John, until at length losing, with some abruptness, its lofty character, it gradually ceases altogether before it reaches Black River, and an extensive swamp of spruce trees commences, which extends for about twelve miles, and in which the sources of Black River and the River Quelle take their rise. In thus briefly noticing the nature of the country we passed over, it has been our desire not to trespass too long on your Lordship's time ; and we beg to refer to the accompanying Map and Section, which we trust will furnish every desired information. It only remains, therefore, to state, that from the circumstance of its having been an unusually dry summer, the streams were very often dried up at their sources, which exposed our party to such privations that our Indians and guides repeatedly deserted us ; this occasioned so much delay, that on arriving at the River Ouelle, the season was too far advanced to permit us to proceed any further ; we, therefore, returned to Quebec to make the necessary arrangements for returning to England. We have, &c., (Signed) W. E. DELVES BROUGHTON, Royal Engineers. (Signed) J. D. FEATHERSTONHAUGH. 111 59 Explanation accompanying the Barometric Registers. \ nrefatorv notice of the mode of conducting the annexed baro- metrical obsprvations, and of the construction of the barometers used m them, is deemed advisable. „ . , .• The barometers which were selected for the summer's operations, were sixteen in number, thirteen of them made by M. Bunten Pans, of the 8Vphon construction-the zero being in the middle, and reading with verniers from it, both up and down, the sum of these readings being the height of the mercurial column in millimetres, tenths and (by estimation) ^""^The^other barometers were graduated in English inches and tenths, reading with a vernier to two thousandths of an inch. One of Troughton and Simms's construction (A), with a guage or zero point, to wh^h the surface of the mercury in the cistern is to be carefully adjusted by a screw beneath, before an observation can be made. And two made by Newman (No. 1 and 2) without a guage noint, for which a correction by computation is necessary, as also for capillarity, ■ j After several comparisons of all the instruments, it was deemed advisable to take with us only a certain number of the synhon barometers, and to leave the rest in the observatories at Quebec and Lake Ltchemin. Therefore, three of the syphon barometers were selected to be sent to Lake Etchemin, four to Quebec, and the remainder, six in munber, were reserved to accompany the expedition through the woods. The large mountam barometer of Troughton and Simms, with one of Newman s were also left at Quebec, whilst the other of Newman's was sent to Lake Etchemin ; but both of these last barometers had sustained so much injury during the previous year, that no dependence could be placed upon their mdica- *'"" The syphon barometers were divided into sets in such a manner that the means of each set should harmonize as much as possible, and thus avoid the necessity of making any correction for individual error. XVhen- ever opportunity offered, these sets were again compared with each other, and, if required, such alterations were made as to correct any difference m the means of each set. . „ • ^ • u . i.i It was found that such a discrepancy occasionally existed between the barometer (A) of Troughton and the syphons, which could not be charged to the latter, on account of individual agreement, that it was also thought most advisable to reject its registry as being very often erroneous, pro- bablv on account of the great precision and nicety required in adjusting the zero, and possibly owing to some damage it might have received durine: the two previous years. , ^ .u j ^u The rcffistry, therefore, is given in miUimcHrcs and tenths, and the temperatures in degrees both of Fahrenheit and centigrade thermometers. la Th Til. I Th. 61 Comparijton of Barometers at Quebec, May '23rd, 1841. Th. D. F. Th. A. C. nw. Height. Corrcetod for Tamil. 3,049-86 HI- 4 « 763-46. 2,288-30 -♦- 3 = 762-77. 4,576-54 -f- 6 = 762-75. 59 15f ISJ I6J 16 IS* isJ 16 15f 16t 15J 15J 16 16 411 413 414 416 377 418 429 4S6 457 458 459 460 461 762-65 762 -SO 762 -6S 762 -00 763-00 762 -40 762-80 761-90 763 00 763-00 762 -65 763-10 762-90 763-67 763-53 763-67 762-00 763 -OS 762-45 762-80 761-92 762 -92 763-02 762-68 763-10 762 -90 Comparison of Barometers at Quebec, May iHth, 1841. Til. D. F. Th. A. c. Bar. Holght Correeted for Temp. 59 16 411 756 -20 756 -20 m 413 756 30 756-28 16 414 756-20 766 -20 16 416 766-00 756 00 3,024-68 ■+- 4 = 756-17. 15J 377 756-30 756-32 16* 418 756-00 755 -95 16* 429 756-10 756 -07 2,268-34 -«• 3 = 756-11 16i 456 755-30 755 -25 16* 457 736-30 756-25 16i 458 756 -30 756-25 16} 459 735 -90 755 -82 16* 460 756 -40 756-38 16 461 756-30 756-30 4,536-25 -1- 6 = 756-04. ,1 Comparison of Barometers at Quebec, May 27th, 1841. Th. D. F. Th. A. C. Bar. Height. Temp. • 61 18J 411 758-8 758-72 18J 413 7.'«8 -6 758-32 18} 414 739 -5 759 -42 18* 416 759-3 759-25 3,033-91 -t- 4 = 738-98. 18} 377 758-9 758-82 18i 418 758-9 758-85 m 429 758-6 758-58 2,276-25 H- 3 = 758-75. 18^ 456 758-5 758-45 isl 457 759 -S 759-75 ISj 458 759 .Q 759-85 18 459 758-9 758-90 ■ 18 460 759-3 759-30 18| 461 759-1 759 -05 4,555-30 -t- 6 - 759-21. 62 liecord of Barometric Observatioiu made at ilv Fixed ObxervatoriKM, wid at tht Principal Statiotu along the linet of Survey. SUtion. Btf. HirfgM. Th. A. fh. a R«imrluk Time. F. 1 C. F. C. Juiiu 3, S A.M. Qiicpn'a Wharf 411 4i:< 414 416 759-4 M 11 60J Wind nurth-weit ; cloudy. 12 St. Anielme 456 457 438 745 ■■ 47 8 45 i Queen's Wharf .... 411 413 414 7A9-4 60 15i 59i 416 4 P.M. Frampton Hill 456 457 451 730-2 56 13 51 Quocns WTiarf 411 413 414 41G 758 -9 62 \^ 01 Bridge on L'enu C'haudc. 45G 457 458 734 -9 62 164 58 Juno 5, 8 A.M. l«ike Etrhcmin, five fi'ct above water. . 377 418 42!) 722-5 53 Hi 53 Wind north-west ; cloudy. Uidge five miles south of l.JiIie Ktchorain. 456 457 458 718-9 52 11} 50 10 Wind north-west. June 9, 8 A.M. Custom-hcuso, 25 feet above hij^h fide in the St. Lawrence. 411 413 414 410 456 759-6 65 18i 634 Wind ua.M. Lake Etchemin .... 377 41« 429 726-9 02 16il 62i Custom-house .... 411 413 414 416 45fi Wind south, gentle 759-0 67 19* 65J Lake Etchemin . . . , 377 418 438 726-6 68 20i 684 Wind south-west. 83 Record of Barnmetric Obscrvationa. — Ctmtinued. Tlnw. BtoUon. Bar. n*ight. Th. A. Th. P. Rimariu. r. C. F. C. 1841 Junn 10, 8 A.M Cuitom-houM .... 411 413 414 4l(i 4.5(i 730 -8 69 20} 65^ Wind west. 4 P.M. Lake Etchemin .... .177 418 429 727-4 76 241 73J Wind west. Cuiitom-hout.v< .... 411 41.3 414 416 4.'>6 7M-1 74 23| 75J Wiml wont. Lake Etchemin .... 377 418 429 724 -3 71 21 1 72J Wind west. Juno 12, 8 A.M. Cuitomru-house 411 Wind smith-west. 413 414 416 757-^ 73i 23 V2 I-ike Etcl^'u.iii .... 377 ♦ 18 129 724-4 59 15 60 Wind west. Connecticut River, between first and second lakes. 456' 457 458 459 461 708-1 59 15 56} 13} July 8, 8 A.M. Custom-house 411 Wind south-west. 413 414 759-7 73} 23 73 416 T..ike Etchemin .... «77 418 429 726-3 57 '■» 591 Wind north-west. 12 First Lake Connec- ticut. 703 -8 5Ci ).'! !^7 14 Custom-house 411 Wind north-west. 413 414 759 73} 23 7-2i 416 Lake Etchemin 377 418 429 72G -5 6G 19 60} Wind west. 4 P.M. Top of ridpe dividing the Connecticut and Margallaway. 4J6 457 458 459 461 C84-8 63 171 61J IGl 1 I^e Etohcmiu .... 377 418 429 726 5 OS 20 68i Wind west. i 71 Record of Barometric Observations.— Cbn/tnufrf. Date MM Time. ' Station. D«r. Height. Th. A. Th. D, Renuluk F. C. P. C. 1841 July ti j 4 i' { IW.p; divi'iiing th': 456 Wind west. ; CoDIlCCtlOUt f,\l(i i 457 ; St. i-'ranf.s wat«!ra. 458 ! 459 693-0 64^ 18 69 16} ^ 461 Ju!y 9, 8 A.M. Custom-house 411 413 414 Wind west, fine. 759-1 p.; 19 66} 416 Lake Eichcmin .177 Wind west. 418 727-7 57J 144 57J 429 1 Swanij. sources of St. 456 truncia, north uf 458 ist lake Connecti- 457 714-5 59 15 55} 13 cut. 459 1 * 4 P.M. 4G1 Custom-house 411 413 414 Wind south, rain- 758-0 65J 18} 66} ing. 415 Lake Etchcmin 377 Wind south-west. 418 429 726-7 57 14 58} raining. The same swamp . . . 456 457 458 717-9 64i 18 61} 16i 459 461 July 10, 12 Custom-house 411 Wind souili-wcst, 413 414 752 -9 65} ISJ 66 cloudy. 416 Lake Etchcmin 377 Wind south-west. 4KS 429 719-S 55i 13 56 roinmg. Top Ben D'Urbin . . 45G 457 45S 459 4C1 686-6 511 lOJ 51 10} Wind south-west, raining. S P.M. Custom-house 411 413 Wind west, rain. 414 753-2 67 19} 67 '-.nke Etchcmin 416 377 >\'ind south-west. 418 429 720-5 S7J Hi 58 rain. 1 Ron D'Urbi'! same 456 1 tVind Eoiuh-ut'st, place aa noon 457 rain. 458 6S7-6 52 11 52 11 459 461 72 Record of Barometric Observations. — Continued. F Bar. Til. A. Th. P. Rcmsrlii. Date and StatioD. Time. K. C. P. C. 1841 July 1 1, Cuatom-liouse 10 A.M. 411 4ia 414 757 -2 C4 17J C4 Wind north-west, clearing. 41ti Lake Etchcmin 377 418 4-29 723-9 53 llj 53} Wind north-west. Top of ridge 4.5G 457 Wind north-west, fair. 4,-)8 G89 -2 48 9 48 9 459 2 p.m. 4GI Ijjke Etchcmin 377 418 7'24-l 58J 14} 58} W'ind west., 4-29 In a swamp 456 457 458 Wind west, fair. C98-4 56i 131 55} 13 459 4 P.M. 4C1 Lake Etchemin 377 418 724-0 61 16 61i Wind west, fair. 4-29 Top of ridge 45C 457 458 Fair. C85'4 54i 12i 53} 12 459 4U1 July 12, 8 A.M. Custom-house 411 Wind west, clear. 41.'i 414 757 -e 70} 2H 68 4IG Lake Etchcmin 377 4IS 724 54 12J 54J Wind west. -.29 1 Gipp's peak, cstinia- tod 300 feet below the top. 450 457 458 459 1 G84-5 50 8 4G 7} Wind north-west, clear. 10 am. 4G1 L;ikt Etchcmin 377 4IH 1 7-24 -0 58 m 58i Wind west. 4-29 Small river foot of 45G Gipp'8 peak. 457 458 459 70G-7 55i 13 551 13 12 4G1 _ Lake Etchemin. . . . 377 413 724-2 GO 15J 60 Wind noith-west, fair. 429 Top of ridge 45f 457 45(: Wind north-west. ! C94-7 58 14j 60 15J 45!; » 4G1 ■H 7» Record of Barometric Observations. — Continued. Oateud Time. SuUon. Bar. Height. Th .A. Th . D. Romarlu. P. C. F. C. 1841 July 12, 4 P.M. Cuitom-houso 411 413 414 416 757 -0 70} 21} 70 Wind north-west, lowering. Luke Etchpniin .... .177 418 429 724 -2 62J 17 63 Wind north-west. Arnold's River 4.5C 457 4.') 8 4J9 4G1 706-7 59 15 58 14} July 13, 10 A.M. Custom-houso 411 413 414 41G 758-2 73 22} 72 Wind soutli-west, clear. Lake Etchrmin .... 377 418 429 725-1 64J 18 66} Wind west. 12 Top of iVIount Gos- ford. 436 4.->7 458 459 4G1 665 -2 61 16 61} 16} Lake Etchcmin .... 377 418 429 725-7 70 21 fi9J Wind west. 5 P.M. Top or ridge 456 457 458 459 461 694-2 65 18>- 65 18} Lake Etchemin .... 377 418 429 726-5 741 23J 76 24} Wind west. Summit of mountain, six miles south of Lake Macauamac. 456 457 458 459 461 691-7 67 19' 68 20 July 14, 8 A.M. Custom-house 411 413 414 416 759 -9 75-, 24i 73 Wind south-west, clear. Lake Etchemin . . . 377 418 429 727-2 62 Ifi:] 64 Wind west. Camp 456 457 458 459 461 704-7 61 16 61 IC Wind south-west, dear. Iriaiifcl lll'll 74 Record of Bammefric Observations. — Continued. Date Mill Time. StOion. Bir. llalght. Th. A. TluP. Bvmufci. F. C. F. C. 1841 July 14, 10 A.M. Laku Etclicmin .... 377 418 429 787-6 70i 214 71i Wind '""th .west. 12 Ridofo ......•«.. 45G 437 458 459 4G1 707-8 70i 21i 70} -''i Luke Etchomin .... .377 418 429 727-8 74i 23| 73 Wind south-west. 2 P.M. 2} P.M. 3 P.M. Two miles north-cast of lost xtntion. 456 457 458 459 .561 724-9 71 01? 70 21 Wind south-west. Lake Etc .... 377 418 429 727-4 73J 23 74 Wind south-west. 456 457 458 459 461 719-4 70J 21i 711 22 Lake Etchcmin .... 377 418 429 727-1 73i 23 73J Wind south-west, rain. 4 P.M. Highest point of peak. 457 713-4 71i 22 713 'JO Lake Etchcmin .... 377 418 429 72G-8 7H ■J1 73J Wind south-west, rain. Bottom of hill 456 457 458 4.59 461 720-9 68J 20J 70 21 July 15, 8 a.m. Custom-house 411 413 414 416 754-8 76 24i 74 \v ind west ; siiowery. T.ake Etchcmin .... 377 418 429 723 '3 68 20 68J Wind south-we«' 1 On ridtre 4:.6 4,^.7 458 459 461 694-9 66J 19* 68 20 I 10 A.M. Custom-house '!11 414 754-9 74i 234 i 74 416 75 Record of Barometric O!)scrvations. — Continued. Data knd Tlinu. Station. Bar. Holght. Th. A. Th. D. JUmn^tM, F. C. F. C. IS4I .luly 13, 10 A.M. Lake Etchcmin .... 411 41;; 414 410 723-9 70} 21* 7'. Wind «outh-woit. In swamp 4.'Sr! 457 4 -.8 +.>9 4(i\ 723-7 71* 22 70J 21 J Wind west; showory. .Itily IC, 4 P.M. Custom-kuuso 411 4i;j 414 411; 762 i 75 23J 74 Wind south-west; clear. Lake F.tchomin 377 418 4-2'J 7-29 -4 704 21 i 71 J Wind north-woat. Lnke Macannmac. . . 430 437 438 459 401 728 71 21} 70i 21} Wii, ,outh-v?eat; fiuu. .Inly 17, 8 A.M. Cn»tom-hou9c Ml 3 41 1 410 703-8 70 i 21 i 71 Wind north-west ; fine. Lake Etchf ">in 377 418 42'J 7.10-7 r 13 56 Wind 80utli-wc»t. 10 a.m. Top of mountain , , 45n 437 438 459 4(il cor, -3 KK r>'-} Liiko ICti niin .... 4i8 429 731-5 64 18 66 \Vind south'West. ■ Summit of ridge. . . . 43 n 437 438 4.''>n G90-8 61 10 61J 16} IJ> 4 ' Lake lOtduraiii .... :!77 418 429 7:n-7 ORJ ■joi 69J Wind s. tli-wott; 1 3i F.M. Foot of ridfrc tSG 457 438 39 4IJ1 714-6 68 20 67] 19} Lake Etchcmin .... a77 418 429 . U 7 71 21| 73 Wiud •outli-west. 7e Record of Barometric Observations. — Continued. P-l If?' I Date ud Time. Station. IW. IlriKht Th A. Th. 1). Sonurki, P. C. F. C. 1841 July IV, 'H P.M. Summit of ridgr . . 45C 4.')7 4.'58 45!) 4U1 G9G0 u;» 901 70 21 4 P.M. Lake Etclumiu .. 377 418 4^9 731-7 75 24 77 M I gouth-wcit. 4J P.M. Small rivulet . . 4i)G 4,'>7 4.'iH 4,')!) 4U1 71G-8 G7J 19} (,7J 19} Lnko Etchcmin — 731 7 75 24 77 Wind south-west. Hif^hest point of hill — 7I1(; C7 19J 67} 19} July 18, lU A.M. Custom-houic, . 411 Wind south-east; 41.3 414 416 7G4'9 73 22J 72} clear. Lake Etchemin . 77 418 329 732 4 70 21 71 Wind south-cast. 12 Top of rid|(o . . 4.5fi 457 458 459 4G1 705-8 70 21 69 20J Wind north-west ; tine. Lake Etchemin 377 418 429 732 -3 7Gf 24J 73 Wind south-east. 2 P.M. Small stream . . 45G 457 458 459 4G1 715-0 75i 24 74} 23} Wind south. Lake Etchemin . . 377 418 429 732 1 74i 23i 75i Wind south-east. 4 P.M. On ridge 45G 457 458 459 4GI 7151 77 25 7Gi 24} Custom-hous. . 411 413 414 41G 7C4-0 771 25i 754 Wind north-west; clear. Lake Etchemin 377 418 429 731-9 79 26 80 W'ind south-east; clear. 77 Record of nnromctrlc OlmervationH. — Continu$d, Date and Time. Station, lUr. Ilt'lulit. Th. A. Til, D. RonutfU F. C. F. C. 1841 .Iiily 18, 4 ■■.M. Top of ridgo . . 456 4.'57 4SH 439 4(il 709 9 72J 22i 73 22} July ly, H A.M. Cuatoni-houiie 411 41.'J 414 4IG 763-6 74i 23J 7-24 Wind luuth-weit. Lukv Etchuuiiii :t77 418 4'jy 730 9 61 16 64 Wind iouth-caat. 10 A.M. Small LakPt Konnc- beo Source . . . . AUG 4r)7 4SH 451) 4(11 722 -8 62J 17 62t 17 Lake Etchemiii .177 418 4'J') 731-3 66 19 66 Wind aouth-eaiit. 12 Top of ridgo . . . . 456 457 458 459 4fil 713-2 68 20 69 204 T.ako Etchcmiti 377 418 429 731-6 70 21 70 Wind north-west. 2 P.M. Cellar Swamp . . 456 457 458 459 461 ', 17-1 70i 211 704 214 Wind north-west; fair. Lake Etchcmiii 77 il8 429 ;3i-7 701 214 72 Wind north-west. 4 P.M. On small brook flow- ing into Chaudiurc. 456 457 458 459 461 722-6 69 20} 69 204 Wind north-west. Cii!itoni-house 411 413 414 416 764 1 75} 24i 74 Wind north-west. Lake Etchemin 377 418 429 732-3 741 231 75 Wind north-west. 5i P.M. Top of ridge . . . . 456 457 458 459 461 705 -4 69 20 J^ 68 20 Lake Etciieiuiii — 732 -J :ii ! .31 ■J, 76 Top of ridge . . — 697-5 69 20} 69 20 1 :78 l§ Record of Barometric Observations. — Continued. Dnto and Station. Bar. Height. Th. A. Th. D, Uemarks. ' Titu.'. F. C. F. C. 1841 July 20, 10 A.M. Custom-house 411 Wind south-west ; 413 414 770-4 74i 23| m fine. 416 i Luke Etclicmin 377 Wind west. 418 737-3 69 20i 71 429 Source Du Loup . . 456 457 458 719-7 70 21 69 20J 45D 12 461 Lake Gtchumin 377 Wind west. 418 737-7 74i 23J 76 429 Source Du Loup . . 456 457 458 723 -9 74i 23J 74} 23i 459 2 P.M. 461 T.nke Etclicmin 377 Wi' ^ west. 418 737-5 75J 24i 77 429 Top of ridge . . 456 457 \'-'-i;': VI. A. 458 707 -9 73 22J 71 OIJ 459 4 P.M. 461 Lake Etchemin 377 Wind west. 418 73/ -3 7 J 24 7o 429 Foot of ridgo . . 456 457 458 716-8 72 22i -Vi 22 459 July 21, 10 A.M. Custoni-houso 411 Wind south-south- 413 414 769 •() 74 23i 74 west; cloudy. 416 Lake Etchemin 377 Wind west. 418 736-7 6!)i 20J 69J 429 Top of ridge . . . . 456 457 458 707 -5 75 24 m 22i 12 459 Luke Etchemin 377 Wind west. 418 7.;6-3 7-tl 23 i 76 429 Small brook , . 456 457 458 754 '1 m 26^ 79i ■iOi 459 Record of Barometric Observations. — Condnued., Date and Time. SUtion. Bar. Height Th. A. Til. I\ Rcmuks. t F. C. F. C. 1841 July 21, 2 P.M. Lake Etohemin 377 418 429 735-5 79 26 79J i Wind west. Lake Einilio,du Loup water. 45 G 457 458 72G-4 79 26 793 20i 1 7 P.M. 1 459 Lake Etchcmia 377 418 429 734 77 25 77 26 I Sandy Hill . . . . 45G 457 458 4:^ 687-4 70J 211 70i 211 July 22, 8 A.M. Custom-house. . 411 Wind south-west. 413 414 416 7C2 -2 76i 243 76 Lake Etchemin 377 418 429 731-0 68 20 68i Wind west. Sandy Hill stream . . 456 457 458 721 -3 73J 23 713 22 Wind west; fine. 10 A.M. 459 Lake Etchemin 377 418 429 730 -6 76 24i 761 Sandy Bay settle- ment, Hilton's. 456 457 458 721-4 82 273 81 271 2 P.M. 459 Lake Etchemin .377 418 429 728-5 72} 22^ 73 Wiud west; rain. Monument on Ken- nebec road. 456 457 458 459 709-4 733 23 733 23 July 2.3, 8 A.M. Custom-house. . 411 413 414 41(i 764-8 77 25 75- Wind south-east. Lake Etchemin 377 418 429 730-5 613 16} 64 Wind west; cloudy. Monument, on Ken- nebec road. 456 457 458 459 712-1 69 20i 70 21 10 A.M. Custom-house. . 411 413 414 416 764-7 77^ 25.1 76' ni 80 Record of Barometric Observations. — Continued. I f 1 Date and Station. Bar. Height Th. A. Th.D. RcmarltA Timo. F. C. F. C. 1841 July 2;!, IO'a.m. 4 P.M. Lake Etclieniin Moniinicp* . . . . .•J77 418 42y 45G 457 458 45.9 732 -3 712-5 69 701 20i 211 70 70 21 Wind west. Lake Etchemin Intersection of Ken- nobce. road and Aletjnrmette. 377 418 428 456 457 458 459 732 743 4 77i 85 25J 29 i 78^ 85 29J July 24, S A.M. Custom-liouse. . Lake Etchcniiu Bridjre at St Henri, 15 feet above water 411 413 414 416 377 418 429 450 457 45S 459 764-6 731 -9 758 -9 72 63 731 22] 17- 23 71J 64 72i 22X Wind north-east. Wind south-east. July 2(;, 2 P.M. Custom-house. . Lake Etclieniin 411 413 414 41G 377 418 429 761 -4 728 -2 75 66J 24 19J 74J 671 Wind north ; cloudy. July 31, 12 Custom-house. . Lake Etchemin 411 413 414 416 377 418 429 762-6 730-2 703 67] 21 i 19} 69 68 Wind east. Au(f. 1, 2 1- M. Cusconi-liouse. . Lake Etchemin 411 413 414 416 377 418 429 763-1 731 -2 70 C8J 21 20i 69 69^ Wind south-west. Wind west. Aug. 2, 12 Custom-house. . 4U 413 414 416 765-9 74 •231 72 Wind south-west. 8fl Record of Barometric Observations.— Conhnued. Date OIK Time. station. Bar, Height. Th. A. Th. D. Rcmarki, P. c. F. c. 1841 Aujf. 2, 12 Lake Etchemin 377 418 429 734-4 75 24 76 Wind south-west. Aug. 3, 12 Cuptom-housi'. . 411 413 414 766 '3 79 26 77 Wind west. 416 Lake Etchemin .•577 418 429 734 -8 75 24 76 Wind west. Aug. 4, 4 P.M. Custom-house 411 413 414 41C 761-2 78 25J 77 Wind south-west. Lake Etchemin 377 418 42a 730-1 72i 22^ 73 Wind west. Aug. 5, 4 V.M. Custom-house 411 Wind west. 413 414 416 761 -4 731 23 73 Lake Etchemin 377 418 42U 729-6 70 21J 70 Wind west. ■ Aug. G, 12 Custom-house 411 413 414 416 762-6 71J 22 71i Wind north-west. Lake Etchemin 377 418 429 730-1 67i 19} 68 Wind east. Aug. 7, 4 P.M. Custom-liouse 411 413 414 416 762-3 78 25} 76.1 24J Wind south-west. Lake Etchemin 377 418 429 730 J 74] 23i 77 Wind south-cast. .St. Joseph's . . 4.56 4.J7 458 4,59 7.51 •() 77 25 'H Auir. K, 4 P.M. Custom-house 411 Winil south-west. 413 414 416 763-2 79 26| 78 25i L Lake Etchemin 377 418 429 731-3 77 M 78 t Wind south. t> I 82 Record of Barometric Observations. — Continued. i m i " Date and Time. SUtion. Bar. TfAifrht Th. A. Th. D. . Bcmarks. P. C. F, C. 1841 Aug. 10, 10 A.M. Custora-liouse 1 411 ...3 414 765-0 71J 22 70i Wind sonth-west. 214 416 Lake Etchemin .377 418 429 732 59 13 59 Wind west; cloudy. Monument on Ken- nebec Uoad, same as July 22, 2 p.m. 45G 457 458 459 712-3 59 tube broken. 15 58 Wind north-west 12 Lake Etchemin 377 418 429 732-2 C3 171 63J Wind west. 4 P.M. Monument 43G 457 458 712-0 63i \n G4i Wind south-west. Lake Etchemin 377 418 429 732-3 67 19J 68i Wind west. Monument 456 457 459 712-1 69 20i 651 Aug. U, 12 Custom-house 411 413 414 41G 7G6-3 65 18i 64 18 Wind north-east. Liike Etchemin 377 418 429 733 -2 65 18J 65} Wind south-east; cloudy. 4 P.M. Monument . . . . — 712-8 74f 23J 7-J Willi! south-east. Lake Etchemin 377 418 429 732-7 68 20 68i 1 5 P.M. Monument — 71 2 69 2fH 70 1 Monument — 711-3 63J 19J 67i Meadow at foot of Bald MountJiin, south Hide. 45G 457 458 4G2 721-0 68 20 66^ Aug. 12 12 Custom-house 411 413 414 41G 7G1 -8 73} 2: 72} 22| Wind west. Lake Etchemin . 377 41H 429 730-3 64 17J 65 Wind west. Monument . — 709-8 63 69 Fine. Ball'. Mountain . 45G 457 45H 671 -( 61j ., r IfiJ r «'-J4 Wind north-west. J 83 Record of Barometric Observations. — Continued. Date and Time. Statian. Bar. Height. - Th.A. Th.D. Bcmarka. F. C. F. C. 1841 Aujr. 12, 2 P.M. Lake Etchemin •• 377 418 429 729-8 68 20 69 Wind west; cloudy. Monument •• — 709-5 70i 21i 69 Bald Mountain • • 450 457 458 670 C4f 18 65} AujT. 13, 8 A.M. Custom-house •• 411 413 414 416 701-7 71f 22 66 19 Wind west; clear. ? Lake Etchemin •• 377 418 420 727-8 57 14 57i Wind north-west. Monument .. — 707 -5 59 15 60 Aug. 16, 10 A.M. Ci'stom-house •■ 411 413 414 416 7G8-1 71 21} 71 21} Wind south-west; clear. Lake Etchemin •• 377 418 429 736-5 63i m 66i Wind south-west ; clear. 3 I'.M. Monument •• 456 457 458 716-4 70J 21i 70} Wind south. Lake Etchemin , . — 735-0 77 25 80} 27 Wind west ; fine. 4 P.M. On ridge, 2 north-cast Monument. miles from — 702-7 78 25J 74 Wind west. Lake Etchemin •• 377 418 429 734-8 81 27i 82 Wind west; fine. Camp side of 3 miles Monument. ridge, from 45G 457 458 707-1 75 24 75 Wind north-west ; fin.-. Au^f. 17, 8 A.M. Custom-house •• 411 413 414 416 764-3 75 24 74 23i 1 Wind west ; fair. I^ke Etcnemii •• 377 418 429 732-4 65} 18it fiSj ! Wind west ; fine. JO .1 KJ- Same as last ( \ ening 456 457 458 704-9 65J 18i 66 Wind north-west; fine. 1 .177 418 429 73J -4 75 24 75} Wind north-west; laif. M a 84 Record of Barometric Observations. — Continued. Date and Time. Station. B«r. Height. Tl A. Tl . D. RcuuurkB, F. C. F. C. 1841 Aug. 17, 10 A.M. 11 A.M. On Lake, Du Loup water, 7 feet above. 456 457 458 710-7 75} 24} 72 Wind west. Lake Etchemin — 732-4 76i 24} 77i 25} Wind north-west; fine. Wind west. 12 Top of ridgo, 1 miL- north-east of Lake. 45 G 45? 458 705-5 77i 255 75 Lake Efchcmin 477 418 439 732-3 78 25i 80 Wind west. 3 P.M. Small brook . . 456 457 458 711-4 82 27} 79 Lake Etchomin 732-0 83 28} 83} 28} Camp on small brook. 456 457 458 715-4 84 29 83^ Aug. 18, 8 A.M. Custom-house 411 413 414 416 761-9 74} 23J 74 23} Wind west; heavy. Lake Etchcmin 377 418 4^9 730-8 68 20 69 Wind south-west; heavy. Same as last evening 456 4.57 458 714-8 721 22i 72} Wind south-west; fine. 10 A.M. Laike Etchemin 377 418 4->'J 731-2 74i 23} 76 Wind south-west; fine. Haai? a mile east from Ciinip. i 4X 457 43" 712-2 791 26i 76} Wind south-west. 1 1 A.M. Moke Etciwaim 1 — i 733-0 77 25 80} 27 Wind south-west. SKIC. One mile and a half i east of Camp. 45G 457 458 706-0 m 26} 79 Lake Etchcmin 377 4M 730-3 82i 28 84 Wind south-west. Spur. Top of ridge . . «7 438 :i*7-4 m 29 82^ Lake Et'-hnam — 730-2 83| 28i 84J Wind south-west; cloudy. 1 ! On top of rirtni. 456 457 458 1 7GI-! ro; Si 8, J Wind 8outh>west; t-iuudy. 85 Record of Barometric Observations. — Continued. D*to and Time. Station. Dar. Ilcijjlit. Th A. Th. D. Kcinarki. F. C. F. C. 1841 Aug. 18, 4 I'.M Lake Etchcmin 377 418 429 710-1 84 29 85 Wind south-west. On Laku flowing into Portage Kivcr, 6 fpct above water. 436 457 458 712-5 81 27} 79 Wind south-west. Auf^. 19, 8 A.M. Custom-house 411 Wind south-east. 41.3 414 761-3 m 22J 72i 22i 41G Lake Etchemin 377 418 429 729-0 65 1 18} 66^ Wind south-west; rain. 10 A.M. Same as last night . . 45G 457 458 712 2 66 19 66} Wind south-west; rainy. Lake Etchcmin 377 418 429 729-4 C7J 19} 68 Wind west ; rain. 11 A.M. Top of ridge between the two Portaj^o Lakes. 45C 457 458 704-8 67} 19} 66} Wind north-west; heavy. Lake Etchemin 729-5 67} 19} 68 20 2 P.M. New Portage Road 719-2 70 21 'I'^ - Lake Etchemin 377 418 429 729-7 ^o^ 21i 71 Portage Lake . . 456 457 458 720-4 681 20] 68 Aup. 20, 8 A.M. Custom-lioum- 411 413 414 416 765 -0 74} 231 71} 22 Wind south-wt.* , clear. Lake Etchcmin 377 418 429 731 -2 60 15J 61 Wind north-west ; clear. Portage Lake . . 456 457 458 722-5 66 19 67 Wind south-west ; Aug. 21, 4 F.M. Custom-house 411 Wind v.cst ; hazy. 413 414 761-6 8U -27 J- 80} 27 416 Lake Etchemin 377 418 422 730-7 79 26 SO Wind south-west ; cloar. Penobscot Lake . . 456 457 458 721-8 77 25 74i I 1^ 86 Record of Barometric Observations. — Continued. 1 Date and Time. SUtlon. Bw. Height. Tlu A. Th. D. Remarks. F. C. F. C. 1841 Aug. 22, Ohaorvationg discou- tinucd at Quvbcu . 4 P.M. Luke Ktchcmin 377 418 423 730-5 631 17* 63} Wind south-east ; cloudy. Portage Lake . . 436 457 458 721-0 60 15i 59f Au-. 23, Lake Etchemin 377 418 429 733-5 52J UJ 53 Wind south-east; fine. 2 P.M ,e Lake . . 4,56 457 458 725-3 53| 12 53i Wind east. L' i Etchemin 456 457 458 734-5 64J 18 64t Wind east. 1 urtage Lake . . 456 457 458 724-8 65} 18} 64} Wind cast. Aug. 24, 10 A.M. TS! br.. ■ ;, Met- ja.raefte. 456 457 458 728-3 G\l 16i 62 Wind wert. 87 Record of Barometric Obgervatior s. — Continued. Date and Time. SUtion. Bar. Hnlfflit. _ Th. A. Th. D. Rcmarfci. F. C. F. C. 1841 Aug. 2.'i, 12 Lake Etchvmin .377 418 429 73G-5 66 19 68 } Wind south-west. Swamp 55G 457 458 727 '9 73J 23 71 1 Wind south-west. 2 I'.M. Lake Etchomin .377 418 429 736-1 71 21J 72 Wind south-west. Top of dividing land 456 457 458 720-8 72^ 22i 69 J^ Aug. 2G, 10 A.M. Lake Etchcmin 377 41S 429 733-0 62J 17 63 ^Vind south-east. 12 Division of south branch of tlto Mot- jarmette and Pe- nobscot water. 456 457 458 711-4 66 19 67 Lake Etchomin 377 418 429 732-9 68 20 68» Wind south-wist; fine. On hill, same as 10 a.m. 456 457 458 711-1 72i 22i 73i Wind south-west ; fine. Wind south-west; 2 P.M. * St. Henri bridge, same as .July 24, 8 A.M. 411 443 414 758-2 811 27i 79 26 tine. Lake Etchemiu . . 377 418 429 732-5 71J 22 73 4 r.M. Two miles from St. Henri, on the road t(i Lake Etcheniin. 411 413 414 755-8 83i 28i 8U 27i Lake Etchomin 377 418 429 732 -0 74i 23| 75 Wind south-west. Two miles from St. Henri, on the roa( to Lake Etchemin. 411 413 414 753-3 83 i 28| SOi 27 Aug. 127. 10 A.M. Lake Etchomin 377 418 429 731-6 61 1 16 61 J 12 Frampton Hill 411 413 414 736 -5 70J 2H 70 21 Lake Etchemin i . 377 41h 429 731-9 i 68j 20] i 69 » 1 • Tlieee are three of the Barometers which were m the Obserratorj at the Custom-bouse, Quebec. 88 Record of Barometric Observations.— Con^muw/. Hut,, ud Time. Station. Bar. Height. Th. A. Th. D. RcDurlM. F. c. F. C. 1841 Auk. 27, 12 Mt'tjanmutc IJrook . Wilson's homo 4:)7 4,')8 411 730 9 70J •^n on 4 P.M. 4l:l 414 741 -I 7C3 243 77} 25] Lnko I'Uclu'iniii .■177 418 42!) 732-0 73 •22} 73J 1 • Itilldl- llctwi'lMl Mi'tiiiniiittc aiKt I'i'liolwcot WllllTS. 4 -.7 4r.8 711-8 71J 22 C9i Auif . 28, 10^1 .M. Lnko Etc'hrmiii .•177 411 4l;) 414 Wind south-oast ; fine. 735-7 lui 19} G7i 19 418 42!» 2 I'.M. ♦ Small lakp, Penol.- scot. 4, 4,57 4-)8 7--'0-7 7;i] 23 73 Wind south-oast J tine. Lake Etclieiiiin. .•377 411 41.i 414 418 4-.>y 730-1 73J 23 74i Wind south-east ; clear. 4 P.M. • Small Gircam of I'l'iiobscot. 4,56 4.57 458 729-8 80| 27 79} Wind south-east; clear. Lake Etoliomiu .177 411 41,') 414 73G() 75J '24i 23 418 429 • On riilge clividinir Penobscot waters, ;!()(! foot below top. • 4.5(1 457 458 723 ■■> 79 2G 73} An(r. 2!>, 10 A.M. Lake Etchcmin 377 411 413 414 418 429 \ 737-1 C9 20} G9 • Ridpp between two 1 branches of Penob- scot. 45 G 457 458 725-3 /!J 22 G8} N0TE.-AII the observations narked thus, (•) were made to the eastward of the Metjametto waters. 8U rd of IJaro lotric ObHcrvat ions.- ^'ontinued. P*l«»n<) Timr. Blaiton. n>r. 1 IfltsliL 1, Th. I) R«ii»rii«. y. j C. f. ( 841 1 1 "'K ' iiko Etchemin . . 377 411 , \^"1 •m 73* 41H 4ja ■ 1 " .s'^MI branch of l'i'uob»c()t. 4fi6 457 4.'i8 730-3 1 73J 23 73J AiiK.:i'>, 1 l•.^, Lako ICtcheinin 37 4i(; 418 4i9 1 734-3 Gl IG Gl Wind cast; rain- ing. 3 P.M. f Two and a (iimrtor tn>li'« mmth-fUHt o'' Lak<' Etchemin. 411 413 414 737-:/ ni IG 60 Wind cait. Luku Etcliiuiin 377 41G 418 429 733-5 Gl^ 16^ 63 Wind east-nouth- eust; raining. 4 P.M. t ThrM ittid « half niilKHHuiithu! i/oko Etchemin. 311 413 414 732 -2 «3} 17J GO Wind cast-iouth- eaut . Luke Etcht-miii 377 4IU 418 733-4 Gl IG CI} Wind cast-Kouth- caat ; raining. 429 f I'oiir niilos 8onth, hi'ad of Laku Et- cheniiii. 411 413 414 731-4 CI IG 693 Wind east- south- east ; ruining. AiiK.31, 'J A.M. Lake Etchemin 377 41(> 418 429 730-8 55 i 13 5G Wind east-south- eu!>tj raining. 10 A.M. f Small hill in swani| ' 411 413 414 72G-C 5G^ in 54J Wind ea«t-sinith- east ; raitmig. Luku Etchemin 377 4iy 418 1 730-7 3Gi 13i 5G3 Wind . int-south- east; hazy. 429 * Swamp headinjr small braiicli of Penobscot. 4.''.G 457 458 727-9 59 15 54J Raining. 11 A.M. f branch of La Fa- mine. 411 j 413 1 414 730-4 59 15 55i Raining. Laku Etchemin 1 377 41G 418 429 730-7 37 14 57i Wind south-cast. KoTi. — All the oUorrations marked tbiu, (t) were made betwceo Lake Etchemin and the Hetjarmette waten. N IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) !.0 1.1 li£|21 itt Ui£ |2.2 •u 13^ mm vx Mm "^ U£ III 2-0 im [Lgg 1^ 1^ ^ 6" ► As .^^;^:^. V 1^ K ^o :^ »°^^ <<^:^ ■'b*' i^U* f^' m Record of Barometric Observations. — Continued. Date and Time. Station. Bar. Height Th .A. Til. D. Itemorki. F. C, F. C. 1841 Aug. 31, 11 A.M. 12 t Caribou Plain, three-quarters of a mile from strearo 411 413 414 729-8 59 15 55 Raining. Lake Etchcmin 377 Wind east; rain- 416 418 730-6 57 14 57J ing. 429 2 P.M. t Caribou Plain . . 411 413 414 729-4 60 15} 56 Wind enst. Lalce Etchemin 377 Wind south-cast; 416 418 730-1 57 14 57f raining. 429 4 P.M. t Half a mile south- east of Ipst station. 411 413 414 728-1 58 141 56} Wind south-east. Lake Etchemin 377 Wind south-east. • 416 418 429 729-9 58J 14J 59 . .f * Small brook of Penobscot. 456 457 458 723-4 56} 13i 55} Cloudy. t One mile further on. 414 413 414 727-5 57J 14i 55J Raining. Sept. 1, 8 A.M. Lake Etchemin .177 ^16 418 429 728-1 54i 12} 55 Wind sjuth-cast; foggy- 9 a.m. t Camp 411 413 414 7-25-1 5ai 13 54 Wind south-east; %gy- Lake Etchemin 377 Wind east; rain- 416 418 728-3 551 13 56 ing. 429 10 A.M. t Half a mile further on, south-east. 411 413 414 724-5 57 14 55 Wind cast; rain- ing. Lake Etchemin 377 415 418 728-4 56i 13} 57 Wind south-east; heavy. 429 11 A.M. f Small stream. La Taininc waters. 411 413 414 725-9 57 14 54} Wind south-east; raining. Lake Etchemin 377 Wind south-east; 416 418 429 72.S -3 .'57 !4 .-57} raming. tl Record of Baxometric Observations. — Continued. Dkte and Time. station. Bar. Height Til. A. Th. D. Bemarki. P. C. F. a. 1841 Sept. 1, 11 A.M. 12 f On Burnt Land . . 411 413 414 728-0 59 15 57} Wind south-east; raining. Lake Etchemin a77 416 418 429 728-2 58 14} 58i- Wind south-east; raining. 2 P.M. f On stream, La Famine, one mile further on. 411 413 414 727-3 58 14} 57 Wind south-eapt; raining. Lake Etchemin 377 41G 418 728-1 58J 14f 59} Wind south-east; cloudy. 429 3 P.M. f On inarch, half a mile further on. 411 413 414 724-0 61 IG 56} Wind south-east; raining. Lake Etchemin 377 416 418 728-0 59 15 59} Wind south-east; raining. 429 t Reed Lake . . . . 411 413 414 724-9 56J 13} 55} Wind south-east ; raining. Sept. 2, 9 A.M. Lake Etchemin 377 Wind east ; hazy. 416 418 727-7 56} 13} 56} 429 10 A.M. t Reed Lake . . . . 411 413 414 725-1 55| 13 55 Wind cast ; hazy. T.akn Etchemin 377 416 418 727-7 56i 13} 57 Wind south-east; dull. 429 • Ridf;e hctwccn Penobscot waters. 456 457 458 718 56} 13} 5} Wind south ; fine. 11 A.M. t Three-quarters of a mile south-west from last station. 411 413 414 725-0 58 14} 55} Lake Etchemin 377 Wind south-cast ; hazy. 416 418 727 -6 57i 14i 58 429 12 f La Famine Drook 411 413 414 728 -6 59 15 57 Heavy. Lake Etchemin 377 416 418 727 -G 58 44} 59 Wind r.orth-west ; calm. 429 ' ill M If 2 Record of Barometric Observations Continued. Date ud Time. Station. Bar. Ilciglit. Th. A. TluD. F. C. F. C. I84I Sept. 2, 12 • Ridge between Pe- nobscot waters and southern courccs of the St. John. 456 467 448 706-4 58 14f 55 Wind north-west; calm. 4 P.M. f On Lurnt Land . . 411 413 414 726-6 60 15} 58} Wind north-west ; calm. Lake Etchemin 377 Wind west. 416 418 727-2 62 16} 63 429 * Lake of the St. John, south lake. 456 457 458 721-9 62} 17 61 Wind wert. f Brook Famine, flowing north-west- 411 413 414 1 729-7 61 16 61 Wind west. Sept. 3, 9 a.m. Lake Etchemin . . 377 Wind north-weit 416 418 727-2 60 15i 60} 429 • Ijike of the St. John, south lake, same as last night. 456 457 458 722-4 59 IS 25} Heavy. 12 f Small stream Fa- mine wafers, same as last night. 411 413 414 730-3 59 15 59} Heavy. Lake Etchemin 377 Wind west. 416 418 727-7 68 20 69 429 • Small brook of the St. John, cast of south lake. 45G 457 458 720-2 68 20 69 Wmd west. 2 P.M. t Same stream of the Famine 2 miles higher up. 411 413 414 728-6 71} 22 70} Clearing off. Lake Etchemin 377 Wind north-west; 416 418 727-5 73 22J 74 clear. 429 * Ridge east of south lake, dividing the St. John and Pe- nobscot waters. 456 457 458 713-9 68 20 67 3 P.M. f Rising ground 1 mile south-cast of last station. 411 413 414 722-4 69 20i 69 Lake Etchemin 377 416 418 727-4 74i 93i 76 Wind north-west ; clear. 429 ^ Record of Barometric Observations. — Continued. Data and Time. Btotioo. Bar. Height. Th ■ A. Tb. D, Rcmarb. F. C. F. C. 1841 Sept. 3, 3 p.m. 5 P.M. f Diviition of the St. John and La Famine waters. 411 413 414 721-9 67 191 66 Wind north-west ; clear. Lake Etchemin 377 Wind west ; clear. 416 418 727-1 73i 23 75 429 t Stream flowing east St. John's waters. 411 413 414 724 C8 20 671 Wind west; clear. Sept. 4, 4 P.M. Lake Etchemin 377 Wind east. 416 418 723-9 56f 13J 571 429 f Source of stream 411 413 414 719-7 58} 14J 56 Wind east. Sept. 5, 10 A.M. Lake Etchemin 377 416 418 728-5 61* 161 63 429 11 A.M. t Rising ground . . 411 413 414 720-6 56J 131 54} Lake Etcbemiu 377 416 418 728-7 64 17} 65 Wind south-east; clear. 429 12 f Small brook of St. John. 411 413 414 722-8 59 15 57 Wind north-east; clear. Lake Etchemin 377 Wind east; clear. 416 418 728-9 65 f 18} 661 429 * Top of ridge, same as noon of Sept. 2nd. 45G 457 458 706-6 50 10 51 1 P.M. f On top of rising ground. 411 413 414 721-1 58 141 571 Lake Etchemin 377 Wind east ; clear. 416 418 728-9 67 191 67 429 * Same place as 10 A.M. on Sept. 2nd. 456 457 458 719-1 54 12J 54 f At south-east turn on u small stream running south. 411 413 414 7-22 -3 59i iSi GO I fl 94 Hecord of Barometric Observations. — Continued. Data .and Time. StattDn. Bar. ^isigfat. ■ Th.A. Th. D. BeoMfli*. F. C. F. C. 1841 Sept. 5, a P.M. Lake Etchcmin 377 WindcHt; cloudy 416 418 729-1 67} 191 67} 429 • Ridge dividing St. .John and Penob- scot waters. 456 457 458 722-2 60 15* 56 3 P.M. f Quarter of a mile further on. 411 41.^ 414 722-1 59 15 59* Lake Etchcmin 377 415 418 729-2 65^ 18* 66 Wind north-eait ; cloudy. 429 4 P.M. f Half a mile fur- ther on. 411 413 414 724-5 61 16 61 Lake Etchemin 377 416 418 729-4 65} 18} 66* Wind north-east; calm and clearer. 429 • Ridge quarter of a mile west of small branch of Penob- scot. 456 457 458 7-24 -5 61} 16* 57 £ P.M. f Quarter of a mile further on. 411 413 414 723-7 61 16 60 Lake Etchemin 377 Wind cast ; clear. 416 418 7-29 -7 66 19 66} 429 f On 'nr^ brook ni/ining west. 411 413 414 726-5 60| 15} 60 Wind north-east ; fine. S«pt. C, 8 A.M. Lake Etchemin 377 416 418 429 733-4 561 13* 57 Wind south-cast ; ckar frost. 9 A.N. t Three quarters of a mile up stream. 411 413 414 728-9 49| 9} 51 Wind north-cast; fine. Lake Etchemin 377 416 418 429 733-6 61 16 61 Wind south-east ; clear. 10 A.M. f Haifa mile further up. 411 413 414 739-0 56 13* 55 Lake Etchcmin 377 41C 418 733-8 G4| 18 66 Wind south-east; clear. 429 ss Record of Barometric Observations.— Cbnttiwei?. li 1 Date UMJ Tirao, Sliktioib Bar. Height Th. A. Til. D. F. c. F. C. ilaudy 1841 Sept. 6, 10 A.M. f Half a mile further 411 1 11 A.M. up. 413 414 728-3 63 17* 63 Lake Etchcmin 377 416 418 Wind 8«uth-ca8t; ■ 734-0 68^ 20J 69 clear. 1 4-2V 1 I P.M. t Same place as 11 A.M. of yesterday. 411 413 414 728-0 69 20^ 69 -east; Lake Etchcmin 377 41G 418 734-2 74J 23J 75 Wind south-east; clear. ■ 423 1 2 P.M. 1 Camp 411 413 414 730-3 70i 21i 7i' a -«a8t; leuer. Lake Etchemin 377 41G 418 734-1 75 24 76 Wind south-cast; clear. 1 429 t Camp game place 411 413 414 730-2 71J 22 73 Sept. 7, 8 A.M. Lake Etchemin 377 416 418 429 734-3 55 12J 56 Wind south-west; clear frost. clear. 1 t At the discharge of lake. 411 413 414 732-4 57J 14i 59 Wind north-east; fine. Ii-cast ; 1 9 A.M. Lake Etchcmin 377 416 418 734-6 621 17 63 Wind south-west ; clear. i-cast ; 1 429 t. t On Carihou Plain, half way bftwcen two lakes. 411 413 414 732-4 64i 18 64 Fine. h-east; 10 A.M. Lake Etchcmin 377 r.6 418 429 734-9 69 20} 71 Wind west; clear. l-east ; Ridge between Pe- nobscot waters. 456 457 458 717-9 68 20 64 Ridge between Pe- nobscot and Met- jannette. 456 457 458 716-9 65f 18* 64 ' h-cast ; t On rising ground, three quarters of a milo on tne march. 411 413 414 728-5 e^ m 68} m 98 Record of Barometric Observations. — Continued. [ Dttoand Time. Station. Bu. TTAlnht. Th. 1 A. 1 Th. D. Bemarlu. F. C, i'. C. 1841 Sept. 7, 11 A.M. Lake Etchemin 377 Wind south; clear. 416 418 734 8 68} 23} 75} 429 f Three quarters of a milt' further on. 411 413 724 70 21 70 12 414 Lake Etchemin 377 416 418 734-8 77i 25^ 77} Wind south-east; clear. 429 2 P.M. f Two mile* and a quarter from lakes. 411 413 414 726-2 71 21} 71 ' Lake Etchemin 377 416 418 734-8 79} 26} 80} Wind south-south- east; clear. 429 4 P.M. t On side of lake, same place as Sept. 11, 6 a.m. 411 413 414 728-0 75 24 76 Lake Etchemin 377 Wind south-east. 416 418 734-7 79} 26J 81} 429 t Small lake . . . . 411 413 727-7 71} 22 71 Wind south-cast. 5 P.M. 414 Lake Etchemin 377 Wind south-cast. 416 418 734-4 77 25 80 429 t Half a mile further on. 411 413 414 726-6 70i 21J 68} Wind south-east. Sept. 8, 9 A.M. Lake Etchemin 377 416 418 422 733-7 64} 18 66} Wind south-east. t Rising ground . . 411 413 723-8 64} 18 63} Wind south-east. 11 A.M. 414 Lake Etchemin 377 Wind south-cast; cloudy. 416 418 734-0 74} 23} 76} 429 f Rising ground . . 411 413 720-8 70 21 69} Wind south-east; cloudy. 1 P.M. 414 Lake Etchemin 377 Wind south-east. 416 418 733-5 77 25 79 429 87 Record of Barometric Observations. — Continued. Date and Time. SUtion. Bar. Height. Tb. A. Til. D. Remarks. F. C. F. C. 1841 Sept. 8, 1 P.M. 3 P.M. 4 P.M. t Small brook 411 413 414 718-9 713 22 72i Wind south-east. Lake Etchcniiii t Two miles further on. 377 41G 418 429 411 413 414 732-9 71G-6 78 72J '25i 22J 791 71i Wind west. Wind west. Lake Etchemin North branch of the Metjarraette. 377 416 418 4-^9 4U 413 414 456 457 458 733 716-7 79 66 26 19 80 651 Wind west. Wind west. Sept. 9, 8 A.M. 4 P.M. ' Lake Etchemin Same as last evening. 377 416 418 429 411 413 414 456 457 458 733-3 716-9 57 58i 14 14| 58 6H Wind east; clear. Wind cast ; clear. Lake Etchemin Same as last evening. f Lake, source of the south-western brancli of the St. John. 377 416 418 429 456 457 458 411 413 414 734-6 718-9 726-0 80 705 72 265 22i 82* 71 75} Wind south-east ; calm and clear. Wind south-east ; calm and clear. Wind south-rnst; calm and clear. Sept. 10, 8 A.M. 12 Like Etchemin North branch of the Metjarraette. 377 416 418 429 411 413 414 456 457 458 733-9 718-5 60 59 13J 15 61 60* Wind south. Wind north-west. Lake Etchemin 377 416 418 429 734-3 77 25 78i Wind south. -Will Ml Record of Barometric ObservationB. — Contitmtd. Dad) and Time. Station. Bw. UoighC Tb.A. Th. D. lUiMriu. F. C. F. 0, 1841 Sept. 10, 12 4 P.M. f Returning to I^ike Etchemin. 411 413 414 456 457 458 722-8 79 86 74 Wind north-weft. Lako Etchemin + On branch of La Famine River. 377 416 418 429 456 457 458 733-2 726 81 79 27} 26 821 75 Wind iiouth-wcit. Wind louth-wott. Sept. 11, 8 A.M. 3 P.M. Lake Etchemin t Small lake, same place as the 7th of Sept., 2 P.M. 377 416 418 429 411 413 414 456 457 458 730-2 723-3 60 63 151 m 691 621 Wind Muth. Wind »outh'Woat, Lake Etchemin f Between a lake of the St. John and a lake of La Fa- mine, same as Sept. 7tb, 9 A.M. 877 416 418 429 411 413 414 456 457 458 730-0 727-1 70i 75 211 24 7U 731 Wind north-west. Wind north-wcit. Sept. 12, 10 A.M. 11 A.M. 12 Lake Etchemin t On march . . . , 377 41G 418 429 411 413 414 4: J 457 458 722-4 728-4 56} 55} 13J 13 671 641 Wind cait; cloudy. Wind south-wcit. Lake Etchemin t On march . . . . 377 416 418 429 411 413 414 456 457 458 732-4 726-3 68 69 14J 15 681 66 Wind east; cloudy. Wind louth.west. Lake Etchemin 377 416 418 429 732-4 61i 16i 62 Wind eait. Record or Barometric Observations.— Continued. Uato and Time. 1M41 i8opt. 13, 1-2 1 P.Nf. SUtlon. f Small ttream 2 P.M. Luke Etohcniin t Cedar iwamp Lake Etchcmin f Small stream 4 I'.M. Sept. 13, !) A.M. 11 A.M. Lake Etchcmin t Small stream Bar. 411 413 414 456 487 45H 377 416 418 421) 411 413 414 456 457 458 Ualght. 730-7 37/ 416 418 429 411 413 414 456 457 458 Lake Etchcmin f Same as Sept. 3rd, 9 A.M. Lake Etchcmin f On march 377 416 418 429 411 413 414 456 457 458 732-2 732-0 Th. A. F. 59 732-2 732-1 732-0 734-6 611 591 15 65J 60 161 15} Th. D. 56} 183 151 62 57 67 61 377 416 418 429 411 413 414 456 457 458 377 416 418 419 411 413 414 45fi 457 458 732-4 735-2 732-8 733-8 65| 62 54i 50 65 663 181 163 12i 10 m m 67 60 51 66 63] Kcmarka. Wind Muth-WMt. Wind cai( ; cloudy. Wind 80Uth-weit; fine. Wind north. Wind Bouth-weat. O 2 Wind north-wvat. Wind south-west. Wind west. Wind north-west. Wind west Wind north-west. • TOO Record 01 naromctr ic ObHcrvations.— • Continued. Otte tad Time. BUtion. lUr. lUight. Th. A. Th. I). Ri'iowki. F. C. F. C. 1H41 .Sept. 13, 1 I'.M. I,a).o Etchemin 377 Wind wcit. 416 41H 732 -4 67 19i 68* 4'29 f Hrnnrli of La Fa- luinv. 411 4l:t Wind north-weit. 414 456 735-7 70 21 C6| 4 P.M. 457 438 Lake Etchemin 377 Wind we«t. 416 418 732-3 701 21* 73 42!) t Burnt land . . . . 411 413 Wind nortli-wctt. 5 P.M. 414 456 457 458 733-5 66 19 64 Lake Etchemin 377 Wind went. 416 118 732-1 67} 19} 69} 429 f Branch of La Fa- mine. 411 413 414 456 457 458 733-4 65 ISi 61 Wind north-west. Sept. 14, 8 A.M. Lake Etchemin 377 Wind west. 416 418 732-6 43* n 46 429 Same as last evening 411 413 414 456 735-3 54 m 52 Wind north-west. 10 A.M. 457 45H Lake Etchemin 377 Wind west. 416 418 733-6 60i 15} 61} 429 f Three quarters of a mile from last 411 413 Wind north-west. place. 414 436 736-0 68i 20} 641 11 A.M. 457 458 Lake Etchemin 377 Wind west. 416 416 733-8 64 171 65 429 • 101 Record of Barometric OhHCtrvationn.— Continued. Dkta »Dil Tlrao. HUtloii. n«r. 1 (eight Tin A. Til. 0. Renurka, F. C. F. c. 1N4I Sept. 14, 1 1 A.M. 12 3 P.M. f Smnll lako of Ln I-'uiiiiue. 411 413 414 45G 437 43H 734-7 69 m 62} Wind north went. Lake Etchetnin f Riiiinf; ground . . 377 416 418 429 411 413 414 45(i 457 458 734 1 732-2 65] 64} m 18 67 59} Wind north-west. Wind north-west. Lake Etchcmin t Small lako . . . . 377 41G 418 439 411 413 414 45G 457 458 734-3 734-9 69 66 20J 19 72 63f Wind north>west. Wind north-west. Sept. 15, 8 A.M. 11 A.M. Lako Etchcmin f Same lako as last evening. 377 4\G 4)8 4-29 •tn 413 414 456 457 458 738-1 738-5 46 52i 7} Hi 46J 41* Wind east j fine. Wind north-east. Lake Etchcmin \ Same as noon of August 30th. 377 416 418 429 411 413 414 456 457 458 739-4 739-9 65 62J 17 65 6U 102 Comparison of Barometers at Lake Etchemin, September 1 Hth. ! Th. D. Th. A. Bar. Height. Corrected for F. C. Temp. i— 1 1 71 20J 377 738-80 738-82 2U 416 738-45 738-43 20} 418 738-80 738-82 21 429 739-10 739-10 2,955-27 -*-4 = 738-79. 2U 411 739 -00 738-98 21i 413 739-00 738-98 211 414 739-20 739-15 21J 456 738-60 738-55 21 J 457 739-40 739-35 211 458 739-30 739-22 4,434-23 ■*■€, = 739-04. Record of Barometric Observations. — Continued. Date anil Time. Station. Bar. Height. - Th. A. Th. D. Kcmarks. P. 0. F. C. 1841 Sept. 26, 2 V.M. T.akc Etchemin 416 418 429 717-9 61 16 60^ Wind south-west. . 4 l-.M. Lake Archer, 15 feet aboTc water. 456 457- 458 715-8 60i 15} 59} Wind soujth-west. Lake Dtchvmin 41C 418 429 716-6 59J 15i 60 Wind south ; cloudy. t i 1 i One mile and a half north of Lake Ar- cher. 456 457 458 703-3 62 16} 57J- Wind south ; cloudy. 1 i 'Sept. 27, ■ 8 A.M. Lake Etchemin 416 418 429 7-J4-7 48 9 49 Wind west; cloudy. t 10 A.M. On 6ma!l stream, Etchemin waters. 456 457 458 722-7 47 SJ 46^ Lake Etchemin i 41G 418 429 725-7 48* 91 49 Wind west ; cloudy. 12 Top of hill 456 457 458 708-4 443 7 431 Lake Etclicmin 416 418 429 i 726 • 1 511 10} 511 Win 11 •ij 361 32| 41 33 45' 40J 38J 6J 43 44> 39 47 44 3} 44J 47 43 ItenuirkB. Wind east. Wind cast. Wind north-west. Wind east; snow- ing. Wind east. Wind north-east; fair. Wind east. Wind east. Wind east. Wind cast. Wind cast. Wind east. Wind cast. 105 Record of Barometric Observations. — Continued. Date and Time. Station. Bar. Height. Th- A. Th. D. v- ,..% F. C. F. C. 1841 Oct. 2, 3 P.M. Lake Etchemin 416 418 429 737-6 461 8 46i Wind oast. 4 P.M. Spur of ridge 456 457 458 732-8 46J 8 44 Lake Etchemin 416 418 429 737-3 46i 8 46J Wind east. Small 9tr3am of the St. John. 456 457 458 738-5 461 8 42 Oct. 3, 9 A.M. Lake Ktchcmin 41C 418 429 736-8 39i 4J 40 Wind east. 11 A.M. On small hill . . . . 456 457 458 733-9 39 4 34 Lake Etchemin 416 418 429 736-9 44 6i 44 Wind cast. 12 In :i gwamp . . 456 457 458 729-9 43J Gh 41 River OucUe .. .. 377 411 414 772-2 53f 12 53J Wind north-east; clear. Lake Etchemin 41fi 418 429 736 '9 46 H 451 Wind cast. 2 P M. Small stream of Du Sud. 456 457 458 729-6 44} 7 46 Lake Etchemin 416 418 429 734-8 47 8} 48 Wind cast. 3 P.M. Small brook . . . . 456 457 458 734 -0 51 10 J 47 Lake Etchemin 416 418 429 734-8 -JG] 8 471 Wind cast. 4 P.M. On a gentle rise 456 457 458 728-9 50 10 45 lliver OucUe . . . . ;?77 411 414 769-7 52 11 51J Wind north-cast. Lake Etchemin 416 418 429 734-4 50» 8} 47 Wind cast. 1 V KW Record of Barometric Observations. — Continued. Date«nd Time. Station. Bar. LHeight. Tb A. Th. D. BemarioL F. C. F. 0. 1841 Oct. 4, 8 A.M. River Quelle 377 411 414 767-5 45f H 4Si Wind east. Lake Etchemin 416 418 429 730 -G 36 2J 36 Wind cast. 9 a.m. Small stream of Du Sud. 456 457 458 726-5 34 1 34J Lake Etchemin 416 418 429 731-1 37i 3 37i Wind east. 10 A.M. Top of a hill . . . . 456 457 458 721-6 38i H 36^ Wind oast. Lake Etchemin 416 418 429 731-8 41i H 39J Wind east 12 Same ridge . . 45G 457 458 714-5 41 4 38 Wind east. Lake Etchemin 416 418 429 731-3 44i 5J 42 Wind cast. 2 p.m; Small brook of St. John. 456 457 458 724-3 49 n 43 Wind east. Lake Etchemin 416 418 429 731-4 46} 8 461 Wild east. 4 p.m; On march 456 457 458 722-7 46i 8 43 Wind cast. River Quelle 377 411 414 766-3 48 9 48 Wind north-east. Lake Etchemin 416 418 429 731- 1 451 n 45 Wind cast. Small lake of the St. .lohn. 456 457 458 723-6 48f n 44 Oct. 5, 8 A.M. River Quelle 377 411 414 768-6 47f 8J 47J Wind north-cast ; clear. Lake Etchemin 416 418 429 731-4 34 1 34^ Wind east. Quarter of a mile north of the lake. 456 457 458 721-9 35J 2 335 Wind north-enst. 107 Record of Barometric Observations. — Continued. ■ Date and Time. Station. Bar. Th.A. Til. D. Remarks. F. C. F. C. 1841 Oct. 5, 9 a.m. Lake Etchcmin 416 418 429 731-7 37i 3 37} Wind fMt. Top of vidge . . , . 45G 457 458 721-8 35 n 35 Wind east. 10 A.M. Lake Etchcmin 416 418 429 731-8 39J ^ 39 Wind cast. 12 Small stream 4;- 6 457 458 729-3 43 6 39i Wind cast. Lake Etchcmin 416 418 429 732-3 44J- 7 443 Wind east. 1 P.M. Top of ridge . , . . 45G 457 458 730-1 4G n 42i Wind east. Lake Etchcmin 416 418 429 732-1 48 9 48i Wind east. 2 P.M. Small stream 456 457 458 731-6 441 7 44 Wind east. Lake Etchcmin 416 418 429 732-2 48} n 48i Wind north-cast. 3 P.M. Top of ridge . . . . 456 457 458 724-9 50i 10} 46 Wind east. Lake Etchcmin 416 418 429 731-9 48} n 49 Wind north-east. 4 P.M. On march 457 458 459 724 -3 48 9 46 Wind north-cast. Lake Etchcmin 416 418 429 732 491- 9J 493 Wind east. Small lake of the St. John. 456 457 458 728-9 4-1 81 461 Wind east. Oct. G, i) A.M. Lake Etchcmin . 416 418 429 731-7 41 5 41 Wind east ; fine. 10 A.M. Same lake as lasl niprht. 456 457 458 7 -29 '0 42 H 44J Wind north-east; fair. Iliver OiH'llr . . . •377 411 414 767-7 48 49 Wind east ; fine. I P 2 108 Record of Barometric Observations. — Continued. Date and Time. Station. Bar. Height Th .A. Th. D. Rcnutrka. K. C. F. 0. 1841 Oct. G, 10 A.M. Lake Etchcmin 416 411 429 731-9 43J 6i 43} Wind east ; fair. 11 A.M. On table land 4oG 457 458 726-9 48 9 43 Wind east ; fair. Lake Etchemin 416 418 429 732-0 46i 8 45i Wind cast ; fine. 12 Same table land 456 457 458 728-5 50 10 45 Wind east. Lake Etchcmin 416 418 429 731-9 491 9J 49J Wind cast; fine. On gentle rise 456 457 458 721-7 52 11 47i Wind east. 1 P.M. Lake Etchcmin 416 418 429 732-2 52 11 51i Wind east ; fine. 3 P.M. Small stream of the St. John. 456 457 458 726-7 51 lOi 49i Wind east. Lake Etchemin 416 418 429 731-7 51 lOi 51 Wind north-cast ; fine. 4 P.M. Spruce swamp 456 457 458 72S-5 51 10« 47 Wind north-east. River Oiielle .377 411 414 766-0 .50J 10} 50J Wind north-cast. Lake Etchemin 416 418 429 731-6 52 11 53 Wind north.east. Lake, St. John's waters. 456 457 458 729 -0 50 10 443 Wind cast. Oct. 7, 8 A.M. River OucUo .377 411 414 764-9 54 12] 48} Wind cast. Lake Etchcmin 416 418 429 729-2 31 .1 31 Wind west. Lake same as last night. 456 457 458 726-5 39 4 38 Wind north-east. 109 Record of Barometric Observations.— Conimued. Dato and Time. SUtion. Bor. Height. Th. A. Th. D. Ki'iturki, F. 1 C. F. C. 1841 Oct. 7, 9 AM. Lako Etchcmin 41C 4IH 429 730-2 44J 7 44 Wind west. 10 A.M. Hnlf a mile north of Banic lake, on hill. 45G 457 458 725-1 51 8i 40 Wind north-east. River Quelle 377 411 414 764-6 51 lOJ 49J Wind cast. 12 Spruce swamp 456 457 458 723-9 45J H 43J River Quelle 377 411 414 764-1 51 lOJ 50i Wind north-east. 3 P.M. Swamp 456 457 458 7-29-1 54 12i 51 Wind east. Lake Etchemin 416 418 429 727-6 56} 13J 57 Wind east. 4 P.M. Small stream of the St. John, flow- ing thi ugh a swamp. 45G 457 458 725-1 57 14 50 W ind east. River Quelle 377 411 414 761 -8 m 8} 47 Wind north-east, Swamp 456 457 458 723-1 5-2i Hi 471 Wind north-east. Oct. 8, 8 A.M. River Oucllo ■'77 -.11 414 762-0 40* 8 48> Wind north-cast. Lake Etchemin 416 418 429 726-9 37- 3 37 Wind cast. 12 Gentle rise 450 457 458 719-1 351 2 35 Wind south-cast. River Ouello 377 411 414 761-2 49 n 49 Wind south-west 2 P.M. Small stream flow- ing into Black River. 456 457 458 729-6 43 c 42 Wind east. River Quelle 377 411 414 760-4 49J 9} 49} Wind south. IH Record of Barometric Observations, — Continued, Date and Time. Stotion. Bar. Height - Th. A. Th.D. RcnMrhi. F. C. F. C. 1841 Oct. 8, 2 I'.M. 4 P.M. Spruce awamp 45G 457 458 728'1 50 10 44 Wind south-eaat. lUvcr Ouello 377 411 414 760 •() 48J 9* 49.1 Wind soiith-wcst. Lake Etchemin 41G 418 429 726-3 44 6f 43J Wind south-east; rain. Spruce swamp 456 457 458 726-2 44} 7 42 Oct. 9, 9 A.M. River Ouello 377 411 414 759-5 52i lU 54 Wind east; rain. 10 A.M. Swamp 45G 457 458 727-3 46i 8 40J Wind east ; rain. Riyer Quelle 377 411 414 769-4 52 11 56} Wind east ; cloudy. Lake Etchemin 41G 418 429 724-9 42 H 42 Wind south-cast; cloudy. 3 P.M. Branch of the Black liiver. 456 457 458 729 -5 45 n 40» Wind cast; cloudy. River Quelle 377 411 414 758-3 481 9 48J Wind east ; rainy. Lake Etchemin 416 418 429 724-2 42 5J 42 Wind south-cast. Swamp 4,j(i 457 458 730-1 1 i ■i-\ 8-i 431 Wind south-cast. Oct. 10, 8 A.M. River Quelle 377 411 414 760 -7 51 lOi 51 Wind south-west; rain. Lake Etchemin 416 418 429 7-2C -5 39 4 40 Wind west; cloudy. 4 P.M. Source of the River Quelle. 456 457 458 734-1 i 41 5 40 Wind west; cloudy. River Ouelie 377 411 414 761-7 50'j 101 493 Wind north-cast; rain. Ill Record of Barometric Observations. — l cntinued. Date and Time. Station. ': Bw. Height. Til. A. Th. D. Romorki. F. C. F. C. 1841 Oct. 10, 4 P.M. Lako Etchcmin 416 418 429 727 -G 5-1} n 4SJ Wind west ; rain. Oct. 11, 8 A.M. River Quelle Lake Etchemin High tide, St. Roc. 377 411 414 416 418 429 456 457 458 762-5 728-6 764-0 48} 34J 43 9} li c 471 35 42 Wind west. Comparison of Barometers at Quebec, October 20th. Th. D. F. Th. A. , c. Uar, Height. Corrected for Toinp. 2,245 -46 -i- 3 = 748 -49. 2,245-95 ^- 3 = 748-65. 2,240 -00 .t- 3= 748-66. 44 7} 7| n n n n 7 7 7 377 411 414 41G 418 429 456 457 458 748-53 748 -GO 748-40 748-40 748-75 748-95 747-95 749 -05 749-00 748 -53 748 -58 748-35 748-35 748-70 748-90 747 -95 749 -05 749-00 Comparison of Barometers at Quebec, October 1 8th. Th. D, F. Th. A. C. Bar. Height. Correctod for Temp. 2,300-13 -f- 3 = 766-71. 2,300-31 -H 3= 766-77. 2,300-52 -i- 3 = 766-84. 44 8 ■ 8| 8 n Si n n n 377 411 414 41G 418 429 456 457 458 7GG'65 766-85 766-70 766-60 766-90 766-85 766-00 767-20 767-20 766 -GO 766-83 766-70 766-62 766-92 766-77 76G -05 767-25 767-22 113 Comparison of Barometers at Quebec, October \Qlh, Th. D. F. Th. A. C. n«r. Ilviglit. CorroctiMl for Tvuij). •J,3CI-S1 -t-Sai 753-84. •2,a(il-88*3» 753-80. '.,201-19 ->. 3 s= 733-73. 42i 6i •51 CI C Gi CI G| 377 411 414 416 418 429 45C 437 438 753-95 733-85 753-80 753 -fiO 754-03 734-10 733-20 734-20 753-85 753-93 733-83 753-75 753-58 754 -05 754 03 753-18 734-18 733-83 The mean of seventy-nine observations computed to Quebec, gives the height of the observatory at Laiic Etchcmin 1,231 feet above tho obsirvatory at Quebec. ' The mean of thirty observations selected from the above, makes it 1228 feet, to which twenty-five feet (the hciglit of tlic obnervatory at Quebec above high tide) is to be added, and the sum, 1,253 feet, is tho height of the observatory at Lake Etchemin* above high tide at Quebec. By a mean of eleven observations, the monument on the Kennebec road is 784 feet above the observatory at Lake Ktcliemin, to which add 1,253 feet for tl\e height of Lake Etchemin, 784+1,263=2,037 feet al)ovo high tide, Quebec. The same jilace computed to Quebec by a mean of seven obwcrvations, gives 2,007 feet above the observatory at Quebec, to wiiich is to bo added twenty-five feet, and the sum is 2,032 feet, not dillcring materially from the other. • The surface of the water in Lake Etchemin, is five feet below tho ob»crvotory. 113 Abstract of Hnght» as deduced from Barometric Observations at the Principal Stations along the lines of Survey. Data and Time. HIstion. lIuiKht. ft. above Queen's Wharf Quebec, ft. above high tide Quebec. ft. above high tide, Quebec. ft. above Queen's Wlmrf, Quebec, ft. above high tide, Quebec. ft. above high tide, Quebec. ft. above Queen's Wharf, Quebec. ft. above high tide, Quebec. ft. above high tide, Quebec. 1841 Juno 3, 8 A. M. 12 4 P. M. St. Annelme Quocn'ii Wharf St. Anaclino Frampton Hitl Queen's Wliarf Frampton Hill nridf^e on T.'Rau Chaudc . . Queen's Wharf Bridge on I.'Eau Chande . . 484 12 490 1,097 12 1,109 893 12 905 June Q, 8 A. M. Kid)|re five miles north uf Lake Rtchcmin Lake Eichemin Ridf^c five miles north of Lake Etchemin 134 1,253 ft. above Lake Etchemin. ft. above high tide, Quebec. ft. above high tide, Quebec. 1,387 June 22, 8 A. M. 2 P.M. 4 P.M. Port St. Francis St. Zcphyra Wendover 11 25 ft. above high tide, Quebec, ft. above high tide, Quebec, ft. above higli tide, Quebec. 3e 107 25 132 170 •>c, 195 Juno 23, 8 A.M. 10, A. M. 2 P. M. Wickhara Durham Melbourne 3C3 25 ft. above high tide, Quebec, ft. above high tide, Quebec. ft. above high tide, Quebec. 388 5S4 25 (JOU 35G 25 381 June 24, 2 I'. M. j .Shcrbrooke 531 ft. above lii)>h tide, Quebec. Jiuio 2fi, 4 1'. M. Couipton 835 ft. above high tide, Quebec. June 27, to June 30, inclusive. Stanstcad 1,025 ft. above high tide, Quebec. Juno 29, 3 p, M, Lake Mcmphromagog. . . . 379 1,025 ft. below Stanstead. ft. above high tide, Quebec. 64G 114 Abstract of Bnrnmetric IloightH.- C^imlim d. Duta uiil Tim*. Ntatiuu. lleigbf. i 8i ft. above high tide, Quebec. July 9, 8 A.M. Sourcei ui' the St. Franria 1,71)2 ft. above high tide, Quebec. 4 V. M. Swim- • -Valley of St. Francis. I..') 7 2 ft. above high tide, Quebec. .Inly 10, 12&21-.M. Den D'Urbin . 2,327 ft. above high tide, Quebec. .luly 11, 10 A. M. Top of ridj.' .... 2,(iOO ft. above high tide, Quebec 2 1'. M. Swamp 2,241) ft. above high tide, Quebec. 4 P. M. Top of ridge .... 2,753 ft. above high tide, Quebec. July 12, 8 A. M. (iipp'd Peak, 300 ft. below top . 2,7(JO y(M) ft. above high tide, Quebec. 3,0U0 10 A. M. Small river foot of Gipp's Peak 1,915 ft. above high tide, Quebec. ^3 Top of ridgo .... 2,.'>05 ft. above high tide, Quebec. 4 V. M. Arnold's River 1,924 ft. above high tide, Quebec. July 13, 10 A. M. Mount Gosford 3,G63 ft. ab< ;a high tide, Quebec. 13 p of ridge .... 2,G17 ft. above high tide, Quebec. 5 P. M. Mountain, six miles south of Lake Macanamuc 2,fi.l3 ft. above high tide, Quebec. July 14, H A. M. Canii) 2,124 ft. above higli iide, Quebec. : 10 A. M. lliugo 2,040 ft. above high tide. Quebec. ; la Two miles north-east of last place 2,Q85 ft. above hi, tid» Quebpc. 2 P. M. I 3 1>. M. Ridge 1,5(>0 ft. above t.'.;h , >, ec. Highest (wint .... 1,790 ft. above hi";-* t^dc ^ . lei - ■■ 4 P. M. Bottom of hill . 1,465 ft. above hig., 'iik, Q 'V:. July 1-5, H A. M. On ridffe ...» iM4 ft, abov" high tide, Quebec. ; 10 A. M. 1 Swamp 1,2G3 ft. above high tide, Quebec. tlA Abstract of Barometric Heighta. — Continued. I l)»U llkto ind Tiine. Hutioo. Ktrifhl. July !(!, 4 f. M. July 17, 8 A. M. lU A. M. \i 21 P.M. 4 P. M. 4) P.M. I^ko Macaiitiimc . • . I^dkd Mncnimn.M, rilctiltttetl to (luubv . • • Top of muuntaiii Summit of t\Agp • I'oot of ridpfo . . Summit of ridge . Small rlTulft # Ilighoat point of hill 1,319 2,58M a.Hfit 1,919 !2,C73 1,818 a,02,. i\. ibove hiKli ti 2,113 ft. abovi- high tide, (Quebec, ft. above high tide, Qu«b«c. ft above high lido, Quebec, ft. above high title, Quebec. It. aliove high tide, Qmber. ft. above high tide. Quvboc. Kldgo I :>] p. IM. 1 Kidge i,r.Go 1,9U7 1,823 1,C0;J 2,30:J 2,G44 ft. above high tide, (iucbi'c. ft. above high tide, Quebec, ft. above high tide, Quebec, ft. above high title, Quebec. July 20, 10 ». M. 12 2 r. M. 4 r. M. Source Du Lunp Source Du Loup Ridge . Depre«»ion In ridgo 1,942 1,79") 2,419 2,0.-) 3 ft. above high tide, Quebio. ft. above high tide, Quebec, ft. above high tide, Quebec. li. above high tide, Quebec, ft. above high tide, Quebec. ft. above high tide, Quebec. July 21, 10 A.M. 12 2 I'. 11. 7 I'. ". July 22, « A. IM. 10 A. M. On ridge Small brook . L:'ke r.milie, Du Limp waters ' ' '.ill 2.421 1,751 1,041 3,113 ft. above high tide, (iuebec. ft. above high tide, Quebec, ft. above high tide, Quebec. ft. above high tide, Quehoe. ft. above high tide, Quebec, ft. above high tide, Quebec. ft. above liifrli tide, Quebec, ft. above high tide, Quebec. Julv 23, 4 P. M. Sandy Htreani .... Sandy bay settlement, Hilton's Intersection of Kennebec road and Motjarniett^' river 1,727 l,(i37 ,S2G July 24, 8 A. »l. Uridge at St. Henri, 15 feet above water 243 ft. aliOve liiijli tide, (iuebcc. ft. above liiifli tide, Qiu^bec. ft. above high tide, Q'lrbcc. ft. aI)'-,vo hi|»h tide, Quel)ec. Aug. G, 4 P. M. St. .loscph's Aug. 10, 10 A.M. Monument on Kennebec road (mean of eleven (il).servatious computed to Lake litcherain Q 2 4G3 7m4 1,253 2,037 ft. above liigli tide, Qiieliec. ft. ai)ove oliservatory at L.ike Etchemin. ft. above high tide, Quebec. 116 Abstract of Barometric Heights. — Continued. I'i ■J Date and Time. Station. Height ft. above observatory at Quebec, feet above high tide at Quebec. 1841 Aug. 10, 10 A. M. Same place, (mean of seven observations computed to Quebec) .... 2,007 25 2,032 Aug.l2il2&2P.M. Dald mountain 1,587 2,037 feet above monument. feet above high tide at Quebec. 3,G24 Aug. 16, 10 A. M. On ridge two miles north-east of monument . 2,551 feet above high tide at Quebec. 4 P. M. Camp on side of ridge, three miles from monument 2,347 2,332 feet above high tide at Quebec. Aug. 17, 8 a. m. Same as last evening feet above high tide at Quebec. 2)4,679 2,339 10 A. M. On lake, Du Loup water, seven feet above 2,116 feet above high tide at Quebec. U A. M. Top of ridge, one mile north-east of lake .... 2,333 feet above high tide at Quebec. 12 A. M. Small brook .... 2,103 feet above high tide at Quebec. 3 A. M. Small brook .... 1,926 1,910 feet above high tide at Quebec. Aug. 18, 8 a.m.' Small brook .... feet above high tide at Quebec. 2)3,836 1,918 10 A. V, One mile north-east of camp 2,025 feet above high tide at Quebec. 11 A. M. j One mile anil a half norlli-cast of camp .... 2,280 feet above high tide at Quebec. 2 I'. M. Top of ridge .... 2,188 feet above high tide at Quebec. 3 r. M. ' Top of ridge .... 2,446 feet above high tide at Quebec. 4 P. M. ! Lake flowinp into Portage H, ! six feet al>i)vc water . 1,955 1,912 feet above high tide at Quebec. Aug. 19, 8 a. m. Same place .... feet above high tide at Quebec. 2)3,867 1,933 10 A. M. Ridge between the two takes of i'ortago Uiver . 2,223 feet above high tide at Quebec. 11 A. M. New Portage Uoad . 1,662 feet above high tide at Quebec. 2 V. M. Portage Lake .... 1,604 feet above high tide at Quebec. Aug. 24, 10 A. M. ; Portage hetwoen lakes 1,690 feet above liigli tide at Quebec. Penobscot Lake . . 1,586 feet above high tide at Quebec. 2 r. M. Top of small hill . 1,964 feet above high tide at Quebec. Aug. 25, 8 A. M. Top of small hill 1,.S47 feet above high tide at Quebec. [ 117 Abstract of Barometric Heights. — Continued. Dato and Time. Station. Height. feet above high tide, Quebec. 1841 Aug. 25, 10 A. M. Small brook, Mctjarmctte . 1,568 12 Swamp 1,608 feet above high tide, Quebec. 2 P. M. Dividing Land .... 1,8.55 feet above liigh tide, Quebec. Aug. 26, 10 A. M. Between Penobscot and Metjar- mette waters 2,104 feet above high tide, Quebec. Aug. 27, 4 r. m. Hetween Penobscot and Mctjar- mctte waters 2,046 feet above high tide, Quebec. Aug. 28, 10 A. M. .SmuU lake of Penobscot . 1,856 feet above high tide, Quebec. 2 P. M. Small stream of Penobscot 1,520 feet above high tide, Quebec. 4 p. M. Ridge dividing Penobscot waters, 300 feet below top 1,753 300 feet above high tide, Quebec. 2,053 Aug. 29, 10 A. hi. Uidgc between two branches of the Penobscot . . . 1,718 feet above high tide, Quebec. 12 Small brook Penobscot 1,556 feet above high tide, Quebec. Aug. 30, 1 P. M. Two miles and a quarter south- east o*' Lake Ktchcmin 1,389 feet above high tide, Quebec. 3 P. M. Three miles and a half south of Lake Etchemin 1,305 feet above high tide, Quebec. 4 P. M. Four miles S. of Lake Etchemin 1,330 feet above high tide, Quebec. Aug. 31, 9 A. M. Small hill in swamp . 1,415 1 feet above high tide, Quebec. 10 A. M. Swamp heading branch of Pe- nobscot .... 1,368 feet above high tide, Quebec. Branch of l.a Famine 1,271 feet above high tide, Quebec. 11 A.M. Caribou Plain, throe-quarters of a mile from the stream . 1,293 feet above high tide, Quebec. 12 Caribou Plain . . ' . 1,307 feet above high tide, Quebec. 2 I'. M. Half a mile south-east of last place ..... 1,331 feet above high tide, Quebec. 4 p. M. Small brook of Penobscot . 1,494 feet above high tide, Quebec. j Oiip mile further on . 1,.341 feet above high tide, Quebec. .Sept. 1, 8 A. M. Camp 1,369 1 feet above high tide, Quebec. i 9 A. M. Half a mile south-cast . 1,403 feet above high tide, Quebec. 10 A. M. Small stream La Famine . 1,349 feet above high tide, Quebec. 11a. m. Burnt Land .... 1,270 i feet above high tide, Quebec. 12 Stream of La Famine . 1,287 1 feet above high tide, Quebec. 2 p. M. Half a mile further on 1,416 , ioet above high tide, Quebec. 3 p. M. llced Lake .... 1,363 1,351 feet above high tide, Quebec. 2)2,714 1,357 118 Abstract of Barometric Heights.— Continued. p ' . Date and Time. Ststioo. 1841 Sept. 2, 10 A. M. 1 1 A. M. 12 4 V. M. Sept. 3, 9 A. M, 12 2 P. M, Uidge between Penobscot waters Three-quarters nf a mile south- west from lake . . Brook of La Famine Ridge between Penobscot waters and southern sources of the St. John . . . . Burnt Land . . • • Lake of the St. John, South Lake Brook of La Famine Height. 3 P. M. 5 I'. M. Branch of La Famine . . 1,371 Small brook of the St. John, cast 01 South Lake . . 1,547 Same brook of La Famine, two miles higher up . . . 1,228 Ridge cast of South Lake, divi- ! ding St. John and Penobscot waters . . • .1,775 One mile south-east of last place 1,443 Division of St. John and La | Famine waters . . . ' 1,448 i Small stroam, St. John waters j l,.359 1,624 1,360 1,218 2,071 1,297 1,459 1,155 feet above high tide, Quebec. feet abovfc high tide, Quebec, feet above high tide, Quebec. feet above high tide, Quebec, feet above high tide, Quebec. feet above high tide, Quebec, feet above high tide, Quebec. Sept. 4, 4 V. M. Source of same stream 1,419 Sept. 5, 10 A. M. j Rising ground .... 1 1 A. M. Small brook of the St. John 12 Ridge, same as noon of Sept. 2 Rising ground i 1 p. M. ■ Same as 10 A. .\i., Sept. 2 Small stroam flowing south 2 r. .M. 1 Ridge 1 Quarter of a mile south of small 3 p. M. 4 P. M. 5 P. M. stream Half a mile further on . . | I Ridge, quarter of a mile west of | small iiraiu'li of I'l'iiiibscot . , Quarter of a mile further (m . i Large brook flowing west . 1,541 l,46(i 2,053 1,532 1,594 1,487 1,497 1,499 1,422 1,430 1,459 1,3G0 feet above high tide, Quebec, feet above high tide, Quebec. feet above high tide, Quebec. feet above high tide, Quebec, feet above high tide, Quebec. feet above high tide, Quebec, feet above high tide, Quebec. fort above high tide, Quebec. feet above higli tide, Quebee. feet al)Ove high tide, Quebec, feet aliove high tide, Quebec, feet above high tide, Quebec, feet above high tide, Quebec, feet above liigli tide, Quebec, feet above high tide, Quebec. feet above high tide, Quebec. fe<'t above hipli tide, Quebec. feet above high tide, Quebee. feet above high tide, Quebec, feel .il)OVe high tide, Q\U'bi'C. Sept. 7, 8 A. M. 9 A. M. 10 A. M. Small laki. . . . . I Caribou Plaui .... Ridge between Penobscot waters I,:!;i3 1,342 1,912 feet aliovt! high tide, Quebec, feet above high tide, Quebec, feet above high tide, (Juebee. 119 Abstract of Barometric Heights. — Continued. Dato and Time. SUtioo. Height feet above high tide, Quebec. 1841 Sept. 7, 10 A. M. Itidgc between Penobscot and Metjarmette 1,944 Rising ground . . . . 1,500 feet above high tide, Quebec. 11 A. M. Three quarters of a mile further on 1,G80 feet above high tide, Quebec. 12 Two miles and a quarter from lakes . . . . . 1,572 feet above high tide, Quebec. 2 P. M. Small lake, same as Sept. 11, 8 A. M 1,375 feet above high tide, Quebec. 5 p. M. Half a mile further on 1,520 feet above high tide, Quebec. Sept. 8, a A.M. Rising ground . . . , 1,G35 feet above high tide, Quebec. 11a. m. Uising ground .... 1,758 feet above high tide, Quebec. 1 P. M. Brook of Metjarmette . . 1,816 feet above high lido, Quebec. 3 p. M. Two miles on . 1,884 feet above high tide, Quebec. 4 V. M. North branch of the Metjarmette 1,857 feet above high tide, Quebec. Sept. 10, 8 A. M. j North branch i)f the "Metjarnictto ' 1,857 feet above high tide, Quebec. Sept. .9, 4 P. M. Small lake, source of the south- western branch of the St. John 1,G19 feet above high tide, Quebec. Sept. 11, 8 a. m. Small ke, same as Sept. 7, 2 P..M 1,526 feet above high tide, Quebec. 3 p.m. Between a lake of the St. John and La Famine, same as Sept. 7, 9 A..M 1,379 feet above high tide, Quebec. Sept. 13, 9 A.M. Same as Sept. 8, 9 a.m. . 1,370 feet above high tide, Quebec. 4 P. M. Burnt Land .... 1,194 feet above high tide, Quebec. Sept. 14, 8 A. M. Same 1,180 feet above high tide, Quebec. 10 A. M, Three-quarters of a mile from last station .... 1,156 feet above liigh tide, Quebec. 1 1 A. M. 1 Sinnll lake of I,i Famine . 1,233 feet above high tide, Quebec. 12 1 Rising ground .... 1,327 feet above high tide, Quebec. 3 V. M. '. Small lake .... 1,241 feet above Iiifrli tide, Quebec. Sept. !">, 11 A. M. Same as Anfj. ;!(), 12 . . ' 1,228 feet above high tide, Quebec. Sept. 2G, 2 P. M. i Lake Arclier, fifteen feet above water ..... 1,318 fc«t above higli tide, Quebec. 4 p. M. 1 One mile and a half north of Lake Archer 1,780 feet above Iiigh tide, Quebec. Sept. 27, 8 A. M. Small stream, Etchemin . 1,326 feet above high tide, Quebec. 10 A. M. Top of hill .... 1,895 feet above high tide, Quebec. 12 River Etchcmm 1,327 feet above high tide, Quebec. 2 P. M. Top of bill .... l,7VG feel above high tide, Quebec. 3 P. M. Small stream .... 1.806 feet above high tide, Quebec. 4 p. M. One mile further on . 1,890 1' t above high tide, Quebec. 190 Abstract of Barometric Heights. — Continued. Date and Timo. Station. Height. feet above high tide, Quebec. 1841 Sppt. 27, 5 P. M. Small stream, St. John 1,629 Sept. 29, 4 P. M. Top of Hard-wood Ridge . 2,027 feet above high tide, Qutbec. Sept. 30, 9 A. M. Top of ridge . 2,615 feet above high tide, Quebec. 12 Top of same ridge . • . 1 2,.340 feet above high tide, Quebec. Oct. 2, 12 Small stream Du Sud 1,346 feet above high tide, Quebec. 2 P. M. Top of ridge . ■ . • 2,043 feet above high tide, Quebec. 4 P. M. Small stream, St. John 1,209 feet above high tide, Quebec. Oct. 3, 1 1 A. M. In a swamp .... 1,507 feet above high tide, Quebec. 12 Small stream, Du Sud 1,519 feet above high tide, Quebec. 3 P. M. Gentle rise .... 1,481 feet above high tide, Quebec. Oct. 4, 10 A. M. On ridge 1,888 feet above high tide, Quebec. 4 P. M. Small lake of the St. John 1,543 feet above high tide, Quebec. Oct. 5, 9 a.m. Top of ridge . . . . 1,607 feet above high tide, Quebec. 10 A. ^r. 'Small stream .... 1,354 feet above high tide, Quebec. 3 P. M. On flat 1,434 feet above high tide, Quebec. 4 P. M. Small lake of the St. .John 1,353 feet above high tide, Quebec. Oct. 6, 10 A. M. Table land .... 1,448 feet above high tide, Quebec. 11 A. M. ■ Same table land . 1,391 feet above high tide, Quebec. 12 Gentle rise .... 1,641 feet above high tide, Quebec. 1 P. M. i Stream of St. John 1,461 feet above high tide, Quebec. « 3 p. M. ; Spruce Swamp 1,372 feet above high tide, Quebec. 4 v. M. ' Small lake of St. John 1,344 Icct above high tide, Quebec. Oct. 7, !) A. M. Half a mile north of lake . 1,438 ft. above high tide, Uiver Ouelle. 10 .*. M. Spruce Swamp . . . 1,504 ft. above high tide. River Ouelle. l-.> Same swamp .... 1,334 1 ft. above high tide, Uiver Ouelle. 3 V. \t. Small stream of the St. John 1 1,348 ft. above high tide, liiver Ouelle. 4 P. M. Swamp ..... 1,470 ft. abovo high tido, ItiviM- Ouelle. Oct. S, S A. M. Gentle rise . . . . , l.5«8 ft. above high lido, Uiver Ouelle. 12 Stream flowing into Black River 1,174 ft. above high tide, Uiver Ouelle. 2 P. M. Spruce Swamp 1,223 ft. above high tide, Uiver Ouelle. 4 V. M. ■ Spruce Swamp 1,266 ft. above high tiilc, Uiver Ouelle. Oct. 9, 9 a. m. ; .Swamp ' 1,203 ft. above high tiiip, Uiver Ouelle. 10 A. M. Branch of Black River 1,119 ft. above high tido, Uiver Ouelle. 3 P. M. i Swamp 1,068 ft. above high tide, liiver Ouelle. Oct. 10, 8 A. M. Source of River OucUo 980 ft. above high tide, Uiver Ouelle. M (, .3^ ?lt I I I 1 I J » 5 "! HnrfOiirllf \ ■ § Hliirk Kifrr] Cttir EtrttJ •h .c -9 „,-^i;ry/f?V"*i / \ M A /. ^/ //r///r// ^/ ////' f r// ////// IS DIMMTI. WITH Tin: TllK. I' I, A I .V f/tfif Sf/jfi/Yi/fs ///< //fV'/f/^f/t/f.S' r/fti/nr// /j\ ///rf/ 6f>rr/vu/fr/// . u/ ^/f>if / 'ft//tf/f f . I\ DISI'ITK WITH THE •irnrj'jiix) ^^sprri.'^.. \rii'DL\ti THE l» L A I X f/uf/ .s'/^ut/r//r.S' f/ir /ff'(*-/t/rf/tf/.S' r/at/Nf// /jv //trf/ 6'ot'mtfftrNf . ill wliirli lHll€>r iimHuyns. run xttHrmvKSTKH.vMasT niuu> onosxEmrrT mvKH takes its Hist:. fn/t/ ■• ^t, I/,,/ ^ / n/ti/ ///////.> / . , /f/f/Af /: J /f ////////// '////r//A \S HIS£. ^/fU/// \ -V, _J I *i H 1 S /ffu\ef Strraiit •s >i <*■ lUtr.^johoyrthr S' .'<*"» H""' V %, ! JinttrstfOox "I tht S'J.>h„ **■ >*»■ }UO.^H.rf>lof f? S 5 ^ N »* > f< •^ I §?: 1 ' ■ • I rr .100 tfet tihove <7iapffhor I to I ♦ - 30 % "5, -S ^ 5s % Level of Hiqh title at (ha pel bar OHN'S RIVER TO THE BEAVER STREAM . OETERMI NED BV SPIRIT LEVEL IN I84C 14 TH. De/trs Broil * Otpt J,D,faifha\s'/on4 I >' 56 S $ 40 'tie 'It Chapel bar St Johns ^'^^'^^ !:<> ^ ^ r s Si ;5 JU {?J -4- SO Level of S. Johns LC^EL IN le^O. \ Di'/vfs BroiN/liion Otpt RE. D . Fi'afha\s'/on/uiUi/h i.^vfl of Sf Johns Hivtr jot* fret above (Tiapefhar