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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICROCOPY RESOIUTION TfST CHART lANSI and ISO TEST CHARl No 2) 1.0 If I I.I 2.8 It i^ J^ 140 1.25 iu 1^ 2.2 2£ 1.8 1.6 ^ -APPLIED INA^ GE In :^--_ ifc^.3 t^si Ma -- SUM! ''SS (''6) 482 - D300 • Phone ^S '■•-'^'f ^88 - '989 - hj, ;J."7.->"t>lJ ON PURCHASING FEEDING STUFFS IK.WK' I . Sill IT, M..\ , \\<,: ill if r ^ \ /txtSS4t \^faha6es dO'63% ^'SS% S7'62Z ■ ■ Oanho- 32-29% ■ m 4dS^% illu.-tiati.iu allows ill i,'r;ipliic fomi tlin (-rxnposition of the two c(»tt<.n-s discussed in tlie tt-xt. I'd meals DOMINION EXPERIMENTAL FARMS. J H. GRISDALE, B.Agr., Director. FRANK T. SHUTT, M.A., D.Sc. Dominion Chemist (Assistant Director). •t:!!i:!t! EXHIBITION CIRCULAR No. 88. (.':ii'.iKii,\ . imi;.) i. > \ In ^^ ! i 'i-l il" i,*,^^.^^:,--^ iilil ON PUHCHASINO FEEDING STUFFS. Tho fnrmor-s ,,r„tit in ..o„„c,.tiou with his liv.. stook .l,.,,,.,,.!., not morrlv o„ p,.tti„ir 8 m I , ,^. „ ,1,.. rn.l t,.nlM,t; vmIm-s ,.f th.. ..-v.t.I ,.tT,.n.,l, |, is wifl, r,- ,r.l f. ;':;';;;i;.t;;;t;X: ^' ""■• - ■— --■•• ^ -^ ■- ^ "'- ^rainIsi!:!n!!l/'^'■'■''^''' !'"",'" 'r "^ "'='^" '"■ ""•"'•'i'-'-'-. l.o„„.-«r„u„ f„.l,i..r. an-J r,t. on t.. I>u .-iMM. ,,, r „t tim v^H.-s nuliin;.' .,r nmn,.fa.t„rinjf l,v-pn-l,„.t^ .'In . llM.^ ;,ls„ j.r.atl.v u. ,.r--... ami if is ^u^\ to l„,.r in mind that th.. nri.v » s,. ,l.,n. any .•r>t..r,.,n as t„ f.v.lin^r valuo; fr...,n..ntlv w fin.l that th.' ,■ 1, p ' ,U .-uhl n„t h.. pr..Htahl,v fV.l ...... th..y pnr..hasal,h. at half n. k . . •' ) oti -r han.l. tho nmst ..xp..nsiv... l.y n-as,., .,f,.ss in th.. n or., in, k t t "i.trn.nts, „,ay h,. th.. most ....ononiioal t,. pur.-has.. "nport.,,,! S..V r.l'" "■''"''■ /"''J^''-t ';f t''- ••'»"'I".sitio„ of f lin*. .tntrs an.l tl,.- fun.-tions of tl„ worth} of the c-areiul study of tho progressive faruur. THE COMPOSITION OF FEEDING STUFFS. .1 tM l,n;r s ntfs ar,. ..on,p.,s,.d ot th.. sanu" .-onstitrnMits (known as nutri..nt~) an.l tr.r n,on,^ then>s,.lv..s .n their vain,, to ti„. fr the fa.t hat P oport.ons ..t th..s.. ..onst,tu,.nts vary .n.atly. a..eordin.^ t,; ,h.. nature f tf, Ihe.. ..onst,tu..nt. ar.. as f„ n.oisture. pr..tein. fat. earhoi,vdrat..s. ti , .■!i:'i;i:i::;:tr;h;ri::t:dv:;:;:;;:.'''''''"'''' ^^""•" -'^ ••■ ^"^ ^--- - ;- in ^"^""--T'''; '•""^f'f"t<;^ thv ..itrofrenous portion of the f,.od. Tts ehi,.f fnnetio, f tl . . " ^•-./".'•"'f - "<• I'-Klv tissu..s an.l hloo.l a , , t all th ,utr.,„ts ,t is the n.ost in.portunt and valuable, for no other e.,n ,1 . uu.s. tliL .umnal eannot thrive, or trrow, or pr.,du<-e milk. v.,l„ I." ""'T- ^ !''° """-'"♦'•">-''"""« constitue.its, fat has the nutritiv. I".'. It .s us..d .n the an.mal for tl„. prod,.etion ..f fat~the fat of the h, ,1 , tlu^^nnlk : for the ...nerat.on of the vital heat, and as a sonre.. of ^Jl^y ,,X:::l i rnl..^"''?^'"^*."'-?'^^''''^ '■""'■"'" '"'"■^'- ^"f^" "•"• ""i"-J ^"1-taneo.. whieh ns r..le ..onstituto the larj^er part of th.. .Iry n.attor of a tVed. Their f um-t on n 1 .mnal ,s to produe.. heat an.i ..n..r^y (for whieh purp.>se th..y ar.. le" vZa^ Zll f^.r we,«ht. than fat), and under .-..rtain cireu.n.tance. they n.ay ho^^^r^tZ^l Fibre.^This is the least valual.le of the iiutrients Tn nn,v,„„.-*- i r it is si.nilar to the earl.ohydraf.s. hut it is .'s nl " fo ti I, '^^ ,'7' ""'' ^""")" ' l-iu^ less ,li....,ihl„. An ; of fihr s, 'eia Iv if ^i^ "IT' 'T ""T "^ ' ' mmm Ash— This ti»,ufx " '"'■"""> "• >"""ral nmtt.r l„m„i in „11 „„„„al iill IMPORTANCE OF PROTEIN AND FAT. Tl„. farmrr l.u.vs frclinR stuff. ,-l,;,.|l,v to ,.„rl. Ii lii~ l.otno-erotrn fndilrr> nnd f.'ruu,> «ith pn.t.ii, „ri<l fnf •m.l fl,,,. ,., i' , r """""-erovrn tnrt.lrr> nn .nuk- M ,v,.ll-,„|.n,M., ti ,' T "' """" '•'^'■'•"^-; i-' <'tl.or words t :::;r:r -:'"™;-■■"'.-"::^^;.■=^rt;::t:;;;:;:■:t:':;: 111. -iiort- iind the uh'»\ u{ wliol,.>;nniis i,rr...x.-,.i,tr.|) |„-ir ii tM... ,,rlr,. • '"'" ""■ ""•"' •'' "f .--i ' tat .Jd t.;. :;::;;::;„ .:;;,;;"::^''H;;;;:';ri: 7'";""^:; ■-^•-^-"^ "v,-. sliouM I,.. lo„l„.d f„r „„d w,.ll .tudird .Vr V'' T"'^'' >-'"aran- '■'"•10- .1.1- fro,,, un-y,. in,,.,- o,. "J ;'„""'"'T." '""■'•'''"'; ^"^ '^ '^ "-" ff, ■.; LOWEST-PRICED FEED NOT ALWAYS CHEAPEST. |..i.,;.ii. ... .,... .fiJ:,,:-vi •':'<;z:^^^^^^^^^ '-iiiP'-'tin, „ ,||,,u„ i„ tl„. illn^trnlio,, .">i.iri> A u„rth? Tlioir ^'i'r.'''.';':.?.'r"^r» «'?'»"'" ""i.'" «»a diwa. ,h. price per ton; tlu- r.sult will he tln' i >rif(. jHT protfiii-fut unit in ti sum into the H' uiciil, thu,s:— I'roh Flit. . u'li . ."lO Prot Fat. Pin. ;)4).t:!o.(M)0( .itj: Mt40 4.-.. -,;;).%•],'■>. ooo(.rf!f> CJCS -'4Ti' il .S7] 2T;{18 nrr prr prnfrin-faf unil hi " .i ". . m ^^„^, " "«•■ 77 •• 39720 (jppro.rimatfh) l>i!J< irrnrr II - ? i .1 ,| I' 'li i) 1 :l I i It I* fliim iipiMri'iit from fln-^o *uu\,\v ciilruliitioii-i tli;it the pru-r ii-kf<l for tlir -niiH' wnjfht of protein and fat is |tl .•••nts hidi.T in " A " tli.m in " J{." Tlu- r.l.itivr. valiir |,,.r ut "A" n- c.inipMrr,! with •• li" i-. tli.T.'f.irc : Tolal iinily ,„ I" .;•.', .It, „uillli,lini I,,, Ih,- /inrr jirr iiKih in-fiit iiiiil of ■ // " .77 niih. *JI,IM»1.S W.- tinw s(.(- tlint with '' H "' nt $'!.'. jxr t..n. ■• A " i- not worth rrmro thnti npproxi- (f-j:, |„t t.,n. 'I'h.' Inrirc iHr.viita«c of film- in " A " would tend to rcdii.-c cvrii this ti(;ur.'. for. as w.' hav.. point. -.1 out, a hi^'ii fii.r.'-ront.nt has tiir I'tT.M'l of inipairinjr tho ciijr, ^tihility of the iV.d. It has thus hr.n d. ni.iu>trat. d, in tliis caso, that the higher-priced meal is much the cheaper feed. Published by authority of Hon. MARTIN BURRELL, Minister of Agriculture, Ottawa, Ont.