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Tous les autres exemplaires origiriaux sont filmis en commenpant par la T""'*'* P*9* qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la derniAre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symbol's suivants apparaitra sur la derni^re image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole -^ signifie "A SUIVRE '. le symbole V signifie "FIN ". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent etre filmis i des taux de reduction diff*rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour gtre reproduit en un seul clich*, it est film* d partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche i droite. et de haut en bas. en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ii^"\iaf>j-:ji'"m. I i'-'L'-iijj-agai^gMgH— I . I i I I A I LABORATORY Of THE INL.OD REVENUE DEPARTMENT OTTA.^\^A, CAISTADA BULLETIlSr :N"o. 237 LARD. 23152—1 LABOHATORY INLAND KEVENUE DEPARTMENT OTTAWA, CANADA BULT.ETI^^ No. 237 LARD Wm. H.msworth. Esq., ""*''"• "''^ ^^' '»'- Asst Deputy Minister, Inland Revenue Dept , Ottawa. f>.t.^"'~i ^^ '°L '■^P^/'' "P"" -"'^ sainple.s purchased as lard durini; tlie months of October and Novenil,er of last year. These samples have been examine" a ™is their m-Counom effect from November 22, 1910, which defines lard as follows :_ slaul'ter Uple/f''' /'^ ''"'''?.^* ^""^ ''"8'" '" ««^ health at the time of the™ f ^ '""' ^''""^ ■•'*"'"""»>■■ *"^1 -contains, necessarily incorporate.1 in LttJ'a'r." Indfet."'"^' "'" """' '''"" °°'' <'^ P" '•^"*' "^ ^"^«*«"-' °^he.^Jan nal fa"t o^tl a[lt'"'^fT{!'''[''^ "' moderately high temperatures from the inter- nal fat of the abdomen of the hog, excluding that adherent to the intestine, an.l o"e m '^Zn7?^\T '""'':i ''•r ^''*'-«^'^ <«3) -d contains n.rmore'than one (1 ) per cent, of substances other than fatty acids and fat ab,eitp:r''?[^ui^s2^rc^- -;.;--^: tz^^tix f^tTa^l^isr/far- "''^'"'"^ ''^"^ °- ('> P^' centof sub^trerothe-r'tC No. JS57:^:,rz isrfsrc^^ir ^ '-^^^"^^ "^ '"^- -^^" °- --p^^-^ acids^and'fa^.r*^' *^*' allowance of only one per cent of substances other than fatty acids and fat, is common to all 'he grades of lard rlefincl. Three samples of this colleJ .on contain an excess of wate, but the amount is in two instanceTso s i?htlv b^vond legal hm.ts that U must bo regarded as acci.lental. The cases in qu;stln Se :- ^ No. 37.31 2-Ingersoll Packing Co ^o' mj " 47376— " .. - " 4M72-P. Burns Co \.\\ All other sample*, Ii62 in numWr, conform to the requiremonts of legal lard, and Miu>tt be regarded an genuine. It will l)e olwerveil that many samples judged as genuine, give a distinct reaction with the Halphen test for cotton seed oil. I am ci)nvince<l that the indications of ..iiii teat considered by themselves, are not sufficiently positive to furnish a basis for pro- nouncing cotton 8ee<l nil present, with intent. H<ij,'s which have lieen fed with cotton seed meal may yiel- a I'ut which gives the red coloration with Halphen's reagent. Unless the absorption of iodine contirm the Halphen test, I do not regard the presence of cotton seed .il as established. The last report upon lard was published as Bulletin 193, in December, 1909. On tlic whole, this article appears to be of good (|uality ; and the (icca.sional sale of a com- pound lard for the genuine is to be regarded rather as an act of carelessness on the part of the retiiil dealer, than as intentional on the part of the manufacturer. Our inspection ^huws that manufacturers of compound lard are careful to state correctly the nature of the article on the container. I beg to recommend the publication of this report as Kulletin No. -'.'57. I have the honour to be, sir. Yuur obedient servant. McGILL, Chief Analyit. T 23152— IJ I: , m; ' Sf «?: 11 tP BULLETIN No. .237- I ClwT. u.' . , 3 I'f Vi-naur. Nanif ami AddrexK of Manoruclurer or Fu^ni^^' r uafri\eii hy till \ .iirtiir. •SatnpU-. ^ r. 3 19U. I M Lard. I 8, 1 Hi J 9! J I 10 l«j 13! "I 15l 16 i 16 17 17i ■= 1 Maniifiu-turt-r. Kurni»her. DISTKICT OF NOVA SCOTIA- 4ii741 K. H. Adam- * Co., Halif.i«, X..H. iiutiV. T. Shpa. Halifax, I : N.S. I 4(i74»li. Hiri>)iKi'M, Halifax, I i N.S. I 4t>744 Th...«. Sprv. Halifax, I i N.S. j 4674"! J. .\. Ti»-anmn i Co., I ; Halifax, N.S. I 4fi74fi A. L. Ooyl.- & Co., Halifax, N.S. 46747 ;T. .1. Brown, Halifax, I N.S 46748 W. C. UeEav, Halifax, i N.S. 46749K. S. Short, Halifax, I N.S. 1 467.")'> Hy. C.«.k, Halifax,' I N.S. 46751 .». H. Kmmett. Halifax, j N.S. ; 46752'.T. (r. Mitcb'll, Halifax, j N..S. I 46753 .T. A. lirenini-r. Halifax, I N.S. I ^ J 467.>4 l>avis A Krawr, Hali- i fax, N.S. 467550. LyoiH, Kcntvillf, N.S. 4675*) 8. L. Cross, Keiitville, ' N.S. : 4H7.">7 Uixoii Ltd., Halifax, I N.S. ^ 467r>»Sli(>ri' A C-viiipbell,' I Halifax, N.S. j 46759 S. Thomson, Dart-' mouth, N.S. 4fi7»» Forsyth, Jr., Dart mouth, N.S. lb 17 20 14 17 18 17 18 18 If 15 15 17 18 14 18 18 17 18 16 18 Swift Co., Chicago. . . .1. Morrell, Ottumwa, r.s. Vendor Vendors. Davit AP''raser, Hali- fax, N.S. Mfr Swift Co., Chicago. . . Wentzells Ltd , I j Halifax, N..S. ;\Vm. Daviea, Co. ,iDavi.<A Fraser, Hali- 'I'oronto. [ fax, N..S. F.W. Fearnian, Ham- Mfr ilton. Vendor iWm Davies, Co . , R . 15. Caldwell, i Toronto, Ont. I aspnt, Halifax, Vendors F. \V. Fearinan, Co.,'Mfrs Hamilton, Ont. ' Park Klaekwrll, Toro- : .. nto. Ont. i Wm. Davies, Co., R B. Caldwell, ] Toronto, Ont. j a^nt, Halifax, ' I N.S. Unknown J . Crowe, Ltd., [ i Halifax, N.S. F. W. Fearman, Toru- Mfrj. nto. I DISTRICT OF PRINCE KDWARD I9LAND- t. 16 IjATd , lel „ . 17 18! . WW) .lohn McKenna, Char- 1 lb j '■, P.K.I. , 46107 R. F. MaddiganftCo., I Ch8rlottetown,P.K.I , I 46108 S. Sanderson 4 Co., 1 ! ' Charlottetown.P.KI .'' 46109 Stewart & Son, Char- 1 j I lottetown, P.E r ] 46110 .Tamea Kennedy, Ken- 1 ' I sington, F.E.I. > 18 Morris & Co,, Chi- cago.- 18 Davis ft Fraser, Char- lottetown, P.E.I. 16 Langs, Montreal 16 Morris & Co., Chi- cago. 17 Vendor F.ARD. Kiwii.T OK Anai-vhim. 4 1 d In»i*ctipr'« Krpiirt. (In net an exjirf^^ion of opinKiii.) 'i 11 -H . li Rrmarkt ami Opinion of the Chief Analyit. R. J. WAICH, IN.Sl'FXTOK. 'Silver IaaI' liraiiil p.c. 1 1 04; 67 96 02 GO 3!l 611N'one .Ml Faint 1' nk.. 46741 46742 46743 4«i744 46745 4t>74«i 46747 46748 46749 46750 46751 467.52 46753 467!>4 46755 46756 4«;757 4675S 46759 46760 Genuine. Lfftf Lard ' Kilvir Leaf ' Bnuid 03 003 10 om ()3 :<r,3'J 55 37 62 68 60 76 66 58 6202 6300 56 27 55 tW 9003 59 .39 .54 21 .Vi 11 5<J 2 49 6 49 6 M 3 61 1 no* 507 495 49 8 600 50 1 50 r>i-3 None Fa.nt Pink.. None Faint Pink.. None Faint Pink.. „ Ltaf Lard 04 'Sur' Brand 0C2 ('3 04 05 05 03 09 ■• , L-ibflled pure leaf Lard 0-06 56 :i6 51 4 002 02 002 00» 68 67; 60- 1 1 58'63 501 " 68-75 57 63 606 51 II W.M. A. WEEKS, INSPECTOR. 02 6816 02: 57 36 1 04: m 61 60 None 49 5 1 50 '6: Light pink.. .500 None 4«>106 461.)7 46108 4610H 46110 (ienuine. It II 03 59 83 004 51 93' 49 8 1 ^Hl V I If! bULLKTlN No. 237— s s Xatiirt- of SainiiK'. lid J ct. 21 .. 21 .. 2B 27 " 31 Ijard,. Oct. ISUnl., J "I W I l,s' i 2.| 2«j 24 ^^1 s: '\ "i lo: 14 15, 15; N.iii.. mil .V'Mri>»« ■■I V,n.|..r. ('o»T. Name iinil .\(l<lr.« nf M.iiuif»ctiirer "r Kuiiii-h>^r a< |{i\Hii dy tl»- V.-iii|..r I- IS MaiiufactimT. Viirni-lu*r. IHSTKICT UK I'KIXCK KI»\VAKI. ISLAND- 4.. Ill li T. 1I.,1,„...,, I.til.. 1 II,. SiiiriiMi-r-i . I' K I 4<IUL>l!raiM. M, ayC, , 1 .. . SMiiiiii.r»iilM, I'. K I 4illl:t|). .1 M.Umi, M,.i,tu. 1 „ il'u: I'K I. 4'11U\V. \V. .I.nkin». 1 „ li''c,r(r.'ti.»li. 4'ill,->T. Stii,.kh.i,.|. Cliar 1 „ !■ ■«.■!..« II, I'.K I. l"' Win. I>a>t- A S.ii. I Ti.n^iit.i. Ill ;l»ii\i.-. i.tii., .M,,„t. . I real. I 111 .111... T.)liiii Hi Co., . ! I(alif;i\. i Hi Till- Uiii. haviis 4 «'.... T-til., Toronto, i 1> Vrii.l..r : l<I.-*Ti;i(T 1)1 .NKW llKl N.SWICK 4.V.4'i.r.,l,ii M.i|.kiii.., St.,Ti.liii 1 II, 45.-,|l r.' K.' Williaiii, C,,., I „ Lt.i., ,St. ,(.,|,„, 4.V.4L' (J, li. T«)l.,r, St, .I..l,ii, 1 „ 4.-,54;t Sll|,p ,V FLuclliiirf, 1 „ .St. .li-hii, N.R 4.%>t4 Cai|»nt.r A (',. , St 1 .- .'"hh, X li, 4.-)54.-i|) McDuci.., St .I..|,i,, 1 .. N li. 45.M1;:; l;.irk«r», X,til.. St. 1 ,. . "hn, N li. 45.M: .1 a ill .■ » C o 1 1 i 11 , , .St. 1 ., .I'.l.n. \ li, 45i')4- r, K, .McK.-miu, St, I ., St(i.|i..n, N li, 45.',4'.i.r„|,i,McCl,„k.-v. Kr...l. I ,. '•ii't..ii. \. |{.' 45V,ii Iii,|,.i;..,l Parking Co., 1 ., i Lt,l..\V,,.«|,t.K-k,X.Ii 45.'m1 \V. S. Skill.-n, \V,„h1. 1 .. ••t.K.k, X 11. 45.a:,2 B. lJ«'H-iiilKe,.An'lov(.r, 1 ., j 4.w.j.i F. I). Saillir, I'lrtli. I .. 1 • 40J.VI Sii<,«,-.\ Tackiiiif ('., , 1 „ I Ltd., Sii»,.e\. 4.*,."w O. A. .Milieath, 1 „ ton. X B. I3351! Wii,. 1'. Wliite, 1 „ . 16 LardConi- 4,"),V>7 I). ,V- '.l! Kitclii- & f '.. 1 „ I p<nind. I NVw (■,,„],., X ]! ' '' •'•'■•1 j4rw.\^A. .1. .M.ahan, liatli- 1 „ iir«l. X li. ... 4.">,V>!t W. ,T.,.. Ltd. 1 .. I liathurst, ...' 455.>»i) Adams liurnsC.).,Lt.!. 1 ,. I BathiirHt, X B. 11! \\nd,<r ; IS N'tiulor,* 'Xil V.ndor lli N'.'ndorn V> l>. li. Martin Ltd., \V..»t Toronto, Out. I'i Vi.ii.lor M Til.- Park Uliickw.!! Co.. '.td.. T,.r,,iito If* (iunn's. W.itt Tonin- to, I Int. 14 Swift Co. Ltd., r.S.A. 15 Tl»- Wni. Davids Co. . Lf.l., Moiitifal. 15 A'enilors . . 16 (i.oiiis, Ltd., Torun- _ I U., 1 »nt. 1. j 17 Kowlcr.<Can. Co. Ltd. I Haniilton, Unt. ' 15 I Vi-ndor,* I 17 K. \V. Keamian Co.,i . Ltd.,llaiiiilton.<)nt. 15 Daviriit Frasfr, Cli»r- lott.touii. P.K.I. 1.-. TlieX. K. Kairl«nk'» ... Co.. Montreal. 15 liiinn's Lt.l., West . . 1 T.,i to, (Int. J 15 V. \V. Kf arinan Co , . . . Ltd.,HainiIton,()nt. 1."' Laiiijf. P. A P, Cu„ ., Montreal, Al!l> Ktnn.Tii or ANAI.VHK. In^lmCor'ii K>-|«irt. (U opiiuun. ) a 19 I ^' t i\ !" ■J 3 4 i1 WM A. WKKKS. INSl'KCTOR- f'....w,„/„/. |..c. I Of.' ^s 42 furiSonr oi' til 02 no s' '«ift< 02: 0* M .M 2 (t 02 .-D* 12 TpO 2 (• 04 52 75 4'.l 1 •i I ICi'iiinrk.'t anil Opinion of the Chief Analytt 4H111 Cimuii.H. 4<1112 4'in:f 4(ill4 4tlll5 '. (-•. KEKCVSOX, IX.SI'KCTOK. Silver Ijcat" Itranil.. ' Star " Branil . ' U-'ar'j* Head" Coni]iiiun(l. (M 5fi 25 49 2 None. 45MOt fntiine. 1' ()4 :i(i (i!) roo; 45541 »0»1 > 31 ^!'!' 43542 . 0»i; 57 2K 49 8 45543; i(o;t; fii w 808 4M44i . 0(Ki Wl I'l 49 3 4.'>54r), ow 55 83 «1'7 45U6 . 119 5S 9m M-' 45:>47j . 04: (jii a>< 61 2'l'lnk 4554S; , (M 60 57 WS 45.%49l 17 54-79 49 4 Li^lit Pink. 45.V1O . 04 r.? 73 507 None 43551; 01 60 36 50 5 „ 45532; 04 t;".! 4H 51-0 4553;t: . 03, 05 76 49-7 45654J . 02 (il 27 60 9 455531 02; r.7-55 49 9 453561 . 0021 'X> <M 567;Red 45557 Sold as comiwund 03 60-73 fiO 3;Faint P'nk.. 45558( enuine. 0-03 02 68 51-OLiKhtPink.. 45359: M 003 60 77 no -2i Faint Pink. 455801 j " M i i 11 it BULLETIN No. 237— } I! Cost. Xame anii ajdrfps ,<t Manufacturer Mr FurniKhcr, ax (fivcn by the Vendor. Name ami .\(l(ire>!> fif VendiT. DISTRICT Ot iH'EBEC- 1911. Oct. IZjUrd., 13 ., . 16 ., . 16 „ . 17 ., . „ 19 „ . 19 M . 19 „ .. 20| „ . 20: ., . .. 20| ., ., i 20: „ . •2a 23 ., .. 23 ., .. 23 ,. ,. 24 „ .. 24 „ .. I 25,Lanl 25 26 26 26 26 .' 36998 ■ 37<«0 ' 37301 37302 i 37303 37304 I 37,'5o.'> i 37306 37307 3730K 37309 37310 .■^7311 ••17312 37313 37314 37315 37316 37317 Cantin* Frere, 271 rue .St- Joseph, Quebec. }i. (iinpTw. 265rue(lU| Rui, QueU-c. ;0. Lacroix, 19 rue St- ' .loseph, "Quebec. •I. K. fJrefToire, 128 rue du Pont, Queliec. \V. Cantin, IXi rue du I'ont, Uueliec. A. I'ichette, 176 rue IJ'Orchester, t^uehec. Louis Jobin, Lit! rue UOrchenter, '^U( bee. .1. 1). \Iarier, 13(i rue nOrchester, Quel)ec. W. Pan,|«tlon, 120 nie 1 )'< )rchester, < iuel)ec. J. F. Gob] in, ,'j«i rue UOrclientcr. t;ueV)ec. MiwI. T. .Savard. 16 r iJ'Orcliester, Uuebec. .Mad. TheiKlul l)ulmc, 135ru<Char.i.t, Que. A. A. C.intin, ."kj.") rue St. Valler, Queliec. J. K. .Morand, 40tl rue St \*alier, Queliee. .1. K. Knumd, I.,iiliberte and St. Helene, Que. L. Mercier, Us rue Lalilierte. l^ui-l»v. .\lfre<l Cloutier, 132 rue Lalil)erte, C^ueln-c Kd. Wrrtault, 2m rue <le la Keine, Quebec. F. X. (Jo*lin, ll."> rue de la Coiin,nn>'. t^ue. • ;. H. Turc'utt.-, 92 ru>' Can in, *.^uel).jc 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 'l 1 I 1 . 1 . 1 . lb 18 20 16 15 18 18 20 16 20 20 20 15 18 20 18 T8 18 18 16 17 Blackwell Co., To- j r<tnto. ■Matheis, Peterboro. A. iJombrofky G.Mathews Co., Mull. Ingersalt Co., Mont real. Davis, Toronto Leon Bertiand ... .Gunu's, Toront' .ruiiierial, Hamilton. , Syhain it Fnre... i Mathews l^nknown J. B. Keneaud et Cie. Manufacturer Eniond and Cote J. B. Keneaud et Cie. Manufacturer ,W. Carrier et Cie... N. Turcot et Cie Manufacturers .1. B. K. Letellier . . Follor Cannille, Ha .1. B. K. neaud .t Cie. nnlton. .Ingersall Packing C...Unkn..wn Geo. Math. W8 A Co., Drouin & Frero I Ltd. I jlngtrsoll, Ont ;,I. B. E. Letellier . . iFowlers, Hamilton . . lOctave Jacques Mathews, Hull Ij. B. E. Letellier. . I , I Kmcmd & Cate . . . Manufacturers ... DI.STRKT OF ST. HYACINTHE- I 1370 A. E. DArtoisft Fils. 1 lb. Faridiani. 1371 Ed. Bienienu, Karn- I „ ham. ; 1372 W. K. Homer, Gran- 1 „ ! i.v. !•<. >v . I). Bradtord, i iran- 1 ., 1374 Allan Taylor & Co., 1 „ I WaterliHi. I 1375:Gilnior.- ft Girard.l ., I I Waterloo. | ; 1376;.Mde a Ul^beau, Sut- 1 „ ■ ' ' ton. i ' I 18 The Harris .'.battoirs. Co., Ltd., -Montreal 16 The Park Blackwell . I Co., Ltd., Toronto.! 16 (Junn's Ltd., West . Toror.t.-'., 15 The Uinir P. 4 P. Co. . Ltd., .Montreal. 15 The Park Blackwell Co., Ltd., T<ironU).! ,Hudon * Orwli, I Montreal. .s»«?airrii» TABLE LARD. Inspector's Re[Kirt (U not an^exprt'Hiiion of opinion). ok Analysis. ■§s Its I 1 I a Js I Reinarkfl and Opinion on — I tht? Chief Analyst. F. X. W. E. BELAXD, INSPECTOR. p.C. « Trace. 57-54 50 2 None., 51.5 Faint Pink. i 66121 .')0-5i ! I ti204i .51 1 1 ft8 51 4(1, 4'J8None. 11; 00 r>5 .'JO 3 I Trace.! 62S7j 511 j ., . m-m 50-2 ! „ .1 «2-3fl| 50-n! 0-35| .^!t 22 ."K) 2} PureUnl Trace.: 63-38 51 o' .. .; r,l 97 .I"! 4 Faint Pink. „ I 60 iJ2 50 2 None .. ,, tiSS: 5rt-6| .. 20ni ."id'SO .w-Tl .. Trace. »» 67 50 3 86 !tl 50 H 51128 .50 1 Light Pink tiO .">0 ."lO !• None 6302 50-8i ,. .%y98 Genuine. 3699!l 37000 „ 37301 37302 373f« 37;)04 .•57305 3730*i 37307 37308 3730!l 37-<10 37311 37.'?12,Excesa water. 37313 (ienuine. 37314 ,•17315 .18316 37317 J. C. ROULEAU, INSPECTOR. 02 59 ;<: I 22! 6802 02i 64 46 04! 61 63 04; 62 38 03 62 00 I OS; 68 25 60 Faint Pink.. 1370 .51 5 None 1371 51 Faint Pink.. 1372 50 6'pink 1.373 603:Red 1374 ,50 4]None 1375 600 1376 *! ' i 1. i IH li ^-i 10 BULLETIN No 237— ; I : Nature of Sample. "i. Name and Addreiis ' £ I'f Veinliir. ! *3 ' I t I : >5 : c •<T. i — ' ,'i a S 5 Name and Addresn uf Manufacturer "r Furnisher a.-* (riven hy tile Vendi)r. ManiifactMn FuniishiT. DISTRICT OF ST. HYACINTHE- 1911. I Nov. (■> Lard . . . 6 I 11 11 21: 21 ISr r.niy i!r..^. Sher 3lbs, . IS'S Kiiiar'- Cash Store, ji : Th,tf.,r.l. .; 1371) C. E. H,,v, Megantic. 1 I .| 1380 K. A. .McKee. Coati- 1 A lASl Meade Uros. & Co., I ! North CoaticiHik. .; 1382 K. \V. I). Melloon, 1 i Koc'k Island. 1383 .1. .\. Sitri', Kock 1 Islaml. .| 1384 .r. R Kene, Nicolet . , 1 i l;«.-) A. 1). U.M.-. Nic.let .1 • ! lasCL. H. Taoiiin A Cie, 1 I Sorel. 1387 .T. V. Fagnan, S.irel .1 1388.7. B. St. Pi.rre. St. 1 Hyacinthe. . . . ' 138'.i Bazinet i I'.riHlenr •. . 1 l.'S 15 l.i 14 U 13 15 14 17 l.^i 17 Ifi TlieIii(?erso!l I'.iokinR ... Co.. Ltd.,Ins?.i.„,ll,; Ont. ! .■Vnnoiir's Tacking ' Co., Cliicagu. Fowler's (-'anadiani Co., Ltd.,lI:iniiIton The I,ain»r I'. A I'. Co. Ltd.. .Montreal. fX S. ISacliaiid.Co.iti- took. .Aniioiir A Co., Chic- ,.-'P:o. \ endor ' 1 L. Clia|,m His ft Cie, I Montreal. The Whyte l',,ekinfr . Co.. Till Lains Co.^ .Mon- . treai. Davies, Ltd., Mi,n- treal. j National I'.ickiiiu'Pro-'. ^vision Co.. f^uehet'.; DISTRICT OF MOXTRKAL- .: 4W4I .1. E. lielisle, l-J-t Wei 1 Mi lington St., Montreal . 4o'.4J .1. Caron, -JS^ Church 1 .- St., Verdun, I'.O . . 4"'.'):i .. ..1 ,. . 4ii;U4 A. Clarke, 244 Church 1 - St.. Verdun. I'.l^. . . 4"!»4.'i Louis U'hlanc, 14 2 1 .. Chiucli St., N'erdiin. . lo!Mi;0. Unmet. U'lw W.l 1 „ ; linsrton St., Verdun, i V.'j. iC-MT Kohitaill.- ,t (;.iuthier, 1 „ 2 Craig West, .Mon- treal. 40i»4.>.p. H Tii.,.ret 2! Viit-rl , St. V... Montreal. 4i>|i4!i K. Bernard. !M Lagan 1 „ . chefiereK, .Montreal 4iP!ri4i K. Liniinais, "••1 San 1 .. . guinet St.. .N...iitre,tl. 4ii!'.-d .los. Fournell.. St. 1 „ . Agathe de .\Ionts, 14 D. li. .Martin.Toronto l."i Dav.e> Ltd., Montreal l.T l.j 21) liiinn. Langlois & Co., .Montreal. 18 .McDutf Lamli, Mon- treal. 20 iLair.M i'. >v I'. Co. Ltd., Montreal. I.-) Liinham ft (irahan., Montreal. 15 D.Tvies Ltd. .Montreal LARD. 11 Urm I.IX (.K AX.\LVSlr<. Iii^lxctor's Kf|iort (Is not an exprHNsiun I if opinion.) ~: X = 3 lit • 2: •3. 1 i 1 =^ ! i 1 T!JS iSi rti -^1 -• - X >^ HemarkH and Opinioti of the Cliit'f Analyst. .1. r. ROfLKAl-, lNSl'KCTC»R-r%.if /,«;<.</. I I', c. I •Lar>l ■ 03 .-ft 31 50 2 Vaint I'ink. I'lire Lard. 03 CtJ 13' .Olol 001 W-25i 50 7 V„ Icii (Jenuine I37S 1379 Kxtia Pure Lard 07 61-40; 50 3 Red j l.'WO 04 08 58 51-2 Faint I'ink.. 1381 003 (i7 S3, oil Pink.. Kxt ; 03 59 35. OOlXone. ! i ra Pure Lard ' 003 6928' BOHi 13S2 UH3 1384 1.W5 USti 13.S7 03 63-50 50 3 None ^ 1.3,88 02 .59-43 50 0' : i 0-(i2 5619 49 8: 05 61) 03 50 Rfxi. Pure Lard i 04 72 88 5-'-9Ked. 13.S9 Contain' I rated. "tt(m seed (»il. .Vdulte- .T. COSTKiAX. IXSPKCTOK. .Sold as pure 113 59-50 02 fil 14 03 ,59-57 0-02 63 511 I .S,ild as pure I 04 59 73 03 :>9 4ii .V.-2Red i 40tt41(;e I 50 1 None ! 40942 .5II-0 ,. 60 7 Faint pink. 40943' 50 Pink 4li;>44- I ! ,■113 Faint pink. 4ii!t45 03 59 49 49 9 i ! 007; fill Is 50-4 None 40946 i-ink.. I (M 56 41 49 8 None 409471 4tl948 I 0-a5 64-25 50-9^Liglit pink. 4(KI49 ' j j I'ure I 0-02 62-74: 50 5 None 40>.l,50 I i: s % I I i I f ft 12 . m BULLETIN No. 237— Nature c.f .Sample. :? i. Cost. Name and Address of Manufacturer or Furnisher as Kiven by The Vendor. Name and Address I'f Vendor. lull. Oct. 24 Lard.. t .. 27 .. 27 Nov. 3 Oct. 10 Lard . j loj „ . 12j ,. . 12; „ . i 13 1« 16 20 20 25 Zu ■ass" .^ I ? 'annfacturer. Furnisher. 1 il DISTKICT OF MONTREAL— 40952 E. Masse. St. Apathe 1 lb . de Monts, Wlf. •IO'J5;i:E. Dufour, Joli.tte, 1 „ P.Q. 4095J O. Chevalier et His. 1 „ . Joliette, P.O. 40»55|E. \V. Farrell, 79 St. 1 „ . Antoine St. West, I Montreal. ' 4<I966 J. A. Reneaud, 622 St. 1 „ . I .-Vntoine St. \Vcst,i Montreal. ' 4(j957;Davie»Ltd..l64(1 BSt. I „ . James St., Montreal.) 40958 A. I'ilon, 1681 Notre I Dame West, Mont- 1 .i , I real. ! 41*959 P. l>>btun, UMC -Voire'; I iJame West, Mont- 1 n . real. j 40960 H. IJesmarais, 1 ti 5 oi j Notre I)aine West, 1 <, . ' >tontreal. 4;iOll Peter S|ieirs k Co., 1 li. Carletoii Place. 49012 Wm. Jenkins, CarleU.ii 1 ., . Place, 49013 W. K. Parsi.ns, Am- I .. prior. 4!H>14 T. .MeCormick, Am- 1 .. . prior. i 49in."> L. .M. Davison, Kempt- 1 . . ville. i 49016 D. J. Dick, Almonte. . 1 ., . 49017 Fn-d W. Robertstm, 1 .. . -•Mnionte. i 4i»01S Sanders, S<iule ftCa»-l „ s*'inian Co., Ltd.,] Chesterville. i 49019 Chester Casseliiian, 1 ., . Chestervill, . ; 4iXi20 A. .Monland, Hank »t., 1 .. . < >ttawa. I 49"C.l H. Arms.ron?, Hank 1 ., . St., Ottawa. I 49052 A. E.Keafc ('..., Ottawa 1 .. . 49u.'>3 The ( ;„,. Matthews 1 „ . Co., Ltd., liy Ward I Market, (Jttawa. ! 490.M, H „ ..;i „ , 15 15 Laing P. k P. Co.. i Ltd. 15 jDavies Ltd., Montreal 18 ;The Ceo. Matthews! j Co., Ltd. 15 16 Vend; "IK I I 16 18 I Fowlers Canadian! ; Co., Ltd. 15 ! i DLSTRICT OF OTTAWA— . IS iTtiM i;«.. Matthews ' Co.. Ltd.. Hull. . 16 The Park-Hlackwell, Ltd., Toronto. l."> Tile ;«>. .Matthews Co., Ltd., Hull. I 15 Fowler's Canadian j (*o., Hamilton. .; IH Gilniour iCo.jHrock- I ville. I 15 The Ceo. Matthews { _ Co., Ltd., Hull. .] 15 Fowler's Canadian I Co., Ltd., Hamilton. .; 16 The (Je<i. Matthews j ! Co., Ltd., Hull. .j 1.") The Wm. Davies Co., I Ton into. .; 18 liunns, Ltd., Toronto Bate k Co., Ottawa. 17 Fowler's Can. Co., I I,td., Hamilton. 18 G\mn's, Ltd., West Toronti). 15 Vendors '.'■mfi.-, -tt/A , -'^'im. . LAUD. 13 In»|pectf>r'« R^iKirt (1^ not an exprpttuion (tf opinion.) Rksilts ok Analysis. = £ as . i i« I , ay a: ' - 3^ ■ir M!^ i.i Rfmarks and Opinion of the Chief .Analyst. .1. J. COSTIGAX, IXSl'ECTOR-Conc'n.M, Sulii IS pure halxlled extra pure lard . Labelled pure p.c. 02 (Ki 04 007 03 03 004 04 w 5744 02 12 tirSI 50 59 91 80 7, None. SlRed.. 4iNone . ORed.. 58 80 501: None. ()0-87 50 ! BO «t 50 3 n J 60-94 50 1 Light pink. 06 59 57 50 None. I 40952 CJeni 40953 40934 40955i i 40956 4095 40958 i0;i59 40960 J. A. RICKKY, INSPECTOR. Labelled choice family lard pure lard. Matthewi* |»ure lard Imperial pure lard . Pure lard Hutterciip Brand . . Iniiierial pure lard. Choice pure lard . . . Pure lard. L. A S. Be»t . . Maple Leaf ; pure lard . . . . Matthews pure lard Rose Brant? 03 56 88 1 I 04 56 63 49 93 53 91 50 i 07 63 71! 50 ! I 07 60-851 50 I I 07 58 01 60 07 63 22; r*) I I 05 60 18 50 i I 08 fiO 97; 51 i 04; 59-lSj 50 03 5B 50 49 03 5913J 60 03| 58 87 80 04 58 92 50 9 None B „ I 9' „ I 3 „ I 1 ,. 8! ,. 1 .. 1 3| Faint pink. 9; ■ OjNone I 2; „ i 0! ,. 49 9i 49011 (ieuuine. 49012 49013 490U I 49015: 49ul« 49017 4'.«)1« 49019 49020 49051 49002 49053 49054 u ■: 1 BULLETIN No. 237- i:j. V N:itiire 1 ..f r\ Saintile. I s w s rt a ^ »'f \'i ndor. ComT. Name ami Aciilr»-s» i.f ManiifaitiYer or FurniMhi-r jw ^fiven by tlif Wiiilc.r.'ifacturt-r. Furni!-!;*^. DISTRICT OK OTTAWA— I'.'ll CkU 2t!Urd 49<p5.-. (i.xhiU En.-., <>tt:vw:i.i31b^ 26 26' 26 27! Nov. 1 I^rd. 1 .. .. 1 .. .. I Jj .• ., .. ij .. .. 1: .. .. „ i! „ .. i: •■ .. 1 ■• .. 1 M . z .. .. 2 .. .. 2 2 4 4 1 4' 4 . 4!)0r* A. p. .I.ihnsim. Ottawail , 49ft')7The (i.-<i. Matthews I ' Co., Lt<l., t^iu-tii Kt.i ; \\'-»t. Ottawa. .| 49ft'>8 Jos. .NUrtel, Hiill.KQ. 1 , 50 D. 1!. Martin, West TiTMlltO. 18 Jill. Dvitf & .Son, Hainiiton. 15 Veufiurw . .. .1 4!»lt.',iil'. H. Cliarrun & Co., 1 Hull, VAi. ! 4S0f.(i,B. Slatterv, Ottawa 15 jThe (ieo. Matthe\ i Ltd.. Hull. 1.) Jos. O'Mara, I'alnirr.< .. ton, thit. in ,U. B. Martin, Ltd., . . ' West Toronto. UISTKICT OF KIXCSTON- 4K^54 W . K Hopkinson, 1 Ih. Kingston. | 4RW(!e<.. (iibson, Kin^'ston'l ., 485ri« L. W. Murphy, Kinpi '1 „ i ton. I 48557 |J Cullen, KinK-ton. . . 1 .. 486.''>8:C. Saunders, Kingston 1 ,. 4W0!I,C. H. Pickering, KiuKs'l ,. tt.n. j 4K'>6(i Anderson lire*., Kings- 1 .. : ton. 1 4a')(ll;E. 8. 8uddard, Kings- 1 „ , ton. i 4Wi«2:D. Coui*r, King»t(.n.,!l ., . 4856,1 Kelley Bnw., Kingston! ., . 4Wi64>l. Nolan. Kingston...:! „ ! I 48565.1. Crawford, Kingston.'! .. 4856«i D. B. (;age, Kingston jl ., . ! [ 485<17 J. Lemmon, Kingston '! ., 48r.68. A. Donaldson,'! „ . Kingston. | 48869 J. T. Morris, Kingston! .. . 48570 0. 1). Vallea-i, Kings ^1 ., ton. 4S.^71 J. .McCulIa, Kingston . jl .. . 4Wi72 J. R. B. <i,-»ge, Kings-il „ . ton. ; 48573 J. Kedden, Kinjfston. .'1 „ . 20 .Anderson Bros, I Kingston. 15 iGunn s Ltd., Wei Toronto. 15 10 (Vo. Matthews I'eterboro. 15 i J.Y.Parkhill.Kings- ton. '5 1 Geo. Roliertson A ,. ,, , Son, Kingston. 10 \ endors 16 JGunn's Ltd., West Toronto. Geo. Ma t th (. ws lVt*_ rbiiro. 15 jl5 !l5 1" 15 15 15 Freeman, Hamil'.m. . <;«). Matthe W8, Peterborti. Fowlers, Hamilton.. . Geo. Matthews,!. PeterlK-ro. I A. Mmlean, Kingston! . 14 .^Y.P.■^rkhill, Kings- ton. 16 .Gunn's Lid., West i Toronto. Fowlers, Hamilton.. . • Junn'a Ltd. Toronto. Anderson B r o Kingston. West i' i in LARD. In.i«-itiir H Rp|H>rt. (Ib iHit iiii exprcHi^ion of npii.iun.) Rekii.ts (■>• AnaUsw. Kiinarkx and opinion of the Chief Analyst. A. RICKKY, IXSl'KCTOR Vowludal, Ili-rht Shtie lirand. . Mutlhfwn pure lard. p. C. ! II- u 32 .Ml Xon.'. I a v*\ ", .-lOK „ . I!>w Brand , 04 .57 (nii 4!t 9: ('■irelard ! o !«• .WOl' ."iOt! OH M BfJ 50 1 j 49055 (ienuinf j 490561 i 4!I057| 49058| i 4(ia')<» i 4!IO«0 .TAS. HO^A.V, INSPECTOR. 03 5y07i 50 None 485.54 <;.nuint. 0(«1 00 5!l| 50 5: „ : 485551 ., 05: 5»rs: JK) l: ., : 4S55ti ft5, 5a .VI 50 5 1 485.57 owl 59-72 S0-2|pink \ 4865S 04 j 59 631 SOOXone '48569 003: 69 76 50 0! I , I Of) I 58 61! 50 Oj 06, 69 43i 50 2i 04' 59 03| 50 0| 04 03 04 113 04 003 61 23! .'HI 5' 62 63 50 .; 48560 .j 48561 .; 48,562 I 48563 . 48564 .1 48565 .55 89j 49 4 Faint Pink.. 4^566 51 OGi 49 0: None : 4a567 6023j 60-l! , i 48568 59 15: 50 SiPink ' 48669 02. 67 63: 60 OiNone 03 03 . 4«ri7D Bl 23; 50-5 ■■ 48571 61 65| 60 9' Pink 48572 041 58 44, .50 2:None.. 48573 ^m 1:1 s t. I s i \ 1« BULLETIN No. 237— ! Nature of Sample. 1 ■i N«in>- and Adilrt-ss = i.| Vendor. i i y. Coai. Name and Addreu nf Manufacturtr iir KumUher as (fiven by the Vendor. I •3 i 1 J Manufai-turer. Furnisher 1911. Oct. 24 Lard 11 Hi 18 18 21) 20 23 23 24 24 26 26^ 26' H Nov. 2, Oct. 16. Lard. 16. 1 16.1 t 16 16, 17, ULSTRICT OF TORONTO- 473(WC. W. Fox. Owen 1 lb .Sound. 4:3«5 .1»ni.» Blake. ;«t3 M.iry 1 .. ' St., Hamilton. ' 47.'!W B. Chrysler, Mary St.. 1 .. Hamilton. 47367 .^. K. Crouk, Cannon 1 " St.. Hamilton. 47;<6M ,V. T. I'rower. 21411 ■• IjiK'ke St.. Hamilton. I 4736!t H. A. Tubh. TST, Par-,1 .. lianient St., Toront4i.l 47.370 F.. Handley. 268 S|>ftd-:1 .. j ini' St., Toronto. 47371 F. H. Arkei: )range- 1 .. I ville. 47372,T. Durkin * .Si)n, 1 .. I Orangeville. 47373.1. R. Boyd, Owen 1 ., Sound. 47.174 M. A. Ooetz, Owen 1 .. .Somiil. i 47375 J. Mctiuaker A Co., II •• I Ow-en S<mnd. j 47376 1). (iiblH)n>. Jt Sons, 1 .. I Meafiird. 47.t77iBn)wn Hrox., .Meaford. 1 ■■ 473781'. M. McKeown, Col jl I lin^ ! 47379 I. Bingham ft .Son.! I Itarrie. I 47:<.'<0 \V. B. I'ringU- ft Co. ! Whithv. 47381 '.Mathiwjn Bros. Whit< 47382 C. H. Crysdale ft Son, i Oshawa. 47.382 Bnwk!" ft Amiour, Os- I hawa. Gunn\ Ltd, Toronto F. W. F'earman Co., I Lt I.. Hamilton. FowlirV Can. Co., I Ha.nilton. .Inc. Dutf ft H.imilton. jGunn"'* Ltd., onto. I'uddy Bnw., Tor ' onto. Son, Tor- (Junn's Ltd., onto. Tor- Vendor. , 15 Whvte I'ackinK Co Stratford. 15 The iiiKeritoll I'ackinf; Co., Ltd., LigersoII 15 The Collingwood racking Co., Ltd., CoUiiit^wixMl. 15 Swift Can. Co., Ltd., W. Toronto. l."> Vendors 17 TheWm DaviesCo., Ltd., Toronto. 18 The (Jeo. >I»tthew.t Co., Ltd.,lVtertxiro 15 Fowlem Can. Co. Ltil., Hamilton. Vendors 16 DISTRICT OF WINDSOR- 478(1 1 M. Vanaycle, St. Tho 1 lb., I man. 4780 V. .1. Kadwell, St. 1 .. . i Tlmmas. \ .Mihler. St. 1 ,. . i Thomaa. 47808 St. Thomao Packing' I ., .. I Co., St. Thomas. i 47812 R. T. Pencombe, St.;l „ ., Thomas. I 47t''« Orendorf Bros., Ridfce-ll .. . town. 1 10 St. Thomas Paeking . Co. I 16 (ieo. Matthews Co., . Brantford. j 18 TilUonbur? Packing , Co. ; nil. j Vendors 16 Fowler's Canadian I I Co., Hamilton. i j 15 !(ieo. Matthews Co.,' I t Brantford. i rn«f*ctor'K K«'|K»rt. (I« not an Hxpretinion r)f opinion. ) H. .r. DAGER, TNSPKCTOR. Riwri.T OK Anai.tkis. ■i 1 R«in*rki and O|>iiiion of the Chief Analyat. p.C. •' Maple Leaf " Brand. Pure Urd. (W 59 60 OS 68 32 603 60 Non- 47360 47366 (ienuine. 03 «3 7.5 51 50 4 49 •t 47366 47867 47368 03 «1 01 Ot 62 S6 Ml 67 91 08 55 17 60 1 51 2 47369 47370I .. " Maple I*af " Pure Utd . . n 04 fil 38 50 6 47371 [ .. 04 «2 24 IS 57 18 505 49 7 Pink Nine.. 47372 .. 47;?73 .. 1)4 .')6 OR 02 HO 35 49 8 .'XI4 " 47374 „ 47375' .. " Beaver '■ Brand 17 61 73 03i 6« 97 1 508 49 9 Pink 47376 Wat^r inexoHs*. Duplicate wmi ' gave 1 .52 p.e. moisture. 47377 lieniiine. i ".Silver Ii»'af" Brand. (Juar anteed Pure I^ard. Uaf Lard 04! 68 28 1 03 62 20 51 5 mo None... . 47378 „ 47379 .. <a 61 97 04J 53-91 50 5 49 2 „ 47380 ,. 47381 1 ., " Rose "Brand 04 60 49 50 5 Faint pink . . 47382I .. Ofi. 69 95 50 6 Noue 47883 „ I 1 .INO. TALBOT, INSPECTOR. r.abet1«d Pure Family Ijard. labelled London T. P. C. Pure Lard Labelled Fowler's Pure Lard, L. ft S. Beat. Labelled Geo. Matthews' Pure Lard. 23153—2 006 62 50 .50 9 None . . . 47801 (ienuine. »>08 64 26 ;.l 3 47S02 " 004 60 19 50 4 Faint pink. 47803 •■ U 59 72 60 3 NonB 47808 " 04 60 67 50 2 Faint pink. . 47812 " 002 1 6172 507 None 47816 M . ■ W i . %9 - M pi " B t\ a R • fl^ .^.ji l| y ♦^^f I' I I ! 18 BUIXKTIN No. 237- i 1 s I of S*mpl*. 1911. Oct 17 " 18 „ 18 .. 18. .. ao .. 20 ,. 20. „ 20 „ 23 . 23 ,. 23 M 23 Lard. Nov. Lard.. •i I \ iinif and Addrr'nA f Vendor. \^4 I ('(J«T. N»in« »nd .\ddrow of the Maniifactiir i>r Fiirni>hi>r, a* (tivcn by th« Vendor. Maniifactiirer. Kumi>h«r. DISTRICT OF WINnaOR- 47823'CIark * Son«, Ridge 1 lb town. 47«2o K. C. Watwn, Uam- 1 .. InEtun. ! 4782!l!n i W. Mclntyre, I l.<>aniint(t<m. 47834|R. T. Moran, Leaminft I tun. 478»l|\Vni. Rodger., Chat ,!i. ham. 47861 E. R. Snook, C .itham. 47852|.Ia». T.ITt, Cliathani. . . 478.V? M. Tayh,r, Chatham. . . 47KV) Geo. .Tackmin, Ijondon. 47860 T. Hanilyn. Ixindon. . . 47861 H. A. Schaftr,I.Kindon. 47862 F. T. .\dam«, I.«.ndon. 1 1 II lb. IJ.. t tin. Ulb. 1 lb 1 .. 1 .. I M 47418 n. Christie, Winnipeg. 1 Ih 4744tt.Rohert«on * Co., \Vin!l .. nipeg. I 474.W^.I. Patterson, Winnipeg! 1 .. 474.M|ThHW.H. HtoneACo., I Winnipeg. 47452IM. Itrown, Winnipeg.. 1 474,t4 ¥. E. Crone, Winnipeg 47456 F. Fawley, W.nnipeg.ll 474.S6 >■' H. .Menlove, Win 1 H'jieg. 47457 Cf.i--,n Br.o., Norwood 1 , (■rove. Man ! 4745S.t„hn i>onneliy ft ^Son, 1 I .'- . vocxK; rove, Man 47459 W. .' Kennedy, Nor 1 „ Orove, Man... 47460 W. T. Franci«, Nor- I wood Grove, Man. . . 47461 T. and B. Grocery, Win nipeg. 1 ,. 15 Geo. Matthew* Co.,'. Hranlford. F. W.Fparman,Hani-\ ilton. Geo. Matthew* Co., lirantford. F. W. Vearnian Co., . Tfamilton. Dom. Provi»ion Co.,' liondon. i 20 F. W.Fearman.Uain ! ilton. I 40 'Vendor 13 Fowler '« Can. Co., Hamilton. 15 iVendor 15 15 |Till«,n Parking Co.,' Tilldonborg. i 13 Vendor I DISTRICT OK MANITOBA- 15 >)/n- I>avi« * Co..!unknown . Tonmto. I 20 Western Packing Co., _ Winnipeg. 20 Gordon Ironaideii, FareH Co., Win- 2o Swift Canadian 'Jo., Winnipeg. 20 Maniifacttirera. 20 jSwift Canadian Co.,IUnknown . Winnipeg. 20 <;ord»n Ironsides Karen Co., Win-! nipeg. 20 ....I.**..... 15 Weetern Packing Co. 1 Winnipry, 20 Swift Canadian Co. . 20 F.W. KeatmanftCa.i Hamilton. > 20 Gordon ImnKidpR I Kare« Co., Win- ! liP")?- I 20 jWfstem Packing Co., I I Winnipeg. I 19 LARD. In«|j«ctui'» Kr|x>rt. (U not HU f xprt^Miun of u(iiniuii). Kmi'LTX or ANALYHIit. ^^1 c ^ i !s^ ih ll 4 ;2-S ih R«mark>, uid upioiun uf th* Chitti Anuytt. J Ml. TALBOT. INSHKCTOK-C«nr/u.W. I.»b«lle<l Family I^ard.||ea '.Star' Brand Pure l^d. Iialwlled I'ure Lard LabellMl I,. & 8. I'ure Ijkrd Labelled Umden'i T. P. C. I'ure t>ard. p.C. 07 BB 52 51 3, 004 60 71 504 U6 til »» 50« 12 59 60 00 6 09 B9 30 Sou 07 «2 01 507 II 03 58 77 49 8 P 07 G3 25 .50 9 UH 60 90 60 3 09 59 72 60 1 U4 55 40 49 7 Ofi BO 09 50 1 ' Kaint pink. 8 None , 47862, 47823 (Jtnuia* I 47826: I 47829 47834 47860 478D1 I 47853 47869 47860 47861 47862 A. C. LAKIVIKRK, INHHECTOK. 'Star Brand' 03 64 21 51 1 None 47448 41 56 55 61 2 .. 47449 004 63 60 51 47460 02 67 43 503 Faint pink. . 47461 03 62 56 506 Light pink.. 47462 02 67 SO 61 3 Faint pink. . 47454 10 63 84 •■•lO 8 None 47455 19 64 92 507 ,. 47466 06 57-81 SO 9 47457 U 03 64 23 50-8 Faint pink. . 47458 002 62 06 50 4 Pink 47459 03 67 O-.' 49 8 Faint pink. . 47460 COS 60 32 , 500 None 47461 l>enuine. I I M ! Uit !i| IH r\ •2i) I COHT. Nttuni ■if Nov. 9:Urd. 9 .. I ;: :|: 9| ,. „ 9|„ 9; ,. 9 „ „ .| ,. - •! - .. 20: „ I M 20; „ .. ai ,. M S» M 20 ,. 20 M 22 M 22 .• 22 .. 22 ♦4021J. T. IJfll A Son*, Me I dieiiif Hifct. 44022 H. \V. IirUii.1 A i,'„., Miilicine Hut. 1 lb 3 ,. 44023 Si«-ni>T ft T.Jil. M.ifi!l „ I cine Hat. | 44024 L. h. e.Khran, .^ 1 .. ' cine Hat. 44025 K. Mitcliell, Medicine 1 ,. Hal. 4402fi lA-yngf llnw., Me»li 1 „ ' cine Hat. I 44027jHe»itt A ArniKtii.nK. I •■ -Metlicine Hat. 4402MiH. .Muritiw. Me<licine 1 ,. Hat. 4402H A. \V. Curran, Medi- 1 „ I cine Hat. 44030.1. T. Bell 4 S.m«, .Me- I ., I dicine Hat. 44031 R. .r. Frizzle. CalKary. 1 44032 44033 44034 44oa'i <-'. Bradle)-, Calgary. . . 1 Suifden A Morse, f 'al 1 Kar;,-. C W riKlitwin A Son, 1 Calgary. ■lenkins A Co.. C'al il i Kary. 4403li Summera A Conifixit, 1 1 Calgaiv. I 44037|R Bunw A Co., Ltd.. 1 i Calgary. 1 44038 HiiglieB Meat Co., Cal 1 , Kary. 44039 Swift Canadian Co., 1 1 Ltd., Calgary. 44<MOThe Horn. Meat Co., 1 I Ltd., Calgary. ! HULLKTIN No. 237— Nmiif and Addreu uf .Manufacturer ur Knmiilier an given hy the Vendor. 4 Nauiv and .\ddren 1 of Vendor. fr i i 1 i i II MMiufacturer. Kurnialier. 1911 i i 1 i Nov. 8 Lard 47462C. J. Caawell, Win 1 lb 20 8 47463 'V. nl.'.urke A C... 1 ., 20 8 .. W inniueg. 474<-4\ValU'r Fee, Winnipeg. 1 .. 20 9 .. ... 4-4»«' H. A. Webb (Kim 1 . Ifi 9 9! " \ wikhI), Winni^ieg. 474(i« Keiiiier Tradinj; Co., 1 .. (Kliiiw<x)d),Winniiieg 47407 R. Beath A .Son (Kim 1 „ wihkI), Winniiieg. 47473 Win. Co.te«.Winnii«g|l ,. .. 20 18 IN DLSTRICT OF MANITOBA- Uallagher, Holdman. Ijafrance, Winni|Kg Vrniour A C<i Swift (Canadian Co., Cnknown . Winnipeg. I'nknown Swift Canadian Co,i. Winni|i^. (forilin, Ironnide A Kar™, Winni(>eg. i Ur.STRKTT OP CALiiARY- Vemlori. liallwher, Holman. Latrance Co., Win niiwg. .Swift Canailian (.'o., Kdmontoii. 20 Veiid(»r . 25 : '£> \ '^^ ' 25 20 20 a> 20 1 20 20 20 20 20 20 ■^viift Canadian Co., hkliiiontoii. I ialla^lier, Holman, [.■afrance Co., Win iiiiieg. .Swdt Canadian Co., Kduuinlon. Vendors. , Swift, Ciiiiadian Co., I Winni|)«g. ! V. Bums A Co., Cal-I gary. I Swift Canadian Co.,' Kdiiiitntoii. I tXmi. Meat Co., Cal i gai-y- i Swift Csnadian Co..' l-^nionton { Vendom. .Swift Canadian Co. Kilnionton. Vendom. r.ARix St KnCLTH nr ANALTKtit. liM^ivctor'' Rriiort. (la nut ftii exprmaidti ^4 upiuiun). A. C. LARIVIKRK, INSPECTOK 'ontlutltd. 4 I i "A K«iii»rk> and Upiniuii of the C'tiirf Analytt. 1..C. M (M Sk H8. 4U 8 Ariiiuun Shield. Piiru I^rd u u4 U U2 07 011; 51 2 Ii7 tt»! 514 .1 004 n: 34 50 1; OOS WW fi07i tn (HIS 50 91 0«M 66 47 4H71 ^>ink. . 47462 474(n 47464 47466 47466 <i«nuiii pink. 4746; 47473 It K. W. FLETCHKR, INSPKCTOR. u (H I) ftt 04 II U3 004 02 02 04 I II m I >I3 (• 1*1 (> J2 OK o iri HiKti 02 01 03 0? 03 018!) TiO 3 02 i-'i 04 24 «5 91 51 1 .MO 51 1 62 161 6116 68 25] 510 I 62 87j 510 65 40 Ml 38 62 -ja 66 24 «:.'.» «V -I 62 »»' M 31 04 22 63 61 65 85 63 50 63 50 Nellie . 44021 (jenuine. Kaiiit |iiiik. 440'.'2 I fiight (link. I 44023 44024 None ! 44025 Faint pink. 44026 ..' 44027 51 IjPink. . . 51 (1. Light pink. 5«4 Son.' I 51 2Kamt pink.. 50 5! Pink 51 3 Faint pink, . 50 5 None "••> 7 Li^tit |>ifik. I 51 Faint pink. 5r0Red .M 4jNone 51 ' o| Faint pink. £0-9 44028 44029 44030 44031; 1 44032; 44033 I 44034| 44035' 44036 44037 44038 44039 44040 tl! 22 BULLETIN No. 237— 4i I': ^4i rU. :^i Name and Adt]rei»> uf Manufacturer a f.« 1. ur Kuminher aa givt^n by i t)if Vendor. J Nature of _a.* Xaiiit and Aililrtsi 6 •s 4 !/: d of Venilur. c S MaiiufacturHr. FurhishtT. * V', o- 6 1911 Oct. 19 1. 19 19 27! 27 .ard . I 27 27| 27| 27^ 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 i 28' 28; 28 UlSTKICT OF NELSON- 4843*1 Trites, Wood Co., '3 lU 55 IVrnie, B.C 48437 48438 48449 W. 1{. Br*.i,-ii * Son, Kos-laiiil, li.C, •«5454 I'nion Co op. .Vssocn., Kossland, B.C. 484«1 Hunt, r Bros., Ross- laml. B.C. 4S402 4S4e7N. I<afaee, Kosaland, . B.C. 484«8 I'. Burns 4 Co., Koss land, B.C. 48409; 4817U I'nion Urocery, Ncl I son. 48471, 48172 W. W. Harris, NBls<in. 48473: 48474 i 48475 R Burns A Co., Nelson. 4847t;l 48477 48478 A. S. Horswill, Ntlson, 48479; I Aruiuur 4 Co., Chi- ragu. Swift Can. Co., Kdui on ton. P. Burns 4 Co., Cal- vary- 1 imil. W Swilt Can. Co., Kdui- unton. 65 91) VU 60 i uu 1 \\i i ■>o 1 pail. 55 1 .. K. H. .Stanton 4 ( Spokantf. Swift Can. Co.. Kdni- ont*jn. -Vrniour ft Co., Chi- caKo. I'. Bums 4 Co., Cal- Kary. Vfndors .Armour & Co., Chi cago If. .Matthews Co, l*tt*'rboro. 1'. Burns 4 Co., (,'al- garv. Swift Can. Co., Kdni- onton. lArniour 4 Co., Clii- cago. I'ark, Blackwell Cu. Ttironto. Armour 4 Co., (.'hi- I cagu. jl'. Burns ft Co., Cal- I sary. 'S. .It Can. Co., Edni- I outon. ; Armour 4 Co., Clii cago. UlSTKICT OF VANCOUVEK- ct. 23 Lard .. 23 M 23 .. ,. 23 .. .. 23 .. .... 'M'ilXi Vancouver I'rinct- Ku- I lb ix-rt Meat Co., Van- ctMivi-r. :WL';«): Andrew Reid, Robsim 1 ' St., Vancouver. ; ,3«37 W. E. Morris..n, I'ulilic I Market, Vancvjuver. i :«2:t«(;ra.y ft <'o., Iiranvillt|l .Niarket, V'ancouver. t 382.19 V R. Stewart, Water I St., X'ancouver. 15 (Vendors. 211 ;Wm. I )avies, Toronto 20 'sw.ft ft Co., Winni peg. 20 P. Burns 4 Co., Van couver. 15 Krye 4 Co., Seattle, Wafh. LARD. 23 TnRfiector'ft Rf^imrt {Ib not an exprpwdion ftf opinion. ) Kfsilts or An.»i.tsis. 2 ! air , 4 X S 11 »» L. ? = KemarliB and Opinion of th^ Chief Analynt. THOS. PARKER, INSPKCTOR. p. c 04! 6« 46 04; 65 71 CV 63 7n 1 no 06 66 98 65 «1 None. 07; 64 11 02, 68 17 10 65 11 04 61 88 005 58 55 05 66 25 i 04 62 99 in 62 88 904 67 23 04 6960 13 60 10 04 65 33 51 6 51-5 50 8 51 3 Faint Pink, 51 4 None M 'J 51 6 522 50-7 50 1 611 SO 6 50 9 51 1 51 6 .51 8 I 50 9' None 1 4843 48437 48438 4IM4fl 484M ; 48161 ; 48462 48467 Faint Pink.. 4S46R None 48469 Faint Pink.. 48470 .J 48471 6Gennine. 03 63 271 .510 Pink.. I ' ! 04 65 07 1 51 o| „ , 03 60 16, 50 l,None. 48472 KxcpRfl water. Duplicate ttample gave 1 ■ 14 p . c. water. . 48473 Genuine. I \ 484741 „ 484751 48476 484: 48478 48479 I. F. POWKR, INSPECTOR. 'Guaranteed pure lattj. 003 60 80 50-5 0«1 58 52 60 002 64 12 51 003 62 76 605 03 66 68 611 None 38235 " .T8236 .. 38237 Pink 38238 Faint pink. . 38239 Oennine. Hi- 1 1: BULLETIN No 237- S-f- 14: I ll H ! Name and Address of Manuracttinr or Kiirnishcr an ffivrn l»y the Vendor, Mdnnfactiircr. Furnisher. IiTSTRIUTOF VANCOirVKK Wl . Oct. 25 2,^ " 25 I.»rd.. 25 3>'2Ht!Blaiir« ( 1h Mt., Vam-<iu\Hr. ;«24I W. H. \Val»li ft r..., I ,. I Sryniour nt., Van-i couver. j .■W242iWni. CroBsan. Davicl .. ! Ht., Vancouvfr. | .■W2M:.J. .\tkin», Hanilltimjl .. St., Vancouver. I 20 Morrill ft Co., (Ittu I tiiwa, Ta., !'.S..\. ; I 2il I'. Hurn< ft Co., Van couver. I I 2<) 211 DISTRICT OK VICTORI.V- Oct. 25 Lard 26,, ... 1 47641 47642 \V'in(lw)r (iniccry Co., 1 Ih . , \'ictoria. The\V..»t Knij(;r.ic.Ty 1 „ . Co., Lt(i., Victoria. 2<j; ' 47643 ..1 .. .. Nov. 9 47644 1 Copas ft Vonng, Vic 1 •• . . t..ria. M a M 4764.""' Wni. B.Hall, Victoria. 1 .. . .. W| .. 47«4fi Krskine ft Co., Victoria I .. .. l.s! 47647 1). H. K.w», Vi,,t,,ria. H,. 1 ■• 15 16 47648 Harrison ft .McDonalil, 1 ■■ . . } 1 \'i<-toria. ; 47640 E. C. B»iW, Victoria. 1 .. . . 16 47650 Acton Bros., Victoria. :t .. . . 20 Kryp, Bnihn ft Co. St-attle, Wash. 20 .Ino. Morrcll ft Co. O 1 1 u ni w a , la. U.S. .A. 20 Swift Can. Co., I,t(l. ^\^innii)ep. 20 .Ino. .Mornll ft Co. O 1 1 II ni w a , la. C.S.V. 20 Swift Can. Co.. Ltil. j Winni|i»'K 20 : .. ... 30 Kryp Bnilin C o . I Seattle, Wacli. •luo. Moireli ft Co. 20 i Ottuniwa, la. I U..S..\. 25 jFrye Bnihn Co. I S.>attlp, Waali. .55 ISwift Can. Co., Ltd. I \V'inni|K'g. ?^,ritt;?!| 25 i.Aun. KksII.TS of ANAI.VStM. In^ip^M^torV R**|M)rt. (!h . uot an rxpn'HMiuii S is fl Remarks and opininii of the Chief Anal\>t. I >5 I K. VOWKR, lNSPK<Jl'<)K-C.m./i/*'/. p. c. j II OS ii; Otl MSNoiiu ... ; 38240 CJiiuiiiic 03 62 48 .-.0 .".Fiiint pink.. 3K211 03 71?3 .VM K"i ., . j 3Si42 Contains cotton M-ed oil. .Xdulicr- j »te<i. r;ickf.i by viiiHor from I'. i 02 0107 50 5 Faint pink. . ' 3S243 ('.inuine. liurui* bulk articl*'. I). 0'SULL1V\N, INSl'KCTOR. •Wild Rose' lirand ; puic 0»l'i «7 10 51 9 Faint pink hird. I : _ M.iirfU'awarranttMl pure lardi OT) 05 05 51 None. Swifts ■. Silver JauC Hraud pure lard. .Swift 'fi pure lard Wild lirand pure lanl . 0»i 05 75 51 -51 03 65 56i 51 3 ., ... 05 la 62 51 Faint pink 04 64 4B: 51 2 i ()4 65 12 51 Morrell's warranted pun lard: 0(12 66 U 51 5 • Wild Rose' brand pure lard 03 68 16 i ; i 0(14; 03-37 51*4 Light pink, 31 2 None. . . 47641 47642 47643 47644 47645 ,i 47046 ! 47(V17! I i I 47648 I i ' 47610; 1 476Jo! 23152—3 I. i Srn'LHMl-XT K) lUI.LHTIX Xo. 227 I-HRTILIZHRS 1911. COHllKCTIONS. Hulletiii No. 227, pa;-.; il, sample No. 'M'^iJ. Thi.s s:impic is found to i-ontain 20- 1 per cent, of pliosplioric iioid. It, is iilititiojil with sample No. 4('i(i.')7 on page 5 of the same Bulletin, anil the percentrtiie of phosphoric acid there k'^p" "■' 1 2 ■ iT) should read 20 1 — Sample 4f'>fl'57 is therefore up to its guarantee in phosphoric acid. The mistake was due to confusion of a license numher with a registration number, by the Analyst.